HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-10-09 - Orange Coast Pilot• • • LOCAL FOOTBAL L SCORES LB Poly Fount•ln Valley 8 0 Weet•rn Ocean View 28 14 C•po V•lley Woodbridge 37 7 Newport H•rbor Unlverelty 41 0 Coet• Meea lrvln• 17 10 LB Wllaon Weetmlneter 19 7 Marina LB Mllllkan 17 San Clemente 28 15 Huntington Beach 23 llllCI CUil . Ylll HlllTlll llllY PAPll S J\T lHlOAY \JC TU Uf H 'I 1'11!,' OHAN GE COUNTY. C ALIFORNIA 25 CENTS Irvine ho.spital 'su.:rllrnit' or-ganized By GLENN SCOTT Of ttte DeMr Not a1a11 I rvine Medical Center President Dav id Bake r h as organized a summit meeting with leading UC Irvine officials to discuss a recent f roposal for a "true partnership' in building a hospital in the community. 'the meeting, Baker said, is tentatively scheduled for later this month. Attending from UCI will be Chancellor Daniel Aldrich and Stanley van den Noon, dean of the College of Medicine. Joining Baker from Irvine M edical Center's B oard of Direct ors w i ll be Arnold Beckma n, medical instrume nts manufac turer and lo ngtime Park plan • meeting scheduled By GLENN SCOTT OftMo.MJNol•lalt Residents from many of Ir- vine'• villages can aet their tint look at rlans to develop • new phue o the Irvine Recreation Park by attending a apecilll pub- lic presentation at 7 p.m. Oct. 28. The park at Michet.on Drive and Harvard Avenue currently lncludes a roller-akaUng Cadlity and a bowling alley. Develope.r and operator ADM, of Anaheim, has submitted plans to expand the facilities by adding primarily outdoor activities on four acres sandwiched between the buil- dings and the San Diego Free- way. Included are plans to buUd two 18-hole miniature golf courses. a low-profile water slide. a control bulJding with a snack bar. rec- reational rooms and video arcade, and an "educational experience center." R e prese ntatives of the compa ny promise. their new plans are almost en tirely different (rom those that drew opposition i n 1978 from neighborhood. groups nearby. advocat~ f o r .a n Ir vi n e community hospital. Baker said Friday the meeting will be the first time the four key figures in Irvine's hospital tug- of-war have met privately. He proposed the closed session in a letter to Aldrich dated Sept. 28 in which he s uggested combining the two groups' often co nflicting efforts . IMC h as sought to build a hospital at J e ffrey Road and Barranca Parkway. just southwest of the Saddleback Community College North Campus. Unive rsi ty officials have planned for more than a decade to erect several medical facilities on their cumpus near the Coll~ge of Medicine. Baker's letter offered hope thaf by joining forces, the groups could develop a nd o p e r ate structurt.'ll at both locations. As an added bonus, he said, Hoag Hospital might be<'Ome available for training UC I 's m e d ica l students. Hoag has close ties with IMC. ~kman, for instance, also is a director there. If IMC is built, Hoag has a n arrangement to supply administrative servkes. Aldrich has responded that he and van den Noort are willing to discuss the pro posals , Baker reported. Aldric\}; was away at a con f e r e n ce Fr i da y and unavailable for comment. Baker also noted concern in his letter about recen t priva te hearings at UCI for three out- of-town hospital groups bidding to help develop medical facilities at the campus. IMC officials were not Invited to participate. The relationship bt>tween the two groups hts been rock y , particul ar ly §Ince a much - publiciied lobbying effort in August by van den Noort ended in Gov. Edmund Brown J r.'s veto of a bill to allow fMC to lease 10 acres of land from Saddleback. That incident, h o w ever, illustrated to IMC officials -that van den Noort's years or contact with legislutors in oac:ramento offers the university Important political Influence. ln his letter. Baker called for a "coo p erative rather tha n competitive forum" to discuss hospital matters. ln a r e l a t ed m atte r . Saddleback's boatd of trustees haa agreed to transfer its option to buy 20 acres of land from ~he Irvine Company. The tra nsfer frees 22 acres at the <.'Orner of Barranca and Jeffrey for IMC officials to negotiate purc·hase directly from the company. Saddleback retained its option to buy 20 acres at $45,000 p<>r acre, but shifte d it to land The public meeting. arranged by city planners In conjunction with the development flnn. will be staged at the Irvi ne Lanes Bowling Cen ter, 3415 Michelson Drive, Irvine. It will begin with an open house from 7 to 7:30 p.m. For the following 90 minutes, ADM representatives are sche- duled to present their plans and field questions and comments from residents. These folks are among 14 who live in a two-bedroom apartment in east Costa Mesa. Their apartment complex has been the target of complaints Crom residents. Seated on the sofa from left are Eduardo Garcia, Miguel Rodriguez, Maritzo Rodriguez and Marie Elena Escalea. Standing are Claudia Corral, back, Yvonne Baez, front, Miriam Garcia, seated and h olding Marvel Baez. City planners already have begun work on an environmental impact report examining conse- quences of the project. The de- velopment application Is expect- ed to reach the Planning Com- mlaaion and City Council early next year. Mesa tenants give their side Residents of 'overcrowded' complex say they're trying to better their lives Planner Richard Maayczek said city officlala hope neighbors wlll get lnvolved early in the process to a.Ir their opinions. "We want to ge t all of the is- sues ldentifled before we go to the Planning Commission," he e><plalned. He aald noti"" of the preten- \a t.lon me,ting w er e aent to presidents of homeownen' asao- ctaUona In Rancho San Joaguin, Unlveraity Park, Turtle Rock, Un lveralty Town Center . Culverdale and Woodbridge. By JODI CADENHEAD of"the DeMJ .......... Amill• Garcia, 31, lives with 13 other people in a two-bedroom Costa Mesa apartment that has been the recent target of complaints by neighbors of alleged overcrowding, nolae and unsanitary conditions. Speaking through a.n Interpreter, the mother o{ five said Thursday nlght that the apartment at 2346 Sa nta Ana Ave. waa the only place she and her husband could find to rent la.at year. She uld she la afraid that if the owner flnda out about the relatlvea livin1 there he will ..----IJIDU----.. force them to move or aak for more money. They pay $480 per ct .. ified C3·6 ~J~·haa been nJoo," ahe Mid of CommeComia nt BIO the owner, Marinko Jerkunlca. B8 who la ln ~rope. "l.Aat year we Cr011Word BlO went to ao many placet and they Death Notices C3 didn't like the chUdren." Enten,tinment 812-13 Althou1h cramped, t.he two- Movtee 812-13 bedroom apartment la Publlc Noticee 86; C2 remarkably neat and or1anl:r.ed Jtell8'on Cl·2 ~-~uch a1 C'!crowded Uvtnc ·~: S.-!;. ~•ta o tt han8 from the ,,.,. -81-7 cewn., a co telllvtllon la wned T~leviafon 814 to a Mnk:an 11.aUon, die children Theaters 812·13 lit quietly on the vtnyl couch. Trivia 812 After 1reeelvln1 1 complaint Weather A2 from a nel1hbor about lhe Youth 89 complex, coundlwoman Norma .._ _________ _. H.rlq MJd Manday ahe would like to see landlords made more accountable for their properties. Garcia said she is pleased with the place she calls home. Her husband, like many of the tenants interviewed, works for a gardener in Irvine. The Gar cias and thei r neighbors in the 1lx-urut complex are part o f a gr o wing phenomenon that county houting experts re fer to aa the Santa Ana-Irvine "syndrome," saying It haa now become the Costa Mesa-lrvlne syndrome. h 't named for the people who pick produce or atand on auembly lines In Irvine, but can only find affordable housing In surroundlf\8 clUes. "lt'a economic," said lilanca Petersen. community relat.lona apeclalt.t with the county Falt Hou1ing Council. "Once they leave work. their attJtude ta 'we don't want to ue you any ~~ Mesa i. now ao&na to have to prcwlde aervleft,'' the tlaid notlna that the ... rch for houei"I by the poor ll llPftadJ"I t.yonct S.nia Anl. All of ch • re1ldent1 lntel'Vlltwed 'Dtunct.y aaAd cMy had left llUll, lmpoverlahed tawn1 In Mexico hoplnC IO ftnd aomethini beuer •crou ihe borcMr. Many contl,.. to llnd what dM)' can afford IO Nladv. back home. One 30-year -old m an, who aaked not to be identified, aald he earn s about $100 a week and send.a $200 a month to his wife and \wo children in Mexico. Wh e n t o ld about th e neighbors' accusations of noile. he aald, "Sometimes we alt out there just to have eome aun and they call the po&e. They don't want ua to apeak." Dolores Gallegos. 2l, who worka In a Newport Be ac h restaurant, said he 11 unhappy with the beer drinking and partying that co ntinues eomeUmel put 9 p.m. Another man living an an apartment with seven friends from the same small town near Guadalajara conceded that they are sometimes loud. "l admit we ma ke a lot of noise. but we are single men and other people make noise too," said the man who ldcnllfied himself only as J oee. Rent for the apartment with several holes ln the living room wall ls $480 a month. "In Mexico n o matte r how hard you work you don't make It," he said. "For us living In this apartment with el1ht peop1e la no problem. We are like a ramJJy." D~velopmental splitsville? Growth.~ table to .. aftd teMll t'OW"ta, it : la the local topic In Newport Beach. h la a 1ubject 'hit haa apawned and -pended frtendihl ... cr.*9 dettllw elleUon betta. and pitted the dty'1 ....... =~· the Irvine Com5;, • -""' a IOI.alb d ........ leop Pollu Our "J'fewpan. How do .Ufne Nlldentt ot Newport ftel abOut lf'OWthT hat .,.. MWCOlia9n MytnfP How do s.den on both lldel of the fenm ...,_ the clewlopmft\t ._., Jn a lbrw-P9rt •rtn beatnnln1 Sunday, O.Uy Pilot ttaff wrl• Steve Marble, who c.vwn NewpOrt Beuh, looks at thoH q\MttfOIW. beneath power lint.11 owned by Southern California Edison . Th<>St.• lanes are scheduled to be moved m the future. Saddleback has workt.-d closely with IMC because o f an agreement in which the hospital wou ld s uppl y a 1 5 ,- 500 -squa re -foot instructional center for the college's nursing program. Ha ker said IMC officials are beginning to negotiate with the Irvine Company to buy the :l:l acres. The land, he e?Cplained. will allow his group to qualify for future state-run hearings to d e te rmin e the need for the hospital. Jobless • increase rapped WA S HINGTON tAP ) - Leaders across the political spectrum decried I 0.1 percent unemployment F riday as a "national tragedy" but disagreed over a solution . The Reagan administration said the rate could go higher. Big labor thundered for public jobs. "There is plenty or work to be done and plenty who want to work," aaid AFL-CIO President Lane Kirkland at a rally an hour after the figures were released. President Reagan de plored those wh o w ould m ake a "political football out of this cruel fate for so many people." In a ceremony at a Long Beach dock. Reagan signed a bill to stimulate exports . H e said It would hel-p cr ea te jobs. But Treasury Secretary Oonald T. Regan rcphed "no one knows·· when asked how fast and how far the unemployment rate might decline. Wall S treet's bu ying spree continued with stock prices risi ng to their highest level since June 1981 and bond market interest rat.es dropping to two-year lows. The Dow Jones average closed at 986.85, up 20.88. And investor e uphoria over falling interest rates heightened after the close of trading when the Federal Reserve Board said It was cutting its discount rate a half point to 9.5 percent and a leading bank announced a cut in its prime lending rate to 12.75 percent. The nation's basic money supply fell $2.7 billion in late September. the Federal Reserve re po rted Friday. but credit analysts said attention suddenly has shifted away from short- term movements of the rr.oney supply in gauging the future of interest rates. Ins t ead , i nte r es t rates themselves are the focus of the Fed and the markets. analysts said , a nd the central bank appeared to signal its lntenUon to g et Inte r est rates down by lowering the diacount rate. "The cut in the discount rate is obvio us ly timed t o let the marke ts know the Fed has a strong commitment to a lower Interest-rate atructure," aaid . William V. Sullivan Jr .• senior vice president of the Bank o( (See ECONOMY, Pa1e AZ) l ,. • Solidai:ity banned Polish parliament dissolves labor union WARSAW, Poland (AP) - Parliament formally ended Pola·nd'1 unprccodenled experiment In worker democracy Friday, votina overwhelmlnaly lo ban SoUdanty and take 1tept l o atop future unlona from 1alnln1 Solidarity'• national power. The vote, taken by a dlaplay of handa, wa1 b roadcaat on the state-run national televl1ion. Officlala aald only 10 membei:a of . the 460-eeat Sejm, or Parliament, voted a1aln1t the n ew trade union Jaw, while nine others abetained. The move came after nearly 11 months of martial law under which t he Soviet bloc'• only Independent labor union was su.apendt!d and moet of lta leaders were imprisoned. The military rule has been challen1ed by periodic rlota and prolesta, and the vote waa expected to provoke more unrest. Oon. Wojclech Jaruu•ltkl, the Cornm un ia t Party and l(overrtment chief who dcx:lared martial law Jut D ec. 13, upplaude<! quietly afwr the volt' on the party.drafted law. There waa little vtaible retpoauo from the dcputi8. Wojciech Jaruzel1ld McDonnell iesting spacelab tunnel Littlest a n gel How can Tommy John 111 remain so calm in the middle of the playolf1? For a recap of fan-de mo nium at Ana heim ta dium, see Page BI I . Bank, SltL robbed An Irvine savings and loan and a Costa Mesa bank were robbed Friday, authorites aaid. No suspects have been arreiited yet. The Pasadena Savin gs a nd Loan Association, 14441 Culver Dr. in Irvine. was robbed at 11:09 a.m. by a white male believed lO be in his late 30s. The amount of money stolen has not yet been determined, Irvine police said. The 8e<:Ond robbery at Security Pacific Bank, 2280 Harbor Blvd. in Costa Mesa, occUJTed at 3:05 p.m ., according to Sat. Tom Boylan. A w.hite male, dncribed ~ 35 ·years old, 6 feet tall and 165 pounds, handed a note to a teller demanding money and claiming he had a gun. He escaped with $942, Boylan said. Testing haa beaun at the Mc- Donnell Dou1Ja1 A11tronautlcs Company in Huntington Beach for a 1peclal tunnel to be used by Spacelab scientists and as- t.ronauta. People in 1,,.ce will be able to reach the labo rato r y from the Space Shutlle crew cabin by movinf through the e nviron· menta Jy controlled transfer tunnel desi~ and built in Huntington h. A $20 million contract was awarded to McDonnel Douglas by the NatJonal Aeronautica and Space AdminiatratJon in 1977 for the construction of th ree tunnels. The firat tunnel, completed this week, wW be Wied in a se- ries of tests of its ablltty to withstand the st.resaes of launch and space flight. The first flight tunnel will be delivered lO NASA in December for use on the Spacela b that was d e veloped by the European ECONOMY • • • F~om Page A1 New York. "It represent.a not only a verlfk:atJon of the drop in rat.es that haa occurred, but a1ao represents an announcement to the financial community that lower rat.es will develop in short order." Mellon Bank of Pittsburgh, the nation's 15th largeat commercial bank, followed by paring its Spac.."e Agency. Its first (light is scheduled next September. The space tunnel can be used in either of two lengths: 20 feet or 8 feet. The longer version will be needed if the Spacelab Is posi- tioned in the back of the cargo bay to achieve better weigh t distribution, according lo Mc- DonnelJ Douglas spokesman J .R. Wilson. Local Mc.Donnell Douglas aci- e n tists also bad a hancf in the design of the Spacelab, according to Wilson. · He said they deai1ned the Spacelab when it was a NASA concept. But because of funding prob- lems, NASA didn't have the money to develop the project and turn'ed It over to the European Space Agency, Wilaon said. He said local experta went to Bremen, West Germany, where they were consultants on the European space vehicle. prime lending rate to 12.75 pe rcent from 13.5 percent, effective Tuesday. Moat other major banks had cut their prime rates Thuraday Crom 13.5 percent to 13 percent. The jump in unemploymen t had been anticipated but administration critics 10ught to capitalize on the dramatic impact of the highest rate since 1940. ~\' Windy days Sunclay. Highs In 909, lows 35 to 45. NortheHI wind• f5·~0 mph etternoon •nd 9Y9nlng hOurs In ci-u. Nofth4Wn deMrt higtle 68 to 78. Iowa In 40a. Southetn Co<1 s1<1I 6-'t higtle 71to15, lows In 50L Not1Mrn end Centtel ~ Outer wetera, amell creft felr with werm d•lf• end mild ICS'VteOr-; tcw rough non~ nlgfttl tfwough Sunft]f. -of 3 to 6 teet todey. Wlnde moatly llght verlabl• through T e mperature• night. Inner watere, locel nor1Mett wind• 15 to 25 knote with 3 to 5 foot atu below NATION cenyone !tom Sant• Monica to Vtnlurt Olh«wlM ltghl v.,leblt Albeny 72 57 ~que 83 41 Wind• through night ••ote>C ,.... 71 59 I to 16 knota In afternoon. SouttMMI IW9lls 1 10 2 IMt Clew Ahehorege 37 30 ·-~ 73 eo Au.nta 74 .. Atlenllc: City 72 ... 71 Aueelfl ., 71 MIWnl 83 Fr-75 45 V .S. •umma ry ~ 12 61 MllweullM 81 48 L.ancaeler 72 41 ..... 54 42 Mple-81. PllUI 80 38 long hech to 51 8Krnlngllem n .. Nlllh¥111t 77 .. loa•r .. 80 Cold weeltlef Mttled lntO IN Blemerek 43 3t HftOt'-1• .. 78 MOllf to 50 Rocky Mo 11nteln1 e nd th• 8oiet 53 31 NftYcwk 73 17 Mont.WO .. 57 northttn "•Ina on Frlclud Boeton 80 61 Norlofll IO IO Mont•ey 10 51 tnOWtll IP'eed from IM l9e ltownevtlll to IO Honh Plene ... 43 Ml. Wlleon .. 45 Into the ltlilh "'81ne. luffelo IO 50 Oklehome City 90 72 Newport 8"cll 17 5e T'lulder1ilonnt with hM¥y rein Burtlngton • 53 Omllfle 71 59 Onterlo .. 50 and to mph wind hit eH ltfn c..,., 43 35 Or14lndo 11 70 Pelm 89t1nga to M ...,....., wtllle rMlclente of IN ~on.S C eo 71 PNledtlpllla 12 ... PnedeN 17 53 atett'• Penhendle •nd -•em CMtteeton, w v 12 t5 Phoenlll ... 62 Puo RoblM 80 M counllH faced a wlnltf etonn Chenotte .. 17 ~ 78 ... Reel 9luf1 79 50 wetdl. ~ne 42 33 p ,Me. 55 45 Sect-to 71 IO A toniedo wetc:h wN -*' few CbieteO 75 40 Pontend,Ote. 61 53 Selin•• 71 41 8Mlem i<aMM. -tern MIMourl Clnclnnall IO .. PrO\lldence 72 117 S-ln 841m•dln0 .. At end eouthtrn Iowa. I Clevelend 77 47 =:1'cuy 75 ... Sen Oebfltl 90 51 "•In continued •cro11 th• COlumble 75 70 41 31 Sen Diego IO 12 Sollth. wtlk:h ,,.. hed drenching Colufnbu9 77 80 "'"° 59 23 Sen Frencltco 15 55 relntell Ihle .-. ~FIWonh .. 73 Nctlmond 14 59 Sen JoM TT ., For S•turd•lf. •now w•• Oeyton 77 57 .... lei!• 52 33 Sent• AN " 56 lortc••t ecrou th• ctntrtl o.n-51 37 Sen Antoolo 91 75 Senta Berti.• 12 50 Aol*IM end tpfffdlng Into the OM~ .. 52 Stente M 47 Sent• Cruz 10 41 eMltrn plelnl of Colorado end o.trott 74 4 1 = ... 72 Sama Merle 85 12 Wyoming. Rein WIS fcwec.t ,,,,_ Duluth IO 42 '°' 44 Senll Monlce 77 .. m09t of ... Ple!M, With "'-" EIPMO IO 11 SI.Louie 78 12' Stoc:llton 11 47 end thunderehowtfa aaettered Felt'benkl H 21 Sl.P9te-Tempa 17 72 Tehoe V•lley 80 27 from the MltliMlppl v~ to the F.,00 54 .... St lie M•le 57 44 Th4Wmel 17 a Allentlo. ~ "leOll•ff 51 2t lpoll-50 31 Torrence .. H Greet Fella 43 32 S.,recuN 74 51 Yum• 13 17 E x.I ende d Hettfcwd IO ... Topelle 11 13 Helene 49 N TllCllOl'I 77 52 PMt Af11911NCA Honolulu to 75 TUIM .. 13 ~= .. 75 forecast Houecon .. ,. WMfllngton 14 15 .. 75 .. ~ 71 4t Wldllla 75 7t ltrrnuda .. 71 J lldle«I 17 72 CAUPOMIA looot• H 90 MOfld•J • Weclnete11y: '•Ir Jedleonvtlte 17 .. === 72 3t Cw~ 11 11 end """ but ..,. petdllf e.ty ~ .. 4J 75 54 Freepor1 .. 7) ~Oflow~,_ Kentea City 7t 80 lerMow 71 H Olled•jef• 71 13 cOMt In COMlel MOlloM KnolMlle 75 .. leeumonl 75 41 Ouecltloupt 90 70 from ,_ 70 •I ~through LMV .... 71 IM ~ ff 27 H.,,_ 11 11 IOI lnllnd. l.owt In SOI Ind ._ LMllt~ n • 72 40 l<lfltl!On IO 711 IOI. Mourtlaln 11111'1 temperetUt• L0\111111111 71 17 lfvthe 12 .. :=z1ev IO .. II to 11IMIOWI3t IO IO, ~ 11 12 ~ 11 .. 17 71 ....... 11 71 .,,.. u 41 ...,.. t1 71 tll1elll00Clly 11 .. C.lllornia .... .....,.., ., 7J ....., .. 11 . ..... Juen.'·"· 11 11 ........ ~ .. ~ llllllPllT T•ml91epe .. • .......... ..,.... . T,.... to 11 AN.._ Nftdllllllt, C... ...... Viti Cr\11 .. 71 ~ Coun~en Hl*I • ...... , ......... CMADA === =--=--== 9tlltrY It 11 ... ... = .... .... .... ........ a ... .......... ........ .. ... ....... , -= .......... ...... ~ ---.. ~ .. ... ,._,,:= tl•H ....... ..... I 12 I I E =. .. i "'C .. --·· ............. I • II 1 • 10 n-----......,~ I II , • v ....... :: ...... """ """== '-'~ I • ti ~ I IW ......... ....................... .. • Utle CMntl. ' ...,. _ __._. ...... .. ...... -..... ·or--·--~-~-- ......... p . An In formed atovernmi'nl IOU<.'C! uld Jaruzellkl plunned 10 lptl~k today when Parliament r«-0nven•, and added he mliht "offer a few awceta." No other details were available. The rep ort prompted 1peculatlon that the aeneral mlaht announce a further eumg of man.t•l law , tb ut the JOVernment aourcea and other offlclala aald Jaruzelakl did not ln1end lo li{J military rule now. He previously haa aald he might do IO at the end of the year. The legillatlon alao UmJta the"' rlaht to strik e. Walkout1 are banned In natural or economic emerpnclea. Police and military unions a re prohibited, and any • labor or1anlzation would lose regiatration If It Ill found to co ntain a nti -government actlviata. Stiff penalties are provided for lho.e who break the rules. OC rejects U.S. airport funds Orange County supcrvlaora ani turnin9 down a chanc ... -e to almost • certainly obtain $1.l million In federal air port Improvement funds because they feel there are too many strings attached. The money f part of the Federal Aviatio n Admlnistralion 's Airport Improvement Program, already has been earmarked for use at John Wayne Airport. It wllJ be held for that use for three years despite the county's refusal to apply for it, an FAA official said Friday. The county, which has partici- pated in the previous Airport Development Aid Progra m, Is disputing certain federally man- dated operating procedures at the aJrporl. The chief dispute involves ac- cess to the airport by commercia~ air carriers. The government clauned that the county'• practice of apportio- ning it.a limit of 41 daily com· mercial jet departures to just two airlines discr iminaled against other commercial carriers. Dead at 67 Actor-director F emando Lamas, "Latin-lover" movie 1tar, d ied Friday of cancer . Things go be tter ... P icture the frustration of this unfortunate truck driver, who spilled h i load of oft drinks while turning from Newport Boulevard o nto Victoria Street in Costa Mesa~ and you'll under tand wh y ·he didn't want to g ive o ur photographer hi name. He d id have an eye-catc h ing display for the political m essage on his veh icle. El Toro nJan victinJ of dog ranSOllJ schenie An El Toro man told Oranee County Sheriff'• Department deputies this week he was the victim o f a su cc essful dognapping. Raymond P urol, 28, said he paid $1 ,200 to an unidentified suspect who stole his dog, then ransomed it for the cash. said 1heriH's Sat. Lynn Nehring. Purol said his dog was stolen Mo nday. the same day he r eceived a ran som call demanding $1 ,500 to retrieve the mixed-breed pet, Nehrln1 said. The victim then w e nt to his bank, withdrew $1.200 and was con.fronted upon leaving by the alleged dognapper, Nehring said. Purol told the man he could only offer $1 ,200. The sus pect a ccepted . the sergeant s aid deputies we re told. Purol then was told hts pet was leashed at a nearby grocery st.ore. The dog owne r contacte d investigators after the incident and said he hadn't called earlier for fear the dog would be killed, Nehring saia . Investigators did not re lease the infonnation immediately. he added, b e cause they we r e seeking other clues in the case. Bus terminal work due Groundbreaking ceremonies for the Orange County Transit District's new 17 -bay bus tennlnal In downtown Santa Ana h ave b een scheduled for Monday. The $3.7 million terminal, to be located on 1.7 acres across Santa Ana Boulevard from the county Hall of Administration, will have seating for 100 riders, public restrooms, telephones, drinking fountains, an infonnauon center a nd a los t-and -found s torage area. The terminal, which will be the only one of its kind in the county, will handle buses from abou t a third of OCTD's 63 routes. including routes which service the Orange Coast, OCTD spokesmen said. Public lntroduction_of the 1983 Renault Alliance Sean WIDC of South Cout Plu a tbna October l 0th ""' SOUTH CT}\ST PLAZA VALET PARKING-all M&ll hour•: 10·9 wcdlda,a: 10·6 Slturdly; 12·5 undly .. • • ) Orang• Oout DAILY PILOT/81turd1v. October 9, 1912 N ATION Sycamore Hills deVelopers sought Business forecast s glacial recovery HOT SPRING&. Va. (AP) -President Reagan'• chl\l f econom ist and chalrmet1 of 200 m a jo r corpo ra li o n s predicted on Friday thut the economic recovery will b" painful and 1low. and that unemployment may stlll be about 9 pen.-ent more than a year from now . The Buain ess Council. composed of chief executlvl'8 o f the largest Ame rican corporations. said that even with an e xpected recovery later thli year, the joblesa rate will •how o 11U1nt decline by t h e end of 1983 from thu poet-Oepretililon high or 10.1 pen..-ent jwt announced by the governml'nt. Martin S. Fe lds te in, lhe president's nominee to head the White House .CQu noil of E co n omic Ad v i se r s, s aid the cou ncll'a gloomy forecast was reasonable, and lamented the "very painful" unemployment the c:ountry l11 e nduring. Judge rebuffs McDonald's MlAMl -A federal judge on Friday derued McDonald's request for a tempo ra r y restraining order that would have pulled Burger l{lng's ·attacks on Big Macs off the air. Chief U.S. District Judge C. Clyde At k ins refused to • halt the ad s after hearing argume nts a nd v ie w i n g . exhibits for almost two hours WORLD Friday afternoon. McDonald's chief counsel. Gary Senne r. admitted t ha t Burger K ing's commercial COf)tendtng that McDonald's' regular hamburgers are "20 percent smaller" is true. but he said " the tntent of the ad is "false and misleading Burger K in g a tto rne y S tephe n Burke denied tha t the intent of the ad was to mislead . I Sub remains trapped r BERGA NAVAL BAS E, "T hi s s h o ws tha t t h e I S w e d e n _ A f 0 r e i g n suspected foreign sub is still ~ submarine is s till tra ppe d an the block ed Hors Bay inthe Stockholm archipelago area.'' The sub is believed to after failing to break through be from the Soviet bloc. the heavy steel cables of an The hunt by an estima ted a n t i-s ubma rine ne t , the 40 s urfa ce s hips a n d 10 S w e dis h navy r e p o rted helicopters entered its second Friday. week. and the navy droppc.'<i "The latest cont.act was thts aftenilllon, only a little w hile ago," ~ navy spokesman said. more de pth charges before dawn, trying to damage the mystery ship and bring it to the surface. Lebanese homes bulldozed BEIRUT, Lebanon -The L e b a n ese a rm y F r iday bulldozed houses and shop9 in west Beirut, fired shots in the a ir to d·is perse M os l e m demo nstrators and arrested 200 people. T h e co u ntr y's n e w STATE government also held its first meeting u nde r P r eside nt Amin Gemaye l, whose choice of political n e w comers for Cabinet posts was ha iled as a welcome d eparture from Lebanon's traditional politics. Reagan cuts protested CO R ONADO Demonstrators in wheelchairs and on crutches pro teste d o u tsid e th e H ote l D e l Coro n a d o a s Preside nt Reagan m e t Friday w ith Mexican P r esi d ent-elect Miguel de la Madrid. "You cut. we bleed," said ope sign carrie d b y the disabled demonstrators. who a rrived a fte r R eagan had ent.PrP.Cl the hotel. When Reaga n stepped out of his limousine he received a pplause from abo ut 100 s p ecta to r s a t t h e h o t e l e ntra nce. man y o f th e m employees and guests. Inside, San Diego Mayor Pete Wilson. who readjusted his U.S . S ena te campaign sc h e dul e t o m a k e a n appe ara n ce. s h oo k th e president's hand. Wilson was not invited to lunch. Bus crash kills nine By TEVE MIT HELL OftlM Dell• "'•I ll•n L..u~u 11u Bt•tll'h of rtl'11t•l11 ,.,,. prcpurlng ad vt•rll!it'llWlllN un~··· tqp1 i n 1n ~~o pe•• o f w o11 1nw d •vulorx.·r111 to pun·hWll· a portion ol Sycumort• Hiii• In l,.ugunu Canyon. OnJy this timl' 1u ound. the city hi.Iii mudl· Komc 1•hungc1 in Ila r e qu est Co r prop o1rnls Cor purchast! of 62 ucre11 of tht> 622 uc·reai of city lund udjucl•nt to Lei11ur1• Wt>rld. The city sent out reque11ts toy propouls to mo re· thun I 00 developers In May, unu rec..·civt.~ only ont' response. i I t c ame from Baywooa Development Co .. a New port Beach firm thot hod prc·viously ~..., Dr . Ke nneth P ike Translator nominated for Nobel Dr . K e nneth L . P i ke . a language expert associated with Hun t ingto n Beach -based . Wycliffe Bible Tran sla tors. is among more than 60 people who have been n ominated for the 1982 Nobel Peace Pri~. · This year's winner will b e a nn o unc e d W e dn e s d ay . Othe r nominees include Pope John Paul II. Mideast negotiator PhlUp Habib and Lech Walesa. Poland's Solidarity labor leader. Pike. a 70-year-old resident of Duncanville , Tex .. shares his nomination with the organization he helped found in 1942 -the Summer Institute of Linguistics (SIL). located in Dallas. The S IL is the academic arm of H u ntin g t on B e a c h -based Wycliffe. Its 4,700 members work 1n m o r e than 25 nat io n s throughout the world. preparing writte n a lphabets in primitive languages and tta nslating the Bible into these languages. Pike's major con t ributions h ave bee n 1n t h e a r ea of lingu1st1cs theory. A native of Woodstock. Conn .. he began his language work in 1935 when he traveled to Mexico to t ranslate the Bible for Mi xtcc Indians. He earned his doctorateo in 1942 from the University of Michigan bet>n In n •teotl&Allona with lhr clly for the lunJ lJu .Y 1'hOt1t· n1•uo11u11oru IC'll throuah in Ju11uury wht•n &ywood follud to ~ome up w ilh un o ption payment. T h e c o un c il' r cj t·c t d Buywood '1 latest offur, which wut about $2 million h.._,'I than it originally prop08 •d to poy. In August. Now the. city 11 Bho ppinJ( uround for a new developer. In order to cntlc<: potonllul bu ilders. C ity ManagPr K1•n Frank won council approval to loosen the requirements for tho land purchase. . for one thing. tho city will now con1ider commercial uae tor thc> p roperty . For a nothN. hou'ilng unlta for 11enlor cltlwn.1 will not bet mJmiatory Huwwer, th~ cl~ auJd It would "c neoura8e " dev lupora to l'ONtruct 30 to 60 1uch affordobll' unll.ll for Mnior cltlwna Thul revl11lon angurod dvlc actlvllt John Gabriell. who Hut'Cl th1• c:hy earlier this year over tht• lack of tafrorda b l t• ho u11i n g propolled lor tho SycamorP Hil ls 1111.t.1. Gubrlt!hs termed the t'Ouncll m:tlon "a betrayal of the elderly," und s a id h e w ill co n s ider renewing legal uction against tht• city. Thal could present a major hurdlc> In the dty's efforts lo st!ll McDonald's stock up after scare ATLANTA (AP) Sto{'k an MC'Donald's Corp rl'boundcd F riday on the New York Stock Exc·hangc>, a day afl<!r trading in the sh<ircs wus sus~nc.Jed aftl'r a report linked a new disease to hamburger meut. Tra c.Ji ng r cs u mt•d in Mc·Don ald 's stoc k at m idday F r iday and inves tors bad tht.· price up to $60.25 a s hare. up $4.25 from Thursday's close. The stock opened al $62 a share on T hursday but shd to $56 by the time tra d ing was hailed an midaflt.'mo<m It was n•ported Th ursday lh<tt an epidem1olog1st at the ledcral Cen ters for Disease Control an Atlanta had lanked 68 caSt's or hemorrhagic.· t:olaus. mostly an two communalles Med ford. Ure. and Traverse C1ly. Mich .. -t u h a mbu r ge r mt•a t a t McDonald's n-staurants. "You bl•t 1t's s ufc lo cat at Mt Donald's." Mt'Oonald's VtC'l' Chairman Edward H Schmitt said an Chicago. "Wl•'ve served two billion h amburgNs since these isolated incidents were fi rst report<.>d." A CDC ep1de rni0Jogist s aid Thursda y that sporadil· cases of the illness also havl' been linked w o tht•r hamburger chains and private homes. Sympto m s o f t h e disease 1ndudl· scver e stomach pa in, b loody diarrhea but a lack of fev<'r. Thl' non-fatal illnt.>SS !!(.'ems to be t r&n s m i tte d th roug h hamburger meat, act:ording to cpidl'rniologist Mitche ll Cohcn, w ho presented his data on thl' d1seaw at a medical conference in Miami on Wednesda y. Cohen said only one in 1.000 pl·ople whcr a le hamburgers at McDonald's during the outbreaks in tht.· two states bec<tme all. Thc•rt• Wl're 26 re ported cases fJ f t ht· illness in February and· March in Medford, Ore .. with 17 pc•o ple hospi talized for s h ort periods. Cohen said. There were 21 confirmed cases and 26 rcporled cases in another outbreak in Trave rse City, Mich .. an May and June. Cohen said Cohen dedim'<i to name other fast food chains li nked to the disease b ecause the ac tual organism causing the d iseas<.' was not found In their meat. Mc·Donald 's mig ht ha ve reported mor e cases simply beca use so many people eat tht.•re, he said. Pair held in Irvine after SC holdup T w o m e n su s pec t ed o f burglarlllng a clothing shop in San Clemente led oHicers from three law enforceme nt agencies on a high-speed chase Friday morning that e nded with their arrest in lrvme Ronald ·Mezaere. 20. of Los Angeles, and Vincent Young. 18. Inglew ood . w e re a rrested 1n connection w ith th e w indow - smash burglary at Carl':i Men's Wea r. 137 Del Mar Ave and stealing several suits at 6:20 a.m . satd San Clemente police Lt. Al Ehlow . San Clemente police offccc•r:. chased the suspects d r iving a Dat s un 280 Z X o nt o t h e northbound 1-5 Freewa y, where he re ported their car reached s peeds of more than 100 mph as 1t pulled away. Ehlow said . Howeve r. the s uspects only m a n a ged t o catc h u p with Calafornia Highway Patrol units waiting for them ahead. The suspects' car eventually turn ed o ff at San d Can yon Avenue in Irvine, where it blew a ta re and spun out. w itnesses told pursuing officer... The men e ventually w ere a ppreh ended aftN a short foot chase, Ehlow saad . T h ey w e re b o o k e d t h is morning into San Clemente jail on suspicion of burg la ry. Baal was se t a t $1 5,000 ~ Clo thes believed stolen from the store were found Inside the car. Ehlow added. Uw land L.aauna & h purchMed ttw Sycamore Hllll property tn 1978 for *6.7~ mUJion In order to end nt•ttrly " d ocade o f la weult• betwcen the city and former owners over land uae. Jn order w ~y for the m tlre ix1rool, the c0unc1I d4<Cldcd to tell o ff a 62-ac r e c hunk f o r develofment, thu1 leaving t ho r c11t o tho hilly canyon Jund vacan t. Jn 4ipprovlng t h f' rovl1c d proposal to dcv1-'loper8, the co uncil ulso a u thorized t he cx p~nd lturc o f $2.200 for advertising In the Wa ll Street Journal's rl'al estate si.'Clion und the Los Angeles Timus. LB design p~el chief quits pos t Ron Williams has rcsagn<:d as chairman of the Laguna Beach Design Revie w Board, cit ing increased business commitments as the reason. In a letter to the city council, Williams thanked lh e council for "for your support a nd confidence during my association with the board." Williams , an u nsu ccessful council candidate in last April's elccuon, said he 1s spending more time at his Laguna Niguel real estate offlc:e. "I don 't have lhe time any , more to go and look a t (building) pr~jects hke I dad in the past." he sa1d. Williams' term on the five- m e m be r p a n e l would hav e e xpired in DK-ember 1984. The review board. which also a c ts as the c ity 's Board o f Adjustment, reviews projects in town for zoning requirements and dl>Stgn. The city council will interview p(o~cti ve applicants to fill Willia s' seat on Oct. 20 City e rk Verna Rollinge r said resu mes o r le tters from applicants should be in her office no later than noon Oct 15. For more information. call her at 497-3311 LEM OORE -Eigh t children and their d river traveling t.o a church school w ere k illed i n a grinding head-on collision with a truck Friday at Lemoore. classes at a sch ool operated by Sequoia Baptist Church of Visalia. the h ighway pa trol reported. Unemployment rate drops California • in They were traveling in a van from Calvary Baptist C hurc h i n t h e near by com munity of Aven al to Coroner Dave Moore said the nine deaths were lhe most eve r record ed in a traffic acciden t in K ings Cou nty, located a bout 250 m iles 90utheast of San Francisco. Simi fire nears homes LOS A NG ELES (AP) - Cahfornaa's unemployment rate dropped slightly in Septem~r to l 0 I p e rcen t , m atch i ng the national rate. with nearly l.24 m cllio n Califo rnians seeking work. the governmen t reported today. S IMI VALLEY -An arson-caused wildfire pushed by erratic Santa Ana w inds raced across hills south or this suburban community Friday. consuming more than 3,000 acres of brush and prompting the e vac u ati o n o f a n elementary school. F i r e fi ght e r s w e r e fr a n tic ally b uildi n g We're Listening ••• 842•6086 firebreaks to keep the fast- moving flames from moving south into expensive housing d eve l o pme n t s o n t he no rthe rn frin ges o f the Thousand Oaks-Agoura area le5$ than-five miles away, On e m a j o r f i r ebre ak maintained in the area year r ound a lre ady had been breached. Ca li fornia's unem ployment was a t 10.3 percen t in August. A year ago the rate w as 7.4 percent. Nationally the jobless rate r~ from 9.8 percent in August a nd topped 10 percent for the first time since 1940. The U.S. Labor Department said employment in California totaled 11 ,027.000 in September, an inc rease o f 45,000 s ine(• August and 38,000 above th e September 198 1 total. \ What do you like about the Daily Pilot' What don't you like' Call the number at left and your me.aae w1U be recorded, trarwcrlbed and delivered to the appropriate edJtor. The same 24·hour answering ser vice may be used lo record let· ters to the editor on a ny topic Mailbox contributors must include their name and telephone number tor verification. No cir culation calls. please. Tell us what ·s on your mind ORANGE COAST Diiiy Pilat CIHttfted 9dweftta'"e 7141142·1111 Aff otMr cletNl~fttl 142-4'21 ThemotP.Haley ~ Giid Cll!M faeeut,... Olfl<., ........ f ' Jf I II lib~ JaM ...... , ltry"'9ftd Mod.Mn hKlllWI ld!Kw Cont•ol!M Mlchoet , • Hcnwy OltetlOt ol Motl•llllO !Clf wlollot\I •KenMftt N. 01111~•4 Jr. Dlt«!Ot .. O,..ot'°"' But those fi gures ancludl' a manufacturing and construction. seasonal gain or 70,700 jobs tn which usually reach their high educallon witft the opening of po int In S epte mbe r . bo th sch'ool in S e ptembe r , the declined slightly during the d e pa rtme nt s aid . J o b s In month. .-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ LOMA TRASH CANS Brown, 32 Gal. SALE PRICED $1•• Reg. Price 110.99 Otters Good Thru 10/12182 Subject To Supply On Hand S i n ce Se p t e mb l'r 198 1 , construc tion employment has dropped by 14.8 percent, to 371.- 500, the report sa1d. The number of unemployed -7 Most Popular Si~ .. - 20"x20" 16"x25" 16"x20" 1.5"x20" 14"x2.5" 14"x20" 14"x20" 20''x2.5" more than you ex~t Jn a.hardware store -:;.\Tit •• ~ Five Amerasian boys look out the window of the proces~ing center at Ban1kok Airport in Thailand after flying in from Vietnam with 19 other children of American fathers. The 24 children on the nt1ht are the largest single group of Amerasians a llowed to leave Vietnam. 4- More Viet kids join dads BANGKOK, Thailand (AP) The aecond major airlift ol Ameraalan children and thei1 relatlvea Is under way as a California father joined U.S . offldala and volunteers flying to Vietnam to pic k up the 48-member group. The 24 children fathered b} American soldiers during thE Vietnam W ar will fl y tc Banskok, then head for ne\\ homee ln America after biddin~ b1enda and relatives farewell at Ton Son Nhut airport in Ho Ch Mlnh City, formerly Saigon. They will be 8CCOrJlpanied on the flight to Bangltok by twc U.S . Embassy officials and repreaentatlves ?f five American volunteer agencies. U.S . Embassy spokesman Richard Virden said the groui; would probably leave for the United States by late next week alter final processing at Phanat Nikhom, 50 miles southeast ol Bangkok. Eleven youngsters wen reunited with their American fathers last week, the largest such airlift to the United Stat.ef until today's trip. One father is bringing h1~ Vietnamese family home himself Ernest Crosby of San Franciscc was flying to Vietnam to greet his 9-year-old daughter, Hoa Phuong, her mother, Nguyen Thi The. and h e r 12-yea r -old stepsister. Nguyen Thi Phi Yen It has been almost eight years since Crosby saw them. The war ended in 1975. Last week, Gary Tanous. or Vancouver. Wash., made the trip to Ho Chi Mint) City to pick up his daughter, Jean Marie, in a tearful reunion. Those departing today included 24 Amerasians and a Vietnamese adull with l'IJ .S . c it izenship , o n e et hnic Vietnamese child born in the United States and 22 accompanying relatives, Virden said. He said 10 Amerasians were headed for reunions with their but he could not release names. Varden said the children were headed for Tempe, Ariz.; Marlin. Texas; Manchester, Conn.: Breckenridge, Maine; Angola, N.Y.; San Francisc o , and elsewhere in California, Texas and Florida. One child was heading for his American aunt's home, and the 11 children wi t hout U .S . relatives to join will be placed In homea by volunteer agencies, Elegant living refl ec t s the affluent lifestyles along the Orange Coast. Don't miss a distinctive showcase for beautiful homes, coming Oct. 14 1n the Daily Pilot and Mirrors. - There's no place like ·an Orange Coast home. • ' I Reagan heckler, 'mave~ick SANTA CRUZ (AP) Thf COP citndldat.o who wlJ told to "ahut up" by an cxHperated Pre1ld nt Reaian Wedn1 1dny 11 a political mav rick whu1u campel&f\ 1loaan ll ."Loo"' Llku Lenin. Talkl Like Lincoln." Gary Arnold, 41, a newcomer to an unincorporated are111 ot Santa Cruz, "appeared out of nowhere" to run tor a Houac 11eat In Calltornla'a 16th Congreulonal District, a local Republican BUld. "We don't know much aboul him, and we're not supporting him ... ·his ·phlloHophy just doesn't seem to go a long with o urs," said Bud Bowden. a SaJlnaa realtor who heads the Monterey County Republican Central Committee. "He aeema to do nothing but attack the president and the administration" and hla outburst at the Wh1te House Wednesday is "In keeping with his atlltude," Bowden said. Arnold repeatedly interrupted Reagan as he was speaking to a group of 65 GOP candidates, charging the president had betrayed Republicans running for Congress. He accused Reagan of forclng Republicans to support the largest tax Increase In hlstory and of deserting Taiwan. The candidate told reporters Reagan has ''lost touch with Reagano mics. Reagan is not Reagan ... Somebody has to say that the emperor has no clothes.'' Arnold, who has never held elective office, moved to the Santa Cruz area, about 70 miles south of San Francisco. from the Santa Monica area in the past two years. While la ving In Southern California. he ran unsuccessfully for a seat on the Board of Supervisors in Los Angeles County. Arnold's main campaign platform, according to has news releases, as oppos1t1on to the Trilateral Commission and the Council on Foreign Relations. The commission. an influential Gar y Ric-hard Arnold gro up o f pol1t1 c 1ans a nd businessmen sc:t up by David R o ckef ~ll e r , p ro m o te s 1ntcrnat1o nal relatio n s, among the U .S . Europe and Japan. The council also 1s a group or int luentlal torolan poll<: t•xperta Arnold dolnu th two lfOVJ art• "trllat«>ral treP!!:onltta r,u•hlna the nat.lop i nto 'one-world government" an Ul'agan 11 "dolng their blddlf\I .. He oppolCS what he calla th1 "world takeover " ...., Among other critlct•mt lev.te at Reagan, Arnold haa 1ald h "was and 1tlll Is an actor and th presidency 11 his greate1t rol• David Rockefelle r and ih Trilateral tqam are w ritlftf direct ing and producing t h biggt:st political play on F.artt\.'' He alao has called Reagan's t.a bill "Taxploltatlon," clalrqe Santa Cruz la a communit strong hold and labeled h i opponent, Incumbent Democn Leon Panetta, a "deathocrat." Billed as a businessman durln his successful primary campaig against Ann Nixon Ball, Arno! owns five properties In Capitol and the Live Oak area of Sant Cruz Lillie else is known ab01. ham. His campaign office ls a JX>f off1CL• box. and his campalg answering servke telephone ha b.-cn disconnected. Drug ,safety pushe4 WASHINGTON (AP). Health and H uman Services Secretary Richard S . Schweiker has said it will take drug manufacturers three to four months to produce nl'w t.amper- resista n t packagc:s for non· prescription drugs. Schweiker told re porters he ordered the Food and Drug Administration to begin drafting a new packaging regulation in the wake or deaths linked to cyanide-contaminated Tylenol ca psules. "It's important to understand even ir w e come up with a regulauon fairly soon ... it's ati going to take the industry thn to four months to get th equipm<:nt in place," Schweik1 said He said there as a need fc federal at·tion because ''if eac stat<' and eac·h municipality la) d o wn their o wn packagln rc.>qu1rements, we'll have a re; nightmare of regulations an rules and proc-edures that won serve anybody very well." He said the FDA rule woul likel y b e ado pted unde~ {'mcrgency powers. Plummer·s has a harvest of value! ~ Fall's bounty is increased by new contemporary-design furniture available at our low, low warehouse pric~s! Shop and compare! 1mpartect Teak Bookcases The one and on1y1 or1111na1 TW01or$178 Rosewooci TWO FOR•249 St• es111ss Leather Cllalr frOm Norway EleQant Chrome & teattier wltfi ottoman Available 1n various colors S795 value ~~s499 areuer Style ettalrs fromttaly These Qualltv cnalrs are carefully nandcr.lf'ted In walnut or natural wooci "ntsn wlttt oenulne heffl·dUty cane D3CkS & seats on sturov cn~trames Sl~Chalr • rnese oooci look I no flame ·oratn teak bookcases are.· speclaf direct lmPOrt purcnase and are an un~acaoie ·' value Cr.lfted of ttte finest teak veneer w1tri adJ~ snerves mev measure 76' • 12v, • 35 Also avaltaote tn walnut finish at <iliahtty n1aner prices ~· Nntl\ ar• con~truttfO w•m l'i\lrcninq PVC IUV sgg ONE FOR EACH Matching doors S39 value s29 •• .,... __________________________________________________________________ ~o~r·~no~·~=o=u=t~O=Al~LY~P~IL~O~T/~S·~·u~rd~·Y~·~Oo~tO~M=r~e~,1~~~82~--~~~· ... Gl'llncl Opening Special. Dupont nylon plush pile. Available In ten gorgeous shades that wear well and resist the spills and stains of everyday usage. Hurryl Limited yardage on this great value. --- Grand ·Opening Sale Price '8.88. ,.._ ...... Save on Random Textul'9CI. Made of the new Anso IV-yam. Designed to resist soll and sta1n·s. Soft and beautiful In 15 shimmering two-tone colors. This lovely carpet Is probably the best value in the sale. Gl'llnd Opening Sele Price '9.95 •yd. -only Save on Cut and Loop. Subtle shading and blending of colors, a result of tremendous styling. Use this carpet anywhere from the most elegant living room to the hardest-used family room. The most popular seller. Sixteen just-right colors. Grand Opening S.1• Price '9.19 • yd. cpt. only Save on Siiky Soft Saxony. Antr~n® nylon yarn creates this lush, elegant plush carpet. Eighteen shades of exceptional color. Make decorating a snap, Antrone nylon rejects spills and dirt and gives you rugged durability. Grand Opening Sal• Price •11.88 • yd. cpt. only Deep Piie. The smooth good looks of a classic saxony plush. Deep dense pile in 24 decorator shades. This carpe1 makes any home a castle. Made of 100°/0 Trevira Pentron® yarn. Grand Opel)lng Sale Price '11.95 •yd. cpl. only Thick Luxurloua Pluah. Made of Antron Plu~ yarn for easy cleanability and hard-wearing good looks. 22 gorgeous solid shades to pick from. Gl'llnd Opening Sale Price '14.aa.,... cpt. only Two-Tone. Brand new and beautlfull Made of the best 100°/o nylon yarn. Designed to resist aoll and stains. Soft and beautiful In 15 shimmering two-tone colors . . Grand Opening Ille Price 114.81 • yd. oPtonly Save on Elegant Velvet. The ultimate In elegance and luxury. Antron Plu~ nylon plle has built-In soil and stain resistance. Solld coloration of over 25 hues· wlll add style and beauty to any decor. Ol'llnd Opening Sale Prtce 114.111,-. .. ..., GARDIN GROVI 12802 Knott 8trMt (1 M No. Glrdetl OrCM Prwyt (714t ... 1117•(111tll4-llll CllHHTOI 11404 South ltrMt (AofoN ''°'"'"'Cerni" Mell) Cl11t ....... - Harlow Carpets opens the largest and finest store in Orange County. Grand Opening ·SaVings begin Saturday October 9, at all 9 stores .. WALLPAPERS A.U. Morse• Schumacher• Van Luit • Sinclair• Wall-Pride• · ... and many more, all reduced for our Grand Opening. 20 to 48°/.o. Off I OUTDOOR GRASS CARPET Make that dull grey patio come to life. it's completely washable, mildew and sunproof In a choice of 3 colors. Grand Opening Special 14.88 1q. ycL LEVOLOR MINI BLINDS Our best selling blinds. Custom made to flt any window. Dozens of. colors. 40% off regular price •• This week only. Bring your window measurements. CUSTOM DRAPERY SALE Open weaves, antique satins, sheers and prints In all our quality lines up to 53% off for our Grand Opening Specials. . .. VINYL FLOORS Sundial Solarlan ................................ On Sale! Designer Solarian ............................... On Sale! Imperial Solarlan .. " ...................... : ...... On Sale! Supreme Solarlan .................. : ............ On Sale! AREA RUG SPECTACULAR! Karastan, Orientals, Traditional styling ... or choose from modern and contemporary. We have them all and they are on special for this event only. At savings of 10 to 30°/o. Don't miss these for truly great savings. Y.s Down on approved Credit. LONG llACH 340 E. 4th StrMt (AofOM from IMrt) (211) 412·1221 HUNTINGTON llACH 15073 Ooldenweet (lthlnd Don JoN'• a Coco'•> (?H)IN-7111 •(111) .... 1 ITORI HOURI: Mon. thru Sat. 9 am·5:30 pm Mon. & Fri. tlll 9 ~arden Grove open Sunday 12·5 PLACINTIA 1271. Yorbe Und9 ,, ........ ......, CORONA DIL MAR .. hit Coat Highway ............. Pl"9Clwftl ~t) LAGUNA HILLI 23311 Avenlda de ta Certotta ( .... Mn I I T .. a L.1111 lllNlt ...... Laguna Hiiia Mon. thru Fri. 9-9 Sat. t-5:30 Sun. 12·5 (7'14 ..... . Cft4m..Ma (714Jll.FW • Or1n11• Colll OAU .. V PILOT/81turd1v. October 8, 1H2 , -LA ·harrie~s down; will drugs, thugs return? LOS ANO E L F.S tAP > Ora.f\d VI w $ll'('11l wWJ qult1l for tbe firat time In n'IOre than a y<'ar llf t.er polkc threw up barrlcndt'tf lO chWltl uwuy u 24!hour p1m&dl• of Il legal druti I nffl<·kcra and thugs who prt•yed on poor, elderly rcaldenl8. bh111lna to ut all." 'l'h \ d c portmt nt u 11d thl' ruund-thc c lock expnlmt•nt, whk h cndNi Saturduy, drultu'CJ tht> fort.'£• of 0Cfi<.-en1. Without tht' lwlrrlc1des. many o C l h l' 2 2 ~ r 1 I d c n t • o ( Mucl\rthur Toweni wondC'r how lunw ll will l>t• btlfo r bc-c>r bottleti1 1.1 nJ rcwkb ll rl' uuoln 11maahed ogolmu th(•lr cal'I and they arti ChtC!l('d f I um th<.' gurbAgC•l tntwn t1ldewalks 1f tht•y r•·tuse lO buy drugt1. r t'"11>lullon nu lho r lzl n a t h t• borrlt•uJ t• She sold ont-of the.· "punks" thr awnt.'d t.o kill h<'r If Kht• dlcl11'1 l'm.1 tw r flUhl 111 rlu>Ch thf'm out. •10 nf\ of thOM! hoodlt11TU1 thn·w a bout al me but ll only wc•nt hulf-wuy," lltw 8old. ''M11n y o f lh1• rc.'ltUttn tai "'<· 11tlll 1,1frold w 11p N1k out T hc•y'n• old('r pt.'Qplt Th 'y c.·a n 't t 1 k cn r t o f thcmM•lvt~ " But th~ barricades art• down &Jain aft.er alx duya because thl• Police department. couldn't afford to maintain the ~ffort full -time And reside nts r ear It's only u matt.er of time bdore the blaring radios. crime and shouu..>d drug orders return. "We 'd be living In a fool's J>ltradise to ,think It wouldn't st.art up again," said Carlene Brooks. 67, resident and manager o f MacArthur l'ow•!!rs, a federally subaidized retirennenl complex on Grand View Strc-el. "But. if it d oes, we'll start Cighting all over again. We're no t going to sit arou nd and watch anymore. We're going to stand u,p and be count<-d from now on." Police put up w oo d e n "Wt• CO\lldn 'l lt!DVl' fo ur 0 Uttoen1 on one block no way," HUld poht.oe Capt. Ftn11k t>lenol, who ovt:raaw the crackdown. During t.h e a lx da ys the barncad<..'8 W<'re up, and for 11 days before that, pollt-e mode o ~tul or about 60 drug arrcat.s on the block . Narcotics I..t . Bill Costlcigh said most w ere for misd e m eano r p ossessio n o f ma rijua n a, whic h is handled with a citation and fine similar to a I.raffle ticket. Police say last week was the first time barricades had been trie d . Muc h o r the n lmlna l ac tivi ty s impl y s hifte d t o s urrounding areas. Costleigh said. ''These guys were smar t. They on ly had~ small amount on the m a t a lame . The people wer e complaining a bout the s treel dealers so that's who we we nt a fte r," he said. Fur mort' than a year, cars of thoee looking for dr\,lg11 lined up and dcaJers Jumped from one to the othc•r. motioning with hand to mouth they hod things to s moke fo r sale . H\?sldents complained or day und n ight u ttacks, pur11c -snatchlngs and vondallsm. but many said they ne\Cer called polwe. '!Wha t w as the u se, ther, wouldn't be able lo find him,' said one elderly mugging victim w ho said she was too scared to give her name. Ruth White, 66. wasn't afraid to-'venture on to her balcony to read, knH or tend her Clo.we r s -othe r MacArthur reside nts ke pt windo w s and doors shu t lig ht and curta ins pulled. barricades Sept. :27 at lhe ends of . the narrow ~lock.-long s\reet near downtown Lo~I Ange les ana stationed orficeirs at each end. checking e veryon e who entered. Only the estimated 350 residents and people w Ith legitimate business were a l lowed in. "I felt safe," said 78-year-old Florence Cass. who has been mugged twice th is year. "It was a "Ever y b o d y -u s, th e residents -are prepared for the eventuality there's going to be some increased activity without the barricades," said" Piersol. "But we haven't just picked up our barricades and a ba ndoned Grand View. We're continuing the pressure." She had nicknames for some of the rcsular pushers she saw from h er. balcony: the "lieute nant'' who d rove a big, fa ncy car , "wmsy." who had only one arm and the "p<jinler," who st.rolled around .with paint can and brush. ll w as White who waged a letter and pe tition campaign that led to the C i tv Co uncil An unidentified ~an plunges from Ch attanooga's Marke t treet Bridg.I. more than 50 feet above the Tennessee Rive r after re jecting police pleas to surre nder. He was rescue d a~d is in good condition at a hospital. · Gelllni: Be versatile By SIDNEY OMAR Suday, Oct. 10 ARIES (Mart"h :l l ·Apral 19>: Red t.ape is removc·d , you have greater ' freedom of tho ught. acuon. T ake nothing for graYat.ed, seek motives and do some priv ;c1te d e tective work. Young pe rson confid es "love" problem. You focate what had been missinf! and ~ai n ally as result. TAO R US-(.Apri l 20-M ay 20): Con ce ntrate o n ba sic ob1ect1ves. Leave frills f •:>r another time. Be aware of land vaJues, mineral rights. security and l·ong-range aspira tions. You 'll c omple t e pro j ect . o ldn individual wall sh a re be n e fit o ( e xperi e n ce and yo u 'l l o bta in professional pro perty appraisal. G EM I N I 1; M a y 2 l • J u n e 2 0 ) : Decisions are ~1ubject to change -be versatile, hav< · alternatives at hand. You'll gain a cce ss t o pri vat e information , c onfiden ce will be re store d and you 'll be invited to participate in "glamorous" affair. Wat.ch Pisces! CANCER (June 2 1-July 22): Circumstance. sw ing in your favor where mone)·· is concerned. You'll have more p iressure, responsibility and addition al opportunities for promotion. Yc•u'IJ get needed material and green ligtat will flash for unique project. LEO (July :?3-Aug. 22): You appeaJ to more peopl e, popularity increases. member of opposite sex is drawn to QUEENIE Viking 7pc. cali•bage salad set. You can always be HIRDICDPI • you and makes no secre t o f it. Emphasis on p e rsonality , direct a pproach , i n depend e n ce and o riginalit y . Y o u compl e t e longstanding task . VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Look behind scenes for answers. Ge t ready for new start, highlight independence and welcome a "fresh e nvironment." Imprint sty!e. disseminate information concerning d iet , nutrition . h ealth. Leo. Aquarius natives play key roles. LIBRA (Sept. 23..0Ct. 22): Follow through on hunch . Initial impressions are apt to be correct. Utilize powers of persuasion. You'll regain sense of directiOI'\. You locate item that was Jost. missing. stolen. Apparent loss can be transformed into vigorous gain. SCORPIO (Oc t. 23-Nov . 21): Diversify, look beyond the immedia te, realize you will be given des irable position . O p en l i n es of communication. realize effectiveness o f your own pote ntial. Gem ini , Sagittarius natives play significant roles. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Breakthrough indicated; you'll have chance to correct past errors and to rebuild on a more suitable base. Focus a lso o n t ravel. e duca tio n and fulfillment of aspirations. Scorpio, Taurus, L eo p e r sons figure prominen tlv. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Be aware of contractual obligatiorus, legal rights and permissions. What starts o ut a s an a pparent loss could boomerang in you r favor and result in gain. B arrie rs are ove r c ome, cooperation is gained from those who outline license requirements. AQUARIUS (Ja n . 20-F e b. 18): Study Capricorn message for special hint. Highlight public re lations. pe rsonal image and ability to get m essage across in clear, dynamic, dra mat ic manne r . D o m esti c adjus tment is part of scenario. Gift from one close to you can be regarded as ~elVJine token of affection. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Accent o n employment, g e ne ral h ealth. atte ntion necessary for pets and de pendents. You'll gain behind-scenes glimpse •. you 'll have access to data previously marked ''confidential." Another Pisces plays significant role. ossi.rred of finding unique and special gifts and OCCE!'SSOftes In Roger's Gallery. Expttrct delightful surprlzes along with courteous and personal atterition to gour gift & decorating needs. / I\ "'!""4_,_,_ ... ~---.... _____ .....,""""' __ _ "10 SALES TAX" SALE SOllY COLOR 19" DIAGONAL TRINITRON • Express 11rruning • One Gun Picture Tube RCA 11" 11&11UL wm IRITI • ColorTrak • 127 Channel Tuning • ><tended life chassis -.. .. - SAVI 40" NO·,M>H 'OOD IAVllll lll!l'llllOl'lAl'OR •40°° NO TAX SAYE Plll. '~ --------·----·---------------f--·------·-------------------'11tQI " ..... ,CV fl ft_,.,- • ..... J "',.......,..""°"ft''"""°' ... ~~· (~-----·""" .,,,_,. .. ................. ·~.......,..,,.,,...~c..,...,... "' .......... ""'"~ .. ..,.., SAYE '111" • Energy Saver • Pot Scrubber cycle • 12 Cycles ~ ... • Big Capacity .a1111. 'II" l11t1ll1tlt1 Frtt '404"11UTE YIU SAYE '7911 RCA I Ir VII • 24 Hr. Programmable • Forward Search • Remote Pauae Control _ __ .....,. ___ _ 1 Panasonic Microwave IE lllLT II llSIWISllEI •'I !I t•!i 'i I Energy Saver Tuff Tub Interior High Gloss Black Door • • • • Saves valuable counterspace-has 2-speed fan & light • Cooks by time or by temperature with Micro-Thermometer control OILY s499•5 LA 5IOO WASHER • Larger Capacity • 5 Cyclft • 2 Speeds LE 5IOO DAYER • 4 Tempi • 3 Cycle1 •Perm Pr•• SAYE s5000 ~ .,! .. '. ' llllly Plllt 0 UCLA to face 8lTUROAY,00T. 9. 1982 COMICS 810 rn~ dangerous -0 ENTERTAINMENT 812 Arizona. Page 85. TELEVISION 814 utton breathes life hack into Brewers.' .. , ·La.dd do.es inan-.sized reli~f job in 5-3 • victory By CURT SEEDEN Of ttle DellJ "°' ..... MILWAUKEE-Don Sutt.on took the simple game of word association Friday afternoon, applied it to baseball and pitched the Milwaukee Bre wers back into contention for the American League · Championship. The Angels came into game three of the best-of-five playoff series unconcerned with Sutton's alleged ability to illegally cut a baseball Instead the veteran right-hander, still a babe in the w~s when pitching against American League batters, used simple craftiness to create a groove of another nature in topping the Angels, 5-:3 before 50,135 at Milwaukee County Stadium. Sutton disclosed later that he and catcher Ted Simmons had methodically sought o ut National League hitters comparable to each Angel batter and pitched him accordingly. And if you asked the Angels, the ploy worked to perfection. "Sutton never really chnllenges you with a fastball," said second basem~n Bobby Grich , who was fin essed into striking out three tames by the former Dodger pitcher. "He was throwing one o( the best breaking balls I've ever seen. I give him all the credit In the world." The Brewers, meanwhile. are giving Sutton plenty of thanks for bailing them out for the second time In a w eek. It was Sutton who pitched the Brewers into the American League Championship Series with a 10-2 victory over Baltimore on the last day of the reg1,1lar season. . "We were" shut. down for seven ih"nings by one of the best pitchers in baseball in the last 15 years," added Angel Manager Gene Mauch. "He's a very, very clever pitcher." As k ed If any o f his players had complained to him about Sutt.on doctoring the baseball, Mauch answered: "Not a word. They know what he can do with finger dexterity." Sutton's lone trouble spot came in the eighth inning, beginning with catcher Bob Boone's disputed· home run on the first pitch. Through the first seven innings, he had limited• the Angels to jW1t four hits while striking out eight. Indeed, Boone's home run was bizarre considering the wall in left field at County Stadium is 352 feet away and Boone's blast carried about 350 feet. Milwaukee lett fielder Ben OgJivic drifted back to the wall, leaped to make the catch but a Brewer fan li.t.erally stole the . ball out of Oglivie's glove. L eft field foul line umpire Larry Barnett immediately signaled a home run Clispite angry tirades by Oglivie, Manager Harvey Kuenn and most of the Brewers. And television replays showed Oglivie had every right to throw a tantrum. "For me, the fan behind the fence touched it. When he touched the ball, h is hands were behind the fence as I saw it," Barnett said later. The play seemed to bring a little IHe into the silent Angel bats, and at the same Ben Oglivie (See BREWERS, Page 86) Vikings' defense k ·eys win ~ By ED ZINTEL lpeel.i to tt.. 0•111 Piiot LONG BEACH -The two teams were so much alike, their fans sat on the same side of the field. . • Marini and Millikan High Schools have the same colors - blue and gold, the same kind of . offense and defense in football, and, up until Friday night, were considered so evenly matched that Marina was ranked seventh in the CIF Big Five Conference poll while Millikan was eighth . • So the fans sat together, not by choice but because there are stands on only one side of the field at Millikan. It was little wonder then the two played on close tenns when they met Friday night as Marina escaped with a 17-15 non-league ' win. THE VIKINGS (4-1), received a n o uts tanding offensive p e rformance from junior running back Eric Karman, who rushed fo r 107 yards on 14 carries. scored one to.uchdowri on a 57 -yard run and added a 28-yard field goal. But the defense was the key to this victory. ............ fan reaches out to catch home run by Bob Boone, while Reggie Jackson stagger s after striking out. Led by Hnebackers Clint King and Greg Neff, along with defensive ends Steve Braun and. Jim McLaughluin, the Vikings sacked Millikan quarterback Larry Oriee three times, all at critical mome nts, to h e lp preserve the win. .... a1nout uld delay T . LOUIS (AP) -Friday ht's second rainout in the ional League Championship ies betwee n the Atlanta ve, and St. Louis Cardinals Id delay the start of the 1982 rld Series. f the playoff between the ves and Cards stretches t.O the -game limit, the start of "the ies would be delayed until t Wedneaday night and it ld reault in the NL champions · g six straight days in three before getting a day. off. ere's how that could happen. Two of the NL series is scheduled for. Saturday ht in St. Louis. The playoff ves to Atlanta for Game Sunday and, if necetssary, Four and Five Monday Tuetday. at. would p\.llh the World atart beck to Wednesday ht in the NL city. The aecond e would then be played ureday n ight, previously a day, wUh the tea.ma taking day off to move , t.o the A9.-ft~n League city. eball l• not. conaidering 119dlll8 the weather by doubUnl wt two playoff pmee In one , llCCQrdlna to NL President l'""'Y· ....,.._.,. .. no thoutht of that," Id. "I auppoee around '19inlumtvina. we rniaht conllder ralnout\Jenabled Atlanta ••1r Joe Torre to brtna b.ck BMVD.Papll) Fan's larceny • IS unrewarded For. his pickpocket act, all he got was an early exit MILWAUKEE -That Brewer fan had to be the happiest person in MUwaukee County Stadjum Friday afternoon. You remember him? Tall guy, white shirt? The guy that almost cost the Brewers another chance to keep the American League Championship series alive? The unidentified spectator did a pretty good impression of a pickpocket in the eighth inning of game three with the Angels. The only trouble ls, he got caught by about 50 million people around the country. He's not serving any time, though. But he wa.S ejected. And thank goodness for that. Some 50,000 fans around him and about 25 Brewers would have enjoyed getting ahold of him. B en Oglivle would have led the charge. The Brewers left fie lder was gliding back toward the fence, ready to haul in Bob Boone's fly ball. Oglivie's inte nt on this cool. crisp afternoon was to make the cat.ch and help his pitcher, Don Sutton, maintain h is shutout. It didn't work out that way. The fan stuck his hand out and _plucked the ball right out of OglJvle's·warting glove. Make the acore 5-1. A few minutes later it was 5-3. The Brewen were on the verge of blowins their lead and thelr hopes. They aurvived, of course, at least untJI today, but the eighth lnnlns Incident put left field foul line umpire Larry Bernett on the•~· If I had thouaht the fan reached over the fence, then I could have called It apec:tator lnterferenc.-e and Vie blltter would have been out," reeponded Bunett, clearly on the deten1lve. "I haven't aeen the repla .'' ~;•vie didn't need a replay. ~dkJn't know he (the fan) WM there. I WM tryinl fo cat.ch the ball. The wind WM ANGELS CURT SE EDEN blowing in and I knew 1 had a chance to catch it," Ollllvie stated. Would he have caught the ball without the Interference? "Without a doubt. T.he ball was arching into m.y glove," said ()g]lvie. "For me, the fan behind the fence touched it," countered Barnett. "When he touched the ball. his hands were behind the fella! as I saw It." Barnett sounded like he was on the witness starid. But he never did Ute phrases like "to the belt of my recollection. will you repeat the question?" And "as recaJI.'' No matter. The Brewers won game three despite the left field fiaaoo. The only thing It did wu ruin Sutton's shutout bid and bring up the ap-c>ld quetitlon: Should umpires turn to televl11on replays in situations like that? Barnett said "it.'• part of the game" when asked about replays. "Our job is baled on apllt-aecond judgement and repla~a show we're right 98 oercent of the time.• . ~ . Somebody asked Angel Manager Gene Mauch if hle team'• momentum waa broken Friday. "No, only Dou1 DeCinces' noae. He played iM lut few lnn.lnp with a broken no11 " Mauch responded. in;, w• th• Anpl thlrd buemanla uX\h broken noee, IOl'JW!thlna he aot tiNd ol telllnc reporters over and owr after the sarn-. ' ' Six broken noses puts DeCinces somewhere between Mauch (who's had four) and ex-Laker J erry West, who had more than 10 at last (and probably) final count. DeCinces was hit by his own· foul ball in the seventh innl,ng -the mishap sending him to the gro\lhd in agony. When he did recover.enough to sit up, he angrily_ slammed his helmet down. "I was angry because I knew what it was and it's just not the right time for an injury,'' DeCinces said later, moments after having it popped back into place. "I don't know what hurt more, having that done or breaking it." "There's no way you're going "to keep DeClnces out of the lineup," noted Mauch. "l was concerned with his vision, but he says It's OK." • • • Baltimore pitcher Jim Palmer (~ho is also doing television commentary), talked before the game about Don Sutton's alleged. baleball doctoring. "I heard Sutton uaed to leave notes for the umpiree in his pocket when they came ou\ to check him. "I don't k.OOw If and what he's using now. It Uled to be Super Glue and No. 2 sandpaper, but I think he'• changed." The An1el1 only asked home plate umpire Rich Garcia to lnapect the baU a couple of Umee Friday, but none of the playen acc\l8ed Sutton of cuttinc the ball. "The doctorln1 the ball stuff I• overrated," ~ Anpl lho~p Tim Foll before the pme. "You can't put that ktnd of thing In your mtnd. !Ver'y baU hae a tc:Ult on It, from hltUnc the plate or from a baL He (Sutton) pt kftowa how to Mab it do Oll'Ulin th!np ... • SdU, Foll wu one of the few playen who had thf' ball examined Friday and tot Garct. to um it out. ·-··· ............... In a ddition , the Marina de fense intercepted two Oriee passes to keep the Millikan offense off balance. "It looked to me like the defense did a pretty good job tonight," said Marina head coac}\ Dave Thompson. "They came through when they had to. 1 knew we'd be evenly match~ and I'm just happy to get a win,' especially going into league." INDEED, THIS WAS no picnic. in the park for Marina. Millikan,! trailing 17-9 for well 0·1er a: quarter in the second half, carnet up with a big play with 5;22 remaining as taekle Kevin DutT pounced on a Marina fumbg;e a the Vikings' 23-yard line. was just standing around when a bad exchange from quarterback to running back put the ball bl his hands. Two incomplete passes. and' • penalty put Millikan in a fourth-and-long situation with 4:19 left. That's when Orlee finally broke the Marina defense as he spotted receiver Jerry Coubon near the goal lihe a s~pf ahead of two Marina defendel'9. He fired a perfect strike to put· the Rams back In it, 17-15. I However, the Marina defe.nae came up with its own big play ..S the Vikings put heavy p...