HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-10-10 - Orange Coast Pilot-. ' Ylll 11111111 lllll PINI '.tlNllA'I' I ( ltllllll I ,,, '>HANt .t t OUN I 1 c A l 11 <>HNIA ~O homes deeti:oyed by swift blaZe. By DAVID KUTZMANN or-.Dellr,.. ..... A f,.ast-moving blaze fanned by awirllng Santa Ana winds swept over 18,000 acres of Orange County brushland Saturday, destroying 20 homes and forcing the evacuation of hundreds of residents from affluent hillside neighborhoods in Anaheim and Villa Park. The fire caused an estimated $11 million damage. By late in the evening, heat- weary firefighters . were digging in around rugged terrain east of Irvine Lake to prevent flames from jumping into Black Star Canyon and threate,nlng homes farther east Jn Sllverado Canyon. At 10 p.m., Orange County Fire De partment officials estimated the blaze had been brought under 30 percent control. As a result, hillside areas In Villa Park and Anaheim Hills were believed to be out of danger Saturday night after a day In which r esi<tents ·h ad onl)' minutes to flee wind -driven flames. The Clre sent low-hanging cloudl of black and brown smoke billowing Into the ak.y, caatlng a pall over muctt of W!llt.em and northern Orange County and leaving an acrid odor in Its wake. Nearly 900 firefighters from every agency in Orange C.Ounty, joined by c rews from Loa Angeles C.Ounty, Long Beach, the U .S . Forest Service, thtti- Ca lifornia Department of Forestry and the U.S. Marjne Corps, fought t~ blaze which erupted In Gy,fsum Ct:lnyon about 9 a.m. Cau.e of the fire 18 unknown. More than M people, includln'g alx flreO}ihtera, were trealed for mostly minor Injuries and smoke Inhalation. A captain with t~ Orange Fire Department ""'81 taken to Canyon G e n e ral Hospital after suffering chest pains. Meanwhile, the Red Crosa opened evacuation ahelters in three high school gymnaaiums In Orange, Villa Park and Anaheim. A Red Croo spokesman aald nearly ~00 ptople -had regiJtered at the sh elters by Saturday . Flames a fickle enemy By STEVE TRIPOLI Of the D.-, Piiot Sl9fl The enemy was fire, not a military force, but the acene in Orange Park Acres at midday Saturday had all the earmarks of a battle zone nonetheless. Patches of blackened brush, stray logs and stacks of wood ~~oldered or burned all across ~e neighborhood along Santiago Canyon Road, just aouth of Lower Santiago Creek Regional Park. Winds much stronger than thoee experienced along the coast sent embers flying to Ignite aheda. barns and aeveral hOWleS alto. Realdenta of this largely equestrian community rode or led their friShtened h~ away, wtui. others ttnauled '°!~ the nervow animals Into trailen. At 11eVeral lntenecUons poll<ie dlreded traffic away from areM where flref~~na operationa ... taldnc , but at others .......... mmtly llnored clviluma •"""~ the wne tMk. SpriJ;k era were turned on everywhere and many relidenta atood on their wood-shake roofs with prden hoeet. in an attempt to thoroughly wet down everything that might burn should the shifting winda blow more flames their way. Firefighters faced difficult dedsiona on where to focus their thinly-stretched forces. In !IOme areas judged "non-serious," they advised resident~ that they would simply allow small fires to bum thenwelves out, while the crews aped to another acene. Jody Strickland, a resident of Sandberg Lane, said 1uch a deelaion cos\ two nel1hboring famlliea parts of their homes. "They (firefighters) came by about noon and told us that It had ])Uled us, that what was left would bum Ii.elf out," she said. A1 the a~ke, furnace-like flames engulfed 1 houee trailer and garage .in the home of the John Unaer family. The flames later would claim the barn and tack room of another neighbor's home. night. The 1heltera were opened · at Canyon H igh S ch ool In Anaheim, Villa Park High School and El Modena High School in Orange. Becauae many residents had pets and horses, oounty animal control officers and Explorer Scouts were on the scene to provide assistance at. the Red Cross sh elters. At. El Modena alone, where 350 people registered for aid, nearly. 100 horses Wj!re brought m for care. Fire officials said that 13 of the 20 homes gutted by fire were in the Vll1-Park area, particulatl)' the expenaive Crest de Ville tract near La C'.ollna. • F ive homea were reported destroyed In the Anaheim HiUa area near Eucalyptua Way and Singingwood Drive . Other residences were destroyed In the Orange Park Acret realdentlal area of Santiago Canyon. . The b.lai.e foreed cloeure of a portion of the Riverside Freeway (Route 9 1) near lmperl¥1 Highway during the early afternoon .. (See 18,090, Paie AZ) ...,,.. ....... ..,~~ Starting spectacularly about 9 a .m.-Saturday in Strickland, a 17-year resident of the area, said she had first teen fire in Anahelm Hills, about two inllea from her home, at about 9 a.m. .. • Dellr,... ...... ., ~ ""' . the (ire head ed lor Anaheim Hills where the Gypsum Canyon area otf the Riverside Freeway (See RESIDENTS, Page AZ) northwest edge of flames lapped at cul-de-sac. • • ·O~sessiO~ with growth splits Newport Beach. By STEVB MARBLE O Ot'IMOellJ ........ For a dty that la 75 years old, 95 percent developed and the very picture of the good llle, Newport ee.eh ia remarkably preoccupied with growth. .....--11100---- Kenny Logins cast a . midsummer night'i spell at Irvine Meadows. Page ES. Clualfied ere.word ~ Mailbox A6 Movies E2-4 Re.I l'.ltate ~ 8po111 Bl-5 Stock Marketa E3-4 Style Cl-8 Telewlon D7 ThHt.en E2-4 Tr.Ivel C7-8 W•dm A2 Though the beach tQWn by California staRdal'da la camlortably alonl in years, the debate on growth raa-M lf Newport were tome kind of boom tov(n, a land of open acruge ripe for the taking. The oppmite la true. The remaining undeveloped plota of land in the city are few and tar betw~. scauered like leftover crumbs from a cake that wu klnl aao divided and devoured. Still, It la thla obteulon with arowth - whether there should be any more and, if there ta. what it ahould look like -that ll the common denominator ln Newport Beech. John C.Ox, an ~ execuuw and a dty council member, ..,..ti tl'ewpoit 8-:h Al not divided by Democ:rata and RepubUcana but by growth and no.lfOW\h advocata. Some lonatlme residenta •Y they find It in>nk that 8fO'wth would a.on .. an l-.le after the t..ch diy Ml done malt al '~-l"OW!nl· "To me," uya archlWct William J'lc¥f, 1 50-year Newport Beech rtlldent, ''it'• aomithina like pttina m.t at your wife for ~U. to Wl _• petr of nyfone after ehe'1 -..., pur ' DI 11 a p, 000 outfit." . •' ·Others, Hice camnnmlty Mt&Yllt Jean Watt, View It dlffenndy and ~._P'!f'h 11 en._,. pr1a•I .._ U... II•~~ left. "tt'. worth fl1tat1n1 for, nplatna Watt. noUac that a....-lhe.dty II~ of a In thl• flrat of thr• Dally Piiot arttctet on the 1=-no growth oontrov«ey dlvtdlng Newport , the back·Md-forth flQht to control the City Council, and hence d.wtopment, la put In hletortcal perapectlvel Monday'• lnetatlment wlll cowr .,vtronmentallato' concern• and crtta. cmtury old, It '9 a1IO ripe few ~t. "A. lone • 1 cen reanember,'' aaya Watt, "thin Ml ntlted a teellna that ~le want to lqllllll a little more out of NewPort Beach than la Foci for It." Pwople who haw walehed ~pow frCl1\ • llelpY ..... &own lnto a com1 tall hub an 1 at odds on whether the town has been stripped of lta channa or If builders have merely added a few more jewels to one of the more beautiful apotl on the coeat. The road .to Newport Beach ended JlfSt outside of Pasadena when Mary Burton came to tClwn 72 years ace>· Hel' dark wood howie, a summer vacati~ home In the e.rly 19009 for her famtlyi.!'8ndt It the top of the bluff.a over Corona del Mar Sate Beech and often a panoramic View of the cama and, on a clear ct.y. l:atalina Ialand. , It wu one of the first howiee on the ... t .... of town. built duriftl a Ume when the roedl we dirt. the wiJd n.wd plante wa.11\-hlch and the neareet market WM In Santa Ana. She recalla the fllhinl fleell that woWd .U ea1mon richt on the beeth or the Holl~ movie cnw1, in the daya before eound1 bi would Rt up in Newport BNch when -.rm-. for • ~ location. · But that'•~ now. The little~ hM pown up and a.nan. not out of ..,.t.•p llO ~ aa prindple, 11 c.fttlCll GI the chaJWM, • ..u ,.,.... ......... ja.wt to l*li \MM In. .... that'• what we'w done," the .,.. "Mayt. rm Juet old·fMhloned but I ..,... thla effort to rnexlmll9 ~ to ,.._:41 com,.et and ao**d. Wba\'1 wrcJ111 wtth ~ a UtU. room. I f9w now.a and -.._,.. r01 ( ... HOW, .. AI) , . Ooaat DAILY PILOTl8und1y, Ootob« 10, 1812 all of fire .near ~A: ANGELES (AP) -At 77 hcMllM and mobUe homM delU'oyed Sa\Urda,y .. hot powerful Santa Ana wlndl • rnaJDr' bnMh fire - ll'IOft...-d -llCl'°'9 hllllldel }.n the Santa \llnl. hell hM broken l<>Ole out ," LOI Anaelee <:.ounty Fire •"llllll>ector Paul Ouellette aaid t a 52,000-acre blue that ICClfthed lta way 20 rnn. to the .-. It eent clouds of red-tJnaed · Jmoke thouaanda ·of feet into th• air about 3~ mllet northwMt of Loi AnatclM. The ttam. could be: eoen from Santa Monica, th couul community direc tly weal of downcown LOI Anplee. Ouellette aard the fire de.troyed at leaat 36 1lnsle family dwelllnas, plus another 411 mobile hornet at Parad&.e Cove on the coaat above Malibu aa 90-desree temperaturea, 14 percent humidity and howling delert. winda gusting to 60 mph bfaated the· fire from· Dayton Canyon w tht-oceon. Loi AngelN County Jo'lte Chief Clyde A. 8raadon "61cJ tho flrt1 wu one ot three-ar10n ·c1u1e.~ tlrea that broke out Saturday momJna on the Inland aide of the Santa M onfca Mountoln1. Two of the blues -In Topanga and Woolley canyons - were quickly knocked down, but the Santa Ana w)nda, Southern Callfonpa's tradlttorual acourp of autumn, whipped the Da)'.ton fire intO a 16--milc-wldc auault of flame. I 1 .,.., .......... i., lee ,._,,.. ~bbie Cohoon Shumaker and Dale Duncan or Santa Ana got married Saturday at the Orange County Fairgrounds swap meet. .:They swapped wedding vows ,' JtyJODICADENHEAD .w, ... ...., ........ , The bride wore a long baby blue dreta. She ~ed 1 limple bouquet of white carnatJona and 1flk panalea while a crowd of stranger. in summer 1hort1 looked on. Nearby vendors hawked everything from bagels to lamp1. The oouple were goin~ to take oCC for the west.em wedding capital, Las Vegas, but heard about a "unJque wedcijngs" booth that opened last week. The Rev. Sandra Gambriel of the American Fellowship Church only charged $50. Debbie C.Ohooii Shumaker and Dale Duncan of Santa Ana became the first couple Saturday to '~ wec:ldiQ8 vows at the e>raryre <:.ounty swap meet. That was a lot cheaper than the traditional church wedding Shumaker had gone through a few yea.rs ago. Said the bride's mother. Arlene. Lloyd, bn.ashing away a t.ear,"I thought it was a areat ldea. I just thought this would be different.'' The crowd that gathered around tile wedding booth, thought 8o too. • "We both liked the idea," said the 26-year-9ld bride. "Jt'a unique. _ Lloyd C.ohoon walked hil dauaht.er from the 1nack bar to the white curtain ed booth, mndwicbed between a aunglall dealer and a car JMain1 apnt. A dry, gusty wind had blown the flow down. ~ "It'• dlftuent," said Judy Conway of Fountain ~alley. "Lt's not what I'd choose. But I saw a wecld1n1 In a bar last week, so what difference Ck>eS lt make?." ~h their own,'' Mid her mt.er, Darlene Monroe of hvtne. "As long• they're happy, I Ot.rwd one pueer-by ... ~ of the things about getUng married at a swap meet is you can always brtns her back for an exchange.'' ··t care.'' - ·winds dro3!Jling Temperatures ... ,... KnolMle 82 51 lM Vegll N 3' llnle "«>di 8631 ~ lM 2t LuObodl 74 IS 13 .. =-n M .......... 71 10 71 .. Mpllt-81 • ...,. ~ 56 40 .... OrtMnt II 11 NlwYOft! 44 43 Nurfotll 10 31 Not1fl ,...,_ = : OlcNllome City 17 4 7 OPll9fla Ortlftdo M !1 l'll'rf1ISlllM a4 .1 ""°"* a 11 ~= = =:r. .... II 31 ~.ON. • 11 "o•tdllioe 15 10 =::r City 10 .. ""'° 13 .. Ncfllnon4I M l3 letlltM 74 17 IM Antonio 74 11 ..... :J:: tu.~ .. .. ... Leutl 47 ~ It. ,...._TM!tMI 72 -llt•Mwte N 21 tpolt ... ... ~ 41 : Topllka = 27 T.-TulM IO 71 WllfllnglOfl 11 11 ~ 74 .. 11 74 17 .. 17 42 . .. 71 10 11 11 .. .. 13 ... :: 71 " .. IO 42 73 IO • 11 11 71 41 .. .. 19 41 11 11 11 11 • 71 IO .. .. IO N .. .. 11 n " 17 1111 IEPlll .... -J J a 4 .... ,.. ti 11 ' 11 ,. • ~· 73 12 Ilg~ 58 10 Blythe 13 71 Cet911n• 14 31 BK.U 17 74 Freeno 81 78 Lenceeler 74 14 Lono 8Nd'I 12 51 LOt Anoe!M M 10 MonroYI• 92 12 Montatey 80 58 Ml. Wilton 69 t6 "'"°'" 'II at ~e..cn 88 46 Ollllancl S4 41 Onlwto 85 II Pllm 8tlftnoe II 16 Peudena ST 14 ,_, "°"'" .. eo "9d 8lufl u ... AeOwood City 14 14 a.cr-10 14 .. a.. 84 67 Sen &.rnatdlnO 17 34 g:g:,i. :g = Sen Francleoo 12 32 Serl JON 12 14 larlteAna S8 81 ..... latbef'• .. 1• a.nee Merla H • .. _ _._ M__,,. 12 .. ..__ ........ 41 Stoct11on 13 71 T atlOe V llley 58 31 TIWm• H ao TOff-II 10 YYl!la 15 41 'M~M 80 39 &O 58 47 49 37 57 13 50 52 50 63 59 59 10 11 .. «> 17 55 45 41 15 u eo • 41 75 .. 41 51 ... " &a .. • .... 2 Ac..,utoo 11 75 8etbed08 .. 12 .. llennlld• 12 Tl 41 Cvrac:ao .. 11 ,reeport .... ~..... 11 11 Ou1del0!1j1e IO 11 Klngllon II ,. Morltego -.. 11 Mu8tllrl " n .,IChl 11 R =:~ ~ .. Ji Nllllll .. .. "'*'· '·" " ,. Tnntded II rt • n ., u · •• .. ; -Shaded area Indicates extent of Saturday's 18,000-ecre fire. The last major fire In this area broke out Oct. 30, 1967, charring 48.639 acres (within dotted llne). That Paseo Grande fire destroyed 60 homes and caused $3 mlllion In damage. 18,000 ACRES CHARRED ... \ From Page A 1 . The fire was first reported to h I g h t em p e r a t la res a g a i n omciaa at about 9 i..m. Saturday expected. when brush In the Gypsum "Those winds were really Canyon area near the 91 freeway treacherous out there ," one erupted in Clames. obser ver said . "And the fires Fueled by wind gusts up to 50 were so hot they blurred your miles per hour, the blaze quickly vi51on." spread westward and charred Because of the hazardo us thousands of acres only hours weather conditions, firefighters after it had begun. were prevt nted from using aerial Airborne cinders hopscotched ta nkers to contro l the blafe from roof to roof in expensive Saturday. That 1.eft most of the residential areas, forcing· the heavy work to 37 so-called evacuation of residents In the "strike teams" on the ground. Orange Park Acres area just Besides the 20 homes counted destroyed, a ranch in Gypsum Canyon also was b e lieved burned. Evacuated neighborhoods in the fire zone Included Orange Park Acres in Santiago Canyon, Lemon Heights near Tustin and th e Broadmoor tract near Orange. Also evacuated were residents in the north end of Villa Park and from the Serrano Mesa area which Includes Cowan Heights. , before noon. Next to flee were Villa Park and Anaheim Hilla resldenta. Fire facts tabulated The fire spread as far eaat as Irvine Lake and Saddleback Park and as far IOUth u Peters Canyon Reeervoir by Saturday niaht. l'irefiehters had prepared to make their nighttime st.and In the Fremont Canyon area emit of Irv&e Lake, hoping to check the advance of flames toward Black Star and Sllverado Canyons. Hampering fire c rews throughout the day were atrong Santa Ana winds and temperatures in the htgh 80s and low 90a. The National Weather Service waa predicting little relief for today with winds and Acree Homes Lost Evacuees Flrefltht•r• Cause Ignited lnJurln Major Injuries Status at Midnight Grpeum Canron (Or~ County) 18,000 20 493 900 Unknown 9 a.m. 50 3 30 percent controlled Darton Canron (Lo9 Ar.g••• County) 53,000 90 ? 980 Arson suspected 3 a.m. None None Unreported RESIDENTS FLEE RUSHING FLAMES • • • From Page A1 "The smoke was 90 thick that al timea we couldn't 'see anything,'' the said. ''The wind wOu1d shift and bring the smoke in. then it would take it away. "By 11 (a.m.) or 90 fire was right on top of us, but you oouldn'uee where It was comin8 from because the smoke was ao thick.'' Her home which ·is made of atucco and has a cement roof, was spared. Strlckland and other residents discuaaed the lancbcaping efforts that they eaic;t were aimed at stopping the spread of flre on a day llke Saturday -plen\.y of planta and Iarse, well-watered graasy areM around tbelr homes. But airnilar precautions had not been enough for the bum.inc Unger home. ''The flames juat came up 1 hill and caught It," Strickland said. h wu the· second time that family had suffered damaye under such~ clrcum1tance1 n three yeara, nelghbora aald. Another home on the same lite was destroyed In the first hre. Even u firefighters fought that blaze, fire trucks from Fullerton, La Hebra, Buena Park and the county Fire Department aped toward other ho\ apots. By late afternoon, Strick.land and a number ol other Orange Park Acres re1tdent1 were co n\'i n ce d that &h eir • neighborhood would be spared the wont of the ct.rn.ce. Many drove to a local school where horaea had been &emporarily COITa1ed to retrieve their animals. Ski Handknit· sweaters In 1000/o wool with angora trim by Marceau _... matching hats, scarves and mittens . . 2700 I. Cont Hwy. Niwpett lelCh (714) 631·32IO • Horses a nd the ir keepers were being evacuate d down Cha pma n Avenue just north o f Newport Boulevard. They had only minutes to flee . t~ rooftops throughou't .&he ftti threatened areas, h opis protect their sprawling h. . Elsewhere in Orange, Villa t and Anaheim Hills residel) stood 1n their front la)!. watching the dark, s m'~ 8y JODI CADENHEAD O(tM DeltJf'tlot ..... Le oni Wood, 32, thought it was a joke at first. The fire that eventually blacke ned 18,000 acres Saturday seemed miles away from her $250,000 Orange Park Acres home. The attractive mother was one of 350 hillside resid ents who poured into the American R~ Cross e m e rge ncy evacu a tio n center at El Modena High School in Orange. Two othe r centers w ere set up at Canyon High School in Anah eim and Vitia Park High School. DMlr Not,...._, ......... .K...., Hillside residents q uickly gathered their possessions as Bue na Pa rk fireman Ed With only 15 minutes warning, Wood fle d the smoke -fille d neighborhood near Chapmon and Santiago before noon, taking only her son Scott and two dogs. He r husband s tayed behind holing down the roof. Hooper watered Crest de Ville home that alread y lost its ~arage. We're Listening ••• 642·6088 What do you like •bout the D•Uy Pilot? Wb•t don't you Uke! Call \he number at lefi and your m mrce wW be recocded, tranlCribed Uld delivered to the approprt.t.e editor. The u me 24·hour answerin1 Mrvice m•1 be uaed to record let· ten to the editor on any topic. •C.Hbox coatrllMlton muat tac"* their n.me and telephone number for verifiutlon. No tireul.UO. calls, please. Tell WI what's on your mind . .. caa...._.., .. ....,.,,.,....,.. All....., •• , .......... "°'411t MAIN CJlll'a ........... C.... ..... (A . ............ , .. C..-...... CA.- ....... ~~. l. bf lchulh Vlt•" ...... _, °"""°' .. Mo.,.._, --....... ·~·· "I was screaming at him to come," said Wood. "He just said he'd stay and try to save what he could." A total of 22 of the expensive equestrian area homes were lost: 13 in Villa Park, five in Anaheim Hills and four In Orange Park Acres. Only minor eye irrita tion injuries were reported by Red Cross officials at the three emerge~y centers. The fire, spread b y fly ing cinde rs, caught many o f the residents by surprise. Those forced to leave in the early afternoon took only a few clothes and family pets. Penny Hanson . 36, moved from Northe rn California into her Orange Park h ome on Friday. Saturday, s h e .w as standing at the evacuation center with Jier 16-yeu-old aon a nd do11. The 1oldfish w ere left ~. ahe explained. .. My husband la out of town," ahe aaJd. "He doesn't even know about this." Many of thoae fleeing the expensive homes brought their horses. About 100 horses are being kept at El Mode na High School's athletic fields. Mary Watso n , 25, and h er boyfriend led four of her horses out o f the stable near h er pare nts' $800,000 Orange Park Acres home. "They told us a,t 11 :30 to get the livestock," Watson said. "It wa s t ou gh getti n g th e 15-month-old colt. It was terrible coming down the hill seeing all those fire trucks." As 1n all disasters, the re were a few heartwarming stories of good samaritans coming to the aid ol those in need. Strangers became friends. Jim Manning said that two young men visiting from Vista helped him and hls wife pack a few belongings. They even stood on the roor with a garden hOl!le helping fend on flames that were across the street, as the ret ired , while - haired executive and his wife fled to aalety. Men with hoses s tood on Cielebrate Oktoberl~t with our sensational brots. Now'1 your chance to treat younelf to our plump, juicy Brotwur1t anobd .-.,e. A deticioue blend of bee(, pork and .po.. Celebrate Oktoberfeet with Hickory FIJ'ID8nii. It11 be the belt,t.Mtinl Oktd>erfwt you've ewir Md. flicUQ hnns OF ON/O• Wtl ~ 101 a ..... ol okkima oount17 pillb._ ni ravaged sky. •; .. Many residents helped ~ block roads and direct tra away from the rugged hills! ne igh bor hoods . Carloatlf ell curious onlookers pou red' iii, though, watching the fire c .. m t distanc·e By m id -aft ernoon nunt rt>s1denl.l. had packed their ~mil" cars with val uables n~ keepsakes. ready t.o leave het homes if told to evacuate. , Alison Smith. 19, from rVi1' Park , started packing the rairulf truck with silver, china, ste~ and televisions at 1 :30 P·P'· af a backyard across the st're caught fire. '1 ) By 4 p .m. fire o fflciatf 'ha declared the area safe. "I ~ was very, very lucky," sh e ~ . "This had happened in '69 8o know what to expect." "' 0ne man saves -a town-__,--i ... ' Land oiler broushi ne w residents, n ew lite 10 dyins hamlet BY JUtE8 LOH #1 ........ 0.fl ... U•I AI ANTLER, N.O. -The 1ehool bell haa announced autumn once apln In thla dlatant lhtle vUlaae. To Bud K.laener, that la a 1weet eound. It alto annoutwet1 life. Do you rec:osnlze that name, Klllner? Harley Killner? For nearly all h i• 73 yeara t he re waa no reHon for the people of Antler, a tiny town 16~ mlletl from the hearest Interstate hlahway, to know him u anyone e x c e p t 'B u d K I 11 n e r . a nelahborly, re1pon1ible citizen who paid hll blU. and minded hls own bu1lne11. Out1lde Antler, there wu llttle reaaon for anyone to know hlm at all. Then, wt year, Bud K1118ner did an Im probable thing. arna 11 prlc.: . He aot hi• homeneaden, all rlaht. He alto aot hla name In all th J>Mpera and hll flCe on the 6 o'clock nc:wa -what tort of oddball glve1 away free land, free anythlna? Well, It worked. Antler llvet. That'• what the ringing 1ehool bell celebrates. Thia fall, 41 pupils answered the bell. All but 17 of them were c hildren of Kl a1ner'1 homesteaders, and 1hc of tlle 17 were from families who came on their own, following a hunch th.at Antler muat be a pretty good place to live, with all the attention It wu getting. wavet. lt dl(j, To eome In Antler, that 1ehoo1 bell haa a hollow nna. To llC>me, Antler la jull fine II 11, 1ehool or no 1ehool. If what you like by way of aeoaraphy and elbow roMi 11 country where the 1ky ll hlah and endletl and the air uneU. of ripe wheat and the only nolN ia • trac10r far off dolna rta monotonoua toll, then yN. Antler la a fine place to live. Canada b 60 yard • from Kllaner'i porch. When BUd wu JI boy nobody peJd much attention to the border; children from both aides attended the Antler echool. The area 1a ao far off the beaten path that the boundary 1tlll Is rather Informal. Cuatoma officers call moet of the travelen by flnt names. JoAnne Price, ~enter, and some or her kindergarten chums look delightecl to be ht school in the little town of Antler, N.D. For the moet part Antler is glad to have them. iln orler or free land from local resident Bud Kissne r brought m~e.rn homesteaden to the community, givins the school a new lease on life. He put an ad In the paper offering free land to anyone who would prove it up, to use a phrue from tbe old Homestead Act days. Kluner's aim was to keep his town from dying by 110wlng ·a new crop of children. He figured a few acres 'was a Counting the parent.a and the kids at home and the kida at school, more than 60 newcomers dC1Cended upon Antler. ln a clotie·knlt town, a town or just 100 people, a town where large dlaruptlona are ao rare that the cyclone of 1911 11 stll,l a convecaatlol\ topic, the sudden arrival of more than '60 strangers ju1t might cause a few shock "This Is a good place to live. a friendly place," Klsaner says. "If the school had closed, Antler would have just passed away. Without a school, little towns Hkc this wither and die. I've seen it happen. It was going to happen here." (See LAND, Page AS> Eradication of domestic m ·easles near ATLANTA (AP) -Measles has spread llk:k.neso and death for centuries. And 30 years •80, it almost was a universal fea ture of childhood, afflicting nearly all you'ngsters in the United States before their 16th birthday. Measles epidemics killed thousands of Americans in the early 1900s. About 1.5 million people in foreign countries still die each year of the highly infectious disease, which may have emerged about 2500 B.C. But in the United States, the efforts of more than 150 years of research and nearly 20 years of Intensive efforts to vaccinate Americans are about to pay off. Scientists at the national Centers for Disease Control say this country is on the brink of eliminating m easles as a domestic disease . Meules will still afflict Americans, but it will be of foreign origin. "We've man.aged to outdistance one of lhe world's mo1t contagious diseases," said Dr. Alan Bloch, a CDC epidemiologist. "It's just been the American people getting together and doing whafa best for the children of this country." fubllc h ealth nurse Nancy Turner remembers when measles would shut down achoola in rural south Georgia where she worked ln the early 60s. · "It wu usuallv In the spring,'' she aald. "U1ually one child, maybe, visited out of town, came back (sick) and then you would have a major problem ... Alter ~ng -and spreading the virus - for aeveral days, the child would get a fever, runny nose and red eyes. Then white tpots would appear i.n the child's mouth and the ruh would appear; fl.rat on the face and later all over. "Doctors Wied to recommend that they stay In a dark room because they had so much eye irritation," said Turner, of Noreroa, Ga. "They were v e r y sick , usually running hiah temueratures -104 or ao -before breaking out.f•. Efforta toward measles prevention ~ in Scotland.in the 18th century~ about the time that EnlUah ph)'lician F.dward Jenner demonatrated controlled doses of cowpox could produce immunity from amallpox in humans. Jenner's experiment.a laid the foundation for modern immunology. Smallpc>~ wu eradicated worldwide ln 1977. .;. But a vaccine for measles proved elualve. It wu not until 19~ that Dra. John Enders and C ... MEASLES, Pa1e Ai) cmcs .. -• -Lll'f•Tlle .. , ....... LOW COST CAT 'DCM; VACCNTION CLllC " "' ,.....a.ca.. • • ·--................................................... $3.15-= "" ,...... . ·-}. ........ (O.Hl.) .............. $4.25- ...:: ': :-.: ~ '"" .................................... 15.00 ... .... .....,, .., --Die "~l" ............... -... ...s1 ... .. ......... .... ....... Cat "J+l" '"""""'''"m•••""l$,OO .. -•T Oii WlllS; ~lS • IOE, rLWl IMCUIDT£ ..... Oct. 17, 1912 ..... ,....lot a w. o. IMllW• HIMS: t.00-12:00 --VU) Sllnday' Oct 17, 1912 l«>IMS· 3 OQ.6.00 flllsSIOft Yieio Mal ,..., lot 2700 Crown Vllley 11\wy VE TllS Deluxe Chain · Bu1J11r Alarm • 111• ~ lurgllr·AIMn eo ~ M no .......... to ..... --door Of window un-,...... Mt lftotl IO open lf'I lf*Y pnMc:ted by 1111 *"" ... Of • ftlgl'llwolng ICf'Mm It'll ..,. = "'"'*'II UNI 2 Ptnlghl benel'tel (not In-) . ...... _... ... N to: fllapwt Gift World. 4100 C..,. Oftve, ... 348, Newport ~. CA -NAME: _________________ _ 1.09~ 4.44 18.88 ·22.88 Colgate Toothpaste 7-0z. Door Mirror Mulltpurpose With MFP Fluoride. 7· oz. Regular, 6.4-oz. Winterfresh Gel. *Net Wt. Quality door mwror. Framed. Your daily aid to good grooming. Handcart & Hauler Heavy·duty steel frame, 8" rubber tires, ball bearing swivel casters, folds for easy storage. Hl-st,pper FM Stereo Headset Receiver Mura FM StElfeo Headset AeceNer for your listening pleasure. 1.17 1.99 Pure Welch'• Qrepe Juice 64-ounce' glMa bc>Clle. Rod) in Vita· min C. No eug..-added. 'Fl 01 6.97 ..., K.Qrow Liq. fllh ... Liquid fenillz• flth beM. I ·gtillon IUQ s1 ... EICh, ................ ... ..,cape Bulk~ Orton~- le. °""~· , . ,, '/ .. , , , ---· 'TITITfffff . I i I ' j I I t ' ~_.,..__ .. --....... -..... _____ ,.... -......... __ ..... ___ __ """-........ --·· --....... .._ -- 1.77 .......,. .. Anwfto ... 22-oat. L.A . ..,... potnt ..... 1.88 99c ......... """ ......... ,,.. ... nMHhng non.c:onthP•hng .mac:ld. 12 n. oz Ctyltll Y.,._ Tolet a.. Clans and dillnfec:tl IOilet ~ 48-01 • Net wt. 2.40 ·1.97 • ....... Cool, c...i .... CIH•lc vlnyl alldH whl'I rope ---wedge. In full*- KM 7•"0ur a..t" 4-PL Y POLYESTER WHITEWALLS 29:93 7 Plue '·I. T. UI Each M• . 1·· I 1 ........ '-' 1t •l•J H1 • I _' ,, I I ~)I I • ---~-... u• o..t.•'--·~'"OoiilMr....,.,_ MTlrel,..P&T. lelft ................ .. ~ ... , ... 25.9,7 I AM/FM Portable Radio 8~ AM/FM. AC/DC portable radio. 39.88 .........,, .............. . Top. orlld1 •mlllll ....... .._., "' rMnV u.a. end 1ot91gn .. end .... ' Or1nge Coeet DAIL V PILOT /8und1y, October 10. 1982 Al HOW MUCH DEVELOPMENT WIL=L~_ ..... lJRT NEWPORT From Page A1 ' Sht .. ya the town, al fl,..t, arew 1lowly. "But then ll jual butted IOOM and land vulul'tl went hl1her than a cal'I batk Thct town, I 1uppoee, btc:amc COlmOpoUtan. . She clabna oldUmcin In Newport Beach were ala~ by the rapid .irowth In the law 1960. knd felt that the town they knew h&d wllrk<d to f adc. "Some ot the bulldlna wu dellaht!ul but In ,eneral they (the developers) tried to cram In too much In too llttlu 1pare. That chanaed the nature of the to~n. "I like to •l&Y out of pollUCI," t he add.I, "but I know 10me people would like to make thia the blgC1t Uttfo town bet.ween Loe Angelca and San Dleao. · "l guet1 I'm juat cut from a dltferent bolt of cloth ~auae 1 never gave a damn.for that Idea." T. Duncan Stewart arrived In Cororui del Mar 33 years ago, a young builder with a keen Interest in the environment and a flair for writing poetry . He built his home on a rocky point of Land In Corona del Mar that overlooka the ocean. His house was one of the first In the area and he says he doesn't mind that the neighborhood now ls jammed with houaes. ~tewart aaya Newport Beach was a great Lit tle town that has become a great little city. "Back tt)e n ," remarks hit wife J erry, ''we e xpected Newport to grow. We wanted ll to grow and we enjoyed watching it grow." Stewart contends that growth ln Newport Beach has been res trained and. a m odel of excellence. 30-Gallon Garbage Can Jumbo Hamper "Tht P.llk'(.l oould have arown up Ilk Top.y but h dldn t. I think bulldt1ra come her and are llO awt.'<.I by th natural beauty that they go for out of tht!lr way t.o build flno placel. ''So many people ~'Orne here u a reword for hl&Vlnf llv~'<i u fuU productive Ufo 1<>muwhuru 01141 1.nd It 1 unfair t.o pull up thci drawbrldao and ta)' 'Halt. I'vu a ut mine but you can't have youl'(l.1" Although he hu enjoyt.'<i auccwe aa • buUder, Stewart q y1 ho'd Nther be remember8d aa the rrlan who rlanted t.r(.>Ct on Eut Coaat Hlahway In C.orona de Mar and prHerved a ttretch of another Corona del Mar blufftop for the public by buylna It from another builder. "There haa always been a tremendous latte exercised by the people who have built thia town," says Stewart. "[ don't believe you can Lake the charm out of Newport Beach ." But if Newport Beach hat charm, it also has a widening rift In opinion on how tar that charm can be pushed and how much building the city can take before the charm goes the way of the fishing fleets and canneries that once flourished in the harbor. Everyone, or so it seems, ls for or against growth. l'olitlcal factions are formed by-a person's stance on growth, civic orga nizations are ufrect.ed by I~ and eyen friendships are won ~nd lost on where a person stands. . · . When the new chamber of commerce d ire<.·tor 3.57 Gallo • Premium Wines Tough all·steel construction. Ribbed body and lid -extra strength. Fire and rodent proof. Up·stop side handlet. Galvanized to resist ruat. Wicker-look vinyl. Cushioned top, fully ventilated. Gallo Premium table wme 1n your choice of Chablis Blanc, Rhine, Vine Rose' and more. a ggc For Adult Colgate T oothbruahea Bristles in hard. medium or soft. Your choice. FM/ AM Stereo Syatem Metal/CR01 tape capability, auto record level contrOI, soft eject door, auto stop system, auto sensor. Phone input jack. TV~im °" .... '""'Oct. t7 " sac ll~ll Ultra Brite Toothpaate 6-oz. toothpaste. Helps fight against cavities Net Wt. 8.9 K Mart 1250 Hairdryer Pro·atyle Hair Dryer with 1250- Watts of Power, featurea 2 heat settings. ·-·_.-y1tto -~'°'-ICY ..... ---....... ........ ~ ....... .......... ........ .,, ........... ,,. ....,......_. ............. ..., -.... ...... .._..,,.. .... ,......,. ...... _ ........... 0--.. ,.... ..... __,.....,. ....... .,,...... .................... , .............. ... ::: .. -::-.::=.-.= ................. ., ... 1.88 25-c:ount Trash Bega Sturdy bags are 15 mila thick for a~ strength. Cafeteria Sp~cial 1.88 BBQ In Bfff sandwich Plate BBQ beef sandwich with trench Ines and cote alaw. ............................. Umlt .. '9f ClltkNftef .1.-.1n ...... Of,,•,And •°"'Y Film 0 Pv('llopmg Speu.11 [t] tenw.-s.~ 23.U 99c L..eel K ~,.,.....,Rebe.. •l.00 =~ 18.88 =,_ =~~--far~ ====.... INClll.. • ....... -...,.._ WH hlrc·d and w H preparing to ma ke eomr guncral c..'Ommcnl.8 on the chorf.4 ·IA'>r of thu city, ht> w~ hurriedly cuutlonc.od thut Newport I• thv 10rt of place wh<'re one pick• hi• words very carctully . Orowth mu1in11 a lot of thing• In Ne w port BuM<.·h. If c.:rlme lncreaaea, It'll bla med on growth. If the 1trect1 art' 1murh:d In bumpt·r-to-bumpcr truffle, that's growth. If the air's bod or the }i>i. laking o ff from J o hn Waynt! Airport a r c exceptionally noisy, grow th is wsually m ntloned. From the other point or vie w , w ell-planned growth iJJ held up as tht' best bet for h ghtmg N.ck · at some of the city's "regional" 111.K. It ia a developer who '!1111 build ne w roads. It IS a developer who can bring In e nough money to hlre more pollcemen and it Is a developer, not a politician, who hu the clout to do something obaut jet tra!flc out of the airport. G rowth !JI a catch word for e verything that'• right or wrong m Newport Beach. On e cit y council member, seeking re-eluctlon, ha s informed h er s upporte r s t h at if the "anti-growth" ad vocates "regain" control of the city, crime and traffic w ilJ increase • A nother council member runnin g for re- ~k-ction is telling voters that th<' city's largest landowner -the Irvine Company -"wIBhes to t•tmllnue exl-c.'SS1ve commercial cxpcms1on through control of the city council." ... What doc>s all of this mean'! Does it mean that. greedy developcno ~re on the verge of turning Newpor t Beach into a scaled-down version of Detroit? Does it mean that 1f a developer 1s denied permission to <'r<."'Ct a high-r ise in Newport Cfnt.er that u team of crooks will take over the city '! "I wen t to one council mc.'<'llng and they lost me from the word 'go,"' says T im Mast.erscn, w ho has lived in an upartment near the Newport Pier for nearly four years. "They (council members) kept going on and on over this J<UY who wanted to build a plant shop or something. One guy (a council mem ber) would say the city's going down the dram . and the next guy would say how wonder fu l tht' city is. . . ft.I '" f.· u· -- ''[ finally got up and we n t home. So much for r t city government, righ t?" .. ,; >• Tina Herman, who hvt>S in the Park Newport I I ~ ~,\ apartment c.'Omplex and works in nearby Fashion "" .,1, Island: says she gets confused by people bearing •, ,;.,1 petitions who want her to oppose one development ,1 .. or a nother. "I kind of put them in the same category with the people that s tand in fron t of the post oHice and want you to help them ban Jane Fonda or something like that. "One woman told me that Newport was going to become like Miami Beach if they built this hotel in New port Center. I JUSt said, 'Come on. get sen ous.'" While the back-and-forth fight over growth may be going unnoticed by some, hundreds of others have been swept up in 1t. In the last year. th ere h ave been two successful signature drives aimed at tumjng back developments through the referendum process. The second centers on the so-called Banning Ranch development on the e xtreme west side of Newport Beach . Again, o ppon ents gathe red thous ands o f signatures and the fate of the development will be lc fl up to voters next month . The growth issue also has been the main arguing point In the last two council elections which have been mud-(ilJed contests between the gfOwth and no-irowth advocaU>s. Each side has t.4Jted victory only to be drummed out of power the ne xt time around. Monday: Environmental watchdogs. MEASLES . • • From Page A4 Samuel Katz began the research that led to the first licensed vaccine in 1963. "It wasn't a sudden chance serendipity." said Katz. who is now profes.'iOr of pediatrics at Duke UniversHy in Durham, N.C. "It was much more, doing one experime nt, finding the results, interpreting those and going on step by step." • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • l!LBCTRIC SIGN • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • CLOSE OUT SELLING AT COST .~ wlll bring aampfea to your buslneH •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • JOIN KODAK's "IFL Tail11t1 Part," Save 50' with this coupon on pt.Wchase of 3 rols of Kodak Coloi flm (110, 126, 135, Disc) CouPon 11111<1 untM J.,,, 31, 1"3 Get your NFL Premium l rder form and sweepstakes entry Ask about our ''Earlybird " Christmas Card Specials 50I w. lllboa ""· '• • •f(1 4 ·1· ,,.,. J. I .,-' •: . . .. ,. } . .! .• , .•. t' I dr ,. I ' •• ,' I ·•· I I N . l -.ii/ JI ·'.1• ,,, 1: I .. ti·. .. u ~ I • 1tl J 1• II . 111.P i.• J 1.~1.· I l / ,.••I t, I l , .. , l'. ''" ' I II 1,1 1u _i •,r> Ii' l !11'1: 0·1.111 r11r.nrr , 11 1 •hor ,,,.:hi\ •JI I . .. ,,, '"*'" """~ , .... ,., ""'" "•' uv•.• r. , -·~ ~.' . ( .. ·~ ~.. ·~ if,t ' •• oM ef.4 )1(1' l '"'' pMl it>ul:.I ~-;: ·~o ·~'1 JOA ( ' I . ~· Orange Cout DAILY PILOT /Bund•y, Oolobet 10, 1882 Ailing Social Security needs a quicker cure Every month :36 million Ame ric:an1> rec,-eive some Corm of Social S<.>eurity cht.oek. Right now the program is losing anywhere from $17,000 to $30,000 a minute, depending on whose statistics you 8<.'t.'epl. " In any case, it is agreed that the main retirement and survivors trust fund w ill be unable to pay full bene fits beyond the m idd le of 1983 , and could become insolven t by 1984. The only thing that is h olding it together right n ow is borrowing from t h e healthier medical a nd disability funds, whkh has been author ized by Congress only th r o ugh December, but this 'could lead them into eventual deficits as w e ll. Clearly, something must be done. But, especially in a n election year, this is one of th e hottest of hot pota toes. According to Sen. Robert Dole, R-Kan., at least two members of his Senate Finance Committee boycott any meetings at w hich Social Security is on the ag(mda. And when President Reagan last year proposed some possible r e m ei:i i es -ex t e nding the ·retirement age b eyond 65, reducing early retirement bene fits from the current 80 percent to 50 percent, and perhaps delaying scheduled cost -of -living increases for retirees -there was such an uproar he was obliged to scurry about assuring the e lderly that their promised be n e fits would neither be stopped nor reduced. And m ember s of Con g r ess similarly hastened to assure the ir anxious constitue nts that they would support no such m easures (at least in an election year!). So th e pr ob l e m wa s t em p orari l y solved by the president's appointme nt of a National Commission of Social Security Reform, which was ordered to present its findings and recommendations by Decem ber - a date safely past the e lection. That would appear to place the controversial decisions in the lap of the 98th Congress which takes office in January. But Sen. Dole says that LS too late. He wants a special ~ion of the-Congress to deal with the Social Security issue before the end of the year. and as soon as the commission's recommendations are in ha nd. In fact , members will h ave to return to Washington a fier U\c 1:1~\IVll LU CUlll}JUHC ti number of ite m s o f unfinished business. Doi~ SC..'eS ·this as "a real window of o pportunity" to confront th e Social Security issue eve~>'.one has been so carefully avoiding. So-cal led "lame duc k " sessions, involving members who will be leavin g Congress and excluding those newly elected, are not to be recommended except in case of a genuine l'risis. In this case, Social Secur ity is a truly critical issue and one that should have been faced muc h earlier, befo're th e losses became so alarming. If it is further postponed it could well become mired in new budget and othe r matters that must be address~d by the n ew Congress. None o f the prosp ecti ve solutions is especially palatable. They could include a ll those mentione d in earlie r r eform proposals, plus such J><>S&IJilities as extending interfund bonowing, moving up the schedule fo~Social Security t ax increases n ow scheduled for 1985, 1987 and 1990 (sure to be bitterly opposed by overtaxed younger workers), and phasing federal pension funds into the Social Security system. The latter probably makes the most sense. The exclusion of milHons of assorted government workers who have the ir own pension funds and are relieved o f their Social Security tax obligation has been one of the real millst.ones around the neck o f ttfe Social Security program . Including them could go a long w ay t oward restoring its solvency. As the "graying" of America produces more and more retirees, and enables the m to live longer, the burden on younge r workers forced to pay more a nd more into the program -often with the impression the re will be little chance of any return w~ they are ready to retire -is ming too heavy. Cong ress h as managed to evad e t he Social Security issue so far. It will not go aw a y. It will s urely get worse. The time to tack le it is immediately upon receipt of the reform commission's recommendations, even if it means remaining in session until the end of December. This is the least the millions of retirees and taxpayers involved in the dile mma can expect of their pubUc servan\S. Jobless get a new jolt It may come as a surprise to many of today's jobless workers - especially those who have lost t h eir jo bs in recent months or whose spouses remained employed -to learn that they wiJI o w e . income taxes on all or part of their unemployment com pensation . A little-n oted item in th e administration's $100 billion tax increase was a tigh.tening of the rule governing taxability o f unemployment benefits. Under the previou s rules, a single person making up to $20,- 000 in combin ed in come a nd jobless benefits did not have to pay tax on the benefits. The total for married couples was $25,000. The new regulations lower the ceilings on combined earnings and benefits.during the tax year t.o $1 2,000 for sin gle pe rsons a nd • $18,000 for married couples. Taxes will have t.o be paid on either the e ntire amount o( unemployment com pensation or on one-h alf of the e>lc~ of all income over the newly lowered ceilings, whichever is less. Thus, a person who earned $12,000 before toeing a job, then collected $2,400 in unemployment benefi ts would have to pay taxes on $1 ;200 of the benefits, or half of the excess. But a person who earned $16,000, t hen collected $2.- 400 in benefits would pay tax on all the benefits, instead of on h alf of the $6,400 received abcive the new ceiling. · So the word to the jobless is, don 't think you're hom e tax-free on those unemployment benefits. Uncle Sam m ay s till stand to collect his share too. Opinions expressed In. the space above are th<>se of the D•ily Pilot. Other views ex· pressed on this page are those of their •uttiors and artists. Reader comment Is lnvlt· ed. Address The Daily Pilot, P.O. Box 1S60, Costa Mesa, CA 91626. Phone (7U l 6'2·4321. L.M. Boyd/Too much talk "Ten measures of speech descended on the world. Women took nine and men one." That's from the Babylonian Talmud, copied down ln the A.D. 500s from oral teachings that go even further back into antiquity. It gives you IOme idt'a of how long men have been ICC'Ull.ni women of talking too much. When tHplanel land on the Dead S.. -at 1,286 feet below 1Ca ~vel - lhty fly lower than moat 11ubmarlnes ewr dJve. ORANGE COAST .Daily Pilat ls the• distance between your eyes equal to the width of one eye? Should be. ii' ty pic-al. Q . What'• a "pin table''? A. What the Eng.Uah call a pinball machine. Moal amo k era who 1 1ve up cigarettes tell re.earcht'n the tr1vtnp during withdrawal hit ,harde1t not just beloro breakta1t, a• commonly belleved, but around 7 p.m .. , ........ ,.H-'ey ~ JeMA....t l1ew,.. fdllor ................ fdllotiol ,. ,,_ 'n..m. aw-.. ~f~ I li~INK T~ Er CALL IT COURT· IN,·· EVE~ SO OFTEN 1HE WHOLE F~OCK Mf~RATES iMeRE . • Letters io the editor Concertgoers lack manner s To the F.ditor: On Saturday, Oct. 2, we had the opportunity to attend the Diana ROSB con ce rt at the Irvin e M ea do w s Amphitheater. Since It had been a tcrrHJc day with perfect weather, we were expecting a great concert under the skies. What we received was a truly magnificent Diana Ross, but an equally dtsappointing and rude Orange County audience. We actually felt embarrassed for Diana Ross. First or all , the concert was to start at 8 p.m. B<>ing an Irvine resident, J allowt'Cf myself ample lime in considering traHlt:. parking. etc., so as to be there on time. In my scat by 7:50, I was . .amazcd that only half the seats were filled by 8! By 8:15, only three-fourths of the seats were filled as lhc band began to gather on stage. Finally, at 8:25, the music began. and Diana made her entrant'e. Yet, through it a ll , people were mulling around continually, mainly back and forth to the concession atanda. We all felt as if we were at an Angels baseball game -not a Diana Rosa concert. Several times during h er set, Diana would comment, "What are y'ou people doing?" "Are you just getting here?" She was very gracioua, but you rould alJIO tell ahe was Irritated. Obviously, those rude people never got the message. Now, we realize that the Meadows makes a lot of money at lhe conc:esaion stands -but seriously, those stands could be closed for a one-hour .et, then opened during intermisaJon. It would seem to us the courteous thing to do. We just hope that Diana decides to come back to Orange Covnty. It would be a shame after all the9e years when we flnally are able to hold such concerta, to lose top performers because we do not know how to receive them. BILL POLLARD JIM HAGGARD PH.IL DRAGCYITO Pac Man t eaches To the F.ditor: I would like t.o make a stand on Pac Man. Why hasn't anybody come forward Gardner's column MAILBOX and said how good it is to be able to tea<:h the children dexterity with their hands. rreparing them for the computer world? started wh.en computers first started, 1 was in on the ground floor and today l can't even tap into the new computers but I can see how Pac Man makes everybody ready to run the computer world. ~- JOY KABl&:H 'Saleing ' th erapeutic To the F.d1tor: I would hke to S(.'t! a big article done· in the paper on garage sales but until that is done. J would like to l'Ontribute this to the editor: Saleinf Along Our Coast, I hav~ to admh it. am hooked. I have to check the• ads every Friday and Saturday to find where l~e action is. The next step Is to list the local sales. One of my friends laminat.t.'<I a map of the area an plastic and uses a grease pencil to mark the location of the sales. I think garage saleing ls the best way to study an area and its people. Here in Orange County. we are most fortunate the weather ls perfet:l for saleing. The wide range or people at all levels on the inc.-ome ac.ale gives us access to an almost endless variety of sale goodies. l believe it is possible to find anything at a garage sale. In Costa Mesa a few years back I saw two big boxes of buffalo chips. Now ( don't know if they got here by covered wagon or jet. But I've often wondered if they were sold that Saturday. I HA V.E also seen two mounted moot1e heads. My friend bought one. It hangs in a restaurant In Orange County. And an antique Coke machine found its way to that same restaurant by way of a age sale. One of the local mJnisters ad ocates possibility thinking . on TV. You may need to be a possibility thinker when saleing. The goodies are out there tn the most unlikely spots. AJs we Jwnp into the car on Saturday morning, we are off on a treasure hunt and If no real treasures show up, well, it wu fun anyway. We don't feel the de pre9Sion that the high pm.'t.• tags in the local malls can bring on or the g•.&ilt from working that little plastic card overtime. The endless variety of It.ems offered never t.-eases t.o amaz.e me. Last week I saw two butter molds. When I pointed them out to my daughter, she had never M.'Cn one I had a new experience, I saw a,.. lead soldier mold. If I overload the garage at times, I pack it up for the local thrift shop and start all over again. It's therapeutic. LOIS SHUCK Airport kills r ig hts To the Editor: B.J C Fischer's arrogant Sept 30 letter in favor or airport expansion , shows why no one wants to be neighbors wnh an airport. On('e a tiny airport with three flights a day it starts growing like a cancer that chokes out the life of oilier properly owners Fischer must know that the land around the airport belonged to someone, even before the 1 airport was there. The airport th~n I expanded. killing out all the pleasures of property owners li ving and paying t.alCeS on that land. The airport is violating the nolSC laws of the stat.e. Who says the laws are for everyone ellL'ept pilots? When the county bought the airport, the whole city of Newport was already there. and note this. the county promised the laod owners that there would never be .)ClS fl ying out of thNe Newport Beach should sue the t'Ounty for lying to them. J was here 25 years ago and so were those houses under the newly purchased county airport. The laws of this land do not give one person the right to destroy another's property. There was a farmer who won a U.S. Supreme Court decision because the Army put in an airp6rt and his chickens couldn't even lay eggs from the stress. The farmer wo n against the U.S . Army. We shollld au sue the airport and get an "out-of-rou.nty" jury for fairness. BRUCE MILLER l•tt.r' tram re ... ,,.., .... <...,. ,..,,._.. ,.,.,...,.,.. •1 hH\ to fit ~If tw t tf""4Nle lt ... t 1t, ,~ .... '""ttH"\ Olt - #Otd\ or •9'\ -.U bt tUft'f\ Pf'.ttteft<• Atf ..Ct•'l mu\t "' c.h1d• ''""''vr• •"" .., .... ,. ..ooreo ...,. ~' rn.v .. #tl'-ft•ld Of'\ teQYnl •• tiUfh<.t.,., ,. •• \Of\ ., .....,.-Htt ....., f •Ill ftOI be_,_,, Ltlle<\ m4f De , ... _IO .. ) - N•m• •nd ~ ~' ot '""' t ontriDVtor ,...._.u W '"'-.tor VHtfK•hCW'tOWf'OO-..' Andy Devine: A friendly, funny poet By ROBERT GARDNER R obert Gardner, chief justice of American Samoo. is remembered along the Orange Coast as a longtime jur/$t, frt>quent emc.-ee and senjor body surfing enthusiast. One of the most outstanding men I <'Vt>r knew was Andy Devine . The world knew Andy as an actor with a distinctive voice. I knew him as a man. l don't remember how Andy and I got together but when we did the necetsary chemistry wu there and we became fast friends. He was warm. funny. frie ndly, thoughtful a nd a thoroughly dl'<.'cnt man. Although a public figure, he was modest, •retlrins and a v~ry private penion. Andy didn't let his guard down 'lery oft.en and ht' never blew hla own horn. WHEN WE FI RST MET I waa hondlln8 juvcmlJe court. Andy kept uklng me about my work and fln111ly I lnvl\N him to 1ee the operation. He we.a enthusiast ic and 100n beaan 101ns to couh refularly with me. Wo M\teloped a kind ot rouline. While I w•1 tryln1 c&1e1, Andy would wander throua h Juvenile IUll talkin& to the itida. Thia meant a Jot to them. Th~ kida in the Nill are aeneralty the one. aw.iu.n, a hearlnc OI w8't.t.na plllC'emt'nt. At·a rule they aA! ,..~, 1ullt>n, teated, ant.leod&I. When • pullOn ol Andy's prominence wandered umnnounced into one of their c.111 ~ a.lk~ lo &hma ,, pw ........ Iii(" The countelora r e ported •m•tln1 ctwte-ln •U.lwcMt •ft« Andy'• ""'•· '"'•n we would ao to th• JopUn Ranch for lunc h . The ranc h, an lnstitutlon for dcllnqul'n\ bo)"I, is located in the Santa Ana mountalns above Trabuco Canyon. At that ti~ ll was run by Ray Stripe, who aeeme<t to have a magic touch with troubl~ boya. He could take a touah antilodal hoodlum and often u not mold hlm lnto • decent, productive membft' of the community. Andy bfiamc' an Important part or Ray'a program. Alter lunch Andy would say a ff.w wordt to the boys u • iroup, thm he would IO outalde and 1ab with the boy. for a couple of houn. He jua\ wanted to be friendly, and a number of theme youna men ~me hla rrtends and kept in touch with him after they left Joplin. A couple talked him out of IOftW' money but he didn't equawk. H~ jult llhruatd thoee big thoulclen and Mid, "What \he t..11, you can't wtn t.Mm all." He would ftn6lh Che day by talk.l~ to tM strtia M MeMIJlan •hool -• sane. Ana tmU.•y lhl& w• Ulfd I« U.trnt"nt of pn-deHnqUent problemt, Theee ...... really apprtdai.d havln1 eomeone or I ' , Andy's stature sit down and talk to them. You could just see them soaking up his friendship. and several kept up their fricndshipe with Andy aft.er they lefl. Andy was never look ing for publkily, a lthouah he got h is s hare in the l'nU•rt.ainment world.What he was doing was strictly between hlmS<'lf and the kids he was helping. To Andy's annoyance J told some of my media friends, and as a result t)te Orange County Press Club gave a ~ party to honor Andy and his activiUes with the kids. h was quite an aff~. About 1.000 pt'Ople attended. ln ~i,s tm'mory. the club gave the Joplin Ra~ o living ~morlaJ -a row of ever~-in tr~s bordering the winding road t~t lt'ads to the ranch . Andy also was a poet. ONE TIME, ANDY, his wlf(' Do.gt. ond my wife Katy and 1 wc.>re t.akina, a trip. However . the n lflhl we were leavlnat. I wae the muter of (.'(!rerrion"'5 at the Pre• Club Awards banquet. I w nl to the banq~ and tht-tttt of th4ina were to pick ~ up. They arrlvtd add waited in the bar for me. The ~ W all lntt-tmlnabJe. lt lt'em~dd ~ eYYerer\. reporter and photo1raphcr in the kOt an award. Finally Andy wro~ a Ii& Jlnalc on a cocktail MPkln aod llt'nt it me. I !'.ad It to tht' P.""' dub. h aakl: ''The hour ii late. ' "The r<*i &a t.nt." "So N& It lhor\." "And kl UI WlllL" The Pf'Oltam qutd&ly wnnsneted. Shortly ~ Andy W81 --.S \ht-dub'• ~t laul'Ni.. \ t .. , Orange Coatt DAILY PILOT/Sunday, October 10, 1982 Fed sticking to tight mOney l£M" COMtnATIOfW. JMAIO( ITARTI OCT. 2111 7:IO 547.7733 Every Sunday Volck er denic central bank forcing down interest rat e lit: W M CIUUUl Allfl, HOT SPRINOS, Va. (AP) - hderal Rfterve Chalnnan PMul •A. Volcker declared on Saturday that the naUon'a central bank la a.tlckln& with ha lnflatlon- fl1h t1n1. tliht.money policy· rather than trying to force ln..,...t ra\8 down to trigger a Jona-awaited economic recovery. \Tolcker denied recent report.a that the bank. In a major policy ahlft, la backJns away from lta · touah anti-Inflationary stance because of arowinc alarm about a deteriorating economy and aurgif\8 ~nemploymenl . Nev urthule11 . h uxpr.i .. tid L'Onccrn that recovery c.'OntJnue. to elude the country lone after mott torecutcra had predicted an economic upturn. He uld he 1Ull expecta a "moderate" r~'Overy, althou1h he declined to predict )Vht!n (t would arrive. Volcker said lntcreat ratca have faUen slgnJficantly 1ince the summer because of weak loan de~nd caused by the receealoll and tbe central bank's succeaa ln lowering lnflaUon. "We do not think we can force Interest rates lower. We will not forcu lnt4't\.'ll ralH lowt!r," lhe bank chairman aald at u rart• new1 conference held at a reeort hotel. where he II •Uendlng a meeting of chalrmef\ of the nation'• lar8t>tl corporatJona. "We welcome decllno1 In lntereat rate1, obvloualy, but thOle have to be baaed on a aenae of progret1 on the Inflationary from If they are iOlng to be IUltalned,'~ he aald. Volcker reaffirmed that the bank would .continue to 1low Inflation by reatralnlni the growth of money and credit. I Drive A"!ay! Sail Away! Fly Away! Register at any South Co(\St Plaza Store duri ng 15th Anni\fer&ary Sale October 14th · 17th fo r Grand Prizes! • Choi~e of ISUZU I-Mark Deluxe 5-spced or ISUZU P'up 5-speed truck. Three leads probed in cyanide case • 7-Day Hawaiian Cruise for 2. courtesy of American Hawaji Cruises. (Airfare not incluJi::d). • 4 PSA trips -for -two to San Francisco, includi~ lodging at SHERATON Fisherman 's Wharf af!d · C H ICAGO (AP) - Investigators are focusing on th ree primary leads In their investigaUo!'l of the murders of seven people who took cyanide- laden Extra-Stretigth Tylenot capsules, state Atiorney General Tyrone Fahner said Saturday. One lead that Fahner had described as "pri mary" llpparently waahed out late Saturday with the arres t of a 20-year-old man who allegedly threatened to poison hospital patients with cyanid~-loaded Extra-Strength Tylenol unless he WU paid $8,000. F.arll~ Saturday, Fahner had saJd lnvesU~ators had four leads that' were 'still being actively work'"ed." In a tele phone Interview after the extortion arrest, Fatuier confirmed that the case was "one of the four," adding that investigators now believe the suspect was not linked to the cyanide killings. The suspect, .Jerome Howard of Chicago, aUegedly threatened to '>Olson patients at Gottlieb Memorial Hospital In Melrose Park. a \l(,Mtern subur b of Chlca10, unless hls extortion demand was met, according to FBI spokesman Anth ony DeLorenzo. In hi1 e xtortlon letter, the man c l aimed re1pon1lbillty for the seven cyanide killings, OeLorenzo taid. The.letter was deUvefed to'lhe hospital on Wednesday, a week after the first• of the cyanide deaths, DeLorenzo said. Investigators bec ame suspic ious of the letter's credibility becauese of the relatively small amount of money demanded. use of HERTZ Automobile. .. • Plus two $25 gjft certificates courtesy of THE LIVERY, and many more prizes. : ·~ SOUTH COAST PLA ZA VALET1PARKINC-all Mall hours: 10·9 weekdays; 10·6 Saturday;· 12-5 Sunday Robnsons FALL .SALE AND CLEARANCE '9.89 EACH MIKASA FULL LEAD CUT CIYSTAL STIMWARE Reg. $26.95 each. Showcase your flair for entertaining. Save 60% and more on the fine crystal stemware that adds a new feeling of elegance to your holiday celebrations. Choose fr<»n two sparkling patterns: Buckingham, In goblot. wine or saucer champagne. or Windrlll. in goblet. wine or flute champagne. Hurry. quantities are limited Robinson's Glassware. 86. ,To order, call to~·free 1·800-345-H01. Ask about our Crystal Club Plan. I ROllNION'I COMPUTERIZED WEDDING Qlf'T RIOllTRY. Make an appointment wtth our consultant at your nearest·Roblnson'a. We'll record your gift preferences In every store via the only computerized fervlce In Southern California. .. , . __.,. ................ .... I• -.. ,. .... ~ ......... -----. SPECIAL SHOPPING HOURS: SUNDAY 11-6. Queen's L•c• Susan Harmony . '99.99 PORCELAIN CHINA DINNERWARE '5·PC. SERVICE FOR l•Hl Reg. $275. Ad1 an air of excellence to every meal you serve with our fine translucent dinnerware imported from China. where the beauty of flmf porcelaln was first discovered In 1295. Choose from sh< exquisite patterns. now at savings too Irresistible to miss. 45·pc. sets lneludt 8 each: dinner plate. Hlad plate, soup bOwl. cup and saucer. plus 1 14" oval platter. 9" round vegetable, and . . a covered sugar and creamer. Choose Celeste, Susan, Harmony. Queen's Lace or, not shown. ~alhay or Ctiateau. Robinson's China, 67. To order~ call toll·free 1·100-Ml-ll01. Every bride who registers In any Robtneon'a throu~ October 30 will receive a complimentary copy of the Bride Gulde (while quanlltlea last). Roblnaon·a Fall Sii• and Clearance endl Saturday. October 1e. Hurry In while quantities are plentiful and Hlectlona t1den1lv1. All Item• 1ubJecl 10 prior Nie. .. t I t .. I Coat DAILY fltlOT/Sunday, Oototter 10, 1912 AND GIFT AVE TOWN ..• • rom Page A44 Simple 1rlth1nellc. P roJ c \ d nrollment tor llHtl -82 wu 23 pupllll: r lhla r.ear, U . Su.te fund.I per pupil ouldn l pay much more than th u I b4U, let alone lt'achcr 1alarlet1 So the 1ehool board, on April l, 1981 , voted 4 -1 l o lock the 1ehoolhouae door and leave another empty ahell In a town littered with em}>ty ahella. What else could they do? These daya, of courae, such answers arc ofte n sought In c at'llogs o f gbvernment programs. If there ls one . ~ ·Bud Kissner PHOTO SPECIAL tltlt'd Savina Oylna t:khoola In L>y1n1 ·rowna, flno. It not, alvt up. Bud KJaner'a mind dooen't work that wtJ.y. Ile hu Ii plalna mind Out hc>rf' on the plain• then• llnf(t•n a tradition of direct action "If all we need 11 children, then lc\'1 gct some chlJdren." Ht had no children but hc had land. 6•0 acres. So he decided to give away IOMC of h la \arid to save the a:hool to u ve the town. He chose a parcc>l of creek bottom land with sweet well water. It meaaurl'd 42 acres -worth. say, $~00 •nacre. His offer. reverberating acroea the land, fek:hed more than 1.000 letters with postmarks from every st.ate and leveral foreign places. At night he had to take the phone off the hook. K lssner was astounded b y the response. His ad was meant as a local offer; he listed his phone number w ithout the area code. His search was for families, prolific families and he (ound them. The Ellises, eight chUdfen. The Murrays, thr~e. The Navarette&, seven. The Bergs. four. The Engstroms. two. The La.Point.es, six. The Prices, five. Why did they come? Jim and .Frances Murray came because th.ey hat,i lost all they·o wned in a house fire in New H.ampshire. Mike Ellis, a welder. left a good job i'n Salt Lake City to sta rt his ow n business, with h is sons, Frank and Margie Navarette came to raise goats, which they couldn 't do in Los Ange~es. All had reasons. All have proved up their land, too: fences. wells, houses hauled in by flcltbed truck, or traile r homes. All have found work. •. , Print THAT'S RIGHT! Bring 1n you1 110. 128. 135, and Disc cote< punts 10< processing and receive each prinl for only 5' plus our regular developing charge One day pledge not valid on coupon special Allow 2 day serv1Ce lime OFFER EXPIRES 10/ 15/82 COUPON MUST ACCOMPANY ORDER r·v;i::;;c-~;,;·1 rv•r~;i,"19"c0\.·p;n·" r·v·.t;;.;.;·c;;;;;.;··· I• 5 • PEI PlllT : 1· 5 '-PEI PlllT i 5 '-PEI PlllT a.,. dllr(t : dlarp • f'llls Ot¥tlop!Mnt I • piliJ dntloPlllent • • plllJ dlltioplMftt L~~~~.i 1...~:x~;r:~~--L~~r:Jf~::. 5 llG llASONI TO SHOP DAY PHOTO ·-.. y-r fllM ..-eceHlfte -ti• I 0H£ OAY 5£RV1Cf All C010t -eno pton! '"'" DeCll ., .,.... dllY 2 PeHH't "'~£1'1 -We -,..,._., -~ prtc.e b1 -20"'.,,, --3. CVSTOM SlZf PRINTS -Ewlta Wllf pt ....... no DAY PHOTO 2600 E. Coa1t HW)f. Corona del Mar 92625 . ~cti;;~ -0.,... ue>-4tM OUI _.-no 64Gs9551 --.i. no .,n.1n9 out 04 -· no -SATISFACTION l'LUS -M _.. I~....,.,.,_ M.-M 9 ..... ,. 6 • "' ..._.. 10 .. --2 • "' or -w11~,.,.,,w.,..,,~ . . ... ., -· -..... Come in now and •ave/ Golden West College Community Service Education Programs OFFERING NEW DIMENSIONS IN LEARNING Beginning October I 1-30 .. Applied Hor~ llwbandr) Auto Cart for Womf'n Autom<>1ivf' Tunr-up Back pa clung How to Properh IJae and Carf' for Your Portable Cir<'ular ( kill) Saw Instrument Cround School , Badminton ' Ba!ica of Lighting & Ele1;trw11v for your Re 1drntial E11v1ronp1ent Body Energiz.ing Terhni<JUl"S • Calligraphy Ceramic1 lnvestin~ m tht tock Markf't '"'"tin Juii11u' Karate Rock Cl11nbing Sailing Scuba Diving Sign Language for Senior Citiztns 1 China Today Converaa1ional Danish Dance: Etnhic So You Own a Portablt Kouter: O.nce: Folk What do You do Now'! Sport Divinic Stained Cius Qince: Tap. ~g,inning & Ad"'nred Espreuional Ameriran Sign Language lmmer ion Worit1hop f urniture Refinishing Greeting Card Workshop for Calligraphers S1a1is1ic1 tor Math llatrrs ._ Word Pra.·,.115ing on the Mirrocomputtr Yoga and lntl"cmediatf' Yogi November and December programs also available Call 892-7711, ext. 637 or 891-0660 (or further information 15744 Colden West St .. Huntington Beach. tA '92647 . . • ~3~-o~F WAllHIDE ' Latex Flat Wall Plllt u•lng ,,.. palHled 111/cl'Ollo ,,,~ Steine, IPOll and normal houNllold dl11 clean up OUR REGULAR PRICE Pl!R GALLON ... uy. Excellent co...rlng ~ In IJIOll colore Sun Paint Under New Owner 5848 Edinger Huntington Beach 846-3344 ~ Pacific Decorating Talbert & Bushard Fountain Valley 963-0881 IATINHtDE' Lo-lustre Latex Eumel For kllch«lt . bethroomt. woodwork-and m<>11t Interior turlac:4e. Enamel durablHty Elly to aoply See these PITlSBURGH PAINTS DISTR IBUTORS for their special prices Crown tt.dwlr1 1614 San Ml&utl Or Ntwporl Bex~ 644 8S7t> er... ....... 1024 1rWM Aw • Newport 8exh 6411133 YmPlilb 910f£dqtt fountalll Vll/wy 3411441 .JC .>' Cl11l At' lrh # ~ B--...-- _,,.,,. St• ~-S· l ~·?)·--... .__ .... _.,. .. ,,_~_> __ ,_, ___ ,_'_> __ ~__;;_,~:'l'.7'1~"~~........_)fr___, It's Wallpapers To Go Wall-to-\\bll happy once you get your selection home. Sale. These are all first quality wallpapers just bring it back within 30 days tor a full from the world's leading designers. No refund or exchange. At \\bllpapers To Go, left-overs. No seconds. --~to ftft we make it easy to Everypattemison ••~~w -~ shopandeasyto display and in stock. ui.... -" 't f • choose. The V\bll-to-ready to go. And if VY':J ffiUA0 1 easy or you. Vbll Sale makes it you're not completely SAi.i INDS OCTOBER 24 even easier to buy! r . ---c . • -· ... " ~-· . •J.'