HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-10-12 - Orange Coast Pilot111111 Cllll I I JI '. I l I\ ( 0 l I< H II I I I .' I 111.' Mission Viejo pet store e m ployee J im R idge ho lds the elusive Noah the Boa, who's escaped from his tank twice. -11111• llllY Ml ( ) I ( /\ N ( I I I I I j r ~ I l I \ I I I ( ) I c N I A '/ ., c ( N r '> Irvine Company rumors flying as Kremer qllits The announced resignation of Irvine Company President Peter Kremer has fueled speculation that the Newport Beach-based firm ls to be sold·or even merged with another local company. • Kremer, who has bt.>en at \he helm of the Irvine Company since 1977 w hen a small group of investors purch ased the firm, made his announcement Monday and said it will be effecUve J an 1. The resignation came at a time whe n there has been 'talk that the l and p l anning a n d development firm has entered into d iscussions to sell the company to Mobil Corp. of New York. Mobil tried unsuccessfull y in 1977 to buy the fi rm but w as outbid by the gro up of investors that now own the company. There have been other rumors in the business community that the Irvine Company might be coMidering a mergerwilh the Fluor Corp., based in Irvine . J . Rober t FluOf", a Newport Beac h resident and b oa rd chairman of the Fluo r Corp .. recently was named to tt:e Irvine Company's board of directors. OHicials f rom the Irvine Company vigorously denied both rumors. According to Marlin Brower, an Irvine Company spokesman. Kremer's decision to resign was his own. He said the 42-year-old president was not fore~ Bro w e r said a l(O t.hat .the resign ation 1s n ot r e lated to changes made last month on the company's board of directors wh en develope r Donald Bren was named co-chairman a nd Fluor a n d businessman John Galvin were put on the board. (See IRVINE , Page A%) Prinie rate slashed to new low 12% There's Noah 's place, not like home NEW YORK (AP) -Morgan Guaranty Tru st, the nation 's fifth largest bank , has cut its prime rate from 13 perc:ent to 12 percent, the lowest level for the key figure ln 25 months. The prime is the base upon which banks compute interest ch arges on s hort-term loans to their most c r e ditworthy corporate customers. Many large businesses borrow at rates below the prime, while small businesses t y pi ca l ly pay o ne o r two percentage points more than the pnme rate. By JOEL C. DON O(ltle DeMy Not .. .., The elusive Noah the Boa Constrictor just couldn't come to grips with the adage about no place like home Luckily Ridge knew where t.o look this time and Noah was qu ickly returned to home sweet home. surprised to learn that good old Noah had spent 2 ·~ months enjoying the wide open t.ttrltory of the Insulated attic space. New York's Chemical Bank later matched th e cut. T he move followed earlier sharp declines in interest rat.es and came amid g r owi n g -expedatrons or · further reffef, whlch alao have contributed to a maaaive r alJy in the stock market. Sacheli can o nly figure that Noah survived on hapless field mice an d squirrels that sought.refuge in the-attic. -Consumer loans and mortgages are not tied to the prime rate. His keepers at Pacific Pets in Mission Viejo thought they had put a damper on the 6-footer'• wanderlust spirit when the 25-pou.od r e ptile was found s lith er ing about the attic of a row of stores on Alicia Parkway. Pet store employee J im Ridge , 17 , retrieved the slender rascal Friday and returned Noah to hi.a 100-gallon fish tank home. But the snake once again decided he w as tire d o f showing off for store customers. T he case o f t he disappearing boa constrictor began last w ee k w he n empJoyees..oLnearby stores began hearing a strange sound m uch like water running throuah ripes. Figuring It might be cauted by one o pet store owner Shirley SacheU's critters on th e lam, Ridge was sen t to invesUgate. He found Noah, a remarkable dillcovery since the snake had disappeared from the pet shop and was presumed stolen July 27. "We thought there was no possible way for it t.o get out of the tank," said Sacheli, "It sounded Uke aomeone was spraying water on the roof," said Bill ~ulley, an agent at nearby Realty Wor ld store. "I got up there and looked around t.o see what WU there. I "lf I knew it was a snake up there, I wouldn't have poked around." As for Noah , he'll have a new home with the Ridge family and will have fuU run of the house, Sacheli said. . Just last Thursd a y , m ajor banks adopted a 13 percent prime rate, and on Friday, Mellon Renk of Plttabursh cut its ~ rate lo 12.75 percent. Today• action was the first full point cut since the prime started to !all in mid-July, when It stood at 16.5 percent. The prime rate last stood at 12 pe rcent on S e pt. 12, 1980. a period when it had started to rise and was climbing to a record of 21.~ p erce n t , r each e d i n December 1980. The outlook for d eclines In interest r ates br ightened last Friday whe n the Federal (See PRIME, Page At> Brother, sister poles apart on Newport growth • issue By STEVE MARBLE of"llM Delly ..... tleft Bill Ficker, yachtsman, architect and full- time student of Ufe in Newport Beach, has this one vivid memory of the Balboa Peninsula. It's a hot summer day, cars are backed up bumper to bumper, motorists are honking their horns a nd s lapp ing th e ir d ash boards with impatience, radiators are bolling over. "Stuck In traffic again," says Ficker. looklng out a window of his sixth floor office in Newport Center to the city below. "But t hat was 50 years ago," h e adds, laughing. "The people who complain about th e traffic now must have very short memories.'' In this third and flnal part of a Dally Piiot aeries on the growth-no growth controversy In Newport Beach, the dispute spflt1 families and prompts developers to wait. Previous eegments covered the historical perspective of the power plan and envlronmentallsts' concerns. His sister, Sue Ficker, for Instance, doesn't remember It that way. "I remember being able to drive down to Laguna Beach for breakfast and getting back to the yacht club for a morning sail. Now I can't even get to the yacht club. Alabama grabs awards ' NASHVILLE (AP) -The young band Alabama, known for It.a procrealve style, capped a ...,._to-riches •Sa by dethroning Barbara Mandrell as entertainer of the year at the Country Music AHoclation '• annual a wards show. "The re'• a lo t o f great ent.ert.ainen," lead singer Randy Owen said after the nationally televised a wards pro1ram Monday fliaht. "To be lhe first l"OUP to win It, It feela eood." 11'e four-ptece band from Fort Payne, Ala., wu playlnc for tips Juat two ye.rt ago a n d was \ rejected seve r a 1 ti m es b y recording companies until RCA signed it to a contract. Alabama, which has reeled off a st.rina of hits lncludinar "Feela So rucnt," ''Old Flame,'!'; "Take Me Do wn" a nd "Mo untain Music," alto w o n for top inatrumental group and top vocal group. They are more pro1re11lve tha n traditio n a l in s tyle, a l t h o u 1 h s o m-e o f t h e i r lnatrumentala have • blue,.... flavor. Afte r receivin g the bullet · shaped trophies at the Grand Ole ----lllDEI---.... Al Your Service A7 Horoecope A9 Irma Bombeck A9 Intennt.lon B6 ...... 