-u..- o n Orlee. f9rcing him td underthrow hli receiver ln the end zone on the two-point conversion attempt. MILLIJtAN GOT one flna c hance to score following fumble recovery et the own 27-~ hne. A pua f Olree '° Humphre_y movecl the ball to midfield but iM dri 1talled lbere • urne I'll\ out. ''I WU Nal pleMed with way we ecrambled on def...-. aald Thompeon. "We do nffd (lee MARINA, Paa• 81) ; Oran e Coa1t O~ILY PILOT /IAhlfdlY1 October 8, 1882 •• Sailor~ explode for 48-0 • Will * ....,., • ......, ... """'91.ttf • ...,.~~· '"-POfl M11bol 1 1 11 1 0 u111v1111ty O O O o O NM ''"" • 1un (WlltO 11.1(.11.) ~1f!.OBB MUNSON .... .,... llee.t Not 1lnco the alory year of 1949 when Al Irwin's 8-1 &tlon1 puted St. M orua, 54-0, rn th Ir uuon opener hu Ne w1Jort Harbor Hlah talllcd a11 many olnt1 a1 It did Friday night aaJnal tfn1veraity at lrvlne Hfgh before 1 Trojan Homecoming wc had 1 1lzo advontuait' ov1,,- them. Mnd il •howud t0nlght." Am.I Uwn twu minute•• lut1•r. »ft<1r " Unlwr•lty fumble>, BraUU1 IK'Ot't'd from one yard oul. And aguln, after a Trojan fumblt'. Newport mw-cht-d from 42 yardic o ut and LonaJ Truong acored Crom on • yord out. With 8: 14 remaining In the flnt q uarter, Newport put It• tint point.I on thu board WI junJor running beck Swv Braw ran the ball In frum eljht yarcb out. crowd of 2.600. Newport uted a tremendously ffectlve ground game, and a ll!llng d ~fcnse to totalll rustrate the Trojans, 48~0. In a,• The 6·3 207-pound Braza1 flnl•hed the night with three touchdowns. a long with 177 yards on 26 carrlet In onJy three quarK'nJ of playing time. Newport ha1 u tut.hur-1on connection worklng In Ill favor .... though. H Mike Jr. teams up with hi• dad, Mlk S r . Tht' younger Glddlng• doet the play calling for the olfe~ from the pressbo><. ea View League Football nteet. • •:1 waa hoplng that our offense d get golni and put on IUl o tensive show one of these amee," said Newport Coach ke Giddings. "We knew that With the score 14 -0 at hnlftlme, Newport. struck it rich In the third quarter. The Sallers acored 27 points during a 6: 12 time 11p11n . And h la pla~s worked Ilk~ maatc tor the Sallora, aa they gained :J77 yards on the ground alone and had 22 first. down11 ruthlng. The Sailors drove 80 yards In 11 plays, and Rich Power ran the ball In 23 yards, on the SaUoni' first po11euion of the second half. "We knew that we could run on the m ," said Mike Jr . "University switched ita defense Sugar Ray hints he may be retiring From AP dl1patcbes . GRAND RAPIDS . Mic h . Sugar Ray Leonard says he won't m reveal his decision about his boxing future until Nov. 9, but.. 50411e of his other comments suggest he plans to retire from the ring. "I'd like to show kids that a person can be a champion in other fields," the 26-year-old world welterwei ht champion told The Grand Rapids Press quring a visit to this western Mich igan city. "We all have a God-given talent for something. My particular talent is beatin' up on people. I also like to think I can do other things. "This Inj ur y is a message," said Leonard, who last May had surgery on his left eye to repair a partially LaOIURD detached retina. "If not. it's a heckuva hint. It doesn't take a genius to figure out the options available for me.''· Vision in the eye is 20-30, he said. And he no longer wears the eyeglasses he donned a week aft.er his surgery. ''I mostly wore them to be cool," he said. Leonard. who g r abbed t h e w o rld welterweight ch ampionship when he beat Detroiter T homas Hearns 111 year ago. seemed eager to return to professional fighting b ut aware of the drawbacks. "Every day I stay away, chances of me returning are slimmer and slimmer," he said. "To a degree, being away will affect me physically, • my reactions, my peripheral vision. I might even f have to be a southpaw. Mostly It will be mental." , Quote of the day Pittsburgh Pirates slugger Willie S&arpll, as his career drew to a close: "l didn t think they were going to sign me. The Pirates offered me $1 ,000, but my step-father held out for $1,500. 1 th~ht they may not sign me because of that. I remember crying because I didn't think they were going to sign me." Rangers' Bell wants out of Texas DALLAS -Third baseman II Buddy Bell of the Texas Rangers, 1 citing poor prospects for the immediate improvement of the American LeaJiUe team, says he may ask to be • traded this winter. • "The decision 1 have to make will be this ! • winter. I'm almost 100 percent aure t.hat if I'm 1 1 here for next year, that I'll be J\ere for the rest of my career," Bell said Thursday. "That is the test t -whether I'm going to play here the rest of my ' career or not." Rangers General Manager Joe Klein said the club has not considered trading Bell, but added that the .,oasibiUty "would increase 100-fold" if Bell requested a deaJ. Soviet hockey team to tour MONTREAL -A rrangements l'1 for six exhibition games between , National Hockey League teams and an All-sta r squad from the Soviet Union have been completed. NHL President John Ziegler and Alan Eagleson. the executive director of the NHL P layeu' Association.' announced Friday. It is expected that 16 current members of the Russian national team will be .on lhe lour, the fifth time o club from Russia has visited NHL teams. Among the more familiar names are goaltender Vladislav Tretiak, defcnseman Viaches lav Fetisov and forwards Sergei M.ikarov, Viktor Krutov, Anatoli Semonov and Sergei Shepelev The Russians will announce lhelr complete ros1;>r by Nov. 1. Islanders outlast Edmonton, 6-4 Duane Sutler's second goal or the game with 1:49 remaining snapped a l'1 tie and prope lled the New York IslandCTs to a ts -4 victor y over Edmonton In a matchup of last year's top two regular-season teams ... ln other NHL contests Friday night, center Merlin Malinowski scored late In the sec.'Ond period to give New Jersey a 3-2 triumph over the New York Rangers for itit first NHL win. Before moving to New Jersey. the Devils had played in Colorado and Kansas City. Friday's contest drew 19,203 at the Meadowlands Arena ... Detroit's Walt McKecbnle arored his second goal of the game in the final period to give the Red Wings a 3-3 tie with Mlnpesota. Levi holds LaJet Classic lead Wayne Levi fought his way !I through blustery, gusty winds to a one-under-par 71 that stretched his lead to two strokes Friday In the second round of the LaJet Classic In Abilene, Texas. Levi had to birdi~ three of the last four holes to regain the top s~t with a 36-hole tot.al of 135, nlne shots under par for two trips over the 7,077-yard Fairway Oaks Golf and Racquet Club course. Brue Devlin of Australia, who 9COred the last of hia eight American tour titles 10 years ago, scrambled ln with a no-bogey round of 70 to take over second at 137. "The wind was so hard you had to invent 90me pretty i n c redible s hots out there," Levi said . ''Downwind. Jou couJd hit a 7-iron 185 yards. Into the win . you'd hit it 105," Devlin addeq . . . Defending ch ampion Ed Upde1raff of TUCBOn and Alton Dallon of Los Angeles won semifinal matches In the 28th U.S . Senior Amateur Golf Championships at Tucson. Ferguson against All-star concept Joe Fer1asoa, quarterback of the • Buffa lo Bt1ls, says the l egal controversy over proposed All-star · games ls delaylng efforts t-0 end the strike by Nat.loo.al Football League players. "l think the All-star stuff is a waste of time," he said. ''ll won't be a good brand or football because \hey don't really have enough time to practice and I think too many guys will be worried about getting hurt." . . . World ice skating champion Scott Hamilton breezed to a fint-place Cinilh Friday to keep his lead in the Skate Ame rica i nte rnational ice skating competition . . . Triple world record-holder Seba1tlan Cot, who pulle d o u t of the Commonwealth Gam es. is unlike l y to run competitively again for six months, Georse .Gucly, hls former coach said . RAVES-CARDS POSTPONED . • • ace of his staff, 43-year-old ii Nlekro, for Game Two. waa the Braves' starter in 'opener on Wednesday, which • rained out in the fifth Ina. St. L o uis won the • heduled opener 7-0 on the . hJt pltchinl( of Bob Forach. e had considered bringing back Friday night with one day of rest but decided to Tommy .BosP lnatead. But • raJnou\ chanaed that and will be In the bullpen wtth on the mound. ;!'J wanted to give Niekro two clay• rest and with the raJnout, w~'ve acc:ompllahed that," the ~ta mana•er said. St. Loula Manager Whltey ......,. Mid he would 1tay wtih Nokia John Stuper for Game Two and brln1 back Joaquin Andujar -hla pitcher In the rain~ Wectn.day opener on Sunday tn Allanta. ''TMt'• 6f we plar, tomorrow (Saturday) nl1ht, ' he Hid. Nlekro waa happy with the ~·· "You're alway. excited about pttchUW," h9 -'Cl. "I Mar' theft-11 a lac of rain ln Atlanta. Maybe I .,. pltch W.. « four u.n. ln dlll ........ 'hrn .met .... planned co ~ c.np .. hie next afaner afw NWcro. He Wit m.d about • NL 11layella at • •••nee Today'• geme -Atlanta at St. Louli, 5:15 p.m. Today'• pitcher• -Phll Nlekro (17·4) of Atlanta vs. JOhn Stuper (9-7) of St. Louis. TV -ABC (Channel 7) at 5 p.m. Announcers -Al Mlchaeta. Howard Cotetl and Tom Luorda. Radio -KNX (1070) at 5. Announcers -Jack Buck and Jerry Coleman. · Remelftlftl echedvte-Sunday'a game In Atlanta, 5:15 p.m.; Monday's game, If necessary, In Atlanta, 12:15 p.m.; Tuetday't game. If necesaary, In Atlanta. 12: 15 p.m. a fifth-game pitcher and j\.!st 1hrugged. "(don't know yet," he uld. "It de pends on what month and what week It pt.I played." The two ralnout.a went the first po1tponement.a In St. L..ouls since June 2 3 , 1 97 9 -a n uninterrupted atrln1 of 2~7 playing data. Virdon top candidate for Expos'· job MONTREAL (AP) -Tt)e MonU'Ml hpot' manacera job la Bm Vlrdon'1 co take or leeve. Vlrdon, ftred Au1. 10 b y Houeton, will meet Expm board chairman Charlet Bronfman and ~\.~al manaaer John McHaJe tn P'lortd. thll weekend IO cl*'-the job. The Job became •val11ble when J&n r..wn, ~ -Sunday after tu kpae' final ~~=io lntroduce Vinlan t.o mecUa • &he Expm .._,..,.,on Tueeday. A ' 1pok"1n1n for the club would .. )' only that they hoped to announce • rnanapr eerly next week. "There ii an urpncy becaUM there 11 a Jot of work to do." McHal.e 11ld. "l want to ~ to the World Serles with him (Vlrclon) and pt rilht down to~." Vtrdon waa rumored to be Fannlnl'• replecernent u nrly • i.t Auauat. rann&rw had came lncn'tZ!r under fire u the tallft~ IKllOI l'Oftdnued IO la1 behind St. Loul1 and Phll1delphla, w 11 4·3, ond th1.1l'1 why wc1 ran the bllll mat1t of thu time." ''I'm rNlly proud of our wum," t'Ontlmw<.t Mike Sr. "We've had 1.1 lot of Injuries lately. We had tophomol'<'I ptar,lng for l'T\Ollt of ttw ~x'Ond haJf. · Al for the N •wport dufcn.IC, the S1&~IOr8 allo wed the Unlvttrtl'.y offense to get put the ~0-yard line only twice durlnK the c..-unletlt, the fll'llt tJme being with lC88 than a minute t-O (lo In the third quarter. . Also havtna a good game for the Sailors was Truong, who goinc d 93 yard• on only 14 carries. AB for the Trojaru, Neal Thackston, a recent transfer from Alabama. gained 48 yards on only five carries. Thackston played only the last set of down& NH 81ue1 2 1un (We1d klekl NH Pow.t 23 1111'1 (W.,O kleli.I NH ,,., .. I 1un (W•rd klekl NH TrUOllQ I IUl'I (r llnk klCllJ NH l tnn" 21 ftlurn with lnlerc;epllOn Cklek ltli.dJ Ntf JOMtOfl 10 run (WatO klGkl All4'f•Otnet 2.500 (t1llm11.a1 o-••••ltttt• NH U 'lr tl Oowne '6 t Au.n. .. y1101 66-377 21-e & PHeil'Q yetOI 1 S I ,.__ 3·8-0 0-16-2 Punl• 3-31 4·42 fumb,...IOtl 0-0 3-3 Ptntlllet•y.,01 2·20 4·60 IMl•kllNll ""•ll•nt-_,.r NH Brun. 26· 177; Brown, r.'12, Truong, 14-93. JOhneon, 2· 12, GOOOlletd, 2·~. Welle, l·I. Power. H!3; low•. 1·21, MOWN!, 3.9, Sllttlet, 3· 17. U-lenulll, 3·6. Z.ldlv.,. t-3&. Beldlkoalll, 1·4, Co•. 4·lor·mfnu1 7, Th11d11on, &-48 llMNVkllltl PllMlnt NH Goodfl•ld, 1·2·0. mlnu1 8, W•ll•. 2·8.0, 13 • U 8aldlk09kl, 0-14·2, 8 I, Coa, 0· 1.0 0 l!Whrkkltl ""91•1ftt NH-Btaut, 2·mlnu1 3, W111l, I· 10 V-tn..o, 3-4, Zllld1v11 , 1·6 Ketn, 1· 18, Well()tl, 1°14 St eve Braza1 HB bubble bursts San . Clemente .shocks Oilers, 28-23 By RANDY TIFT lpecltl lo Ille Dllfy Piiot San Clem\!nt.e High's Tritons, characteristically grinding out yardage on their home turf, knocked off Huntington Beach , 28-23, Friday night to burst the bubble of the prev iously unbeaten Oilers. A pair of long touchdown runs by Triton running back Jim Arno sealed the victory. San Clemente had two rushers. Arno and quarterback John Weiser, fall just shy of 100 tot.al yards while running back Roger Fickling piled up 153 on 27 carries. The Tritons. w h ose record improved to 4-1, opened the gameyith a l o ng drive, st.eanifOlling 80 yards on 15 plays capped by an Arno 3-yard run on a right side option. Huntington Beach struck right back as Carl Saterfield ran for a 67-yard touchdown on the firs t play a fte r San C lemente kickt>d orr. San Clemente ignited another 80 -ya r d drive on au next possession to go up 14-7 in the second quarter. This time, Weiser took the ball in himself on a 12-yarder that started out as a left side sweep but turned Into a ri~ht side scramble as a wall of Oiler defenders turned him the other way. S,peedway cycle title up for grabs tonight By HOWARD L. HANDY ot'•Dellr,.. ..... There's going to be a wide open chase for the U.S . National Speedway championship tonight at the Ora nge County Fair · grounds In Cost.a Mesa. The early favor ite will be seven-time w inner Mike Bast but he la expected to have plenty of compe tition from Huntington Beach's Alan Christian. Mike Fa- ria. ~Dennis Sigalos and Shawn Moran among others. Bast has had his problems this season and will have hia hands full If he Is to win No. 8. Faria has been doing well and Christi- an hu won 12 main events at Costa Mesa and San Bernardino. In tonight's action, 16 riders will be competing in a series of 20 heat races with point.a distributed on a 3-2-1~ buia tn each heat. Each rider will compete in five heat.I with a maximum of 15 po- int.a available for \he winner. Every rider will face each of the others once during the eve- ning program that finds four competing In each fieat race. Slgaloe and Moran have been riding on the BriUAh Speedway Circuit this season but both quallfled for the U.S. finals du- ring the World Championship qualifier at Long Beach. Sigalos went on to finish third in the world finals at the Coliseum. then the Em~y British Open championship, a race that has been touted in the BriUAh media u having a better field than the worl~ final. Moran added the European Junior champion.ship (for riders under 21) to his list of accom- plishments this season. Early this year Moran was unbeatable at Cost.a Mesa but a later appearance found him ha· Ying difficulty in getting out of hu. heat races. The short Cos'4, Mesa track may not be to the9\iking or the two British riders who compete on quarter-mile ovals. Both , however. got l Aeir start In speedway racing in Costa Mesa. Faria, riding the Southern California circuit full-time for the Cirst season after a su~ful career in the northern part of the st.ate, has won a number of races at Costa Mesa and in San Ber· nardino. He finished the quali- fying series with 70 points to lead over Christian by nine. Christian waa second at 61 with Ba.st third with 60. Others in the Cield for tonigh t's championship include young Rick Miller, Shawn McConnell. Gene Woods of Costa M esa. Steve Lucero, Dubb Ferrell. Tom Burba, Buddy Robinson , Mike Curoso of Huntington Beach. John Sandona. Dave Sims and Paul Orlandi. College football TOOA't''I OAMSI .... "11J:one vs UCLA et Aote Bowl C I 30 P m I Sen Jolt SI 111 Ce! Stet• Fulltr1on (1.30 pm.) Celllornl• et WHhlngton (Cllanntl 7 11 12 SO pm I PllGlllc et F1eeno St , n Uteh et Hewell, n Oregon SI 11 WNhll'Qlon SI. T••-EI Peeo ....... td•lu Vegu. n Aedlends •I lll Ven,. Clll POIY (8l0) et UC ~. n c.i Lulhertn •I Clll Poly (Pomon111. n NOnhrldae SI. et Clllco SL. n ltnlt Clit• at Humboldt St .. n 8111 F•tndtco SI. et Sonom• S1 ......... Nll'I)' .. Air Fcwce 81ente>rd 11 At1aonl 8t .. n Montent II 8olee It., n NtbrMllll ., ColoredO NOl'thtrn Atlione at Nevlld•Aeno 8YUittN9w ..... ICO TultA 111 N9w MPICO St , n ldtho It el UIMI 9t Mol\l•n• SI 111 ¥"_,.,, St., n 811\ Olego It ~.:c:t T .... Ttcll et Arllfll .. t 8MU II '8tYlcw, n Tt ll .. A&M •I Houtlon. n Kan ... It OtllflllOfN 81 OklellOf'l'I 11 TeltM NOftll TellM II. Ill T•k ... Arllfl01on, n ""-~ TCV. n ...... long IMctl 11. Ill Clnclfln•ll """"'" .. .... Ill lnClleN ~ MIC:flltln It. ti MICfllttn WllCOnlln 91 onto SI Minnet011 et Nort11-1.-n MfNoutl •• KanMt SI Mllml, Ae el Nolfe 0- Kenl St 11 low• SI OrW!e ti W•ltm lllfnOl1 WHlttn Mlefllgen 11 CttWel MICl\IQln WlcNte St 11 llllnoll SI ld•ho •I Northetn low• Bowling G1Mt1 11 Mletnl U Ea•t•n Mlehlgen at Toledo. n """' Ptnn 61. •~ Al&beln• (Channl 2 It 10 • m I Kentucky et Aul>Vtn Tt11n .. _ 111 LSU. n MIUIM191>1 II Otorgll 1ndlant St. •I MlfYl•nO 0-911 Tech et Tulene, n AOfidt el Vand«blll. n Cltonaon II Virginie, n Nof1h Cerolifla Ill Walle FCWMI 0.tmoulll 81 WllllMI 4 Mery VMI 11 Tiie Cltldtl, n WJ:• Tech II Ouk• Alc:flond ti l!MC Ctroline. n Southern !Mlnole ti Flotld1 SL n Temolt •t LOlllavlllt, n 8 MlallileloDI al MIMIMIPPI 81 LOYlelMe t9ctl .. NE Loulll11n11, n .... Huntington Beach retahsted with a 28-yard field goal by Eric Lawton to make 1t 14-10 at 4:55 of the se<:ond period. The Oilers then squandered two opportunities to score deep in Triton terrirory. After Ma rk Nakashima recovured a Tri.ton fumble , Saterfield ca ught a 27 -yard pass Corm Lawton and carried it to the three-yard line. On the next play, th'~'.U1lers fumbled the ball away and Weiser r ecover ed fo r Sa n Clemente. A Triton punt gave It back t.O the Oilers inside the 30-yard line but they threw an interception which caromed off the helmet of Tom Klostreman and into the hands of Paul Warden to foil the Oilers. I n the seco nd h alf, an Int er ce ption b y the Oilers' Richard Mendoza set up a short touchdown run by David Huang after a 27-yard pass form Lawton to Sate rfield. The Oilers had their only lead in the game, 17-14. Amo then went to work. He scored on a 26-yard run up the middle in the third quarter and again on a 36-yarder at 5:29 of the final period. The Oilers put together a drive of 64 yards wi th running back Danny Thompson scoring on a run of one yard. Huntington Beach a ttempted a two-point pass that failed * .. n Ca.tMnle 211 Htn. -..Oh D lc:cw. "' --Hunlil'g1on 8Meh 7 3 7 8-23 Sin Clemente 7 7 7 7-21 SC-Arno 3 run (Mc;C0tmeclc klQI) H8-S11erl1 .. o 81 run (t.wlon klcikl SC-Weollef 12 run (McCotmeclc klQll H8-le"'1on 2S FG H8-Hu•l'Q 2 run SC-Arno 26 run (McCotmld< klc*I SC-Arno 36 run (McCO!mlCI< klcl<I H8-Th0mpt0n 1 rvn (peM 18111ed) Auendence -1,aoo (M llm•ledl a-1 .. 11ee1ce .. Fn1 downs 1$ A4i.,_.y8f0S 34·203 SC 22 $&-3e1 PUiing yerd1 Ill p-6-14·1 Puntt 2·38 Fumblea-IOll 1·1 PenelUU-yMda. 4.50 • ludl\ldlNll It~ 6 1·3·1 1·33 3-1 :HO HB-Set•fleld, 14-142, Tllompton, 13·39; Lewton, 3-18; Hueng. 3-6, C.da, 1·1. SC-Flokling, 27·163; W .. Nt. 16-ff. Arno, IMS, ""'"· 3-6: Geerlng, U lf'4Mdlltl ~~ HU-Lewton, S-14·1, ... SC-w .. -. 1-$.1. M ·~ "-celvlfl9 H8-Lopei, 1·14, TllOmc>eon 2-23; Setert..io. 1·27, Rey, 1·2• SC-C.rr, 1-e· .~OHNSON &SON preaenta ... COLLIGI ,... .......... Penn State over Alabama * Oklahoma over Texas *· Arlao"a Stat• over Stonfer4 •• •1thom Youn1 over New Me•lce ~ -... Orange Coaet DAIL V PILOT /Saturday, October Q, 1982 83 .Barons stuck • ID ~rut, lose 6-0 By ROGER CARLSON •Of tllle Delitr Net ..... Thero ltln't anythin.i nl'w to roport rcaiardmg Fountain Valley lllah'• t..·tur1. The 8uro n1 art" 1tlll playln~ lht• crl'1,1m oC Southl'rTI Cuhfornla pr p rootbnll on I.I r\OM'·tO·O(lfj(• basis. aull producing 6'.n lmprl'Uive dl'fensc. and still loaing. • Friday night the Barons ab8orbl-U their flhh straighl non-league I081i, o 6 ·0 dcchJJon to highly rcgard\.'<i Long Beach Poly at Orange Cowlt College and Conch Mike Milne r was almost i n a philosophical mood about the whole thing. H t• obviously wasn't h appy, and although ht: llSked if anyone had any Tylenol handy, he really Isn't ready to go off the deep e nd. "We've been playing poorly," said Milner, "yet we're with everybody. [ don't know how to Cigurl' that. h 's tough right now to feel good about anything. lt's awfully hard to judge where we a,.., whether we'.re good, mediocre or poor." F or the reoord the Jack rabbits of Poly scored a first qua.rter touchdown when quarte rback Derek Morgan found standout r eceive r Tyro ne McCollouch (Earl McCollouch 's son) from 13 yards out and Poly's defense did the rest. The Barons. who mus t feel like home is Frustration Valley, le t some big opportunities get away in the second half. Cory Barnes g ot the Barons possession at the Poly 10 in the tnird quarter with a fumble recovery. but the Barons wound up on the Poly 35 because of the inability to pass with i>rotection. The Barons drove 48 yards to the Poly 5-yard line on their ne xt possession. but two incompletions endt:d the threat. And the Barons were set up on the Poly 24 * * * LB Poly I , Fin. Valley 0 Score b)I Q11ar1en long Beach Poty 8 O 0 0-8 Fountain Vlllley O O O 0-0 LB -McCollouch 13 paae from M0<gan (ktek failed) A11endance -3.800 (••tlmeted) Oame Slallatta First down; RuShes-yarda Passino yards Passes l.• ,v 12 11 34· 167 31·3 1 51 42 4·14-0 5-15-2 4-28 2·38 4-2 2·2 *** lndl'lldual "u•lllftf LB -Cooper, 6·24, Neel. 3-9, Hughey, 2-4; Roundtree, 6-13; Biggers, 7·94, Morgan. 10· 13 F\/-Swlgert, 16-42, Garrett. 7·34, Lung, 1·9, Frye, 5-lor-49; Stevens, 2-for-m1nu1 5 lndlwlduel ...... "9 LB-Morgen, 4·14·0. 51 FV -Fry•. 2·9·2, 20. Stevens. 3·5-0, 22. Swige<1. 0-1 ·0 lndMduel "-ceMng LB-McCollouch. 3-44. Bigge<a. 1-7 r11rly In the fourth quurtPr, only to (umult· 1lw bllll uwny. To tht• J11t·krnbb11.11' t.•r<'dll, lhl•11 d<'foniw WUli supt>rb, with ti I, ~Ill pound tm·klt• lk<' Jo'n-t•mun paving ttw wuy. Poly t.lt•f1•11dn'IS llmllt-d Jo'ounllli11 Vullev to u n et of !U yords 0 11 :u rui;hlr1~ plov11 (lndudini M yurda In IOCilK'J for tht· 4u11rtnlmd o1) "Soml• o rt1•n iit.•, l•h?," mumblt."d Milm•r lliit passing game was obit• to produt•t• only 4:l yur<J11, I :l yords lei;» than the 111.1ck yurdagt" P oly running ~nR1.1tion Kirk J ones, Mid to l>f' t•ovt·tc:.-d by USC and averaging 6.0 yards a <.·urry, wa11 held out of ncthm bt.~l•UlK' of an ankle Injur y suffered In Poly'11 14-14 tlC! with Banning last Wl't'k. Thl' Barons passed up u Clcld goo! possiblJity whe n they were compt'(I on the Poly 0 ul the outset of the third quarter and MllMr S(lid u lhrt't'-poml try never cnter<.'CI his head, reasoning that a lhr(.oe- point deficit wouldn't du anything more than a six-point def1c1t in terms of winning lht• game. "The way wc•'d been pluyinR. we ha d to hav"' th~ touchdown," 11ald Mlln<'r "It W'4t u do·or·dle altualion. '' Ot:•pltl· th lf>ll:I und thl' 0-6 rt.'<'Ord, th(' gnm produt.'t't.I plt•nty of hlghllatht fll ma for pot1t sc:•ul!ICin vlt•\Alutf!i. The• dt.•foru.c ot llnt1l>11t•kt•r Rclt.l Lon", n1l.c:h1ng and tripping up Po ly ru11nlng bo<:k Anthon y Biggc111 lO l llVt' ti Wut.·hdown , lht dl•f•·n11IVC! hh uy Brut'l' Cook . only w I.le• tori1otten with unolht."r h1l- of ·tlw 0nll(ht by K1:vln EmpUng ... the &ron11' d .. tcni«.• Indeed gaw evt.ory indlcutlon that F ounu.ln Valley wlll be heard from In Sunttet League play. Terry Lung's fumble re<.'Overy had Fountain Valley hopc:11 up on the game's firs t play from scrimmuge, and John Httm, RUSH Gc.x·k, Eddie Wells, Cory Barn~. Tomby Wen J, J amie Craft, and olhenJ. hardly looked llkt> part of a wlnlcs.<.1 t<'am. But that's whcrt• th(' &ro ns iHand, winless after bouts with Moll'r Del, Footh1ll, &•rvltc, St. Paul and Poly. MARINA TOPS MILLIKAN . • • From Page 8 1 more consisten cy o n o fCt!n se, t•aught a 14 -yard pass from * though." quarterback Bill Marler, giving Marina 17, Mlllltlan 15 Actually. the Vikings wcr(' the Vikings a first-and-goal a t M1rina tc:ora br ~· 7 0 17 t'Onslstent, in a SCru;('. ~ offcn~. the 9. Miiiikan 3 8 o 8,-16 The Vikings gained 26 yar ds H o w e ver·. a fumbl e was ~~~ ~~~!!:~run (K.,mank1e1o) rushing and 128 yards passing. h rccovetfit'o'by Millikan's Frank• MUI snow 15 PH• from Or1ea (kick 1111ed) was just Thompson was hoping Meza and that w as tha t. Mar Karmen 28 FG f b ( bo h Mar Karman 67 run (Ka1man kick) or a It more O l · Marina g ot o n the boa rd M111 cou11on 27 pu1 from Orlee (pass Millikan got on the scoreboard midway through the set·ond f11••dl fi rst, following a 5ti-yard drive: quarter. driving 45 yards, mostly Attendance 2,600 1aa11m'IJ.~' that stalled at the Ma nna 8-yard on two passes of 17 and 1.9 yards F1r11 down• 17 tin<'. Dual tailbacks .fames Scoll t 0 Mike Cr 0 w I e y . c I 11 r k ~u1het·y•rd1 28·126 a nd Kevin Matthews took the Palte rson took it over from tht· ~:!:1 yards 9.1~-~6 Rams down lo that point, but one to give Marina a 7-:i lead. Punt• 3-37 Marina's Nt:ff, McLaughlin and Fumbla.-1011 ~-3 S"a n Burk" shut down th<' drive Millikan c<J me right bat•k , Pena111eszyard1 o-o .... 16 43·162 119 8°14·2 3-32 2-0 5.45 "' '" · 5 7 d · 1 2 I lndlvldwil "uelllng aftt•r Milllka11 h;•tJ a flrsl ·and-moving yar s tn Pays, Mo1 -Mor1er.&-9:Patta1aon.8-•0.Karman. goal from the six The Rams capped by a 12-yard touchdown 14.107 settled for 8 Chris North field pass from Oriee to Bob Snow 13~~ R~l~·,.\2·39. Scott. 11-111. Matthews. goal of 25 yards . Marina took the lead for i.tood lndlvldu.at l'H•lne Marina came m<Jr<:hing back, a" Marler took the Vik in gs 61:1 Mir Marlar. 9· l8-0, l26 J Mill Or1ee. 6-14·2, 119 1hanks in part to a 65 -yard yards to the Millikan I I wht•re lndlvld11al"ac·a1v1n9 kickoff return by Glenn Vierra. Karman kicked a fil'ld goal to Mar V1e1ra s.66, Crowley 2-381 Karman. ' h f. . 1· 17. Patterson 1-7 Dll'T IE lllLlll ... IEE US Fii OllPmTIYE PllGES ~ I OUTSTllDlll SERVICE! .:~· • •C LIASI Ol IUYt Roy Carver BMWX 154() JAMBOREE RO .• N£.,PORT 0.:NTt:R NEWPORT BEACH, f.A: 92660 . t 7 I 4'-640-6444 ~ OPt:N . IU lOOUClllC 11( IC W lllOllO OIJ • IU I lllC m IOI •oo SUll',. COIM:M.Nl S<tUllOll I 0 II( HIGH COS I Of II.A f lllG 00 It: IOIU II WAlllO CUIM res tl°lltf(f • "''~ ..,,,,Uf"ju,.,.. u tttvvtUhUlf~Hy f'lfJ<N 11enteti lt.ttfVS4tf'le l•atiug .,.,,,ell• f '~ f.ACJf111r,,· '\ytr~h ll t~kllftH• Uf; H1 )() CJOO CH U't c.I J.l\lfllf l't-ttl w.~u+ .t lefl'lit•illl>'<! tt.H,. 1t0111,.•m~ '( In '" 1 •1 ~ f)t"9 of ltM.~ lt'Kl'\I hlflf tff1(. 1t1N r..+tl1"Q >Yltlt. .. Hl 10 tt~ WClflO hi.iii mearit 1aa1 kH~ """"'IO._ ft,, ~JllbOO hQfO{+frw'"'"' W'hv 1.,1.,_,4 11.,. MonilOf • •Ylllt;1t ;U H1ee1 ll•il'' f'lelf""USl)IMl,t<t (it U r.out ftlll'•J 14/W ut.UJ.hlllt lf'ft MUh•h,.-• • f .i. .. , •. : .. • .._,, ti• 4' '' ... ,~ .. , .. ,,vi,,•, \,. f ..,...,, , ... ,.,., t.• w,1 w••" th h •fl J11I '-I f .Wol It I ,,. . .,,. r~~~·"totlfJ at.oi"'t l,..,~ ..... ,,t .. fwtl.Jll,1!1• '\f''""" c.Mt 0. C.*"•.c.••cJ t J I.•• II' OUttKM I~ fJtt• .. ' 1141.-tq • ''°"' ~ ''-" do·~ A:•~·~ lo•t tc.i llf"'"" v"""'"' I "..., ''lf'fwtt'(• hM" Sah t1 1• h 1 .. ,~ fll• lf"*1 by lJt .i,W.. #1111 tflll'•o I l tal-ilfftthlflof· ft• •A ,,•' ~" ·•' "ll'J f'tl8t•1 N<1~ rC..Y Lt'•' Hof'• VCt.-fl(,iml VI li.ttttlM''loft f\.fMI '"'J tthtJ "1. C,.otWl!t·~•'K." IJf C•" !tot! f.( ,Jllf11J t.1 .. 11 ww-,.1g trA2·•r MOlllOI " ltAllllC SYSICMS SAVl YOU MOICY Wt9_( lllY l(AI Y~ HOW Available al • POAT ·A-MARINE INFLATABLE BOATS 2925 Cotlege Ave., C09la Meea Punts F'umbles·io.t Penalttes·yerda 10-118 6-46 FY -Crall, 3·26, Thompson, I · 11 Garratt. 1 540-2070 Vicira.whocaug l 1vepasscson close oul the half a nd g1vt• Mm snow 2-34,Matth-s.2-34.Coutson. the niRhl for 68 yards_._t_h_c_n ____ M_a_r_in_a~a~l_0_·9~1_ea_d_.~~--~----t-·2_1._H_u_m_Ph_•_~_._1._2~----~~~--~I_~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~!!!!!!~~ Seahawks gro11nded h .Y Western, 28-14 By ROB HALVAKS Spac: .. I to tlla Dally l"llot The Western High Pioneers used a consistent ground game and a quick striking aerial a ttack to d own the Ocean Vie w S eahawks, 28-14, in non-league football ac tion Friday night at Huntington Beach High. Senior Bob Velasquez led Western's potent running game with 28 rushes for 150 of the Pioneers' 287 yards on the ground. Through the air it was the combination o( Boaz Balent! to Steve F arley for two touchdowns. Western took the opening kickoff and marched 79 yards in 10 plays for the game's initial score with Terry Roussell climaJOng the d rive with a 14-yard run off le ft tackle. Ocean View evened the score early in the second qua rter when T odd Parker scored on a quick hill.er up the middle . From that point It was all Western until ha lftime. The Pioneers first moved 80 yards in 11 plays with the only passing play accounung for the touchdown as Balenti hit Farley wilh a 27-yard strike in the comer of the end zone. An Ocean View turnover with 3:48 -.-remaining in the half put Western back on offense and Balenti fou11d Farley open on a post pattern to make the score 20-7 with onJy two seconds remaining until the intermission. Western dominated the first half with J 5 first d owns and 230 yards of total offense. The Pionee rs ran 33 plays to the Seahawks' 18. Ocean Vie w opened the second half in high gear and on 1ts first possession drove 56 yards for a touchdown to cut Westem's lead to six. Phil Jordan cut a leftside sweep to the inside from seven yards out for the Seahawks' TD. The Ocean View defense. howe ve r. could not contain lhe Pioneer offense WMlern 28, Oeaan View 14 lc:ore br 011artan western 7 13 8 O 28 Ooean V1f1W 0 7 7 0-t4 w -Roussell 14 run (Roberton klckl O -T Parktlf 3 run (Thibodeau klckl W-Farley 27 pan from Blllanll (kick lalled) w -Farley 25 pets from Balanll (Roberton kiek) O -Jorden 7 run (ThlbodHu kick) w -Harrington 1 run (ValHquai run) A -1,500 (estimated) 0-Slatlallc• w FttSt downs 2 I RullleS-yarC11 52-287 Passing yard1 100 p-6-11·1 Punt1 2·32 FumblU-loSI 0-0 Penalt--yarela 8-74 lndl Wldllel "ueNn9 ov 14 23-80 174 14·26·0 3.34 2·1 3.35 w -Velasquez. 28-160. Trw .. u. 8· 19. Batenll 7-17 Ortiz, 3-10. AouHett, 3·30. Timar. 2-55. Haulngton. 2·5~NMOn, 1·1 O -T Parker, 10·45. Sudyke. 8·34, Jo<dan. 2-8. Par•-· 5-lor-mtnua 27 lndMdvalft~ w -Balanll. 6-11· 1, tOO O -Pariseau. 14-27-0. 174, T P11ke1 0·1-0 0 lndlvldv.i~ W -Farley. 2-52. Tlmu. 2-27 Hodgea. 1-1~. Truonu. 1·8 O -S Part.et, 4·60. Carroll. 2-29 Garton 2-25, Robena. 2·22. Wlllsh, 2·2 1. T Parker 1·9: Starr, 1-8 and Ode l l Harrington e nded the scoring in the game when he dove across the goal line from the one with just five seconds left in the third quarter. "We continue to make mistakes which will take any team out of a ball game," said Ocean Vie w coach Steve Colflesh. "But don't take any thing away from Western. They played a ver y good game and surprised us with how well they co~ld move the ball on the ground." The S eahawks w ere indeed the victims of their own mistakes which included missed tackles. dropped passes and penalties In key situations. Ocean View . n ow 1-4. ext.ended its losing streak to four games. With lhe victory the Pioneers snapped a two game losing string and are now 3-2. Bruins eat up Lions Beebe sparks Wilson past Westminster, 19-7 By TERRY WHITE Speolal to IN Dally Net WESTMINSTER -The Long Beach Wilson High Bruins used a strong running game and a crushing defense to beat Westminster High Friday night, 19-7, before 1.700 fans at the lo.era,' field. The Lions enter SWllet Le.,ue play with a l-4 mark. It seemed like the Hrulns were destined to domln.ite the game. With 1:32 remalnlng In the fJrat quarter Brett .Bee~ completed a 12-yard pass to Scott Meyer at the 2-yard line, and one play later Beebe ecored o n a quarterback keep with 33 eeconds left in the (int Stania to 81ve Long Beach wu.on • 7-0 1eect. TIM! BruJna sO"Uek 1<>1d again late in the flrat half when Tom Lan1ley lmftd from a yard out io sivt1 Wlllon • 13-0 cushion with 44 aecond1 rem1lnln1. B •e be fi1ured prominently ln du. drive too, aarrytq the ball for 4. 8, and 8 y .... ·...a throwina a ltf~yard ttrllce IO i.a"lley •t the 1 that preceded the touchdown run. ' Thouch the Uonl did not do well ' offeftllWly, W•tmlnet.er C.cMld\ S.rry Wac.n WM pleu9d wtth the~ of taila.dl Art ~-WM plMd 30 , ... Oft 10 Clll'IW. 8endMis...., hid one NCePtiOft for 12~ and ll!IQnd the UoN' lone touc: •• Long llMctl wtleon 1t, Wfftmlnttlf 7 e-.i.,a-w. Long Baach WllllOn 7 8 0 8 -19 Wattmlntlat' 0 0 0 7 -1 LBW -Beebe 2 rvn (lleetle kid!) LBW -Langley 1 run (kick f1li.d) W -Sandia 1 run (S.-g kick) · l8W -Beebe 64 run (pta1 faliad) Alt.nctance -1,700 (•tlmatld) 0-1 .. ttaftce l8W W Flraf~ 16 10 ~""9-yard1 44-168 22-46 P..ing yarO. 38 102 p-3-10-0 11·25-1 Puni. 7-31 4.44 Fum.,...IOe1 1· 1 3·2 P.nall._,y.,d1 13·H 7.57 • IMMdwel~ LBW -Baab•. 13~4. ~mllll, 15-113. L.anol9Y. tt-37, Hood, 1·2 'If...:. S-llel, 10·30: c11.,ron. 3-12. Wood, M ; Waallbon, 1·7. IMMitw .. , ....... USW -.....,., 3· 10-0. at. w -Heneon. JM&-1, 102. 9Mh1~Rnat ..... LBW -Meyer, ·22, lanOllY. t-18. W -VllenlVll*, 1.ee, Welf!OOn, 2·H : lanchu. 1· 12: Wood, 1-IOf-MlfluM. ... ' HA TE Yotlt NEIGtlJOR 7 BUY AN IMPORT -MAYBF. ti: 1983 RCA REMOTE S699oo CASH lncklc!H Dtivery and [11. Service ColorTrak 2000 With Remote, Dual Speakers Ii 2 Channel Soood 1 r RCA J ColorTrak 25·· - . 8 HR. SYLYllHI STEREO VHS RECORDER CABlE READY -14 DAY PROG. -WIRELESS REMOTE -STOP ACTION -FRAME BY FRAME -TWO SPEED VISION SEARCH SAME PARAMETERS AS VGT6SO AND OTHER~ I . ~. , .. ,, SORRY -NO Pf«K ()Rf)(RS ON TtlS MODEL' -PRICE IS CASH All> LllITD TO Sl.rPl Y - llY If A UFI TIMlll SAVE s149oo ASH BUYERS SAVE 5% AT ABC YES, IT llC TV WE REWARD THE CASH BUYER IY DISCOUITll& llOTHER 1% FROM OUR ILRUDY DISCOUITED PRICES. SHOP lllD COMPARE -usHdPPJl&_JI llC IS UIE I RIISE Ill PAY." We Stock All lod1l1 of Z11ith -RCA -Srlw1ni1 -l11nawo1 ind Hitachi Products! "W• 1110••111 lr•t1'*1•1 M O.•rll11 I l•nlot" 25" .,..,_. SYSTEM • With "Sttreo Sculd" 25'' Dilclllll SYSTtM • With 4 Spkr. Sound And Space Phone Aemott. Ow lowest Price htt ·~# • s299 CASH j wtlt.£ nu LAST 25" Dilct1111 DESIGN SERIES WITH DUAL SPEAKERS AM> INF AR£D REMOTE All MODELS IN I STOCK • CALL fOR PRICES NOW!! Model FGR2020 f RCA PORTABLE VHS RECORD£R With Remote • 14 D1y Proe. 8 It. Record · Only SJ2<j00 __ ..., • Remote • 4 Spkr • Stereo Sculd • Spice Phone And Mueh, Much Mote • The tJtim1tt In TY Today On TNs Popiju Floor Model WHlE nu UST sgg CASH PRICE lncWH Othny And Elttndtd W11r1nty "ZEflTH -W£ SELL TIO All> SERVICE TIO -BOTO THAN ANYBOOY ELSE" ZDITH S ~. BETA IECOllD • front load PLAY EA 1-1·1-Remott TIW la A Step.Up Modi& At Only '429" (Cnll) L750 T..-Sl0.00 IMh ra.ctt. < IGlll: llOll .• ,.,, ... , MT. lNc• •1M1 l"I' . ... YI! lllTtD TO STOCK 19"....., ZDITH 19" 1Xtcw1 SYST£M I ll010Tt CONTROL llemott With Dual Spkrs. Yts. Ztflithl hit At A , ' SUplr Pnct·AIC· The ""' '• ........ lttrt, St Y• Can Atlly S•v.lt CllNel#f .,. hrP'*H ... z..-.. T lo I\ , Gauchos seek 20th straight . Oranse Coast, Rustlers ha¥e tough ob tac/es on the road Flauro on SaddlotMM:k Colle&e w oxtend It.a Expect quar~rback Clay Tucker to be that wlnnln1 1tr a k to 20 &•met tonlaht de1plto the much more quicker u the teUOn Pl'Ol1"81ift now ldverM cllmaw expected In Antelope VaJJoy whcro that hi• broken ankle nean the 90 peratnt healed the YOUl'\I Marauden await. mArk. But lt'11 dltterent 1tory for both Orllntie Cout At Sanui Monica, Coach Ray Shackloford'• and Golden Wttt colleps ., they nwr week four Ruttltra are up aaahui yet another powerful outfit. or the community colleae football teuon. So fa r thl1 1u ron , Golden Wett hH faced OCC, 1·2 thla aeuon, muat travel to El Camino undefeated Saddleback and No. 4-ranked Taft. where the Warriors like to throw the ball -Both ended In Ruatler defeat.a. tomet1me. up to ~O limes a aame. Golden We1t'1 lone wln came agalnat Santa Golden Weil, meanwhile, travel• to Santa Ana and wu accompliahed throuah ..the effort.a of Monica CC where the Coruln are stlll savoring quarterback Adam G ragnano and running back their recent move Into the No. 3 1pot In the Rich St.ahlheber. Southland community college footb¥U poll. Santa Monica'• biggest threat la QB Yale At El Camino, the Warrior• will be on the Keckln , whose offensive capabllltlet warrant a rebound aft.er suffering a 33·1~ trouncing al t))e change In name to Notre Dame Keckln or UCLA handi of a 1urpria.lng Mt. San A.ntonJo 1quad lilat Kcckln. week. ' Saddleback la expected to have an euy Ume The Wa rriors, 2-1, are led offensively by with Antelope Valley, even though the Marauders quarterback Tim Green, a 6-1, 185-pound aouthpaw have defeated both Rivenjde CC and Palomar . . who threw the ball 57 timea In the IOllJ to the Quanerback Craig Miller will be fighting the Mountift wt week. expected gusty winds, and may, in fact, let guy1 like ... Meanwhile, the 1luggish Pirate ofreruie showed runnins backs J im Gleed and John Carroll do mo11t ligns of life wt week despite a 41·6 setback at the of the work. handa of powerful P asadena. Kickoff Is at 7:30 for all three s ames . . ~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~---~~~.:.:__~~~---" OCC triumphs • • • • • • • • • 1r-.~-~-._ • •LllCTIUC8IGll • Orange Coast College • CLOSE· OUT • 1 ~ IAm.' I ~ undefeated ln • ~ELLl~AT CO~T • \ :.c:m::ni:: women '• crosi country • ~~-• 1C1U1•••..,.,.. com~ti tlon, pos ting a SIGN .. ,MIOCIM ___ 6 4 d_,_,_ Sa D t lo le 117U1 1 -cuaaun over nta ecora or • ' • ...,,_ ~....,. .. y-0-Ana Friday afternoon. • "-tlUa ,129 ,, • 1c.. •tor•.._ ... v-AINI a ;:1!~~n;-~~~~ Art Show • •'&lt ~_i.· ••• : • am~,~1;!~'' winning 15-50 over both Sot. thru O ct. 11 ot • (l1•) •1·l1IO • ,...,.. YWJO 495-0401 Sant.a Ana and Compton e _.,....,....,.,__ e 2_.,,c.-MeC ;· • with five J>irate runners Huntington C enter .. • • • • • • • • • et-.... ...., .• ......,.....,., cr~ing the fln~h line ~~1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .,.., ........... .., Lee,.,_ lrYine quarterback Jeff Dielman scrambles for daylight as a fill!~~§~ IJI_Klia~~ll.WOOD-pair of Costa Mesa defenders take off in pursuit. ~ ----· _...,_.,.,.._ 1 Gran--i leads Mustang charge / ! Running back scores twice in win over Irvine, 17-10 COME KNOCK ON OUR DOORS! FOR OUR GREATEST DOOR SALE EVER I I By BOWARD L. RANDY °' ... .,.., ....... II Wally Grant ran for 149 yards and ICOl'ed a pair of touchdowns to lead the , Costa Mesa Mus':fr to a 17-10 Sea View League Coot victory over the Irvine Vaqueros Friday night on the Newport Harbor High field. Grant's Individual performance and that of quarterback Scot Hagey kept the V aqs at bay throughout the second half after the two teams left the field at intermiaaion tied at 10-10. Irvine Coach Terry Henigan said he wasn't d ispleased with his tea m 's performance although he fe lt things 1 could have turned out a little dilferently. "They deserve to win," Henigan said 1 "They played better than we did in the sea>nd half.'' Costa Mesa co-coac h J im Hagey agreed with Henigan's assessment. "I felt we were the better football team out there tonight.'' Hagey said . "I was disappointed at halftime that we let them get 10 points on the board. "Give our defense credit. This waa the hardest they have played this year. We were al80 able to move the ball well on offeNe. "Grant had another big game and our quar1erback (Hagey'a son Scot) threw very well in the first half especially. He ,...,J!IC'o."',ndary ,receive~ most of the time auae our primary receive rs we re ereci. 'He might e v e n ov e rc ome his lty." game started on an offensive note Irvine taking a thwarted onsides f attempt at the Costa Meu 47. Vaqs moved to the eight before a ~~~ pus in the end zone on third n ended a threat to score a hdown. Instead, Dan Chlebow1kl .._PPl!!d up and booted a 25-yard field eo.e. ..... 17, ntne 10 ....... ~ lrvlne 3 1 0 0-10 1 3 1 0-11 CoetaM.a 1-F025~1 CM-Brent 4 NII (Sdub IOQll CM-FO 45 SdMKb 1-Selnaa 11 NII (CNebowekl klQc) CM-Grent 41 NII (Sdlurb klek) A-1.300 l•tlmated) 0-1..-. ... I CM First downs 13 14 Ruen.-yw d1 39-1311 42-211 PMling yatdl 12 17 p-&-16-0 7-12--0 PunU 4-30 1-31 Fvrn~I 2-1 2·1 P9Nft .... ,..,o. 2-10 I-«> 11Mtc10 ,...._.._ - 1-Sellnu. 1M 1; Oerde. 2 .. : Blelmen. 9-30. Wlllla. 1·21; MencMotllle. 2-t. Scott. 1·12. CM-Otani, 26-1411, H~. 14-70: Spat11a. 2-11. llMtV' 1 I' ,...... t-8111man. 5-16--0, 82. MancleYMll. 1°1-0. 27 CM-1-1-oey, 7-12--0, 11. .... o1 ttael •rl•u•1~wAl1t11'1 1-0arcl•. 1-21: Hef11gen, 1·2'1: MandM ... 1-11; Sallnal. 3-1&. CM-Englllh. 1·1: Cook, 1·1: Gt1nl, 1·1: Ttotechand, 3-44: Malton, 1-22. foal to put the Vaqueros ahead. 3-0 with :21 left. After Ed Kalelklni recoYered an Irvine fumble at the Vaq 42, Grant carried on five of the next alx plays. &'Oring on a four-yard 9Ca.mper with 2:49 left in the first period. Pet.er Schurb kicked the conversion and It was 7-3, Costa Mesa. The Irvine defen.e held the next time Costa Mesa had the ball and Schurb kicked a 45-yard field goal to P.Ut the Mustangs up, 10-3. There was sull 10:13 left in the half. Heru,an and his lrvine squad, playing without starting quarterback Mike 7.onl for the first time thia year, put together a 75-yard march for a ..-ore on the next aeries. Sophomore Jeff Dielman took over and dJd a very creditable job. ~t of the drive wu a lake punt bv Bielman on fourth-and-7 at the Mustang 46. He calmly threw to Greg Garcia on a play that covered 28 yards to the Cost.a Mesa 18. The stunned Muatang de fen1e then let John Salinas 1lip through vlrtualt.Y unto uched for an 18-yard touchdown scamper with Chlebowakl klckJng the extra point to knot the count at 10-10 with 4:48 left in the fint half. The lone acore of the aecond half came when Grant went straight up the middle with perfect blocking by the interior line to roll 41 yards to paydirt and the winning touchdown. Schurb kicked the conversion and with 1:13 left in the third period, the final acore had been posted. In re_Placing Zorn, who was out with a back inj u ry and r emained on the sidelines throughout the same, Bielman was the offensive spark for the Vaqs. He picke d up 30 ya rds in nine carries. completed 5-of-15 passes for 62 yards and did a good job in running the team. But the Mustangs' Grant was the workhorse of the game. He carTied on 26 occasions for 149 yards and acored both touchdowns. . Hagey, the Mustang quarterback, ran for 70 yards on 14 carries and hit 7-of-12 for 8 7 y a r d 1 p assing with o ut a n interception. Defensive standouts for the Vaqueros included Rick Grecco, Chris Mandeville, Chlebow ak i, John P e te rse n , T im fillmelin and Lance Neal. For the Musta.np, Kaleiklnl had the only quarterback aack of the same. Others included ' James Kyung, Ken Connor, Eric Andenon F.rrik Sparks and Ray Cruz. The Vaqueros u9ed a hurry-up offen.e on the final aeries, running off 13 plays in the last 1:54 and moving from their o wn 20 to the Mus tang 38 before running out of plays and turning the ball over for the last play of the game . Sea Kings take on 'Runners Room at the top ln the See View Leacue grows 1carcer tonl1bt aa Saddleback High'• unbeate n Roadrunners play host to Corona de1 Mar at Santa Ana Bowl in one of two pre p football conteah lnvolvlnl Dally Pilot area teamt. Here'• a look at each: QUANTITY DESCRIPTION SOLID CORE reg. 5 1 2 1 2 2 3 5 1 11 1 1 1 1 8 3 11 3 8 4 3 3 2 7 8 1 1 1 2 32"x80 "xl ~" Hardboard 34"x80"xl ~ .. Hardboard HOLLOW CORE 34 "x80 "xl ~" Hardboard 18"x80 "xl %" Mahogany 28 "x80"x 1 % " Mahorany 36"x80"xl ~" Mahogany 30 ''x80 "xl ~·· Mahogany 32"x80 "xl 314" Mahogany SOLID CORI MAHOGANY 42.40 49.60 24.75 24.60 27.70 32.95 35 .80 36.25 28 "x80"x1%" ........................................ 47.85 30"x80"x1%'' .... -........ -.......................... 49.20 32''x80"x1%'' .......................................... 50.65 24"x80"x1%" ........................................ 54.90 36''x80"x11/4" ........................................ 58.90 HOLLOW CORI SHINA 28"x80''x 1'.4" ........................................... 36.25 30"x80"x 11.4" ........................................... 38.05 32"x80"x 1%" .......................................... 40.05 SOLID CORI SHINA 32"x80"x1 o/4' ........................................... 66.00 HOLLOW CORI lllCH 26"x80"x 1s.1111 •• • • •• .... ......... ..... .. .......... ...... 36.25 36"x80''x1%'' .......................................... 49.50 28"x84"x1%" .......................................... 53.50 SOLID COii lllCH 28"x80''x1%'' .......................................... 56.40 32''x80"x1%'' .......................................... 60.25 36"x80"x 1%" .......................................... 63.90 24"x80"x1¥4" ............................... ,. ......... 64.00 28"x80''x1o/4'' .......................................... 64.00 HOLLOW COii ASH 32''x80''x1%•' .......................................... 42.55 38"x80"x1%" .......................................... 46.65 30"x80"x1%'' .......................................... 46.20 36"x80"x1%'' .......................................... 52.45 PINI PULL LOUVll 15 30"x80"x1%" .......... ,. ............................ 71 .20 2 28"x80"x1%" ........................................ 68.10 PINI alPOLDS 8 30"x80"x11A" Full Louver .................... 61 .90 4 30"x80"x11.11" Half Louver .................... 71.80 4 36"x80"xH~" Full Louver .................... 67.35 9 36"x80"x11.11" Half Louver .................... 81.10 7 48"x80"x11A" Full Louver .................... 96.90 10 48"x80"x1'.11" Half Louwer 114.40 3 60"x80"x11A" Half Louver .................. 129.00 SALE $1 J. SI s11.•s s19ts s22's s2420 s25u '25" '34 .. .... .... •4749 ..... .... '41" '17'9 .... .... ..., .. '100" CAI VI. Sa4Nleltea Corona del Mar la ai.o 1-0 in the Sea View .............. ~~ ...... ~ ............................ .. ~::.~~h~p :,•~1~.»::: ALL SALIS FINALI 1 72"x80"x 11.11" Half Louver 146.35 ~ =h ~-= NO DEALER SALISI .-inc prne appean to b• comln1 behind 'NO CRIDIT CARD SALIS quarterback Corky ~ AT Carpenter. 8addlebeck featul'ft blailn1 1peed THiii PllClll and la ranked No. 8 ln 111-----111111!•-••llil•llillil•••-•-•lmllliil the er.,. County. The 1ame•1 at Santa Ana Bowl, 1tarUnc at 7:30. Lau••• 81ae~ Yt. DuaBm1 Thi• la • l o 'clock ...-on thl Dana Hilla .. ,.. and"''. bat\19' ... ~ "'the South OIM~n11.l.ldl la O·I. l;iauu a.acb .,,.111 •• , ~ to J.;a1una Ht11• l11t W9ek aild 0...1D118 w• routed bJ Capl1&r1no Valley,l'f~ ......... '°lJ • • Brown's . five 'TDs lead MV By RICHARD DUNN ._... .. TIM Deir Ne4 Senior running back Roger Brown flew past the Laguna Hills High Hawks Friday night, ~ he ram bl~ for 306 yarda. and danced his way Into five touchdowns, as -lte led Miaalon Viejo to a 36-22 victory on the winnets' field. On the Diablos' first ~on, 'they drove 82 yards on 12 plays to /·ump on the scoreboard, the lrst of many touchdowns. Mission Viejo, 4-1, relying totally on the running of Brown, converted on 21 first downs,' and gained 416 yards in total offense. Laguna Hiiis was led by quarterback Lee Plemel, who comple ted 12 of his 24 aerial triet fo11 212 yards, nine of them-_g_qing . t o Todd Williams pnd John McDaid. · Brown, who' carried the ball 43 times, paved the way for the Di'ablos in the second half, rushing for 190 of his yards. Leading 13-6 at intermission, the Diablos opened the t h ird quarter, driving on eight plays, with a 28-yard touchdown run by Brown. They recovered a Hawk fumble immediately following the kickoff, then drove 72 yards for a field goal, putting them up by 17. Lonny Reiner, who rushed for 103 yards to lead the Hawks attacks, rammed in from the 8-yard line in the third quarter, one of his three touchdowns, which was followed by a successful two-point passing conversion, Plemel to Williams. Orange CoHt DAIL V PILOT /Saturday, October Q, 198 ~Arizona seeks repeat of up.se · UCLA puts ranking o~ine f ,. ~~l~-~~-B)' DENNIS BROSTERHOUS aeaaon, we ho to get our ru • v Of 1M ~ P11et "•" nlng game up r." PASADENA -Last aeaaon, '!'he Bruins' o enalve line, the Unlverait.y of .Artz.ona Wild-hard by injl,.lrles I ·aeaaon, . cata ~hed Into the CoUaeum need.some more a,djustmenta and stunned the University of · day. Offensive guard• Bia Southerrt,Calltornta, 13-10, ·w1ngle (twisted knee) and Ch At the time, USC was ranked Yellch (pinched nerve In nee No. 1 in the country, but the are listed as doubtful performe~ Wildcats p~ for nearly 300 But.oornerback Jimmy Turnei'-" yards and virtually dominated. (eye) and linebacker Ron ButlV, the contest despite the close (knee) are expected to return le). margin. the lineup after missing last Today, Arizona meets another week's 34-6 romp over Colorado, unbeaten squad in the UCLA Meanwhile Arizona (1 -2 after Bruin.a at the Rose Bowl. Kickoff back-to-back' setbacks to Wu ls 1:30. ington and Iowa) will be makl The ~ruins arfl_ 4-0 and rated its road debut today with Tu eighth an the . lat.est AP poll. In nicliffe again expected to be winning the four games, UCLA the helm J has-.1COred at least 30 points in The A~iwn.a quarterback each game , s Parked b Y completed $J of 94 passer for 61'7 quarterback Tom Ramsey, who yards, 'including 16 to wide rec- has completed 73 of 115 ~ eiver Brad Anderson for 279 f o r 1 • 1 3 7 ya rd s and n 1 n e yards. touchdowns, averaging 284 yards "They are what I would c " per game. sify a very dangerous opponentr" All of which hasn't been lost said Donahue about Arizon ..on Ariwna Coach Larry Smith "They have good skilled athle '•"If you had to take a mid-and very good team speed. TUJ\- season favorite right now, they nicliffe is a quality player, tWi way they're playing, I'd have to years ago against us he was rank them as high as I would good as anybody we saw all ~ Washington and Arh:ona State in year." · the conference," said Smith. A crowd of 45,000 is expected UCLA has been known in the at the Rose Bowl today, the first1f past as an outstanding running Bruin home game since Sept. 11 team, but things have changed when they trounced Long Bead1-'l this season. State, 41 -10. "I think Tom Ramsey is having an unbelievable start," Smith added. "UCLA's offense has been highly prolific.~' Smith noted that there are three ways to stop the Bruins: Penn State, ... ., With 8:56 remaining in the game. Reiner bolted over from th~ one, his last touchdown, to pull the Hawks to within eight. The Diablos then controlled the ball for ihe next six minutes, scoring on Brown's fin al touchdown, which iced the game forrMission Viejo. Newport Harbor's Julie Evans challenges Ilene Hess of Corona d el Mar at the net Friday. "Take the air out of the ball. play 22 men on defense and tie Ram- sey's shoelaces together each time so that he can't move." Alabama top college slate . * 'lllHlon Vlelo II, L .. une Hiie 22 CdM takes over top spot UCLA Coach Terr y Donahue will be seeking his 50th win as a college head coach (49-21 -3), the earliest any Bruin football coach has ever reached that plateau - From AP. dispatches One of co llege football's .,. newest rivalries -Penn State · vs. Alabama -and one of the • · oldest -Texas vs. Oklahoma -·· headline today's schedule . The l former is the biggest game of the day, while the latter has lost Score bf 0-'•H llAISllbn Viejo 7 8 10 13-36 Laguoe Hilla 0 8 8 8-22 ~-Brown 5 run (Johnson kick) LH-Reiner 1 run (klctt felled) MV-Brown 2 run (kick felled) MV-Brown 28 run (Jotmaon kick) MV-Johnaon 30 FG LH-Relner 8 run (Wllll•m• pen from Ptetpel) MY-Brown 1 run (Johneon kid<) LH-Relner 1 run (Wiiiiama pen from Pieft191) W -Brown 1 run (kick felled) Atl9nd8ne41-3,000 IMtlrneled) 0-ltetletlce MY First downs 21 Ru .... y11td• 52-313 P~ylll'dS 103 p..... 6-12-1 Punta 1-23 Fumlilff.lotl 1-1 Penlllles-yerd• 8-85 U4 13 29·104 212 12-24-0 •-33 2-2 7-53 lndlYldYel "uefllne MV-Brown. <13-305; VetMr. 4-13, Briel!, 1-7; klllly. 1-3; Lellenba11«. 3-lor-mlnua 15. LH-Relner. 25-103; Trento. 2~; Wllllch. 1-1; Plemel. 1-for·mlnut 8. ' tndlvldllMPllMlntl llAV-Lel1enbauer, 8-12 1. 103. LH-Plemel, 12-24-0, 212. lncltvldllel ftecetvtng MV-Coler, 6-103. LH-Wllllam1. 5-89; McOeld , 4-82. l\Aarlano. 2-34; Reinhold, 1-7. Corona del Mar's Sea Kings took over sole possession of first place in the Sea View women's volleyball race with a 3-1 victory over Newpprt Harbor Friday afternoon on the CdM court. · Corona deJ Mar won the match, 15-13, 3-15. 15-9, 17-15 over the inspired Tars, who came out fired up for the teeond game and po&ted an easy 15-3 decision. The Tara also battled to the final point In the fourth game before Joalng. 17-15. "We came right back after that 9eCOnd game and played well again in the final two games.'' CdM Coach Harold Noriega said. "Two things turned it around for us. Our defense 8layed a scrappy game and OUI' girls did very we in serving. Our deep float serve worked very well and forced Newport to dig the ball off the floor rather than pass up to the tietter to set up a spike." Newport Harbor Coac h M ike Neese, disappointed that his team had lost, praised the Sea Kings. "Corona was more aggressive than we were and didn't beat themselves as much as we did. "I thought Mandy Kenny, Tish Olswang and Lara Aster played very well for us but we weren't able to ta ke command after winning the third game." The victory puts CdM on top of the Sea View League standings with a perfect 6-0 record. Newport and F.stancia are 5-1 with the Sea Kings meeting F.stancia Tuesday. lti community college action. both Golden West an~ Oran"e Coast recorded South Coast Conference VOLLEYBALL "' triumphs. Golden West evened Its conference mark at 1-1 with an easy 15-0. 15-11, 15-13 success over Santa Ana with Lisa Osterman leading the way. Orange Coast swept past Mt. San Antonio. 15-0, 15-7, 15~3 in its conference opener. The Pirates and Rustlers tangle at Orange Coast Wednesday night at 7. ln c..'Ollege play, UC lrvin~ traveled to UC Santa Barbara and came home a loser, 12-1 5, 15-7, 16-14 , 15-5. Junior Michelle Kelley had 14 kills from her outside hitter position. The Anteaters, who lost earlier to Santa Barbara this season. fell to 13-13 overall. five games into his seventh sea- son. The Bruins lead the overall series with the Wildcats, 5-2-1. which includes five wins in the last six seasons. The loss came two years ago when UCLA, 6-0 and ranked second in the coun- try, went into Arlwna and was rudely upset, 23-17, as freshman quarterback Tom Tunnicliffe completed 12 of 18 passes for 217 yards and a pair of touchdowns. Last year, in a 35-18 season- opening win. UCLA was paced by tailback Kevin Nelson who romped through the Wildcat de- fense for 152 yards, while full- back Kevin Bruno banged for 87 yards. But this is the year of the pass · for the Bruirui. "We're really happy with our throwing game, but we're a little disappointed with our running attack," said Donahue. "By mid- some of it.s glitter. J Thirtl-ranked Penn State and 1 • No. 4 Alabama square off atlr• Birmingham's Legion Field with both sporting 4-0 records and · .. · Bear Bryant holding a 3-0 '-~ • advantage in head -to-head · · meetings with Joe Paterno. Meanwhile. in Dallas' Cotton 1'" &wl, 13th-ranked Texas meets'" an unranked Oklahoma team• whose 2-2 record is the poorest 'Jt coming into this game since 196$. Penn State and Alabama first;•• met in the 1959 Liberty Bowl, / with the Nittany Lions winning··· 7-0. Alabama has won the other three meetings -13-6 in the • 1975 Sugar Bowl, 14-7 in the •'• 1979 Sugar Bowl and 31 -H~ last'I( year as the schools began a long in-season series. 11 ....................................................................................................... k • S,,.cl•I Oct. 6, 198Z-· Oct. 12, 1912 pterophyllln: 2.99 ~yally of lhe aqu111um, that's w11,11 I have been e1lled and dtservedly so. My disc shaped bOdy, dOftal and anal fins wmahh, wentnl lint doeloped into Ion& tule11. au(tate 1n color · r antasltd Set me at ~uabc Tropicals where I am on sall under the name "Cold Anttl" lo( only 2.99 v~· A 1510 "· .... . 5Ct·ll'1•C-Halt. .... Attention Bualn••••• A flctltloua Bualn••• Neme Steternent flled with the County Clerk I• valld for five year• efter which time continuing bualn••••• muat refile . Publlcatlon I• neceaaery only If there are changea. Call the Legel O.pertment at the DAILY PILOT for Information end nec••••ry forma. 141-4321111t. In 1.t11,1a1r.11 .. It'• not wh•th•r you win or lo••, It'• how you g•t to th• gam•!' PITISBURGH.PAllTS $30G OFF OUR MGULAR PRICI! NR GALLON Crown IWilw•• 1614 San Mipel Dr. Newport Be.ach 64U570 '" \ Otenoe Oout DAIL v PILOT llaturd•Y· October •• tH2 Doug DeCinces or the Angels reaches for his race a fter foul ball bounce d up and hit him in the nose. BREWERS ST A Y ALIVE • • • From Page 81 time take a little something out of Sutton's arm. · Sutton managed to get Brian Downing to CJy to cen ter, but Rod Carew followed with a bunt single. Sutton blew down Reggie Jack.son for the third time for the second out, but Fred Lynn's double down the left field line eluded Oglivie's glove, this time with no help from any fans. That brought Carew home to make the score 5-2. Don Baylor then followed with a double to left to score Lynn, and suddenly Doug OeCinces was standing at the plate representing the tying run. The Angel thfrd baseman, stiJJ smarting from a broken nose suffered in the seventh when he fouled a pitch which bounced up and caugh t him In the face, also got a reprieve when Kuenn replaced Sutton with reliever Pete Ladd. But the palm ball-throwing right-hander, who •truck out a side of Angels in his lone appearance In game one, got OeCinces to ground out to third. . Ladd retired the side in the ninth to gain a .. save, but it wu cJearly Sutton's day. "I've seen Sutton in the World Serles and All-star games before, but today he seemed to have more vari~ty to his pitches," admitted Jackson. .. He's a little older but 'a little craftier. And It was al1<> hard to see the pitches." Many of the Angels e xpressed their unhappiness with the shadows in County Stadium, which tend to favor the pitcher who is throwing from a sunny mound toward a shadowy plate. "I don't know why they waited until the eighth inning to turn the lights on ," G ric h complained. "I understand it's (game time) done for television but why not get 1<>me proper lighting? I'm not discrediting Sutton, though." The Brewers were equally handcuffed through t he first three lnningii by Angel starter Geoff Zahn. Zahn, who posted an 18-8 record during the regular iieason, h.it Ogilvie with a pitch in m., second and allowed a single to Charlie Moore in the-third. But Moore was quickly erased on a double play ground ball by Paul Molitor. Then In the fourth , something unusual happened. The Brewers got the lead -110mething t:hey ~ldn't have very often ln the fint two games at Anaheim Stadium. Condor takes "'.J:al Ctip race I ' BJ ALMON LOCKABEY ..., ......... .,.. ' MARINA DEL REY -The touted battle of \he "maxi yachta" in California Yacht Club's Cal :-cup match racing eeriea turned Into a rout in the 1 ftrSt race Friday u Robert Bell'• Condor with Dick ~'J)eaver at the helm defeated John 8 ."Jlm" KJlroy's -"'1aloa by a whopping 5 m1nutes and ZS leCOndt . aver a 25-mile coune. r K.iab was the pre-l'llC!t favorite and appeared t6 be living up to expectaUona during the fliat half ·' Of the fJnt weather leg, but a bad tack allowed ~r to take the lad and beat Klaloa around the . . k by 41 eeconda. ·" The split at the reaching mark was 44 1eCOnda and on the run to the end of the triangle Klaloe was 1 'W\able to move downwind with the Bermuda yacht 1 .wf WM 1:16 behind M the twO boata turned back r "''°the leC:'Ond weathet' leg. ,,. • The nee then became a cue of follow the leade r with Klaloa followlna slowly. Condor .., · ·W:reued her lead to 3:~ at the leCOnd weather ~k, 4:26 at the MCOnd leeward pin and 5:23 at the ,.:~The race w• postponed 30 minute. u the race oammltt.ee waited for the Uaht breeze to flll In. "~' the rmce WU finally 1\arted it WU rtcallec:f 1 the 6nt five mi.nu1e1 when the wind shill.cl ..,._., fordnc a reeetunc of the weather rurk. ll '' · Jtlaloe appHl'ed to haw the advan ..... at the llllrt. ~ the line about two boat Jencht. ..wm ·-~a.ck with a wtether berth that kept .Gimdol' tram c.ddnc· r:r · · On the lint three 1aeu KJaloa cro.ed ... uy Ill Oandat, but an lhe ~ ~ due.I 111111•'* ........ ,..,. Klalm lo ta '°""" h1I --•nrmelhelMd. a ... _.. IMn half way up the ... thai ........ rj ............. llow tecfl lh8t ellow9d ...... to ........... ...,.y Into the a.ct. Wlildl ,_ IM recie w.rw liaht to moder•te ... 'Ml• .,.n1dl1 pve the U.Iater Klaloa the AL 11layolls at • Nl•nee Today'• game -Angels at Milwaukee. 10 a.m. Tod•r'• pitcher• -Tommy John (14-12) of the Angels vs. Moose Haas (11-8) of Miiwaukee. TV -Channels 5 and 7 at 9:30. Announ- cers: Channel 5 -Bob Starr and Aon Fairly; Channel 7 -Keith Jackson. Earl Weaver and Jim Palmer. Radio -KMPC (710) at 10. Announcers -Bob Starr and Aon Fairly. Remaining ectt.dule -Sunday's game. If necessary: In Miiwaukee, 1 :20 p.m. Robin Yount opened the inning with a walk and.scored on Cecil Cooper's double to right field. Simmons followed with a single. sending Cooper to third. ()sclivie then got his first hJt of the playoffs to score Cooper and move Simmons to th ird. ·After sacrifice'JHes by both Gorman Thomas and Don Money made it 3-0. Ma uch replaced Zahn with Mike Witt who struck out four. Witt pitched well until the seventh inning when Molitor whacked a two-run homer over the left fie.Id fence which defied a strong wind which was blowing in. Zahn, for one, thinks tht! 11etback Is only temporary. "We've got the same mental approach now and we'll still have It tomorrow," he sajd, "Three runs are significant in this particular game because the •tory of this game was Don Sutton. Three runs with him pitching ls different." "I just tried to form a mental picture of hitters I've thrown againat." Sutton admitted. ''About the only peraon l didn't have a National League comparlaon for was Brian Downing and that stance of his. · "But I hate charting opposing batters. We just wan~ to relate hitter to hitter and It w orked," Sutton added. "This was only the second time we've been ahead in the series." added Simmons. "And this Is a touah club once we're ahead. We get excited and N\W we know we can get even.'' But to get even. the Brewers will have to go up againat veteran Tommy John, who will be working on three days rest. In today's game. John pitched a complete game 8-3 victory In the opener. * Sports on TV TELEVISION 9:30 a.m. (2) -COLLEGE FOOTBALL Penn State at Alabama. 10 •.m. (5 and 7) -BASEBALL PLA VOFFS -Angela a\ Milwaukee. 12:30 p.m. (7) -COLLEGE FOOTBALL - California at Wu h ll\jton. I p.m. (2) -HORSE RACING -The J ockey Club Gold Cup for three-year·old1 a nd up 11 telecMt from New York. ~:1~ p.m. t7) -BASEBALL PLAYOFFS -St. Loula at Atlanta. 11 p.m . (3) -COLLEGE FOOTBALL - Arizona at UCLA. <T-rn,;~u.r In the ~y). Bueball -Ana•la •t Milwaukee, 10 J .m .• KMPC (710);, St. Lot"8 •t AUanta, $ p.m ., KNX (1070) • Foott.U -Nebnlka •t Colorado. 12:25 p.m., KIEV (870) San Jme Stille at Cal Fllerton, 12:40 p.m., KWVS (lOI J'M) and (1110); A.r1-'a va. UCLA •t ... Bowl. 1 • I"~' ICMPC 7 0 USC .i 8llnlwcl.· l:JO p.in., DX (~70); iMet9 .... at ClnetMMI, I p.mo • S (108 J'M): Cal Lutheran •t Cal Po y Pomona, 8:45 p.m., KWRM (1370); &eddllllllak •t Ana.1op9 v~. 1;JO p.m .. KBBR cu.a no . HOaw Show -Jodr.ey Club Oold Cup, 1:25 p.1n., KlfX ( 1010>. MUC •ra: ~ iina -MOTIOI ;;;+;a... ..,.,...., illO'hOi HOtlca II MIAMY OWIH !NI IP 'tOV• PIOP;•tTt tt t• ..-0 bldf Wiii be ,...,.. l)y IM PottlOLOlutll 11 AUii YOU Clly c .. ,11 of the <>tty Of lrvlnt. A " I I I N I M D • Y O U I CllliHtnle, IOt lutnltl!ltlo 811 .,._,,., •AYMl•'rl If MU 11 10&.D l•bor Hrvlcee, m1111r111, fool•, WITHOUT AN't CCKMT AOTNNt .141ulpmtlflt, IUOOllM, lrlllllPOft•tlon, lnCI you m•r 11-tilt i.o1111t111 13 ullllll•• Ind illf Oll'llf fl•l'fl• end bf Ing your ICGOUrlt In OOoCI tllndll\Q fecflltlH nt CHHr)' th•11lor ... b)' Pl)'lllO •If 01 )'OUf PHI Clue p, 0 \I I Cl. Cl In I h. c 0" I" 0 I peyment• ,..,. l)ltm#llld COtl• lnCI dooumen11, for l •nfor Clllien'• n~ wlttlln thlM fnOl\ltle ltom Cltllt• Spec. Addition • l<llcllen the d••• lfllt no1io. Of deflUll -1mp1ovemanu , CIP HO·' I & rKOrci.d Thie M\Ollllt i. 1417 oo oeo-u w1111 'Po.J<•~ thlt .. o, .. 01 tt 10112 "'° w111 1ner .... iiN11 In •lrlCI 1ccorC11nc. wllh lhl your llCOOUnt blcomM °''"'"' You llCHICllliOellont on 1111 11 th• ot11c. 01 may not hhe to P•V th• •nu11 the 0tr1G10t Of PuQllO WCHkt. unpeld portion of your eccounl OAfl! Ofl OPrJNINO lllDI 81111 even lhOuQh lull p1ym•nt wee will be ,_\led •• lhe Olf1C41 OI Ille ClllNndld, bvl )'Ou mutl pey Ille City Cl.,k ol th• Cll~ ol ltvlnt tMOunt 1111te1 too... loclled •• 17200 JatnbOfN Aoed. Alltt lhlM MOl'llh• from Ille d•I• lrvtne, CaNICHnte, 927 ''· unlN 2 00 ol 11corc1111011 o l thl• document p n\, Oft Qclobef 20, 1982, II wllfGl'I (wllieh Clllt Of rKQfdtlion ~Ill llll't end plact bid• wilt bl pubtlcty h.,eon), un'"' thll obllOlllon being ~ 11\CI ttad aloeltl. Bid• 1h1ll forec:IOMd upon pe1mr11 1 long., bit IUblllllled In MlllO en\lll()j)M period. you hav. only tilt t.(ill~hl marked on lilt ou•~. "8101 '°' 10 11op lhll torec:I01Ur1 by P• ng l tn)or Clt1&1n'1 -C1ntt1 8paca lh• •nllre em0\.11)1 Cl•ma nd by A d Cl I I I 0 n I n Cl K I I Cl h I n your crldllCH f_mprov1m1ntt. CIP 500-31 1nd To find out Ille 11/TlOUnl you mull H0-32 pay, Of 10 1m1nge ICH peymen1 10 0 0 N 8 T,. UC T I 0 N 8 I T E llOP lhl loreolo1ure 01 If yout "WALK• THROUGH" Thi blCldlrl prop1r1y 11 In ICHectoiYre ICH 1ny enCl/or th•lr repr111n1tllvH ire other reaaon, conttiel! Prolt"tonat requited \o vltll and r9Vlew lllt job Community MllllOll'Mfll, 010 AIMln •II• prlOf 10 bidding, To fte1111ate & FJelt, 4400 MIGArlhur Boulevttd, tl'll1 !Ind Out 10 111e continuing u1t Su I•• :no. Ntwp or t B ••ch, of Iha t tdllfnO leoll11y, lhe toltowlng Calllot1lla taeeo, t..._,hOnl numt>et time and Oat• II M11blllhed .. Iha (714) 752· 7474 "° ........ --.,_..., Tiit ~ l*aotla AU dOlllQ Dvtlnetl .. IOUTH COAIT Al80CtAJll, 17'10:1 Mltchelf Nortll. lrvlnt , 01 12114 Ooneld C. McHOtll, 140il Elll lay A-. lalbol, Ca L.onnte M. Dunn, Jr., •I C0111n1, llllboa tetand, Ca t20t3 Ooneld ~. 1132 Our~. IMnt, ca. Thi• bulll!llM 11 cond"'teQ 11y • Qtnlflf PllllllltlllP Oonllel C MCHO~. '"'"" Thll tltCIMltll wa1 liled wilh Ille County Clltk of Orange COi.iniy on s.c>•tmblt '°· 1062 ,, .... P1,1t1ll•h•C1 Oreno• Co111 01t1'1 PllOI Oc;t 2. 9, 11, 23. 1982 •340.12 MUC NOTICE 'ICTiTIOJI 9U=ll lllMll aTAT .. T The lotlowlllg per ION 11 e dOing bullnell ... OCEAN PACIFIC PATIOS, 508 ltur~n Orlve. Coa11 M111, CA 928:11. TONY M YBARRA CONST. CO,. 680 Sturgeon Drive, Co111 Mita, CA 92820. Thie bull,_ II conouct.o oy 111 lndlvldull .. OOCMIOn upon Which IUCh 11111 II YOl.I hlYI 1ny quee11on1. )'OU fony M Y111tr1 Conti fony M Yberra \11111 wMI bl conducted by CUy 81111; 1hould conttct a t1wyor or 1111 Co. (Tlll'le). 2.00 p.m on October 14, gov.,nm•f\111 1gency whJ<:h m1y 19t2. · have lnturt<I your loan. Thl1 1111-1 w11 flied With tM County Cler~ ot Orangt County on l.OCAtlON OF THE WORK: Tl'le "•memlter VOU MA't LOii WOtk lo be performed hefeund.r 11 LIQAL NQHTS N' 'tOU DO HOT locetld In the City ol lrvlne, County TUI PROMPT ACTION. '11Nn of Ofl/IOI. ti 3 Bln<lbu~ W1y NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN thllt Publllhed Orange Co111 Dilly ~Ul1 31, 1982, OESCAIPTION OF T E WORK; pur-1 10 Arlie .. IX, 8ectlon 7 ol PllOI, Sept 11, 25, Oct 2. 9, 1982 Tiie work IP be 00111 con11t11 1111 Oecl111Uon of Cov1nan11, 4148-82 t uenllalfy ot co111truct1ng 1n Cono111on1 1nd R111rtc1ton1, 1----------- •ddltlon lo lh• u l111no Senior r.cordl<I Aprll 28. 1977, In Boqjc P't8JC NOTICE ITAft ewe "" .,... cownv Oii ._. .o.a1.-0M9llT0...-Ea ,OtlCHAIMIO/I In 11'11 Miiiet Of lllt tiOfi of 'lllANCllCO lllllfNOV " LA81RA Ind OAllY "UTH LAIT"A, 101 °""'°' Of Name w.reflltAl..r. 1111 epp1tc111tn •I FRANCISCO •ll'llHOUllll LAITM •nCI DAISY RUTH LAITlllA lor • Ol'langct of MlnOr ~·· HMw h .. been cklly flied wltlt the *" Of 1111• COUii, 1nd II ..,.,._,1no ltOlll ••Id e pplloallon 11'111 Uld 1ppllcan11 ' cl111re to h1vt JENNIFER LEANNE PfllATHI"'• n1m1 Cht natd 10 t!I• proPOMd nu1t of JINHlf'ER LIMOH LA4TAA NOW, THIREFORE, 11 11 l'lefeOv O•d•rld and dlrec11d '"'' 1r1 ptrlOl'll lnterlllld In lhe Hid mill« Of Cllenge Of nMM app.- t>elore above entlll•d Court. In Deoattmertl ) theflOI. '°"'tel •• 700 ChllC Ce<ll« Ot., 111111 Ana, Ca on Ille 2011> d1y ot Octobet, 19'2. et the l'IOUr of f0.30 o'dodl A.M . lhen Ind there 10 lllOW cauM, 11 111y they hav., w11y '"' aoe>lloauon for Chenot ol neme thOUlci no• bt Qflllled. rT 18 FURTHER OROE.REO lhlll • copy of Ihle order be publlthld In Iha OR.ANOE COAST DAILY PILOT. • ~IP« of ganerel drl:\Atllon, prtnled 111'10 pu6ll1hed In Orangt County, 81111 of Cllllornle. ~ ""h wMlt ICH lour (41 ~ weaicl pllor to the dete 1bove Ml ICH tl'le ntartng ot uld llPf>llGl!lon. Dated 8ep1ember I . 