. ~·Jl!"1!' - IUNOAY, OOT. 10, 1182 Timely Writer ile troyed I ollowlng Gold Cup 1pilJ.. 82. FOR THE RECORD . Who would have thought this • • • Milwaukee's Paul Molitor is caught in a rundown , between Rod Carew and Doug DeCinces. Molitor was out on the pla·y but the Brewers evened the series. • • • Angels have no toniorrows left By CURT SEEDEN °' .. ....,,... .... MILWAUKEE -Who would have J,hqught the top five batters in tht Mir~ llneuf would be held hltleu Saturday. And who would have thought a couple o f guys like Mark Brouhard and J im Gantner would become instant heroes? But more Importantly, who would have thought the Angels and Brewers would still have one more game to play today at Milwaukee County S,tadlum? But that's the cue today after Moose Haas and the Brewers survived rain delay afte r rain delay Saturday to score a 9-5· victory in game four o f the American League Championship aeries. Haas, in fact, carried a no- hi tte r Into 'the sixth inn ing Saturday . At that stage, the Brewers h ad a 6-0 lead, and the game was on the verge of being called because of rain. But even with a guaranteed victory in their pockets, the Brew er fans, ravenous for a champion ship series no-h itter from Haas, wanted the game to go on. It did, and so does the series, right down \o the last day today where a crowd in excess o{ 50,000 la expected, rain or not. In fact, a tornado couldn't turn these fans away. They know something'• brewing. The victims in this Angels d ebacle were starter Tommy J ohn, reliever Dave Goltz and third baseman Doug DeCinces, fo1 starters. It wasn't a day for their better moment.a. "Every c lub has a cerJ.a in amount of the. kind of games," said Angel Manager Gene Mauch Al 11l•Y•ll• at • /ll•aee ,,. Todey'1 game -Angeli at Mllw1ukM, 1:20 p.m. Today'• pltchen -Bruce Klson of the A~• v1. Peta Vuckovich of Mllw1ukee. '" TV -Channel• 5 and 7 at 1 p.m. Annooncers: Channel 5 -Bob Starr, Ron Falrly and Joe Buttitta; Channel 7 - Keith Jackson, Earl Weaver and Jim Palmer. Redlo -KMPC (710) at 1 p.m. Announcers -Bob Starr and Ron Falrl~. Re.melntng 1cheduta -The winner advances to World Serles In St. Loul1 or Atlanta. :~ afterward. "I . feel a helluva lot better that thia wai the founh game rather than the fifth." Mauch didn't expect 1t to be easy in Milwaukee and neither did the Angels. After convincing victories in the first two games at Anaheim, the Angela just needed one win to wrap up the American League championship and earn their first bid ln the World Series. That bid resta on the arm of pitcher Bruce Kiton today -a pitcher working on three days rest for the first ti.me since 1979 and a man with a bllster on the middle finger of his pitching hand. "Right now ,.J feel good. l see no reaaon why I can't respond," Kiaon said after the game. The Angela feel the same way, regardle111 of the unpleasant weather, regardle11 of the Brewer faithful, and regardless o{ the Brewers ·them.elves. "It will be an exciting pme. I think the advantage goes to the home t ea m with 50 ,000 screaming Cana in the park," said Bobby Grich. "We'll have to battle the fans. We'll have to battle the Brewers, and we'll have to battle the fad we've lost two straight game1." Grich added. Losing Saturday'• cont.est w• the result of Hau' pitching and timely hitting from Brouhard and Gantner. -1 Brouhard, playin1. in place cii( Ben Oglivie, who injured =i wrist and ribs while attemp to c.atch a fly ball by Fred L Friday, matched \,. leagcuf championship ser ies record •tf scoring four runa. He equaled • mark set by the Dodgen' Ste\tl! Garvey and Pitt.burgh's Bel> Robertaon. J, His record-1etting day = the second inning when he to the plate with Ted S and Don Money aboard via watts from a very wild John. ~ Playing in hi.a first game ~ Sept. 11. Brouhard bounced > single up the middle \o acote Simmons. But Lynn's th.row tp third bounced off a alidln Money. That sent Money \o the platr and DeCinces in hot pursuit 'f the ball in foul territory. . 1 DeCincea then tried \o UU'OW home \o nail Money, but the tili1I sailed ovf!!r catcher Bob Boone'• head and into the Mllwauk~ dugout. Since Brouhard .,... nearly \o third ort the play, i-. wu allowed \o 11COre, too, .... 1 C8rd~nals I • ID Angels taking it all stride just like that it WM 3-0. ~ John'• wlldneH led to h departure in the fourth i when the Bttwen came up ~ t~= Tho~ a&arted~· ·one away f roin title ST. LOUIS (AP) -"I'm not .sorry for what I did," .. said AUanta Manager Joe Torre. And with that simple statement, the Braves' sklpper e xplained a k ey strtategy decision that backfired ln the Bravet1' 4-3 lam to St. Louis in Saturday night's aec<>nd game of ,the National L eag u e Championship Series. With David Green, the game's ~winning run. on aecond baae wlth one out and Ken Oberkfell • coming up in the ninth inning, Torre strolled \o the mound \o talk with Gene Garber, ace of the Braves' bullpen. The strategy aeemed \o call for an intentional walk, especially with Card inal reliever Bruce Sutter on deck. A BASE ON BALLS would have 1et up the potential inning- ending double play and forced Cardinal Manager Whitey Hef'ZOI \o pinch-hit for Sutter, 'getting him out of the game If , the contest went extra innings. : But Torre d~ided \o pitch to • Oberkfell. vtho was 6-for-10 : lifetime againat Garber before that at-bat. I H e's 7 -for-11 n o w after drilling a long single over the head of center fielder Brett 1 Butler, delivering Green with , the winning run in a Cardinal l victory that Wt' St. Louis one ! v l.ctory away from their first I World Series appearance since 1968. I Why had Torre elected \o pitch • \o Oberkf ell? ! "It wu a question of Oberkfell I or probable pinch-hitter Dane I Iors and Hemanc:lez," the Bravet1' • I Manaaer said. '"11\at'S like being between • rock and a bard place . .i wlth Iorg and then Hernandez, It's U>Ugh unlem you can take It fOC' IJ'anted lor§ will hit Into a double play. Gino • the beat pitcher on my staff at pitchln1 with a bue open. He jmt pve him too good a pitch \o hll." OAJlBER, WBO SET a Bravet1' record with 30 11ves th1I .-on. undftwtood. .. Joe .kt '°et' htm out, which I didn't do," he uld. "I'm nol llGina &o Mt'Ol\d-..-·m)'MJf on ihat~· Oberkfell said he waan't 1urpriMd that Torre choee &o pitch '° him, "I'w a-. ltl'Ualinl '° drive ta run1 all yeer, .. lie Mid ... NI I WMted to do WU hit the belJ hud eomewbere. I wH juet ....._clown. look1na for a f!'tch to bit. l-me and f hit It. ... Cdl>INALI, .... Bl) Players know they have one more chance left to them MlL WAUKEE -All the rain in the world couldn't dampen the spirit of the Angela Saturday evening, shortly after they had dropped their second straight game \o the Brewen. It was clearly not one of their better efforts -from Tommy John'• lack of control to a sandlot tnfleld exhibltion in the second inning when two erron ~ved the way for three Brewer ru.na. Most tearn11 woUld have tried \o hide under the tarp which the Milwaukee Courtty Stadium crew draued over the infield from time \o time wheneve r the rains came and the wnbrellaa shot up. It was not the ri1ht time \o come up with one oi their more uninspiring performances -not with the American League Championship pombly hinging on the outcome. Still, the Angela, as they have been all season long, took defeat in stride. Should they lose today, then things might be different. Then there m ight be some outward anger, a few ch.airs thrown, a wall punched out. The Angels, however, are hoping they'll leave the County Stadium visitors' clubhouse intact as they depart for either St. Louis or Atlanta. "U you'd been with us all year, you would know this club doesn't worry about anything," Angel Manager Gene Mauch told an unassuming reporter after the game. Asked about the s ubdued Angel clubhouae after the 9-5 setback, Mauch added: "Hey, there was a lot of action in here before you guys (the press) got In here. They were showing a lot of determination'. "It boils down \o a one game seuon and we're aoinc \o win because we have to," Mauch added. "I'm not really flwtrated," said Reaie Jacbon. who certatnly looked It when~ By DENNIS'BROSTERHOVS or .. .,..,,... .... PASADENA -UCLA football co.ch Terry Donahue tried to make the belt of what had to be a dilhN.rt.enlnc liluaUon. The unbe9t.en, f!'ilhth-ranked Bru.in8 had juat et1e11ped their flnt defMl of the MUOI'\. .. frnhman plaice-kick.er John Lee nailed a 36-yard field pl with two ..co1adl remalnlna to aalv• • 24-24 de S.turday at the "lbe BoWl before 00, 133. "rm very proud of our footbeU '-"' mmhv blCk ln that litueUon (the final drive;:'· Donahw told ...,...... "Very few *"" could haw come bllek and &a.cl tJw pmt undw thCl9I ~. ••Sure, I'm d~ with the U., but I'm happy It.. way we didn't quit." 'n\lnp appl!U'Wd lrim. indeed, for the ~ when 1Ae'1 AriaMa eouat.wpen. ...... ANOE.LS was called out on atrlkea.}n the eighth innina. , shortly before Don m ylar had hit a granc:f slam \ogive the Angela 90l'ne added life. "l thought the fi.nt strike he (home plate umpire Steve Palenno) c.alled was inside and the la.st one out.side. To me, one of thoee pitches had \o be a ball. It (his arguing) was all done in the heat of the battle. "The veterans on thla club will say this game Is over with and let'• get on to tomorrow," J ackson added. "I still think we're a confident ball club. I really don't think we lost today. We were just beaten by a damn good ·ball club.'' The Angels' Mr. October has yet .'° really r.ro<fuce since the best-of-five aenes moved here. But he'• horitna that. title will have a say in the turn o event.a today. "The best club will win tomorrow. 1 really don't liKe to say the tr,plcal things but that's about the aize of It, ' the Angela slugger continued. "It's a sitllatlon where we're down \o the wire now," added pitcher 8rut'e KOOn, who will start the fifth and deciding game today. "It (today'• game) really bring, out the whole feeling of the9e two ball clubs. Before It ever started we had a lot of respect for them (the Bre~era) and they had a lot of r espect for. ua," Klaon continued. "We never really counted them out, and we never felt cocky or anything like that," the Angel rlght-hander sa.ld. "It all boils down \o juat one more ball 1ame" added ·deal1nated-hltte r Don S.yl~. wt>o,e grand slam ln the eighth' inning aupplied the bulk of the Angel attack Saturday. "We're going \o use everyone on our roster If It comes down to that. I juat hope they'll be ~tting in the bottom of the ninth inn1nl tomorrow," Baylor said. "We've given them 90-CAlled easy runa and we've Jet them get up of1 the canvas so to speak. The key for us is \o score in the first or second inning and get the lead," Baylor added. It la doubtful that anything could shake the Angels, a team, molded from capable veterans and high-priced free agent.I", which quickly jelled in it.a first seaaon . Even the temperamental Mauch has 'been amiable considering the interrogation he's faced following the last two games here. Asked if he did any second-guessing on h is decision (o go with Tommy J ohn on th.ree days rest. Mauch responded: ''There's not enough room left to second JUC99 anJ decisions. I had absolutely no second thought.a about using Tommy John." The Brewers, meanwhile, are looking at today's game like they did when they needed just one more 1n Baltimore \o clinch the Eastern Division tJtle. "With the team down 2-0 and our backs against the wall, of COW'1le you get • 90l'ne penonal aatialaction and it'• aatilfylna for the club,'' explained Milwaukee's winning pitcher Mooee Haas. "We now f' to a showdown like we did in Baltimore. • The Brewers, however, don't have all of the hla\ory on thelr side. No team In league championship hill\ory haa ever come back from an 0-2 deficit \o win a pennant In the 13 years of league champlonahlp play. And then, there's Kiaon, who has never lost a l~e championship pme In four tries. Both teuna, It seem&. are banking on h istory to repeat Itself -one way or another. ' . Enter Lee. freshman Max-Zendejas, drilled a 43-yard field 1oal with 33 aeconda left. But quarterbeck Tom Remley rallied hi•' trooP. into polltlon followln1 the 4m8Wna kkkoff. "I really didn't have time to 1et nervout while I wu on the field," Lee Mid later. "l had plenty of lime for that while we were on O.,t &alt clrtw. He first hit runnln1 back Kevin Nelaon for • elx-yard 1aln, with a 1&-yatd pWnc-on foul '9Cbd on to put the BnUlw at their' own 41. Then U,bt end Paul .Beramann lhook aoc-for • 28-yard ':f:adon 9"'d ~found ToWMtll for 12 more . Ramley then tried for the wtn, aiming a p.-fOI' Connie Carney la the corner of the end mne. Camey MYW C9IM dole co -~ '' <he lawr hinted tha' he may h9ft 1-n the Wc1im of ~ lnlill'· ference) and ArilOM free •fety A Orw bobbled a polllble lawcepllon ...,.. aUowtns the ... to fall to &be ....-. ''(Holder Rkk) Neuhellel pve me the mast encour.,.me'n\. He ;.t told me it WM juat like pnctJce, another t'OUUne kJck. And, ~ this la my mm\ exdU.l'\8 mament at UCLA." Despite beln& a 18-polnl underdot, Arttona. 1..2·1, dJdn'l aurpriae Donahue with lta ahowlnt. Two years qo, the Bruins wenl ln\o ArilOM unbftten end f•ll, D -17. Liit ~.the Wddca11 upee\ iop.nnked USC 1t the Catimum. "We en-~ al "-Uni "flf1 t.-n on our 1ebedule, but !IY•ry .. am t1 ~al •""I•" Dllnlhua natMI. :: la a a.. ...... Chat ...... Ulnl tieem apled.. And they had two wwka to ' - the lnninl by drawina a walk; the fourth mued by J"ohn at stage -and moved \o third Money's 11n&le up the midd1*· Brouhard then grounded Tim Foll and the 1hortal'9 caught Thomas at the platf, John's first pitch to Charlie Moore was wild and both MoneJ and Brouhard advanced. ..•· The Angels then wallte• Moore intentionally, brinaina· '4' Gantner. the No. 9 hittei1n-the Brewer lineup. . · John promptly served up hfl third wild pitch of the game, allowing Mo n ey to scor.e . (See NO, Pa1e BZ) . College football .,. UCLA 24, Arizona 24 Oklahoma 28. Texas 22 Arizona St. 21, St1nford 17 . Washington 50, CallfOf'nla 7 Cincinnati 34, Long Beach St. 14 San Joie St. 38, CS Fullerton 15 Northweetern 31, Minnesota 21 Alabama 42, Penn St. 21 - Georgia 33, M......,ppl 10 Penn ·24, Brown 21 llllnote 38, Purdue 34 Notre Dime 18, Miami, Fl1. 14 Nebraaka 40, Colorado 14 I SMU 22, Baylor 19 Tenneuea 24, L8U 24 Air Force 24, Navy 21 (Complete ec.rH, Pqe 81) ' . Or•nge Co11t DAIL y PILOT /S:u::.:•.::•d::O;.V·:..():.o;.•..;.o_b•,;;,.'_'o~._,_e_u ___ ~----------'T----------------------------------- Tjmely Writer ha to he d e troyed From AP dl1patcbc11 $563,000 J ockl'Y C lub Cold Cup · which was m::arr£•d when favm 1tc Gretzky 1core1 200th oar.., goel Way .. Ot•llkY -·--la. ,.,.._..,-a __ ln<"luulna tho 200th of hl1 NHL. , c·1m>t•r, u amooth•llMlln(il Edmonton ctownl'd Vcmcouvcr, 8·3, to h1tta111ht NHL 1K'll111\ Saturdoy Gnit~ky, who ll'Ote 9~ gm•ht lu•l 11f•1u1on, now hl\JI thrC!C In ttu-. la"nw• lhi• yt•or . Eb1uwhtm,., Darryl Siltier •"<>rt'<! with 18 114..'t'tmcb rt•mslnlng In the 11t~-ond ~rlt11I, bt'l'nkln(I Q l • l lie und ll·ndln~ Phllucfolphha to u Nf:W YORK -Lon1h1 Guld ~ Tlmf'ly Writer and anoth •r c,•olt wc>rt· fat.oily injured in a spill .. 3-2 victor UVl'r W111hlng ton . . . Rob cClanahan 1uorcod two ttoi.111 and u11Sla ted 011 Mnothcr to ll•ad the Now York Rena""' to a 6-3 victory ovt'r Plttaburah . . . Rookie Luc Defo11r llht.'<i o 11hot hltth h1to the Hortford n N w ith 1:23 left In thu 111.am ~ to tflVl' &.ton a 6·4 edge ovl•r the· Wha.tera . . Peter St11tny ' I / T imely Wratt.•r a nd Johnny Duncl' Wf'n· humane ly destroyed aftt•r break in g l<'git ac~cord i n g to Dr. Willium 0 . R N ·d . till' veterinarian who bought a 50 pcm:cnt lnlt'rt't't 111 Timely Writer for $3 million last spring. Timely Writer. who has tx->en a swr-lTtlRS4.'<.I . colt most of the year. was running third wi th little Jess than a jiatr-mile remaining 111 lht• 1 ~-mile race when he suddenly crashro to th1· ground, throwing JOCkcy Jeff Fell. he l'Olt, who had bt.>E:n h1von.'tl to win tht• Kentucky Derby, before ucing sidt•l1nt•d h y abdominal surgery • broke his k•ft front ll•g Sing Sing then went over Timely Wntl·r hi.II kept his fee\.. altho ugh Miguel R1vl•ru w.u. unseated Then Khatango, ridden by !{ubl·n Hernandez and J ohnny Dance, ridden by Bryan Fann, fell. throwing their rldt'rs. Sing Sing and Khatango both l'W.'>.'>tod tht• finish hne riderless. None of the }ockeys was reported St·r1ou~lv injured. . Lemhi Gold, who was running Sl'<.'Ond tu Island Whirl when Timely Writer fell. took thl• lead with little less than a quarte r-mill' ll•ft and won by 4 1,AJ lengths over Silver Supreme" who was two lengths ahead of Christmas Past, the only filly in the lO·horse field. Quote of the day Stanford quarterback John Elway, who played six weeks of minor league ba.'!l·balJ during the summer and whose 18-yard touchdown pass to ex-Fountain Valley High s tar Emile Harry with 34 seconds left capped an 80-yard drive and gave the Cardinals a 23-20 victory over l~th-ranked Ohio State: "It's like hitting a home run with two out m the bottom of the ninth innma ." Power play goals pace Kings INGLEWOOD -Jim Fox struck ~ for two power play goals then added , an ass!St to help Los Angeles post a 3-1 National Hockey League victory over the Calgary Flames Saturday night. Fox's second score of the night with 4:14 left to play ensured the victory against the Flames who dropped their third straight of the-young season. The King's record is 1-0· 1 OAITttCV ronllnut'<i hllf torrid f.>'l~-C: by :«.·orh1.c thrt'<' mort• gool1t, lcudlnai Qucbtoc past Buffalo. 0-4 Stwitny ru.Jw ha11 t'lght goals and 11 O""-"llSU. in thrl't' .ionwil ... Brlaa Mullea IK'<.lrt.'<i h11' (Intl twu NHL goellf and al10 dn.•w an ~Ull, whll1· guoh1• Ed Staaloweld turnc.-d black :Jt} 1hots tis Wlnnlpt'.C bli.nkl•d Detroit, 8·0 ... Rich Preston a111l Oou1 Wll1oa st-or ed two goal11 UJJ•t•w , padng Chlcll80 to on 8-7 decision over M1111 t11 •ul HeNor Marini'• power-play goal with t) ~2 Jl'ft l'llPl•'<I a gome -long comeback and ll(h'<I N1·w J1•l"Mt'y to a 15.5 tfo with Toronto ... Nl•itl Urolen lU\J Dino Clccarelll *-''Ored Roals four 111111111t•ot api.1r t to trl6U(..r 11 (uur-goal outburst . r111tl h•utl M11mt•M1l11 tu u II :J ll'lumph over S t I .<IUIS Levi quietly establlshlng himself ABlLti:NK ,.,., v1 ~\ro11t running l!I W11 y1w Lt•VI. ljt1lt•l l)' \'lilllbhshing h1111"t·lf "" mil' 11f .i11lr'1< h1wr young play1•1·s. \'\1mp1lt-tl u lk•lltl, -I umlt•r-par tiY und pulll'<I uw11v 111 11 t't111\m11ndlng, 4-strokl' IN1d Suturtluy Ill tlw third round of the LaJet ( 'lfl..,.ll' l,4•v1, who h11~ mllt"'~l'll hus fourth career title, m111·1· 1h1.1n $:.WO,lh>O In wir1111ngs and very little atlt'11t1cm th18 S('lti.i)ll. flnixhec.I three trips over the 7,077 yard Jo'airwuy Oaks Golf and Rac-quet Club m ufSl• in 203, I :t shots under par • NFL owners may call off season National Football Leagu e ow n ers, inuesingly restive about the strike • that has scrapped thrc.oe weekends of games. are considering inviting playes lo rNurn to c:amp then calling oH the season 1f not e nough sh ow up, managem ent sources said Saturday ... Bill Walton, back .with the San Diego Clippers, was cut on the left cheekbone in practice Friday night and got !K'ven sti tches for it ... Keith Pet ersen of South Africa was killed in an international 550cc motorcycle race won by his brother, Robbi«', at the Kyalami course near Johannesburg ... Dave Scot of Davis churned through 2.4 miles of offshore waters in 15 minutes, 52 se<.,'Onds to take the lead in the lronma n Triathlon World Champ1onsh1p ... Three-time Cy Young Award wmnmg pitcher Tom Seaver says he won't play for Cincinnati after his 1983 con tract runs out. ~ Baseball as a means to an end ' Sutton has used the gam e lo his advantage MILWAUKEE -Time being in such a lraditional hurry, there is always a ne w guy with erey in the hafr showing under the little beanie with the insignia above the sun visor. You noticed it under the baseball cap worn by Don Sutton, the one with the 'M' and the little SPORTS COLUMNIST ~, baseball glove on the front. This shook you a trilll• because lt was not all that long ago Don Sutton wa~ • gawky kid trying on the royal blue cap with the LA up front. Now here was Sutton pitching for the Mnwaukee Brewers and trying to keep them aJjve ln the American League championship series. lt 1eemed a million miles and thousands of pitches away from the four championship series and three Wodd Series in which he appeared as a Dodger. BUD TUCKER enough that now I am pretty comfortable." The kind, of Dodger who wou\d oo there forever, was how Don Sutton was described. His was a name with the ring of Koufax and Drysdale and Podres and Newcombe. He would never wear U\Y other uniform number 20. Still, here he was all that time and distance away getting ready. W pitch in Milwaukee County Stadium, a foreign place with strange peopl~ with funny sounding names. The free agent thing caused It. or al1owed it to happen, whichever way you ~ard the movements of today's wealthy baseball ttansien u . Sutton le ft the Dodgers because they did not feel the money he demanded was reasonable. The Dodgers nave a history of this sort of decision. At m'lY rat.e, he moved on to the Houston Astros where he 'Was unsuited to the environment. The n, in one of those transactions st.>emingly put together over a martini, he was. sent to the Brewers weeks before the end of the regulation -.on and just in time for him to be eligible for post .eason events. You suggested to Sutton that he has been lucky, although his numbers indicate ability also contributed. "Luc,ky, yes," conceded, "but I think I worked things pretty good. I mean, ·~ used baseball as a means to an e rrd in the same way anybody uses his means of making a living. I manipulated things well This s h ould no t be tak en as cold and calculating. ' "'Of rourae not," Sutt.on said. "I always knew I wanted to be a baseball player and I bve baseball. Al the same time, I have made the game work for me.·• Sutton said a man owes others. ''My famUy, for instance," he said. "My family made many sacrifices so I could be a baseball player. Now being a baseball player ls going to result in many nice things for m y family." Pitching the desperation game Jpr Milwaukee was another st.ep in a plod towaro destiny that began for Don Sutton as a~ Dodger in 1966. "Long time," Sutton m . "I have done it all. I've pitched in a lot of important games. I know exactly what I can do and how to do it." Har&y Kuenn, the manager had said he would just as soon have Sutton in there as anyone he could think or. Don Sutton will probably end his pitching career in, Milwaukee. ft is as likely a place as any even though the uniforms area a trifle unsightly and the excitement somewhat different. "I would like to win 300 games," said Sutton, who had 258 at that moment. ''Beyond that, I don't know. I'm coasting. I have it made. The nicest thing about my position is that I don't have to make up my mind about anythlng in a big hurry. "But I've alway1 been that way, haven't I? I was that way when 1 was a kld with the Dodgers, wasn't I?" No, he wa'in't. I\ took time. The grey had to show from under the cap. Public Introduction of the 1983 Renault Alliance Seus Wine of South Cout Plaza thru October 10th SOUTH CO\ST PLAZA ,, NG TOMORR0W ~EFT. • • From Page 81 tiantnc·r then looped a 11ln&lt! w •core Brouhllrd and alvt! thll 8ruw1•rt1 u !I 0 ll'ad. M1tud1 thon brought In Cuhi whu allowl'CI u.n HBI t(rouncl QI.It tc) Paul M olitor fur u 6,0 Mllwuukl-t• luud "l think wt''w• got 1.1 pn1u y Kood offolllj(• on thl11 team," notlod Gantnt•r. "From one-to-nlno; w e jw.t don't dcpl'nd on one or two gu;y11" <Alntner end 8ro uhiard tcamc.'CI up to prove ~hat when Srouh.ard doubled In thl• 8i>Cth, and one out later, G&mtncr 11ttQked hla eecond HSI ad.ngJe of the night, Lynn had ruined Hau' no-hit bid In the top of the 1hct.h when he laced an RBI double-Inside fln1t to k.'Ort' Reggie Jack.ton, who wu aboard on • force play. Don Baylor turned Mltwaukee County Stadium Into a library In the eighth when he belted a gra11d slam home run which signa led tht-end of Hau. That cut the lead to 7-~. but it waa as rlOlt' llll ttw Ang<•hi wc•r" gu1t11( tu l(t•t. "Thi• WUif a gr(•ut l'XfX•rlenct\ l Wtul glad to huvt• tht• opportunity t o play toduy," udml t t<'d Bruuhurd "I'm l(lud to l(N my t•hu~'Ct wh~nt•v1•r ttwy ~'tllTil' I know B<•njl (Oghvlt•) hli!i l>toe•n u hutite ull year und lw Willi t1·ully sore.'' Haus, meanwhile. had to survive several ruin dl'loys to rl'<.'Ord th~ lmprc·s.•ovl' vu,·tory and kt't'p hl11 tcnm uliv('. "You wait and K>e how Jong the lnt(!rrupl}ons arc going to be and try to prepar e youraolf mentally," Haas noted of the delays. "h 's a big letdown and dlsappoinUng to wail. The rain kept coming o H und on and I really didn't know how long rd be able to pitch.'' Haas pitch ed Impressively enough up unUl Baylor's slam, but Brouhal"d quickly put the game out of reach in the bottom of the eighth inning with a two- UCLA RALLIES TO TIE . • • From Page 81 their d e fense a ll day . They would drop eight men on some plays and bliu: on others." Understandably. Arizon a Coach Larry Smith had mixed emotl&ns about the tie. "Until the last 30 seconds, I thought we played very well.'' he said tersely. "But we had some breakdowns on that last drive. "We're not out here for ties. I know we're not a great team, but w e're also not as bad as aome people have made us out to be. We should have found a way to hold on and win today." Donahue refused to admit that his team suffe red a letd own against the Wildcats, despite coming off three s traight victories on the road. "Sure, it's hard for the kids to teams like Ariwna, but I don't want t.o take anything away from Arizona , either. They played well. But we've got to realize that we need our best game every week if we're going to continue to win." With Pacifk -10 crucials still ahead against the likes o f Washington, Stanford and USC. the tie probably won't be too dec;islve in the Rose &wl race. But next on tap is conference foe Washington State Saturday at the ROfie &wl. "We've got to put this game behind us and look ahead now," said Donahue. "We're still very much In the conference race and now that's w ho we have to key on , Washington State." Ill run homl•r t.o lt•ft off Golu "Buylor hll a hard alld r, and J didn't think It wiill gon ," Hua1 '"'mllnulod. "I thought tht• wind would hold ll up Ofvc him cn-dll . and Drouhurd. too, with that wind toe.hay ." "Muylx' I wu JU.It ovcranidou.1 toduy," 1ald J ohn, trying to l'xplt.aln his wobbllnc:1111. "I dQn't cvc•n walk fi ve men h'I a month. Actually , I thou.it\.t I w us throwl111( the ball pretty ((ood "Sure, 1t would have be-en nu.'C t.o play on .. nloo, sunny day but both pitchen w ere w orklna under the li8mc cxmdl~lbn1," John added. Dc..CinL>c11, rncanwhalc, t'rud hls share of problema til third, first with his throwing error In the second and then with an error on • a grounder by Molitor in the third. He also couldn't handle Brouhard's shot down the lint> ln the sixth whh:h w ent for a double. "I had a headache most of the game," D eCinces admilled, referring to the broken nOllC he sulfered·ln Friday's game. And after Saturday's ~ame, IO do most of the Angels, whose m omentum m ay h ave bee n broken. * !"LAYOFF HOTEi -Mllwauk .. Men~ Hener K-announceo he w1H 11.n wltl'i right·h•ndef Pele Vttellovtdl in todey'a nnh •nd <*;ldlng game. •·vucacWlch hu flltched very well agalntt Celitornta and lh•t'• why he't llartlng," KU9M .. yt. explalntng why tie-._,.,going wilh Miile C-....et. The Angell beal VuckOYldl end the Br-' 4·2 In Game lwo e1 An•h•lm Stadium . Today'• waelher II expec;t1d lo be .. 11•r tllan S•turday'a. The fOfacut Ulla for c;IOuOy lklet In the morning wl1h c;1Mt1ng In the •ltemoon. G•m• Um• ta 3: 15 Mllwaulrff lime which thould a.llO make thlnge m«e p6HMn1 l0t Ille dec;kJ41( l(uanft l\M. big daclliOn todey I Ooel he ...,, .... 09llYle hie , .. ., lefl fielder WhO It expec1ecfto be '-lthy, Ot MM1l •rNMld, WhO w" • -m1111 wrec:lttng cr-9jl•ln1t Ch• Angels S•turd•y . Whh h11 eighth 1nn1ng grand elem, Don .. ,. ... Ml a record lot moat RBI In . IHgue c;hatn91<>nahip --wt1h 10. HJI gtet\O tlam WU alto lhe IOlirlh hl1 In Amer~ CNimpoon1h19 -* pley The lut pla:t9f 10 do •I wu e.111rnore'1 Miil• Cuet!M, In 1970 gel as excited to play agains t CARDINALS ONE AW A Y. • • Anteaters rip Pacific, 13-5 Peter Campbe ll scored · five goals and John Va rgas added four as the UC Irvine water polo team downed visiting University of Pacific, 13-5. Saturday in a PCAA game playe,d in the Newport Harbor High pool. The victory puts UCJ at 2-0 in PCAA play a nd 10 -1 for t he season . The Anteaters are ranked No. 1 in the nation in college water polo this season. Jeff Campbell soored a pair of goals in Saturday's victory that found the Anteaters moving to a 6· l halftime edge and a n 11 -3 margin aft.er three periods. Mater Dei wins invitational meet Mitc h Eddy and Ri c ky Martinez paced the Mat.er Dei, High School cross country team to a record low point total of eight as the Monarehs won their own invitational meet Saturday at Eisenhower Park in Orange. Martinez finished second in the feature race while Eddy led a Mat.er Del sweep of the other six events with the best time of the day. 11:42. From Page 81 The Cardinals go for the clincher tonight in Atlanta wi th Joaquin Andujar going against Rick Camp for the Braves. Green, who had entered the game in the eighth as a defensive repla<.-ement in left field, opened the Cardinals' ninth with a single to left. Tommy He rr S<icrificed the runner to second, bringing up Oberkfell. Sutter h ad rescued the Cardinals from a two-on. no out jam in the eighlh and then S t. Louis rallied to tie the score again st Gen e Garber in th~ bottom of the inning. Atla nta starte r Phil Niebro. who was pitching with just two days' r est afte r working 4 Y:i innings in Wednesday's rained- out opener, turned in six gritty innings for the Braces. The Cardinals, who struggled in lhc early going against Niekro's dandng knuckleball. came from two runs behind to tie the 900re 3-3. They nicked N1ekro for a run in the sixth on a single by Keith H ernandez a nd Darre ll Porter's RBI d ou ble. Afte r Atlanta pinch-hit for Niekro in the seventh, Garber came out of the Braves' bullpen. fie set the Cardinals down in order In their half of the seventh, a nd then Atla nta was ted a ~olden opportunity to add to its College football aATUM>AV'8 GA•a ... , WHhtnglon SI ... UCLA •t RON Bowl (1;30) use et s tantdtd New ~xlc;O et Sen Diego St .• n LOtlg BMot1 St. et Sen Jow St . n WMhington e1 Oregon SI Oregon et c.lffomle Web« St. et Portlenel St , n ~ ColOredo St. e1 Al.r Forc;e Tex .. ·E.1 PMO •I Artzone SI , n Hewell et 8YU ld8ho at Montene Bolte St. a1 Montana St Fr-81. et Neveda-Aeno ldello SI. •l Not1hem At1:ione. n ~911 .. Lu Veget at Utah Pacific at Utah 81. Cel SI Fulltrlon et Wyoming ........... ~at TeuaA&M Houlton el BMIJ, n r.x.. T 8Ct1 et Noe T-AtllngtOll II SW loulliene NIE loulele,,. at Alll-81. ....... Oeor"8 Tech 8' Au~n Ollk• .. Ollm80n W, T• ... 81. et AoriM £ael CatOln• a1 Flotlde St., n Vand«bl" et OeofOle 1.IU 11 ~tid~. n . . Welller~et~ Ull1'11tt 91. et Mlem4 (II .. .) TCOM 1111 ir Noftf\ C.Olfte •• Nortf\ CerOllne "~ .. '°""' CerOllN OlllldMll .. '°""' CIWollna ., "'8bema81T_,...... W ... em Kent\lellly et l'enMMee Ttc)tl I . ~t111' t'eP' .. TUllM. n J-MedllOn et VMI W•t VlrQinle el Virginia Tech Mactnall II WWI C.ollne, n E T-SI a1 Cldaci.I. n l•~ •• loulllllln• Tech, n Rlcnmond •t LoullVllle Clnclnn•ll a1 MempNt SI. M Ten,__ St. •l Murray SI ........ W SI. •I Kent St. N llllnOll II 8owtlnQ GrMn Toledo at Central Mldllgen Orelle et Nebraak.a•Omeh., n Ohio U. at e. MtenJoan Onlo St. et Nllnoll 1~•1M~1a MICNQ•n at Iowa 1ow11 St et MtMOUfl Otllahoma et Ken ... KJlnNI SI. et Nebrllllce Mleml (Otllol el W. Mlchtgen MIGNgen 81 el Wleconlln Norti-1 ... n al Purdue Alli.one II No1r• DetM Colotedo •1 Otllahotne SI. 8 llllnola •1 TUia&. n New ~xleO 81. 11 WICl\IUI 81 .... "'11gen et &oelOfl College, n ltOWft et COfntll HaNercl el OtlttfnOutf\ C W. Po.I et Delew•e ~Uout •I HOiy Ctou . '*'" .. lal•Y9ft• N9w Hempet\lfe el l.af\iOfl M~ttelMalne WllllM a Mery 81 Na"Y lyr~ at '-' '1. T~etPftl /vff'r/ .. MnoltOfl loelon U. et AlloM ltland luc*Mll .. ~ocNet• COIUmllla 11 Y ... lead in the eighth. The Braves had runners at first and S(.~'Ond with none out when Sutter relieved for St. LoutS and p1tcht.'<i out o f the jam, keeping the Cardinals just one run behind S t Louis tied the sc·ore against Garber in the bottom of the e1ghlh when Porter walked with one out and raced to third on a single by George Hendrick. Rookie Willie McGee. who had struck out three umes and made a costly three-base error which gave the Braves an early run. came through with a bouncer up the middle that forced Henrdrtck but allowed Porter to score the tying run .~L pla.t'oll!ii Today'• Gem• -St. Louis at Atlanta, 5:25 p.m. Today'• pitcher• -Joaquin Andujar ( 15-10) of St. Louis vs. Rick Camp ( 11-13) of A11anta. TV -ABC (Channel 7) at 5:25 p .m . Announcers -Al Michaels, Howard Cosell and Tom Lasorda. "-dlo -KNX (1070) at 5:25 p.m . Announoers -Jack Buck and Jerry Coleman. Remaining •chedula Monday's game, If necessary. In Atlanta , 12 :15 p .m .; Tuesday's game. If necessary, In Atlanta, 12: 15 p.m . JOHNSON & SON ~ presents ... COLLI GI ............... Notre Dame over Arl1ono ·* Stanford owr USC ·* ua.A owr Wathln9ten State . * Wyomln1 ..... "'..,..,, .... * Ne.Ca•• ... • • Orange Co11t O~IL Y PILOT /lJOndey, Ocf7\Fi'>iAT'"flr-.."GI'T---mttt"li'*-~!ll Saturday's cOIIege fOotli 8 Il-scores-· -----~ates, ---i;wc-ra rr·-- COUIOI .... UCLA 24, Arllone 24 • l'rMnO St. 48, Pacific 30 H•rw•td a1 o . eact-10 s1 34 WMhlnglon 60, Calllornl1 7 Ian Jou 81 38, CS Fullet1on 15 • l.lnlltl<I •O. Ott00n l "" 3& PllQll lc>v11d 3 f. Slm0<1 Fr .. 11 8 e Or90011 2t, W11l11n•1t1 13 8 Of1gon 35. l •wl• 6 Cllork 29 1 .. 1 Oregon 81. 14, Wunlng1on 81. 14 Nevada-Lu V1gu 28 , Tlllll-EI Puo 21 w Virg inia 20 . Bo11on College 13 UC 0.Yla 24, Cal Poty (SLO) 0 . Penn 24, Brown 21 Yale 27, Botton U 24 Rutgers 24, Army 3 Chico SI. 20, CS Northrldge 17 New Hampahlre 3, Bucknell 8anta Clara 41 , Humboldt 81. 13 0 . Maine 28. Lafayette 14 H1rv1rd 25, Cornell 13 De11w1re 14, A1u1a-P1 c lflc 30 , CMwamonl·MuCtd 7 Ma•H Cl)UMlll 13 Cal Luthlflll 51, Cll Poty· Pomona 8 Columbia 36, Princeton 14 Lehigh 16, Connecticut 12 cent. Wuhlngton 29, Pac. Luthlfan 29 Mon1c111r St. 21, M 11rtn111 13 Rhode lll1nd 14, NOllhHll&in 13 Union, N.Y 14, Colb'( 3 $an Franclaco St. 20 , Sonoma St. O ~· Oregon 52, Pacific. Ore. 11 BllM 24, Hamilton 17 C11negle-Mellon 20, Allegheny 10 C111 W11te<n 32, Th191 14 W h l twortl) 51 , W . Wunlngton 14 Cllrlon St. 19, C1tll0tnl11, Pa 16 Oetawa11 Val 21. Lycoming 16 Speed Up Vour Auto Sales In CALL: the Orange Coast Pacific Coast Box Office Dally Piiot. Call 642-5678 frtlif'T\ -.~.~ .. H--.t 714/536~26 h um MJt.Wwi Vlf,Ml/IMh•' 714/540-3669 lllYEITllLE, 1170 C111ar 11-7 lelll, .• ,........-t119. l1t•••tio ,, ....... 1 •• , ..... , •i•ll•••· tilt ••••I, ••••• leat••r •••fl, air •••llltl•••··· I•• •••• ,, 111,111 ...._ 11 ...... ••4iti• tllre111•11t. •••••.••••• ••••i•11, t (211) MMlll OLD TOWN~· MORTGAGE Speclallzlng In: • 1at T.D.'• -Fixed or Verleble • 2nd T .D. '• -lnterHt onlr or em.ortlzld • 3nt T.D.'a ·To 80% LTV • Dlecountld NotH or Colleterellutlon We have competitive rates and place over 94% of our loans. Why risk a loan turndown? . 494-1184 r-----------:.------, I ADVERTISING I I • Wfl"('t'I ~CJ">ed prC>O.Jc('(l ()l')(j plOceO • rho1 exPIOrns enh«1'fet'l\ ono !.E'fl!> • •her ~ ')Q.JI pr.x>Jo O< se-r .. c:e •l'I rt)(' ~ pos!.ible loghr • rnor'\ r0tgered d•reoly 10 mt> prO(:le< oud• e • ~ me r1<Jhl media wholE'"•'e' rhoy rroy be pr1ru eleorOt'ltc bollboa~ bt6ctves sc•es ood\ poil'll ol PJfth()se -W'91y Ot ,,., Combol'IO'•O" • rhof con be offorded l>t A SMALL BUSINESS be\.OUSt' smoll ~ need proles\tOnC>lly proruc.ed ~0Srn9 oi on otforOOOle pr.c:e c~ 1 help"'°" smo11 ·ne\s> Gove me o coll Ol'ld 1pi, """' Nolvrolly mee s no OOl•C)Olion (714) 842·9 0.'.32 L~~~-~~~~ SUNBB.T HEATINO SYSTEM ====---......... .. -·---.... . ---· • -- c •• "OCllllH Mklw111 t)rlgham Yeung 40 New MIKlco 12 Ctnc.;111111111 34, LOll(I Beac;h St t4 Nebr11k1 40. Colorado 14 Nev1<11-A1no 24, N Atlt ona Mlchlgun 3 I , Michigan SI 17 12 Nor mw1111t1rn 3 I, Mln11 .. ou1 21 2 t Arl1on1 St, 2 I, S1an1ord 17 Ulah St 30. Idaho St 3 San Dl&go St 24. Wyoming Wlt1Con11n 8, Ohio St. O Kan1u 24, Oklahoma St 24 llltnoi1 38, Purdue 34 Alt Force 24, Navy 2 1 Bolte SI 21, Monh11111 t4 Montana SI. 23, W6ber SI Notre Dime 18, Miami, Fla 14 20 Kontos St 7, Ml11ourl 7 Iowa 24, lndlane 20 3 Tulao 3 1, New Mexico St 14 •~1t1w11t Oklahoma 28. Taxa.s 22 Ark1n1es 2 1. Tem11aa Teel\ SMU 22, BaylOt t9 Houslon 24, Texas A&M 20 N Texas SI 17, TUIS· Wichita SI 48, 1111no11 St 14 Ml1m1, Ohio 17. Bowllng Green 12 Droke 3 1, w llllnola t2 Idaho 36, N. Iowa 13 lowe SI 44, Kenl St 7 Toledo 20. E. Michigan 19 Co• bf>. Kl'IOll 3 Arllnglon 3 TCU 24, ,Rice 16 E t111no1t 111, Akron O 1111noi1 Col 23. Iowa W11lyn 17 K1nH a w111vn t4, McPhet1on t3 Mlll11\111 7 North Centrei 7, tie MltJ<KJrt Val 35' MO Am Na111rene 0 S Coloraoo 36, S Ullh 22 N M .. H1glll11no1 ,. w N•w MelllCO 10 Colorado Cot 49 McMuny :12 NE. llllnols 22 Eurek• 8 AD STARTS SUNDAY NO DEALER SALES CLEANWELD TURNER TEMPEST PROPANE TORCH KIT 6~~555 Get a torch with the ~ncil poin t burner, burner valve aasembly, and the tank. ( Whoop•. almost forvot the price tag and the bag. ) } 11 ' I I ~ FLUIDMASTER BALLCOCK ~3~.! For a po9itiY. shutoff, and a nice q uiet water cloeet . Ea..y to in.st.all, adju.t&ble wat er height. 2 97 FLUSHER FIXER 1565 ITT SWEET TALI ~~..iJrJ~:~ TELEPHONE ~·M 4777 •PC707 l•ory colored ba.M, mouthpiec., earpiec .. , gold fin lah dial and hand.et. You can tell it '• French in.spine!, it loolu like a crow.ant . Ah, to he.,. on•°"" your bed and just lay back ancl look at the .tan (or ,t he burglar walldnv on the roof). IUCO EMERGDCY TWO-WAY CITIZEIS IUD RADIOS 49!v!1 IKOB-4008 69t4 Got 40 ch a n nei., 4 w.att tren.em lt power, auto li9hter outlet plu9-l n ad aptor, m agnetic bae an tenne . Maydey D h .. LED di•play, '8 fully portable end hu built ·ln rechug circuit ry. , Ohio Horlllefn 14 Ottttl*!I tO Pttt•OWQ I t 31, J..0 l °"ttllfn ti 610u• f'ella 3, Oellot1 It 0 v.111i1oi1 35, I O.ola·I Ofg"d 20 Allhllll'd ,4, Vllpt11elto 13 Augutllfll, Ill 20, CatthtOe 0 B1ldwln•Wallace 38, Mutklngum 14 0 1yton 24, Ktn'(Oll 1 Oetlance 3', 81ulfton 20 DIP-42. etnedle11ne. tit 0 Evantvlltl 10, lndl1111 Ctnlrll 7 Flndlay 17. Andefaon tO Orand Vlllly St. 31, Fllfrlt St 315 Hllltdlle 20, Wfl"lnt , Mlc:h. 7 11lram Col. 19, Waah. & Jell. 6 HOl)I 34, Alblon 0 John Cetroff :13. e.1h1111y, W VI 0 M1Cht91U1 Tech 24, Oaolnaw v11 St 10 Mount UniOn 34, Hlldelblfg 28 OhlO WHlyn HI. o.nlaon 1 WllltnblrO 86, MtreUa 3 Bethany. Kan. 34, Tt bOI 21 Black Hllll St, 48, 0111011 W11tyn 8 C11111on 28. Monmouth, Ill 15 Cent. St . Ohio 2a: l lneOln o Elmhunt 30. Watleyan 1• louth Alabama 42, Penn St. 21 Auburn 18, Kenlcky 3 Georgia 33, MIHIHlppl 10 MlfYllnd 31, lndlana UI. o Virginia Tech :2. Duke 21 W llll1 m I Mar y 2 4 , oer1mou1h 1e Norl h Caroll111 24, Waka FOtHI 7 Tlf'IMIMI 24, LSU 24 Vllld«blll 31, Flof'lda 211 a.Otgla Tech 18, Tulane 14 Fl0tld1 St 58, 8. llllnoll I Cltldel 21, VFI 7 Ci.tnton <48, Virginia o E. Carolina 35, Richmond 14 Lout111na Tech 17. NE Loul1l1n1 10 ,Temple 56, Lout1vlll1 14 C.Otre 17, PtlnGlpla 15 • 011110aon 35. GuMlord H E Ktntucky 35, Middle Tenn 1b ' Ellabltll Chy 81 28, Virginia 81 0 Frotlburg 81 24, Randotpll-Mac:on 21 Hempton Intl 19, N. C11olln1 .UT II Kentuc:k'( St 21. Clark Co4 14 Morrie Brown 3&. MOfltlOUM ti S Ctrotln1 St. 21, J.C. Smllll 8 WNll & l.M 28, M1ryv11te 14 LMngtton St 21, Tutltlgll 20 Wayneeburg 20, E.mory & Henry 12 6 FT. Ix& IOUGB UDWOOD FENCING 97c A goocl fence la on• the ftei9hbor paicl half fol', right? So talk to them. they look reuonable. (What? Me, pay half?) .:·.4 ~ GUIEi VINYLll TIAISLUCEIT WINDOW SHADES 37W'x6' .... 2 77 46V•"x6' .. 4.44 55W'x6'.. 5.97 ' 73~"x6' ... 11.97 ComM ln white and ivory. (People call a nd tell ua we're t he cheapeet and bMt in th• bun~ .... l just .. y, "Okay, Ma, don't call anymoN toclayll) TUCKER 30 GALLON TRASH CAN . 8C &.ov1tta111 :n. Tr0y •1 ' APPllac:hll n It 21, Mtret111t 13 Ark111 ... I t 20. aw LouielllNI t3 Aualln "¥" 17 MNMMl1 at 18 Ol1hu~OOllmn 40, c.n1 Fiotlda 21 Ca11orH~-m111 28, Newoett'( 7 Communttr ooMeee NON--COtWS...-ca Et CamlnO )1, Ot .. Colet ;t4 811111 MOflicl 304ll0!dln WMt 14 Saddlebac:ll 49, Antelof>I Valllry 0 81n Betn1101no 31, San Diego cc 1 • San Diego MNI '4, LA Pierce 14 LA Hl(t)()I 38, M00tptrlt. 28 Till 4t, Groaemont 7 PllOll\tr 23, o...tt 21 81111t1lleld 33. Cerrltot 20 Santa 8trbt111 10. Alo Hondo 3 l ong 811cih CC 3, Mt 8tn Antonio O Imperial Vlllly 3e. Sante Ant 215 P111dtn1 31, Fullerlon 14 Cltru1 31, Ml. San Jeclnlo 20 Compton 28, LA VelteY 7 Southwlltem 45, Mita Cott• 21 Cal Lulheran JV 18, HllnCOCk 13 V1111ur1 30, w .. 1 Loa Angeiea 19 . Oranao Cout and , Golden Well Collcp1 a dv a n ce d t o th e ~m1fln1l1 of the Sane.a M o n ica wom e n '• volleyball tour name nt before la.Ina Saturday. Orange C oau won four 1tralght pool play decislona over OlendaJe, Santu Monica , Pierce and Sequoias, then drew a bye fn the ''"·team playoH1. Cerrit.oe handed th e P i r a te• a 15 -9 aetback In the aemLI and Golden West dropped a 15 -7 d eci s i on t o El CamJno. El Camino went on to defeat Cerrit.oe, 15-7, for the champlona~lp. OLDllAll DOUILI IUDE . DIAL ·~~-C -CP Npw you can acoUM U.. of "cl~le deallng." "Go to National, th.7 double deal." Get a 7~" Plywood and a 7~" Combination blacle. SUPD ILlr 59~ A •lf·adh-1.,. clip to keep nnall toole, a.,.. toothbruah.. etc. stuck up on the wall. A..ortecl colon. RUBBERMAID SLIDE-OUT DUWEIS 12" 4!! 16" 599 . ' •2311 Spealdncr about~ wei9ht. 01.nn, il J'OU cheat on a cUet you gain in the end. ('11\U ad'" get after the bi9gte.. ) CUD . "Wow, I'm all t uckered out." They UMd to aay tha t when I wu a tad. Must mean they b0u9ht all the Tu cker Truh Cana they needed. No? Okey, turn t he pa9e. 33 CAI.LOI ''TIAIB IACS 2•• 33~ 1332 · TWO TOI IOLLllC llDUUIJC nGOIJA~I It takea jut about thU to get m,. two WM up fl'Ol'I\ th. ~h. (Whet..,. ha.,;..n.l to P.trin9 ~--nn. home?) 32x21 PIDIDITm DOUILllOWL llTCID 1111 In llpU'11li"9 whit.. • (YOU put it b\, the JldU llU lt with .w.. ..... 2'J9'1 WM -the ..-111e .. ,.. .... flPt.) 1.0 COUNT IHPee8 Thick, if 1.9 mil la thick. Don't tear too ...u,.. ( Lut Fath.r'• Day m)' eon 9aft ua 80l1\9th.ing I alwap wanted, the U,.. beck to my car.) llACO 4 PC. VlllL FLOOl llAT SIT Black, W.. OI' clear. Keep. }"OW' carpet loolling nice longer. I"'"'---(So when you •ll th. car th. nest .."'7 geta the ben.ftt. Smart. ) 4•• JIAJDTIC 38" IDO CLEOAICI FlllPUCE 17.9 9.!e 1111 Wll llUI ..•LUOI ••• nu 1C1111 7 97 ·I . .. ,. I ... •' .. " II ,,. Deltr Piiot Photo br Lee P•rn• Roa CdM fJ'' Uy rwwm <'Alt1 .:,c1l\ Of the Dally 1111111 lil•ll s .• cl ti I I ' ,, I • i.. 11 Hu111l111111 u•t H '""'' .uh 1111 qi c..'111 0 11a di·I M.11 1111.1 d. p.1rl11 y\•d tlic ·111 111111 .1 Vll'W l,1 •,1MUI 111111 Ii.di Suturd11v 111glct ii• .• 111 S 1•a K1111:~. ,1 o1 .. 1ddc• I hl·ad.11 h1 , .11 S.1111 • \11· II< 1"11 '>l th•· ..... I I.,,,, thl'mM lvc•'> .i v,.11111 11• •1' lc•ud1•1.., 111 tlH 1.11 •1· J, tllll' h1't .111-.. 111 tli•• d• I•,, And, tlll'V II 1,. 11 111,• t"u tt·h up w11h11 11 1 .. , ,, tallbu('k Lum c M.11 111. m1ss(•d llw s1t1111d l1 1H :.Uffl't 111).! ,, '"""'II I· t I lc ,,, SJ<ld h hm k u1 11k1 1111 Ii 1 Sl'~u n d 4un1 I• 1 \ 1 yuar t~·1li11lk Hod p, .th Cl-sar U1:11 l11J111 111111 '"' then0><-1ltt·d 11 .1\\.c\ 111 11, q uartt•r with 1 p.11 1 •· toud 1Jow11s, < 111111.11111• Lil Curonu dc•I M~1 mc I.cl·• ., "It w.1s v<'rv <;11111),11 '"" 1 1 three (non lt;:cgrn I 1 .. ,.-;o CdM Co.cl'l1 D11 I· l\!1•111 mo v l' d t h 1 • t 111' 1 I,., I • , , pc n a l l1 1·~ f11111 l1I• interceµuons 1u1 11• d II ,, The• ddc·nb\' plu\1 d \\c IJ C(Jrt>n11's tlt'fl'11:-01 pl:•\• .r 1 ' 1 • than JUSl ''Wl•lf .cs .Ii-. , • "" Tony Nt•s1 .1111 Hf11\\ 1 f, I La~t11H1 ll<'ach's Thad Baa!-. (I CJ ) loo ks for a receiver while unde r a11w·k h y Duna ll ill!"' Kurt Knnu(•r (5 1) a nti teammate. Onst•1ll, Et 11 Sli.1\\ J ohns1>11. !)111, l'n•11 .111.i lf1 1 IH' l d S <• d d I 1 h , ~ ' <. r11n111ng g.urn 111 1li11k , 1 llH s\\lfl K• \.111 Hr.1.t Artists 8} JOE Dl'OEVOIR Specl•I to the Oellr Piiot Tiii' Artists of Laguna ~a<'h li1gh ~c·hoctl '>Urv1vt•d a fin,t qu.11 l• 1 g;mw of hot poWlo with South Coast League foe Oan.t II lib ll> notl'h their first )('ague \\In :! I I :3. beforl' a n estima ted tn1\-.c.J ol 500 at Dana Hilb High Sa1urd.n• afternoon. Thi• Dolphins o f Dam.1 Hills a11d l.c.1guna Bt>at·h romblm•d for 1.: 1,1!11t turnuvt•r'> 1n tht• f irs t ~,. 1 u•cl Danc.1 Jl11l)> g<.1vt· up the h;.dl \ 1 • I 111nblP or m lerct;>ptton on ll~ l 11sl l11u1 possl'sions of t ht• f1r:.t quc.11 tc·1 Laguna Bt·ach tasht>d 1n the seco n d, a n m tert·l'ption by defe nsive back Mark Draper. to take a 7-0 lead w 11 h I 1 t t I e m <> re t h ,1 n f 1 v t• rn1ntJl1·., ll'fl m th<> fu~t quarlM l>r •pl'I whc, picket! oH the ,,,,.,., pll11l tu.1tc•d a f1V<' play "',jl, \,trcl dnv<· with a IG-yanJ .;i ,,,.,1,. 1 c.1round nght e:nd fur the· Gauchos roll., 49-0 ANTELOPE VALLEY - ')nrtdlrback College e-xl.E.'nded its winnin~ stn•ak to 20 gam<•s, tops in llll' nation. as the Gauchos ~wamp1·d host Antetoix• Valley hnc, '"' 0. in community college .1ction Saturday night. T he Gauchos. now 4-0. srored fir st when corn e rbac k Geoff Bannrr pic k e d o ff a Sam Fromh~rt pass a nd sc<im pered 22 yards into the e nd w ne for the S(:on· Dan Gasser's conversion. 1.mc of '><'Ven he would make on the t>Vl·ning. made it 7-0 The play seemed to spark the Gauchos as they proceed ed to score on the ir £1rst play from scrimmage on their next three possessions f'tr.;1, freshman running back Rnbl•1 t Curri<' <;campl'rt'd 51 yard i. f ur a TD Sopho more quartNbuc k Craig M 1 llPr then fQIJl)wcd with a 69-yard pass to te .lmmat e John M a r s h a ll FinJllV. Mill«r th rew another st.nke. · th1& t1m<• lo w idc receivn Jon lfamro for 13 yards The• Cour quick touchdowns. wh1l·h took J US t 6 .06 to accomplish. gave Saddlcbac k a 2R -O half ti me lead . * Saddlel>Klc 14 14 14 7 -49 An1elope v1111ey O O O 14 -14 S Bannec 22 cn1erceptlon return (Gu- klclc) S Corrie 51 run (Q-IUck) S Matahell 611 pau from Mllie. (GUM< klc;io;) S -He11>ro 13 p-from Miiiet (G•- klck) S • Currl,. 24 pa .. from Baatherd (GUMf kick) s s .. reftnt 8 p ... trom e .. 1hard (OUMr ~IClll S Carroll 3 rurt(Gu-kldl) • 2 ooo cui1m1tedl Ge'M llatleUoe • survive firs t M·ure of tlH· aftl•rn oun. F o llowing thl' lou<:hdowns. ktckt'r Adam J ohno.,un addc•d lht· first of h1 :-. thrl'<• l'Onv1•rsions Laguna Beat·h thPn got 111 th<' .'>pint of giving. los111g the· ball thrt·<' i.t rn1ght t imes to th C' Dolphins The third turnover was a fum ble rt'<.'Ove•1 C'd l>V Dan a lhUs' John Crapo at th<· l.aguna Beach W Th<' Dolphins madf' uSt• of the d1ar1ty and tied tht· g<in11 on a mne yard p~"<I from qu.art1•rba.ck Mall Cooper to Davi• I larns, on the sixth play of th1· dnv1• Dana Boz.ema11 booted th<· PAT to t•ven things at 7-7. shaky outing , Thad Baas to Kt•vm Mdx·nn1111, with 5:03 showing on th1• d1x:k The• Artists ra lltL'd again c·arly m the· fourth pc·n od on anotht•r Drapc•r run. this one <.'Ovc·rc ng 12 ya r ds and <.·a p p1 11 g a s<.·ven·pluy-56-yard march. Uat1.1 I l1lls helped ful'I the dnw with t wo p e nalties tha t gav<• t hL· Artists fi rst dow ns Dana Hills, no t throwing in tht· w wel just vet. took the ball from its own 49. a nd w ith the• ;ucl of two Laguna Bea<h p<'n.clt11·s dosed th<' gap to it-1:$. T lll'> orw c·amt> un a n o t ht•r Coopt·r tn- Ha r ns l'tmnC'ctum eov(•r111g I Ii yards and coming w t th 1.15 to play. T he Dolphins the n we nt for a two-point convc•rs1on bu t u puss inlendt-d for Harns wai. thrown high Afll'r lht: g1.11111 I .. 111 nrnd1 r>t nn1-. 11.11 1 "W1•'v1• h<iti thi-. "'1111c· J 1• vear. \H· Jll.,l ca11'1 11ul aw.iy I th11u11r11 "' p' l>t ·st w1 h.1 \ 1 1 ll • "' 1111stakr-; kqil t h1 1 , 11 1 11. I n t h l ' g ;11111 I• r 1 1 I I d1sapprn11tc"<I !he ...... 1, d()S(c• .. Coop1•1. \\I•·"'''• l'arlv ;111d 1111• 11 • 11d• • r () r I .I I \',I I " intt n 1·pll1t11 I J 1 II.tr rl'>, c ,ought I I\• I' yards .cnd '"'".,. n11 ..,,hl' \\I II h· " .... , '"' rcl'urd I•> .I I I I I 111 Da na 11111' !>llll ,, .11• 1111 wrn t•1lu11111. f• II 111 11 r1 * L aguna Beach's Artist.'!, with their second possession or the third q ua rtt'r. found thc·m.i,dvc.>S p1nne-<l l>al'k on their own t•1ght v<.1rd Im(• Eight play" and 92 yards latt•r. thou~, thex wer e baek un top to stay. 14-7. on a 14-yard pass p_l;iy, quarterback The L.>olphin., had Qn t· rnor c· sho t with 37 s<.•conds h·fl hut couldn't mus ter a threat. and turned the ball ovt•r on downs Lagune Beech 21 011.111 Hiii Score I>• 0Jarl•tt I ftOun.t fl•·• • Oftna ~· llJ I lluskies over(B)ea rin Sun Devils top Cardinals in final seco11ds; From AP dispa tches SEA TILE -Tim Cowan cam<' off the bench to replace an tnJUred Steve Pelluer and fired three touchdown passes Saturday a s No I -ranked W ashington crushe d Califo rnia's Golde n Bears. 50-7, in a Pacific-10 Confcren< .. -e football gamt' Cowan. a senior, took over la t<' in the second quarter after Pelluer suffered a mtld roncusslon. At the time. Washington led '9-0 on three Chuck Nelc;on field goal'> and was struggling on offense Cowan . w ho startl'd last season as Washington's regular quarterback but lost the job to Pelluer beca use oC a thumb injury, threw for all of his touchdowns in the third quarter as Washrngto n broke open the game with a 27-point explosion. He had scoring passes of 41 and 12 yards to Aaron Williams and a 15-yarder to Anthony Allen ASIJ ZI, SU.nlord 17 TEMPE -Fullback Dw ain<> "T ex" Wrigh t atoned for a near-fatal fumbl<> late in the• fourth quarter by scoring on a 1-yard r un with 13 ~nds left as 11th ranked Arizona S ta tt' rallied to beat Stanford. 21-17, he re., In a Pacific-IO Conference game Wright's run capped a sax.-play. 80-yard d n vc in 38 seconds as the Sun Devils Improved their record to 6-0 ovetall and 3-0 m Pac-10 play. S tanford fell to 3-2 and 1-1 re3pectively despite a nother record-setting performance b y Cardinal quarterback John Elway. who broke the league mark for career passing yardage. He now has 7,837, 19 more than Washington State's Jack Thompson San .lose S t. 38, Fullerton IS Quarterback Steve Clarkson came off the ben ch t o th row two third-quarter touchdown passes Saturday to lead San COLLEGE FOOTBALL J~ State lo a 38-15 Pac1fit: Coast Athlt 111 As soc1a lio n vict or y ovC:'r C.i I St.i t1 Fullerton .. Clarkson guided the Spa rt.an... 4-l. '111 d rives of 80 and 82 yards m their first t .... o possession of the third . quarte r San J1,-.i had been up 10·8 at halftimC' and th1• t\\•• Clarkson led wuchdowns madt• it 24-8 6~orgla 33 •. ff lsslsslppl I 0 ATHENS, Ga. -All-Ame rican Hl·r~chc 1 Walke r rambled for lhrt..>c touchdowns nnd 149 yards to s mash the Southeastt•1 11 Conferenre career rushing re<.'Ord as fifth ranked Georgia overpowered M1ss1s.'>lpµ1. 33-10 T he Georgia ddcn~· Crus trnlt·d ,1 pot1·11t Ole Miss oHeruw that puncht><I l)llt .1ln11"'1 400 yards m the first thret· quarter.., h\ coming u p with eight tumovl•n,, incluct11111 seven pass interccpllons. Walke r, n 221 pound JUnior. liftpd his career total to 4.158 yards. bre.ik111J! th1• forme r SEC standard S<'l at 4.035 hv fnrrn• 1 Louisiana S tate star Charlc•s Ale>xandl'r 111 four seasons beginning m 197;> .~D 16, Miami (Fla.) 14 SOUTH BEND. Ind. Mikl' J ohnsto11· ... third field goal or the game, a 32-yard1•1 with 11 seconds t o play . Vdultc·d 10th-ranked Notre Dame to a 16-14 victory o ver Miami of Flor ida and ke pt t h~· Fighting Irish unbeaten afte r four gam<•:. Johnston. whose earher kicks rovered 29 and 42 yards, accounted for oil of Nolr< Dame's scor ing In the second half. with hh winning field goal following a 79 y11 1 d touchdown pa from Miami's Mark H1cht to Rocky Belk. OJ .. luh11 t ;,.,,, 1. I ' .. ,,.,, .. ,, lHB' II' 'Big Bird' outraces Kialoa aga · By ALMON LOCKABEY Dally"9t ........ W"'9f Condor, the "big bird" from Bcnf\uda. burled K.iaJoa for the second straight racf' Saturday t.o wln California Yacht Club's 18th Cal Cup yacht m11tching .eries. Tho nee waa closer than Friday'• ~-mlnute, 23~ wln by COndor with Bob ~11'1 80 f 00ter takln1 the &led on ttt. tint teew.t Jee and holdlnl ll for the r"t of the 25-mlle wlndward- leeward cour1e for a l :33 time split at the finish. Both yachts or million dollar BO·loot rac1ng machines that are campaigned all over the worJd. Jt was the firs\ appearance for Klaloe in what eventually will be her home wa~n a\ Marina c:k>l Rey. Condor raced ln Lona Beach Y11eh\ Club'• Reef week IUt July and won her claal. From \here ahe went to Hawaii for ttw Pan • Am Clipper Cup wtwr. the apHt honora with Klaloa In tal'l~ "maxi cl-" • In Snturday'<1 I Ut'l' Cond111 111·1 off the favort'<I port l·ml c I th• starling lmc and <>.: lwn t "" t ~ • yachts caml' togl'thrr nn th1· ltt t t.ack the Jk-rmudan w;,, '41iKlitlv ahead But on tht! lullowm11 t.11 k Klaloa took a 1t11rh\ I .id 11ii roundf'd the flnit W«.'lllh1·1 m 1 k 1e eecond!l ah('ad It WM thto downwm(t lu~ thllt wer. Jim Kilroy'~ dowrHnll •m K.laloa. On the ftnlt run kt11~r Dlck D•111 vttr ot 81\lbtJ.1 outmenouverttd K laloll crnJ / .. If \ n 1-0 loss c ' 111d 11.il f l'.I fumlJl<' • ti M ti tt v t• •• l th l' ... I "h .111d 11 lm1t-dlt.dl "11 d •v p•·111'lratt' thu • ''' 1 11 ullt.I thus lhl" ''"' .1 111111ltc i. were ne xt , ,.I .Jc 1 c •·11v1•1 y by Peaak •1 I 1 ·•'IA 11 ll·r comple ted • I ''" -. 111 Don Pryor at 1 • 1., .. k .W 111 the waning .. 1 1111 .c11111d 4uarwr cost l11o1 .11 a fic;fd goal .. 11cl c;t••n H a lk ett -.;, .1 K111g:-. bid whPn he 1 cl 11 1111' S.ctldlc•back 25 ...... II • I •111.11 l• r * 1 ttotl1uc.k ll, Coron• del M•r O •.cur• by Ou•rlere ' •• 0 0 0 0-0 0 6 0 15-2 1 t • I • hum f' .. lklk (luck faffed) •, 1""'1C;uo., PdH from Pet8k) 1.,n 1P11~t1k l<ICk) -~Oo' I 8 39-95 10 1 7-15--0 2-0 5.55 Caine Stellallce CdM 11 36· , .... ~6 ~-16·2 4-3 4.50 111dl•lduel Ruahlng ·~u 1' 11-48. Brown , 5 -41, • ~ MvhndtO 3·:i'I, COiiine. 2· 16, fut 'lllllU~ l<I •., ll 4 I Po5111<. 10-26: Halkell. I Wilhliml. 2-10 Individual Pualng "I ... , 4-lS 2 <10, Coffins. I· 1-0, -• , • CJ 101 lnrll•ldual Receiving • ' !. Collons 2-5 PractMI. 14 C1tqe ).43 Smith, 1·14 tes, GWC 11n ble 1 • 1 ,.,1.,t <. 'oll1:ge had a • 1,, 1 .dd1·d E l Camino I , 1 ·~: . .S I :H , and Golden • II• g• ran into som1: S .. mt:• Monica. to the \It l l. 1n community 111.ill ;wt1on Saturday "' OCC gav<: El ~11l1thland's No. 8 1 ''"" c . str iking for .tlr •1u1 hdowns and , , ''1th :1.05 left al '"' JH I I t '• k• 11 pl av on fou rth I , J.,J l'.m1mo 11 ended , 1 1111~ an o the rwise fl' rfurmance b,y t h e \ 1111 got a 7 1-'ya r d ru n bv Ro dney 1 ., 1 l111u11 w a couple o f It I .... ' 1l111g l'1rates and El 1111l1t 1H·d for 81 pass • t h.1d .1 long nigh t 1, l\)111111 "· fa iling tu I'·''" 1111 thc first thrrt· 1d t•mn1'lt1ng "On only 1 • 1 1:J111t·. both for tll lh t• f1n;iJ pc•r!OO * '/ 11111lno 31, Orenge Coa•I 24 <;core 1>r Ouerten '°' 14 7 3 0 -24 7 14 7 3-3 1 •Oli 7 t run (Groene kick) • tr•t-Pll l 111 p unt re1u1n .. i • ' n•1em 14 P••• lrom Tueller "" /6 P••• f rom Green P'I "utj liillk t ()~•r111g1on 8 p e e1 from Green ~ ~ ~ Gr11en I" o 21 FQ ,. ? 000 1es11me ledl Ceme Slellatlce · OCC FC 18 18 <14·46 22-mlnUe 14 1<15 267 16·38-.3 20-4).1 9-37 6-M ' I< ' 3·1 5-5 ' If' .I~ 12-97 12-154 lndlvlduel Ruehlng OJ " 71! Sou111werd, 8-40: • StPphene 1·1or-mlnue I. • 1 '"nus 8. Tueller. 20·1()(-mlnu• • ..,,, a1.µe s, 7·24. Linton.' 3-8 : t for minus 9: Green, Oerrong1on 1·1or-IT'lnue 7, e lnrllwldu•I PHelne ro " tS-37 '.l, 142, A9hen, 1·1--0, •· ""° lO <13· I, 267 lndMd~ R-'vtnf '""ward 4·43, Rooney, 4·21 , • )/ Dunha m 2·23. Slenlund. "•'"""' t 12, Brighi, 1·4. t_t11rrls 6·98, Oarrlngton, e -1e: 1 "' ~ AO Ol!von, 2-54; Vltelle, t-6; • • 1 tor mlnut 7 S11nt• M ontee 30, OokMn Wfft 14 8COfe by 0-1 .... t ,.1 l• " W"SI 0 0 0 14 1' .. "'I""'~" 10 1 0 13 -'° " ••,(a ~ run (L..,eque lllclt) ro ., L•...ca~ Loc:~•ll 12 PMS from Kec:llln (l.e¥eque f(K~ln I IUll (Leveque klCk) ' M lite 18 peu from Or1gn1no '. ,, M•CA1t 14 rvn (lllclt l>IOclledl ... 1 '""• 38 P•U from Oreg111110 '• . ..,., ., ("'' A f,()<1 t111tln\lllAIJ) Oame 11elleltoe ow • 43·1H 54 2·25-1 ..... S-3 Ill' Ion rlfol• 6-81 flldlVldUll ....... -· ,. 42-114 ,,, , ....... wr . S.I ...... 'II JollnlQfl, 7 • 105, Stlflll'leW, It-.. ; I rtll lU.JJ, Oragnano, fol; Lerntitrton, 1·1; O.ithl!I••"" ·lo. flllnw 27 M Mef:•ll 14-67, Corot1M1n. 1·311 ... ., lln ~ 2t, [k,lrlot•. J.te, 8 tewlft, t-4; llt!JI .,. l •J , NIOtfllOn ...._ " lndt-1....,~ • IJW -01•111111no, 2·1•1. J.e: °"°"""" p 80 0 ·~ !\«~In. 11~~·2, t 4' lflMullalA111._ • OW -1.'llO\ik1. t 3', Mo0ee, Ml ftM ... l ucli.ett, 4 1•. MoCe ll, l •U : wutt11101on , a-111 M•O•"•'•· l •l•t And rton a 1 ,._.,, 1. ta • ~ . ' . ' ., " AL "-AYOfFI ..... .,. •• AIMIN 5 CAL.~ lillLWAUt(H .. .,11111 Mlrllbl Downing, H • I I 0 MoNIOt, 3b • 0 0 I Cetew, lb 2 I I 0 YOU<'ll, • • 0 I 0 AeJdian. rt • 1 oo Cooi>e<. lb • ooo lY'lft, cl 3 I I I StmmoM. c; 3 I 0 0 .. ytof, dh •I I • G Tll<>mao c;I 2~00 OeCnce, lb • 0 0 0 Money, dh 3 2 2 0 Grich, 2b 3 0 0 0 Edwa!dlh pr 0 I 0 0 FOii, N • O 1 O 8touhrd, II • • 3 3 Boone, c • 0 0 0 C M00<e, rt 2 I I 0 TOl•I• 32 6 6 6 Gantner 2b • o 2 2 101111 30 9 e e kora bJ IMlne• Cat110tnl1 000 00 I O•O S MitwalikM 030 301 02• -9 E-Lynn, 0.Cll\Cft 2. Coot:>e<. Youn• IP· Call!ornWI I LOll-C1Hlorn1a 5, M11W..,k~ 5 28-lynn, Brouhard, Carew HA·S.~ I 11, Brouhatd CI! SB·Edw.,da I S°CM00<1 C....,.,. IP H II Ell M 10 John(L,1·1) 3'1\ 4 6 A 5 I Goltz 3'>\•3322 SancflQ 1 10000 ....... HNt(W,1-0) 7'~ 5 5 • 5 1 Slalon(S. 11 I\' 0 O 0 O 0 -OOltT pl1Cllecl 10 7 ballers 1n lh• 81h WP.John 3 PB-Boone f.3 10 A-51,003 COMPOSITE BOX Downing ~ 0.Clncel Grich 8eyl0t Jec:k-cian. Lynn C91aw FOii Boone To1a11 Molitor Yount Cooper S1mmon1 ThOmu OglM4I Money Moote Gan1ner Howell Edwarda Btoul\lld TOIM Cklwll O·I Slaton Ladd a.tn11d Vckvc:h 0·1 s..uon 1.0 H1111.0 Total• Jofwt 1-1 l(Jeon 1-0 Z.aM 0-1 Wlt1 " ..... Oolll s-- .. ttlna CALlfOfllAIA llb r h 2b )b hr rbl avg 15 3 2 0 0 0 0 133 000 00000000 I~ • 3 I 0 0 0 200 12 I 3 I 0 0 I 250 13 2 • I I I 10 308 15 2 2 0 0 I 2 133 000 ~0000000 1• • 2 0 I 3 571 1• 2 3 I 0 0 0 21• 13 0 2 0 0 0 1 154 13 2 2 0 0 I 3 15• I 1• 20 29 6 I 4 20 25• MILWAUKEE 1111 r h 2b 31> hr rbl a2vg 10 3 • 0 0 2 s 50 1• 1 • o o o o .2ee 18 I 2 2 0 0 2 125 15 3 3 0 0 0 0 200 12110013083 11 0 I 0 0 0 0 091 01 2 2 0 0 0 I 280 10 2 5 0 0 0 0 !>00 1• 0 2 0 0 0 2 J43 03000000000 00200000000 04 • 3 I 0 I 3 750 122 19 27 3 0 • 16 22 I Pit china MILWAUKIE 11 Ip h r ar-bO ao era I 3 7 6 5 I 2 IS 00 2 ..... 3 2 2 1 2 3 85 2 2'"' 0 0 0 0 :. 0 00 I I 0 0 0 0 0 000 I IS 8 • • 4 • 450 I 7"" 8 3 3 2 9 3 52 1 71'. 5 5 • 5 7 • 91 • 34 29 20 18 13 29 • 76 CALWO...A .... rer llltM ... 2 12'Ai 11 • 7 8 8 5 10 1 8 6 2 2 0 8 200 1 ~ 4 3 3 1 2 7 3t I 3 2 2 2 2 3 800 1 ""' 0 0 0 0 I 000 I 3h • 3 3 2 2 730 1 I 1 0 0 0 0 000 Tol ... 3 34 27 19 17 11 22 • !>Cl lei«• bJ """"9• Mlt#eukll 051 62 I 220 -18 Calrfomla 125 3 11 070 -20 1-c~n. Molhor, Lynn. O.C•nc:ea 2. Cooper, Younl. OP-MllwaukM •. Ca1Uorn11 2. L08·Milwauk11 18, Cehlornla 21. 6 B· Cat-1, EdWatdt I, ~Boone. Foll. Moore 2 SF·8ey\ot, Boone, Thomea. Money HBP· Moore by Jolln. Grich by VUCl<O•teh. OilM41 by Zalv1 WP...>ohn 3 PB-Boone A-2:29,723 NL Pl.AYOFF8 C•dln ... 4, Bravff 3 ATLANTA IT.LOUIS •tlllll Mrhlll Wehnln rl 3 0 0 0 Ha« 2b 3 O O 0 A.Rinn N 4 I I I Obe<kll 31> 5 1 I I MUfphy Cl • 0 1 0 10 Smllh tt 4 O 1 O Chmbla l b 3000 Sutter p 0000 HO<Mt 3b • 0 0 0 K.Hmd~ lb • I I 0 o-&lt ... cf 0 0 0 0 O.Por1ar c 2 I 2 I Roys111 II • 0 2 O Hendrcl< rt • O 2 o Hubbltfd 2b 3 I I 0 McGee cl 4 o o 1 Banadlct o 2 1 1 0 C Smith n 2 o 1 o P.Ni.kro p 0 0 0 I Stupat p 1 O O O 1-Pcro11 ph t 0 0 0 t>-Bran ph 1 O O O Oarbeirp IOOOBl!rp 0000 Tot8" 29302 d-Gsean 111 1110 TOlllt 31 4 9 3 ~:nil Tor N'oalcro In Iha Tth l>-plnet>-Nt tor Slupar In 7th c;..~ c;entlt n.td In Illa 8111. d-played left lllld In .... 8th Score .., '"'*"9 AUantt 002 010 000 -3 St LOUil 100 001 011 -• Ona OU1 whit> winning run 9CO<ld E·McOM L08·Atlanta 6. SI lou19 ti 28 -0 Porter 2. Benedict SB·O Sm1tn Murphy. S.Stupar, P Nilllro. Hubl>lltd. Hllff SF-P.Ni.kro A...,.._ ~ H RER8810 P.Nlakro 8 8 2 2 4 s Gt1rtMlf1L,0.1) 2'"' 3 2 2 I 2 l lL.W. Slupar 6 4 3 2 I 4 Bair I 20030 Su111r(W, l·O) 2 O o o o 1 Bair pl1cfled to 2 betMn In the 11th WP·P Nlkro PB-BanadlCt T-2 48 A·53,408 COMPOSITE ~.!?R •;h2babl" rbl1w9 07020000 .2:~8 01 1 I 0 0 0 1 125 00 0 I 0 0 0 0 125 080 00000 000 07 0 0 0 0 0 0 000 07 0 2 0 0 0 0 288 oe 1 1 o o o o 101 06121 000400 01 0 0 0 0 0 0 000 00000000 000 01 0 0 0 0 0 0 000 02000000 000 00000000 000 00000000 000 01 0 0 0 0 0 0 000 OOOOOOOQ 000 000 0 0 000 C..00 58 3 • t 0 0 2 152 8T.LOUl9 .. , .... .., ....... , 08020000 .25<> 10 t 2 0 0 0 2 .200 07 1 2 0 O 0 I 2N 01 1 I 0 0 0 0 I 000 Ol2:20000 .260 OI 1 3 0 0 O 1 175 oe 2 • 3 o o 1 111 Ol2 20102 260 OI020002 .400 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 00000000000 °' 1 2 0 0 0 1 .817 01 0 0 0 0 0 0 000 00000000 000 00000000 .000 .. 11 2.2 3 ' 010 .333 ~, I .. II rer Ml M 8H IA 1'••12120 , .. a2t11e1t I 1"' 1 0 0 0 I 0 00 11 21111 1.00 I I I 2 2 4 6 300 1 .... 3 2 2 1 ·2 7 73 2 te" 12 II II I 12 IOI IT.LCMe ... II,.,_. .. -1t30001000 114 321400 1 I I 0 0 3 0 000 I t 0 0 0 0 I 000 111112•11100 ., tco•• by tnnllle• 004' OIU 1.1110 Pl1yoll 1chedule CHAMPIONSHIP tfllll Tlletd•r'• lea•• Ano••• a. Mllw•uk•• J • W1dne•d•1'• lc:o•• An11•I• ~ Mllwouk"" , Thuttd•r'• lcor• 81 Lou" 7 l\1h11111 O F•ld•r'• acor• M1lw•u-.. ~ Anoe!• J 8e1Uldtlf o lcOfH M1hi11tM"J.. .. 9 Angete ~ SI LOU 1 ~ 1111111'11• 3 Tod<lf 'I Q-1 c t rt Angah (IUtOn IO·SI ,,1 M1l,.~U~•" (VockOVICh 18 8t I 20 1J m SI LOU19 IAflU\JJIT' I!>-101 •" 1\11&111 1 jf " I I IJI. 5 2~ Pll'll • -.Onc111'1 Qom• S1 Lou11 at All•nt.i 12 1' 1 1•1 ·~•»llY T11t•d•f• Oam• St lnu11 Al A11ttnlO lJ ,., ,, m t i WORLD SERIES luHda1, Oct. 12 Al al Nl !:. 30 I.) .. ttt NL t l1tt•11i 11 1\if SetMtt gCll':,, to• Mth gall\¥ u .~ w ,,,1.1 • 1 • ... 111 b8Qln Wt!drw.wiv. Oct 11, .. II• I ... on fhufMJOiy ()(..1 14 the , .. tlf-<td•Jl'-11 "1 dlyl WldJM1.U1, Ocl tl Al 11 NL ~ 20 p m ,-r1c111. Oct n Nl •I Al !. JO I> m 8•1Vfdlf, Oct 1t r-H-.at Al 10 20 am 1t ~ ,, ... .,. '"' , p m 1f 1n Amlne.m Sund•y. Oct 17 NL at Al tf nett:t8:0.d.f)' Tue•d•y, Oct 19 Al at NL 5 70 p rn '' rn ..... o ., , W1dn11day, Oct 20 AL el NI 5 10 pm 11 ""' ,.,, 01k TrM SATURDAY'S RESUL 1S (8th of 27-day thoroughb••d m•e1tno1 FIRST RAC~.o lu•long• Su~r Stor llmcenl (How1ev1 ' t>O ' ~ • Honey$ C•OS5 10rlt!Q&) ;>• 4 Pred1loc1ton (Hwn&enl Alsu ruc..ed R1s•t1q [c.ht.1 J,' '·'" Jen1fltn 1 Pr 1nce Ma~uno •' ., 1 • 1 ' , Sumn.er Sn•lor Jadn Fltr'{j Torr.u I 09 3 !> SECOtlD RACE 6 lurl<>•.g• 0<>"k•• Gota IS•t>or11•1 6 f.0 • Klttr10nk1 (V•lt!hluool81 Patehil F eet tWa•t .. fll Also rac.eo C•nt~r1 s l \1~ Silk 8 1ekrry Got<h.tn M ~ Ir ROO<n OucllCSlo I ina Pehl• R"'>'• Gori Appalacr.1an Tr all lime I 10 •15 S2 DAILY DOUBLE lb· It I""" ~" THIAO llACli. 6', turlOOIJ• HUPl'bU<<'N• IHanson1 18 80 No Fla~ 11;u1a1...oa1 Uppe1 Rullah (S1Do1le) Alto raceo ltmelou 8roort1 LOUl9vt~ S..mm•t lloloe Pack(IO) A •I ldM, Blm•d'OI. Ch•noA • 1m4tg1 A•, I V1¥lly ,,..,. I 1!1 415 'OUftTif llACE. 11110 ""'" HO<llon I Orum (S1bd1'1) 19 llO Comedy Acl tShOlmake< 1 Aat0tuin tH .... 1ey1 , Als o •acea Pin Pie h l rm1 r• 11 Gatlllsari Shanna. Feat Sc:ull.. ~'"' ~ Sorrowa Bod. Mounl""'•-n, •·a t 1 • • NutM l)'ph .. d Time I 42 •tS """ RACE. 1 ·~miles nn 1urr LllhDn (Slbllle) 5 e() J ~·I Ch4lcker'1 Orphan IP1e<ce1 II <1' Jurl~lle (Shoemaker) AIM> I ec:.cl l riQOt'ome T Ofll<"" v. llL.t Gr-. ,.,,. HOOM ~ T11n1 I •b 4/S ... 15 EXACT A 15•61 1>11<1 S l Ill O< llXTH RACI. & > lurlorlQt s....,o Senator IValencuelal •O.."l Can I Be Beal (GYl""l LuQ.y P11•Ula'4 t~I AIM> raced Frl>&dom • H"'@ 1 •• 8r.ghl lelfl l<ryllaJ Snow ~-I I Kl ~" 1 I • Sufi RIM Am Posis Cc<>nl 1<"'1n"'h Time 1 15 4 '!> IEVENTH llACE. II f\frtongs M1sa E ... (08tahoussayel30 40 F1rat Clut (Vllenzuetel ll 81'1 ., • 10 OU t,OU 7 /fl 1<111 'Em G~oe tHensenl Alto •aced Buy My Ac:I R·~~ (J .. ". Vic1or11 P .. tl. FlfSI AdvanGe Entt><ezA Snow Oltreu1n1 WO<lds Uncha•n •I • , RHI TorQU<t Tme I Oii 115 SS EXACT A 16 I II pal<I sq I I 00 12 PICll 1111 1 I· I0·>-5·6·61 N•d \1 ..,,h ?5 .. .nn1tw;1 tic~&,. tl1•e PIO• ••• !:.> "" • Sta conaol1t1on PB•d 188 00 w•'n • 1 wwinono tickets "°"' hoo~1 EIGHTH II.ACE I I 18 r'"'' \ Caiun Prince 1G-ra1 '6 to ~ ~r! l • Cate•man (Cas•annd•J 1 •r> ~ ,, Rock Somv 1S1D1t1e~ ~ • Also ta.God WICkerr Pomf'ftt~ {.,l")t.Jfl .>11 ' Mome"t Tltnt I •O 115 SS lllACTA !2·61 paoa S 167 r,o NINTH llACE. I II I 6 mil&" Fleet Paul Alllton fESlradll 4 80 1 00 '~ llJnOt 0.-tGue<<al • llO :; 00 lne4.wll0rl IH-1 I I Al90 racecl Plua Prince. Sultan "' ,,. r Ct>oel Cele«>•ailoft. Oistmt Cha•m ''"' ,1 ... Tlfntl 1 •20 • 1£XACT A I•· I I p..o $46 00 Atlendenca -33.n• 1111 'IO e CIO I r•111 l'81 l'u•I• '" "':I Yr·,. 4o 11"' I/ 1U U •O ' , ... n.~ ln'flt•tlnnttl IUf N ... ,,1 10 •it :r '1 W t l•· ''Ht1 U •• H.4lll 11 2:1.. L ,• 1 1 ' ~ G1.,m1tr.t') A "'' • ttnul l\•n • t 1~7 4 l.rt •~01,. 9i (,, t '' •n•• 1 P'., lJ Ul WOMtN I t"119fd XI ? < oi I i:Jly 1'111..11 fl I 1 ~1,., t•' I ltYU ·~G & <:;111.r. '"'" 1•~ 0 ~It,; I'"'"" ~:I I ll"H 18tan't)!O 10 • 1, 2 W-f'Y 18) I ~!; 3. &er nu11 Im! 1i:1 10 ~8 4 H"'l'f'I 1CP ~01 II H, !> JllCObt (51 17 01 I GIA/ lW 011~1 t7 •• 1 l>h••P',.. !•ll•t>al 11 11, 8 ''•t lllYUI IT•tt • lMkl (II 17 :0 10 N~ tlYl.lt 11 J'J / ports on TV Tt:LEVJ~JON 10 11 rn (~) CBS SPORT HUNDAY :JY.i lwun1 o! llJX~lalllt..'11 Including two bmd11" mowlH.'11, wmoon • gymmunlc11 &ind J1 p<:N.lway n1otrn·t·ydt• 111dnu · Nnon (11) Wl!:STEltN OUTOOOttSMi\N Inc huh·cl I\ IM.Ulplarw l'OffiJ)l•lllion . I I' 111. (4) CFL f'OO'rBAL.L 811t11.h ( 'ulu111t11.1 ut F.dntt.111ton l.:.!O p.m. (0 und 7) BASE RALL J>l.A VOFf''S An_gcls ut Milwaukee. ~: 15 p.m. ( 7) -BASEBALL PLAYOFFS , SL Louis ut Atlanta. RADIO l1~i.(ibnll . A 0 ngclH nt M1lwa11k1·•" I ::w p 111 • KMI <..: (710). 1( nC<C<.'li.'U.H1Y;St Lolli' .11 A Ll:mt.:1, :1 !'1 p 111 . KNX ( 1070) . "onday TELEVISION-RADIO &llK•hall -St. Louis ut Atlanu.i, 12·15 µ m . Channel 7, KNX ( 1070), 1f nl'('Ci.Ml1y L• Jel Ct1ulc fll Abllana, Tea) .\ .,, . ' ..•. f J'•t·)' Lu • t1'f fll'.uc.h tf• NJUJ l'/lr•ll( I ,.,;[lff..-l.r1 ., '" •" '''"' [JA Wt01l1IH•Q Ar •Jt ht1t11 '-'"" M1(111nltt r .i r"'' 1 '•J IJ ~htlJh•f 1 "' ~ l 1inniiff .t•I Mnf•IJ'' .,, r 11 'dd er J ., t• ... o SIHvU llt#lJl~t l•O Tr"'1f}t' Jt "" J ovg'tt H ,o ~tr"Clo. J,4JO I f 11 I 64-11 611 103 07 11·69 201 67 ,, 70 X>8 71119 69 ,09 &1.10 12 m 73-71 6(, 210 69 72-69 210 67-14 69 210 68 73-61) ;> 10 b6· 13·69 l 10 66 74-70 -210 10 1•-67 2• I 71-73-67-211 66-1•-69 211 b7-15 69 211 68-71-71 211 67 11 72 211 c.11-76·70 ;>1;> 70 7?-70 ,, .. 697172 ;>12 t>97•-l'l ?I' 12 70 7l 21J 701112 111 M ·70-7~ 2t3 12 6~ n 213 7172-71 ,,. •11• .. HN1t1eot 10-11 f2 '214 Tll" Pwt1"r 69-7'1 72 2 I• (u41y Hu!ltw•·J 70-15 10· 215 H"'"'" 11.,,1 69-75-71 215 IJ 111Cf1 Mt"llfltH 66-77 · 72 215 f,<r.)•l ... , '"' 10 73 72 215 (••• lJJllfOr 71 71-73 215 • Jilt ''•t llht 67-7!>·73 215 Br>t M ·Hphy 68 18-70 216 " • ,, 7•-72-70 216 If I~ I /2-73·11 216 f •••• ' 78·67-71 216 Co11I "'' re1ull• NEWPORT IEACH MEH'I CLUI t•I Newpo1t &eec:h Goff Cour") 8111 Cullen Mamotlat Cup Tourney ~ ,., 1 '~ ... ri .. nJ A AdtAr. Coron• del ~ ,, • ,. J <t1• J 8oli 8to¥rneH. Irvine l 11J • 1 J C..noJ•IH RdymO"d Seriries ''"''' 74 < t S.1 IHPart lund rece1vea . 10 ''""' tt+u iwtn•menu COLLE OE UCLA 24, Artzon• 24 8COfa bf Ovarten 1• 1 0 3 -2• 1 7 7 3 2• ~n1 fi f •ta~mar. O run tl~1a1 klek) UC I I\ I uwn"fll l'• P~• , lrom ~•m"'Y IJ 1..-N ~IC.11tJ ~ ,., P f ,~~"''*" • pa•• trom 1 unnt(;jlffe (/t n.1~1 II k!C~) Vl I I\ C.nrney 1 ".,.. lrom Roma(!~ (J leo )I ... ~. VC.LI\ C.C'IJht>ut ~ run IJ let! ~IC~) ""' Oobv"' '9 pao l•um Tunn1c11r1e /t"009ftA't ....... A.r I ,(,, flKcf,.j~'\ • l UC.L.A f«,1 J ,,., ti> A Y. ' Team St•tllllc:e A1lz I 110... IS 1 .......... y ... 10 45 16, P<1h•llQ yerda 179 •)1•J1J""' }'4'<1' 2i ~ .. ,.. 13-;>0-0 P,n1 9.47 ru'''ltt10 •. 1n .. 1 1 1 P1W1...+0tf"'' y1rdt 6-<CJ l ~rr1 Of Pt •,,f'•llOh 2117 tnn1vtt.Jual Stat11uca 1 UCLA 36 ~~ 345 I!> 29·•3·2 6·•2 1-1 3·S.3 32 •3 1<v St11NG ArllOllft Grtllrn 13 71 P•om" 11 JS P rreaman 12-30 lu <1ot•1t1~ 7 18 UCL A Nel~on ·~ ,9 Vpt 1>11• ir Btuno 3 12 PAS$1NG A•11one, Tunnltl•lle u :>O 0 '79 UCL A n~mM; '9·•3·2·3•5 Rf (.;[IVING Artiona K..el 3· 70 8 A1<1••\Cn l ~ G••"'" 2 10 P F•aeman ?.0 UCLA Ca•ney 1-~• Be•gmann S 75 I°"'""'' • ~II l..~>out 3·40 Net.on 3 24 fi• '''° j 1~ Sin Jo11 St. 38, CS Fullerton 15 lc:Dfe 1>1 Oua•t•n .1' l<YM' 'ir 10 0 21 1 311 Fu•'••IM !>I 2 0 0 7 16 r ull "'"ry Jnhnaon t 1cklfHI by Nevlnt "08 $J t<tor ~ • ya1d IJBH lrom O•enlreet !Berg k;<kl SJ 61>•9 fG ~ulf Gtrnarl 10 P• .. lrom E1p1nou flJHf la.led) SJ King 3 run ta.to kiCl<I SJ R1ehardton 24 PH• lrom C11rkaon Berg •oei.1 SJ Matheny 4J yard .,,.,"Piton ,.,.,,n (&f><Q •IC'I ~u11 l ock111 J9 p111 rrom 0 Allan 1s1.,.n•• '"'" ktC~·SuHown •2 pan ltom Clarkton (Be<g "6000 THm llatl•tlc:o IJ FU r "" down• 16 13 Ru•""' ynrda 38 128 33-131 P1u1no yards 8 210 199 netu1n yard• 90 1119 Pa1e1 '9· 16-0 •2· 19-3 • Puntt !I· 187 1 ·239 FumD4t"' IOll •·2 2· I P"'"*"'"t·y1tM 0·5S 8-65 T 1me DI POtM'a-30 OS 29 55 \ lftdhrldu11 ll•ll•llc• U!.HINv San .io.• St JohnlOll S-8 Cl•k900 ti 24 Klllf,I 9 10 O-alrMI 3-0 f 1>ornbuto 8 34, Crtawetl 3 11 Carte< S-25 Fu11111on SI C.ttrey 3 10. Rende< e-11 L• .. ·•~Cumpll•ld 3 42 Gerhart 2· I (toptMll 3 0 Wh•ley !>·II 0 Allen 7·• I Pl\:>SINC. S•n JOH SI Clarkton 18· 11 0 170. Ove<trrftl I I .5 0-•0 Fullett<Ml SI Cell••y 4 I 1·• [lfPlnOll 20· 13·2-152. 