83·6 Ann Landen Ai Cavabde At Movte. Be a..&f6ed C&-8 Na Uonal Mews A3 C4mAcl 8 7 Public Noticel 83-4, 04·& ere.word 87 Spol'.'.ta Cl-4 Dleth NoUcel C6 Dr. Stetncrohn At Stan O.laplane At T•levtllon 88 lditorial A8 ,,_..,. • l'Nllr,tainment ae W•U.... A.2 ,. • f ,, I Opry Ho use. Ala bama led ha road crew In a backstage cheer, "Ain't We Having Fun Now!" Ma ndre ll, who w as co-host with Mac Davia of the 16th annual procram, won no awards. The petite singe r, who has dominated counteytmusic awards s hows In recent years, was a mo n a five f l nall1t1 for entertainer of the year and top female vocallat. Willie N elton , who wu writing IOl'lll before memben of Alabama were born. won two awards -am~ of the year for the tender 'Always on My Mind" and album of the yeer for the LP of the ame Mme. He did not attend the cerenonv. "Always on My Mfnd" allo won IOfll of the yeer Cor wrlten J ohnny Chrl1topher, Wayne Thompeon and Mark Jamee. Youn1 Ricky Ska111,. acelaimld for hll p6erdnc tenor, won top . male vocallll over Neilan, Merle HuDrd. a.or,. JOnel and Ronnif RU..p. 11Well, hmm. Didn't plan no h " utd th• 21-1ear-old . .................. C Y, .... Al> "The traffic's so bad it's not even safe to go outside. I can't even ride my bicycle anymore." The Fickers, brother and sister. are P.racticall y neighbors . .&th live near the tip of the Balboa Peninsula. They grew up in Newport Beach and have watched, with equal interest, as the town changed. But the similarities stop there. The Fickcrs ar e polar oppos ites when the talk turns to Newport Beach. Some people call them the "Fightin' Fickers." Bill is a Newport Beach booster. a man who likes the way the city has grown up and feela the commun ity will get even better if allowed to continue growing. Sue says the city ls going frpm "bad to dismal" and believes the developers have "raped and reaped" their way from the Santa Ana River to Corona del Mar. "T he town's been ruined," she claims. "They let all the developers use up their coupons too qulckly. It was compulsive, obsessive -like a doctor trying to squeeze in too many patients. "Just take a drive around," she says, re1M:hlng a high-pitch. "All you have to do is look and you can see that SQmethlng has gone wrong. We've developed beyond the realm of intelligence. And I'm going to be moving out of here pretty soon." Bill. who has had a hand in some of the building. sees things differently Crom his slat.er whe n he drives around Newport Beach. "You don't get one of the best hospitals in the entire country by stopping growth," he retorts in a reference to Hoag Memorial Hospital. "I truly feel that the people who complain are those that haven't matured with the community. They're the same kind of people w ho remember how it was in college a n d long for those days." Not only d o the F1 ckcrs disagree o n whether t he cit y should continue to grow , t h eir own m emories of wha t th e town (See ATTEMP'rs, Paie A4) The four memben 'ol the 1roup Alabama aeknowlecip their bis wla after betn1 named Voeal Gtoup 'oldie Year Monday nlP• la Naeh•llle. 1 t ~n~tRVINE COMP ANY . • • • i,in' One e om pan y I n s I tit• 1· wall rc.•rm11n 11 iilot:kholdl•; m ttw ' ~wled1ed that several board l'ompnny. ~ mbera did feel that Kremer Orw Irvine Company 1lfffdnl -;~ acted with "a "heavy hund " suj.(gested thut Kn·nwr has bc.'(:n :•t~lier thla year when trying w frustra ted by hl11 jub ond llA \' A9Ule a dlapute with residents dc•mands. · '"who leaee land from thl' Irvine "H e hus nc.•vc•r enjoyvd the ,.. ,~mpany. public end of it. tht• ful'l thul he Is ". But, the person said, the bOJ1rd aJwuys bd ng buttonholc'CI on ;'1(!._ia been largely supportive of Issues. 1 bellc•vc he• will get Into fl ~er. somN hing that dt~ not call for 1 Bey°"d a prepart-d press such a tremendous omou11t of •i: ~lease Kremer has n ot bcc.•n publk exposure." '•'• availabl~ for comment. Newport Beach Mayor Jackie W H e athe r , w h o h as k n own ,:.1 " hen I Initially joined the Kremer sinc.'C he took over the . . Firemen probing canyon l''lrc lnvutla•to r a w re cxpect.c.'d t.od.a)' to complete thelr probe of the 16,800-acre Cypcum Canyon fire, which oy this morning had been reduced to A few 1moldcrtng hot apoi. in pack l'Ountry eaat of Irvine Lake. Orang e Cou nt y Fire Departme nt Capt . C huc k Murphy said the $11 mllllon blaze had essentially burned iuielf out by Monday nlaht In the rugged Fre mont Canyon area west of Black Star Canyon and east of the lake. 1 1AOmpany In ~1 Y: 1977• we company reins. l1kl•nl'd h is ,. 1 .-..1 r e e d t o a f 1 v c -y e a r ,.,'(.dpmmltment , which I h ave resignation to thal of a baseball ,;!(ulfilled," Kremer saad in his team man nger. . Dogged soccer player Only Cive ground-baled ci;ew1 were expected to be out on the fi re lines today and Wedneeday. w ith several engine companies palrolhng the perimeter of the fire zone t o e xtinguish any flareups, Murphy said. ..... ~ "It's always easiest to gl'I rid of pre,..... ..... slatemenl. the manager when things aren't • tie said he will pursue other going wt'll," shl' suggl'Slcd_. t-,ersonal business interests but -By STEVE MARBLE I PRIME RATE CUT . Ginger, a 10-year-old dachshund-terrier owned b y Fri ls Rosenveldt of On rario, Can ada, practices h er moves between fi lming essions for her movie HA Minor Miracle." Ginger will be f t'u tured along with internationuJ,.,oecer ·tor Pele. T h e blaze. which b e ga n Saturday morning· in Gypsum Canyon, destroyed 14 homes and damaged six others in exclusive hill s id e n e ighbo rh oods in Anaheim Hills, Villa Park. Orange and Santiago Canyon. • • • Reterve Board cut its discount weak and the nation's m oney rate to 9.5 p ercent Crom 10 supply ex p<.