HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-10-06 - Orange Coast Pilot• .... llllllClllT Ylll llllTDWI IAllY PIPll w\1 llNI 'oil/\. "' 1 .. 111 11 . I' • OH ANGE COUNT y C AI If OH NIA 25 CEN·r s Demand fOr gasoline dips and so do prices BY KAREN E. KLEIN f oftMD.., ...... llaft Demand for gasoline from lhc motoring public has, in th~ words of an industry observer, "gone down, down, down." The result? Gasoline pric.-es are going down. down, down. too. "Retailers and refineries are competing to get a larger pie<.-e of a smalle r pie," s aid S teve Shelton, preside nt of lrvine- base d Southe rn Cal i fo rn lu Water fought Orange County s~ervisors have expressed una n imous opposit.ion to Pro position 13, the November ballot initiative that w o uld m a ndat e w ater • conservation programs statewide. A resolution opposing the initiative was approved by the board Tuesday. but not before a representative of the Orange County League of Women Voters expr~ the league's opposition to the move. Super visors said they based their opposition not so muc h on the proposition's substance as on a belief that it represents a threat to local government autonomy. Boa rd C h ai r man Bruce Nestande, who sponsored the resolution, caUed the proposition "almost an initiative to abolish local government in California. "The ability to regulate water .--UUvwualy_ means lbe alilli!Y to plan land use, because water is an integral part of land uae," Nestande said. N es tande c rit icized the initiative becau se he said it would penalize counties such as Orange County , which h e claimed adequately monitor their IJ'OUndwater supplies. "There may be 10me problems in the c e n tral valley o f California, that's fine. Then let's draft le gislation to affect the central valley. B.it don't go ahead and destroy the s truc ture of government because s.ome areas are irresponsibly dealing with groundwater manageme nt," he said. (Ground water supplies in California's centra l valley have been seriously depleted by over use.) Loc al Leagu e of W omen Voters P .:sident Lee Podolak told the board that Proposition 13 is a response to the wiU of the voters, however. "The failure in June o f Proposition 9 . the Peripheral CanaJ measure, should certainly h ave given us a mei1sag e . R egardless o f reaso ns for its defeat In the north, its lack of success in the semi-arid south certainly speaks to the need for be\ter water policy." Podolak said. She also noted that, since the county's groundwater basins are not designated as areas of critical overdraft, they would not fall under groundwater management provisions of the proposition at all. Serv1l't.' Station Assocmllon. Gasoline prices in O range County und across the notion have bt"Cn on 11 fairly t'OntJ nuuus d<'dine slrll.-c March 1981 , and tht>y will L'Onllnue to fall at leru;t through the e nd of the year, Sh t>lton said In the meanume, o v1~orous pm•e war is being w aged by both retail dea le r s and major oil companies, and the fallout can only produce more good news for cunsurnt•NC, ~hclton iwld . Sclf-1erv1cc g1uw llne prices have been reduced 3 cents a gallon evl'r the past month at Dkk Ogle111.>e<''s Chl'vron ilalion at Fairview ttood and Baker In Costa Mesa "Prat't.'!l arc comm~ down another ~nny tonight, ' Oglesbee said Tucsduy. The l cent dccrca!W will bring his pril-e for self·st•rvc• re(i(u lar to $1 28 JX>r gallon. Oglesbee sold h e exp ecl!I 'Hey, Reggie, over here' another reduction ufwr tht! fl nit of November, when Chevron will impoee a 3 pcr<:ent lk!rvlct• charge on it• cr.:dlt carda and offer d iSt'OIJnl'i to Its cash cwitomerM. Why the drop In p r ices? Shelton said a glut of crude oil in this country combined with reduc.'ed <.'On.sumption of gBB hwi led oil companies and serv1cc s\_\lions to start competing for sales. "Consu....,cr11 arc getting better Angel fan8 vie for the attention of their fa-vorite ballplayers before Tuesday night's opening game of the Amerfcan League playoffs in Anaheim Stadium. The Halos responded to the cheen of a record crowd by dismantling the Milwaukee Brewers, 8-3. See stories and more photos on. Page C I . gas mllcugc, stayln~ ;.lt1Hc1' lu home.• 1md u1ung gas money to puy ltw rent," Sh1•ltcm 1111id p al) Lundberg, pubhsh..r of the: authont1ve weekfy Lundoo1 .: Letter, wh1t•h charts 011 industry trends, 11a1d retail dcal1•rs ;md operators arl' having to sacr1f1('t' their operating ma rginR 1n on.ll'r to make their priet.'S <.'Om JX>llt1V<'. "Only 71 percent o( (lh<' oil <.·umpunies') existing re fineries arc bl'in~ utiliied," Lundbc•rg Disneyland slaying self-defense? By DAVID KUTZMANN O(IM Delly PMol SlaH A San Diego man accused of committing Disneyland's first homicide was only acting 1n self-defense when 1ln 18·yl'ar·old Rivers ide man was s tabbed to death in 1981. a defense attorney asserted Tuesday. In openmg statements before a s ax -man. s ix -woman Orange County Superior Court jury, defe ndant James O'Driscoll's attorney claimed that his client was innocent of murder cha rges stemming from Mel C. Yorba's death in March, 1981, near the Magic Kingdom's Tomorrowland area Yorba died from a stab w ound to the heart and liver. Seve r al days afte r the stabbing, county health officials cr it ic ize d D is n eyla n d's emer~encv treatment procedures because paramedics w e're not called to the scene and because Yorba was taken to a hospital which did not have a speciahied trauma care c:enter. Yorba's family also filed a $60 million wrongful death lawsuit agains t the park, alleging that the young man 's death could have been prevented 1f adequate security and emergenl'Y medical aid procedures were taken. Disneyland officials disputed the criticism. Yorba died the night o f March 7, 1981. whe n he and several friends w ent to Disneyland as part o f a family n ight f o r employees of Rohr Industries Corp. His parents worked for Rohr in Riverside Prosecutor Patrick Geary co ntended T u esday tha t O'Driscoll stabbed Yorba after the defe ndant accused him of pinching his girlfriend. Gear y said O 'Drascoll had aCC08ted Yorba a nd his friends two times that evening. On the first occasion, he said, the lanky defendant grabbed a friend of Yorba's and yelled. "Why dad you grab my girlfriend?" G ear y said Yorba, a high school wrestler, moved toward o· Driscoll and raised a clenched fist. At that point. the deputy district attorney said. O'Driscoll pulled a hunting knife from a sheath on his belt and waved It in front of Yorba and h is four friends. When O'Driscoll's girlfriend shouted that he had grabbed the wrong p erson, h e let g o of Yorba's friend, Calvin Davis. and the group left the area. M i nutes la ler. h owever, O'Driscoll again a ppeared and this time grabbed Yorba. Geary said T he prosecutor a lleged that O'Driscoll drove his knife mlo Yorba's heart after the Riverside high school student struck thc:> defendant with htS hst. Defense atto rnl'y O l son . however. por trayed Yorba as thE< "1natJal aggressor " The Westminst e r attorney conlcnded that 1t was Yorba who h ad grabbed O 'Dri scoll 's girlfrie nd Crom behind as lhey waited In a line. He said an a utopsy showed that Yorba's blood alcoh ol r ead ing that evening was .17. far above thl' 10 level used for determ1mnR 1f a person is legally drunk. O'Dr1sroU w as only seekm g an apology whe n h e confronted Yorba and his four friends and drew his knife m self-defcnst' at (See SLAYING, Page A%l "u1tJ Mux1mum ut1llwt1011 wuuld h•· uhoul 118 pt·n•t•nt, he ddL-d. Att u re11ult u( th(' v1soruull t'<Jmpt:t1t1vn. Sh{•lton t.a1d, even lht• maJor 011 l'Om pun1 c1i are ~t·l t111g 1nvnlv1·d 111 the price wars. "Nt•Vl'r du J aoeiill a mapr Kai. l'tJrnpany <·ompNmg a8a1nst olht·r maJor 1otcis t•ompuniL·s in prll't'." ht· !\aid Ye t In April thl• Atlan tic H1(.'hfwltJ Co l'11m1nulcd nt-d1t {See GASOLlNE. Page AZ> Court weighs Bolsa By ROBE RT BARKER Of , ... Daty Piiot llatf S AN BERNARDINO The Am1gus dt• Bolsu Chll'a have t<akl·n tht•ir battle to save the Bolsa C han.a marshland near H untington &o;K·h to thl' Fourth D1:.triu Court of Ap1~:al hem:~. The Huntington Beuch -based l•nv1ronm<'nt1:tlists are da1mang thal a 1973 la nd exl·hange bl'twecn the stall' and Signal Landmark 1s uncorn.t1tut1ona1 They ar c appealing a 1980 Orange Counly Superior Court Judge's ruli ng that a one.year· st.atuw of lim1tat1011 proh1b1ts a legal challenge to thl• exchange. The 1973 land excha n g e agn.'t'ment was des1gnl;d to clear thl' way fur Signal to d evelop the controversial area S ignal plans to build 5,700 homes in t he Bo lsa C hica , 1ncludmg 1,200 residences on the w•Wl:I-~nt-An l..fillO·.s..llp .boa..__ _ _., marina also Is included m the plans now before the S ta te Coast.a I CommtSS1on Am 1goi. attorney L ynda Martyn told the appellate judgea Tues da y that th e s t a te Constitution prohibits the sta~ f rom conveying tide lands to privat e parties w h e n the tidelands are localed within two m1IC'S of an incorporated city She said both s1dC1> agree that Bolsa Chica lS localed w1thm two m1lt-s of Huntington Beach city l1m1ts The 2,000-acre area Is surroundt'<f on three sides by city l1rn1ts a nd on the fourth by Pac1 f1<· Coast Highway The area 1s south of Wa rn<'r Avenue. Martyn . a San Fra n cisco 11ttorney who 1s tht> daughter o{. Amigos lc.>adt>rs Kenm•th and Rhoda Martyn. said she also is M·<'ktng an ac·l·ounting of oil royalties 1n the arl'a "which she said •·c·ould involve m1l11ons of dollars " Shc:> said the public was g1veo u1I rights to only 70 ac~ She also claimed that the Signal l'Ompanaes rt'<'t'1ved 17 .oocJ acres of tidelands in the 197$ trade. She said tht> land shoulcl IX' held in public' trust because of 11s importance to society a nd wildlife. M<artyn da1mc-d that 300 acre& wc•re deeded to the state an the agrt"C'ml'nl with an additional option on 230 acres that would be<.'Umc state property 1f a new navigable opening to the cx.oean was t'Onstructed ISee BOLSA. P aae AZ) Crean 's father deals himself into 43rd District race By JEFF ADLER or-.o..r,... .... At promised in a le tter he personally delive re d to 43rd Congressional District write-in candid ate Ron P ack a rd , the millionaire rather of Republican J ohnnie Crean Intends to play an active role In his son's campaign In the weeka before lhe gene ral electJon . The 33-year -old GOP nom inee said his father. John C. Crean, will hold a news conference soon to dorument charges made in the thre.e-page letter. Crean said his father will use news clippings and video tapes to show, as alleged in the Jett.er, lhat Pac k a rd has employed "decept ive ness" and "d ishon est y" In waging h is campaign. But Crean, questioned about the letter before and during a Jive rlldio debate Tueaday n ight, did not say whe n the n ew s conference would be achedulcd. During the debate, Crean said only, "I ~Ueve he will take some a c tio n t o d oc um e nt th e lnfonnation In that letter." ----lllDEX---- At Your Service ButlneM Cavalcade C1-ifled Comlc9 Crcmword AB 86-7 A7 F~-8 F2 F2 F3 A6 C7 Outh NotJoea EdJt.orial Enter1alnment Food ,, Horo.ooP" D1·8, E1·7 A7 l\n11 Ls1nuer~ Movies Mutual Funds Names in News NatJonal N~w~ Public Notlcet Spor\I Dr. Ste ncrohn Stock Markell Televlalon Theaters Weather A t C7 86 A~ A3 FS-4 Cl-6 A7 87 C8 C7 A2 He added h e believes his fa~her 's participation In the campaign will be a "positive contribution" thot will boost his election chances Interviewed before the debate aired, Crean said he would assist hi s father In pr epari ng information to be released at the news conference. "IC he wanis informa tion , we 'll h elp him, sure." th<' candidate romment.ed. The senior Crean, chairman of Fleetw ood Enterprises. one of the nation's largeet manufactul't'r of recreational vehicles, d elivered lhe letter to Packard Monday. ln it, he promised to puJI out "all thl' atops" and campalsn on his 110n's behalf In tht' dl.ttrlct . "1 will be In the district ahortly &nd I will be attacking your vlclou11n eu. dccepU vencH, d("Vl11elvncsa, amuane-and your blatant and chronic d l1hone1ty for precisely what they art.'' Crt'an wrotAt. Th le tte r , rt'plete wllh hlatorlcal allu1lon1, compare• Packard's puraull of hil wrl~·ln challen'e to Crean with Adolf H itle r • and the Japanue (lff l'ATHER, P•1• .u. l J Al s Orang CPHt DAil v Pt_:L;;.o_r_1w:.;.;:.od,;;.n...;•;.;;•.;d,;;,;•Y:.:.·...;o~o;.;.to,;;.b;;..•_'_e ... _1_ea_2 _________ ~~~~~-~~~-----~~~~-------------------~ \ • (t.\t. Continued stories Tainted Tylenol ID California By Tbe AuoC'lated Prell Authurl'llu11 urgt>d 1lt111·1·11 ond rt•1ldt•nt11 within i~ 11Ulll1 of thuc point lh ~!""" thut tl Willi u r11pyt.•1tl Cl'lnw IJt't•n." Let· 111lrl Su.aw J l •ulth JJin'<:tor llt·wrh"l· My(•r11 urgtod t'On1un11·M1 'l'Ut'lt(Juy tu uvold utlnf( mp•Ult'H uf Tyl<•nol und tu t•h1'<·k "any produ< t, food or druj( for tumpt•rlnl( lll'fort• bU)'lng. It " t ltut un 1•11wrgt•ni y room doct.or wu'> m11Ju1kt•11 m iwyanK u JUalto womu11'11 t•yt·• wt<rc• hurrwd by uud 11111tumlnutNI 1.•yt• drop•. 11(ftdul'> iu1y Orovllh-, Culi( tu tun1 In tht'lt FATHER IN RACE • • • i':xt ru-Strt•llij\h Tyl<•nol uftl'I' bnttll'll londt<d with 11tryC'hnant.•· U,lntt.J t'llr»-Ul('e Wt•rc• found in U d l'UI( i;ton · and 11 bu tl'ht·r 1mhl Ill' bcoeum1· 111 from tlw prni;on But Ll't' 11uld p11l k c• lrnvt• no (11111 lt•1u le., o nd 111vt•1llgntun havt• yt'l tu C'<HI fl 1111 tlw hull h· wu•, illl 81(1~1( suht, .,un:huNCod on or obout St·pt 15 "'l'ht•rt•'s u 111111i.1lil111 y •l 1111..:hl 11ot hnv1· The lt'11lM '1'uc'8doy m ntradkted 1111 t 111 I rt• p or t 11 fr om San Jfo1'11 1u di no County Mt'dicul Ct•ntc:r, wht•rl' Curoll ~am, ~ff. Wf·nt Monduy for tn.•111tmcnt of a hun11111( s•nsatlon in her t•ye1J .Jf\l·r Ul'>lng V1sm1· AC <.·yt· dropilf. 11rr1rwl" ul ttw l'uunty 1·rim(· lob ~Id w•·nero la' i nubllll y to ~om·edt• dt·fcot during World Wor 11. "The Judgrnt-ntnl and vi<·1ot111 atlltudt• that you or•· dl8playi11& In tht• fa('(' o! defl·ut as In rny opi nion caw1cc:f hy th1• llDffil' forcc>s that brought on th1.: spiritual smugness thot m11d•• m-ccssury the cru<·1fl x1on of our Lc.>rd," the letter t'Ontlnut>s Pat·kurd said he was surprist'd und distressed when he r<'Ceavt-d tho letter He said h e still Is Lryang to figure out whot the lt•Lter mt.>ans. "We sellS{' maybt.• a shift m the campaign and the last 30 days m ight be a lot different," Packard said. He added that 1f "Mr Crean (senior) runs a dirty campaign, obviously the candidat e ts runnmg a dirty campaign." While some of his supporters have interpreted the let~r as a BOLSA CHICA Signal allornl'Y Kcnnt·th Williams cont ended that m on: than 1.400 acres had reverted to private ownership because of a land grant by the M ex1cC1n government in 1845 and therefur were not publi<: tidelands. Williams said that the area was damn . .;!d for duel< hun ters In 1899, causing a physical changl' an t he area He sai6f the discovery of oil in 1940 further aJtered th(• land and that by 1970 "littlt: vestige remained of the formt.•r iidal a rea." Deputy Attorney General thn•ut, J>uc•kllrd 11ald ht.' nmi not "Mr. C.:rt•un 111 Just flndlnM it tllffu.•uh to huv<' lht.• pn•ll* and the publk rulltinK unythlng or\ thl' 4uahf1n 1lloru of h111 M>n." ht.' i.u11I The l~·mu(·ratk n mdidow an tlw h1gh-proftle con test. Roy · t>u\" Archer. said the lette r <·ould play w his favor. "rt lhl'Y. t.•onlinuc> In thts manner It would b•· assistinl( my camp:.ilgn," he ~Id . But Arc h1H said ht• WCIS t.·om:criwd th:.it the letter would St.•rve only to louch off another round or name-calling. which t.•harat·tcrsw<l the bitter primary battle between C rean and 17 other GOP candidatt>S. C rean won the primary and the GOP nomination. by edging s<.'('Ond-place finisher Packard by 92 votes. • • • l'0Ut·1• ulso 11111d Tu1~uy they liUSJX'<'h •u tht• Orovlllt.' lnddl·nt muy ht• u "1'11pyt•1.1t" <:r'llnt· tu tht.• t·yanidl' llwl·d 'l'ylt•nol t•apsules thut haw killt'<I 11Cvcn J>Nple in thl· t'htt·ago arcu, t•v1•n though thl· 111un wltu bou"ht lhl' dru" h,•n• 11111d t ht• purdtaSt.· l'Unlt' two L.1lx1rut11ry t1•11t11 hovt• hhown T y lenol strychnine 'toxic as cyanide' w1-..•ki. bdurl' those dl•uthic LOS ANGELl-~S (Al') Tlw twwuhun ns on· uiouully Grt'li( Blu~~· fl 'J.7 yl•Ur-old Stryt•hnuw . tlw po1110n found an rhy thmic. "If thL·y survive om-. butdwr Ill 1h1s city uf 10 .000 two bolllt.>s o f Extru-S t1·enKth ttwy ~" 111to 11 JX'riod of rL•mti.,"lion .ibuut 1511 lllill·S north of San T yli·nul ('tt psull's "' Oroville, ·ind ,di thl·tr muSl'k'il rt'lax, then Frune1::.c.·•1. told reporters Tuesday Calif .. II> us toxk aM thl' t·y111ttd(' ~11101 lll'r t~111vuh11on lx•Ktns." mght thu\ lw purchuS<.'tl u bottle addt•<l tu Tyll·nol cltpsu1cs by u J)t• at h , usu u 11 y I r o rn an o f Extru-Stnmgth T ylt•nol at <• murdert·1 1n tht· Chacugo area. 1nab1ltty to breathl' 1.>t..ocausl' of L ongs Drug\-Stort• two weeks If untn•att•d , a s tryt.·hntnt' <·or1vulsang lungs and dwphrugm. bt.•fort• taking a capsult.· Thursday po180ning t ·aUSt'S a puinful dc•ath. c~111ws within ont• to thrt-'<' hours. that turrwd out to t•o nl'91n Likl· t.·yunidt'. s tryl·hn1n<' ts A cl ot·tor 'l! cart• 1o; csst·nl1al s t1·yc:hninc dasi.t,d ue. "su pert ox 1c" !>Ulll .111m•-<lt1:ttcly. Thul same day. of/1l'1als in pharmacolog1sl Jamt•s Nlc k<•s. Nit•kai. s;lid JO O lo l:lO .lllano 1s announced the first coo rdin a tor o f thl' Urug mtlll"fltms of s\l'ychnmc, Which d c•aths from l'ya nlde -dosed Information Ccntl'r a t UCLA ., d · botll,,.., of Extra -Strength S h . b tl l t is usually sold us <t fPOW t•r , u1 ... ~ tryc ntnl' as a I er-as mg t·ons1dered Cami but "a dose a:. Tyleno l L·hem1cal o( littl<' valu<' exct:pl as · h k lied A f .... •n ral L'ood and Dru., ( 1 h ... small as 16 mJlllgrC1ms as 1 ... u~ ,. o a prnson or an1ma s sue as ra...i d 30 ·111 Administration laboratory In San and gophers. an udull an ml grams is "'ranc isco •'onft'rmed Tuesday T ( 1 llfl·-threa te n1ng An aspirin ,. ... hl· poison 1s a po wt·r u 3 II " Tht'Odura Berger argued that the that three bottles from the Longs muscle c.·onvulsant a nd the u..hlt•t ts 20 m1 agrams. sttttutc> of limatalions thus far Drug S tore t'Ont.ained strychnine. musdes o ( tht• neck anJ (act: Rl•gu.latt.'CI by federnl Jaw for proh1b1ttng a trial should remain "The probabilities would tend bN·omt• s tiff within 10 lo 30 mart· tha n 10 yc'ars, Nickas said, IJ1 OvuKlas Cruz.d hr1d t()ld I l'jH1r ll·r1> TUl·H1foy that thl' 1.11lu111111 wus C?Xl't"l>.SIVC•ly a<.·1d1c A11lh1Jny Longhctll, dtrt'<'Wr of I h1· S an Bt·rnardino County i.hl·11H'i. lflmt· lab, !Hi ld the V1i.1rw A <: wh1t·h Ms Som used bud ;111 11l'ldlty "whi<.·h 111 well w11hm thl· normal rangl•" G •·uuJ hud !><!td a "rough U.>Sl" b y h•~(JllHI tt .. :hn1c1C1ru. rl'vt·alt.'CI a "u..inK1·rou:. llctd 1mlut1on 111Ul h mun • acid than wt· would t·X'p1 .. :1" 111 tht· drop:. taken by S:1111 Thi· ~t.1lt•111l·nt W&b "1n<:orrcct," Lo11i.th1•t11 ..,.,1d Mt·anwhtlt'. tht· la'l of the S(.'Vt·n I lltrllll!> Vllllm.s WN(.' burtt..od Tu" s d <i y 1 n Ch 1 t' ll go a 11 d Nt.·braska in cH<'Ct. • to say that this (in Oroville) ~as minutes of ingt•stion. Symptoms over -the-counter sa le!i are .. Un I ess agr eements a re a local nime," said Orova I le progress rapidly through muscle banned and "it's fairly hard to Hund I t· di. CJ f rn o ur n t.• r s h1nding," she said.,.. "landowners Polil.-e Sgt. Ja.<:k Lee. twitching and ddfit.'Ult y get (fo r m ost peopl e). B~t g<1tht·red !or a fum·ral Mas.s for would be unwilling to enter Police. working with the FBI s w a 110 wing in 1 0 c y L· l i c C'ht'ntica l s upply houses wall Adam J a nus. '1.7. his brot h er , agreements because there could and FDA. "found no indication convuls ions so viole nt that s upply tl to people w~o are Stunlt•y, 25. and Stanley's wife, ht! challenges 10. 20 and 30 years thl·rc• is C1ny rela tionship to the vtcllms' "back!> are sometimes licc·nsed to buy those kinds of Tht•rL'SD, 19 All died o f cyamdt· Jown the line.. Chicago t·rimes except that the actually archt'Cl and their whole things. It's probably not too hard po1~on1ng aht·r taking Tylenol She said the'State has s pent $1 produc:t tatntt•d was Tylenol," body as supported by their feet to gc.>t 1( you work in an area that t·apsult--s rrom the same bottl<' a 4 million lo develop the Bolsa Lee said "It's highly SUSJX.'Cted at arid he.ad," Nickas S<ttd Tut~ay. US4.'S at." wc.-<·k a_go t<x.IJy Chka &'ological Reserve. -------------... ----------------------------------------------Attorneys s~ud they expect the threc-mcmlx-r appellate panel to dt'Cide on their appeal in about two months. GASOLINE PRICES • • • Being a 'good guy' cost Mesan's life TV prophe t Cris well dead at 75 card purchases at it.s stations and lowered its prices lO levels below even some independent dealers. Since Arco lowered its prices. the other companies have been forced to follow su it, Shelton said On Aug 17. the Exxon Corp instituted a t.·redit-card surcharge• -an extra chargc on its credat- c·ard purchases -and began o ffering discounts to cash c ust omers. To keep pace. Chevron wall start d oing the sa~NO'/. l. The prac"tlce -o f ''lnven tory dumping" for accounting purposes will continue t.o drive pnces downward in the future, Shelton said. Near the end of the yea r. many oil rompanies dump thetr surplus of gasoline on the market at redu ced prices, h e explained. to make their fiscal reports look brighter. "M otorists can look forwo,rd to saving some pennies at Christmas tame." Shelton said, wht:n oil companies w ill be d oing some "wmdow-dr~ing on their profit pictures." Shelton predicted another 2-to 5-cent decrease in the next few mon ths. or course. that savings may be ofrse J!rtfaar:r 1 . wht-n an additiona l 2-t-c:nts-a -gallon state sales tax on gasohnt1 will takt· t'ffe<:t. By STEVE MARBLE Of .,__ o.., ""°' ..... It wasn't out of character for Mall Coleman to try to give someone a helping hand. Friends say that's the kind of guy he was. Last Saturday, the 24-year-old Costa Mesa man stopped on MacArthur Boulevard in lrvinl' tO help a stranded motortst He pulled his car over to the t't'nte r divider and was walking back to a pair of cars that werl• blocking a lane of traffic when a fr"ud( sTammt>d info Chr· cars arll:t thc·n into Col<'man Colemon'" fatht·r says h1• SLAYING TRIAL • • • ~Jt.·lil'vt•s hts sun nt·Vt'r knt•w what hit him. lie says polt1."C told him that the a ct.·1d e nt juu happem-d that quickly their first confrontation, Olson said. When O'Driscoll confronted Yorba on the set.·ond occasaon, Olson s~ud. Yorba charged him Conda I Wesl 10 non"-t w11•C1• 8 to 14 knot1 ""th Mel 3 IO 5 feel eoulh ot San Nleolu ltland lnnei" wete<1 light end verl8bl• wlr>dl 1hfough 1C>n1Qh• ••oecn .ou'"-' 10 -' a to 18 knol• att.rnoon an0-ing. V.S. summa ry Snow end haU -• repol'fed In p ar11 or th• Oakota1 end .,Mii• 1o0ey, while -11 .. eo •liowera er>d lhunelars1orm1 fl9jtCheel lrom Mlnn1101a and ••alern North Oako ta 10 iM!rt"-tt COiorado. !t w11 raining ln coastal Oregon •I'd WHhlnglon Sho-ra and ~In-I -a Klll.,ed 4IOflg the GUif Cou1 11110 9CfOll '!Jw"lda while I few "-' fell In ~gjftla Ind Ille CarOlinN 1~1aiat alllel pr ... ailed ovet Ille ,., of Ille C4Untry. •'Today'• forecHI c;e11ao ror and 1hunden10rmt from orlda through tha lower H IHlppl .Vtflty lo IOUtll· tral Tex•. •llln lhow«I from lt9 1JPP« O•all l.Alket through IN mlddla end 119'* Mltthtlppl '11J111ey to Ille 01kotes and o,,., ~Paclllc NorthwHI Sunny wlll pr ... 1111 ecrosa the r•t of nation ' 'Ca lifornia , S°"''-" C..lf0tnla "'111 ba lair 1dlrouoh tod•y Low cloud• ..,_Ion, 11nd Thurtd.-, m0<nl"O t11ono cout. b•c:om1no t11r 1~~ 11ternoon COOi« .,.., 'tout Tfllj(ldey. .~ Ortnge County ~ 75 10 "· ,~ 65 10 eo. Thunelly 111Qf!t 73 I 80. · Vllll9yl een upeet • In IOt , ay. near eo Thur~y l.Owl "'iOht H to ea. i M"Mlalne ctn •ltl*lt lllQllt 64 ' 1• ... at104t °'""' Wiii havt ,.. In eo. In '*" por11on1. tOt eouthafn l and knocked him lO the ground Yorba then fell on O'Dnsc·oll's knife. which the defl'ndant had drawn and held out for de fe ns1 v1• purposc•s o nly. th(• dde n st.· lawyer !>.lid "It was JUSl so typu:al of him to want to !>lop and help somebtl<ty I t was <t G ood Samar1t;i11 gt·!>turt•." the fother says. Funeral sc•rv1t"l'S for Coll•man wt•re hC'ld Tul'~ay afternoon Sunny and warmer For.ca•• FOf a p.m. EDT "-'"• Snowfm t ;~ : .Th.Jl~y. o;= 7 ...... """'" 48 41 01 88 87 46 34 07 59 30 66 52 89 7S 22 70 '16 89 39 43 3'1 08 82 72 83 59 83 64 53 37 86 6'1 , .. 60 '79 so es 60 80 60 91 87 80 60 72 39 75 60 75 49 81 '10 91 81 35 28 52 33 87 32 so 3S 06 74 44 53 40 03 86 72 ae 13 14 59 91 83 82 70 46 so 42 07 17 84 86 82 71 60 87 82 83 60 111 81 90 80 86 77 33 78 52 85 62 85 62 87 74 08 17 68 80 6S 78 40 87 83 86 59 90 73 • 22 76 57 90 60 78 S7 e3 39 69 41 71 49 84 82 48 41 81 27 12 es 67 44 00 89 08 84 •• 112 IO 75 61 ot SI Lou11 St P-Tarnpe St Sta Marie Sp0tl1ne Syraeu1e Topeka TUCIOtl Tulu W11hlng1n Wlcl'llla 86 64 87 75 OS 78 43 67 35 73 42 90 64 86 49 111 68 80 65 111 67 80 77 es 44 57 55 46 26 40 59 56 66 '" 45 47 57 80 81 58 63 48 59 80 63 Sante An1 Sen" 811 bit o Senta C<U1 San1a Maria Sanla Monica S1oek1on TlllOe Velley Tharmet Torrence Yuma Ac;apuleo 8arbado1 S..mud• 8<>901• Curacao Frffe>O<I Gul<l•l•t•r a Gu1de10upe He~ana Kino•ton Mazatlen Mar1do Mex1c:o C11y Monterrey Neuau Sen Juan. PA T eguciQalpa Trinidad Va<llCJU1 11 S8 74 49 17 so 77 43 69 57 79 so 60 26 95 64 75 55 92 63 8A 13 88 77 84 73 70 41 91 711 88 73 82 63 90 72 9 1 73 90 77 Ill 11 88 73 77 S9 88 72 90 70 91 11 8'1 64 88 73 90 71 ~81 8S 7 I 90 74 •76 S9 75 17 76 76 85 90 64 74 87 10 419 82 94 81 80 80 78 74 75 74 85 82 73 71 74 87 -----------59 ~.Smog 59' 48 61 48 50 54 61 85 13 48 Whar• 10 Ct ll Ctoll lrM ) for i.t• lm09 lnfof'INtlOll °'Witt ~ (to0144 .. S82t 1.01 Ano•I•• Oounty: (8001 242-40.22 ~ Md ten l*tlltdlno coui,tlM: CIOOI M'l'·4110 AOMO fpltoOI Center (900) 2~ lllf llPIRT Tides TODAY 8tcond hlOll 11 31 llm $ 11 a.concsiow 84tpm oa ?> n -. ..,.. ... l ..... ... i t a .... Dir rw aw aw TitUMOAY ,Int l'liOft t OJ a m 3 I flrlt 10w Ut I m 2.2 ltoond hlOll tH2 p "' u s.conc1 10w 1 IO p m 0 • lllfl Nt1 too1y 11 6;31 pm , , .... Tl!urtdlY It 8:6a I m. MOOll ne. todity ti t 20 C. m • eat1~1t tOM •m a . A graduate o f Newport Harbor High School, the 24-year-old was a S<.'C·urity guard with the lrvlne Company and was interested in workmg IJl telcvtsion. He had wor ked with a local c-c1ble tekvis1on farm. had studied communications at Orange Coast College and h od helped with ltghltng and staging for SC'veraJ musical productions at St Andrew's Presbyterian Church, which he attended Cole man's family has asked t h;rt llTC'TTlonai mntn button:t · mad(· in lt1s name to the youth fund al S t Andrew's tn NPwport &·ad1 The fathe r says he docs not wont to make .. a big story" out of ttw ~rtef that he.· his wife and his o tht•r two ~ms an.• going through lx~·UUS(.' of lhC' al'Ctdenl "I jw.t want to let JX'Ople know th.1l my !>On W3l\ morl' lh;m JUSt <I ~l••l1st1~. more than JU'lt somc t•old fa<"t on 11 polkt.• report " C<1h•man had been with thl' lrv in1· Company security fo n ·t• for 18 months and was. according to his boss. ont· of tht.• most popular off1c'E'rs BURBANK (AP> J err1mt.· King Cm.well. thC' wh1W·ha1red telev1s1.:.n "IJrophl'l('<'r" with thl· pcnctraung st.an-. has d1l'd at St JOS('ph Mcd1cal Cc·ntcr following a stroke. Ht.• wee. 75 C ris w ell hlld bC'en admllkd Aug :JO, a hosp1tC1l spokesman 1><11d Tuesday Tht' St>lf·styll.'d p~yt.·h1c, who W('lll o nly by has las t name . l'laamt.od he first rc·ahzed he rould prPdtct the future when he woolct'Tl:!tl tmrp:rrems. murtacranr in lndtana. when peo ple were about to die H e came to H o ll y wood and appeart'd regularly on the "Tonight" show and on KCOP. Channel 13 C alling him se lf a "20th-Century Nostradamus," he daamt.>d 87 pcr«'nt a<'t'urac-y for his forecasts on subjPCts from natural disasters to pollm-s. But "Crisw ell Pred1t·ts" o ften fell short o f his daims for at.'t'urat·y. College enrollment plummets Fall enrollment in the Coast Community College District has dropped 15 .3 percent compared to the same semester in I 98 l. a('('Ording lO figures re leased at the c'Onclusion of the first month of school. The district includes Orange Coost College tn Costa Mesa. G o lde n W est Co ll ege In Huntington Beach and Fount.am Valley-based Coastline College. which offers classes througho ut the distrn·t Dastrkt 0Cflt'1als have blamed much of the enroUmcnt decline on a reduct10n an st.ate funding for community t'Ollt•~es. During the.. s umme r . state officials announ1.'Cd a "hit llst" of community college recreation and self-Improvement classes that would no longer be e ligible for st.ate funds. As a result. the three collcg1.-s arc offering 834 fewer classes thi s se mest e r than were schcdulc'<i in fall 1981. Fall enrollme nt totals for thf> three schools are: Coastline: 22.204 students. down 26.4 percent. Orang<' Coast: 30.-137. down 9.2 percent. -Golden West. 20.960, down 9.5 perc-ent. Included 1n the Coastline total ts a 1 percent increase an students l'nrolled in television courses. The f al l 1982 televisi o n enrollment 1s 3,844. D1strtct o fficials no ted that state funding for local colleges Is contingent not jus t on the number of students attending but on the number of c lasses in which each student as enrolled. KRUP5 "Quality. • • by Design " IREWMllTER Model 11 261 11 c., c., .. itJ • SALE PRICE '49.88 List $75.00 - Umtted To Supply On Hind Touch-It KM50 Model #202 # 1 lelll .. ltlMlr 11 T111 Werltl Sale Price '16.88 ll•t $27.00 Limited To Supply On H1nd Offers Good Thru 10112182 ·-.. more than you expect In a hardware store E*" CROW• EJ HARDWARE VJ.M• WHtclmftlau 1024 IMM A.vt • Newport a..c11 MJ~3l. ~·;,r,,.m. All ltorel open 7 0.ye CorONt del Mar Harbor YleW Centef 3107 E. C'.oll1 Hwy. '814 Sen M9* Df. 873·2800 N.wpon IMctl Wlcdeye .. 1:30 144·1570 Wlcdeye THI 7 p.m. Anel*m HIHe 5820 Santi Ana Cenyon M (It tmpeflal ~·' ete.1212 'Mdayt Tll 7 pm. 1 j .. WORLD U.S. aiding Somalia WAS HINGTON Thl' R t•u g 11 11 11tlm l n lli t rut 1o n r~'t·ntly disJ'UtCht-0 unll 1.m1k w1•u p11n1 y to Somulw 111 u 'frt:8h d ispluy of liUppurl for th ll l l'oun try In Its luh .•s l bo rd t•r w 111• w ith M urx1s l EthlOplu, U.S . off1duls Stiy. Thi.' Unitt•d S tull'S hus s upp l1 l·d Som u llu wi th an unspcoe:1f1t•d numl>t'r of TOW unti-tan k Wt'llJXH\8 and is now truln111g Somalia fon't'S to U!M.1 t h•·m In July . tlw Un1h.•d S t11 1t•11 prov1cktl So111ali1' with air dl'lt·ll~t" r111.tu1 1111d u11t1 ulrl·r:ift Wl!UJXH\ll. In rt'lu rn for A nwrkon 1n 1pport, th1• S om11l111 huvl' agn•t•d w grunt !ht• U11ill'd . S tah 'K ut·<.·t•ss to bu~· fht·illtl~·:. 111 Suniullu for U!lt' b y thl' A1111·rn·:.m Ru pid IA•ployment fo't)rl'l' Bolivian presideµt named LA P AZ, Bohv1a Am id cht.-ers of "V iva S 1lt.>s" by a tumultuous 1:rowd, Cungn.•ss elected c·xilt:.<l ll'ft1st pul1 t1t·1an H e rna n S iles Z uazo a s president, ending a 27-month m ilita ry junta that re ll because o( de mand s for a re turn to d emo,·rat·v and c·conumil' rl'furms 1n this h nanc·ially a1hng nation. Following T uesday's vote, t h l' n c w g o v e r n m e n t promised N.·onom k fE.'<•overy a n d l'a llt•d on the Uni ted S ta tes to m aintain fr1 enuly relations. Mubarak remembers Sadat CAIHO , Egypt Pn •s1lll0n t H osni Mubarak tod a y laid floral wreaths on tht• wmbs o f Presidc•nt Anwar Sada t and the· unknown soldll'r in bri1.:f, low-kl'Y <'t'ft•rnonl<'s om· Yl'tir STATE afll'r S adat's assass1nat11111 Sat.l<.i t was g unm·d down hy Mos le m fan a lil'i. <.i y ea r ago to d ay whilt• r.•v u •w 1ng a m ilitary paradt.•. Newman backs nuke freeze LOS ANGELES Al'lor P aul N C'wm .i n wh o 1s t·ampa1gn1ng 1n i.uppurl o f Cal1 forn1a'!I n u dt•a r frN 1ll' init1al1Vl' sail.I In a tl'll'VISIOl1 interview that "thl•n • 1s a lot of faulty information going on" a bout thl' nudc•ar arms race NC'wma n , who n o rma lly shuns talk show:., madt• the remark during tht• taping of the "M t·rv Gr1ff1n Sho w " T ul'sday night wht•n • ht.• d 1st·u ssed his s uppo rt o f P r o p o s 11 1 o n I 2 o n l h c• No ve mbl•r b a ll o t 1n California The meas ure wou ld u-rge Prl·s1denl Reagan lo propost- that buth th t• Sovic•t Union ant! tht• Unitt•d Sti.llt•s hall d c·vl·lo p mt.·nt. tl'st ang and d e p I o y m e n t o f n u c l t• <if weapons Say 'charge it' in court LOS ANGELES Pc>opll' will s o o n bt• able to s a y ~~g ~t." when Lhc.y pay.. their pa rking t ick e ts a nd1 court fcc.-s m a program the t.'OUnty hopes w ill yield $1 50. 000 a yC'ar m exll'a reven ue T h e co u n ty Boa rd o f S upe r v i sor s v oted 3 -0 TuC'sday to approve ust• u f Visa a nd Mas terCard s for ·-J*irking-..-nd-Munid pal t'ourt paym e n ts. But a $2 service fee a rso will be impv.K'd on each transaction to yield the hoped-for ~1 50.000 a year. The e xtra m o n e y wa s tentatively earmarked for criminal justice programs 1 dead, 4 hurt in blast BURBAN K One man d ied a nd four were 1n1ured whe n two f1c•ry (•xplos1ons ripped through a gas station service bay two blocks from the Burbank Studios. off1c1als said . A u thorities said the.· dt•ad man workt•d fo r a sto•rv1cc NATION station mainte nance l'Ompany and was repairing a h ydraulic automob1lc hoist at a Union 76 station, whose C<'nter bay e xploded into flames sh ortly a ftc.·r 10:30 a .m . Tuesday . A s t·c o n d t'X plo s 1o n l'ngulfe d t w o a dditio n a l rl'pair bays. Chrysler pact rebuffed DETRO IT Fi v e b i g locals n ·buUe d a tentative contrac t bNwet•n Chrysler Corp. and the United Auto W o r k l'rs a mid mounting eviden ce the ra nk-and-file w an ts a bl'ttc r de a l Crom c ompan y c h airman Lee Iacocca B u t o n e u nio n o ff1c 1a l a rgued 11 would be pointless for workers to r1•turn to the ba rgaining tabll'. saying thl' nation's No. 3 c.·;irmake r has no more mon ey to off<'r. The pr o posed con trac t . agreed to by C h rysler and thl• UAW leadership on Sepf.· 16, was re jecte d T ue s d a y b y UAW Local 7 and Local 212 m Detroit. Local 869 in Warren. Mi c h ., Lo4'a l 1 2 2 i n T winsburg. Ohio, and Locnl 1268 in Belvidere, Ill Starch blockers a 'drug' C HI C A GO Seve n companies that manufal·ture or d istribute "starch blocke rs" mus t get federal approv<il 1f they w a n t lo m<irke t tht• product again, a ft.-dPra l Judge has ruled U .S . D1 s tr 1c t Jud g l' Nicholas J. Bua on Tuefiday rul<'d starch blockers lo be a drug, not a food. and ord ered 1h c.· c ompa n ies to s t o p markc·ling them and d estroy c·x1sting supplies That sinking fee ling • CoOlt OAILV PILOT /Wudnaadoy, Oc.1oht11 6. Jll82 I AP Wlrephoto NB land proillot~r indicted Uy sn :vl': MAHlJLt; Of lhe Delly ltllol It•" /\ NI' w II 11 1 I 13 , .•• I h I u 11 d f>l•11111 11l•1 1111d tw. p 111lllt'I holVI' tw1·11 111d11 l•·d by a (~·1h•1 ul l{rHnd Jiii V flll \tll'll ,1ll1•j{t'J 11)((-Ill ll l.111d .... .i ." I 1.1ud 4 ""'' t ha t ,1 lll h 111111 1·~ ... ;11d 111.1y tit' t h•· l.11 gl''ol 111 1111 'ol.1l1•''o 111'-IOI V .l .11111·' M1 C11wJ11 , li:l. of N1·w p1111 H1·.H h . un d .l;1111 cli F.ir 1.1r;1, 7 1 11( l'a l111 S p11 11g e, "'1·rt· 1111 111 11 d M1md.1y 111 L oo /\1q¢1•l1"' 1111 1111 1' 1.C1ll lll o ( I lllli.Jlll oil"{ oHld :l I I llllflh Of fllail I 1.llld Tht• llurbor Q ut't'n , a plt·n!'lurt· boat rt'flt t'd for purl) c·ru i~•·~. ~il!'­ in tht• Suvunmah H i\'t'r in (;•·oq.~iu uflt·r c·u 1•!'!izin~ "'fwn it The· 1'411 m1·11 wh11 ll'lll.lft.cdly ,t,11 \c-11 1h1·11 p.11 t111•,...t11p Ill yl·<u'l> ·•W• .• 111· .1ll ll'ol d 11f dl·f1a ut.lmg 111v1· ... 111 1 ~ 11u1 111 ot ll'ai.1 $1 5 Ill I I I I ,, II I> 't .. I I •. g I ' tJ I y 1111-.11 111•·...,·11t111g1 t11 v.1lu1• 11f l<1nd 111 /\1111·111111· V.1lh·y 11111 tli uC Los /\11g1 ,,., h it u l'IUnclhar, pitt·h in~ a ll ·1·2 JlU l'ISc·n~c·r!'I in tlw wult·r. A II we· rt· rc•"'('Ut•cl a nd t wo wt•rt• hrn•1>it a lizNI. Md .;11w.111 t11uld 1111t IM· rt·at'hl'd .ii h1.., Nc•v. 111111 l\4 .. 11 li 0 H1l'l' for I 1 'o II '\1111\ A 11 111d11 11111·11 1 1-. a fo rmal OC slayer's sentence eyed 1 harg1· aga111'1 ;1 111·1'~111 It dwa> 11111 1•,t;1bl1-.h guilt Ill lllnOC .. 'l'llC('. M111 t• tli;111 :1.111JCJ . p(·uµl1· I 111111 I l:tw:111. Ul<.1h . Eurupt' and tlw F.ir t-.:.11-I an· "ll<·gc·<l lo bt! v ie t1111' 11f 1 ht· :.I r i ng u f 1111 v111 :..1 11111 :. Ml'li uwL111 <1 n d I-:111 .11 <1 11111•1.1\t•d , /\i.i.1~t<t1H U .$. S uprfAnu· Cou1·1 lo /J ear Ca lil'tu·11ia appt•a/ in 11 B ~ase Tlw highly pul>l1< 1w d t·<1i.t· ol .1 1·11n v1t·tt·d klll1·r w h o had )11.., O range· l'11un 1y dt•ath st·nt1.•m 1· rt·vt·rsrd by thl· C a l1fu r111 ;1 S upn·nw co"un IS now Ill tin· hand:. o f th•· US S uprt•llH! Court Tht· natio n 's h1Rhest cnu r l .ir111uunc-.'tl Monday II would hc·ar <i n a p p 1 • .i I f 1 1 ,,;1 • C <ti d tir 11 1 .J authonllt''> o n the· !'>IJIC Suprc•mt· C11u rt''l dN·1s11rn to OVl'rturn c.kfc·n d a n l Ma1n •l1 n o Ramos' d I• a I h S I• 11 l t' ll l' l' f ll r I h I eXt'<.'UlHJl\·s ty ll· :.laying uf d Tm.~J Bt• 11 n 1 g h t m a n a g c· r f ro m lluntington &·uc:h m 1979 ln a ruling h1.1ndc.•d down last Janu.iry. !.Hit<: l'OUrt JUStH'l''o llW t1lidutt•d a por tion of <I 1978 in1tiativC' w hich had c·xpa 11d1·d California's dt.•ath p<.•rialty la w T hul 1n1t1at1v1· promot<.o<l by former 1>ll.llt.· &-n. Jo hn linggs . R -F..u llc..cL.un __ --.rut d a 11 o "". t: <.! JUrll':. to Ix> tuld thal th£' govl'mor c·ou ld commut<' a hft• sl·ntc•n t·c· Without parolt.· u nlt'SS ;1 murde r d1 •f1 11d,111l W.l'o Sl'lllt'lll'l'd \II d1 .. 1lli T h,. , 11 n 1 1 11v4'1 '1 .1 I Ju 1 y lllStl UI 111111 W<li. J.tlVl'll llllt 1111)y 111 H.Jmoi.' 1·a~" hul al:.o 1n al 1\-,.-.1 :w 111111'1' lllUI dt•1 tn,1b .:.t.1U·w1 d1" Jl'Opa r d11 111i-: lh ·ath se·nll'lll't'~ Bt•t·ision to t c l «ons l i I u t ion a lit y of jury ins truc tion h.rnch ·d down 111 all thOSl· ('a.'>C.'S T hi· sta l1· l'ourt's ruling did not 11v1·1·tu rn the· a c tual m urt.lt•r 1 • o 11 v 1 l' I 11> n !. , 11 n I y t h t• d t• u l h ~wnw1w1•s, o ff1C'1a ls gaid S oon ;:ifll'r t hot r ul ing . Ramos was n ·tur n1·d 111 On1ngt• County to l at't' a M'<·nnd pl'n ah y trtal It is f.14.'l)(llll~ I 11 ... c.-e·Kin-g'""Mi.1 naa ys tr s- ~upn·nw Cuu rt ht·aring rm th1· m;i ll1·r. t~w Caldorniu Atlornl':-' (;1•111o·1.11'-. 11ff 11 1· -.;,rd 11 would u ... c /\ltrn iwv t:;1rv F• ''"--"-.aid H:1m1 .... :1-; t ht• kc·v ·,, . .,1 1·;1"'' I•> Ft'l''' -.;11 d Md ju w .:a n cin <l dl'\1'1 1111111· lht· l·cinst1tut11111:1f1I\ 111 1-.JI 1<ir.1 frn nu ·d a f11 n1. t 'c1r Mac 1h1 JlllY 111strutt1<m l 11 \1 •-.lml'n t~ Ill l~fi-1 t u buy 'J'h 1• l11gli t'11urt t·11uld t·lllH·1 1,,w ;11 11.,1gi· 1r1 th•· A ntl'lupe u p hold 1h1· l'alif11r111;., tou1t'" V.dh·y lll Jf t,0 n1 ;1-.t1·r ft·t·~.,Sdld 1 ulmg 111 n ·111:.t.111· lh.nw~ U<'.1111 lh•· 111 c-r1 tlwn -.ubd1\'1d1·d the "'lllt'lll'l' l,111d ;111d ni.11 k1•t1'd ;11 lt·<i'ol 5.500 Tht· O r.1ngt· County Su1.1t·n111 .wl l''o Court 1ury ""h ll h t.11n v 1t. l t·d lnvi·:-.loi .., ...._11d i'l't·~. w<.•r1,· tr1ld H;unu ... m 1979 w..i.s told, over tl11 th.it lhi Alltt•lflfll ' V..illt·y land 01J11·t·t1o ns of d Pfl·n St' law yc·r .... ",,.., tlit fin.ii u11d1·v1 lop<'<i area that tht· 2.Z-yc·ar-uld Tcx<Jn <'f>uld 111 1.1,... Angt·h·s ,11HI th<it the hav1· his ~·n t1•111·1· t:omrnut<·d by Ul''ol'fl land qua·kly was !-x't·oming tht· guvt•rnor to permit J>droh · if "the· nt·xl SJ n F1·rnL1 ndo Va lll'y .. tw was nut M·nll:'nt'c-<l to d w in tht· Fc·t•!>."o ~Ht.I llWl·i.tors wl'rt' told ~a.s l'h<1m l:x·r <1t San Q uentin l ht•y'd tw alill' tu double.· their The.• sla tt• S upre mt: Court ;.aid money w ithin thrc ·t· to f1vt· years. rha t µarlll'Ul <ir 1n struct1nn tu Ill' d;iinw<l invt·stors ltl'ot money Juro r s was u n fair lo lht· msh ·at) d1•ft:ndant l:x't·aus...• tht• guv1•n11ir ft·l'Sli :.:J1d in rc·t:t:nl Yl'iffs the 11> t·mpowt•rrd to c.·u m mut1· dt•ath 1w11 rrwn hull bt'l'll tunn·nlratmg ~·11lt.'m:t'S <ii. w t·ll th i·ir salt•s t·f f o rl 1n W es t 1-tamus was at'(·used o r k illing C l'rmany, Italy and Swnw rland. S anta A nJ T aco B l•l l n igh t Mc·Gow<tn c.1nd 1-'.irrara have rii~iii':'•g~·r"K~il-ii..·iirii.-·p~·rron: w:··-r~-i·n· i)riJC:·ri::(J tu a pp..;a r ·in-rouri __ _ d uring <i r11hh 1·r y .1llc>mpt in Oc·t IH for arn11gnmc•1H A trial Junt· 1979 d.llt• will bt "'4.·t <JI thi.lt li mn Reagan may gain from setback By WALTER R. MEARS A' IP9(:1•1 C0<r .. pondent WAS lllNGTON W111ninj( 1i.n 't c:vl'ry thing . and whil1· 1t us ually tx·al!> losing . Pn·-.idt•t1l Ht•a gan mH y gt•t mort! puhl1<..:al n11lt'ag<' out of his last S<·tbat.k 111 Cong r t'ss than hl· cou ld havl' gamed in vil·tory Wh a t he did n 't gt·t was a balan('C'd budgl·t aml'ndm«nl to thl· C on stituuon What hC' ~ut was an issuc>. and onC' hl' intt•nds to ndr hard in tht• fina l rnonth cir th(' l' o n gr t ':. ~ 11) n JI t• IL· c· t 1 u n c·ampa1gn. Had 1t c.·omc out t ht• ottw r way , his s pt•t·t·hwn tt·rs w ould h avt• had to ovc•rhaul tht• S<.'npt No w . wit h minor l'chung t·h;m g1·-.. th1· pres1d1•nt t•a n continue· lo po111t in wrath lo thC' f.:tc·t \ha t )Jo ust· Dl'mocraLo; ddt.·a tc.-d lhl' mt•a,u rt• T h£' pro po,t.»d const1tut1u nal .1mt'ndmt•nt w o uld no t have· ba lancc'CI the· budgt•l. nor t.•ould 1t ha ve> t a k l'n c·ffrt•t during Rt'aga n's l u rrt·nt tt•rm 1n thr White Hou'<' Tiil' budgN yt•:1r JUi.1 l'ndc•d will show a dc·fll'll of a bou t $11 0 b1 ll1o n . a nd nC'xt y t• a r · s p r o Ii a h I y w 1 I I hr• s u b s l a n t 1a11 y h 1 g h c• r Th f' p r C' s 1 d <' n l h a !-b <' c· o m c l'Xl'<'l'd 1ngly l'aut1o us t.i bo ut forc<'asting a brc•ak-t'ven budget; ht• said on ly tha t hC' "would be willing to hav1• a go" at balanl'ing tht• 1986 budf.ll'l. T he admin istration is brnc:l'd for a po .. s1blc.-inc.·rt'ase in l hl' unt•mploymc n t ratt' that COl,l ld push lht• lndt'X pAsl 10 p<'reen t fo r t hl' f i rst l1mC' s inc t• t h e waning days o r thl' Depression. In t hose t 1i'l'umstances. t h<' balanet'd bud l(l't vote 1s a madC'· NIWB AlllYSIS to-ordt•r Rf•puhhl'an 1si.Ut.· "T hl'o v11t1• m<ikt'!> dt·ar wh11 !>U ppt>rL' <• halam·l•d budg<'t a nd who dot•:. 11111." !.<lid H<.·a~an "Votc•rs at·rtr..."o Am<>n t•a s hould t·ount hea ds and ta k t· naml's In Nov<·mbt·r. w1· m us t r ll'l'l rcp r'"C.'Sl'n tat1 V<'S ~·ho s upport the mnendmt.·nt." It's all svmlxllism, nont.• 11( 1t will m:ikt· any d1ff1•n •nl't' Ill till' hudgc·t vc·a r.. 1mnw<l1..iu:ly a h1.·ad But ll may m11kt> a d1fft•n•m·~ m lhl· l'ampa1gn "Tra~1c·all y a nd for purc.·ly 1.>arusan rt·asoni.. th1•s.• s aml• lluu ... f• Dt•m ut·rat s who d11l n't w nn1 thl' vutl' havt• <iKUm playt·d po lil1t'S w ith lht· will 11f the· p1·opl1•." R eagan ~lowc•rt•d c.Ctc·r thc> aml'ndment was turm'tl down la~t Fndav " Tot.lay I sh art· thl' dN.·p. burning ange~. I think. of m illions of Am<'n C'a n._ •· Gem Talk HvJC HUMPHRIES ('rrt1f1rd Ot'molo1111t. A CS PEARLS 11rt• bill/{t'r. l11•t11•r 'l'h t n "s p lt•n ty o f p ol1 l1 1'a l m1111v.1tmn tu g 11 .iruund . tll\ both ' 1 d l' ' R c· a g o n h ;1 d h c• 1· 11 e·11rn p la1ning r l'~u larl y lha l l>t•rnuc:r;1L-. in thf' HuuM• txilllt·d up th1 · a nw ndmc.·nt an d w ouldn'r p Pr m 11 a vot e beca u se t h ey fl·art>d ll would pass. "WC' nt'<'d •a n~ d 1•s l•rvc· a vot1· 1111 t his fundam4·nteil rdorm ." h<• '>O ld before' therC' was on e-.. T lw 111111..· tu 01ct 1~ now · W 1 t h t h 1• ad m 1 n 1 s l r 1.1 1 1 o n prl•-;sing tht· ISSU(', l>U ppol'll'l:. of thl· a m C'ndm<.•nt got c:n o ug h signalurc.-s lo force al't10n on th1• llousc· floor S inl't' Co ngrl'SS was about to rN.'t.·ss for the campaign. 11 would n 't have come• until afwr tht• Nov 2 ballo u ng. a lthfJugh thl'rt.' was gossip tha t tht· White• l louS<' might rail th e HouSC' irnd St•n al<' b at·k to Was hington tu for<'t' thC' l'l.'\UE' shortly lx·fon· t he· d~:llon So House Democra tll leader<; dt·l 1d1·tl \11 f 111 u· 11 l h1·1m.t•I Vt!'. 1 ll'ohm~ the· 1rw.1 .. ur 1· tu d vote on ,, d ,1v·, no l1t 1· lh·aga n d idn't h .1 v1• 11111 1• for lht• k ind o f 111bbymi.i h1·'.., hrnught 111 lx·ar un ul hl'r 1·< 11nom11 1.:.s1w.... .ind I he 1Jutcom1· wa<;n'I 4•v1·11 t l!N· T h t· a m 1· n d m l' 11 1 g " 1 a m••Jorit). i:rn to IH7, hut fl·ll 46 VOl\'!> :;hurt o f lht• I W (I thll d s m argin ll IL•kl'h \() cipprovc· a c•ons t1tut1onal anwn d nw nt fur 1>ul>m1ss11111 to tht· :.t;,itt•s Twt·nty H1•pu bl1n 111 ' w Pn· am o ng 1 he opponc•nis T ht• GOl' S11n<1tt• h ad .ipprovt·d th1· ;111w11dm1·111 1·11rl1l'r 111 th1.· <;t''o.'ollll1 Tht· m t·asun · will lit· h.1c·k , pc•rhaps as 1·arlv a:. thl' lamc- cluc.·k st''i!>lt>n of CunRn ·ss thal con vC'nes n<'XI mnnth In the rm•anllmt'. Rc·agJ n will mak1· the nlll'it or ll In th1· l'•1mpa 1gn for Hc·publ1<:.1n c·11nlo(rt•c;i.1unnl - candidate''> We're Listening ••• What do you hke about the Daily Pilot" What don't you like" Call the number at left and your message will be recorded. tran.lcribed and delivered to the appropriate edit.or. The.• lal<'!>l faRh1ons 1n p<>arl J~Wt•lry s h ow tha t America n women a n • trading up to bigger. lx>ttrr nnd mon • valuable Items ThC' dao;s1t· luok i.8 m Diamonds and a v:1ri<'ly o f bl'au11 ful t'f>lort.-d stones a rc> lwmg worn llll 1'111s ps a nd pendonls o n pearl <·h o k t.•r s a nd n••t·kla c c>s Mulli-iarandC'd tw 1s\3 of J>('arlR ar(• po p u l11 r W o m l'n who alrt•ndy nw11 !tlngll'·ltrond p<•nrl rwe·klfll'l'S nc h lcvl' tht• nL•wer look by hovini( tht'lr )ew t-lnr mlJl(•h iK'<'Ond or third 11.rnnds . Tlw oddltlon o f fl d1omond or co lort•d 111nrw t.'t'nterpil'<.>c to tht• n••t:klnr<' a lso o c hl <•vl..'11 a ht~h-fashion c rtt'Ct. The, mov'' to ward mMt' C'Olor nltlO lncludf!I un ini.:rca!K'd d(•mond for tinlcd pearls. l\Qllt•, J)('Och and groy RN' amunf( th£' mo.t popular hu<'ll In soltwalN a nd trt'shwoter pt>arls. Naturol bltwk a nd golden "had.._ t o p the pre m ium pc•arl tin e . Combmmg s1r:and11 of dlffl'l'C'nt co l o r s la In v o gue Al tto newly·poputor n e poor lt o f unu1ual i1C' o r tthape. such as nat "Cll'Opatra" and rl<'l'-t haf)('d pearl 642•6086 The s ame 2•·hour answering service may be used to record let ters to the editor on any topic Mailbox contributors must Include the ir name and telephone num~r for verH1cation No circulation calls. please Tell us what's on your mind ~ .. . . ..... ORANG€ COAST Dally Pilat Th•m .. '· Hot.y '~•tnet ON! Ch.el c~ec1111.-e Oi•<et Jon. Amari l.ecV!lff Cd11or • l. Koy Schvth V><• ,,.~ (Ind Oil KIOI of Adll.,lt~ .. Micha.I '· Hcwny O..ector ol MotletlllQ 1C~culot01I -K9nMth N. 0. ....... lf. O..te10r ol °'* OliON VOL 71,MO.m ) . CIH1lfled •dftrtlll"f 7141142·5171 All OIMf departrMfttl 142·4321 MAIN Of'~ICE ~WHll•ll .CO\te~w.CA M•ll • ..,.. .. lh• 19'0. Cott• lliNW, (A .,..,. (epyrf9111 "" O.eft9it CMtt ,.ultll\1\1~ ,.,,..,,,. Ne 11.,.l -1.t. lllu.CtellOllt, •Clll.,.1411 m-.,. -v••llM..-h ,..,.111 mo lie t•1ttefuc• • .._ -lel .. ""lt ..... el COPY' ....... ,,., J. '300 EACH J. C.fiwnp~ried Jeweferd MEMBCR AMERICAN OEM SOCICTY ~~S' 180G NEWPORl BL VO , COST A MESA • v~) SINCE 1948 81n11.Amer1caro-M11ter Cn11ge A4 Oran • Co11t DAILY PILOT /Wedn lday, October ~. 1082 Soviets court sk~ptical Chinese B)' VICTORIA GRAH AM II• lll[Dll lly1cht•v, chief Sovl<'l ncaiouutu1 .,...,,,,., ,.,_ Wrtw at tht· 1wipt·nded bordt•r t.alka PEKING Soviet Prt .. ldl'nt But 11 Europcun d l plaomut , Leonid 1. Brc:r.hnc v hlAlll made who aakt•d not to be named . another overture to Ch ina, and anawered o Sovlct dlplomotlt· dt.•IK'rtm'd tht• plunrlt'd talk11 itll diplomatic 1<>urces he re aay he note asking thut dlSCU&lilons bt-"Just k'fillnt< thf' wale>nt" will aend a high-level dc legauon rt'Opcnt-d ~ Anotht•r diplomat iwld . "Chana lo PekJng next month ln efforts So f a r . t ht.> Soviet Unio n doesn't Wllnt tht.' world t.o thank lo reopen nonnali:r.atlon talks. clearly has ~n thl' suitor. it's not willing to Lt.alk or rl'llpond But the Chinese still are Brc:r.hnev said in March that to pro fff:re d Sov1 l't oli ve "talking about talking" -the Soviet Union h1 "ready to branc:he11. t1Vt!n if it doubts Soviet neither conflrming nor denying diacuss the question of possiblc slnlwily." that the Soviet de legation 1s measures to strcnght.en mutual The Soviet Union ha11 been luning -and oljservers do not trust In the area of the Soviet-emphasi:r.ing the s1gn1f1cance of expec t a quick thaw In the Chint.'Se frontier." even a preliminar y mM>tmg, but China-Soviet relationship. In a ceremony broadcast on most for<'ign obser ver11 do not The two communist powers, Sovie t national television Sunday once firm allies, split In the eerly in Baku, capita l o f S oviet 1960s over increasingly bitter Azerbaija n, Brezhnev said he Ideological differences. China "would deem 1t very import.ant LO accused the SOviets of trying to achieve normaltzatfon, a gradual dominate the Peking gove rnment improving of re lations" with a nd the w o rld communis t China. movement, and was further But the Foreign Ministry here embittered when the Soviets reccivvd Brez.hnt:>v's new ovel'- abruptly withdrew nearly all aid. ture w itho ut co m m e n t. T h e In Apr i· I l 9 7 9 , C h 1 n a s peech was reported b y tht' announced it would le t the official news agency Xinhua an a C hina -Soviet peace a nd d is pa tch fro m Moscow , a lso friendship treaty expire. China without rommenl. suspended normalization talks Foreign dipfoma t1c observers after the S oviet invasio n of in Moscow said the speech was a Brezhnev "r ead y to discuss" mutua l trust expt.><:t signif1<·ant dc•vt>lopments from it. l!MlUr<'CS told t(•purknt &Aflt't t hf' IOC'('llnij A lt h o ug h rt•l1.1 t lo n 11 url' ex J>tWtl'd to Im µrClvt.• s lo w I y , c>b11e rvt•r1 Uht mlllll an y ll'rluUll rapproc:hcmcnt bt•twt.'t!n tht• two rommunhct powers, wh1dl tuivc d iplomatic rt•litt lons but n o lntltnllte party·ttJ party cont.act. However, dlplorruitk olw!rvcn hove nutod whut they call 0 Jundam cntal shift an C hlnca 's foreign policy pronoum:ements ove r the post year. China hua been d lston t:i ng Its e lf from Washin g to n a nd 1dcnt1fylng more w ith tht.• Third World , a ttempting o balance between the United S ta tes a nd Soviet Union. The Chinese arc unhappy over continuing U.S. a rms sales to Ta I w.a n , s e a t o f t h c r i v a 1 Nationalist government that fled th e m ai nland wh e n th e Communists took power 1n 1949. Peking 1s a lso ungry over U.S . t rud e r estric tion s, espcl'1ally r ega rding Im ports o f high LL'Chnology. •• All bundled up Afghanistan in December 1979. Sl.>ene-seu er for talks next month, The two countries a lso have the first high-level d iplomatic squabbled over their borde r . contact between China and the with China claiming about 40,000 Sovwt Union sinl'C' normaJizauon square miles of Soviet territory. talks broke off. The last talks o n this subject The Soviet d e le g a t ion is were h eld in Peking in June expected to be led by Deputy In a meeting T uesday with visiting Ja panese Prime Minjstc r Zenko Suzuki, Chinest' Premier Zhao Zlyang said China hopes to norma lize re lations with the Soviets but tha t the pr~ will take ume be caus e of m a ny diffe ren<-es. Zhao called the Soviet Union the major menace to world peace and reassured Suzuki the re was no c:h a ng e in C h i n a's fund amen tal policy. informed " C h i n a cl t.' a rl y w a n t s t"O improve relatio ns w ith the United States. but there 1s a l-ert.ain d1sillus1onment about the . ultimate poss1bl11ties," said a foreign diplomat Official Chinese sourc:es have poi nte dl y downplayed t h e impo r tanc e o f C h ina -US. strategic 1rnd defense relatt0ns. A baby orangu tan wraps it&elf in a burla p bag a t the Nat iona l Z-00 in Washing ton. Whe n winter com es, this fe llo w will be r.-ady. _1 _9_7_8....:._a_n_d_C_h_i_n_a'-h'-a...;;.s_n_o_t __ F;....;;;.o,;..re~i g n Min 1s te r L e o n 1 d F , TOWLE, WALLACE, STERLING SILVE.R SPECTACULAR OUR LOWEST PRICES OF THE YEAR ON 4·PIECE PLACE SETTINGS 7 DAYS ONLY ----·-----·-.... ···----------· ····----··· ~······ . . . . ·-· ' To day lhrough Tuesday. Oc tober 12. you can add l he unp aralleled elegance of sterling silver lo your table at Jnparalleled prrces In patterns long renowned for their exceptional beauty and design, 1n s tock for 1mmed1ate en1oyment -or g1v1ng 1 U uant1t1es are l1m 1ted to stoc k on hand Robinson's Silver Flatw are. 18 1 Every brrd e who registers 1n any Robinson's through October 30 w ill receive a complimentary copy o f the Bride Guide (while Qu ant1t1es last) 4.pc place selling 16·pc service lor 4 32·pc service for 8 place knile place fork lour 4·0C place se111n9!> e1gn1 4·pc p1ace sc11m9s saiao fork 1easooon No w Now SPANISH PROVINCIAL Now '356 '712 '89. Monthly payment $25 Monthly payment $35 Now Now '99. '792 Monthly payment $40 Now '110. Now Now '880 ~ ,~STRASBOURG --~~~ '"°' Monthly payment $25 Monthly p ayment $40 ROSE POINT Now '129. Now '516 Now fl,032 Monthly p ayment $25 Monthly payment $50 GRANDE BAROQUE Now Now '596 '1,192 Monthly paym ent $30 Month ly paymen t $55 ROMANCE OF l HE SEA ••Add only 6% sales tax tor dellve11es outside Los Angelea county •Ttie Sliver C1uo Plan 1s available only tor pu1Ch1Ses of 1200 or more JOIN OU" llLY!" CLUI: UP TO 24 MONTHI TO PAY. NO PINANCI CHA,.Gl t Here·a en ex1mpte of hOw lhe plen worka 1 servlt:e ror 8 (elgh1 •·pc place se111ng1) 1n tile Old ~u1er P11tem 11 $192 plus {'·~'It eelea ta~•• of 151 8"' tor 3 totst of S&-t3 48 Your payments wm be S•O fOf 2' months w11h 1 tln11 peymtnl or S3 48 (SubJ.ct 10 crectll •POrovat l tNO FINANCE CHARGE II reQulted monthly ~ymtnll 119 ma<M by the Diiiing CSllS RO!fNION1 COMPUIIRIUP WIPPIN9 ttn U91URY MAKI AN APPOINTMINT WITH OUR CONSULTANT AT YOUR NIAllST ROllNSON'S • 48-pc service for l 2 lwelve 'oc otace settings Now '\068 Monthly payment $50 Now •1,188 Monthly payment SSS Now '1,320 Monthly payment $60 Now '1,548 Monthly payment $70 Now '1.788 Monthly payment $80 . WIU RICORD YOUR GIPT ,PRINRINCll IN MIY lfORI VIA THI ONLY COMpYTIRIDD lllVICI IN IO'f'HIRN CAUFORNIA\' ~ i . t l I i > l I j! I INixon studies leaders NEW YORK (AP) A lt•l!r I• • complex •lc.-w , und <' an1redlent11 ln cludt• t•1io t m , ruth let111ness and knowing wht•n you have ove rstayed y11u r welcome, Rlcltard Nixon nutt•11 In hll new book, "Leaders." A ccor ding t o excerp t s published in the Oct. 11 issue or N e w sweek magaz.lne, the former pres- iden 1 says a leader must be ruthless in o rd er t o perform such functions as firing a loyal aide either (or incompetence •ON or because someon e better is available . Nixon says he may have lacked s ome of th e n ecessary ruthl es~ness . "ln rpy own administration (Chief or Star() Bob Haldeman got a reputation for ruthlessness," Nixon wrote. "On e reason was tha t ht• performed for me a lot of the butcher's tasks that l could not b ri ng myself to p erform directly." Nixon also said that "getting offstage at the right time can sometimes be as important as g e tting onstage at the right 11111/flCll unw "Lyndon Johnson 11tunm'<I tt.1.· nation whl'n hc unnounn·d 1n 1968 that hl' would not run for re-election ... Lu<'k wa11 with him In gcu ing him ofr the sll.lgl' at that tlmu. He would have bt.>t•n savaged merclleStSly 1 r he hatJ remained in off we." FORT WALTON BEACH, Fla. .(AP) Cbarles Col11on sttys tht.• lime he spen t In p r ison for Watergate-related l'ftmes had made changes not only an has religious outloof< but m his poliucal affiliation. Colson , onct.· an ;pdc t o Presidt•nt Nixon, said hl' not only ~amC' a "born-again Christian" d u rt n g h 1 s s_e v e n ye a rs . 'l t Maxwe ll Air Fort.'t' Base's prison an Montgomery, Alu .. but also a Democrat. ··•1 couldn't st.and tht.• thought of a Re publkan m prison," h(• said pktngly tn remarks bcfon• the Chamlx>r of Cumnwrn• her l' S~O PAULO. Brazil (AP) Jazz p1an1st and singl'I' Bobby Short playt-d to sell-out crowds thro ughout his three-wet•k A 9 'I• • canates11cks. pair Reg S94 Sale $76. Also a11a11ao1e 3 V1 • candlesllclls. pair Reg $69 Sate 156. C 5• x 1· p1c1ure frame Reg ~8 50 Sale 138.50 D Wine coaster Reg $62 Sale 141.50 E 0.ll·bo~ed naptun 11ngs. pa11 Reg $16 50 Sale 113.60 G Glfl-bo~ed candle anulft1 Reg 116 Sal• 111.10 1•11.CIJKt'lllt'lll HI I h1,. I'll v wlwtt· i.11mhu '' 111111 h 111111 ,. p11pul111 \hllll )1117 H11IH·1·111 Muk1111ud h•n'd Sh1111 ft11 1li1• Club l !'>O 111 tlll' Mukl!Oud l'luw l loh•I. l'Vl'll 1buUHh h1· WON uni.un· th1· ~111 y1•41r old nil11m·11111, who s pl·1·111lat1•11 111 C:olt• 1'111 h•1 1wn~s. would ~11 11vt•1 II\ th111 sumba lovmi.< Laun A11w11t•i111 ntr TOK YO !AP) Exilt.-d Suvwt Authur Alexander Solzheoltsyo hai. bt.-tm lrnvelln~ rn Jupun for I ht• pui,t l WO Wt•t•ks on hrs first ovt•rs1·u1oo \rip i.111 1.'l' SC'tthng Ill thl• Unttl'll Swtes. Solzhenitsyn arrived Sept. 16 but did not want hi s IOUHllMTaYN travc•I pl;ins announl·N I 1n advanc c , said Nubuch1ka Ninum1ya. l'xecut1vc• d1rc.•t:lor of Had10 Nthun Co. Tht· 1970 winner of tht' Nobt.'1 Pnw fur lttt•ruturt· v1s1tcd tht· Tohoku rt:t(1on north of Tokyu, tht.• anci1.•n1 eap1wls of Kyotu and Nara. tht.· mountain resort of I lako1w and S<.•venal othC'r ctlll'S. The trip was kc•pl se<n•t, and no one rC'<'O~niwd the author of "Thl• Gulag An·h1pdago." Nmom1y;a smd · 1 I I H 4 piece hos1ess sel Reg S885. Sate 1700. Orungu Co el DAii Y Pit 0 l/Wodneedoy, Octo bur 6 1982 • .J#' ,, APWlr~lo Just ·a little quir t ;\ U.S. Cousl t;uard p ulrol houl d ot·~ i i~ lwi,l l e~ p ro vidt• a wuh'r d ispla y wt•l<'omt• lo l lw Q m•c•n E liza hc·lh 2 U!-1 l hc• ~ian l lirwr ~lop~ ut t-w por l. H.f. The• vt• ~t·I , n ·furh i!-tlwd ~int·t· hc·r lroop -c·urqing duties ira lht:> 1-'ulklund~ fi ~hr ing, i~ on it~ firsl ('rll i!-tc' ..,inc·<· rt•surn ing pusscn gc·r st·nkc·. A Robinsons Sale 20°/o OFF WALLACE BAROQUE SILVERPLATED HOLLOWARE Wtth the holidays fast approaching. you'll want to start planning your strategies now For both g1v1ng truly special gifts and receiving truly special people With our collection of Wallace Baroque s1tverplate the largest 1n Southern Cal1forn1a. you'll suceed br1ll1antly al both (Ask about our Silver Club Plan. too. for purchases of $200 or more. sub1ect to credit approval) Sale ends December 31 Here. 1ust a sampling of what you'll fmd. in Robinson's Silver Holloware 15 To ord£-r call tolf·free 1·800-345-8501 Every bride who registers in any Robinson's through October 30. will receive a complimentary copy of the Bride Guide (white Quant111es fast ) ROllNSON'S COMPUTERIZED WIDDING GIFT REGISTRY MAKI AN APPOINTMENT WITH OUR CONSULTANT AT YOUR NEAREST ROllttSON'S. WIU RICORD.YOUR flFT PRIFIRINCIS IN M ,RY STORE VIA THI ON~Y cc;>MPUTERIZED SIRVl~E IN .SOUTHERN QAUFORNIA- \ . . ' • Orono• C..01111 DAIL V PllOl /Wodn .. duy, Oo1ooor ti. t08i Historic sites need thought[ ul handling As Orungt• ('uunly <'lllt·s go. Irvine 1s long on his to ry. Yl·t that f:H'l t·S<.·apt·i. 111at1 y peoph.· as lht•y truvl'I <.ilonl( m tht· r e l a t ivl'l y nt•w N orthw11od , C ulverdalc and T urll t• H o1:k neighborhoods Evt'rywht·rt· om · l oo k s <Ht· lht· ::.1g11::. o ( wh<il unde niably is a vt•ry nl'w l'1ty of very new forms. The n ! 1s a n ext•eption East Irvine . Eas t ln11 n f' wa:-. tht· commercial ct•ntcr yN1rs ago wht•n Irvine w as duminatt·d u y orangt· groves and caltlt'. Then· was :i general s ton ., bla<:ks m1lh s h o p , bungalows, h o t t•I , gara~t· and ware house . All o f the• his to r y n •rna111s there today. And. wt· thin k 11 s hould remain in thl' futun• At the sam e.· t1nlC', h owt·vl'r. we bt.•ltcve a maJOnty of lht' lrv im• City Council acted a bn toe> h astily 1 n w ha t w as a w e 11-m c• a n i n g a tte mpt to ensure.• that h1:-.tory was not lost The counc il, m a :$ to l vul<', a dopwd r et·o mn1t·nda llo "'ls of u "blue nbbon" pant•I th1Jt studied East Irvine issues Tht· l'Ollltnl l ll't' :-.aid l•:a!'>t II v 11w :-.h oul<.J bt· pn•st•1 v t•li u11d tlw hutluing:-. lc·ft wlwn· tht·y an· T lw l'CllllUllll1•1· s:11d Sund Cu11 yon Avt•11u t· now l<i rgl'\t•J for futun· t•x pansum to :-.1x l:1nt•:-. "h11uld Lw kt•pt lo four l<.11W!'> Th<· t·o u 11n I':-. a<·t wn pn· c•rnptt·tl l'lly sli1ff 11na lys1M ol lhl' J<;a s l Jrv 1n1· 1si-.uc• und l'tlflll' w ithout IH•1H·l1t of ;i publil' hearing Tht•rc· 111t1y Wl ·ll h avt· bt•t•n somt· ottll'r g1111d ldl•IJS I 01" 14.:ast I l'Vtnt• What tlw l'Outwtl st·t·1lllng ly h;u, tlom• 1:-. l.4'1kl0 u rut lwr 1 n flt »obi<• appto;1d1 tow:.irtl f.<1i-.t lrv tnt·'::. futun•. It may, f111 t•xamplt'. bt• <lc·s1rnhlt· 1f nut nc•<'l'SS<U'Y 111 tlw futun· tn r<•lo(•!Jll' son1t; of t lw h1slOl'll" 1-~st l rVllll' Sll'Ul'lUI t'!'> Thl• fh.·x 1b1ltty to ta k <· ~ul'11 a1·t1on s h o uldn't l.14 · lust. S uppo rtl•rs of thl· 1:11u 11l'il '~ a(·t1o n would ('Olllt•nd tha t any t:o urn:tl aNton L'illl lw undww in t h (• f u l u I' l' • I ' • I n f a l' I ' <·1 rt·u m s ta n<:t'S <·hangc• Unfurtuna tdy , his tory lt•lb u::. that an ac•t1on, orwt• lakc·n , <0a 11 tx· hard to undo The price of luxury T ena n ts tn a Newport Beach a p a r t m e n t c· o m p I e x w e r e understandably sh aken last m o nth whe n they r ecei vt:d I C'lll'rs advising the m the ir ren ts would be inc reased by up to almost $200 a m on th -in exactly 30 days. The expla natio n ; The new o wners o f the Shores. a 120-unit complex over looking Coron a d el M a r, wan t to bring its app<."<.irant·e. and its r ents. up to the c·urrt·nt leve l o f the n eighborhood The Shores 1s well w o rn, though n o t exactly an antique . but as time has gone b y surroundin g buildings h ave become fa n cier, a nd muc h m ore expensive So the n ew owners h ave a point. from $500 to $ti95. The rC"nt hike, tht• ownt!rs t•xplain, is justified OC"'CaUs<' 1t will t• n a b I e t h e m to d o c· x t l' n s 1 v e rt•novauon. 1ndud1ng landS<:aptng, rebuilding porch es and carpor ts a nd gc n c:r ally bringing the l" o m p I c· x o n a pa r w i t h 1 ts neighbors. Tht·n tl•nan ts ~y thl'y don't m ind 1f th1: place 1s a little 5':ruffy they'r e h app y as 1l 1s , a nd tht•y've bc.-t·n w1lhng to go a lon g with earlter rent 1nc·reases whic h have averagt'<i about $25 to $50. Tht·r c: s h ou 1d be a place i n Nt•wport Beach . they a rgut'. for ll"SS afflut•nt. middle-class peopl<'. even 1f luxury has b ecom e tht• Unfortuna te ly, m a ny of their curre nt tenants are trying to g e t along on limited me ans. Some are working mothe rs , som e h ave lost the ir jobs. some ar e r etired a nd working pa rt-time to e ke out their retirement income. , t"Ommunity's wau:hword. H o w , they a s k . ca n WP possibly find a nother affordable a pa rtme nt in JUSt 30 days? The a ns wer, obviously, 1s that 1t t•ould be ver y difficult indeed. Under the pro p osl'd r ent sc h e dul e , a o n e -bed r oo m apartme nt w ould go from $400 a m onth to $550. and a two-bedr oom • • The nc·w owne r s, who say they don 't wa nt to hurt a nyon e who 1s in financ ial d 1H1culli<>s. will be mce ttng with th e tenants this wee k to ta lk things over The o wnen; arc•, indcC"d , e ntitled to a pro fitable· m vestmC'nt But rent hikes o f this s ize•. on s u ch s ho rt no tice, a rf' hard ly in tunt• wit h today's econo m y. The te nants d('scrve a t l<'ast e n o ugh time to find thems<.'lves anoth er nest .if they can 't affo rd the luxury of NewJX>rt's perceived lifest yle. Compromise would set·m to be.-in orde r Opinions expressed 1n the space above are those of the Da ily Pilot. Other 111ew\ l'X· pressed on this page are those of their authors and artist s Reader comment 1s invit ed. Address The Daily Pilot, P.O. Box 1560, Costa M ew. CA 92626. Phone (71') 6•2·•321. Merit rules _in Maine An l'ditoraa/ from the Sacram c>nto &:e A round t hese par ts, thl· battle as over whether teachers an dl'Cllnmg school districts should be la id off according to seniority -last hired, first fired -or according to the standards of affirmative action, a procedure by which some whites wou Id be laid o U befo r e som e ml n ori ty e mployees w 1th less seniority. But 1n M aine oh, wonderful. reasonable Mame -the state Supreme Court recently ruled, mirabile dictu. that a school district has the right to lay o ff teache rs according to standa rds of merit. Which is to say that a school system, with the blessing of the court, has laid off a teacher with seniority in favor of OTHER VIEWS a better teacher w ithout sen iority. There are. needless to say. hazards an such procedures: the danger that experienced tcac hcnl will be laid t)ff because they draw highe r i;alark'S; the d a nge r that merit will become a e uphemism for prcJud1L·e. pohtkal favoritism a nd various forms or o rthodoxy Merit, in b rief. is not always the easiest thing to determin e. And yl'l h ow rcfrt•shing just the reminder that something othe r than f•1thcr seniority or affirmative action 1s w hat public service, particularly m education, should be all sbout. Here's to more talk a bout mt.•rlt. L.M. Boyd/ S elf-service we dding Question arlst's as to whcthl!r a justice of the peace can officiate at hlS own wedding. In other words, can he ma r ry hlmsel C to som ebody? Evidently, he or she can do that, all right. A JP named Mn . Beth AJlcn aomedme back m.arr1ed heniclf to one Kurt W o lff In Plai nfield, Vt . Although unprecede nted the re at the tlme. It was legal, she said. Nc><t t i m e yo u meet (l n acqu•lntance, take s~clal note of whether that party's eyebrows shoot ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat upward for a fraction o r a second as your eyes Cirst meet. It's Invariably a sign that the person likes and tru11ts you . irny the resear c h e r s . They analyu..-d h1dden-camer9 ftlm.• to COITl(' up w ith thl.s finding Q. I know th~ method o f "1C!A!1Uree In m ctcrs·ond·lltcrs 11 calh1d "the metric syllt('m," but what's the na me of the foet.a nd-pounds method we u114.•? A . It's cll llC'd the ''Customary System." Themot '· Holey 'ulil•tNI< Jane Amafl [,11<111 ... I d1t0f lorttara KreAHch ld·•Orcil '• lei.to; Tt........Mcc:.nn ~fd•IOt I a I $ # Castro discards a conirade WAS H INGT ON F1llcl l'ustr o'11 ruthlC!'iSn~ toward Culx.i1as whc, rl'llist thl•1r leader 's dogltkt• devotion w his S o v iet mus tt•rs 1s no !H!l'rct But his v1c1ous trcutment of o ld revolutionary comradl's who have fullL•n from grac'C' 1s rnmmiscl•nt of J osef St.<t lm al tht· height of has paranoid purgto.s. A truly heartrending C'lf.S<.' 1s that of Gustavo Arcos. After seven yt•urs in Castro's infamous prison on the lslt> of Pines, and mo:-e years of' virtual ho use arrest. An'OS tried to escape from Cuba last December an a d esperate atll'mpt to rcJOm his m vahd w1fo and son in M1anti But he was caugh1 and 1s baC'k in jail. Castro r1'por tl-dly inttmds to hand his old frie nd a 14 -year st•nttc"nec for his "cn mt•" ARCOS WAS with C<tst ro frum tht> ve r y b eg 1nn1ng o f what m any participa nts hoped was a dt·mocratic movement t o overthrow Fulge m·10 Baust.a. the rorrupt m1ht.ary dictator of Cuba. ArC'os was at Castro's side and was wounded in the unsUC'C"(.'Ssful attuck on La Mom:ada army barradc.s an Havana on July 26, 1953. He• a nd Castro wC'rt· captured and spent l wo yNirs an tht' I.sic• of Plnl'S pnson . When the "Fidellsl.WI" wC're relt>ased. Arcos and Castro we nt to Mexu..'O and began pre paring the 5('(.'0nd st.age of the anu-Battst.a revolution Jn 1956. when th<• ship Gninrna l:.u1dt•d ('u:>tro 1u1d h1:-. ~uc•rrillas in Cuba f11r whut turnMl oul 111 Ix· the· fmul bitllll· agutnl<t Hat1!'tla, A1 n~. -.till suHc·ring Crnrn h1-. wourul!'t ''JYl'<I lx·hmd to toordlll,111• till' 1'h1µ111t•11t of (.) ~JA-Cl-A-ID-IR-10-N -~ arms and supplies to Ca:-.lro an the· Sll'rra Mul>stra mountains ArL't~· t>rottw1 L u1!'t was klllt.·d f1l(ht1n~ w1 1h l'a!'t tro '-. gut•rrilla forc·C'S. WhC'n tht· rd:x:ls finally lnumpht·d 111 latC' l 95Y. Arc'CJS rl'turm-<l t•J ll;,vana a11d w a -; n a m l ' d a ' t h t· n <' w r C' g 1 m 1 ·' ' :Ambassi:ldor t o B t•lg1um i.nd tht· Nc·lht·rla nds But in 1965 . h 1· W J :> nrdered home>, wh1·n· Castro pn-s:.un-d him to JO'" the Commum!'tl Party When A~-os re fuMod, ht' wa.s arn-:.tt·<l and t·harged with havm..: i.111d F1dl·I Wli.'> <'l'azy, &nd of having ~t.·nl pa n of 1t1 ... salary ahroud to crmgn· n•la11vt•:1 111 · w-.s -;.t•ntent-t-d to 15 vc·ar.. an p11M>n A rcoi. ob ta mc .. d ,, t1·c·hnu·u I d 1 vur n from has F..t-undorian hum w1ft•. rab1ula. to e nablt· ht•r to leav1• Cuha with tlw11 two young '\on s S ht· got u Job ul'o st><:ret.ary lo th<> pr<-s1dc·nt of fA.:uador In 1979, when Mn. Arl't~ wu:. found to havt .1 -.<·rt11u.<. <.ann •r l1md1t1on, sht• 111•1Vo·d '" 1h1· Unill·d Sl.4.ltt-:, with ht•r two 1,.,y.,, m -.c·;11·d 1 of 11'W<l1tal hC'lp Tht•n on I >.-c :rn, l!J7!J tht• r1l<kr '>'>n. Gusl;.v11 J r, ""·" 11111 d .. v..11 hv ,, clrunk1·n cJnv<.•r 1n • M1an11 11<· h;1-; ht"<•n -.<·m1 co matns«• in a lw ... pll;JI •·vM i-.11ll'e, unablt· to sµ.·ak, his $• 1,r.11n d;1111agc·d . p:Jn.tlv11-d from tht· nL'<.'k down ~ ... ·rht• $10,000 llt1111 tlu· dr u11k1·11 d11vl'r's "!' 11 .... u1 a11n t•n111p;iny ha:. Ion!( '>tnl •· lx•f'n ~ uwd up Ill h1"'p1wl l11ll:.. <tnd 1hn1· 1 ... \l1ll :! r11ud1 mon · lo pay Mf"\ An·c~ v.. hu hil:. 1 .. •·n unahh• l•' ~1·t tri•Jlm1.ml (nr h1 ·r , 11ppl111lo( c· .. 11<.t·r . ha-. abo :.uff1·ri·d ,, .. 1111kt• J)cl(·tor.. tn·a1111g (;U!>WVO .Jr llllW 21 l11ld mv a~'><ll'l<it•· J on U't' A11d1•1"ll1 1lw 111w 1t;111i.; th~1t m1~h1 ;ar th1· V•iung 111.111 out nf h1' 1 '"'''' .t11d lt·ad t11 ha!> 1 t't'•1\1•rv 1 ... 1h1• pn"'il'lll'\' o f h1., fa1h1 ·1 A1l·c~ appht-d for Pf•rin1s...,.on lu lt•a Vl' L'ulJiJ , but ,t·ould makt· no pn1gn~ with th1· C<i.-.1ro burt'fW(:r:11·y In d(...,Jx·rat1<Jn, tw ha:. brothr·r a nd ha'> nl'phl·w tru:d to flt't· Cuba lu.<>l CX-<.<t·ml>t·r Now tht•v a li fuv1· µra~n ll'rm.:. al lht· hand!> of A·n ·o.,,· vc·ngdul forml'r n ·volul1onary buddy Although nwmbc.•r), or Congrt'S~ llH lud 1n~ S1·n:-C:harlt•!'t P t·r<.y , R-111, ;mcl EdwJrd Kl.'nnt'<.lv. D M<C>l> haV<· ap1.11.·:.iled to Castro on An.'OS' tx•hulf. his f.11111ly unrl frll'nds lwllt'Vt· hP m<iy nl'ver U..· ollow1'<l lo lt•:l\ll· Cuba EvC'n if h<.' 1s. ll nn1y Ix· too Iott' tn ht·lµ ha!>. w1ft· <1r their Min Cainpaign costs soar out of sight Ocspilc th<' cresccndo of complaints rom1ng from all dirc>etions regarding the high COSI or running for public ofhce, the Leg1slaturc has e ndt•d yet anoth e r st.>SS1on without any d fort to deal with !hf> problem The complaints are heard not only from the cand1datett but from lhOS<' who support the m and from do-gooder reform groups such as Conunon Cause Even the public l8 appalled when they learn how much has b<>cn spent by one candidate or another in efforts to wm pubhc office IT IS BAO enough that the <.'OSts of running for statewide o ffices now runM into the millions of dollars. But when winning a 1eat in the Legislature st.arts t'OSling upwards of a million 1l 1s tune to st.a rt looking for alternatives. In the primary e lect ion in June. Assemblyman Art Torres spent nearly a half m i ll ion d o llars t o wan th e Democratic nomination for a seat In the Senate. He defeated Sen. Ale>< Garcia who spent more than a h alf million in losing. Torres will probably s~nd at least another quarter million In the November general e lection. S uch e xpenditures a re becoming common in legislative races. Two years ago former Los Angeles police chief Ed Davis spent n early o n e million i n winning an open seal in the Senate. Why are the campaigns costing so n)Ul'h? Tht' s1mphM1t· •• 11 ... v..t •r 1-. I"'( ~•~JM th1· <:andldates an· a blt• lo r.ll'il' th1• mon l'y und having 11 lo spt•nd. "P'·nd 11 And ll 1s ('OmpC'lH1vt• H your •>f)fJCHll'nt 1' ~µ.·ndtnK larg<.' amuunL' It l•Jn1p!'I' you lo '· f-. :. llRl-WITIRS ot least match that spending But the re are more subJC.oel1ve rC'asc>n.s One certainly is the• undue length of th <' c·ampaigns. Candida t<'s seeking o ffice start building their campaigns months before the June primary One r eason for that IS. 1f they a re running against an incumbent, th«>y a re competing against a person who 15 running year-round al the ta><payers' expense This is cspec1nlly true o f tht> representatives in lht• L egis la ture w h o call themsl•lves "full-ume legislators." What they really are is "ful l-t im e off1L·e h olJ<'rs" or "rull-ume campaigners" Wha t really contribute·~ lei ttw high cost of campa1grung 1s tht> unnl'«'SSanly long period between the primary in Junt-• and the general ell'<·t1on in Novc•mbt.'r. Candidates winning in .June· n1ust hold their campaign organ1zat1on togc•th<·r for more> th<in favt• lonj.( month' Thl.'r<.· ..., no ~ocl(l I t'J1"lrl for ~> (·drly J pl 11narv Many 01h1·r '>t.itt·i. c.n· mon· '>'·n.,1hl1-. h11 ld1ng th1·11 pnmc.m-... in late' A Ul(Ul>I In fa( t I:! :.t.tlt·-. hl•ld th1·1rs this lllonth on Sc·pll'rnbt•r 14, ll0<1v1ng only -.t•v1•n Wt'l'k ' for th., f1nt.1l u :imptJlli{ntng T his 1:-. arnµlt· t1 m1 · to g('t the ir 11wssagt•:. w th1.· puhl H' In Br11a1n. lampa1gns lust only :10 dayi. Thi• longer 1hc c·am1xu~n.., are '>trung out tht• more hlasc th e· public b<'l'Omt•s whic h 1s pro bably tbf r eas on (or lhc· poor turnout., on f'"''C'tion day CALIFORNIA DIDN'T alway' have so long a period tx•tw<'Cn the pnmary and gc•ncral C'lect10ns. Unttl WW II the pnmarit..•s wl'rt.> ht•ld in late August. Moved to June u.s a temporary mt>asure to permit those overseas to gc·l their ballots 111, 11 has never been movl-d back One other way to cul campaigns costs 1s to restart' t-ross-f11ing. W hen 1t was rn use. often m or e than ho I ( of the t·and1dates for the Legislature wo n in the pnmnry thus relieving themsclvl.'S of furttwr campaign expe nses Jn 1942 with I 00 seats an the Lc:gislature up for grabs. 73 ('and1dates won in the pnmary. £ven Earl Warren was t>l('(:ted governor in 1946 through that method. And, if 11l'ss1ons of the• Le gislature were rcstn<.·ted to th€• odd-numbe red ytc>ars, th1' lnwmakers couldn't be •., cu mpa1gnini.; at publi<· c.•xpcnSt· during 1 ·l<'l·llon yC'an. The best advice for young career seekers •I /, The.• 011ly udv1t-c I ever ~Ive to younl( proplt• who come to rne for c·a r eer c'OunM'llng c0Mh1ts of ten onl··syllable word'!. "Find out what you do l:M'!\l, ond stick with It." No f ollure 1n life as as fina l nr 1mplut•ublt• n 11 the failu r<' to find out whut you do bf•11t. For then• 111 nt lc•ast one· worthy thing that W l' cnn do better than most pc'Ople and whmcver lhis aptitude or nblllty moy ht-, It 1!1 the thing we shnuld be doing IYlllY 111111 Also. In • c«>rtain 11t·n.~. tn111 aeuv1ty muH\ comt• naturally and cnslly. This dOl.'8 not mean thnt h•rd work ond long practice-m ay be l'Voldcd, but It d<X'll mean that thl' work will IX' ftJI mudi fi pleasur<' 01 a chore. and that prut·t1cc will S('('m morl1 than simply drudgl•ry. 1 um not nulve c noufth to believe that the world Is tull of 'mute Inglorious Miitona.'' but there are lhousanat upon thouund• 4'1 burfc.<d i.l~ll that never come co J11ht, and Innumerable 1qu.,.-e pep trytn1 J~ dlatOr\ tht'mlelvtt In to round holes.~\t'n for 1 llretlrne. Whtt1 young pt'liph• nt'l'tl In 11·.1111 1' t hat w hrlt• 1l 1s not n1 'l't•!>.i-llf"V It • do l>t'lh•r th11n olht•rs In yow f11·ld. II IS llllJX'l'UllV•· thnl you t•cin do lx.>ll1•r than tho!>.t' oui...1d1· It Only this pr<1v1de-. n JM•1111onc·nt 1'lli.!t' m on•·· s dHlM'n OC'('U pat 11111 You L'an l'M.· on uvl'l'll.t<• dnc•tor, or un o v1•rag<' plurnbt•r , o r <tr1 avl•J',j f(t' 1111ything 1n bt•tW(•en al< long o"' ynu • in · mun• prufll'lent th:an those· who l111vt• 110 d octorml( or plumb1nJ( icklllK Y11u ;i1 t• not ulumotl.'ly t•nmpl'ting 01(0111111 y uur IX"'r!I, you ar•• provldtnJ( a m•rvic(• only a n1lno rit y Of'\' qunlific.'d to underwk•• lf A WRITER, for lnstonN'. m 1npured hlm.~lf with RhakcsJ)('t1r1· or CC'rv11ntt•11 or MonUAIJ(rw, he would rwvt•r put rx•tt to ~).'lpt•r But If he ht1!1 i'Vf'n a 11m1dJ(1•n o f ability morl.' thun u non -wrill'r, und 1( tw l'njoyic th t•rnh, thC'n lw wall mukP thP mo!lt o r h ls t.:1lt•nt, smoll or lnrgc• th1111J(h II mny Ix'. Not t'vcrymw t·an w ritt· t'JllL'S. AOmC'body, ofl<'r all, hos to t'Omptl!«' tht• cads and <"fl•ote tlw TV 11<·rlpts Our ductrlnc.' o r "lndlv1duo11 .. 111" hu11 81V('0 Ull 0 fohK' M011Sl' O[ rompt•UllVt'nt'S" Whot wl' on• 11uppo1wd to c.·om pt'h' o~oln11t Is our own prior limits. just 08 u runner la t'Of't\pc'tlng not aflalnst other runners. but 11gnlnst his uwn prc>v1oui1 lx'lt UmC', The oth~ra Dl'C! th re to spur him on, to lc'sl h~ llml1.1. but hi· I n •1lly runnlnic against thl' clock, not n1o11~n11t • 111lw1 hum.uh Uy I indanJ( 1111t \\ hnl you do IM•st, und by lx·inJ( th1 • l1e• ... 1 y11u l'lll\ at 1l. you w111 1 .11 h11·v1· .1 s.111slud 1o n that Cull!-It> too fcow 1 .ind 1lt'Vl'r 111 1 h1~· who art• I ryrng to . 11 lwat M111w11ni• 111 1lw1r own g11m1• The ro11'" ind•·•·tl 1!1 not to th1• swift, nor the huttlt· to t lw ~tronJ(, bu1 triumph t'<imt'I' tu ltmsi• whr1, 1•vc·1 v dav ond t•ve•rv vt•ar. j4t'I lw•111 ·1 .1t what .tlH'V do . CllllY Gii 11 I t i1 t·~ a.,i,.;:-.. ............ ______________________ ,~a Vott•1'14' guide: I. Voh• th1• 1nt·umlx'n~ t>U~ of oHll't' on t ht• tht'<1ry hue !IU~~>r wHl tuk<' long(•r to find lht• tr.'<i bag 2 Vote no lln ony l!I. ue pru1)0. Ing tnl·r1•oaed ~p<'ndlnl( 3 Vott• y<'s o n ia ny 1s. ue , 1 <'Strk ti nR f<llVt•rnm<'nt ut•\1 v1111• or lncom<' T /\C,•11 11 -----------~----~.:· 01""'' o-~-"" ••• -'"""',_... ..... I """···~-·-.......... tllf......,,,...,_,.. ..... .. ' ..... o.11• ... .... I Ornno• Co 11 IJAILV PILOT /Wt1d1101tJoy. October 6 1082 1 •ANN LANDERS .. •HUGH M ULLIGAN •HOROSCOPE Communication can sweeten twilight years OEAH ANN LANUi',;H S I um~!J y<.·t•t:.¥ of 11~t· Vlth a problem I nm sure ottwr8 11ht11-..• but c.Jun t vant to tnlk about. My wife 111 o good woman with hlMh noruls. ihe hns tried her bt'Sl to live an u,ril(ht Ch runlun ifc. But., due to her 11trkt reltgloui; uphnngin.c. our 1hyslcal rt•lutionshlp has alwa~~ b1•c•n vt•ry mmtercstmg. T his ls not her fault Sh1.· s1rnply dues 1ot understand what a man needs to become \Otlvated sexua lly. As you know , visual tlmulallon can be a great help, especially al my ge. The last time I saw her undressed was In 19ti9, nd that was un accident. (She Is 68 and has an nusually youthful !igure). When she disc.'Ovcn•d I ad caught a glimpse of her. she became very upset. The woman always undresses in t he bathroom nd insists that our bedroom be pitch black. Sht> 1ears baggy s lacks all the time with a loo1w verblouse. That outfit is about as exciting as >Oking at the locul lumberyard. Please tell me how I can get her tu be lc-ss rudlsh. -MR Z. IN OREGON WHICH IS NOT VHERE I LIVE DEAR MR. Z.: Your signature could have been of Laguna B each \ ' . ~--~ ~;;;., -:l,..~ "It took a bit of pub crawling to sign him. but I got the con tract." -BY SIDNEY OMARA • apr1corn: inish job ursday, October '1 ARIES (March 21-April 19): You'll be asked r additional material. Focus o n corrections. writes. renegotiations, willingness to discard old oncepts and r e pl ace them with modern nve niences. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): 'You'll wake u p ith answers. T iming, judgment, mtu1uon combine make you a winner. You could be on brink of p ortant fi na nc ial coup . Emphasis a lso on ayments, collections, ability to locate needed terial and find artkles that have been lost. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Lunar cyd(' IS such hat you succeed through direct appeals. personal ppearances a nd reliance upon your own judgment e pet projects go by wayside; you'll be provided 'th more pertinent material and objecllVC'S will be larified. CANCER (June 21-July 22): Be analytit·al, i&eem motives, reject superficial explan ations e mber of opposite sex cares. attempts to arrange landestine get-together Older ind1v1dual lends nefit of experieocoe LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). Surpnsc gift h1ghltghlb cen ario. Luxury item aids in bcaut1fy1ng urroundin gs. Focus o n ro mance, cre<tl1v1ty . u catlon, ability to fi nd an outlN for spe<"1al alents. VIRGO (Aug. 2J-Sept. 22): Sec plates. people they arc, not merely as you wish they might xist. Your own prestige is on line -means doing vors for old friends leads along a dcstrul·tive path ighlight quality, integrity and prrformnnce atch P isces. LIBRA (Sept 23-0ct. 22): Al'cept challcnge. "etlponalbility and the in evitability of intensified -elationshlp. Lunar focus on travel, communication. • ucatfon. abstract principles. ablhty to ovl'rcome lstance. lan guage barriers. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov 21): Finish rather than nltlate project; tasks lon g-delayed will now ::ommand attention. K eep resolutions con('(lrning utriUon, exercise a nd health. You chmb job !J(.'ale realize that sky Is limit. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-0cc. 2 1 ): What med a delay will prove actually to be vo hd portunity to gather material and to c heck aources more aw are of legal righta. pcrmj..,ions. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Frien d who d ... ppea* II beck on 11Cene. You'll get job ne, creative ... Jtnmenta wllJ be forthcoming. ocua alto on aecur'•.y, Incom e potential and a llr11.1rftlllltt dinner colnclding with special even t. AQUAIUUI (Jan. 20-Fcb. 18): Lunar emphasis llChitnu.are, variety end y~r own creative touch. ty, 6play fet that you have pul.M of public. Dlmilnl, ._t1ariU1 nat!we flptt promin~tJy. Pl8Ca (F.t>. 19-March 20): Pnct.lcal affalra lnate; you'll be Hked to explain certain Mlldlllar111, ~v•ra and expenle'tl. Have 1e>urce t•rfal available. You are capable now of .. au;11111111rw on a more .ultable, 10lid 1tructure. , I "Mr. Everywhue, USA." The proble m h " common ont. I wl•h tberti w1u1 1i1n e.-y a nswer, hut alas, the re 11 not. At 89 there may not be much flexibility In this a rea. but do try. Ol1cu11 your feellng11 with her openly. Be generoua with the compllmenb. Le t her know bow excltlnJ 1bc II and wbat le would mean to you If she wow.Ci loosen up a little. The twilight yean can be tbe 1weete1t when there i1 hone11t communication and apprecJatlon of one anotht'r' · needs. DEAH ANN LANDERS: I kept my wond1•rful father at hon)(' us long as 1 rould. lie is now 90 und requires <.·onstant cure. My health 1s not good, and I did the best I t'Ould. l go to visit him in the nursing home almost ~very day. There arc others In th1· family who ('Ould help me with the visiting. but they always havC' something el.se to do I d1'l·1t.l1·d not to speak lo them about it anymon' My daughter wrui here Sunday and n ·ully laid me out for bc•ing suC'h an ind1Heren1 grandmothl'r She said I am so busy with my fatht•r that I do11't pay any aucntton lo he r C'hildren. S h{• says tht• ll':J!\t ·Cl .• WIDflS I t·;111 Clo •~ tukt• tl11•111 out for n duy ond i.how lhl·m a good llnw I fo<•I Vl•ry i;u<.l ahou1 this <md would likt• your opinion SOHHOWFUL IN TEXAS DEAR SOllROWFUL: Your da ughte r has a point, but 11hc ~hould not be laying a guilt trip on you because you don't entertain her kld11. Tell her you would he glad to t"ke them for the day If she will go In your phH·c to visll her 90-year·o ld grandra thc r. I admire your devotion to your rather , dear, but you are cheating yourself by not making tilnt• for the grandc hildren. f>J.:AH ANN LANDEHS: I am f('(.l up wllh ~wnd111~ t•Xpt•lh lVt' w<:dding gifts only to d1S<.'OVC'I tht' bnJl· .111d groom ;1n · gl'ltmg d1v11rn'<l lx·forl· tht· t·hargt· for lh<· u1ft ho' <'ornt· through I hill fli(hlln1' hlll'k by prc•1w11t111g 0111 yt•ur 111uguzjnc 1mbsc:rlptlo1ui ttli wl'lldlng g1flli 11ddrt~'l(.'d ,t<1 Mr nnd Mrs with lfll!tl'Ut'llons to tlw publlstwr lhot 1r II l'hilOl(I' or addrc·~ notll'i' l'flmt•s lhl'Ough within a y1·11r t11 l·um·1•I th1· suhi.t·np111111 und rt'fund tht' l>alan<'i· to mt:, lht· dunu1 I'd hkt· your rt'4wt11m Jo'LAK .. :s llAD IT WITH TllE otAR HAD IT: A couple can be divorced and keep tbe magazlne11 c oming to tbe 8t1me a ddreu. Not ever yone vac atu the first love-nest . Sometimes the bride or groom remains. t'ccllng a1 you do, why not 11klp the wedding girt and send something for the first onnive rsary't WJwr lwul of W1'C.h/1ng goes with /11(f;1y',.; m •w lift• .~1,Yll'.'f? Dot•!> :m y thing go'' A1111 /.;111d<·rs' mmµll!tt•l,v nc·w "'/'ht· Bride's (;uuh•" 11•/I.\ what's right frir to<.111,v 's wt•ddings Fur ..i l'1JPY· t.(•nd a do/Jur. plus ;1 lt11IJ.f , sc•lf addrc·,wrl. o;t.impC'd <•nvelop<' (,'17 n •tlb posWg<·J tu An11 I .and1·1"1>, P 0 Box I 1995. C:hwng11, Ill tiOtiJ I Celebrity game: lnsuff er able I 0 Hlrx:;EFIELD, Conn. -Louts XIV, Woodrow Wil~n Ind John F' Ke nnedy have made thl' lop tt•n m a list of history's most overrated hcrOl'S t·omp1ll-d Q a _pas~t·I of professiona l pundits al Purdu1· University Pl•rhu~ 11 1i. a product of our cvmputer <igt'. bu1 th11> pas:.ion for lists, ranking and rnlmgl> in almoi.l t:vcry segment or our culture and sol'tt•ty has reaC'ht'<..i the mania stage. The New York Times re(:c ntly rank<'d thl' bt•st pizza palan·s in Manhattan. TV Gu1dt• surveyed vi<:wcrs for a list of tht• Ix-s t and worst football announcers, and, lu, I loward Cosdl d ot-s not INld all the rt'St 1n f'ithc·r. Pl'llpll' magazine has COffit' up With a hsl o r tht• 30 best and wor':ll dressed people in the world, and Penthouse has talhro the 10 scx1<>sl rnllt·lW St•x scandals. For st•vt•rul years now, s tat1s l1t·tan:. and computt•r programmers 1n the Dl'partml•n t of Pretentious Punditry at Hardst·nbblc House, world ht•adqu:irtt•rs and word mongery for the• va~t Mulligan 's Stc•w t·onglomcralc, have> bc·c n malingering m1ght1ly over a hst of 1ht· Ill most ovcrratt.-d cclf•briucs of our gcneratmn Ttw rt-suits aren't all m , but so far our bank!> vf 1.·ompulc•rs havc <.'Oughcd up a half d own <.'t.'rt.a111 finalists whose presence among the overblown lop 10 will no doubt provoke surprise, shock, angc·r nnd .i spate of 1rrat1onal lellel"i. ERNEST HEMINGWAY -The shelf life of Papa's suiccato prose seems to be rapidly (•xpanng. and his plots reveal a high suds content that simply Hoth vulnerahle. South deai,. Pa11 P111 .... ~-~ HUGH MULLIGAN .... MULLIGAN STEW wo11'1 w11i.h Jllymurt· l lts madw 1mag<• l>U1ls down to a boustful bullv and drunk bt•<itcr, who w<is on<.:e krwd(t•tl Jodhpuri. ovt•r safari hat by Morh•y Cull. gh~in . lht• Canadian novc·li~t This Nobel luurt•t1t<·, ai. on1· t·rttll' noted. wa1> "his own worst 11w1·11tl'd t•har:.it·tt·r " F' Sc:oll F1tzgeralci and Willa C11tht·r t•ould write rings around him William F<1ulk1wr. for <111 his sty list ganglia, 1s the bt•u.er 'tnry tl'llc·r, .John O'Hara the deftl·r soc:·ial cnllc and Jo hn S tl'1nbl•1.:k '!> 1magl' of d own-at-the -heels A1111.•n1:a mun • 1.•ndunng. MARILYN MONROE -Th<' c·ull fahrlC'JJlnr> rll'Vl'r llrl' of lrytng to turn this modl'Stly lall•nted. tw1ll('nng, t•h1pping sparrow into a bird of paradtSE.' or at lt•ast :1 lallt•r -day Jean Harlow Sh<> was innu<·t•11 t of l>lnging. dancing or acting As a sex i.yrnbol, ~ht• playc.od her steamiest role in "Niagara," only 111 hav1• wholesome Jea n Pe tC'rs steal the p1t·tun· HUGH HEFNE R -The pipe-pufhng prophet of prC'lenllC>US porn has been out-raunched by even m ore taslcleg competitors In the media meat market. The "Playboy philosophy," which he so boringly proclaiml-d, now seems as dated as the Nestorian h1.·rl•!>y or a Spring Morn barbershop calendar GOREN ON BRIDGE BY CHARLES H GOREN ANO OMAR SHARIF i.traighl to ~ame ANDY WARHOL A self-made t'('lt>bnty, ~xl'ltingly t•nginl't'rc'<.i for the· wlk-shuw market, bul fortunately lhl•y urcikt• tht• muld bt'forc-the· f1r.,t model rollc'<l off thl' Macltwn Avc·nuc• as.'if•mbly hnc FRANK SINATRA tit!> C'rashing of tc..od1um's top 10 has nothing to do with h1i. habit of wlking with his twnd~ lo rt•portcr1>. Pt'rry Como •~ <J lx.·ller baritont'. Tony &:nm·lt t·an do mon· wrth lyrics, Bmg Crosby was thl' lx!ttc:r .attor, and V1t D<imonl· should huw gon<: further than Ole Blue· Eyc:s REGGIE JAC KSON -Heir to the Babe H(·rman All Thumbs Grca..~'Cl Glovl· Award, tht• candy man may JUsl1fy his boast o f tx-111g "the l>trciw that sur.. thl· drink." but tht-drink 1s JUSl near-bc'{'r, whti:h in th<: c.Juyb of Ty Cobb. Batx· Ruth and the Old Gu1>housc· Gcing wasn't the• brt.•akfast o f champions. Four plut"t.'S rl•mam on our hst or over!y puffed up pcrsonahuc-s and mt'Cl1a -made mega-b"rt-s. The computerized cl('{·tronk jury is still out on Elvis Presley, Ou:k Cavett. B.F Sktnncr, George Steinbrenner, ll<'nry Kissinger. Burt Reynolds, JaC'kic.• O nassis. J ohn Lennon and Yoko (a double entry), Dr. Spock, Brooke S hields. Sons Pasternak. Ric·hard Burton, George PlimptOn a nd Jane Fonda. And, apropos of the celebnty game, what.ever tx.oeamt' of Margare t Trudeau and John Dean? And why do the feds spend 50 much t.lme trying w keep Gordon Liddy) name In the hmellght? By the way. nominations are sllll o pen If anyone would care to slaughte r a saC'red {'OW suit.able for home fr~zmg. Just send alon1' your selections of insufferable celebrities. NORTH + Q 752 : A54 ¢ 8653' • K 2 Opening lead: King or '). Wnt It'd th1• king and ace of diamonds. 11nd continued with lhe JllCk. A careless dt•rt·nder in the East chair would present declar,•r with hi" contract by stuffing 11 black card on this trick. DH lan•r would rurr. take two winning henrt f1nc-sses and t•vrnt ually concede a pa de t ri.•k. but l he cont r:trt woulri hr in the bag. tr South chooses to over ruff. he will be de(eated. Thi· ddenders will then ha ve lo comt' lo a trump trick and n spad1•. ff you don't believe u,, try it for yoursrlf. f'ortunaLc ly. dedarer had an i:leKanl r1po tr would be hi~. Making four orld. Wl::ST EA T +J9 +Ki0863 K 86 9 O AKJ92 0 107 In n rE'Ct'nt column wt• disdased the efCectivt:nl·~s of 11n "uppercut" &t thr bridge tabl<>. But the· defenders do not st ways haw· to succeed with t h1i; tac Ill' 'omet1mes de<"harn ha~ 11 countrr. I nstrad of ovcrruHing. Rubber brid1e club1 throughout the co1111lry UH the four-deal brld1e format. Oo they know eomethla1 you don't? C harin Goren'• "four-Dul Bridie" will teach you I.he atrateaiet ud tattle• of thit fatt·paced ac· lion same that provide• lhe curf' for unendJn1 rublMira. fo' or a topy ud a te0repad. aend 11.75 to "Goren·f"our Deal." care of thh new1paper. P.O. Box 259, Norwood. N.J . 07648. Malle check1 payable lo Newt· papcrbookl. +964 +J8753 0 TH + A4 • Q J 10 7 3 2 0 Q4 + AQ 10 The bidding: North and South bid '-'t'll to gel lo n good game. South valued hi' hand at better than minimum because of the rortunlllely. our East Wll ' made or sterner sturr. In tlcad 11( tl1scarding. he• ruHcd w11 h hii\ "useless" nin1• of I rump:.. Now ii wn<; df'<'lnrer',. turn to shtnr South discarded his low 1pade -a trick he would have to concede in any evenL It mad<' no difference ho'-' tht> dt'fenders conducted mailer~ rrom that point on. OeclarC"r would win the next trick 11nd pick up the king of trumps with the help of a rinesse. Then the rest of the trick~ South Weit North EHt I ';' Pau 2 ? Patt 3 + Pa11 4 "' Patt 1x·card suit. so he made a game try in clubs. Since North had 11 maximum raisf' and help in clubs. he bounl'ed Painting himself into bursitis DEAR OR. STEINCROHN: I waa healthy until I bec ame an amateur palater. I'm not talking Picasso -I'm talking !louse painter. One Sunday, l decided to feed my bar1t of energy by painting the outside of our boase. It w11 • beaullfal day and I wanted a beaatlfal llou1e to matc h It. So, I painted away for llo.rt'1 aad lloart. Altboup tired at tbe ead of tbe day, I fel& fine physically IDd ut11fled e .. otfoaally. But two days later, I developed tlle most severe pala In my sboalder. I took a few aspirins 1Dd applltd wet turklsh towels. They didn't belp macb. Not untll I 'd been saffertn1 for about 10 days and my 1boulder almost 1llff from dl1uae due to Caln, did I visit • doc tor. He called It hursltl1. He njected cortisone whlcb h11 helped a little. Now. I'm taking eicercl1es to "free" my 1boulder joint. Could tbe bunltl1 be due to my burst of palntlna eotbu.lasm? -MR. C. P01 SHOrs BY ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT DEAR MR. C .. Unusual strains or pr<>SSures can cause burs1t1s or tendinitis . ln your caM', painting tht> outsl<le of your house. is reason enough for your bursitis. One> <.'Ommon form of bursitis ond tendinitis is well known. tennis elbow -t•rying out against inten.w physkol pr<.>ssures. Housemaid's knee ls due to ll diHl"rent type of strain. Whatever the cause. patll'nts know tht•ir problem is ge tting rid of the pain Burs1us and tendlnlus don't directly afrcct the )flints. Usually the ussues surrounding the joints become inflamed Bu,.,iUs affects the bursa or small iwcs that cushion the joinl3. In t<'ndinitls, the fibrous <.'or ds which connect mul!Clt•ic to bones become in(lamed. Tht• usual locations arc shoulders. elbows, hnnds, hip11. knt'<.'S or ankles. In th<> beginning, lrt'ntml'nl cons11w1 of rest of • t he affected 9r ea. a nd uppllcntlon of ice pa~k8 sevcrtll tlml's a day and later using h ot packs. Tht'MI 3r<' followed b y exercises prescribed by a duct0r or physical therapist Drugs such as asplnn nnd use of st<'ro1ds such u corllson(' ore helpful What's most Important. Mr. C .. 1s having early treatment bcforc a joint "ftt.'t'tes." rou1 HIAL1H DR. PETER J . STEINCROHN ()( 65, but some In Uw a.ge groups of 50s and 60s aren't lmmunl'. In the beginning. there may be symptoms ~uch a!I irritability. forgetfulness and intellectual dccllnc. But it progresses co the point that the individual can no longer take ca.re of his bask needs. It's a stubbo,..n brain disorder m which there's no !lpl'<'HIC' treatment for dett'riorating brain <'ells. DEAR OR. STEINCROHN: I have a blah cholealerol rcadl11g. My doctor baa pat mt on a special diet, low In ch9lesterol. lo addition, be hi told me to stay away frorp chocolates. (I told kJm I WH a CltocolabollC.) V~, I friend tells Ille tllat Iler doctor Hid choc olate doesn't contala JD•cll clloleaterol. I'm all mixed up. How about eg1? - MRS. F WAKE ME UP WHIEN IEV'KJ'VTH ING I& OAGANIZKD. FOR MS 0 .; I doubt that 1t will m11k• you !eel bctt('r, flt the age or 16, tO know that you •re not nlonc . One eatlmatc Is that a t lcHt 7~ pcrttnt o( worncn bctwl'Cn lhe age?t or 16 and 44 surfer from menstrual cramps. And tO explain your ncrvousnellll a week bcforo menstruatJon, up to 90 percent of all women in their c:hlldburlng yM,.. 11uftcr *>~ of th<' 1ymptom1 of premenstrual tcnAlon . Your lrritablllty and bloetlnl dl'tlerv more than hopeful 1d\rlct' from otht>r mem~,... of your family. Your family doctor wlll preteribe treatment that wm brll'\I you moro comfort eiaeh month. · DEAR MRS . F .: l>:gg yolks conco1n mudi cholesterol; tht• chocol3lt• b<.-an (from which your t'hOCol&t s ort• mode>) doesn't. It la a veacwbl<• produ~t. Ncverthclcas, It docs <'ontnln more setur1atcd rat that unsaturated fat. 1'hls Ill rt·M~n enough to ~llmlnat<' ll from your dlN. Pntlt'ntA w ht> f have high cholcst1•rol lc•vcljl 111"(' u11ually put o n a ~ low saturotl-d·f It dlN. I •-OR MR E.; h's true that Alih lmt•r's dik'Ut" affl'cia at lrtM on million Amcrtcan1 over tht-age • Dr. S1t-Jnuohn WC'kom" qu<'srlon1 from twldtrs. tlf' cannot an.nvC'r all lnd1v1du1lly bur will 1nd udr the~ of general interest In his column. &ond your qut'st/on to him. In care of th<' 0.Jly Pilot, P.O. Box I '60. COits M<'Blt. Calif 9:ZtJ26 . I ' • • Oranoa Ooa•' DAILY PILOT /Wednoadoy. Octob r 6, 1082 Uy PAT HOROW ITZ 01 Ille Oellr ,.llol lleH .. , - can DEAR PAT: I am thinking aJ!out going on the Cambridge Diet plan. Haa tbe Food and Drug Admlniatrallon xald anything pro or coo about It'! . J .E .. Costa Mesa Hcforring to the Cambridg e Dict, the July "f'DA Consunwr Update" stuws: "Thls is om· lhal <.