0 Allan l:l·S·O-'IJ RECEIVING Sin Jote St • Kl!IM 3-JS, Nlc1>01'1 4 66. Kl!'Q 2· 18, Jonnaon 3-10. TllOlnbe•ii 2·211 8ulll••n 1·•2, Rlehar<lllOll I 24 r11111r 1011, Rllndtr 2·&. Lewl1, 11-11. l ntkatl 3 08 P11>1tt 2 23, 0@<111rt 2· 13. C..am111111ld 1 3 I Carof'ntet 1·2• Smoot t 18 Wlltlfot l•ll Cincinnati SC, Long ltNc:h St. 14 ketw bf O!Wtef• Lono e.acn o 1 1 o 14 Onc<t1nal1 1• 3 0 17 34 CWl·HlllWI II tun (FOQlef k"911 C;n Goo.Ot 10 P••• lrQM 8111811 (Fogle< klCk) Cin-FG Fogllt 70 LB Monlwn"'Y 30 11111 fJOhnaol\ •ic•l LB StOliH I~ PIO from O.Hon (JOhnton klc~I Cl!>-n CIOrll :II PIH lrom 8M•lll (FOfllar k1c111 Cln FO l'oOMlf Qt Clh M1r1flat1 3, 1n1e1C•Ptlu11 r11u1n lfoOll< kick) A· I~, 187 \ ~OH 8CHOOL STAN~NG8 SH Vle)lt LHgue League 0•1re11 NtiW"(>tt H.ulmf s .. ad••m11c• <.:01nm1 thtl Mio C,u:.t., Mu 1i ll I"'" UfUYt>(lOlfl [tlurl(IG ''"''"' W L W I 'J 0 I I t) (J 1 I ~ I t , I 1 l ' I ;" t 0 I < 0 2 J , h 1urde7 1 Sc:o•• s.u~i..1 ,, • '1 c.otond <Jut M ,. r, Thurld•Y'• Game 1>r PA HI! IC! 1'0 ,.,,, l1 8.~ ..,., hh ·n •1.1 ~IJ '11 , 1 ••• !AJ •,. Urnve1•1ty va £ 1t811G1a at t4&11¥J.l ~• h a• 11 r F•ld•Y't 0 1m .. LI ''''" "' l.O•Gn• Ot!I M •• •• nee SUOCllftbut• •o ~o tu ~l. ., 11 Nt·~J ;1t Hu1t>1J1 Soulh Co11t l ••gue League Ov•• all c.;,H.1•'SUt1flf V1tllov M1a!M0tl V1+.ttu Sen rlt'ntt'-nH• W L W L t 0 t ,. I U 4 I ' 0 • I J t I 4 0 • l a;1rnH H• .ar t1 L·IQUOf ll Ii. 0 .. 111t tMI W•-,t.dl w.lq• u 2 i J Satu1d1y. SC:OfJt t -i')Ufl I f\4 I t 7 1 ( mu ~·· PF PA 114 ·~1 144 fj~ u4 f,7 , , ,., (,,.1 JI JI 11;1 r.• ltS Frld•r • Gem•• C..dc;t,lfAf Valley at M1~'tt0n Vw1•J l ,101 .. r1 t H·ll'l ti Son <.:•ornttnt .. l•lu1clay'a Game W omJl.111<Jyt> 1t 0Gf1<J ~illh t t iJ m • Olher acorH EMPIRE LEAGUE tap.,1a11111 3~ Katena tO C~l';ros' '6 (I Oolado 0 NON·LEAGUE !Je"''" JA Ga,.,1 7 FuUf'tlOO 1J C..oJfOef"I Grovt NHL King• 3, Flame• lc:ore by Parloch Fll'tl P•- 0 I, 0 I 1 I l l Of l\nQfllns r o• I (Ntehollt E •M•I 13 I 1 IPPI Penallon Mernel1"1 l 111 11 SI l01 ......... ~1' (lf"••d Dy Kel"rl 1• S& L<tw•1 11\ 18 07 Be v•9•• ·• C•• Ill '>I S~ond Pe•lod "l Ctt g.u, tt•nd"''"'''" ' t , * • l\n,-NtCf>()jlt I tFoo £v1ns1 IJ 16 !WI P•n•1t1e1 S1in,,... LA 6 •4 Ch~h'>91d . Cal It •1 RulMll Cal IQ 00. Roteb•OUQh C11 19 30 'limn'Mlt lA 19 38 Thltd Per\Od • loa Anq'!I~• ro• 'tO•<>r'IM 118>11'0nl 15 •6 (pp) Pefl1il1es . C.r1ar1r1v.. lA <IOUDIO·m•110• 7 38 RIM!Dr oogh l.81 1 1r1 Dunn Col, 14 •2 Snott on O<Mll Calgary II 7 • 18 • n~ Ar>gelM 12-11 11 37 GOOll"t C.&IQ&r f B"1nt Hrdl l VI AngcH9. Blake I\ -10 311• t •lutdar'• 1cor .. w 1nn1peg 8, Oetroo o SO.•on 5, Hantord 4 Oueb<te 8 Bull alO • Chic.go II Mont<NI 7 Edmonton 6 Venc:ouvcw 3 Phllldelphia 3. Waahtngton 2 N-Je<wy s. Toronto 5 he Naw Yori< Rangers 5. Plltebu•g• J Monneaol• 6 St LOUii 3 Tonloht'• Gem" P1111t1vrori at Boston ttllfll0td 11 8uttalo W81hln9ton II PholadelP/ll• w1nn1peo 11 Chicago Women'• v0Ueyb11t COU.EGE 8c1lpp1 Tourname111 l•t Cl•r•mo<1t Coll19t, Pomona) Round Robin Team Scoulf 1 ~retUlo P•cllic ;t C.11 81p11t1 Coll&Jl• J Pomona Pit"" • S°"lhern c .. College 6 Clertm0n• I.Audit 6 Lot AnQ~H Bibi" Corlege cscc 1tn1thl'd ,..,,,,a 8 • 1eco1d F"''"o Pooloc w&A II ~1 COMMUNITY COLLEGE t 1nl1 Monica Tournemenl Poot l>l•r Orengo Coasl det Glendale 1s.1 15 II del San1a Monce 15-2 1~ 7 ael P..,,,. 15 12 1~.9 der SeoUOtn 1s.;;> IS 2 SI• 1 .. m Ptefoll1 C1rr1101 def S1n11 Barba ra 15- 0olden Wiii clel ~ OrllflOI Coul ltld El Ca<nlno ~ ..... lfln ... C1<r1tot dtl Oranoe COHt IS •1 El Camino del GOiden W•al IS 7 Chl"'pfo"lhlp Cl Camino def Ce"1IOS 15./ Water ooio COLLl!OI UC lrvlne 1). ~aclflc s ~IClllC I 0 2 ;> !> JC IT¥1na 3 I 6 2 13 UC IMntl tc:Otl"O P CamplllCC 5, Va1gas 1 J CempbOl1 2 Oodaon I, °''"* I HIOH I CHOOL """'°'' Hetbot 10, l111111y Kiffe 4 Nllwl>Ort Harbof :i • I 3 10 Sunny H~·· I 1 , , •• N•wport Harbor Kor Ing T nompaott ~ 0 Donnell 3 S1•n1.,., ' ' di on ru11 to • v1 ·tory 11R • ID 6y ftA,mY Tlfo I IPfflel to the Oally Pllut A1:11111i.1 a smok1• · f 1ll•'<f 111 • .r1ij1• tJlut• U< t11IH'r 1.k.v !i.1tu1 cl.1 y uflc•rnoon, fo:Cft.,11n , l<I 1'11111 .11ic l 1'1.1 lo!<. V 1•1 tlt s ti ql/1 "' h ouls tfo1111 11a11•d th f"l f ''''>fl"' 11 v1· cJIVl'1011S Ill l'f'll-11< C lllHltl V It tinll ot tlw ( ·, 1111 al l'.11 k f11v11ut11111.,J In I l11nt111.:t1111 l.$4 ,)(•Ii Ed1i.011 '"''pl IJut h II•' 11'. 11nd wnmt·n·.,. l>t 1 11111 11 I ·•• 11 v rac•c::t Lt·~h• l11 • .c1 II·• \11111111 !I winnt•r m l!J ;~I :t, 11 I II• w.1\ ,,, four 11f h1•r Fd1:i.1111 t• .1111111:111 '> lullowt«l 111 ~"'' l'IJ lit" lll'>t f1v1• " I ,J l' t " ·' I 11 fl u I h I t I •• ,, I ,• (;/l().';,'-; (.'(>I ,\!'I'll) t'li.tlllflllllllltfli(> J-'11 1 lf11 fl 1• I blhll/I pl.11, d l 111J1 j1111 .,;:, l'• tltt · t••JI I .1 111< I 1111111 • 1\1111 I '" C'<l •11111dJ .. 1 d \\;.,11111 l\IJ I 1lu11rlhl 111r1 e 11\Jl I'·~ 11 11 1 .. r 1111 II :1111 111 It 111 ll1\l'il•ll1 (( 'i(tt/I ii '' ("111 <11 A t ll \~I' K1ro;t1·11 (J I l.11 .1 lo1k tt•J' 111 1 111 l'.1111 II [ 1111 (' 1•11:1 ,II i I I Sri ill, llilb W••ll 1h1 1111·11 but Jl;do:. \11 1 de l'U lltH•n1 111 lht· l••J• thl' tl'O.ll'l1 lllle l>IVISJl)ll I \.\ .. , .. 111111 "' 1 1 ~ 11 'l(Jfu whwh h.111 .di j1\1 '" 11'. 1111•11 ru11n• 1 l111 1sl ' ' 1'11 I I 1.1 I-,,,11 .... 1 11111• • • I t I , Ill V.' '•t 1111 (J,.t I I I I n1ur .1 \\ • 1 r 1 '" d Al.11nJ1r1 r-.l;.1rk .Ju1u" 1 • dr•l1·:.itt-<I hh r I• ..,, ll.1h• 1 , r1111rt th.in ,, Ill I 111111 , 'l J.1.:l:! I. ,111d U 'JI 11 .1 I, Vt rd1·" f.,1 tlw v. 111 ,, 11 Tlw f;L"I""' r.i• 1· 111 Iii• •l.1\' t i• · nwn'!> IJ1v1!>1011 II '' 1 111111• ii I, ( 11 nfus111n "h• ,, 11J, "'" inti• I 1 ad 1• r r-.1 "r I 1 n ( 11 c ' • , I II u n t 1 n gt o 11 H •·;,, Ii " • , dl"CJU;,lif11•cJ f11( 1111 I 11.'1 ld'i runn 111~ oil 1 11111 r t u,, lT•)S,!'d 1h. (1111-.b 111 I l1t-I Ill 15 ·17 hut f11rl1 11• d lh• I" 1 •,. Carntnal·k thU!<> lrt~ll11g ti• () 1 ;, pos. ... blc> If ·;1n1 \'II 1111 \ "Cut'va prnbahlv y,1111 ld li.1\e f1t11 !>h<:d >.l'l'Olld . ' :..11d I JI I• r Coat·h Paul \.Vornl "C,1111111.1~k 1'( Lhl· bc>st runrlf'r out 1h1•1•· hut '''' wc•rc d1sapputnl• d th'' \\,. 111 t ov<:'r.111 (l)w Otlt 1 \•, 1• '• L11 t 1 1 A tt w of uUI kid \\ • 1 II 111 \' t11JU111 ..... hut'''' o.;tt ll r.11\ 1~ l11dJ\' E:f Toro·~ wu11w11 .., ··q11.1d \\ .1~ Jpd b) MKh• "" H111.k 1111 'i:! Fl) and Nu olt· 811{gu s 11 ~ I i llJ \\ho took th< lop l'-"•• 'l><•ls m 1l11•1r I <ll l' El Toro·~ fl1ll < '1111111111.li 1111 111d Kurt M <Jk< 111-I 1111 .twd 1 • ''l"l :ind thtrd fr11 lh•· 1111 n ,, 1th •1111i·' CJ ( I ti . I 7 Y .1 11 d I I! ~ 5 • • n·..,pt'('ll\'1·h . Thl' Ill• l'I ~ lei h• ! t 1111rt111 1 V.illl•\, f1111-.h•-<I 1h11d Ill''"',, I' DIVl!>IUll J l<Jlllj>t ltlh•I ,1f)r I "'tit in 1111 rllf n'.., r :t11 J! 1r P.JJ.,.., V1·rd1 v. '"" 11 ' dJs. ... "' "'" ISlllll I I •' pulli·d of I ,, ,\\ ,., I' o l I ht• t11p •.1 o,; 111 Speedway crown to M oran Shawn M1Jr:in 11·1111 111 d J11•r111• l1om the· Hr1l b li ~p11d\\,1\' l' I fl' U I t l ll I' :q I I ll I I• I I 1 • l 1 S National t1tlt· .1t t lw l >1.111~e County fo'a1rgrouncb 111 L'11,la Mesa rnday m~ht i,, "rnn111g fo u r hPal ran o; ;1n I 1ila1 111~ '>('(.'Ond in lht: ollw1 J.1r .1 t.1t,1I of 14 pomL" Ix-fore n t rn·wd fll I .,!.Ill M oran. onl· uj 1v.u rt<h 1s <;<'{'(Jl'<l tntO lht l ' S £111.dr. f rom lhC' world c:hamp11111sl11p q11.1h I 1• r in Long Beach lu:.t to 111 ... <•\.• 1 '>l'.ls p;>rtnC'r D••nnii. S11 .il11 111 lhL• t1r.,t twat ran· 111 1111· 111).(1\l bcfon• wmmng his 1wx1 C11ui M1kt• Faria of Long B<•auh .111ti formerly of Norlhc•rn OJl1fu1 nm and one: of lhP rarlv favo11t1" t1H Lhe crown, f1111shl.~I M'l'tlOcl "11h 12 'µo1 11ts and Dl1hh 1"1•111 ll 11f Whn uer was thml \\1th 11 Alan Chn<.twn 111 I l1111\111gt11n Benc:h nnd S1~,1lo" \\ hn r .. lls Newport &•iwh ho1n1. 11c•d tor fourth with 10 pcn11ts t•;it h They were paired In till' f111i1l h<:'ot race of thl· night with Christian h ovm g 10 points ~mng in and Sigalos n ln1• lt S11o1a lo-. had won :md Cht '"111111 f1m.,h1 l s cond . tht..•y would havt• llld Funn for second pluc:1..• Instead, on \tw l1<'(~>11d l11p 1n the first turn, both went d own, Josmg any t•hnn<.C' nf 11 Vll'tory. Sl.iolos got up tn (1111~h thll d with Christmm plm 111~ fou1 th. ln!lttnd o f mov111g up le• 11 11<· fnr: IK'COnd. tlwy h. d to I\ 'Ill(' fo1• 11 fout\h pl&C(' ti~. Olht'r thon thr. aplll au llw (111 1\ h at rare, thinG• Wt•tH p1'1 .. ttv much to form ulthouRh 1'\'t•n· tlm<' former chompton Mtkt• 1~ !It had to lk'\U(' fot o aJxth phwt• tt wllh Sbawo McCuniwll nl nrc :& wtth ntnc polnta <'nc:n Oen<' Woods of Cu \,, M1 -.a rtnl•hcd In • u • whh Huddy Robln!k>n for ninth pl111v, u;i~h Wllh IC~ point&, I l Orange Cout DAIL. Y PILOT /Sunday, October 10, 1882 SALE PRICES 0000 OCT. 10,THRU OCT. :12, 1982 RED OR NATUltAL 9" X 12" CONCltETE • off -\ • •eep111n11 seones ·"''· ;1111•. ce ,_.,,.. INSTALLATION u.. A \I AILABLE i ""HILEou ~TITlfS LAST EVERYDAY LOW PRICES! DOUC:LAS FIR DIMENSION LUMBER 12 AND BEmR S4S SIZE 10' 12' 14' . 16' 214 2.04 2.49 2.89 3.39 218 5.69 6.89 7.99 9.19 2110 7.49 8.99 10.49 11.99 414 6.69 7.99 9.39 10.64 416 10.39 12.39 14.4.4 16.4.4 DOUC:LAS FIR DIMENSION LUMBER 12-MD BETTER ROUGH SAWN SIZE 212 213 213 216 414 416 SIZE 212 213 214 216 8' 10' 12' 1.39 1.69 1.99 1.99 2.49 2.99 2.99 3.79 4.49 4.49 5.49 6.49 5.99 7.49 8.99 . 8.99 11.49 13.99 REDWOOD DIMENSION COfHOMMON S4S 10' 12' 14' 16' 2.39 2.89 3.29 3.74 3.69 4.29 4.99 5.69 4.49 5.49 6.49 7.49 6.49 7.99 8.99 10.49 FURRINC STRIPS 2 14 I 96 ECONOMY ............... 99' 214196 SELECT GRADE .......... •1.69 2 16196 STUD GRADE ........... 12.49 STUDS 1" I 2" 16' ..................... 49C 1" 12" 18' ..................... 5gc 2" 12" 16' ..................... 7gc 2" 12" 18' ..................... 99' PINE BOARD #3 COMMON SIZE 10' 12' 14' 16' 114 1.29 1.59 1.89 2:19 116 1.99 2.ft 2.99 3 ... 118 2.59 3.19 3.69 4.19 1110 l59 4.29 4.99 5.69 1112 4.49 5.49 6.49 7.49 ...... PLYWOOD SHOP GRADE SIZE 1,. .. 1/2" 418 6.99 12.99 SANDED Ci1'S ' SIZE 318" 1/2" • m .. 418 15.99 15.99 21 .99 PARTICLE DOARD HARDBOARD STANDARD TEMPERED PEG80MO 1/8" 14.99 '6.99 '6.49 1/4" 17.99 •8.99 18.99 REDWOOD FENCINC PIWTS • ooGEMIED 1" 15" 16' ROUGH .................. 69' 9/16" 16" 16' ROUGH .............. '1.49 RAIS • SANDED 4 SIDES 2" 14" 11· ...................... •2.49 POSTS • SMDEO 4 SIDES 4" 14" I 8' ...................... '6.49 OUR BUSINESS IS LUMBER & BUILDING MATERIALS. FOR All YOUR PROJECTS, YOU 'LL FIND WHAT YOU NEED AT ANGELS! f1:AMOND f.WOOD XB' &•ttlce -··· VtfS3tle pnts In PoOUW s&zes. 4· 18' .... ~9.99 •••••• ~. COtOlfltlASTllf 22 ELEMENT ~ r.lf. AnNnn• Ktt -···· llK. '"·"· """""'rapCIOn 1111-d\nllts 2 ttln'U!lft IS. Ei5J to lnSUI, no 5'1Ci11 tODt5 ,.. .... ILmCI. ADJUSTA&E 8'' u1e,.. Cl•m11 IMtantty JCl)Ultablt ~m=t~ -··· fastlMd II _, wort surfact. 11" Ut TltA CLAW ftfl.$11.tt ·················- l88'tlflr C•e•lln•~-.1 ... l'lrlll •77'' . StJINtss stlll au.·18.000 ITU's. 211 SQ. Ill. COC*1n1 aru. S•unnlYOftftOuslnl. Syur_,_on llUnW. llldllllls 20 ID . .,.... tJM. fGS111111. ~r THERE'S AN ••• ANQCLS IN YOUR NEIGHIORHQOD SHOP MONDAY THIOUGH PllDAV I TO I. OPIN IATUIDAV NIO SUNDAY I TO I . ~(fj~tE I NO RAINoffQcs FRE~ HEAL Y ••ncll Poee.11 Hou•• Pl•ltt• llK. •4·"· Oloo5e "°"''•'*· tton of your fMrtels. • 2CU. FT. MG . .,,,...., __ ...._ com,,.•e or .,., .. ., .. ,. .,,,,..,.. ...... ...,r • .,. ,,, .. llCi. 122.11. ITIST-2. ;> . ~ .,..oe r,.,,,,,. .. e IEG. •2.ff. lllde Of our.. ........ ,.... ... . ...... ~ H-r~~~ .,.,,,. ADJUSTA&E WISTOUGE SHELVES ,, ••. IK. •st.". 24"0 I SO"W IUldllr moca fllll5ll tamNClll tJlllt ... ,,_ ............. ".................... ~ - SAVE •4.00 to •24.00 mmrr H••llJIOU~ . .,,,,,. .,,.,,,,,,. •1, ~. n420N JO" x ea·· x 12" ~ ' ~~.H TUMll SI" In" I 11" ~ ... •21.11 .......... •te.-I Tl5l2I G" I n" I 11'' ~~ ..... •SUl ........... •M.- n.aal JI" .... 112" ••n.• ........... •••·• HOMECE~ERS tJ'71 ...... " ,,,,, 421-7911 ,. . ., ...... 11141 l1Htl t \ . -,-........ --. - i . I Daily Pilot Photo by Ch•rle11 Starr ' Oak Glen is nice series of ~ops and apple . orchards . . . C7 • ,. Orang• Co••t DAILY PILOT/Sunday, October 10, 111a ·A simple way ~to ~: eterm.f ne best makeup ·for you VIDA DEAN •Deir ......... : 'Recently, I learned ot a very almple method ;Woman can u.e to determine her betl makeup fuhion colors. I auended a "Beauty lnveatmen'8" clinic at I. in, South Cout Plaza, conducted by Mary • Cappola, dlrectrice of faahion and beauty f l\lexandra de Markoff comneUca. She travei. : . und the country perfonninl th1a eervtce. : • Seven women eat at a long table wlth a :tfhted mirror and product. before them aa "lppola told them about AdM's producta and the or theory she uses based on a concept started movie studios w highlight an actreu' beat • atures . • : The theory is baaed on the color principle ~d the vein principle. ~Cappola explained thal all colors (with the ~ ption of black) fall Into two categories -I , 1. e. with a yellow tA:>ne and thOlle ~Ith a blue . :· Alt.hough white is usually considered "no or," it too is tinged wilh yellow or blue. For mple, she said off-white contains yellow and •• ter white is blue-toned. . ........ :: ~=· Your skin tcne, she said, can be judged using a vein principle. You evaluate your own skin tone to determine whether you fa ll into the yellow or blue category by the proximity of the veins tA:> the surface of the skln. If your veins are close tA:> the surface, you have blue-tcned skin, which may look pink. U your skin hides many veins and they are not close to the surface, your skin has less blue and you are in the yellow group. To determine your coloring, look for veins in two areas: on the inside of the wrist and on the eyelid. If you can't decide easily whether you have deep veins (yellow) or surface veins (blue) , try making a comparison with several friends. Once you've decided on your true skin tone, the color theory is used tA:> choose colors that will be most fla ttering. If your veins are not close to surface, you will look best in blue-toned shades, since they . will compensate for the lack of blue in your skin. For example. yellow-toned women attending the clinic were tcld they would look best in AdM's cerise lip color, to avoid yellow-toned shades which would make them look sallow. •Always a pply cleanser in an upward VD~.· If your skin haa an abundance of blue velna, and looka roey, pink or white, either blue or yellow-toned ahadet will be attractive choices. Try yellow tone cheek colors, such as cinnamon, neutral ahades and even aome blue tones auch aa Starlit Ruby Up color. - Cappola checked the veins of all thoee at the clinic and then proceeded to Instruct them as they removed existing makeup 81ld uaed the akin ' care and coemetica In the colors recommended for them. · Some of the hint8 of applying producta she tcld the part.lcipanta were: stroke because pores are tilted down and this allows the cleanser to penetrate better •Apply foundation In -a lisht downward stroke w smoothe over the pores and the facial hair that grows In that direction. •Skin tonic or freshener ls a must. It rinses awar the cleanser. Uae on cotton balls and repeat unti every trace of makeup la gone. -•Necks shouldn't be forgotten in your beauty treatment. Throat cream should be applied from the top of the breasts to the chin. It should be stroked upward except just beneath the chin where It is a1>plied downward. The back of the neck In included in the creaming. • Masking once a week helps slough off dead skin and leaves a h ealthier, smoother looking skin. Let your husband use your mask. It's good for him. too. • Outline lips w i th a p e n c il (see illustrations) before color la uaed. It adds w the overall appearance and kees-the color from seeping. The pencil should be the same or near the same as lipcolor or lipstick. There should be a little point at the tA:>p of the lips. See Looking Good, Page C5 .,.., Net ........ _,<: ...... eten To show that even a dreBs as striking u the Nipon creation modeled by Judith LU1kin on the cover can benefit from the proper acc:essorles Sue Ellen Deverkh coordinated these two outfit.s. At le ft, pum~ by Xavier Danaud and textured hose by Perris Ellis replaced the Van Eli shoes and sheer hose. The collar is turned up and a wool scarf is added and cinched at the waist with an Abbe belt. Ar righ&, the same Abbe belt turned backward, belts the suede jacket. Other accessories added are Elylse boots, a Makins hat and a gold and wooden necklace. She carries a clutch bag and gloves. Fashions from Nordstrom, · South Coast Plaz.a. ,'Cover girl' stresses good • grooming "I believe that good grooming and appropriate clothing are eseential to business and professional success for women. This is something I continually stress In my teaching," says Judith Luskin of Huntington Beach. Luskin, featured on the Style cover today, has been a n associate pro fessor o f Career Employment Preparation, Airline Flight Service at Orange Coast College since 1974. As part of her teaching assignment, the former Continental Airlines (light attendant is also directer of the Airport Terminal Attendant Training Program at J ohn Wayne Airport. Fashion and good grooming have always played a big part in Luakin's life. She is a fonner model with the Patricia S tevens Modeling Agency In Chicago and served as an inatructA:>r at t he S tevens Career College teaching self- Improvement Including modeling, diet, exercise, voice, visual poise and fencing. In 1980 Luskin traveled anonymously on major airlines evaluating service and personnel and has acted as a survey Inte rviewer w ith Continental. Besides her teaching she is a speake r. Industry in-service trainer and consultant. Luskin is presently completing her thesis for an MA degree in business mana.gement at the University of Redlands. She has an AA degree in liberal arts, Coastline Community College; BA in vocational education from Cal State Long Beach and a California Community College lifetime teaching crede ntial from UCLA. Our "cover girl" is the wife of Bernard Luskin, the new president o( Orange Coast See Cover girl, Page C5 COSMET1CS &MS YOU A UTTlE llT OF PMIS AT OUll ORlME INSTJTUT S,.... • lldlll, 15.00. Reg. 30.00. TOOlOmlW through Nowmber 13; at our Sooth Coast Plaz.a store. Indulge in an Or1ane lnstitut de Beaute facial and SM 15.00. Imported frOOl France. Or1ane's lnstitut de ~is a petite salon patterned after the original. Here, the emphasis Is on Individualized complexlon care using a wealth of unique Or1ane trealment preparations. Our sl<llled and trclned estheticienne will per· sona!IY care for you with the Or1ane treatment designed for your own skin's needs. So discover the wOf1d of Of'lane and save 15.00. Make your appointment today by calling the Of1ane lnstltut at 549-8300, ext. 125. SoUth Coast Plaz.a only. Outside our local dialing areas In Los Angeles and Orange Counties. call toll free 1-800-432-7175. 1, Fernando Perla still d esigns modern classics 1 Fernando P~na, a former apprentice al Balcncluga, hrui hla own fashion house In Puerto Ric.'O and h is c l ot he s ore 1nternationa ll y recognized as modem classics. His fash ion philosophy la ''ck•ganre abovt• all." He achicvt'I this c legancl.' In design wllh See Porty Wrap, Page C4 proportion and choice of fabrics -satin, crepe ,ilnd chiffon with e xq u isi t e e nTbroldery and beading accents. Pena almost "arch1lt.'Cturally" controls the shape, so no line seems superfluous . The result is a • dress that is glamorous. tailored and regal. He displays the same sense of control in his d inner suits. The designer's workmanship is not inexpens ive. You can spend upwards of $600 for a single dress. In the United States his clothes arc available exdus1vcly at Saks Fifth Avenue Robinsons s10, , Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT/Sund1y, October 10, 1982 14K LD JEWELRY . SALE • 44°/o OFF . TOM,ORROW ONLY Reg $14-$3,700. Sale $7.84-$2.072. While the beauty and magic of gold are everlasting. these prices are most certainly not Come 1n tomorrow and you'll save on our spectacular Fiorentini Collect1on 1,,_ of fine 14K gold chains. p1ercE!d earrings. bracelets. specialty pieces. charms and charm holders. too. Four of our favorites (not shown here) are available at a special 50% ·55% savings 15" serpentine necklace. Reg. $24. Sale $9.99. Matching bracelet Reg . $ 14. Sale $5.99 1 Opt. full cut diamond stud earrlhgs. Reg $76. Sale $34.99. 5 pt. diamond charm. Reg. $44. Sale $19.99 Remember. these prices are effective Monday, October 11 only Robinson's Fashion Fine Jewelry. 141 . (All diamond weights total. Sorry. no mail or phone orders accepted ) YOU CAN ..oft CHARGE YOUR RO \ C4 .. Orange Coa1t DAILY PILOT/Sunday, O<ltob•r 10, 19H Doug and Pa m Gfeller, Richard and Marilyn Re ad LAYAWAY Shop now w hile selections ore plentif ul Use our Layaway Pion . THE BAUME & MERCIER DIFFERENCE. J For men and women who value the "nght'' time. there is no other watch. Each Swiss-made Bau me & Mercier is crafted to the most exacting standards. with superb quartz accura cy. For example .. the R1v1era in 18 1<.?rat yellow gold a~d stainless steel: A.Mans.$1.990. B.Ladys.Sl.600. C.Ladys 14karat gold watch . S 1.700. Bailey Banks& Biddle Wor~d Renowned Jewelers Since 1832 SOUTH COAST PLAZA. COSTA MESA First /1wrl. 8u//od'1 wi/18. (714) 751·564-0 LA~V MAM>nNA maternity boutique Designer colleC:ting fans By VIDA DEAN OflM....., "9t ..... Dftiancr Fcrrumdo Pena hns a lot ol new fana. Membcrt of the Junior League of Newport Harbor who uw hi• collection al Saka Fiith Avenuo. South Coa11l Plaz.a, ar~ 1llll raving about hla 1lylea for tall. "The fashions aro gorgeous. They are the kind or clothn you want to buy and wear," said Sally Lawrence, chairman of the league'• Christmas Company. Saka hosted the featlve fallhion show and a cocktail party on the third floor of the 1tore to honor the patrons of the Chrlatmas Company, the major fundralaer of the league, 1eheduled Nov. 2-4 at the Orange County Fairsrounda. The more than 300 atwndlna wt're 1&mpllng th.-hon1 d'oeuvres catert.od by Buder'• Pantry or Irvine and had an opportunity to diecuu f11h lon1 with Perua. Par\yaocr• Included the Charle• Aufhammers, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Birkeland and Mra. William Hart from Laguna: Me11ra. and Mme1. Steve Turner . Jerry F inster, Michael Howard, Robert .Bctt, Doug Ofcller, Gus Werner. Pete Rabbitt and Dr. and Mrt. Andre w Ciea of Newport Beach, and from Irvine MC88n. and Mmea. Paul Hegncsa, Paul Leisure, Thomaa Stv1kal, and Tcrrv Knapper. Greeting the gueats were Susan R o bis on , league prealdent: Lawre nce , Ph y llis DiOrttec10, business support chairman. Rick Livingston, manager of Saks and Walleric h . the s to r e's fa sh Ion coordinator. The Christmas Company 11 a Susan Robison a nd Rick Livingston Pena. whose fashions a re sold exclusively at Saks, atte nded the sh ow chore ographed by Billur Wallerich. At the conclusion of the ahow he presented roses to all of the ·models wearing h is "gorgeous" clothes. three-day shopping spree and wlll feature 28 shops filled with unique gifts for Chr istmas giving. I Today's smart shoppers find values like these everyday at Marshalls men'• famou designer clreu 9blrta com parable In quallly at S 16 marshalls 7 99 _ price e A s uper value on fi rst quallly. lo ng slCC"ve dress shirts. sll~h 1ly tapered for a great flt. In easy· carT polye'iter/collon. Assorted solid colors. Sizes 14•;, to 17 men'• deelaner tlee pre-ttckete<J by the famous makers at 8.50 to 18.50 manba1la price 4. 99 to 6 . 99 men's famous name active tops comparable in quality at $12 marshalls4 99 prlct' • Sporty. crew neck tops In pullovt'r and half-zip s tyles. Polycs tt'r/cot ton and nylon/cotton blends In assorted colors. Sizes S-M·L. First quality. The compareble prtce1 ere In COfftpHance wit" 'TC comperl~ gulclellne1, which 1tate. "of like grecle and quatlty" or u .. "n"atly IMmMer qu.itty and .... ..._ In tt'9 WeL • • ltyt .. feetured ere repreeentetlw• of the eclveftl.-4 group and occHloftatty 1peclflc 1tyln mey not be av•ll•bl• In every •to,.. N1llllrsl~11Ulls ========::::9,-and NDJ'JU!S for Less/·::======: COITA MllA: Harbor ShOp Cir at tho 1ntcrsoc1ton OI Harbor Blvd and Wilson St LAMtRAOA1 G•fltlf'lll •l S 1 p "J( It f O' 1••• 11 tt~..,, '"r' "' -, •. 1 ,c;, . .,.,,.,, •a,, HUNTINGTON llACH:• l '""' o• Ot•tr'l8t,ct 41"11 ltuvO• LAGUNA MIL~01~111oua.\.• .,, , a., ... ''·· ,, ... , ·• •1•rr ' 11 ..... .,,. l>••o r.,, "'" 11 11 11111 .... ~•· ''·'A ._......,""" ._.., .•. ,. ..... , ... _ ....,...,,_ .. ,, .. ___ ._. _ .. • 1 ' , { ' t ~ ... .. Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT/Sunday, Ootob9r 10, 1982 'I Fashion shOws will help you select fall wardrobe U you haven't eelec\ed new ltema for your fall wardrobe, you have eeveral opporiunlUet to find ou\ what'• available at the 1tore1 by attendln1 one of the many faahlon 1how1 ICheduled OU. month. And, you can a~pol't a cauae at the aame Ume. . The Oranp County Phllharm9nlc'1 23rd annual show to benefit youth mualc enrichmen\ pl'Oll'ama la tcheduled for Oct. 20 at the South Cout Pia.& Hotel. Nelmin-Marcua will provide faahlona for men and women and Suaan MacDonald, chairman, haa promiaed "it la Nlt juat another runaway 1hyw." There wUl be Iota of music, chorqrapt\y and prlzes. . A aocial hour wlll be held at 11 a.m. with lunch at noon and fuhlona at 1 :1~ p.m. Tickets are $27 per penon and may be purchued until Oct. 16 at the OCPS office, 234 E. 17th St., Costa •Mesa, phone 646-6411. "A Nutcracker Suite" theme will set the tone for Goodwill Industries fifth annual holiday fashion ahow Oct. 28 ln the Grand Ballroom of the Disneyland Hotel. Claire McNair'a Sax of Tustin will provide the fashions and El Toro Marines in dress uniforms "'ill e9COrl the models. The Helmamen are sponsoring the ishow and Amelia Lockney of Newport Beach is chairman. Music will be provideCt by Jean T~ndowsky and the Internationals with T. Duncan Stewart. A highlight of the event wi be honoring Mary Jones, manager of community affairs at Disneyland for her c ultural, pro'fessional, religious and human services contributions to _ ....... -... e County. eaervatlona may be made by calling will at 547-6301. "Thia year •. " Lockney says, "every dollar generated through this event will be matched by the California Community Foundation and will go to benefit handicapped men and women at Goodwill." Madame Helena Modjeska Chapter of the Orange County Performing Arts Center will host a furu·on show luncheon Oct. 20 al 11:30 a.m. in Holiday Inn-Justines, 25205 La Paz Road, na Hills. r -~-Members will model fashions from the Mission Viejo May Co. with Sherry Burgeson commentating. - The chapter is alJo ln a membership drive and prospectives may attend and join the group. Tickets, $10 pe.-person, may be obtained by calling Barbara Schnelder al 855-8601 or Jan Brown at 770-5557. The Assistance League of Newport Beach, Junior Auxiliary, will present Its seventh annual Orange County Junior Woman of the Year award Oct. 13 at an 11 a.m. fas hion show luncheon in South Coast Plaza Hotel. Kitty Leslie, fashion director of Neiman- Marcus, will present the fashions focusing on accessorieJ for fall. Seventeen wome n who have shown leadersrup ln volunteer work were nominated for 1the award. The winner will receive a gold fmedalllon, donated by Downey Savings and • • • Cover girl ·From Page C2 College. "His schedule ls very demanding and I ~pany him as much as I can. We have a constant stream of visitors coming to OCC from all over the world," Luskin says. "Another thing I am sure to tell my more mature students returning to education and work ls that it ls never too late to do anything." She has carried this phll060phy over into her own personal life. She began skiing at the age of ~30 and although she fell off the lift the first lime out and broke a bone, she was right back at skiing six weeks 'tater. "hwas never very active in my youth, but now I know how important exercise is. "I run two miJes or walk very fast for four miles, swim laps in my Indoor pool for 45 minutes and bicycle each day." , Luskin also la enrolled io aerobic dance lesaons. And when there is lime to get away for a vacation, Luskin and her husband check in the apa at Tecate, Mexico or at the Palms in Palm Springs. The Luskins also find time to enjoy anc entertain friends on their boat. • • Looking Good m Page C2 , • Be extra careful when applying any product around the eyes. This skin is very delicate and should be treated tenderly. Pat, don't rub or pull the akin. AdM's non-oily eyemakeup remover wu recommended as a clean.er, good for the akin and iaahes. The remover ia applied on a cotton ball beginning at the top of the eye near the noee and acrc:a and theri down under the eye toward the noee. No moisturizer, but a cream with lubricants, no freshener or astringent around the eye. • Producta in one Une work together for best reaalta. No mixing. One company'• cleanser may not do the beat job of removing another com~y·1 foundation. Women can learn more about the color theory, the Alexandra de Markoff products made foe different akin~ or makeup applicable for their t.ctal shape maklna an appointment wtth a beauty llat. Llaa Cohen ia at 1. fllalnln, South c..t PLar.a. , Loan. Pl'O('Ce<ia from thl. ~vent help 11uppo1 t th(• league's Children'• Dent.ti Hl'6Alth Center. Child 0.y Care Cen\c..'t' and om~l'ltncy old throuah u Social ~rvlctt C.ommlu.ec. Door priut aalore .... promised al tho flrat annual fa1hlon ahow luncheon to benefit the Ciancer Detection Center of Oranae County., Presented by the auxll,lary volunteen of Pacifica Community ll01pi1.al in Huntlnaton &ach, th•• fund·rohM.•r wlll bu h Id Thuraday, Oct. 14, In the M(.1118 Vt•rde Country Club, Col'-Meaa. No·hOI\ f.Uktan1 at 11 will be followed by tho fashion show by Oene'a. South Cout Plaza, at 11:30 and then luncheon. Oonatlon1 are $15 p ur person and rf'tlervatlona may be made by phoning Betty Hubbard at 636-6761. Bea Nellon and Haydee Clyne are co-chairmen. M11t11 Char .. • V111 SOUTH COAST ,LAZA • PASHION tSlAND The Canf.'tlr Dutc.'Ctlon Ccn~r. -non pru!lt orianluitlon. otren low cottt compr~h1•111lve acreenJn1 u a c.ipmmunlty .ervlL't'. It i. located In the McdlcaJ Pit>feealonal Building, 18800 Main St .. Huntington Beach. Fall fashi on• w lJI bl' modt>l e d o n Thursday. Friday and Saturday In the Lldu Buftet from 11 a .m. to 3 p.m. at Robinson•, Fashion llland. Mohelfft Shopp!fte Cet1ter • ~ P'orti C~ • ~-C.... • Th9 City .,_,..._ CMtre· •• Q Orang• Coa1t DAILY PILO r /Sunday, October 10, 1982 ' ' \ \ I ~I \ I ' / ...... / Boots coming . backJ strong fo r w e a r th is a utumn Boou are attrontjc•r tlu.111 1.•v'''' for full and ltrt• gn·ut tor thl' nl•w lean 11nd clongallod looks or lo giw nl'W lift> w 1ulta, drl'&'l('lt uncl 1kirts Crom pwit IK'IJSOl\ll If you l'hoosc mldcull sklr\ll und haberdashery dr(.'i.'llng, boota with 11lcek long 11huhs and tht· new mid to 11tilctto heels urc bclil Consider patent lcathl'r for I~ ahlnu and feminizing touch to menswear. For shorter skirlll or t•ropped pan\s, the Footwear Co4n cil . auggests low-heels or wcdgu bottoms In the ankle-high boots They t•an be paired with r1bbt.'<i or textun>d hose an mat.chmg or contrast.mg shades. Fashion l.>d1tors al Scvcnt.ecn magazine did some legwork and have roml.· up walh these lips on selecting quality boots and fitting. •Stitching should be sturdy and even. with st.i tdws closer together at the bottom of the boot. •l t the seams on the inside of an unlined boot aren't flat and smooth, they're likely to cause blisters or make runs in your hose. •Look for zippers pllu.·kcted on the inside to prevent rubbing against the legs. µuntyhcltk• or the• lhll'klll'l"l' you'll u11uully lx• Wl'01 Ing wllli 1tw111 You 11huuld lw obll• tu w lgtjlt• your loc'll wrnforwbly. •Alwuy11 lry 011 both boott1, ond buy them lO rll your lorg\:r foot •Wulk urc>und tlw wl<*t.• lo ' mukt• surt• bool8 Cit Wl•ll und feel good. If \hc>y'r.• tou roomy, your he<!llfwil 111lp and your ft.oct will 11llde oround, cau11lng totlgue (from loc k ot s upport) 'and bllsJcrs. . •u you have a high "11Jtep, don't buy knct•-high boo't• without zippers -you'll rind them too dlfflcull to put on and take ore. •Boots may have o unique fit, depending on their style. There wW be a certain amount of heel slippage in new Western boots; It will lessen as they're broken in. You will probably need a larger size in a f~l-}leeled boot, because feet spread more than they do In high-heeled boots. ·•Choose boots that flatter your legs. SoH material,\ U;'e crushed leathe r, that adds dimension 1.0 the calves are good for thin legs. Heavier legs and calves look best in straight-styled boots that camouflage trouble spots. •Be sure boots aren't so tight that thl interfere with circulatio • High-heeied boot compleme nts the long, lean silhouette . •C heck the boot's l111ing all the way to the toe:. for smoothness -beware of bumps or buckling. Leather linings "breathe" better than synthetk linings, but both wt.•ar equally well. •Try on boots with socks or •When ou're on a~ off your feet all day, feet tenl to swell slightly. For the best fit, buy ~l()()ts -and aJI shoes -late in the afternoon. Fabric Fair scheduled at OCC Workshops, 101 lectures and 45 exhibitors will be featured at Orange Coast Colleges 12th annual FABRIC FAJR set 8:15 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 16, in the Chemistry Building, 2701 Fairview Road, Costa Mesa. I Topics to be covered include fashions, fabrics, fibers and furnishings. Admission Is $8. Registration begins at 7:30 a .m. More information may be obtained by calling 556-5880. Orange County ARTS ALLIANCE will benefit from the 6 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 13, opening of Ron's. 1464 S. Coast Highway, Laguna Beach. The event includes a buffet, no host bar and music by Randall and Rusk. Donations are $10 and further informatioo may be obtained by ca1lJng 497--4871. Beth Hubbard, director of consumer education for Burda Pattern Co., will offer advice on customizing patterns. how t o take body measurements and the European method of sewing and filling 9 a.m. to noon Thursday, Oct. 14, at the Newport Beach Library. 856 San Clemente Drive. The program is sponsored by the Orange County chapter of the AMERICAN SEWING GUILD. Ticket.'i are $5 and may be purchased at the door. The program will be repeated the same day 7 to 10 p.m. at the Orange Public Library and Friday. Oct. 15, from 9 a .m . to noon at the Fullerton Public Library. Jody Nickel, 731 -3170 may be called for further information. · OPEN DOOR CHAPTER. City of Hope, will inst.all new oCfacers Sunday, Oct. 17, at 11 :30 a.m. In the Holaday Inn, Costa Meaa. The new board includes Irving Chad, preside nt; J.saac: Weisgal, lda Chad and Marvb1 Milla, 'vice presiden\f;. Ulllan Godell and Donna Reich, secretaries and Darlene Maguire, treasurer. Helen Wei.sgal, 768-4118. will take reservations. See Calendar, Page C8 Come show us • 4 what you've -got cooki~g \ Enter the Orange Coast Daily Pilot Favorite · Recipe Contest. • • • • ·, Super Perm Sale! You 'll b\e jpokin' good in our perfect perms. Nova Perm ; reg. *40 now s3 3 Sam4'011 & ':DeLiLa11 DE SIGN -QUALITY PRI CE • The re is a c h o ice! • • • ltave you been fruslratl'd, scardung for engagement and wcddinM ringc,, and finding 1ha1 most o f those thJt .you've seen all look the !Nlmc, in stl>re ah cr store? Are you dlso lOnct•rncd about quality and price whl'n choo!ling your diamond and feel you mdy be misled becallsc cacll s tore ha\ a ~iffe ren l method of compjring ~ual1t1es, and they won't gave you a gu~rantee lhat you ar~ p01yipg a fair priccl At Wyndham Leigh you will find a truly excit ing collettion of unique rings crafted in our own workshop in 18 kJrat gold dnd pldtinum. W<.> tJk" 1ht· t1nw lo <·>.pldin diamond q ualat1l'S Jnd pm<'\, \O you will know1 cxac tly what you Jrt• buying, and that you dr<' pJy111i.; 1h1· r1g h1 price, and then \U b!>lJnl1Jtl' this with a 'monC'y bM k gu.11 dnlCl'. There ar<• m.rny rin e jewelry store., in OranKC County, but only one that !>p<'< 1ali11•s m dC's1gning and c rea11ng thC' un1quC' and bl·autiful ensagemc·nt and wt.•ddin~ ringc, found dt Wyndhdm LC'tgh l nx.t>:t ·ment rings available from S4 50 Wt·c.lclin..: nnK" Jvailable frol'Jl S 175 Wyndham LE!1gh ~~~ORT 127 F;ish1on Island. Newport Beach. CA 92660 Near BUUodu Wdlhtrt' Storekeeper Nels Ortlund Is weerlng one 'of olir long sleeve sport knits. These llghtwelght knits are available In a variety of colors, In solids or stripes, with a knitted or cotton twlll collar. Nels lnvl.-s you to come Into our store ' and select one of these A~---.. uniquely styled shirts . ~ . perfect for the llfe style of our area. 1 · . A store thM offers ftne tradttlonal sportswear for men, women •nd boys. • • BankArnerlcardlMatter Charst W....Plw I ., •• • I .... ~ .. -~-.. .-.... .--.......... -.-.--.... -..--.-. .. ----------~._...-.... ........_...-..-................... ~~ ... -------I • .. Orange Coa1t DAILY PILOT /Su~dav, October 10, 1982 ~'f Apple • country 1n the fall • By KAREN E. KLEI N OfllleDelr ........ S~lne and orange bl0880rns. Smos and traffic jams. If thla la the stuff you think Southern California II made of, you'd be 1urpriaed to know how wrong you are. - If you're in Apple Country, Southern California, that la. In a region famous for it1 oranae groves, Oak Glen, located ln the eastern end of the San Bernardino mountains near Yucaipa, la an anachronism. There la a criapne.a to the smos-free air in the fall, and the trees, unfamll.i.ar without the waxy leava found ln citrul orchards, are dotted with the b!Uht red and green harvetat. Perky blac"k-eyed Susana llne the roadside orchards. The town of Oak Glen, really a aeries of apple orchards and antique stores, makes up the largest apple-raising region in the aouthland. "tach fall, the September-November apple harvest draws a larger crowd of cider-seekera and all-American pie aficionados. - Although apples have been raised by Oak Glen families for more than 100 years (the warm summers and cold winte rs are the perfect climate for growing the fruit), the area has only recently become a tourist attraction. And yet, despite the presence of outsiders, Oak Glen retains a rural. fol.Uy feeling that eeems to have died decades ace> ln Southern California. The drive to Oak Glen la around an hour and a half from Orange County. )....-Just head north on the 57 freeway and take the 10 freeway toward Redlands. Exit at Yucaipa Boulevard and turn left on Oak Glen Roed. From there, all the signs pqint to Apple <;ountry. Along the way, you can atop at • roadside home buai~. which offer anything from fresh dre9ed hare to one gafion jan. Fresh honey ia told at 35778 Oak Glen Road, by Ben and Jorji Kluz. Bee- keeping and honey-harvestin& has been the family busine19 for 25 ye.,.. Ben said between orden. . He unscrewed the lid of a jar of buckwheat honey (rnaderrom anuxture of wU(lflowen) and di9covered a stiff bee drowned in the syrupy goo. "Bees are pure protein," he said, glancing up. "Some people don't like them because they're bugs, but if it was me I'd just aa llOOn eat the little bugger." He shrugs and pours out a new jar from the 10-gallon metal containers in which he stores hia quarterly harvest. Kluz' hone y (truly delicious, sans bees) starts at $1.50 for a large -about 18 ounces -;-jar. AB the wjnding roa<l climbs up the foothills: the brown acrub grass and rust-<:olored dried flowers aive way to neatly lihed rowa of apple trees. Nearly a doz.en varieties are harvested each year, Including Red and Golden Delicidus, Wlnesaps and Arkansas BlackJJ. Rome Beauty, a popular baking apple, comprllea about 50 percent of the crop. A little history of the area is in order if the tourist ts to enjoy hla day (or weekend) to the fullest. Pioneers first settling in the foothills above Yucaipa raised potaioes a nd named the area Potato Canyon, growin1 apples s\rictly for their own use. As the quality of the apples improved with cross-breeding and tJle ranc hers' e xpe rtise, so did the commercial potential of the California apple. ln 1947, ranchers began selling apples and fresh -pressed cider from roadside stands near their orchards. The atmosphere has always been what draws visitors to Oak Glen, acrording to Alex Law, a rancher who has lived in the area since 1931. The whit.P-halred, soft-s poke n Law converted hi1 apple shed into a pie stand in 1953. The site now ho uses the Little Green Apple Cottage, originally Law's Coffee Shop. When this first shop overflowed with LO!Jrist.s, Law opened the nei1hboring Law's Coffee Shop and Apple Tree Gift Store. Both reatauranta offer delicious deep-dish apple pie. a la mode, or with cheese, and a va riety of breakfasts, sandwiches and dinners. Prices range between $2.50 and $6 for the simple homecook:lna. The pie, at $1 .10, beats franchi9e pie 1tore11 by a mlJe, both on t1111e and price. In 1965, Law opened Oak Glen'• only motel, next to the coffee ahop. The ~t units. an feetutblC Ben Franklin atoves And decorated ln the New Eq).and style, run from $17 to $35 a night. &om. with kitchenett.ea are $3 extra. Law still chops all the wood for use by the motel's guests. While overnight accommodations must be made well ln advance, a day'• jaunt to Oak Glen doesn't take much planning at all. Just come prepared to eat Iota of apples and browse. Th e brows ing is e s p ec ia ll y ente rtaining at Loa Rios Rancho, the largest orchard In Southern California > with 320 acres in apples. Beside the store,. where preserves. teas and apple butt.er are for sale alOJli with cider and apples ($8 to S12 a bushe~ Loi Rios hl:!S a wine-tasting room, picnic area and a historic cldennill press. The crop this year ls coming in late because of the cool •ummer. according to Dave Golbeck, assistant general manager at the ranch. He oversees the production and sale of 50-60,000 bushel boxes of apples annually, most 10ld directly from the ranch. Many of the orcha rds offe r shady, pic turesque picnic sites and some combin e the orchards with gift and specialty shops. Parrish Ranch. established in 1867, is the home of the most authentic antique store. The nearby 105-year-old Parrish house has been turned into a shop that features antique items ranging from chamber pots lo mis matched china to women 's ha ts. The prices r ange as widely as the merchandise. The other antique stores, including T he Country S hoppe a nd Granny's Nook. are more sophisticated and up-t.o- date (and more expe nsive) but not nearly as much fun. Picking your own apples is possible at several ranches. and horseback riding in groups or by moonlight is available at the Oak Glen Riding Stables near the Snowline Ranch. In summer, when temperatures rarely rise above 80 degrees. camping. fishing and hiking are popular. In the winter. Oak Glen usually gets 2 to 3 feet of snow. The absence of ski lifts kee ps the to urist po pulation t o a minimum -pe rfect for homesick Easterners or curious Westerners who want to toboggan or engage in snowball _fights. Though he knows the town could support another motel or shop, Law doesn't plan on expanding. "I'm kind of antJ-progre91 at this point," he said, a rueful llmJle creasing his ruddy, lined face. The property in apple orchards in Oak Glen is fast becoming less profitable than the land that has been converted to serve tourist needs -like the antique stores and restaurants. he explained. Thus. the future o f the o r c h a rds may be threatened. But not Law's orchards. "I love to grow apples," he went on. tamping down the tobacco in his corncob pipe, "and I'll go on doing It as Ion~ as I live. whether it's profitable or not.' .. i .. . ~ t J t • • • i t f I t I ' i 1 .. ' - J ft Orange Co11t DAILY PILOT/Sunday, October 10, 1882 Seven .homes· on tour by Corona del Mar Hi'~Fl .PTA ' 4 be9ch cott.afc built In 192!S IN 01w or thu Mven hol'l\et open or the Tuc'lday, Oct. :t6, home ~r plaMt.'d by Corona dcl Mar High School PTA. Jlm and Wendy Wooda' Corona del Mar cottage ~ recently been rcdecoral(.'Ci by Mrs. Woods, a decorator with Decorators Corner. . Country charm can be found in the llvlng and ~nlng area of the 1,800-aquare-foot structure. Origiri.al rustic eucalyptus beams and mantelpieces are from the grovea of the Corona foothills. A &loc~ensplel In the dining room adds a note of ja.lety and ,a whimsical touch. Wood.a' art lnterellts can be seen In the pereonal coUecUona In this area. . .The country k i tche n• 1s comple te w ith memorabilia from the past and has access for 11erving onto the patio. The master bedroom motif Is m ini-floral fa bric In colors of BO ft yellow and creams. The den is restful with neutral colors; floral fQ>rlcs and wall coverin g w ith oak a nd wicker furniture wlll be found-in the daughter's room. Blue, cream and white dominalC the plaids and tlripes ln the son's room. A brass trundle bed and oak desk adds pleasing textures. Tickets for the home tour a re $1 2.50 and Include a basket lunch and tea served in the Sherman Garde ns. High school students will ehtertain. Tickets may be obtained on tour day at the garde ns or arranged in advance by call ing 6>&4-2139 or 644-0472. Othe r h omes on the tou rs inc lude the Devonshire est.ate in Harbor Ridge of Mr. and Mrs. James Ba rlow. Decor3ted in Orie nta l and contempora ry style, the ho m e ls accented throughout with bromeliads and orchids. The Devon Lockhart home in Harbor Ridge was d esigned by Ron Pollend ine and Jacque~ Piedmont, Interior designer. The formal French furnishings are framed by a spectacular view of the Harbor and Newport Beach. J oAnne and Gene Mix's country French homt· in Harbor ·Ridge re fl ects the artistic talen t of JoAnne. Fabrics she designed blend with hei: work. The Harbor View Hills remodeled home of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Fyke had wa lls removed and 'ldditional rooms added. The country ambience is highlighted with a blue and white color scheme. Freeman -Stack A Nov. 20 wedd ing in the Community Church Congregational, Corona de! Mar. is being planned by J ill Aileen Freeman and> Daniel Murray Stack . News of their engagement was revealed by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dickinson R. Freeman of Cost.a Mesa. He is the son of William Stack of Newport Beach and Mrs. Phyllis Stack of Calta M es a . McNalley-Shafer Dr. and Mrs. Michael Collins McNalley of Corona de! Mar have announced the engagement of their daughter, Elizabeth Anne McNalley. and Dougw Frederick Shafer. son of Mr. and Mrs. John R. Shafer of Napa. They are planning to be married Dec. 30 at Mills College Chapel. Oakland. Bowles-Plane Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Bowles of Huntington Beach have announced the engagement of their daughter, Kelly Elizabeth Bowles. and Thomas Gordon Plane, son of Mr. and M~. Gary Plane, aho of Huntington Beach. They are planning to marry in February. Businesswomen set From Page C6 FOUNTAIN VALLl!:Y Charter Chapter of the Ame rican Businesswoman will h old its monthly meeting Oct. 28 a t Sir G eorge's Restaurant in Huntington Beach beginmning at 6:30 p.m. CHABAD WOMEN of Irvine will meet Oct. 13 for a kitchen shower to equip It.II new facilities. Admission is a wrapped kitchen gift. For lnfonnation, call 559-7390. COSTA MESA Women's Club will meet Oct. 15 at the clubhowie, 610 W. 18th St., at 11:30 a .m . Lunc heon and e nte r t a inme nt by comedlenne Mary Edith Blum will be featured. For reilervaUona, call 675-2742. ALTA BAHIA Women's Committee of the Orange County Phllhannonic Society wm hold 1 .. annual memberahlp meeting Oct. 21at10 a.m. For re.ervationa, call 642-4029. NEWPORT HARBOR Toulmistreu Club members will meet with the Irvine chapter for a Founder's Day luncheon Oct. 18 at 1130 a.m. at OCC offers trip to Russia for th e Christmas holidays enn. Coast Collqe's Community Serv1ce Office la offering Orange County resJdentl an opportunity to apend the Christmas holidays In Ru.la-The 16-day trip to the Soviet Union ta to bec1n Dec. 18. c.o.t is $1,800 per per'IOn. The fee Includes uarwp0rtatlon, Unt-clua hotela, meals, transfers, , ~1.1M9ter ddleU (lncludtna the Bolshoi S.llet ~. M0teow Clrcua), Troflc• (hone-drawn ........ ) ride, pl.a New y_.., dinner, ChrWtmM ...... former ...... Orthodox monM'8ry, ~ ll11per npre19 train from MC*OW 10 ~.ct ¥1116'9 to nwnmJUI m'*'IMI and tallturil...... . ._.will be ,....S. in Hela6nld, Moecow. Vlecllmlr, 8usdal, and Lenln1rad. Ru11la'1 WlnW l'wll•al will be celebrated in Mmcow ~ ~onnadon abo"l the tour, ·phon• ... ,.,, f ) , .- A panoramic view of city and ocean is visible from the home of Mr. and Mrs. Louis G lat.ch. T he lavish plantscape brings the country garden into the New England style decor. Another 1925 built home on the tour is the S panish s tucco res1den<.-e of Mr. and Mrs. Me l Cecil. It is a mixture of contemporary, Southwest, art deco and an tiques. The tour <.'Ommitt.ee includes Claire Wesner. C h a rlene Rieder . JoAnn e Rogers, S haron J oAnne Rogt111 at the Woods' cottage that will take you back in time through architecture a nd McNalley, Lois Jacobs. Ilene Spear. Barbara Woods, Carole Tompkins, Barbara Wertin, Myrna Ireland, J oAnne Wills, Barbara McCarter, Emily Tosh, Marjorie Ringwall, Ruth Silver , Dee Edwards, Maxine Propp and Kathy Roberts. Fall hats take on the 'eyeline' look The Heyeline" look goes to the head of the fall hat fashion parade to lend beguiling, face-framing flattery to every weare r. From left to right, the large~ foward-thrusl asymmetrical brim is offered by Lee Black ; and for a diffe rent silhoue tte Lee Black suggests a down-brim cloche with th~ new "diamond" crown; for &loi>rm weathe r, Belmar follows the trend with a round-crown cloche and attached chin lie; a high, creased crown and d eep-set rolled brim set a chic mood, by Ire ne of New York; a forward dip to the brim of a padre shape by Ire ne of New York lends a feel of tailored elegance to the new look in headwear . monthly meeting the Irvine Coast Country Club, 1600 East Coast Highway. For reservations, call 548-3289. MOZART CHAPTER of the Orange County Performing Arts Center will meet Oct. 13 at Tea S quare Bo x in Laguna Bea c h. F or m ore information. call 499-3125. ORANGE COUNTY /Riverside board of the Forest Home Women'• Auxillary will hold an annual fall fair~-16 from 9:30 a .m. to 3:30 p.m. at 2406 Via Marina in Newport Beach. For infonnation. call ~51-1805 or 675-9470. NATIONAL ASSOC IATION f o r Professional Saleswome n will meet at the Hyatt-Anaheim, Oct. 12 at 6 p.m. to hear a talk of ' "P:.atting some Magic in Your Life ." For reservationa, call 586-5779. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION for Medical Tranacrlptlon will meet Oct. 16 at Western Medical Center In Tualin, begi.nnlng at 9:30 a.m. For infonnation, call 760-SS1S. Hawaii Free Almost. Real E•tate lnve•tlng Seminar 8 Days/7 Nights Almott, In this taM . may )ull be good enough. Good 1nough to writ• off the 1nllfl 111penu of tht hohday If you quaHfy Contuk with your tu edvltor fOf v1rlf1cat1on Dcducttblt 0.ttlnetlon Semln1n le ofltrtng 1 few remaining accotnmodeUons for thtlr 0.c. 4-11. 1982 HeweH ...... c ... ,.. ..................... .. ... , ......... An •~ltlng oppominity 10 pet1kip.lt In ''* COMPNtwntM ..... cond""td by Or E.F Moody, deelntl with ttltlcal COtll'em• of today's,. .. ,.... PfoNllloNI end lnlldOf/ deve'°9fr Join u• tor our SeriM Introduction , PT ... nt8110n et the Newpcwt Ba~ Savtnge Community ROO"I e1 7PM Octobft 14. 1982 CeU Su• P1n1ulleno tor tunhtr delellt •ACK UY TllAYIL C™>•• •• 1111 IMI• AVI.. COeTA •IA. CA. Westin South Coast Plaza Hotel Ferndales and Princess Cruises PRESENT THE FABULOUS ff LOVE BOAT'' SUNDAY. OCT. 17 Doors open I p.m. Show: 2:15 p.m. BRIDAL SHOW Co,,,,.,U41or 11,,J S111r of ti# Show NBC TELEVISION'S ~~~·"~ FREE ADMISSION (Bride It 2 Guests) -LIMITED SEATING LIVE ENTERTAINMENT• DOOR PRIZES POR ATrENDING BRIDES Co#N f°! " "4y of ro11111nc• .o" the • high SNS with yo11r c''"': .. Btycht Trawl ~CNIMWI Jnwelm .Manyla'• Stwllo Olrilfiln w-... Ser¥b C...., ~ MMris Video o,..t W..W., C.U Topt =:.'t::' COftlldlMc Pllll lllllly eu... c..u.n Pr-...0.... o.mll'a Dedrick PortMI Wear 1 ..._ e:.-ciet ,_,.., Mllic Oimenaionl in BlepnH Low S.., ,._.-. Noble Diieo ..... ._.. C.0..-,.._ HoMl Ptrnd111t Anllelc ........ WESTt4SOUTHCOASTPLAZAHOTa•666ANrONa.VD. COSTA t.UA, CA lrlltol Exit Ian IMC:IO .. t • • SUNDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1982 REAL ESTATE TELEVI SION 05 07 ~ro:rllise triggers surge for lhrifts an·d loans. By KAREN ~. KLEIN or-..,..,,... • ..,. Orange County has become the largest growth area in the state for a reborn breed of financial lnalitullon -the thrift and loan · association. Thrifts and loans, recovering from something of a tainted past, are doing the ll&tle things banks a~ savings, and loans do -they ate lending money and taking deposits. · What Is making thrifts and loans attractive Is the fact they are allowed to pay subslAntialJy higher rates on passbook savings accounts. • AB a result, thnfts and loans ., are carving out an increasingJy bigger nkhe in the state's multi· billion dollar banking and savings and loan industry, observers say. As of Sept. 30, 14 thrift and loan institutions had sprung up in the county, representing a burgeoning indus try that has been virtually reborn in the past three years. In these depressed economic times, the growth rate of the thrift and loan makes for an unusual success story. Thrift and loan companies. with assets of mor e than $I blllion, represent only about l percent of the total. fina ncial industry in California. In 1973, there were 22 thrift and loan companies operating in the state. By 1980, that number had increased to 34, and over the past two years the figure has more than doubled, bringing the total to 70. with 26 applications pe nding, accordii;ig to Neal Ave ll ar, president of the California Association of Thrift and Loans. Most industry observers agree that at least one reaaon for the upsurge In newly formed thrift and loan companies is the promise that interstate banking will be permitted by 198~. Several major out-of -state banks, as w e ll as Califor pia banks, a re e ager to b egin establishing deposit-taking bases an other states, said James T. Capretz, chairman of Western Interstate Bancorp, the holding company for Citizen's Thrift and Loan Aasociation. Capretz is. an attorney with omoos in Irvine. Although they cannot yet open bank branches in California, ~tern and Midwestern bauks like Chase Manhatt.an, Citicorp and Manufacturer'& Hanover have ope ned subsidiary thrift and loan associat ions in the lucrative Sun .Belt states as a way to position themselves for the future, Avellar said. "Out-of -state c.'Orporations are getting a toehold into a very good market," Capretz said. In turn, local -entrepre neurs are banding together to start up thrifts a nd loans with the hope that they may be able to sell them to out-of-state banks that will come looking for establi.'lhed deposit bases when Interstate banking is deregulated. It takes about $1.25 million to capitalize a thrift and loan -about half of what ls needed to open a bank. Besides the initiatives ttlat . ' int.erst.ate banking have provided in the thrift and loan lnduatry, the forrnation o f t ho Thrift Guar n nte e Corp. in San Francisco has made thrifts and loans more a ttrac tive t o depositors, said Dave Harmon , a m a nagi ng partner/r the McGladrey, Hendrick.so & Co. at'COuntmg firm in Anaheim. The Thrift Guarantee Corp., to which all deposit-taking thrifts must belong, provides insurance on de positors' 'accounts up to $20,000. On Jan. 1, that figure will increase to $50,000. In contrast, banks and savings and loan institutions are insured up to $1 00,000 by fe d e ral insurnnce corporations. The 11e<:urity that a substantial amount of insurance exists helps · ease depositors' minds, Harmon said. But most depositors probably dnn't even realize the difference ~lween thrifts a nd loans and other financial institutions, said Mike McGuire, president of Citizt•n's Thrift a nd L oan in Irvine. What atlracts depositors Is the high rate of interest thrifts and loans can pay on passboo k ac."C.'OUnts -8 ~ percent, McGuire said. That's three points higher than savings and loans and banks pay'. The diffe r e nce in inte rest rates occurs because thrifts and loan s a r e state -charter ed i n s tit u tio n s, g ove rned i n Ca lifo rnia by the sta t e Department of Corporations. Thus, they are not subject to the ................ ~ ... Oc'M4-a +Jl.11 ~-ClrlHd ' ... ... ''I Wu ll 'treel had anolher . wild week , ee whal lhe bull Page did l o your D2-4 tock , ·-t .. Delly"°4•W ...... Burgeon ing thrif1 s a nd loans, uch as Western fo Costa Mesa a nd ! Citizens in Irvine, are trying to overcome a 44lowbrow" image le ft over from the past with branchea tha_t_ look every bit like the ba nks with which they compete. Modern, attractive arch itecture an d carpeted inleriors a rc emphasized t o enha nce reputability . federal regulations that apply to banks and savings and loans. Ho wever . the dis tinctio n s between thrifts and loans and other financial institutions a re swiftly becoming blurred , and w i th m o re d e rl'gulat1 o n upt·omi ng the bo unda r ies be tween them are likely to disuppear altogether. By 1985, Avellar said, "all differenc.'t..>S between the various fi nancial in'stitutions will be strictly functional." Savings and loans are now becoming involved in consumer loans, once an area solely dealt with by thrifts, he said, and conversely, thrifts now have the ability to make loans up to 8 1/J year s in duration - puttrng them on a more even par with savings and loans. which used to e mphasize real estate loans. Trad1tionally, thrifts have differed from savings and IOans and banks not just in functions and interest rates, but in image In 1910, when the first thrift and loan was opened in Norfolk, Va . 1t was conceived as a kmd of "working man's bank." The idea was to provide Joans on home improvements, autos and other consumer goods to people who wouldn't qualify for a loan at a bank i . Over the yea r s, th rifts d cvC'lo ped a sleazy Image . Capretz said, which thrifts today arc trying hard to get rid of. "You could walk by one (an old thrift) and think it was a massagC' parlor," he said Mt·Guire, whose carpeted. plant-filled thrift and loan lS a prototype of what thrifts will look like an the future, said old thrifts were typically tucked . away in shopping centers, "ne>d t o a pi zza parlo r and a laundromat." They were found mainly in low-income areas. he said. ·~ Al o ng with the l ess- than-reputable im<tge thrifts are trying to shuck is a specter of past failures which has bc<.'02 "a black eye to the industry," Capretz said. In 1969, before the Th ft Guarantee Corp. was established to provid e insurance. Hamilton Thrift' and Loan in Huntington Park collapsed with $3.5 mllJion in assets. The company was able to pay back only about 30 percent to investors. Even though no major thrift and loan has collapsed in the last 10 years, Capretz said, some peole are still leery about investing in them. (See THRIFTS, Page 0%1 . Towns look for way out after boom goes sour PARA CHUTE. Colo. (AP) - The bubble bunt May 2. Black Sunday they call it now. That was the day the bulldozers st o pped . And the trucks. And the swarming construction crews. That was the day Exxon USA announced it was halting work on· its $5 billion Colony Shale Oil Project -the day one of the biggest boomtowns In history suddenly went bust. C o lony, a m agni fi cent mountalntop effort to mine oil- b e ar Ing r ock and e xtract petroleum, was to have been the centerpiece o f the n ation's "We got the recession in o ne d ay. We had to adjust overnigh t." synfuels program. But costs eecalated, the price of oil leveled out and Exxon decided to call It quits. '"My business just died in May and stayed dead for about 45 days," says Bill Louden, owner of an office supply s tor e in nearby Rifle. quarters, laid off man of his stAff and worked 80 houn a week to keep the doors open. "We got the recession in one day," he says. "We had to adjust overnight while the rest of the country had months to do the sa.Jlle.'' The announcement stymied what had been 18 months of growth on the western slope of the Colorado Rockies. The little ranching-tourist town of Rifle more than doubled its population to 5,400 people. S i xteen miles away, the company -bu i lt t o wn o f Battle me nt Mesa rose from sagebrus h to a bustling community of about 2,500. In adjacent Parachute, the number of people quadrupled to more than 1,200. Roads and schools were built, o ffices erec t ed and n e w subdivisions created virtually overnight. "I th i nk thi s growth is unprecedented in modern boomtown history." said Paul Brown , h ou sing a nd public services expert for T08CO Corp .. Exxon's one-time partner In the Colony project. M i ll ions o f d ollar s and thousands of hours went into plannjng for the boom. · fro m the r ecession -ridde n M idwest , h a d com e t o this rugg~ piece of Colorado high country and staked their hopes on oil shale. The Colorado Department of Natura l Resources estimates -western Garfield County, the heart of shale oil country, lost an annual payroll of $93 million when Exxon shut Colony. Much of the bitte rness has given way to black humor. A Parachute saloon sponsors .a "rumor of the week " contest celebrating the latest wild story: Exxon is about to return; the Arabs have bought the place; the g overnme nt intends to turn Battlement Mesa intlo a ghost town·tourlst attraction. "People got panicky when it happened," says Bill Scoggins. president of the Regional Bank of Rifle. "Then they stuck thelr heads back out and realized we were still here." One reason anyone remaina • the Union Oil Co. of CalifomlA, Union, which has been in the ~l shale business longer than at.''( oth er company. is building~_ project he re -albeit one·fif~ the size o f Exxon·s ill-fatC effort. • , , ·~ N early 2,500 people a~ In the more than four months since the pullout, the shock has s ubsid e d , and the sist e r boomtowns of Parachute, Rifle a nd Battlement Mesa have teamed about life after Exxon. "It set my objectives back and I had t o make som e drastic changes," Louden says, standing In hla empty offke supply shop. "You try to keep a positive attitude." • Nobody thought much about a bust. Months after the shutdown, houses barely a year old stand vacant, w eeds gro wing o n partially landscaped lots. "For Sale" signs line the streets. Traffic ii but a trickle of its pre- ahutdown volume. When Exxon canceled its Colony Shale Oil P roject in western Colorad o, resid en ts of three sma ll towns looking forward to a boom saw their d rea ma disappea r . Apa rtment houses sta nd vacant, as workers finish ahella. working in construction crews 00 t he Union 0r oject north s>tt Pa rachute . nion believes tW cautious, scaled-down effort wJl:t succeed where Exxon failed. ··: ... , Since the shutdown, Louden has moved his store Into unaller On a lot midway between RiOe and Parachute, about 100 pieces of heavy ma c hiner y - bulldoieu, dump trucka. backhoes -sit Idly now. Abo ut 40 percen t of the apartmenta built for the boom arc empty, according to Larry Hoffarth, who opened hla real estate business in March . In Rifle, where mjrrored glaAS and steel buildings s hot up over the Jut year, entire floors are finished and empty -70,000 square feet of vacant o rtice space, he says. Most of the 2,000 Colony workers have left, bitter and disheartened. Many, refugees If Union's project remains t9( schedule, the firm hopes to ~ a permanent work fo~ of :llP; people by next J uly -a f~ of what Exxon had planned,~· still the brightest light In .,_• gloomy picture. :.e .:,. It's decision time for lackluster performing All Savers NEW YORK (AP) -It.1 aupportera were predicting a year ago that upward.a of $250 billion would be attracted to the All Saven Certificate, $60 bUllon In the first month. In fact, onJy the latter materialb:ed. It wun't the only goal the ta~-free All Saven dJd not meet. The Nvinp cerUficat.e wu created u an experiment by Conare. to 11ve banka and thrlf\ inatltutlons a competitive offerlna acatnst the boomint money-market mutual lunda. But thrift olf idala aay about three- fourtht of t he money that went Into All Seven came from existina aocounta. And an indirect benefactor wu 1uppoted. to be thedepretHd houllnc lndU8try, In which &he various ln1Ututlon1 were nqulred to 11nv.t the AD Sav«s depostta. But bankinc offlct.11 concede the pl'Olfam d id UUle tf anythina to boolt ~ lenclina. prtmattly blca'--theN WM little demand fOf' mo,,,... with nMI hoftrlnl around all-time hlchl. The ftnt of the All Sawn are matw1n1. and..~ ext.ended by c.on,r., ~ unJtkely, \he pl'OlrWI\ will nptN Die. 31. About $00 bUlion has 1DM lnto the one- ' year aavinp certiflcata with their tax-exempt feature, much of It ln the Unt month when the Interest yleldl were at their highest. A survey o{ depoalton by the U.S. i..e.aue of Savihgs Inatltutlona earlier thisJ,ear Indicated AlJ Savers may end up aurac ng about $71 billion by the end of thil year. . " AU Saven hit the market Oct. 1, 1981, paying 12.61 percent Interest and offering "I'd be eurprieed if people tum 1hi1 money iato t a1h and go buy thinp." t•~·free interest of up to $1,000 for an Individual or twlct mat for a couple. At the ou-. the L,_.,.. oombtned wtth th• tax break provtded a couple Jn the $20.000-$30,000 income bracket with a net return of about 11 pewnt, about whllt money market fundl were ,_yi.,. at the dine. The yield of money lundl " now tn t.he 9-10 ~t ranp and newly purchued All Saven are peylna 8.1& percent The Interest on ne w All Saver s la compllted monthly at a rate of 70 pert'ent of the monthly one-year Treasury bilJ rate. The Interest rate kept declining during the put year, as did public Interest In the AU Savers as an Investment. But for thoec who never bothered, All Savers "a~ stUI the best game In town," contend• Arthur Ba11ln, vice president for marketJng at New York's Citibank. Where the money from the maturlna ~r11flcat4!1 will So 11 anyone's guett. "'I'd ~ surJ>riMd if people tum thil money Into cash ancf So buy ihlnp," says a..Jn. CltJbank and othena have a variety of opUona for OONumera, he says. depending on how loftl they want to tJe u p thtlr fund• •nd how much protection they w•nt from ch&natnc lntere.1t ratet. Some uvtnaa and loan M10CtatJon. have tel pall for the •mount of money in the certlfa\8 they want to hold onto, and tome .,.. &&DtJn1 •bo\.at pttJnc more by olf •r1nc betw ltf'Ykw. Government fJIUl'W ln AUIUlt ehpwld that of f.tl• nllmat41d Mt. 7 billion In All Savers, the distribution was: -$21 billion at commellclal banka. -$20.6 billion at S&Le. - -$5.2'blllion at mutuaJ savings banka. -$2.9 bill.Ion at credit uniO')I. Jame1 Chriltian, chief economist for the U.S. Leap of Savinas 1Ntltut19f11, Nya he does not expect "a bloodbath by any me9n1" in the amount of money Juvinc aavtnp and loan1 when the ceftlfkate1 mature. He predlcta the 1ndu.atry may loee '2 bllllon of tn. newly maturina cert.tficatee. Arthur MTkeMll, • apoknman for the National Auoc'-tloa of Mutual S•vln1s Btnka. says the \ncW llJ'O'lp's memben are encouraatna cuatomen to "roll ovr' thftr matUH AU S.ven Into otMr fomw of depoelta wtm'e t hey boulht them. Broker•,. hou... off •r All Seven in ~ collabonUon with ..,.arac '-"ks and &a.Le. "A word of wU'ftlnl," IC.aC. a brochure r;.• from the lnvntmenl houae Beche Haleey ?. Stuart 8hJeld8. ••11 you boucht your All Sawn :. throu1h • b.nk, Nvinp & loen or cnclJ& • union, don't let them make the relnvt9tmlftl dedlion for you!'' ' • ·' . • • '• Orange Oout DAILY PILOT/Sunday, Ootober 10, 1892"' 111111 1111111111·11 Here are the stock mllrket activities of publicly traded Orange County flrma for the week ended Friday, Oct. 8. Data provided by Newport Securltlea Corp. · /' t t I I t f I I 111111 llfll llUQl&IT•t JIODUCTI "O•IT frlte1Jrltl • lft Pll 1UH .. lr91VI tin llM:t I LOClflOI 10°01110°0 UHOI I f tllU\ la 1000'1 ··············-······· -----····--·-·· ········-·---··------···········-·············-·-···············-··············· ....... . J6 Pl rol Mor. P. PAlfl n ~:~:~.;:~:~. m.: :: :::.