-cted to Ix· subjected percent, the lowest it has set the to e rra tic swings by lt·chnical intel'eSt on Its loans to banking factors this mon th, thl· n•ntral institutions since November 197ti. bank would tolerate l(•mporary Schools OK vandal policy Some fll'e officials speculated Monday that the blaze may have been tr iggered when swirling Santa Ana wind gust s caused electrical lines to Call in the Gypsum Canyon area near the Riverside Freeway. ex<.'Cssive growth in the nation's money supply without toking ste ps tha t w ould push rates higher. On Saturday, Fed Chairman i Paul Volcke r told busin ess I leaden that with the economy COUNTRY MUSIC. • • • contract lees than a year. S kaggs, who allo won the Horizon A wa rd u mos\ promialng newcomer. h it the top of the charts in Apr il with "Crying My Heart Out Over You." ·.J anie Fricke. who toiled an R_,IC\.llri'ty for yean as a backup mnger at Nashville recording ...., ... -.i',ona before making such hits "Baby, It's You" and "Playin' to Get," was named female voc'alisl of the year. S he beat out M a ndrel l , Rosanne Cash, E mmylou Harris and J U l ('C' Newton. Smgcr Marty Robbins. whose gunfighwr songs like "El Paso" accented the wes tern sly lc of country music. was chosen for the Country Music Hall of Fame aJong with the lak• singer Lefty FriueU and Hoy Horton BY PHIL SNEIDERMAN O(th• O ... r Piiot 11.tf F'ountai n Vall e.y S c hool District trustees have approv~ a new policy designed to r eward schools tha t keep vandalism . damH&e to a minimum . Undl·r the program, $1,500 will be allCX'ale<l this year to each of thl' district's 15 elementary schools. Vandalism expenses will be deducted from this sum. A school can use a n y remaining runds to purchase special items such as a sports scoreboard or to finance a field trip. Vand a lism cost the distric t about $19,000 during the 1981-82 school year, prompting officials w l'Ons1dc.•r new programs aimed at t·u rbing window breakage, ~pray painting a nd other damage. One proposal called for district school~ lo compe te against one anothl·r for the lowest damage tot:1l This plan was deeme d unfair, however. because school l ocat ions a nd s truc tural differ e nces might give some schools an advanlage. Under the new program, each school will chart its own progress in keeping vandalism expenSt..'S down. IC expenses are low for the first half of the year. some funds wiU be released In January. The r e maining m o n e y , aft e r deductions for damage, will be released during the last week in May. Each school's student council will determine how the money will be used. Assistant Supcrmtendent Jack Mahnken said burglary losses, such as a break -in that resulted in the loss of a d1str1ct television set. would not be counted against a school because such acts are not usually committed by elemen tary students. Also, acts o f v an da lis m comm1ttc·d d u ring summ e r vacation months would not be charge d to a school's yearly allocation. Int:idents in which a parent pays fo r a child's vandalism damage also w o uld no t b e cha rged,,against the school's allocation. In a relat ed matter, district trustees have decided to continue with a district policy, in effect sinee 1979, that requires school hgh ts to be left off at night. The measure was enacted to save on energy costs and t.o tesl a theor y that vandalism would decrease 1f the hghts remain off . Assi s tant s upe r inte nde nt Mahnken said r esults o f the lights-out policy in dete rring vandalism are inconclu sive . During the current year, lights will be left on a t one school. Fulton. to determine whe ther increased energy costs are offset by a reduction in vanda lis m expenses. How ever, Murphy said this morning, until Ure investigators ('Omplete their work the cause of the blaie Is still be ing lis ted officially as unknown. The fire captain also said he t'Ould not comment on whether there were any indications the fire may have been deliberate ly set. In addition to destroying 14 homes and pamaging six others. the Care gutted 12 barns and .s he ds. d estroyed several automobiles and caused injuries to m o r e tha n 140 pe ople. including six firefighters. None of the injuries. howe ve r. w as serious. ogger attacked y rattler aided 000, Colo. (AP) - least 50 motorists passed a 11er who was bitten by a gttlesnake before one stopped 'Ind gave aid, according to the Jouer -Lakewood Police Chief Oiirles J ohnston. he had to tug thn•c times t.o get off his leg. -Joh nst-0n, 39, was jogging 10 miles. as he does daily, bclwccn Lake w ood City Hall and Red Rocks Park when the snake bat him. Assumable loan ruling downplayed By STEVE TRIPOLI O(ni. OllllJ HM 8taff "It fell like someone hit me with a rock. But then I looked E and that dam snake had ~ of my leg," Johnston said onday. He said he beat the snake to death with a roc:k and tore off iLI rallies before trying lO Oag do w n a mot-0risl. At least 50 cars passf.'d Johnston as hC' -.tood bl<'edmg before one motoris t . C harles Schultz of Golden. stopJX'(l and took him to the GrN'n Mountain Recreation Center. Lawyers. realtors and savings and loan spokesman have down- played the impact of an Orange County S u perior Cou rt ruling t hat t entativel y uphe ld the assumabi l ity o f ce rtai n mortgagl'S. "l had a really bad headache for two days," said Johnston, who was bitten on the leg and thumb Thuraday by a rattler that Judge Phillip Petty ruled last week t hat loans· made by state· c h artered savings and loan associations which have since Clear overhead ::::::~City ;: :~ The Forecast FOf 8 p.m. EOT Ri inlm Snow(:i:iJ A 11n 67 57 W1 «lt11"'>d·•I Octnher 1 J 8~1mot• 58 43 •H1qh T~mpPralurer. Shower•• Flurries * 8lllln0• 61 3691 70 Blrlflfngn.in 78 819'Mtck 43 38 8olM 66 36 eo.ton ~ 40 8'0WNVll.. 711 68 8uflal<> 65 48 eu111ng1on 63 32 c..,,.. 51 25 ~on.SC 72 66 cn.t .... on. W V 74 61 Ctlwlotle, N C llO 57 c~ 47 26 ~ 54 45 ClndnNtl 67 <19 ~ 70 49. Columbl•. s c 83 59 Coeumbus 72 48 • · .. ,, ,., • ,..., •• • o.11 .... F, Wor1h 72 ~ .. .,,... 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City 72 47 CALlfe>NttA Thermal Slahonsry •• 81 50 115 69 68 52 . 83 49 88 57 74 47 78 51 85 46 84 68 83 •• 11.4 27 119 67 87 55 ,..,..,_, wllflO\ll ~ Knoxvttte 83 Ht Lo Tom111Ge er Monda, after • tr' .. v:O: \ ~; :~ AP91e Valley 74 35 ~AN ••MCA ...... ,:,:., ~ anow thlt L!1tv11.. 64 49 g:::;.:.Nlld =~ :: r Tiie ........ W...._ lervlOe Lul>l>OC* 5170 40 Be.wnont 71 ._ :,-c::. -.......... relft todey IC>f Memfll* 53 Big e.w ff 30 Bermude ..........,,, dou. di In the Ml. eml !! 711 8l1h0p 77 37 eur-.... llllee tM ~ MllweutcM "" 46 81y1he 15 60 FrMC>Ort ...s 'an lh9 Tex• Mc*-St.PllUI J~ ~: Cu..,., City 87 ot Ouedlll.,_• NMfmlle &'I Eur.-• 73 60 ~ ...... el'd thund«1torm1 New ~ "i4 7 1 ""''"° 13 62 Klnpton _.,......."'°"'~ New °' 44 l.atlc;atler 76 37 Monl-oo lay ... --.......,.. ,..,....., 1or Norlolk as " 1..oog e.ecn 17 && MM-•11911 P,_...... Of IM ... t.,n Not1fl Plett• 59 25 L,. A~ 13 63 Merlde II •t•t•• end lrorr1 OtcllhOme City 70 •2 M~... IS MulCO City ..., ..._ lna!Md end Orlando ~ 87 74 MOfVOYll tt 41 M«lterr9)' 1t•r" Appereofllent. ~ t =~ Mont«9Y t5 65 , NMMU -.. lie ....,.., =ti.: 75 57 "Needlel 71 83 SM .Nan. , A . .. ....... ,,_.In . Ml &e 30 ·= Belldl ~: r, .: ~-=:: ::=:•· ~ ~ °""''° : :: Smo• t3 n .. 76 76 .. to 77 .. 74 71 17 to 72 .. 78 to 1t to 72 t3 70 16 66 83 H .. 1• ., 17 iilll .. l Aepld C..,., 50 33 ::::rOOlet l6 ,2 Wfi4ife 10 Clll (toll ff .. I IOf ' ,.:It V_ .... _.... .......,,,.,.... 9' 5e Palm Sc>tino-H SS 11!!1 -~~ ..., ... .," ""'° 65 26 Red 81uff M 03 ..._ ~u. 1 ...... .....,n = :: ~ ~ ctt, II 12 ~111 .. H ·=·~t !!;!~~~ .... ,_ •'" ten AntonlO ll ~~ t:emento : :: u:.:,:.. .,.. len ..,,..._ M ~:.:: I:'~ M H , f:'B!rnllfcllno ~~ :! I~ (IOO) 117~7'° ••tWe[ft aaiit"er1111 . 