·urn:ntly ~t·nt:ru ll'S a great muny 1nquir1t'S for OCJ\ (l-onsumcr 1nqUlrll'S staff uf the Orfl<."(• of ·consumer Affairs). This diet involves drinking a flavored powder mixed with water three times a day. LOtaling a daily antak<.· of 330 calorit.-s. Nutrition experts agrto'C that diets o f less than 800 calories a day sh ould nol be attempted without frcquc•nt medical supcrv1s1on. "Total dt'pcndence on as fc•w as 330 calories a day for an exwndcd period of ~ime may result in serious adverse e ffects. FDA 1s invCWigating several cases associated with this diet 1n wh1c·h at·utc Illness r equired hosp1thlization. ''In 1977 FDA issued u public warning about the hazards of ver y low-calorie pro tean diets, a nd the Agcnc·y c:ontinues to bclJeve that the products used in these diet-; should carry warning labe ls about the po tt'ntial health problems associatt.>d with their use. "A few years ago the U.S . P ostal Servlt'e brought suit against the dlstribuLOrs of the Cambridge Diet, ullcging false and fraudulent claims in the advertising and promotion of the product. In resolving the suit, the defendants he dangerous agreed to rc•m1Jv1· rln1 1111-111 1·x11..i..it·1·111 .. t1 Wt•lj,(hl h~. und ""'rl't'<I lo 111dudi· WUI llJlll( 11tau•mc1H11 111 thl•lr advttrl1Kt•1t1l•n ti." P() t•1·1·01· co1·1·«•t•l«•tl OEAR PAT: Several frll'nd s aod 1 reques ted a refund for tlekets wt• held for tht· d e func t condo ruffle thut was to h ave hencrlted the Orange County t•hupter of the Muscular Dystrophy Assoda llon. Wl' mailt-d our request lo P .0 . Box 2113 1, Pasadena, Calli. 91105, as advised in a Dully Pilot 1Hlfrlt· about lhe ra Ulc's demise, but lhc· l'nvl'lopt· -was r e turned saylnK lhl' addrcsscl' ha d moved. Now what'! 8.A .. Ney, port lieat'h Elt"<·Lru111l' Jt\.,11ty A~'<" 1.1h·d , 111 ~;11 11.tt•r ol th1· ll'rmmatt'<.I raff It'. rc•porh lli,11 th1·n · v. ,,, .1n tn1<.•rnal pruhl1•m ut lh1· 1x11-t uff1t·1· tli,1t rt·~ultt·d 111 R'any n-qu1•:.t:. b1·111H rl'lurr11·d 10 hl'ndt•rs Tht• l'rrur ha:. bc•t·n 1·1111 t>t'll•tl .111d lu:kt•I huld1·r:. an· ahkt'<l lo r1·n1<11l 1ht·11 1u·k1•t:. and n:fund n·qu1•:.t:. 1t1 lhl' :.;um· JJ.ldn·:.~ w11h ;1 st'lf atldn·sM·d . :.tampt·d 1•11 \'l'lopt· Lhrough llt.'t.' :u • lhir ,, pr11hi1·111" ·n,,.,, 1\•r 111· tu e j Pal //11rtHvitz l"ut will ('ti/ n-<I tt1/X '. - 1(1'1/l/l).! 1111• 1111.,w1•rs 11111/ <Jt'lum y ou ,_. n1•1•d t o s ol v t' 1111''/Llll11·s 1n govf'rnnwnt um/ busm1 ""'' M.11 / yuw· t/111 '.,lum., to Pnt H un1w1t7, At Y our S1•n •1n" Or;111J.(t ' Coast Dw/v P1lut. P 0 BCJx /.'WO. Cr11"o t;1 M1·s:1, CA 92621{ Rival can't take bite out of Pac Man WASHINGTON (AP) Thl• Supreme Court has sh1eldt-d the h ighly SU('l:t'ssf ul "Pac-Man" v1deo game from being zappt.>d by s1milar-looking t"'Ompcutors. The court IC'l 11tand a d<'<.·1s1on barring furthl•r sah>s of a horn<> vid eo game· known a!> a "K .C M u n c· h k 1 n · • l h a t l' I o s t• I v rescmblt-s Pac-Man. · The lower court ruling was based on fl'dernl t'Opyright law Both Pat·-Man and K .C Mun<.·hkm arc maz.e-chast· gamt-s t•mploymg a player-c·ontrolll•d c·e ntra l charact<.•r . purs uit c·harac tcrs. dot s and powt·r <.'apsulC'S Pac-Man fl'aturt-s a yellow 001 with a V-shaped opening on onl' side. The "mouth" is v1s1blc only when it IS open and IS othc•rw1S(.• indistinguishable from the r<-st of the circular c·haractcr. K C. Munchkin featurc-s <a blue· f1gun· w11h hrn '"' a11J a hlllllt'. and 1L ... c·n ·a1<11 " d.wn 11 ha:. mon• of" u1mpk1t.· lh <1rt1c·11·r It' m;irkt•ltnK t·f r111 t ... got undt·r w<ty in lall· 19Hl Tht• 7th U S <.'1n·un l'11urt or AppNtb lu'l Ma1 th h;,rn"<I <iny furtht•r :.alt•' of K (' Murll'hk111 un11I all th1· lt·~,il 1:.:-ut·:. t'<1Uld fK· :.t•ltl1·d in furth1·1 proc.·t·t"<hng ... II wa:. l ht• f1r!-tl f1°dl'r.d app1·a ls c.uun ll•sl or lilt' rt".ll'h of \'1dt•(l gam<· c.·op vn).{h l" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~--~~~· The Board of Directors for the lrVine Harvest Festival would like to extend their sincere thanks and appreciation to the many businesses and individuals who contributed their services and time to make the Harvest Moon Bait and Irvine Harvest Festival a success. Irvine Company City of Irvine Fluor Corporation Hines Nursery Jeffrey Frisch - graphic artist Daily Pilot/Irvine Mirror Irvine World News Irvine Today The Register Irvine Jaycees Tony Kawashima MacNab-lrvine Realty Registry Hotel Clark Kennedy Florist Harry Bozigian - Dewey's Rubbish Joe Urban · El Toro Service Abbie Ideas - graphic artist Cal Graphics R.M. Printing • photography •• Turnyour unusables • into e usable e cash. ca11 • Daily Pilot e classified • 642-5671. , BENSON & HEDGES ·' BENSON & Ht:DGES aoo·s Only 6 mg yet rich enough to be called deluxe. Regular and Menthol. Open a box today. Warning: The Surgeo n General Has Determined That C1gare11e Srnokmq Is Dangerous to Your Health. 6 mg .. tar:· 0 6 mg nicotine av per c1ga1ene. by FTC method l • THI CUIT AID THI CDllTY llllyPlllt WEON!SOAY, OCT 6. 19t12 SOCIAL NEWS BUSINESS 82-3 86-8 Delly Piiot Photo• by l'llch.,d K'"hle< Bert MacWillia ms, presidt>nl of the Ame rican Lawn Howls Association, m easures di lance fro m bowl to jack. t Surfin14 phohlgr uphy ~ho w u l ()(:C. Pugt· n1 .. • 1~ Sound Of nestling howl • • 1s music to their · ears ·:· By GLENN SCOTT Of lhe Delly Pllol Stell If luw11 bowling were a danct', 1l would lw <• waltz or sumt· olht•r smooth stt·p thtil affordt•d umt.· to llstc•n to tht.• mus11.· L:.iwn bowling 1& that kind ol gum<· It ts all tuul·h and footwork ;mt! paucnce., lt::. music, when playt.'<.I w1•1l. t·omt.•s from the way u t·omp<·t1t111 t.·un nwllculously :.t•l down tht• buwb on tht• short-cut gr-4'Cn ~1 thc•y'll t·urvc to a final decn•st·t•mJo 75 ft.·t•t away und tncht•s f roin u targt.·t It also as u ganw, al least m tht• U.S .. pluyl'd prnnarily by thoS<.• who love· a w<1lt1 pt-oplt> who wht•n Lllt'V Wl'Lll' the trad1taonal whtll' gar'm<'nL., art.' drl'.'SS1ng tu matc·h tht' mlor of tht•tr hair. Tht• national champ1onsh1ps ol lawn bowling ftmi.h today at Tht' Grovl's Mobtlt.· Homt• Park an lrvanc, whl'rt' I B mt•n from sax regions of tht• t•ounlry havt• Spt·nt thr past thn•1• days an thl' sun rolling thrc•1• pound wt.•1ghlt•d spht•rl's hut·k and forth over a smooth l:iwn It ts u wt·ll-m:..nnerto<l s pon but an 1n lt·ns t• u nt• The light applause 'from u small cadrP of spc'<.'lators for ;.i fine lKiwl can bl'ltt• the• g reat cont.-cntral1on of the• parllc1pants Tht· men. their hc·ads tilted duwn towc1rd the green . arc a study of sobcrnc·ss. &·fore· they bowl, tht·y lt•l tht• spheres hang loost•ly m their hands as if to g;,iugt.• tht• weight. With a back foot on a mat. tht•y carl'fuly bend ovc•r one· knee• then make thf'1r release Tournament D1n·c·t1,r Art H u n st'n wa tc ht.·d fro111 the• s1dt•l1nc·s offenng t·1Hhusaa stit· 1·xpl:uu1t11ms for tlw un1111ll:th'<l "Sonw p«oplt• pl.1y thts g:mw put 1·ly f1Jr t•XPrt·1s1· .l>ut oth1·rs l1kt· thc·se a1 l' tournamc·nl pl.iyt·r:.," ht· lkltd "To play Wl'll, you havt• lo cons1sl<•ntlv s tay with tl Otht•rw1s..·. you le~· tht• 11m111~. lht· dl·!tvt.·ry you lo.,<.• llw w1•1ght "By Wt•tghl I rm·an tlw way tht• brain <:an lransl<1lt• fr 0111 mmd to musdc to prmJun· tht.· n'<tl ftm· kt•rn fl'el." 1 lansC'n began po an ting out sumc· of thl' furmc•r t·hamp11ms on t h t• lawn Tht•re w.:is Cl1vt• Forrt~ll'r of San Fran<:t~'O. an u lung-slt·c•vl' shirt and s.trtng lit'. who wai. s1ngll's champion ui. far b;.ic·k ai. 1970 and runm•r-up an li7 R t' r t M a t W 1 I I 1 a m :. u I Clt·Vt·lc1nd. Oh1u. pull1'<J on a p1 1x· H ~ h 1· s urvc•yt·d his ne·x t <ip pr oat·h . M acW1ll1<1rn s. cha111p1u11 an I Y7ti <ind '7Y. 1~ t' u r .,,.,, n l pr t' s 1 d c• n I u f l Ii 1· A m t· r 1 t.· a n L 1J w 11 B o w I s A "'-<.>l' W ll on "I lt•'s JUSt a cJcl1ghLful fl·llow and he JUSt loves the gaml' of bowli.," obscorvro HanS(m In a match ne xt to has was Orv1llt.· Artist o f 8C'rkC'lc•y, a formt·r cupt.aan of that ctty's fart· dt·p:Htmc.·n l. "H e never gt•l s t•xctll'd." said HanSt>n. And finally. yes. at the far end was the Cavonte, Nell Mcinnes o f Pasadena. He was eetsy to spot. For one thing. he was younger and leane r than most. He is 54 And, 1f JXJS.'ltblc". ht· St-t·mt'd moh> antc·nst· lhetn th(' rt.-st. Mclnnt·s was loping olo ng bc•s1u 1· his l<Jst buwl as 1f he 1.·ouldn 't w;itt t11 Sl'(' where it fan1stwd. l<'av1pg has ~·ompctitor, Forreswr. to make tht· walk b):' ~ h1mst·lf t>'klnnt-!>' bowl was orf torget, nt..>sthng next to the small· wh1h· b<1ll. call<.•d a "Jack," th4i' sc:rVl-!> as tht.· tcirgl'l : That madl' lhl· M'Orl' I Y-6 tn h.18: favor In single•!., thl• first to ~. po1nL-; wans. Hl· won :·: "111· mmt·s to ph1y bowls and. that 's all he wants to do," museP I l:mst·n. his cullt·aguc from the Pasadl·na Lawn Bowling Club. "ll1·'s JUsl got absolute· feel for II I h•'s fantasllt·" M c.Inn es as a t w o -yea r dt·ft'ltdang champion an pa1rs.~ut hl• l·ntc·red singles <:ompeuuon this year He hru. played on U .S. teams touring an ~ustralta and South Afr1t.·a and ortk• earned .a i.tlvt."r medal an world <:ompetition an p1Jirs, hC' said. Mcinnes said he bowls s ax hours ea<:h day Saturdety and Sunday and another two hours two to lhrE-e evenings J)C'r week. Aftl'I' his matt·h. has dark- bandl'd hat pushed o ff his fo1"l0hl·ad triumphantly. a smiling Mcinnes offered a f<:w tips on proper bowhng. "I t's a ll good balance," h e t.·xplamro "It's Just lake a golfer with a follow -through. If you JUmp o ff the mat, you ge t yourself in a lot of trouble." Anothe r secret as more self- (See LAWN, Page 831 T o p bo wle r Neil Mc innes c la ims good player s must develo p b a la nce., tart yo un g a nd learn 44you can 't get g r eed y." 'His 'n' her story full of offbeat gift._s __ ..,.--~--::--. By KAREN E. KLEIN Oft"9 Oel4y l'tlot It.fl What krnd of people would b\bw $35.000 on a pair of his 'n ' he r mini-subma rines from the N e iman-Marc us C hristmas catalogue? Not just rich, crazy Texans, says S tanley Marcus, past president of the c lilC' department s tore. Rich , crazy Californians. N<'w Yorkers a nd Michiganders buy them. too. Marc u s sto ppe d at the Neiman-Marcus store in Fashion bland Tuesday to autograph copies of the book. "His' & Hers: The Fantasy W o rld of t he Neiman-Marcus Catalogue," and chat about its <.'Ontent.s. Beside the submarines, the catalog has featured his and her ostriches. dirigibles, C hinese junks and camels -all available through the mail-order shopping guide whk:h began In Hi26 as a Christmas card to l oya l C\lltomera. Actua lly , M arcus said , the catal o1 uarted n ut as an "unabe1hed attempt to capture media attention" throughout the world. In the atOr<''s early days, he tald F.dward R. Murrow and ha s young assistant . W a lter Cronktll". would call Marcus a few days before Christmas and ~k ham to relate the story o f his most extravaga nt sale of the season "Some years I rould tell them about the man who had bought five fur coats for his d nughtl'rs, one for his wife and one for has ~irlfricnd," Marcu11 said. "But 11omc years I d idn't h avC' on exd tang story to tC'll " The media 's interes t an outlandish purchost>s gov<' Marcus the idea to mak<' l'><Ot1t· and intriguing gifts casu.•r to <.'Ome by When the <.·at.alog off<'rcod his a nd her airplanes an 1960. the s t o ry was r epor t rd by newsp apers and telc•v1i;1on stoliom1 around thC' world. The catalog was t•oncclved to be a money-make r as we ll as on attention-ge tter . Marcus smd. ll has proved to be o ne. "People wonted to buy pr088ic gift.a, like nylon pantyhose and cashmere socks. from a store that sold camela," Marcus said. At fil"lt, he thought the cutalog wouJd be befit reocelvcd In small t o wns. where people were iso lat e d fr om o thc•r bag depa rtment s t o r es But a d emogra phic survey of tht? 1.5 millio n people o n Ne1man- Marcus' mailing list showed just as much interest an thc clltalog an cities as thC're was in rural areas. The mail -o rdl'r g ift g uide appealed to all sorts, Marcus said. "Yo u werC' just as likely to run across Mar y J o n es f r o m Paducah. Ky., on the maihn~ hst as you were lo find Kocke!l'ller from Ma nhattan or I lugh I lcfner from Playboy " One reason for thl' catalog's w1dl' appeal as that It as meant to serve everyone, C'Vt?rywht'rt• The c reators kc•ep a range' o f char ac t ers i n m i nd wh<'n sek-cting gifts Ntch yeor, Marcus said. "T here should be something In there for the grandmother from Prairie, Kan .. ns well as (or the newborn infan t," he said. For the first eight or n ine years af ter the hla and her glfl8 were lns tilut<-d In 1960. Msrcus waa c h iefly responsible for '1ndlng lhcm . Although It was fun. he said. com ing up wllh the remarkable Items was hcclJc and tlmc·conaumlng. Some ideas wer<' in bad taste a nd somt· were si mply t oo preposterous Each year. he said, he went through th<' peculiar prot'eSS of Lryang to hat on a g1fl that had maxim um new sworthiness a nd was practical ot the same time. "We wanted prople to be able to say. 'l wonder if they did sell it'," about each of the gifL'I, he said. This yl•ar's his and hers gift is lavish. but not as outrageous as somt?: a Last•rTour exercise b1t.·ycle that includes a vid eo prOJCCt or whic h provides simulated tours of Beverly Hills and Southern Cahfomia canyons a nd bcochcs . There's even a multt-scgmC'nt fantasy tour whkh offers ROme surprises for the Wa lter Mitty in everyone. Olfl)' Phi ,,..._ "Y "'8Nlf41 K.-.., tanley Marcus a utographs book telling how he cho8e outra11eou1, yet pr actical gi(u for fam ed catalog. ··~ ' Bl 01ango Co.at DAILY PILOf/Wou11tt1c:J'9y, Ootobar 8, J t. Jo eph g ala brings big buck ' When thu IK't'OUntinl( Ill tJulll' lht·y l'><plot.'l W nu~l· itround • 100.000 Crum thl! 10th 1tnnu11I l(olu hdd hy St Jt»1t•1>h tlospilltl "' ttll' Dlt1rwy lund Ht>h-'I. Every yenr lhl• numbl·r of thum· utll'ndmg tJnrt-'• -lhlB yeor 1)2:) 1·hc~·k1-d 1t1. H11:h Llllll• und Ab))e Lanc cnlertainl'li tht• grouµ und Alu11 R~ington'11 ort·hes tra playl·d (ur tht•1r d11111·111.c pl$ure. ~.Keith Rcnk<"n of l)toloittl', Haskins .md St•lh.1 In Co~ta Mesa was (•halrmun or tht· 1>4..ndtt PtRTY WRAP '· 6 £0 ··= "" ; SpedaJ honors werc pmd to some· or tht· pc.·oplc anQ organizations who havC' uttl·nd(·d and supported past galas. Thl'y an· Ors and Mmes. Rifha rp Newquist, Donald Ball and Wtlllam G~iJvan; Messrs. und Mm<.'8. E.B. Bustt•r, Gll•nn Lo..)'ton. Peter M u th and M1ts uo Nitta. and Di?'eyland, P luor Corp., Olympus Put·1f1c Corp .. Hunt Wesson , Envir onmentul Im:. Southern Cal ifornia Edison, Rockwell lnll'rna t1 onal, So$them Counties Mccltcal Group, Carl Karcher En!+rprises and the medical group. Moran, Kowl'n an~ parsey. ie l en, Abbe Lune and Pa ul Kiely Ke ith Rt~nkt•n, S iittt-r F ran ces D unn with Rich Utt le:· ~-:; !~YSTIC FIBROSIS FUND-HAISER: Mon Ct\t.teau Restaurant in El Toro will (·elebrate 1lS fift"t birthday Oct. 21 b_y hostmg a benefit ror tht• Cystic Fibrosis Foundauon. The CF postor child, Noelle Bird of Mission Vie.JO. and Don Baylor of the• Ca6Jomia Angels are expected to bt• on ha nd for the fund-raiser. Thl' upt:oming blioi<.·k lie bt.-neftl Wiii reeture a fo~rcm·h-New Orleans c uisine, a live auction, D1xil•land musll' al the cocktail hour and dancing la tL·r to tht• big band sounds or Ron Rubin a nd his nrl'hestra. :·in store for the patrons will be: a s1x-t-ours1.· -goirmet d inner cr eated by ownN/chd J ean Vabhecke, a show of d esigner fashions, an au1.·11on of il'ltique d oll reproductions a nd un :.tL'Cordian1st. ENGAGEMENTS JonesrBa ttersb y : . Reserva tions may bt.• made by l'alling the· CF off1ce. 635-0900. ::BAL MARDI G RAS: The Alan Rypinsk1 s o~ed their Linda Isle home LO patrons of the Ball M$di Gras being planned for OC't. 23 at the Nef\'porter Resort. The engagement of Hicky Pau la J ones lo Hcmald John Battersby has been announced by he r part>nts, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Merle Jonc·s of &•bastopol. ;0The gala event w ill be sponsorC'd by thl· Orj~ge County Unit of thl• Am1.•r1 can Cam·(·r Sc>Qety. ParcnL<, or tht• future bridegroom are Mr. and Mr!> Ht<:hard U'l' Battersby of Laguna Niguel. T hl' t'Ouplc, both students at Biota University, arP pl;inning a June· wedding Sch weitzer-Bro wman ::The patr ons party was h l'ld to s h ow 6clppieciat1on to those who have mac.le s1gmhcant con!l'ibution and are supporung the ball The group has)et $1 00,000 as their goal. -::The more than 100 invited patron<, 1ncluded G~don and Elizabeth Anderson, Paul and Virginia Be~er , Harry and Joan Kars te n . ch a irme n , VioCent and Nora Jorgensen. honorary cha irmen, th~;Peter Ochs, Kenne th and Toni Ohphant, Kajhryn Thompson, Ralph and Sus w Savin, Fn.od Fir#,stone, Ma rlin and Susie Mt·Keever. Allan an<J[Sandy Fainbarg. Stanley and Rae Cohe n and Cor1nie McCormick. Ms :.ind Mn. David W &:hwc111.er or Cost.a M(•!>a havl· announn~d the· L•ngagcment of their d<.iughlC'r, Va lorie• Treat SchwL·1tzer, to Taylor Edward Browman, llO n of Mr and Mn;. Robert Edwarl.I Browman or Covina I !': .. < The· t'(JUplt." graduall'S o f UCLA, are planning a r't·bruary Wt'Clding at S t Andrew's Presbyteria n C hurc h. Nc•wport Bc:al'h How to add I: $J66 67 a month in ::: income and never pay axes on it. I You 'll be able to earn up to $2,000 in interest over the next year and not pay a cent of taxes on that income, if you open an insured Tax-Free Account today. The more you ma ke. th e more you need a Tax-Free Account. For in tance. take a luok at the yield a taxable account would have to deliver to match our Tax-Free Account. If your tax rate Is: Effealive Yield 50% 14.96% 40% 12.47% 30% 10.69% A year ago. Congre~!'. gave taxpayer~ what may be a once-in-a- lifetime exemption of up to $2,000 in in terest income fo r cou- ples fi ling joi ntly ($1,000 if filing individually) on o ne-year Tax-Free Account~ opened by December 31. 1982. Yo11 have only until year's end 10 open a Tax -Free A cco11111 . Once the account is opened, th e exemption may include earnings re - ceived in 1982 and 1983-up,to th e maximum eligibility. T he Offer Ends December 31 The current Tax-Free Account rate is 7.215% and the yield is 7.48%-hi gher than the average yield on tax-free money funds. Unlike money fund . however. your Tax-Free A'count will be insured safe up to SI00.000. Call The Financial Line and open your Tax-Free Account by phone. today. THE FINANCIAL LINE (714) 231-4023 Direct or Colkct The Financial Linc hou" arc 8 a.m 1111 7 p m . MunJay. anJ 8 a.m. till 5 pm .. Tuc~uy th routth Fnd.i~ Bc.reat ~Federal , J 4itWGM 'lft"lntt (~ ( 'nunl~ thn1U1Ch 18 """"°' ,......._. • .inM•nn A .. IAflllt ._. • 1'0 Dm 11 M,._. i,.... -• ZOO! ,,,.. H ¥tlt11tlf i,.... ...... JOIU CiowJ rii1•1 , ... 1.,, ......... 1~me...11Mt .....0 "' • , --~-.. , "'" I I , . Mon Cha teau o wm·rs F.rnu a nd J Nrn Vu nht•c·kt• with CF poslt•r <·hilcl, ,,..11 .. Bird Philharmonic s ocie ty :; 1 ! slates n e t tourney : :{: ORANGE COUNTY P ill L HARMONIC •! SOCIETY will sponsor a lad1t.•s' doubles tennis-!t tournament at~ 1:1.m. Frtd11y. 0...·t 8, at Balboa Bay t Racquet Club. Lunl'ht.•on will Ix· Sl•rvl•d by the courts al 12:30 p.m. Jounn F'ul•rbingt.·r. 751-8447, 1s CALENDAR chairman. OCPS supports thP prt-M•nt1111on of the Los Angeles Philharmonl<: Orc hl•stra to Orange • County and a youth program of l'Oncerts and a Music Mobill' ror USf.' by c•lt.•mc·nwry school c hildren throughout tht• rounty. ·A weste rn barbl-cu(• will Ix· hl'ld Saturday, Oct. 9, as a rund-ra1ser for SHERMAN LIBRARY AND G ARDENS. Corona del Mar Enll'rtammen t • and mustl' will be <.·oordinatc.od by Knoll's Berry Farm For rurlht·r dl'ta1ls on thl' Ranc·h Roundup at the gardc•ns, S ue Malloff fi75-07 I 2. may be called Southc'rn Ora nge· County KAPPA KAPPA GAMMA alums will hold a founders day brunch at 10 a.m . Saturday. Oc:t. 9 at The A1rporter Inn, Irv ine. Nancy Bryan, 55 J .0747, may tx-called for r<.'Servations Come show· us what you've got cooking • • • Enter the Orange Coast Daily Pilot Favorite Recipe Contest. Look for rules on Wednesday, October 13 in the Food Section. • Sound investme nt in O r a n ge Count y Do ro thy Doan presented the Orangt• Count y Philhur moni<· ociety' Golde n Ba ton award T ut•sd ay to H••nry . ·t'gerstro m , managing partne r for C J. St'gcrstrom & Sons. lie wo cite d for lead e rsh ip in the locat ion~ fu nd raising und t•o nstructio n o f 'o uth Coa st Rept•rtory T ht•u lt·r a n d tht' futurt• O ra ngt• <:o unty (:entc•r for the Per forming Arts . LAWN BOWLERS COMPET E I N IRVI NE. From Page 81 evide nt. especia lly 1n relation to mechanics such as balance. A great player needs to s tart young. he suggestC'd. ''Th e pro bl e m 1n Am c r1 t:a is that not enough young pl'opll' play," he said "Most ta~e 1t up too la te 10 !He." lje is not one. A native· of .Scotland, he began pl~ing in 1957. Thus, in Scotland. where lawn bowling is embraced as an In ternational sport, he· mi~ht be a seaso n e d pla er. ong the players tn th~ U.S .. though. h~ 1s allll06t an upstart, albeit an lntense one . Mcinnes taught his tw() daughters to bowl wl"ien the older was 5 For a short while. they were the scourges of the grE¥?n. he said. But thl'y eventually lost interest to ~k11ng and tennis. ltvine should be a nice · p 1 ;a c e t o I e a r n . Throughout the country. h e sa id , "th e r e 1s probably no other gr('('n ant better" tha n The Groves'. The city's other lar;e mobile home park. lrvJne Meadows, also has a ~een, as does Laguna Be.ffh's Heisler Park. S, It's a very enjoyable g e. Mcinnes offered u'd enjoy if 1t 1f you 1t up " I I P~tton p tie nts I abella Llo yd of Pnioiadc·nu knits a~ ~ht• kc•t•ps an eye on t he lawn bowling compt•ti tion . • • 5inc:lair-1 a a a ] AN BERNARDINO ) -Mental patients mltte d to Patton St te Hospital under cr l inal Jaws will be all wed to vote m the No ember election. the Ca ifornia Secretary of S e has dCClded. nde r state la w , a n an prison or on le can lose the right ote. Patton, however, Is ot a prison, even th ugh about 1,000 pa lents were se nt to Pa ton as a r esult of cri inal proceedings. • We concluded they ar able to vote because th are not in prison or on parole," said Richard M esa. an attorney Cor th aecretary of state's d i on on election and po Ucal reform. e division decided unless a judge rules nion cannot register vote wt,e n h e la • co mltted to Patton , th person can cast a bl ot, Maness said he vote extends to tally dlJordered eex rs such aa rapl1u an child molesters, he .. , noting. "While they convicted o( a felony, are not lmproon<.'d for a felony.'' • \ PERSONAL COMPUTER W£ HONOlt YOUlt Clt£DIT! -~ l'OWERFUL-Fully programmable 2K personal computer l'OllTAILE-12 ounces of sophts· licated design El,HDAILE-Op11onal 16K RAM module (modem and printer available soon) EDUCATIOHL-Excellent for teaching a wide variety of academic sub1ec1s V(lll ATILE-A wide and growing variety ol cassette programs N081~MMAILE-Anyone can devise their own programs lEAflHILE-Our clearly written manual riakes 11 easy UIAILE-An)·where there s a TV set THE TIMEX SINCLAllt 1000 PERSONAL COMPUTER FU TUlt•S: • S1no1t ~•v ffllly 01 <OIMl•~dl llSI R(JN l'lllNI •I< • Un•Qut '•"'•• tf'ltcli .,,., •1p0<l t odf\ •o• '"""'o'"' t1101 •dtntoly • I vii llRQI 11111n Ar!O \~•Ml•ht lunc11on1 •Ct 11111r 10 n1n• •IHI '~ "" """" ·1 ONLY • G11p11 dt1••11no and an111111tH1 01010 • Ao.111ttH1 4 tl'top on-on ..,,.,~oceuo• ADM AAlil n lil.Ulfl Chop tOllllM"'flt poWtt H<IAb•hly And lfuly lllOIOlblt Plltt AO PRICE PRtVAllS: WEO., OCT. 8th ltlru TUES., OCT. 12th l•I l'A•', /. Wll~ 'l A~!.· 'l 1(1 I M MOM[IA• 1'1·· ',Altlli[JAI "AM ', I p.,i llNi1A• - Or nng Conti OAIL. Y PIL.0 I /W r e. 1982 •• •GET A 14.00 CASH REFUND CHECK FROM STEVE GARVEY . . • WIN ONE OF TEN 1983 FORD THUNDERBIRPS SWEEPSTAKES ENTRY FORMS AND REFUND CERTIFICATES AVAILABLE AT ALL SAV-ON DRUG STORES. aMft lM ... foamy· SHAVE CREAM Thick & m;n for a greal shave AH't. FormulH 11 oz. 1.59 EA. f n..c.-••• ,......,., .... -M9t.-< .......... "°--.-J ' AD PRICES PREVAIL: WED., OCT. Ith THRU TUES., OCT. 12, 1982 WE HONOR YOUR CREDIT! -~ J~ look~ HAIRSPRAY FOR MEN R9Qular or Extra HOid t fl I ,. h I 5 11 IAC •. BLADES 10-SHAVING CARTRIDGES -5-TWIN BLAD£ CARTRIDGES 1.69 ... 3.29 ... RIGHT GUARD DEODORANT STICK "8AONZI!" Not at1cky or gre11y 2.5 oz. 1.29 RIGHT GUARD ANTI- PERSPIRANT The formula that goes on dry to keep you dry 4 oz. SCENTED 1.79 , . l ... I • . :;s l d11u1uov. Octo lJor 6. 1082 u rfi ng essen ce frame d "Tht• Surf111~ 1<:1ow y." .111 1'ld tl bl l1 u n by L ois An ~t·l1•s .1Jhot11gruph1 •r A nth o n y l<~n tcm Jt'r ll-<l km. w ill op1•n Moml11y u11d ~n throu g h N ov 2 111 1h 1· O'nt111(l' Cuu11 1 Collt•gt• P h o to G ollc>ry . Om· of Suu lht·rn C ull f11rnlu'i. rn U II l W I U l' 1 y l' X h I IJ I l l' d phu1ogruphl•n1, Frll'<.l k1n has hud h 1 !I w o r k p u b I 1 s h 1· d mlcrnullunull y. llu; pho togruph i_.. un • in many fml' muSC!un1s :.ind pn VU ll' l'Ol It 't'l 1011:> . "Tht> S u rf ing E ssay" r 1• p r c s L' n t s f 1 v t.• y cu r s u I photographll' work a nd mon · lhu11 20 years o f an volvt>mt·nl w ith the s ud1ng com mumty F rit.odkm has lx't!n surfing smt·t· 1900, a nd h is e ssa y reClt·l·ts a mult1-d1mcns1onul understanding of both s u rfing and ftm · url photography. T h <.· (•ssuy deals with whut surfers do wrth lhl'lr lives on th1 · "C'ity side" of the highway; lhcrr relationships w ith womt'n, and F ricdkln 's persona l ft•<•lrngs about the 0<.-eah . F ri c dk1n a ls o h us d o n P phutographk essays on &verly I !dis and Universal S tudios. }fr will proscnl u fl'l't' public lectun· on Tuesday. Oct. 19 at noon ih f>I •• L ~ • Yo%otess1onal ~ : f lOflSI FLORIST ."1111 f!prJ Hill Averiue A 1<18 Cosl<J Mt·~a · 64 I 0810 Sto ne Mill Business Park DISCOVER MOST ADVANCED CARPET CLEANING METHOD OCC's Fml· Arts Hall 116. • Immediate u se • Totally Ory Thl' Photo Gallery. locaLt.·d in • No Shrinking or Stretc hing tht' Fine Arlll Building on th t• campus al 2701 Fa1rvil'W H.oad. Engle-Kn ick Dry Carpet Cleaning Costa Mesa, is open M onday S•rvong oll of Orona• C.ounty . ..; -. ~ . FOOT SPECIALISTS .• John R. Tait, D.P.M. Laurel A. Tait, D.P.M . :"1otographer Anthony Enton Fried k in ;lims a t surfers and their equipment, ~t>ove~ right, fo r his still lif es. through f'riday Crom 8 a .m. to 5 841 0181 p m .. a nd 7-9 p m . Adm1ssum 1~ ~-------=--.;.....;.-·.=.-.;..;;....;.. ______ _,1 frl't' NOW IN HUNTINGTON BEACH :·: .. . . -.·: .•. .· :: ·. -: ·--· Three 'n Easy Ways to Free Interest Checking. I. Stateme nt Only Checking It's FREE with $100 minimum balance. It's the ~st checking Je.il in town. Tht~ plan pay\ sv.% intcrc t tin your halance. com· pounJcJ daily. Yi'lUr monq• earn~ interest right up tn the moment )'\1Ur check clc..r. We'll scnJ your srate.ment each nw nrh , fully Jcta1ltJ. but with nu canccllcJ checks. Your new checkbook will have a prtw1s11>n for an automatic Jupllcatc copy uf each check ~\Ill write. So )'\l U never ntt<l worry ahuut fi\rgemng to enter a check in ~'1ur rew rJs :JKdtn. ()(course , i( )'\>U ever Jo ncc<l a copy of ~'\1ur canccllc<l check!!, we c:-.n senJ ~\1u up IP 5 corie~ per month at no charge. (There 1s a nominal service char~ per cnpy in excw of 5.) AL Ir\ .1 new .inJ ca~y way 111 .1chicvc frcl'. 1ntcrt\l·r:iyin1t chcckinR f1ir only a $100 mm1 · mum h.1.mu.· 2. $300 Minimum Balance Checking. And it's FREE. W11h 11ur p;1pul.ir $100 n11n1mu111 balance chetklll)! plan ~\Ill c;irn 5V4')(, lnlefC'f while \11u're free 111 all monthly <Ser\'ICC ch.ir1tc' ,mJ per chtck ch.1r1otc'. j11\1 kct·p .1 $300 lv.ilance m \"Hr Jcc1111n1. S1.11cmcn1 ' arc <1ent m11nthly with \\lllf canu•lll•J t. hct:k~. I( you'rl.' n111 t•,1rnmlo( mrcre,1 on ~rn1r current chec k mg rKc11un1. or 11 ~,m'n: '1ruwzlin1o1 to 111ai1H.1ln a h11o(h mm1m11111 h.il1111cc. t.h11n1o1e t11 Iii 111'1C•lt11IJ Fede ml. wJa\. J . 60+ FR EEChcck in~. It you'r• ('()\'t~1r-.. 11r11\•r. \11ur 1111\'lt"t •lw .. L in~ 1' In..~· I h,.,,. I'"' 11111m11111111 b.1l.111u· rn11nr" nwnt """" ll' \1111r 1ln, .. r·, l1,,.11.,.'.1•r •llli<'r rn >t •I 111 ··~·· .m,I \\I 'II 1.1L, .. m· "' th1 ..... , WE'RE NUMBER ONE Hou,ch1,ld Federal .:nme in fi"t "ith the hi11hc,1 per.:l.'nl<11(c r.trl' i111:rt'a'c in rc!it•n c' am(1n1t nil brl(l' "'i~,tl_', in C.11i- forni;1 acrnri.lin1t w ,1 rl'l'cnt 1 A TIMl:.S survl'Y· "" )Ollr mnnc\ j, ~.1ft• anti 'nuni.l with I lm1~chulJ Fcdcr.11. A ....... ... ---..,. .... .., .... L COMPANY SINCE 1976 tel ~ A,.,.AH!IM1 H5 NO. EUCLID AT t:R£ CENT AVE. 1714) 712•744ll • Cl!IUUTO 1 I UZ UO Ttl T. (11J)~z4.Q47\) • INOl0 i14H'Zi' HIOHWAY 1111714) l42·J4'14 •LAKE £LSINOR£1 >196C MIS ION TRAIL 17141 t>74·14t0 • LONO Bl!ACH1 O H /\II A 'I"! It A\'I C21l)4ZM~I& •Ml ION Vl£J0 1 l4041 MAROUERIT£ l'KWV. 17141 ~146·tl900 • Nl!WPOllT BfACHt 4lCll MAl' ARI Ill R Ill\ 0 171418)).0)67 • ltlVl!R ID£1 f800LIMONITB AVI!. (714) M~-~"H • AANTA ANA CANVON1 H JI E .• ANiA ANA <.:ANHlN RU 1714) 998·8?82 • W1!STMINS'TH 1 14'>1 I BEACH BLVD. (714) 89).1491. Al.SO OtfllCE IN AN DIEGO l 'OllN I Y MONDAY· TttUR8DAY 9 A,M,.4 r.M .. FRIDAY 10 A.M,• b P.M., ATUltllo\Y 9 A.M.·NOON IMO T 8RAN<. ttl'"rl W e are plea sed t o a n nounc e the opening of our new Huntington Beach office. We specialize In sports medicine and foot surgery . Senior Citizen Discount Thur sday Morning 8041 £ast Newman # 100 Huntington Beach, CA. 9264 7 4760 Barranca ~wy. Irvine. CA. 92714 Phone 84 1-0215 John R. Tait, O.P.M. Phone 857·1279 Laurel A. Tait , D.P .M. IFARWES -SAVING and Loan Associatio~ ROUND-UP CHECKING Fl NALLY An easy way to earn our high rep urchase p lan rates on funds in your checking account' Earn 11.50°/'o -i on your balance over $2000 _ Ratt> sub1i:_c1 10 c~np:.> d!_•ly ROUND-UP EX TRA CAS Deposit any amounl 1n tile lj1g Money .. Round-Up" Clleck1n9 Ac.count and ~arn 5 ,,._ 11 your balance is $2 000 or less E11!'ry tame your na111nce exceeds S2 000 Ille Sig Money Wranglers at Far West w111 corral that e•cess cash and herd 11 into a ll1gh interest fund 11\el pays our h1gll repurcllase plan rales You 11 t>arn rhose rntes on Pvery ll••lltH over 52 000 unltl you need your money a rtay a week a yt>IH or longer• And your mon!'y is insured by an aqenr.y of Ill!' Fedflr.11 Govermenr up 10 52.000 EXTRA SECURITY TOO! Your b11l11nco over $2 000 is nol 1nsurod by the FSLIC. because 11 IS not a savings account or deposit Instead 111s Sf'Cured by obhgallons secured by lh<l U S Go11ernmont or 11 U S Government Agency Tile ,ecur1t1ps are held 1n 11 separatP account RI one of tile largest commercial banks in the United St111Ps and pledged to Far West Round-Up Customers When you need 11 write a check II your balance drops below S2 000 you II shll earn S .-. So round·uP your ready cash and apply for "Round-Up" clleck1ng today' -------- DANA POINT 24501 Del Prado Dana Point, CA 92629 (71 4) 661-3356 HUNTINGTON BEACH 19114 Magnoha Ave. Huntington Beach, CA 92646 (714) 963-2900 NEWPORT I EACH 4001 MacAnhur Blvd Newpor1 Beach, CA 92660 ( 714') 833-8383 (213) 296-30e0 lllonStrono _ ,c __, ·1 ' Orongo Cot1al DAil Y Pit.OT IW dn adny, Ootobttr 6, 1082 81 Solar breakthrough claimed 'Braking into a ·mile L OS AN GELK S (AP) Rt•11t•1Hc•h e r1 1ay t h t•y h uvt• ,d<'Vl'lo pt•d u low t•1111 1, h lRh pcrfo.-munl't.' HOlur t•t•ll that may t.'OnVl'rt 1unllJ(ht lmu ell'\.'trlC'i ty tor uLllitlt-A more t•ht•aply thu11 oll, or gus flr<.'Ci turblru'tf, "Wt.• lorn114.'l' thht '1A u bllllon- d o l lu r b u1ln t•u In the l'arly Ul»O.," KUld Arthur II l"1rt'l!ll.t.'r, head of prcx.'t.'SS und upplic;11ll1m:1 r esear c h a t ltC:A C o rp .'11 laboratory in Prlnt.-eton, N.J . Researchers around thl! world a r e com petin g t o develop c ommerci u ll y f t>a 11 1bll· pho tovollaks -s1ltcon s heets that, with no moving pur lB, react to sunligh t by producin g a n elt>etric l'Urrenl. "W e th ink w c'v1• dcvl'loped l'n o ugh e xpe rlls t.• to pic k a wi n ner a nd w e p1t.•k t.•d this," F 1reste r said "We think the future ts amorphous stl kon ," a putt!nted proct.'SS dcvt•loped eight years ago by RCA. Tim Riddle, 4 1h , of Cos ta Mesa, won the boys' Big Wheel race during the Nationa l Bi<·yd e (~riteri um on Place ntia Ave nue. RC A r e s e a r ch e r s KOL a n c nthu s1a s t1 c receptio n a t a photovolu.t1<.'S conference in San Diego las t week by re portin g the y h a d coaxed 10 pe1ce n t t:'ffictc nc:y from a s m all test version of the device. ECficiency 1s the percen tage o f the s un's l'nergy t ha t is conve rted into e lectrtctly and Fin~ster said 10 percent ts the mit11mum for comme rcial use. Oth e-r v c rsion s h ave h it C'ff icicnc1es o f 14 percent and more but <.'OSt as much as $20 a RUFFELL'S UPHOLSTERY ........ tHeHS... 1'22 H,._.IOA ILVD. COSTA MISA -541-1 ISt., Cactus Sale Direct from gro wer savings thru Sot. a t Huntington Center. 4" a ss' t. sale s2. 22 3 for S6 ··••er,..~ toptCM rnf't • t tnh • ,_..,.,.. '"'-"' •U"' WftPl•ft Special Oct. 6r' 1982. Oct. 12, 1982 l'\erophybn: 2.99 Royally ot IM ~Quar1um lhit'\ whill I ho t b'tn u llt d ind dtttt•tdly so Mt dt'.< \llilll'd body dorul •nd i n1 f,n~.,. ~e•1~• •tntr;I ftn\ dt•tlopf11 ,nfo lune lteltr\ iuru lt in color I 1nl1~1oc:1 Sff 111~ at AQual1< l rop1t1I~ "'~''' 1 '"' on 'ale under lh~ nam• Cold Ancel' lor only 2 99 - TOP SIRLOIN STEAK A flavorful steak. 3 35 ontled to your taste • ·sp~ 3.85 'fbcl can't cook It •t homeforleu . Thru Oct. 23.1982 Shrimp & Fish Special .$2.99 It's a treat that's worth the trip! Four big Gulf shrimp. our crispy flsh fillet. plus rryes. slaw (, hushpuppies! Shrimply delicious! 3095 Harbor Blvd. • In Costa Mesa Uu\I ~th o• '"" 0.f'I O f wy "' '°'' ftom trdrn 147 15 leffrcy Rd. •' W1l11Ut tu" ott """ "''" lwv 1 Irvine ... ,~ . ._. -...... _ ....... -· .......... ............... __ ..... <IC • ._ .... , .... , ,...,......-. 10.50%~ualized 11.23% * ~dalired •• 1117to 31 clays, Minimum Balance $20,000. Act today on this high rate account. Stop in at your nearest Allstate Savings office or cal l collect (213) 240.5913 and a member of our Bank-by-Mail Department will be happy to help you. This account is full y insured up to $100,000 by J he FSLIC. Allstahi sav1nos Allstate Savings & Loan. a member of the ~a~ fami ly. Ovtr .. 1 bllllon In tt. 0 1982 All&ttec S3vi1111 & Loan. w u l 1 • I<' I 1 t• 11 I 1· r IHI I d j n ll 11 ' 111tt:rvww "Wilh thl11 mutt·r1111 ut 10 1wn·1·n t t•l (it•lcn ry, w 1"11· l'lfti1m1ttnt( thl• l'Olll a.I !\() l't'llLM II wull " I h• Kl.lid fu rtht•1 r1•11t•111 d1 muld t•vc•nluully pu11h dlll'lt•rwy tu rn.·ur :.to ix·n ·•·111. IJul whul II W iii d11 Ill he· I 111·11114·1 1111111 oil 1111d N"" '' ",to;v1·11 111 :}() t•t•nls 11 w11ll," tu· Sllld, "th1li litUff l!I lllll UUIOf( lll t•umµt'l•· with t•o11I 11mJ nu<:lt•1Jr. O t ht·r 1·x 1a•1 t11 u lt h t>ugh t•11th lUi1w1Uc· uhout thl· rt"M·urd1, t·.1ut11111t'<I Mondu y t h 11 t t he• rt.·sulls 1·unw from 11 1·1i11t11111 m11d1• l«JUlll'I' l't•ll JU!fl II h,iJf llll'h llll J i1 11l1• J~t•d ui;m u 11t·1• 111U.M bt• ma 111tu11w J in 111.11111 pi ud Ul"l'll, ~Ullf( h1hllOJ( u ·llb \t111l nlt'll!IUrt•, Ill "T h 111 w.1:1 unt• o f lht• rnore 1· >< 1 1 L 1 n g t t· l h 11 I ,. u I .1 II II II u II l' ,. m t· n l 11 I.I l t h l' u m ll•rt•m 't"" i.111J Tv11y l't•un1011. prourum udrnin111tt·u11on rnona.c•·r u I I h t• J " l p r () p u I Ii l (I n I .ahurutm y':1 photovolu1l<.11 t.'1ln tt-r 111 Pa .. -..idNlil ''The Orange Coast Inflation Fighters'' A MONTHLY FEATURE OF THE DAILY PILOT. TO RESERVE SPACE CAU 642·5671 CIR PETS DRY CLEllED using - Ory Eduction System • INSTANT DRY • STAINS REMOVED • DEODORIZED • GUARANTEED RESULTS Nt:WPOQT VACUUM CENTER ,.,, $40 PERM OR WEAVING . of;nJa S hain 979·5851 Whybuynew •• when old can do! SAVE15% . OeAU 1 •32 'la Newport alvd. •• lfttenectl•" ef H-"•r -41 New,ert al41. 648 5144 Vac••• Cleaaer • Part• aacl Servi~• 23 Y•-• lft the -lecetae" "-91M-..frl.11~ let. a130-fll-" c:&.1•41 h". FREE* LESSON IN OCT. Pre-school Piano lessoni 646·0112 WALLPAPER 3~,% off* Shown FREE tn your hOme. VlcWt 633-4468 FINALLY AVAlABlE! SOBER PLUS 1~ Natural Dietary Supplement that he lps ·aobe r yo u up a n d prc v c.>nt hangover. l Package of 9 tablets. $3.95 + $1 handling and poe~. Wholesale & distributor Inquiries Invited. Nutritan Co. P.O. Box 7685, Npt Bch. Ca 92660. 7141760-HM. ENGN TlltE-U- s 21.1 & (fin Pam) With electronic 9qUlpment our profeulOn&ll wtll fine tUM 'f04M cet'• .,..,,. -lnet.illnO new p()lnta, MW OIUGI, end 8 MW oondel'ltor. -~_...,...,,.,., LARRY tUfT AUTO CENTER 1121 L..-c_,. ••· lac-•adl •mt 497.zo30 fall ISTIMATIS • 1 DAY HRVIC" llllEI FOi TWI "'attoea1e ••·•• ~-two ·-----~--. .,_.....,... .,-~ ------.. -.. ..._ ...... °"''*''-Fresh b111td btud, Jleak, frits ' cole slaw. Served 4PM to 9PM 1900 W. Balboa lfvd., NB lie of C...C..•I Y-l ... v t t-.>0.-2 WICOUOC>tl W~ fllllC'\ 11111111110 '"" l.ftff =' (~ .;·~1~.!:l = l.,_., tftW eoef\ ....... ,.11 , ..... ,,. ti ,, .. J ' '"' t - MUffUJll .. aTAu.ED All ••l l •• It 1l t•ct•I u tt UJC \ 9tt• .,... ,,,..._.,, .. , .... _ ses.oo '"ONT aun" •UO aHOCKI -'""'l-$99. -Ta ... ~"° '°'""' ..... °""' ,,_ snct DASIDS, IA/BT$ I TOWlllS SCMOCOS Sil~ AVAl..Aal 3''.J fltW St., H •· • -__ $36* 1491 -·-.... _ "'":::' :i:.. -~r-b;pne '~ ,.._._...,_,,,. ,,......,....., , ....... a.tw ,._ BEAUTY SPECIALS! '25 PERMS 'I CUTS Toby 631-0400 SU STREET SALON •• Or •ngo Cma•I OAll Y PILOT /Wttdnoaaay Octobur 6, HJ8:l .'Due-on-sale' • impact on home market slight Thto rt.'l'l•n t U S SuJJrt:11ll' l'11ur1 d\·t•111wn pt•m1ltt1ng fo<lnully churtt•n ·d s.iv111.ii. 1111d loan1' ~'f) ento~ <.ful··on 11t1lt· dUUlit'H 1n h om1• 1nurtKt1~1·11 w111 have little titft'l'I 011 hoas1nJ( 11·m 1s i11·1111ns. Ul'C..'orclin~ lo 11tallsucs l't'lt•ust•t.I by Ct•111 ury :l I Hcul i':.'ltull' Corp .. N orth Anw11t·u's lnq(1•s t ri·11 I 1·stul1• uq~anluHion. The most rl't'Cnt ot u St'l'll'l'l o l qui.trtt•rly surv1·ys of financing muthods and antt•n.·11t rutl'S round that assumptions of mongagt•::1 uff\>t'lt'<I hy thl' dt'('lslon acco.llntt!d for only about li pt•rt·1•11 t o f hou:-.ing transactions dur111g sc'<.'Ond quunc1 l 9H2, tlll' Inst period before thl• dt'<:asaon Th(' new C('nlury :u s urvt•y a lso found lhJt : a.Jtt!rnatave fanancang continut•s Lo ac<:nunt for ap'proxamate ly 61 pe>rn•nt o f all homl' sai l·~ nationally, based nn u study uf mun· than 500 randomly selected trans;1ct10n:. THE SAMPLE WA S DRAWN f rom ,111 tra,nsactions cl<>st.'d an the S<'COnd quartt•r of l 9H2 by the Century 2 1 network o f aoproxnnJll•ly 7,000 inde pende ntly owned and Opt'rall"Ci offal'l'l> In the secon d quartC'r, 40 pl·rn•nt o f all transactions involved a farst-tamt· honw purcha'ier. ''Firs t -time buyl'rs continue to reprt-st-nt a large and imporl4.inl pcrL'l'nlage of total transal'tanns and they are the ones who art• being h1 ·IJX'CI moi.t uy alternative finant ang wc:hniqucs,'' said Ra<:hurd J Laughlin, presidc•nt o f Cl'ntury 21 RPal F..stal<' Corp ·. "If it WC!re no t for alll•rnat1vc 1111ahC'1ng. u hirgt• proportion of thoSl• pt'Op1<' would not Ix• abll' ll> afford a home o f their ow11 " . The latest Century 2 1 Heal Es ta te C orp. findings sh ow that the paltl'rn of horrw buying and financing methods t'Ontlll Ul'S sll'<+,dY from tht• first quarter of 1982. The study s h ows tha t high interest rates COOtlnUe" lO fue l the move away from C'OnVl•nllonal financing. Nationwide, the ml.od1a n dfocllve rate of inter.est paid by ho m t' buyl'rs wa!. 12.1 p<•rcent compared to 15. 7 pcrt't•nt now hl'1ng offon>d by lenc.Qng inslltulaons on t'Onvl•ntaonal mortgagl'S. 1'LTE RNATIVE FINANCING ha!> meant the typic~I buyer's monthly payments arc 16 I perc·1mt cheaper than what would havt' bet•., i:: ·ad o n a conventional m ortgagt". · This translatt>S an to a m~-dian monthly payml'nl of $519 compared to appr ox1ma tl·ly $611 o n a conventional loan or a savings o f approiomatcly $33,000 over the Ii fr of a 30-year lo an With a mon~hly $519 payment, approximawly 29 percent of all American households <:ould a fford to buy tlw 'typital h ome, al·cording to trad1uonal lending guidelines. A to t al of :.45 pcl'(:ent of all transat·ta o n s involved the assumption of all kinds of ex1s t1ng mortgages. In another 35 pt'f'l'<'nl of all transactions , the selle r carried back soml' f1nunc1ng Land . lutis ticu l sununnry of f i1uuu·ing su r~vt•y St~·ontl '~uur11·1 Hiil~ Mcdlun t•omplt!t4.'d tramrnl'l Ion» Suk·11 Pm .•1· tull buycr11J $513,700 Down Pavnwnt Pt•lt'l'lll.11{1· o f µ11(•1· Dullua v:alut• Medhrn cffrcllvl' Inte r est rot(' <.:onvenlaont1l f1111uw111~ AllA·naullvt• f1nt111('ang Owrall Median month ly home 10011 paynwnt Conv1•ntaunul f1nJ1Wtn~ Alll'rnat1vl' finnncrng ()vNall ' financ ing m e thod l'o nvt·ntumally ( 111t1m·1'<J Allt•rna t1vt•ly ftnurwto<l (lot.ii) Sl'ller finant·in~ As.-.u1111'<J 111ortgagt·i. St..ocond n1urtgagl'S und t'Onlrl.IC~ Wraparo unds . Home buyer charactl'rist ks M l•tllJn u&t' Ml·d1~1n houst•hold tnl•1m1· Mt1nU.I ~ldtui. .i 1·:.:. 11 ,!IOO , 14! I'!-;, $Ii i I ~I !i l!I "l. :tHu;, Iii'~• :l:.i'K, :15% 2<!% I f>~. ;j!; $:i:U>llll MHl'l'll'd UOY(, Stngll' :W'X. J.'1n;t-t1mt· h unw liuy1•1 40% Al't'1Jrd111g l•) 1 laroltl (;t·orgl., d1n>t·to1· ot r1•sl'ard1 lor Ct·ntury 4! I HN1I Estutt• Crn p .. 7 1417!i:l-75:.!I. f1nd111i.:s .art• baSL.>d on :i 1amlo111 snmpll' •Jt mon· than :1011trnnsatuons1·111npll11J by Ct•ntury ll uff1t't·s thro ughuut No 1 th Amt'rll'<I lnlt•rt•'>l r.1lt"• r1•µor Lt•d an· 1·ff1·1•l1v1• t'tmtrat·t rnlt~. rath1·1 than .11111uul 1J1•1·1·t•11t;agl' ralC'!. &'(·auM• aht•rn<a t1v1• frnun~·ing t1'Chniqlll' ml·lhudl> arc not mutua ll y t•xt·lui.1Vt'. th1· pl'rl'Cnt<igl'l> o f tran:,,a(.·tiorll> ut1l1zing t>al'11 l~.:hn1qu1• lolal m on• t han 100 pcru•nl (·on tracts an<.J wraparoun<.J mortgagt•!. f111<JO('<'d a pprux1matdy Iii pt.•n •t•nt of all romplrtrd sak>s. Tht· survt"r alM> n •vt•all-<l. The typ1tal h om<· buye1 wai. :•:; y<'an. old a111.J marrit-d, with an ;11111ual grr~., 1nl~1mt· of ~•bout $n.50U Th<· typit·al h citnl' wc1:-. µur('hm-.t.'<1 fur $5ti,700 with o ti pt.•rl't•nl d own paynwnt of $11,900 Apprux1111att'ly :.!Ii rwn'('l\I of all tralll>.J( lllll1S l'all f111 n ·fanann11g, Lyµwall v 111 f1v1· yt·<11:., 'fht• Ust• ot :1h1•rr1:1t1Vt• t 11\arll'lng II> l'Ol1Sl1>lt·11\ throughout l'Vt•ry pru:1· rnng<' of hou!«•l> sold September mortgage rates fall t~ lowest level since May, '81 WASHfNGTON tAP) The average interest rate charged h o m ebuyers for nt>w mortgages declined to 16,23 pcrct'nl in September. the low est rate sinee M ay 1981', the govl•rnmcnt rcportt.>d The declmc was a ttributed tu tht• rt'C'C'nt fall of interest rales in general In the ne.w report, the Federal Homt· Loan Bank Board saad the average <'ff{'('llve commatmc•nt rate on long-term. fixed-rate mo rtgages lell 0 /H percentage point from the 17 01 pcr<.•ent of August The September rdlt• was th<' low<.'Sl sm t'L' the 16.12 percent of M ay 1981. the 1cport said The m ortgage r ate was 17 77 pertcnt in September 1981 and reach l>d a record 18. 17 pcn·c·nt tn thl• following monlh The ralt' IS quoltod by maJOr lt•nd('r" ror ne wly built, s 1nglt•-famtl y h o mc•i. with a 25 y1·<1r t"On vt'nt11mal mort~af::(• th.11 m.ikt"> up 7:) JX'll'\'llt ol lhC' purlhciSC.• pnt·1· Thi.' report s;ml 7b I ~·ru·nt of rnJy>r mortgJl::l' lenders W<'rt' o ffrnng tomm1tm<'nL' on <OO\'l'Ol1on.il mortgagt·s las l m onth. up from 7!i !:I J><'rtl'nt an Augus t The• avt.•ra~l' l'ff<'C:t1Vt• 111ll•rt•st rat1· 1111 h11nw loans do&.od by ma,JOr IL•ndt•r.. al!.<J dc'l:l1111'<l, lall111g lO 15 23 perc-ent an Sept<'mlx•r from 15 ti5 1x•rct•11t in the previous month Tht.• Sc·pwmb.·r rutt.· Wl:J' tlw luw1•st since July IYHI Asbestos suits may 'be revived LOS ANGELES (l\P) A Superior Court judge ·overseeing som e 4 ,000 c1v1I s uits over asbestos-related disorders and deaths will revive the cases unless defense lawyers convince him otherwiSe at a hearing later 1h1s month. an o fficial said. "The purpost· 1Jf the· t•o1Jrl as to movt• hll~atum forward." said court sp okt·sman Sam Gmtlon "Judg<• Markey thought It ovc·r . rcalazc.-d tht.·re arc lY other defendanL'I and madl' a m otaon to prcx.'l·tod. Proceedings in all of the suits were brought to a sf.andStiU b y Judge Christian E. Markey Jr in August after the giant Manville Corp. of Denver. main target of the a<"laons, sought protet."llon from creditors u nder Chapter 11 o f the F e deral Bankruptcy Law. "What lhas m eans as thol unless ht• 1s l'Onvann:'Cl to the contrary. he wall grant his own m otion and start t·alhng in lawyt•r.s lo Sl't' 1f st•lllc·mt'n L" l'cm't be w orktcod out .. M anv11ll· will not b<.• andudcod an the rcv1v<.'(l proceedings because 11 has fak'C.I bankruptcy. but 211 o ther companies. mdudang some of thl· nat1un·~ largest, are defcndanL'I Unive r it y of California at f rvine Ex tension Di vision '·" pleased to 11resent ·"Forming and Operating Vour O~n Flnanelal Institution"' A step-by-step guide to forming and operating your own bank. S& L and thrift and loan. Saturday, Oct. 9th 9:30 A .M. -4:30 P.M. Herilage Room. Univer ity Cente r 11 UCI Campus Panelists lnC'lude: Jamf'• T. Caprt>ll, '-'11111r l'artn<'r. L11prr11 ~ t...11vl1•11 lr11t1•' .Jamt>fl Alf'11arul,-r. AA. l'r .. •11lrn1. <\lt<x.1n•h·r °"'' 11111w1 I u• \11~··1··· IEdward J, f.arp4'nlt"r, Prl'•td1•n1 ol bl11>.ir.f J (,.11111•1111•1 t'<. """ 111• ,,."'J1•1rl Bearh Julif' Coynf', Prr~1dl"nl, Co\ nl' 11ntl .\~-.,. 11w·• I o• \111wl1·• Wiiiiam 0 : f'lr r lwood, Jr .. C:11n~11hM11 . \ 11llr\ f1•.t1•r.il ..,,111111(• ,'<, I 11;111 '""'I'"" Jitarh f"ttd~rlc-k J. •·or11Jrr. Prl"M•Jrm 111111 l.t.O. \l"wporl ll.ill•111 ~'" 11111• 111111 j .,,HI A;.oc11111on. Nrwv<>rt l~oo•h M. Trd lnouyt" Cl'.'\ uml Purlrll'r. \11•\11nil1'r <.r11111 ~ C11 '111·"'1"•1 I 111•11• 11 Micharl .... MrGulrf', P rrt1(frn1. C1111rn• 1''1r1fl & l 11t111 '"'°'". Ir 111w flal•alof'f' f'rranlino, f'rt·~utrnl, (:,1lifr.1r1>11 H1·~1·11r• Ii C.orp1>rnl11111. ""1111111 \111111111 l.U,.•I I 111wh•·•111 !'-p"lt~•'r: H.'f . ( Tl111 ) \lr N111nnrn l"'1•11h .,,.,.,,1.,. uf I 'l• I 11· .. 1111 fee: SI 25 For more lnlormation or 10 enroll Call SUND EclwardJ al ( 714) 833-541.4 PERSONAL PROFILE INVENTORY $20 ,. ;~;·~:~'~' ;:': .!~ ,bv•,';:: ~°': ''•"'•' ' Pf,~,_,. P.-~ furn O.v111UC1n•tinl ro-Pf1¥atfl: Of ~WO Rt p I r>'l'(•ne ..,,, R~n.t 8t"41" ,,~ ConMiHt1r\f1 ~"'*'°''° Nttwp.ott Bf.acti (714) 640-1268 II vou don't smoke. I can offer 1mPOrtant sav1n&s on auto insurance Claim your rew1rd from RA881TI lflSURANCC 441 Old Newport allrd. Newport hid\, c.. A1·7140 required by law, new bualn••••• ut lng a Flctltlou1 Bu1lneH Nam• muat regl1ter that name with th• County Clerk. Call th• DAIL V PILOT LIOAL DEPARTMENT tor form• and further lnform8tlon. 142-4321 Sundru Andn·w11 f'rofllnl. 1111l' 11f U1·1111u1· (. '1111111 y'i. lllllStlll\tllll~ hll>.llll':O.:t l'XI'< UllV('i;, 111 LHilU/\I.( tilt' latt•st tu ,1t1111 tlll' Nlllfr 11f 111v1•i.t11 1,·11l n ·ul t•tilfitl• s p1•1·111h11ti.. 111 Lh1· S1111tu A1111 ol f1t·1· 11( ( '11ldwt'll l~mk!•t l'1m11111·n·111I lh•a l J•.:."'11111· S 1•1 v1<·1•11 I 1rnfunt's .q1p111111111t•nt wus 1111nl•llllt'N l 'b y C:1•11t'l.(11 S praK11111, Vl!'t' J)l'l'llltl1 •1'\I :111d l'l'l>ldt·lll ll\11 11 0gt•1 of lhl' :rn 1111·1111!1·1 ol l 11·1., w ho -.a11l Llrnl l'rofhnt now I l'Jll't•:1t•11Ls 11w 111•1" a nd liuyP11> o l 1nvt·i.tnwnt pt 11pt•1 t11 •i. tltr oughout Ut ullj.(t l 'ou11ty l'UJHH'lty , Yo u11u wlll ht· rt•i.p onKlbll· f or 1111plcn11•11tl11~ (; lohul'i; t11111I 1mlt·11 ;ind murk<.•tlng progrw11 Cur h1 tt-c•h pri.Klut l:s 111• will 11111lrlt.11it\ his 1>ffi<'l' tit C:lubal h1·udquurll·r11 In Annhc•am. "'rank Wisdom nl Newport fX•ud1 has lwt•n mrn11·d drn1rri11.111 11( thr· board of Cib1~1 Importin~ Comp:111y. 1mportt•ri. 111 Bolwrw11 , Curtu Blanc:a and Tl·t·utt· ht•l•f'i. Imm M1•)(1t·11 Wai;dom, who !K'rved four y t•1Jl'11 as a d1rt•t'lt>1 1111 t'1b1·0'1< h ottrd , 11> tlirst'hc l S. "lhrnk" Adll'r h11h 111.·1•11 p11111111t1.tJ to 11ur11wr 111 tho • 01 1111~(' C'ounty o ffw1· tJf T11udw Ito~"' & < '11 Adl1·1 11> r1·i.p1111i.ll1l1· 1111 lax 111:in11~1 ·m1·11l for a varll'LY o l T uud11• Hu .... -. d11•11L' I 11· w ill al~> 1·m 1linu1· .is Ll11• Otillll-W Courtly d11t'L'lt11 o f H•al 1•:s t<ll1· vpt•1,1l11111!> Adll't .JUllll'<I tlu• 0 1 • .111~1· County 11ff1l>t· Ill .h1111. I !/Hl lir1-i.ul1·11t u! W1sd111n llTlpm•t Sult·~ C:o111p:iny )rl(' o f rv11w Ill' JOllWd tlll' firm 1n Hl48 .111J has Kot'l'Vt'<J •ill J>ft•1>1d1•111 .i.int"' I !Jfj:l Kcllt•y Ly nn May..r h ,1-. 1111wd I~mnii. Klarin A l·c·uunta11ti.. Int•. o f N1 •wport Bt·ad1, 111> stc1 ff J ('l.'OU11t.1nt M ayt•/ liul1b 11 HS d1 ·grC't· rrom Col S1:1t1· Lo ng Bc:ut·h . w lw11· )11'1 studlt's t•on1•1·ntratt·d 111 f11 1a11n• .11111 1 t·al 1·-.t;itr· S iii' 11> l'tlOLtnuang lwr i..tllcl1t•'> lh1•1 t ' l•1w.11 d a 11111,11•1'-; dt·grt·t· Merrill Lynch sets open house Merrill L ynC'h. Pierce, li'enner & Smllh Inc. will l't'lebrat(' the o ffadal opening of its ne w , more spal·1ous Newport &·a<:h/l rvim• o ffic.x: w ith an open house.• on Thursday Pt·n •11.1 l '111 p 1n 1•i.1d1•111 l.111'. A Pc·n ·11 a h.1:.. c·lt·va tt•d J nn·d S loan 111 v11·1· pn·-.1dt·nt 11f ard111t'<·tur1• a:-. µ111 l c1f a •wf11·~ of t·hangi·-. brought 111.K>Ul b y grow th or th1· r11 m'._ h11t1•J. rt'l>Orl, and n·i;t;1111·;1111 cll·i..1~11 i-1wc1al11J1ll•lll The anno unn·m t•nt wu:. m<Jd1· by Do nald Goldman, r<.-sadcnt v11.·c prt'ljtdt•nt in t'hargc of the new Merrill Lynch fot·alaty 1n the Douglas Plaza Building, 19000 M a c·Arthur Boull•vord, Irvint'. <>1he1 d1:1ngt•l> 111dutlt• prnmollrn1 o l Sandra G. Barham to Vl('I' pr··-.1dt•nl or IJJ'l'I al1011i., and Sandy Day Lu d1n~·tor 111 1111n·h.1:-111g f111 llw 11 v1111• fll'm Ray Sldrys h.1:.. .101111·d 1lw l1ui.11wi.i.-111-bul>inc'SS r..l1v1i.1un of Cot·hra nl• Chasi., L1vingi.tun & Co., [nc 11( lrv1nt'. a:.. at·t·11u 111 t·Xt'l'Ut1v1• Praor to J<Hn1n~ CCL. S1uryi. Wal> with 0~1lvy & Malhl'I', Lo-; A11g1•1l•:,,. Thl· opt•n huui.t• will bt• (,'l>Oducted from 4 to f) p m . At·count l'XL·c:utives will b<.-present to answer in vestor qut·st1ons :.ind light rt•freshments will be servc.'Cl. In 1:1dd1tao n. vasat<Jrs to the olfit't! will be obll' to pack up rnp1es of th<· new Merrill L ynt•h booklet, How to Shop for H igt"i Yrclds as Interest Rates Dcdane. R obert J . Young h.i-. ht·(.·n uJJpu111ted Vll't' prt•i..1denl t{•l'hn1t·al Pro dut·Li. •>f G lo l>etl Van L1111•i. Thl' a111wum·t•1111-11t w;" madt• by 8 111 Flood. G lohal's v1t·t.> prt•i.1dt•nt o f markeun~ In his rww "Merrill Lym·h has lx'<•n d cllghtL'<i to be part of this l'Ommunity's dramat1t· gmwlh sanL-e w t· first openl'<..l an off1L'l' hl"rt· an IY71," t·omm1•n1.t>d "Thas m ove to largl·r qua1 tl•rs rl'fll·t·t:,, our continued confidence 1n thl" ct·onom1t· vatallty and future growth o f this an •a and rl'aff1rms o ur commitme nt to m eet the expanding dc·mand fo r investment S<'rv1ces here " OVER THE COUNTER NASO LISTINGS ) . ) . ,, ... ,. • " I .. lo"• H 1C1. -. •• ,, h " .. , .. 11 )I·. t I • ti'• • I' ,... . . IJ • l.l "' 1\ , ,, ,, \ I) t "'• 10 •II • • \ I 14 • I~ • I' /I Ill • /U 1' • 11 • t \ If> ,. , ... 11 • II . . . 1• ,, • /) IJ • II II ~ \•. tt • t I I/ II llJ Ill ·~ tnll•lncJ .,,, .. tnlHEnr '"'"'"'' th1n1~ Int mt(,.., lttHW'h l..w.t~CHH J•"\\li• '"'•(0 _.,,.tt, Jtnll'H ~ ..... ,,,. µt -..1 ... , l(.tm •• 11 "•IY''n \ M.m10,..11 P.+no1n1 Kluol(, Kni&~V .,.,.,"' ~vlt• .., .. l •nn ' L •ndM¥"' I •n•lO ' tilh~\ L 1nUru \ lVOt'''" M (I \ M(,I (J1I M•O•(,l Mo~IJ.'t t' Ir, I f lti M •1kt I ) • ,,,,.,.,,0<, t J • U Mi•\Hl t ,';, ,' ,:, ~.Pt n • \) ::-~~· 11 • 11" '-" r .,, j) ll ... "" .. ~ I• Mc 11, .. c, M f M •O\•W I II • IWllO<."f I• 4 • M1<1llt•\ I) • IJ • M 10ibt> ' I• • 14 • M1ll•Pf 1~ : ': : M •\\\fl(', h t If. Mi)I,.., • • • Mont( Of ll ,, =*c ~~ ~; • Mon1nh1 • .. • •• 1\11()1(. llAJ ' N 0 ~~:::t c,n AvHl1 ~I.JAi• A ~ N•twt) l\•• u · • 1 flHtMt ''• • . 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"' I i JU ... , \o Vlf• 4'1" Ill ,,, •• W\llM , ., • to. .,. • Wlll'~I ti ""'. .. ei\IWIA 'S , ... : " , •Wt_.. ... 0.1 a.•, • t1 • .... ..., 1-A : .!! 1~' ~,. •111111.tilt 21 11r-.. •. )! 4 4 , v~ 2010 '°' ""• '• w011 lJ l•IOJt n .. 1. ww~1o 1uo11:1)M *.:,:· t .,.. , U'-..................................................................................... ~ ............................... -.-. ... *-.]11 ...... ..,•.., .......................................................... Wtl~lll •1• 14 40••• ~ " .0 ~ t, Vtlllft I • ,., tt ' Or•n e Co••t DAil V PIL.OT/Wodnt1dav, Ootobor e. 1082 :Fly riow. Pay never. , c g :s AP Wlr•pholo George Wardt·, Conti1lt'nta l Airline~ vu·t· chairma n , post•s lwhind 1>ostt~r annomwinf.( his compa n y'i; 1w w ilwt>ntive a ward plan for business fl yinf(. Hilton hotels, Nationul Car Re ntal a nd two otht'r a irlint•s art• participa nls in tlw Hpa)' nt-''e r'" plan. I Fare warfare continues LOS ANGELES -Contint'nlal Airlin es has a nnounced a new busin ess traveler program called Travelbank, featuring what 1l says 1s the o nly advance lravl•I award redemption offered by any airlm<' . It a llows 'travek·rs to <:arn m1leagt· credits by fl ying Conllnt•nt.ul or Tl.'xas Incernat1ona1 A1rllm•s ana atso oy staying al Hilton hotels 1Jr renting a car from National Car Rt•ntal or flying New York Air. "If you plan to Cl y. driw or sleep anytime in the next 18 months this 1s the bes t travel program 111 tht· indus try," said Gl'Orge A Ward1•, Continental v1t'C chairman, "It is the first and only program that a llows people to earn ~nd redeem c..o mmo n currency, m1 les, wl th airlines, hot.els and car rentals Thl' result 1s award payoff to the traveler twice as fast," he said Warde sa1d Travelbank aJso as the onl y pro gram f ea tur ing Travelad vant'e, an 1mmed1ate plane tJcket award that can be paid bac:k la ter with accumulated milcagl' Travelbank parllctpants have. unlll Nov. 30 to get a Traveladvam't' "Traveladvance 1s o ur way o f acquainting travelers with the new Continental route syste m as Texas In ternationa l 1s rntegrated into Continental," Warde said "Travelbank isn't JUSl anothl'r frequent-flyer plan. h provides you with the award before you fly one mile. while other a1rlint-s make you wait and wall for your free trip with them because you must fl y at least 40.000 mtlc-s first." Warde said Travelhank m1•rnh<·1' may rt'<-etve award~ at 11.•vt•I' rangang Crom 7.000 mill·s. good ror a frt·•· three-day we{·kt•nd rc-n l:.i I from National Car Ikntal. to l~:l.000 milt·'· good for tWIJ frQl' round-trip f1r~l class tickets to Haw<111, M1t•rnnt'l'o1a 111 the South Pal·1f1t. mduding .1 I rt'l' hotel a nd car lor a Wl'io'k Each s tay at a parlll'IJX1tlnlo( I l1ltu11 hote l u r inn u r rl·ntal f111m ;1 partk1pa11ng Nat1 onHI Cai H1 •ntal agenl'y or flight on Nl'w York A11 l'arns 1.000 miles crc'Ci1t . rt·~<1rdh·~., of length of stay, rL•ntal or fl11-(ht Tl flights. hkc-Conun1·ntul f11~hL-., l'OUnt al'tual mile:-with a n·un1mum ncd11 of 200 mile~. 1111 mat tcr thl• actual le ngth and n•l(ardlt·'~ of tht· fare "'For l'xampll'. 1f you flv lrom Lo' Angeles to Houston and bcJt·k. n:nt a NatJonal car and stay ~ta 111,lton, most a1rhnes would t-all that J 2. 7fi8-milu flight." said Warde. "'Travclbank say!> th.11·, 4,768 m11t .... 2.000 mon · mi!C'S than tht· tompt'l1t1un would give you " He said mil<'agt• NmH'Ci With l11lton or National need not bt• Ill ('t1rlJUnct1n11 with a Contml•ntal trip, but that 50 perc:cnt of the tot.di m1k-s ac1.rued for u Cree tic.·k e t award mu'il be• o n Conttnental or o th1·1 pa 1 tu·rpating airlines. . Soo n Trav1•lhank will o ff<'r tr a v l' I P r s m 1 I C' n g C" c.· r c· d 1 t s (J n designated eommutt-r <iirllnt·s. tun ..-:lhAPPY 1r~~YS Share your family with photographic greeting cards pre-holiday special portrait study and 25 -31h x 7 cards with envelopes 24 designs to choose from photo taken In our studio. your home or on location only $4 9, SO ($100 valuel) atuart naldeth photography for appointment call 6'5-6800 1803 newport boulevord. costo mesa. collfOfnlo 92627 vaNd through october 15, 1982 ' TODAY MAN'S MOST BASIC NEEDS a yt:ar in additional incom~ (such as interest earnings) taxes will take more than $2,500 of it. (That $5.000 interest income: "crccpcd" your ,tax rate up to 44%. 1RA·tam1arklo<l monl'Y ma 91· dayT Bill until January, and mil it ovc.·r into an IRA Lhen. Ycn1 have.· your ( hoit'l' of a fixl"<.1 rat<· or a v-Jnahk· nttt· which will chang1: with prevailin~ markt:I intt>rtst rate:'>. ARE . CLOTHING I' I ud Ra1.-ltu c-rn1 lta 1 f ( 41m pou ncWd Y 1C'ld And toaccom D 18 w 411 molllh• 11.80% 12.71% plish that, v.,1.b1 .. K••~ 12,00% 12.94% totaJ taxes on IRA Mn~s It.---.~·· \Jiii..., • .-~.I---•"••-·-··· .... ., l ••vSHEDER th . t r · ............... ., ............ ~ ............ ii .......... ,., MA • co~~ ~;u;~~ Z'!'7:~.::.::::.::~:~-_:.~:·.:;~ · .. ::.: .. more than 50%.) A $500 IHA balanu: or an In thL· ~oo<l ol<l day~. tht Fortunately, there arc simple automatic deposit of your pay· only way youu worry about tax ways to get around at least some check even 4uaJifies you for an -.hdt<:rs was if you r nam<:' hap· of those taxing problems. And interest-paying chtdcing account p<.·m'C.1 to IX:' Rockefc:lll'r, Carnegie: you don't have to get bogged free of monthly service charges. o r lfothschild. down in offshore oil leases or If you have any questions, 'fo<lay. nigh taxc:s havt• com<.: accelerated depreciation real stop in at any office of Allstate 10th<.· r·ni<ldll' cla~s. estate deals to do it . Savings. Or call collect (2 13) If you'r<: single: and c:am thl' AIUlall UU.IU'llllVmVAL 240-5913 and a mem~r of <Jur unmillionairish salary of S35,000 MieP•n Aa:llMml Bank-By-Mail Department will a yt·ar. you gt't more: than /i()',1.. You can shelter some of your ~ :1appy to help you. o l it taken away from you~ income in an LRA, so it doesn't A financial analyst quoted in An<l if you earn, say, $5,000 get gobbled up. Newsweek (August 30, 1982) Taxes on $2,000 to $4,000 said: '/\nyone who doesn't take a year of your income can be advantage of IRAS is being - ddcrr('<l until retirement, aJong fooli sh:' with the eam('C! interest. And remember what you al- And if you have a Tax-Free ways sa id about how your mother Savings Account (All Savers didn't raise any foolish children. Certificate) maturing right about now, you have a ready source of funds for both your AllSlahr SBVlnOS !___...d~l!!llill._iii:!!!hL--__J 1982 and 1983 lRA invest· '"'"' '''""d""''"'' ments. We can hold your 1983-We're aJl in this together. AJl,t.llt' ~J\'in~' & Loan. a mt>mher of the S...>arS family. Over S3 billion in ass<'.ts. 'til982 Allstau? Savin~., & l..ron •h.-J • t••I ••• r .. t •-" ~\'"•~'"''I '"'I"'"" •dr th. ".-.1..-J~"'-••-" l.1it-~otnJ nW tnirt ... M-.J '4•f' ''''"""' f.a.":'" "• wl \e• '""' •1•1 \t.lf• I .. ~ ... , ,,. 1" ••• Nl·wport Beach Olll: Corpor:Ht: Pia.JAi. San Clemente 911 So. El Camino Rt"'.U.Tust in 18.212 lr.1111' Bht.l Westminster/Huntington Beach 5-10 W~tmin.,t<:r Mall. Another To the first 100 customers v1s1ting our store during this Grand Opening Sale NO PURCHASE REQUIRED. , , ' I I I I I I I I ' !'!j ... .... F .... r • ------ with th•• coupon Wllea J•• ,., aaJ el tlleH lte•1 11 eu n .... r le••rk• '" 1•t ... t1Mr •• , ....... •••• ., .. , •••• , nor Hard I Soft Ice Cr11111 Sund111 Carver 81n1n1 81r11 Hard I Saft Ice Cr1•111 Cones C1rv11 · Thick Sh1k11 • ' I I I with lh•• coupon ..... , •• ,., •• , ........ It••• •t eu nplar lew •rte• J•• 1•• a .. dMr •• ••• .... •••• •'•••••••1 ra11! Old• F11hlon1d lund111 C1rv1r · D1lu11 lund11 Dinner• Carvel Flyln1 l1uc1r1~ Nutty Roy1l11 I lrown lonn1t1 Free balloons available only wh1I;, ::>upply lasts• NO PURCHASE REQUIRED. ' I l ' ' I I ' • ('' :,.; ;; I I I I I I I I I I I -. I I ¢-M ' "~'-• I • .,..._ Ol"I'•-,.-....... C:.W..•----..,--·---Oood . ' o..r.io..-.o.r"""Oo. •• ' '------------, ~ ~; ~ .! ·-----------' ----·····--·m·1·g-·1 I w ith thl• coupon Wll•• r•• ••r ••r eak• •• ,.,,..,, ••rt•1 dll• Hie, •• ••r re1•lar I•• ,rtce r•• wtU ftHl•e a H ........ fer a Bii ealLa, el .............. ,... ......... , "' ~ .. Ml •••••• ,. ... • ! ~~·ii·~™@-· I ,.__ .;.,. *"•* "'"" 1111 ~ .~ _.,., _ OOoCIO"• "'*'°"" P"Ct °"" o. ' o-i~wr"""Oo • ,.., ' ------------' "':. ' . , . .. , " .. ·-----.------ .~~~v t'&IM~ ;9e1. l'MOAn J>tou \.-......... ---i_., All .. LAGUNA HILLS LAGUNA HILLS PLAZANONS SUPERMARKET 24311 ALICIA PAPttMAV (Al Hon) 714/85MS088 ' --·---- ] • t-! -' • Diiiy Piiat f'/1•11t y of big f!lUllt'~ i11 p1·l·11 footb111/ WCON(80AY, OCT 0, IOU2 ENTERTAINMENT C7 TEJ..EVISION / ca Angels' old prQs show how it's done It's the Baylor cind John Show • • • and it could mean new contracts . By CURT SEEDEN Of the Delly ,1101 l teH Gamt• o nt• of tl11· AnH0 l'll't11\ Lt·ugul' Champion~ht p Sl•ries muy ht• l11story. but a t•uupfl· of veteran Angt.·I~ Wl'nt uul of llll'1 r way T ul'sd;1y night to prov<.· lhut's not tlw t'UM' with lht•111 Al. pla.• ulf/11 111 u 111111uef.• 1111 tht• J\11~t·h,' f11·s1 r•u11, h11; twu run tr1plt• II\ Uw 1h1nl broughl home· th1· 1•v1•ntu11 l HU nw winm·r; und for j(t.xxt nw;i~ur't• hl· w lHll'k<.·d 11 lwo run i;in1-tlt• in 1111· fourth H\lllllH off n •llf'vc·r .!1111 Slaton ,truk1:J .J pu11 o f s 111~lt•s 1111 l'ulclwl'll lH:for t.• boorning J S lutcm t·ufvt· uVl·r tht• r 1uht fll'l<l fcont·c· 111 lht· fifth mninli( Tonight'• g•m• Angels vs. Brewers Ht• L•uuld huvt· '"' the• 11111.Jur lt•uHUt• l't'<:ord lur pluyuff HBI 1n th1· s1xlh 111111111( wht.·n Gm•h drillt'<.I 1 two out doubll· and walll•d pul11•ntly ut St'l•ond for lhl' b1F( 1>11 lo du Ills th111g A'\kt'tl if tht• llrwup d1,1J1Rt' tiCfl'<'lc·d him, J,.ynn r1·~p1mdc•d. "Early m th<· '-i.'!J'>'111 11 1111gh1 twvl' But lJlon't think :.o now I'm going to llWlllU hard nu mattt'r whc..•n· I but 111 lht· u1d1·1 " at Anaheim Stadium. 5: 15 pm. I especially in wrms of thc·1r futurt· ll\ J\nJh1·1111 Des1gnau>d h1llt•r Don Buylor. who will bt· J free agent aftt.•r lh1s st•ai-011 , and lt·l l h.ind1·1 Tommy John. p1ckt-d up in llw w11111ng mo1m•11l~ of the season for pennant msurum: " t'Ornh11wd lht•1r talen ts to take care-of lht• Milwaukt't' Brewt.·r... H.;J, before 6'1,-106 approving fans at Anaht.•1111 S~1d1urn Tonight'• pltch-9'f1 -Bruce K1son ( 10-5) of the Angels vs Pete Vuckovich '( 18-6) o f the Brewers That set:mC'C.I to be · tlw opinion of oJJ of tlw Angels who rc·~rxmdc"tl wrlh IO 1111.s ore four 8n·Wl'I p1tt·ht•rs an<l baltl~'tl 1111.:11 way lh.lc:k from an early I I dl'f1t·11 TV -Channels 5 end 7 at S pm. liul B:1vhu"s lint· drive-u p tlH' rnuhlll' wai. ~naggt•d by· Slaton. whll'h nol u11 ly p1t•vt•11ll•d Bay lor fr1>m gc..•ll11lfo( tht• 11•l'ol'<I but 01!:10 i.avl•<l Slaton'~ fm·1· from tX'1n~ M•riuu.,ly mc·..-.t.'Cl up Announcers: Channel 5 -Bob Starr. Ron Fairly and Joe Buttitta; Channel 7 -Keith Jackson. Earl ~aver and Jim Palmer "It's 11hv1ous I don't t•onnt't't wlw11 me•n <1rl·n·1 1n bast•," t•xpluuwd lk1yl11r ;_1ftl'rwarcl "Out whl·n lhl'Y an .. out th1•n " I do a lot mun· lh111k111g, bul I ·H.~y away Cr<~m 1l1111kmg hom1· r~n I JUi.l try lt1 Jnvc· the ball lwrcJ with my bl·i.t :.wing" Mt«:inwh1lc·. ,John nv1·rt".1mc· h1~ :.wndard early ,hak11ws .... Jnd wlllt-cl d11w11 Lo cool the big Brewer h.Jl!\ whllt? l11i. ll'a111111Jll..., buttlt•d tht•1r w<iy ha<:k into It Baylor's fiv<' HBI Lu-.1 a playoff rt't'ord, .111d John's complNe:> gamt• t.•Hurl may havt• llt'll tht· knot in a new contract pat·ku~w wh1l·h would hnd lmn p itch ing for lht• Angt•b thmugh thl· I 98ti sc·astm R•dlo KMPC (710) at 5 pm. Announcers -Bob Starr and Ron Fairly. Remaining achedule Friday's game: The· :rn Y<'<•r old lt•fl hJ n<lc-r 1s n ·1J0rtt'<.lly d()fl(• tn agr~·mg tu a lhn·t· YViff t·xlNl-'>11111 of h1:. c'011tra<:t rhal would puy him $'.l I m1llum through 1986 That 1~wans John would Ix· 4:! wlwn h1i. l'<mlracl w11h th1• /\ngc-b t•xpm:oi. in Milwaukee, 12: 15 p.m . Saturday's game. If necessary: In Mll~aukee. 10 a.m.; Sunday's game. 1f necessary In Milwaukee. 1 :20 p.m. Both made prl'.'lly good t•ast•s fur thc•mi.t•lvc·s 1n the playoff opener ai. tht• Angt·ls tcx>k thr all- important first gnnw of llw ht·~l·11f-f1vl' Sl'rlt•s Tonight it's the Angc•ls' Brun· K1~n <ll(Ulll-.t Pl'll' Vuckovich in game No. :l "Don Baylor just SN-ms to sh11w and hl· l'itrr'IL'<J it through to the playotls loru~ht," nott't.J M'l'Ond baseman Bobby Gr1<·h, who l1kl· Buy lM was ~lect<.'Ci by the Angc·ls 1n tht• n'-l•nlry llr<Jft in I 97ti .;trike· out fr~t· tinw:-. ;.Jl\d 11 wouldn't nrnlle'l' tu mt'. "Hl''S had a gr<•ti t Sl'<IMJll , ('i.pt•l'IUlly lfl rdC'n·nc•c· to h1t1111g In kt·y s1tuutwns. The· playul rs arc tough to dl·ul w1lh wlwn you're in limbo," Jackson addt'<I ManagN C1 •11<· M;_111d1 had ms1·rt1 ·d Ray l11r 1r1 thl• Nu 4 slol 111 his luwuµ <111d tlwn lollowl'd wrlh his thrc•t• lcfl hundt•d h11tt•rs J;.ll·k~1. Hod Cttl'l'W :md Fn·d L ynn agm11~l start1•r Miki' C<1ldw1:1l IC'ft-handt'<.I "l really didn't look al ll us µuuing lhrt•t• ll'ft- handc·rs in a row up. I look<'(I t1l 1l us six nght- h<tndl'rs m a row," 1·xplu11wd Maut'h of his latc·sl linc>up shakl·Up Aft«r comjHling ,1 10 10 r('t·1,,·d with the Yankeei., J ohn currn · lo lhc· A11gt·b cm Aug :11 and posted a 4 -2 rc'<:ord. ''To me• it's kind of Spt.'l·1al Wc•'n· not 'iUl'l' 1f Don will be with u:; nc•xt yc·ar," <.;m·h addc·d Noted Rc·ggie Jackson. "I want him on thrl> hall club. I'm a friend so I'm prt•JUJ1t•t'tl But hl· muld B<iylur. who fin1~lwd lht· rt•gular ~·asun with the> most ganw winning HAI II) the· Anwril'llrl LeaguL· (21). wui.tt·d l1t th· t1mt· in p1l·king up h is firs t or tht• playoffs As it lurn<·d ou t, c•vt•11 tl11• lt•fl-handl'rs :ontrihutC'd Jackson':. grnu11d out rn lht· third inning brought in thC' foul'th run of tht: 1nn1ng. and Lynn His f1hh vwl1Jry as an /\nt!t·I t·a111C' lht· hurd way us Gorman Th1Jmw,, wltCJ l1{·d J:wk~11n fur lhl' /\mc·nl·an League home· run lt ·ad with :HJ, shc·lled a John p1tl'h 1nlp lht· h•fl f1t·ld i.1·aL-1 in the St-t·ond inning for a short llvl·cf :l I Rrl'wl·r lc·<id "I tc.·11 y<1u, p1t<:h1ng 11g;..11nsl !ht• BrL•wer~ rs a (See BAYLOR, Page C4 I His sacnfkt· fly in lhl• f1rsl inning aL1t•ount1·d • Like fine wine, John proves it By HOWARD L. HANDY Of the Delly Piiot SleH The big bombt•rs of th t· midway (Mtd-Americu) from Mi l waukee f o und Ange•! Manager Gene Maut·h lo b1 · a pro p het of n o mt•an ability Tuesday night. Before the o pC'ning gam<' of the Americam League playoff.. les at Anahe im 'btad1um. ch said Tommy John would ike fme wine -get lx.•ttl'r h~~. t o r as th e game hn gave up thre<> early r'uns e slugging Brewe rs. then ed only three hits for the rf111alnlng six innings as lh<' l ls posted an 8-3 victory pit.e the loss, there was a air of expectancy in th<· er clubhouse where th<' big ~bers figure they will be back i ~the thick o f the Sl'ramble ght. like the potential on this ball cljb for winning immcd1atcly," t JI:~ B r e w e r ' s m o s l r e c <· n t isition. Don Sutton said "ll the bes. l coll£oetion of talent I ever played with," thl' c·x · ~o and Dodger hurler said. l:'i!fhey can hit and they can defense and when we win orrow, we'll go home al the mark. When Tommy (John) ~a lead , he's tough to beat. He hed a crafty ball game.'' J 's former teammate on the gers added. Mllw<iukl·t· Manager llarvc•y Kut•nn wasn't d1sappo1ntt•d 111 !ht• oUtl'omt• and t•xpn·~st•J c·1111f1dt•nt•t• in his kam despite· 11 eouplC' or {'ITOr.. Om· C<•ffil' in tlw fifth inning whe n Paul Mo lllor, lht· third bast•man, chargt·d a ground ball and 1l wenl off his glove• mto left ftdd. Thl' Angc·ls s<:orcd a pair of runs afln th1• m1S<·ue • "This 1s a fast inf1l'ld and he playc-d 1t the only wuy thal he could," Kucnn said. "That's the only way If hf' had laid back and didn't charge. then it took a bad h o p . he would have been cr1tJc1ied for that "I've seen a Jot of balls hll ukc that this year " Kuenn added: "[ d efinite ly think we are going t o win tomorrow. I don't think Gene Maut·h 1s gui ng t o cha nge anythmg and I defimtdy know I'm nol going lo change a n ything Wl''ll both come out swinging and I'm sure we'll bounct' back "Pete (Vuckovich) )las phc·hro very wdl against the Angels this year and I'm confident he will again." Vuc:kov1ch, 18-6 with a :3 .34 ERA. has three victories against the Angels this season with no tlefeats. Hf''ll pitch tonight But the.· one spot Keunn feels the A.ng~ls have an edge 1s in th<· pitching. "Their pitchers had an c-xtrn !See JOHN, Page C&l .,.., ..... '1wlf• _, ~ I( .... cher Tommy John fire a pitch on the y to a complete gamP victory over lwaukee. --. . •• Doug Dt'.'Cin<'f'S (left ) and Tim Foli of th(• Angf"ls <'an 't believe a saf<· <'a ll hy umpire Ste\'f" Pale rmo on a slide at third bast• by M ilwu ukt-e's Paul Molitor in thf• third inning . D•llr POot Photo br c...,.... ltetr Is there too much pressure? High school football can make some big d emands By JOHN SEV ANO 01 the Otlllr PlloC 8t•H High S<:hool foolb.Jll the last couplt• of days hove· lx·<'n spent analyzing and r<' analy7.mg its values and merits fuims guard Bill Bain charged this WL'<.'k that the c•mphos1s lo win had reached such an cxlrt'm<' al th<' high school level that ·oaches Wl'fl' willing lo take whatever steps necessary in order to kc<'p a winning program Bain's final pfOl(nos1s was that athletics, esped;illy In the mor<? highly-successful programs. ht.id taken priority ovrr acodc·mit'S In u stnry Tu<"sdny Edumn High's Bill Workman, t-'ounuun Valley's Mike Milner and Mari ~m Ancil'h . &m's former coat•h at St Paul: all took exl·ept1on lo Bnin's Gllcgat1ons Each coAch acqu1tl<>d his respective school from any wrongdoing concernm.g posslbh• acndcmic adjustments of a players grades in order to kt>ep him eligible. On the· other hand. each agreed lhal SU{'h a practll'{' probably exists somewherc 1l just didn't t•XI. t at their individual schools. Th<' b<1ttom line aftt•r the Hrst two stories didn't s<!em to bt• ~rades. Instead. the :.'t'ntral lssul' appcarcc.l to bt> pressure. and whl'lhcr a 16 -or 17 yeor-old yo\Jth i!I mentally capable of handling isuch stress. Ar<' tht> strains ot winning In Cootbtlll ttnd doing wt>ll acndcmicolly 100 mu<'h to <'XP<'Cl from n youngster? Hns football. or m ore to thl' point WINNING football, rcac hc.,'d auch an extrnme th~t 11thlett_15 hove' to sa<:rtflct' thcm.11Clvr8 scx'lnlly ond in th« cl8Mroom? And, it thl' answers nm yt.'8. Is it all worth It? BRYCE MALAVASI played last ycor at EdlM>n High where h was a dd •nslv<.' nd. Thl11 year MaJavruil, tht> 1<>n of R3ms Coocti Ray Matavul, Is playing at Ft<·tmo State as a IK.'C'Ond·11tt1ns 11trong aafcty. "ll (playin~ h1~h i.c..·hool football) does lake• a Im of vour llmt'. no doubt about that," he· says "·And. high S<·hool 1s worse than c..'Ollege "As far us 1:t<:adt•m1t'l. 11·~ hard becauS<· vou have to study mon· "Al Ed1!!0n. th;. l"t1at·hl'S chc'<.'kc'<I you all the• tim<'. If you WN<'n't doing wc>ll in class. or you had misM•d on<'. or 1f sonwone was 'IC1 cw mg up r<'a I bad, t lw y wou Id stop 11 quick " M nlavas1 adds thnt Workman was cxtrcmc-ly hc>lpful w ht•n 1t ramc• to any nc·ndc>m1c problems "H<' was very good about that," says Malavas1 "He 'd talk to teachers and ask how a player was doing. what was w"?ng, anti ~hal thl'y could do to improve in a class. Is all lh<' pre:.surc• worth it' "It's the kid's d1..:.c1sion," nows Malnvas1 "If he thinks there's too much pr('S.Sure then hl· shouldn't be plt1ying football. fl ~mconc can't hanctlt• 1l, ht• m1gh1 as well pack 1t up "What a pcr'M>n hns lo do 1s aJSk h1msdf how much he llk<'S football. It you don't Jovt' thl' sport. then yo1.1 won't care about it Dnd It will affoct your grad s. "If you lov<' it, Lhough, you sh ould tc tlck It out." EMILE HARR\' IS currently u wide rt•(•f'IVN ul Sto nford. lie r cc<.'ivcd b 'lch o larshlp ofter the 1900 11cu11on o t Fount.uin Vollt'y High. "Thc•rt•'s a lot 01 prenur'' 1n l\tgh school.' says H orry. "And tor o 17-ycar-old kld . undC'r that kind oC prf'~UC'C.'. 11.'a not an Ideal ltuallon. Sol'TW' will be able to hondl It Othcri w on't." 11 thN't' & ilOlutlon? "It's bas1cally up to the• pl:iyC'r," o frt•rs Harry . "It's n •ally. rcally tough for an individual to leurn h ow to budget his tJm(' Luck1lv for mt'. I'm a pretty s..·lf-dl.SC:iplincd ix·rson I was ablt• lo budgt'I my Ume by pulling mysl'lf on a i.c:ht'Clult• I thriw on being busy That's what pullc.J ml! through " A normal h igh schoell football playN wakes up al 6 a.m lo bt' at Sl·h ool by 7. Ile tht'n, gem•rnlly, K<X'S lo S<.'hcll)I Crom 7-to ·2 pm., prnl·tic<'s frnm 2:30-to·ti. watdwi. film from 6:30·8 and 1s homC' bv nrnt• It's c1thl•r during o frt·c p<>nnd at s<:hool durmg tht• :lay o r whl'n 11 youngstt•r gt•l.<i home· thal he's cxpect<'Cl to study "You'rt• basu:ally Sp<'ndmg more than 12 hours a day in SC'hool ond it's tough for a 17-ycar-old to n•11lizl· that," says Harry. "Thcr<' art' so many lhmgs thnt <·an distraC't you, too. 1f you It•\ thc•m "And, the way high ~·hoot athlet1l-S art• going thl•rc•'s no dc•nr-l·ul u •vt•rsmg of the i1tuat1on unlesc; vou l'Sn c·ut down on pral'Cll~ llmt' and thing:. o( lha\ nnlurt' "You kne)W, on<' thing l'vp 11:01 nc-d In ~ming to Stanford is how mu h further nh<'nd pcopll' from lht> East nrl' ovc."r us Back 1-:ast. it's a prc•paralQr)' sc:hool. but they prcJ>-'lrc you lor collt•gt'. nut Just to gN by. "When I was ul fountain Valley. coochcs didn't take your tlnw tor football puq)08(!5, und I wouldn't :\aY athll'lks ronw ~fore academlc.:s. But wh<.'n It wo11 tlmf' fo r illhll•tleli. l'Verything t'IM• WM !IC<'Ofldnry ond rootbalJ did \Jlkt• up 0 lot of your timl.'. "Stilt, C.:ooc·h Milner prNty much hud things squun·d owoy. H l· didn't ask for ~hool Umr r<'g{1rdlnR football mattl'ra. ill' did a" much fill h<' could to make aurc you w<>rt' still in cla Ht• gaw you o chanc.'t' to (See PRE 'URE, Pa1t C&> .._ ............ ._.. ---.~ . \ . ... • • f.I Orangt OoHt O~ILY PILOT/WednHday, October 8, 1882 ~------------------------------------------------------------------~ NFL 1'All-1tar" games In llmbo WA lllNO'f'ON 'f'h Nullu11ul lo'out II &.... i'-Hl Pl66y •at A.INIOlllHl011, '*'In& • rl•lni ll<t.• uf llU11atlo11 amcJ def illCtJona, will d4 ld wllhJn tho 11tt>tl U hourt w h lhn It will pc11t po11c> thl• (lr1t In u R!rlt't of 20 llO t•ulh'<l ull ·•IUr tcuml .. , union h•ulh'l'a uld TuNday. • ' "Wl• don 't w nni lO mullt•od tlw public." unlu11 chl~f Ed Gurvl'Y 11uld ·•rr Wl• t•tm't pluy thl· Edmonton break• out on top Tom Ro11l1loa ~mJ Jul K1rrl ~ tl·orod lhlrd pt11 lod 11&06611 \Ci dlm·h ' .. ;dmontun'• 7 l't Na tlQnal Hocktty _ l.1•aau1· liC' lkln·UJ>tmlng vk111ry ovl•r Cil((ory T ucllday nltihl ltuultnon 1-M•u l l!'lumN! aoallt1 Doa f:dWtrdl w ith U IO·foot Wrl11l 11hol U\ 3:61> of lho flr\411 J>frlod to give Edmo11to11 o 6"4 t~f't' Merlla Mallnowakl 11c.'or<:d ut r.:O:J or th third 11t•1 lod, llhln.g Nl'w J t•rlK.'y t.u u 3.3 llo with ' '" oes i son's tit e d eser ve an ast e risk? !t1ml~ bt'<.'11u1w of ull tlw NFL ji,•,ml Utll N we" n il t otf." Me•1rnwh1lt'. no prof(rl·a.s wui. rE'p orlt•d Tut•t1d uy in c:Hfort• to uml llw l ~-1i .. y wulkout by the• lt>UKUl1'• l ,!\00 pluyc-rs. Plttabur11h. Mullnow1kl'1 tully cloflt•l'll'd ofl ~ tJi Plt \Mburl(h rltiht wing Oou1 Sbeddon, who Wll~ _ 1· 1· 1111 C' .. .: ce s <. fr\I OlllhC' H GradtD""11rnn"ll1hr-t--U.~ _.. __ ...__._ t'OnlrtJve•1'11l1.1l powcrpluy gout 1hc mlnul08 Into llw third pN1od t.o give Vunc.'OUWr u 2 I victory OVl•r From AP dl1pah:aes Anwrtn in Lt'ugue Pretiident Le<-Ill Mad >hull Is oonducung an unorrlcial lnvt•1111gatlon lo dcll'rmlnl' whl'tht•r deliberate st.ailing tactics Wt'rc uMld during Sunday's Oakland·Kaf\llU Ch y game lo help Willie Wilson of Royals win the league batting title. Wilson finis hed the scuson with a .332 overage, a point higher than Robin Yount of the Milwaukee Brewers. "WE' haw hod no rontact w ith thti union tod oy," suid Jim Mill ·r. apokc1ml{1r1 Cot the OARV.V NFL.. Munagc~mt•nt Council, thf' owncn1' bnrguinl11g tcum. Negotiations to reach 1u.•cord on a nl'W collective bargaining agreeml:nl bt•t wctm the NFL and the players· assot·iu tlon broke off Saturday No nt>w Ull ks havl• bt.'t'n NL:lwdull'<i. the New York Jalondf'ra. ThP 11llck S w t·d h1h A t • 11 t•tml<'r flrt'd a quick wriBt 11hot Crom tht· rlJ(ht U ry W J fact•t>lf rlr C'IE' tho l got beh in d lal a n tfo r~ KM lt<'ndl•r Biiiy Smltb. 'rh<: rt-d light did not go 011 und referee Andy Van Hellemond did not a1gnal th<' goal, bul llrw111nan Jim Cbrl1tl1on, who wus in11ldt· thl• NC'w York blu4ol line, el gnl flc<l • Will a f(oul USF eyes return to basketball look Into the ~ib1llty of somt>day Nul.xJdy l':.une Ill ull the noon bulli~111 lwm Sm1kutwn 11nd ask1·d nw. but • i-·or all tlw tulk ot how rmwla Anw·li. ownt•1' (;t•111· Au l1 y <.ltos••rv•·s •• p1•1111:11H ond wurld d\1Hnp1ont1h1p, lht· rn•ll'I d1•!wrv111g thing uhoul tht• mun lti \ht: wuy he· hus Uikl•n Yl'lffh of <11fv1·noty ond ;1buSl• w1thou1 ww wh1mix·r T h e K a n sas C it y outfie lde r had go n e into Sunday's action four points ahead of Yount and d id not s tart in the Royals season finale against the A's. At least fi ve clubs h ave gone to c·ourl seekin~ lnjum.•tlol\li to preven t their playl'rs from practacmg for the first game, wh1l·h 1s schedulc.>d lo be played on Sunday, Oct. 10.''l'lt Ro~rl F. Kennedy Stadium here. Before the 11ehool year is over, tht• • University or San f'ra nctMCO plans to · r~tormg ita men's ba.'lketball program which was dropped earlier this year afte r alle gutions of NCAA violations ... Francia "Pat" Richards, a former boxer who w as once ra nked among the lead ing heav y w e ight conte ndon1, 111 deaa at t>V ... Australian Lisa Curry won the 400-meter Individua l medley today for her third sw imming gold meda l al the Commonwealth G ames Her lime was 4:5 1.95 ... The Seatt.le SupcrSon ks have traded newly signed free agent Wally Walker to Houston for the Rockets' l«'Ond·round 1983 draft choice • I lo'wurd C'll'•t·ll kt-t•ps ll•lll11g Ub thut 1':arl We·:Jvt•1 was onl· of thl' gre·alt~l bu~·IJttll managen. whu {•V<:r liv<'<.I hut w1• h:1vt· i.tlrt·ady h<·urd lhcit 11 Y o un t , m e anwh i le, rapped two.hom e runs and triple in his first four at-bats against Baltimore an the ~L W1llON East title g a m e , c utting Wilson's lead lo JUSt one point. He was at bat for the fourth time of the Bre w ers 10-2 triµm ph over the Orioles. w nen u a1<1and Ma nager Billy Martin strolled to the mound at Kansas City to visi t his plt<:her. There were two out al the tim~ and the A's were lead ing 6-3. Martin stayed o n the mo und for five minutes. "I was buying time for Wilson," Martin said after the game. adding that Royals Manage r Dick Howser had called the A's dugout. Quote of the day Lou Holli, Arkansas football coach . still not ha ppy after the Razorbacks' 38-0 victory over Tulsa: ·•Our kicking game still is a big question mark. You'U probably see better kicking at the finals of the Punt, Pass and Kick competition." Del Mar harness racing alive DEL MAR -A faU harness race !!} meet at Del Mar, thought to be a dead Issue when the sta te Race Track · Leaslnf Commission re jected the proposa of a New York company. is back oo track again, a t least for the time bein.'{. On M o n d a y. t h e NFLPA soug ht a temporary restraining order from a federal judge in Washington. D.<; .. to block the NFL and illi member clubs from interfering with the gum('. U.S. District Court Judge John Gar rell Penn took the c ase u nde r a d visement wit h out indicating when he wou.ld Issue a ruling. On Tuesday, the Philadelphia F.agles joined t h e Buffa lo Bills, Dallas Cowboys, Miami Dolphins and S t. Louis Cardinals tn going to court to block their players from participating m the game. . Twelve Eagles players had bt.-t.:n annoum.'ed by the union as participating m the Oc:t. 10 game, which features players from the NrC and AFC eastern divisions. Atto rneys for the PhiladPlµhia football l'lub fill>d suit in Common Pleas Court on Tuesday charging the players with breac·h of t'Ontracl if they played in the games. A hearing on the action is sc·hl'dult'd for Friday. Sinular hearings arc set today an BuHalo and St. Louis as lhe Bills and Cardinals aim to convince courts that the NFL clubs would suHe r "Irreparable damage" if the players play In the game. Labor specialist offers h~lp PITTSBURGH -A labor· manageme nt s pecialist who ca lls himself "a professional peacemaker" has me t with seve ra l P i tts burgh Steelers and w :il a lso talk to the S eattle Seahawk.s in ari a ttempt lo break the impas5e in the NatJonal Football league players' strike. Television. radio Following arc the top sports events or\ TV tonight. Ratings are: v v v v cxt'<'ll~nt, v v v worth wat<:h ing; vv fai r. v forget 1\. 6 9 5 p.m., Channels 5 and 7, V' V' V' V' BASEBALL: Milwaukee a t Angels. Announcers: C hannel 5-Bob St.ar r, J oe Buttitta and Ro n Fa irly; Channel 7-K eith Jackson, Jim Palmer and Earl Weaver. The Angels i.ry lo make it two in a row with Bruce Klson (10-5) on the mounci a ga inst Milwaukee's Pete Vuc kovich ( 18-6) Afte r t.onighl tl)e balance of the best of five scrll's takes place at Milwaukee. RADIO Baseball -Milwaukee at Angels. 5 p.m .. KMPC (710). OT8 ER TELEVISION-RADIO Baaeball -Atlanta at St. LoulS. 12.15 pm , Channel 7; KNX ( 1070). thousur1d 11rn1•s I rum 1'~rl Wt«wi.·1 • Tiu• most 1>1).(ntlll'°'inl 4uult·s uul ol th<• NFL pluyeni stn k1.· t·umt· last wt·l·kt•nd w1th1 n minult>M of <.·u<·h 11t h1·r whl'11 thl· owne~· mun, Jurk Oonlan <i nd 1 playl'fs unlor\ d an·l·tur Ed Gur vt·y b11th said 111 t'fft-<:t, "I r1m wusllng my ltm<' ht•rt•" What in the ht.'11 t·IM' did th()S(: two huv<.• tu <l11"! • If the· Angt·li. ,,_l. looking fur rt'C..'Ords and d1slml·taoni.. ll has L1lr1·u~y hc.'{•n dc•tt.·rm1n1-d thl'y have th1• mot.I l'mot1on11l munagl•r 1·vt•r Lo wan a d1v1s1on l'h.imp1onsh1p • Of ('OUl'M· p1llfong lb the· numt· or the game but 1t wus 16 yl'i.H'I> i.lgu SaturdJy lh<i l thl' Los Angc l('s Oodgl·ri. with Sundy Koufax and Don Dr ysdale Wt.•fl• i.wc·pt in lht-l 91ifi World St>rt<:'S by the &lt1mon· Or111l1·s • TOMMY LASORDA MAD E u ni' la s t. dcsperal(' C'all l<J tht· grc:al Dodgc·r m tht• sky and th1· line> was busy • Formt•r Angc·I manag<.·r Jim Fr<.•gos1 11> again being mt'nllom'Cl 1n ('Onnl'<.'Lion with th1• Cleveland Indians )Ob :.ind Lillie Joe Morgan. who k1lll'd tht· Dod~crs. as a real>Onable ~l lo manage• at Houston · • The: United StatC's Football League 1s making calls to many National Football Lcagu1· C'Oa<:hcs but ll has not been d1sc:IOS(."™ any of thern returnC'd thl· <.·alls . Said Phal<tdt·lph1a's 01t·k Vl·rme11. "who g<.1ve those:· rx·oplc my numbt.•r'!" • An t'XC't·llcnl lolll'ry sub.iec·t would bt.• how man y pas..<;t.'!. will lx· thrown when Stanford m<.·<:UI UCLA'? • TllE G UY WHO FIRST ru1m-d thl' martrn1 with an olivt• was probably a fru!>lral<'t.I umpire· For GWC, Bucs, it's not any easier • It I!> '>llll th1• {C'C'ltng hC'rl' lh<tl tht• NFL players have· a very good case but havt· done J ICJU.'>~ )Ob of pn-s.1.·nt1ng 1l • If two s1dt-s nmnot :Jgrt'<' 1n a ldbor di.,putr , why not <i mt'c.lwtor'! • Wt·ll. th« 1~8:! Ang1·b arl' u b<·llt'r ball duh than thr l!:lli<! Ang1·ls but thc·y sure· arf'n 't as mut·h Tun to be• around Rustlers travel to Santa Monica, Pirates at El Camino • It M•t•ms vt•ry i.u rpris111g th.it Jimmy tlw Gret•k dad not t•mergt· a s ;1 NCAA D1v1siun Ill football authoritv .a....ast weeKeno was not a particularly good one tn the football circles at Golden West at.d Orange Coast colleges. But then, whe n you're up against two potent oUenses. like thoee displayed by Taft and Pasadena. the optimism tends to run thJn. And neither Rustler Coach Ray Shackleford or Pirate Coach Dick Tucker figure thlnp will be easier this week. The RusUers, 38-2 1 losers to powerful Taft a week ago. hit the road for a non-conference battle with highly regarded Santa Moruca CC. The Bucs also travel to face El Camino and Warriors' quarterback Tim Green, who passed for more tha n 2,300 yards in juat n ine games lasl season. Both the Sues and Rustlers have short jaunts for lheir contests compared lO Saddleback's intinerary. The undefeated Gauchoa have a date in Antelope Valley, and they may be the only team in the nation who are after respect aft.er dumping their last opponent b y a 64-0 count. But more about that later ... Kickoff is set for 7:30 for all of Sa turday night's s ames. Golden West at Santa MoDJca CC The Rustlers and Corsairs had quite a rivalry when they were Southe rn Cal Confe rence mat.es, and Golden West would like nothing better than to knock oU the Southland's third-ranked team (as selecte d by t h e community college s po rts info~tion directors). ·The Corsairs vaulted into the No. 3 spot from fourth place with a convmring 25-0 verdict over Cerritos last week. "Cerritos is a good team a nd Santa Monica just a nnihilated them ," no tes S hackleford, whose Rustlers are 1-2 on the season . "I think Santa Monica is the best they've been in about four or five years. "They've always been o ne of the finest de fensive teams in the state and this year, they've been more explosive o ffensively. They're more wide open," S hackle ford adds. The Corsajrs' offense is operated smoothly by quar:terback Yale Keckin who completed 17 of 30 passes for 282 yards against Cerrl\08 while 9COring three t.ouchdowns on one-yard dives. In three games, Keckin has completed 47 of 75 passes for 725 yards and six touchdowns. His favorite receiver is Keith McDonald who has caught 22 passes for 388 yards and lhree TDs. Shackleford is leaving most of hia offense In the hands of quarterback Adam Gragnano (26 or 58 passes for 305 yards and four touchdowns. But the big surprise in this young season is runninR back R ich S tahlhe be r. a sporadic COMMUNITY COLLEGES Clltl SEEDEN perfonner a year ago. who is now the No. 1 rusher in the South Coast Conference in this young season. Stahlheber L'> averaging 5.7 yards per carry with 318 yards on 56 carries. Oruf.e Coaat at E l Camlno •El Camin o d oesn't choose to r,un the ball much. They rely heavily on Green'• arm," admit.a Tucker. whose Pirates are 1-2 th.la aeason. "I fully e>(pect them to thiow the blall at least 50 times qainal us, which means our teeondary is really going to be tested." Actually, Tucker's concern isn't his d efe nse. h 's his offense, which had mUS'lered just 47 yards in the Sues' first two games before showing some life last week agalnst powerful Pasadena. The Lancers came away with a.n easy 41-6 victory, but the P irates managed to pick Op 188 yards offe~. the majority coming through the air. Quarterback Clay Tucker, still on the mend from a broken ankle s uffered just prior t.o the start of the seuon, completed 10 or 23 passes for 87 yards against Pasadena. Freshman G reg Denham replaced Tucker in the fourth quarter and turned in a dandy 7-for -9, 83-yard. one-touchdown performance. · "We st.ill have a lot fo work to do with our offe nse, but I'm a bit more optimistic now than I was a w eek ago," admits Tucker. "We found a good running back last week in Rodney Bragg and our two quarterbacks played well." Bragg. a 6-0, 175-pound freshman, packed up 43 yards on elgh\ carries. That's somNhing to brag about. Saddleback a t Antelope Valley Coach Ken S wear ingen's G auchos mauled LA Southwest 64-0 last week for their third straight victory, ye~ Saddleback surpri11ngly dropped out or the No. l soot in the Southland football poll. Fullerton College. with 118 35-21 triumph over a tough Bakersfie ld outfit, slipped into the first- place position "Antelope Valley has a good defense. good offense and they are very well coached,'' offers Swearingen. "I have a lot of respect for the team and program. They only have about 35 guys on Prep extravaganza slated Sunset · League croas country runnera put their reputations on the If n e Saturday at th e l nauaural C entral Park Invit.ac.lo~l with three dlvialons encompa11lna 35 schools from throughout SOuthem California. Compedtion lncludca men and women with racet1 bt0ken down Into freshman, eophomore. junior varsity and vanity for the men, varsity and junior varsity for the women. Divl1lon J, whkh lncludea Fountain Vall~y and Ocuo View, ~ at 8 a.m .. follow~ at 10 by Olvl1fon 11 '" hlcb- lnduct.9 KunUqton Bdth Md Marina). Divis ion lll tea ma begin at n oon and include Edlson and Westminster athletn. Division I entries al'IO Include CROSS COUNTRY Mlf1lon Viejo, Katella , Tu.tin, Mir a Coata, Warren, Mllllkan, 1..euzinaer, Long Beach WU.On. Brelt.Olind~ a.nd Wftt Torranc&. Other Dtvision n •ntr1et •re Bellflower. Saugu1. Canyon, Palot Ve rdea, Hawthorne, Foothill, Norco, Sf ml Valley. El Toro, and South Hilla. 'M'ilttler, .L.ak~ood. St. John Bosco. Santa Ana. Torra nce, Hemet, Loi Alamltoe, La Quint.a and Long ee.ch Poly round out the Divlalon Ill field. The three-mile counK' I.I n.an on grass. hilla, dirt roads. aaphalt and sldewaJkJ on • tcenlc route. The lnvit.allonal 1• co.hoat.cd by Huntlngton Beach and Fountain Valley h lsh achoola and in atJ, 1,200 athletes are anticipated. Scoring 11 bucd on each te&m't placing of It.a Clrat five runnera, although no t lmu ov e r 20 minute• In tho men '•· ca..tflcatJon or 22 minutes in the women'• evt"nta will bf-recorded. their team but they stay after you for 60 m inutes." BeUeve It or not. LA Southwest had its Cootba.11 t.eam on the fie ld for 60 minutes agains t the GauchOa last week. but they were just w astmg their time. • O ffll'IJI!> 1Jf tht• Lo!> AnKt'll•s 01.> 1np1 l Organizing C,1Jmm1ttN· admit that thl· SoVll't Union constan tly l'rtllt·1z~ arrang<>mc·n~ tn L<JS Ange les but that thC' Ru!<Stans and frwnds w ill nut The Gauchos picked up 24 fi rst downs en route t0 320 yarda tot.al offenee. boyc"Oll tht· l!:l84 gamc-'l-Fine., but this as not a bette r bet tha n Wcndl'll Tyll·r 1n d fout r'aet· with a fat lady · Quarterback Craig Millet' completed 9 of 16 passes for 90 yards while leaving most of the work to his runnlng backll. / • MADAME RAM Is 111 England for :.till Reserve running back J ohn Curoll turnl>d out lo tx> the leading ground-gaine r. packing up 116 yards. C1nothcr va(•atton v1s1llng tht· British lslt-s mu!.t be a very rl•wardmg jn<.J uplifting t•x pc.•rt(•nn• • In ttw Amc·rt('an Le.iguc· MVP voting. Southern Cahforma will be heard from Robin Yo unt and Do ug DeCanccs arc· rrum tht• Sun Fe rnando Valley and Eddy Murray 1s from Lcll> Angeles T he Gauctios de featro Antelope ValJey 41-0 last seuon -tbeir hrat.ever meeting -but thing$ should be different this week at Antelope Valley. The Maniuden are 2-1 lhil aeuon and are used to playing in 78-mlle-per~hour wtnds. How windy was it l.ut week. when Rivenidc CC visited tho Marauders? The Tigers actually had one punt go for minus yardaRe . • T he• charge as 'V'lgry and irate• thut tht• NFL_ players wash to control profes:;aonal football and 11 comes from the owners who intend to ton11nue controlling professional football There are very few minuses in the Gaucho a ttack. however. ln three games, Saddleback has outscored it.a opponents 99-6, regis tering two shutouts in the process. •Trivia: Name a major leagul.' playt>r who h& a s ister with an Oly mpic event named a ftt'r her Dickje Thon's sl!iter, Mary • And. no. it has never happened bdorl· th.It the major leaguc.>S !mi.sh a season with only one 20-game winner. at least m this c't'ntury College football aAT\MDAY'a GAMH .... Ariton• VII UCLA ., ROM Bowl ( 1"30 p m I San JON at 11 Cal Slate Fullerton 11·3() pml Calllornl1 11 W11hlng1on !Channel 7 11 12 50 p m} PIClflc; at Ft~ St • n Utlh al H....W. n °'egon St II w ..... 1ngton St Texu-£1 Puo at Nevld .. L.as Vagu . n Aedlancll at La Verne Cel POI)' ISLOI .. UC Drltl. n Cal Lutheren I I Cel POiy (Pomona1. n NortllrlOge SI et Chlc:O S1 • n Senta Clara et Humboldt SI . n San F,.nc;taGo S I at Sonoma SI "-ltlft Navy ,, Alf FO<oe Stenlord I I Ariton• SI .. n Mon1an1 11 8olM SI., n Net>1-...1 at Colo<IOo NO<tMrn Atftona 11 Ne111d1·Reno BYU 11 N9W Melllco Tut .. II Neow Me•lco SI , n Idaho SI 11 Vtlh SI Mon1en1 St 11 Wet>er St , n ,. San Diego I t et W~orntnG .._..._, Tell .. Teel! •• ArllanlMll SMU e1 laylor. n Teicu A&M at HOllaton. n KanlM al Oltletlom.t SI Oltlahome II Tou Nonll TeJCM 81 I I Teus-At11ngton, n Nol at rev. n ........ l.ong Beach 81 11 Clnclnn111 PUfdue 11 llllnolt lowe 11 lndlena MICl'litltl II 11 Mlclllglll -----· ----- WIKON#I• at Ohio SI MlnnMOta at NMlhwfttwn MINOUtl •I ICtntaa SI Miami, Fla. at Notre 0•11141 Kent St at IOw• St. Dreka at W•tem lllin<>lt w .. 1em MldllGW' •• Cenlf•I MIQ\IQ9" Wlcllll 1 St al r11inOla SI 1oano 11 Nonnetn tow• BowlinO Gt..-i al Miami U Eatl•tn MICl\lglll I I TOiedo n ._... Penn St al Alaberne (Channl 2 11 10 I m I K.,.,tuet.y at Auburn T.,.,,..._ 11 LSU. n M~ It o.c>tote Inell-St. at Mwyflnd ~gla Tech a1 Tullne. n Flor~ at Vandat'tl<U, n OlllMOll .. Vir~. n Nol"9I C.ollne at Wiiia F0<ell ()tttl!IOl#l 11 Willlam I. Miry \l~I 11 The Cltedel. n VlfQlftla Tedi at Dulle ~ • bat Cerolina, n iOllt'*n llliMll at ~ S1 , n f _,,. ti Louiwlle. n 8 MiMlll'ffll at •MMl ... Mllll1 .. 11P9il0Cli l SI l.oulllaN T tell II NE Louitlena. n .... _ _.. __ _ JOHNSON &SON presents ... COLLI GI , ............. Penn State ov., Alaboma * Ole la homo OV., Texas * M aeno Stat• --Stanfortl \ . •11hom Youn1 .,,., New Mexico ~ . . ' • I . - .. : I • .. Ora11gu Cou11 DAil Y PILO r /Wounaadny, October 6, t98' Edison vs. Mater Dei:. It's than a tuneup Marina, FV f ac ,.ugged foes; Unbeaten ea View League team~ matched By l\OGElt CARLSON O( Ille Deity ""°' Ile" On the ll'llHUl' front.JI ll'i. 1»1f11·1ly u mallt•r n( r Kpun1 111 hue 1111kl1'1 111uy tx• u111-U "r.11rlnl(ly I lt•nry ~Y• U11v11I l lu11111( t·oukl ~·•· l'tltlJilt 1•111hh• 1wtlon 11t • unb4..•a{t••lll 11gorna un a t' m 11'JP"ftll.-i:11m1Tmn--1--==----::- hopl.'fuh1, whllt' lhl• nun-ll•ngut• 11la11• '" toµp<'ll by Jo~tftr.on (:l·2 ) lll(H tni.l M oln 1>1•1 (:l 2) whalt• potent Long &·nl'h Poly fat'l 'll wanll•SS l"ounu11n -1.ulilw:k-- --- Vnlley. • h 's Wl't'k No ~1 1111 tl11· pn•p foolh11ll lllutc finul non lt•aHUt• tuiwupi> tor Su11.'4t•t nnd Angt•lus LA•11guc• t~ams, und lht• s1 .. ·11nd w!'t•k of l<'ngut' ploy m the Seu V ll'W und S11u1h C.:001>1 t'lrl'lltUi Kickoff 1s ut 7.:rn fur all but u Sutuniuy af~·rnoon (I u'du1:k) gunw ·al Danu llllls, whc•r(! the Oolphins host Laguna lk•at•h llNe's ,, look ul tht• I :J gamt'!> on thu; Wt"l'k's slate· ._.dlsan ··~ .. tlatPr Del Each has splat four non-kagul' ganws and 1s spoiling for a quarrel, and each cntl•rs at ll•ss than rull strcngt h The Monarchs u f Mutl·r Dc1 lost first-line linebackers Hachard Perez (6-4!, ZOO) and S teve LaJ\1,olhC' (5 11 , 180) to knC'c injuries in last Wl't'k's 14~1 0 loss at Cn~i. F.ciison has l ost a bundll'. lOo, but ddensavc lineman Mikt· Polley 1s l'XJX"<.'ll•d bm:k after the Chargers sat out a wc•t:k following thl'ar 4!0 -7 loss to Banning H igh•of Wilmington ' Edison Coul·h Bill Wurkm&n savs MJter rA!i's defensiVl' frun~ post.• a problc·m .:Thc.•y havl' rn many fronts, at 's mind bugghng " This IS the seventh in the st•1ws between the two with F.dison holding a 5-1 l'Clgl'. till' only loss a 28-20 decision an the initial gaml• 111 1976 at thl' same site, the Santa Aha Bowl. Mater Dc1 Coach Waym• Cochrun says his two linebackers wall be n •placcd by Jay Wilkerson and John Mc.-Clinn LB Pal,· •·s. •·auntaln Jlallt-.t Foun t.am Valley's Barons have.