~:'::,;: :::· " OootrOI To,.., OTC I u 01111 .. _. 0181: 0 0ol4H V. I. OVll I Iii) 01"M \t1ea\t1oep OWi =~ =:~J:::! 1:: ... :i~ U -M .. l lll NllCA :1 ~:r:·~:!/"" m: It l.ol • 11111 Ol I.OH SO W••r rr ee. USA SI LU•rlt ..... Sl Lion COWfflrr OUI SJ Loo Alool too LU C '' L•1hor ... , umru n :::~; ~:~· Mii. ;1 :::~.::~::~ .. icca 59 ... ,..llOVlt lad MUS 60 Mii Dth Corp "JI 61 ••tloool Id. l lC • 61 •••1100 rood H llO 6) llelo°" lah Ill.I 6• h '"k l St•. • 6S ••"Port. Corp. 1111•• H •••,..rt a on 11111 6T levport. 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''In some ways that's (federal insurance) an 1: Wu.Ion of security,'' he added. • Fe4eral insurance fund uaets are '· smaller than <Mposita thete days, • IO U all the banks were to fail, • the insurance funds alone could • not cover all loeees, he said. ~ '"The pot of gold has finally l '~ d itcovered," Capretz said . ·, TtarUts and loans, after decades • of . existen ce, are now be ing pet'ceived as big money-making ventures f91" the flrst Ume. ~ With auch a small percent.age Jf the total assets In ftnanclal institutlona statewide, thrifts ha\re not reached their saturation point by any meana. Wh4=0 they do, moet people ln the industry aay, mergers will start occurring. StrOl'\I thrifts will eat up the weak, banking Interests will und o ub ted l y buy many Inde pe ndent thrifts out and thrifts wm consolidate so they can {ace more competition from ba nks and savings and Joana, whose Interes t ratea will rise with advancing deregulation. ReoMAL PROPILI r. - - - - -INVWNTOllY -'=r..r.:' ....,. 10 -or • r . Allo -'"Tr.,,"°"' 1tade the 1_.-l'1 l'olllNI ...,_ T--~~~~~I :::'=='7=1=4)=M0-==1=-==::1 The Ame ri can fananrlal situatio n is g oin g thro ugh ,uph eava ls In g e nera l , a nd becoml ng more ll ke the Euro-=- pea n banking eatabllshme nt, Capreu said. He predicted that in the next two decades the number of financial lnsUtutJons In the United States, now at 42,000, will decrease by about half. Mike McGuire thinks thrifts and Joana will be able to hold their own amidst the Increased oompeUtion. If four or five thrifts ge t together, h e aai'd, the y represent $6 to $7 million In capital assets, far more than a new bank would have. ----, 1na1ket I stock. I I •t»Cl•I oCt. ,I 1912 • Oct. 12. 1912 I ,. • .,,.. 2.9, I .,atty .. lllt 11141¥111111, 11111' l .•".•t I llaO b11n oiled 1n• ..,.,..., so. My dis( "'*' body. ......... ""' '"" .,,,.. .. ""''" I "" ·~ 11110 '°"' '""''· ..... !ft color f Mlastlt! Set • II ~ Tr•• "'*• I 1111 Oft 1 ...... IM MN "Gold "'1f/I' ,.,,.., 2.91. The introduction of trading in stock index futures-the Sf,P 500, Value Line and the New Yori< Stock Exchange Composite-is creating exciting new Investment opportunities. Sophisticated Investors can now take advantage of broad market moves or protect their port- folios without disturbing their holdings. Find out how index futures can work for ~· Call or write for your free copy of 'Opportunities In Stock Index Futures." I I I I I I I I \MU' ..... .i:.~ .......... I ~....----.. I I Beche Halsey Stuart Shields Incorporated 1301 Dove Street Newport Beech. Ca. 92660 714-752·2280 ii04i cUiRTi OM: rwi«.Ni> oma. 9 .-cdSCi'ff ,J; i::UfiVl I I I ~-.J Bache~ APft:lll illfQar ... v ------- New York try skinny NJ<;W YOttK (AP) The utln~t· \hilt you ~an nt>vcr bet lOo rtd i or lOO thin hu been movt..-d from fruihlon to an:hlt('(·tur<' with th<' dcvclo pmunt ol "•live r" buildings tukln(l up m oro ol Monh u llirn'• 11 kyllnc whit., t.uklna up letlS ot ata 1puc(). The fea turch.'SS struc.:tur<.11, .alao known us "needle" buildings, arc 10 toll und HO thin ond 110 expensive many are com.-erned that they may bo vulnerable to h avy gusts, and that they are ruining the physical glow of hoalthy nelg'hborhoods. "They're an a bomina tion," • declares Bill Greenspan, who s p e nt m o r e than a year unsuccessfully battling a 23~t.ory slive r under construc tion ne xt door to hill · home on the Upper F.ast Side. S hort of bapning t hem by name, the city is finding it hard to ¥et rid of them. ' You can't zone ae~thetics,'' says Lor en O tis, the de puty · pircc:tor of the Manhattan offiee of the city Planning Commfsslon. "Peo pl e th i nk w e can d o some thing. But we have to make it legally defensible." ' On the fashionable Upper East Side, S pages Construction ls build i ng th e Empy rea n . a 34-story building only 18 feet w ide. ThP local block association has told City Hall that "Ir a strong w ind doesn't topple It, It will create a vortex which will affect the neighbor hood." "Whe n the wind blows severely, the building will sway,'' says Philip Spages, president of the H awthor n e , N .J .-b ase d co nstruc t ion company . "All buildings that tall sway." A s tud y th e co mp a n y performed showed the maxlmum sway would be four inches at the to p In a 75 mph wind, sa ys Spaj(es. The apa rtme n ts w ill b e duplexes with the sleeping area on a mezzanine level. S pages says, and he thinks they'll be ofCered as condominiums. builders look "With real u•tatc v111lue1 110 high, th ·rt' un· dc•velopcni wu'v"" never me t before ," aaya P eter Seid c.·I of the city Pla nnlns Dcportnumt. "They're no t the t r;Jdl tJonal dovtllopers. "It u.ed to be that before • develope r decided 11 site was worthwhile. he would a.-emble several aunaller alteH. Now, the assembla g e o f many si tes Is avQlded end there's no waiUng. The de ve lope r builds to the maximum zoning a llowed." That means deve lopers ca n const ruct thin . 25·at.ory towers that l<>cr ove r squat apartment build ings a n d browns tone - townho uses witho ut going through community planning boards a nd ge tting l ocal upproval While the wind m ay be a c-oncern for res1denl8, but not for builders, laying foundatio n s concerns both . Gree n s p a n sa y s the n e w 23-story ''giraffe" soon V> dwarf hts seven -st ory build ing ha. already created havoc will) his 8 0 -ye ar -o ld building's construction. Ceilings nave been crumblin g througho ut lhe building, he says. Because of the narrowness and height o f the "·sli vers," the foundations have to be thrust farthe r d o wn . So. the ne w foundations may cause problems with nearby. older foundations. And. say local reside nts, the slivers also are playing havoc with what's left o f the cit y's 19 th cen t ury a r c hitec tura l heritage -the neat brownstone rows, their stoops jutting into orderly gardens -that was the New York or Henry James a nd Edith Wharton . With the rise of slivers comes a disruptio n o f the patte rn o r Manhattan that once preserved th e si d e s tree t s r o r l o w residential buildings and t he ma i n aven u es r o r t all er structu::es Man y of the buildin gs are being sold as co-ops. with prices as high as $580.000 for a two- bedroom apartment. Yale Robbins of Yale Robbi ns. Spages was the only dev~loper contac ted who d e fe nded his building. M08t sJiver developers are reluctant to talk about them. In fact. many of the developers are ha rd to find because the development corporations were c re ated solely to e rect on e building. The "Viscaya," of the so-called building . one liver In c .. a r ea l es t a t e consultant-research fi rm. notes tha t the s le nde r a p a rtme nt build ings were not feasible until th e r ece nt n a t ion a l tre n d favoring ownership over renung. TREND IMPORTS SALES J 1200 W. Coast Hwy • Newport Beach /1 plea11d lo announce • • • That our Service Department Is under new management! Larry Bleser, ou~ service manager, with an engineering major, has had more than ten years experience In automotive technology . We weftr en a• par medeh of the foHowlng cars: We now have pick-up and delivery for the local area ... by appt. only R• Royce Porsches and BMW's IE Ferrari's mcl other exotics 129900 Houre M-F l:OOAM to 5:00PM CloHd Saturday and lunar T•phone (714) 131-eM1 or 131-402I l '• f I' 'f 'f 'f 1 -'\ ... I••••> - ] . ' . . . . . . . .. . . _.,,.,,, .. , . -•· --· Everiythlng You· Need to Get Start~ In Computing • TAa.ao Model Ill Computer (2&-1082) With 8ullt-ln Monitor • DMP·100 Doi Mltrlx Printer (H-1253) And Ceble (11-1401) for Letten, Report• • CCA .. 1 C1111tte Recorder (21-120I) To UM OUr A11ct,-to-Aun Softw .. • ICRIPSIT .. Word Procnatng Progrem (H-1501) for CorNCtlon-Free Text • In-Memory Information Progrem (H-1508) ltoree end Retrtevn D•t. • Budget~ Proclr.m (2e-1I03) Keepe Trec:k Of Per80MI !xpeMH SEE IT AT YOUR NEAREST MDtO IHACK STORE. COMPUTER CENTER OR PARTICIPATING DEALER ........ 1.,..,. '9tlCU MAY VltlfV AT IHOMOUA&. ITOMI ANO OIALIM ·---°"' t N~YSE . OMPO ItE TRAN ACTION ~u '*" tll(l\IOt fHot. CMI '"' .,. , ........ "'· ••Cl•tt" ,. •. lftlW, •• non ... (llKIH.A~ tl'Wll 11(11 ... tll Atlt lllllO•TIO l't' Ull .... lli0111011111 • Orange tout DAILY PILOT /Sunday, Oclobet 10, 1992 • . • ' weal estate never will be the same lly THOMAS D. ELIAS A flurry of optimism followed laal month's announcement that three big California aavinga and .oan ..aoclaUona had lowered mortaage Interest :ates to 15 percent. ''There Is probably a fair chance that thla ls the at.an of a recovery." aald one official of the Federal liome Loan Bank Board. But even if slightly lowe r Interest rates ao start a trend toward recovery. chances are the housing .nduatry that emerges Crom this year's slump will .ook quite differen t from the booming business of :he 1970s. Major changes now seem Inevitable in key aspects of housing -financing, architecture and ~ven the choices fVailable to buyers of new homes. "Real estate ls not just riding the trough of another down cycle,'' Peter C. Kremer. president of )range County's huge Irvine Co .. said recently. "It a being completely restructured." The chanRea foreseen by d evelopers like iCremer are already starting, spurred by some of he j>roblems of the last two years. In financing, for example, bank aft.er bank llas ?ee_n burned when It loaued money to developers ding new tracts, only to find the developers dn't sell their new homes. Often, the builders ent broke, unable to pay off construction loans. the banks wound up owning many more houses , they had bargained for. Home 1''ederaJ Savings ot San Ulego, for one, y owns five times as much real estate as it did-a • ear ago. To prevent more of that, lenders not only will ema.nd that builders put up more front money fore •tarting a project, but they've also begun to uire that developers sell homes before they're t. The California tract of the future will feature eve ral model h omes, w ith the rest of the elopment built to order. When buyers are found, many will have to beyond the traditional lenders -banks and vino and loans -to find the money they need. :for savings and loans are no longer confined to real estate loans, which tie their future come to the interest rates o f the past. regulation is allowing the m to make more ative, shorter-term car loans, personal loans and business Joana in addition to flome loans. So some homebuyers will have to took to new of money, like pension funds, credit unions the builders themselves. Some California builders even now are andling some of their own financing, offering rge discounts to buyers who pa,y cash, zero terest loans to buyers w ho put 50 percent down nd pay off the rest over five years, and low- terest loans to others. And the homes to be sold under these new angements will be amaller than those of the past, fered by fewer builders, ~use hundreds of elopen have gone broke In the last year. 0 We will provide the same living space as ore, but without the w•ted apace,·~ one leading consultant bas predjcted. Kenneth Agid. aaed In Ne wport Beach , argues tha t a four- wtlrn1'WT\, 2 'h-bath home can be Cit into the same 100 11quare feet now occupied by a typical two- leClLroorn apartment. "The big five-bedroom, four-bath home is a ur," Agid says. "There is such a large supply them on the market it makes no sense for elopers to build them arid compete with history. things will be amaJler, but not less livable. Yacht have been doing it for years." But don't confuse the trend In housing with a e toward luxury. The reality is that home loans will be harder buyers lo find, offered on tenns that are more ure than ever for le nde rs, with the homes emaelves less sumptuous than before. (Elias is a columnist based in Santa MoniCJJ.) ash rebate given t Aliso Meadows A new $5,000 cash r ebate program jus.t by Aliao Meadows mak4!5 that Laguna single-family attached community even more fordable, according to Project Manager Terry Brennan explained that the $5,000 rebate will t paid in cash by the developer, Aliso Meadows, td., upon close of escrow. "Moel of our prospective buyers h ave good Yin& joba and have saved up some money toward down payment," she continued. "ln some caaes, can obtain some money for the down peyment relatives. But, no matter how they figure it, a n percentage of our home shoppers don't quite enough to buy a home. ''In other caaes, proepectJve buyers may have h for the down payment, but are concerned t makins monthly payments. Some can handle the down payment and monthly peymenta but worried about not having a nest egg for a rainy y. Our rebate program takes care of all these • "Th~ $5,000'can be applied to the down yment. It can subsldlze monthly payments until t next rai9e come9 -or for the fint two to four ean. Or, the · money simply can be put Into a ~mu• 8COOW\t for ralny--day uie. 1boee who don't y need the money to buy the home can Ute it to all-new fu.miahinp, new wardrobes, or even that dream trip to Europe OI' Tahiti.'' All8o Meadows offen two two--bedroom plana 960 llqUU"e feet of llvln& apece and a three- .. llroom model with 1,248 8quare feet. Pricel lfar't at $79,950. 8aJft at All80 Meadows rwtrlcted to thoR with 81'09 annual houlehold .. am• of •~.e&t to $38,498 becaUM the loans are y pemment.--.ted. The interest rate la fOC' 30 years al 10.82 percent (10.87 per cent B) or 11.~ percent (11.7 ~ percent APR) • .... ndlinl on the buyer'• Income. '' , Op.n daily, from 10 a .m. to, 6 p.m., the sales and rurnllhed modela may be reached by 11111-. the Senta Ana or San Die1<> Freeway IOU&h Parkway (flnt exit pMt El Toro Roed), ••11 l'Wlt on AUcla and lolna IOUthweat 1 IA to Vfa Lomaa and Ali80 Meadows. . eep an eye on local governrnent _inthe llllj"l'llt • Orange CoHt OAIL Y PH.OT /Sunday, October 10, 1182 J Spacious bedroom of Chateau Clemente home in San Cleme nte wher e three sales were recorded in one week. Chatea~ homes beating odds , The three ne w homes sold last w eek i n the lu xu r y Sa n Clemente development, Chateau Clemente, could indicate a shift in fo rtun es for Southe rn California real estate. It also may show that the public is buying homes w hen the financing, product and location arc right. Interest r ates 1111 low as 6 ~ percent and a unique instant house exchange program have accele rated sales at Chateau Clemente, leaving only seven homes in the first phase. Homes at the ·san Clem ente site begin.at $249,000. Developers o f the propert y, Tumanjan Develo pment Co., say second phase prices will rise, reflecting increased finance costs. Chateau Clemente's rapid sales progression -at a time when new horn~ sales in the Orange County coastal ar ea a re at a standstill -can be traced to a "free and clear" financing c:oncepl with lending rates as low as 6 :V. percent and a trade-in p rogram geared t o move-up homebuyers. The free and clear approach at Chatcau Clemente has several key elements: (1) fixed rate finan- cing as low as 6 :V. percent; (2) the benehts of the tax deductions available to property owners: and (3) the possibility of complete home ownership after only seven years. AU loans are assumable: The developer is the tender, so qualif ication is dramatically eased. The 6:V. percent fixed rate is available with a 40 percentrdown payment; a standard 20 pert.-ent down paymont is accompanied by a 9 percent seven-year fixed rate. T here are no balloon payments or hidden costs . T r aditional 30-"ear financing also is offered with aO.year fixed rates of 11 :V. p e r ce nt to 12 71i p e r ce n t depe nding on t he size of the down payment. An instant house exchange program continues to be offered at the coastal site. To reach the development, take the San Diego Freeway to Camino de Estrella exit west, turn left on Camino Mira Costa, then left on Camino A londra ., until you reach the models. The sales office and model homes are open from JO a.m. to 6 p.m. daily. For more information, call 661-3444. Western seeks realty loans '; LOS ANGELES -Though lhe economic climate hu forcL•d 1om e aovl n.i• and loan lrutltutions to withdraw from ~kin" r(•al C11Wlc Joana, Loe Angclcs-bak'<.I We11wrn Fede ral Snvlnp & Loan Aaeo<:latlun Is aggressively pun1ulng real estate lending, gcncrullng an average monthly loon volume In eX('(l88 of $12 million. In a departure from the traditional portfolio ba11ed almo11t exclusively on fir11t trust deeds, Western Federal Savings 1s 11hlttlng Its major effort to Set.'Ond trust deed equity loons. In the past 1 ~ years equity lending has ri.8cn from a very small percentage or Welltern Jt'cdcral's portlolfo to a current 15 percent, a nd an anliC'1patt.od 20 pert:ent by the end of 1982. · Western F edera l e XflL'l'lli its ~qulty loae · portfolio to total $120 mllllon at year's e nd, with three out of four new loons being made socond trust deeds. Currently, equity lending accounts for two- thirds of Western Federal's loan volume. "Western Federal Savings 1s also active in the fi rst trust deed real estate market. And while we are ma king only a fe w conventional, long-term mortgage Joans bec:ause real estate acti vity 1s at a standstiJJ , Western Fc-deral 1s offerinR a complete range of loan plans inclutHng fixed rate, fixed tenn and variable rate loans," says Robert Thompson, president of Western Federal Savings. "A choice of mortgage plans has advantagt'S for both t orrower and lender." .. • J . '· ·{ ... .. , "'' ~ ., .. , .. ,• • .. , .. . . ~ t • ,., .. . ;(; ., t ' :1: " , ". : ~· ,,., "We expect appi:ox1mately one-fourth of the loans on our books to be of the i>hort-term variety within the next six months, whether in equity loans or first trust deeds, with that ratio Thcreasing as funds a lready commillC'd to long-term le nding .,,,• become due or are renegotiated," he adds. /, ,, .. ... ,.,, . ., According to T hompson, Western F ed eral .. ·. Savings' current lending picture 1s vastly different ~:. from 18 months ago, when federal regulations . I'.. governing savings & loan lending activity were ;.~ liberalized. Savings and loans now have much greater latitude in determining term and types of Joans they will offer. "Even tho ugh som e savings & loans are experiencing drastic money crunch l'Onditions, these r'l ew regula tio ns have e nabled us to d evelo p effective m ethods of providing financing for a variety of consumer needs," notc-s Thompson. He explains there is now tremendous flexibility m the area of equity loans or second trust deeds. which are secured by real estate a nd based on the value (equity) of the 'J)ropcrty a fte r any loans on the propert are deducted. .. . " . I - De Orange OoHt DAILY PIL.OT/8und1y, Oo1obef ,0, t9H WlTH ME, TMINeS AA.Jr. AJ..WAYS MOST PlFFICULT AT Fl~ST, !»O T'HIS M UST 06\/IQV SLY BE M Y ~IA.ST LIFE'. Slie has sticky fingers, lint no remorse PEAH ANN LANDl-:RS . l um wrltlnte U> you In thl• hupt.• thot you will ul<'rt your rl•ud1•1ic lo the fact thul NOmethlng terriblt• 111 huppn\lnl( t.o uur tt.>e>n- ugt•nc. Th<•y are growing up wilhout u IWll!W of right or wrong bc>c11ulK' thl'ir v-m•u\JI lh• tu prolL<CI \hC'nt when they ge t inw troubl('. A 17-ycur-old girl wc'v" known fur yt•un (11he wps like u d&ughter) h111 txien baby -sitting for Wi for a lun1i time. Last. Wt'<!k »he went through my personal belonginp, stoic some valuoblt" plccea of jl•wclry and thrcut.l'nt'CI our children with phy1.dcul vlole~oe if they told on her. DEAR STEAMED: You bt & I'll 1taad belllD• you. I've beH ye1Ua1 at the lop of my lu11 abfft &bla problem for %7 years. Tllan1&1 for tlae batk·•P· 7'hc.•re IJI o big d1ffrrt•m't• t.11•1w~·n nJ/d and oool. A1111 l...Jmdn-. 11fw w 11 you huw w play It LOOI without frc"-•Zit1/( pt'Op/1• out Jn h1•r hoolcJC'I. "iaN.•n -Agt' St•)( Tl'n Ways w Cwl It .. St•mJ ,'5fl ('\'n~ Lmcl u Jung, Stand behind me. Ann. This 11 an Import.ant 1Jl8uc. dt.•lf-uddrc'88<'<l, swmp.."1 Mvc•luJX• to A11n Lllndt.•rs, STF:AMED JN CALIFORNIA l'O. Box /J IJ9:5. Chlcugo, II/ flOtl ll RUFFELL·s ,_I _______ _..;;;..._.---- urHOL'STIRY When I di~vcred the l0ti8 (the next day), 1 kt1ew she had taken my jewelry. l calk'Ci the pohc-c. 1':•:::=::::~=--:..,.:c!:..::::'::...:: .. ,:':"::,.::8'Z: .. :'!='::-="""=========,="'=":::.a They asked her if ¥he felt uny rcmortie. She replied. ., "Why should I? They w ere pretty. BO I t.uok them. l •• .. ~1kt1reNS... I tJ2 tWJOI IUD. cosu-wHA-141·• 1u. HOIOSCOPE BY SIDNEY OMARA Monday, Oc1ober 11 ARIES (Marc h 21-April 19): You e merge 'lnscathed following a weekend of pressure. challenge and even a minor betrayal Focus on significant c hanges, policy alterations and <i domestic adjustnw nt. Spl.""CuJat~vc venture is due to sut'Ceed. Watch Libra! TAURUS (April 20-May W): You'll be asked to participate i n auction-ty pe sale. Propf7~ly is involved, so a rc land values and your ability to clearly outline objectivt>s. It will be nec."CSSaTy to streamline tcchniqut'S, t.o define terms and to avoid self-deception. GEMINI (May 21 -June 20): What begins as an amusing experiment could prove to be "signifJcant mane uver." Highli ght versatility, willingness to t est, challenge a nd probe . Give Cull r ein to intellectual curiosi ty. Cancer. Capricorn persons figure prominently. CANCER (June 2 1-July 22): You push right buttons. provide nec..-essary answers and funding could be made available. Focus on location of key material, recovery of lost articles and ability to 'make most of available material Watch Aries! LEO (July 23 -Aug. 22): Highlight independence, creativity and self-esteem. Lunar position coincides with new starts. fresh concepts. correct judgment and intuition which hits mark of ~ccuracy. Member of opposite sex is drawn to you and It will hardly be a !K.>cret. ' VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sepl. 22): Family member 'expresses doubts concerning plan which would cast .aside past in favor of "<.'Old plunge" into future. Be .gracious, diplomatic but re fuse to be d eterred. !Hospital visit prows beneficial, lends moral support to one who is temporarily confined. LIBRA (Sept. 23-~ 22): Circumstances take sudden turn in your fltor . Popularity increases, wish can be fulfilled. At'Cent on change, travel, v anety and a "special relationship." You'll regain sense of direction and recoup rec-ent monev loss. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): You'll be asked to '1erify, test. check sources a nd perhaps to begin a ..e_rogram of rebuilding on a more solid structure. ;Emphasis on career. business and relationships with $OvemrnentaJ agencies. Gemini. Sagittarius persons !);>lay key roles. L SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Long-range projects come into sharp. clear foeus. Emphasis on p>mmunication. travel, publishing and dealing with it hose who speak a "different" ll\flguage. You'll ,discern motives. G e mini, Virgo a nd a nother Sagittarian figure promjnenUy. ' CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Basic change !occurs in domestic area. You receive gift, which trepresents token of affection. Focus also on in- idepth financial analysis, re jection of superficial ~!aims and a more realistic approach to financial status of close associate, partner or mate. I AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Maintain low lnrofile. Look behind scenes for answers. Visit one ~ho could clarify ob.)ectives and provide "missing ~lues." Puzzle is solved as you .. wake up" with ~nswer. Another Aquarian plays important role. risces is also in picture. , · PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Accent on basic issu es, added reapo na lbllitics. intensified ~elationship; individual who shares your basic !interests will be made known. O lder person ecomes ally. Jenda b e nefit of experience. pricorn, Cancer natives figure prominently. CllYEITllLE, 1111 Ce•11r 11-1 l•I•, ltl1ok te,. &1t1•1tio tr1•1•ittit1, ,, •• , wi1lltw1, tilt wll1tl, ltl1ck l11tlltr 11111, air 011•1ti11i11. ••• • ••• ,, 111,111 •lies. hoelellt 011.ati11 fln.P.llt. 11111. , ...... , •••• , •• ( 21 J) ••1-1111 PAWNSHOP JEWELRY UQIJIDA'DOlW·AIJCDOlW SUND~ Y, OCTOBER 10, 1982 AT LIDO JEWELRY A:. LdAN l~ HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA 714-643-8641 FllU DRAWIJllG, CltuCPAGHE. COFFE&, 8ANDWICHl!8 . . . . -. . . . . . . . . l>WIONIJS, ESTATE ,ffi\\'ELR\', A.VTIQUE RINGS 1IKT·18KT -24KT ·ALL MUST OO!tt KJ:i.vS. WATCH!& CllAJ~S. P&~\"TS, BRACEU!J'S • • • • • • • • • • • • • • IWDll'IHllVG JllJlU GOI ..,.,... _ ....,.~•O. •• JINoomtolP.JI. ~9r.IUlllllP ...... P.JL We're .al ~ bllt wD out prkn we c:mt'l a&nl 10 be a.tit,... • \'ntlW -, ..... o...; ,...l(Md ........ _,......_, J don't have any prt!lty things." Her parents Insisted that she told them her boyfriend had given her th<.> jewelry. Whal rubbish! How could they believe a teen-age kid could afford such things? What's more, they told the police they were shocked and resentful because I called the law "After all, w e were frie nds" 1s the way lhey put il. Parents of teen-agers should be aJert to the acquisitions uf ne w and costly items. If there's something fishy about it they should make their kids face the music instead of t'OVcring up for them Read all todays LIDO DRUGS news everJJday' Daily Pilat in th e 3445 via lldo • newport beach• phone 675-0150 1rx 1r Save 25%! ( ~') rn •, t r <> n q Stylistlk® Vinyl Tiie Perfec1 for today's active rooms. Flexible and long-wearing with no-wax surface that resists scuffs and scra1ches. Self-stick for simple installation. SW,,_ 71..,. SQ FT' ReaA= 6 7.~ In• ~ 4..,. sq fT fl""' ~u 67• SQ Pl' Pritt SQ fT WEAnlERfD 11£Al/TY. IMl"DtlAI.. MARBl.L I FlWOIQ.Jl'I BIOCIC ITX IT Save 25%! (~rn<,tru••(.j SOlarlan® No-Wax Tiie A fine array of patterns in tiles with self-adhering backing that's easy to instaJI. Mirabond• surface never needs waxing to maintain its brilliant shine. fi...i l'rlCP 12< !() " Re•·.t:: s2~ Price SQ fT GAROOi !ACE. t.\50 r.t.IA, 1110MAH COUll'T I tWNUT H0Mt Save 22%1 New 'Tiffany' Ceramic TUesl Discover our newest ceramic wall tile with coordinating decorator tiles In fancy Oonsl designs. } S9 ..... Tt Sal D.10 Cl)l..()ltl si.· X s10· e SQ. FT. rurany Decorator Tiie Rec· sse Sale 43( FA Save 25%! (~rT1<,trong Royal Solarlan® Tile Our very finest no-wax lile in elegantly intricate designs. Its self-stick backing makes it simple to install. Extra thick to ensure durability. s. ... Pntt 12SSQ FT l.1ulW-1>ow ~ F'o""' l'nc-P I 12 SQ FT Reg. 1.49 Final Pritt SAL£ltNO WI! 11\toCVn"E • E.l.LGAHT l.ACt .. :/ ..... . _:. . ... . .. Save 33%1 Ceramic Tile Our sl)'lish beige ceramic tiles are durable and easy to clean. Built-in spacers give prKlslon fit ~4~--· Sal 99~ Save 40%! Prepasted Vinyl Wallcoverlngs OA'IMtM. PATIUl>I e SQ. PT, Save 25%1 Exquisite L-r:~.-r-+......r.;-, Glazed Moaalc Tile ~ ~~ Beautiful mosaic tiles In a varie1y of . colors and shapes to give your noors. imr.-.-....'"""" ...... ...., ....... walls and counters a new look. They're l1"1r'Y-.r.~rv-,,:..,p,;...,'>-4 sheet mounted for simple installation . ..... ~~:ttltiltU.11 ........ . BWJ"~ Sale 149-21?! /ll'l'JliOX. IQ f'1' SHW'S ,. LOOK FOR SPECIAL SALE TAOS! 5llft 31~1 Spedal Group of Sale Moealc me. 1.21 Sne 25~1 mea--. ~~ ltaHan Quarry me OUf IOUth-a&aied tile COfDel In nqultllle pelteml and colon IO eccent MY decor. You'll .. Y'Mf'I of ftdlrint. e~ wur. 0vm-nrec1 11ue ral111 Knkhes, 1\Wna and c'hippi"I- .... •• · •• Sale 97t) l 9 You'll love the patterns and colors in this special selection of washable, prepasted wallcoverings -and the savings too! It's so easy to do you can redecorate a room in just a few hours and enjoy it the same day. Rec-5.85-10.95 led~ .... .-. •• ~ .... rll•·-· llCIA ftlp.... llCM 'Where All The Choice• Make All The Dlfterence SANTA ANA 2181 So. lrtltal St . ....... -557-1324 WESTMINSTER '15111 811ch lmHn SANTA ANA 322 w. 17th Street 547-7781 • Mon..PrL ..... 191. M. aun. 11-1 ~ ......... ·-•?••••. --v.r .. ._ ....... ' '·' ' i . I i I I i \ -..1 \.11 \\ MON•• ..... ==ACe ••'A "Tho Cowboy" (tl!W)~.,...,. rited by Tp Ritter, Wll- llltn Cornd. l:IO. "°" °"" TME.8 "From Beirut: A ~ Report" M.ic>r Lebenoee rOllglolle INdorl dllQ.IN the Chrilllan pr~ In tNlf country. (Plrt I) .MOYIE **"' "Privet• Lauont" ' (IMO> SVM• Krilllll, How- ord HlllMman. A WMlthy tnlln IMlgl'I hie Mductlw houMll.., the Job Of PfoV!dlnQ hit t 5-ye11-old eon with hit llrl1 -u.1 ~'R' 1:A1. CMMTOPHER ~ MO. CAl'TMN lt.tMCIMOO • MUllC NltD THE 8'0t<IN WON> -~PAOflU: 'VllWPOtNl' ON NUTNTION "Pr•Y•nllv• Medicine" Oultt1: Fuller Royal, M.O.; Rob9rt Mlndeleotln. M.D. • YOUTH NltD THE I-=-. ~"°°"' ~YMO.....o A OONVIMATION WITH Dfl PHIUP~ flOTT!R 8111 Mcl.aughlln , ... with tho Oenerll Sec:tltlfY ol Iha World Councll ol Ctlutehll. (C)MOVIE * *"' ".A.nlmels Are BelU· tlfut Peopl6" ( 11175) Oocu· mentery. CrNtur• of Afrl- Clfl wlldllte .,. -In IMif n11ur11111tblt11. 'G' (D)MOVIE • * "The Kid ttom Not· ScHllg" ( 1978) ,,_,..., Mc:Alllller. Aot1er1 Vilaro. A t2·Y99'-old gjr1 llndl horMlf In Ind out Of trou- bile wNle ,..,,,.q ltla town ; e rcN>n 1cas' e IC"'8C !N8CI • ICfLA llnd.) .KAk !ABCI • ri,¥1 (CISI .KM.I TV Clil eKCtf CA9C e ecnv ,,,_, > • IC~·TV IU'Ct.I eacucNt1 f e ICOCI I fll!9SI ) .. • Michael Landon stars in "The Little House Years," a look back at the Ingalls• family' early journey to Walnut Grove at 5 p.m. today on KTLA, Channel 5. I LET THEM IE LIGHT JUtlfY ,Al.MU. AD~ MOVll . * *.,. .. ~ Thi Balloon Go" ( 11178) AoO«t BettMI, J11n KlngtOufy. A potlo- 11rlclcen youth ~ hlrnMlf to prow 1111 worttll- neee 10 hi• 1am11y Ind 1r1enc:11. ·G' (l)MOVIE • • '4 "Bt1ck 8Huly" (111711 Mlfk L•ler, Welter Sitz.tit. 8-.cl on thl •IC>rf by AMe Sewall. A proud Ind ~ belulltut hOtM expef1encel m1ny dl-Mownerl. 8:30 D OOYSSEY 0-tt: Dr. John WWW!dc Monlgom1ry, dHn o t Simon GreerliNI 8mool Of Llw, Otlnfl: the ChrlsUln n-tre ArtlStt Lll>Or1to- ry, • group of Cltllollc: Ind Profaatant Cllrltlllnl, SI. Luke's Lulherllll Chureh, W•lmlntter. I PEOPt..17 MEETINO TIME AT CALVAlf'f I fNDENCK I<. PNCE El.ECTAIC CtJf/llPNl'f ~ THILAHAYU I= YCMM 8181..E • • "Ligand OI TM Wild" ( tlNIOI 'PO' t:OO I MUT THI PM88 IOT~A.M.L08 AHOen I ()) ()ML AOllERT8 1E8AME ITMET (Al i CAUFOAHIA WEE< IN MYRW !~WNrla * • "The Conqueror" (1"451 John w~ a.-, ~·A ml9flCY Mongol WllJ1or kldnllPI thl ~ tw of 1 ~ Ter111 king and .... oorMfol of ........ t:aol()) HR. TODAY ATONE ~:.i-~. I ~y"' oelCOV&IY THIWON..D TOfllOMOW I THI L.AMW<EM KBlllTM COflllNC -~ wmcl.Y (C)MOVIE * • .... "Urben Cowtloy'' ( 19101 John TrlYOlta, Debra Wli'lllf. A ~ .. _.., wllo llllCiel lllmMll • mod4ll'n-d1y COWtxly ,... In love with • glf1 hi ~ In • pocllilll oountry-and·woetom bw. 'PO' (D)MOW * • *"' "Top Hat" (10361 Frid Altelrt, Ginger Rog- ers. A min '-trOUbte with hll 9"lfriand beclU:l9 • "*""• hi'• mllr1od to '* bell lriond. .MOVIE "<nndol, °'endal'' 10:GO 9 ~I IUNDAY 01 11 IM c 1J 1 VJ •• 3'il hourt of 1pecl1lllH ln oludlno two baaing m11 c he1, women '• gymn1111c1 Ind apeec:1wwy rnotorcyci. racing. • MOYIE • • "Bothlng heu1y" (111441 Aid Sllellon, &thw w11111m1. A compoMr ellrofll In a g1111· ICfloOt 10 be,_.hllMWwtll,who llfl him rlgllt lifter Iha wed- ding. • WAU. ITNEl' JOUNW. ""'°"' I HIMLD °'TN/TM MXHUMMN> CMrOONI • THE lAMW<IM CorrHpondonll Lind• Werthllmer Ind Colli. Aot>ertl join Pout °'*' for In up.to-~ Mn• ma.y Of CongrMelonol ICtMllel. -~ 1:THE,...... ••• "Artllut" (1H1) Dudl9y Moor•. Ul8 Mln- nolll. WNto 1116 tamlty 1ttompt1 to fcwce him Into • ~ merrlogl,. dt'Uf*eft. llldol'lllllc l*Y· boy .... .,, '°"""""" • POOf WOl'tllng glfl. 'PO' On-TV Z·TV HRO tClnttl'l.UI CWOlt l NV,. H V (WT85' IESPNI ,, 15'1owtlm.) • $0011'°'11 • cc..._,..,..._ .. , I Oer\ey Terlo, ICtOt Btlan Lim•. 1111hor H•rrv l~~icHuu.ER JUtlfY ,Al.Will OPINMN> WALL fTNET WEE< "A Commodity In Your Ful11ra?" GUHi: J•k• Betntteln, prMldent, M8H Commodity Advl1or1, Inc. (IJMCMI **'"' "Speodw1y" (1MI) Etvll Pr.-y, Nlf"Y Slnao- tr1. A lloc:k cer drw. «*- _. lie a-ee 1t1e IAS 1 lerge _, Of money In bide tall-. (8)..avtl * * •,i, "Bew llllnc:I" ( 1NOI Donakl~.v­ .. Aodgr-. "" Arctic -ttlor·rOMerch !Mm'• memoor. -lor<*l Into a llgllt tor tflelr ~ ~. 'PG' I,. &'ON OAMPU8 FNlutod: Or. Armon Sir• llen, Pfeeldlnl Of the Uni· \lttllty Of LI Vern1, tllk1 1bo111 tho 11nlver11ty'1 ''FrMlmln CMtP." • MOVIE * • • "Thi Incredible Sflrlnltlng M11n" ( 1'57) O!-ant W*1rM. Alndy Shr lrt. A men~ hlll """*Int .,.. WIO .,_. ~ln111Crangefog. • MAlrwiece n.ATM "Tut~t or Youth" With World Wit II flrMllly Ollef, V«• return• lo D•ford .._. lho IMett Winifred Hollby; lh•Y laundl llllllr wrtllng '*-' 1nd baoomo r1t•lon5 trlende. (Per1 S)(AIQ • HUMAHn9 nw>UllH THE MT8 euow ''Wlndl or a..." CJ)..avtl ....... ,,.,,.,., WNc:fl w.., You Cefl" (1NOI ~I Eatwoocl. Sortdr• Lock• Before Ml1llnCI down wit.II hll glf1 and pet or.,.,,.,. I -..ftNd flgMer liglll llP tor one !Ml, iucretlw mMdl.'PO' u:ao I MaNCULTUN U.l.A. 9n.IMBWITH ~VI)~ • TwwtCQ&A. WMITTMCa • CHUM:IH .. TICE HOiia • tUMMTB ~THaAfn'8 (D)MCMI •• .. ~ Alln"' (IN 1) llUrl ~. Dom O.U... Verloul oddMll ~ compete '" • COlllM-10-CoNt IUto r-. 'PO' ·=-~WCMU IL:::' .. ,...,.._, TM OMelon Of ,_. letweon fhe ~Aft41lllel ....... OO MCMI •• "T"9 .Im....., .. (IMO) Nell DllMoncl. LIU· 1ono. C)IMer, A New Y«k 011140t llflllle With IMl!ly lf•IOll IM .... out 10 llfl4l~••Poc> ,._.. ...,, '(lllQ' (J)MCMI • * ~ "Dlidl YOll ...,.. I tt111 JeMee CoWM, AOd ....... An lriell ~ lloNly IJlld • w.toan """ wllO *"' I.IP 10 rot! .... 101M11ow .. \IP WIO hero. Of lhl MeltlcM ,..,. Olutlon. 1 .. INRIW'ACe -. .... T~ •• NM»-tt I WHY If THI WOM.O MmNCM ~....,. "How Fedltlllem WOtlt1" ~=ANNOUNCED * * "' "Thi LMI Dlye Of Mu110Unl" ( 1971) Rod Stllg«, H1nry Fond•. New tile Ind of '"' 8ec:· ond WO(ld W11, llallln IU· c;let premier Benito MUMO- Nnl 111empU to llM hi• defeeted oountry. 'PO' 2:00•~ Guell. Senltotlel Candl- d1le Pete WlllOn, • GI& UCWfl lllNC> • MOYll' * * t,t "WIMerd" ( 18711 Bruce D1vl1011, Ernett lofgnlne. An unbellncod young men trllne 11n ermy of r111 to dMtroY hit - mi.. .MCMI * * "L.ldy OI The HouM" ( 1978) Dyen C1nnon. A1m1nd An•nl• • MOYll * • • "N1¥er Too Lite" ( tM5) Connie 81-1. M-Mn O' lulllvlln. ........ ID8 TODAY "It Ethnic In?" Two bl.ell men ltllle lflelr Nperlenc- .. wortclng few largo Amert- Gllll corpotltlone. • INTROC>UCtNG llOl.OGY ()) THI ADYINTUN8 "'llNMD Anllneled. An ~­young 1111or ¥Olunllerl to r-Blghdld'• meglc: ~and,...... from tfle ft:*ed Old MM of tfle S.. wtlO ._ llotln "· (~) (C)MCMI * • "l.eC'• Do " Aolln" ( lt751 Sidney Pait*, Bill Coeby. A ll'lllltmen and • flCIOty ~ qege In betting and hypnotltlm to rliM ""* IOt their lodge. 'PO' (l)MOYIE **YI "Alhen1" (19~1 Jane Powll, DMlblil ~­ l'IOMle. A...,., and a q. ., ...,, 141 wllfl • pelr of ....... ""° !hoe ........ peQlllr ··--···· • 2::IO I "M':a THI NATION QI& I IQAN'l 11&.AND ~ end ... a.Jpplr ... a radio bfoedCalt telling of Ula CollafMe of th• Howell llnanc111 .,.,,.,.,.. • PMWT'I "LI Ffllintor1" The people e10t1Q Iha U.8.·.MulCen botdlr end Iha cNlln8lf IN¥1eoe _......,, • INTMJOUQNQ llOLOCl't' euow • • "Thll l1mo ,,_ .. ( '"°' Clelr9 Plmpete, Vln-c.nt Von...,_, A Frencfl. C"*'lln glf1 .... In to... ..... ....,, Amartcln col- .... 8'udant lludylng In Montroll. 'PO' uoe M<NW ....... ~ .. (1974t AIWtt °""""· 8em Bot· tome. Aftlr • llunlw "*' a pro1119Ctor, 111 1t•r1• "ldline and llullt.lng hll ~Mov. * * * "Tiie "'*-And TM ......,.,.. ( 1131) EITol FtyM, Clll* ..... ..... WAll•eeTON • tmlOOUCING llOl.OQY (I) 8TAlll TNI< (JI) ON lOOA 'nON "Nell Uttle'' TM,,_.. of tnlrnlcry oi-hit ....,,... .,. °' AoNld ""'°"' and "'°"9rd HlllOfl, IMOnO .... t:IO ..... W-..TON (Pr""'9fo) Hott M1r1t ....... '*t II lho lnler· -°' polllce, pow. and people In ,.,. llltlafl'• cap. IOI. ea.111••~ ifiiAOM (D)MOVll ..... "The .. LlgOOn" (IMt) #on 9llnmon1, DoMld "°""°"· A young glf1 end ~ ....... -°" I (lllecllc ...... 4IOIM IO lo.-..,,_ °"* • ~ ,,....,,., (%)MON ** "Tiie ~ T,_ flloO.. llery'' ( tt1t) ..... Con- nery, OoMd ..... Id. r-_.., tum-of-tr. oentuiy oon.,,.........,. IO pull Off Ula .-n1r9Y lmpolllble rOllmry of • IOc*ld .... ma.d • felt• ~ looofllotlwl. 'PO' •:GO. IUNDo\Y Looet6on: 11¥1 tr-IN LA '"... ...... downloMI i&AN • • "And Now Tllo IOI..,,. • ...,_ .. (117') ,..., CueNnt. HltMr1 L.Offt."" ,~ ,,. .. lllfl ION ...,... 1111 ...._ llomo whore 1111 "'°°"'*" M died bOdoo ... '*9cldr ..... In Ill WlnCIDW .... .......,. ... fllnd. .MON • • • ''Ttle .... °' Kii-....,..-4t9111 lr9'0'Y flllldl,._,....,.,A ............ _.. ... .. ... ... "'Ml'lle.,.. . .-... ........ ........ ... ··"'· ,., ... ...... '''"' °"" Dir. ------------ Orlf'lgt Cout DAILY PILOTJBund1y. Oolo.,. 10. 1882 .. , KT"fV ( 11) 4:00 and 8:00 -''The Sn<>WI 01 KlllmtinJaro." Cirt1aory Pock and Suun Hayward' 1tar In 1t.ory of a brilliant writer who finch meanJna to hit life? In Afrlbi1 ufwr a reetleu ond tixwnal~c eearch. KTTV (l l) 6:00 -"The Champ." Thia II the orlaln.l venlon (1931) aiarrtna J ackJe Cooper and Wallace Beery of ia movie that waa later remade, atarrtna Jon Voltiht and Rick y\ Schroeder. KCET (28) 6:00 -"Maaic tn The Af~rnoon." An In-depth look at lhe Lot At\leles Craft and folk Art Mu.cum'• annual FesUval of Maaka. KNBC (4) 9:00 r-"National Lampoon's 'Animal House ... John Be,.uahi and Tim Malhelon 1tar In movie about zany goinp-on at lhe Delta Howie frat.cm1ty. John R6111. A union rec>r• e.\l .. lvo , .... In low with • P•l•"I• l1otor)"1 new euporlntondant and man- IOlf 10 oon¥lnoe him tl\ll Ille WOl'lt .. nood I rllM. • WAUSTMET~ "A Commodity tn Your Future?" Guell: Jake Bemlloln. preeldlnt, M8H Commodity ~dlrllorl. lnO. e Dl.l.rlr••ca HOME .. ,...,.. Cl) IQUAM Pml Vinnie Ind Jerlnllet we on thl outl wllen Vinnie .. .,,. malclng 1ye1 11 P11t1. hit co-•ter In Ille llChool mutl· Cll. 9 I0\'9 °" OCTC>eM Unlllloly blMl>lll hotON whOM momenta of gt«y occurred during a WO(ld Serloe a-.,. prollted. (IJMOVIE * ·~ "The V1l1Chl Plll*I" (19721 Chorloe 8'onl0n. Uno Veftturl. A notorioue 111 Ider wortd ng.. ure decldM to t .. ury belOtO • Senate lnwetlgtt'· ~=:-· **•'A "Thi Eiepflant M11n" (tNOI John Hur1. Anthony Hopklrit. A dedl- cllod phy1lclen tekH under hit wing • honlbfV dlfOffnld tnlln whoM llfo unlll thin hid ~ epenl In c:Nep lrNll ellhlbltlon1. 'PO' (B)MCMI ••~"Bew llllnc:l" (tNO) DonlN lutNrilnd. v .... .. ~ .... An~ ....,.~ 1~·· ,,..._. •• lorood Into 1 • '°' .. .ery turv!Ytt. 'PG' Cl)MCMI ~ * * i. "HHrll1nd" (1111) Alp Tom. CondllMt FwNI!. A rancnor and Illa ho1111•MPer lace tho r1gOf9 of fnintlar .. In 111 10Wyonq. 'PO' 4:ao. THI AOWNT'UN9 "'.-AO Anll'Meld. Ni .,_,_,,_ Y°"'IO lllof ~ to _...,....,... llnlem Ind gwlle frorn .. wlc*ed Old Mon of .. a. who Na "°""' It. t"l I TO le ANNOUNCm WAii ••TON WlllC I. ":..wmtaND\' =THINATION ••• "~ To T1't Dence" ( 1957) Igor YOUlll_.,.., 0.. Kelly. ~ NIMlay~ot-0¥ dlnOI~.,.~ -*d: "arc.." A '*-' .... to .. OMlfl frorn • tlgflttope: ''Alng AIOllttd The~'An•w.,_•Y gift cNrlgal .,.,,.. '"MY ~ "llntled Thi Sollor'' A -e•perlencee ~oo-it-····----w. N•t1on11 LHgua pl1yolf 11""'· St . Lo11l1 II Atl9nl1. " fm~ ***YI "Top Hll" (19351 Fr9d A1111te, Ginger Roo· .,, A m111 11• trouble with hie glrltflend blcluM Iha thlnkl he'• meulod to her bett fr11nd. (l)MOVll * * ~ "811Ck 811uty" (lt7t) M11111 L•ter. Walter Sleull. 8aed on thl 11ory • by Anni Sowell A proud and I H Omaly l>Nullful llOfM .. ,,.,..,_ many diverMOWMrl .MOVll * 1't * "81111 St0Glllng1" ( 1957) Frid A11Mre, Cyd et.llM. An Amerlclll 111111 producer booomH lnvcflled with I I lemale RuM1en lglllt In Perle. t : ,5 CC) MOVll • * •. ,,. "Monty Python And The Holy Q,lif" ( 111741 Or 1Ntn C"8iplnln. Jonn CleMe. King Arthur and 1111 bind ol llnlghll encounlor g1or>11. rlddlet• and • lef odoul , ll>bl1 In ''*' -en '°' the legend· !!Y<:UP· t:ao U NEWS CONf£AE.NCE • H /12 A c:elebrellon ol KCEr1 1111 MUC>n le PftMnl9d. ())QINIWI 1·11:r~ Phlf.u duell wittl the A01nM gllldl1l0t Sper-'-· "*' _..,. to Mlllourl to ,... ~ ...... HerrtM Tllbfllln Ml llerlNodom. • MADMIE'I "-ACE • AUCMATUNS ~ GIMA T NltD IMAU. "Horio 8en11'' Jlmel Hemot, • )'OUf'ICI \l9tor'tnlry _,.on, ~ 10 •.,.,.. .... tOM'I Md beglrw 1111 .... job In M "'-dy lllll&n I• Pfectlo9, (P_, 1) euTUM lf"t•••I "Thi flight Of TM CoftOor'' Or. OOn9d ~.-...._.on .... ...., ""°""' lhl Mdl9 .............. (J)..avtl • • .,. "NP/ WNcltl w., YOlol Con" (IMO) Ctlnl EMtwood, Sondf• Lodi•. a.re MttlftO doM'I """" .. girt and pet Cll'lnglll.,,, • ber•fllted llglll« """' 141 b one !Mt, lucntlw tl'lltch. 'PG. ... Cl) AlllQilE IUNKSfl Pt.ACE Atctlle'. "impor11d" kllc:tt- tlfl help, RN Ind Joee, .... c:.tugltt In thl middle wtWI they wit-• mugging oulllde thl bar . 8QICHIN (S-~)Pondt 11 Introduced to hit ,_ pwtnor, Tom L.MOtdt OtC• • apeedlng ticket. Md Ponch II robtlod •t • heelthdub. • BfTEJln'AMEHr TMIWllK lnterviewl with Rlchord TilomM. Bonnie 8odlle; ""'°"9 on video wt. mcM9 Mquel1 •nd S1111rd•y '"°'"'"" IWY!elon. •• MATIHOUITON Miii lnw11llg1t11 Ill• c:IM1h of a ycNnV IClot who ,,.,.. to 1ter In 1 flm with .,, ~ mcMo quoef\. • rr•MWrTEN .MOVE • •• ''Thi~ Of I( .. rn111toro" ( "631 Orogoty ,..._ "-Heywwd • ..avtl ** ""'*'-" WMlr• _ .. (19731 TWo~ .,. ---.. mount.in ,..,. of~ Md Montone In lllltdl of 1 ,,..... r.,..,., bUflad ..... MOVil 6 * 6 ", lfl4 Monoey In OcloOef'' (1111) WlllW Mltll\lu, Jill ~VbWQlll A l!Mflll ~1'1'11 CN"I Mo llol ... "'"" ttll MW- Mt ITlfil'IClet Ol lfle ~·· hlQllM1 oourt, In Ultr I> GOnMrYlllw WOIMl'I jyrlll . ... .MCMI 1t:AI ••It "h ftllllOWftf" ( ltHI 11#1 NM. T Odd l'tf• lair A 11o1.i owner end I* gtMCleotl llY .. Nip., .. Ny of "llndly .......... blfor• tflt ttwlff IJlld 1111 POiie ... 1tlW ,.. Oft ...... ,,., H:lt.MCMI ** * "tody HMt" (INI) Wlllllll'I Hun, Kit~ T"\lfnet A lllNMllM flottdl ~lt~bynlt loVl9f to WUHt lier hi»-~ bend .... •• •i. "Ailpot1 tt7t'' (lt74) ~~ Hot!Ofl. l(.,on lledc Whon !tie "'-... 747 .. llllltd If\ • ,, .. accidlnl, the Chltl ....,.,,.. ,,.. pllOI tM (: jlttolllMfy MO..-uo. Cl> (k()NA Joo(I plll\ 10 roglln hie mothtt'• 1..-ion et'ldM- OI'• lho .... of 1 t1t1i. plglel lofl In OIOrle't WO, G THIWON.D TOMOMOW .. Ii.!:. .IEff£AIOH8 * * * ~ "Natlonll Llm-poot!'a Anlrnll HouM" ( 19711 Jonn Belulhl, Tlffl Mllhelon TlfO coli.g. tretrnnen join Delle HOUM, 1111 unlMt llllCI w4idoll ,,.. terntty hOuM on ClmPVI. end help 10 liglll lhl 1110'1• of the eollool'1 deln lo hl'49 them •JCPelled. (R) (P1rent1I c:llK '8tlOn II edvlMdl I RICHAN> SIMMONS 0 MOVIE • • ~ "Eacepe From Alce- tru" ( 111791 Clint Eall· WOOd, Pttrldl McOoohlll. A herc:loned eon'4Ct mall" "•bOftto plane to bruit OUI of Ille ~ptOOI ~lion~ I :!sTEAPll'CE TH!ATM ' (Soaloo P'8mlere) "T"o Serve Them All My D1yt" FOtlowtng W0tld W1r I, I young Wellhm1n jolne Ille ltlff of Ill UPPll'-ctllll p!'I· vate l4'hOol rather thin return to the co.I pll• ol hl1 n1ll11t village (Part I) ~ TO 8E ANNOUNCED (!)MOVIE • ·~ "Duck You Sucitllf" I 111721 Jim. Coburn, Rod Steiger. An lrlth revolll- t!Onary Ind • Mealcan th .. f who 1 .. m up to rob b1nkl tornehow wind up being heroee ol the Mealean rev· olutlon. 9:308 (1) ONEDAYATA TIME • WILD KINGDOM "Women lo The Alr!Un Wiid" I JM* VM IMPE 10\'00 (I) TRAPf'EA JOHN, M.O. Trepper and Gomo lace executlott by I ftMg IQYICI 11 prtlOMf• ot • parernlll- IMy IMdet, and 8llnle)"• lencM get• COid , ... (P"12) I ··~ WON>'°" TOOAY ICMPWNTERS / WON> INTO IMAGE (Pfeml«•I Willem Gold· men ~ hie work end .,_ fltrrl Cllpl trom "Butch C...idy And The SunderlCa l(ld'• end "AM Tha~'•Men..'' • MUN9MOeT INGUIH ··c10t.td1 Of Wllna11 .. WNtl Ledy Meryl llelic. " tnllldar9d, her ~other. ,LOfd ,_.., W!rnMV, lllel trom (lllerta 10 ~te. ~~ * *.,. "Uftlln Cowtloy'' (1910) Jolln TrlYOltl. Detw1 WinVW• A blueoQ)t. Ill --· wllo ~ hlmHlf 1 mod«n·d•y ~ fllll In low with • glf1 hi mMtl In • popll4er ccurllly-encl..-tem bw 'PO' , (Jl)MOVI! * • "The 8lue Llgoon •• ( 1980) Brooke Shleld1, CMelopher Atklne. Two CMl.-Y chidl'eft grow to ~oneromote, Solltll PICfflc !eland and aicpetlenc:e thl pangs of flr•tlow. 'A' (Q)MOYIE "8oyoncl O..tn'• Door" ( 1919) Dr Herold Fr ... men."PO" (l)MOVI! • • '" "Sphinx" ( IH 11 FrlM LlnQW. Liiiey· An~ Down. A Nttllaill bled! mlrlrlt efll\qUltllf nng ll'*"Pf* to 1109 11n Egyptotog1e1 trom dllcoY- ef'lng lhl wherllboutl of • prleeleea 1481119 lf'9 WU ·=IOwlew 'PG' • ... "Body And Soul" (1NI) Leon ltMC l<enne- dy, .Hlyne Kennedy. A young bl1cik turns to ~lo rllM lhl ~ hi needs '°' mec:l+-cal IClhool. 'R' 10'.ao I '""" ....... MmtlNO WORTS ~ l~NIO.Alff JOUM,.\L: NO 9'00M '°"WAITE An ~Ion Into lfll pollocet. ~ end 1nvlronm1ntol 111111• boNrld Cellfornll'• cirlllcel glW1Migl Cllepo6ll "'*"" l!Jlrellnted. 10:.e. IUNDAY "°""8 ~ u:oo I• (J) a ----..o °' I~,~ .,_,,Al.MU. .._PMWWI COi ~ POOTMU. .....,..,. ''ColoNllo YI. Nallfllltle" u:"lt=eee .... 11:11 .... U:IO NW. NICWllW TAL91011"1 ........... """'°'~ ew~ .. ~,, 1=:~ * * ~ "(trtflb01ottld" C,...,lurl ..... T.-"-• "'All*...., ... 1111 .,.....,. "''° "-.... liyflf~ .... ..... ~ ........ .... .._~ ...... °" ..... Cl> .............. cio-up" (ttfl> ..._ MIMMIM, ICMe ....... , ... -··"'·'*" ...... "' . .,.., .. ........ ........ ~ .... , ... ~ TreMIKf Of Pendle> \/ ... " ( 195111 ~ CAihoun, lll4lie)' Wlnlefl. One of v-·• u.s. empior- -plane • (IOld , befY tor him, but lhl •loon -'~'"' 12~ 1: CUJICHlllDfQ A llC>rf by J .,_ hOw Mt logic and dlerm ""' .,.,....,, young, llUIMteble mlndl -~~ CMt It Milj)eflded 8'ler concsuctlng 1111 uneutll0f- lz9d bull ot tho man wno moiott9d hit tilt•. (8) OH LOCATION "Rloh Llllle" The mutet ~ mlmlcty glYet hit lmpr .... 9lont of Rontld ~ •nd Rtc:Mtd Nixon. 1mOf111 other•. ~=COAST COMO( • ··~ "Fide To Bio " (19801 Oennll CMttoc>her. Und9 Kerrld09 A dl9- turbed young moYle leri rH Ctt to rom11nllc r•- llon by committing mur-'*' In tho QUIN and t!yte ol hi• l•v0tlle ICl'e«i Yll- laln1. 'R' DMOVIE •Yt "Hel!OWMn II" (1981) Jamie Lee Cor1l1, Ooneld P!NMflC41 A ~ lnNne """~., oonllnuee hit reigll of ter r0t In • amell town 'A' 12:-068 MOW * * * "The Moon II Blue" (1953) Wiiiiam Holden, David Niven A young worn1111 1et1 out to dllatm a pl1yboy who doeen't believe 1n the lnttltutloo ol mlrl'iage. 12:20 ©) MOVIE * * Y, "Thi Wlllld1Wer1" (197111 Ken Wlhl, Linda M!ll11. The mernber-1 ol • loogh 1 llGOI •••Mt gang tn the Bton• c:llSCOYet thel the pt~ of growing up and felling In io... .,. much more d•tflcult •Jl99ri· er>ee1 tflan any of the rum- blee they've tlllen pert In 'R' 12:30 (I) MOVIE • • '" ··spe11 01 Evll" ( 11173) Diane Ciiento, Ec:lw1td De Souu, 1:00(H)MOVIE •• *'~ "LI Clge A11• F<>llet" ( 111711) Ugo Tog- nuzl. Mld\el SerrlUll. A niglltclllb owner trlel IO 1>'9PW• hit 11-1119 io-lot a vleit by hll eon'• t11nc1e'1 flt her, the morlll ~--of Frence 'A' CD>MOVIE * *'A "Thi Lui o.ye Of Muuollnl" I 19771 Rod Sleigef. Henry Fomt1. ,...., ""' Ind of 1111 ~ oncl World WW, lllllllln IM- dlt prlmler Banlto MuNO- llnl •ttempl• 10 flee hll dofMlld ~try 'PG' CJ)MOVIE * * * ··r Hite 81ondet" (1Ht) .!Mn RocMfor1, Elwlco Mont-nii.- ~ lhet 1~ n0Yellll'1 111•11 work dlfcrit>el In delWI the NCUttty lyStetn protecting Iha vllueblel In hit hOme 1:301:~ • • t,t "8tr1t1g9 BeNvlOr" (ttat> Mldllel Murphy. LoulM Fleldlor. A polioe offlcat ln\l99tlgll•. ~ of btutll '""''~' In • erftlll Mlctwettem cc*9go town. 'R' 1:'68 ATONE GIMSI · condllclOt Simon Rittle. LOI Angalel ""11• hermonlc ())MOVIE * • "C1try On Emmlnuella" A belutltut but bor9d dlplornel'• wlf• turns thl world Of torl6gn policy uplldo down with her ... .,,_. 9dYentur•. 'R' t:OO 9 cat NEWS NIOH'TWATCH 2:20 CC) MOYIE • • * "The Hunter" ( 11179) St-~. a w-. leefl. Rllpfi "PICl9" Thor· eon INdl 1 dlnget-Ille .. • model n-dly bollnty hlln•. ·PO· t:aOCJ)MOVIE •••'A "Thi Plod Piper'' ( 1972) DonoY1n. OcHlllld Plunnoe. In the 13009. a Wlrld«W wllo llllle to goC plld tor ridding • town Of rodlnll reta!IM.. lgtllntl the town 1e111er1 by IPlrtl• "19 _., tNW ctllldrtlfl • U&CIDMOYIE * *"' "T1t100" ( 1H 11 8"ICI Dorn, MIUd AdMle. An Ob..-.d tettoo 1rt1et ~ • ,....,,, lftOdel end ~ 10 OOll9f .,., bOdy with "" -~ 'R' l:Al8 HlWI t:OO (D) MOW •• "C-bell Aun" (1N11 Burt Aoynofde, Dom 'OILlllM. V.,loul oddball ofler...,_ OOf'llpe!O In I oo.t•to-ooell IUIO roe., 'PO' ll tt Cl) ..avtl * *. "Arlt ~ "' Odclbor"' I tM I) *llW Malttllu1 .Ill CllyNlfl A .., .. .._eoun .. tloa olllM9 wtltl ....... alt_,.., of IN nMlon'I ....... oourt, 811 ... w ¥19\e -"""'· .... ·--..... "De191 V~" (tttl) , ... ~ . .,..., ...... 19t, A,._ Yor1t ~ II Mn1 '9 Mione to .i .... moell9 and ~ _.. ............ --..1" .-(C)MCMI • • ''Ull'I De It Atf*t" '""' ............... O...,.A.....-.. 1 .....,, .......... ........ ,..... .. ,.. __ ........ 1' . ' ~ I I • .... Orange Cout DAILY PILOT /8unday, OOtobet 10. 11-.i 1 - ·A. Family Shopping/Dining &:Entertainment Center . Albertson's• Bank of America• Bilbo Baggins •Coco's/Reuben 's• Dolphin Hair Fas·hions •Edwards Cinema• Fash'n Splash• Hamburger Hamlet• Ice Capades •Mesa Verde·Florist •Mesa Verde Travel• Mione's • Music Market • Photography by Jeffrey• The Piecemaker •Southern California Optical •Spa Lady• Swe·nsen's •Upper Cuts . " . ' I j • th Henley just keeps writing • She set out to be an ~actress ,• Mississippi writer may be female Neil .Simon By JAY SHARBUTI' /#DfMleW,._, NEW YORK -Beth Henley of JackJon, Mlll .. .et out to be an actre91 ln Hollywood. That didn't quite work out, 10 the tried wrltlna plays. That did work out. She now haa two comedies 1lmultaneou1ly running on Broadway. "The Wake of Jamey Foster" Is her lateat. It's scheduled to open Oct. 14, joining her laat- year hit, the Pulitzer-Prize winning "Crimea of the Heart." There might have been a third, "The ftJiu Firecracker Contest," staged Lall aeaaon In Buffalo, N.Y., and London. But her agent advited against It, ah~ aaya. "Some people were interested in optioning It for N.ew York, but he didn't think It .was a good idea to bring In two plays this season. So I'll wait and ~ybe aee If I can get It down next 1eaaon.'' Henley, 30, spoke of all this quietly, not bragalng. She also .aaya it'a never entered her mind that she could turn into a latte.r-day version of Neil Simon, with hit oomedlea runnlna le>o11e everyw h e re. She d oesn 't conaider heraelf the down-home edition of that buay Yankee acrlvener. "No," 1he 1ay1, 111hlna. "l don't write 'em that fut. I wish I did." Fast or 1low, writers tend to Write of people and places they know. Simon, a New Yorker, utually writes of life here and in LA. Henley has the Miuisalppl small-town conceuion. "Crimes," "Wake" and "Miss Firecracker" all occur In her native •late. So does an as-yet untitled comedy, about a debutant.e. Simon's comedies are big-city s le e k . H e nl ey 's .rur al ruminations, on the other hand, sneak up on you o ut o f eaentially sad situations that are a little to the left of weird. Ext\ibit A, which brought her to national attention, la "Crimes," about three young slaters drawn together after one shoots her hutband just because she "didn't like hls looks." Her new "Wake" concerna the wake and funeral of one Jamey Foater, who ha1 become a departed, thanka to a kkk In the head -from a cow -1hortly after abandoning hi• w ife for another woman. Henley, a small woman with brown halrt, brown eye• and a aoft Southern accent, lln't sure If It'• a-eunte or a bletaing that she think.a funny. But, when I write the play1, they're real aeriOUI to me," she aay1. "And they're painful. I alway1 thlpk 1hey're ao, IO tad, and 10 tragic -until people laugh at 'em." She fl.rat heard the laughter In her acting-student days at Southern Methoditt Univertity, w~ere •he wrote her flrtt play, "Am I Blue.'' It was a one-act piece about a lonely college boy trying to lose his virginity in New Orleana. "I was surpriaed when It was working as well aa it w&.," she aaya of "Blue," revived with s u cceaa last season at off- Broadway's Circle Rep. "I didn't think it waa goln1 to be t)?~t aood." She didn't think she wu ICMnl to be a writer. el ther. •h• wanted to act, and went to Hollywood after SMU. Lean times both for her and her .,_,, the latter forced to make ends m eet telling umbrellaa in a department at.ore. The writing wu revived. 8he struck gold wit,h her flrat f"1J .1 length play, "Crlmee," aocl.aiJmd In lta fint production in 1979 ~ Louisville, again a year later1 off-Broadway knd again In 198l on Broad\Vay. The wherewithal from ~la enabled her to rent a ama.ll ~ In LA and buy a red oonvertlble. She's since alto rented a 111J!a11 Hollywood apartment 1he U8e9 d an office, the house being too full of· distractions and reasona to loaf. Although she aay1 she can'~ whip out plays the way SimOa seems to, her lilt of projects <Ides indicate she at least glvet the typewriter a fair lashing. TIDAl'I CllllllU nllLI ACROSS 1 Summon.d publicly 8Fi- extrec11 11 Arrrv99 16~ a.n.n 21 -e1tato 22 "Down· •lair a·· '*'°" 23 Thinll 24 Nimble 25 Rue de - Paix 26 Al home 27 Approye 21 Thus 29 THI Ittner 30 Hawatian Vtne 3t 0ne0f any 32 AHaf eon- ttellation 34 Armor Mitri 38 Mine ear 38 Genetal lendency '° ,Ollowef of• Sulfl• 4 1 Engroued 43 Enlerta!Mf Ar nu 45 lfldtan '*"" 47 Ooltw bill 41 bptOill •t Symbol of llurMU- erecy. 2 WOtdt 52 llKti '""9IY 14 Donlley, '" Oeutcftlenel M De¥lll ff ltOOdiee 11~ .... a...,. ..,. 17 OeMr'I ,.... .......... ....... 70C..... ,...., .. ·~ 11 La.ft perty '73 Goiters' ,.C'ue. 71Couplel 77 JapaneM drama 78~­ bluemoon 2word• 79 Tranamtlted 80Bf•all• suddenly 82 Out Fr 83 Re¥ol¥e 85 "Huh marks" 17 Malle lace 88 Bar of gold 90 Deposit tt~Fr. 92 undef'world goddett 93 EJidama- ttOnl 94 Pay eou<t to 95 Frencf! legislature 98 EllPGMI to -100 Snow runner 101 Pays alien· tlonto 105 Attringent 108 Helt! 107 YOUf19 PIO 109 l(ltn 110 Decay 111 Mittie note 112 Form 1 14 T ato root 115 u.. "'"'' 111 A1WN1 lbOde 117 .,,,.,..,, 121 Gt.-........ 123 Mllllery student 12• E•CUM 125 Cwo'a rivet 127 Verve 121 McMofilld ~ 121 Heeling .... 1J11Me ....,. 1)3Cfudl dilftltery 131 Miit 1M .... wetefl 1~ '''* 142 ....... dMPOI IU Qillgud Ind Gull•lllt 147 PoeMOMCS ,.., Secluded velleyt 150 Bfownt 152 Ac that 11me 154 Oip()f dibble 155 Forward 158 At far u 157 French historian 159 Neuter pronoun 180 Hawal4an bttd 161 Wire MfVice 183 Can ., eon11nenl 164 Popular Site 1MM11t•• 16 7 Oe¥tte to aoflen IOUflCI lff AvlatOf 171 Captive wortier 172 Planting need• 173 E•punee 174 Pebble I DOWN 1 Type ol bear 2 Armadlllc> 3 (.nft .~ , ......... luctly • WW-fooled bird 7 DMINntlM: 2word9 I Trumpeter Hirt ....... 10 .. ' ..,,,..,., ,. ...... .., ..... 12 Untold. 10 dett 13 9-blll ...._. ,~.....,.In Medrld 11 TrlnQUll 11 """"'-• ltld 17 Grow o1c1 llCt!IMM ,,.... A 19 Ovetjoy 20 Englllh sand hillt 33 Wire service 35 Seys further 37 OOE't C>PC>Ot*lt 39 WlteOld men 40 E1d111 42 Crout>eatn .... Ptllllt>PiM lt ... 4& Lap over 41Atm bone 50 Helm poaitlon 51 ""onto'• queen 53 OiSIOf t 55 L.ampreys se Afghan trtbelmen 57 Aepfesen· 1at111e 58 Mongol warrior 80 SperM 12Mu*- lntlrumenll ,.. ~mt map at>bf. IS(terNI M HumfftlnO sound II Oiptlor golcl HAGal>N 71Megple 73 (Qull 71 Upon: Preft• 79 lenMt IO lltflln ~ .. .. Serpent 13 Coln ()Sl9nlng ... Ptlllty'• ..... llMollern~ """ 17 ,,.,.., lft MUliC "lftdllft Ouner: Vat IO Army lnstll!Mlon tlT•tedl· OUtty: 2 • worde .. lfNll buneh llMoNrMla· danmonth M Sluf over t7GrMl!i.t1er H Water craft "Hegoard heroine 100 Accumulate 101 loast'tden 102W..,eway 103 Famous 104 Proofreod- er' 1 rnart11 106 Hollow bed 108 WltNam l's brother 109 Alert: 3 112C:ndef 113 Olecofdla 115C~ 116 Ann and May 118 Dogwood SlaM. Abbr. tit O.e. Fr. 120 Liiie a enall 122 Higtl mountain 123 Folding bed 1H Cb boltlol 12tPUCUfe ~ 130 'llhbOnO rldgee 132 GuidO note 134 ll•ltten city 135 Goel .. buylnt 131 Door lnMrt 137 ... notice 1H An1m11 trep 141 MNI cutlet 144 lmlllfllh 141 Continued: 2wordt 14tFlelflftood , .. 0.-.... 1 •• , .... 1lltteedlll• ,.,.,... --1M....,.. letter 1Mlltent 112ctne 1t11f'1leato tee Y .. ,ln ' Moallve 170 letloWt , EARLY B•D DINNERS '6.95 s ... , .. Cho/cl ol Flr1 Dllf•tnl Ute""" Happy Hevr ...... d' Ouevrea 4:30 to 6:30 M.n.-lri. 14912 Redhill At Edinger Tustin 730.0115 ?llaeio~ ?2etJtaMeallt DAILY LUNCH SPECIALS '2.85 DAILY DINNER SPECIALS $3.25 CMU IPORTI ON CMANT 8CMIN TV Happy Hour 12 to 5 Chick• C.don .... $1.50 fmll ltd ...... $5.15 TlltJml Bttf lllMlbl M.50 •Id lent Sttlll 11.15 Ml-1111 Ml-1271 ~ ....... ... ,. ....... ,_...,.v..., •• 4111 .. All dlnrws lnclu<M toup °' Nlad. hot bread, and dlnnM ap«;IM tw..reo-. 11774 • ...._.. 1 .. So. t4 405 Fwy. f_.. Vllly c.i ,_ .......... 9H-23M CHINA PA:LAeE w· HSTAUllANT' ·w lllLY Ul•m IPElllL ,. •3.25 All luncheons Include soup, aalad, fried rice and fortune cooklet. Boor & Wino Sorwd Luncl'I & Dlnnor 11:30 a .m. to 10:30 p.m. 7 Days A Week flood to Go 29JO \IV. COAST H\IVY. NEWPORT IEACH 1714) 631-IOJ 1 ....... A.....-..--..... ---llllCl-•i-.. --.-......... - 1•1 •••ldlnt At ..... 1.H MlllllL .... _ OMloe .. .._ of c..-. .... , I,,.....,.., Gelt _..... lufl. tllN M , lel. • ......... t , ..... .., ... ~ ........... . I ..... c .... ,. lalet I r '.t111wder P.,retPI Veg l ur """ "'· .. ., ....... 4 .... f 1 ' STARTING A NEW BUSINESS? According to Cetlfornle BualneH and ProfeH lona Code (Sec. 17900 to 17930) •II peraona doing bualneH under a flctltloua name mu1t flle a alatement with the County Clerk and have It published four time• In e newapaper serving the eree In which the buatneH la located. The 1tatement 11 required by law end I• neeHHry In protecting your bualneH name. Moat benkl require proof of ming to open commercial accounts. The DAILY PILOT provtdea both flllng and publlcatlon Hrvlcea. We have all the neceHery form• •nd malnt•ln a delly Hrvlce to the Or•nge County CQurthouae. Either atop by one of our ti>nv.ntent offices or phone the LEGAL DEPARTMENT 642-021, Ext. 332 for more lnform•llon end forma. -. . • No fe'athers dusters for Ron By Jt;RRV BlJCK wouldn't 1pcnd e lot ot tlmt-mm1n1ng mmplt•m1 ntary '' .,., .... ..,... Wrltef about the collapt10 of our m11rrl1tfl"'· On ''Bunty Milin," Glu.-pl"yt•d LOS ANOELF.S "Th1•1t· will h•· no Wc'rt aiioln~ to hcut up th11 pac-e of tht• De t c l lvl• Hurrl11. ti rnun w ith an u_prona and no ft•1.1th1•r Ju:1tt•1'H," 11.l)'ll Ron 1how, and there wlll oo nice lookln1i& opprt ·lu tlon for ttw flnt·r thing. In llfe Glu1111 ot hi• Vl'Nlon of l"ollx Unger, tho 11.tdle11 around f or m1• to d t•vt·lop all rrwttrlul. fut1tldlous halt u( AS<..:0 1J "Thu Now Odd relutioruthlpt1 with. ''Thore'a aiomc 1fm1larlly bet wrun Couple." "Felix h• u photogruphl'r, but we're Felix and Ron Hurrl1, yu11," ht· lll•Ylf OlaH, who huK juwt tlnllltwd l'ight go in g t o gt-t more Into fa1h lon "Harri• wasn't 11lovpy. Ht• wa1 a yt•an WI Dctt>ctJve Ron Hurrl111n "&rnt-r, photography. One of the things that we particular penron ·-about th(• thlng1 and Miiier," want.I to cmphulzc tht• "new ' talked about from th11 beginning II that I people around him. They ahurc that. In the UtJe. talk good. That 1ugge1t1 educo tlon, Both arc profea1lonal people. I think "One of the things I wonted to be 1ucccu, a more aggreaalve attitude photographers, In my cxpcrlcn<:t', are a1&ured of was .that we would have tow1Hd life, as opposed to be ing a different from wrHens or policemen . Jt contemporary people,'' aaya Glau. "We'll moaner who ulwuys talka about how life we were doing a play where we have be using aome of the script.a from tht> acts agalrull.hlm." five wee ks r e hearsal l could hove first aeries, but only as a JUmplng off Glass says, "The characters will be: delineated that. Here I do ll as I go.along. place. It's inc:onceivable lO me that they more vital, more active. ThiJJ is going t.o "Ron Harris al the end of 1how was a would hOld up." ' be 'The New Odd Couple,' not 'The Old much full er, muc h m or e de f lnecf Glaa.<1, stars In a black version of "The Odd Couple.' So Felix's particularncu ls character. It takes time to do that. Odd Couple" with Demond Wilson. who going to be valid, not just an a.rbltrary Hopefully when we finish the fir11t 13 plays messy Oacar Madison. plckjness. His sophistication should be weeka I'll have a strong handle on ll. It Is yet another lncarnutaon of NelJ just as rea9onable as Oscar's lack of It." Felix ls more casuaJ than Ron Harris. He Simon's play about two divorced men Oscar will also fi nd his horlwna have doesn't wear three-piece suits. wt\4l become mismatched roommates In been broadened. He's still a aports "My wardrobe for the show is by the an uneasy relationship marked by writ.er, but now he will be assigned t.o ma n who d esigned"' Richard G ere's-- frequent bickering and making up. lt other duties, s uch as covering t he wardrobe for 'American Gigolo.' From .was a smash h it on Broadway and opening of a play, and he will have t.o my days In the theater, wardrobe has around the world . It's still Ot'C'asionally call on Feli x for help. "It's going to be always been an int.cgraJ part of what I r~vlved in regional theaters. lt became a more worldly, hauteur kind of show," play. I know the wardrobe man at movie in 1968, and 'I'ony Randall and says Glass • Paramount Studioa thought I was crazy. Jf.l(:k KJugman starrt.'d in the ABC series He sa ys he's developed a go od I. said l wanted very low heels on my from 1970-75. relationship with Wilson, who starred as shoes. It makes you move diff~rently;· "One of t he things that we feel Redd Foxx's son on Sanford and Son." And high heels make you feel JofUer 1 con t.emporizes it ts their attitude toward "There's a nace balanc-e between the wanted Felix t.o be more accessible, his divorc.-e," says Glass. "I'm happy thf.lt the two of us," he says. ''both in terms of position t.o be more reasonable. I didn't producer agreed with me that we style and tone We're not aJike, but we're want Felix to have that lofty feeling.'' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.....;..._~--~ Ron Glass is the new Felix Unger "Exciting,moving, ·~ controversial." ~ · -Roocr Ebert. CHICAGO SUN-TIMES ........ 10:tt ,,., ._ W/hft . .._, ~ IAT/IUN. a:at, t:ao. 11t:11 T.~Ot ~· •• IDll rrt. 1¢11, 1a10 PN. 1:11 (N) ...,9-.1:11, 1¢11, 10:,. 8AT/IUN. 4:2111, 9:11 ..., ... 4110, ... llWOUSl!l , .... 1 .. ,... ...,._ 2::11. E.T. nm&JlTllA· Taaa.uTil&AL ......... 1:11,1e:a aAT/IUM. 1-a:*I M0,111 .... (N) DISNEYLAND HOTEL'S POLTERGEIST..!! ,_l:lllAT/IUN. .... MO DalK~ with a bear? W ow! .Two sensational days and one sensationa l night at Disneyland Hote l, the official hotel of the Magic Ki ngdom. Dance with a bear ... wander through a waterfall .. . laze on a tropical beach ... make a splash in 3 pools .. . visit a wine cellar ... see the Dancing Wa ters show ... and ride the monorail direct to Disneyland! Plus one day's ad mission to Disneyland Pa rk, including unl imited use of all rides and attractions except shootin_g galleries. Dinner in our water .. front Shipya rd Inn or elegant Oak Room. A drink in one of ou r lounges. And, best of all , up to two children ca n share parents' room for only $29.50 each, and that includes everything the grown .. ups get. (Kidd y cocktail, of course.) For reservations and info rmation, see your· travel agent or ca ll Walt Disney Travel at 714/520 .. soso. T.~Ot~ .. ......... IAT/IUll.1: .. 1111. .. ' .. .... ... :::.::. Y.~Ot 4 m ........ 11 IA T/IUll. 2:11. fcla. 11111 "ROCKY r C'Q) ,.. .. , ....... -nft llf.ST unu. ~ lf'I TVIAS" 1111 ...... ..,.,,_ ... _ ..,,. 80AT" ca> ,,.,.., .... ....., M ._ .. ...,...., ... " ... ___ _,.__ ... , __ r ·~,_ .. , __ ..... ~ Nfa9' O'TOOU • TUCC _.Y l~I "MY .•• :tmcivo .... 7:11,- •AT/9UM.MI ... 7: ..... (ll'CI) FAVORITE THE WALL•• c111 ""· l:OO. I:, .. 10: 11 YEAR" INI 8AT/8UN. .... 4lOO ,.. lt1 .. lt11. 11:11 ..... , .. 11111 IU/IUN. l:U , •:11 + PN.. IAT. ~ 1¢11, 1:11, ... John Duttine . • • 1n masterpiece IY JERRY BUCK .,,.......,..,.., tars LOS ANGELES -J ohn Outtlne 11to1'1 rui un ldeall1t \Neher, dt1eharsed from the army tor Wllahoak, who arrtve1 at an Engli.ah boy11' ttehool ah9r Wodd War I. ''To Serve Them All Mv Deva" open& the 12th IMIOf\ of "Muterplece Theater" tOday on K OCI-; (Ch. 50) at 8 p.m. The 13-part mJniscrles la bruted on the novel by R.F. Deldertleld. Du\Une was voted Britain's best television actor ln 1981 tor h.18 role aa David Pow1Nt-J onC8, the Welah miner's son who goes from the trcm·het; of the Western Front lo a remote schQJ>I us an "UN\ualifl~" history teacher. ~ .'The biggest influe nce in his life is the headmalter who is th ere whe n he arrives," says Duttlne, who was interviewed on his first viB1l to the United States. f "He comes home from the war badly ahellahocked and lost. He fought In a war he didn't understand, and he was deeply moved by the death and horror he saw,'-' the actor says. He's also lost because his Welsh mining b ackground h ardly qua lifies h im for the environment of an upper-etas,, boys school. The headmast er is pla yed by F r a nk Mlddlemasa, who was Marmeladov in a frevious Public Broadcasting Service presentation o "Crime aM Punlahmetit." • • The three women in David's llfP. are his rirsl wife, Beth, played by Belinda Lang , Julia Darbyshire, Kim Braden, a teacher with whom he has a roma nce, a nd C hristine Forster (Susan Jame90n), a would-be socialist politician who Cinally brino him happiness. ~harles Kay plays Alcock , an a r rogant, pedantic bigot who lat.er bec.'Omes headmaster. The aeries was parliaUy filmed in Wales, and the school was In Dorsett. "It was toward the e nd of the term. so we got to u.ee eome of the boys," Duttine says. '"We taped thia instead of filming It. so I think our crew was more used to sports than drama. We had a rugby match in the first episod e which I think they enjoyed very much." Duttine says he had ""orked with the director, Ronald Wilson, on three othe r occasions, and Wilson called him and asked him to read for the part. "I'm grateful that he thought of me. especially llnce I'm not Welsh," the actor says. "I had to cultivate an accent quite quickly. I had a dialogue coach and the man who plays my brother is Welsh. I started with a strong accent and it moderated. I didn't want to lose it entire ly and 1 had a bit of a battle about it." Twitty pioneer in rock 'n' roll By JOE EDWARDS All Hflfld ~ Wrtfet NAS HVILLE. Tenn. -In 1978, one of Conway Twitty's records failed to reach the top of the country music charts after 33 straight No. 1 records during a decade. "Someone asked me what I was going to do," Twitty recalled. "I said, 'Start over.' " And Twitty, "the high priest of country music,'' has started over. His current htt, "Slow Hand,'' is his 43rd No. 1 record -tops in country music. The 48-year-old Twitty sh ows no signs of a career dip aa he approaches his 25th year as a rea>rding artist -the first seven as a rock'n'roll pioneer. "I haven't peaked yet,'' Twitty says. He has just opened a multimillio n dollar development, "Twitty City," housing his corporate o ffices, a museum and a small movie theater that shows a film about his illustrious career. He's taping a two-hour television special -h is first -for airing later this year. And he recently re-recorded 20 of h is old No. I records, using new musician5 and updated recording_ technology. They are to be released 800n. Twitty, the son o r a Mississippi riverboa t captain, rarely gives interviews. But he ~ntly pawied between busin~ meetin gs al his office to analyze the reasons for his success -reasons that could eventually boost him to the Country Music Hall of Fame. . "I've protected my image to help it live and arow.'' he aaid. "At my concerts, I don't tell jokes, talk a lot or do that kind of thing. I just sing my 10ngs for a 10lid hour and sing them the way they were recorded. U you sing them different than the way they were recorded, you cheat your fans. "But the main reason is my songs. We'U go . through 1,000 to l,500 eongs to find 10. It's the song that countw -not the singer." "I tee my friends who let politics restrict their 10Jl81; they will only work with .certain companies and this .narrows their list," h.e said. ''But not with Conway Twitty. I give 'em aU a fair shot and they know if they send me a song. l'U listen to it. "I want to keep on doing what I do and get better. I try to improve my singing every year and my records sales show that 1 get a little bigger every year. I don't want to make a movie or write a book. El1hty percent of my time Is d evoted to music, and it'll stay that way." · Part of the other 20 percent of h is time is devoted to baseball. He's ~jority own~ of the Nashville Sounds, a Claes AA farm team o he New York Yankees. He also is part owner minor league bueball teams in Greensboro, N.C .