24Miie.,..... o.m.n <• ,.... ...... lie ........ ----------------------. 241 . . .......... ________ __ ....... ':'l&T~~fL...:: Extended lllf RIPllT foreca11 • • • .... ... I I I J .... -I I I I ,.~ ,. ... ....,,,., llleoeeM.HtlltllnlOW70I- -....... lo .. lnlllld .... Tonilfll ltld wed! llfllO. ~ ....,, 0..... .. ..., "*""" IOI 11 1110 eoo11 11'1 Or= COtHltr L ... IO IO II , ,...,... ,. .... ......,. .. .......... -. s witche d to federal c h a rters should be assumable Federally chartered S&Ls are a llowed e ffecllvel y to bar m o rtga g e assumpti o n s by exercising a loan clause that calls for full payment wh"n property is sold. St.at£, chartered Savings and Loans cannot do that. Petty's ruling indicated that loans made by fed e r al S &Ls while st ill u nde r s la te cha rte r will be governed by state rules. The d ecis ion is no t fin al. however. Fred Crane, lawyer for the Garden Grove property owner who brought the action. said Petty's ruling on law now will have to be s pecifically applied to hls client's case: lf Petty makes such a ruling the case pro bably will be appe aleCI b y the d e fendant, Fide lty F ede ra l Savings and Loan Association, Crane said. The appeals would open the door t.o the case becoming a precede nt in the industry. according to Crane. Several other groups with an inte rest in the case said t hey doubt that its impact would be so large. however . Leonard Shane. president and c hairma n o f the b oa r d o f The case's impac t is 'very much overstat ed.' Mercu ry Savings and Loan In Huntington Beach, said the case's impact is "very much overstated and overe mphasized." Shane called bars against use o f the so-called due -on -sale clause, which requir es full payment of a loan when property ls sold, "a device for breaking a contract.'' But he also said that such rulings more reflect the problems brought on by the ov•rall economic picture and Its ii impact on the housing market. Julie Stewart of the California Association of Realtors saJd the ruJang ''was nol surprising to us'' and th a t it uph e ld th e associatio n's opin ion on · loan assumability • But she added tha t rederal l e g islat io n n ow a w a iting Presiden t Ron a ld Re agan's s ag n a tu r;e w ould g uara ntee assum a bility with wea~u~r federal laws. and witho ut the possible long waa l for court action to achieve the same end. Andre w Katz, Fidelity Federal's lawyer in the case, said h e a lso believes the ca se will have little impac t because 'Fidelity Federal had canceled .its n otice of foreclosure on the property before the lawsuit was actually under way. Katz said h e also feels that P etty's interpretation was derived in part from errors In the facta involved. and at therefore wouJd 108e ita potential impact if c.arrled t.o higher courts. DESIGN -QUALITY There is a ~hoice! PRICE Have you been frustrated, searching for e ngageme nt and wedding rings, and finding that most of those that you've teen 4'11 look the same, in store afte r storel Are you also concerned about quality and price whe n choosing yo ur diamond and -feel you may be misle d bec ause c ac-h s'ore ht11 s a d iffert>nt method of comparing quali1lcs, and they won't give you a flUarantee that you MC paying a (air pric e? At Wyndh•m Leigh you will find a truly c 11citing collection o f unlquf' rings c:r•h cd In our own workshop in 18 kcir•t 80ld ind platinum. We take the time to e11plain d iamond qualities and prices, so you will know exactly wha1 you are buying, and that you are pa ying the right price, and then substantiate this with a mo ney back gu.arantec. There are many rlnc jewelry stores In Orange County, bu1 only one that $peclalizes In de•lgnlng and creating the unique and beautiful enpgement and wedding rings found at Wyndham Leigh. Engagemt"nt ring, available from $450 Wcddtn1 rln11 available from S17S \ 127 ,.,h.Ofl Island. Newpon ... n. CA 92660 ,_., lullo<lts WbNre • Orange C,0a1 DAILY PILOT/Tuuday, October 12, 1982 8 NATION Brown,. Wilson heat up campaign Huge. oil s·ale set ... off Alaskan ·coast WASHINGTON (AP) -the u le, to b Oil lnduatry officials 11ay the Ancboraae. Alaa aale of leases in Alaakll'• ·the moet lucrative Beaufort Sea may be the be held over the "cr own jewel" of Interior years. With reve Secrt!tary James Watt'• the Beaufort Sea ambltious program to offer aa h1gh as $3 bllli virtually the entire U.S. . Six states - e ld In will be e 41 to >et flve from 1otna couUine for exploration. Alaska, Oregon, Experts say the lease sale Florida and Ma8Si.-Ml Wednesday o f 1.8 million a 1 on g w I th v er a 1 acres in the Beaufort Sea may environmental gr have produce the biggest U.S. oil flled suits over Wa leasinR. and gas discoveries in 14 program, but tll ults wlil years. Some say they believe not 'hall the Diaplr . Eye drops removed GRAND JUNCTION. Colo. (AP) -County officials ordered storekeepers herP to r e mpve l iquid eye care products from shelves after two drops from a Visine A.C. bottle containing hydrochloric acid burned a man's eyes and sent hJm reeling to the floor in pain. ''It was like getting hit with a hot poker, I hollered gretty loud," said Larry Martin T ingle)'.. a patient being WORLD treated tor depre.,i at the' Vete·rans Admini tlon Hospital, after using eye drops Monday. Aft.er Tinldey was t• ed, police found a second id- laced bottle of Vialne A. ta store in Grand Junction e biggest city on Color 's West.em Slope of the y Mountains. The seals on e bottles htad been broken d they contained a yell . smelly Uqujd. Japan chief to quit TOKYO (AP) -Prime Minister Zenko S uzuki said today he will step down as prime minister next month in a move to unify his ruling party, wh ich has been increasingly divided over his economic policies. Suzuki, 71, announced he would not seek re-election ln November as president of his Liberal Democratic Party, a poet which carries with it the premiership. He had b n assured of re-election, a~ · deci~ion came as a o 1 surpnse. Chief Cabinet Sec~tary Kiichi Miyazawa oted Suzuki as saying the ason for his decision wa that "mounting intern a nd external problems fact the n ation require unif lty within the LOP." Poles continu( strike WARSAW, Poland (AP)- Thouaands of s h i p yard workers shouting "Solidarity ls alive!" struck in Gdansk for a second day to protest the ban on their union and were joined today by thousands more in the nearby Baltic port of Gdynia, wit.nesees said. Western joumallsts, driving out of Gdansk to nearby Elblag to breach a telephone blackout imposed by Communist Poland's martial- law regime, said the Paris STATE Commune shipya in Gdynia had joined wo rs al the V.I. Lenin shipyrd in Gdansk. An estimated 5,000 ~kers could be involved • the Gdansk protest, with "1eral thousand more joinist the strike in Gdyni~the reporten said. They the strike had resumed In ansk at dawn and that !lice backed by water cann had s urrounded the ant shipbuilding complex. I 0th crash victim dies HANFORD (AP) -An Avenal girl became the 10th victim of a tragic crash between her church's achoo} van and a truck when she died of head and internal injuries w ithout regaining coNCiousness. The other nine victims, including eight children , died instantly Friday when the truck driver veered lnto the van while trying to avoid a car stalled in his lane Lemoore in Cen California. I Terry McGee, 15, di~late Monday al Sacred H rt HO(Jpital in Hanford. She as the last person he»pita with accident injuries. truck d river, Tony L Castro, 20, of Fullerton released Mond ay a treatment for knee in· State smog program OK LOS ANGELES (AP) - California stood to gain millions of previously withheld federal d ollars today with a report that the Environmental Pfotectlon Agency has approved the state's auto smog Inspection T."'i.o. Angeles Herald Ex.amlner said the EPA WU ex p eeled to m a k e h e announcement today in a Angeles news conference. Gov. F.cimund Brow Jr. hu ligned • bW palled b the stat~ Legislature requ g blelU)ial inlpectJon of y C.Ufqmia vehicles to s ure they meet fed erru.iona standards. 8~ DOUG WILLI& .,,............, LOS AN Gl:t.IS -An _..,,...Y9 Pete WUlon ..,.. Into EClinued Brown Jr,'• reoard • 1overnor Monday nipt wht)le B row n denounced ••the dlaaatto\d tc0n0mlc poUdet" of President Reagan In the final debate between the U.S. Senaw. candidate.. In contrMt to laft week'• polite exchanp on forei.n· Policy. the one-hour ... ,ton on dome1tlc l11ues, broadcut 1tetewlde on radio, took a nMUer \One. with Brown preaatnc Wilton for the detaU. of a peftottal tax bntak and Willon anapptng back a reply and deri1lvely callin(I Brown "brother.'' ln a cloain& apeech remlnbcent of Rea&an's attack on Pl"Mldent Jimmy Carter ln thelr· lut lteo debate, WU.On, the RepublJcan mayor of San Diego, asked, "la NB victim of theft sets reward A Newport Beach ma n is offering a $10,000 reward for Information leading to the arrest 3nd conviction of the thief who stole $70,000 in jewelry during a burglary at his Big Can yon home. Tom Evans. 55, said IOl'neOne slipped into the exduaive pied community and mnashed a g1MI door leading to his bedroo11J whlle he and h is wife were out to dinner between 6:45 and 8 p.m. Taken in the heist were about 50 to 60 pieces of gold and diamond-studded jewelry valued at about $70,000. None of lt was insured. "I don 't care if I get the Jewelry bac k," said Evans. "Maybe somebody knows the guy who d id it a nd want• $10,000. The couple were getting ready to go to Palm Springs and had left the valuablea out. Evans aaid. lronically, Evuw recenlly came out of reUrement to at.art a aiety depoait box oompany ln Newport Beach. Anyone with any informaUon can w rite United Safe °'9poslt Co .. 201 San J<>11quln HiU. lmd, Newport Beach. Huntington teen killed in smashup An 18-year-old Hun~ngton Beach motorist was killed and three of bia paasenger\I were Injured in a weekend automobile accident in Huntington Beach, police said. Police uld Richard A . Katchadoorian, of 10071 Cutty . Sark Drive, waa 1e>uthbound on Magnolia Street near Ellsworth Drive when h is auto struck a legally parked dump truck at 11:05 p.m. Saturday. The driver of the auto wu pronounced dead at the acene. One p auenge r , Karl Ann Schneck:Mr. 22. of 808 California St., Huntlnaton Beach, was ln critical condition today at Fountain Valley Community Hospital. suffering from leWTe head injuries. Two other ~· Terfta He11, 19, and a 18-,.r-old boy whoee name was withheld, both residentl of Huntiflllolf Beach, received minor lnJUrl• In the acdcjent. poUce aald. • A wi~ told poUce the auto WU d.rtvinC with ftl headtiCh• oU, but the cau. ot the milbap t. sUU under tnv.Updon, polk9 said. .,,. Listening ••• 842"8088 What do you like a the Daily Pilot1 What doa't you tt•! Call the number at left and your mei• p will be recarcW. tran8Crlbed and delivered to the appropriate editor. \ The ume 24·hour a nawertns Hnlce may be uted to l'ftCJl'd Mt· ten to the editor on any top6e. Mailbox contributon mutt lnelude their name and telephone number for veriflcatlo9. No clreul1Uola calla. please. Tell us what's on your mlnd. n.n..P.H.e., ,......_ Olld 0.. E~ Offlcef --A-' &K111..-!.ar California better otf today thon ll WH •ltht yun aao?" and blamed Brown for the 1ta.te's probMIM . Wlleon uld the Democratic 1overnor more than doubled M\e lpendlnl, "llCrilk'f!d bu3il' tducation to pump wellart•," buckJc!d popular opinion on luuc'I Uke the death penalty, let "the mldfJy go ber1erk," Mnd "told CalJfornJa to run ltaelf whllu he ran o U to run for prcitldcnt twlce.1' Brown sniped al Wilson on familiar themes, including the mayor's propotal to let people under 45 wilhdraw from the Social Security system. But the aovernor reserved some of his 1harpest attacks f o r Reqanomlcs. State votCrs will decide in this election ''whether or not to ratify the disastrous economic policies Stumping in Texas of tht• lust two yeunt" whk h huve~ "put f1.•ar ond anxloty Into the hearts of milllona 1md mllllona of CJallfornhuu," Brown lll&id. H1.• blamed rlalnfi ft.·d••rul dc.'Ciclta nnd unl'mploym<•rit on ti sh l money. "cxccsai vc•" tax breaks and Rl'agan '• milltury buildup. Wilson replied that vott'rs 11hou ld support "the kind o f courage, thu klnc.J of realis m that we havt' seen In recent months." He said the re<..>cli8lon wus "a consequence·, not of the lo.11t 20 months. but or the lruit 20 ycani .. an o rgy o f f e d e ral spending." But tht.> mayor latc:r disagre<..od with a Reagan administration proposal to trim unemployment benefits for a number of stat.cs, ancludtng California, and said the admlnuitralion "has perhaps been optimiHtit:" about how long the n .. >c:ession would last. Brown re1ponded to Wlllon'it •ttaeka by defttndlnti t)ia reQOrd 81 aovernor. ., "l'm proud of the lut e~t yean," Brown said. "I eee It • a rt"COrd of Innovation and a record of flghtlnti." H e cited mulllbilllon -dc>\llt Income tax cuts and the PMilae of new aentenclng laws that''m aendlng 19,000 people a yeai to prison, more than double the f,ate when he to0k offlce. " Per haps the most heated exchange of the evening ,wu on the topic of the lnvC9tment ~ 1068 ohllmed by Wilton when he paid no federal Income ta~!~ . 