· been through the ringC'r wtth four straight lossC's, l>ut Poly could be the best of the non-league' sch edule. coming off a 14-14 tie walh heralded Banning. "Long Beach Poly may be the most sk.Jlll'd of the rive teams we've played on our non -league schedule," says Fountain Va lll'y• Couch Mike Milner. . "They're big, physi<:al. skilled, quick and fast, a ll the superlatives of a very strong team," continues Milner. . The Barons may be going without sophomorc tailback Dave Swigert, who suffcrc.'CI a back injury against Servile. H he isn't ready to go, Kurt Burris is st•hedult'CI lo t.ake has starling position At quarterback again will be senior Dall' Frye. "The lack of capit.alizang on our opportunities has been the problem." says Mainer "The only thing we've got going for us is that we• haven't been blown out by anyonl'.00 Fountain Valley is off to its worst st.art smt'e 1966 when the Barons lost the ir first six. The Barons are 0-4. Poly is 1-0-"2 in non-lt.•ague play. .flarlna 11.s. ,tlllll"an Marina High's Vikings have had a time of 1t, dishing out problems to others with their veer offense. Now they may get a taste of what it's like from the veer-oriented Rams, ranked No. 8 m the Cl F Big Five Conference. one not<-h behind 3-1 Marina . ·~ THI-, ~.. !~.!~:.! All COG'TION9llO SQM WAT9 HIATINO a.\T-.t-INO ~ I< )llUI Ser'ltCe Tim. Si.ti 1t1 v.,.. OoO< «Coll SIClr* __ , YOUt Al .. , COST• MISA 641-1289 IS2' N.w,ert llvd. MISMOH VIVO 495-0401 ,..,, CemlfM c.,.i. ... -rs-Diop,._,, .. a_.,,.,_,,, A NIGHT WITH JOE CANION AT THE Rancho Mssion Viejo Sat.. Oct. 9th 5:00 P.M. S25.00 Tu Deductible Contribution Includes Dinner, Oancinc to Live C0111try Western Band and Show with Joe. For Tickets Cal 631-1212 551-«21 831-6450 497-333'1 SUPE MJl.~J,tS FINAL ,onn IACI GIAI PRIX Jrl., Od. I, I '·"'· Open Dally 9-9 Sunday 10.-7 ~I ..... ; 6.97 • - Delly Piiot lleff Pllolo Erit• Karmun le:-ads Marina Hig h's offense• Friday nig ht ul Millikun. M1lhka n (:i-0) ha.:. allowc'CI only 10 point:. and presents a s0l1d defense. indudmg a 4!80-poundl·r and a parr of 235-pound·dcfensivc t.a cklc•s The Vakmg!>' dcfellSt! has sparklt'<.I , too. wtth a pair of shutouts on therr non-leagu<' r<'(·ord. Ball Marler starts at quartNba<·k and tl11· V1kmgs' No. l wcapcm on thC' ground is JUntor Er'll' Karma n , who has avC"ragcd 5.0 yards pN rnrry. Hunt1n11tan ··~. San Clemrntf• Th<· h1gh-fl y mg Oilers, rankC'd N o 10 in Orangc County by th<' Dally Palot and unbt•a tt•n through four straight. make thc·1r final lunt•up for Suru.ct Lt•aguc play a nd it's a twist in term!> of style San Clt'mcntl' 1s virtually a passk'SS lt'am thl' Tr1tons did not go to tht• arr ont'l' in shoving Woodbridge• around. 28-3, with the emphasis on a quarlerback-fullbac-k combmauon m the running gam<' ThC' San Clemente defense· can cause proble ms. too. with the Ark1msas split-six and variations by veteran coach Allie S<·haff. "The offense mcludc.-s an unbalanc~-d lane and a blocking back," says Huntington Beat:h Cout·h Greg H enry The Oilers figure to start Zoran Kalz at wide receiver for tht' mjured Jim Dunn (separa ted s houlder) and fullback Danny Thompson (bone ,,._. .. part II arbor t 'N. llnl•·.-r.ti1lt ,. Each 111 I ti in th1· Sc·u Vll•W Lt•uuuc• with lht· Sualors or Nt•wpot l I lurlJor holdtng th<· UJIJWr ha11d uftu li(l•tliriU paxt fo vorl'll ~I 'l'oro, 17 7 Thc> Sallurs. howt·ver, w1ll lw without 11tunduut linem<>n Bud Cotx•rly and Uovt' CmJIJ(un lhoth out WHh knl'<' 1nJw·l1..•11), whtd1 c:ould pul 11 1'1°111 111onk1•y wn•rn:h Into tlw11· plum1 Conch Mtkl• G1ddlng11 •myi; Ju1;un Sa v11>1:11Jr, Sll'Vt• MOSC8, <.:rt·~ J twobis llfld C ia1·y C11n111n~hum figurl' to fall m 011 11ff1•11si· 11nd 1h•J1•ww Im· tht• mjurt'd p loyt•n1 The Sailor.. w t•nt lo a sinl(lt· Wini( uffl'll!W ugamst El Toro and Wl·nt wild in ttw 1 unntnl( gumc., und more twists arl' untw1patc-d from the Tars Unaversaly, mt•a11wl11lt'o ha..., s hown an t•xplos1v1• offense geared around fullbm·k Gury 1anuzza (hc.•'11 <1vcrag1r1g 10.ll yurd1> pt·r l'arry) a nd the.• dc·h ·nli(• the.• look of un eaghl·man front has proved tough to solve. Caro11a drl ~lar •·.~. !tinddlf•bae1' In un1Hhcr th1l·I of S1•a Vlt.'w Ll'ogut· lt·ams with 1-0 n'<:ords <1fl1·1· thl• first wt·<·k, it's u t·ai.1• of spt.'ed (Saddlt·hat·k) vi. fundanwntals (Coron<i d1·I Mar) ln addatton to twm 4 6 spc-t•d 1n the· b<Jl·kfaeld. however. as Saddh·bal'k qur.irll'rbat·k Hod P<·!><lk , who hru. thrown six toul·hduwn passt.'h Saddlcbal·k I!> 4-0 for thl' sc>a.son and rankt-d No. 8 m Orangi• County . Corona dc·I Mar got 1~ fm1t win of lhC' y1·ar aflt•r thrC'l' lossl'S and apix·an; tu lw in thl' prnn·ss of mutt•n alizing tntu u t·untC'nd£·r. Lunt'<· Martin leads thl1 S<·a Kings' ground game (99 car1ws for 427 yards) and lhl' l'mcrgenct· of quartl'rbal·k Corky Carpenter a:. an at•nal thrl'at gives th<.' &•u Kings additional pull'ntial E~tanela ''.!t. El Taru "I JUSt hoµl' wt• l'an stay with lhl·m." says Estant·1a Coal·h Ed Blanton. ~ach as 0-1 in Sea View Ll'<JgUl' play <Jnd anolhl·r loss rl'alasli<:ally d rops tht· lOSt·r out of title· hopl'::.. And, l'al'h l'lltl'rs at lt·s.-; th::in full strt'ngth. El Toro lost tight c·nd and nt)S(• guard Bre tt Paton for lht> yc.·ar with a broken leg a nd Eswnl'la's game will bt.• without Ray Urmson for a euupll' of wft'ks (t·ral·kt•<l rib) and Stl'vc Makuht·h (d1slcx:at1'CI rotalor <'Uff I Bo th warn:. ft•Jturc ;m l-off1·nsi· w ith lhl· at't't•nt on runnm~ lr•'ln•• ,.!t. Co!tta .tlf•!ta "Wt· n·ally haven't playt'<l wc•ll an all four 1,f our game·~ ... s;,1ys lrvinl' Coach Tt•rry I h·nihan •·If wt• don't 1mµr11v1•, wt•'rt: m lroubh·" Costa Mt·i.u Coach Jim Ha g1·y say!> lhl· Mustang!> have• lo sha rpe n tht•1r ofrc•nsc•. mos t nou.bly the· b:ick~ must start running to daylight if tht•r<''s hop<> (all gamH al 7:30 un'"• noted> Thuredar TIM llne !dlaon VI M11or 0411 .. SA Bowl EdllOl'I b} 3 E11oncla VI El 1 oro 81 MIUIOO Vl•IO El Toto ~ 7 ,,Id., Newport Harbor va Un111eralty at Irvine NewpOft by 7 Irvine va Coate Me11 111 Newport trvlM by • LB Poly VI Fountain Volley Ill occ LB Poly by ' Marina at Mllllken Millikan by 2 Huntington Beach at San Clemente HB by 7 Western v1 Oc1111n View at Han Beacn WHl.,n by 3 LB Wiison at Westmlnater LB Wiiton by & Woodbridge 11 Capo Valley Capo by 27 Laguna Hiiia 11 Mllalon Vie10 Ml11fon by 2 1 Salurdar CdM v1 Soddleback at SA Bowl Saddleba by 7 Laguna Beach at Dano Hiiis ( 1 p m J Lagun by 7 Lal{una BPaeh at D•n• Hllll!. "i'h<· Artists of L<aguna &acr an: 0-1 i South Co&t League play, as are thi-Dolphins Laguna Bt·at·h Coat·h Dennis Ha r ung as hopc•ful ht1'll g1:t um• uf his dl'fcns 1ve backs (Howard Qu1glc·y) ooi:k after a bout Wtth the Clu, b u t s tro ng saft·ty Dru Murph y (knee) and corncrba(•k S kap Croul (d1slot·<1tcd shoulder) are doubtful, wh1{'h mt•ans trtluble for tht.-Artists' pass defense. "With those' lhn•t• st.urters out," says Haryung, "Laguna Hills knL·w l'Xat·tly whl•r<• Lo go " The Artists droppc.-d a 20· 7 dt-c·1sion, th1•rr first loss after two non-league wans. Dana Halls is 0-4 and s till smarting from a 57-0 defeat al the hands of Capistrano Valley In other l'Ontt"'!>l.'>. Western vs. Ocean View-CA:can V1C'w will be trying to snap a thr~·-game losing stn•ak, and tf the Sc·ahawks t an gl·t tht·rr· running game going (Sunny Hills hC'ld ll to 54 yards) they have a s hot at uix·ndmg thC' 4!-4! Pion<:crs in non -league at·lion. Long Beach Wilson vs. Westmins ter Walson 1s 1-2. Wc•s tm1nsl1•r 1s 1-3 in non-league play Wilson '11 big gun Ill f:i -0. 185-pound quarll•rbac:k Ba·tt Bt·t·b (•, who op t·ratl'S the.· I :md Vl.'Cf, 1n c.dd1t1on lCJ handling the punting and k1l·k0Hs and playing -;trun~ S<1fl'ty on dc•fen.<;t.· Woodbridge at. Capistrano Valley Capo has s<.·ored fl4 points in its last five.· quartl'rs w ith quarwrba"k Burt Call and tailback Randy Lanham opcraung bC'hand a huge lin£·. Woodbridge 1s 2-2 overall, 0-1 an league after a 28-:i loss to .San CIC'mc•ntl' Capo 1s :l -4!. l ·O m lragu<' Hubbw Zangl. ;J guard-hnt•bal'k<'r for lrvtnt·. is Mission Viejo vs. Laguna Hills Laguna Hills out with a knl'l' Injury. and he'll be: n •pla£'l'CI b y is the· "home lc•am", but that's the only advantage Lan<'t' Neal at hm•backe r and Dan Chlc:-bowsk1 at th<' Hawks have against Orange Count y's No. 9 guard. meaning the lattl'r paar will bt· going both rankC'd tc•am Klaus ~1ttmbauer spearheads the ways. Mission attack al quarterback M1ss1on 1s 3-1 "Irvine runs that swN·p and.t·u~ bat·k on at," overall. Q.Q m South Coast League play Laguna says Hagc•y. "and that's somt•thmg \All' h.1Vl'l1 °t lx'l·n Hills 11> 1-:i uvc•rnll. 1-U an l<•agul' Jftt•r trapping up successful agaan. ... t dl'ft•ns1vcly " Laguna &•ach. ~~~~~~~~~~~~---';:__~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Wld. tin Sal. Oct 8-9, 1912 MSCl1 7.'17 c:::::m II ..... The Saving Place· 7. 97 Ea.Gallon • Wall Or Celling Latex Flat Wall Or Celling Paint 'Nh1te custo m tints for w alls c e111ng white 8.97 Gallon Seml·glou Woll And Trim Point ,, o t• ,, fl o111~ ,.., Jrll.J rust J •T Ir ! , Celling Paint In White Only White And Custom llnh JERRY LEE LEWIS' ~· PIA · 0 ''The Killer'' * Appearfftg Sat., Oct. 16th ot CHINO DOWNS• To celebrate, KIK -PM in ossociotion with COLTON PIANO & OIGAN wont to give everyone a chance to ~ JERRY LEE and qualify to win the SCHAFF~~ piano JERRY LEE will play. For your chance at FREE TICKETS fil tHJt tlt/1 c~ and moil to1 llLLll'S PIAIO, Ill-FM • J City ltw .. l•st, Or•• .. t2'61 Ertrrl., m111t be r~v.d by "'-1ri .• Ckf. ""' r-:--, :;o;;,;-.;-,t;.7.';: .=JERRY l!E i:iWis& :inhi.;o--:-- - , I N~ : : Adchu II I City Stot• Zip I TOY OT A, Offlclel <• t• n1.11•, ns.11a l .. S.Y..-,--.-.~ 6.97 ~gu~~1ho1ce 7.97 Gal L-'=9----------------------~ usn• ,,. •nA1&s • ••• Interior Palnt1 Semt·glo11 lnamel Flol f1n1~h woll or o te1 for '''' •r 01 ceiling lotox w011$ on,s l rtrT .., ... 1• ........ . "' • ( Angel center fielder Fred Lynn crashe8 into the fence (le ft) catc hing Do n Money'! drive. Doug DeCinces congratula te8 Tommy J o hn after complete game victory (rig ht). a The Morgan breed --it's hardly a plow horse Ex-Yankee star has h eld the reins tig ht on the Ange ls' bullpen By HOWARD L. HANDY Of tM 0.., "°' Stefl The Plow Boy is happy a nd his charges have helped the Angels win thc- Amencan League Western D1v 1s1on title despite a gr eat deal of cnt1<:1sm this >eason. But when the success of Gene Autry's crew is measured, most of the time the hitters get the credit and the piU:hmg 1s ~ondemned. Tht:' Plow Boy, as sportscaster Me l Allen dubbed him, is former New York Yankee hurler Tom Morgan wtio now labors as pitching coach for the Angels under Manager Gene Mauch His staff has been much maligned and degraded this season and Mauch takes exception to 3uch rema rks "l haven't heard a lot of talk lately about t he pitching being that bad," Mauch said. "All that stuff was before the season~ You have to get an aw(uJ lot of pi tching during the season to be 10 games over .500 -an awful lot." The Angels didn't exac:t ly have a tremendous amount of SUl't.'CSS with lht•tr relief hurlers after Don Aruw wa'i hurt and put out for the season That •~. until Luis Sanrh<•z and Dav<• Goltz l'anw along. "Our bullpc•n has probably be<•n th<.' toughest part of 1t," Morgan says. "Not :me guy out then• with a lot of savc>s. "Luis (Sant:hcz) came in al the end of the season and did o super JOb but a'i u whole. we ra n into trouble in thl' bullpen," Morgan agreed. "Last y<.'a r you l'o uld see the• improvement m our guys. Geoff Zahn was coming back from knee trouble and he was weak. He couldn't push orr the mound hard. In fact. he practically f<'ll off the rubber wht'n he was pitching. "f worked With htm during the OCf • ;ea.son and helped him develop a slider. Now he can throw ii so 1l dips away on I.he o u tside or comes. inside. R e 'also >trengthened h is legs and is doing well ~minf( off the mound.'' Baylor d itcullri hie record-eu ing RBI perform•nce Tuetday ~ · ni1ht whh the media. Morgan. one of the· unsung heroes of the 1982 Angel team w ho prefers to labor m the background these days after an outstanding career on the mound himself, also credits the Angel de fellS(' for some help. pressure from the outside whl·n cr111c1:.m 1s leveled, he takes ll all in strtd<· "YQll have to have someone behind the pitchers to make the plays and these gu ys have done an outstanding job," Mo rgan adds. "I do what I can to help ea<'h om• of them," ht• says "When Ken Fors<:h was having his troubles In the m1ddlt• or lhl' ~ason. he was starting to aim the ball "We worked together an the bullpen betwee n s tarts a nd corrN:t cd l h t• trouble." "I al'!O have to give catcher Bob Boone a great deal of credit, too for the way he has handled the staff th1S year . He did a great pb and so did Doug DeCinces at third base. Hts defense was outstanding all year P itchers need tha t type of help " The recent addition o f Tuc·sclay·~ starter, Tommy J ohn, from the Nl'W York Yankees, also did a gn·at dt•al t.o oerk up the Angel staff Fo'\' Morgan, 1f the Angels continue !heir romp to the World Series, It wm mark h is fourth such effort. He was there with the Yankees in 1952, 1955 and 19i6 as a player. "TherC'·s no question about 1t. Tommv helped us a great deal and he p1tkl-d up a Jot of the slat·k:· Morgan says. "That ball game he pitc hed m _Kansas City might have ~n the biggest game of the year for us." While Morgan labors in vi rtual obscurity with the An~ela and f eels the The Angel team ERA w as 3 82 for the rc~ular season, second best 1n the Western Division It was also better than the Brewers' mark ot :$.!Iii tor the year. Tom Morgan BAYLOR, JOHN LEAD THE W AY . • • From Page C l =hore as you aaw in the first few innings," admitted John. "But once we got ·up, It took a lot of the prftlure otr me. ''I think It looked like a two-iron s hot," he :ontinued, referring to Thomas' blast. "Aft.er that, l pitched him the way I generally pitch and came up with a change-up on him because he was on my fastball." SUH, Thomas was only one of several worries for John. The high-powered Brewer bats compiled a .279 team batt.ing average this aeason, second only to Boston in the American League. But John managed to limit the Brewers to just seven hits with only catcher Ted Simmons getting more than one . The rest was up to the Angel h itters. · "We wanted to score as many as we could against a team like Milwaukee," noted Lynn. "You like to stay ahead of this team. I think we're all glad to get thls first one under our belt. On Tommy John, Lynn said: "He's a veteran player who has pitched the big games. He came back tonight and pitched his game." "I think this ball club has more confide~ and more experience In the playoffs," added Grich. "In '79, we didn't have that many players with that kind of experience. There's just more of an aura or confidence here." Added Baylor: "l think mome n tum plays a great part in any aport. You know, when you play befo~ 64,000 fans, there's only one thing that can stop you and that's good pitching." And that WH 1<>methlng Caldwell couldn't come up with In the opener. The veteran le ft- hander, 17-13 on the f'elUlar ICUOn, appeared a bit nervous at the outlet and was quite fortunate to eacape with allowing juat one run In the first Brian Downlna opMled the Angel first with a si"lle and then moved to ll«'Ond when Caldwell threw wildly trying t o force Downing on a comebecker br ~ OeCll'K'el. Caldwel 1truck out Grich, then a llowed Beylor'• aacriflce fly to talrly deep center before Jack.eon grounded out sharply to tee0nd . But \he Angela nnally got to Caldwell In the lhlrd and tourth tnnlnp . puttjna tolt!tt"r 1hr run11 on aix hJ\I. with the final two ruN belonging to Slaton. 1be Brewen. ml.nwtule, jua\ couldn't shake John, who jult one year aao WM pUehl"I ln the World s.riet for the YanklC!t ap.lnat the poctcera. "You;». -:an'\ let a home run by anybody on that team u~l you because they're JUSt going to htl them," John said, re fer ring to Thomas' early blast. "You JUSl pretend the next batter is the first one in the inning and you erase the first two." Pitching an the crucial first game of the AL Championship ser ies wasn't exactly what John had in mind a fe w weeks ago. "(Wife) Sally and I have our airline tickets back at our home in New Jersey to go to West Palm Beach . We were going to spend a month at our iummer home there. Thank God for Buuie (Bavas1) that we're here." John added. Bavas1, the Angels' execut1VC' v1('('·pres1dent. =a n also thank Baylor for being on hand Tuesday night. Still, Baylor tried to play down his statJS for the I 983 season "My numbers for 1982 have already been set. What I do in the championship series won't change anything. I'm just trying to get the club into the World S<'riE.'ll I'd like to get Into a Fall Clas.sic and play," Baylor admitted. Thanks to th<' DH. the Angels took their first nep. * "'-AYOf'f NOTH -A~ M&NIQtlf 0-Meueft, -·ened Tu..Oay With ''ciogQed up Slt'Usea." tell a llnle bu bell., by miOdey. tHJt 1'*1 tutt.,ed -more when he wenl Shopping wlln hla wole •'with ell that aw oond11ion1ng Mauol'I ellowed hlmeell lo be -rounded by r8')or1a11 on the t1e10 prior 10 Iha 11.,1 ol lhe game and was 1111prlllngly ~low Aalt.ecl II he WU ••cited lboul hit lirll-m•IOt 1•8Qut playoll game. he noted, ··r•e bffn .. cueo aince the mlddle of Febru1ry tor e.,,..y yHr I cen •-m~ •· Aalt..O lll>Oul the l'f'Oblem 11111.,• mlghl h••• ptay1119 on lM 1wi11gfn llOUfl, he noted, "l'Ye nevw 1 >laved • 5""30 game 1n Ananeom ljleOlum 1'119 ne•., ~ In a pleyoll -•· How In Ille hell would I know.I" II lllert 11 eny mentlOn to 1ne Clly ot An1ne1m tn tne 11ory 100119. 11 a lecMIUlly lnllCCuHlt The Antl'lelm Cny Council voled 10 cnenge tne n1me 01 Ille City to Autrytlelm l0t Tueed1y Ind lod1y Don .. ,..,., live Ohamplonlf'lt> Mnes ABI tied him "'Ith , .... ....,, Wl\o came up With ttw IOt BelOmore 1.n 1H9. Ind IM "-"'tlOfl, Wl>O did tile Mme In the 1971 pleyotta IOt Pllleburph Oate rte14Mpt1 IOt Tueld1y•1 Qlint IOllled 1'9 t,227 •llh IH •.7311 20 go.no 10 Ille pla~· pool Longshot wins F oxhunte r WEMBLEY, England (AP) -Geoff Goodwin ~rod back from obecurlty Tul'tlday night to win the ·brestlglou1 Hoechst P'oxhunwr championship on Cafc-N'oir at lhc Horse of th~ Year Show nt Wembley atadlum. OoodW1n. who hts not com~ted for Britain sin~ rldln1 11t Olutyn In Poland <'l&ht lc.-ars lfJO, waa faultlCM In a nlne·horae jump.of over aix rencet, s:ompltllnl the course on h la lrlah -brNI ~-y ar·old In 30.21 lf'COl'\da. Ht wa1 two aec:onda faater than Graham rt tch~t. another Briton, on Cleveland Bay . . Happiness Angt>l fans g t•l into n feiitive .m ood ul'tt·r wa tc hing tht.>ir lt!um d e f cat Milwaukee, 8 -3, T ue8doy n ight. Dally Piiot Photo. by Charin llarr and Btchmt ~oeht.r 1 Manager Gene Mauch g ives instruction from the dugout on way to ··victo r y over the Brewers . : Dallas Texans' take a loss 1'.''. From AP dlspatcbes ' The pro foolball strike isn't just delaying this 1 year's games. It has reached back two decades to throw the Dallas Texans for a Joss. The Kansas City Chiefs. who started out as the Texans in the American Football League, decided •, next weekend would be the perfect time to stage a 20th anniversary reunion for the guys who won the AFL title back in '62. The Chiefs were to play the ~1', Houston Oilers on Sunday, the team the Texans • , beat 20-17 in a record 17 minutes, 54 seconds of ·~· overtime that year. ~ D F ,... Len awson. E. J . Holub, red Arbanas. ,,, Johnny Robinson, Curtis McClinton ·. , . the guys ... who played football more for fun than for money ~~ (mostly because there wasn't anywhere near today's big bucks floating around) were looking forward to checking out teammates they hadn't seen in 10 or 20 years. "[l's funny: when you go to something like this," said Arbanas, then a rookie tight end. "You look at all the ctther guys and you wonder how come they got older or fatter or balder and you managed to stay just the way you were." People change. Times change . The re union will have to wait . "I heard some of the boys were talkin' about gettin' a team up and challenging the '62 Oilers to another game," one-time defensive tackle Jerry Mays , drawlt•d from hill Dallas construction company. ''r-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 Ill Ill •l It It. ·''• ,,, Angels favored to take Series RENO <AP) -The Angels are tht• oddsmakers' pick to win the 1983 World Serie•. followed closely by the Milwaukcf' Brewers and the St. Louis Cardlnah1. The Atlanta Braves are the 1eries' lonphotl. According to odda compiled by Harrah's Reno Race and Spona Book. the Angels arc 11ven odds of 3-2 to become the MW world champions. That meana a bet of $10 we>uld return $15 plus the original $10 11 the Angcl8 won. v The Brewers are next with odds of 17·10. followed by the Cards at 9-5. The same •to bet would return •17 If the Brewen won and $18 If the Cards won. plu• the original bet. The Braves are given odds of 3-l -a $10 bt:t would return $30. The Cards were glven a alight edge In todny'a National League playoff opener, with odd• or 0~6 compared to the Bravt'8' even odd1. The Angels were given tho •me odda to win their opener ol(alMt Mllwa\.!kCC. • • 'P Or1nge Co11t DAILY PILOT /Wedn11d1y, October e, 1982 PRESSURE TOO MUCH? • • • fjrom Page C 1 be there and it wlilJ up t.o you to take it from there." BILL GRAY IS a defensive back who playl.'<i on tht.-varsity at Edison in 1980 and '81 As a junior, Gray was forced to miss the Chargers' finil two games of th e seaso n (the CIF championship semis and finals) because of poor grades. Today, he's a starter at Onmgt· Coast College. "The prt•ssurc isn't tough ... but it's there," says Gray. "IC you're going to be an athle te, though, you have to be tough mentally. "When I was s u spended, it hurt a lot, but it made me think about myself. With Workman. at " was always classroom before the field. He helped me a lot. He wasn't .a pal. he just did what he had t.o do to keep you alive." As a footnote, Gray's senior season ('81) was the first year he didn't get a 'Di on his report card . DALE CRANE, a starting offensive center at Orange Coast College. played at Fo untain ValJey last year. "With anything in life there's a lot of pressure," he says. ''There was pressure from the coaches because you had to get good grades to play football. and then there was the pressure of playing good football. "Actually. I wanted to win more than the pressure they (the :caches) put on me." JOHN • • • From Page C 1 day of rest after winning on Saturday. But that's all," he added. Starting pitcher Mike Caldwell was touched for six runs before giving way to relief er Jim Slaton. "I didn't have good stuff tonight," Caldwell said. "I didn't have that good rhythm and they came out swinging. Give them credit. Baylor's triple came on a real bad pitch." M1Jwau1<ee center fielder Gorman Thomas belted a two- run homer in the second inning, then was shut down the rest of the night. "I don't think he (John) was doing anything different in the late innings. HP. might have been hitting spots a little better but he never varies and he never throws any harder. "He's a good pitcher and he knows what to do with the ball. All we have lo do is sit down. have a beet and relax. then play tomorrow 's game when it gets here We'll worry about it at that time." Relief specialist Rollie Fingers. his h a ndlebar moustac he in impeccable condition, says he could pitch if necessary. "My arm is still a little sore but I think I'm ready to pitch," hl' said. "But the way this series atarted out tonight. the bullpen Isn't going to have a . lot to do with It. Both teams are capable of scoring five or six quick runs ln a hurry al an y limo. "I have the capability of making l~ or 20 pltche.a. The doctor say• I won't do a ny more damage to the tnlury but the longer I wait, the better It will be. "I know If t cut looee with a fut ball, It will be 10re but \here 11 no danger ol re·lnjurlna the arm. ' "Thia tc:am realJy hun't had a save lituation In two w«."eka .. nd I would just. u 900n 11ee us K'Ort' 20 runs and then sit back and relax." Flnsera has a torn flexor muacle just ~low the elbow on hi• right (pitching) tarm. ls it worth 1t'? "Yes," s a ys Crane with :onvil'tion. "Just being out there -the name, the pride. Jus t going to a S<:hool like Fountain Valley. I mc:an, how many pc.,"'Oplc get the opportunity lo play at a big S('hool like that? And in a :onferent't" like the Big Five? -"For me, I've always played football I'm prejudiced about it. I love 1t And you have to be d<'voted." STEVE SOUTHWARD , a >ta rting 1 unnmg back at OCC. played at r·ountam Valley in f \Its I. A player with tremendous ability, Southward openly admits he and Milner didn't have the ~t of relationships. 'Th ere were times where you'd spent 12 hours at school and the n you'd go home and you'd be tired , real t ared, too tired to do anything. That's a lot :>f pressure," says Southward. "l just thank C'Oachcs should be a lauJe more lenient in their time ;o you can do your homework. Is 1s worth 1l? "Yes, but only 1( you get# a :.-hanc•c That way, rf you make It through hrgh sc·hool, there•a a good c h ance o f getting a scholarship somewhere. "But stalJ , if I had known, j( l could have foretold the futufl,', I would have quit or transferre<i to ;mother Sl'hool." WITH EVERY Fountain Valley and Edison athlete interviewed, th ey were unanimous m their feeling that wmnin~ helped soothe a lot of ·the rough edges. All agreed that if they had come from losing programs, the sacnfices would have been tou~her t.o deaJ with, The f1rial comments come from a Sunset League athlete who IS in has senior season, and with a 5ehool that hasn't enjoyed quite the same s u ccess as its neighboring counterparts. "I enjoy football and I like to play the game, so I'm willing to pay the price," says the senior. ''But you <..'Ouldn't do it if your heart wasn't in it. "I think it's fair because nobody is pulling m e in that kind of situation. It's something I want to do." Kings open season • • against Vancouver· INGLEWOOD (AP) -The 198 I -82 n •gular season was mostly one of lowlights for the Los Angeles. Kings, but, buoyed by a playoff upse t over the Edmonton Oilers, they open lh(•ir nC'w season fon1ght' with an upbeat outlook. Los Angeles plays host to the Vancouver Canucks, the team that knocked them out of the playoffs. in their Nationa l Hockey League season opener. ''I 'm looking forward t o starting the year," said Kings' center Marcel Dionnl'. "l think we're going to surprise som e people." Kings' captain Dave Lewis says: "We've got the same personnel that carrrc-d us through th e play o ffs. so that's C'ncouraginR This :vear. we know Lloyd easily tops Garrison DEERFI ELD BEACH , Fla. (AP) -Top-seeded Chris Evert Lloyd easily beat Zina Garrison 6 -0. 6-2 following a six·hour rain delay Tuesday night in the first round of a women's tennis tournament. Lloyd and Garrison finally were able to take \he court at 9:40 p.m. as persisten1 downpours washc-d out the schedt..le fl second day at ~r Creek Racq1.:et Club. Garrison. the world's top junior ployer last year, never got into the match. Her last outing was a 6·4. 6-3 1Q8S to Lloyd at the U.S . Open. Tuesday. she could win only seven points In the first set. but ~he came from 0·3 to break Lloyd's service In the fourth game and hold her own In the fifth, Lloyd closed out the match by loslns only four poin\1 aa she took the last three games. "l wu plund with my performance -It waan't bad •galnat the world'• 16\h-renked player," aho said, adding th at a three-week layoff Isn't too long. Four other (Inn-round matches were rompl tcd urll.-r Tut*lay bt'f Orc th<' qdn f orced pottponc>~nui. we're going to have to work harder" The Kings last season had a 24-41-15 record, the club's worst in 10 years The coach, Parker MacDonald. was fired with the season four months old, and Don Perry, who replaced him. later was suspended for ordering Paul Mulvey to fight. They lost 16 in a row at one point a nd made it to the p1ayoffs o nly because the struggling Colorado Rockies had a worse record. The Rockies, however . have been replaced in the Smythe Division by the Winnipeg Jets, the runne r -up in the Norris Division. so it'll be tougher for the Kings to make the playoffs this season. The biggest change for the Kings is the breakup of the Triple Crown Line of Dionne, Charl ie Simmer and Dave Taylor, which acrounted for 161 goals two years ago. Simmer, however, broke a leg late that spring and didn't play again until late last season. He's now on a line with center Bernie Nicholls and right wing Jimmy Fox. Ulf lsak sson . a Swedish national player signed by the Kings during the off. season, will join Dionne and Taylor . "Look at the championsh ip teams like the Islanders," said Dionne. "They're balanced. lf you put all your scoring on one line. it doesn't work. It might be best to break us up." Lawnbowling titles to be settle d T h e U . S . I a w n b'O w ll n a champlon1h1ps w e re down to final two rounds today folJowlf\I activity Tuetday which left ahc in each category competJna for the champlon1hlp at the Groves In lrvl~. Nell Mcinnes ls the onl y unbt-aten bowl«!r in singlet after lour rounds, whilt.> the doubles teams of Kenneth Degenhardt and C heater SC'hu llcr. a nd Edward Evans a nd WUllarn Mlll<-r enter the final d ay'• rounds with 3· l records. I , Orang• CoHI D~ll V Flll OT /Wedn eclay, Ootob r 0, 1982 --------------------------------------------------------------. ~ . ' • t I" • AL PLAYO,,. .......... , ...... , ~'#Aul!ll CALlf'OllHIA ··"~ ... ft .. Molnor 3b YOUt>(j 61 eoop.. lb Sftnm0n1 c Tl'IOftllltl cf OOll'M If Money dll -..-.r1 a.,,,,. 2b •llOOownll\illl 4 710 4 0 10 S-IQIHll 11 0 000 4 0 I I 0.C~ 3b • 2 I 0 4 I 2 0 Onell lb 3 1 2 I •1128•yt0flll'1 3 125 4 0 0 0 ~flCkton rf • 0 0 I 3 o o o CIMk r1 0 0 0 0 3 0 1 0 L)'M cf 4 I 3 I 4000 c .. -lb 4 0 0 0 Foll 61 4 000 lloone c • " 0 34 3 1 3 Tolllll 34 I 10 8 '"'-..., ......... ........... 021 000 000 -3 Cerlfornie 104 2 10 00• -• £ -C.,.,..., Mc>lnor OP -Mllwa<lllM L L08 -Mllweul!M I, CalflOtnl.e 5 28 -eoop.., Gt1cll. 38 -8•y!Ot HA -Thomu (,~~SF -~ M 11 lllNIO ~(L,0-1) 3 7 6 5 1 2 ai.ton 3 32 2 1 2 C8dd 1 0 00 03 .....,0 I 00 0 0 0 •C ........ ~ {W, 1.o) 9 T 3 3 I 5 •• CelOwell pllCMCI 10 1 baller In llWI 4tn , )48P -Moor• by Jonn T -2 3 1 A 0:-·"°' ·: PteyoH achedule CHAllll'IONI HIP HRll'.I T11eedef1 l c0te • Ane•I• 8 Miiwaukee 3 T Odey'• Oam•• ; Atlanta (Nlek•O 1?·41 81 SI Le>u1• l/l111lu1111 ~IOI. 12 1$ pm • Milwaukee tVu<:kOVICh 10 61 111 Ang•I• ~l90n, 10-6) S 1$ p"' Thlindaf• O.m• • • Allan!• el St l ou11. S 26 pm • '•kley'o a-· • A ...... el MlfWaukee. 12 IS u m $1 LOUii 1t ~llenla S 2!> p m l eturcl•J'• 0....•• • Ant•I• at M 1lw•u ~ea 10 am I" ....__.y) • .'St l o u11 II lllla nl• S IS Pm 111 ~) •• lutwSer'• Qam .. :• Aft9el1 e l M1lw 1u••• t ,0 p m t•I ~) S1 Loul6 11 A1tanu S 1~ pm 111 -YI WOfllD H lltf:S Tueeday, Octoe..t 12 AL 11 NL. 5 30 p m WadnMdef, Ocloe..t IJ ' Al 11 NL $·20 P"' Frtdef, Ocl-1' NL al AL. ~ 30 p m htll'dey, Ocl-II NL •• AL. 10 20 • m •n M1tw1tu•~ pm If l\"09'1 1 20 IUftdey, Octoe..r 11 NL el Al (II -'"f) 1....o.r. 0c1oe..r it 1'L •• NL. 5 20 p m (11 nec;euery1 ......... ,. Octobe< 20 AL •I NL 5 20 p m (II n9'.s .. 1y) PlAYOFF COM~AAllONS A1199le VI. Brewert =: , Awg. Hll 1111 ,.,., ._ 319 3 •• 331 2 19 Booby GtlCll 28, 19 6~ Rob -ong 208 1 16 TMfd ... Oou(I o.c~ 301 30 97 T"" Foll Mlc.kr<- 8o0 9oorle Joe Fer!IUaOfl Don~ Juen 8enlquei ~ewtt 8tlen OownlnQ Aeaole Jadlaon FreoLrnn Oou(I Coroet I K.,,Foncll o. .. Ooc12 AnayH ...... Tommy John ~Kleon St-Renko LIMSencn. Mlll•Wltl Geoff Zallll lftaftll .. m c...o 2S2 3 ~ 180 0 1 '~ 7 6' 27$ 3 • 263 24 93 285 3 2• 211 ' • 211 21 84 276 39 101 m 21 ee W Ll°'A 1 t 11 I 13 13 " 0 3 17 • s 3 •08 2 ' 4 2 78 .. 12 0 )Oii 10 s I 3 17 11 6 0 • 44 7 • 5 321 I 6 0 3SI 11 • 0 3 7l ~WAl*D MITT'IMO A ... "" .... , ....... Cecil C4)0pet .3 I 3 32 12 I leooftcl ... JWn Oetltner 2116 • "3 £d Romero 750 i ' mc-o HO 4 39 ll02 13 71 284 18 SS 2•3 0 • 331 29 112 269 23 97 278 I 8 2811 • 10 247 2 •• 2!14 8 •S 244 3• 101 20 39 I H • l • J 1 8 17 13 0 6 8 619 11 8 1 I 3 3 12 7 0 12 16 0 10 II 8 • 1 0 19 6 0 •re"•• n . Cerdln•I• ATLANTA HfTT*O Clwll CllemllllM 900W•laon 9obHomer ~ "°"91• flWMI~• .,_ 9eMcllct .,._otle MMI &Niro .... , lkll ... T•r, Hwper """"° Un• .. 0. Mu<pfly , ... , ... A .. , Hll 1191 270 20 ff 2•6 6 22 281 32 71 6195 2 2$ 278 10 62 2.-e 3 44 nr. 2 n Ille I • 0 1 2 11 2 17 ~ W8lflfnglon U.ry~on 36 109 18 IO 4 17 ""~ W L I . . " 2 2 0 11 13 6 • 10 JO 9 10 0 , 1 1 17 4 0 • • 0 11 0 0 It.LOUii ""19'0 0 ' I 1 t ~14 0 IJ I II 1&11 I I o-11" 11•K1•1e.~ o.n• •ll4(1 112 111 tO• 10• 0 J• w 111fe Meo .. 11111 • H L U11tlle 8•lltlll l()/ • 1111 JOaqutn AnduJ•• 0ouo D•11 llllb f l)IM.h Jllll l<HI Jell l•hll O•v• LAPOllll Jol\n Me11111 81••• Mura John tltv~r B1uc. Sun .. f"ffCHIHO w l 1& tO 6 3 15 II 0 ' 6 4 9 J 4 II 12 " 0 T 9 8 I l llA 0 '47 ' ~ ~b I '48 2 4 oe 0 3 •• 0 3 •2 0 4 2:. 0 4 06 0 330 3& 2 eo C1nedl1n Footbell LHQUI 11>1()'110 Hem40on Ott•w• ~ MonttN t IAITfllN DIVlllON W L T PF 1 • I 306 il !I 0 2!1• 3 11 O 264 2 9 0 136 WESTERN DIVISION PA f'l1 308 ·~ 26$ II 3!>5 0 '2• • W•M•P91) 9 3 0 3311 J•• 18 BHlllll C~umb1a 1 • 0 147 282 •• C11g11y b !l I '10 307 13 Ec1mon111n 6 S 0 l&a 233 12 !iHl<.tlCNtwA/l S 7 0 320 JO$ 10 B•lurda,-1 Oamt Mi»tll .. I wl C119a1y Sund•,.. O.em• 9 (. •l fOIHOlllOfl tCOI M"1 • •I I II m I fllllonday'• Oame1 S .. kaltlt•wAll ~l Hemll\on I OIOntO 11 ''"""'IM>!I College renklnge AP TOP 10 1 W••l11ngl1Jn 1281 • 0 0 I Obi ~ P111t15t 4 0 0 I OSI 1 Pen11 Slul" 1~1 • 0 0 I 0~~ • AIAbam~ I H 4·0 0 ~~8 s ue<H(llU 111 • O·O fla·.~o. £ So Mo1nt11J•~• • O O I r.t1tuu~a ) I 0 T!>!> 8UClll tlt 4 00 l •S q A•kionu~ • 0 0 b!>S 10 r.0111' 011n1~ 3 0 0 ~112 t I A111<>n• •,t.al• '!> 0 0 ~~ t 1/ NQttF\ C l•v'""' 3 I 0 SJ7 II l .. A> )00 Je7 u f1rn1-.Jv J t 0 JjJ t~ Southtr,,~ Lit' ) 1 0 l t t tb Whl V•tU•'*°' l 1 0 /ti I Ii M111m1 ff• 't O 111 18 L Su ::i 0 0 '10 19 8C1ll0<1 (.Qll"ljt ) 0 I I 7J •'0 Hl•tl(>t°' 4 I 0 91 Community collea• SA TlJRDAV"S OAMt'i "°"-<onle<enu On•'ll" CCIUI a• El cam.no 6(110en w es1 al Sant• Mon«o CC. Saooleback "' llntf!loll<! Vell"r San 01&gU C..C 611 Sau 8e•Oat01ou Vttl•..,.., San !),oge; Me1.a tll LA P1-tt>11i-¥• MOOIPiU' •I l A t•..a,but G•onmoo1 el 1 •I• Pa>omll1 ~I IJ<!~erl Ct~·t1t0\ <it B~1>.C'ftf1cq:J Son•• e1ubfHA ot Rig f1ondo Ml San A11turii0 •I lUfl0 a .. ~. t I t. &ante Ana Iii lmpe<•-1 V"ll•; Fu11 ... 1un al P .. eaena C.11•ul a1 Mt Sa" Jt<0n10 lo• An11e1es Valley •• C.OntjJIU.. I JO ,, ,,. Soulhwesiern at M11aCot1a I 311 I• m Mancock at C.01 lutntren JV I P m Ventura •• We>I lot l\OQllM I p m All 11eme1 al 7.30 p rn, unl•n olherwl•• noled High achool 11nklng1 CIF 1110 FIVE COHf'EllUfCE Po. School. reeo•d Potnlt I Lc.;Cllll l .. IJI 1)7 2 s~ .. •P 11 11 •'e J &<•••<X> llme1 1•·01 ')•, • St Peu1 13 II ~· ~ Long BeaGI" POlf I f.O 11 'XI 6 Cretp< 1•·01 16 1 . .....,..,. (,_,, ., I M111»an 13 01 JI ... Uleoft <'·2) '° 10 Comp1on 1• 01 10 CW IOUTHl'.llN CON,EllENCf 1 1'00111111 ·•·01 ' Et~tMI f4 01 3 l0$ Al!M I• 01 • Et MoclH•t ,, 01 ~ ><H W•.,,,, f4 01 6 M •S""° Vt<'l(l P 'i I I f~WOOll fl I ll 8 El OV<~QO I? ~I g San•• !It'• VAl'"Y U '1 10 Wla Pat• 12 I 'I CIF CENTRAL COHfEllENCE 1 5aooi .. oaco• t4·0t 2 q•n<l>O ... ,.,,,,,.,. 1•-01 3 Fu•i.<aon 14-01 • Loe Am•11<>s 13 II S. *•pon Hatbof 12·2) 6 f l T0to 12°21 7 L11 ><aDra (2·?1 e S•nt••110 13·0· 1 I 9 Botta G• ancle 13· 11 10 Sunny Hills 12'·21 Wetlf ooto cou.to1 UC lrYlne t, UCLA I UCLA I 1 1 S II UC ,.,,,.. 2 3 1 3 9 UC""""' aco<t"Q Var11a• J Rot><><teon 2 R·•~r I Oocl•on t J C1,...poe 11 I P C~tt·Ut<!• I COMMUNITY COLLEGE Fuflefl-14, 0••"9• Coe•f 1 I °'•"II• C<MOSt I 2 3 ~ I 1 J.,i""1on • • 'l 3 u 011~ Coes• KO"'O Simmons 9 Bro..r t lew1" 1 full•ffOn ICOftftQ rea•l~r ~ SIH'OQi 3 ()el .. •11\11 2 11'.0UQll 1 KIOl1t..i1"' I HtQH SCHOOL LOftll k ec:h Wlleon •• Unlll•tellJ 1 U"l¥6U•ly J ' I t I l Of1Q llaac" W1I"°" I 4 ' I 8 Un111erattv •ennno B•rtlf'tt l S WHllOOU•nt< t Scn•Dfl~ ' " WUPllJOU•n• ' High achoo! renklno• C" .. A i. C0ton• del Met; 7. *•~1 Herbof, 3 lono Bt1Kft W1lt00 4 El ll)fO ~ Sunny ""'' 1. UnlWlrtllJ; 1 Co•t• Mu•. 8 Oown<ty 11 Buena P•llt. 10 Ml•eCotle C" J·A 1 '"""' 2 Voll• P ai• ;i roo1n111 • R"•'""• POiy S S1n Cl-nit. 6 M11110<• v"'° 1 Ct.,<imon1 II Mu11 9 1no10 10 Senta An• Valley CW 2·A I l• PO<trtta 2 9.,,.,,. 3 C•bt•llo • l O• Amivo-S RIQl1911•. 6 San Ma11no 7 Senl t Fe I Cll••I~• Oak 9 CretP• 10 Soulll ,, ... _. cro.• c~ntry r•nklno• Mlfll'l4·A 1 Mat .. Del 2 El Oorltdo. 3 El MOO•fl• • El T010. :t Hun11ng1on Oaac:tl, e f>elot Vt<dH, 1 N-buty P••k 6 VIiia Paik, 0 Un1v•11•1y. 10 T11ou11nO 01~t enO Sen Mercot MIH'l l·A I Manltl>ello, 2 Htw1llO<n<t. 3 Otrtlow, • Canyon tS1ugut), & Sou111 H1111, 8 8vlban~. 7 S•n Merino. I. UI Canltd1, 9 Oan1 >lttlt, 10 Mtttlon vi.10 WOMIN'S ... A 1 Un•••••nv. 2 Foo111111, 3 Tuaon. 4 E01ton $ Outn•. 0 T11ou11no 0••• 7 AotMno HMI•. • Millikan, 0 ti Oor.00 1P N41Wporl Hatl>Of MIO P8IOI VllfdH WOMIM11 J.A 1 Miii COiia, 2 8'11\0P Allllf $ 8111 Ma11no 4 81uou•. 6 llo•l•no 6 0111• ttlRt , l tgvn• ftttlell • Leoun• HMll 9 Mtt111111, 10 Mo r•no V•ll•y •nd H ...... hor,.. S11u1h1•111 l 'ul 1 .. 1dlt• Uel.I\ I ti nvrr I\ nw nn W,1sh1111(l1111 I :1 11v1·1 ( '.jltl111 11111 ) '1 l l II> If llt• l't•1111 St111t· •I u11d1•1 Al11l111nua Al.1h11111,1 4 uv1·r P N111 Stalt• (;l'Ofl(ll• I :111 ovt•r Mllll>ll\SIJl)JI ti_o Mt·th1,xJ1st v · l'lu ylur, nu oddi. l'frlll'Hs ku :IO ov1•r l'o loradu A1•k1111KltN 15' i 11v1•1' T t•xas 'f1'l·h Nut1·1.• Dunw H' ' UVl'f Mw1111, Flu Anwnu S t11lt· II ov1•1 S tunforc.J ... North ( '11111la1111 IH 'ovt•f' Wu kt· Ft1n ·i.t '1'1•xas :1 ovt•r Okluho1111t flm 111.1 II ' / 11v1·r· V 1rndl•rb11l W1·:.l V11~11llll :1 ov<.•r Boston l'u llc·ge M1um1, .. ·111 . fl Y., 11vf'r Notre.· I >111rll' LSU I :11 I llVl'I' Tt•flll('l(S(.'t.' 1Jos lt111 C11llt•g1• :i umlt•r Wc•st V1r~ln111 1 llinw' I:.! uvt•r PurdUl' i t,rom llarrah'¥ Sports Book, Re no ) Count of Godo tourney (el 8••C•IOn•) ~ flrel round t lntle• P1~111 A""~· (P .. 11) def Act111mo P•1t•ll• lll•ly) T ti 6 4, 1¥111 lencll (Cl<IGllOllOvtklA) 001 ftuhl S11nu11uon (Sweden), e 3 1 & Ou•ll•11n10 v11111 IA•oun11na1 d al fl •• 111o•lllu1t1 1SwecJe111 I !'> G' Ettd•e O•IJb~ ill SI th•I 011111<1 f•111>w ISOull1 lll1•C•). b 1 6 'J 6 1 •IVf1n lttC.Ol1hi (f rnnt.*J fhtf Aug1tl C.1mttn•11 ~Sft••tn) (1 4' 8 t G11ullu<.01 fl111nlll1111 111a•y1 dol J1n1 Ornw11 (US I b 2 f, 2 l.<1H<llC1 t1a1e11ulfl flfllly) 11111 PtHltu Rwl•ulluclC• 1C111111. 6 • 6 3 Women's tournemenl (II DH •ll•ld l•acll, fie.) Fl1al Round lln9le1 • (. """ r "'"" llt>ytt tU ~ J l1f;f /ttlll Ga.rr11011 ll '• 1 b O b 2 Put,,., Mfi'Otuno tB,&11ft '3et Pem Ca .. le (US I 8 0 2·1.. 8·•. Andi .. l tt.mcJ tU "l' t•illfl Wru\Jy -Nttilf't (US• 6 .t t, 4 Liv" ~ ..... l to+ 111\111 ..... tt•Jt l Ut(.1rt J-•i.Jffl.ltO• jtiMUlittllll ... •1 1 11 1 'J l.,1,, J otu1)1J IU '\ I Qlltf I 1t 1•t1' A,,Ayi t"''tfUI 6 J 4 f_ f .. HIQH SCHOOL WOMEN M.,ln• 10, £dloon I 11119le1 o..1 ... 11M1 ""' Smnn 6 J ""' ""k o '1 .,~, ,.,_. •t 6 0 C"••vt 1..-• 10>1 ~ 1 •c,,t• 6 •' ,,.., • Cl All>4'fl\ tMI lnll 4 6 '1 6 ·1 6 Double• ••·•"•' •,t;tt·t,,.•u 1M1 def lull f'r1~ 6 4 tJ•I ~,._...,. t....mvnun, 6 4 IU\t tu •Uudrn._ lf\.1tllln t b I fJhlf1 NurhMTH M t ...,,~,. f) 1 6 I kn1 ') ' "' .. "<I t11Uf'!lir.thd f"-41 ftt.>rt 6 I 1 t; U)t\ ~ h Fountain ll•ll•r 14, Hu,.llnaton .. ..,,. 4 lln9le1 ~• .. •O••H u nt; '''-'' ro Otoch , ~ lutt to '~''·•t• (; o d:ttf Sn~nr-.o ti f) M1fl• 1••81 lutil b 1 b A "'"" 1, I ff•>v•" 1•11l11011 & 0 II • ""''" t. ' DoublH Atluri t;ut.H•etw•I f+t8t IO\I It• U10~._1 .. v l oQhl b . IO\f 10 O~llu•ll Sp···· 7 6 o~• C.adA~dll• y~~ 6 J ll1llll•• Ve11tl~fl• lllBI lt,J\t ,, t ft 1 .. ) [\.,., Ml'Uttfl!Jlt.tty (H6t 1(1\1 t, t t. 1 ll I COM 14, El To•o 4 111'191•• Al1J 1l1 I ( I 'Jt'tf 5,1ttt ff Mt f> () .Jfl!f l,,>'JSl•'Uf•!fh t, 0 t1,.t C.1t,l\~n f1 0 l'\u,4"l 1(1 ,..,,.,. b 1 G' b I St""""' tt.> In" l t, •M f1 0 f, '4 Doublet (t1t1gr1 Ill •U"1o•1 f(,1 Ott' Ti.tnt\et f t1,J•y t, i d*t c •• ,, <..ampbfttl r, 0 "*' M Oft ' Ou•••noeo• f. 0 Bu•11• r,uollt.Wy 1<..1 """ ll ' IUI"' I f, ~ , f "' V•n$tf'f"n'''J'i't .. f'•OOcly 1G1 ~ .. , 04> • 6 won 6 • l!Oltftele tt. CHI• ..... ' llntlH •t•ntc;,n tC.M1 •c;," 10 (ntet"• 0 6 911,wn ;o,1 to fJ•O•'l ~ 1 to11 10 ~onn•U O t> llermote ICMJ I0\1 I I• '""" 1 ~ 1011 • 6 fuL••t fC.M k>ol 0 6 "'"" (i.7 toil 7 I, Ooubl+e S1rT'moo1 .C()Qe CMt W,\I u, '•n<••l~t C.u"'''-hOn•m 1 6 u11 lu t •f.-Y Or••• JG IOS.I IQ F"•'O• Ro, ••• ,... ' 6 "''"''· Va f"tl S~urot 1(.M 1 o •I 1 t, ! r, 0 6 Ui.gntt• J<J",..... tCllA • "'" 0 6 0 6 I 6 un1 .. ,.11, 11. leddlebecll 1 11"918• 8J•0t IUI ""' Pham, fl.• def NijUf"" f i 11111 AIO> f'> 0 Segel 1U1 lot! 3--6 won . fi > 6 0 Cm!man 1u11011 • 6 .. on II I 6 0 D°"blet ll•anllA L\>tU IV• tit.I '--"""'0 T•an 6 0 d .. I T•unoo·Ap11I 6 t ditf Y1·l •0Ud•O 6 0 J Andfl<ton•M•CflcJn !UI won 8°2 8..0 fi.'J (UOOl Nf'w~I fUI WU/l 6 0 6·0 6 0 Capl1lreno Veller 11, Legun• Hlllt I 81"91e• M1ttt11111 1c.v1 dflf Bl•n•hflld 8· I d•I RAm,..y 8 0 ""' P•H C411 G 0 Miile• ICVI won 6 1 fl·? lotl 3°6 0...11~ tCVI .,on !I 3 II I 6? Doublet C°"llM S Molftl (t.VI del Foclet K .. 1~ ti o cl@f Go.c1•c•111 Goec1ec••• 6·0 det f ernancJ"t Sh•lvb 6 0. Ha•d) Alllt<t ICll1 won 6 I 6-0 6 I N MOlf•I 8a•ll•ll (Cl/) won 6 I 6 1 (I 0 1.at11n• leech II, 1111•...,.. Viejo 2 ........ Sturm flBt loal lo S•-•11 • 6 clel lk.tn• 6 J c>et Bclt<ll 6 0 Bro"'n (l81 won 6·4 6 • 6-0 """'' flBl IO&t 3 11 won 8 o e -1 Oovb+H Godfrey V.allac.e tlBI d•I Knudoen-K.,.y 6 • c1et P•yo• T ~ompoot' 0 O cJ•t C».•M ••·D·•Oto 6·0 P""• Svo• fLBr "'°" 8 3 6·0 II 1 Co<l•ey Neylor tLBI w ?n 6-I 11· l 11·7 Wom•n'1 volleybell HIOH I CHOOl Nnwpoot 11"1bo1 ""' lrvmn 111 14 1~-1 IS~ Co1one Ot l Mai OCl1 £• Torn ·~· 10 15 13, ·~ 6 r ........ Clf'll Coll~ MllH 15 I 15 6 '~·8 rou1H••n vau .. y ae1 Hun1111g1011 Ouch I~ 7 IS !I If) H M&rlll• 0411 [01eC>'I t!>-0 Ill-U 15·8 Wea1m1ne11• OCll Otoan v.,.. '' •O I~ I 1!> 9 N"""Po'I Cllt1t fll n Oflf Ct' Lulllett n 1~ ~ ·~·3 13 ,~ 1~ 1 High school renlllno• WOMIN'I ew .. A 1 Mu• Coll• 2. L•lllft• leech; >. N1w11011 Herbor. • Coron• cl•I Mat; S WHlmlnolet 6 8 •11 Cl•menle. 1 Senle ... 0111 a 11an1a Mont(;• t ... ,., Oet: to. h i-I• U.8. Lewnbowllftf cttempton1hlp1 (et IM Or-•, ~~ne) llNOLll Tllff• "-""' Nell MCIMH (80ulf\WHI 01 .. 11on1 "'' 81111 M8c;W1H11m1 (Ct n11al 01v111ont. Clll/e Fo11tt••• (f>IM O••lllO"I O•• A•aundt• Dunlop (flu1•1n 01v111on1, Jonn Ou11n1 IS011lllt11tt1n 01Vitl0f1) 0•1 Robct11 8o•M• (NOllllwetl D!Vl•IOOJ ,_111 lllM>CI Macw 1111e rn1 (11 21 <111 Ooenrn 10 •1. MC:ln"9t (4•0) dtl 0un40o f I J). OvfM I f:l-1) Ml ,OtlMle< ff ') PAIRI Third 11.vnd Kttuuwlh U •9•11h•HH Ct1e1l•r !.Lhulhlt 1Cwultc.1 OIY•ttt.111) oet £0w••4J r .,,•n• J• W1111nrn Mill•" (Soulhe•.i 01¥111>111 LltWll 5 lCH"' A ....... a '""'"''" IN(l'111w•" Oo••Olonl 0•1 """"' llcldell St~"''"'' WoolM1 Jr 1C11al•tn 01vt11un l•o M•rttOtlh Sat Oon1~i..1 tSWl••w~ll 01¥1 .. on1 tl~I 11•11•11 Jun•aCJrYtUtt Ar111t (PtM 0.Y1•1out Fourth llovnd IJ<ojji111ll••dl Schull•• (J 11 dt1I M~"K11th Goo11l .. 1 12 21 S101n1 ll•mm•ll I? 21 def Juno ·All••I 17 71 (••n• Miii•• 1:1 I) clel L•ddetl W<i<:i4sey 10 41 NHL scores C Ott•l'nton I Ceigaty S Nor,. J"<""Y 3 P•ll•b<J•~h J Vt•nGOU\14'f 7 NY tSland~• 1 King• 1chedule Wt>O Oct 6 VellCOU•., lll<Hn•I I <'<> 5111 Oct 9 C&IQ••Y (_,.•I I XI Tues 0..1 11 •I Wmnt""ll ~SO '"°'' OGt 14 el Out b«: 7 5•• Ocl Ill at NV 111en0 .... so Sun Oct 17 al NY RlinvtH• 4 XI W..O 0<.t 70 Nwl J•1M y (11.,,.,,.) I 70 581 Oct l3 H1nl0tcJ lll0m4'1 110 Suu Oc;t :04 Bo•lon 1nome1 1 20 W td Oct 27 al W101~f,le\j !> !>O F" Oc;1 '" 11 Edmonton e io Sat OCI 30 crnc!OQO lllomel 1 70 Wiid No• J T0tonto (l10mel 1 20 Sal NOV f, P1111ou111h lllOmel 1 10 I uat No• 9 at C•IOl'Y 6 20 Wed Nuv 10 •1 Vttt<;OU•er 1 '>O Snl "'"' 13 MOllflH I (llO<tWtl 7 20 I UM NO• 16 Minneao•• (110mel 7 20 lllu•I NO• 18 Oetroil (hOfl'••I 1 lO S al Nov 70 BuflalO lh.,,,,.1 7 20 W8CI NO• 2• N-Je .. ey (home) 1 20 Set No• 27 PM•cl-'Pllll (llOl'lel 1 10 l uH Nuv JO 111 Ve1icoo.,,. 1 SO Wt>O Ooc 1 • CftlOllY tnomt ) 1 70 Sel 0..c • SI L°"'' (homel 12 !JO Sun Oec: 6 af £Clmon1on • '>O '""' Doc T t1 C•IO••v 6 20 Thur1 0... 9 Edmc>nto11 fh()ll'l<•I I 20 Set ~ 1 I at W1nn•p6Q • SO Tue1 0.... .. •• WHh1ng1011, c Wed 0ec. IS al NY Rang.,, 6 Se• ~ 18 " SO.ion 10 • m Sun 04'C Ii •1 C.hl(.llQO S 20 luat ""'-~I W•nn11MQ ll>Otnel 7 20 Thurs De< 73 EOtnOnton lhQtn•> 1 20 Sun Dec 28 Var~ fhomat 1 20 W8CI Dec XI W1nn11>911 l"om81 1 20 Thu•• Jal! 6 at Monl•N l fl Sii J&n I et T O<OllfO 4 SO Sun J•n 11 et Bullalo 3 :.0 1.,.. Jen 11 et W1~1001 1 Tnu•a. J.,. 13 •• Oetrotl, I S•I Jan I& et NY l....,.,_1 4 SO Sun J•n 10 al ...._~Mr • 20 r.-J.,. ti Edmonton (l\Otnel T 20 fhutl Jfl/I ro H .. llUtcl lllorMI 1 20 Sun Jan 23 •• Edmonton • SO l uH Ji n 2~ CtJOMY (ham•I 1 '° lhv•• J•n n .,v ••••nae•• •~ome1 1:10 S.t .Jan :19 et SI lo..d, S :.0 IUM F•t> I NV ~"'09't l'-1 1 :>O I nuu F •IJ 3 at Edmon Ion 8 20 S11 F•o ~ Pn-ptlle lllorMt 1 20 T hu4'1 f".•O 10 !Wttfllo f"-l 1 ?0 Sat Feb 12 •• P•'"°"'9" • SO svn Fee 13 •• PN1.o411pn11 3 so fuet Feb IS •I HlltllOfd 7 lllurs Fe!>. 17 It Oet10ll. 7 Sill Feo 19 W•"'"'91Qn (homel 1 20 Svn . Fao 20-•l l/lln<OU•.,, 6 SO J 1141 F•b 22 , Soalon (l>Ome) 1 70 r1111rr._.'.ftoc u -v~ lbOtNi 1 20 S.1 Feb 28-Toron•o (llOl'nel 7 '° TIH!t . Met I -111 SI l°""· 5 !iO Wtod MM 2 -el Chlcll(IO. 6 Sil • Mllf S et Ctllgary • SO Slln , Ma• O ti M1nn..01e • ~ Tuet. Mar 8 Cc119twy (llorM) 7 20 $1/n . ~t 1:1-Wtnn(peg l'-1 1 20 W8CI . Mel 1~Wtnnipe9 (hOINI T 20 f!Wfl Mat 17 Olleb41c lllomel 7 20 811 MM 19 -Plt .. C>uf(lll lllomel 7 20 T..aa MlllC 22-el Monl1Ml 6 Thur'I • Mw 2• II Oueoec e Sat MM 26-Edmonfon (homel 1 20 S"". Mw 27-•I Vlll\COu-. 850 r.-. Mer 29 el CMQelY 6 20 Wed Mer 30-11 WWW'~ 5 iO Sat A$l'lf 2-M~e ,,,_,., 1 20 Sun AofM J-V~(l'lorN) 7?() ,,_ oen-el""' FOt\lm lngl<rwood) Coa1t erN '"u"• l AOUH1' HACH •N'I CLV8 (al llntl"I "" .. Gott Club) Two...S•y low *' T-nemenl II r1o91'1I I Q.cll lll•e 69 ·72 141 ? (lt91 Otto•o• Fowl•• &7 76 U l •ncl 511111 Bowen 88· 7~ 143 B flight I Mlkt ''O"" G•·68 132 2 Abel Gonu let 57.71 1311. 3 Me• Ca1penl•• llG 70 139 C Fllghl 1 Frank H&n-\, 67-67 13• ? Vine. 11\jllf• 73.72 147. 3 Siu P~m•n 73 7 • t • 7 0 i l•Ohl I l(tn Kub~ 7 1-74 146 2 (11•1 l ynn C•lh,ltl 14 73 ••7 and Em11 ll l•••no~r 75.72 tH E fl'llhl 1 0 •11•11 rau•11 111 .es ,. , 1 lOu Ulldll WOOCl 73.75 "'· 3 He•b Jollneon 79 16 16~ Wom•n 1 Fl111h1 I 111•) Marion S~owaltet 72· 72 t•4 Ind Rulh CeM•ltl 69 7S 14• ) Metge Kirby, 76-T3 141 TUHd:f'• ltMeeetloft1 I tlCIT'8AU. Herlaflal ... 11.-... A-latlon S(lllTl f "UP[ASONICS T1aaeo wa11y w11lll•• ro1we1d 10 Ill• Hov••on Aoc'•" for the M<onO 1ouno 1'83 dran ~· HOCtcl'I' Nel ...... HMlllfl..ffll'9 BUFFALO S ABRfS 8 1 r11 '\'VOii l embell. 1•11 w•n(I. J '. Sauve Borioy Mongr111n and Aanlly C11n,,..,...0111. c.:tnler• 0."9 r itn)'llff, oet•n•-•n lf)t] Pft1f Myr• ..,<I p.._,1 H•trlton, ooellM, to Aocillet1a1 ol ,,.. Amerie•n HOCk•Y U119Vt HARTFORD WHALE'l'IS Oblalnltd l'aul Ma•t111H ... II '"'1111· ••om ,,.. T0ton10 M,J>ll Lui• '°' fulur• con110 ... 111or11 •no HillOl•IMI 111m 10 91no111m1on 01 Ill• American Hoci..tY Lff01,1C1 N!W \'OAI( ISLANOf\118 Auton•a GrlQ Oilb811. lell WlllQ, 10 ln<lllfll~t OI Iha Centre! HO(kty laegve end lt11\il Poulltter. d•l•nH IHll, 10 ,, JoM of 1111 Clu•O~ Jvn!Of HOCll9)' L~ NEW YOAK AANOIAS ·~ Vectev N.OO"'tn•~•IQlll wlnt Aat!tned Dav• SA. rlGll• on 1e>1111 10 9tng11M1fO'I or IM A.fMflCett ey ~ Triathlon lat d; McCartney def ends KAii.LiA KONA, lluwa11 A l•.ili!l 11L W an·u uthll'lt'8 will lit• 1'11111111'1 I llU Ill I hl• pr l'sl lj.(l•IU" I 1 1111111u11 T 11ulhI1111 ·.v o r Id l'lrnrnp11Jn 11h1 p ht•fl• Saluril.1y 1 nduc.J1n~ till' IU82 wo1111·11· .. d1v1i.1u 11 w111n1·r K uthll•t•n Mt·Curttwy of N<'W rlort Bt•11d1 11nd U • Irvine. 'r hnt· an• :11 1 1.1thl1•h·i. t•ntc·1·1·d I r1 t h l' t' 11 111 fJ 1 • I I I I l> n { I u 111 C1:1l1Cornlu 11lorw with t'omp<'llll<Jn tu includt• u 2 <l·rnlh• up.-r1 1x•Nm 11w un followc:d by u I l:.!-rn1!4 · hll'yd1• ruc·t· ;md a full rnur111hu11 uf 20 :.! m1h.,. Mort• than 1100 111 ,. <·Xp<.'<:l<.>d tu flll't• lhe st.art1.·r'i. gun 111 7 u . m f o 1 th l ' gr u t' 11 in I< t•ompl'lllaon. Ont• u l lht• c·ompt·lllurs lh1s yc•nr will t)I.· l"t•rdy M <1l'i1>1m111u, :J formt•r UC 11·v1111· waler polo s tJr (Ind stuc.Jc.>nt bot.ly prl's 1dl·111 who Iii ma kin~ h11> S<'COnd Slal l I It· f1111sh(•d .Hlth ove rall la:.t yt·ar a nd fifth in llw :iO :i4 l•J.tt· 1-trouµ II<.> IS 33 M assimino 1s unl• uf M•v1•1 al athlt•lt•s 111 lht> 1.·ompl'tlllun who 31 c untJt.>r lht· gu1da n c·1· o f nutrit1on isl8 and food allt>rgio,;L-, M ass1m1nu 1s ~ -µ.hy:.1 c 1:.a11 111 Northern Cal1forn1a and l1tt1> IO('Orporatc.'CI lht: help of J;.1mL~ B raly. M .O . into h as tra1t11ng n •gim<' Mc:Cartnc.-y won th1.· wom<:'n'i. d1v1sion whcu lhL• lt:udcr of th<· rate n1.·ar lhe finish line was ovcrromc by cramps Cind had to <·rawl a<:ross t h e finish hnc In second place a fter Mt·Cartnl.'y passed hl'r. There a r e n o qua lify ing <'Omp<'tiuons to enlc'r bul tho:.<.• <-omp<'ting must pay a $100 entry fee and a ll lravt.>1 and ulh<•r (• x P<' O.'><.'S llc·rc• 1s a hs l of an•a entrant!. 11.11111111 111 lu111J Jc•lfrt•y Duy, :.!·I I. ind •i.lti.. ~·111 on.1 11f·I Mur 1<:r1t· i'IJIN, IH, Ji.tl kulllllj.( bn.k1·r , lit••1r ll'' Y l.lkw. 'J.7, d1·11t1-.1, A rt Dal C.:ori.o , :14, r •'j.(Ul11lt11 y tcriulyst, 1>1•111111> 8 t11·a. :.!'I, -.1utl1·nt. S lt·vt•n Sutht•r l:111d, :.M. uqualll' tl111-i,•tor • 1J u11t111utm1 Bc•1.ll'h Him Alrx·r. :1r,, 'lldt•i. mu11i.g1·1 .. fontt•li f': D11f'l111u. 10. t11 v11mm 111urn.1t(•·•. S i ' • C11111rnu 111~·a11., Alt·x G o uld, 24'; .,. P11ul Md~;rn th , 11>1 , indu11tr1&I 1·n~tnt•('r , T1111 V:u·~·ar(), 24 , lal1·u11anl • Ir v11u• K atllli·t·n• Burki'. :w , 11r<Jmot101L-. t11Jv..rt1i.ing. J 11hn A I o h -; 11 n , :.rn . 1 I <1 1 m 1>1 • r v i <' 1.· I l'Jll t•:o.t·nt;1tlV(• L.tJ.< u 11a H1-.1< h c: .11 y I. Mu-.uLt O. :i7, J.in1tor1.d , Al l.111 Ho-,t·n. :1:~. lllU\IL" t«l1t.or Nt·wp11rl Hc·.1 d1 • W11l1;1m H 1• I tJ 1 11 Jot , ~!I . mu r kt' 11 11 g t 11111>ulta n1 , P .11 r11·k Duffy. 44. 11tt111•n1·v. J11hn Edw1Jl'<h, :~i. w .illp.1p1·r h .1ngl·r. 1>0 111111· <.;1•1 li11~ 2 1 laf1·gu;,rd , D1•11111' llt•Jri.t . :n . 11•.il 1·!>lal1· 1Jr11kl'1 . ( ; •• rv Knuwlt·-.. 44 . !>luc·k hrok1·r . Ual I l.1·;11 h :111. "l'X t hf'1 a P"' · Jullt! L c u1.h . 25. lc1J t:hcr , K utldt•1•n Mc·l°aflrll'y, ~:s . UC lrv1r11· .;tudc·nt. FMI Murn·ll , :n . 'al1•lf111a 11, Doug Pc·r<·1v<tl. <!H, A S tl•Vt•11 Y uun~. :.rn. kg1!>la l1v1· t'IJUfl Ntd .. )0 11 K 11 0 1 pp, :.!5. 1.·1msuluml. C<1p1i.trano l'A•ac·h. M ark L1rnd, 2 I , as:.1s tanl muthint· opNato 1. Bill Pl.'rk1ni.. 55, gl•nr·r<tl rnanagcr wc-sl fil.hbo:.it, Pally l-'1·rk1111>, ~I tt•al·hf'r El Turo · Ho n M11rt·n •1. 27 !>lUd1:11l . Fra11k U 'Bna n . 25. !o>lUd1•11t M 1s:.1 o n V It· J 11 H 1 d1;.., rd Dan It'll!>, :.!!I, 'i<.1 11·:.. !-i<•CJll lfurlll'r , lli. -.t•ll 11rnpluy1-<l ... ~ ·: •' .. • . Newport, CdM roll to set up collision Newport Harbor H 1gh's S ollor!> ond lhf' Corona del Mor S L·a King!> swt•pt lhrough Irvine· ;and El Toro. rc.-s pc.octively. Tu<'sd<Jy, w Sl't up their Sea View LeagUl' s howdow n o n T hur'ida y 111 women's volleyball J:.:a c h i s 5-0 i n St•a V1l'w Lc•1Jguc· p la y with thC' Sailors rnnked No. 3 and thC' Sea King:- No. <I in lhe CIF 4-A ranking;-. The Sea K"ings will hos t N e wpo r t H arbo r a t 3 . I 5 Thursday wllh the winner given the inside shot at the league tttlt>, a lthough Estanc11J, whic h rs ranked No. 10 in the C IF and 4-1 in league play. may sull h:Wl' s omething t o s a y abo ut 11 following a lhre<'-s<'l v11.·to ry <ti Cost.a Mesa. M tddle bl1x·kl'rs An nil' Mt~1 Jt' and &-th Pm~ dtd J good .111b 111 containing l rv1m standout Ell·n11 Oden ru. Nt.:wport handled Lrvine in thret: sets, 16·14, 15·1, 15-5 Also s parklan!i( w e re settt'r L aura As p e r and d L•fens 1vt• s pc.><:1ahst Tish OL.;wa ng for th<• Sailors Corona del Mar . meanwh,lt·. h a ndle d defensive m1ndc·d El Toro, 15-10. 15-13, 15·6. behind the play o{ sophomor<' middle• blocke r Cammie Ooder and senior o utside hitter Laura Niedringhaus. Estancia remains a game o ut following 1ls 15-1. 15-6. 15-6 decision at Costa Mesa. behind t h e setting of Gl'n a Garrell. blockLng of Jane Ferda, hruang o r K t·llv H orv;ith und all-around tJloy "or Kathy Hall In lht• Sunst·l Lcagu1• 1t wru. Marin a, Founta i n Valley ;ind d t' f (' n d I n ~ t' h a m p 1 o n Wt•:.tm1 n !>l t•f' UfH'll1ng with Vll'l<irlt 'S M ;,1rin.i r •Jll<·c.l fJIJ:.t Ed1:.on, 15 o. lh 14 . 15 8. tx·hmd scnivrs VOLLE't'BALL Tracy rl(•1s hcr, Annr· Walters and Dawn Cunningham Founuun Valley set itself u p fo1 a n t'a r ly s h o wdown with W1•:.tm1nstc r b y dro pping h ost llunungto n Beac h . 15-7, 15·5. IG 14. w i th S am Arle dgt''s outs1th · htlltng and tough back tnllrl <h•rt•nst· -.pc·J r heJdtng thl· \'It torv Arlt·d~1· wa!. 'erv1ng o n a down Fountain Valley points. a nd Kathv Harty a<lded four kills m h«lping th « .;rfonSt•. W(•1otminstc•r 's 15-10. I 5-1. 15-9 d1•<.'1s11m ovc•r Ck<>an V1<>w was IN i t.J v middll' ·b lol'ker Dia n e Watson , a two-year All-C JF swndoul Al .s o a leader 1n the - W£'Stmanstcr v1c·1o ry was .1un1or setter Em1J Tnmama u1 In At·ademy Lcagu<' openers 1t wa,, N(•wporl C hnstian lopping Cal Lutht•ran. 15·5. 15-3, 13-15. 15 -7. behind JUn1o r s C hris Year ll'V. Stt•lln Berkeb1lt' and Dcbb1°l' Mohlt•r Nc•wpo rt Christian I!> nuw I U I o vc•rnll .. Anteaters get scare But Vargas puts UCLA away., 9-8 UC lrv 1n-.:'s J vhn Vargas ronn N ·ted with 20 s N ·onds r e maining to pro v1dt' th<' w mning m argin Tuesday as lhl.' top-ranked Anteaters held on lO t·a pture a 9-8 water polo triumph over UCLA at Long Be ach 's Belmont Plaza. UC! wasted an 8-4 l1·ad in lh<' final period as UCLA rallied WAT£R POLO with hvc fourth -q uart(lr goa ls bf-fore Vargas pul m the game winoc•r. The Anteaters ar e now 9 1 overall. Ot'Orgl' Robertson sron.'<i a pair ot ~ool:. while D1ggy Riley. TN>vor Dod~n. Pe te r and J eff Ca mpbe ll each added s ingl<> t.all1<.'S for thl' winners. On the community coll<'gc level 1t wasn't quite lhe happy moment as Oran1te Coost C<>llrgt• dropped a 14-11 dcc1Hlon ti t Fullerton. J."ullc r ton was in <'ommnn d Crom th<' 1)u t.set. jumpmg lo" 4-I ll'nd after one quarter tll'ld un 8 3 halftlmt' advantage. Goalie Scott Hnns f'n WO!I credited with six saves for thf' Plratca, who foll t.o 7-3-1 ovcr·aJI, 1-l In South Coast Conference play. S~vt' Timmons wat1 almoet th(.' tintlre OCC ofCen.e. tc0rint nlnt> tlm ea. Ort-I( Brown ond Scu tt Lc•wls each contributed llln,llll• 1ull1cs l o round n ut Coast 's M'oring The Pira tes' Jos.' w as summ<'d up by tht' OCC c'Oal.'hmg sl<lff as a mallcr of playing too low in the wat1.·r on dc•fonSt'. Un1vC'rs 1t y H1 gh's TroJans Wl'rc> thl' onl y seh cdulcd prep t1C'liv1ty and lhey were 8-7 IOSl'•"'S :it ch•fonrhn~ C lF 4 -A champion I .. ong BeaC'h W1lsoo M 1kt• Bartlett scorc•d thrf'c umc-i; for Un1v('r'l1tv and Kelly Washhournl', a Junior. scored t Wll't'. l>ut the T ro,Jans lost out when Wilson <'onve rted o n a p ('n ally s h o t . caused b y an l' .)l'C t m n Doran inks Lazers pact ,• . . . -. • • :: • . • . ... ~ ~ :: .... • • • . Donald Dornn, n 28-yl'tir·old dc•ft•nd•·r frum lrvint•. h1 nmon{( :. l().mnn ~1und nnm1'<I to tlw Los ... Arl"C'h ·!l Latcrs Indoor svc<'N • " .. ; u-am. w h ich begins IL1 season a t .• the Forum against Phoenix Nov. • 5 ... Oth cn SllJnt'd lnC'lud<' Cltv(' ~: Charles. Curtis Ll'CJ>t•r, Gordon Mlllt'r, Jim K~lly. Clyd' &-st. Do n Tobin. Rocky Crisp a nd goa lkc.>t'pcr11 Cary Allison and Mlkf' Mahoney. · Doran was the 1982 MVP In speedSOC'C('r for thl' Coeta Mesa Cowboys On the move Ky 808 THOMA. .......... ...._.,_.. tlOLL YWOOO "Snnw duy l'd llkt· lei c•oow h1wk und iwt~ whul thh1 c·ounlry 11 n •Mll y like•.'' ••(lht'\J Oordol\ Joh n S1nC'l11lr, lht• ~""611)' &'\1l who 11lM'll In the O lruigow-mudt• movlu 'Grvgory'i. liirl." Slnclulr wu 111i(lh Uy .cruggy from u 1wo w1.•ek Cour u ffiitrakOfl h1m o-rfcw-York , Cl..w!a Alla nw , Mlum11 Mlrm4'opol 1, P ullWt, Denver, St. LAJul1 i.nd Loe Angelet1 h wu hlH flral lrjp \o tht· Unltoo Statet, and wh&1t hud he aot't•n'! "Airpor ts, hol~l ruums and ll'lc•vh1lu11 lilUdl08," stlld the 6-loot-3 Sinclair Ht' and Clare Grogun, unotht.>r Scot who ploys Or nge Cooat DAILY PILOT /Wudn tdov, Octobtr e. 1082 CT with a gangly Scot u tilaih •·hool 11wt•t1lht•u1 t 111 "Ut'4•((ory'• Ufrl.'' had ht'«!ll '4nu·111.a un bl-huH uf llw Samlwl Goldwy n Co , whll'h lil r«'l~ulnai tht• film In thlal 1.-c1un1ry A hit In lht! Drlll11h lNJt'li, It hu1 IM'\'rl cutd11119 1111 w11h c•ritit'll m thl• Unill'd Stolt•• Vlr\l't•rH Cunby 111 I tw Nt•w York Tl111t'1C l'Ulll'<l It un "t•1whunting t•m111.'t.ly." Erk fi'..rbN ol tlw lluuHlon POllt iuud tht• 1~ ".bu~y. uµbw.L." Slnt•h1ir pl11y1t Grt·~c>ry, un »wkwunJ uclult•11t0l•nt who 111 diliC."Ovcrlng tlw ullurl' of Ki rlJi 11nd lrlt•li lO do i;omt·thln~ ubout il Ju!fl &1 klw.oe or two would holp hloe 111urult'. bul tw l!f tv rl!ilUlntly thwurk-d TIM•n•'11 n11t mul·h plot But the director, Bill Fvuylh, jll'OVld t.'8 U rare fi!IS('ffiblagc of dt•h ht(ul C lJrlK'll'l'l'I LUCIANO PAVAROI11 IN A GloriOUJ Uproarious Love Story. m-.,. ..... ,.-~ A79t NOW PLAYING AT THESE SPECIALLY St:LECTED T HEATRES • COITA MU OM ... ldw.vd~ lown Ctnttt (714) T~I 41U C.tv Centtl (714) 834 9~&2 "'° .. _...,""«•'n'o."" ........ "ll • PfeMtn1ea ,o 3"'""001..!:""""'==:!!!!!J t who JX"Ok wtth th•• lllt1nt1 Hml lll'lh h111Krn <.iurclnn Jqhn S111clu11 '111 IM•Kl1111l11K11 ,.,.. 1•vlcl1•11l Ill h•• 111)('\'C'h und hllJ l't'llUUlllY 11f Wiii cJ11 lit• WW. Ul'lkc'tl whul l!Ul'litlun he• WWI mol'lt ot.kt•<I du1111g tlw A11lt'11u 111 tuur "Thut 11111·," Ill' 1t•plll'd Nuw ZO, lw (1111rdwu lh• ""'hoollnH tit Ill u11d UV)H't•11ttt•t-<l Ulf on t•h'<.·lr1dun lllH futhl•r 111 011 olfit.'t· wor}u·r. h lN mulht•r o dt•nlltl Lt'<'lu1k i1111, 1111cl noru• of th1· (u1111ly lt.-111wd toww d pt.•rfonning "thouuh m y grnndfuthcr d id 11lng o btl und ploy lhc> mouth orgon " "THE 'IEAION'I EARTHIEST ROMANTIC HIGH." ..... ,.,.. WllllMtNft, ~V90V [R}o MllllCMI WIUO .. ,_T llACN OU.. WllTM ... Tlll ldw.vds Y•/O Twin £d'<Jatd\ Newpon C.,..mt c.ntdome' fdwlldi c.ntm1 Wtsl 830 8990 644 0780 634 2SS3 891 3935 LUXURY THEATRES 1 at Tw Mati•o Slltw i11u ONLY S 2 lll Utlleu OtllefwiM llltt4 S ll3reJ@fI•J11Il6i6s~ 2sss/L~ .. ~,) S * FOR Funt EXCITEmEnTI V111tOvr... * ARCAOEofGAMES• :~ ·,.~;·; r------------------------1 wo,....ACC.,ftl tO-T ... ......___, ' 1911:' Ml.MIUA (nit• t.J1nmeo1 t.u NOW PLAYING lllU U lCMIO u~ Mo•"" IO•MO>S-• OllAllOf OUltGf ""''" ~ O.•noe Ol••e 1n c..llOOme 534 9361 634 1~~3 990 401' ~It ~HO COil& Mll& IO••Os ... ll .. JO. IUCM ~h Co.t\I ""'~ I ow .. O' """1"9'0ll c..em. ~46 "" 1410311 *BARGAIN MATINEES• Monday thru Saturday All Perform1ncH before 5:00 PM (EJcapt Spewl flltaflllllftll 11141 He1M11y1) "THI LAH AMl .. ICAN VlflOIN" .., ............ , ...... ,.. "JEKYLL I HYDE ... TOOETHUI AGAIN" "'' ·-·-. ... -· -· tOtJO "PINK FLOYD: THI WALL" ...... ~.,...o ••• I tJ:• J:a, ..... ·~ e:M, H IGO LAKEWOOD CENTER WAlk IH "AN OFP'ICUI ANO A GENTLEMAN" 1~1 12:95, ,,, ....... 1:11, ...... "I, THE JURY" 1•1 12'IO, J; 10, l:IO. 7'IO, 19: 10 "AMITYVlllE If: THI POSSEISlON'" ,.., ll:ll ........... tOtJI 'ocvlty 01 Conotewooo 213/131·9110 .. ,..._ P'LOY~_: T._ WALL"I "JEKYLL a HYDE ... ~· TOGETHEll AGAIN" "'' 11:•. a:-. .... ,.., -. -,,.., Jell. •<». ...... "n. IT LI (,,, WHOftlHOUH .. TUAI" I ·~ .... -.. , '.'..NIGHT IHIPT'' tt• LAKtWOOD CENTER SOUTH WAlO IN "TEMN8T" .. , , ........ , .... - "YES, 01011010" IN I J:AO, ''" "AUTHOlll AUTHOlll" 10 1 .... -.- "THI LAST AMElltCAN Vlf'oaN" llll , .... ~. -· , .... -. 11• "MY FAVORrTa YEA"" .... l:t:JO. J:Je •• ,.. ..... , •••• II I ".,.,....,,. MRY WEDNESDAY a THURSDAY Ctllclf tn Uneltr 12 Alwayl FIH ,. '9SOll om~-~ .. --.-. -r--.-r.._... --..r••---•._,.,.. -. .... ., ""'"''·--·-IMPOllTAllT llOTICl' CNllDIUll UllOfll 11 fllUI --·--lloltM I .. -\14/S.,._ , .. ,. Ollt<ll -·-tMCNl _4 __ 11 .. tM CNI ---AIXlUOll\' --__ ,__, t•llU __,. _ ...... _ "BLADE RUNNER" l'\.u. •• ) r ,,,,~-a •• a , , V ANAHEIM OlllVl IN ·-"-'--" 119-tHO ·n.•ert.mu WMOIW.MOUM et nUI" 1•1 -"WOtlLO ACCOMMNO TO o.-· Cllll .. _ .... p. i•t A •AW-1 BUENA PARK 011•~! IN ..... 4 • " .... LINCOLN OlllVf IN ltf'ICOtft Ave ..... Of Sl\Oft Ht·~70 .. ,. ., FOlJrflAIN VALLEY OlllVI IN ,. ...,, •, .. "THE llOAD /"!'t~ WAll...011" .. 1 /1;~~ c•tt-~"- "PINK P'LOYO: THE WALL" "-UI 11'1 "IAllAOU" !M t CHof '1- "E.T., tN• THI UTllA·TE"llHTNAL" ~lie -A-AYP r !NJ "I, THE JU"Y" 1•1 "-UI "THE AMATEUfl" -. "JEKYLL 6 HYDE ... TOGETHlll AGAIN" .. , "UP IN IMOKI" 11'1 C-.••- HI WAY 39 11~1~1 •N -·-'°Ill ""'°"" °'°" ··-· 191-1691 -VlflOIN" ... "LITTl.I DMIUNQI" '"' c•"- .. , ... I A HARR A ''~'" " -·-·-.... -... an .... 2 ---- ·'' 0'1ANGE OlltVI IN "MlllTYVILLl It THI f'OHH•tON" 1111 "-UI '"DIATit WllH It" 1111 "l~IT IMAGE" 11•1 "-UI "'AD£ TO et.ACK" "" C•ll- "AMrTYVILLI n: THI POHIHION" 191 ~u. "'DEATH WtlH If""" cw,,_ "PINk P'LOY01 AT THI WALL",,.., ~UI "XANADU"~ ,._ .... ,.... iit.' ••-c-.. ""'" __ IM_· _ ... __ 1....1 •'£'a-~ "MY FAVOftlTI "•• .. ,.., YEAR" '"1 "MOMMla DtEAAllT" cH t .. ON QOLD9N 'ONO" MIS<ilON '"' ,, IN .... "-lie -. -"CONTININT M. DfVtDI" ""' W h lol ~I I lol .. , " THE LAST AMERICAN VIRGIN r.i Aho Sl'lowint "u• Up In Smoke (R) u:: Utile Dullnt• (RI Two jokers and a queen, but definitely three of a kind. Driw .. lns Open 7: 16 WMlcnightl/7:00 WMklndt Children Ut!der 12 fr er U.less Noted STARTS FRIDAY at a thealrt or drive-in MIU you. ,.., ......... "''-'"'-''• ~ ............ ., '"The Chosen' .. ~ One of the year's best!" -~ tvar-. ~AAOIO and 'M'IX·l'V IXCLU81VE INGAQIMENT ORANGE COUNTY'S HOTTEST RACES! .. The 31nd State Senate ... will bt Oraqt Oou'J'• .... , Ritt Hnatorf A fttrot battlt ii ..... for tllil DIW .... ,. 411trict. Th• 48r4 Oontreuional District n. primarJ Dll'l'tWM tlM fttld or oandldat• rrom 11 to a. ht 1"1 nW a ft&ht clown to tbl wlnl Jim Cooper bona when llat ou4Watel olula in 'lall OM bov lplOial Tonl&ht 8:80 p.m. BOCJIJ/80 ....... ~ "'Oru'9 °'911'1 ---. .... ,......., .............. / ........ ,..., ...,..,...,.., ...... .......,.., IM., ... ""' W OIW., IM. .. " . .. • • ) f . . r. .. . :; • : ~ ' . • ' l .. IP .. . . . .. , ' ·- .. 11 Ot1noe OoHt DAILV PILOT/wedneld1v1 Ootobe1 e. 1082 Witch' magic doesn't solve • crimes UlS AN<f1';L1':$ tAI') Tim M1Alhtwn •Wfll Mu1l11111tm, who w u .. 1111•v1uu1oly •• u •.iullr In rt1phl'I "Hui wt• rn11 wit• 11 l4l 6'C•I u ul ut lll(hl •J>Olb 111 hi• hflh lt'lt•vi•lon lk'rh••. lhl• tlnw ua a hNf'Ctlv.-"W1nJuw 1111 Mu111 S111•1•1," "Tlw V11 t(ln lnn," 'rhr m1JHlt' ul10 prov ldt•ll u lol of tht• c·orswdy1 wh111111 wilt• l(IV''" hl111 aa llltlt• h elp wllh h o t "Bonunru." und "~u1•111." 1111y11 J\nrnmlu hu11 tlw porll<·ulurly whun i.lw tulk11 111 l>ll'lu·na" pn·munl\IOllll powt•r lo movt• ohJl''"' uml g1•1.11 c 11u1111 1v1• flw1lw1t 'ru 11l111w th1•ll clllf1•1 l'nl 111Nhod'I of opt•rullnl(. A1·tually, thc•y're morn th1m prcmonltlon.11 And "W1"r1· pi1rtn1·1H '" c1 .. 11-c·11v 1•ic," lw -..1v11 8 h <> Mo1h1•i.c111 s u ya.. "Wt• huv1• u i huw wh1•11· wt· lll'<-d "' 11111u• than Intuition Ile pluy1 Rh'k 1\itk1·r und llw u1o4•11 lw1 1111u111011 .11111 I upprcwd1 ll 11111u· from u c·l into 1111mt· u ff11·1·• und lil'f' wh111 kin o f llllllll' or c RS 11how r1 "T\klwr·• WJuth-:------~-('··u-a----.-111il j)Uflllt• l t•l.H-U1JlM11m;1,..-,~_,t-t~~:n----it~y':":1>1~·w~rrT1""'•r.;:,i.-n;;..~.y-lfov1• Olll' plu ' l' t• H IJ rrwun Ca1h1•r lnu Hll'kll pluy• h 11 wtfo, Amundu. who r1'(•c•pt1111111ot arnl J\n11111du rn11k1·1e the· wuwr l'Ooln l nhc rrtt•d lll•r untH.1rthly p o wt•r11 from ht·r •)lpjll und p.i111t. h1•r i.11 wc• l'Ull HllJJ 1n J(ralldmotht.•r "Tut•ker ' Wilt•h " dt•b111 . ., I ··su111t• !tl\U(JllUn I prN<'l1d tlJ lit• Ull ulil fm•nd Wh<.'n the· 11h nw WUli firlil llllllllUlll't'C'I lul!I Muy, or th•· m1111 wh1)1>(• •ifflt.'1· ll llf I ('()11 tlw Ht'C TNury It wru; t.•o lh-cl "The' Good W lt<.'h of Luurt'I Cun yu11" toninht Ill J 0 OIJ l 'hutJIJ(•/ 2. while· Amanda ljllfl" in u111I l'111't·k11 tht• 1y 1wwrltn and 11 11tnrn-<I Art Hant.lh• ond Kim Cat troll " So, lt'ic whuu•vt•r' wurki; l1t•11t," "Conceptually , it'11 t'xoclly the same." 11uy11 ~ Mutlw!i4.m 1myK lw wu11 d o inH "Bw1 Stop" for Mattw110n. ''It'll d1frercnl from lh•• pilot only in ).!t•t:1 u hunch ·1 know who did 1t.' Hut 11tw 's puy lt•lt•v111io11 whc11 lw w111:1 UJikcod If lw'd Irk•• t.o tr>nl!. I'm m ore mquilotlve thun Al't. Pco plt· don't wrong ~ ofkn Ub I um. I MUC!M b<!twt•t•n ui; we• add sll'µ into tht• lil'rit'tt hk<' to \Wk to firlvutc• dett.-t:tlv1...-t. up tn one• l(ood duwctrvl' • "I llllld I tlldn'I k,111w, but I wu11 ijt•ttinu 11111n· "ul tht' plot they h ad him walk in f In and "Wt.• budgt.•r bal·k 1111d forlh," hi• '!fny11 "I muy and 111111'l' dlK11atlMflt'd with tht• m11vi1•11 • I wu11 betng pt'Oplt• pou red their hcurt out lo him. That ll not th<• kid ht.•r, but f nt.'Vt'r put h1•r down Slw'K l'lt(hl h 1,1Jf u fft•u •d ," tht• 111.:l<ir rt'<.0Dll11. "I lookt-d a t llw pilo t ahd way It w o rks," the ac tor s ays. ''A good privott• the tlme . It'll n v t jlr1•ut d1•lt'l·livt• work. but llhl''ll suw thtH It had u lot l)f potcnliul. It wo11n'1 juict 1h1· dNt.-ctivt.• t'Ons you ll's hkl' pluy ing poker. Y o u havt-good." mugu.·" lo knvw whe n to bluff und when lo fold. In the s h ow, Anu 1nJo's link to 1h1· 1x-c·ult Ile ht•r lie· 1.uys h1· 11 ls11 w 1mlt•d 111 m11k<• 11un• the "h 's more comedic n o w r a ther th a n bemg t.•t1t, Dickens. She uilks to tht· t•tat, who KIVt•ic twr llJ>h. l1roclu1·t111n h •i1111 "t·urtod w1 rnud1 u11 I du f t.·ure a lo l tframallc," M ath1..>son says of the sh o w . "T he reason Honest. wnd tu gt'l ungry u nd gl•t 111vulv1•d a nd J c·a n 't for the c hange wus lo light<.•n 11 up und m a ke'it Docs Amanda's mag1C' gt'I 1lwm Olli o f lroubll''? kt•t•p my mouth i;hut " m ort' fun. l thou~hl the pt.><>ple 1n tht• pilo t did good "We have c •r uun ruk'!i u f formut a nd one iic Tht• i.t•r 1t•i, uh.o 11 turs llu rb;1ru Barnt-as work. lt was a change in tone that they wanted." that the magic n ever solv1..>s llw t•rrm r ," M athe-son Amandu'l> m u lhl·r ._.....,_Au. A11*1c8ft ~ ~ Mllwll1kee 8rorere CA11torn1a Angel• e:oo•• Nl!WS • llOHT • EHOUOH ........ " M embittered private r._ to "..cl Fa!Mr Murc:ally'• c:ountel ~ IN pr-I llu -uperi.-o IYonl· line duty • HAWAII FIV£~ SI OVEREASY "Sell-E11eem" GuHll Jama ano Glo<I• S•-•rt (RIO G CINDERST ANDINO HUMAN BEHAVIOR "VIilon" (JJ C88HEW8 (8H8CNEW8 (C)MOVtE · • • ·~ "Sliver Beus" ( 19781 MIGllHI Caine. Cybill Shepherd An .c:counung genlut devises an 1n1r1ca1e plan to lnc:t.... l'llS -atlh 1>y making 10me Of Ille IOI> e•ecut...._ In Ille worl<I ol high finance Ille Ylci•m• OI an ••l•aotdinary swtndle 'PG' TMOOY:THAU CtA881C TAUS The ~ of deymetlon btlngs 111r .. c:Nldfen't 110- rlee to Ille -"Rip V#I Win- kle," "The Llllle Prlnc:e ' and "M-"ln The Cobbl«" WOT COAST COMO< MOVIE * * * "The Hunt•' I t9791 Sieve Moau-, EM WW- lech Ralpll "Pepe" Tllor- IOn leads I dll'gefOUI hie " • mooern-<Jay llOUnty hvnte< 'PG' 1:00 I cea HEWS NeCHEWS "ION' 8u'1 and Danny eC>me IO te<ms In • Mc:luded c:abln • THAEFS COMPANY Larry gi\191 Jaell and ,,,. Ok1• • puppy and they do llYefything lo keee> AOC* lrom finding OUL ··~l.D MPOftT CJ) P .M. MAGAZINE A l>fOfite ol HollywoOd columnilt Marilyn Beck, Ille btrth or • dolphin In CO)~ * * "Voy1ge En Oouc:a' CZ>MOVll * * "The Slap" ( t9631 Uno Ven!U<a, AIWlle Glrar- dol A graup of young peo- ple on rhe bflnll of adutl· hood f-• b.,rage Of gtown-up problem•, dec:l- llont and d1temmU 7:.IO 8 2 OH T1iE TOWN F .. rurecs. • 1oo11 •• 111e modetn I~ lletO. c:omedlen W, Leno on • 727 Jet llfNllator • Ol FAMllY F'EUO I MAOMIE't~ ....... " • ;.,, • teve n (Michael Gros ) wears o crazy costume .for his daug hter's "nifty Fifties" party on "Farnily Ties" at 9:30 tonight on KNBC (4 ). Hawt.eye. B J anO lhelr medtc:al COhorla ftnd • new way to eec:ape Ille Oepres- llve a1rno41p11ere of the wet I ()) TIC TAC DOUGH MACHEJL I LEHREA REPORT 19 PAEVIH AHO THE PfTTSBVAOH "Pe<1man Cool Ano c1 .. - 1ic" Vlollnill tllllall Pert· man plan111 Andre Ptevtn. orummet Shelly Manna, be.Hill R.o M1tc:hell and gullatlsl Jim Halt 1 .. m up 10 mall• • tau album a1 P1111burgh'1 H4ltnZ Hall nu YESTERYENL. ,.,., 1:00 • ()) SEVfM tlM>E8 '°" aeVEH IAOTHEA8 er-·· romanoe w11h vet· 1t1nanan Molly McGr-Ot lhrNl9"9d ""'*'Ille wlna • -goc:al lnltmtNp 11\al well keee> ,,,.,,, llP8f1 '°" lhl'M )'9¥1 D ot AEAL PEOPU " loolc al Ille bUebatl leQ-endt al Wngi.y Foeld, e vltll 10 the Biiiy Goat Tav· ern, and • Oey "''" Mayor Jane Byrne are IMIU<Cld In "Real People's" salute lo Ille dly al CNc:ago 8 MOVIE * * • "The LMlle Olrl Who Llv• Down The L-·· ( t11711) Jodie Fa.le<. Martin Sf--. vi.irort mysttlfl• ®llY vanlth wtltlfl they lllf .. lllfl Ille privacy of a teen-ege gift who ....... with W ~ lalll« In a d.,., old houM 8 MOVIE • • '" "tee s .. 11or1 z.t>t•" ( t988) Roc:k Hudaon. Erneet Bot~ A aubma- ,_ Cf-bounc:I r0< the North POie wages a cles- peteta alrvggte aga1n11 Um• In ord« ID linO • pre- eiou. plec:e of Ruselan .. , • alhle lllm D MOVIE • * * • "Al1ac:t11" 11115111 Jac;k Palanc:e. Eddie Albtlf1 WMk end dlshon •I Army on1eer1 tllk• pan In World Ww II 11Cl11on • P.M. MAOAZIHE " young ...,,,.,, .• t t·d•y rrantconllnenral blc:ycle trip Ille birth al a ck>lphln In captivity • MOVIE • • * "Tiie Amwng How-ard Hughe•" (Patt 2). (1977) Tommy Lee ~. Ed Flan<lert Tiie lllghl'f votallle and eoc:enlrk: rnul- llmlllionalt• u-wea1111 and lnnuenc:e to Indulge 1111 ottb9el O~I and cur IOUI r 90" • PAEVIH AHO THE ~ "P•lmW'I Cool "nd e r ... tie" Vlollnlll lfthall Ptlfl- man, pianist Andre PreYln, drvrnmer Shelly Manna, beaalll Red M11c:hell and guitWlll Jim H .. INm uP to mall• • j8D album at Plttlburgf\'t~ Hall. (C)MOVIE • • • '.t "The Eleph#lt Man" ( t 1180) JoM Hun. Anthony Hopklnl " Oedl- caled phy1101an takH unde< h•I wing • hot 11 t>ty deformed man whoee Ille unlll tllen had been 1~1 tn cheap ltuk e1htb41ion1 PG' ($)MOAHIHO'SAT SE\IEH Mauteen O'Sulhvan ators on Paul Osborn· t stnh~n· 1a1 comedy about the llOpes, d1Hml and jNI oollM ot loor elderly 11 .. 111<1 1n ~ amall Mldweslern 1own 1n t1122 0 MOVIE • e • Silt! Stoc:k1ng1 (t9S71 Fred Aslalfe. Cyd Ch•t1-An Ametlean IMm producer become• lnvOl...O willl • letr\M Ru ... en agenl tn P- 9: t5@ HEWS 1:30 • 80 YOU T'HtHK YOU OOT TAOOeLES G EUCTIOH ·12 EHTERTAINMEHT TONIGHT A IOOI< •I Video arl 11 N- Yorll'a Whllney Mu-.im H)MOVIE * * * 'F1111 Mondly In Octot>tlf (198 t) Walle< Mallhau, Jill Clayburgh A l1t>atal Supr-CO<KI Jus- t lc:e clul1ft Wllh Ille ,_ osl membtlr ot lhe nat1001'1 h'Olletl court. an Ullfl• c.onMrvatlV• women 1urtst ·R· t:OO 8 ()) ALICE . (Seuon Premltlfel Mel 11 convlnc:ed 111•1 he HI I h4I ramoue kiuer named 1n • tempouWOut movie aw'• llUIOboog/aphy D Qt THE FACTS~ Uf£ Nalatle It INNlened wllh e•pulSIOn from Eullan<I when the 1•1>rlc:et ... 110- ry about I tludenl who had an •bOl1oon I MflW GAlf'AH T'HECME ~ OASHIEll HAMMETT A fllm portrait of Samuel Dutloell Harn!l"Cltl includes -from FranQll FQ<d Coppola'• new movie •t>oul the aulllor and lnler v-. With hit IOngll,.,. companlOn Llfllan Hellman l1I MOVIE • • • "The Big SIMp" ( t9711 Rot>er1 Mltcnum, Saran Mllea. " rellred Qtlf'" ••I Hl<I private eye Phtllp Marlowe to ln11atllg•I• • ->et 01 ett•noe .....,,., lnvOlvlng hi• t•o dllUQh· .... fOJMOVlt * * * "The Enforcer" ( 19761 Clinl EHlwood, Tyne Oary "Olny Harry" Callahan la IOl!Mld by • lemale rc>ollle In hl1 purWll of • group or Callfornla revOlutlonatlH t.,rorlLlno Sin Franc:lllCO R' (%)MOVIE • * * * "H ..... jall" (~~I Oi•ll Jubilee Singere, Dan· lel Hayne• A man anempta to c:hanoe Ille ,,. . .,-00-...., w1ya In order to emulal• 1111 more euo-. c.Nful IHOlher CHANllL LISTINGS HO 8 CJ) Fil THY NCH (Slaton Premlefel file Bedcl ICheme lo b<Nk up Ill• h•PPllY·m•rrl•d W"ICl\ttltfl D at FAMILY TIU P.., pr.eeure roroea .i.n. nl,., 10 Qhle up n. fri.no- enlp ..tth • t>oy '* • 8 l(N)(T CC8Sl e ICN8C (NBC) e KT~ !Ind.I • KA8C CA8CI e ICFM8 ICBSI e KHJ•TV llncl.I e KCSl IAICI e KTTV (Incl I •• l(COP· rv lll"d ) • ICCfJT CP8$) •KOCI CP9 SI 10 1 On TV II ) Z·TV lk l HBO <Cl 1Ctnt1mo1 (fl IWORI NY ,NY IUl CWT8SI (I) (f!SPNI 11) (&nowt I'M J • Sc>olllt h l • ((;Abl• N•w\ Nt lWOtlll • WOM.D INCIAL "The l(llllng Of Sldal Wtry Wu Cairo Calm?" On the llflt ennl\lerNty of Egypo ll1n PrHldenl Anw1r 8td1t'e l ... Min•tlOft, UICI IH <ltt't rlM 10 •Ofkl 9ClCllllm &."'0 hll c:oncur rent leo4atlon from hit own COUl'llryiMll .,• •umlned . 10:00 e CJ) T'UCKP'I WITCH ,,,.,.., PrlV•I• <Mite· .,_ Amend• Ind Nctc lucke< Wll>CI up •• ,,,. IM· ger1 ot tne k~ler lhey'•• 1r1111no when Amenoe'• w11ct1erell turns O<lt to tl4I ~h~ un1ofl11blo U Q9'0UINCY A famoua 1u1geon makes a la1a1 m11tek• wllon 110 allow1 an tnexP11fleoGed Cloc:tor 10 perlorm a llmplo f allon tor him IJ•m HEWS WORLD SPECIAt "The Kiiiing 01 Saelal: Why Wat Cairo Calm?" On lhe filll ennlver11ry of EoYP- llan Pro1IC11n1 Anwar Sadat'• uaattlnallon, the leeoer 1 rite 10 world ac:c:lalm and nit c:onc:urrw11 la<>lauon lrom hie O'#n coun1rymen are e~amltWtd !C)MOVIE • * '" "The Mirror Cracl<'d" (19801 fllzabellh l1y1or . Kim Novak Bued on a llory by AgaCh• Chrl1lle A 1trange rnufde< lnvoMng rival HOiiywood 11 ar1 t ak" plac:a In •n Englllh VIiiage 'PO 0 MOVIE • * * ·•9oc1y HNI" ( 19811 WINlam Hurl, KathlHn T Ul'ne< A tmalltlme Flo< Ida l•W'fef 11 pe1auad4Kl by t\11 lover to mu1de< lie< hu1 band 'R' 10:1&CHIOH LOCATIOH "RICll Llllle The masl .. OI m1m1c;ry gives hll 1mpre1· tlonl ot Ronal<I Reagen and Rlc;llord Nixon, 8rnonQ 0111 ... 10:30 ., IHOEP£NOEHT NETWORK HEWS 81) CALIFORNIA DREAMS 'lhe V111tey Lorntt Greene 1ev1ow1 ma growth of Cah- lo1n1a egtocullure 1n Ille Sattnu Veney ($,MOVIE • * 'Emily" t 197151 Koo Stark, VICIOJ Sp!Mlll tn 1920s England 111een-age g111 ~ of 11Qe through .,, 1Halr wilh an Ametican tc:hOOl leec:MI 11:001)8 D OlJ<B HEWS 8 SATUAOAY HIGHT HOii Jodie F091er G.-1 Mr Mika IJ IN SEAACH ~-- PNt L"'" • THAT QUIZ SHOW STREETS~ SAH FRANCISCO Pe<tor1al llno'#lodge ot • pol111c11n·1 wile le1d1 S1on1 10 behev• lh81 lhO mans speM-ijun death w" not acodental fD BUSINESS REPORT G OOCTOA IN THE HOUSE Ounc:an and 81ngnnm .atagnoM • aallor u 11av1no 111'\allpox (Q)MOVIE • * "Eve<y Wllleh Way She Can" (Z)MOVI£ • • 'The s.:'wotves" 119801 Gregory Pock. Rog· ., Moore Ouflng World War II, • QfOOP ol Brl1ith bullneumtn lorm • votun •-reglmanl lo destroy • Ge<man ll9'f nest 1n Ille Indian Ocean 'PO' 11:30 8 CJ) ARCHIE llUNKEA'S P\ACE A very trMlndly i.cty Mii up • butlneu of her own 1n "rchle and Mufray·a bar ; Qt TOHIGHT Hott Johnny Caraon Ounll Tom J~. Mita Ametlca Debra Sue Mat· te11. 8 9 ABCNEWS NIGHTUNE I YOU A8KED '°"FT THE~ A ~ bladloul hftt the c:tty and IOOl•rl hit George't ator.a. I FOCU8 OH SOCIETY P88 LA TfHIOHT Hoel· Dennis WhOley O{)MOVIE * • 1t "Arthur' (191 t) Dudley Moorfl. .lz1 Min· nelll Whl~ 1111 tamlly a11ernp11 10 lorce him Into • p1 .. arranged marriage. a drunken, hldontatlc: ptay. t>oy fallt tn love w1111 •poor worlilng gltt 'PO 11;IO (C) MOVIE * • "The Or .. 1 Tr.in Aob- betY" (10791 SNn COn- nery. OoNIO Sutherland Two exP«t lllfn-of·the· c:.ntury c:on ertlt11 •t"'"9t to pull off Ille ~ lmpotNlltlle robt>ety of • loc.ked .... aboerd I IUI• ll'IO\llnO locomotive 'PO' tt;OO. 8fTPl'T AIHMENT TONIGHT A IOOll •t "'dto .,, •• ~ YOfll'1 Wllhnt'f MuMUll'I 8 !II LOYI eC>AT The Qf>leln 111<1 Doc flOht over 1 woman. • cout* adopt • 7..ye1r-olcf 1t1Mt• wlM otphat1, and • ICJtlleM ... cutlv• 11111 In IOYct wtth I ~Ill wom1111.(R) • MOYll ••'.t "Modelty lltiM" c 11H 1 Monica Vitti. Tttenu 9tamp. Wh9n I ptlv•t• ~tor !Ind '* tldtlllcll .,. lllrtd to jl(OMCt I tl#Y 0C Pftid• Ola o-ne. lhty !Inf iNm- TU BE TOPPERS KTLA (5). KABC (7) 5.15 "Amt·n c un Lt·agut· Playoffs ." Mrlwauk1"t.· Bn•wc•rs <Jt C<.1 h fornia Angels in Uamc.• 2. KOCE (50 ) 7:30 . KCET (2U ) 8:00 .. Pr<•vm u nd The.• Pitts burgh " Pianis t Andre• Pn•vin, violinis t ltz hak Perlman <Jnd drumm..r S ht>lly M<1nnc <ir<· <1mong <1 1't1s ts who tt•urn up to m:ikc u juzz album a l Pitts burgh's lfoinz 11:.ill. KNXT (l) 9:00 "AliC't"" Mt·I is t•on v rnt·t·d ht· is th<• famous kiss1..•r numC'd in mr>vte s tar's autobiography o n season's prl'mic.·n ·. KCX'1': (50) 9::m "Th1..• Killing o f Sadat: Why wus Catro Calm?" The leader's riSC' to world at:t'la1m and his c oncurrent 1 bo ln~111n from his c·o untrymcn arc t•xamined o n the firs t annive r s ary o ( Egyptian prt!s td<'nt's assassination . ..,..,..oupeo ID MOVIE * • "Thi'• WIM FOOis ( tll461 Matg11e1 O'Brien L-s StorMI A fanc1lul yoong lllOy Orop1 1n10 1ne hvu ol 1n1ee -llhy Old recluses ., LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE "Love And Mo111e<" Paul and Shella are In lllelr hon· eymoon 1u11e Wilen In wa1u Slle~a·a mother lS MOVIE • • '" "Pt1v11e Leaton•' ( 19801 Sylvia K11ate4. How oro HeSHman A we11thy man Haign• 1111 M<Jucllve hOuaei.eeper the jOb 01 p<Ovldong 1111 t!>.yeat-Old son with hit lorll MUuaJ e•pe<ience 'R Q M0\/1£ • * •..., • Eyew11ne11 (1981) Sioc>u•ney w ........ Wilham HU<t A lelevt5'orl reporte< ~ lnvOl...O Wltll 41 l•nilor wl'IO may know mo<e at>oul a mu•· dlf Cll•l lie Wlt.-..0 ,,,.,, hell N ying 'R' 12069 MOVIE • • ·~ No Othtlf Love I 19711) Richard Tl\c)mH Juloe Kavner l ...o margtn ally relarcled young adullt "'"' Wllh opoottllOn when llley make plant lo marry (R) t2:30 D O! LATE NfOHT WITH OAV10 L£TT£:AMAH GuMll artlsl EOW.,d Rut· Cha, c:omedl•n Paul Moo- ney Ann and Nanc:y Wll• ton or Ille roc:k group "Heart.' I COUPLES LOY!. AMEAICAN STYLE "Love "nd The PullU ... Prtze Baby·· A movtr1111t, wl'IO wanll IO have Ille pet'· raa f>•by, lrlee to 1111 • Putllte< Prlre wrllflt to be lhe tether COJ MOV1E • • • "Oulland' ( t118 ,, Sean Connery, Pecar Boyle A ~ mwllh81 lnYtttlgal• • rllh of mye. lenout 6-lha within • mining QOlony on one of Ju91le<'a moone 'R 1:00• MCW1E * * * "The Chalk G11· Oen' I t"'4) Deborah Ke<r, Hayley Mlltt A governeu make• • d••P•r•I• allemQI lo loud> Ille '-I of W IOnely, dltlUfbecl lMn-11$1 ci..tge • MOYIE * • • "WomMI Ot SI•-" ( tH4) Olna LOllobtlgida. Seen Connery " young men attemPI• to gain c:on· trol Of hll unde'I 10r1un41 Wffh UMI help of I IMM!vlllul 11\KM. (%)MOV1E • • • "Modern Romance" ( 19811 Albert 8rook1, Kalhryn Hl"Old A lifm tdllot trlet repeatedly 10 Win beck I lie hNr1 al IM women lie IOVM 'R' t:108 MOVIE * * 'h "H9'>PY Blnhd1y. Wenda June" tt9711 Rod Sttiger. &iuM41h Yortc A'1er tlgflt ye«I in lhe AmllOfl. • man r11urn110- llle wHe wtio It aboul to ,_ry 1= I • "The JIU llnott'' ( 19801 Nell Olamono. LIU· renoe Otl\lllW A ......, YOfit can1or .,._, wllh fa")lly lrad1ll0'1 and Nit OUI 10 find tuc:CHa .. • pep rnulic: at er ·PG. t:30 a a N8C NEWS OVEAHIGHT ($)MOVIE * * ,,., "Fade To Bl.ck 1 tll80I Oennla Chrtalc>plle<. Unda Ke<rldge A di•· lutbed yaung mov,. fan reacts 10 romantic rejee- 11on by commlmng mur· 011<1 1n Ille gulM anel 11yle ol hla favorite acr~ vii· 111na 'R' t;50 (Cl MOVIE *fl ·~ "Tiie Rain People' I t9119l Ja!MI Cun. S11111ey Knoghl A y®ng woman Mii 0\11 on 8 CIOQ-(;()Un· try lrlp 10 escape lhe rffD()na4b1hlt4tS of lie< ma" r1a9e and lmpano1ng mol,...,llOO<I ·R' %.-00 8 C8S HEWS MOHTWATCH ·= *•I• "The Tin Orum" ( tll7111 David Bennett. Angele Wtnlller A tmall t>oy ""''" unueoal power a ot pe<cepllon rejec:11 pollttc:t. hum#! ~aniOnllhlP Incl even adulthood and wand· aft about Illa GOUntry du<· •ng Ille 1umu1t..ous yeara of Ille Naz• rlO'Jnl, r•llettly t>angJng a 10)' Orum 'R ' no• MOVIE •·~ "Tiie Blue Bird ( t11401 Shlrley Temple. Spring Byington A 111111 gtrf -rcllel lot lrue llap· pjneet ~= • * "Val O• Moulln R~' (%)MOVIE a fl * "HalMluJan" ( tll211) Oi•le Jubllee Slngen, [)an. lal H11ynu A man a11emp11 10 change 1111 ne'•-do-..,.. waye In order 10 emut•t• hlS more auc:- cee1ful brOlhll 2:401 H(WS 1:00 UOVll * * "Follow The Hun•" ( tllS4) Ctwwlee CNplorl Jr .. ONlow S.._.. A ~ bOy tlM • Mrd time -vlnciftO hit l•ltllf lhlt he wltnMMd W'I llCltUal mur- dlf ):t0 MOYE • t "Thi.,..,_, .. C10711 ~ Ctmg. Aobll'I ...,. In A proud lrllhman ralutea to 1teld lo ptOQr- whln hi•~ ... IN!Ntlt It ltw•leMC! by motorlil6 IJ.-ortedon. 111'~ IHOf'T ..... 1:40 MOW! • • ,,.. "TM Elephant Men" lt080) Jofln HUl'I, Anthony Hopllln9 A o.dl- c1te d ph)'lle11n take• undef hit Wing I horrlbly deformed man wtlOM fife unlH then hed ~ IJC>lfll In clleaP frNll axlllbtllons 'PG' 4.-00 . MOVlf * • ~ "Brlglll EyM" ( 19341 Shirley femple. Jam•• OUM A -' little Otptltlll gifl le 1t the_.., of a dll• llc:Ut edopflon ~ (Q)MOYll • I • "TM Enforcer" C 11111 Cllf'lt ENfWOOd. T~ ~ "Dirty Her'f' ClllNll It loit*' by 1 i.mM •OOl\le Ill hit MM OI • or~ Of celHornlt JOHN DARLING Cutherinc Hic·ks r9VOlullOnllfllt '" ror wng Sar> '•111Gttc0 'R' ($)MOVIE • * Emily f 19761 Koo Sllltk, Vjc:tor Splnellt In 19209 England, I IMn·CIQI girl comet ot age through an ettalr wlth an AJn«ICan lc:hooll HChllf 4:309 ISPY 0MOVIE * * "Slreng• 84th1v1or" 1198t) MlchHI Murphy Loutae Flelchet " police oflloer 1nv1111lgarea a Mrlet or brutal mutdera In a small college to•n 'R' !ZJMOVIE • • 'Tiii Soa Wolves' ( t980) Gtegory P11ek, Rog. er Moore During World War 11, e groop ol Btlllth buatnaatmen rorm • volun· •-regimen! to O..tt<>y e German IPY nell In Ille Indian Oc:ean 'PG' Th11r•da11•• Dnyl l•f'" .tlorlf'"• 8;00l0 J •• '> OangetOOI O•v-· (1981) Bernard Crlbt>4nt. 81tt Maynard A bumbllf'O detective aol\llS a 1s,.ye111-0ld mu•O.- $J * * "Lc>olle<" (19811 Alberl Finney Jame• Coburn lhe mysteriou1 ou1111 of •-let of beau· liful models involved In • n-adv1n111ng pro1ec:1 are blamed on che plulk: turgoon wflo operlled on Chem 'PG' 0 * • • "Royal WtKl· dmg" (195 I I Fred AS1a111, Jane Powell A IOOQ·•nd· dance tum gives a pet· rormance on Engl1nd 11 I~ It,.,. th•I ~ Eluabelh II IS pUlllng Ille final touch •• on lltlf matrlmonl•I plan• 8:30 CZJ * * • "Modern Rorn~' ( t"81) Alben Brc>olla. Kllhryn H11rOIO A lllm editor tr• r1PMI· edly 10 win beck ,,,. ~ of Ille woman lie io..... R 11:30. * • * "Anna Anc:I The t<ong Of Slam' 1194111 .,_ Dunne. Re• Hlllflton A W>Oow ~Is • poet .,, Siam " IUIOI tor Ille king'• Cfllldren 0 • • • tn..oe Moves ( t9801 John S.v199, David MorM A -10 Ille group of 1egu1art al an OuoanO bar may llOIO Ille k4t'f to making Ille betltn· 0.-·1 drHm 01 t>ec:omino a J)(O ballkelball pll~ a reallly 'PG' 10:00 e • • • "Dead Ronoer" 1191141 Biii• Olivia. Kart Malden. When hit tll ·lover brOlher·ln•laW dlff, a laV• •n OWnet kllfll her twin 111- ler a nd aHumH ll•r -Ith and poeltlon CC) • • • "The GrNI Bank Hou" (1979) Ned 84Nltty. R!Cllatd Buehart ThrH d111grunlled bank eaec:vtl..,.. O.C:lde 10 get Ille rtohlt llley leel they're entitled 10 l>y 11 aging a roC>ber( of UICllr _. bani< •PG' CH> ..... "Portrait Of A Aebel: Mat091a1 Senger" ( tlltOI Bonnie Franklin. Oa\lld OUU...AI Ille turn- of·lh4Mlenlury. one CXIUI•· o-ou• -ball ... QOY· ernment. medlC:al and rallQIOUI oppotltlon In an en0r1 to .ouc:ate women 1n llW1h control fMtN)da Cl'J * * * "Suncl1y In New Y otll" ( I 9&4) Cllll Robert· son, J-Fonda "11tlf being Jlllecl by her bOy· friend and ttaYlllng 10 Ne'# York 10 vtsll lier brother, • yoong woman oonelelan her potillOn Oil vlrglnlty. (%) * *'4 "Steepng Doge" (1ff2) Sam Neill. Warren 0.1 .. 1 t;IO (tJ • • • • "Flddklr On fhe Roof" (19711 lopot. NOf'ma Cr-A peeaanl milkmen In 1um-of·lhe• G4Nltuty CZIWlal AUNla lrl• 10 meny off his ~ble Oaughttlf'll wti... trying to hOld onto flit JewW'I hltl· llOI In 1M fece of oppree. tiOll. ·a· I ** '"Thiew91" ·tt0• 12;00 • • • ., "Vlllty ontie Klfttt" ( t9541 AoMtt TIY· rot. ElMnor Plftl•, TWo rnel'I end I WO!fttll ....cri IOt a pMr.ofl'e tomb, MCtl ______ .. having ll>e<t own reetor11 lor parl1GOP•lin0 1n lht eMpedillOn !HJ * * Splril 0 11ne Wind' ( 19711) 'PG (OJ • * • "Forever Voong. Fotaver FrH" ( 11177) Karen Valenllne Joae Ferret A White orpllan boy end an Alt~n hordboy 111ate good t1met, lllfd· thlP• end adventures 'G' (SJ •**· Flrat Famlly" ( 19&01 Giid• Redner, Bob Newhart The aexu1lly repreaaeo daughter ol I~ country'• we41d•11 prest· denllal tamlty comp11e.a1es he< r1111er·1 a11emp11 10 GonOUCI Ille •111111•• of tlala 'R' (%) • • 0P1ov!OlnU" ( 1917) Ellen 8urtlyn JOlln Gielgud A 111e11me of recollectoonl haV-by tn Ille dteem1 of en elderly oy1ngman R 1-00 (0J ••'~ Oange<oot 0.,,... ( t9811 Bernard Crtbt><nt. &II Maynard A bunlbl1ng delec:tl\le Mllvee • 1~-oldmurdw 1 30 0 * • • 'Sliver SlrNk t t9761 Gene w.,.. Jill Ctayburgh A m ild mannered booll ec1t101 acc1oen11lly becomes involved tn a linltl« a11 thief'• 1>oz.w1e plot durong • CI01t·coun1ry train ride ·PG 2:00 'H * •., Tll9 Pnvate Eyes' I 19801 Don l(nona Tom Conwey lwo bum- bling Amerocan oetecllvet are called tn 10 1nves11g11e a r.erleS of nwrdets on an Engklh CHiie 'PG' I Z * * • "Arthur" 119811 Dudley Moore Lilli Min nelll Wnlle ht& ••moty 111amp11 to forGe llom inlo • pre-arrangeo marnage a drunken. 1141dontllOC: play· boy taHt 1n IOve W11h • poor WOO.tng girt PG 2:.IO CJ • •., Stnt>aO And T 11e Eye Of The Tiger . ( t977) Patrldl Wayne. Jane s.y. rnout The daSll<ng he<O ball1416 unH rthly creatures ano • dell<ll'r ttget to remove the curse 111a1 keec>• • youno l>f""9 trom hit rightful plau on the throne G ):00 (0) • • • ., J<>n411han Liv· lngston Seagull ( 19731 Vooc:es OI Jamee Ftat'I· CJIC11• Juliet MIHS A se&g· ull 1 pU(IOll 01 penec:1ion ... 01 n+m lo a hlQ,,., awarenest 'G :a:30 <tO • • • .., "Bew ltland" f 19&0) Donald Su1"4111M><I. vanau• Redgrave A" Arctic wealller-reaearc;h team's membera are '°''*' 1n10 • 110111 ror tlleir v ... y SUMVlll 'PG' CSJ • • "Sp1r11 o r The Wind" Oen Gtorg• A yoong boy OVl<c:omet hit handicap co beclome the World Champion Dog SledOll 'PG' g * • • "Zoot Sult" f tllll 11 Danie! Vaid et. EOWatd Jamea Olmos In 1940. LOI Angeles I c:au .. ceiet>f• e<upll ~ Ille Iteming of rnambeu ot • Ctllc:an<> llreet o-ng lor murder 'R' 4:00 •*•*"Fiddler On The Roof" ( t1J7 ti Topal. Norma er-A peullfll milkman In turn-of.I~ cen1ury u.,111 Rustie lrlM Io marry Off 1111 eligible oaugn1er1 while trying to hOIO onto 1111 Jewllh r-1- lage"' the f-or oppres- • 11on ·o· 4:30 Ct) e • * "The Or .. 1 8anll Hou" (19791 Ned Bellly. Rocllard 8aseh•r1 TllrM d1agruntled bank axecullvet o.c:lde 10 gel the rlohea they Itel they're entitled to by 11ag1ng a robbety of their own ~ 'PG' II~ (0) • * '~ "Thl'N Wa,.I• Oft" l t1177) Randy Quaid. Charlea White Eagle A 13· y••r·old lndlan boy. attiarned of being rtOC>g· nlred N • wwrlot, leerna 10 appr1e1a1e hit herlt1Q9 at1e1 vlalllng Illa alc:k e!ancll•ther 'G l:IO (I) • • .,. "Spllitta" C11111) Frenk LanOeMa. ~· Anne Down A. rvthleaa bleoll marlltl! enllq\lll ... rlltog att.mptt 10 11op an fG)'PloioO'tt fy(lrn ditc:OV• etlng tfle Wher .. l>Outl of I ~ t tatue lhe -• wm111.a 10 vtew ·pa· \ •. D1HyPUat WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1982 ~ Ent ~r1aining wit Ii c lt•gu1u·c y -=-when you ki1o w how Porkiest • lS a tribute to bountiful harvest f ull 18 fovored not only for its brlllh,m l l'OIOl'S, C.'Omforl,.ub){: days l.ITIU crii;p ltllK>Oll l night:> but ulso for its bountiful hurvcsl. Smt't' am·u•nt times, peopfe faUVl' Cl•fcbrated the• autumn harvest w ith fesuvals featuring the fllbuloull foods of the season. ln t his l'OUn try, the trad1t1on has ba'Ome known as P orkft$l a tabll' tr1bull• to the land that teams pork with othl•r favor1tt.- Amerlcan foods. 0t.>Serving the t'CnlC'r Spotlight Ill any rail Ccast a rc Pecan -S tuffed Por k Chops. Thick, succultm t pork rib chops 11rl' t1lll'<.l w ith a uniqul' stuffing that's deliciously flavorl.U wllh gruh~1m crack~r numbs, alls picl' and <:huppl·d pt•l·ans whh:h udt.l nut only crum:h y tt•xtun· but also rn·h ~ne. ' Whilt.• the plump golden stuffrd t·hops arc imprl'SSIVt' m flavor and ap~arant't', they art• rclaUvcly easy to prepare. One of the M-'<:rcts tu SU('CeSS 1s to l'Ul the pocket in cat·h <:hop from tht• rib or bone side. T his simpll' \ec:hniquc· St•als m the stuffing during cooking and t•lim1nalt'S tht• nl't.'<i to dose the pocket by skcwt•n ng or sew mg. For a no ther deligh tful sam phng of the pork and JX.'('an partnership, try Sausage and Pt.'l.'Ull Corn Bread Pie. PECAN STUFFED PORK CHOPS 6 pork loin rib chops, cut 1 'A mchl•s th1l·k ~ cup fine ly chOpJX>d l'Clery 2 tablespoons butter or margan n<• 1A cu p water 1 cup crushed graham cracker l·r umrn. 1 cup coarsely chopped JX'Cans 1-, cup dry bread cu bt.>S 'It ll'aspoon ground allsp1t•c 'A teaspoon salt 2 ~blespoons <'OOkmg fat Salt and pepper 2 tablespoons flour 'h cup water Make a pocke t in each chop by c:ulllng mto the chop w ith a small. sharp knifl' on nb s1dt' parallel to the surface of the chop Be car('ful not to l'U l t hrough the opposite side. Cook (~·lery in butter or margarine in frying-pan 3 mmutt~ Sur in wutc·r. Cum llm<• gruhum t'l'm'kt•r 1·1 uml>li, '• l'Uµ pn:a11:., hn·ud l'Uht•s, ulbpln• and !'!all, :Hir 1111<1 ('C•lt•ry 1''111 pcx:kt'l 111 1•:1th d111p with <ill ··quul lllllllUlll or s tuffing Lightly b111wn d111pi. Ill l"t1ok111K fut 111 Cry1ng-p;:.in &-.1i.;111 c•hop:-. <m both i.1d1•:. with Milt and pt•ppcr l'lal>t' m 11 'i x 7 '' x I ~. -1nd1 glu!>b b;.ik1ng dish, t·ov1:r tightly with foil &kt.• in muc.kruh· uVl'll P 50 dl'l(J't•cs F) 45 m1nutt'S Removt• foll <1llll l•11nunut• baking 15 minutes or until done Tu prt'pllrl' g ruvy, c-omblne flour with 1 l <:up wutl•r , s tir mto c•ooklng liquid in sm111l suUtl•p11n und Took until thickl·ned. st1.rring cunstanlly Add fl'St•rvt•tl 1, c·up JX't'ltns and c·onlinut· cooking :J · minuh•s S1•rv1• gravy with slufft'tl pork l'hops, fi St·rvm~s . AllSAGE AND PECAN CORN BREAO PIE I pound fn•sh pork i.<JUsngt.• I t·up yi:llow c:urnmt·al I l'Up flour 11 l'Up sugar 4 t1·m:1poons baking 1>11wd1•1 I l'AA I 1·up milk i tablt'Sput)llS oil ' 1 c·up coarsely choppt•d pt't.·a11s Maµlt• tabk• syrup. 1f d1-sin·d Brl)wn pork sausage.., sf'paraling 11 into Pll'l't•s Po ur off drippings Sift logl'lhc·r c·orr111wal , flour. sugar and b<Jking pt>Wdl•r Add l·g~. milk and oil Mix to c·omb1m• thoroughly Fold m suuS<Jgc• and pt'l«ms Turn hatter into a l(n•a:.t'<.l ~-1m·h glai.s pw plat1•. U...k1· 111 hut ov<'n (-100 d1·gn·l·i. F.) 30 mmutt•s or u11tLI dont: ti St'rVlnllS T hick, succulenl and sluff ed with a pecan filling, pork loin rib chop take ct>nter tage on the fall dinner table. By CAROL MOORE Of the o.-, l"tlot •t•ft Only 80 more days until Christmas. Or 1f you prefer, only 24 days until Hallo ween. New tricks for treaters Dressing makes enough to scrvc 12. Amount of vegetables depends on per:;onal t•ho1t~. other sc•asonal Vl'get.ables m ay be subst1tutt-d Eithe r way, there's time to p ractice these Orien~I foods tha t may well replace some of the family's traditional holiday treats. The recipes come from S usan S lal·k or El Toro, who edits the mont hly newsletter for mem bers o f Cook-L ine in New port Beach, a consulting-b y-telephone service for questions about nutrition and culinary ar ts. Slack. who demonstrates .everal cuisines at classes in gourmet food s tores, acquired he r Japa nese and Chinese expertise studying with master teachers in the Orient where her Marine pilot-husband was stationed. O range T ea Soup is probably the most su rprising and de lightful of the three aoss- cultural ideas. It's served warm and c.'Ould be an entrecourse at formal dinners instead of sherbet to refresh the palate. O r it could be a party punch on a chilly Halloween evening. Th e bowl for adults could be doctored by adding curacao, triple sec. Grand Mamier or a good white wine to taste . Or the "soup ' could be served with sweet rolls for Christmas morning . H it's your custom not to o pen presents until gra ndma a nd gra ndpa arrive, keep the children busy squeezing the juice. No fair "squeezing a can"; this recipe works best with fresh oranges and uses some pulp, too. Vegetables are marinated Szechuan-style for her Cucumber Salad . When made with red bell peppers. It's color-coordmatc-d for a yull' dinner or serves as a light. tangy and c'OOI side dish for a holiday burfet. Sugary and spicy Goldl'n &•lls arc a crisp t'On fect1on that can be made a month ahead and frozen or stored in air-tight t.ms to be added to Christmas cookJe assortments Or they could be served as a lrt'al lo ward ore pranksters on Oct. 31 . · Older children will have fun folding the won tons and watching the "bells" purr to a golden brown w h ile frying. But d on't expt.>el lo do this on Halloween night; the hot fa t would be a haznrd amid the commotion of floppy l'OSlumes. And speaking of youngst«'rs. Slack will leach 8-to 12-year-olds how lo put togetht>r a special box of cookies during a baking class at 10 a.m Saturday. Dec. 4 a t Broek -Moore, a Store for Cooks, in Laguna Niguel. Phone 495-0445 lo make reservations for the $10 session . ORANGE TEA SOUP 3 cups freshly squccu-d ora ngt.• JUll't' 2 c ups water 5 ~blespoons sugar 3 tablespoons cornstarch Dash of salt 11'4 teaspoon vanilla Pulp of 2 oranges Hearty cool-weather appetitee will retpond to a colorful _,ntree of pork •tripe cooked with frah tweet potatoet and peal, topped on with a deeeert of crunchy baked apples. ( t I S tir together water, sugar, cornstarc·h and salt in large (at least l 'h -quar t) pan. boil to thicken Add orange juice, pulp and vanilla Serve in 8 I'll'\! bowls as a soup cou rse or makC'S enough to fill 16 tea cups. GOLDEN BELLS I c·up chopped nuts 1 l to 1 l c·up raisins I l cup COC'OnUl 1 i cup sugar Dash of t•innamon. nutmeg or pumpkin pie Spll'l' (A hqucur or good white wine may be added to taste after rem9ving soup from heat ) . . l package won ton wrapJX•rs Deep frying oil CUCUMBER SALAD Cucumber strips G ra nula ted sugar w ith soml' cinnamon stirred in Red or green bell pepper stripB Half rings of small onions Dreuing: I (.'UP sURar l J t·up white vinegar 1/z teaspoon salt or to taste Pl>eans, walnuts, peanuts or otht•r nuts or a mixture• can be used. Lightly sautc tht• nuts fu'Sl to bring out flavor. Minred hot red peppers, or TabaS<.'O sau<.'l'. or ch1h paste with garlic (to taste) Combine nuts. r<llsms, coconut. sugar and spll't' m a bowl. (Chopped candied ging<'r or drred apricol8 may be added at this point. 1r des1rt'd. or trail mix wllh dat<'S may be-subslllutc-d ) 1h teaspoon sesame oil Ht•at sugar and vinegar to dlSSOlve Stir in seasonings a nd oil. Cool to room temperature Place scant t<•aspoonfuls of nut mixture in <'enter or won ton skins . Moist('n two.t!dgt·s lightly with wall'r and seal into triangle Twist or lll' together the two <.-omers at ends of fold. Meanw hile slire c:ucumbers lengthwtsc. Scoop out seeds. Cut hollowed boat shap<'S Jcn~thwlse m to 'I.I-inch strips and cut c:rossw ise into th irds or fourths Toss with pepper stripB a nd onion rings. Deep-fat fry in wok or other pan unu l golden brown, turning once. Drain "bC'lls" wt·ll and sprinkle or roll with spiced sugar Pour d ressing over vegetables a n d s tir thoroughly to coal. Refrigerate for sevf'ral hours to blend rlavors. Storl' in lur-light <'Ontamcr or frl'<'Zt' If frozen. thaw and refresh briefly m a 350-dcgrt'<' oven Makt"S Iii moklC's More fall favorites glazed and spiced This ham and vegetable ('Ombo Is deliciously ~lazed with an easy-to-make pineapple saUl'C that's la<.'l>d with apricot brandy and warmly spiced with nutmeg Put your microwave ovt•n to use.>. too, to help you make a favorite fall dish -baked apples in a matter of minut<.