• Salem, Va .• Salt Lake City and Eugene. Ore. TWittf was offered a contract to play buebalJ for the P hiladelphia Phillies after he graduated from h l&h sch ool. He w as a .469-h ltttng centerfielder, but he decided muaic waa h1a1 true love. He h aa 1pon1ored youth leasue teams in (lee CONWAY TWITTY, Pase EC ) ;i _,.. ~.1w•0t ... 111 UUH rlu 1U1 .. 10 John l)11t1i1w is E11g land's best TV actor. Dutlint', who hvt•s in London with his wife and two-year-old son, was Jt>hn the Evangelist in the NBC miniseries "J C'SUS or Nazareth." He re<.-ently completed a starring role w. a terrorist in the movie '"Who Dart's Wms.'' ab out England's crack SAS troops 111· has sta rrL-<l in numcrt>us British production.'! and plays n m:wspap<.•rman in his own series, "The Out.~ider " Duttine has ha d nu l'Xpt.•ricnre with England's publi<.· s<.·hools. as pravatt• s<.·hools are called in Brll.<Jlll. Jn fa1·1. 111 pruf<:!>M'S not to be acadcmk at all. "The one pas:;1un I had m school was actmg." ht' .say11 "There wru. um• wachcr who thought I might make a go of 1t. l spt.·nt m y last years in school doing <.'VN Y play I coukl." His r1rst job Mwr' drama school was playing three chara<.'tcr s 1n .. Hamlet" for the C itizens Theatre Company In Glasgow, &'Otland. Duttmc was born and raiS<.'Cf in Yorkshire. and ll"s there he does "The· Outsider." "It's vf!ry provincial and I play a man who comes in Crom London and bt'(:omcs a newspaper editor ," h1• says. "South<.·rners are rcgardc'd w ith suspicion 111 Yorkshire.'" MOYIE RATINGS FOR PARENTS AND YOUNG PEOPLE AU a m AHO Ill 'ILMS AECllVf 0.f HM.~ 011 MOTION PICIOl'lt COOE ~SELF 11£0ULATIOfl "'The Chosen' ... One of the year's best!" -·11<1¥l'!'Ol'9 ~or<O.,,..XTV " I ..... ... ..... _,_ - .. Orange Co&1t DAILY PILOT/Sunday, October 10, 1982 c .. ~~GOllN 011 lllDGI BY CHARLES H GOREN ANO OMAR SHARIF ... Q.1-Hoth vulnerablt" 1111 Hout h you holtl: +K7 c::;>Q6432 OAQJ •t83 You nrt' the de11lt'r. Whal nc tlun du you tak1•'! Q .2 -North Houth vulnt•r11hh'. 0 11 South you hold: I •JllS ~KJ1092 0 75 •Jl4 Tho bidding hru1 prMm·d1·d: North E11t Houth I NT 2 + ? Wh11l action do you 1uk1"! Q.3-East· Wfst vulnerable. as South you hold: +KQJ9853 c::;>6 0 5 •Jl093 The bidding hus p·rocceded: We1t. North E1lt South 1 c::;> Pa11 I NT ? Whal ar llon do you takt•! Q ... -Neilh1•r vulnt>rahl<'. 1111 South you hold: +AQ107 ~A KJ984 O KQJ The biddil)g has proccedrd: South Weit North E111t 2 ? PaH 2 + P1111 ? What do you hid now"! Q.5-Hoth vulnt•ruhlc. U1> South you hold: + A982 '? K 765 + J 10752 North EHl South West I () 1 + Pu1 2 + Obie Pau ? What artion do you tak1•"! Q.6-As South, vuln<.·rabl\', you hold: + 1065 'V A1098 v J 7 + AQIOS Th1: bidding ha s pr1Wl'Cded: North E111t South We11t I 0 Pa11 l CV Pau 3 NT Pa11 ? What action do you take"! Look (Qr answers on Monday. Q. -W • a.ave a player la .ur , ... who repeatedly makH p1ythlt bWa. Are 1uth blclt le1al? If they are, c:an you either "'•IHl a delente aa•lHt th•• or a way of 1et· tlas that player out ol our 11me?-J . ltoH11hr1. Ft. L10dtrclale, t'la. ITlll1 que1Uoa haa been awarded our weekly prize.I A. -f'lnt of all, thtm• la nothing illeKal about a psychic bid-there Is nothing In.tho Laws tu prevent thl:'m. • Nut. I arn nut sure lh11t you •hould want to re movto 11omconl.' from your gamt." who psyches regularly. Jn all the ypurr t hat I have played bridge. I have yet to meet a psychic: bidder who Is a win ner. And Lo ronCusc you l•ven more. there is no real deren l' against a psychic bid! There are a number of nuisance bids that are dif flc ult to handle .. That's why they 11n·'u11t'd. The lypc that coml• most reirdily lo mind ii; a prt'empt. Sometimes an olJ posing preemptive hid will catch you with an 11wkward hand that you just cannot handle. and, a11 a result. it will succeed. Al leasL with a preemptive hid yoll' know somethinK about the bidders hand. You know that he has a hand or less than opening bid strength and leogth in lhe suit that he has bid. The trou hie with a psychic bid is that yuu don "t know that the bid i~ pfychic wl1en it i1 madP: you only Cind out later. Here is a golden rule to follow. and it will not only save you a lot or money but will make your lire easier. Pre1um1• that any bid made by your oppOflent i1 gl'nume ...... •oot.tu5llO(lt 1n au & cellAMlU ....... "'~"" ~·o tu• c.an•u1 ...... Cl'lc-c;...... .,. •••• ~ ....... ,. -tf••f\W-~ WU-'9UA l•'"C.-H,,,,, ------S1t ~)lt ceara•u lllwarf\CMllNCon"' ,,. ... , ceera•u l.,.-r .... c.-., Ht 411• CW-.,,, 06U ....... ...,,,. fdw)ffll llolo\-~:r,';fo ...... C-U •1,U ...... 11-.... °''" ... .,, 1110 .. It-JU '"'•' ~w.., u °''""'" H t H U jLRUDY ..• THE CRRKS' fAVORRE! HOW PU.YIMCI IMA ll TOM -Tl..-rCMI llAat OU.U UA Mo'tlff Ed'#llldS Saoole~I! Edwatds Huntington Clnt!na CineOonlt 990 4022 set SHO 848 0388 634 2553 COITA MIU Ec!waids Soutn Coast Ptva LNo ,,. .. _. ACCC'1to ,c)i '"" INOAOl .. NiJ !1467711 LUXURY THEATRES S llir1HiI•nni•lsai2SSJf~~r ) FOR FOOi EX<ITEmEOTI V111tOur... ·"tt ARCADE of GAMES• ~· · .. : . : ' NT•,_ O'TOOL& ~FAW>lnl VIAi r1· ,,,,. , ... ''" •.•• ID ''"~••H 1rnlt/ 11 11 prow d othrwi.111, atid a1·t acrordinglJI. Th" p1yehlc bidder mu1t n•vtial that hla bid wu a bluff 1•11rly 1n lh•• auction. or elae h.. will Jtit hla tide lnlo 11cr1ou11 troublti. For ln•tance. suppo11l• that Liit• bidd1nic hat KOile: North EHt I 'V PH• P111! South Weit I+ p.,. South'• one apade rc•11r1on111• wA•, forci nK for one round, yet North elticted to pir s. Ergo, North"• opening bid wa11 psychic! After oil, h" wu risking missing game or i;vtln alam by passing part· n1•r'11 rcapomw. I vivdly remember a hand I htdd not loo lung after J had started playing bridge. We wert-vulnerable; our op pont>nl1t wurc not. The dealer wal\ known fo r his psychic bidding. 1 pickt'd up: +QJI09u 'Y AQx OQu •x Sure enough. the dealer opened one 11pade! My first thought wns: '"Of course, he's psychintc again. I had better gel in there with a double and then bid i.padt>s to show him up. t'ortunatPly. I remembered the advice J gave you earlier in the col· umn, so I pMsed. To my i.urprise. my op· ponenl!1 endt'd in four spades, which 1 doubled for a hand some profit! My right·hand opponent had opened on a five card headed by the ace and my left·hand opponent had a ·doubleton king and eventually gave opener a spade preference. Since my partner had a ya rborough. had I entered the auction. it would have been the op ponents who reaped the dividends. rather than we. ~·· -";. a CoHI DAILY PILOl tSundoy, Ootob r 10. 1982 f.'mHW) T-.. ill.l '"'·" '""' 1.:1 o. I hit ~011g. .. • • • (~onway Twitty Frum 11age E3 N.1-.hvillt· and h1•l1Jl'd fin.Ille~ lm·al bas t>ball i:>l.idlllllLS ··nas!•h ill :s 11111• uf thl' ft•w lh1ng!. you n m gu lO lhal d1K'sn'l l°OSl you all at Ill ,ind LI l<•g," lt1• S<IW "Y11u l'an go to .:1 ganw for a 1ouplc of bUl·ks, and I 1 ·don't know of any olht•r spu1 l wht-rt· you 1·an g«'l in lh<it d1L•ap · ·It's ,1 gn·at s port and l'VL•rybody lov1•s ll It's pw t 111 our lwnl<lg<· lik1• apph• pu . th1• ring and mom Aud 1t w:as c((•vl'111pt'<I 111 lh1:. l'oUntry ont• uf tlw f1 •w things that was" M!«tll\\. hilt'. Tw1uv will hav1· to fmd mon· th.ut topJ)l'I"">, .,ud1 ,1s ~·tll'llO Oa1lt11," "L111d<1 on Mv Mmd" and "Tight f1 t t111' J1•<.ms" song:. with : s11t·11.tl ;1prw.al tn wom1·11 S(lffit> no1w-loo -;ubtl1• all\1 ... 11111s 111 .,,.,_ Jnd .1 hasw c·ounlrv mus11· 'ioUnd ' that m.ikt"s 1111 pn•1t•ns1· ot tTos. ... mg ,;vt•r lo tht· JXlp v B at w n i.11 l<1·1 · .. u •s a warm, 9enero .. s and appeaUn9 ••Im and I recommend •c co anTone." CHA•urs CMAMl"UN l A ltM(~ Exclusive Engagement NOW SHOWING l A CINEMA COSTA MESA • 7141540·0594 C>Qo.., fl"' •• )() ' 10 15 '"' So• s.... 12 '6 • 1 ~5 •• JO • 6 lO •• lO ' 10 20 Ptll This extmordlnaiy concert deurves a s~clal beginning, Start at SPM on either Oct. 25th or 26th with 11 fabulous dinner at Maxwd's by the Sea on the Huntlnifto n Beach Pier You wt.U then be chauffe~d to Uniwrsal Studios Amphitheater In a deluxe custom coach. with a beautiful hostess suvtnir you complimentary ::odualls. al\er which your re.xrved orchestra seats wlO put you In the best posslb~ position to el'\)oy this great entertainer ... Space is limited. Call Today! Pacific COast · · ·-BOx Office At Mdxwetrs on the Huntington Beach Pier 714/536·8826 ?14/540-3669 I ... "'".,....,.Irv• .. HJIS 9AM• / rM ,-- rR I """•ten• • 1 f~tHtt..,.,~._, .. J ..... ,, ..... , .......... ed••rdt 81lUlTOLCINUtA !1 l1)atol •• MMArth~r l ••n•• .. ,.. -.1- I IJOOllU11 U lDIGI llUllAll VAlllf 139 I~ •BARGAIN MATINEES • Monday thru Saturday All Perlorm1nce1 belore 5 00 PM (http! Spec111 EnD'terntnta 1nd Hol1d1yJI U' MlllAOA MALI LA MIRADA WALIC·IH lo flwt1tocJo at to••cto,,, 994·2400 .. Jll( 'I'll I HVDf . , TOOITHlll AllAIN" !At ........ ~-,., --- "AH OH IC Ill AHO A CM!NTUIUN" t•l ................ "AMfTVVUI "' THE ~llHllON" "'l ............... "LOOK IN' TO OET OUTI" 101 ,_,,. ....... -"CU.II CW , .. ,. (A) I •ua. .... '1!1CAl't fllOlll N&W VOflf:" t•o ........... LAKEWOOD CENTER WAL IC ·IH LAKEWOOD CENTER SOUTH WAI• '" I 'THI 1.AIT A#UllCAN VlllOIW' "'1 t ....... ~ "THI HIT UTTU I WHOM:HOUH IN TUAI" 1•1 .......... fot"'"' o• Cond'••ooo 213/531-9510 "THE CHOSEN" '"' ...... , ...... "LOOKJN' TO OET OUTI" 1•1 1-. ................ PAClflC IH(AIRU DlllYI IN SWA' MU IS IUIUU tit.ti IV«l '"ea •11f lat Al AllAH(IM ORIY(·IN HARIOR I LVO UIY(.JN I OR Q( OAIV( IN I a• fl J Ht l_.t"4'0A' 6 l"4ftU HlU PUii .. l~t.UI A1 4a.Mf • U _.,,..,o ..., ... ,•--• .. IMPOllTAllT llOTICl1 CNILOll(lt UllDlll 12 fllU! -... •-lllo lln I~ 1• W/1oll ... 6 .. N Clllf~ -·-Ml CM-• -ll'IM(JI ,, .... ""' _____ _ -•-.t 1•au Olll"' _ .... ,,. _ ... .._•.,.I ll ANAHEIM DRIVE IN h• .. ovtto1l~M tn•tHO ~18"(11) -..,._,or1111 (IOf ll- I\ '.... ... ii.' "T .. ltOA T"' f"I --ATM __.llll CH•lf ft SOUffO "E.T., .... BUENA PARK u111v1 •N UN:Off' Ave W•tt OI l "O" THI IXT"A·TE""ESTRIAL" ...... Hl-4070 . , , ..,. ........... LINCOLN DRIVE IN l~OM Aw• We•l .. 11\0" 121-4070 f • JUh'A "' "OflAOONllA Vlfl" '""' "ClAll Of' 1"4" t•l ....... FOUNTAIN VALLEY ORI Vl ·IN to•0..90I~ ••--••tsol 1ICANFllO_,NIWYC)flK"1 .. t f62-2411 c .... " - iNt',!~1,.4',llll Hl·WAV 39 011'\ll IN • AMITYVll..1.1 "' THI l'Ol~llOtf• 11'1 "OIATH WllH I""'' Cl .... _ "llOCllY •"CHl ..... "'A IT Tilllll AT lllOOHIO#T HIGH" 1•1 l:lllf f<- .. ",.." LA HABRA 0111~! IN ---.-..-........... 17MM2 .. ... ·' O llANGE [il!IVf IN "A..rfVILLI It: THa '°IMllK>N" .. , 11\.UI "DIATH WtlH It" "" M ISSION {)Iii·' IN -' . - WARNJ~ • 1. •• " ____ ....._ .... .. O< ..... So • ....... °' ... '"-· 191·3693 ~°"'"'"' "lllCHMO l'fl\'Ofl LIVI OH THI au.INT IT-" 1111 Clllf II- '"lOCHUN' TO o.T OUTr fill ...... .... .... ,Nllll" ••• •NII HTA lb. oeuu.a· COii ... ..,""°. Deliver the ~Plllt Boys and girls 10 or older -· Call ~2-4321 and apply today. Daly .. "The 11w11ie le11pJ to .Wiii<' \l ffllll.ft. IJ:.J1 0111/te force of Ill/\ 1111u ,, I cku.ric11/~r Amuicuu /'' rfmm /.•A An•, \/II •: ,I ' NOW PLA>I (, COSTA MESA ORANGE 0111 Hi.I ld#illO K br 1,. 631 3501 •\A MISSION VIEJO [dwa•d V•fl< T,. ~ l(J I If • T Airporter I THE GR 18700 MacArthur Blvd., ltvln , :.J. ... -. .. "' THIS HOLIDAY GR J DISCOVERY ERVES ANOTHER! ttio movie that llfta you whe you belong. WllTMllllUll I d"<11d• Cll*!ll WKI 1191 JVW BRIS TOL CI NEMA ....... ,. • H. 540·7444 w,i' d~ WESTBROOK ~:.· 530·4401 o el 1981 U6 F ish 8 2 .99 r•t 1111• trip! Four 1 I'\ fish fillet. puppies' SHOW 833-2770 . , . .. ·. 2 Kenny Loggins won over the <'rowJ a l lrvinP M•·adm\ ... Amphitheater whe re some funs wt•nt beyond nwn·h appf him. SS p II 11ly l'llul I hol<> by Ch11rlH Sterr ,, • 6. .-I ,-.... Or ng IO, HJU2 LOggins a . spellbinder By ou:NN 01T Of 1"41 011llJ "'°' llllff S1.11g1· handtt muldn't kC<'p the wu1Tu·n ol f Kt~n n y Loggins Frtduy lll((hl during h111 crowd - plt>usang pt:rformunl't' for u full h o u 11 c a t I r v I n c M •· u do w a umphtth{·o•N B y t h l' t I ml' th o 11 I t' n t.lt: r , animntt><l Lo~Ktnll lx·gun hlH finnl lion g, oppropriute l y titled "Celebrate M~ l lomc," his suitors wt•n• nwklng 11 single -file chargo at him on Hta{H' like m ice' ch11<:uver1ng a ll('W tr oll to a kiu·hl-'n F~.ad1 ttmt.· tht• stage hands IL><l away uut: young wuman, unotht•r wa.-. ho1stc'Ci onto the su.ge from tht.• l'rowd b<:low. Some of them succC'ssfully stoic the bull, n blJs:.Jul kiss from Kenny. Others w er e trapped short. One. her arms extended, was pulled away 1n fro nt o f o m1croµhone which turned he r private confessio n painfully public. "Rut I'm in love• w1~h you," she· 1ns1sl1·J us I 1,999 ot ht•r'! d1Ulkh•d • She cvu.lc·ntly wa..,n't tlw only 11111· t'apttvatC'd by Loggi ns' t·:-.t·11,il1lt> s t y l<.• or what has ht'l'Cllnl' i.tnt'l' his dc'<.·1st011 lo go :-.olo m 1 Y7fi a rather p1·l•d1<:t.ablt• but pk,asanl mus1cul product. Logg111'>. with tht• ht•lp of dry cvL•n111g winds thul ndch•d u m1d .. 1,1m11wr'1 nl~ht 111y ... 11us111 111 th hll11idl• !Wlltng, 1.1'11 II ... wt I I 1pcll on th<> spt't'Ultm '· 1111"'1ly 111 their 20s and :lOi-. lie had thc•m ma tlw11 11 l·I no c•osy c h ort· at a plat't· a:; <.'Omfort.able as tht• mc·udow1o and singing alu11g w 11 h ;1 r1 •w of h is tomlllur lu1ws, notubly hi'' finalt• and old sllindhyi-. "lloust• at Pt>oh Corn<'r " ontJ "Dunny''I Sonj(." No d oubt L11gg111s is a sl'x symbol, espc<.iully in a M•t1111g like m iddle -of tlw 1 oud 01·anH• County, whtl r c mul.h of 1h1 youthful populall1111 wants styli but not shock. Curiously, Lugg111:. achieve~ th1~ scxulll starclwn w1tli a pa rucularTy mm 111ud1CJ Jpp<·ul ll1s great abtlny to rf'ut:h an audience, h owc ver "t't'm " ;,it times lo w~k <1ga111"t 111 ... n111 incon scqucn t1.tl Lulr·nh as " singer and pop .,ongwnll'I A formula em1·1 W'" in rnud1 ol h1'l latpr works, ;,lbt•1t on1• thu1 . s h OWl':JM s his (•Xll U•~I t..1111.11' lt' nor vo1 u · S 1m p11· Iv rtl'". blending bat 'kground vo1.i1... ,, C.'l'L'8llng fimsh This n •li.111c1· un ..i sucu·ssful tommcn:ial sound ha'> dl'r11t•cl ltste nt:rs lht.· rangl of hp .. <"f1·:.it1v1 t:Jlen ui so much rnon· 1·v1df'Yll 111 such fornwr StJngi. I 111111 Loggin, and Mess111<1 d:iys as "(;11lcl1 11 1(111111111... l.1111t• ·1.111 ,. ,, !'1 11• 111 M111d ' 111.t 1111 1 .111 Iv l11.,11 d 'Y1111 (', ul•I li1t.1I. Mv II• .111 ' '" li11 Ii 111 I"''''"' 111t d "11d,1\ E'IU••lt· d11 1<111I ,,, 11 .... , 111 lrlotl kt (111g Ill Iii ... I ti It dflf lt1I• "' •ill1u111 i.1111 1 111 \\1 111 ,,,,,, 11 1•111, "l11gh Adv11111111 1111 o1ll111111 • Lilli• WllS t1 .iri-.p111d 11111" 1111 1 lll l.tirt lw l1111d I ii• l1,111d ,111 LI pluy1·d u f Pw 11111"•111-. 1111 111111111: '1>011'1 h~ht fl II Wh l1k1 "'Iv ltlrtlllll'llloll Vllll I tlllld11 I 11111 Tl11, 1.11111 n1.i 11 .1 t>< 111 ·' If• I 11111 I 'I I j\O••f -. I 011 I t I t • ~ 1 if, t rl \ d1·1tlllll"ill .1l1•s \.'. 111 11 I •"l'I'"' l'lll('h.1:-1 ....... ,11 1 11111~ 1\11d 11 11111 1owa1 d 111 .1t1v1t\ Ul 111\11 .... • 1111 , 1111 I \ l'I II I 1• 11 I Lugl{111 , 111 s11 1v111i: f,,, 1111 ,1fft't'IH11t., 11111\ ul l111•ht11 • Y Al'U "1l11lt1y 1h\.1\ ... li.1 1 .. ' II ... 111 h1 h :1tl111.11 k I I• .,, II I 1111 • I ... h111 I I hou1•h 1i, I I l.1~h1t111.ol .l1 '"' 11 I. tcollld t>'• 11111 ~t 1'111) lk~111111111g I· 11d I ... 1111gv..11l1I 'I'(• Ill "I It I fl •• II I :-. I• • ., • ' 11p1·111n g .11·1 IJ' 1 1111 "" 1' 'I "' l 11•\'t r 11b-.1 I \',1111 •II k• ('I 1 • IJH'llllllllj4 I 11>\\ d .1111\I • ,j Al Olli 1>••1111 Ii II I'"' lot'" hov.., "1•11 ,11 \'l.t·lf Jll• l!\ I 111.J II \<\.';l'i lo \'"II 11 \Ill( \r. 11 , , pn•ll \ ~·11ud 11 1 II •1''' .. 1 I 1,, . .r I 11111 When the flam e • m p ed, everyone respond D•lly Pllol Photo by Rlch•rd Koehler Valerie Needham leads her horse out of the Villa Parl 411·•·et. Below, members of the Covina Fire De partment ..,aH·<l hnm t.' ... o n the south side of Newport Boulevard just (•asl of (.hap11 1:111 h•·mw when the fire jumped the road. .. Off-duty herifr deputies and volunteers were directing traffi(· a l ~ewport Boulevard and antiago Canyon Road when the' firt' burst over the top of the hill .and they had to run for it. . D•llY Piiot Photo by Rlch111d Kt<f'hl•r Firemen cools down a car saved from garage in Crest de Villt• while Brondmoor Park homeowners hose roof as fire <'Orne ~ ithin 15 0 feet. .-. .. • Orange Co11t bAILY PILOT/8und1y, Octobef 10, 1H2 Mt.IC NOtlCl ---="·~"°'-~' r11e lottd Of OlrMtOfl Of It~ "9!ICft Waler OlelrlO~. •• • 11G01111 meeting llelO In the 1.NlllOt Oftloe, tNOI lwdMn A~, ltW\e, CA, o" hpt 17. ttl!.1. tclOPt•d "9tolllllon No , .. ,_, ~Ing Ille ~ ... end ~lalloM OI lllt Dlt1r101 for Water, 8ewer 1nd "•c lalm •d Waler lervlc• Am•ndm1n11 approved by thl• llCllOfl ...,, to S.Cllon 12 2, 12 8( II Incl 11 8(1) .. 11\0fl Plfllc\llarty ... lotth btlow. AUL.HAND Af0ULATION8 FOR WAftA, llWEA, AND RICI.AIMED WATElll eEAVICI! NCnoN ti IUYtCICtwMMI U . I EST A8L18HME NT OF RATH lllllat lo ba ch•rgad and eollec:lacl and 1arma. prOYleion•. and con dll lon• 10 be all1ct1111 ra1pac:11no w ch r•tH tor water, ..-. Wld racl.itned wet., le<Vlca eupplled by tho Olalrlc t 10 CUllO!Mtl within the Olttrk:I tl\all be 11 lb.ad W\d .. tabNahacl by the loard lrom limo to time a n d "°''':8nr=1' ~·· the I01io'"'9 Pllf IOM er• OOint bullflMI ae, 11\1 CLl ~N I NCl MAIN• TENANOf lllWIC I , 101 Vano uerd. (h rdan Oro11•, Ca U64l VIVIAN ANN WHEAT, 1411 'l1110uard.1. GarcMtl OtOYO, CL1"41 llAR1tAl'A LH A.All, UH Tlldtn. Orange. Ce Thlt ~ II OOftdllcttd by a o•n.,., Plftnerahlp \/Man Ann WllMI Thtl 1111emen1 waa tJlatl llrilh lhe C«m•~ OIOll\ or Orlfliie ooun1y on Sept 23, 19U '1•M? Pub11•111d Ortnge Co111 Dally P1101. Sept 26. Oct 3, to. 11. tNa 428t·l2 Ml.IC NOTICE OEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY/INTERNAL REVENUf HAVICE NOTICE OF PUBLIC AUCTION SALE publl1hed In Eahlblt B lo lhH• Und., tht authority In Internal Rulo and Rtgulttlont, which Revenue Code Mellon 6331, the charget lhall have no aHect on any propeny ciaecrlbed balOw hit ~ • • I a I I n g o r 1 u b • o q u • n t Mlzad tor nonpayment of lnlofnel ralmburHmenl 1grMmen11 Thll '°"-1u .. due lrpm VINTAGE ptovt.lon la In eddltlon lo and nol OAK FURNITURE INC . 23112 Via by way ol derogation of W\y oln.r Febrlc1n11. Min ion Vl1Jo, CA remeOlet or Pfoc;edur" avalllble 112660 1 10 lhe OlllrlCI pur1<11nt to 1117 law The properly wlll ba aold 11 public 1 or r~ulallon or by ·any o the auction u plovlded by Internal Pf'Ov • ol lheM Ru ... and Reo· Revenue Code 1ecllon 6338 and "'-1 a. rtlltad regulatlona. 12.2 CHANGE OF S ERVICE Dell of Sala October 21. 1982 CHARGE Time ol Sale t t.00 e.m. 1 The ~d rOMNll the right to •Plac a o f s aie. 23812 v ia c hange the achadule ol water, Fabrloa nle. Min ion Vl•Jo, CA -·and rtclalmed Wiit¥ le<Vlc• 926611 charge• and other char0'9 II any Tiiie Ottered Only the right, title. time, or from time to time and In tar .. : o r v1 n11oe Oak 12.3 SERVICE CHARGE Bil.LING Furnllura Inc. In and to the property Wttar. H-r. •nil reolalmed wlll be oHe<ad for aale. II raquaated, wet1r 1ervlce charge• Wiii b• th• Internal Re111nue Service wlll rendered H part or the Olatrlct lurnllh lnlormallon at>oul poulble Wtte< SarvlCe 81~ 11 Interval• ol one tneumbranc... which may ba uMM month or mulllplH theraol The In determining tha v11ue of tha Olalrlcl re1ervo tho rlghl to lnttrHt being M>kl. 11llmata blll•. baHd on prior. Bu alnen Aueu Localed al con1<1mp1lon 23812 Vie F1brlc1nta, Minion 1~.4 METERING VlaJo, CA. For th• purpoH of computing Deacrlptlon ol Property: fchergo, each meter upon th e Model &00 Oovauilllng Machine - o u1tomar'1 premlHI wl~I b• Mlle• -Motor •848538 con11dered uparetely, and Model 801 Oovtlllllng Machine - raiding• ol two or mora mater• will Mile•_ MQlor •748-248 not be combined u aqul•alent to Whirlwind <rutollMw -Stmple c -meaturam1n1 through ona meter 838422R ••cec>t .. follows· w o n hlng ton t O hp Ro II ry ( 1) In lhOM lnatlllCft In whlCh, by ComprlllOr FWG042403 ra11on o l epecl•I op1r1llng PHrleu 5 hp -P30llllBP -condlllon1. the Olatrk:t tubllllutes electrlcal motor 1\#0 or more ma1er1 ol • amellar llZ.I 8a 10 Blnka Sl)(ay 8ooth with Stack for • alngla targar meter on the & 89- aame l«vtcl c:onnactlon. In which Fifep<oof Cal>k\at 8x4 IMR 4111 -•1hettzaof-....1c:tc:onntctlon Met•• Ele ct rlc tnc 3 PhaH lhall be aub111tutad tor the ell• ol Tranaformet #464364 lhe maier In Iha appllcatlon of the Otdo Machin• Motor number rate achedule; and 50001457 (21 When • written application Boice Crtn• 01clllallng Sander therefor hu bNf1 granted purauant 17514 lo appllcable Rullt and AaguletlOnl hit & Howell Ouplieatlng Machine of the Olalr~. In which evant bllllng Hotg1 Oelu•• 4 dr1wer llllng for MrVlce ahlll be determined by cablMI, 3 oHlce dMka, one chair totlllng ••c:h of the f1ctor1 24 teblet, doll)'I and Ital bad roller• pettlnent to computing a blll lor Ill on caller•) Mrvlce through each meter, and 8 lt•ad metal or wooden ttl>IM Heh IUCh total lhall be that wtllch Cralteman Oriti Pr ... 111265 19 appllcable to the aame llC1or for Panoeonle 8 trllcil pleyerltuner a combined bffl. Ml1cellenaou1 hlng11/c1blnel 12.5 TIME AND MANNER OF hardware (lncludlnQ br-lttmt) PAYMENT Mlaoellanaoua ~of glaee ( t) All 1>1119 and Chal'QN lor wit.,, Mlt calleneout work In proca11 -· and rtdM'ned wtltr ltrvlce 1tam1 (a g. Or•-front•> hereunoer lllalt bl due and payable Mltcellaneout OIOCltlcal p1r11 and upon pre1antallon and 1hall motor• t>eOome delinquent ,_..ty·llva (251 Mtac.lllneout jlgl and nxtur• d1y1 therHlter Such blll• end M~ 111aorV-pNo9 Chargee lhell be dMlnad lo have 24" Sanding Miii.,, 761-1607 bean pr-lad upon having bean FM.A Shll* FV 90, 1177..ot-125 Oepoaltad In the United Statat melt, Crittenden TranatOfmet N.t440 pottage paid; and addrHlacl to the 50 gallon air tank H0131 appllcant, owner. or cu1to mer Wooden 12· ladder rallected In th• record• ol the Acroe><lnt nme CIOCk 011trlci <:.ntronlll Bu<gler Alarm (2) tt payment I• not meda within 6 metel rack• twen~·fl ve (25) day.• altar Oahla flolllnQ Paper Cutter Pf"9fltatl0n, a lat• Charge wlll be Seara Radiaf Rout., IOYltd on any unpaid balenCe and GE Refrigerator Pl&IC NOTICE PlllllC NOTICE 'ICTtTIOUI IMJl#CCll FICTITtOUI IUllNHI NAM1 ITATIMINY NAME ITATIMINT Th• following peuon la doing The following paraon la ao1ng bullnaae 11 business as INTERIOR DI MENSIONA i. JIFFY PRINl 17330 N-llOl)e DESIGN, 15500 Tuttln VIiiage Wey, St , Fountain Valley, Ce 92708 Tu•lln Ca. 92680. Oob•a Ann Roche, t6562 Ml SUSAN ELIZABETH THURBER, Shelly. Fountain Valley, Ca 92708 15500 Tustin VIiiage Way • Tuatln Thll bu11ne11 11 coneluctld by an Ca 112880. lnel1Ylduel Thlt bull,_. 19 conducteo by tn Otbra Ann Roche lndlvldull. Thll 1111emen1 w11 tiled with the Suaan Thurber County Clork of Orange County on Thl1 atalament wu ltlad wltll lhe S.pttmbtr 29. 1982 County Clerk of Orange County on s.ptember 3, 11182. Pubhahtd Orange Cont Daily '1tea7 Piiot Oct 3. 10. 17 2-t. 1982 Publlahed Or1nge CoHI O•lly <13411·112 PllOI, Sept. 26. Del 3, 10, 17, 1g112 4270-6:> l'tBJC NOTICE PtBLIC NOTICE Fk~TITIOUI IMJllNlll NAMe ITATIMINT flCTJTIOUI _,..... Tha following peflOOI "e CIO<ng NAiii ITATIMINT buatneH as· The following por1on It d oing. (11 THE PRISTINE CUSTOM bualnaN.. COACH WERl<S (2) PRISTINE FREOI 00 REPAIRS, t 747 CUSTOM COACH WEAKS. 225 FIM Anaheim Ave , Colla Men. Ca Str .. t, Huntington Beech. Calllorma 112627 . 92648 Farhad Nazertanranl. 15522 •5 Rlchtrd S Thorpe. 1839 t woodruff Ave . B•llllowar. Ca . Oxbor o , Hunllngton Beach. 98708 Callforn11 02c,..1e Thie butlneu la oonouctad by an Craig Whitney ThOm;;ton. t 12 lndMdual. 2111 Strtll. Apt B. Hunllnglon Farnad Nuert.,,rant Beach, Cal1fornl• 02648 Thi• 1t1te<nant w• fllad with lhe Thia bulinatl 11 conducted by • County Clertt of Ofange County on general partnerahlp s.p1ember 18. 10112. Rldlard S Thorpe '11'1M4 Thi• ataltmtnl wu loled with lhil Publlthed Or1nge Coatt Dally Cour>ty C1ar11 ot Ortngti County on Piiot Sept. 18. 26, O&t. 3, '10, 11182 September 16, 11182 Ml.IC NOTICE "141·82 lllllA* C. WRIGHT Attorner et uw loultl-• .... tulldlftg • CMtlwieJ,. the _,., fl/Odlor r~ watar 2 hand dollye (large) H rvlc• mty bt dlaconllnuad LPM PM!tt Jllcil L.23027 without furl,,., notlee and water 1110 Fire ExtlnguleNr ACTI'TIOUI .,._,, and/or rtclalmad Weter aerticalhell T_,. Shooter N~ ITATl•NT ~ ileactl, CA. 92151 h ... I :r,: -nol 1gal11 ba 1uppll1d until •II Wooden CablMI Tht lollowlng peuon la doing dallnquent bllla. plua • pen11ty, MllOl'lllaneou• PVC Tubing bullntM u . wNc:ll le •tlbllahad lrom Ume to Property me y bt ln1pectad 11. MA RILY N REG IS • M R time by the Board and publl9hed In 23812 Via F•b•lcanta, Min ion ENTERPRISE. 1720 Adame. Sut1e Eahlblt B to lhtH Rulo end VleJo. CA Ociober 21. 1082 trom 250, Cotta M .... Ce. 02626. Regulltlon1. have boon PllCI; 0:00 11:00 A.M. MARILYN REGIS KILEY. 164 Pf'Ovldad, "-·that tt the turn-P1yme11t: FuH payment raqulrad Falrhavan Lana. Cottt M .... 026M on It requatlad to bl made outl4da on accepi.noa of ~t bid TNa busl1'141111 11 conCIUC1e<1 by an regular working hourt, I lerger PROPERTY Will BE OFFERED Individual penalty at publlshad In EJ.lllblt B IN THE AGOAEGATIE AHD BY ITEM Marllyn Aegil l(iley •hall be paid before aarvlca It A N o s o l o I N E I T H E R na 1111.,,,.,..1 w• tl6ad with the r .. torl.6. Payment ..... be made In AGGREGATE~ BY ITEM. . County Clerk of Orange COunty on PetlOfl or by mall 11 ofllcel of the FOfm of Peymant: All peymentt Sept 23 1062 011trlct or. II the option of the mutt be by c:aan. cartlllad "'**· ' · · · FttlM.2 Oltlrtct. to It• euthorlzad COlleetor-. euhler''• or•~•·• dl9dl or by Publlthed Or1nga Coaat Dally 131 Oltcontlnuanca Of ...W:. by a United StalH poatal, bank. Piiot, Sept. 26, Oc:1 3, tO. 17, 1882 r-of a 00ilnquen1 bll lhlll not expr-or 1a1egr""' money order. 4232-82 eutomatlcally oooatltuta rOllOCtllOn Make e htck or money order o t penn11. However, •uch payable to the lntamat "'-"'-..--1,,. lllftTll'r dallnquency may be c:onalderad .. Service. ...~ ""'~ IUfflc:lent r-1 lor a rawc:atlon ot Oate• October 5. IN2 .,... .. permit In '"ordanc• with th• r UiCJUh, ~ATWlmNT provl1lon1 ot thtH Rulo and ReYenue Ofllc:er The followltlg ~ ara d<>lng Raouiallon~ 24000 Avtle Road. butlnaaa "' tllac:tlve Otte: September 27, Laguna Nlguel. CA 02t77 CLIFFWOOO, LTO.l.;io:;;27265 1. .. 10f2 (714) 131-4020 ..... 200 •• VleJo BeCty J, WhM6af ...._. fl/I ,._ Raml>IN • ....,ta · ,.. · 8ecrtlary Cellfoml• 026111 , taxpayer (nemad on the front of VIie Ramblat. Suitt 200. Miaelon Vltte>. . ,,., .. Publltheel Orange Co19' Delly PtlOI, Sept 10, 26, Oct 3. 10 11182 P\8..IC NOTICE 'ICTfTIOUa .ua•ll NAMR aTATE•NT The lollowing peraona 111 doong t>uw-u: SUITE ARRANGEMENTS. 47 Saa ltland Dr • Newpor1 8aach Ca 02660. ISAMANTHA LIS A BRANSFORD 47 SH l1t1nd Or Newport 8eaetl 02680 ELAINE CEAEFIN. 4 7th St , Newport 8aec:fl Ca 02660 Thi• but!MM la conduc:tao Dy • DIM'li partnarthlp. Samantha Bfanlford Thia lllletnenl wa• flied with the Cowlty CIOl1t of Orange County on Sept 23. 1082 ,.., .. Publl1hed Orange CoH I Dall~ PllOI. Sept 26. Oc:1 3, 10, 17, 11162 422042 Publlthtd Oreni' Co11t O•ll" The right. tltlO. and lnleraat of Iha Richard A. Stenlon. 27265 U. Piiot October 10. t 62 form) In and 10 tho property 11 Celllornla 112t8 I • 4322•32 oftarad for .... wt1J«:I to any prior Jeme• e. Barton. 6400 Utlea PUBllC NOTICE -------------1 vatld 011l•f•ndl11g morlgegt•. Avenue. Rancho Cucemonga, 'ICTI'TIOUI .,... •• 111cumbr111c.1. Or 0111« //«le /fl Cellfomle 111730 NA• ITATl•NT iety , • ....,, ot third l>MI• llQMn•I '"' Thie bu8lnMa 11 condueted by a Thi fOllowinQ pertons 111 doing CMMATIOH llUflW. "'SEA ltltpty# ,,,., .,. ~ lo ,,,. gaMrel portnaralllp. ~ aa: 646 7431 ll•tt ol lh• Vn/fed 81•11•. All Aidlard A. 8tenton A N D E R S O N ' -propar1y It Ott.fad tor .... "wtlare Thie .iatament w• lllad with lhe COMMUNICATIONS CO .. 4000 011r lltereture tella the It " and "o It" and without lounty Cletll of Orange County on Waaterly PL. Suite tOO, N1wport com plete story o l o u r rac:ourM aplntl the Unltacl 8t9'aa. Sec>tamber 18, 1082. 8Mc:tl. CA. 12te0 eodet • ='anty or WWTOflty, •llP'-or Ill ft 0 D I • • K I N D A L L ' GARY PATRIC I< ANDERSON. c.!·,., -_.... la ~ • to thelty ~ K:Ue•unON 20602 Rael Lene. Huntington M ...._ of Iha lltle, .......,,,, quant • .._.t. A "at11111• Lew Cerpotetteft Beach, CA. 1126"6 •IH . or co11dltlon ot any ot th• ..... Arttlw ........ LONNIE JULIA ANDERSON. --------------4 j)(operty, or lit nt,_ for any i-. or ..,... • 20602 Real Lane. Huntin gton Ml.IC NOTICE "CTITIOUI aUllNHI NAMI ITATIMINT The tOllowlng peraona are doing buJ!ntH 11 CAMPUS ADVERTISING, 3822 arnpu1. Suite 202. N-por• Beach. Ca11torn11 112660 Ltndmatk lnterelt a Inc , a Celllorn1a corpor111on. 382:.> Carnpua, Suite 211 Newport Beach, Calllornt1 92660 Thl1 1>ua1ness 11 conesuc:ted by a corporallon Ulnelmark lnterelts Inc Or Oennl1 R Fran Prealelenl lh11 llatoment wat hied w1fh the County Cltfk ot Ortngt County on Sef>tember f6. 198:.> Ftl7140 Publlahed Orange Coall Dally Pilot Sept Ill. 28. Oct 3 10, 1g82 4066-112 Ml.IC NOTICE ,ICTITIOUI IMJalNlll NAME I TAn.MENT The lollowlng pereon 11 <101ng DutmeN II TRENDS. 2022 t Crown RHI lane Huntington Beach Ce 028<16 BONNIE 8 ARKt.tY :lOn 1 Crown Reel lane Hunllngton BeKh CA 02648 Thll bu .. neta II Con<IUCled by In lndMClual. Bonnie Barkley Th11 atatemtnl Wat tlled with Int County Clerk· of Orange County on Sec>• 30. 111112 '1...U Pubhtheel Orange Coaa• b elly PllOI, Oct 3 10, 17. 24, 1982 4318-82 PUBllC NOTICE FICTITIOUI eut .. H NAIK ITATl•NT The foUowlftf IMf'IOft 11 doln9 bueMeee -McCA"TNEY NCllllT AllllAL lllllVICH. Jt1'1 COMt ........... lllffa 401, toulft LtfllM, Ce. t:ll77 l1111n l'atrlcle McCartna,, 3tM1 T•lllt lllocll Dr., •21 t, So l.eguna Ca 02677 fhft bullnffa i. con<luc:teel by an 1n<11Y1<1ull Suaan McCartney Tl11t tltlemenl Wll tiled Wllh the County Clerk of Orange County on September 16, 1062 '1nt4S Publit lleel Or•no• COH I Dally Pilot Sept IO, 26, Oct 3, 10, 1082 .t087·82 PUBllC NOTICE P:ICmtOUI llU ... 11 NAMI tTAtt•NT The lollowlng peraon 11 doing bu•lnatl aa. JERRY HOPl<INS LAWN SERVICE. 655 Viall Bonett Newport Beech Ca 02620 JERRY LEE HOPKINS. 655 Viall Bonita Newport Baech Ca. 1126?0 Thie ou•lnel• lj conducted by an Individual JERRY HOPKINS Thia lleltmerll waa liled with Iha County Ctan< or Orenge County on Sept 30. 1982 ,,...., Pubhth•d Orano• Coa ll Dally PllOI, Oct 3. 10, 17, 2• 1082 4311-112 P\8..IC NOTICE purpoea. No c l e lm w lll b• ,,0 .... ..., e .. ch, (;A. 026"6 con1ldered for allowanc e or ....._. ..-. CA ..eo Thia bullneH 1e con<luc:teel by an P:ICTl'TIOUa _,._,, adjutl!menl or tor rwc:llelon Of .,. '1t'Na lndivldual ..... ITAtt•NT ,ACIPtC YllW .-.OllA&. , ... CerretefY Mortuary Chapel-Cremato ry 3500 Pac1l1c View Drive Newport Beacn ~-2700 NcCOl.Mlal MOITUAllH LaQuna Beacn 494-9415 laquna Hills 768.()933 San Juen Capistrano 496·1776 "AllOll LAWM-MT. CM.IYI Monuerv • Cemeterv Cre,,.tory 1625 Gisler Ave Costa Mesa 540-5554 I.. .... betacl on tellura of Ille property Publlt h•CI Orano• Coalt Delly Gary P Anderson Th• lollowlng par1on 11 doing to conform with llflY upreeaad or PllOt. Sept. 111, 126. Oct. 3, 10, 1H2 Thia 1tet1mant wu llled with thil bullnatt 11 lmplled ,..~atlon. · 4142-U County Clerk ol Ofanga County on M I C H A e l ' S C U S T O M llld11a,t1111....... "8.IC NOTICE September 24, 11162 SCREENS. 711 W 17th St .. Sult• Tha right• of 1adempt1on. " • '"'2t7 G·tO, eo.11 M .... c a 92627 tpedftad In lntamal ""--~ l'ICTTTIOU9 ~U Publlahad Orange Cont Dally Mlchaal O Hug,_, 731 Victoria MC11on 6337. "'quoted II"""""'· NAMI ITAffmN'T Piiot, Oct 3. tO, t7. 24, 11182 St , Cotta M .... Ce 02827 The lollowlng pertont era doing .t350·112 Thlt butlnat 11 cond\lc1ad by an tac. •H7. "•d•'"'"'" •f bu*-.. ~ ----lndl\lldual. ""'*"· CALIFORNIA PATIO DOOR. PtBLIC NOTICE Mlcheal HugMI • C•) ....,. ..... -Alf</ ~ 1823 Alabama Ave, Huntington Thia 1111_..1 w .. fllacl wt1h lhe WhOM pr099f!Y hat been leYled .............. ,.. • .,.......,. '~!!!!,OU'.T.eAJTl .... _NTll r--1y C._... ol n.. ........ Coun"' on upon th.it h...,. the rlQllf •o pay the THOMASAUEN oEOUELLE. -.-. ,. s;l~t>e7't8, 1eai"..,.. '' amount duo, tooatlier with the 11192 Snowt>lrd, Huntington 8uch The lotlowlng petlOfll ire doing '"1MI t•Plfl-of IN proceeding, " eny, Ca 026"6 bualnHI H ' Publilhtd Orange CCIII 01lty 10 Iha S«ntary llt any''"" ptlOf to . RUTH B. OEOUELlE, 61112 SALM.AC INC . 2280 aan11 Ana Pilot Sec>• 10, 24. Oct. 3, 10. tN2 the Nie lhef.OI, and upOfl tuch Snowbird Hunlln"tOn 8"ch Ca A ... COiia MOH. 4091·82 payment the lectelltY ahall ,__ ' • . ·CA 92627 tuCh property to'*"· and al fllrther 9~· butlnftl 11 conduc:f.O by a LOUIS E. SALVATI 2260 Santi PUBllC NOTICE proceedln09 In connectlOn wlttl the ..,_., partnarahlp, An a A 111 . C o 1 II M • u , CA. ------------ levy on lllOfl property ttl9ll -Tom De Guella 02827 ,ICTITIOUI WllNIH from"" time of aucfl pilly!Mnt. Tiiie lttltmenl ••flied With Iha ROBERT v McCOY, 19170 ..... ITATl•NT (II) 1t1•11si,t11 1 -' ,._. ...... ,, _ _... CWll Of Of-r--. Oft Orovewood Or , Oorona, CA The IOltowtng peraon1 ere dolrlQ '"'"..... """"'"T -...,... __ .,, 9 1720 bualneM ff (1) Period. -The OWMt9 of eny ... 17• 1*· ,,.,_ Thia bu~ la conducled by • AS CONSTRUCTION CO. 2120 rHI proP91"Y told 11 provldad In ~by Oranoe CoMt ~ oorporatton. Sant• Ana Ava, Cotta Mell CA. -1IOll ms. thelf "°"'· ....,..., ...,. M. Oat. 3. •o 17 LOUlt e. BllYltl 02627 or ._cimlnlet,.tora, or My Pt'IOfl ' ' ' • ' ' ' 4-...a Thie 1taltmenl -lllad by the AKIN SEZENOI.. 2120 Banll hMll .,, ................ ., • .... -County Clel1C of Orenoe County on An• ..... Cotti M.... CA. 92627 !hereon. or lftY peflOf\ Ill llteff ___ .. MU __ IC ___ n_a____ atolamber 30. IH2 Thlt bualneM .. concluCtad by I baflllf, lfltll tit permitted tO tMleM ' F 1 .... 5 eenerel PMllWthiP the property eo'd. Of MY...,.., --:...,=.~r..=Tl~liUi~:'A"!:~:'!:====::,=,--P11bll•.ll•d Orong• Coalt Di lly Akin hienol trlClt of lllCfl pt.,.ny at ~ llllle 1 tfi ~.Del. 3, 10. 11. 24, tt82 Thia tt•tamant w•• llltd wllh with 120-. .,_ ....... ....... Tiie tolowilll ,.,_. .,, dolnO ~!lt·82 CountV Clark of Or1nge County on ~ ~ice. -8uOll "°'*'.J. or ~ •· s.ptaml>er as. 1112 tr of P'°'*'Y 11'11 .... ~ C ti THi YOUNG DUTCH CLU9: ..aJC NQTIC( Publllhad Ot•r1.• Co•:I-= to M tldUIMCI '!!"" ~ to (2) fHE YOUNG DUTCH INDO -Tin----.. p ..... Oct .. 10 ' ... IM'" =:::::-tti.°'~-....: CC.VI, Cl) PAIAI' MAL.AM; (4) ....... .,.~ "'"• '"' ' ''"• ..lo-12 property ..... ,. ... I'll •• II IOUTHl!AN CALIFOlllNIA PA~A" Ttte tolloWlng '*'°"' .,. 60lng ..... 1Mf1 to .. ~. tor MALAM, (8) IHDONUIAN llAIA; {t) ._._. 11 tMwae 'ottM....,_,,....., AilAN'Alllillld(1).Al&ANEdO.. Ce) S A LT C"l!K S UAf or .................. .., __ lcMl'I Coeat v~, ~ ....... CINl'IA (It) IAL.t CM.IK IVf'F I llWdlMOr lf!d ................. Dr .. 8eMa AN. ti™ 8,0AT, t114 t Jardlnet, Ml•alorl .,. ,. ., ao ~ ,. llWIUl'll ldw4n I. ..,..... !• Ctlfoffllll Vla6o. Coll!Offtla '"" ..... ., ,_, 1111 1~ 111 • corpOflllCHIJa. 1034 K11191 llload. · Wlllal'll Dlllnie, 27241 JlfdlMI, ._ .-C•a. ..... ol ,_.., "°=•·..':.ta~ .......,. VltfO, Ctllfornll t2tn Aw• •a Oii ... of ........ cer,.,etlo~ 10t4 Klflfl .... d. ~~4~~.._ 9'0NrtW ..... Of a ......... ,_. IUD lldldo, . MOH Tllll ..,_II OOfld~llf .. 11J 111 =t1.::-=.ed IMl"Va11:.,:: .. .::.:--II~ llJ M ,..._.W.-OtMle lpr••••tr ., • .,.~•"•• ldwlll L .......... TI111 •111nnt w...., """ ... ....... "...... ..... ...... . .. -·~ "':." c::.. c.: ':: °"""' '*" .. er.,... CoilMy • ... .. ... -.. Ulllad ................ tttl. ......... ,.., ....... 111111111 -levy-,_ ,..., ,.... ..., ,,..... itu .. IMod ~ Oout o.ur ,.,_.lltlod o""" ~":l! ,........... Ot~ COMt o.1.fr f1tof OOI a. '°· tr. '4, tt1t Not. leof, ll, ff. Oot. 3, 10, "°'·Oil. tO. ,.. ... ,. ..,.... ' . MllC NQTIC( l • .5 6 7 8 D A I L y p I L 0 T c L A s s I F I E D 6 4 2 • 5 ., 7 8 I 642-5678 , ................. ~ All reel ...... edwt11Md IM IM 1)11 IW 1• ,_ 11'1 1• 1• In thll new1p a per la aubjact to the '•de<ll Fair Houalng Act of tMa wtllctl mak• II 116eQll 10 edYertlM "eriy pre(.,- c;e, llrnlllllon °' dlecrlml· n11t1on bated Of\ race, color. ra1101on. H• or natlonal origin. or any lnttntlon to make any auc:n ptaferenc.. llmlt•· tlon or dllcflrnlnetlon." Thl• MWIPll>" wlH not knowlngly •c:copt any advertlalng for rHI ea- tala wNc:tl la In vtolltlon of the .... : I iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii._ cars*bikes• •skatet>oards* trucks*_baby Dlt -----'* -->1• Dlt lat --a. -- HllH• Advertl.1 carr1aoes•tea sere should check carts•trlkes their ads dally and rollerskates• report errors Im-walkers•toys mediately. The •wagons•••• DAIL y PILOT as-scooters· hot sumes llablllty for rods*coupes• the first Incorrect trallers•hard Insertion only. tops•convert--J7tl -Bn1H t.1 Iii• :: .•..•................. :::1 ~~!.I!!~!! .......... , = ,..,.,,, '"' 4..DI •••••••••••••••••••••• ::: llMElll -Saarchad Alhen1 In ~-<»I broad dayllght with a ~ lan\p, IOotllng for an ho- -nnt men. 8uyer1 today -IOll MU ---- look lor • REALISTIC SEllEA. Elegant plcture-parfec1 VEASAllLES In BIG CA·I NYON full lllled, et 1080'• pr~. Call Mary Lewl a o l REM.AX , 750-1221; 631-5M3 .... -L SOfTRY !$r ---, -r-1--1 -,-.1,. ::: ~-R_E_P .. P_U_L..,...-4 •1• . I r I I t -:::--,.I :MUGPY . I I r I I - ibles*motor homes•tawn mowers*llmos •corporate headquarters *Qarden carts Model A's•••• •typlngtables wheelbarrows• recreational vettlcles•gotf caris*model tralns•bikes •pianos•cars refrigerators *skates•••••• -L -SCEKAT r!VI r I I I I I lllvo nolgtlbomood klda := ... __. __ .... __._,__ .... _ ... _ -wtre playfng nul'M Md .,., r ---.....,..-...,,...--.doctor. It wet •II "'Y m 1 • H U G 0 M E t1armlen anouQt\. SM lo9t §~ :::1:::1 :=r:::1·:::1 :: r:1r rn:~~"° ,_. Meded tl:a ~~· ~-J,_..E_T...,...s_o..,....L_ .... c_.... ...... ~ ;y; .... _r _l ....... 1 ....... 1 ... ' ' .... I._... ""' ~ :i..: Z.: t.T'. ..,. ..... .-........ a: ·~m·.r r r r r r r r r rr Ei •:-I I I I • I I I I I t'I• -t'IM t'IM -..,., a -""' '"' llll -=I ... ... ... , = .., -a -I I w..un ................... 11• I .. Classified works for you when y9u want to ... 1~ 1Mtfttta ...... lw,Mw HHMI 1111 Y11t1 .., ... I w J~ ~• t• 8111, ... H11 Yleta ._. a _,, f• ,.._ Mal.OM IU A"' .._., 1 lwl, I w, ..._ SHUii 1141 Yltta ...,.. a w "" •• ..,,,... lnaAll BAY & OCEAN Vll!.WSI 4 bdrm, 2 '-' both11, flrcplk'e, a l'ar 1arage plu• much m tll'C! REDUCED TO S099.~00! ... fflllT. lllTIUP IPll 1111.Y 1·1 38 BALBOA COVES. 3 bdrm • 2 bath. REJ)UC~¥9i~· Alt TN/IWlll 111-1111• -" .... , llnml Ullle Mltl Mu"-' ... on. BOAT ON :THE• BA'Y, Pl..\V ON THE OCEAN. Tulfet. •long 0.,.111 • Specl~ open & 1unny all view home w/ ..... limn 1plder end retd Jn tne . HELEN B. DOWD IUl.J!ll, llO. '14-o114 penoramlo <Seek•, on huge Pflml telend Point, knock• often When you Oelly Piiot c11ulll1d + docking & prllg galore .. )'OU own Iha tend. UM r~lt-oaillng Ollly MCtlon l boul MIN Mui· -+ owner financing. •II tor 1985,000. 4028 Piiot Cl1Hlfled Ad• to tet'• Tulfll end bought It rMGh ,,,. Orlnfl Coe.I for $9.H You c1n Mii ,. Ch1nnel P l101, Newport 181tand, ~ewport matket. your tull•I end lot• ot Beech. 073.0202. Open Seti un 11• · • Phone &42-6871 oth1r 1hlng1 through ~........,._,, j~~~~~~~~J.iOi1l~lyiiPilliotiiCil1i1i•l,ll;:-1d 11 Ade. C1N &42·6871 LIM llLE Miii lot VIA Ult •I '"" -1·1 Prime Lido Nord bay front, ~ bdrm, ~ ~ bath. Lge L.R .. 2 bo!Jt slips $1.~.ooo. Remodeled 3 bdrm, 2 l'Milh + large rec. nnl 1am ceUlnp, fumillh~. patloe. $420,000. PElllllU llOIE · Ocean & Jetty views. Marine room. 4 bdrm, 3 bath. 3700 aqJt. $1,385,000. Ocea9front Liii& ISLE IAYflllT ' llf!IOfNllAI AUi fSIA1£ SfAlllCES · OPEi 1-1 1111,0ID FEE 'CIT' ILlll VIEW , Lagoon view frorv 6 bdrm, ~ bath, pleyroom, dark rm, den. Boat allp. Now $1,000,000. lllWIYH 1111.0tO Dra m a tic D ea n e Townh o m e overlooking the 18th fairway . This superb 3 BR, tam rm home has it a ll. H igh ceilings, 3 large BR's, b eau t if ully d ecorated , air conditioned , security system, lrg glass e nclosed patio for outdoor living. See LuC'y Rose at 20 Rue Grand Vallee . ... ..., ............... Al.111 _..,. ........ 1 ...... ,.94 ,..... . -.... , .. , "'" lrtl Tl. -ll•ltlllff•retlfftrltetl-•Me ... ......... ..._l ..... .W,priee4Hll,IOlfee. Yll IWI TIE Ull. -.... lfetlseffer. -•TWO -. .. ONGS llUYI OlllSTI THI STADEi CO•PAIY 7I0-13t7 173-7711 fll TIE BRANO NEW "H1ut of IAYllll PUOE Spec:t.acular bayfronl dplx 2 br, 2 ba up, 2 br 2 bad~!. Reduced -$1,600,000. FllllAlll UIOll New 4 br, 4 'h ba, t:UJIOm Frt-!•<'h Normandy I Estate 1.2 prime ac hilltop. $1.251l.OOO. HILll Fee simple cottage on quiet Descanso St. (ln Flats). $145,000. MllUIO O&YI C.Oronado laland cuat. bayfront lot. 85' boat dock. Planl avail. Now $370,000 w/terma. BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR J .1 ~ ., ' tj' ~. .. • .. • '3 '°J 1) ":,, ,.., lfl WIYH CllTIM Sl,otl,000 Gorgeous 4 BR on the goll course. Lrg fam room featuring the finest in amenities. French doors, crown moldings, skylights. Reduced to $1 ,095,000. Ow n e r financing! Owner w ill trade for airplane. See Carole McMahan at 18 Cherry Hills. m.Tm Ofange County" TOllWn· nomes -Lu11ury 3 bdrm "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! tn preatlgloue Corona oet homH beeutllully de· = ·I. UUIA WOI IHI,• An exciting oceanfront home in a quiet prestigious location w ith breathtaking white-wate r & city Jlght views . Private courtyard , 3 SR. maid's quarters, 4 baths. See Edie Olson pt 267 Crescent Bay Dr. Mer. Herbor View Hiiie signed. qulllly bulll • and home wtth fentutlc: view tl n1nclng now lh•t you of c1nyon. Gl g1ntlc 1u.,. won't bellevel Call Monterey model Perfect now Brendywyne Pro· tor the l1dy who lovn _'*1 __ 1n_11_. S3_1._te_1_0_. --1 entertelnlng In her bell a• ••Miii II • 1ddrHMd nome. Good _.. u1um1ble lln1nctng. Ill& YEllE Cell for previ ew . 3 Bdrm 2 beth n1er 546-2313 perk• end IC:ho0!9. Ml· THE REAL ESTATERS ... __., Poof.tenn~ -3 er • "• to Mnd • k>-0-ow ctwn. c ... Tlm Rhone 10- d 1 y. 831 · 1288 or 72().12e3 ,.. .. ......... Two b11utlful 2 etory condoe. one hU 2 ~ mester bdrm• with ptl· VIie blth (idW tor 00-ownerl) plus 'A. beth down1t1lrs. Wood bur- ning ftreplloll equipped with gH logs, privet• p1t101. greet 1oc1tlon. Lug• 1tt1ch1d 2 cu garlldl with llletrlC doof op1n1r. M1ny 1xtr11. 54e-2313 THE REAL ESTATERS nut•• to b11cn11 & 1nopplngl Priced tnou· 11nd1 below muk1t. Thill II I prot>ltl ..... IO hutryl UnbellellabfY prf. ced et 1128,500. Act _ __. ..... 7171 THE REAL ESTATERS .... _21 ....... . ....... 1 ...... . h Let 1Hl111. ·--* •u YElll On 1h1 golf course. Custom bMUllful 3 Bdrm l\ome, m1ny. m1ny ••· tru. 1279,600 with 10% down OWMtt wtn cwry et 127111~ lnllflll. ley ......... "'. 141-1121 What I Wooelerf\ll WOf1d of Shopping, right It your flngettlpe everyd1yl Delly Piiot Cl1Hllled Ade To plec:. your Id, SELL Idle Items with e cell &42·5e78 end .. t 1 Delly Piiot Claulfied. Ad. I Claulfled Ad-Vleot hefp 842-6878. _you_. ____ ......,._ ··~ • Tll Fmlf • UY .. UYIM 85' waterfront location on Newport Bay. The ultimate estate home w/eve ry amenity. $6,600,000. Call Dona Chichester (A58) IUFHIT EIOLHIYE Cus tom design e d for casual indoor ou td oo r li v ing , thi s professionally crafted residence of 3 BR occupies a site most d esired o n N ew port Bay. Tastefully finished In imported marble & stone & white oak doors & floors. Pier & slip and security. $4,750,000 furnished. Barbara Aune (A59) IUllE TUllOI -VIEW Unbelievable bay, ocean and cit~ light VIEW. 3 BK. den, 4 BA oriented around sparkling inne r courtyard pool. Clean and ready to decorate. $795.000 including land. Martha Macnab (A60) HLF llllll -YllHILLll - REDUCED $795,000 Fee wit h full pool & s pa. Comple tely customized. Tile floors, Bennuda shutters. huge storage room over sarage. Vacant & ready for occupancy. Beverly Morphy (A61) Pll•E Liit llLUI LIO&Tltl Perfect 5 BR, hardwood floors, sunny patio home. Priced right at $455,000. Berlt Mitchell (A62) WllTOLIFF -IELlllT Lovely 3 BR + fam nn w/sparkling pool -i nviti ng w arm d eco r w /custorri shutters + + ne wly landscaped. Re al Pride of Ownership shows in this qpme. Close to park, schools, oeach ALL! $269,000 Fee. Jane Paquin l(A63) 644-6200 U.I llNll 1111,-HI View the boata & sunseta from this exciting 4 BR executive home. Remode led with ele gance & q uality. Features private entry, pool, apa & private acce. to beach. See Evan Corkett at 4621 Gorham . •11&•L11&11 Hll- Imagine If you w i ll a la rge completely remodeled Cape Cod that overlooks Little Corona Beach. Reoognize if you dare that this is an ou tstanding value. Quality terms . See Carol Allison at 226 Poppy. UUI& llUll 1441-0ne of a kind. 3 BR & Loft, high beam ceilinp in each room. FTench doors & windows, custom jacuzz.i. Un ique cobblestone floor, dining Rm. Charm, chann, charm, & large assumable loan. See Kay Parker at 214 Amethyst. UI ... Y1IW IMS tut• Gorgeous, Gorgeous, G orgeous! Re mo deled ! Expande d ! Best lo c a lion ! T o t a 11 y sec) ude d p ool-sized yard. Re mo dele d gourmet kitchen. You'll absolutely f aJI in love with thi s totaJJy customized 4 BR home! See Cora Baldikoski at 1820 Ne wport Hills Dr. .1&111111 a1u sa 11,111 No inflation In this underpriced Jasmine Creek condo. Priced below the market for sure! See It today, Move in tomorrow. 3 BR, neutral colors, fresh & clean. See Diana Perkins at 21 Whitewater, wmoun .,.,,. Traditional tree shaded home w/3 BR, quiet JocaUon, near shopping. Kitchen remodeled in 1981. New carpets. Exterior juat painted. A v e r y solid value with g ood financing available. Ted PetenOn at 1228 Sussex. IN NEWPORT CENTER .644-9060 Forfurther information reprdinl advertiaing placem.ent in the Seboole a lnatructiona Directory -call Low.e Griffith 642-1678 ext Sil I Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT /Sunday, October 10, 1982 FI FAITAml lntUll .U Nil .. Two-at.o r y Nantucllet 4 Br w ith beauUful S ur11et pool 1urrounded by 14; 000 red brick•. T11te fully decorated lhrouaho ut with w allpaper• and 1huttors. Show1 llke a model home! Many uparadot. Selle r will finance. S ubrnit down. •760,000. incl. land. lltllll AUH1 llll llY • Ill UIYH 4 Bedrms, family room & dining-room. lmmaculate throughout. Ne w carp<>ta. drapes, marble entry & decor. Eleclronic aecurlty 1y1tem. Wet bar, 2 flrcplac.'ell, 3 car garage. Artlatlc pool and spa. Priced right at $695,000. Gate guarded area. Call 644-4910 for l nnission to enter. 1• MlllH Tllll I • INI HI 1·1 11111 I aiall IF LI .. IHEIHY FM Y .. Plbllll-AT II OllT Ex pansive views overlook ing plush country club grounds m aintained by others at no expense to you. Truly a prestigious home locat.<.>d on a prime site overlooking Big Canyon Country Club. You have earned it -Now enjoy it. CALL t'OR COLOR BROCHURE 644 41HO Liii& ISLE PllFEOTIOI New on marke t: 4 br, 3 ~ bath, iungle story home on huge lot. May take up to 100 foot yacht subject t.o approvals. Now has dock for 4 boats of 40 ft. Backyard with lawn a nd lush landscaping. Just re modeled by A.S.1.0 . dec..'Orat.or $995,000 with $175,000 down. IEW EllUll II 11111& llUll First time listed. Charming nr. new 2 sty architectural gem. 4 bdrms, fam . rm. Quality design and decor throughout. Designed for guest quarters. Priced t.o sell $595,000. Seller finance. No loan fee. 21111111111 IPll U T/HI 1-1 llYllE lllYEllITT PUI 3 U De t ached 3 br. 2 'h ba. h o m e o n greenbelt near community tennis and pool. $114,000. m assumable loans and you own the land. $145,000. Z IUOH Tl llWPllT 1111 Charming 4 Br. & family room, 2 brick fire places, country kitchen , quiet residential area in young development by Buccola. 10% dn. Owne r carry 10 yrs. •n · 11TI PUii, o.a. IPll Ill 1·1 OMlll Ill llll-llPll nE llY Charming 3 bedroom home with lots of extras. ~ou own the land. Great family home . Prjf:le reduced $45,000. Beautiful large comer lot. Walk to the bay, Balboa Island, and Fashio n Island. Owne r motivated. this could be best buy in COM. $320,000. Financing available. 114' 11111&11 TllUll, ... UT/IN 1·1 UllN YllW llUl-WIE YUi Quie t, park-like setting. Rm for paddle tennis and pool. Great for orchard. CuJ de sac st., 3 bdrms, fam. rm. Call now! 1211 IR WIST, -IPll IH 1·1 .. 1211.-.-YlfW Fill Earth tones thruout, 4 br, 2 'h ba, family rm, dining rm, 2.378 sq. ft. View of Pavilion, night lights & Catalina . 1211 IHFUlt .. IPll U T/Ill 1-1 WEIUY I. T&nN OI., IULTlll 21111M~IUhlH41 llWNIT !11!11, u . 144-'810 I LMU I Yr. lltl I•. A lln/IOUI YllW ne.d• l1mNy to occupy • BA 3 81, 3 lplC'•. 111 5 bdrm• end 3 bltha t>rend new on L1gun1 CIOM to comm. Po04 end B11ch COS. ApprelMd nol fer trom lhoe>L Very $495,000. 3<d reduc11on well kepi. Price 1edll<*! to 14 t0.000. Seller w/ I 0 I 1 6 •. 9 0 0 . c . 11 IMl•t buy down w/H rly 179-6370 now. eecrow Muet Mil \ ( ~ 11111 /:'If . .. .. , . ·~~¥.&LIU 111um1bl• on tnlt 4 bdrm nome wltn r1lur- llW!ed kltc:Mn llld low meintenlnOI ywd. Own-., wtll uelst In flnenclng tool a .. It 1oon. Only 1127,600, cell 878-6370. \ f >I I/ 1l F 1: ' .. , .. llUD trml LIW llTDllT or .. tMI 11rms on 4 BA. 2 Bl b11u1y In Coste Mffl. Mug• beck yerd, pride of 011Wnerahlp, wilt gl1dd1n your llelrt. 1 134\,900 f<o~ m.11;,. f<.a/io,. 714-141-112' UITlm -1--iiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-3 er. 1n11 eotllt*•. que- 111y conatructton "'""°"'· 1138,600. 761-3181 c::. ·' ' --t--' ' I ' For Ad Action Cal a Daly Plot AD-VOOt 642-5678 OPE,. SUND.A Y 1-5 1 t• """ ........................................... .. 1t7 ............................................. =- -Cltand Cenat .......................... -411 Ylee. ~ .... " ... w .................. s--:-o ... W"t OoHntronl ................ - ........ d ..................... .u ............ !!• 1111 ,., ... ,. Dftve .................... -- IM Mert9eld ................................. --m vi. Orvt.to ............................... ,.,.. 211t hrlhofe Drive .................... .,.,_ 401~Drtwe ..................... •1= •1 l'trate Road ............................ ... IOI I ltreet ............................ -.... -2aCltH ........................................ ...... 1M1 lael OoNn .......................... M1'0,000 1177 .... Oc4left .......................... .,.... ... 411 Cafftetlon .................................... 000 R!DUCED TO 17",500! BAY,RONT LINDA: CLOSING C08T8 ONL YI Owner hel '"""'"8 r"., .... and m"81 ltq...-tel To quelffled bur•, tNe home . M~ purchaNd f0t o'""'9 ooete °"'J1 ' OUI -k»w•I Pftc. on .. ctullYe Ltnde lele. luporb legoon location whh .-, and tltp fot .., .. yacht and • ftwe bedroom home with lerge flfftlty room. lnveet now -before price• go up. Ut-1400 ' EXTRAVAGANT BA YFRONT Oref\dlOM 2-etory home with I Mdtoo-ne t pM(/tOf large yacht t Mde tie. Unueual cu1tom deelened r..w.nc. with eoet1ng wood beamed celllng1, Indoor epa, torMel dlnlny room, unique open A euepended amllr room/llbrerr t gourmet lllend kitchen and br..e&taet 1111. All decot1tor detelli ol French doore, ehuU~ue. elelned glae• t + ti lledfoome 6ndude eepera .. maetot .uh• + maid• quMtot• and ..,.rate llfftlly Mdtoome eec:h with adjotntng bath-. A •,.Claf rooftop obMfvetlon i Wftnlng deck with VllWI of weter a llght1. 11,115,000 ON FIE LANO . OW hel, ttnance and .. lntot"tad In .. cheftglnt IOf OCEANFRONT or emetler home In the ., ... BAYFRONT GRAND/SPACIOUS Main baytront tocatlon, panoramic "'9w from thl• °"' 4000 Ml· ft. reekMnce. ll'tot tor two 56' yec:Kte, large and open I br., maid'• qrte a 5111 be. remod1led khchen, den and miter 1ult1 with view a ,.,.ptace, owe TD at 12•..i. Int tor • ,..,. with l400,000 caeh.'" land. 11,715.000. APPEALING-VIEW-LOCATION On comer by par\ with prtwacy, nner obetructed view and beeutltullr melntalned -you can move rltlht In. Clteet ...... "°"' the ..,... and --• epectoue Z-etorr home wtth grand l¥tntf room, tamltr room, huge kltcheft, bllllatd room, J bedroom• plua Much more. C ... ~ .......... .-.ow nnanc:.. HUGE PRJCE REDUCTIONlll OVERLOOKING EMERALD BAY MaentftMnl ''Whlt .. at•" oceen V1EW8 ffCNR IMa cuetCNR contemporary home wtttt ,....., l4'tte + 3 b9dfoom1, Mald'I querten a 41>\ be. lteoanoe a warmttt, gourMet kltchon, fouftel din.rm . Moetwated...., WNI e«ry Flnt T.D. et 10'Mo lntore1t. Cell for detelle. Now ... .ooo. a1-woo. LIDO WATERFRONT REDUCED! °""°' •"' ..... for aooo. por month or INN/option or Ml for tl40,000. 8ocurlty ....,.. wen. 2 bod. + don on ono ....t. Yu + boot lllp evall. BA YSIOE COVE CONDO-VU •oautlful decoretor coordinated .. oc:uttwe ,...,..t wlttl wondltM YU of •ar. boat• and nl9tlt llghh. lold oomptotely turnl1hod thl• 2 bedroom Mme pM don and dlntna le Pottoct for the dlacttmin.ttng. TNe WA'tPF~ oommUftlty offw• boat ellp avalleble and pool ..... 7,500. NEWPOATIS.BAYFRONT An affOfQblo prlco on the welot with ptof/lllp for 30' boot. lnJor outdoor llW'9 with lerge patio a deck. Adapteblo rHldence c:en be duptex ., home.I owe ...... 2nd T .D. 1415,000. F". LIDO ISLE--40' LOT Now on martiot with tvnnr South potlo end remodeled end new decor. Hatctwood floon. IMdod ...... gounMt kllchan In thle 2 bodrooM plu1 den. :=.:.:der merket for quick 111•. '°°"91nd0Wheltt~· ...... NORTH LAGUNA-VU TrMewol, remodoted hOme In • 1upor tooetton, ctOM to llMch. Wood and=• a bedroom•. ow heltt nnanc:.. 1111 BEAUTIFUL GOLF COURIE VU OWNER AllllTE> FINANCING Oft Utle ""'"1 ond unit with Yu "°"' eworr rooM. Wrap•eround dock, 2 bed. + 2YI be. towotr don ond luxurloue Maeter autte. Community lecllltlll ot pool, •P• a '°""'9.IZll,000. BAL 18. CHARMER-Reduced! CINn a cu .. i bod. oot18te wtth potlo, boeMa a ,_ ...... You GM ho • la or evenhMltJ buld now. Plane tor Cape Cod .,. 1Mkld1d w/ ..... prtoe of 1111,00t. Drtwo by -Topu and cell~. NEWPORT HEIGHTS EXCHANGE Owner d Hcl\8nt0 Ihle COfMF hofM with poet In conwonlont locetlofl tor :::::n..:.r:=J. In the oroe ••• too or . ......-.-. AFFORDABL! NEWPORT-CORNIR CountfJ , ........ deoor ~ ................... nowne•• throuehout thle J bodroo"' holH with 1our1Mt kltohoft end ntoo ,...... Dltw. lw Im R1 llerwlt/OOl'Mf tlnd ............................. a SE'ARATE HOUSEl-1241,500 Oroet lnw01t111ent op,ortunltr with HHtn.M '9fttol roo«d. lach home le 00111111i9to wl"' tenc04I yard. OHlllJ oH•trtHtlloft. Neor eohoot• a •hope . ....,...,.. ....... 1K CAIH-MWPORT ISLAND Ownor ottt ol ar•• -nHd• to Hit ...... ,. WIU ...-reto with IMtftr lft .....,, ..... .., ......... ,111 •• , ..... ........ NOW--. POMCLOSUM--GMAT ST. °"""_....._, ........ .... '""'° A"• ... nest ._ te .... ,_,.. ..... ,..... .... _ ....... _,..,. :c thla I lted. l •lta. A te111llr 1M 9'Hr...._. Gell lor detalla Trt OWNIR ANXIOUI NIWPOln' CONDO ................. ,, .... -................ .. ......................... _., =: :•re.01n •u.,.....,.,..1U1T --R·bl·,_.... ....... , ...... L \\'A ltRf ROl\T HOM£ Mt \I,, .. .. -... -.. .......... -- • \ Fl Orangt Cout DAii. Y PILOT /8und1y, October 10, 1982 !~tm .~ ~'! ...... . ~tt! .~. INI ••••••• • '1!'!.~{ .••....•. J.ffl ~~~: ........ /.~ ' ....,.., NEW ""0l .. NIW Fl· NANCIHOI An ebuna-c• of reHona to buy, Conveni.ntty toceted. 3 bedroom•. Open floor plan. Pool and IC)e ... thl pric. le 12H,000. 111·1HI NU&.fl .... ..-man New~~teon 1.H MJrN with tennle COU(t,. 000! WI llfM, A.P- P' ..a •t M Mllllon • Wiii be teerlflced tor • 1.IOO, 000. A "pnoe In e tit .. t!IM" un«iellevlble find. 12% p•rm1n1nt 'lnan· CW\O IWlll•ble, Own. will •.•.• . ... associated j\ ''I-'I I ' ,, ' oonalder tredln9 1111 ~-----­M00,000 equity fOf other To pl~OUf "*MOe propertleil WI eamt. e the ........... , .. ,. rMdlng Pllbllc. OPEi TlllY LARGE FAMILY HOME, POOL & SPA, 5 BDRMS . ..... ... ~,, .. 111-PllTUll M<Mlt unusual ''\lltomlud home In &rt'I. indoor/outdoor pool with tlldlna &lut roof, 18' bar. 1Creenlna room. pnnet kitchen, playroom with full kitchen and bath. Good financing. &-lier reterves right to accept bett offer. $699,9~. 11-.nUV-. ....... ,, ... lllllY Ull Ii 111 .. R&IM~ tM-t111 ptlona PALM SPRINGS HOME Merell to ';our Phone 10 Delly PIJOt Xlnt loe. 3.4 bd1 pool, piece • fut-ecllno clu· CIU!Mti.d, t42-5e78 1349,000 ............ 2406 FRANCISCO, NB Newport Beach condo lat floor l bdrm. l bath, like new. beautiful pool and spa areaa. Atawnable loan. Lowest price In VeraaJUee. $1 14,000. 11mu1 IPllllL llLY 111,111 ... GJMt Buyl 633-tan. a1t1ec1 ed. 642·M71 1-------BALBOA ISLAND, BOAT DOCK, OWNER FINANCE llUlf•IT .at llU 8"t buy on E.llde. St°" by lllld wetGh tri. OlfM 11 2H Cemellle Ln. ~ 1·6PM wlblcl eereen TV THE BEST RUL ESllTE UCEllSE TRAlllllll Ill THE IUSlllESS, FOR JUST S49. Regularly '79. Offer expires 10/31/82 $575,000 ...... 210 GRAND CANAL. NB 4 BDRM, VIEW OF LITES, SPACIOUS, SPLIT LEVEL $429,500 ......... 2515 WINOOVER, COM VACANT-SPARKLES-SPA & POOL. CLEAN $369,000 1315 SANTANELLA TER. NB BALBOA ISLE, NEW AND VACANT WITH CHARM $695,000 211 OPAL. ,BALBOA ISLAND 3 br, 4 ba. 2 yra new. Oeeigned u home or duplex. Asking $860,000 .• Submit any otter. Newport Beach. RE/MAX .. M4 llYll 1• lH-1221 Lido Realty 673-7300 • & great 11aumebl1 VA 1et T.D. ot .. 7.500 •t t U~O%. Super 4 ldr • tamlly rm home. Call Olene Ceppei, '31 • 12tt .., ... ,,, .. , ,., •••••••••••••••••••••• CHARMING REMOD. 3 lt+loft Trade/lee opt. fOf duplex °' unit. 873-8516 .. , ... , .... ,, 1111 • • Everything you need to pass your ARCHITECTS HOME, 3 BDRM, LOFT, IN SEAVIEW ........ 1111111. Four bedroom family home in e x c ell e nt C o sta M e sa neighborhood. Remodeled In great taste, and with super skill. French doors, display shelves, and many unique touches. Close to shopping. Fantastic VA loan, and owner will assist with financing. Call Mary Ann LaFleur for details on this fine value. .....•...........•.. ,. 20~·-0lllll Hl llAI lllTI license exam You can live in one apt and li ve off the others. High visibility location south of the hwy. Not.far fronl_l.h beach . Waiting list -;jf•tenMl . Motivated seller win finance at 12 'h% interest and has reduced the price to $229,000 -fowest priced units in Corona del Mar! SMYllll• Welti to bey WI oe.et1 lrom Ihle 2 8drm, coun- try cherm4tr, with large bonue room with outtide antrane.. Excellent OW· ner aulated tlnanclnQ. '300.000. • Professional Instructors • Two convenient Orange County locations • No Obligation CALL 714/978-0021 For Further Information-Today! $425.000 ............................. 1921 YACHT ENCHANTRESS, NB NEWPORT, 5 BDRM, NITE VIEW, I NEAR SCHOOL $275,000 ..................... 2531 BUNYA. NB 9'UlllMY 1-1 1111•1&111 142-1111 Huntington Beach 8101 Slater Ave. · Anaheim 2100 E. Katella UACK BAY FARMHOUSE, 1h ACRE + POOL, BARN $46~.ooo 445 E. 20TH, OFF TUSTIN. I TllPW -.... WILL UllY And structure for breakeven. Five years new in prime rental and residential area of Huntington Beach . Private patios, enclosed garage s . $269.500 . Call Jay Hackler. (714\ 673-4400 cfu> s21.2121 PETE BARRETI .. REALTY I I CM Ulllll~;~l:S The twbor Area's loncnt Est1blsht4 Rul Esbte Company · HAllOI VllW HILLS* Tot.ally remodeled inaide & out this delightful ranch style '\ome features 4 br, 2 frplca, 3 car garage, ocean view & large lot w/custom spa. Priced to sell at $340,000. Low interest assumable financing. Call 759-lMl or 752-7373. * CAMIO SHOllS * Prestigious executiye home featuring 4 spacious brs, 3 baths, 3 frplcs, open beam ceiling, koi pond & waterfall, maid's quarters & a lot so large that it has it's own volleyball court & pool. $670,000 FEE. Low interest assumable financing. For private showing, call 759-1501 or 752-737~. *IAYCllST* 12 ~ financing apadowt executive ranch style home in prestige area. Th.I.a home featurea 3 bra .. fplc, large lot & fee land !! Lowest price at $260,000. Call 759-1501 or 752-7373 for appointment to view. * HAllOI VllW HOMI * Much sought after Monaco Model. Sensational 3 br home on quie t street with pool sized yard. 11.25% assumable financing!! An outstading vaJue at $216.000 fee. Call 759-1501 or 752· 7373. • •DOVll SHOllS* Thia custom Ivan Wella designed home was b uilt w/e-xec:utive entertaininl in mind. Quality thruout. from the 10lid oak paneled den to the mahogany panelled fmly rm. Some of the numerous features are: RllMUonal view of Fuhion bland & ocean, black bottom pool & spa w/outaide bar, 3 car garage, complete aecwity S)'ltem & of coune fonnal dining. To view the luxwiout features of \ha magnificent residence, call 759-1501 for private showing. $1,500,ooO FEE! . *HAllOI HIGHLANDS* Sensationally remodeled & decorated 4 br. home featuring swimming pool, bonus rm., akyllte, lush private courtyard, fplc .. & a11umable financing. Reduced to $280,000 fee. For quick sale ... call 759-1501 or 752-7373. *WATllPIONT HOMI & SLIP*· Sensational e xecutive home featuring 4 Br, enormous living & dining room. 2 fireplaces & room for 55' boat! Only $559.000. FEE with a.s.<iumable financmg. CaJl 759-1501 or 752-7373. * IXQUISm * Contractol"'ll own home!!! Smashing 3 Br home featuring wre'd brick and wrought iron, skylltet, atrium. shake roof. and extensive use of mexican pavers. Offered at $165,000 w/auumable financing! Ca.11 7141759-1 r>O l or 7141752-7373. t NOITHWOODS* * SSUMAILI LOAN* Beautiful executive home on 1arp profemlonally tan<Ucaped corner lot. 41.arp BR, bonus room & formal dining! Only $249,900!! C.a.11 759-1501 or 752· 7373. . . * POllCLOSUll * Take advantage of excellent pricing on this 3 Br home w / 12 'A wumable loan. &rpin priced at •tH,888. $146.500 with VA terms available. Call 759-1501 or 752-7373. . *$1,279 Pll MONTH * TURTtllOCK* Is all you pay when you take over existing lst T.D. spacious 4 Br executive detached home. Featuring formal dining room, fmly room and fireplace. Only $210,000 FEE. Call 759-1501 or 752-7373. *15" DOWN* •PllCI llDUCTION* . Beautiful PLAN 1 In .Woc>DBRIDOE LANDING located acrott street froin LAKE 112. Featureti 3 br & formal dining. Owner asslated financing at l~!!! Only $244,900 on nz LAND 7Mf-UOJ or 752-7373. *IAITilDi COITA MllA* · Lovel,y 2 1tory home on cul·de·91C featurlna S Br and pool·alzed yard. Priced at •187.000 w/owMr -lated finand"8 available. Call 769-1501 or 76~7373. 751-91• (!) --.... , ..... uc..,. ..... ... ,..c...... WISTCLIPF GOURMIT'S DILIGHT This meticulously maintained home I.a tailor made for the gourmet, starting with the custom kitchen. Oak cabinets and flooring surround your built-ins which includes a microwave. Just off the kitchen is a charming breakfast nook with bay windows. S uper plush carpeting and custom wall coverings complete the picture of sheer elegance. The extra large family room provides ample room for entertainment. As an added bonus the large Irregular lot with custom pool provides extraordinary privacy. With a large fully assumable 1st trust deed, this home is priced for immediate sale at· $310,000. For an appointment to see call 556-7035. HUNTINGTON HAllOI FOITY.PIYI FOOT IOAJ DOCK Charming waterfront Cape Cod located on the boat parade rout.e. Enormous living and formal dining rooms face the water. Forty five foot dock accommodates up to a 55' boat. Glass encloeed patio with spacious deck. Terrano entryway with iron security gate. Two large fi replaces. Seller w!U help finance at l~. This exceptional value In waterfront property is offered at $559,000. 963-5671. HUNTINGTON llACH IOLSA LANDMAIK -$210,000 With four spacious bedrooms and two ·and one half baths this home is an excellent value. Not only I.a it the lowest priced home in the tract, but the 1eller is alao offering a $5,000 cuh rebafe to the buyer at the cJ09e of e9Cl'OW. This home offers maximum privacy at the end of a quiet cul-de-sac and backs onto the propoeed Bolaa Chica Marina. Soaring cathedral ceillng:s and earthtone decor complete this picture perfect property. Even better, it's vacant and ready to move in. Call for more infonnation. 556-7035. TWO TllPLIXIS HUNTINGTON HAllOUI Two attractive new triplexes located within walking distance of the ocean and one half block from the propoeed Bolaa Chica Marina. These are pride of ownership buildings with superb design and floor plans. All l1x unJta are two bedrooma, two and one half baths with wood bwning fireplaces and lofu that could be converted to an extra bedroom. Vacancy factor in thia excellent location is almost zero. Available individually at $325,000 caeh or make the 1e1Jer an offer on both. Complete fi.nandng infonnation available at 556-7035. DIVONWOOD llTATll IXCIPTIONAL SQUAii POOTAGI Thia is the much IOU&ht aft.er Chei.e. Model with five bedroom1 and three full baths, For the larp family thil home of approximately 3,500 square feet hu lt all!! The muter bedroom ault.e n particularly enchant.Ing and includes a luxwioua aunken oval tub and teparate ttJed shower. 1llere la a aeparate family room with wet ber and a 16'x21' bonut room for the kids. Thll entire realdence hu been profeelionally decorated lncludlng c:ustom drapes throuahout! Fonmil clinlna i• provided u well u an eatlng area off the kJtthen With decotaUve celling fan. The kltthen It a marvel" In luelf with 1u builtlna, mk:row1ve, &r11h c."CmJ)9ctOr ind 10ft water: Custom brick wortr and apa complete the picture perfect bKk y~. Call ua for detalll on tm Hcellmt ...wnable loen. or the auprillnCly affordable price In today. market. 963.-5671. • • AMERICAN HOME SHIELD .. We Protect & Service Thing• n.at Service You." HUNTlllTOl llACN OMCI IOllM•IAN. .._.. ............. OAlll41 (714) ... JOll ,, ........... Cele j ••hrs. / · ., ...... '.JI) c., • ., ,., .,, lllZ ...................... •FULL OCEAN vu• 12%1oen Jumlne Crtc <>wn. ao• 840-1515 •FULL OCEAN VU• t2%1oen Jumlne Crtc Own. agt &40-1515 Cl' .... LIT With 3 •• 1V. Ba. trplc. By Own.. &46-8586 CAMEO SHORES. by OW· Mf. ocean view, 4 BR, 6 ba, oen. pool. lac .• 2 .,....,_,,, N9w roof, ear· 1 pet, drapea. $596,000. Buyer anume 111 at 1 V.%. Down payment s 14e.ooo. owe S400. 000 at 12% '°' 10 yeers. 780-17~ IPl 1111/11·1 s.,MstltatH 01tJ Style ...._ I IPU .. 1·1 ......... ..,.., .. ....... ... _, ........ UMtr ......... . ............ ,,.. ,...., , ...... 41 fl f1•llJ r•. Walls tf let, ............ .. 11111 •rl•I .. , ... , "' .... It. Ltr11 11r•111 l•tt ••1Htl ,,,, .... ,, 1ar•H rH••· 11' t111te• ,at11, 1reat hr "Ulqs. ,_. ftHrt, tlltwt1l•1.t I ,rl· ...,., ...... .... ,..,. lff·lfffft ,.,_ ..... ..., .,.. .. , ... ..... .., ht ....... ............. sten. ..,.,.. ..,,.rt ftr ,............_....,. '"'., n ..... , t4 1t .,.,..., 111 •a1 1111111. '"' ........ 1411.-. .. IMIY 1-1 "au•r am ::,~ I llM I• ,.,.._ PIM a • lar- YH ••• ~.II ............... , ......, "'''"' .... . .. ,., , .... ,., .. , I ..... •• a" a ... , :!'w'::'..':. ',: ............... , ..&...a.. ··--............... ,., ............... - 1r1 ••ti , .. , ... ,.. rltr 11t1, , .. ,, I 1tt. 1tetu .. a ,,._ ''"' ,, .. , ... .. ........................ '" ... ... 1ttl Wiie 1111,IM. .... • 1 let tw ,._ IM............. ...., . ....,/llrlttr wm '''' n ...... ......... 1111 ,., COUOl'NIWfiOR' MALYOM HtlLC:.-iewy. c-..... 111·111t If It's got W~ti, iou llmove f~tna •llY Pltot cteUlfled ed. Qllt '42·9'11MCI• frlellllY. ed-vlW~.wlill ..... ... .... Ii Into cntt. ........... ..... , ..... , .. ...., 141-1711 111-1111 Duplex In o6d CdM. ldM area tor lnveatment & tam llvlng, acrou from Youth canter & H ... bor View Elem achl, nr ahop- plng. 28r + den, 28e + 2Br, 18a apt. Lg dbl ge. r101. corner lot. S380, 000. Own./bllr may f'. nanca. l«-6824 ALMOST ~ACM • br. pool,*-· hu09 llv. rm. l8t5,000 f11. Own./egt 840-7241. ----.,.. '"'· •n.