1982. FRANK OOMENICHUM Judge of the SuperlOf' C«w1 Put>lllhed 011"ge COHI 0•11y Piiot Sept. 26. Oct. 2, 9, 18, 1912 4214-12 Ct111tn1 c.n1er wtth rtleteo kitchen 12189, P•o•• 209·237, ot 0111c1111------------I m Pr ov • m • n t I In 0 •I I• Rec0td1. Ofenge County, Calllornlt, IC~1-1------------ d1velopmen1 lnotudlng cil11rtno. a bruch of th• obllg ellon ol NOTICa OF 0.f'AULT f'UBl.IC NOTICE Nllnwctk, Ind drlllnage; autometk: p1ymin1 or 11 .. umenl hu M.: 1* to. le.MMd lrrlgellon 1y11ern1 Ind lendlC..,. °"urred Nolie. of Mid bfMCh "1d IMPOATANT NOTICI planlfng, pj1111 "11blllhfll4lnt and 11nwulllldfo,,_don5/a/1211 IP YOUR PROPIRTY II IH PIO)KI m1ln1anence period; Ind lnatru"*'I No 82·155787 ol Mio ,ORICLOIURI aaCAUSI YOU iYdl otl!M llema not m«1tloMCI thll1 Olllc111 Recordl. No pay11141n1 of A R I a I H I N 0 I N Y 0 U " are required by the oon111c1 put ou1 imounte hH oc;c;urrl<I PA'tMINTl1_ IT MAY al IOLD Ooc:umente. Enal,_., •llmate tor Therefo re, lh• A11•h•lm Hiii• WITHOUT ANY CO\HtT ACTION, 11'111 worll It 12~.ooo.oo. Plinned Communlly Auoolillon Ind you m1y hav. tl'le 1eg11 right 10 COMPLETION Of WORK. All doe1 hlr•bY .iect to MN, or ceu .. b<fnO your eccount In ooochttndlng work la to bt completed within 1llO to bl IOICI. the follow'ng detcflt>ICI by peylng all of yo11r put du• con~H~ working da)'l lfom Iha real property t o u11ily the peyrMnh '*'91>1<ml1ted coeta tnd det• 1p1clllad In the Notice 10 obligation •llPtn-within ll'lrN month• lrom Proceed. LOI 2• ol T1act No 8483 In Ille the d•te lhll nolic. of default WU AWARD OF CONTRACT; Tha City of Anihltm. County of Orange. racordeO Thl1emountII12,488 00 Owntr 1111rv11 th• rlghl, •lier Stitt ol C•lllornll , 11 pet mip H of Auguat 29. 1982. ano will opening bide, to rel.ct any or 111 IKOfdt<l In Boote 392. PIO" 28 10 lncre1H untll your a ccount bide, 10 wel~ any fnt0tmet11y In • 31, lncluitve. ot Mlactlttneoui t>eeomet cutttnl. You may not htv• bid, to male• aw11d1 In the lnter•ll M1p1 In th• record• of Oringe 10 P•'I tl'le tnll•• unpelel portion of of Iha Ownet and 10 r•)lcl 111 0111« County. Cllllornli . your 1ccount. even lhough lull bide. Tl'le rec;ord VMllCI OWf*I ol ,.... PIY11141nl wu 0.man<llCI, o1ut yOl.I f'ICTITIOUI 9U,_H NAMl .. TATl•WT The to11owfng P•raon 11 doing bu.in.a ... FRASER HEALTH ANO BEAUTY SERVICE, 287 Ogle-A, Cotta M .... C1. 92827 Helga Fruer, 287 Oot•·A, Coell M-. C1. 92827 , Thlt bu.W-11 conducted oY 111 lndlvldu.I Helg1Ft- Thl1 1111-1 w .. 11'60 ... 111 11141 County Clerk of Oranoe County on Sep1embtr 23. 1982. ,.,.141 P1.1bll1hed Orange CoHt 01lly PllOI Sept 25. Oct 2. 9, 16, 1982 42116-82 PU8UC NOTIC( PROPOSAL GUARANTEE ANO P<optrly "'°" commonly known .. mull pay the amount ll•led above BONDS Each o l d 1h1t1 b• 7035 Country Club L-. Anaheim. Unleu th• obllgallon being tccomp111lad by • ctrllll•d or CaHfornla 1111 l<Jeu• Scho.<11 eno torlCIOMd ucion 1>1<mlttt • IOnO« c .. hlet'• c~ Of by • corporate 1<1thlHn° Schoedl. huabeno ind· pwlOd, you na... the legal right 10 YOU AM • Daf'AULT UNDlfl A aurtty bond on the form lurnllhed wtl• •• )oln11enenta. ltop the torldolur• only by P•Yino O.ID Of' TMllT DATID MA't • by lhe ~ u • guarenlN tll1t Oetltd· Seotembtt 21. 1082. 1h• 1nt1ra amount dlm1nd•d by 1•1. UNUlU YOU TAICI ACTION the bidder wlll, II an IWtrd 11 midi Anaheim ..._ PIMWlld your creditor within thrM monlhl TO HIOTICT YO\M PROf'MTY, 10 him In aocord1nu wllh thll t•m• ~tr •-letlon attCH the date ot tec:<M'dallon ot lhl1 " MA't 81 IOU> AT A PW&.te 01 hie bid, promptly .. cure u..aaw"""' docum.nt,wlllend11t olracordlng IALI . IP YOU NalD AN Wort.m•n'1 Compen11llon AMt. hcrlWy IPPMll hlteon l~ATION Of' htl NAT\Ma 1n1ur1nc:e and ll1blllly lnaur1noe, STATE OF CALIFORNIA) To find out the llT>OUfll you mutt Of' T .. PROCllOINQ AGA#lllT ••tcull a contract In Iha required CO(JNTY OF ORANGE pey. 0t to enanga for p1y11141n1 lo YOU, 'tOU 1MOULD CONTACT A form Ind lutnlall aallallClc><y b0nd1 )II 11op Iha torecloaur•. or ii your LAWYRfl for IM lallhlUI Pt<10tmance of lhe On S.ptemblt 21 . 1082. bll0te pro~rty II In lor.c:loaur• for 1ny NOTIC• Of' TMllTla'I IALI con1rac1 end for th• payment of me, the underllgneo. 1 Notify oll'lef r.uon. conlact· T.I. No • ._ Cl1Jm1 Of mllerlalmen Md labot«I Publlc; In .-no for Hid S tale ~ D. a.,cl, Att°'l'llf In NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEH, 1hll lh«eunde1 Said check or bldeltt'1penonally 1P1>1111ed Linda w"uei Fact..,~'·~. et II on Frld1y. Octoblt t5. 1982. at 9 00 l>Ond al'lalt be In an amount of not known 10 me to be ANt s.o,11.,Y 117 N • .,....,., "O", o·ctock • m of MIO day, In Ille room i... than ••n C 101 l*C41nl or ll'le of 11'11 GCHpotlllon that •-ecuted 111e lentl AM. CA tn01 Mt attde IOt conducting Tri,,. ... , amount ol the bid The Fallhlul within 1n1trum.n1, kno.m to me to (714) Ml-2111 Selel. within 11141 oftlOM of AEAL P..-IOtmat\oe Bond Wll bl not ltM bl tr\I pet1on wno HKuled tht II you h1v. •ny qunUona. '/OU ESTATE SECURITIES SERVICE. thin one hundred (100) l*c:tnt ol within 1n11rutntfll on l>ehalf or ll'le 1hould con11c1 • tawy., or the located 11 2020 Nonh Broadw1y, th• 10111 amount ol the bid priu corpo1111on I herein nimed, and gov«nment agency Which m1y heve Sult• 20e, In the City of Santi Ana. named In lh• con11ac1 Tl'le Labor 1cknow11oged 10 me 1ha1 auch lneured the loan. County o f Ora no•. State o f an<1Metatlal18on<!lh1Mbtnotl611 corpore11on iaeculod the within Rem1mb1t, YOU mEY LOSE C1lllorn11, REAL ESTATE lhln one hund«l<I (100) l*C41nl of lnllrumat1I pureuant to Ila By·Lawa LEGAL RIGHTS IF YOU DO NOT SECURITIES SERVICE, 1 Callfornle lh• 10111 amount of lh• bid P<ice or a reeolullon of Ila Bo1td o l TAKE PROMPT ACTION corporetoon. •• duly appolnl•O nllmld In Ille contract Ohcton NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Truat .. unClef 1inO pu1--.1 10 Ille PREVAILING RATES~ WAGES. WITNESS my hand linO offlc;lel Mii THAT GLEN G BOY D 11 duly power of 1111 conferred In lhe1 In accordance with tl'lt provlllone of Julla s Wlllllnaon llCltlOinled Tru.IN undClf • DMd ot certain DMd of Truet nec:utld by ~lion 1773 ol tha California Lab« Acct No 028-084430247 True I dated Augull 2 1, 1980 CATHERINE A. METZ an unmarr1ICI COOi. the ganetlll l)<IYllllng rll" Publlthed 011nge 00111 Dilly Executed by PETER A. MADSEN. 1 "'°"""and CLAUDINE A. OAUMM. of Plf dltm w-on •nd hollc:far. and Piiot. Oct 2. 9. HI. 23. 1982 menl6d men ... Tru1tor, 10 MCure 1 widow, racordeO June 5, 1911, In overtlm• work In the loe111y In 4355--82 certain obllgallon1 in lavor of 8ooll 140t8 of Official RecorC11 of Wlllch the work 11 10 be perl0tmed JAMES F RAGLAND. ET AL, H llld County, 11page592 Reco<der'I hll Ileen Obllln•d f1 om the Beneficiary, r.c:ordtd Augu1t 29. n11rumen1 No 8134. by reuon of 1 Dor•ctor of the Oep111m1111 of PUBl.IC NOTICE 1980 11 lnetrumenl 37842 Book 01aach 01 default tn p1ymen1 or 1n0ue111a1Ae1etlona.•copyofwlllch 13722, Pao• 1838 of 0 111c111 pertorm1nce ot th• obllo111on1 11 on Ille in the office of the City YOU AM • 0.'AULT UNDSR A Record• In lh• Olllc• of th• ..cured lh•reby, 1ncludlng 1ha1 C1etk oltheC1ty oftrvtneandwtll be ~llD Of' TaU9T DATIO~ Recorder ot Or1nge County, D<MCll or a.tlUll, Nota of wNch made 1vall1bl6 10 any lnler11111<1 *'-UNLI• YOU TAKI AC C11tlor11la. Oeec:rlbing l1nd ,....,..,, ••• r.c:ord.O Jun• 22. 1982. H party upon req~1 The contractor TO PROTIC., 'tOUfll PROPelltTY, u : "l•cord1r '1 lnatrumenl No Ind any 1Ubeonlrac1CH undef him ITI MAY H ICX.D AT A PUIUC Lot 22 of Traci 3293 In ll'le Clly ol ,2-214354, WILL SELL AT PUBLIC ltlallpayno11et11h1ntheepeclfl6d ALI ." 'tOU NlaD AN S1n11 An1. County ol Orano•. \UCTION TO THE HIGHEST prev1lllng rat11 of weg11 10 111 IXPLANATIOM OF THI NAT\Ma Calllornle per M1p In Booll 104. ll00£R FOR CASH 1awM mon4')' workmen emplOyed In ll'le •aec.iullon °' T .. HIOCIIOtNQ AQMNIT Pagee 30 linO 31 of MllUll•neou• '-" t1141 United s111 .. : or • c:aahllr"• of the contract YOU. 'tOU aHOUU> CONTACT A Mepa racordeO In Ille otllce of the cheek d<ewn on a •Ul1• 0t nattonel LABO R RE~ATIONS Tht LAWYIJt. ....... -. ,.. County Aecotder, Ofange County, bank, a 11111 or led•fll ctedll contractor lhall CIOft'lply wlllt all the ...,,_ ......,.. Celotorn11. union, or a ttate or federal U'ttngl r1qutrem1n11 of S.c:llon 1777 .5 ntuaTaa'I IAU Said obllga11on1 lndudlng 1 not• 1nd loan ataoc;latlon domlcHeO Jn l~lhet wllh all other applicable T.a . Ne. lll01 lot the 1um of 1270,000 lhat • Ihle 1111a. aM peyable 11 the ume ol requtremen11 ol th• Callfornle NOTICE IS HERE8Y GIVEN, lhll braach of, and de1eull In, lht ult, .. rlghl, tl11e and lnt« .. I held Labor Code. O!' Frld1y, Oc1obef 22. 1982. 11 9:00 obllgatlone IOI wtik:tl aucn DMd of by It, a1 Trull••. In thet ,111 DRAWING 8 ANO SPEC-o CIOck a.m of llld day. In lhe tOOfn Trvll le _,,lly llN ooeuted In that property lituate In uld County Ind I FICA TI 0 H 8 : A tu 11 1 • t o f Mt ulde tor conducting Trut1N'I Pl)'INll1 Nia nOI .,_, made Of S2. State, 0-:.-tbld u 1o11owe drewtno• and •P•cllle111on1 11 SIUll. within Iha onlcee ol REAL 438.00 ln1Clf"' pllll S5.00 c:ot1ec11on '"EXHIBfT A'" 1v11feblt for ln1pecllon wllhout ESTATE SECURITY SERVICE, IN ptu1 12$00 late 1 ... ALL FOR PARCEL 1 Unit 5, 11 1110wn CtlatQI 11 Iha omc. ot Iha Dlrtctor locatl<I al 2020 Nor1h Btoeoway, PAYMENT DUE ON AUGUST 29, 1nd de fined on that certa in ot Publtc WOt11• of 11'11 Oty of IMne. fkH1e 20e. In tl'le City of 84wtta Ana. 1982. lhet by '"'°" thereof, 11'.11 -Condomlnlunl Plen r.ecotdld -lune Complete Mii of ..a Otlwlnge, County ot Orange, Stet• ot P'"•n1 beneficiary und•r 1uch 22. 1978, In book 12727, PllOM 1P1ClllC11lon1 and bid dOCU11141n11 CelltCHnll, SAN MA,.INO SAV1H08 0..0 Of Trutl haa Oepotll.0 with 1837 to 1870 lnclulllv1 ot OnlC:I .. mey bt PUtChlHd from the ANO LOAN ASSOCIATION, I Niki duty ~led TtullM, IUCh Racordl o l Orange County o.c>at1men1 of Public Wot111, C4ty °' Calltornla co1poret1on. H Cluty DMd of Trv1t and au documenll Oellfomla. ano rl-flCOfded Augwi tni nt, 17200 Jambot•• Roed, appointed Tru1t•• under e nd evld1nctno oblloat1on1 Hcured 21. 1971 In booll 12908, peoaa 1174 lrv1111, Celltornla, 92713 A non-puttu1nt lo the power of H I• ll'lerlby, Ind Ille underllgned 00.. 10 1207 lnc:lulNI of Otftdial Aecofdl refund1ble '" ot 125 00 wlll bt conferred In ll'lat c.t111n 0..0 of l'lafeby dect1re •~• MC:ur.O of Orange County, CaMorni.. Chlfged tor Md! Mt of ~II T1uet HIGUted by ANTHONY M. thereby tmmedla1 due and PAACEL 2. An undMed t/441'1 Dra.ino•. 1pec;1flcatlon1 end blO EOOEaMCHT. • INrt'led men, and peyllble Ind CloM tllCI lo Inter• In Ind 10 Lot • of Ttacrt No. documen11 wlll be melted, upon FRED BALOW. • mwrted men, In OIUM the trvlt property o bl IOIO 10137 • lflown on• M1p r-decl 1eoalp1 01 requeete no "'"' tl'lan 10 80011 14082 of Offlalll Aeoofdl of 10 aa1111~ th• obt1gat10111 MC:ured In book 428, pe g11 41 10 ao ot Clltndar dtyl prior 10 the oatt Mt Hid C~unty •I P•o• t t44, thereby. Mt1cellaneou1 Mep1, record• ol 10t ope111ng blda, l0t .,.. IOdlClonal Aecorder • tnet~t No. 2"1. bll' Detect =~-;::' 22. t982 Oranoe County, CalHornicl together Chlrge ol 125 00 reuon ot • bfMC" ot def.ult In a .... ef C with all Improvement• '1har•on, SECURITY FOR COMPLETION peymen1 or ,..,form•M • of the c_., .. Or...-ooec>tlng ll'lefetrom Condom4nlum Of WORI( T1141 contract ooeum.n11 Obllgallone HCureo thereby, ,,_... '· ~ lliJ Unl11 1 through 44, lnclu1lv1 , cell tor monthly progr ... peymente lneludlnQ th1t breach Of default. 0-. D. -.,.. ... toc.ated ''*-· t>..a U90f1 tha---'illtlfnl .. Notice of wfllctl -,_ded Ac>r:ll A...,_r M ,_. PARCEL 3 ; An 111clu1lve 01 th• p1101nf191 or work 22, 1982, M Aacofdlr'a ~ Publl1h•d Oreno• Co111 Dilly __. fOf partctng and r•i.ci completed. TM City wlll retlln 10 No. 12-139241. WILL SILL AT PllOI, Oct. 2. 9, 10, 23, 1982 ~ °""" ll'lat portion ol Lot 4 petotnt of MOii progr-peyment PUBLIC AUCTION TO THI 4354·82 of Mid Tract No. 10137 M 8f1oWf1 .. MCUllly for comptetlon of the HIGHEST llOOER FO" CASH. on &Nblt "A" to tl'le o.d.atlon of bll.,_ of the wortl. At IN r~ ~ mone,,, Of""~ s--. -..C NOTICE ""trlcttona tor The Springe and .. ptnH of th• 1uoca11ful Of • cNNer • CfllCtl drawn on • Condomlnlunl, r1COtded Aptt 21. l>lddef, I.he Qty wlM pay the Arnoun1 II* O' llltloflal bet*, a ..... Of '9Cnnou9 WA 19711 In booll 128'4, P1!C11 12() Of to r111lned upon compllano. w.th llOltal etedll union, "' • ..... Of ..,... STATDmlfT OfflcleJ Aecotcn and re-recorded tha requtrementt ot Oov.r11ment lederal MvlnQI end !Oen~ TM foltowtno P9f•on ta CIO!ng Mey 3, 19?1 tn boOll 12te0 PliOI r,'od• Section 14402 end 1h1 Oomlellldlntl'lllaUlle.all~at butlneileet; 578 ot Offllllll Aecofdl of O,..,g. provl11on1 of t h• oont11cl 11141 time of ..... • rlgftt, title and MM M MUSIC CO .• 176 W. County, Cafllornla (hertln1tter d o cum• n t 1 p •rt• 1n1 n g 1 o tnter11t held by It, • Trv11N, In 15tl'I 81 .. Ntwpolt &Mdl, Ca. 92M3 referreo to u "DIClerttlOn") aa ''Svbetltutlon of Securlt._ •• that rHl property tltu•I• In Mid Wllerd ~. 11H lolM w..,, c.l)Of1 ec>ec. s. Seki ....,_,, 11 PROJECT ADMINISTRATION. NA County Ind 81111, dHOrlbed H Coeea MeM.. CL 92121 1urlher d•llned and ffecllbld tn qU111 lon1 relallve to thl1 project followt: Thie butlllell le conducted b'f an Art.ldel 11 and 111 ot tha Decbt•too\. prior to optnlnt blfe •h•ll be A L"""°'" lnter .. 1 In and 10. lndMdulll. PARCEL 4' A non-H cl1111 ... dlrlC1ed to Harry ICq T9'1phone Lot. Ind the Norll'lerly . 00 .... of Wlllird....,. _.,.,t tor UM end~ Of No. 880-3792 ' U>I 6 In Bloc.II 22 of Tract No. 772. Thie 11.e.m.nt -lllad wlltl IN the Common Ataa dealfnated 111 me BY OMER o1 tM City Coonoll of u Plf map recorded In 900ll U . County 0... ot Orenoe Coumy on Otc*atton, Uld -.n1 bllllnt 11'11 City of Irvine.. P•OH 6 1nd 8 Of Ml1oetl1n1ou1 ~ H , 1M2. lurtNI dtllntd 1nd deacrlbed tn cm or -~ Mapa, record• 01 Mid county. '*• Mldel 11 and 111 ot the Oeclaratton. Ir: N1MJ c; a,-,, etty O._. EXCEPTING THEAEF"OM lhe Publlahed Ora119t Coelt Delly EXCEPT THEREFROM .. CM!, Publl•"•d °'~not CoHI Delly Nortl'lerly 2.00 of Niki Lot •. Pilot Sept. 21, Oct. 2. 9, 11. 1M2 11 •. • m In . r . I. • n d 0th., Pilot. Oct. 2. t . lff2 The 11r111 1ddreu or other 42t2-12 l'l)'droc:ettlone. bliOw a 6epttl of IOO •313-'2 common d••lonetlon of lh• rHI fNt. without '"-right of lllffec. ---.. ---IC-..,.,-T'll't--o..;.;...-.1 property herelnabovt dMCftbld It PmlJC fl)TlC( entry, .. reMMid In lnetrument1 of ... _ ""'~ purported 10.,.. 4to -12nd 8trett, -Cl. 1------------1 Newport BMctl, Callfornlt rtennoua .,...,a Th• 1trHt 1oor111 or other PICnTIOUe .,...11 Th• und1t11qn•d h1re by NAm STAT'lmlfT common d11lgn1tlon of th• raal NMm ITATIMIMT 011ci11tm1 111 1t1btt11y for eny The loltowlno petton 11 dotno property herllnabovt dNorlbeCI 11 Tiie foflowlno ptfaon 11 dolne tncorr1e1,,_ 1n NICI ttrett lddt ... bllelrleel •: purported to M : e StrMmWOOd butlneM M: or°''* common Olaigl\flllon. DATA IMAOH. 6H City°""'· IMrMI Cellfomla. • c.c IOfA 8HOWCAlt. tOUI 8111<1 .... wlll bl m.oe wltl\Ollt tune*· Orlftle, CA 12ee8 The und.,•lgntd hereby ...., llMI •. '""'°"·CL tot.a ••rr•nty, HPtlll or 1,.,pllt d. HORMA JtANNE 9URCH, dlt cl1lm1 •II ll•lllllty for any llloberl hrl Adema, 11171 11011dlng 1111•. poHeulon. or MM o.llMone CW.. Hlllltlnflon .._,..,_In Mid..,...~ PMle Lene, HunllngtOfl Har.,_, 1ncumbrene11. to Htlely lllt IMctl. CA Ht4t, ,,, °"*common dellllnatlon Ca. t2Mt prtnclpel b•lanc• or IM Nola or Tilll .,.,.... le oonclUcttcl by Ill ltild .... w111 be IMdl wlltlollt Tiiie but111"1laOiOndUQ'9dby111 Ollltr obllQ•llon HCurld by aald lndMduel. . arr1111y, e •prtu or lmpllad, lndMdual. OHd of 1"ru11, wllh lntereal Ind Nonna J, lwcft, '91tdln9 11'1t, POH111lon. or ~ lar1 Met'lll ollltr •ume 11 provided lheraln; Thie 1ta411Mf'1t WM ftltd wltft IN ncumb1111c1t, ro u llety the Tllll ~ ... flltcl .tlfl lllt plua ldva~. If tny, under Iha County C"'1I Of Or*9 OOunly on ~ M11ftOe Of the No• Of Collnfy Cltrti .. °""II CouMy on t«mt tfllltof and .,,.,... on llllClll llPtemblf t1. 1912. '* ~ttoft MCUrtd by Miid lepttmoer n . ,.... adv~. and .,._,. ..... °'*"' "'''" Otecl Of fr\111 """ lntet•t and '** end·~ OI ... ,,_.... tftlf II Pu1tll1hld Of•nee Coeat 0111y "* """'ea pte¥tdtd theflln· ,ublltlled Or•nee COHI Oelly 11141 '""'' ~ ~ .... Dttd .............. 1t. H , Ool .•• •.1 1tlt ~ II ~. ~-~ Piiot •· 21. 001. 2. t . 1t. 1MI Tru11 The 10111 afMUfll If ..., •1ao.tl , ...., n lrlWelt on Mii 4211-a ObllQlllOll, lnotlldlna rteltftallty ft ...... .... Oflltltl Hlfm tted felt, elltlltl alli .... ... ...... flf 119 T ..... Md of ..,.,... .... T,...,.. ....... • WI.I ~ ...... ~ .... Deed till Of.... of tllll ....... ti 11•• .... Tiie ..... ......,.t .. .... ....,t.. ... .. j .~, ... ....., --.... '=-..:-1= .. "= .... ~~r..= =-=:~ ==: ~1 ............. .. olllh.lftATI Moe~. • IMtm.1 .. ,._, ... CA . .,,,._tJ':;rn TNI ---ti...,. "'' •• ~f~~D!f"'-' ..... MIC!a :. .,.....,, -~-41111.-.... A\.14 .... -~ ~..... '411 ,, .. o;w;:.-..::...;:...or-ii=>11:u ...... ~~~6M I ........ , ..... ~l,I, ....... •Mr r l ~ . . . .. AL f'LA VOflFI .,...,.1,Ana•I CAUPONU MILWAUltll =:1: Jaolleon rt LYft'\c:I ~dll ~31> Gncll 2b Folt .. Wiifong pll eoon. c TOI• .. ,...... •r"lll 4 0 0 0 Molttor 3b 4 1 1 2 4 1 2 0 Yount M 2 I I 0 4 0 1 0 ~ lb 4 1 I I S121SknmoNC 4 1t0 30llT'homuGI )001 4 010 OQll\'le ll 30 10 4 000 Moneydll 100 I 3 0 0 0 l!dWetdl P< 0 I 0 0 1000 Moor•rf 2010 4 1 1 1 OaintMt 2b 3 0 0 0 3'4 3 I 3 Totale 21 IS I 5 .... ~ ...... ~ 000 000 030-3 .....,... ooo :ioo ~-5 OP -c.ilor'nla 1, .._.. I. L09 -~ f., Mllweult• 4. 28 -~.HA -Molllor (21. 9oOfM (I~ 88 -c ..... 8 - Moen. SF -Thom ... MQMY. C..._. .. H II 1111M10 l.rin (l.0.11 3~ 4 3 3 I 2 Witt 3 22223 H...... IV. 0 0 0 0 1 ........ a.rt1on (W, 1.01 7~ 8 3 3 2 II ladd(S,11 IV. 0 0 0 0 2 HBP -091Me (by Z9hnj. T -2 41 A -6(),13$. • ~ Slaton L8dd COM..OllTE aox .. ttlng CA&J'OMA .. r .... ....,.. ... 11 2 1 0 0 0 0 081 0000000000 11 4 3 I 0 0 0 .273 9131001333 9 1 3 I I 0 8 .333 II 1 2 0 0 1 2 112 0000000000 11 3 1 I 0 I 2 831 12 • 2 0 0 0 0 ~87 9 0 I 0 0 0 I .111 9220013222 112 16 24 4 I 3 16 28 I MLWAUltlll elt r 1121t21t"'rlll"' 12 3 4 0 0 2 4 333 10 1 3 0 0 0 0 300 12 I 2 2 0 0 2 187 12 2 3 0 0 0 0 26() 10 1 1 0 0 ' 3 100 11 0 I 0 0 0 0 081 4 000001 000 I 1 4 0 0 0 0 .&00 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 000 3000000 .000 0100000000 92 10 18 2 0 3 10 191 ... ~O::u I ljt II bO '° 1 3 7 1 2 1 3 3 1 2 2 2•.-. 0 0 6 9wnerd VudlOYlctl(O·ll Sutton (1-<ll I 1 0 0 0 I 8 8 4 4 I 1l\ 8 2 II 3 25 24 8 22 ... 16 00 800 0.00 000 4 Ml 3 63> 6CM TOI• c~ , .. ~ ':'-: 3~ 1 II 6 0 I 2.00 1 3~ 4 I 2 7.M 1 3 2 2 3 e.oo 1 1Y, 0 0 1 o.oo 3 2t 18 4 11 3 46 ...... ~ ....... .......... 021 320 200-10 c.Mo<nla 12& 310 030-16 £ -C.0-, Mollor. OP -.,.....,_ .. 4, C•lllornl• 1. LOB -Mllw•11kff t3, CallfOrnle 18. 8 -&oon.. FOii, Moor•. SF -a.ytor, Boon., Thornu, Monoty. HBP - Mdtlr9 by .lotwl, Onell by VudlOYlctl, OQlllM by blln. A -111.720 l'tnoft echedute c~ ......... , ,_.,..ecor. ~ 8, Mltwtull .. 3 . .._.. ........ ~ 4, MllweukM 2 ~·--· SL LO<M 7. Allante 0 Fr*t'• kor9 MllweullM 6, ~ 3 Atlante el SI. Loult. ppd. rein ,..., .• a- .,... tJolln 14· 12) •I Milw ... kee (HtH 11·8), 10 a"'· AllMll (Nitlkro 17~) 81 SI Loula (S1u1>9< e-1i 6:16 p.m ~·o-An1••• et Mllweuke•, 1 20 p m • II ~ SL L.oula ., A11eni.. 5 16 pm .....,..o- 8t. Louis at Allent•. 12.16 pm . II ~· ,......, .• o- St. Loult el Allente, 12 16 p m , ii ~ WON..DU•I r..-,,Oct. tt AL et NL, 5.30 pm (H Nl ~ 8«t.e goet to I 111111 l>MW• Ille WOtld $«lee w111 ~ w.cin..e1..,. Oct 13, w«n o-2 on TllurMlity, Oct 14, IM tcheduled Ir ..... dr(). • ---.. Oct. 11 Al •t NL. S 20 p.m , ''*'· Oct. 1• NL It AL. 5.30 p.m .... ..,.Oct.11 NL tt AL. 10·20 I m n In Mllw_,.. ... t 20 pm. ti In AMM!m. ...,,Oct.17 NL 11 Al , If~. T_-,, o.t. 19 AL et Nl , 5:20 p.m .• II~ ....... ,.o.t.. ALll Nl , 620pm .. If~. .... C.....-U. COWSMlllCa .... ,...~ W L. T Of'U,.._ v~ 1 o 1 5 4 3 l:dllloMOll I 1 0 11 11 2 ...._. o o 1 a :a 1 ........ Ot0460 c-..ry 02011120 ...,,.. ....... 2 0 0 5 t 0 ' • 0 0 I 3 0 1 t 6 0 1 t 4 WAUltC..,•mtta """"' ....... 3 4 7 s 3 t • t II t N"f ....,._,. 2 t O ta tO 4 ....,.-..y 101 I Ill ,., •• ,..,,.... 1 0 0 • • 2 w.-..on tOO ! 42 ~ 001 .. a1 HY,_.,. 0 a 0 t t 0 ............. 200 1 24 t 1 0 11 13 2 0 1 • 1 • 0 0 10 4 10 0 1 0 t I 0 LaJetCleMlo (llAlllltM.THM) Wtyn• Levi 04· 7 t 136 Brue• Devlin 87-70 -t37 8obb)' CoM 91·7t -t:t• Gery l<oc;h 87. 7 t -t~I Jll'n ThOlp.1 '7·72 1311 St-lleC>le 51.71 -t311 J c SnHCI 91. 71 -139 HOWlld Twtlly 71·89 140 Cr&lg S11<1i.1 ot-74 t40 Merk Ph91I 611-1'1 -140 DA WtlllrlflQ 69·72 -14 t Andy Been 67-74 141 Doug Tewell 70·7t -t41 Metk Mc:Cum~ 58-73 -t41 Ed"°'' 61-73 -t41 P11 McOowen 12·811 -14 1 ltnce Twi BtCMC11 7 t-70 -t4 t O.nny Wiier• 11.11 -142 M1U Smith 72·70 -t42 Ron Btrtell 70·72 -t42 J#y HUI 67·76 -M2 Tom Pum., 611·73 -142 Tom Wllaotl 73-&9 -142 .i.tf s~. 11.11 .... 142 Erte Biiien 7 1·71 -142 JoMny MHltf 58·7• -142 JOM Foughl 116-78 -141 Jtek Aenn.r 70.72 -142 Fuuy Zoell., 67-76 -142 JOM Slaugh1e1 73-81 -142 lff Trevino 7 1.11 -142 Htl Sulton 71·72 -143 Allen Mlli.< 71·72 -143 Butel\ Bairo 70-73 -t43 Bred Bryen1 70.73 -143 AC>Qet Malll>tl 73·70 -143 OlfY luYftormo 70 73 143 Bob EHIWood 73-70 -143 Pn11 Hancoci< 72.71 -1•3 Veriee Heolne< 66·77 -143 Roll9rl HoYI 611·75 -144 Aiellard ZokOI 73·7 t -144 R•• C•ldwetl 58-76 -144 Jiit M1lcn.!.I 71·73 -144 ThomH Grey 73-71 10 o< .. 111 F ... gus 69.:7S 144 Oil Morg.., 79173 -144 Biii 8rlll0<1 67-77 -144 Jay Cu<10 69-75 -t•4 Mike MO< ely 66· 79 -144 Jim NeffO<d 70·74 -144 Frtnk Conner 70-74 -144 Jim o.n1 72.73 -146 WeNy Armstrong 11.74 -145 Jim B~•t>er 74-71 -145 81~ Fie<4,.,.,r 72.73 -146 John Adams 70.75 -145 Mttk O Meer• 73.72 -146 Ge0<ge Artto.et 74.7 I -14S Ed Sneed 71·74 -146 Jonn Mahtlfey 73·72 -145 Bill o<reu .. 1 72.73 -145 o .. n Hlllld0<aon 71-74 -t4S Tom w .. ai.opr 10.1s -t4S Pal L•n<IM)' 72·73 -14S Gtry Hellbefg 70·75 -14$ Lt nny Wadkins 71·74 -tO Mike Brenn1n 71·74 -145 Rod Nuckollt 78·87 -145 Benny Pusons 7 t.76 -146 Tom K111 74.72 -146 Don l9vln 75-71 -148 Sob Mut~ 68-71 -148 Ray Floyd 72-74 -1411 Aon"'9 Blee.. 71 -75 -1•6 W"°"'f Bleclroburn 73· 73 -I 46 Mike HOlllnd 71.75 -1411 Merk McN111iy 75-71 -148 Ptttr Jecobaen 75.71 -146 Hit• Irwin Oll-78 -146 Tom J«>k1n1 71-75 -148 Mik• Oo<lald 72.74 -148 fllMedro ~ OWi Ponl Don Januery Peyne St-art Charlet Cody o.Otge Ctate Lindy Mfflef Mark C•lc•-cill• lM El<* R1.kM~ ... MA111 H~ a.u cen.. Bet\ Crentllow 0.... l!ltllelbergef a.... Btugll Clllp~ Grief JOllfl p Oal8<h00t 0 f'oolrl Freel Coul>'-• o .. '" Levenaon M1k• Reid Scotr v.,p1ain1o Scon Slt09f BlelM McCelll119f Tom J0<141• Letry Mize Aod Curl D•Vld Orallem Hub9"1 Or_, Ciyoe A9QO o. .... 0.¥\s S HMlll M Broc:ll Davt1 Betr J.,ry ~ard Cltr...ct Rote Jo. lnmen Chet ... Krenkel OtWle Moody Lou Gr.,,.,,, T1m S.mpaon 811-71 -147 76-71 -147 11·11 -147 76-72 -147 72-75 -147 74.73 -147 10.17 -147 72.75 -147 72.75 -147 72.75 -147 76-72 -147 71·76 -147 72.75 -t47 72.75 -147 70.711 -148 74.74 -1•• 72-76 -148 71·17 -148 74-74 -14. 75-74 -141 7~74 -149 75-14 -1411 76-73 -1411 74.75 -1411 117-112 -149 87-112 -149 72.77 -1411 89·80 -149 7$-74 -1411 70.79 -1411 11141 -150 71-711 -t60 74-76 -HIO 7).77 -160 76-75 -160 73.77 -160 74.79 -160 77.74 -161 75·78 -1St 72-71 -161 73-711 -151 N8A exhibition ,,..,. . ._.. PMadelpNa t06. Bo.Ion t01 Portlencl 87. Golden Sitt• ... TeflllM'eO-.. ~ ,,.,..,. va P?Mreo.lpllla et Allefltk; Qty lndletM .,,. ~ er Columbua, Ohio ClllclO<> vs. Otllrolt 11 lkltt. CtMk, Mlell Ulell vs. I(.,_ Ctty II St JoMpll, Mo Hou11on vs. o.iwtr et Bou!CMf. Colo .,... ... ...... MtT'I 1...-o t-....n ...... , -111 tt1Qief1. 40 '*'• 15 bOltilo, 28 =--· to r~ lltll. 2 a<UPln, 4 ~. I jKll ..nen. OAVIEY'I L.OCICIR ( .... ,.n llNtfl) -107 ll'Ollt• 2 tO bOlllto. 8 oellco .,_, 2 cow cod. 118 "**'-'"• 24• rOQk llth,· 5 Mild .,.., I ....,. "*"· OMA WMMl'-ff ~ 41-. 316 bonllo, 1 ......,., 71 1MC111rt1. 7 roell ""'· 4 ~.4 ~ •ACM -11 '"OWt. t2t bonito. 220 ,,,...., ... 100 rock 11111. 5 wNt• lleh, > ~. (.._) -52 llllOitf• 16 bonito, 100 m-cli.,11( f llOUlpln. ~ mltGtll-• OM Tf'M ............. ) 'MOAY'I 1111"'-U (ltll .. .,.., ....,......,. _. .... , '""' flACI. I ti It m1M lt11 Of 0-Wt (HIWle'fl 23 IO I IO 4 40 S.avay tVelem\19111 3 40 2 40 IJlpl04t .. 1 wltl jMcHWQ\19) 2 00 Al t o raoed In 1111 Ayt, ie1tnc 11 Commll'd.,. Ort111110Yf, 'lrtl Llrry, Q1p A r-n-100 llC°"° llACI. a 1..nortot Lont fCtflO/* (0...,rt) 10 20 t 00 3 IO ~lllOlfry HOtMY l~•Vl 4 20 WO Tr11e AlleOllOn (TtO.ltcfll t3 "00 Alto rtGtd lnl•r .. I Allt. "''' NIQtll Womtn. Neltlcl Vlikon, 8llow M• DMr, lrltn L-.... IC:ln, l.lt111'11'a Gltl, 111111 a.lty 0 HtGH IOMOCM. ITANDINOI ... r-:~ W L W L twwOOtt HlilbOt 2 0 J I llddltl>~ I 0 4 0 CO<Ofl• oet M111 t O t I Cotta Met• I t t I 11 lOrO I t 3 I U111..-11tv t t I 3 lttlancll 0 t I :I trWlt 0 t ' , 'r*t'• ...... ,. PA .. .. " .. ~1 ., .... ,, u .. 111 11 11 60 H N4iwPOfl HA1110t 4e, 1Jn-t41y 0 Cotll r.19M 17, l<VIM 10 ,...._... .. ._. Co1on1 d4'4 Mer v• l 1ddleHck t t IA Bowl(?~) I ::Mt~~. (H)pllcl t 1ttoo -.Ulh = L== ,,, PA ,,4 &7 t4• •• M t2 f2 H ftMO flACL 8 lur!Ongl W L W L Pr• IOOk tllackl 11 IO 3 IO 3 00 ~=~tlMy ~ g ! ~ Ntgolll ll 10..ltlOulMYi!I I I 20 t 00 8111 Cllm9!!1t I O 4 t Trll)M King tPlnctyl 3.IO l.lll\IN Hlllt t 1 1 4 Aleo ractd. OcwlclllllOO. Aytn'• Aeb. Limit • &A.•ni .. ~h o t 2 1 10 Aom•nc:t, Al .i<hellfa, LUCll•dor, p1n..--e>;.; Hiii• -0 I 0 4 . lO 21 ti t•O 64 16 Native. Diplomat Auler. Mtgle Plac•, WOOC11>t1<194' O 2 a 3 OeofoOtllftlMI time 1'10 0 ,,,., •• ...,.. Clll>itlt...O V~ 37. Wooelbtldoe 7 fe>IMTH M CI. I 1118 rllMt Mltt!On Vl9j0 M. ll9\IN Hlllt 22 OomklMI lH (Hawl9y) t2 20 II 40 6 00 TMet'• 0-. Oucll9M PIHOM (0119'rel ._ 10 80 8.IO L1911nt 8eech ti 01ne Hlllt I I 0 m I Pllualna F (OelehOUINytl · '-3 40 Alto r•c:•d. H•w•ll•n Aoy111y,_ Momoet, O.rby Day ledy, 01)011 Danur, DY lht By, fudorull•. D•t•rmlned Lind, Nobl• C*brlly, Meratllon Ltdy TifM. 1.H 115 fFT" flACI. 8 lutlonge Ea~,,._F1blt CVlll9'tz<*tl • II 80 8 40 6 CiO Beeulltul Dawn (T0<0) t t.40 7.IO WHlwttd 011 (Ofl'lljlr .. I 11.20 Alto r.e.d' Amigll LI 0 . Feney l,Q • Ctrol lH. lrllh O'Brien, Zlmb•llt, Time for A9<1Cllecl(1 nrne t.oe 415 .. IXACTA tl-41peld1215 00 llXTlt flACI. 8 furlonQ• L••• Slteo« tP1ncoy1 8.20 4 oo a.80 r obln Gold (Ou.rra I 8 00 5 20 Eddl9'• Htto (OllVllfM) e.eo Alto tteeel: Ml.elm 00<ky, OraHy Knoll, Jtbller W1cky, Cll1rgaur, Kln9'1 Brtt. Kum1n11ch1, O.OontrOI. AHllHI Admlral, Alen w "'°" Tl<M 1.10 t/5 NV.NT" flACI. I 11 US mtlM f0<rentlel (o.lahOu ... V-1 S 40 2 80 2 40 Wrll'n on tM Wind (lO<O) 6 80 3 20 Golden C1rc:i. (Pl«oe) 3.00 Alto raGllCI Lind•'• BrotM<. TOlo'a Prlnu. VtCOlllTIOlltl. Royal Serb, B•llel Royal Tim. 1 42 216 N DACTA (4·11 peld $67 be> 12 PICK 1 111 18·9·8·11· 10·41 peld I 10,· 204 IO wUtl nln4I winning llellttt (II• llOr ... ) S2 PICll. Sl1t contoleflon pek:t S 1211 00 wllh 737 winning llcktll (five not-I lltOHTH llACI . 1 '4 mu .. on IUlt Tell Again (Hawley) 1 1 40 4 40 2 80 Petl•fn tplncey) 3 40 2 80 Oar• You (Totol 2 80 Alto reced Salao, M•-• Monrelelr. Au11)' Ctnyon, Moon Bell. TlfM 1 46 21& NINTH MCI. I 1/16 milft Buen Cnk:o (OtllllOUIMy•l4 40 3 40 i 50 Pl«re La Mont (H1w1.,,1 fl 40 4 00 A Fesl P .. c:e (811>11191 3.20 Alto raced Prior Approval, Hiii Drive. Tower Bridge Mlk•'t KICk. '°'c. ol Relton. S1tnglngly nm.· 14, 116 .. IXACTA 11·81 p81d se3 50 Ali.nclMOt -21.678 Hottnrood Perk flMOAY'I llllUUI , ..... U-flltM ...,_ -•11111 NtT llACL One mile-· J-OrMton tAnctertonl 1uo • eo 4 eo Don CMI Ster (A.illfn) 3 2 0 3 00 Alo Vlllel t~yl 7 80 Aleo '"*' HOI)' Venh1re, Atelen• Perry, OltblO N, AllONIU, I(~ J-. Snac:ll Pldi, Aonoml. T-: 1.611 115, U IXACTA 13-21 Olld SU 40 MCOND Mca. One mlle pacM Splt\IC• Antle lllletren) I 00 2· 80 2 20 Reven c;1a11on t8o<191P> 2 eo 2 80 WejOvtlt AoM (Stier-ten) :t 90 AltO rlCICI· 0.-TlrN N, 9onnle ~ N, Seng9 Aoeo, TltWal•. r-t.&7316 t.-.o llACa. One m11e pace. Andye Ab9 (OIMn) 34.00 13 20 S 80 Scrambllno A..r (Flec:ol 10 80 8 IO Ltdy UUti• (WMlletna) 8 40 Aleo rececl HOI N Bollleted. OetlnQ Joe, Celient•. Go0911., John, Andy• Cllttg.-l<nm~lo. H1Ml•1 SllodOW nm.. a 03 U IXACTA Cl-'l p.icl S72 t 80 fOUftTH llACI. One mtt9 p- 0..9QWI (o.tomefl 18.IO 5 80 • 00 Ttad MIN (Mel«) 'II 00 3 00 WH><Mtner• (Altcl\19) II 40 Aleo raced C~lll Monrerey. Wende N9veda, One For o.n.. !me HUllbllly Too White Vt!W1. Foxy Monl•9Y. Ooltle 8.itlef TlrM 2 00 3/S fWTH llACll. One mlle PGC9 I'm C.Oeln (BtlM1rg4t0n) 8 00 3 80 3.00 A<tgtl Guell. (81Mlhl II 40 4.80 WNI• Lauglll., (foddl 8.00 Alto ·-· Joveno Almehurat. Hoatu. ,..,,,. Ketr &put Ketelne !wen• SkiC>. Gold• .,...,Un9war• Tlmt. 2.00. II IXACTA (2·51 peid SS2 80 ltlTH flACI, One ,.,... ~ SIY lll (OunnlQenl 10.ZO. 6 20 3 80 Dent. EndHYot to..om..I 7.20 6 80 No EAou .. N IL~) I 80 Alea rote*I Btell!Wlnd, Bat_. Ollr19. Unit Allll Anne. J J'I Pllt'Mll. Conne Adlot TllM 1SI416 .. UACTA (3-2111*<1 $200.00 HVllNTH flACI. One mill ~ s1n1>e1i. (Grundy) 14 20 4.20 2.80 M1i-tk: Aure 1a.i.er1 2 40 2 10 • Tenondehlllf (Longol 2.80 Aleo reced· MIH Infinity, Monttr•Y HMt!>er. Anclyl ·Liiy. 8Hut-• a.tie. llO ~ Time. 1611116 • IXACTA (4-el pOld sell 00 IJOHTH MCL One mlle P1C8 Ct11btUI (A.,.,_,) 18.20 I 40 3.IO Nede H-ILonool 3 80 3,40 a.nu. MlM (Vlft•ndlnollam) 4 20 Alao rec:.d lndlen SwMll• Potr1nca. l,pollo MIQllle n-. 157 115 ~ Mca. One mile P4Q8 Howdy lter (Merc"-'dl 28.00 II 40 e 20 "''· N.M (&cwlootl 8 20 I 00 M11qule (IC1191>itrl , 6.40 Aleo rae.ci: Primm~ SrrMk. Ambl-. King• Nugoe1. FfHllt Frenk. Jib• Ho. PeddlMolrd MlcflMl't TJOlf. T-. l'M 4/ll. la UACTA tt-21 ptld $41250. • PtCIC ... (5·2•3-4-+tJ paid 131.298 80 Wiii! -w1M1ftQ llck.C {""'9 llOr ... I S2 Picll Sta contolallon paid $193.00 with 54 Winning llekelt (IOU< hortM~ TINT" flACa. one mite PIC8 Pl\o9nlJ1 Jack (Kllfbler) I t 20 8 20 4 00 Atc>u• A.cl (Vllllllndln!lf*n) • 80 7 00 LAWd ~ (0..-1. t 20 AllO rHff Frotly 81tlp~r. Ch•rCO•I HlllO\IW. Adu1, Kitti N, Ttlbut• N, Ult• I "'°' Time. 2 00 216. 11 IXACTA (4•7) peld 1 121 20 A119'1dl ncMll 1.3 ta Other acorH ciNTURV LUOU41 El Mod41n• 27, lullln 0 VIM Pllk 19. 0rtnQ9 I Stnll Ant 32. 811111 Ant Vatl9y 10 a..-LaAOU. K4'1\Mdy t4, LOllll tO LOI .Allml10t' tO, Ptelflc:I 1 MQN..UAOU41 lB Poly 6. F011n1a1n v11i.v o Merine 17, Ml»lk1n t& Sen ci.rnen1e 21, Huntington 8"cll 23 WMtern 28, OcMtl VW t4 l8 Wil9ot'I Ill. WMlmlnlltt 1 BrN..()llnde 31. Sant~ 0 An1helln 21, Buen• Pllto I 4 LI H1bt1 28, Wtlnut 0 T roY 14, S1vann• O Notrl Dime (Sll«m•n 01k1) 8. P1u1 K 3 St Peul 20. Lompoc 6 Bttnop Amil 17, EIMnllOwlf t• •• ·:· ', ---#. ' .. -· • Netlonal IOO (etC ........... N.C.) Tiie lineup lor Sunday'• Nellonll 600 Or•nd N•llonat lloelt Ctl reco. wtlll IYP9 of etr •nd qu1lllylng IOMd In mph t Htrry Gent, Buk:k A41Qll. 184 694, 2 O•off Bodin•. Ponll•c Ortnd Prla 163 750. 3 Oatrell Wellrlp Buicx Regal 163 4 73 4 Morgtn Shepherd lluic:k A•gll 163 310 5 Bl!I OIOll. F0<d Tllundefl>trd, 162 llU 6 Alctcy Rudd, Ponttec Grand Prl-. 182881 7 Ntll 8onnelt, Ford Thunderbird. 182.808 II AIChtrd Pelly Pont11c Orend Pri•. 182 '70 II IMMy Petton• Bulcio F\9Qll, 1112 313 10 DeYld PMtSon Buick ~. 162 333 11 8ol>l>y Alllton, BulClo F\9Qal. 162 218 t 2 B11Cldy B•k•r. Ponllec L•M•na, 162 t43. 13 Jo. Rul(men. Buick Regal. 162 07$ 14. Cal• Y1rborougto, &u1ctc A•o•I. t6t,738 tll Dele Eornllordt, F0<d Tllund.,blrd. ,,, 71& 16 Merl( Mwtln. lkHcll F\9Qel, 181 t53 17 JO~y Aldl•y. Ford 1'hunderlllrd, lit 2~7 11 T.,ty labont .. 8ulc:ll Ae98f, 1111.1tt ti 8.iddy Arrington. Cll'Y..., Im-tel, teo. tu. 20. Tim Richmond, 8ulCll A9aal. 150081 21 Dick Brooke, Ponli•c: "Orand Prl•, 1st.t34 2t Kyle Perry. Ponrtae Qrend Prla 1ff 627 23 I.Alt• SclMd. lkliCk Aetef. t 511 .. 10 24 0..... M8tde, lulClt Aetef. 1511 348 2s Ric• w 111on, ore11mobll• CuUeH, 11111281 2e 0 I( UlllCll. Buick ~. 15t 020 21 0..n Combtl. Buick "-gel, 168 875 71 Jimmy Meena, INk:ll A41Qel. 1 SI MS 29 Aon Bollc:tlatd, OldtmOl>ll9 Cutl&N. 1514ff 30 Tommy Gel• Ford Thunderlllld. 168 307 3 t Con<>.. Stylo< Oldtmoblt9 CullHt 161174 • 32. Srtlln IXeru-.. Ponllec Orend PrlA, 1&1.228 . 33. Alck Betdwln Dodge Mtgnum t57 921 34 H B Ball•y. Ponll•c Grind Proa 1571711 35 TrlY!t Tiler Buicll ~. 157 283 341 l ....... Pond, ci-r~ Monte Cetlo 167 182 37 JoM An<WIOfl, Buock A41Qel, t68 78S 31.. Ronnie Tnomu, Ponuac 01111<1 Ptlll.. 158 771 311. Rlelle•d 8riclollouM, Ponll.c: Grand Pria, 166849. 40 J D MeOuftle, Ponuac Orend Prla. 1541N Women'•••~ COU..IOI UC S1nle Bttblta ci.f UC ll'VIM. t2· 15 . 15-7, 18-14, 1!1-5 C~COU.IOI Orenge CoMl def Ml Son Ml-, IM>, 1$-7, 11-3 GOiden W ... ci.f SMll An• IS.-0 1$-11. 15-13 HIGH 9CMOOl. Coron• d411 M11 o.t N .. oor1 H•rbor. t&-13, 3.15, 16-11. 11· t5. ~1 Cllrltllan ci.t c.oietr-Veli.y CllrllllWI. 15·9. t7·1S, 16-<I cJ.::fy~. L.A,..,..D,...-...w.et1t 12 t -lunllll (Pl o.o. ~Ml, l •I . ' 1at -a. c.c.y, (ltl c11o Ml..,. 10.1. 137 -C111t (fl) -"91-. 144. tO -,qtt .... t,l -'*"-· t).11. t'3 -W.~ .......... M . lit -1..,.,..r~1 dee ~. ls.I I 70 -Olot9 (0 VOlike, t M • tlO -J o.y. (Pl lleo 0.0'4!0 ...... 1'3 -QIUln (QW) ... lcNWll •·t. Hwt -811.c:tlltfOld (OW) p Al!Mtll•. 2:t7 Play Better Golf with JACK NICKLAUS lllTTl1~Jl.o'-sri~? • CH&C~ 'IOU" H•AO. -- c~r:La. ~ .... ,,,,........, OOIOen W•I I I t S t1 •\llltfton t 4 I I t ~ WMI ICO<ll'IO Def Vtlll a. ltlylf 2, MOteno 1, lunll 3, lt•pll-' .... .. AM 1t, Oftn19 C-t I 111111 Ant a a 2 a-t2 OrtnOO C-1 0 I 2 2-t lenll Ane acorino TllOtlWlt 3; Vlll*lktmt> ~. ~ '· NedrOll t. c .... .., 1, Otl/\09 Ct1t l HO•llll lronnlcihe 2 A1vn >. MC<:Otmleil 3, llMIOM 2 HIGH 9CMOOI. h 1-lell,141Mftt ldtton 0 t 1 o-2 btlnlllt • 4 4 ·-" hlton t0orlng Alidd t, .lcn.t t, !tllftOll 800flfl9 ,tni.y '· lnldoml 3, Ot1mDIMI •• wall• >. a.o 2. "111"*' '· LMOll• t. RIOe• ' Ctt-....... 21, L .. Ai-ttM t ~ot Altlfllllot I I 2 t 6 COi-dtl Me• 6 6 6 &-21 OorOll• dtl M11 ec:0ttno P..,1 .. n 6, Icon &. Ttrnpll O. tmbetnlno 2, Mon 2. V1n1tN 1, MO<rOW t ,_.. v...., n. a.nte &ne • Founllllft Valley 3 4 3 3-13 881111 Ant t 0 2 2-6 F011nt11n Vall•y ac:or1ng M00te 3. Wen 4 Cop• 2. O••O '· W•l~tr I. B•nll•y 1, BtumgtrlMr t. IJanll An• ICOll/lg ll•IOf! 1, Maffoy 2. TllOl~tlaon 1, Nleoow t II T .. o 17, LM AmltM 4 LOI AtnlgCHI 3 t 0 0-4 a Toro 3 3 II 5-11 £1 Toro ICOflnO KornNrd t. W~tOfl 4, L•grend I , Po.pp ~. Y/l aelom 2. Cn()(111911uenc• 4, 0.'90'•• 1:"\i-2 Men'• eoocer COMlllUMTY CGU.aOI 0r.,..c-11....,11ane 1 OCC ICOflnO ~ 6 Ryen I Santa An• M:O<lng l1111e....to. Cron count,y COflllllllUNITY COU.l Oll ... Ortftl9 c -t ti. ...... AN IO Ortftl9 c -1 1t, Comptet1 SO ._.,, Ane a, Compton 22 1 (lltl McMHlet, Merrymen. Erlctcaon, A<11m1 and T 1rrlq119z (OCC). 2 1 "· 8 B•ll•V cocci. 21.64. 1 Nu"" 1Dcc1. 22 12. e Williama (Cl, 22 16. II Ag111rre (SA), 22 21, 10 y.,,1q..., 100.::1. 22 3" WOMUI Or .... C-1 11, Softlo AM 47 I 0.Vellt (OCC). Ill 06, 2 llU (OCC), II 11, 3 Howt (OCC). 11.23: 4 K Oub9 (OCCj, 19 46, 6 OrtH (SAi. 111 ~. 8 J bube (OCC), 20 26. 7. D•Bont (OCCI. 21:00a, 8 Prlc• (OCC), 21·18, II Lowe tOCCJ, 22 07, 10 Sm1U1 (SA), 22· 17 CCMlftl ~Godo t~t , .. _ ..... ,.,.,...., 0uet1 .. ttna1 SlnglM Meta Wllend« {Sweden) def. lvtn len<ll (Cl~Yeklt), l •S, 11-t; Gulflefmo VllH (Argenllnl ) 11.i CtrlOt K••-r (8/UJI), ... 6·•. Lula Clerc (Argenlln• def Tlll•rry T~ (frtna.). il-3. 6-1, Mareot Hoc.vat (lrUill ~ Hent OllOefMlel., (Cfll .. ) 6·3. 3-e. 12-10 Men'etoum.ment (It Ml .. I ~IM, Awlf ... l 0-1 ........ ........ PeltlCk CUii (U 8 ) d•I MIU MllCtot ll (U.S ). 3·8. 7·5, 6-0, Ello! T4111.CM< (US) o.I Oevid Cett., (Au111111t1. 8·4, 6-3, 81- Den1 on jU S I Cler John Alna ndtr (All9lratlel. 7-8 1-7, &--', VllH Q.,ulelllt (US). <191 PIUI Me"-(Aullr ... e), 5-2 6-" Women'• townetn9nt (•t o-flMd IMetl, , .... 0-*'IMI 1'"91M AndrN leend CU SI ci.f. Virginie Au11C1 (Romtnle~ 8-4. 3-11, 7·6. Pam Shrl-CU SI 11.i 8otbar• Hatlqul•l IU s ), ~. e.o. OM• Eve rt Lloyd (U S I a•f Virginie W1d• (8tlltln) 6-0. 6-t. MdrM JMge< (US I def 8etlllr• POii« (US ) 8-3, 3-6. 7 ·8 Tlllrd ................ Cllrlt Everl lloYd (U S .I Cltf Mary Lou P11te1t (UBI, 8-1, tl-1 'rtder'• .,.,...."°"' IAeaALL ._._. ....... Ol:TAOI~ TIO!AS -PlllOtd Aick P9t•t Ind .wry Turn... outllllcMra. on w-. lot th• p11rpo u of gt111ng tll•m their 11-dllton•I r•IHM•. Sold L .. FHlllna, outfielder, 10 lht Hlro11o1m1 Toyo Ctrp J t pen Sent Bruce Aobblna, LIHY Ao~. Md AllQll Aull. ~. and Mn o.Jofln. lnlleidet, to Ev_ .. OI IM Am•rlcan A11oc1arton Purcll1 Hd the ccintr9Ctt OI M«tt Oec*o, pftdler, enct J.n Ktn-O-. CKilfi.to.r. lrom £v1111111tr., end CtllrtM N•"i plldMlr. W1lt1r 81in. Poole. cttdl«. ano l 1r1>.,o <hltti.y, ov~. trom Bl<mlngllMI of tM 8outwn ~ IAtlllTaALL ........,,,,,, ... u1u1e .... , DETROIT l'llTOHS -Signed AIClty """°'· llllftd, to • muftl)'Mf contllM:I HOUSTON AOCKE'TS -Signed Terry T ...... QWrll, to I -rut _,lr9C:I Cul Otll ClllMdrtlo, OUtrC1 HOCICl'I' IOSTc:=N~t1~f~' .!Ot*lltn, lelt Wl:it· 10 l •lllmor• Of Ille AmMlctn "= J=Y OfVILA -8IQMG CMol Vedftlll. ---· , IOCC.fl ~......,--~ WICHITA WINOS -81QMC1 90b V'Olk>lll. l!lldlM!Hr C~ugar chew Warrio By CRAIG IUJSSELL ........ w ........ The same WU played October evenJna and the fam iliar chant of "R I Re11le, ReHle" ran8 ' "' the air. All the lngredlenfl. y mltht uy, of the annual •IF Claulc" in baseball. But the aame wu tooit>eru t baset>,11JJ . The wer · ( r Pendlet9n1 'not Jacluon. 'Lt was by .Po !'learu a clauic. · Instead, It was a one· d conteat between Caplttt•U'\O Valley HiJ(h and Woodhld.le that was wo n by t h 0.:~o1t Cougars, 37-7. before 1.2~ : Senior Reggie Pendle , :a wide receiver on offense d :a comerback on defente, had b1a nigh t for the Coupn. He 4P tWO touchdOWl\I with a e Of interceptions deep ln lor territory. caught ~n 11-ya to keep a drive going, and It all off wrth a ~1 touchdown run on a around. Add that to s~rt eau·. 14. fr 25 passing for 168 yards a~th story is pretty well told. "We were trying to pol;uP. on our passln game ton l , ' said Capo Va,ley Coach ick Enright. "But coming lt. 1 would've been satisfied with a 7~ win. They're (WoodbrWge better than people give the credit for." I Enright might be right. bu~ Woodbridge, which is only it ia second season or football, w• no test for a team that won the CIF two ye a 1 .; ago a n d was l1 semifinalist Last season. The Cougars jumped out to a 17 -0 halftime lead on a one-yard touchdown run by Frank Banda, a nine-yard scoring romp by Walt DeCasas and a 26-yard field goal by Chris McClure. * Cepo Veller 17, W~ 1 ._, .,, au.tere Woodbtlelge 0 0 0 T -7 Cepo ValMy 7 10 13 T-37 CV -Band• 1 run (McClure lllClt) CV -0.CH M 9 run (McClure klc:k) CV -McClure 211 FO CV -Lanlltm t tun (McCtutl klc:kl W -F!Qu«o. tll p ... from Bvrke (l.Mc;h kldll Attendtnee-t,250 (191im.1ed) O....t ....... w Arel OOwnl 10 Au ....... )'trOI 1T ·2 PMtlng )ltrdl 112 P.-10·24·2 Punlt 8-l&S Fuml>le6-to.t 2· 1 ,..,.,, ..... yaro. 4-2, CV 17 3MM tll1 11·3H 3·1M M to-It ..... ._ ............ W-FlgutrOI, 5-10; Sli ter , 2·1, Burke , •O·mlnua 14 CV· l'...Or.ton, 2·5t; hnoe.. 7·3S; O.CUU. 1·24; Lanlletn, 7·15; 8elt11. 1·0: HolmH, 1·11: Miiiar, 1·2; Vlgfl, 1·1: Mc:Clurt. 2-mlnu9 12; Call. 3-mlnut 15 llMIMd11 .. ,._... W-8vrk•, t0·23·2. 112, Flou«o., 0·\·t.0 c v -c 1n, t&-24·1. 181. ~ •• 2-M 23 llldh1d111f "eo1lwlll19 W-FIQU9fo., $-21. H•tnger, 2·:!11, L ... 2·17, Aus..ir. 2· 17, Wright. 1...4 CV-MtnMillllel'I. 6·S4, Lanll•m, 4-371 8ecll9. 3·40: O.Cuu. 2·22. Augutt, t· t7; Ptnoi.ron, t-11: hllle. 1·11: Btndl, 1-4 Rustlers eke past Fullerton Golden West College's Ruaµen put together one of their better efforts of the water polo aeuon Friday with an 11 -9 South Cout Conference deciaion a t Fulle*°n. Goalie J im Ross record~ 10 saves. but it wasn't until the final 66 seconds th at Mark M~no and Scott Lund came \hr gh with the winner and clin er1 Brett Del Valle acored to giw Golden Weat a 9-8 lead, 1b1.tl Fullerton tied It again with 2: 17 left before Golden West broke It open. The victory gives the Rus9en a 7 • l overall record and a, 1-0 mark in conference play. Ot;~e Coast, meanwhile, w as a. 12-9 loser in community college action. as Santa Ana overcame a briel 2·0 deficit to take a 5-3 {Int quarter lead to propel it ~ Its victory. Goalie Scott Han1en had a dozen save. for Coaat, ~1\Qy McCormack had .even 1w&.1.1, ln addition to hil &hl"f!e pla. , . ._ I On the prep level ~Jock care of villtJng F.dl8on. 18-i. and Fo untain Valley w as a,,13-6 winner at Santa Ana In non · league play. .1 Euancia'a attack r evOJJlfed around Troy Fenley'• four tpe1a, and the three-pl perf~ of Dou1 Campbe11 and Marie Wicka. • , Fountain Valley pUe ·.MJb Toland had 12 aavet and Maril Wtl\ (4), Jeff Moore (3) ancl.:Roat Cope (2) paced th• Barona' ott.,.., • In olher non·lea1ue itr•t action, top-ranked Corona1 cWI Mar recorded an H I )' 21 ·& victory over Loa Alaml tll ""~ Kart.. Srte ~:l bk leoH and Tom lfl ~,_:, :-..:= f!i· 11.0 rn the llt'CJIMi half IO ""'9 17·4 romp over Loi Amf1a tc.vtn slri..-knodc.ed ~ ahota ln pl for \M a. .... Ooe11 DAIL V PILOT lllhd , Ocnobef o. 1912 ----lif ornia~s odd· JtP li ti cal allies By L.OMAS D. ELIAS PUC s teadily r~lsud ga\ clo(•trlc and T h-; California G u Producers Wlt.•phone prkt.'111. Atlodetlon tnvoni more oil und natural The nt.•wcsl coaliUon goes lur tuwurJ • gu d rilling, both onshore and off the c o n C i rm i n g a f ee I t n g t h 1:1 t t h o atato'Jteoptllne. The Sierra Club oppo8C8 unv ironmental movuml!n t m oy b t> bot •, reaching a ne w lcvt>l of pollllcul 11avvy 8 the two groups are the latest and maturity after almost I ~ ycurs us an odd l allies in this strange political idL'Ologlcally pure for<..-e. : whic h h os seen pragmatic ln its early da ys , the movenwnt's n• appear one after another in act ivists w ould never have irnlllcd la. the mselves in an alliance With big , there was the alliance between agriculture or a gas producers g roup. But wnmientalists and Central Valley· now they're willing t6-team up with rs which killed the proposed almost anyone who can provide the al Canal project last spring. The dollars or clout to further the ir causc..>S, Ill fl even if the alliance is bound tu bt' short-liv<.'<i. -Thomas Elias is a f~IBnet> c.vl um111.'lt based in Santa Monica. fa -supplying the money for the cam •l1n -wanted a project that invo ved more Northern California river water. The environmentalists wanted no more water taken from the north a nd supplied volunteers. So both wanted the canal killed, but for opposite reasons, and they worked together. Arab states to get more U.S. arms Then there was the coalition o f environmentalists and building trade unions. both of which wanted a ban on • plasti~ pipes In new California buildings. Environmentalists w orried a bouti possible health hazards from chemicals that might leech from the pipes. Unions don't like the job losses caused by plastic pipe. which is much lighter than metal and can be instalJed easier and faster. TBAT COALITION didn't exactly wm, but It didn't loae, either. There is no new ban on plastic pipe. but the Legislature did order a detailed study of all plastic building material.a. Now come the gas producers and the Sierra Club. joined by the consumer organization TURN. which has fought for years against steadily rising utility rates. This alliance seeks new hearings il hopes will kill the proposed liquefied natural gas (LNG) pro ject which California's two largest na tural gas · dlsttibutors wa nt to build near P t. Conception In Santa &rbara County. The LNG proje<'t has been stallt-d by legal technicalities £or years and its like~ price tag has risen to nearly $3 billion. Even the partners in the project can't qree on how necessary it ls: The Southern California G as Co. says it's vital, while Pacific Gas & Electric Co. takes a lukewarm a pproach. And there has been no gas shortage. as the 'two firms originally claimed the re would be If their joint project weren 't in place by 1979. Southern Cal now has agreed to put the project on "hold" for the time being, but insists it eventually will be built. The state Publ ic U t i l i t ies .Commission has never even considered canceling the plan. Now the coalition of gas producers, consumer activists and environmentalists wa nts hearings on that ls.sue. CA~CELLATION , a rter all. would he lp Jhem all. lf there is no LNG tennliia1 to bring in gas from lndonesia and ~Jaska , there will be a stronger market for home-produced California gas. Chances are, there will abo be lower rates for consumers than LNG would brinlt because the overall cost of the LNG -could be as much as twice the currtnt inflate d price of d om estic supplies. And there would be no ne w environmental hazard on the coast. No wonder all three are pressing Gov. Brown to spur new h«>arings. Brown, after all. has now become a vocal foe of higMr utility rates, after years of silence on the issue while his appolntees on the With all the By BILL PORTERFIELD .. Wtth e.cape in mind, I pulled down my 12-inch globe of the world and be8an apinOing It In aearch of an out--of-the- way ;.ialand. a little alluvial atoll of aome son "° removed that not even another world war, not even an outright nuclear conqagration. would touch it. ~ ialand had to be ln the PaclUc, I told Jn)'lelf, aince that ocean was bigger a n d , su pposedly warmer than the A:.=r:lc. I want4KI to stay below the T of Cancer, IO I took my fi.ngera twtnimi.nc and aallinl through Hawaii, the :M arahall1, the Marianas. the CMdina. the Gilbert. Ellice, Solomon. N.,_. Hebrides a nd Loyalty lllanda. """'-.-l went up into the Samou. the WASHINGTON -Unwilling to punis h lsraul, Preside nt Rcagun is turning toward fatter arms de liveries to pro-American Arab states :.i·:, proof of even-handedness in the Mad~:uit and as a r estraint agains t futu re.-Is rae li adventures. The move is certain to provoke Israel and likely to e ncounte r resista nce an Congress. but Reaga n has n o other options. Otherwise, Arab countries such as Egypt, J ordan and the Persian Gulf states will conclude that Ame r ican im pote nce in curbing Israel's blood y Lebanon operation s puts the U.S . an Israel's hip pock~t. THE F IRST SIGNAL o f the post· Lebanon policy switch is the dl'Cis1on lo give the tiny G ulf state of Bahrain its own a ir force. J o rda n w ill soon be tk kcted for ne w aircraft and a mo bile air defense syste m . In Egy pt, President Hosni Mubarak privately warns the U.S. that some measure of arms balan<.-e in the Middle East 1.$ essentia l t.o prevent new runaway military operations by Israel (described to lnUmatcs by Reag;in as "David" transformed Into "Goliath"). The turn to higher arms s hipments for the Arabs is d ictated by the president's ,:e fusul even to con s ide r punitive measures against Isr ael. Reaga n has ruh'<.I out any administration support for cutting the nearly $3 bilLion in annual econom ic and milita r y aid to Israel. f.t.r: 1-,.-.-. /-.-,,-•• ..__ ..... ~ Whitl' House ini.iders angrily d en y published reports that Reagan wants to ma neuver Begin out of office. T hus, the only re ma ining w ay lo signa l U.S . support to Washing ton 's Arab allws lies m building u p their puny military ~tabhshments. That neatly rit.s Pl•nt.agon strategic thinking going back to the· early Persian Gulf crisis following the Islamic revolution in Iran Thl' DcfC'rlS(' lnteUigence Agency (DlA) has w arned fo r m onths tha t anti-U .S sentiment born out of the Palestinian issue threate ns to wreck the Ra pid Dt•ploymcnl Force; more <irms for Arabs t-ould sofll'll that mood. P o I 1 c y ma k l' r s a g r ee a n o v c· r t 1·rnc kdown on Begin would b cttt•r l·onva ncc· t ht• Arabs that the• U.S. as a reliable mt.>dlator between lsr<iel and the Arabs. But with that ruled out, one high oCficial uskcd us, "What elst• is left but military aid?" The $1 80 mi llion cash-and ·carry arm.,; p.·wkag<.' for Bahrain, which went to a skeptical Congress last week. will be fnllowt'Cl by a larger arms package for Jordan. King Huss<'m 1s ready to al"Cept the Reagan Pa lc·stm ia n pea ce plan H oth(•r Arab st.at<.:s agree and if Begin can Ix· w lkt.-d out of his outright rejt.'<.·t1on. The most importan t arms aid und<·r Pentagon study is destined for Egypt. the only Arab country that has signed a pt'al'l' treaty with Israe l. T he Lebanon crisis d<ingerously undermined Mubarak. fon:mg him to wathdraw his ambassador to T<•l Aviv Rl>cently nearly 200 right- wang Mosll'm c•xtremists were arr<-sted and Jailed fo r plotting Mubarak's ovC'rlhrow as an American 'a lly and <tn lsral'la treaty partner. VISITING CAIRO early th is mon th, Sl"<'rC'l.iiry of Defense Caspar Weinb<>rgcr got an ''arful from Mubarak and Defense Min ister Abu C haza la. He was told Egypt's malitury nl'eds mus t be me t. both to n>m pt•n satc• for Israel's a wesome might an<t to stn•ngthen Egypt's role .as Has United Nations dreain ended Ill • The swells of unrest from around the world -at last count. 12 conflicts of varying intensity -could fina ll y bring on the requiem for a prostra te and useless United Nations. It was one of man's dreams born In the final conv ulsions of Wo rld Wa r I I. T oday, even as a debating societ y, It stands naked in flailing failure . ' Not just U.S . Ambassador J eane Kirkpa trick, with her freque nt and frank criticisms of lhe tribunal in which sh e sits, believes this. She n ow has company -distinguished company -In the person of the elected head of the U.N. DAYS BEFORE the assassination of L e banon's President-e lect Bas hir Gemayel shattered the t e nuo u s arrangeme nt in his torn country, S ecre tary-General Javier P e rez d e Cuellar gave his first, and ve ry somber, steward's report to the U.N. S ince the world situa t io n h as worsened, the U.N. does nothing but exist and babble along on the massive millions chief benefactor United States of America provides. It only makes mockery of its mi~aon. T he U.S . News a nd World Re port s1ZL'd 11 up by saying the candid confession by the head or the Un ited Nations IS encouraging reformist pressure t.o make the U.N. less a debating society and more the peacekeeper it was meant to be ~I H_l_ll_l_cl_ll_IH_T_a)ii The thrus t of Pere z de Cucllar's message to the U.N .• It reported. was tha t ''The U.N. ls ignored and rebuffed by its members a nd cannot play an effective role in settling world disputes. "Governments that believe they can win an interna tional objective by force are often quite ready to do so," sald the 62-year-old Peruvian secretary-~eneral. P e r ez de C u e lla r 's fra nkness mirrored growing feeUngs in the U.N. headquarters that the forum has hit a dead end, kicking some islues around and ignoring others -a point that h.as ofte n been m ade by A m bassador K1rkpntr1C'k And. the point that is made repeatroly on the streets of any American city that has weariC'd o f t he U .N. Ca alurc to monitor the peace or the world. It is a loser . and has been al m ost fro m inception. RUSSIA'S FREQUENT use of the veto po wer h as made the U .N. an impotent weakling. It was the tool the Soviet Unio n s hoved through at the organizational meeting at San Franc:1sco ii') 1945 It ts the weapon tha t today preven ts any action, Jct alone d iscussion. o( the Afghanis tan invasion by the Soviet Union . Its 100,000 troops have been there nearly two years In what they dC11Cribe as a "protective" measure. Their losses have been heavy as the storied Afghan warriors nightly come out or the hills to ambush the harried Soviets. But the war still goes on because the U.N. 18 powerless to stop it. 1n Lebanon, where Gemayel w as the last chance· t o pull o ff a miracle reconciliation between Christians and islands • 1n the world there 's still no Phoenix, the L ine, Cook , Societ y. Tuatnotu Arches and the Ma rquesas Islands. I covered the whole middle and south Pacific. all of Polynesia and Micronesia. But it seemed to me these places were already pretty well w orld w e ary . Captains Magellan, Cook. Mars hall , Queros, Mendana and Ingraham had preceded me by several hundred years. not to speak of DeFoe and Darwin, Melville and Gauguin, Some rse t Mau,hm and Margaret Mead. World War I and James Michener. Even The Bomb had been dropped at Bikini and on the Marahalls. Thia was not getting away from it all. · seemed to be the most rem oved island in the PacHic; Easter Island, or. as the governing Chileans call it, Isla de Pascua. Its solitude appealed to me. Eas1,er and it.a tinier neighbor, Sala-y-Gornez, 200 miles to the northwest. appeared to be farther from any land mass than a ny other lslands in any ocean in the w~rld. Easter, a11 46 square miles of her, was 2,350 mlleR west of Santiago, about a fourth of the way If you were on a deep blue voyage from the coast or Chile to Australia, some 2,700 miles north of Byrd Land and the South Pole . You couldn't get any farther out than that. The atlas said Easter Island hod a population of 850. aU Polyneslans. I COULD take it. My dad and I once had an Island entire unto ounelves in the lntracoast.al C.llal betwttn Padrt' bland and the Teicas mainland. It was a 1mal1 shelf of shell, big enough to 1upport a tin 11hack and two men with li1hlng tackle and a case of beer. We would go out (n an outboard motorboot. fi.h and drink Ind aklnnydlp for days. congratulaie ounelves that we had left. the women behind, and wl1h we could 1tay forever. Eaater llland waa 1omtthln1 cl1e, th0\.l8h. A 'man that far out ln the water Wj th no intention of ever retu rhlna wduld rtqulre more than comrad•ly compenlonlhlp. It 1eemed '° me thet \ho ahlp-jumpeir Melville had more fun than the ahlpwrecked Roblnaon Crusoe. Cruao. found his man Friday. Melvtlle found Fay away, a d~y maldein l'nOlt bftuteoua and amoroua. >..I 1tudied the dot on t he globe and the name Polynesia scrawled across that great expanse of sea · and archipelago. I could aee m)'»elf on Easter Island, just as MelviU~ was on T ypce, frolicking in the sud with Fayaway. sw inging In a hammock eating coconut, heart of palm and breadfruit. The fact that Easter was the site of those strange stone age statues that nobody hu been able to figure out only made It more romantic. But as I read some history on Easter my hopee fell. The island was small but Its hU!tory was bloody. It was nothing but volcanic rock and silt and windswept grassland that grew a few yams and taro ro0ts. Apparently It had been • bitter battleground Cor aurvlvoJ lot mony ge ne ra lions. One o f the explorers. Rogeven or Heyerdahl, had called it "The lsland of Death." Thanka but no thanks. Some other place would have to beckon. Beside». there are no matt man Friday• In the world Cor white men, end there 1houldn't be. And .Fayewey. I know. w11 rc8Jly a fi(ment of Melville'• Imagination. His whole story wu cock and bull. evtn If he c:IJd Insist it w., ttue. Thl' Atl1.ntk l ltUl avoldeod. It was at tho w uthern end of tho Indian Ocean tht.t t found an ialand \hat looked to be ~ven mort" prom~. It WM 85 rnllee Ions and nam.d Kenuelen laland and wu tho p.OM•lcln of~. whkh bas always bet" kind to drHrner• end ouu:11t.1. K•r1uelen too w., lsoleted, •bout halfway between Sou th Africa and the foot of Australia. But when 1 prntt·t·ttir o f Somalia and the S udan ugain:;t S1w1e·t-backc>d Eth1op1 a a nd Libya Tht• 4ul•stion now is whethe r pre- l'lt·c:twn c:ongr esslonal sentime nt for Israel. rl•markably intact despite the &-irut massal'rc, will rt'main that way in tht· rww Congn.'bS ~n. Robert Kast.en, lht· c:onSNVallV(.• Republican cha irman or l h <.• S l' n u l l' A p p r o p r i a t 1 o n s Subc:omm1ttet.• on Foreign A id, was rt·ady l<i:.t wc.•<:k to add $452 million to Reagan's lsr<ll'h aid request. One reason: thl· pm!>pt'(·t of h igher Arab arms sale.~. K<isll'n was suppor ted by at least five of tht' sulx·ommalll't"s nine members. Stiitc Dc•p<irlmt'nl off1c:1als, belatedly IN1rnang dt.•tmls of the> bill, intervened. Hc·adlam·-, trumpeting a half-bill1on - dollar iitd increasc· for Israel but no m('rN1:-(• for Ar:1b state:s. they suggested. would M.'t·m a rt·ward for lsrat>I a t a ta me wht•n th(• prt-sident was begging Begin to lx·havt· Kasten agn.><.'<i to delay the vote.• Aid for Is rat.'I thc•rt•fore will stay at t•urn·nt lt·vpls for now But the portent of Kastl'n's ubortc.'Cl move· was clear: The m·w plan to mtTl'U'><' Arab arms aid may prov<.• y 1·1 ;,igam th<.· antractabality of the Middle· East for rm Am£•rican president. failure? Moslcms. the f1rl-s or war burn again. And th<'V will c'Onllnu<.' because Israel has only. <.'Ontempt for U N resolutions that anvaraubly etrc• loodl-d against 1t. It is more of t he same m the Iran-Iraq c'Onfllct now naming for months. with both sides ignoring U N. panic1pat.1on or medaata on of a ny sort. The Falklands sk irmish that no one thought could h appen the unlikely bout between Great Bntam and Argentina -came off a fter the U.N. and the United States failed w get at talked out bf-fore bullets fl<'W. THE U.N. secr etary-general who, in re trospect. has done about as good a job as the w orld could expect under the straitjacket composJUon of the U.N .. now calls for a qufck and serious look at the Security Council's w obbling structure. He wan ts more strength In the U.N. pc.>acekeeping arm. But. like all the other past U.N. gestures. its needed finn jaw wall sag under the poliUcaJ pressures of the veto and o ther devices that have crept Into a body now hopelessly out of balance. escape m e a sur e d i ts d istance n o rth of Antarclica. only l ,100 miles, my heart sank. It must be cold there, I thought. And sure enough, the atlas described It as mountafoous and glacial. with only • few coal miners and whalers willing to call It home. "DeaolaUon bland," wai what anothe r one of those damnably expressive explorers had dubbed it. APPARENTLY I've no choice but to stay nnd face the terrible music of man's self-destruction, or rather to stay and try with others, the sane. to prevent f!. John Donn<' was right. "No man ls an island entire unto himself." Reprinted from rhe Dallas T imes Ht>rald o.-ANOI COAIT l'ht• ,•unlltll'nt µu11t'C1fttw 0 11 H) l'llt1t '°'('Ilk" to inform 11nd ,umulull' H•Udl'I" IH IJ1t•H•nt 1n11 " \ lll'lt·l~ nr ('llffiffi\1nt11r~ on lt1111t•11 nt 1nt.-r c11t und ~111nll 1cont«' from lllfOl'ITltid Qh •wn "r11.in1t.~pokl'!olmt•n Sa1Hday, OclOMr t , IHI a a a .. YllTH ; Coluinblls' Tueeday. That'• the day we Americans celebrate the discovery of what geographically is atiU one of the ships prized .,,,. best places to live on this old globe. It's Columbus Day. A I • .A Some of our American cities f U I r ,-., that adopted Columbus' naml! each year hold a parade In his L'J • L h onor. One s uc h place Is r1n,..,, Columbus, Ohio. · J! The Genoese navigator who• I.A L proved the globe ia round waa ~ II 7ll the topic for U)ts week's contest. • Uncle Len received a shipload of drawings. The sketches were 10 good it was diUlcult to pick a winner but one ol the most impressive Ls by Hao Tran. 8, of Garden Grove. His entry has the three ships Nina, P inta and Santa Maria with the reminder that it was indeed 1492 that Columbus set foot on the "new world" when he landed at San Salvador. Hao gets first place and $5. Huong Nguyen, 9, of Garden Grove earned second place and $2 with hi s dr awi ng of Columbus' ship. F' H T G d G Each are "ne'w" Amer icans arst: ao ran, ar en rol'e having moved here from their native Vietnam. They were among third graders at Thomas Paine Elementary School in Garden Grove who entered the contest. Thanks. Here's a riddle for you. If Columbus sailed on the Santa Maria, and the Pilgrims on the Mayf)ower what did the Red Croes sail in? Blood vessels. Oh. groan, groan. Got a riddle? Like to share it? Send the riddle and a drawing to accompany it for next week's contest. No fair using an old one from when Len had a similar theme some years ago. The drawings, as al.ways, should be done in black ink on white paper four inches aquare. Deadline is Wednesday noon. Mail entries to Uncle Len, c/o the Daily Pilot, P.O. Box 1560, Costa Mesa. Calif. 92626. Make sure you include your name, Qge and addre91. Put on thoee thinking cape and come up with some original riddles and drawings. Uncle Len could use a few laughs. Second: Huong Nguyen, Garden Grove .. Farnier sings niules' praises PERRY, Mo. (AP) -Mules were born to be cursed. In fact, it's even been said that the salty late President Harry S. Truman acquired much of his vocabulary by liste ning to tanners and mule skinners vilify the slow-moving. balky creatures. Thoee who still know and love the vanishing breed maintain, however, that much of what was accomplished during the infancy and youth of this nation could not have been done without the mule. "It wasn't too many years ago that this country oouldn't farm or 10 to war without Missouri mules," says Gene E. Chipman. who has been working, handling and raising mules for more than 65 yeara. "In fact, we couldn't even go to the store without them," he said. "It was nothing for me as a kid to hitch up 40 mules right after breakfast." Throughout the early hiatory of the country, mules blazed trails, tilled fields, harvested grain. dug canals,· mined coal, hauled o ut timber, made battlefield victories poesible and earned the genuine affection of men and women. That they are slow and sometimes recalcitrant is well Thie 7 ... moath-old female llaaky1hepherd ml:a II ••allable for adopdoa at the Newport 8eMla A•mal Shelter, 125 M-. Drh·e, Co.ia ..... Offlelala ,., ................. . now. ... to ....... _.. dtepaeltloa .. .. II •SJ loftble. "AD lhe aeeda II 10me lo•e." , known. But Chipman pointa out that they are also intelligent, efficient, tireless workers who live longer, eat less, work more and stay healthier than horaes. The crusty fanner is saddened somewhat by the fact that he is one of the few big mule breeders left In the country. Most people, he aigha, don't even know what a mule is or how you go about getting one. "It'• really pretty simple," he says, looklns over the stock on hls 720-acre farm just a short buggy ride from the home in whkh Mark Twain was born. "You take a jack.all like that one over there and put it with a Be lgian mare (a large draft h0r9e) like that one avtt there. What you get is a damned good mule." Mules, a hybrid era. between a horse and a donkey, cannot reproduce them1elves. "Of ooune, juat u with hones o.r even men, once in a while you get an outlaw and you'd best get rid of him," he ta)'I, eyeing one. "It happena even ln the best of families." Although the animal Chipman polnta out baa a tt,pUtatlon for beinc a trifie mean at times. It hu earned the ~·• respect because of lta 1tamlna. "I walk a wtde path around that dan1ed animal," he aayt, "bean.-he •ta a little roWcky around breedinl tlme. He'll breed an awnae of two mares a day durtn8 June. And eorne in Ma end !"ul ... ;JOit of t~e mules Chipman bnedl 110W an for thaw, even ~ nne 10 to outfita that me i'he 1Ure-footed anlmala • pack or rldln1 mul•• In lnOUfttainaw country. Around U25l. th• mule po~don ln the unllld State ~ It about 0.8 million. But tMlt numben dwindled ~Y • tnc1an, bulldoan and other mechanized equipment came aJonc, Now no mon thin 1 few thouland mule colta an pl'OdUClld tmh'JWI. "Thln_11 have ch~ed," ._. Chipman .... , to be tM1 I aauld Ill in a~ with 1 .. am of mul" and a t l .10 pttllMortl. Now a man b11 w ID aut and .w out ••oo.eoe ,. a CUID1161w." Orange County memben of the All-American Boys Chorus include (top row, from lelt) Rafael Orozco, Michael Raguse and Scott Medlin, and (loreground, lrom left) Chris H erink, Tony Reed, and John O'Campo. Boys chorus· seeks singers Auditions for new m embers of the All- American Boys Chorus, an ongoing organization for Southern California youths, are being conducted this month and in November. Fourth and fifth grade boys who want to audition are to call (714) 533-7600 to arran~e an · appointment. The audition is a simple musical 'ear" test. Prior musical training or singing experience is not necessary. Boys passing the "ear " test will join the Chorus' Audition Division and will begin rehearsals and voice instructions in early January. The chorus is a non-profit organization open to boys of all race, faiths. creeds. nationalities and ethnic origins. There is no tuition or fee charged to members or their families. "California's touring boys chorus," has made eight highly successful, International concert tours: two month-long tours through Europe took the boys to Germany, Austria, Swiuerland, and Italy; and six tours throughout western Canada have seen the boys perform at the Edmonton "Klondike Days" for a 10-day run, al the Red Deer Exposition for five days, and in the cities of Victoria, Vancouver, Penticton and CalaarY. The 1982 summer tour Included a aeries of concerts on the island of Vancouver. performing to •tandina ovations at the Chateau Lake Loui8e, the Juper Parle Lodge. and the Banff Sprino Hotel, as well as community concerts ln ~ l:a.lifornia. 1n 13 years the chorua hu evolved into a reapec1ed and .cimired lnfiitution. The Anaheim Visitor and Convmtion Bureau touta the boys aa ita "Official Goodwill Ambassadors." ln June the group perfonned with Tennessee Ernie Ford and Della Reese at the Southern California Exposition in Del Mar. Among the man y accomplishments of its members are: Two boys performed in Los Angeles with the New York Opera as members of boys' choruses; another performed at Sebastian's Dinner Playhouse in Anaheim in "The Sound of Music"; a member performed for two years at the Shubert Theater in Los Ange les in the production of "Evita;" 12 members have auditioned for and won roles in musical productions in different localities in the area; one graduat.e has appeared in a number of dramatic roles In national television presentations; a member was a soloist with the Irvine Mas~r Chorale in a televised production in San Diego. The All-American Boys Chorus was founded in March of 1970 by the Rev. Richard Coughlin as a parish project at St. Anthony Claret School in Anaheim. Two years later Coughlin was transferred to a parish In Costa Mesa a nd while there h e incorporated the .chONS into a non-profit entity and opened its memberahip to boys of all races and faiths. The chorus is a private organization and is not funded or spon10red by any church, school, company, or civic body. The organization is h eadquartered at the Orange County Fairgrounds ln Co.ta Mesa, and perform. an average of four to ~Cht concerts per month. Aa1wen appear (•pslde Hw•) beaealll q•b world scope (10,........, ...................... COffeGtfr) 1 The pwernment of .. 1 .. 1nnounc.d plans 'to re...n hi IOYeNlt"'Y owr Hons Kon9. lfltaln'• i.... on molt of thet colony's t.,rltory expires In 1997. a-Chine b-J1p1n C· ~lend 2 On Octobef 4, 1957 -2S yeen 110 -the Soviet Union launched the flnt man-made llltelllte Into cwblt end took the lad In the "specie rece." The tiny Mtelllte became known to the world by Its llUMlan name, .• 1 •• J Thh year, fOf the flM time In nearly two deadet, the nadonwtde ICIOrft on S<holntk: Apdtude T-. taken by hlsh school Mnlon ..,. (CHOOSE ONE: his'*, lower) th.n the pN¥tous ,... . 4 The Contumer PnC9 Inda roee onty .l l*C*'• In Aususc, brlntlnt the annual rate of lnfledon In 1912 to .. 1 •• percent, the lowesc In ..wralyun. a-t.2 b-5.1 c-2.1 5 DefenM Secrebry .. 1.. Mid thefe WIS evidence to augest that the Soviet Union h Utint .a.we lebor to bultd Its n1tur1l ps plpetlne from 5'beril to W.-m Europe. Cto ,_...., ,_ _........, .. ...,....."' ... -> At the lenlee leadef of the "New lll9ht," I ,_,,1y failed to per• tuade Coner-to "IP" port .. _ ... '!Ion eplnlt abordoft end buMnt and In ""' of ldlOOI ,,., • Who lftl I, end wNc:h ..... ,,. ...... , ~ ...... ... • news picture (10 ........ ",... ............... oorredtr) Amin Cemlyet, c:encer, was lneUl"rated as the fourteenth PreUdent of Lebanon Just houn befON members of the mulclnattonel peecetteep1,. fOfce wu scheduled to 1ntw there . Hew• named to replem hh (CHOOSE ONE: fether, brother), Bashir Gemeyel, the president-eted wt,o WH UWIHlNted only I week before he wu to take office. paoplBWald1/spar 1lgl1t~ ,l (I,..._ tor._...,_..,. 1n1•ered comicttrl 1 At the United Nltlons C.nerel Aaaembly bet•n It• 17th tellion, lmre Hoflal of (CHOOSE ONE: Hunpry, Italy) wu twOtn In •• Its new ,,..!dent. · 2 Comedian .. L, who w.. bom In London 79 yun qo, mumed there to dedlclte • new theeter that be1n his name. a-Gecqe lurns b-lob Hope c-Mlhon 1e;1e J New York City Mayor •• 1 •• !oat the first election of his polltlcel , earwr eo ,.... Le. GoYernor Mlrlo Cuomo who won the · Democntk prtnwy fot the subemetOflal rece. • When the Nfl went on eulu, INl'IY Amerlclm t\lmed to the • " OL for fooebal action. Canedlan tootben teema ~ • (CHOOSE ONI: 10, 12) playen Instead of the 11 on U.S. teams. I With 111 NCllftt vktory O¥tr Nonhem llllnolt Unl\'enlty, the. (CHOOll ONI: Unhenlty of Chfc.lto, Northwe11em Untwef· Nty, .......... bfolle "' )t.pme '°""' ...... -.... ~ ...... llt'tnl of..._~ I mefOf coflete In NCAA hhtOI¥· • . ~ I • } • ! i t l ' Tiii f~!llL''. Cl•Cl'I "lut four in the morning i5n't the mic:tcfle of the . night ... ' • I : ~.~\R~ . .\Dl'Kt: by Brad Anderson C1eu"""""'''""''...-.'" .,.· litl "Would you mind If I made the bed now?" 11.:DGE PARKER VOUR LITTLE FRIENC:> HEAE ~ UlltAINLY CUTE, GiN\FIELD 10-9 MOO~ Mt:LUN8 WHO INTRODUCED )OO TO MAMIE, tJNCL.~ WIL.LI~? Wt:...JUSTM~T, KAYO !. I C,AN1T BL..AMt AN'Y'oN~. ACROSS •5 Paued Oii FM>A rs •7 Feeling ll'UZZl.l IOLVID I Large bird 51 Cacophonies I Blbllcal 52 Mutinied rt91on 54 Glorifiet 10 Unferrnented 58 Winghllle ~ 5t Pltcfl« 14 Lergecendle 11 B~•M 15 linger 12 Carry 11 JoSlp Broz 13 GIUI PtOPll ~Hitititi 17 Dey'• marctl 14 F1b(lc ti ltaillan can 15 Slnglll It Prepolfflon M Glided 20 Plgtorl Sp 17 catda nHo1une 2• SY9!11 DOWN HWlll)Ont 27 HoOtMet I P• 31 Glnln 2F •rtwlll U ~ 3 Ofl\'I 25 PIClly ~2 llbOt Httold -• Aetl8'tolled 27 ,. •3 Gentllll ~ Perfume 5 USSA rwrt 21 l<lel up -•• Werlllout11 belt I TOOi •I Wlltt l>Ody JS k•lt 7 lnfotd 29 Swing •7 MuM ol • ..... , I Puoleelrtd erouncl l)Otlry • °"""" • Holfl • 90ll 30 lmOf... •• Fr1MI .. ..... 