1980 on an income of more uum $70,000. · Brown t wice asked WillOn for d e tails of a l oa n to h ia p a rtne rship for a project to convert manure to fuel -Who had made It, what w as ~e collateral. President Reagan waves lo the media m eeting him al Dallas-Fort Worth Airport on it short stop t6 aid the campaign of Congre sman Jim Collins (right ), who i running for a Senate seat. AirCal pilots may OK pay cul AirCal pilots. one of the last employees' groups at the airline still undecided on the company's request for a 12 percent pay cut. hu taken a step toward such an agreement. Negotiators for the airline's 250-m emper pilot 's unio}n accepted the pay cut in prindp e over the weekend, but they have yet to iron out other details of the a,..eement in order to present It to all the pilots for a vote. U the pilots accept the aJrUne's propoaal there still would be two CMc:k through your Jew.try bo•. trunk and .. rety depollt bolt '°' thet old p'9ce of jewelry IMtt ~ MY9t ..., beceuee the del9' no lof9W ~to~ or you feel It le dated end Wlllttrecthle, Now le the time to "' " freehly mount.S In • ,,.. ptec. Of leWflty that you wtll enfOY. It's reelly INMlfnCI how ~ old Monee CM come to llfe ... a .,.. Mttlna. • ff you .,. the creative.: OOIM In and..._,..~ with ua •net we wlll tranllate them Into • •ketch that our ......, oen UM • • btl.e prtnt t6r yGI# df'Mm ring, nedli.oe Of ='-'=' = .. ~-=::: rour ""' ~ .. oan ovetom ....,. lull-.. rou need to -II• a .-... hOffte for thOM = ... llOf'9 ... .,. l'llCldefl Md "°' Mtnt enjoyed .... MIMI.._= ..... ~'°--­,._., .... OOWteln -.... ,,..,. fNI ..,.. VW'lety •f ready-Made .. rnn91 juet ...... for ... lddlloft Of yGI# E:::I' .. -:¥. ": ............ .. ...... ,.... "' ... , .. ," .... ......... ............ ,., .. ........ ,., ..., In ..... _,, ..................... ""' Mi11Ut " .,. etterlnt s tumb ling bl ol·k s to th e acceptance b y all employees sought by AirCal management. One ls a 25-member clerks unit which has not yet considered the plan and the other as the nearly 600-mcm~r mechanics and ramp service union, which narrowly re jected the plan but may reconside r if all other unions accept the proposal. Pilot Tony Torr, a spokesman for the negotiatlng team, said the team agreed to the cut because "Ai is a strong carrier with @ ·&EM WISE outstanding potential for f growth. "Thi.a action Is being taket insure that AirCal malnta.inJ competitive position in Calif • and the West," Torr said. IQ9Clal valuee In t4K mountint' ror cMemond• up to v. f*'at In t ring sao. • pendant 125. 9n4 pierced .. llud• l40. There .,. ~abte bergalM In .....,. rw lllrger etonee too. • ,. We are mllklng theee ..,.CW prioae at ... time to a you to get tf* wort! dof'9 t>efMe ""' ruett of Chrtet Ofder• that ftll our wort!"'-' With that tho"J.!t In fftlnd ~l°::i:f'.,. rn'::~ f8"'llV oem• . . . mec1e .,.. welcome and appreolata beeeuM of thetr eentlMen IOUfOe, "9wortelng .... .....,, tMlty a .,.. .., to ... --to your a1 r e1dy valualtle ~-••• and jllll IO] ~ .. know ...... 1n1e--. .... do a "" ...,, ..... Oft ~ .......... ... 0¥9' 1100 • Doe'I put It oft "'J ........ " ...... '° ....... .... ~-""°"' ll you fiaven't entered ~ "Gem Wll9" ....... '°"" ... ..... off ...... n.~-worth ...... and .. ... on the 11t el Neuan ... . ''" .'*' ....... .., ""'~~ ...... .. HARLES H. BARR ~ • ... tor~.. 9 l*d ..... ,.. .. , •• .... ..... a ...... oon ... atte• ,,_... ---.-----··· Ofttr OM te .............. ........ Orang• CoHt DAILY PILOT/Tundav. Oo1ober 12, 1812 ATTEMPT TO BRIDGE 1"HE DEVELOPMENT GAP. HA VE T GONE FAR ... From Page A1 on<'\• Wai hkt.• amd how 1md wht<n or t>Vt'fl 1f ll chungt.-d do not jlbt• One migtt.wondur U'ft•n If u brother and 'liis own 1Jh1U•r art' nt 11 uch odds over tht• is11 ut.• of growth, how 1s an entire l'ity supposed to get together on 11uch n ticklish nnd political subject? Oldumcrs in Nr wport Beach claim there was a ti me ~n there was relative harmony on where Newport Beach was going ond a free flow of ideas from one side to another. It was a time. or MJ the stor y g<X'S, when a builder would walk his development plans down to a harbor-front bar and share his thoughts with his friends and his enemies. Thro ugh thi s pr ocess, disagreements and objections would be worked out over a few beers rather than in front of a pocked council chamber. If a new building was going to be erected , eve ryone in town who cared about it, knew about It a nd hkely had been given an opportunity to pore over the blueprints and make suggestions. even t.'Orrections. Or at least that's the way some people remember it. Fi cker c lai m s the Irv ine Compa n y, when it was s till owned by ttw plo1wer fomlly, would "11h op" lta dovolopmont 11Cht1me. lll'OUl)(.I tht! city "l 'o ai~t t o look 111 tht•m , l!lnn lOne t•I&.• would look nt thum It didn't matt.er that w1"' wcrt•n't really ronnt.'Ch..-d with \he plan», w Q'd g e t to look nt th l·m unyway." lf there really ever was 1tuch a . team spirit, 1l's now gone. Some suggest it died when the city developed its own version of a tw o part y system -the growthers and the no-growthers. Cooperation was re placed by suspicion. . Attempts to bridge the gap have not gone very far. An Irvine Company e~ecutive claims that not long ago, two members of Stop Polluting Our Newport -SPON -were ushered into the office of the firm's president. The Idea behind the meeting was that the two sidl'S should reach a peace, work together and develop a list of reaSOl'!able objectives. After a couple or minutes of idle talk, an Irvine Company offit ia l asked the two SPON members what they would like to see in Newport Beach. S ilence. "Well, I'm not really sure," one ··SM Ficker of tbe SPON m e mbe r s reportedly said. "I guess we s ho uld d o s ome thine about views." While the authenticity of the story is subject to some doubt, the fact remains that this IB how the Irvine Company perceived this single effort at bridging the gap. The Irvine Company , a nd other devc lo~e rs, are firml y ' l'Onvlnl'l'<i lhut c;PQN 11 aaiuln.l c v ury thlni and In Cuvo r o f nothh'i· The f lgh t ovur a1ro wth In Newport Beach now 1uu1 11Citled on a dusty, bru11h ·covcred und rugged pll~'t: of land on thu wet1t outaklrt.8 ut the city. Thia is tho Banning Rtanch. It la h ere that dovclopcr William Banning wanta to build homt.'8, otfk'C8 and an industrial complex on a 75 -ac re c orne r o f his :wo.acre 11pread. The city counci l approved the plan after much discussion and many modifications. But the propost."'<i development, like the effort to expansion Newport Center, was hit by a referendum, led, in part, by SPON. The Cate of the project will be decided by voters Nov. 2. But the election day contest has been turned into much more than just a n o th e r s poi b e tw e en a d e ve lope r a nd some o f his detractors. lt is being b1JJed as the final showdown betwt.>en the growth and no-~r.pwth advocates, the granddaddy of them all. Mayor Jackie Heather, seeking re-election on the same ballot, says s he's w illing to le t the outcomt: of the ele<·tion dictate 80LUC ay the city will go m the t that seems aC e mpty pr se. Both sides already have th, {>Olsoned darts ready should th wind up on the losing end. the de velopment is s hot d n. those who favored it will c 1m that S PON a nd it s s por14?rs misled the citizens or por\ Heach by exaggerating the prujl ·t'11 1mpuct.11, SPO~. If It tunu t>Ut to be thCJ loser, will accut l' th~ arowth •dvocalc>• of rnttnlpulatrna the public throush th • uac of pollth:ul <·on11ultanta1 and a bl1C- dollar advertising budget. It's JUlt that prt.'