-Pendl!IO toredoeur9 fOr· CM dr-..C llDtton. Cof· ner tot. 11 br + den, PoOI. ..,._ nCMIM ... .. 1121.- So. of Hwy 3 lk remo- deled home on A-2. Lro 111umeble loan at 1 nt%. D111 a . •ot t3M2tl ..... ,,. 111 umlNI IMutlfut cluPle•. flronl :.:. bdrm, 2 bath, 11t , ~t a bdrm. 2 • large .... plu• aep. oueet rOOf9I I llMtl, . Get-·· 1-415,000. "uMeot.o .... t.T'I Nv•eTMl!NTe 01.J ~·"" .......... ,,........ ,.,.. Cl .7 de;l~ 6 Or1nge Coaat DAILY PILOT /Sunday, October 10, 1982 t'3 • ~~~!~. ~'!. .• '. !. ~.... !!!!! . . . . . . ....... . • , • .., ., , ,.,n ., ' , ,,,.,., /tr • • ,.,,, " • · l•ff!' '"ttlrt.11!/f IHI 111111 ~~.F.~~~ .. • ·····,,··1··, .. ············· .··u··,~,.:1·::: ........... ~·~i .. ·,;.:•, ;:.:;~;;·~· .. ·;,;; •·.;;;:·~, .. ·,··;;; w~ .. ,;;d:·dbl wtJ. ~* ... ~~!~~~i~ ••••• e. .. ,,,.., ''''-' , ... ~11~'..~~{J!M • .J.~P. ••• ,,.!t~, ..... l.,ff •• • ,. -';";'.'Orn; T. r.": ·~1u •• ..r: ••••••••• •••• •'••• • •••• •••• home &/or 301 hou1• •••••••••••••••••••~ IHt IHI ..., JHf .... ••••• •• •••• •• ••• lu1l111 lor penlal dwo In UH tlU ... 81e111 IQ• l'lom• 4 i~ •••••••••••••••••••• .. •••••••• .. •••••••• ••• WATllnllT W/Nll lllfflllllllll OWNER oom1 lo'oper1y (71 41 Country French, a3~0• 3ba tem 1m bllliw, •In r:ew low P'ICe ot 1-4&0. You OW11 Ille lend 2 000 Wiii cia1ry 101n on ll\11 Sll'7•93 000 equity tor??? Cell 0 .. ~1 yily St IOO Aeolr IUOIM llWPllTIUU ..,, ... + ·-lTllllW llYUllTI! Cuetom built by OWr'Wlf/ 1U911 •tL .. I dallgNf' All tnl9nlllM 11H,OOll ·11M h ,J A pe1lee1 home 1'736. Modtrn, detached nm. ooo. fu1nl1had Agertl uniquely C:IHlgneC:I by 659· !809. 075-6900 fh• M•llWfl of Indoor/ OPEN 8UNDAV P•rk H~ntlnoton aaa 8142 King'• C•nyon, H.B. 000 on Wlele IOI with tin· 1q II. 30,, lam 1m. 2'-' t>MUlllul cvttom 6 9, '4 TaAtLll PW f on y we o o •' 1 t Prop 41!1·4000 oi. 11ory home and bl~ 8a, wide Ot .. •bell, r1MI lh, 0119' 3000 1q It filY91 Till141f Paik, I tlr 673·7300 New <4lr. n.-paint dbt fanDGe over100ll100 wat• pool Fer below rnat11e1 home, Hpe111e m110• hom Coetl Mell. 11111 LIOO A Al.TY g11aQe H&O mo Wlt119f er ac11v111 .. nod <look 3 S2'46,000 Wiii htlH op qu111111. 1wlmm1ng pOOI Lelul Pe<rlt. 21 IPl<l ... 2 64& 8787 Oo,ma. 101m1I dining llOrl Okr 6'4• 0 l3• '•P• A· 1 ttuu·OVI 3 car flOUM•. a 78 llCrH. II\· I ..... HITI Cnl• #1u 1114 01.11doo1 env1ronm1n1 •••••••••••••••••••••• Light encJ •lry Interior w/1kyllgh11. 3 garden 1trlum1, bt1m1d 011 llnoe. king 1lzed t>drrne, l1mlly 1oom w/bu & w1111 or g11u to 1>1ll01 Enjoy 1uo 111 day on "P11v111 Root Suneleck" Only $ 10,000 down & $1395/mo pymll II you Ille ~Ing 10< a UNIOU( HOM E AT A STEAL, we've got Ill Ult IHtlYlllTYI "0" .... room plu• O•led ptlYac:y suag1 A eking 11125, coma 130.700 Owner (Ilda C M P~llve cuh ... , ... 8M lllll 1ttr1cllve Dover llTATI .. 00 Appl C•ll tlOPI WIN 11111~ Wiiow dOwO '-'11 u( Ad11111s /W uf B1oukhur"1 A 811orull0fl\ttod•Y 26 81 .... :odn' ., ••• :se1 2.,. Oemle ~ rull price 130.000 flow Owner wlll e•· l1•l•HI• 'ZIT a •o 1 •T111 •111 LI "' .. Iii chano• ,200.000 ecau1tv • •••• •••••••••••• ••• •• pll'llMUl'l• lO uwn. L.ur~l'Nt floor plan. • " • • ea 2 •fl II 8ecurlly '"• .,,,. Oa. 83 1·7G70 Of 0'48·3046 101 NB I Hid enc• ~ 3 Bdr 2 e •. yard, no P.1*. Ai..'(Ut'lll' 11 I.'#; p lus owe Bonus t•ould 141·1100 g•t•. prlval• community 6"40·8GOO t60· 1111 Crow. A{I! 8•6-3118 avall 10/ 1 • tOOOlmO SM, ... LtW,,.hl "N-'' & ec>tclou• Q.,. den VIHU wlnoor to c.I· lln9 llreplaQO. NEAR BEACH 1,2 & 3 Bdrm• lro111 H•.500 Below m11kt1 Int rate lllOWI 101 pym11 •• low u 1 705 /mo (E••Y Ouelllylng) POOi. tennle & MCUrlly glled prvlecy TAKE AOVANT AGE OF THIS ONCE IN A LIFE· TIME OPPOATUNIT'o' CENTURY 21 ..... 1 ..... ., 11 ·H1 IEW COlll ...... CLOSE OUT -FINAL SALE 2 & J Br 3 Ba lull. e/c All nmtnlllea. Ne•• door lo ull •hopping & theater• 7 t'4/631·5056 $ 1311,900 • 6 yr old. 3Br 2'~ b• ho1ne wllam rm 1rplc. $61,000 101n. ••· aume at 9•;.•;., S 107.000 1v1ll1ble al 13% 6'42-1060 BY OWNER R 1 LOT Eaat1lde Coste Mesa. Pl101 & p•mlla tor • 1950 sq It hm. Reedy lo t>ulld Sll 5,000 548· 1 ftl2, 642-2901 BY OWNER MUST SELL Reduced to S 159,000. 3 Bdrm, 2be. lam rm, ne· wer E'alde home As· eume l•t & 2nd 642·290 1, 5'48-118~ 3 om 1305,000 6% Down Will U• HPLU ~ ••• PllHllTY tx· M'l'Jrutt• liv111g q1.:11rh'11", <·nr goru1w • con110e< 11ecse1. etc &llllH S111,IOO 3 Eldtm•. each Owner 1o1a.a•••11T Owrw1 bouJ(hl unutht•r. llUllHY' , , , A1m111ge Rielly S1200 PU II. awoooo - Lou and Cu thy Sum. Aij\." 7 1'1/UU:! \085 • ' 11•·5••·2•8• view to Pelot Verd•• :~~1~·~~~"rsubmii 01 • _!71-1111 714/\)57·6507 ' • 2 U I llHT APT wuh broathleklng nlghl ftrt Agt M Crow 2blllttob .. oh,28r 1ua. Reduced 1 20,000 10 llghl PIOOllma, EJIKU• 6•5-3176 ralrtg a ••ove. gar Jell() "'"'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! •------•-•! '$199,800 Remod•l•d. live 2 ~rm+ tor~d~ yrly Incl •II utll No Pitt "!!! ~ I .. nlng, with comm .,...,.. .. I / I 1136 6U 6 '"' IH4 I • 1044 N I I I w • • pool. o .. c:h .. % down !11<1111• eeti.r Will conlld· ---,. •• CENfUAY ~1 w.i..111 .. 1., 141·10H •••• ~!•••••••••••••••• .!?.~••••••••••••••••• OWC t1<48·6677 91' any offer Cell tor C M HUQ4t qu.ellly duple• •••••••••••••·.,~·•••• Pe11101u11 Pt 4 Bdr. 2 81. FLHll 3 trplc. 3 11•'· copper B I i &.-~ 8 ••IT DI LllO more <1e10111 6'46·991 t pln1b'n~ • 126K, lllU· , • .,, •t• , • .,. 2 Ir PI c •. mo• TIWI I OllllTllY IW. TllS •EU WMIS Two 5')41CtlCUlar r ... IH One Story Ranch 11yi. . Country French decor S 17'4,500. Elegant lrl· level $229,500 DON'T PASS THESE BY Bkr 848-0700 PrlHOJ l1ltrt Upgraded 3 Bdrm, OOol home nea1 propo1ed pe1 k. p1u1h cupeu, greeohou1e windows 'try S 12 .000 down Al· king $117,500 Make of· ffl( 8111 8<111-0700 .......... , •••• , 1·i 73 Lak••hore· Woodbridge, lrvloe. To aw II 10 love this elegant 2 master bd. home. Gorgeous vlewa ol the lake end sunseta Lush courtyard entry & fountain A.IC. plush cpta, mlrrorud wardrobe, upgraded appllanc;•• Righi on the lake Ottered at S255,000. 14 Southern Wood: Turtlerool< Hlghlaod9. Award winning Pocllice 3 Br Mdl In prime lop ot the hlll locetlon Lovely pvl yrd w/lrult & citrus trees, covered patio. Alao feature• tile entry, outdOOf hghOng, net.1lra1 cpte, timed sprinklers and bulll-lo storage garage. Offered at $300,000, Ask far lail ll11lstJ Ito H2-1100 .... 111-0807 3 BA 2 Ba, low down. ltviH 1044 lniH 1044 $850 per mo Ownr/egt. •••••••••••• ••••• ••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• Open 10 all 011111 S10• IOO 6-42-9772 •• lllYllE lllYIS 2 b d . condo The STREAM Privett p11to. # 1 PlllHl.I UITSIH Pool, Spa. Tennla Pr1n. See It IOdeyl Convenient IOLL HISE clp11ls call 71'4/498-1116 loc11100. quiet cul de Completely remodeled or '496·5204 11c. en ucepllonally and decore1ed. 2 B<trm 2 -nice 2 Bdrm and den end bath home on A-2 lot vm S 10,100 ... unit Fenced patio, 11r New earihtone cerpela. payment buys '4 Bdrm conditioned, communlly used brlek tlr&plece, 1111 houM. Comm. POOi. ten-pool. All 10< S t39,500. new kitchen and tnths nls Cell 10< del311a P111y. IPEI SllUY 1-4 French door• end huge 658-9400 142 1100 yard Assumable 11010· • also consider lease op- Priville '"' y.,d OPOO ., • •••••••••••• •••••••••• M.200/mo 676·5030 tioor plan tlellog 11ee 011 LO• new cu11om home '4 Bdt, vi-. $650.000 mobl• 0111 II 12'V. lnl l.tJNa lll••I JIH .,.-_ kll 3 Br 2 Be. lrplc In II· on I'~ 1011 Open Sall Wiii lrMUI down S I 16 K IO I r Age n I •••••••••••••••••••••• OCEANFRONT· 2Br. IBa. vlng rm Uaed b1 lcl< Sun 1·6 ~ 10 Via Ssn lmmac '404· 18'40 6'42·9666 Step• 10 Bly 3 br, 2 bl. lrpl. UOO mo tocl 111111 lront Oolr $160,000. Fee Remo Owner/agt H 8 Condo, SBK gr~ dln1no "" 'Frplc, gar, 2 673. 1309 1311(1 Cal Pele JOhnton 876·30481673-2666 WALi Tl lllF $l 15 000 flu Fin Ow· PlllOI '795 Wlottr Cft0.8• l•l ll•r 312Z 1111.llll I NW MILLION I NEIGHBOR· HOOOI Panorama of ocean. 'bay. C1talln11 • 11w1y from highway noi· su, yet hU lhe view 11dven11g11 Owner will accept low down and help with lloanclnQ Re- duced 10 S388,000. Uffll. OPll U II 1·1 142-1200 PETE BARRETI .•. REALTY IPT IOI Fii 11101 By Own., 1mmacul111 • Bi . 2~ Ba The Blull Condo, llln1'1cnool1 S 175,000 Melle oller. 213/6'41·3792 11 Ill YERTE Ill OAHll 0••• Sat/111 11-1 Lovely 3 Bdrm. 2'1\ bllhe home wllh many amem· 1181 A11umable S235K (&pproK) II ONLY t2%. Full prtce $499,600 O w ner/Bk! Ca ll 213/4 70·2880 Goroeoua newly remod home 10 p1v1 t>ch com- m t y 3 Br & lam 1m Super 1e1ms. may.trade S 189K IH conve111on Only $269,900 6'45·6218 l1w,1rt/l1ror11t 3 Br. 2'A baths, lemlly rm. pool Buy S75,000 below merkel at $225. 000 Private party. prln· clpals only 662· 7367, 836-078'4 e~es Beamed ce111ng. tire. "°' 962.9,.80 OPEN 328 Sapphlto •••••••••••••••••••••• plec:e. wOOd & gf11as ga· 6'44-0954 Spaclov1 4 bd, 3 ba In l0te accent lhl1 lu•urlou1 •-Pie•. M111 Verde, 4 Bdr 2 Ba, clote 10 Spygl1111 All amenlll ... charmer. In 1 quiet & (Spice S1ree111. great $1150 ,,. 769 1016 saoludad park. Beautllvl· 1010 16% down Bkr •hopping, lxl•. lamlly or "?' · _ 97 383 11udeo11 S075 winter Spacious • -bd, 3 be ·In ly upgroded Newport's 9-4 873 6562 5•0 7114 .. * 900 • · .. · Spvglan All am1101lle1. t>ell value I •• 4 • · 5 a1t1ec1M1 1 llory. COi· '50 Owoor motivated . Ilg• typo unite. E/Slde IAYFllllT $17 mo 759.101:._ 631-7111 _ C M 15% down, enu-3 bd, 2 bl houae 11ar. •Br 2"'o Be.~A .OR.,& UST ILIFF 00111 m able . Pr Inc only lrl)I. 2 pa I 'a. W'n It, view Comm. pool, ten· 3 br, 1 • .., bll. llke nawl ~'45-~00. 5'49·1!366 S9~/mo 1?75-0360 ~;~ .. 8~~00 mo 0 111n1 $73.000 assumat>le loan l•l•llti•I lillH• al II'•.,.•, OWC 2nd at I IMtll' 2100 ,,.;.,.J. J10 3 bO 11;, be, nerdwood 12•t. S 139,500 By owa. •••• ~~••'•••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• Uoors, frpt. dbt gar. U 95 nor • Bdrm, beytronl wt dock w r k 5 '4 0 · '4 9 8 8 . h m 673-3069 213-281·0365 SOTA All $4000/mo yrly or $3000 s.40·9219 Avail Now Ill C&llYH IOO'Yo ieesect wllh llirtc· winter Avllll 10/ 1, Eleganl 3 bd, lam rm, pc;vt llve aelle< financing Noc-,I.II. PllPllTY community Slept 10 t Oftttry 11111 ely maintained 1111 up IHAH•EIT pool Spa & Tennll Jut I labulovst Beaulllully bulldll)g only '4 years old 17 .. 117• l S 1250 mo Imm• d oecor11tlld, gorgeous la-5 qudllly teo11ots SI, .,. _!._ occpncy 675-27'40 cuzzl. 6 hole putting 0•0.000 Wlntet Aeolal Lg1 2 l>d. 1 A-vall 1•111-2 bd. den, 2 g111en Roomy & p11va1e W/0 v s 8 4 9 , o o o A g e o t CISTl •Es• ba. lrpl. pauo, • ery ba trpl newly decor•· 900 a clean 1950/mo 500 led 1 blll lo bch S950 558-1809, 675-6 20,000 SQ 11 1111 up bull· West Ocean Fron1, Call mo 673-6739 IEWPlllT OUSTl•·YI ding centrally located on 635-5066 or 997-3970 $360,0001 '4 Br 3ba, 3 the West side Divided Peninsula Pl 4 Bdr 2 Ba. Coron• del Mar bay1ronl. !p's. lam rm. f1ml dining, into 4 spaces 5.ooo aq 2 Ir p I c 1 8 mos Lovely, apaclou1, 2 Miiiet will help hnan Cell 11 each s950.ooo seller $ 1t50/mo 675-5030 bdrm, 2 bath Neutral A 0 I A will finance clng available Owner wlll Ull tion. Huffy, won't IHI. : . • • ltller MatiHtdl a.eking S 139,900 Cell llll• Cell tor the lull tacts on 6-40-11~ 1 ' 3 Br 2 Be slogle tamlly home Frplc In Iv rm Lrg lutchen Call Pele JoM· ton 631· 1266 on 'N ea emax H . co10<s, remOdeled k•lct'I· 759· 122 t a•l1•1lon en wllh hand painted STUL ITI GAOOESTBUY ON l11d 3140 Illes Vacant now• ~van ':.~~~::i'v:,;,.~~o p~~VI~-l&Llll ISUll 0°ELUXE·c·o~000··~:;; Corkall, 6"4•9060 the llneoclng detalls l'.o-F0<ec10eu<e ·you blnelll l~~~~~-~~~j veiv 3 bedroom home. • Petitt Plan II, clOM to 1: 1mm11culalo condition. ~!f"llle~!-.Jll lake • Br 3bo, lemlly rm, cial, <4Br, 3' rBa. wet bat, S<450,000 Just appraised beach 2Br I';<, bll, lac, 3 car garage. 2 trples & 81 S500,000 5 BA & pool, 1enn11, vety pr1v11e. Brand spanking n-eve- wood paneled Dining ~~~~~~;;3 2 lrples, Musi Mii. 1284, 1111 Living room ac· ~ 500 Open Sal/Sun t·5 ceoted t>y brick tire-IULH WILL llmllTll pleoe Good l1odscap1ng PAY HlllTI with lots ol fruit tree• WCI Priced at $129,900. call tor buyer'• 2nd, '4 Br , 979·2390 den. 3 Ba. 3900 s I re-·~ mile 10 beaoh. I yr old modeled home Steps to 3Br 2be coiner w / lltfftl 0Mta MOH MVCC 6'41·81 t5 agt security Ceth celllng. 3 bedroom 1ancher ---. ---Spaol1h 11ucco. Ille roof, POOL/SPA home In Up D••• 101•1 I OZI 191 13 •/, % • 1 ry t 0% top condition all through. rAA'oei~i~·t~t~;;:;9; down $189,500 or leeae Living room and fire· homes. 11·~·~ 30 yra ll•· place. Sellet very moll-, e d r a 1 9 IEWPllT 1001 vlled '°left !Mier from 1220 000-$280 000 20 units. 200 11 front.,,.. you! S 153.1100 Cell · 99' 526 -.-979.2390. Models open 4 • 4 with pool. Great term• 101 mlo Stanley leaH. Oua Yr laH l IH41el II llWI ' 202'4, c:ooaumer lode• Super 11vlng1 on thl1 lie lovely 3 bedroom ranch 1 BA wltll 1ome OCHO l 1ty1ed h<>me. Just redu· vu. P<>OI .. )ac. S109,500.I OISTI 11•• ced for qulcil sale. Nice S1200/mo. 675-9400 .. llYlog room end anrac-• 9 units • ESTATE SALE. tlve llreplece. Healed feHl•1• V•IJ~ 1034 YOU BENEFIT. Close to sPA. 11oraoe Mled•. Av ·····auv·oitw Eei't.... sh<>Os Townhome •ype access and fruit trMs. _. B 3+0en big w/I Great IOCehon • 14111 lheo Come and take 1 look! hlg~ ~Hinge· lavllhl S yrs old. P09111ve cash Priced at lust '112•900· U80Greeo Vau.Y Speclaq HowAGENT 645-9850 Call 971912:9:... 5 Br 2·91y, pride ol OW· ---------TElllFIC llY . nershlp 11sum. loan 3707 S. BRISTOL St79,5t'O Rafferty & SANTA ANA L.loyd 963-6573 Tarbell, Huti•1I•• lHO ..Jud. .....•.....•••........ CLEAN-H-SAVE REAl.~l)RS $122,000/080. 3 bd, 2 ba. Assume 13.87 loan owe c 811 213/539-1680 NO BALLOON -AFFORDABLE NO QUALIFYING RUSTIC CHARM 11.n. N--3Br • 2Ba, S 1381< Privacy plut condition. 1668 SF 3 Br. IV. Ba. 2800 S F 5Br • 3Ba, College Pinc $134,000 1167.000 20172 Hatbor AOfW!t 662-1700 ISie Lo. SI Adams LAIMBEEA AL TY & INV 5'49-2330 96'4-0227 1111 IEI• • HWl-10~ lit. 3113 MAOIERA 4 BDRM 2 BATH Beaut. cuatom home, YU Appr,llMd ,, $1'401( o4 ocean, wllk lo Hod Ow"9f mu1t Mii S125K 2131333-38 '4 6 or Aat Steve 213-927-8001 902-1298 LUSE/IPTIH Nice clean, 9ood loc. As-1 1250/mo pyml , aumeble VA, 3Br, IV.Be, $'400/mo toward pur- llv rm w/lrple, or tchls, chase price. 1 yr. No 1hopplng & lwl6,. S t27. quelltylng S3000 down. 000 vacant 9 2'481, 2'A br. 2 b•. huge IOI. 761·5418 lmmed. occ Pvt pally MESA VERDE 3Br hm w/ 1147 • ..r118 d11r1. 1901< lo. 12'1r"lo, F/P ,., ••••• fNlifyi~ 1 129.000, op Sun t 1-5, 3069 Glbrllter, 5'45-2883 _. Bdrm, 2 be. 60x 1 ·1 ••EU YHIE 11~ lot S5K down. total pymll P&I o1 S 1258/mo ... Wei t Huollogton Bch 4 bdtm pool home 71<4/6'40-50711 Bkr. $1350/mo. Owner moll- veled $135,000 OESPEAATE: No Ou111-1 6'46-8922 Agt. tying Owner9 must ... thl1 '4 Bdrm neat belch. IEW WTSt• Aalllng s 119.1100. Make 3 BA lt'• ba. fully loi<ile-otr. Bkr 1148-()709 ltd. lplc. lllu mlolled --------...,.--1 kllch .. forced elr neat, lni•I IH lge gar. w/over1lzed •••••••••••••••••••••• dOOI' & elec opener. 841-L.Mtfratt •MArWc• ier noeoc• et 10011., A•· 5 bf. 3 I>•. l)OOI. Jae, king 26% dwn. 1150.000. Ownerl egt 551~29 262 Sento Tomeo. Open Set/Sun PM'•. Agent, 6'46-3271 mllTIMAIUI ...,,.,.. TllTLlllGI IUI ,,.....,,., ....... 3 Bdr home w/ellrocllve decor Walk 10 sct!OOla. pools, and tennis crta. 11u.soo For Info on tef•llkl ~yer tale ... ove1 finan cing call L•• ,• ... RVM* E.1 htra T 1rrlflo Outstanding '4 Bdtm, many ••tru. ~to S 190,000 Open Sun 1-5 11 7 Shoollmg S111 UNITED BROKERS REALTORS 173-7771 A -••J Of U I" 1M IHW STlnUI llUZllll ,.., Alllllll , .... , Scenic Mountain Vlewe & Slee>• Away BrlHleol blue pool mlogle 10 male• Country Style Living moll •nloyebl• In thl• 1mm1c. Gudeo VIiia. Spaclout 3 B<trm. Wlod· now.1 Mdl. bo8111 mott ou1regeou1 me.st., aulle w/own prlv drea•log area. open 1uded by well• ot glua & contres- tlng Country wood dec- king. lnoredlble low price of S 106,000 with S 10,000 down, 11097 Imo p1y1 Ill • dont "''u thl• one, CALL NOW. llT•YWU. LIW llWI LIW "9TI ... , .. ~~1.-.'!~.~·.t.~ ... !.~f EMEULI IAY IS AFFllll&IU llW Prf<:e all.Shed SS0,000. 3 BA, pool and 1pa Prl. vale beach $399,000 T111H UOll UY Prrvate oceanfront com- munity 3 BA 3 Ba. den S26.000 below · 81 ap- praisal $299.000 SWHPIH YIEW N-custom 3200 IQ It 3 BA. 2''1 ba home w11n grea1 ocean view and spa Top quollty "435. 000 HST llY Chermlng. hghl end airy 3 BA Lots ol spenteh I lle, decks. 1pa. 15% down $20'4,500. ClllTllY FREICll ShOWcase home 3 BA 2 much more. Aisume superlargobonusroom. no 111d1 no pet s rywhere 3bdrm 2'1\ba 8V.Yo 111 & owner wlll Steps 10 So bay belch. $600/mo Call Gayle Garage. patto Sl,000 PllllSIU NlllT h I II F II I Oo''le JOhoaon . .,., 6 3 5 . 9 o 1 1 or eve' mo 607 Iris 6'4 1 ·4868, s;fs.o~~nc;31·~3'~: 760· 1966 or 67?'6000 \ l>l\1 .. 11111 of 492-1170 777·2233 673-'4399 . S'49·36A6 Canal F1on1 4 br. 2'A be, llJrlJOr ln1 .... 1m,·111 l'u L --, T JJ41 Coil• lltH JZZ4 asking S250.000 w/$50K .~1.~~~ •• !!.e. ••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• Super llnenclogl Super home! Huge lamlly room, large llvlog room with t1r1place. 3 Bdrm1- m11111 sulle hH llre- place and plivale bal· cony New cerpels and paint Exira large dovt>le garage plus RV or boat - parlllno EojOy closeoes• 10 beachea See 11 tOday, 1·6 11H E. IOW llLH& 142-1100 j PETE BARRETI .. REALTY down OWC at 9% lnte· -Treasure l1ld Trlr 1 Br I It. 2 la. TJUDITIO\,\L RL\LT\ r e a 1 P a y m e n I s lll1ii11 H••• $395 & utll Oen view. Frplc, range, yard, o•· I $2000/mo. FUiiy emo<11-l•tk ZJOO 213-'433-9991. '493-190'4 rage no pets PrhlJtle zed 840·8208 Agent •••••••••••. ••••• ••••• 180 deg Oeean view 2Br $750/mo 1st plus • TWllWI Newport Height•. ltrge lot. 2t>r Pnced to aell. S 1'42,000 Joyce Wallza, 63\.1266 I PllEI IEWPHT ITS. IT Lend & plans for 137 sp 2ba. spa, Sl 200/mo Pt> only 6'48 W 18th •t1 ILll'S CLOSll M H. ren111 park, Hemet 499•530_., 499•4827 499· 1617 ~ Tiii Wiii .L'I S850,000 1erms Owner -1 ~ (71'4) 558-1'433 JI, t • • 3111 2 BR 1 ea dup H . -yVI IEHOE •• 12K -----t!'."!r.! •••• ~! .•••...•• paho new paint.~. 5 11Hal•i•1 0.Htl1 LIDO ISLEh, 3 bdrm. tam ~ 833·~ BUILDER'S LOSS, dre-ltlltl Z400 rm, 4 Ba, S1700 mo Sh8Jp and clean •Br ~·· mlllceUy REDUCED to tell IMME OIAT ELY •••••••••••••••••••••• --Gardener tnc $800 lfl IUI OCEANFRONT 2 bdrm. Ph 5<46-9950 -. BRAND NEW 3000 t.I. 1_.00 IQ.II 3 BA l'I\ ba, 1 ea $700 mo Biii -: custom 1330.000 Cell lhell reed" tor lni<iletlOo, Grundy, Altr. 675-6161 Ee11sld1 3 BA. $'700.<no t or eppl NO W RAE vie~. ,..5'.ooo. OWC at -pell, ISi last & c:tf.P RODGERS, 631-1266 10:0 ~~I Phll Svec. Beautiful home tor quah· 6'42-6368 , " fled pertoos. gracious II· 213·353-7525 vloQ $2500/mo 111 '4 Br. 2 Ba Mesa del .. r. ba. French doors. g11deo ===~~ii~~~= wlodow1. skylight, ooeao view $299,900. 1112,100 Two hOUMI on luge IOI with two-cer garage. Ill· c:ellenl terms Cun Her· bertt II, 631· 1266 * •1L11I* 675-1530 clean ™>me. quiet 11')11 • 1a --S 8 o O m o 0 •I' r '4 to 28 Acres pp STEPS TO BEACH 3 Br & 759·8006 :• llTllll HWI 842" 1039 ;~~;~6:. W1~~;8~507 ' Oen & night vi-. <4Br. Jem 414-7111 Miiiie McCar•ack IE MIST SELL IOW! Take aC1van11ge ol 1hta 111ua1100 Owner he• purchased "9nOH•er & lilted lhlS PfOperty $20. 000 under appraised v1 • luallon Spectacular white w'ti1er, canyon & cily llghts view• A great txJy " $290,000 '1it~r :~~M!'•"~ ··-c--__ c..._, Ftll•H ••L OWNERS LEAVI NG COUNTRY, 2160 IQ It. of 11vlng spece 800 sq.It of g111age. vaulttd beamed calllnge. huge country kllchell, '4 Bdrms and 3 batns. lfroe y..0-wllh room 10 expend Good 11n11oc1ng 1vallablel $265.000 11 12 WHTCLIFF H . OPEi IHllY 1-1 142-1200 A PETE BARRE TI .. REALTY Harbor Ridge 2 Bd COO· Ill IW UIE Canne1y V1ll1ge Mobile ;7~~8g3~Y1:3~1• do. S..50.000 640-9605 Ouat cust mtn homes, bit Home Paik, 2 Dr. 2 ba. S j W /Oii on our choice lots 01 pool N 1 CIOM 10 3 Br 2 81 crpll dr.,.,_ .!!'.' ••• .'A!~!••••••••• yours buy dlr from bldr & shopi ~ ~!tauraoll S675tmo •. Ocean view 1 bdrm & den, save Sjule Oevelpnt Inc S700/mo yily 673-3685. 6'42· 133• Mon thru I decora1or upg rades, 71'4·585-3981 __ 1·525-16<18. 1-772·1801 EASTSIOE 3 bd,?ba.tei1. $136~000 OWO apt la· TO OE CAZA..G.lll.ed -------• guna Shoro f\eally, 3 BR 3 B11 <>< 2 BA 2 91 P<>OI. coveted P~t&-Pr""lef. _.9._0748 comm Calm nomes Call oceaolronl wt<ty/mo mod•leO k11. ow crfOs. 103, B•yllde Cove EHi --!_ ------M L 0 u • g I ( 7 I • , 752·9<186 Ot 673-068 I $950 mo 548-6906 .• Completely turn '45' Slip w t • I IOfl '495-106<1, 770-669'4 1 ---- 2 t>oats Membership In !:!!.~!~!.!!•••••••••• --------NPT CREST Condo •Easls1de 2 br, 'i_ yacht club Evary1hlng BUSINESS LOSS FOR· fi•t Siut.I /•ltn•/ Beautll ul 3Br vu Kids 011. pets.J.J/ Included ?Br, 2be CES SALE Nice 4 Bdrm 0. JJ z450 SIOOO/mo Agt 645-0295 ~ils pd 631-" $895,000 lee Co-2'• beth• OnlySlt0,000 ••••• ~.'.~'..'/.......... -WESTCLi'Ff 2 Br 1 Ba patio ~ ope1atloo on llnenclog with $22,000 d.,wn and Condo. vacation 11me 3 br, 3 be, den. xlnt IOc garaoe. lenoed. c.,Oets Tutner A11oc1 11es assume $88.000 long atiarlng In Hawaii Fully or plly furn $1100 & drapes No pell. •6 '4 9 4 • I I 7 7 o I c or term loan. S 1050/mo 213·796-'4807 ,.,. mo 6'42-6602 ptu• secu11ty 5'48-$JM2 6'40·6390 Beller then renting 1f181 <>< 770·5629 ·: 1Br Condo-.-pe~8, tu t>enetns R & H In· 0•1 If C.••11 Lido Ille 3 Br plus den & ---~ 1E£ll 1Rlm v"trnenls 752-2 1117 lr•t9t'rt. 2550 paho Avell now Agent 2 Bt I 81 w/d hooll-..p. Versallle1, ocean view. •• •••.,.••;(•••••••••••• Virginia 873• 1323 garage, couple only~ !...7~_41_4_'4·_1_1_7_7 ':iiiiii:iiiiii:iiiii~ 811 lecllllles, S 154•000 1~: 2brl 1b11 home pe1s S650 675-0097·~ I B 0 b 6 .. 6 . 3 ll 1 .. a fl 01 •• , ,,., ,,,,,, ,I••--6.30PM •••••••••••••••••• •••• •;, block 10 l>each R••••• U•ls.r•i1jfl E;;;t;ide ,.,ge tncd -/tild. LEASE IPTIOISI _.,._ #•6//t B1•11 199.500 Agt 968-8666 •••••••••••••••••••••• hrdwood 11rs. 2•· 11v~1n GREAT OCH VIEW. 2. flC(PTlllll, Lerge <4 bdrm home neat flt Silt 1100 GREEN VALLEY LAKE c,.,,./ 3ZfZ 811e, n-crpt In 2 ~ & 000 sq rt 3Br, 2Be, lam LOCATION-EXCELL Ii CHERRY L AKE Many •••••••••••••••••••••• MOUNTAIN HOME •••••••••••••••••••••• den. large k1lch w/~ rm wfwet bar, '9 llv rm c&d 10 sell! Seller mo111og l extras BY OWNER . Irvine . Tile Nellt 10 national loroll. IEITILS area STOOtmo Ill &)ut w/beemed celllogllrplc, out ol US Need t>uyer Open houH 2-5 Sunday G1oves. 2Br. 281. dbl skiing, boali"" eic. 3Bt, Yearly-Weelcly·Wlnlet. 2. $'400/HC 642-0857 : ANXIOUS $5,000 dwn lor <I Bdrm 3 balhl, Im· 397 EHi 23rd St a $89 000 On Green ... 3 Bd S1550mol0<t6rno m·-·lalehome,wtth•Jl· A,..,,1JuMen1675-1771 gr. s' OO • krtchen&'"'·1"°ryrm,llv .• rms Ne1rnew3Br2'1"' 1 -w ., ,,_.. be 11. 11 o d n rm, iec rm. 2 lrplc1 .llOIU IEALn twnhM, tenc yrd, t'68 OCEANFRONT, 2Br. Ha room oil meeter Blull'i beat buyl 3 br,l 832·1l199 ll·B•. completely fur· PllP Mine< $700 8'40-50t( huge deck, wlk to bch, bdr"1 See 11 Sunday level pool 111.e new --/ • I IZOO n1thed Good Income very pvt $5.000 dwn. 1 4 30 ' · Attf•'I,• '" •• • S 1860 mo for 36 mo . 1222 SISSEi S 175,000. Bkr 6'4<4-5215 ••••• •••••••••••••••• properly O< 2 lam homo llAllAlllEIT 2 Br 1 Ba. attached~' a· rage, eml encl yrd. • • OK S530/mo 631-3 ANXIOUS Owner/8gl -n .... Cl A•Jlal.. GOVERNMENT LANO 1-867-353• '40'4·1096 142-1200 -"" -~ Sold tor H low u S7 50 lll-1113 SPAllH IY IOOI A PETE BARRE Tr .. REALTY OPEN SUNDAY 1-6 1'45 LABAEA. gar8ge Is COOver1ad to 3rd BA. 1 lo\ bl. dining rm. French doora, beautllul hdwd floors. flrepl~ & period wallp1per1. (Cl1c:a 19261) ~~~~~~~~~ Qceen View eod room to -IDIOlll expand on big level to1 AHume 12'11. 1010 SEE SEAVIEW • elegant & TODAY AND SUBMIT ch11mlng Hempton YOUR OFFER. Aaklog. Mooel, lebuloul vlew1, 13'47000 decor. 1p1, privet• · · I • o• comm w1poo1 a 1enn11 lb. 1111 • • t· taclllhes 1450,000 OJ*! •Mk Hou .. Set/Sun 12-6 ffl!.!f.,!1.-.!t.l.O.'.~ WILLE H 011111 BEAUTIFUL OLD WORLD TOWNHOMES By Howard Mlfk Co. tr om I 168,000 '405-32•• 78().9355 1903 YIChl Colin• 64<4-1011 Are you pleoolng • move? Clesallled edt Wiii point yoo lo 1'"9 right direction 10 find the home you Med. 842·6878 • doort from ocean. 1 n acre For In f o 0 I TIWIM• N-port Pen St59,ll00 3t21888·4347 E•t JL-19 0.11/ St•I• U4• hie/lat.re • • cuh to ••latlng !Oen ol ----J""O ,,. .. ,,., ZIOO F1n1ast1c loc1t1011 2Br, IUll IEW I I 100,000. Dys 972-1090. ••e• ,,, .. ,t. •~' •••••~•·"•••••••••••• llreptace new klleheo evt 731-5'4'4'4 Ow1* •••••••••""••°"•••••• • 8• Acre a zoned R-'4, lg 1 di· 1 lgh end 2 Bd1ms. 2'~ beth'" In ---------Older Ouple11 '"'91 '461h tt Spanllh Homa, guetl l0<ma "og, br 1 Garden llke comm~ty 1101 llY OILlll&L NB 3 ~r. 2 bL up1ta1r1 houee, horee cor1el, airy Sl l00tmo0 I available now OecoretOf 2-aly, 5 BA, 3 Be, rHI 2 br, t ~ be downstelrs. bord«s town penoramic I a I• t • t' O I perfect Utllll••• ,id t0<me1 dine rm. tam rm, Wiii Mii es le IOt $700, vlewe, Wlckonburo. Atl· laf1n1. S 1 1 S o / m o C • I I w/bar, guHI aulle w/t>a, 000 or will build lo IUll 1001 $960 000 (71'4) Brend new home 2Br 675-2311 2 mastr 1ulles. belcqny. tor '875.000 & up. (plant 337·2555 end den, YU. lllp ror IO ~ BR. 2'.,-bl-.-,-p-lc-. _m_la_o-_ French dOort Poo) & & 1pp1ov1l1 obtained) --------b o I I A y • 11 o ow wa.,,., OIW, central "'9C. 1p1. 2 g olf court•• Armitage R•ilty $2000/mo. 101ercom,p11io.BBO,no nearby Low dwn Owoet 7l'4-S.'4·2•8'4. l••t•n, f•r•1, 0.14e/laJfrHI lse. 1750 mo. 5'49-83M wlll carry bel. SPKllll ~ OUplell on the eand. 30th fleWI 1100 ,t.vell furn or uolurrt. Oup'-x 2Br t'~ba. = $1115,000. Inquire oowll 111 NB Newly remodeled •••••••••••••••••••••• fel"tlaatlc 1oc11100 w / gar"'. "*tlo no';...11 "" • 8'1r 71•11l63-0ll02 or toll In _ .. out. 3 bf .• 2 ba •-lfittat htatt le 1 2B ~ bldg ,..... ...... .00 52 .. 8g10 .,.., --.• v W ' r, lvv ' Oeve Agt 551-0875 Ire•. 1 • I ~-up11e1ra 2 br ., 1 b a. Rancho Cellfo<ole OYer poo1 1"5 HI. 1600 down11a11s M in 10% eooo •qllt, 11.2 1cr11 Wltttr ........ OPTION to t>uyl L.wge IOWIFlllT I down owe baleoc• at Prime prop, adj, to J11Ck Available now Price• 3br 2b• hOme w1i-c;ua11 130%tor5yr1.0reetf0t Klugman Hlete. Every range from s600 10 countrytypekllcherlw/ 5 Bdrm 2 be c:ott• on 1ummer renlllt 1735, deullng emanlly N /8 1 00 dlShwuher kids-pet~ Mc:luded t>eech with no 000 A1ml11ge Realty c:MIYIP tennl1 C'1. '650. o:!.nrr~~ !~ delllls $6.50/chg 636-7005 -Gt ~··· $430,000 Robt 7 14-6'4'4-2<48'4. 000 Out1tendlng '""'' Schumann. Owner --Agl. 213127&-2031 lar'-r •t41t/Yln 3 8r 2 Ba, S736/mo. No 213/376·0783 C1•tlf17 J.1t1 iiiiiiiiiiiiiijjiiii~iil 3 Bdrm wle•cel lemlly pets 806 Joann 8 1. Crnt• ISIO ornn lllYI rm, llreplacH. Beaut. _64_•_·_18_3_6 ____ _ •••··"~••••••••••••••• vlew1. 1pe, atcurlty, METRO REALTY cat .. Megolflcenl . 2 etory on large corner lot. "'" Meu Verd• Country Club. Colorful red 111e roof. ltltely entry, .,.... lllcan tlle. Sl*ttllng pool •nd 1p1. to ... tl'llt llC*)lel pt'Of*1Y, call lo- dey. A •potte" 4 8r Olen· Myl'9 plan Ill a gr .. I lo- C9tlon • Ottty a ltlor1 walk to poo1 enc1 tennla. ~ CIUC4ld ~ 120,000 tor f .. t tett. Exltllng 111 It auumebl• al 10.75%. NOW ONLY 8294.600. Shlmmerln11 pool, and careeelng 191 turrouod this 2 llory lleglnl pr~ I of owner.hip Guden I VIiie. Pro1 .. ston1lty de.- corlled thru-out. DrH· my muter 11.1tt• w/extra j h fd•·•·•••Y c 101e1 19oce Aa you Ilk• 11 IOf1 tor added bd1m or quieter moment•. HH l LA~~~ ~:?YUEI. commending view 10 1 Ill CllYOI 3 LEVEL TOWIHIUSE llRDEI .-cemetery IOll at Htrbor Eur aide ol ~ 133 comm pool and 1enol1 the COAST AL ., ... In l.llwn Mernorl•I Prtl, C.M. KIM In Grec>etrull •nd ueoo. ........ Th ti - Wiii •111crlllee tor 1300 ff Orange•. Ae11onable Wate ...... att h••• IM .,.,..1 way· • -·., C II a wetet 0011. <>ottlllndlnn '" wo have en omoe ctote For more Into • •· 1111 benefit•. Meneci99. H1·1• byt K ·Mart Sho,iplng ......... COLD Well BANl\eRU ,_..__ 3 Ir, 2'.4 bl Cape Cod CoNSo. 2 ~old. 112'. 600, 1~ dn. Good n. nan. Alcllc. 81cr. 131 .. 741 UlllfM Tiiie 4 • rionw. located In Coel• Mele, " .. """ lllWully deGOteted. II -...... ,,.. ..... IOll I .. In IM 11*'*1. ,,... ...... t0.18,. !OM. ,,... "'"' prtet lt•tino. •1-mo•••••• '"61111 ~.,; ' . '' ., t • f I, llJL 11 I J open •lllrc••• end Owne< wllf Mii ti.eutllul tnttrt•lner'• llv rm. wstom 38r llotne obtll• Herd to find 11 Nll.llOO MCI In torecf09Urt Al · wtt11 $6000 dn pymt .._, klllf I 170.000. Apr.al· towo euuml)l!On u· K Md et ltto,000 2 t41 ell. lot rele. lll7ti mo 8 1lllwa1er L n. (213) poyt Ill. 323-0792, 38'4-352<4 ..,..., It llliW~al~ter~~~~~ * lllT llY * ....... 1ULn ;;;; In RMCM Sin JoeQUlo 111 •1•1 OllM matllOf OulttandinO 3 br. ~bl ----·-·-·---By Owner. Wiit CMtlder on eotr cour~ Loe ... PllYITE any ,.., on t>MutlM 2 tume1>1e ioan. sm,ooo. " 2 •• '"°° eci 11 l*60 lty owner. NI ttom• el S 128,600. 1eo-11oem&-21•• L &.48-6482 YllTUlm In Y°"f own l>tck yll'd, 4 • ...,, ,_,. llln ·-~ bdrm11 2'A be. ln..,.,neM •i°•7fff••••••H•t•_....t ~ Mode In T1,1ttl1 Rocle iiiiiiiiilititillitiiiiil.iliillititi1l ... _. lllME Mu11 eell 'N•r 1eoo aq n 2 bdrm, 2 bo o\191'1ootclng gotr courM In Nwpl Bch. Fam. rm w/wet blf a lrplcl, din. rm. cathedrll cetllng1. p'11o • 2 bolconlet. Poot. i.e. t9nnt1. exo11c: land~. 2 car 0"· Atavtn. 190K mrtg. 2.SK dn or OM•°' dlemonde, Pr~~ U&K -mike ofter. Out Of etete ownet. APP• 7&9·905'1. BrOkera proltel.O. v•ly Ol•rti 521·1818 I 600 MaU .. ~ ~ ment evlllable 2. • ~ Id•-' Jiff 2200 s Harbor 636-1'005 fXft 000 ••••••••••er;-••••••••• 8/11 J.lt ,... -~-4 9r. 3 le, o.n. Oto, gar, Npl Hgte -· 3 It 2'4 .. •••••••••••••••••••~ • .._ ..... no pe11. t t 100/mo. 227 condo. lemlly rm, trptc.. IWll TU m&.m Adjacent 10 M.,Ged city Corel. 2131386·3611. I • u'll d ry rm . g •r . •• llVlllllm llmltt ind 1ubdlvt11on. Sl251mo. Joyce Weltlla, Sift Clemente Pfld• or 32\t ICrH Attreetlve ~ 901 831-t:ZM ownerltliP. mo<*n Spa-ter-lft• •v•ll•ble. Elle... Brltk Joo to the t>Md)I nltll •tyle 4 unll apt. tent. !Ix beneflll 1490. 1 cllllct. 1 pet <>ti, S4tll ~With OONnl hllle & 000 Metro Aellty will mete OOlf 00-W -.. CIOM ec>Pttl IM-700I to everylllln~lr. 3 ~ c:uetom '*MI = :=_•.,. oa:= If it'sgot 3 11. 1r .. 111r '*" . OCCYPr 3 Mrm .. I baefl wheels, many .,,_, Pf1\lele. tlM * ...,,ociMn_,..,. vou'ttmave ~14~}5'.u~~a -n~. Ill.ID'S Cl.OSE-OOT ::;:::c:1>:.~~ ': It faster In a ao coASr "~MIA' N NEW C 0 ND 0 S tncCMM ,... ... ,.. Dally Pltot cerpeeN 11ome .,. H11g41 • lft aw. ... G11r1 ,...., ....,.. ~ AIC.,. won •tn..... ol prlvecy. l11oet .. ftl tot. SUI* ftnM'ClnQ 1'1811 ' ~-You owe "Mille me en olfer''.1 It to yourMlf lo ... tlll• Aakln'l llH,too. Opn one IMl.000 81t1 un 1·6. 18Ht Anllocll. Cell RoDln, ,......._.._ BR A D flf!llftOe a IAYI IMIY9' cl•-lf--lnoluctecfl Cflllcl,,.. .. , -111ouHnd1-of dollarar A Oh ii.ton of .-""' T 0 o A 'f I 411 + )i m. 1441 Oalelcy OrM s1•a CM MOUCID 8"'""M prto. Ullrblllr fnH"llnt•nH'u ad. C:.11 CMt9e • 'Nf'IVV .. _ .... :!!!!f,t.":' · · M2·56111nd e Ma 1 r o .. .,. ••1•· • 1r o... ,.,,,,. ::."I ~-_._ ~!!'~~!!!!~~I a.NOi '" "'°°"'·I,.,.,....., ,._, """''""''ll trl9ndtvff. •Ir .... ••· 11001 .. 0 . 1tar t•r ... l'lut .. ,.. ONL ftl C•ll tw"9f at a WondarM ¥/Otfd Ylter wt II • " 6&2·7800 °' Mf..1'171 •••rw- I I .. '.I 11 I I • ' \I f•'/ ,I I • .. ~ .. ,,.... ""'" f.~ooo~ •• IO, Ntw In town? C.....,lad ., ... you "*" n.iv ~~Poll.., (7'41 ot "°'''"'· '''"' et hel.,.vou ''•d hnora •• ,t . lot, Neut. 11ndN8"d. ~..., ,.. W."8Wt ,., r 9St•Jlll. •t41tt .. I ,ir~~.:l." 642-0138 la Toto .... l;.; ~,:J:'f~o C...~ ..., i.I Ill .a.=-,_. ... I .... W..'"91 I . ._,.., '. ......... ,."_,__..., •:-.:t;:a:-... -: Ott ... M-:.i:.: C•sh. ~wll!llMll .. """' ..... ..., ... ,. .. a.. .. .-{ .... , l ~~~~ ··~-~~~~~t!@~~Ll·~-~-=-~T~l~d~,...,~==:===~~~#!!!!'!!!!!!Ll:"':!1111:•~..,.~tl~--~TOOl:r_.~ .. t , f ' I 2 2 3 2 $ ?4 Orang• Co It OAIL v PILOT /Sunday. Ootobe1 I •ottOOM 222 MarlQold, COfon• det M., 831·7300 1340,000 Sun 1·5 1031 B•ytlde Cove Eut. Npl .Bch 494.1111 sees.ooo Sattsoo 1.6 **225 Gr•nd C•nal, Balboa 111. 873-6900 $595.000 Sat/Sun I ·6 2308 CHtf Dr. (Nwpt Mgll) NB 642·5200 $388,000 Sun 1-5 2526 Laurel. Colla Mesa 646-7171 $126,900 Sun 1·5 117 Marine. Balboa Island 87~·6900 $254,000 Sun 1·5 73 Lakeshore Or .. Woodbridge. Irv 552-1800 $256,000 SunAA> 2 BA plua 'AM RM ot DEN 104 Via Palermo. Lido 631-1400 $439,500 Sat 1·5 1577 East DC.an. Penlnsula Pt. 6?1-1400 344,600 Sun 1-5 3491 Queens Ct (Wlmbldn Vig) CM 645-0303 $169,000 Sun 1-5 43 Beachcomber (Jasmine Ck) CdM 645-0303 $350,000 Sun 1·4 1706 Miramar, Balboa Penln Pt .. NB 642-5200 $300.000 Sun 1·5 **744 Via Lido Nord. Lido Isl. NB 673-7300 $1.695,000 Sa 3-6{S 12·3 * *827 Via Udo Soud, Udo Isl, NB 673-7300 $1,850,000 Sat/Sun 2·5 * 19 Curl Or, Jasmine Crk, vu. CdM 640-151511-728-5151 Sat/Sun 12·5 3 BEDROOM 145 LaBrea, Laguna Beach 494-4674 $347,000 * •3215 Ocean Blvd., CdM 644-6200 $1,500,000 Sun 1·5 Sun 2-5 1934 Port Provence. HV Homes, NB 644-9060 $245.000 Sun 1 30-5 19442 Salmon Ln .. Hunt. Beach 546-2313 $119,000 Sun 1·4 14 Southern Wood(Trtlrk Hghlnds)lrv 552-1800 $300,000 Sun 1-5 1901 Yacht Marla, Newport Beach 646-7171 $339,000 Sun 1-5 1543 Serenade Terr(lrv. Terr.)CdM 644-4910 $320,000-Fee Sat/Sun 1-5 1218 Devon (Westcllff) N.B. 631-1266 $239.500 Sat/Sun 1-5 1654 Sunset Ridge, Laguna Beach 494-1177 Sat/Sun 2·5 20172 Harbor Isle Ln .. Hun!. Sch -964-0227 $138,000 Sat/Sun 109 Via Ensueno. Mariners Pt SanClem 759-9100 $465,000 Sat 1-5 587 W. Bay St.. Westside. C.M 759-9100 $109,900 Sat 1-4 502 I Street, Peninsula Point 631-1400 $395,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 205 Topaz, Balboa Island 673-6900 $295.000 Sat 1-5 1961 San Bruno, Blutts 631-1400 $150,520 Sat 1·5 2602 Crestview. Bayshores. NB 644-9060 $409,000-Fee Sun 2·5 11 Rue Verte, Big Canyon. Npt Bch , 322 East 23rd S1 .. Costa Mesa 546-2313 $220.000 Sa 12-4/Su 12-5 703 St. James Pl.. Newport Hghts 644-6200 $295,000 Sat/Sun 12-6 421 Vista Parada. Bluffs, N.B 644-6200 $225,000 •204 Via Eboli, Lido Isle, N.B. Sat 1-4 673-7300 $550,000 Sat 1-4/Sn 2·5 1824 Port Stirling Pl .. Newport Bch 646-7171 $214,900 Sat/Sun 1-5 ,,I 3 BR plua FAM RM or DEN 3069 Gibraltar, Msa Verde, C.M. 545-2883 $129 ,000 Sun 11 ·5 14 Southern Wood(Trtlrk Hghlnds)lrv. 552-1800 $300,000 Sun 1-5 3335 Maryland (Mesa Verde No) CM 979-2390 $158.000 .Sun 1-5 2115 Vista Laredo, The Bluffs, N.B. 644-6200 S265,000 Sun 1-4 102 Vla Koron, Lido Isle. N.8. 644-6200 $685,000 Sun 12-4:30 630 Cameo Highlands, CdM 675-5511 $375,000 Sun 1-5 2001 Yacht Resolute (Seavu) NB 760-8333 $425,000 , Sun 2-5 33 Mainsail, Corona del Mar 546-2313 $339,950 Sun 12-4 2131 Raleigh, Costa Mesa 646-7171 $119,500 Sun 1-5 2115 Vista Laredo (The Bluffs) NB 644-6200 $265,000 Sun 1-4 18302 Basswood, Fountain Valley 531-9481 $144,900 Sun 1-5 * 1211 Kings Road. Cliff Haven, NB 631-7300 $395,000 Sun 1-5 *512 Rockford Pl.(CameoHghlnde)CdM 631-7300 $199,900 Sat/Sun 1-5 1837 Commodore Road, Baycrest, NB 631-7300 $299,000 Sun 1-5 1930 Port Bristol Clr.(HrbrVuHms)NB 631-7300 $268,500 Sun 1 ·5 711 K-Thanga, Irv. Terrace. NB 631-7300 $575,000-Fee $440,000-LH Sat/Sun 1·5 14 Rue DeauvHle. Big Canyon NB 631-7300 $699,000 Sun 1-5 1301 Dolphin Terr. Irv. Terr, NB 631-7300 $985,000 Sun 1-5 DIRECTORY * •308 Morning Star Ln(OoverShra)NB 631 -7300 $985,000 Sun 1-5 21 Whitewater, Jasmine Crk, CdM 644-9060 $317,500 Sun 1·5 1218 Key West (Hrbr Vu His) CdM 644-4910 $379,500-Fee Sun 1-5 20 Aue Grand Vallee, Big Cyn, NB 644-9060 $675,000 .... Sat/Sun 1-5 **31965 Coast Hwy, So. Laguna 494-1777 $995,000 Sat/Sun 2-5 * * 38 Balboa Coves, Newport Bch 673-9187 $489,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1903 Yachl Colina, Newport Beach 644-1017 $450 .. 000 Sat/Sun 12-5 4911 Seashore, Newport J!each 759-1221 $650,000 Sat/Sun 12-5 2298 Redlands Dr .. Back Bay. NB 631-1400 $248,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 314 Marigold, Corona del Mar 631-1400 $669,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 619 W. Bay St .. We.stslde. C.M. 759-9100 $115.900 Sat 1-4 2405 Cllll, Cliff Haven 631· 1400 $820,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 616 Marigold. Corona del Mar 675-5511 $340,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1228 Sussex Lane, Newporl Beach 644-9060 $245,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 4621 Gorham Or., Cameo Shores. CdM 644-9060 $769,000 Sun 1-5 * * 301 N. Star (Dover Shor ea) NB 642-5200 $450,000 Sun 2·5 1525 E. Ocean. Balboa Penln Pt, NB • 642-5200 $420,000 Sun 1-5 1905 Yacht Puritan. Seav1ew, N.B. 644-6200 $429,000 Sa 2-5/S 1:30-5 •Galatea Terrace, Irv. Terr, CdM 644-6200 $795,000 Sat/Sun 12-4 870 Sandcastle, Corona del Mar 644-9060 $312,000 Sat/Sun 2-5 2301 Aralla, Eistblull, N.B. 644-6200 $169.000 2268 Golden Cr .• Newport Beach Sal 1-5 646-7171 $255,000 Sa 2-5/Sun 1-5 408 10th St .. Huntington Beach 963-6767 $17 4,900 Sa 2-5/Su 12-5 * 1472 Galaxy, Dover Shores. NB 642-2510 $695,000-Fee Sat/Sun 1·5 2611 Circle Or. (Bayshores) N.8 . 645-6218 $269,000 L.H. Sun 1-4 3 BR plue Lon 214 Amethyst, Balboa Island 644-9060 $440,000 Sun 2-5 3 BA plua GUEST APT •481 Bruce Crescent, Nwpt Bch 548-6677 $199,900 Sal/Sun 12-4 4 BEl>ROOM 114 Ruby, Balboa Island 631-1400 $425,000 Sun 12-4 ••2804 W. Oceanfront, Peninsula 631-1400 $695.000 Sun 1-5 226 Via Orvleto, Lido 63 1-1400 $549.500 412 V.lsta Roma. Blutts 631-1400 $190,000 405 Vista Grande. Eastbluff. N.B. Sun 1-5 Sun 1-5 644-6200 $198,000·LH., Sun 1:30-5 3240 Minnesota (Mesa Verde) CM 644-7020 $159,500 Sun 1-5 1589 Skyline, Laguna Beach 494-1177 1541 East Ocean, Peninsula Pl. Sun 2-5 631-1400 $470,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2742 Cibola. Costa Mesa 673-3663 $138,900 Sun 1·5 1112 Westcllff Or (Westcliff) NB 642-5200 $255,000 Sun 1-5 1010 Sandcastle. Corona del Mar 546-2313 $325,000 Sa 10-5/Su 1-4 1029 Bonnie Coone. Corona del Mar 644-6200 $595,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 217 Via Ithaca. Lido Isle. N.B. 673-7300 $505,000 Sat/Sun 1-4 4 BR plus FAM RM or DEN 421 Pirate Rd., Newport Heights 831 -1400 $249,500 Sun 1-5 * 2708 Cliff Or .. Newport Beach· 631-1266 $495,000 Sun 1:30-5 397 East 23rd St., Newport Beach 675-1771 $210,000 Sun 2-5 32 Vienna (Hrbr Rdg) N.B. ~94-1840 $650,000 Sun 1-dark 3133 Kerry Ln. (Hall of Fame) CM 64 1 ·8629 S 136,900 Sun 1 ·5 7 Shooting Star. lrvlne 873-7711 $190,000 ~n 1-5 *#8 Winged Foot (80 Cyn) NB 760-833"3 $895.000 I h 2607 Bunya. E-Blutf, Newport Bch 844·6200 $320,000 Sun 1-5 2048 Prt Weybridge (Hrbr Vu Hm1) NB 760-8333 $369,900 Sun 1-5 1718 Prt Barmouth (Hrbr Vu Hma) 844·7020 $310,000 Sun 2-6 14 Morro Bay (Spygls) NB 760-8333 $595,000 Sun 1-5 3474 Wlnd'so,.Ct. (Wlmbldn Vig) CM 646-2313 $209,000 Sun 1-4 2797 Buntlngton Cr., Costa Mesa 548-2313 $265,000 Sun 1-4 434 Begonia, Corona del Mar 644-721 ~ $595.000 Sun 1-5 2817 Shantar (Mesa Verde) CM 64f-8116 $216,009 Sun1-4 2515 Windover Or., Costa Mesa 675-6000 $429,500 Sun 1-5 11 1 Urbino (N. Wood) Irvine 751 -3191 $366,000 Sun 1-5 9942 King's Canyon(Park Hunt.)HB 962-1085 $222,000 Sun Noon-5 # 14 Point Loma Dr .. CdM 673-4400 Sun 1-4 * 1132 Ebbtlde Road, CdM 640-7246 $695.000 Sun 1-5 * 1924 Leeward Lane. Baycrest, NB 631-7300 $339,000 Sun 1-5 1115 Highland Dr .. Westcllff. NB 631-7300 $300,000 Sun 1-5 *1944 Flamingo Or, Mesa Verde, CM 631-7300 $245,000 Sun 1-5 213 Diamond (Balboa Island) 644-4910 $595,000-Fee Sat/Sun 1 ·5 509 Evening Star Ln .. Dov Shrs. NB 631-7300 $980,000 Sun 1·5 * 1244 Polaris Or., Dover Shrs, NB 631-7300 $895.000 Sun 1-5 232 Via Genoa, Lido Isle, NB • 631-7300 $695,000 Sun 1-5 * 11 Carmel Bay Or .. Spygls Hiii, NB 631-7300 $625.000 Sun 1-5 1251 Surtllne Way (Hrbr Vu His) CdM p44-4910 $275,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 * 14 Burning Tree Rd. (Big Cyn) NB 644-4910 $695,000-Fee Sun 1-5 427 -16th Place. Costa Mesa · 644-4910 $229,000 Sun 1-5 1441 Galaxy Or. (Dover Shores) NB 548-564,7 $420,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 • •2616 Bayshore Or. Baysnrs. NB 644-9060 $1, 750,000 Sat/Sun 2-5 1820 Newport Hiiis Or. E. HVHms. NB 644-9060 $.438,000 Sun 1-4:30 226 Poppy, Corona det Mar 644-9060 $575,000 Sun 2-5 1255 Somerset (Baycrest) NB 631-7370 $355,000 Sun 1-5:30 * 10931 Hunting Horn Or, N. Tustin 759-9100 $454,000 Sun 1 ·5 114 Via EnsuenO(Marlners Pt)SanClem 759-9100 $875,000 Sat 1·5 320 Seaward, Shoreclifls 631-1400 $475,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 * •267 Crescent Bay Dr. No.Lag Bch 644-9060 $995,000 Sun 12-5 133 Via Undlne. Lido Isle. NB 644-9060 Sun 1-5 ** 1314 W. Bay (Penln.) NB 760-8333 $1,395.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 18891 Antioch (Trtlrk) Irv. 552-7500 $238,900 Sat/Sun 1-5 18 Cherry Hiiis, Big Cyn. N.B. 644-9060 $1,ot5,000 Sun 2-5 * # 1 Trafalgar (Mrbr rdg) NB 644-7020 $1,895,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1222 Sussex Ln. (WettcliH) NB 642-5200 $237.ooo Sun 1·5 1733 Port Barmouth (HVHms) N.B. 673-7761 $259,900 Sun 1·5 2901 Harbor View Dr. (HVHms) NB 673-7761 $550,000-fee Sun 1-5 4931 Loriann, Callt. Homes. Irv. 759-1501 $137,500 Sun 1-5 4626 Roxbury Rd .. Cameo Shores. CdM 759-1501 $670,000-FM Sat/Sun 2·5 633 Bayside Or .• Newport Beach 675-7852 $1.050,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 4 Narbonne. Harbot Ridge. N.B. 644-8200 $1,895,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 706 K·Thanga. Irv; Terrace, CdM 551-8700 $359,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 * 4 Rue Blarrltl:, Newport Beach 644·6200 $795.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 510 Aliso, Newport Beach 759-1221 $350,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 932 Coronado, M ... del Mar. CM 831-7370 $145,900 Sun 1·6 210 Via S•n Remo, Lido lt le, NB 875-3048/87.3-2558 Sat/Sun 1·5 ' 0 I 4 • .,_ :p ,_ '· tt~I Port ChelM11 Newport Buch 64~7111 1330,000 Ba 1-5/Sun 1-.. 222 Via Paletmo, Lido Isle. N.8 . .1 873·7300 1387,000 Sa 1·5/8un 1·8 * 101 Via Florence. Lido 111e, NB 873-7300 $595,000 Sun 2-6 I BIDROOM 2591 Baythore Drive. Newpor1 Bch • 831· 1400 1726.000 Sun 1.5 2912 Carob (Eastbluff) N.B 844· 1742 $249,000-LH. Sat/Sun 1-5 * *708 Via Lido Nord, Lido isl, NB 876-8181 $1 ,500,000 Sun 1·5 * *4028 Channel Pl, Nwpt. Isl. NB 673-0202 $965,000 Sat/Sun 11-5 5 BR plua FAM RM or DIN * 1206 Key w .. t (Hrbr Vu Hll) NB 760·8333 $475,000 Sun 1-5 2814 Redlands Or (E/Slde) CM 546-2313 $219.000 Sun 11:303 *2406 Francisco, Newport Beach 675-6000 $349,500 Sun 1-5 * 1608 Gala•y. Newport Beach 646-7171 $799,900 Sun. 1-5 *20 Cypreas Point, Big Cyn, N.B 631-7300 $1 ,495,000 Sun 1-5 •2201 Alta Vista. Eastblutt, NB 631-7300 $3~9.500 Sun 1·5 10951 San Leon. Fountain Valley 963-8573 $179,500 ·Sun 1-5 * * *29 Beechwood(Wdbrldge)lrv. 561 -6829 $410,000 Sun 1-5 * 7 Muir Beach Cr (Spyglaas) CdM 640-6259 Sat/Sun 2·6 ••618 Harbor Isl. Or, Prom Bay, NB 759-9100 $1,350,000 Sat 1-5 * 113 Muir Beach (Spygla) NB 760-8333 S 1 ;995,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 * 12 Trafalgar (Hrbr Rdg) NB 760-8333 $2,225,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 * * 1038 W. Bay Ave, Bal. Penln. NB 644-9060 $1 ,050,000 Sun 2-5 1818 Tanager, Costa Mesa 546-2313 $160,000 Sat/Sun 1-4 .. 1885 Boa Vista Cr. (Mesa Verde) CM 540-1161 $239,000 Sun 1-4 * 112 Winged Foot Ln, Big Cyn. N.B. 673-7300 $699.950 Sun 1-5 I BEDROOM 6 * •401 t3ayalde. Drive, N.B. 673-6900 $1,695,000 233 Via Genoa, Lido Isle, N.B. 673-7300 $575,000 Sun 1-5 Sun 2-5 I 8R plua FAM RM or OEN :If* 115 Harbor Island Road, NB 631-7300 $1,500,000 Sal/Sun 1-5 * 1848 Npt His Or. E(Hrbr Vu Hms)NB 644-7020 $495,000 Dally 1-5 *41 Goleta Point. Spyglass. CdM 644-6200 $890,000-Fee Sat/Sun 1-5 CONDOMINIUMS FOR SALE 1 BEDROOM *300 Cagney Ln.# 107(Versailles)NB 673-7300 $114,000 Sun 2-5 2 BEDROOM * 1 Pandora (lrvlne Groves) Irv. 642-5200 $139.500 Sun 1-4 3 LaQo Sud (RSJ) Irvine Sun 2_5 644-7020 $159.000 2 8R plu• FAM RM ot DEN 209-215 19th St., Peninsula 631-1400 From $255,000 Sat 1-5 3 BEDROOM 9949 Cornwall. Huntington Beach 546-2313 $87,000 Sun 1-4 2888 Pacific lfG. Costa Mesa 546-2313 $129,900 Sa 10-2/Su 1-5 3 BR plua FAM RM or DEN 2400 Vlat• Nobleza. Npt Sch 640-0020 $319,000 DUPLEXES FOR SALE 2 -1 BEDROOM 315 Irle. Corona del Mar Sun 1-5 644-9060 1309.500 Sat/Sun 2-5 2-2 MDftOOM 2001 Kings Road, Cliff Maven 631-1400 $399.500 Sat 1-5 2 -2 BR ptua GUEITL 317 Larkspur, Corona del Mar 675-4822 $476,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1•p1ue211R 720 & 720'~ HellOttope. CdM 844-6824 $360,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 416 Carnation, Corona del Mar 631-1400 $569,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 48AA18R 132 So. Bayfront. Balboa llland 631-1400 $1 ,300,000 Sat 12-4 IBRASllR 509 Acacia (Ooeenllde of Hwy), CdM 645·70~ $440,000 S•t/Sun 1-5 * Pool * * Waterfront * * * Waterfront l Poot ' fl lll'\lly wllllled fOf Ihle roomy 2br HOUSEi Yatd It I•~. pt1le otl 1450 Metro ~11y Qt-7005 Chg ou.,11111-reeuttet ..... , ....... NII otl hwy 55 bMrl *!)fl ll•Pt. pvt f•nc•d yard north a-bit rNCfy 10 1110- IOdlyll BEST •OS*' 7 daye *COST •Ut.f1tt* MONEY TIGHT! only $3to fully equll) kllC'*' _... ·tome ullle P•ldl M'9- mllkff apptef 530-7005 Chg gullfMIM• rHUlllf •••llMtO Complete 6 rm1 nfoety don• ln1ld• part btll1 paid hH gar•o• kid• P•ll er• a/okl BEST 539·5190 COST 3 Sf 1 Ba. lri 19f'IC. yrd, qul•t ar•a. 550 111 6 IHI, MC. Cer1 759·1221 or 545-33SG. .... 1•i•t "" .••••......•....••.••. ., ............ o.na· POlnt. Wlllltltlg d1'-tanc. 10 e.aon 3 and 4 bdrm1. SHO 10 S 1350 per mo. 661-3100 H~ee • Condo • Apt. All a'l'atlebl• now $55 0 -$950 . 714/493--0467 ···'"''' .. .. ~, 1141 •..•...••............. Sharp 2 BR condo, 1 11y, all bltns, pool, $550 mo Cell 540· t 1511, 11k for Div. HOMES FOR RENT 3 & 4 Bdrm. $700 to $750. F.11ced y1rd1 & garage•. Kida & P•I• walcome 545-2000 Agent, no f ... 5 81k1 to ocean fleoal\I cedar & glu1 2 Bf 6 den. 2'n Ba. $925/mo Plultl crpts & drapea. All the bit-In amenlllff y~ de· air•: beautiful etaln•d gl1u window. micro· wave. tra•h comp, hydro-1p1 In luxurlou1 mutr ti•. dbl eat prtval• garage, fully malnt yllfd. No pets. lnqulr• II 527 18th. St. 960-5331 COTTAGE In Trl-plu, Quiet, 2Br, $500 mo + $500 d•P· N•w rang•. t•. paint, dbl gat, W/D "ootl..Yp. cptatdrpe, OI· der couple pref ~4894 3 Br. 2 B1. lrplc, cl .. n quiet area. $835/mo. w/ gardnr. 960-2714. 3 bd, 3 ba Fmly rm. lvg rm, din rm, facuul, built-Int, tMw S 1000/mo 111/la11 r•nt. J •nny 97µN1 AMO)' 10.-151 Lovely 3 8t 2 bath HOUSE. aunk«i wortllhop, f~ yd ror privacy. Tod•y $585 + M•t ro ·0~ d•y•" 536-7005 CLOSE TO BEACH· Stand MW 2 Bf. beach houM, all uUl1 paid , 1kyllght. aun deck. !oh of wood, lrplc, bit-Ina, 2 ca< g1- r9i1e, grMt loc:, at 217 Hartf0td, drtv. by & t'*1 call 635-71179. EXECUTIVE LMng 11 • mldd .. Cl ... prlcelllf spllt ....... 4bf 2bl $775 lncludee all Ille lullUry Metro AMlty 836-7005 chg guarani-r.utt1! 4 Bt. 2 Ba. huge becttyatd w/chHd• pleyhouM, MW carp•tlng, d1hw1hr. $795/mo. N2·5155 KIDS W9lcomed 111 lhl• large 2bf. modern applt l9nCed )ult 1495 + <:hn M •tr o .. 7 d 1 y-, . .,., 53e-7005 DELUXE CONDO NHr beech 28r 1 'n 119, jac, pool, t«inlS, ve<y pnv•t•. no kld1 , 110 P•ta. HOO/mo. Call 01yl• t35·90 11 or tv••· 492-1170 Br.cy 2 BA 2 Ba tlOfM w/plu1h carp•llng & drape. Kldl OK, P•ll n•g. S525 & em c"g "Metro" 63e-7005 4 Bdrm, 2 ba on quie t cul·d•eac. Incl gMd•· '*·$HO/mo. 575-7873 SHOW CASE HOUSEi Thi• 2 bedrm II hlOtl In th9 IOCl9tyl l..andec:eped yant, dbl oar. now IMO Metro AMlty 836-7005 Ct1Q guat9nt-rMUtltl OH THE SANO Vl •w ol th• oc••n: 2 8drm1, 1\tba, gu•rded e-t•. pool, aauna, gym. MOO/mo. 2131333-31'41 or 902·1298 4 IA 2 Ba, 2 tty, add-on 191\'1 rm, nr Edleon High School. I HO mo. Agt. M2·55t1 LUll/"'1111 1 1250/mo p ym t , 1400/mo towtrd p11r-c"'" prlc~i-!.. yr. No ~. NUW down. ii.t t>r, t b•. r111ee tot. tmmed. ooo. ftvt '*'Y j 1.47-4711 6 a prange Cout DAILY PILOT /Sund8)1, October 10. 198' Fl ..__ a.Ai....;~ l!lt'JlfUf.l!~!l.. A,.,,...,., A,.,taHn .,.,.._,. .,.._..,. •-· MM , • .,,," ,. n .. ,, 1,., •• • • •• ;-;;r.n.mnn'lrn"I.. .. •• l4l•nl•t" ftlf•-'~ 1,'--'"'~ lla'-'al.J.,,,,,1 ":':':':Tl ............... -;:i ••••••••• 1•J:o ...... "':'T .. ;;... ........ _..... .1.111111 ~I AAM• IMf ·I AAM-' JJ.'f •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••=:'°Z•••••••••••• •••• 1'117:~ ••••••• ••••••r.mr:T•••••••• ftAV1 fNT a 8Altt tof ...,._.IAITlfOI GM M&.. J9d ;-.;.«nu.TITn"' ••• n;n .-.-•• m •• Tirzr ••• rm t.llrtt'u•~. ••• ~,.,,, #.u 1IM ~•'• ar-. JfH llul hl•I JIM 1,.,_..1 .._6 U.f qu1e1 empt t•m No kll 1210 1ncluc1 .. u1lf1 .... .. ••••••• rr.11 Ava.II Now. 3 "'· a ••· I r..;r ••• n •••••••••• ·n· fll1.-.:-.m •••••• r.... ...................... •ui'IH .u:; •••• TT.~. CM 122& 04& 1602 141-1732 •llll Ill* I H View I Ir ti& 11. blk bch. UOO/mo. ...,.._..,,,8 Ll .. IY OMMI 1ar. 0., •• ne.r OCMn, NO l'HI Apt a Oonclo Choice looi ii'Oii:-Poot, "'ViNi 5 bd, I) be rrp1, Unit fol ..,... lcmlY 11e1 d•n, 1fr11~ '"'· oocen l40-H OI Ag9nl. ~-&1-uliTlll U 2 llr 2 81 IMfudl119 2 occl 11 111cw, b1loony. '•"•1•1•.; Y1141111~oktltt bceulllul b•lh•. llcm pool. tcnn11. 10001n8 •I•_,,...~.,.. 011/oi 8 1' vi e w • .L. CJ.•lt 1.•r• "IOOD .,. •• oet g1r1ac w1opencr, ... 80/MO 211/402·21111 --"' prlf.,,C(J, ell l)flvllcOct. 1rella ShlfC ulll• ~ b l k lloh0c l\ l !IT I ll lftO '411-Mlll. r.:'e••••••h••••• •~\( IJecultlully linclici.p•O woodbu,,ilnotrplo,rnOtl l•t at 24812 Apl A IUOl mO. rton -amkr m1Jca,kld1,pctt,1WT1kra Nl .. 1t0 OOIT HAABOl'I Vlt W HOMH 2 IA condo, 2 8i, lpto, gt~1>n tpli POOi & Gpe u I flt p 11 II . v 1tw o I Cordobl Of J. 11 ... ·2733 Pro I tlJQnl cllcnda"I 3 ldrm, -.pandcd c.,.. clcn, welb1tl ger Dceul LIFE'' Pol •ldeek• No pole 111Hrn1 & w11.,t1ll1 13U mo &62·800 & ""°''* 4 ar lnCl llMl'llly rnel mdl. View. New CC>I M.1t1 vi.. I IC>9 lo bch , o helot 14 io-t 415 '1 om a II O O C e 11 ,_ lillll lltllh 4Jltll H7 .. 317 "" + 0.,_., tet0 klda 1800 1/t 11200/mo. Celt 1750 mo 482· II lf 2260 Van3u1rd 1182· laoll ... ,,.,,,. COUNT"Y CLUB LIVING ••••••'•••••••• • ••••";l r -1 30 , S•sT°" H ST 838·0tl0 •ni, n~ H'" 84" *"'7" ~I jr.D ~IAIMtOUNO ~UM! •---••~f ••••••I -1. Ml 1 • yr• 10 1111 "• ....... "' ..,...., • ,... 640·1>020 or .-2 ~900 2 Or. 1•;, B• No poll, --~ IN NEWP0"1 HACH ---H bdfm, " ... "'OUM w/2 ..................... .&00111 Acllvltle1 ..................... .. I I I I t Wkl I II • ... " ---------4 bd 2\t be View com· sun,11oe OOLONY 4 DI r '""' 0 I • r r .. S4llO/mo '°' 2 J>«90fl• OeluH .....,.,._, ..... litre lar-" 0 • c nv fOnmen ~ font• I no.,., •v1 . mole• 110 8u1herd/ '1 ' 1 t ' 1 .., • s 11 n d •J Ute'*Of 1410 1 5 5 w 1 a 1 h a 1 2 ... "b•btt d ..;-111>1rtrT1«1t oommunlly on I 1011 I up Color TV Oerllcld 122,/mo 'It • t·'-,__ mun_.~ poo ' 0.."..'!.!: bd, 4 ba, tatY) rm, MWIY 8 1 Bdrm 1470 ., .. o•"• ''" • 1• na. • r, 1hc Upna. l 1y P11v110 Phon•• In room 2274 utll 1100 ~ ... 2•1••12 ,.u ,.,,_ guet ...... gelc, gar......... dec:o,.led, oc;11n Iron!, runch•8 0 '1• ~.,.. DU• '"' mllcl IMlch No pct1 .. ~ ..._ -• !f!c___ ••~1 $1llOO/mo ~4-214!1 21,. 1102 230., Plrll .. •Plut !«II e 11111 842.()1158 &P C 0-8 ., a -8-I"'""/ .,3,.8· .... 2 clubhou•c end hccllh NCWPofl Glvd CM •-ti _, ,,_ ... • .... -----A I U • d. 1 •· <IVY mo. " ""' "" •P•. I tcnnll courtt, 7 841·7440 .,. ••• •••••.,••••••••• UDO IS'E· 4 8 3 B & mueh me>te Spt cloua 2 Br t 81 ... 21 "-·-•-'ti "'• b 8p101ou1 3 Ir. 2'A be " · r I Wnl•l•lllt 3111 o" I AT 3 · -· .,_..,"'"" r •• • wv er. Wltll.All pooll, CIOM lo bu1lncu. F1m rmmlc to •h• .,., condo 1980/mo. a11111 don, I 1400. 222 VI• Pe· •••••••••••••••••••••• "IC" I AT I ON: Or , ,_. Bo 1 4 7 6 Wood c1b ' no P•tt S I & 2 b I ' ••'Port. l'Hhton '•'Ind 8 E I C H I R E I ••mo. 2B1 2be c1 Pro· t l/01fl2.Calt8lry1u 11or .*mol75·71N. 2 111~8t.l'h8c.lrplc, Tcnn l a •Frce L•undry lcc ,pool S470.22 611M1plt pee. r,ovc y Conv•nlcn11hoC1 on " " "'mon1oryP1P11lla1vu. MOt• n"'. M&-13 1 .. ,.,, n-~h •-·M 2 Br ger •nn • cour • •P l"'°''' (pro • pro 1101 enl b p"'one "' .. .....,. _,,. ' aer 2;1 homc H:'1.1t70o,,;;:'3er2 ea.ga,', 11~1moltl•ll131> ahop J•2 •11"e11h T~nh~~20r '~20r 18• 2~8C•nyon ~gcr~1r;~1~01.'oym'. ::=n.!!!!drmcp111nd W dc~819 I ' I ' I 1148,0658 12-7PM. 1148·?358 or 873·8803 plnH & •lrccmc, HO ·•10 Unl"rnl· .. __. _,, .. __ $&4/ k I non-•mkr, 13•0. utll/ • lngton Harbour~ arec. 1 111915/mo.mo. Fred "r•-CH4•l•I••• Club••SJNJne• rple,"""' •p•. 11 Or upalllra, no Pelt pool & epa 84tl..e159t Rclrlgbrl1or·Mlld•Pool ,..,,, tmmalc 10 anr Bal Ill t7ao mo. 1-46.ou14 alter norc, 1g1 931-1288, f•t•l-1." J~-Hyd1omeu•oe• o•r•O•· No P•'* Avon $460/mo. 8 11rrc Mgmt. -sseo • llOOO Nwpt Blvd & Wilton 2 BR dpla cpl ~urn 131 2711 .. ,,_ Swlmml~•Oon now 1625/mo 031·4084 84 1•1324, 2 & 3 Bdrm 1p11. Aval! Scllbfel bechblor• encl 1 Coell M... 648•0166 Jene. 761•6931 Wk d"" • .. lpm, • •••••••••••••••••••••• Ofltlr R• -IMMadlalcly 1550 to Bdrm unlit lttlurc tine I ,--CdM. HlfbOr View Hiii• •• ,.., IUll I I ~u T ~ u L 2 BR 1 BA, old hOuM. n6 1535 0Upl41x/l560 HOUM H711 FrplC. c1iw, g111Qt1. dctlgnar lurnllurc •nd Pinc Knol Motel on eo .. 1 M·fl. I0·3 hmt 673T&e9 l -· Jiff ... ·-.... ,... '""M .... ..... ...... .. .. TM .. TO ' ..... -OK All""' ... I "" • "., 0 p'" ' "' "~· .. .. ..... _.., M ... '" ·~ H .,. NB • ' ... '0 • M~ -.. •••••••••••••••••••• bonua rm. ,,.Ice 1rc1. uncne, dltht•. kng bid, $Ing 1c1 • 1 & ~ 4 15 Hamlllon. t575 t0~8PM Wiier plld 545°2000 dly 01 r-v• '°' 1u1ur• oe a1n W kty r lie• Occantronl ti Bel boo LUllllJ 11600/mo. 780-1701 °' .. c grd, underground Btdrooma•Furnlahod 1141 0783 333 E 2111 SI. #18or30 Agtnl, no lcc. UH. Sm1111v lurnl1hcd 846•0440 Pier . M. non·•mkr to lhr 3 ldfm deleched "°"* 976-2144 011. klry rm. wlk 10 bch. & Vnlurn1tlltd\NO lllTUT Ill 846-81031645-81189 38r, 2,-iBI, lrple, dbl gar. model• OPIO delly. llll A PUOlf bceutllul 4 Br houac In 111ce11cn1 1tcc. Avell•· Tll ILlffl 1100. 894·11821 Pcl••Modcl• Open Ee.ettldc 1826-1850/mo '2 BA I Bl, 1400 & $300 W/D hoolt-up 1850 mo $300 yrly 1175-930$ bl. I d i I I "' ~ 11 d•lly0108 '1 Br. l'A B• TownhouH,I dep Roh. No poll 904-4633. 1·52e..3004 OnJemborcc Rdtl Rtuoncblt rate• Kii· Hou--==-e1cw•n1..,. "2'"" "'m 0 1 0 Y • 3 Bdrm 2ba, 1pollc11 ••••• a ••• S en Jotquln Hlllt Rd. cttcncllH phone• meld _.. "' ""• • "" *800/moont )'MrlMM. 11250/mo "-'•t•I• .. " 1~11 ··L···.. 1111 bulll·lna. lndtY rm. 83 1-3726,avcHnow CLOSE TO BE ACH. B•· ···-1100 I z' h ·, mo Non-amkr, 1B1, e Fl • .,... • ,, • • c11por1 bl rCllbalcony -" ,... Hrv ct . c cnne mo· Coata Me .. Coll tit 6PM 11• 01 .. cre lo choo•c •••••••••••••••••••••• •--••• • • lergc 1 BR 1 Ba qulcl & chclor, 11ovc & rllflgc, vie• SANDPIPER MO-831 _5350 from. We're Ille °"" 10 " Bdrm, 2be. bctutllul 3 Br Condo MCI So C. -amllf Pll K ~ eccurc rclr1¥ & alovc 11 111 d •3501 -TEL , ...... 7 N_.,.,. Blvd --•1 , ... ......___ ' a .. ..-, .. , TSL Magrn11 642-1803 · · 11 11 1 P • . mo 2 t>drm, 1 be, 1"'50/mo. · '"' ·-,,_..' · ------..,. -cdull unit. $1200/mo. Plue, crptng & bll-ln1, .,..... j $410 780·83 8 · 535,7979 " CM 6411-9137 2 wo•klnp, 1>lrl1 need rmt, C-•1 H ...... 1-'n "-~•ty ovcrlook1 nr•cnbcll, ...__.. a.1Cll/lc. Firepla ce p ool dl1.. -ycerly, Slop• lo b111ch 1 h rom t>c .. W/0 .. """.. ..... " ...... ,...... . • ..-Oetcch•d 2 er E •Ide. ' Br rclrl-. bll "'llOVC & 8 w e-· UllU ......... •• "• . "'"""• ... brtd-780-8116 Of 644·9152 poola, apu & CIUbhOUM 880 lrvlne wt•ner p\11 p1tl0 )( l g .,.. 11 I .. boe. .__ lrplC, ger, CIC $325 + ull "'"'"' ,. evc ll. sccurlt~ g o to lrplc, encl pello & ge-oven. dr1pcc & c1r1>1I 213-815·2542 I 8 •-... II"' •·u•-n .,, ..... •••••· ••so. Cell "7"-~ 31cvc1 (al 16th) G111den 2 Br on E/sloe ttge no poll $575 337 No pc11. Coll 960-2876. -MTH II 873-4 89 ""'• ' .. .. '" :u ..... d "' "0 (714) 645• 1104 1660~841_• __ E 1Blh SI. 1$76-8738 HUllllllT Wkly rtnlel• 11>6 up Rmm_t_c _t_o _a_,,r_2_br. 2 b• Le rgc •n1rr courtycrd. .. .... n •• -1 BA l•r1>• & prl11010 2 er. 2 Be. c 10 TV f 11 551·:1111111 plu• wal cd p1110 . OE" REl'R•:.&T In N-._,.,, a.N'11c. •now p11n1, cp11, Ncwer 2 8r 2Bc.Nopct•. unll, cncl1d g1n90, 2 3 bdr .. 2 be g'lir. gretl 11:11~ ~1'%•sio1~1~~0 ru,•n .~~ ~17yfSr3o3n2''1lldo IDtl•11•11n l'\••·1"1"" Grce "bc ll aclllng. 3 ..,.:j Bch. 1~ "'""lhoO: 1700 16th St. drlpcs. d/w, no peta lwcll epproll. Nov lal. t>locka from lhc wctcr IOC Winier ocecn l<llCl'I'• ivell ~· c , '7\1\1 u .:._ __ bdrm 2•;, be family ,._. ,...... (Dover at 16th) s4ooirno 2286 Mlnet SI 14811 780-1418 or S525/mo.980-8460 "85 c s 1 1 1 UIT&LI 2 to 4 bdrma. lllrttng 01 MllO to I 1385. Iii &~11-- · ..... 1•1 In 1 lb. Sccurlly. pool, •P•· 85 !·2'75 Bechclor, greal 100 .. N 0111 Hwy. pc ctacu er v cw. poo 111100. Dulch cltcn AvtJI. 6-•267 111 21R -•1a l g 2Br Trl·plc•. g111gc. yearly -$24"'/mo + 1110 .... ,kp'n room, meny uu t-00-~y m . 6 4 2 . 8 8 8 e . (714) 642-5113 I 548·8875 La11una Beach. 494-5294 ape, 1cnnl1, Sec:. gelt. now 1 1260 mo .. ===:-----' • • • • CONDO 2 bd. 1'h be, wl polio 1480 mo. 1209 Tll •1•t H2-110J V•t•li,. IHl1l14ZS' 759."14211 ., • 644•0350 r77.ooo , Newly decor Ga1 pd, lrpl,pooll S825 mo 111& Florlde, (213) 493-1686 •••••••••••••••••••••• ______ _ CIOM lo bch. av1n 11· I. 3Br, 28c hM, ,pool. Ill\· nls. 1875 mo. 842-7787, FHA eHumeble 181 I onal gar. dwanr . pool, last. $200 cleaning dcp. 493· 1655 2br, 2ba. baylocccn vii'# •&II IAWAH Rmmelc avail Nov 1 26 8,.,.., 1 1 ... 5 ., .... Allcnllon Perk Newport bt>q no pell 842·5073 962-9757 ----------1 condo, pool. jacunl, yr old Fem w/ttou1caa1 T•n n ercal .,. ·o uo rc1tdcn11 Ma1urc Chi· --Nr Btech. 3 bd, 1v. be, eec:urlly bldg. $925/mo Beaulllul I BR 2 BA LEASE/OPTION. Sptell-cago women cxtteull••1 •AA.tfiield l ge 2 bdh .,2 b1, lrpl~6cnc751 crpla. drpa, blln•. lrpl, Cell Donny, 645·2018 or CKondec"eo..!}, ~~cc~hR•~_.'nl. no n-1mk• looking Ktor 1 low s It need• eompltlcly lur· •--=-gar, c o cc trea, • . inc 11ar. S6SO Cell 548•51133 ,,_.. .,., " • ..,.. ve•11Y Bilbo• rcnlll •· 1---------~~trH vb · R~ur Yr~"· nlattcd 1 or 2 Br ap1 fAllllY ans 3099 Mact, W/Fedco 536·0921. ---------Newly decoreted. lully 119 Oyi 973-398't lovely 4 Br. 2 Ba. crpl, 11• -• Pool., 0s' sg1!.51 n• Doc 15 Apt 15 Xlnl B 1 1 d -\'ALY ocecn view 2 BA 1 equipped Special Fell w11crfron1 Homo N. e . M 544-0140 I hlg, 2 car ger. nutnbfoul '"'· . pe. ... ... mo • ea•Jll u ger en apll 2 BA I Ba. n-cp11. drpa. 1 bd. blln1, crp11. drp1, Be, 2 ecr ip-.. $700 r81ff 873-5211. frull lrcH, 1 blk from al '4891<. 780-9307 ' rer11 759-1790 Pa1101/dcek1 No pols 2 encl gar; 1I10 Vlc1or10. lrpl, one ger. w/d hkp, mo 8 4 4 • 8 7 8 0 or 10 lhr wt I or 2 rem. Rent Cllll Dr. Qerdcncr. No ---------··I OCEANFRONT Wint•r Children welcome $475 mo 831-6812 p1llo. am yd $495 Cell 8,.8-3189 PALM DESERT C C Now ntgoltlblc 675-3487 poll 1 1000/mo. Avcll. Autlat•ll l•tlli1•" renl1<t 10 8-1183, 3 bd, 2 2 Bdrm '"" 811"1 $540 538·0921 ---------2 Br view homo, apa. Ocl ltl. 6"&-e089. ..,-.-••••••••••••••••••• car oar pell Prefer 11• 2 Bdrm 2 Ba1111 $585 1 BR 1 Bo, encl gcr, pvt Pon. 1 blk 10 bch, 2 br 1 mtkc lall rsv wk/wknde 4tS1JCAMNsia~favM ,,,,,,. Jlli•I 1111 mily 53~_0343 398 w Wiison pello. 1110 Vlc1orla 2Br & Clen IOWnhouM. 2 ba apl, ocrporl. yrly 586-8119 ---------Tho Btufla: 3 Bdrm condo. •••••••••••••••••••••• ---631·5583 or 642-4905 S4 10 mo 631·8812 be. llrcplecc. 1cnnl1 & $565/mo. 552-0653 Mii 2s+ Lib. orad. a1u- dcn1 Of catccr pereon 10 llh1 furn 2 Bi t Bo ccrou lrom .. nd 1290 & .,. u11I 645-0340 2BR 2 8c.cpt1,dr1>9,cncl 2 b e . Li nda P ion. 1 Br.lurn.yearlyepl 1500 $425 1bd,1>ar apace ''> --$"90 2 BR. 2 cer gar. spe Nr blcch 2202 1 gcr, 1 750. No poll $ 1 2 o o Im 0 . 11 0 . lncld• ulll1. 675-3357 blk 10 bell 1 pe1son No l arge 2 Br new paint, upllclra, child OI<. no Hoa• Circle, 960-3745 2 Br 2 81. lrom $626. No 175-8e06 760-1800, 873-7681 705•;, North Bcyfronl pell l20 36ih 51 N B ~;;~;~38s;,2~~fa8:111 poll 541·5331 ova Avell now 1 Br. 1 Ba ~·~~~"a~~~=- UfflVERSITY Pl< 3 BR 2•;, WATERFRONT lrg 2 Br. 2 2 Br. I 81, Now decor, ~_97~ ----648-232.5 upalalra opt, d1wattr, 545-4855 ba.11 /fern 2 car 8 r I 1 1 c pello, Nr South Bey Versailles m1n1 1 Br on Bc a utllut 2 Br 2 Bal prlvc1e pallo. •Ingle ga----------v rm. 'f: · 1 · rp c. on ry · er S 8 o O Inc Id 1 u t II c court. ncar beach. roe lownttouac, Ir pie, pallo, Nice qulcl upalclrt 2 bd, 2 ragt. 1 child ok, no pe11. Slepa To Tho Beach. 2 81. =·~2~7 ' f:",~9 P:!~· ~f, =~ 673·3458. tee s oc $545/mo ln d ry rm. good IOC bl, apt. s 550• moal ullla wc1cr pcld $500/mo. 2 Be 3 lcnnla courll nAu"HOS"'NJO .. OUIN · $900.875-2298. 2 13/887 -3292 da ya1 $560/mo.TSL Mgml ~".c8'86n22 Hemllton 11 545-2000 A1>enl,no lcc. ecrou 1he11rcc1 Very """"' " " • ,,,,,,. 2131397.5900 '1642-6221 642-1803 _-_-4 -clean Now Cerpc1. 1750 ~~!en2b~l~.··u::~~d:~ G=ur;o~.·1~0~ •• !.!'!!'!!!!~ ••••• /.~!! • Cl 3116 -USTlllE $425/~oBtdroom s111 !!!'.'!! ••••••••••• /.~~~ ~05.~r~~:~o~-~1r1K•J~ cpttld1pc, lrptc, wet bar. It. 2 Br + Don. 3 Be. Winter Rtntal; 2Br. pool, I 11•• ••••I• 2 Br 1 Bo pool side 11p1, 540-366a or 497-2338 I IEW llYt•~ 673-3596 Sat-Sun A ·•1 N 8 1900 d d '"I hOUM 10 ,._h $560. Ptaya •••••••••••••••••••••• lndry rm , bll-lns. No llR ;;;.25942:·4o.4.9995 mo. ~ ::::.~~ Ae!i~~ ~ A.E ,73.1900 Ocea"vlew. rurn ~elk to 11111 Call for appt. •1 BR DUPLEX• lHIH 2 Br. I Ba. yterly. S700 1 1 14501 )'Mf'fy beach 2 Br 1 .., Be $435·$450 $420 lncldng 111111, lndr : Ollltllllllll PROPERTY HOUSE W0008RIOG1 e 11100 · Sahwetc~cr't ,...j1.. 2 bl+ garcgc. 1 btk lrom S500tmo 225 l a Po-1 TSL Mgml 842-1803 rm, no pole 645-9494 • t 8d 1 ba & 28 tlhbc 642-3850 642·1010 .Spec 4 br, 2~ be-, nic:.ty Cell 0 ...,. 645-9144 beach. Winter rcn1cl lomc 637-79t8 ___ _ _ _ rm r l1nd•cepcd. tom. rm, $600. "313 E Boy Av - -I QUIET llEll PIHi E-llH llPLH · Dlehws:~.~o ~~oven IOUIFlllT frple, pctlob. Like, pool 28r. 281 Condo rv Hoeg, 873-2502, 675-11120 $,.,, L•H•• 3111 Like. nu. 1ge 1 br cpls , tBr, 1lovc. rclrlg, 30111 llrcplecu . • ccrpcll & 4 Br 2 .Bl 2000 tq It. & t•nnl1. 840 -1327. pool, d9'1wahr. no pcta. 4 bdrm 2bc Includes 11• ••••••••""•••••••••••• frple OW,ger ,$475/up Mc•• Or $375 mo. dtepcc llkcncw.l1850tmo. 559,.tN, olc 720-7373. '650 mo. 768-7833 non. diws.' cir TV. utlll· Allracllve 11udlo ernpt Pauo or balCony. Pool & 549-2042 1 Veer lM w/opl 10 buy PROPERTY HOUSE lfvtnc condo. 2 br, 2 be,'DELUXE 3 BR 2'n b•. 2 llel.873-4586 leonale, non smoker 1 spa No ptll 2850l1erla E'•ldc C M 1 Br dup1u. n.oodpubllclren• 642"3850 642"1010 ---------1 Sm ell combo, llv-bcd· 549-2447 .., 3Br 2B & end unll on pelt(, cloecd •ly, Igo fronl yc rd & OCEANFRONT, ctua A. d<nrm. share balh 13251 . _ $400/mo ln<;ludet ulil big Walk lo UCI & lhopplng. Vecrly rcnlal , • I.,.~. pool & tcnnl•. up1111'a polio. Neer qultt.'90,wlnlcr.2unl11 lncludflell utllltiel,color 2 B,R 2dB• 11ud,10, $575. ~~·5·s 1'18hcdcd yerd 1141111-INI 2,.Brd.1B1•2·~~y2nrcmodd s·. 710. 644-6923 •flcr 6. t>CIC;h. 1'1 & IUI, MW· cp a rps one gar no .,.. .... I 2 0 No pota. 876-4688 TV, p,,one, small private · • · • L•r,••• lf•t~ •141 648-5710 ..,,.., 875-3132 New 2 Br ·-... Iron! condo rlly. 1 O pe r mo . kllchcn. ""ens. dishes, Pf!ls 675-8806 .. MESA VERDE'" .,. .,_" 831 54WI I 3 bdrm, 2 ba. lrpl. llcpt 10 ---•• ••• • ~·••• ••••••••• dys. wllh vlcwa to N-pof1 • bch. weaha1/drycr, prlvelc $465 2 Bdrm, rcfrig, Pl· Lndry rm, O/W, encl t BR, full be. oeeen vlewt.1---------- Ccntcr. End u nit, no Blufft 3 t>r, i'h be, fem rm (2131601-6774 1n1ry, wclk to beech, 11o, no pell, edulls !)(Cf, ger , patk>. lrplC l)vl dock•. lple, In new NWPT HGTS·2Br, 2Be. H0~8~~~rE Non Smkr MIF 25·35 yr• 111. 1111 ecc dep Coll 754-046 1 eal 63 o r 63 1-7748 eve, Lynn Exchcnge your l'IOUM lor I mo v1c11ion In En- glend. tnct hoc u10 ol car The aclvcrllsc1 hes made errangcmcnll w/ Engh1h femlllel tlvlng In I bceulllul hOmce 10 ex-""I." /11 Ital f3SO change wl•lmller hO~• si~~,;·;;r··;;;·;;,~··;t In your ., .. All hOUNI Costa Mclb S101•0• peraonally lnspcc led. $65/mo 831..092 1 pno1oa avail on request. _ __ _ Thi• service will coal you Big garage, 2 cer. S 150 pr 11111 $200 lor your lndlvl· mo Jack Scott. duel ehOlCb Wrllc Rut-538-7533 Mii. PO Box 1119. Blue Slngle oaragc. E/Slde CM. Jay, CA 92317 175 mo. 648-0758 lllA DIM Gerage tor car only. <AIM 2 br. 2 ba, 11 While arce. $40 mo. S1nd1 Bt9cil Fully furn. 640-8-409 11ereo. Slpa 6. POOi. roe Ollie• lnl•I f 4H Incl. wclhtr. drye<. TV & 1 , rm. tennla crt1. Av•ll ••••••••••••••• • •••••• 1111-1211 S360 wkly. •IEllU lfFICH* Cell owner IOt brochure, 1 room lo 2800 •q. It. 642-3579 From $1 16 e eq 11 Adj. p e I•. -..e1HI . Ag 1. 11250 mo. 3 br. 1 lellcl pool, jec, Hunc. 1eno11 724·A Jamce. 673-7787 2 81 2 Bo $650/mo ttouac. Av111 now. No apac10111. lmmcd occ. Alrponcr Inn & Fr"'Ya.. Cell AM 833-3223 M&-2850. $900 mo. 3 br $1200 mo. 1br, ycer round rcnlcl, court, g1111 guerded & • PINE BLUFF APTS 3 Br 2 Be 1700/mo I p111. S500 mo. lncld• 1750/mo. ~-7400 lt•l•/1 I• IA•rt 4'IO Pool• .&.At M"-0134 near bMctl 918 w a.. palroUe<S preauoe .,.. " .,0 ....... • ~ •••••••••••••••••••••• ---------For LOOM. Woodbridge . ..,, ' boe Blvd. $700/mo. ll3 3 90 2 Br 2 Ba CllOd ok, pa. "' """" " viii. 111· IUI"" MC. knd°7 Ycerly Oc.cnlronl 2 br, 1 FEELING CRAMPED? 1817 WHIClllf. N.B 256 Condo, 2 bd. 2 be, nr New bMctlffonl hOmc. 3 963_..750 4 • 4 · 110. view. frple, cne1 gcr . EASTStOE ' w::yt l.:2..a&lll. wllnd $850/mo NMr ac.cn 3 Xlrc lerge t Br "IC>9 10 10 4000 tq It. 111 n<>O<. fdU lt p ool & lc k c BR 4W. l20001mo. Coll A .. ,, ••• ,, o•• •love, dlahwcahcr., 1 Ar. up,,.,, 182 Cecil, 4 ·38 br . S 750t mo. A1>cn1 ~l\wld,petto,rccrm. Agent 541-5032 •700/mo C e ll c vec Bob Koop•• 769-1221 3 Br. 2 Be . comp10101y r;, . 1. ape, lndry rm S825/mo epl 8 1173-7644, 1gt. Occen vi•• 2 Br 1 e e . 646-36&3 $425 '976-3231 --------- 7'14-278-8322 ...._ •• ~ _....._., 3 Br. 3 furn Slep• to bccch. va/1t•ll•ff SPMC 631-81071 $400 duplex, lrplc. modern Largo 3 er 3 Be. Apt. E IN p•RAO SE 0 •HUIE lfFICEI* ,_ ·-,,..,._ lrplc S 760 /mo •••••••••••••••••••••• 1•L blk LIV "" 1 N From 1room103room• POOL HOUSEi 4br 2'~bc ea. 1900/mo Vccent. 3 ,,,,,,. ,,,,., ''" EtSldc c M CUIC t>achclor D••• ,,,., 11ZI kllchcn. ,, lrom cnclad •ldt ytrd, plenty Blll>oc Pcnln. Huge 4bd From $1 16. sq It No c:utlom doclgn ln9ldc & 751·2442. 228 N. Old 21 /ISOl-6774 •••••••••••••••••••••• 11pl , $400/mo + 1300, •••••••••••••••••••••• ·~9!735!'81m3 ° 494-7553 ol perking, 1 bfOCll from home All lht lll11ury ~ leccc r'""'ulrcd. Adi A1t-!Mltl 2 car gw, now 1850 Newpof1 SMS. OCEAN FRONT ·2Br lur· 2 Br epl. geragc. No pole eec:urlly No pole Joyce tcEU YtfW or .. • .. beech, Y••rly rcn101 commodctlon• Penorc-porter in';, 2172 Ouponi Melro Aealty 636-7005 Large 4 8dfm cloccd In nlahcd, winter. $625 mo 1750/mo. 227'/r Corel Weitze. 831-1266 agl From Ocnc Point'• moat Vlc10tl1 Becc;h t Br. $500 lllOO/mo H0-6480 mlc view $350 mo. Call AM 833-.3223 dig gulf9n1-r...ital p~llo. Slope' to beech. 676-5102 213/395-3511. * 2 IR &,t secluded •conic blull unlurn. yrly $550 lurn 2 ei. 1 Bo upalaln, 00• 875-"44 --------- Tu,Ucrock, 3 bd. 2 be, tmmc c . Av e ll now. 4 er 2 Bo. 1cron from ELEGANT 2·STR'I'. 1 Br Ll~c ntwl Only 4 unh1. 2 805/259-1251 clad bclcony, 1 block 1 .... ., 11.,.•t A1 1 0rport1 From11••22•5.~50ec aft8't. fmly ""• flpj. rcfrlg. Avcll $1200/mo yny. '73-2607 sand, balcony w/.,,..,_ of Ycerly: Iorgo 11or1gc South Coaal Plaza area I Br widen Xlre lrg prlv110 Sludlo. unfur"llahcd, ··1r lrom beech. •Int perking -. -.. " now. l tsO/mo, commun With ~"· ......... CondO In ocean $640 64s-o340 1850/mo No pols. '°'* j ~~!. c4 g7c '• S 4 7 6 pc1lo No pals From block lo beech. l!llCl'ltn, cvell. yecw ouna rcnlcl ~~·, ~~-~. S5o50, Atty. alre.. cs1.1po1 5rSsq7 1'0"10Mcny 111ru. poo1 780-3841 "" -· Oultt hu 1 hapcd .,...,. 66 1725/mo Cell 861·6441 near thopi)I~, ~ou• leOOlmo 990-8480 ..,. ... _ · · · · Wot! Newport. 3 BR C.t••• Iii •1 1111 lk l"';h Cs•,;;; STUNNING 1 & 2 e or M-F 9-5 643..0212 de 7 5 2 -. 9 •4 ~ 2 · e v -400--900--P-L_U_S_1_400-..,,--11. a.-,1. decor. Turtt.ock 2'ilbc, I 1350/mo. Cell •••••••••••••••••••••• Y 'V I. • · ' large r · ' S385/mo. 4 4• 4 10 or 2 Br epl, occe n lront. 640-2 .. 3.. ..., 0 1 b 11 1 ga1rden 1p1 710 W 18111 2 er. 2 Bo. epl In Done Pt 493-7137. wclcr 6 hclt ptld No Pcnthou~ Baytronl Sul· view homo, 2 m1111r Mra. Long .. 873-1190 ccen v ••. ecut u ty E-Bcylronl. lllllc 1110. S __ ..... ...,. A l ... UTf WUTlll 10, parking, patios eullce. ale. $1250. Ag1 3 Br 2 atory lownhouM 2 furn townhouH. frplc, pie<. 3 11ory 2Br. S 1900 d1,,.,.1r. 11ovc. occ1t1 *' I t..iA 1111 pe11 0t .... """'V· .. vi to 673_ 1003 M&-50M, 631-2282 beihi. pwdcr rm. Very F'7 .. 0~~.tlo. 11095/mo. mo 875-30$7 1br or 21>1 up11c1r1. rcfa 6811~~92 S 5 2 5 t mo .!.'