2 worClt 3' On "" IPOt 49 Aoundftfl •t ...... llllep 10 T19ftl 35 lnMCI 50 Post ..,. Mrtl 11 llMul M M9•tory i3 Helf Prtfl• ...... ft!Cl· 12 Moulfl "°"'" 55 ~ NIN 13 TMIC*t· 37 Tert H f.,,11 .. Ctn ·U 5 21Aepitt 3t Mltblft 57 OOMrvts UNI H CfYIOll mote ~ 511~ 2 woro• eo lltmo¥t I l i 1 r f by Vlrgll Partch (VIP) IO•f .,,(, 11rt think I've got one of lho1e 1pUttrng heldach11." DE~~IS THE "EN ACE Hank Ketchum :~ 8 10 -~ ~l Im '1Q.J'RE NOTGETTIN' SEE·~WSICJ< A~N,JoEY' STON\P.' 510,,,P! 5TOMP! by Harold Le Doux 00 YOU FIND HIM. OW'l.EV' WE CAN'T 5TAND TO HAVE NO &IG ~5 IN THE OP.6ANIZATION • """t'T r by Jim Davis LITTL£ FRIE.NO OA NOT,THEA£'S SOMETMINCt TO eE. ~·o FOA TMf OIPLOMATIC. "EMOVAL OF COMPETITION by Ferd & Tom Johnson YOUR DUMB QO~T/ON · 7 PUNl:TI by Ch1rlt1 M. Schulz -------.... WE'RE NOT MOVING ... SHOE WHAi ARE Wf 601~ 10 NANCY, I DON1T MIND IF YOU SOMETIMES SWEEP DUST UNDER THE RUG --- o<T • ()-~·-....-- 00 IF W€ CAN'1 HAN(, FR.OM 1HE 1RE.E fWRM()f(E. ~ 1Hf5 SAME 'rnfNG HAPPENED lb M(,),IJNCLE LASf FALL AND HE WENT INIO WRr'flN ! I W0N0E.R liMA'f f'41~ ~"4 ~IM~~. Mtf~ ~--·~~1A'4 IN eto! 'it.Ir.IN DL8"0CK YOUR Yl"f AL- SIGNS L.OOK veRY eooP. MRS. Fl!RN/ 10- 6 I J J i by Jeff MacNelly by Ernie Bushm1 ller BUT THIS 15 RIDICULOUS YEAH , SOME KID PIO::ED HIM uP AND .STUU< HIM BE1WEEN fHE PA6Eo OF A BOOK ! by Kevin Fagan I '• I • ~ . -{j;J ~ 'fHINK ~'M GOIN<& 1"0 SCRl!AM! I ---------------------------------·-------~------....,:O:r:1n~g:•~C~o:••:t.!D!:A~ILY PILOT/Saturday, Oc:tober 0, 1082 \ I Grandstanding Every time one of their heroes crossed the plate a s Doug DeCinces did on a sacrifice , fly by Bob Boone, Angel fans celebrated wildly. Parts of the ritual Wednesday nig ht were blowing horns, giving roses to Reggie Jackson, getting the autograph of former manager Jim Fregosi who threw out the lint ball and mobbing Bruce Kieon aa he came off the mound afte r 4-2 victory. The Milwaukee ·Brewers turned the home field advantage into a win Friday afternoon, but Angel fans remain confident they will be watching the World Serie. at the Big A. .. ••• ••• Orange OoHt DAILY PILOT/Saturday, October 8, 1912 Hor~or r()le no natural • By IOB THOMAS I lO LL. VWOOD (AP) For o woman who ltJ no t terribly fond of 1ca ry movl •1, Adrienne Barbeau c.'Crtalnly g<'lli her'M!lf lnvulvcd In them. Her hu1band ond bualn~a partner 11 J ohn Carpenter, who mad u "1?'" -tingling debut u a director with "tlullow..,>cn and rea!ntlv provided the second visi t of "The Thing/' Barbeau has appeared In two of hla films: "The Fog" and "Elca pe Crom New Vurk." . "I'm really no big fan of scary movies," ahe admitted. "I've only isecn 'Halloween' once, and John had to d rag me to 'Night of the Livi ng Dead'." Now she is one of the stars In W a rner Bro the rs' n e w release, ''C reeps h ow ." It's a collaboration or lWO maste rs of the macabre: George Romero. director of "Night of the Living Dead." and Stephen King, the a)i\azingly prolific author of best-selling thrillers. "Carrie," "Sale m 's L o t " and "The S hining" are among his books IAMUU made into films. "Cr eeps how" evolved from King's early fascination with horror comk books of the 1950s. He provided fi ve stories. and Romero gave it a comic book style. · "He decided nol to move the camera, to make the scenes look hke pane ls in a ~omic book," Barbeau said. "He even used 'cut-outs' for the same look, though he d idn't go as far us the 'Barns!' and 'Pows!' of the 'Batman' TV series." The ca s t includes L eslie Nielsen. V1veca Lindfors, E.G . Marsha ll, Carrie Nye and Fritz . Weaver. In the longt'Sl segment. Hal Holbrook is a henpecked husband am ung to dispose of his wife. played by Adrienne Barbeau. "She's a real bit.ch," the actress said, "and I told George, 'I'm not sure I can do this.' He told me I should play her like EJizabeth Taylor in 'Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?' She was supposed to be drunk -and I don 't drink -and loud, which I'm ;10t. So I was even more doubtful. "Finally, I realized that George was looking for a stylized performance. and then I w.as able to deal with it.'' Filming took place in a defunct boys' academy near Pittsburgh, which has been Romero's base of operations. "l was exf)C(:ling Pittsburgh to be an u~lv. smoke-filled stee l city," the darkly beautiful Barbeau said. "But It's a clea n, beautiful city, surrounded by green hills." She saw "Crcepshow" at a recent preview and generally enjoyed it, though not the final segment which stars E.G. Marshall and a few thousand C()('kroaches. THIS HOLIDAY ONE GREAT DISCOVERY DESERVES ANOTHERI " llllAAM)Ulff ftC'nlllll 0. ~ . ...,..... ................. ,...,...~ . ................ ! ----11th SMASH WEEK . ...... ,IUO E.dw•Os Voeio f..., 830 6990 ..,.., llAQI ..._ WUT-Tta ~Os NewpOfl C.-Onedonle Edw•Os eir-West 644 0760 634 2SS3 191 393S ., ____ _ "TM movit ltllps to some strantt. battered victory on lhe fortt of this suptrcharged, da.uklllly American performanct by Jon Voight." -J«I. ..... F.IHlf U~ Balmy afternoon · Don Parkin, a horn playe r in Chicago, took to the shores of Lake Michigan to do some practicing on a balmy afternoon'V ~this week in the Windy City. The ·sky.line looms placidly in the background. PERSONAL PROFILE INVENTORY SZ0 ~:c ..... •o -.,. • tN t t A.Mo eveJI f tallt'I 'fOUI ,,_ .. irl P-tv• P•-' lwn 0.Yeloe>me<11 Fot ptln le O• QIOVP AOC> I Rl'°"9 Mii Aoc:r>e Befla•Q • ~.,,., --He""'°'I BMcl> (714)' 840-1281 _ _.. __ .._. MOVIE RATINGS FOR PARENTS AND YOUNG PEOPLE THE LAST AMERICAN VIRGIN r:'1 Al•• Sfl0Wlt1t u:r Ultle o.trtlt1t1 Cit! Ed, Group off to good start Only 1av n di hard trlvladdlcta anawt-rtld th bell for thct openlns round of T rivia Bowl XXVIll thla wl'Clk, leavlnl aerlou1 doubt that thcrl''ll be a Trivia Bowl X lX unlcu lnwre1l pick • up dru tkally. Otifendlna c.:hamplon F.d Schll'\tirler brokt• tJut In front w ith o perfect K'Or(.'(;ard, but 1han>d WP honora with Thl' O roup, which ullo proved tlawlcu In the lnhl•I oullni. For thOIC lntcrcttcd but Inactive metmooni or the KJaatu Barada Nlkto Society, there'll be a trivia 1 The Group 1111 EO Schmer tr ( 1 ll 2. Sllalom t 101 The S.hr FIOlt (10) II 11 10 10 3 011er the Hitt Ot ng (7) 7 .c Clatt"" Ct9'>tllddle (71 7 5 Riek warner (3) 3 party Oct. 29 lo h e lp celebrate the ninth anniversary of the c'Olumn. Marty Fuchs ls hosting it al h is home In Wet1tmlnster and those Interested should ring hlB chime at 893-0!H I. On to the second round .with the hope more trlvophiles will hop on the bandwagon . l. Leonard Hucker couldn't hack it with a name Uke that, so he became known as whom? 2. An establishment called Montonl'a Plu.a is a part of what <.'Omlc strip? 3. On TV, where was the "land o( both shadow and substance?" 4. Name the fi rst American ship to fire a shot at the Japanese at Pearl Harbor. ~ 5. ln "The King and I," what was the king's actual name? · 6. CompleCe the lyric, and title, to this novelty song: "I put a nlckt-1 in the slot and all I eve r got was ..... 7. Reggie Jackson may be Mr. October, but he's only seventh among act.Ive players in postseason batting average. Who'!$ first? 8. Tessie Tura does her thing In what st.age musical? ' • 9. In the movie "Cfhe L·egend or the Lone Ranger," what was (a) the masked man's original occupation and (b) Butch Cavendish 's real first name? ~ 10. The new guy arrived ready to blow fals own ....... l\f .. ........ " l OQI 1 .... .., S-• 111eo6 ~·· ~o coau •SA fOUllTA .. taun ,.,.. .. .,, 111...... '"""" , ... ~40 IU4 162 1241 COSTA •tato-11.nC<nonw C4Wlleo 979 4141 -..-1..-n -Vally V-VIia PM• 1- 114 SJJI Ut 0066 lllY• lo"""" WUT-lllll W-dOfC-P.icdoe•ttiW•1390.""' ~~1 06~S ttt Uts (OO•AM<IOCC:l•flOJGet_I __ ] s ~-NOW PLAYING ~~~ ... ... -· .. ""'" ~ --... ~1t U>t C-0 Ut 06~~ AITA..... ---l-• 0.-0 c-l ... _ ..... _ ::.:.~~·:... ::r.~ U •_T_C.. ..... n1 41« c.-u • au a,_ u._ ~·~·\Ito .............. ............. .............. .... I _._ ... .... ...... , .... .. ___ ,, .... -si-o. ..... ., .. ,, • WUT-TI• l'acCtlt•"l'Jt OIM ll\ H l l6U Excl1Uioe Entaiement NOW SHOWING UA CINlllA COSTA MF.SA • 714 /540-0594 1111re ••I •t tt ltN W•M 1J • • 2 •• 4 JD •••• IJDa lOJD I'll 1;• "' ·.I • · 1• ., ' Ei"~::i-3 TRIVIA BY T.T. horn, but he• w1.111 11 ~uy w ho'll 111th1•1 1>Wttd1 th n flUh t, llO ht· found 111111.,.•ll 111 u tr op 1.1l llw c•nd of what movit•'! l.111 Wt!t k'• An11wen l Omur S hurll (mmw {0h11n~W) ~ lfOnk1 (0udlt•y'K Ktt'fo<l) :3. Gtn·Gtn (Jt•1.mnit•'11 do") 4. Sa<.'rl'tl Cow (Jm .'lldl•ntiul u1rplant') 6. Bluzer (Jr•·k Ewing's hortK·) 6. "Bluz1 ng Soddlos" and "JI 111t11r y o f th e World, Purl I" (I lurvl•y Kormun'11 num<'ti ) 7. J immy the Grl't'k (Dlmllrlos Synodm<.HJ) 8. "Plaza Sulk " (Mirruwy H ubley) 9. (u) Donald Dur k, (h) Lltwrty &·II K illt'r ("Blow Out") • 10. "Sham"' (mtrvw rtddll•) . (Send your answers w TU/VIA. d rJ the· Daily Pilot, Box 1560, C06tn Mc•sa .'12fiW All t!llll'lf'S must _be r e<·elve<J....by Wedm•sdL1y , oth N Wli>t• hnlf the player 's last 8'.'ore will b<• uwunlc.'Cl.) Dog story real shaggy HOLL YWOOO (AP) -This is a shaggy dog story. Leo is a canine a<·tor who pla ys J ack, the one-eyed dog. m the· new ABC SCflL'S "Tales of the Gold Monkey." The li ttle tcrrn:r. who frequen tly wears an eyepaL«;·h .in the show . has playc.od the <'amp dog in "M-A -S -H." and has bl.'en 1n su<·h movies as "Nk kelodeon," "Helter Skeltt>r," and "Omen ll." Leo has a c.:omplC'tt· biogruphy 1ncludl·d In the "Gold Monkey" pn.>ss ktt, lhankl> to ABC publicist Rosalind J arrett. She writ.es with a straight fate about his "one brown eye," penchant for barking at the postman, and o the r bach elor activ ities. *BARGAIN MATINl!l!S • Mont11y tftru S1turday All PerlOfmencH before S.00 PM (Eaa,I s..-fltfl .. IMMI 11141 HOWlysJ A .... 6il A [ A ... A l O M1,odo 01 l ote cro nt LA MIRADA WALK IN 994·2400 "l.OOKIN' TOUT OUTI""" , ........... LAKEWOOD C ENTER WAlk IN ..... noYO: THI WALL" "" 1t:al, t:al, .......... - .... YU. • N'tOll ••• TOGSnml ,.._. ... ------ lAICfWOOO conn SOUTH ..... ,,. -el.AHO. , ... 1111 I ---"l!SCAl'I 'llOlll ... YOM" 1"1 --- loc u11y 01 Co .-O•••OOCI 21l/531·9HO •T'fWelT'" '"' ---"""' , • .,OfWTI ftAll"' --- ~L()ot(IN' TO GIT OUTr' 1111 .-.---- rAClf IC TllU HIS DlllY( .-SWAf lllU S llWI"' fMt MU -lft• IMC IOY Al MMllll lll!M.--llAllH.ll VO 04'1Yf·lll I OIM!Gf llalVl·IN . ... ,.,,.. ... ~...-, •. -·~-·· ·· _ .. .,_ . . ..... A NAHEIM u11 1vt 1111 _ .... _ .. ~ .... HGI ID'll•Oll -,....'°r ... a. .. _ , •"•" a •• BUENA PAPI( '""' '"' -----llMOJO . . . LINCOLN (\~'1\i l IN .... f<ll1NTAIN VALLEY I 'I/, \I( IN "Cl.AllOf _ ... , -"CICAN l'tlOll ... vOM•,,., "l!.T., .,., THE UTitA-TWMEITNAL" -"OflAOOMelAYUt"- -... ICAN PtlOM lllW YOM" - Ct!Ol lt---.ot• .... So DI J """"°'°""-ltl·HH ~--•MmnftU• nll~llll ._.'" .... r1111 CIM·ll---.:a:r,.. .. MT,...Af •II 17 ..... W _,. I ~ ~ i'. H .. 'i • ... '1111C"411D NIYCMI LMI Oii '"" ~ .:="" .., ............. •-c-.. __ , George Segal is moonlighting whil~ in New York 'City to (ilm a television µ-ioyie, Vfracking the Goodba r K iller .' He pla'ys banjo and sings each Monday n ight at the Upstairs Cabare t. "'The Chosen' ... One~!~~~!~~' Roger Ebert. CHICAGO SUN-TIMES ' - Oout DAILY PILOT/8aturqa • Oo1ob« 9, 1982 ••• -'Pond' survives year tJf-tourist Tranquility intact despite visitors from ·&~ound the world By DAVID WYSOCKI HOLDERNESS, N.H. (A.P) On "Colden Pond," the leave. have tumed yellow, th brCl'Zl'll Url' <.'OOltlr and the natlVOI lli•ln murrnur words of contentment. And nu wonder -their hake hu aurvivcd ita year ot th11 tourist. Despite o summer of publicity lnaplred by the Academy Award-nominated picture, "On Golden Pond," the tranquility of the lake treasure d by Norman and Ethel Thayer Is intact, reaJdenta aay. The ponJ Is actually l:iquam Lake, In central New Hampshire about ~O rnUea north of Concord. ll was the 1eene for the filming o! the movie starring Katharine Hepburn and •Henry Fonda as the fictional Thayera. Fonda, who died Aus. 12, and Mi11 Hepburn won Oscars for best actor and best actress for their performancei1. The film with the cranky profe.ar and the 'S talwart wife prompted people from around the world to search for their own glimpse o! paradise. Many came to New Hampshire. "They have been from England, Australia, Japan and all over the country," aaid Sam • Murdough, owner of the Squam Boata marina, where the Thayers bought pa for their boat in the film. ''l never would have bcllevt.'CI that so many people would come so Car just to see the place where a movie waa !limed." 'fhe hubbub wu at ha hel1ht lut 1prtng. auld Malc.'Olm Taylor, prHldent of Squam 1,.ok("t Ataoclatlon •• horn.owners aroup. "I thou"ht that In trylna to 11otlfy the lake, we ml«ht d«.>1troy lt,"~he aaJd. ''There was a ru•h of lnqulrlea and publicity - everyone wu payln1 attention. There were more people pokln1 ln and out of covf.ll and Inlets tryin1 to find Ethel and Norman Thoyer'• cabin." With the summer cottqet now boarded up, the boat• back In 1tora11e and the warm-weather realdenta gone, Taylor and othera uld the overall Impact hu been for the better. "&metlmes It lakes outaiders comlna In to senalllze you to your area," he uJd', Local realdenta who normally Just drive by now "go out there and 1ee the loona and rainbows and mountains." The Loon Pretervatlon Society Wied the movie'• notoriety to help raise money. One new1papcr, the Providence R.I. Journal, turned a "Golden Pond" story into an artk le on acid rain, which threatens waterways throushout New Enaland. lnq\Jiries about buying a ptece of the pond were up, real estate asenta said; but buainess generally was normal. • "Nothing haa changed, basically because the people around here don't want it to change -and It won't," said Agent Nancy Ruhm. "The lakes up here ... are a private POLTERGEIST.!! ....... IAT,.._ ..... •~ot~-........ -IAT,.._ ........ N8PIJT IMAGI" ....... ..., ....... .., ,,_ ""'Y" , ......... "', ..., ........... ... ore. and pt'Opl~ don 't rellnqul•h their p~rty once they have It " Tho Carl Abcar ramlJy gavt• tolU'I on \M "Golden Pond Cruiser ," whlch they rcmamed after taklna Fonda fl1h lna while he wu rnaklna the movie. Patricia Abcar aald abou\ 4~0 people toured the lake for •a or •e aplero,·dependlng on the lenath of the ride. ''A lot of them were disappointed that we wouldn't let them Into \he t.'Ottagc (where molt of the movie took place), but we dJd pOlnt ll out when we went by," ahc said. Now the pe6pl<' on G olden Pond art hoplnai the public Infatuation with the la~ will fade away by sprlns. • "They have a winter to get over it," Taylor said. ", .. And with a aood. severe winter, attention will turn to other things." : 'Night on town'. HOLLYWOOD (AP) -There's a new' theate r where you can take the little woman out !or a night on the town and - uh, well. uh, watch television. It's called Screen One In Hollywood, and' ypu rent a videocassette of a movie and a big-sct een viewing room that aeal.J eight people. You can select a recent film or a sentimental favorite from the past. Not only can you watch In comfort, but there's a deli down the street and they deliver. l'll.'111,-IAT/IUM. ... .... ~- ET. ,.. 111lT1lA· 'l'UaunuAL ...... .,, .. .. IATllUM.1 ... .. .... , .. .. (N) , -.. \ 11 KIM\ MO-...o lj)O. MOVIE • "~aee Girl" ( tO•OI Ann Sav-o-. Alan «<ir111 I:,. (l) 9088Y VINTON • Bobby Vinton performt eome ot 1111 biQoeet 11111, including "Slut ()fl Blue" end "Red FION4 FOi A Blue Lady," lrom Ill• Sllldt Hotel In Lii Vegas 5:»9 SPEAKOVT (Q)MOVMI! • • "The Night The Llglltl Went Out In Gaotgla" (IN 11 KrllfY MCNl<:llol MM< Hamill A brOIMf • end·INler M>nil"'rlllng duo nave many 1dven1urH white trylnO 10 ef(e out a N~ng on the country-well· em clrcull 'PG' 1:40 C8) NQT NECESSAFllL Y THENEW& Comedy 1ketet1e1 combine wjtll cl .. lic film Ind ,_. 10011119 In an ollb .. 1 Utlrlc llke-<>11 1:00. CAPTAIN ICAHGA.AOO I IEAENDIPITY THHTAU< "Sibling FllY1lry" I 0000 DAY L.A. IATUAOAY ~GRAPEVINE I "'8UC AFFAIRS NfWSMAXERS AFI aHOWCA.8E MOVIE • * "The Great Trlln FIOb· bery" ( 10701 Sean Con· n«y. Donald Su111eftand Two •KP«! 1Ufn·ol·1"41- oentury con 1t11t11 111emp1 to PYll off Ille -mlngly tmpoull>le robbery Of • locked Nie ll>oard a IUI· =1moV#=::~~'71' PACaETT'EAS OAO'MHO YfARS VOYl4E IEl.&IE>IT AAY NEWS VOCE OF AGNCULTVAE I rra YOUR BUSIHESS NEWS • MOVIE * * * "Tom Sawyer" ( 10731 Johnny Whilal\et. Celeste Holm Based on Mn Tw.in·1 novel A boy wllO Uva near the Ml~· llPc>I Rivet find• It lmpoatl- l>le to atay out of trout> ... eepeclalty wheo he 1901 llong wlth his buddy Huck Ann. ·a· tl5 r=:YEAR ... 1033 * * "My Champion" {1181) Yoko Stilmada. Chtl1 Mltcnum Tile true tlOty of 119mall ~ tunning Champion II tOld , .• ~ TMIHOUSE • QI THt'. FUHTSTOHE li~TH LATIHTEMPO F1AST PERSON YOGA FOft HEAL TH ~TIOHAL HOUR .MOVIE * * "11 Rained A» Night The Day I Lett" Tony Cunis, Lou Gouell SOI· d!IW• or IOt'lune •tumble upon the "--' empire of a WMlttly women. T:IO I CARTOONS QI THE SHIRT TALES DR.IHUOGlD 9 PAC-MAH/ UTTI..l M8C4l.I / NQllM:tf I 04Y!Y IMO QOOATH TWICE A WOMAN CONTtMPORARY HfALTHUUO (H)TEDOV ~ ... CONCERT Vldeoleped al London'a Odeon Hell. thil perlorm- -b)' one of '°"''' t>I0--08" euperetere tNlur• "*" of his hits. l ~HALF~Y l:OO 8 IMUAFS MOVIE * • "Boote And Sllddlel" ( 19371 ~ Autry Judllll Allen. A young Mf1 d«ldel to lceep the ranc;h he ~ lnhett•ld. lnalaed of Mlllng It. l ~Jf.AHHIE IATUAOAY MON•.a GMPEV1NE • AMENCAN SHORT iC:IOOGY • •,,.. "Jonethan LMno•· ton Seegull" (11731 Volcet of J-Frenc:AICut, Julle1 ..... A IMQUll'I l)Uftult Of pertectlon 1M01 lllm 10 a r..::---·o· ··~ "An>-Which w.., You C#I" ( INO} Cltnt r..e.ood. Sonclr• l.OClll• ....,,. ... ttlnO OOwn wfth ,... gll'I end p.t orervutan. • blre-tlated fighter llgfl8 up tor -IMt. lucfat1¥1 ll!Mdl. ''°' .... O PAC-MAN Wko, WILD WOMJ> 1= WllBClf Ric•urclo Montulban rctur~s 10 h i~ familiar role a s head· ... of ul-'antasy I land" in the st•n on premiere of the s.-ri(•S tonight at J 0 o n KAH(~, ~hai1nel 7. (I) 8008 80HNY I ROAD RUNNER (C)MOVIE * *"' "Adams Woman' ( 19721 a.au Bri(JQea. John M1lt1 A wrongly lmprta- Oned sailor a11emp1s 10 win h11 releaM by marrying an 1nliuentlel wom•n IH)MbVIE • * ·~ "Contrecl Ori Cllttf.· ry Street" I 19771 Frank Sinatra, Vttfna Bloom A policeman dlYIHf an unortll<><IO• plan lor brlng· ~~ crlmlnlls to juatk;e (JJ WE'LL BE RIGHT BACK AYetY Schreiber and Chm> Una flfrltl hOll I look 11 rv·a moat memorable commafclata from Ille l>k1h of lhe "*k.lm to the Pfal· ant day t:OO I LEA~ ::VEA 0 MOM Y / LAVEAHE a IHIAl.EY CJ TUNTAU< "F1th«'1 And Son•" -~ MP088*.E I ~TAHOL.EY llKI BLUE MAR8LE FOCUS OH SOCt£TY MOVIE * '°' "Blue Fire lady" ( t078) ca111ryn Harrison, Marll Hol<Jen A young glf1 1r1es 10 UYe 1 ca.ntel(arous horM from being SOid 10 a work term t:2t fl D BASEBALL AmarlCen Leaoua p11yolt g1rne • Calllornll Angell a1 llllllwaukee Br-• 1;30 8 Cl) NCAA FOOTBALL Penn S1111 al Alabem1 a a THE GARY _, CO\.EMAH SHOW I OZZIE AHO HAAAIET WILD, WILD WEST to:«> a a IHCAEDl8LE HULK I AMAZING 8PtOE.R-MAH • 8IX MIU.JOH DOU.AA MAH I 909JONO THl8 Ol.O HOUSE Bob VIia and Norm Abram l•k• e tour ol the newly renovated hOuM IR)Q ., E1..ECTlOH '82 O)MOVIE * *'it · Bear llland · ( t9801 Donald S<ll'-'lww:I, V•nes- sa AeclgraYtl An Arctic: .. elh9f-r-c:tl INm'a mem1>8'1 ara loroao Into a light IOt their YfKY IUM'vll ·po· (l)MOYWE * *~ Any Which Wey You Can" ( 10801 Clint ENIWOOd, Sondra Loc:ke BefOfa aeltllng down With hit girt end pet orangutan. a baf•lie1eo 1ion1., t1gn11 up for one latt. IUQralive match 'PG' {l)MOVlE •• * "Body ....... ( 1981) Wiiiiam Hun. KathlMn T urnet A amellttme Florida lawyer It~ by hit IOYer to murder n.. hua- 12!.nd. 'Fl' 1<>:30 a MOVIE * * "Cattle Empire" ( 11158) Joel Mc:Craa. Gloria Tall>Otl A hated can .. t>ou Mell• to d~ CfOU the men wtlo 9«11 nin1 to jlll. • THI LEGEHO OF KJNGMTHUA M8'11n prophnlel that Arthur' wit be Ille lung of England, In hit m.d·l88'1S, Arthur prcwet hi• claom to tile throne by pulWng tile tneglC IWOl'd lrOf'll the e1one (Pan 1 of 8) • 8QUAAE FOOT GAADE:HIHO (C)MOVIE •** "Al~I" (10801 Floblft Haya. Julia Hager. ly. Al11f an alrllnet'1 cr- llllt to food polaonlng. 1 rter\IOUI former war pltot It preaMd Into aeMcl' end muat COflland '°"th on- l>oerd hys1ert1. • Mcrettve control tower and c:flche- 1~ tnemot1es. ·pa· .MOYIE . * • • "Ar1hur" (1118 11 Dudley Moore. Uu Mtn- ntlll Whl.. hi• l1mlly attempt• to forc:e him Into • pte-WTMged manllge. • °""*'"· hldonlltle play· boy hill In IOY9 wtt11 • poor -Wing olrt· 'PG' 11• 1 GITHI JETION9 AlimlCA'8 TOP TEH 9 WRJ<INO 8"QAL "Mlee SwttCfl To The Ree• cue•• A ~ °"' Mrldatwo~on1 lantMtlc joum9r to the 17th century (Par1 ti (Fl) i SOUL TRAIN MOVIE * *"' "Boeing. Boeing" (1oe5) Tony Curtla. Je<ry Lewla • MICROWAYI:. COOKERY QI!) O..awtHG YE.AAS 11:)() a a FLASH OON>OH i ORANDPFllXOfAU· STAM Hlgll 8CllOOI eth .. 111 IOd top celabf lllM compete lor lat>uloue prlz" al tha Grand Prla All·Eltto• Sportl Canter In CalllC>tnla 8 0 AMINCAN aANOITANO • MAGIC CW OIL PAJHTINO llD OAO'MHO YEARS AFT£RHOOH 12:000 ATONE 0-1 Andre C.OUCll • =8TOOGE8 • ** "The Lall Wagon" ( tl5e) Flkllard WIOmarll, Faffoia Fan A condemned man ~ 10 tile reacue of wagon train IU{YIYOta followlng an Indian lltack .MOVIE "Tile Kid With The Golden Arm" I 1080) A Kung Fu expert lead• 1 group of ouuawa egaH11t a ll11ga i:'~~us ii OF EARTH AHO MAN "Amazonia: Balancing Man And Nature" Cit UTTU HOUSE OH THEPfWM (C)MOVIE * • • ~ "the Man Who WOUid 8e l(lng" (11175) Sean ~. MlchMI Caine B8Md on lhl stOtY by t'Ndyetct IQptine. TWO Btlllel't IOtdlera • out to c:lalln ,,,. r1chw end pow8' of • remote. legendary kingdom. 'PG' 8UaAIEA 80l.ITICE MOVIE * * "The Jaa Singer" (10801 Nell Olemond, !Au· renu OIM9r A New YOfk cantor bfMb wlth ltlrndy tradition and Mtt ou1 to find ~ ... pop mutlcatar 'PG' (JJ MOVIE • • * "TIMt Hunter" ( 1079) Sieve ~. EU Wal· lactl. Relpfl ''Papa'' Thor· aon '-<It a danger-tlfe .. • modem·dey bounty hunter 'PG' CZ)MOW ** "Going Apel" (111811 Tony Danza. Jetllcl Wal- .... Tlv• orangutane hold the putN tlrlnge to a SS- tnllllon lnllerllancll. 'PG' 12:30 8 dJ NCM fOOTllA&.L Cllllornla at Wlilhlngton GOF~ANOMAN "o-ta• The Ory World" D MOVIE * * • ~ "Hobaon'a ~" (19541 John Milla, Charte. l.auOllton A l>Ool· tnlker attlftlCIU lo retllln hla cheep IOUrOI ~ ..._ by pr-ting i. llwM ~from nwrytng t•B W NOMEMaNG u... -age of the "Joe. key Clutl Gold CUI>" '°' ,,.,...yew-old Thorough- bredl and up, from Bel· mont Parle In Elmont, N v 0 MOVIE • * '" "4·D Man" ( 105111 Robert Len1lng . Lae Merlwetper 8 THE MUNITEM • MOVIE ft** "The P•lema Garne" (1057) Dorie Dey, John Flalt1. • MONIYMAUM "How To ChooM A Flneti· c:tal "*"*" e OCEANUI: MANNI INVW.lllMDIT -~IMAA. .. 1'33 1:30 • ,_ TillOOft O'Aouru and Agarn helo PtnMnter etudy fOf pro- motion to metor. .f«NA "The Greet Vlolln Myt- t«y" Some fMOlnlflng IMl'nl>t• to uNoc* IN Meflt of ,,.,. IOUnd of the greet ltrldl\lerf ~· .,, rWNled.!"IO -~llMNNI UhROIMftr QI MARY m.8' M00M CZ>MOWE ~ ... --------------------------~~~----- • • • ... ''The Pied Piper'' (11721 DoncMin, OaMld PIHHAOt, In thl 1'°°9, a CHAllll. LISTINGS e IOOtT ICA~I 0 • ICHIC IN8CI 1 e ICTLA {11\0 l H .KAK IABCI c e i'flll.\I tC8SI Ct1 e 1CHJ rv 1tnd.l (!" e KCil IA8C) • • K T1V tllld I • •~ rv (tlld 1 • 'e •ctr ,,.., • e k<KI fP911 , On TV l iv HRO ICIMmll•I tW0"4l NY , N Y IV(Tf\~l IE~PNI IVIC>wllma1 $CIOtltOll1 ("'Olt N,w~ N11l_,lll ' ·---""° ,... to ... paid '°' rlddlftg • tOWI\ Of rodente ,_. ....... aoelnal the '°"" 1'11*• lly .... I .. tllllr oMldren, 1:00 ~ Gl..UCMN'l lllNIO A ollflld llon _,.,.. lft9' ............. °" .... ~. e eNZZL.Y~ • M0"4ll ••• ''TM .... "°"' ColOf.-O'' ( ,.., 0...... ,Ofd, wm... ........ A ~ ...... ..... ii. OI ._ O*edo T•· • rtlOfy 11 Udlatlo lo thoee Wflo !!PON nit h.,tllf!MI -~'"' llOOND CCNTUftY TMllwtlKIH ·~l QI 1r1 A MAnM Of' OHOtCI (ff)TIOOY NHOl.MMll 1H COHCl .. l VldllOl..,.0 11 lOfldon'• Od4lon •1111, thtt pertorm ~by one Of IOUl'1 big gtial tupertllll INIUfM many of 1111 11111 (Q)MOvtt • t •,,.. "P11191na" ( t9HI van Heflin. l!d ~ BtMCI Ot1 1 dtlffll by Rod ~ling A b\111""8 t)'COO'I gete eqhl Ill) In I hlOll· eoheton POW9t ••ruoo11 (l)MOVM! * *'A "ThrM 011)'1 Njml(j Mika .. ( 10& ll Jene Wyml!l. Van Johnaon. A pllo1. a 1>Y1lneaamen and • tclen· tl•t woo a pratly 1taw1td· -al the MrM tlrM 2:IO I 2 WITH YOU MOW! **IA "The l ady In Quee.. tlon" ( 1940) Glenn FOid. Fiii• Hayworth A juror raeponllbi. IOI I girl'• acqutttal attampta to reproeecut• h4lr wtlarl he I• o....come with jealouly • OIWOAN'l llLAHO Giiiigan 1no the Slclpppe< find I jet-pack lhll enables man 10 lly Uka l>trda e .IRELANO:A TELE}'ISIOH HllTOfn' "PHI And PreHnt'' Flob- arl KN concludn lhe leflaa with en examlntllon of today'• problem• u they relale to the pa1t. ID AMERICA: THE 8ECOHO CENTURY (I) WELCOME BAa<, KOTIE,. G•t>e and the sweath091 bec:orne locked In • 1omb wllh a mummy IOI the nigh! )'Yhen 1 hey go on a field trip 10 1hemuMVm ct)MOVIE • • • "Silk Stocklng1" ( 1057) Fred A11alfa. Cyd Chari... An Alnetlean fllm r; producer become• lnYOIY«I w1111 a female Aulllan agent In Paris O MOVIE * ·~ "Any Wlllc:ll Way You Can" ( 1080) Clint Eulwood, Sondra Lodca. BefOf• Niiiing down with Illa girt and pet Ofangutan. 1 bare-llaled fighter llon• up for one 1111, iuctaliYe metch 'PG' 3:008 MOVIE * * * "The Th .. I 01 Bao· dad" (10401 Sat>u. June Ouprez A.,., ... In Old Bag· dad la dr attlcalty cllanged 111er mMtlng 1 gen .. 8 MOVIE * * "Bathing B11uty" ( 10441 Fled Skelton, Either Wiiiiama A compo11r enroll• In • gif11' echool 10 bl near hla new wife. who tell him right elter Iha wed· ding a )(OJAI( • MOVIE • * * "Tha Incredible. Shrinking Man" (1967) Grant Wllllatnl. RM'°Y Stu- ltl A man dlaeoYera tie It aMnlllng all• l>efnO -i1 In I ltrange fog. SEWING POW£A WONDER WOMAN ~ lnv<>Mld In the toe>- MCl84 production ol Amer· lc:a'a lltlt Ill pl-. Won· Cler Wom.n It IUt'pt\aed by 1 Yltltor from P11adlae lu.nd (Part t) MOVIE * • ~ "ltlandl In Tile S1ream" (1P771 George C. Scott. Ciak• Bloom 8l8ed on tile novel b)' Erneat Hem111gw1y An ltolatad ettlll le forced to revMI his hldderl emotion• ""*' hit thraa Htrenved 1on1 ciome to Yllit lllm ·PG' (%)MOVIE * * "Tile Conqlllf'or" ( 1115e) JOlln Wayne, Su8lt1 H1vw-rd. A mlgllty Mongol warrlof kldnapa the deugll- ter of•~ Tener king and ..U.. contrOI of hla arnplre. ·~I WON..O cw 800Q 8EWING flOWEA 90INEWHNrr Wll8fl Bob ec:cep11 an lmll- t 1tion 10 teetura at 1 aaa Hmlne r, Illa audience ahowl up nude (I) THE MAN WHO l.OYB>l!AM ._,.ry Fonde narretaa the llOfy of Marty 8tOUflW'• peraonal ..,,.....,__ wl1tt • b9et ..,... IMng .... Ille ae • wrtter In a remote COior ado Yelle)' 4:00 D NAltMLLE OH THE "°"° I ::w MAOAZJNE "FMt F1111" Wang Yu, KOk Shle Jong A c:omipt 81'""J ••• over a ltlllll Ch"- v1Nage b\it runt Into rrou- b61 wfth an aGtr ... and a menlel wt1 upert. • MOVIE *' * * "The Snowt Of KNl- men!efo" (10531 Gregory Peck, SUMI\ Heywarc:r. A l>rHllant writer llnc:r. -. lnO lo hie llM In Alrtc:.9 aftet a r•tllM and ntlNNe Merell, • QUE PAIA, U.&A. '7 "T~·· p_,,. J;ne c:ln't fl9ure OUI why Cer· men anc:: Iggy oontttMI)' dlange ,,,.., mlnOa eOcM a car-dloloe. • WNT1NG '<>I' A NMON "Orctet" I 8TMTNK Nl"LIH~ MCMI •• ._. "09)' Of Tile M Oufl" ( tlM) Glenn FOfd, Mllw KenneCly A ll'IM ........ aid of • COllOt1 to~ doM1 the~ ""° ebduGtecl Illa .... Ind ftmter. (D)MCMI "V~ lll Oouoe" 4:111 "8 •M4 L-=TmT "°fltTt~ - ••Jullllt EMno" Hoel: t<en HOwft. • HMD OMOICm ''CllNllD ........ : n. u1111 ... 1e ~tevett1a11 .. .........._., .. ""...,. .. .....,.... ............ . IO OOWl ... 4 ... ,_ .................. ..... -~ ... .... -..... ...... KASC (7) u:iu n "' Am<•1.c m l~ttgu<· pJuyort gonw 'ul lfo1 niu Any<'lw a t Milw.111kl'1• Hf't•wt•r i.. KTLA (~) !)·OO pm. ..Th1..· Grl'ul Ral•c." Juck 1 ... <•minon and Tony (.'urlu~ stor In HHi!; movil• of a C'luss1c.· h<•ro-and-vlll11in battl<• spunn111H thn.!c t:0nl inL•nt.B. KNXT (~0 8:00 Woll Dilm(•y . B1Jrb1.1ru I htrrls plllyit till' mot her und Jl)dlti Jt~osl('r lwr tt:c•n-agl• duu"hl<'r lo "Fu•aky l"rlciuy," u 11tory ot how the: twu 11rng1cnll y i;witd1 bodh·K om• fotdul duy K'ITV (l l) 1:1:00 "J<'rvd A~u1ir1• l'rt..wnt.1 Thl' Fox Muslcnl11." FrNJ A 11t:Jlrt'. 11t1d Fr{lt1k Sinotl°u url' fl>oturc.>d In tht! best o ( th£' mwdculs from iOth Century f'ox us rncalled by thl'lr s llirs. ID WMIHO f'OR A REASOH "ComPllt-" 9 HEWS (C)MOVIE * * * "ln1lde MOYH" (1080) John Savage. DaYld Moree A neweomet to the group of regul.111 at an Oakland bar may hOtd the key to·maklng 11141 l>arten· d8''1 drum'ol l>leomlng • pro b8Mce1b1ll player • reality 'PO' Cl) MAfU< TWAIN THEATRE "The PlralM" Tom Sewy1< and Huckleberry Finn eome upon mo1• ucll .. men• when they Mc:l<ll lo run away and become plratu. lllMOVIE • •~ "The Wlldernea1 Fernlb'. Pat I 2" ( 1978) Ro~en Logan. Suaan Oamanla Shew. A modern plOfll8f !amity lac:. e bit· tlf winter In the Flocl!y Moun1a1n1. 'G' 4:119 8 aJ 8ASUAU National Laagua P1•Yolf St Loula Cardln1l1 II Al11n11 8r1vaa 5:00 I HEW WILOEAHE.88 RAtDEA8 PLAYIOOK ·u 8 MOVIE * * * "The Greal ~ .. (1965)JllCk Lammon. Tony Curlis. A CllllllC ti.to-and· VIHaln batlle spana thrM c:ontinent• I IOUOOOLO WOOOWNOHT8 SHOW (Seuon Premi«e) "011· ting A Orip ()fl It" Roy Underhill demonalrllH hOw to handle anything from t>tOld axaa 10 uws i~S'H (}{)MOVIE ** * "Arthur" (10811 Dudley Moore. Liu Min· nelll. Wiii.. hit temlly 1ttampt1 to IOf~ him into 1 pr•1tranged marriage, a drvnken, hedonlatiO play• boy IA In loW wltll a poor WOf'lclnO girt. 'PO' (%)MOW ••~ "HeorrtfYonf'' (1071) 911 Huntet, 0twts H1y· wood r-rlltal ,_ ... companlH attempt 10 edge MCfl oUler out In • raoa for tne Auatralian -~•ln111e '40t 'PG' 6:301 :=REWW COHGAESllOHAL Af.PORT l~THEWINO ~ •:0011== If.IT OF MIOHIOHT enaAL Hosta: The Commodor11 Guaata; Franllll Valli, fhe Cec>taln & Tannllla. O.tl· nation, ABBA • THIWE'I C/O!Mfl'A>N Jeck end Chtleay walk In on Jet'8t wtlill lhe It entertaining 1 date • MOYIE ...... "Tile M....._ Of Oc:tober" ( t 07 4) Wllllam o.v-. Mar11n Shain Event• wlthltl the l'enned) ~ dUrlng tM 1"2 ~ Mlealll Critlt are depicted. ·~=-('O)MOW • • •.t "Prlvall l.aaaonl" ( tteol S)'Me Krlllel. How· lld~ AWNllhy man Ulignl hl1 aaductMI hOueet!aeper the lob of prcMding '* t 5oyMf-Old aon wltll hit li<ll MXual •11perlenee. 'Fl' Cl)W!'ll If NGHT llAa< AllW'/ Sc:hrelber and eiw1 .. tin• r:.r8fe holll • loolc al TV'1 moet memorable COfMlefClalt from the birth of IN medium to the ,,... entdey t.'IO •• Cl) '11 NEWS MARY TY1.B' MOOM Rhodl'I lnOthlt ~ IO MlnMec>Otta but Flllod1 retwee to ... hit .AUCI • PAVAAOTTIAT ~M> WdenO Pavarotti wortlt --~ ..... If*' ~endP_... Metll\, ""° '*'°""' .... t10nt by MoUrt end Vlrdl !::=flMYllWI • • • .,. """"'• eono•· (1111) ,,.... c..n, -Dee MllelM Two IOoltllll .,..,.. .... ,.,. ,,..... ......, Ufttll -'* GlaltM _.,,,,... .MCMI •• ............... (1M11 Andy IC.,,,.,., lerne• ...... ....... In ..... of .. ,.., ""'"· two CIOflto ...... ,.,.... ..., ....... .... 11111111 .... Of ""' iow.. 'JIG' 11111·---·-...., .... ., II THE HAAOY a0Y8 / NAHCYOAEW MYSTEAIU Whl.. en route to her aunt 1 COunlry llOfne. Nan- c:y'a car •• dellbarately roroad oft 11111oad • MEMORIES WITH LAWRENCE Wfll< • 28112 Flobef't Haya hotll I Clle· t>tillon ol KCEl'• fall Ml· '°" Ci) U.8 . CHRONICLE Cl) JACK AHOERSOH CONAOENTIAL (fJ 80 YOU THINK YOU GOT TAOU8LE8 (It THE MUPPET8 Ui)MOVIE • • • "Adventur11 01 The Wlld.,114111 Family" ( 111751 Robert Logan, Sunn Oeman11. A c:on1tructlon worker. dlalllutloned wltll city-Ille. auempta to tuP- por1 his family by llvlng ott 1heland ·a· <?lMOVIE * * * "Body Heal" (1981) Wllllem Hurt, KalhlNn Turner A amallllml Florida, lawyer 11 persuaded by hie lovet lo murder her hus- band 'Fl' 7:30 I DANCE FEVEA OLEN CAMP8ELL Guaat MelTtlb. 8 EYEOHLA. Fealurao a look at k1saing. an lmproYlutlon MSllon with [Mra and Ille Groun- dllngt. a new ptan to ••tend tiuman Nia I. PAOEHTE MOTORW£EK FIOHTBAOK EYE OH 8AH DIEGO WEEKEND MAGAZINE (I) JAM80REE IN THE Hillan "Super Bowl Of Coun1ry Mu1~" Tiii• untqua coun· try mutlc ln11Ya1 from w .. 1 Virginia INluraa two daym ol pidcln', tlngln' and llddlln'. Ind lnclud8I IUCh 1tara 11 Wry L .. Lewlt. Ronnie Mlluip, Cart Par· kin•. Tile Kandells and Helen Comallue. lj)O 8 (I) WALT OllHEY "Freaky Friday" The world 11 lurnad u~ tor a motlier (8att>are Harrttl and ,.., ,..,.,. oeugfltar ( J~.. F oater I wno megJ. ca.It)' IWltet> bOdlM one ratetut dav f Pltl ti D CltDIFF'REHT STAOt<ES l(lml>«ly II determined IO be the lirlt female on Iha lllgh achool lwlm 1.wn Q • LAUOHTMX 8 0 T.J. H()()t(EA Hooker and Romano Mt out 10 capture a huge, alh· .. ,le: man wllO I• attacking female IOOoer•· 1J MOVIE * * "And Now Thi Screamtno s1art1" (10731 Piiar Cul/ling, Herbert Lom. An 18111-oentvry Eno- tlah lord bflnga hft nancae no me where ah• ~· .. 11 .... CIMd bod· .... t>loody ,_ In ,,.,. wlnclow end • dlearnbo- diecl hind • MOYIE • * * "Fred Aalllra Pre- Mnlt The "°" Muelcelt" (11174) Fred Aatalre, Franll Strlatra. The beat of Fox•a muelcM -racalled Dy thelratars • G LIVI FAOM THE MET "Der Floeankavallar" TIU· an• Troyanoe, t<lrl Ta t<anawa. Judith Bleotn end Luciano Pavarotti ara 1u1ur1d In Richard StraUM' popule( eomlc: OP«a. Jarnae Levine con- ducte. (C)MOVIE • • • "Awptanel" I 111&01 Flobetl H..,._ Julla H~· 1y Altar an airliner'• crew lalll to food poleonlng, a nervoue '°'"""' • ., pilot le prlMed Into 8«Ylce and mutt eonttnel wjtll on· botlrd riy.tetle. a MCfetMI eontrOI t-and cilc:he- lllled "*"°'lee 'PO' CO> rra OHe , ...... v .MOW * • "It Reined Al Nlehl Thi 09)' I I.aft" T ~ Curtle, Lou GoaMlt. lot- dilfa of llot"""8 .... ~ the dlMl1 .,,..,. °' • ....ithy *Onllft e:ao a a •w.. lllOONI Nolly ,,... to erranee • reunion ~ Illa .... letlllt anCI Cl\181)' ffllldl .. ""' t:CIO. (I) TWO OP A UC> A 11·~-otd retetftct "*' ,.... " llPOfl ""'*" '° bfinO 1111 "~" .~. ""°.,.. wtth-«-Into IN GOtl""-~ ·~"""9.--to 1111 '°"'* 1111: "°"°' "'*" lfld o.ortt "'"" ...,, ··-·~ ni. CNet ......... --.. .,....., .... "'IO'fe . ......... lnomaa, lloMie 1.-e reoor 11 on 11\deo ., 1 mo .. HQuelt arid l a111rdey tn0f1'11'9 ~ • 9 &.CMI IOA T A mol1lel and her dlUQftllt mMI Ille Oltl'1 lall\ef, 0of)ller II pu<louad Dy I rouno o;rt lrltYll!ng with n.. p,wen11. lf>CI • hip woman ,.,ii tor • m1trlecl OO'..a'1n1 * I • "8ody ~INI" (IN II Wllll1m Hurl, KathlNn Tutr1ar A smalltime flotld• leW)* le pertuadld by hit IOY., to murder her hu1- band, 'R' (0)MOVll • t * ·~ "Patternt" ( 186411 Ven He!Hn, Eo 8eg1ey, Sued on • dreme by Roa s..11ng A 1>u11nau 1~oon Oii• caug111 up '" 1 high· 8Clhelon 1>0W11f 111uoo1e (.l)MOVM! • • ·~ "Prlv11e LMaOna" ( 10801 SyMa Krletal. How· ard Heuarnan A WM/lhy man ualgn1 tilt aec:ructlve houMlcMper Iha )ob ol prOl/ldlng hi• 16-~-old aon wllh hit 11111 Niw.f ex1>«larlcl 'R' CZ)MOVIE **"The GrNt Train Rot>- bery" (10711) Sean Con· netr. Donald Su1tiertand Two expert 1urn-ot-11Ht- cen1ury c:on 1tU111 a 11emp1 to p;Jll Oii the -..lngly lmpoulbi. robbery 01 • locked .. ,. aboerd a IUI· mollll)Q 1oc:omo1tve ·PG 1:30 II Qt LOVE. 8IONEV Patti 11 knoc:lced uneon· acloua when Ille tall a Ir om • ""'no S1<1ney made tor hit In the aparttneflt ., LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE (C)MOVIE * * * "Fort ApllCM, Tile Bronx" (1081) P1u1 New· man, Ed Atner. A tough c:op battles ctlme and cor· rupllon In I.few York City'• South Bron• neighbor. hOod 'fl' 10:00 a a THE oevuN COHHECTlOH Btlan and Nick tracit down tile kh of a 1>eau11tul model wllO was lnvol...c:r with a n underwo rld eocalne klnO. •• HEWS 8 0 FANTASY ISlAHD (Season Pretnlera) A ,_ exec:u1l1re llndl lhe mull Uk har aacretary to andute the -lndlgnl- tle1 Iha onoe k.lllerao. and a man lrlea to Ir .. hlmMll of a draem In WlllCll lie murders Illa wile O II MOVIE * * '" "Return To Peyton Plec:e" ( 10611 C1rol lynley, J.U Chendle<. A book writ- ten about lhe lnllmeclet of. 11 amall lown cauaes • lurOf when tile 11Choot'1 principal allows the l>Ook ln the library. ., 80UO OOl.O COJ PlAYBOY °"THE AJA O MOVIE • * * "Arthur" ( 108 If Dudley Moore, Liza Mln- nelll. While 1111 family altempll to force him Into • Pfa-artenged merrtege, • drunken, hedonltllc play· boy ..... In loW with • poot worl\lng girt 'PO' t0:30 . JAQ( ANOEA80H CONf'IOEHTIAL MOW * * "Emily'' ( 1078) Koo Slark. Vre1or Spinetti In 19201 England, a 1~·808 girl 1;0tnea of age tllrOIJGll an elfllr with an Amaflc:an IChoolteacher t0:46 8 SATUADAY SPORTS PAGE 11:00 eaewoa NEWS 8 COi.LEGE FOOT8ALl Artzona v1 UCLA IT ac>e<1 ear llet l • MOVIE ••·~ "Law And Order" ( 1078) Darren Mc;Oavin. Suzanna Ptelhette Baaed on the novel by Dorothy Uhnak. ThrM generatlont of an lrlllfl lamlly In New York City puteu• law enloroarnent u a car- • MOYIE * • ~ "Ucnown Saturday Night" (117'1 Sidney Pol· tier. 8111 Coaby. A lactOf'Y WOf1ter end • atraet·wtae cabble gel ceughl up In • gangland feud wPl8f'I llley decide lo ~ • gangetar ""'° held llP • bar ®MOVIE * * * "Atlllur" (10811 Dudley Moore. Liu Min. neltl. Wilt.. hi• lemlly ettampta to l0tce hlm Into •pre-arranged merrl1ge, a drvnleen, hedonlatlc play· boy lallt In loW with a poor worklnO girt. 'PG' ~~GOU • * "Skin Deep" I 10701 Darvyn Cooper. Ken 8laclcburn . 11:30 8 ll41E ROCKFOfllO Alf.8 ROC:klord It hired by I men'• lovet to find out whetll« he died accldan- telly or wu dona In by 11111 wife. D QI IATUN>AY H90KT LIVI Hott Ron Howerd ~II: The Clelh, Harty Anderton e AICNIWI Cl) MOW 9 IN1'!1'TUNMIHT TMIWl8C lftMrYlewa with Rlcflerd TllOrNil, lonr1ie ledalie: ~·on video art. movte Hquete a nd let11rd1y momlna~. (Q)MCMI ·~ "H,0,T t I" {1171) ~ l<IOet, Ult LOllCIOft. ~ -orily ,., deoldtt 10 torm hit own Clue of oo- edl wtio concen"'" ori Cl'l'ltylfte ... lt#Wd OOI· .._....,_. U:AI. MCMI • • • • "Tiie Cowt>oy•" ( lt?ll ....... w.,.. ..... ... \At.,..., ...,. ......... ,. ." ..... ................... .... ]Jiil lfta ....... ..... {C)MOYll ..... ' .... ,,Olfl Meiw Y " 1 IM 0 ~t !Mell. Ad1i.n11t lllMt.11, In , .. , .• ""°"*' C'llli'INI II oftlted a i/MIOOn H lie Giii ,_ ""' prealdeftt of Ille VI frOfn ttw Ptteoft Git>-thal Manhlltt"' llM ~ .... ll:CIO MOYll ·~ "HallowMn II" (1111) JM!le Lee Curll•, Donald ~A~ ll\tlrll muroeret C()lltlnull hie reign ol terror 111 a tmllf 10.n 'R' .MOVll • ·~ "P1lvt1a i...toflt" ( tHO) 8yMa l(fltlal. How· ard tteaawn111 A weet1hy man aMIQn• hit Mdueth•t. houeallaeper ·~ )ob of providing hi• t&·year·Old ton with hit llflt aexual ~lencie.'R' t:Z:IO . HAM! Of' THe BAME A reporter POMa u a tllclc-up man to get 1 ''°"' e bOul • 1ug111ve helfau 9 CHAAUE'S AHOEL8 Angel look·lllk" who 11age a robbery gel Iha reel glrlt lnlO trouble ""111 1111 pollel 12:45 CH) MOVIE *'A "End .... Love" I tN 11 Brooke Shletda, Martin Hewttl A t 7·Y••r-okf• obMMIYI lcMI IOI hit 15- )'Nl·Old g1rHrland i.ad• 10 parental c;onlltcta and llag· edy 'R' (1)MOVIE * * 'it ' Any Wll di Way You Can" (t080) Clint Eaatwood. Sondra Locke Before Niiiing down with his glrl and pel or1ngu1an. • bara-hatad l1gh111 lllgna up IOI one 1111. 1ucr111.,.. match. PG' 1:00 0 EVENIHO AT THE IMPROV I/I IUT OF MtOHIOHT SPECW. Ho.11· Th• Commoooraa. au..11: Frankie \laltt, The Captain & Tannllla. OellJ. nallon, ABBA. .• MOVIE *•'A "Tile CurM 01 Frlnkenalaln" ( 1057) Petet Cl.lahing, Chri.topner LM • MOVIE * * "Ooomwatc:h" t 1072) tan Bannan. Judy ~ (ltMOVIE * *"' "Food Ot Tha God1" t 1978) Marjoe Gort,,.,. Pamela Fr anklln. ©)MOVIE "Naked Ahernoon" 1:30 8 MOVIE * * "Tile Trampler•" ( 1068) Gordon Scon . JOMPh Collen ltl A8CHEW8 (C)MOVIE · **'A "American Gigolo" ( 10801 Richard Gere. Lau- ren Hunon A Bevttfly Hill• gigolo Dec:OtNt1 Ille prime k.1Spec1 In • muroer lnYM· t1gat1on 'R' U MOVIE * * "Knlghlrlden" ( 19811 Ed Hams. Gery Llhll. A group of l>lkwa rlcS. with a 111vettng rana!Ulnce la1r and dlacover 1h11 Ille ldNlllllc: ltrugg.. 8QlinSI evtl ex/111 In moc:rern u..- alao 'Fl 1:36 ($) MOVIE * • * 'The Hunter" ( 1070) SI-~. Ell Wel- l.ell Flalptl "PllPI" TllOf· aon laadt 1 dangerous ~•• at a modern-Cley bounty 11un1ar 'PG' 2:00 8 MOVIE • *~ "$1\adow On The Land" ( 1983) Jacllle Coo- pat, John Foraythe 2:30~= • * ·~ "P1t..a1e LMsonl" ( 1080) Sylvla Krrllal, HOW· ltd~ A...,llty man 8Nlgne 1>11 leduetlYI tiouMlceaper tile lob ot providing hll 15-year-oid aon wllh his hrat aeaual 811PetlenCa 'R' 2:46 (ff) MOVIE * * ,.. "ltllndl In Tile Stream" ( 1977) a.«ga C. Scott. Claire Bloom. 88Md on Ille no.,... by Ernea• Hemingway An ISOiated 111111 le fore»CI to ,_, his hidden emouons when Ilia three eatrangad 1on1 ccme to vteit lllm 'PG' (%)MOVIE * • "The GrMI Train Rol>- l>lfy'' (t9711 5-1 eon. nary. DonelCI !kl"*'8nd TWo Upert """"°'"lhe- century con artllta ettetnPI to pul off the -•9Y impolll1>61 rOC>tler)' of • lodted Ml• al>Oard a faet· "IO'llng loComOllYe ·PO' s•IBNIWI a: 11 CJ) MOVIE * • ._. "Any Wntc:PI Wey You Cao" ( 1980) Clint EMtwood. Sondra LOClka BefOfa aattllno down w4tfl hll girt Wld P9' orangui.n. I bare-,"9ted ligfltar llgfl8 up '°' one lut, IUCrat,... metefl. 'PO' s;,JO e MOVIE *'A "Ollth Ve!Wf" (1M81 Robert Lowery. Helen Gll• l>8f1 CC)MOVIE ***'-' "l lle Man Who Would Be King" ( 117111 S11n Connery, Mklheal Caine. Baaed Oii the ltory by Rudyard Klpllng. TWO Brltlah aotdl8'• • out to clllm the rlc:hM end power o4 • remoll, legendary ~·PG' 1:46• MOYIE • •• _. "Oevll't Owh" ( 1tl87) Join Fontelrle, Key Weith An Englllh tetlool- merm fella Ulldar ~ ""'*' one o4 her ~ beeOnla8 • aeerlflclll *" ttm °' wtlefler aft .j)O I :::::r• NUCMOH * *"' "8-ltlend" (1M0) Dorl8ltcl Sutheftllnd. v ... aa Aedgrwe. All Alctlo -th«-f'-Ch 14\lf'l'I IMl'llbln are foroed Into 1 flgllt lot.,._.,~ 'flO' .MOVll * • ''Come Haw CoftW • Witt! I.It" ( tl721 Ugo T Cll" Niil. v~ 4:IO l:J:W<llW • • * "lody Hett" CtM 11 Wllllern tfutl. KettltMll r~. 4:41WMCMI •• " "Ml•llf•ll" ( Jt7') .. ""'*'· CNta ... __,Two,....,_... ..,..,.,.... ........ L .. ............... .................. ,_..._. ........ I Orange CoHt DAILY PILOT /Saturda , Ootober 9, 1982 CI RlllllON LEGALS OBITUARIES CLASSIFIED C2 C3 C3-6 -ClASSIFllD Emotions topic of .sei:vices Christia11 psychologist due al Valley church CHRI STI AN CL INI CAL psychologist, Dr. William J . Diehm, w"fll speal< 11bou t "Emotions and the Christian" at the 9:30 and 10:30 a.m. servkes Sunday at the Fountain Valley Ch ristian Church. A minister , researcher arid author. Diehm teaches people ho w to direc t and control negative emotions. ' DR. OOUGLAS SCHIEBEL, clinical psychologist, will explore .. -"the psychological determinants.of the nuclear arms race at t he 10:30 a,m . Sunday meeting of the L aguna Beac h Unitarian - Universalists at 429 Cypress Drive. Dr. William J. Diehm RlllGllUI NOTIS r C HABAD of Irvine Jewish Center will hold a Grand Simcha Torah Festival at 7 tonight at the new sanctuary al 4872 Royce Road. A GOLF TOURNAMENT, to raise youth assistance funds. will take place Monday al the Irvine Coa:.'t Country Club in NewPQrt .Beach . Sponsor is the Catholic Youth Organiza t ion, a community agency of the Diocese of Orange. OON G . FONTANA. formerly music director of th<' Crystal Cathedral's "Hour o f P ower" telecast. is the new minister of music at St . Andrew's P resbyteria n Church, Newport Beach. Fontana also ha:; served as minister of music at the Glendale Presbyterian Church. A HARVEST salad bar and bake sale will be conducted by the Church Women United of the Harbor Area at 11:30 a.m. Friday a t the First United Me thodist Church, Cost.a Mesa. Funds will support the Orange Coast Interfaith Center. a temporary/emergent·y housing facility for families. AUTHOR, LECTURER and businesswoman. Pat McBrldl', will talk about orgaruzlng ume to use It more cCft!<:tlvely when she addres,cw11 the Liberty Christian -~omen's~1i!ctlowi;hip at 10 a.m. Oct. 16 at the Alrportcr Inn, Irvine. A FALL TEA will be given by the Women's Association of •the Community Presbyterian Church of Laguna Beach at 2 p.m. today al the home of Mrs. Ha rtley Sears. A HANOCRAFTERS' bazaar, s ponsor.ed by t he Community Agencies Auxiliary of the Catholic Diocese of Orange, w ill be held next w eeke nd al Our Lady Queen of Angels Church, Newport Beach. Sale hours are from 9 a .m . to 6:30 p.m. Oct. 16, and 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Oct. 17. I TEMS ranging from a Greyhound bus, priced al $6,000, to silvcrpl,pted salt and pepper -.hakers. al $15, will be offered fur sale from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. tociay al lrvine Bowl, Laguna Beach. Funds raised from the event, spon sored by the Episcopal Service Alliance of Oran ge County. will be used to provide food and other aid to the poor a nd needy of the county. EUGENE BERTERMANN, an Orange County religious leader, will be honored by Religion in Media, an inte·rfaith organization, at a dinner Thursday in Studio Cny. Don G. Fontana . Bertermann, who is with the Lutheran Bible Translators in Orange, is the founder and was preside nt for 17 years of 'the National Religious Broadcasters. JOHN ROLLING T HUNDER, a Shoshone Indian, will speak on "The Medicine Will of Life" at t h e 10:30 Sunday m orning service of the Unitarian Church of Orange County .. He will use music: and herbs during his talk at the chu~ch. 11 20 W. Santa Ana St.. Anaheim. H is s pe ec h wi l l be a n interprt't ation of the native American philosophy of life. A QUARTET OF singers will perform at 8 p.m. Oct. 17 at The Neighborhood Congregational Church, L aguna Beach . Admission is $3. Jan Alexander. soprano; Judy Armer, contralto; Linday Karg, tenor, and Carver Cossey, baritom•, make a'p the Quartet. University chief links campus, poor . LOS ANGELES (AP) -For 'Fathe r Donald P .. Merri field , S .J ., on e of life's "ultimat<• ~esllons" is how Roman thollcism can be activatt..'Ci to Influence contemporary se<:ular soci~ty. He spmettmes seeks the a n swe r in S k id R ow ne ighborhoods that contrast starkly with his comfortable college campus. The J esuit p riest has been president of Loyola Marymount U n iv '7 r sl t y i n suburba n Westchester since 1969. During those years he's e ncouragC'd dozens of links between uppcr- middle-cl~ academia and inner city have-nots, but the disparity in lifestyles still troubles him. "I'm certainly an affluent man myself," he observes. "ls it really true that it's harder for a rich man to enter the~in dom of heaven than for a ca • to pass through the 'eye a needle? How do we keep interpreting all these things? There's a great danger of losing the Christian message ." M errifield explort-s tht· message during visits with the Brothers of C harity. an order founded by Nobel P eacl' Prize winn er Mo th er Teresa of Calcutta. The brothers live on d owntown Cambria S treet among the d erel ic t s a nd impove rished immigrants to w hom they minister. Afwr morning Mass -led by Merrifield in l'Orduroy slacks and sandals under his white surplice and stole -he h eads toward Echo Park. where thl· brothers share their home with otherwise homeless Latino boys. "J come down . to the brothers whenever I get a· chance," he says. "I get a certain pleasure . People CXJX.'Ct less of me there. l 've found there's no o ne impressed with the president of LMU except k ids whom J can bring out to th e campus for basketball. But families are pleased to welc:ome a priest to their home." Merrifield encourages students and fac ulty to practice and s trengt h e n their faith with similar off-campus visit~ He arranges student re treats in the inner city. On a practical lt-vel, he's on the board o f the Inner City Law Center run· by Los Angeles' Catholic Worker community and encourages Loyola Marynount Law School's informal involvement with the projed. He was a catalyst in the renovation of a home for nuns which the sisters now share with destitute women. Still the re are doubts. The Brothers of Charity "make a profossion of simple life. that we call poverty. Maylx: I should be living more simply. Maybe it is not enough to be visiting there and bringing people there.'' M e rrifield s ays a si mple philosophy g u ides him. It's a grade-school catechism tenet that admonishes Catholics "to love God with our whole heart, our whole mind and all our strength and to love our neighbors as ourselves." Orange Coast RELIGIOUS DIRECTORY "Yau've Tried the rest, NOW try the BEST!" Rev. Dr. elNnor c. Jeckeon -TfM>uOM Olvl•tl.., Evengellll NEW THOUGHT CHRISTIAN CHURCH Sunday Service & Junior Church 15th & Irvine, Newport Beach 10-.30 A.II. "How Noah Missed the Boat'' Dlel·A MeH11geltlt414 . ' 1st CtUtCH of RELIGIOUS SCIENCE I OF NEWPORT BEACH Member Church lklited Cllufch of Rtliaious Scttnc~ CELEBRATION OF LIFE . SERVICE 10:00 A.M. ~ '"-... Svndoy Scheel-Child Core (~~!I ---..U~r ARE YOU POWERFUL? ~.:;,; lev. Jucty Gale "Oial-An-ln1piratlon" -760-0504 1011 Comelback, Newport leach . (tiff JomlMree a-.1) . Mullk Dir9Ct• ·Marie intthh 760-9474 Church of St. Matthew by the Sea , (Traditional Epl900plll) HOLY COMMUNION • Each Sunday -9:00 AM (Book of Common Prayer -1928) MERTZ HALL of Community Congregational Church 611 Heliotrope, Corona del Mar The Rev. '8mee Hohfeld -532·2201 ST. JOHN'S THE EptSCOPAL CHURCH .. COSTA MEIA 11aJ SlrMt 8t Orenge A"'"'9 . _ 8:00 Holy Communion 10:00 Holy Eucharist 10:00 Sunday School Nuraery Care the "-w. CoMed Nordqulet, Vic« 541-2237 ST. JAMES EPISCOPAL WUCOIES YOU 3209 Via Udo, Ntwpert 811ch ......., ....... ,,.,., .... ...., OoMMllftlon ===~ .... A.II. aw.et ....... eM Adult .......... ....... ,.,.. ..-,, ,,.,., .... ...., CorftMW II I ..... ,. • ....... ,,...., . .....,.... ... MO a 1MO A.II......., c.. CfWuMATIC llA .. Fnt .._, ef tM ...... -7100 P.M. T....., -111111 A:ll....., • ...._.... ................. u,1119 °"Of ..... Tise Rew ...... P. MNar I, ..... -....._ .,...tO· An ., .... 1t11 .... _,c_.....,_ 1&m2 Bushard, F~ntoin Valley 963-3801 •. ••• , •• w ...... llCTOll HOLY COf•MION .................................. . NOii•• PIATaCHUICM SCHOOL •••••••• t 1l I A.M. NOi ... PIA YOll A •"40M .............. I ~:ff A.M. -...... ,t;t:...:.;·,·; A.M. .....,, ,_....., flllA.M. Freedom of Worship An American Choice -"'\ • CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCHES IRANCHH Of' TH€ MOTHUI CH'-"'CH, Tt41 ""8T CHUflCH Of' CHlllST, 9CIEHTIST IN llOSTON, MAMACHUUTTll "lre Sin, Disease 1111 D11th U1re1I!'' Sunday, October 10, 1982 Coeta Meaa -Flrtf Church of Chrlet, 8clentf1t ....... Verde Dr .. Coete ..... Churctl a lundeJ lchool -10:tO A.M. ........,. Room, ....... Verde Dr. t A.M • ..l:ao P.M. Mon. ltwu .... Wed. T-7:90 P.M. -..._ P.M. lrvlne -Flrtt Church of Chrlat, Sclentlat Renctto a.n Joequllt lntwm1 ..... kflool •1 Mlcheeleon (Nw Y•) Churctl a lundeJ lchool -10:00 A.M. Reedlr19 Room, 4330 Barranca Pttwy., Suite 145 ltCHMhuret Plaza 10 A.M. -4 P.M. Tu.a. thru Sal. 10 A.M. -7 P.M. Thunday CMcl C..• -SunO•y & w~ Huntington Beach -Flrat Church of Chrlat, Sclentltt -• °""' Huntington ...., Churotl A 8unc1eJ loMof -10:00 A.M. .......... "°°"' --Mein ... Newport Beach -Flrtt Church of Chrlet, Sclentlat 330S Via lido, Newport leech Church a Sunday School -t:OO 6 10:30 A.M. Reeding Room, 3315 Vie Lido Mon. thru lat. -t A.M.-5 P.M. Tu.a. -7-t P.M. CNld ee.. PrCWlded T .... d•yt -930·1! '30 A M '°' Sludy nrne ,..wport Beech -Second Church of Chrlet, Sclentlat 11Cio hdllo v ... Dr .. COfOM del ... Churctl A 8undeJ lotMlol -10:00 A.IL ......... Room --..... I . eo..t HwJ., CdM WED. l!VENING TESTIMONY Mll!TINGI - 8 P.M. ALL CHUACHel All •re cordJ•lly Invited to •ttend the Church MrVlcet end e1>joy the prMleOH of the Reading Rooma. Clllld Care Provloed Al ALL SERV1CES. Child Cate Pr~lded AT A&.L ARVICal · NEWPORT HM80lt LUTlllM CUCH 711 o.v.·0r. •WORT 91ACM ....1 .....,, ..... ......, CIMfle A.-.,,......, . WORSHIP SERVICE ....................... 8:00 A.M. CHRISTIAN EDUCATION ............... 9:15 A.M. WORSHIP SERVICE ..................... 10:30 A.M. -.OMIAY ....... WSLCOMI SllMON TOPIC: Oct. 10th 9:00 & 10:30 A.M. "Waking Your Sleeping Giant" CUCH Of 111.W SCDCE ~~~.':an-== HUNTINGTON llACH, CA ..... AdUlte ' Jr. Quotl 10 6 tO:IO '°' tnfor!NtJon llM1IO .• IN-.i A CcmAl WO.CM FIOM TIE lllTED CUCH OF CtlHST COllUITY CUCH CON&IEGATIOIW. 111 lt1l1lrepeA .. . c.... .. ... 144-7400 DOMldW.KYla. ....... tO A.II. -...., • .,...., audl 9cllool -NUr.-y c.. fEGtllORHOOD CONGREGATIONAL CUCH 341SlAM'sPtlCt ......... U.-hedl 494-8061 Dll ll mllltDS llWtUl£T Alll mllltDS ....... llA.M.-S.U, ... a.di Sdllel • ....,, HARBOR CHN8TIAN CHURCH (DIUlplU ef Cswtet) M011Mneet8Mta ....... .....,., ......, Y Worslip 10 AM Swlday School 9 AM .... .......... ......, Attend The Church of Your Choice IT. MARK PRelBYTERIAN CHURCH ._...,.,..Dr. a.........._ Newport....,. Rew • ..._. lloCh..W Rew. Tonr Wolfe ~ AHUll .. lteetor lod9er Whitten, Mu1lc Dlrfftor ChUl'ch School & Adult ci..... -9:00 a.m. Worahlp Service -10:00 a.m. Nw c... .. httl Hour9 -,., lfdo: c.a 144-1141 A Cordlal Welcome from The UNIRD MITHODIST CHURCH Coate Meea "1'8T UNlftD M•THODtlT CHURCH 1 tth St. & Harbor Btvd. c ............... .......... Chert8e D. Cfatk, Minister CHMIT CHURCH Huntington 8Mctl NIT UNITID M•THODllT CHURCH 2721 17th St. 5se_,3537 .............. , ...... ..._,ca...--. c ...................... 8YTHSUA ,~ 1.J9-:.':1.':°"1t«t. NIT D t7WIOI MITHODtlT CHURCH A.v. "°'*1 ~ Jt. 11221 lulfletd It. ...... ~...... . .... ... AM. Dr. c.trOl I . Word, Minister Thie Sunday Worlhlp In IT. ANDARW'8 PRl!88YTEAIAN CHURCH 800 St. Andrewa Road • N9wport 8Mch • 831-2880 Dr.-........... ~ Worship Servlces-7:30-8:45 & 10:15 AM "The Mark Of The Christian" Dr. Jehn A. Huffman, ,.,_..Ing PROO RAMS 7;30 a.m. -Infants Thru Klndergarteo, Chlld Care 8:45 a.m. -Infante Thru Adult Clasaes - 10: 15 a.m. -Inf an ta Tl'lru 6th Grade & Adult Classes AK Helptlne-145-2222 Community PrHbyterl•n Church 41' '°'•' Awe., utuna 9MCft 414-7111 Rev. ArthUr J. Tanker8'ey Rev. Craig WHNams Cl'lrlatran Education 9:00-10:00 A.M. Worship -10:15 A.M. NURSERY CARE PROVIDED DURING SERVICE PRESBYTERIAN CtUCH Of THE COVENANT -,a.,.... ow .. Coeta ..... -117-IMO ~ A. Kurrie, hetor Terry Mc:Canne. Director of Youth MlnllUM Howtrd Kinion, Director of Adult Mlnlttl'IM Don Maddox, Director of Slnglee Mlnlatrlee hftdetr WonNp -l:IO a 1MO A.II. Churdt kMol -Chldren ttwv Adult9 10:00 A.M. NurMrJ cer. ....... -ta A 10:00 A.M. Veepen-T:tOP.M. CHURCH OF CHRIST IS7 w ........ Coeta ..... ....,,., We're A Going -QloWlng -Growtng Church IUNOAY ARVICSI ..U ITUDY t A.M. WORaHIP tO A.M. A I P.M. 10 A.M. -"Are You Dejected Or Happy?" ~ Yi·l-14 'P.M. -"Ille la OI God" -Wrl l·lS-41 hut TIMNMe, ......... -0eut Cele, Youttl Min..._ SHIR HA-MA 'ALOT HAR80R M'ORM TEMPL.a ................. ,,..._, 1""'"9 1:11 P.M. ,......,..,.. '$ IA -", ,.,.. ,,.., .. tM "'°""' 1:11 P.M. Aabbl hrn9rd P. King JamboNe & Eutbfuff Dr . Mullo: Arie Shlkler NewDott Beech, c.Nf • Ectucator: NWy Levin ' Por .,..........,. Ml .. ,.. Al Vleolofe ....... "' ........... ......, • a....... ·tr====:::;======.========--:m.. ..;.,~me::; vtJ'~~~L_':_~H' -~~~, 1lt1 -... ,... ..... 0--.. ¥ "'-°"'"""" .......... V\R .... , _.. ...... .....,.. Bar/Mltivah Trtlnfng Worship & Church 8Clhool -9:30 A.M. Youth Oroup-Slet.'hOOd ~. KM ~ Servtcea: Friday, 8:15 p.m. v.-............. -~~, .. CHlll8TWI CHURCH ....... ---. .. 1111111 .... c111111W:~ ... --........ ,... Sat. 9:15 a.m. sun. 9:30 •. m . '111 WMt Hemltton, Coeta MeN •1-am .. ..... -.u1 ~­...... ~ ........... ,_.. ..,._ • 111 ,,.... of_.. -1:IO P11l9l1ta--. AM Id., Voul\ ~ ...... tOU CMt1•1111~ Nlw,.,. ...... ,.,. •••• ..... .... 1m OMW ........ I. ....... • I• 111a1 ...... v.-. Cl Orenge Oout DAILY PILOT/81turd1y. Ootobef t , 1112 Tiny state church oriented Rhode I land re ident1 moat adherent By GEORGE W. CORNELL ,, .............. That t"arly Am rlcan cradl • o( rellatoua llbfrt y, Rh~e lahmd. leada th 80 1tatei In tne extent of rolialoua adherence, accoriilna to a ne w 1tate.by· 1tate, .county·by-coun\y atudy. It dot>1n 't oov r the r ullatout \lea o f all Americana but doet Include more than 80 pen.-ent of thoee who have -112.6 million people affUlatAtd wtth 111 C hrlatian and J ewlah bodies -plenty to ahow the heavies\ t'Oncentratlona. That turns out. In the 19808, to be the-colon lal Baptlat citade l o f Rhode Wand, where 76.~ perc~mt o,f the people are adhetttn t.a o f the sundry rellsioua bodies Involved jn the s tudy. C loee behind came the predominantly Mormon st~te of Utuh , where 76.2 percent are churc h adherents, followed by the Da kotas -N orth Dakota with 73.9 per<.-ent and South Dakota with 67 percent. Somewhat s urpriaingly. the Bible -Belt states or the South ranked third In rellgloua adherence amona the nation's realona, after New England, highest in r e ligious connections, and the w est North-Central states. Among the individual states, after the Dakotas, the n e xt i n heaviest proportions o { r e ligio us adherence were: Texaa ~•.7 percent, Tenneuoo 54.3 percent, and then a three.way tie for 20th phK<t!, New Ju~y . Arkanau and K entuc ky, a ll cu 54 .2 JX'l'l'tmt. Thun cam o North Carolln1.1, 1.1t 5 4 percent; Ml110url. 63.6 pen.'tlnt und Karuw, 63.6 pel"(.•tmt nearly the eamc for thOtk' two adjoinlnM •WWI - and then Sou\h Carolina, 1.1t 01.6 per<.oent and Idaho at 60. l percent. For the real of the ttatt'tl, lhe proportion Ml below the 50-porcent mark, beglnnlna with nation '• K'COnd mo.t populoua at.ate, New York, tyint for 28th place with W eal VirMlnla, both at 49.7 percent. Next came Ohio •ll 49.0 purcent; the J..>llltrlct of Columbia, 49 percent: Vermont. 47.8 ~rcent; Oeorgla. 47 percent: India n a, 44.8 percent; M ontan a . 44.3 percent and Ne w Hampahire a nd Wyoming, both with 41.8 perct"nt; M aine, 41 percent, a nd adjacent Maryland and Delaware, both 40.2 percent. The remaining n ine etatea, mostly Weatern but including one Southe rn atat.e, fell belo w the 40 percent mark, namely: Arizona at 39.5 percent; F lorida at 38.6 per<..-ent\ Colorado. 36.6 pe r cent; O r e gon, 36.1 percent; Californ ia, 34 .5 p ercent; Hawaii, 33.2 percent; W ashington. 3 1 percent; Alaska, 30.8 percent, and last, Nevada, 29.3 1 rcent. M innesota, 65. l percent; Massac husetts, 64.7 percent: Wl1COntin, 8•.6 per~nt; Nebraska, 63.2 SAINT MICHAEL AND .. ~ ANGELS percent; Conn ectic ut, 61.6 percent; Iowa, 61.2 EPISCOPAL CHURCH percent; P e nnsylvania. d0.9 percent and N e w M1 1 59 1 t Holy Communion -Sundays 8 & 10 a .m . . -.. PAWIVSHOP ~ dEWEIJIY UQUIDA'1101W-AUCl10l'V SUNDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1982 AT LIDO JEWELRY lk LOAN 1926 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA 714-643-86.Jt 0 PllBE ORAWlNO, CJl.AMrAONE. COFFEE. SANDWICHES • • • • • .. . • • • • • • • l>lA.\IONl>S. l!STAil! .mwm.R\', A.\'TIQlll~ RINGS 14KT-18K'r-lt4K'r·Al.I. ~llJST ( iO!!! Hl~GS, \\'ATCllUS, CIL\l,'iS, l'ENl>ANTS, UMA<'El.l!f'S -. -. • • • • • • • • •• EVEKrnll.NG MUST GO! Prntew -~y. October 10, I~ lit Noon t.o I PM. AIJCl10N 8'l'AIOW I P.Jl •• a P.JI. We're not fancy but wttJ) our p rk.'Cll,wc OUl't ufthnt to he Chcclu< ~I 11•t Or \' u1~oo -l . ...., c ....h, ~ 1....tc r<:an1 S11111100 <inll -,\1K't.kMK"cr Tips on how to quit smoking LOS ANOEL>~ (AP) With evlcJl'm~ on t he harmful etf~ta ot c:lg11rettc'I mounung, mort' cmd more amok e ra ore trylnM to kick tht.• habit, aomt.' •pending hundred11 o( dol}(ir1 l l dlnica, othl'rt with the help of SUUl'ltloru frotn tht• NatJOnal ea~r Institute. He re are aom -0f NCl's tlpiJ. -Set a ipecltlc t.argut date for qutttlng llnd don 't let anything change It. Aa your target date approaches, make a list of all the reasons you want to quit and con centrate on what you 'll gain perso- nally. In o ther w ords, In addition to thinking about your h ealth, think about the extra m oney you'll have and the time you won 't spend l·hasing a round after ciga rette& or a light. -lnvolve a friend or family member . Bet them you can quit and put your daily cigarette m on ey up as the liLake. Or ask them to quit with you and make a point of encouraging e8ch other. -Switch brands. AB your target date approa· ches. change to a brand you don't like. Or switch t.O a low-tar a nd nicotine brand two weeks lxofore your target date which w ill h elp m lessening your de· pendence on cigare ttes. -Cut down on the numoor of cigare ttes you smoke as your target date comei closer. You can do this by deciding o n a specific number you'll have each day or by doing something to make i.moking less automatic. ex co, · percen · .... Tuesday 7 a .m . Wednesdays 9:30 a .m . The first southern state to show up is ftlCTmoua eu1M11 K-o•o~s ,1CT1Ttaul 1UIM11 flCT1T1ous 1u11Nn1 Oklahoma. ranking 13th with 58 percent religious The Reverend John Rogers Davis, R«toi NA.• aTAT•MINT " .. NAMI ITATl•NT NAME ITATEMENT Nit.IC NOTICE Nil.IC NOTICE Nit.IC NOTICE PUBllC NOTICE adh erence, and It's not In the Old South, but the 3233 Peclflc View Drive 714/M4-o483 The fo11owf"11 peraona are dol"il NOTICE OF DEATH OF The fotl-lng pe1ao11s •r• doing TM fot1ow1ng penon• are aoing buatnau.. WILLIAM GEORGE FISH bualnen n bua1neu u Southwest. a relatively young stale d ating only Coron• del M., 92125 TURTLE TEARY co . 31211 ANO OF PETITION TO .\TLAS PLUMBING co . INC, TRANS WORLD ROCK, 7378 from 1907. 1---:;;;;;;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;;;;;;;;;;;;;::---B.,mud• Drive, Coate MeH, CA ADMINISTER ESTATE NO 3024 E .. t L• Pelm• Avenue, OtengethOf'l)e Avenue, Buena Park, h ( Di j I 112828. • Anaheim, Ce. 92806 CA 90820 But r igh t behind cornea the earl 0 Xe state Afflbted 11(1111 Divine Sci.not DAVID B, DONNELLY. 11869 A·llUlO. Orenge County AllH Plumbing ABO RECORDING, a Calllorn11 Alabama, with ~7 .5 percent adhe ring t8 the CJoodale St , Fountain V•ll•y. CA To all heirs, beneClciaries, Co .. inc (• Celllornta corporation), corporation, 777 Ou111 Circle, I. bodi ed f 11 ed b th Deep 92708 d ll d ti t 3024 E•tt Le Palma Avenue. Anaheim Hiiia, CA 92807 re lglous es cover • o ow y ano ".r COMMUllJJ CHURCH DEBORAH ANN LINDROTH. e r e ors a n ~on Gng'n Anehelm. Ca. 112808 Thia bu11neu ta cond\lcte<I by a South state, Louisiana, with 57.4 percent. 312g Befmud• Drive, Coat• Meu, creditors of Wilham eorge Tht1 bu11nesa 11 conducted by a. corporatlOn The study. a o nce-eve ry -d ecade compilation BY "'HE o.-y CA 92848. Fish and persons who may corpotetlon ABO ~di"il Ca lled "Churches a nd C hurch M embership in the '' ..,. Thi• bu1lneu 11 conducted by • be otherwise Inte rested in Orange County AllH Richard B Gr1m1haw •-· general part,..ahlp the wUI and/or estate: Ptumbi"il Co , Inc Pr" United States: 1980." has 321 pages of statistics where an a1mosphere of ,.,.e. JOY David B 0onna11y A tlti h bee med· George M s1c111an1, Thia 1t11ement was toted with lied b h 111 Ch •-u· d J e · h bodies and freedom prevails, In wh1Cll eaell Tht1 1t•t-t ..,., hte<I with the pe on aa . ~ Prffldent t"-county Clerlt of Orange County s upp Y l e rut an a n wts ' peison can feel sale to be himself County Clerk ot Orange County on b y Mlch~I W . Fish in the Thie 11at-t wH 11i.<1 woth tM on Septemt>« 13, 1982 s ho wing the count by counties and states. and develop his own divine potential Sept1H111>er 18, 1982 Superior Court or Orange County Cl«tt 01 011nge County on f1f7322 '1'7M7 County requ esting th at September 23. 1982 KRAY & IMITH It w as assembled by an ecumenica l coalition -II you are seetdno a Cllufell lamtly Publl•h•d Orange Co111 Delly M 1 c h a e 1 w Fi 1 h be ,, .. ,,. C-..IM• at Law h Ro ""-h 1· GI 0 ---....... h Cen•~r the ltke thts welCOme homtl Ptlot. Sept 11. 26. Oc1 2 9, 11182 · • DOHAU> NGlllm ._,., MecArte-ehd. ~ uo t e · man ._t o ic erunaryn.t:M:..... ""• 4089-82 appoi n ted as personal Attr••llanalU.Corp. Newporthech,CA12'10 S o uthe rn B aptist S unday Schoo l B oard, the -----------1 repre9en tative to administer 1100 o... 8trMt, lutM 200 Publl•h•d Oreng• Cont Delly Lutheran Council and the National Council of a...y ~If Ute / S,.tkers Ml.IC NOTICE the estate of William Georg e .._,.,, lhech, Ce. neeo P1101 Sept 18 26, Oct 2. 9. 1992 Churches (32 Protestant and Orthodox boc:Ues). w..tlM,. / Cltuta / lo«* Shop '1CTmOUa llUlaNSll fuh. Colta Mesa, California Pi~~~~·~5.0~~g2~ i,~~~1 ,~:d'v _________ 4_1_4_..__82 But the data c ame from a muc h wider y ... er.,,....,., care NAiil ITATS•NT (unde r the Independent 4287·82 Ml.IC NOTIC£ spectrum of deno m inalio na, their con stituency IWltlll H111ttt CMtr The fottow1"11 e>eraona .,. doing Administration o f Estates --,-,C-T-,T-,-0 -u8-a-u-11H£--1-1 -- amountlng to 49.7 o f the American population, a big bu~~ M UNLIMITED 5901 Act). The petition as set for Pt&.IC NOTICE NAMl ITATlMENT s hare ot the 70 percent claiming religious affiliation Sc.lday 10 un.: "fl>T GUl.TY" Warner. Huntington BHch, Ca hearing l1l Dept. No. 3 at 700 Tile toHow•no oe<wns ere doong 7 ••:Dr. rat Mell. Clint s,.... 92649 Civic Cente r Drive West, fl£.!l.ITIOUf .. MlltN«ll busmen as in modern s urveya. · Edwatd Jamee Apodaca, 4862 Santa Ana, California 92702 .... Ml I .oTIMINT PORTR A1t Music 7378 After Louisian a. In descending order , came 645·7650 Or. Fred Davis Caban• Ct r •205, Hunttnglon on Nov~mber 3 1982 at 9.30 Tile totlOwlng e>e•aon• ere ao.ng 0•1noetno•pe Avenue Buena Par• Beach. Ca 92649 " • · t>uslneu H ' CA 90620 these states: 141 EAST 22'1> STRUT/COSTA •SA/CA 92627 Mlcht•I A Devil 1804 1 a.m . INTERCEPT PROGRAM 22762 RBG RECORDING ll C1;,torn1r. UJinois, at 55.2 percent; M ississippi, 55 percent! · Scf\r)'el' Ln . Hunilngton hac:h, c a IF YOU OBJF.CT to the Mpen Plue. Suite 202, Et Toro, CA co•porat•on 777 Oua•• <: .. r.le --~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~649 ar~tlng~the ~tlUo~you ~63~ An•~mH~& CA~~7 ~ South Coast Direct or collect. to subscribe to your hometown paper, the ... Thlti bualnau 11 conducted by . ::'hould either a ppear at the WESTCWOAAELO CCOMSMUNITY, lh•S busonen •• tOn<!UGled by .. ~·' p111 ... .n1p ., HEA L TH A . IN tale 0 tO•PO•OllOll MoehMI A. D•VI• hearing and ~tale your lncorporetlon, Celllo,nla. 22762 RBG R9'o•<l•ng Thie atatament w .. filed wtth the o bjection• or fale w ritten Aspan Plal8. Suite 202. El Toro. CA R1chd•d 8 G"msh.1w County Ct«k o1 Orange County on o bu.ct1 on1 w ith the court 92T63h10 1 A t•A b Pie• 8-ptetnber 7 18'2 r' . · I DullnHI I COnuUC "" y 8 Tht5 ll&tement was liled WtUI lhe · · ,, .... before the hearing. You r corporation Covnty Cter)I ot Orange County on Publl•h•d Orenga CoHt Dally ap~aralltCe may be l1l ~non Weatworld Community Sep1em1M11 t3 t98:> Community Church Services 8:30 A.M. & 10:15 A.M. COf-del ,,,_ Hlfh $chool, 2101 Eottblvff Or., COf-del ,,,_ "l'••r 8a,.r,, M•J' c .. 1 I' .. l' .. r Lllet" Roman• VI -I ·23 • Piiot 5-pt. 26, Oc1. 2, 9. 18, 1982 or by your attorney. HealthCare. Inc c KllA.!.!:M'l" I . I.,, P1·1a1 4258-82 I F y 0 u A R E A Eoiet>eth J CreH. Corp 4400 .. :,.~lhllr a1:~. ::.1. no •-----------CREDITOR or a contingent ~~T. a1a1emen1 wH 111e<1 with '"-NewPMt IMch. CA t2N0 Ml.IC fl>TIC( creditor of the dece.ued, you county Clerk of Orange Covnty on Published Orangf' Coast Deity -----u must file your claim with the September 1a. 11182 P110t Sept 18 2s Oct 2 9 t982 .. _,,,....,.__ · f --•t•S·8? ....-ITATDISNT court or present it to the P 0 c ',•·D-t The ,....__..... penon1 are doing I ubll•h•d ran9e O•• II Y .,..,.IC """"T'"r ~ ""';;""' persona re preaentat1ve Pilot. Sept 18. 2s. Oct 2.11. 1982 rl.llK. nu ""' UNITED PHOTO LABS. 21 13 appolnle.d by the court 4148-82 ,ICTITIOUI .u ... a. ~Blvd .. Suite • 12&. ~ within four months from the NA.Ml ITATl.•NT 642-4321 Tim TlmlDona, 8peakins For Info: Call 844-1350 IMcfl, Ce.. 92683 date of flrat luuan ce o f P18JC fl>llC( 1111 tottow1ng per1on •• dOlng ~----------~ Frff EnterprlM Inc (• New leU4'f'I as provided In Sec\ion FM:TITIOUI .,..... bUlllllSST ·K·E·StXT" 23'""2 ""llSO Jeraey c0tporat1;,11), 2092 RI 9. • .__ n......... ,.__,_ f "' • • ., "' How911. New JerMy 07731 700 of u"' ...,..,....te '-UUC'. 0 N,._ ITATWMltn CrMk Roed Legune Niguel Ca The Cryst•I Cathedral Congregation: "A place wl\ere people care about I • Thie lundlty, October 10,1982.Moming Services in the Crystal Cathedf'al at 9:30 a.m. and 11:15 a.m With Dr. ftobert Schuller. HtSmornjng message-''Become ·~llty Thinker-HOWi •• • Or Sc:huller's pulp!t guest at boCh se<vtCeS this Sunday IS Fr.nklln Gnltwn1 son of World Evangelist Billy Graham. His loprc. his recent relief work 1n Lebanon. · oranoe County'a Moat BMutlful Dining Room" -The • Arboretum-adjacent to the Crystal Cathedral presents: ·Su~ Condnem.1 lrMkfut on the Patio E...ary Sunday at 8:00 a.m. to 11 ·00 a.m. • Olorioua Sunday Brunch. Every Sunday at 10:00 a.m. to2:00p.m. • · lundev---CflllH! ~ Chlldfen • Smgles • Youth • Marrieds • ~ ·Sen'°' Cttllens •1Uftd9r IWftlN lemce 7:30 pm in fle al glass Crystal Cathedral. • JOln Or. Aobett Schuller as _.. the aon 1111 tor a Bible study In the book~ Phltppians. .. \ peop~e" Next Sunday: • Sunday Morning, October 17 (9:30 and 11.15 a.m.) Dr. Schuller's pulpit guest will be Unrted States s.n.tor Robert Dole. For more information call (714) 971-4000. For immediate 24.hour live telephone counseling call (7~) NEW-HOPE. "A place where people CIJN about people!' ' Thia~ i. conduc1ad by • California The time for The lotlowing per.on• 11• cloo"il 92677 corpol'allon fillna claims will not expire l>u-'C:: A~: G E C 0 A ST ASS_ Robin w Do11e 250 11 Maron FRfE ENTERPRISE prior to four months (~om OCIA TES. 9902 Moor• Cltct•. Courl Laguna H~l·~.!~!;'b an ~!a;:;.:o!,~· the date o f the hearing Huntington Beac:h. Ca 92646 ~h: ':::",_. 1 Y Thie lllllemenl w .. llte<I With tl'le noticed above. W1l11em W Rote, 9902 Moore in ,., u Aobon W Dale CountyCl«ttol'OrangeCountyon YOU MAY EXAMINE Ctrcte. Huntington BHch Ca Thlell1tementwu111e<1wi111tne 8ee>t9"1b« 23, IH2 ,,.,. the file kept by the court. U 9264~nda A RoH, 9902 Moor• County C•ter~ ot Ofeng. County on You are Interested in the circle. Huntington Beach, C• Oc1ot>e< • 1182 ,,.,1 Publlahed Or•no• COHI Dally PllOt 8-pt 26, OC1 2, 9, 18, 1912 ~late, you may (ile a request. 