>s C r unt·hy Pecan Apples art' especially tasty, for the cored apples are t·ookcd with a swc<.'l'n' spicy pecan filling. Serve as a dessert or side dish at any meal. FALL HAM MEDLEY l to l Vt pounds cook t>d smoked ham, cut into 3 x 12 x h -inch stnps 2 small sweet potatCX'S 2 wbll'Spoons w&\<'r 1 packag(' (10 ounces) Crown pens, dPfrostt'd 3 tablespoons butt N or morgnrin<' 3 tablt>s poons flour '• tl'aspoon ground nutmt•g 1~ cup pineapple julet• 3 tablct1poons apr1rot brandy 3 table poems water l ""'II l'C.'d pepper. CUL Into strips Pur~· potolO<'S, ('Ut cr0Aswl1t> In to 1 1 -ln<•h slices. Place BWt.'t't po\.alOl's and 2 tableapoon.s water In 2 or 2 ~~quart glasa~-eramlc or gh11ss baking dish. Cover with pla1Uc wrap, venting one ro~r. Microwave at HIGH 5 mJnuta. attrrlng oner. Add poH and continue: cook ing. covered . •• HlOH 3 mlnuws. atlrrlna ol'K"C!. Heat butter or marf a rlnl' In 4-cup mt•111u re at HJOl 30 to 46 l<'COnds Sur In tlour •nd nuttnf'i un t il smovth . Add plnt'applt· Julcr . nprh:o~ brandy ond 3 111bll'tpooru watt'r •. s tlrrlnfC until t·omb11wd Mkrowav(• ot lllG H :1 '. rmnuws. aurring aflf'r each mmuh· Add ham. rx·p~·r stnps a nd :.au<.·t• to baking dish. s11rting gl•ntly lo coat M1 t·rowave. tt>Vl'n'<l .. al H IGH 5 to 7 minutes. stirring cvl'ry 2 minutes Let stand 5 mmut<'S bcfort• S4.'rv1ng. 6 servings. CRUNCHY PECAN APPLES 6 medium baking apples, 2 tabll·spoons huttt>r or margarine ~: c·up chopped pecans 1J c·u p packed brown sugar 1 l cup toasted oat granola ~ teaspoon grou nd d nnumon !..-• teaspoon l(round clovea Arrang<' apples in 10 -lnch glas.•H't-'ramlc or gla~ pl<' plate or 2-yuart glass·cer am ic baking dish Pia~ a n equal amount of hulll'r or margarint In cavity o( l'Uch apple. Cover w ith plastic w rap. ve ntin g on e corner. Mkrowi1vc at lllG ll 4 mloutca, rotating dish 1 i turn every 2 mlnutc-s. Mt'anwhllc combine pt-cans, brown sugar, 11ranola, cinnamon ond c:lovrs. Spoon an equ a l &mount ot pc.'c:an mlxtur Into cavity of ca,•h applt .. Microwave at HIGH 2 mlnut8. 6 aervings. Olrecclolls for Conventloa.I PreparetloDj Follow mlcrowavf tll~ •\iona. &kl' tn a modC'ra tt-~n (37' dl'grt•f's F .) 40 to 45 minutes. Spoon pl'Can mlxtuff' Into c•vlty o( t1pplt'5 and ronttnut> baking S lo 10 minutes~ '· • DI Orungu COUii DAIL y Pll 0 ' IW dnetday, ODtob•r 6, 1U82 Save25¢on Extra-Strength Excedrin. It has'1,000 milligrams of medicine per dose. 2sc lUO IN CAPSULES AND TABLETS USE ONLY AS DIRECTED Nothing you can buy is stronger or works harder I •I I 1 lfl{\ .IUI "''I• 1(,11\-U l lll \lt 1j ~...,. I to relieve your headache. Absolutely nothing. .. C 1982 8'1stol Myers Co --------------- on your nut pu~ of Instant o r Regular Hot Ralston• an•HO~Mi OE 900l Ell O'lO SAVE15C ~ ... -... ----·· 1 TYLENOL ~ ... aeoroi . --- ' -··~· .--··-·~-... ·- .. --... ~ ... TvCE"NoL . ,.,,,..!, 'lotfll'f A'IP, \ Avelleble In • choice of doNge form•. 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Louis ~1ch b1 lrlfJli y<>U dt>llc 1ou-., nutur .illy I •tJ11 tufktty, any WdY you Wd llt 11, c:my ddy you want 11 Rich 1n ld'>ll' ttnd nutrition, yet low in f.it tmd calorics Clip tht' coupon 11nct colk>ct u Rich 1 •wmd 0 1' tht· Rich Lifl' LoulslQch Kellogg's" 400A> Bran Flakes .........._if. A merica'sfln"11·ifi' h11111/lakt.• a.•n.1al T h e ttght. crunchy wheat flakes that a dd fiber to your d tet. They shine. They shimmer. They ~por'klc: with the look of rcul cry tal. They"re 1hc 1982 Christmas omamc:nts fR'm Ml111wc:ll House. And yuu can get one free. when you send u' two lahclN from Maxwell Hou~lns1an1 Coffee. Ch~ the Chrl11una11 crce. Or th( Chrls1ma~ tra in. They 'll • boch look area• chis year on the tree. on II alt\. or In. tocking. And you can enjoy them for many ycan.10 come. They're a prc:j(nt.10 your family. From our family. I I ' Orunge Co et OAIL Y fJILO r !Wed11••d•y. 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Take the Welch's coupon btlow 10 your store, ano enJOY an 1mmed1ate savings ot 151 when you pur· ohHe A~Y sue C41n of We!clh'!I Frolen Cooceo1rat· ed Grape Juice Please Ctieck the appr°"rtate box below indicating the amount ol proofs you enclosed (Prool 11 V1tam1n C bursl) Nam<' FROZEN CONCENTRATED Grape Juice Sta1..- n m ;n ... r J En<:IO.•d J 1>•0u•• ot {•Ulf ··~·· '"' '""""' ~ lllV~JO\ r l F"'10S4'MJ. f'UW '" "' f'HtfThl\f'I Pnt rnrr..-')()t C"'f')'tfr90"'\ r ) r ""'M""" b fH•"''' Hf "°'''' h 9'tl f(tt t '"' ·~ c. 4.~,"'~'· Ple•w ~d vnv• 'f""Q',.....' ""''" 1n.-. • '"" t .Ufll In /11• ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~n -l(n t '7 00 CoVl'O<' O™• PO &• '" "" "'"""""' ll 600'>t> Off•' • ,,.,,.., 0..cembtl, 11 ,., > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ J I ·~ t '"""' ft h• ,., .... ,. .. \ I, tf l•f · f ···~ 111 ... I Q """°'' I f ~ fTI n U ·.,,. .,,., \IS .-.,..,.,nmfl'<·f f\\1.1 t1 '" ,,,,.., •~ I ,.n,.., .. t ...... , ,. ''"<'"''' ,,, r1nt °''"'" li~ .--. ..... l •m·t o• ""' o• CO\.fl" n• rt·• ffllQV""'' ,,,... ..,. 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Save 15' when you purcheH any alze of Welch's Frozen Concentrated Grape Juice. VI b ::0 m § ~ z -----------------------------\!All "I 1II1111! "fl A free Ou'istmas ornament to ornament l'OW' Christmas. -------------------------------srOA£~ ----------------. 40¢ 40¢ NC01154 &300 ---------------' I J \ .. I D• Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT /WednHd1y1 Oclober 6. U~82 School days create change of breakfast pace -smoons.-yrund tlfi'-rn t!ll a gOOd breaknun t"or t'~omptt>, yo-u llllUJ)mudl'wtthm1lk,for onrl-nod - need for 4:arly morning 1htt romplalrw that 1he'1 cuuld m.11kt• "double uxamplt.>, ''r1•1un of pea m &•ad brl•ukfut1t L't•rt·nl brcakfa11tA for children just not hungry . What milk" for her to uae on tomato IOUP labeta. lo learn what the.• create a change of poc.-e can I do to get htir to cul cereal b)'t adding 1omc . . . Q . T ht• n cl l'tlrcallf art• mod«.> of (thu in most houaeholda at more In the mornJnaff nonfut dry milk to wholt• vt•rtl1lng for breakfast lng-rt,'(llcnt llal) and whut thi1 Ume of year. . .. A Try not to nag milk. Wholt> milk cht~· c c r c a 1 k t• t• p 11 m 1· proportion or your duy'ti The person ln charge abo ut h e r morning Is anothe r food that'll t'Onfulll'<i. Are the kind• n ee d f o r v1trlo u 11 of breakfast preparations eating H that may just high In nulrlcnta. thut urc 1tuppoeed to giVl' nutril'nts (thu. nutrition has a tight lime frame to turn her off of food all Yo u aliso might try you 1.111 the vit.arnirui you 11wwrncnt) they conwl n. accommodate, and it the more.lns tcad,tryt.o glvlnghernontrudltlonul noodforthe day thebctst On the lngredlt·nt usually Involves m ore see that s he ge ts up a J.Ypc breakfuHt foods that choice'! SUllcment watcb out for p I an n Ing than th e little early so she has lhe i.a C8peclally fond of, . . . A . N ot n e c · var ious form• o r eugur le isurely summertime time t o work up an like Ice cream with fruit, cssaril y, t•sp ec ially that are listed fir8l sc hedules they've appet ite. Also, provide a leftover chi<:ken leg or since you are going to be this type cereal m ight enjoyed. f o o d s t h a t a r e caBSerole Crom dinner, getting vitamins in your contain more sugar than Uno one at your house conct'ntra ted in nutrients graham crackers with food all day so you don't cereal. Many labels now haa this respons1b1laty, but aren't very bulky. peanut buucr, a bowl of need t.o get them all in tell you how muC'h suJ(ar with-everyone fe nding ----------------------------' for his o r he rself a t breakfast time, at as ty pi c al o f t oday's lifestyles. And it oft.en is a major reason why kids go to sch ool wi tho ut fortifying the mselves with the foods they need to keep them at their peak learni ng teve ls throughout the morning. Studies s h ow that children are more likely to e at a n ad e quate breakfast if some adult Is responsible for preparing it. The child left on his or h e r o wn m ay ea t nothing, or too little. La c k of tim e i s anot he r r e a son wh y children, and adults, skip breakfast. Breakfast has a tow priority compared to sleeping o r o th e r morning activities. Yet preparing and eating breakfast need not take long. Getting up 15 minutes earlier will give all but slow eaters enough eating time. Orie of the speediest breakfasts to make consists o f pre pared breakfast cereal and nulk plua some fruit or. juice. This basic cer eal-and- milk breakfast, simple as i t ts, can s uppl y a youngster with a good nutritional start. Older c hildr e n , especially teenage boys. will need more than just a bow I of cer e a 1 t o supply thei r e n e rgy needs. A second bowl of cereal, some toast with peanut butter or crackers with cheese are a fe w ide a s f o r qui c k -t o · prepare foods. Thus, a breakfa s t d oesn 't n eed to be e laborate t o b e nutritio us. And it's as impo~t to the adults in the family as it is t.o childre n. R esearch e r s have found that an adequate breakfast is nutritionally advantageous over a cup of coffee and doughnut or sweet roll (eaten, for example, after the adult gets to work). • .a.he. 1>mdul'I mnl.IJ.1oa un tht· nutr1ta11n iclJ1lt·nwnU1 Also, look for add ed lot or oil It odds culorleB. lngrcdlc•nts such &s wholt• gruln11, brun , w hcut g«'rm, llU)' prowln, ond nonfut milk 1mlld11 tell you tht' t·crl'tal as u good *>UrL't! uf minerulti. vltamlru;, und protein Sy l'ompartng th1· nutrition 11tul<'m1•nts 1111 various l'erl'als you l'l:ID t e ll wh1<·h pr;ovadt· 8ood pro p or lioni; o f these nutrh•ntq . • .li.c.mc.mbc.i: lhi.H&Mh-. Hn th1:1n nthc-r ~1* \ thut you don't nc:t.o<.l tu bt«l'UWil• It lH high In fat ti•·t 100 pNt·cnt ut your I 11 5 JX'rCl'tH comparl·d duy's n<'lod for v1um111u t.cJ 1 w i J>f'rc ·nt In rno11t in onl' bowl of ('l'rt•1:1l A t.'t•r.•111•). h 'w the fut that r~allOnublt· omount m1Kht turn1 rand d and g1vl!1 bl· 10 to 2~> J)C'rl•t·nt the wheat germ Its oft Q Why •s whl!Ul odor and flavor. If you gcr'an so d1ff1c:ult to kt't.op? swre the wheat gcnn 1n Mint.'usuull y dt!vd upsun t h e r e frig e r a t or o r u n plcaisa nt "9ld" udur frt·l'Zl'r (In a containe r und flavor lx•forc• 1 huvt· with u tight-f1llmg lid), · 'time kl cat 1l all (l liVI' at will kt.:.ep much better alone nnd don't uS£• tlw s 1 n c: e t h ,. c o I d ' wht•ut germ regularly). te mpe rature slows the A Wheat germ oxida tion procf!IS that has a s hurLe r k C(' pl ng_c_·a_WK'_~_r_a_n_c_id_1 t_y ___ _ local grown crispy ~ .. n outt 3 I~. 1.00 local grown jumbo size picked fresh today ~ru11el outl 1~. .19 premium red velvet fllftl I~ .• 19 htW WI strMeni~• -........... hd , ............ .. .................... Just as children can't put forth their beat e fforts thro ughout the morning if they skip or s kimp on breakfasts, n e ithe r c an adults maintain their physical and mental efficiency on a reduced fuel supply. Teenage girls a nd yo ung wome n are n o t o rio u s f o r their breakfast s k i pping, frequently becauae they think skipplng breakfast will h e lp the m lose weight -or keep from gaining it. tustin · newpor fresh zacky or foster farms ' tustin · newport only lfuff e4 health valley hearts o'bran los rlos rancho fresh This notion has been disproven nume rous times. People who skip or skimp on meals early in the day of teo end up gorging themselves at dinner and In t he e vening, thereby getting more total calories than they would have h ad t hey ea t en three nutrit,nally balanced meals day. The cereal-and-milk breakfast with fruit or juice is a good one for die ters too. The milk s ho uld be nonfa t; the cereal should be one that contain• little or n o a dded s ugar and fat (watc h out f o r the granola-types -read labelal) and the total calories for the meal can be le9I than 300. QUESTIONS WE ARE ASKED: ... Q. My eight-year- old daughier It very thin, yet when T trv tn "et her Break fast can be relll treat Theee euy varlatlona make a weekend bre6kfut HLta 1peclal. Add ~ cup 1rated Golden DeUdoul applet to a favorite muffin or pancake recipe. Before beklns. U1ht1y 1prtnkle topt of muffin• or pencmr. with dnnamon and ....... ~! ' ohloken ~rMm ...... t.91 boneless 1lrloln tip r111t (excellent on the rotisserie I I) ,... .. 1.49 extra fancy vul outletl .... .. 7.49 ground ~lef pettf 11 5 lb. box not to exceed 30% fat content \_ bulk ltl111111 ohlpt bulk: ,... .. 1. 79 •· 8 oz. package: ,... 1.09 thompson aeedleaa r1l1ln1 1e g~'~:kage .... •.• , 1.5 ~rt-4 1pple1 p:C:ge .... t.69 1.1 •PP'• ....... 8 oz. package ..... .n 2.79 llf 1 monterey or florentlne oer11l1 1e oz. box 89 1.09 • ,... .. s.,. _. el moflno pulfe4 oerMl1 6 oz. .69 .s fresh rex •• 1. (sand dabs) ...... 1.49 fresh frozen alacer super gram 2 vftl•ln 0 1000 mg 90 tabs "" tO. 9S 7 • 95 amerlcan health ,.,.,. .•. topaz wfW honey S.99 lrvlne ranch farmers market fresh p11nat ~utter 1a oz . 1.19 1.S r:iorgan c 111ple tyrup 12 oz. 2.19 tobercheeH Ht r11911t • .,, ••••Hrt or Wle 8 oz ..... 1.09 2.49 Imparted from england 1111rp oh1~~1r 9 9 .. 4.91 •• ;, • 14002 myford road H nll .... lr.-. ... er (..0 lllH I •lld l••lll 838-2851 "'Ol'I Mt t ' tll"der t •I tpple of41r ~ gallon .... 2.49 2.1 vie de trance baguette & batard 1noh INV11 :~& .99 • 79 ~~~~ • Husband-wit e cooking t e am to .appear at CHOC bene fit ----- 1 I Diana and Paul von Welanet1, I nt er - nationally known cook ing te ac her• and authors, will appear In Orange County at two eventa thll faJl. The first, a wine and c heeee book-sign ing le9lion, la acheduled for Saturday at U1osa·s Books and Cookwares in Irvine . The autograph session Is a pre!Jminary Par faits m ade . micro wave way Golden Apple Parfaits, made with an easy microwave applesauce, are ready to serve in minutes. Pare, t'Ore and slice 2 Golden Delicious a pples into a 1-quart micro..tave-proof dish. Add 2 tablespoons water. ~ to 'A teaspoon ground cinnamon and a dash each salt and ground nutme g . Microwave, covered, at HIGH about 5 minutes or until apples are tender; stir once h a l fway through cooking. Let stand 5 minutes. Puree in food processor, blender or food mill. Cool mixture. Layer with alternating layers of vanilla-flavored yogurt or ice cream in parfait glasses. Makes 2 or 3 servings. to thl' co uple '• oppearunw Nuv. l when tht• unnua l "Holiday F1tr\•" benl·flt f o r Chlh.l r<•n'• Ho•pltul of Orange County (CHOC) is held nl the Harlequin Thl'aler In Suntu Ana. The book -11ignlng sei.sion will be hf•ld from noon to 2 p.m., when the cook ing t eam will autograph <."'<>pies of their latest book, not available elsewhere until later in the year. "T he von We la n e t z Guide t o Ethnic Ingredients." Also ava ilable for autogra phing will be copies of their previous b oo k s , inc ludlnff "Entertain with Style and "The Art of Buffet Entertaining." "Ho ll d ey Fare" is spon sored by C HOC's Small World Guild of Irvine and by Ponde rosa Homes T he lrvane-~'Cl home building farm 1s h eaded b y E . J oh n Garcia, preside nt and chief exe<:ullve offict!r. The 7 p.m. event will include a dessert buffet and a two-h o ur von W e l an e tz show d e mons trating f ood processor techniques. cooking t ips for men. cooking wath f ewer c al o r ies and tabl e settings. The von We la n etzes Diana and Paul von Welanetz own a n d ope rate The Cooking/ Ente rtaining W o r k s h o p., h e a d - quartered in Pac ific Palisades. and they host tw o nati o n a ll y sy ndi ca t e d daily television series, "The Pl eas u re of Your Cooking" and "The New Way Gourme t". and a r adio pro gr am, ''A Couple of Cooks." The public is invited to a lle n d bo th even l s . Do nations of $18 p er pe rson for "Holiday Fare" may be made by sending reservations to S ma ll World Guild. 28 W Yale Loop Drive, Irv ine , 927 14. M o r e in formation is available at 997-3000. Get a off on Bounty and Safeguard and 8Ym11H when you buy two .. of Safeguard (any size), Get the ATARI• Video Computer System •• with Asteroids .. , Football and Combat 98ln8 cartridges for $149.00 (average national retail $194.78). HOW TO Gn YOUR aY9T'RM AND/°" TANS • Go IO ~'9 *'" lor teQUlfed ~ Md oomplele ollet _. Proctef a o....ciie • ..,, °"., • • yo11 cannol lind • ~ *"'41 IO • P 0 8o1 432 Crnconnelo. OH 4!1299 Adventure, casino··, Super Breakout'' and Missile Command" game cartridges tor $19.95 each (average national retail $28.36 each). ReQunlt 1or • c.nt1oe.1e mvsl be PO$ttn.,tled Oy NovemOet JO 1982 P1MM 911ow 4 weellS lot cen1hca1e ~ Ofter E11ptres December 31, 1982 c. 1982 Alan Inc c when you buy Sa .--1 n!Q b•rs 'fegua1u any size - .. .. Orungo <..nu1t DAILY PILOf /Wudn wdoy, Octotwr G, 1982 DI ~----u---~-----------~--------~------~ I 20C SAVE 200 on your next purchase of any 20C I I 4-pa ck of Good Humor. Cookie Sa ndwiches. 1 ( 1Hip•.if1 f'•jJll t••, I )1•1 1·rr1IH•1 11 I •H/ ••r•twlf~ , ................ .,.._,_., .... .,,. .... ,.,. • .,, ................. ,. ........ ( ................................... _. .... 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'IMI • W+t.tt'l ... W•••fil .... IN l•1H •1t•ll1tf .. , ....... t .. UI Ii ·~tftftltMll'IH tM'witt••*• ,...,, llMl•tt•llllf .. tef-,...,.._,., ... ,,,Hltft•t1•• ........ llllitL_.t._, flitett• ..... N•••t ...... ttt ... I Wt, .. tlllf tM .. t ...... NM e.U. llirllt ,....,. ....-.u .,~ •·t'-11--llillt f1...., Uw Hit•"-lllt.t ....... tf I I I I . I .. I I I I I I .. , ... u ...... ,..,.... ........ ~ ,,.,.1, ,......_. tAI ~ ... ...,.... _... ,. '*......, , .. ,......... I k• t 1'000 11 '••• fl'"" U.Wt ... ...,.. ,_ ,.. .... ;.!C!°J OR:z: GONE ~ • And you can go cookies with these four _scrumptious variet ies. or .m, o tt'.1·• P,rPJI tast•n1' (, '•J Hv' 'I" (j •'I , •. ~! • ·l':": • . ' 4 Chocolate Cootlle SandWlchet C.oup~.n t · p·re f)t'n>mbf'r•r t<'l't:+ ,. ,. Ml_._ , ... ,...,,. ~ ... , ............ ,...,iw .... ,. ......... , .. l_, ........ ,.._......,. lllllldrliMf ~ .......... ,, .................. ,,~ ....... , ..... , ................... 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If .. ~ ............................. , ., ........ toi• ................... ., .. _, ........ .,,. ............ ,.. .............. ~, .. , .......... . ·~-.,._,,,. ....... UHf•fflWCt .. w.t.-,,.ul& .... ,,.,-4.,,.. ................... . ......... -.......... Ullltt ................. ,,. ... (_ ..... ,... .... .., .... "'4 .................... . ......... ·----.... 1,....,.-.. ........... ( ... •1 .......................... ,.. u.M .. ........ ..... ._ •• ~ ......................... ~ ....... c.,....... I a.17-.0'-Tl l'ltJ\ U.. ... __ .,..,.,..._ 20¢ 20¢• ~-----------------------------------~ DOGS LICE 'EM •11aTHAN BONES. It's a fact. .. 2 out of 3 dogs like new Beef Bite 'freats better than bones. Because unlike ordinary treats, Beef Bite 'freats from ALPO are loaded with real beef. Get new Beef Bite 'freats ... they'll be your dog's choice too! ],],000 '40252b --------------' . '• ·--------------~-----~-----------------• •• Oranuo Cooat DAIL V PtLOl /Wtui11•1<1oy, October 6. 1982 Experts reveal cooking, • • enterta1n1~g secrets By OORJS ORTIZ lfUJO(t'Nlt'11 Othw t't't'll)t'I\ 111u~uW11U'tl m•rv111~ p1t'(•c·i.. l ' u m p 1 I c• d t, y and ll(ltl IHJlll'f U111·t1l11h OftheD.itr~lotltllff huvc• l~'t'll dt•Vl•IUf)l•d hy l'l'llll·r ll'l't· 1d1•11io u111I 11 t•olluborolur11 ))ciroth wllh rn111h•y , t'l•lt•r t ht• t•u l nilf('J'f'iJlo -'r '-11 -"-~-c·tt 1114 orgun zc·1 u nn lf'Un .1nl 11·1' 1•11vt•11, 1 ac pc•ppt•r , ll'1safc•topr1·uk1 thut thl·m11 t•lv1·N 11vt·r tlw 1·h1.1 r·1 ~·ull p ufp· d11ugh11•1" Patr tl·lu puprlku ond/or u dollop ii p ll I r 0 r I o 0 u 11 y Yl'lU'l> All lll't• ~··111·1·cl 111 tllU1'lt'lltlUl\K und 1.)(.'0 und Dunnlt{IUI Howll•y. IJlld or iwur l'l'UllOl Tu muk(' It l>rodun•d l't1ukbuok11, tuday':c 111mkl•ll11~ IJl\d ink druw1n~11. tht• l1tlh•r Clfl' rt•produt'l•d fr ofll 1·wh1•r add 11111· of the Xlthwr1ttt•n U11guidc11lo 11ppll111w1•i;. hy Mt•rt·dith Mllll"un ;ht•1r hook "HELP! uptlm\11. l' o o k i n g u 11 d Prdun1d liy u 2:.!·pll~W M o o d y , . u t h I r ti <.:ompuf1y'11 C1>mln g." MEATLOAF entertaining. will I~· on "kih·ht·n or11·ntnt1cm" i.t1•n1·ru t1 on Junior IN STANT OYSTE lt NEWPORT the shelves of many u lll't'tton , tlw book off1•ric LN1f(Ut• 11wml.>t•r, udd to ST~W I tu '"" pounds ll.'un hu11 tc1111 in th1• l'Om J11g modc·I nll'nus f111· SJll't'tlJI tht• ulll'lll·ttv1•nl'lill und I p 1 n l o y 11 I l.'r 11 J(round lwt•f holiday season . uc.'\.·n:duns. 11uggt~tli wuy11 n·udubahty of th1• hook (rc•11ervt· th1· lh.1u1d) :.! £'RRll I t's rcu11o n able t o to bµy•u nd c·oo k A ki c k -o ff p lJrty l tt•aspuon 11111011 , \-~C'Up tut11up expect thtll th t• sanw 1•t·o n om1N1lly'. how HI laundwd "H.S'.V.P ." lwn n11m·l•d I 11 mu 11 1·h oppt·d books will find thl•&r w11y lll4Jt'k u p;lntry, wuys 111 Wt'l.'k ut N1•1mun MurnJs. 1'1 tt'11s po:m gurlH' 1m1011 i nto g ift wraps and make.· d111111g an c•y1 .. HPcipt•s of sonw or t lw 11ult I 1·up t·ruiclll'd 1«.11.lu ribbons this season Sll\l't' ttppt•altn~ udvc•nturc• .ind r ood s s t• r v t·d u t th t• l>ash ol' t•c•ll•r y xalt l'rlltkt.•rs thereare fewcooks who four pagus uf hdp(ul hufft:t , all lllkt·n fr(Jtn I p1r111 ·n •ar1111rr1d1 2 t11lil<·11 p o'1111s c<1n resist sharing their Ideas that <lil y 4·1wk , tltt• book. ari· rt·produt•t•d nulk horst·radish good fortum· of finding, <'Xpertenced ur 11111, will ht•n " :s t 11 b I l· 11 p u 11 n s I 1:up 1111lk finally. books that tell flnd beneficial. An oth e r e v ,, n t . a but11·r ~ tc •aspot1n 11avt1ry yuu everything you want Rowlt•y suid th1• book hos tl·ss :.<'mln~r to b1• Optional: I l'UP dam salt t o k n o w a b o u t has bct:n a f:isc1nt1 ting hc.·ld J..>et" I a l I. Magnm. JUll'<• or I t:an 1·tmdt•ns1·d Mix wt·ll and plut·u in ·r e nte rta i ning on C1ny expt·riem•e and a family will feature ever ything oyi1t<·r stt·w u loaf p;m P<>ur an lm·h his trio of ta s tc r1oi ~uvc• llwir a pprovat'Jo sc:ale. affa ir from its hm·pllon. f r o m t h e boo k Cum b i n e and h ea 1 11f wtttt·r into tht-bottom tu hit• of d c•ssc•rts m a d e· from rt•ci pt·~ ind uded "H e lp! Com pan y's Her sister, Shf'l11•y Ann invitations. w nte rp&l'<.'es. liquids tu simmer swgco. uf tht• pan around tht• Coming" was written by Dunnigan, u n d her tablt-se:·ttingsund-redpt-s Add cond1mc·nts 11skd meut. Bakl' for an hour in HH.S.V.P." the l<)H2 c·ookhook rwblii;hccl the mother·d·aughll'r fat ht• r . R i l' har d a nd will launch a above and"osytc•rs. Brm1-1 1n a :s50 degre<.• own. b y J unior l .cuguc of Nt•w1>ort ll{1rhor. From t ea m of Doro th Y Dunnigan, tTeated th1· wc•t'k -long prnmotioo by but·k t.o simmer stage and Variations lcfl, th..-y un_•, Judy Solshy,, l.yruJu Slwu und Dunnigan, Sacramento. cover co n t·t•p t. H1·r tht.• 11t11rc" wait until the oysters Makt• miniature loavc~ a nd Patricia Dunnigan husband, William. a CPA The following rc:cipes st.art to curl around tht· in muffin tins or little Murthu Johiumn, ull nH'mbt·r~ of t•ooklmok Rowley, Corona del Mar. in partnersh ip in San ta urt' among the colltJction edge11. Re muvt• from huat (See EXPERTS', 07) commitlt>t'. (t is available nationally Ana. and tht' t•uuple's -----------------------------------------------------------------as well as lo<:ally at book daught<'.'rs, Karen. Susan stores, kil(;hen shops or and Janel, hel1ll'd test by mail from P .O. Box the r<.'<:ipt•s. 8 494, Newport Beach , ·Dunnigan and Howh•y 92660. It sells for $9.95. h u v e a pp e <1 rt• d on Mail orders must includ<· t elcv1swn and radio $2 .10 for postage. s how s and have handing and tax. p rcsc n t t• d <'Ou k in g "R.S.V.P . A Complf.'lC' demun s tral 1o n s an Coo k b oo k a nd Sacram e nto a nd the Entertaining G uide" was Orange Coast a rea. produced by Junior· R o wl ey h as bPen L eague o f Newport at•tive as a volunteer in Harbor.-m a n y -o-r-gan tzatto-ns, It made its d e but in induding P TA, PEO. Orange County a nd Orange County nationally last week and Phil h a rmonic S ociety is available al Neiman-and Harbor View Hills Marcus. Fashion Island: Garden Club. She is a at book a nd k itc h e n member of Showboat stores. by mail through Chaptt.·r. Orange County national gift catalogs a nd G c n t e r f o r t h t' l oca ll y a t Gelson 's Pt>rforming Arts and 1s N ew port 8£•ach and treasurer for lh<.· guilds H ugh es' El Rancho ofthc43-chapt<•r s upport Marke ts 1n Ne wport urgam uillun Dcach . I rvine a nd "R .S VP ." as th1• Huntington Beach. The result or Junior Leagut•'s Hughes' markc>ts an· ongoing cookbook prnjt'Ct promoting "R.S .V.P ." and has com<· to fruition with bag tnSC'ftS a t all a fte r f o ur year s o r locations devotion and dedkation R oyaltac·s from by mcmb£'rs of the "R.S.V.P " wall Ix• used leagut" to s up por t the LOWEST PRICES ON BEEF IN 2 YEARS Quality S.ef hot olwoyt been first ot ~fewo-1. Sofewoy_BHf it Top!_ i!i_ Ouoli!Y, clott-lrlmmed to remove exceu fol and bor>e to give you more for your money ... Guoranteed to pleat• or your monoy back. • MORE BUYJNU POWEJrTRTS-w'EEK1 TWICE The Amount ~ ..... t,...., ..................... COUPONS On Your Total ·Purchase e"f.~ Thi.1 week get 2 Cash Dividend ~,,(:) ~~ Coupon• for every dollar you spend! !S1'!"j Fill your certificate twice aa fast to save even more! (hcludlne Akehellc .. ,,., .... , & Dairy '•oductol. This Week's Cash Dividend Specials , community projects or Ed1t<·d b y Ma.rtha Newport Harbor J unior Johnson and published 1 ll'!!:i:wi:f beague 1nduding JbNtt-li>-y Jumor -Lt.'ague. t ~ + Speakep;' Bureau, Child book goes beyond a mc•rc Advocat e Newsletter. collccllon of n .·<:1pcs to Disaste r Preparedness. provide a .complete guide COPES, Orange County lo ente rl.ammg. Marine lnslilult Gallery Lynda S hea. Nc•wport a t Dana Poin t a nd t he B e a c h . marke t 1 n g N a t u r a I H i s t o r y uhairman. said the book Traveling Exhibit. i~ unique in t~at 1t Is not The book sells for like other Junior League· $14.95 a nd currently. cookbooks with ho~<'Y Neiman -M arcus i s referen ces to famil y offe ring a cotton apron recipes but lS in.stead a with "R.S .V.P." printed total t•ntcrtai.ning and across the· bib as an hos t ess guide 1n a exclusive companion to s oph is t icated form at thC' book. des i g n e d t o ma k e "HELP!" is a pracucal entertaining elegant bot· approach to the culinary l'asy and eff~rtless . • uts -and is -dedicated to T h.e r ecJ p es w c r t the inexperienced cook s ubmitted by league and to those busy people !11emb:t'rs and chose~ tor who need uncomplicated 1nclus1on by a committee recipes to fit into their headed by Judy Solsby schedules. and Martha Johnson. Rowley and Dunnigan, This is the second aware that young people Junior Lea~e cookbook today often have little of t? be .~u bl.1 s he ~: The the tr ad 1 ti on a I f irst. Epicure was background in cooking, produced i~ 1974-75 and set out to "help bridge 1s out of pnnt. the gap between fast ' '. R : S ·. V . P . · · 1 s. f ood s . . . a n d t h c· d1stmct1ve m appearance French chef." as well as content. The Thei r book is for b ook is 8xl0 with a "brides. bachelors and laminated vin yl cover busy people" and is that has the a ppear:t.ncc designed to help redu<.-e o { leather. lt as spi ral dependence o n reci pcs bound on t.he bac~ t·ovt>r b y d eveloping their to ~llow 1t .to he flat originality. wh1.le r e t a 1nrng the Variations and options da~1cal spine. . of the recipes (many of Ea.ch chapter conwtns them fr o m s ix easily rep r od u ce d g e n e ration s o f the 1nv1tation d esigns , writers' families) are co mp 1 et e m enus . §oui.met Presents Cordon Bleu Cookery - An f;('onomll'a/ Appruarlt This class wll/ feature the uae of turkey breast in a delicious and beautiful menu Cream of Watercress Soup Poulet Aux Champignons Zesty Zucchini Baute Fresh Fruit Mousse Monday October I Ith 10130 a .m. Fee: $20.00 TO ENROLL IN A CLASS P•ym..-n1 IJIUtl boo m•M Ill ~··noc:' '"' th• run .,Munt. ll~hiodt ~•nMC ti. gil•"n but do• rredn wlll 11" 1 .. Uf'd. Phon" tu,.roroont wlll Ii. 1rrep1td wnh • rrttdit ~•rtl numlwr (VISMM .. ceri:ardl AIMfiun Etprttt) ot you 1111y "5""' In P"reo11 11 C...i tf.,ch••"· FRESH PRODUCE SAFEWAY QUALITY BEEF Fresh Limes TM>qy 2r..49' Ground Beef ~= f:: ,':4 10 '1" Chuck Short Ribs~~ Ill '1" Sweet Yams D•H<OOIA IO 49c Arm Pot Roast s.~ay~" '129 7-Bone Roast s.~:~'" '1 19 Trell 10 ID : Crisp Celery ~;::;:v 8undl 49' Beef Cube Steak ~::.. 10 '2~' Boneless Steak»';.~·~:'' iO '1 89 1 Fresh Mushrooms Boneless Stew Meat ':;.~~ 10 '1" Boneless Roast ~~~ ID 'F' RIUtecl ~ *17& ....... lr>d It.. LUNCH BOX TREATS GROCERY SEAFOOD Bartlett Pears ~' Sweet Bose Pears IO 29c IO 59c IS.OI 1121 ~o m&t1 Lucerne Yogurt 3 t:: '1 Fishcakes I& 89' mt Cream Style Corn ~ ·~· 391 Fresh Butterfish Fillets Sun Maid Raisins Macintosh Apples Uitf.'.!°" me Hash Browns =:~~31-~ 79' Gorton's Fish Fillets~::,''4 2:.~ '2" 111 59' • Safeway Water G1t1on45• Cooked Shrimp C::':oo ,,. .. , ........ ~s.-. 49c HEAL TH & BIAUTY I BAKERY Twin Blldt Clrtrldat ,1,.': What Bflld • 1•.oa 7nc smw.y(Pllt olUI •) .. "e OI ~ Mtt Wtltfll't IOftW!lole I.Oil '1 Bunered Aspirin Tlblltl '1" Cotomt>o Sourdough 99c ...,fY tomet1100 Mir llOltt * ,..., P\o . Multiple Vitamins ,1st Unsalted Bread •z•·•1 79• S.ltw.y tolUf Of 100 Mrt wi,,,.-1 Wllltt or GI alll WI (rfsc• OI ~=99c GROCERY Glad Wr1p • 99' eon.. Wlep *" lloll Green Beans • 39 l 0'#11 "°".. It Ol Oen t Oe1eroent WNl•Mle!C •'::'2" . ...... ., .. M:::1~'' 9 9 c ,...... 't; DAIRY Chocolate Milk 3C ,2,, l~~~lowf~ a.lloll Sour Cream Cream Cheese ~Ill'.""' ill.tin ~~Co Juice 2' 1~ 99, Frozen OlnnersX 11~59c 8flAW •"'• 8el·Alr Spinach 3 10..1 ,1oo ClleoOM 4 CIJt l HI "OJ Multlple Vitamins ,2,. Balcer'• Dozen Donuts 11°' Wiii\ ton '"""' 100 -. "'"""' "-ol 1 ,.,1t.,ltt.f1t••O.• 1.11, 1•n1"...,,.,.,,,c.tH.o,...lh<.,.•k"CIMtol l..,, .. 1<jt,_11etl .... ·-• -ll•~ •I Ut N IAttci.-1 l ll ..... I" t....i 0...-.f;tlet Ooolv WI -ACCIPTUIDA 111111''"' .,,., COUPOllS SMASH 'IM fOI CASH • , .. ·~Dr., Ne9"ft ...... •Ill Ne. CoHt "'tfl••'I· ~ ...... •e-" ................ ..,..,.,. . • 2• *"ere" ••1 ,,., •. '""' LatUft• • tM11 ~et Qr., et W•lfl"', lrlltM t LIQUOR lf'K,,.. "\-f Wl .. ••HtaQ.'1 !Al .... Bacatdl Rum'• sn" to '-oill ' rs.11 .. -., Gaetano Liqueur 2C 1&o '4" ¢.lltJ'I u.,.., )4 "°'' "" Almadto Min. • 1' '2" • llnlflt • (;Nlllll llMll I ' Orono Co11t DAILY PILOT 1J odnetdoy. October 8, 1987 EXPERT ' E R T (From P11e 011 fuumy <.:m11h1rw ull but Jo.£.ll pun• U akll t:i •'Mi whttt•11 nncl nm. Vt·ry mlnutt-., • 1 J\111 ouwhly Fold 1h111 Sub1illtutt• u I pound 11llXIUrl' Into tlu· •'HJl ~ lOllWlOt'lr ..w.W1cio l/.l!llll¥' u.ou111tJ.i-11P1.>'WllJJll:._ _____ _...,.~l.IP~~ ... Cor milk. 111111 11 hutll•u '<J l'UA."t'rolt' STUFFEO MEAT t.OAF &1kt• :lO minutt•ll or unul M 1 x 41 mt• 41 1 1u 41 ( u too1hp1l'k ur tahlt• k111f1• I I 1mwrt1•d 111 th1· t'.cn tcr t'Omp ete y, pat 11 out on t•u11w1111ut d1•u n A dub of u pi(.'(.'\! of waxt'<i pttpt•r 10 the thisknc'SS of un md1 w h 1 P P t' d t' r t~ u m Sprinkle with gruti•d gurnu•hl•d with u thin, Parmeiwn chL't'~. Sprt.•ucl thin t·url uf lt·mon rind ' -drained. freshly cooked 011 l'ill'h s1•rving will l ( h d lt·mpt you tu t•ul 1 t ull veget.ablt.'S on top . . . or ~ or c tover c· o ppl' bdon· d1nm•r!. use stuffing mix (follow Thl• followmg n-t•1pt-s urc from "H.&V.P. A ~ J directions on puckagq). Cornpll'lt• Cookbook and 1 Press It iuto the> meat Elm•rtuirunu Guidt•" and Pa tricia Dunnigan Rowley, left, a nd just o bit Using the " I h D h O · · waxed paper as support, wc.>rt• umu11g tht· d11:1tw s ler mot er , o ro t y unn1gon , ~ roll it into a tog. Lah into st-rvcd <it lht· kil·k-oH t.•ollaborated to produce .. HELP! pan with seam stdl' down pa rt y I a u 1H' h 111 g th l' afld remove the paper J un 1 o r L ca g u {' or Compan y's Coming," o cook book for Close the ends and bake (See EASY, 0 81 brides, bach e lors a nd bu y peo ple. for 50 minutes a t 350 1-;::;==========:::=:::================::;1 d egr ees. A g laze o f ca t sup, mus tard a nd brown sugar spre ad on top th~ last 20 minull'S or baking is a tasty touth. GRANDMA JOHNSON'S BRUNA BONOR Swedish Brown Beans (shortened form) 1 large ca n baked beans 3 t a bl l•s p oo n s butter l large omon 'h cup brown sugar. packed 2 ta b l es p oo n s catsup 1 in c h s t it k cinnamon or •;. teaspoon cinnamon A variety of trays available. Call your local Honey Baked Ham for information. It not only shows good taste, it tastes good! CATER YOUR AFFAIR WITH A QUALITY HAM Saute onion 1n butt~r until c lear a n d ad d brown sugar and catsup. Combine with beans and cinnamon and mix well. Bake in bean pol for two hours at 300 degrees. Remove cinnamon stick. Good with le ftover diced h am. L AZY L EMON P I E CAKE HONEY 61/lE/J M 3 esoo;, separatc'<i l 1h tablespoons butter 3 tablespoons flour ~ cup sugar l cup milk 2 teaspoons grated lemon peel 4 tablespoons lemon juice ~ teaspoon aalt Beal egg whites until GIFT CERTIFICATES REDEEMABLE ANYTIME . tif.Land set aside M ix soft butter , sugar and flour unliJ crumbly. Beat egg yolk s until ve r y AUO .. , ...... Ill .. l4'l(W000 WU! COW.A "°"'" "OH•WOOO WOllA.otl ll'U..C~I •ASAOlHA SAHlA ~· WOOOl.ucl"'lll l\j()jtf"'OCf MN J01f """"'"'Ill •AIOAlfO ....C SA.NDll~ ON1 IAStl ll 4Ulf l<UQSI coo .. 9'f•1011•-·11a11..,_..""' Antumrl.-- \bu can taste the natural ............... . • H ere's 20c to discover the natural goodness of Autumn Mi\rgarine. Good taste . Good ingredients. There's nothing artificial added. No artificial flavors, colors or preservatives. In stick or soft, it's the kind of flavor your fa mily can enjoy. / • Now Foster Farms delivers fresh turkey parts to )'Our grocer ... so you can always buy just the pieces you want in convenient f amily·siz.ed portions. -.. .. . . , Treat your f amity to the holiday taste of turkey breast drumsticks. wings or thighs Instead of served·toodten meats. Look for a wide selection of Foster Farms Fresh Turkey parts in your groi:er's fresh poultry sectJon every day. It's the fresh idea that fits your f amlly's tastes ... and your budget! FOSJER FARMS 0 1 f \ ~-------~ r------------· , \ STOflE COUPON wn•••••w'..an I -~,,.... .... MCllAGI I I (60 Minute Entree ror Four> . ~ --------. vn 111111111 • 1 I fOiiA MIMI . I I I Foster Farms pkg. Young Turi<ey -· 2 tsp. grated orange pttl ( 1 ·flllll TUIKIY MRTS I I ~ Breast or &east Pol1lon I tsp. crushed tarragOn I I IM Oll()Cfll f-~--......... CMOf!IOtlMCOt!OI NIWI I I c:up orange juice ' Oartl<: salt. pepper ,,. ...,,,. ..,... ........, "i:.a111 '111111 ,_.., 01u• 11 "--1 \.$ cup lemon juice and ..... nrlka to taste I illffle C"-fl• 0000 6111Y •n u • A 1°' '01191 r •11"' 1110 •,. I ,._,... I Uct.U91Yfl 'f WICI ..... ,,..... 11..0 OI 11tt11(1tf"' - I Cow"4' elll llOt N llot\Oltf II lllHtnlld tlllt11Qft Olllttft .. Ptace turtcey breast skin side up In a lhellow roasting pan. . I I =:*oM1-:-:~0::J.;":t:,:,~~~:::=.°' I I Bake at 450 degrees 20·30 minutes. untll lkln la crisp. ... IOI,...,.. FOii MOOIPll()H MAil 10 Combine dtNI juices, cwqe ~Ind tarragon; pour over turl<ey. I I :1:=:::~:1:=111':M I I Sprinkle with .. pepper and paprika. eeke at 325 degrees. bndng I --~ · I I occuk>nell)(untilmeatthemlometerreeds l75degreet.Spoonaauc:e I --?l.,'I& SOOJ.l.O \ owr tufkey Ind serve. I I ,.. ~ ~---------------~ ~-- ' ,_ I P l 0 1 no• Co11t DAil V Pll.OT /W dr1eaooy, October 6. t082 Y DE 1ft'rom P111 07) Nt•wport lfarbor lUtl'I. l'ookbook ltll'lud l•t1 ttrt• lh1 t>t~ ut ihu J uiUW.t. l1•11dl n tt o ff wit h u E RT ~ unlll 1hkk1•1wu P1a11 hlt·ml U11111u u k111l1· "" 11vt•1 l & u111h ml~lUH' und K~tulu, 11>1 t<tlll 111 " 1h111 nlllC thoruutihly l"'rt•H11 luy1•1 uv1•1 tlw d1lllt•d , II tub I t•• p u v n 11 lnlh luyt~r on hoLtont of rlrm p uwtl1•1 NJ 11uuu1 -knhh111 pu n ()1 IU lt• With :J lt.Vt'I rlw thomlttlt• Wiii II t u IJ It• i; po {In" 1'u1Jh•111111111ut Kohluu 1111d h tird 1·11 quit kly l!>'I wnr k urwtlu·d liutlt·r plu1·1• 111 fr w~1·r qull'kly Sl11·1; 1111.11 :1:1 to lu 1 (' lll'IOFnmtlror-MMmwh1h·1 l•r..-i1'°'" w~l~u,._• __.. •• ""01-;11wnu..~ &.u 114JI "'' I uvm llt•. t·n•u 111 uni.11 l11·d bu t11•1 u 111 1I Null·. Kt1hluu hur11 mby flull v l\dd 111llk 111111 :1 h•· madt· ulH·1td u n il t11hlt•i.l>c11mi. k.1hlu11 1111d n ·f n6(1•1.111-cl, 1·11v1•11'\I, up hlt•11<l Grntluully udd 111 :1 w1•1•k11 111, llHhtly IXIWdl•rt-d sUUllf', ffll)(ln 6( WI UJlJ>t•d UlltJ (I 11/i.'O , until ~n11111th a11d t·r,•1u11y tht•y will i;luy frt·tih :1 Sprt·&HI o n tht• r hlllC'd mnnlhic Fur 11 fl11vor t(f'1.1h 11111 1·rut·kcr la yt•r vur111ll11 11 ui;1• an y u11tl rt•tu1 n Lo f rt•t•u •r fovorllt• ll4111·w kAllLUA PARTY BARS I 1• 1·up"' puwd1•11•cl I 1 c up¥ K r11h11 111 sugor I I :wk 1•r t•ruml):C .. UUlll't.'!i lk.'ffil-llWt'('I I l' u p <' h o p pl' ti t'l11ll'Olu tl' tuttstt>d almonds I n a 7 x I I x 'I. 1 n l' h 1, c up p I us :1 baking pun. \'oml11rw tubll•spoon s bultt•1• o r Krahom l'f0l'k1•r 1·rn111hs riwr·iwrinC' ~ and ulmoncls, i.l'l as1Ul'. I• c up grunulntl'd In t1 snwll 11aUl'l'JJUll, r.Ul(Ur t:oml)lnt• 1 1 t:up buttt•r, 1:. cup l'ut.'OLI granula11.•d sugur. J:U:oa, I cg g . i. I 1~h t 1 y t•gg and vm11lla and mix bt·al<'n w1•1l Cook i.low l y. I 1 'I lea~poon vuntlla stirnr.!!:· _!!.hout ~ n_!!.!.l_~lll•s r==-:=-:;;:;;;;;;;::;;;;::;;;==..-r~ ¥ until quit<• f1rn1. N l' x I . ITI l' I I I 1•l tuhlt-11poons buttn and lht• st'ml-llWl'C'l dl0t.t1lt11t• 111 u smull :.11lll'(0pH11 uvo•r v 1•ry low hl'l1t St11 tu Put Lucky to the test. Your llst: / 1 Make out 1our normal week s shopping hst and b11ng 1t lo Lucky Your comparison: POPPY S~ED CAKE A w1mtlt•1 fully mu1s1. r1d1 t'•I ~· I h 111 l11wsn ' l rn·1·d fro ... t111u I I I 1111 u n <1 • • • Shop for these items Then 2 lake this same hst to th~ supermarkei ot your choice and note their procc·s on the S"1fle or comparable items Lois Lee Win prizes and a chance to be featured in the Orange Coast Cook Book. Saved s13.45 Y I . Lots own week's shopping OUr 18Y ngt. tota)ed $80 00 at Lucky The l.0me S Add up the totals for each or comparable items 111 thl? Suf)!fl'm1J1'1('1!rTt1EflJTOOl-or--"--·srrp-crrnarket o f her choice 101otod savings is on your own $93 45 That's a savings ol S 13 45 di comparison• Lucky• To" 1a~~n S61l""'"KI' n 111111 t1111i1 1 I fliH'ko .. • V• lluw I llh.1• 111" I I .I 1 1111 1111•11 ) 11111 lww 111 ... 1.1111 v11111ll.1 pl1dtl111K I •·•'K" I I llJI ol.111 'I' "jl/U I 4·1 Ut.6l.U------ 1 '"" jllll• v•·w ·1 •• 1.1, oil ' I llJI t'l 1.,1111 'lllt 11 'I' 1 llJ> fH IJIJIY ">I'' ti'> 111 1.11 j(I' lllll\1 I 11111.'. I I 11111111111 ,1JI lllgl t•dll llt'I 111 ol d1•1 f.11 Vt 'll Ul.1l !> 111111ul1•' ul 1111•d111111 "IJl'l'd Wllh 1•1l·1·1111· 1111x 1•1 P1111r l11tu gn·11,.,1·d 10 ilwh hundl I"'" B.1k1· .1L :1~10 d1•g1 t't'' I'' 1111 I hrn11 t'uol In pa11 1111 I ur k for Ill m111111t·1o lkn111v1• .111d '11111 I 111111111 lt•I y Delvis Williams Yll Id Ill w M'IVlllj(li NAl\ANJITAS A 1·rl•p oran11e flit vorl'd t•ookl" I I'll JI ( :.! 11llt'k 1S ) l1Ulttf Ill 1111111(111 1111', 'llll!(•lll·tl ~I' f,i;/w n 11u1<11r, j1.H'l<1·d ' l'llJI "' :11111l1111•d .... g.11 I 'JHt I • , 1 ·11 p.., • ti I pll 1 pow 1111111 :! l,1l1lc·'IHIOll!o Ol'IJO~l' Jiiii 'i :i 1:1hl1·~p111111i. 1o1rntt•d •II llllj.11' '11111 1 t U•h '>IXMlll huktllg -.11<l.1 1 lt·<.-.IXIClll !kall . ' .. u" ti II '·ti IX '\'Ull.. ... I 11 u h 11 w I , t' 1 " u m lwttl't a11cl MUHlll 1111111 Nllllllll h Acid l'KK 11 1111 b l' 11 l wt· 11 Add u 11 I l'lflllllllrlf( ll)t(I 1•clw11l1o1 0 11d rr11 x 1h,1r11uulil v ltt•ft IHt•rnl1· 11.v1·1 I'd, (111 I bou1 IJr1111 i.1111111 1uuncb 111 tluu~h . 4! llll'lll'I> .JIMI I , 1111 LHll(rt •ll1tt'<f l'f)l1k I\' 1>ht·1 •I, lla1t1·n Kt·ntly with lt11J<l'1t1pi. B :1k1 · at :1~,11 th·grc·t·!. f" for H 111 111 rr1111uh•.., llltltl t11ok 1t.·i. un· hfo(hll y hl'llWl\l'tl iAf'OUlld t·dgt•s Ht'111uv 1· I r11111 nxikll' .. ht•t•I wl11h• wm 111 and l~lf1l •Ill 1.u:k ... Slt1rt• 111 .111 t1ghl t·o11LJ11wr Y u·ld about Ii d1111·11 BACON WRAPPt;D AR'rlCllOKF. Ht:ART p ll U rl d 1 11 l' I'd hw •111 'J. Iii 1J unc.'<') )ur• 111.H 111Jlt'tl art11•hokt• l'ut IJIJI'"" 11ltt·t•11 11Hc1 th11 di. 11nrl 1·u1 urt1t·hok C' lll•lll'lK llltl1 hi l t• lil t(' plt•t't•i. W 1 a I' a luu·i1 n fJ 11' l (• ,J I (I U ll ti I' J t' h t1rt tt•h o kt• pu·o -. llN'Un• with a tootlipwk l'lm.·c· 1111 1·1111klt· 1'ht·c·l u111l hu kc· 111 1111 tlVl'O prl'lwhlt'<I to :1:.!~1 th·~n·1·11 f'' for i5 m111ul1 ·i. or until brown y I •. Id 'J. ~) I 0 :i" ;1ppt•llL1 .-.. Eberly Simanson Sandra Stewart Saved s16.14 Saved 510.50 Saved 58.58 Det111~ ow n wc•uk's shopping tot'11Pd S99 88 111 l1.ct..y Ttw 'l.inw O• 1,;omp.irabll' 1lr'R1~ ,11 llHJ S11µM111tlllo.•'I of her ChOICf' t<Jtnlrd S 116 o;i T h111 5 a 5avong'> ol S 16 14 .it Luckv' 1. "'' '""''' c;q,,.~,..r .•. , 11 1•ftt1 Eberly sown week s shopping rotaled $65 59 at Lucky The same or c.omparable 1111ms at the supcrmnrkel of her choice totaled S76 90 Th11t's a savings of $1 0 50 al Lucky' lo·~•'"""" Seplemue• 27 t9&2 Sandra~ own weeks shopping totaled S54 64 at Lucky The same or comparable 11ems at the supermarket or her choice totaled $63 22 l hat s a ~av1ngs ol $8 58 at Lucky' IP\I '-"•" 5.,p1ember 21 t9e? FRESH FISH ITEMS Lower meat prices! Basictilue DAIRY & FROZEN Enter the Daily Pilot Favorite Recipe Contest Look for rules on October 13 in the Food Section! DUNGENESS CRABS .. 1.99 ~~STER OYSTERS •oi ... 2.49 r..~R .. '-!~AISED CATFISH .. 1.59 CANNED & PAC KAGED rCAKE ~~~~18 1ovarw11t1 .39 PILLSBURY 89 FLOUR 5~~ • LADY LEE SUGAR Ctanu•atto s~~ 1ss !WELCH'S CRAPE JU~~~'" 2.15 !CRISCO OIL !!-!,U ... ~~ MIXES ...... ,..., .. ". r ~~CE CIDER MIX r l,?_~~JO JUICE FOl.GER'S COFFEE -·- 1•01 ••• 1.07 ""' .. 1.23 , •. 1.25 . .,,,, ... 75 .. ~, ... 2.53 I~~~occ·s RA1s1N .~.~~ 1.97 """" ....... 65 l l()l JOH x. WINf ~ . -r PAUL MASSON 349 WINES CNl!lk 1 i ur 111 Viti II~ Of lur9'Jn(IY \ I TOP SIRLOIN 199 STEAK . ' . ' FRESH 89 ~RO~ND BEEF • . '. ' BONELE SS 169 .ROUND s.~.EAK rMAYBUD CHEESE Elllf'n Of <;ouoa r MOZZARELLA 2 39 ~!4!ESE ~~~~v P'ROUCE ET NOIR CHEESE 119 i o..c...,••o-'" •O'"'' • !~~~~UNA KLUB ,,., .. , 2.39 T-BONE 219 STEAK '". l ...... BON~LESS RUMP ROAST 04 c 1• , ' I t , • ~ 169 FRYING 47 ~H.l~~EN • ... '. r.~~~~l~A~ CHEESE .• 1. 79 r~g~~~~~~ .. ~.E~E 1.29 !~~~.~.GOLD CHEES~ .. 4.89 r~.~~l ~~ :~,,~f.;~~H~Els: 1.19 r~~l~!.WATCHER:s.., .. 1.49 OAKOT A FARMS .. ._. ,...x_w., •• r-""'nr•• .. "' ••"C'OrltWf "'tw( , 3.15 £~~~.~BLED BLUE CHEE.~E,. • 99 Uli;flllt ~Ptuf..,t ~-. •1JU#.tnt..-\f~'ft/''f'\fO ,...,.Ufl$t •• WHW'•vt~w ni.tt"(:lef • •"-• '""14h OffOC!IM •) •ti!t1 PORTERHOUSE 2 29 STEAK . ,, . CROSS RIB ROAST ,. 189 BLADE CUT 79 ~~.UCI< ROAST • !CHURNY FETA CHE~~E .. , 1.49 !L ... ~~ ~EES~N ,., 2.49 r;~~J~COW '°'" 1.39 r ~~~J.~~~ SWISS CHEE~~ .. , • 99 r ~~~~~~.!.~CHEESE~ 1.49 !~.~!~CHEESE • ., .69 P' ALOUETTE CHEESES 9 J.." ... \ ............ fllo·'llwf..,. 1 2 ..... f\.1 .. 0t~ •(11 "1.. • re~~S SWISS CHEESE "'' ,.,, .99. The Discount Supermarket r~~Ol.A MARCARIN~. °' ,. .85 .~NIZED MllK c;... •• 1. 91 ~.~DE AA LARGE ECG!., ••• 88 r~~.WAFRES "°' .. ,_ • 99 r~~;.~~! .. ~!~TOES,,,, •• 1.19 l!~!~~~r~~~.~ JU~~~ ..... 59 I~~;!!~~~~HI~°' .... 79 r~NO CAKE ·-,,, ..,, 1.65 I~~~E.~!ISH AUETS,.O,..,• 3.69 HOUSEH OLD & Pf.. T r FAMILY SCOTT mg· r~~~E 110 SJ ~9 • ~ • P.to Pt•ntto °' Anortro r~~~.~! TOWELS •. 11 oaoo .69 r2~~~t,.R SOAP '"' ••• .65 r;.~~OX 2 BlE!~~· 3.14 f ~~PPV DOG FOOO "°' "" • 3 7 QUALITY PRODUCE GOLDEN lb.21 BANANAS ((OllOf!llCM "8vorlUI JONATHAN lb.29 APPLES h tt• •tll<~ MIMIO BOSC ... 49 PEARS US No I s _. °""'°"' FRESH ... 39 BROCCOLI Gfut w1tn c~ lMt .. ------------------~-----------~ 1707C0 '5ave c when you buy ~rt'sco one any size ~ · OIL litilff OHf cou~ Pt.A PUfllCHAS( • ., --- PROCTER & GAMBLE STORE COUPON I 054980 I ·-..... .,., • , ' Orange Co 11 OAIL V PILOT/Wodnoedoy, October 6. 1082 El Save up to • $1.30 in Grocery Bill-Saving Coupons good on these popular Baking Brands . • A $3.00 Refund By Mail When You Buy All 6 of the Participating Brands. ------------------------------·------------------------------- when you buy three any flavor n&M\.CO.fl -Hi..u.s Cake Mix when you buy one large size or two regular size 1)&.u\Ctl.f\ .ffLM.s Cookie Mix CASH REFUND OFFER when you buy one any size 1)&.UWM\. +f i.ti.u Brownie Mix when you buy one any flavor l)LU\.CCU\ #W.S Muffin Mix c Look for this Inflation Fighting Refund Certificate in participating Grocery Stores and Grocery ads. < ··-·-- ... .... •' .· . .. .. : . ... t:I Or1no• Co11t DAIL V PILOT /We.dnuaduy, Ootobtt 0, 1082 . p ·aved with refllnd gold Rea·der finds streets • By MARTIN SLOAN E rc(t11vt• 11111 dog curc• <'uu111111, "' !"''""' ...... .,.1 L u11t1 lll )o'IN1 ond T k k IUPERllRllJ IHIPPER Dc•ur Murtln: For 1rn boc>kl<•t plUt< 110 <'t'lllJI 111 l'tHlpOll, 111• 24 poln~ fur u t 'ullar fur J>ogN 111· Cat)j. obawrvont rt•furHh•r , c·ou~mH N .. pur'!·hur>t' ls 2 mupu11 1<:x11ln•K Fd1 Sc:nJ th c· :!-:'..!''~l~! u'4-I !-:r r.c·~d~-----------------1--T.n~l;.;;l':-i;rrit.:~' M;T•~s;-it~r~l'<f., f-ti1~u~n~-n1cil'ff!mlmr1~ITTl'rr.i'""TIPF~~.-tt1~ --'------,.-t.~u-n~-o 1 111 11 11 d 1 ht• nni pun f o r n frc•t· fl poumJ huK uf l"'unnu l.!JJltl Prult•111 P lul'l o r 11 S 2 !'> 0 c· o u p u 11 I 11 r 11 :l:'l pound or u 50 µou11d uuu Sc·ml th(• rcclu1rnd rc•(u11d form 11nc onl· W('l~ht l'lrdt• (1 11111 a !\ pc· c· 1 :. I I y 1111.1 r k L· d pul·ku~•· u l ta 30 pound I.SU g (I ( p u I' I fl u 11 1 ~ h Prott·an PluK Br urnJ Dog Ml'ul 1<:xp1rc11 Oct'. :JI, P.O Box 8017, Cllnwn. l • fuwu, ~:1736 Thl• offer 1·xE1r1'fl Dl't' :n .. 19ij ... ' ._ __ _. Tlw rollowmg rt•fund offt.r!li 1Jr1• worth $12 84 T h t•st• oHt•rM don't 1'1-qu1rt· u rl.'fund form. " h lKhwny•, nnd l'V<'tl 1111 :u . lll82 GRAV V T llA I N $I c•nlln• front pu111•l lrom U.•nt•ht•" Mnd purlu, Mrt• Tht•Ht' urr('nj ri·qu1rc· H1•(uml ()ft1•r, Ol·1wrul lWCI l'Olhar boxt•w (tluj{ truly puvt•d wllh wold refund (111 11\lt, FuoJM Corpurullo11 &·nd und or l'll\), thl• n •g1slf'1 "refund gold!'' In BUTCll~R'S BLEND the requan'Cl r.•tund rurm tap<> lndlcot1nt1 purchnM! m y truvcls this post 8 o nu11 M t•ol O ff l•r undone storred • prl<-c• pril•l.', along with n lll·lf· i;umm<•r, I found enough Rt•t• Ive· u 5 0 t·~n l 111urkt·r on u 25-poun(I IH.ldr<>Ut!d, 11tu inp1•d J<'r ilo-Luy !Jugs fo r a cuupon, u $1 t-c1u1>c111ur1.1 IJHJ( ul (iruvy Train and cnvt.•lop<·. ExpircH Del:. $:l.50 rl.'fund. A Orastan $2 <'<>upon Cur Hu1d1l•r's tht• 1•1•J(IMlc•r lUl)<"Wilh 31 , 1982. curton broughtmc$1.50. Blend S\•11d1h1·1l'<lu11 1•d thl· pu 1d111 s 1• prlc·t• M E ALTIME $1 Then.•arcnolongcrany r e tuno form und tlw l'trdt!d. ~~µir·c11 Mun·h Coupon Of f e r f v r M&M or Mars wrappers required ll>tul of llonui. :H, I !.lll:i. Mt.·ultimc Dry Dog Foe><.!. on lhl' street.s 10 my areH, Meat PotnL'I, as listc'<I· !l LASSll<:. U1•1•1•ivl' lht• S <' n d .l h c re q u I r c d a nd I rccl.'ivcd a $5.00 points fo r 11 50 t'l'lll fullµurdl1lst•prh..'t•olone r l'fund form und the refund The Tylenol box p1111l1 ti 11111• "lfo1>t1·J Wl l h llll'Uly JUl('l'lt r111 m<lll' 1nt!Uty ll11>l('" fl'Cllll two bugg of MPal11an1• J>ry l>ow ~·uu1l (uny 11m· hag Ire tH'l't•pt u b l t·) Expln•i; Jum• :w. 11ma. 9·LIVES MO l\Rl8 POCKET SH OPP ER Ofltir. Rl-C'c.<a.'" n MurrlH P0<.·kct !:>h9pp1·r 8(•11d lht· rt'ttllh'l'<.f rt.fund form 50 Y·Llvt.•11 lubcli.. or $1 tt!\ w ith :.rn H L1 vt·i. 111l11•li., 111 $3 I.I~' with no lullt'l11 , pl1111 fl () l't•rll!C pC11.tll8(' 011<1 hnml ling Wt"'l'lllllt lll I l'Kldt:nls m11y orclt•r w11h ull 1·11ish upllun 011 I y. cl1J not mmcl lubt.•li. J-:>CJJl11•1f Dt'<.' 31 . l »112. P U RINA lllGll PROT E IN VL US TRll'L~ Pl.AV R EFUND. llt•cc1ve a 191l:l • J h:l'l' IS ll r•t•lund fnrrn you rnn wrltt.• for. fl $2 BABY MAG IC Rt-fund Of for. P 0 Box J'M-031. • 1<:1 Pstw. Tl'>rn•. 71Hl6(S. Rt'(.'\llVl' !I ~0·<.'(.'11\ refund and $1 an <.'fJUporu. Send thl' puclwgc 1mcker and thl' <;lt!ih r(•glsl<.'r rc.>cc lpt w ith th(• pract• clrch•d that looked ·entirely out of plac-e on a downtown sl.rt>e t brought me $3.50. In addition to doing my par! to kl'E~p Ame ril·a clean, a ll lh!s refundable trash helped to pay for a wonderful trip t o Disneyland, and believe me, for a refunder, that's a s t o r y in i t self! - Marlt.'nc C .. Elma, N. Y. Dear Marlene: It is wonderful to Ix• able to help keep America clean and al the same time add to your t ravel account, but PLEASE watch out for traffic. There a re still a lot or motorists who are not used lo refunders m aking quick U-turns w he n we see a candy wrapper in the middle of the road. Dear Martin: I have a couponing question for you: If you had a 50-<.-ent instan t coffee coupon. and a store in your area was offl'ring to double its value, would you use it to buy the 2-o unce jar priced at $1 .30 or the IO-ounce jar priced a t' $3.70. Which purchase: wou ld be the smarte r buy? J ohn C., Bristol. Conn. -n ear"'JohO: tr 1 ·had only one 50-cent coupon for my favorite coffee. and I expected to use Sl'ver a l ounces of it before the next coCCf:'c sale, or the next coffee co upo n a ppeared . I wnuld probably buy the lU·ounce size. After the 50 cent co upo n was doubled I wou ld be paying $2.70 or 27 cents an ounc:e. -----ut, if I had alot of those 50 cent coupons. and I usually do. then I would definitely buy the smaller size. Whe n the stor e d o uble d e a c h 50-cent coupon, I would be paying only 30 cents a jar or JUSl 15 cents an ounce -$1.50 for the same 10 ounces. T h e n, I would file away all those 2-ounce labels and inner seals and patiently wait Ccr a refund orfer. Poetry Competition: I have received many letters asking about the Second Annua l Supermark e t Shopper Poetry Competition . The rules a r e s imple : All poetr y submitted must be original, previously unpublished and legible P oe tr y must fi t comfortably within the borders of this column. All e ntries must be postmarked no later than midnight, Nov. 15, 1982. The grand prize Is $100; the Set'Ond-prize winner will r eceive $50 and third-prize winne r will r ece i ve $25 . T en runners-up will receive s ubscr i ption s t o my couponing and refunding magazine. The National Supermarket Shopper. Entries s h o uld be addressed t o: Martin S loane's Second National Supermarket S hopper Poetry Com petition , in care of thia newspaper. CLIP 'N' FILE REFUNDS Pet Prodacts (Fiie No. 1%-8 ) Clip out this file and k eep i t with similar cash -o ff coupo n s - ooveragf> re fund offers with beverage coupons, fo r e xamp l e . Start collecting the needed proofs of purchaae while looking for the required f o rms a t th e superm arket , I n n ews p a p ers and magazines. and whe n trading with friends. Offe r s ma y not be available In all areas of the country. Allo w 10 weeks to receive each refund. The following refund offert are worth $16.55. Thia oH er d oesn 't require a refund form: ALPO. "A Doc'• Life: StreM and Your Dos.'' The ALPO Cenlf!r For Advanced Pet Study , P .O . Box 2187 , Allen\OW'n, Penn., 18001. Send 25 cent.a to cover pottqe and handllnc to "UCfS EFPECTIV! 1 DAYS I AM THUllS., OCT 7 THllU WED., OCT. 13, 1982 US 0 A Cho><• 6"1. Chu~• Cut BONELESS CLOD ROAST U S 0 A Cho•ce S-f BO NELESS CHUCK STEAK Reo;i , o• lht<k Shod I lb HUGHES BACON l8 1.79 l ll 1.79 lll 1.79 Holl.htte EDDARWURST SAUSAGE ta 2.89 BONELESS BllF CHUCK ROAST La.1.79 8·c11 Pro9r9'\0 BREAD CRUMBS .SS Hc•fty f'rt.•czc·r J\dund. (See SHOPPER, ES) STEAK& SALE' SHRIMP • IA YING YOU MONIY II OUR GAME! FILET MIGNON COLOSSAL SHRIMP ION!LHS IHF LOIN ST!AK FRISH WATIR PHL!D & DIV!INED FIOZfN-DIFIOSTED l.r~ Eo••ern CHERRY STONE CLAMS I! d;, I lb PORK SA USAGE ROLL I! .o.. 12 0 1 PORK SAUSAGE PATTIES 11.dy , 9 ~ 0 1 PORK SAUSAGE & BISCUITS Smo~~d Pel"" o• fkel HILLSHIRE SAUSAGE USDA CHOICE 8HF I LB. e 59 LB. l8 1.09 fA 2.19 fA 1.89 E:. 1.99 l8 2.59 frozen Oef.o\f~d N~~ ze.,lo"" 2.49 ORANGE RO UGHY .8 0'"0. '1 01 3 .19 SHRIMP CRISPS lM lo1tl<1 JwO" 11 4 01 1.79 T AOUITOS W SAUC E (.:. Idaho 10 0 1 froa n 1.89 RAINBOW DRESSED TROUT fA !-' 1.69 17 01 8•0*' Su110• o• &eel Sh o• SWIFT SIZZLEAN BONILISS BllF STEW MEAT USDA CHOICE LB.1.79 DICARLO FRENCH BREAD 0 67-or xi .. 11,;,;, Gourmet ITALIAN SEASONING SPICE 1-LB. LOAF PARISIAN POLY BAG .79 17 Poe\ 12 ot Con. COKE, TA B, SPRITE ... ' BON ELESS HAM • I ' ] I PORK SAUSAGE PATT IES SCRAPPLE .8 3.99 '• 1.99 1.:. 1.19 J J' ,.. I COOKED & PEELED SHRIMP EA I. 79 BONILISS BllF CHATEAUBRIAND lOIN CUI , .. 4~29 60 Cf Fobr1c Softener SllHI• BOUNCE UNSCENTED 3.29 l.S·o r xhill1119 SPAGHETTI SAUCE MIX J '• ·o< 9 '~ 0 1 Nob•Ko. j •ot1el••1 .39 PURE GOLD COOKIES 1.09 1.29 6 P\ lle1111lor or Sovtdou;k THOMAS ENGLISH MUFFINS 3.99 .99 1.09 0 7 j I 3 S 01 &lveberry 8ro" DUNCAN HINES MUFFIN MIX 1.29 2·llter A&W. Su,,~ht, R99 . lllie Colo t.83 SEVEN-UP-DIET SEVEN-UP 16 Ol CARNATION COFFEE MATE 2• 0 1 CRISCO Oil •II flo•a•• E.cepl An;el DUNCAN HINES CAKE MIXES .89 PROGRISSO • TOM ATOii .~!l?:,... 89 SfYlE • 1.29 PROGRISSO IOUPI ?0-0l 69 lfNlll MINESTllONE • SPUT PEA HUNT'S MATOPAITE '1701 .69 WISHBONE AllANDMl•G o!~c;?~Al I 2 8 • R0 8USTO UTE • ) nt Q.TIPS ,300'• PR~ll CONCENIRA!l 1.59 • DELICIOUS APPLES EXTRA FANCY 29~. 9 4 0 1 Jor EA .9 POLANER GARLIC tA 1.39 i"'>OCS fif T6'f £ f1~£rll TIMPURA ............................................................ 1 • I 5 CARLO a All 16 01 ro(ko;e Sapporo ''"•bon llo"'~' ) 01 P~t,. ~-ROSSI TOMOSHIRAGA SOMEN .47 NOODLES .419 • CHAllllS e 8URC.UNOY •VIN ROSE e RHINE Mo'w•o~OOt "o IN OUl ftf ... HOOU(f ot" ~ ~ •1 .... 0• 7)., 1o .. i. 0 10,.,ond j lb Soc MILDER SOY SAUCE I.IS BROWN RICE -1.39 1)1) ..... Mo•• ., .• ,1w •o T)QM 2 _33 ~~;s:ic'E·~~~o 1_19 1(5,0u ou"'po"a""'A's"mE. •O·or ao111. o,nottv so·'~" 11j o• Pk; •OLLA 2 99 10••• Aln I.OS BEAN THREAD 1.29 WINI • 1-UMAllft t, " ..... boi 0' ··•"lo• VI C lOTION S.99 ~-----CHYllllllllT ....... ..... DIUCAn••• , .. Ar•------..... II :i~:t1loa ONE 1.2 9 . :t.~'g IALAMI 10.ot ROMAN MEAL WAFFLES a.ea. Cl·11cloel\ or Tur••Y MORTON MEAT PIES 9-oa. GllllllGIAlllLAIAGlll c ....... YOl.UMI .... ,) 1.79 8 01 .II OH BOY GARLIC BREAD 2·'k • ••• .19 KRAFT GRATED PARMESAN '·" .33 '1 Collo" ltou"d 411o•ttd 'lo•O•I .71 1.19 PONl'S PIZZA CRUST l ·lb , .•. I .19 SWIFT PEPPERONI PEPKINS . • I. 19 KNUDSEN SHERBET 1.19 1.69 PREC IOUS RIC OTT A CHE~SE 12·01 1t•ICIOUI MOllAllU.A •AU.I . LOWI• YOU• TOTAL fOO• •ILLI We •tt•11t .............. ALi eth• ......... ,11.111 .... , A""91 .... , •• '"' .... , .......... i.. '••a,.....,, v ....... A 9'-.e .._...,, t (•wlN"" ,.,.. • .._. •"t ...... ,. t•(eff Milt ........ Hrl.t i•.-~rtfrrie ... • ,_., .. ctirM t ltt••H Ct 'V • -•to ttltt•tl J (eM •• •r ••-el .. , ... t rttt•r .................... ttttl'-f 4 ()ooly U •l 'Lj • ................ ··-· .. $1 00 •• ti ............. j Mii••··· •' -· ............... . .!! ... ~ .. ! •ml1111t, ...... t•t~. 'tf tr ... I II-ti ,,.._, e• , ..... , I 1-•1 ........ ~ •r ..,, t~ell f ''4f 1 "we ,._,le(\ ..... __ , ............. th!'••---...-.. ....... _ .. _ ............... , _. -··. '• ., ........... , •• .._ ' ·~· ...... .,. _""1of ... _._ 10 ~ .... °" , ll '"' I ( --~ I : ( ~ J ( I_ I' I I : I ~ .... 1.79 ntMI H .-i•r•-u c.., •• •••• "9' a&CDt• ' I . ... ,,, t '• t I 'llil l ( One-dis h turk y combination makes tasty, rewarding meal fherl• may t1ul lw u rC'ul pol or Kold Wl.llllllf.1 u 1 l h t' l' n d u C l h t' ruinbow, bul you'll find ont• In lhl' k1t<:hc•n wlwn you pN>pare "Put or CuhJ Turk<'y Dinner v rlllJl'~lll llll' ;j tublt11l J>UOl\S HIJ puqx.1:.i· flmu I 1t•ai.p111111 'lU>tlll I ' h 'U!'ifJOOI\ ..:ti I • • I l' ,, 1o I' " " n l'lnllllffi(lll I lti \'IJ p :<o Ill" 11 ~1· JUll'l' I t l.'IJ!<fHlllli ll·ll1•Hi JUll'C I tublcsµClo11 11twrr y 1,, {'Up !<ll V1•11•d almonds I ' l'UP rUl!'illl:O. II llU l ll'I' l'IJll l'l'lll;lll'd puwu pµll'. u11dr111111'(I I t1 IJUli\'l' l'Ull KWl'l 'l p11t11lcM''· dru11wd H 111:c 1· l urkl'Y h ul C l11 1'IHI, p.1l dry In II U utd1 11 v 1•11 , b r ow11 lurkl'Y ''" both 1lid1·K II\ buH l'I', l'l'OIOV(' turkl•y ('0111h1r11• flour, s uga r. imll u11d d nnumon, hlc·11d 11\ltl f.Jtlli JUll'l'S, l'OOl0 11g I lo <! minut1-s (.' Cll ll lJll 11 • Ill lll) ~ l' J ll 11 '\" ll111101l JUlt'l' llfld ll~ll'ITy: ~ruduull y 11llr Into pun, k11 ''""~ nih<tuH· 1m1ooth. Acl1 11lm1111d1t und rualiuu lh·turn turk1•y 111 pun, tOVl'r 1111d slrnnlt'r I hour. Adel p1111•apµIP anu 8Wt>(Jl p11 t11 t o 1•11. C ov" r u n d slmmc·r I!'> min~1 lt.'8. Hcm 1ovl' turkl'Y hult bn·ut'l, shl'c' S1•rv1• with i.w1 .. •l pol&t0<11 and llilU<.'t'. M11k<.·s :~ lo 4 gt,•rvmgi. .. Orting , 8. 1082 ti ~tttJ 'furk..-y Dimu·r ('omhint·H lurkt·y h u lf hn•u"'t with .,tH'h ~oocl i n~rc•clit•nlt\ ""' orungt• jui<.•t•, piut•a pplc, u lmonds, rui~in~ und wN~t f'OlUlot•~ .... . , .. . , .. -- .. Th<' rccipt• t•ombmt.'11 mt.>al , frui t u ncl vc gt•tub l cs In ol\l' c.lc>llclous dish that 1s t!usy to prepare and almost rooks by 1t.selr. requ1nn~ ver~ little time from today's busy h om e - m aker. It's s ized for the smaller family und, while "Pot of Gold Turkey Dinner" offers an unusual change for family meals, it's also e lega nt e n o ugh Cor ============;;;_.;;;;;;;;;.._~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~~ company. ,.. "Pot of Gold TurkL·y Dinner" is packed with the sunny colors of the West.. Gold e n brown Cal if orn ia -gr o wn t urke y. o r ange and lemon juices, almonds, raisins, pinca ppll' and s weet potalCX'S all blc•nd during a n h o ur o r simmering for a flavorful treat that really "makl'S itself. .. S tart with a turke y half breast, a versattll• cut of the turkey that 1s so good served so many ways and is just right for three or four people The flavors of the fruits and the sweet potatoes are a pcrfec:t complement tu the lean white meal or the turkey breast. Once the turkey half breast is browned, add alJ remaining ingrcd1enf's except pineapple and sweet potatoes. cov<.•r , and let simmer Ont.' hour Add the pineapple and sweet potatoes and t'OOk until they are heated through. Slice the turkey and ~rve with the rru1 t and vegetables. topped with the delicious sauct' from the pan. G ood accompaniments would be a green vegt•table. suc h as broccoli , and rolls POT OF GOLD -WRKEY..DJNNEJl 2 to 2 11z p o und turkey half breast 114 pound butter ur Celebrate festival in style The re 's some th1 ng e s p ec i a ll y m o uth - w a te ring about sau - sages. s auerkraut. h earty rye bread and rolls, served with frothy steins of beer. These arc th e t rad e mark o f Oktoberfes t. that twc.- w eek lo ng Bavaria n festival that's been a tradition in Europe sinet' 1810 That's when the king of that G erman state that nestles against the Alps admonished his subjects to celebrate his wedding to his beauuful bride. They did so with so much enthusiasm that the de li ghted monarch dec ide d to make an annua l h o l ida y comme morating the eve nt. Thus began what 1s today one of the biagest festivals anywhere on Earth. h e ld for two weeks in Mun ich's beautiful Oktoberfest Park . Bands play endlessly; dancers cavort in every known peasant costume: the beer . the sausages, the pretzels, the sauerkraut and the pastries are consumed in prodigious amounts. Oktoberfes t came to Am e rica with the 19th-cen tury wave of immigration and 1t is an annual event wherever there 's a G e rman restaurant. Some of these li prea d ac r oss two weekends, some are one n ight affairs at a popular restaurant. AU o( them f eature t y pi c a l Oktoberfest fare: sturdy white .Bockwurst.II 1erved Golden Bro wn wl th heaps of sauerkra ut, b olled potatoes and green vegetablH, the fresh food of Fall. T here are alao other are•t European uuaages th.at you find on the BHl of Fare:· sturdy, spicy S moked Bratwurst , famous Polish S1u.111g • Kna c kwur lt and Frtnkfurtett of every variety. THE VOftS DIFFEREftCE 18 4 DOUBLE COUPOftSI -Nl I I ~·•rt ... 'f t\l<U'IJ\f ... .,, ,.,.,. , PROOOCE .~..... , .... Pinto Beans e25 Th~,;,ps~~Se~lusOrapu; 5 9 tl•tl"' .. ,,.. 1,,, Red Rose Poutoes Larg~' Eggplant u rge 'Brussels Sprouti. e25 e25 e49 . e79 B~~';;,fng Table Mums , • e 99 FROZEN FOODS .......... Trusv.eel Orange Juk e -... ' Birds Eye Cool Whip . ' Roman Meal Wamu ~ 'I lft"" • "' .. ""' ... t Orc·lda Potatoes ,, .... ...... .... .. , ............ l.cndcr'1 Bagels .. I''-'' ")t"""1\k• .. "~'"'"' WUl'WOOCI ICC \;rum l 49 .79 e79 )1 9 e79 } 39 VONS BAKERY ~;;::i~at'c 'S'J~1'"' .8 9 i" 'I ti ~}t~:r,~!;~ifc'hcd ar .. d•5 9 l!-C'\C<>•~'IQ•W.• 1.11n11h nut "0111 .95 .98 W8'U. DOCJ8L& TH• DIP'PEUNCI! "°"' GliAAAl'ftl cw oaa LOW POOe ~ .. To c0tmnce you ol Von• comm•"'en110 low lood p<o<u wt•• m•k"'11 Ill•• olitr -)'OU o n fond to-er ~·•II food pto<0 11\" '*"" •• •"> otllt• •upormen.~ \lont .... pay )'OU Clo.>blt 1he dilft•M O Ju•t •"09 a1 Von• 8uy ont tt<I\ of 2!> dolltren1 •"<I e1 .. 1onc1 lood lttm• WOlll\ •20 °' moct Compart Pf<O on Int t-•m~ '000 fttm a ~ •l'I) otn.t' 1uperm•rkt t • H 11\eor Ult•I •I lowtr t>r1"ij you1 ftt mtlt<l ' Von• rte t •PI end ttlt 0Ctlt 1 merk~ • food pr.co 10 Vons •nd wt II pay CIOYl>w lh• Cl~fttotn<t \lont Im. food P"<o you t en t>th~v• 1n .~::.:.~~=rt .. ~-·· =~~ .. ,9Q .. !3~~<~6ff~~~!~l8 If'-'> f >f U"\ll l LIQUOR , "' "' " --~ _.'t,.1 Taylor Call ornla Chablis \ 'I&. to ! Ill ,,.., • ~ Miiibrook Vodka I• I 3 99 Wente Bros. Blanc De Blanc I Chateau La Salle Sllm Price Beer , .. ~ '"'"'*" 1111 .... 1111 Bacardi Rum 2 99 5 99 )59 4 99 DELICATESSEN •t •&.»'"""'''" J " •Y4t••u• Vons Mild Cheddar ~ ~, .... ',._, .. '.f Sllm Price Meat Wieners fJ'I .,. t. .. , ,I<~',..,• ~.1~"'J l\taft ;,oft 1.:rcem 1.:neese u "'-'' ,, ·~t.~ 1\1.1-l'..AliiO'n Plll1bury 1869 Blaculta tf'~n"; Slfced e'cc';~;f.me .~ ]99 }09 .98 e59 }19 } 79 DAIRY PROO<IC r S fC..'<CC"t'O-JtrMymlld Sour Cram 1.~~Wfi'~,~~ch 299 .69 .95 .45 GROCERIES '(r# l .... Del Monte Fruit CockUtO Hunt:; St~.,;,ed Tomatoes . . .. , ... French's Salad Mustard Y~~~ Oround Coffee t .. .. .• • ..,, pi Upton Onion Soup MJ11 ' t,.., ,,f<I ... .. ...... Chef Boy·Ar·Dee .. ,.. '~ ,, Kellogg's Raisin Bran t ..... _.. Boysenberry Preserves \ fll""'Ct , ..... ,,.. •• ,,0,,, ,, Blue Mounteln Dog Food .64 .61 e75 e43 269 e81 l 49 l 75 l 39 .37 SERVICI SlAf·OOD t •t\l'I (.A'-'OA"' Ocean Ptrd1 F1llet1 }69 lt •• 289 ,, 399 tfLAI. 1 H L AEAUTY ~1G~rn~Cotb•IU 297 ~~ 169 ~~'P~ tie ~= Poltl'I Removw 145 MEATS .-& t ·-... t • .... , ,, . 348 Rib Eye Spencer Steak • ~ ; "Ii ._ lit t t II' "'' , I '\ 21 9 Top Sirloin Sleak •1ot,.I •"-fll#I• ,., ,.,,, } 98 Bottom Round Steak • •flt.,. • " 2 19 Slr1oln Tlp Steak • ..... , ... !Wtf . , .. . 248 Cube Steak . . .... ,. '""~ ' 2 59 Cooked Ham Steaks ,, VONS BRANDS ,..,.~J"'"(f '\_ .... e69 Vons Slked Peaches vcWis T-~mato Juk e .69 .......... Vons Appluaucc .45 ' I i-.""'<,.L• • Vons Scallop Potatoes .66 •c~;'(l -" l 99 Vons Of)' Roe1t Peanut• COON TRY HEARTH BREAD "''"' ........... 179 Frying Rabbits IU ,. .. ,, .. ' Comish Game Hens .. 98 'Y~ ... 4 96 Canadian Bacon . .. ... .... l 89 Smoked Sliced Bacon " fy;~~ Chkk~~ Hoaglcs ,. 289 VONS BRANDS . . ., . "" }99 Vons Natural Raisins Vons Chu~k Llghi funa }29 • .._. 0 I t .._. A'' 'I t,. .99 Vons Liquid Detergent .. .... t w .. , ~ .99 Vons Glass Cleane1 \r~~;:~ ~enet Sheets • 66 PlllCH l l'nCTM TM<llll. THllU WID .. OCTOHll T TO OCTOHll I), IH:I. CAU.(ZU> 9' .. 1400 l'OIH.OCAtlOl'I 0 ' ITOllC f'!INIUTYOU.f'IOT AU. ITIMMO PlllCtl'" TMll AO .,,.CTM AT VOl'll . 1900W. ~o IM.llO' .,,, w.eo1ll IT .. ~01 AMOI LU ...... f'IOMO LAI \llCJM. IALll ll'lllllTAIL QONltlTIH C>m.Y.lllOtT I TOllU Oll'll'I' /11/#i TO II ~ 1 DA'r'I A Hiil. DOWNY FABRIC SOFTENER 3.81 H.8 HUNTINGTON MACH NII I~ 6 .,,.,., .... COI TA MllA FOLOER'S COFFEE ELEC. PERK REO .. DRIP 7.15 "' •• t7tfl .. ,... -°' .... A ... I L8 MA.ZOLA AUNT JEMIMA STIC~ MAROARINE ORIOINAL 1 OOI CORN OIL PANCAKE MIX .85 32-0Z .99 19'VM •no .:.r ......... ... .,.. _.,.......,, POUNTUt VM.L.IY ,..,...,. .. ~ OAMTRMO MACH ... , DeMflif ,_ Df, I Vie..,._ f'r-oe--..C-u h t <'• "~ kle ... c..... • "' .. ~....,.,..( .... !> •W., c: ......... "' .... -•••••• .. l" »• .. . " .. -. u . : .. '• .. .. If :· ... " I I 01a11gtt Coa.t DAILY PILOr /W-dll ..Oav. Octobo• • 1962 Parfait 4 Treitl your family to • l\n ttleaant·looklna. yttt cry·l<>·prepare dttll.llCrt, ~--f'"".d Sake advanlnJ«.t ol (ull'• bountiful h1U"Vt1t1l •' t>H: tame ll me with ~utumn Pear Parfaits. . Theae pretty layere d ~uert.a are the perfect way to top off a 'family dinner without a lot of ' t(aa on your part. ' The delectable parfaits . ii.re a snap to pre pare because they are easily made in the blender usi ng unfla vored Relatin blended with kt- <:Ubes for quick setting. 'this m ixture, flavored tlth fres h pears, Is ~temately layered with ~crunchy combination of flecipes . . call for leftovers H ave you eve r considered how useful leftover bread can be? B esides c utt ing i nto croutons, making melba toast , or tearing into stuffing mix, bread can be used in many other exc.-ellent recipes. Croutons, themselves, are special if they arc french fried instead of being toasted. Be sure the oil is hot, add a cup of bread cu bes, and toast for just a few seconds unl.il they're golden on all sides . Drain on toweling and place in a warm oven to bake out any excess oil. While warm, toss with .:__,seasoned or garlic salt. Keep in an air-light jar. and your croutons will become a family favorite or will be the talk of your ne >et party . . Me lba toast is also simple. Cut bread into lcteresting shapes or strips, then toast slowly in a warm oven unttl very crisp and dry. This tfast is a n excellent s~ack or a wonderful ·-~fol' eenapes, -·--c Cinnamon toast can atso be made to be special ~ buttering bread, then sJ>rinkling with sugar apd cinnamon. In a sJow °'1en it can be crisped to ~ u sed as sn acks o r bfeakfast treats. ~S tuff ing mixes are wpular all year 'round. ~y cutting or tearing si ale bread into small "eces and drying in the ~en, then mixing with f6vorite dried herbs and stasonings. you'll be able t9 create a fine mixture lO fix stuffed c h o ps, ~ultry. meat loaves, and eyen special side dishes Of. s tuffing for any ~asion. ~'-Stratas are favorite 1iiexpensive main dishes. ~yerlng bread . milk, *s, and cheese, letting e fl avors blend e rnight a nd then ~k i ng . m a k es a s~ndard strata. ;;But the addition of l"(jm, bacon, sausage or o«her meat tidbits gives t~e dish even m ore protein nutrition. 'A n o -f ail cor n '';ouffle" can also be r*ade by follow ing l:ia sicall y th e sa m e r&ethod as creating a slrata. Adding creamed c~rn with just a bit of * gar and a dash of dry ust ard tu rn s this s ecial st rata into a ~autiful buffe t dish . ~cchini with onion and c~ e e s e i s a n o t h e r ~riation on the no-fail, souffle-llke stratas. 'i For desserts, there a re r0any varieties of "bread J$.addings." Some h ave ~ded fruit and nuts, spices and flavorings to naake the m r eally sf«:cial. · ;Again, th e b asic iJlgredients are bread (yvhole wheat or white), ~g . s u gar, and milk 'filh the chosen spices. Qaked and served with qeam , this t y p e o f dessert ls a favorite in ~ny parts of the world. ! Leftover bread should neve r be diacardcd , lfesld es th e u aeful ctumbs or croutons, It can produce many farnlly • t»vor ltes as w e ll as eJltertainln~ "treatll " • cash ID on harvest wulnuta and grahnm cracker crumbl In sl<'Ck P'&Tflllt j llllllt-'11, .SJm.v t o w I t h u dollop of whlppt: crt•am, a pear •Ike, or wulnuui, und tht• dcMtirt ia ruu<ly to iw1'vc In juflt an hour, Including chllllng lime. But these parfait.M urt• not only ~uy to prcpurt'. they are also a wl!w autumn c hoice because they can be made with either peul'l.I or upples - both of whil'h are a t their peak liupply during thls time of year. That makes the dt·sscrt a smurt :.t•ll•ctw n fur th1.· budget, as well as the taste buds. So cash in on fall's bountiful harvest, treat your family to an elegant dessert, and be easy on yourself at the same time wqh Autumn Pear Parfaits. AUTUMN PEAR • PARFAITS ' 2 e n velopes ur11luvurt·d w·lnlln 'h t'Uj) (!Old :nllk l t'UJ' milk, twutt'Cl .lo bollln.c I f'Uj)f 'l prni whipping u t ht•uv y l.'rt•1.1m 2 nwdlum pear11 or peeled appt~. 1lic.:oo I/a cup brown 1ug1.1r l tl'U llpoon ir(lund dnnamon l teu11pu<>n vanilla t:Xlract l c.·up Ice c ubes (about 6 to 8) ~ ''up c hopped walnuts or pecans 'n cu p gra h a m cracker C'rumbs In 5 ·cup b lender, s prinkle unflavored gt·l·1 un ovr-r 1.:old milk: let stand 3 to 4 minutes. Add hot milk and process 11 low •pee d unti l til'l u tint+ I• c:o rnpl tuly J luol vt•d , 1.1bout 2 mlnutt>11. Aud L'rtrnrn, -Martt, ~u1rrrr~nnamd'n and vanilla: proco111 at high •J>t.'«i until blondoo AJc.t le~ cul)t11, one 1•t ii time: proce111 at high 11pt.'t'd until ke 11 melted. ~l 1tand unlit mixture le slightly thickened , about 10 mlnut4't. Combine walnut.B and graham cracker crumb&. In parfait JlaS1Ses or d esse rt ls h es, a lwrnall•ly loyt•t' ~t•lat111 mixture with walnut mixture; chill until IK't Garnish , if desired, with wh ippe d c r ea m , additional pear slices and walnuts. Mak es 6 servings. Peur Pa rfaits urc u 1>retty combination of a utumn foods and can b~ made with pears or apples YOUR HDMHDWN DAllY PAPlR • :1 To keep up with all that~s happening 11EAE ARE (1 Read all today's U news, every day . Local, county, state, national and i nternational events, come tb your doorstep in the bright, light and li- vely Dally Pilot. ® Keep an eye on ~ loeal government No other newspaper brings you more news of your city council, planning commis- sion , school and college districts and county government. ~ Laugh, ery or get,, ?JJ smart .Advice from Ann Landers, humor from Erma Bombeck, interesting features on people, in your community you need the Daily Pilot ••• every day AEASOrtS \Vl1Y ••• fll Folio,,· ~·our t(•a1n 'i;/ The sports action at 15 Orange Coast high schools, three commun i t y c o1 - teges, UC lrVine and Cal State campuses Is regularly reported by the Dail y Pilot sports staff. Keep up with nationa l ly ranked college and pro teams, too! B Save moot•)· and ()) shopping timt• Real values on items from apple- sauce to zippers are advertised every day in the Daily Pilot. Because c---::- the ads are fr om f i rms In this area , you save time. effort and money. ® Enjo)· )·our Sunday Family Weekly, color comics, finance, "Style" section and fea- tures about you highlight the inter- es ting r ea d ing packaged in your "0~ , . FAl.fti..y Sunday Daily Pilot. wC&kt ........ Enough to r ead -·.er\ and enjoy. ~ \iiil Tune in to the ti latest TV logs Th e latest. most accurate televi- sion guide is p u b l ished each we~kday in the Daily Pilot. On Fridays, Pi lot TV Log charts th e tube in a conve- nient, easy-to-find format. opinions, informa-1 1 tlve column s and AU Get Into the Dail)· Pilot Dll.IJ p·11at comics brlghteh for only $4.75 per n1011th. your world. r----------~~~~~~~-~~--7--~~=~~-~-:~:~~----------·i 642-4321 1 I'd like to enjoy the comforts of a home 111111 .. " .. , 1 t delivered Dally Plrot every day. ·: ~.:;· : ..._ _______ , Enclosed Is $4.75 for one month. _..· ···~.. _______ ,, I I I P USIN ESS REPL V LABEL Addr~S\ City ...• , PtlOne S1onaturt' •······ ... o .... .,,. Oi~trlct. ................. , Rat.c .. , ..... . Or•n•• COHI 01111v ft11ot BOii 15.o Cotta M•\11, CA '"" (I NCVIATION OlPI -------------------------,--------------------------------c:.m,let• the ..,,... .•. ""9 • lope the ,r.-W leltet en en envelepe f.r m41l(ln9, ., C411 642-43211 A.'9 f.r Om1lot'-n. Low-calorie casseroles lighten fall menus I llt·rt• 1 .. rull, 11ml wllh SAVORY TOMATOES It u rc•turn 111 tw11rt1t•r liEANS, AND SQllASll -~t t<M'-ft ... ,,..,J , -u tt I •H ---+~pnund" (<t-or-ft t 11 11 11 1 •·I v , " 111 11 1 c• mf•Jlum a1l:w) tomatot•111, 1eu enu11 y 0 l1ft·i;tylt• To >ilkt'd '"'·ln"h thick kl't'P thut urnmc·rNllm 'h pound frt•11h look ull Wlnh•r lc111.c unu yt•llow li(fUlllCh, t•ulx.~ (Z atall t•nJuy 11ourlsh1ng c·u1~) me.' Lil. try t'Xpt>nnwnung 1, po u n d fresh with low-<·arlorw, low-gret'n bc·ani>. t·ut into c holestntil vc•f(£'tuhl1• I-inch lt•nHlh<i (Z1h t·u~) r.·as.wrolc•:c. t•hoppc'<I m11un..'i Fresh vcgctublc•:; h.iVl' . 1 pat• kt• t 11 q u Id long been touted as giiOCI sourc<t'5 Cor vitamins A, hoH••r NUbstltUtl• 11 t·up walt•r 11\ c.-u-p-Ml (J Pl' (i frt>sh pontley . 1 taQlt'lipoon lemon ju kt• 1 H'aHpc>0n m1nt'l•d garlic I tt>Wipoon basil 1 bay leaf ~ tealfpoon tarragon ~ teaicpoon sage 'I• teaspoon thymt> 114 l4'UIJOun (rc'9hly Mround pt'pper Ir. t t' o 1r p cro-n turml'rk Prchcut ovun to 350 dcaroo' F. Combine all 1oaredlent1 I n lurKt' cauerolc dllh. C.Ov~r and bake 45 mlnut.ei-1 hour, until bf-ant are tender Remove bay leaf. Makl'll 6 servings. PER SERVING {I ' cup). C:u lorll•a. 00, P r o l t• 1 n : J K m • eoTbo hyd r-tttt-:--1 • .cm. 1"01: trnt't'. Hullum: 46111" BRANDIED SWEE't' POTAT(>ES 2 pounds 11wt•1•t potatoc'tl J U.bh.'tlJ>llOfl.>j liquid butt.N 11ubetllute :! table spoons brundy 1;. cup raisins ~ tc•OSJ)Ounit firmly 1ia l ' k t• d II H h t h r o w n sugnr- 1/. tt·uHpo1.m mut't' 11. lt'Mf)Ullll "'flKC'I ·~ w1111poon 1<ruu111I duvc>s 2 tt.'UIJ>OOOb graa•d orun~l' J>l't'I ,J l a b I 1• N p 11 u 11 :. chopJX'd freRh pur1d1•y Prl'hl'nt ovt.'n tu 37~ degrees ~· P<'f•I und dl<'t' ,, 0 l u t IJ t• H (..' 0 I) k I II Ull118 ltt>d WUtt•,t until 1<'11tkor,-nbmrt-!ttt mutt.'lt l>rum Mmih with pot.ow m1111h1•r until frt·t· uf Jump11 ln 1ta un·pt.111 . (' (J m b I n l' b u I l (• I sub1ill tutt." brundy. r1111f1n1 , urown sugnr, nuJt't'. gh1gPr, nnd dove~ HN1t fwntly unll f!Ugur mc•lts Using t•lectr lc m1xt•r. blc·nd s<>usoncd I 1 q u 1 d 1 n to ma 1 h' b d potutot·11 Add orart e prcrl imct,nrrstey; -M"hr--,~ thoroughly. Tranafer \o 1 1~ -quart coucrol 11 pn1ycd with non-•t~k <·ou tlnu uticnt Ba e :w 40 ininutc11,' or u ti1 tov browns. ' '• PER SERVl NG ('h (.'Up)'; Calories: 2flb. Protein : 2 gm , Cai·hnhydratc: 44gfn. C. important rnint•rnls and fabt.>r Add to their nutrataonal valut• lht• fot•t that vegetables arc• low 'In cal111•1t•s anJ cholesterol, and you may have found thl' se<.·n·t to dieting and healt hy ea ling! We're FamOU8 For Quality Meats. •• A vegetable ha s ''blending" ability und can be combined walh o ther vegetablt•s and foods to creale casserok-s 'f o r m a 1 n m e n I !. , app etizer s and s ide dishes. Since they arc in season , especially good buys for your caSS<.•rok• l'Ombana11ons 1h1s foll includi.>: cabbage. okra, l'Orn, cucumbc>rs, omons, squash . peppers, celery. sweet potatoes, snap beans, t om a tot•s a nd oriC'ntal vegetabk-s. The followrng re<·1 pe ideas are o ffered to launch your v<'getable casserole rate. To insure the dishes stay low 1n calories. low an c·holcsterol a n d economical, these r<'<'apes were developt>d with sea.<;0nal vegN.ables and a butter substitute·. SHOPPER (From page E2) and your name. addrt~ and zip code Exp1rl'!> l:>c<.· 31. 1982. HEINZ BABY FOOD $I Cash Hefund, P.0 Box 1482 . WatC'rtown, Mass, 02172. SC'nd 25 I a b l' I !-> f r o m H c 1 n z R<·gular Junior Food The· "ont' p<·r family" Jamal wall be Sll'll'tly enforcc·d. Expires D<·c 31. 1982. These offers rc4u1rC' refund forms: BABY MAGIC Hdund OUcr. Receavc a 35-1.'C.'nl refund and $1 an Baby Magic COUJX>ns. Send the required refund form a11d the reg1ster tape with the pur<:ha.sc prn:c c1n·led o f the smaller s izC's of Baby Mag1<: Shampoo, Lotion or Oil Th<.' form as found on spt.•c1all) marked packages Expires Dt.·c 31. 1982. BEECH-NUT $5 .00 Cash Refund. Receive• a S5 refund chtkk jointly payablC' to you and the food store you lis t on tht.> form. Send the required refund Corm a nd I 00 labels and-or 8-ounce ~real box tops from any Beech-Nut Baby Food product. Expires I:>e<.· :u, 1982. GRAPE NUTS FREE BOX Offer. Gener&I Foods Corporation RC<.'Cive a coupon for free bcx of 16-ourn:c Grapc>- N u ts ·cereal. S<>nd th<' required refund form and threc-free proof of purch ase seals from s p ecial l y mark ed packages of the 16-ounc.'<' Grape-Nuts. Look for the fonn on the package. Expires March 31. 1983 JOHNSON'S BABY OIL $1.00 Refund OffC'r Send th e required refund form and the bollom portion o f a 16-ounce Jottnson's Baby Oil label showing cross hatch and 16-ounce size disignation. Expires May 31, 1983. KIX GENERAL MILLS. Receive four 25-cent coupons. Send the rt.'quired refund form and three Kix Universal Product Code symbols from three packages of the 9-ounce sii.e or larger size or Klx. Elcplrcs Nov. 30, 1982. MR S. B UTTER• WORTH'S PANCAKE MIX. Rec.-eive a 70-cent Mrs. Butte rworth '11 Pancake Mlx coupon. Send t h e required refund fonn 11nd on nC't weight siatemf'rH from any 2-pound box of Old· Fashioned or Complete Mrs . Buttcrwo rth '11 Pancake Mix. Explrc-s Dec. 31, 1982. H rt IA a refund form you c n wrl te for: Kl~nex·Tylenol Offer, P.O. Box 9988, St Paul. Minn .• 5!H99. Thia offor • of two (re boxe. ot Kl n~x Tla5ucs rxplret Jin. 31. 1~83 Uke This Fresh, Tender Rib Roast •• At A Price To Help Y~ Budget! MIS lfftC1M 1 fa1 MYS . . . . ... o.e . ., • • ----...---. te ...... LEAN, TENDER AND SUCCULENT Rib Roast Stater Bros. o&en you TOP QUAI,JTr, FINE SERVICE and GREAT SAVINGS! PORK SHOULDER 81.AOE.CllT .. ....,. .. ~ Sea• Ice Dell " \O\'E.RTISEO II FM C.l RA.,T£E ... -~-~-......................... ~ ............... .., ..................... ... ,,,..._ .,,.,....,... ....... ,,.~ .... ~ ••V' ......... _.., . .....,._,_._ ... ~--· ~ .. ~ .............. ,. .. ...,~"""...,,,. .............. "'_,,...,. •llrVW"tl•··---·· ...... -......... ~· .,,._ .... , ........ -........ ......., .. .-.-~-·-· Jllllltllto _ .. _____ • ........... .43 .ta •1.19 Beel ~!'·~ .• •1.89 ---------- rfi• • • I .. ·~ ! -.. ,.. -p. '11! ii ~ •• • _,,,.... f l'llCh least t.2.1.0ITl'. • 1..-•lNl• -Cycle Dog Food CONCENTRATED 1.AUNDFIY DETERGENT • Fresh Start -. )ooz •3.19 OLD ENGLISH 1.AYENDER OA ALO£ VERA UOUID Yardley Soap 9 ,,~oz •2.39 4SSORT£D • Chlllon Napklns-tcT 77c SMAU 2•CT. MEDtUM 18CT lAAGE 12CT • Luvs Diapers• FIEGP1<•3.23 SWISS MISS CHOCOLATE OA TAPIOC" • Puddlna ,... 41402 •1.•9 VLAStC HALVES OR WHOlES • Dell Dill• ... 3701····· -·· -·· --ro• uu .. o•• l*OllD F'Ol'Dl,..U , &lfl\~ $ll£ ,_ Cascade Tide Kleenex Deter111t Ivory Liquid Detergent Tissue -- Ri:C Drinks I! ..:t WELCH'S G*""' JElL TOA Grape Jam REGULAR, DAii'. ELECTRIC P£Alt Fotsen Coffee Y1ab~li'c0i1ee 1: IRISH aPfltHQ AEOUUA Bar Soap Presoak <I •eoz 69C 20-0z 99e )U •7.1s ll8 •2.69 S-oz 39f :is-01•1.59 ...... "• '1.ll .... '1.11 .... '1• "'~ ~ "'Hec11hs'1Pl ............ ~~I-1..7...a I ~ I • lysel StnJ ::":::"°" "" '2.15 . ~ U LM ly c.,et .... 1111 I-Pert .. ":'..... ~ :4'd Lysel ~-:;_~ : : 11.n ~ lysel .-::-:..:. ~-••• t.!.: I L J$ll r:;. . -· . ~ I 1.3' US NO I G.AllNFTS Yams ,_, twn1 '"°" .. o~ MID<t•• .. 29° .. 59° l.59° .. I5° Grape• Pe ache• , •tfC'T ~ .......... •<• Cabba1e , VILVfT 1..rAI' "11L0otNDl'ION tOlllON t Jiiii Oii AOQtlYf .. l.T 'lllN OCtl LllH O\IALITY At!IO"UO Hl<NOINO •2 a ..... ,.,.~ . ""' ~· .. . It's Our Meat That Made Us Famous! It's Our Meat That Made Us Famousl .. te• 0tGllQ8 Cu111t DAIL y Pit.OT /Wadlldlid y. OctollUI 6. 108? Macadamia nuts make great desserts that iinpress guests Whenever you ~nt t-0 w ow guc•t•. p 1.1to1 t ht> ma<•adarrila nuUI. In the recipe. below they tur n up In Incredibly d c"unt cookJee . . . to shnw orf at a dealt'rl pl&rty ur with after-d inner 1.'0lfe<.-. (By t h e w 11y. a w h o l e . macadamia nut pla<..•ed in the bo ttom of a g lass containing coffee liqueur I ·a a m a r v c I o u s nlghtca pper .) The r i r s t c 0 () k It•. d1vitk <l It', C U J.l h U lt t• I II f' 11111rgurlnt• i OfU(S, lx•ult•n I l t'll5JHlllrl bl1kl11H powdt•r 1~, tcuspoon suit 1 t ca s po o n I' u r t' van illa l'Xlrat·t 1 l' U J.l II h rl' d d c J t•1x·onut 4') (' u p (' h (J p p (. d m111:ud11m1u nut.ti Preheat 11v1·n tu :t:;o F I ll u Ill t• d I u Ill Ii II w I n irnb11H• I t'UIJ u{ t ht• rtoUI' With 1i~ t'UIJ ur till' 11ugu1 W i t h u [Hul\ry hlt•n tl«r t'U l 111 lrnt (l'I' u ntil m1x tun• n•1w111blt•11 1•ourKC cornnwul, mix lo fof'11\ u bull. Tur n into un UllHr1•w;cu Y x Y-x :.! 111d1 haklng p an . P o t u 11 I (o r m J y o v t• I' t ht· but tom Bukt• for :rn minutes Hcmovc from II V t• II (.' II Ill h I II t• r1•1r111111lr1H '• ru.11 11u~t1r und l tul>lt•11poun fluua WI I Ii I' 10( ti. li Uk Ill f( powdt·•'. 1U1lt 1u11I vu111llt1 . t•Xll'Hl'l , 11111' Ill l'Ol'l.lllUl Spr1•ad ov1•r t hl• l.mkc·d luyN. Sprinklt· with mun1durn111 nu~ H1·tur11 lo ov1•11 anu bukl' u11ul brown, W to [_ :lf1 m111utt•11. C:uul 111 puni., - t·ut into burs YI ELD: :.!'1 h11rl' Mu i<•· uu in11>r•'Hl'iion witl1 nuu·udu rniu nu1- d •. • S••rt"' suc:h a H Htasptw rry Hound"' 1u1d l.uyt•r t·d Bur& Macad amia Raspberry Rounds, consists of two c o o ki es. ac tu ully, sandwich ed t6gethe r wilh raspberry jam . . . Uk~ a tiny tar t. Flne,ly chopped macadamia nuts are In the buttery batter .and also sprinkJed 011 top for extra crunch. The Macadamia Layer B a r s are ca k e -l i k e cookies, w ith "the "cake" on the bottom covered with a crunchy topping . They'r e r:nade with shre dded coconut an d IAVE WITl IMITl'I LIW PllCEI A•D I l•ILI Cllllllll ! I eh oppe d maca da m ia nuts, baked in a square pa n t h e n c ut i nt o w hatever size bars you like . Can ~ imagine w h a t a ni~e s urprise t h e se cook ies w ou Id make as a special gift to yourself? • ·Both cookies wiU keep I nicely in tightly covered containers and sto red in the refrigerator. MACADAMIA RASPBERRY ROUNDS 2 cups all-purpose flour (unsifted) ~cup sugar 1h teaspoon ground cinnamon \!} teaspoon ground nutmeg 1h cup .butter or margarine ¥.c u p fi n e l y c ho p p e d maca da m i a n uts, divided 4 egg yolks, beaten 1 t easpoon pure vanilla extract Water l whole egg, beaten 1.14 cup raspberry . jam I n a medium bowl com bine fl o ur, sugar. cinnamon and nutmeg. W ith a pastry ble nde r c ut in bu tter u nt il mixture· resembles coarse cornmeal. Stir in ~ cup of the macadamia nuts. S t ir in e g g yolk s, v a n i ll a extr ac t and enough water to make a sof t d o ugh . about l tablespoon . Cover with plastic wrap; refrigerate until firm, about 2 hours. Preheat ov en to 350 F. Oh a lightly floured board roll dough 1/a-inch thick. Cut dough in to 48 (2-lnch) rounds. C u t a "A -inch circle from the cen-ter of 24. Combine wh o l e e gg w i th 1 teaspoon water; b rush over rounds with holes in the ce nter; sprinkle w i t h r e _s e r v e d macadamia nuts. Place· a ll ro unds on lig h tly greaaed cookie sheets. Bake u n t i l golde n . a b o u t 10 m i nutes . Remove Crom pans; cool 'on rack s'. Spread I/~ teaspoon jam over each aolld rou nd·; top with a cut-out round. Repeat. YIELD: 24 cookies MACADAMIA LAYERED BARS .l c u p plu s I tablespoon all-pur pose flour (unsifted), divided 1 114 c ups s u gar , Rarehit in a rush T h e m os t ti m e - c o n s u ming par t oC preparing. "Rarebit-in-a Rush" will be d eciding a m o.n g t h e v a r iou s poa!lible ingredients to in.elude In t h is h igh - proteln 'breakfast treat. The recipe ~llil for a toasted English muffin, · slice of American cheese and any t:ombinatlon of the following -butter, p eanut b u tte r . cr isp b acon piece, c anned pineapple rlns . While any ol theee Ingredients c.n be omitted, for the best taste UM all of the m. To prepare this meat In mlnutn, almply toast an EngHt h mu ffl n , eprnd with butter and/ · or ~anut butte r; to p with on e p le,c.~ · c r rs p bac on a nd /o r o n e p&n.PP,le fina, drained; ~ one •Uce .vnerican cheeH. Place 'unde r broiler o r' mkrowave on hllh for 16 MCond• - unUI cheew ill bubblln1 . ,t CHUCK STEAKS USDA CHOICE BEEF• BLADE CUT -··~ BEST OF FRYER . ZACKY FARMS OR FOSTER FARMS CHICKEN "· • t ~ .. '{'I.: ; .. ,~ .. . ~ ~ .;_ ~ ..t" # ·' ·~·~ .;·• ~ RIB STEAKS USDA CHOICE BEEF• LAROE END O·BONE ROASTS UI OA CHOtCI I ll' AllllM CHUC9': STEWING BEEF eO•hHI CllHI CLUB STEAKS FAMILY STEAKS UI OA CHOtCI 1111 IHOU\.01111 CHUC& 1'! Le 1•• ,. 1'' 2•• .. II 2•• BEEF BACK RIBS 7-BONE ROASTS 7-BONE STEAKS TURKEY DRl1MSTICKS Olt WINOI '•OZIN, OI HlOI TI O SMOKED SAUSAGE 231 .. SAUSAGE ROLL TOM TURKEYS MEATY• FLAVORFUL SMITH'S• BUTTER BASTED ~ /. --.. ~,\ ~~~ lie ~i ,~~ 79c tiL~_;)/ LB. LB. .,.. .... RISP CELERY TENDER STALKS 31E~. ITALIAN SQUASH CUCUMBERS c~,., PIOOYl!IACK PLANTS PEPEROMIA WHITE ROSE POTATOES PREMIUM RUSSETS STIR-FRY VEGETABLES DRACAENA WARN!CKI •-INCH 1111 P(>f RED, GREEN COLEUS • lttCH l'ta .-Of 1~1 LI 29c 59c 3•• 2" LARGE TOMATOEi GAME HENS CORNISH• 18-0Z. MINIMUM WEIGHT 1'! 1'!. BARTLETT PEARS SWEET ANO 1~1 PIPPIN APPLES CRISP• CRUNCHY q~LICINOllZ4I~. a 4t. YUBAN COFFEE SCOTTISSUE l~~°"~~IP• EL~~:.!RK, • f21NE • 1 •• N •. ~, .... ~~~~~~.9 .. ~~~2~'.~! ••o 79c ~~~~0~!~J:·~~1~ .. s 121 ~!~~~~~~~?.0~URT 29c !.~c~ .. ~~~~!~2,~!NNERS 99c ~!1~~!~~ .. ?c,~ c~!fE SEA TUNA 99c ~~ .. ~1~.~~~~-~.~.~~1~~0S 79e !!~~.~.;~~~~.?,.~~!o. 1 199 ~ll~Af!~ .. ~-·~c!P~EAD 3SC MEDIUM AA EGGS DAIRY FRESH• CTN. OF 1 DOZEN POTATO CHIPS I DEL MONTE CORN JREE TOP APPLE JUICE i ·~l•• ICUOOER'I • 'jie 1" e ·OZ. CAN ii"iiC:l ·•LAR• UNFILTER!D •14·01L79 --------------------------~~--.-..-~--~--··~--..,.= ,,. '•I . ' '" .I I . , I j .,l .. " ., . ' . " ti 1 ·' i . .. •I p "' I• • l I 1\ I · . " -1 .. r1 1' II I l<(ll • ''1' n"' 1111l .I r)tl. .. ' • . ,. . Orunoo Cooat OAIL:Y PH O T /W1Jdr108Cltty. Octob*'' 6, 1982 Hi. 9iet diaries, sweet addiction get attenti-011 ovorvu.•w of lhl' lbtl•ri t l'C!11curc:h on hlMh hlood prct111lUt•, pulJllslll'd In . Nutrhlt>ll Toda 1·u ' u t 11nporl1.1nl. 1 P11ws1mun '" ( 0 U I\ d 111 f I' U I I Ii 0 fl d v1·~t·11thh•s ) " ng11 on't 11u ppur1 WIN~ t"Olt OlETlmS W1nc·11 vury 111 HWt.'I" nt'llt:, the, llrlll'lt' 111111·i;, hut ll 1·1111 lit• . buck ~t1vo1·y l'wrhs 11111kl"'\.Jp fol' 1mlt t'\11 lu1'l1u11 und llw f';IJ.(h l l'llllil'll uf ln'Vl'I l' lllJUI 'j ll t'Ull•tl bl ltUI I'\ l'l'O(C•l'N W•·r •• JUK·ui..-.l•U Ill 1· .111 n~u l 11 1 lht· /\1111·111·:111 M1·d 11 •• 1 As111x·1111111t1 nv111ra1Htlly ot 11 w1·1 tow1•I lo d11mp1·11 flt111wh ll lll'('t'!\!\ill y, :a11cl II llJ)iJl '!l11p J.ltllll 111!{ dt•Vll • 11111\<1·t1 pur k 111 un'll1h• t ') I\ i.lud v tn tht 11111w111111· 1 ,:,1111 t11 rmr~ >· thu tht-ory thut l•Xt't'11BIW ANO DIABETICS An HI 11 I\ l '. ll t l ' 11I 111 H H II d Gl·Wurtztrnm11u·r wlnl.'s ure· loo l.iJof<'t•c·t fur d ll1 h1•111·11 ;111d luw 11uua1· dit•lt•t'K "BEHAVIOR MOD" sodium lnltikl· prochwes a r t 1 l' I 1• I n 'I' h l' -slim-down programtc hypt•rlt·11slo11. l'ruft·~"lmHal Nutnlltmlst urgt• dloter11 to keep o Studh"'ll tn lht• lust twu t'L•ports 1•xpt>r1n1c•ntN food diary: a dally re<.'Ord y l' a r 11 po Int l o Io w show i n g l h n t f ood of toods eaten and their potusslum lntukt· 'l'hl' l'Of\11 umption is Jowt•r HERBS ANO SPICE calorie counts. url!c:le suggt•!lt:s lh11l lhc when winl' 111 1wrv1·d NOT SUGAR ANO SALT i,w1wrou11 1hu11 11t1111d11rd n'i:ip1·t1 1·ull f111 UEWAl\l~ CU L · I NARV PY - ROMA NIACS Whlll' Ira N1·w p11rl R1 ·111 h , 11•11lt1U1 .111111 lllll~I :apply for l• fll't• fWl'IWI lil'l111•1• iwr v111u , flun1lw1•d lix1J11 or cl r111ks l"l11111111H loud' must hi • I'' 1•pa11•d u t a t:ahl1• of' I' OU II I (•I'. I' o1 I I' y In~ ft11111111u luod11 111 u~t•lnl\I 1111' l.1w '*•> c 011 kc•d Ltl-.»-Uc...t •a1 d al I t.' I I' 111 Ill H'flJW u V(•K, • f oll11w 1nH m unu .. 1, •' la1·11J 11·1"i. d 1rc·t·t11mli. bu1t 1 ,. ll'll'llllllllOI\ /Wl'VIVC•tJ lltlf •,, wn1• 11ut 111 :11 t11:1111. Thi· :anwl1· c<all<,.d for1 '' However , rec: en t combination of sud I um with mcal111. Anothcl' urtlclt-In tlw tht-pn•tt•nUous f1.111h1cm for flH(lHllH food has 11bu11·d smn1·w hut, tlat• p r a 1· t 1 1· t.• I ~ 11 I 1 I I :iu ct11·1l•111 ly w 1dc>spn·nd ltJ ('UUM' tnjury ('V('l'Y :wo r T IH· ('!Hit· l'l'(fllll t'k JH'l'l'iJUtlUllli lh:at h1tll1t• dw(s should pr:wl11·1'; no mmt: llwn 0111• 11u111·1· 111 I u c· I ( H b o u t t w 11 l ltl1J4'11IJ(IU1lS Ill lllll•:tt•), UNSAFE l'OJlK IN tlw 1111<.·1·11w11vt• indu~try ' ' M ICROW AV f•: OV ~NS to c·J11nanut1• the• 1ntwri·nt •' ,..1 s tudies reported in tht> c x c es s a nd I al' k of Most wintos haVl' 1.1 li'>w sum(' journu I isu~ijl'stis American Journal of po tu s s i u m o r <' so dium u n d h 1 g h that the unio un1 of KW\'\'! Clinical Nutrition hint t'C>mplcmt•ntary and thul potu~11lum lt'Vl'l, und i;pk1• In a rl'Clpc Rhould that most dieters are way tht• ratio of sud I urn 111 appc11r tu ht· hdp£1Jl for be lnt·n •uscd whl'n th1• oU In t h ... lr r f'cord potasRium 1s what's the heart. amount uf sugu,. 1s cut keeping. --~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_..---~~~~~~- 1 n one s tudy with o bese die t patients. experts kept careful I . track of the amounts and calories in 10 common foods th at. the die ters had eaten and recorded. foods like ham. potato chips, turkey, cottage cheese. blueberries, et.c., a n d found that the ,dietci;.s' esti mates averaged 6ll percent off in quantity estimates, and 53 percent off in calorie estimates. In another study. only ·half of the "diet diaries" were spedfic enough to _ make any estimate of calorie counts. OBESITY AND SWEET ADDICTION - -Another article in the sam e journal indicates overweight may be the o utcome of a self · induced addiction to the body's ow n opiates, produced in response to variations in the blood sugar level. Glucose (blood sugar) can alter the sensitivity o f the body's opiate receptors. th e article points out, and may . explain why it's so easy to eat a sweet dessert after a heavy meal. T he body produces its own drug-like opiates in respo nse to pain and stress. and evidence is growing th at the body's opiates also control and regulate appetite. SELF C ONTROL STRATEGIES -A n article in the American Journal of N ursing o utl i nes a valuabl e technique for achieving any goal. Called "Affirmation," the method could help dieters. F irst step: stale your goal as if ft has already been achieved. Example: "I am relaxed and have time for what I want to do." (Or, for dieters: "I am slim and enjoy a healthy, non-fattening diet.") Write down your goal and read it to yourself many times a day. Set aside timt? d uring the day to imagine your feelings and appearance once the goal h as been achieved. Live your life as if the objective were already a fact. ~\ct{ ••• 1 ,u , ..... .., 0•000""'"""'""''" ..... l A & Oo•no• 210 pa•liclpoUno McOonacd·"' 11 R•IPh• A1ve1slde Sen Be•n110lno S.n 01100. V•nlui.a-91 ,..otc Rr11r111v111111 '"'" , •• 1"". ,,.,.,., t...._ cwoQt••Phtc .lt•• food pertlc•pau,,o McOonald•tJ7 A.afph• ke•n. S•nt1 8a1b1r•. S•n Lui• Ob1•po 18 p•1t1c1pahr'H~ ptttt! 1ttd1•1•1ttflntt 111 ,.., •• qu11~ '~'"' 1t.1•,1• S··~ •ult~ 101 dtltll' McDonald~ Ho R•lphi. Alll111ugh th1· oddi. u111•v1·nnt'llli of co<iktng., '·'• .1g 111t1i.t tnl'h1111•1>I'> 11n· a11d fill' 1·111>kbook authors'',., g11r1d . iH 1·11rd111•: lu lht• \1i 1 !' 1•111pha:1 1t (• that 1 J 11 11 1 11 a I u f I-'"'' d lrnd1·n ·c1okt '<l pm k mU11~' , l'rotc'<'l1t111, ~dt·quat<·l _y 11111 lw s1·rved ()r culim. ----1• ..... Reg Puce $7 50·Sav• il 45 ••'• ;f . .. , ····· 1:' .. ·'. jt • ; . .... ... ,,. ..... : .. . •: .. ... ' -f.' ". ·'··., •' : , , ~·'' . ..... ·,. . . ' ' •.• ... • '• .. .. •t •• • I .. ~ fj I "WALKING OFF A MEAL" -This folk w isdo m h as b een co rrob o r ated in experiments reported in the Israel Journal of Medicine, with the aid of 11 yo un g mal e vol unteers who ate various menus followed by moderate exercise. T he exercise increased the rate of post-meal oxygen consumption, helping to "burn off calories." Oller gooa 01 Lot Ang•l•a and Ornno• Countf S101ei only SUGAR, FRUCTOSE AND VISION -High· s ugar d iets lead to retinopathy (disorders of the light-receiving part of the eye), according to an article abstracted in T h e Journal of t h e American Diete ti c Association. The article reports on a study with normal rats raised on sugar-rich diets who developed vision disorders similar to those that afflict human diabeti.cs. Experiments with lab animals wlth different types of sugars suggest that it m ay be the fructose (fruit sugar ) component of sugar that cautet eye damage. This la a significant finding becaWM! fructoee ls of~ re1arded ae eafe for die t ers and diabetics becaUle It doesn't depend on insulin. The article pointa out that a n ew uudy auuesta the risk of both eye and kidney dl9ordcrt may be greater with fructoee in tM diet. LESS SALT? OR MORE POT ASSltJM - Ac cordin« to an rarm•t John·Mured Pork Chops Golden Premium f'lyer Drums or Thighs ra1me1 John Shank Ponion Smoked Ham Ralphs Sweet 01 HOI Italian Sausage USDA Cllo1ce f'lesh Leg of Lamb ~· 1.69 ,,., lb "'" lb Aaoneo •Hall Pou.nd•n Leo's Sliced Meats ... pkg Troplcano Ch1lled f'lonCla Grapefruit Juice qt bU i:Ongliomcheddar SllOIOI ll'o•ll•t ..... r1on1ra or Knockwurst IJOl pkg Bakery Yalu• Grocery Values 1.19 Steinfeld• .42 Sauerkraut 160 • can .89 We1g1l1 Watcheca.~rtttCI r.1111 or .33 Apple Snacks lo, oa PllO 1.69 Aiha66rcoc'Oci'Nfix 1.59 1.99 We1011c wcneh•rs 1.49 Cooking Spray 60~ can lloJJon Style CrUlflecs 0t Pule• 28 or can Progresso Tomatoes .87 .89 ~r 1.19 ~ 1.99 1.79 2.19 Egg0·~"iio~ev B°U'.iis .59 Hunorv Joell 1n11on1 Potatoes 1~~1.09 llcrlplw eutterny CollH Cake 6 paelr or pkg .99 Cinnamon Rolls oU Ralstn Bran U'~~ 2.09 cwtv tdo• Ralpl\1-NIOrted Varlettfl ~:: 1.99 Gourmet Calce .82 Ronzoni Lasagna llb plrg l'loln c.11nomon or l'Owdere<I .89 Ralphs Donuts pkg Oii Personal Care Valuff Good News Razor PkO 1.27 011 Rl!9 Menthol or i..11100 Um• uoa 1.67 Foamy Shave - lleQUJar 01 Qwek Quaker Oats A&w'Root Beer 11<tQu101 o• Suoo1 l"t•• SUnkist Orange Chop~ or Minced Gorton's Clams rile'i" Remm1 :1-~land F101•n o.110.1ec:1 r.llet Orange Roughy 5alo0 Sli<t Cooked Shrimp riown o.tr<l'le<1·tllle1 01 1 49 MahiMahi ~ • -Ap.,.ute lhoppe Valuff -Liquor Yalu"•••• ':' 2.29 ~·3.99 !£_Ol!Oltl lloby 1 59 80 1'1001 6 99 :swiss Cheese*• .ru: • Sandra Vodka '"'~ • oiive1'&"1ilerb0 Salad ... 1. 79 Miller Beer pOC: 2. 07 Prices effective Oct. 7 thru Oct. 13, 1982 • "Av•ll•ble at RaJpht Appetite Shoppe Only. Coty11t111 1ff2 lty lltlpllt O•OC•IY C:omp1riy AU 11191111 ........... WI'"-.... r19'1l IO limll ..... u ....... 10 c--•clel,...... ............. " •• w1 .... ••l•I• lo,,, ........... -•• "•· P<IC• .. , ..... ,. O<IO• 10 lriltl•l .. It• tHl>Oliefl ••tlullttt .. aew.tllMcl .. pt-.!NM\tl ,....., AdtttflllH II""• In llllt 14 ••• lhe """pt Ice 0< I-•• lri atl tit><" flolct• oilier t111ri ....,tltH jlfleH,,..., •"'Y dejl<lfldl'IO lltlOfl IOe•I COflliMICClon. COtl ttctOft O• tHfllplllC Coo11on Lnwe11 fl•IC• ot 111e Yut relt1110 11111e1111 lclet111ti.d .. aucll . 79 II 0 1 Plrll 1.29 1111 f\I bll 1.29 • 1111 nll>tl .98 1~0• eon l+ot 1.79 bll Fro1en Food Values Mlllule MClld .99 Orange Juic~ 1200 can Bud• [ye .78 Cool Whip &oa ctn Goloen P1em1um 2.19 Ralphs Ice Cream QOI ctn J>roduce/noral Valuff nesll Cusp Gre<ITI Ilana Celery ..,<"h .33 n esll Solid GtH n .14 Cabbage 1)91 lh n eah Golden .15 Sweet Corn each run11c1111Top .15 Carrots ~· lb M1ld$w .. c .15 Brown Onions ~· lb f'l•all lullr 1.59 Mushrooms l><tl lb rc••h JOlaSMno S.rrano Yello"' or Green Chili per lb .49 rte111 c ue 1.49 Marigolds bunch /\JJ(llled llong1no 6 511• 2.99 Foliage Plants eoch 3IO 1711 ST., COSTA ma !MO ...... ,..., tats ttll ADMIS, tunllGTOll IECAH == PUEO D( VWJICM. lMIUIM HUS 1204 W , TUSTM, fllPOll & ._ ••• 411 ll LOAU, MWlm -IMZ WMllJt. tumCTOff IEACH CllU m., AT IMLMIJ, -172'117• ST., lUSTM MMllOUA I WMtll. FOUNTAIN VAUU \ ............. --............. •a • • • ~ f I i-f Cl .... !•I \~ •?, •• , ,{ ••• t ........ ~··· ··'· , ..... , • ' •• ,4 •1•l•1 (·.