!r.! ............... Juno 111. $825/mo ~0·~~.!50·k30~ .. ~01r c11~01'1,'0· --------- u .... .,.., .,1 .. __ required no poll. 352 ..,._ 1 1 1 1 642-31137 HSI ••a1tr ct• WOODBRIDGE ARBOR p vt , comm po o I. ---------1 -Vlciorla. 845.8161 ... acl\ ron Winter rcn c · ---------hkc now 2 Bdrm, 2 ba. .,.. v,.; LAKE. Prlvctc MCUrlly S900/mo, 673-U56 OCEAN SIDE OF HWY l••i•Hll 3101 2 B• don. 2 bc. lrplc:, now Oc1-Mcy. 2914 Occcn-.. •Penlhoutc. 2 br. apcc;-S•n Juen Ceplllrcno At1r1c1lve ru11lc ups1clr1 gatb(J community, former ----am••. Anrect bccn. 1375 mo •••••••••••••••••••••• Cltll4r•• •••••••• crpl, lrg view dedl1, Im-lronl 3 Br Newly rcmo-1aculcr occen & bey condo. Flrcplect. pool, lblllng We aupply desk. '"odcl, prof .. •lonelly wnu,.;• -675-e<Mli 2 bdrm. 2 bl~ dplK 2 & 3 bdrm•, 1 475 10 med occupency. Agent dcl.s Cen bl lutnlllhad. v 10 w I I 2 o O I mo Jaeuul. only mlnulCI 10 tpCQC, copier You aup- decofltcd . Beet loc:atlon 3 & 4 Br. CIOCc to .,.,.,, C•I• 11.u . J114 Y"IY Mature non-an1kr1, $625. 5 pleygMund1, :;8~g;4'." o A 110 n t Ulll• peld. 7141544-0614 8•8·1397 beach & Dana Potnl Hbr. ply phone. & $95 pr mo °"the i.kat 28A. 2'it8A· tum & unfurn, rMIOfl.,_ •••••••••••••••••••••• no pol• s 700 X 3 poof and bllllard 1cblta •1r Block 10 btach, 2Br. SEASHORE OAIVE 2 BR 1 1290/mo plus •;, utlllllca pr deak Call 644"7211' lg petlo & mctiy xtrct Ible. Ill _,.Uec. Broiler OW M NI 2131799-4195, 257-9792 lmmcel occupancy Cor· OCEAN VIEW, 2 bd, 2 be bflghl & e1ry so70 mo. Bo. rafrlg, Vfly, 1700 mo. Gothlfd (714) 831-2040 2000 aq II w/500 aq ft Incl. I pttv lenal 'J*::· 675-40l2. ALL UTILITIES PAID or (714) 673-3986 ner Felrvl9'/lf & Adam• dUi>ltx frpl, 1\1'# Clfpctl yrly 968-1263 8.42·8292 or 496-9758 "orcgc. O C Airpo rt II. No~·· 112 mo. Wcetcllffwea,avlll .. 3BR ••25ulll pd. tBrOpf•,417 557-4785. Ole h,.. Mon & drcpc• No P111 ~tmclc 2 Br. 1 Be 1 area s20001m o 551-6417 Of ~1 2 f "926 .,. ~ $&25/mo <1-67c. t5 Beaohfronl wl"tbf rbl'tlll. 38<. 2Bc, 1 hM lrm l>eh, r 9c. I 8"28 Bo. dbl gar. pie.• • Compere bcfort you E B•y Ave . Bclboa No thur Sel 9 10 S, Sundcys .,. f I W/O hk t> lock Ir om beech . " -.. '---•• •---a. ••~• grd nr lft c:I. Elelnc . pc11. 547-1155 ~ t 1 to 5. or 316-3145 (213) Oc l·M•f 4409 See-rp c, ger. -up, S300tmo 875-0seJ ---------r.'l'.r.;'.~-: ••• f~ 541-1232; 645-5963 rent. Cu•tom dcalgn snore. 2 Br. $700/mo. 3 d9'1wahr $975 673-4889 Ill.I. nm• HAA80R OCEAN FRONT lccluru. Poot, bbq, 1 br, year round rJJ NHr 18th/Pomone, 1 Br, Bur,er meets Mller-wllh on Br $800. Utlla peld. Cen Npl His 2 Br. •pecloue Shr lg lux hmt w/prof lfWNIT WCI Nu 3200' lu• hm on bluff. Newport Croll, ocean cov'rd ~·'•· turroun-nccr beach 918 W.. Bel· I Ba. downalelra. dll. e lccllvc clcaalfled ad b c f u r n I • h c d apl. qulcl melurc edit pcraon, 1285, 111, lul. COMPLETE EXECUTIVE Ito dt(J vu of herbor view HCC condo. 2 br. cl4MI wit plUSh land~ bo o Blvd $900/mo ecrpor1, wlltr pd, I chnd 6~ 7t4is 44..oe14 I $700 Incl VIII 875*8202 dcp 966-11479 O FFICE S ERVIC ES •url, m tna, 3br, 3b1: 1 den. offlc:e. 2 be, tormbl ping. No P91• 963-4759 ok. no pe1a 5•25. Agenl. B i 1 1H-• -631-8000 ' ' FROM 1 166 10 1965. Hourlly, tcune, •P•· d in. wcl·bcr, tcnnla . 1 Br. Furn 1615 -no foe 962-0217 ••I •II•• ••l••flH Oulcl, mal1Ht F 22-30 lhr UNEXCELLEO SER· l1IOO/mo. 49$-7000. 6 p7o .. ol!1, 3 0 1c. $1200. 365 W Wiiton 642-1971 Slept lo bell, 2br, 1be, lfMA Jl40 J.•d Jl40 BEAUTIFUL upgrcdcd 1 3 br. 2 ba tpl on bebeh, VICES EN IRONMENT ,,_. AU> Br ... lrplc. oaragc, qule1. no ,E SIOE-28• Duplex, ...................... •••••••••••••••••••••• bd, condo. with 1rcmen-N 8 FrplC, 25' pctlo, tat,' · V · EMERALD I.AV 3 b 2 STUNNI ...... lrg 1 · rurn pcta wld tvcll 873-8955 cpllldrpa, 11ovc, $475 doua ---•11ea. uc.n-.-1 c • t & 1 cc. Br I en STAFF . '· Su-Harbor/Oct1n vu opt 1435/mo 710 w N I 875 246" ... _" ..,.,.,.,JV THE HEAOOUAATERS bc.1800aq.f1.frp4.brlck "b,.....r 2be •1 100 23~ 181h.Sl.645·553o Yblrly 1 Br . cerpcta. mo o pes -"• K b k t? 859 -7886 d 1 ya , 873-.64311,873-1519 Pl tlo, with tpl. 11800. 0 • • • • "' 6<16-6345 enne Un P0f . 540-7578 ...... COMPANIES 213117.._2255. Occenvlew. 875·29'7, Bcc:hblo< 9'll. l350 mo Ab d r Ip cs . no Pe I• Non lmoklng tom to llhr 1141111·1111 54&-2407 utll pd. Non-1mkr/no 1495/mo 875-8606 MtH Verde 2 br. lrple, Wasn't he the Ambassador lrom I Br 1 Be Slop• to 2Br 2bc CdM cpl w/ --------- 2 _:.!,ea co::;· c11~ Newport snorce. 2 t>r, 1~" ~11. All new. Pvt pcllo, • • • • 2 BR 1 !It ba. gcr, :l.'°N:!'s5~~ ':i:.:;;6~ ~o~~ HOUSE Hmt $3 16. 644-9275 s~ s':i1~~~.; ~Ch ~ denot. ; eat. Avell. 18fa. be, W9lk 10 beech. StOO ..., ... Oct IS 648-8016 lndry, 1650 •;, block lo Australia under Teddy Roosevelt? 642-3850 842-1010 Ammie to 1hr Newport Vlllblllty. 497-235, W 111 I~•• 117 6 . mo. 551-41037 ...,.., E.aldc. aunny lrg 1 Br,11111 beech. 2 br, 1 be. encl pcllo & Torr. Condo. Non·tmkr. --------- "4-0154. On but llnc. Bcc1 view of hlrbo r . peld, lone. yrd, 1460. 631-388!: 64s.6822 ~~';:,~: $445/mo _, ' rD ,,.. _,/( -S3 10 .... VIII Cell Rob •2500 IQ.II. Industrial unit ocacn &llgtll• Lrg houM 64&-4631 1 llouM lrom ooecn. 2br II• Cl••••I• JITI :J:.o:!~-5370, cvbl wl11'13251q.lt ofofflc:e+ W~~:C~. ~~·~ ~ ~B-:'; t,.. ~= ~ 0.•I lfl•I JTZI :~ ~ :~~~~~eoo Mb~~"'a v~:.0;.-:•:,~~.~ 1~ •:·,• ;;.;~.!ij'• •,:~ 11,0'no"'1h~~-.K":~~,n~:!1~,•,·\, a~·.·;,;·A~·,:10·0·;.;:·;~ W0008RIOGE. ahr rent. ~ ~ ~=r~t COllC- fem rm & 9'udy. 11<>1 tub • • •••••••••••••••••••••• · 1 1 1 l-4110 v •.. .. ...... "'"'oevv •,... •nd. 2Br, 1Ba. IJC'IQI, 2 BR 2 Bo. "•llo S300 'ii •2400 sq II lndu1trl1I & 1 pc I t 4 o o acper Ito u p l rom Su,,_, nccJ 1 Br. •mell Sludlo opt, S350tmo, 11111. P• n9·79v•1rt6.~ccn . ,,, I I'd l111tt .. "11o.tt .. •n•1p11t"''"' 1 .... ,, 1)411\ $395 mo 49$-7151 ..... · • unit wllh 900 •Q II of 7 t41834;098'o . Evei downltlllt1. Both w/~ ville, cour111•rcl, quiet. Incl. tat & 1111. All 5 mo. -..... 11 (•••••d V·"~' 1n 1tuni.nc1on p,,.h ~, ... ,rid • viii .. non •mkr, Deva. upgrcdcd Office. 487-1070. kllchen1. •lltlng ,m ' M50/mo.1173-S313. Wkctyt 693.-4221 3 bd, gar. lrpl, p1110, • ..... I ...... ,, ul 1n1,111 ptl\llnllofttd o•ol•won•I ...... 4IOO 644-0620; 1157-1330 •2400 1q.tt. lndu•1tl•I fr pie Fftcd pv1 hm lft Ncwpor1 Hcl9h11 crcl. , J""'"i I~• •·o.1 nl '"""'~" 1 "' d•lt"' A Pt''"' t •••••••••••••••••••••• Avclleblc Nov 1 2 bdrm unll wllh 1500 tq.lt. of * ~ * mldct of paril. Unique, •utlwfn Cttea l•l 11'1 JIU $650 to lllOO 559-5001. 1 ··1 t ,.1 • ., •"1 ''""' , 1°"1 , 1n1•\I ••I~ I~ "'O:tr~ch.~~· 2 be. $262.50 p111a u1n: upglcdcd ofllcc. Hive 8P9Ct•cufer "Home or flexlbl• hm 3000 •"· ...,) 11M •••••••.••••••• .. •••••• 1 1 .._1y. "'" ""'" M/F 648-o574 aYl>-tceM tlllttll fOf 900 ttlc YMI" IWtrd. 3 br, 1 U ll.00/mo. " & H lfl· •••••••••••••••••••••• 2 t>d, 1 be. ,tr. frpl, no Large 3 Br. 2 Bo. Town· 11•tit1'"' 1' "•• '"" 119''1 """ ' '111 bi "•1u•o1I tel 815-8740 · · .... It. 01 ofllc:. •P•~ If veetmll'Q 752·2191 "' ........ m p • ' • . I 0 0 I m 0 • hOUM In qulcl complex, .. "" l>rf•/•\ Add '" lh•l 1"'"" 'OUll\ ~"'"'"''Iii 2 8 r A p' ' 0 • h Ir.. .... be. -.p, 91-' qtra, P"1 .....-w5 '41-1391, 640-0708 l11gc pool. Oetden Ml· • ' • 'l'A •'\/J' '··~'"1 1 •" """'' tnP!"nf LAlllA llMI 1200/mo. ~ viii• Call detlrcd. • t •Ir• Io b ca o h . Sl)'tletl 3 bedfnl 2 IMIUI e.utll\jl a pcr11 i*I wlttl 1.,.... Tl _... ting 1875 646·338 l , , 1 ,,..1 , ... 1 •' 1 , .• 1 .. 1 • r , , ,, , ,.. , .od lltTtl -George al 042•6381 alt • Mot1v11td own.tr II =:= yrty. ~1 111"'9 tun dedc, now M60 lltn90Cd pool, ,.,.... --675-5949. "' ~. ' '"' "• r ,., ~···••t '"""'' Wkly rc ntc le 195 up 7PM l IAM. reedy td m•k• c dc11. Metro g:..,.1 ... °"" •Prlvltc P1llOI M1ny •m•nltlH lnalU· II•'"''" 1 .. 111.,om "' .. ~ ,.,, I olh Color TV, tree coflcc. Cell 714-761-4780. Prln· ... WllW 7005 •C:OV.cd Penclng ding vlcwa fr om dlCk. 2dBr 1490/mo. ~arpttt, 11111 .. ,. "~" SS4000 hooted pool & llepc 10 Room In ptlv home. M,_c_IP_•_l•_on_1Y.._· ____ _ o of WAT!Af'AONl •S,,.aout .Aptt ftplc, etc. rep••. pool o pol• s d ocean. Kitch'• cvail O* 40. a27& lnc:ldc viii• . •-l&IUlll ~n ~~·:!int'~ 4 t>r 2 be ~ ~ •Olntno Ar.. "'L•rge 2 er 2 B1. 11125. 6424470. ViQWIO 085 N. Coat• Hwy, No amoklng. drtn111ng . ex::.S~ .. inct ~·. cecled.ct ec•nle bluff deC.'No pete. 112oo1mo •W11tln CloMtt "'Lt100 3 Br . 3 Be . E'1ldc 181 Ibo, pool. Lagunc Bcacih. 414-9294 556--0e37 HC'y Hrv•. cont. rm. Hk .. I /d«I., ........ 17M 1M •Homo !Ike Kl1chtn1 11200. leundry No peu 1110" Hgey"' "'qtn• I Jof' M/F non I( 1ntb(J I • ~. • '· w • , .. ,. I blk to Hunllno ton Cell .Anthony doy• 1385/mo. 933.7190 Kit ptlv. Ctlfl•tlan Homo. am r S.ic 0 kit • mell hendlg. Rot• C'"':~'!°i~o ~i 8AAHD Hf WI Naws>ort Center, trentpOttellon & 642-67&7, evcc & W11nd1 ISA8-tt47 • M a1rc1Qf11, Hr lc:tl. l&O :f99~ 1~n. 4H ·'= ~. !~11To5~~~ • F. S Helgflte. 3 80. 2 BA, with lrwyt, 631·M30. Bch. 1325. 411-22116 ,...., "' -, 1· 441 or M· • t · lemlly rift, quiet. 1950 m.ma flU Et1taldc. CM. 2 BR, '476. 1• ''·'• H .. 1.0,,1 "v.r11•• tant t111nM1lon R•"~ t• C\19 F V. lndlv. ofc•. Mo/mo. '43-0210. mo. f45-4t70. M PM. -::..1 8 2 Ir 1 81. ccrport, lrple, no pct•. '''· 1u1. dep. , 114 898 q9 I El T«<>. Ill ,,OUM prM· F no~• !f' 10 •hr w/ trOn'l 1325 983-8445 i-.. •ID• UU 1 Bdrm From wt d l w, yard No p•1• ·~2 ....... 1 ,. < n.., 1 .. , It .A R • legbl. W/D, memblt Sun ••mo Pr 10110 ... 00 C 1 2 Jnloo"fn', :;om °'ml' Hr1W Vu HIM. 38', 2be. no 2 Bdrm M 15 HllO/mo 550·t26S "'" ........., ' "' '• >4A ...,., ••••o ""' "' ' r I 8111 club. pool, tcnnll ' -Otll Mita °' room ••• ••••••• •• pet• l10llO tlM POft I.A QUINTA HERMOSA EceUldc 2 BR. I 8a. M 11·~J·• 1ri•f'I "'"' ' '-'• 1 'Ii• 1" 11••M Vll1r• 1280, tit I IHI, viii, lnet. mo28·2 75t.()87t, 780•IOOO 1ullct. From '75/mo. I lfl 2 le'*"-· ~ ~. 144-2.405 1821 t Partrtldc I.ti, I ti* 0tllf IWJ/•adrtlMlt lreahl)' Pll"'cd· upper, nt 1 518 ~ 11 Utllt lncld. 719 W. tOth .... 1180,., mo. c.11 W. of BMch, 3 blllt 8. , Tho 8horee lft ~lful 1ohool1 , n o PO U . , HOf'l·tm06!et: 3 8r c:on• SI. 151-ltH Ctl#tle •· Nf.t•OO 8-yfront 5 '*'"· 12200 of Edlng« .... 147·6441 CdM l'IU 1 & 2 bdrm 1450/mo. 631-0106. lnlM "'4 ~ .. l!ff '1M 1t7f llltdl Pflv. 'it utt. c10 . 1200/mo. ~ viii. a lllOf)' a bedrm tr= ~ ~· 0~:_~"e~a view, ,._, IHI' /.T4f apt• lor rent Oell Htlln Ntwcr 1 Br. •lgerlQI. No ...................... .. ...... • ~::':..f:OO..J.C::1 "00 !.'l..OU: ~fa· n r O O C ~It ..-1111CNn wt ;:r.'!!1 •••••• -,... ••• 011>aon. 644·2111. pe1a. 14 tO/mo ~. a.p & • .,, WVT"' . ..., tlrlClcd lor CHdrn IMl.!1. 48r cxeo. hm on Lll•Uf"f lludlO, "-HI O. On Avocado. ~ry ~. 04~15577 .~nn " ,. . m. Widow nd• room/bOeld In 3 br 21h M oondO 1336 With UH ot iec:eptlon, 1171 no .... "'°""' rcql .... lettdcc&C*l IOt In Ilg phOM maid MfV •P• 1 8R IO\lbfy patio "120 ~s~ pvt OM/HI hofN, Up to 1nc:i Utll. + I toO dep. cont. room. kllctl, pf\OM. .a.1005 MaTAO ALTY C•"YO" wl cttm pool/ $l30 ~. '""'°'' ' t?5.&eoo: 642•3 153 · 2Br. 181, no P•ll. n•w m1' L~ taootmo Call M&-n t:s 663"'3N. Qt·N 14 eec:r•tc'111 •word pro-• p 1 . M r • o r e 0 n • C1rpet1/p1fn1 I . Side. ~· ~ Oetting. Miii I INbllOI fll!ff.~ .. IA!f 144·'804, t 10 8 pm, .,..,, ..... jffl Studio. to of ..OH, 4 blkt ... 15 ll'IO Ht~I 163 a I A 2 le In NI, welk IO lht t l>r/2'hbc oondO, OM. .v. 1,,.it. _.,., .... ~ If -...... __. ......, -·d u-Fri. •••..,..••••••••••••••••• fr,._~.•"'"'"!-. Avllll ...... .... ...,. _.._. , ~ bffefl. tull prlv. Alll to W/D 11cr P'I 1219 + "°"*'· Clll: Jva't, -" _,,,,,, ......,. •• ....,,,.. OC!ANfROHT Dix 2·4 I r no ...... w" "'"o"•o~:"1"1"'•111• ..., .............. IPf, ,......, emof fem No tobeoco, l..!.. ....... 29 1141780-0100 ..... 3 bd, 2 be. lnWNo. IAY,AOHT .,_,, oondo, l y weo o r mont h It 4 • "'"' " no pe11, lndry. 311 w I* ,,. lltll. N1..f0tt . -"';.;.11......;.._...;.;.~'.....;...;;..;;.;~--'~=----:::--~~-:-:=-~ •1-1211. a ... 2 ... ~. dedc. 873-1113 • WMtoft 8$1•1171 Offttto,..i o.11; Ho fanel1c:9. • Nd 2 , fO IN 4bd .. In l•ec..itlve 911llft. ""' ..,. ,,.... .,, ....... '"'· H O b ld9. 11025 mo. w .... -1-'-2 BA I ••• 10. of ~hwy, ll'lerp 3 . 2 .. OOllOO,"' luxu11ous .adult & family livins In •n "" ....... """"-~ ~CM 1Weil IO/lflttlplua ... ~ NduOeO. flO """""· 11 ,.r. MIO mo. 11i-12ff; '31·2~2 now"-=.-c.ii ooiy I conventem M60 l .C ,...,., gerden, f)OOI, ) 8d • "'"'t• lnol' 14 u1lt U1...,.M ...... -7'4.-6214 ~HOf • 1,. 3 11 N~Cr••• ·--a.-;r1y Avl 1u-sou: J9C 14,.1136 ntW country s.ett1ns. I. 2. &. fmj. =r~'!J,';"'• "'• · l'oottlec ~. ec ,.__ 8 Tom 111-1121 ' ""-· -_., 1141o31TO "-n1't1-l"'I'·"".. fl M 21 31 t "' .-----..,,._~,-._... • 1M7 condo. "'9meo. · ...,. --·-·1 YIW ... ...,. ,,,.,"' u '"' """'" "" ""' bis WlllOome get • 1 r. n.,,...,,, bee llUfte w/AC 500 tQ '5r.'RD' ........ rr.n 1cne.t1J.1111 ~ -•• ....... •R~r.G""Rano,. •loclottivttnbell~ ..._t0t Myb.ic0t 1 ~10 4••1-111:1 , "·""'"'"a~. 1400 HOMS NHT ... .-... ltM1'1 • I.... &pecloui l .8lde AIM•· ••• ,.. ••rlout 1tuden1, non-1-14•17 2 mo. 11f.MOO t """·· Pll. ~ -_ _ lMge flnt floor IPf, .ith ~nd Qef~lo. dttM'tw & * Oi~hwashf11dls~al * PatiOlsundKk "'*'• r.'. bl. f;· uoo .con-nl•I. n .. t M" 10 ............ --....... =t·-=& ..,..., !Ode 1 6"" "°'* • 111111 pd _, •-9ncloMd gcrtte, fir•• ttove. utll '1-. No , _... f II' .,.. .---· ... .-.... .... .....,.~ 141-2000. dl>I •• , ... '"ocl yerd rum.,....... i.r....., °' piece, paflo. &fY.' lne. •• * Or•pHICaf'P'tlns '* LaU111•rv tlCI •~ "'0 • ••·H 1 • eve •hr lte l l>rllb• ept, .,... Ollloe lrrt0 "°.... modern llltcfl diner"" month.Aflt1M110. OlfPll!J and d rip ... 2M, t pnon "'° •Rtcrf'atlonroom •Airconc1111on1,. M40llt ~;.::::,,1•1 • '-'· ~ ...... ,;::::.alOlmci lamtfmA .I/If ~,::~\· lltT Ouanlront 31r aba, =-' """· 11100 per ~ =~• '==., ::&: (OIM Mt uuow for 11ftt ..._ T• W, ':,~ ~.;,:., ';,:~ .,...,..,...,.. _. w/1 or -:::: --~.~ • llrl Veree111 .. condo, 1 Ii :.:f,:;:JolllO.~ .. A~LTY 2'23 ~=·CM 1 Y•Loe,'°1t~ .. i11•.c.I: "'eturt -:O.,.. a1111 , ..,.. Mlill o. '°· Ht• .... ......................... mtn~.TOlal -~ IM.111~1 ~---" ,.,,..L.OCAnoN .......... ~... -. llldg., ... ..,..._, OCIAN,,.ONT IALIOA Ler91IIt,1 l1. lndfY1m, )cl• ....... C .•. Pwt ..... ""I ,t l'HI "Oll•tfftllf, lltr a... .... _,,,_ M • OMiet ,..,, Jto , a otwuie L'9 a bd. a be,,., fflll, lnfoY I Ir, 1 be. frplc, larn d•h•nhr. ,WHt•l do 'JI:.. "" o.i--. IMt ~ •· •· 1.., ""'-..... -" ... 111..._.._ ... ft• Aft, "ll MAX MOO/.,._, .........,, ,.,,.. wl d , wlftter, ,,. ,.,., rm, MW ci:,'r"''· HO U Htmo Allall. t ,., ' ,\ ~ ;i:~ ~=t l't (C), ~ lllO +_" lltl. ...., ........ -· ""' at J!!_ IA .. d .... 9"0. lfl.tl40, ,_, .... 1 4 04Mlll • ----·· ----.ill • -~--, ...-' - I ' * ·.~ • •• :;: ••• .,. :~ • ... Or•noe Co••t OAILV PILOT/8undly, October 10, 1982 ~l.~A~f!ouD!J tor • 30 dey lid In Iha lllU Pit.IT 1111111 lllllTllY DO IT NOWI All fer....,. Y °"' Delly Piiot S«vloe Dl<.ctory A41pr_,t.tlve Nl·Hll, nt. 121 ~!1.~'it~!.f!!!!-..! •.• Applied, r•eppllad, guar., ln1ured, llc'd. 41416111. 730-1000 trM .. 11ma1 .. ~'.'!!!~.~!'!!!! •••• 50% OFF FIRST MONTH Dapendel>le. 1ff0<d1ble. e11entlll. Anewertng H r vlce. eecretarlal & bu1lnea1 servlcH , moll boM rental. we><d procet· 1tng. Telex-Fac1lmlle, order en1ry. P908' .. ,_ buy, detk apac. rental ANSWER NETWORK 831·9131 (ask tor A.II ) ~~~ .. ~~! ........... . Arl·Antlq__,_..ry Appralee & Uqukllle Michael Hein 953-07 17 ~r..!!~ ............. . Orlveweyt, Patklng Lot ~"· SM1coat1no. S&S Alphlt 631-4199Uc Dan Hallberg Grading & Paving Co. Aetlcoml Uc 397804 842-1720 ~~~'!!!!I .......... . Eldetly woman wlll babylllt clllldren over 3 yr In w .. 1cnn ar ... 645-7110 & 675-6372 =----·-~ ~=~--------- lessimml Service D#reclary ta '~.'l!!r ...•.•..... rm~~!/.~~f!f!! •••.• !'.'r.!f!! •••••••••••••• ¥1.'!~-.""···········:1 ¥.~~!(•.t .............. ¥.~,~!!!'r ..... :: ~~!!'!!~1. ............ . CHILD OAA!: my nome, Oemenl·MMOftry·lloek Wall te11u1 .. ·ACOU1tlc 0 1r<1enlng, L•ndao•Plno, PAOf 6fi1WICF llLUllH Piii PAllTlll Large ywd. 646-7139 #3'1067 Rob 047·208'1 lie; 30M44 1·"2·6640 Uf)t, lrM trim & ftmQYll. Ov~ll '"'"" ft .... , Atll 30 yr CM r.. ,ti:. 13 )'II or "•PPY lvnclll enecilc• Included We11 .. cu11. 'Work LIO tlang.Tepe 8leel 1tud1 y6'd malnlet'laric., cie.nl Hauling yrd oleiln up 1> Rlch1rd Sinor lie LO Motr* will~ Cill' Clll ORYWAU .. TAPING I f rM Htlm1tH ln-.d 1173.0648 Aele Mwnyn ~70 IOCill tvttomere l~lm• C M Ar:! •••••••••••••••••••••• All T•Jit111 .. /Ao0uetl0 &42·<4889 H I a -d -, FOR A SUPER Cl.EAN Tn11t1k you, 031-44 10 54$-9603 . Clllldoar• wkdv,•. cred. ,, .. Ht Krlln 876-llOH EMl)e( O•rd-. r & Glean T·r~:~r1mJi1ngCJU~r:gp• HOUIS!. CALL CHRISI OUALITY WORK I teacner Ofgan Z*I actl· -------T 1 Ir ml Fr • 031-01113 OOOd rel• • nea ' •·-"""'-~'-•--' vttletl c M 846·4057 flHttltal upe rM t n ng, " Gle•n up &ob 8 9144 •ell . non"t ~· Lio ..,..-di_.,,,,, -••••~··•••••••••••••• ut Pete 141·1090 _ Hl•lllllll•• . 287107 Deve 1164-104& ••J•A•Y•:o•~:,p,::•l(:,•:9•y•::•• Cnlld C•rt myllome ELE TRICIAN Priced a----, ll••IJ•• •••••••••••"•••••••••• -v R ...,.. ~ M . F $1 .... " A ' .... ..... • ••••• A •••••••••••••• 0 CUSTOM PAf...rrlNQ An'/ occaalOn. Pott b., on-rl ..v t g., rlgh r•a e•llmlle ori ...... .-..••••••••••••• 2,. • II .. , 1,.1 llJI 11gon gen. oon111ctor 1•021•8141, 810•7562 3 & up Plus before & 11roe or 1m1ll job1 C1rpentry • Maaonry • r • • will tiou1Hll, P•lnt, & 1n1/eMI Ae.•ldtcomm 11t11r school N O ,, .. r I.IC :u1ee21 1173-03611 Roofing ; PklmblnQ FurntC.-l)O()l·'l"ll•t l'Mlat ~erl repolra 846· t387 free etl Uc 644·47118 f~!~t~ •••....•.... F1n141t1 & tough Ctfl)«ltl'y. cablneta, rm edd1Uon1 040.7228 J1mboree & P .C.H LIC'D ELECTRICIAN-Dr'f'¥111 . Stucco . rite B -I / ---INT/FXT PAINTING 676-0781 O\Hll~ WOfk/Reu r•tH Remodtl J B &40.MllO •• ~~!~.~!.!f•••••••• ~!~!~~!f ...... .-... & WAllPAPERINO Lookl,;jj" tor Mint chiid FrM "' 63t·5077 -C ... rpentry . Cat>lnell ROBIN'S CLEANING 20 YRS EXP Haullng, tree C\Jtlom work FrM ell c1re? In my Cotl• Mne --Pl\Jmb . Oratn Cleaning 8-rvlee • • tnoroughly trtniming, 1ano~no Rea• s1..,e 547 4281 llome, tull lime onz $40 ELECTRICIAN' Elec:trloel • TMe cleen houte 540..0857 Brothetl Conti HARBOR PAINTING R1mod & Rep•lra FrH L h _..._ fl LI Sml jobs/Aep1lr1 Llc -646 0555 M4 L~ r•tee. Deck•, Pl· unc: in ..... i . · n• 233108·C• 10 648·6203 , Rel• Don llee·O 149 Joon'1 Cleaning SttrvlGa • Ou•llly work Free etl tlo Ste\19 752-955& da. 75 1·2342 RESIWcOMM'LiiND-Gen conlreot'g, malnl, HouH1-Apll·A8f'ta11 I,, •• ,,! s,,.,~.. I C111 '" 6e>rn. 873·5166 EMper carpen ter d oe• ChlldClrl , .. ,., tun, ,.,.. 20 yr1. Do my own work. plumb, repilr, palnt'g, _2.lllCet. 540.1287 ··wASH."oRv·&·Fo"to·· OHTIM PatlTlll eddltlona. remo del•. ctld ~rd.4'gOI 2'1\ & 01' Lie 27804 1 Al 648-81 28 moblle lloma Mrvtce. HOUSECLEANING Plckup /Oellvery 1vall 76 yrs •P Lie 403941 deck•. Skyllghll & rt· der. aren 646·4206 E,;;-S«V°~ & ~ Jim 538-119571538-3684 Ht::•': ~:Obie Cindy Sl63·7237 •11 6 I Bonded ln1 Reta. Color p1lr1 Free esl. Di n, c .. 11111•11 •• ,,,1 JACK OFALLTRADES-ten • • ---·expett 963-0911 Dick 11&2..()815 •••••••••••'••........ tlon Lo rtlel FrM Htl· Ci ll Jeck enyllme, EIPIJrtlM ~ouMkeeplng Tlr«ld Of dOlng laundry7 I - --11.J, llltftl9aa I le• mates_ Lie 333217 dly or nlglll 675~14 We lumlth YICWm & llull & lold. hi nd waall. HOLIDAY PAlfljT TIMEI C.,•I S.rritt llcAd3068d'na88, ,;.Remodbl---1 el. 557-173.!._ 847-4714 lllME lM-IYElllT 9\Jppllea Kitty 841·4970 llE~pndR~ .. ~·2~9,w7817ou1 ~;p!;r'1 ~lrs!e~~l>ob1'1t ·N~,.t;;:;,~N~,.S~~,;;,;,· &46·85887845:,;'644 !!!'f}!'l............... REPAIR ~~LUMBING Cu1i0m Home Cleaning " -:::: .,.. PAINTER NEEDS · dSryt.llF",MSpecM:all .• •~9:,a..•~2 , Met0n"', car_,.l~, con· A& K FENCE wood & Carpentry, e+ac. Jlle Froe ·&p Co1 mpBol Mdll.2, Se1rvl~d ~~!~!!(••••••• •••• • •• WORK! 30 yra exp, Intl • -... ., ,..... on1 1n llnk. Rea/Ind/ H t Re11 8<(5·2811 ro • n ""'· n1 BRICKWORK. Smell jOb• 11xl Acouatli: cellln"s Lie I crete, add'ne. Int .ext re-& 4 8 5 4 9 3 UNICLEAN SYSTEMS C 308780 F " Shampoo & steam clean. mod Llc'd 646·0781 ~:0r:i;t;,1 " • · 2eYRSEiP D\M'HAM 01 Nwpt Bell. 950.1200 N-port, °'11 Meu , 0 p ree1 "8 1· 7 5186 Color brlglllenert, wht .. -- _ ___ ---HOME IMPR0 \1EMENT lrvlne Rela 875-3175 DYii llnt no 4 _ • crpll • 10 min. bleach. STANBUR INDUSTRIES WOOD FENCES/OATES Remodet-repelr1-~c1ng II you need II houee«eeper CUSTOM QUALITY • 1 • Hall, !Iv/din rm1 $15: evg Gen'I con tr Property 1 -. & A 1..,. le I ea russy 11 you 11e c111 ••11•• 9 8 (• 51 nat_... ep11 r..... electr 11-plum ng · 1ny daalgn-any m1terial • • r.·. • • '-• •• • • • • • • •• •• rGom $7 50; couch $10, improv 97•1 11 .,. Free est G1ry 499·1724 carpentry 631·8530 673·8890 Xlnt reta. •399032 Don 551 -2887 Far1n1ng Interior 0..ign cllr $5 Gutr ellm pet 0 B CONSTRUCTION ---EXPERT HANDYMAN Ouallty work wlt,;-;p;;: -HANGING/STRIPPING odor Crpt repair 16 yra Addition• • Remodel• C11'••i•• \/11• MC Scott 645 9325 exp Do work myaell Home/comm1rcial Ins ••••••••"'•••••••••••• Cetpentry . Roofing 1on1I touch Bachelor Mo•l•f . . ""-' 53 "101 TllE llEEI IOEIE Plumbing etc ••2-8013 ok CM. Irv, HB Beth •••••• •••••••••••••••1 ASA PAPERHANGING """" 1"' repairs • 399032 Jim · ~· 850-0933 *A 1 MIYlll EXCEL CARPET CARE 548·5103, Don 551.~887 Lawn-lr ... lhrub lnlllll u ,_£~ f:'•---_ • ,. * 7 yra local exp Guar Tree trim/remove! n•I -,_ lllllEWlll Top qu81ny. Specl1J care work Prices 11ar1 01 OwJec~_!J1~"0re'tOfor• Dtt t• -Lawn Mi lnl/Rototn=lr •HAAOWOOO.FLOORS• tn htndllng, 25 yt• e•p $8/roll Alec 751 -7027 '1"V" ..,.,_. ••• !.'!.!~I.••••••••••• F ti t 5'8 5 Wlml Comnat1t1ve Rates C•rpet, uphol, aree rug RESIOENTIA L·INT DE ree ea ma 8 .. • Beaulltully cleaned "v . 1Jolly Cr icketers Prol cteanlng. Work guar. SIGNER Furn 1rrange· -Slmm<>nl G1rden~ and waud. 832-4881 No ovenl~ 730 _1353 Wallpapering & stripping Free &t 645-1771 men1, color schemu Ctn-ups. lewn care. full High quality llouaework ·ABC MOVING· Many relerences Paul KURT'S KARPET KARE 955-2066 01 l:-.l-0322 comm & roald m1lnt !~~!~•A.t•••••••••••• EMperl1nced, dependa· Quick. Cerelul Service 857..0118 0.•Htft Free e~l 646-6684 DUMP JOBS ble, honest. lntelllgen1 Low r11e1 552..04 10 ---?r:'~:'.'~9~-~~ •••••••••••••••••••••• & Small Moving JO~ metlculoua. ltexlbte tam STARVING COLLEGE tulity ,.,., .... ,1., HSl(PRS & MAIDS MAINT & DESIGN Call Ml~E 640.1391 1 II e b e 11 p II on 8 STUDENTS MOVING Suzanne 979·45f 5 f~!!f!!I •••••.•.••.•.• " CHAMPENOISE Fine Cetlftng In Ille old world tradition. 645-9858 New In town? Cl•.11tll8CI can help you meet many of your need• 642·6878 LIVE-IN HRLY/Wl<LV Oberlin Lendtcepe Serv 873-7012 alter 6 PM CO' Lie T124-436 11tio Cortll Viejo Senricea Agoncy Wrlllen egrttemenl on HAULING· GRADING weetldays All day Salur· Insured. 141•8427 i •••••••••••••••••• •••• Llc'd/bonded 973.9000 mo. ma.Int _!44~ demollllon. cleen-up day and Sunday WATCH US GROWi CUSTOM wood patio co ~ -, GARDEN WORLD Concrete & tree removal. -HOUSECLEANING ------vora, decks & fences by 11rrw•I Full Servioe G•rdenlng Quick tetv 8_42·7638 SAT ONLY ... , •• L.a110•1 RANDY 64 1·0622 •. 1................... ,.I • • ORVWAl.L/ACOUSTIC lac Bern11 64&-7922 CLEAN-UPS. GARAGES, Bonded. Diana 873-8458 •• •••••••••••••••••• Compare before you buy Repairs. sml Job spec 1 t CiiUtlled Ads. y~ ANYTHING! CALL Pfa1t/Or1•• lHc .. r I ClaaSllie<l maices 11 easy yra. IMP Bud 552·9582 llOf) shOQP"'O cent« RANDY 142·1&47 Ctaaailled Ads 642·5678 1 10/hr Alcll 720-1646 842-5678 !~.~~~~'.f~T •......... UUOO I PA08Lt!M8l PrOI wOfl• It bllglln ratH Klllly 875-8612 !!~!!!!lf~.'J!~'.t •••••••• lD'S PLAST!AINO NM• paten ... lnt/1i 1 Re1tucco1. M S 82!'18 P(ASTER-PATCt11NG R .. tucoo1 lntl .. t 30 yrs Na111 P1ul 04&·2917 !!~!'!t!~I. .......... ~. .. ELL IU·l121 Waltt Hellet S~lal1 24 ht plumbttf 11C ~!!!!!!~!~1 .......... . J O Horn Ret1n11111ng Anllqu81i, kit. c•blne11, 111111 painting 645·0684 ~!.~~!!!~11.~!t!!! ... METICULOUS MORT'S .... HOMl RlP-.iN~ klMOOll ~ ,.....111 11 ~I HVICI • (;a1pen1,., • plvmb1~1( ~lt(loUI fon11ntd ClllHlntl'r ~" •mo4d•r•c1 -..1b1ntu •1lltl~1n1 r 'UCth IV ''"lt dOcl< IOMfl 8ot or \1114!1 Wf do ol 411 fill ttfo<ttN .fltll, }U I'\ t•~ l1Ct~lt M8)~1b~I 951·6067 let H•I ..............••...... MOBllf' SFRlllCE AHOrMflt/N-ter-'1 NB/CM oril~ &47 9&51 lt!!~~!!!~ •..•.••.•... SEAlllCl & RlPAIA \/111 Oppan• Sarv~ Co 838-4888 ___ E_·_Z LAY'N-- Sprlnkletl, L•ndlOl pe Ou11e111Md 530.2737 '"' ...................... TILE INSTALLED All Kindt Guatantead Rel• John 840-92 17 CUSTOM CERAMIC TILE WORK-Fr .. "' Chuck 675-6100 ..,., TtH l•1•it• ...................••. S LOW RATES S Tree trl"l/remov, cle•n ups. mowfno 554·70t7 '!.-.~·!!~~ ............ . Most tobject1, K-14 Day/eve $5 & $10/llr Mr Motgan 646-5178 Compu1er • Eiectronr. Sc1enct1 Tutor. S 10/hr RICh 720-1C45 ,.,.; •• hnitt .1, .• ~ ••••••••••••••. 1'YPING 100 wpm, llCCU· h ie 20 yr• tl•P Reporta, 1e11ers. a1at1111ce1, re· sumes. etc 536-6345 Typing, m.,ome or yours, leet & accurate Raaa rates 545·0374 • I. -w;.,.,, c1.,.;.1 H 1•• •••••••••••••••• ••••• ••••••'•••••••••• ••••• "Let the Sunlhtne in·· Huber Roofing-ell ly1>411 I Call Sunshine Window New·recoYOr·declcl lie •4 t 1802 548•973• Cleaning Ltd 548·8853 ___ I 20·~ Montnly Oiteount ROOFING REPAIRS -----,-Small Jobs 0 k tree 8111• ln1/u1 Res1~/comm I matea C•ll Tom & Chuck Free est 20 v, monthly 542•6392 d1scoun1 _6_44-479~ --CRAIG CLEANING CO ROOF PHILEM1 Res1dtcomm'I 1n1te•t Oon'1 re-root. repair II Screen!t, mlrron Laddlf lrac 11on o l colt wor k Owner oper 857 2890 646-30811 fo1 your •tlll-good refrlgeratbr DOLLAR DAY DOUGH SAVERS for Merchandlae under •1,000. Sell y9ur no.longer needed Items tor cash. It it doesn't sefl. we'll run It another 3 ~ys FREE. One Item ·3 DAYS 3INE0S. • per ad, must be priced. Sorry, no real estate or comrr.erclal ads. Call today for full details. (Non-f..._....... Ext,. ..,._ 11.00) CLASSIFIEDs642-5678 Ollln •••IM ff,,.C••••11i1I l•n•l•••I •• ,,,,,,,, 'l1•1t 1..t. .... t••••I•/ IL11t' ,, .. , 5300 11111ul1 5350IB•l'I. WutH 1100 •••••••••••••••••••••• l••l1l1 441S n. lla•il 5015 o.H1 5035 1•11•ul1/ ~;;·~j;~·Pi~~;~i;Q. •••••••••••••••••••••• .................... . 4001·9 swell St. N.B. 440 •••••••••••••••••••••• ••• ~r. ...... l ........ ······•••••••••••••••• , _ 1 I • ' Liiii 1 YIO"I.. ACCOllT OUlll '!.e.'1. .'l!.·!'.~t.~ ..• .!.~ q~, '!.e.'1. .Vf.•.a.~t!. •..• !.~ ~ IMllHPH/ HITll lUllTAIT sq. It. $1.00 per IQ It. 1250 sq It 11tallloltlce $4000 nets YOU $5 tOO tx WIDOW HAS HS for TO'• -· •••• Nwpt Bell erll, great " • PART TIME •nant S41 5032 •••• •••••••••••••••••• 1enumen111 vefue re PHOTO MODELS ....,...... • · apace. E. 17111 SI In svgs 111 yr, S2000 2nd RE Loans. 10K Up No ........ ,. ••• ,. 5100 w d 851•11870 ' • ESCORTS/OAN~RS Tne C11y of lrvtne IS see- 'CCl ll1un Pon lime hrs, 4 daya per • -• wee41 Some ffon1 delk ..... lffi Coeta M .... gre11 vial· yr. 11!00 3rd YT + caall Credit C~k. No Pen· •••••••••••••••••••••• 81 t lilng someone to 1111 • ES1ablf1hed Newport Redhill, ~oat~~••• b 111 t y & pa rk I n g flow via tu w/o whtle tax atty Dennison g Anoe. SCRIM LETS Found Long hair Tiger OUTCALL HAS l~ary PC>$1tlon •n fl. Buc:ll Real E•t•te In· E•P• nee trvrne 752-7555 -kdlya 7 10 3 &45-3477 SSS build pre111g 1ou1 673-7311 ft • k•tten. l bl 8 mo Ille 211 Hl-1201 na~ Reapon111>111t1a1 ves1men1 end Develop· ~~':'P:~.7~:r ~~~~. l' . I eq\Jlty!ll Rex, !>49-153• 11111 TD. s-1 t4.000 l•ce, ANSWERS 4Jrd. N.B 873-8470 ------~!'~ ~~~:i:o'';f.~!'~~o'~ :;::in13F~':'eM~s1,:;:,v; -0e-n1-.-,-,.,.-s-t1-1a_n_1_.-4-d-•Y1- 11orage. 675-3882 10·5 • •llrll AllTIALIA 30"/• discount, 181e $80, Found Getman Sh0<1ha1-* * * CRT. and verifying the R e 9 1 E 9 t 8 t e / week In N-Port Beach l••l•I fSOO 000. Sulone<S 9 yrs on I Frosty · Purple rod Pointer, ofc X·ray lie • mu•1 Deluxe t ulle In Weter !•••••••••••••••••••••• Need up to $500K tor S 3 o o . o o o I • rm Gypeom . Ce.Mull 846-4262 lffanfil Parlor ou1put This po1it1on 11 Con11e c11on General 644·2485 °' 548·2888 front bldg . 2012 so It N.B. 3975 Birch. 1000 aq. iwb-dlvlslOn, best iwburb 547-8451 844..0195 Enough . Jostle Open 24 hra e d•y avalleble for approx 4 Le<Sget through llnanclol DENTAL OFFICE MNGR St.50/aq ft. &42-4&44 It M IA zone Agent ot Br11beoe. high re1urn. - ' OOLF COURSE ~s..utllul Blue Merl 7 d1y1 • WMk mos beginning Oct 25, statements EMce11en 1 Efltcient. Enthustuuc & FIH 1111/0IPlll 541-5032. MCUted by local R E In CASH lor TRUST DEED'S Two neighborhood llldS 3 mo. old lem puppy J1cuul, St unt LOOlll 1982 Requires 2 yrs ra-1~;o"<:n:erc~~dl~1,:;:e $ 0 2 80 11 1 d Newport since 19 45 Mr Alce. were l>l•ylng nurM tnd s e • u t m 1 r 1c 1 n gs •• well •• TourlsU 1a1ed eaper knowledge organized .. w/bkkpng ~~:.• 1:;':;.'I r~::~o."i ~~lat ~P ~-1810 t" ~ 673-6338 AM/PM 675-4880 951-4826 doctor It wH all very 400-3455 BankAmetlcerd. Amer· ~~~::• p4;°~~,:~c~9f ~~':'it~·!~:;'8e.,~~;:r~. e•Pf!" 4 dy wl\ 54°'3000 14600 copl• lor entire dond o Clrcle . p & T II••-II LHJ1 SOZS Will purcheM e.ltlttlng 111 harm lell enough Sne t1M HWMI lean ~pr-. Diners' All operation & 10 key cal-0 9 01< 8430. Newport ORV CL EANING-Full· term. no gimmicks. Call Hunting t on. Be 1 c11 •••••'•••••••••••••••• or 2nd mo11gage1 et IOsl Iler P•ltenc. Ind lie ' welcome 714/645·3433 oulator 098'•hon Selery Bead\, 92660 time. marklno & tagging lor a.fella. 96()..1471 842·2834. * lnvestor·Bkr. Bank a. d lacou n t e nywllere neaded tor tne OOLF LOST CJl.l Choc;.btown 2112 Harbor Bl. CM 11 se.o112 po< IV For more llllllliiiiiiitiiliiiililill ____ of draperies in plan! W1l1 SIL, hu money. 2nd (4041325·9 100 Atl1n11 COURSE wlgotd eyes Vic_ 01 Information conl act tile 1r•in St•rt 54 per "' WJsmuT(I Deluxe office ot •lore apece. 14280/900 Ml 11. 1430411200 lq 11. Beach Blvd. BIWn 2 lrwyt, CMc Cent• Shopping C.Ot•. prime IOcatlol'I. 979-8889 or 8eO-O 144. WANTED: gerege or lnduttrlal 1p1ce. min. 800 sq It, tor It body· work. no paint CMIHB 964--0332 90M 127 M· 1 corner wttn bldg 991 W 19th St, Coate M... 642-3490 EXEC. 1u1te1 HS. $275 W•r•llouee apace High w/CPA & Atty. Sec, ><• door accea. 4000 feel r 0 M • A • c • p a v a 11 avell. 842·5!>35. Katen TD 15~% or bette< Monerch Bay are• An .. C•Slt• fHllSY P•tH l llllHPEll CoH Drapery, 1297 LO· (714) 499-1825 . s:Jcr•llT~~~I~ r ~!!.,.!.-!!~ .... !.~'!! =~·2~g.~·~~" Please Con~!'Cs/aVlll~ 2wJ11111ts 8 arbl ~ i !~6:ci .~ ;; ~ n ~ h~~ Yacht broker In N-por1 gan St.. C M 540·1~ •,. t I f. I •11tfTI IUln .., -,. pOllll()(I 1s open tll lllled Beech Must bo UPI t11tf•l••1 HI -FOUND. M. Miii pointer. 1!36-0701 lenced In pay1011, A/P, EllOATlll o.H1 S03S ISf..lllS fNIU\ •os !Iver, blk & wh Mall Olamond"W1nted Wiii AIR. bank reconcihatlon.I •••••1••1··-.·,,,·n··L•l••1••••• UUl1U ft Yorkle, blk & 111n Nunwt-Buy 1 carel from Pflvale WOILJ generel tedger For 1pp1 h st /Presalt/h t•rt • • -IRE FREE roua C111 & Ki ttens party. calh. 031.9275 TEOlllCIU 673-8511 1 llTTElll MMt&ac• Ce. IH . •-ft Newport Beach Anlmel ------ Spec1ellllng In 111 g 2nd n.aeut••••l1/ Shelter. 125 Mesa Drive, 1111•-.J ~0:1~r 8:6~~ .. ~~JO~~ KTAIL lllJllITTI RobtT_os·.•,,tlnce._ 19N4H9/CM !!',',•,'f.•,.l •I Cal.· c M. 644-3666 S.rilt•• S3U TODAY, 2707 N Brmot !;00~~6~~~=~r'~n1 wc'a'1l The nellona llret S1t11no "" -11 LOST C.t 1m1 Tiger stri· •••••••••••••••••••••• S A 11 lee . 'T'. • Frenchlt e, 1111t1d by. A.E. Broker Bd Re1ttor1 •••••••••••••••••••••• NJ-1111 ....__. •h~thalr fem Ille Pr~I 011peutlc ma•· i ~~·~· ~·m~·~~~~~~I 835-.-449 JOBS TODAY. educatott who .. cu e" &42·2 171 545-0611 A•••••n•••ll SllO ,....., · · • our nome. tor M I 2707 N Britto! S A tor children. h0me1, pell Offlc41 spece avall•ble et ltfl•-4S51 •••••••••••••••••••••• tustln l 20 tn S t , CM or F om 968-2077 AUTOMOltVE amell IN & the elderly d0t99<llely 1600 w. Coul Hwy,,_ •••••••••••••••••••••• Read 1he cl1111lled edt tor llal N leMiretlee 642-47119 IHllllHI 1--~~~~~~~~ need• Q\,lalltled 1111er1 tor 8111-ee91. Balboa Bay Club. 200 & Secure storage atu, 1000 tile best deal• in •P•n-780-0~ Lost: Bird, gry/ yell0w/Wllll 1,.091· Btu/Gold Macew, ltiHll I Mutt be e•perlenced 1n pit &tor tun time H lign· 225 aq It ofllcH . Cell aq It & up, xlnt eccee•. ment rentals. &42•5878 Cociletl ... Rcyal Palm 4 ac>Jt 2 mo1 ago. Believed l••tl•tti.. 10IS automotive book kH· Ml'~!~~~~~~~ In ments Call 71•1631-7585 17111 St Co•t• MeH ........ tt•••I~ lllllltt llYITtl MlnorOll, M"8 V•de. If to be In B•lbO• .,.. •••••••••••••••••••••• ping Mu11 aleo be ver-c.,,., .. . .... ·-1...,,.ton .. ---.., ...,.,,_, 851-18, 1. l •t••••I•/ 10 ahow & Mii y<l\Jr ert In Io u n d or '• • n c e 11 Reward &42·0807 Gary Pay~hlc Oevr mn1 <:IHI saule In altllef p1y1bln ':!'uh11eldve erlr,.worduktlleng• •in•: ................ .,.. ~~a.ot';':'' ...-·-l••llfl Wl•fN f £..I a 1~., IFhe WA_!'s'~~1tT1hr M•}ll 549.7()9.4 or 861-6355 FOUND Newly apayed lge Sbeogt dlnls OCLll 27 BBlg 11Bo7x or recelvl blH & accu· ci°udlng driving to end 1 1"'~/112 .. 1,.,2,f•I ..... •••••••••••••••••••••• • •• 1ne " ,..,_, ur1. o Found bleck F puppw, ....... dog w/w'"lte .,.,,1 --u o. gun• c rat• Call Sien II f o c 1 N .. ~. • - ____ ..,_2·_5_5_1_1 ___ , Houae/ Apt/Trallet to rent -.·:..•••••••••••••••••00•• Sun . 0 c I 14 . 1 . Meta Verde. 10 owner °' ~•t 9125 968-7468 ~· wk1 140 No prev1ou1 NABER~ :=nlng, n~ o.~ ·=1·~~~~~~~~~ Deluxe olllce to •ll•re, Feb< & Merell le>< YISltlng ~~!~!'.'!!!!!.~• •• !.'... 996-7509 good home. 549-2001 ---exper·ncet1 req'd. Ju~t 1 Pvt rm & bllh. Wkndl prof. bldg, Lido VIiiage. p•r1nt1. 645·6579 Co1t1 Lott· Cnoc Brn Lab. w/ 11nc:..re lntere11 & desire Pvt office w/MC'I eree. M-.,.. wtit ollelt, 1018, So. L•· to ll'•v• fun wlllle leer· C1\DIL L 1\ : ~:,,~~ w'~a;~P~~ EUCTillllOS $260/mo. Call 1:30-4pm, ...... look..... A s I t to guno 499·1130 nlng en extrm'ly useful I "'l 1.,02 5127. a.6 "•58 TIMIOWI 42 Y'""' firemen ft.,. a u e e Jrt 739·2851 tor iltlf '"" I•~•• 1111"1 • 0 ., .. ·•<> •or _8_7_3-_74_80_· ______ , for room. pref. Coron• • • • FOUNDlg wtllledog t018 ----I ... ,\\-., <,.111 "(XI ell ,8 p m & wkndl H ILEVE L TECHNO· .. tFfD del Mar. 956-5321 vie F II High School, PRE·SCHOO ~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!_.1~54~0.~3~40~1 iiiiiiiiiiii-J LOGY. the lul growing Office IUlt• on PK Coaet ElOer1y woman need• tum Notable ellflf '30 064·9945 Meple ~~: ~~~~tlan In Banlelng =~:~~ ::.=:r:; Hwy overtooklng New· 18< llN/apt. could pay ' Found Sml will Poodle c M Aeglaterlng 2-Pre HIT!Tml TELLO OllPAlllH AllE Immediate oe>enlnQI tor port Harbor. Approx $280·S300 mo. ~&406 1ype d09 Yellowatone, K Sm lndlv cteuea Apply 11· Huntington $7-$9/llr. FleM. Hre. Call • top nolcll electronloa 1000 lq It. Below mll'ket .. , ll B • CM 646-'8383 ()pan OCt 4th 646--4334 Sevlnge & Loan, 8967 835·4'449. JOBS TOOAV. tecnnlcian 10 trouble rate. 7141045-7100 l,.1Jff l •H•I n W H B E 0 E '\ 2707 No. Brl1tol, S A. 111001 end repelr 2901 ••tlh fl us1nesswome Found: Chltlulhwl, brwn, erner, . . • . . amall I" Baaed Syatemt and •••••••••••••••••••••• wht on c11e11. lovable. la•l•rm••I e enklng 1~~~~~~~~~~ bo•rdi. oa1111ec:1 know· llfflani ••Ml Ull Mature woman Miik• 1Br CM. 761·1772 ··~·~«••••••••••••• 1: tedOe 01 TTL logic reQ\ll· •••••••••••••••••••••• ac>I ror reesonable price J•)I W1•IH 1111 * TILLlll* Counler/Y1rd pereon tor reef s d Prima West Cout Hwy, Quiet Helton ot CdM. National Women 111 B11s1'r1css We"'k ,·,,, lm••IJ• 5351 •••••••••••••••••••••• Cornm.ceBank. hell Im-toot and equipment end reeum• •n N8 ~llol'I. New. 1100 993-081 1 •Mt 263 • • ' " •••••••••••••••••••••• Young ,,,.,,led men wltl med ()9ef'llngs for a.per rentel comp•ny Mull NllrY reQulremenl• to aq fl 111911. c,.,, be OM-Octo .... ~r 17 through 23. To l1onor local women COEDS • Would love 101 do r.:·' handy wort<. teller• We otter v•ry enjOy wor111ng With peo-•ma. Md. l 2000/mo. Wet•· I I. '/ L1f' pwty wtyrN Celt Sue or C•I evn & wkendi . oorrciet1t111t1 "WIM & e pta, DOod 181al)' end be-TIOlllLMY, .. rron• H om 91 In c . ••'-n•/•"'' in busines!>, industry anci comm erce, the Daily Kathy •nyt1•. 12 13> ~'5· tull ranoeof J1.lntbenefl11. nellt P•ck•o• Apply 11HI ...... w., 931.1400 11 ... ., 8 3 4 • 4 6 7 1 . ( 7 1 4 I Mtlura tern live In com-Suoer opplyl PloleM cell 1705 So Coaat HIOhwly. II --...,--,-.-l&---•1;;i;;;;••••••••••••• Pilot will publish a suecia l featu re in its 521•11" e>enlon. htkPf, nd• po11-tor •PP•· 1714> 861•0900· L e. 1030 NftJ>Orl BNd, Ina., lalf, t111 r For Action Minded Men lion. Locel ref1 NB/SA ot•f .. IAll C. M or 22800 Lambert _IU_tTl__;_...:.IUL---'M'""._.--- 81dO C·2, 'Al blk E. of 0-tfHI"' lllJ 0i·tol"'r 2.'J edi"te.on, su.-Klngt ln~man No drMng 662·8178 Equel Oppty Employ M/F Ste 1203, Et Toro 1'4.P. Btvd. 111 Cabrlllo •••~••••••'•••••••• r,_, ;1 .....,.. ,..., l~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil EXPERIENCED. P.,ma· M50 ... 5-2331, evea Sout" County Arcade 'f'Jei's 1-8 an CXCC ptt.Onal Of)llOrtuni·ty to Turnera, Aphrodflle Reepon1lble dellvety drl-Benklng 11 nent poelllon. 26 yr old ---------• L.ocatlon and m•clllnee r OlnMng. lllt1mln E & ver w/pldl up econ car TELLER CREDIT REP e I e c t r I a. I c o 80ludloeaic' ~:s~~~::, or locatlonSonly. Cell iulrOOUC~ ff new Or longtime associate 10 the Zinc 80 llblel8173Ption.1 .... " •::lti..\b.le t o r 11rorlc . PART TtME 714/85t-7200 illlllboe la. llOO to S200 T om o r I m on • or mall order • """ 4,......2.,, Poeltlon avelltble In our .. . ,., mo. Mr. Pemperton liii5M-~2e8~;5 ;;~~i people of the Orange Coast. or to honor For Conipanlonehlp. '"91· 81k F 30 111ran11 llv•·ln So CoHI Pleu olftce An .i.ctronlca company n FUT ...... 2 t:t/8 t 7·t294. i:;_ 1 aege °' 1 driver call K*' poe1tton c:tean, coo«,.,. Tel* 8,~ ~le,. la currently .. al(lnt I •GOOD SAi.ARY .... 1111 awards, achievements or contributions. 40't•6718 randa In excllenge tor red, catl'I handling npe-Cr•dlt Rep f ot tflelr •BIG C~MISSIONS Storefront Prop•rty 11 ..,.,.,llS Pul ......... ldvetlll1...,. me•• room a t>owd Muet be ri.nce required. Contect Ore.nge County reoton.. •NICE 80NUSES Hert>or & Adami, OM. ......__ .__..._.... •-""' eble to WOftl PIT outlld• Joy Loerlce at S40•4068. ollloa. Major rMPQnllbl• World'• Oldelt & Lrget Good ffafflc a par1c1ng. .......,. • ..-... aaoaare ... ~2_.,!78'"-r~• home. 6*1 138 llllH 1nclud1 1n11~g Pt T ime. No aelllno. ~754 Newpol't ~ • Hvnt· .... '1'U th• AIA •· exp«llllng PlelH dont call belON lnoton .. ___ .. •r• fr•A This Is the .. _.,. ._ .. _,,' Ill ,.... I s·l· I cu110-• tor ....... .--1,, 10 AM . Mr. I.•• .. ~ • 11""9 I chlMe '=-·· -·· ---· ce ..... ,. .. oOO Hllbl~lllng ;;~·-;-o. 7 14-1166-2326 IUY Tl.It l•1lntflH 1M I. ,,,...._ 1,,, 11 patt•up couni. & evalulllng er.. -------- 8Wround 'J04ll ~ l lle nellon'• lint chlld, Actual Size Ad ......................... ff.tt;.T.':......... dll llmtt1. FINANCIAL with ttle C04'tln•11111 home & pet alttlng Ir~ __ .,. __ .,,. __ ,. ... _. ___ _..-. ..... of T..._ ...., ctllM atalfed .... educe 856 Town c.nt., Or Ouallflad o•ndld1te1 AN•LYST ~ a ;,.,-.; tor•. Coordlne(~ rr~ For O..t r•OOUctlon, • cleer ccma Meta 12e21 111ould PotHH 3 to s n M oGH '•· H e rltaoa tt1e "°""'· f'lexlbla ~ blac:lc Ind White phOto of any Chlld'I Wll'ld equal oppty. emp~ yeare commarclat et.Oltl For grbwtnt 1nvwtment ....,.,IOaMd .. 21481 & minimum ovefflHd. •It• oe n b e vied . Your BANKING coll.ctlona e"pert.nca, Manaoemm.nt Co • ..._ ~attue'lt• l'lcwy, Ml•· Fw 11111111 1 15,000. m"1ege' 111rlll eocompan7 lhe Chll._'I ~Int·· PINM'" our ad today preferably In 1"-.i.Gtro-qulf1M r .... ed COl LIOI llOft Vl8fO ,,_ 100I a.t. For more lnform•llon picture In thlt eplle:e, I you • 9't under nlel lnduatty "9rMC•I. 1 ~· ~· 111 a 7M .... Ind"' unit• Clllt: Choo .. no t t o publleh • Unlv ... lty -·-11 na11 ·~~ •lllll'IQ lo ........ for oflloe Of ,.. l11mv... pic ture, 1111 the •P•C• with •• • -H Our com pany Ilea '" w.-, ""°'Ml*1 ..... .. ........... ......... your ............ 6 ......... n ou 1111n d 1no t>•net111 11 1 nue ., ... -... ll'IWftl -oc. ........ ,,.,. ···~· ·-pecilage & .,.. .. ,retnely .. • ., .,, u ~ .,. ~1.:.. ~11!.!...•. 'c·y~ 11•1112 .. JU Mllllldllt Churclt • pt .. aafll wol.lclf\9 •nYI· •ono tnteleGNal .... -;.' "" ... ., ,._ I~~~~~~~~ L• •llHI• ronmant Candid•tel.,. titY. ~-~ jlfW II Pl ... ......,,.. 1;; ,,.. ...... __... •• -.. lffQ~ 10 '1'1111 ttleir r.. tent M ltlng I~, ..... ..,. ~ IHzeMi ror ~ for ... 1,,. ...---;:.,,.. lllfMI to: to matte • cool/Nlmenf ,.... ...-INlttcM. Del-ctudH Ftuff ' 'old. The cost of each notice, with a photo is = I OOt<Klll'I A Aee'T P11raonnet C>toartinen1 Compen1111on 10 IH . .. .... ,,.....131-1400 '8000, Hltbor a Adlfftt, 3 U ..._.. Immediate l'ull Timi PO lo• en1a 000 and ..otlltftt ...... A••iiJll CM. M0 ... 76"4 only • 2. ..... •• Po.It~ optt'I In . gro-Sunn~. CA MOM ~·-,::: ~:=: .-H •f ............ •-•"• ~ ...... O ' · h · · 1 hw Aw := .,,._'° ~!!? ~ .. o~oe1•. ............ , .. ._ ... --. •· -EA , r -on t mi ss t as specaa opportunity. --... ,._ ,_ ... __ • -• .. ••••••• Traw•I Club •m · r oll I lnwofolnt ype tervl•w• wlH be I Oft· unot1 allen9ed trl .. f ~-,..........,,. w. berehlp•. TIU Tripe Deadline for reterving pace is October 20.. ,,.,..., 21A th ,_.. e IU· IO *P"' ' oooct uCled In tl'le Orene• '""' •. ""*' ·n; ......, ..... ~ 'J0411W. 4t!J..t334, Hof· W-.Ill.. ro.._,, tOlft-.llUOttel tklnt I County eral wlltlll\ IN ... to; Qaell •.JI&· IL ... "'° '°' me Call toda y'. 7 •·"'· 1V • p.m. •u•t-0 111 r.'""•"• ·,,.., 2....._You _.119 l tf ••" MtHIU • .. .. ••• ---------· ' v ,..,.,, •• by "' .... , ""° ..... ~ ._. ':::·.:•:~'::"o~ 11111111111 642 56 78 ~It ~-ty A--. Wh 1_;_1.;..,.;,....f4;....;.f..-l.;.. ... -.. ___ I ~· MIM• -...;.;;.-.. __ ....,-.._ -llL .... I IMGfl, Alrpcw1. For lllfotmellort, • -()ell Git eM9N ..-, . • ........ 8"~' .... 8 .. 9' " .... ,......, pl•••• contacl ltt wt DelN ,.., ~ Ill •Ill '°'!ct"' ....-.U Dtlr Pio( Cllilllllll 'M • ,,_ .,_.. IOr flrat w "• 1 I d o n , • -"" ~ lttl Ind .itll•I J!U w1111 '" le • .....,.. ....., • 1 ~ , Oii • HIO 1'141MM700 ..., ... ,...,. CJ.-,'"°' 0. 17 dL IUlt 09ll ...... 11. • !!'l .,e.f!I. .... !{"I ~1. .rt.¥.'!I. •• '. !.{ff I Mitiitititiit e I.OW le6DOe llland e !nj!W WOttc:£ Witt! People a l.Mle hlllng • Hew l<no..ioe of Junior lwtmwMr & loott...., • Und.,etend M.,chendlelno & Inventory Control • Went A 'ult·Tlme JoO Oenefal Onie.: Property Mgmt Co. N•wport ... ch, relief recec>tlo-- nlll, good front office ~·ICe & l)l'Otll .. G- n;;.ltucle, typing 55 WPM required for v•· rlout projectt, hrt 10.3 M~th, poHlble e•pan- llon to llll time poettlon. S<lt-2911. GENERAL NO EXPERINCE! 0 . C. Marketing Firm Now hlrlnQ tor company lteff poeltfona. 21 lfnf'N. dlale~ Y rty -·.,.' ltSO/ino. Ute ••· lot• of people contect. Cell 13M44t. J08S TODAY, 2707 N. Brl1tol, S.A. amell tM IEIDIL IFFlll Pert·tlme, 20 to 30 houtt per week. TyplnQ ... 55 w.p.m. Front office ap- pMrlnOe. c.11 141-1471 OOVEAHMENT JOM Many fobe a119Mabte In U.I . Md OYWMee. '°' Olreot~ 312/~7 m .E•t1 Halr8tytllt with IOllowtng to wor1' In new ..ion In Coron• del Mar are• C:.-.0 llNOM-175-663 t. mtl•Tlll 16.llOltw. Gr• tor ICU-o.nta. Good lloutt. Cell 135 Uff. J08S TODAY, 2707 N. Brlttol, I .A . ......... LOAN Columbl• S•vlnga, • l••der In aavlng1 •nd lo•n1, hH two cer••r ~lel•v.....,._ln 111 be•ullful An•h•lm edmlnlltratlve offloe: GOVERfllNT LOAN ltSllER LOAN PROCESSOR Ill OPPORTlllTES Ill tN Electronics & Ctnllulic1tiofts ' I • Oranae Cout DAILY PILOT/Sunday, OG1ober 10. 1832 pf A 1te1ular Weekly Feat .. e of the D1Hy Plot Classifieds CALL . S1llJ L11 1•2-,lll 21 Ft o.,., 1977 Sportsflsher, 'f8. Speed 28 knots. Custom stern room , loaded with extras. Low engine hours. Fi nancing and sllp available. $39,000 or best offer. 964-4800 days 9~4-4820 eves. wknds. ------------------ • v • n Orange Coaet OAILV PILOTllunday, OCtober ,0, 1082 !l!\.'l!l~. a l!ff M •UUU •• • ..... ; .. ~~· ... !r.! •u•u•u .. '.'!.'./!!ft!!........ • •• • ........ .. v:-~:: !::::. • .=. MUiT~NQ ·.i;~·oo~; WI ,., tfft ............. l.«I k~;..ffr1. .. lli T!l!.t'. ....... ~ .. l!.tl Y!Hl.~vtr ...... 1l!f1(m ••••••• , .••••• ll.ff 11lnl oond I ~' "'"'IYI llrt19f1t Clllt °" "-" TIP M' 111 '11 114 IP'C*, HN ••· ..... ..-.. '70 l/W IOUA,.. IACK 't7 '0"D WAGON.,:!, .. ..,,,.,......,, •.. '!I.~~........ • •171 .. 0~ ..... "',1 111100~ .. .,011 IJulll, ,.·1111 ;M & alt :'i~. or;·,c::'·o"""b 0 W•'N .now~ ovet 100 1911 TOYOTA$ Autom111o 11111 l flHll ge1, need• ""' • .. .,. OI 1 • .,. ftN0/090 411•637$, •• ... .... N9w A l)Md ~oedff., w .. 641·1'4t1 hOO ..,to-01t1 .. ~..,... '11 Vl!llllA 100. Moel •31 a.cs, Model AcolleCIOf AUi 111111 4••·M7I leN, Come In a con.,. •NJ .. h· .. ~o. 11118, "·· ...,_, Mt 1tyle, Mutt .... Allllflt w """°'' a, .. , Aul'nl>le .-•• ,..... ""'' 1 f1M der our IHH ..1rr1noe· Ltw lllt11t YIMllet ft/N 1.111 AJC lllnt cond CMIP9' ...,. .... ti.otrlolan o-linllnellll/"9Pelr OltV _,., Ml·H20 IV ••nlillni'i••u•r;;i lflOO, 71•1Ma·H1I aeit eto"' 11000 cell ,._,.. U'••••••••••••••••••'n' merH• or 1ono term ,1. l'"OM Al LOW AS •••'"•••••••••••• •••• tneii 12200. u i.a ... Loll o r oommero111 71 ,.· 1 · 14t0 Hatbof llvd •11 PlllTA H• ntnelng, #1 Ytltt 1t•r , ---- 1wordfl1h gear. l'lylnJI • It. t tt • or C06TA MESA 764·1•12 HouM ofl--•tt, loo. $3988 . I ... ....... 7 t Ford LTD Co11n1ry ...-. mattln rOde, , .... ··-'-rj _1_2_1 ... _240 _____ , Ml .a.-''"""' I ., ... , 9 ... ulfe t ~ .... _... ._ .. ,..... ....... W~!iiMIA:illl~~··11 rt.o..o··· Ghia, .•.:--. ··-· DIAL 21a or 714 .. -• and tide ... encftClre, "' ,,_,.,, 11 '•9 Wlltyt ,._,.,, 75~ Mt tal ... ,... " -· tS7·UU tlon w1gon t 1 , r•Olt t>erol•H dook bo•••· •••••••••••••••••ho 1•tored, 111nt cond, mutt -----· ___ 1001, em/Im tape, rtet SM.II, lllWll eno. power •t .. rlno & tloat and merlne l\ard• '71 Honda CX 600, )(Int, Mii. M0·4076 def 12"6. PIP. all I HI• brlket, alt, Yll'J ctMll, were 1nd "'"oh more. Ole1n. 11000. 0111 --------wamar '--------1 644·41H 641·4764 1111 llltJ '\t.~I OVERHAS Oll.l\/IERY I runt gtMt 14.2·M~ 481·1090 h t & lun. Ma·NH, ·2339 Late model ToyotH, ,.1,.w • '• ltlt You Clft lffor1I to UPl!RTS •77 M•ve<lek 8 cyt 2 dt 9:30 to 3pm, H3 Cre· '73 KAWASAKI 17& dirt 1.!tr.J.ll!m •• l!.!f Votvoe ...... I Vane. 1982 DAT~ ··~.:!!:.:;·.::.:::.::.:·,··· blay waurMarced8 1---:r.12" ............. • ~~Pl_, .. pb,ci.an.4Km' teent lay Dr, No. L•· bike, need• minor WOftl lt• --Call"'~ --·-._ .. ._ " •a••• •r .,. .. "" u• LIY*.... ..... • --A ·-· --.~ YILYI Orenld•, 8 c:yt, 4 dr a.-gwna. 1160. 148·1713 •-•-• YtlJ .... we cen ..._. ............ ...,,, -$0num UI. H -OIH .....,. ... ,. '"'" HI 1"11 .. d >eL1a•s 1 ••0 • ... -ac• buy. oMctc our iAnt>eat•· d P8 ,. euto t 1ns :el'·•'••••••••••••••• • ... on I " ' o Thia one h• •..,.. & 11 Y1 .. •11et bl• ,,1eotll>n, Hvlnllt '74 Ch,lnook pop.top mtr 1ote Hertx>r Blvd. en. , , ' , ltl1 llberglH• dleHI ml. need• pelnt 1750. loadedl (t49Sl22) "' d 1 home, 100111 a runt COSTA MESA A·1 oorid. 23.300 ml Nordlo iuo. ':.r:::J 662·112' •U· 11111 FROM AS LOW AS an Mf'Yletl•IVfl':'llTY•Y gr•at. wnlte, new"'"· IO ••·HH 141-1417 :::~~lr m . Owner trim, the beet HONDA 1215CL -Ma-"'Y1511 ml Ou stove heater 1ver bultt. 4 P•Ofl OI Rune Oreet 132& -$4988 UUI I IQYlll reirlg llOOO. ' • '79 U5 WAOON, AC, '78 ORAN.ADA 2 dr, I c:yt, OHr, Hklng 159,500. 931·S411 ........ 2150 Hatbof llvd. DOWN 841...051 "46-7033 meo•. ~. IMther lntr. AC AM/FM lllrtl cond Office · 197-4460: home -. --------1 11711 llMcfl IM!, COSTA flolUA root rack . 2 yr urv Se;vlce re cord1 Orig • 64a..5D30. ::r::.m::. ~In:~~-Huntl .. ton IMoh .. ,~~~~~.1;::~1·~~ 140-1140 LEA E 1982 TOYOTAS uo:::;~o. :5~·~0~.1 · owner. 12500.131°·226'. C~~~~ :,:~ ~t~t;~ .. , $800, 96"\PO. 846-0"490 l4 •2• ~~4~1q or foreign. 1111 IUtJ ftNfl '73 Hond1 LJ, low ml, YtfJ Olell '74 VOLVO St Wg 4 dr, 4 It ITITllll .... Orey. l3SOO. 87s.-e1451 IO K-allll, 750l.TD, xlnt 1111 11111 11H2 ...... 1At4. am/Im 1tereo 111J>1 de£k, ltw ....... Ytltltltt cy, II. tnl .. llr. Ilk 1hll Ford Falrlane, CIHn eond. Helmet a riding 414 PIOllP ._.._.,.. ...... 11695 644• 1032 ev• · FROM AS I.OW AS 12495 642·~26 body, rune •Int. 22 mpg, '74 Ol11tron 25' Fiber· ault Included. S 1900 A•IH l•MtlH -.• " 543-8415, ~ply. glHI Fly bridge twin 136..()910 Thia OM 1111. shell & 11 ••••• 1 ••• ,..~........... Hl-0121 '78 Civic, 6 spd. Lootc• a '71 244, AC, 1tereo ... ,, _____ ..:....;~-- V-8'1, Volvo out drive. ---------i loededl (149~6~1. 1 Alli lt•H 1111 ---------I drlvee "'"'I 12200/t>Mt $ 000 ml, Blue, Kint eond. l.l•t1la Hll end trille r . (7 14) WANTED: MX gear: boot1 lllt lllll •••••••••••••••••••••• 19 ~·~ offer. 846-2143 • 4988 $8200. 648·3807 •••••••••••••••••••••• 7354737 11000. (9· 10) pent•. ped1, etc ,,. iaatll ''tin~l•1:~J:r ~rO:~i 81 DAT ""'1.J .78 Clvtc 5 spd, cteen, new .73 Volvo 164 tmpeec•ble '71 Llnooln Coupe. low Electric Bey Boal/ Dul· _&uc. ___ n_5..a_l_4_9 ___ 1 YILllWAIEI c:ond 111,800, 875-9038 Yt'J llt11 tlr .. /cu1t Int Tepe Al>Pl•ff IO new c:a•1 1n blue body Plffect blue mllea. Mlltt ~t 8:'~ ~- lleld, 20'. lmmaculatt .,,.,.,..,,Ill•/ 18711 Belch BIVd. Ltw lffllll Ytlllele1 11950 842•1039' . llOC~ On eppr«MOc;•~•I 1111 IUtJ y~· tfl ~ut~~:n~~:,'~' :'d ~~-1~1' 9 . Cond. 548-8858. lf8ll lltt1•• fJ, Huntlnoton Beach FROM AS LOW AS '11 Hon01 4 Cir Accord lt202 ...... ~. w / 0 v d r , s 2 e 5 o , ·10 Lin coin Mule 111 -.,-,-Bo-,-,.,,-W-hlllr--_-w-Jt-rlr-1, •••••1•••••••••••••••• . 1•2-20IO · A•" 1101 13,500 ml. Ll~E NEW! I -' " • 548 7245 B11utllul black be••ity 4Clh lolded dMn Rent: 28' motor home. --------.-~ ··,·,··:.:~1 •• 1.!!~:.9.!.9:• Auto. am/Im 1twe0, air. • lll.tlla1H .... II · )e' 151f;(,1080. &..":I918 t1p1 8, fully loaded. ·12 JEEP CJ? Lid. 5 spd, -· WI '•-$3988 17500. 8<1&-7641 • Ml-Ol2I '88 t4._ s. auto. 1c. t Belt 011 " 0 -Mlt. · 645-1818 (Paul) excel. cond. M1ny H · 28,000 miles. fully lolded owner. nw tJrh, nice 1142•7500 • 1977 26' Apollo 235 OMC t1• pa•n'I ·-· tr ea. $ t 1 , O 0 0 ob o , sunroof, "d cond. Like .,,,, 11JI l{W) 78 T ........ _ c:ond 4 dr 11275/080 M·•tt•!f ff•• bin I lh.~-,_ " -." • •••••••••••••••••••••• n r · oY011 ~· AM/FM ..... · · · • -c. cruMr w ,..,., .,.,. 876-2735 new. I 13,400 0 80. ~ 1 ctea 1• .. .--2079 •••••• •••••••••••••• trtr.t l3.600.931.a7se ~~5Fiei~E~LS~r~a~1~~: 1977ChevV.ton.Alr,Pwr :5~6J21 l Eve•. llll llllJ ltrtfl :'°'a':~ cu8S3P~~9. 8~6.52o~i ,·~~ .. ~~~c~~~.Hp~.d:~ 13-4 Boaton Wheler type (Dodge 380.) Roof air. SO brekH, pwr llHrlng. •9 4 diya. 11•0• le L .-._~ 1'411ll-9l00 21 M I 1 12500 1173 1003 w/40HP Mere en1•0. Re-1 t k R di S£1\"'". '"42-3480 1 ·10 ~udl .. OOOS, 22.000 & & "" .,...., • A•ltl UIH • 1 rH. ' • • ga . g11 an . ••r · ...,.,., " " " .. -.a.t--le .. •••••l•••••••••••••••• • Anxloutl mole ctr1, boat eovw. 1 nett•. 41,000 ml. Orig .. 75 Sllverado, SJK ml. ml. loaded, Ilk• new, -•·-"" 1 _______ .-..,_1·75 COfolla . SR5, good l#•ttll IHI -------H-- yr old . 13950. Oya owner Hklng 110,400. 18.5 chrome. cuat. l4llP.,I chocolate brown ••I.. Hl-0121 cond &2400 •••••••••••••••••••••• #•IU•f. • fl 835-eee5, -873-9655 H3·2187 lealher ... 11 Sit 000 '8l 380 SL, 7000 ml. Wire 492-4778 Come In & ... "N_,..,,rt ,••••••• •••••••••••••• ---------1 mecn. pert. 1148-1387 · • · lllO IAT=I wh••I• $38 000/0BO --.. -78 Muat.,.,. II· n-..-..ia 16' Boat & lrllllr, 35HP, ---------841·•068 1548-7033 · · · Beech .. finest aeleetlon -.. · ........... -• 1111l1n 111nl IJ'I, •aozx OI • 213·832-8979. '79 Supra, 111ver, lo•ded. 01 prevtouely owned bl•. atlck, am/Im ceu. xtr11. 1 750 or trade. •••••••I•••••••••••••• · ·79 Audi 5000. Sliver/ blue & " 16400/01111. Porach•'• Audi'• and Clean. $2000. 1176-2774 873-0847 1912 Ideal 32' rear bath, fH~k• 1111 Int. AM/FM, AJC, 10 Thia 2 plu1 2 11 cocoa ,~•: ,u~u• r-t · 848-0107 · da eve1 780 1109 Ba~llner ••utlny t"7", every option. Mii cont'd. •••••••••••••••••••••• mll11, 16100 obo brown, h11 5 •P••d #C 1141 -----· -\/olkaw~a. ' • '"' "' • Mu II I I II A ft 5 . •11 flll --·· •• ' t & I Mil t14A10A. •••••••••••••••••••••• • J &. 1111 .... Inf •-II 1 w, lnbolfd/outt>oetel. _.... ....S-2806 rent. •I the toyal , .7 .. ••ldQet, ,,.,. conv .... 1-•I •••• · - \/OfVo 120 w/lrlr. lo hr1 191-tMa PIOllP '75 Audi Fox. Need• llttle' (13801). ITIP IY & bie": Ilk• n;;, emii;,, ••••••'"••••••••••••••• ·79 Mu111ng Ohla, fully 847·2100 '74 1 S 1 tarcrel1. 8 11pr, 16ec 4 . Ext 1 ra cll•nl3with 30 elr con-work. 11000 0< belt 01. llLY Ulll lllf Mn ... cauette. luggage rack, 2 ,~;H ... ~~.·Til•U 4•5 E. Cout H~ :fr~~~d .. ~~fmm~::~:i:: ,.,,, i.ll MO re r g. atove, c:1011t dtt onl~ 41 ) fer. 857-4187 .Ill uat• fAGUnl tonneau covert, 29K ml. H Newport Beach Bett offer. eee.8128 ·····'················ ~!,n11y9:. ... ~1n8" s 2200. p. To s.i1 A ,. .. -• l"OI vuswaa11 "" 161101 ces111uuo1111 suso. PP. 644-4120 ~~~7:~c<1't!;o~2c:.001 o. ____ 61_3_..()9()() ___ __, 81ggett 30 looter •flo•ll '"' •1 "° • · t1388 U •• ., • .,~ I' #'"• -"" "-.-115 GT, prot .. tlonelly r"- lmmaculete llberg1111 ft"1frl DtJJlw II 4 ~;:·a~~:e;~~ H·:;·L;1•;, !.8Jn11/ng~~· •• ~ ••••••••••••• [/.'."! llLY ... lll ~!' ••••••••••••• f.'l!. tored. low mllea. •P· Columbia 30. Interior ·······"'······"'······· N••d• Llttle. Hurry. • ... •ooo '79 MOB. 30,000 ml, ,,.. ..... MUST SELL '82 EA.OLE prtlHd •1 S7500. Bell bigger than moll 35'•· One wheel tr•llef. xlnt for llU n TIYITA $1750 Obo 842·1281 'H"& '78 Mazda RX4 2·dr. overdr, •Int. AM/FM , ........ ,. S>C4. Sport pacilage, l)l· 0 11 er I I k. I . Bunke for 8 ldutt1. Full VW. S 100 19202 Beech Blvd. _ 5-apd, good cond. IOK c • 11 , S 6 3 o o Io Ir . _. -trH. only 3000 mll11, 2 l3·498·1588 galley & held. Atomic 4 548-4222 Hnt•-1n Bch 962--0829 ID 1111 n...•-t•• 11•1 ml, S2850. 851-1153 833-5431.1545-6595 18711 Beach Blvd. 1 7,500. Owner Call '65 Mull•""· •Int, cand" With ••arteo prop lo Ill~ •••••••••••••••••••••• .,.._, • 1---------1 HunUn"ton Beach o... _. ··• ' hout• .... FuN 16ectronic.: A.,. lfnV., ,,,,, 1111 Ln ,,... • ••••••••••••••••••••• #1ttHn ••• 1140 ,.,,,,. 1111 ad-Jooo .... 6.4"29 red. 12~··7997 . VHF. Auto. pllot, 4 Miii '~in H AM, CB, camper •h•ll. _,,l"!'l~r.r~r.n DELORE·N ;;;t•t;;;·;·;o·c·o~TO. ······-····IS··m·········· -.80-T-R--7-Con-.---. -.m-,1-m '75 AMC Pacer. Kint c:ond. ---------lncludlng eplnnaker. 7 •••••••••••••••••••••• SOK m~. c1 .. n. S2495. n s r S30 900 .._, 25MPG. 1950· 01'1••ii/1 Hll wlnchff. 129.500. Office PAINT & NII body WO<k, OBO, LOW AS unC~ h4t492 0190 c .. 1. A/C, 5 spd. De-538-3410 •••••••••••••••••••••• 19 7 . 4 4 5 0 ; ho m •· up to 50% off your body 498·5514 83 t-4875 111 Ill • . NllOll/1111 pend1ble, Grt Cond. If ~ill Ill Trull 1111. 2 dr, 71 81 54a..5930. lhoC> .. 1. 8111 964..()332 , '88 MerceOH 230SL. 16400. 675·7424 ••• II Delle Cutt. 0101, P/W, ... TIYITI NI Ser. •004345 Cr11m w/derk brown 13631 HarbOI Blvd. •••••••••••••••••••••• AIC, rldlo. call B of A, t8' Hobie Cet, )'lllow w/ European Mechanic re· PIOllP Oood thru 10/l0/82 1011 top. Hard top, 1 Gardin Gro¥e VtlklWlfl• 1111 Tll UllEIT Mon-Fri, llAM-4PM. teq. ~n500rlN ulle. Like PF•_2!! .. ESuprok~•:::1c1•2r..'.! w1·1h air c:~"'11•~1"" •Ad •aa -•--TATE seddle lntr. Good cond. Salet·SetYk• •••••••• ••••••••••••• llUITllll _1_s_e_....aa __ 2 ____ _ ,_, -. 675-6181. r.,_.. • .... -"" "'"' '"" ··• -· ----·-111.000. 871 1r.•3 Lt~•-1 1111 .,., •aw•-• John atereo. (tU74313) •a•• " ..., -•-_.. 011111 model. tow mllM· '80 Omeg1. alnt c:ond. 49, Columbll 21. Mutt NII.• Reduced to L-H ClllWC 114 Ill 2111 HP·TIP O&IKI ge Cacllllacs In Southern 000 mllel. S-4,300. c:yt. eng. I 11,900. l'M • tchool tHcher In 831·20'40 495-4949 118 E. Holt ·-. 'lt Ill ... ILO. • Thia one hea 1n aulo. Celllornl•I S.. u1 1<><11yt 831-4459. 552-5133 N.B • I lound •gel me-$3988 IAllUIAll ... "•• 'IO HI trans . IOw mllel & 11 ex-•••--1 NewpOft Selling partner :~!~lcht':d ~~~~ 11~ 2840~~~i!:,Pkwy l~~~~:~~~-~988~1~~~ All ~/6~ ml. Low mu ... Lea. Int All tra ctR .. nLIY(9-l2l23n>· I •=LUI• '89 Old• Toro. IO•d•d. runa good. $900 obo 84&.a.422 NEEDED: 28' boat, lo Rod'• number. Signed: llU ll&lfY TIYITI (A .,_11 >ff 1. r.) 128,500 very firm power, AC, clean. mull .... I h. r. • • p. n... . Fred Giii. 19202 Beach Blvd. ~ $ .. -~_:" .,,,.,, 1•.. 731·5115 831-4342 NII 128,600 OBO .... --2500 Hllbor Blvd. 1100/mo. 1542-6591 --------1 H ti n-h ""2..0829 ,,,.,...., """-•-•1 •-714·955-3501 wk de COSTA MESA li•I• H$1 ---------11 new u, ... 9501118.5, 10 n ngtn ""'""" 1-------'---1•••••••••••••••••••••• YllllWUll •••••••••••••••••••••• CAL 20.Goodc:ondltlon.8 ply, for helvy duty pick· Toyota .711. AM/FM Ste· ..,.,... ~ IUlll llllfT'I -IP lfl ... '80 PORSCHE 911 SC l87t1 e.ac:n Blvd. 148-1111 '74 Pinto wgn. auto. new hp Evlnrude. PoHlbl• up, s7oo. 556..()998 rao cuutte Smell ~1'~ •Y ~ Fii -a •1Tll Thia la the llnHt pre· Huntlnoton e.ach • n g , •In t co n d . lllp. In ~. $4500. camper shell s2 ns. s.-.SerAce-• __....,, nraaa•i· · II .:::_... owned Terga In So. Cell!. 142_2_ 1967 CIHtlc Eldoredo $1500/ofr 642-i274 - 840-64 ___ 5_7 _____ 1 .a•ln /t"'• •-•, 873-8611 111 ... ll;;;'llT"' r~ ... _,_ All blk w/every concel· ---------h111dtop, ,_ tir ... bait, " .. -•· ---------& --··-'87 Cla11tc: "800". veble option. The c:ar Restored claaalc -I wir ing , paint , etc . llntt•ti IHI Wltderneu 21. '71. lbrgi. ··1~:PO···R·T·:·N·r··NO··T··tC·E··· ·-.. •• ,.. .... , N'--.. ~1on1 __ .. _, -s .. ~ ...... ~ •• , .................. . r-/crulee, MP9 4, loa· ... "' ..,.5 ...._ .,... -.,_, Cheuffeur si-11tl0n wt.it w11 1tored on block• custom a (llatlnctlve moo1n runn . ,... •78 VOlet 2 d d d •1900 TO RU.DEAS AND ... ~ '82 ._...CJ'&. lO to * '78 2002; 4 spd., lfl/rt. r~;:::::;~~~:I ~ble optlon1 • .._.... lll'IQI new. Currently hu look. '87 Bl/O, Portche 11500/bll c#. 5-338 31 000 !:, r,. 1 ~· 1 · Urgent. • ._... ......., (917P\/B) b le th 4 000 I W ' ""· eu o, ,.._, pe, 213-592·2563 AD\/ERTISEAS ChOOH from. tncludH c rown W/llght ten .. an . m . • red, Mlchelln r•dl•I•. ·ea CAO COVVERT •le, new tlr••· LIKE The price of Items id ..... __.. ••m ... -.. p--.. .,.. '* '79 320I; 4 IC>d .. toe-pluth Y91our Int. Comp wlll ••II t hit prlatlne S•....., stereo. New eve-,._, r .. t-,.,. 12000/obo ... E w. * 3 a e... 3 7 o LJOO 14 W/TRAILER vertlMd by veNc1e dee: ;;,"""~ ';;,, •. -..,.... d«tl (816XOH) lactO<Y rebullt a ret1ored Porache at midpoint ryt'hl;;g Spot1e&I. $3900 •• .,. &;2":]500 8,.oadway 548-33... A.·1, xtru, $1095. lers In tfle Y'lfllcle e1...i-SAVE THOUSANDS • 'IO 5281: auto., tn/r1. L..;=~~~~~~ to n-car cond. Con· between WhOllHI• & 739-2651. 875-1458 673-9487 fled ed~......,. COiumns -a-• _..,. (418ZOJ) · · verted to U.S. 1peca. Retell Wfllc:l'I 11 II 11111 --------WANTED. '79 Sevllle. IMliM IHI d •• Ot -I c""'t ... _ 1 --• * '80 320I· 5 IC>d toe• 3100 w .. 1 Coast Hwy. Ori". blll1 for OM 104, 112.000 1 ... thin 1no· IAOllFllEll Sharp, lo ml. no dleMI •••••••••••••••••••••• Sabol, to', "OOd cono.. .!_1,_.'!..,_ ,.".. .. u.OA91 .......... .ny, a-7--1-•llt ....... , 1-... ..; .. 1 " .,__,... •-~b • c 11 970 c PIS • ...,... ,....,.. _ ,._, _, _"r .. _. ,,_ ,.,,.,," ·--,...,.. --000 on hllld -oar pr• lher br•nd -POf8dle. '77 Convert,_... 10 ep, Caah PIP 494-S419 II• na, 1 . Al • • ,_ paln,_!;,.1~50. tran&fer fHa, finance 2524 Harbor Blvd .. CM * '10 833scl; loaded. ___ 84_2_·940 __ 5 ___ 1 1«1tly 1tored In a.rmany For appl 644-1885 dye, prec. Am/Im, ohrom• '81 Eldorado. Hl,000 ml, PlS. New Tlfff,Good .._.. .. 272 -....... ,_ '"".., po1. 549-8023 84S.n7o 15556348) •••• but reedy 10< tmmedlet• _aa_•_·23_. _2_1_ev11 __ • ___ 1 radl1J1. $5900. 831·15•8 Cond. $700, 897-64l9 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil j'f..-d I Ua.1111 *'ll fllllUllU i'P91ng aunrool. many 111tr11. l. PRICE CIT! ~1~~c•~k,~~oc!, ::.~~ ·1:1~~:n~R·~~~~: 208 w. 1tt. Santa An• ~:rro:.1· ~~~\ ~~~~i11~ "'s.i11n0· Pra 175,ooo ~~~ ~ ·~n "r~~~v:'o1~1~: = ~~&:;5 St8.350. ·1:w°::.' i~r!~~.'° ... ~~'~ NEWPOAT 4 1 SLOOP documentary preparl· $4150 Al1er 8 pm (714) __ C_IOMd....-_8u_nd_ey __ 1 751-4344 PIHH, onlY_j,ullllleO 18500. (213)447·5256 c:ond, rbll trans $3200. '74 El ""'lido. Gold In I 581·9568 aft &PM tlon Charo•• unleu .... 2·9859 c OICE INVENTOR ---------1 Cash buyer•,.... •9• 3278 -.. ....... 11 Salle, Moren. otherwl .. 1pecllled by -""'--------H\/OLUMESALES y flit 1115 (114)842-0138 '78 911 SC. Red w/blk .. ... •· . out, All optlon1 end '800/P, 12,000mllee.llke N.w dtl '79, leS,000 the edvertller. '72 Rancn.o, I c:yt beeu· •••••••••••••••••••••• .12 MB 3000 lurbo, tnr1. leether Snrf, new NCT'a. '78 VW Rebbll. Auto 2 dr, clean. ,tr1k $2250 obo. new. 15900. J. t'r,':)':T;!:~kr. bl~!_ 1·-~~e.l:i15~ pe, pb, ' Q ·7.s52lr7:001~~r ... 7E..'!,.C•1CT.!n~~ =~:.~mW.'::~~=! 8~/,t,~ ~n;,~·~~1:~·· ~~· '3~~';, ~::1;~ .:;::~:. CldlHac, only , .. , call 720-1665 H14 ---------••• CJ!!!fa.: ••••••••• ~~ '79 OMC HI Sien• y, ton · -...,.. ...., new Seen. "•ry clean, " • """· •• 79,000 ml >Cln1 cond. •"'••••••••••••••••••• '~I lllJ Mlll"A"al pickup, ll•P aide, w/ Ill ltlllEI ---------1 good mec:h. llOOO/obo '73Porache914,51pd,to '74 \/W Bug, yellow. Ml· New pllnt. Aaklng '72Hllchbeck.auto.mao •••••••••••••••••••••• . c:uetom Int., llereo, ~ lft *f•NT•STIC* 573-8870 ml S"275 chelln Radlels, Por1he $1800. 1148-1896 I ~!1•1need321 Don• motor. 1200. CUSTOM SAILBOARD. Shay repllcaa, pk:aupe & -•-• ~11 & t'r•. ••1/U\. n n . " ' · .,...,.. .. h ,._, .... • ... "" sa•~ 0 -"--. ---•.... * FIATS * '11 3000 ...... , ..... ~ Int •41:.••14 Whffll, Xlnt Cond. 52, •5r. Cd\/ Cad. n--n<1111A. Exlr• 1at1, brand nw coupe•. 10 c 0011 492-7775 • ...... ~ .. ,._..L<-. ._ • ... " •....,.. " u .,......, 000 Ml., &3500 obo " """"' .,.. cond. teSO. 645-7200. lroml (0087H) (Slk. --..,..-------850 N. 8Mch Blvd. aunroot, 19')e. 11.000+ '711 914 2.0 ltr Excel Daya. (714) 1169·8100, ned mec:henlcelly, great 875-6115. A.3093). Prtcee at#tlng at '10 Dodge 050 4X4. ell La Habr• ti& sn.£CTI09' ml 8u11111u1. Corp. cond., new brakes & Eves (714) 76CMI03e car saoo. 831-8670 - y p _, extrH, AM/FM CHI., 122·1UI ---..e's eat. 97~ clutel'I wf'lppeerence ·•• ,.._... • d • .-.. 1500 BRANO NEW CURTIS HAWKS. c:ompl•••· tor teas. 845-43 tO ,..,_ .......... 841 "1•1 "--nw.~ ·••a..-1 1 o ~ .....,......,., .. r .....,an, ........... ...., v ,,,.,...., Sundey '68 Mercedes 230. corn-grl>Up. Metl. ~. 17300 ""' ....,.. 11 n eon " O< • 080 '7" D P ..._...., -* _... .......... ,I obo .. •3..or.•4 owntr, rblt eng .. 13 · 49• 2""5 • ataun U. 5 spO, tlllll OlllTT'I ,,_,_,,.,.,or..,, ....., n ' '"' ....,.. 2191820·8559 early AM ... .., ~~=ec:.':4:.~1::·000 IUllT FIAT SPURS & :.:i~· 494-6474• '73 914: Red, 1trong eng, or lete PM. '78 CdV Met golden THEODORE ROBINS FORD :l'J~r HA•aoa &L •D COHA Ml~A M1 0010 Sall Board, brand new. ,_ UMd. wO<th saoo. 8el fof 1575. 114!>-1878. '74 GMC VII'. 12 11 elum cargo body w/roll up FHT X 1/9•s many •tree. 14900. 1970 BAJ• BUG brwn, beige tealh. ·~ & "' '70 Mercedes 2I08L Im-873-<"270 " LendlU top. Mint c:ond mac. compl, serv. r•· .81 3 ... B, re-bit. no ""'· Not completed $900 In/out a mechenlc:1lly •77 ff•T d 2 t t -• "" 846-3192 $5200/lrad• for ? ,. cor •· ope, 1U o, .. r. n 1 •Cl1 1 om• work, NA BERS CADILLAC ,.,,,, IJJ,, r e ar d o o r . L ow t o t_ ..U lf7f , ground. Lo ml. Auto, S .... ·Servlce-LMlillO •••••••••••••••••••••• S3 Studeblker Cflemplon PS/PB, crptd. excel Dr'1V r A 0\ rc:o BOAT SUPS AVAILABLE: 5 , ... cpe. Nie• car. cond. Orig owner. $3500 l'L/I ~v ~ X19•s 117,500. 151-8228; 13300,494_aa75 ·11 Super Beetle. new _64_5_·9_1_eo _____ _, 72<>-1090 eve. pelnt. Good Irena . ·ao Cpe de \/lie . ...um• CLEARANCE SALE! N9wpot1 e.actl: 25', 28', $3750. 213/&92·1712 or trlde for ? 845-9190 l(ll.5-llJICE·ll'AW 30', 35', 40', & 45'. c.n ·--~ --~ ---~ .....,_,_, __ """~ 8 42·48 44 from 9.5, _. -__. '14 Chevy Stepelde. em/ .._,..•K~••>ll..O- Mon-Frl. 19411 Ford Woody W•· Im llereo,,.... "'"· run• -._.,... IN gon. $13,000. strong. good iooktng, MARCUS CHANNEL: aide ---S975. Cell 846-2922 '78 2002, 85K ml, perl. tie 10 28 tt: 1150; atao 1929 FO<d Model A Town 'IO Toyota 4x4 long bed c:ond., ""'· 819'.I. AM/FM •Ide up to 18 ft S 100. s • d • n , t 1 o , o o o . $4"5 or trede for ~ atereo. nu radiate, only 813-&146 8754181. PU or 1 842-eo13 $5,295. 842-8777 SUPS AVAIL Huntington '3 0 M 0 d •I A F 0 rd . '78 BMW 320!, lllvef/blk, H • r b our 8 • y. D • 6·wlndow cpe rumble Va1 1111 euto, Ilk• new. Make of· ....... 5 ..... •••77.... .. .. • •••••••••••••••••••••• ..... 5 207 -· _,,, __. vv, .... 1e11. nlcely re11orad. '78 F0<d van convenlon, """ 9 1· t p M • I 4 0. 4 0 t 1 • leOOO. 831-8&58 atre Cllln. lo ml, $4600 '81 320!. air, 1tereo CUI .. 213-'31-3714 11 ... •~•-._ firm. PIP 41M-5419 mlntl •••••311 EdQewlter, 34' M: e::'A: .;.-~ ,79 Chevy Vet1. Auto, PS/ 112,400. 831·2"1 IO 3l', c or..... ,,_ Int .. blllCk •xf.. ~ PB, fldlo, fully opt'd. '71 BMW 5301, •II xtrM, 8 3-HM3 1-1111. Preeent owner rMr & elde Or. Excel, Otto c:rulM control, ec>ar• oae to1t dock for rent. 24' celebrity. M•k• oller. owner. '3600 or trade t1nk, eleo wlndow1/ "*·low proflle dellred. 844-1451, (213)272-7722 for?. 145-1190 doota. tinted wlndowt, 110 31th St. Newport ·ea CAD CONV£A'T ·ee ~ \/et1 1utomat1c, new tires. leletld. 873--3CMM 99% '9110fed t2000/®o 2.13 8UCk MOOO. 493-4408 8ellt>oet tllp lor rent, main 142-7500 1515. 548· 1487 '70 2002. ees wNa, eon. b1y. 35118'~ It. t i ft, .57 Tllundert>lrd, 1 of 211 ii-llY cord llereo, ,_ brek .. , t7~ w/IUPlfctler'DW. H ,eoo ws tran1, drl'Ye trlln, '3800. 28' bollt with 42' Neowpoft m l. $29,600. (7 14) .... 1111 '40...()408 moorings:~ 337-2565 -n.1 '11320l1Ned!/ Tin 619, , \ ---------i'64 FOAD VI, euto, 4 cir, anrl. eictrM, 4K mt M- • 31' Sllp 1v1lleble Hunt· look& gd, run1 gd, Mt5. IUml ...... 173·1te3 lnaton Harbour, Det>ble 645'-7'84. II 11• 2f3/5t2-M4S. i-'7-t--TiORINO ___ G_T_CON'll __ . -1 •••• !~•••••••••••••';;' IM..!'c ,,.. I --~VI, IUto, .. QC)ttonl. 'ti HIZ'fllll .., ,_ A vwy ,.,.. orlalNJI. Sto-D1t1un OHier'• price ...................... r•d 1 yr•. 81iowroom -========;;_1 ,._ ... 121.211. Our 11• 1kl 1>011, John1on cond., 1blotut~ mu1t -11111 Speolal Pufe"-lilrtc:e le "rol.· "" paint & Int. .... 13460 . ._,. J(t. Top doftar1 for t porll J 6 127 • .,.t64J MUITANO '1"4~ COUlll. C1t1, 8u91, C1mpe11, l5. l.i5 & ..,__ ,,,,... MM 8ttllght, Cellf. Ult. ,.._ tt•'' 1w61'1 rnen ..... ~ .... .-r.~l bullt, ~ PIO & 1lr. ) A1k tor U/C MO .. M synna 11aeo1 491-131a. • -,... ...,. ...... U Uft Y UIVIG( ·a 1 S1d. Model A COll9ctor ........ Hntlntln Iott Ml~ , MOftlhly bfft ttoree•. cer. Al'"9 greet. """-I 11111 ..._8MI. ,,,, .... 14 "'Meurtty, SH I, etc. 11000 Clll HUHflNCITOH MAQ4 he= 7U·162·111 4 01 ·-- -728-4240 ----" ........ ~.-.W.70%1 ... '19 DATIUN 110 AM/nt--~ 4 door, 1 ow.,.,, •Int OOftd ..... .. 2-4S11 OI •1-0lll ~fl l'W1ofed, Jdn1 oand, muet UIE> CAM A Tll'UCK• .... MCM011 I ca.. .. °" CAU. '°" '77 Oettun PIU, , OWftr, '&e&tu ... CAO CONWM ........ L .,..,,..,., ' IOol l>o•. ,,,_ w.m-........ ~,....,.. '2000,otMt' c..ar.oeuio .aeoo. a1-to4I. A a r ., ,,,. M -reoo WIT •• o.e... ....... ,.,, .._, •1M '11 Tfu4at .. t flfl 11' 1UH llACM l&.VO. alftt colMf._~!J.!00 Ml. •-mYl••········rr."fJ ' HUNTINOTOH llACH ~ .... "4UV. """' '11 ~Van.WIOI w/Mlpu..,.., •t,IOO ...,_.... .. 1111 l•l t1H or141-140? ONL _.... -. "'I. I H , HO ( 1 t4 )1_=~-=::.:!''.:::::::::=.:.1;-;;-;r.:;::=--..0.-a.a;I ,,... .. lllM OOfl4 ll1•Hll '11 Dateun 1111 llK ..... ~ .... 'OllD YI ..... 4 "·' Tap Dall' rnllel, = AIC .. 1 ......... ~.... .................. ...... ,11 "''°""""' T-... lllO 141-NM. I Pid '10 Dettu" ,IOO, 11' -. ...,,.-• '1t TCSINO IT OONY. ,., Yew Cerf ~ ..... oond. v.. --------rew.::--• 1111-::1 111111.. ~:r· ...... ...., ··~•IJJ• ree1*J rre. -&':f°"'I LllHll ..... .. OM. ltO WW!ft. AIC, ..... ....... .... ---...-. .... ..... ...... .... ...: ... .,., 0...... ...... Cell .... , .. , • 4 •P. 1tereo, magi, 1911 300 SD. NO DOWN. '11 PlllMI S I 5 5 o , m • k • o 11 • r exla1lng monthly lelM or Only 57 K. (&SgSMR) lllUIMIMfof ao1moeat 924 TUlll80. White, _8_7_5--0_7se _____ for Nie. v. good eond . 1912 CADILLAC s3995 '71 FIAT X-19 4 ep, f1ctory a le, •tereo, ••P•. reek, elloyl 43 K -A Real Beeuty (18UC707) '79 FIAT X·19 5 1p, Factory ale. Stereo CHI, Rack. MIQI, (13080) s5295 '75 FIAT 124 SPIJER 5 ep, St•eo. Mage, Air, v~ &natp, e f K (122NJN) s3995 , •77 AAT 124 IND I •· Die Chen, Mint Cond ition, Stereo C...(,ACH'7) .............. -- 1798 p/mo. Mll'lllla t*-cherry oond. Fully '71 VW Bua. Champag.,. lo ml. lolded w/ extr ... CIMAllON 51DAN ge, matt. utra tank, equlp'O. Sell below Ed, orig ownr, 33,000 ml. 559..0789 "AUTOMAnc TIANI. OOAGEOUS market. 848-3708. Xlnt 14900. 