926'8 . Publt1hed Or ange COHI DAiiy 4218-82 with the court lo receive Thlt bu9111eH 11 conduct9<1 by an Pilol 0c1 9, 16. 23 30, t982 -----------11 p eci al not ice of the lndlYldueW~~~i:'.t,:1•1 4461-82 , ____ MUC ___ NO_T_IC(~~--i Inventory of estate auets Thi• 1tatamen1 wH flied with tne Pt&.IC NOTICE ftlCTtT10U9 .,_.. and of the petlt.lons. accounta County Clefll of Or1no-County on --------,..,,..,,,,..,..-:-- ..,... eTAnMINT and re ports d escribed In Septambel' 10, 11182. ,,11,... F1CTmou1 1ua1N111 The loflowlnO pwf9N are dOlng ... N.A• STATl•NT ~ M Sect IO n 1 2 0 0 Of the Pubtlahad Orange CoHI Dilly The lollow1ng person 11 doing LIFE Pi.us. 120 E. 18th St.. c.1ifomia Probate Code. Piiot Oct. 9, 18, 23, 30, 11182 buiMMH .. Coe1• Meu, Ca. 112927 Getler ••• Marti•, by : ••sa..a2 AUTOMATED BOOKKEEPING Hermine MlcMh Lew. 246 Sall RoeaJd B. MartlD, AUonteya ..... IC MnTIC( ACCOUNT SYSTEMS & SERVICES. Joaquin, l.agun• Beedl. c.. t2961 al Law, .... Dove Stree1,, ____ r_~ __ nu _____ 2013 PrHldenl PlaC41. Cost• Me .. Alanah H. Rhone, 6 Htohlend Sute lff, New'/:irt Bead1, ,ICTfTIOUI .u ... 11 CA 92827 View, IMM, C.. 92715 t ? ) MAMI I TA"RMEfT DI ANN E MILE TTE 2083 TNI bu"'-.. oonductad by an Calllorala • •• ( 14 The following'*''°"'.,. doing President P•-· Cott• M• .. CA unlnc:0tporatad uaoclatlon other 111·1771 t>u.,,_. ... 92627 than a partnentlip. Publt1h~d Oreni\i Coau Dally PACIFIC LIMOUSI NE, 2•012 Thie bus1neM la con<luct9<1 by an Th6a at=~~ with the Pilot. Ott I , 8, I,. I 2 401-82 ~~~9druga<la. Mis.ion Vleto, Ca lnOMcluet Ooenn E M1te11e County Cleflt Of Oranoe County Oii -----------p A C I F I C M E D I C A L llllt 1111_,t wu lolecl wttll the &ec>t9mber 23· 1912 P\a.IC NOTICE ENT ERPRISES (• Catttornta County Clerk 01 Ofange County on ,,. Septtmber 17. 11182 Publlahe<I Orange CoHI Dally 'ICTITIOU8 DUSINlaa G«POf•llon). 24082 Via Madruge<la, f1'7tel Pilot 8eC>t 2S. OC1 2, 9, 161 1182 NAMS 8TATl•NT M'=" ~~~a 9::Juctad by • Pubt11hed Orange Coeat Delly 4217 .. 2 The followt110 per•on ts doing corporellon PllOI, Sept 18 2S. Oc1 2, t, 11182 1-----------1 butlnau as PACIFIC MEDICAL 4131-82 P'\a.IC NOTIC( UNIVERSAL SERVICE AIDE. ENTERPRISES •-"' """'TIC' 1--------,...,.,,--..~~-1 1433 SuoeriOf A..,. •300, 8ldQ • 1. E '"_,,, "" '1CTITIOUl IUIMll Newpo<t Beech , Ca t2863 Cliyton · L.ewrenr. ...._ 8TA~ Stephen L Sluehar. 1433 PrMld«ll ~'"°"COURT CW The lollo'#l"il pereona are doing Su"e11or Ave •303, Bid" •I, Thia ata1amen1 was flied won the C,:~~ .. YO .. • County Clef1l of Oranoe Coun1v on ..,..... •• .,.. ~ ••· N41wP<>'t Beach. Ce 92463 Septembef 27, 11182 1t1 M. Uw_. at. NEPTU NE· a TREASURES. Thi• b\ltlneta ,. conduel9<1 by.,, f1tul0 .., •• ,.-..-.CA ... 854 1 Oxley Cr . Hunll"ijlon 8eactt. lndtvlOual ~ AND ,LA TT , L A I N TI , , : c O _. E L A " o Ca. t2648 Stephen L Stu.he< A..._,. atU. L.,_9t YAN>I, INC . .-., Gauld S KorH. 154 I 011tey Thie 1111-1 w .. llled with the ... ~ lleulHaHI DC'INOANT: DONALD ILUOT Ct., Hu1111nQ1on Beedl. C.. t294t County Clerk of O<enge County on 1...._ m CL.ARKO 9"UCI CLA .. IC, CLARK Linda L. Koru, 8541 Oxley Cr .• October I. 11182 --.. ..........., Ca........ L .. N DI y IL O _. M. NT Hu11tlngton Bead'o, Ca 926'8 '111101 ...,._,.... • _., .. Ttota buelne9e ta conducted by an P1.1bflahed Orenge CoHI Dally Publlahed Orange Coaat Delly COt"OllA flON, a Catlf•t11la Individual (Hwabend & Wile). Potot Oct. 2, 9, 18, 23, 1982 PllOt Oct. 8, 1$, 23, 30, 1N2 Certorallo11J 8TUYYllANT Linda L. K0tU 4348·82 4482-82 IN I Ill AN C 11 C 0 M _.ANY , a Thia 11a1-1 wH fifed w1111 the ----.. ---IC-lllft_Tl_CE_· ---1 Caltonlla COfPO'atloft, Md 0011 Cou11ty Ctetk ol Orange COi.iniy on Ml.IC fl)llC( '"-nu • "'""'-" \= 5-ptember 21. 11182. NOTICI Of' IA&.a Of' c-..._ 11.ao ,,..... ,ICTITIOU8 Ml .... 11 A YSIHL YM.USO AT NOTICll Yeu IMtwe 1Meft MM. Publlahed Orenge COHI Dally NAMI ITATSMSNT 110M THAN -"'9 -1 may deelda ....... ,._ Piiot Oct. 2. II. 18. 23. 11182 The fotlowlng r>efM>ll• ero dOlng Notloa I• hltaby Olwn pur11.1an1 •""•wt re wt 1te1 111 hear4 •2N·U bullMN .. : 1oeoctlon1500,601,~l.6.602and .-.........._,___..,..... • ..._ !-----------A IL I A IL I C 0 MP UTE A 503 ol Iha Harbor I Havlgatlo11 -•-• .._..._ -r•• P'\8.IC NOTICE SERVICE.I COv 27312 Cranbtool(e Code ol the Stale OI Calllornl• Ille ~ yO\I~~= t:-acMoa OI '1CTITIOUI ....... ~,El T0to, Ce, 92UO ~: SAUNDERS MARIN! In ettOrllty In thll metlet, you ..... ITATIMINT Or NoolEI T wenoc. ~'2~!~ ClllnbtOOll• ~~ ... ·.' pUbllc •• =:on. c~ ·.', ~lltoo2 atlOUIO dO to promQlly IO lhal )'OW The following p.,aon la oolng · Oto. •· • -..--• Coeee · "' • flt MPonH If •ny may be bl.ltllloU u An n H w u W •no . 2 7 3 12 a.rn. on the 1 Ith day of Oct04>tt, :.CS : ~llne • ' M.C. ENTERPRISES, 4 lotlv•. CrT~~2.· .. EI _.!!!·~ ~ 1112, the lollowlng dHcrlblO A y I IO I U • t e II "a a I II 0 ~ leaotl. C. 92'13 ·---...... .........,... "' .. , pr~. lo wi1 fftfl•"4•11•. 11 u1•11"•' ~ M.,k Coha11. 4 lottvat, lnOMdualNI* w-Y.-ol loat IM2. Melle ol BoM· ....., _.,, Ud...,. .... ,,.... • Newpot1 IMch, c.. t2M3 ·--w= awta Craft: Hull No .. CF eoeocc. _ ... w. ':c: ...,. ... _ ........... It ......... _,... .... ...... -.. Sold .... II for the pVrj)OM of .... I .. • TNt --c.,...._ -vr all Thie 11a1_,t WM fllad Witt! lllo MtllfWlllQ llon Of the un0011i9'10d lof • • ..... n ... lnOfvldue!M""' ~ Coul'lf'f Clefj{ ot °''"" County on ~. ~atorllla, St«aea and Loet T ·ua1ed d•H• eottclt., •• Tlllt 11~ ... "*' Wllh the Sec>tMllMlf JO, '"2· ,...,, AdWttfalnO 111 IM tf!IOUnt of I~.. co11 .. jo de un abogedo en HI• Coun ... Clartl OI OtllllOI C-ty Oii ~o::l.. I0!.!_!11.~...!!! !.0 .... 11• OI •• "n I 0 d. b. r,, ... c ., I 0. --...:!.-aG ttta Pubflelled Ora11go Coaat Dally __., .,... ....--.,, ...,._,_ • ,,_,. Hell Oct 2, 9, 11, t:a, tN2 O.i.ct le 1111 dey of October, lftlmadlal-t• de .. ta ,,,_, P1.1bll•l'IOO Oranot COHI Dally '31342 1912 I! :-'-::::...,'°=:· :.~ ,._ l'llol Oct. 2 .•. "· 2a. 1M2 --.,. --l(tnllOf'lo llef""1c ' 0 II 1 TO THf' otl'IHOANT: A cMI 4a1MI ~ .WI~ lt114Jllt"ff ran90 OH a y 'OlTIPlllnl hU bHll flltd,l)y tllt 1----.. ---.,.-..,,.-TIC(-_,,;....,;__I PIC"'10UI .,_., Hot. Oct t. 1911 pltintlff 90alll1t you. If you with 10 ,_ rw um ITA~ I------~~:--._..-:---~ ,,. .......,.., you m111t. wn111n PtCTITIOUe -H Tiit IOllOwlftt potlOna .,, OOlllg "9llC NOncl M deye eftet 11111 111mmo'I• le .. ..-1T·T1-~ • ..wci on yOll, Ille with 1111e CCM1 • ' ·-'" -· IHll~OI ANO COMPANY , PtCftflOUeWll """""rtef)OftM to IN~ ~ '°':""'9 per.one"' ooino 110, JemllOtlt Ra,, Newport llAMI ITA.,._,. UllllM yO\I 00 ao, ~ dofNt wlll MA)(-TAA>t. 10ll1 ...... Me ...... c a •neo TllO followfnt PtrlOI\ I• clol119 l>O 11119'" on .,,.,,1c.11on ol '"° 103. '°""'atn Valley, Ca. t27ot lllltldt H. l<rutatch. 18701 .,..,_ u ; pfallltlff. lllO lhle eo1o1t l'llllY Ollter • ••erut11 0 fawtll, 11 10• !!!"n• Cleta Aw . Dene'°""' Ce. f'ICHll, IUa ltl1tOI, Cotta ~ ~ yOll IOI ttlO rellel '"' • V C • ..., M.ee. CA 9HM. dlmlllded Iii IM ~ wtllGll V~ Cl .. 'ounteln alley, 1' Ooloree A 1<r11t11Ch, 14701 AL"N BAllllllV LIMtiotlAMAN, 10t19' tt111lt 111 terllll lllnont of f:'" J. ,..,..., tt '" YOMl'llte ..... • Cler• Ave .. 0... ,.,., Ca. • ... vi. Del Alo, L.al(• '°""'· CA ...... taldno °' ~ Ot lfltClllO'tr ' toe .... .... Of OINf r•O•• '"l.IHIM '" ,,,. " Ollllltalll V,,,.,. Cl n OI .,_ ..,.. le~ by an Tiiie• ~ le CIClflCMntd by _, ~I. ""' ~ .. conduC"4I ~II! ~. ~. • Dllod: ...,...,...., "· .... MlrWI ,.... • INlldl H ICt\llltlll A11r1 tA1111+'9llMll ............. 1!!l'fll n1ie -1*11 ... lllad wftfl IN 1llil ~I ....... ...,. ltle TM• 11 , ..... -~-~IN WfL•R --- aatl of°'""' C-iy on Coullty Ctllt. Of a. ... ~°" Caw1'Y Qertl of Otllllf' _,,,on * '::"~ lll•iiM• H . IMI ._....,.., '°· ttea 11,111._, 17, 1tll ---1 ,,.., ,,_,. r-'":Ii......, ,.. ... Met 0111119 Coell 01111 Pullllaflff Or•lltO CO.It~ ,.,..,IMCI °'~co: Oa\ly ~" .... °'?~c= DeMy ,.... aet. 1. '· "· n. tt1241'°"" '"°' 0c1 1. •. 11. n . , ... ..,... "°" °"· •· 11. n. 11. 1 ..._.1 Not,°" •· 1•. • • ..,.. I . ·-- • Bank, file mine workers challenge UMW president ,.,,.,,,11u1111 1m1.t.r. .. ~,i .... 1.~!fi ''~'! .. ,' , .. ,. 1J.•11..vt!!~'!. •••• t.1.o!I !•!1..vtf1.1.tt. ... :t.1.01 T/aHtl _,. HI _,_ 1;;i;;;;············· fNIU\ •"s ···•r•••·iii¥i0i... .. '""""""" CARMICHAELS. Pa (AP) The ca~an offll'l' I• crowd~ wllh poet't>li, T ·lih lr t.11, hu~ and jac kets, all for 11ale und 1111 adorned with the alogon "Why Not the Best?" R ich Trumka Is running for the presiden(·y o f th e United Mine W orke rs on the proceeds. The Trumko trinkets arc part of an e labo rate mo'ney·rnlslng operation b y the 33-ycar-o ld UMW law.Yer who has promised ~ accept pollt1cal contributions only from rank-and-file m iners. That promise. h is campaign officials say. lS one o f Trumka 's most powe rful weapons in a bid t o unseat uncumbcn t U MW P resident Sam Ch urch. who has not made a similar distinction m fund-raising. "W~o·s he (Church ) uwe whe n he's d o n e?" A s k s Trumka campaign m anager J oe Corcoran . "W e're going to .owe the rank and file. Sam Church is going to owe a 16t of outside interests," If Trumka succeeds, he can thank, in part, the light cast from a commemorative safety lamp. 0 I loo' UU11U NI Ptttot1al qvlllfiecl com • Love Galboe ltland ... ~r.!!~~.!l........ pinion drlveft tor YO\lr • Enjoy Worklno With People & Like Stlllng South County A1Cade ARE FREE da)' 10 day .,,1nd1 • Have Knowl.c!Qa ot Junior Swimwear Loc11i°" end mac:hlnet 8hoi:>plng. doct0t'1 & Sporllw .. r 01 location onl)I Call Cal,• 1ppj1, church, eto Alt • Under11and Merchandt1lng & lnver,tory Tom or 61mo11e need• met By hour or Control 58&·2805 __ __ l4t•ltll di~ ""·6857. • want A Full·Tlm• Job ,.••OMlll Prof • f~rtpeuuc m,.. -HO•. your homt tor M Tlltl WI All LOlllH Fiii Yll Send Ae1ume & Oueellons To O,,tlTlllTlll Loil Red Toy Poodla, Stl or F Tom 98&·~17 Sitters ••11 .. lte• on Temp111 Hiii• Or L•• ~ Ntwport 8Hch & Hunt· guna Sch R-11tdl lt•Hll .f 1n~1on Beach art• tran· •g'·'885 la1t1Hll•• 1005 Ch M• for 111e. Loll: Bird, gry/ yellow/wht ;,;;~~1~··o;;.~~~r··;1~;; I Cook1llet. Roy11 Palm & begin• Oct 17 Big Bo• The nation's 11111 child, M1oorca, MHe Verde II Sludlo.!. l..1gun• Ben 7 BoJt 40 Balboa l1land Calll 112662 hOme & P•I allllng Iran· round or 1een call wke ,,9 No !ravlou• OIMPUlt•/Litt Full time p011Uon Oppor· chlee 11ellld by ldu<:.. 5,g.709, or 861·83115 1 ...... ,·ncei 1..,,. Juat 8 1unlty , .... quiet! lnt1lll· 1ora Coo1dlnaled lrom ft,.V '"" Malure wom1n to Uve In "" ' the home. llexlbte houri Found Female m111 the· Sincere 1n1eres1 & dealre with ilderly working eic· gecl~~·-t ~~·-· opo11i: g minimum overhHd pherd. blk & 11n, male 10 h1v1 fun while lear· 1eullve Liie dulltt In-~" ypl•I II. "" Fee atarll It $ l5.000 pointer, llVer/blk & wtll nlng en ••lfm'ly uaeful eluding driving to and lion EJUIOllJI• 10 llock For mori lnlormallon Mile blk & 11n Vorkle & .,, 739-2651 10 rtglsler lrom o c olc 'No houae-controt, purc:flH lllQ' Ind N 1 11 1 ._. c •• h computer opefatlon call numerou• Clll -por PRE·SCHOOL c en ng, n...,... "' ome Permanent position for 0 ' Beach Animal Sneller DAY CARE Pvt rm & bllh v.(lcnd1 "',.,. t 125 Mna Or• Co111 Maple Ave Chrtatlan In free. Room & boord plu1 rell1bi. peraon C•llcV~· IH4•••rftrt Me11, 8"·38S6 C M Ran111er1ng 2-Pre 1 $ tOO/mo Weekd1y1 c1ll lor Electronic• l 1•/112·1221 ..,, 892-5127 & !>48-9856, or 7 i4-S•0·926-4 • Found fem••• Whippet K Sm 1ndiv CIHSM -~~~~~~~~~I wllh 111100, now 11 Open Oct 'th 848·•334 811 epm & wkndl General Ol11Ce Proper1)' Laundremll for Sala. In-cludes Fluff & F.old $8000, H11bor & Adame, CM 840-875• Need Elllrl Money? Sell Travel Club M1m-bershlps Take Trips yourself 495· 133•, Nor- ma Orange County Anlm1I --'Siii•iii6-iii3iii•iii8iii1 -----Mgmt Co Newport sn.1101 li I t • 811Ch, rlllel r1Ce9llo-• !".f .~!~........... OOMPlllOI lllE nttl1. good lronl ofllee Found black F puppy '•~ w,.,-~ 1015 1ppearence & 1><oleu10-Me11 Verde, 10 owner or '!~!'!.::~ ... "!'.......... $7-$9/hr. Flea Hr1 C1ll nal 1ttllude. ty~ng 55 good home 549·200t Young mamed man will 83S·•4'9 JOBS TODAY, WPM required for v•· d I h d k 2707 No BrlllOI, s A I 1~t h I 10 3 Loll diamond pinky ring, o genera 1n y wor r ou1 pro .... 1. r · Nwpl Bch area, greet C111 evea & wkends .• •~m~•~ll~l~ee~~~~~-1 M·Th, p<>Hlble e•p•n· aenllmenlll vilue. re· 1172-9525 = "°" to full um. p0alllon w11d 8S 1-118'10 Mllure fem, live 1n com· HMPITH 5'9·2988 Found Long 11e11 Tiger klnen, abl 8 mo. VIC 211 •3rd. N.B. 673-8'70 panlon. hskpr nds poal-SAUSPHIOI tlon Local refs NB/SA. lor Comput•r B1ron In --------• No driving S52-8178 CM C1ll lor Saturday lllEUL OFFICE Three o f the lamps. each nscribed with "Why Not The est," are being raffled b y m~ign w orkers. The chances r e $2 each. Clemmy Allen Jr. is beh ind th e amp sa l e a nd th e o th e r m orabilia that is br inging the ash into Trumka's coffers. "We figured w e would n eed to a ise about $200,000 to run an Joe Corcoran (left ) and Cle mmy Allen push souvenirs and. lotter y tick e ts in their campaign foa· Unite d Mine Wo rkers preside ncy candidate Ric hard-Trum1Jka. Esteb E"llecullve office suite tor 11le. n11r O.C Airport. For Information. please contact Steve Wheeldon. Found German Shorlh•I· -Ho-u-sekeeper, companion 8PPl_54S·2216 -~ S950tmo I.lie Skllla, lots red Pointer. or b1by1lller position or people contect. Cell 848-4252 wanted. prel daya In IHTAL AISISTHT 835·•"9 JOBS TODAY, /11rllt•1al NB.. CdM 01 C.M. Perl time hra. 'dl\YI per' 2707 N. Brlelol, S.A 0 , .. ,,,,,,it SOI S Found· Beoulllul Blue Merl 642-0628 week. Some front desk amell lee ••• ~~•••••••!•••••••• 3 mo. Old rem puppyR ----1 --1-1 ---1 Expr nee lnilne ~~~~~~~~~ $4000 nets YOU $5 100 ix1 Beeut m1rklng1 espons ble de very dr · 752-7555 weekdays 7 to sv9s tat yr. $2000 2nd •99·3•65 ver w/plck up econ car 3 yr. s 1700 3rd yr + Clth avall1ble lor work · 714/851-1700 IEIERAL OFFICE ffective campaign." said Allen , ho a s fin a n c i al direl·to r nitors all Tru mka fund-raisers n each of the union's districts. 'Eve r ybody's told m e that it's oing to be so d ifficult to raise oney fro m the rank a nd file. at it could n't be done . Allen say, 1s being done b y Churc h 's acceptance of campaign contributions from those outside th e UMW br o th e rh ood . Contributions h ave com e from i ndi v iduals l i nke d t o coal producers, Corcoran said . I aw y l ' r as m c,c t 1 n g I h c n ·quarl.'mt-nls to Sl!l.'k un wn oCfic.•<.• Bt-s1dt-s the.· h at!> a nd T -shirts, AIJen as hawking lapel buttons. jackets and chances al winning the lamps as wrll a s a b e ll buckle. a gun and gun cabinet, and sets o f mug.s a nd pitchers. llow via tell w/o while tu 1100 REWIRI •96·232• Dentel Ass111an1, 4 days SSS build prestlglou1 LOST Cl\T Choe brown B I It'. IH 1100 week In Newport Besch equllylll Re•, 5•9·7!>34 w/go4d ..,..._ Vic of • .'.'/. •• !!............ olc X·ray he a mull Mon1rch B•y area Ans· 6U ·2•116 or S•8·2886 llSTULIA wers to "Ming .. Please ASSEMILJ ORV Cl..EANING·Full· Need up lo $500K ror call 2.-0-31 18 TEOlllOIU i •lme. m1rtdng & lagging sub-dlvl11on, betl au~rb FOUND. M, Miii pointer-ol draperies tn plant Wiii ol Brisbane. high return. liver, blk & wtt Mel• $9/hr Super Company train Stera $4 per hr secured by local RE In Yorkie blk & 1811 Num9· C1JI 835-4"9. JOBS I Con Drapery. 1297 Lo· Newpo<l Since 19•5 rous Clll & Klltenl TODAY, 2707 N Brillo!, gen SI . C M 540-1366 PerHlmt. 20 10 30 hours per week Typtng 55 w p m Front olllee IP· pearance Cell 145-141& GOVERNMENT JOBS M1ny IObl available in U S and overM!es For Directory 312/838-43'7 "And we've done it," he said. Another chunk of m on ey h as o m e fro m a campaign-run ottery. Although such a lottery illegal in Pen nsylvania, where state-run lottery is the only Tac k Cornelius, C hurc h 's campaign spok esman, said the UMW pre s id e nt i s n ot e mbarrassed by co ntribu\io ns from outside the union , although he re fuses to open his c.ampaign books for inspection . "We had to com e up with a way to raise money through the rank a nd flit?," Alle n said of the wide varie ty of campaitfn items . N o t only d o t hl' ite m s add needed dollar s for the campaign, h e said, b ut they gain miners' a llegiance to Trumka a nd his slate of candidatci;, which h ave been endorS<.'li by 449 locals -to C hurch's :l83. 673-6336 AM/PM Newport Beech Anlm11 s A smell , .. II , • I Sheller. 125 Mna Drive, llfflfll, illll C M 64•·36S8 AUTO .. tOTIVE lhff1 SOJS ----· IHllHPH •••••••• •••••••••• •••• LOST Cat. aml Ttoer l trl· M I I • SATTUI P8d shorthelr fem Vic u91 be ellper •need In .. Tusi1n1201n Si. CM automotive bookkee-••rtc•1• c •. 1 ... 842·'799 ping Mu11 alao be ver- Spectenzlng In 111 & 2nd -----sallle In either pay1blea T0'1 since 1949 '•1l••lll SJSOi or recelvables & llOCU· ELECTRICAL IESIUH HI E-9 t EXPERIENCED Perma· HIJralyllst with rollowlng nenl posl11on 25 yr o4d 1o work tn n-aelon 1n . eleclrlc8J co Coron• del Mar area 71"859·7200 celled Images 675·5S31- ~~!~o1lA~fR~ll IS llOST /llOSTUS n ctioned one. no legal action ls ing contemplated by the state ttomey general's office. "Sam has not tried to hide the fact that h e has taken money from outside the U MW," Robt. Selller NH/CM R.E Broker Bd Aeellor1 642-2t7t 5•6-0611 •••••••••••••••••••••• i 1a1e Call S11n 11 u ... , YIOK•·· NAmR~ • BIG COMMISSIONS I SS 50/hr Greet lor SIU· • NICE BONUSES dents, GOOCI nours. Cell World'a OldMI & Lrgll 83S-'"9 JOBS TODAY, Pt Time, No Mlllng. 2707 N BrlllOI. S.A, Please dont cell before 1m1ll lee As of Sep t. 3, the campaign ad com e up with $171.447, a igure tha t Allen said would ow to at least $200,000 by the ov. 9 election . Cornelius said. · WIDOW HAS $$$ lor TO's PHOTO MODELS ~ ESCORTS/DANCERS (.Al) LL1\ . C hurch 's forces have tried to make an issue o f Trumka's m in e e xpe rience . Candidates for "Whe n a guy s pc.·nds a $1 to buy a tickl:l, or $10 to buy a m ug. h e's m a king a p erso nal commitment to the campaign. RE Loan•. 10K U11. No tredlt Check. No Pen· elty. Dennison & Aasoc 673-7311 . OUTCALL 2• HRS IH·OlOl /t.U • .lt-t.11h1 l\l\,t I .... 111 \\, ..... 1 'l.1~1 i\~I 10 AM. Mr. l..ee ••!~~~~~~~~~ 71'-966-2325 FINANCIAL ANALYST lllSHHPHS Live In/out From $80 week Low lae, Home Aid Domelllc Agency !>35..0999 "W e've made a ca mpaign issue l of the way Sam Church runs Is campaign ," said Corcoran, ther coal miner who doubles Trumka'a press aid e . "Sa m :hurch is mortgaging the future f the UMW to ou tsiders." The mortgaging, Corcoran and 'intern ational U MW o ffice a r e re quired to have five years experie nce in coal m ines. and Trumka w o rked in the mines for seve ral summers be fore and during the time he spent in law school. Fonner UMW President Arnold Miller certified T rumka's years as a coal miner and stare By the e nd of the campaign Allen hopes to have sold 10.000 ha ts ($5 a pitt(!), 5,000 T -shirts ($5). 5.000 campaign buttons ($1). 5,uuu la pel b u tto n s ($5) and dozens of jackf.•ts at $20 ap1e<-e. lat TO, $11',000 11oe, 30% discount, .... seo. 000 Stasoned 9 yr• on $300.000 f11m. 5'7-645t, ~-0195 CASH for TRUST DEED'S Mr Rice 675-4890 95t-•826 Will purcnue ••ISiing 111 I or 2nd mor1gsge1 11 *** ltl1nti1 Parlor Open 24 hrs a d•y 7 d'a a week Jacuzzi, 11Una.. Loeall .. well .. Tourl1t1. BankAmerlCard, Arnet· lc•n E•preaa. Otn9ra All wek:orne 7 14/~5.3433 2112 H1rbof 81 CM BABYSITTERS Reap. &dull, lernp. 1gency Chorlotle'a Sllltra 645-07'6. Banking HllT /Tim TILUll Apply et Hunllnglon Sav1nga & 1..oan, 6967 War~. HB E OE Banking For growing Investment ="*1t Co. A.- " related COLLEGE egree(•). a var• bull· neas e11pe<. willing to 1r1ve4, highly moth1aled. Hlf 111t1er. unuM.ially strong lnllllectual curto- llMSDHPIM lln at the Surf and Sand Hotel "99dl 1 ~ sor. full ume1ap111 al\111 81llnguel (Eng/Span) 5" 50/hr Conlact Mias Marci, •97·"77, E.c1 385 d•tOOUnt 10)'Where OW voting tO set philosophy (•0•)325·9100 Alll nll c ••••• , ... ~ ...... Converutlon 1h Barbi Sell )'04.!' T ruat Deed lor MCNI .. 2• hrs cash Call anytime 838-0701 an 1DLn Diamond Wanted Wiii •TtWU* Commeroe8ank. nu 1m· med openings for exper lellerl We ott• very compet111ve aalaO.. & 1 lull range ol iclnl benefl1s. llly, non-•mok• Ell<*· lllN/CllLI WE lent writing ablllly, willing we need aomeone 10 10 ml1ce a oommltmenl help ul run our home ComP41"18Uon to $36. 3-' dayllweetl GOOCI 000 Ind lllCellenl beneo-pay Mua1 14>B•k Engll1h, Ill• for 1twl right perlOn ha .... own tranaponehon II you ere not the beal, & be very rell1ble INDIANAPOLIS (AP) -Fire brand Sonia o hnson a nd t wo o fficer s o f the National rganization for Wom e n a r e squ a r ing o ff in oting to determine the next president of NOW nd -perhaps -the f uture o f the w omen's ovement. Elssentially, the question is whether control of 111111mc1s KOHUT JOANNE KAY HUGKES OHUT. age 48, a resident f Winsto n-Salem. North arolina. Passed away on r 8, 1982 at the North arolina Baptist Hospital. lnsto n -Salem. No rth Una. Joanne was born June 15. 1934 in Chicago. · is. She wu a graduate f Steinmetz High School the President of Orange ily M ed lea I Soc1e ly uxillary in California, dent of the Univemty f California Sch ool o f Medicine Guild. She moved to Winston-Salem, North Car olin a fro m Laguna Beach, Ca. in 1979. She was a member of the Augsburg Lutheran Church and active in medical student activities at the Bowman Gray School of Medicine and a member of the Forsyth M edical Society Auxilia ry and a me mber of the Bowman Gray School of Medicine Guild. S he as su rvived by her husband Dr. Robert ( Kohut of the home. 4 IOl'\S James Robert. P1tuJ Andrew, Robert John and J ohn Emil, t:==;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;::::;~ l granddaughter Re bec<;a Ashley, and her m other Harriet K. Hughes, 2 sisters Mra. Loretta Jean Ohm of Schiller Park. llhnols and Mrs. Donna Mae Palmer of C h icago, Ullnois. also a daughter-In-law Kelly U. of Winston-Salem . North Carolina and mothe r a nd father -in-law Mr. and Mrs. E. Kohut of Mllroee. Florida. Servlcea will be he ld on Saturday, Ociober 8, 1982-li Aupbura Lutheran Church In W inston -Salem, North Carolina, burial will be In F orsyth Me mo rial Park. Voaler Fune ral Home. ,ACIAC YllW WIMOllAL,AAK Cemetery Mortuarv Chapel-Cremato ry 3600 Pac1hc View Onve Newport Beacn 64-4·2700 NcCOIMK:ll MOITU.UIH Laouna Beacn 494~94 15 Laouna Hills 768-0933 San Juan Capistrano 4~1 776 MMIOI U.WM-MT. OllYI Mottuaiy • CA!me terv Cremaiorv 1625 Gisler Ave Costa Mes• S40-55S4 ,.c1•onm1 ~-OAOWAT NOllTUAIT 110 9roadwav Coat•Meu 642·9150 IMft-.. OH IMTM 6 nmtlU. WllTCUllP CMANl 4'Z1 E t?th St Cott•Meta e~M3?t W lnaton-Salem , N o rth Carolina dlrectorl. Businessmen If you ore d "i ng bu11n tas undtr a F'lc t ft1ous Busineui Name you are required b11 low r Business and ProfeHIOJ'I$ C<>M. Sec. 17900 to 17930 J to file a f1ct Hlous Bus1r1eu No me Statement ond have U published /or four conaecutive week"8. WE at t he DAILY PILOT con help with both. Call the LEGAL DEPARTMENT at 642·4321 £r t. 332 /or further in/ormohon. the 220.000-m em ber g ro up. Ame rica's principal feminist o rganizalion, will re m ain wilh the establish ed leadership o r shift to the more activist IH·lHI Aa .... ,,.,~t•/ ,,,, ... ,.;.. Buy 1 carll lrom Pflvate -party. caS/'I 631-9276 For Ae1lon Minded Men Super Klno• lnnerman , elemen ts represented by J oh ns.'.>n. wit I ,,.., The fight follows two portentous events this ••••••••••••••••••••·· 1 GlnMOQ. v11smln E & 1 year -defeat of the Equ?I Rights Ame ndment in A..a•Htf•••ts SIOO Zinc 80 tabi.te Phone st.ate legislatures and victory against anti-abortion •••••••••..-••••••••••• or mall order 673· t6SO legislation in the Senate. lial M l1tfirltit1 English 11dy. active 50:;:- Turnere, Apllrodl1t1 H ed f f d th 760..0SO• lovea 1r1v-' & coutal undr .s o women rom aro un e country "' 1 f h f ARTIST'S llYITll envtronrMnt Mell• reu-were gathering 1n lndia n apo is or t e start o red-gentleman wtio wou· Super ~ryt Please Clll for ll)l)t. (71•) 851-9900 MllMEICHUI Equ1I Qwty Employ M/F pleue tell your smartest. llS7-5333 ~ unchallenged friend about ua Reply In oonfl· INSTRUCTIONAL AIDE denoe 10 Coliln• AMOC SPECIALIST Mith/ 567 San Nlcof11 NB Compu1er llb·HIOh IHIUIPfll 92860 SChool. ' hour dly-179 Vachl brOlllf' In Newport dly y11r, 82-83 tehool Be9'tl. Must be expe· Fitness oriented Sale· year only rlenoed In payroll, A/P, sperlOlla lo dl1lrlbule SS 6•·16 90/hout Proll· AIR, bank reconellletlon, the new European El· cleney test required L•· generil ledo-r. For appt: IOfll1111 e•erclse ma· guns Beech School• 873·8S l t chine, eommlaalona. E O.E 548-7025 . 71.,846-06•6 orliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii NOW's a nnual con ven tion -three days o f 10 show & Mii your art In Id apprec111a company. the Westmln1ter Mell s.peech es. p a n e l d iscu ssio ns and hearings on Fine Art Show, Thurs. 10 Boll 10S9. Delly Piiot, PO K All.. women's issues. Sun.. Oct. 1'-17. Bo• 1S80, Co111 Mn•. $50-$80/ahllt. Well FOSTER CARE. approx. 2131592-4239 llYllTORY OLERI S 180/wk. K110•• System. C1ll 835-4•49 JOBS TODAY. 2707 N. Brl1101. S A amall tee Ca known A811t1Uf'1nl. Call 2 3 needed 1 med But th e focus of the mcetin~ is the election of a _9_9_s._7_509 ______ 1 • 835-•«9. JOBS TODAY, In; •mtr~l· , ,-....,., mCh"'et. I Now P El S I COEDS • Would IOVI lo ..... """"' " successor to retiring rest ent eanor me.:i . f!!!J.f. .. '!~f ...• !.~'!'l p1rty wtyou C•ll Sue or :~0:,1 ,!! Br1ero4 s A. fem. en ronment for 8 yr The re are five candidates for the post, but three are Lost· eiuiGo4d M1e11w, Katny anytime (213) ~~~~~~~~~ old boy. Pref. CM/NB to regarded as fro nt-runners. •P• 2 mos ago. Believed 63•·•571, 111•1 = keep chltdRel ln .. me lt11tl AttH4Ht The m ain differe nces a m ong the major 10 be In Balbol 11a1 527•7186 ~ ci.:~:: :f.T~~.15678 _s_2_~_oo1_1rno_· _._'4_5-_;_2_88_._req-< Morning• •9•·5•86 candidates seem to be matters o f emphasis rather Reward 6-42-9607 Gary MIELlll Pl.II ~;;;;;;;;--iiiiiiiiiii~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; than policy. One issue concerns ho w much of FOUND Newly ~ved 1ge 6-45·36-46 NOW's time a nd resources should be devoted to blk dog w/Whll• IOOI on I A s I te to S I cheSI. 9/25. 968-7'68 For Comp1nl0nahtp, mu· a u electoral politics, a theme d eveloped by mea since 9809 or a drlVe< call Ken • defeat of the ERA. Ano ther question is. how each People wtio need people •9?-5718 • conte nder would de a l With relation~ between e;::,:,.·t;:~~I~ .s ·E_l.._l.._ld_l_t _l_1e_m_t_W_l1_h_I Notable national headquarters rn Washington and ch apters DAILY PILOT I oa11y Pilot c1uamed Ad around the rountry . T h e conte nde r bes t known o utside the '=~=' S©RcAllA-a"E~s· :::: Bus1·nesswomen prominence in h e r fight with th e Mormon Church o •-·o,. ...,.., o1 ..,. ~ organ izatio n is J o hnson. who earned nation al ~..,tu'• '°"""" ~ over h er support for the ERA. a proposed ...... ,....,....., _.., t..- 1 low •o I°'"' •-........ -dt . -con s titutional trohlblt1o n agai n s t sexua ,,.... L discriminatio n . e c urc o pposes s ue a n . . ,.,.. w h h h h I B E G R A L I . ·-!: ame ndment. I I r I r ;:!1g Ultimate ly, J ohnson was expelled from the · · -· --:-/\~ ~.·9 I church. and the 40-year-old mothe r of four became I R A M H E I U\ \ "''i~ a full-t im e activist. He r most recent publicized 1----,.,l,,......l--.,l-I .... '~ ~l· { IUl'I' activity w as a 37-day fas t wl!h other women in an . _ _ ,_ _ . \... uns uccessful atte mpt lo p ersuade lhc 11linois d Leeagdis 1 ta 1 nteu.t e to approve the ERA before the June 30 1~c H 0 l T I ! an~~~~~;~1 1:;11~'.':n':. . I r I I -~ ed ~Im $10 Ind.told him lo 00 "We-need to be a lot more aggressive ln our ...._......__.__.,___.__. 1 wh11 h• w1111t<1. Ht 10011 • e fforts; we need to initiate more, be o n the offensive I T A G A S H 1-... ··~·-r.11 ....... ::t ..... · ..... (·:.::~·· --~~ more.'' J ohnson said in an Interview. "We have I I' I I I ................ ": .. """':: been a reactive org•nizatlon . lt's not been terribly _...., .,. _,... "9'- successful." Judy Goldsmith. a Wi1COnsln n ative who is NO W 's vice president-executive, Is another leadlng candidate for the job. She served as chief assistant to Smeal in the last 18 month• of the ERA fight and is repor ted to have Smeal's endorsement. A t Smeal'• urging. the NOW executive board Imposed a gag order on organ iiatl90 officers. forbidding them to dlacWl8 the e lection with news organizations before the con vention opens. But sources famUiar w ith the situation conllnn.cd that I Goldsmith hu Smeal'• endor1Cmcnt. The othe r major contende r 11 Jane Wells -I Sch ooley o f P e nn1ylva n lo. the NOW vice llit;~~ preside nt-action. Well1-Schoolcy waa largely l'C9ponslble for NO W'• non-ERA and non-pom.JC31 activities in recent )'ean. Two othe r candldateta arc Mary M. MtQuay, a NOW leader In O kt.homa, and Anne L . Lan1. who hu been a ctive In the NOW political action commJuee. Smeal doet not expect major ch.ana• In the organization, no maU~r who It t')ected. "For the outlide wol'ld, I don't thlnk,tt)ere wUI 1' ,..._.'-I be that much chan1e." 1he aatd In a recent Nut1o nal \V omen in Businrs:-. Week is O c to be r 17 through 23. To honor local women in busin ess, industry and comm erce, the Daily Pilot will puhlish a spe<'ili l feature in its October 2:i r«lition. This is an exceptiona l opportunit y to int rodu ce a new or longtime asso<'iate to the people of the Orange Const, or to honor awards, achievements or contributions. This Is the Actual Size Ad For beat repfOOUCllon, a cleer black end whit• photo of any s ize c1n be u1ed. Your meneo-wlH eccompanr the picture In Ihle space I you choou not to publl1h a picture. 1111 the apace wllh your meuage. notice, with a photo is • lnt.ervttw. ·'The aver• tMder would not l't!COl"IM , l~t'i"'iri..~~.J~~$2:E::!....!!t!!~ their names ... The ltaUd that lt"em ~ crucial Internally hav no rel.v•~ to the out1kte." I .~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ' . r • I ,. ~ : ..... .. I C4 Oranp• Qout DAILY PILOT/Saturday. Ootobef' I , t812 I fmtn.rtm~ ..... ~~l'.4A~1!ov~~1 for• 30 dly eel In t~ 1111.Y PILIT ....... llHOTHY 00 IT NOWI , .. '" ... ,,. YOUf D•lly Pllol 81<Ylce Otreotory ~tMnllllW 141·1111, Ht. IU ' lessiu1ml 9!!!l!1.!!r.J!t ••••••• ¥![!!.-.!~ ........••.. '!.'.~~rm!.!.'!!!! •••••• l!'.~tn!~!!!r •.....•. I !~!!~'·.·············· AT Jttl lllVIOI CJlt1lrnon• OtrOltnll\O HARDWOOD FL00"8 ...... •&· 1 ., ... Pt1eonel, qualllled dll· Cln•UPI, fewn Cate, full ... utlfull)I c ... MCI ....... TQ9 q. uaUty. lpeatat cate ~•r• f0t your dey 10 d•Y comm & rMld malnt 111d~1J1ed 132·4111 111111,. In hendllno 2& r.re IJIP c•ul C11t •rr•nda 8hopplno. dr ,,... ... •4~a. •••II•• Competitive A•IM "CMilo CARE my hOiilit. •••••••••••••••••••••• •PPlt, church, llCI All 1(80 Land~pe Malnl ······""·············· Hf9h quellty ~k. No OV9'111Nt 730· 1353 funch/anecka Included. Chlfdctre WkdYI. crtd nffde ~· By llour or A"ld/Comm. C ... n.up. DUMP J09S fllS*r.t\ced. dtpendt· Large y11d 048·7030 IHChar Orgenl~ed llCill• d•v 494·58~7 Liit hauling 548·2489 & l maff Mov109 Job• bit, hon111, lnlelllgent, ·ABC MOVINQ· VlllH. c M, 045-4857 CIMI MIKI! 84f-1391 metlouloua. llt•ll>te. tarn Oulell. G•telul $e<vlc• ,. If " i. rln D1rw•11 MAINT l DESIQN 1 11 • I> • 1 1 • p h 0 n • Low retM 552 04 10 •• ! •• !' •• !'A ••• !••••••• Ch ltd Cue my ho mt ••'••••••••••••••••••• Obt rlln Landtcepe 8erv. HAULING·ORADINO 873· 7012 ell e r 8 PM JAYS "SPEAKEASY" M<>n·Frl $1 GO hr Agea OAYW-'LL/ACOUSTIC Wrllttn agrMmtnl on dtmOllllOn, Oletn·up. wNlcdtyl All dty 6tlur· Jl•1/1 J.•11••1 ~~,2~~'r.'a::.r~5~~ ~u!r u:ch:~~.' :,~1.0~~.~ :r~~~~ •:J0 5b5;!W8; 1 mo mtlnl 844·1248 g~~c:...:,~ tr"e':2'.'~e;~ d•y end Sundey. •;1~;;i·~;·1;;;~~·; ,. Jlmboru ' p c M Wiii luturN·AOOYlllC fu~1s~~:. ~~r~~?itng PROF. 8ERVtCe HOUS!CLEANINO 1 101rr. lch 720·184& ••tr..•'rt. 875·0781 Hano·Tepe·SIMI etudl 2 .~.ONLY -,-"--,-. -----;~.n·&·ro:;;,;~~~~~~;y~ Looking tor •Int child· Lie 31!9944 1·532-5540 _Z_llC Bernet 846-292 C:~~"I ~~~~.c~: :, &onded. Olen• 613-8458 .! •• !.~# •••••••••••••• cablnela. rm tddltton1 c111? In my Co111 Malt DRYWALL l it.PINO Gardening , Lend11Caplng, 873·05d llllUOLUll• flll Pltmll 641-7229 h • 1 11 11, 1 a4o y1td m1ln1tnenoe. cl .. ~ 8 om . u me on y All Tai11ur11/Acou•llc UPI, lrM ltlrn ' 11mo11e1 CLEAN-UPS. OAFIAGES. Rell•l>le 30 yr CM rM. by Rlchtrd lnor. Lie Remod .. Rtptlr• FrM Lunch lnllCkl, TLC I.In· FrM "' Kevin 175·0088 FtM Nllmllff. Insured ANYTHINOI CALL Rate. M1tllyn 831~75 280644 13 yra of heppy ....__ di 751·2342. 8•2 488"' n •NOV ... 2 7 ... 7 Ioct l c:ullomefl HI Lo rel" ..,...ka, P•1--------lJ~lrJt•J .. . ., __ .,,.. ___ .,..._._.,..__ FOA A 8UPC8 'l.fAN Think you 631·4410 llo SllV9 752·955e Chlldcere. aete, fun, ti/I· •••••••••••••••••••••• Eaptt Otrdener & C:IHn HtullnQ l yd clttn·up. H<5USC.-tALL CHRISI ' ~~~~~~~~~1 -E-x_p_e_r _c_a_r_p_e_n_ta_r_d_o_•_•' Cid yrO. .. 2·~' of· ELECTRICIAN -Price d UPI TrM ltlmm~n FrM Tr•• trlmmtnosaer•ie1 831~3 Oood r•fl. QUALITY Y»ORK • nett. •---ii'-•I 10-"l~I •ddltlona. remodtli, det. Keren 645·4205 tlnhl free Hllm•t• on P •• 1 1 ,_ Bob 8· ..,8 4 '"' hoAll Reta Lio _. K _ _. .11.tge'or ·-11t Job1 "1 111 .,... • c: .. en·up. ... ••11nJttl•• 2811'0' 7 Oeve· "64·1045 •••••••••••••••• •••• decka. Skyllgh11 & tt· C••lt•it•rl ~.;;;J .... •1 r. • Applied. , ... •'!Plied, guar., pelra Free ell. Oen, •••••••••••'•••••••••• Lie. 306621 673..0389 B••'l••• H11IJ•• ••••••••••• •••••••••• --------lnaured lie d 414991 A I ••••• •••••••••••••••• ••••••"'•••••••••••••• 0 11oon gen. c:ontractor CUSTOM PAINTING • · · 062·0815 ll.J. l •ff•a• H LIC'D ELECTRICIAN C1tpenlry . Mt1onry 2• •r II '') 1 ... 1121 wlll hou1111t, g11n1, & 1n1/11n, Reaid/comm 730·l900 lrM Hlimllll. Lie 306888. Remodel, 0 I rk/R .. 1 r1te1 • • .-na I •4 13•7 F LI 6'' '7"8 C.1r.,t htritl u1 . wo Roofing • Ptumblng Furnaee-pool·w•ter h"I ,,_n. rep•"· u • v rM 111. c. .. ..... • ... J $ I ••• • ••••• •••••••• ••• • Add'na, C1blne11 Free 111, 631·5072 Drywall • Stucco • Tiie ff J .. I INT /EXT PAINTING •• .'.~!.~I •• !!!.!!.... No Sttam/No Shampoo 646-8586/645-4844 ELECTRICIAN Remodel J.B. a.8-9900 .... .,,,,.,.,, •• !1!~~~1.......... & WALLPAPERING 60% OFF FIRST MONTH Stein Speolellll. Fall Ml.Sonry, carpentry, con· Sml Job1/Rep1lre lie. Cerptnlry • Cebln•ll .. Fio········ ····a .. 20 YRS EXP. Heullng. lrM Cullom wotk Free Ill o.penctabll, •tt0<dtble. dry. FrM "'· 630·1582 ctete, add'ne, jnl/axt rt-233108·C·10. 548-8203 Plumb . Drtln Cllanlng Ser=~ ~~~=hly lrlmmlng, landaceplng. ReH S teve 547-4281 ueenlla l. Anawetlhg Shampoo & lletm CIHn. mod llc'd 648-076t _R_E_S_l_O_/C_O_M_M-.L-,-,N-0-.-Ellctrlc•I. Tiie clean hOUN, 540-0851 Bro~:.~;5cr" HARBOR PAINTING Hrvlce.' Hcreterltl & Colot brlgntenera. whl STANBUR INDUSTRIES 20 yri Do my O'lllln work Reta Don 966-0149 Qu111tv work 'FrM ell b14alnHa N<vlc:H , melt cro11 · 10 min bteech Gen'I conlr Propetly Lie 278041 Al 848-8128 G • Joan'• Cltanlng Slt\/lce £•••'n i.n lt ll Call 111 6pm, 873-5166 l>dll renltl. word proeM· H•ll.Uvtdln rmt $15,•VO lmptoY 997 1811 (8 51 . en con1rac1 g. mal~t , Houae .. Ap1 .. Aen1a11 •••••••'•••••••••••••• 1lng. Ttlex-Fec:almlle, toom $7 50, couch $10. · · Elec Service & Conllruc· plumb teptlt, P•lnl Q. Ottlc:ff 540·1217 WASH, DRY & FOLD OHTtM PllHlll 25 Vfl eiip UC:. 40304 1 Bonded. Ina Reta. Colot exoert. 963-00 11 Dick order entry,~·-..... chr $5. Guar ellm pet 0 B. CONSTRUCTION llOn lo rate1 FrM ffll· mobile home MNlc13. HOUSECLEANING Plckup/dellV9()1 evall buy, deelt apace tental od<>< Ctpt t9'l•tt 15 yra Addlllon1 ·Remodel• ma111 Lie 333217 J im 536·9957/536-68"4 Monell & 09pendabll Cindy 983·723'1 1t1. 6 ANSWER NETWORK exp Do work myaelf Home/commerclel. Ina.• 557·1138 847-~714 JACK OF ALL TRADES Brend• 992•2900 831·9131 (uk lor A.V.) Refa 531.0101 tepalra •390032 Jim • • Cill Jeck lnytlme, Tired of dolno teundry? I ~~~~~'!!! ........... . Arl·Ant1que1·J-elry Apprelae & Liquidate Mlch .. I Hein 953..0717 fl~~!t ............ :. Orl-•y•. Parking Lot Repair•, s..1co111ng S&S Aaphlt 631·4199Uc o.n H•Hl>trg Griding & P111lng Co Aalcomt Lio 307804 842· 1720 ~~~{'!!!I ••••••••••• EXCEL C·RPET c·RE _548-5103; Don 551 ·~ ~!~.'!~I............... div or night 675·3_014 ExperllM HOUMkMPlno fluff 4 fold, hind Wtlh, HOLIDAY PAINT TIMEI " " "" We lurnlth vecuum & hind Iron. Mellculoua. 23 yn1. Alto odd job• & Jack Bufllnglon lht•r•li•• A&K FENCE: wood & 10•-tMPlllYEME•T suppllll Klttu 641·4970 I Exp. Renee 642·11787 repairs Bruce 972·0116 0 • /operator •••••••••'•••••••••••• ch a In lln k. Rea /Ind I ,,.... ' wn r RESIOE NTl"L·INT DE· com m c49.c4n3,I REPAIR ·PLUMBING M C1rpe1. uphol. area rug ,.. " " • C F Custom Home Cleaning ,.., •• ,., PAINTER NEEDS cleenlng. work guar SIGNER Furn •"•no•· 540· 7751 j atpentrv. •lee, Ille. rM & Compl. Meld Service •••••••'•............. WOAKI 30 vrs exp, Intl Free Ell 645·1771 ment, color 3r:hemu. WOOD FENCES/GATES HI. Reas 645·2811 Prol . Bonded · lnt'd BRICKW,PRK. Smill Jobi ex1.Acou11lccelllngaUc 955 2066 <>< 75"·0322 28 YRS EXP OUNH••• UNICLEAN SYSTEMS N-porl. Colla MHa. 36671!0. Free eat KURT'S K"APEI "'"RE . • lnltalled 4 Reoelted · "'"" lrv1~• Rttl •75 3175 "' ""' HO••E 1••PROvE••ENT ol Nwp1 8ch. 1!50-1200 ...... 0 • Davis Pelnll"" 647·5186 Qu1llty work Rell D.•11tit FtM et1 Gery 499-1724 "" "" .., ... FtM ffl 49._1429 •••••••••••••••••••••• ----·--Aemodel-rep1lt1-lenclng 11 you need a houMkeepe< CUSTOM QUALITY l•Nt/• •KAT RINA'S LIVE·IN '"'''•'•• eltcltlc:al-plumblng .. lu11v •• vou .,., Cl ll l •nvd"lgn-anymllil'ltl •• ,-.-••• !.( ••••••••••••• f~!!!!!I ••..•.•.....•. CHAMPENOISE Fine Caletlng In the old world tredltlon 845-9858 Get OREEN·c:aah hlkpra. dilly maid aerv. ••••••••-.•••••••••••• 631·6530 enytlme 673·8800 xlnl refe •309032 Don 551·2887 Farthing 1nterlot OellQn o ff ice cleentng, c:rpl TIE IHH ICHf EXPERT HANDYMAN Qualll work with • • ll•~I• I HA~GING/STRIPPING cleaning. 635·2 I 16 Lawn-tr-ahrub 1n11tall Cerpentry . Roofi~ Y per ••••··'··••••••••••••• VIH MC Scott 646-0325 T I I I I aontl IOUCh Bechelot STARVING COLLEGE HSKPRS & MAIDS ree t m remove Plumbing, etc. a.2· 13 ok CM, Irv, HB. Be th STUDENTS MOVING ASR PAPERHANGING LIVE·IN H)itt:v/WKL y Lewn M1Jnl/Ro1011111no 660-0033 co Lie T 12'·436 7 yrs local ••P· Guu vte.•lo s.tvlcea AQencY Fr• esllmate 546·6065 Cedllltc:w to Go·Car11 • .. wotk Prlct1 111,. 11 le: • Compare before vou buy. Roll 'em ott lhe ,,,erket A I w • Y 1 • I a I t In WATCH US GROWi • t!r..~1~i... ....... ... ~r.!/~1. •••••••••••••• Jolly CrlOktler• Prof .... ,...., Wtaflpapet1ng & 11r1p1>1no Don'i rtHool, tepalr ti Meny rt1terenc11 Paul I r •Ci I I on o f Q o • 1 157·0118 .,7.2'90 .Hiity Pa.tr lt•&I.. If tH•I 8uienne910·4&15 •••••••••••••••••••••• 1•111 C1H11 ~~:;:,~!:v~:.n. cu·eroM·~;,;,·~~7.~·~Q: NB/CM only 642-15112 vett, deck• & 1enc:e1 by I I k/1 RANDY 041·<le22 .t!.~ .•• !J•••••••••••• rI~!!!!lt~!J!~!~ ••••••• ED'S PLASTERING NMI ptlehM, lnl/elll. RMIUC:Cot 645·8258 PLASTER PATCHING Rtt1ucco1 Int/ext 30 yt1 NHI P1ul 646·2977 r1~~~!~1. .........••. II Ill 141· llH Wllet HHler Speclell 24 hr plumber etc ~!!!!!!~!~# ••••••••••• J .D. Horn Reflnl1hlng AnllquH , kit. cablntll. fine palnllng. 645-6864 ~!!'!~ .. 1t~11.!rr.1!.,. METICULOUS MORfS ...-HOM£ REPAIRS Rf.MOOUS ..-f1l II li(llV!Cl • C1rptntr, • pl\imb1nc etltctr1C1I f1n1sllt0 ttrf)t'nlry ~l •mold1nc1 •cabin& •shtlw1n1 F auceu to aaraae dOOt 1pun11 81c or 1mi1ll wt do 11 illl fast ett1c1tnl semce 10 ~I np l1ttn1t· #83~16~1 951 ·6067 ~!!!!~I. ............. . Huber Rooting-ell 1ypee New·tllCOve< ·deolll Lie •4 11802 548-9734 ROOFING REPAIRS Smell loba o.k. ltee ffll· mate• Cell Tom 4 Cnuck 542·6392 SERVICE 6 AIPAIR Ven Oppene Serviee Co. 838·48" ----E·Z LAV'N Sptlnkl.,1, l.lltldteape Ou11111tted 636-2737 '"' .•..............••.••. TILE INSTALl.EO AH Kind•. Gu11an1eee1 Rela. John 840.f217 CUSTOM CERAMIC TILE WORK·FrM HI. Chuck 875-5100 tv9I TrH lttr/11 •••••••••••••••••••••• SLOW RATES $ TrH trlm/remov. clean UPI, mowll\g. 5&4·7017 '!.-.~'.'!~~ ..........•. : MOii aub)ecll, K· 14 Dly/tve S5 l $10/hr Mr Morgen 64&·5176 Computet • E.1.c:tronle• Selene. Tutor, $10/hr Rk:h 720· 1845 rtJ!{•A. f!!!!~!. : •.•.. Tvplng, my home or your1. rut & 1oourate. R111. ratu. 545·0374 !!!'!~~~.~!'.'.'!!!t ••••• ··Lal lhe Sunanlne In" Cell Sunlhlne W~ Cleaning, ltd 548-8853 2ov. Monthly Oltcounl lnt1t1tt. RHldt comm'I. Fret HI 20% monthly d•acoun1 64•-4 791 Loving Mother wlll b•bvalt full time . C.M. Area. 548·8853 fOf' WHITE eleph111ta with a Clullfled Ad Cell 642·5e76 l d/bondld 173•90001 Whetever the Fed Insured. 64 1·8427 Se/roll Alec 751•7027 SELL Idle llema with • Cla191tiect mek" It Hay. With a Ct111lfled Ad e1111lfled·te•d lht ad1 ---------Find whit you want 1nl 0111v Piiot Cl ... lfled Ad. 642·5878 Cell Nowt a.2·5e78 every dey. 642·5671 c1111lf~ Ad1 642·5678 Dally Pllol c1aut11eda. Wan1 Ada Call 642-5678 CRAIG CLEANING CO Ruld/comm'I Int/ext SctNnt, m1rror1. Ladd« work . O wn er op er 848·3089 !'.t.'1..~·.-.!'1. .... !.{~ !'.t.'i:vt! ... 1.t.t ... !.{~~ !'.t.11..vt.·~!t!. .... !.{~ ~tfl.'.~'. •••.•••• 1.0!! !~!!'!~!! ••.•.••• 1.~'! I~~ DO A L--~ !~!!1!~!! ....•••• 1.~!f !'.~•.t!J!~~.'!.~! ••• l!M •--------•:WICKER 3 cht1 w/ 11 .. It I 1.5 BEAUTIFUL MARBLE U... hi ... l ight houMWOrk. melle PIYllOAL TIHUllT STITCHERY LOVERS. WESTMINSTER culhlon1. matching col· • •. ~·W1 8U81NE88 IN YOUR TOP ANTIOUE WHITE I to 20' long 3ec I* fl meal• and help drMS Registered. Physician telCh·seCI needlec:rett. '" lbl, 01111 top. $75 ,..,. Sllt' OWN HOME PEDESTAL TABLE W/ 775·1401 enYtlme . ltdy. Mull haw car ltld spec:jaltzlno in phyeleal 531-6508 ANT;6Bu~E~ALL 642·2740. GOLD CANDLESTICK --------- llve In. N.B 548..0805 medicine & tth1bU1t1· Tetepnone Siles 11751 Westmlnatet Ave iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil I ',i\._ ,. ~ -'J LAMP, XLNT COND LIVI l&U.1111 LIVE IN wtlh femily a.nd llOn Part/llme. Idell l0t WI ... ••H GARDEN GROVE FURNITURE NEW ·---...._,_ rlu:"I ~ c~ ~°"l,§,·R~ .. ,,, <A • $300 645-1572 Send aomeone you IOve :~!1 = ;::1~ f:'~~~:i ~=~eket .,,111~~!,,"i' Wlllllll P/T 554.et<J3 ~~~~:.;~ ~.. ~1~ 1~ ~·~'J;tl ~ (~~~ cu:=d·:~1~~8;~8.. ~~~11~~11=~ue~;:!'! & eble 10 drl~. Light Sal•rv negotiable New· $400 • $900 wkly. CtM Me1tresM1 & found. Ml y ..... _.. !!I · 1 . • ~ 540•1735 10< ell oocuk>n• Gr•t houMkeeplOQ & c:ookfng por1 Center. 640-6810. (7141 538·7596 A1k for A 1• llIOI Twin 177 • Full se7 "" ~ ~ ' "" ? "' ! dec:orauno Iden. req'd. Mull apeek En-R.H. Dunlevy .l/J!!!!~~~••••••••••• Ouffn 5 147 . King s187 ··" ~ .• ,. ;:~ .. , .. ''"~. ~., 1 • , l~t" l , 1 ·. ~> Matching oenches lor 411 .. 673·44 10 gflah. No arnoklng & No Printing TEUPllll HARBOFI AREA Sola Bed• S197 · .... ~ ""'! 1 tovnd !Ible. $12 50 ea. _F_O_L_O-IN-0-H-IG-H--:-C-H-Al...,.R- drlnklng. 645-7659. Ref1. Book p111 .. up PIT. Mon, APPLIANCE SERVICE I Sofa & ioveeell $247 ~ 640·1735 GOOD CONDITION req'd. 2 om 10 approx 6:30 pm. llllOITNI w II «: nd 1 ' ·,r , ., Lo.,, ott1~~ Tues. 10:30 10 approx •PP~.'!.~ 0 54~-~~77 g:~'6t~~hFt~~~~~~ GAIAGI SALi ADI NOW ...... ~. _,,, .'. ,. ONHT OF llllWHI I s10, a.5-1572 e:p.,~~ or N-· 5:30 pm. No Exper Nee We need Oood people 10 --------1050 Harbor Blvd. CLASllPllD IY CITYI ...... , '\., S90 648-2819 METAL FOLDING TABLE: com« L0111 Officer lrtl· Applv: Penny .. vet. 1680 aet up eppolntmenll Lest llY ~8~33 Cost• Meaa 631·M09 Ill llLOW .. A. ' Kl .. llZE Ill I 72.. • LIKE NEW $20. "'"" Mmln1t lnc:kldlno Plaoenlle A\19, c M from out News>Ofl BellCh ~~~~~~~~~I l•••••••••••••••••ll!I••••••••• 1150 ,, .. 6-2810 _64_5_-_15_1_2 ____ _ . ... _............ Oc Off\c:e In lhe 1111ning for ------R-t-... --· -~ .... "'"-FNMA p ..... ._.ng. 10-Pf.TI .. •-let Holida 1 ., ,_ 1 ,,,.. W•sher-Drye<-• r.,, New m111r... Mt•: tu11 ,..a..... • 1.·--.6 w wood 1 FRAMED M1......,.,. tier 30, HOlldllY Inn, .. Y nn r Olanwuhel·Fr_., $65, q-1105. klno ._ •• -Cnl1 Jin• Lit.••• ~•ti oven 11 cus om pr 30"1140" TOP CON~ Colt• Mela, 9-4:30. S~I 'fO'." Income Cilub. Selaty + commie· Xfnt c:ond. 648-5841! $125 Andy 750-5832 •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• •• ••••••••••••••••••• white .,.,/yellow. not uMd TION $30 645-1572 1150. Calif R E Ucen· by dol"O lnler .. tlng alon + bonus Clll ---------. OeaioMt'I S•: Sit. Gerage Sale. Everything Fllhlng ge1t including 96"1t44" 4 70"x44' S70. ----------..... ~ dl9C. FREE telephone Nin WOt'k on 1!33-3740 alter 1 PM Refrlg1. Wuhe<a, Oryera Formica Teble, 4'21152" 10.3 F\ofel1, btlll, goe1. Furn & MllC. Sell reeta, polff. flying gafla. 974· I 13!> Antique mehOQeny c:abl· JOB PLACEMENT AS· behalf of nellonel com· M111y lo chooae from wllh 2 llddlllonll lllVll. other ~ 1101 Sun. 382 Le Pttll Pl tackle, elc. 8o'j'1 10 apd nel with 0tlg RCA radio SISTANCE Spon.or: panlff $4/hr ou•r +Iv· TELmPE OLlll Guar S100/up. 659-0ea2 Wood lop In per1 cond. Balboa Aw, Bel 1111 beech crulaer. boat and CABINET BAR $350 & tec:ord pleyer·S75. b .. Funding Coordlnet0<1. crellve 1>onu1 lncenllve 6 moa old Almond colored $35, 980·5844 C ' I • 01.Jw.~~n~~I~. d~:~!~~ mlac. matlne gHr tnclu· 1 Oatk ~~99~refrig throorn .. merbll type" AeMfVld ieetlng onlv. prOQrlml. Convenient ~~j~91~;·5.4~~? ~i~ Gel./Stetlef 011 atove 48" ttble lamp. antq. gold .!!!!'. •• ! ..• ~!....... more 014 Dl rtell Sii/ ding anc:hora ind ch1ln, I alnk in 1 door l 2 drew. Call lor Info, (7141 tflernoon lhlfl. Sales $350. 494.2905. blN, ott·whll• ahtde, GltT. Hie, 620 Marl-Sun eee anchott, dock 1 Collee 11ble. dk heavy ceblnet plua melchlno 2 ...... 52 .. ,. 111per. pref bul wlll train TODAY. 2707 N Brlllol ol ""-· def Mar hoxea. Hand power burnt wood design. llkt door waif c:eblnet l .,,,.,. "" lgh F S. A. small fee Kenmore Washet, 11lfll S35 842• 1155· C vvron• · bl h t $250 556-0091! "marble type" .,.,all IMlf. Llltl lfFIOHI :::.,:i .... 1 c:r::.i Kt~; -------- -cond $70. 48" RNO GAME TABLE B•ro~l~~11"v::::· m:i s~=~. f~~·~.. ..'~!: ~~:i~.~r~ct~ w::.~~~2 , _Kn-,;-;-U-b·ed-".-m-.-11-res-.7 .... bo_lC, ell 10f only $100; ltrn~ Aggrtulvt N-port al 545-5776 TitH TitlMMEll 675-6321 Wtlnutlformlca, $100. ftom 11·6. 1553 Wintetgttan. CM eel rifles, comm I I aprlnge & frame SOO ted gtaH thO-dOOtl, Beach firm -k• moll· Min 5 yr tllpet In 111 Seers side·b'j-alde rettlg, 642·1155 w of Fedco. awotdllsh gear, fine ob· Call LI di 546_9668 llke n-. only S50 for veted lndlvldu111. Terri· I 1arts ol ert, palnllngt, n bolh Call 642-0138 ,'/'I.I Sii" phases ot ltee work & white, 2 Y" old, ESTATE SALE: LR, OR. & ............. •-ut ...a.1H ·seet1fl<:e St.. Furn . ...-· I lorlea open Mull have mod I I XI 1 *"25/ bo 497 1u1 _,......., _,. wn QO<celetn. igurlnes. lie Trundle Seo, 2 mlltr ... ,,. .. Wellem Movte s.i R.E Lie. H11bo<-Peclflc Needed lor I man fife ern equ pmen n .., 0 · • "" BR lurn .. llm~. pies, II· Roll lop ~·· Pl"' •tereo, cmpg tqu1p • '78 Ced C<IV, '76 v1n, '74 HS, xlnt c:ond "~oon Store Front. 055-0073 lnsuranc:a oftlce. Shor· compeny ottering lop Relrtger11or W11llnghOU· neni. brlc·•·brllC, kit· bec:ll 'Cihalra, plant toots. 11orage box. tic 12· -V111/lrucll. much S 100 6"'4-4555 UMd t0t bit. etc? $200 thend & typing lkllls, ::':. & r::~:: tNIC: "· \<Jtllle.' •1tcel cond f:t':'~~10~:" t.~16':,, •tltld•. collectlb'" etc: Hra OAM·lPM Sun· mucn more 487·7000. 759-0007 Loen Officer ptevloul expenence In 768-4751 $145, · Mutl go thlt week. day 1168 Auguate SI SAT/SUN 9·30 lo 3PM SOii & Lov ... 11, blue/--------- fte.taia YalleJ m1Urance prel. Plea.se 547-2816 l l-6 26444 PINO Pa. OPEN 9AM, SAT/SUN GARAOE SALE. Ltwnmo-383 CrllOent B1y Or. green/ott white flofll, Oecorlllve wrought Iron •-.., • ..., .. , c:aM AM. 557-5642. ' yy-•~ I mell. SJC. UNIQUE HOMES .... ~ d North L~un1, Uu1I Piii good cond $ !25 room dlvldet 11 ft X 7 fl . "'"• rs;~• 11-., .. EST TE -· w-.... ryeri, 808 1274 Lootclng or 4-e eJpet. Real Ealete PllTE·IP Plllll Jj I IOZO CRIB CANOPY FRAME . R..,.L· A mlac:. camping llull & Emerald •vi · $ 75 631·2250 prof ... lonale. We IPIC· s .. "Loen 011ic.r Trtl-lttlt Ouadrltek, bu-V •• !f!.!!•••••••••••••• Whit• WOOd, 125. C0..1 Hf9hwiy 'ii nouMhOld lltme, II men II• t ••ti Wrooghl iron b1ker'1 ce-ChrlllmH Col~ora: l1ltz• In new progrems. nlng Semlner" td C.M. Print thOC) E•l)9t. Glt1'1 26" Schwinn, green 552·2830 MacArtnur, CdM rubber boll wlfloor •• .'!l1!•••••••••••• •• • binel, w/dbfe door• & lmart Style pon:elaln I.e. OMP/ARM. GEM. 1el only. Cell for eppt. w/chlld carrier. Gd cond Couc:h & 2 cheltl, com· board, like ,_, plu. LIN llLI 1helv11. $75. 556·0908 plelH w/ 2•K gOld lrlm. & 2nd T0'1. RETAIL Expet'd Full & PT 842..0144 S.45. 833-3222 lorllbla . earthl<>MI l C•tl• Jltu MUCH MORE 1157 N-• H•••( ULE 7 pe wrought Iron dinette Limited otter. Buy nowt Cell John Cuaack people for high l11hlon Men• 10 •peed ftff aplrlt wood will 111t forevet •••••••••••••••••••••• Jereev SI, C.M 557·73611 -Ml 175 111 20 order• recelw 064·0090 cuual clothing llore In W111E IPEUTlll bike $50. 5600 '407_5730 · MOVINQ SALE: HouN· Sal/Sun 9.4 Futn, plcturea. & mite. 879•8307 FREE t8K gold necklace. RESIDENTIAL Newport Beech lt'N. BrOkerage llrm hH Im-642 8954 ' hold llerne. Appllanca. Seate l hahld lttma. Sal Onlyl 540•2300 )(1115 MORTGAGE SERVICE Cell 760-1228 tor Inter· med opeo lor e11pet wire • RATTAN SOFA uohol1t• COl!ee11blee, boolc1. 346 llOlll. 4 burner 8-4. 130 Vie Lorc:a. NB Orenge PlllO Cfleltl(4), ---------view a--.. ___ .. Crul-. ted, r-.. w/ma1-"I~ , ...... ,,.... Coale M ... SI. C.M O.tl<ldll, Od cond., worka thick removtble cu· Five mirror•. (watt) l. · ocierator, hrt 8-2·30, M• ...,, • .,_,.., -.. "'' ...... ... xlnl. Sofa 175. dinette Renovetlon Sall. Mtny 12X48" •• oo _ __.. Oll1 SALES lary commeneurete w/ ~ cond. $50/0BO chair BUFF DESI< INCREDIBLEI Sol• bed. .., 175, mtplt llll'IO bulldlng pertl, IUCh .. ahlonl, $80 S56-o998 ·~ ... 222"· PllOlllll/ llEll 1 l&llEI exper. For aw• c:atl, H.. 6953. 34" X 88" Olk. matctilno rocker. Antq. cabinet 145. Lamp '5. door•. door ltemet, Sol• & 1oveae11. cetm «»---------~ lllllW Mmlll ten McGlntey, Schwinn ltd-bike. Col· 751·2243 !Ible, recliner. WIN/dry. Stereo Pion-SX450, g1111 alldet. gu wall llgned, Beverly HIH1. 8 Gu11ar·l2 11r1no. nu11. air Min. 2 yrw •P· Proe/ 714-644·2292 teglale, 3 19d, llkt new •Ylll SILi dinette, ctr TV, blue, rec:etver. turnllble & hMl.,, etc. Aleo furfll. wey htnd tie. muttl>baclt bf'u1h. welnut chrl , &ctw. c1er1ca1. llght .,. Speclatty game •tore h.. White. St5. 541-6677. loll more. Oct 8·10. IC>Mker• $175. Fremed lure. chendellera. eull· plllowe (S-40 yd feb<lc) 645-6317 - rand•. Smalt Newport lmmed open~or en-lffld•1'11• Everything 00" Boeton Wey (off PIUI•· plllnllno• $144. Iron & c•M•. golf blQ c11r11t be!Qa/whllt, not uMd. 115 yd• Jull Ilk• ,,... car· MortQllgl Co. 851..0444. try level, full t ..... •••••••••••••••••••••• 11/1'/•f 847·5267 rlno & Fel,..,._l Ironing board $10. Kii· 8-3, Sat-SUn. No Ea1fy Gl111 top Iron lbf. 48" pet earthlonee &Ml of· Loee wetghl·Mlkt $$$1 :.i~ = ~~~ ~lfJ.'. ............ !f!f .. !!fJ!!!~!~ ••••• 1.~~f T:!~~~~. conltrn· 1.IOHT FORCE CO. ~.!":!~1 ~Sey~~':. ::::•a c:~:·N~; ~1~c~~~y .:·«!or:'~ ter.' 833·9799 . Need 15 people 10 ION muat, fllllr lor MMlng. fine •W llt/n , $125 675·0497 ... 1_..11 pt·-"•• IWIE ••LI Ht1gh11. 1011eae11. $600. Not used RANCH MINK COAT: Full 8-28 lbl In Oct. Shift co. mlfetilndlM dellfabll, THE HERITAGE R ood 2 • d kl 9P Jwn _, -Chrome chr uphol'd, length. Cullom midi, "'Ofllt. 801..0280 Conllct Janet Polend et tdW Xv eo ng. Meol• Ong T1ble with 4 Waler ntter 2032 Fullerton, Apt. B 11u1T 111111 0 d R Id St75 excel oond Size 7 Derlt "'' 845-6021 COlLECTION8 4-20' long; elto tadWOOd c:ap1tln1 chalra, 1150. Ion generator ._, ... ran •P 1 · Man~I llTlell fencing. Cllt Jim or Ken Mepll Bunk bedt, $50. Or•nQI Cont Colleoe Fine gluawre. 111. 11em1. Tools. furn. tnllqu... Wrought Iron HIM 4 brown. $2800/obo. UlllT1lll Mlft.I ULU·f /T ••• Ill Ill.I enytlrne, 775-1401. lg FOf'mic:a (wfllt•) table, Sundey 10/10 S pece c.a am. kh. appl. etc. 9-4, ~:h~~l::~~~··1:~~ ~~~~:i:;,s~:~.M~~: ~:;~~~J· with marri.ge together, =:!~ o::,n: ~pl~.: -REDWOOD DECKING 125 OBO. 618-5837, 325 541-7f74 IMve == 3075 T~ Wey, CM PrltclHI Lane. NB. r0<1, old wicker pltlll lbt, Allorled llarnote Weter- PIT thlt yeer for my MT, l ·l · 10 21t4'1. 33¢, 2X8, 4k I* Grand Cenll, Bel Ille. •Hll••lta IH1i etec: oroen·Klmbatt. II-· ford Crye1e1. Wiiton brenell, FIT for your '*'°" due 10 promo-ft. Beautiful leaded gila 8' Sofa, newly rebfl & 119-••••••ill•••••••••••••• Boetlng. cemer• ,.l'IOU... lel• c:ond. Snown Sell Arrnet• Pewter Frenll branch next year. Hlgl'I tlon Some knowlec:IQI In ltl •ar falrlftH4t S.vell 995·0122 boolcc:ua/dealt a met· hol w/olltow & coff• GIANT Garage Sale. 0401 hold equipment. COll.c:· Sun/Mon, 074·1135 fOf' 552•36M Income, trtwl. computer1 4 coneumer Exhibition Hell ~ back oeklng teble S'. GE Color TV Breallw1ter Ct tf 8 Oct llblel & boOke. 9AM all appl 775-5182. =°'=•Illa. t=ee17 80 w111trn s11t .. Ellhl· ~~i0~~. !!i":~1=i c:n2. pr~lt(lt 'condl· 1e··. · 115o. Aleo t>Nut .. 10. Hernlltont&uehard ~11 s~. ·~~~ Y:.:! ---------·-B-,,-t>oa--a-.-y......,Clu_b_Mem __ .. -~-d•r:i· ,.... Lori bilora. FrM Apprelealt On"' llon. r.-oneoll. wall aconcee. 8alglum 2 Saboll, Chlld'I bdtm n-.. A. Bl d •••11••1' c..41 IOIJ berllllp tor Nie, -• ...., __ .. "-elr Cllnlcl sllepe. " ' 770· •509 ~1111, ......,., an-elc. elgn nr .,.f....,. 11 •••••••••••••••••••••• 840·9527 ...... II~ ... 3"7" ......... (7 4"" .. 0 1""" .,..., ..,_., 494 -20 .., -•-..--....,._, Ml. 2 l.ewn Chlifl l _;:;.._ __ ,.....,,.,,...=-~I "'' ._, • • " _..,, """ • -"· ADMISSION $3 • ..., 8 c:endle hol6tf1. $250. Sal/Sun: CLOTHES & OA,APERIES SI, N.8. 545-7112 IA&.U PlllH c •• ,,,,' BABY FURNITURE ANOrted odd chalfl, ~on::~=:~ HOUSEHOLD. 1819 9x8 4 10x7, $100/r; 1..::~p er:·~= MANICURIST wllh foflo-lor retell Shop on Belbol Hr1; Fri/Sii noon lo 9pm .... , .... , 1030 $275, 970·25l6 dltt\11. bOOlce & record1, trtl, 17'' color tv, llkt new PORT WHEELER. HVH Ntar ""· 4te. 740 NB. ck.lb "prloe. Write =·~~~Dan'::; letand, 2·3 de'jt/Weell. Sund(~l~~~4~m ••"'•~tt•••••••••••• Baby Stroller :fi:ue cw.,s::o --:::: womene clothel u 3-5 & SAT/SUN 10·3PM. a. Watl,a,.r H't. etft C11111fltd Ad 1078, = hlon: 875·3821 226 Merine. & Noon to 6pm Sunday. WANTED • Zoom or tale. twin. Cullom, PerlQO All velvel lop. 14(), plal'lll, ~n· A 34ws. kid;~ .... Beecon Bay, Npt Boh. Shown FREE In you Pllr>I, P.O. Boie 1 • SAUi (714)206·2044 lenl for Mamlya N/C ac:cea1 Included, Ilk• 11mpa. ThUl'I thru Set. I ~O!Ovet. 11· 1 dty. Sota, dtllMf. dlnlii rm h<>me. Vickie 633·«68 Cotti Miia 928H lllUn llSUIOI P.R. PERSONS NEE· 1000 Sl.A camera. new. $175. 970·2516 2120 Elden. Apt. #2. ~:a-71510 Weyfar., Ln. ~~·/tereo. mite OY· Jfft/ 1110 Newport Beech Tennl8 Telephone Communlce-OED. Magic lllend II LOCAL PARTICIPANTS: Bayonet mount. Pvt Pty OtluJe klOQ-tlle water a.5-3387. ••••••'!.•••••••••••••• Club Famlfy Memberehlp tort lnter .. led In 20 loOklng for e r.w 1n1e111-Sen Clam: Bobby Ber-C11h. Cell Anewer . Ad bed w, heedbO«d, mlr· Gttage s ... : lverythlQO Sit/Sun V-5 et 21451 Mtn'• whl/gold dr .. ei S750, 759-12" or hoUn or more I* weetl. genl. ettrlCitlw ' llncere man ' COiby Ar\ll<luet. e25, 642·4300, .24 hrl. rOfl, cuot>owdl. dr-. VoU"'-alwtyl "9tltecl ' FIHt, HttnlHon/ ,.,.,,..,. "" welc:h, blu dial, 55 di.. 493-1268 Ae1tlblt l'loura. 8elary l*tOf\t to repreeenl Newport Beech: Count'l & en.ti of d,_., Ukt ChMPI 8•1 6 Sun Oct. 9 Buehard. w..n.r, dryw, ~*·•••*•••,••BlJY•••••*•••*•••• =~· ~833.~;~ -L-01_1_o_f_fine--ert-ob_jects. __ ~·6:,. wlltl~ :!: t~hem ~J.helr pyt c:lub In ~~ence • .:.nl.atlq•~~M•. C..•• llJI new.1380. 983-4t14 & 10. 354 Maenoffa, C.M. alee tt~~ blll .. ~~~· •~or lr'""-/mk off power toola, tPOf1e ----• I'""''· lntenllew req. ...,...., "' -....., ••••"••••••••••••••••• tu,., -•· C""•m.,,, ..-..,.. equipment, 11m8" ..,_ '41..et43 c lor appt. 1~. LI Pone~. LIQUM Tl. •••llD Queen Hic. .. bed, ~ fwry1~ Mull Gol IO'jl. Good utecl FumltVN & AneoOon DMlll'I Opela ptlanoae, end°"*~ ..... =rl.97~ Mr. ::; <>;'.,:' ~':'~ 1229. M-237• :..= tweed. ' ~atlUm, =~~;.;! •Mila ,,. .. .. APO!lelic.-OA I Wiii Mii dlrec1 from .Au1trell1 • llty thlnge, Alto '11 c.d. l'ronl ..... ~t. 0 .... nt ...... I ........ ,,. .. 1'8'" IO ._....... .. u .... "' Arnold CM •• _ ......... ~~ .. !!.. « 8ELL for v~ UOhtnlng AIOoe. M1•1on' Moving, mult ... . Own 1oo1L ~Tire 811ee nv .. ,. °" ....,,; ..,... " ' ....... "'_.,.. "• Kine weter bed w/ fr..,,. ' ... UL.IS. 11-2 1111m lllTlll lnYentory. S"Olldt, lrl· 407-7090. 3t3 CretOtnt Cenler. 3000 t . CoM1 lmlllf Wortd't "°'9nlr.tvlller. oornptet:J.o~ r19 mellr .... mirrored FAl/8AT ONl.V 1·5 llkM. dl..,_litMf, TV, l4I.. Ila.Mii plell. & dOublett. Cell Bey Or, No. &.egune Hwy. Corona dtl MW. LOOklno for Htr• In· Olk Obie 8c:flool Detll lop, elf wood, I drwn lrlng Yflf van & Yflf toyt, turf rldet wttll Denni. 771.0763 Ledy'• racooon "" 0091, COIM? T p Time ltH .. ,,. IHf un•Metts. 1200. ih OUI Yflf oonn• motor. hoel. c:hlldrtn'• J"' wr•• . IPAL OILLIOllll "• length, rarely wom, ...... (IJP'I) SllH I I~ PE~'!;V8A .~.!.,.O.by•llkte, ~p21°'2 3'9 ••••••••••••••••••••• 641'3111• Wer romlM ~we CIOtllae, mtec. l824t LM tll7•1133 •• tt •" .... 103"' excell. COnd. Sin rn.-o.tlTO'llVW Own toolt • • ..,, vii: ·21 3 Adorll>le KHltnl, rMCty All furnhln must be IOld. II at lhe belt 'Tll but)' (Humboldt "" -c· • di $350 Ml 7107 Mime. ~-'T(ll/Ol1: VEA. lMO Placenlll Antiq ue ~II good tor I llamt. C8" lft ePM M·'· Ill dey prloat, 10t up, 321 et-ltlaftO, Hurit. Hrbf,) SOLID MAPLE FIDOLE· LADY'S eutlom DIA· um. ' • . 1731 ""*'°'· CM. Aw, Ooel• MIMI Alk fOf condition. HOO.' 511.-*8. 811/lun 841.oHI "*· BACK AOCKER IN BllT MOND Pendent. 60 ctl. Btaupul'llll c... .... 841•14&4 Mr•. wriltt 8"2·6041 F"il 10 good flame, bte1 2 Sett Of OedllleO Hut» ltrlN CONO. NO. 145-15711 dlae. MOO. 831·t27t. CR2001, uaecl 1 _., ME.DIOAL AIM'TANT S.... COMMOOE. 8o10QM INlle POOOl9. IPtWO• ' WMI Frenotl ,.,Olllnelll 0.. almOtt MW. ~ ...................... 2 HITCHCOCK CHAIAI• ... 50 MO·M2J 9¥91. PIT, mueC he¥8 np. w/ Tll le. rnatblt IOP Cir, 1ft0. yr9. Old. &4MI02. :~=-· ~ o~ esr; nno. IH Ml of ... 2ttt 'aa =: ::: :;:· It.ACK WfOOLO ltlN-!ftttmr ......• ~~ Mtgnlflcenl on.nt81 Aul D<Q't. *3-M..O Famoue for"" 11M11 1n 11gt11 ~· ,111: PIH•._ UI lltnct, dl>f hlld/fOOt bfo. Eden AYI. A012 c .M 11*9, c:11a1re. booltlfltl: 011.1 & AUIM HATS, DtYtlblta .-, ~. 11110 Klltlen o.en. Iii -Europell'I 1nlr1 '°' ~ 240-1213 l 1H ... ••A ... 14t ""· ctotllel. llC 1"31 XLNT COHO l100. 3HP, IO"" 1enk, 110 or MedlllionfCtenblrfy. ~ ~ _, & Qele le looltlftt for 2 · Neut.• moa.. ,,......7t ·......,..... "°"· li'TY e.ooo "· n. Ilene loto (Turt•oott), 141-1671 120 a&Olt>et otr. Sec. llOO 1111-112' .. OOfi~ -do enarp lecfiae to ..... , OUf ENGLIS H OAK OtNINQ ...... HlrnaleVln Cel nw-Ml!Que..,,... ~bid, Cc*lctlon of UnlQlle ' Sletr• ArnltO ll'llfllnOe. .... ll'lllquae wlc*er 6M-4017 •• ...,... ~ "'"""" CWIOfl*e. ,aetllon UT. drew..., tll>le, • 1-.d very lo¥ebet . """,....,boll •· td Anttc1U9. ,."'"'.l..~2 w°'. ffl!H ~~ .............. 'a a•m ...... _ ..... -~-~----.. --llM--1 SNIU I rft tf1'tOnll ...._. loet blcllground neoee. Potl-cMitt & lidttloerd, All ' t47·llOl.e . oond, 170, 770.0114 aft lleml .,_ _ -"" ,. • "~ ~·~ ~· Cal ~. ttont ~ """""· Cell In reflnWlecl • teoo. epm , 11111 81 °"cM ~-cuaa • .. • .... ........ deoot ttema elo. • .... ........ ... ANS .... - !..-~~~.,.,.. 141-*'· 1::~~~ne,°"_: 1t.n1q. Y8lllty ow w1 1w,,.'9rro· ':;r:';?,000"-::n.~ t4M140 mam nuw __...,_, ....... 1 1 ~. 1174.,,,. e1oo1. v~ ~ oono. moet tleQ#lt .., ..... '"t>rown f.': IOfe Plies. Con'lf)Ut«ltecl h«olter. =-· H..-.n ...... for PfOll....... llmYllY/llPll "°" =.... a.,... a WM '°""" l1IO, 77(),;ot 4 "" lpm. fUA'lllUT,"'. Wlll beon ....... 001 t :.bed, ~ ·=~ ~:H. =N20~1fte4 CM·.:1:1 111111. lome ~ 10 Mttc lot ,,A. P'OO'MI ._. loP CllMlrl I . ptlee wflltle wM "'"""'-.. ,, Ollt Dtnlnt • Tellle a W "'9 NI ll'JUlldl from t AM to •ll'M e1 Wll 841....... My ~ tooll ow ,,.,, lalaty, OOIMI., In "°""'"°" ortMb-• ,:::;: .. tmd. I '"'8 I 141ftO!i111,.. a... ""91111 UNe1C1 C1N11r1t ..,.,_ '°""-LllUM _. ~· Otdet mcll IOl'I IO lfl M!UI••• 111 Ml 1, Mer ft90 1•. Ion.~ twolila~ thot· =-io 1!11 :::.~ llM 411 JClnt WM. llllO. ,_, UTOTIM ,.,_.... I::.'::::. ... tlllllf ·-.... ,,_.a I Wloentlgl I 11.,._ Gd pertt ............ . I lf*'CI "°' .-...... M ONH MM.tr 141-IOll let. '°"* ol Det ,_ · ....._ tlOO. _.. UOO, Ill .r .... ._ .... ... k-----· :ooro.~ UMQul' 11 ....... ...-_,load Oii -s INNptll\ld,0.M iv Ml Mtlflt It 1 714-t1t-c1ll,lwe!Nf 117.-.e.... i. ............ . r~ A-. '°' ........... , -. Cell Wt. DTA t' ~--= ':.: w1.-.. "'*· llJ!INl;S CIOfM lflCI ... M =-.... ,, .... IMf'e ICll'I ~ Jdft1 ._., .._ eor... llf'IOM. OM NOMI L ..... tn.1llO tor en ap. eo.c......., • dO&.. 7aNl11 AM & r Oftllr f.I, aCI ~ what 11111lfled 11 111 oetilrllll ~ ...... Wfool111·1 OCllll tl10. w.it Ml Oii ...:.U. ........... t4a·lt11 ~-·· MlcAt1tlur, o.J' .... _. MO a• "' . G.M. 1b0111 t41·117t 111 M •1 Nor"'8 .. r.1111 -·-----· • ... ' ----------------- our famous ·DIMES·A·LINE l.OTI of lntwlt ltlru lod6-ROLL!A 1k1t•• t lH 11 ANTIOUJ mlll • 10. Old •IKll• a h I b I ~er wear, 10me new. like ntw, Plld 164, I bOllll I I Md 12 lult• 201n "glr~t ~&1~ :i: Cw1c,R~01.~W 0 .. b l~O t ome 11Hd. llb1 100. 1;11rg1ln 11 120 B•ok· o .... 1 1. 12. 13. Aecotd Hoti' J c Penn~·. 6 • ..... •1 room 1 H na looll• Ho pelt, 0r ...... o 1 mm o n w 1 I 5 ~ 116 "9cofd1 llOc • • vvtdOOt Ille l•tut .. r-----------------.. nNOom tlvu 4l 11·110. 657-11128 Tool• and hem me re IPfflt 11r1·• Hin. IH I 0'1111 mlrror1 120 l.OftO end thon ,, .. .,. 12.60·'9. 81w1 13.u . Hoh. lby dttlllng MOt\, Mloned llefctware thlrfi Ha•lt. Shorti, BLACK and wtlll• lelevl• '°"'111a ill IP.IO. CiWWWll ll ble 120. 173 .... 7 10C•IH. Orawt rl 12. bOfln,tt, t11n1111t1, IOc ton. WO<lil 126. Two W wrenchel l ln. 13. tOln . l.AOIU IHoh orul11r ''°"'pot•. 10e·H . 81t· end ti. ••by J1mmH, apeeker1 I lnctl II-. Luo• 13.110. M11onry blt1 blll• with fet1der1 160. 11rd1 y I01m. 721 Via Infant 9own1 end kl· g• rack II. Klcl • 'Y· 11·*7 .50. Carpenter 90'('• t-ln. WMt11 IMGh Lido loud. Newport mono• 50o end 1 5. p1wrll1r II. 8terllnp, bench vlM 120. Small crul.., bike 140. loy'1 IMctl. Clltl. Cout DAILY PILOT/81turd1y, October 9, 1982 Cl Toddler tennlM 13 !M'lr water cooled •Ir cond • vl1t 151 New unlver111 Seit'• MX 8tlngt1y 125. MINI. ll dlee, blby clo· Aaloned flt>tlo lenQthe lfoner 1 15 (H 111 12 YIM 112. DIM 11.5044. Cer bike c11ri.r II. Car thH 10o•l lO. vacuum •• ut1n1, 111lour1 ootloni Tube 'rrz' FM tuner II to Chllllt 13-16. Aeam«I top carrier ff. 1868~.·14 0111n1t ta. 8m1ll 1p t i 11ch. Kllch1nw1te 101 M Z l lO. AM auto and oounter1lnkf. r 1d 11 1 t Ire I 7 . pll1no11 &Oc·l•o. Kit· Ind g1111-• 10c-1 10. radio II. 7 Inch Muffin St.60·15. Stick• of ao • PtH·711R1' t1dl1I tire ch1nw1r1 llOc·I 10. P1perb1ck1 He Heh. ten •1· Portable G.I . der t i. 8odv IOlder 12 18. 546·3131 Men'• 1e1thel coat 115. 'IO T0yot1 4•4 long bed, 14"!1 or trade IOt older PU or ? e42.t013 ,. llby toy1 and toddler phono 120 (with record "•r lb Ctulkln89, I t 3 8 k 10 ' -10c-·"6. ·--··· ......... I ot11no1r). R1a11111c :;;.. • • . PAPli" blCk book• 00 I c. Wiii hl n• v•• -"'''"'..,.. SA 10, S lldJI t ...,n IM 1at1 t. • Hltld 10C 2k Work IDenCh 18 glnge I 10. Aluminum "w1lker-t1or ..... Old • 0 I. ,,.. lructl 15. TV 1tereo seo. D"'·h·,_..:_ ~l"I""" .... . window 4m4ftx81n. with • R ul l w kl _ ...... a..-IOC MC:h On reo amplltler. . AM/FM Radio'• 17 ISO and t 25 -· """'" :·~.. .... ...... " II ar II y c;;";tween Anaheim trlnll9tor radio 18. Cal· ' ' blMt 111. Ford radiator lhuttttt 136. 1100 Pem. and Pomona. Co1t1 culatOf wllh POW* IUP• K~nedy tool bo• 115. 121. Hub CIC>• 50c: MCfl. broke Lane, Newport Feat•we of the 21 Ft a-er u~-Y-"-.. ..,. ..... ,.. ""' 18. I Inch ............ er In Vac:uurn 17.0Q. Hltld ,,... Clay pota 50c: Sofl·bed a.acn. S11urdey only. Ull -w --v-.,.., '"" ,,.., ....-cuum 15. Ha ir dryer · • ilJ 1partm1nll, bltwHn wlll box 17. C>Yal mirror 17.50. Shovel 13.50 Ind ~. lft l60. Vinyl IOfl. BROWN vlnyl chtlr 150. Da y Pilot Classifieds 1977 Sportsflaher, FB. Speed :l6 tMllldlng 7 Ind 8 Caeh In 'tlllOOdel\ holder 111. 14 f7· Spade 11.50. Fork gold, tit 125. Gar,:i~n Throw rug1 4•6: 411t t10 knots. Custom stern room, loaded plH H . No one aulyi bOOkl on buliMll 115. 10 Hoe IA Sc:rap« 14 ho11 11. Tlmu man I eac:h. QIUI top wrouglll Sunday only fem.noon El1ctronlc book• U ltld. 15. Tooi bo• l2.60. watch nMdl t>ettery 115. Iron beH, coffM table CALL with extras. Low engine hours. ., .. , 1111 •••••••••••••••••••••• '78 Ford van converllon. JCltl CIMn. lo ml. 14500 firm. P/P 494·6419 CUSTOMIZ!D '77 GMC, good cond, 12950. 575~ 1 t ''16 C~ Van. Auto, PS/ PB. radio, Ide for 7, 64S-9190 . 11et1. New Rlall1tlc AM Flleboxl3.ISO.Llrgefin Newneedlect1ftkll1and t81nx381n 125. W•Ung· Financing and sllp avallable . OOJiGEOUS double front Dlgltal L.E.D. clock radio $l0. ExerclM table $5. tool• 11 eac:h. New lrorr-houM perC011tor 112.50. S II L 842 1818 $39 000 D. t ff 96 dOOrl wllh 1n1ry hard· S20. Gl111 YIHI SI. 8 Cockllll tlblH S15 lor on tran1f1r book• 500 Ctl1flng dllh 110. Sun ' I ' •• -' or u el 0 er. 4-4800 ·ee2c8~3 St'-Vlo.111 • war• seo .11ot1. Bo1ton 1nct1 1pHk•r 15 pair. plfr. Chelt drawer• 115. eac:h. LldlM rlll ... ,her (amp lrort•ble, s .. ,., d ays 964·4820 eves, wknds. "" rocker 140. Eurcycle 2130 Doctor• Clrcle, B, s Jacket 135 St1011 t I 1 25 A ..-.. Ilk 159S. 1148-1417 140. Atrium door with Co111 ...... •~2-758" parll plug lllnd bluter 1 D · ' ...... or • new . .., .... • SIO St1pl1 gun1 120 Pl r. repel, cream, 848-e449 after llpm. • . A•lll WolN llH therm• gllll 145· Sch· OODTONE forml111 di· and ·l30.Jack plljn 120. IOln•lft 16· Solt 01 UI>: TWO modern bar 110011 "-•I._.., . ..,. 1.wt I #tlHll~ llkH 1141 •••••••••••••••••••••• ~·:: 1~n~~x tl=~~w(~~=i nett• tlbl• 140. Four P1lnt1. 91flon1 13·••· ~~1~111'/.C:':;~~I ~~: 120 11ct1. Clolhft and ................... •••• •••••1•••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• Allllt•••/ WI Pl' 11351• Waffle Iron ulad upt1011t1red m1tct1lno fir~~· 1d;~/4 S h~· .. ~:lr~ u .. ~· 12 gallon.· New 1h ou 2 5c-13. Avon I M~ ~= ~~~·~ ·~.:•u~on br~~ Fl!:'~ v:': ~~·!= '::~: ... ~!~•!!!! ••••••• !.~~ TIP llWI ~ ... Slllon warrolng chllrt MO. 545-3138 35c-17. T1p'1 s1.•1 50 men I roller lklt .. 125. ~~·.·10o25Cs·.l,3. dPoc,_k•51 yr old. 8711-91110 Mltl• v.1·1, VOIYO out drive tr1y, new II. Portable FOUR Off Road 11ru A • · · UMd roller 1k1t11 15. """" · ur •Y •· • lief 1714j •Int cond. 1 yr wrnty, he4 ........ M radio ae. Hoover Qulk ltxlS mounted onwntlll ~t5motl 119 lool• Baby Cll N&l SIS Pley 1847 Iowa D. Co1t1 SCHAEFER Plano, mint ~g_613Jr:7o0o ·!~~323";'· ~328;a" 1948 Ford Woocty W•-Pll IRl IUI broom YICUUm se. 900 1pok• rim•. flt 5 hole 2 • 10· Ttlermoitltff pen 15. Olothei and Mell. 557-1928 cond. . • or • . gon. 113,000. ALAI .... Klng1 Road. Newporl Chevy truck 130 H eh. :!;~g~11~,!~·..!!:11:r!'::: )ac:ketl t0c·l5. Sunday 11400. 548-IOCM ·91 Bolton Whaler wllrtr, f11 VESPA 100. Mod 1929 Ford Model A Town PllTIM/111&11 BMc:h. 845-eot9 983-1628 Ill SI. Old llw clamp only. 23tt Wfftmln1ter CHANGING llble S40. Roger1 OrGlfl 40tl9, loaded, very clean llyle. Mull MCI. Alklng 2480 H.,bor Blvd DINING room llble wllh • • StO. Saw Mt S5 Trowell Ave .. COlll Mela, corner 545-5728 -15500/l>Nt offer. Fot 15100/0 BO. 1145-5918 $1200, 714/982·11219 Sedan. 110,000. COSTA MESA 1111 and 4 ct11lt1 $25. BOYS black Schwinn S2·S7.50. Bt111 plum· of S1nt1 l11bel. C11h t5 GALLON llumlnum thoee wtlO Mell Ille l>Mt. 1977 25' Apollo 235 OMC Moped. needl work. 117S·8181. ••t ••- 831-3598 20ln. Scrambler bike. red bing v1lvH 15. Kodak only. t1nk1 USCG approved 3 manull1 32 pedllt. cabin crulMr w/twtn lltle \ 1100. '30' Model A Ford, -.- ----,,,.----,----,-1 motom1g1, red t11ndl1 Tltelllr S10 Table lempl DEEP fryer $3. Ditto ml · pr111ur1 t11t1d, gr111 mint cond. (213) trlr. 113,500. 831·1758 175.7753 5-wlndow ope. rumble 14 •1411 RABBIT Dl111I Hr11lc1 b1r1. bl1ck Elln1 Hit S lO and 's 15 Small chine 125 Projector lor boat and R.V. 115. 722·8e26 1 Mii, nlc*y rMtored. ~:nt~~~~n~l~~1;~ ::~~ S50. Mike 675-84186 IPMk 25 s., 5 ,Ys1-sk :i. Book• 1ereen n ·L .. thtr Cit· S1nd1ny un111 s2 11ch. Gulbran10n Model e. ~/!,.~!!. ..... ~ 1''1•PEI1411/tH 16000. 831·855& WI llY Ch .,., Cit radio $10 PENDULUM Wiii clock C· . In .. driver pent&r Qt>ron 1211. Aac:or 549·•2 • ConlOle Tt1nll1tor or· Blgge•t 30 footer 1floltl Good oond. e3t·6349 ·ee CAD CONVERT 01.W Olll ry · •~o F .. I II $10. Dowell ft11ture S15. flfter I'S New Franz full ICE .. k 1 dou...._ I I 110.....· I L ,.,,.., -" •2000 Light yellow flowtr1c1 ... . our w .. H oor Curll"" ifon $2. Ant'Aue . ..oc IY 1qu pment gen, ...., k~d, mmacu Ill .,..g Ill 'lflltltyt/H/ ..,..,. rMtor.., • /obo QI n•• decorltori lamp with bumper jack 150. Old· 11 hl.b lbl 12_14 0 I· ftlt•.:25. Weidert g1 ... 1111 1Q·13 191. Sk1t11: fuH peddle bolrd. Alklng Columbll 30. Interior I •--tin lll O 842-7500 •h•d•. Ilk• new 125. Saturday E11enlng Po1r bg du 11 · 1u5 ... • · 11:00 14·tlr• and p1nt1, p1d1, helrt111t, 1700. 89~3881 blQger than moet 35'1. -381n t1r.....iac:.1ereen SS magazine• $2 MCh. 10 oar prop• er1 . FR78-1S and wheel 125 goelle mask 11-S10. us Bunk• for 8 ldult•. Full ~79•·H~···cx·~··x·1·· '57 Thunderbird, 1 of 211 Jal.CO ...,. p 12 Oii S20. fool lenglh ol 1'.4 Inch' Wiier bottlll 13. Light Heh. le. chet1 13. Ml· Army khaltl and fatigue Like,_. YAMAHA Pleno. gelley & held. Atomic 4 I """· nl w/IUpetctlatger. 41,500 puml1 Y . P C I I 10 h tube• •tt 75c Two 811 croecope 15. Two plecl uniform•. Shir ti 1111 Mdl P202 w/bnctl, 9 )'Ml I with Mll1ec prop, low Cllln. S1000. Call ml. 129.500. (714) Antique D xi• Bell Ice V P P• 110 . Cro-Lux llght iubll II. Hctlon11 I 15. Picture 1m1ll, trou11r1 3 11n. warr. 12000. 