·· -Orange Co11t DAIL V PILOl I Wed11•1day, Octob t 0, 1887 • amping fare a eked Somellmt•• tht• bt•11l w•y to t(••t uway from ll au l:c lo l&kt• !iOmt• Of It with you. By all meons. ~e.avc your cnres behind when you embark on thut weekend camping trip b\,At be sure to bring along the flxing11 (Qr tho kfod of meals you'll remember with pleasure. N o thing fant•y, mind you, jus t s ome ~cat tasting fare with a nack for satis fying c.ise enormous fresh air appcutes. The following recipes fill lhe biU with apeciul flair. What's more, they can be made quickly and easily in one fuss-free pot wi th a combination of canned goods, staples and a few lnterestlnf extras. L ove talian food? Turn your campsite into a country lrattoria w1lh Pa1sano Spaghetti. This hale and hearty main course offer s a tas ty variation on a popular theme. And it takes to the picnic table one, two, three. One: cook, drain and aet aside the spaghetti. Two: in the same pot, bro wn green pe pper s trips and ca nned mushrooms with garlic powder. Three: add a can of col o rful c hunky vegetable soup, a can of c hunk chicken . Parmesan cheese and of course. the spaghetti. Old world vit ality t a k es a different directi o n in P o lis h Ca sso ule t . Smo k e d Kielbasa sausage sets the flavor pace here. while chunky turkey soup and pork & beans in tomato sauce se t a s p eedy preparation pace . If you can scramble eggs. you can whip up Tumbleweed Tostados •t the blink of a firefly. l'he idea of mixing a can of robust chunky chili beef soup with eggs is & clever one indeed. :PAISANO SPAG HETTI 1 c an (about 2 o ·u n c e s ) w h o I e mushrooms, drained • • Y, cup green pepper ft.rips • 1/i teaspool} garlic (¥>Wder · 2 tablespoons butter or margarine 1 can (1 9 ount:es) ~hunky vegetable soup 2 c up s coo k ed spaghetti 2 tablespoons grated farmesan cheese 1 can (5 o unces) ~hunk thigh chicken In saucepan , brown mushrooms and cook sreen pepper with garlic In butter until tender. Add r e maining Ingredients. Heat; stir occasionally. Serve with additional Pa rmesan cheese. Makes about 4 CUM, 4 servings . ..,.-TUMBLEWEl!:U TOSTADOS 2 slices bacon 1 can (10 V4 ounces) chunky chili beef soup 6 e ggs, s l ightly beaten Gene r ous dash garlic powder Y, teaspoon chopped cherry peppers 4 to.st.ados Shredded lettuce In skillet, cook bacon until crisp; remove and crumble. Blend s oup, eggs. garlic powder and p e ppe r . P o ur e gg tnlxture into bacon lripplngs. Cook over low heat. ,._. mixture begins to set around edges. gently lift cooked portions with large turner so that thin uncook ed portion can (low to the bottom. Continue gently lifting cooking portions until egga are set, but still molal. Serve on tostados; p mlah with lettuce and t;liecon. Makes 4 aervin~. • POLISH CASSOULE1' •A pound s moked &larllc-flavored sausage (Klelbau), cut in half ~ sliced •Ji teasp o on c-aarjoram l e av e s . en&ahed 2 tablespoons butter ot margarine l can (18~ ounces) dlunky turkey eoup l 1c1n (16 ounces) f!Pl'k & bNN ln tomato -.ce Cornbread In aaucepan, brown •uaaae with marjoram In butter; ldd IOUp and b••n•. H ea t ; atl r ~Uy. Serve OV4?r ~. Mak" about Oi cu,,., 4 aervtnp. Oil OF OLAY 4-01. lOllON H G. 379 4.7' NIGHT OF OUY, 2-01. lll G. 449 6.09 NIVEA MOISTUllZING SklN CllMl REG. 3.29 6 ·o z p lo\trc 10• Keep s skin \ofr llONDI IS HU WITH ClAllOl NICE 'N EASY SHAM,00-IN HAii COLOI REG. 3.59 Full selectron of shode\ Save' L'OREAL CIEMl·ON ,Ull NAil lNAMll REG . 2 .15 1 .69 Peorl enomel 1n popvlor shod&\ BAUSCH & LOMB 1..._.._...,. OISINHCTING SOlUTION. 12-0Z :~;, 239 I ~"""."r..... SAllNl SOlUTION, 12 .oz llG. 299 3.99 UUSCH & lOMI UNS :-: , lUllllClNT, 112 -OZ. •lG. 3.19 ......... 2.St UUSCH & lOMI UNS CUIYING US( S.4t --· VISINE SOOTHING EYl DIO'S IEG. 1.99 12! (NOi(( 1 / '1 oz sqveeie or with d ropper COMTREX ---MUlTt-SYMrTOM COLD HLllVH IEG. S.69 3~-' (NOi(( SO tablets or 36 copsules DOWNY LIQUID f AlllC son1N11 SALE PllCI 1" 6A·oz:. bottle ot soving'I " TlllPMOTO LINS MAGIMATIC 110 TELE-PHOTO POCKET CAMERA s':~~AL J.!,! lAU Toke' regulor or 1elepho10 ,hors An eo'y lo use prec1s1on comero 11~18 INFANTS' FLEECED BLANKET SLEEPER SALE 699 ,llCI $OLIO COLOIS W11h non-slud soles Sizu S·M·l·Xl ,llNT flUCfD l lANH T Slll,H .. 7 .•t I' 1 ~ -! .l /' / ___ , '1 dL MADI IN i ~ , ' J ' GHMANY ~z ~ . _.. CASINO PA TIEIN EUROPEAN IMPORT CRYSTAL STEMWARE- ::.~•, 99c YOUI CMOICI U CH 9 oz Win•. 12 oz Goblet, 7 'h-02 Chompoqne or '] oz Cordia l Glou EVEREADY FLASHLIGHT BATIERIES IEG.,,C 1.39 £VHUDY HUVY DUTY 6·YOlT lANTEIN u mu. SAU NICL .................... 2.ff AUGUST SEBASTIANI FINE WINES REG. 4.49 SEAGRAM'S 7 CROWN IUNDID WMISICIY llG. S.99 4?.o! ·299 ~~.ui 1.5 LITEI YOUI CllOICI: •MTN. CMAIUS •MTN. IOSI • MTII. llllMI SMIRNOFF VODKA ,. .. uaouaun llG. 7.•9 '5?.~ ,, .... Ck-4 ~ ..... y. Octtllet. tlwu Y11e•y, Octtller 11. S.Mt lttMt ot lttvlor Prlttt. fringed ve lovr terries odd o b rtgh1 nolt of interest Many br1gh1 patterns SCRIPTO BUTANE LIGHTERS SALE "3<101 100 PllCE ,o. Re l1o ble Mighty Motch lrghters with od1uuoble flames Sensotronol bvy' .. HIGH Liff 1111 12.,A(k SALE PllCE CHICKEN READY 1~! CHUNK STYLE Pl lCI 17 • o z While sroc lu lo\I UMll o PU CU\IOMll IHF TAMAllS IN CHILI SAUCI SUPEI PRICE 59c 15 0 1 Whole \IO<lt\ IO\I llMlt o ru CU\IOllllll ~ J ·~. I ZINETTI , ,' ENRICHED ~ ,ASlA :(.. Y SUPEI PllCE t:~ 2100 YOUI CHOI(( • • FOi • • ~,AGHfnt • • I OTINI lh. • lllOW ""I MACUOHI ~ 16 o z Whole •loclu loll llMH 6 ,ft CUSIOMU BETTY CROCKER SUrll MOIST CAil MiX SUPll PllCE sac 18 •;,o z While 'toe Ii s lo st U•t 6 PH CUUOMO 69c 1 s VJ oz Whole ooclo.s lo,1 UMll • Pll <UUl*ll r~~~FRISKIES . BUFFET CAT FOOD SPECIAL IUY ~!!fl'!99c I 3·o:z <On liver I Ch1tken IMITl•T• HACll •ORTAI• YALLIY cetTAMllA •DILft-c.t ...... c... .19 ........ _ --........... -t-'-... , ......... u ,,. .... , ...... .,......._ ........... ·m11 ......... .._.. • ,.,.,...., llM. a 1i11tw • .,,... ...... ,., .. ,...,._ V-."-· • ._... •Y "'tmm n-. .....""'_ .. ........... c... • .. , .. I ........... lilly Piiat W1uJ11 ull•~ Octouur 6, 198' ' • Looking for a career in sales? See today 's llelp Want ed ads , cla ssifica tion 7100. How to Gel Rich This Year Starting from .Zerol· I Don't wait for success. Make it happen! YoU are not only what you are today, but al¥ what. you choose to become tomorrow~ • Sure -tlm•• are tough and making money la h•rder th•n ever -but the people Hated below •r• r•klng In the dollar• after h•vlng sent tor my materl•I. You c•n do th• ••m• If you h•v• a sincere dealr• tor extr• l~come. T•k~ • minute to read thl• ad with an open mind. It could re•lly ch•ng• your Hf• and make your ••cret dr••m• come truel • •1,000 In 2 month•-Jamee •••t, Levlttown, PA • 130,000 In 1 month-Jiii White, Loa Angel••• CA • 18,230 In 1 month-Thom•• Clol•, Utlo•, NY • 140,000 In 1 month-George •owm•n, C•nton, Ml • $18,000 In 3 weeka-Vlotor w., C•rplnterl•, CA • 113,000 In 21 d•r•-lteve H. Nowlln, lndl•n•polla, IN • 120,000 In I month•-Steve Murphy, M•nh•tt•n •••oh, CA • 1100,000 In 4 month•-••rrl• Konloov, Gr•nd R•plde, Ml ABSOLUTE PROOF Here are the figures of my actual bank deposits for the months of May, June, and July 1982.1 reveal these confidential figures not only to prove to you the prac· tlcallty of wti~t I'm doing but, mainly to encourage you to do the same. With the material I am going to send you, these could be your bank deposits. There's no mystery to it-I tell you exactly what to do. Mey4 .......•.........................• e.212.~ Mey1 ........•...............•.....••• 24,304.74 Mey 1 1 .....•..•.••••..............••••• 8,130.17 Mey 1 t .•.............................. 14,000.00 Mey14 .......................•........ 32,N 7.M Mey 18 .......................•..••.... 10,tM.81 Mey 21 ................................. l ,307.42 Mey25 ................................ 17,007.73 Mey 27 ................................. 8,181.N M•y27 .................•.............. 1,702.IO TOflrl130. f 11.03 JUM 3 ... , . , ........................... t2, t4t.12 JuM4 .............................•.... 2,477.37 Junel ..........•.........•....••.•.... t5,000.00 JUM 8 . . ..............•.......•....... 44.424.20 June.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,553.00 JuM t t ...............••..•..•.•.•. , ... t5,89t.15 JuM t5 .....• ·-· .....•...••.....•••.... 5,517.12 June ti .................•...••...••..... 4,000.00 June ti ......................•.....•... 5, 1411.34 JUM 22 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . • . .•..... , . t0,474.M JUM 25 .. . .. .. • .. .. .. . . . . .. .. .. . .. .. 111, TSl.111 JuneH ......................•........ 11.791.14 . TOTAL St57,0HTt July 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . • . . . . . . ... 4, 152.00 July 2 ••...........................•.... 4,t211.67 July 1 ................................. , 3,285.511 Jutyt .................................. 1,757.68 July •.................................. 3,IM0.00 Jvty 13 ...•............••........•..... tS,518.03 Juty 13 ................................ tll.000.00 Juty , •...........................•..... t ,835.15 Juty 11 ................................. 2,H3.IO Jtity 20 ............................•.... 11,540.55 Jutv 23 ................•.....•.....•.... ll.37t.l t Juty 30 ................•.•................ &M.00 July 30 ................................. 7,513.28 TOTAll13U71.25 Three months' total: $422, 151 .59 "/ certify the bank deposi ts listed above are correct and are on file as required by the United States ·Federal Trade Commission." Melvin Powers MY PERSONAL STORY Twenty-five years ago. I was having a rough time making it with the various jobs I had. I was so bogged down making a living that I didn't have time for any· thing else. At times, I even worked two jobs. Everything was going up except my earnings. Since I didn't have a college educatlon, a trade, or any special train· Ing. I took whatever jobs I could get try· Ing to "find myself." Like you. I worked hard and felt that I deserved a break. My mistake was in hoping and waiting for someone to give It to me. It never happened. Out of desperation, I accidentally dis· covered a way of making extra money in my spare time. It was the beginning of a wonderful new direction to my life. The results were better than I had antlcl· pated. even In my wildest dreams. Soon I was able to quit my dead·end jobs and devote full time to being my own boas. It was the end of my flnanclal worries. At.last I had the money, peace of mind, and time neceuary to really enjoy llf e and my loved ones. I had the freedom to flah. loaf, vacation where and when I wanted, play golf and tennle frequently, purtue my hobbtee. and do all the things I alwaya Wanted to do. It wa1 my dream come true. The bottom line to thl• true pereonal story 11 that I've made mllllon1 of dollare with my 1ucce .. plan, have taught oth· .,, hoW to do It, and am willing to 1hare wtth you my money-making knowtedge. Are you wtlllng to 1pend one evening to judge what I have to aay? I hope to. • 11,000,000 In e month•-George Campion, Loa Angel••• CA YOU CAN TRUST ME CERTIFIED f Why? Because I've accomplished the SUCCESS STORIES personal and monetary goals that I've Her• 11 authenticated proof my 1y1t1m set for myself. I have an the material work1. You can duenc.te th• 1ucoe11 of . things one could reasonably wish for, th••• peraone. It • been effective for including ownership of property, good them-why not for you? THtlmon1111 ire Investments, and even Arabian horses. ~n file H required by th• United State• I want to share my success plan for mak· •d•rel Trad• CommlHlon. lng money with those who are ambitious and wllllng to follow my Instructions. It can make you rich. ROOM FOR EVERYONE Why would I Invite competition? The fact is, I don't look at it as competition. The money-making opportunities are so tremendous that there's plenty of room for all who are motivated to Improve their situation~ Do you have the motivation? YOUR SECRET DREAMS COME TRUE My program for riches has nothing to do with franchising, real estate, the stock market. precious metals, diamonds. pyr· amid schemes, oil wells, energy conser· vation. salesmanship, multi-level selling, positive thinking. door·to·door sellin9, telephone sales, or calling on bust- nesses, neighbors, family or friends. It's perfectly legal and requires no pre- vious business experience. It is equally good for both men and women of any age, and you can begin just as soon as you receive my material. Now 1s the time to do something about your future. Everyone nas secret dreams-and yours are about to come true. Use my know-how for making money. FOLLOW MY SUCCESS You may be wondering if you can really believe what I'm saying. My answer is, .. Absolutely yes." I've even revealed my confidential business de- posits. Those figures are factual. My in· formation for you is not based on ab· stract theories -it's based on cold, hard facts which have been successfully proven and tested over many years. PICK MY BRAINS Give me the opportunity to show that I can help you achieve financial security. My material clearly explains my money-making technique with easy-to· follow, step·by·step instructions. To con· vince you that it works, you get a one- year, 100%-money·back guarantee. Do you know any other offer to match that? Here is your golden opportunity to Invest in your success. MONEY-MAKING FORMULA My material reveals in detail my suc· ceas-money formula and how I keep hit· ting the jackpot again and again, making minion• of dollars. You can, tool In fact, I give you a practical, proven, teaHtd guide tnat will help you realize your financial goals. la It euy? Yea. once you have the f nformatlon I give you In my enlightening guide on how to achieve riches. You will fearn to duplicate my technique for your own auccesa. You may wonder why I am 1harlng my technique for riches If my bu1lne11 fs IO profitable. To make more money, of couree. That'• juat part of my bu1lnen- 1harlng knowledge that will make money for you and at the tame time make money for me. Read the happy 1ucce11 1torle1 of people such as yourself who took my material Nrlouely. • s· 17,000 In 2 MONTHS "Made over $7,000 In two montha using your advice." JamH F. Beat 6 Hiiitop Road, Levlttown, PA 19056 $ 18,230 In 1 MONTH "You have whet my appetite for succ111s. Fol/owing your suggestions, I did $8,230 worth of business In just one month.H Thomaa Clo/a 2617 Genesee Street. Utica. NY 13501 $ S18,000 In 3 WEEKS ·-. .. changed my fife. I followed your In· structlons. The results-S 18, 000 In the first three weeks/ I know that I am on my way to richest Those checks look so beautiful. Thank you. Mr. Powers," Victor w. Carpinteria, California 93013 $ $20,000 In 6 MONTHS "By using only a couple of your sugges- tions. I personally made $20.000 in a six· month p enod. Melvin . priceless and I highly recommend 1t to anyone." Steve Murphy 1142 Manhattan Avenue Manhattan Beach. CA 90266 $ $30,000 In 1 MONTH "Following your advice. I did $30,000 worth of business in one month Many thanks · Jill White Los Angeles. California 90019 $ $40,00 the FIRST MONTH FROM A LAID OFF DETROIT AUTO WORKER ·'The tips and lnsTructions grossed me $40,000 the first month and the money is still rolling m." George Bowman 43726 Simsbury. Canton. Ml 48187 $ 193,000 In 28 DAYS "/ earned over S93,000 In one 28·dsy pe· riod using your techniques. Never before have I made so much money with so little effort. Thanks for your good advice.· Steve H. Nowlin 5019 Derby Lane. lndlanapolls, IN 46226 $ • I 1100,000 In 4 MONTHS I H Using your techniques and expertise, I made over $100,000 In four months. Keep up the good work." Barrie Konlcov 4808 Broadmoor. Grand Rapids, Ml 49508 $ 11,000,000 In I MONTHS "I waa compltt91y broke and In th• depth• of deprtHlon when I read yout m1t9rl1f. B•· ll•v• It or not, In five month• I did $1, 000, 000 worth of bu11n1H, and I em now In th• proc· "' of purohHlng a bu/ldlng worth c/011 to $500,000 . My whole llf • hH been changed du• to you. How ctn I ever think your Q.o~ Cemplon 8314 Stnta Monica SIVd., L.A., CA t0038 PRAISE FROM EXPERTS "A comprehensive Qulde on how to make It blQ by an outstanding entrepre· neur, Melvin Powera, who did startlnQ from zero. How he did It Is clearly ex· plained. He sharea with you his know/· edQe and successful experience In making money ... could repay Its cost a thousandfold." Washington Newsletter June 1980 TAKE THE FIRST STEP This Is the moment of truth. Do you really want to· be rich? If your answer la "Yes," follow your Impulse now and order my material. Remember, It Is sold on a 100%-money-back guarantee basis. You can Improve the quality of your life. It's really up to you. It's an exciting pros· pect that can come true for you. Give It priority. Take the first step on the exciting road to riches. You'll be pleasantly surprised and de· lighted with your newly-found knowl· edge. especially when those beautiful, green dollars start rolling In as they have for others. STILL SKEPTICAL? BE MY GUEST I guarantee you'll be completely satls· fied and excited with the Illustrated ma· terlal that I send you. Furthermore, I will not even cash your check or money or· der for 30 days. If, for any reason, you feel the material will not bring you riches. I'll return your uncashed check or money order immediately. No questions asked. I'll go even one step further. I realize you don't know me and you may stilJ be skeptical about my offer. Put your mind at ease and postdate your check 30 days from today. You have everything to gain by cashing in on my unique know-how for making money. ~ood luck as you take the first step on the road to riches. > C I 982 by Metvtn Powers ,-<?~-----ORDER FORM --------- : 365-Day, ' Money-Back Guarantee I Dear Melvin : Yes, I want to invest in my future. Please send me your material with the absolute understanding you will no1 cash my check or money order for 30 days. Even though It all sounds too good to be true, please rush me How To Get Rich for twelve dollars postpaid. Enclosed is my ( ) check ( ) money order for $12.00 Date: _ Name _ ~-----­,.,,, .. ,. Pi1111) Address ------ City ________ _ State __________ _ ZIP ----------- Please send your order to: Melvin Power• 12011 Sherman Road, Suite 12 North Hollywood, Cellfornla 91805 -------------~--------------~ \ f 1 t'I Ot1ng1 Co111 O~ll. y Pll.OT /Wldllftdav. OolObet •• •112 TMt.: t'i\,.ILl' ('l•<'l 'N by Virgil Partch (VIP) Pl.\Nl'TI "If you drop it, it's called o fum ·boll." ll.\Rll:\DLKE by Brad Anderson "Believe me! Burping a baby isn't easy!" Jl.DGE PARKER GAR•'lt:l ,O I GOT YOU A NEW FNEN~ CiAAFIEL~ Hf EVEN TALKS llOO~ Hl.LLl~N 1 WAS oNl'I L~ARNIN~ HoW /o S~AVEoN EMMY'S H,AIJ?BRUSH ! ·ACROSS 53 FUlyttlm TUllOArl 1 Planl pan mtruments "1lD.I tolftO 5 C.W1ty 57 ClllMM lllt- 10 Crutl la<y atudenl 1• "Vlt11 cf 6 t Swe1t -Ar•a 62 Legenctarv 15 Hang around wpent 16 Innuendo 6• Ms Arden 17 T tm4' petk>d 65 Giff 1 name 19 Singular 66 Equine food 20 Height 67 Within Prtfb 2 t Slit marlhet 68 Subdues 23 W"""1 Prtft• 69 Coll IOC 25Fk>wt!t. for DOWN. lt\Oft I Slumps 26 8Mled ltf'!Tll 2 Weight allow· ~1 ~~ 29 Df!cfe.\SHl!I llflC8 3• Ktt!d of Oil 3 Lab heater 3~ Auwl 4 Tryst J7 G1w 0111 5 Aclrv111es r!Mf ommlMIOn 111M4'trlC11n1t 2 W()(dS 27 Oath •7 Set 8')trl 111 Sll'frlfy di~· 6 fathflr· LAI 28 UPtlghl ., Fellow c~ 7 S*iworm 2 WOtdl 52 Invite 11 8tfd 8 Cupoct 30 Nominal rOll 2 #Otdl 4? N1'i)1lllVI' 9 Gl'Mrlll()f 31 Al!Ont feedf!t 53 SPOIM 1111111'11' 10 E'CMOmllt'tl 32 T Md the aiclt 64 UI< r"'9f 1• I 11111 11 J nmiy 33 Hf!r(MfttNy 5~ Sepaflle .1•1 c~ir n Et~ 1ac:1or1 M fly 11one tfi ~•• • 13 lt'91'C1• 36 Scrun 58 F1bol111 4¥f'l'bn" 18 T f'Ul()nle • 3tleno toiow. St Himltt'IC ' """"" 27 Pl# plltlt blUll 40 Some llotMt ptefl• 1 .,,, S11y11 "Of< v.. o C1tnldlMI eo Rom~ 1.1) G11rMI 2• ~ ptCWlnee lttt '" WNpM H T1._, ..wf •S --13 llrd C1Y l I ;--• .. DE:\~IS THE ME:\ ACE Hank Ketchum l l \..'SY ...... 'Yl_ l~~~ f) ,........__o~, 7) ~ ~ 1 ~~====:=======--\ l • 10.,;, ' ~ • SURE FISH SPEAK TO EACH OTHER .JOEY ... THEY USE 8U88iE TALK..' by Harold le Ooux by Jim Davis L£T'9 GO PLAY WITM JON'S POWE" 1"00LS Htt£'S lME lldLD WM I ~E? FlVI~ N:,i MO MIS CNILIAN MDnH IAW.KIH6 1}E FL'r'IN6 Ace MAS AWfp TD TAKE HIM AlON6 OH A MISSION ~~i~ ~-.-.~ Tt: Ml•tE• EIDN Al 5~ ·nus A.M. CHIEF RUNNING-,_--~----_, NOS6, OF lHE SOKrTOOMEE "mll'E1 A~E IN HIS11PI MIV l£T'Ot.JI A Plt:RCll\JG' SHRIEK .. SHOE I HOPE I GET INTO THE GAME-- THEY HAV EN'T USED ME YET GORDO e;,Ofl.()Ol CO#t\PADtZE/ ~ &oDD"/ 'TH-"™t:} ~A MtWJt:N ~ ~ZEf WOf:aM A .w:~.».ffA1..,i OF >KXJUf liMll._o-o fHE RUMOR5 ABOOi fHE ~EE DROPPIN& All OF Ii$ LOVES AR€ .5Pfi.'EA01t\l& lll<E WILDFIRE. I DR.8MKk ')lbuN9 MAN, we 'Re i.;051" .' CAN '>"OtJ "fSL-L- US WHe!Re we ARe ON 1"H 15 MAP !' by Jeff MacNelly ~may~ l toc.onsUir alterMte mutes. THEY ONLY WANTt:D IO WIPE THEIR MUDDY HANDS ON MY CLEAN TT'5 All fHE't.-CAN -mLI< ABOUT I SHIRT by Gus Arriola by Tom Bat1uk E.VERl) LEAF ~ -rnE ~ ~JAS WHl'RE.RIN6 IN iHE WIND LASI NIG~I I by Kevin Fagan by George Lemont Het.-PIN<S PeOPL-IS IS 1'HIS NAME: OF 1"'He GAMe FDR us t:'OC,-OR GUYS .' e.u.y !- you ARe. I 8eN8filiONAL . I; I . . . ,,, ' .. ., • • ! i J ' • • 5 • , I i t 7 Orango Coaat DAILY PILOT /Wedno•d1y, October 6, 1082 "*IC NOTICC Muc ..once W-tlU? IUPllUOft CC>Ufl1 0' "HOUIT!Olt OP YHS NbflCI Of "'u1111a• CAl,.IPO"NIA •O•"D °" IDUOATIOM ULI NO. llf"1 COUNTY cW OUNQI NIVIHI '*''•o On OC10tlf:ft JO, lt8111 tl>'OU , .. Cwte c.Met. 0.. W... KHOO&. OttlNOT AM U I Htu!U OUD SUIVIC:ll P.O .... lal ._,..,._,II. t• •NC .• C1llh11n1e '°11>0f•llon wlloM '"'"A,.._ CA '2102 WHt'-rA8, 11 11 tu Ill• 1t1utu11 11111 ...... 'IJll J fltr .. t Sull• No PLAINT"'' THI IAtT•Lu,, 1Jwn1lil Uf Ill• IAVINl UNlf tCO !, l •1.111111n1u C1lllorn1a 96111 HOMIOWNl9'1 COMMUNITY SCHOOL Utt. I IHC 1 •nd Ill• who .. telephone 1111tt1ber 11 (9181 Al•OCIAT~. t Callf0fnl1 Noll· 0 A AN 0 l C 0 UN f V 8 UP R • ... 811890 H Afil9'tl 1(11 RVOICON Prlftt Cerpor1llon,"' INTtNOC NT Or I CMOOLI lo CO . •llOM 1H1d1e" It 1400 Jllver 01,.NOANTt JACK A, MA"a.t GOOPll•lft HI Ille 1cqu1t111on PAii> Ort•• S1<.111rll4lt1lu. C1UIOfflll AND IANQ NAM MAlllH And conatruc;roon 1111!1 ur1e1aroo11 of 1 115, whoM ••••11ft0n• 11111nw nr 00t•t 1t1,.lltltf"Jnt;-tnotwtor.. P•Ua.L.£.1Juu1uw f•,1111.LJn (lillll 0'4 :IOOO H Jr1.111". of 0111 IOMMONI C011furo1.11011 wllh llt• OlSTATCrlr Ce•t•l11 OMi1 01 Trull HKulld lly CaM. No. 11.-...n propt>a11U1 6out11wHI W<100011110• PATRICIA A BAICKN[ll l fl NOTICll Yov ton• been II.led. [l·~···~SCh•)()I 1111d u11m1111•d woman and 11t.:ord1d 1he covrl mar IMcld• .. ..,.,, rov WH Rr AS 1111 rul•• anc1 8epl"'10e• '° 19111 •• lnllrUtnerll wllhevl '°"' belftl to.ltd unlet• reou••llC>tl• Of Ill• r duUllOn Cod• no 388&' Ill DOOk t4239, P•g• JOI.I re~ wlth&ft '° d•r•· Aaad •nd th• •••I• AllO~•llOn 6011d IMll OI 011 I., Rec:0td1 OI Ofange 11141 lt1IOfm1tloft betow. requlr1 lh1I lhe ()18HllCT .,,t .. Into Counry. C•lllOrnl• 111\0 pv1auan1 lo II yOu wtan lo Mell Ill• advtc<t ol • 1-aM 191_.,,.,,1 •nd lh•I ~laln NOllCe ol Oelaull and ••l •llOrn•y in 1n11 m1111r you WH[Af AS, Se<;uon 39!>02 or u .. l lectlQn lo (19111~reun(l11 recorded 111ould do 10 P•Otnplly llO mer your (dUC•llCll'• Cull• 11qulrH th•I ttl• Jun• 10, lllU H 111111uman1 no w11t1e11 , .. ponH 11 en., ma y ll• Boord 1oup1 ind publleh ' 82 19701>0. of Olllct•I Record• of liltll on urn. une111mov• rwa111u1to11 au1ho1tllt1g ••Id County. wlll uoder aro d AVll OI Uet•cl h• a l cl o 1uc;h 1c11011 aoHJ 1pe o1ty1nu tne pur1Verll lo tllO ~QI T1u11 Hll ci1mand1do. 11 lrlbun•I pued• 1erm1 01lhO1or"mena ,.JC Nemec C .. 17 .. MOTICI Of' lMMT1H' SA&.t rf\llllM'1 .... ',... O.n 0.1'" .. ' as •Ht aJ 11 iJO I 111 flRfT AMrAICA .. flll( INIUAANC l CO MPANY • C•llf0<111• co1po1a11on •• tru11ee Qt lu<.<.MW fruit" Ot 9'il>IUIU1ed I rn•IH of 11111 "9ftarn o..d ol ltu•I •••1.ul10 by PHILIP M HOMAN 111d 00NNA J HORAN loUllJtnd 11111 wife, •rt(! rltC.OrdeO Jun• &. 11180 •• lrl1r1ume111 No fill iri !Joo mn:-111-oe sn or Oll1c.1al H1U11dt of Or•11ge C°"'"Y· C.1lllo1nla and pu11u1nt lo that Ger111n Nouc;e ol o.taull ''*eu"~ r•1.0 tde d Jun• II . 1912 •• 1nerrumen1 No 82 191>1g$, 01 OlllCtAJ ~O<dl Of Uld Cour>ty, woll unu., 11r1C1 """"'"'I 10 Uld Deed ot Ahout 200 people crowcl a gy mna~ium on l'own~e Indian lribal grounds lo 1>luy Hs u1>t!r bingo." The tiny, df'slilutf' lrilw iR m1ing bingo lo 1>rovide• \'conomic Of)t)orlunity for its m e mbt'r,.. APWlr~lo 11 public; 1uc;llot1 lur cuh or IMcldlt conlr1 Ud, tin e1.1dl1nal1 • THEREFORE. 8£ IT AESOLVLO Cllhlot • Chee;!\, d•1wn 011 • 1111' Menoe que Ud. r•IPO"ld• !Mnlro ma1 1ne Board 0r fOuUllOll ol the or n111ona1 b1nh. 1 ••••• or 1.011a1 de JO di••· LH I• lnfllfmeolon que 1Av1 NE u N 1r1 r D s c Ho O l Ct.Oii unlOn O• I lltll Qt 1.0tral ,,.... . OISTAIC! tnl111d1 111 •ntl• tmo 1 ••vlllg1 and lo •n 1111oc11t1011 :S • U•l•d 1111111 1011ct1nr •I Ground L••••· Juont U•• a nd d0<n1Clled 1n the G111e ot C111torn111 11r1H10 d• un al>ngadu •" •II• o c,upen'y Ag11emtn1 w11n 1h• ar Iii. Norlll front entrenc;1 10 the I u n I o II• ti"' I a h • t; • r I fl COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT OF county couf!ho un. 100 C1v1c mme<1111111"'*"l• Oe n HI "'•"ftl•. s c 11001 s 101 '"' iiu•PO•• o r Ctn1'r Olive Wtll, Sat111 An1. ••IPVlllU ncr111, II tr11y alguna, e;or1alruc.11on end oi>•••l•O ll ol C•111orn111, 111 lha1 riont 111111 ar•d pu&d• ••• •ao111redA 11 llflmlJO Spec1111 Educ.11t1on Fec11111•• '" 1111e1e11 conv1y11d 10 ond now hold I 10 Ttlf OEfENDANJ A CIYll cOnjun~l,!011 wltll the OISlAICT'S by 11 unller 1110 Oeod of Trust on the i;omplt1"'' n11a ""'"' lllocJ Dy lf1a propoa11d Sou1nwoal Woodbr1001 properly 11tv•h1d Ill Hiil County p111mllll l!gaor111 you II you w1111 10 Elemuro1111y B'hoot Saod Agreem1111 end Sl11l11 dw1<:rlb1d Kl CITY or delortd thlJ luw•uol you rroual wllllln will be IQr ~ p11tOd or rorty 1401 NEWPOR r BE AC ti CouoHy OI 10 dllYI ell" 1ht8 tumono ru II yoerJ wotn llrt 61\0ulJ 1orHal payme111 0 11ng1. SUI• o r C11lllOrlllA Hrvod on you hlt1wolh11111 c;r,..ot Cl of ONE OOLLAA ('1 00) 1>egtnr1or19 dnc;rlbed 111 wrtll•n respons1:1 to "'" tornp1~1111 al the •P1>•Qvlll of the S 111e l ru11 Mil 11 publl(. otuelton for cath. lew1u1 money 01 me unneo S111ee 01 Ame<ot.e. • C81f119f 'I thCl<ik p1yable IQ Mid rrutCM dr•wll or•• 11111 or n111u11tl b•nk. • •l•l• or 110.,11 Gre<lli un1ot1. or ., •••1• Ot lld1ral tavlnga •11U 1e1•n a11ociat1on dom1Clle0 '" 11111 titre, ar 1111 rnlln t n1,.no1 ro I 1111 Am1r1c an Till• tnwt1nc;e Comp1ny k)Calild ar I t4 [HI Firth S11ee1. '" ltle CHy 01 Santi An1 Cettr0tn•• Ill Iha! rtght, 11111 end llll9'Ml c;onveyed 10 MlO now h"10 by II un«let MIO Oe9<l ol T ru11 1n Ille properly ellu•ttd II) llal<l t.wmy ind S1ate dewc:rlbad 1.1 l!XHt•IT "A" l'ARCEl I I 01 34 Of I 1ec;1 No 10011/, •• •how11 on a map rocordod '" book 44 1 c>AQH :?9 10 34, bOlh 1nc1u11v• of M1ac;ell•oeou1 Map1. Aec;0tdt or 0.A•IQ• County and 1.1 corr.ctld IJy 1ha1 <.1111111 C1n111c11e or C1>rrttc:l1on rKO<dlld in Book 12948. P8ge 1494 or Ofllci.I Record• 01 1110 0••"98 Coun1y Can bingo hail out Pawnees? Lot 85 of l•llC1 6822 '"the City u1111iu yw do '°· )OUr 0111111111 woll Allonuon Boero ol No'Wporl Be•ch, es per m11p bt e111uro<1 on upphc;1l1Qn 011 lltl'I BE IT fUAIHEA RESOLVED, lhet recorded In Book 245, Page• 20 10 iil111n1tll and 1h11 cou•I mey •"''' 11 a copy o l 1h1S 1 eaolu11on b e 23 ol M11c1ll11neout Mapa. '" Ille 1udg1n.ir11 ag11ms1 you rur ""' 11tht1I publllhed one• • w1ek tor 1h"• Olllno ol tne County Aecoroor ol demllllOe<I In llw comp1111n1 wtuc,.tl weet.a 1n Iha Dally P1101 new,poper Orange County ~ould roul1 •ll oorn11hme111 ol AYES MEMBERS Ga1w11. Flynt1. Eac:oot111Q tl'lt1erton1 all Otl, Otl •IQhlt. mineral •'Ohll, gU. nalutll goe 11ght1 an<l otntlr hy<lrocarbOn tubtlcrnces by w11a1evcu name Oklahoma l11dians seeking econ(Jrnic inde1)ende11ce EXCEPT lliERErROM .. 11 Oil, WUQt!I> luk111g Ol ononoy Of pw periy Nakeoha. Slcoll. Whtie 1 g ti 1 , m I 11111 DI• • n d o I h • 1 or olt•tl• rtllluf ••Qut~ll!d 111 lloe NOES None By GIL BROYLES AHOOlelff Ptffl Wtfl1r P AWN.EE. Okla . Tht• ltny Pawr11>t• Natrun, wrack e d b y puvl•rty. uncmpl oyml•nt a nd alcuh olism . 1s takrng sw1>s tt h opt.>s will lead ltw tribe t o econ o m ic.· r et'OVl•r y a n d away from dt•p<>nde nc.:e o n dwrndling ft'd eral dollar:. The In dians are plud ng lhc1r finann.11 futur't• on high-stakes bingo. d1sl·uunt <:1garMtl·~ and d evelopment o f a 20-a<.n• rndustrial pl111 o n th<: t ribe's cramix-<l. squart• mil(• n-sc•rv<.· m·<•r the· l)anks of Blatk Bc-ar Creek A Tu!S<.I public rl'l;,it1ons cigcncy ha~ 1•vt•n bt.•c•n hired •to t-nhan ct" tht• Pawm.-t• 1magt• to ;itlra<.'l po te ntia l bingo playt•rs as wdl as industry Abuut half o f th(.• n a tlC)n's 2.300 P awm·t·s liv1· In o r n ear P awnee County an n orth 1·t•nt rnl Oklahoma. a n a r ea known mostly fol' its w1ntl'r whe al and beef cattle• Bul little of tht' a r ea's pros p erily rubs off on thL· r('s<.•rvatton wherl' une mploym e nt 1s nearly 50 perc't'nt, s;.sad H at:han.1 Anderso n . d ire<.•\or of tht• trtbL"s hui.tnt•!.i. d evelopment offrce. In 1981. the tribe n oe<•1ved nearly !l m11l1o n fro m the federal government. but s ufferc•d this yc·ar because o f the reduct ion 1n ft"der al JUh training progr ams like th<' Compn ·h e n sivl' Employment Tra ining A ct. says Tom Knife C htd, bus 1n1•ss d evelopment specialis t for the Pawn~ Alcuholism 1s anoth<.·r pervasive problem :md th1· cdu cat1on al and poverty levels amung tht> P a wnees are· "world-c hampion bad," said 8111 DeGeer. a Tulsa stock broke r who 1-: v1<.~ t·h a1rman of the Pawnee T r ibal Dc-velo pment Corp • The five-m emb e r dt.>velopcnent group'-was formed a year ago by the tribe's el<'C'tcd. erght · member business rounctl to pursue the PawnC'CS· a'On o rruc indepcndc m :c ''W e're having to do somt• crawling before we d o our walkrng" said [)(> G('('r, add ing thal the tribe is looking for assets rt c·an turn rnlo mon('y. Firs t, the r e is bingo. Because ll is o n Indian land, the trshe operates outside the state law t h a t permits binge, winnings to $100. Elscwhc•re. o nly n o n -pro fit, chan t.able urganizations arc• gra n tl'd bingo licenses. On the tribal rl'st>rve, bingo jackpots can range up to $3,000 rn a single game during spc'Caal, Saturday a f ternoon sessions The total payout on "super bingo" Jay 1s more than $10,000. Hegular M o nday a nd Thursday night St$Slons o ffer smaller jackpots. P4ClffC YllW .-...c>•t.U PAalC Cemetery Mortuary Chapel-Crematory 3500 Pacoloc View Dr1vC' Newpart Beach 644 2700 ._~M.cll MOITUAilllS LaQu 1a Be'Ch • •94·9415 Laquna Hills 768-0933 San Joan Capistrano 495·1776 HA.llo. LAWK--MT. OLIYl Mot1uarv • Ceme1erv CrerTl'! torv 1625 Gosier Ave Costa Mesa P\B.IC NOTICE FICTITIOUI •UllNIEIS NAME STATEMENT !rte lotlowong persons are dO<ng 1>u1iness H TAYLORS !AIM SHOP 145 ndu1111al Wey Coslll Mesa ahlorn111 92627 Ro1>e11 W Tlylor 19342 Bethel 1rcle 11unlfngl0t'I BflKh Cciltlornoa 2646 Ce10I A TaylOI 1934:1' Bethel ucle Hun11ng1on Beacn Caltl0<nra 2646 Thos ous1nen •• conducreo by an 1nd1Vtduol Aol>t!rl W Teytor Cll•OI A Taylor This Slllemenl WU hied Wtlh Ille ounty Cieri. or Orano11 County on ptemoer t3. 1982 F1172a1 Puohshed Or•noo Cont Dally 1101 Sept 15 22 29, Oct 6 1982 •067-92 ~IC NOTICE FICTITIOUS •UllNESI MAMIE ITATl:MIENT Tht• big Jtil':,po ls 1.fruw l11ngo playt·rx from as Car t1way as Wad ulu, Kan . Okluh onw C'ily a nd Tub<•. Amk•t'S'm smd A f.(ymna:.1um, 1·1111v1•1 lt'(I 11\lo <i bingu hall with ruws of lHhlt'S and fu ldtng chom;. l>l'a 1.-; abou I <!Oii peo plt• On h1g-;uc kpot dayi.. pl1.1yl·r s buy pal'kt·ts of t·ards for about $50. "Tht• :11mus phert· on SUJJt-•t' hingll d:iys ts rt•ally dwrgc•d," Andl1™>n S<Jtd Crt·t·k . Po n1·a ;ind S1•rn1noll• tnbl·i. 111wr<itt· bingo g<irnl'S 111 Oklahoma a nd fo'lor1da Tht• P uwnl'l'S havt• <1ff(•rt·d h1g t1ml' h111J.{11 ~1n<·e F1•bruary f'awnl'l' o ff1 t·1als ho pt· tu l•mulutt· t ht• St"nunok•-. by bualdan~ a u1ng11 hall to i;c•ot up 10 liOO pc·oplc· It wtll ht.· tht• first tl•nan 1 u f Liii' tr·1l11 •'s indus trial lt'at:t. And<.•rson suid 11 shuul<l bt.• upt.•n bl·fure till' e nd o f tht• y t»•r .snd l'Ould produn· rl'Vl'nu1• uf $:l50,000 a nnua lly Anolht·r "t'>Wcllent rc•vl·nut· produ t'l•r" 1s tht• tribal "s mokt• shoµ," whl'rt' l<lx·frt'tc' c·1g;:ir1•1Lt•s can Ix· puit·hast.><l for d1S<:11unti. o f abou1 :lO i>t·n ·t·nt, OcUc-<·r ~ml M Panwhilt•, la nd 1s bc•tng prt·µurt·d a t thl' Puwnt:'t' Tnbal Ind u s trial Park for a v ant•t y u f busrm~t·:.. m ostly small l'<1mpan1t..os. The• bus 111l'ssc-s. a handful of lhem bcrng t•ourll>tl n ow. arc.• 1·X!Jl'<'ll'd to g i ve t'mploym c nt pr t•fc•n •n <·p tu Pawnc·l·s. Andt·rson said. Funding for tht· site work 1s prov1d1•t.J by the· ft.dt•ral &cmom1l· Dt .. v c•lopmt•nl A rlmanss tratton DcGc·e r said 1t1Cl'nl1vt•i.. s ul'h as low laXl'S and a con<.'<.•ntralcd labor s upply, i.h ould t'On v am·t• industry tht• Pawn t'l'S "might lx· a prl'lly uttral'llVC' bus 11wss partner " , M1l'hi.ll'I W allis, rt•pn'M!nta llve Car Hnod , lluµc• & As.<x·iatt'S Int.'. said thl• P awn ees art.' a urnquC' dlC'nl Cur the pubhc relatio ns firm. "W c·'rc hav ing to w o rk ver y gl'ntly h 's not like> a bank o r an o il firm." W a llis said. "Thcrl• ts this tremendo us pride." Wallis said thf' t ribe valuc'S its h is tory of scrvtc't' to the United States nsvulry a s l'Xpc·rt scouts and his t'Ompan y intends lO retain the tribe's pro ud 1magt-. T h t> tribe wants to improve liOCial SC'rv1ces s u (·h as burial asststan<.-e o r scholarsh ip a.<>Sistanee a nd be abll' to p ay d ividends lo indiv idual mC'mbns. Anderso n said. but mosl of the m o n t•y will b<' plow<.'<:! back tntCJ o th<.•r money-making ac•t1v1l1l-s POOLIC NOTICE It..,., 'ICTrTIOUI .UatNIH NAME ITATIMENT CENTRAL C"Y ASSOCrA TES 4 Upper N1wpor1 Pl•z• Orive Newport S.ecti. CA 92660 Tt1E MEISTER COMPANY INCORPORATED. a Calllo rnoa cor:>orauon. • Uppe r Newpotl Plan Newport Beach, CA 92660 ENCIN I TA S ·A ANOLO PROPERTIES. 11!909 VI• de 'Sanra Fe A1ncno Senra Fe. CA 92C>e7 This 1>usinu1 It Gonducled by •n un1nco1pora1eo 1uoc1111on 01h., than • parrne<1lllp Enc1n1llt·Arn old Jerry S Arnold, M1negtng Gen P111 TM Me11ler ~ l<>c Jerlld A Allc><d. Senior V1Ct1-Pr11 Ml.IC NOTICE STATf.MIENT Of A•ANOONMIENT OF Ull Of' F1Cm1ou1 •u11•H MAMIE The lo llo w1ng peo son has abandoned the ultl ul lhe Ficmoovs &aoness Nllme COSTA MESA C11AISTIAN PRESCHOOL 320 E 18th Street Co11a Mesa Cellforn1a 92627 fhe F'1c1t1rou1 Bu11n111 Narne rererred 10 above wee folftd on O•a"Q8 County on July 17 1980 Loos Eileen S hallor 114 I Gonzaga Pl•ce . W1111m1n1111• Celilo•noe 92683 Thrs l>u9'nest w H conduttf!d by 11 ttm•led partnennrp LOIS~ Sn.afllll rn" s11u1men1 wH llleo with lht! C<"tnly Cle<lc OI Otengfl Coun1y on Oc1.Jl>tf s. 1982 f 141 .... Pub11shell Orange Con t Daily Pllol Oct 6 13. 20. 27. 1982 000 82 hy01ocar1>on tuDsloncoa lying compleinl ABSENT None STAlE OF below e dll)lh Of 600 leol Wlthoul Diiied Maot;h 16 1982 CALIFOANIAI known together wllh all geomermal 11eam end Sleam power t>elow 1 eny rrght 10 enter Uf>Ot' the turl!IU ~ A 8'ench, (;i.tll 0 1 the aublurraca 01 uod land ••·I . P•lefHn, Oeputr abOV(! • depth ol !'>00 leer •• HICKIEY. NIEULANO, PARDEI • provodl!l(I In lnalrurnenl• ol rttc:ord COLLETT A lhl! purporllid tlr&el adOrest 01 mt1 Lambert SI., No. 508 olher common deeion1111011 or aa1<l El Toro, CA t26JO . propelly 1845 Port We1lbourne l'uDh•hlld Orono" Cont Doily Plato, Newpotl Beach. C11111orn1a 1'1101 Surit 29 Oc1 G 13 :?0, 1982 NO WAAAANI Y IS GIVEN AS TO 43t0·82 I TS CORAECINESS OR COMPLETENESS Name ilnd •dd1oaa ol tne 1>enellc111y ar whose roquell the a ale 11 b11ng conducted F 1111 lnl1r11e1e Bank of Cehlornoa •• Jrustee or lhfl Oranlle 11ome l oons lid Seroea 1008 Mor19a9e Pool cto GRANll E HOME LOAMS, L TO 1•00 A1v1r Park Drove. Sacramen10, Co11rorro111 95815 Directions to the abovo prOPl!•ly may be obtained by requHllng 111me 111 wrlUng lrom the 1>enellcla1y within 10 days rrom me llrs1 publlcaloon of 11111 notice S110 HI• woll be made w11hou1 c:oven1n1 or warranty express or ompltfHl as ro tnle. po5M$$10f\ or encum1>11t1C:K 10 sausry the unP••d balance due on the t1ole or nolas Meureo Dy se10 Deed of !1u11. to wn $96,468 17 plus the lollowlng fltllma ted coSlt ••Pon••• end edvencea II me hme of 1he 1n111a1 publlceuon or lhoa Nollee of Sale Fo1ec1 o sur11 Fees and E ~pe n ••• $I 690 99 Advances med• wolh 1ntere11 rnereon oomouled 10 date or ule $148 57 Any Advance1 made nere111er wtlh 1n1ere11 1noreon trom d1t1 ol Advance NO~ICI TO PftC>nATY OWNER YOU ARE IN OEFAUL T UNOEA A DEED or TR UST . OATEO SEPTEMBER 2S. 1981 UNLESS YOU I AKE ACTIO N TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, rT MAY BE SOlO AT A PUBLIC SAL£ IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF fHE PAOCEEOtNG AGAINST YOU. YOU S110Ul0 CONTACT A LAWVER OA TEO 8-plemt>er 20 1992 RUBICON CO, "Said Trullee By us TRUST DEED SERVICES, INC . Agent i 116 I SllMI, Sut11 NO Sac:11men10. C• 95916 8y Kai~ Curi.n. AHllltnl Seuetlry hi (9111) U9·8880 Publlsh•d 0 11nge Cont 0111y P110t Sept 29. Oct 8, 13 1992 4279-82 PUBLIC NOTICE IC..017M FICTITIOUI •UllNf:IS MAMIE STATIEMIENT 1 h• totlow1ng oersons are 00tno business as SELECTIVE LISTS SERVICES, 22426 Aliso Park Drove. El Toro CllllOtnlO 92630 A0b8f1 E Nelsor1. !8071 Fttcll, Irvine, Calllornoa 927 14 Heidi A Nelson. 18011 f1tch lrvorni Cal1lornla 927 14 N1 ncy Oooley, 19071 Fitch, lrvuie Cahl0tn1e 927 14 r his bullness is conduc11d by a.n unoncorporale<l assoc1111on other lhan e par1nerth1p Ao~ I E Nelton Thoa 11e1t1men1 was hied wllh 1n1 County Cle•k ol Ora11ge Counly on Seotemt>or 13. 1982 F1M110 Publlaned Orange Coast Oa11y P1101 Sopl 22 l'9 0<:1 8. 13, 1982 4206·82 f'llll.IC NOTICE 'ICTITIOUI au ..... MAMIE ITA TIEMEN'T The lollowtng penons 1111 dorng Outoneet Ill SUNSHINE FOOD COMPANY. 111113 M11cA11hur Blvd lrv111e, Cahlc><nle Roc k Yung-! at Chon No 10 Thvnder Aun No ll!F Ir vona Ca1or0<n11 Altca Cha~. NO 10 Thunder Run No I 6F. lrYlne. CaltlO< nta Nan Ch•n Change. No 10 T nund•' Run No 18F Irvine. Calilornoa Thie buton•ss 11 conducted by 1nd1V1dua11 Alc;I< Yung· Tel Cnon lnl& 1111ement wa• llled,wllh lh• County Cterto of Orang& County on Sep1emt>o1 20. 1;e2 '""'° Publ11hed Oreng• CoHt O••fy Piiot Sept 22 29. Oct II 13, 1982 4213-82 '" dtplh of ~DO feel under 1tte rH I COUNTY OF ORANGE I property dfllCllt>ed el>Ovo wlll\oul f Frances M Morion. Assoarant rile r19n1 to droll mo~. e~plore Of Sec•elary of rhe Botrd of Edu~a11on oe>erato 1h1ough or on 11\e au•l- 01 the lrv11111 UllllHld $c;l\OOI Ooal11CI 0< upOtlf S00 feet Of the 1Ub11Utl- ol Orat1Q• County Cahlornla or O ld land •• 11terv•d 1n th• hereby cerfllv lhll 11\o 11>0ve and Oeed lrom Laurel Pooni Town foregoing Rea<>lullon wae duly 11t1d 11ornoa • 101n1 venturci, rttc:ord•d reQularty 11dop1ed by the said Board May 1:> 1980 on Book 13604, oage 11 a regular m11ellng thereof held on 65 01 Olhcoal AocorC11 lh• 26th d1y ol Mpy 1992, end PARCEL 2 passed by a unanimous vole ol nod Non·e •Clusove eppuo 11nan1 Board llll-nls ror rngress, eg1H1 uee IN WllNESS WHEAfOF I t1avo and en1oymen1 on and ro the nereun10 Ml my hand and seal lh•• recreal•Oflal common .,.. of Hld 22nd day of Sept.,.,l>Or 1982 T1ec1 No 10097. as set t0r1h •A tne Frences M Morion, Oectera11o n of Covllnanll Au111anr Socrelary Cono111ons and Reatroctron• lor ol me Board 01 Education Lauoel Po oni Town 11ome1 a MEMBERS OF T~E planned unol development recordCld BOARD OF EDUCATION on Book 13111. paoe 1865 ot Olloc1al I Av I N E u N I FI I: 0 s c H 0 0 L Rocotds DISTRICT The s1ree1 1ddro11 o• othe• El1za1>olh Le<! Secoli commo n det1gnat1on ot aa10 President proii11r1y 1a purported 10 be 111 Butt Whit• Cle<k Aspen Lane, Cosla Men CeHrorn11 JOhn Flynn, M.,.,l>Or 92627 Gordon G Getchef Mtmbet Sa•ll Hie will l>tl made WllhOUI JOhn Nelliotca. Moml>tlr c;ovenanl Of wartanty, 1i<pre11 or Published Orang11 Coast Daily ompfoed, aa to 1111e postet11on or P1101 Sep! 29 anll Ocr 6, 13 198:> 1ncumbrances lo tarosly lh• unpaid 4237-82 balance due on lhe no11 or no1K ~IC NOTICE FICTITIOUI •UllNHS NAME IUTEMIENT The 1011ow1ng person os doing l>ul',,.,.S H 1 .MBAOSE FOUR. l TO 4000 Ma<;Arlhur Blvd Wes! To-Suite 4000. N1wpor1 Beech Cahlornla 92660 Ooug1a11 Lemoro!Ml 28 Glenfl. 1..ine. Calll<>1n11 92714 Tt111 Oulln•H •• c;onducled by en 1nd1V1dull OOuglH Lembr~ G-•I P1rlner This 1111emenl wat rii.cs wllh rhe County Clltk ot Orl"Q8 County on Oclobllf 5 1982 f19"0I Put>hth•d Or•nge COHI Oatly PrlOI, Oc1 I!. 13, 20, 27. 1982 4359.92 PUBllC NOTICE ,..CTITIOUllWllNl"ll NA•ITA~NT M!lUrltd oy Hid OeeO of Trull. to wu '14.261 H . plus the lollowlnQ e111me1ed co1ts. eapen1e1 and advances al lhe l•rne or lhe ln111a1 publlClllOn 01 lhos Notice of Siie '601700 NOTICE TO PflOP£11T't OWNUI. YOU AM 1" Dt:FAUU UNOEll A 0£10 Of' TMllT, DATU> MAY S, 1te0. UNLIEaS YOU T AICIE ACTION TO PflOTICT YOUll Pf'°"'9'TY, IT MAY •E IOLO AT A PU•LtC IA.LI. If YOU NIE IED AN EXPLANATION OF THI NATU9'1i 0, THIE PflOCIEOtNO AO'AINIT YOU, YOU IHOUU) CONTACT A LAWYU,. Oiied Sept""'t>er 14 1992 FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE CO e Calilornl• c.orp . 0111'1 Ormerod. AulhOtt:ted Ottocei 114 Eul Flflh StrNI. S1ntt Ane, CA 92702 171 41 558-3211 Put>h,h•d Orange Coesl Diily PtlOI Sep! 22. 29 Oc1 6. 1992 419!>-92 Ttie IOllowong persona ar11 d<>1ng OU9'~e!• :~ A F' I N A N c I A l & Pt8.JC NOTICE INVESTMENT Co 119 Jasmine NOTICIE Of' TftUSTllE'I IALI Creek Or Corona del Mar CA Trvalff'• No,, ... , 92625 0'1 Ocrober 20. 1982 11 10 00 f't&.IC NOTICE ~IC NOTICE CAON CORP a Oe l•w•re • m EXECU·COAP a Carnorn1a -------------corpore11on 119 Jaamtne Cree~ corporallon •• Truatee or K•0198• Or . Corona dot Mar, CA 92625 Succ;ouo• Truslee or Sut>lllluled , Thia t>ualneH 11 oonducled by 1 T 1u11ee. 01 thar cer1a1n Deed of MN-81l19 NOTICE OF DEATH OF corporauon Trut1 e~ecuted by E Paul Jolln&on NOTICE OF OEATll OF VIOLET CLYDE ROSS, aka c 11<1n Corp 1 married man en<l c .. oi L LAJ- KATHLEEN HASKINS, aka VIOLET C. ROSS AND OF ow stoc:um. Pree • 1or•gle .. omen. ano •ttc:<>1deo June KATHLEEN DELANEY p ET I T I 0 N T 0 This Sl•t-1 was IOed wllh the 11 1980 as lnstrumtN'tl No 12540 HA S-KI N S AND 0 f AOMINISTER ESTATE NO. ~;iZ, csier;g:~ Ot•llQI County on ~eS::,d':~~· ;~n~s; ~10~1~~~1 P ET IT I 0 N T 0 A·l 15?37. F1"'1J Cahlornoe and pursuant to lhll ADMINISTER ESTATE NO. To ull hl•lfi., l)<·ndtl tarlt's, Pu1>11sneo Orangfl Cou1 Dally ce1111n No1oce 01 Oeraun lhereunder A 11 "215 "•IOI ""t 6 13 "0 27 1982 lflCOrd•d June 25, 1992 •• • ~ · 1·11·d11or.., Jnd C't1nl111~t.>nt '" ""' ' 'c ' 4401·82 1nstrumen1 No 82-219050, or To all hears. benefidanl"I, , r1·d1lur!r o f Vooll•l C lydl· Olloc11I Aec<>1da of M•d County w111 t·red1tor~ and c onttr.l{t'n l ltc;s.,, ,1ka Vt(•h•l C !loss 1md PUBLIC NOTICE under and purwafll lo sa•d Deed ot l'fC'dttors of Kuthlel•n J>l'l "'11 " who m.iy b e TruS1secl11pubhc •uc11on lor c;ash Haskins and pl'rsoni. who utht•r wi•" tntcrc•stf-<l in lht• FICTITIOUI •UllNESS lawful money ol 1he Untied St.ies ot .,, ~ NAME IT A TIMENT Ameuea a easl\Mlf • c.hecl\ paylt>le may bl' ulherw~ inwn~u_.,_, "oil 1ond 'or t'l'l;tll• Tile 1oi1ow1"9 persOt'ls are dOU\Q 10 said Trust" drewn on a Slate or sn the w all a nd/or l'Stale A lll'lllton hu~ bt'l'll f1lt'<I t>uMMISS aa n11tonel bank • sra1e or feder11 Aro•UUOn has ix>cn hltod hv U.t11k o r Ni•wµurt In 1hi• IAI BUSINESS LI BRARY (Bl c•lldll union <>< a slate 0< federal by Onnl., Sh" rm n an·' ( () BUSINESS LIBRARY PUBLISl11NG uv1nn5 snd toan 1uoc1a11on ~ .! a u S.'upt•r1nr l'i1urt f• r~n°f' • S h " " t C ) B U S I N E S S l I B A A A Y domtelled on thrs stall . 11 11>9 lrorH Doro lhy casort-k in l "Cuunly rt'«tUf~ltnglhatBank PUBL IC ATIO NS 10 ) J J M 1n1r1nce 10 E•ecu11ve Escro w Supt•rtor Court (Jf O range v( N1·wporl bt· ;ipp•1111t1•<I f.llj PUBLISHINC . IEI MARK NEEL Company 2?1South 01• Vitti, San Counly requesting l hat JJl'rsonal ri•prt•st'lllHllV•· to ADVERTISING AGENCY. 38!>7 Clemente Ca11101n1a, au lhal r19h1, B on n IC" S her man und udmi n i'<lt•r lht• 1,~11111. of Birch S11eo1 Newpor1 Beach. CA 1111e and 1me1e11 conveyed 10 end Thll 111tomenl was filed wllh the County Cletk ol Ot1t1ge County on ~ptem~ 17 1982 F117151 Larry Tvdlef D h ..,. k b 92660 now held by 11 under •••d Of!eCI 01 ~IC NOTICE 0 r 0 I V •"Cl 11 0 rt' <' V wll•t t'I vdC' H11~.; C r1rtma MARK NEEL CORPORATION T rus11n the propeny 111uetacs on sal<l nppoanlt•d us p(•rsonol dt•I M,ir,.t'alifornaa (undl'r aCe11101n1a c0<po1111on 38S7B11ch Coun1yanoS111e desc;;l1bedu Twc1111, ia-u a Hlfternen 3 U..., Newpof't Plue Nlwp«1 hec:to, CA l2teO Publlthad Orange Cou r Diiiy P110I, Sept ?9, Oct 8 13 20 1982 4299-82 FICTITIOUI 8UllNEll n:presentuUVC" to admsnslC'r I h •• I n d I' p l ' n d •• " l S11ee1 N-pOtl BeDCh CA 92660 LOii 43 •nd u of Trac;! No N.uotE aTATIEMINT l h l' l' !Ill(' of Kalhll'<'n Atlmano-.lrallrm ,,f ~:_,tnh·' This ousonest 11 c.onducleO by• 7l3 es per m•p recorded"' Book Tne ro11owmg P«~• ire doing 'I k ( d h corp0<ehon 21 Page 17 of M1scetlaneou1 M•P• bull-u r 8 S 1 n S u n c r l l' At l 1 Tht• pi·1111t1n as Sf•I for Mark Neel Corp0<ah011 111 1111 orhc.e ol the County Recorder THE N ET w ORK. I 4 o S lndepen<lt•nl Adm1na1Jlrat1on lw.ir mit In P.·pl No 3 al 71>0 Jerri Haight Sec;r of ea•d County Baylronl. B•lboa llAAnd C•ltlorn•• of E/!t.al.('!j Aet) The pcuuon C:rv11 l'i·nlc·r I>rtvl' wl'~l . This •t•l-1 was filed wllh tne !he st•l!l!t aodreu or 01t11r 92~2 as set for h(•anng an Dt•pt :-\.onui Ana. Cahfornl<• y270l co .. nty Clerk 01 Oranott Co~inty on common designation ol n od Alden & Auoc111u, Inc , 1 N .. 7 00 C ,. O<:tot>er 5. 198:> propelly 33969 Blue Lc1n1.,n, 01n1 C1lllorn1a corpor111on 140 S 0 •' al tv tc ._enlc•r un <.x·lubl•r 'J.7. 19112 Ill 9·30 Fl ..... Point Calllorn•• 92629 The 1011ow1ng P•rton II doing ou11ness as POOLIC NOTICE !>40 5554 B•ylronl. S.tooa Island, Calllornia Drtve, Wl'!lt, sn lhe City o r II m Publlahed 011nge Coasl O••ly Saod Siie Will be m1dt1 wtlhOUl 92662 Sanla Ana. Cald urn1u un II'" YOU ()BJal lo llw Potol Oct 8 13. 20 27 1982 covenant or warranty e•P•H • °' PROFESSIONAL PAAK-2. 881 Dove r Ortv1 NO 1!> Ne wport STATEMENT Of A•ANOONMINT BeltCtl. CA 92683 OF Ulf Of' rtlHICI HOTHHS HUHOAOW4Y MOHUAU 110 Broadway Costa Mesa A J SMlf11. 881 Oov., Otrve, No FICTITIOUI .UllNIESI NAME 1!> N-00'1 Beach CA 92863 l he lollow1ng Pflrsons have Tnll ousinen 11 ~no con<1uc1e0 Octob<'r 27, 1982 at 9 30 om ,,,,.1111"" of lhi• ""lllt0rl, _vou 4371-92 ompfteO u to Ullo, oouestt0n °' lnll bu11nt1s1 os cond uc11d •b•n<lOfled the uMI ol !he l1c111oov1 by ltmlleO o•rtnenntp l>ull~•E•NnOameS 20221 Crown Reel Oy Cl Corporallon rF YOU OBJEC.... lh " " ,.... encumbrances to Mt•sty Ille unp..a Alden & A1soc;1. Inc ·' lo <' ~hould t•1lhn ·•l>P4'••r ,u the-ll8l•nce due on the note °' notea C.rolynC Aldin. gnmungof lhe pt•ltt1on, you ht.,1r1n.i a nd 1nn1r y o ur ~IC NOTICE sl!C\.lrtHl by aal<l Deed ot Trutt. 10 1>42·9150 I A J Smolh This 61atctmlf\t wa• roea w•lh !he Lane, Hun1tno1on &!ech. C1111orn10 1(:o.,n1y Clerk of Oranoe Coun1y on 921!46 lseptemoer 13, 1982 Tne Foc;ro11ou1 Busonen Name Pre11<1M11 sh ould calht'r appcur 81 th!' nbJt't'llOn« or fa ir wrsllt'n FICTITIOUI •UllNISI wu SJ1,16623 ptua 1n11onow1no !h•I tl•tement w111 filed wrlh the hell! 11'1~ und ~13 1 C' y our Ol>Jl'l'llon~ wilh lht• l'OUI 1 NA• ITATIMtNT estomated cost' ekpen1u ind County Cle<k ol Ot1noe County on u 1 ( I Tile IOl&owlng ~•on• are do<ng &d•11ncea •• 11\e ume ol Iha 1n11t•I ~I ~~:92 ~b~~~~I~~: ':11~ ~h;r~t~:;r~ :~~;~~U,.l~~·rr~1t~ar~."1~ I~,:~~ l>Ull~O ~· E l I . A A y A & ~~~:~:~r of Uh$ Nolloe ol Sttle IAL n IUGHOH $Mint & TUTHILL WISTCUff CHAPIL 427 E 17th SI Costa Mesa 646 ·9371 ! f117240 relarrfld ro ebove wea 111eo 1n PublllheO Orange Cont OCllly Or•nge Coun1y on August 111, 1982 PllOI Sep! 1s 22 2g 0<:1 6. 1982 Bonnie Btrtcley, 20221 Crown 4068·82 A••l Lant Hun11no1on Beac n 1--------------1Ctllf0<nl• 928411 Harry I . Slehl hefort• llw hearing Yuur orb,· vriur 1ill\lmC"y ASSOCIATES. 2950 Airway Avo NOTICE TO PROP£'"Y OWNlll One Newpon Pl.c•, 10lto Fir. 11ppt•nr11nl'l' may bl• 1n ~·n.on I j.· y o U A H i:; A 0 ·8. Coste M1aa. CalllC>fnla g26211 YOU Alll IN 0.l'AUlT UNOEll A Newpen hech CA 12teO b Ruben Jof'ln lomotl. IS94 SE OHO OF TllUIT, DATED APlllL • or Y your auorrwy 'Kt:l>IT()R or 11 l·onlln"rrH oi. s • c -•11 1•, 1110. UNLISI YOU T•1<1 rtHCI HOTKIU iMfn4S' MOITUAI Y 627 Main St HunlmQton Beach 536·6539 • Neptune oeiet) CAEMATl()H ikll'IAI. AT StA ·646-7431 Our lller•lure 1ell1 1t1e complete story o f our • aoele1y ce. ....... _., .... ~...... c-.. Su• 8ergeron 431', Oan111 Coron• 011 M1t Cll'l0<n11 9:?8;t!> Tl"• l>ulln"' wH conducted l>y • oener al Plr1netlfliP Bonnie B•tldey Thll lltle,.,.rll wU flied with Ille County Clerk or Ot•"G• County on OalObef 6. 199:> f1Ml21 Publllhed Or•t1ge COHI Diiiy PolOI, ()of 5 13. 20 27, 1982 1'117771 I F y 0 U A R £ A I f I ·• ~~• " ., y11ne. •nte ,.ne. .. omta .. ,. Publlthed Ora ng• Coul 01ily CREPTTQR l ll'f 1tc1r o l 1t ut~-,.·u~. you Ralph An1nony Raya, 22832 ACTION TO PllOTICT YOUll PllOI Sept 22. 29. 0c1 8 13, Hl92 o r • conungrnt mu~l f1l1• vuur do1m wllh lhr StelldOll M1111lon VlefO. Celll<><lloa "'Of'lllTY. IT MAY M l~D AT A 4210·92 red1lo r of lhl" dl>cel&M.'d, you c·ourl 111 prr•M'nl ll to lhl• 92891 PuaLIC IALI. W YOU NllO AN t (ii I ' h h Aon•ld W1ll11m Aud, 13 EXPLANATION 0, TH« NATU9'1 ------------mull c yuurc u1m w,t l e pl r•wn.ol rrJHt•a1•ntat1ve Eld••wood, INlne, ce111orn1192714 OF TH« f'tlOCIEIOINO AOAIN•T ~IC NOTICE ourt or prest>nl ll to lhC" .q >1>01n11•d by tht• l'uur1 tn11 t><.111nett I• conducted by 11 YOU, YOU 9"001.0 CONTACT A FICTITIOUI •UtllNUI NAMe STATUMNT 1 h• 1011owing person 1• 001no buatnee• a1· perso nnl rl"pr r1'rntAtivc• waihm four month-from the-llOM'"' P•'''*•hlp 1.AWYl9'. ppolntf'd by the court 1.1 1111, of ru ,.1 1811unnrt• of A111ph A A•y• 0ATEO 8ep11mt>et 23. 1992 wilhm four 1oon1h11 from th<' lt•llt•I"< ml provadcod "'&-c:llun rnit ••tiern.nt wu llled with the EXECU-COAP ( ( ( County C'-'" of Or•noe County on By Mllu Kun11. ...... ------------------~-L---~~--~-~~ 439982 BOLSA BEACH BUROER I S032 Beach Boul1verd M•dw•y Ctly, CA 92655 Ult' 0 lrs l lHUOn('I' 0 700 tJf thl' P rolNltt• toe.I<> or Septomt>e< 3. 1982 Authorized Agent t!ll<'rs u provldt'C'.I sn Sr<-t1on Cnl1fnrnr;i 1'l'll' l lrne for ,.,_. 221 So<sth Ola v1111 \f,.murial Sc-noirf" for F.R,F:ST v. sout:HRF.HG Mc•morlol s~rvtcc fo r Emr11t V Sc>t.forbl'rg. ll lo ngtime r('81drnt or Nl'wport &llt:h will be hrld October 9, 1982 al 11 11 m . ot PA<'Hlc Vlt•w M e m o rial Park Chapel. PAc1f 1c View Drivc-, Corona del Ms r Ernest Wllll a rrs1dcnt o r N l'W· port S.-.ch since 1947 flnd wu 1elt employl'd u Public AC't'OUntant until hbl N'llrement when he 90ld to Ou1ll Blenkenti.kcr, • firm from Puadena. Ho WN born In Omaha. Nebrnka 190l and t.Ji«i September 21, 1982 at Ho.a HoapltaJ al th 1110 of 81. tfc ti s urvlv«l h y hi. wife M)'rtlc 11nd 11 duughtc•r Jane Oothold, Wlfe of Or. S tu.rt Oothold o f Whrttlcr A1*> •urvlved by four 1ran1khildre n, J o n Onlhold o f WhJttJtt, SUAn Gothold of Anaheim , Eric and Ruth In achool at W>Uttler and livina at home. Don1tions nmy ~'made to t.M Swedl.lh Am.rkan U11to11cal Ataodatlon of C.ltfomJh S.-nd to Editor: Elna S JohaJ\llOO, 8477 8 Enramada, Whittler, C.. P\B.IC NOTICE FICTITIOUI MltfNHI NA• ITATl•HT ri.. rottowtno petaon1 .,, oo<no bu1lneu •• M ICH AE L &HE R MAN ENTERPRISES INCOAPORA t!:O. t100 W CoHI Hlgl'lw•y, Newi>Otl BelCh, CA 92863 M ICH A Ei. SHE RM"N ENTERPRISES. INC .• Ca111orn1a oorp o r111on. 6 100 w Co••• SUAIT S AE THIA 1119 EHi Elk, No 3. Oseno11a. CA 9 120~ lnl• 1>11111neu •s conducted by 1n 1no1vldu11 Surol SH Thia Tl\11 1111emenl we• r1111d wllh 1n1 Covnty Clerk of Orenot County on OclObef S 1992 ,,, .... Publlal'led Or•ng1 COHI Diiiy PllOI. Oct 8, 13. 20, 27. 1982 4348-82 Hl~way, Newport 811cn. CA 1------------- 92r1111 butineas 11 c;on011C1eo by • , ____ P\& __ IC_NO_T_ICE ___ _ corl)O<•llon NOTICI Of' A#UCATION Mlcto111 8herme1 n TO llLL ALCOHOLIC l ntarprlMI. inc nvw"••• MICntel 8llerm1n, Pree 1o.toel T n1t 11a1emen1 wu nled wnn 1ne To Whom 11 May Com41fn County Clalll of Of•not County on MAlllCIAI. GALLARDO II 1ppty1no SeoteMI>« 14, 1092 to tne OtPtrtment ol Alaohollo '1'1at 9-llO' Conllol '°' . 47 . On 8118 Att) • ...,_, M ..... .,.. Oellerlll (P\il>fiC (allnO Place), 10 Mii 11f New'9't CeMer Of, elcohollc; O•veragu et 1781 .,.._ m Newport 81vO , Coate Mau, ..... ,.,, ....... CA... Celtle>tnla • Publl1ll1d Orat1oe Co111 Oellr Publl1hed O""g' Co•tt Dally P110I eep1 IS. 22. 29. Ool e. 1182 PtlOI, Oct e 108' 4071·82 4391·82 00 of lhr Prob;lt' Code o r filing d.mO'< wlll not ('>CJ)iN• Publllhtd Ortnge Coasl 0111~ S•n Clemenll. CA 9'1!n 11ll forn la The l lml• for prror 10 four mo nth11 from Ptlol. Seot 15 22. 29, OCt 6, 191 (714)412-eHO 0 II "' 40M-t2 Publlth•d Oren91 Coast ally 1hng clalm. wl not explrt' th<' t1u1c o f lhr hl'nr 1ng PllOt Sec>• 29 Oc1 e. 13 1982 rlor to tour m onlh11 f rom notlt.,-0 nbovC' •------------43 12·H he d olt> o f lhf' ht•n rang VOU MA Y EXAMI NE, __ __,PUBl~~IC~NO~T'.":':tCC=~-----------o~oia:~cy EXAMI NE tht• lilt• kl•pt by thf' court 1( '~:..:.io:iT·.~=r P\llLIC NOhCE I you ur1• 1ntC'rC"11l1•d In lh<' Tne following puaon 11 doing l'ICTtTIOU• ., ... ,, l' Ille kept by thl' court. f l1il3H'. you ft\UY file o requ t buelne1a b . NA• ITATIMINT OU ore lnteretltl'd in tht' wllh lht• cuu rt to rec('(v(' (A) ELUSIVE CONCEPTS . 181 T~ IOllOWi"O P«llOOI ere dOlng Ull(',youmAyfllt••'l'l'qUH t •Pt'l'llll no\I('(' o f t hl" CONCEPT S IN MUSIC. (Cl 1>11•1,.....••· Ith thl' court to rccelVl' lnVC'lllory o f r11tatf' llllt'll CONCEPTS IN THEATER. 101 PRIVATE PRACTICE AN O I I I f h C 0 N C E P T S I N P U 8 L I C CONT AACTUAL AELA TIOHS, 3&o pt' c • n 0 t c (' 0 t (' 011d of tM pNltlun1. ucrounia 11£1.A TIONS lll CONCtPT8 IN s H10h141t\d, Plac:enn1. CaNIOtnl• nve ntory oC eat••~ IS•Utl 11nd rl"porl• dea('r lbtd In ORAPHICI (Fl CONCEPTS IN 02t70 nd o ( the potl~ona. account& Sr c: l l o n I 2 0 0 o ( th l' MANAOEMENf. U03 H•tbOI' Blvd . 8o C.itl0'1lle Prlva11 Prectlce nd report• dc1c r lbed In <.'ullfomlo Pro batu Code Suite 1<·7, eo111 M•M. CA 92828 &p1c111 tn•••••' Group. uo S ' I 2 0 0 f h HOWARD K!ITti MORGAN. Hl,hland. P1e cent11, C•lllornl• o c t1on o \ c Mt1ervt , Mumper 6 381 r11tt1ordWiy,Coet•M .... CA 92 1 10 llfornlaProbaw Codc. t1u1llu. By: Enttt J . t 2u 1 hl11>u11n ... 1a con<r~1e00~1n T II or p f , S a 111 v a D , Seh•I• Jr. aad Robert A. rllli l)UlinN• "a'>nOuetecl by 1111 1.nlnaorport1ed ll .. oe11t1on olhar or II m •a a D d T II or p e , f'Olttr' Esq., Auont"• •t ~41WW•• lhan • P•rtnetaNp t 1 I l. I.. I liawlfd MOtOtn Al'-Par .. ... • .. ~;,·~v~ ..•• ~w;'"'· ~~o: 8~~· ,c:t':~~.~~1::i .~~~tc;r~~:,:e~·.~ cO::/~~·c::. ~~y·:: oe A•1et11, CatUor•I• Bodi. Callferal• tUU. on Auov•• 11 1912 holet!lt>tt '°· 1te2 17. ltll> Ht·HCI ('714) 7U ... tH • 1'1tle07 l'ltrm l'ubll•hrd 0 111n•or Co .. 1 Delly llubll•hrd Ottnce Co .. i 0.lly Ptibllened Orenge COHt Dilly ., Pvbllth•d Or•no.e COH I Dally •11o1, 0.1 ~ II 12, 111112 •••!11j• Pilo\, °"1 6 8. 12. IN!l ..... •• PllOt, ~I 1&, U . ?t, (XI t . 1912 Pllol, Sept U . H 0et 8, 13, 1112 ... , • '""' "• 4073,92 . • , ... u ..,....___.. • l ------..... Orange OoHI DAILY PILOT/WednHdey, Oolobttr e, 1982 .----------------------------------------'"""------------------...,------------... ------~------------------..,..------------------..... -----.--------------...... -------------------king t 'l'h•• O••nf" C:oun•y Auvt•rU1ln11 I' t•dl'r1auun • vublll• •1r v fot• t.'On11'oltl4~ l• •\lo k t n11 "PPlh'anu from prlvaltt non.profit l0harlt1&b l<•. countywhfo t' n m m u n I t y • \) n 11 t.· d n rr•n t~n t 1on ~ t o partlclp1Hf' In a pu bl1C' acrvkc project for the roming yur Bo i~d up o n & n~l4:hlng fund program, OCAF w ill W1Slsl grou p11 In pre par i n g publl'· • <.> r v I <.' t' m u t 1• r I fa I 11 • l nc luJ lng od vcrt1s lng, printe d materials, and otlwr IU•ms a~ nt•t•tJt•d , rv ? aa w..-U • 111ut•lln1 In p l u nn1n11 a p t.•t<l•I p rnm ollon 1•vun t• 1u p r ovh ic l nformaunn , •Uf>pL>rl 1w d posi tive Image building for the o riunliu t ion I n t h l' t'Otftttlt.tttl t y;- App I I c ot Io n 1 und addltaonul ln tormutlon Ort' avallublo from Judith Oorrtn Public.· lfolullorut, ~iR -1 2~8 . or O r 61n(l t• County A d vertlalnai J:o'ooeruuon. 680-360 I. or by writing to OCAJ<' ut 2500 F.. Nutwood Avt-.. S uite 217, Fullerton, CA 9263 1. Cheering camp set "A C h (:er l ead1ng Celebrauon,'' Sant!l A rw Co l l e g e 's p o pu l ar t raining ca mp f o r bu<ldl ng c heerleade rs, will be he ld Sa turdays. Oc t. 9 and 16 -0n t he campus. S p on s ore d b y t h ~ Off ice of Community scrv1c('11, tht.' <:ump w all t•o n ct.·n lra t l· o n devc lo p mt!nl or roullnl'8, c h eers. 11o ngs , a nd foo t work a s w e l I :u cont-epts of crowd <.'Onlrol and reading o U tc ial's s igna ls . Fe ... fur t tw nirHp is $20. HB airman to Turkey Alrmao Timothy D Hatch . son of John J. and VaJerie T. Hatch o{ 4901 Heil, Huntington Beach, has graduated from thc- U.S. Air F orce course for P\Bl.IC NOTICE rad io relay equipment repairme n :it Keesler Air For<.-e Base, Miss. Hat.ch will now serve at Esk.isehlr. Turkey. MllC NOTICE C-2040 FICTITIOUI IUllMHI I U, II! II I 0 II C 0 U II T 0 f NAME I TATEMENT CA&.lf'OANIA ,, Tne 1011ow1ng person 11 doing COUNTY Of' LOt ANGEL.El bultt1C!t$ H In '"' M•ner or CRYSTAL LY KITE ENTERPRISES. 432 62nd FUNG Minor. A l)IHaon wno llhOuld St111111 Newpot1 BHCh. Ce11101n11 ba c.lael81Cld Ir• from the cu11ody 92663 and conlrOI Of het parente. TeHy J KltnZIC! 432 62nO CAM ~ A·t-SllHI. N•wPOll Beach. C11hlorn1a crrATION 92663 ,,....... ,.,_ p_... Th•• buOllltlH" GOndUCted by an CIMtocfy ..... c-trol •ndMdull (AaANDOl-NT) Ta11y J Kienzle (Illa: ADOf'TION) H111 ""ement was flied wllh lhe To GREQORV AL LEN FLI NG County Clerk of 0 1ango Counly on (•llt g a d n llu r •I f81htH I. Sep1em1>er 13, 1982 111rher .. bou11 unknown. CYNTHIA F19U31 l Y H N S T 0 LT Z (m o I h er). Pu11119'Hld Orange Coast D•lly lillflef .. bou11 unknown, end 10 all Pilot, Supl 15, 22, 29, Ocl 6. 1982 peolaont clalmlng IQ be the l8ther or 4016·82 mo1hat of uld minor peoraon •t>ove named 8y order of 1n1a Court you .,e Mreby d ied and requited 10 llPPMI before Iha Jud ge Prn ldlng In ~rnenl n.t, Rm. 7...311 OI1he 1bov1 anllllad court, localed 11 Crlinln11 Court Bldg., 2 10 W Tempi•. Loa Ang•IH, C•lllornl• 90012, on December 13, 11182, 11 8;00 1.m . of 1n•1 dey, 1n.n •nd thar• IO l hOW CIUH, II •ny you lie,,., why Mid PCl<'9G'1 ahould not be cHlc:l8ted ''" from Iha conlrOI of her pere nt• eccordlng to t ne pellllon on Illa herein. For,llillu<• to attend. you mey be de.med 9u111y or 1 contempt or COUfl The petl11on flied heraln Is tor Ille putl)OM ot h-.atng the tublec1 chlld tor pl-I IOt ed<>ptlon Deted S4ptemt>er 28. 11162 JOHN J CORCORAN. Cownly Cle<k By R l(unlf>o. Deputy Jolln H • .....,_.., c-tyc-i Martin I . w ...... .. DaputJ :f:",.J CO\JftMI DI C COWi• llldo .. 2t0 WMI Tempte lltM1, l .. ~.CA IOOt2 17 ... , AttWMJ• lot c-nlJ of LMA~ DetNl11Mflt of Adop11ont ~ublllhed Or1nge Coast Oa11y Polo! Oct 6 13 20 2T. 19112 4396-82 l"UBl.IC NOTICE FICTITIOUS IUllHEIS NAMEtTATl!MlfNT The lollowlng petton •• 001ng OUllMM •• KI RKWOOO ASSO.CIA T £5. 2061 8ullneu C¥1ter Drive. Su•t• .?01. Irvine. C•llle>tnla 92715 Joni S M11u, 280 Cagney Lane. No 20•. Newport Beech, Cllllorl\I•. 112963 Tiii• bu•oneu 11 c:onouctecs by an nCIMdu•I Jont S M11M Tlllt s1111-1 wu llllld Wllh 1ne County Clatk of 0r8'109 County on Sepll!Mbllf 27. 11182 P\Bl.IC NOTICE FICTITIOVI au ....... NAMll! STATEMENT The 1011ow1ng peraon is dOillg bullnest •• S PITZE ENGINEERING 1660 B1bcock S l••e • Costa Me sa Calllorn•• 92627 Mic;heel Eoward PllSllZ, ISU 2 Neece . W11slm1ns1er. Calltorn1a 92683 This business 15 conduclC!O by 11n 1nd1vlOual M1<:nae1 E P111111 Tn11 11a1amen1 wu lllftd with lhe Counly Cletll ol Orange County on Saptembet 13. 1982 F1tn39 Publlsheo Orange Co u t O•llV P110t. Sept 15 22 29 Oct 6 1982 •017 82 PUBllC NOTICE FICTITIOUI IUSIHEll NAME STATIMll!NT The following p.,aon •s do•ng bu11ness es SAL S SPORT HAUS I 179 Newport Blvd Cotta Me s a Calllorn1n 92627 Note• H Behnam .3900 Pu k Green Ortve . Co101111 del Ma r c .i.torn•• 9262!i Tn1s 1>u11nan 11 coooucttHl by an 1no1111du•t Nu.< H ~nem Tiils t1a1emen1 wH llled with Ille County Cie111 01 Orange County on Seot""1bllt 14 1982 F1tm 4 Pubhshed Orange CQUI Oa1ly Polol Oct 6 13 20 27 1982 4404-82 Ml.IC NOTICE FICTTTIOUI IUIMIS NAMI! I TATEMENT The tollowlng person 1a do•no t>utlnoat u AC ME SWAGING 6 CABLE PRODUCTS. 1773 Wh11t111r Ave . Cos" Mew . CA 112627 WILLIAM H NIELSEN. 2671! Clvb MCIM PIKe Costa M .... CA 92627 T n11 llUl'nen •• c:onducttHl by an lndlVldu•I f1ta:l1 Publleh•d 0 11ng• COHI 0 11ly W•ll••tn H Noe'-1 Pflol. SCIQI 29, Oct 6 13. 20. 1982 Thlf tlatemenl WH llleO wlln Iha .. 263·82 County Cietk ot OllnQft County on -------------Sac>lemt>e< 13 1982 P\Bl.IC NOTICE ,~-Fl-C_T_IT_IOU __ t_BU _____ l._S __ NAMll! ITAT'DlfNT Tn1 IQllOwlng pe,.on la dotng t>utlneu u . PHOT O GR A PHI C COMMUNICATIO NS UNLIMITED 3207 Cl8y SlrNI, N.-pot"I Beach, CA 112611~ GARV GENE HUFF. 3207 Clay SlrMI, Newpof1 BalGh. CA 112663 This bualneU ls conducied by 1111 lndMCWIJ Git'/ 0 Hutt This 1l•temen1 wu filed with the County Cllltk ot Orange County on October S. 1992 F1lll04 Publlahct,d O•ange Co111 01lly Pilot, Oct ~. 13. 20, 27. 19112 4344-82 P\Bl.IC NOTlCE 'ICTITIOUt IU ... 11 MAMIE tTAft•NT fll7325 Publl1hed Ora nge Oafly P1101 Sepl IS, 22. 29 Ocl 8. 11192 .060·82 P\Bl.IC NOTICE FICTITIOUI IUllNIEH MAMIE IT ATEMC!NT Th• lollowlno pe 11on It c.IOlng t>utlnes• u MOKIE'S FLOWERS 1330 S E BtltlOI No 311 S •n t a An a, Cllltornll 92707 Merit Owen• 1330 S E Bristol. S1nl• An1. Callloml• 92701 Thi• t>ualnett le conduc:ttHl by an lndMdull Mark S Owen• Tn11 llatamenl was lllecl wilh Ille County Cl«k of Orange County on Sa(>toml>ar 21. 111112 fttnA Publlthl d 0 11nge Co••t Dally Pllol, Sept 22, 211, Oct. 6. 13. 111112 • t811-82 NllJC *>TICE The lollowlnO petaonB ere doing t>utiMMM: 1---------------0BEROORFERS BAKERY l'lCTITIOUI llU .... 11 NAm ITAT9mNT DELI, 5'1,. W s.lbol Blvd • BllbOI.. Tht ronowlno P•rson 11 oo•ng C4111torn1a t>utlntlM •• JI COb ThomH Oberoorfat , RAINBOW llOt, 1252 Welson. 3 2 2 .,. '"'· Coron• del M•t , Cott• M9M. Ct11lorn11 1t2621J c.i11or111• 112112& o.nlH y ru1gr_,, 3~2·,, Iris. ,,., Wa~ 1.llten, 1252 Wetaon. Coron• .del Mar, Cellforn•• 9262S Goel• .,..._, Ctllfo'"I• 1121129 Thi• bu•I-II eonclueled by • Thia bu .. net. It conc.luctCld by •n general partnertlllP lndMdull. J Thoma Oberd~ler Bftt w Allten Thll ttltlMofftl WU lllCld wllh the Thll 1tet4lfnllnl WU flied ... lh Ille County ~ Of °'"'G4 County on Countv Clllfll or Or•noe County on leplcimllef t), 11182 Sec>tamber 20. 1082 fltl'Tm ""'"' Publl•h•d Orenge Cont Dally Publlthed Orange Cou 1 Delly r11o1 s.p1 1& 22 29 ocn e 11182 PllOt, Sept. 22. 211. Oct. 6. t3. 11182 • . • • t007-82 '133·82 Mt.IC M>TICE '9CTITIOUI .,_... '1CTITIOUI IUWM ~ tTAT'lmWT ....-ITAft•NT Tiie 1011ow1no perton I• doing Th• following peraon 11 doing .,.,..,_ •: ~ ... OAKWOOD TENNIS CLUB & A· 1 MASONRY & CEMENT. PRO SHOP , 1.a lrvlnt Avt nua, 2•13 "D" 8. Flll'lllew, Senta Alli, ~1 llMdl. CA. t2te3 Ctllfornl• 127().4 !dWln ICM«. 9172 LltlOll "10. IC""" Pa111Ck Otl"'et\l!w· 2• 13 OMo.n Or~. CA. t2tU "0" • fla lr'Vl41111', ••n•• An•. Thie t>utlMle 11 conclur;t.O by tn Cemornle 921().4 lndMOul&, Thie bullneM II CMdVCltd by 11' l dwffl ICM« lndMduel. Tllll It~ -fled with 1hCI l(.W. Orlmlllaw County Clertt ol OfMtt County on Thll "'1-1 WH lllCld With Ille ...,..,,., 21. tM2. CouMy ewtt of OrllftO' Counl)I on ,_ 1'9'-"'* 27, 1ff2 f'11bflt ftecl Ota119e Co111 O•lly 'tttla '1IOC. t.of :tt end' Oc:1 I, 1~. 20. '111>Ut llecl 0 rl1'QI COH I Delly tM2 Piiot, llt)t 2t, Ocl e, 13, 20, 1N 2 42t1·'2 42~12 "*IC M>ttcC M UC NOllCC M UC M>flU MllC M>l lGC ,,_IC _,llCC "--:.-:--.-':1J:.~A~=1· ':1~,'a~=r NOTIC• J'i~~r.. .• •AU '':Z~:.~.=r 0 NOTift.,.,,..,..,.... ••a. Tll4t follO'Wlll(j pet .,. dnmo 11141 lflltlljirif!f ,.._ ... clo¥lO '. "'° )ltH/OIPfJN file 1°"'11111(\0 ,.....,,,. .,. ClUUlg N T1C: • OP OltATH or Ullae'1 OIU cw 'fMllT w.i1141u .. lMitit•U• •• ~oa11 2()6.11 bu_. .. L E N A Ill 0 I E L L A fAlft MC>TIG• TO OAIA ARit HUO M•OIHn PA<>fftlSIONAL PARK I 111 NOTICI H 6 ~I OAI ti>t Nawnooa M 0 RI AN A AND 0 I' '-'" OWMl'1 A1;t111ue, f'ullell0'1, Celtlornl• 1121131 Dovllf !)five, No t& lffwPOll Oe1Gn. YOU AR[ IN Of!IAUl f UND 111 A 1•1111 A111, t;eltl1Hnt1 117104 p E T I T I O N T O YOY O!IPAUl.TUNOlrU C etnt Ou• Cu tet1in, 21100 CA ll~003 U L 0 0 1 111Ul l , DA r D llllel l\1!111, lldlt o .. r &11•• Al>MINISTY.R ~ITATl!;NO. DllD OP TlllUIT OATID Mac.1110 11 Ave rtu• l ulluton, tlUllC:A I J MILLlll,HIOove1 OCl0 61!A21 tllJO UNLll8VOU Nu '0' C.011" Melli C•lllotnl• •·ll,l "t . 11 .. flMelR t~L~Nt. UHLIH C111to1nt1 Uta1 01tva. Nv Ill Newport llH Cll, CA fAKl ACflON,10 PAOtttCl YOUR 11020 ", 11 YOU TAKI ACTIOR TO ""O't'IOT Jolt11 c .. 1 .. 1111, 2~ MliJlaon 11260~ PllOPl!IUY, II MAY 01! IOLD At A 111111 OllHltll 'lp111 l)~O b ru '911 h~lrl, bcnt•f!l'IMrlf'll, VOUll fJllOf'91nY, IT MAY •• Avll(IU•, ruu .. 100 c .111011\la 11293 1 l OWAAO I MILLLH, ... I PUllLIC 8All '"YOU Nll:l!D AN H1 tmOt• 811111 An• CalllO•flll (•rvdllur• ulld l'Ontlnaf'nl = ~ ~~ .. ;::: C: ~~ ur~:, ~1~ cion..JMttil 111 • g:~9n'. gr9;M~o 11. Newpofl ~~NA~~i~£°r:o1Wi A~A:.~,=~ ·~ bullrnnrrr~-. l.'r<'dll<lr• of 1.ttn• Rou·llu MATURI OP THI ,.llOCalDINO John C111 .. 11n rnie IJutlt ...... oonducled by • vou. YOU 8 HOUl.O CONl ACT A ~·1 palll\41111\lP IM o r lano a n cJ J)C'rtan• wno AOAINtT VOU.l. YOU tHOULD lntt 11a1-11 wa1 Iii.cl wllh me ~el Plllr*tlll" LAWYIA Htlll 1<1111.fl may bl• u lJw rwlllr ~nuirw\l'd CONTACT A LAwYllt Co-inly t;lerll QI O.er'i141 County . [Clwlld,, MllNlf On OCI00•1 "· ""· ... 1& Hllllt 0 SoiU In lht' w ill •11t.l/or ftUl141 NOTIC( 18 HFREBY GIVEN ,lllm r1111 •l•l•lnal'I ••• Iha wlln Ille A M LOI ANOft.18 TIHt ANO Thll •••111'1141111 Wll ,..., wnn 11141 A r,·llUOfl hu be-en litre# Thet unoet •llcl Oy vlnv• OI Ill• Publl•h•Cl 0 11ng• COHI o.;,,. Count~ Cler• 01 OftnQ• ~ .... on Alll TAAC T COi\ PO AA l tON, • Cou•lly Cle<ll OI Otll>Qt County on b ... N ... prQVltlOtlt ot lhll Wlllll DM<1 ol J>llot. Sapl 211. Ocl e. 13, 20. 11182 8epl411'11bet 13 tUt Ce lllotnl• corpo re llon at duly hp1embef 1:1. IH1 DY n l n 11 n Y It' n 0 I 111 'lrut1 O•l•d 8t1>tem11ai 2 '· 11111, •290-12 "'™' eppo lnteo rruelH urHl•t e no •1tnM M orl11 n 11 In tilt• S 1Jpe>r lo r •M 19COf0ed In th• OfllC• 01 Ill• Publllh•d or.ng• COltl O•lly P\HIUllll IO OMcl Of TruJI t4'C01Clacl Publl•h•d 0 11ng1 Con• De tty C u u r l o r Or11n g 1.1 Cou n ty Aeoordllt of Iha County Of Or•r)Q•, Mt.IC NOTICE Pllol, a.or Ill, 22. 211. Ocl e. 11182 Nov•mber o. 1HO ... Intl No Pllol. Qepl 16. 22 "" Oc• e. 11112 tl'QUl•au ng 1h11 l\ntllo n y tll••• ot C•lllornta. on Oct 2. 1119 '· •070·0? 5211. In bOOll 1H2 '· page 1u o. of •030·11 N I c ll o In• Mo r 111 n IA b «! In Vo lume 10 .. 2. P•g• •U . o• f'ICTITIOUI •u•-·· Ottlcl•I A4tc:otd• In Iha olfkle of Ille -------------0 1110111 Aecotda, ueou led by NAMSITATaMINT "'81.IC NOTICE Coun1v Aeciord.,of Orenga Coun1y. PU8LIC NOTICE 11p p 111n1 r l.l a 1 pl•riionol C111rlH Burtin and 8ylv11 eur1111. Th• tollowtng perton It doing ,._.._IOUt IU:C:::I Sl•I• ot C111to1n•1. EH cut•d by rt'Jlf't..•:stmwllvt• to flld mln lst.ur huab1nd And wife H ltualor, to bu1ln•11 II """' _. EOWAAD R Qlf'Fl N I nd ~AAILYN ,ICTl'flOUt IUtlNltl thl' t'lilul•• to( u •nll R111.('l11a SUNKl6T SERVICE COMPANY. • TARANflNO LANDSCAPING. NAMI tTATIMINT R. GIFFEN. huab•lld end wife WILL NAMt ITATIMINT M 0 r 111 n a ( "' n d •• r t ll 1· CO•POf•lloo. 11 TrutlM , end STATE 237 8 11!1h Pl-. Coit• M• ... CA Tha lollowl11g l)9lton1 ere dotng SELL AT PUBLIC AUCtlON TO l h• lollowmg pe110n1 •r• dOlng s A'\/ I N 0 s A N 0 l 0 A N 02927 llUtlMM" H\QHE8T BIDDl!R FOR CAS H bu•m• .. " l ndrpc·nd rm t AdmlnJ•traatiOtl A8SOCIATtON • C olllornl• S1op11111 c lar1011no. 23T 0 IMAOE ELECTRONICS. 1ooe1 CO•y•O•• .. llma Of ••I• In lawful L & J INVE&T MCNrS , 21>:>• ol 1').wte11 Al'l) Tht-pl'.llt11.1n COtl)Of•llon .•• Bat\4lhCl11y, 16th PlllC.e, Cot•• M•H, CA 112927 l llbarl Avenue. Sult• 201, Foun11ln money OI ·~ United 8••1 .. 1 •I th• Etoen Av•n~ A 10' Cott• MH •. Iii k •t fo r h l'IU 1ng 1n IX•J>l And i>vrtu•nl 01 '"" OW•la• •lld Tn11butlMll 11 conouc1.o by Ill Vllley, Celltorl\le 02701 front an1rence to Ille Ole.I O••no• CA 112927 Nr1 '• ''I 7011 C1v1~ ('.,n t,.r ho ld•• 01 lh• pio min o •y oota 111111v1ouil Oonn• Jord1n Lev.c11.,1~1,. County Cov11llovH 10,•ted on Le•Oy Bur~• 2&54 Elden " " • • MCU•ed by Iha Daad ol liutl •Oov• Sttv• T&1er111no Dove l Drive , N•wpo tl B••cn. S I n I• Ant 61 vlJ , 0 e tw•a n Avonu• A 10 I Colla MeH CA 1'rtV•'. Wc .... 1, in lhl' •1ty o f ,.,.,,ad 10. lh" t l•••m.n1 wH 111e<1 wllh th• C1lltorn111121160 8yc1mote Sl•ffl •nO lllo11dw•y 9i1121 Snnita Ana, C:oh Co rni11 o n And by rHeon 01 11,. def•ull 10 Counlr C•11t• 01 0•••'11• C0unty on Jonn Gllbe n Levaclt t6 14 6anl• An1. C1t1forn•e au 11g111. 11tle J•n•• New1o n Bur•• 2554 Scptt.•m\Jt•r '/.?, lllHl! J t 11 :Ill the P•vm•nl ol H lel prom•n c>•y Sapl 21. 11181 Dove • Dllv•, Newpo tl •••ch. end 1n1e1 .. 1 convayed 10 &nd now CE~•~.,!!fv• AIOI, C0tta Mff8 u in no 1t en d th• Ofeec n 01 the fl16'm C111t0tn .. 112&«1 held bV II undet H id Deed 01 fru" .,,.,. cond1t lona in H id Deed 0 , fruit Publlthed or1111gw co .. t Delly l nla bu••n1u II conduc1ed by 1n th• prop•rty t llu•l•d 111 111d Th•• 1>ut1n••• 11 ecir1oue1eo lly • IF' YOU <>BJF.cT LO t hr· ptovlded, • NotlG• 01 0.l•ull end Pilol. So1>t 29 end Oct 6. 13. 20, huaoano •nd wife County t11d Su11e deKrlbod 111 oen•r111 p1rllltr1h1p Krnnlm ij of tht• pc·Ullu n , you EIKllon 10 Sell Under Deed ol lrutt 1982 Donne J L•vtGk PAFICEL I Jtnl• N Bu•k• d 1uuld ~tthl'I 11'""'8r UI ttw h 1 o d 1 d d 4255·8' Tn11 •t•t•m•nt w11 tiled w11n 1. ~ Ao undlvld•d II 106tll 1nter1111 Th11 atal!llTlet•I wu llloO w1111 IN! ,..,.... av no ••n u Y roe or 11 11• Countu Crtrk or Or1nn. Countu on 111 end 10 Lot 2 ol 1111ct No. 1121. In C.ounty Ctatll ot Orann• Covnly on h t.'U ' I n i.: u n d 8 l ll t (• YIJ U • provided tor by law In 111d ' •-• .. b f I I Roco•d••'• 0 111'8 on June 22, 1982. PU8UC NOTICE Sep1em~f 2 1. 1Q82 tilt Cny ol Co11e Met•, County ol S•ptembor 3. 1982 u JN 'lllJ0 8 or I 1• wr l ll•n In Book lull NO 82-212642, P11?t12 0 r8nge, S111e C)f CalllOH\ll , Al per FlMIOO ObJr<'t to n a With l hl' l'OUrl SUNKIST SERVICE COMPANY,. FICTITIOUI IUllNElt Publl•h•d Ot1ng• Coul Dally me p tKorded tn &ook 341, Paoa 22 Pulllllhlld 0 11noe COHI 011ty b1•lort• t he· ln •a r 1n1t. Your CO• P O• •llon ... lhll p ruent NAMI! I TATEMENT PllOI, Sept 22. 211. Ocl 6. 13. 111112 ol MIK elleneov1 M1p1, In '"" OlllC• P•IQI, Sapt 20 nnd Oct 6. 13 20. b iuthOllHd and ic1tng lrut••• Tne tollowmo p111son1 111e cto1no 4187-92 ot 1no Coun1y Reco1oe1 tot 1110 11182 i• /1 I""" an t 1' m 11 '1 l' 111 under .. ,11 0ee0 ot Trual, llorea•ld , DuSlo•sa u DUDtfC NOT C£ County • • 4:JJ)6-82 JW11>11n o r hy your aun rncy on WClclnHdey. Oct 13. l982. 81 A & K FENCE. 3 4 9 No A rvut. I EXCEPT tharelrom Unlls 107 C C f F Y 0 U A R E A tne hou• 01 IO oo 0 dOOk AM . 01 Aocne1101 C0.11 M•sa CA 92627 FICTITIOUI IUllNEll 1hrough 2 1 I H t hown upon lhe P\JVLI NOTI E CH~DJ'l'OK o r 11 l'Onlln~f·n1 ~•Id dly 11 Iha NOt"lh lronl entrenca ROBERT I EE AN T EL, 349-No =n:TATIMIENT Condom1n1um Plan reco•c.led In FICTITIOUI I UalHEll t:l~'dilur o f thl.' d(>l't!UC'<i you to Iha Or•noe County COUT1hOUM, A Rochetlttl Co.au Mau .• CA TIM I ~ ""' doing Bool! '18 7 '· Pego 1913 0 111c1a1 NAM( 8TATEMENT I 700 Clvte Center Drive WMI. In 1"41 02627 ouSlnHt u A.cote.I• fnu lollowtog pert0n1 are do•nu mUSl fl " your claim Wllh lilt' Clly o t Sanll Ane, County 01 GE 0 R G ( R 0 BE A I HILLY ER S , 2 Gre t•I Court , PARCEL 2 llullflO .. Ill ''OUrl or p rt•ioenl ll lo lh•• Ot1noe. St8ta ol Calllornll. Will KLINEFELTER. J02 1 Gaiflel<J Ave N-pon s .. c ll, C1Hlornl• 112083 Uni! ICI! u lllown upon lh• CBA FAS I ENER ANO SUPPL I' pc·ri.11n:. I rt•prt•S(•fl t " llV1· SELL, Putauant 10 Iha power ol aate Coste Meaa. CA 92626 Deborah JHn Hiiiyer, 2 Gretal Conoomlnlum Plen telerted 10 •n •253-H LOQDn Avenu.. CoSla Mtt18 a p p u 1111<•0 t) y t ll t• C'O U rl conteu eo In 11110 Deed ol Ttuat nnd. lhll bualn11u 18 couducieo l)y 8 Court, Newport BH ch.., C111tom l1 Pcl'~c'E•loo3ve Cahto11111 112626 w11htn fovr month11 from th~ wllnou1 cov1na n1 or w111en1y oenert1I p11ll11erahop 92663 PA" Kan Jonanun Bruk• 2550 regerdlng title, poueulon or Oittlfgl! R K1111.,ft1llllr AID• Nuvla wa11e11, 2 Gr"•' An HHmen1 lor Ingra n •nd Cotumll111 Dro ve . Coa1a Mttse datl' of till• hl•urlnl( M Ut'<.'d encumbrencet, at public •uctlon, lo fh11 slutemo11t wos llled w•lh ""' CQull, Newpo11 Beac;h, C11HIQ1n1a egreu •nd •nfoym•nl on r 1ne Calllo1n10 92626 above. the n1gne11 cash bldde1 , In lawful County Cle•k ol Oienge County on 112863 CQmmon AtHlnlQI l ot rr1clNo Don1e1 L1111o r B 1111a~ 1152 YOU M AY EXAMI N E money o t the Unllt d Sletu of Oc•ober 5· t9&2 Tn11 llu11nee1 is conoucteo by a 8241· in 1111 g uy 01 Co~t• Mo .. i N()r lfl w u 1 S 11eo 1 No G·2 l h l• fill' kt-pl hy t ile {'0Ur1 1f Ame r1c1. ell lh&I ca n.in re el FlllltlOI gener11 par1ne11h1p County 01 r •nge llto 0 A11a111J1m C•lilo1n10 92801 d h 1><oP9'1y lllueltd in 11111 Couniy QI Pubh•h•d Oronge Coosl Oally Oebe>t•h J Hlllyt1• Celllorn11, •• P9t m1p-18Cordecl In Tnis 1>uain•u,. conducteo by, you an• 1ntC'rl•11te in I ,. Ortng•. St••• 0 1 Ca lltornia P1101, Ocl G 13 20. 27. 1982 Thie 1181.,,,..,1 w" Illa<! with llWI BOOI< 341, Paoe 22 of M1M:ell1M10U1 118,..,, .. pa1toor•llip l"!ft.lllt:, yvu mtiy hie> it N-quc.-st ~Ibid H IOllow• 4345·82 County C1at·k ol O.•noe Counly on M•P•. •n '"' Qltlce 01 the County Kero J Buike wtth t h<' covrt lo rt-l'l'I V~ PARCEL I An undMOe<I I/Siil Sept.,.,,bllt 17 19112 Re cord•• or ••Id Count y •• Tno1 &111emf!11I wuhle<1 w1m ll>O 11 p1·1·1.il n o t ice o f t h e 1ntete11 in end to Loi I of T1&cl No MLIC NOTICE f1t11'31 dn crob•d on ine Oeclarallon °1 Co<Jnly C1e111 ol Or&""" Countv e>tf C c Covanen••. Conditions a nd .... ~ lllVl'lllOI y or 1•1>UH1: a1>1>1:ts I I 148· in ,,,. lly 0' otl• Mee•. FICTITIOUI IU91NE88 Pubh•heO 0 ••f'g• Cou l Delly Ru1r1c11ont IOr 'B1 o okv••w' Sepleml>Ot 17 1982 a nd (Jf lhl' pellllONI, aCl,)Un~ Coun1y ol 0 1a nge. S te la of N•M( I T•Tl!""""NT Piiot. Sept ,,, 29, Oct e. t3, 11162 C d 1 d d ••• 30 f 1tn07 • I Celllornt1. as pet mep •ec~ded In " .. _.. 4205·82 on omin um. ••Co• • .., Y • Pu1111 .. 1eo 0111n9e Cou1 O•••v and re p u rls d c·i.C'ribl•d 1r1 BOOI< •711. Pagea 16 •nd 17. ln H•• Ttwi IOllOWll\Q peraon1 e•e doing lllH. In Book 114 11· P•ge I of P1IOI Ocl 6 13 :>O 27 1982 St•l'lto n 12 00 5 of I h ...... olllc• ot the County Reco•der ol bu••neu Ill aom'IC NOTICE OttlClll Record t •3118-112 tlld County H & H CONSTRUCTION SITE, rvut. The ...... •dd•eU i nc.I Olh•r California P rob&tc C.:odt- PARCEl 2 Untt 1 11, snown upon 601 S Eucllo, Anaheim, Calll0tn1a flCTITIOUI IUl*«tt common °"1gn111on, II l ily, ot tile PUBllC NOTICE W 1111 a m M . C r os b y , Ille Condominium Plan "''""' 10 112002 NAMI tTATll!Mll!NT tHI ptoper1y dH C•lb•O ,oove " E squire; Farne ll, Cr oaby & on P a rc el I •bove e no mQr• V1c101 p SVQUIA, t9510 lbew. Th• 1011ow1ng pertotll ... OOlllQ purported to b l e1 I THAMES f lCTITIOUI BUtlNESI Long; One Newport Plac e , .:ommonly known H 2182.A PeclflC Ce1t11oe Calllo1n1a 90701 bualnell 11 WAY, COSTA MESA, CALIFORNIA NAME ITATEMENT N Avenue. Co••• Mftl. CA Carol M SyQUfl , 191110 Ibex. ON TIME !RAVEL. 1701 Scon 92826 The lollow1n11 1.1•11•011 " Oou111 IOtb F loor ; e wporl Btach, 11 there 11 no atrael adc.lre aa. Cerrnos.Ca11101n1e9070 t 011ve. Sulle D, Newpo tl Beac h, Tne unde1 t1gne d T111sto11 llut•nen aa CA 92160; 1714 1 851·t488. dl11c11ont m1y be 01>11tnod by Tnos ou11n11u 11 conducted by Gil e e11101n1a 92fl60 dl1c:1••m• eny llablllty tor a ny LAM B ROSE 1 HREE l To P ubh!llWd O r ange Coa -.1 wr111on requoat to S t••• Sevlnga 111oovtdu11 Jo yc e V MCEiroy 200!> I lnG01•9C1neH 01 lh• SltMt •ddrns 4000 M&c;Arthur Blvd Weal Towe• 1>:.111) Plllll S.·pt 2!1, :s<l, O t Ind Loin Auoclellon. 222 Ne>tln £1 Carot M Syqu11 COlg•I• C1rcio Hun11ng10<1 Beech. '11d olh41r COtnmon c.let1Qn1llon. ti Su•I• 4000 Nowpo1i Bu t.n CA ti. I !!1:12 Oor•do Stteal. Slocltton. CA 95202, Tnta t111emen1 wu filed w•lh the Cthlo1n11 92S.8 any. etiown netaln 92660 All•n llon Lo i n S e rvice CountyCllllk OI Orange Counly on N•ncy A H11Qan 3007 HllDC>t Se id a 81e Niii I>• m•de , bul DOUGLA ~ LAMBROSE 28 Oepaiun.nt. not let., than October ()c;1ooer S 111112 View Oriv•. Corona det Me r wllhoul cov•n•nl o r w•11en1y Glenn Irvine CA 11271• 12. 1982 tor Ille PIJ•P<*I ot P•Y""ll f191MS Cahl0tn11 9282!1 exprn& °' Implied, rag8tdlt>Q lllle, lh11 1>u11neu 11 conducted by a PUBl.IC NOTICE obltoauona MCU•ed by N KI o..o 01 Puohsneo Orange Cout Delly Thia ou11ne11 11 Gonducted by 1 pon•"1on. e>t encum1>11nc;", to kmiteo Plllnottl\lp Trull P1k>1 Oc1 6 t3 20 2? 1992 general per1,..,t111p pey 1h41 ,...,,11n1ng prlnc;lpal lum of Doug l .. lamb•o n W..o:!Ml Tha lol•l amount ot 1"41 unpaJc.I 4370 ·82 Nency A H8Q'11 Iha nol.C•I MCU•ed by Mk! OeeO of Gen Pan t>•••nc• ot lh11 01>11g1111on 11 S 127,· JoYC• V McE1toy Tru11. wllh" lnt••H I lharaon II Th11 1"1llf"4tnl wDI toled wtlh 11>e NOTICE Of TllUI TEE'S &ALIE No. >07\11 973 eo. lntarH I S 1e.se1 99. •nd ,,,. P\&.IC NOTICE Tn•s sletem•nl was hied wim Ille provl<Hld in Nld no•.C•I. advances, County Cttt~ ot 01ange County on ullma1ed a!Tloun l o l cos is Counly Cletk ot O••noe Coun1y on II any undllt lhe tetme ol "'° 0..0 Octot>at ~ 1982 On Ocloller '7 19112 ot 10 00 11 m US TRUST OEED SERVICE!> INC o C&hlOrt118"0rl)Ota11on wtoo..e nddron 1$ 2 I 15 I Streat Su11e t<O I Setramenlo Cahlornoa 9S816 wr1ote 1olephon<1 number •• 19161 •48·8880. H .Ag•nl lot RUBICON CO WllOM Addres• II 1400 R°'e' Par• Duve S1c.amen10 C.ihle>tn•• 9581!. wno~ 1eiephone num1>11 ·~ 19161 924·3000 as Tlu1111t1 ol 11>at ce•la1n Oeeo or I rust ••tcuteo o~ J EAN M RUOIC HUK • s ingle woman OclObe• 10 198 I ,.,. 1n$1rumen1 No 2•806 "' t>oo" 1•26 1 pegf 16S8 o l Oll•c:•a• Ra coto• 0 1 Ora n ge Co unly Ca hlorn•• •no pursuan1 to thal te•1'1n NQl•c• o l Oela ull and Elec;toon to Sell lhe<•.inO.. •ec0tO.O June 1• 1982 u 1n1t•umenl no 82 200860 of Othc1a1 Reco•d• ol ;.a10 County w111 unelt1 e nd pur•u11n1 tu '<l•O Oee<I OI T ru" S6JI " putll•C auc;llon tor c11s n or Cash~r s Cnec• d1awn 011 a sta1e e•jMllMS and •d~IOOH wtl•C:h Wiii f lCTITIOUl IUl .. 11 Oct • t082 ol Tt\J ll. , •••. c h11ges and f19H07 1111 1ncurttHl ov the d11e 01 "'" 11 NAME ITATfMll!NT """1 ••P9nllM 01 Iha Truslea ano 01 the Puolltnod 01 auqa Coa.1 Oaol v S l,0611 Q7 The 1011ow1no pett10111 .,. dO•ng Puollaneo orange coast D1111y llutlt cru1ec.1 by H id Oeed 01 Polo• o,1 6 13 ~O 27 !982 OATE~J~~:;i;rse~i.Jic~982 bu"c8:s;:y ENTERPRISE. 11092 Pilot Ocl 6 13' 20 21. 19~~97-82 T"4~ 10181 amount ol lhe unp8ld 4360'82 c 0 M p A N y Lynn SHHI, Apt A. Hunt1ng1on b•l•nGI of Ille ObllQallOn soc;urtHl ------------- • '°'PotlllOn e.acn. Calit0tnla 92~9 PUBllC NOTICE by 1ne proparty 10 oa aQld and P\Bl.IC NOTICE By D•Vld cniv .. •. 2 O D•;KI Rot>&fl c°ataot•. ~35 W J'ICTITIOUI IU .... t t reuona ble e11tm1t•d costs f'ICTITlOUI •UllNEll A•el•lanl VIC4 PreSldft<ll I 'ch orr•nc:e •hf0tnl• S02 N·--8TA ........... NT Hptfl ... •nO .Ov•ncet ., me llme NAMlf tTATEMlNT 222 N0t1n El Dorado St•eal 111 I R1m1ey I 7092 Lynn ....... ., • ._ ol 1he 1n 11111 publlC11t1on of the Stockton, CA 95202 SllM1. Apl A Hunllnglon Belc.h, Tr" lollow1ng petJOnl a1e O<><ng Nol"4! of Sele ,. 137.745 37 l ne lollow1ng pe11on 11 do111g (:209) 110· I I 16 Cemornl• 92~9 ousu:"ou:.-TECH POOL ANO SPA Tna banafl(;lary unOer tlld 0...0 l>Ulls-~ ~ T H L A G u N A TrutlM Th•• t>utinen •• CO.dUCltHl Dy . QI fruit neratofore ••ecullld and CHIROPRACTIC CENTER 316 .. 3 Put>llaneo Orange Cou t Dally glltltt•I P•f1neo n1p SERVICE l3712 VII LI Corona dl hv•••d 10 lh• unde111gned a South Co et l Hi,hw•Y Sou in P1101 Sept 22 29 Ocl 6, 1982 O•Vld ROl>llfl CH IOICI M•tllon v .. 10 CllllOtntl 92691 Wl'llten 0.Cl•rauon OI Oeleull •I'd ~9 2 Tn11 t111emen1 wu nleO with tne Emily Donnally L11M1rre. 23772 Oemend tor S•I•. end • wrllten L90un•. Cal1torn1• 2fl17 __________ ,._t_,_9_ County Clerk ot Or•noct County on via La Co1ona M1111on V•e10. Notiea of O.laull •nd Etecllon IQ l omolhy H Hen<111n DC. J 1691 PUBlJC NOTICE Soplomt>er 20, 11182 C1.1l1foml• 92991 Sell Tht uncltlr11Qtl4d c:auM<I Mid WllOwOOO, Soum Laoun•. Ca~torn•a NOTlCIE Of' HeA"'NO Of' THE IOAllD Of O#lll!CTOll8 Of THI MES A CONSOLIOATID WATEA OtlTilllCT ro re1•d11nt1 end cuatome•• t>I tile Mes• Con101tdsted We 111r DISlllCI P teate 11ka no11ce t ha t on OclOl>et 2 I 1!1112 I I 7 00 p m tll 111e t>oe o 1oom of 1ne Me so Conto11<1e1.o Walt< O.air1c1 t96S Pl•cenll• Avenue Colla M••• Celllorn•• lhe Boaro ot Ouae101t w111 hold e pu1>1tc; ne111nv 101 1ne puroo1e ot ••c e 1v1ng p u o11c c o m m e nl t on •h e d •a ll Envltonmen1al Impact Repo1t lor Pha te Ill OI 1ne OISl llCI s No•t hlSquth Feed•• wa l er tran.amlnlOn p1pe4lne Th• propoMd P•Oleel IS located g1111ar •lly wllh•n F 1llVlew Region1t Perk. 10111c:ent to tne Sante An• Rlvllf. between V1e1or11 S11eat and tno Or~e County Flood Con1101 OllltlGt't l'e11v-Ch•nnet A COPY Of lh• d••ll EIR ta ave.lla ble on the 011111c1 ot11u lo• rev-In lhe •ve nt you h a ve •ny qu eat1ont 0 1 n•ed lu rthe1 1nlorm111on. ple&H conl•c l Jell Renno. 011111c;1 Eng ineer. al 931 t200 Any person to Whom lh•s notllle 1$ lddrHlad Wiii l>e p1ov1dll0 a lllr opportunity to pres•nl views c;onurn1no the d•ell E•R 11 the time or th• public hu rtng OAIEO Augull 26 1982 K111 l(emp GenetaJ Man11Q•• 6 Sec;retary MESA CONSOUOAIEO WATER DISTRICT Puohsned Or1n11• Cou1 De lly P1lo1 Oct 6 13, 19112 4396·82 PUBllC NOTICE f lCTITIOUt IUllHEIS NAMlf ITATl!Mll!NT The following pe1ton " 001ng bull/IOU H S OUT H W EST EN ERGY RETROFIT, 111128 M1gn0ll8 Strffl. Su11• 2038 , Hun11no1on B••ch. Celll0tnle 112648 Steve Penn · S tephen lou11 Penn 20701 Cn1uce r Lene. Hunllngton Belen C111lornl• 929•6 Thtl l>v9lneaa 11 conducted by •n 1nc.IMdue.1 Slec>nen L Penn Pre11<1an1 l n•• at•t-1 w11 hied ..,,h 1ne County C•et• ol O.enge Coun1y on OCllobat s. tll82 f1MM7 Pu1>ll1h1c.I Orange Coeal Delly Pilot OCll e. t3. 20. 27. 1982 .. 03·112 P\Bl.IC NOTICE STATIMSNT Of' AtANOONMaNT Of' UM Of' "CTITIOUt IUtlNHI NAMl Tn• IOllOwln Q P•llOn ,, .. •01nd()n41d the UM Of Ille llGlltlOvl butl,....n•me SOUTH COAST ARMY·NAVY SUFIPLUS SAL(S, i 4114 Ne wport Blvd • Cati• ~. CA 9'627 Tha F1<;11ttou1 1kiJ1n91s Nama relerta c.I 10 abov• wu hltd In Orange County on N~tnbet 1.t 111711 MICHAEL JEROMI! SHERMAN . 1850 P a rk Newport. N•woo 11 8"Cti. CA u eeo Thi• t>uttn ... w .. eonouctacl by lll1 tndfVldUll, Mletl ... J. Shermen Thia 1lelet'Mlll wit Iliad with lhe County Clllflt Of Orenot County Oii Sec>tflll"lber t4, lte2. ,, .. ""'_....., .. ....__ , • ......,c...Dr. ....... New"9f1 ....... CM -,Ubll•h•O Oreno• COHI O•lly Pilot, Sapt 111. H . 29. Oct I. 11112 .-072·12 f1tn11 1<enna1n E1nt1 L•M•rr•. 23772 Notie. of Oelaull 1nd Etec:llon to 92617 Puo111hed Or•nge Co111 O•lly VI• LI Co1o n1 M1111on V1~10. Sell 10 l>CI racorded on the coun1v Th•• ou11nett •• condueteo t>v an PllOI S11p1 22 29 , Oct IJ, 13, 1082 Cellle>tn•• 11269 1 wn.,e 1ne , .. , propar;ty 11 located Individual •212·82 Th•• t>ut.nau •• ct>nduc1110 by an Cal• Septambef 22. 1982 Tlmo1ny 11 Heno11n DC -------------lnc.llVldUJI TH E MARINOFF Thli t lelem<M\I Wal flied wtlh tne Emily D l 1M111e CORPORATION tka County C'4trk ol Or•nge County on P\&.IC NOTICE Tntt tlll-1 wu hied w11n the LOS ANGELES TITLE Septembc!f 20, 1982 F'ltT777 or nalte>t•81 oank e stile °' t&0er1I Pubhsneo Orano• Coesl O•lly cre011 union e>t • slate e>t feoe1ai C A P11o1. Seol 22 211. Oct 6 13 t982 atv1ng1 •nd lo•n e uot1al•o"I FICTITIOUI BUltHEll NAMa tTATl•MT Counly Cle<k ot Ottnge Counly on & ABSf F\ACT CORP 5.,pltmbet 2 I 1~82 n722 Rl1111tlde ()rove The IOllOwtng Pe<tonl 11e c.1<>4ng bu'llnest H F'l17111 Norin Ho llywood •m.112 '0oml(.lle0 1n IM Staie ot C.11100111" Pubhtneo 0 11ng• Cou1 Da lly 91607 01 ma Nonh tront en111nea 10 1ne KIO LOVE UNLIMITED. 1~9 0 low• SllMI Coe:1 l.4aaa. CllllO<NI Pilot Oct 6 13 20 2T. I 1182 .. 398-82 112926 !--------------~~ 1(11n1..,.. MQ•ey. 2036 G•• .. y PU8UC NOTICE Drlv•, Nawpotl Bu ch, Calllornl1 1-------------92690 FICTITIOUe llU .... H Anna McCuland, 11149 0 Iowa MAMIE ITATl•NT S lrell, Co111 Mesa. Celllo rnte rne IOllowlng Pe<IOl\I are dO<ng 92926 bullnetl u Thlt bulilllH 11 ClOtldUGted by , THI! NATURE Ltf'E COMPANY, g,_•I P•f1n111an1p 39•B Ogl• S1te1t. Coll• M•n, Kllhleen M0<1y Calllorn.• 112927 l hll llaltmenl wll flied wllh Iha JOM E Edw••dt. 39•B Qol• Counly Cle<k ot Ot•noo County on S11e11 , Cotta Men . C1111orn11 s.p1am1>er ro. 1992 112621 . F1tna Jon W1ll1e m Piere•. 1269 I Puo111nad Orange Cou1 O•lly Blec:lclhorn ShMI Oare.Ian Grove, PtlOI Sap1 22 29, Oct 6. 13. 11182 CllllOlnll 1121140 •2 I 1 ·112 Tnll but!-le c:onducltHl by I PllM.IC NOTICE FICTITIOUI IUllHEll HAMii! I TAH.-NT Thft IOllowlng l)efllonl 818 dotng bullnCISI II 111 1 SURFOL AS , SU RF PRODUCTS, '(bf LIGHTNING SOLT genatel Pll'IMrtlllp John E Edw11tdt Thia 1111-1 WH 1111<1 Wllh Iha County Clan ol Or•noe COunly on Sepltml>Clr 13. 11182 '1tm7 Pu1>ll1hed Otenge Coall O•lly P110t, Sept 15, 22. 29. Oct 11. 1g92 4036-82 SAILBOARDS 1810 E. Borchard. l------------- San1e AnA, Calllornla 112705 PlB.IC NOTICC Surlg111. Inc; . lnGorporeted In 1----------="---Cahle>tnl• 1810 E Bc><cn•rd, S1n11 FICmK>Ue ., ... ,, An•. Calllo1nl1 112705 NA* ITATll!MIENT Tn1a llUtlneat 11 conduc•eo by • Th• to11ow1no penon I• doing eo<poi"oon butl~ ~Ell COMPANY. 336 E SuilglH Inc; ITlh S1rea1. Cotta ....... Cllllornla M 8ty Ellen Mauao 112927 Secret••Y Tn•a s11t..,,.. .. 1 wu 1111<1 w11h 1,,. Cyn1n11 o M~lt II Whlt1>1Hlng County Clet~ ot Orenge Counly on Wind. 1rvin.. Callf0tn•• 1127 t• Auout1 3 1 19112 Thi• bu,.._. •• conducted 1>y an FllM14 lndlvldull p bl h d o c t o 1 Cynthie D Moell U IS 0 11nge OU 81 y Thll tllletnant WH llleO wllh Ille P1to1. Sept 15 n . 29. Oc:1 6. 1982 County Clclr1I 01 Or•noe Couniy on 4065'82 October s, 111112 PU8llC NOTICE ,.,..,1 Publlthed Ot•nge CQH I D•lly PllOI, Ocl 8. 13, 20 27. 1982 •345-82 18 lllid ltuttM Tel (2131 877·1•00 8y T•• Wlllllllla Voce PrMldenl Publl•h•d Or•nge Co111 Oe1ly PllOL. S•PI 29. Oct 6, 13. 430•-82 Ml.IC NOTICE •1CTTT10Ut IUllNHS NA•tn .. ~MlfNT Th• IOllOWll'IQ pe1ton1 8te dOlng llUtlneae .. (al CAMBRIDGE FUNOING. tbl CAMBRIDGE MORTG AGE (Cl CAMBRIDGE LENDING. 2943 S Pullman S l r••I. Sent• An• C.lll0tn1a 112705 C1mbr10g11 C1p1111 G1011p e Calllo rn" corpo••llon 29•3 S Pullm an S 1ree1 Santa An e Celile>t"'• 92705 Thll l>uatntl .. It CC)n(JUCltHl by 8 eotpc><11llon Cambrldg• Capnal Group Steven L E<1w1rc.l1 E~ecullve Vice Pres1den1 l'111 al1temen1 waa llled wllll Illa County Cl(lrl< ot 01 ange Coun1y e>n Septemti.r 14, 111112 f117"0 P ubh1l1ed Orenge Coast D11ty Piiot Sept I~. 22 2Q. Ocl 6 1972 4066+82 PlB.IC NOTIC£ PllM.IC NOTIC£ "IC-01 .. FICTTTIOUI BUl*£U NAMlf ITATIMEWT Tlltl IOllowtng petlOt\1 8fe c.lotng bullntlH 11 CIRCUIT·TEST, 3150 Pullman SlrMI, Coe!• Mfll, CA 921!t2 ENVIRONMENT.Al COMM · U N I C AT IO N S I N CO R · PORATEO. I Calll0tnl• '°'PottllOn. 3 ISO Pullman St , Co1t1 M1111. CA 112627 Thtt 0u.ineu ts c:onduc;lllO by • eo<por" Ion IEnvlrQftmlnlel Comm Inc Allen J Shllran.,P•ea Tnts ... ,...,,..,, w" 111«1 won Iha County Cler' of OrllllOit Counly on Coul\ly Cou!ll'IOu tt 700 C·~·c Cenle• Drove Wl!tl S anl• An<1 C•l1torno1o 111 lhll r.ghl ltllf' ana 1nltttes1 Gonveyao 10 •nO no .. ~ 1>y •I unaer H •d OeaO or Tlual on me properly t•lu•lect 1n H •O Coul'lr •"d Stal• dHCrll>eO .. CITY or NEWPORT BEACH Counly o f ORANGE S llte ol Calllo rn"' O.~rll>e<J IS IN THE EVENt OF A TRUSTEE S AL( PROVIOEO FOR HEREIN A ll P AR CELS O F R E A L PROPERTY DESCRIBEO IN TmS OHO OF TRUST SHALL BE: SOLO IN O N E S A L E AN O N O T SEPARATELY PARCH t LOI 2 I ol Tlec;I NO ST98 •n lhe Coty 01 Ntwoot"I 8'!1<'1• H pot Map rec:otded 1n SOOll ;>11 P •g•• 3 2 10 3 6 1nclu1•v• 0 1 M11eallanoovs M•P• tn Iha Ortq or fl117964 1ne County Fleco•Oe• 01 •••Cl Pubt11n•d 0 11noe CoH t o auy County Seplemt>at I 7. 11182 P1k>I, Set:>t 29. OC1 11. 13. 20. 1982 PARCEL l A non·e•clus•"f' •JOG.92 •nement 101 1ng1on and eo••n -------------1lh10Ug11ou1 LOI 10!1 or H id "•cl P\Bl.IC NOTICE 5791!. 1ogo1her wnn HMtnent• lor support end Mlllemen1 "'"*• Mlfl FICTITIOUt eua...11 LOI 52 8dfo1n1 LOI 105, loO•lhe• MAMIE ITATIMINT wolh e •nme ntt lot 1 eve 1 o• The lollowlng peraon it doing ovf•tn1ngt t>utln•»•• 'wh••e aucn eaves i re J M JONSSON CO MPANY. c;ona11uc1ed 1n a cc;oroanc• w11n 31305 PaMO Dal Sol. Soulh LllQun• apphctble mun1c1p11 Ot01n1ncu. 84clch. C•lllornla 112en •na • non-.. c1ua1ve rtQM 10 uMl the Jellrey Cr11g JonHon. J 13\l!I IAC:•lll .. s IOC81ed on Hid LOI 10~ Paa•o Del Sol, S o u111 L•c;un1 sub1ec1 10 tho p1ov111ons ••se t S.Kh, Clltlornll 112817 totlh on A•loclt 26 of the Rewlento•f ~:A~· Tn11 butlnetl II conouc11<1 by 811 LOI LIU e •KO•ded Noveml>ftr 3 The tOlio.tng pettona ,,. dOiflG 1ndtVlduel 1986'> on Book 7727 Pa:ie 239 ~ .. Jell1ay c Jontaon Ollie:•~• A&c0tdt ROLLING FOLIAG E, 11992 Thia 1111eman1 was IHCld with Iha T,,.. Pv•l>Ofled 1l1HI add1ess °' Gulnld• Lene. An8halm, Clllllomll County C141fk ot Or1n9e Clll.lnty on o thei common Ces.g11111on 01 te•O 112ll04 Sept 27, 11182 p rol)t11 ty ?2•5 VISll Hul!tl8 Cheryl A VinGordon. 9692 F1..._ Newpo•• Suen. Cat1101n1e No Oulnld e, Anahe im . Calllornt• Publlthed 0 11nge Coall Dally we1ra n ty 1a o •v•n aa lo ilt 92eo4 PllOI. S.pl 211. Ocl 6. 13, 20. tll82 c;o11ecaneu O• o<>mplellf,..t Neme K.018e2 PICTlTIOUt IUllMHt NAME ITA'RMIENT 0.l>Ot•h JH I\ Hlttvet. 2 Gretel •248..fl2 •nd edd<H!I 01 Ille t>eneflClery •I -------------1 Coun , N-pott Beach. Ce11rQfni• ------------wnoae request the ute 11 being "8..IC NOTICl 92663 MtlC NOTICE conduc ted GRAN ITE HOME The lollowlng P•••o n It doing butlnatl .. INNOVATIVE RESTAURANT SPECIALISTS, 34& Unl1111111y O<lve, H·2, Col ll MeH, CA 112927 EOWARO MARTIN MORRISSEY. 3•5 Unlvtttlty Drive H·2, Co111 M ... , CA 112827 Tnlt bultneu 11 conducled by en lnclMclua• Ed wll t d M8 tlln Morrlaeey Thlt 1latemen1 w11 flied wlll'I lhe Courlty C111t• ol Or1nge County on 8eptom~r 20. 1llU ,1.,.. Publlahec.I Ore no• Oo"t Ot lly Pllol, Sept 29, Oc:I e. 13, 20, 11112 0 0 1·82 Ml.JC M>TICE --------------1 AIOI Nuvll Wellllfl, 2 Grlllel LOANS LI O 1•00 River Par~ ,ICTITIOUt .,..... Court. Newl>Otl Beech. CalllOtnle flCTITIOUt tUtMll Or1va SKrl~lo. CA 05815 NAiii tTATWmNT 112Ml NA• 8TATl•NT 0.1ec11on1 10 Iha l boY• ptope<ly The following peraon 11 doing Thia bullneM 11 conducled by • Tn1 following pars on 11 doing m1y 111 01>111ned by ••Qu'911ng bualnau M l>\ltltlfll H 1eme 1n Wl'lllf'IQ from tne barlltllc11ry G RAPHICS O NE 17 1115 ~II P8t1111<tnlO THE GREEN INOOOllS 1001 w1lll1n 10 d l yt lam l he 111 11 · C'*'ll A Van00tdon w s • N .... s t 1 h Ne wnopt. Sull• t03, Fount•ln Thi• 1111_1 18 " ...... wnn Ille revent ,.venue, o "'· 111 • pUbhc;atoon o 1 11 notoll4 Vllley, Clllforl'lla '2708 _.,.... w .._ An• Cllll0<n11 11'707 Saio u11 wm D4I med• w.1nou1 Ao batt Be rnard D•l••m•, Counl)I Clatll Of Of•noe Couniy on F1•ntll Hvniet OglMa, 100t W covenant 0t wl1tan1~. •~PteH or 28246 8u•c1dot, Mlu lon Vl•Jo, s.piamba< 17• tllU Slevant Avenut , No 426, S1n1• 1mp11eo, u to 11111 C>OtlMSlon or Ct1llorn11 '26112 '1tn40 An•. Cllll0<nl1 112707 encumbttnc.a to .. uety Ille unpeld tr111 l)utll\Mt 11 condUC1ed 1>y 11n Pvblltll•d Otenge Co111 Diiiy Thlt t>u••ne,. 11 conduetld ov an ba•enc• oue Qn lh• no•• Of no••• lndll/lduel Piiot. S4QI. r/2, 29. Oc:I 6, 13. 111~2 lnc.1111\dvtl. HW•ctc.I by Mid o.tcl ol Trvtl, to Aobet1 11. 0.Lllltlll 4105·0? Fr•nc:11 ()ollvlt wll $36,&ll' SI, plua Iha IOllOwlf\{I Tn11 ,,,,_, wH liled with tht " Thi• •l•tement w11 fl~ wlln tna eallm•l•d co•ts. ••o•n•H •no County Cit<ll ol Of•~ Covnty on "8..IC NOTICE County Cleric ot Or•not Covnty on ad••nce• 11 tne 11m1 or tha 1n111a1 Oc:tobet 5. IH2 AUQUll 17, 111Cl2 publlc;l llon 01 tlflt NOllCe Of Sale •~10 fllCTITIOUI .,..,.,, ~tMQI Forec101ure "•" and El•Pt ntu Publlahed Or1nge Co111 0811y N4* t'fATIMbCT Publltlled Oreng• CoHI De lly $1 107 Oii Any AOv1nco PMol, Oc1 6. 13. 20. 27. 1082 Tha IOlloWlng f)llBOlll .,. dl)lng PllOI, Sepl 22. "· Oc:I 8, 13, 11112 m•d • harHller With lnlttH I 4312·12 ~ 11 •207·8' thereon trom d•l• ol llCIAdvanoa CHARI.CS E SMITH CO , INC . NOTICI TO "'°"lllT't' OWNIJll 1(~1'10 "*JC M)TIC( 16172 MllUt.an Avenue, P O Box PUN.IC NOTIC( YOU AM• OC,AIA. T UNOl9ll A PICTmOUI eutMM 1--~~=~~~~~--1 1t1H . lr't!M, c.ittOfnil 112713 1------------0 I! I 0 0 f T l'l U t T , DAT I 0 NAMI tTAn.NT 'tennout .,.._., Che ri .. I S m it h M•rlne PlCnTIOUI ltU ... M OCTOMll t4. t•t. UM.IH YOU The followlng l*'ton• ere dolnO ...... ITAT'lmNT Ota lllbulore. ll'IC . 1 C1lllorn11 MAMI ITATIMIJfT TAKI ACTION TO f'l'lO'flCT bvtl~ M Th• following pereo1' II dOl'IO COl'potl llon. 1&112 Mllllk41n Avenue, Tiie tollowlng oert Ol'I It ootno VOUll ,ROf'llllTY, IT MAY ti COTE d' AZVl'l APAl'lTM(NTS . .,.,..,_ •· p O llox tll 1H , t1vlf'l9, Celit6fnla O\ltl~ M : IOlD AT A "'9LIC IAU. • YOU 3200 P1tk Cenl., Of"'9, lulte 1.-00, I PEE·OH PAINTING, 983 2 112113 Pl!l'llONAL CHOIC! r AMll'r Nl•D AN U"-ANATION Of n. COttl M .... CA 112821, Hllftlllon, O A, HU!lllf\OIC>n 8"ell., Tn11 l)ullnea:t I• COfldUC11<1 Oy 1 Pl.ANNINO MEDICAL QAOUP, MATURI OP THI NOCHOfNO OAO N COR,O AA TION. I CA ~ C0tpot1llon. •IU eurenca P111t111ev. Irvine, AOAINtT fOU, YOU tHOULO Dal•w••• COtPQtallon s:IOO Pull Wllltr C0111rll'I Conklin, 12 12 C~arla• E Smith CelllOtnl' 11271' CONTACT A l.AWYllll. Cenler Drlv•. Sull• 1400, Coa11 1<l11nbr00k. TOtrtt\Ca, CA. 90603 Mttltlt Oitlrll1Ut0t•. Inc " W, Oltterlcn, M,0 . 1750 :Z Oiied $41ptember ~7. tOO:;> Meta, CA 11ae2e Thi• buelllell I• condueted Oy 11'1 CIO• Clllflee E &m4th Co • ll'Vlna 81YCI • TVtlln, Catttorni. HMO llU.COM co ........ TrwlM, Thll t>utlnff• 11 Conclveltcl by • lfldMcluel Inc Thlt bulln ... It oonduetacl by en 9Yl u.e. TMllT DllU lllllVICU. corporeoon Walter Conklin Oanltl I Tl\Ompton, Jr lndMdull ltfe., .._. Deon CofPOfa110n Thia ltat-' w• lllld With 1"9 V1oe ,fftlOal'll I' W oi.. .. 1e11. M 0 11tt' la, ... Ilk. t Tillt •"""'9n1 -fllM w11t1 ,,,. ~ a.11 e1 0r.,,.. County on ™• 11t11-1 ... ni.o 111r11h the Thi• t t11ernen1 ... 111eo wt1n ,,,. hct......, c a 111t1 Co\lnly Cltrlt Of Orllnfl Couniy on a.t~ 27, 1"2 Qountr ci.11 of Ofanot COlllllJ on Counl)I Cllftl of Orenoe Count, on 9fl '-"* y...,,._ • hOttmbtt 17, 11t2 ,._, 0c1ot1tr a. 1112 SIC>ternbar t. ,.., c~ .. ,...,, '"1m 'ublltMcl Ota no-co .. 1 Dl_!ly 1'1*12 ,,,,.., (ttl) ...... PuOll•h•O Or1n11• COHI Oally "'°'· ~ 2t encl Oc:1 .. ,,, !IV· l'voU•htd Or•no• COHI 0 •11)' ,uollimeo Ot1nQ1 COltl Dally P11bll1lled O••n.11• ~001 Oallf Plot, fJec>I ff, Oc:1 I. 1i , ZO, tlt2 1M 2 ~ OCI e 13,.10, 27 11182 Pffot, 1191 22. 2t, ()cl t. 13, 11112 '"°' Oc1 6 IJ 20 IH~ 007·11 421742 4402·U 4208+1:> •34Mt , • 11 I I 1 ,, II ·'· ,, , .. ... '· ,, . ' . •' .. " . ,.. . UI, '. J• " 'I• ,,. fl 6 6 AP Wlrepllolo Spaced our The moon provides an eerie lighl atop the S p act•ship Earth gcospht•rt> a t lht• t•nlrant'f• lo lhe Epcot center near Orlando, Fla. The $I billion educational t>Ot('rta inme nt park opf'n.