<llct.ablc. "You'IJ never get the two 11ldet1 togethe r," prcdktai Suo Ficker. ''We'll always bl' adveraarles. You'd have better luck finding peat-e In the Middle ~t." There Is some truth to thi11. • The tug-of-war over growth In Newport Beach frequently Is Jess a r e &c t io n t o a specific devcldl>ment 11Chcme than JUSt a knee-jerk rcsponiK! lo the ''other 11lde." During the days that the Newport Cent.er expansion plan and th e Banning R a nch • d e v e lo pme nt w e re be ing • c.'Onsidcrc.'CI, the opposition came up with Its own plans -what it • , wanted to see happen on the ~l land. • • While the Irvine Company w a nt e d , t o g o h e a vy o n constructing offit.'es, SP.ON's plan called low-density resitienlial. And while developer Bahning was r equesting high-de nsity residential and office building. ' (See BANNING. Page AS) COUPLES i i Enter today at any 1st Nationwide Savings Ofli Now ... New York, Florida and California are closer together than ever before. Now .. America is linked by the 1st Nationwide Savings' network, offering so many money-saving, money-making services. Whether you're in New York, Florida or California -for business. pleasure or retirement-your money is where you are. Over 1401st Nationwide Savings offices give you a Network Fly Eastern Airlines to New York! Exciting New York-the "'Big Apple"-is ~ ~--~ of financial services and con~rtnce coast-to-coast-to-coast. To dramatize this point, walvejoined with Eastern Airlines and Sheraton Hotels-who also offer you ~stfo-coast-to-coast convenience and service- il'r bringing you this exciting bpPortunity to win a glorious vacation for two. Be sure to enter right away! Fly~ ern Airlines to orida! waiting for you! And the best way to get thereisonEastern.America's ~EASTERN Favorite Way To Fly' You 'll like ~ Flor a! ... America's Sunshine Play- gr nd! Eastern flies to more of Flo da than any other airline. And hat a difference Eastern mak s! When it comes to hos tality and great service Eastern·s Trans Con service ~ it elevates coast-to-coast travel to a higher plane. • No wonder for the last three years in a row. more passengers have f I own Eastern than any airline in the free world. What a trip! What a prize! 20 round trips for two! Enter our sweepstakes today! > ~NewYork,Florida and Calif4»~ ~closer than ever to you! Come visit us today! Discover how really close these great states are-when ~trust your savtngs and checkino funds to 1st Nationwide Saving• with over s 7 Biiiion in assets. Our network of financial eervlcee ls the big difference at 1st Nationwide Savings! 0 • • ,. tr yno ...... , J.o .., - East n·s Trans Con can't be beat. u'll love Florida-and you'll Ive Eastern. America's favorit way to fly. Don't miss this wonde I prize! 20 round trips for two! Sig up today at your nearest 1st Natio ide Savings office! o put high-density r es ide ntial and office We t Newport la nd. Opponents want only i . Edi on powe r J>lont circled. WEEK VACATIONS! Orange Co11t DAILY PILOT/Tu .. d1y, October 12, 1982 ,\I BANNING WAITING ... From Page A4 hlJ oppc:mc•n lJI W(lrc• pu11hinK lor low-dcnah y homt'I ond no offh:1• l'On11lrucllon. But lnlll •1uJ of lwlng treated 1111•1'1<.1ui;ly, both alttlrnutlvc JJluns wore dlHm h1t1t.td liHhlly us being lilllu more thun thv w ork or "kook11." At t he s11 m e t ime. t h e o ppostl ion Cul led t o even uc knowl edgc that the City Counci l d id n o t g ive t h e dt•vclopcrs what lhcy askc>d for In both cases, the council 11Caloo down the building projects and heaJX>d on millions or dollari;' worth of conditions such as road lmprovemenlB. The reward the counctl got fo r d oing tha t was criticism from the developer a nd sile nce from the n o-growtl) advocates. Bo th s ides arc ta lking but nobody's listening. The fight, 1t seem s, h as becom e m o r c Important that the issue. There is a side of Newpor t Beach lhat resen ts the fac t that "the secret was let out," that people from L os Ange les or Chicago or New York City ever found out about the town. . There is u sidt' of Newport &al·h that is forever mad t hat "anlanders" floc k to the lx:aches on a warm August day and jam tht> local 11lr0l''-&nd c·rowd th•• ma ny rl'iUlurnnta tn tht• pr()(.'C!tlJ, T he n • 11 o 1 ld u th a l b rhitl<>a ul lhu lc.Jco lhat 1ome bu11lnc.·umon h H purch&1cd a pl~c.· uf proporty ond wool.II to dovelop It and mako m<mey along tlw wuy. T he reaction haa bt'<!n to throw thC! brakes lo ever ything lhat even smells of growth, to batten down the hatcheti tn the hope the storm w ill blow over und the devvlopers will go away .. They're not going to go away. The Irvine Company aay1 It will eventually expand Newpon I' Center. It's ju1t a matter of time, they say. Banning, the o wne r o f the former s heep ra nch who now wants to build homes and oHices on his Land, says development of his property is incvlt.able . His' family has owned the land for three generations. he notes, and 1s walling to wait a while longer to reap its rewards. "I 'm n o t ju s t s om e curpe tbagger who blew into wwn," says Banning. "1 live here too. l hav~ a stake in the plaL-e a n d care a gr eat d ea l abo u t Nt>wport Beach. "Bu t l (.'Ould wa ll if I had to," he.· adds. "I can wait." LS present ... nd Play in Style at Sheraton in New York and Floridal cky couples will be treated to a week's vacation at an exciting Sheraton ·· "~"'c:· • ;.: 'i?~·· ~-~ >rk and Florida. Florida ~ . ,.· -.~] .entre Sheraton Bal Harbour :'.·. ~.: ' I _~ ~_., 1 >heraton Hotel PG.A. Sheraton Resort. W. Palm Beach iQuire Sheraton River House. Miami .?II Hotel Sheraton Ocean Inn, -Riviera Beach . •,-. . ton Hotel Sheraton of Boca Raton e vacation means excitement and activity where you want to be. from : wit.ti golf. tennis, pools and beaches to outstanding hotels in maJor c1t1es try. A Sheraton style vacation is a vacation with a difference. Don t miss 1nce to be treated Sheraton-Style! Enter our sweepstakes today! lmiss. n ' 100 .-asses. Lucky New York winners will enjoy 1ner at one of New York's world-famous restaurants and sightseeing in :ircle Line Tours. a visit to the Intrepid Sea-Air-Space Museum. a trip to the Gift! Sheraton World Cookbook! ~ationwide Savings. Ask about one of our eferred accoun1s or how to get a VISA with b show you our appreciation for your time. ne big, beautiful, colorful Sheraton World ( 300 pages of recipes from North America. Europe and the Far East-offered by the )heraton Hotels throughout the world. while quantities last. , ' ' top of the Empire State Building. New York Experience and Lincoln Center "Take The Tour'.' Florida winners receive free admissions to Lion Country Safari. Everglades Holiday Park Airboat Tour. Miami Seaquarium and Atlantis. world's largest water-theme park! Your VISA Credit Card is subject 10 credit approval Important information about our Sweepstakes ·Prize winners will be selected from entries submitted from 1st Nationwide Savings and Loan Association's 4 Marketing Areas on the following basis' New Yoftl A,_ 8ouChem c.llotnl9 AtM (Loe Angelel) • to Vacations 10 Southern C&hlom11 • 10 Vacations to Flonda • 5 Vact1tion1 10 Northern C&lllornla • 10 Vacation• to New York • 5 V8C811ont IO Florida NortMm ~ Ar9e (Sen Frenci9oo) .. F1otldl Ar9e CMIMIO • 10 Vlctltlons to Flofldl • 10 Vacatlona to ~orttiern C&tilomia • 10 Vlctlltonl to New York • 6 Vtcallons to Southern Celllom1a I • 5 Vacations lo New Yortl A Federal Savings and Loan Association I .. .,. 