842-0348 "°""· Full lllctronlcl & Hl·&e88, tee-2339 337-2S55 COMM EU CHEVROLET .... ,. ii # I ,..... • ~ \4 • ~·~ 1200 cream maker $15 Lll"ge Recondlllonld 389 Pon-I ..... bolrd $2 G and I I t 110 ... _ I ___ ...,.. _____ . anti quot bran llre ex· tlac llllda 150 pair. 219 rt': ... • 15 c--.. • _:ltape rllMI • · ._.... lhor1, $3 HCh. S1l1ty Plano, Story end Clark VHF. Auto. pllot, 4 Ulll '73 KAWASAKI 175 dirt ·~.: FOAD VI, 1Uto. 4 dr, tlnguilhtr 130 1953 ~ Ford t111der1 $50 pair. 1 "• · -· r..,,,. ., oer• door IPflnot 15. llHI tip dr111 boot1, conlOll, w/benctl, xlnt Including 8')1nnlker. 7 bike. neld1 minor work I001c1 Qd, run1 gel. 18D5. '" public AYI cOltl Mffl C-4 Ford auto tranllTlll· $50. Artilt llMI 18.60. Shor ftuore~nt 11rt1 m1n'1 8YtM tin, new, cond .. 1700. "3·3887 , winches. $29.500. Office $150. 648-S7S3 S45-7684. -=== ... ==llYU=====- 642-0882 .. . lion $35. e39-3050. ~:=.cr~.4~.1s~:! :,,~~~:5 I~; ~~ m!n~,18. 1144·'989 OAK UPRIGHT PIANO ' ::t;:~: home 1981 Honda XL 1115S, lo '71 TORINO GT CONV. Top doll1t1 for Sporta TWO upholallrld ctlilrs BOYS medium OP blue S 10. Swl111I vlnyl chair, 5S gallon 1t.., drum1 14 ~nllMd, rebullt. ml, need• 2PAtnt 1750. 302 VI, euto, Ill optlofl1. Car1. Buol. C11T1per1. 125 MCh. Antique lamp ,, .. , StO. High chair S10. grMn $50. Light b1llut1 eac:h. New red vw _, LARGE car radiator 110. S1000 645-8051 aft. 3 15' Hobie Cat. yellow w/ '55 ·9726 A very rare orlglnll. Slo-914'1, Audh :" 125. Delp fryers 18 and Seat1 baby umbrella 12.50 Heh. 1n111m1tlc cover l•O. Surf board Two 141n Inner tubll S1 teq. 1UnrlM ulll. Llkl •77 KAWASAKI KZ400 red '1 yrs. lihawroom Allk fO< U/C MGR 110. Mixer 18. Egg poa· strotter S 15. Strol .. blue carner1 15. Panc:ll lhlr· 1211. Tennl1 racquet 18. eec:tl. E70· 14 tire on rim All•f. '"' new. 12500. 87S-8181. Runi perfect, new tlrn, cond.. 1blOlutlly mu11 ........ 1;, Chet 14, Fancy colored velour foldlng 1trolltr p1n1r 13.SO. Sunday Mirrored coflff table 17.50. GR78·14 t1dl1I ••••• •••••••••••••••• Columbl• 28. Mu•t MM. 4 reblt cll"b, w/hllmet. 1141. 13450. 497·5373. YILllWAlll 01111 d lihH 17 ·I 10. $30. Mualcal crib. mobile only. 1553 WlnlergrMn. 1 10. 2170 I K1neot11 ti" on r Im S 7 · 5 0 · 1912 Sid Nautlque cyt eng. 1 11 900 $700/obo. 845-3419 MUSTANG '64"" COUP. 18711 Beech BIYd. Lawn ipretder $5 . 15. Crib comforter and Wiit of Fedco. Co1t1 Lane. Huntington BMc:h. 545-3838 "2001", Ooly 38 llOurl. · 552.5133· st.mm. d g I. I I. I bumper pad 120. Pink M.... Saturday Ind Sunday TWO t8S-75x 14 r1dl1l1 AllO tlllltl • 1977 For· . --Chopper 1980 Honda 750 :'11~h~~ll~.ICC~ :: HUNTINGTON BEACH 50c41.50. Pyrex dtlhel :::.1:~~·~.P:l~t~ SMALL b1by crlb~ood 7arn-7 125 pelt. 2·E78•14 l25m mula l/O 20 ft ·•• llke 2~1oo9. lllePI 4· erlCI ~~"",:~ er:."'"'9ror:f. $1350/0BO 497-5373. ___ M_J_._Hll ___ _ 50c-lt. S1turd1y and --.. 11 ....... 1012 w.""""'1 ...... condition •"5. 2 A .u. Pa I r t • l 7 8 • 1 s NEWI CIN (714) • •tove & Ice box, • .-.. t $"800 ..... H I WllTU! 84lnday 9-4 307S Tyler ....,..., "'" "'" -' -D o' ' 642·2000 & Ilk for Jim· new OU1bolrd, wood hull. ..., I ' • .. ,., NC or '49 Wlllyl Jelc>lter, 75% W1v.Coeta.Metl St .• Coil• M111 . ding wardro be doot1 BL.ACK1nd0ecllerwork· 1· 7 x14, 1-G7811 14. rny, Jr II out e>IMM (213)S9M527 $1000. Cell Rtlul II rMtored.xlritcond.mutt AM/~M 1tereo-wlt~ turn-642-0237 ~~11~. '':~~=· ~!"Yv1!~! o!~:.~5~· ::~c~.:.nR~ :lh~_;~~r;-'· all $lO lllve mMNgel • Newport Sailing partner 83 t·ll 7 ll 1 1141. 980~75 ~:~.~~ ~~!,':: t1blf 120. Wlterbed KIRBY upright YICuum OrlYI, N.B. 6'4-0780. 117. 7Y• p1nnellng .. w I· i Ill--~ • ._ NEEOEO: 28' boll. 10 HONDA 125CL f n .. 11111 ... II Cail! ua today! hHter 120. Anorted S35. ,!!1TVCk •1~~ .... w~~· B•BY -lb ........ ..,....,. _ .. llr blldN 13. tin 40th Cllb •r..n •f. -· --1har1 IXPlf\MI. Auna Great $325 •••••••••••••••••••••• •ril•1'J•I cup1. Huc1r1. mug1. po11a..... '"''""' _.,, $20 8 ...... ~'V''t •-;; MW bladel 123.50. Carb. #11n/10H•• "" sKiS°"• BA.AOAiN .. ·e;;~ s 1001mo. 642-8591 ea t-3' 18 1111 ~ g11 .... poti ind pan• C1nl1ter vacuum with · Iv, 1 0 ,.. rouler bltl 14-I S. Door •••••• .. •••••••••••••• A.ciier Aly 200'• Au· CAL 20.·Good condition. 6 '61 Y1m1t1a SR 185oc. 414 LIY PMlllP loc-SS h ble l1mpa Plfll 120. 848-1525 •I· wer1 SIO. Baby back lock1 14-l t .50. Weller ......,. T .. 1111• 11r1111 1tep-ln binding• hp EYlnrudl. PoMll>te str .. t bike. mint cond. Tt111onetiu1lhell a 11 12-15. A11orted bank ter t0:30am. &~~tgaT~ .~~ \1f: m1m1~s2.2.50.8 ltld On boerd the 155. ee1-01t1 111p. 1n Newport. 14500. seoo. 96"!PD· 64~490 toldedl (1493522) colec:11on. book•. mega-BIKE for• 7·8 glrl 120. Booeter ... , 12. S1f1ty lO ltns> battery clletger "Tracychert" between 640·5457 '60 Kewlllcl, 750LTD. xlnt •Y 11111 z In• e 1 n d b 11k1 II &73-5003 0111 $3 Vlnyl covered 1214211. 2 ton fklor I** The Cannery & DellMYI 10c-lll. Stuffed anlmlM h I , .. , Pl 13t.ISO. Timing llQht Ito. ,...._'"''· Udo Park ""'!"'•, Wlldtmffl 21. '78. ft>fgll cond. Helmet a riding -- 1nd'doll1 11·125. 703 LADIES 1lngl1 IJ,.•d ~-16 ~rA/ong Stan~ 11pea 1l tt and Or. Delly M . ,,,r! ,,,,,, "" r-/crulM. 1191 4, lol· 1Ult lnclUdld. 1 1900. -•-llll Center Street, Co1t1 c:ruleer, nice 1311. E.llctric · · 2611 1 6.211·1 7. Work ~t_••••7••••••••••••••• ded. Urgent, lttoO. 83S-09l0 •-• ......_Comer Center and fttlC)&ael and heater t15. IH7 MerCury tall tllfltt, glov .. H . Small fland 110 gallorl ~. BEAUTIFUL 25" AOA 213·St2·2513 "'w_A_N-=T-=E-0:-. M_X_geer __ :_boo_t_ll 18711 Beadl etvd. i-omona Slngle bed frerN 1 15. perfect condition HO footl 12-tl. WO 40 1 1. c:uetom ltMd l 1IO. CcMcw TV. 2 ~ Wfnty llOO 1• wn .. •i• .... (t-10)) A...._ Hunt1n9ton 8-:1\ ________ .._.. CJOUble bed frame l20. NI. tt73 Oetllln pidl11P PrH 1one 1nt1 tr••H •47·Hl4 1i.e. ,ree cMltYery. .. ""~ 8tuol ~1;;48' etc. 141·1111 c~,: ~~airp~s_>9Str!'.! Vanity StS. Dreu. 4 r ight w indow 130. 13.711 Menc:Mttl Sheeth F .-: full lf1lp Open Slln. ul'i~;;1'11• ·~~9"17 1111 -- $3. Siient 8c:ottt hand dra-S20. Dr..-. 4 982-9841. Siii. 640-7Slt : MeM V '::"'8:n TV John'1 646-178e ..,., ..... , 1'#/ -• 150 drawer 11s. End 11blel Ctub rit" lrY 25" M TV Sabot. 10'. QOod cond., ._1n,.,,,.. llll 4U...., i...WTIOWell · 4 deek 15. Collec1or'1 record1 25 INCH lnduetrlal t>ladl TABLES: c-.ic Medlter· · W e Ad • l023, wood agnavox col« • nftt paint. 1260. •••••:l•';•••.Wi•••••••• Thil one hel 1 lflelf & 11 ............. c .... ..... ....... .,., ........ , WI llt USEO CAA8 e. TAUCKS 1 COME IN OR CALL fOR .......... CofmW.Del.Jlo ...-0 11211 BEACH BLVD. HUNTINGTON BEACH .. , .... ,, a.t-1111 Chair• 7 eac:h. weight $3 "'·Coffee table 110. end whit• TV , g ood renMn plate~ ~ Piiot, Box IMO. conlCMI. = 963-5272 Rent: 29' motor home, loldedl ("493522). ~c=:·=· tit;: eoi.m.n Cetytetlc helter condition ISO. Fanoy go11 tectect *· . • ~ 92121. ::'· lt50. 642• 27 llPI 8. tu11y loaded. •Y 11111 Wonder horM l5. Clo· 110. Solid wood 1k1tt b•B· 111 tooled leatller one hexagon, e nd• If/, ll PlllE OIT! 645-8el8 (Paufl thing 25c-$2. Stlufl•r board top1 St. Picture S4 . Excellent Sound•· S40-HO HCtl. T1bl11: -...... YWI mut ..... -, ....... ----Top Dolar actl lramee. llTlall 2k. lerge llan 11ereo '40. 3 WIY King• walnut formic• Wolffl •I 12o both Me-1712 NEWPORT 41 SLOOP •--11 • ••-YtLllWllll m lne S25. 3290 Call• soc. Fl1tllng pol• I IS. OE 1P91ker1 145. pair. 421n round 721n free-•••••••••••••••••••••• · tt Siiia Moran MUST SELL by 10115. Paid fornia Street. 549-8491 Mitter Chef Barbecue RV lo1bo11 $20. RV t form 125 & '131. CN11r1: WANTlD: LMno room MAGNAVOX ltereo 8 New dll"7t 186 000 '77 field & Stream 22' 18711 8Mclfl 8111(1. THREE p1ec41 wicker Mt 1 10. Electrlo11 llxlur'• gallon water lank 112. Perlect 2 CfUlhed go4d Mt. c:ouch. dlalt•. cofl.. trld<, turntM>lt Atnlfm, J. Br~ vtii Bkt. (Dodte :MO.) Roof llr. 50 Huntington a.acn FOf YOU!f Cerl l2S. Studio C®Ch $30. 50c-15 . .Aquarium 1tand AV holdlng tank 50ll2tx8 Y9lvet recllnera 150 Md!. teblt, end tlblel, dlnel· like new l80. 1148-4308 714' 513-7"8 gal oat tank. Relf di-M2·1111 Jiii• I ltl ... Tlblee IS. Heldboltdl 15. Night ltandl $5. Cele with git• v1lv• $40. One cocoa ,,.,.. man'• ••. MUii be In good PANASONIC ti Inch Colo-• nett•. 41.000 ml. Orio. '82 JEEP CJ7 Ltd. 5 IC)d. u...llt-ller::J 13·115. Lampi S2·18. doorl. ,_ 115. l<l1cMn L•ur•I and Hardy flgu-ctlllr Md ottoman ISO. 3 lhaP9 1 pr~ r...on. TV Elloellnt Cond ,,,.....___._ ~I ~-218u1t7 Ing 110,400. excel. cond. Many ••· Radio• $3.17. Plclurn tlbl•. IWO, fold down r1nelarnp1l35pelr.OEI "*9twlllhal'Olna-. bly. Call wtnlngl.. orl1'"' •~2 ....... . ----... ..... I 111000 obo 2628 Herbof . ... ,. S 17. Antique Aoyll tradl 1tereo tuntt 14S. thlt 1tatlon S 10. MeMive 4tt-4tee -· .,.. .._.... •• ••• •••• •• • •• •• • ••••• '"· · ' Coet• M..a 540-513() ~!:t. ~=: ~ typewriter S2S. French Monroe OIQltal calculltor 3 way table lamp and 26" Magn1VO• color tv c~~TOM Mil SA=AAO. fra//"'.t, fr.Jn/ 1111._6_7s-_2_73_5 _____ ~ Hlghe9t utti lmmedlallly 11 MO. Dl9hel. toy1. i.-windaw !>WM door• 120. model te() 135. Good 1t1ad• 125. New home ••w'1 pecan, 81ar S«tea. r.:. CO::. 1ts0. Me-7m ;982"id..i"i2'";;;·.;;;;, 1177 Ctlt'Y.,. ton. Air. Pwr tor your Y'tltlldl. 0o- we1ry, doll•. dotl buggy, 642-7647. 2134 N1tlonal. goll cart 1 10. Laro• IDUfglw 11anna 119-135. lut......11 "" mote control, .. nt cond. 87s-511s . ewry optloo,..., cont'd. bralc•, pwr llelt'trlQ. ,,_tic or foreign old tlatt. "*""· mulle Colt1M9u. trunk, metal 1 15. Encyclop1edl1 Brll1n-•••••••••••••••••••••• 1195.645-3430 Mult Mil. Aft 5. '6050.842-3480 551·1215 l>o•M, Nit and pepper WOODEN llbll made 12tllttllt Amertean llJQ nlc1: 28 11olumn1 150. YAMAHA .._ Amp 23 .. COLOR TV BAAi«> NEW CURTIS! 891·15N '711 ""-ado 57K ml --------- 1h1ker1, kltchenwar• from cable ipool 125. 150. Manx 1kl1 tnd World La~ dlotlo-t 15'; Admit 1 conlOle Sl20 HAWKS. complete, '°' 18 5 chrome 'cuat IUIP • A ,_ z...,lffl 26c-15. 81by clothH. Whltl •h•ll unit. frH boot1 l tO pair. Clmeru naty, 2 volutnnl S5. W.. Head *"" 1 ~ 1 XI ~ ff..n4o 11825. ""&45-4310 ·74 Starcratt; 8 lli>f', el«:. m9ct1 perf 14e-1317 ·• •'-••~•••'·-·-·••••••••• " chlldren1 clothll 1nd 1tandlng, 4 wide by 3 I 1 ·$3S. turn t1blH dlcal and Heafth llluetr•· PV IPMlcer cabinet. All nt · 4 rtfrlg, 1tove. c1oeet & · · All• ,_,. 1111 adult clo1t111 25c-15. fllt t•ll s 15. Canlittr SI0-135. Spe1ket1 ted 4 1101umn1 110. In t JCOlllenl condition. 1·1tereo&tape0ecttwttt1 Sell Bolt.!s ::.,'1i;;; venlty, 111111 12200. 1 .,,.,., I •••••••••••••••••••••• Ironing boud 13. 4 vacuum 120. Traller 15-150 pair. Adding m• World Atl• 15. Detllled ~,· record collection. bar In· =-:: 1575 64S 1178 157·1954 llt. •••••••••••••••••••••• '81 Alfi Spyder V~. block• W11t ol Spire• hlteh, 71•82 Zephyr or mine 110-SH. Typewfl-World E11ent1 14-YO• ...-.. I 1.... tide, flllHng llghtt, · • f'. •iJ. Dtllf,. 1111 '11 Pm ··-Only 13.000 mt Xlnt Rnt1urant on Harbor Fairmont wagon 115. 20 ter1 116·13S. 648-7909 tumn• 125. New 120 ml-llSOO. &56-0tM .. ,. 1111' .! ..•• ~••••••~••••••• COf'ld. 111,eoo. 875-9038 Blvd. 3102 Coral Ave.. Inch chlld'1 bike I 10 Cotta Mee&. nut• CMMtt• HI A tepee I°""' hnllen I 25" ConlCMI Zenith TV. .,;h H11 One wheel trllller. ltlnt IOt .... AMI 1117 •Pl A, Co1t1 M111. Child'• RCA ptlo!'lo 120. FIR£~ ledder P«· 12. New portable C.I· .. ,_ ... 1350 •••••••••••••••••••••• vw. 1100 Very dean low •••••••••••••••••••••• AcrOll from lhe Part!. Port1ble 11ereo. tube table 120. Tub enclo· I It': t •12;_1P3511 ~~ ••"':x;:";;'!......... . 848-2119 BOAT SLIPS AVAILABLE: 1148-'222 Y9hlc:le. (1Nt7029) IQ W ... , ... ... KITCHEN utentlll 50c 11 type 110. Delle lampi 15. wr• OIUI door• $30 recor .,, . l8M M-o A 218M 1240'• Newpott 8Mctl: 25', 28'. 12111 28 000 mltla fuly loeded • I c ti B 0 0 k • n d I N 0 r I h c 011 a ... I... Roorft Oettumldlfer MO. c:olored cement ll~ v~ 12oo All ~ Spenlttl Mafloglny Meo· 30'. 35'. "°" ' 45'. Cell A•tt lnrin, ,,,,, . . 50c·l ·1 110 . Lamp• 540-4709 G1111 top coflM t1bl9 1tonff lbl8x3ln. you maintenance · --. nevox etereo conlCMI, 842·4f44 lr<Wn t-s. I Aftfl,.,,H Hll la.L l&llT YIYITI ~oof·1 f::·0Ulceo• • I · ... A 64 .. 2~-hlul, 12 eed\. Two Det· ___._ T-"-..... -good cond. MOO/ofr. Mon-Fn. •••••••••••••••••••••• iww. • • 12· 15. P l1tlltlSKlboot1.m•n'181n ...... --IUnpictlupwheellMd .. _ .... -·beat""· l30-et19 PAINT&lltebodyWOl'tl 19202a.acn81vd. 645-1211 E ...... •' tt.5045. Plllowl 12·18. Marco. i lu 10 125. CHAIN hollt, ~Ion. UNd tlr• 115 eec:h. Plctw-• C .. Joyce •I 640·5ell0 MARCUS CHANNEL: lldt up to~ off your t>octY Hntlngtn 8ctl 082-o829 857·Hl4 days. Ctlrl1tm11 decor1t1on1 S52-.3S19 once ISO. Quality 8 Inch and ft1me1 50o-S3.50. C1o11ng Oftloe, deelcl, .. ,, I..,,., tie to 28 ft; Sl50: aleo ihop "t. 8llt 984-0332 Toyota '78. AM/FM Ste-'80 Audi 50008 22 000 ~bl~1~:g· f:~~=~w~~: BICYCLE. man'• 26 Inch 3 lerge benctl YIM, USA 17 "'•brick 4x8ll1 Inch Cf'lalrl, tlblel, etc. Mull .. , ~ 8~510 18 ft S100. European Mechlnlc r• reo c:atlMtte. 8fNlll ml. loaded. 1iit1 ;._, 20c·l2 CoffH mu 1 lpHd, good condition made 125. Slbf• MW 13. 50c eaci\. EllCtrlc carpet Miii 1127 W"1cllft Or. ••"';J...f!!~!......... · palt1 European c.tl cemper lfllll 12175. chOCOlate bfawn ••• .. tOc-llOc:: Clllrol hair~· l30. 5-48•2808 Air compre11or pump cl11ne r with 1tt1ch· N.8. 831-otOO or ... .,,J HIO SLIPS AVAIL. Huntington Frerich Spkg. ttt·t 229 673-8e11 ... ,her-••· l tt,000. ,., 115 2932 Redwood only 17. 7•9 tent 126. ~••. poll•fler. w111., 7ff-1877, •••••••••••••••••••••• Hwbour Bey, D1 John "111,._ 641-4068 841S-7033 Coe • • T 0 Colt man hHt•r t tll. 12S. HMvy duty bumper 15' flberglMI rowing 0ory 840-554S 8'8-17ee 8-9 -' , .... .. Mell : .. e:g~h~~:~· Stove 15. 80'1 Chevy Jeck 16. 21ft 11n 1 ollvMI-"" ,. 1500. M2"'411t office: PM. ' MO-.iot7. l'M 1 echool teecher In Pl•IP ''2-.~~·m·~Mll .... ~· ~INN Conllner'ltal 10 K'-CUil _.._.. .... 5 11.C:tory rldio, puahbut· Z8d pipe new 1"&. New ...................... "2-8772. hm. 213--431-3784 N.B • I found I od ,,,... -H""'· .... . .._.. IPMd bike 140. Men'i """ om..,.....-.. ... · ltn, wor111ng 115. Sun-decorator M8G htnglng 2 Columbltn Red-Tiiied · enenlc: and I'd ~. to Very clMnl C1146) rlflce. ISMO. 831·2"1 CflllNr bike 130. Surf· "9c:llner ...... ,., Md Ill-lbMnl Tiger UC>P9r con-lampl20.NewR.V.pro-8oM,4W long.lt00 •. •91 Jet Siii, Ilk• MW. ·'···s11 Edg9Wller,34' lhlr• him. 548-4tte.. 12•11 '79Audl5000.lllwt'/tllue boerd 125. White'• EJec. bfllor 125. Cemplng tenl trol um1 120 pair. '*'9 g.u leillc detector 496-7'83. 11800. Cit Outlet. to 31'. power or 1111. Roel'• number. Signed: Ironic:• BFO metal d•-12•1211 hHYY ClnVH 540-5727 1211. 9ool11 600-1 1.cO. M2-G883 • 173-19'3 Fred 0111. la1 llUIY ""'' ~ •. AM/':ioo.A/C,~ tec:tOt 13(). 130t Wfft· 135. Mani t>ltl• 115· L> Old TV for Plf1• good &uenJI red 1 wflt M pup-12· Alum. Boet!Tralter. 7.S 9oet dock for rent 24• tt202 8eectl IMI. 645-2908 c:lllf Drive. Newport dlel bike 115. T~er Ml"AOA 241n•301n with cart. H in. and 'power py, "'°':..proepect, w4I "'Pt ... ·~ -.. t-"' ....... ._ ...-.... ..._.._.. Fl~ .. ,~~ou• ~':!! ... A,._n .............. ,..._ _...,.. ______ _ Betc:h. l lS. Petlo dOof valence belleled ed9fl Md mitre tranllormer 16 Admiral co-own, -60. ~ " -. .... ..-..... ..,.,. meJC,..,.. pr.,._--· ,,_ ""'"' --,.... ""'~""' """'' --• '75 Audi FOll. Needl llttle _______ _. 115. SW1 IUpet Pong cut• 120. GIUI bowl• AM/FM table ;.dlo 15. CHIHUAHUA PUPPl£8. 494·2905 &lO 38th It. IMwpOrt S5t-t6tt en. epn. • ............. work. 11000 or beet Of· MATERNITY clothu TV game 15. Waring and.,._... 11-13. Metal Wiii gun ride Md dr• PA,ERI IHOT8 StlSO llland. 873-30IS4 fer. 857-4187 1 2·1 16. Biby clothH bl1nd1t SS. 01terlzer tr~y1 75c e.ch. Wood we r 110 21125 Lehigh C .. '31~211 . . .. ,, •• g....... Slllboltlllf:llor,_,t main 7 new tlrel, t50xt8.5, 10 :;::~;~:: 25c-l 5. Bottle 1ter'lllHr =::on•::.=~~ ~.:=2:helrl 17 MCh. Piece, Co1t1 Me u . GERMAN IHI' PUPPY ,.;n,. H• btJ. 35xl'A ft. M ft. ply, for hel;i..: pidl· WWldl jambor• l*tleoe ~'91.'~.!~ ... !~!f lclt 115. Biby beth lubl2. delUJC• pltyyard 15 Bath • 979.7731 • Wt<& OLD '30 ...................... , .7 ,IS:M() up, 1700· 5 and mucti men. '81 Buo·E~. Hu Lot•. Stroller 110. 980·2517 tcale .3. AC 220· con-L:.:~.ES~ tru~::,~: DOG clll)per, Olttr ro-MO.oHi . i::1=~klltln 21· boll with 42' N9wport A•"' I# i.J. IAV! THOUIAHOS Need• Uttll. Hurry. OUAL,ITY IO·IPMd WO• verier tdlpltr (travel) 11().tt& ~ Otlc delk ••11lone l model /50 , AKC Codi• 8peniel Pup-Olty WOttt. 649-:r:"E\I mooring.~ ...................... .... .st 1 1750 obO 142 • 1 2 81 man• bike. thin rlm1 13. Boole• 5c·l 1. Calh chair• 110 Oun OI H Oroomlne 1e1ce11or1 .. PIM 1 wtc l300 cafl IMPOftTANT NOTICE .. / .... /llllllLT lllft 1111 $50. lof• ~ Ct'\14-only. t8S7 New WMy •10. 0oub..i hMdbe>eird SU . 0 09•1 drlnklno ~ •• ' .. ,,, ,,.,,., 31' 8llp .,,.....,.. Hunl· TOAo"~~:"s·~J!D 2624 HltbOr lllld .. CM •••••••••••••••••••••• Mr ~· Man 1 and wo-SlrHt. Co111 Mui . s 10• Pe lr oetc preu ...., dilpel_. a&. O.. ._,...,., "" lnoton Httbour, Debbie " '"'nv 54t ·to2:3 ...a.;1110 -·-llllml'I man. 3.,. bile• M5 657·7381 ' '**'MO l.oeta of ol-COllt -toy l)OOClt .. HIMALAYAN KITT!NS ••• m.................. 21'/lln·M45 The ptloe of IMmt .. ____ _,.....,.....,..--1 - tad\. AM '*• exoa1ent BABY and dllchnl c1o--.. ~Ind""'* 11s-7714 IJelbol lllend. CIA. 2 ,,,..., 12 ..... 1..ot1 °' OOtM*olll · .,,.,.,!Md by Yetllde ... 1 '11 Ln ,..., um ::':1~10~~n12 ~ thee 0.4 ~·r• tOC·H. se.its. 1200 WH tclllf 'HON!·MAT! tooo ,.. '200. Call~ -~ode'= .. ..!', ,,._, -. ::: ~.::-oo:; wmi elf ooodltlOUWIQ. & .. .,, .._,_,., 121 ~.. Toy1 tOc-15. Wonder Drive, NewPotl BMch. mote , perfec t 1 50 CONGO A'NCAH OAAY _.., • ......... .!......:_ 11 .., ...., ............ -.___.._ -(1~1H) -...., _, _. .. ......_ .. II ..... _.._ ....... .. .... t2 .. 7 ... --... . • ... ..,..T T _.., ----•· • •••••••••••••••••••••• -'"'' ·--.. ..........~to Good • Yott cer bettery '"" • ---:J' _,,, _. .. w-_, ,,...,._, lllnQ ,. .. ......, • w & ...,. ..,_.... ctocei bo 11' llcl boeC JotlnaOn _,~ ,...., llOenM ,_ t 11 tad\. Good oecllo-~30 SMllmar. Coet9 KT 16111 Ford •onoo or *-lntWoOll -"" lloM ~ 11111· IMt . bOtl Md meme .:':: 1HhP. nu ~ I !M. lranafllr ..... flMno9 11111 ~L.MllfMI ,, IGope H6. :zotO Slit• -lnD -"lie IPOll•.,.... • n d h • I I • , • 3 0 . MO-«llO --Md '""°" more. UTOO. W-1141 oMt091 ..... for air ~ nrlV r A Dl /l:D Awe .• Coete ....... Fo41oW MAVTAO dllhw .... lllO 145. G1brtef air "**' 142.U. AKC Cooller ~. • ..,.7090 ... & tun. tutlon oomrot deWtae .... 9lllY ""'' N...11 ~v ~ 0 1 lie Street, home efter Pott a bl• laundry tub with 11n91125. 640-I02t 8"ALOINO ttnl'll recket Wiit. Aeoot Odor. 9:30 lo 3pn\, Ma et. '1!'1..f~1ft ... IJ!f ~ION or deeler H ~~:::"Mt~ l(lJ.S 1(11(.'E·eMW pm, 115. New front panel TWO twin wood tramea tl2. lldlnt torwen dOOt ..,_.... tetnt 9-Or. No, i.a.. -·-·ll"I prepera-n """u' o.ro_,.,_,1"'"• 8A8KIT8. plctu ru. (wti!M) for l<ltctltnmald h••d Ind root boardi "'•72,.•)•· .. ..,,,, l*k• GEfltMAN a I P/ OUM· DRY STORAGE ~~ ·7•ToYOllSflt·51.onabed. ;::.;.:""...,_ bookl, frtmH , 01111 ctl1t1wHfler 1 111 .Door etlechad 1 15 o oh . ISOtor "' . ...,.."ona I AMOYID ,,,... puppy, ..... ,.,,_ ,.,, MOn~ DOet "°'•· ttle adv9rtlw >Ont Cond. A• Xtra1. n '"' bOnfet. Cfoell, heb, tine. IOClll, ~ U eac:fl. W.igflt benGtl wttf1 Ilg Ifft I 5. Ploture fr1me1 7 Wlcl. 125. 6"-IOOI ••••i"J••••••• .. ••••••• ._ I• hr llClllflt'I · 14160 Aftef 8 pm (714) '78 2002, llK ml S*'f. lrNll""' IOo-tt • ...,.. New front whH I for ... 5. 1 .,... _.. _. llOc:-12. 173-7200 1111 flberglH• ...., :Z. ~ · ,.,,._,/ 641..... cond .. IM • ..-... AMll'M le d mirror•. trunke, lofMtnf1 bill.e, man'• Ille workt good H . Two OOUll.I 1m1 boll llHWNI AKC Codltta, I 9"ff NotdlC "'I· N ~ llWllT-tfMt1it NM '72 ~ 1 oyt bMU-1tereo, nu , ...... , only dlllrs. upl'lolltll"f '*le 1 15. I 3 1·7t51 or cemplnt coll IJk• new and me ttr••• 1 25-. "*" 'Ctiem.-.ie fMI. tnm, lfle lte9I .. lpped 1111 :::.:-&• • ................. r.-.n ty, Gem top; 11r. Pl. Pb, U .IM. 141 .. 711 (t*)aP6a ......... Olc9 1424-Qt •t5eedL 640-2029 116-t02• 1 "'8 • ......,7 ..,., bull. 4 P.-OI -·"II onMe.144-11tt '71 WW llOI. .._., .... ~..,:O,":·"= 8Kl'IK21190710Comp., Doeaw ~. 1 g:;. .':?.,..~.: .._ ~ ,._..& '11 OMO HI...,.,.~ ton 111to ... MW.~ of~ end t olld ) t 18.120• Sllon\Of\ 727 blndlfltt, IRAIOIO wra1tt11 H . CL.O~: Lole of c ""8. """""·· t "*9. 4 • H I I•. • .,...._ 4 10 -._, *P llcla. wl fW H1-I071 c.,._ pipe, ''*mot'• POltl MO. 652-3511 •00111, 111tomotl11• '"'!""' • ~ ::·,:::*'*'· • -. TIP-"°"" fOOINI) •· outtom int ,...,_,..-. 'It UOI air ...._-. ......_ ....... King NIVlflt uu d lmlth &Oo-12. Toya IOc-U.IO. COtldltloft ' 0..-ti' IAPl!h'elle •• ........ ~t_~ ...... dll ... & ttr-. M110. mlfltt ' ' ' ........ 11111,, .n....,. Cofone,,.... ""'o•• nc-14. Dr•· fo11111 u rookl,... ......_ 1111 a ....., Century lter ltOM. 4 o,t. ~,.,, •I...-•·1111 ltl4'00 ISt·IMt "''"''° tHo"'"• HO. "'llO. IConlct ml-l*Y'• "4 11. f'toti#M Ho·l 1.H . U Mlt 11. IMdl. •· c.ea .... ...,, IHOO. 11Mttt ..., 81AI • , , . -. •· 1111 cae.n.. llmeter 1u1omellc Cl· Uo·U.11. Olthl "'•' etMCI °' tllttrey MCMJOI .. m.!.:.'! ...... ,-.-.u IO o.iee ... ~ "*· .. 71 IMW AOI. II •1'•. glH 1 e treoe Cotta ,,_1 MO 84....._ 10 •·1 1 . C lo thf t "tlctor I H O. UdlH tM ~ M8llr 1WP1 CAii_.,.~ ..... -r--. . .._...,..._. ... .._ ....,,,; ' 100-tl.'rt . .,_. ,. 11. ntMa ....... UfMYO Tm -•t WIOt~ Mere '"' ,. lllOft lltd. ,. ton, *' -. Mt.om tenk, 1111 •In••••' ~ Crod!Pol a IOI oreem curtlllt Iron ... Gutter Clrteft --. ...... MOit -'· '*' ...,., t ..,.,, ..,.,_~.... 'ftl o;;;; l'U i •· ...,., ""._ ...,._., . ='°~~ '::-:--.... ;: .:... ::WC:. ::.irenton :.-~· !:i U:lt ~ ~ ~=-.et .-..... '-'=• . .:'°m..D: r..,~ IMit4 ""· 1 ::'m.T.1~°'° =tr~=··:' ,., ... ..... l lO. Now IOOllol OI08 • fwo llt Hfl ttr e.eM~~ ..... I -. :z I' -... • ----, CT? m ~ ... 110. Hend .,. 14, '*• ltO HOfl Tr OVIN I Hre bUllt•ln, oM1rln9 tor ltl U• 'n -.;.:-· ;: 11..,.00.Mlll ffll, ""~ 'ft eMC Vlft. ti ft ...... ·JO llUllllL -.... 0... .... 7011. IOll WllMe lllegl ll,11.Nlw t:i.T:°: COftd!Ufn ... (1tlll11ft)l11. • ;;:...~·-W ;:·~-... =.,,.. .. ---==-= cw--. ':l.'·ct=:·=z:. -d .,..-::.: = =~-·=wtet ........ .,....., ,.,., •ti.Ga ... ~. ~=· =-H~YY :\.":.\~· :nw:~ ~~· =--=· ..... ~~ "9 IN HtrMr """ .... t tlt', Mlil...,..lft RMIW..,._,iiiii: ........ ~ .-.. ... ~ 'ltiiOiliiilif•i• ;;;. ..__ · _ •r. vor1ta ~1 -, .. ,.. .ellf•....., v.. 1IO wiMr. 11 ..,., • DlilllM. .,..., -. ..... -·-· -· --, . ... • ...._ • • ,.. - -· -· ~...... M1.ftCll -........... •1•1••11P1 ..... ....., .... _ . I ,. • • I ce Or•ng• Coa1t DAILY PILOTll•turdev. October t , 1112 ~!t'!'!. !t'f P.!ttt •...... ~I.'"".~~ ...... ~.'.'!!. !!'.mttt ......• ~.-.~.!~tr.!~ ....... IA'l.ll.~· •••••• A•,.. ..... ,w ... ,., u• · l~·-~1·····iuu ~ ... " ~ ...... 11..J ... ..... ":"': .. • I':': ............................. 'ftr,~MI t.~ "/'r."TTj .rTTT ........... w -m .1"111' .......... . r'tJr. ............ l.~{f fll!/lff ......... 11.{f 'IO ;._;,j. yj•uu•• •• ~ .......... !ti. flf! ............ l!.'.f ~ ........ II.fl tt;~-;;·~·,;:·f~~ OREA" 6·•0CI. gOOCI cond. IOK DEL mi. 121ao. 16'· '16' t1111~ ••••••••• I.~. T!~'. •••••••.•• 11.t tl:ISTER PllllR/Alll 1982 TOYOTAS ..., llLL ·10 Ltnoot11 .... ," Ill NA~RS Only 13.000 ,,,_on lhlt •••ttui blkk t> .. uw. ~ #1 , .... ..., WA~TID '7t h¥111t. .. ., .... .....,, lhatp, lo ml, no dleMI LOW AS !!~f!.ft"-.. 1.~~f .. w ..... Wl'll lhOW vou OYef 100 New & UNcl M .. o.cMt- lenl Com. 111 & oonal• der our leaae err~ mentt or tone ,.,"' It· 11anctng . .,, ..... ··-uu•t •"'' Clfli.t edllton. Two tone ... , otter ov• Ifft tt ( • A I )I I I A(" 1llv1r wllll dl•llnctlv• 142·7600 ,.,, 4 ·"' .. Cull PIP •t4·f41t ·1"i "iiciorlldO ,.,oOo ml. 11•,••• 9411 #0043•0 Good lhru 10110112 1383 t Herb°' l lvd. 011* Grove ........ ,,. .. Ltw 11111111 YHlll11 FROM AIJ LOW AS All w. OV!AllA8 011.IVEAY t!XPl"'TI lellh., t111ertor. Hat CLEARANCE •very ot)tlOfl poutble lor #1111n Hll lottl tu11111y drlvlngl ••••••""•••••••••••••• 1unroo1, m1ny 1111111. Und., blue bk I 18,380, ,,_., .. e:> 1-IHI TATE OAllWO lt••lac 714 111·2111 $4988 ....... .. u •• """ 163U[N) Jult 11.-d 1• '70 MONA~CH 2 d r , l•ble Piii)' to make otean, ao, pa, pb, nu SALEI 1n1111 monthly peyme1111 1 •lret 12500 113· 1003 • NO old con1rec1 10 ••· A1111lou1t '74 II OOfldo, GOid In & out, All option• end c1e1n. A•k uaao obo eet I Holl Ave POMON Ul·Het •u Ill tu!M, no t>eok p1yment1 -------:--- I.ow mll" Lea. Int. A IUI .... , Ttnfl du• All( FOA ROH •••IHJ. HIJ 1912 CADILLAC tlM H1tbof ltvd 14e.&222 HOUM Of lrnc>Oflt, tno DIAL 213Of114 137·2333 J>OWW, AC, ci..n. mutt 11111 ..... !l'h4. 1411"1303· Ike tmporla • •••;••• •••••••••••••• CIMAllON llDAN "1711!~~5·~.~111 ~~ da h= ltM' dlr 11 •llflll "AUTOMATIC TIANI. COSTA MESA '74 0 1dlll1c. Saorlllce Ul·llHMl-1411 HOO ooo Mu11 -lo epprec:l111 81oni. with .. • .,...,vv "" H .Olll C•mll• 1111 With 1u1om1t1c 1ran1 . ANO I UN•Oor" '80 PORSCHE 11t1 SO __ . • •••••••••••••••••• ••• power .... ring and llr ( 1CAZ468) '711 2H WAGON AC, Whlll Vlnyl lop Aeg !JI•, mega, c .... leather lntr. OrHt engine and Int•· roof rack, 2 yr 1erv rlor . Good Tlre1 , !!!!ff! •••••••••• l!.ff ••••••••• _...m .. •Y AITllllDI PlllUI IUUll•tt You Clft tffonl ID buy your Mtrcedl• 1enz frCNW UL Thia 11 1n. flMtl Pf• ,74 ChlnOolc ~top mlr ·e I 4·tPd. 1howroom eondltlonlng ~fCICtlOI $ owned T1r,.1 In So. c am. home, looll1 & rune aond • Wht wi red llhr Int.. 1•111 10,9~5 11100 mt. M1k1 oller. • :/oOom n t 3 0 I< m I 1173-8840 /OBO. 709· l003. '711 Slack/bleck fldo.-ti'i 1Ui'W'il~ia-- Nlo9 Sellctlonl * '71 2002: 4 apd., tn/11. (117PVB) * '79 320I: 4 apd., toe• dedl (8 llXOH) All blk w •very conc•I· grHI, whit•. n..-tlree, to Muat a.ti. 640·0737 or llLL IWIY TIYIJ" v1ble option. Th1 ctr ml. Oat 11ove. n.11.,, --!I WH l lOfed on blOC:kl r•lrlg. aeooo. . 6•11·5885 19202 84,teh Blvd. elnc• new. Currently hl8 I 141•40&8 848· 7033 ~·• 1111 Hntlngtn &ch 912.0929 leH thin 4,000 11'11. W. •••A••••••••••••••••• '78 MU.ling II Oependl· wlll NII thl1 prl1t1ne I'll TIYITI OllJOA '711 Dodg• Challenger, ble, attck. am/Im eua. Porlcile 11 midpoint Sliver with wlfl blll<el 11c, am/Im, low mllee, Clean 12000 876-2774 ~.-W~ & wn..ta. (109RZW) good cond $4000 de 91199 780•1109 '74 VOLVO St. Wg • dr, 4 ••tr11, 111n1 cond. G~, II. lnl.. llr, Ilk thlf tll,500 116·801 t I 4116. 842·6425 '72 Maroon Cadlll.c>, only '78 244, AC. 1111eo. • 1. 79,000 ml. Xlnl cond. 000 ml, Blue, 11lnt cond. New pelnt Atklng 18200. 541-31107 11800 848· 18911 '85 CdV Cid A~lllo- 1980 CADILLAC COUf'I DI VILLI ( 1AKl<082) · s9395 * 'IO 62111: IUIO , tn/r1. (4MZOJ) * '80 32ot. 6 19<1 . .' lo8· dedl (231ZYR) $0 DOWN LEA E Retell Which II II .... I Aeduotd to 714/661-3231 -· _ 112.000 '"' than eno-12111 7• 0 _, •c es GT. proteNlon11ty ..... 14--+D'7'D CADILLAC th411 brlnd MW POflChe. " mrn," 'I UIO trlnt, IOrtd, low mlle1 IP• '°' 1ppt. 844-18116 d)'9. •H L UllY TIYITI 34,000 ml. Xlnt oond. pral1ed 11 S7600.' e.11 COUPI DI VILLI A•I•• 11-4 ..... ~ •............•.. ~ mech111lc111i, grHt t.•11•1 IHI Cit. $800, 831·9 70 831·2321 ...,.., --;'9202 S..Ch Blvd. $31150/ofr. 640·0416 0 f f • r I • k • I (II 15XUF) Hntlngtn Beh 912.011211 ,,,, IHI 213~118-1688 s7995 •• • • ••• •• • • • • • • • •• •• • • ·ea Cad . _. dr eectan1 $500 COIM In & ... N-porl 0 80 e.tch'1 nMat Mle<:tlon 494-2905 * '80 t331ct: loaded. 166561~1-1111 -.-,-11-Pl_l_Ull_I_, 2011 W. 111, Santa Ano Low ml. •Int cond. Fly CIOMCI Sunday Yellow. Mu1t 11crlflcel 761~34 ... CHOICE INVENTORY VOLUME SALES ll•I 11ZJ & ..................... . '75 FIAT Spider. Aid w/ wire )Nhl1. Excel con.d. Ill •1LllEl 1-'-2_100~.e11~11_eo_._19_~_ ... ~Leellng 850 N. S..Ch Blvd LI Habra Ill-IHI A,pl)hH·tO ,..\. Utt Ill aloe• On IPP<Ovecl tr.Oii •;1• •1• ·,·,· •1•1•• •1•11• • •1••1•1• • 'Or~ M 0 1 u 2 t- 000 11_n_g .• -.-ln-t .-Clnd--y ~! ... ~f!!. .......• l!.!f '"···· 1111 vu 21 llW HlllLTI 1··••••r.•••••••••••••• Very ci.tn. (IBOR413) 4114-7997 10 chooae from · 1110 YllllP" 13111 o,u "II •g55 Al low u $4889 (~er Till OllVllTIIU •••••• • w 13~) Qpllon1 Include •If eond. llLL MUH YIYIH 1;~;~·;;1~~-;-;,;~·;;•9; Th~111t new '83 Alllance & AM/FM1 (IAP0224) 19202 S.teh Blvd .• ~ Della Cu11. Olds. P/W, 11 119rel Fuego1, Imme-NLY SITll Hnllng1n 8Cfl 1182.08211 AIC. r1dlo. c1ll B of A. dlale delivery JIM IUI• ,7 I FORD Maverick Good Mon· Fr I , II A M -4 PM. HUIE OlllT YILllWUll cond. 3 new urn. eeon. _1_s_9·_4_311_2 _____ 1 &MO/.IHP/llUILT 18711 a..ch Blvd $850 494-3211 '80 ameg., xlnl eond 49. 262'4 Harbor Btvd .. C.M. Huntington 8eaoh ·97 FORD WAGON PS, OOO miles J.4,300 64f.8023 845-7770 142·2000 run• gd. need1 mufller 831_·_44_5_9 __ _ l1JJ1 ••tt• 11SI ~-$500. 780-()161. ~ c)j'(j'l"Toro, loaded. ol prevloualy owned Por1ch1'1, Audl'1 and '78 CdV Met golden v ..... brwn. beige leath ·~ Landau top. Mint c:ond. ln/oul & mech1n1c111y. $5200/lrade tor ? 445 E COHI Hwy 645-9190 Newport Betch '80 Cpe de VIie. &Hume • 873..0900 exlttlng 'tnoolhly IHM or AllC IHS for aele v good cond • . •.................... lo ml. loadoc:I w/ 1•1r11 M UST SELL '112 EAGLE 559-0789 SX4 Sporl ptckage, ex-'80 EldOfldO Dl•MI. lllre trll, only 3000 mll11. tank , 1unroof, 211,0001 $7,600 Owne1 Call 846-.t828 mllea, mint cond Beal 1979 CADILLAC SEDAN DI VILLI (172YHL) s7795 . --- 1971 CADILLAC COUPI DI VILLI (782TZW) s5995 Open Sunday '76 BMW 5301 MIST SILL *FANTASTIC* *FIATS* llJGE SWCTK* pW(.OWfEO •••••• 7.1.-•••••••••••• 80 TA-7 Conven. am/Im •74 A h PIS P/B run1 good. $900 obo. #1 D(Al(R IN US A caH, A/C, 5 19<1. 0.. 75 AMC 1c1 1 cond I enc ero, ' • 6411 8422 C _. • . t pendabl•.. Ori Cond. 26MPG s950: • 1 Ch~lllel flZO AIC, xlnt eond .. e1mper -• 1977 CADILLA $11400. 875-7424 '539.3410 •••••••••··~···••••••• lhell s2200. 631 •85511 11•1• llS1 ILDOIADO COUPI CAR\ffiR 1 SEE II FllllT1 ••• • ••• • •••••• •• •••• •• (622SZG> --Otter 844-113811 p r xln Thia Ul TIM ATE driving mac hln• c an now be your1t lo1ded with moon roof, air cond .. AM/FM CHHll• & 80 much mor•I (10VJlllO). Juel need relleble p11ty to mek• 1m1ll monthly p1yment1. No old con- tr.ct to uaume, no back Pl'(menll due. ASK FOA ROSE. 141-9303. Ike lmpotll • dlr FIAT SPURS Ii FIAT X l /91s -~ Iv., ..... ,.. 111 f!!l!!~! •......•. l!.H We have. good Ml.Ce. ·~~Jr~~~ ~~9 Co~n.~~~ '7e4/~n.•o ll~g~.t ~·~· :r. s5995 . ·91 380 SL, 1000 mi. w ire ·~.~.':1-~~~~~ .. ii7i"vtiiiwiiii.. TIE WIEST g~r~1~Fw ' us 9 ~~;. ';,~~.~· ,,!~;1~~b~ s1500totr. 842~274 ~:';.~2.::1~~00IOBO CWtN "-" 11-s • PIP·TIP Ollftl llLIOTill ~~~~~e:itrS::'l9~~ean, !!1!'!~~!~ .•..•••• !.~! 1911 CADtLLAC '77 FIAT Xl9's I--------,,-. ----Thi• one hu en auto. of 1111 model, low milN· . • ·79 Vo41re. 2 dr, 1 owner. COUPI DI VILLI MB 1982 300 CO-TO S.d 1110 tr1n1., low mllM & 11 ex-ge Cldlll1e1111 Southern '77 M1¥erlck. 8 cyl, 2 dr, 31.000 ml. aulo, pb, ps, D'ILIGANCI 4 ap. stereo. mega. Only 57 K. (659SMR) Sunroof. $30,800. ••••••••••••w•..... tr1 cleanl (9·223). CallfOfnlal See u1 lodayl air, pa, pb, clean. 48K ml. a/c, new 11re1. LIKE BGC305 '86 c;~r7c1:~::2~:SL ~:l: 111&1 ·~~'.u:· o'u''•wEllQ G~:~5a~e cyl, 4 dr Se-~r~~.:3s!119J3e43 7 0 $ 112 .ags s3995 Creim w/dark brown 1T2h11713o9n)e 11 111 orlglnell YILllWUll .7111 1 AC 1 31 dlll, PS, PB. auto trane, 1 .. tl•~ HIS I"/ soil lop Hard top, 2800 Harbor Blvd mp11, •au o. . A-t ~ond 23,300 ml •••••••••••••••••••••• 11ddle lntr. Good cond llLY SJlll 111711. ee.ch Blvd. COSTA MESA OOO ml. 6 cyl. O<lg owner $31100 firm O wner. Catalina. 11170. AIC. PIS. 'll UW 1101 With aun rool. (3UTJB) Prk:41d To Seti Al $18,000, 873-7643 Huntington Beach 140-1180 $3lOO 7&0-i333 1173-73116 P/B New Tlr11, Good JIM 1111111 142·2000 19111 Chevy V1n. lo Mlle1, '7ll GRANADA 2 dr. 6 cyl, Cond. $700. 897·11419 Oller Good Thru Monday, 10-11-82 11111 llU IAllY TtHTI 11202 8eee11 Blvd. 178 FIAT x.19 '11 MIZ 4H llO. /\liY•*~T11 A .. tored ctaulc w/ 1987 Claulc Eldorado MuSI Seti, SO down, T.O AC, AM/FM. xlnt oond. '77 Grand Prix LJ, lo ml, 1 ·n Saab Turbo, 31,000 cuatom & dt1t1ncllve hardtop, new llr ... ball. Paymnts or S7000. obo. Service record1, Orig owner. loaded. Mint. NABERS .. 11 9ll111~ .. ··./~2lao.oook ml. ml, Blaupunkt 1mllm look. '87 BUG. Porache wl r Ing . pal n t , lie. 891-0322 owner. $2500. 631·22511. 691-11588 alt &PM "' " cass. 1tereo, 1/c, lmmac. red, Michelin radlala. Smooth running. Alklng 73 Oelux• Caprice Eallle II n"Till w••H c Hntlngln Bch ~2-0829 4 ap, f1c1ory ale, stereo, tepe. reek, alloys •3 K -A Real Beauty (1BUC707) S28,500veryflrm S10,0000<$6000&take Super 1lereo. New eve-S1500/b1lofr 146-3381 Wgn, 53,000 ml. $1575 • -'80Q/P, l2.000mlles.llke (:A l)ILl..1\ l~7~3~1-~5~1~15~~~83~t-~4~34~2!h~ov~er~p!ym~ta'..:.. :_5~52~-~38~7~8~1 rylhlng. Spot1M1. $3900. '86 CAO COUVEAT S.2-0955 Ford F1lrl1ne. clean n-!:~20-11185 -HARBOR BlVO. ~I!! ..•......... !!.~¥ I '711 C1Pd. Ale, PS. AM/ FM c11•. Good cond. $ 1876, 173-8427 s4495 I· 7311·2861 I Dody run1 xlnl. 22 mpg. ..-'""" -" m ... ,~~~~ .......... !.~~~ ... O.lllFIOlll 99'/o '"~2~~000{obo 8~~~~~~:· .~:re~!; S.3-M85, Pvt pty. v.... 1.1.11. COSTA MESA F .. AAA 'IOTH s <>-~--L •• -.. £1 I ~· •• ~,............... • 540 1860 ._.. •Jes • .....,._. ea .. ng ·77 Convert, -to 1p-Read the cleNllled Id• 10< Wknds, 71"-53..-7781 •• '!!!.'! •••••••••• f.~C: ·12 H1tchb1Ck. auto. mtg _ II llYtlTll!tl l&lllfl&CI prec Am/Im, chrome the belt dMl1 In ll)llrt· Have aornethlng to NII? ·11 Lincoln coupe, low _!w~hl~1.~r1Md~~·~mo~t0<~,~$=2~00~~~~~~~~~~~ "87 Cl1111c "800" 111111 redllll• $5900. 631-115411 ment rental1. 842-5478 Classllled eds do 11 well mites. Mull Miii a..1 of-846-1321 Don Cnautteur partition w/IN H 1·2040 411·4141 .70 Vo4k•van, 5000 mllel A•t•• Me-• ._ A•IH ·-,.,._ I er over S 9911 . 1111 . ••IH ·-••-A•t•• .,_ 1111 0.110 11ZI ...................... '79 FIAt X-19 possible option•. Metal-, _________ , on rblt motor, 1uper ••••• 'I ••• :: •••••• ~ ••••• '/ ..... -: •••••• !!':':'! 142·7500. • .... '1 •• :.-: •••••• ~l•••••'I.'!:.-: ••••••••••• lie brown w/llght tan '10 111&11 IL eond, rblt tran1. $3200. ll!'l!l!~•'ll!!!!!~~~~ 1982 DAT~S ,." ..... tdra Ltw Mlll111 v ........ FROM AS LOW AS $4988 llH ._,, Terota 11212 ..... 11¥4. ............ IO. Ht.oatl 1981 DATSlltS 5 sp, Factory ale. I Stereo Cau, Rack, Maga, ( 13090) s5295 '75 FIAT 124 SPUR 5 ap. St•reo. Miga. Air. Very Sh11p. 61 K (122NJN) s3995 177 FIAT 124 SPUR 5 sp, Ok Green, Mini Condition. Stereo Cass ( 1ACP577) plu1h velour Int Comp 327• factory rebuilt & '"tored OllPI 494• " evff. to new car cond. Con· 5 Speed, very clean. '78 VW Rabbit. Auto 2 dr, verled lo U.S. 1pec1. (43 IZEA) Sunrt, am/Im CHI, xlnl Orig blll• for OM 104, 13811 cond S3950, 1175-1360 000 on hand • car pre-ev. aenlly atored In Germany llLL llUIY TIYITI but ready fOf lmmedllle 19202 Beach Blvd Shipping. Selllng PrlOe $75.000 Hnllngln Bdl 9&2-08211 PleaH. only qualllled ,_,. 1111 ·74 vw Bug, yellow, Ml· cash buyer1, cell •• -1••••••••••••••••••• i chelln R1dlel1, Por1he (7141842-0138 llllO& Lmll WhH11, x1n1 Cond 62. -.8-2_M_B::--:300..,,..,,.0::-tu-r-bo-.-lllrl-:-.1 Do you rHlly love Ce· 000 Ml • $3600 obo pollahed whla, putel llea1? 11 10, give me 1 Daya, (7 H I 11511-8100. ~. cslm 11rlplng, cost °'" Right now I've got 1 EV91 (71 41 78C).803e new S32,600, uklng Ion of them. Including $28.000. 891·16&7 ST, GT, and fully loaded Supre'a with T-Tops '74 280C. dk green, very Jull need retlable parly clean. good m•ch 10 make 1mell monthly $8000/obo. 873-11870 paymen11. No old eon· '111 3000, wtilte/blue Int.. tr1<:t to uaume. no bad! 1unroof. lepe. 18,000+ PIYIMllll due. ASK FOR ml Beaultlul. Corp ROSE. 1148-9303. Ike exec's car 1175-03411 lmpor11 -dlr. '68 Mere.cl•• 230. com- pletely rHIOfed, belUt In & 0U1. seaoo 4114-847•. 549.2951 '70 Mercedea 280Sl. Im· 1981 TOYOTAS Ye11 Cit• ·ea Bug. xtn1 cond .. 0<lg. own«, rbft 41ng .. $3000. 2 1311120-116611 early AM O< Ill• PM. 1170 BAJA BUG Not completed $1100. 846-3192 '71 Super Beetle, new' p1lnt. Good tr1n1. 11560, make oller 875.()768 ·79 VW But, Cllampegne Ed. Oflg ownr. 33.000 ml. Xlnt tellOO. 63e-O.t40 Ltw •leace '''""' FROM AS LOW AS mlC-compl aerv re· '71 VW Convenlble, ,_ e0<d1. 2 tops, euto. alt paint/lop & ~· Brighi ••11•• Ltw llHtllt Vtltlol11 FROM AS LOW AS M Vtllldn li111n..ttt4 OIMli[ COllfTY'S OLDCST fACTC.Y MITHOllZlD rlAT-t.MCIA DOUI 117,500. 1161 -82211. $3988 yellow,mu1tMll.$38i'>O. 720-1000 eve 11411-118115 hiiiiiifiii!!!i!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! '!!~~~~~It:~~ 1 1 1 1 11 1,•2ultl1tJ .'~.!.!.• New l:=o mt, CLOSEOUTS o• ALL 1912' I GORGEOUS .._ ln1t In 1ton1ge Muat ~ !;~~~~m~~~: ·=~ ... m:i5~~~.Cell HUGE DISCOUNTS I GE 0 US S 29 . 0 0 0 . :----------t '711 vw Scroc. Mint cond. llU ... T efl I 49.t-1098 '71 Corona Wegon Fact. rblt ang. am/Im 1.,._ ltlJ .~.... '80 280 SE Mrt Rhodes' nil llU Cell. f.4600. 557·1104 ••• It ....., • .. Mercedea Bent Sliver, lmmtcul1te lnllde & ou11 •09 BUO. ~ enc:t tootta ... lllctttl ltao' moon roof. •lloY whMlll Autom1tk: 1ran1., air Ilk• new. $2600 obo. H 2 ... 21 .77 124 Spld ... New top, All opt1on1. Mu11 be cond. & eeonomk:ll 4 846-9472 UP TO $3988 DICt': MILLER M O TORS " ~ I ! 'I' (, ,·11 1 I ~' ; 1'1 • j. I am/Im CIH. cleen, run1 aMnl 84S-8730. cyt. edd up to e greet ..,.--,,,--,-----,--:-1 1111 IATlll x I .n 1 . I 3 7 O 0 o b o •7, 300 SEL. 3.5. Cllllk:, vlluel ( 182AYT). Ju1t '81 R1bblt conv. Loeded. 2 .. D -•9 .. -81176 new air auapenilon. need rell1ble p111y. to 8400 ml. 35 mpg. Mint. ....,." make amall monthly $8, 700. 549·&81T Thia 2 ptu1 2 11 cocoa Tl•ll• ITU 111500. 645--0244 peylMllt1. No old con· -7-vw--8---t<:tc---1 brown, h•• 5 •P••d •••••••••••••••••••••• 1141 tract to 11aume. No beck ' 1 quareb · rvna 1r1n1. & all th• toy11 '11 FlmA ttOIO #C p~11 due. ASK FOA g~e2e511•0neecta1r ... Abf!:?1Y .. wor1t. (1 .. ..,,.1) •••••••••••••••••••••• R SE. .. .... "303. tke•_t_v ___ ....., __ ..,_•_• __ , .._, • 764-1412 '76 M~ red oon\'8f'tl· ........ •· -' ... II ' lmpor11 dlr '75 Cof\verl. Yeltow/blecle, '711 Fiesta an11, air. Min-ble, II • new. amlfm ____ -__ . ----i - • ._ CUMtte luggage rlell 2 am/Im 1_,,., '4800, H.B. -... --:=. roof, am/Im -tape. reer tormeau 'eovera. 2llK ,;,.. '79 Tayo11 OetlCI, AM/FM 1146-116411 •--• def. 121116. PIP p 20 CIQ, clean, 1 ownef, ---.,.......,..,.----1 fi.44-4826 ~4714 12.950 P · 844-.t7 "'699 146-5201 11t MUST SELL ... 18711 8Mctl Blvd. llPM. '74 100. Hew trent, Ml· Huntington Beecti B•U. 1111 llCI 1144 c:Mlln tlr•, 11ereo, •Int 142.,. ...................... ...................... 'll .. 11.U cond 12950 &U-eo34 11111 IWT•t '711 MOB, 30,000 ml. . . '11 llflll 211 W• C1n nelpl hfor• you overdr, xlnt. AM/FM Very deen. (tARZU4) '77 Rabbit. 2 Or, 4 apd, -m buy, Ctleetc our unbeet•· c.... 15300/ofr. 12111 1mllm cau, perfect I I 833 6438 84fi..t516 bodV, no denta, trnmac Vwy CIMn. (1ATM15t) :nd•• ::::.: ~~!~v ng• • ' 111.L UllY TtYITA lntr. Aune fant u llc. ~ucecl to ., lirui• 1111 19202 e..cn Blvd. 211mpg. 12760. 6-49-72•5 12111 =~ 1····::·:: ... ·•••••1•••• Hnllngtn &ch 912.011211 -,,.._ ·75 CorOlle SA6, good 111 llUIY TIYITI 2860 Hart>or BIYd. Aetlored w/new 41ng cond. $2400 tt202 8eec:h Blvd. COSTA MESA 1 18500. (2t3)447·525e 492~4776 Hntlngtn 9ctl "2·0l28 ••• -H•• iiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit-:-:::-:-:-::'.~:7-77~""'~~ '78 91' SC. Red w/blk 'll •LIU '71 DATSUN 610 '73 Hond1 lJ. lo• ml, IMlher. Snrf, ,_ NCr1. • ..... ...... AM/FM lt«ee> c:at1aette. ""''"' ltereo ,.,,. dec:tl. 1 ownef. lmmacutat•. -... ~ • door. 1 o•ner. xlnt $1695. 6«· 1032 9'11 122,000 pp. Wlldyl Betoe In color. (8'5PNU) 951-1eoo. I Ill oond. l4000. '711 Civic. 6 ~ lootte & 2 14a-43H CK M7·oeecl dr1Yee greetl $2200/beet '73 POfac:fte 914. 5 apd, to •ML ........ -a ·eo vw A•bblt Coflvert•· ble, White w/bl1ek top. Ateume lelee. 1212/mo. 8'4-5403. '76 VW B119. lilnl COl\d new Ur•. '3000 Of beet CUil ofter. 875-5077 MlllTUlll c1 .. n but. 1eoo •nt , rebll •nlg & tran1, 32 mpg.~IS ,.1 aaTlll 11111 off•. 1146-2143 ml.15275. -__ , ••••• · r -145·M1' 111202 IMC:tl Blvd. Wltfl 11r conditioning, ·~lr~~:r'in~a':: •711 1114 2,0 ttr. Eitc.1 Hntlngtn 8Ctl M2.ot28 •82 W•'PNl!a CMIC*. etereot • lacN Pll'flld ·,.... 11160 u :M031 eond .. new twa!IM & '711 Supra, ~. ~. d ...... 3,000 ml, $1411 w p e r • n m o r • . ctutcn w/1Pt>Mr~ M400/0ff9r. 080. 642· .... (634VOA) '111 Honda 4 dr Acoord Me11 ~. tl73001..=:.=::J64~M~1~07~--1~~~~~~~~~1 ~rio.d To a.It Al ,3,500 mt. LIKE MEWi group. . • • z.ll Auto. am/Im •t•ed. alt. obo. 553..0564 WI l&YI II '11 VW lul, nu lllQlr'9 & '7" ., .. ,_... brlllee. Mutt .... 12100. 17000. .....7141 ~ .. : ........ 11rono eno. D•LllT ... ..., m111 many xtrea. ...-00. ... -414-7~ 1'202 8-ofl 11\lf. 873·t270 -·-'13 ~· • trtc """· ,. HndnlCn 9ctl Ma..ottt •·.-.1-3M,...ll..,..-. ,-.-bit-. no-rue-,-.' ,.1°'1 "l dlell,""' llf!Ock1, NM/ Midi _,,. wotll, • · 1 tootle gr eet 11700, saaoo ....... 10 llLllA &12-3MI • .,,.,..,.1 '11 Pllllll unulll ·1o==:~=Ct< '::,-=::. r:.'Ofo ':.; t24 TUAIO. Whit•, 111 IUIY ""'& '41417 ........... m.... CCM1IL l""Y 1ff02 ...... IMI. 1-------1 ._... -. -· """' •1d. .., ~ Hntinotn Mt 111.oen ••• -· Of 148-1407 ...... 'Mf..3711. '71 det1un 21oz· H K .............. -------'II -... • IT ·~°':Jr~=a= ~ =1~~C •es>d .:,. :oul " . ····-·· ll'ltf l .....o;I .._.. ·--.. ,....._, --. ....... -. _._--·-4--·10 Dateun ttoo:a;t -·••U... llftOlltll'ofllfl .._...ftU -.... -•......., • .......,, .,. OOfld, Y• -II a =. ~~ r.'atltt OOfldllOMI.. ~O,:..d r • U I ID. ~:r· ..... ...., "':'.:',,~ ... :=..~ ONnet a.. • . .. •44 ....... :. e!fil •• Dll. l tO ~·· AIC. ........... "'°"' ... ...,. ,,..., ..... ~· 1-.....a .... -=· :, • ., ;.r&. at., ... $ ON lllTIRI INY.INTIRY IF CARS, TRICKS VANS & YAll C•YIRSION • -. DEADUNEB For T~ through Saturdey publk:91ion9, 5:30 PM the ~ ct.y. For SUnd91 end ~ publk:8tlons. 12:00 noon &Mutdey. EAAORS ~ lhcxlld check ..., ... dally end r9p0rt 9"'CW'I ............... The DAtl. y Pit.OT _,,... Mebllty '°'the flf'lt lnooum lnwtlofl only. -• 0 ~~ 642-5678 n D n 0 • P\a.941A'8 NOTK:£: All reel-....... In .. M 1J $+le ..... to the Federal Fair Houelng ~ ol 1-............. le ...... to .. .-. "anr Pl...,..•ce. 11~ 01 dlecll"Alft ... an bwd on ,..,color, relgloit, ... °' nadonll°"fl". or• t11•McMto,..... -. euctt preterence, llmltM!oft, or lllmu"mmllli»n." · Thll,. "1C1111 •r wtn "°' luiowlftllr ...,c.,, ...,.... tor,... ........... ln.eoteltonofllW .... .sESFllSAU .. ==-==::-~~-=E v:.. - E W - -·--I . .., I = -·----.... ---·----, .. -------------... ------, .. IOITIU =:=.. ---•\/of g Is:::::~ ~~ ~ "' :=t:::.\llll ~~ e;r ---- t ' I I .. ·I I I . t 2 -Orange County RM& Estate/An Advertlalng Su~t to the DAILY PILOT/S.turday. October 9, 1982 Don't marry a strange apartment You wouldn't get married without beinl sure of your choice in spouse, so don't "marry" yolirself to an apartment without ch£cldng it out lhoroughly beforehand. When looking to rent an apartment, among the things you should consider are the number of rooms needed, location, distance from public transportation and shopping centers and the price and quality of the facilities. Once you're out looking, don't rely only on the landlord to tell you if anything is wrong with the apartment. Consider lhe following: -I s th e pr o p e rt y and surrounding area well maintained and safe? -Ch eck lhe furnace, plumbing, · a.ppliances, electrical outlets ahd lights. Will the wiring be sufficient to handle all your applla.nces? -Are the wind.ow areas in good shape? Does the landlord provide screens and shades? -How 1<>lid are the floors and are they without holes or splinters? -Are the walls and ceilings painted or wallpap'!red and wilhout cracks? Wells Fargo introduces second mortgage loan -Are the fire escapes easily accenible and the stain well lit? -How quiet is the apartment? H o m eowne rs and h ome buyer s in California can apply 10 -Wells Fargo Bank for a 15 -year fixed -rate second mortgage loan for any purpose -home improvement. the purchase of a new home, investments or educational costs. residential property as collateral. The property may be currently owned by the borrower or may be the pro perty the borrower is purchasing. property. Interest rates will be baaed upon lhe loan amount and the size of the loan in relation 10 the value of the property. The rate is set by the bank at lhe time the loan documents are drawn and r emain s fixed throughout the life of t he loan. no balloon payment at lhe end of the tenn. The bank also offers a f ive-year fixed -rate equity loan which, depending on lhe size of the loan, can be either full y amortized o r amortir.ed up 10 30 years with a balloon payment after five years. Loans available under this plan range from $25,000 to $150,000. Can you hear your neighbors? -Is lhere evidence of rodents or buga and will the landlord exterminate them? -A s k some of the o ther apartment tenants lheir opinions of the complex. Also ask about rent increaaes over the past few years. Wells Fargo's new home equity and home purchase l oa n usei; The mortgage loans range from $10,000 to $107,000 depending on the current appraised value ol the properu- and the amount of the borrower's current or planned equity in the Because the loan is fully amortit.ed there is -If the apartment is furnished, check, record and save a list of any defecta in lhe furniture. Thia cornea in handy when you leave -you won't foot lhe bill for any damages you're not responsible for. So you think you're a winner? Guess again By JillU M. WOODARD c.,.., ......... "What'• with the l'Mh of rip-off promoUom DOW 1a.king place ln the real estate timHhare field!" I w• asked that question durtnc a recent radio interview. It waa a peniMnt. on-target question -focusina on one of the l"l1mt eerioua problems emerging in the 1982 real estate market. MAM marketing or real estate tirne--ahare units ia comparatively new. Thia UIUally involva ~ mie-or two-week (per year) ownenhip of a coodominlum unit in a re.>rt area. 'The developmftlt and aalee of such units started in the esly 1970., then boged dQwn 10 a trickle in the mkl-70.. But in recent yean. the J*le hM picked up tbarply. Alto, many state have not reatly decided yet whether' the Mle of f.1me..share unit. should be considered a real estate or aecurlliea tranlecdon. 'Theref~ rqulatoey lawa...have .not been definitely bammerecJ out. - 'The premure of lntente competition and the lack of COl1lllW'Det" proC«tion conlr'Ol haw ...Wted in • flood of fraudulent promotion ~· 'n. key .....__, in mmy of U-eunw1t campailN 19 to enUoe ~,,. bu,.n to tour the a.nHmre ~ -:= .... TbecmlOl • ohm • Mfree • Oac:e daere, ~· proe~ an utuaUr • UTo receive a pendant that probably cost the sponsoring developer $5 to $10. we would be required to spend a day listening to a canned pitch." subjected tO a long, hJch Pft'9UN ta1es pitch. "Alt« four houn of l.lsteniJll to their' pitch, I finally bought a one-week unit just 10 get out of the pl.-oe," one buyer Mid theeDWtly. An Lncreutna nwnbe.r of com.f!::.i'ta are beh\I rece6ved at the office of the F Trade c.omnu.Aon. Moet of than cent« on mkleedlq and fraudulent edverUll.nl. Example of a recient promotion project: a couple of clays aao I received in the mail a very ofhcla looking "winner notification" from -:iWfl•IUea Amertca • .ll w• ~to my wi and m)'Rlf. ''Thil notice oanfinm your prize award u indicated above," lt a&ated. Above waa a confinnaUon that we were ftnt-prbe winners. n.e ~prim ..... were Ihm ra..I -a new Cll', ODIDI' TV eel w ....-nt. In ....U print. It ''"'...., t1ae ._.,,....of 1be., w P.19&; TV•~Crnt, .... .. ·~ ... .. • :-t • winn.lna eech prue. 'nlere'a a catch. of COW'lle. To receive our "pria," my wife and I must visit and tour a specified time-share development. Thia means ~~rough their standard marketing meat In other words, to receive a pendant that probably coet the tpOn80rinc deYe.lopet $5 to $10. we would be required to spend a day listening to a canned pitch. Not a very good investment of time. The bett~tect!on against auch promotional -tactic8 la lmoWleClae. fi't £ncreMingly lmpCi'WU that comumen understand the '-* llnteo behind thae promodona before they bite on tllit bait -particularly when it involWll hilh-priced ........ ,.1 ---._._,;;::;:;--·--...-:;......;;;:....- Orange County Reat Estate/ An Advertls(ng Supptement to the DAILY PILOT /Saturday, OQtober 9, 1982 -3 ....... Immaculate 3 Br. 2 ba prof. decorated and landscaped. Excellent financing and priced at only $165,000. Call IHt ....... 631-1266 ... 11111.m ITEIL Gorgeous 3 Br. home w/pvt. yard and many extras. Try 10% down or trade. For details call Petriel ,...,. 631-1266 FIBI Newport Heights $152,500. Two houses on large lot with two car garage. Excellent terms. Ollft len.m H 631-1266 •SDI _.II 1111111 Wooded 31/• acres, plans fGr your home w/horses In Laguna Canyon. $375,000 Terms! llnty .. ....., 631 -1266 In. llTI. TUI •Wll 2 Br. house on large lot. ...Priced to sell ' $142,000. Call...,._ Weltlt 631-1266 llllUIYULI YllW Corona del Mar 4 br. home-fee-under 600K OWC -Pool -Call me today. Tl• ...... 631-1266 m,..m11T111 Was $335,000 -now $275,000 Large 4 Br. condo In Npt. Btuffi. Fee land. New Interior. VltC&"t & ready to· occupy. C.11 ,... ........ 631 -1266 ..,"' .... aanm Outstanding custom built, 2 years NEW. 3 Bedrooms, s1udy, fam rm 41"1 bu., 3 car garage. Prime Newport location. Excellent. high assume. loan. Property priced at $385,000 4'H•I• IH41t•H 631-1298 1111.-• ""'"' IUll Lowest priced 2 bdr. 2 ba. condo near the ocean. $90,000 assumable loan. May lease/option . .._... Ir 11 m, 631-1266 . ... ,_ Contemporary 4 Bdr. 2'1t ba, pool & spa. Approx. $147,000 In Hsumable loans. Reduced to sell. 4'1tHt IH4l••H 631-1266 WUTIUfP Buy or lease. $239,500. Try $36,000 down -owner may carry at 12•/o -quallty 3 bdr. home on Devon Lane HURRY! I,' Jnll1rttl 631-1266 ... Ill 11111111 .... .,.. 4 br. 3 ba. form. din. huge fam. rm. w/flreplace, tile In kit. & ba., lge yard, 2,800 sq. ft. Steal at $350,000 ... • ... 1..,. ..... -.... ..,. Just reduced • $350,000. ~st sell . Submit any offer on this 4 br. 5ba. with fam. rm., llbrary, huge master aulte, 4 flreplaces. ocean & nlte view. Steal at $1,500,000 or submit toe.•'"" ..... •mu.11 Outstanding location w/\lu of all Back Bay & Fashion Island. 4 BR, 5 BA, fam rm, pool, spa, sec. system. Steal at $685,000 fee. Wiii trade local or lease/option. Grt fin. available .... • '"" lief. llDli-WIE 4 br. 3 ba form. d.r. f.r., study, beautifully dee. lge decks, fab. vu. Prl. grd. gate, POOi & tennis. $2500 mo. Submit all offers. . 2 WEiii Tl llWJ ... ., 1mt 1..,. 759-1221. GORGEOUS 3 Br. BACK BAY home IOUIFlllT 11111 NEWPORT address! ASSUME $120,000 Just 2 years new, very contemporary, 3 br. Loan. SACRIFICED at $164,500. CALL 4 ba. corner loc. fab view, two kitchens. TODAY! 1 .. .._.,.63.f:T2"~6--·----ses ocfean-.ronT6uy o ay . ery llPLEI 3 bedroom plus 2 bedroom duplex. High Income. Wiii consider exchange. Ask for .......... " 631 -1266 llllU TIE IOUI 1 blk to H.B., super neighborhood, spacious 3 Bdrm w. Ba w/spa, 8 yrs new wi red tile roof. Many extras. A steal at $239,000. Ask for ... , .... ., 631-1266 &111• 10%-YI 4 Bdrms, H '• Ba, good famlly area In Laguna Hills. Take over $76,000 1st at 10% $773 PITI. Asking $117,000. Make an offer. IN, .... ., 631-1266 TAii l 11¥11 . Secluded cul-de-sac home w/sparkllng pool. Neat neighborhood! 3 Bdrm 1¥• Ba., new paint Inside & out. Use your VA o· assume loans. Asking $117,900. Submit. ... , ..... 631-1266 ............ Assumable 8 1~·~ 1st T.D. plus owner financing 129/o -Hurry! 1t• lluta .... , .... 759-1221. motivated. $650,000. Submit any offer. seller needs cash fast. ... tr hYtt 1..,. OAllll ...... Fab. Ocean & coaatllne v~, 3 br. 3 ba: form. d .r ., f .r., study, lge. pool & courtyard, prl. bchs. $895,000. Fee ..... ., ... 1..,. 759-1221 . LI• PEITllllE 2 bd. 2 ba. The finest vu avall. In Newport. Sec. Bldg., pool, boat dock w/notlce. $525,000. IN tr hYtt 1.., 759-1221 . &11•1 Tiii LUI $20.000 dn. 3 br. 2 be. home. All new palnt-hrdwd firs, lge. f.r., Walk to shopping & jog In beaut. back bay. Only $189,900. IN tr lmt 1"'. IH-• LlllE IPTI• Lovely 3 br. 21h ba. greenbelt condo, steps to pool. $225,000. Submit best offer or trade .... tr ltftt 1..,. ..... , 11111111 4 Bdrm 2~ Ba w/game room. Beaut. decor In every room. Over 114 ac. w/jac. Aaklng $340,000 Fee. Wiii trade for smaller home or condo .... • ..... &.., ...... ... Country antique, ~m.....t. A gift for your mother. 2 Bdrm 2 Ba & 1 Br 1 Ba, hlghty upgraded kitchen, brick fplc, 1296,000. Setler wtll fin. Must eee. Submit any offer . ... " ....... 759-1221 . TUii ·-I lllHM .._ Trade Orange & Avoc.do ~h. 78 ac . val. center, 4 sep. parceta. Sell or trade .. or part ror home In Npt., Laguna, Mlalolt Viejo, $1,200,000. le• er IHI• 1 ... .. .,. 4 -.orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, October 9, 1982 / 760-8333 .... , ..... Popular Hillsborough Model. 5 bedrooms with family room. onna-1--dinlng, sparkling pool, quiet cul-de-sac location adjacent to park in Harbor View Hilla. $475,000. 760-8333 ..... , ........ New Orleans chandelier, French doors, Italian marble, Roman tub, antique English pub, wine cellar all included in this charming Big Canyon Monaco Plan -3 bdr ., 2 'h bath residence. Must see to appreciate. $975,000. 760-8333 Pinn u a PllTllE Beautiful Bordeaux model on large comer lot with room for pool and spa. 2 patios, lovely country kitchen with French doors. new carpeting and wood flOon. Guarded community. $475,000. 760-8333 • Dlvl810n' -of <. 3 CIVIC PLAZA #170 NEWPORT 'IEACH, CA IPHl ... 11 IPYIUll Elegant 5 Br, 51h Bath h~ located high atop prestigious ~Jlaaa Hill. Breathtaking views. Family room, library, mast.er suite w/fireplace~ool, -.-pa~-elevator, 3 car garage w/motor court. Full security. $1,995,000. 760-8333 ••-..nllDIMT Lush tropical planta and brick walkways lead to the entry of this large BayCront home located on a choice comer lot. 4 spacious bedrooms. 2 ~ baths. aeparate family room plus pier and slip. Owner may usist with financing and ia offering this lovely home at $1,100,000. 675-6670 111,111 MIOlllR And you can see forever from this topfioor Bayfront condo overlooking the courtyard, pool and ~utiful Newport Bay. Full aecurity building, 2 spacious bediOoma, 2 baths, built-in kitchen, front balcony overlooking the water with boat slip availability. OWner offers this unit at $325,000 and will as&iat with financing. 675-6670 lliflillT .... DelJahtful home on t.y with SpuUM motif. Red tile roof. 4 Br, den. formal dininc· Recently reduced. New dock Lor 60 ft. boaL O.W.C. Senudonal price of $1,395,000. 675-6670 Offer your trades . ~ JACOBS REALT~, INC. ~ &75-1&70 ~. 2919 Newport Boulevard Newport Belloh, CA 12113 . . -f ~ -.-_.;... __ ---·---.------~----------------_______ ...._ Orange County R~al ~state/ An Ad~ertlslng Suppl~ent to tt)e D,AIL Y PILOT /Saturday, Ocfober 9, 1982 -5 . 760-8333 L.81 ..... ,.. Newly remodeled, spacious home on ~ceptional corner lot with "forever" view of the bay. 4 bedrooms. 3 baths including in-law suite~ formal dining room, gourmet kitchen, slate fireplace and tasteful use of stained glass and designer wallpaper throughout. This is a remarkable value at $575,000. 675-6670 1-2•-..uum Good R-2 buildable lot near 10th St. Bay Beach. Existing House has 3 bedrooms and large family room, 2 baths. Can easily be converted to 2 bedroom plus guest quarters. Buy this now while the price is low and build later! Owner is asking $275,000. 675-6670 1111• UPllM A beautiful home for gracious living and entertaining in outstanding location with ocean views. 4 bedrooms, family room. formal cli_ning~ 21-ire~wet~assumable loans. An excellent value at $375,000. 760-8333 • lllYll ,._ IDllD $100,000 reduction and excellent tenns-a.wnable lat. 2nd. aJl(i -3rd. at low interest or submit. 4 Br., 3 Baths, (amily room. fonnal dining now only $695,000. 7f?O-B333 vaon o --- 3 CIVIC PLAZA # 170 NEWPORT BEACH, CA Exquisitely UPIJ°aded "Palenno" in Harbor View homes. 4 bedrooms, formal dining, country kitch en, upgraded appliances, imported tiles, French doors, skyUght, wetbar, spa. assumable loans, .fee land. $~39,000. 760-8333 ••'*ma•n• Custom expanded Dynasty Model with outstanding mountain anc:Yn.ight light views. 2 bdr, sun room, conversation pit with built-in seating. Marble entry, mirrored walls, enclosed patio. Excellent buy at $425,000. 760-8333 Tm WllLI AT Yim Piil From this outstanding Spyglall Hill home overlooking the Harbor, ocean and city li&ht8. 5 bedrooms, Camily room. fonnal dining. Beautitu11y_decrated....Spacio_u.s rooms. All amenities for luxurious living. $795,000. 760-8333 -- 6 -Orange County Real Estate/An Advertlllng Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, October 9, 1982 . llAlllfltll llYFlllT OIATUI MW••T IUll Unique home approx w/8,000 sq. ft. Lg slip, bayslde lawn, pool, 3 fplcs, plus His & Hers bathr09m1, den office/art room-library, gymnasium. Unusually.deep lot w/approx. 74 ft on the bay. Only 5 yrs old. $4,500,000. Seller wlll help With financing. John Macnab & Berlt Mitchell (A 11) · EllUIM 111111 ....... llT llAll Elegant French Manor home In guard gated community. Just completed In finest detail and craftamanlhlp. Magnificent views of Newport's Bays, Islands. This home offers prestigious and elegant lifestyle. Call for financing. $1,695,000 Tom Alllnson & Terry Hanes (A12) Ulll 111.1 PllOE IElllTlll Fantastic location on the big turning basin. Now $1,650,000 Leasehold. Dramatic architecture Includes: high beamed celllngs, 4 fplcs, plantation shutters, marvelous master suite + 5 additional BRs. Dock for 2 lg boats. Cathy Schweickert (A 13) 111111111111 PUll1111 VIEw Ocean. jetty, Big Corona. 3 BR, 3 BA, den, 2 car garage, guest house. Steps to beach. Beautiful oak plank floors. $1,500,000 Fee Maureen White (A 14) SPYIUll VIEW Panoramic ocean, bay & city lights view from this two story ''Southport" model. 6 bedrms, formal dining rm, family rm, + a bonus rm professionally decorated In bright colors. Beautiful sparkling pool & spa. $890,000 Incl. land. Donna Godshall (A 15) M IF 111 lllYM'I fmlT Deane built Oeauvtile overlooking fairways, Country Club & night lights of Harbor Ridge. This bright & cheery 3 BR, den home has a lg entertalnment area·with prl vafe pool & spa $785,000 Terry Hanes & Tom Alllnson (A 16) . Nil-VIEW + .... . A lovely Dover Shores home. 4 BAS, formal living & dining rms plus a lg family rm w/wet bar & fireplace. Free form pool & spa. Extensive use of parquet flooring and skylights. Owner financing available. $750,000 Incl. land. Larry Oyer {A 17) P-.Y Uml IT 1111111 Lg & spacious 5 BA famlly rm home oo quiet cul-de-sac In Spyglass Ridge. Estate sized lot w/Newport llaht• and bay & ocean views. Owner Wiii ualst With financing. ·s15o,ooo Tom Alllnaon & Terry Hanes (A18) Liii iii.i WITI Plll•I• Cape Cod custom -2'n yrs new. Perfection. Bank of America assumable 1st T.D. Bring offers. $885,000 Call Oona Chlch•ter (A19) 1111111 -VllW -llNI TllUll PU Financing! Sit down bay, ocean & nlte llte view High beam ceillnga .. All new kitchen. Lg courtyard. Beautlful ftoor plan for couple or family $595,000 Beverly Morphy (A20) YM IWI 111 Ull I llAT II.IP 1411,111 Immaculate & beautlfully furnllhed home on a sandy beach In a private community. Profeulonally remodeled. Mary Lou Marlon (A21) llUIY MIYI -MYEI 1111111 Ranch style, shake roof on approx 'I.I acre. Good floor plan for entertaining includ•: spacious fam rm, formal·dln rm & llv rm. 20 x 40 pool + spa. 3 or 4 BR. $485,000 Leasehold Cathy Schweickert (A22) . llllLY IPllUll llU IUlll 11111. Overlooking reservoir & mountains. Oecor1ted In earthtones with lots of wood flooring & shutters. High assumable loan. $450,000 Gisela Jenkins (A23) Ullll llMI llTIRI IAIUll Reduced to S 100,000 below appraisal! Owner's loss Is your gain. Beautiful "Miramar" plan with ocean & city lite views. Elegance for living & entertaining. 2 BR, gourmet kitchen·& luxurious master suite. Now only $425,000. Anita Schandel (A24) "IUYllW" IUl•I This fabulous "Bar Harbor'' Is situated high on the hill affording a superb view of ocean, city lights and coastline. 3 BR, separate fam rm. Shows bet1er than model. $429,000 Anita Schandel (A25) 411-IUYllW The "Port Royal" -Elegant two-level ffimlly home with 4 spacious BR., lg fam rm w/2nd fireplace & wet bar, formal dining & two balconies. Lovely garden & ocean view. $425,000 Belle Partch (A26) IEW PlllE 1111111 OIYE The "legend' model one BR, den condo situated within steps of the bay. Completely redecorated. The master suite occupies the entire second floor. Financing Is excellent on this prestigious home. $415,000 Fee Donna Godshall (A27) , VIEW II .IAlllllE 11111 Single story 3 BR, on wide greenbelt with large master suite, separate dining rm & lg tam rm. Large low Interest rate assumable 1st & 2nd. Near pool & spa. $399,900 Maxine Propp (A28) Ull I II PllTIFlll llllEL II Ullll VIEW Extra special & only a few built. This highly upgraded two story' home shows just like a model. New carpet, modernized bathrooms, shutters throughout. $398,000 Incl. Land Gisela Jenkins (A29) 1111111111 111.11m Gate gJJarded community. Spacious fmly home on quiet street. Your decorating touch Wiii add much charm f o this lovely 3 BR, 3 BA. convertible den home $395,000 Incl. land Dick Halderman (A30) ~·····-Gate-guarded community 2 BR + den. Tastefully decorated. CIOM to pool & tennis. $395,~ Berlt Mitchell (A31) ..... ..I When you walk In the door -You are welcome. Beautiful 3 BR, garden fam rm With wet bar -oversized formal dining rm. Gourmet kitchen w/sunny breakfast room -overal• lot. Sparkilng pool. All for $395,000 ln<:ludlng land. Barbara Aune (A23) .......... . Pantaetlc panoramic ocean view & within walking distance of the three private beaches. Single story 4 BR, tam rm residence lltuated In Cameo Highland•. Great potential -close to shopping and schools. ONLY $389,900 Including the land. Call Dorfna Godshall (A33) .,. . . _____ __, Orenoe ~ty Reaf Eatate/An Advert••no Supplement to the DAILY PILOTl8•turd9Y. October 9, 1982 -7 MACNAB IRVINE REALTY UllM VIEW llLLI -lllUMllll Attent ion Decorators! Thia luxurious 4 BR trl-level home needs your creative decorating. Formal llvlng area wlvaulted ceilings. Afford great privacy. Secluded park-like garden. Seller hlghly motivated $369,500 LH. Belle Partch (A34) .. PllOI IUllTllll This is a spendld. opportunity -new remodel and lovely decor In a great family area. Warm cozy and spacious w/a beautiful view & 4 BR + library. $320,000 Coby Wa.rd (A35) IDT Tl Piii Huge, low care lot on park. SBA, 3Ba. tam rm w/Mexlcan pavers, gorgeous sawn cedar wall coverings & many more elegant appointments. Assume $131,000 loan. Owner wlll carry 2nd TO. $299.900. Maureen White (A36) ILlff um Charming 3 BR, 2 bath custom home wlfantastlc landscaping on an extra-lg. buildable lot. A must seer $295,000 Mary Lou Marlon (A37) WT 111.L -l•Hn ••Ill! Customized "Delores" end unit w/bay & ocean view. Lg master suite w/Jacuzzl tub & sun deck. Two secondary BA, 2'/t BA. Gourmet kttchen Includes new oak cabinets, Jen A ire cook top & BBQ. sub-zero, Convection oven. 3 Private patios. $295,000 LH Maureen White (A38) UUT llEW • urm.lff An outstanding 3 BR w/one of the best views In the area. Private front court yard. separate tam rm, formal din rm, lg breakfast area. great condition. $279,000 Maxine Propp (A39) . U111 -WITI Piil Not too late for summer tun for the whole family. This 5 BR home has It all -great area & good financing &Jow, low price -a rare treat! $269,000 Coby Ward (A40) . 1•1&.Y YMS Custom designed by Herbert Brounell -Upper bay & mountain view. High ceilings -CU9tom wetnut cabinetry -fireplace In master BR end one in Liv rm. 3 BA, formal dining rm. Secluded community awtmmlng pool. Owner leevtng area. $265,000 Incl. land. Barbara Aune (A.41) IUITlfa 1" PUI • IUffl One of largest greenlJetta. Fully assumable loan at below current rates. Plantation sh"1tera, decorator wallpapers, mirrors, beam ceilings, patios, deck, 3 BA. ·tam rm. Outstanding at $265,000 Jan Young (A42) 181111 AT 1.1111 H•bof View Home -3 BR -2 Ba Carmel model. ~ tdtchen. Profeuionally decorated throughout. New carpet, paint and wallpaper. Automatic waMrtng and llghtlng ay9tem1. Must 1811 fatl 1248,000 Ind. land. 0..... Jenkins (A43) . .. , ........ 2 fri*a-3 BR & a Catallna view. Lovely la lot -bMutlful locatton -c1o18 to IChoola & Fuhlon llland. $244,500 Leuehold. 8-bera Aune(M.4) WEITOUFF AIU 3 BR +tam rm, light & cheerful home very privately situated on quiet tree lined street In excellent area. Close to all. Single tam home at condominium price! Good financing $239,000 Fee Jane Paquin (A45) lllTI llAIT 1m1 Elegant living near theaters -Performing Arts & South Coast Plaza. A Jewel of a home, decorated beautifully. Landscaped by Rogers Gardens. Perfection In every detail -2BR, Oen $219,500. Barbara Aune (A46) llULllWf•TIUll Wonderful 3 BR famlly rm .home In private setting. All new paint, carpet, wallpapers. $215,000 Tom Alllnson & Terry Hanes (A47) . l•lllUTE "'" PUI Orlglnal Bluffs -4 BA, 3 BA mstr sutte up, guest suite down on greenbelt near pool. $198,000 Ok:k Halderman (A48) ...... -"lllT Ill!' Professionally decorated 3 BA "Carmelita" w/greenbelt view. Cust om carpet & shutters. Reduced for quick sale. lmmed. possession. $195,000. Betle Partch (A49) 12-llUUU Two darling houses on R2 lot In Newport Heights -charm & great rentals $187,500 Terry Hanes -Tom Alllnson (A50) I IUITIFIL -1111,111 This exclMng home has 2 BA, 2 BA, fireplace, wet bar. bright patio for entertaining. Inside stairwell' to double garage. Owner w/help w/flnanclng. Comm. pool & tennis. Mary Lou Marlon (A51) IWUllllTAIUA Great Eastslde location -2 BA each -Large corner lot. Great Investment at $170,000 Berlt Mitchell (A52) •LRllU ID, 211 Charming dollhouse on quiet cul-de-MC. 2 brick fpk:a, curb appeal & loads of charm. All for $189,500 Tef'ry Aune Hanes -Tom AIHnson (A53) ........ Charming "Redwood" model -3 BA, 2'n baths, dining area, profesalonally decorated In spring colors. Lg patio -air conditioned. Community pool, tennis courts & lake. $155,000 Fee Donna Godshall (AS..) MTST••I MILlffl" TRiii• A lowest priced "V" Plan -3 BA, 2'A baths situated In the lovely Bluffs area of Newport Beach. This charming unit 11 neat and clean and has exteoslve uae of grass cloth wallpaper. Move-In condition. $154',500 Leasehold. Donna Godahall (A55) ILlffl Charming 4 bedrm home w/brand new gourmet kitchen & cozy femtty rm. Owners are rMdy to move. $149,000 LH. Anita Schandel 1A56) Ult mll 1111 •••• 2 BR, 2'n BA. 2 story, lg encloMd patk>. Lota of privacy. 2 yra old. IMMACULATE. Auumable loans. $1'47,900. Owner wtll conlkter trade. Bertt Mitchell (A57) iz---. On the ,Oeean THE COVE OVERLOOKING •ALllOA ISLAND with private beech, 2 bedrooms. den, fireplace. wet bar, dftlgner deeof. $875.000 Ca" 644-7020 ON THE llLUFF with Incredible vistas of the Harbor and ocean plus excellent tenns. Currently has an Older house but 1ultable for condos. $875,000. Call 497-3331 LINDA ISU WATERFftONT with 5 bedrooms. 4'ft baths. tred1•lonal slyilng. s)lciuresque views. courtyard spa. slip and side lie for 60' boat. Comptete aecurlty. $1,450.000. Call 644-7020 ~~---. -~--.. ·'.-. 'JV'il·....... •I .' -'--" -· . -- CONTIQUOU8 OCEANFRONT HOMES Contemporery C891 Cod style with 3 or 4 bedrooms. private drive through MCUrlty gate. two Jacuzzis. oc.an view dedls, 4 fir~ In ... 1419Wate gu19t quarters. 12.100.000 end $2,900,000. Cell 497-3331 "LAOUNIT A" ON THE •AND with 5 bedrooms, e bathe, ape.. full oceanfront vtews, Mexican Pl'*'. 3 flfepl9cee, Mndpeinted custom details, "*'Y dedls and truly elegMt SperWh decor. $2,900,000. Call 497-3331 CMaCBfT llAY ~ NOm In North Laguna new Newport Center wttl'I 3 bedroom., 3 betl'll, bWned celllnga, brick fireplace, Miier financing available. s 1.aoo.000. Seller will conelder trade for a Laguna r911dence. Call 497-3331 NEWPORT BEACH 644-7020 l.:AGUNA BEACH 497-1111 • On the · Lake • -Large 3 bedroom. 2 bath end unlt with sounds of the ocean rloht ootllde. New paint and carpet, fabulous views $525,000. Call 493-8812 -Dynamite locatlon with seller financing 11 1~. for 10 yea11 with $50,000 downt $225.000. Call '97-3331 • LAGUNA UDO OCl.ANl'RONT COMPUX -Butlt on the sand with 2 bedrooms, 2 baths, IOng term 9'A¥. financing, very prtvete. $299,000. Call 497-3331 LOWER THREE ARCH aAY OCEANFRONT with 5 bedrooms. 3 bath's. family room, forlNll dining, breaKfut room. two lots, Jacuzzi, terraced dedla and gwdens to secluded cove below. $1,400,000. Call 497-3331 LOWER THRll! ARCH aA Y OCEANFRONT French -Normandy villa with brHthtaklng coaat1I views, 4 bedrooms. 4 bathe. 4 Imported marble flreplaoes, complete security system, formal dining, llbrwy, mut81' suite With Jecuz:zl tub and sauna plus much mOfel OWC AITO et 13% for so-lo of value for 4 years! Sl.950,000. Cell 497-3331 OM THI &WP .. DAIJll P09IT cwwtooklng the Harb« with 3 bedroom8, 2 beN. l#ge lot, guM>o on the point. 880. Wltl'I 25% down, owe at ~ rate. saoo.ooo. C.it •«Ml 12 OM THI ....., .. CAN1"RANO 9IACHI A new cuetom home with 3 bedroome, 3'h bathe, tpeetecu!W oc.r'I views, ,.,..,..., ..,,ertum, Wltttl' caller end : l480,000 loen MllNabla .. 15.5%.. te75,000. Cel 411 ~ INeUeH COUNTllY leTAH Oii THI •LU" In Ceplatrano 8-dl wtttt 4 bedroom1. 3 ...._ 2· ... bera.. dr..-.c ocean ..._ 3 QaltQftl • ..,...__ WMfl llO.OOD down, flMllClng II aw1'1tree at ..,,,,oa. 13%.. ...., .. allo oonelder trade. 1116.000. c.n 4N-4990 On the Bluff • TRIS VISTAS ON THE WATIRI Magnificent country French .. 1a1e boestlng 90' of lake frontage. 4+ bedrooms. 3'n baths, terraced patios. Large •P•. 880, flltl pond. waterfall, llo•tlng dock and Hndy beach for sunning. Furnishings available. Sl.900.000. Call 493-8812 Mt81H>H VIEJO LAKEfRONT In exctullve Tres Vistas with 5 bedroom•. 5 baths, UM of tennis, 3900 sq. ft .. featured in Unique Homa M~ne-Terms •valla.ble. $825,000-Call 493-8812 YUIY ftNVATI! LAKEFRONT CONDO with 2 bedrooms. 