-d last wc•t•kf'nd. W. Virginia cons on honoriSystem ELI ZABETll , W Va IAP l ShertfC Lloyd "Pudd" Boston spent a rerent night catnapping at a hospital in nearby Parkers burg, keeping an eye on the grizzled o ld man who was his prisoner "lie slcpl all night ," said the old man. who had been charged with malicious wounding the day before and was m the hospital complaining or ch est pains 'What kind of s heriff is that anywc1y?" Boston JU6t grinned The Wirt County J ail that he runs has become known as one or the better places to spend lime behind bars. One inmate who walked orr one day was knocking on the door to get back in before the night was out "It am't a hotel," said Boston. who 1s in his 60s. "but you 've got to treat them human " Bos to n 's reputation for taking care or prisoners has brought rumblings around this northwestern West Virginia town that he ts too sort But the sheriff says that charge was put to rest when he won rc·eleclion in 1980. /\ recent report to the state Supreme Court cited the 1a1I for its "unique and humane style or management rcflccllve or a large fam ily " And, the sheriff says, running a jail ·on what amounlc; to an honor syste m helps financially He has· only two deputies. and one of them is part lime . The county pays him S5 a day to reed each prisoner Boston has enlisted inmates in the operation of the jail. The prisoners sometimes cook, clean or work in a nearby garden Until recentl.y. it was not uncommon to fmd no one supervising the jail during the day. and t"'Tlates were allowed to go shopping or visit friendi. .n the community. Boston s ays h e personally bought two television sets for the jail and also pays the cable TV fee out or his own pocket Now, however, Boston says he is tightening supervision because two inmates wandered away earlier. Although both were·bac k the next day, he says the Incident made him realize that a good thing can be carried too far But Boston's belief that a county Jail need not be run like a maximum-security prison remains unshaken. The inmates. not s urpris ingly. appreciate his efforts. "It's probably about the closest thing lo home yo u can gel without being at home." said Pat Pirtle. 34. "We 're locked up at night. but what the heck , all you'n• going to do is sleep anyway." Pirtle, who was convicted of aiding and a belling a forgery. said he sometimes visited his girlfriend in town. On a recent day, Pirtle was busy reading a magazine while keeping an ear tuned to the police rad io. He also answered some of the calls while the s heriff and the jailer were out of the office "The sheriff's philosophy is ·you treat a man like an animal, he's going to act like one ' There are restrictioM They have to know where we are," says Gary Goff, 18. Pirtle was released on probation shortly after he was interviewed But GofC was one of those who left, allegedly unlocking the cell of another Inmate, who then took off with him. But the "jailbreak" didn't last long Goff was picked up a few hours late r, and the other inmate got cold a nd was knocking on the jailhouse door before the night was out, Boston said. "I run Into those things once in a while." the sherifr swd. "I've been clam ping down a little tllfhler than I was But this is kind of on lsol8lcd place over here You ran'l get very far." Headphone use curbed WOODBRIDGE. N.J . (AP) -A person who wears stereo headphont'll while walking, driving or riding a bicycle on th«> illtN!I.~ of WoodbrldgP could face a $60 fine and 15 da)'l'I In j;_all. But the ordlnoncc, adopted by the towmhtp council by a 7-0 vote, dOO. not forbid Ulle of the hcadpho~ on aldt>wolkAI or other public rights-of· way. 5 6 7 8 D A I L y p I L L A s s I F I E D 6 4 2 • HNTALS Ht.Mi~\ n.tfW•bf'd UW••• l Pl I Wt Oh'-•d u0v, ... ~u,vrt "'' t~ul\l1imu twrn 1 •-OOm1n;11m• t 'nf 10•~11i••Y'-ltft lu."""4.iiw•,.. I .-1 lh.pl•lri•• .. ...,,,11 ~':/':•..;;,'n' ,., AJA• l'nhun Apo t"n vt I Af ~=· tto.lft UtA•J• M04•h (ilH-\1 "°""'' "°'m""'' """'•'• \ ... ,., .. ..,. """••I• Hf'M•h lo M•r•• c.,. • .,., '°' "''" t>tl1ufltffU.9I H.od1~•M•1ttel hwh;•lt1al H•nhl ~;~·.,~ '4 •AIHf t '41U MH'lteh ltJSINESS, INVEST· MENT, FINANCE ~UW••t~fl!O#I• "-'"""' .. ·"'~ :::~:::: ~~':~. MOM) \O l.O•ft '40M) ........ ...,. \il'9'tOIH fO, ANNOUNCEMENTS, rmoNALS & LOST & fOUNO Af'l'~N•,.,,..M• t " t'"fJOI Ua•I '°"''"' ...... ~.,"',.,. """"-"'••·· W 1eJti11•• lteHf• SERVICES "''"•C'• ~'""°"~ £M"-DYMENT & ramHTION V~.Jh '"-'lhflWflli JI#) w.,. ••. ,. ftf'lp Vu"llHI M .. t MERCHANDISE BOATS & MUIN( EOUlrMDH C~f.'fWf.a RG.u Na1M Vf'•tf'"• loM' N •''""' t «w•P 9Nb Po-"' 91Mlu Ill•"" t h.r1..-, ........ ,, IBM• ShtM IJOC' h "-•"Y...."''"' l!k»b Siwt••• THNSrDITATION 4.,~,.tt ~;~:~;'( ~~ thittl M"'"l•Jlom•• ..._ CJc:'-. k'OOl•n• M(Jt,..,U,.n:\tilir Jf•'tf tui..-n.Tuu• !~~~~~1!"i.,h AUTOMOllL( l tfMt•I • AAU~W' t 'l•nu• .... ,,. ... , .... \' ..... , .. , ~~~I~~:: .~'id' rr ... u \:a'" AW4u l,-•""I A"4.,.. W•"'''°' AUTOS. IMrDITEO C-'f'~t•I \ti• lltv~v \111111 \w.hn u,. .. ,.~ "11W ,...,, ~ .. """" .... .,.,. .... , -· J .. ,_.., JH\t#4' "-•'""""'"''"'" I.di_,... .. M••1'• "tett •·'-• "4il•u 'II. 11(,H ...... ... nit .. ,. t~.:f'"4 rwuft• Hr4h111ll Ku4•• Ho)• 11 Mo, tr ~.:: "'6b.tt.1 ro)ou rr1umph V<Hk ..... ..,_. \vf"o -Orange CoHt OAILV PILOTIW•dnHd1y, October e, 1912 Fl ' S 130,QOO ~ y1 old 3ttr ~ b• horn• w/ •n llµk Ht,000 lo•n 11 tun\e II or 9'A'I•. $ 107, 000 avllllOle II t3V• 642 1060 fflf----~:-7 8tet< 61y llN, J Ir 2'~ lte 21)()() 1C1 tt lawmy , ... , ... ,.,, IOll INI Ii.I IOUAL HOUllNO 0 ,,0llTUNIT'I' II.IA :s :~~~!":.~:~.,~·:!~~:Nd ll.emt~foll'd :t bdrm. ;t blllh I lur"u rc..oe· nn bt!am <'t•llln"•· lurnl1h1..od, J>l•tlYll $4W,OOO PllHlllU 11111 CX'C•Url & k•Uy vlt•Wt, Marlnr rnom, 4 bdrm, J balh, 370() IQ.fl. Sl,3116,000 Oc• .. untrout W.lh llWI HH,000 Subll•nllal 1•duc11onl Prlrne OelbO• Lllll• lll•n<I b•yfront Two 3 BR unll1 both wllh lull FlllT Talll plva • 5 l>drm hom• wllt1 lemtly room A 1••1 •hOwPllCe. bHulllully decoreled, and encloMd PlllO s .. to 1ppre<:l•I• S 147,600 Cell 97g.&370 0•1•. prlv•lt community 1305 ()()() &% Down Will c.o111Ndllf tr.OM. etc Arm11• flaally T 14·644·24f4 ----VERSAILLES CONDO ::::: In tnl1 new1poper 11 11.1111 eubJ•ct to lh• 1-ederel '"" fair Hou11ng Acl 01 1908 :::; whlCh m1ke1 II 1tleg1I to 101• •<lve1t1111 "any pref•rtll· :::: e.. llmll11ion or dlacrlml· HM n1t1on baHd on rece. ::: color. rellglon, au or 11w l n•llon•I origin. or any wAltt view Own•t t•y• Lllll llLI IAYflllT "l•fl" Wiii tailor lln•n• \ f : ·I l I II I :' II I br. 1 I>•. aoulh•rn •KPOIUre. IUbl•r••o•an Pritll. HO entr11fcaa outatan dtng pood clul>hae By own«. IN, 000 H1urna1>a.. l•ndra 6-t2·6149 Lu"ocm vll'W from 6 bdrm, !S bath, pwyruom, ctng 10 buyer'• nffdt d11rk nn, llt'n. Bout 11111'. Nuw Sl.000,000. , ___ •.«---•.o.•.o--•I , .. " .. "" ,,,, ,.,.., ,,, ----- Intention lo make 1ny IAN eucn prelerence. llrnlte ::: lion or dlacrlminallon " ::: Th11 11ewepaper will not ,.. knowingly accepl •ny ::: 1 1dv,rli1lng 101 real es- •-lllte whlCl'I 11 In vlol•tton i?: ol Ille 11v.. uuo , ______ _ """ ltUl 7l00 '* -JM :noo 1'<IO HHU: Advertl· sers should check· their ads dally and report errors lm- m ed I a te I y . The DAILY PILOT as- sumes liabllity for the first incorrect Insertion only. Jll» u.o lllG ..... ~ )!II>) )~ ...... !Iii.II) i:: 1---------1 -4lm 4000 4100 WO d1ol '"""' •:ni WIJ uoo .. ~ -· 031) MOO - Ho.,,, /or S•l• •••••.......•......... ...................••• Tl'll1 3 Bdrm 2 batn nome sits 1n an area ol $150. 000 10 $180,000 l'lomHf 11 needs TLC and youl -Unbellev1bly priced et ~:~ $1 29,500 Cell now l -641\-7171 ~ --THE REAL ESTATERS IHlllE PUOE six-~·lAcullir ~yfronl dplx 2 hr, 2 ba up, 2 br. 2 bu dn 2 l~t •J)IMc'C'll Rt'Cluc>t-d SI .~00.000 FAlllAlll IDOi New 4 br, 4 111 bo, ('Wit.um Frt'nch Normandy &it.ulc I 'I. prtrnt' ucrc tullt.up Sl.250,000 Hllll Fee simplt> cottagt> on quiet Oelicanso St. (tn Flata) $145,000. OlllUll OHi Coronado Island cust. baytront lbt. 65' boat dock Plana avail. Now $370,000 w/Lerms. · BILL GRUNDY , REALTOR )41 !\''Y' J1· Dr, .. r, II t.J', t>lbl For CIHtlfled Ad ACTION C•ll • O•lly Pllol AO· VISOR 842·5078 To p11ee yoor me11aoc before th• reading public, phone Dally Pllo1 Ctaaslfled. 642·6678 NEW EXCLUSIVE II FllEOLOlllE A GREAT STREET Ortve by 2048 P1lom1. off 20th S1, ne., Irvine Ave ne•I door to N41W po11 Gret1 potentl•I • large 101 • room to eK· pan(l ll'lls 3 bdrm 21>1 norne A 11mlly ne1gn- 1>orn00<1 can '°' detail• Try s1es,ooo •... ,., ...... .. 110. 121-1400 1&1101 VIEW LISI Beeulllul decor. serene. tmelut, 4 Bdrms. 2'"' Ila on tee lend Asking $395,000. l J11iijl()UI t 1(JMI S Re11tora. 675~00 &Hiii Y.& ht Tl • a1 e•,.,•1. on 1n1a 4 bdrm. 2 ta1n nome wtlh tow ma1ntan1ce y1rd Own., will au111 wit/I llnenclllQ 1001 Se• II now Only $127 .500 Call 979-5370 \ f >I l J 1l /:'II i•I A ' • \o •, I '''f •• • 112,000 HWI ....... Spac1001 3 Br -+ 2'"'8•. redwood patio & 1p1, n•ndaome 1>11c11 frplc, xlra lg 2 car garage w/ wine cellar or ct11k 1rn M usi tell ASAP 646-5880 JUST LISTED ~ •. I RANCH CHARMER Ma1a Vetde area w/4 Br. 2 Ba, lrg corner lot, betulllul land11e1plng. 2 fr plat , and very lar g• pool $159,50 0•4·7020 LJllO IEAL HTATE CHIU Ill IUI Excellent financing South ol Highway Two s10<y. two bedroom nou- 141 In lront One bedroom unit In teer Convenient to sl'loc>s $299,500 H1-1HO HWPllT CIEIT ln11anlly nome• Beaull· Du• '•i•I IOZI ....................•. Help' 3 BR, lplc, yd, $68, ooo 11 9 '.;% owe. S 139,500 Marie, A 493-4090 HHti•1I•• lf•d 1040 •••••••.•••........... CLHE Tl ICUI an1111YHTNI Newport 3Br 2·~ ba Pri- c • d 1 75,000 under m1rket II 1225,000 Pr\. vele p1rly, p1lnclpala o nly 802 -7367 . 838·0784 evM Ill.IN ltull llUTIHLU HH· Oii IHT SILL TlhYt Huge 48', 28t/18r, 188 Ptrll•I So B•y View. ApprelMCI $600.000 RI· dlculoualy P• Iced at $475,000 Cell 1nytlm• 075-0652 TUlllWI Nev.port Helgnt1, ••ro• lot. 2br Prlo•d 10 Mii. $142,000 Joyce Wiitz.a, 1·151m1 IAYFlllT EITHI MAGNIFICENT VtST AS lrom 'ftlis newly con- struc1ed cuetom bay· front home Deslg.ned IOf tile true 1ractltlonallst • 1upe11> qu1llly and eon· strucuon prevell tnrouo· noot tnta 6 Bdrm brlcl< e11a1e For luni-det• reo••dlng 1n1a exeeptlo- n 11 ollerlng c all Ann Pe1er1 142-1211 LOOK For our new regul•r• weekly lealure IOIT SHOW- CASE EXTRAVAGANT WATERFRONT OrandtoM 2·1tory home with t Mdrooma • plerlf0t lerge yec:hl + aide tie. Unuaual cuatom dellgned r"ldence with -•ne wood beem.d c.tltng• lndoOt 1pa, t0tmat dining room, unique o.,.n I auepended famlly room/llbrery • gourmet l1land llltcft4N'I and brealllaat area. All cMc:oratar detall1 of Franch doon, ahuttara, 1telned glaea ~ ~ • • e.droom• lncl&ICM Mpaf•t meeter 1ull• 1 maid• quarlare and Hpera ta~lly b•droom1 each with adjoining bathe. A 1peclal rooftop obMrvallon I aunnlng deck with VIEWS ot waler I llght1. l1,H5,000 ON FEE LAND. OW hafp ttnanc:e end 11 lntar .. tad In exchanging for OCEANFRONT or 1mellar home In the area. I lully upgraded and de· coreted spacious 2 Br & den. 3 Ba Walk to t>e•c'n I & recreation lec11tt1e1 Priced for immediate ., Hie Seller will help fl. nence Full price $239. 000 751·3191 No money down. no quelilytng own your nome on our unique snered •PP••clellon fl· nenclng We n•v• 5 ~omea tn Hunt Beien 3BR 2'1tl>I, 1800 lo 2100 eq It f>1ymen11 lrom $1200 to $1600 mo Call Geo•ge Brooke Mon tl'lru Fri. 714/891-5550 PETE BARRITT ... REALTY Blulf's best buy! 3 br, 1 level. pool, Uk• new. $175,000 Bkr.84•·5215. ...... Every Saturdey In tile D•lty f>llOI Ctaullieds fltlll '~~~~~~~~~' ::::: BRANO NEW "Heart ol Orange County" Town· homes • Luxury 3 bdrm '"'"' homes l>eeutllully oe-::1~ atgned. quality l>ultt • end '°" fln•nclng now that you -lull won't l>ellevel Call :: now Brtndywyne Pro- Ill \I I ult" '•I•· H••t .. h t•,,.1,.. ,,, \t•"•·•'".,"' 2Lk~. ·-· ... , ,,..,.._#, a...tt. 131-1400 ti$ ....... .\tf' ... ,_, ... .... 17Wto0 ,0.. per~ II, 531·9670 511111iiiiiiim*iiiiu•ff•a•HTiiii*iiii•I ;~~~~~~~~~~~~ = IUT SUP .. re IPH llllY 1·1 = 38 BALBOA COVES, 3 -.i bdrm • 2 bath HOW = REDUCED TO $.489.000t = U1 lltYmm : IULT•llWID -••11·1111• -,~~~I .... -------- tllO fllll ,,.., '"" ... ••••• 2180 ~.Ft. lfflH -1211 ~. ft, •• Ltt 1211120. UI0,000 * IEU YEHi .. _ ·-,, ...... ·-.. _ ·-,._ ..... .... ..... .. _ •t' ... ,,_ u, ....... ··--..... _ .,,~ ...... ..... p::M:lla!.;:aj ... ..... n ... n ... , .. .... ,. .. .. •.. Jlil<'!!!U'.'!::.111...~ ,, ..... ..... ,._ l!IU.. ... .. ._ ·-»• ,,_ ... ··-,, ... . ,,..... . ..._ ....... ..... .... .,,_ ....... M-.. -.. ...... ,, . .., •"'-• .... ,....,.,, .. ~ .,,_ ,, ~ .... .. ,_ ..... ...... ,,.,f .... I ...... .. _ .... ··-rno tllO .... ...., On tile goll course. Custom beautilul 3 Bdrm nome, many, many eK· tru. $279,500 with 10% down owner will carry at 12"'% Interest. ~Goo.I ®·" .. "' ... ·-.. -........ .... ··-.,_ ........ .. ...... ,, ... ,,,_ ,,_ ,.,_ ...... .. _ ,,_ ,.. ....... ·-........ It ... .,._ .... *"f_ .. .... •O.O. . .. .. ., .... . ·--•h(.tf ........ ... {)Ntwtul lier lt0ar4'1t, tutr • ..,.., ua-1121 '::~~~· S~~'1}A-/J,f.,~S" .... .... "6>J -----~ i., Q.<.Y I ------ Liii& ISLE I 175,000 Cun down to $820.000 In assumable loans 1·Sly, • l>drms. 4 Iles • 1llp for • bo•I• Model nome perfection s99s.oeo . ·~•10.. . ._ -- TAYLOH CO HJ IT llln Lrg 3 Br 2 Ba condo Greet Huntington 8 .. cn location Frple. 2 car g•· rage, & AIC among Its m•ny leaturea. A11ume 111. OWC 2nd. Full price $124,000 631·7370 01 549-35-40 Tlt\DI T 10\;\L RL\LTY UM ISLE '"""' 40' 101 5 bdrm, 5 bathl Wetcn tile aunH t lrom gigantic mute< 1Ulte. 4 car gtrage Enjoy beeu- tltul be•cl'I In front of your h<>me. $1,750,000 -673-7300 .. , ... bl•-' '"' ••• ,,.,,.. •••••••••••••••••••••• .,, ... , IHZ ~~~~~~~~~ CHARMING REMOO 3 •••••••••••••••••••••• Br+iott TredeflM opl !Of * I E I I I E I duplex Of u"lt 873-8585 I 11•,IM * C.n•• Iii ll•t JIU t bdrm. lb1. lrplc. 1 eer •••••••••••••••••••••• gar St7K 111. ~ fow --------• dn 1 1!5 .000 f>n 11.40-156'6 Wknd1/wkdys ell 5pm TRADE .... your l>OllllQ Income pro-lm•t IH4 perty or outgrown teal-•••••••. ••••• ••••••••• dence wttn large equity * IEST llY * lor tnis neet ru111c end roomy • bdrm 3'" 1>atn in Rencno San Jo•qutn ' nome w11h 180 deg Outsland•no 3 br. 2 bl ILll'I IUllllf Tiii Wiii -" 111111111211 BUILDER'S LOSS. dre· me11c•lly REDUCED lo sell IMMEOIA TEl Y BRANO NEW 3000 1C1 tt cu11om $330,000 C•ll lor eppl HOW RAE RODGERS. 831·1266 oce•n view In walk to on QOll COYIM Lge ,.,. beech Coron• del Mar aumable •oan 1225.000 locpllon REDUCED TO BV ov.ner. S•75,000 with 1 t.75% __ 1_60_·8_1_0_81_6_1_s._2_1_4_4-1 '!!~!!.~~~{!!_I!.'! ••••• lnl . , I Lt• ,, •• .... o.,, .... ; U.· 1211 In Irvine Grett esaume· f1•ill /er s.J• Jllf ble loan. 55&-7687 Agt •• ••••• •• ••••• •••••••• /Jn ~IG[L OAILEY ~ ASSUCIATES SIOW STIPHll HPH TU muu &•AZIH PllOEI Fii llYllTHm '03.Vj~~~~~~~~~~ ""l'l ----------! = •••11 ,., ...... ·~·:~:....-:. :: AIUZlll flUIOllll Sen Clemente pride of ownertl'llp. modetn Sp•· nl 11'1 style • unit •Pt noose wlll'I OCHr>lhllls & goll courM v'lew CIOM to averyll'llng. only 3 y .. ,. old & thowt lllla NEW' N-owner could occupy 3 Bdrm.. 2 bath cny & oce1111 view ept u 1ppllc•1>te & rent lh• otller 3 -s>ar1mef\ll for 1ncom• Seller wflt llelp lin•nce a SA \IE buyer 1nou11nd1 of d ollaral REDUCED MHlng prloe of $295,000 00 II wey BELOW current rec>4_. ment eo1tlll Prlncipel1 ONL Yl'I C•ll owner at {714) ~ IS all you PIY W'1en yoo ._ "' '""'' ,...., ......... -dt _ takeover •wisting lo1111 on .--------~ lhla brtgnt and etry I 1 v 1110 1 0 II EI' I -.WI -... , . ..,,. Wll -~ "'" -Wll •U.1 --""' WO) -..1 -""' -M l --wle ""'' townnomel Fetlurlng 2 stori.1. 3 Br, master sul-. le w/betcony & 2 cu ..--------. IJMage. Pr\c:ed to Mii 11 I T H A N c I ~J:~;i~f· 759.1501 or , I' I i I HIKKA I _:! I ~ Walker & Lee wheelbarrows• recreational vehicles *golf carts*model trains*bikes *planos•cars refrlger a tors *skates•••••• If ltrsgot wheels, you'll move It faster In a Daily Pilot classified ad.call 6.C2-S678 and a f rlendly ad· vlserwlll help you turn your wheels Into cash. . For Ad Action Cal a Ody Plot AD·VISOR 642-5678 . One 1'1u11>1no 10 ano1ne1 I I j j j' 8••"0 """'~ •• llkt t>etnQ • I · · · · · 1>11et>1ll umo You neve• ,,,.,. I 0 E H x E p I 'O Hk 10' -. • I I I I I II 0 '-'*'• "'* <~.cti. -" ..._ ... _...._ ............ .__ .... _ -:::.,.,,,;:.::,, ";..""1 .::!' • '":::.~~Wslll!llS , .. I' T I' I' I' r I 6 ~~·~1 .. ~:1 \(lt(U I I I I I I I lllAll-UT1 .....,. ,, .............. .... Classified works . for you when you ~--· Estele S•te Cape Cod dre•m co111ge. 2br, 21>• 5•8·3112. 673-..4725 Owner/Agent Duplex Re-duoed 10 s2so.ooo owe 12'1t% with $50 000 down 675-3063 or 679-9667 llYlll TUUCE 1111,000 111 TIME OFFEREO Tnia nea1 3 Bdrm 21>• with Ove< 1800 sq II wttl'I lovely pat101 and gtr· dens ~r will lln1nc. substenllal 111 TO at 12% Int, 7 yr term A leeseflold et1ele. Pr!Qed to Mii In lee H4·l211 /Jn NIGEL llAI LEY &. AS~UCIATES use of brick Ouetlry de- cOf •llnO tnrvout. T£RAI· FIC FINANCING AVAi· LABLE Atklng $239, Scenic Moon111n View•. end Stepa Away Brllllanl blue pool mlngle 10 make Counlly Style Living mo11 en1oy•l>I• In 1nl1 1mmac Gerden Ville Spaciou1 3 Bdrm Wind· flo-Mdl bou11 mos1 outreoeous mute< aulle w/own prlv dreulng aret. open aunllghl kll· chen wl mutlve get 10- get ner 11ea • •II 1ur· roonded t>y wells of gl111 a eontrullng Country wood decking lncredll>te low price ot $105.000 wttn $10.000 down. $1097 I mo P•Y• •II don't min thil one CALL NOW CENTURY 21 642-0138 Wall-I• •• ..., ___ ._1_1_._2_1_2_1 __ -l !~~!!!l!~r.!!l.!!.!f Wiit 1,.de dbl wide mobl .. REDUCED horne &/or 3B1 l'IOuH , on 1hls ldH I l•mlly home. Tustin fOf P•f1fat dwn In· • bdrm1, BONUS ROOM come properly. (71•) • n d • ep II... 11 '"11 y _5_s_1_.0_3_go _____ _ 1oorn A/C Nicely loca-Wll /., 141• IM led Pl•n 7 In Turli• Rock •••••••••••••••••••••• $199.900 YllW ctllU 111. UI Well located ewey ~om Ill• be•ch crowd with bey & oc11n vlew1 2 conllguou1 R· 1 lot• • overtired SHS.000 Heh 25% down 000 fOf an CIPl)I 10 .... •----------t cell M0-11!>1 ~l!/!~.~.'1!1.~!..J!.!. 4'.~ HERITAGE .· Hf Al TORS --~--- YIW H 111111 8£AUllFUl OLD WORLD TOWHHOMES A Division oC ll•rbOr Investment Co. IJ 1ntf 111/21& ly Howtrd MIWk Co lrom S 150,000 Sap. dining, COY'd pallO. 40$-32•• 790-9355 llMIJf .... 11$61(. Hert>ot and a.1-------.-..~ kar. M3.oG83 .... '!r.f!.!m~ ... J!.ff .. !.~!~ .......... ~ llW Miii • I.end a p1en1 '°' m • ll"'I UIUel M.H. rental pe11\, Harriet. • llWI YO¥ own Iha land 2 000 1150.000 1euna. o.n.t CLOH OUT • P'INAl 1q 11. 31f. fern rm,' I\.\ (714) &51·1433. SAi.i. 2 a 3 ar. i ... lu•, Ba. wioa Oraenl)alt, ,,..,. ,._.....__, a/o. A• amanltlal. Ne•I pOOI. Far below matlltl rl•f A•tt/.•rnTW door 10 all 111opp1no & 120.000 Wiii '"" op-a--lal• lfN lllMtera. 714/t31·50&S. tlofl lkr. 144.0134 ••• ~'::'.~·.-.~•••••••••• ~o;>i;:-;iiiO'M;;d'p;;i;""I~~~~~!!!~~~ con do, vacation lime '90P1t Wflo nMd ~ allarlna. In Hawaii. ~ ~ ohaclt t~ WANT ACTION? 213-7 ..... I07-. ~ Dnctory In the OAll.Y PILOT Claaalfed Ad• 142·M71 84111 klle tteme M 2•M71 \ ' ' . • [ • -the Complet • .. I .,., .. flll•1•/1tfll .,,,., lll111al1ifll C ~ I I ...... , ... ,, ftu•llAM ~ .... ,,.,.,, '"''•••I• · ,,,,,.,.,, l•1•l••fll l1at1l1 '' ,.,,, 4JH ...........•. r........ . . .. . .. . . .. . . . . . .. . . .. ...... • ••• :"r.":"o.. •• • • • • .... • • • • • ~IJ11•ldt4 u.1.,., •• H II u.i.,. 1."' .......•...•...••.•••. '"f ... ,,.,,.. ,,,,... ..... ,,4 ... ~,!!!~!~~ •• !.~~' 11 ..... ,, •••t• 1111 •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• "'--"il11dt0, pvt en1 . pvt "''' 3140 •• ••••••••••••••••••• 1..xcc nn n eA1 1n N-· ••••'"••••••••••••r •••• t••lf #Ill 1114 1 JIHtl•il•• IUWlll bllhi 1.1111• pd Ht bell ••••••••••• ••••••••• (M(f\ALD BAY JOA port Och I Br ~llllOU· ••• • ••••••••••••••••• •-31,.f HI aJO 034-07114 0 "0" R .. T 8 I 2 bl , •• bl e10 Joann 81 _,, .. YILUll ..-~·rW1ate+.....--.H~M,...l!,.,S r ., LN I 4tia 3300 1q II lrplc, •• e<.urll '.I.IOU •111. n;,11 dnn OK 046 __ 8463 ••••••••••••••••••••• N w .,,.,_ '"• Ou:,~:':'!' ... 11' 1 22 30 tnr amr. n oo-rot-p1110 101 aron. 1orm-'O . • ,.. ., ............ -"' _ l11SO Fenced ~11d1 &t tge 1\11 a LA, qutel cul <18 4~01 2 Br e>uptt•. S836 W/0 hook•up te&o mo •Pl• 111 4 plan• I D rm N Q Frptc. 26' pa11o, fit, 91r11gH KtO a & pet• d ·••1. Oc.e111 11lew1 D I OCLANrnONT lgt 3flr 046·1111891646·8103 98-4-4833. 1·628·3004 horn 1640. 2 bdtM f10tn 1111 & 110 Or l i n "fllCome 648·2000 S ttJOO/mo 073 4411 •l IJtll . 21111 1976,mo Avi il un 333 I 2 111 St 1696, TownhouM lrom 073-8438. 673· 1619 2 en t Oa our,lix, pvt Agent, no IM qO f•1•/1•H JIOO I u 1 n II 7 3 , 41 4 8 3 2 hr 2 Ba tn 41·r>lea Nt S8116 • pool1, tennll, ·~ ., r view, No lnd $1000 •••••••••••••••••••••• • l4t1!1 2 801m. itlrlg, P• Murdy P11k, 1nclld g.11, wa11111111. l)Ond11 011 Fem to 1h1 2 Br I Ba •Pl P•llo, new P• nt ..... 4!1 8 Blk• 10 oc;91n, Cl-Oant mo 494 ~84 t wfrn01 of Huntln91on Beach II•· 6•0·3773 110. 110 pe1.-, adulll pref. ldoy h·u. prlv p1110. no tor cooking 6 heitlng w/11m1, 1 houH lrom · l1•l1JI mo 833·8 '82 Ce<ll• & QllH 2 Br & d1n, 1111 llPM C:helO• Apt, 5 bllo.1 10 Oc:eonlr ()Ill :wir 2111 . 7241 A J1me1. 873-7787 p e I I $ 4 9 6 Im O plld From San Diego b111c;h 1300 Incl ulll •••••••••••••••••••••• Sh11p and cl•an •Br 2b1. 2'" 8A $92&/mo Plu1h ht•Oh, All ullllllo" 1tove wlnl111 rent11 $8110 Pl11ya "IN ''"UFF APlS 045 94194 Frw y drive North on 073 0129 K1ren Q.r"-er Inc S8 .. "tmo arpll & drep11 All the Wiii\ to bt1aoll, ghiu 8 4 Ael $350 I socu11tu "L 873· t"'OO '" u .. a ~h t •• .. dd 1 llalll l•t•lltH """;,' nga.n <JV l>lt ·hi emerllllel yOI• di· r11<1wuo<l. 3 Or 211'1 ll1 080 8263 ' " " 2 Or 'l 81 Child ok. P•· 1 llr. 11 blkl frorn llHCll H w 0 ... o.-i in ° Ma11.1re F/rmmte 1hr 28R •••••••••••••••••••••• Ph 54""" ""' 11ro, 11111ulllul 1talned lam rm & ••v<ly. not tull v1uulllo mint 1 Br, or• 110, 111ew. frplc. ancl 0111. Pvt P•llo No pet• $375 5 e • w 1 n ° V 1111 II• 2BA hae on Lillie Bal 11 ,..,,,, 3101 Ow1111r1r1n11erred, prime QlllH window micro-& Ip II $ , 4 0 0 A I t r . '" coufl, all OPllCHll. near OH 1tovt. (Jl1hw11he1, (213)4341·61418 f7 t4)803·5l98 $275 mo 769-0879 ,.,.., ;.te"w"pc)RT°o~;:~;;~)i~ loc 1n 1ward wlnnlng w 8 v11 •1r 11111'comp, 7t4163'!000tl L11111 .I/.~~!'!!~.! •• ~!~'! .... b 41 acn HHll/mo 1p1.lndryrm S826tmo 2 br,tbi10 otktlrorn R01•• "100 oceanvucondo/NB. large turn 3 8 1 yearly, ~bo,ncJaom~ltmlep1leL•1.1u2borr. hydro-1pa In lu11urlou1 407-1070 l11'H /d••' 31Dfl ? 131687·3292 deyt. SPMC 831-8107 b1t1c.h Uppor In Opl11 No s·o•o•".•••••••1•••••••••• Room wllh Prl11 Oath 10-Unit $850/mo " • "" muatf b11. dbl C:8r prlv&lo £ Ill I J"'SZ •••••••••••••••••••••• 7131387 t>QOO Nr OCC ~e11 V11de pelt 1486 111c1 ut111 .. VP w th kitchen, Tenn11. pool. F8mtlfl ALSO lovely 1paclou1 3 loaH/Opt Xfnl tarrna f>1H808. fully maim y11111 I .fl.~'~•••'•'!! ••••. ~ .. LIKI: Nl:W, 3 bd, 2 ba. 02 10 Oc;Hn~ Front :JBr 2 Br I 01 . oat (213)4:14·8148 wookly Oceanfront Mo 84!. 1868 Br UPP41' unit Sll&Otmo Ao um loan Owntr' No pat1, Inquire II &21 I ACH ltnn111, pool 91d'O lrplC. 1)8110 bbq, will to lowe• dPI•, immod Oc:cu-2884 Hickory f>I. B CLOSE TO BEACli •B• tut 876-67•0 Y'"' Call Sh11on Jey at 566-0283 t8tll St 080-633 t g1111. 3 bd, 2 b11. lmmilC hc.h S785/rno 875-5383 p11noy UI Jum1 16 S750 $495/mo 64&·0268 UlllA IUO• MIF ihr 2 br CdM •Pt. 2 ., chtlor. 11o~e & refrlge, blk• beach. $300 mo .. w1111l1on1 HomH Inc. EHlllda 3 BR, 1700. no 2or oplx. ocean v11tw. 3 1 1293 ,Now 2 bd, 1 b1 Winier mo (2 t3) 690· 17011 av• W I 11 111 d S360 IOTIR Ill 1,., utH• 676-2743 eve 873-81100 or 848-047 pate. 111. 1u1 & dtP S850 119 Huntington St #' . 11• • JZll A e 11te1 t o Ju 1 y 8 Dhll4rtl I H•ll ;3~79: P · i rno ~• 642-8388 636·389•. 661-7622 • .'.'!!~!' •• ~'.')!......... $525/mo ne111 C11 Port OCEANFRONT 6AL80A 2 & 3 bdrm•, 1478 lo I 9 ~o~~' '1'.;'.'~:~.s~~ll~:. Non 1mok1(! tem to shr --• lTA E In rl·phu. 3 6 s750 F d w/d winter, no pell pool end bllllard t1blet •• ••••••••••••••••••• 1ame $316,644·9275 •·J&.--l1J1a-' JJOf 4 Br, 2 Ba Me11 del Mar, CO -G--T--1 HOME. FOR RENT 626 T:t4b 1 l•g 3 bd, 2 hi, 9111, lrpl, $6?6, II p l1yground•. £1'1.HI •11tlt Jlfl lle11led pool & 111p1 to 2Br 2oa OM apl wl ••••••••••••••••••• ••• clean home. quiet air eel Quiet, 2Br. S500 mo ~ Ottn ence ••IHI SooO 873 80410 lmrne<I occupancy Co•· l eouna CUii Or. acroH ,, oo11n K11c11·1 evall - I Step• to Bly 3 br. 2 bl. s a 0 0 m 0 0 w n r S500 Oep New reno• I yard 4 garege Kldl & , I I 3101 ner F1tr111ew ' AdlMI from Shaw'• Cova 2 Or. 986 N COHI Hwy. Malo prol lhl N B 2Br dining rm. Frplc,Jar• 2 759·8006 Ille. plllnt. Obi g111. wio pel1 woicome 545-2000 •••• ~!.!!!'.~•••••••••• A11en11on Park Newport 567_4786 Ole 1111 Mon P 1 11 0 , 0 a 1 S 7 5 0 Loguna Beach 4941-6294 a p 1 BI k to b ch g~~o~ 3~~9~.appl~:~! Oen & night view. 48r. lam hook-up. cptsfdrps, ol· Aci-111, no '" Winier Rentel 3 Br iv. lllldents M11ur11 Chi lhur Sa• 9 to !I, Sunda)l9 826·2149 Kii prlv, Chrt11tan Home $220/mo 846-98418 2'-lB AV Oar 'ouple pref II -,, &. JZ~111 ea I Cll g111age cigo women aucullve 11 105 Mat •ht N Bh L Sglm1n w/yearold10n eu-0054 1 m . •. 81 91 · 893-•894 • .'!!r.! ••• !~!~ .••••. ".": S650/mo S1ep110 bay. 2 needs comple21eBly fur· Vtctot1a Beach 1 Br. 1500 Bch 'i3~5 '•~-2~88 -0 want• 10 thr hOuH 1n 4 Bdr 2 Ba clon t o SIOOO mo 831-1163 -~ HatbO< View Homes. Car-Olkl tO bll&Cll JOI Ed-nlahed 1 or r lpt VILLA MEQERA 2 Br 21>1. unlurn yrfy $650 furn CM S?OO/mo & thr ulll ahOPPlng. ~s. lamlly or Ullf liiE -S~~f'~ :a111?a~o~~oo,~~lc3 mel MOI 3 Br. family rm gewater (Coronado et Oec 7~~-At~ 15 X1n1 E'1lde. family compllll 805l 259·l 2_5_1_ __ Beaullful new IOwrthOU.. trnm od occupa ncy 11udan11 S975 winter 1 lir dpt•. lenoed yd, pal 1725mo •963_7866 Lene St 150 844-8977 Baylron1) Robinson reta •1 DI W, ~1ta9e Wtrtgu lll•Ntl •lltll Jiff ;1;;;5~-~~41UCI Call 545.104 1 873-6562, 840-7 t t.<1 OK S395 Av111 now Har1>or Ridge •ease 4 Br 3 -~••1101 _549•5647 S1• C/1a1a11 J116 1 ~~P s 2~:~"'E~de'n 1 M~~ ~0·~~E~·A;i··4·c·;;0~ 1411..o..... 548-78~5/84S-7:l01 $575· THAT'S ITI .3Br Ba, beaul decor, 3800 II, Winter Rental 2Qr. pool, 1 •••••••••••••••••••••• Apt t, 5418-41147 renlala Ville Rentals -2 balh home w/Jacuu ll pool, tenn••. guard 011~ houae 10 bch s550 Pleya Oceanvlew, turn w1lk 10 l1•l•Hl1 3101 •Eastslde 2 b" t ba. Sm p e 1 o k . ch o . 12500/mo Bob 0, 001118 A E 673_1900 beacn 2 er 1 ,,.. ea * 2 Ill a,t 675-4912 Broker •••••••••••••••••••••• Kids Oii, pell,? S595 6.;16·7005 Koop Agt AE/MAX ---S500/mo 225 l • P0· 1 • Bdrm. b1yfron1 WfdOCk l Utlls pd 63 1-4320 Agl 2BR W I So-Calif GLA· 759.122, • 4 bdrm, 2bll, lncludoa II I loma. 837-7918 I sso..ucUl Cgoalllf 'ePl112Sl4 e;o5• S4000/mo yrty Or S3000 ---di h a I TV till " winter. Avail. 1011, 3$:~52 B1 crpls. drapes .. MOURI .. Su View 3 B~Ba ~:· 67~-:5·8~ r • u .... --8418-46 7 "R PltPIRn I mo Warm SunHI patio den lemlly rm ocun ------n'lll•l•ll STUNNING large 1 & 2 Br ' Ull•HT 642" 1334 '525 c I I y 11 g h I. 'II I. w OCEANFRONT. clan A, u.101•i1i# ge, rden apt 7 10 w 18th OUPLE.X Eest side 2 bd. t t-s m c 11 ~ MET AO $1550/mo. 545-6685 quiet. lge. winier 2 units •••••••••••••••••••••• s 111·1111 bl. ear. tndry 638· 005 H•ABO-R VIEW HO••ES No pell 676·4888 1.f!~!.'.!!!~~.~ .•• !!ff S57 "3 t 458' B d / "' "' RO T OE tbr or 2br ups1a1r1, refs Winter Rental. Lgr 2 bd. 1 " • .. each combers ream w 3 Bdrm expand11d Car-BAY F N A • beach. 2 Br ept. g11r11oe No pell 352 bl, frpl, patio. W/O, VlfY EASTSIOE 3 bd, 2 ba. rrp~ xtrosl Now S435 + •m rnel mdi View New cpl pier. prkg. 2br, S800 lbr $760/mo 227'1> Coral ~~i.~1;1:~ 84n6~8~=~s. clun. S950t mo 500 pool. covered pllllo. re-chg 1800 111 St200t mo Call $660/$600 Adlts. ull pd. 2131395-35 11 I -- W"I Ocean Front. Call modeled kit, nw crpts, call lo• Appt. 636-7005 Agt Gene Hiil 642-8079 303 E Edgew ater Near 18th/Pomono. I er, 635·5086 or 997-31170 $950 mo 548-6908 Bieath taking 4 .br 2•1r ba LIDO ISLE 4 Br 3 Be 4 1187 t-2868 _ •11bo1 1 Bo. down11a1ra, di s. led t o 1 3 bd 2 b 1 1 1 1 l1•i•1•l1 JI01 carport, water pd. 1 child 2 Mr• 111111 Cell 11 home! Ch11mlng pane 1 u y, apac ous den, $ 1400 222 Vie Pe-bchrm, 11' rp · 5 eps 0 •••••••••••••••••••••• Ok. no pell $425 Agent, $7001 873 •7•3 38r 28• w/POOLI Ener-living room w/stone tip lermo 875 7168 2 bdrm, 2 ba newer dplx no ree 982-0217 _ mo. ... .. Elegent dining, custom • 12131 50 t-6774 w 1 J.1t• 3141 11 gy 1 landscaping. today S875 Beach hOu&o. 2 Br, gar -----• yrly MillS;~n:;·•mkrl. Men Vtrde 2 br, lrplc. •• ll!'··•••••••••••••• e tclent app 5 0· closte625 + s m chg M E T RO $700/mo 3 Br 2 Ba. gar Co1oa1 ''' 1111 31ZZ no pelS patio gar No peta Nice 2 bd. H~ bl, home w/ 10 everythlngl N W 636-7005 S895/mo mo Fred Te-•••••••••••••••••••••• 2131799•4195• 257•9792 · 3 k M ET R 0 RE ALTY nore agt 631 • 1.,68, Ocean view. beautifully or (7141873·3986 S525 979-4383 dining rm, deck. bf s to 63"7005 ,. I b c h W I n I a r .,.. BE.-CH HOUSE $5501 631 271 1 lurn townhouse, rplc. $425 ultl pd 1Br Opli, 417 NICe 2 Br 1 Ba In 4-plox, 213n 88-0552 chg GUARANTEES RE-Large 2 l>rma fenced • pool 4 p9110 St095/mo E Bay Ave , Balboa No carpel•. drape•. enclad Ocean lew 28 ___ suLTSI vato c TllE ILIFFS 673-08&e pe11 547., 1ss patio No pets S485tmo '~•deg· IP·•. s1m1mo P~ Sm111 nome tor you/child td11pe11:~~5 ~1 3 Bdrm 2ba. •Pollen C11t11111• J1Zf S29S Nice eac"""'0r-. rat-540-4484 1nd pel 1380 + tm c"" or appt c g S 1250fmo •••••••••••••••••••••• '"" 499-530-4, 499-4827 M E T R 0 A E A L ,: y OAIA DE OllD ponslble P41fl0n, no pell E SIDE • 2 Br Du PI e JI . ..... 8• 7005 * 1410 2 Ill* Uttls paid 108 E Bay cpta1orp1. stove. S• 75 ' Acrou from Mlln Ben. 2 ..., Perfectly Oona. garage 2 Bdrm. 2ba. bHutllul ALL UTILITIES PAID Apt 9 mo No pe11 675-2456 Br 1bl condo In tropl· FRUIT TREES 4 BBQ pit n•ce. k•lchen. many &dull unit $1200/mo 646-5345 Cally tandSclped bldg. make lllll 3 bedim house Others avail Cell Holateln Aeelty Compare before you C•J.illll81 •1tiJIJI - - S800/mo Incl ulll. & WOfthe11t<ypenney S850 BEST pix S39-6t90 _2_60·881,!~:64~2 rent Custom Oe•lgn •• ••••••••••••••••••• 31bdrm,2be.cpts.drps. lit/IH I & H C Call aft Klde/PelS •llowe<ll can COST IEWNIT OREIT 1881ures Pool. bbq, Oelu•e Condo. 3 l><l. 3 ba. 11ep1ace pallo. Cllport 3pm. 407-M26 Matr<1 lor •PPI &36-7005 d Pool. Rec Atea, Attach N o Pell SS90 25 ts ----------4 _________ -13 Br 2 Ba lrplc clean Oc:eanvlew.3 8r 2'1r Ba covr gar1ge, •,urdroun-Gar. Reis S8 50/mo Orange 6'45-2199 !~!.~!! .. !.~!~ EtSIOe. 3 br. 2 ba. 111ry qu1ot area S8351mo w 1 newly <11cora11d No g~O w~~ ~~,•h in eca-625-724S Eaatalde. clean lludio. LIDO ISLE • 3 bdrm, l1m cle•n In & out, big back g11on1 960·2714 pets 642-3490 1 Br Furn SS 15 Coto•• ''' Jt11 31ZZ new patnl and carp~! rm •Ba $1700 mo fenced Ylld, lrvu Ir-. 3 BR, 2ba condo. Lge l•Jll,.t CtYI 365 w Wlleon 842-197 1 •••••••••••••••••••••• Fenced yd Ulll inc o • · · $825 646-1277 (Mrs 95 • s O Tauloi) sl<Hage, encl gar F ·. t bdrm, Oen condo. boat STUNNING lrg 1 Br luin Ou1et 3 r , bonu1 rm $390 1892 '.it renge OCEANFRONT 2 bdrm, ' t6871 Canyon l ane. e 1 S850/mo IU Garage Ave Drive by nr11 then 1 Ba $700 mo. B iii LUXURY CONDO 2 Br 2'~ 879-5991 or 846-1156 slip, adfto 81008111"° apt t 4 35/mo 710 W. Grea1 loce11on 759-1243 coll 752-6499 Grundy, Rllr, 675-8181 B $650/ --------Pete Barrell Ally, Cookie 18111 SI 845-5530 ---a. xtru. mo Pet ok 3 Br S500's Alllaon 8412-5200 JlZ~ 2 bd. 1 ba, gar. frpl no Eoslslde m 17th 1<. 28r Beautiful home for quill· 837-2686 eves Fully equipped kitchen DIH 1oi•I v p e t s S 6 O o I m o , apl S47 Si mo & $300 The Blurrs 3 Bdrm condo lledperaon1,graclou1 ll-2 Br 1 ea petlo, enc110 dbl bath rec. room tool 2 be Linda Plan $~~·;;~·:;;·;·9;·;;;;~ 641-1391_640·0769 u c Joyce W1flz Re- vlng. S2500/mo Isa gar1ge, fenced, carpets Untt Is ready today S 12001 m 0 I 1 e viii&. courtyard. qu181 STEPS TO OOUI mu . 631-1286 875-1530 & drapes No pets S525 I Great IOC 760· 1900, 673-7681 S<1S01mo 673-3313 S285 2 R 8 h I 3 BR 3 Ba or 2 BR 2 81. oceanfront , wkly/mo 752·946e Of' 673-088 l NPT CREST Condo . plua aecurlty 5418-5442 1tNOT A LIST* Many amenlllea lnclu· oom ac 8 or. or 770-5829 BEST 539·6190 COST 2Br 281 Condo nr Ho1g. Hooti•flOa ' Otng views from deck frplc. pvt entrance. utll 2 Br I 81 w/d hook up, garage. coupi. only No peta. $550 875-0007. pool, dshwahr no pet a trplc, etc · P <J . CI O 6 e I O b C ll s400 2 BR HOME $650 mo 768-7633 •1ti JUD "'Largo 2 Br 2 Be S825 1 6.<12·4014 Ready now, Ideal tor la-------•••••••'\•••••••••••••• "'Large 3 er 3 Ba 1 Br gar;;;;;-apl, •love. mlly. garage for pop'11 EASTBLUFF 3 bd, 2 b1, TOI DEIEllYE Ill s 1200 n 0 P 811 s 3 7 o I m 0 PARK NEWPORT APARTMENTS COUNTRY CLUB LIVING IN NEWPORT BEACH A 10181 environment 11partment community on 1he Upper Bay Prl"'t~ clubhouse and healll'\ spa, 8 tennis courll, 7 pools, close to buslneu. aorporl. Faahlon Island Convenient shops on 511• unrurnlshed bache· 10111. I & 2 bdrm &pl$ and townhouses S560 • SIOOO Several bachelors ano t Bdrm units feature line dulgner furniture end 8CUH()(IH Move In to· Oay <>< rewve tor future use Smartly lurnlsheO models ~ daJly On JambOree RO at San Joaquin Hiiis Rd 144-1100 ·~ BIOCk to beach. 2Br brtgl'll & airy $670 mo yrly 968-8263 Beachtron1 winter ren111r Oct -M ay 4409 Sea- shore 2 er S700tmo 3 Br S800 Utlls paid Can be l urnlt.hed 714/544-0614 Beachlront winter ren1a1 Oct-May 2914 Ocean· t1on1 3 Br Newry remo- deled Can be rurnllhed Utlls paid 7141544-08 t4 2 bdrm. t ba SS501mo yeerly Steps to beach t 116 w Balboa 2 t3-865-2542 OCEHFHIT Rmmte to thr Newpori Nice neighborhood In ferr Condo Non-smkr Co111 Men · rooA' ~n S3 t0 •.it utol Call Rob hou.1e S200/mo plu1 I\ dyt 079 -5370 eves ullls Over 21, non emo· 642 084 1 ker Ar 957-0128 I WOODBRIDGE ¥1lr rent. Co•te Mesa homo. male 2 BA 2 Ba pauo S300 'h s1uoen1. non smkr. '''° utll . non' imk; De~e prtv S22S mo + S 150 644-0620 857-1330 cleaning dep 548·9959 · Mesa Ve1oe. lovely master bdrm w/bolh, xlnt food Ref's e~c hanged 545-2095 ah ~ El Toro 111 houH prtvl· leges WIO. n1ember Sun & Sall club pool t"nn19 $280 tst & IHI ulll 1nc1 588-4038 Hot1J1 llote/1 4100 ······'··············· IUUH IOUL Wkly ren111111 now a11111 $105 & up Color IV PllonH 1n IOOm 2274 NeNpOrl Blvd CM 646-7445 BEACH AREA $84/wk RutrioeratO<·Mald·Pool Nwpf Blvd & w 11son Costa Mase 548-9755 Pone Knot Mo1el on Coas1 H w y NB S1 ep1 to ocean W~ly ra tes 64S-0440 IEED A PUCE! Reasonable rllea Kii· 1 chenettes. phones, maid servlae Z c hannel mo-I vlea SANDPIPER MO· TEL. 1987 Newport Blvd 1 CM 6415·9137 UHH IHCll llTOR IH ~!!!!.~~!!!.~'.".!!.~~~ Single CIH gar 201h SI Cosla Meaa S1orage S6Stmo 83 t-092 t SSO/mo. garage 286• L11Sall8 C0$18 Mesa Ca11 ell S 30. 9S7-27"0 01/iu Reat•l 4400 •..................... •HLHE OFFICH* 1 room lo 2800 sq fl From St 16 a sq 11 Ad1 .\trporter Inn & Frwy!. Coll AM 833·3223 16 17 Wes1c1o11 NB 256 10 -'000 sq II 11.t floor Age111 54 1 ·5032 * OEUlE OFFICES* From 1 room to 3 rooms From St 16 a SQ 11 No le1111e requtred AOI Air porler Inn 2172 Ouponl Cell AM 833 3223 A1rpon area -~xec Sui tes From 225-450 sq II SI per sq II Many •l•as Can 657 7010 400-900 PLUS 1400 cq II Penthouse 8ayfront Sul· le parking pattoa 673 1003 DESI SPACE Cltl Al11ac1111e ru1111c up11a11s selling we supply oeslo. apace. copier You sup ply phone & SOS pr mo pr desk Call 644 · 72 11 2000 sq It w/500 eq II 1torage 0 C Airport B eautltul 3Br, vu . $1000fmo Agt 845-0295 WEST CUFF Kitchen l a clean for lrpl. a11a11 now $96S Beaullful & park like with Call Anthony d ays 5418·1377 E111111<1e l1rge lncd yard, Mom room IOI' kid 2301 Ara11a 759 t9t4 hrdwOOd 1111. 24' ltvl dln1• ,.0• PEN 1 OAvs~ _ _ • tam1cld POOi 8412·5757 ev" & wknds B 720 C 1 2 e & ,. ,. 3 br 2' ~ b• pfulh condo. * P11vate Pattol 63 I ·6630 Large I r 4-ple• Wiiiy rentals S95 up Color TV. tree collae, heated pool & steps to 3 bdr. 2 ba gar great ocean t<Hch a 111a11 '°" Wtntet 985 N Coast Hwy area $:>000/mo 851-8928 3 br, 3 ba, den, xlnt loc Fully Of' pity turn S 1100 mo. G42-eeG2 • lhaHI Ua/.,aJ1iH ...................... •• .,,, 3202 .•••••.•••.......•.•.. IEITlll Yurly-Weekly-Wlnlet 2. 3,4 Bdrm• .llOllS llULn ... , MlllllllEIT 111-1111 Pt1li•t1l1 Pt/Wllttr L11ge 4 Bdrm. lam rm b~ on t>eauutul lao9. Avan. lor winter month• only. Partlally lurnlthed. St100/mo. hJfrt•t Ot14t/ .. ., .. Oo Udo Perk Or. Lge 2 Br & d«t. S.Wrlty bldg. $2000/mo. ..... 1..,., ... Avail. furn or unlurn. lanta1ttc toc1tlon w/ lllewll, 28'. MC:Uflty bldg. pool. 1995. . ...,., ........ 0111111·1400 '4liH 11118' 3ZOI ····•··············•·· 4 Br. 3 Ba. Oen. Din, gar, no pete. $1100/mo 227 Coral. 213/395-3511 Beaut. lge home 4 BR 3ba. C>ttlna. alngle gar. yr1y S 1100, A-olr Prop 876-4000 "1'-' lnlu•I• 3#1 ••.••••••••........... 3 8dr 2 e., yatd, no peta. 1111811. 1011. $1000/mo. " ... "'""" lllll&llll(IT 1'11 .. 111 ON THE BEACH 2 br, lull oondO. oee.n view, sec. 1760 mo. 000 E. 0c: .. n. l ront. 997 -8382 . 83a-30t4. 2 bike to beech. 2 Br l Ba, , tefl'IQ. & etove. 911 1875 yr1y lnct all utfl. No pet• '35-5-446 OCEANFRONT · 2Br. 1Ba. aeoo mo l hCI utll• 173-1308 c... ,,, .,, "" ••••••................ ac• 4 bd, 3 be. In PYOlaee AH emtnltlee, t tf!O. mo 759-1016. 2 er. 2 Ba. Condo, 2 oat g1rege. 2 blOCkl to oce1n , w /d , refrtge. 1896/mo. 840·5324 Nice 2Br 1 ~ bl In dpl1. LMnv rm w/frpto. 1Un· deck, ii"· 10 or hwy 1150/mo. 323'1t Lerk • ._,,, H •14&3 wtlcfyt 4 It. 2'.4 8e. f.A .. O.FI .. a ~. Comm. ooot. ttn- nle, t 1600 mo . Ownr 7ff..IOOt. area. new crpl n r I BEST 539·6190 COST •C .... p kl Sha l1ma• S350l mo den, l11ge kllch w/eatlng nr watet. POIS bOll 11tp o v...... ar no 2 9 , 1 Be carport, lrple area $7001mo 111 & test 3 H Mtllf HH S1 t50/mo •S()lp1,e1°'!1 Apls d l w , yard N o pell 646·2813 Laguna Beech 4841·5294 SO LAGUNA 3 Arch Bay Bachelor. great loc 2 Sulltl avail G~ Hwy ye11ly f1at1Ji ti fi1tl 4J00 VIS1bll1ty 497·2351 $400/MC 642-0857 I 2 lull btlhl, lncd y1rd 875-1938 851-8394 • nng ... ree S650rmo 559-9285 Near new 3 Br 21 .. Be ---•Walk In CloMt.1 __ ------twnhte, lent yrd, 2168 2 Bdrm. t ba lrplc ga-dbl g111ge Kids/pets DELUXE 3 BR 2'\ ba 2 •HOl'ne llke Kitchens CHll Jll•H JIZ4 Miner S750 8410-5010 TSL •&•I 142-1103 •••••••••••••••••••••• . :>5 yr Old mele prol Miii• llPH UHAlll rage ln cd p a t io welcome' tty lga front y1rd & 1 blk to Hunttngton •••••••••••••••••••••• FEELINGCRAMPED7 S595tmo Leaae Backs BEST 539-6190 COST up11a1r1 patlO 111 & 11111. Center 11an1pona11an 4 MESA VEA DE 1pac1ou1. 2 Xlra large I Br steps to ~ fem roommetll 21·27 10 shr 8 moll beaulllul 38r twnhse 1n University Pk Irv Pool & apa S275 mo ta Daya 7511-2676 eves 552-63 10 E~ec Suites 1nc.1 recepl sec y servs. cont rm kit mail ll1ndlg Res· pons•ve to your J>uSJness needl Adi 406 Fwy on F V Ind,. olct Mo/mo lrom S325 963·644S up 10 golf course 710 lni•I JZff security S 1200 pet mo frwya ........ DO 2 bl new drapea ocean w/d patoo rec rm Joann St 213/4172-82410 •••••••••••••••••••••• 831-5661 ITILITl(I FREE ~ BJIU paint. very clt1n $450 $425 675-3231 2 Br 1 B1. allached ga- 1 age. sml encl yrd. ldds OK S530/mo 831-3872 LUIEIU T11telully Decorated 3 I Bdrm From SS 15 1 uut•EITS mo 979-1658 OCEANFRONT 3 Bdrm detached homes bedrm 2bath apec11111tyl 2 Borm $615 Beaut1lully 11ndsc1pad 3 bd gar. lrpl p1tlo Large 38• 2ba $8751mo In uoellent area Avalla. Won I last al S650 + Cllg LA OUINTA HERMOSA garden 11$>11 Pool & Sp1 Newport Hllghta 11ea Avail furn 673-4483 Female roomm1te t o share lu11uflou1 2 bdrm home on the Lak e In Woodbridge Securtly gale Prov beach and J•c f'ull lake privileges A Slep above the rest tor the roght person Bua 551-3806 b 1 e 1mm ed1e1 e I y 838-7005 tor appoln1mnt 162 t 1 Perkllde Ln, 1 blk Patoosldeck1 No pets S6SO to $800 559-5001 5410-3773 * f l I 0 ( I 2 I ll seooi mo on 1 yeer lease Metro gu11en1ee1 rasu111 W ol Beech, 3 bll\s S Bechel<>< $4 t0-$415 ~ b b 1 • 2br. 2b• bay/ocean view Colla Mesa t or 2 room tu•les From S7S/mo Utols 1ncld 779 W 19th St 851·8928 • .alO* -IEd""• 847 54411 28drm $580• r I a,enc PlllOo ,. Five other• lo choose Nothl~ Finey out could 0 •-. ., .. r • 2250 Vangulfd llngle garage. 1475/mo condo. pool. jacuzzi, ~.~~~E ~sp:1~A~:c1':~ ~~'°'~::~he ones to s~s"'"~hc~~,~~;~:L~~I f!l. .. ,~.~.'.'.t.t .• !J.~! 540-9826 or 6•2·4905 Cell 846-7129 ~~~n:~~~.:-~~~';'~r garagell •---.... UL. M E T AO · · 7 day'· Luxury etudto. l<ee HBO. I Bdrm $470 2 Br 1 B•. encl gar. yrd, 548-5833 IHITIFIL BEST ALTY S3M190 ~I •nmdhrldCJt 636-7005 phone, maid 11rv. spa. kids O K . ctn 1 450 -----C--d--N *"111 pn ti •11* o~ I s 130 wk ,99...;)0lS _ 161 E 18th 6•2-0858 .,.2_8208• 875_6371 2 Br 2 Ba on o. ew-" • '1\:i llJ Blufl• 3 b•, 211t-ba. lam rm ---------i----""' port Cce,1. $900/mo Dining rm. lllm rm, l rplc. 551 3000 S 1250 mo 3 br. I level Nl•Ntl ••c• J161 Sp&croue 1 Bt I 811 $425 Large 3 81 2 Ba Town· Cell 63 t-04160 A lull kllah, auper nkie.f..__,...._ S900 3 b ,,200 ••••'"••••••••••••••••• 3 Br l 'h B1 $47 6 h 1 1 1 19 ----•• , .. , ltl41• Lu.cuty condo. Atty, stra wtll share. $550 IEWPORT OEITH Wllh use or reception cont room. lollch. phone. 1ecret1rlal 6 word pro- ceealng Mall & mePege ter11 avail Mparately II desired Call Judy S700. 1t'lOlb1ranra Pl"'"'"""' mo r mo OCEANFRONT Dhi 2-4 Br Laundry lac . pool ouse n que comp •. YRLY ocean 111-2 BA 1 BEST AL TY 539·6190 IE yu a Poole Agt 5441-<> 134 B/: week 0 r m 0n 1 h 548-9558 12. 7PM large POOi, oirden Ht· Ba 2 C4r spaces $700 COST I -• N----;:::achfront "-me 3 ttni. 1875 845•3381 ' 8 6 7 8 O ..,,. "" 8 3·7873 BAY TIMBERS ' mo. 4 4 • o t 2 to 4 bdrme, 11a1ting at BR .<Iba, 12000/mo Can 67 59411 _ 646..3189 011 7S2 -9 44 2 &It 640-2434 7141760-0100 CUTE Ea111lda. clean 1 Br hOUM. anclOMd 9a- ragt. large yard. No pet• $485/mo 548-&680 $700 lo S13115 Bob Koop at 7S9·1221 Wlnte< rentals Spaclou1 1 Br ltplc, pool 2 B •4901 C I ---------now 1v1llible. Call & more. 848·9883 r • mo arpe 1• Ver11lfle1· Speclo111 & MIF to shr 2 Dr· 1 'h .b• Ellocutlve Nltos. f\111 set apt, E/Slda C M Pool, lllae. gr11tty radvce<I. no ti c $257 so Bob. 19818 754-0274 648-4084/972-1300 Small 1BR Ea1tlfd11 $400 m o plut security 645•8898 lftef' 6pm O.M. TIWllHE 11111 llW I 2 Bdrma. 21 .... bllht In Garden Ilk• community av1llable now Oec<Hll<H p11fec1 Utltltlu pd $1150/mo C a ll 5•8-2239 Near new model. 3 Br 3 Ba $900/mo Vac1n1 75 1·2442 228 N Old Newport Blvd 3 Br. 2 '~b1, nr new S7501mo Avail now I John Mar1h1 ll agl 631-2242 Large 4 Bdrm. cfoled 1n '523~J>l:~ patio S1tp1 10 beech lmmac A 11111 now 3 bd Avallabte Now Gar-s 1200/mo yrty 873-2507 oener No Pets S9301mo 831 -t615. 493-7766 With 40' Ooclt Condo In We11 Newport 3 BA 2 BR 2 Ba. cp11. Orps. anct 2'~ba. $ 1350/mo Call 3 BR, 2'h bl. lpk;, mlCro-x:;:~~ 5o No pe IS MIS Long 873· 1190 wave. D/W, centrll vac. ----------13 Br 2 ttory 1ownhou1e 2 1n1ercom. pallo. BBQ. no NPT CREST CONDO 3Br. batri1. pwder rm Very IN, S750 mo 549·8368 new paint. S 1000 mo p v 1. comm po o I SEOHE 4 H 11( 645-0295 $900/mo, 873-8858 Incl tem rm, 2 ba, lrplc, UNIVERSTTY PK 3 BA 2'~ ber tool 6' fence. 2 ga-ba. hv/11m rm, 2 car o•r. 1119n 1ppllc, comm pool, Jae, S600'• BEST 538-8190 s 1150 mo. 552·8947 ____ c_o_s_T ___ -ICALIF HOMES " bd. lam rm. chlldren o.k_ no pate. 646-4784 or 759-1501 Ltw OllT sn• 41 Rm. 1111 M111y others. Call BEST 539-8190 COST •HAS THE CHARM• Complete 6 rm houH . 1500'• Rant 1nc101 111e uttt1 WOODBRIDGE S1100 Spec 4 bt, 2'"' be, nicety landec1ped, l1m. rm. trptc, patios Lake, poof & tennla. 840 -1327. 569-8188. Ole 720-7373 WllTIR RHTAU 3 4 4 Br CION 10 weter, furn & unfurn, reason•· ble. all amenities Broker 875-41912 Westcllll erea, 1vell , 3 BA 2 Ba. dbl ger, lpfc S925. grdnr Incl Etaln•, ~48· '232, 8415-51183 -------SEA ISL.ANOfBIG CYN 2 br. 2 b11 condo Goll course view Bargain rent S 1050/mo FrM rental tips BEST Open 7 daya COST •S39-8190• IU.....,IUY PACIFIC COAST HWY .,,... 2 l>drm, f bath, $500 ...... Miiii, egt, 842-1183 Sln9te ltvel 3 BA home In Newport cr .. 1. oce1n Sunny. 2 bd. 1 oa llOUM . Unl~ty Plfk IOI' i.He 111-uac condo. 2 br. med y81d, 18Undry bOo-• llraplace, wet blf & den, office, 2 ba, formal kups, garage, on 1treet prl1111e P•llO. S095 per din wet. b ar. 1ennl1, $500 mo. Ou & wllar m? An111 Sch1ndal. poo11 . etc s 1200 pd. Agt. 876-1&42. 873-3313 ------!'.1.~!.r1!~! •••••• 1~~ ~'1!.~! ....... 1.~e lru4 hw 1 ... 1 lllT Tl IWI Otne POlnt Wt lklng di.-Nt1r n.-a 8dfm, 2'"' bl tanca lo 8"ch 3 end 4 condos From 1800 per bdrm• SHO to 11360 wn•1 J.Ht 114f mo CeM ff.4·9171 per mo. 8e1·3100 ••'•'•••••••••••••••• ----------HARBOR OCEAN FRONT I J .. j /.Zif DUPLEX 2 br, 2 bl. car-Nu 3200' tux hm on bluft .• !! •••• !.'•••••••• ••• prt. No d~•· 1496. 180 deg. vu 01 harbor. SURFSIDE COLONY, 4 6'12·3597. 7 ·7165. eurf. rntne. 3br, 3be. bd, 4 b1, lam rm, newly •••ll•fl•• 11out11y, uun1, •P• dteo111ed, oc.an front, •Ht 1'40 Sl800/mo. 4118·7009. 213-692-2385. •••••••--• •••• •••••• •• eMEAALD BAV 3 br, 2 Cta'••l•I••• StUlfP 2 BA condo, 1 tty, be 1eoo tel. It. lrpl. brick I J '" 3400 0 111 1blf1 ~410• poo111,..8H&ok mo1 • patio. with ep1. s 1eoo •••• ~~~.!••••••••••••• o:v•" • " • H or 2131870-2:185. •WNIT MAii , 1---------12 Br I Be COtlAQt. 01111 L.u• "" ••• prof. -d, 09' OREtN CMl'I MGtlon,J M range, 11•· ltnene. di ..... kng bed, for WHrTI ~Mt• dtntf, r fig, Avlll 1011. H O grd, und.,9rOUl'd wttfl. Clllltlfted M w f 11 ••••• I . 7 6 get, ldf'Y tm -to bell, Cell 142·611& 494-0164 On bul fine t 700. •••-eb1 '-I •aeon "orun orapea. pooi No Pat• •, right 2 er. 2b•. 3rd 11oor ., ~ 2 BR 1 BA. old hOVM. no 642-4470 . c 0 n d 0 S 6 7 5 t mo PlllP IUll&lllHT pall. child OK All ulit pd 2bd;;;;-, "'e 1pt. quMlt. no 642·61411 Sandy 4 15 Hamilton, $535 'V ll•-1 na 64 1-0783 pelt, laundry tacll 3 I I 28r 1 Ba Ir pie Slept 10 ----------i 2500 sit basic o re w ' Ht•IUTE WHTlll 1torage By O C Airport Male 25·35. 111a1ghl, S I 5 O O I mo Tom non-1moker. to 111111 851·8928 Slt.•y YRRI VI W ll1on S395, ocn $650/i-no yrly " '" HHI HW OtlH 831-2177 I Rel '• 8 4 2 -7005 , Furn rental• by week Of' month Agt 675-8170 WINTER RENTALS now available .1.1. "''""" MAIAIEIHT 1n-1na THE ---, "GOOD LIFE" YEA6'-6'0UND ,UH: ,Social Actlv1t1e 1 Olracl or•Free S unday Brunch•8B0'1• Part111•Plus much more Q 6' E A T AI C IUA T I O N : T1nn11 •F re1 Le1aon1 (pro 6 pro 1hop)•2 Health Clut>s•S1un1• Hydromauaga• Swtmmlfla•GOll OfMng R•noe l l AUTlfUI. A,AlllTMI NT I : S l n g l tt . 1 & 2 Bedroomt•Fumllhed & Unlurnlahed•No P1te•Modal1 Open dally 9 to 8 ······-' ..... ........... ...,.,. ..... , ... 880 lrvlne (It 19th) (714) '45-1104 ...,.,. ..... / ... 1700 18th St. (Dover •t 18th) (71,4) 842-5113 2 B• 2 Ba 2 c.r glfage 2 BR lam rm patio, bltn 1·588-4306_ ~~~~~tr":::::": 11ov1. ce11m1c kllch • 1B-ac_h_e_1o_r_A_p_t_s_m_1_1_1.-n-o- waterlalls From 1785 entry Rais s5oo mo garage or l aundry 662•1309 845• 18113 $425/mo lnclds ullls ltke new 2 Bdrm, 2 ba, San Juen Caplet rtno Eaec •ulte wlAC. 500 1q condo Fireplace. pool. It w/balh & g11 S400 1acuu1 only mlnutH 10 mo 675_·_3_800 ____ _ llST&IT 111 Eestllde $600/mo 2 Br , ..... Ba. Tow pet OK TSL Mgmt 642-1603 Flrapl1ce. pool. dl1h· waaher. pvt patio X Lg Garden 2 Br on E/slde S580 557-2841 1 BA. new p11n1. cpll. dr1p11. O/w, no pell S•OOtmo 2265 Miner St 85t-2t75 1H. 21A. HR. Newly decor GH pd, encl gar, ow1hr, pool, bbq no pell. 642-6073 Westfield FAllLY &PTS Beautiful garden 1pt1 Pat1011deckt No pell 2 children welcome. 2 Bdrm 1't. 91th1 1640 2 Bdrm 2 Bllhl $585 398 WJ Wll1on 831-5583 Of' 642-4905 1 er $425fmo Bachelor 1380/mo Stu 540-366& or 497-2334 Be1utlluf 2 Br 2 Ba townhouH. frplG. patio. l ndry rm, g ood loc. 1580/mo T8L. Mgmt 842·8221 842-1003 E-;ide IBr Iba. pool. 646-8189 I a u n O r 'f NO PI II 2_B_r_2_B_a-lr-om-...,.$-52_5_N_o $385/mo 833-7890, pets Across rrom New- 648-I~ port 8e1cl1 Goll CourM Eutslde. CM 2 BR. S476. 5415·485S no pets 111. IHI, d•Ps --.. -P-•_T_o_T_h_e_B_e_•_c_h_3_ 842-8368 1enn11 court• across the Dul 1•l•I 11ZI strMI Very clean N-•• ••••••••••••. •••• ••• C1rpt t $750 mo. Yrly t Br g11age, near ooeen. vary cle1n $390fmo 2 131402-2857 See 11 2'4682 COfdObB Or Apt A. rant. Call Kile 675-0124 Mon-Fri Jo 673-3596 S11-Sun ------2 Br 1 '~ Ba No peta. $450/mo 548-2881 beach & Oan1 Point Hl>r HWNIT s2901mo plus '" utlllti.t UY YIEW Oerto11d (7141 831·2040 Of 496-9758 OlllGe Mille on N-~1 Harbor Appro~ tOOO sq Female only aha1e beau· 11 7141-645-7 100 toluf new Turt111ock Townhome MHte< Br. Full aerv office 1300/up •di b81h Share with Br1nch olfoce $80/mo young couple. great for Ant serv $50/mo UCI student or faculty Newport Beach762-6408 553-8029 belor IOPM M /F wented to ah110 beechlront apt Non smok11, prof person Oe-s Ired S 310 mo 5'8-4148 IEWptlT IEAOll IHIOAL HITE PREMIER LOCATION Garden Building 1100 sq It Amenttlee OOW Yl(W From Oan1 Potnl'I moat aecluded 1cenlc blull Like newl Only 4 unl11. 2 Br wfden Xtre lrg pr1v11e p1t10 No pat1 From S725ttno Call 66 t-844 1 °' M•F, 11·5, 643-0212 S Female Roommate to 2 Br· 1 Ba yearly 700 sher a tuxurloua home on IU-2110 PROPERTY HOUSE 842-3850 642· IO IO lake tn lr11lno, 1ecur11v gate. pr111a1e beech. I•· 2500 10 5000 sq It COM. quiet & serene work 11mo1ph11e. En· lrenae on Coast Hwy & Fernteal. greal IOC Oulc:ll acceu 10 MacArthur Blvd 4 Fwy Aou Pro- perties. 551-8130 tOHlflltlT cuu l. lull lake prMlegH 4 Br 2 Be 2000 1q 11 Cell 551 -3806 o eys, Llkt new S 1650/mo 56 I ·3806 tv .. PAO PEATY HOUSE I Roomm81e needed M or 842-3850 642-10 10 lem 28r 2 ba, pool. 1pe. 2ji';Te. •Pl tn Dana Pt. d1hwfl. 11011e. octan Yt1tty ran111 3Br. 2Be & v t e w I 5 2 5 I mo 28', 181, newly remade· 881-1192 l ed 12 4 4 2no St 2 848-5710 "'"· 876-3132 2 8r den. bl. lrptc, MW dyS crpt, trg Vl4tw dtckl. IM· ----------· med occup1ncy. Agtnl S.a Cl••••ta 1111 W/0. gar MCurlty. cloM 4001·8 Birch St N 8. 440 10 bell A11all now Co· sq 11 s 1 oo par 1q 11 •• det Mar S450/rno M I c" e 111 7 60. o 819 _A_ge_n_1_5_4_,_.so_3_2 __ _ Whn<i1t111ea 780-8000 hlHt ltfltH 11209 wkOya Redhlll, Colla MU I W1nted 1o_o_m_rn_e_1_e_1-10 Subltt 1776 tel 1111 70c •htrt n.-condo, Univ A1c1pt • "'o'k room. Town Center. lr111n1 1tor~ 075·3882 10·5 S4 26 & '" utll Avlll Otlu•e 1ultt In Wtttr 10115 C11t Donna 01 tront blog 2012 1q II J , y . 8 o 1 • 2 8 o o r 11 &o1tel ,. 842 .. 84• HT·8071 S 7801mo . Agent ••••N•••••••••••••••• -------~-UITllll 4ff.8I04 lllHIY .. Tiii M 3 b• lu1n hOVH El Toro S300 mo 6 I utll (Marina 2 &r 1 ea pOOI eldt apt, I.tr"'"' dtluxe 2 81 2ba 6 In 81n Clemente! NHr LI) 856•8808 flll lllT/ ...... Prima comm'I 1ocet1on. ntllt lt•tte recelvt• l4SOO copier tor entire ttrm. no gltnmlChl C1ll tor datalta ff0-1•'7 t Ind ''" bit Int No •• NEW 2 Bdrm. 11)1 with ry , · • Oen, frplC, ocean vu. encl bullt·lna. c erpttlng, Femelt 2 e r t Be I r:~: ..... ~.11 t or •PP• gar, 71•t•113-l030 dflj)"· laundry laclllty, bloo k fro m beaoh TSL Mgmr 642· 1803 BHll•tl•• under roor carport• to1 2 1300/mo. 975·0583. 2 BR 2 Be etvdlo, H7i:'I IHti Jl41 care. r,ubllc Jenni• court• SIH lg 11.111 hmt w/prof WllTlllllTIR cpt1 or~ encl ger no •••••••••••••••••••••• 6 go 1 courH right b .. , pereon, 1288. 111. 1111, 0•111•• 0~,!i• ..!!_ atort • • -· • 1428 1 8FI 1 81. patio, hind property, only m -oep. Ot&-8479 epace. 14 .. ...,/..,., aq 11, peti. 87 •9vvv tndry rm ell blln• Mu•I nut .. 10 State Perk • 14304'1200 tel f1 8Mcl1 •lllT llU Ptlll a• 1 r L. 8 Mg rn 1. b .. ch .. cto•• to every• FIM 111t hlboa leland 81Vcl 8twn 2 trwye, c1111c "' e4" ,..,... tlllngl a .<171tf momtfl. co111111 2 tme 111111 Centtf ShooPlnv Center, Llkt nu, lg• 1 br •Pit. ... .,.,.. Ay1lfablt Octobtt f6. 1 100 l300. 876·4200 pr1mt 10Catl0n. 1711·11111 M0te famltlee are getting lrplC, OW, gar., 1478/up 2 • 3 l drm epl•. Avail. OM Of two ptrtont onty PM Of M0-014'4 tilt camplnQ "t>ut" 11\le Patio or tHNcony. POOi • lmmedlatefy. H60 to~no ~1. Cell OWMf at yaer. 11 YoU 11aW 1 Ctn"I· ape. No pell. 28&0 Hafla. 11171. F'.r~. O/w, ta'IOt· (7 l4) 142.01SI. CM•tt1n 'tm•lt 10 atltrt l!ll£C 11111 .. HI lt7& per ll\1t'1 not o•ulng IM9·2441 1 Of 2 klde ott No pet1, N.-poo twnhol.IM 4 bd, w/CPA a Atty Sec, x .. ultd. ltlf It !\OW wlll'I a Wiler paid 141·2000 81'1oP 11 flomt ll'I " ~ 3 bl , 111111 lmrned 1328 I 0 • ' A. c e 0 • ., 1 1 t CIHtllled Ad oNant Ml Cell M 2·8t11 Agent. no .... with ctaulflecl .... 2·M7• 133·690f. 876-71171 • ., •• ", =------===-- . I \ J '-J, ' ... -...r•. I l l •• Orange OoMt.DAILV PILOTIW•dne1d1v1 October 8, t082 t'T lessim1al · Service Dira:tary m .1 1 "! -:=========;j'j~~.i~=.;;.'!t; .. h1ff.= .. ·.· .. ·.·.·.·.-.-.. i,~f~!fl=.~. ~~'!':.:!~1":. :.,~.·!f~mt::::,:Ji.-.Tipi. r.;.~!;~1i:!~~~.'.;-.·.·.·.·.· •• ·.·!·.·.-.i"G,,~ •• ~r/;!:.,;.Jh.~=.·.·.·.· •• •••••••••• •• ~,i.~~:~ii!1i. •• :~~.-.·.·.· •• -.·.·.·.·.-•• -.j'j~i.!~.~;.!;!';.~{t~J~!~;I.;.·.·.·. • •• ·.·.·.-.iit.~~Jii!;!~!~~;,.~.~.~-~.~. ~ •. ~.~-~.~.~. ~. ~r~Jh~~!';.ji •• hi!'~'I.;.·.· •• ·.·.·.·.·.-•• ·.·.°jj!~t.:!iif~;,~;!;:!~f;t·.·.·.·.·. • •• ·.·.·.·.-: ·, ~l 84 P D L0¥11\Q 11-.. egee 3 & up. 1 • .1. ....... • ... ELICTRICIAN Oerct.nlng, lend1c1plng, PROF 1rnv1c e Mlddl• •o• CO\.IPI• wlll 1& yr• op NU/CCIM Im ATLAS PLUMBING' c z l.AY ,, ' ff IY ,.IT 140/wtl, ~ bet /Ill Lie: 3060tl R1mOOel, Sml /obt /Repelrt lie y.,d malntenenctr.' c:IHn 1•1ullng yrcJ C:IMn up llouMlllt, rel1 amall, my prlc•• ara t411tt111g 1pec1a1111ng ltt Sp11nklo11 Lind~ h11'1 ALL you P•f 11Ghl. CM 566-3872 A<td'ne, C•bln•l• 233101·0· tO. &41·8203 up1, lrH trim & remcwel Oukik I clean FrH 111t 543·0519 1rn1111 Ron 673·t4T7 10011111 64!> 1688 Ou.,antNd ~f.2137 .filul. · l'lll• ~kO,.tll 1.'0\.lc G44"MHLO,_U·~~-t--tt&&-ftf<»Aleti ~rM e1 lmelH lneured 673 011411 U••"t1-6.1'¥, PAJtW!~ 11..lU IAL.lUl :JO dey 8(1 u r II ti "• p I ~ ••••••••••••••~•~•":•-:::•7•:-•• :-:.:+-L!i&UW~A~~ IN flJ• --In the nome u me .,.. Ir llDO'NSIRl:MOOf!LINO NEeOS WORK.I HAVl.INO 1tuc.len1 h&t S 1 ORY & FO W1to1 H.ater SP41Cllall •••••••••••••••••••••• N, s m" II I I• m 1 r y Pt1111. LIC'd 010fr. Lie 4 18088 842·I023 lb per 011d1ner & CIHn ~· truck lOWHI rate WPIAeku· p' td ... I""'~ •vL.~ Cu1lom work rr .... , 24 hr ptumll•r .,, Tilt INST AL LED lllLJ HO 9780 Son • • I f t •-FM ---p1 C 11 7 .. " 1"76 ., .... Rt11 Sieve 547-4281 All "1nd1 Guatanleed • Pllmer 6 I v4.,.. 14 Rll810/COMM'LllNO UP• '" rrmm:J ' '""' I 11•· • Clndy,9113 723 alt 8 I II I '1 " PlltT 1.11 .... S.trlf11 MHonry, ~P41"tty. eon· 20 yrt Do my Own W()(lo. •• , Pete 641-1 Thenk you. John f l I d-' I Cl ? I HARBOR PAINTING .! •. ~.!..'!I........... Reta John l40·t217 lllflll •••••••••••••••••••••• c:tele add'n1, lnl/e11t ,.. Lie 279041 Al 640..8128 C.•ltfJ ""'"' CLtAN UPS, GARAGES, red o .,.ng eun ry Ouellly wotlc r ree NI J 0 Horn A1llnlll\lflg t;US f OM CCRAMIC llllOfllJ 11•111 AIHlll ANYTHINQI CALL ~ua~id&lrlootnd. !'.14,ndllcu""lo•u•h,. Clll 1411 8j)m. 613·516e AnllquH, lo,11 '90lne11. fll [ WORK-fr .. Mt $10/monthl_y 8$1-1342 mOd Lie'~-~ flee: -s.rviee & Conatr-;;:c. M.iRCUAY.Mieait:iciiA RANDY 642 7647 e"·p' u~ .. 6~2-0167 , •• , •• ·&l-,.. line painting 84!> 0664 Chv<:lo. 871> 6100..,.. 00 IT NOWI 6l ANBUR INDUSTRIES llon l.O ret" FrM 1111· Sl!AVICf ft n-· "'"' C•tM81n Oen'I contr Prop•fly m•IN. Lie 333217 S.rvlng lhl Newport Haullnq & yd etHn-up .. 25 yr1 ••P Lie 403114t l1•Hlll••ll1•1/1 T11• Sttfllt• , .. t.r ladra •••1"•-••el••••••••••••• lmprov 997·1611 (1·51 557·1738 847·4714 • Are• Tr•• trlmrnlr1g. g.,ege ~~!!'!!(•••••••••••••• Bondltd. Int. Rel• Color •••••••••ol'I ••• ,-•••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• Your Dally Piiot llln •h & rovgti carpennv • we dellv•r Anythln~" ct•en-up Qob il50·11844 BRICKWORI< Small Jobe •111>ttr t 063·001l Dick HPlllll Se<vlbe Olreetory cablnell, rm addition•. I 0 9 CONSTRUCTION ft•tl•• ,---848·7228 Adc.llllona -RemOdel• ••••••"'•••••••••••••• My Where" 631-07 1 Famlly of 8 will hlul ew•y Nwwport, Coate Meu. HOt IOAY PAINT TIMEI I METICULOUS MORT'S Tiii AIYlll Repr....,tettve i Homt/CO-'merclal, Int WOOO PENCESIOATES RI"' I ---your Old junk, trtmmlng1, trvlne R•lt.1175-3176 23 VII AllO odd Jobi & ...,.H()Ml R[P~RS RlMOOllS "lrM W0tlt wllh •Con- t•2·11ll, Id. 122 A•mod & Repelre free repa1'9 •390032 Jim ln111lled & R~lr.O ••••• (!'!.~•••••••••••• etc Fell, elllctent wOlk cuatom Brltk·Stone rep1111 Bruce 972.0116 ...,.11111 ~CIMCl •C••nce" rrlmmtng I. ~ ... ~!~-A ••••••••.•• BOOKKEEPING SERV Loc•I wom•n wlll do bkkpg. lor your busln•H or personlll. 541·8272 ~ ... ~'l!!!.f!!!!-.t! ••. Applied, re-applied, guar . ln1ur•d, llc'd 414891 730· 1900 Ir .. ntlm•tn A.1ntl•f S.mt• ......••••..••......• 50% OFF FIRST MONTH Dependable, •llordable. euentlal. Answering service. secretsrlel & bu1lne11 services, mall box rent•I, word prooee- slng T•le11-F•c1lmlle, ordlf entry, pagefs-leue buy, desk ac>ece rental ANSWER NETWORK 831-9131 (ask lor A.V.) ~,~~~{'!!! ••••••••••.. Art·Antlques..J-elry Appr•lse & Liquidate MlchHI Hein ~53-0717 ~!/.~~!~ .•.••....•.... Orlv-ays, Parking Lot Repairs. SealcoaUng S&S Asphlt 631-4199Lle Ht Lo 1•tet. Oeck1, P•· 548·5103, Don 551-2867 FrM "' G.,y 499"1724 Carpentry • Ceblneta 667-3939 01oc:k·Concr•te-St1.1cco PAINT EA NECDS • C•r11tnll'f • plufllb•ftl r 10 o 1 mo 1 Pv111 0 byBo~0w3!,rdCoeOolt1• uo $1..,,. 762-911511 -~-' I Plumb • Draln Cleenlng I "• •-l•••I• Rell Fr .. eat 649-11492 -" lht•r•ll•'I. _, •• •• •1 .... ,,..... T''-1"' • •• , WORK! 30 yfl •~P. Intl .. lt'tlrol ltn1\lltO ttlptllll'f M c "2827 Ph c., .. , S.mu ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~............ "' --. -••••••••••••• •••••••• CUSTOM QUALITY ext Ac;ouatlc cetllng1 Lie ••a. • • • • ••• ,-.-•••••••••••••••••IAESIDENTIAL·INT OE· TIEii Rere Don vee...ot49 ROBIN'S CLEANING ant doalgn·•ny m1t1tlal 368780 Free ell ~' lfl>Oid1n11 •u brneu 642-1932 No StHm/No Shampoo I SIGNER Furn arrange-Topped/removed Clean Oen contract'g, malnt, Strviee . •thoroughly LI e 3 9 9 0 3 2 O on Oav11 P11n11ng 847·&t811 •1htlvin1 f4uuh lo u r•rr SLOW AAfES ' Slain Soec;l1llst. Faa!, I ment color achemH up, lawn renov. 751 ·3476 plumb. repelr. pelnt'g. clean hO<Jae 1140-0857 561 -2887 doo1 w1nu 811 or 11'11•11 "It I ret trlml remov. c1e1n dry Fr .... I. 839• IS~ 955·2068 Or 752-0322 . mobile home service. -:;;;;;;:; CleanlnQSe~ r!r..'!!J.. • •••••• ••••• do II ~II I HI ttf1C1tnl \tfvort upa, mowing 654-7017 Schampoo & sleam cletlll I Do•1tllt TIE llHI 1011 IE 1 Jim 538-99571536-3684 Houaet-Apta·Rentela ~~!!'!f ••• •••. •••••••. Farthing lntetlor Design 10 'flt' t•O olor brighlenere. wht ••••••••••••• •••••••• L•wn-trM·ahrub nltll JACK OF ALL TRADES Olllcet 640·1287 •A·l MOYlll• llANGINGISTRIPPlfllG 1ttnit *8)\2&SI crpts -10 min. bleech *KATRINA ·s LtVE·IN Tree trlm/rtmovel Call Jack •nyllme. TIAEOOF HASSLES? V1&11·MC Scott 845-9325 951-6067 Hell, llvldln rmsS16; •vg hallprs. dally maid MfY, Lawn MalntlRototllllng day or n I 875·3014 Top quality Spec111 core •sR PAPEA'"'ANOINO 1-~=====~--room $7 50; couch $10., ol llce cle•nlng, crpt Free esllm•le 648-6086 Ou1llly Cleaning help 11 In h•ndllng 25 yrs exp " n ctir $5 Ouar ellm pet cleaning 835•2118 Simmon• Oard-IN\ MIMI I• lvtm•T here! Alf• 080-7452 Competitive Rates 7 yra local exp Ouer 1 od C I I 15 -· ... No overtime 730-1353 work Price• ttart at or ro rep•, yrs --Cln-upa. lawn Cir•, lull REPAIR . PLUMBING HOUSECLEANER $8/rOll Alee 751-7027 exp Oo work myself HSKPRS & MAIDS comm & resld melnl. C,llrpentry. e1ee. tlle Free Good rel• NB & Irvine ·ABC MOVING· ---- Reis 53 1-0 101 LIVE-IN HRLY/WKLY Free eat 646-6664 est. Reaa, 845-2811 pref Glldya 541-0702 Quick, Cereful Service Paperhanging, stripping, Vle)o Servlon Agel)Cy -----Low rates 552-0410 pol11t1n11 xlnt work. lg or EXCEL CARPET CAF~E Lle'dl bondtld 973.9000 Lendscaplng ~alntenan· 28 VAS EXP DUNHAM HOUSECLEANING, 1 Jc Jack Buffington ce. Lawn & garden cere. HOME IMPROVEMENT Honest 6 Oependaole STARVING c!OLLEGE-sm: 1 0~'· re~soneble C Owner/operator P!.i'!f '!•.!!!!f!!....... clean up Ken Jonea. Remodel·rtj)llra·fenelng Brenda 962-2690 STUDENTS MOVING rat • • efa ree est er""'t uphol are• r"g '" -•~1 1e·• 1 bl CO Lie T 12 ••• 36 Brendan 966-7427 ... -. . -AT 1111 lll"IOR 53&-1610 rel'• --. r ... -pum ng E I H I "" CIHnlng. Work guer. • & 831·6530 •nytlme Jlperl M ouaekeep ng lntured 641·8427 Jolly Cricketer I Pro I Freeork Reis. Personal, q\.lalllled drl-tllllllll WUTEI We furnish vacuum & WATCH US GROWi Wallpepertng & stripping Fr .. est 494-1429 vera for your d1y to dly .. _., 1 kl EXPERT HANDYMAN euppllet Kitty 641-4970 Many relerenc:ea Piut errands Shopping, dr ... owcng . ...,g ng, '1 ng, Cerpent"' • Root~ II / L sweeping Free ••II-Pl 1 ., ... 3 Cullom Home Cleaning 81 t •II••• 857-0118 f!!~!!!I ••.•••••..•••• CHAMPENOISE Fine Cl\letlng In the old world lr•dltlon. 645-9858 f !!!!~!/.~!'!!!!!! ..... Cement-Masonry-Blocll Walls-Cust. work Lte •381057 Rob 547-2683 Cii1' c.,, ..•................... appts. church. etc Aft mates .645-5737 umb ng, etc ~2 1 & Compl Mild Se<Vk:e ••••••••••••••••••• ••• ----- needs met By hour or •• ,, ... llHll Prof .• Bonded . lns'd Pl1H/Or11• Teaolter tHlltJ '''" 1111111 dey 494-5857. FINESTKINO •••••••••••••••••••••• UNICLEAN SYSTEMS $ 10/hr • Rich 720· 1645 Su11nne 979.45f5 GARDENING Clean·upa, HAROWOOO FLOORS ot Nwpt Bch. 8504 1200 -~!!!!~!!.............. am 1andsc1plng, monthly a.eutllulty cleaned -----•r!J!'J!'!I ••.•.••.••. ~ .. ORYWALU ACOUSTIC melnl. Nell 642-6795 and waxed 832-4881 Ouallty work with I pet-fllf PlllflH Repelrs, sml job epec; I t K&O Landscape M•lnt. B II eoknacl .~oulch !!BachBelohr R SI I Bud •52 "582 C •• •• O . .... rY, n . et by lchard nor L c yrs e11P. .. -· Resld/Comm le•n·up ••••••""•••••••• •••••• ' 850-0933 260644 , 13 ,.,, of happy Wall textures-Acoustic: Lite hauling 548-2489 DUMP JOBS ,----------1 local customer• Hang· Tape-Steel 1lud1 MAINT & DESIGN & Smllll Moving Jobi •lllWOlll Thank. you. 63 t-44 10 Lie 389944 1·532·5549 Oberlln Landscape Serv Call MIKE 846-1391 WllTEI QUALITY WORK • neat, l•tlo Cn•11 ......•.....•.•....... CUSTOM.wood patJo co- vers. deck• & rence1 by RANDY 641.0622 r!~!!!!lt~·~!t. ...... . ~!!!!~I. ............. . Hub4:tt Roollng-111 1ype11 New-rocovor Oeeks Lie 114 ! 1802 548-11734 R,OOFINO REPAIRS Small loba o ~ lree ea11 mates Call Tom & Chuell 542-6392 HOF PHILEM? Don't re-roof, repair ot I , ., cl I 0 n 0 I c 0 . I 857·2890 Scr11111 ••..••..••..••......•. MOBILE SERVICE Retereens/New screens NB/CM only 642-9552 !t!i~~!!!~ •.•••••••••• ] SERVICE & REPAIR I '!.".~'.'!~~ ....•..•.•.•. Moat aub,ect•. K-14 Oay/ove 15 & S 10/hr M• Morgan 645·5176 Compucer · Eiectron1C1 Science Tutor, S 10/hr Rich 720· 1645 ~{~~!!.~!~~~!!I ...•. 'Let tile Su111hlne In" Call Sunshine Window Ctedntng, Ltd 548·11853 20% Monthly Olecounl tntl e•t Retld/comm I Free est 20"1. monthly '<l1scount 644-098 CRAIG CLEANINGC()° Rescdlcomm·1 lntleir:t Sc;reens. mirrors Ladder w orli Owner o per 646-3089 To piece your menage t>efOfe the reeding public. ptione Childcare wkdys. cred El.ettit•I Wrltt•n agreement on HAULINO·GAAOINO Hign qullllty hO<JMwOrk reas , honest Reis Lie Oen H•llberg Grading teacher. Organlred actl-•••••••••••••••••••••• mo malnt. 644-1248 demolltlon, clean-up. Experienced, depends. 287107 Dove 96-4-1045 & Pevlng Co. Restcoml. vltles. C.M 645-4657 ELECTRICIAN-Priced GARDEN WORLO Concrete & tree removal. ble, honest. lntelllgent. ED'S PLASTERING Neat petcties. lntle•t Restuocos 645-8258 Van Oppens Service Co 838-4666 I Delly Piiot Ctassllfed. 642·5676 Lie 397804 842-1720 -------r right, free estlmete on Quick serv. 6-42·7638 CUSTOM PAINTING 1ntanl/Pre-school, so Full Service Gardening mellculous, Ila.Ible I am lntl e•I Resld/comm Have 1omethlng you went Coast Plaza area, daya & large or small job1. zac Bernal 846-2922 t he be 1 t Ph one Free est Lie 644_4798 PLASTER PATCHING Reatuecos Int/ext 30 vrs Neat Paul 545·2977 More ramllles are getting lhe camping 'bug" 11111 ~~~~~~~~~ year ti you tiave a cam-- per th.at's not getting used. sell 11 now with a totell?CleasllHM:ladsdo wknds.Ceu 850_171 1 Lie 396621. 673--0359 ---------The lallell drew In tne 673-70 12 alter 6 PM 11 well I Call N OW, ----------1s ELL Idle Items with 1 Weel. .. a Delly Piiot weekdays All day Satur- 642-5678. Want Ads Call 642 5678 Clusttled Ads 642·5e78 O•llY Piiot Claaelfled Ad CIUllfled Ad. 8'2·6878 day and Sund•y ~-- Have something ~II? SELL Id le Items with a Classmeo ads do 11 well Dally Piiot CIHsllled Ad Claulhed Ad Mal<e your 1hopplng ee· a1er by u11ng the O•lly Pt101 Classllled Ada for your out-grown bike DOLLAR DAY DOUGH SAVERS for Merchandlae under 11,000. 3 3DAYS Sell your no-longer needed Items for cash. II It doesn't sell, we'll run It another 3 days FREE. One Item LINES • per ad, must be priced. Sorry, no real estate or commercial ads. Call today for full details. CLASSIFIEDs642-5678 (Nort-refuftdabl1. latra ltftee •1.00) ''-'.1"'-. .... !!!!!!.1.~ff ~'-~!!!'-.. ''"'"-·!.~!!lf!!t.,.r. .... '!~ •••• !.~'! 1,!.!·!'···!·!·'!·''.·.·.·.··.·.·.·.1 •• ~.!.!,1 ~1!w.!!~! •..••••••. '!!.11 •• vt!!.~'!. •••• l.1.'!! Prime Weet Coest Hwy, llTllT'I lmTEI jFound· Pr woman'• rH -Ll .. A I YICll'I /!!'..Jff!!1.-J. •••• !.~!f lllTlllEI NB loeatlon. N-. 1100 to Show & NII your art tn ding ·glasses Back Bl'Y PHOTO MODELS Young martled men wlll $60 -$60/shllt Well sq 11 evall Can be dlYI· the Westminster Miii area 833-6541 ESCORTS/DANCERS do generll h•ndy WOfk. known drinking eata-ded S2000/mo Weter-Fine Art Show Thurs to · Call eve• & wkend1, 1 1 111 1 front H omes Inc. Sun . Oc t ' 14.t 7 FOUND Beaut Small OUTCALL 24HRS 972•9525 btthm•nt oo ng or 631-1400 995•7509 bird, lrv tne Terr•ce, 111-0201 , __________ laat P•cad lndlvldu•I -Cd M . 6 4 4 . 9 & 3 9 . !~~~~~~~~~~ M111ure ~lthy tidy )(Int Call 935.4449 JOBS Office & garage $285/mo Near Balboa Bly Club & Coast Hwy. 646-7641 C••••ttl•I ···'"' 4415 .........•............ Office or retall IOeatlon w Newpoft BMet\. ApptOX 550 aq. tt. $500 mo to- tal. 846-38 ..... ld•1ttl•I Ull. ,,.., SJOO 675·3882 I· cook, nuae, verHtlle TODAY, 2707 N BrlstOI, •• •• •••••••••••••••••• * * * seetle emptoy •• comp•· S.A am•ll ree FOUND ADS ARE FREE Cal: 142·Hll FOUND· Abandoned. dar-lff t• p rl nion, 1oea.1 ret1, 675--7794 111•/tR-.-,-,,-,O-E-llng blk Lab. approx 10 •• II • or n & wks Nds good home Open 24 hra a d•Y Housekeeper, companion 25·35 hr/wit TH E.Jc~ 548-8258 1 days 8 w.-or bebyt l tter PO•lllon helpful 831·6115 Found Petro\. Vie Wiiton/ J•cunl, Seun•. Loo•I• wented, pief de'/;a In t-B-R_l_C_K_LA_Y_E_R_S_H_E_LP_E_R_ Placentia are•. C•ll DI•· •s well •I Toutlltt N 9 · 'CdM or M . Mutt hive good trans· ne btwn 2-10 e.t2-4260. B$nkAmerlc:ard, Amer· 1_64_2_-<Ml_2_6 ______ 1 ponatlon 675-3175 Must describe lcen Exprns. Diners. All Responsible dellvery drl---.-•• -R-11-... --.T-.. -- wetcome 71416"5·3433. vet w/plell up ec;on car -" --Found Biby bleelt/ white 2112 Harbor Bt. CM •vellable f or w ork . Ellper. or tretnee, plllme Kitten Vie. 921 E. Bal· ----------'96 232~ Lagune Beach 497-2610 ••• ,., 4500 •••••••••••••••••••••• I~~~~~~~~~~ N.B. 3975 Birch 1000 aq. 1: boa Btvd. 675-5102 011t•• Faatasy "'9•• " · .. Conversation with B•rbl Bil• WHtH 1100 OlllPEITEll Lost M Slwnese eat blue Found Kitten, 811 black. MC/Visa 24 hrs ••• ,-•• -;~•••••••••••••• $9-$10/hr Great bene· It M IA zone. Agent 541-5032 $750 up 2160 It. lndu· strlel -Office. 18101 Re- dondo Clrcle •M & T Huntington. Beach 842-21134. eyes flea coll., decla-Ilea COiiar. Westclltt arH 638-0701 Apt Mgr tor New l9 unit fits C·'l 837·4449 JOBS · · R .s .... • ... ao.:..s..,•..,2~0.__ _____ 1 condoe. C .. 11 MeH . .., E~a:t:.y10L~· ~· Lost Red Toy Poodle. S•t COEDS -Would love to $350 credit te>ward '715 TODAY. 2707 N Brlstol, 494-5661 667-1336 on Temple Hiits Dr La-P•r1)' w/you Call Sue or rent. 642-4907 wkdays. SA small l_ee ___ _ · gun• B ch Rew•rdl Kethy 1nyt1m1 (213) Clerteet LOST CAT. cream Per· 494-4685 6 3 4 -4 5 7 1 I 7 t 4 I lnistaat M•aser Good typing t kllls ror Sien, Mele, REWARD• Found black 6 brown M 527-7186 Mature person to work d etell oriented work Bayside Dr/CdM area d 0 be/Sh...,?) 405 ---------,-with establlshed youth e rokerege ltrm ope-WANTEO garage or 759-6033 OQ. 0 v.., ' Warm & intetllgent w m eovnsellng llrm. Mu1t be rle nce pre I 'd Cell tndustrlal 1pece. min Fwy nr Harbor. 540-0579 36• avell 10' comp•· tllerp, oulgOlng. •llrac-1144•9111, E11t.202 or 239 600 aq It. lot -1 corner Lost: Man's Diamond ring Founel 1011 : F Cocker nlonshlp for generoua tlvtt peraonallty, pleasant M·F. between 10 am • 1 wllh bl .. g. 991 w . lllth Orlole Or or Plac•ntla S 1 1 C 1 1 ladles. Ken 497·5718 h -·--nd blll " Ave. CM Keepsake. Re-pan • • IP • reno P one v ........ • a ty pm St . Co• ta M e•• werd 549.0087 Beach. 661·2230 Diamond w.,111d W iii to m .. 1 peof)le S235per1---- 842·3490. Found· Large black r•b· Buy 1 carat from private weeir. When quellfled. C•ll Cffl (Ll•E) lt•r•i• 45SO'Fb01~N~1~~~· ~~~ ';~-b it Nr Ellls/Newlend party. cash 631·9278 2 O 0 Pm· II · 3 0 Pm . Experience neceu11y ••••• •••••••••••••••• 0 F 1 NB F 0 " n 1 a I n v e 11 e y . I I 642-4'321 e111. :S.e E.O.E. Full/lime Apply alter 3 Seeure11orageare•. tOOO 1 C0•0~~. 1 6°7n3 _.7899 963-t366 •t1••• --T-00--y-na--IM-6-_, pm.noph0ne e1111.3000 eq tt & up, xlnl access. ".., · l•nitt 5310 UVl1 Brlslot St , C M t7th SI. Cotta Mesa _e_1_s-_25_1_0_._____ Found sm blk dog. vie •••••••••.'•••••••••••• l&•OE lllCE ll•OE 851-161 I. Found Blond/red terrier :,,e:~~'.nWe,~~~n~,:~ ·AT Yltl IHYIOE fOR THE Famoua Fred Attelre lt•t•I• W••IH 4100 mix t ml. male dog. Nr 531-2194 Personal. quellfied com· Studio seeking ettrac· •••••••••••••••••••••• 20th St. CM. Eves cell ----------1 pan1on drivers for your AIRLINES? tlve, personable men end HouMI Ap11Tra11er to rent 6'16-4346 Fouod blaell Lab ml>< w/ day to dey errenda. WOfTltll\. over 18 yrs Earn Febr & M•rc:h tor vtlltlng ----------1 white mark on chHI. 1 Shoppi ng. doct or'• HI-pro haa immed Ol)e-$7 9'1d up •• proletslo- parent1 645-6519 Costl H•v• aometblng you w•nt brown & 1 blue eye Vic eppts, church, etc All nlngs for 20 11\arp guya & nll b•llroom lnllructore Mesa area to Mii? Claatlfled Ml• do Brookhurat1Hamlllon. needs met By hour or gels. Ir .. to tr•vel cout No up.er needed Wiii 1.11 .... ;1.rnl/ fiHIKI ...•••••••..........•. •.. , .. ,, ••• 11.fr.!!!~!!l ••• !.0!~¥ South County Arcade Locallon and machine• 1 or loc•tlon only Catt Tom or Simone 586-2695 lanll•HI ••• 11.fr.!!!~!!l ••• !.~!! lllTUUI NMd Up to $5001( lor IUb·dlvlllon, bftt IUbUrb of Bt1tb1111, high return, MCUr'ed by 10c:a1 R.E. In Newport 1lnee 1045 873-e33e AM/PM. ··="' ,,.,, I S035 •••••••••••••••••••••• 1.1. um.11 lhrts11• o. ..... Specializing In lat & 2nd · T0'1 llr1Ce 1049 Robl. Saui.r NH/CM A.E. Brott« 8d AM1tor1 8"2·2171 545-0e 11 1tt TO, I 114,000 face, ~ dlKOUnt, .... MO, 000. S.alOMd 9 )'f'I on $300 ,000 farm . 547-t<451,&44-0195 Wiit puu:tl ... oJetlnQ lat or 2nd mor101011 a1 dlacount enywhere. (404)325-9100 Atlante ....... ,,. .. ,,/ . ,,,,...&/ ,.,, ', ... , •••••••••••••••••••••• 11 -.II. 642-5678. 945.9795 day 494.5957 to coast. Slngle. ta & train ,,.. Full or part/ over FrM to 11•rl Im· I I I AL'S HARDWARE A Suptr True Value Store 10" clsc..t to St's 2t4 Fomt AWt Lac-ltadl 497..W, COSTA •SA AUTO UPLY 2115 HlrW. SENIOR .CITIZENS DISCOUNT GUIDE Watch for thh 1uld1 the first Wednesday of uch monttl. 1 O" OiscCM.11t to Sr's '""" • lfO(Wlll Ttl'. wtllt HOUSE RESTAlJtANT 340 S.. Cont ttw, Larli'a Beach 494-8018 GllAD'S COLLEGE• Of BEAUTY COLLEGE PHARMACY 440 fair Dl'ln, C.M. 3021 s.. ""' ... SMl1 AM 540-0667 20'l DISCOUNT °" All SOVICES Tun ...... flul. Oar•l,... S46·3211 It~ Dhconl I• unler c111z .... h• 1llt11I flit O lln ry ..... lil:SA YOO( RECTROLOGY CLllC med Wiii be demonllra-time C2 13) 830-15099 ting MW prOOUC1. 2 wil• 1-(9_·_51 ______ _ pd training. IY«llge .. ,. DENTAL OFFICE MNGR n1ng1 '300 per wk a up. Efficient. Enthusiastic & Call 750-6055 or apply orgenized:. w /bkkpng 12192 Ch1pm1n Ave • exper 4 dy Wk 546-3000 Gerden Grove Thia I• _n_o_i _a_m_ag_u_'"'----1 EUmlOAl HSlllH BABYSITTER my llOme. EXPERIENCED Perm•· Mon-Fri 9·5 1 cl\lld. '55 nent position 25 yr Old wk Mutt have o wn e I e ctr t c ii I e o lr•n•P 6 ref• Barbere 7141859-7200 645-9116 1---------~--,--------,ELECTAONIC ASSEM-Baby1l1ter needed on BLEA t yr eic.por. In Balboa ltlend lor 7 mo. etec:tronlC 11Mmbly, tn· old. Rete req'd, 873-1418 clud. soldering, color BABYSI TTE RS Rup. code & 1chem1tlc: re•· adull, temp. agency. ding. Good benefits, CM Chartotl•'• Slllert. area. Clll 7141540.4293 845-3746. •FASHION COUNSELOR -B-1-nk_l_ng _______ $12/hr. PIT, LadlM Ap- *TIUIU* petel Bu1lne11 731-4347 Of 535-04 98 Com~ceBank,h .. lm·1---------- FINANCIAL ANALYST med openlno• tor •"-P9" 1eller1 We otter very competltln lllarles & • lull r•noe of xlnt ti.nett11 S"PI' opptyl Plttlt ca• IOt 'Pt)I. (714) H1·tto0. F0t grOWlng Investment ---·-M•negemment Co. Re---qulr" rt1e1tc1 COLLEGE Eq"81 Oppty Employ MIF cfegfee(tl. 8 ~ t>utt- Banklng nHI HP•r. wllllng lo PAIT /TM TILUI trivet, hlOf'llY mo11v11tc1. Exper"'1otd or wllflno 10 1111 e11rter, unu1u111y train Quallfltd w,ctlvlcluel 11rong lntett.atual curio· with ~Int • tyPlng Illy. notl·ltnOlllf. fJ(ctl- e11per'lence Contact •a<. ,..,,, wrlltno lblllly, wllHnO · .,., to m9ka • commltmenl . Mo11er. H9-Ut3. for Compenuuon 1o '311. .,.,..,POtt lttctl bf anctl. 000 llnd ••otl'tnt btne- !q\.111 Oppottvnlty !m· fits for the r1ghf '*'°" p1oyt r. So. Cellror~le 11 you tte no1 ,,,. ti.et: &al. piMM tell )'O\lr l'Mrt .... Bankl~ vnch•llenged friend IJ!.'I. .Vf !!. '#. •.•• l.'. '!! IJ!.'I. .'!!!' . .'.'.~ •••• l.1.f!! '!!.'I..'!!~.'!!. •••• !.I. f!!J IJ!.'I •• Vf !!'.1.'!. •••• !.1.'!f Full time Mother'& Helper HOUSEKEEPER Mt'ioal lnlst. I RETAIL SALES w•nled for 3 1mt children Live-in. lor lathet & 6 yr For Dermatol<>olat, back: Exper video 111es per· Oct 9 ·29 on Balbo1 boy, rm & bc>Md + ta· oll1ce -will tr•ln New-: son. waoe, comm & be- Penlnsul• 673-2380 11· lery N onemlo.r Mull port Centlf 2 lull dlyS nellls C •ll V1l1r11 tetr\OOI\ only d r I v e 6 7 5 -3 7 9 3 . wee11 640-4501 642· 1944 Oener•I Ott!Qe Penon tor -5-2-3--4-920-----IAIL ICILPTIRIST --.. -n-.. -.-L_U_IL_E_I __ 1 0 tr I o 11 1 c • · C • I I lfflEIHPIM llPT Needed lor pro0re111ve Ma1or Deportment Stor1. W111erly M•rl ne for 11 t he Suri and Sand salon Some cllentele Wile 1ta1n Great for Stu- lntervl-642-0146 Hotel needs • Supervl· prel Salary. comm • dents Oulclr. Chtl•lmll IE.E•aa IFFIDE sor. lull time/split stillt. vacation Mgr 540-8889 money Call 835-4449, ..,. Biiinguai (Eng1Sp1nJ ------JOBS TODAY, 2707 N. S I 0 0 0 I mo. type 4 & $4 50/1,r Contact MIH lllHIY PEISll Bt1slol. s A amah 1 .. wpm . Iott ol people Marci, 497-4'477. Ext 365 Fu11111me Experienced contact Wiii train. Cell tlled• Nursery, c M Cell RETAIL Exi>«'d Full & PT 835·4449, JOBS TOOAV, ltaetl lttH~eat tor 1oc1. 645-57$2 peopi. for high laalllon 2707 N Brlstot. S A Morn1ng1 4114-5486 NVrt1ng usual ciothlng 1tore In ·-alt r-Newport Beech uee _., _ ..... _______ ,Legel StCJetary LVN ror busy Dack omc:e Oener•I Office Property E11per'd . ..-cled ror L•O FI T 557-3242. Alk for ~~ 780'1228 for lnter- Mgml Co Newport Bch Ally, Pl Pt•lnttlt. Joan Smith Beach, rellel receptto-Cr1m1net. competitive H · nlat , good front olflce 1 l•ry (7141497-1789 appearance & ptofesslo- nal 1111tude, typing 55 LOH IFFIOEIS WPM required lor va· A ggressi ve Newport 1 rlOus projecta, hrs 10-3 Beach firm leek• mOll· 1 M· T. poSSlble expanaion vated lndlVlduala Terr I· OFFICE/CAIMIH Wiii have diverse dutle&. Including credit opera· lions. bkkg, and direct dealings with the public Exper not nee . will train Full range or compeny benefits avall Contact Mr McDermo tt at 644-1380 to lull time pos1t1on tor1e1 open Muat have 549-2988 R E Lie; Herbor·PactllC Oener•I MAIL CLERK Immediate opening for an lndMdual lo r~ve. sorl end distribute all In· coming and out-going mall You will also order end m11nt1ln stock ot 119tlonery 1upplle1. Ae· quires • reac>onslble In· dtvlduat w•ltl the wilting. ness to leern We 01101 • generous be· nellrs plelc&Q4l lrn;ludlng p el d holtdays and Chrlstmu week shut· down Pteese apply Mond1y through Wed- nesday, 9·1 I AM or 1·3 PM No pho ne calla ple1aet EIERSOI ELECTRIC CO. lnduetrlal Controls OM1lon 3300 S Stlnderd St Sant• An•, CA 92?02 Equ1I Oppty Employer Halratyllat with rollOWlng to work In new 18ion In Coron• del Mer •ree celled 1mage1. 675-5631 955 0073 Loi n Olllc;er fHatai• V.ll•r • .,,,.,. o.., .. , Looking for 4-6 exper prole111on1111. We ape<;· tallze 1n new pro0r1ma 1 e OMP/ARM, OEM. 1st & 2nd TD"1 Call JOhn Cusack 904.9090 RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE SERVICE UllTEIAIOE/ 1111111111 Sii/hr up Working out· doors. Independently Cell 835-4449. JOBS TODAY, 2707 N 8r1stOI. S A smell fH Menegement AlllTIOll OOIPU with merrlage 1o0ether, PI T this ye•r for my brench. F /T lor yo"' branch neJCt year. High i ncome , trevel 775-5162 suv1o••s .IEWELEH Part lime general olllce, typing 45 wpm, good phone manners Call 898·9582 PEST CONTROL opera tor, knowledge ol pl1n1t & Insect t d req d Will train $900-S 1100 mo L l o yds Nursery , 6•6·7441 PHTIOllE SPRAY OPHJTOl IEEHI (Exterior) strong beek- ground with eaperlence requ11ed, desire to obta· tn PCOI PCA LlcenHs Good benehll wUh gro· wing company located 1n Irvi ne Pl ease c ell 768-4'75 t PMYllOll TMHAPIST Aeg111ered Phyetc11n speelehzlng In ptiy11cal medicine & rehablllta- tlon Partlhme. ldeel tor tiomemeker Eacellent working environment M•nagement Salary negotl•ble. New· ltttt• llftth POf1 Cef'lter 640·6610 l1•t, Trllltts Printing Itel• YHr Oareer Book p111e-up PIT Mon, 2 pm to a:io" 6·30 pm Sllfl your n-ur-on TuH. 10 3 o approx our 3rd thllt, eernlng 14 5 30 pm N per Nee. Up to '4.50 II you be-Apply Pennysaver. 1660 come more e•p'd. You Pleoenlle Ave. c M wlll be promoted to ----------1 mgml 6 tupervllory le-Pr1v11e workout lnllrUC:tOI vel1 Cell 714-537..,.840 wented PIT lrn;ome tor lntervl1w1 h•ld ev•ry m•ture. hH lth minded Wld ~a pm 11 1 11 Del male or femele wtlh phy· IULTI IPA M11. Cotti Me&1. E. O. alc•t Illness background ..... IL.I E to help en ove,....lght gal 1~~~~~~~~~~1 get In 1heP41 11 lnteruted S1l1ry DOE Wiii treln, I· PIHM .. nd deacrlptlve g~Ht IOb tor body eon Meture, Engflltl apealclng lelte,. 01 your bec k· •clout people Cell woman 10 wUl'I. Iron, ground 10 P O 8011 1135-4449. J089 TODAY. ~ .. r~c!.~~.!°". 3 .,..,,,.:;d~~-. 8708· 106, N B 82660 2707 No Brl1tol, 8 A ..,....,. , ---------1 amall '" ~ : o ~ ~ ~ ! o : De' J: ~ p /Tl•t 11111 Hot Rooltr1 wented Cell 759 0764 8u1191trnen1 'I""'' Income lob or Nevltl• 11 • by doing lnteru11n9 642·7222 MlllAllll telephone aalet wOtk on --Front wheel •llgnmenl behllf of n11ion11 com· HOUH Cleaning Own tooll. Newp()f1 Tlnl penltt. $-4/hr gu.,. + lu· If you ltnow hOW lo clMn centtr. 3000 E Coeat cretlve bonul Incentive hoUM, lOln ue. Momlno Hwy CcM'on.t dll Mer proor1m1 3 1hltt1 to wcrk 131 .. 223 --' ChoOH from 8•1•• t11• ......__. ·-Curl) per prel. bUI will 1111n --~-Oetfl"fNW. Own IOOll tne rlgM per1on For 1.lvt In/out From HO l'l tlmt . OetH-Toyote. lnlttVleW. c:e11 M• Krull wtell l.ow '"·Home Aki 1131 S\.lperlor, CM I al S.5 11778 Oomettl c Aoency 1142·2434 635..ott9 ·---~~....,...,---.,..-1 HLES/Ct••ltsfH Unique l•dy't c:lothlng 1tore seells energetic I•· dies with ll1lr tor 11- shlons end modeling ex- per hetptut Apply In person Ale•I• Neturel FasnlOns 280 For .. t St L-ouna ~ach 497-47n Soles EAT-CHEAT, get ri c h & allm E •rn S3000tmo Supv. po1I· lions avail DICI< Hardy 631-2601 SALES Ordlf desll for wet suil mlr Aeeurete typing & gd phone manner 1 must Start Sii et 1780 Call for 1ntrvw. 642-1912 M·F Salesperaon & C11hler No Sundays. No Nlghtll Hours 9·30 to 8 REINEAT'S 18 16 Newport Blvd CM ULEI P R. PERSONS NEE· OED M•glc latend It loolo.lng ror • •-lntelll-gent. attractive & tlncert per sons to repre1enl them In their pYI club In Nwpt Beh. Interview reQ. Call for •PPL 10-e. Mon-Fri Ask tor Mr. Halberg 675-0900 Sates 11n111111 Looking lor e111re In· come? Try Pert· Time Sales at the PENNYSA- VER, 1660 Pl•cenl l• Ave. Coate Meta Aek tor Mrt White IEOllnllY llEllHITW. DlllTllOT1ll 1mmedl•t• opening tor secretary exper. In WOf• king with 1ubeontr•c· tors. con1r.e1a. purchlM orders, IBM Word Pro- ce11or •nd minimum l'f- plng ot 70 wpm, PIMlt tend resume wllh Mlefy requirement 10 Ad No. 1033 The Dally Piiot, Po Box 11160. Coale Mua. Ca 92e20. Secretary and Clerle11 htlP nMded tor a new company. Call 875·•751 IOf Appl. 10.5 M•ll. THI! JAZZ EXCHANGE IE•nUY/OPU to work tor P "· PfoOtMI In non-profit Ofganta.a· ............ ,, ''" •••••••••••••••••••••• C..ta Mna ~YOUT & ICE CIPM CO. 1117 Mw Mrttt c.11 ..... C1. ,ILL/Tim TIUJ'9 about 1.11. MolY In c:onfl. lJCoelltlflt QC1POr1Un11y for denCt to• Colli111 A110C experltnctd pereon In 567 S.n Nlcolu NI llllllRPll '"recthlt ~ l '°'"' •2MO l.1'19 In. J250IWll l•ull• M!DICAL ASSISTANl ,.fl, """' ~ ••P wt f;K0°L 493•6440 llUTllll S 1000/mo up 001!. Call on cornpanln MCI l'I•~ your Owl' •llP•l'H I C• count lnler"ted? Call 135.4449 JOIS TOOAY, 2101 N. lrlltOI, 8 A cimall,.. I Ion Heavy ""*19. tlhOr • lhand not MM11tlt1 An wor111c:opy 11you1 ••Pf htlpf\.11 Good '*'9flte & worltlng cono1t1on1 Ctll • ?II· noo fol 1n •p· Polntment ... -;'~ ..... Put yow lldYertl9Hlg ,,..._ .. J!Wflttt lfte ....... 1t1. M 2·M7e IK .. nafl-. ..... i.. 541-340 211 C.11111 St. S40·32U ( .......... 7111>' --11111111 ........ c.ta... - • • 14 .. flit *"""' .. Ml·M11 .. tmmeo1e1e OP9f!lnt of· Ar9 nl M l'lorne. nlOt ,,._.. 10 1--~------I •' • ., e' I• d du t I•• VO\I plan no • mo\19? WOfli fOf Cel en.,..•• o.cllllaCI io Oo-Cal1• Otente 0... leW!Ot j. ~=I~ JOH TODAY, 2707 N "°'4wri-.:;,i: !:'119' ~n,~Oc:.d~.:.:.· to find the l'lome you lfletOI, I A emlll ,_ Wlll'I t CIMeifted AO 78"· ~tO 1 101. ' ne9d. 8"2·M71 Want Mm C911 142-~11 C1~ Nowt l<C2"6671 People Who nWd P90C)tt That'• wtlal the OAILY Pll.OT SERVICE DIAl!OTOAY 111111 •bOull '.> .. t ., ' t'I Or•no• Oo t llAILV PILOT/Wedn11d1y. Oc:Uob•r (t llPllYllllY TIOI ~·'~·ftA~·~·J/ff · 1111.1\~ ••...• 11.(f D11!!tn •••••••• '1.ff &'1 •••••••••••• ,!A! '1!.'! •. ~!~~ ..•• !!.4.f •:;:~,~~=~·'·1~1f ~!.~'!1.!fr..~'11. •.•••• fl "V, Ml t tlillOI WAltlllit; A 1!1 r..t.: tll4VIR llOrAHU NO throw pll ..... , ,...... 111 Ou1tHll1 Wll1l1r w/1111, •••••h•ttoH••••'•~• JIJ ..... ,, 1,1ff Mlll'IOllll a ' wont ... IOI ,,. 00 110 00 IUlli•. ~V!dUU>~ fib •IHI .. 11011eolQad•ll \IWll "'"" 7m••itt ••••••••• 111uce .. 1t11 •llOllh•nd l:"h" HI I'"'" ound u 11 II 1 3 0 0 "" 1 .. , · 10 80 ' 'Ot •ur• freYltl 32' alea11 ••a•• A 1111 ,.,, d W Ofll w l ll\OUI "'"' ..... •n 4116 .. • •• OIO bed Mu11 ... 10 b.11.vel ... ,--..... ·- (.01'1'11111 111011111•1on I tnl\t old Almond GOIOted I MO• old Hoo Vtk.o 14 t 1111, 11f\t ~ 11 000. mil••· 111.000 I -_...,. Pt•I mature lndhlldual Oet lltatlet , .. 1lov1 .0 ,Al l OVIHA' oon CALL ttOtl tJt • IN d I I I 0 n I •• 0 I 0 I I 4 ••• 4 4 I • . " 0 m. -~Tiit.i Wllh pt oven 1klM1/n1any IJ&cl ... 2901 limp ll~Je lltlhlon• Ian JON CA Al'I IA I 111 I PM 681 0,0., )'" l •l'•I OC A111io11 !>OI It l acirllli;el I AOO $29 7 79 ~:~~.:~.~l~.w:: IQ:~~ K~~~:· .1:0:,u 4~t ... ~1' g711.4w°"~r•o oeo 0~:'.?iZ c~~too 1:!~11~~·,~=:~~!~no::~ T!l!l!!~ •• ~~'.~!.l.'.!f • " •m 1••• ..... 7037 1111 113.600 031-1761 12• ..u11 , abl bed. 1111011 per monH1plu11111 l.ltl• PIM .. 7&~ 1491 Wa101 M1nu·M;:e10 011 K111g 1111, 11111e1, /•d· u.r:11 • bed. lc..ebox. 1ollt1, .. ink, 411 momn open end l1Ha &HOP ~•eLP •tOvl, lllf .... t d, 2 )'fl ti.a rall1, HO 047· IH AICC 8PRING!A SPANIEL l3 . Oo•ton Whaler type 0111 blkt '9'k u oo on •POIOV.0 CleOll .C•o Imm open1n11 tor right '226 o49·H 7 M11la, II mo• need• 111 w/401--l P Mere. eng At· OIJO 1148 07!14 co • t • I t :S , I 0 0 • !.1.9!) _ CJ!!L.D~.6 ,II.! lll Ill-I•• _llJI MVlll Ull v 111 0 11 0 Ill t t 7 15 mote Chi, tt0•1 1;ovwr, 1 RHldual 14300 a CHh I LTRONtC CORP ' ••• r;-:;; .............. •~•l >flh ln g OO• _.8~·~.--y1 Old t JU60 ()y1 '"""'~ 111/1/lr "'' 1a quli1Cl 193 I 86 c M. Men• 10 1pee<1 11 .. 1p1r11 147·6207 1r.us-:ee°'°. wvn-··----.... .. .1 ••••• ., f 1wa11 blh HO :l Columbian Red l all•Cl 011• ""h••I lreli.tr •lnl 10• • 042,8904 8EOI Ortho hotel lull 11 Doll,•'~ ion1i. SlOO .. l••ll l•ll IOfO VW $t00 IUOI llPllTI w / rame l i ke new J 400-7303 •••••'•••••••••••••••• 11411 4:122 848 Dove 81rHt L.adln bike Se•i• 3 lf)d j 1125/obo. 847 '127 t 0100111 30 loot•r 1110111 NEWPO~T ll!ACH 0000 cond S&O/obo, Simmon• Hid• 1 Bed C• Buenfl Club wl1h11 to 1mmecuh11e 111>n1gh1u A•I• S•r~ltl ,.,,, llJ OIOO 841·1211 eel cono Blut/grHn place yg M ba11\l•H dog Co1umb11 :JO ln1edo1 I Att•ll•;I•• 1400 • I 11,~I 1176 073 0071 I ha t y u d e It t 6 o blggwr lh1111 moat 35 • •••••••••••••••••••••• .81 All S d VII he ~l!!!t. WI!'!.'!!....... ~.'.'!.'. !t!nt f ~ ••••••• hllM .......... lll !t~~~ft.ft!'.' ••• ll~f '11 Olltun f1uok Klf\CI '12 ~I 1000 tu1bo. 1ntl, Ceo. 111.-e ha •o.ooo =ll•d whla. 1.1u1tl "'"" MOOO •N 4411 Ulm 1111111ng cost 111w IU 100. uktng 711 DAr8UN 010 Ut OOO It I tM7 AM/f M atereo CllMtlt. I ll M•l Weucrn 0 11 4 d oor. t owne1, 111n1 V1llow1t1n. Ilk• new cond 14000 I Mk:hellnl(new), aunrool, 1142-"338 Of CIU.oetO am/fm OHi, elc: Mu11 '19 0111un 210Z)( 01 .... ~ NII Jry1med I ie.~OO Call _,. tlllly am, 144 0:111 O.auty w/gOld tllm, Im m ao U 0 0 0 0 B 0 1•1116• 11SO 011·0020 ...__ ................. . . !!!!~!! •••••••••• !.~~~ IAUllOllln'I llU AITHlllH PllUll IUUllllPI MEISTER NlllOll/ 1111 13&3 1 Harbor Blvd Garden Grove Saltt·ltnlt1 Ltall•• 1'01111on open In 1111 111ow1no audio n1m Mu•• have good baCkg1ound tn 1nalog troublH hoo• ting, port• qualltlc:ellon. reoord keeping a people Ollenltd Submit rHUm41 01 1ppty OSC Audio Product•. 1926 Plec.ntla Ave, CM. 92826 • • 11 . -811.,._382e Bu11k• '~ e 1du111 f ull PA1N1 ' 1111 1>0av wo1k, 0 1 1 13 "loo 1 0:1 I 11•1111111 IOll J•rt•/rr I010l CHtHUAHUA PUPP1n" g11lley & head Atomic 4 up t() ~~. Oii yoor body n Y S , m nt •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••"••••••••••••••• PAP[ S St 0 S S "" with Marlee. 1>ru11. IOw ahop el l Hiii 96-4·0332 cond I I 800, 675·0036 ••• •101n. MAROUIB·CUT OPAL IP· Call 63Ht.'eo"~ T l50 huura rvll eloc11 onlc1 /1 ... h A•" 1101 ... --------• p10 19 ' I • ., VH~ Au10 111101. 4 u lle "u1op•u1 M11e a111c ,,. •••••••••••••••••••••• Redwood 2•6 deokJng " • mm ••c "111 ~ r op 1 I~ ~ 4_20• iono. allO redwood S3&0 '42·6532 eny 11me I 1l•HI I Ott••• IOIO 1nclud1no ep1r11111k11 7 ... .' • ur n n ou1 . 10 b41 1000 Tur~t ~ 71• 111-2111 76 91 IS, Blk on 81k, wllli Sun Al. A/C. WhHll, eno M ort S 13.9911 645·8272 ltlephont tolloUOll. Sit· u1<l•Y• only, 10< making new appointments 641-0383 TIUPltll 6'PT.1m111 ttnclng Call Jim °' l(en 2 t" UK go10 Chain & •••••••••••• ••••••••• wincnet s2o.&oo OlllCO ~:!'~th Spkg 99 t in o I 26.000 mllee. llllly IO•de<I anytime 176-149 t nugge1 nearly 2 ouncew MOVING MUSl SAC 6'8 8 0 7 4 4 b O h o m • t unroor, gd cond Llk• -R-EOW~OD DECKING pp t85o 03 1·9216 ~,·~~"e1~~;'~~0P:.:,~:· t !>48 !l930 A•to1 ,., ,.,, n6 ~~ . S8123.l•,OOE 0 8 0 ' 2x4'e, 33c, 2X6, 49C per Men'• whllOOICl dr11aa ' 18 lloblu C11, yellow w/ •••••••••••••••••••••• .., v t • 11, l<&w61 6 ' grun d p iano. l•ll eun11ae .. 11. Like IMPORlANr NOT ICE 857·9684 d•y• JtOO WHI COHI t1wy S1ve!I ~~5·0122 :·~~h.;:~u a0p·~·rs5~9dj•5 walnut, lllldlllonal 1 yr fl(IW S2f>OO 675-6161 10 A AOliRS ANO A114i1000 T111tt Neog~~~~4~rh $ 1500, S800 833-7790 new S6500 CHh or 81 Columblo 28 Mull sell 4 fh• :~~:~i1~1~~1 ad Lee 1n1 All power, loa• P1 8' A·Dool hl-llte slldlng gllU Of dOOI $5 0 963-<t476 Sell or trede/mk oh sum• financing Pvt P1Y Cyt U•lil S 1 t ,900 verh!MKJ by vt1hlcle dee· dad with xlrlll Lett thin -855-6420 552-5 133 lt11t 111 lht vehlcle c11111 I vr otd 6500 ml S,,600 ll11t•ll••Hll IOIO Atari and eleven ct11 trld 2 • 1 plus aHume IH mike Fl•I ITZS .••••........•..•..•.. 79•,, 92• 111. Bleupunkt, 1e e1t1•1 & more S9!\00/obo 648 8 7 46 'IO 121 I ow mll11 Lee 1n1 All power, AC. clean mull tell $28.500 OBO 714.955.3501 wk 09 ~ ... '!!.!f!tt!!~ ....... Pfln •• ,,, ..••••• 1.~~f "' ....... ..., ....... ~ UUl, IUY111 AllLW• 011 Al lA8 OILll/ AV l!XPEAT8 WLI 111 VII.VI 1"80 Harbor 61vd C<>al.A-MR Hl·llOI MO·t41T '19 2115 w7:00N AC. m11g1, cue, leather tnlr, roof 11ck , 2 y• 1erv 1g 1m nt 30 1< rn 1 H OOOIOBO 769 1053 We nttd 5 good tile· phone rlPfeMn1111vte In 1he IYlfllngl IOI our l .. gun• Hiiia olfk:e Sit •P· polntment• for our ,,.. energy saving product• Siiiery + Commlulon + Bonu1. Call after 1 pm. 859·74'2 .. ,,,,' ... ~•!!f~~~! .... !~~' ;=.:.,:.·~·..... 11 s190 970•0494 alter 5' Sloop, sleeps 4, encl led 1dv11t1a1ng column• , ...,.,,_ &A• ~ he11d. 11ove-& ice 001. doee not include 1ny 0 11 e r M u • t • e 11 8 to 20' long 364 pei It I Ask for Chad 1111w outboard, wood hull' applicable l&Hs, llcen11, 1 14 055-350 1 wk da '72 Flel 124 Spydftf Conv Xlnt cond, am/Im c1t11 rblt eng, brakH. new 111d1er tires $2400/0BO 968-S 172. Altt llOS •59 Coupe E •Celle nl •••••••••••••••••••••• cond No full 16600 Of MUST SELL '82 EAGLE: WANTED • Zoom 01 ttlt lens tor M emlya N/C tOOO SLR c 1mere Bayonet moont Pv1 Pty Cash Cell Answtr Ad 625. 642-4300, 24 hra. 775· 1491 anytime. Ski/al. 1013 (2131 5911-6527 1ren1te1 lees, finance '60 Audi 4000, 1/0, Bl1u-~ ••••• •••••••••••••••• charges, 114!1 101 air pol-punkt em/Im caaa, 4 d1, SURPLUS JEEPS .C111-t 11 8 2 s 11 r N 11 u t 1 q u e Beaulllul SwuOlsh 8!00~· lut ion control device 24,000 m1, xlrH cond Boat• M1ny Sell 101 Un· "2001" Only 38 tioura 3o sq mttter. 44 117 • ce111llca11ona or dealer S6900 552-3876 74 X 19, bright blue con· vurt Xlnl cond $2300 966-2000 or 961)-9434 bit oh 840·8398 l SX4 Sport packege, ex- , -tr11, only 3000 mllea, 77 924 Excellent cond lo S7 .500 Owner C ell Tei.phone Sales der SSO 00 FOf Info C111 Aleo have e 1977 For-$ i 9.soo. 12131 865·521 1 dooumentery prepara-ml. 111rl , n ew pa1n1 646-41629 fl•lll llZI S68SO OBO 840·8~98 j , Ulllll ... EY WllllllP/T $400 • $900 wkly Call (714) 53~7596 Ask tor A H. Dumevy (312)93 f·1961 E10t 2239 mule 110 20 II like 01 (714) 552-3701 11011 ct111ro" unle11 '80 Audi SOOOS, 22,000 w oman's .Fox Fur Coal I N E W I Ca 11 I 7 I 4 I Columbia 22. very clean 01herw1ae specified by m~ 10 1 11dedb llke new. perleol condition. $600: 842·2000 & iltllt for Jim· Wllll new Honda 0/B 1118 advertiser ~.~'!!.:II rS~l~~I • •••••••••••••••••••••• Turi><> 924 '81 5 s"" all l•1tk 1110 'll F1•1u 12000 . ' ... v . • •• • • •. • • • ••• • • ••• ••• • 5 .~ras. pl111/1en lnl 30,000 '81 Cen1ury L TO 4 dr IO~ 764· 1412 mllea, mint cond S 19, ml, loaded In e•cel cond FtH I• fH IHS ........•......••..... 640-8347 I my, Jr II out, p lease X1r11a slip avail S4 700 A Ii / 64 t-4058 646 7033 I leevo me11agel OBO Call 966· 1278 a t••• · Lldo G1eenhouse, 12X15', Cl•llitl ISZO '80 4000 lmmac air Hod• 11Z1 000. 496-44 16. ho me Best Qller 644·S613 661 ·0307 '78 RIVIERA Loaded .....•.......••.•••••. TIAYEL lllTllOTll Black SP< Spanltll SheP. tamale dog, 5 mos. Free 10 good home 642·3068 $7500 orig. S500 You Sl•lf, l••l••t••l1 S•ill>Ht'I IOfS •••••••••••••••••••••• 1unroot ~ult Mii by Fri' mov1 1mmed 875·0695 • .., IOIS e"RANO··,.;ew·cuRTis Mtlll 11A"1l Sac S5QSO 831·2991 • •• • •• •• • • •• • • ••• • • •• • Snay replicas p&ckup1 & ----- ........ , .. ., We can helpl S.fore you buy. C"-011 our uribeall· ble ae1ect1on, H v1ng1 end 11rv1Ge todayl ~!!!!.~!1.e ........ !,~~f !~.~o!~ 8~~~·;6~n· S 7 /hr Gre11 bentflt• E .. c1 11ng Job Cell 835·•'449. JOBS TODAY, 2707 N Bristol, S A smell lee 3 Adorable Klllens. reedy fo1 a home Anllqu1 mahogany cabl-Aet1ile1S Plate Glau HAWKS. complete, tor co pea 4 I h A••li• BHI•• 110f net with orig RCA radio ShowcaM w/ahelvea 6 II S625 645-4310 1 u 1 1006 7~8°1 1°:~e ••••••••••••"'"•••••••• & record ptavar·S75 ba· 1 long 18" dee 38" hi h r om t '81 Bug·Eye Hu Lota, throom "marble type"' Walnut lllm POd co~d. lt•l1, Sli11 A309 .. 3) lPYrlclels '1'1"1tllng at Needs Llltle Hu11y •t DUUR IN 0.S.A fOi. CARVER IO.l..S-IOCE I f!!.i1t~t ..•••••• 1.~f ! I TME WlllT IELECTIDI 5S7·0668 Pit Bull, 7 mO.. gentle. good wllh Ol her do91, "people dog' 968-2952, eves alnk In 1 door & 2 drawer $ 1 2 5 , • 9 1 2 9 6 6 , DHkl 1010 1 S2000 obo 642-1268 cabinet plu• metchlng 2 •97·6073 ••t•••••••• .. •••••• .. • --- lllYEllln HUI I lllVIOE 2860 Harbor Blvd COSTA MESA TUVEL HEIT E•ptrlenced Min 2·3 yre ticketing Newport Beach, Amy 752-8998 TRAVEL llEIT 1 Six weell CUTE BLUE EYE D ma l e k i tten 5S7-3299 9 Week old Germen She· pherd Puppy Free to good home 540-0388 FREE 10 good home, blk male poodle approx 3 yrs. old 646-4802 2 yeara minimum expr tor I person office In the NB area booking 1nd CO·Ordlnetlng trav•I semln1r1 Mu11 be -r· gt1lc, enthusl11llc and free to 1r1vel Mull •pe- nd 1SI 60 d•Y• In No. r.,.11.,. IOSO ~i~·. '~~ ·~~~~~~o~'ci ,·*····*···,··e··u·v··*····1·· En1erprl111, Box 205, lf d oor wall cabinet & Sllpa avail CoM area, "m111ble type" wall 1h4111 Beer Box. S 9 /I I c a 11 Car 1 I e all for only S 100. tempt: good cond S200 7 t 4 -955-2473 Wkdy1 red gl1t1s shower doore, 557·698S 8·S llke new, qnly $50 for TV .,,,. MARCUS CHANNEL aide both, new cer floor m111 l " I ti t 28 I S SO ll:lfi:111imlll (4)-$20, new 14 lnGh llghl Hifi Sl•r•• 1011 e 0 1· 1 · 8110 II B W ••••••:/••••••••••••••• 8108 UP 10 18 ft S 100 a oy rims ( M 'a) Mii ol BEAUTIFUL 25" RCA 673·8145 '53 Studeb&kar Champion •·S20: lwo new cont1-nen11111ee1 belled fldlel Co101 TV 2 yr wrnty SLIPS AVAIL Hununglc;;; 5 pass cpe Nice car• hrn l95170 HRt4.s1oo S148 Free d ellvery H art>our Ba y Da $3750 2f3/592·1792 642-0138 OPilf\ Sun I 840-S545 846·7766 6·9 -. .. I I ~ TVJohn'1 6461766 PM 8°4 0 -4 0Q7 ...... , •94•· DOG RUN Ch11n link 5 2 3 ·3 • 1946 Ford Woodv Wll· · Comp 1t1reo t ystem, 6 1 •4_1·3764 gon, •13,000 ' hgh. 8wd. 10 tng $350. • 642·8029, 642-4402 pc , t 20 walls OI pwr, Boat dock fo1 ••nl 24' $850/obo 497-6372 max. low prollle dealred 1929 Ford Model A Town ChrtatmH Cotlector1 VIDEO AECORDERtSonl 5 10 36th St Newporl S e d 8 n . S I 0. 0 0 O Ulfl·SEllVIOE LUlt .. 831·2040 495.4949 l&HUIACI IMW 28402 Margu1<ile Pkwy Ml11lon Viejo (Avery Exit OH 1·5) Open Sunday• 140-1140 toA ~Mf ~ t4'#• ,,. a•.11. '#,,,..JI' Ill t.I " t\I A ,....,... -__ ,,.,. ,,,, '73 Honda LJ, tow m l, Sid 1160 1mllm stereo tape deck. ··a·o·s;;~·;~~~~~·;;:ooo St59S. 644-1032 eve ml, Blaupunkt am/Im j .... -, -----.130 oasa. llereo, a/c. lmmac ••'••••••••••••••••••• S 10,000 or S6000 & take '78 Jag X.J6L. lllle nu, 34K, over pymte 552·3876 while w /bl1cult lnl S ta --lll2 S 10 .9 0 0 /ob o Oya .~ ••• ~~••••••••••••••• 6A4·9030. IVI 644·430 I Sates-Servlce·L•Hlng UllLHAOI lllAll 111·2040 411·•••• lm1rl Style porc eteln prof m dl, VO 1800 teland 673-3064 675·8161 plllff w/ 24K gotd 111m ~ limited 011., Buy nowl S200 OBO 494·290S ... ,,, Sl•1'•• HH · 35 o Mdo d e 1 A F o, d . ~ .,._,_.. Ill 20 ordera receive TWI STEREO SPIRI ••••• •••••"••••••••• -win ow cpe, rumble ~~ ~~~-~31~K ~fi~~111ace s20 bo111 6•6· 11 12 DRY STORAGE I ;~ n~5~!X5;~11ored Sun Valley. Idaho, 83363 Good used Furniture & Appll1nG11-0A I will ... t TV COMMERCIAL or SELL IOf You CASTING COMPANY MUTHI AHTlll !!~!'. .......... !.~~! OELIGA LIYHS Interviewing rell1bl1 people tor background, 141·1111 IU-1121 non·apeaklng pans. for commerclata auch a• po1110 chips, dHlgner p1nt1. 1wtmw11e (good tanl etc. No Hperlence 1equlred. By appt only 2 1318•6-8063. w1m11 WlmESSEI 1 llY Fl .. RllE L.,. 957-8133 DESKS FOR SALE Deak• and m1tchlng chairs 11 .. crlllce price at SS50 Aepl1cement cos1 S2300 Also orig paintings CALL DAWN 9·Spm M-F 833-8800 SS0-$60/shlft Well 4 Pc llvlng rm set, 1 week known establlahed res· old Cost S600 Sell taurant In Orange Co it I S2SO (213) t-663-76S8 1001tlng for 1111 paced person Call 93s.4449 Buffet/Am OM de1, 3 dr, 3 Celling tan, stlll In box. 6Hl1 I 1l•rf•• Monthly boat 110••g•. 4 WllHI Drir•1 ISSO braes wi t tullp llghll, L•i••••t &ny atie, 24 hr eocu1ity, •••••••••••••••••••••• Cost $240, setl tor S&O •• ;;,.~•••••••••••••• tree leunchlng LARGEST JEEP DEALER 552·0796 l#••t•I IOIO IEWPOllT lllH "' thl We11 •• ••• ••••• ••• • •••• • •• • 11S1 I L I I II de1peretety needs Five mi rr o rs. (wall) 15'flbergluerowlng dory Ha IJ r your JEEP 12X84 ', $4.00 each S500 962·4'56 oll1ce. 144-0110 Highest Dollar Paid S48·4222 962-6772. hm ------C1fl Gery Gray Bier Box. --INFLATABLE MetzleT Al· ftUIMll•li•• OHllE CHIT Good condition $200 tek 9 5 feet with H ll kit •••••,.•••••••• •• • ••• • AMC/ JEEP /REIAIL T 5S7-6985 S8 0 0 S u II n M • F ~~!~'.'!!!..~~!!.!.I.~~ 2524 HarbOt Blvd . CM Ullll PUT-.,.,.--.!!_2•7179 2 Puch M<>Ped• 1 Sear s S.9·6023 645-7770 Tickets. S20 up, greet IHl11 M•i•lt•••t• di•, 1 altnderd. swap '82 JEEP CJJLtd 5 •Pd loc S36-8826, S40-3869 S.witl f020 engines 10 havt g ood excel cond M1ny ex----------~•••••••••••.