538--0440 "'ND SUNa-" 1Nl 300CD.' Orient Red, ·ao Eldorado Dleeel, xtra "' __.. 13,000 ml, mate. GOR-.... 11 1111 '71 VW Convertible, new lank. 1unrool, 28.000 (1CRZ•58) 0 E 0 U 8 S 2 t • 0 0 0 . •••••••••••••••••••••• paint/top & eng. Brtoht mllH, mint c:ond S..t $10 995 4M·10M 21 .. llllllTI yellow, mutt Mil. 13900 Offet. 844-63el , ·ao 2eo SE M ........__. '0 c:tlOOM 1rom _ ..... __ 9195 ______ Cinnl•I HM · re • .,...,.... A1!.J.~w H 14919 (Hr 71 I 71 .. •••••••••••••••••••••• Merced .. 8«11. SllWf, ...,.,, n'IOOfl roof, ~ whMlel The all ,_ '13 A"'enoe •YE•TI an •• FlllTI ~r~;3o. Wit be II h«el Fuegoe, Imme· New paint/Iopa, lo ml. rt:nh!r'N~~~ ~O dlete ~ Intl In 1tor~. Mual be Cntovrolettl '713008EL U , a.Mic, ._.. llAIT Miii. l8000 N-400. Cett n•• elr tu1pen1lon. AM/,,.,/llUllT (714) 558-1115 tllOO. 14s..o2•4 2524 Hart>or &Ml .. C.M. '78 VW Scroc. Mint cond. COMHKl CHEVROLfT cars•bikes• •skateboards• trucks.baby carrtaoes•tea carts•trlkes rol lerskates • wa lkers•toys •wagons••• .. ~t-8023 845-7770 F1c1. 1blt eng. am/Im Mii ,,_ 11 CMI. 14500. 557·1104 • ..... ..,,.-.-••••••••••••• JMJQ. OrtYee end lc:K*• ·-. { .•1 *1 DUlH IN US A Ilk• ftew. SHOO obo, i---------='--1 · · · -. ... 72 7 1 1 ........ AC. Mo. 31, ~41>-1100 '11 Aallt>tl oonv. l.oeded, 000 ml, I cyt, Otto O'M'9r 8400 ml. 35 l'!IPO. Mint. '3100· 780·,'33 ta,700. IMl-l81T ttel Ct1eVY Ven. Lo Miiie, .... ~11()-llllllN'I• '71 I/YI aqu.,...IOf', r6r!e MllM &el, IO down. T.O. "lllllQlll...0.111A f'ID-gr.-neecll ~°wort. P.,mnt& Of 17000, ot>o. ... --ft IW 112fioflo. l»ltft . _H_t_-03_22 _____ ~ fMj f'/ •f& Con'41e Yetlow/l>llck, 73 Oel.1111 Cle>f~ Eallll ••••••••••••••••••••• em/Im ...,_, 14llOO, H,8 . :.r...o.~000 ml, 11675. 11TI IUI 14Ht49 -------1 llLI -MUST SILi. ... '4 COR\/AIR, 4 dr, AT, Thll OM It .. ortgtnall •74 IUO. New Irene, Ml-NH, redlel9 $750. Evt/ (21131) eNlln ........... ""'' Wllnct.. 714~5'8-7711 19IO CADILLAC COUPI DI VILLI (1AKKOl2) s9395 1979 CADIUAC COUPI DI VILLI (tt&XUF) s7995 ---1979 CADILLAC SIDAN DI VILU (172YHL) s7795 19ta caDiLLAC COU,. DI VILLI (112TZW) $6995 •Y llllt c:ond. aatso . .,.,...,.. ~ Ill • -·11 "-tttwt. a °'· • IPd. •••••••••••••••••••••• ... cA-• .:.c scooters•hot rods• coupes• t rallers•hard tops•convert· lbles•motor homes•tawn mowers• nmos •c=ate emlfm C:H I . P•rlect 'It 4-1pd, 11\owroom 1..,,.,, .,,. .... -.... ..._. ~oo""' wt• tttw Int., ILDOttADO COUPI t.711 -..... """'"' no _ .... """* .... "'1 MM • -... ....... •ntr. ,.un• 11nt11tto. ~ ....... : 640-07i7''0; 5 tm 69 tz 9 o 5 1 he uarters •gara n carts Model A's•••• •typlnota bles wheelbarrows• recreational ve hlcles*golf C•rts•model tretns•bfkes •pl•nos•cars refrigerators '1ketes•••••1 • .;;;-' ""'-"· 11780. 54 .. ,... ---------~·ii vw -~ OoMeftl· ·eo tub Tw 11.000 1111; wNte ·~ top. !9f•••••••••••l!ffl 191• 1 ,,,. ... DI" a •c ml. llaUChJftlllt emllmt .............. lat2/mo. '11 DOCS .. Cl\111.i .. r. -_.. c:ee1 • ...,_~ ltrWMO. .. 4.MOI. e10, Mllfm. low ,,.,..., COU'I DI YILU lt0,000 Of l i.11e1~.,~,,...vw=...,.,_,---, 11.., .... --00l-~-·I 9ooe1 oond. 14000. D'ILleANCI CW9r pymte. IU.a71 ,_...,_,~Of --t41N14HI (1IOC306) f.~.IL:-8N OMll ofttr, 11lol01? '71-.. AC *"° tt l'r.'9"•1••••••••••1'1·-;· -• ..... ".... · .,,., '12 995 1.._ 1.,...&Aalllng • -·-.. 14,000 ml. Xlnt oond . 1 ..... Clean 1>u9, 1100 •nt. aaMO/Off. 640-041' -rel»ft lftt' & tfa1t1, H 111·IMI • ... •• •• • ' . . '(OU KNOW I I WONDER IF 1l4ERE-ISN'T SOMET~IN6 S'r'MSOLIC IN nus.:. • SOMEMOW, 1'MOU6H I I '\IE MISSED THE SYMBOLISM •• SUNDAY, oaoa1110, Hit • 11 cun • ··YOU MOLD THE SALL, I COME RlJNNIN6 UP TO KICK IT AND .T~EN '(OU PULL IT AWAY .... T~ERE MAS TO SE SOME™IN6 DEEPLY S'r'MBOLIC IN T~AT I CAN'T 6ELIEVe IT! 1'VE 4™0U6~T ABOUT IT AND TMOU6HT ABOUT IT ... l'YE TRIED TO STVOV IT FROM EVERY ANGLE ... 0 i I I I J ~ ·GARFIE·LO ® ~ERE'S A INTERE5TINO ARTICLE ABOUT TME ANCIENT PRAC.TICE O~ CANNIBAL.ISM HAVINC':t TME 8055 OVER FOR DINNER MAP AN ENTIRELY D.IFF'ERENT · MEANIN~. · DENNIS TNI Ml~ACE JllJDGE IT SAVS MERE. CERTAIN TRIBAL SOCIETIEC:, ALSO ATE CAiS Ae6EY SPENCER MUST e>E A WONDERFUL PERSON TO YOUR FATHER'S REPUTATION HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU, TONY! LET ME STAY HERE, ~NOWINC:, MY FATHE~'5 · REPUTATION ! YOU'VE NEVER BEEN INVOLVED .IN Hl5 ACTIVITIES! .....,_ - By Hank Ketcham And tnea a~ Ids of Ct'fies catted~ ~ or C:C~ia . · • . . . . . i : . . -~ . ~ : . . . . . . . . .. . OKA£(, NOW WMEN l.X>l.>'R€ ON DEFENSE ••• MOON MUi. INS WELL.! TH,AT WAS A MOST fNSTRL.JCTIVE VOLUME. t.,>OiJ'VE GOT 10 Be ABU: 10 READ WHAT 1HE OFFENSE 15 OOIN& I . ,, How TO PINCH PENNIES''?? You N~EDED A £?001<? QOIET ~ ... . At4D QOO'VE GOT lO BE ABLE 10 READ rr QUIGKLl,> ••• (,)()LI HAVE.N'I GOi11ME 10 MOUE '10UR UP5 ! .by Ferd. and Tom Johns~_ YES ... I BORROWED IT'-TI UA! SOME FROM THE L.JBR,ARY--~ HoW-TO olf-o~ .... IT'S EIGHT DAYS BooK ! IT OVERDU~! .ALRE:ADY COST You so¢! "TRUE, BUT AS I REC,Af..L ... l-IMM··· AH! ri W~Y<50TO flJf 'THE Ll&f?ARY AT Tl-llS ...__..... IT'S -n~e SOLUTION CHAPTER SEVEN · RSCoMMENC>S ... BRILLIANT Boo)< ! 'S AL~EADY SAVED ME So CE!NTS ! J HOUR? J DOCTO'R SMOCK NOW -ro CONCeAL-""rMIS GOOF, we. APPL-YA e>e1cse e>LJFFE!R ANP A l-lc5H':'r SKIN "f'IN"T"'E!P CO ..... OR ~ue ..• ,, By George Lemont ANP, OF COURSE!, AF"f"'eR• C&.OSIN'51 we APPt_,YA e>oC'Y . SL.OUGHINCS CReAM ANPA WISP OF MOIS-r'URIZE!R ••• , u ID -e ' • ' . • ... ""* ... , ............................ _ CAN YOU T•UIT YOU• IYllf nwt •rt •t ltltt at1 dtffef• lftCl9I I• dr•wiftt tletalts MtwMft '°' and bottom ..-nets. How .-ldlly can you find n.mt Checll •Mwen with those below. °"""w '' "'"'"S • °"'"'""\I ••110) f 1•ood 11• '' llU•N t &u1n 1w" -~l C e.i1u1w '' 6'111 l "'"''"'" d•) 1 ~~1110 Ori@. --------...._---byHalKaufm•n------------~ e ROAOl JCMOUltl A ,,....,.,, .... ftvtl In Ylrtlnle NW• ._ u11 drtve "'"' "°fM tt callforiN, wta Teue,1111d•11......,.llt_,..,, • ..._u.s. ••••· W"-'''''"' • I wo111y Mt~lfW .... 'tf11141••Y ·-~ MATH·MAGIC TO'°NOER Invite a friend to opeh a boot< to • page at random and to select one of the flr1t nine words In the flrtt nine llne1. I-lave your friend multlpl.v lht page numt:Ser by lb. ldd U, add the number of tht line. ~ultlply by 10 •o•ln, 1nd ·~ f"e ~Ilion of the word In the tine Cone to f'IMt. Now, given ''-' rnult of thl1 con.,t• tlon, aubtr•ct 2• IM you wtll have from left to right the page. the tine and the number of the word. Give Ila try • """"Dupel If I two-IClllP let, .... ,.. (OM COlfl t.eo ft .,_. let cr .. m CM.._ft "'° more hn the ""'' how '*h 11 the cone•'-' ........ ,_,~ • -a.1 m" IM Nn\11 ........ Mtterk Wllltl11, Cfkl~ _Mir ... t. MlerY Hudleft't ---,._.I, t' ''llMlt Drallt't Hlllld, AMW1t'l1t•-......,_,,w~·c·.-w11fM•s •t1,~•·~ ·1 • An·M"9 Dutyf W...t ~ lltht er,Mt Ind Ullld with No.th? The •rk·topu1. W~t kind of medicine did NNh precttcef Ark•upuMture. Where did Ne»h l•N I" MHlco? In Ark·•pulco. SHORE THING! One of four IMfM urrlfl Columbus'• ship to • wfe tandlftt at X •bo••· Which ,.th i• ht? HlaVE HOI Add n. followlftl colori ne•flY to the wH•t r•• under WIY 1bove: I-Red. 2-Lt. bt111, I-Yellow. •-Lt .......... s-Fluh tones. •-Lt. ''""· 7-Dk. brown. I-Dk. ""· SPELLBINDER . . r .. i ICORI 10 potnt1 for utlftt 111 tht letten In the word btlow to form two complete wor•: O,U'T RI AC H --. -. . . . . TMIN ICOf't t ,..., .. teefl for all . wordl tt few lett9't er mor. found •mono the letters. Tt"f to 1core •t 1e11t SO points. ... ,. 'J"O! W., ....... QlHOd by Lynn Johnston For Better or Fol' werie ,_._. ____ ...._ ________________ ....... OAO l ~ WUA'f Wt 6006"f A f 1ME-6WAP MtE.f t GORDO : ~SHEl!E~ WHAi A CRBSPV, C!Zllf'EI<. SHOE eo", ' K~e,w I RA~£t' 60ME O\JMS ON~ ... , Lf.1" 's Naf ~"oW l-UM 1'~f. WAX 60RtLtA JlJ~f 'lf:t. • . • /1' . . By Gus Arriola rs J.DOK( LOOK Al TJ.1151 00(:;1/ CJ-1 ICl<.ENS CJ.OSE THE/~ .ENES FR!DM 7UE eor-roM UP.' • Warning: The Surgeon Gentr1I Has D11ermin1d Thlt Cignttt Smoting Is Dlnglraus to YM "'9th. THEm YOURSELF Send lht ~. Oft a ........ 10 ··~.·· F8mll'/ WMld'r. 641 lAll6lglCn ,,.,,." M9W Yo11c. N Y 10022 W.'M PIY S5 '°' publlltied QUM!lonl. Solly, wt ca~·1 .,_, oin.ra FOR RICHARD E. HAU.GREN, dlrec· tor, National Weadwr Service wt.. pert oltbe CCMBry ........ .-her condlllorll? And CM wld ...... ~ .... ch 111ln•111her ....... 11111N'· 011111s do? -C.M.G., Tu.cMo '*· Ala. •Many people feel that San Diego,' Caal., Key Welt, Fla., and Uhue, Hawal, have Ideal weather conditions. They are adjacent to large bodies of water that stabtllze the tmiperature and are located In the temperature zone characterized by moderate SUrnm9f and mild winter tern· peratura. As to the second question, there's no ldenttftc evtdence that animals can predict changes In weather. Animals, with their keen body senses, can, however, detect and sometimes react to, changes In atmosphcrtc pressure and humidity which can signal changes In the weather. FOR BARBARA MANDREil.. .ing.-TV star wt.. do ,.,u .._ moet whm ~··,. on the rMd? -8., .. w.r.. Ohio • Sitting down for a meal at my own kitchen or din· ing room table . A meal ls the one time of the day et home when we stop the phone calls and 9't and talk to each other -just llke every other normal family. I IUp;JiOll I mm a sente of pmnanenoe ml<i be6onglng that comes With a mon stable life. '---......;::--.......;..~ FOR DANNY ntOMAS. ador-<omedian Arwt'1 "°" w up with .. thoee ~.bout~ .... ~ .......... --. .... cnicble? -llK.. Scna- ton. Pa. • No, because they're funny and not done In a cruel or moddng way. Bob Hope recently Mid I had stalned-giaa windows In m9 golf cart. My religion Is mportant, and I wouldn't want It ridiculed. But I do thhk the church ls big ~ to take a )ok.. FOR lJVIA SYUIA, COllMtOlogt• Why tall thet • dlllt ol,.._. ....._.. how'I oe --........... others ....... It Oft .... It --4 ta .. an d1? -R.B .• <>tel-. Utah • Fragrance Is dlfferen1 on everyone's body. It depends on a penon's skin type, diet and per10naf body chemistry. To make a fragrance linger, seek out a perfume with a stronger oO base. Thia helps make the scent last. FROM 1liE •ASK• EDITOR PRIVATE MOMENTS: Comedian ~ Bllhop, now touring the country In Trlbut.e to Voudeullle, said he coma from poor stock and, as a child, never had what most kids today t1lke for granted. "I was one of ftve and we all slept In one bed," he said. "h WMn't until I got married that I lcnew what it was like to sleep alone." ... After aU the commo- tion died down about a man being found In Queen fMnbeth's boudoir, a new fuss started up. News about the separate bedrooms of the mon.-ch and her husband caused cur1olity and con· cern. Why, people wondered, did the Queen and Prince Pbllllp spend their nights apart, lrutead of under the same blanJwts like any other rnsried couple? wen. the ltocy can now be to&d. There ls togetherness at the pelace. Sowc.a say the Queen doa get a nlghtly cuddle. Seems the two rooms are for conve- ~ nlence sake. so If one II asleep, the other Is not awakened by a late arrival or early departwe .... Ur· ..a. Andr8I and Hmty Hlllnlln. 30, are under the same roof once again. Unula, 46, told a &iend that she doesn't want ton Dlmib1 to be an only chjd .... l=ORGEITABLE MONEN1S: .._.... Pmn, who Just chalwd up her 31• yeaa-et the Metropolitan Opera, says d • you want to call her any- n.-thing, try "durable diva," not .....,_.., .. veteran stat.,. "fm In my prime," Roberta , 52. reminded a rookie reporter who dacrtbed her as a veteran, "fm not In my dotage." ... Ffteen year. ago, wtua. 1W K•fnnM wu being Interviewed about Up the Down Stalre<w (her ftnt nowt which became a bat seller and 1V Mries) during lunch, she did fuD ju9dc.e to a huge ..._ ___ .. steak. As she and the reporter parted, Bel asked what kind of an lmpralk>n she made. "You eat like a nmor novelllt," he ~· ... Actor Ed,.__. who played the on-the-ball editor Lou Grant, asked a man with whom he'd tpent three days on buslnesl mattas, why he was limping. Only then did he ralze that the man WM affbct9d with a perrrtOMnl llmp .... When Wett Coa1t members of Overeaten Anonymous 8ew Eut for their convention at the Conc:oni Hotel, tome were amuted by the fllm lhowr'I durtng the b1p, and tome wae downnght muhd, r.1epdl19 the choice at a dig. The movie was Ponv•. PRO ~L ~ CityCoundl mcmb.r (0 .), Dllcr1ctof Columbia PRO Ano con Should &me. Adopt Mandatory .Ofmfnal S.•ldng, ~ The Po11fblllty ti Pmole? ~ ....... ., .................. ...., ~ I . .. Ive years ago. when I I should have been retiring ~ at age 70. I was unexpec-1 tedly invited to join the council which advises 1 America's space agency. ! I NASA, and I found myself living among the sws. I had already visited every spot on the surface of the earth I had longed to see. save one, and now I was free to roam the far. that galax.les. This kind of good luck character· lza my life. Born of parents .i never knew, I found a home With a wonder· fuJ, Impoverished woman who took in orphans, Mrs. Michener. and on several oc::c.asions when her luck ran out, I lived in the local poorhouse. I knew great poverty. many hard times. and the ugliest that a rural society can enforce. h did not damage me. because our home was filled with kids. with laugh• and with riotous good times. Of audal Importance: Each night at dusk Mn. Michener gatheted her brood and read us the great novels of OlcMns, Thackeray, Charles Reade and the Pole. Slenldewlcz. From the age of 5 . I had an Intimate knowledge of literature ahCI knew Instinctively the elements of a good story. Of equal Importance: Just as I was learning to read for myself. our llttJe town. Doylntown. Pa., opened a free lbary, and It seems that the first two cards were signed for by Margaret Mad, the future wortd·famoua an· ...... , ..... , - h « « ........ _, (lfltJ """/le•• .... M ... We: "'It ................. .,~ ... m 01111 dt n«r,.. ..-Ill Ml -. .... p •• ,. ... .,,,_ ... ... ... ... ,.., ,.,,, ,....... ... , ........................ .. thropologlst (who a.lso grew up there) and me. Miss Price. the librarian. once toki me: "You and Margaret have re.ad every book In the place." My subsequent career ands as a ~ tribute to the American 'MIY of Ille. Because l did weJI In schoot;-1 was identified as a bright lad and conse- quendy received scholarshJps and felowshlps ol aD kinds. I would ultimately attend nine of the world's best colleges and unlwrsldes, always at pubk expense. If rd been born in a country with a harsh caste system I n'dght never haw been ditcowred and would have spent my life count- ing ~e drums. I was the product of America's dedication to free public education. Some years ago a tax man caku· lated that America had spent about Sll,000 educating me and had, at that time. taken back in taxes upon books. plays and television shows I had Initiated more than S68 million. Not from me pmonalJy, you under· scand, but upon the Row of money made polsible by my Works. That Is the splendid gamble made by free IOdmtia. B .tor. the age of 40 l never had • due as to what I wanted to be. I had knocked about the wortd. I had been an academic bum. I had drtfted rather aimlally. Bat ol all. I ~ to the merveJoua yams by men In the fo'c'lla of the lhtps In which I wcn.d, or a&ong the highweyt I roamed, or ln buJ M11k>ns with lumed men. In theN ya.; of catting about, two chanctlialldcs lntanllfted: the 'lnten· don to make ~ of mywf, tf ~ .. repayment for the lnvatment IOdlty had made In me. so I Dyed oui of 1111 n out of troubi. ~· and en owrwhebntng lnhlrat In the II I were to COUllJlel a young penlOll who . aaplred to a Ille In tM aria, my nlla would be 11imple: Read, llaten, see what capable people are doing. arts. I re.ad almOlt every good novel ever wrirten. ap«iai1y those by E.uro- pun and Asian authors whom other Ammcans overlooked. I visited almolt every ma)or art muteum In Europe. I acquired a library of Gramophone records to which I bs· t«ned eonstandy, a CUilom I continue to this day. And I saw aD the good moYles and plays of my time. From this Intense. almost passion· ate love of the arts I deduced the rules anti understandings I would foAow when I began to produce Works of my own, end If I wen to counte.I a voung person today who lllplred to a llfctlme In the arts, my Nies wouJd be slmple: Read, a.n ... what capable people haw done before you. Know what's bmg done tn thae 6elds ~ now. And engage In some cxadM like eurythmk dancing or pottery making '° that you ecqun a ... of move- ment and form . What tpeetftc blMI eouna the young pmon took would not concern me very much. In a long lhtlmt of creative think· Ing I waa able to develop only three original k:leas. Many people never develop any. MOii people, If they tried, could 99Mf8la at lealt one or two. Genluta Mice Einstein end Ed}. eon provided at leMt 10 or m<n. which Is really quite mlraculo11.1. My thr~e determined the course of my life. First, at a very early age when I was knod<ing about the world, I dls- c:ownd that all men truly are broth- en, and I have never deviated from this basic principle. If I have been atJie to write compassionately of· jungle headhunters in the Sok>mons, of Jewish lntelectuals in Gaalee. of Spanish grandees In Toledo. of Jn- dians In Colorado and of black slaves In Maryland. It can only be because ~ my sense of brotherhood I was able to Imagine mywW OM of them. A man who does not know his penmts cannot afford to laugh at Jews or Calhollcs or blacks or Mexicans. because he might very weU be one of them. S econd, from my extensive research In AM I learned that ttw most Gpei astve oommocltty a nadon can have Is a poorly paid labor force, for then the managers do noc haw to Invent new machines or new ways ol doing thtngl. If you pay a men 20 cents ., how. you can wmte his effortl. If you must pay him S8 en hour, you'd bettm' anange ii 10 that he can work et rnmdmum capec:l- ty. I snfer a IOCi9ty which pays lb worlun the hWMllt P*lbM wages, then ... them ~ 6or thlngl .. holpb)I, good rod, tchook. ·-bnda, lrt mUllUml Md ~ c.nNr'f. Third, I WM ~ when tmvl- lion hit our land. 10 I did not wllrMlt the ftnc ~ expbion, but when I ratumed and MW for mytel Its pro- found potendel, I llltcrwtd atttndvely when prophets pNdlct.d: '"Th9 It the dalh blow to the book. Nobody wtll reed anymore." I bel6cwd d'dl for about a W9elc and then' I sew • de. ly as If the words had been engraved In flame. the greater tNth: In an age of the 47-mlnute televlsk>n show, with 13 minutes of ads to round out the hour. ~ people will be more eager to read than ever before, and they'U be wanting exactly the kind of bog, tnl/ONed books thar I want to write. So today I receive hundreds of letters e~ year complaining that my books are too short: "When I realized that I had only two chapters left. I began to ration myself, because I did not want to lose the httle universe you aated ... I am still approached by people who ask: "Is the novel dead?" I always laugh and say: "You're asldng the wrong guy ... I brood conscandy about the future of my country. for I love It lntenlely and have b1ed to serve it as bat I could. Today I can Identify three threatening dangers for which we seem not to have devised amiwers. and I see clearty that any one of them couki desttoy us. Fnt. It 5"TnS that daplc al our cf. forts, our rich people get richer and our poor SJOW poorer. W. rally must guard against this. and tf new lnwn- tions man tMt we can produce al our food and~ gooc» wlh fewer wodcas, we must devlle IOl"M way to ~ our prollta beck Into the hinds ol people who wtl tpend tMm creettvely to baJance technology wlh wodcas. Americans hate the ic:t.e ol handouts, or • dole. or un- employment compenMdon. and ~ hapt we are prudent In dlnglng to the c:eudoul dictata of the puritan work ethic. But If we reject anything whld\ llTledcs of tcxHl!vn In ~ prolb, we .. ~Nd to drwn up IOfTMlhlng better. axes .. the con- trbltlon wet.to-do people mW lo avoid revolution, and we had bltMr - MICHENER agree to pay them. Seoond, we have still not solved the problem ol raoe In America, for we continue to penalize l*cks solely becaUM they're black and Hilpank:I becau.. they're either Mexican, Puer- to Ran, OC' Cuban. I foresee great dangers down the line If we exacer- bate this situation, but precisely what should be done right now I do not know. ..... Tlmi, extremely dangerous 5'gn• warn me that our nation Is not keep- ing up lntdectually. and that we run a .nous risk ol falJlng behind countrle.s such as Japan, Germany. Rullla and China. '!Je are not producing enough mathematicians, engineers, advanced adentllts and computer experts, and If we alow this dilcrepancy to continue we will pay a tenib&e price In tneffl- dency before this century ends. When a man who has enjoyed a fine life grows older, he lnacapably begins to study yo~ people, for now he must accept the fact that one day toon they really wtll take over the work he has been doing. I see mainJy the young people who want to be writers or to have a life In the arts, the ones who are ahudy doing weD ln the ldcnces and who seek guidance for the talents they have displayed. A young penon who wants to talk wtth me h111 to drive a far distance and trek down loneJy roads. and this weeds out the lnaponSible. And these young people seem bet-~ ter In aknOlt every raped than I was at thetr age. They know more. They are more responllble. They can ""'1te better and pus stiffer examinations. We have demonlCrable proof that In athJetic:s they can run faster. jump higher and shoot baskets with far greater predlion, and I find the same supertortty In their abstract skills. We do not have to worry about the best becauae they are better than tha pre- decaeors. And I doubt that thOIC young peo- ~le on the bottom rungs are much wone off than thole on the bottom rungs In my day were. They seem to be the same In aD countries, and the best we can do Is what adults did In my day: Give them constant guidance and as much moral support as poul- b&e. I doubt we can ever racue them. It Is the middle group whlch causes real dlstras. for they are far le.ti com- petent than the middle group of my day. In fact , I 1.11a1 the middle group, and I was encouraged to &earn, to discipline myself and to make my way In an indifferent world. Today's group seems to lack basic skills and dedica- tion. This Is frightening, because In the long run of history, nations have always had to depend upon th.ls mid- dle group for the great constructive wori< that keeps a nation strong and prosperous. U we aBow this mldd&e group to leave our 1ehools without real akl1la and capabillties, we are doomed. To give only one example: A chiJd today wtth obvious poten- tial must &earn to handle a com· puter. For lnltance, some depart- ments at Harvard wtll no longer grant an advanaed degree If the intending ICholar Is not probnt In computers. I was recently In the editorial offices of the largest newtipaper In HoDand whete I was told: "Unless a person Is sklDed In computers, he could not posd>ly work here." And the editor pointed to a huge array of dab on I can hardly wait to get out of bed in the momlng, I h aoe so many exciting thing• I want to do: write, liaten to muaic, talle wallla .•• which stood not a slngle typewriter but about 90 lndMdual computers locked Into a huge tyltem haJf a block away. When a man has enjoyed the good luck rve had, It ls understandable If he becomes an optimist. I remain one. I have enonnous confideriee In my country and can foresee about 75 years of continued leadership and prosperity. After the year 2060 my crystal ball grows cloudy, for I reflect that throughout world history every nation which once stood where we now stand was uJtlmately forced to surrender Its leadenhtp positk>n. We shall do the same, lnevttably, but I sec these reasons for Jusdfylng temporary optimism. We are a nation rich In natural resources, rich In human composi- tion. dedicated to education for all and a fair chancie for most of us. We occupy natural boundaries, with oceans de:ftnJng our land east and west, with friendly borders north and south. We have a stunningly suc- ceuful system of government, wtth Its Wllque three-part system of re- sponllbOtty and fruitful mix of cen- tral power In Washington and relegated power In the 50 state capitals. Best of all, we are a nation of Ideas and aspirations, al)d I cannot see us faltering too badly within the next three-quarters 'of a century. But I do fonsa certain radical changes and we should be alert to them. I ~ that we shoWd give Puerto Rk:o her abtolute freedom, now. I know that molt Puerto RJcaN do not want this, but I fear that the minority whlch does wllJ continue to be a source of grave trouble, of threats, of bombings, of urban revolu- tion. and I suspect that the only 1ensl· b&e solution Is Immediate Indepen- dence. My experience wtth many sirnJlar sttuations around the world conftrms me In this belief. Already evoMng ls a major prob- lem along our southern border where, along the Rio Grande and ac:rosa the New Mexico-Arizona-California daert lands, a new nation ls being constructed. half-Mexican, half- Amtncan. Our country may find Itself powerless to halt the free flow of peo- ple back and forth across this border. and wtth MexJc:an population Increas- ing astronomk:ally each year, the pressure wtU come main~ from the south. An expert wouJd be very un- wise 10 predict what that border will be like In the year 2060. In many ways ow nation grows bet- ter. When I married my rambunctious Japaneae-Amerlc:an wife In 1955, our wedding was Illegal In six states and we had to avoid traveling In them. atnce any 111-lpbited dttzcn could have caused our arrac . Now that non1en1e Is oudawed and my wife and I never have a day's troub&e, whereas yan ago we would have had. A. for myself at age 75, I can hard- ly wait to get out of bed In the morn- ing, I haw so many exciting things I , . --- A rare oppol1unf4t /or Collecton, Decorator., and Gft-Glven from the~ Maetetw Gulld ••• 4 original Uthographs by America's favorite new artist for only $9. 95! For the flnt time, Americans can be.proud to haw an artist who has touched the hearts of the entire wortd! And It's a1y to see why. The nrmarkable pllintingl of Bob Ham.on hew an emodonaJ appeal that people of any • find lnesiltlble. The brath-taklng beau1y and striking llmplk:lty of his unique style has now become known world-wide as "The Hanilon Look!" 'lbu'D be mon! than delighted with "Terao'a Frfend" (see below),.. leraa Is~ her kitten a k>vable hug, but the kitten seems to hew mbced emotionl about her display of affection! "!A(a Playl" wlll remind you of your own pet WhO can mist when this adorable lcltten turns on Its charm to hmt you Into a garn.? 'lbu'll be owrwbelmed by the ~-talclng beau1y of "Anwrtcor1 &ouda'' ... Amertca's favortte flower-ph.m America's molt beauttful feline! And you'll love "FamUv Pomal(' -a whimllcal portrayal of a mother eat and her kitten. TERESA'S FRIEND ...... ------~~~- Pltnl Neme--------------------------------~ AdJa111 r- MICHENER want to do: write, lilten to mutlc, taM wales along the Chesapeake, argue with frlenda, read my &etten from ie.ned people In al pmtJ of the worid. I rise each morning at 7 :30, throw some cold wam on my face, gulp down tome gtapefruil juice and am at my dak within 6ve minutes. My wife rjves me heB for not lhavtng, but that can wait. I type slowly on an o&d- fashioned mactme, using two ftngen and one thumb. I write almolt ewry- thklg three ttma and woWd not even dare to tend out the ftrst draft of an Important letter. I have said of mYMf: "I am not a good wrtm fr. time mound, but I am one of the wortd't ~ rewrbn." ~ for my book Sports tn A~-: in-which nicords wert"J*· tlcullrtl; Important. t haw .,. done my own raearch, but once the · manUICl'tpt hM been completed • metlculoully as ~. I lnvllll four outside experts -a subjec:t-mattm scholar. editor. style arbiter on wordt aod ftnal dl«Mr -to tear II apmt, &tend, Dr. Paul Dudley White, who had heJped Praktent Eisenhower. He did not bell.w In babying patients and he told me: .. Jim, when you get out of bed, I want you to do ewrythtng you ever did ~. but in moderation. If you drop dad, tough luck, but you'd have done 10 jult .mtng ln a chair." Since then I've written MVen major boolca, tnveled .ounct the world four times and played vigorous tennis. But I have alto cut out fatty fooda, egga and Spanish /Ion, which I love PM- slonaealy. Small wrt8ces d they enable one to keep woddng. I have bunting Ideal for h.af a dolen more boob, but I am aw .. M • 70 one llowl down. I can no longer do the amount of work I once and to them I am deeply incw.d. Even IO, a few errors and tnMktn.1 did, and If I stay up till midnight -always remain, and I am dllgusted debiting with friends, I must take a when we ftnd them In the ftnllhed nap the next day. I f..i no diminution book. of lntelec:tual power, but I tuppOM no I read a huge amount but t.ake few lndlvldual II a good judge of that. notes. When rm working In~ I It twartaN me to think of thOM c:an lceep about 500 boob tn mind -wat men whole powtn did not flag: not ~ cl coune, but In Verdi who compoNd thundmig general -and I ,..Jy haw dlfftcuky · opera In hll 80'1, Mlchelan9ek> who tn P'9 beck to the exact 1POt I need did fine work ln hil 90lh year, and T1· to auahentk:* some importaut detail. tlan, who .,...,.ed betl.-than ever In Three months llftm the book II pub-hil lOOlh. My pe90Mil hero Is the WMtd, I erMC my mind• ~ It wee a Japanae wood bb:k arttlt Hokusai bleclcbomd. about Whom I wrote. He Mid: "If I live In the work I am about to tackle, • to be 90, l'I JUiy h.w lamed how long now! on Texa., I lhall for the ftnt to draw." He died et 89. lhort of the time 8flgllgC two .....-ch ......,ti. mark, but ldll trying. the beginning, one an expert In Mex· f9W people ~ to crtdcs more at· lean hlltory, one on the dewlopnent biilllwiy tMn I. I~ c-by 1111i11 of T .... &nee I lhal be 78 wher'I the a mcwte 11 pd. I go .. It. If Jona. job 11 done, I figure I wl be able to u. than V.C.V Md Anatole~ NI 10rM hq>. me a book II h ra, I buy II. If John I newr work In the afternoon, , .. _ ~ Md .a.:k Krol -... me ly et ~. but uch day • dutk ep-M a paar II worth ~ at, I proecha I tBlce a two-mile wale and look. But I never bother with what come home 1111 mig. I am de\lded to crtdcs gy ilboUI my own work: In· M1bn and the wlld anlmala who deed, I rcfuM CYen to rad them. A lhare thil earth wllh UI and would crtdc II moll helpful In advtling you never like to c:ompoea a book whk:h how to 111*\d your money; he \t UM· cMnotpilY._todmnlntomeW9'1. S.. In~ you how to spend your Al the conduliCx'I of .wry book I 116e. • twar: '"The nut one \di be lhort." Aa to the plKe on ea1h I milled, I But • I ttart to work I begin to Mk 11 lhe Soulh l'ole, and It 1n1tata me to ~:"Whow.,.man'•~--.. ... 1....,..IWhedt.BmlbM WMJ? wt.. did the t.mty come .-.1n the Mdlnt ....._. cUllOrn from? How did they 8CqulN the of ...... good ... ur6dlhed .•• farm?" And whammol S.W.. hun· .-f«:t ...... wa1 bull, they Wt one chd P.-· line Incomplete; f • pMect cup Ml Some ~ 9 I had a 1N111M turned on the wt'991, the poa.i Wt t..t altack, about the~ a man one ct.nt. I luve the Soulh Pole to CM haw Md d IUIYfve~"fottunm· the future edwnu.t who \di .. i!f, I WI Into lhe twndl of a t.nlily lowthit..th•much•ldo. lmAI ~~.o..-.-.-•• ... . 0.. ..... ....... ~~~~~..._~~~~'·'~I ............ ~ ...... Ci~--------II•. • I I I ! I I I I I I ~ Warning: The Surgeon General Haa Determined Thlt Cignne Smoti1g 11 Dangerous !o Yow Hllhh. ItS Mare you. \ • 11111--11('. 1.4 mg. necotr11 .v. lllf caglflfll b¥ nc •thod. ~ '"f (1:'',..llf 11i11l(l1 'J:I ~I~ ~· # (i~rtJ i iii°~ i~ u~u,~11.;f f 1• iu r=·~!ltJ•!ft~!tll1~:~11~1j1 11 ~f i111?! iiUl!hf :i 1 H~if ! •1 t; ! r 11 1 r 1 tl," h 1 . ., " ti r· , ~ . " I t -· · . rJl~il~ : ;lJliriiJj 11i~f t :~~ir 1fUHf Prl!liirlh1r1r•i• 6 1 ltlilflj •i ltr-i1~ .-1. 1 '• l}aJ • e l: 11 11 I ~la i z 1 •I I : ! I J f ~If "t J! I i I 111(uiff 'Jl f!inp hi! tl ! !1 ri~r'1i I •JIJl I i:!I I 1 tlJtrt!•11r ih t1h j s-PI ~ rl 1 ltrl ! 8 J11f1 f i g a z:a. ..... a-o . lillllllf II I'' 1: I~ 1f J 11 !•~Ui1 !r · -i! Ii !~ - 1 !r II J o~ ~Iii I' u ~i 1i I ;( i!rJ 1 11 I d Ii fr I I 11s 1 n .,, •. 1-1~.. J1!Jli'r1 1 ·.·· ' ·~· r• "~ rl : . · -I !:u hf 1 n1d11h I . "1111111 I J1l1,, , , · n· ni• Uiif U1 JJJllflJJE f t~f~ililfti rfi~Ud~il i l~ l!ri lriJ r~ ur11~1 lll!f ' ii{r 11d r 19 '· . t 11 · rtif ·~ lff ~-&I.ti ~ ! 1 ~, iiPJf 1 U ~;nh~I .I l I 1i ·11h 1111;ii! ·~ ,, -l 1· J ~'la 1J 1••1 •11 '~'ijii ''"'~ll ... , J ~s,si·riJ ! - 1 · 111 · ,11 w '~ · r 1 ! 1 1 • • 11 .. ···--·--------! --..,.--r.~--_-.-_....,......___,.. --:-o-.,. ~· rrr S-1 ,_ °=· .. n• or rs LI. -- -I ' - $16 Below Our OWN Natiooally Advertised Price! SQ ye $83.37 ()Id Village Shop f'. Ml,..._L-...,f&lflll Copper Clad Huge 10-Plece Stainless Steel Cookware Set ~:e:::.9! $18.88 COMPLETE You con now entor w.. tlmel•• beoUtV and PfacflcOI bet-. of~ 1111111r .._. ltoinlell .._. oootetY at on affofdoble price. Your kitchen won1 ~ compfete without..._ etegaht ond ef'llclent help mates. Tuml cooecJng ct'°'91 Ir*> a ~ pleolUM. You'll retlltl the art of gounnet tood pt9p0ftJtlon ... adds o speclal ~ to evetYdaY meals. COllPIR: THI IWll HEAT CONDUCTOR Tharl ~ ~ ...... ,, .... boebrN ptOVtde lmptoYed heat dttp9f· lton (Nducet hot IP°"" ig). ,tteavy-gouge llDlrMll..., bodlel ... con1 Nit. pet Of com>de. AllfOcthle "'"'°'""'*" •ldeftofl emonoe ony klchen decof. • Jewee.d' IOtln-ftnllh Interiors are eo1y-to-cl.an ..• resist lflcking and ecfUICNng. Spooe oge ~mm handlet Ond ICnObl ... moo. bq"t tot year1 of w.ar. Supefb croftWnOnlhlp. Why •pend ''"" tfme1 the money whef'I you con own INI handlome 10-ptece tet of ftl"lt-qualitv Copp" Clod lklW.. Cookwol9. Hurry! Ofder NOW Ond beat the Nlh. All Ofden Shipped on o fl~flt. lefY8d ball• ... Only $18.88 ... DON'T OB.AV ... thl1 lncl9dlble low price can't loltt .-------DYNAMIC PRICI COMPARtsOHll-------, OOf'f'l• aAD SET COWAIAkl VALUE .. ~. louc• ~.., C0¥9t 1 ~. Souoe "°" .... ~ 2 ~. Sauce P'of\ wte't C0¥9' $" ~. CUch Owefl w4'h CO¥ef s 9.50 1UO 11.00 27 7$ U .00 19$0 ... ,... . 10\4! SlllMM' 'C0¥9f ~haligeabte wit!\ ~" Ov.n ..... S102.2$ (PIUI eolel tol) You muet be c:om.-..ly deffghted wtth ,our C. ,. a.I llalnlMa ..... Cootc•r• let. You mu9t egrM It Oftefa ,OU 1M •me high quaHty ,.... rtall end eupettor cten. IMllthlp of competitive brand•. If not. 1hnply ,.. tum the Mt within 1' deya tor•,.. ........ ot putc.,... price-<except ahip. & hd11.> no.,_. dona uMdl "°"'· ,,,.,., . "'.,.,,,... rotDvilAGE».OP.-.~z-;.;--- 1 MO l'oplar ... Hano¥9f, fto. 17331 ~ ... rvall --Mt(t l of JO.pl«• Copt>et' Clecl Stelnlff• I l tMI C:O.were C?lllJ71) for the Incredibly IOw pric.e of 0111y $JI M ptvs "4.ff lle•llYWeilN -"IH'ns end hendlinc on 'ull MO ... CY eACK OUAltANTU. And llle•M encloM fres 11h w"ll I my o~ ...,. ... ~~IWO -•or..-~7·1111.a ----1• .... ~ond~ ,,,_,,_91'G'Of!IMI I OWlel If WA COftl ~ Oiner't OW • ~ ,..,._ M-.. Coro I 4cc'llilo (111> 1>o19 ____ _ ·~ .. ' ""',...,.._. OdCI --I NOme _____ _ I ::-_______________ ~ I ... Zto·------- 0 Clllcl ._ .......... fW =~r-It -cat .... I " ... '"" ......... Cl ow ... Icy •• te ......... ....,. ·"""""· ~ _,.,.,. ...... .... -mflt ...................... "91111tfJ, I ........ _..,, ...... .., ... ............. CHOCOLAft CMS 7. Man while, In the 1.vQ1t bowl of an clectrlc mlxer, bat the butts until eoft. Gradually add the "'981' and bat for 2 or 3 mlnut•, scnpmg the bowl OC· CMlonally with • rubber tpatula. Add the yolkl one at • time, acrllp(ng the bowl and ~­ aft• uch addition until lncor· porated. Then continue to bat for a few minutes until the mb<" h.n II pale and creamy. I . On k>w lpeed add the chocol.ale, which may ltlll be 91Wttly wmm or may be at room temperature. Screpc the bowl and bat only until smooth. Add the com...-ch, aepc the bowl and "8t only unttl . anooth. Remove from the mix· er and Mt ulde. 9. In the small bowl of the clcc· b1c mlxer, with clan batcrs (or If you prefer, In any small bowl wtth an -sg bater), bat the whites and the ult on/11 until the whlta )ult 0nd up ltralght when the bcatcrt arc ralNd - do not overbear. 10. Add 1 rounded tablapoon of the whit• Oust gu.-the amount -don't ma1Ute) to the c:hocolate mixture and ldr to mix. Rcpat wtth • MCOnd lpOOnfuJ and then wtth a third . Fold ln about half of the remain· Ing · whtta without being too thorough, and then fold In the ba&ancc of the whit•, folding gently but completely. -u You are. 11*'9 v~ c:oolclng 91Jray, IJlr8Y the '*' now, rather s-n«<>Ully. Pour the belts Into the '*'. Lift the pan ln both hands and move It s-ntly &om lclt to right and front to back In order to emooth the top of the batts. 11. P*c the cake In • i.g. '*' (which mult not be de.per than the c:alce pm1). Pour botllng wet• Into the Large pm1 until It II .t>out an Inch de.p. IWc.c for 45 to 55 minutes until a c:alce taa.r gsntly In· Mrted Into the rnldck, all the way to the bottom, c:omea out Jutt barely dun and dry. Tat very cdully NYeral times to be an. TMr. wtll be a thlfi cnuc on top; the middle of ttfe calce wtlJ be IOft. Do not OCMf'· w.. II. Tum off the hat and op9r1 the own door a few lncMI; i. cool IMt w.y for 20 mlnutaa. 'Therl op9r1 the .oven door all the My and let the cake ICand for about .. hour until cooled lo room llli1ipa1Qn. (If you M9d the own, lilt the calce cool In the own b only half the time, Md then lilt It flnllh cool- ing In the ldechen.) "8mow the caM pen from the water and dry the pan. Cov- er the cake with a flat NrVlng plate or a bo.d. Turn over the plate or bo.d and the cake pan, remove the pan and the foil. Serve the cake upttde down. (The cake may now be &oaen.) IS. Before NrVtng, the cake may be covered with chocolate an ( ... below) and then tpdnlded genaoualy with con- t.c:donen' sugar tilted through a *8Jner held Oller tflc top. This may be NrWd .. ll 11, but It II better with a tp00nful of IOftly whipped cram (IWMt· encd only slightly with confec- tlonen' or IJW'uletcd aigiw, and O.Vored lllghtly with vanilla ex- tract). And wtth a spoonful of fresh rMpberrla or strawber- ries, or with Jult barely thawed and partially dralne.d frozen rupbcrrla. Make the portions smaU . Maka 10 NrVlnga mlK cHOCoum CU11S l . ThHe are the easiest chocolete curia, and they're adorable. They are ~ with a MtYe-bleded wget.a&le peeiln' and wMtl mil< chocolate, which v.111 tJNe the raub you want wlih the laatt amount of1rouble. The 1,;.1>. t. 11 thk:Mr thM mot( uneller bars; you wll '* only about an ounce or IO, but you wtD haw better raulla wtth a thick p6ece of ~. l . Work over wax paper. Hold a plce of the choc:olaN In YoUE. t.ft hand, making the am. ... from the llde of the p6ece of c:hocolllte or &om the bottom: try both. Mow the ~ peeier along the chocolate. moWlg k towsd younelf,,..... Ing It wry flrmJy 9"'11 the choc:olaM. Spoon the curia on the C-., piing on• many •wtl ay. Noee: We found wtiJ. telling lhe Nldpe M It II ~ to mlllce lhc c:hoc::dlea cwt. by ~ a 1 "'9-n:h by 3-lnch piece cut &om the Y,-lb. milk chocolate CMdy t.. bottom lide up on a piece of WIMd p..-on Your klc:hen coune. and drMWlg the IWMI ....... ~ ... ac:rom the.-.-....... ~ from you. Lit c:hocolm an wtlh two tooct_.. onao lhe calle. ........................... .,.,.., Olwfll. Cl -t:.'.' ..... .. ... ., .... ,... .... ..... MlllLY WlltU.'f, 0... Ml. ... • ,_ • ~lftlUIQftC• Don You1 Cat Need C°"1a9e? m ott of ,)IS' are un- doubf'idly fam Illar with the bulc kinds of Insurance. Auto Insur- ance, for example. and health Insurance have become prectkal neceseltla In today's society. Many lesa well-known forms of In- surance exi.t, however, and offer coverage to flll very specific needs. The list ot potSlble Insurance plan. available Is varied and Includes such exotica as pct health Insurance, hang-glider coverage and emthquake tnsurane.e, among others. Ate they worth lt? One rule of thumb to go by when considering any Insurance policy ls not to Insure anythJng ''that your budget can han- dle raeonably well," advtsa James Hunt. of the Ralph Nader-afflllated National Insurance Consumer Or- ganlzadon. .. Nobody lhould insure thcmtelva for thk'9 that COit a t.w hundred dollrt. Thoee •e r1tlcs that people lhould -.&me themMlves," he says, adding that It's wtMr to tpend your ln- annc::e doU. on plant that provide coverage for caitallrophlc lolla. Speddy Insurance plans lndude the foloMng: P.a ._.anca: Ac:ddental Injury mtd comprchem!Ve mejor medical covenige for dogs and cats ii currently avatlab&e to n!tidents of Calif om la and New York state. For Instance. Vatatnary Pct Insurance, In Garden Grove, Calif., and Frontier Insurance Company, located In Monticello , N .Y. , off er polklet that range In ap- proximate annual COit from '34 to $109 for dogs; $34 to $105 for cata. depending on the age of the animal. Netther company covers routine care. lmmunl.zation1, spaying or neu- tering or pre-eXlstlng condJUon1. Front1er plans to make pet Insurance available nationwide In the next COU· p&e of months. Coatect a.. ........._.: Typleal pollda Involve a $20 to $25 annual premium plus an additional $7 to $15 deduc:tib&e for each replacement lens. Soft lenta an usually llWrtfy more expensive to !NUN than twd lenMS. Pollda are evadable through prl· vate pracddoncn u well u retail chain ltons. During the ftnt yec of contact lens war, lnsurm II probably a good Idea becaUM of the ~--llkeJlhood of &o. or damage from In~ handJlng. But unlal you need N · pated lens replacements, the cost of lnswance Is llkely to o~ any beMftb • .................. ., ..... : Of the 30 m8on Amerlcans mcpec:t«l 10tnMleibsoeef thll~ Mnwty•one mJaon wlll become ti OI lnjUred and . • • VISA & MASTERCARD phone ordefs toll-tree: 800.235-4070 (from Calif 8()0.582-3923) • • • • • • • • • • 0 ,.._ ,..u, __ 2•~ po1111tl "'-1 of O E""""-1 Is cJwc• or Jl.O.jor I ---- <:oloulll Paslllcllios Ill 111.95 m 0 ca.,,_ My 0 V/S4 0 MAST£1G4RD (lnd""'1s sblppi"f) /tnt IA1·JJJ # ~-;:-.-:-----:-::=---======- Os.ti Fll££.~ <>/ llM Cljt-$ootJI. Expl.,..Dtl# -------- If you would like to send Pistachios to friends. please attach a separate shee1 stating name • address. Zip Code and desired delivery date. Offer expires Dec. 31 , 1982 • • • • • • • • • • UT\ JTA11 7" • • HOO Ditlrict Blvd .• Dtpt. "1'..S. Bakentitld, c~ 9.B09 • : ••••• House of Almonds ..... : Now/ Togetlw wlflt your diet, you 'II ••• Slim inch after inch ... and keep onslimml g! IAVINGI ,,t<Jll OUlt FACTOltY TO YOCJI llADE IN U.$.A. For lllenl For WCMMnl • •----------MTllNCnlJI 81117 J lllDI 1M1L CDUPOll lODA'll ·---------.. ~VIL.Um ........................................ 17111 ..... ,.. --......... '-'-I.lies ........... 0.-............. .... 111.11-~. .. ........ _ NllfflWllE ..... ,,,, "" -., ..... AllDl(JS -ar.......... ... ---------.. •UO ....... IM._..._._ CITY _________ _ ............ __....c:.... ..... z,, __ _ (112414-........... Wle---SJA1T -fft. ..... (llnU5ll) ..__....__ Oa.k 1Mre ... _. ... fer 1 ,_., llllHC,. ~ 1r: a,._,_.~ oni...a.. • " -... ....., at.t ... " .. ..., ow. Cc.ti ..... 0 ~ ( I lllt.,O. llMiCY .. tll ......... ~ Aclc't.... =r"~ :=,.-:.:: == = -.... ... .................. Genuine Leather Why Pay $49.95 Why Pay $29.95 FruGl(U Up To A 110 Mii! ........... ....._A,,__ NOW JUST s1sss SAVEl2pn.sa.• . Displays 1he TIME and DATE Cta9$ fNfllY 2 Seconds! QolJui ~ DIGITAL CALENDAR CLOCK ~~t •••. Impressive. •• ~~f.~5 · .. s5aa SUPER-ACCURATE! NOW Check OutAll These Great futures' • Quartz-c:fYIWI ecc:urat.......,.lthln 2 MConda per year. e~LCO "dlel". • Dleplaya IJIN and dete--dlanges every 2 MCOnda. • Adjustl for long end Short months. • Runa • full year on replaceable b-.,y. • Di9lJnc:tfve "flodng clock" on Golden bec:kdrop In apatkllng ~r8land. • ,..,._,.,nd-Otooee eny name. up to 15 letters and ap11eee for Golden Pleque e THE PERFECT GIFT! --------MTISFAC'TlON GUAltAHT£EO--MAJL TODAY1·-------- _,_,,_ ,_.., ..... UZ·ff91 , ..... &. ...... Pll 11111 Y•I ,._. llllf ..... ,...., ,.. __ , -ffa D -.IClll l.-0 VIM --=-..,....,. I ........ 1111 CJ -..Cliii 0 C1111llwlll 0 ~ f:l 1111 iniii1iTI I ~-·~-==--~-,,..,_ § R-W£.fi..ra :" m ------'---~::..· 0 ..................... ...... la...... _____ ..., t• ...................... ..... ,. NL*....... iZ111111'1 . L--------------• 11..1.1 ..... ••--------------.J 8uv Our a..t Selline Coll • Wood ltcM Alld ~A Fr• Kent. FA204CL Fedenll ~Ion Hel1• burnt wood 8lld ~. la.it front 8lld ..... wns toci Md ~.c-uto I~ "-t. Price lndudll winOow9. I><.. trl"'and .,....,, 171b tQt Call Iron kettle Gteet r:.i;.:-0.. Write 0t c:.i1 tor °"' 5 Pin OtlNt b'( M9M flW:klOI .. zaarn., .. ,,, ._,, .. _.....k!!P' 141 ........ Drlw. °"" 2A¥10 lfwlft-lllA02tM Aly "WHm CHlltlTIIAI" on your hlnclPllnttd C«llNc ~ bOx ilgn· Id by ttll Mttst Trim Ind name Of 'fWI In m IOU! Supplin limited. Allow H wtcs. tor dellwry. Send name 1nd S47.95(IKll) to: COLL£CTl8US FROM LUCV, Inc. P.O. b 1888, llelleoMw, FL 32620 ~--....._,,._ - o your heels ache? _,, Ml9r ...... ., Wiii IOf1 ... llinll Mii fllll ... ac:i.1 .... ~ .... ...... Woll -,..., .... ,. -• ,.., DMIOpeO t., M ........ Mllllr1d jllll IS Woll •. n ... mlllldll 'I lftd 111W11i11C1 wftlCll '--lllU.S. ...... (Mo S.IM.Hllllldl .. Nelly"",.... ..... ...., .., con-prtaiDll IO~ ........ ,.. ... l!Ml .... ......,. ........ .-..... ...................... tCllOOI .,,.,., ..... wM llWN .................. by 1119111 """'· ...... -· .......... nl ,.,.,..... ...,.,. .... ""' Clll ""' 1111¥ Ill comlat1. -Wllll lllli 111W ........ I .. ........ ,.,. ............. ... ~ ......... .... ..... o.1om1a1 • ..._ .... -.a C "------~-...,_, ....................... a....,, .. .,.....,~"""""'""' ........................ ..... .....,,, ,,...., o_. o...,_ ow.11 r v!IA n ~....,., ................ , .......................... •: OH ::iH C: H . _, .. r. O H r 1~11. ri tM3 -----------..... --~----~ c:., ________ _ lll8URAllCS another 12,000 wtll dMa whU. there. Faced with these ltatlltk:s, many ln- auranu c:ompanles offer special medi- cal pollda for travelers. Thae poli- cies can cover a wkie range of possi- ble medlcaJ expenses, Including traruportadon to the nearat hospital. Premiums are based on the number of days spent travellng and the amount of c:overage dalred, ranging from 60 ceots a day on IOfne polldes to $115 b six months of C0\1111181· Before obtaining trip Insurance (check with your travel agent). It's a good idea to lnvaligate the coverage of any e>dlting health plan you may already have. Frequently, major medical beneftts arc payable for ac- cidents or Ulnesses that occur anywhere In the world. But these benefits may only apply to certain countries and they may be las exten- sive than your coverage at home. 1Hp c:acelldon IMurMCe and beagllge ......-.nce: Tttp cancellation lnaurance reimburses you for nonre- fundable depostts If your trtp Is unex-, pectedly cancelled, Interrupted or delayed due to death, lllnas. default by the airline or tour operator, strlut, bad weather or other f°"* beyond your control. The c:ott averages about $4 to $4.50 per $100 of lnaurance. This type o.f Insurance Is particularly advisable In cua of charter trips where cancellatk>n penalties are fre- quently high. AJrtines will settle wtth you for loss or theft of baggage. but they wtl I not automatk:aDy Insure your poaa- slons. Baggage lnsur.,..ce, which reimbuna you for Jolt or stolen possessions, and coven you for the duration of your~. costs about $11 for $500 worth of Insurance and 11 ad- visable on trips whee you'll be carry. Ing valuable pollelllohl or making a lot of stops. Mewing ......-.nce: Homeownen Rolicles do not always cover houtehold goods ln trarullt. Moven are liable for a minimum of 60 cents per pound per c:lmMged lrttcle (for example, a two-pound broken &amp valued at $1,000 would only be c:om- pensated wtth $1.20), although higher coverage amounts arc avail- able for a fee. Insurance companies can offer an .. all 111k" movtng policy which ftls In the g1p1 In cam.r"Offer.d W>Olty coverage. Premlumt .. bleed on the shipment'• declared value, 11PProX· tmately SS per $1.000 ol v.au.. ,_ on average polldet. .., Four Beluved Classics by 9Nnrnn.\n Rnck\vell Hand D~corawi With Genuine 22-K Gold ......... _.. ...... ....... .. .,..,. ... a. llWAO...., C. =<& el • 4c n.~ Complete set of four only $12. 95 r.-----------, lftl k lllllM CIUJC'N9 ........... Cl-11 ....... n n as ....,,,..,,_ ............... °"*' .. ...,_ ...... c.c- .,.. 1111111(•) It ........... ""*"'·,.. .... .. u ................... "-·1 90 ... . = .......... 1 ...,...., ,._ llllrll .. --.............. , ................. .. _, 0 A. Tiii __., 0 I r.t A 0oM lop D C llllue-e-....-s~ IJ D llllC... OtMI Ollee...i.s.1111•-·112••• ---~ OIM•'-.. _,ll4....,. ..... .. ___ .......,. __ _ ..,, .• coo·a-M,.... ... Kfmllll C O..,. O WA o ...-. 0 M Iii 0 lllMnO. '-------Cllt•-----------...... ~----------...... _________ _ ,._ __________ _ -------------.. --~-- • ·-· 'I ------------- 8 11g. V . 0.6 nii, lllCOline a . ps agnrta 11¥ FTC lllllhld. Teeth and Gums: An Ownw's manual Sy Kathleen 8eckett ne of the most com· mon medlcaJ aUments afflk:tlng mankmd, ex· pem claim. Is perio- dontal disease, but if you're like many peo- ple, You've probably never heard of it. If left unchecked, periodontal disease can result In the need for complicated cor- rective surgery. or permanent lo55 of some of your teeth. Fortunately, It's also one of the most eMl)y prevented diseases and. if caught early on, one of the most easily treated. Periodontal dl9eale Is a condition affecting the gums and jawbone, and It is most prevalent In people OVeT 3(). Accofdlng to Dr. Erwin Barrington. vice president of the American Academy of Periodontology. It starts as gingivitis. an Inflammation of the gum tissue. The cuJprtt that causes the condl- tk>n Is dental placque -a thin, sticky, colorless layer of bacteria and debris that Is f ormlng constantly on the teeth. U left undlsturbcd, placque will harden within 12 to 14 hours Into a depotit called calculus. or tartar. The tar1ar eventuAlly forces the gums away from the teeth, outing gum pockets, which can become Infected. /tu the dllew prograees. It can alto datroy the jawbone -and tf It doa, you are In danger of loetng your teeth. Unfortu.nata)y, then aren't always symptoms of pmodontal dllease. The utual t•Dtale '9\1, aocordlng to Dr. Jama Tobi., former pmident of the Amertcan Academy of Penodontolo- gy, are: bleeding gums; Nd, IWOGen, Of tender gums; aeNttMty to cold· ("Thia could be the rault of &oosen!ng of the gumt around the tffth.;; mouth odor and bed bttath ("cauMd by the by·producta of bacterial actMty in the gum crevice"); loose or drifting teeth, or a change In bite. You can help prevent the develop- ment of aJI of these conditions with a simple regimen of care. "Clean teeth do not decay, nor do they develop periodontal d isease," claims Dr Tobias. He suggests that you maintain good nutrition; find a dentist "who In· slsts on regular cleanings and who checks gums with a periodontal probe during examinations"; and, of course. brush and floss properly daUy. Bru.thtng and floMlng are probably the most effective measures you can take against periodontal disease - but be sure you do them conectly "People have been talking for years about brushing up and down, but J that's the wrong way," Dr. ! Tobias says. "You are t pushing placque under l$ the gums when you go up j and down. Instead. use a slight rotary motion, plac- " Ing the bulk of the brush bristles on the side of the tooth and the outer row of bristles Into the ·gum crevice. Bristles should be soft and flexible and rounded on their tips. With a lltt.le rotary motion. those hundreds of bristla working on a single tooth will actually scrape off placque." When flossing, Dr. Tobias con- tinues, "the floss should become a blade when you hold It tightly be· tween yew fingers. Pass ti between your teeth In a land of sawing actk>n. Let It drop down to the edge of the gum or just below, then engage the tooth and 1aape up so that you literally cut off the placque." Once the placque has hardened In· to tartar, however, you need prof es- sional care to remove It, aocording to Dr. Barrington. "In very mild cues, one, two, or three cleaning appoint· ments are all that's needed to bring things under control." But, as the dis- e.w Pf«9' ..... the b'Htment does too, and chances are your dentist wtll refer you to a periodonttst or gum tpedlllst for more extensive treat· ment, whieh In aome cata tncluda sur0ov.mmen1 Is cunently fund· Ing .....arch to ltUdy the effecu of another traiment f0t gum dlMaM - the UM of bUJng eoda and pero>tkle to ftght thc becta1e that cauMI pmio- dontal PfOb'nns. Some pertodondlta Ny th» method could replece gum tu19GY; oth ... think II IOUncM ,_ too .ample to~ true. .... HIS EXCLUSIVE NEW ALBUM America's # 1 Country_ Singer! EDDY ARNOLD - <-THE MAGIC OF EDDY ARNOLD is one of those artists who EDDY ARNOLD can truly be described as a living legend! From Henderson, Tennessee to the Country Music Make The World Go Away Hall Of Fame. he has devoted his c areer to Anytime bringing country music to millions of people What's He Doing all over the world. In My World Your Cheatin' Heart Bouquet Of Roses For The Good Times Ju1t A Little Lovin' Cool Water Sixteen Toni Cattle Call Tumbling Tumbleweeds I Really Don't Want To Know Tum The Workl Around Streets of Laredo The Last Word In lonesome la Me May Tl)e Good Lord Bleu And Keep You You Don't Know Me Tennessee Waltz NOT IN STORES MAIL COUPON TODA\' "The Ambassador of Country Music," Eddy Arnold has reached sales of over 70 million of has recordings! Eddy calls himself "a Heinz 57 singer -I sing many different kinds of songs which mean something to many different kinds o( people." And that as exactly what he does, in has familiar warm and mell°""' way, on this truly magnificent collection. He not only sings the greatest hits of his career. including BOUQUET OF ROSES and ANYTIME, but a selection of more all-time favorites such as YOUR C HEATIN' HEART. FOR THE GOOD TIMES. and TENNESSEE WALTZ. h's a collect10n you and yours will always treasure. OFFER WILL NOT BE REPEATED . . We urge you not to miss out on this remarkable offer If you don't enjoy this album more than any other you have ever owned ... and play it MORE ... it won't cost a penny. But please order your collection now. We do not plan to repeat this advertisement in this publacation again. ----- - - - -No-Rielc Coupon --- - - - - - -' I I I EDDY ARNOLD Dept. EA-02-02 1 I 352 Evelyn Strut, Paramu•. NJ 07652 I I Please rush me THE MAGIC OF EDDY ARNOLD album. I understand that I rNY I return 11 tor any reason whatsoever and receive a complete refund I 0 I enclose $8.98 0 I enclose $9,98. 0 I enclose $9.98. I I Send ~ord Album. Send Cassette Tape. Send 8 Track Tape. I I !F.n(kiW S 1 f0t JX>"4Y & hondlinq I I I Name I I Address ' I I C11y Store Zip I L---------------~-----~ FREE COLOR CATALOG Sensattonal"SILK" So Incredibly Realistic ·Friends witl envy your Green Thumb! nJZS • PLANTS • n.GWDIS e 90UQl1E'n HMM----------- Addr9ea ----------city ______ s.... ___ _ Zlp ___ _ CRafSTOPllEJl llOOK, P.O. Bax 585 w.t Pmi80ilt, N.J. 07-424 lrlliMlbtl~,-- U--..llf 'MftUr • ..,,. PteMe allo• lout to abl weetl• for delhterf. Since our llCMHtl"'8 often rec~ve t~• of orders from all OVlf the covntry, occMlonally unintentional delay• occur. lfltiey do, Fam ty Weetlly wanta to aulat you u mucl'I u PoMlble. Jutt •tr• detail• of YOUI ordlw to: Uncle Mount, Family Weekly, 841 L..exlngton AV9ftUI, N-Yortl, NY 10022. n. ................ •101..-11111.e.n-1 -·a:,.......-... • ... i:i... -....... .._ •¥ ............ ...... ........ -.CA .... BuyeJS Guide EMy Amertcln "caliillal Loll" bid- .... WO'llll of 100% COllllll, are 'offefiO at w. pnca. Am QUllitY, mKt*lt wash. pr9-stlnlnll. no-tton. White 01 Nllural. Twin eo· .110·. '29.95; ful •·,. 110". S35.ts: 0....102· 11120·. so.ts: Ktno 120·,. 120·. S4t.95. SllndMI sllam, 11.95 eatfl. Add $2.SO p&fl. ~ Crafts. Dept. FW·9. Box 1776. ~.SC29702. NOW ' GU 2 ... , RE AL () L D ;/' --:~I BUFF l\L() ~ ~}/ N I !. K H S ~--. :'.( -ONLY ~ •• i 2c:;.. • ~ • J· ··~·"' These scare:. old n~ls ire re11I c.ollector's items. 1swed before 1938. Both are )'OUrs tor only 2!>' -just to introduce our "collect by mail" service. F1bulous tun tof'the whole f~mily ! Buy only what )'OU • like. return the rest. (Sorry, only one set per f•mily at this price.) Adults only. Send t~y. Mlil 25C. name and tddress to: ....... c. c.i..... o.t,, .... aJUlllM .... ~ ... 0:.61 •••••••••••••• I CHILDREN'S . BOOKSAND UNIQUE TOYS Hundt9dl of toy9, boolla. Md recotdl eapec:lally MllCWd ----for quallty Md edu-C8tionll value. Afe-OrMed tor ~ from tnfantt to at11 Y91'1 olcl. Meny ~ lmpot11 Md other unique ltleme not .,, .... .,.. .......... Setlaf.aeloft tuetantMd. ....... gtaftdpel••· Mendia .• ~ apedel ... for 1h.a apec:W cNld for llclHd9y9, ~. ~ Send 11 for ootof aahlog . ......_ .............. . tJillll" ~.o . ._ • flll 'tu•·•~ FREE COL OR C ATALOG BulldYaOwn &iatlu Cid Pftrm ..... U ... 1255 (lnc:luding ~ and die!) •OcHt~~c .. kit. plr1IJ Pf9-CUt • Finished clocks • SolMt. 314" l\wd- WOOCll: blade walnut. cheny. <*I • Helftoom qUlility • Factaty direct Pll<* • Solid br•• West German chiming movementt •Money back guarantee • Prompt ahipment MASIEACAAO -W ~· '"°"'° .. ._,-~ O'~D"·,_~ °"" 141 '---• .,,... ........,....*» ar-~~~~~IUPTUllAGONY _ GIVE A PlECE OF DllA~NAU • • • !. FREE OLDE ENGLAND ::.::.::&~ M ..-... .... .... ..., ....... FOR CHRISTMAS! _..,._..~ ._ V• •1111 .. Te 1 am ottuin1 plot.a ot taod .12• :1 ~ .. -:: r. rue w__. bal&J.itl. (8 A? IS miiur...· 12" on a 17th C.ntwy Pamt1 In MOC*SAl9UMCae09'Mtf ___. "' ·~ the bHrt of ·rural lAnctllhare, ua...,...1we..--...-.-. tt •• ....., ....... .,._:a aJonpide what UMd to ~ the CM .,.,., ro -i..n 11ow), "*' ou main c:cwhin1 roed from Uwr-... , a 4 &..g a It ~.co~",.:."'._· '"- pool to LMda. ---·. ~ • -0-................. = Ot «>WM, you cannot do Ul7· ......._ from c~dl to , thU., wtth a plot ol land thil liu, ~~·~~ rye ""'' Ml.-to butc;.,oaa-....... , ....... Utt• .. ,,: --... -..... IM., .... f\ll Deed 1 will Mnd YOll, COit of i\lylnt t9*ft. WftY Pf'Olectl made 011.t to vou n.r.onaU~or a COil JlllC '*'"._ ''-tM .... ' d ..-.oo.. made"°"' ..,.ty"°99. relative or frien of your c ice! Cnftl 'a TM .. £e·~-- AJ.o with your IAPI Deed you .. .. II wtttl -.y •net ...,.. will reeel" Information on the.ii lltwtnUOM. fvlHla • .,..•, 1oca1 bla&ory. tocether with .... ......_. ........., a ',....._ a map abowinl the Hact loca&iotL ..... Wouldn't thi9 make a truly ..... un•ual Chriama1 Olri? for ., •• J•t one peyment of '26 with no:: pcopel1J t.u Oil rurther liabiliU• -'" &ope.y. ~ ... ~ How to Pay! =~==•er'&3'i=t:".:~ S.nd yom own pent0naJ ca,.que ...... 1 ~,.fl\.ATlNQ .., ,...., for •25 (returnable it 1ou .. ~ 'ltUOIOlrltUIW,._...11¥_1~ not trulY de!ilf.tt4d) made peJ• ~~o-.:=....~...,.:.:.8:'*''= abM &o W, R. MaUU..On. ;'~o.ioro..._ •• a;;,., ...._d , =:............... ....,,,.,,__, ....... 11111 ....... ..... now 1or your .-, &o , __ _.,._....11111-.-_..1 W. R. Mallin.on, ·•a.a It Pann," ........... ·--. .. _,. wtbom'-· 0rmaldrk1 t.acllblre, AllBllCAM IROMZING CO. I.AO 'Bu, Sftllua. tox-..., .....,_ OMo ._ '91tlR-.ll-I '~"' --....... to er ....... Til-1 --MY "11~1 tMl .. ICtioM. 1 •Hw I r• /61-_1 •,.ltt.E~r-l/I o l'W_,_,_ o e111 ... I 1.....,. I I ... _ ·· I • u-··~· .. ~ ----- • I I I I I ccnJIA~T MEMO CALENDAR YOUR SPECIAL PHOTO ENLARGED 400% IN FULL COLOR ~"''s ~~o"'- only s3ee tEWFOR 1983 7·-· ;---- j4 -·-15·- 0 Now your favorite photo can become a superb, tasting and beautiful wall calendar -to hang all the year long Where it will bring you pleasure every day. Or, as a gift to remind a special person of your thoughtfullness and love A new scientific breakthrough makes It possible to enlerve. with absolute fidelity and clarity. any color photo and ree><oduce 1t in GIANT size. You get all the tones. all the beauty. all the vibrant live colors. so e xactly that the giant photo seems actually bett9' lhen ht origlnelf Any snap-shot. negative. slide, transparency or Polaroid - color or black-end-white -can be used. and will be returned to you in perfect cond1t1on. Even a tiny 1 y.· x 1 .. slide becomes a giant 8 · x 10" printed on a tine Quality linen-look calendar that 1s 14 · x 22" overall. And the calendar is a year-round aide. with plenty of room tor notes. reminders. appointments. red-1etter days. etc The price is super. too Only $3.99 ! An incomparable value these days Just send your faYOrite photo or slide (please pnnt your name andfu•addressoobac:k) We'll even mail caJendars for you to any hst of people you want to send us Use handy order coupon. Prompt service and satisfaction guaranteed. llENNETT-GMF,lnc.12't7N.L1Jlfl Aw.,N .......... '1.IN1 I ~i#i l~I ---------------------~----------BENNETT-GRAF, Inc. o.pe.,ssoc . 12411 N.E. 13th Ave., N. Ma.ml, Fl. 33111 ""--•-0-.......,~ ... -..., ___ ., ~ t-Offi9< .... -10 M ..... II>-·.._.,. _ _,_ MIC-I ... Ol-talld --Oii ---"""'I • I foW ,...,_, ~ '~.,.--..,..,.......,..-- ' 1• • ...-. .......... SlNOl01NAMl 1 ------------------- 1 ~lllffl--------------------~ I, CITY---------------------- ' STAT( ZI~ I L • ------------------------------J The Official 1 M ·.l COMMEMORATIVE BUCKLE in Solid Sterlin& Silver or Antiqued Jeweler 's 8ronu ~~~ The tutbulcnt days following the American Civil Wat gave riK to lqcn-dasy mco and women who caned a pcrmancm plact for themselves in our oauon · s history. )~Jama was a Southern pc:rrih soldier d.isnogu.isbine himself as a member of QuantrilJ's IU.idcrs. but wu mribly wounded by Nonhcm troops while attcmptiof to surrcndtt his dcudunmt at the dose of the war. Most historians ap-ee that he WU VimWly forced into life U I band.it by rqiomJ polit.ia aod ptcjud.icc of thc ~.lo his lifetime. he wu aceus<d of thoUsands of robbeia he couJd noc pombty b.TC committed. But the lqcod p'CW until be was struck down with a buUn in the beck by a pt.id assassin in April, 1882. Ncwspapcn actotJ the country, both North and South. condemned the UIU· sination. and more ballads were wrirten about this one cvmt than any other single iccrn in Amctian history bd'o~ ot since! Now. 100 ycaa brcr. thc pcnti4ious National Auociatioo for Outlaw and lAwmc-n History commcmonrn this aon.Mmty by issuinc a Strictly limited edition coUtttor's buckk in your choice of Solid Sterling Sih-ct oc antique firush j~lcr's bforue. Each is \ndividuaJly minted like a fine coin from hand-an. hard steel dja for depth and clarity of dcuil. hand-polished and finished by master crafts.. men of~ Historic Provilkntt Mim . It's a luung commcmoratift of an enduring Amcria.n legcod ... but you· 11 hne co huny to be sutt of getting yours. mmoNwms AntiqucdJcwdcr's Bronze ..... 1'.000 budln Solid Stcrlin1 SiJvcr . . . . . l , ~ budLlcs ------ - -------Oll>fa'°9M --------------- TW"-Pwz:ldwccMiM o.,..srw.11.mtt.-s-a '-,.,, 11.u..dt ..... "'91 • PlEASE a<od <hf bucldt{1J I'~ llllllal fOf whw;h I'~ tnc'-'ct Pl~ aa foUoora 0 DIRECT Pic.t 6Dcf cndo1N a ch«.IL Of monty ordtt for l1IC NII atnoun, . D ClEDIT CUD: PlnK <hutt dw full &mOUM to~~ wd • "-n ~low· C: ~ &ffttt 0 VIM 0 Oincn O\lb 0 MllU'l'Qld Cud No £ap O.tt --Solid Smtuic"""" I( t 17~ tKh (paRaCe iadudal) , •• ,., --Alltlqut }fWfln°1 lronLc 11119 9) ~ (poftarr inchickd) (M-491 .. ~ ... ~ ....... ~,CA&J.1-Ml-"9 • AolliiirO,-.~CAllo,,._._ .. ,..~) It ·;._ ~. ,__ ,,,,. llUIGlllG OUT If llfe Is looking down to you thae days, here's a way to lift your splr1ts: hanging. No, not the way John Brown met his maker, but hanging upekle down by your ankles &om an eight-foot-high metal bar. Robert Martin says he's been hanging one way or another sinc:e age 9. So 12 years ago, the Pasadena Calif., orthopedist, now 73, Invented Inversion boots, padded clamps that ftt anug- 1 y around the ankle and hook to the bar. Since 1979. 100,000 pairs have been .old , b.glnnlng a t about $80. And folks like Frank Sinalra. Wayne Newton. the Dallas CO'W'boys and &.aon CeJHc:a hew aD latched on. lnvenk>n Is realy a natu- ral .... °' affairs. bdeves Martin. After aD. we're bom upside clown. He says it's lmpoltant for aD ol us to hang every day, because It alevtata the lb'ell that gravity places on our ·bodies. gradually com- ·Of081!:> ~ u1 atOOt ~ ~ PJO'PQI JH91ing our tlMua. O'hat'• why we shmk • we s-t older.) k' I wonderful for bec:kachel, ht told ua. "I never found • penon with a bec:keche who dkin't went to be ••icMd," ht not•. So htrt'1 loolclng (up) at you, kid. 11 • MMLY ~Y. o..Mer '°' - HOePITAL ADVICm 11.L-CONcmVB With close to 11 million Amcrlcans out After healing the sick and releasing them, holpltals may Inadvertently be usher- ing them right beck In -by ~ discharged padents lmlructional pamphlets that are too complicated for them to understand. dog walcJng for profit, doing market research lnmviews and sweep- ing sidewalks for store owners (we didn't say aD the )obs were fun, you know). It also In- cludes over 100 in- flation-fighting tips to lb'etch the new money you make. · The book Is available for FAMILY WEEKLY readen at half price. Dog walking can help vou c~on up. Send $1 .50 (tncludes postage) to Laurel Of wori<, making ends meet can be a nifty trick thae days. Now ~ New Jersey man named Jack Aboff hut put together some ad-.! vice on how to pick up i extra money on the side (legally. of it. course). His new booklet, "105 Ways to Make Money at Home," of- fers some novel ideas, such as chauffeuring people to House, P .O. Box 85FW. ·the airport In their own cars, Uvtngston, N.J. 07039. • DWLY PLAY Tim DATING UJB Each year some 13,000 Americans die on thetr jobs. I l ... A new study at the Uru- versiry of Virginia Medbl Center found that such ma· terlals, used to Inform pa- tients of problems and proper treatments, are writ- ten for people re.adtng at a lOth·grade level. Unfortu· nately, the average patient at the center reads at a 7th- grade level. And since most patients forget nearly half of all oral ln1tructlons within five nmutes. the lncomprehen- si>lenas of the literature can lead to a lack of compli. ance. a return to the 00.- pital and polSlbly death. The greatest obltade faced by widowed elder· ly people who want to resume dating Is not their own lnhi>Mk>ns but raentment from thetr children, reports one ex· pert. And a new study shows t---------....... David Guttmann, director of Catholic Untven1ty'1 Center for the Study of Pre-retnment and Aging, says molt of the elderly he speaks with .xpras Interest In at.abllshlng new relatk>nshlpt after some lnttial period of mourning. usually that If you drtw as pan of your work. you're three times more likely to be killed than If you work In a factory Of mine. Rae.archers from Johns Hopkins Unlvenlty looked at 148 work-related deaths In Maryland In 1978. h re- ported In the JoumaJ of I.he one to three years. Demographics provide one barrier: There are stx times as many widows over 65 as widowers. Grown-up chlldren often r8* the Idea of their parents dating, says Gutby\ann. becaute they may rnent havtng to devel- op a brand new image of their parents. may fear hav- ing to share en Inheritance, or may be worried about gaining a new ICcpparcnt . .. Mldcde-eged people fee) they can engage in any and aD bchavton," says Gutt- mann. "But when It coma to their ~ts, they k>M aD &:ll*'dve ... ~ttmann Mys mor• men th.n women opra1 a daare to mnany, And u for MX, "The daft vm1el &om pcnon to pcnon," ht mays, "but the need for lntJ- mecy .. wry imponllnt ... Anwrlcan Medkal AaodcJ. don. they found that 40 percent oocuned In transportation vehicles, lndudlng planes and boats, and that heavy tJ\ICks were Involved In over half of the vehicle datha. Eleven pacent -the second highest total -died from gunshots durlng robbena and other wults. The r~ found that malt of the deaths came in areas not covered by Federal reguladona. For Instance. truck steering wheell lit horizontalv reth.r than vertically as In can -the main rulOn molt of the truck drtven died of· •vere abdominal lnjurla. The study also notn that as employers IWtlch to smaller. gas-savtng company can. their workers' risk of death riMs, perhaps daubing. 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