2 b•ths, contemporary styling. balcony, fireplace plus ueumable and setter financing. $158,500. CaH 493·6812 ftNVATI llOAT DOCK edorns this l•kefront home with a.lmost 5000 sq. fl .. 5 bedrooms, 4 baths. wet bar, Jacuzzi tub, hot tub, skylight• iand 13 11alned glau wind~! owe. $1 ,150.000. Call 493-8812 CUSTOM HOMI ON THE WATER In Tr .. Vistas With 4 bedrooms, 3 baths, uae of private beac:tl and tennis. a ape l*'8 IOtt of ttOfage avallabla. Greet Views. 1750,000. Call 493-88t2 POUR ,... ocaANPllONT c~ Wltl'I vtsta from Dana Poklt to the Sen CIMlente p181', fl'le9e 2. °' 2'h bedroom units are lde~located. Builder 11 offering \ 11>9clat financing at 13.!%. S279,000-S305,000. Call · 491-4950 a&.Uf'P LOT -Tl'lll top realdent181 homealte with ••eplng Views from Dena Point to ca.. 'PecMca II avalleble for ~ ot trade for~. Income property or San ~ ~ houee. MM.000. Cel 4~ .. DlllFTWOOD CONDO •Y TM• elA with fabulous .......... vtews. 2 bedrOOIM. 2 .,. ..... poof encl ape OW9rtoolling tfle aend. • 4 rc•. si-. Md r.rWllll dlNltg. 1220,000 aHumabte et 13'4~ and OWC. Oraatlceffy reduced to S350.000. c.n 418-4MO TWO ... AM ... HmllAWAY• On the beech, the .. 2 bedroom, 2·~ beet! vllM l'lave fNnCl'I doora. ftNplacee, aeourtty aate. Nd tllll toofl. double garege and around '600,000 .. ch In •••umable financing. Yout cl'lolc9 SM&,000or1546,000. Try 10% down! Cal 493-1112 a..J ,,,.,, •••••••••••••••••••••• eGUAl HOUMIG O,,OltTUNIT\' ,.. ............. All ,.... ..-e ec:fver1leed '" thl1 new1paper 11 eubject to the FecMrel "* Houllno Ac1 of , ... wtlldl fMkel It ..... }O ~"eny~ .. oe, llmlt8lb\ or dlecr1ml- natton beMd on race, color, retlgton, Mx or national oiJGtn, or any Intention to make eny IUCft pr.-.nc:., llmft• tlon or dleorimlnatton." Thie ~• Ill_. will not know•= accept any ad¥«1 for rHI ... l8le wNdt .. In ..uon of IN .... 1111111 Advertl· ..,. lhould c::heck thitir ad• dally and report errors lm- m e d I ate I y. The DAILY PILOT H· sumea llablllty for the first lnc::orrec::t Insertion onty. ...,,,,,,,,. •••••••••••••••••••••• ,_,,,.,, •••••••••••••••••••••• f.'!~'!! ......... !J! Pt\LM IPNHGS Hc)JE" Xlnt toe. l-4 bd, pool, ~ ~ 133-9357. Want Adi c::al 642·5171 ~---= ~~-~-~----"""-~·----'"----.... . ' Orange County Real Eatate/ An Advertlatng Supplement to the DAILY PILOT /Saturday, October 9, 1982 -9 un. PUOE Sp;ctacular bayfront ~pix 2 br, 2 ba up; 2 br 2 ba dn. 2 boat apaces .. Reduced • $1,500,000. ....... Ulll New 4 br, 4~ bll, custom French Ne>n'Nll'ldy F.at.ate 1.2 prl~ ~ hiU&op. $1.250,000. HAUi Fee simple cottqe on quiet De9canlo St. (in F1ata). Sl45,000. ••••• •n C4roMdo Wand cwt. beyfront lot. 85' boet dock. Plar19 evail. Now P?0,000 w/termL BILL GRUNDY . REALTOR ' ' . ' ' BLUFFS BEAUTIES 3 bdrm, 3 bath, family room, expansive view (E Plan). Mint condition. Security system . Large assumable loan. Open today l-5. 2645 Vista Omada. 3 bdrm, 3 bath, family r~m. pool-side (G Plan). Designer's home. Large loan avaJlable. You own the land. Open today 1-5. 2400 Vista Nobleza. $319,000. Spacious 3 bdrm + mother-In-law suite. Excellent locatJon on wide greenbelt, fuU air. Mode l condition. Finandns in place. $232,500. Call for • appointment . ~c=:~,!!S ' ~AL ;;STATc;' 2S4S EASTBLUFF DR. NEWPORT BEACH, CA. l4CM020 I have llat.inga in Newport, Costa Mesa & Irvine from $100,000 to $300,000. I ·help lat time buyers u well u repeat buyen and lnveston. I can help you. BEST lffBLUFFS IDT llY. Lovely 2000 aq. ft. 3 bdrm, 2 ~ bat.ha, tam. rm., wi1i.Siiinbelt, near pool. 1~ $239,000. I lll Ull. WIU. . ~~1ipt. cioLao....,.., Cl .... n.d Ade we tne .,,..., to a Ill CC II ltuf .,..,_or~...., ere a better wey to t.. more peopltl You don'I need• gun to MALTGRS "drew , .. , .. When you H• • .. c.... .._,. =::'an Id In IN Olly c.-_._ I 142~1~ c::al now t1T•·S911 I ronwood of&!rs two featurH not usually founcht golf-oriented country rounes. And both facilities have their own locker rooms and fully stod<ed pro shops. dubs: championship tenn~ courts and incredible ~nery. The Courtyard Villas sW1 In the low SlS0,0005. For a limited time, we're Thirteen of our 14 courts are lighted for night play, and one is recessed offering 30-year financing subsidized to 10-~% (11% APR) for 5 years on some so that spectators may enjoy exhibitions and tournaments. models, plus substantial discounts to cash buyers. And as literally the highest dub In the desert, we enjoy a panorama of Come up to Ironwood today. You'll find that we are simply a reflection mountain and vallf'y views. -----------------of your own good ' In fact, these views are so spectacular that we're taste. -~ •dding rooftop obsantion decks to our tennis COME UP 10 IRONWOOD townhomftd _;_~ d«ksh plus the p~~athte coCouurtyudsd, . 4p9-1200 ~-~CA~~ SP9S en ,,. ...... m1ty tot e courts, ma..c e rtyar • m ~. 7~ vm •• one of Ironwood's best velues. (714) 346-0551. You c.an also mjoy a challrnging game of goU at Sales office open 8:30 Ironwood on one of ow two 18-hole, dwnpionthip •· m. to 6:00 p. m. The Cub Above1he l&st. IRONWOOD El I t "' I I I • . I • 10 -Orange County Real Eltate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY Pfl,.OTiSaturday, October 9, 1982 - The Harbor Area's Oldest Real Estate Firm .. SMAaHING SURF -Spectacular Zook designed ocean front home In excluatve Cameo Shores. Steps down to private beach. 4 bdrms., 4 baths, den and formal dining rm. An outstanding value at $2,500,000 seller financing available .. RENT AL ·INCOME -In Corona del Marl Live In one unit and llve off the oth«a. Popular rental property · on the ocean aide of the Hwy. just a f.W blocks from the beach. Owner wlll finance with 20°~ down. $229,000. 100% LIASED INDU8TRIAL 9UILD•G -High vlalblllty corner location on s.a-.trom In South Santa Ana. Nicety malnt91ned tin up building just 4 years old. Attractive seller financing. 5 quality tenants. $1 ,040,000. NEW SPYGLASS HILL LISTING -You enter over the tropical pond to this Immaculate view hQme, Ideal for an active famlly. 4 bdrrtis., famlly rm. ANO upstairs game rm. Even a volleyball court! $723,400 submit your terms. 8RINQ YOUR PAlnwlustt -tf you 'are handy with your hands, thla 11 a super opportunity for you! 3 bdrm. & 2 baths with room to bulld 2nd unit. Out of town owner wlll finance at just 12% Interest. Good location $240,000. COSTA MESA IHOPPING CINTER -Corner location on busy Wut 19th Street adjacent to apectacular City redevelopment project. 100% occupied with excellent rental history. Owner wlll finance. Asking $477,000 L.H. - Orange County Real Eatate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOtLSaturday, October 9, 1982 -11 * HAllOI YllW HILLS* Totally remodeled inside & out this delightful ranch style home features 4 br, 2 .uplcs, 3 ~r garage, ocean view & large lot ~/cus~m spa. Priced tp sell at $340,000. Low interest assumahle fmancmg. Call 759-1601 or 752-7373. * CAMIO SHOllS * Prestigious executive home featuring 4 spacious bn 3 baths 3 frplcs open beam ceiling, koi pond & waterfall. maid's q~~rs &. a lot ~ ~ge that it has it's ?Wn volleyball court & pool. $670,000 FEE. Low interest assumable fmancing. For priv.ate showing. call 759-1501 or 752-7373. . *IAYCllST* 12 ~ financing spacious executive ranch style home in prestige are1t. This home features 3 brs., fplc, large lot & fee land!! Lowest price at $260,000. Call 759-1501 or 752-7373 for appoinunent to view. * HAllOI YllW HOMI * Much S<?ught after Monaco Model. Sensational 3 br home on quiet street wath pool sized yard. l l.25CJ»i assumable financing!' An outstading value at S216.000 fee. Call 759-1501 or 752-7373. . •DOYll SHOllS* T hia cuatom Ivan Wella designed home was built w/execu tive enttttaining in mind. Quality thruout, from the solid oak paneled den to the mahogany panelled fmly rm. Some of the numeroua features are: sensational view of Fashion laland & ocean, black bottom pool & ape w/outlide bar, 3 car garage, complete security system & of course formal dining. To view the luxurious features of this magnificent residence, call 759-1501 for private ahowing. $1,500,000 FEE! *HARIOI HIGHLANDS* Sensationally remodeled & decorated 4 br. home featuring swimming pool, bonus rm., akyllte, lush private courtyard, fp.lc., & assumable financing. Reduced to $280,000 fee. For.quick ia.Je ... call 759-1501 or 752-7373. •WARIPIONT HOMI & SLIP* Sensational executive home featuring 4 Br, enormouiliving & dining room. 2 fireplaces & room for 55' boat! Only $559,000. FEE with assumable financing. Call 759-1~1 or 752-7373. * IXQUISnl * Contractors own home!!! Smaahing 3 Br home featuring used brick and wrought iron, skylites, atrium, shake roof, and extensive use of mexican pavers. Offered at $165,000 w/assumable financing! Call 7141759~1501 or 7141752-7373. t NOUHWOODS* . * SSUMAILI LOAN* Beautiful executive home on large profeesiona.lly Jand9caped comer lot. 4 large BR, bonus room & formal dining! Only $249,900!! Call 759-1501 or 752-7373. * POllCLOSUll * Take advantage of excellent pricing on · this 3 Br h ome w/ 121.4 assumable loan. Bargain pri<led at flH,888. $146,500 with VA terms available. Call 759-1501 or 752-7373. \ •f 1,279 Pll MONTH . *TUITLll~K* 1s all you pay when you take over existing 1st T.D. spacious 4 Br executive detaehed home. Featuring formal dining room, fmly room and fireplace. Only $210.000 FEE. Call 759-1501 or 752-7373. *15% DOWN* · +PllCI llDUCTION* Beautiful PLAN 1 in ~WOODBRIDGE LANDING located across street from LAKE #2. Features 3 br & formal dining. Owner assisted financing a t 10%!!! Only $244,900 on FEE LAND 759-1501 or 752-7373. *IASTSIDI COSTA MISA* ' Lovely 2 story home on cul-de-sac featuring 3 Br and pool.sized yatd. Priced at $187.000 w/own~r assisted financing available. Call 759-1501 or 752-7373. WISTCLIPP GOUIMIT'S DILIGHT This . meticulously maintained home ia tailor made for the gourmet. starting with the custom kitchen. Oak cabinets and flooring surround your built-Ins which includes a microwave. Just off the kitchen is a · charmlng breakfast nook with bay windows. Super plush carpeting and ~tom wall coverings complete the picture of sheer elegance. The extra large family room provides ample room for entertainment. As an added bonus the large irregular lot with custom pool provides extraordinary .privacy. With a large fully assumable 1st trust deed. this home is priced for immediate sale at $310,000. For an appointment to see call 556-7035. HUNTINGTON HAllOI PORn.flYI POOT IOAT DOCK Channing waterfront Cape Cod lot:ated on the boit parade route. Enormous living and formal dining rooms face the water. Forty five foot dock aocommodates up to a 55' boat. Glass encloeed patio with spacious deck. Terrazzo entryway with iron aecurity gate. Two large fll'eplaces. Seller will help finance at 12CJ»i. This exceptional value in waterfront property. is offered at $559,000. 963-5671. HUNTINGTON llACH IOLSA LANDMAIK -$210,000 With four spacious bedrooms and two and one half baths this home is an excellent value. Not only is it the lowest priced home In the tract, but the seller is also offering a $5,000 ca.sh rebate to the buyer at the close of escrow. This home offers maximum privacy at the end of a quiet cul-de-sac and backs onto the propoeed Bolsa Ch_ica Marina. Soaring cathedral ceilings and earthtone decor complete this picture perfect property. Even better, it's vacant and ready to move in. Call for more information. 556-7035. TWO TllPLIXIS HUNTINGTON HAUOUI Two atlractive new triplexes located within walking distanc:ie of th~ ocean and one half block from the propoeed Bolsa Chica Marin.a. These are pride <?f ownership buildm,p with superb design and Ooor plans. All six urut5 are two bedrooms, two and one half baths with wood burnina fireplaces and lofta that could be converted to an extra bedroom. Vacancy factor in thiJ excellent locatfon is almost zero. Available individually at $325,000 cash or make the aeller an offer on both. Complete financing information available at 556-7035. DIYONWOOD llTADS IXCIPTIONAL SQUAii POOTAGI This is the much aought after Chel9ea Model with ffve bedrooms 'and • three full baths. For the large family this home of approximately 3,500 square ~eel h~ it all!! The muter 'bedroom suite ls particularly enchanting and mchades a luxurious sunken oval tub and aeparate tiled shower. There is a 11eparate family room with wet bar and a 15'x21' bonus room for the kids. Thia enUre re8denoe has been professionally decorated Including custom drapee throughout! Formal dining is provided as well u an eating ~• off the kitchen with decorative ceiling fan. The kitchen la a marvel in it.self with gu bulJUna, microwave, truh compector and soft water. Custom brick work and spa complete the picture perfect back yard. Call us for detal1--0n the excellent uawnable loans or the aupriaingly affordable price in todays · market. 963·5671. · · NEWPORT BEACH OFFICe 2'70..,. ..... DrlYI lllwpott llacll, CA 12llO (714).,..1901 AMERICAN HOME SHIELD "We Protect & Service Things That Service You." .HUNTINITOl IEACH OFFICE. , I032Adm1Awe. lllldl .... l11oll.CAl2l•I (71,) ... 70ll 12 -Orange County Real Eatate/An Advertlllng Supplement. to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, October 9, 1982 RESIDENTIAL REAL EST ATE SERVlaS NEWPORT BEACH CORONA DEL MAR BEACH COMMUNITIES •lllYll ....... 4 86 overlooking 6th fairway with lovely view. Oeauvllle model completely customized. Dramatic living & dining room. Large deck & spa. Low maintenance yard. Air conditioned. New reduced price. llANW Ml .. Fantastic ocean view comes with this 4 BR home. Your own private spa awaits you as wen as an extra secluded lot. Ex~lent financing available. ...... ·--The comfort of a large roomy home Is yours In thra 5 BR Colonial residence. Spacious rooms, wood floors, country kitchen, formal dining room and more. Good financing. .... _... ·--5 ptex prime corner location. 2 BR units with tlreplaces. Vacancy factor for this area Is almost non existent. Close to beaches, schools & shopping. Call for rents & expenses. 11..al .,., •• Understated elegance, spacious 4 BR overlooking sparkling pool/spa. Enlarged & remodeled kitchen with Garden eating area. Picture perfect. Assume First & owner wlll carry lg 2nd. .... ... Choice spacious pool-sized lot. Lovely 3 BR Nantucket sets away from your neighbors with Jarge walled yard for privacy. 12.6•/, long term financing_ available. Many extras. Security gate. _...... IHt,lll Beautifully landscaped yard. Used brick around -pool, spr&-ftrepit. 4 BR, formal dining rnr& separate game rm all make this one of the great family homes In the area MWMT .at 1211- Lowest prtte-plan 5 . 4 BR. clean, bright & cheerful. Near pool. spa & tennis courts. Owner wHI carry financing. Try 189/, down. Move In condition. Call for more detailed Info. uma.. --Ocean & city lights from thla private 4 BR 89tate on nearly % of acre. Selected as home of architectural significance. Reaotred In '81. Gazebo, greenhouae & hardwood beams. Privacy. mllm&TIRll .... Eaatalde high rental area. Two 2 BA, 2 bath one 2 BR, 1 bath, pfua garages, laundry room, patio. Near park, cloee to echools & ahopptng. Owner financing offered. • , ----1111,MI Good . . . Better . . . BEST & this is the BEST VALUE In COM. It has charm, It adapts to a variety of life styles & U has marvelous financing. It also has a view of white water. Yes, the very BEST. ..... YllW -.u 1111.- Beautlfully upgraded 3 BR with huge tr~ lined yard, Spa, French doors, hardwood floors. beamed ceiUngs. Many decorator touches. You will be lmpres&ed by the terms available. Don't miss thta one. ... ---..... An exceptionally sharp duplex. Each unit has 3 bedrooms & 2 baths. Recently redecorated. Nearly new carpet, p61nt & roof. Excellent rental area. Close to theater, shops & bus. , _ _. 1121.- Reatly two homes in one -luxurious indoor living and carefree outdoor hospitality around swimming pool & deck. Bordered by lush shrubs & flowers this 3 BR home stands out In this private community. .11111111-1111.- Look no furt~ for a lower price & better value. Private area, security, pools, tennis courts. neutral decor, vacant & cryinG for a new owner -take advantage of this now. .... .. au 1111• Enjoy ocean & sunset views. 3 BR & famlly room home with large private yard. Good location & financing. Home will be open Sat & Sun 1-5. 870 Sandcastle, Corona del Mar. ........ . .... Live In one -~ot the other. Great rear. owner's unit, fairly new -3 BR, 3 BA, Includes spacious master suite, modern kitchen, corner location. Owner assistance with financing. .-.. au sne.- 3 BR, family room on spacious corner lot. High beamed cetllnga, Mexican tlles In entry, family room & kitchen. Priced to sell. Out of state .owner very anxioue. OTHER AREAS ----..... J.M. Peters quality thru-out thla spacious split-level home. Living rm. w/flreplace & wetbar, formal din. rm. & kitchen w/nook. Peaceful & private hill & canyon view. WIH trade for Newport Beach. .,..._ 11...- 0utstandlng vtew from this lovely 4 BR. plan 2 Broadmoor on tee land. Many extra decorative featurea. Excellent financing. Don't miss this one. llJUNll 11,llO,llO Glorious Cape Cod home on bayfront -Fee land. 4 BR Formal dining. Separate family room. Master suite. Large patio. Spectacular for family entertalnlng. Sellers will consider trades UM ISLE 11,llO ... Lease or tease/option this large bayfront home. 6 bedrooms oo 45' lot. Great potential for remodel. Pier & slip. All In excellent location! llftl ..... 11, 1-. Pier & slip for 70' boat Included in this exquisite Med. home on the open bay. Winding staircase In foyer. Step down living rm with 25ft ceilings. Spectacular master suite with sep sitting rm. UMllU 1141 .... A remarkable & truly elegant 4 BR 3 'h BA home on extra wide lot featuring oak floors, FR doors. 3 fireplaces & perfect detailing. Totally remodeled to perfection. Owner will assist ftnanclngl W&Tllf.r 1111.- Low. low down or lease/option! How many waterfront properties are avallable on these terms! 2 BR, lush carpet. Imported drapes. hardwood floors, custom wall coverings, absolutely gorgeous! Ill.Ill ... 1111M1 The home you have always admired on the Island. One home removed from S. bayfront prime bay view. 3 BR's, separate gst room 2 BR apt over 3 car garage. Owner will help finance. Ull ........ Elegant country setting. 3 BR & large _r4HI!Ode1e.d kitchen~ Beam celUngs, wood floors & lots of charm. 2 fireplaces. Large assumable loan & owner carry 2nd. A good house with great financing. ...... 1211,MO Your best buy on t he peninsula Is this immaculate 2. BR furnished home. Within steps of the ocean & bay. With low down owner will carry balance. nn..-...... Better than new & with a view! Monteclto 3 BR + family rm. Impeccable, fully landacaped & profeaslonalty decorated. Seller now out of state. Must sell. Mini mum down . Try lease/option: ........ ., ..... Lovely highly upgraded 3 BR Plan 4 townhome. Neutral colors, good location, beauttful patio. All this plus great low down financing tool ~AUD llOMJI-JOCM- _ ..... --ti---·--~ ... -UllUllMCllO aum~ ........ llDrUW .cau•-i.ocmm . --~-··~ !fa.:-llflr mu-r.. u• ---... -m -CIUGll ..,_ --UY,_ Cftl9-8 I HI I _. __ ..__ _ __......,. ------......-----..-.: Orange County Real Estate/ An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT /Saturday, October 9, 1982 -13 Many owners are offering substantial price reductions and terms. Some ,.;ill exchange and . "cash speaks" - Lower than listed price, if yqu have cash •.. Call for details and submit your offer ... EXTRAVAGANT UYFWONT Qr ........ 2......., ........... 1*11•1 +,..,,.,,, .... Jecfll + lfde *· u....I ....... •:=d r11ldu1• .......... 9eM~11•nee. ... ,.,..... 41111111~~·· •11•~·· ..... a •••~••4•4 •••"' ,...., + .:: ...................... llr .... .... .,.._ AM cleoor ...._ ef PNMtt ..... ......... ......... ..... +++. l1ilrH•• ........ llfll ... ...... Miiie + ...,.. ~· 9M 11111 ... ....., 1111*11•1 we. wMlt 1111111~.._A ...... ,..._ 1ll11rw1l1 .......... ,.. ..."' ............ 11 ...... ON FU LAND. OW~ ftMnoe Md le lfteerMted Ill ::-:?:Ii':" oc owr ., ......_ .._ "' .... BAYFRONT-50' 90AT SLIP ._... ......... ..._...w.,__ .. .,,c11111 a-.-. WAftllPllOMT "--............... + J II 1 •11ia1 =--~c:=:..· .... ~.:. ~-== .................. _, __ ..... , .... I •11 111111 c111•11.--.... llt-MIJ!I. MYW-l.M.80A•um ~IRIFl•ll Ytl ....... ....., ,._ -WA19 ...... ...... ....._ Ul'fil 4 ..... ,._ =-,._ .. I --+1 ..... -.c........ ...... .... ot.................... ........ • .,... 8PECTAClf--M HOim-VU .... .......... , ... = ............. a.rt. ....... . .,.,.,. ... ,_. ....... ,tr' 11re.-,,.....,...._. ... A_...l....,f._,._.., ... ...... ~ 111 .... 11.-.-. ,__ 111-~ UYW COft MYW' Pt-. ... DIMllR.,.._ __ ....,_.1111*11•1,I .............. P..-............ ~ ...... ... ._,,...._eM ..... .._.. .............. , ENI ,.. ....... ~ ABumDTO: .... MfftOllT .. _' Cll.11111 WTI Giii.Yi .... ._ .... II , _ D ........... R IP 7 IT•• m II ,..,_, ... .._..,., a c ,..,.,...:. ...... Mllrl ''" ................ -......... Liiiia ..... .......... .._ ..... = ...... ,_ ... ..... ...... ,... ~ ..... . _...,,........ . ....... ""_ ... OCUJ .. CMIY nnucmt 7 .......... ~ ... -,..,. ... .... Tw...., • .., ...... _ .. ,.. ...... ... .-a-....CtRalY .... I ........... . 0111 ........... ....... LAGUMA-'MOllTllUCTD W PIPIMl_. ......... flJS'lfllre,•J ...... W1-._6 .......... A ...... IRll•f I 1 ..... 111 ... IN.+ ..... ~ .._., .... WA ••• noen W.llOA -... .......... ..ut.hrfMtMNlle ...... wttlt 1111 ... II A 2 ................. ..... Gt ............ '-R II 0.W .. If rf1 •H'4•Wt, I - ONN 11.TURDAY 1-S -.a11 ......... _ MOM---1,a•• ---·--·· .. -.... .. v......... .... n.111•.. ---,,.. OlltliNtd --------111 ...... ..,... .... __ .................... ___ .. ,_ ...... 11.-... 2001 "• ......................... -..................... -......... ... 411 c......... ------··------..... ......... ____ . . ... ...- 1•1 .... 9r1lftO ---·--·-------·--··--11-.-a. Clltf ·--··-·····-................................................ _,. 1141 .... 0-. ----·7·---·------- • Topu --·----'"·----·--............... .. CAN~INCIAL ·~-... -........... .,"" .. J•lll ... .................. c.w .. -•11 ?11 ..... .............. ._ ... ......, .... ~ LAW V.W-. C.. .... 111rA1 ~ .......... -. Oii •ATa POIWM. a LAW LMaeel ........ Ill flJS'I .... UJl9 ...... ..... I pl -...... ...................... .,.. --. ....... ,*•··----....,-lei 11111 I., ...... _ _,..,.. .... ..., •. Irr ...._ts .......... .-........ ...... a 1 ••L..-._...,. nor w.w •. u.w IU'LD 0...-.&MWe,__ __ a· 1•11 TW...,4 No' I No ... •lllMT .... ...,._ ....... ..... ..,..... ... .,.,.c.,... ......... . LOCATIOll VUI LOCATIOM .. ... 1 ......... ,. ... .....,ni .• 1 ... 1r111=vu..-.~ _ __....,.. ........ ltts21i..__...._ .... I 111a11m,__..._,._,...... o.w ...... ........ .... -.... ...... --.YU1¥0 ...... ._ •• 2 *3 a -• 0 If 11 "-... I f $ .. •1u•:u1 ...... a ...... l11lof11f .......... I •1ar1111 ..... ~ ...... -~ ... tM ==-........................... .. LmO .. ,.....,.. MYSHOMS-TRADITIONAL WHdethlt t .. tty 8'98 wltlt e ft'99llalM• HdreH . c.....,, ,,..... a~ a 11e. LMae ...-, ldtoMft. ... =-... --~ ....... OWC flrllt T.D. A_. eM. NEW ON MARKET-PARK LIDOI A qulel locedoft °" • cenlrel Newpert etrMt with en lmm•c11lete end epeclou1 2·•1orr cendomlnlum rHld1nce. fllrtwete MlrMOe to ... I ................ wMlt 2111 bettte end wlOMd petto. L°"'J lenduepl': end edtolnlng comm111tl1J pool. lterfect "moH·ln" ecor. Two-car .............. ,_ IMd. U1·1400. LOW PRICE a REASONABLE M.UFFS New°" h ...net .... ~ NW. Upgr1d1d wtth ...... + ......... wcwll ............ Owner ... c:eny on ... 2 llied. t1IO.aD. NEWPORT 9EACH CONDO $71,500 '°' .... ,..... ............... ot ... '°' ............. penon who went8 • ......., .............. Altrec:ttw. tMchelar unM. Cew"'1 pMI. .... . CORONA DEL MAR-81!8T BUYI MWilMIAtlMllOIM*'lllel ......... 4 ................. ..,.. ....... wtllt ,.... ............ = ...... , .............. ...... ~ Air DI~.,_ ...... to bMGt\. U72,IOO. IF I WOULD? .•• WOULD YOU .• .II "ft I oarrted ,._ te ..... JOW __. ••• weuld JOU buy • . . ? Come eM ...._ ........... ,NEW COND08 wM1t NJ a OCMDt v.wa _.. .-..... row oftert' 1o cMMe "°"'' »1·2111"" .......... 11¥d. 0..-.... hn.1-5 ~.M • DUPLEX-TRADE ·FOR 90AT1 ..... , ...... 2 ............................... .. .......... ._t.aT.D.O.....-.-•fl. .. ..... -~ ....... ...,.. .... 1111.-911-Mll. ... ORT TWNIR• WIDOCK TW =I ll1f -•·I'll ...... Ille ... lsc1M1A. ..... ..... ......... ~ .... ....., .... 11••£ ............. 0eM 11111 r•• •• IC .... --·--LEAST UPEN8fVE OCEANFRONT ,......, ........................ .,,_ W. On••-_. ... eer ....._It•.-Pee. fte ................... flfll r 11411111 1• ......aL9' ........ _ ........ , -. .............. _ . ••••CUPNCIN• RP DIE• : s =· i' ::::..::.11.':':..·. •'-'-= u: r I I ··-=•4-1 ............... 71 f M ••• ......,191_ ... -. COIH• WORMY ...... A PT. =::a ...... .a1rt.tu11 ':S...._ .. .., a ..._ + '"'+"'• -==-~ at I .:'I~ I~ llMI . MllDl•et I BMMIT ~~,:..~. ==--J ce .. TO ... . WATERFRONT HOMES, INC.· 2436 W. Coetr Hwy. Newport Beach 631-1400 · 315MartneAw. Belboalalancl 673-6900 Spe!al .... ill prepertr •tile wean ..• .., ........... ~ .... va.w., ·-, .. I I J \ 14 -Orange County Real Estate/ An Advertising Supplement to thCJ DAIL y PILOT /Saturday, October 9, 1982 Dalebout Bay Ir Beach Real Estate REAL ESTATE EXCELLENCE SINC£ 1949 COME WITH US TO ••• • UIYM • . • Exqulslte home In a luxuriant setting. Five spacious bedrooms. Formal dining room. Huge family room with wet bar and-large built-In television screen. Custom pool and spa. Located on the 18th fairway. Please contact our ottlce for gate admittance ......... .... $1,495,000 Open Sun 1-5 ....... ............... 20 Cypress Point llYll ........ A most unusual home on the water. Huge llvlng room. formal dining room and beautifully appointed library plus master bedroom In the main bulldlng. Across the used brick patio Is a separate two bedroom guest suite. The pier and float will accommodate a 55 f<>Ot boat. You own the land ............ $985,000 Open Sun 1-5 ............ 308 Morning Star Lane llYm 'fllUll •.. :This view wtll haunt you. Six~ el g~ feet of windows overl-0oking an everchanglng marine view. Huge llvlng room. Three spacious bedrooms. Large family/bllllards room. Tremendous patio with custom spa and gazebo. .. .. .......... ... . $985,000 Open Sun 1-5 ............... 1301 Dolphin Terrace HYH 111111 .•• Quality shows In most everything -particularly In a home such as this custom four bedroom, built wtth lath and plaster, situated on a private beach. You can step-0nto the sand from the family room.pa~k>. Master bedroom suite .balcony overlooks beach and bay. In-law or maid's quarters . $980,000 Open Sun 1-5 ............. 509 Evening Star Lane llYll 111111 ••. Exquisite four bedroom home: Fabulous uee of ltallan foslllzed marble, carved wood and black walnut. Huge llvlng room. Family r9om with wet bar. Sauna In garage. :~~ro~~= ~1.'..~1.~~.~~~.~~.~~~nia°9~~~ Open Sun 1-5 .................... 1244 Polaris Drive .... ltll .•. Prestigious area. Top location on the widest street on Udo. Just steps to private beach. Easy walk to tennis courts. Four spacious bedrooms. Praotlcal flOOf' plan, built around large. patio. Decor . .. muted tones. ample room for sett~xpresslon. The land alone (three twenty foot Iota) worth the total asking price ... . ........ ............. ..... ... .... .. . ....... ... $695,000 Open Sun 1-5 .......................... 232 Via Genoa IHIUll llLL ••• Exceptional value. Thie propert~ tekes the laurel• for amenlU81 and comforts, plu• a dramatic front row view of ocean and city lights. Four bedroom•. Pool. Spa. Liberal financing ...... .............. ... M25,000 Open Sun 1·5 ... . .. ... .. .. .. . 11 Carmel Bay Drive Ill IUYH •.. Townhome In a prestigious loeatlon overlooking the sixth fairway. Three spacious bedroom•. Formal dining room. vacant and ready for quick occupancy. Attractive a11umable financing. Change In famlly plans ha• created an urgency to sell, leaae or lease/option. An excellent buy at $599.000 or leaM at $2200 a month. PteaH contact our office for gate ctearance. Open Sun 1-5 ....................... 14 Rue Oeeuvtlle -'81111 .•. Delightful IPllt-level home. Nothing monotonou1 here. Beamed celling. French doora. Shutter• and levelor1. Three spaclou1 bedroom•. Oen. and famlly room. Property In top condltlo. Low maintenance yard. Bubbling bteck ape. Can be purchaed 1575,000 Fee 0t ~.000 Leuehold. Open Sat-Sun 1-a .......... 711 K-Thanga Drive 1611 WEST.CLIFF DRIVE I I UHM llUll llAI • • , Bayf ront. Owner will carry One Miiiion Dollar first trust deed. The nautical design. craftsmanship and marine view gives one the feellng of living aboard ship. Five bedrooms, den, maid's quarters. Sixty feet on the bay with pier and slip for three boats . ......................................................... $1,500,000 Open Sat-Sun 1-5 .... 115 Harbor Island Road ~ I 111• •-, .. Spectacular front row view of mountains. city llghts and lake-like reservoir. Three bedroom "Renaissance" floor plan. Library/loft overlooks huge living room. Wet bar. Three view decks. Pools and tennis ................................ , ........................... $510,000 IUff UYll ••• Highly desirable location with a "forever" view of the bay and ocean. Two story three bedroom home with Inviting brick patio PLUS complete guest unit over three car garage ............ .......... ......... ................ $499,000 Liit llLI ••• Spacious family home. Five bedrooms or could be three bedrooms plus In-law quarters. Separate family room. Dining room. Convenient to beaches and tennis $475,000 ····························································_ WUTIUff • • • Exceptional curb appeal. Four bedroom home. Lavish use of French doors and windows. Extensive built-Ins. Loads of storage Including attic. 90x 132 pool size yard with gazebo and off-street parking for six cars. Liberal financing! .............................. $475,000 Open Sat 1-5 ................. 1118 Somerset Lane Mm _. ••. Alluring waterfront location with pier and sUp. Three spacious bedrooms. Dramatic bay and city lights view from llvtng, dining, den and master bedroom. Separate family room wtth . wet bar and nreptace. Sixty feet on the water. Owner wlll carry aubltantial secondary financing .................. Now $460,000 IPHUll llLL ... Extraordinary value In Spyglan. ~ree spacious bedroom•. Family room. Two bathe. Two flreplacn. Th• much sought after "Port amouth" model. Private courtyard with pool and ape. Property highly upgraded throughout. ....................... $450,000 Open Sat 1-6 ...................... 8 Monterey Circle l&nlllf • • • Comfortable famlly home In a highly desirable area. Four spaclout bedrooms. Huge living room with marble fireplace. Formal dining room. Large family room wtth beamed celling, floor to cetllng fireplace and wet bar. Breakfast room off kitchen. Large master bedroom suite with walk-In cloaet. Gourmet kitchen with microwave oven and new dllhwaaher ........... ............................. $449.500 .., llftl • . • Cuttom bullt three bedroom three bath hom9 wtth unob1tructed view of bey and ocean. Numerous bullt-lns. Tiemendous potential. Otter.-by original owner. Quick potMMlon .....•.•••......••............... ,.,.... $395,000 Open Sun 1-5 ...................... 1211 Kings Road l&YIMIT • • • The lnaplred work of a muter crafteman. Compl9tety retxMlt wtth rare artistry. 'our bedroom•. Pool. Spa, s.ldom doea a property of thlt r..Uber come on the mar1cet ···············•······•·······•·•···•··········••··•·•··•··· 1315.00C> WT ILlfF ••• Enjoy the commodious Lusk "E" plan hame. Superbly designed. Five spacious bedrooms. Large famlly room with fireplace. Bar and barbeque \n the sheltered patio area. Very private backyard with pool and spa. Heat resistant decking. Minimum maintenance. Three car garage .............................. $389,500 Open Sun 1-5 ......................... 2201 Alta Vista Ill OHIU Ill UI ••• Two bedroom cottage on great corner lot. Ocean view. Easy walk to Big Corona Beach. Attfactlve owner flnanclnQ ······························•····························· $340,000 Open Sun 1-5 ........................... :. 222 Marigold IHllHT .•. Inviting four bedroom home. Large family room with fireplace. Brick driveway. Shingle front. All of the warmth and comfort of "Country Style". Sparkling pool . ........................................................... $339,000 Open Sun 1-5 .................. 1924 Leeward Lane WISTIUFf ••• Fascinating Cape Cod home on . large corner lot. Spacious three bedrooms, family and dining rooms. Impeccably decorated and maintained. French doors opening to large private garden and covered patio. Seller's program makes the home very available ............................................................ $316,000 WllTOUff ••• Cheerful one story, custom t1ullt home wraps Itself around Inner atrium. Enormous masler bedroom, two spacious bedrooms plus a convertible den. Ideal for mature family. Solar heated jacuzzi In garden ............................................................ S300,000 Open Sun 1-5 ................. 1115 Highland Drive UYmlT • , • Choice Ivan Wells three bedroom home. Designed for easy entertaining -30 people, no problem! Huge llvlng room with soaring beamed celling. Quality and Informality. Reduced $40,000 ....................... Now $299,000 Open Sun 1-5 ........... 1837 Commodore Road ..... YllW ...... The popular "Carmel" model. Three bedrooms. New carpeting. Specious patio. Luxuriant garden. Property In top condition ..................................... $268,500 Open Sun 1-5 ............ 1930 Port Btlatol Clrcle .U ,._ •.. Thia Mntatlonal four bedroom dwelllng hu It all. Overllzed yard. P.oot Spa. Multi-leveled used brick decks. Great for entertaining. Price juat reduced $34,000. · . . ...... ... . ..... .. ...... .. .. .. . .... ....... ...... ... Now $245,000 Open Sun 1-5 ................ 1944 Flamlngo Drive •11•• • •tm ... Spacious three or five bedroom home. One large bedroom and bath downstairs. Two b«trooms upatalra plus bonus room. Just reduced $23,500. . .. Now $230,000 Open Sat 1-5 ................................... 5 Colonial -•• •• ••• Highly dealrabfe area. This three bedroom dwelling l'laa eJ1ttreme value. Large 1ectuded cul-de-He lot. Pool. Leaee/optlon available ..................... $199,900 Open Sat-Sun 1-5 ........... 512 Rodcford Plec. IL."'1 ••• So convenient yet ao MCluded oo a quiet cul de aac 1treet ... Just five mlnutee from F98hlor\ llllnd. Fuc:lnatlng two bedrOOIM find family room condo. OeUghtful UM of wood panellng and CU8tom waft peper. Aeattul bftck patio with c:uatom ape ...................... 1115,000 NEWPORT BEACH . .,._._, ... ----- Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, October 9, 1982 -15 ) I ~ . 1 1 ' ~6 -Orange County Real Estate/An •dvertlling Suppl8ment to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, October 9, 1982 WHY DOES ONE OFFICE SELL AROUND $3 MILLION A MONTH AND OTHER OFFICES AREN'T ·EVEN .AROUND? ll•IHIH 111e11 -Architects home! In Seavlew, 3 bdrm, view, dark room, IOft and taaty touches throughout. Really apeclall 1425,000 ..... -.. -Exceptlonmt end untt. .... cul-de-UC, private wtth subtle oolara. food loana, private JMtlO, l••lhald. ln4,000. ,_.., !l&BI• -Mint condlUon In ..__ Ridge, .. "' ....... ' ....... 3 bdrm. deft, din. room & lie opt. pc Hlble. Allclng 1475,000. Ul1lm ---2 bdrm home wtlh 1 bdrm Income unit, l500 aq.ft. tot; ...,... 11t loan under 10%, excellent rental area (Broadway & Orange) I 143,000. ---......... -Good .. Bdrm hOnW; • good 1 ~lo loans, good neighborhood and great va1Uf9. $420,000 LH or $517,000 FEE. -• 1111 1 Ill -3 bdrm In Harbor View Homes, perfect uondltton, good uaumat»e loans, fee title. 1219.500 """" .... -, .... ...... =-Bright Carmel.~ aoor·p19n, pool.&•·~ Is reasonabtr. priOed rtght al U.,500. _. I ., I -"9clorl8n on 1M lllaftdf 3 bd""8. 3 batha. ...... vec.m. ...... gl .... rock flreplace and dllf9rentf At 1181.000. ...,.,.~ , ... ~ .. -r..-bollttllp, ftexlble .. n.r' a _...., • 3 bdt owner may consider a I•. opllort e..y to .... -..... -.... -..... , 12% tlilMCtng wtth 20% dn. Alnta .. ltelldy. T,.. llned etreet corwen6ent to ltnry, atlOP9 & ---. .... eoo. l'Pll•-W lft. -3bdrmwlh1UMY khchen & courtySd. ~ 1 "*"' •. 10% loans avaHable wtttl 1150,000 dOwn. A1dltlc 8t $449,500. ......... _ -a...tlful 4 bdrm hOme In Northwood-Windstream. Moutdlnp, oak floors, Frenctt door9 & spa. 1375,000. ----nm· -~ vlllwt Htllf block to water, CIMr lholt 2 lklry, ~ a ladnne. 2 baths. Owner ftMnce. Only IMl,500. L X .-\ \ 1 P L f-"' IPll llT Lusk Harbor View -Serene Decor, 4 BR, 2 Ba. -$395,000 ~···--··· ..... :.................. 1205 Sand Key ... ,/. Golf View, 2 Bdrm Condo, Tennie Poof 1235,000 ............... 4e Sea taltlnd. 8tg Canyon Bayfront, OwnrAn. Tennie, Sandy~ 1715,000 ......................... 12 8-:on Bay, NB. 4 Bdrm, Ownr Fin. Fee, Vacant. Anxious 1429,000 ..................... 2708 Ughthouae, CdM Bllyfront, Deluxe, Show Place on Sand $1, 195,000 ...................... 13 B•acon Bay, NB. SpyglaM, 5 Bdri:n, View of Bay and Ocean llSO;OOO ............................ 51»olnt Loma,-NB.- ,_ -.? • • • FE I -3 Bdrm•, 2~ bathe, Immaculate. Air oond. patk>, ftnenclng uncfer 12%. Priced below competition. 1141,500. --.nm • .. -Cut• c1ean. 3 bdnn wtlh dOCk for 2 boata. Owner flnancied. PriCed at ... Al $575,000. · m -• ... -4 Bdrm lmm.c:., new 8'aPllMCM, ptua air cond., fam room, nice atreet, auper flnanctng. 1191,000 . .. ... mt .... -· J.-nlne Creek ak""8 l9W'8I 3 bdrm .condominium, lulfl petloe, spa, ..,... lo8IW -L ... then 11%. $3e8,500. fml um .. -Beet trom lrvtM Terrace. 4 ldr9'•. pool and owner wHI finance. Only M00.000. Leeaehold. SL I ..... NF II • RI I Ill -Harbor Yl9w HHIL OwMr .Ut c:wry S.0,000 @ 12% lntlNet. No polnta for 5 yre. Ni'. comm. pool .t bdrm 3 beth 1421,000. . 11•m ,..,_II~ -3 bdrm remodeled In Beacon Bay, large master suite, 1 bdrm apt, must see to befleve. Owner will help finance. $1, 195,000. • .,.,,. u1mu .-1 -Thi• one Is a leader! 5 bdrma, 3 flrepf.ces, unffmtted view from Spyglau. Sunny, cozy, exciting, practical. $850,000 lndudes much of the furniture. Owner financing too. • fm.I .. • ... , -Pool, spa, lmmac. decor, over 3500 aq. ft. wtth S bdrm• on a qu~rter acre lot. Seller• flexible, Harbor HI Otatrtct. $349,500 I • Tll Im -Duplex, good Income, West Newport location with plan• f<tr newJ;iome, good financing. Asking $550,000 . : Ill IUYll, LIW Pl• -Dover Inside Big Canyon. Priced to sell, light & airy atmosphere 2 bdrm• 2 bathe wtth den greet patlol Only $350,000. PllfHY Ill llHI lllW -Hard to find Broadmoor, e>Cpanded 4 bdrma, gourmet kitchen, extra large muter aulte. 1429,500. LH .. MY,.,_ -4 bdrm, 2'A bathe, vacant wtth 30 Yf. loe of $150,000. AnxJoua. Reduced to S2e0,000. .. Ill ,_ --1n acre lot with adobe home, Mk tloOrl, pane wlndowl. Large pool & 2 story barn. A kick! At $415,000 . I -.lllL -lmmeculetet 3 bdrm, den, 3 bath In lrvtne Terrace. Pool, lhutWa, spa and good ~. tuty at 1389,000. •1t•T I --In Eatbluff, apectacular nlQht-Hght view, clean freeh condition. Only 1275,000. . ... , 11• 1 I -South Cout Center; neat • a pin. 2 Bdrm, a/cond., owner wtH work to ... 188.oooi -,_,, ,_ -Ill--F• lend, 3 bdrm, mint view, 2 nrep11icee, a large famlty room, owners wlll carry 1st truet deed. 1362,IOO. !bl UEKI ... -Golf oourM, 2 bdrm In Big ~ ....... PoOI only 1231,000 (NEW) U~I: ~. u:ALTOOI. Uli•WOO • PAal'IC COAn' HIGHWAY AT MMARTHUa IOUJ.SYAaD iN COllONA DBL MAa Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement 10 the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, October 9, 1982 -17 BACK ON THE MARKET . , BUILDER'S CLOSEOUT ONLY 3 LEFT! Was $189,000 NOW $148,000 Was $137,000 NOW $107,000 OCEAN AND NITE LIT~ VIEWS BEAUTIFUL NEW _ LUXURY 2 STORY CONDOS 2 Master Suites 2 Car Attached Garages Spiral Stairway Skylights Cathedral Ceilings All Amenities Excellent Financing PRICED WAY BELOW MARKET ' OPEN HOUSE SAT/SUN 1-5 2277 PACIF-/C AVE, COSTA MESA . 673-7300 3377 Via Lido Newport Beach, ·California I I I t I l I I I I ., ' I I I I I I I I ' .. ---.i • ..:.i;...~....:.::..;,. __ _ -- ,. J I • .. 18 ·-Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, October 9, 1982 . . -. . This Weekend! • .., ..... ~ *wctwy ..... p111Wt ............ = ........................................ . -. ~ M .,..t.r ...... , _,.~ ... _ lrie4e(t DAILY '9LOT WAMT ADS.,..,_, ........................ ,..._.,... ..... _ ....................... _.~ .... s.-.,. HOUSES FOR SALE 2 •DltOOlll 222 MarlQold, Corona del Mar 631-7300 $340,000 Sun 1-5 1031 Bayside COYe East. Npt Sch 494-1177 $895,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 **225 Grand Canal, Balboa Isl. 673-6900 $595,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2308 Cllff Or. =t Hgta) NB 642-5200 ,000 Sun 1-5 2 M ,._ PAM flM or DBI 104 Via Paletmo. Lido 631-1400 $439,500 Sat 1-5 #7 Rue Cannea (Bg ~)NB 760-8333 $460,000 Sat 1-5 1708 MlramarJ._~boa Penln Pt., NB 642-5200 NUU,000 Sun 1·5 **744 Via Lido Nord, Udo 181, NB 673--7300 $1 .• 685,000 Sa 3-6/S 12-3 **827 Via Lido Soud, Udo 191, NB 673-7300 $1,850,000 Sat/Sun 2-5 * 19 Curl Or, Jumine Crl<, vu, CdM 640-1515/1-778-5151 SaUSun 12·5 l•DROOM 1543 Seren&de Terr(lrv. Terr.)CdM 64<4-4910 $320,000-Fee Sat/Sun 1-5 1218 Devon (Westctiff) N.B. 631-1266 $239,500 Sa1/Sun 1-5 165'4 SunMt Ridge, Laguna Beach 494-1177 Sat/Sun 2-5 20172 tiarbor late Ln., Hunt. Bch 964-0227 $138,000 Sat/Sun 109 Via Enaueno, M.;lners Pt SanClem 759-9100 $465,000 Sat 1-5 587 W. Bay St., Westside. C.M. 759-9100 $109.900 502 I Street, Penlnaula Point Sat 1-4 631-1400 $395,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 205 Topaz, Balboa Island 673-6900 $295,000 Sat 1-5 1981 San Bruno, Bluffs 631-1400 $150,520 Sat 1-5 5404 RI~, Newport Beach 64<4-7020 $159,000 Sat 1-5 2602 Cr•Mew. Bayahorea, NB 6«-9080 $409.000-F. Sun 2-5 * * 12 Beacon Bay (a.con Bay).HB 87S-6000 $795,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 11 Rue Verte, 8"' Canyon, Npt 8dl 322 Eat 23rd St., Costa Meaa 5'46-2313 1220,000 Sa 12-4/Su 12-5 703 St. James Pl., Newport Hghta &4<4-e200 $295,000 Sat/Sun 12-6 421 Vllta Parada, Bluffs, N.B. f5.44-e200 $225.000 *204 Via Ebotl, Udo late, N.B. Sat 1~ 873-7300 $550,000 Sat 1~/Sn 2-5 1824 Por1 Stirling Pl., Newport Bch 646-717t $214,900 Sat/Sun 1-5 3 M ptue PAM flM « DeN * 1211 Kings Road, Cltff Haven. NB 631-7300 $395,000 Sun 1-5 •512 Rockford Pl.(CameoHghlnda)CdM 631-7300 $199,900 Sat/Sun 1-5 1837 Commodore Road, Baycrest, NB 631-7300 $299,000 Sun 1-5 1930 Por1 Briltof Ctr.(HrbrVuHma)t(B 631-7300 $288,500 · Sun 1-5 711 K-Thenga..z.1rv. Terrace, NB 631-7300 ao75,000-Fee $440,000-LH Sat/Sun 1-5 14 Rue DMwltle, Big Canyon NB 631-7300 $699,000 Sun 1-5 1301 Dolphin Terr. Irv. Terr, NB 631-7300 1985,000 Sun 1-5 * •308 Morning St.,. Ln(OoverShra)NB 631-7300 $985,000 Sun 1-5 21 Whitewater, Jumlne Crk, CdM 644·9080 $317,500 Sun 1-5 1218 Key Wat (Hrbr Vu His) CdM ~910 $379,500-Fee Sun 1-5 20 Rue Grand Vallee, 8"' Cyn. NB 64<4-9060 1875.000 Sal/Sun 1-5 **31965 Co•t Hwy, So. Laguna 494-1n7 $995,000 Sat/Sun 2-5 * •38 Balboa Covea, Newport Bch 673-9187 $489,000 SaVSun 1-5 **2004 Calle de loe Alamoa/SanClem 673-1181 $899,000 . Sat 12:30-5 1903 Yacht Coflna, Newport B9!ICh 64<4-1017 $450,000 Sat/Sun 12-5 *8 Monterey Ctr, Spygl ... Hlff, NB 631-7300 $450,000 Sat 1-5 4911SH1hor9,N9wport8Mch 759-1221 $860,000 Sat/Sun 12-5 121 21th St .. a.lboe, N.B. 759-9100 $381,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 • I 2298 Redlenda Dr., Back Bay, NB 831-1400 $241,500 Sat/Sun 1--6 31 4 MariDofd, Corona del Mar 631-1400 $889,000 Sati Sun 1-5 • p 619 W. Bay St., W•talde, C.M. 759-9100 $115,900 2405 Clltt, Clltt Haven Sat 1-<t 631-1400 $820,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 616 M.,.lgold, Corona def Mar 675-5511 $340,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2501 Harbor View Or (HrbrVuHls) NB 760-8333 $585,000 Sat 1·5 1228 Sussex Lane, Newport Beach 6«-9060 $245,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 4621 Gorham Dr., Cameo Shores, CdM 64<4-9060 $769,000 Sun 1-5 **301 N. Star (Dover Shores) NB 642-5200 $450,000 Sun 2-5 1625 E. Ocean. Balboa Penln P1, NB 642-5200 $420,000 Sun 1-5 1905 Yacht Puritan. Seavlew, N.B. 64<4-6200 $429,000 Sa 2-5/S 1:30-5 •Galatea Terrace. Irv. Terr, CdM 644--6200 $795,000 Sat/Sun 12-<t 3202 Montana, Costa Mesa 5'48-2313 I 149,900 689 Joenn St.J. Costa M..a 5'48-2313 •124.900 870 Sandcaatle. Corona del Mar Sat 10-1 Sat 12-<t 6«-SKHSO $312,000 Sat/Sun 2-5 2301 Arda, Eutbfutt, N.B. &4<4-e200 1169,000 Sat 1-5 17421 Jefferaon, Huntington Sch 9&3-8767 $134,500 Sat 1-4 *1514 Ruth Ln .. Newport Beach 648-7171 $224.900 Sat 1-5 2288 Gofden Cr., Newport Beach 648-7171 $255,000 Sa 2-5/Sun 1-5 408 10th St., Huntington Beech • 963-6767 $174,900 Sa 2-5/Su 12-5 *1472 Galaxy, Dover Shores, NB 642-2510 $895,000-Fee Sat/Sun 1-5 2611 Clrcle Dr. (eay.hor•) N.B. 645-6218 1269,000 L.H. Sun 1-<t IM ptue LOFT 214 Amethyst, Balboa Island 64<4-9060 $.440 ,000 IM plue OU.ST Al'T •481 Bruce Creeoent, Nwpt Sch .. Sun 2-5 5'48-6677 $199,900 Sat/Sun 12-4 4•DROOM 1589 Skyline, Laguna Beech 494-1177 15'41 Eat Ocean, Penlnaula Pt. Sun 2-5 631-1400 $470,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2742 Clbota, Costa Mesa 673--3863 $138,900 Sun 1-5 1112 Westcflff Or (Westcllff) NB 642-5200 $255,000 Sun 1-5 1205 Sand Key (HVHma) NB 676-eOOO $395,000 Sat 1-5 1010 Sandcutle, Corona del Mar 5'48-2313 $325,000 Sa 10-5/Su 1-4 1029 Bonnie Ooone. Corpna del Mar 644-e200 $595,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 217 VI• Ithaca. Lido 116e, N.B. 873-7300 $506,000 Sat/Sun 1-4 • •=AM Ml or mN "42. Kina'• Pn Hunt.)HB 982-10U S2 ,000 Sun Noon-5 #14 Point Loma Dr., CdM t1S4it00 Sun 1~ 1118 Somerset Ln., Westclltt, NB 631-7300 $475,000 Sat 1-5 * 1924 Leeward Lane. Baycrest. NB 631-7300 $339,000 Sun 1-5 1115 Highland Or., Westcilff, NB 631-7300 $300,000 Sun 1-5 * 1944 Flamingo Or, Mesa Verde, CM 631-7300 $245,000 . Sun 1-5 213 Diamond (Balboa 19'and) 6'44-4910 $595,000-Fee Sat/Sun 1-5 509 Evening Star Ln., Dov Shrs, NB 631-7300 $980,000 Sun 1-5 * 1244 POlarla Or., Dover Shrs. NB 831-7300 $895,000 Son 1-5 232 Via Genoa, Lido lale, NB 631-7300 $895,000 Sun 1-5 * 11 Catmel Bay Dr., Spygla Hiii, NB 631-7300 $825,000 Sun 1-5 1251 Surftlne Way (Hrbr Vu Hla) CdM ~910 $275,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 * 14 Burning Tree Rd. (Big Cyn) NB ~910 $895,000-Fee Sun 1-5 427 -18th Place, Costa Mesa 644-4910 $229,000 Sun 1-5 1441 Galaxy Or. (Dover Shores) NB 548-5647 $420,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 *5 Cok>nlal, Northwood, Irv. 631-7300 $230.000 Sat 1-5 **2616 Bayshore Dr, Bayshrs, NB 6'44-9060 $1, 750,000 Sat/Sun 2-5 1820 ~rt HUis Or. E, HVHms, NB 6'44-9060 $438.000 Sun 1-4:30 226 Poppy, Corona del Mar 6'44-9060 $575,000 Sun 2-5 1255 SomerMt (Baycrest) NB 631-7370 $355,000 Sun 1-5:30 468 Equestrlan(OtangePrk Acres)Orange . 759-9100 $795,000 Sat/Sun 1-5· * 10931 Hunting Horn Dr. N. Tustin 759-9100 $454,000 Sun 1-5 114 Via Ensueno(Marlnera Pt)SanClem 759-9100 $875,000 Sat 1-5 **542 Hrbr 19'. Dr, Prom Bay, NB 759-9100 $1,200,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 320 Seaward, ShOrecilffa 631-1400 $475,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 **267 Crescent Bay Or, No.lag Bch 6'44-9060 $995,000 Sun 12-5 133 Via Undlne, Udo lale. NB e.44-9060 Sun 1-5 ** 1314 W. Bay (Penln.) NB 780-8333 $1,395,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 18891 Antioch (Trtlrk) Irv. , 552-7500 $238,900 Sat/Sun 1-5 506 Catellna Or., Newpor1 8"ch 631-1268 $349,000 Sun 1:30-5 18 Cherry Hilla, Big Cyn, N.B. 844-9060 S1.~5.000 Sun 2-5 *#1 Trafalgar (Hrbr rdg) NB 844-7020 $1,895,000 SaJ/Sun 1-5 ,222 Suuex Ln. (W•tcltff) NB 842-5200 $237,000 Sun 1-5 1733 Port Barmouth (HVHma) N.B. • 873-7781 $259,900 Sun 1-5 2901 Harbor View Or. (HVHma) NB 873-7781 1550,000-fw Sun 1-5 4931 lortaon, Cellt. HOfMt, Irv. 759-1501 $137,500 Sun 1-5 131 Via Undlne, Udo Ille, N.8 . 673-7300 $531,7&0 Sat t2-3 2708 UghthoUN (HVHle) CdM 875-8000 $420,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 Orange County Real Estate/ An AdvertlslrJg Supp_lement to the DAILY PILOT /Saturday, October 9, 1982 -19 · 4626 Roxbury Rd., Cameo Shores. CdM 759-!501 $670,000-Fee Sat/Sun 2-5 633 Bayside Or., Newport Beach 675-7852 $1 ,050,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 4 Narbonne, Harbor Ridge, N.B. 644-6200 $1,695,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 706 K'-Thanga, Irv. Terrace. CdM 551-8700 $359,000 Sal/Sun 1-5 *4 Rue Blarrltz, Newport Beach 644-6200 $795.000 Sal/Sun 1-5 621 W. Columbine, Santa Ana 546-2313 $167,000 Sat 1-4 510 Allao, NewJ>O{t Beach 759-1221 $350,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 932 Coronado, Mesa del Mar, CM 631-7370 $145,900 Sun 1-5 210 Via San Remo, Lido late, NB 675-30481673-2656 Sal/Sun 1-5 1948 Port Cheteea, Newport Beach 6'48-7171 $330,000 Sa 1-5/Sun 1-4 222 Via Palermo, lido lale. N.B. 673-7300 1367,000 Sa 1-5/Sun 1-6 * 101 Via Aorence, lido late, NB 673-7300 $595,000 Sun 2-5 I IEDROOM 2912 Carob (Eastblutf) N.B. 644-1742 $249,000-LH. Sat/Sun 1-5 1204 Ave Buena Suerte, San Clemente 759-9100 $865,000 Sat 2-5/Sun 1-5 **708 Via Lido Nord, Lido Isl, NB 675-6161 $1,500,000 Sun 1-5 **4028 Channel Pl, Nwpt. Isl, NB 673-0202 $965,000 Sat/Sun 11-5 5 M-plua FAM All or DEN * 20 Cypreu POlnt, Big Cyn, N.B. 631-7300 $1,495,000 Sun 1-5 *2201 Alta Vista, Eutblutt, NB 63.1-7300 $389.500 Sun 1-5 10951 San Leon. Fountain Valley 963-8573 S 179,500 Sun 1-5 * * *29 Beechwood(Wdbrldge)lrv. 551-8829 $410,000 Sun 1-5 • 7 Muir Beach Cr (Spyglass) CdM 840-6259 Sat/Sun 2-6 **618 Harbor Isl. Or, Prom Bay, NB 759-9100 $1,350,000 Sat 1-5 * t 3 Muir Beach (Spygla) NB 760-8333 $1,995,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 * 12 Trafalgar (Hrbr Rdg) NB 760-8333 $2,225.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 * * 1038 w. Bey Ave, BaJ. Penln, NB 844-9080 $1,050,000 Sun 2-5 4 11 Heliotrope, Corona del Mar 780-8333 $565,000 Sat 1-5 #1 Rue Valbonne (Big Cyn) NB 760-8333 $725,000 Sat 1-5 5 POlnt Loma (Spyglaas) CdM 675-eOOO $850,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1818 Tanager, Costa Mesa 648-2313 $180,000 Sat/Sun 1-4 1990 Port Nelson, HV Homea, N.B. 759-1501 1285,000 Sat 1-5 1885 Boe Vista Cr. (Mesa Verde) CM 64G-1151 $239,000 Sun 1-4 *2773 88ndplper (MeM Verde) CM t-46-0303 1295,000 Set-1-'6 * #2 Winged Foot l.n, Big Cyn, N.8. 973-7360 1119,950 Sun 1-5 ...... 233 Via Genoe. Udo Ille, N.8. 873-7300 1575,000 Sun 2-5 I BR ptue FAM AM or DEN * * 115 Harbor Island Road. NB 631-7300 $1,500.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 * 1848 Npt His Or. E(Hrbr Vii Hms)NB 644-7020 $495,000 Dally 1-5 •41 Goleta Point, Spyglass. CdM 644-6200 $890.000-Fee Sat/Sun 1-5 •. CONDOMINIUMS FOR SALE 1 BEDROOM •300 Cagney Ln.# 107(Veraallles)NB 673-7300 $114.000 Sun 2-5 2 BEDROOM · * 1 Pandora (Irvine Groves) Irv. 642-5200 $139,500 Sun 1-4 46 Sea Island (Big Canyon) NB 67S-6000 $235,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 292 llC-1 Pelmer St., Costa Mela 546-2313 $159.000 Sat 1-4 185 Stonebrook, Co.ta Mesa 6'4S-0303 $134,900 Sat 1-4 2 M plue FAii fW er DEN 209-2 15 19th St., Penlnaula 631-1400 From $255,000 Sat 1-5 3 BEDROOM • 2886 Pacific #G, Costa Mesa 546-23 13 $129,900 Sa 10-2/Su 1-5 3 M plue FAii Ml « DEN _ 7 Rue Villar•. Big Cyn. Newport Bch 759-9100 $650.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 CONDOMINIUM FOR LEAS.E 2 BEDROOM **1301 Bayaide Or., CdM 6'44-9060 $2300/mo. DUPLEXES FOR SALE 2 -1 BEDROOM 315 Iris. Corona def Mar Sat 1-5 644-9060 $309,500 Sal/Sun 2-5 2 -2 MDROOM 2001 KJngs Road, Cliff Haven 631-1400 $399,500 Sat 1-5 2 -2 M plua GUEST 317 Larl<spur. Corona del Mat 675-4822 $475.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 3Mptua2BR 720 & 720~ HellOtrope, CdM 844-6824 $380,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2516 Bden, Costa Mesa 546-2313 $237,500 Sat 11-2 31Rptua1• ** 13 Beacon Bay (Beecon.Bay) NB 67S-6000 $1, 195,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 416 Carnauon. Corona del Mar 831-1400 1689,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 .. ... , .. 132 So. Baytront, Balboa Island 631-1400 $1,300,000 Sat 12-4 ...... 509 ACK&a (OcMnslde of Hwy), CdM 845-7048 $440,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 * Pool ** Wetetfront * * * Weterfront & Poot . ' •I ... ... ' -·~ •• _.,. 20 -Orange County. Real Estate/An AdvertlaJng Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday. October 9, 1982 LIN 80 N E·WPO R·T I JUST LISTED IN BLUFF AREA Fee land. priced to sell with 4 Bdrms, 3 Baths, spa. patios. security. A real Spanish charmer. $269,900 ELEGANT BAYFRONT CONDO In the Cove overlooking Balboa Island with 2 bedrooms + den, 21h baths, fireplace. private beach. $855,000. - SPYGLASS HILL WITH $224,0001N FINANCINGI Seller packing, looking for offer on this 3 Bdrm 2 Bath residence wlfamlly room, fireplace, wet bar, several eating areas and views flt to kill. $475,000. . WATERFRONT TRADITIONAL HOME ,. On the bay of Linda ISie, this 5 bedroom, 41fl bath resk'Sence features a large brick courtyard entry with spa, a spacious bayslde brick terrace and approximately 4500 sq. ft. of living space. Slip and side tie for 60 ft. boat. Seller will help finance. $1,450,000. LIDO SANDS NEAR BEACH AND POOL Perfect starter with 3 bedrooms, 2 baths. 2 patios, fireplace and below market price of $159,000. SEA VIEW PRIVATE COMMUNITY HOME This well cared for 4 bedroom, 3 bath home has Impressive city and Catalina sunset views plus good assumable and seller fln8;nclng. $465,000. LEASEHOLD UNITS NEAR BEACH These two bedroom units carry owner financing with 20-25~. down. $225,000. RESIDENTIAL INCOME PROPERTY Leasehold, this duplex with. 2 two bedroom units has seller financing with reasonable down. Just a few steps to the sand. $235,000. HARBOR VIEW ESTATE One of the largest lots In Harbor View Homes with over 1h acre, gorgeous pool, spa, Kol pond, 6 bedroom, 4 bath home with 2 fireplaces. skylights and French doors. $495,000. Fee. Open dally 1-5. Submit all offers. FAMILY HOME IN BAYSHORES Charming ancfSPaclous-Onlarge-corner rot, ft& land with 3 Bdrms, family room, 3 Baths, wet bar, bay windows and French doors. $495,000. HARBOR VIEW FAMILY HOME Setler will assist buyer In ttn11nclng this 4 bedroom, 3· bath home with fireplace, use of pool. $310,000. . EASTBLUFF RANCH HOME FOR TRADE Owner wlil trade this lovety 3 bedroom, 3 bath home for a home or condo In Capistrano Beach area. Good terms, privacy. $259,000. .121 ACRE VIEW LOT Seller's will subordinate to a,.-IOan or will trade for other residential or commercial property. Try joint venture or owner's will build to suit. $230,000 EQUESTRIAN VIEW PROPERTY Rust ic ranch home w/5 Bdrm + maid's room, 61fl Baths, 4 ftreplacea. 1 acre lot; lighted tennis court, poof, spa and horse stable. $1,500,000. "EXPANDED" MIRAMAR MOOEL "Estates" 3 bedroom, 2500 sq. ft. home with spectacular ocean and night light views. Convenient to pool and tennis. Terma with low down. $575,000. "JODELLE MODEL" FOR 20% DOWNI Assume $564,500 at 11 .75o/o on this 3 bedroom, 21fl bath gateguarded home convenient to the Harbor, Newport Center and airport. Residence features panoramic views of Catalina, Harbor and city lights from large decks. $695,000. , "LUCERNE MODEL" WITH TERMS Seller will carry an AITD of $519,000 at 12.75~. for an extended term for a qualified buyer. Ideally suited for entertaining with approx. 3050 sq. ft ., 3 bedrooms, 31fl baths, large decks. 3 fireplaces and family room. Incredible views. $695,000. "DEVONSHIRE MODEL" FOR TRADE Assume existing 30 year $295,000 First at 13.25o/e fixed or seller will consider trade on this 5 bedroom, 4 bath home with 2 large decks, private yard, 2 fireplaces. atrium and panoramic ocean and city light views. Setler relocating. $775,000. "CASABLANCA MODEL" WITH UPGRADES Spectacular ocean and city light views from this 4 Bdrm 21fl Bath home with gated entry courtyard and spa. $525,000. Fully assumable 30 yr. ~·1. 1st. CUSTOM HOME LOT - Premium lot with plans for a 10,000 sq. ft . formal French home with no houses behind or beside It. Create your "eatate" that wlll rival all others. Seller must liquidate but will consider a Joint-venture agreement. $1,500.000. CUSTOM 8,500 SQUARE FOOT RESIDENCE! Located on an unusually large lot, this panoramic view home can be traded for residential or commercial property or seller will carry at berow market rates. With 6 bedrooms, 7 baths. projection room, wine cellar, family room & large kitchen. $2,700,000. LUXURY VIEW CONDO Spacious with 4 bedrooms, family room and 31h baths. Lg deck overlooks reservoir lake. $550,000. TRY LOW, LOW DOWN See and compare this "Dynasty" 2 Bdrm 2 Ba 2000 sq. ft. hon-M with large redwood deck, fireplace and vaulted celllngs. $231,000 assumable long 1erm flnanctng at 10.38-/e fixed. $3-79,000. - BREATHTAKING PANORAMIC VIEWS Premium location with total privacy plus 5 bedrooms, 4 baths, complete security, plua long term financing. $1 ,385,000. Exquisite furnishings available. "CASABLANCA" MODEL WITH GREAT VIEWS A former modef home. this 4 bedroom, 21fl bath seldom-lived-In residence features deetgner upgrades and close proximity to tennis and pool/spa area. $520,000. IDAD ISLAND HOME W/BOAT DOCK Dramattc executJve 3 Bdrm home with gourmet kitchen, family room, fireplace, and wet bar. $399,950. ARBOR LAKE BRIARCLIFF WITH TERMS Spacious 2 bedroom, 2 bath condo with den, fireplace, dining room, mountain vtewa and ~ptete eecurlty. $175,000 FEE. A·FRAME SWISS CHALET DUPLEX Probably one of the original S. Laguna "Olympic VIiiage" housea dating back to 1932. Cozy unite with fireplaces. Seller flexible. S210,000. NeWPORT GLEN-OWNER MUST SELLI Light and atry townhome with 2 bedroom• ptua den, many uJ?gradel and amentttes plu8 r91ulng-recreatl0naf f8Clllttes. Below market. S 120,000. Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, October 9, 1982 -21 •••n 111 hi. •H•n lt1 lal1 •••m ft1 lal1 •••m ft1 "11 .,.,., lt1 lal1 ••....•.....••.........••.•.•..•..•..••..•.•.•.••••....•........•..........•..••••.•.•.•.......••••.•••....... !~!!!! .! .. '. !!.{'.. •• • • • !~!!!! .{•1. 1'.'! ••.••• ' la111l IOOZ ln1,,J 100 ~~~~! ......... }.'.!~ ~~'!. ......... !.~. ~'.'.'l. ....•...• J.'.!l ~..,_~{ ••••••••• !.~. f!~'l. ......... J.~. •.•.••••••............ . ...........•••••.••.. lattr Kerr RMltr llUI ILWF IPll U11U111 ... 1 ................. ... ., ...... water .... fr•• all •aJtr rtt•I· &•JHHt ft ,a ............. . MatMs. Y·M-14'-Y ................ ..... 1 ......... 111-11•1 I Want Adi call e.42·5878 -.&.TIP-.. A lot of l'tOuM" In ttle AMMlm Hlll9. 00t990U' view. 5 Bdrm1, pool end spa. A famlly· dre1m come true! 13-49.500. ta-IHI j PETE I BARRETI .. REALTY ... ~-1 home on BalbOe Penln. -- ------------, Owner wlll help fin.net. Priced to Mii at 1800, 000. EYM e.42·2253. associated e" • t ~ ~ "'r ."'i ~ "' , • "' \ • ' ~ I WATERFRONT ON TII BAY 4 u,.., I~ latll wM Met sit,. Fer Wt tr LtlH -~11o~~Jooo FEE ......... 12~'9 IPll 111111111• 1-1 UI hpWe Ir. ,.......,. .. ., 675-7852 UU. ... IUITY Panoramic view from thi s 4BR "Kensington" Plan! At the top of Harbor Ridge. Outstanding financing & low price make this an excellent buy in a prestige gated commu nity. $599,000. Jerry Thompson 742-1414. llllOll 114,toO "Kensington" w/loft. SUPER plush carpets, stained glaM, spa in entry. Thi.a home has it all! Assumable loans + owner financing. Now only $595,000 Darl.e ne Herman 752-1414. • llYllE Tlll&OI FU Ull Charming immaculate home, extra wide lot. S hutters thru-out. Heated pool, Separate badminton ct. Prof. landacaped. automatic sprinklers & Malibu lgts front & back. Walk to Balboa Island. $359,000 Ray Davies 551-8700. BAYFRONT BARGAIN Only $895,000 leaMhold. Prime location In gated community. Quality home with fl\fe bedrooms, pier and sttp. greet vtewa. Try $1,996,eoo fee. Good financing Is avallabte. Call Marilyn Twitchell. INTERNATIONAL FLAIR A most luxurtous five.bedroom bayfront property, with pier and slip for a large yacht. Superbly crafted Interiors dramatlc:ally counttr~po6nt the bay and city views. Remetkabty priced at only $1,350,000 f9e. PtNM con111C1 Cathryn Tennille for detaHt regardln,g owner-Maiated tlnanctng. NEWEIBAYFRONT Smashing bayfront contemporary with vtew the length of Promontory Bay. SpectllCUW wood and glue home, with thret bedrooms and conv«tlble den. Huge fwnlly room, many deck1, prtvete dodl. PRICE REDUCED TO $1,200,000 .. . TAY CASH FOR FURTHER PRICE REDUCTION. Cell Marilyn TWltchefl. aAYllDE DlllW Charm6ng end luxurious beyfront home In Corona del Mar. F()(lr bedrooms, bllllard• room, courtyerd, beyakte patio, and pier ""' allp. Asking $1,700,000. Excellent flnand('Q available. Calf Lind• Tagllenettl. WHIR WATll VllW PIOPllTlll 8NCTACULM 9mW . Two lwge thr .. bedroom homee. PLU8 twlmlNM. PLUS MCluded atudlo--alL on one bluff-lop lot In Corona dlll Mer. ~ vJew of bey, oceen, end C.tellna. Aaannebte 1tt T.D., and Miier wtl <*ry belence. Priced at .1,500,000. c.,. Sheron Collnt tor detell1. *"~* ., .. ....... ,, .. 38 BALBOA COVES, 3 bdrm • 2 bath. NOW REDUCED TO 1489,000t UT lllYmTTI llALT•I .... w111-1111• .... • 2'1114. Ft. tffltt • 1218 '-· Ft • h Let 1211120. 12•• * 1111& n• On the golf course . Cu•tom beautlM 3 Bdrm home, many, m1ny ax- tru. 1279,500 With 10% down owner wlll carry •t 12•,w. 1n1et .. t. • ., ........ lltr. 141-llH 1 1.MLY I Yr ... a needs l•mlly to occupy II• 5 bdrm• and 3 bath•. Cloet to oomm. pool end not far from 9hops. Very well kept. Price recsuc.ct to 1159,900. Call 979-5370 now. \ f >I I. I ti F If . . ·.·,. I~~ Y.A LUI a11um1t11e on this 4 bd;"' llCMM with refur· bllhed kitchen and low malnten1oce yard. OWn· et will Ulilt In financing tool See It soon. Only 1127,500, call 979·5370. \ f : ·/I. I ti I:· 11 ' ! , ' 1 • ~ I I, A lln /MUI VIEW 4 BA 3 Ba. 3 fplc'1. br1nd new on L1gun1 ITU&.m lmprnalve 3200 14. ft. Beycr•t Frenctl PrOYln· e1a1. 4Br, 3'~8a. wet bar, 3~ garage, 2 frplet & much more. Assume 8¥··~ i1t & owner wm help fln1nce. Full price 1355,000. 831-7370 or 549-3548. TR.lot T 10 \AL. RL\l.T Y Beech CDS. ,Appr•l1e<1 --------1 $495,000, 3rd reduction. to 1410.000. Seller w/ llllat buy down wl e1rty eecrow. Mu•t ... I. llWI tffHI Ltw lllTDUT Great•l term• on 4 BA. 2 Ba beauty In Cotta Mesa. Huge back yard, pride of ownership, wlll gl•Clden your heart. $136,900. Ro6e fflellin f<ea/ior 714-641-IGI PIULTA llLU Ellllll llTATE L"llUTlll N-9100 111 .. tale on 1.35 acres with tennl1 court, pool and ape. Ap- praised 11 S4 Mllllon • will be aaerlflced for I 1.800. 000. A "once In a llfe.· time" unbelievable find. 12% permanent fln1n· clng 1v•ll1ble. Owner will conalder tr1dlng his $800.000 ~ulty tor othet proper! ... and gems. • ... h.._,.,. H4-t1l1 11Q~T~~ 3 Br 2 Ba, dbl gar. take your plcil-hOu• or con- do. Below mnet, 119ted for I 110.000. Call Dlan.i c 83 DllAITICALLYREDUCED EYE F• UIUlll in H arbor V I e w Homes-4 br. 259,900. Fee . 0 w n et finance. Waterfront & Boat Dock - Lik e n ew . 695,000 Fee. Cameo Shores. 4 BR 825,00 0 Fee. One block to ocean. Harbor View · H i II s . CX.-ean Vi e w . complet e remod e l , 550,000 Fee. O cean Vie w Condo~ 239,000 Fee. Good · financing. TWO ._~111GI ITAllll CMPUY llAl. llTAR '73-7711 • Hl-Ut7 The chatm of Old Corona del Mar. OetNng two-bedroom cottage with fireplace, country kitchen, and wondetful patio. Lot 11 zoned R·2. Outstanding opportunity to own In COM. MUST SELLI Call Matllyn Hiii for appointment. ~ CANYON RETREAT VA loan Is assumable to Veta. Charming two-bedroom end den home with cathedral ceilings. akytlghts, rock fireplace, and knotty pine cabinets. Located on private road above creek, SUtrounded by mature oak and s~•· Fix and save. Owners are motivated. Call Mary Richards for details on this tine home. .IAIMINE CREEK Exceptional Plan 2 In Corona del Mar'a JumJne Creek. Fonner model with private pool and spa. Two private petloa. PteeM call Linda Tagllanettl for a private showing. Offered at $42&,000 fet . TAU UNeD STREET Beautltulty deeoreted thiee bedroom home with separate quarters for teen-~. mother-In-law, or g1Je111, TtrrlOed yatd hU patio, kol pond, and waterlalf. Thia home Is a "must ..... for the famlty that want• the Newport Hfe1tyte. Cati Joy Holker for a ahowlng. PALM IPRINOI · • Canyon Country Ctub. a..utlful cukM-Mc location on golf courte. Vlewl of -mountaTna. "Muter "'"' With ~ roomr."tWO .b•tha. Guest 1'uarttn wl1h 'tWO rooma. one beth Nte. Plu1 den. Pool and spa. Auto aprlnkler•. Alarm system. $386,000. Call Marilyn l'Wltc:Mll for detail1. OLM CORONA.,.._ MAR On ... beuffa overlooking bey end ooeM. Cuete>nM>ult hOme. AtcNtecturttly . '9'tVACY IN .IA .... c•u dftlgned. Megnlflcent vlewt. 8Hutlful wood•. Hencteome •J'l'Olntment1. a..utlf'UI Qtted community In "-Port a.ch. Aer91yh Mlhbtlh ~ unit~~ ~ Abundent clOMt end 1tor999 epece. 1eo n. frontege on Oceerl BoulWwd. For end tennlt eout1t. Merveloua thr ... bedroom ome u ....,, pru••-on..,.y more d9talll. ctt1 C.ttwyn Tennille. dec:cnted, Md ovwlooka mllgnllcently lendacaped greenbelt. Cell Murie! Berr. The firm with lh• Bev.,.ly Hiil• lPalm D••rt connection ·159-8100 # 2 ·Corporate Plaza f ... ... - ·••** = UNWWWU I! ·• 22 -Orange County Rut Estate/An Advertlalng Sups*ment to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, October 9, 1982 !~I!!!!.~!!'! ... ~ .. ~!!!!.~~·AW ....... "!~~=::::::::::::::::~~ !!!!!!.!~~!!'! ....... !!ft!.~!!'! ....... ~-'!!.~ .•••••• !~.!._'.~! ...... . ~~~'!. ......... ! .... ~!!.'!. ......... !.~~ ~.tf!l..'11! .. !.'Af f!fH.lfP.f .... ,.!.~ ·-=-IHI •.:r-llH -•-.&. -.... AlllT -llllY IHIPTllHL LllTllll II Liii HI •llbltmlMUI. lllm'.u&. Ya&.• ·-..... , ..... 11.1 l4'YllUll .. Just listed this delightful home on the north side of L ido, o({ers a gorgeous view on an extra wide lot which gives the feeling of spaciousneM throughout. Features slip for large boat. Adjacent property also availa b le . A rare opportunity for you!! I.JM LIY111 111 HUii 1191 llll This 3 bedroom remodeled home Is on an extra wide lot, with oak cabinets plus sunny south facing patio wilh a jacuzzi. Call today -tomorrow may be too late. TIWMlll wmt 41' SUP Excellent Newport Beach location, 3 bdrm, 2 !-"' bath. new carpet, walk to beach. security gate. YOU OWN YOUR SLIP!! $300,000. •n•L•-.U. ........ C hoice oversized lnsJde Jot. Spacious home built uound very private patio wilh Sl)i. 6 bedrooms, including maid's, and 5 bathl'J. Looking for new owner to update to million dollar category. $847,500. Lmlll,.... .. UTl•l-1 UlNL.91 .. Completely remodeled elegant 2 bdrm house plus study. Aho features pier for large boat plus .nall boat. Ideal location on quJel end of island. .._ 11.-.- Lido Realty 73-7300 ~lllfft ••• l!!f ~-~!l!! •• !.'M CHARMIHO "eMOD. 3 Br+loft Trlde!IM-. ~ duplu Of unit. 113-1686 c .... '-' ,,., 1111 .........••.....•.•..• •FULL OCEAN VU• t~~Cf'tl Owner agt t40-151S fllTllM IPYaAU -.i ...... Two-story Nantuc ke t 4 Br with beautUul Suneet pool surrounded by 14;- 000 red bricks. Tastefully decorated througho ut with w a llpa p e r s and shutters. Shows like a model home! Man y upgrades. Seller will finance. Submit down. $760,000. Incl. land. --------11138.IOO · 5 yr otd. 3Br •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• 2'A be hOfM w/fetn rm. ----------------... - 1 • frpk;. M1,000 loen, ... • 8UIM at •~%. I 101.000 * "'WIU aullabl • a1 ti~. LMelr tw ••*'•-.,_&4_2_._1oeo _______ _ ...., ,..., M • ft 8Y OWNER -R1 LOT .... .... ... ..... .. EHltlde Cotta MHa. ••• ...... Lira• ~~~·.: /:n~1~ ,: •rlth• ·la 1er•ta b u II d . 18 5 . O O O . ' au • • , ,. • t ft r Mt-1112, &42·2901 t ...... 118•1.. I ,ri-BY OWNER AM ..a..--a MUST SELL '11J• .,... •• "..., ,.,. Reducad to 1151,000. 3 OPEN SUNDAY Pettl Huntington aas 9M2 King'• Ctinron. H.8. S o of Adams/W o f Brookhursl. A pleasure to own. Largest floor plan. Ac;sume 11 1.4 % plus OWC. Bonus could be separate living quarters, 3 car garage. Owner bought another. HURRY! '1lc ter fht ,_...... Bdrm, 2ba, fam rm. ,. HHrt• 1er,.rf hr war E'alda home. At · llHlll &llH1 UST MY II 111 IUYM hat tr IY. lwHr :t2~1~:l..~t:td 4 °....1rms, family room & dining room. ••J flaHH. ""' NO BALLOON u.:u 1410,IN. NO QUALIFYING Lou and Cathy Stan, Agts. 714/962-1085 714/957-6507 Immaculate througho&ut. New£1carpe~, ... _. 11.14' f!!!~.tf~ ....... J.~~f ff~.~!~~~J!!~.J.~~f drapes, marble entry de<.'Or. ectron c .1 ... HK AIU Privacy oiue condition. ii--... ~~~~-BUY OF WEEK security system. Wet bar, 2 fireplaces, 3 P•I• .... I -ler-3 er. 1¥• Ba. llllffllumAI 4 Br. Of 3+Den. big w/ car gara.ge. Artistic pool and spa. Priced Ji'" •rff ...... , Collage P.nt 1134,000 ll&ITllltlll high ceilings, 1avllh tit• A..-1 M2 1100 blth. euper lrnh. right at $695,000. Gate guarded area. ••llJ , ... , hr•tl . .,..... · Magnt1ic.n1 2 ttOfY on $t&s.ooo Call 644-4910 for r.rmission to enter. • ...... ,..., • Mt large corner lot. near Agent 6412·1700 -. •II --M••• ·Varda Country 14 IH .. TIU I • INI -1·1 lnel ......... hr ·15 Club. Colorful rad Ill• Green Valley Sf*)lal ttt• ......._. ..... 3113 MADtEAA roof. ttataty entry. Melli-5 Br 2 .. ty. o<lda of OW· AIUI I ... If LIU ... , rltr , •••• , .... I A:c,,~ !,S:,~K :~~ ·~~·a~~a~k~~ ~! ~~;t9h,1foo~·~~~~:~:"a fM Y• Pl.U---.tT • ..., OU, flll ttHll 0wrw mue1 ... St25K epaclal o<Ol*'Y· cell to· Uoyd 963-8573 Expansive views overlooking plush tMrts. YM tft ... °$ 8•-21:s-927.aoo1 day. •u,;,,,tn country club grounds maintained by laM • I let tlr ,.. MM111:1 ~ IHI th l l Y T ly a -__ , .......... _ HQ deerl. oood toe. ,.,... •••••••••••••••••••••• o ers a no e"pense o ou. ru ~.