•••••••••• running bike & 1p11es 1, a 9 S 1 1 0 0 0 0 b 0 S1au..3'J1 12' Pool _ .Mailoa EJecl/u:lan S 9 9 t 8 11 • s t> 0 t h 675-2735 ' ' WAITH/Ell $40 C>ealgn/lnstall/Repe1r •96--2966. 497~13--...._ Bti!~o~~1!,;11~k=11~'c~: 847·8095 Olly worll 549·2S20 Ev PUCH MOPED xlnt cond fr•d• ISIO ' JOBS TODAY 2707 N dwr. 17a42"70l. $125. B111tol. S.A. amall lee . W"1 del !!51'-()921 Sa1ta·Servic.L1alllng Do you really love Ce· 'II UOl'1 Are lerel llcas7 II 10. give me • Nice Selectlont 111 us call Right now I've got 1 • '76 2002: .c 1pd , an/rt ,01 rou• ~ ion of them. lncludlng (9t7PVB) ST. GT. and fully loaded • '79 320t, 4. lf)d , 1oa· ,.HT 1ol01t Supra'• with T. Topi dedl (818XOHI lttP IT & Jull r1"d retl1bte party * '80 S261, 1u10 , sn/rf _. -.. to meke emall monlhly (486ZOJI I paymenll No old con-* '80 3201. 5 •Pd . loa-f&CIUTTI tract to assume. no back dedl l231ZYAI IHI IAW IT CHll •Ill lll llll paymente due ASK FOR • 80 633sct, toeded _ ROSE. 646·9303 Ike. (55S53•6) 1973 AX3 W1gon, n•~l-78Toyota Cettce Lllt-llJ.I 1l 1 eng, 11111 on wrnty, 111n1 bee« sitv" eporty xini 208 W 11t.San11An1 cond St395 Good cond0 Lo m1°63 1·75°8S or CloMd Sund•y tranap 85S·999 1. ~s-8730 CHOtCE INVENTO~ 859•1261 -----VOLUME SALES If, H .. 1140 '17 Corona W1gon CIMPlllE·MlllCHEI Immaculate (nalde & outl Diiiman'• ~11uran1 801 E. S.lbO~ Blvel BllbOI Apply 8 lo 11, Mon thru Fri """" s12s, 540•6187 Gullar·12 string, ttute. air IHI I --~-0 S250 tow ml, Ill new. ••••1•1•l•l••l•••••1••::.,•••• ·--... , brush, walnut c hrl , •••• !, .. !~.'.'. •••• ~. 1111 644-4234 __ AM CB c~'mp~~":llell IO I Teak Bar. 09tn• to 5 ti S400 Hand~de. _64~5-_63_· _1_1_ev_"-----1 198 1 llberglH S dltHI Mod·Vespe scooter. n-. SOK ml Clean. S2495 & ... ~~ . ..!! ••• !':....... •HT SELL We'll .now you over 100 ' Automatic t•ans . air • l A 111. N-& Used MercedH· cond & economte11 4 0 Benz Come In & conll· cyl add up to 1 greet l•W dtr our 18111 llflngt· veluer I 162AYTI Juat WAITllEll/WllTIH Co1ne11tone Cate now I h ir ing Experlancad Full/time Apply alter 3 pm. no phone calls 3000 Bristo! St , C M Wl•4tw Wula hit Clean·cut, hard-working S1a11 S•l hr. 645-1392 Call 780-33 10 Oak Capt11n·1 chair N-llnleh S50. Call 760-8310 Rattan Furn1tu11 4 chr• & 2 tables S 150 Call 760-83 10 DELUXE KINO·SIZE WATEABEO & MORE HSHLD GOS 7S2-9227 Wood work (non-1mkr), sanding a11embly, aml Designer 1ola & club Yl<>P 645-2355 chairs, b<own leatr-11- 11, $450/0bO 497-6372 ~!!!#! •• '!_{ .. '. ••••••••• SOFA SET "Playpen .. C•ll• #•II Changuble units. 11 •••• •• •• •• •........... plef-..ee Oer'k brown. xlnt IS' Sofa. newly reblt & UP-comlor'I ~ S2500, ••· hol w /plllow & coffee k 1 n g $ 9 0 0 / 0 B 0 tab ... S'. GE Color TV,, 640-8855 •" 6pm. 19", S150. Al10 beaut will aconcH, Belglum COCKTAIL TABLES. two cry•lats pear sn119t etc Chrome bue w/gta11 8 cand~ holder• j250 top 36" x 31" Make Auorted odd chel 1 ' elegant Hit Inga New dlshel, bOok• & recor~e: $300 ••· Hcrlllcel S99 W1rd carpet •weeper, each 640·6855 aft 6pm en1tqu1 piano bench. Luxurloo• King t lze Wlr velvet top. S40. planll, bed Ute Blue Velvet & 1amp1. Thurs thru Sat nlle st1nd $400. Jiii 846-3387. 851-0994 Of 1541·5036 HO train, BeGhmann eng . Nordic tug Full yacht mu11 sell )(Int cood OBO 4x8 detalled layout, -trim, the bell equipped S900 962· 17 13 498·55 14 831-4675 to apprec S400/obo ever bull! • pagea of &e2·7451. 642·0143 gear, u klng $59,500 1l•I01tftlt1/ Toyota · 76 AM/FM Ste· OH!Ce • 897·4'50. home ltHltr• 1150! reo cuutte Smell 115 yd1 1ust like new ear-. 548-5930 •••••••••••••••••••••• camper •hell $2 t 7 S Pit. earthtOMS Best ol-Clauic 18• 'lat 11 1981 Honda XL 18SS 10 673-8618 ter 933.9799 --Century bay bO:t~ ~'cy~ ml ~~~~~~:750 64 Chev Sut>urt>an 8 cyl. Aug 9Xl4'~'. b1u/wht Grey S3SOO 675-6161 • 011dr , utr u Good Houndstoolh. '76 HONDA 750cc Red. cond S 1250 536-3367 S67 833-7790 Boal & Outside Mooring, 5,000 o11g m1 Xtr88 .-77 D I ----Newpon Beech S 10.000 MUST SELL 642. 1929 · 11 aun p1c11 up wun Push 11wnll'\0Wlf' 973-06S9 __ 11\ell. air. 4 channel am/ Uke new S38 74 G111tron 25 flb8r· 11.:.1 f•••I S•/1' Im CAU Culton\ whll 833·7790 •· !/.., , 1~0 end ""' 40 get g•• glen Fly bt1dge twin •• ~ OHf• ., 13500 768 75 EXEACYCLE V·8's, Volvo out drive. ••••• •••••• ••••••••• la.nh ·32 Practically new • n d Ir a 11 e 1 I 7 I 4 l Rent 26' moto1 home. A•I•• W••IH fSH $45. c1ll 673-ec>7 1 735-6737 S7000 sips 8. lully loaded • ••• •••••••••••••••••. 645-8616 (Paul) WE PAY RANCH MINK COAT· Full Clanllled Ad• are the length, cuatom made. AV & Boat Storage. $1 per excel cond Size 7. Dark answer 10 a 1ucce11ful 11 Cell Joe TOP DOWll brown S2800/obo garage°' yard lalet II'•• 645-6730 7 I 4 I 1 5 2 • 0 0 9 8 • better way to tell more Fii 1111 Ull 2 13/550-7829 peoptel 11111Hed Ad• 642-5678 WI ..... Bike 24" 3 spd Gltl'a rink 1111111 ez 5 like new Of· ftf 645-2185 •ft 3pm SCRAM-LETS ANSWERS Boat picture ads provide NITIAl/SllUI 2480 Harbor Blvd. COSTA MESA Ml·UOO Ml·1411 Giant Verd Sate • Frl/ITwn BA 1111. 8 pea. Drvlde ·Chant Set/Sun. Oct 8/9110 dre111, bk lhelvff, dak, KhlUll -Expend ADVICE WE llY OLW Ull di TIHll loll ot varied Item&. fix It ch rl b d S ••rs n • w One husband to another. 1tem1, bOok & toy•. mlac. S I 6 0 0 N o w S 7 O O "Being mamed 11 llke 3224 Mlnnuo11 Ave 673·3600 c.t.t Neer Herbor & QI-1----------being • b11eb1ll ump i ter 754.7394 Black N1ugahyde cooch, You never have to Hk ----------• recllner and ro cker tor ADVICE " FRI/SAT ONLY 8·5 Table Ind Coffee table ll11iul Bring yer ven & yer 964·1944 dough cuz yer gonna 1---------1 l•1lt••••l1 IOl3 buy! Wt ptomlM yoo - 3 pc Bdrm N I, 11111 tong •••••••••••••••••••••• got It & at the best dbl btd complett. 2 YAMAHA Bue Amp. prices 10C up 325 e.. cheat• of dr•-• 1200• Head with 1 doubt• 15" thef ' 494-0029 Iv mtQ PV speak1< cabtne1 All Formica Table 42x52" 1n t c•llen1 c dltl htl••H IOOS with 2 addltlOnal i.a""-x on on. ••••'••••••••••••••••• Wood l f l lOOobo a... .. .-Pllt lop n per cond. IH·ftll, 1·1PM ....... , ·S3~57..~9eo~-5~6~«~~--:-:-·l~~~~~·~~~~~I Cupbottd 1625, pint ;:; drop teaf teble S280. 4 Flo1111on klng11ze w1ter-Yamaha Allo Sax, new. pine c:llalf• 1200. brlll btd Br1nd n-. S450. mual ull S400 Call I • mp r, pr 0 s 2 o Cell Merk 64•-2695. 63l--0318 COMMf:U CHEVROLET '>'1..,.Jl 1r'• t• ' ',... t' v +-su .. 1200 Riii lftEI Top dollara tor Sports Ce11, Bug1. Camp111. 914'1, Audl'I Ask tor U/C MOR .llM IWUH VllllWAIH 18711 S.aoh Blvd HUNTINGTON BEACH .. 2.2000 Seles·ServlGit-LNllng 850 N S.ach Blvd L• Habra 122·HU Open Sunday 7S BMW 5301 •tll llU T n19 ULTIMATE driving machine cen now be you11I Loaded with moonrool. air cond , A M/FM CHHtte & 10 mucn mo1el (10VJ11S8) Just need 1elleble party 10 mue 1m111 mol\thly paymenl• No old con. 1rac1 10 auume, no beell paymenla due. /\SK FOR ROSE 646-&303 Ike IWllE Otlm"I ILlllT & Sal11·Serv1Ge·Leaelng IO'CARVER KUS fl.lltc·IMW -..,_...-~t ~•"""""4M t_.,.."' ...,,.....~."" .. tl .. tt4).,.... __ .,. ,,,, - menta or long term 11• need rellablt party to nancing malle 1m111 monthly HouM ol lmporta. Inc paymen11 No old c;on-DIAL 213 Of 714 lr8C1 to Illume No becl\ 637-2333 p1yments due ASK FOR ROSE 1546-9303 Ike •••••••••• ·74 Ch1nootc PQP-top m11 home , look• & r un• You can afford to buy your Mercedes Benz from us. $0 DOWN LEA_ E Appl~t 10 ,,_ C." 1n ••oc• On •PPIO..a Cr•cM g1ea1. white. ,,.. llres. IO ml Gas 1tove. heater, relrtg $6000 64 l -40S8 646-7033 · 77 Toyota Co1on1. Lu· •ury Ed , air. P•. ,.., wndw defog . velour upttot .. S2900 0oug Tu- rin, rH 642-4910, otc 67~1'34 Y!!~!!!~r.~ •.•..• !.~!¥ '76 vw Bug ... , llll SPIFFY VE T THRIFTY! Callfornte Speclal with au.tom t xtttlOt 4 cyt.., 4 apeed Irani & AM/FM tape (786SLC). Ju1t need rellebl• p1r-1y 10 meke 1mell m ont hty payment• No old con· trac1 to H tum41 No bed! payment• due ASK FOR ROSE 646-9303 1111. '66 BeJe BU9 Clean. Aune good. T1e~- 1e1 hitch Stereo Lug- g•11• reek Xlnt cond S 1500/0BO Call evH 548"'4333 '78 BMW 530! mint cond. All ex1ra1 BBS wheels, Grundlg C81Mltl Alptnl 1u1pen1lon 81t1tel n ehocks M/1Uver eJtta· rlOr. Bleo<duroy Interior. S7 500 846·5625 '80 Olx VanlgOn 21,000 ~~~~~~~~~~!········· ml, A 1 end. S7850. P-vt ;-72 BMW 2002 Sunroof.I---------pty 631 -1094, 842·9807 am/Im radio, •• 11 ,81 380 SL. 7000 ml Witt '15 BUG 1nrl, 111 orig, $3000. 840-5096 wh11l1 S38,00010 8 0 C h ' o m e r I m • '79 3201 Bright rt<I AIC, 213-132-8979 S lOOO/OBO 846·8200. am/Im caaHtt• Great •18 Merced•• 2305 L '72 VW Bug Engine Ill· oond. Mull 111 to 1p-C cellent cond • body tn preclate 65K ml l8900 ream w/dark bi own good condition 12500 or 646-2068 · 1011 1 0 P · H "d 1 0 P · bell offer Call An1-r saddle lntr Goo<I eond '76 2002, 65K mt, pert $18,000, 673-7S43 ~~ 624• 642-4300. 24 cones . 111rt, Blau AM/FM .,.4 MBZ 2.30 4 dr am/Im llereo. nu radiate, only ale good Conct ' S62&c) '7 t CONV •lot 1hepe, S5,595. 6-42-8777 PI P, 5•8•4690 tOOO cc englM, $4500 Late modtt Toyo tu, 8•8·8U4 Vol~o•. PlekUOI & Van•. '78 BMW 3201. allvlf/blk, ·----------! WAITED! 559-8300 s;:o::f-;:a~bed:-::--:;6:-::ft-;s-=1-=-5.-::(P::-:a71d71c . ..:u::1.:..1om..::.:..P:.A_•_Y_•-1em-.-v-o1-- vie1or1an (?Jen.Ire, 7 tlQer s4001 Rust blk grey ce ol the Theetre 1peca oek, 1 w/erm1. reworll-Very gd cond 640.0394 4 cabinet• w/15" Allee•. td, high bac k1, 1650 Two Neugahydt recllner ho1ne & power amp w/ OBO. 1-828-3313 chairs, good condition i;vr, Ilka nu S1000, Oak Obie Scl'IOot Oetlc $45 eech M8·4222 49e....614 28' Ertct0n Fully equipped crul18. SkM-by·elde, ntp top. CRIB CANOPY FRAME OVATION aolld body 6 Ulla. UHF, compau. covers S 195. S52-2130 Whit• wood. 125 ettctrlc atereo guitar Perfect condition S 16,500 552·2139 S260 (7141173·0251 123·4517 ~11.·;.·;.RU.'!.!f 1,F_u_m_1-1u-,.-• ..:r..:~....:..:~a-bly--pr-1.-1-At~t-n-'"tlt-.. -H-.,-t4-l-l-1 •-------------- APPLIANCE SERVICE Ctd. Cell IOI ll•t & prlc:... tncredlble lnlald cu11om Set your course for fast sales with a Dally Piiot boat picture ed. each S1turday, the Dally Piiot wlll otter you ad apace th1t not only detcrlbea your boat, but pictures It as well. The price It guaranteed to buoy your 1plrltt -$4S If we tal<e the picture, and only $40 If you provide the picture for a 2 column 3" ad. w ........ ~.....,.. 549-H 70 P.P M o 1aman . w /c1 1t. • -r-..,.,. ..... , guar 497-1000. apptf#ICel. 15<41·3077 8ft brown ptllO t0fa hies. I ·-·-.. __ •·bed 176. Maple dlneu• •--AMltTIO---Hn--U-- -· _......_. ••t. 4 cha i rs S75 "" 967·0133 042-1954 w/caea. $90 497·1IOO WMhet·°'Y9f•Retrlg 1"B_r_aaa_1-able-·-w-11t-av_"_'_1S_, AOlllTIO l'"U DllftwMMr-FrMJ., chatra, teoo. w/~M. te(), 497• 1800 Xln1 cond. M&.5UI 714•079·4118, tn meg 2 VIOlln• 3 quertlf & half Me)'teg Bronze wulter 7' SOFA. yellow/green 111 • • S 100 • 1 oh . 1nd dryer 1275, Good rtoral. 175. H1-t77fl or &52-&22t W01tcln0 conct. 100.u10 ~"".""""°'~$-"""."""20'"".:2:-1_LY11:...,_n_~O///t1 Ian/tan I IW1to-. WNh«a. Oryerl Mtl)ll Twin hd hi. "'' r..a/•••t "'' Men)' 10 chooM from m1t1ren•• S 100 HI .••• ~.~"•••••••••••• OU#. 1100/up, tee..c>M2 045-2021 .v•. 558-5133 llM El.~CTRIC lypntltet Ftddere 11,000 9Ti:j"";j; dyl A•k tor Lynn In worlllno ordtt' t 100. conditioner. •Int cond. OAK BEORM SET & pc. _ .. _ ... _._00_2_e _____ I 12.25. 1534111 conttmo elyle 11n1 Alt hardwood dHk, o Rl,.,IOU•ATOR, ti-• cond. 1acrtflot 1378. dr_...., 1100. ,_, t-dOof. ffoet•fr•. 012...es. 7112-717t 1111 M-IOtO SOLID OAK WALL un"•· Detk t0p copitf: 8ha1pfax w/metQlllng con .. a 2 201 •Int cond Pettect tnd llblee. S.6011400. I o r 1 m o t t I o t , IC!ftt concl, t72-AetS. 714·1Al-0227 1378 For funher detall1 about how 01lly Piiot boat picture ad1 can wofk for you and to achedule YOUI ad . call ~2·5878 and Ilk for Sally -LM. ,. ' Cill ui lodavl auto, ~"• new Mak• ol· 'll Ill ••• •• •, '71 VW Bug Lgt blu, em/ " fer 951·2071 --Im lttftoC811 851·1404 TOTOTA·TOUO ............ ~ c ......... ,... .... .,,,.,,. ..... , Wllft USED CAR8 & TRUCKS COME IN OA CALL FOR FHI &mAIUl Cormltf-OelMIO 11man 18211 HACH BL.VO. J'iUNTINGTON BEACH 14l·IOl'1, 141·Ul1 Top Dolar Paid For YOtJr Cett .......... Uuela·lerMrJ 202t Harbor llvd. Coate M..-&AO·et30 Hlghttt cttll tmmedillely tor )'our velllcle. Do· me•llCl or f o tttg n &111·1215 -------1 ·01 320t. •Ir. atereo cue .• j mlnll ll1t•l~l1tk wt'k, 857-2929 hm s 12.400 831-2991' All t xtr11. 82,000 ml. 128,600 very llrm 731·5115 130 .... 342 c .. r1 ,111 ,••'••••••••••••••••••• '80 MBZ 3000 Tan w/ 74 Yellow Capri, Radio Ivory 1n1r Sunrf 121 000 em/Im QUI. Gd cond. 494.9309 ' ' • M ull 1111 811 o f r '71 Super B1et1e. new pelnl, clutch Xlnt eng and Int AM/FM mull Mii $1800 OBO 176--0758 'llO VW Pick Up UC. 9a1, lie. xlnt cond. 30.000 mllff 15500. 496-4410, h0m41 681-0307, 857·5000 1979 210 £ Antnrectte ---------~ grey, eunroo!, iilnt oond 70 Capri II "blac:k Cit", IUl,000 714•5113.0335 '50 Bug, 1unrool, 95% VIS. llr. lttrto/ttpe. Evn . rettorecl, all Oflg . almoat Su11rf, lmmeQ 12100 ----------everything new, Hklng 040-0020 or "3·2023 -" ltl I• 12500. 631-2607 l1t••• •t• •• MUllTll '17 Karmann Ghia. 1 O'IW· ...................... • 11¥11111m ner ..... 11\tn 37,000 ml, ' I 't7 Cleuto "•OO" Ol'IO tlnl9"·11ke MW. Clo- 1 Cheuneu1 1)111ttlon w/tll ... t bid to 18000 tall" Poetit* ~tlonl Metal• I I. 16 1 • 5 5 4 • b I w n lie brown wl llghl 11n 1_4_PM_-e_PM __ ----i plueh V910ur 1n1. Como .....,llln llCt«Y Nbultt I rettore<I to MW Cat cond. Con• '71 eonwrt, .. 10 IP· verled to u.a. epece. p1eo. Amtfm, 011romt Orig. tilllt tor OM 104, rlldiate, lstOO, 031-1641 • j 000 on tland • Cir ~ f I/rt 1111 I --~--...,,.., llOfed tft Qem\lny •ooooeoo•••••ooooeoeeo I !xii rM0v IOt """'*'lele '74 VOLVO It WO 4 dr 4 ----------l en~. cy, II. Inf , ltf, etk en11 '70 UOl, new s*n4, me-Wine Price 178.000 t24N, 042·1415 t1t11C t>rown, blecll 1 ... 1 PtHM, only quelllled llltf Int, Hlllnt 10000 ceen tlv)'llf1, otll H•V9 ~hint lo ... ,, 6't.aN (11•1 M2.01H c1 .... n.o .. ao "-... ol lalt mOdel, low mllea· ge Cadillacs In Sou1hern Celilorn11t See us today1 UlllS OUILUO 2600 Harbor Blvd COSTA MESA 140-1110 191S7 Cl&HIC EldOfldO he1dtop new tires, bait. wiring . paint . etc Smooth running Aaklng S 1500/bst olr. 645·3367 Ch.,1•le1 llZO ................•..... IEE IS FlllTI Wa have 1 good 11tec- t1on ol NEW /1 USED C11evrolet1! C<>t4Mfll CHEVROLET 'J".,.,. fl 1r•,.,• I' 't--:\\0',' 54~1200 '64 CORVAIA 4 di AT . A11H 11dl11ts S850 Eve· nlnga 714·536·7781 84 CORVArn 4 dr AT. A&H radlel5 S8SO Eve· n1ngs 714-536·7781 '65 Chevelte. 375 aml t>lk. 400 tr1n1 red new up· hol & paint. asking S5000 6A6-0356 72 Biscayne Slill looks & runs hne $500 obO 642-1268 f ~.11.'l!! ••••••••• !.~~! '65 Chry1l11 New YOfkt< clean body runa good $800?/0BO 842-2641 C•rYelle l lJZ .•.•••••••••.......... r71 C."•"• Lo1ded S9400 !>S 1 ·9523 ~.t! ••••••••••• !.~~¥ 78 Dodge Ch11ienger a/c em/Im, low mlle1 good cond $4000 714/551-3236 78 Omni. AC. auto 1ran1 34,000 ml Xlnt cond $3950/olr 540-04 15 l•n IHI . .................... . '71 FORD Mav1<lok OOO<I cond 3 new tlr... tcOI\ $850 494-32 11 79 Flelta, new palr'lt, 11<n . 4 1pd, 111n1 condition 562-2530 alt 4PM '72 M1ve11dt, 2 dr, 6cyl, runs good S795 Call 960-6035 '67 FORD WAGON PS. runt gd, needs muffle• S500 760-0161 '74 A1nchero. PIS, P/8, AJC, xlnt cond .. camper Shell S2200 631·8556 ·ea Falcon Good cond Mull Mii 111 $500 tellea It 673-1790 '71 Ford LTD Country Squire, 9 pessenget Ill· tlon wegon. 91K. reblt •ng. power steering & braket. 1tr, very clHn, rvn1 great. 642-6934 Li.c•I• IHS .•.....•......•....... '78 Mark v, 96,000 ml!M )(Int cond Malle offer 496-4416 !!!!~~1 ......... 1!!~ '76 Muatang 11 ~·· bl•. alfcll. em/Im cu• Clean $2000 675-2774 da, eves 700·l109 .... ltnt '79 Musteng Ghia. fully loaded. 10 mllH, new "'"· am/Im CHHll• Bett ofter 961~8126 °''••••ii• ms ...............•.••... '79 Olds CutleH 30.000 ml. Belt Offet 540.7607 '78 ~II•• 1t1tlon wagon Gd cond. l'ltw t>ralcH, AIC AMIFM CUI S2000 oeo 611&-<>111 T'ru11 1e1e. i d1, 5' ee 0.111 Cuti. Olda, PI W, A/O, 1llCll0, e•ll e Of A, Mon-Fri. tAM ·4 PM, 760-4312 'to Omtga. xlnl OOl\d 49, 000 miltt 14..300 631-44st 11111 Hit •••••••••••••••••••••• '78 Plnlo. g< .. t Cond, 90K ml, auto , $1100/obo 140.14114. H2· 1"4 ~~ •.••••.••• ~f Calellna, 1970, AIC. PIS. Pll. Htw TlfH , Good Cof!d 1700. lff·l41t • { t f llllSlCIUI 11111111 lllCllJ•IAll II WI UNf '-il>A Y UC 1 O UI U h 14U.l ORANGE COUNTY . CALIFORNIA 2S CENTS Demand for gasoline dips and so do prices By KAREN E. KLEIN Of"IM D~ Hot II•" . Demand for gasoline from tlw motoring public has, In the words of an industry observt•r, "gunc down, down, down." The resuh? Gasoline pm"CS are going down, down, down, ~· ''Retailers and refineries art• <.'Ompeting to get a la rger paecr• of a s mall er pie," said Steve Shelton, ·president of Irvine. based Sou the rn Cal i fo rnia FV vote change backed By PHIL SNElDERMAN Of tM oe11, ~lot •••" The Fountain Valley City Council has taken a first step t o w ard consolidating city e lections with November gene ral e le<:tions as a means of bolste ring voter participation in local races. The council, in a 3 to 2 vote Tuesday night, directed the dty attorney to prepare an ordinanc.-e that would change local council election s, n o w in Apri 1. t o coincide with November general electlons. The attorney is to present the o rdinance to the counci l !or revlew after Jan. 1, when a new state law governing local election changes takes effect. If the measure is approved at that time, the city cou n cil election now scheduled for April. 1984 , would be moved t o Nove mber, 1984. Incumbe nt council members' terms w ould be extende d through the new election date. The election discuss ion was prompted by several council members' displeasure over the poor turnout s in recent city council elections. Last April's city counc il election drew 16.3 percent of the city's registe red voters to the polls. The 1980 election drew a 14 percent turnout. By changing the city election date to coincide with other races, council memben. anticipate more local re presentation in the selection of city leade rs. Councilman Fred Voss urged that the city e lectioru; be moved to the same date as lo.::aJ school board elections, which are held in November each odd-numbered year. He contended that locaJ races might attract too little attention i f conducted during even· numbered years in November, when major st.ate and fed eral races are decided. This proposal was supported by Councilwoman B a r bara Brown. But Mayor Marvin Adler and Councilman Ben Nielsen said they favor ed holding the city elections in conjunction with state and federal elections, which traditionally draw the largest turnouts. "I don't think we're goin.g t.o get lost in the general elections," Adler said. Aft.er Voss' motion to change the election to coin cid e with (Set VALLEY, Page A%) &rvk~ Station Assocautlon Gasolin e prices in Orungl' County and acros11 the rwt1on have been on a fairly <.'Ontiuu11u11 dt-clin<.• since Mar ch 1981. ::and they wall <."Onllnuc to fall ut lea:.t through the end of thl' year, Shelton said. In the meantiml', o. v igorous prn.•e war is beang wagt.'<i by both re tail deale rs and major 011 companies, and the fa llout can only produce more good news for 1·01111um('ri;, Shelton suacJ Sclf-st·rvit.•c ga~olint• prict>s have bt•t•n rcduccJ :J <'\•nt:s u gallon over the pa11l munth IH Dick Oglestx't''s Chevron st.auon at Fairview Road a nd Baker in Cost.a MQl>ll. "Pr1t'('li arc <.'<>ming down anothc>r penny tonaght.": Oglesbee sate.I Tuesday. Tht' l c.'Cnt d(.'Crca~ will bring his price for self·st•rvc rcgulur lo $1.28 ' per gallon. Ogles bct.' said h e t>xpccts 'Hey, Reggie, over here' another r\oducuon aft~r th.-flnlt g&11 lllllt•ugc, staying c loiwr to of November, whc•n Chevron wall homc and u11ing ga11 murH·y to l>llY ampo!W.' a :t J>C!rrent servkc t.•harge lhl' rl'nl," Shelton said. o n Its credit cards an d offer Da n Lundberg, publu1hl·r of discounts to il.8 cash customeni. lhl• aulhorit1vc weekly Lundocrg Why the dro p in prices? LA:ltt>r, whh:h charts ml industry S he lton ~ad a glut of crude oil in trends, stud retail dl'alcrs and this country combin ed with operators arc having to 80Crif1l'' n'Clut.·ed consumption of gas has lhl·ar opcraung margins an ordt.1r led oil companies and ser vice to mak~ their prices c.'Ompctitivt.• 11tat1ons to start competing for • "On ly 7 1 percent o! (the oi l sales. n1mpunles') existing refineries "Consumers are getting better on• ~elng utilized,'' Lundberu Angel fa ns vie for the attention of their favorite ballplayen before Tuesday night's opening game of the American League playoffs in Anaheim Stadium. The Halos responded to the cheers of a record c rowd by dismantling the Milwaukee Brewen, 8 -3 . See stories a nd more photos o n Page C I . Disneyland slaying self-defense? By DAVID KUTZMANN O( the Oal.ly PUol la.If A San Diego man accused of committing Disneyland's f irst homicide was only acting m self-defense when an 18-year-old Riverside man was stabbed lo death m 1981. a defc~ attorney asserted Tuesday. In opening statements before a six-man, six-woman Orange Counly Superior Courl Jury. de fend anl James O'Driscoll's attorney claimed that his client was innocent of murde r charges stemming from Mel C . Yorba's death in March, 1981. near the Magic Kingdom's Tomorrowland area. Yorba died from a stab wound to the heart and liver. Several days af t er th e stabbing. county health officials cri ticized Di s n ey l and 's emeri;tency treatment procC'durcs because para me dics w e re not called to the scene and because Yorba was taken to a hospital which did not have a specialized trauma care ('enter. Yorba's family also filed a $60 million wrongful death lawsuit against the park. alleging that the young ma n's death could have been prevented af adequate security and emergency medical aid procedures were take n . Disneyland offl<."ials disputed the criticism. Yorba died the night of March 7. 1981. when he and several friends we nt to Disneyland as part o f a fami ly night for e mployees of Rohr Industries Corp. His parents worked for Rohr In R1vers1de Prosecutor Pat rick Gea ry co ntended Tuesday that O'Driscoll slabbed Yorba after the de fe nda nt accused ham of pinching has girlfriend. Geary s a id Ol{)riscoll had accosted Yorba and his friends two umes that evening. On the first occasion, he said, the lanky defendant grabbed a friend of Yorba's and yelled. "Why did you grab m y girlfriend?" Geary said Yorba, a h igh school wrestler. moved toward O'Dnscoll and raised a clenched fi st. At that point, the deputy dis trict attorney said, O'Driscoll pulled a hunting knife from a sheath on his belt and waved it in front of Yorba and his four friends When O'Driscoll's girlfrie nd shouted that he had grabbed the wrong p e r son . he let go o r Yorba's friend, Calvin Davis, and the group lefl th~ area. M i nutes late r , ho w ever , O'Dn scoll again a ppeared and this ume grabbed Yorba. Geary said. The prosecutor a lleged that O'Driscoll drove has knife into Yorba's heart after the Riverside high sch ool student s trul·k lhe defendant with his fist. D e fe n se atto rney Olson . however, portrayed Yorba as thl' "initial aggressor " The Westminster attorney contended that it was Yorba who had gra bbed O 'Drisco ll 's girlfriend from behind as they waited in a line. H e said an auto psy showed that Yorba's blood alcoh ol r ead ing tha t evenlng was .17. far abovt.> th<' .10 level used for determinan~ af a person is legally drunk O'Dnscoll was only seeking an apolog y when he confron ted Yorba and his four friends and drew his knife in self-defenS<.' at (See SLAVING, Page AZ) 111i1d Mux1murn utihw uon would bl' ubout Ali peort•t·nl, he addt-d Ali a n•sult of tht.' vigorous C'Ompet1t1on, Shl'llun :.w1d, even the maJor oil companau are gl'ltmg rnvolvt·d in lht.' price wars. "Ncwr do 1 noeall a major gas <.'Ompan y compeung agaanst utht•r moJt>r gets l'ompa nacs in pr1c,.," hc said. Yet in April the Atlantic H1t.·hfic·ld Co. c lirnlnatt·d credit· (See GASOLINE, Page Ai) Court weighs Bolsa By ROBERT BARKER Of the Delly f'tlot le.ff SAN BERNARDINO -The Amigos de Bobet C hica have lak<.>n thetr battk to save the Bolset C hil'a murshland near Huntington SC'ach to the Fourth 01slrkl Court of Appeal here. The Hunungtun &:ach-based environmentalists are claiming that a 1973 la n d exch a nge bC'l ween the· stall' and Signal Landmurk i:. un<.'Onslltuuonal. They a re appeahng a 1980 Orange County Superior Court JUdge's ruling lhal a onl'·year· stalUtl' of hmat.all'>n prohibits a legal challenge to the exchange. The 1973 land exc h a nge agreement was designed to clear the way for S 1gnetl t.o deve lop the controversial area Signal plans to build 5,700 homes 1n the Bo lsa Chica. including 1,200 residences on the waterfront. An l.800-slip boat martna also 1s included in the plans n ow befo re the State Coastal Comm1ss1on Amig o s attorney L y nda Martyn told the appellate judges Tu esda y that th e s tate Constitution prohlbat.s the state from conveying tidela nds \0 p rivate parties wh e n the aidelands are locawd within two miles of an incorporated city. She said both s1dc'S agree that Bolsa Chica is located within two miles or Huntington Beach Caty limits . The 2.000-acr e a rea is surrounded on lhree sides by city l1m1ts a nd o n the fourth by Pal'ihc Coast Highway. The area Is south of Wa rner Avenue. Marty n , a San Fra n c isco a ttorney who Is the daughter of Amigos lt·aders K enne th and Rhoda Martyn, said she also ~ seeking an a ccounting o f oil royaJtics m thl' a rea "which she said "could involve millions of dollars." S he said the pubht• was given oal rights to only 70 acres She also c laime d that thf Signal t'OmpaniC's received 17,000 al'rcs of tidelands an the 1913 trade. She said lhe land should be held in public.' trust because of ats importance lo socie ty and wildlife. Martyn claimed that 300 acres w ere deeded to lhe state m the agreement w ith an addit ional option on 230 acres that would become state property if a new navigable opening to the ocean was construl·ted ISee BOLSA, Paite A21 Crean's father deals himself into 43rd District race By JEFF ADLER OftMDellJNM._.. As promised in a telle r he personally delivered to 43rd Congreuional District write-In candidate Ro n Pac ka rd, the milUonalre father of Republican Johnnie Crean intends to play an active role in his son's cam paign In the weeks before the gene ral election. The 33-year-old GOP nominee aaid hla father, J ohn C. Crean, will hold a news conference aoon to document charges made In the three-page letter. Cr ean said h is father will use news clippings and video tapes to show, as alleged in the letter. that Pac kard has employed "de c eptiveness" and "dishonesty" in waging his campaign. But Crean, questioned about the letter before and during a live radio debate Tuc9Clay night, did not say when the ne w s conference would be achedulcd. During the debate, Crean said only. "I bellcve he will take some action t o doc um e nt the lnfonnation ln that leltt>r." ----lllDEX---- A8 86-7 A7 F5·8 F2 F2 F3 A6 C7 At Your Servict> BuaJnese C.valcade Cluaifled Comla Cl'Ollword Death Notices l'.di torial l'.ntert.aJnment J'ood 01-8, El·7 A7 Horoecope 1. Ann Landeni Movlct Mutu.1 Fund.a Nanlet In News National New• Public Notices Spor\8 Or. Stelncrohn Stock Markel.3 Televilion The.ten Weather A l C7 86 AO A3 F3-4 Cl -6 A7 87 ca C7 A2 H E• added h e believes his father's pa rticipation In the campaign will be a "positive contribution" that will boost h is e lection chanees. Interviewed before the debaw aired. Crean .aid he would assist hi s Cothe r I n pr e paring information to be released at the news conference. "If he wants Information. w e'll help h im , sure," the candidate comme nted. The senlor Crean. chairman of Fleetwood Enterprises, one of the nation'• largHt manufacturer ot recreational vehicles. delivered the le tter to Packard Monday. ln It, he prom lK'd to pull out "aU the atope" and campaign on hll'I son's behalf In the dlatrtct. "l wUI be In the district shortly and I wflt be attackln1 your vlcloulJI cu, dece ptl veneu, dcviMivneu, 11mugneu and your bla\ant and chronic dlahonestr, Cot precl• ly what they are, ' Cr.-an wrote. The letter, replete with hlatorlcal allu1lon1, compare• Packard'• purauJt of hit write-In cha11enfe to Crean with Adolf Hitler 1 a nd the Japanese (lee FATHER, P•p Al) 111r Or ngo Cottat DAILY PILOl /Wednu1d1ty, Oclob r f3, IUtt~ .... _. ..... ___ ....,. FA TUER IN RACE • • • gorwroli• 1nub1hly to c:urwt•Jl• dofeol dunnj( World War' 11. ''T ht' JUdgtnentol and vkauus attatudt• th ut you ore d isplay1nR in t tw ful·c of defou l 1s In 111 y op lnlun cau :sed by th•· suml' ,furc.·eii t lrnl brough l.011 thl• lip rituol 8m ugm•ss that madt• n~-ssary th1· c:1 uc;1fixion oC ·our Lc)rd ," the 1t .. u cr conlillUCS. Packord smd lw was surpraSt.-d snd distrc.'liSt.>d when he rt~ivl'd the le tter Hc s11d he s till is tr y ing to figure out wha thl· lette r mcan.s. /'We sense• maybe a shHt m the'.' campaign and lht' last 30 days mj gh t bl'. a lot different " P~kard sard . lie addt'<i that 1f "Mr. Crean (senior) ru ns a dirty cam paign, obvious ly the candidate 1:- ruhning a dirty campaign." While !IOme o f his su pporters ha ve mterprt•ted the letter as a thrt'ul, Pul·kurd i.uid h1• nw. not "Mr. Crt•on 1s ju•t ll11Jll1g I L c.Htfleult to hiivt• the.• µ1 NIB and tlw p,ublk t·t.uHlng anythin~. o n tht• qu11Hf1ca tions of his sun , ht• 11md Tlw D1.•1111JCrat1<.· candidate.· in 1tw h1Hh profilt· t•o11tc>st , Hoy "Put" An•ht•r , xald ttw lt•tlt•t mulll ploy lo hill Cavo1 "IC thl'Y 1.·ontinut• in this mannc.•r ll would lw uss1s ting m y campu1gn." he· '\WU. But Art·h e r saic.J hl• w .1 s c·orw..rrwd that the letter would sc•rVl' only to touc:h off anotht•r r·ound o f name-l·allin g , w h u:h d 1arut·ter ized the bitter primary b<Jtt lt• between Cr ean a nd 17 o ther GOP candidates. Crean won the primary ancl thl• GOl> nomination by cdg111g Sl'l.'Ond-plare finisher Packard by H2 VOtl'S GASOLINE PRICES • • • ca.-d purch ases at its stations a nd lowered its prices to levels below even soml' independent dealers. Since Arc:o lowered its prices, the. other companies have be-en forced to follow suit, Shelton said. · On Aug. 17, the Exxon Corp instituted a cn:dit-c:ard surcharge -an extrn charge on its crC'dll- card purc·h ases and began o ffering d iscdunt s to t·ash customers T o keep pace. C h evr on w ill s tart d o ing tht same Nov. I. The prac·t il'c o f "inventory dum ping " for al'count1ng purposes will l'Ontmue to dnvt• prices downward in the future. S he lton said . Near the end of the* year. many oil L'Ompanies dump their surplus o f gasolin e on the mar ket at reduced p rices. h11 explained. to n .a ke their !ti.cal rC'ports look brighter. "Motorists can look forward to saving some pennies a t C hristmas time," Shelton s aid, whc.·n 011 t·ompanies will be do ing some "window-dressing on their profit p1ct ur<'s ... S h e lton predicl(•d another 2 to 5-cent decrease in the• next few months. or <:ourse, that savings may ht• uffst•t J a nuary 1, when an <1dd1tional 2-ccnts-a-gallon sUlll' S<iles tax on gasoline will lt1k1.· t•ffect. VALLEY VOTING • • • scn ool d1Slrl('t balloting was de feated. Brown changed hl'r vote to join Adler and Niels('n in su pporting tht• consohdat1on wllh st.ate and fede ral e le\:tions Councilman J ame's Neal said he had JUSl ht•ard his frrst report on the nC'w st.ate law gQvermng ocal el ection s and saio h<' was not yN prepared to vott· o n a l·hang(• in F o untain Va llt•y's :-<·hc..cJ ul<'. The ne w law s tates t h a t a m unc1l member's term of o ffi«- may n o t b e in c r easC'd or dt•c r eased by more tha n I 0 months 111 th~ event a lo<·al c.•l('(·taon date 1s changed SLAYING TRIAL • • • their fir st confron talfon. Olson said. Whe n O'Driscoll confront(·d Yo rba on the sct·ond occasion . Olson said. Yorba charged him a nd knockt-d ham to lhl' ground Yorba lht•n fell on O 'Drasc:ull\ knife. wh1l'h the defenda nt had drawn a nd h eld out for dC'frn~1vi· purposl'i. only, thl' d t•ft•n.,t· lawy..r l>ald Wins contest S ut• S<·h irnwr, tt sl•nior a t Lo1:1 Ami~os lligh S<·hool , is l'ounlnin Vn ll ey'~ Junior Mi~~ for f<J82 -8:J. St·lccted by loca l Ja yt·ecs u n d J nycN· Women, Sue, l 6 , will com1,c te in the sluh• pa~t"anl 7 Oct. 27-30, in Santa Rosa . BOLSA • • From Page A 1 • S 1 g n a I ;1 t lo rn c y K l' n rH· l h W1l11arni-1·1111ll•ndt·d that rnor(• thari 1.400 J1'ft'1> had l'l'V<•rtt>d to pnv..i11• owrwrship bt-t·a uSl' of a l;1nd ~r.i n l by th(• Mt•x1l'an gov1·rnnlC'111 111 llM5 and therefor wr·n· 110 1 11ubll1· tidelands. W1ll1ams .... 11d that t he arl'a was d.11n111i'c.J for due k huntc•ri. in IH!W. c;,ui-mg a physk·al t•hange in thl· <1n•a I le· i>J1d the• dui(:ovt•ry of ml in IY40 furth1:r alLl'rt'CI the land and that by 1970 "llltk vestige remainl'd or the former tidal area." Dl•)luty Attorm•y GC'n<.•rul Tht'(.idora &·cg1.•r argm'CI that the swtute of lim 1tat1on s thus far proh1b1ung a trial should re main In L•ff ('t'l · · U n I t· s s u g r l ' l' m <' n t s a r c banding." ~ht• ..:11cl. ··tandowm•r.. \.\ oulcl h1· u nwill111g to t•:H er ••J.:l l't'llll'lll' hc'\.<1Uh4' tht•n• ('!)Uld lit• c·h.d lt-ng1" Ill. :!O ;incl :HJ ~wari. down tlw 11111· ·· . Stw ,,11el rlw 1<l<1t1· has sp<mt $1 n11ll11)n to 1fov t•lop tht• Ilolsa l'hll'a Ec:ol11gll'al Ht•1>t•rv1• Attorn1·v' "'11d thl') t·Xp<'< I thl· thn·1· 11w111h1·1 .ippe·llatt· parn·I \11 d1'(·1t11• 1111 tlll'ir ;ipp<'al an ahoul I\.\ 11 lllOlllh~ SunnyFo!.~ .. ~p.m'!Ta~~~m1 Owens Valley h!Qhs ahould range Thursday, OctOt>er 7 •~• Flun... • lrom 65 10 75 w1lh towa lrom 35 10 • T atutes .,.._ 45 Coa tc tnl Sunny and war"'*' today w1111 hight 75 10 83 Nlgl!I end morning IOw c:IOUdt tonight and Thurlday otl\etWIM ••If Overn19hl IOwS SS to 90 Hight Thurldey 72 to 78 In northe rn de•'"'· high lemPllf•lur" may llCllU. bet~ 76 ano 811 W11h IOWa from •6 ro ~ Soulhel'n 0-1 h!Qht $1\0ukt be !tom 86 IO 94 W111! low. in ttMt SOs lhe wellhe• service p<acl1C1eo Ela-here, from Point Conception to the Me11can botdef and out 60 miles Small cralt aclYllOfy over outM coestal wlOltrl wllh northwest winds 8 lo 15 knoll en<I combined seu and 1 , .... t of 4 10 8 teat Locally llghl variable winds tl!rovgh Thurlday e11c:ep 1 tor 1outhwe11 to west ,,..Ilda of tO to Ill knoll Ouring tat• efttrnoon end evening t>ours Ww,d wavee ot 2 to 4 leel W11h IOlllfl-terty ,.....,1 ol 1 to 3 leet L.cM cloud• lnct"91no le1e todey, lh41! cloudy tonight wllh slow dffrlng on T'hurldey Teniperatures NATIO"HI Lo Pep 72 37 83 51 86 61 40 29 80 S8 8• 64 75 60 91 f>8 76 62 48 41 01 88 117 46 34 07 S9 30 Albany AlbvQue AmlflllO Anc:llO<eg• .Asllev111e Atllnte At1en1c: Cty Austin Billtlmore B~llngs 81rm!f>Ohm B•smerck 8olM Boston '---~~~~~~~~~-8rownsYlle lie 52 89 75 22 U.S. summary !l"ow and hall we<e rep<>ned in p111t of 1he Oekoll• end N~atU today, wttll• ec11tared al'rtwera and thunderstorm• r.-Chad from Mlnn1101a end •'•tern North O•koU t o ~tCOIOledO Jt WU raining In C:OMlal Ofegon •rid WHhlngton Stioweu ind ~.no-· -· tcall•red lllOllg lhl Gull Coeat and KTOM ~· wtllM • f----felt in l11rt11nl1 9nd the Carolina Oleat lklee pr...,81*1 -the r9" of the c:oumry. 'fod1,·1 torec:Ht celled tor .,...,.,, end 11lundef1t0<ms from Fl d;rlda t hroug h the lower Ml11lu ippl Valley 10 aouth- oelllrel Te••· rain "1ow9<1 from the upptr OrN I Lakn 111rovgh tllt mldd .. end \IPP8f Ml11tnlppl VI/Iffy lo Ille OtkOIH 1nd ov .. t.,. P1cllle NorthwHI. Sunny llllM Wilt prevell ecrosa the '"' or "" netlon 8ufl•lo Burlington CHPllf CMrl•tn SC ·cnarlstn wv C11arllte NC CMyenne Chlc:ego c1nc:1nne11 Cleveland Ctmbla SC Colt>mbv• Dal·FI Wth 0.)'1on Oenve< 0et MOllMJI OelrOll Duluth er PHO fe1rbanll1 Fergo F1ag111t1 Greal Fell• Hertford H•na '4PnOlulo r{~11on 1n<1nep111 Jlltkl'I MS 70 "" 69 39 •3 34 oa 82 72 83 59 83 64 53 37 66 5" 8<1 60 79 50 85 60 80 60 91 117 80 60 72 39 75 60 ,, 75 49 61 .io 91 61 35 28 52 33 87 32 50 35 05 74 44 63 -'O 03 88 72 86 73 11• 59 91 &3 Jackll!Ylle JuMeu 1(1nt ~ty l(noxYllle l H V9Qll Utile Rock L~lt'oltl'9 Lubboc:k Mempnla Mlemt Mllweukee Mpll·Sl P Nuhv11te New Ortean1 NllW York NOllOlk No Plalte ·Ollla City Om•ha Orlando Phlla<lphl• Pl'IOenl• \ Pllttt>urgn Ptlend, Me Pllend, Ora Provtoenc. Rale!Oh Rapid Cny Reno Rli:llmOnd Salt Lek• Ban Antonio 8ffttle Sht9YePOfl SloY• , .. 1. SI LOUii 82 50 97 86 77 87 83 87 90 86 76 85 85 87 77 80 78 87 88 90 75 90 78 113 119 71 "" "" 81 82 57 80 8<1 92 76 118 10 42 6" 62 60 82 60 61 60 77 52 62 62 45 07 33 74 06 58 65 40 63 59 73 :n 67 60 57 39 41 <19 82 41 27 115 '" 011 86 44 60 62 09 64 ,,. ~~·-;-.._su ____ R_f R_IP_DR_T ..... .... .... , .. , .... Dir , l ·~ I , 3 I W 1 3 I W • SI P-1•mPD 117 St Ste Merie 76 Spokane ST Sy<ecuse 73 Tooei.a 90 Tucson 86 Tulia 91 Washing in 80 WICh•hl 91 CALll'ORHIA Appl• ValklV Baker1l1eld Bars low Beeumon1 Bio Bear Blllicx> Btytl'le Cataline Culver City Eureka Fresno Lancaster Long 8NCll loe Angeles Monro vii MOfltebello Monterey Mt Wiison N..Olea Newport Buch 0 1kl1nd Smog 75 05 "3 35 •2 6" 49 88 65 117 80 .. n 57 85 55 8 t •6 65 28 11 .io 90 59 7<1 58 76 56 59 49 1s .is 77 "7 76 57 75 60 8S 61 80 58 8<1 53 7• "8 87 59 70 60 ACI ''°' w,.,.,. 10 call 11011 fre•I tor 181 .. 1 tmOO ll'lfOtf'lllllOtl Ot~ County, ltOOJ 4'6·H28 LO• AnotlH County 11001 242·'4022 Al\otnldt and Ian k nar<llno counl'-(IOOl 3t7•4710 AOMO ipltode Ctllltf. (9001 242-4Me Tides TODAY Second n1on 11 38 • m 0,1 Second tow t 41 p m 0 3 ™""IOl Y flrll lllgh I 03 t .m 3 9 '1111 tow I IO a m 2 2 kOlld ll'O'I Ii 22 p "' & • lteond~ 760 p m 0 4 lun .. ,. toa•v at I 31 p.m • r,... ~t.O.y 11112 a m MOOll r .... tOday at • 20 p m , N U Tl'luftclt y II 10 3t I m r stand ll u111 1 n~t11n fl c·t11•h C'1t y CuUlll'll 1rwrrrht•rx h11v1• l•11d111 !ll'd I 'ropo211t1<111 I:.!, tlw 11n u-n ul'll•11r w1·11pon 1n1tlnt 1V<' tho t will app1•111 on ltw N11v ;,! lw llot A fl'M1lut11111, approvt!d ofh'r 1rnd111gh t Tu1.•1,d11y, will bl' litmt t11 P1 l'iod1·11t Ht·u~un. mikinl( h1111 Lu wur k fur 1111 a~rt·1·nw11t Wllh Hus1>1t1 fo r .1 mutu:.il ban o n lt·i-tin~ ,incl µrodul't1un of nudN1r Wl•apo11i. Approval l'amt• aflt•r Sl'Vt•rul !iJ><•11k1•ri-Ul'Ht•cl <.'11l11tt•1l nwmb<.'rs "to stuml UIJ and lx· n1untt·d " Kt•11 H11 th, u :n-y1·ar ul d lluslnl'l>H 11%1i.lu111 at Fuunttun Vtillt•y ll1Kh &·hoot. was on•· of tht· prupont•11L'>. "Th1i. 1:-tht• most 1mpm t.1nl public 11>:-Ut• uf our lime," he told lh<.· c·11un<·al "Th<.· arms ran• mukt'l> all olht·r 1i;sut.os moot and lfrt•lc•va11l " "You t:un d o your part by he lping lo sav<' mank ind ." Roth suid today hc> was "very thrillc.•cV and surprised" that the l'Ounc1I 1.•ndorst.'CI the in itaativl'. "It took r<.•ul courage to act bc"<·auS4.• it's suc.;h u scary issul'," he said Mayor Bob M:.ind1c and t'Ouncil nwmbt.•ri-Ruth Finley, Ruth Ba1lc.·y and J ack Kelly vott>d to e ndo rl>e Propo1>1 lion 12 Do n Mat·Allls tcr o pposed 1L R o n Pattinson and J ohn Thomas w<:n · not pr<•sc:nt Proposition 12 url(es a bilatC'ral .1 frecw on the developmen t anc.J t<.>stin~ of nuclear weapons by thc.• Uniu:d States and Russia. It 1s d<.'l>'lgned to pressure the U.S . governm<.·nt to work mor<' aggr~1vcly to end development uf nuclear w<.•apons Recording jobs • topic of seminar A (11'l• m•rtunar rm ,101~ in lht· n't~>rdmg anduiilry will Ix· (' II n d u l' I (.' d s a L u r d I.I y II I liulc.J1·11 W1·1H Collt•Kl' 1t1 1 lunungton &·:wh Tht· program will takt· plm•1· from 10 u.m to noon 111 F'lrw Arts Room 222. A pun<•I of muioc ind\Jstry c·xpNts. indudi11~ rc-'l·ordlnR C'nR1m'<'rt1 · • ll unt1ng t on lnl l'r 1·ommunity H os pil a l '11 t•rn<.orgt•ncy departmt•nt hai. ttc:quar e d a TDD t<'lec:ommumcatlon d<.'Vl('l' fur th<· de<1L T he equipment consists of a k<:yboard with a tcll'prinll'r. f1Ct1vatC'd by a phone ltm• inLo th1· <'mergcnt•y dt•partmc·nt • Co<1s tlinc Colll.'gl· will present a one-day workshop in "Be ginning Assertion Training" from 9 a.m t.o 5 pm . Sat u rda y at th <· Hobinwood Learning Ct•nt<.•r. 5 172 M c Fadde n A vC' . I luntrngton Beach . • The Natural Jl1s tory Foundation of Orange County w i ll s t age a "Feed Your Bont•s" fund -r aisin,g p a rty S unday at Cano's Restaurant in Ne wport Beach. Procoeeds from th<.· dinner a nd puty will g o to. h<'lp 1•-;Lablash a natural histor y 1111cl rrodun•1'll, will d tK{·uicH WOI k (JJ>J)<ll lUlllllt'll Ill tlW fwld Motkrator will 111· Evan Wlllla m1, 11·;111 111ictrul·t111 111 Goldc•n W est Collvgt"i. n·eord1 ng arts prc1~rt1m A tour of the l'Ollegc·';, rt'f'C1rdin(( ict ucJ tu will f olluw th1• workshop. Ttw s1~'<·ial pht1111· 11uml>t•1 1:- IH l I 1H7 [Jl•at md1v1du11ls w ho h<rVt• tht· p rupl'r <'qU1pnwr1l 111 lht•ir homc.-s will be able tu l'C "'lta1.·t tht• h ospital through th1i. rlurn lwr Thi· h1"p1t.il I!. ltl(atl'Cl at 1777'1. Bt:al·h Blvd . lluntington Bt·::ith Tht· program 1., d<'1>1gnt·d tr1 h 1•lp part1t·rpunts t'll ntrul i.trrmg emotions and uV t'l'l'Omt· stn•ss and anx1<.·ty. F't·t· for the worksh"p ls $lfl Mon• tnformaLmn t·an Ix.· nb t a1n t·d by ('ailing lh t· q11lt.•gt·. 96:1-081 J. C'X l 25!J rnui.t·urn an Orang< County A display of foi...,1b f<1und tn 0 r a n g <.· Co u n l y w 1 11 b <' t•xh1b1 tc·d at thl· ru11d -ro1sN C.mu's is lcx:ated at i:.M I W Coas t Hi ghway a nd r<-s<•rvauons c:m b<.· morit· by <·ailing 6:jJ-l:l81 The· party b<.·gm~ at 5 pm Being 'good guy' cost his life By STEVE MARBLE or tt1e oe11, '""°' "•" It was n 't out of character for Matt Coleman to try to give somt'One a helping hand Friends s:1y th4:1t's th<' kind o f guy he was Lhi-t &.turday. tht> 24-yc.ar-old C11:-la M l·~a man sto ppl'd o n Md< Arahur Boulevard m Irvine• to hc•lp a :>tr:.indt>d motoris t 111· pull('() h is car over to th<' C'c•ntt•r d 1v1dc·r and was walking lk•<·k to a pair of cars that were 11111<.•kmg a lune of traffic w hen a truc.·k sl:.imm1-d into th.: cars and tht•n tntu Colt•man Col1·n1:in's fatht-r says he• lw l1<0 Vt''-ha~ 'on n1•vt•r 'k n1·w "'h:a1 hit him I It• .,..yic. pol11·1• told h11H th,1t thl· <ll'l'ldl•nl JU ~l happ<•nt'<i that quickly. "It was just so typica l of him to want Lo stop and help somebody It wa s a G ood Samaritan gt"StUrl'," the father says Funeral services for Coleman wc·n· held Tuesday aftC'moon A graduatt-of Newport l lar bor ll1gh S<:h ool. the 24-y<.'ar-old was a M'C.'Urtly guard with the lrv1m· Company and was interested tn working in television, I k had w orked with a local (·ahl(• television firm. had stud11.od 1:ommunt('at1ons a t Ora nge Coost Collt•gl' and had helped wtth lighting and staging for sc·vt•rnl rnui-1l'a l produc tio n s a t S t Andr t•w's Presby tC'ria n Churd1, wh1t·h he attended Col1•man's family ha~ <1ske d that mt•m onal c:onirabut1ons b<' 111<tdt• in has nl:lmc· t<1 the youth fund at St. Andn·"'"~ m N(•wporl Bt·ach Thi· fa thc·r ~ays he· dews not wanl to make "n big ~tory" out or the• grit•( th<tl ht" has wife and has othc•r twu sons arc going through l)C(·<1usc• of tht' accident "I JUSt want to let pt.-uplc know thul m y son was mort' than JUSl a ~tallsl1t', more than JUSl some culd f:wt on a polit'<' rc•port." C-olem<1n had bc.·c·n with the• lrvuw Company M'l'Urtty furc·c· (11r 18 months and was. al'C.'Ordang 111 h1i. boi.s. one• o f the• m o!>l pCJpular offtl't'rs College enrollment plummets Fall enrollmt•nl in th<' Coast Community Colk•ge District ha.s dropped 15 3 p<'rt.'c.>nt compared to the samt-emestc-r in I 981. at't.'Ording to figures released at the C'Ondu s1o n or the first month of school The d1stnct includes Orange Coa s t Colll'gc• 1n Costa M esa, Golden Wes t Co ll e g e an Huntmgton Beach and Fountain Valley-based Coastline College. which offers ch.1ss1.'S throughout th<:' distril't District offll'ials have blamed much o f the enrollment d ecline on a rcdut•tion in state funding for commun ity rolleRes. During the su mme r , state offac1als announced a "hit hst" of c:ommunaty col leg e recreation a nd s<'lf -improvement classes that would no longer be eltg1bl<' for state funds. As a result, the three roll<.'ges a rc o ffering 834 fewer classes this sem es ter tha n were SC'heduled in fall 1981. Fall enroUmen t totals for the thrt:.'<' schools are: -Coastline: 22,204 studl'n ts, down 26.4 percent. -Orange Coost. 30.4:J?. down 9.2 percent. -Golden WE'!it. 20.960, down 9 5 percent. lncludC'd in th<' Coastline> total as a I percent ancrcSS(' in stude nlS enrolled in tc lt•v1s1on courses. T h e f a I I I 9 8 2 L t• 1 e v 1 s 1 o n C'nrollment is 3,8-H District off1c·1a ls noted that state funding for lcx.•al c:ollcges is contingent no t jus t o n t he number of studen ts attending but o n the num ber of classes in which each student is enro Ul'd KRUP5 ''Quality . • • by Design " BREWMISTER. Model #261 10 Cu1t C11t1oity • SALE PRICE '49.88 List $75.00 ·- Touch-It· KM50 Model 11202 #1 lelllaa lrlHtr . ........ Sale Pr·.·e '16.88 Utt $27.00 ·-• llmtttd To Supply On Hend l imited To Supply On Hend Offers Good Thru 10/12/82 more tha.n you expect In a hardware store -· ••••• , EJ HARDWARE V1S4· Al ltotee Ol*'I f 0eys . Corona del Met Herber View· Centef 3107 I Coeet Hwy. ,.,,Sen ="Or . 173-2900 ,_::'11110 'Mid.,. e.uo Wt!._,; TW 7 p.m. ' AMMtmHtle se20 s.n11 Ane cen,on M (11 lmperiel Hwy.) .... 5282 WkchlY9 Tiii 1 p m. [ • ( t I • • 0 1 llQU Coual DAIL v PIL 0 1 /Wodn •day, Octo l.Htr 6, 1U82 H/F WORLD _U .S~ aiding_SomaliiL W ASll l NG TON Tht.> H c uuun ud m l n ls t ru tl o n r('t."l!ntly d111puwhed anti-tank we aponry lo S o mulia 1n 1.1 'fresh d lsp luy o( suppurt for t hot l'uu n try In its lull•Kt bor~for war with Mnrx 1s t Ethiopia, U.S . offlcials 11ay T h e Un1lcd Stute11 hus s'1'pplicd S omalia wit h un unspt.'(:1!1l'd number oC TOW anti-tank weapons anc.l 1s now lrulnlng Somullu fllrt't'it to u11t· tht•m ln July, 1h1• lJnltl'll S t,ult-11 providl'tl ~111rlull11 with uir dl•C,·11111• rudor und antl- 11 i1<:ruft Wt.'Uf)OOli In rt•turn for Arra•rlcun ·i.upport, tht· S ur11ulll! huvc• ugrt.'l't.I to grunt ttw United S tall'll lll't.'t'S."> to bwie facilities 1 in Sum a lrn for use by the Anwnmn Rup1d Dl'ploym'tnt Fon't· Bolivian preside nt named LA P AZ, Bolivia Amid ch eers o ( "Viva S iles" by a tumultuous lTowd, Congress elected exiled lcfl1sl pohticmn H erna n Si le s Zuazo us pr«.>side nl, ending a 27-month m i l itary jun t a tha t f e l l because o ( d e ma nds fo r a r e tu rn to dt•mocracv und l'l'Un umlc refor ms In t his finam·wlly a1linK nation . 1''ollowing Tuesday's vote, t h 1• n e w g o v c r n m e n t promised t'(.·onomil' rt"<:ovcry a nd c.·a lle d on t h e United S tates to m aintain friel'\dly rt'la lions. · Mubarak remembers Sadat CA1RO, Egypt -Prcs1dl'nt Hosn i Mubarak today laid fl oral wreaths on the tombs of P resident Anwar Sada t and the u nknown soldier in brief, low-kev Cl'rcmun1es ont• year STATE <i fll•r S adat's assussinatw n. Sudal was gunm.-d down by Mos ll·m fana uc·s a yl'ar ago to d ay while r<•vic•w i ng a military parade Newman backs nuke free ze LOS ANG ELES Actor P a ul N e w ma n wh o Is camp aigning in suppo rt of Ca li fornia's nuclear frcl•zc init1a uve ~Id in a telev1s1on interview that "thl're 1s a lut of faulty informatio n going on " about the nud£•ar urms ra<.-e. Tul'sd a y nig ht w h l're ht.• d 1st·us scd h is s uppo rt o f P ro p os llton 12 o n thl' N o v l' m b e r b a I I n I 1 n Caltfornsa. Water • 1ssue opposed Ora 11~t· C:ou n ty :.u p1•rv111c11 ii h (1 v<> c• x p rc·ss1·cl u nu n 1 m(/ u i; oppoi.iti11n 111 Propos1t1•>n l a, lht• Novl·ml>t'1 I.Ju llot in1 I i:1 Live· I ha I w o u I cl m u n d 11 t 1• w u t c• 1 l'On.'i<'l'VH lion prugra111.-i 'itUll•Wldl' A rt·solut 1u n uppo111ng t ht· lllltltlliVI' Wus tlJ>PfllVl•d by th1• board Tut•sduy, b ut nu t ll(•f1 n•1• a rc·prc·Sl·ntattv t• 11( 1h1• 0 1 un ~l· County Lt•ug111• 11f W 111111•n Vut(•rs t•xprcssed tlw ll•ugu1·'-; •IJJJ)l~l11on to the• n10Vl'. S up1•rv1sor s s<ud lh1·y based their oppus111on not so m uch on the propos1t1on's su bst:.i1w1• as on a belwf 1ha1 1t n·prt•s1·n Lo;; t1 thrl.'al lo l1xal ~OVl·rhmt:nl autonomy Board C:h a 1rmo n B ru t'L' N<•sta ndt•, w ho s ponsorc•d the· resoluuon , rnlll'tl th1· proposition "almost un 1natiati\11· lo ubulish lrJ<:al g1wc•rnml'lll in Cultfurnia "The• ability to n •gulatc• W<Jtl·r obv io us ly mt•ar1s thl· ::ib1hty to plan l:mtJ US(', bc'<:aus<.· wutt·r 1s un tnll•gra l pun of l;md use," Ncs tandP smd Ne s t u n d l· <.·1·1t1 L·1zcd the 1n1t1a tiv1• bt•t·aus1· h t• S<J ld it would J)l•nal1zl' <:ountws sul'h as Orangi: Cou n t y, w h ic h ht• claimed adcoq uatl'ly monator thc•ir gruundwatl'r supplil•S. 1 "T hl·n · may be sonw prnblt·ms 1 n l h e l' t • n t r a I v a 11 t· y o f Ca lifornia. that's fmt· Tht•r1 lt•t's d ra ft lcg1sla t1on -tu a CCt•cl tht· t•entral valll•y But don 'l go ahead a nd d estroy the s trul'lurn of govcrnnwnt bl'<:au~· sonw areas arl' irr<·spons1bly dl·ahng with gro undwater managcm t•nt," h<.· said. (Ground water supplll'!> in Cali fornia·~ central vallt·y have btlcn seriously deplt•lf:d by over use.) O•llr Piiot Sl•H Photo Going up a t a irpo rt Ne wmun. who no rma lly shuns u.lk shows, made tht' remark during the taping of th e "Merv G r1H1n S how" The measure w ould urge Prcs1dc1nt Reagan to propose that both th e Sovi<'t Union a nd the· United S ta tes h alt dl'vc·lo pment, tesu n g a nd dep lo y m e n t o f n ul'le ar weapons L oca l League of W o ml.'n Voters P rcs1dcn t Let· Podolak told th<.• board that P ropos1t 1on 13 1s a r('sponsc· to th1· will' o f th<.• Vl)ters, howc·vcr ~'ork is progr es ing on tht" rww €'on tro l towe r a nd acJ mini...,tra tio n building under c·ons lruc tion al J o h n Wayne Airporl.. Say 'charge it' • 10 court LOS ANGELES Pl·ople will soon be able to s a y "cha rge ll" when they pay t he ir parking tic k e ts and1 cou rt fees in a program the county hop<.>s will yie ld $150. 000 a year in extra re v(•nuc Th e c o unt y. Boa r d of Supe r v i so r s v o t e d 3 -0 Tuesda y to approve• use o ( Visa a nd Master Cards for parking and Municipal Court payme nts But a $2 st.•rvicc fc'l' also will be imposed on eat·h transaction to yield the ho ped-for H 50.000 a year Th<' c>et r a mo n e y w a te n ta t ively earmark ed for crimina l JUStiC'e programs. 1 dead, 4 hurt in blast BURBANK -One man died and four were inJured w he n two fiery explosio ns ripped through a gas s tati on service bay two blocks from the Burbank Studios. 0Ht{'1als said. Authoriues said the dead man w orked for a se>rv1ce NATION statum ma intena nce company and was repairing a hydraulic au tomobile hoist at a Union 76 station, whOS<• center bay exploded into flamC'S shor tly afwr I 0.30 a .m . Tuesday. A SC ('o n d e xpl o s i o n e n g ulfl'd t w o add1 t 1o n a l repair bays. • Chrysler pact rebuffed bargaining table, saying lhe na tion's No. :! carmaker has no more money to offor. Tainted Tylenol LOS ANGELES (AP) - Strydmint" tht• p111son found 111 t wo bultlt"• o f Extr<i S trC'ngth T . lenol r aps ules 1n Oruv1llC'. Calif .. is "·' l0){1t· as th<' l'yansde added to T ylenol l'apsull-s by a murderer in the Chicago urea. If untreall•d , a s t ryt·h n1n c poisoning C'auscs a painful dl·ath L ike t.·ya n 1dt•. Sl r y<:h n1 n <• 1s dassC'd as "supert11x1<.-." -.ci1 d p harm<1colog1sl J amt·' Nie k;is, t•uiH<l 1n <1 t"l1r o f Lht.· Uru~ Information Ct·ntt-r a l UC'l.A S trvl'hn1n1· 1, <1 b1ll1·r t.1.,tt11g l'ht•m1c·al or httl<· valut• (•>.t('pl .... J pc.i1son rur Jn11n:1h. sut·h a' raL-. illlU gophPrS T h<· po ison 1s a po w<·dul mu ~d t· l'11n v u ls;111 t and t h 1· mu.,l'lt's of tht• ne·t·k and fate· bt•l'l)nl(' >.tiff Wi t hin I () to :w minull'S of in~c--.11011 Symp1o rn' IJfll/.(1'1''-' r<ipnlh thlClll.l(h niu-.t Ii • Tylenol strychnine 'toxic as cyanide' By The Associated P ress h o ltl t· ... u r E'tr J S 1r1·ng 1h Tyh•nol AuthoritH'' urgc•d :.torc·s und res1d<.•nts w1lh1n 25 mll1·l> of A f1 ·<l c·r;ol F ooJ and Dr u~ Orov1Jll., Calif. to turn in thc•ir Adm11rn .. tr a t1011 lahornt11ry an S:1n Extra -Stn•ngth T yl<•nol afll'r Fram·1.,co t·onf1rnwd T u1•sd;cv bottle' loadt•d with s lrychnim·-1ha1 1hrt't· bottl<·<; Crum th<' LunJ.i:. t.ain tc>d t·apo;;ules wcr<' found in a Drug Stun · l'nntmm-d st rvc·hn11 1l' drug store and a bull'h<.•r ~1d h<· lx.oeamt• ill from the poison "The· probahil1u~ would tc·nd to !kty that th1' (in Orov11lt>) wa:. Polt c·t• ulso said Tuc•sday thl'y a IOl·al cr1m1•," said Oro\'illt- • California now ID U\1 1 l t. h I n~ J II t.J d If I I ( 'J l I y s w ,c I I " w 1 n g 1 n 1 11 l' y 1· I 1 l' 11111\'til,llH" 'II Vt11f c Ill lh,1l \'II 1111"' "l>,11 k -. J I 1• 'Ollll'llllll'!> at tl1.Jll\ .1n h<-d and lht·11 wl10IP body 1~ !>Uppur tC'd by their f<'<'l <1:1d lw.1d ." N1eka~ ~11d Tut'Sday. T lw t'•lll vu ls1vn:. arC' usu a II v rh v1hm1l· "If thPv surv1vt' um:, th;·y g11 into a p<•r10d 11f n·m1-;-;11111 ;md .tit 1lw1r mu'>l le'l> n •l<tx. thl'll .m11tlw1 lllnvu fj,mn hl•g1n~" 1>1·.11h , u :-.ual l v f n 1m a n 111.chil11v 111 brc·dtht; bc·<'UUSl' nf n m vu bi 11g lungs and d tu ph ragnr, lllll1•'" \.1.tthan 11111• tu thl'l't' hour' J\ dcu lor·-. c J ll' " ,.,,c·nti;ol ·' llllll'd 1.1tt•ly N I l k a ., ' i.I I d I o~ l p l l 0 11\tlllgrana~ of str)'l'hn111<', whll'h 1-; usu;ill ;. ~old a s a powdc•r, 1s c•1111'1dr·1 t·d f<1 la l but "<i dose· ai. "''nJll •• , Iii milhgr.im' ha~ ktllc'tl ;in ,.t111 l1 an ci 30 mlil1gnun!> " 11 f1 · I h11•a 11·n1n1< A n a 'p1ri11 t,1hli•1 1., 3:!0 m1lhgrwn . .," Hl'gul;it1•d by ft'd<•ral law 1111 11111n · 1ha11 10 vc·a rs, Nk kas said. uvt·r 1 h t•·l oi.1n tc·r sn I P~ an· h,111m·d ,ind "it's fairly hard to g 1•1 I (or m os l pt• op I l') Bu t d11·rn1l'a l :.upply ho u ses w1 II :-uppl y 1t to people who ar e ll«t•mwd to buy thosC' kinds of ll11n~b It,':. pr:olXJbly not too hard __ t11 ~t't 1f vuu work Ill a n area th at ll.,, ., 11 ' 'J )11 lt·'t' I Ul .. ,day contrad1C'tt'd 1 n 1 ti a I r c p o r t s· r r o m Sa n Be 1 n a rd111 0 Cou n ty M edical Cl'ntc-r, whC'rc• Caroll Sam. 28, wc·nl M1111d.iv for tn:a tme•nt o ( a li llrn1 ng \t·n·,at111n in ht·r <.•yes .1ftc·1 uo;;1ng \'1"lll' A C <.·ye• drops, ciffll'l,J b ;11 th<• lOUfll \ ll'lffi(' la b '-'I" . IJ1 D11ug(,.., (;r uzd h od to ld 11•p c1 11l·r-, Tul' ... day th u t the 'ol\11lon V. oll\ l'Xl'l"'-"Vl'ly at'IQJl' A111 hCHl\ L11n#(lw tt1, d1n '<'t11r of t h1 S.111 f3 t•r n ord1no County 'hc·r 1fr'' 1 111n1• lab. sa1cl the \'1b1111' A l' which Ms Sam used h 11d ~1n 1w 1d llv "wh1d1 ii. well \\.l t hlll lh1· norm .ii rang(• .. ( ;ru7<1 h~<l -.;11d a "roU!o(h h>st" l>v ho--1111..11 lt'l hlllt.'IJns rl'vcaled a · tJ.1ng<'rnu' :.H'IU solutwn mueh mor1· :tl'ld lhan Wl' would 1·x pt·1·1" 111 1 h l' drops t.1k(·ll by Sum T hl· :.1.ctl·rnt·nt was "11\l'•lfr<'<'t." Lun.l(hrtt1 ... 11cl Ml•an"' hill•. thl' last of the 'l'\'l'll 11111101-. victims were• buried T u l's d a y 1 n C h 1 C' a g o a n d Nebraska D E'fRO IT -Fiv e b ig locals rebuCCed a ten ta tive contra{'l be tween C hrysler Cor p. and the United Auto W o r ke rs amid m o u n ting evid em·e lhe ran k -a nd-Cite w an ts a better dea l from company c·h a 1r m an L ee lacocca Th(• pr o p osed contr a<.·t , agrc'Cd to by Chrysler a nd the UAW leadership on Sept 16. was reject ed Tuesd ay by UAW Local 7 and Local 212 in Dt>tro1t. Local 869 m Warren. Mi c h', L o c a l 1 22 i n T winsburg, Ohio, a nd Local 1268 in Belvidere, m susp<'C'll'd the· Orov1llt' 1n<:1dent Pnl1t·e Sgt J al·k Lt>t• may Ix• 1e "l·opycat" c·r1ml• tCJ the'.----...:_---------------------------------------- Bu t o n c• u n 1 o n o ff 1<: 1 a I argued It would be pointless (or worke rs to return to the Starch blockers a 'drug' C HI CAG O -Sev e n companies that manufacture or distribute "starch block«.>rs" must ge t federal approval 1( they w a n t to m a rkt•t th<' product again. a federal Judge has ruled. U S . D1 s t r 1c t Jud g e Nicholas J . Bua has ruled starch blockers to be a d rug, not a food . and ordered the companies to stop marketing the m and destroy exis t ing supplic.-s. cyanidt•-lact>d T ylenol c·a p!>ul~ that have killed S<·Vl'n J>l'OplC' in the Ch1c·ago area. l'Vl'n though thC' man who bought t ht· drug hc•rc said the purchaSt• t·om<' two w<.•c>ks lx•fo re thOSt· dc·ath!> G reg Blagg. a 27 -yc•or-old bull'hcr in thl!> c ity Qf J0,000 abo ul 150 mile:. north o f San Francisc:o, told reporters Tuesday night thut hl' purc·ha.s«l a bottll· of Extru-Strcngth Tylc·nol at a Lungs Drug S tore t w o weeks before taking a c·apsu le T h ursday t hat t urnc•d ou t t o c·on ta 1n strychnllll'. T h a t sam C' d ay, o CCic·n1ls "' 1 llino is a nno unc:ed th t• firs t d«.>at h s f rom cynn iqe -d osed We're Listening ••• What do you like about the Daily Pilot ? What don't you llke " CalJ the number at left and your message w ill be rerorded, tranacribed and deUvered to the appropriate editor. T he sa me 24·hour answering service may be used to record let te rs to the editor on any topic Mailbox contributors must Include their name and telephone number for verification No rirc ulat1011 ca lls , plea se. 642·6086 TeU us what·s on your mind ORANGE COAST Cl .. tlfled •dvertltln9 11 ~2·M1e ~ Afl othet d9p•"m•ntt 142-4321 Daily Pilat ....... .-MAIN OfflCE ~ rlldey " you dO atW .. l ... M ,COR•IMM.CA M911 ~ toa IMG, C•t• i.w ... CA ftUt "01 "••• '°".,:.C,,•rH• .. , 1"3011111 eel ''f"' Thomae '· Haley c .. ,(...,. ,., 0r...-""'" "'*'"'.,.. '-' •1tO yov• copy w•I II• ... -.-....11111atr.i1 ........ ., .. 1.., •• ., .. .....,.., Put~1'1\4w ond Chltf (rt(vtl-i• Otlietr .. .,11 .. -· ,., .... "''' .. ··-..... ...,. I MwcO.y INI ~y II Raymonct Mad.an 'IMC .. l~-tf<-•telll-,.r. '°" d9 "Of '"' ..... '°"' Jan• Amcwl m or 1 • I!\ Gel Clelo'• -.CR1 (la• ............. ti CC.I• -Wl ( ........... l!l il"Cl 'fO'llc:iOO)' .. h.cvt••• (d<!Ot Com•oh< IU l~,s..tcri ...... tY<.,r .. •i:l,1t _.y ....... .., nm•U tt """'"'' c. ........ l . Koy Schult1 M6chMI '. Hotvey , .. °' ..... c.... Oelll "'"'· •1111 -" " ,_ ltlllH .................. '"*'-...... °'.,.... ,., ·--V~• ,,,,IClec>t °"~'°' ol Mot~•llflO (M il "'*'"""' (-y .... , .. , _...,. trt ... ond 011Kt0t ol Adv~1•••no IC1t~IOlll e~'''*',.. c-.... z:r c:-iv ...,...,, e.ttl~ lffcll, "'-""' Ytney1 .~ , CMtl.AIMtll ~ ....._ ·K9nn.th N. o ..... ., .. Jf. .............. .....,...,, ... ,_...... "" ~ ... , .. ~""= :=r.::c .................... 0.telOt of ()pcwCM!C!'" .... _,_ .c...-. ..... UiOWM ~ . VOL. 71, NO. 271 I ~ ( I I Gem Talk By J r llUMPHR/Jo:S <'n 11{1r d r.,.m <1lt>Jllt1/, A C.S PEARLS 11n· lli1111••r. ,,,.,,,.,. Thl' latPs l fas hmns m pt>arl Jl'Wt•lry sh ow th<1t Amer1('00 woown on• tr,l<J1ng up to bigger. l:x:ttt·r ond mun • valunbh• 1t£•ms The• das.<11c look 1s in Diamonds and a varit•t y or beautiful l'olort•d stonl·s ore· bc.·ing worn as l'lnspb and pe ndants on pc•url l' h o k c r 8 11 n d n e l' k I a l' <' s Mu lu -~11 nndC'd twists or pearls o r l ' p o p u I u r W o m c> n w h o olr1•11dy own Mingle -strand pt•arl nl•cklaces ochit'v•· th<' nc w t•r look by h11 vln.c the ir Jewc•l('r mnl<'h serond or third Rtronds Tht· addition of a diamond nr t•olnr«d 1Jton1• l'l'n le rpi<'<'t• t.O the nrc kl nce o ls o och levcs n hlgh·foshlon dCect. T he mvvc towl)rd more color also lncludc11 on ln<Tc61lt'<i d cmond for tlntl'd pl'llrhl. ROS(', J".•Och and aroy ar l rnong th«.> most populor hu"8 In ltwotcr ond frc• hwat('f p<'Orls Nt1turol bl1ck nnd golden ah adt't tfJ J.> t he premiu m pt-orl lln" Combining str1md11 of d ifferen t co1o r 1 Is I n v o g u e . A l ao• newly -popular ar pt-aria of unull\U1l site or 11hape. such ta n.l "Cleopatrll'' and rlCC'· h1,if)('d pearls. ()""'°L" .~·- .,,""" ,, .. IQ' Vf.., ... '300 EACH MEMBER AMEAIC~ N Q(M SOCIET't' 1809 NEWPOAl BLVD . COSTA MESA SINCE 1949 PHONE 549·3401 . . . .. I ......__,,,_. ~·~ .. ---·~ ...... ,. - • , h&nk--s -11:1g,__i---'--'~ for mutuals fight WASlllNGTON (AP) -Banks and aavlnp ar\d loun u~·1ndatlonij 'art' gearing up to use a new high· paylnte :u-count to do battlf' with tht• money market mutual funds over MVt!t'!I' dolhar.1. The new au:ountj to be created U(lder 1efi1swtlon pu~t<<.f lt11JI wt•t•k by Congreu and expt.-cted t-0 be slgnt-'<.I by Presid ent fw.agon, will give banks -"d S&Lll u chanCl' to lur1.1 back some of the f22~ billion c~pturud by money morkct mutual funds. industry offlclala uy. The o(ficlu~ are t'Ountlng on federal insurance backing for the &<.'Count to givt" them the t-dgc in uLlracting saV(INI worried about the sufoty Qf tht•ir ruom·y Money morkct funds nre not tnsurt!d. Blue Cross tests due Slut· Cross of CaHfomia hrui been nanwd by tht· f1•d1·rul guv1.1rnmcnt's Health Carc.-Financing Admln1slratum to l'OnducL a five-year demonstration project to test a lternative approaches to administering thl' Mt>dk·are program. The pilot program to be carried out in the Santa Rarbura County area i~ dt:t>igned to determine whether M1.1<l1car1.1 t·ost increases t·an be moderated without sacr1f1t·111g quality of t:are by using innovative delivery oncl ijnand ng m<..'<.'hantsms. · Onl.' o f tht! 21 HCFA Medicare awards made thruughout the country, this is lht• fir8t such test of alt<'rnatlvc 1oethods design e d to d e live r t•ompn1hcn1>1vc health care ~o the senior popub1tion. Auto sales 'dismal' DETROIT (AP) -Domestic automakers wrapped up a dismal 1982 model year wlth sales at their lowest level m 2 I years, and analysts blamed it on the e<.·onomy · not the c<irs. The fivt• major U.S. car companies said Tuesday they sold 5,54.3,006 cars from last October to the end of Septt•mber, the lraditionaJ model year The sales werE.- off 1 5.~ pcn:ent from last year's already-depressed lt'wl of 6.590.017. Fox president leaving HOLLYWOOD (AP) -Twentieth Century-Fox Film Corp. 11ays its president is leaving at.a time when t ht• district attorney's office is looking into whether funds havt' been misappropriated at the studio. C. J oseph LaBonte. is leaving Fox "for personal reasons." said Faryl Reingold, assistant to f'ox Vice President of Corporate Communications Jerry Greenberg. The Fox probe involves "thousands of dollars - maybe as much as a million," said district attorney's spokesman Al Albergate, but he said prosecutors have not y e t decided whether to open a full-scale investigation. ii ,,, 1) I• •11 •I h r; • I• 1,..,. ' j . ,11 I 't"t . . ... t I .. ;· I I '• '• ., .. .: ,. :•.'I ..... .• f ~.•I l1 •'# '·' '·: : •t t.. *. 9;t ·" .. Finance rates slashed fn W at It terms a dramatic move to spur true~----) l - sales, Nissan U.S.A. announced Tuesday that it will slash financing on all new pickups to a 9.9 annuaJ percentage rate beaJnning Oct. 11. The low-lnlerest financing will be available through all Datsun dealers nationwide with Nissan paying the difference between the 9.9 rate and prevailing interest charges, currently around 17 percent in most areas of the country. C.P . (Chuck) King, senior vke presidenVsales for Nissan, said high 1nterest rates are one of the biggest obstacles facing the auto industry. with financing charges often ac.'COuntlng for as much as 40 pel"(oent of the vehicle sticker price. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT NEW VO~I<. 1APl !>•I•~. l pm ptlo ano ,., t-.oe ol 11w UllM<> mo>t ... uve New .,.,.., SloO E•t,..n99 ,,wn. ~~°.:Jn ~••on.·•~ •:.=ro&1"-".J~. 1 Gll>tltFlll 1,:IOt.600 •'-• '• GTE (4rp 1,n1,eoo M l'• lh WOOIWOtlfl 1,114,IOO h •II• Clll<orp 1.ct'l.100 10 • ~ C•roPwU 1.0,000 ,...... • ..,_ T •tidy ,,0,.00 Uh • ~ Eol l(O!M• 1111,100 Al''" • 1-... F..,N•I MIO .. 1,600 H + ~, Rtl"nPv• .. t,000 15"-• -.. IBM Ml,IOO /\-.., +l'o c111 .. Svc• •11,IOO O~, .... A-t T•T le5,.00 JI M"'•"-'•1 le5,200 ""-+ •• AMERICAN LEADERS METALS •J .... ti;·~·' "))1,, ,.,,,, ' tt•.'. .J .. ·•.·: ... I•' .... ; w""''°"' ~s~.'oo ,,..,, • '"" NEW YORK (AP) -Soot nonlettou• I ... UPS AND DOWNS rne1e1 prtces todey J .(· •• Copper 87'Vi·72 <*'It• a poun<I, U 5 ,p, •1• NEW YORK tAPl Tlw IOllowtne 11)1 .now' 11't N-Yor~ Stock E•<-. ''°'h .., ........ ,, ..... ...... -liP It. ..-1 --n It. mo.I beMCI on ro:<~~~ rt9o1rOllU Of Viii- NO -"'lllfl H*'1"9 l>elOW '7 ar<t ln<I> vo.o Nel Ind ll9•C•n•-o (11•"91'• ....... Olfte•MC• bit-.... P~••IOV> <to.Ano p<lcle .nd TVMCllY I l>'-un N t "' ... '". .. ( . 1/<t • 1 UP 171 •~ • '• Up 11 l l4'• • l '• UP t)) IV. \. P & h •'-• .. UP I I u i.. • •• uo • • 194. • lv1 Up I 1 IS , I"• UP e t 71•• I~ UP 1.1 71> • "' UP 7.S )'• .. UP /.J 11 " up l,J '4"-• 1"-UP 1.1 2S , I" UP 7.0 IJ~• + 1\o Up .. , 1 .... UP • 7 :IO"• ,.... Up 6' ~\IJ lh UP •.• ~\lo • ; ~= t: 1w .... Vo 6.J OOWHI l "I Ch0 0 P(\ •"' ' Qll u . 18~ 1\.>o Oft '" ,~ ,, Oii .. s di.. 1i. °'' •o ,... .... Oii u .... \loo 011 5 4 JO"'-I~ Oii ).4 S.~a II\ 011 S t I "'Off U •"' "' Ott SI ,, ,.... Ott •.• '"' '"' Ott •• 1''• .. ()ti • ' ,~. Off ... "'" ,.., on • : ill• I I Oii 4. "· ~~::: J~. .... °'' ~·' »~ 1•. Off .) to1 • J ofl •·J JI\> I \. Oii 4, tO • Oii H GOLD COINS Due to late tran1ml11lon today· a Ila ting wlll not appear In the Dally Piiot. O.tlnatlon• t• . .• &.Md 24·29 cient•. ~n<I Zlno 41~2 e«tll a pound. Oellvered 11 I (I Tifl M .2 192 Metal1 WMll ce>mPQ-'ltt.. It>. As-"'-76-77 oentl a pound, N.Y. llhtewy '380.00 e>« nU1t. "etlnvm $28!> 00-$290 00 lfOy OU0041 NY SILVER Handy arid Harman. U 05 per troy ounc:e GOLD QUOTATIONS t ·~. ' Orange Coaat DAIL V PILOT /Wedne1d1y, October 8, 1082 HB OT S EXPERT ' ~ E RET IFrom P11., 08> roumy Comh1t11• ull IJul I 0 u f pun.' nu kt• i ~ llt(H whltC'll nnd 1111 )( Vl•l'y mlrlUl•"'· tfrnruughly ft'11ld lhtw SubclLlutc• u l puu11d 1111xtun• Into thl' "RM DIXIELAND JAZZ t 1rnWM ro11u1~ ........... ....--. ... h1t ~·~ ltffilt""1~H'-llll---~"'""~'"°"~~U)...¥.J~'----...- for milk tntu u buttl'l'l'<I L'W1stm1h· STUFFED MEAT LOAF' Bl1k<' 30 mtnult'll·or u11lll MI x u 111 cut I 0 u I u toolhpll'k or t11hl1• k111f11 c.'Omplctcly, put ll out un 1n1w rlt>CI 111 •lw l'l'11ll'r 0 plt><.'t.' of wux<Xl papt·i· 10 l'Ornl·s oul dl•nn. /\ dub or the thickness or an Inch w h 1 P P t• cl t• r l' " rn Dancing & Entertainment For The Wh<?I• Family S 1 kl · h d ~urn1i.hed with u thl11, pr n c Wit g rate thm ('Uri of lc•mon rmd Parmesan ch1.. .... "'SC Spread dralnt'<.1, freshly t'OOkt:d on euc h sL•rvl nK wil t or le ftover c h oppr·d tc•mpt you to <•ot 1t ult vcget.ables on top ... or bt•lort• tlilllll'I'! use stuffing mix (follow Ttw foUowmg rt't.'lpt•s ' ~ ·~~ dlrecuons on puc·kagc) a 1 l' from "H S V P A fEA Tiltl5 10 IITTIMTIOM. ICSTUNITT Press 11 into thl' mt·at Comµlt•ll' Cook book und just 8 bi 1. Us ing the Enll•rt:untng Uuidt•" und waxed paper as support. wt•n• umong th<· d1:.l)t's roll it into a log . Lift into sl'rvc..·tl ut the ktt·k uff panwith seam sidedown p a rty taun1..·h111~ th<• 4111 BIRCH 955-2484 NEWPORT BEACH Corn« of Von Karman and remove the paper. Jun 1 or L e u g u <' o f Close the ends and bake (See EASY, 0 8) ' for 50 minutes a t :J50 .------------'~-------------------! d egrees. A gtazc o f cats up, mus tard a n d brown sugar spread on top the last 20 min utc.-s of baking is a tasty touc·h · GRANDMA JOHNSON'S BRUNA -DONOR Swedish Brown Beans (shortened form) l large·can bake d beans 3 tabl c>s poori s butte r 1 large onion Y:i l:Up brown sugar. packed 2 tabl e spo o n s rntsup 1 1n c:h S l l t.'k cinnamon or 1 B tl'uspoon cinnamon Saute onion in butter i.a ntil cl ear and add brown sugar and catsup. Combine with beans and cinnamon a nd mix weU. Bake in bean pot for two ho urs a t 300 de gree s . Remove cinnamon stick. Good with leftover diced ham. AZY LEMON' P I E CAKE 3 e~s. separal<.'d ' . A variety of trays available. Call your local Honey Baked Ham for information. It not only shows good taste, it ·tastes good" HONEY BINEIJ M CATER YOUR AFFAIR • WITH A QUALITY HAM 1 112 tablespoons butter 3 tablespoons flour ~cup sugar GIF T CERTIFIC ATES REDEEMABLE ANYTlrvt: l cup milk 2 teaspoons grated lemon peel 4 tablespoons lemon )uice 14 teaspoon salt ..... ._..,_ .... Beat egg whites untiJ 3tiff and set aside. Mix iOlt butter, sugar an ()our until crumbly. Beat egg yolks until very l'llO IN LI' .. ,.lli. IA(fWOOO WUI COVINI' "IOl>l .. MOLTYwOOO wUfLMt ~ 'll'fl'O("'A 51JO'lr~" wooovi.o ... 1s "'°°'HllC>Gr v ... ..oy ,.,...VVAU 'Al0 "4•0 .•.NIH MIOOlGO ON( T1'1lllS•llll IAIUSI COOY•'O"••IOth•onev..,..o._, inc Autunui \bu can taste the natural .. leJ,,,~~ ....... H ere's 20C to discover the natural goodness of Autumn Margarine. Good taste . Good ingredients. There's nothing artificial added. No artificial flavors. colors or preservatives. In stick or soft. it's the kind of flavor your family can enjoy. // • • r:----.~ ------~ 2~,nFf ~I I I I I~ -1 ~ I Autumrf ~Margarlne I onelther stl~~.~r.~~ .... ,., I •Ai,ounut '' M l\lftl '*'"' .. " .. -dt"4111,.. et11M161~ col6t; OI .,.. __ • , ,., , r .. ,, .,"' , Iii "" ,... I I I I I I "''"""' ,, . . ~... ... l " I l'!lf ' I a '•lr'~ '"' ' i~IU I ll1l s 27 504 l , ...... l-• ..,.... .. '"'•• .... ""'.. I All.-....,..,...,...,_...._'-'o.. I ·~ __ ,_,..-~ ~~--------·----------~ Now Foster Farms delivers fresh turkey parts to your grocer. .. so you can always buy just the pieces you want in convenient f amlly·slzed portions. Treat your family to the holiday taste of turkey breast. drumsticks, wings or thighs instead of served·to<X>ft.en meats. • .>-.. Look for a wide selection ol Foster Farms Fresh Turkey parts in your grocer's fresh poultry sectJon every day. It's the fresh Idea that fits your family's tastes ... and your budget! FllESll TURKIY PARTS FROM ~--------... I wn•-•aDYWAn\ I (60 Minute Enbff for Four) 4-m--------. I I Foster Farms pkg. Young Turkey-2 tsp. grated orange peel 11 I ~ Breast or Breast Portk>n J tsp. crushed tarragon I cup orange juice Garlic salt. pepper I I ~ cup lemon juice and paprika to taste I I P\ace turkey breast lkJn lkSe up in a shallow roest.lng pen. I I Bike at 450 dvees 20· JO minutes, Wlbl lldrl is crisp. I Combene c:tcna juicft, orange petf n.i ~; pour over turkey. I Sprinkle wtth Nit. pepper and paprika. Bike It 3 degrees, besting I I occesk>nal~ undl meat thermometer reads 175 degrees. Spoon tauce \ OWf turkey end serve. . I 4119 _______________ ,_ ( . (, . ,, ' ,. "' FOSrER FARMS I Orano• Coa1t D~IL v PILOT /Wean11a1v. Ootobtr 6, IG82 HB ~!~,'.~!1!ov~~1 IOI' a 30'day ad In the NIU PILIT lllYIOI llHOTIH 00 11 NOWI , .. ,., .... ,. Yovr Deity Piiot Sefvjce DlrKIOI) ~r•Hnlatlve u2.H11, .... au ~!!!.8:!!!~ ••••••..... BOOKKEEPING SERV Loc11 women wlll do bkkpg 19r your butlneN or personel 541-8272 ~!!!~~!~!.f!i!!".f!. .. Applied, r•applled, guat , tn1ured. llc'd 414691 730-1900 free esllmates Aa1w1i•• '•mt• .........•. : ••.••..... ~ OFF FIRST MONTH Oepen<lab... affordable, euentlal Anawertng aervtce, 11cretarlll & bualneas Hrvtcea, mall boK rental, word proce•· , sing. Telu-Facalmlle, order en1ry. pager1-1eaM buy, desk apace rental. ANSWER NETWORK 631-9131 (ask for.A.V ) ~,~~ .. {'.'!! •••••••••••• Art·Antlques-Jewelry Appraise & Ltquldlle Mlcheel Hein 953-0717 ~!!.~~!~ ••••• , •••••••• Orlveweya. Parking Loi Repairs, Seelcoallng S&S Asphll 831·4199Ltc Oen Hallberg -Grading & Paving Co Rn/comt Uc 397804 842· 1720 Ha\19 somelhlng yoo want to NII? Claulfled ada oo II well I Call NOW, 642-5878. ~ .. !.!{'.'!!I. ·~ .... ' f!.'.'!!.'lf!f,,4!'!!!1! .. lov11Qhomt,1QMU up.t • J llftul I ... FIT 140/Wk, + bel f all L'1c' 300NI. Remodel, ~I'll. CM 868·382~ Adcfnt. Cablnelt Like to ltbyllt 1our 848·811881648·46'4 Home l'ull time or part AOD'NS/RllMOD!LING ~ N1 Smtih Elamtr y Ptena·uo·d Qtofr. 980-0780 Pllmer & Son• 84&. 114 l••l•fll 6-tritll . MHonry. carpentry, con ••1•1•1••1111••••1••1•H• ••••1•1•1••• 01et1, add'nt, lnt/eMI ,,. mod Llo'd 848·0781 1 10/monlhly 161.j:J42 STAN6UR INDUSTRIES C•tN•ln Gen·1 conlr Property 00•~••• •1••••• • ••••••• l"1prov 11g7 • 1811 (8·15) Flnlth & rough carpentry. c•blneta, rm addition• I DB CONSTRUCTION 848-7228 AddlllOoa • Aemodela Remod & Repalra Free Mt Lo ratM Oeck1. P•· llo S1tve 7152-9558 Home/commercl•I Int repllra # 399032 Jim 548·6103, Don 5151·2887 - -0«11111•• C11r..1 l1,.lt1 ••••••••• , •••••••••••• ••• •••••••••••••••••• RESIDENTIAl·INT OE· No Steam/No Shampoo SIGNER Fu'n arrang_. S11111 Specl1llat FHI men1, color schemu. dry FrH ffl 839-1582 956·2066 or 762.0322 Sh1mpoo & sleem c1ean 0. ••I 't Color brtghtener1. wh1 1 ••• "! ••• !•••••••••••••• crpta . 10 min bleach •KATRINA'S LIVE·IN Hell. llv/dln rma $15, &vg hskprs, dally meld IMtfV, room $7 60, couch $t0,, office cteantng. crpt ch• 15 Gu1r ellm pet cleaning 835·2116 000< Crpl repalr 15 yrs --------• up Do worll myself HSKPRS & MAIDS Reis 53t-0101 LIVE-IN HRLY/Wl<LY - -- -Viejo Services Agency EXCEL CARPET CARE Uc'dlbonded 973.9000 P.!!!~~'.'.'.. ••..•.•.... ~!!!.".!•.t ••••..••••.. 1 !~~!~·.( ............. . !L!CllUCIAN O"a•lf•ll 119, '1.•illSi~I~. PTIOr ~IC~ Sml job11Aept111 LIC yard maintenance, olean llaul1ng yrd CIHH up 233108 c 10 &48·6203 up1, ''""'"'a 1et110v11 Outck & e ... 11 r'" •• LJc'O ELECTRICIAN F'" tttlm•tff. tneured 073 0&48 Nl!l!08 WORl<t &O <llH HAULING lludent hH Lie 418HI 8"2·1023 Ekper Oardtner & olHn IQ• ttuck LowHI ra1a AE81DICOMM'LllND up• TrH lrlmmlng '1rM Prompt Call 780· 1078 20 yrs Oo my own work. ttt. Pt•• 841· 1090 ft11111\ you. John Lie. 27804 1 A.I 848-8128 8fHt1/ ,.trlHI Cl.EAN·UP&. 0AAAGl!8. ----•• •• •••• ••••• h• •••• • • ANYTttlNQI CAI.I EIK Service & Cont lruc· MERCURY M!.&SENGER RANDY 8<11 7847 lloll lo '"" l'rH ..... S!RVICE m••··· LIO. 333217 Serving lh• Newport HAullf1g & yo CIUIHIP 667·1738 847-4714 Artl Trtt. trimming, ga11ge W• Oollver Any1111ng" Gleon up Oob 860·9644 [!~.tJ~J............... Any Whtrt" 631·0n1 I Family 01 8 wlll haul 11w11v WOOD FENCES/OATES H••' ••• y01.Jr old junk. trlmmltlg•. lnatalled & Repaired •••••,••••• •••••••• • •• i fllC FHI. ttllclonl work Fr" 1111 Gary 499· 1724 Carpentry'-C101ne1e 667-3939 Oii '' I Plumb Oreln. Cleaning I HlllltllHIH .. ! ..• "..•A............ Etectrlcat Tit• •••••••••••••.-•••••••• TIEii Rel• Don 966.0149 ROBIN'S CLEANING lopped/removed Clean Gen con111c1'g m11n1 SefY'tce • • thorouglfly up, 111wn renov 751·3478 plumb repelr, 'petnrg: ~een hOUM 540_.0857 mobile llome MrVlOe Joan's Cteanlng Serv1e;e TH Hiii IOHI Jim 538-99671538-3684 House1·APll·Ren1a1s L•wn·lr-thrub lnatan JACK OF ALL TRADES Offices 540-1287 TrM trim/removal ---Lawn Malnl/Rotolllllng Call Jeck anyllme, TIRED OF HASSLES? Free utlmale 548-8085 day or night 675·30 14 Quality cteanlng lltlP II Simmon• Gardening MOMl IMPlllYIMHT herel Refs 980·7462 Cln·up1, lawn care, full REPAIR·. PLUMBING HOUSECLEANER comm & rffld malnt Carpentry, etec, Ille FrM Good refs NB & lrvln• FrM est &46-8884 est Reaa. 645·2811 prel Gladys 541·0702 --.,----- Jack 8ufflng10n Owner/oe>era1or Carpet. uphot. aree rug cleaning Work guar Freeo'k Refs L1ndscap1no-Malnlenan· 28 YRS EXP DUNHAM HOUSECLEANING -D-tl_v_i-.-.-,-,-,..-i-t-,---ce, Lawn & garden care. WOME IMPROVEMENT Honest & Dependable ••••••'••••••••••••••• clean up. Ken Jonea, Remodel-repalra-fenclng Brenda 982·2690 AT flll-llllVIOI 536-1610 rel'• elactrical·plumblng Personal. qu1llfled drl· IAHHlll WAITH 631·6630 eny1lme vera tor your day lo day EXPERT HANDYMAN errands. Shopping, dr Mowing, edging, raking, Cerpenlry • Roofing C1t1tl•• appls, church, etc All sweeping . Fr•• eatl· Plumbing, etc. 6A2·6013 •••••••"••• •• ••••. •••• ma tea 645-5737.' CHAMPENOISE ~:;d:9~~6~Y hour or FINESlKINO ___ H1t'w--' F/Hll Free HI 49•· 1429 f,tCperllse Houaekeeplng We lurnltn vacuum & 1upplles Kiiiy 841-4970 Custom Home Cleaning & Compt, Maid SelYlce Prof -Bonded • 1n1·0 UNICLEAN SYSTEMS ~ .. ~!!!!1!l!t .••..••.•. M1041&.~LOupj& .Ull hOUMtlll, rttl 843 0689 fl!'.~4!l.f!f!!!! •••••• WA.SH. ORY & FOLD f>tckup/Oellvery avall Cindy 983·7a31 all 8 Tired of doing laundry? I llulf & lold. hand w11h, hand Iron Met1oulou1. E11p Renwe 842-9787 ,,,,,.,l ....... .•.••••.....•. , BRICKWORK Small !Obi N•wpOrl. Coat• MtHI. lrvlna Rell 876·317& Cu1t0t11 BrlCk·Slone Blocll-Concrete·SIUCCO Refs FrH 911 6<19•9402 CUSTOM QUALITY ~ny dealgn·•ny m1ter1a1 Q,I C 390032 Don 551-2867 ~~!!~f ...••.•.....•.. •A·1 MIYlll• Top qua111v. Spec.111 cat• In hen<Jhng 26 yrs ••P Comc>elltlYI RllH No overtime 7~Q; 1363 ABC M OVING· Oulek, Careful Service lOw r&IH 552·0410 ST ARV I NO COLLEGE STUDENTS MOVING CO Lie T 124-436 tl!~J!~I ••...•••..•••. !!~!'!~!~I ............ . .. ..,...._p H&~ ~,... Ml,41 Pl.llUlillNQ & 1m1ll, m)' price• are lle111no 1pe1.11111tr1g 111 '""Ill Ac>n 873·8471 repllra Cid 111118 -I INl /EXT PAINTING & WALLPAP RINQ Cut•om work FrM 111 Aen Steve 647-A21 I HARBOR PAINTING Ou1111v work ~r .. ell. C111111 6pm. 073·61641 OHTIM P&llTlll 2& vra exp Lie. 40394 1 6ondoo tna Reis Color export 963·0911 Dick tlOLIOAY PAINT TIME! 23 yr1 Also odd Job• & rupetra Bruce 972·0118 ---f'AINTER NEEDS WORKI 30 VII 1,tCp, lnl/ ea I ACOUlllC Ce!llnga LIC 366780 FrM ell Oav1,_p1tnllng 847·5186 II ILL Hl·llH W1tor Huter Spec.lall 24 hr plumber "" ~!!!~!!t!~t •.•....•••. J O ttorn Ro11n11nlng Anllquos. kit cabl11et1. 11110 r•atnuno fl.45 011&4 ~!!'!~!!!~11.~!I!!! ... METl,ULOUS MORT'S ..-HOfllf ll(l'AIHS R! ll'OOll ~ ..-111 II '\I NVICI • Catl)fntr, • plumb1nf etltttr1u l hn11ntd '""""'' ec)ool) •mold1n11 ., dlMtU •111ttw1nc ''"''h to ~•r1~t doot 11111nu 811 or 1m•ll "' I IMII•• 4o •I 111 f ul tllrc1,nl \flft<t •• ,. ..... .,.,............. 70 ,.. ··p Farthing lnteflor Oellgn • ' HANGING/STRIPPING l~cn~ #8l\7b~I VtH·MC Scotf 64S.9325 951·6067 A.SR PAPERHANGiNG 1--------7 yre local exp Guar , work Prices alert 11 I Hli• $8/roll. Alec. 751·7027... ••••··'··••••••••••••• Paperhanging, llrlpplng. Huber Roof1ng·all type• painting xlnt work 1g or Nsw-tecover ·deck• small Joba. raaa~nabte UG u t 1802 S48 9734 rates • Reta. Free ell ROOFING REPAIRS Brendan 968-7427 Small jobs o k lree ettt· Insured 841·8427 Jolly Cricketers Prol metes Cati Tom & Chuck 542-6392 WATCH us GROWi Wallpaperlno & •tripping. -Many references Paul "•"' ,,,,,.. 667·0118 ...................... ---- P1111/0r111 THohtr euallty ,.,., 11111•1 110/h' l'llcn 720· 1646 Suzanne 979-46'f6 HOF PllOILEMl Don't re-root repair at f1a c11on 0 1 coat 867-1890 ~~~d ~~~~~:~:n 1~41~~8°J~ -0-r-.,..-,-11-------• GA"'DENING Clean-ups, ••HAADWOOOFLOOAS • i•• am l11ndtcaplng. monll)ly eeautlfutly cleaned C••••l/.C .. tllll 00 0RYWALLiACOUSTIC 00 malnl N•ll 642-8795 and WIKed. 832-4881 of Nwpt Bch. 850·1200 I . I Quality work wHn a per· ·'!~!.~I•••••••••••••• '"" .. .....•........•..••... ,,,;, c ... ,,, ·c~~;~1.;;;~~;;".8i~;· Repairs. amt Job apec 11 K&O Landtcape Malnt. Wlllt·Cuat work Uc yrs eKP Bud 552·9582 Reaid/Comm Clean -up ~4!~!~~ •••........... aonal touch Bachelor FIH PAllTlll ...................... CUSTOM wood patio CO· ver1. Oacka & fences by RANDY 6• 1·0622 MOBILE SERVICE Rescreens/New screens NB/CM only 642·9552 •361057 Rob 547-2683 Wall textures-Acoustic Lite hauling 648~489 Cii1' C111 Hano· Tape-StMl lluds MAINT 'DESIGN DUMP JOBS I & Small Moving Joba Call MIKE 648-13111 Ok CM, Irv. HB Beth by RlchuO Sino' Lie 650-0933 280644 13 yra of happy lllllEWllll WUTEI local customers lnank yOl.J. 631-44 10 r!f1!!!-t~·~!~ .••.... ~r!!~~!~!! ............ 1 ...................... Chlldcue wkdya, Cjtd teacher Organized tell· vlllH c M &.4~657 Lie 389944 1-632·6549 Oberlln Landscape Serv E/,;;,;t-,-1------• Wrrtten •or_,,.,t on ••••••••••• ••••••••••• mo malnl 6'4· 1246 ELECTRICIAN-Priced GARDEN WORLD lnl_e_n_t_/P_r_•_·_s_c_h_o_o_l.-5-o-.' rrghl tree es11m11e on Full Service Gardening CoNt Plau area, days & large or small 10~ Zee Bernal 848-2922 HAULING·GAAOtNG oemollllon, clean-up. Concrete & tree removal QulCk Mrv. 642-7638 Tf'le IHl•ll draw 1r. 1ne QUALITY WORK • nell, reas , honest Reta lie 267107 Dave 964-1045 CUSTOM PAINTING tnllut Resldlcomm Free es1 Uc 644-4798 ED'S PLASTERING Meet pelcnes. lr>ll••t RellUCCOS 6'45·8258 SERVtCE & REPAIR Van Oppens Service Co 638-4666 PLASTER PATCHING More families e•e gett1no Flesiuccos. tnl/ext 30 the camping ouo· 1h11 yrs Neat P~I 545-2977 year II you heve 11 cam- Wknda Call 850-1711 LIC. 396621. 873-0359 Wan• Ada Call &42·5078 SELL Idle llemt with a WHt .a Delly Piiot Claaslfled Ads &42·54178 Dally Piiot Claulfled Ad. Clallllfled Ad. 6'2·5878. High quallly l\ouMWO<k E)(ptrlenced, dependa- ble. honest, tntelllgent, met1culous. neatble. I a.m lhe boll Phone 673-7012 afier 6 PM weekdays All day Satur· day and Sund~ Have aomelhlng to sell? SELL Idle Items w1111 a Ctaaslfled ad• do 11 well Dally Pilot Claaslfied'Ad per tnat's not gettrng used, aell II now w11n a CIUStfled AO tor your out1rown blk• DOLLAR DAY DOUGH SAVERS for· Merchandise under •1,000. Sell your no-longer needed Items for cash. If It doesn't sell. we'll run It another 3 days FREE. One Item INES I '"' ...•.........••••••••• llLl INSTALLED A.II l<h)dl Guu1nteed Rel• John 840·92 f 7 CUSTOM CERAMIC TILE WORK ·~'" Ml CllVCk 87!1·& 100 evea T1t1 S11r/t1 .......•••..•......... .. ,. .... THI ll•YIOI ·1 '" Work with a Con· 1c1ence" Trlmm~n & rtf1'1ovel t>y Howard ·• loll P 0 Box 34. ti• Meaa. C1 11282 . Ph 642 1932 I LOW RATES I Treff 1r1m1remov. c .. an ups. -mowing 564·7017 !.".~'.'!~/. ...•••••••••• Mo1t 1ub1ects, K· 14 Doy/eve S~ & S 10/hr Mr M0tg1111 645·5176 Compu11r Etact~ S<.lt;ne«f lutor. S 10/hr Rleh 720·16AS ~!~~~~.~! .. ~'!!!I ••••• l it 1ne Sunshine In" Call Sunshine Window Clean1n9 LIO 548·8853 '0•1. Monthly Discount 1n1/e.<1 Resld/comm'I Free ust 20% monthly (llSCOunl 644 .. 1796 CAAIG CLEANING CO Ae std /comm'I lnl/t)(I Screens mirrors Laddet w o ' k O wner op e r 646-3089 1 o place your mnaage before the reading public, Pflone Dally Pllo1 Ctu11ft1<1, 642-5678 Make your ehopplng 91. srer by using Ill• Dally Piiot Ctuslhed Ada OLLARS • per ad, must be priced. Sorry, no real estate or commercial ads. Call today for full details. (Noft ,...,...._...., 1btre llnee S1.00) 3 3DAYS CLASSIFIEDS642~5678 !!'.•!!'!! . .'.!~!!~!.!.~!~ ~~~~!'.'.'!!!!'.~• •• !.Y!'! l!!!.~.!.·.-.'~~ •••• !.~~ r!!!!!'.'.~• •••••••• !~!! !!".t!~!!! ••.•••.••• IJ.•.11 •• Vf!!'.1.~ •••• !.~'!! Prime Well Cout Hwy, llTllT'S llVITH Found: Pr. woman·a rff· LllN I YIOll'S /!~! •• 'f~!'.~~ •••• !.IJ.f UITllHll NB locallon. New. tlOO lo lhow & Mii vour art In ding gl11ae1. Back Bay PHOTO MODELS Young married man wlll S80·S80/ahl fl Well 1q ft avail. Can t>e dlYI· the WHtmlntier M all• erH 833-6641 ESC~TSIOANCERS do o-rei h81'f!b work. known drinking HI•· ___ dad. 12000/mo. Water· • fJne Ari Stiow.. Jbuca.. tot -OUTCA L 24 HM CalL•x.•8-LU..e.rull... -OJ+allm•AI IOOJLIDG lOr ron., om•• rnc. Sun ., Oat 14· 17 tOUWO. Bll~S'M.i .... -J 1172-9525. IHI paced lndtvldual. 631-1400 905.7509. bird. lrvtne Terrace, &• Cd M 8 4 4 9 5 3 9 · !~~~~~~~~~ Mature h .. llhy tidy Xlnt Call 835·4440 JOBS Otflce & garage $285/rno Wtl' , ... , SJOf\ 675 3882 • '1-cook, nurH, verullle TODAY, 2707 N Brlttol. Near Belboa Bay Club ••• •••••••••••••• •••••' • * * * ..,_, employ 81 comp• S A 1n1111 fee & Coeal Hwy 8"6-7&41 FOUND. Abandoned. dar· '" ti , rt nk>n, IOCll r•I•. 675-771M 111-.-/-.-u--.,-,----uno blk Lllb, IPPfO• 10 II I I er ""' c ... llfl.J ft\IU\ •os wk1 Ndl good home. Open 24 hra a dey HouMkeeper, compeolOn 25-35 hrlwtl. TIJI bper ... I.JI 441$ \M1U " 548-8258 7 days 8 ...,.... or babyattter po1111on helpful 831-6115 •••••••••••••••••••••• S wented. pref. d•t• In•----------,....,__ -··1 •-·• ........ w ARE fR[( Found Parrot VIC Wiiton/ Jacuul, auna. Local• BRICKL-'YEAS HELPER ..,,,,....Ofr .. , • ..,._,""'' ••well •• TourltU N .8 . CdM or .M . Newport Beactl. AP9fO• P1eotn1l1 area. Gall Di• 84~28 Must have good Iran•· 550 eq. rt 1500 mo. to-ne btwn 7.10 6'42-42e0. B1nkAmerlcud. Amar· -::;:=::;;::;:-:<:ii;::;:;-;;;.-:1-~~::..::.•'::ton:.:__::8:.:.7~>::3:.:t:.:7..::6 tit.I. &46-9844. Cal·. Must de.crlt>e lean Expr..,, Diner• All Reaponalble delivery drl· ,. .. 11 H-•aTH welcome 7 t4/&45-3•33 .,., w1p1e1t up econ cat ---IU••trl•I u·-Hll Found Baby black/ Miit• 2112 Harbor 81 CM av •ll•bl• I or work . EKpet or tr11nee. p /llme " Kiiien. VIC. 921 E. Bel· ....... 2324 ' ~un• Beech 497 ·26 10 l••lal OH t>0e Blvd 875-5102 0•1tt• F ... eq "'•" ...... -v •••••••••••••••••••••• ----------1 ----------• Convefllllon wltf'I Barbi -.-,-~--1" ___ 1_1_00_1 OUPEITEll N.B. 3976 Birch tOOO eq Loet· M Sl'""M cat. blue Found Kiiien. all black, MCNlaa 24 hra .!.!/ ••• !!'. •••••••••••• ~l-~:2 zone Agent eyn, flea collir. decl•· ~:.~:· Wntclitf .,.._ 838-0701 Apt Mgr tor N-19 unll ~~~·d~{.';31~:::~ ~:; wtd, •n•. 10 LeRoy. LOSI ...... Toy p ........... Sal ---------condo•. Coal• Men TODAY. 2707 N 8rlt10I, 1750 up. 2180 II lndu· Emerald Bay. Lag. Bch T,., ........... H'1"""1 Or La COEDS -Would love to S350 credll loward 17tl5 11r1a1 . Ottlu. 18101 Re· 404-5881 687-1336 on em....,. 1 • · • P•''Y w/you Call Sue Of' rent 842..,.907 wlldaya SA small 1" dondo Circle #M g T · guna Bch Rew.,dl Kat hy any1lma. (2 13) Clergl Huntington, Beach. LOST CAT, crHm Per· •9<1..,.885 6 3 4 . 4 5 7 1 , ( 7 1 4 ) &11i1ta.t IHqtr Good ~yping 1111111 lor 642 2•3,. •l•n. Male, REWARD! -F--d-b-,-...... -.-.. ---.. 527·7186 Melure person 10 work detail oriented work l/!!l..t!!!'.~~ •••• !.1.~ IJ.•!1 •• Vf!!'.~~ •••• !.1.'!'!t .!.'1 •• Vf!~.1.'!. •... !.1.'!'!\'!.•.11.!!!!'.1.~ •••• !!.!! Full time Mother'• Helper HOUSEKEEPER •••loal l11l1t. REl AIL SALES wanted lor 3 aml Children Live-In, for fllhllf' & 6 yr For Detma101og111 . oeck 1 Exper video Hies per· Oct 0·20 on Balboa boy. rm & board + ae· otfloe • wttl treln. New-I aon, wage. comm & .,._.. P·enlntula. 87~2380 •f· lary Nonamkr. Muat port Cen141f 2 full daya nellts Call Vatarl• 1emoon on1y o+...,,.• & 1 6 3-1-8-3-, ~o .... ~ 1 6'2-tlil44 - -0----.-1 _0_11_1ce--P-.,-IOf1--,-°'-• 523•4920 -11n•1L ••1 EI 1 0" I 0 11 1 c . ca II lllSUEE .... .," IAIL ICILPTllllT .. .... n -Needed for progr11a1ve Maior Department Store We11erly Marine for II the Suri ind Sano anion Some chentele Will 1ra1n Grell fOf Stu- lncervtew 6'42·0148 Hotel ne.da a Supervl· pref Salery, comm . oen11 Ouick Chrt1tmaa IElllAL lfflll aor, ru11 llme/aplll lhlfl. vaceuon Mgr 540-8889 money Call 8311·4440, Biiinguai (Eng/Span) llll flf -...... JOBS TODAY. 2707 N . I t 0 0 0 I mo. I Y Pa 4 6 14 50/1.r Conlacl Miii r""-Brlllol. s A amt.If 1 .. wpm • loll o f people Marci, 497-'477. Ext 3&5 Full/lime Experienced conlacl Win train Cell ----------Ikeda NurMry. C M Call RETAIL E.(per'd FuN & PT 835-4449, JOBS TODAY, IHHI ltt. .. Hf fOf •PPI, 6-45.5782 peop .. 101 high faahlon 2707 N 8rlatol. S A Mornlnga 494-5486 Nursing ----casual clothing 1tore In smell fH Newporl Beach are• ____ _,LegeJ Secretary LVN for busy beck ofllce C•ll 1eo. 1228 10< tnte•· Generel Office Property Exper'd, needed for Lag Fil 557·3242. Al li for Mgml Co Newport Bch Atty, Pt P1a1n1111, Joan Smrlh Beach, rellel receptlo· Criminal. compellUVe M · nllt. good front office lary (714) 497-1789 eppearence & prolesalo- nel a1111ude, typtng 55 Lill IFflCHS WPM '•quired for vi· Aggreuive Newport 1 rlO<.ra projecls, hrs 10·3 Beech firm -k• mott· M· T. posalb .. ••panalon vated lndlvlduala. T errl· to l ull lime po11t1on torles open Mull have 549-2988 A E Lie Harbor·Paclftc OFFICE/CHllH IALH /Ct••IW .. Unique lady'• clothlng store seells -getlc I•· Oles w1lll flalr for fa· sh1ona and modeling ex· par helplul Apply In person Ale1ua Natural F11Shlon1 260 Forest SI. Loguna BellCh <197-4777 • v .,., 8•i•lde Dr/CdM er-. oun : """~'" .,rown '"'•---------I h bit h d ._ vv dog OobefShep(?) 405 w & I I Ill I I w 1 ••1• • • yout.. Br'bllerage rtrm UP•· WANTED: garage or 75 ·8033 F • H bor 5,.5·0579 3a6rm 1"1 •1 gen w m counMllng firm Mu11 be rlence pref 'd Call lndullrlal apace. min. wy nr 81 • • • eva or comp a· shup, oulgoln9, attrao· 39 800 lq ft, lot • 1 comer Lost: Man's Diamond ring Found t 0/ t . F Cocker nlonahlp lor generou1 llve P41faonallly, ple .. ant t'_~·.9 ~1!.:!:~ ~~2 .°,;_ 2. 1 with bldg. 991 w. lOth Oriole Or or Placenua Spa.olal. C a.p lltta no ladles Ken 497·5718 phone voice, end llblllty pm St . Co 1 1 a Ma a• :=d C~~~e. R• ~ach. 681·2230 Diamond Wanted; Wiii to meet people. 1235 per --------- General MAIL CLERK 9~5-0073 Loan Officer ftHflll V.lltJ ••rt1aa• o •• , .. , Looking Tor .. '4-8 uper profeatlonalt. We spec. tallze In new progr11ms. I e GMP/ARM. GEM. lat & 2nd TO't Siie• EAT-CHEAT. get rt c h & st1m . Earn $3000/mo Supv. poet· Perl lime general olflce. Ilona avoll 01ck Hardy typing •S wpm, good 631·2601 Wiii lleve dlvene dullea. including cred11 opera- tions. bkkg. ano orrecl dealings wtlh the public Exper not nee: • wlll lrltn Full ,ange ol company oeneflts avail. Contact M r. M cOermoll. at 64<1-1360 SUYICl'I JEWILUIS 642·3490 ---------•Found: Laroe blactl r•b· Buy I car1t from ptlvate wHll wnen qualified Cell Oltl (Liii) II ~ssO ,FOUN~ Beaut baby rtb· bit. Nr Eiits/Newiand parly. ceah ej1.0216 2 o Op m · 5 : 3 Op m e-11perlence neceaury ~;:.;~6fanner• c.811 •SALES Ordllf desk tor_, ___ . - -sun mfr Accur11e 1yP1ng lllfl ' bll vie of 28th St 642 •321e•1 3•6EOE F 11/11 .. I ft 3 ••••• •••••• • ••••••••• 0 F B · F o u n I a I n V a 11 • y 1--I ... · .. · · · u me ... pp y • .,. Securetlor9991rea.1000 1 co'o!~. r6o7n3~·78Nnn ' 963-1366 ,,,,., TOO yna111G pm,nophonecall•.3000 tq 11 ' up, xlnl acceee. ,.. ... "... Strritn '''° uun Bri11o4 $1 . C.M lmmedlalt optnlng tor an Individual 10 rec.tv•. IOr1 and Olllrlbule all In- coming 1nd out·go1ng mail You Wiit alto orO• and maintain 11ock ol 11allonery euppllH At· qulrn a rapontlble In· dlvldual with Iha wtlllng· 119$1 to 1 .. rn C1ll John Cuaactl 964·9090 RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE SERVICE PEST CONTROL opera· & gd phone manner a tor. knowledge of ptan11 must Siert Set 11 1780 & lnaecl Id req'd Wiii Cell lor 1ntrvw 6•2-1912 17th St Costa M••• 675-2570 Found am blll d;>\. vlc •••••••••••••••••••••• l&ICI NHI lllCI lrltn 1900·$1100 mo M·F 851· 16 ll. Found· Blond/red terrier Weatrntn1ter Blvd Bu· aT Ylll lll"IOI f()R yur shard, Wettmlnater, • • J1l Inti/I Wi•ld flH mix 1m1 male dog Nr 531.2194 Pefaonal, quallfled com· Famous Fred Astaire Studio H aklng attrac· live, person1ble men and Lloyd• N ursarv. &•6-744 1 •••••••••••••••••••••• 20th SI CM. Ev•• call panlon driver• for your ·1RLars1. HouM/ Apl/Traller to rent &4~4348 Found bled< Lab ml• w/ day 10 day errends. " ~ I women. OY4lf 18 Y'• Earn IAJmlWIOE/ UIHHll PHTIClll SPUY IPHATH IEHH Fetlf & Marett fOf vlelttng 1----------1 whtle mark on chnl 1 Shopping. doclor'a paren11 845-6570 COit• Ha119 aomeic~ you want I brown & 1 blue eye Vic app11, church. etc. All Mffl ar.. 10 .... ? *'Id• do Brookhural/Hamllton needs met By hour or ---------II well &42·5878. 6-45-9796 day 494.5457 •••l•Hl/l•ntl/ It / ---.-,-·---·J-------- •o!.~'.~!'!•••••••••••• , SENIOR ,,,,.,,, ••• ".fr.!!!~!!r ••. !.'!! South County Arcade. Location and machine• or locatlon only Cell Tom or Simona 588·2895 lnt1l•1•I ••• "An!!!~!!l ••• !!.!! lllTllLll Need up lo t 500K for eub-dlvl1lon, bett tul>ufl> of 8fltbane, high re1urn, MOUred by IOcal R.E In Newport alnce 104!1 673·633& A.WPM. •• r1,.,,., ,,.,, .._, IUI ..•...•..............• 1.1. l&TTUI ............... Specialfz1ng In lit & 2.nd TO'a elnoe 1949 Robt. &titter N .. /CM R.E. 8'otter 8d AMl'IOfl 8-42-2171 &45-ot11 11t TO. 1 114,000 face. ~ dlaoount, .... seo. 000.~t~on 1 300 ,000 ferm 547 ..... 51, 8"4..0118 Wiii pufCfMM eAIMlng Ill or 2nd mortgegH 11 dlaoount enywlltre. (404)1H!l-t100 Allente ,. ... .,,..,,,.; ,,,,,.111/ "''''•• •••••••••••••••••••••• ~!!fl!!1!! .. 1.~ff .... ~ ...... ""' ~ ect\lett'-9 ,,_ -.--. m.r-.. .,., M2·M7t AL 'S HARDWARE A s.t TM VM Start IK --to S1'1 294 forttt Awt L.,... .. ldl 497.4445 COSTA MESA AUlO SlfPLY ZHS Hlf1* II C.t1 Mm IK'9cncett ~ ......... 541-3443 CITIZENS DISCOUNT GUIDE Watch for this 1uidt tht first Wednesday of 11ch month. GltAD'S COU£GE OF BEAUTY 302.1 St. lrfti.e. Slnlaw S40-0667 20\ DISCOUNT ON All SOVIC(S , ......... n.n. o.,. , .... UHIYOUT ' ICC CUAM CO. 111lnl 1711 ... (Slllt• ...... 1711) c.e. .... 10% Dite0111t lo Sr'1 ( .. , ... ~) Ttt: MIU HOUSE RESTAlltANT 3'0 S. C..tt Hwr. La1una e .. ch 494.ao .. COLLEGE PHARMACY 440 r• Ortwt , C.M. ~.ma 10\ Obcotllt ...... . r",_, ........ ,. ••••••• , ••r ··"'''' ... .. .,. .. EL£C110lOGY CLllC • . ......... ...., ......... ,. .. ' HI-pro hH mmed ~· '7 end up 81 profeallo-n1nga IOf 20 th8fP Q11Y' & gel•. ,,... 10 treYef coul n11 ballroom 1n11ruct0ft to COHI Slngle. fl & No eaper needed WIH over. Fr" 1o tlarl Im· lratn lrM Full or part/ med Wiii be demonllr•· time (213) 630·6099 ung new ptoduct. 2 wk• ,_19_._51 _____ _ $6/hr up. WO<'lllng OUI· door~ Independent~ Call 835·4449. JOBS TODAY, 2707 N. Bnslo4, SA small 1 .. Management llllTIMI OHPU (Ex1er1or) tlrono back· ground wllf'I nperMlnce required. oe11re 10 obi•· In PCOI PCA LlcentH Good benefits with g,o. wing company located In lrvl n • Pl•••• call 768-4761 pd training, aver999 Mr• DENT AL OFFICE MNGR nlnga S300 per wtc & up, Elflelenl, EnthutlHllc & Call 750-80!15 or apply organized .. w/bkkpng 12102 Chapman Ave • ecpe. 4 dy wk 546-3000 Garden Grove Thi• It --------- We offer • generous be- nef111 pack999 lncludlng patd holldaya ano Chrlatmu wee!! anul· down Pit••• apply Monoey through Wed· nadty, 0-1 I AM 0< t·3 PM No phone cell• p111set with marriage logelhilr. •-,.-,-1-10-AL-T-l -ERA-P-IST P I T thl• year for my branch, FIT for your Reglatered Phytlclln brencti n .. t year. Hlgl\ •Ptcllllzlng In phy1lc11 not 8 magazine. ILIOTRIOll. HSlllH BABYSITTER m1 home, EXPERIENCED Parma· I n c o m e • t r a ., • t medicine & rehablllll· 776-5162. llon Perl/time, Ideal for Mon·Frt 0-6 1 cnllO. 155 nef'!I poa!tlon 25 yr old EIERSOM wk Mull have own •I e c 1 r I ca I co " lranap ' ref1. Barbell 7141659-7200 ELECTRIC ca. M•n•oement -6-"_5·_9_"-8------1 ELECT RONIC-A-SS_E_M_· ........ .._ ... 81byal1ter needed on OLER 1 yr uper In lndu11r1a1 Control• .... Trlllffl Balboa llland lor 7 mo. etectronlc auernbly 1,,. Division I y• •· old Refereq'd 873-1418 clud. 1otderlng, c~lor 3300 S S11.nd'1d SI •&II Hr_,.., code & 1chematlc rta· San11 Ana, CA 92102 S11.rt your new ea,.., on BABYSITTERS Rup. •dull. temp. 1oency. Ch1rlolte'1 Slltera. 846-3748, ding Qood benefits, CM our 3rd thltt, Hrnlng 14 erH. Cell 71416•0·4203 Equal Oppty Employer Up to 1.4.50 ea you be-eomt more up'd You •FASHION COUNSELOR Halral)'lllt with lollowlnQ wlll be promoted to -B-a-nk_l_ng ______ --l 112/hr, PIT, Ledlell AP· to wOt'k In ntw .. Ion In mgMI & 1upef'Yl80ry I•· •TILUll* parel Butlneaa 731-4347 Corona d•I Mar arH vel1. Call: 714·537..,.840 Commercdentc, hat Im• _or_53 __ 15_.0_4_08 _____ called lm899t 87 15531 tnttrvltw• 1'181d evtry ~ ~· for taper IULTI IPA Wad 6·8 pm " I 11 Del lelle11. We offer m y FINANCIAL Mar. Cot1• Mele. E. 0 ~lllvt Mitt,.. & 1 OlllllL• r~E~~~~~~~~I full r1.nge of xlnt beneflt1, ANALYST Sel1ry DO& Wiii train, I: Super OC>PIYI PIMlt e.it gr .. I lob '°' body con· MatUfe, Engflth epeelllng '°' appt (714) t51-9900. For Qfowlng lnvfflmenf i ciou• peopl• Cell women 10 wHll. Iron, ._...... Manegtmme"t Co Rt· 135-4«9 J08S TODAY. P'••·· lltld polltrl '°' ee--E al 0 ty !-'-M/~1 quires related COLI.EOE 2107 No Brlalol. S .A. rHr couple, 3 hft/dly, qu PCI ,......,, . o.QIM(I), I yMfl butl· 3 d I y I w II . D I y I , 8anlllft9 ne11 expt r, wllllng to •-"'""'---'•-------• e 4 O. 8 0 4 O; Eve a PAIT /'9 TIUB lfl¥91. ~Illy motlveted. Hot Roofers wanted. Call 759-0754 lxper~. °' wllllna 10 ••II llarltr. unueuell)' 8 ob or Nev 111 e at ---.---.------• train qUlll~ lndMdu.i ltf'OnG Intellectual CUt1oo 8"2·7222 - Ith ... ._'-& ........,. ~. non·tl'ftOlt.•. IJIC*· •·H---_-,.. .... -_n-1-..,.----• Front wlleet alignment w ce ........ "... .,,.._~.., tent writing ability. Wllll119 v--..._. • ..., Own tOOll ~ Tlr9 ••perltlncle. Contee! ~ 10 rnttte • COMmlltMnl. If yOU lcnow how 10 clean Centtr. 3000 t. Cout Motltr. 1559·4'413, for CompenHtton 10 l3t llOuM, )oln ua. MOfnlng Hwy, C«ON dtl Met. Newport 8eecfl 1>rtnc11. 000 • wor11. U t·l223 IQu•I O~ortunlty !m· end excellent .,.,,._ •---------• ........ (IJP'I) ploytr 80. Cellfornt• •:•• IOI' the rlOht l*tOft, llllllllNU Oet/Toy/VW (>.,,, tOOla. Ill. :,.: ~;: .;:~ =•=:: Live Inf out. lrol'l'I HO Fftlme. OttH • Toyole, homemaker Exce11en1 workln11 envlronmtnl Salary negollable New· port Center 640·6610 Pflnllng BoOll paal•up PIT Mon, 2 pm 10 approx 8.30 pm Tull. 10·30 10 appro• 5 30 pm No E•Pllf Nae Apply: Pennysaver, 1880 Placentia Ave, C M Private workoul lnllructor wanted PIT tnconwt 10< mllur•. health minded ma .. or female with phy· aleel 11tne11 background to help en overwelghl g11 get In Shape 11 lntlfHleO plHM tend dtecrlpllve le11tr of your •back• ground lo P 0 Bo• 8708· ltle, N B 02880 P/TI•• laln Supplement your Income by doing 1111trullng telephone NIM WOflC on behtll of n1110n11 com-P811111 $.4fhr guar +hr crallve bonut lnctnllvt proo11m1 3 ahlfl• 10 ClhOOH from Sele• ••· per prtl. but wlll train tht rtghl peraon "or lnttfVltw. cell M1. Krull at 545,5719 81.ntclno unch•ll•nged friend we.ti, Low'"· Homt Aid t 7~ t Superior. C M. FllL!Tml llUD lbOut ul ~In confl· g35=11o Agency, 94MA34 !---.. ... ...,rm----1 Excehnt OC>llO'lur!ltY tor O«ICe lo: CO!tlnt ~toe MIO.CAL AHIST~NT llUTllll e11pertenoed P«IOn In H? Sin Ntcotu NI •IDllPll P/l, mutt have e11p, w/ ettrect!Ye MYlntt & toen. t2HO L"-In. ,,. ..... ,_ ............ d 1, tKO'•• 4ts-e44'0 11000/mo ud 008 Cell I _ _.I t • f • .,.... """' .... -· on C4fTIP•n,.. end hal/9 m ...... • • open nt o • A ...i.... f\11 tiome. n1oe ~ to fen verltd dull••· re YOl.t ,.....nlf!O I. l'nOV9'1 ,._.., '°'·Cell 1_4441 CldlMeca to Go-Cwt• your own e11ptn1t I C· Orarige CotMt 8•Yll'llt • CleMlfltcl Id• Wiii point '""" WMleYef the l'ao count 1ntt 1H19d'7 Cell LO•n 1100 Ad•m• ,OU In tlle right dlfec11on JOH r,ooAY, 2107 N. ~ . ..,off tl'MI INllctt 138-4449 J088 TODAY. Cotti 'MIN. Cell Lindt'. •o find Ill• llOnlt YO\I lfletOI. .A.. Mlell'" Wllll. CteMln.d AO 2707 N lrlltol, • A 714olt0t !OI. nted. 642·M11 Wenl Ade Cell t42·M7t Cell""' f42·M11 amlfl IM ) ' S•leaperson & Cashier No Sunoay1. No Ntghla Hour• 9 30 10 8 REINERT'$ 1816 Newport Blvd. CM SAUi P R PERSONS NEE·, OED Magic 111and la IOOklng tor a •-Intelli-gent, lltractlv• & lino.• pe,.ons 10 repreaent 1 hem In their pVI ciub In Nwpl Bch Interview req Call f or •PPI 10·8. M on·Frl. A•-tor Mr Hatbllf'g 87_5_-oooo ___ _ s111es 1n11111t Looking for extra In- come? Tr y Perl· Time SalH at lht PENNYSA· VEA. 1860 Pt1cantla Ave, Coat• M•" ~ fOf Mrs While IEOllnllY llEllHITW. OOllTllOTIH lmmldllle opening for secretary eic.ptr In WOt· ~1no wllh 1ubaontrac- 1ors. oontracll, purch ... Ofdert, IBM WOl'd Pro- ~llO< and minimum IY· ping ot 70 wpm .,..._ Mnd reaume With MNiry requirement 10 Ad No. 1033 Th• Dally Piiot. PO Bo11 11580. Co1t a Mne, Ca 02'28 Secretery end Cltrlcel htlP nffded for • new aompany Cell 875;-8751 IOI Appl 10-5 M-F. TH( JAZZ ()(CHANGE IHln&aY/DPll 10 WOik IOI' P A progtMI In non.profit organla• lion Htl"Y typing, tMt• 1111nd not ....,tllf, An work/COPY l1y~1 t1pr. llllDIUI. Good benefltl & working condlllont. Cell 979· 7.tOO for an ap· polntment People Wl\0 need PfOPle Th1l'1 whet tile DAILY Pll.OT 8CRVICE OIAECTOAV 11 all at>OUll r .. . •' .\ \ ,, ,. J --0111111111 · tllllllfAal/lllllMI Wl ONI ',[)/\ Y o c I l >Ill 11 '· 1'Jtl/ Oft ANGE COUN l Y C ALIFORNIA 25 CENTS Laguna targets· parking, housi~g solutions By STEVE MITCHELL GrlM .,... Not ..... Laguna Beach has cmborkt.'Cl on an ambitious project that is expeeted to partially alleviate two vexing problems a lal·k or parking and a shortagl• of low- cost housing to S<!nior ci ti zens City council members vot.:d unanimous ly Tµesday to seek proposals from consultants for what they te rm a "village. entrance project" along Laguna Demand cost dip for gas By KAREN E . KLEIN GrdM Dellyfttlot ..... Demand for gasoline from the motoring public has, in the words of an industry observer. "gone down, down, down." The result? Gasoline pm.-es are going down, down, down, too. "Retailers and re fineries are competing to get a larger piece of a smaller pie," said Steve S h e lto n , president of I rvine- based Southern Cal ifornia Service Station Association. Gasoline prices in Orange County and across the nation have been on a fairly con1.inuous decline si nee March 1981 , and they wiU continue to fall at least through the end of the year , S helton said. In the meantime. a vigorous price war is being waged by both retail d ealers and major oil companies, and the fallout can only produce ~re good n"'"ew~~.__­ consumers, Slielton said. Self-service gasoline prices have been reduced 3 cents a gallon over the past month at Dick Oglesbee's Chevron station at Fairview Road and Baker in Costa Mesa. ''Prices are coming down another penny tonight," Oglesbee said Tuesday. The 1 cent decrease will bring his price for self-serve regular to $1 .28 per gallon. Oglesbee said he exp ects another reduction after the first of November. when Chevron will impose a 3 percent service charge on its credit cards and offer discounts to its cash customers. Wh y the drop in pr ices? Shelton said a glut of crude oil in this country combined with reduced consumption of gas has led oi l companies and service stations to start competing for sales. "Consumers are getting better gas mileage, staying closer to home and using gas money to pay the rent," She lton said. Dan Lundberg. publisher of the authoritive weekly Lundberg Letter, which charts 011 industry trends, said retail dealers and operators are having to sacrifice their operating margins in order to make their prices competitive. "Only 7 I percent of (the oil companies') existing refineries a re being utilized," Lundl:>erg said. Maximum utilization would be about 88 percent, he added. As a result of the vigorous competition, Shelton said, even the major oil companies are (See GASOLINE, Page A%) Canyon H1md adjacent to '1ty Hull. Th<'y t'xpe<:t to appr• a dl'vcloprnl'nl plan tor the 4 ,._.re site w1thm seven months. The action came Just wt>eks after a council majority s hot down a proposal for a multi- tiered parking structure at a city-owned lot on Glenneyre Street near Laguna Avenue. ln re,JCCting that location for a parking structure, three council mt.•mbcr11 said they would prefer fo<·usltig on propert1e11 acros1 from the Festival of Arta grounds lo1 future parking '4nd senior cnm..n housing. Tuesday night they told c:ily suirf members to sohdt proposals for a l"unsulta nt study of the ho IC -dou.-n or so properties that might be.• includc.•d 1n the undc..•rtaklng. The city's antiquated sewer treatment plant, scheduled to 'H ey, R eggie, o ver he r e' l'I~· 1•&rl y next year, ts tho focal pulnt of the projft<'t. Other properties that wlll be analyzed for possible inl'luslon m a parking structure/lo w -cost housing proJ<.<et Include tht> cit y's c..'Orporatlon yard, a rovered tlood control c hannel, the municipal l'mployee's parking lot , the Lumber Yard parking lot, an Edlson Company subst.ation, and, perhaps, po,rtio na of several privately owned parcels. Angel (a ns vie for the a ttention of their favor ite ballplayers before Tuesd ay n ight's opening game o f the American League playolf s in Ana heim Sta dium. The H a los responded to the c heers of a r ecord crowd by dismantling the Milwau kee Brewers, 8-3. See stor ies a nd more pho tos o n Page C I . Ttw t'()Uncil won~ Lo s.•l1'<·t u l'OnBUIUlnt by Nov. ~ Kob <.:turk , asslsu.nt llJ lhl• c..·1ty managc•r, says sohc1tat1ons for proposals probahly will bt• !Wnt out this wc..>t•k , Rut w h ot;v er the..· l'l>U nc II ~t.'lccts tu take on the project. they will huvc w ovt>rcomc..· !SOme vc..•ry sign1f1cant hurdles. The analysis would lndude an assc..•ss me nt of th e various p(Opert1es, th e cost of Disneyland slaying self-defense? By DAVID KUTZMANN • Oflhe Dell)' Pllo4 Steff A San Diego man aL-cused or committing Disneyland's first homicide was only acting in self-defense when an 18-year-old Riverside man was stabbed to death m 1981. a defense attorney asserted Tuesday. ln opening statements before a six-man, six-woman Orange County Superior Court jury. d efendant James O'Dnscoll's attorney claimed that his client was innocent of murder charges stemming from Mel C Yorba's death in March, 1981, near the Magic Kingdom's Tomorrowland area. Yorba died from a stab wound to the heart and liver. Severa l days after the stabbing. county hcaJth officials c riticized Disneyland's emer~encv treatment procedures because paramedics were n ot called to the ~ne and because Yorba was taken to a hospital which did not have a specialized trauma care center. Yorba's family also filed a $60 m1Jhon wrongful death lawsuit against the park. alleging that the young man's death could have been prevented if adequate sc.."'t·urity and emergency medical aid procedures were taken. Disneyland officials disputed the criticism. Yorba died the night of March 7, 1981. when he and several friends went to Disneyland as part of a family night for employees of Rohr Industr ies Corp . His parents worked for Rohr in Riverside. Prosecutor Pa\rick Geary co nte nd ed Tuesday that O'Drtscoll stabbed Yorba after the defendant accused him of pinching his girlfriend Geary said O 'Driscoll had accosted Yorba and his friends two times that evening. On the hrst occai;ion, he said. the lanky defendant grabbed a friend of Yorba·s and yelled. "Why did you grab my girlfriend?" Geary said Y o rba, a high school wrestler. moved toward O'Drisc:oll and raised a clenched fist. At that point, the deputy d1stnct attorney said, O'Driscoll pulled a hunting knife from a sheath on his belt and waved it in front of Yorba and his four rnends. When O'Driscoll's girlfriend shouted that he had grabbed the wrong person , h e let go of Yorba's friend. Calvin Davis. and the group left the area. M 1 nu tes later, 'however, O'Driscoll again appeared and this time grabbed Yorba, Geary said, The prosecutor a lleged that O'Driscoll drove his knife into Yorba's heart after the Riverside high school student struck the defendant with his fist. · D efense attorney Olson . however, portrayed Yorba as the "ini~ial aggressor." The Westminster attorn ey contended that it was Yorba who h ad grabbed O'Dr1scoll's girlfriend from behind as they walled in a line. H e said an autopsy showed that Yorba's blood alcoh o l r eading that evening was .17, far above the . JO level used for determining if a person is legally drunk. O'DriS<.'011 was only seeking an apology whe n he confronted Yorba and h is four friends and drew his krure in self -defense at (See SLAYING , Page AZ) dl•11wh1dll1\t( the !K'wcr trc..•atml•nt plont. rcloc&ting the..· Ed11on fJt'al11y. l'Ovcnng over a lluod c..-.mtrol channc..·1 in the middle of - I ht· µropoi.t«J proJect a nd qc..wNt1oni. of land UM' rt'!itr1c..·tioru iAnd ownc~hip. "It wil l n·rtainly n•.>t bt' an l'USY l<li,k ," Clark said The c•unsultant will be asked to <:ons1dl'r VUflOUS USC!> for the combuwcl iwreage in add1uon to (See PARKING, Page AZ> Court weighs Bolsa By ROBERT BARKER Of llM Oeltf '"°' ai.tt SAN BERNARDINO The Amigos de Bo lsa Chica have lakl·n tht•1r battle to save the Bolsa Chica mars hland near Huntington Beach to the Fourth D1i.tract Court of Appeal here The.• Huntington Beach-based 1•nv1ronmentahsts are claiming thut a 1973 land exc hange betwc<>n the slate and Signal Ltindmark 1s uneonst1tuuonal. They arc appealing a 1980 Orange County Superior Court JUdgt."s ruling that a one-year- statutc of hmitauon proh1b1ts a legal challenge to the exchange The 1973 land c..·xchange agrt.-cmcnl was designed to clear the way for Signal to develop the controversial area. Signal plans to build 5,700 homes in the Bolsa C hica, including 1.200 residences on the wele.Fft'onl. An-1-.800-alip boat marina also is included in the plans now be fore the State Coastal Comm)ssion. Amigos attorney Lynda Martyn told the appellate 'judges Tuesday that th e state Constitution prohibits the st.ate from conveying tidelands to privat e parties when the tidelands are located within two m1IC'S of an incorporated city She said both sides agree that Bolsa Chica is located within two miles of Huntington Beach city hm1ts. The 2,000-acre area is surrounded on three sides by city hmats and on the fourth by Pac1fll' Coast Highway. The area 1s south of Warner Avenue. Martyn, a San Francisco attorney who is the daughter of Amigos Jead<>rs Ke nne th and Rhoda Martyn. said she also i.& seeking an acco unting of oil royalt1(.os in the area "which she said "could involve millions of dollars" Sh<' said the public was given oil rights to only 70 acres. S hl• a lso claim ed that t he Signal companies received 17,000 acn's of tidelands in the 1973 trade She said the land should be held m public trust because of 1ts importance to society and w1ldltrc. Martyn claimed that 300 acres wcrl' dc..-cdcd to the state in the agr c..•t"men t with an additional option on 230 acres that would bt.x-ome state property 1( a new navigable opening to the ocean was L'Onstructed. <See BOLSA. Paae A%) Crean's father deals himself into 43rd District race By JEFF ADLER o<hO.-,,... ..... As promised in a le tte r h e personally de livered to 43rd Congressional District write-in candidate Ron Pac kard. the mllllonaire fathe r of Republican Johnnie Crean Intends to play an active role in h.is son's campaign in the weeks before the general election. · The 33-year-old GOP nominee said hla father, Jo.hn C. Crean, will hold a news conference soon to document charges made In the three-page letter. Crean said his father will use news clippings and video tapes to show, as alleged In the le tter, that Packard h as e mployed "dec e ptiv e n ess" and ''dish o n esty" in waging his campaign. But Crean. qu~atloned about the Jetter before and during a Jive radio debate Tueaday night. did not say when the news conference would be acheduled. During the debate. Crean said only, "l believe he will take some act i o n t o d ocument the information In tha t letter." ----lllDEI---- A& B6·7 A7• F5-8 F2 F2 F3 A8 C7 At Your Service ButJ 1141911 Cavalcade Claalifl«kt Comica Cromword De.th Noticee KdhoriaJ l'.ntert.alnment Food 01-8, El-7 A7 Hon.ope .. A1l11 Lano~,... Movlet Mutual Funds Names In News Nt\lonal News Public Notices Sporta Dr. St.eincrohn Stock Markel.II Televl1ion Theaters Weather f, Al C7 86 A6 A3 F3·4 C l-6 A7 8 7 C8 C7 A2 ~~~---=----'"'""""---~==......,""""'~ ' He add ed he believes his father's participation in t.h e campaign will be a "positive cotltrlbution'' that will boost his election chances. Interviewed before the debate aired, Crean said he would assist hi s Cather I n pr e paring information to be released at the news ronference. "If he · wants information, we'll help him, sure,'' the candidate COfllmented. The senior Crean, chairman of F leetwood Enterprises, one of the nation's largest manufacturer of recreational vehicles. delivered t.h • letter to Packard Monday. ln It, he promised to pull out "all the stops" and campaign on his son's behalf In the district. "( will be In the district 1hortly and I wlll be a ttacking your v lclo uaneu. deceptiveness, dcvl11elvneas, amugnc. and your blatant and chronic dlahoneatr, for prccl• ly what they are, ' Crean wrote. • The letter, r e pltcte w i th historical allu1lon1, compare• Packard'• pursuit of hl1 write-in challanfe to Crean w ith Adolf llltl ~r 1 and the Jopantac • Clft FATHER., Pa1e Al) stories I . FA TUER IN RACE • • • gc ernl11' lnublllly to conccdl• duCcut durln~ Wurlt.1 War II ,"Th,• judgmentul omJ vklous attalud'° that you on.• dl•playlnu in. the foce oC dl'tt•ut 11 In my o pin ion 1..·aused hy the 11om1· Curcc.•s that brouf(hl o n tht• " spiritua~ "mugne8s that rnudt· net.-essury the crudC1xlon of our Lord," the letter t"Onllnues. J:>ac·kard said he> was surpras<-d a"'1 d1streSSt.•d whC'n hl' rl''<.'<'iVt'<J the letter Hl1 su1d hl• s tall 111 trying to ftgun' out what thl' ldter means. "We sense maybe.• a shift in 1h1..· campaign and lhl' last :JO days m ight b e a lot dd fl•'rt•nt." Packard stud He addt>d thal 1f "Mr CrC'un (stnior) runs a dirty cumpa1gn, o b vious ly the candidate 111 rl.lllning a dirty c<ampa1gn " ·While ;><>mt:· of his supporl<'f'h h ave inll'rpretcd the letter as a thn·ut. P:)('kurd t1a1d ht• nui. 11111 "Mr Cn•un is JUll l f111d1111-t 11 dH(lt·ult to huvt• tlll' Jll't·s~ umJ tlw publk c:mstlng 1.rny thinu un tlw qunllflL·utlun.<1 of h h• so11." hl' 1mid, Tht• IA!m<X·n1Ue c:und1duh• 111 th<• h 1gh-profllc conu •11l. Hoy ··Pat" Ar-dlt'1 , su1d tta· 11·lt1·r m ulti pluy to his Covor. "II llll'y 1·u11t1nlll' in this manrlt'r It w11ultJ hl· ossii.t1nt( my l'un1pu1gn," h•· iuud I • Ru t Arl·hcr s aid h1· wa :-. t·onl-cnwd thal the le tlt·r would M·rv1• only to touch off :m utl w1 round o f n::1m e -call1ng, whll h t.•haral·tcnzro the bttt{·r pnm.11 v ba ttle b{•tw{'cn Crl.'an and 17 otht•r GOP candidatt>S. Crean won the primury 1md 1hc GOP nomination by t"tlg1ng sct.'Ond-plare fiQisher Packard by 92 votes. S tic k y fool Prop~et Criswell ·dead UlJHJ1ANK IAl'I J1•rom1· K111u l'11i;w1•ll, th1• wltltt• h11ir<-<l tt•h•v1111on "JJr'uplwtt.'<•r" w1ih thi.· f.14.'lll'truling N\JJrl', hntc dl<'<i 'ut St .Jn•wph Ma•tlwut C'1•nh•r followlng a )01 lllkt• Jl1• WllN 7~1 l'1 IKWt·ll hud b eC'n L1(!m1tlt•d A l~~ :m, 11 h1111p1tal 11pok1·11mon :-.aul 'l\11>j;4 lay Ttw iwll' :n yll'J psyl'hk. whq IA 1·n1 unly b y lti,.. lui.t numt'. da11rn·d ht· f1r1>l rc:all1.c•d tw t:OUIJ p 11•1lll· t t tw fut u r 1• w ht•n he· w11u ld tt•ll his ~rt·nt:., monwwni; 111 l m.l1,1nJ, w h1·n pc·upll' w1•1 t• about t o ci1 1• 111• 1·amt• t lJ ll u ll y wrrnd a nJ tqqH •ttr c d n •guharl y on tht• "T onight" i.how and 1m KCOP. C h.1nn1·I 1 :~ C: a l I 1 11 I( h 1 m ~ 1· I t a ':Wth Ct•ntury N1r..tradamu~." h1• C la1m1"<J ff7 JX'rt"(11lt lll'<Urll('Y for l11i. f urt·ta..,ti. on 'UbJL·eti. from 11.1tu1 .11 d1~a.,1A•r' to puht1l-S But "l'no;wt•ll Pn·d1cti." oftl·n fl'l l '>tun I 11( h i:, damll> for al"t·urnt·y BOLSA • • • S ignal atlornt.•y K e nr11•th W illiams contcndl'd th11t mon· lhan 1,400 acrl's had reverted l<I private ownership btx·auS<• or u la nd grant b y tht.• Ml•x1cun government in llH5 and t~ll'rcfor were nol public t1dl'lands. -.1a1u1t· ()f limitataons thus far µroh1b111ng a trial should rt•main In l'ffl'<'l. · · U n I c: s s a gr cl' m c n ts u rt• bmding." she said, "landuwni•rs would be unwilling to c•ntl•r t1grecments because there could b(• l'hallcngcs 10. 20 and ao ycurs down the line." A Hois"~ ldnho, fireman walki; along lnh•rtttutt:· fM. slowly (4'as slow as molasse8," in f uct ) uftt·r u 4 0 -foot tanker trailer split in two ond lc·ft n 2(>0-foot'-long puddle of molasse s on the highway. 111 a IH7a O r a nga• C:t1un t y .1p1x·a1 ann " om· o f h1i. l;,i.t. h1· p1 t•d1l·h'd thal Qu1·t·n Ellz.alw th w11uld foll Ill anc.I Prmt'<' Charlc-s w1111ld ai.surnt• thl· throne:, th<at H1t'har<l M Nixon wuuld sc·rVl' a tl111 d pn·~1dc·nllal tt·rm and that w 1th1n 1hn·1· y l'ar!> ull n1nP 111t·111h1·rs ol th1• U.S Suprcmt· Court would Ix• womr•n W illiams S<.1id that the area was d a m med for duck huntNs 111 1809, causing a physical ch angt• in the area. He said lhl' disrovl•ry of oil in 1940 further altered thl· la nd and that by 1970 "lilllt• vettige remained of the form<'r tidal ar~a ." D eputy AttornPy G l'nl!r;il Theodora Bcorgl'r argued that th<· GASOLINE g e tting involved 1n tht• price wars. ''Never do I recall a maJOr gas company rompctmg against oth er maJor gas c:omp<tnies 1n price ... he said Ye t 1 n A p ri I t ht· A t I u n l H' R ichfwld Co. l'hminalt.·d lT<'d1t- card pun:h~s at its stal1ons and lowered its pric·c.S to IC'vC'ls bc:•low even some mdt'pt.>ndt•nt dt·alt-r~. Sinc·e Arco lowt'rcd its prk l·S. the other rompamc>S have• bl·t'n forced to follow i.u1t. S hc·lton said. On Aug 17, the Exxon Corp. instituted a cred1H :a rd surt·hargt.• -an extra cha rgl· on ·its crt-dll- card purchases and began o fferin g discounts to <.'a s h c u s t o m e r s T o k e e p p a c· c• , Chevron will start d oing the same Nov. 1 \ : ' J 190 'v/ ~( ~AIN BEACH PARKING • • From Page A 1 en •Htmg a parking strut•lun· and affunlable S(.'lllOr housing O pt1uni. rc'l·ommendl'd 11llght 1 n dud t· comm er d a I r <·ta 1 I r a t• 1 I 1 t I t• s . a h 0 l l• I ~I n d I () r rt>l-Wurant "Thost· fac1lit1es might b c mdudt..od in the overall project tn ordt'r to nwxim12e revt•nut' for t ht• p a rking a nd IOW·l'Osl h11u~ing," Clark said. I h· f1gun·~ a sill' analysis tincl n l'tu<ly of a ltl·rna11ve plans c•ould take· a con s ultant up to s i x months tu complt•lt• SLAYING. • • From Page A 1 t ht·1r f1r'1 f'o n fronlatum . O h.on ..... d Wtll'n o ·n r 1sc·ull l'Onfro ntt.'d Yorbo o n thc.> scc·ond oct·a!.1<m. Ol!><Jn 1..ud . Yorba t:harged him and kn(l(·kt.-d him to thl• gruund Ym ba ttw n fl'll tin O'OrtM.·oll'' ' Swap meet slated by Dana Rotary The Dana Po int ttotary Club wiU hold a lwnefil swap meet S unda y from 9 a.m. tp 3 p.m .• al the l'Orncr of Pacific Coast Highway and Niguel Hoad. •A s<•lcclton o f thou'i<lnd~ of h ardcover a nd papnback hook." will bl· on sale al the· friends of the Laguna B<·ach L11Jrary u s ed b ook s ail' &nL·f1llng rrom thl• swap rtll 't'l will ht: \~I<' Dana N1guc:I l1brarv a nd S<'Vt•rol Mt:x1n in •11 pha.na~1·i. A Boy St:out tr<>op a lM1 will hC'nt•f1l from the· rroc l'(-d~ !::>aturd.iy Th•· sale" to bl· hc·ld m thl· lihrary parking lot. r uns from 10 a m to 4 pm P ron'(-ds go to pro.Jl'<.'L'> of the• library The practac<' of ··an vE"ntory dumping" f or a n ·o unt1n g purposes wall t'Ontmuc• to d rive• prices downward in the• fulur<'. Shelton said Shad ed a re a indica te~ 1>ropo .... t·d ·•, i lln~•· ('ntrance project" a long l.u,.c u1w ( :1rn) ou Road in Laguna Beach. Oeltf PllOI MIC) kn1f1 IA hi( h th< th.·frnd • .nt htid drt1wn .md hd<l Olli for d1·f1·n,1vf' • A s1x-wN'k program 011 .1 sscrt1 on training b l'gln' Thurs d ay 1n Sa n Ju a n Capistrano. sponsorc-d by lhe Family Serv1(-c:· Assoc1at1on T h c• I( r o u p rn " c t s Thur.tlay-. from :i to 5 p m at :1188:! Cumino C J pt<.l ran o . Coastal Sunny and w11mer today with hight 75 to 83 Nogl'tt al'<I morning IOW Cloud• tonig.1'11 and Thursday. othe<WIM talt Ov.,nlghl IOwt 55 10 eo Htghl ThU•sd•Y 72 to 71 Elaawhar•. l ro rn P oint Conc;apllon to th• Maa1c:1n T e1npera Lures botde< and out ISO milfl Small c:tl tl acMto<Y °"" outa< c:oellal Albany weler• with norlh~ W>n<I• a to Alt>uqoa 15 knoll and c;orntlinecl -and Am11111<> HATIOftHI Lo Pep 72 37 83 S1 86 6 1 40 29 ~tot..iWa_,..~ NOAA \J s 0a91 oi c_.-c~ 9Wall or 4 to 6 tee1 Loc:ally hghl Anc:ho<aQe varlat>la ..;nda tl'lrQUCilh Thursday AaheYilte aM,PI for 1outl'twHI to wHt All1n11 .w;d• ol 10 to t8 i.not• Outing Atl1ntc; Cty 11te alta<noon and tvantnQ l'IOul'I Aut tln 80 SS a-4 6• 15 eo 9 1 68 Fronts: Cotd .,.. W111m w. Occluded...- Wino w-ot 2 to 4 feat with Ba11tm0fe aoyth-lletly tweil ol I to 3 fHI 8 tnlngs LIM ctou<I• tnua.utng Ill• IC><l1y. 81fmtnghm 1"'-n cloudy tonight with 1tow 81111\1tCIC cll9rlng on Thur.Cay BolM ,_...,__________________ SO.Ion U.S. sumniary ftnow 11'<1 1'1111 w.,a r99otte<I In Pill" o f 1111 01ko l•• and .._,rukl tOday, whlla llCllllf'ed a1tow1r1 end thundarato rml rt •chl d lrom MlnnHota and aih1arn North 01kot1 to n~ha11t ~acio. p wu raining In c;o11111 Oragon •114 W11htngton Showera end l,l)WldaflhQWafl wlfa Klll•tad aiOflo Iha Gulf Co11t Ind K•Oll ; IOI white I few lhowa<• fell In nll and the CatolinU 1Nf llllel Pfa¥111ed ova< Iha r .. ol tha country :~od1y'1 10110111 01 t11d lo r ~ and tl!Und«ll0tm1 from f'iortd• tlHouoh lh• 1o war ...,.11111pp l V1llly to 1outh· ""'"II T••U. rein~· lrom tti9 UPC*' Qt .. 1 laUI through ,,_ rnlcldle .,n<I UCl99" MIMllllPOI ~~ 10 Ult Oeltolll Ind OY., '"' Peclllo Horthwttt Sunny ..... wlll Pf.,tll ICIOll Iha , .. , OI ..,. nation. er-"'• 8UllllO Burlington Casper CM1l1tn SC Cherl1tr1 WV Cherllte NC Ctwtann• Chtceto Clndnnell Claval1nd Clmbll SC Cotumbu• 011-FI Wlh 01yton Oatw9I 0.. MO<net Oelrolt O\llUll't El Paso Fairbank• Fargo F1.tgat1tl OrHt Fella Hll'tfOfO .......... Honolulu KOUtlon tn<lnapli9 JKklll MS 76 62 •8 •1 01 ea 67 •6 34 07 59 30 66 S2 89 75 22 70 48 69 39 43 34 09 82 72 83 59 83 64 53 37 86 54 8<1 60 79 &O as ao 80 60 91 67 eo eo 72 39 15 eo 18 76 49 61 40 91 11 35 26 52 33 17 32 SO 35 OS • 74 ... 63 40 03 88 72 88 73 84 59 111 63 Jac;tl anvtl• Juneau Kllll Coty Kno•Vllle LU Vega• L.tllla Aock Loull'lllla Lubbock M1111phls Mii~ Mllwauk" Mplt-SI P NH/Wiiia New Orla1n1 N-York Norfolk NO Pla1t1 ·Q!jle City Orn1111 Orlando Ph~adphla Pnoanl• Pltt11>urer Ptland. a Ptlal'<I. Ore PtO'lldanctt =:::rcoty "*'° AlehfnOnO ,.., Lale• Siii Antoni<> s.ttle Shf~ . SIOu• 1111 SI Loull 112 10 45 so •2 07 117 6• 86 62 77 60 87 02 83 60 87 61 IKI 60 86 77 13 76 51 85 6? 85 61 87 74 Of> 77 58 eo fl!> 78 40 87 63 86 59 00 73 76 57 90 60 78 67 63 39 69 41 71 •9 14 82 48 41 81 ~7 82 6S 67 ... 811 " 6• .... 112 eo 76 6' ~I\ 84 ' California 'Loa ANGELES (AP) -Fair 1~•• ahould prt v1ll ove r Mltt*fl Clllforn11 ThufldlJ with IOi'8 C!Oudlnt11 In tM f'T!Of nlng 1lfng th• co111, tht N1tlon11 ..,, ... '* ~ eal<I todey. ·ii~-..... --~u _____ R_f R_IP_DR_T *eatarn wtMI• from, 111 to H mtfl 1111y movt lnlo north11n ' Thurtdty t>ut th• 1un 14 bt out In 1'11011 a1111 er1tur11 mo drop 111 11.::.011on1, the •tllhtr MellM hlOfll lheluld toO .. 1• with 1 low nu r 10 The ......, ~ "°' ~..-t 7t tn ~tel v11!ay1 Tllllfldl\f With ""'14 lo to Letelteft Hunllnglon lllull• Hunt~on Pitt 911'111 n1 Allftf Jet 1y <IOlh II Newpol't ''nd •• Hewpor1 1t11>o1 w:y: tfln Cltrnen • flier Trtflltar (T.SltMll Tif ,. . 1-S M 2·3 0 3·4 3 1•3 .. ,,. AHflfl th•"' Tamp OOo<I 66 ,,,, 67 poo<•l11r 09 ,,,, 19 POOt eo l)OOt·lllt 69 •good 17 111111000 17 '>I P Tampo 87 75 OS St Sii Mat.ci 76 •3 Spo1<11n4' 57 35 1hrRCU,.-73 42 Top..1i.11 90 64 ruc.•nn 8b 49 lul•A 91 68 Wast11nQtn 80 6:. WtC'11111 91 G7 CALIFORNIA Ar>l>I" V11ll1>y 80 44 U11kn••l11•1tl 77 67 h~l•tow 85 55 BHumo"I 81 46 B1<1 Bonr 65 26 A111top , , 40 Alytnt 90 59 ClltAllrllt 7' 56 Culvf!tf City 70 56 rwe~· 59 •9 I rll\nO 75 45 lll"C0'1f'I 77 47 Long &H W 76 57 LOI AnQ""" 75 60 Mon•ovu1 85 61 Monlet>etlo 80 58 Mon1t11y 64 53 Mt Wt19Qn 7• 48 NM<llH 87 59 Nawpofl O~ll':h 70 60 Oakland ,,q .... n1og Wh111 to 0111 11011 lrttl for ,., .. , •mov 1nfCHll'llllon O•enga County: (IOOI U f ·3t21 Lo• An9al11 County (900) 242·<1022 Alwrllde and 8en hmatdlno countlll (IOO~ M7·<17 IO AOMO (plaoclt c.nter (1001 1•MIM Tide TODAY locon<I 111on 1138 • m 0 a SKondtow 6'1pm 03 THUl'toAY F'lr•t hlgh 1 03 • m 3 t f 11•11ow· 06t•rn 22 8.COllO hlotJ HI ia P m I 8 Seeond IOw 1 eo p I'll 0 .. &un "" lod•Y II 9SI pm I fl ... fhU<Mll'f II I 92 I I'll cloud• ,...,. appear In .,.. ~ lllOtll lrom lftd ..,.. ftom ta 10 &11 TOMO<tO'llr Hiel" Tidt 2 <13 p"' Low TIOtt I 17 I Ill Swell Olr.CllOl'I . lou1h MOOtl rl-100-W It t 20 p IT! , Nit T11Ur1C111 II 10 3t I m . . IHlrl>•>H 'l> o n ly. the dt·fl·n~t· aw\l·r i.;11d S u 1 t ,. i 7 0 1'" o r m o r e , in ( ormd lion '"• 11 rn·1 :H 9{11l College enrollment plummets Fall cnrollmt•nt 1n th<' Coast Community Colleg<' D1str1ct hn.ci dropp<-d 15.3 pcrC'<.'nl compared to th<' samt• scmcstC'r 1n 1981, at"('()rdmg lo !igures released at th<' m ndus1on o( lhl' first m onth o f school The d1str1c t includes OninRC' Coast Collegl· an Costa Mesa . G o I d l' n W e s l C o I I cg e 1 n Huntington &>al:h and Fount.am Vallt·y -baSt'CI Coastline College. wh1<.·h o ffers dassc:. throughou' the d1~tfll'l. D1slrtt:l offu:ials havl• blamed mu('h of the.' l'nrollmc nt dl'Chnc on a redut·t1on in st.alt: funding Orange Coast. 30.4:J7. down for community c'Olle~es. • 9.2 perc'C'nl During the s um,;,er, s t a te 0H1caals announced a "hit list" of community co llege rccrcatron a nd self-improvement class<'s that would no long<'r be e hg1blC' for s t.ate funds . As a result, the lhret' rollcg<.>s arc oH c rmg 834 (ew er classes thi s semes t e r th a n WC'rt' scheduled in fall 1981 Fall en rollment to tals for the three:-schools are: -Coastline : 22.204 studC'nts: d own 26.4 pereent. G olden West· W .91iO. down 9 5 p<•rcenl. lndudc-d m tht• Coru.thm• total 1s a 1 pert-cnl mcn 'aS<· m studen ts l•nrollt•d in ll•l t.•v 1i.1on c·o urscs Th l' r a 11 1 9 H 2 l (' I l· v I s I 0 n t'nro llment is 3.844 D1 s lnct o ff1 c1uls no tt•d that state funding for local coll eges 1s eont1nge nt not JU Sl on the number o f students atte nding but o n tht' numbe r o f dassl's 1n w hich c:wh stude nt as enrolled . KRUPS ''Quality • • • by Design " BREWllSTER Touch-It Model #261 KM50 1 D 01p C1p1olt, Model 11202 # 1 ltlll1\rlrl1tltr • 11 Tia• erltl SALE PRICE Sale Price '49.88 ·--'16.88 .. List $75.00 '~ ll1I $27,00 Limited To Supply On Hand Limited To Supply On Hand .. Offera Good Thru 10/ 12/82 more than you expect In a hardware store . • ••••• EJ HARDWARE VISA' All t torea OS*1 7 OeY9 CONNI dee Mer Heritor View Center 3107 I . CO.t Hwy. 111• Ian MIQU94 Or e1i.1eoo ~ IMctl ....... ... .... 70 Mdayl . .-w...i-T• • _,.. ''·"'· AneMtm Hlff• H20 San•• Ane Canyon Ad (al lmpetlel HWv I Hl~&2t2 'Mtd..,. Tia 7 P·"'· 11 • .. lnlll ll Rlll Wl ONI •,()/\ Y o< I <Jiii H ,, l'llli O lfANGECOUNTV . C ALlrORNIA 25 CENTS Demand for gasolin~ dips~-' and so do prices By KAREN E. KLE IN OftM Delfr ,.._. llaff Demand for gu.sohne from the motonng public has, in thl• wordii of an industry observer, "gone down. down, down." The result? Gasoline pri<..-es arl· 1oing down, down, down, too. "Retailers and refineric'ii are competing to get a li.rger pi<..'CC of a smaller pie," said S t eve She~ton, president of lrvtne- base d Southern Cali fo rnia Irvine guard By STEVE MARBLE Of the Dllfr Not Stefl It wasn't out of character for Matt Coleman to try to give someone a helping hand. Friends say that's the kind of guy he was. Last Saturday, the 24-year-old Costa Mesa man stopped on MacArthur Boulevard in Irvine to help a stranded motorist He pulled his car over to the center divider and was walking back to a pair of cars that were blocking a lane of traffic when a truck slammed into the cars and then into Coleman. Coleman's fathe r says h e believes his son never knew what hit him. He says police told him that the accid e nt JU St happened that quickly. "It was just so typical of him to want to stop and help somebody. It was a G ood Samaritan gesture," the father says. Funeral services for Coleman were held Tuesday afternoon. A graduate of Ne wport Harbor High School, the 24-year-old was a ll«'Urity guard with the Irvine Company and was Interested In working in television. He had worked with a local cable television firm, had studied commun1ca~1ons at Orange Coast Coll-ege and had helped with lighting and stag;ng for several musical productio n s at St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church. which he attended. Coleman's family has asked that memorial contributions be made in his name to the youth fund at St. Andrew's in Newport Beach. The father says he does not want to make "a big story" out of the grief that he. his wife and his other two sons are going through because of the accident. "I just want to let people know that my son was more than just a statistic, more than just some cold fact on a police report." Coleman had been with the Irv ine Company se<:urity force for 18 months and was, according to hi• boss. one of the most popular officers. "He was just a super neat guy and it was just like him to stop to help somebody In distress," says Jerry Colliru, a spokesman for the firm. "We're grieved by what happened." Sorvlc<..• Swllon Associathm. Gaeol1nc prices In Orunge County and a cross th<.> nation have been on a fairly c.vntjnuow dc-cline since March 1981, and they will t'Ontinue to fall at least through the e nd of the year, Shelton said. In the meanume, a vigorous price war ts being waged by both re tail d eale rs and major oil ('()mpanies, and the fallout can onJy produce more good news for t'OnsumcN, Shelton :s1dd. Sclf-111.!rvicc gu¥ollnt· pri<·es have been rnduced 3 c1•nt11 a gallon over the past month ut Dick Ogleiilx>e's Chevron station at 1-'airvll•w Rood and &kcr In Costa Mesa. "I'm-cs aro comlnM down another penny tonight,' Oglesbee said Tuesduy. The 1 cent decrease will bring his price for self-ser vt• r('gular to $1.28 per gallon. Ogleiibct• s;.11d h e expects 'H ey, Reggie, over here' unothcr rt-ductlon after the first of November, wh<'n Chevron will impc:>Be a 3 pen.>cnt service charge on Its c red it cards and offer dl~vunts to its cash customers. Why t ht> drop In price11? Shelton said a glut of crude oiJ'in this country combined with redu<..'<-'d <•tmsumplion of gas ·hms led oil companies and se rvlcc- $ta'llons to start competing for sales. "Consumers are getting better Angel f an1 vie (o r th e a ttention of their favorite ballployen before Tuesday night's opening game of th e Amer ican League playoffs in Anaheim Stad ium. T he Halos r esponded to the cheerP of a record crowd by dismantling t he Milwaukee Brewers, 8-3 . See stories and more photo on Page C I . gas mllcogc, KtuyanJC do1wr to homt• und using gru; murwy to pay the rent," Shelton satd. Dan Lundberg, publis her of the authontivc• wwkly Lundberg Ll'tte r, Whlt'h ('harts oil Industry trcndii. su1d rl'Lail tfoalcrs and opNators arl' having to sucrificc. their operating margins in order to make th«ir prices compl'l1t1 ve "Only 7 1 percent of (tht~ oil companies') cxlslin~ refint•ncs are beinj( utilized,' Lundberg Disneyland slaying self-defense? By DAVID KUTZMANN 0(1tt. Oelly "'1ot Steff A San Diego man accused of committing Disneyland's first hom1c1de was onl y acting 1n seU-de fense when an 18-year-old Riverside man was stabbed to death in 1981 . a defense attorney asserted Tuesday. ln opening state ments before a six-m an , six -woman Orange County Superior Court jury. defendant James O 'Driscoll's a ttorney claimed that his client was innncent of murder charges stemming ::~r.--~-~·.I C. Yorba's death in March , 1981 . near the Mag1c Kingdom's Tomorrowland area. Yorba died from a stab wound to the heart and liver. Seve ral da ys aft e r the stabbing. county health officials cri t icized Disneyla nd 's emer,~encv treatment procedures because para medics were not called to the scene and because Yorba was taken to a hospital which did not have a specialized trauma care center. Yorba's family also filed a $60 million wrongful death lawsuit against the park , alleging that the young man's d eath could have been prevented if adequate security a nd emergency medical aid procedures were taken . Disneyland officials disputed the criticism. Yor ba died the night of March 7, 1981. when he and several frie nds went Lo Disneyland 11s parl o f a famil y n ight for employees of Rohr Industries Corp. His pa rents w orked ro r Rohr in Riverside. Prosecu to r Patrick Geary con t e nded Tuesday that O'Driscoll stabtwd Yorba after the defendant accusc-d him or pinching his girlfriend. Geary said O 'Driscoll had accosted Yorba and his friends two times that evening. On the first occasion. he said, the lanky de fendant grabbed a friend of Yorba's and yelled, "Why did you grab my girlfriend?" G eary said Yorba , a h igh school wrestler. moved toward O'DrLSCOU and raised a clenc hed fi st. At that point, the deputy district attorney said, O'Driscoll pulled a hunting knife from a sheath on his belt and waved 1t in front of Yorba and his four friends When O'Driscoll's girlfriend shouted that he had grabbed the wrong per son, h e le t go o f Yorba's friend, Dllvin Oavis. and the i;troup left the area. Minutes latc>r, ho w ever, O'Drsscoll again a ppeared a nd this tlme grabbed Yorba, Geary said. The prosecutor alleged that O'Driscoll drove h is knife into Yorba's heart after the Riverside high school student struck Lhe defendant with his fist. Defense a ttorney O lson. however, portrayed Yorba as the "initial aggressor." The Wes tmins t er a tto rney contended that it was Yorba who had grabbe d O 'Driscoll's girlfriend from behind as they waited In a line. He s aid an autopsy s howed that Yorba's blood alcohol r eading that evening was .17, far above the .10 level used for determining 1{ a person 1s legally drunk. O'Uriscoll was only seeking an a pology when h e confro nted Yorba and his four friends and drew his knife in self-defense at (See SLAYING, Page At) ~al\I Mux1mu111 uttliuitlon would ht• uliout 88 pc:rt'l•nt, he :.added A:. u re•:;u It o f the vigorous t•ompelltion, S lwhon said. l'Vl'n thl• m ajor oil l'ompa nll's arc gl·H1ng mvolvt:d tn the price wars "Nl•v1•1 d11 I rt'<.'all a mapr gu.-. <'Ompany t:ompeung against othc>r maJOr gus l'C1mpanll's in pr1t't!," he• said Yt·t In April th{• Atlantic H1l'hfit.'ld Co. l'l1n11natt·d cn •d1t- <See GASOLINE, Page AZ) Court . weighs Bolsa By ROBERT BARKER 01 IM 01111)' Not ltelt S AN BERNARDINO The Amigos dt' Bolsa C h ica have takc•n their battll· to save the Bolsa C h u.'<& marshland near Huntington &·ach to the Fourth D1i.tricl Court of Appeal here. The Hunungton Beach-bast.>d env1ronmt-ntal1sts are dau'ning that a 1973 land e xc hange bC't ween the state and S ignal Landmark 1s unwnstitutional. They are a ppealing a 1980 Orange County Superior Court Judge's ruling that a one-year- s tatute of lim1tallon prohibits a legal cha llenge to the exchange The 1973 land e xc hange agrl'Cment was d c.'Signed to clear the way for Signal to develop the controversial area. Signal plans to build 5,700 h om es 1n the Bolsa C h ic a . including 1,200 residences on the waterfront. An 1.800-slip boat manna a lso is included in the plans now bPforc the State Coastal Comm1sswn. Am ig os attorney Lynda Martyn told the appellate judges Tuesda y th at th e sta t e Constitution prohibits the state from 'con vev ing tidelands lo priva t e part ies when the tidelands are located within two miles of an incorporated city. S he srud both sides agree that Bolsa Chica 1s located within two miles of Huntington Beach city limits. The 2.000-acre area is surrounded on three sides by city limits a nd on the fourth b y Pacific Coast Highway. The area 1s south of Warner Avenue Marty n . a San Francisco attorney who 1s the daughter of Amigos leaders Kenne th and Rhoda Martyn. said she also is s<•e king an at·<.•ounting o f otl royalties 1n thl' area "which she said "could involve millions of dollars." She said the public w as given 0 11 rights to only 70 acres. Sht• a lso claimed that t he Signal mmpam<.'S received 17 .000 a<.·res of tidela nds in the 1973 trade. Sht• said the land should IX' held in public trust because of its importance to society and wildlife. Martyn claimed that 300 acres Wl're deeded to the state in the 11greemcnt with an additional option on. 230 acres that would b<x'Ome st.ate property if a new navigable opening to the ocean was constructed IS« BOLSA. Paitt' A%) Crean 's father deals himself into 43rd District race By JEFF ADLER o<tM o.llp ..... It-" As promised in a letter he personally delivered to 43rd Congressional District write-In candidate Ron Packard, the millionaire father of Republican Johnnie Crean Int.ends to play au active role In his l<l'l's campaign In the weeka before the general election. The 33-year-old GOP nominee said his father, John C. Crean, will hold a news conferenc:e IOOn to document charges made In the thr~-page letter. Crean said his father will use news clippings and video tapes to ahow, as alleged In the Jetter, that Packard has employed "de ce ptiveness" and "dishonesty" in waging his campaign. But Crean , questioned about the letter before a nd during a live radio debate Tuesday night. did not say whe n the news conference would be scheduled. During the debate, .Cr~an said only. "I believe he wlll take soow action to doc um en.t the information In that letter." lllDEI ' Al Your Service AS Ann L.andt!l"lll At s ... 1neae 86°7 Movies C7 Cavalcade A7 Mutu.l Fun<b B6 Clua!fled F~-8 Names In News A5 Comica '2 National Newa A3 era.word F'l Public Notices F3·4 Death Notices FS Sporll Cl·6 Edh.or&.I A6 Dr. &.lncrohn A7 Entert.tiruraen l C7 Stock Markets 87 Jl'ood 01-8, £1-7 Televlalon ca Horoecope A7 Thea ten C7 Wrelher A2 --, He adde d he bel ie ves h is fa the r's participation in the campaign will be a "positive contribution" that will boost his election chances. Interviewed before the debate aired, Crean saJd he would asslat h is f a th er in preparing information to be released at the news conference. "If he wants informa tion, we'll h elp him. s ure," the candidate commented. The 1'Cnior Crean, chairman of Fleetwood Enterprises, one of t-h.c nation's largest manufacturer o( recreational vehicles, delivered the letter tO Pockard Monday. In it. he promlsed to pull out "all the stops" and campaign on his son's behalf In the district. "I will be In the district shortly and I will bo attack ing your vlclousneu. decep\lve n eaa. d~llelvnna. amusnese and your blatant a nd chronic dl1hont1tr, for prr-clsely what they are, • Crc•n wrow. The l ettt't, replete with historical allu11lon1, comperea Packard'• punult of hla wr1te·ln challenfe to Crean with Adolf Hitler s and the Japaneae (lee FATHER, Pa1e Al) -4 108, stories FATHER IN RACE • • • l(t•nt•rols' lnobllltv lu t•onn•cll' dqCcat durlnJ< World Wur II. "Thi• judgmental ond vlclou11 uukud•• lhiat you arc dlaploylnu In tht• fat·c of dl'fcot h1 In niy opinion cuu1HJd hy ltu• umc Con·es lhut brought on tht• spiritual smugnl'NS thitt made nf<.'<-\SSE.lry thl' crul'1f1xlon of our Lord," the letter t•onUnut.'ti. Packard suid hl' was surpri~ a!ld di ... •rt'SSl.'<.f when hl' rcce1vl.'CI tHe letter. He su1d he still 1s tcymg to Clgurl' out what lhe lelt.er means · "We sense maybt.• a shift In thl' t·ampu1gn and tht• last 30 duys might bc a lot d1Cf e rent," P~ckard said. H e added that 1f "Mr. Crean \~nior) nms a dirty campaign. o b viously the ca ndidate is nµming a dirty t•ampa1gn." Whik• some of his supporlcrs have inll•rpretcd the letter as a threat, Puckt1rd iwld tw na~ no t "Mr. Crt•irn 11 ju1u flndint( 1t dlffleult to hnve the prt•ss umJ tht• publk t•u•tlna anythln' un tht• quullfil'UtlonK ot hl11 lillll, • ht· suld. 'fhl• Ocmocrutlc cund ldut(• 111 tlw high-profile conlcSt, ltoy "Pat" A r~hcr. aald tht• letter t'Ould ploy to hls favor. "IC thC'y t•ontlnu1· In this manner 1t would lw assisting my campulgn." ht• !i81d. But Archer; said he was c•ont'tc'rncd that the letter w ould serve only to touch off unutlw r round of namc-calhng, wh1t•h charaNeriz.ed the bitter pr1mi1ry battle between Crean uncl 17 othl'r GOP candidates CrcaA won lhe primary a nd the GOP nomination by l'dging sa'Ond-place Cinishor Packard ~y 92 voles. GASOLINE PRICES • • • . 'tic k y fool Prophet Criswell dead BUIUlANK (Al') Jttronw l<ln~ l'r l11w1•ll, tlw whlu• huit'<'d td1·v1t11un "prophcwer'' with thl' fll'rl •tr11t1 n111 1t.urc, hu. dil--d ut St J111wph Mt'tlkal Center fullowlnJ( U IHl'Uk(• 11\• W(IJJ 75 Crtt>Wl'll hud bl'<m admlttttd Aul{. :JU. 11 hot1p1tul 11pokc·•m11n K;,mJ Tut.•Stluy. Tht• M.•lf -stylt>d psydu<·. who wt·nt unly b y his lust naml', 1 l:11nwd ht· f111it re;,illu:d he could pr l'dll't the f u tun· w ht•n he would tt•ll h11> part•n t.-l, morticians in lnd1uno. wht-n peopll' were aho ut to di e H e t·ame to ll oll y w <>o d and appeared 11•gularly on the "T onight" show ~tnd on KCOP, Channel I 3. l';,i ll1ng h1m i.t.-lf a "W th-C<-ntury Nostr<idamus," he da1rm'tl H7 pert.'t'nt accuracy for h1:. fun·<·u1>l1> on subjec ts Cro m n:.it ur11I d1i.asters to pohll<.'S .• But "C1 "w"ll Pred1t·ts" often fell i.hor t of his cla1rm fur awuracy. card purchaS<..>s at its s Uitions and lowered its prices to JcvC>ls below even some indept•ndent dealers. Since Arco lowc•red its prices, th~ other companic•s have been forced to follow suit, Shelton said.r Shelton said. Near the end of 'the year, many oil comJ>a!llc.'S dump their surplus of gasolme on tbc marke t at reduced pr1l·es, he explained. to make their f1l!cal reports look brighter. A HoiMe, Ida ho, fireman walkR ulong lnh•rstul ~ ntt. slowly ("as slow as mo lasses," in facl ) ttfh •r a 4·0 -foot ta nker tra iler split in lwo a nd In J IY7 3 Orange Co unty t1J11J('ltri.10l'l'. o ne of h11; last, he pn·d1t·tl'd that Qul'en Elizabeth would Call 111 and Princ-e Charles w11uld a1>i.uml! the throne, that H1t'hurd M. Nixon would servl' a third pn·s1dcntwl k rm and that w1 t h1n three.• years a ll nine nw mb{·rs of tht· U.S . S upreme l(>fl u 2 00-foot-long puddle of m o lasses on the high way· Cc,!Jft would Ix• women. ____ , On Aug. 17, th<' Exxon Corp. instituted a cn'Cl1t-t•ard surchargl' -an extra charge on its crcd11- card purchases and began o ffering discounts t o t•as h c ustomers. To kec·p pac c , Chevron will s tart doing the same Nov. l. "Motorists can look forward tu savi'ng some pennies at Chris tmas lime," Shelton said , wht:•n oil companies will be doing some "window-dressing on their profit pktures." Shelton pre d1 ctl'<l another 2 to 5-cent decrease in the next few months. Valley OKs change ,,,,, The practic-e o f "inventory dumping" for al·c o untlng purposes will continut-to dnve orices downward in the Culure, 0£ l'OUrse, that savings may be o ffset January 1, whe n an additional 2-cent.s-a -gallon st.Att- sales tax on gasoline will takl· e ff('('t. • city election BOLSA CHICA Signal a tto rney Kenneth Williams conte ndc•d that more than 1,400 acrt.-s had rc•vcrted to private ownership bccau:w or a la nd grant by the Mexica n government in 1845 and therefor were not public tadC'lands. Williams said that th<.' arc<1 was dammed for duc k huntt•rs 1n 1899. causing a phys1eal chang<.> in the area. Hl' said tht• disc.'Overy of oil in 1940 further altered lh<' land and that by 1970 "little vestige remained of the Conner tidaJ area." • • • Deputy Attorney Gt>n(•r.d Theodora Berger argued lhat tht· statute or limitations thus far proh ibiting a trial should remain in efC('('t "Unless agreements arc binding." she sajd. "la ndowners would be unwilling to enter agreements because there could be challenges 10. ~O and 30 years down the line." She said the state has Spl'nt $1 million to d e ve lop the Bnl..,,1 Chica Ec:olog1cal Reserve' SLAYING TRIAL • • • their first confrontation , Olson said. When O'Drist·oll confronted Yorba on the seco nd occasion, Olson said, Yorba l'harged him and knocked him to the gruu11d Yorba the n fell on O'DnS<:oll'i. knife, which the defendant had drawl'\ <ind held out for dc•fons1vr· purpos e s o nly. the deCr n st· la wyc·r said . 8} PHIL SNEIDERMAN or Iha D•llr Piiot St•tt T ht· Foun tc11 n Valley City Coum·il ha" tak<>n a firs t st<:p t ow .11 d n 1 n !-. o I 1 d a t 1 n g c 1 t y t-1<.'<·tum" with Novembc•r general dt'l.'l1on-. :r~ a ml·uns of bolstering v11Lt•r part11·1p<it10n in local ra('eS. Tht• c11u\1d l, m a 3 to 2 vote Tut·~uy night, d1rt'<.·ted th<' city attorrn·y to pr<.>p<in' an ordinam•t· that wo uld t·hanl{e local council 1•lt•e t 11111s , now 1n April , to m 1m·1dt• with Novt'mber ge neral 1·h'l.·twn~ Th{• t1llt•rn1•y Ill to present tht· o rcljn un cc· to the t•ounc il for r<•vww afll·r Jan I, when a m·w <;lair-J.1w govC'rning lc>e·al <'l1 .. ·t 1on d1.mg1·-. tak1·-. dfrt·t II 1111· rn1 ·a -.u11• ri. dppruv1·d <it tlrn t tlrrh·. thl' t.•1ty t·ount.·11 1·l<'<·t111n now •,dwc-lull'd for April. l!JH 4 w o ul d IH· m ovt•d t o N11v 1•111h1·r . 1984 lnc umhc·nt u1u nul mf·ml><.•r'l' lr•rm~ would '"' , x tl'nd1 rt 1hr1111gh t he· n c·w f'h'( l llHI tl,tlt• Thi 1 11 ·1 111.n d l'>l u-.-.1un ""as pr 0111 p t1·cl liv i.l'VC·r a l l'OUnt·il m1•111h1,.., d1!-.1>l<'a-.ur<· c>Vt•r lht· Sunn YF.!.9 .. ~p.m"!,a~~~im Owens Valley hlgns ano;ifd range Thursday, October 1 -~. ""'"" rrom 6S JO 75 with Iowa rrom 35 to • Ti atUfes --45 In nonharn deaeru. high lttml)9farurH mey Miiie between 76 end 86 wllh Iowa from 46 to I 56 Southern d-t hogh• lhOl.lld C O (l ,li4 I (l be from 86 10 114 wltn IOW1I •n the 501. Iha weerl'ter eer vtee Sunny 111\d wetme< lod•y wttl't p<edlC1ad. 111gh17610 83 Night a.nd morning -----------IOw cloud• ronlgllt and Tnu1sd•y. olhaf'#IM lalf 0.,.,nlglll IOwl SS to 60. Highs Tllursdly 72 10 78 e11ewhare . tr o m P o i n t Concaplion to the Mealc 1n borO.. and OUI 60 m1lal Small T e mpera ture s craft aclvlto<Y over outer oou1a1 Albany waters wllh not1hwMI wlndl !I 10 Albuqua NA TIONHI lo l'ep 72 37 1$ knot• and combined -and Amattllo ....u ot 4 to 8 tMt LOUlly l+ghl Anenorage var1al>le wind• through Tnurad1y AlheVltla •iscepl lor 1outhwHI lo wut AIJant• winds ot 10 10 18 knoll during Atlalltc C1y late attarnoon •nd evening noun Au1Hn Wind wllVal o1 2 10 4 1 .. 1 with BaltlmOfa IOUlhwMIMly lwell of 1 10 3 1 .. 1 Bltnngl L~ cloud9 Increasing lat• lodey, BlrmlnQhm rtten cloudy lonlghl with 11ow Blarnerek cltllring on Tnuredey B<MM ·------------~Boaton "' BrownlYlle l.f..S. summary ·~now and hall were reoortld In i ll of th• OakOIU tnCI uka today, Wlllla acanerad 1 wan 1nd thunC1er11orm1 rtpched ltom MlnnH o1• anO ·~•tarn Nor th 0111011 10 n~llaut Colorado '"WU raining In OOHtat Oregon and WHlllnglon. Showere end ll)ll!'IClerlll-9 were IClll•red lllOnO Ille Oun COMI encl aera.. F}eflde while e few "'-' tall In Vlftilnl• and Ille Carollnu. IJ1ear tklel p<avallad over Ille r~ ot Illa c:ountry, YoC11y·1 roracHI celled ror ~· and thunOetltonn• from ,.,.rlCI• through the IOWU M!Hlulppl Vellay 10 1ourh- Buttalo Burlington CMPat Chafllln SC Ch9/tlln WV Ch11ll• NC ~ne cnicego Cincinnati Clevel•nd Clmt>t1 SC Columt>u• Oel·f'IWln Dayton Denver °" Motnet Dalrotl Oullllh El Puo , alrt>anll• Faroe> F\egtteff Or .. IFlllll Har11orCI H...,,_ Honolulu !<-ton lndnaC>lil Jac;l\et'I MS 93 51 86 61 40 29 80 58 64 6-4 7S 60 91 118 76 82 411 41 0 1 68 67 46 34 07 511 30 .. 52 89 7S 22 70 411 69 311 43 34 .OS 112 72 83 59 113 64 53 37 811 S4 ~ 80 79 80 !15 80 80 60 91 117 80 60 72 30 75 60 .18 75 49 61 40 111 81 35 211 52 33 117 32 50 35 06 7' 4A 53 40 .03 88 72 .. 73 !14 69 01 63 Jacksnv11e Juneau Kine City Kno11vtlle Lee V41Qff little Roell Louttvitle lut>Ooc:k • Mampflil Miami Mttweuk .. Mple-St P Nlll'IYllle New Orteane •New YOtll Not'IOlk Ho. Pleltl ·Okla Ctty Om•ll• Of1ando Phlladpl'tta Phc>enh1 Pilllburgll Piiand, Ma Piiand, Ora Providence =::rc.1y Reno AlchmOnCI Seit Lek• 8an ArnoniO s.ttle ::,-:?:. SI L.OUit 82 50 87 116 71 117 83 87 90 86 78 es SS 87 77 80 78 87 86 90 7S 90 78 113 60 71 84 48 111 82 57 89 64 02 76 811 70 42 6• 62 80 62 60 81 80 77 5:> 62 62 45 07 33 H 06 s8 66 40 6J 59 73 22 57 60 57 39 41 49 112 41 27 65 .. 09 66 44 GO 92 00 &<I, =1ret Taua, rein .,_, from upper GrNI lallff lhr~ middle end 11Pt* M~ v_.., to 111e Oekot" 1111d ovet tf8 Peclflc NorfhwHI Sunnr ..... Wiii pteYllll llQOM Ille r .. t Of t(lil netlon .. . ,...~---------- ..... itt .... -~u ..... 1_f l_IP-""!D~~ €alifornia .. '-cs ANGELES (AP) -Falt 1k\u el'tould prnell ovu SCl!lilhern CallfClfnle Tllyredey With ~ ctouel'-In IN motnlnO 114!'ig the 00111. the Nellon1l W..het ~Mid tod"Y. £.,n wlnd9 from 1f to II mey mo111 Into notthern 11 ThurtOey t>ut tho tun • ...,10 be 0111 In mot t ., .... T_.p.,eturu mey drop In o.,elel 1.0'1on1. the ... lhet ....... -~ Mgelet lllgrle INMd to9 • 1• •1111 • low nH r 10 fllo "MIY ncM cwoep .,... 71 Ill velt•Y• TIMHICl•y with om M l'o IO otoude '"9'f' ..,.,.., '" .,.. ...... lliQlla frl>fl'\ end 10W1 trOfll S2 to en • Atletlf• T.mp ee 97 80 89 69 " 87 17 T OfTIOf10w· HIOfl Tide a 43 p.m low TIOe •. 17 I '" lw.11 C>t1tctl0fl • '°""' .- St P T11mp1 117 SI Sii Mtm.i 76 SPoklM 57 SyrQCUM! T3 Topeh• 90 rue son 86 Tul111 91 W&1h1ng111 80 W1Ch1l1 91 CALIFORNIA ""Ille Vnlley Bnkf'!r~r1eld Ber&low Bo11umom Big Baar B•stoop BlyH•c• C11•1tne Culver C11y Eura•u1 rresno LAncaaier long B'9ACh l o• Anglllat Monrovt• Monlat>4!11o Monterey Ml Wilton Nff<llel Ntwi>e>rl Be11cn Oak11n0 m og Tide 75 43 35 42 64 49 68 65 87 80 77 85 81 65 71 90 74 76 S9 75 77 76 75 85 llO 6A 74 117 70 llQ TODAY StcOn<l high I I 38 I m Stcon<t low e·4 t pm THu.teOA't 1'1111 hl9ll I 03 e m. 05 rlrel tow 1.541 • m Second high ll22 Pm 8 8 tecond low HO p m 0 4 eun .... todl)' •• e ~, p'". fleM Thlittcll)' II 8 82 I tn Moon ""' !Od•Y et I 20 P m • Mii Th11110•y II 10 H • fl'1, ... • poor turnouts 1n r ect•n t city c·ound l C'ICC'llons. Las t April's c ity t·o unt·1l election drew 16 3 pel'(.'('nt of the c ity 's rcg1s lcrcd voters to th · polls. The 1980 cle<:tion dr<.>w a I 4 p1:rt-cnt turnout. By c·hanging the city elt.-cuon datt.· to c'Oinc1dc with other roc·cs. c'Ounc1l m<•mbt.>rs anticipate more l ocal rcpn•s<•ntotio n in tht• sele t·t ion of c·l t y lt•adc•rs . Counci lman Fn•d Voss urged that th<' city e lections be moved to the same date as local sehool board l'le<.·t1ons, which are he ld in Novemb<>r each odd-numbered yt·or Ht• t·unt<.'ndlXI that ltx:al raC't.'S 11111,;ht !Htrat·t too little• atwnuon 1( t•o n dut'tt•d during <'V c•n - numbc•n ·d yc·ari. in November, when maJor s tate a n~ Ccderal rat..~ are dc-<:1dt.-d. This proposal was supported bv Counc ilwo man Barbara Brown But Mavor Marvin Adl<·r and Counnlm~1n Bt•n N1c•bl·n s:ud thPv favun ·d holding tht· city c·IN:llons "' l'OOJUnct1o n with statP and fl'Clcrnl 1•k'<.·t1ons Gifted children topic of A one-day l'Onfercncc.> for pare nts and ~t eac hers on programs for gifted children will be offered Saturday, Oct. 16, In Irvine. Spon sored b y the lol·al school distrit·t 's advis o r y rnmmittee for Gifted and Talented Education (GATE),· the conference will run Crom 8 .30 a .m to 4::rn pm. a t Woodbridge High Schoo l. Dick Sholseth, hrad o f th<· •A Cree s em1n ;u o n rt'l'o g n i zing s tress and • decTt•asing 1t will Ix· oHen.-d at 7:30 p.m Tuesday. Oct 19. at ()o,·rf&eld Community Park 111 Irvine El Toro ch1roprat·tor Denn'ls La n n on w i 11 p rt· M.' n t t h l' • selll1nar Los Angl·lcs County GATE prog ram. will be k t·y n o t<• i.pt-<1 kc:r , Fl'l' 1:. $I :l 50 J)(:r pnson or $~0 pN t·o upk· It snl'ludt-s lunr·h Conf~rcnt'l' t'oord1nator Mari l yn Del ur y i.a1d prt•rcgl!-.trauon 1s c•ss<:nllal by l'<i ll1ng thl' Irvine Unifwd ~:k hoo l D1 s tr&<'t 0 Cf1 l'e a t ~5ti-4!:JOO t•xt 68 !111 m1nuu• proKram. utled, "S tr<'ss· Your Body's Worst Em ·my " The program 1s ro- ~ µun-.ored by thl• c·ity and South Coast Mc-d1cal Ct'nler tn South Lagun<1 For murt• information. call th1• m1-dk<il center's Core Unit ill 499-2295 College enrollnient pluniniets Fell en rollment In lhc Coast Community College District has dropped 15,3 percent romparcd to the same semester In l 981 , according to figures released at the ronclwnon of the first month of school The d1stnt·t includes Orange .Coas t College in Costa Mesa. Gold e n West College in Huntington Beach and Fountain Valle y -based Coastline College. wh1c·h offers dasses throughout the d1stnet. Oistnct off1c1als have blamed much of the e nrollment decline on a reduction In state rundlng for rommu~ity colle~es. During the summer . state oHidals announced a "hit list" of community college r ecreation and self-improvement classes that would no longer be eligible for s tate funds. As a result. the three colleges are o!Cering 834 fewer classt's thi s s e mester th a n w e re sehcduled m Call 1981 Fall enrollment tot.als for the three schools arC>: -Coastline: 22.204 students. down 26.4 percent. ·orange Coast: 30.437. down 9.2 pc•rc·cnt -Golde n West. 20.960. down 9.5 pert-ent. Included in the Coastline total 1s a t pen:.-ent increase in stude nts t•nrollc·d in t<.>le v1s1on courses. Thc> fall 1982 televis ion <'nrollmrnt 1s 3.844 District off1c1als noted that stat<.' funding for local colleges is ' contingent n o t JU St on the number of stude nL'i attendmg but on the number of classes in which each student i.s enrolled. KRUPS ''Quality. by Design" • • • BREWMISTER Model #261 SALE PRICE '49.88 List $76.00 - Limited To Supply On Hand Touch-It KM50 Model it202 # 1 S.11111 lrla4er lane Wtr14. Sale Price '16.88 Utt $27.00 Limited To Supply On H•nd Otters G<><><' Thru 10112182 ·-'° more than you expect In a hardware store CROWM El HARDWARE ~· ,. .. " Ai llAlllCUIT AITA 1111 llRlll WtlJNf ',UA'I' lH T1 1t1t H•. 1'fll.' OR ANGE COUN I Y C AI II OHN IA 2~ CENTS Mesa a:Partment complex draWs \ official's • ire By J ODI CADENHEAD OftMD...,,._.atelf From the se<:"Und floor of h u; $515-pcr-month apartment In Cosw Mesa, Paul Bernhardt, 26, can see literally hundreds of broken beer bottles C.'Ovcring the roof of a neighboring apartment l'<>mplcx at 2346 Sanw Ana Ave Jackie and Don Roehrs, who live ac·ross the street from the complex have put their $160,000 home up for sale, complaining that the alleged overl·rowding, n oi·se and public uri nating witnessed during the last two years has finally gotten to be too much. "It's a dump," Don Raeh rs said. "It's getting to the point that It's unbearable, so we figured let's get out of here." After receiving a complaint abo ut the alleged rundown condition of the complex Costa Mesa Councilwoman Norma Hertzog called on her colleagues Monday to enforce regulations to mak e l andlords more acc.'Ou n table. "The <.'Omplex is overrun with peo ple who are o f a n oth er nationality who have a different attitud e t oward th e ir e nvironme nt," said He rtzog , following the meet ing. "There are 50 people in six apartments and there are drunken brawls." The two-term councilwoma n, seeking re-election In November, · said she 1s concerned abo~t overcr owding thro ughout the city and b1ighted conditions that s h e said cause surround111g property values to plummet. Copter pilot ' killed The single occupant o f a private helicopte r was kille d today when his craft exploded in mid-air and cruhed at the River View Golf Course in Santa Ana. The crash, which scattered debris from the Robinson R-22 helicopter for several hundred yards, occurred at 10:05 a.m. at 1800 W. 20th St., immediately ad jacent to the fie ld o f the Northwest Little League. Police arrived to find the helicopte r in flames a nd its unidentifie d pilot d ead. (See Photo, Page A2). No other injuri es w e r e reported, Sgt. Irv Mueller of the Santa Ana po lice department said. The National Transportation Safety Board ls investigating the incident. A witness, J oe Starbird, 20, of Garden Grove, said he was en route to classes at Santa Ana Junior College when he heard a loud pop. He said h e saw one of the helicopter rotor blades fly off and saw the pilot attempllng to climb out of the cockpit just pnor to the expl08.ion. The black. brown and white helicopter plunged to the ground, near the second tee at the golf course, officials said. Bo ule-strewn garage roof is indicative of alleged blighted conditions a nd overc ro wding a t a nta Ana Avenue complex. ··rm not talking about someom• who d0t:sn't cut their lawn or their garage needs paint," said Hertzog. "H e rtzog sa id she was <:oncerned about landlords who a r e o nly con cerned a b out l'O lll'l'lmg rl•nt und don't <:are about tht· quality of life. That's the JX'Oplc· I'm after." Thl• counl'il d1rectc•d the city at t orn ey's off1cC' a n d the Dl·vclopml•nt Services Departmt•nt to look into ways 'H ey, Re g gie, o ver he r e' tlil'y could forc-e property owners to repair rundown dwellings. The issue goes beyond the complex single d o ut Mo nday night Hertzog sajd four or five other apartments m the city arc s uffering from blight and overcrowding. Angel fans vie fo r the a ttent ion of their favor ite ba llplayers befo re Tuesd ay night's open ing gam e of the Am erican League playoffs in Ana he im te dium. T he Ha los responded to the cheers of a record c rowd b y dism a ntling the Milwaukee Brewers, 8-3. See stories a nd mo re pho tos on Page C I . Dellr Not l leff '11oto "I don't buy this thing that there's nothing we can do about It," said Hertzog in an m~rview Tuesday. "I don't want to wait #ut1t1I it's a massive problem and people move out of the city." Ma rinko J erkunica, owner of the complex along Santa Ana Avl•., ls ln Burupc'. But h l11 80f'l, Anthony Jerkunu:o, :l l , 1181d he had bNm ll•h in· C'harge> of hia f uttwr's propt!rtlt•ic. Anthon y J l'rkunku said his fatht•r has tnc-d to evit't many or th1· tenants. "He'll rent to two pt-opll• and then 10 more will movl' in. When h(• finds out he gives thc·m a warning " "They're awful w nunts," said Jt>rkunic.;a "We'll spend days <'ll·amng up and then days later it Will be JUSt 8!'I bad " A re<.-cnt U.S Supreme Court dc.'<·1s1on has l'hungl'd the number or unn·latt-d aduft:; that can lave In a h ohw from four to on e person pc·r l'vcry 50 square feet. About 12 pc'Ople can live in a two-bedroom, 800-square foot upurtml•nt, said Doug Clark, dir~·tor of the• city Development Sl'rv1cl:s Department. Co mpaig n s t o elimi nat e ov«:nTuwding ofwn result in the d1splan•mcnt of poor tenants and sh ifts the· prob l e m to a nc·1ghboring city, said Eugene &'Ono, l'Xl'<'utivt' director of the t:ounty's Fair Housing Council. "Saying you're against ... ovc·rcrowd1ng 1s like saying you're 1n favor of appk pie," said Smno "But people don't live in bunches bft:aus..> they want to. It's economic They shouldn't be chasusc-d as being sub-human."• Pollet> said they have been l'allt>d to lhe t•omplex for nu1sancl.' complaints that inc l uded n oise· and public drunkennc--ss Gasoline prices fall as demand takes sharp dip By KAREN E . llEJN or .. ._,..,..., Demand for gasoline from the motoring public has, in the words o f an industry observer, "gone down. down. down." The result? Gasoline pnces are going down, down, down, too. "Re tailers and refineries are competing to get a larger piece or a sma Iler pie." said Steve Shelton, president of Irvine- based Southern California Service Station Association. Gasoline p r ices in Ora nge County and across the riation have been on a fairly continuous decline since March 1981 , a nd they wUI continue to fall at least through the end of the year, Shelton said. l n the meantime, a vigorous price war is being waged by both retail dea le rs and m a jor oil com panies, and the fallout can only produce more good news for consumers, Shelton said. Self-service gasoline prices have been reduced 3 cents a gallon over the past monlh at Dick Oglesbee's Chevron station at Fairview Road and Baker m Costa Mesa. "Prices are coming down another penny to night," Oglesbee said Tuesd ay. The 1 cent decrease will bring his prit'l' for self-ser ve regular to $1.28 per gallon. Ogles bee said h e expec ts another reduction after the first oC Novr,ber, when Chevron will Lmpose a.3 petcent service charge on its credit ~ards and offer discounts to its cash customers. Why the drop in prices? S helton said a glut of crude 011 in this country combined w ith reduced consumption of gas has led oil companies and ser vice stations to start competing for sales. "Consumers are getting better gas mileage, s tay ing closer to home and using gas money to pay the rent," Shelton sa1d. Dan Lundbe rg. publisher of the authoritive weekly Lundberg Le tter. which charts oil industry trends. said retail dealers and operators a re having to sacrifitt' their operating margins in order to make their prices l'Ompetitive. "Only 71 percent of (the oil companies') existing refinerlea Me bein~ utilized," Lundberg s~ud. Maximum ~t1lizalion would be a bout 88 percent. he added. As a. result of the vigorous compet1t1on, Shelton said, even the maJor o il companies are ge tiing involved in the price wars. "Never do I recall a major gas company competing against other maJor gas compa nies in price.'' he said. Ye t 1n April the Atlantic Richfield .Co. eliminated credit- (See GASOLINE, Page AZ) erean's father deals himself • into 43rd District race By J EFF ADLE R OflM ....... ,..,, As promised In a letter he pertonally d elivered to 43rd Congreuional District write-In candidate Ro n Packard, the millionaire father of Republican Johnnie Crean intends to play an active role in his aon's campaign in the weeks before the general election. The 33-year-old GOP nominee aaid his father, John C. Crea n, will hold a news conference toon '° document charges made In the three-f>'lge letter. Crean said his father wiU use news clippings and video tapes to 1how. as alleged in the letter, tha t Packard has employed "dece pti ve n ess" a nd "dishonesty" In waging his campaign. But Crean, questioned about the letter before and during a Hve radio debate Tuesday night, d id not say whe n the n e w s conference would be scheduled. During the debate, Crean said only, "I believe he will take some ac t ion t o document the Information in that letter." lllDEI ' I ' At Your Service A8 Buaineas Cavalcade o .. mec:t Corniel Cl'Ollword Death Notion Editorial En&ertelnment rood Horoecope . '" 86-7 A7 F~-8 F2 F2 F3 A6 C7 Dl-8, El·? A7 An11 Land~n1 At MQvles C7 Mutual Funds 86 Names in News A~ National News A 3 Public Notices F3·4 Sporta Cl-6 Dr. SlCllncrohn A7 Stock Marketa 87 Te)eviaion C8 Theaters C7 Weether A2 . He added h e be lieves his f a the r 's partici°pation In the campaign will be a "positive rontribut10n" that will boost his election chances. Intervie wed before the debate aired. Crean said he would a.sslst his father in pre par i ng informa tion to be released at the news conference. "If h e wants information. w e'll help him , sure," the candJdate commented. The senior Crean, chairman of Fleelwood Enterprises, one o f the nation's largest manufacturer of recreational vehJcles, delivered the letter to Packard Monday. tn it, he promlaed to pull out "tall the stops" and campaign on his son'a beha){ in the district. "l wlll be in the district shortly and J wlll be a ttacklns your v lclouaneu, deceptiveness, dev!M>lvncu. amugneu and your blata nt and chronic dlahonestr, for precisely what they are. ' Crean wrote . Tht letter, replete with histor ical allualona. comperl't Packard'• purault of hla wrhe·ln challenfe to Crun with Adolf Hitler a and lhe Japan ese (Ptee FATHER, Pa1e Al) ., 41 CIN Orunu Coo11 OAIL V PtL() llW dnHdoy, Oclob t 13, 196, ~--t\,-&., l . , \\.\'ft. Continued stories Disneyland. slaying self-def en ·? e. FATHER IN RACE ... i£'f'll'rt1l11' lnabllltv to c:onct'dt• dcll'ut durmw Worlcl W r 11. "Thc JUdgmC>ntal oi\d vklou11 anltuc.J~ th11t you ore d 1sph1 y1n.i In the Coce of dc•fcat h1 In my op n1 on causl•d by the saml' l'Orcc·:i that brought o n the spiritual smugness thot m1ufo o~cssury the• t.-n.tclfixion uf our GASOLINE card pun.·huscs at 1ts stations und lowered its pmff to levels below even some indeix•ndcnt deul<.'rs. Since An·o lo wen •d its prices, the other rompanil':i have• t>N>n forced to follow suit. Shelton said. Mesa backs. firefighter • pay raises Costa M l'sa Ci t y Council members have upprovcd a 9.2 percent pay raise for fireCigh t.crs, making the city firefighters thC' sec:Qnd highe>st paid m a survey of nine comparable citil•s. City Manager Fred Sorsabal said the pay hike will bring the firefighters from fifth to second pl1!ce in a survey or Huntington Beech. Costa Mesa. Buena Park, Santa Ana. Orange. Fullerton. Newport Beach, Carden G rove and Westminster. Newport Beach r1rC'f1ghters who received a 7 pert-ent ralSC in July are the highest paid with a salary range betwcc•n $1.756 and $2,134. Costa Mesci f1re fifhters will now earn between 1.675 and $2.037 a month The pay hike approved this week mcludcs a n 8 75 pl.'rc:c•nt raise effective Ot·t. 17 and a 5 percent raise• eff~'tr ve July 10. with medical bl'nef1ts and an increase in sick ll'avc pay swrung July, 1983. Also mcluded in the 22-month contract is a one percent increase in r etirement b c nl'ftts ror firefighters over 50. with 25 I years or service. Clerical employees m the city were granted an avl'rage 2.8 percent pay raise Monday night. Lord," tht• INtur ronllnut'!f PLk.·kurd 1>1dd ht• w1lll 1eurpris.-tr 11rul didtrt•511('{f wht>n hl' rt'l'(.'IV('<I the I •t tc:r. Hc> imld he• sll 11 iii trying to figure• out whut itw ll'Ul·r ml'uns. "We BOniw muybe u 11h1Ct in lht· ~·110,palgn ')nd the laat 30 day• might be a lot dlf!t•rcnt," Pu,:luird Raid. I le u~dt.-'d that if ''Mr. C.:rean (st>nlor) runs a dirty campaign, obviously t he ca ndidate iH running a dirty campaign." Wh1ll' some of his supportL't'l! have interpret.ed the lt'tl.c:'r us a thrt.•at, Packard said he has nol. By l>AVID KUTZMANN Of"'tMDallrl'tle411Mf A Sun Ojl•t(<> muri u'-' UM.'C.l vf t·11mml11l11t( Ol•nl!ylund'li flr1t homll"1d1• w1111 only 111·t111t( In i;df dt>h•11M· wlwn un Iii )'l".1r uld lt1 v,•r,.1cJ1• mun wo1 11tuulwd to d1•11th in IUlll. 11cldt•l\!41'11t11>rru•y ui....,.•f'll'<I 'l°lll'i«luy 111 1111t•11111~ i.Lat1•nwnt1> lx•fc111• a six mun. i.1x womun 01·u11J<1• l'ounty Suµl'rlor Court Jury. d1·l1·n11unt J11m1•K O 'Drrsnill's all111111•y dulrm-tl that hill d1t•nl WfiN llll\1A't.'11l of murder chat'Ul'!I stemming from Mel C. Yorb1:1'11 dNtlh In Murd1, I YU I. nc•1Jr tho Mui.<11· Kmwuw11'H T11mnr1·owl11nd Ul't•U Yorlm duod frum 1:1 stub w111111d to the• lwurl und liver. S <' v <.• r 1:1 I du y s a I t 1· r t h 1· i.tabhinl(. munty h1•ahh ofl ldals l' r I t I(' I 7 (•er n I s I) I' y I u n cJ '/; l'n11•1'j.(t•111·v tr<'Ulml'nl pr<X'i:durl'h bl'l'HUSl' puranwdics. were not Negotiations are continuing with police. maintenance and technical employees. Sorsabal said that the city is r ecommending a 5 percen l increase for pollre oHK-ers, which would move them from ftfth to second plaCC' behind Huntington Beach. on th<.' nine-city s urvey Pilot killed in crash U.S. summary "1ow end nall -e reported tn pJttl or lh• 01kot11 end ,...rHkl tOdl)I, while llCllt ... td 1hower1 and thundertlormt rll!achld from MlnnHota and e111ern North D1kol• 10 neftneltl Coloredo. II wM rlinlng In coutel Orag0<1 111C1 w1anlng1on. SllOwera • id t11W1d9rthower• -• 11Cellered llong the Gulf CONI Ind tcroH Fl«ldl wNle 1 ..._ ~· lell kl v~ end the CMollnH llllM pr..,liled <rlfW Ille r ot the country. fod•Y'• toreeHI e1ll1d lor ......,, llld lllundlflle>rme Iron! florid• through th• lo wer M}HIHlppl Velley 10 touth· <*ltrll T9UI. rein.,_. lrOfl'I t.be Utl99' or .. t 1.111.. lhrough tf1t mlddie lflCI upper MIMiMIC>C>I v.., 10 Ille 0111'" .. ancl -t• ~ecllle Nonhw .. t Sunny ..... wlfl pteYlil -OM 1119 r•I ot .,.. netlOn C~lifornia los ANGEL.ES (AP) -Fair •ft'•• ehould pr1v111 ov er loutllem Celffofflll TI!utld•y with doudlt1let In IN INHntnci • c;o111. ,,,. Nll lonll htvloe Mid IOOey. Wlndl "°"' 15 to 28 r mo11• 11110 11or111.,n =• Thurtd•y but lht 1un ff OUI Ill molt tre11, ptrehuu ""' drop In lat ,::.11on1, tfl• ""her ,.,.... ... "'°"" lell It Ill I low nter 10 fht ....,,, ,,,., llOt ~ .,... .,. In ..... el 111lteY1 Tll1.1r1d1y with .,_M foto. CIOVdl Ml y lppttt In ..... ...., l'IWll ltOfl'I ~ ft Ind 10M from U to In 4 Firemen survey wreckage of helicopter tha t exploded and fe ll on Rive r Vie w Golf Cour ·e this morning. T e nipe ratures NATIOM HI Lo Pep Albll'Y 72 37 Alt>uque 83 51 Ama11llO 86 Ill A~l99 40 29 Alhevtlle llO 58 Atlenll 84 64 AUantc; Cty 75 60 Auttin 91 68 76 112 Jecklfl\'lle 82 70 45 e1111mo<e 48 41 01 .!.-60 42 07 91111nga 81rmlngllm 88 61 1(-Clty 87 64 Bt1merek 411 34 07 Knoxvtele ee 62 59 30 LMVegu 77 llO 8olM lie 52 Utile Roek 87 82 BotlOfl 89 75 22 lc>uWvllle 83 60 8rown1vll• 8vtt110 70 46 lubbOCk 87 61 Burllnglon 89 39 Memc>hll 90 60 C11c>e< 43 3" 08 Mllml 86 77 33 Cnarlltn SC 82 72 MllWIUk" 76 52 Cn1t111n WV 83 59 Mplt-$1.P 85 82 Cnarl~ NC 13 64 N19hville 85 62 Cheyenne 53 37 New Ottean• 87 7• 06 Cflk:ego 86 54 N-YO<ll 77 58 Clnelnn111 84 60 Nori Olk 80 85 Ciev.tlnd 79 50 No Pl1Ue 78 40 Clmbll SC 115 60 0ttt1 Ctty 87 83 Columbut 80 60 Om ell• 86 59 011-FtWtn Gt 87 Orllndo llO 73 22 Deyton llO 60 Phlledphlti 75 57 Den¥9r 72 3a, Phoenl• llO 60 0.. MOIMI 75 60 18 Pllt~t: 78 57 Oelroll 75 49 Pti.nd. • 63 39 Duluth 81 '° Plltnd, Ore 89 41 El PllO 91 e1 p~ 71 49 Flifbenlc1 35 28 :=fcttv 8<I 112 Ferg0 52 33 411 41 F'llgllllft 17 32 ~ 81 27 OtMIFllll 60 35 05 12 15 HlrtlOfd 74 « Sell l.1111 57 44 Oii Hllenl 53 40 03 891' Antonio 19 86 ~ 1141 72 Selltle ... 44 'ioueton le 73 :=;·1~ 92 eo lndf\ICl!lt 8A 59 76 52 Oii JKtllll M& 91 a3 81 LOUii t4 8A Ii lllf RIPIRT z T:;f .... ,..., ... ~ A I ....,. T-11 HltnfW\OfOl'I llullt good 1141 ~~p-1·3 , . ., 17 ~ """" Jetty 2·1 ~-ftlr eg . lt~I 24 fllf .. 22"0 81 Newport 0 poor et lalbcMW= a,.4 poof•fllr " Sen ClltlMn Pier a II~ 17 Tt1f1119M (T•8trMtl 1-3 17 • SIP Temp11 87 75 05 SI Ste 11A11r1e 78 43 Spok11ne 57 35 Syracuse 73 42 Topeka llO 84 TuC.llOfl 86 49 TulH 91 68 Wn1n1no1n 80 65 W1cf'1111 9t 67 CALIFO .. NIA Appllt Valley 80 u B11k er slleid 77 57 811r•1ow 85 55 Boaumonl 81 48 810 Beer 65 I 28 81tf'IOP 71 40 Blylhe 90 59 C&lftllne 74 58 Culver Clly 78 58 Eurtkft 59 49 Fresno 75 45 l8nCHltr 77 47 Long Beech 78 57 lot Angeles 75 60 Monrovia 85 81 MonlebellO 80 58 Monterey ~ .. 53 Ml W11M>n 74 48 Need let 87 511 N= S.Kh 70 60 Oak '-11 I,'\ mog -Where 10 c111 (toll lrH ) lot lllMt ~metlon Orenge ~""'' 4 4&.312t lot An9e1.. ounty (100) 242.-4022 ,.._,llde Ind len lernardlno COIMlllll. llOOt 311-4710 110-..0 ''*'"°" ~ltt' llOOI l>4i..-.e • Tides TOOAY 94Kl0nd hit" I 1 .38 I m $ I Second IOw 8.41 p m. 0 3 THUMOAY l'lrJt high l.OG 1.m a 9 f'lrtl IOW 6 M 1 m 2 2 leconel high 12 22 t> m 8 I hCond 10w HO p 111 0 4 Sun .. ,. lodl'f II I 31 pm , 11-TllvttOty It I 12 Im Moon ,._ toOw 91, HO t> m • Mit Thlnel'Y If tO M 1 m • 1·111lt'(I t.v 1 tw 11 •1111 ond bt'<'llUM• V11rl>u wuic u1k1•n to u hotlJltnl whll'h did nut huw u •pt"(.'lo lu-d tniumu can• ' •ntcr Vol'lllc' lu111lly ol"" fllc"CI u $00 n111lw11 w1 un"ful <.h.•utla luw•wt UHUllllit the• .pork, nllc·glng that lhc· yuun"' mu11'11 ch•uth l'U\'ltJ have• bt.'f'rt prc·v1.•nt1-<l if udt.'(jUUll' M'l'Ul'll)' 111111 t'll\l'l'Kt'llt')' ITH-dku l t11cl pr0<.'C'<lurt•s wen• UJkt•11 DtHm,.ylond ofrkwl11> dtNf>UH·cl tht• c·ntl~h1m YorlJl.1 <lll'<l tht· r11u1t1 ul Mord• 7, I ~Ii l , w lw11 hl· unc.J 1wvcrul friends went to Olsncylund ull part of u fumil y night f or empluy1•1•11 of Huhr lr1dui1tric11 Corp. lllN pu1·t•nts wurkl·d Cor llohr in H1vcr111do. Prciicl•t·utor Patrick (iNtry tontt>nde•d Tuc11du y thut O'Driscoll stabbed Yorbu ofter thl' dl'ft•ndunl UC('U!it'U him of 1.11m:hmg his gtrlfnl'nd Gt'ury 1>u1d O'Orrsrnll twu 1.tl'COllt1'{f Vorbu and h111 t 11t·1uh1 two tlmt'f thut 1•v1•11111~ 011 tht• ltnit {)(.'\!Ulon. he• 11U1tJ, lht• lunky ch•ft•ndont BroblX'd u f1 u•nd or Yorlw'• ond yc·lll•d, "Why dul you iiirob my atr llrl1•nd''" Gt•ury told Yorho. u htgh 1tt•hool wn•111tlt•1 , muvt•cl town rd <>'I >rl,,nill 11nd rt11M•d IJ dt·rwh1•d fri.t At that pornl, lht· dt•puty cllstrll't llttOrrll')' 1U1ld, o· Ort!K'tlll pull•·d u hunting"it111f1• from o 11twu1h on hl5 bdt \ind wov1-.l 11 111 front t1f Yorba n11tl hiK foui frit·nd8. Whun O'Drlscoll'a glrlfrlf'nd 11huuwd thnt lw h11d grubbt-d the wron~ pcr11ori , ht• ll•t ~o •if Yorh11 11 friend, Culvln Uavt~. 11111J Lht• Kl'llUJ) il•ft thl' area. M1nut1•11 lut1•r . howc•vt•r, O' Urnwull uuol11 appl•orc·d u n<l this ttnw grublx_'{f Yorba~ Ct!ary s:ud Thl' prosecutor ·alll·g1:d thlJ t O 'Drp1t:ut1 drove his knift• 1ntu V1111i,,·,. 111.,11 I rrftn llw H1v1•111dt· l111itlt i'>dt11ul Nt11d1·111 "true k tht• d1•h•ndu111 with b.11; f '"' l>dc·ni.t· otforr11·y OIKon. how1•vt•1. ptJrtroy<-d Y c1rb..t r.u1 the "1111t1al uj(grc~r " 'l'lw Wt•lllmlo•tt•r 11ttornf'y lOnll'ncJ1od thut It w.lK Vcwoo who t1 u cl J< r 11 b b •• d 0 ' Dr t 1H· o J I '1 ~Ir Hr lt'nd from hc·hmd OH \ht•)' w.ilkd 111 a 11111· lh· 1wlcJ un outopHy howc•d thut Yorbo't> hlcwtl 1111 nhol r1·ud1ng thul 1•v1•11111g WUN 17 , l11r uhovc· th1• I 0 h•vc·I ui.t•d f.11 d1•ll•1·111111111~ If u ~·rMm 11-1 ll·ua•lly t1ru11k ()'IJ1'IM·ull Was only 11c•c!k1ng on II poluj( y w lh'll Ill' l 'llll r ron tt·d Y111 hio tind hu. f11ur I 11t•11ds und dcc·w hrs knif1· 111 <,<•If dt·fon~ ot tltt•11 (11 Mt 1•0111 rorctut1011 , Olson <t.11d Wht•11 o · Driscoll lord ron led Yorb11 1111 t ht• Sl'l'lllld ix·t·aston, Ol111m '>llld, Yorba t huri.(c'Cl him untJ klHJl:kt't.l l11rn to lh<· J<round. Being a "good guy' cost . Mesan's life By STEVE MARBLE OftMD811rPllot lte• It wasn't out of charal·l.cr for Matt Coleman to try to give· someone u he lping hand. Friends say that's the kind or guy he was. Last Saturday, thl' 24-year-rJld Costa Mesu man stoppe d on MacArthur Boulevard in Irvine to help a stranded motorist He pulled his car over tn th•· t't'ntl·r div1dl·r and wa3 wulking hack to a pair of cars th:ll Wl"rl' blockmg a lam· of lraffrt: wht·n u trut·k slummlod rnto tht· curs and tht.•n into Colcmun Cult·man's falht•r s<1yi. he• hc•lat.•vL·~ hes son n1·v~r knl'W what hrl him H<' says poltt:l' told hrm that tht.· iH'('JdL•nt JUSI happemod th<it quickly "It was JWil so typll.·al of him to want to stop and help soml•body It was <i Good Sam<irllan g~ture.'' Lhc fothcr says. Funeral st'f'Vtl'l'l! for Coll'man wc•rl' held Tu1•sday ahl'rnoon A gr<i~uale of Newport 1-t<irbor 1 lrgh School, the 24-yt-ar-old was a st'<.·urity guard with tht.· lrv111c· Company and was tntl·n~kd 111 working in television. lit· had worked with a llK·<il ('abl<> television firm, had studied ('(lmmunicatlons at Orang~ Coast College and had hl'lpctl with lighting and staging for M'V<·ral mus1l'al pro duc·tion s <it S t Andrew's PrC'Sbytcrw11 l'hur('h, wh1d1 he attended. Colt·man's family h<is ask<·d that m<·murcal contnbutwns Ix· rn:1d1· in hrs namt· ln the youth fund al S t Andrl'w':. m Nt•wport &•al·h T hl· falhcr says hl• dot·s not want tu make "<1 big story" out of the· grrt•f th<it he, hrs w1f<• and hes othc·r two ;;ons are going-through bc:~:auS<· o f the accidf'nl "I JUSl want to let people know thdt my son was more than JW.t a i.wllslll', more than JUSt some cold fat·t on a poll«• rl'port." Mull (~olt·m un Coll'm,_,.n h<.1d bt·t·11 with the lrv1n1· C:ompany M·c·urrty fort·c· £01 I tt n111r1thh <ind ""&, ut(.iJrclmg to h1i. liui.h. on<· .,r thl' moht popul;11 1Jfftl't•ri. Harbor Island hassle settled A 10-ycar feud betwce·n Orange County government and 28 property owners on Newport Beach's exclusive Harbor Island appears to be at an end. The fight has centered on encroachm~nts that property owners have built. over a stretch of 50 ye<irs. on pubhc tidelands under the county's control The owners have built walls, walkways and added landscaping onto the pubhc lands. In one case. a swimming pool was bu11l on the udelands. This Wl>t.>k <.'Ounty su~rvisors approved 1n t·o n cl'p t an agreement that will pt•rnut the wat«rfront property owners to rent the tidelands for five yl'ars The amount of rent will bl' t•slablished after the land is appraised and its markl'l value detennjned. The agrc-ement is designed to give· the• property owners enough trml' lo seek st.ate legislauon lo brcng a permanent end to the IS.'SUC Dennis O'Neil, the attorney rt'presenling the Harbor Island ownc.>rs. said he is confident hrs clients will go a long with the ugrl>ement. tfr said he also 1s o pt1m1st1<· th:1l ~t..111· h·g1slat11111 (•;rn Ix· put tog•·I h1•r I h:ct would let the owrwr t•1tht•1 buv Lht· tufolands or put d1;1..c• l.md 11i <Jnothl'r part or tlw l'lly for ~111 c·xt·h•.ni.tc• "I l.Jrbor li,land rc·ully has very hn11ted µublrc at·ct•ss." O'Neill 1·xpla1111•tl, "anc1 1t would rn<ikt' s.•n!>t' to t•onw up wrth land in anothc·r part of tht• nty that th1• publtl' l'Ould UM' .. Tht· l oun t:. has g1 Vl'n the rc·s1cl1•nti. ti() c1J y1> lo sign the a~rt•t•ml·rH wh1(h must come b<Jl'k bl'fon · the· hUp<·rv1!.ors for fm<il <•pprovJI College en.rollnient plunJrnets F$U enrollment m the Coast Community College Distract has dropped 15.3 percent <.."Ompared to the same semester in 1981, at'COrdlng to flgure11 released at the conclusion of the first month of &ehool. The district mcludes Orange Coast College in Costa Mesa. Golden West College In Huntington Beach and Fountain Valley-based Coastline College. which offers classes throughout the district Distract officials have blamed much of the enrollment decline on a reduction in ~~ funding for community colleRes. Dur ing the s ummer, s late officials announced a "hit lis t" of community college recr eation a nd self -tmprove-ment ~111sses that would no longer be eligible for state funds. As a result., the three colleges ar e offering 834 fewer classes this semeste r than were scheduled in fall I 981 Orang" Coast: :m.4~i7, down !.I 2 pc•rct•nt Goldt•n West: 20,960. down 9 5 perl'(•nl lndudt.>d m tht• Coastline total 1~ a l pt•rt•c•nt mc·rtm.'><· m students cnrollt•d m tclt•vt!>IOn ('Ourses. T h t' .r a I I I !.I H 2 t e I 1• v 1 s 1 o n t•nrollmcnt 1:-:UN4 Dis trict off1 cu11:. nott.•d that state funding for local rolleges is contingent no t JUSt on the numbc:?r of students attending but on thl' number of classes in which each student rs enrolled. KRUPS ''Quality. • • by Design" BREW MISTER Model #261 SALE PRICE '49.88 List S75.00 - Touch-It KM50 Model #202 # 1 1111111 ., ••• ., 11 Titt Wtrl• Sale Price '16.88 Utt $27.00 ·-'° limited To Supply On H1no Llmtlt<J To Supply On HanO Offefl Good Thru 10/12/82 more than you expect In a hardw11re store _ ••••• EJ HARDWARE VIS4' WHtoltft Plaza t024 lrvlne Ave ~·IMctl J:J·11t. '"""-:: . '"'· All t•oree °"" 1 DeY9 . corone del Mer Harbof View Center 3t01 I . Coeet Hwy. 1814 a.n'MIQuel Or 873·2100 NewpOrt liNcf\ Wied¥ M ·ie> IA4·1110 ' Wttdeyt TW 1 p.m, Anaheim HUle 6120 Santa Ana Cenyon ,._. (It lmperjel Hwy.) .... uu t'/tldeyt T1I 1 '·"' ; I II 11 II ' I r N1 1 • r I [ 111111 ClllT 1 I I lllPllT llAal I fllll lllCU • WI IJNI ·.oAv ()( I <>11111 '· 1'111.' OHANGE COUNTV l.All fO H NIA 2!> CENTS Mesa apartment complex draws official's • ire By JODI CADENHEAD of'tM 0.-, ..... ...,. From the second floor of his $515-per -month apartment in Costa Mesa. Paul Bernhardt. 26, can see lite rally hundreds of broken tx.>er bottles covering the roof of a neighboring apartment complex ul 2346 Santa Ana Ave. Jackie and Don Raehrs, who live across the street from the complex huve put their $160,000 home up for sale, complaining that the alleged overcrowding, n oise and public urinating witnessed during the lasl two years has finally gotten to be too much. "h 's a dump," Don Raehrs said. "It's getting lo the poinl lhal il's unbearable, so we figured let's get out of here." After r eceiving a complaint about the alleged rundo wn condition of the complex Cost.a Mesa Councilwoman Norma Hertzog called on her colleagues Monday to enforce regulations lo make landl o rds m ore account.able. "The complex is overrun with people who are of another nationality who have a different attitude t o ward their enviro nment," said Hertzog. following the meeting. "There are f>O people in six apartments and there are drunken brawls." The two-term councilwoman, seeking re-election in Novel'tlber. · said she is con cerned about overcrowding throughout the cily and blighted conditions that sh e said cause surrounding property values to plummet Copter pilot kill~d The sinfle occupant of a private he icopter was killed today when his craft exploded in mid-air and crashed at the River View Golf Course 1n Santa Ana. The crash, which scattered debris from the Robinson R-22 helicopter for several hundred yards, occurred at 10:05 a.m . al 1800 W . 20th St .. immediately adjacent to the field o f the Northwest Little League. Police arrived to f ind the helicopter in flames and its unidentified pilot dead. (See Photo, Page A2). N o other injuries w e r e reported, Sgt. lrv Mueller of the Santa Ana police· departme nt said. The National Transportation Safety Board is investigating the Incident. A witness, Joe Starbird, 20, of Garden Grove, said he was en route to classes at Santa Ana Junior College when he heard a loud pop. He said h e saw one of the helicopter rotor blades fly off a.nd saw the pilot attempting "to climb out of the cockpit just prior to the explosion. The black, brown and white helicopter plunged to the ground, near the second tee at the golf course. officials said. BottlP-strewn garage roof is indicative of a lleged blighted conditions and overcrowding at. anta Ana Avenue complex. 'Tm not talking a·bout somronc who doesn't cut their lawn or their garage needs paint," said Hc•rlZOR. , ·•H e rtzog said s he was l'OnCl'rncd about landlords who a r c o nl y concerned about collecting rt•nt and don't c·are about the quality of life. That's the people I'm aftc•r." Thc coundl d1rc'(:tcd the city attorney's o ff1 c<' and the Develop m en t Services Department to look into ways 'Hey., Reggie, over h er e' they c.'Ould for<:e property owners lo repair rundown dwellings. The issu e goes beyond the complex singled out Monday night. Hertzog said four or fivf: other apartments in the city ar{ suffe ring Crom blight a n d ove.rcrowding. Angel fans vie for the a ttention of their favorite ballplayers before Tuesday night's opening game of the American League playoffs in Anah eim Stadium. The H alos responded to the cheers of a record crowd by dismantling the Milwaukee Brewers, 8-3. See stories and more photos on Page C 1. "l don't buy this thing that there's nothing we can do about It,'' said Hertzog in an interview Tuesday. "l don't want to wait until it's a massive problem and pcopl<' move out of the caty." Marinko Jerkunica. owner of the complex along Si!nta Ana Avl·, IN In Europe. But his son. Anthony Jerkunko, 21 , said he had been le-fl in charge of hi• -fath(.'r'i. propc-rl1L11 Anthony JNkunac:a 11a1d his Cather has trwd to evict many of th<' tcnanui. "H<.>'11 rent to two people and then 10 more will movt.' in. When hl· finds out he g1VL'ti thl·m a warning." "They're awful k•nanUi," said J erkun1ca . "We'll s pend daya deaning up and lht·n days later It will be jusl as bad." A rL'<.:enl U.S. Supreme Court dK:islOn has l·hang<.>d the number of unrelated adults that can live in a home from four to o ne person per l'Vt.'ry 50 square feel. About 12 pt.'Oplc can hve in a .two-bedr oom, 800-square foot apartme nt. said Doug Clark, dirt.>clor or the city Developm~nt &orvices Department. Cam p aign s t o el iminate ovt.'rcrowding of~en result In the displacement of poor tena nts and s hift s th e: probl e m to a neighboring city. said Eugene &-ono, execuuve director of the c-ounty's Fair Housing Council. "Saying you're agains t oven·rowding 1s lake saying you're in favor of appl<' pie,'' sa1d Scorio. "But people don't live in bunches b<.>eause they want to. It's cc-onomic-. Th(•y shouldn't be <\hastised as being sub-human." Police said they have been cal le d t o the complex fo r nuisance co mplaints tha t inc luded n oise and public drunkenness Gasoline prices fall as dem8nd takes sharp dip By KAREN E. KLEIN of'IMO.-, ..... ewf Demand for guoUne from the motoring public has, in the words of an Industry observer. "gone down, down, down." The result? GasoUne prices are going down, down, down, too. "Retailers and refineries are competing to get a larger piece of a s malle r p ie," said S t eve Shelton, president of Irvine - based S o uthern California Service Station Association. Gasoljne prices in Orange County and across the nation have boen on a fairly continuous decline since March 1981. and they will contlnue to fall al least through the end of the year. Shelton said. In the meantime. a vigorous price war is being waged by both retail d ealers a nd major oil companies. and the fallout can only produce more good news for consumers, Shelton said. Self-service gasoline prices have bee n reduced 3 cents a gallon over the past month at Dick Oglesbee's Chevron station at Fairview Road and Bake r in Costa Mesa. "Prices are coming down another penny tonight,'' Oglesbee said Tuesday. The I cent decrease will bring his price for self-serve regular to $1 .28 s:>er ga lion. Oglesbee s aid h e expects a nother reducuon after the first of November, when Chevron will Impose a 3 percent service charge on Its credit cards and offer discounts to its cash (.'UStomers. Why the drop in prices? S helton said a glut of crude oil m this country combined w ith reduced consumption of gas has led oil companies and service stations to st.art competing for sales. ''Consumers are getting better gas m ileage, staying closer to home and using gas money to pay the rent," Shelton said. Dan Lundberg. publisher of the authoritive weekly Lundberg Lett.er, which charts oil industry trends, said r etail dealers and operators are having to sacrifice their operating margins in order to make their .pnccs competitive. "Only 71 pl"°)'cent or (the oil companies') existing refineries ~re bein~ utilized," Lundberg said. Maximum ut1lizat1on would be about 88 pen:'Cnl, he added. As a result of the vigorous competition. Shelton said, even the major oil companies are getting involved in the price wars. "Never do I recall a major gas company oompetmg against oth er major gas companies in price,'' he said . Ye t in April the Atlantic Richfield Co. eliminated credit- (See GASOLINE, Page A2) Crean's father deals himself into 43rd District race • By JEFF ADLER or .. o.-r,.... ..... As promised In a lette r he personally delivered to 43rd Congressional District write-in candidate Ron Pack ard, the riuiuonalre father of Republlcan · Johnnie Crean Int.ends to play an active role in his son's campaign in the weeks before the general election. The 33-year-old GOP nominee said his father, John C. Crean, wilt hold • news conference 800n to document charges made in the three-page letter. Crean said his father will use news clippings and·video tapes to show , as alleged In the letter, that Pac ka rd has employe d "d ece pt ive ness " and "dishonesty" in waging his campaign. But Crean, questioned about the letter before a nd during a live radio debate Tuesday night, did not say whe n the news conference would be scheduled. During the debate, Crean said only. "I believe he will take some a c ti o n to doc um e nt th e lnformaUop in that letter." -----lllDEI---- A8 86·7 A? F5-8 F2 F2 F3 A6 C7 At Your &rvice Bualnet1 Cavalcade Clualflcd Comk:I Cromword De.th Noticet l'.d I toriaJ Entertainment Food 01·8, El-7 A7 Horolcope Ami Lbndtil'll Movies Mutual Funds Namtt In News National News Public Notlcea SPorta Dr. Steincrohn Stock Marke ta Televl.alon Theaters Weather A l C7 B6 A~ A3 F3·4 Cl·6 A7 87 C8 C7 A2 He added h e believes his father's partic(pation in the campaign will be a "posi tive contribution" that will boost his el<X"lion chances. lnterviewt'd before the debate aired, Crean said he would assist his fath e r I n preparing information to be released at the news conference. "If he wanta Information, we'll h elp him, sure,'' the candidate commented. The senior Crean, chalnnan of Fleetwood Enterprises, one of the nation's largest manufacturer or recreational vehicles. delivered the letter to Packard Monday. Jn It, he promised to pull out "all the 1top1" and campaign on his son's behalf In the dia\rict. "l will bo In the district shortly and . l will be attacking your vlclouaneu. deceptlveneu, devlAelvneu, amugneu and your blatant and chronic dlshone1tr, tor preci11ely what they arc, ' Crean wrote. The lc=tter, replete with hlatorlcal allu1lon1, compare• Ptckard'• punult of h11 write·in challenfe to Crean w ith Adolf Hiller 1 and the J1pene1t (~e FATHER, P11e Al) --..A--~-___._ 1 11 I r Or1nge Co .. 1 DAILY PIL.OT /Wednnday, October 6. 1082 N8 ll'J . # DoW Jones Fl"81. UP 37.18 ) CLOSING· 944.36 WASIJINv TON (AP) Banks and savings and lrn1n ullllOl"IUl i()rui arc gearing up to u~ a new high- p;1y111g tan:ount U> do battle w1lh tht! '!"'oney market 1nutuul funds ovc.•r suvers' do llartt. Tht• m·w •K'('UUn l , to be created under legislat1on p;1!>~·d la.-s'4 wL•l'k by Congress and expected to be MHfll'd by Pr l'lltt.lent R~agan, wul give banks and S&Ls ;i 1:hunre tu lure• back some of the $225 biJhon.ca~tured by money murkrt mutual funds, Industry off_ada.s say. Tiu· 0 H11,;1i1h. arc, counting on fode ra l 1nsuran1:e h1wking fur th e· account t-0 s1vt• them the edgt• in aur act111g suvl·r11 worried a bout thl· safety of their rnmwy Mom·y murkl't fund1' arc.• not insured. Blue Cross tests due Bluf' Cross of California has tx:cn named by the fl•dpra l govt.•rn111 c nt's Health Ca r e Finan c.'1.ng Administration to c-onduct a fl Vl'-yt•ar df'monstrauon projc(:t to le-st ultcrnativc· approachc•s to adminiswring the· Mecl1l'arc program. The• pilot program to be carrrt-d out rn the Santa Barbara County an •a 1s designed lO determine wheLhcr Ml·d1c·an· t·ost lnl'reases can b<.> moder ated witho ut i.at-r1f1nng quulaty of care by using mnovauve delivery and finanl'rng mt-chanis ms. Om• uf tht• 21 HC FA Mcd1t·are awards made throughout thl· c-c1untry. this is the firs t such lt.<St of tol 1 e r n a t i v e m t'I h o d s-d cs 1 g n c d t o d e 11 v e r t nrnprt•hcns1ve hc:allh care_ to lh l' senior population I Auto sales 'dismal' DETROIT (AP) -Domestic au tomake rs wrapped lip a disrtllil 1982 model year with sale:. a t their lowest lc·vt'I rn 2 1 yc•ars. and a nalys ts blam ed it on the t'l'onumv not the cars. Th~· f1w rnaJOr U.S. c4r t'Ompenies said Tuesday th(•y sold G.543,006 cars from last October to the end of Si.'pt1·mbcr. tht• traditional mode l year. The sales were ort 15 Y perce nt from lasl year's already-de pressed"' lt•V(•I uf 6,590,0 I 7 STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT UPS AND DOWNS NEW YORK IAPI Ii. IOll-lnQ 11\t MnAlS NEW YORK IAPJ -Spot nonrerro ... metel P<t<iet tooey Copper 81·10 centa • po .. no V S ONt1na11on1 L .. d 23·29 cen11 a pounO .... t: 1 .. .. '. . ' ... $1>0•~ Int Nf'• vo .. ~too E•<,_ \tOC"' M.t ¥tM r•nh ttwl Mv• 90N UIP lllt ~I ""° CIOwn ""' mo~t ~-.0 on r:;t.n~:;.t\M9 reQ•fdle\\ Of vofumir Zinc •0·•2 C9nll a pounO. oet.._.,ed Tiii Ml :nt 1 Metalt W-c:omc>ottlle lb A14Hftlft11m 76 cent• a poun0 N v flhr~UfJ $360 00 pe< lla9i< "•lln11m S78S 00· S790 00 lroy ounee • N V ~ No MC.u••tl•\ t1J'td•"O bielOW U ar• tm1 ---.... ~._4N~ ...... ctttt•rtntf' l»tw.en ow prev1ou\ <~no or•rt MW> too.tv \ l D m pr•<• -l AmW•tr ptB l "I"' • IGpl j ElflO()E ptA f W1MOU I ROflWI I Onnt1r hi t t(CPL •~IOI 10 NIM 4 l'lpl :~ em~~Ot; IJ Cofn04v\I\ .. 111P.,,,·•1• I) l~OC.O .. Pon Am 11 PhEI 4 JOpt ti Pvbh<• In " v .... o JO h•=•Cl> ti En r~• n 11t1 co U Rl.C n ,. ~ ..... 0 U wnUn • 60Pf UP\ L•\I CllQ ~I II , , 1 Up 17 • • "-• •• UP 11) ),<\, ' ,.._ Up 0 J • , '" p &. ... ,.._ • .. VP &.< "'• '• \Ip •• t•'-• I' t VO lt 1\ , I , U p I t 1)•4 • 1"-UO I I I'• t, UC> I t '', , '-Uo I J It '-Up l.l 1• , '"' Up I t n '"' Up 10 1)1, • t t Up •1 l ·~ Up • 1 to • • ''• Up • • JOI ''• Up •• ~1'-, • Up 'S ~ J Up 64 1'• ·~ uo .,., DOW"' I.At~.. c,,. 0tr't u ,.. I 11. ~' 1.J l"> '• t LS ·~·· )'• t •O )• • l • Ott -'·• •'-. 4, Ott s • ;ioi.. I'• Ott \ 4 M•• ,, .. Oft St I l. Ott \I '"-'• OU ~t l1 l\o Ott 4' >•'• '"-Ott • • '" '-Ott •• J 4 ,,. Ott 4 I tt J II o 0 11 4 I 1b• I t olf 4 I \ • 4 Oft •• ,.. ... Otl ... ,.. '• Otl •l ,,... ''· Ott •.l l(IJ I ) otf 4 l 11' I'• Ott •> 'IC) • Off • J GOLD COINS Due to late transmission today's listing wlll not appear In the Dally Pilot. • SILVER Hand~ and Harmen S8 05 pe1 troy ounc. GOLD QUOTATIONS SYMBOLS 0 ~ ¥•••1y tow " New yH lly "'Qh Utl!Ht ori..-w,.• no1~ r•tn Of 0...-.01 er~ •""""' 0'>1>,,,..,._,. l>ltMO on '"-i..tt quA'111tfl.,. o• tem1 •nnvat d•Cfarat1on S~oel 01 ••l1a 0••10ei\Ot or Pl ,_U not oeaoVn••eo " •eovi•r ,, • ..,..,,,'"'° '" t"-rouow•nv t(')()ln111"' •·AIM>••••• o< ewu b·Annuel ••It p1v, 11oc~ O•••dt nll c·l•Qu1oe11no O•••O•no l)ec.t11f'O O< Pt •d "' l>'-0'"11 1.2 mont11t o-~lar.O O' patO Ill .. tfOC' dt"'°4WIG OI ao111 uo 1 Pt1!4 t<111 r•., d•v~ omttl.O oei .. r.o Of no ttetton II~.., 11 lell d~ ,,,_,"'<! ~·0.CltfecJ Of t>8ld '"'-ye9I .,, aG<"""lliat.,.. ,, .... wtlh OM<lel\Ot !ti .,r-• n -1uue r.O.Cla•ed or P9ld"' llf~ I? rnon1t11 111111 tfoc;~ Otv-1·111-.CS tn "°'~ .,, l)fet.eo1no ti month•. ex11-tee1 0 1<1 ••lut on t •-dtvtdttnO °' ••·Olltrtl)ulion dtlt ' , [o O,.ICl....Ot 01 t •·<tQhta r·h·Ot~ 1nc:t ""'' .., tuM l•Selft In tu• ''° Cetl.O wd w,.... Cl<atttllutea ""·Whtn •n u •d ww-W1111 .. 1 ,,11111 •w Wu tiout we1111111 •O•• h ·O•tttlbVftOn PE •l llO fh<I Pld Of I 1100. .. I """ll•P'e ot °" \ti••• _""'9 .. Clt<"'.cl °" O•~ lhe lelUI 1f "'°"'" -nl"tt liowe •nto r.tJI "'9 ll'!Clt