• ---llUll\ebla vJ... 3Br, w.e., CLEAH-N.SAVE prestigjous home located on a prime aite •Ill hip fiHHI. llv rm wl lrpte. nr acHll, s122,0001oeo. 3 bd. 2 overlooking Big Canyon Country Club. UH,111. lall fer •hopping • lwy, 1127. be. AMUme 13.S7 roan You have earned It -Now enjoy it. "''Isl ,.. ~:~~.,..,· tee-2•11• ~1~&1eeo. c • 11 CALL FOR COLOR BROCHURE 644-4910 ._ __ L .... 11_.__ MESA VEROE 38r hm wtl~~-~,L~·~-~-~-~~I -I> -den Stot< In 121~% F/PI: Peet•e•t/l1t1a Lml Ill.I,.,.,. ...llU 111-1111 112'.ooo. oii Sun 11.5, 3 Br, 2'A ba Cac>e Cod .... New on market: 4 br. 3 ~ bath, single ~~~~~~~~ 30tt Olbraltar. 645-2113 Condo. 2 Y"8 old. 1129, Trl·leval, only 120.000 h h1• l M k 500, 10% dn. Good II· down. Cutlom pool • story ome on uge ot. ay ta e up to IMMACULATE DUPLEX •IHI Hiii 11~ nM. Rick. !Mir. '31-8741 unbellavablal s1e2.ooo. 100 foot yacht subject to approvala. Now 509 Ac:acla. "'beec:tl la. .U -In H. Bch. Rut hi c a11 has dock for 4 boats of 40 ft. Backyard Approx. 3e30 eq. ft. 4 bdrm pool home. T apeciaculer r...i.: 982-7788 agt. with lawn and lush landacaping. Just •t>rt3be, 3br/3be + 11350/mo. OWl'9r mott-o': StMy Randi atyte: AF~t!- remodeled by .A.S .l.D. dK'Orator ~ ~~ ~i ;t~9e~2 l;i.3 5 • 0 0 0 · ~~~~.'~t:.r~~!;.~~1~: ,._R_~J:~ ~:.R~38K $995,000 with $175.000 down. ~~~:;=: •--.. --Wtml-----1 laWI 1229,500• 1eea s.F. 1--------1 3 BR 1¥. be, l\llly...,... DON'T PASS THESE BY 2800 S.F. 5Br . 38a. .. fMW ·----U • 1ad, fplc, lllumln•t•d -;;;;;;Bk~r~Ml-0~~10t;;;;;I 1187,000 20172 H8'b0t First time listed. Charming nr. new 2 sty llr, .. + f• kltoh .. forced •Ir llMt, • ~~E~R~· 6 INV architectural gem. 4 bdrma. fam. rm. ~om built by _, ioa gar· w1ovar1lzed .,._ 64 ... 2330 IM-0227 d d h '*"'* All ~ door & .. GPaf*, Sel-Quallty esign an decor throug out. A pertaci "°'"· 1735', laf flf'lanca et 1~. ,.._ ••r•n • llWl-114' w. Designed for guest lJWU1erl. Priced to 000. furnlahed. Agent k~% dwl'I. 1150,000. llw Puoli.. a-... cuatom home, w sell $59:),000. Seller finance. No loan fee. 551-1809, 175-elOO s.nto TOIM8. Secluded 4 14rm ptua of m · .... to Nnd. 211 IMll• ... UT/-1·1 -'BPI" ~~~·t, ~oo~:t::t ~-1~3 -UH or ·--L------..... ----1 Ylil8 bee* ywd ~ l(OI ----------_.,Im ,.. I • -··-_,.. pond. Vwy aper\ and 8lry LUii/.,. D t h d 3 b 2 ,... b ho e 1" •-.. Ill with loada 01 Ol•H. I t 2 5 O / mo o y m 1. e ac e r • "" IA. m o n Thie,,... 3 bdrm 2 bMtl ~ CUAAENT 1ST TD AP· 1400/mo toward our~ greenbelt near community tennis and ~<Mr 1IOO aq ft with mlllJll PROXIMATELY 1133, chaN price, 1 yr. NO pool. $114,000. in wumable loans and :::Y J::' .::=.; EASTSIDE 3•a...ey,1 ooo. Alkl~ only 111&, qulllffylng. l3000 down you own the land. $145,000. eub•tel\tl81 1•t TD a1 Yf'l MW FOMCL08UM 000. OW EAS AN· 2'h bf, 2 ba. h"09 lot. ,...... 1 -0 forC8a ..... LOW DOWN. XIOUS. Fat .,.. llPOC)lnt· lmmed. occ. Pv1 oany 12'"7. Int, yr -m ... 11 ..... ._ •----.. ment to•••· c all 847~188 , .... " .... , -llJll'\o6d ....... ~ 13;.';iii· ..._ ._... .. 540-1151 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Ch ........ i .... 4 Br. & family room, 2 brick to ... "' .... ' • .... ~ ......... "9 liM-1111 .., fir e places. countr y kitch e n, quiet • BcHm. 2 M. eoa1 • residential area in young developnent 101. HK cs-n. 1ota1 ~ Pl.I o4 I 1258/mo. by Bucrola. 10.. dn. Owner carry 10 yrs. W•I Hun1tno1on Bch. Ul • 1fR ..... IJI. .. -1"1 ~-.. ~ T9l11 7Wl40-8011 !Mir . p .......... 1 .. ory ---· .... PB M 2 Bdrm 2 bdl l:tipe s. 1111•1•11 PHU[ I Jnbw llH --=====:-•1 ·,... ~ Mowe II\ All 2 Bdrm. encloHd ••••••-•••••••••••••• Charming 3 bedroom haf!Wj with lo\8 of &l•i 1 COllCll*Mrfl•• • a d8lo-o-..-and patlOa, •· Lah•_. WHArWs• extras. You19\Yn the land. Great (amJly ey, Pool.~. blo Clllllenl rental .... OW-5 br 3 ba. oooc jac home. Price reduced $4~.000. Beautiful lamf · ,, ... end .,..,. 1.-.. nar wlll alto con116-r OWl'9Fi..,.. &6·1_...29 ma -1131,000 carrying 2nd TD. Neer --------large comer lot. Walk to the bay, Balboa 8eMIMly ,....,1111u 5 Ml... ~. AlklnO 1111. *IDT RT* Island, and Fashion bland. Owner 14rm oeue riuoe ~= OOO.Ce1J540-11J1 tn"-nc:ho89n.Joequin moiivated, thla could be best buy In room, IMturlno ' IRll.:rTl'mT.f'tTill CMatendlng 3 br, 2 b• IPa UT I• CUM $320 000 Ftnancin ailable door• end ..,_., .. on gol eout9a. Loa ... 111 ....,_ 1 .. ,.. -· •• ....... n1 avUT/-· 1-1 NW kltcMfl. P'~ ,~,~-~!l~""~m~•;lll;• ~loen~.~Stt~s,ooo~. -I •--. -natty landeo~ frOftt ay ownw, BeautlfUI 6upt911. FrOf'lt and bectt wltll .. ..,.,. 110o1108/115-2144 ~ bt._mlr ~'."2 -.. •&1 •• ,. uee °' brtdl. OUllltY •1'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1._.._, J. ·--"""' COJ..ana ttwuout. TIM-I~ 'l'mi~n;"u••••• •• -.-=h :,_ ~0:: = Quiet, =k-Uke ~Una· Rm f~~ ~.~~~"~'i:: :::: Jtlw,'f\ t:",.. ifo '.~.::·. 11;~: .._!1 4 Mrtft ~ ..... 3 cs91r1199. '416,000;-tennis pool. real for Ott · u 000, '°'an_.'° ... ~ ,..., propOMCI 1131,500 M1tle. A , AICS:,:-Ofteinn..=. de MC at .. 3 bdmw, fam. rm. c.all now! C81 M).1'11 11 ,. " .a 40IO .....---1.11 _ -. -.. -1-1 par • u1 1ar,.t1, IOe. flnanana .-• .,....--....,-......,..~~...,...,-• • -• •-• 'ra.nttovee •IM•••· TMOEtneo 1 otour3-19r "Mike me tft Otter". •UMe,O&.O ry 111,000 dOwft. M-"°"'*' 11~ IO Y"I ~ MlllnQ l2M,IOO. 0... •••'-TY - - -J .. kine 1111,IOO ..... at-x • d r • t • • l1t1•un 1·1. 11191 •v•"MHITe -•-. -• ... lllt ••t 5111 UH,OOO·IH0,000. Alltloetl. Calf Ro""· 1 1 ,._...,.. _,.._ F.ArthtCJnea thruout, 4 be, 2~ be, family _liifiiiii.---la ... I ••• IOW dOWft, Modll8 C1119ft, .... 1114 111-1900. M-1171 ..., = =~·"': .. <>:,~~: ---.. .. ...ll&E&b , .......... ~ ................. Up- c1r1 ·~ ........ ,., .................. Mii iC' I A.M Ad CIR ..... '41-1111 w. pocit, tao. l10l,IOO, ...... 11,i::· =--ltioom.o. In.MOO ....... . ..... .,.. ,..... ............. .... ......... ••t. ···~ Qu 11•11 Adi......,. Cl.a•• Ad. 14 South«n WOOd: Turtltfock Hlghlenda. ~werd winning PecHlca 3 Br. Mdl In prime top of the hill location. Lovely pvt yrd w/frult & cltrua tr .... COV'9red petlo. Alto f .. tut• lite tntry, OU1door llahtlng, neutrel c:pta, timed apt1nk..,.. and bullt-ln .Corege garage. °"9red at $300,000. ........ ......, •111-1• ..... , ... 1 11a.-· I 2 bd, condo . The STMAM. Pnveee patio. Poot, S,.. Tennll.. Pm- Opell eel 7141 .... 1118 «416-5204. ... ForldoeUrl • you benefit • Pwtera PtM II, dOll to lake 4 Br 3be, femlly rm, 2 trpb, Ml.tit .... $2&4. llOO Open Sel/Sun , ... ... ,, .. , .. ... ~ mla to blldl, 1 Y' otd 38r Iba corner w J MCurlty. Calh c:.lllne. lperlilltl ltuOCO, tile roof' 111 t31A% • try 10% down. 11•,500 or ..... ... llTlllll 20 unit.. 200 " trontage ...,.. pool. GrMt '"""·· ltanlly 11 .... Dul Yr 2024, consumer Index pie. .atl 1111 na.11 llY 3 8dr lloma w/attracttw decor. Wale to edloole, poof•. and tlnnla crt1. 1144,500. For Info on terrffk: ~ tae-cwer financing cell L11 5•9400 •E IF TIE IDT LOCAT10NS In Turtle Rodi vi.a. 2 bdrml. 2 bl. S*'9 OEN. Sf*t level. Ttw.. pedol. Short Welk to pool and t1nnl1. 1258.500. Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday. October 9, 1982 -,..23 STEAL THIS CAPE COD BEAUTY. Expansive 4 Bdnn POOL home. PRICE REDUCED $130,000! MUST SELL. $495,000 1111111111 OUY 1U01 oenau 4 doora from ocean. Newport Pen. $159,toO cun to 1llllllna loan of I 100,000. Dye f72· 1090: ..... 731·54« Owner. GREATEST BUY ON Duplex: 1&2. block 10 111.111--oc:.en. lgl lol. Fii $197, $450,000. Ju9t 8')pfallld M/llU 111·1211 500. Merahall RHlty 11 $500,000. 5 BA & 1 .--!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!t 97s-4800 ""* llrge bollu• room. -Step• to So. bey beach 11111 m , ... I NW I I I I W I I I a • a ~ WT U11 UY llLllllL 0ot11e Johnton. 9111. W •HRlllL Reduced uo.ooo 10 2-ety. 6 BR. 3 ea. rMI 780-19841 or 975-tOOO North La~una with curb appeal! PL.ml 11,t,too. Remodeled. formal dine rm. fern nn. c.n.i Front 4 bf, 2~ ba. Prtvate r .. ymrd. °'*' pool. ~h. 6% down w/ber. QUM1 eult• w/bl, 8Mlng 1250.000 w/$50K Arched paniah (Circa 1926). floorplaft.&ttngareaoff owC.Ml-lt77. 2 mMtr eun.. belcony. down./~?'IV•?l.Agenl. Courtyard entry, 2 BR, I ~ ba. kit. 3 er 2 a.. ffplc.., .._ --------1 French doore. Pool & dine/rm, French doora. Period vlng rm. U11d brick lll'T • L9I •P•· 2 golf coura .. Ind i-... IM all Lo f ~a~ ffont. Only 1180,000. F11 Lge ,_ cu1tom home newt>y. Low dWn. Owfllr ••••••,,..._.•• .. •••••••• w paper. ti o room to ex.,........ land. c.. Ptite Jot\nlon on 1~ 1o11. Open Seti wfll CMfY bll. ~<ii Oe>Mn¥11w 1 bdnn&dln • A11ume 12" loan, eaay to show' tl31·12M Sun 1·5. 210 Via San $195.000. Inquire nowu decoretor u(JgradH, •347 ()()() '*"°· Ownlf/eQ1. Bkr. 714/"3-0902 or toll $135,000. OWO apt. La· • ' · --....., l-1 e75-3048/873-255e frH. 1·800/525·8'10 juna ShorH Realty, ..--eNe By Ownlf lmmecullt1 4 ext. 1500 reo'lt. 494-0748. - 141 Laina,.... el..._.., 8r, 2'A Ba. Th• Bluff l .... llT Wnt.Wm . '"' .,., .. •1l1n11.. ·~===-===-, Condo, xlnt 1choolt. 5 8dnn 2 be cottage on •••••••••••••••••••••• •t-4114 •Ham -f 175,ooo. Mele• otter. MduOld bllctl with no B~:JN8~s& ~s4 ~! ------•lilill!llililll______ VILLA BALBOA. 1 Bdrm. _2_1_31_54_1-3_792 ______ ~1 lidewllk. '439,000. Robt 2~ baths. Only Sll0,000 l.waa •!--' 1#1 •--'.... l•I• Plan 3 wlttl *-'· gerage 11 IR.....,. Schumenn. Owner. with 122.000 down end ::A':':':' ... "J'.~....... ......................... peltllng end ... arneNllM •111511•5 213/378-0713 IHUml $91,000 long fl.LI • ... ..llT of ei.gant Newport II· .. lllYll term loin $1050/mo. BEAUTIFUL llllllf ~-~~-~ .,.. W I S. 11-1 OWNER Bitter thin ranting after OLD WORLD • 000 • Lov.ly S Bdrm, 2'A belhl tax blnlfll1. R & H In· TOWNHOMES 1111-•129• .... 9 IJll hOml wlttl many ament-:!,~~r~~ o5n .:!1': Ylltmenta 752-2197 By Howetd Merk Co. GIVE AWAY PRICE on _... ttee. Ale4Hnabtl f 235K Be. over 3 000 iq It from 114ll,OOO thla 3 Bclr home. 1120, (epproa) at ONLY 12"'. home 11perat1 ma101 OllNt •~• lluN 495-3244 7IO-t356 000 aa1umabl1 loin. Full price 1419,600. _,....:,,. ..... _.. ............. ..-.T ........... . i iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit MUST SELL lm!Mdl•· Ow11er/8kr. C•ll ---··...,._IQ..,,_ M, 1# i.J. I• Cell Ael -21S/470-2llO & 9'Ml-A·l UIN-out. 3 C8I ••~•••••••••••••• LAGUNA NtGUEL tlfy. ·--·· g1r1g1. A1klng H25, GOVERNMENT L.AHO tlE8T BUY .t31·tMe. Gorgeou• newly remod 000. Appl. Cell Hope Sold for• low u 17.SO Owfllr wMI Mii bMutlful ~~~~~~~~ home In l>'VI bc:h com-GltrfMI. a n a c r 1 . F o r Inf o cuacom 38r hOml oo.-. -mty. 3 Br & fem rm. lite lerrlt Ot. 3t2/8M-4347 Ext. JL·19 ned In forlCI09ure. A.. I p T I I I f I I &..,., terme. may trade. 94o-&eOO 759.1 t 11 ,._..-_ • _ 11 king $110,000. Appral· 11.. S11tK f" conv111ion. __ ... , -t unltl • ESTATE SALE. YOU BENEFIT. Cklll to lflopa. TownhOme type. OrMt location • .... than 5 .,.,. old. Poelthe Qltl ::t"~ .. t~~·~: rm1im-,•.,··.-Pl-.--' 3 8r 2 Be --family OnlyS2tl.toO. MM21• '= ~1=-... ~ID~ •••••••• !.~ r.-.aa ,._. IHI 323-0792, 394-3524 Mature tandtceplng home. F'lllC lft fv rm Lrg • .,../..,.rest VI P 1 v •d 4 cametery Iota et Hetl>Of ::'A':':': ••••••••••••••• ~Wiialtlrii1iiiiiii1 ere•••• • ••eluded klldlen. Cell ,,... 3 Br. 2~ bathes '""~ ew to e o• ., .. Lwon Memorial Prk CM ftow. -'°" 931•1219 1 8 7,. with brHthtaklng night Wlll ucrlflca for J38o N: DIRAl.D BAY mountlllf\ feeling In tflll rm, poo · uy "· ...... , P"'~ema. Execu Bel 8 ._ C I blfow market 111 $225. ...,.. _......, • For more Into Cell a.. -1-llt large 4 rm, "' •· OOO. Prtvate petty, pnn.. tlve 2 bdml +formal cl+-·_.iy Clafk 521-&Me FAOHl' AOW1 Fantaetlc By Owfllr. Wll c:ona101f "YO" condo. A a.ge kit· .... 2 73 ,. 7 nlng. with comm. pool & _...._ _____ _ .-==~===--I l/lew, POOi .. lol. Ow· eny deal on beautlNI 2 c:n.n. vtlWe and MfWI clpell onl)' vv • v • tennlL a., wffl coneld· C..8Hd'1 AGE.HT &45-MSO -111f fat ,,.,.. .,. c:nanoino pllna • 8r. 2 Be. 1400 1q ft patio to th• edJecent pello. 83&-0794 evee. ., •ny offer. Cell for ...._,. IM W!W W ,-fotoea ..... Prkit rectu-home a t $129.500. Offlredf0tl7251000fet. -·-llll... mor1cteta111. 94f.tt11 ... ;.-.~~ .......... .. .WZMMIH•ll c•d000to 10! valu~ ·c•~· Ml-e4t2. 141-1111 SEAVIEW • 11191nt & ..._,.,. ......... , 1 48dr vtew $850000 450. · .-or In o: 11 charming Hampton ·~-......... "'' '· arge wilt tad. d ' · ScenlcMountM!Vllws& 494-0029 Carol Tatum, .,,,,..,, .... I• Model. fabulOu• vllwl, lot, 2br. Priced to...,, ~. 49+-~ S...,. AWftY ..,._,t R*ll Alaltor •••A.O.Oe•••••••••••••• I $142,000. Joyce Wllftll, ---------i pool mini'' to make 'h ACRE. ocean & mtn ::;,:' :_!~ :'1= 83M.. UST IUff -Country tyla Living ..- moe1 en'-abte In tt118 vtew. 1 BA 111•. 2 fptc'1, ...,.. llllD '9clltlea. "50,000. Opef't 3 bf. t'A be. llkl ~ "'-r country kltch. mature .... ,. Hou11 lat/Sun 12·5 $73,000 UMUnabll ioen UWMSY ........ w1t11 tide tie tor eo· bolt. e )'Mr' otd bulldlng. One of a kltld. 5.000 aq. ft lmmae. OM'den VIiia. tr ... I plent9. Room tor 1903 Yacht Colln1 II tW'~. OWC 2nd II ::::0-:J =. = 111pen9lon & pool. Ow· 1441 Galaxy OrlYI 944-1017 • 12%. $t39.~. By ow----------. OUCl'lll80U8 ~ _,. .. '*~6111.&.128· S211W'143.ooo 4 Br. Din, Formal OinlnQ WANT ACTION? .... ~-3099 2t3·211-GG&5 - Or11t terme. w/own prlv. drHtlng _., Room, 2 Flreptacee, ~ Claealtld Ade '42·11971 ... llT m. area.°'*'~ kit· Tiii• ac111en1ag1of 1111, cer 9erag1 p11.11 1ero11----------------l•U,111 • 111111 d*I -'......,.. get tltuatlon. Owner 1111 Hobby Aoom. Poot II.ad * I ~ -L togllltet .. -.. ..,,. purcll111d another & lot. beeut. lendecac»ed. * Bii.DER'S CLOSE.(IJT Two houlet Of'l large tot Jim~-............ 0 ea roundedby .... ofQI.-llAld ttlil ~NO. Owner wtlt aael9t at n. wttll two<ar oenee. •· dlcOtated, ~'; 67'll730() a contte•tlnt CoUntry 000 .~ _11111 ~ nendn!J. ~ '420.000. ce1ene llf'YM, Curt H«· .. 1 11 .;r _.... d9ddno. --·••e --_.,.... ~........ ,...,._ .... -._ 5 cuul, v ho. put no -___;;;;..;....-_..;...;;;...;;,.;;;__~ -,rice ol --luetlon. lpectacular ---·--· 1· BRAND NEW CONDOS .. ~-Roomy & prlve ... ~~~~~~ low price o 1105,000 whl .. water, canyon a Aobk•on: ~ 9 • o o 0~'" • n t --=~ wltfl a 10,000 dOwft, .. MU " at0t11mo119Y9 .. ·doflt ~r~.Alf• ~~;=5~~~ $149,500 55&-1t0t.11 • fftlll tflle Ofte. CALL """' 'mfr i.J. '"' NOW ---lmlWllW •••••••••••••••••••••• . ... •Hlml _.. Enlc>Y rrom..,. and... .... TU ..... I a.Y -Privacy In mllflonalre'1 a. a....., ....... ,..... 1031 .._.. COiie E.Mt. picture wlndOWI.., tNI .. •ft1'1'11m LI W I I WI l I 'f ~= =m~ ..... .. ....... .. ...... Comi*lll> fUm. 45' 8llp beeutlfully •PPOOlntld San Clemente Pfldl of -... -· .,... 2 bOela. ....,_.,tip In ho"'•· Guarded gate C>Wf*INp, mooem &pa.. r•••• ••• ~...,_, toen1 and owntt wlll ~ Ill-GU yacht ctub. Evwythlng comnwnllf. with tenn11 nl1h 1tyl1 4 unit apt. .... '-....,°' _' coopet9t• wttfl..,. Ot Included. 21r, 2ba. and poo . fllntnctno _,..-"fl OCMnlhllll & lhlfft!Mrlnt pool, and ...... OUr dt11matlc 3 111&,000 tu. Co· 9Ya1t. Qolf COUfM view. Ck>M ., ...... ..,_ tuffound 171 14' 77 9drm oondO le offered.. opertdon Of'I flnaftdl\t. JO ANN DOAAN to 1verytllln9, only 3 tt1112 eecwy.....,.. pride 4 .... 144t.OOO ...... l1too Tur11er ~11ooletu 76t-0811 YM'• old I 8"ows Ilk• of owfterefllp Gerden -l1i1iiwiljpii1ii1i1i1ii1-~I m6. ._ _____________ _.._...,_. 4 t 4 . 1 11 7 of c or MEWi New owner COUid Vila. ,IOflllfllO......... I ..... 840-l3t0 4ji))(lt£A'ft.r ~ 3 Bdrm., 2 ~h ooret.cs tftN.Out. or... OAEAT OON Vf!W, 2, e ''~"" 1 city & OOMl't ~If iwy,......,.,.. w1..,_ 000 ect "-Mr. ~,.,.. 1 ..,..,., tar Condo, pentllou11. POITJOUO epplloabt• a ""' tllt =:·A.•;o:r.:•:~ :;.,;::.~ .. -· I .... ~· ::':i..°:°f:'M-= fltlOPlRTIES,INC ::,: cm::·.:; tor added bdrm or ANXIOUI. M .000 dMI. TIWlllllE 111111 Bob 10-3114 aft ti"-I SAVI! buyer .,...., ~••·Hae l1NO "'°•for 11 "'°' 1:-., tflouHnd1 of dollerll tomma"1111n9 view to OCIAN,.,ONT, 21r, .. E &Miil 4 bclrWI..,. nw •1111'1 ., .. ,. "lDUCaD ... Ina IHloe •P•" ttelrcue •ncl ,_. dedl. wtk to bdl,liiiiiiiiiiiii, CHl""Y LAKI. Meny 1350,0001 4 llt Iba. I of IHl.000.00 le way .,.,.,, ..... , •• lfY. '"'· ;r/J"!o~,o~ '!:: .... •••• ...... ... Oller 1tOO ... ft 2 bdrm, 2 ba ..... • fp'•· .... ':!'!L""" --.. RLOW ourrent ....,.... Herd IO find ...... IOI) O I ...... I •-•-----°"""'In Nwpt Iott. fr"8fft. ()pelt,__ 2-t ~ ...... M1P lneft. men1 ooetllf ,,lnclpale .... llOOO dn ~·II-AN)CI U · """'* "'· You°"" "'9 leftd. 1.000 ;;;;:-;;;;. .. ~·1 trplo. din. rm. cMMdrll M1._ JW "· .-on O'Nul "•mu O._LVlll Oall owner at .... ~ t1.9" 4!14o10ll· ect ft, Mt, fMI ""· I~ oe111nt9, .,.uo + J belool ..... Pool, Jee, AetM· Jultef'9 t?J.1111 111-1221 4714) !'!,_111nt.r .. e. M1t/MO ~::::.:-,;-·~•· ~ .................. MM1t.emtielelldlolipe.2oergs.MUIL llluff"I ._. "1Wt I br. 1 642•0138 r-r-•lllM ,.. -._ =· ,. balow mertl.e tt0K f'IWtl. 2IK dn Of Olf9 ti' .......... .. I. Jtti ,... -"°Med,... .=••:.::n -.•--..... -•e·!!'l_..~• --~ _,... ..-. °"' °'.... ~11~.w . ..:.=:: ~· .. -!!'°' .. ' ;,;; ,,_:.~not gettlftt -!_..!!!!-!!' -!!!!._!!!!!!!!!t =· ~ 11f.t011, .,..,. pr111•1d. __. ,..._ -IU1 .....,, ... " ftOW wttfl a = •LL Idle .._ ""91 e l8WICI DIMCTO'f' QKJIAed A/d. .,_Nit W IM 1111 ...... • \ • • -l -r l 24 -Orange County Real Estate/An .Advertising Supplement to th~ DAILY p L.OTIS,aturdav.. 0,W>~f ,9. 1~82 ~~~ 1·~~-111 • , ~-~~-~~~-~~-~~-----~------~-----••••••••••••••••••• •• "'-' -,,,. •••n •1.J1W • ..., 11.JsnlMM B•••n U•l•imdM I tllllu-'dM ....,, Ur' ,_,_ .. ..,. • U. ' l a.J !'!m!!.!!!rmr.llM ;;·;1;:;. .......... -.;;;;r;;;• .. -;;;· 1.i-;;;............... c-~;~·#;;; ..... ·1;;1 ·~,;·r.~ .......... "" .... '!:~!!':::'!l'... ~.~!!! •• !'!~!!!:.~ •. Wiii trade dbl wide mobile ~ ••• •• .. ••••••••••••• h•l•••ll 1111 ••••••••••••••• .. ••••• U U fie• lrriM 3144 home &/or 3Br houM. 1 ••;•-.~h•••••••••u LIDO ISLE • 3 bdrm. fttn •••••••••••••••••••••• Duple•. 2Br t1M>1. llnate JJ4' J..,j 3141 ;.-•;j••••,:••3•••••••••• Tuatln IOI penlel Own In· 14 Acre1 zoned R·'· lg rm, '4 Ba. •1700 mo. OCEANFRONT . 2Br. tee. g11, patio. no peta . ..-60. Sh;p•;•9R·~;~··~·;~· u•••••••••••••••••••• ur •roe... bd, 2 ba. com• property. (71<4) I Spenl1h Hom•. guHI OCEANFRONT 2 bd frpt, $800 mo, Incl ullll. D•Ye Agt. 651.ol75 au bl1n1 pool si5o ,J,· LUll/IPTlll ~.ri9Jo~m:.'~~~ 5S'7-9390 . houH, horH corral, 1 B $700 Brm1ii 81'3-1309 OPTION to"'"" Lii-Cell 5,0.1159 •Ml 10; S 1 2 5 O I mo Pym t . pool. 760_3..., C M bOfders town, panoremlc 1 mo. -1· .,... Dave • $400/mo towerd pur· .. Huge quellty duplex views. Wickenburg, Ari-Grundy, Rltr. 1754111. C...... "1 llM J 3bf 2be l'IOfM wl~I chlH price, 1 yr No 3 lrplc, 3 gar• copper o 1950 000 1 I •••••••••••••••••••••• country type kltdlen w/ HOMES FOR RIHT 11.,... $3000 ' plmb'ng. lt25K. aa•u· 1 ne. • · ( 14 BMutllul home fOf quell-Sp8Cloul <4 bd 3 be In dllhw..._ k~ ok qu ",.ng. down. Bleut. decor. Turtlerock view home, 2 matter IUllH, ale. $1250. Agt 046-509e. 631·2262 mable ro.n 11 l2% Int. 337-2565. flecl petlOl1S, gracious II· Spygtaaa All 9meniti.a 1150letl0 836-7006 egt 3 & 4 Bdrm, 1700 to 2'h br. 2 bl, huge lot. S175Klofr . Agent «rrAs.,fMal, ~~~;5:c,25001mo lte. l1150.mo76'-1015 .. ***MESA VER · =~~~g:,~n~T:/:'~~t~ ~~.:1aaocc. Pvt P•rty. 642·teee. · ..... Speclou1 ' bd, 3 be In DE••• welcome. 545·2000. , '---J.#j 3141 H.8 . Condo, S8K growth. •••••••••••••••••••.. STEPS TO BEACH 3 Br l SpygilM All ementti.e. dlw., lndry rm, petto, Agent, no.... 2Br Condo, 1 ~Ba, cpta/ '::'I'..-.: ••••••••••••••• $11•000 ....... F... ........ .... ....... ..._._ •Ingle. 2131285-3507, l 175o. mo 7a.a.1015. _ ......... -· I..... ~~~· clubhM, Jae. pool HNAllR803200R'~EAhmNonF~~. "• ' ,_, "'· ..,_ ~ c..tfor:-°"9r 341C>-5'15, 817-3S85. ....,. 2';-"2 8a. IMO -•to ooeen. Elegent • .,50 mo. 7te-7933 ..... ""'" . ner *......, 8000 Ml/ft 't 2 . c ' Br. 2'n Bl, F.R., O.A .• & ' et' 2 e.. •100· C*IW & glMI 2 Br & den, ·-1111/211 180 deg. \IU of h11bof. 4-Plex: M••• Verde. ......, • · ICtft. annery VIiiage Mobll• view. Comm. poot, ten-· • • 2.,.. 8a. te251mo. Plutn -1urf, mtn1, 3br. 3 ba, (Spice StrMtt), grHt I :~ime Pfop, .OJ. to Jedi Home Piiie, 2 br, 2 be. n it . $1500 mo. Ownr 5'0-54441 c:rpt1 a drepet. ~II the nat reedy lor famtty not 11eurlty. 11urie. 1p1. loan 15% down Bkr uomen fttate. Every pool. No l)et1. Cloee to 75e-tooe. METRO REALTY ~t«I bit.Jn emenltie. )'OU 0. too 19' from the bMctl to 11800/mo. 4ee..7009. 979.4383. · Ouzllng •m•nlly. N/S ellope & re1t1ur1nt1. the COASTAL 1, ... In air•: b••ullful 1tal11ed ya· can watch the turf 11 'II --~~1~·t!8m~· ~~:~~94~1y;~;~801• 3n!!.~~b~·bl11!!.d;:t ltie~wey ... Thattwhy glHt window. micro-8EST53M19000ST E~~~~o.:.~:tr~.~ -·-I Ao!. 2131275 20 · ' • • · k 540 9-· · we,,...,. en office eloM ••11•· trein comp. ••••1 -patio, wltl't 19• 11'600. Me11 locatlon. Aek•ng ...i 16Mlf ocHnlront wkly/mo· Miii mutr be. dbl e.r prl11ete Unit fOf lerge femlty 1' .. ::-::--"'."'"":::-------Triplex wlttt grMt Coat• 1 · 31 ~3 BR 3 ea or 2 8R 2 Be ~9219. A:ell ~.h m byl K·Mart Shopping hydro·•P• In luxurlou1 .-6 * 213117&-2255. $179,900. Owner wOI Ii· 1-6 752-"4M or'873-<>18l · A111fl 1111. 2 bd. den. 2 2200 S.Harbof' 83&-7005 gartige, fulty malnl. yard.I w/w ewpela, diner llrM 2 Br t B1 cottage, Cllfl nanee w/20% dwn . uu!!!!.!r........... ba. lrpl. newly CS.Core· No pell, Inquire et 527 big kitchen BEST MCtlon. gu range. gar-631-7370. °' 541-354e NPT CRE!T Condo. ted. 1 blk to bch. $ISO 3 Br 2 Ba, 17.35/mo. No 18th. St. 9e0-41331. 539-8190 COST dener, relrlg.'A111il 1018. TJUDiTIO\,\L RL\LT) 1.91 llU -:,~,~~ ~g~ :..'6-0295 mo. 673-8739. :tL'1e:106 Joann St. 2br dplx. ocHn view, Anothef 4 Br ln~I lamlly I :i!!J1~ ~~ •b : :! 5 . Country French. 1320, I Brllld spanking new ...,.. seso. 119 Huntington St rm + garage. $680 kid• . u . 000 equity for??? Call WESTCLIFF rywt!er• 3 bdrm 2'/t ba Brl1k jog to the·l>Mdll 538-3814 8e1·78'22 ' pell of<. BEST 539~190 1 Walk to beach· glasa & T o n y w • b b • r a 1 3 br, 3 t>a. oen. xlnt ioe. Garage patio · 11 OoO 1 child, 1 pet ok. $415 ' COST redwood 3 er' 2•1t Ba 173-7300. Fully OI' ptly futn. 111001 mo. eo7 lrl1. &.1 • ..a&8 Melro RMlty win melc• COTTAGE In Trl·ptu. • = lam rm & 11UO-,:, hot tub LIDO REALTY mo. &42·&802 777-2233. 673--43" · appttt 83&-7005 dig ?s':· ;:r. ::00 mo. + •U I & • P •. I 1 4'0 0 . ~~~~~~~~~'liu:iioo~ii••~3~er;,.~P'U9;;iU;t<io.neni& IC.. Npt Ho•• art1, 3 Br 2in u1e PIMt o1:11-~·~0 •• !!!! ••••••••••• /l!f 71' 113•-0986. eve• 5t:O":'f~ ~.:~i=~ I Ill. ..rs P~tlo. A11alt now. Agent •••• ~.lf!!! •••••• JJ.!f Ba. family rm. frple, hoOk-up, 'cptatdrpa, ol· Sp1clou1 3 Br, 2.,. ba _ 49 _ 7 _·_ 1o_7_o_. ____ _ CM. 15"4. down, IHU· E'.-C.M. Pollttw ceatl Virginia 173-1323 a •. J ... ~~~"'· lnet. ~·· 0. r e 0 up I• pr• I . condo $950/mo. avail * ~ * mable. Prine only . flow. Owner wlll ex-Frplc, r11199, Y••· ga.. egt 131-1~ lltze, 893--4814 11101112. 0... Blratttl tor Spectacular "Home of 64S..8100 54t-134ICI ctlange. 1200.000 equity ...... ,..,,..,._ rege no pel• Private 3 B 2 e mOfe Into. 8441-1311 Agt. the YI«'' awetd 3 bt 3 • . for N9 re1ldence. M. ••••••••••••••••-•-S750imo 11t .I*» ' SO COAST PLAZA AREAi ~ a. frple. clean• 3 8 bl 1 , ' I Crow.Ate~~8 ~ •••• -... :'!! only. e.i w.' 18th.Tt: ~~chomew/vtlll ger~::C,~1.mo.w/ ln;io~ '!.'.~::u'; ~,".".!~ ,,·.~~~t>~r!·e~~ ,_arr .. -mru 4K-1t17 .. ....-1 hN/pet okl 1750 mo 846-41814 after $3500/mo Yfty. Owf* .rt mil 3 Bdrmt, .. ch. Owner 2 BR 1 Bl dv'"""-x, f.111 T 0 0 A Y $ 4 2 6 + Im 3 bd, 3 be Frrrty rm, lvg 89n'1 . 494-2784 40~ 1 Situated on extra large I will ••Cflenge $200000 Y-ty·W..ty.-..., 2 ......... ~ rm, din rm, J1eun1.1---·------- 1ot. 50x.200'. Is a eepa-equity IOI ? Subtn1i of· 3,, lklfmt. • • patio, .,._ Pelnt. S 45 M •Ir o '· "f o • y 1 · • built-Ins. N9w. S1000/mo IJYIM '114 -WIW rate2bdrmhouM,Oln, lera. Agt. M . Crow Jlllll mLn mo.833•9112 636-7005 fltll11t rent. Jenny ...................... 10mlnvt•to.o1Laguna flrepl-. full eiie pool In 645-3178 Sharp and deel148' 2be, Lovely c:uatom hOme 3 Br 675--tNI llllllU on Dana Poln1·1 moat lovely pilve .. yetd. PLUS --------~ PW G11dener Inc. MOO/mo. 3 Ba. trnhty painted: Reedy 10-15I L~ 3 Br 3 Bdnn detached homet 1ecluded 1eenlc blufl, 2 one bdrm untta eacn ...U. •lllJ I II Ph 54&-IMO meny .,, ... prlllete. flt• 2 beth HOUSE. aunken In ••<*tent., ... Avail•· llke n-. 2 Bt. wi den, with priv ... patio. Zoned ••••.•••••••••••••••••• M Eutalde 3 llA, S700, no & •Ir 'I e 4 2 • 2 9 e 2 . worUhop. fenced yd '°' b I e Imm• d I 1 t •I 'I . •tr• large Pfl\l•t• patio. A""4. EllOll9nt flnenclng ...... f..JJW 11 111 pelt, 111, fllt & dep, 71417&&-°32'6. ' prl11.cy. Today $665 + $800/moon.I yeer IMM. garege. $725/mo. Ca ll $275.000. ...................... 842-6M8 dig Five oth•r1 10 CllOOM 61·8441 or M·F. 9.5 W... l.i.-1 '1• ...... • Y..tr $695 ... That's It, Super M • t r o .. 1 d • Y • • • from. We're the °"" lo ~&4_3_-0_2_10_. ____ _ ~-••••••••••••••••••• .. •• Good thinga come In 3'a. 4 Br. 2 Be Meee del Miii'. 2t>edrm loeded w/x.tral 636-7005 call IOf '-· t...... 11111 3zu St9')1 to Bay 3 bf, 2 bl, Oee1n11tew lrom all clean llome, ~ 1treet. ~ l)etlo, klde/peta '::'I'.":~ ••••• ! ........ . dlftlng rm. Frpto, gar, 2 room• . 3 1tory hOme • S I O O m o . O w n r utlls Inell Metro CLOS~ TO BEACH: Brend ~I \\bMltf'Wte 3 BR 2 Be home. Leoun• patloa. 1795. Winter one houM from beech. 3 769-eooe. mek• llP9tal .. 7005 new1 Br. ~ houee. HIM•. $750 '* mo. c.&f OPEN 328 S .. , BO 3 b 3 II Utlll paid, akullght, Rcailll C lid app • .,re rm1. 1th• and Oen & night*'-· 48', lam 3 Br 2'h ea. $800/mo. • herlle ag1. 559-9400 0 80 IM4-ot54 aar..,._aoee· • .. 1250 /"'9 rm. 2 ~81. AV erea. Fred Tenore, agt . tun deck. Iott of wood, 551·3'0e 7 • • 1000 131 1 ......... .,1 2711 frple, blt·lna, 2 Cir ga..l""itie-&.-rr"" .. ra ,...,.,.1,.1.,. 2 story 3 bedrm 2 beth 6 J.7300 .. 8dr 2 Ba. clOH to • mo, 931·1153 • .._,..., • rege, gr .. t loc. et 217 equip kftetlen w/brkfaet ;~~~~~~~~I ~. bid. family or 3 Bdrm wlfamlly rm, 3 CYlt 2bedrm11o1-. Hertford. dflve by & IMn · _..... ., ... fenced IOI' ctlldrn 1tudent1. 197"' winter. flrepl1ee1. Ex.eellent Br. 2 Ba. etpta, dr..,... om w/ _ _.. ...... 71-. -·-... "' 1 M751mo. waetl-dry hOok~. etpt ...... ..._. •• 2 to ' bdfml, ttlt1in0 M -75 no lut month reqt M-U•----t73-6662. &<40-711<4 \I •••• ape. ••cur11.,. 6"2·.1334 Mon Uwu Fri draperlee, dbl gar l500 r-..,,,-,-..,..------1 '850 to*'*· 83&-7005 METRO RLTY - -comm pool & tennli. Metro AMtty 1341-70051 EXECUTIVE Lt\11,ng at .. !.':'.t ••••••••• ~ 3 bet.~~. ger, S2e00..,.,.../.... e::~~=·::o."f!,_ChO __ Cl'*;....._.,,_ .... __ teeutt __ ._, ~""=~~J~ ~~.!~ .. !~~ Land & plerll '°' 137 ep. hpl. 2 p1t'1. wntr . Av•ll. now, lg dock. 3 mOdeled kit, nw erpt1, ·-.. PJI* lneludel,. Ute lu!U#Y BCH, tennla, pool. 11f'd"O ~.;5H0. rentll 000 pert!. Hemet. '"8tmo 61S-0080 b d r m w I f • m rm . ~060 mo. ~. Ju11 your bHk place ~~~t ... ~~15 gat1•· ~ bd, 2 be, lmmlO. -. ,1erma. OwMf 0 t t ... 1 ...,._1 1_.._ .... .,, .---· ._.., 13 -1 .... 3 . (7 141558-1433. ,,.,.. u • an.., ng lo c •EM11olde 2 br 1 be ,._ n ._..,no leeM •tr-.....;;..;;. _____ .;.:._ ..__: ___ ,_ •J-$3000/mo. Kio. ok. pee.. 71515. aM BEST 5"-6t90 COST 4 Br. 2 Ba. huge becllyerd Vae.nt 38r, 28e~ ""· #•al.Iba,.._,,, •• ~::: ..... f .. '!~ 1411/hfw I t 1• Utile pd 131-'320 "Gt-Family wwMd '°' _.. wlc:Nldl ~ ,_ atrium, lg yd. mo. •--Ull 4 .... Wood & ......... 3 .. ..__ · . oarpetlnQ, d1nw1hr 175-2500" _, _,rm, beyfront w/dock. -· -..m. LIJXUAY CON002 Br. 2'.t '~ !:_~1.~~d $795/mo. te2·51u · •••••••••••••••••••••• $4000/mo yrty or S3000 g111et toe. Belcony. B .. ,_,.._ .,... _ ... ..., "" llbll• ,,.,. llJl'I •MM winier. Avail. 1011, POO/mo ~. ,:;.t~!;,.,!8501mo. Metro Wy IM-1006 t<IOS w.icot•ied In Ihle .......... ";"& ........ . 1400 sq.ft. 3 BR 1t,; bl. LI. ..... " I.Ne r.t/... . Mo guarentw l'Wlfttl lllfge 2bt, modem epp11 '52J(Mwslll!~ HOME FOR MNT Shell reedy tOt lnlulellon, Mlllll•ll lo~ 2Br mot>Mt 11om9 2 Br. 1 Be patio, «did A f9nCeCI JU1t ... t5 + tt... 3 Bdrm .• S72S. Fenced view, $45,000. owe at llM In excet141nl ioe.tlon With garage, fenoed, c:erpet9 .:,'!'~r~ln.:,; ..'~ Met r o • • 7 o 1 y-i ·' · 2 BR 2 Be, cp11. d~. «lCI yard & garege. Kld• & 10% Int. Phll Svec, 111 2 bdrm, 1750/mo, & drepes. No pela. 1525 1,501 BEST5se.tte0 ~7005 rr, 1750. No pet1. Piii wetcome. S..S.2000, 213•353.-7525 Winter Rentel. I.gr 2 bd, 1 LW. hie/...... ' plui MCl.lflly. 5'48·5.'442 COST DELUXE CONOO Near 75-6604! Agent. no IM. * .... * bl. lrpl . .,.,lo. WIO. Very Fantaetlc looatlon. 2 ()( no-54129 beach. 28t 1'A be, Jae. UNIVERSITY PK 3 BR 2'.lt • ..,,,_, ...,. '"' cleen. Sl50/mo 500 bdrm. frplc. ,_ kltc:hen, 2 Br. 1 Be. w/d hOok up. MONEY TIOHTI oNr S3eO Po01 tenma .,.,y prillete bl, H11/11m rm. 2 ear gw .. -.-;r.;; ............ .. 4 1 o 2 8 Ac r • •· P P Wiit Oceen Front. Call IOfrnll dining, bright Ind g11rage, couple Oftti/. No lutty ecaulP kttchen and n o '11 1 o • , ' no p • t 1 '. tlPPfle, comm pool Jae. HerbOt Ndoe ..... '4 Br 3 8-42· 1039 63s-Mee °' 917·3970 lllty. $1100/mo. pel1. $550. 675-00t7. aonw lllMI peldl ~ro HOO/mo. Call Oeyle 11160 mo. 552-8147 · 811, beeut. decor, 3800 tt, .. IUI Ull Penlneula Pt 4 Bdr, 2 ea. ....,.,.. ..... ~lltlolde large lnCd yet'd, :rooT'tll • 3 5. 9 0 1 t 0, IV... RANCHO SA.N JOAQUIN • ~s0o~:.1•a=:d ~ Ouelwstmtn~.blt 2 t r p lct. 8 mot 111·1• hrdwood ftn, 24' llv/dln ehgguarant ... reliUft1t --2-1170 28r. 2'1tBe, den. on Koop. Agt. RE/MAX on our choice loll or 11150/mo. 175-5030 ._,..__ ._,_~ 4 ., ... ,_ Ctpt In 2 Br & · 8'eezy 2 B" 2 Be hOfM Gr .. nbell, upgreded 759-1221 your• buy dlr from bldr & B · --•• den, large k"c:tt w/_.lng ... 211 -* w/plueh carpellng a ct>tlldrpe, frplc.,... ber. ::---:-~-,,-.....,.----save. SJvle Oevelpnt Inc. ••"-• •••••••••••••••••••••• .,.., 1700/mo, lit & lest Just off hwy 65 been wet! drepe. Kida OK. 1>9ta Avlll Nov. 8. 1900 lftO. Sea View 3 Br. 2'n Ba. 71'·58~1 ~ 3141 4 Br. 3 Be. Oen. Din, Qllr. $400/aec:. 842..()857. kept, pvt lanced yerd ne9• HH a am chg '94·2592 494-tat5 den. tamlly rm. ocHn ~...,...,,~-=:-:--:-...,..---t--•••..._•..._•.. no ,J>eta._SUQO/mo....221. 2 Mfttl-.,.... ,..oy to tflow ~·· _...,1 006. WOO ..... :.'""·"' c I t y I IO h ti 111 e w • COTO OE CAZA-Oeted DELUXE CONDO Near Coral. 2131395-3511. Bdrm, I be. frplc, ge. todaytl MIT •Open 7 -..........,_. IUOO--1550Jmo iM5 1815 comm. Cltm homel. Celt beech 2Br 1\4 b•. Jee. a .. ul lge l'tome 4 BR r a Q e . f nod patio .. 4¥ '* COST ' Bdrm. 2 be on quiet Spee 4 br, 2'.lt bl. nlcl9ly M. L 0 u • 0 t . ( 7 1 4 ) pool, tennis llWY prtvate 3 .. -·--'"' ......:.... ........ I Hfflmo. l-. .... .-. • .. CUl•ff.IM: Incl lard• land•C•P•d. l•m. rm. HAABOA VIEW. HOMES •96 10&4 770.~ n kid • • -· _.. • ......... -~ up to Ir." OOUfM 710 •-1 * ... IMO/,;,.,, •7 --· frplc. pelloe. LM•. pool 3 Bdrm, ..,,.,.., CW· • ' o 1 • no p e U • ale get. yrly 11100 11.,;t • v rvr~ • tennle. 1~0. 1..,2 7 rntl l"fldl, Vltw . .._ ...-. •z·,.,.·=,,,,...._.1 HOO/mo. C~ll Gayle l>fop, et.·5 MOOG • . Joenn t. 2t3/'472.e240 ,_ -•-• ..,..., • .. ~ ,_ ...,, "' _.,... 635·90 11 o r e11e1. ,. a 1 .. _. • ..._. -_.... ..... CASE HOUSEi &64MtM Ole 720-737S 1800 tlf, 11200/rno. Cell M 412-1170 New 48r, new paint, cltlt • r • ••-... ComptMe I r1M ntoelY Ttlll 2 lledrm le hlgtt In ' · ' AQt. 0..-Hll 942·801' ' ........... .......... _,..,_ St60 mo wtnw r-...~ end. yrd, ldOI do"• '"•Ide Patt bllte fie ~ Laldlcllped tntne ooncto, 2 tw, 2 be. Condo, vacation time i-. .. IMd 3141 64U1a1 • • ' · OK I Imo. 131-3172 paid hH oar• .. llld• _ywd, ~ pr. now lleO end ..,_ on pettc, c:-.cl 4 bd. 2'.lt be. vtew, oom-ah arl n g In Hewatt. '::1'.':tt............... • .. II Ill pet• are e/okf BEST ~......, --.1005 ,., •. pool l tenf\la. munlty pool, tennla, .Jll3•7M-41C>7 .w,-Ttenure llltd frlr. 1 Ir ....._ -... -••• __.1IO COi~ dig.,.,.,..,_,... 7tO. 144-tln .,_I, n:oo~m:--~· 0.1 el e...,, $395 & utll, Oen view. lala8M JM .... ( ..... ..._, 1n1 ON .,HI MMD New 2 • l*tlffofM oondo •~~,_..,..-..::_;..::__ #. •s 21~9"1 493--19<M •••••••••••••••••••••• 2 lchm• 2~ ~·'"' 1n :r.:i.;nn •••••• :r.:i View ot Ute ocean· a with ., .... to ~ UOO tSLE: 4 • 3 a. & ... 2~!!'9 ...... ~ .... 180 deg. ~ ..,._ 2., 3:: 210~ Y1•1o000• no1_!!f•· cw6'r, ... ~ lnM ... .... ldnM. 1~, .. ~ Center. End unit, no den, $1400. 222 Via P .. Income: ~11 ... • ....__ 2 • , • ,,_, .....,._now 09o0rll0f Diiie PalM _._. ....... aate, POOJ, ..... 9'11l,, peU. 1150. Agt. laPMO. t76-71M. 'h ~to-;.;;;;.. ..~· lfMl, ~~· Pt! .I.I. ,..n. ptrrect. u1i1111 .. po. tenot to ......,:.W4 llCIO/mo. 2ta/~1141 .-21eo. 8MCf\ nou.. 2 1r -'"·500. "Ot"' lflN :;:;..m4· " ·:rep I • t 'so / mo . o e 11 "°""'·-tUO to-tuao or toa-t• '°' LHM. wooesbrlctoe 11001mo. 3 ir 2 .a,;: GAElN VALLEY LAKE ., u.."'~ ~oPI~ llM1TI ·~2311 .. mo, 111-3100 . IA 2 ... 2 Illy, ..... -OOf'fo. a. .bd, t b• .nr .. Hllfto.mo. Ftecl ., .. MOUNTAIN HOME oally landtceped bldg. 2blle•tolltadl,tlr , .... 3 8A. 2'.lt ba, lpC. ll'llar~ Houtt ·Condo-~. All fem 111'1, m tdlion t¥ adult pool & ta~• ;r•. •t• t!t·Utt. Next to MtloMI torwt, UOOtmo 11101 utll, 1 tllfrtg. & l9o"9 _, ai'iO ..,,., O/W, oen1re1 ,,. av• I I• b I a now . ~. tteo mo. ~tt. 1700/mo Call •••• •~-1-_2,..71_1 ____ _ tlllfnt, boellnO. etc. Slit. tet/taat l MC. Celt •" ~ ~ .. uti ..O ,_ im.oom • .,.uo . .a. nc) SI I 0 • t t Io . IU"'611 11 ""271-1322 M. Herbot v,.. 11• kltc:Mn a ~. lrldfy '"'· fhl 3Pm. '97•te2e eaa..541s . ... 9180 mo. , •• -n•1-..cM11 ~ HOU&al 4tw 2"'°9 ""'· ...... 5 Ir wflge rm , r•o '"'· 2 fr.,109, -· · . Mor9 ....... .. ...... ... I ft'I W OU110111 .......,_ INld9 a bonu1 rm. Nice ar ... t¥.111, ~tety rur lllYl"I and Mlltnt et ,. ...... fl't • lldr, I la, 8:• 2 Dd, 1 lie"°'*• IPW OlfNlllnl ''tMll" ,_ LCMa ._.. , __ ......, out! t ~ .. now= 11800/rno. 180-l?OI ot nlal'ted. OoOd lncom• ,....,..,.. ,,,_..,._..: 2 ftplo•, I 111oe. 11 ywd,....., lloo-,..,. lf"°'11-iea-... """'*'al llltle "6d rrt ~....._'... 111-11..W .Pf~ 2,..,...,.. wtlat 01a11mod ·•• all l11GOllfto. t7S-lm. N:' ~°'1 = ,,., .. ,..,., not .. "'"' ~-;:Ta 1~1•,•1• dl9 ..... •••,....... ~.,...~-,-_....---.... --.. ._- ' mllout. IG-M71 WMI Me C11141....,1 pd. 171-.... = ....... ~--.. a IO W"t a 00111 ""°' _,._,_ Want Mt QllMlm Qm m·JM.......,.. Orange County Real &state/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT /Saturday, October 9, 1982 -25 ..... ,..,,,... ..... ••l•nllW ........... ,..... . ._ .. hnhW ,,.,,...,, ,,.,,.... ! ""c:::tw ..,, ... ,, •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••.,._••••••••••••••••••I,....•••••••••••••••••• ~~1ta,.1.Ja.J ~ I D-1~ ,,, __ , ~ ,,,, -~ 1111 ,.,.,,,., ,_ -.... n11 ......................................................................................... . ••• .....-................ ......................... ,..,,. nn ......... -:;;::"···::::..,... c.u.,. ,,,. c.u... UM c.11.... uu m ....,. 8tylltl, bedt'm a~ •••••••••••••••••••••• 1llllr '-'-u 1#1 •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••rm:1 ··•••••••••••••••••••• 3 Bdrm 211•. epol..... "':"'"dee*, now Mao <>CEAHFAONT, c1.. A, I ... •••••••••••••••••••••• E'llde 11k 1ba. pool, 2 BR 1 Ba. l400 & $300 11250/mo rog:;:-dtg =-~·;::;:units. 1,:; =h~~~ w t:nm::'1 ~. No833-=:1 ~:37;:.~Yllil~~L 2 Bdrm. 211•, t>eeutlful WATEAFAONT ''•D t>oe IMI. MOO/mo. , .. , ant 146-UM7 . Large 1 BR 1 ea. quiet & edult unit. 11200/mo. 4 bf, 2 be~. newly ~ F_!!?HT2~·~ 913-4751 8MullM gerden .,.._ EM!llde. CM. 2 BR. $476, eec:we, refrlg & 11°"9 c.11 "*-'" ~ dee. No pets. 11200/mo pier, pni_g, .... -... UFE'' Petio.tded&a. No peg. 2 no pets. 111, i.t. esep. ""'0. 7CI0-83?e 7 ... 110t 144-9152 ~. 87M1M M60/M00. A.clftt, utl pd, 8tepe to bdl. 2bf. 1ba. ~welcome &t2~ 303 E. E~. fr1*, 0-909· ~. no 2 8dml 1'A Batha S540'---------10etedled 2 8' E.llde, 1,1111• .......... BRAND NEWI Newport 11871·28M. 'ftM _,... PWt: pets, w/d aYllll. en-et55 2 Bdtm 2 Baths 15e5 Eaetllde 2 BR. 1 Ba. frple, end. petio & oe· letge entry, eouttyerd, Helglht9. 3 80, 2 IA. with 3 bdtm, 2 ba. frpl, 1._,.,0 .Soc:le l Acllvlll•• Vewty 1 • ~ 3M w. Wiiton ltelhly painted. llPP9f, rw raoe. no pet• $575. 337 plue wel eel pallo. famlly~~u~J.t60 bdl. Olrec:Ur•Fr•• dfapee ,,O .,.._· 831·55830f&42-4905 ldloole, no,. ...,I*•· E.18th St.117M73e Greenbelt Httlng. 3 mo. &t · · (213) 601~77• 8 u n d :lo l4t5tmo. e75-ee0e :.. large 2 lk. new paint, 1450/mo. 831 ... 1..... ~ 2 Br. 2 ea. No peta bdrm, 2'Ai be, lemlly Hrbf Vu Hme. '8f. 2be, no 1bf ound ental Brunett-'•• •••• 2 BR ,.,.. be, ....,, c;e,pec. ss2simo. Stu Newer 1 8'. wlger909. No A.veil. epp<ox. Nov let. room, "'MY 11u111.-,,.... peta. 11060, 1tlM POf1 ' yw r e18 ~ ~ P.,,._.Plul -4e7•2338 « 540-3Me. pet• .... 10/mo. $485. 790-1418 Of, ::-.~,:en· Avell. Clerlelge ........ 2.405 ::: ~: S7o0/mo. m~· ~.MSO • .,.. btoc11 to S.U1Hul 2 Ir. 2 Ba &t5-5577 _54&_-M_7_5 ____ _ 144-0360 8ayfront 6 Bdrm, '2200 ~76t· lllClllATIOM: 831-3118;&4S-.22 townhouM frplc petJo E-SIDE. sunny 2 8'. oe· CONDO 2 bd. 1.,.. be. wl C:: ~ ~ 9;:. 11• '· ;:.. ~· 8~:_~~'.r.s view, 3 :n: ~.: :"::. ~Ir.~ er.0 1 hoUM from oceen. 2bf =1~~~S~~t.1oc:'. ~'&2 11~· ~~~~· :~'. ~ -=~ 'J!: nte.'"75 mo: &t2·T~:;: BAYFRONT bWlt condo, ffple. S7601mo. C:::.~,:.u th =-~~·~~~ M2~221 &42·1803 28r, 18a, no pet•, new _ee_2-_e_75_7_. ____ _ 544-0140 2 8A 2 a.. pool. deck, 2131601·8774 Hydt~ c.;... ,,, ,,., Ull WT1lll c:arrstt/r*nl. E. Side. Lge 2 bcl, 2 b•. trpl. encl Lowty •Ir. 2 ea. crpt, tta ~;g_7~1tJ1~~:~ mo. OCEANFAOHT-28' tur-s~ ...................... 2 Br. 1 Ba pool tide apt, 14 5 mo. 55t·t1183 ~ ::: ~~~76. lltg, 2 c:er gar,"""*-nithed, ..,..,, M25 mo. 0rMno Renoe 2 bd. ' be, 011.;:. no lndry rm, bl1-lna. Mo $3t5. 281, toe ept quiet. ----·----fruit trHt. 1 lllk from 4 BR, 3 .Bl Nwpt CrHt 1175-6102 • I A U T I P U &. pell. /mo, pets. Cell f0t appt. no pets. lndry. 311 w 2 BR 1 ea. new cpt•. drpe. Cliff Or. Gerdener. No condo. lmmeo. Aot. Cet· c.... #1 llM 1111 APAllTMIMTa: &t1·13t1, &4Q.07te. 1435-$450. WlllOfl 631·2177 encl ger. 1110 Vlc1one. ~·1.:.1=· Avell. line, e7S-1771 ...................... :!:!!.::..;;.,;~ ITIPI".. TSL Mgmt. &42·1803 8herp 3 Br 2 8a condo."' $476 mo. 831.a12 ... ... OceM "'-· ~ & Unfurnlahed•No Meny ementt• lnc:lu--' MIU PmS S.C. Plua. gwclen, pool, 1 BR 1 Ba. ~ get. pvt Tiie Blufta: 3 Bdrm condo. 5 rm houM all uth pd = a'~0es~: Pett•Moelelt Open ding ~ ff om dee*. Ul!e nu toe 1 bf apta jec:. &t l·M35 patlO, I I 10 Victoria. 2 Ila. Linda Plen. dbl g1r1ge lnc:d yard er3-09M:' ~ttol. trplc,etc. trplc.oW,ger.,"475/up'. .,., .... ...,. M 10mo.631.a12 S 1 2 O O I mo . I••. modern kltch diner rm ,_.._...... ...Uirge 2 Br. 2 Ba. 1125. Patio or bllc:ony. Pool & ..... .....,... '4to. 2 BR. 2 c;., ger, 7I0-1to0,173-7M1 kldt UOO't . BEST C.I•... ,11f -.... .,Ulrge 3 Ir. 3 8a. 1pa.Nopet1.:!e50H111L 8pac:lout £.Sida Ap11. upaten, Ghlld OK. no WATERFAONT ltO 2 Br, 2 53M190 COST •••••••••••••••••••••• ...... 11200. 54._24'7 Enc:I ger, petio, dlhwtlr & pett. 54l-5331 ..,. e 1 1 1 1 USA • -I rtll ... Call Anthony d8ye ttOYI. Mo9I utll ffee. No ..a-2325 •. .:! ~ .!!.: ..... ...:~ Avell Now. 3 bf. 2 bl, 1 IES D ••nn•-&t2-6757, -& wltndt 2 M 2 81 Mud!O. 1475. pets. ·---------.,.,,-:.'I'_....., ... _...,.. blk bell. U OO /mo. ALL UTIUT PAI ....... ......,.. 131~. c:pts, dr1». «IOI ger. no 2 IA, 1 par90n $510 Nlcequlet U991W. 2 bd. 2 to 15 • 111. laat, HC. ~ Aolftl 18() 1n11ne 2 8' 1 8L c:lll)Of1 frt* pet9, 87&-eeOe 2 IA. 2 per90nt SS.5 be, apt. 1650, moet utlll '800.115-ute. ... a-... 1111 ~eue:;:cn cs.:: (at 18th) di.;,, -d. Ho .,,...: $4e5. 2 lldnft, rt*le • .,.. 1 8A23.;,.. ~A-etCS435M ~· 1:2112 Hamilton .,_ Gl•m~roua leyrtront ...................... · '714) ..... '"'11".. •-tlo no-. edult9 ..-~ .. ~· ~ · ,.~ •--2 •• ___.... 2 •· ...... teelur•. POOi, b«lq, } ~.,.. .,.. MllOlmo. 558-t285 . ..--...... ._.2 7805 ' •--------..........,,._.OJI.'"""' sq "'".....,.....,, -. •..-. c:ov'rd ""°'' aurroun-..... ...Vie. 724-A Jamee, 1~1717 .,.. • 1 Bedroom n;J.~~o~n~~·.~111::: =· :~:·,0~ ded with ptuah llndaca-1100 18th St. ..... .,/.IA... PINE BlUff APT8 ~· 1 81. lndry rm, M~ or •llM~u eec ...,etot. Av .... Oct $750 mo. 4t2-1e1t ~: ~· $5l& (Dowr at 19th) ~ ~1 "l ~ 2 Bf. 2 8a. CNd ~. Pl'-14951 • ,..V:~· -------- 1. =~ ._,...,. 1114 3e5WWlllcwl&t2·1t71 (71:4)642-5113 apttfOfNnt.Cll.lt91an ~v::;,.":1*~: ~ . . M~1~P~~~lndr Cal Dew 146-1144 im;iioi"coLONY ... 8TUHHtHO lrg 1 Ir."""· Olblon. 144-311. I ape, lndWy ""· MHlmo. LlmY -'"'·no pets. &t5-t4t4. 29r, 28a Condo nt Hoao. bd, • Ila. fwn rm. -~ t36~~~10 W. OCEAHf'fW)NT BALBOA <>;':~="fl:• SPMC 831~107 2 Br. 2 la. lnc:ludlng 2 I·-1WUJ = ~.1.._·1~ .. ~ decof.!.ed...:....,ocaen front. . . UV 3 bd, 2 be. Qllf. frpl, t7MIOI: 2·31'3 . E/Slda•~/cute~ ~~ ~~m:t 1Br. atOYI, refriQ. 307 ,,_ -.. 213-...--~. 8ec:t111ot apt, 1360 mo. All w/d wlntlt no pet&. apt, _,.. mo. ,_.,.,, i.....,.,., bumlnO .. ..-. ..... Of. $376" mo . ., .._1 __ ._ •-utll pd. NotMn*r/no ttoO. 113-tMo. Studio, IO ol PCH, 4 blkl aecunty. Ho pets. ~ utU. paid. lliew ol &At-2042 DnUXE 3 IA 2'.t ba. 2 ~~~.':: ••••• f~~ pate, 11/A new. PYt petio, from bctl. 9350/mo. Avell Weitze, IS1-12tl 119'. atrNma & wetlf1 .... -.--------=~-t~,~. ·~~~:0~·~~.~ 2 large Bf. 1'-" 81. fr1*, evell Oct 16. "'6-IOM ":::= •. P:"at~ ~. George t17M11&1 • I• a,t :cr.;30t MOO. Cal E.:1;oM~~ • ~ 3 bf, 2'-" ba. tennte court. apa, ... Mal '111 caoc> woman uec:utMI 8oulfl CoMt ..._.. ••· ,,.. atMlded y1rcf. twn ""11250 mo. 3 bf, 1 S7601mo. •1-&13t •••••••••••••••••••••• naedl ~aly f\K· 2 8A 1 Ba. So. ol llwy, Sec 09te. 1475. 2 lk. '"' 81. No pet1, e.ta-:s178 level HOO mo. I llr e •• felw 84,per Mii I Br. emell nllhld 1 or 2 1ir apt, cozy & ~-l MeG. ~7 1460/mo tor 2 per1on9. --------11200 mo. Poofl. 149t . .,,. •~-vile.. oourtywd, quiet. Dec 15-Apr 15 >Ont Yf'fy. A~. 752·5085: 756 W. 11th St. Ju• leUI 1flf ..... ~ua... lrumllW ..... $4501mo. 813-3313. ,.,.· 7M-1n0 • ....,178 STUNNING llrte 1 & 2" Ml-t507 •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• • Oltdafl apt. 710 w. 18"'. .. .. ,... beecllfront home. :s ...... ... • .. ,.,.,.. OC£AHFROHT Winter E"joy 3 Ir. 1 ba. fTJllc, fern 81. SPACIOUS. 2 Id, 1 81. From Dane Point'• moet IA ..,.. 82000/mo. c.11 Lu• '"'apt, prof. deo'CI, ,_ '141 Nntat to &-1/83, 3 bd. 2 ""· new r:r,petnt. No ,_,. 8llm Olllinga. Mrl. blr. MCluded ec:.n1c btull. llob Koop II 1•1221 .,_., dllflel. kl'Q bed. •••••••••••••••••••••• c;., Qllf, peca. Pr..., le-peta. M4-1 7 1~ ~ aN :ooe1 c:ab., no pets. Liii• '-'Only 4 units. 2 llW W IJIOClll, 3 Ir. 3 MC ~.t :erground fll lllllft m mb, UH:M3. C... ... MM Vlcto'11. 'e.t":..1t1~ ~Tw 2::n-::t.9· Ir widen. Xtra ltQ l)l'Mte ... llOO/mo. Vacant. oar. '"'· _. to bdl. .._,.,, & ..,_a. wllh •••••••••••••••••z;;;: patio. Ho pm. Frorn 711·2442. 221 N. Old $100. 1 .___. ..-la a-... ml~ ••*• Wllll•ll 2 8'. 1 IL 22.-Canyon 1725/mo. Cal M1-e441 ..... _ _.... 1······················ ,_ Dr ·--'---.. ., ........ ""'12 ....,._...,, ·~ •PrlwltlPdoe OceM,,,,_, tum ... 10 ·~ 1-2 a a bdnN. 1475 to s4&4~ii.r':,.;;;: °' .... ~ ........... , · ~. Bdml .... '" ,,,,.,.,,,. ,.,, •Covered Pwlllno beedl. 2 •• 1..... ... ---.w_ .. --1121. 6 ~ .. ,.,". 2 .,. 2 a.. apt In Dini Pt. f:''°· ..._.to beec:tl. •••••••••••••••••••••• •= ~ l6001mo. 225 la Po-·-pool.,_, bmatd ....._ · Clel'IWlr. 1t~OC11n 1111uc. Aull now. 3 Ir. CondO near So. c. !w.-In~ .~ a1-~11. ..-=-=-· ~lllaC: ::•";'.:,"'-:~: -::s~~"Op': ~.1192_ /mo. •12001mo "· tn-H07 Pima, °"""' & bft.n, •Home .. Klld-. --~ .,,_ dee*-. Ho .,.... 567-4715. °'° tn Mon 1().4PM _ ..,.. ......., ,._... In ~looke lr!~~ • • ••••• ~ ........... 1• 2 Ir .._ 2 .......... -""" --..,..._, ,...._. --1 blk to HuntlnOCon ,.,.,.,..,. " •••• "" _._.. 1.__ .. lfMr 811. t to 5, .,._. SU£ 2111 It. •78or30 · -·· ....., .. ..-. ·-Wet! Newport. 3 IA evell. ~~,11 p•te. eenw. ttanapor1111on & Atlfdve .eudlo, empt 22IO V..-d 11 to 5. l4M103/Ma lllt Ct1)1. ltO lllew dedl• •. Im· I~ l 13H/mo Cell ,.....,. --..,_., non emout. .....,. or "2..._ med oocupanc:y. Agent Mrs. Lone. tn-Hto . r:.· -"-Ira.ma.. 8fNI "°"*· IN-W-1 ---..... 111t\/PomoM. 1 •• ...... -to •U S710lmo. Agan1 1 ~ F 161.. dlrllm, .,_ bllttl. mt! ~ 1410 1 ... dou:aelr9. dis. Cl•alfled _.. Oo It..._ • llCM. a •• 2 eeory ~. 2 EX(C, ~MAT In ,..._ ....,m rOf'll " lnc:M9le .. "'*'-• C060r 1 1 9C1tM ... 10 cerport, ..._pd. 1 dlld ~------- NtM, pwder ""· Very part Batt. I Ir pentflc» 2~TA HEAM~& TV, pttone. emell prMlel 1a1 E.. 11tri 142.otea «*,no .-..1426. Aolftt, ... ,.,.,.. --"' ··=-.. ~. pvt,..!om111 pool .... lec:wl!Y. pool • .-. 1 .... 11 _....._Ln 1 _ ttltdllnt .....,., dletlle. 1 81*': 2 .... 11a.14_ no ... t12'°217. INd .,._ .,... llOOf •• ..., l1S-WI o y m , I 4 2 • I I I I , -.---' ,,_ we/l/IWlll..,., pttvete ~ -· ...,, •••••••••u••n•u•u• u••••••u•u••••••••• .....,.297 W. of 8Mcft, 3 blkt 8. entry _.. 'to bW1f1 •• 1~ la. 1471. E. SIOL29r ~ • ..... mru °' Edlngar....e.t7-5441 PoOI.' • eaune *"* L.-.ndfy r.c. pool °'*'...,.. ....... 11 K b k t? a I. ••. ac. to..... m .ooo 1 ,___ ..... n4a oouri .... guWded a. MMlla 12-rP... . ~r 115-24'8. enne un por . """ ' unfUm. tMIOM-Meo~~&-5~ea ::A":':J' ••••••••••••• ;; pet10led pt9ettoe ....... MY TIMBIM Wasn't he t"· Ambassador from -. .. ..,,..,....., •oar . • Luaury ltudlo, he Hao, ·~ 1 ..,._ .. 1 .,, -.-. PoOI Mell v.c1e 2 bf, "'*' ·~ 116-4912. LEAWOPTIOH. ~ pnone, meld wv . .-. 1 a more.••• •u Plltio. ow. Ho'*" ,.,.., Australia under Teddv Roosevelt? cuW -.,, 9ecur"Y 1'9-•1ao w11,.e8M01& -.,..,,.... ~ cip1,.-.tQ1. a11431S I I ... dtlA,,.. -=··~ led Harbor Ndae. Ten· • f ..... 1ffl ,,.,_,.._, , Townhouee I It.~ r.tllde, nr 111h It. 2lt f"V"\ --r~ d I ear,. .,· I • nle, Poof. 8oe. •f-/mo ........................ ,;;:;:r.;;;-........ trplc, pool...... -... 75/MO I. '300 (!;' I 1\....1 _,,, ... .....;.. granr !'c • 5 • ne. "84tll<. fl0.l307 OCIEMWAONT Dlll 2-4 Ir ..... ,,,._ ,,.i _.... Ho '*" A¥911 ._ Jawom Wafll. ,... .,..1•· 141 Ma3 ev ~ « monttt. ;·.: ........... Ho ...... now. 1121/mo. a 1_.... iw. at-1att "tov•t "°' w•• 1111o 1or .t1111 KIMttMIM.poll •n. ltewport c~.:.o OCHn • .. hnllW 8f3-7113 • .,~ear;'Gy, =: 2 ~ ~OK .. ~~·"° I ... 1 Ila. encl~ ' ~' Itel Nd -JOU 11 llOI aloM lle~t " ---,l bf•r:r::"e=:'••••••••••••• Wtnler,..... 21•~--11 ...,....,_ ,__pd ~ OMOll•c1!1tintlJtrlydittt1t'fll9P'llmtnllioofpl111$ ............ ....,.,.. ..... ...... .HM .,_ • •11 ......on. ..,.: • ..,..... mo. •I St,t,..nd Ytllact Ml ltllnllf1IOll lt"11 SaWlllCI •tn. w•t·ll•r. ••nnle ........ ;;;i;;e ••• :-;.u now.,.....,.., c.11 f.&iGMfT MTRY, 1 •-I M1-o7a .,..7119• ,. • .,.. ,, • 1rw1101101111~11tr.o1111tltd C>toltwoNI •oola, etc. l1200.11r.1Urn.ywtyapt.MOO ~.!IM-n Ywty, .... "°'* -· ... ,...s • 2..... pi.NIN"I lhe•111C1ol•lltMIOllJOV *1ttW ~Pttltel l?J.Utl lnctdl """ 11..,,.7. ~ -··· I 8'IOhM. No ...... ,.,., -·-· .......__ ..... ltfd, 21• blfOd OI ll.ll~·· ~ h"'I '*''" "' • lc1Ht .. "' .....,,OoeM w, 106-.t Hor1ll 8eylront. QM1TI CM1t: :ir.. ...,....,... . ......_ 1111 lllO'"'°· .._ t7IO. MCMOtO Nbbi<"f bl , •fld ,ijtli PMS\ ,oolfd ~ 111111111 I ...... 11100. Uta Ir, , ... NeW decor, - -~ 1411. :.·~~~ :MISA WRDI r St. • KUii llfMttt Md to'"'' ltflflll COVflS l••-...C Ooeenvlew. 171·2"7, pMlo, Hr South :Z: F\lrn-=. •-_. ( ...,..... L.nl ..... Wport £.--or bd, I ... ,.. ~ O"°" 1 "'and• co11ttfllt'fll lou!1011 ~-~ ' .=o7-.2e. 1"-=.....lneldl moni9'.Atl~170. Ot =::.·~~-· 1 1llO ;i:-.... • ....... ,.; ~,:a..--· ~1'11~7:~~.[.::'~,e~:~~ ~· ~ -... ~ ~~~~~~~~~ ...... to....-,.-u..... OcleMtrCIM --.... -P'111$111111111 ,.... ~·~· ',..,.. ,..._ ,,..,,_l\llOlll $$4000 ..... ,...,..,..... ,_,_. .nn ......,,...._ . .--r-..... ... .., ..., pwt ....... x Le ~ ... teat view or llar.,or' •••• ;rm:: ..... T~••• llll 113-1'00 .. LSD& ..... r.;nj Clefd.i t •· on.,.... . to SllO: -.-1. ~~" Hul11Cf1l(f0t• 1111.,.,,,. _,..,....Lro,... ..,..,,.....,,,.,' 2 ........ i::.:.= -. llf-IM1. lMlt ........ , ... .. 1 .,. + ... Oft°"" --to IMlll lllO .......... 1 lld. gar .... ~ ~. ..... , .... ,.. -...... --:r.: ...... Dr ..... IM ......... llll~1'M Mctobdl.1.,......Ho no..-..l?OOXI --.... ..,_ ... ••Parete up fr8MIJ tit+ ...... 1 bll frem ...... 120 WI M. N.8. 211171f-'tM. 117.e791 ~cs:.:.::. .... , ...._,, ... •'*" 1o91 w/Ollft ....... ~ ..., ,..., 17M7n. • or(714)1114111 fiWm 171o1141 • .......... ~~'"'I .... 111 I. a.w Av. V-.... 1 •·on 141tullH.1•Dlll.•17 I Ir ~ •,,..~.··" ""' In t~not.11M1IO wt, naar llaad\; ,_ L ._Aw. ...._No - - -...-.-.-No ,_. .:HI eo¥:r,~· 4 ............... .._ tao.. -. .....,._ ..-.MMtll .._., ....... r41, ..,_..,,., • ' 'lL:~ dtr TV _,.. 11111114191 Mys. 1w to ~ ... llt• t thr, ..... IMOnla"J • :::;::.. · t11/M7.-00. ''Oii •••••• .... • •. no,.......-n. Clare JAdt lotMt1I --I ,• J ·. - - .. - 26 -Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, October 9. 1982 ~.::;..., •u'in:;.ffl •",{'jn:;.ffl "!!}!,.#!!hJ! ... !.I." !!.-.~'.'!.!!.ff!!.'.l.~!f 9!!'!!.~~ .... "-!f ¥f!~.~~ ... .1~!f •••••••••••••••••••••• •••• !.!!!'••••••••••••• •••• !.!!!'•••••••••••••I Pine !<not Mottl on eoe.1 F. need• •Pt to lhr w/ *111.nl ....... 2500 to 5000 eq ff. .,_ -.__, ..... 1111 ,,_,,Inti "'! Hwy, NB, Slep1 to NIM. Pref t0/11 t300 1 room to 2800 eq ft CdM. quiet & _.,_ -•• ""-1 ,,_ ··-·•l'H••••••••••••••• •••';h.;•••••••••••••• oci.en. W.ty re•, mo 759..ot7t. 7~ From St 11 •IQ. ft Adi: WOtlc atmoepflere. En-•••••••••••••••••••••• NO FEEi Apt. & COndo 2 Bt. t Ba. uptlelrt, en-845-04AO Jt252 AJtporW "'" & Frwys. tr.nee on ~ Hwy & OCEAN VIEW, 2 bd, 2 be renlelt. Ville IWl•ell. clad belcony, 1 blodl ... a .. ._. F Non.-moker: 3 Br con· C .. AM 133-3223 FernlMI, grMI toe. Qulc:tt duple•. frpl. new cerpet• 875--4912 Brolcet. from l>Mch, 95 .........____..._ ~ ..... , do. 1200/mo, '-" ulll. IKiceet to MacArthur & Orepee.. No ,..... 2 Br. epl, ~ lronl. ..__ re• ...... 1150 •. "' occ 11117 Wee1ollff. N.B. 251 Blvd. & Fwy. AOM Pro-11125/mo 4-875-15 weter & hMt peld. No c:Nnettee, phOMe, rn8'd "4-3'54 Ji& lo 4000 eq. ft, 111. floor, perll•. 551-et30 or 316-31•5 (2 13) pell or lmolctno. AYI to .-vice. Z dlMMI mo-Agent 6't·5032 4001·1 l ln:h 8t. N.B. ~ June 111 18251"'0 ~. SANOPIPE.. M(). 3 br, 2'.t ba condo. '335 -........ 2Br, garage, ,_ ocaan. . ' TEL. t987 Newport lt¥d, tnct: utll. + ttOO dep. *-IQ. ft. 11.00 I* IQ It. oc:.een 'Mw. betcony. COUNTRY CLUB LMNO 642-3137 CM 8'5·9137. 553·8388. 831·5'1• From 'room to 3 rOCMN. Agent 5'l-S032. l"'ullW ..... , 4111 • ••••••••••••••••••••• 1750 up. 2160 II. lndu- ttrlel • Office t 110 I Re· dondo Circle, P & T Huntington, BMch IM2-213<1. WANTED: getage Of lndu•1,..., epac9. min 800 1q It. fOf It bodr· work, no pelnt. CM/H&. 11&4-0332 _.91>1mo. 2131'°2·2157. IN NEWPORT BEACH SEASHORE OAIVE 2 BR 1 From It 11 • lq. It. No ...... -...-... Sea •t 2'812 Apt A. A total enYltonmenl e.. refflg, yrty. 1700 mo. Ulm ... SN 2br/2!M>e condo. CM. ..... required. AdJ. Air· . --90x 127 M· I comer Wtth COfdob• Dr. epettrnen1 community on 642·8292 -• W/D, get, FB. 1295 + Port• Inn. 2172 DupOflt. ~. Coete ~ bldg. "' w. ltth SI, .,__ lhe Upper Bey. Privet• -·-utll. Joen 641-"21 Cell AM. 133-~ Sublet 1771 1q ft et 7k. Cott• Meu. 8'2·3'90. •••.....,·-~ end llMHh 3Br. 288. I hM lrm bell, Wkly rent• "6 up. 2 F •bd 111 1 ~.. WOl'lc room, .... Jiff a tennil c;owta 7 ltplc, ger, W/O 1111..yp, ColOf TV Ir .. a°"9a NO to lhr n AlrPort •• • EMc. ~ 1t«ege. 175-3182 t()..5 W8fthouM 8'>809. Hlgtl •••••••••••••••••••••• IP8. doM ~ dlhwetlt 1975. 17~ heeled pOo. & .. ..,. 10 CM eveil 10/1t 122t '*" tee. From 2~50 IQ. ft. __ ..;.._ ______ , door ec:ceee. ~ feet Deluxe poolllde xlre terge PoOll. lo oc:een. Kltctl'• evell. v. utlt. 83 t-4'45t 11 per eq. ft, Meny 111r .. , 0..Ull• eurte "' Weter evell 642-5535, Kwen 2bf 2 be bl1 dtwhr elrport, FMhlon 19and. Npl Ht1 2 Br, apacloul 915 N "·-1 ~ P..,../•~ .. __ SC ... ___ Cell 557·7010 lronl bldQ. 2012 eq It · · n•. · Convenient lhop1 ·on ept. quiet melur• Mitt. · .,.._ · """ ,_ '""'""'· ... ._., It 50/1q ft. 142·•6" ,,.,.,.. 4SIO 1•..; mU.. bMch. No pel1. Ill•. Unl\lmllhed ~ 1700 Incl utll, 875..a202. ~n• Beactl . ..._ 294 M ~1·35 11r. n'4mkr. 400.900 PLUS 1400 lq. It. --·--'--· ----1 •••••••••••••••••••••• ssoo1mo 536-83112 '°''· 1&abdfmep11end es1..eooo VllUllM ,_,.,,,,., '250. .,.,-3523, PetlthouM Bayfront Sul· flll llll'f/... Secut81tOfagearM.1000 ftlllME t~. · 1 e t B SI t ...................... 1-49•·27•2 te, PettllnQ. P•lloe. Prime eotnm'I tocetlon, ICI ff & up, xtn1 ecc:eN. Spec. t & 2 br. IC>Yely 1580 • 11000 I ~h 13r:· epa o ... ltWll ~lei. nMt MIF to 873· 1003 ne.t ...... reeetvee ~~th llSt Cotl• M"8 plnee & 1treem1, MC. s.v.tel beet*of• •nd 1 PROPERTY HOUSE BMutllul 1 I~ 2 BA 11\r toe 3bfl2be ept, _.500 copter for en11te __ 1·_1_11_· ____ _ get ... entry by phone, Bdrm units teatur• flne l f'2·3850 &42·1010 Condo et the Wheltt In CdM, '300. tit & l•I. *llfYI IUU* tetm, no glmrnlc:lt•. Call ... Im W1aMI HM tge rec ., .. Incl. gym. deMgner furniture and I Kaanepoll a.ct\ Reeort. 9o0 780-0135 0 C Al Pr for delall9. 980·1'71 1 ·••••••••••••••••••••• pool a IP8 IMM591 llCCleUOflel. Move In to-fa Cl••nlf Jlf, Newly decOflCed fully • ' rpo'1 :-ea. of. Wlln_f_ HOUN/ Apt/Traller lo rent · dey Of r-'18 tor lulur• ..................... , equipped ~ Fell Wiil lhera large ept wit Of :'":o~~~~~Ui Febr & M81ch fOf vtlltlng 2 & 3 Bdrm aiplt. Avell. UM Smertly lumlahed 8Mch APt· 100 )'di lo ,_, .. 113-5211. 2 llberel ,,, .... OV9f 30. .. __ Of ... _ .. ...,.._ 150 Deluxe office Of llOfe perenll. &45-«1579 COlll Immediately. 1550 10 modele open deity. Nnd, 2Br. tie. gerege. · LeQUna •M-12111 ,,.... ....,. -IC)ace. 142901900 eq It. M ... erea 1576 Frplc, aPtr. getage. 1395 mo •96-7151 PALM DESERT c .c . IMw f 10 ehr 2Br IS. eq ft . 3500 eq II. ' MO. t'30'/1200 eq II. 8Md\ ----...... -----t Of 2 klcK olc. No pell. On Jarnbof• Ad •t 2Br View ~. tpa, . IUMY FREE. 7H-ae78 Blvd Btwn 2 lnwyt. CMc: •2 yr old ... emen loolclng t peld 5'45-2000 8 Joequln Hille Rd .... , malle 18'1 r111 wlc/wlcnde. ept. B.11 .. furnlwntr t300 c.nier SllOC>ol c.ncer '°' room. pref Corona ::.:1. no,.;. . .,, 9"-1.. , it.;•&•:;;•;.th•kH~~ &N-t1 tt. ult pd 175-5571 ml ., .. -prime 1ocat10n11t-aaai de! t.Aer. 958-5321 3 ... 2'"-"'· ,, ..... d .. ',.... __..ly "'-~'--.. ~ I F. nMt non-tn*r. lht "ltr-1-rue11c ,....,..._, Of eecl.014' Ekletl" women~ rurll .... ,..,., ........ "'..-• .,., 8lodl lo beactl 28r 7'11 ...--."'$95 _,, CdM hM. 28'. 18e. frplc. .. -·... ........-I 75 , W/0 hOok..yp 1150 mo br"' .. t & ....... le70 mo' I . rent up. 2 br, 2 be. .. White )'d. '350 mo. + 'A utM Mtl!nv. We ~ ... EXEC. IUltee HB 2 . ,1teo.~ac>t. ~ pey 96-4-•633. 1·52e..300• ~'984-i"2'3 . Color TV, fr.. ooffea, Sllnde BMcn. ,vlfly fum. 873 ..... 7 tpaee, C091er. You eup-w/CPA & Atty. Sec. Xe--mo ..... 5-6-406 SE TO BEACH a.. yr.,. hea1ed pool & ltepl to Incl weener d~ TV & ply phone, & 195 pr mo ro•. ~ evell •i 1,.._ CLO · toe 2 bdrm, 1 be. S550/mo, ooaen. l<ltdl't 8¥... ater'eo. Slpt t. PoOe rec Stlere EASTSIOE CM epl. pr delk. Cell 6"-7211. 891-8991. IN al ~~itt 1t~ ~~mo· yeetly. Si..,. to belldl. 1 -"!.. ~~29. rm, tennis ettt. Avell. ~17321ndudei utile 2000 8Q II w/500 ICI II Well! Up Kloek . 94 aq. ft., ••• ':!!!ffl •••••.• !.~!f 5311-7979. 1116 W. Balbo&. ....,...._ · 11/7·1211. S380 wtlty. _ · 11orage, 0 .C_ Airport well toc:et.cs In,_ trWle Meture woman.._., 18' 213..atS.21>42 Kit ptl'll, etw111ran Home, Call O'M'9f '°' bfoctMe. IRVINE. 5 bd, 3 ba, ltllf, .,.., $2000/mo. Home & Garden Cer'tle<. epl !Of ,_able prtce. ArliMtte a,t. ..._, M 1trlllght, Nr Bch. Lag e.24671. ' pool. tennlt, Jogging 85 t-1921 LHllng lnform.tlon Oulel eectlon of CdM. Large -1 !fr I Ba. Quiel, 8dl. 1325. •99-2288 ,_,.,, N a,,. fM trlllll. Shere u1..._--NO SO. LAGIJNA. 3 Areh Bay. 71'·720-2290. 963-4811 ext 2113 clOM to t>eaeh. I ~bd~in?.,blL g•. great El TOfo, ell hOUM pri\11· •••••••••••••••••••••• meilee. kldl, pet•. emkre 2 Su1te1 evall. Od. Hwy omc. epace evel&ebte ••i---------_.00/mo, 980-88541 legel. WID. member Sun FEELING CRAMPED? Pref flight etlendent. Vlelblllty •97-2351 1800 W. CoMt Hwy, MfJI 1 Br refrtoe. bll In ltove & I B~. gr .. I toe:. ' Sell Club. pool, tennll Xtra large/d '..!.:.....,.to 8135275931"o17. 552·80'4I & •2"-"" eq.ff ........ _.,..... •.•• BelbO• Bey Club. 200 & cars•bikes• oven. drepee & C8fJ)9t yearly 1280. 111 ' ..... VIII. lnc:I. OCMtl w ..... -. rec""· • . _,, t2S ... _, -vnl 225 eq. It offices. Cell • k t boa d • No pel1. Call 980·2176 • Tll -Ml· 1MI 588-'4038 "425. 1175-323t. MJF ia..30 rt• to "" 31 wt1.h a2 14.rt. of omoe + 7w1131.1sa5 s a e r s --------____ ...;;;...._"----1-------,--•uvE IN PAAADt$£ OH bdnn, 2 be hOuM w/2 5000 1 ':!:_".:_...aepheltd c:ov.----------1 trUCkS*baby Large & privet• 2 8'. 2 8•. 21>r. 2be, Nyloceen vi-. FIM 1275 klteh ptf'll, ~ utl. Belboe Penln Huge '4bd males. HB. Bultlerd/ ~ed ,_..,_, yar • Huntington 8eac;h, pertlel carriages•tea unit, endtd garage. 2 condo pool JecuzzJ Shr/h1 l500 1 Clhlld non hOme. AH ifl9 lwwt'f GM\eld ,2251mo 'A 2400 eq.ft lnduflrlel office. George. =!n!.~~•ter NCUrtty bldg.' ae251mo'.I trnlcr N.B. 840-03._ comrnoc1a11one. P.,,;:: utM, Stoo dep. ,.2:,.t2 unit_: C::. IQ.ft. of 982·55tt carts•trlkes c1111 Denny, 645-20111 °'.snare hOrM. l300 '*" .,., m1e v1-. 1350 mo. Jeff. = eq.tt. ioou.tr1e1 IPiHu ... w 4411 rollerskates • Lg 2Br Trt.-ple•. gwage. 5'4l·5133• ulllllln. poof evllil. 1175-~. Fem rmmte to 1f1t w/ unit with 1500 IQ,ft, Of •••••••••••••••••••••• Walkers•toyS r.~?ci "<~3)~93..~= YRLV OCMn VleW 2 BR 1 9.4•·1082 ·----~· seme. 2Br 2b• ., Pro-upgr~ omc.. H•ve Prime w .. t Cout Hwy, •wagons•• •• ""' a. ee. 2 cer IP8CM S700 Luxury turn rm In H.8 --montory Pl. Partlel vu. 1Ub-IMM tenent for 900 NB Jocellon. New. 1100 '93-1655 mo. 6"-8790 Of M/f non emkr,Jll1 prlv. Luxuryc:ondO,A ,wa,, non-lt'nkr, 1370. Ulll/ eq.lt. of ofllCe epece If lei ft 8¥811. Cen be dM-SCOOters•hot Nr Beach 3 l>d IV• be 1141-3 119 1300mo utll Incl w41t "*8• 1650. dep 1175-3189 deeked. ded. $2000/mo. Weier-rodS*COUnAC• ~·pll d;.,. ~ns trp1' I ·~2 a•71 d• 7152•94'2. .,, . • .... ~ .... t..... -.... IJont H~ Inc. _ .... ~ '~,.... MSo ' CeM Pen. t blll to bdl, 2 br 1 "" -.... 114()..2'34 Fem rmrnate lo lhr Bel Ill r;;;;; to-m.;i,';'';" ~ 1131·1400 traifers*hard 531..o921: · 1>e •· cerPort. Yl''Y· Be11>oe tllend, 12001mo. MtF t9-30""' 3bd ,_ 2 BR dptx •· Fum. c.. 11 ... 7151-4780. PM---.. -11--1-... ----• tops•convert- 15115/mo. 552.0153 Single br & beth, pvt Stepa to bMct\. (NB.) J-. 751~1 W1I dye, eJp• only. 'bl • t 1 bc1. btt_nt, creta drp..._ ~.er. 2 le. lrom Sl52S. No entrence. otd8f perme-3'4th St. 1275 J?~17 M·F. 10.3 hme 8734ett ---------1 Bldg C4. •), bl! E. of I es mo Or lrpt, enc ger, wld ht&rp. pell Ac:rON lrom N-· nenl, non·1tnolcet. Iv 1ft90 IWll II•• N.P. BfYd. 1111 CtiDrlllo hOITleS'"lawn P•tto . .,, yd "495 c.11 POfl BMch Goff eoure.. 64M21t °' 111•1'1 WllTUI Oceenlront .. Balboe Exec. wc..1nc1 reoep1 .• seso 845-2331. ~ mowers*timos 536--092 l. 5'45·'855 2!317""4158 M• 215-36, llr8'gM. Pier, M. non-tmlcr to lfw eec·y -. oonf. rm .. Storefront Property et 2Br & den lownhouM. 2 Slepa To The Beech. 2 Bf, ,Widow nds room/boerd In non•emotlet. to .,_.. bMutifUI ' Br 11011M klt., mell hlndlO. ...... Herllor & Ada!N. CM. •corporate b•. 11rep1ec:e, tennis & 2 a.. 3 ~ court• pvt CM/NB llOme. Up to Mlle new 2 ldrm. 2 be. l300 yrty. 175--9308 ponllY8 10 your bullneee Good traffic a per111n9. headquarters IP•· Nr beach. 2202 t.._ t _. " S2001mo Call .,.._2393 Sen Juen Cec>ie1r8l'IO I Meda. Adj. 'CMi ~Wy In 84()..871>4 •narden carts Heat Cirde, H0-37•5 ecroea '""' 1 r .... •8"/ · condo. F"..-0.· poet, Hou-nate WWlted, 2tlO F.V. lfldlv olca. Mo/mo.•---------• cle8fl. New cerpe1. 1750 2 BR 2 Ba"' NB • ..-to ~. tlllttf ,,..,.,. to mo, Hon-lmlu. tBr. E. trom ""· te:M445. ~ • lllm I Model A's•••• Aveil now 1 Br. I Be. mo Yrty rent. Cell !(ate be9cfl, tul prlv. A\11 to bNQI a Oetl9 Point Hbf Coe1• ....._ 1 hM from aAY TILH •t i up11111r1 ept, d1wtht, 175-0t~• Mon-Fri, Jo empt fem. No tobecoo, 12tOlmo ~.,. UCM1ee: bctl, w10. 1rp1c, ger. etc. Coet• MMe 1 or 2 room Surround your ~ YP ngtables privet• patio, Mngle ge· 173-3598 Set-Sun. 1300 ,,., utll. 831·9011. O«Nlrd (7 l4) ~1·20'0 1325 + utl 873...-81t tult•. Fr°fTt ~5/mo, w4th In. contl.,..,tel Wheelbarrows• rage, 1 Cl\ild olc. no pell. 2 Br I le.~. 1700. Ho.ten11ie., Of ..... 7M. Rmrnte to efw 2 br, 2 ba ~~ ... 15~. . lttft etcHl.etur• of The BIO recreational ::i·~ Agen~'=· PROPERTY HOUSE Aoom wfllffcn. pr...._, F8fl'lele a ., 1 .., 1 twn. hM. Mytront, Udo · Yellow Houle & 8obby vehicles•golf ·no · 642·3850 142-1010 sasol.111a1ae1, "'" iflcl, bk1c* • -be9dt. i.. aeoo. t 16-332t IUITIPIL McOM'a. Hertteoe carts*modet Im•• 1144 lmllPMIT NB. llM2-ettt &300/mo. 116-0ll3. ~ecu1er VleW, poo1 •WfllT..,. equ.,-.1oeat.o • 29'St ••••••••• .. ••••••••••• 4 Ir. 2 le. 2000 eq ft. Sm rm, bit we6come, gd SN lg IYll lwne w/ptoC epe, tennie, Sec. 09te. With wet Of r~. =~ ,,:'1oc,.~ tralns*blkeS .. .,. uke new. StNOtmo. eddf-'°' bue'I EQc or sienon uee. , ... ...._ 12•5/mo + M• ... .,.9 COflf room.1c1tdl. pftorle, tl1 a 758 .. , 2nd.,~ •pianos•cars Llmf PROPERTY HOUSE eeriout ~. non-• ..,,..,. 71•1'21 eeerataNt ' word P'°" .,,....,.. '°' offtoe or,.. refrigerators ...... ,.. 8'2·3890 842·1010 emllr, pvt be, get, t300 ,,,.~ . F--.... ~ ........ Nov. 1 2t ~.: .. &meeeeoe tall uea. I~ C)(l· *skates•••••• mo. •t4-6922. .._.. ...,_., mau. ..,._ old !Fem ~ """· ..., • ~....,. If Unit lllO 1 Bdrm 1 be & 2Br l'Mle. y ........ -ei 3... ..... 1 8'•-oMt a br, 2 be IPf on be9d\, 'I' w deeired. Call: • oupency. • 1700 lo 1150 28,'' 1;.,"',;." -~ , N.I . Frptc, 25' peitio, t• "°"'emkr IOOldng !Of 71•1790-01 ..,....,.. "' El Toro, Cy-Dllbw..,_, dbl °""· led• m ~--:':" E elde C.M. Pvt twn. rm 6 IMt & eec. erw ~ 8elboe ,.,._, K.-PfW & ~ eon.. fl,_lecel A A...-0. & ' ..,, bmttl. Own entrence, Ind -........ 1-1-... ~73~ .. _ ............ _....__ .... ...... ...,_ .,~ '°' d~-' _,..... .,.._6710-1176-3132 ullf tt2 Cecll Pt (Cl ,.,.,...,_., ,.,. ,.,., ............... -. -..,_ -. lnforMatlon. Oel- 1 Veer l.M .1-10 ... _ dye. • S3t5 t7S-7544 • Non 8l'nClklno .. '°"' W~t 1-foma N. 8· M ~. oreellV reduced, no ta fnMISM ..... 131·1.00 ..... ....., -:--:--:::---:---:---:-1....::..:.:::.·.:..:..::...:..:..:.::._ ___ , nr ,_. CCIM ..,. ., IO..., wi t or 1 e.n."'"' .,.:•::n=•::•·:..·-7:.:6464::::"°2:::..7:.•---ll-:=::=--:-::-~:-;------t w.::' ~ ~ 1~ ei..,. to --::: '9WT I.NT & BATH '°' WM. 1311. 144-ft71 "''°'....,.._ 811-3417. HOO 111 belle otc ., "'-...., t1•1•1...., a..11/mo~:: °' ~.;r,::i.: ........ pref • ..., ....... ., ... ,.,,_,.,,, ecorage. By o.c Alroor1. ...,. H11 731•5441 · •• IPC lie 10 bofl •••~•••••••••••••••• 11500/mo. tom. •••••••••••••••••••••• ha....... .,, ....-....,.,...--------tQIOI09 ioc.Mon. pool, 12io1mo ...... ,.._ oet 11W 20lfl It, 161-etal Offtot0t,....io.doftW. ::J'••••••••••••••••••• P#Wf'T HOTl-28r, a9a. ___,. ...... ,_ ' OOeta ....._ tMor .... &ec .,... IAC 900 N9Wpcwt 81ecti. ~. I BA, M IM, OCMf\ llWe, ll*'llOI•. lnwMd OCC. ,......_. ............ ""9mtf to ft ..._., Ml/MO t:t1.a1 It. ,.,..,. •, ' :.; 6&0 IQ. ft. MOO"'°· 10- pvt ~ "'°· tn ,,... 1710/MO, '41-7.00 ..,._: ftOIMlftlll. Tew. Condo. Niii ••*'· .. 2 11to 'in.MOO I"· ........ NU. houM. AWlll now. No y~ o..wtront 2 IW, W.21U •10. '* Ulll. Oii .... ,,.,'111.:,r·.:: pr-"'°' . ()Mae .,._ awill. pet1. MOO lftO. lnclde M&OfmO, NMr ~ ~ !!'/i/!IJllf. fl• M en.el?O, __.. 131-76» FUii WV oflce .... l*)Olup clOMllklWn HuntinO'On Ulll. lit, .... & ..c,-t()-4 ..._ _..,., 142..(1141 8rWldl oMo9, tlOfMO. ............... --ft 7 ..... ...,tt .... • ...... mo. A9'"f ••••• ....... .,_ ... , ........ ,..... .._ .... -.... _., -,.. oro- wlcd)'s -• Mindi 84&-3113. -w .... WOOOIAIDOI, n Nnt, f1I r•· ""-~. -.=" ~7u:t.:: ,_.,, 1~ ..._ ,_,. '°' -'-"'-38-5' _____ "...... J( tlr. eeo IMllW ,....... "°" .... 2 ... 2 ... ""°· saoo. It Me.o11t '"' ~· c....,......, Ocean \llew 2 Ir. t Ba. COftdO, full ........_ t10I & ~· c;...., TV. utll .. '*' Mlllr, 0.., WID•f -1HO eq ft rt118111oflce :::,:;, ~·blkmo:::: f.4115, 64CMl10. _, n1 ""°'* 1n ,...., m• 144 oeao: •1-1• ':;...uw,..:...,.,.., UBllM ml ..-.. e. 17111 ac. "' llefl. S110lrno. 49'·7553 &oo. e\199 4"-037' N9Wpcwt IMI. CM, ~ Nev. 1• t Wnft. ,..._ LY,,.._,..~ .......... LOCATION C-. Mw. ........ or .......,.. &Mge 3 • 3 I& A;1 M-7441 2 Ille. 1212.IO llM lltll. ' a.dlft.... lllltr & ...,.,., ---.-----o--ended lldi 1"d ,..,..Y MIP ...... 7... Gll'll9 .. a...,. C.. toO 911 ft AIM!-. '4144'1 Vlctn...,.. t 8'. MOO Of...,...' lllodi.«rom llACH AIU t • ~ to ...., ..... a.eo.,.....01.... m.1111 lmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil Ul'IMft. ~ ll80 fllfn. beedl, ~ ,_... = .... \t utll. Cll ~~~=~::=r-=~i!}~~= I0512M-' MOO/mo. ttoeelO $14/9 II .., ... , lift f:i Pew Qecallld M -... ltudlO. _..,.......,, '" ...,. ... ...., ..... ,_. 1"" MM A0'90H ~ .... Oft r-OOMt ~ tO ...... "*""'• l••..,~ .. Pltt9111M1•1101-::.._.'.. I~-:: -.,_a-. --M ~llflf ...... y Cll • = e:::· II ..... =~ ...., lttQOI,,_ Colella... MM?ll ..... .,. .... .,_ == IOOO ... ft..-.:.: •ta.71'1, M-1111 w ... Allll c.1 ... 1111 ~-.. ~ ..... n.,...1•. -- If it 'sgot wheels, you'll move It faster In a Dally Pilot classified ad. Call ~2-5678 and a friendly •d· vlserwllt help you turn your wheels Into c•st'I. • Orange Co~nty ReaJ Eatate/An Advertlling Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, October 9, 1982 -27 We deal in real estate ~: .-;,~ _But our. real business ·4 .... _ .... _ PEOPLE • IS Real estate is not jus~ "three bedrooms, two baths, double garage." Or "18,000 sq. ft, zoned industrial, near railroad siding." It's welcoming a new family to . town and helping them feel at home as well as find a home. It's helping someone who· wants to start a business find the best tbcation in terms of purpose, place and price. It's working with other concerned citizens in the community to improve the quality of life by helping prevent vandalism, revitalizing a rundown neigh- borhood or doing whatever else we must. It's helping protect the rights of home- owners by becoming politically involved in the issues that affect them, and advising the. lawmakers of our interest and opinions. • ---.We're the NATIONAL ASSOCIATJON OF REAL TORS® -an organization with more than 706,000 members nationwide. We're real estate profes- sionals, but our real business is people . .. A public MNice of the ...... Ctall6fleda 842-5878 .- T' .,. ..... ' .. - - .... . . --28 -Orange County Real Eatate/An Advertlllng S\'pplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, October 9, 1982 "THERE ARE TWO COINS THAT EQUAL -55•. ONE IS NOT A NICKEL. WHAT ARE THE TWO COINS?!' ua• YO au -Fantastic canyon view. Large spacious Monterey model home In Corona del Mar. Petfect for famlty entertaining or juat plain famlly enjoyment. Two stories of elegance. Good assumable financing. Owner anxious, call now for all the details. 546-2313. '11111• '1UJll W -1 Bdrm + den, 1 Bath, $72,900, $7,300 down. 2 Bdrm, 2 bath, $79,500, $8,000 down. 3 Bdrm, 2 tfath, t $89,900, $9,000 down. 3 Bdrm 2 bath townhouse. $115,000, $11,500 down. Walking distance to South Coast Plaza & shopping. 3 pools, 2 saunas & spa. Call on these and others. 546-2313 ' lltRlm • .U nlll -3 Bdrm 2 bath near parks and schools. Minutes to beachea & shopping! Priced thousand• below market. This Is a probate sale so hurry! Unbetlevably priced at $129,500. Act now-catt-646-71-71 UT'l 11111118 -Fabulous Seabklff 3 Bdrm 2'n bath split level condo featuring: format diNng, aolar heating, tennis, spa, weight room & clubhouse! Sellers hlghly motivated; two t>nutlful units to chOOM from. Your ch~ • . $170,000 -$175,000. Call todeyt 64&-7171 llUT •• IUlml -Tri level, sale or lease option on this beautiful newly built Newport Heights condominium. 2 muter suites plus 21~ baths, make it great for equity sharing or just plain sharing. Tri level sundecks for prlvat.e sunbathing, ultra modern kitchen. Open ltvlng room with soaring ceilings, etc .. etc. $119,000 loan to assume. Better hurry on this, won't last $159,950. Call 546-2313 WATllHlm llLY 1111,IH -Immaculate 3 Bdrm homel Personalized Indoor sea.scape! Cozy ftreplacel Wood beam cetllngsl Balcony off master aultel Private sandy beach! OWner will carry ftnanclngl Call 963-6767 n. --Eastllde, Wes111de -bulldable R-2 lots, three to choose from! Prices and terms for good Investment. Call now for details. 646-7-171 I -. 1 un. ..... -Absolutely lovely 3 Bdrm home located In good area of Costa Mesa. Big, big rooms throughout. Good aHumable loana. Try $10,000 down. Great starter home. Call 546-2313 T.LA. INllll. -Harbor View Homes 3 Bdrm, 2 bath. Vacant and ready! Owner must sell and wlll carry. Great terms for you. Now only $214,000 feel Call today. 646-7171. 11111 mHAT, tll,HI -Carefree llvlngl Senaatlonal balcony overlooking courtyard & fountain! Assume $63,500 loan @ 12~%; $699 mo. or try $6,000 down! 963-6767 11111llTTAll111111.1 LIT -Build a second home on large Iott Existing home Is a dotl house decorated to perfection! Assume long term financing! cau 963-6767 .._ ••• .._ ••• &nm -Fabulous S&S home! Brand new carpeting! Executive neighborhood! Assumable loan. $86,000 @ 111),%; $864 mol Hurry, only $151,9001 963-8787 -.., .. lllUUWl 111.--Immaculate 3 Bdrm home! Old world charm! Extra large Iott Fruit trees galore! Great FHA financing. Call 963-6767 IUT llY -Priced below current market and owner wry motivated. Great location and highly upgraded, tNs buutlful 2 Bdrm 2 bath condo Is a real berQaln. Well prtced at $128,900 -caU nowt 846-1171 ••-•lf11111 -And must sell thla IO\lely home located near be9ch and the owners need a tut Nie and fut ncrow. Light and airy, oce9f"I ~. 1..-ge twlng room and dining. 3 spacious Bdrms, all on quiet cure. sac. Bike to the t>Mch. A at•I at S120,000. CaU 546-2313 ~a 11•11111 Ill -Two beautl1'11 2 story • condoa. one hu 2 huge master Bdrm• wtth prtvate beth (Ideal for co-owners) plus 1.-i bath downat..,... 'Wood bumlng flreplacea equipped wtth gu loge, private pattoe, great location. Large attactted 2 car garage with electric oar• door opener. Many •xtru. 548-2313 MK ••-u Lm -4 Bdrm! Sparking pooH Prim• locatlonl Owner wlll help finance! Auume a11 ,ooo loan, 8 1~%. 1757 mot 1171,000. Can 983-8787 111,111 PW ~ -3 Bdrm + 2 story. Executive home + neighborhood! Bike to beach! Entertainers garden! Steal It at $150,0001 Call 963-&767