4e Oran~ Co11t OAILV PILOT/Tue1d1y, October 12, 1982 Henry Vlll's ship salvaged !Or ti princely sum By ANDREW WARSAW ........... ,,... ...... PORTSMOUTH, En6'1and - Olvera and en~lneera{ racing tide• and a 1torm. ra Hd the fraallc hull of the Mary ROie, ffagahlp of King Henry V1I1'11 battle fleet. to the aurfa"ce of the Engllah Channel where It aank 437 years ago. The delicate remains of the '104-foot wooden-hulled Tudor battle1hlp, bei ng rolaed In multlmllllon-doJlar recovery project, broke the surface In a driving rain Monday. Naval guns fired a salute and dozens of pleasure craft tooted their horns amid cheers from the salvage teai:n and the operation's president and chief patro n , Prince Charles. But the salvagers 1Ull faced a ser ious threat as technicians pumped water out of the fragile hull. They raced to secure the warship as a gale raced down the · Channel t~ward the salvage fleet. Sunday were 11Crubbc..>d bccaUJC ot a la111-mlnutc hitch -the buckling of on e of the four tubular ateel lcga of the lifting cradlu. Officials .aid dlvera from the army englneer1 s heared away the buckled acctlon of the 36-Coot lei{ with cutting torches and replaced It with steel cables to take the strain of the lift. The recovery teum, which ha5 been excavating the well· The Mary Rose capsized and sank on July 19, 1545 , preserved hull for 17 years, suct.-eeded Sunday in easing the intact starboard side of ttie 91-gun warship onto the 150-ton cradle 50 feet down o n the seabeq a mile offshore. c4ulvalertt of $6.84 mJlllon for the recovery operation . ' Charil: .. made a 40-mlnute dive A Sunday to take a look at the hull, hla 10th visit to the undenea 1U.e sine.'(' 197~. Charle• spent the n lsht at Broadlonda, h ome o f Lord Ronuey. 3~ milee from here. ao he could be on hand for the r c.'<>nclualon of the hlatorlc aalvaae. ''I want to aee It come out ot the water," he aald. Recovery of the warship cape one of the most amb(tlou1 unde rwater archaeological excavations ever made. Divers have taken 17,000 artJfacta from the Mary Rose, ranging from cannons and l001bows to combs and medieval medical equipment. The wreckage, much o f It preserved in seabed mud, haa · been compared to a Ume capsule contain ing a compre hen1lve picture of 16th century English man and his environment, even down to the lice that infested seamen's hair. The Mary Rose capsized and sank on July 19, 1'545, while King Henry w atched from shore _, Wltepflofo as it sailed out to do battle with "At this tlme of year, with gales. tides and other problems, delay could be disastrous," Prince Charles said after Sunday's hitch. The heir to the British throne is president of the Mary Rose Taust which raised the Once the ~ull is pumped out, it will be towed into Por•.amouth harbor for eventual restoration <1nd display along.side the array of artifacts it yielded over the years After 437 year , the British flagship Mary Rose i rai ed from the ·bo ttom of the English Ch annd. Prince Charles wa o n hand for the big event. fare. -• '!.,~~ ~----I -----I UOUT r AIOllT I AIM I ~ ~J~ft.P.~~ I~~ l~!~!r.~ ~ sino•e servings ot c04e s11w maslleo I brown Kentucky fried Chicken, with I loaded with fifteen pieces of juicy, ~ 0 pataroes ano or1vy ano a roH lour rolls, a lar11e colt slaw. a large aoldtn brown Kentucky fried Chicken. z u 1 mashed potatoes and a medium gravy 1 I L "'• • .. e ?"e•• "'° Ou''"•St Coup0n 0000 L111111 two ofltrl ptr pvrcllast. COVPOll lood 0n,1 •o• co""t ~1 O" ,.,,,, <U•• o•oers l1m11 two oHers per IKl•CllHt Coupen lood OfllJ for combln.ttlon Wllit1/d1rk orders. Cusl~one• o•y\ • •oo •O·f u es ,.. onl7 lor combtnallon wll1te/d1r~ orders Customer pa71 all appllcM!lt Hits tea . Oller expires O~tober 31. 1982 I Customer P•Js all appliuble sales 111 I Ofter expires October 31, 1912 I P11cn m•v •••v •t o••••t•o•tin9 •oc•toon) Offer upires October 31. 1982 ,rices may vary 11 partlclpat1111 1ocat10111. toupo" 9000 on•y "So.ilr>trn I Procu may vary at pat11clp111n1 locatlons. I COUPOft 1ood only 111 Southern Calllornl1 I C• ,1~rn J '""''' rou SH Inf mem Coupon 1ood onl7 111 Southern Callfornla whert you Ht the m1mbenJ1lp IN I of the oers" o su ot ,,,. ~enloK•r """' 1011 see tnt mtmbtt$11tp seal ot lll• Kt11tuc~y r"td Cnlcken Auocl1ll011. I• eo Cnoe•t" Anoc.~1·0" 9 K.ntuc~y rrrtd Cnicktn Auoclatlon. 9 ---• --COUPON -• -----~ntucky Fried Cbick~ Come show us what y.ou've -got cooking Enter the Orange Coast Daily Pilot Favorite Recipe Contest. • .. Look· ·for Fu les • • • on Wednesday, October 13 in the Food Section. the French Cleet. Efforts to raise the wreck Drive Away! Sail Away! Fly Away! Register at any South Coast Plaza Store during 15di Anniversary Sale October 14th-17th for Grand Prizes! • Choice of ISUZU I-Mark Deluxe 5-speed or ISUZU P'up 5-speed truck. • 7-Day ·Hawaiian Cruise for 2, coµrtesy of American Hawaii Cruises. (Airfare not included). • 4 PSA trips-for-two to San Francisco, including lodging at SHERATON Fisherman's Wharf and use of HERTZ Automobile. • Plus two $25 gift certificates courtesy of THE LIV ERY , and many more prizes. SOUTH COAST PLAZA VALET PARKING-all Mall hours: 10·9 weekdays; 10·6 Saturday; 12·5 Sunday BENSQNf& HEDGES IENSON 5 HEDGES JOOll Only 6 mg yet rich enQUgh to be called deluxe. Regular and Menthol. Open a box today. ' \ Warning, The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cig1rttt1 Smok~g Is Dangerous to Your Health .. 8 mo •111r:. 0.6 mg ntCOlllll IY. ""Cl..,..., by FTC ..... l ... Orange Co11t DAILY PILOT/Tu••d•y. Oc1ober 12, 1982 A7 Levi's refund held up over appeal Cranston asks • ' Call legal service DEAR PAT: I need some legal advice, but I besltale to hire a lawyer just to ge.L., some basic advice on an esta te matter. Do any lawyers answer questions free of cha rge? S.P .• Fountain Valley Your bt-1\ bet would be to phorw tlw Orun(l~ County Bar Auociouon'et Lawyer Rt•!Nrol Scrvlct' al 836-8811 w-.'f'kday1 Crom Y a.m. to 6 p.m. LRS will give you thti noml• or a qualified lawyer and can oven makt-tht• appointment for you. When you k~ep an appointment made by the LRS awff, thl' fir l 30 minutt>1 of your consultation are (n'<! of charge. Maybe your problem can ~ ktlled In that time. If not, lt'li up to you to deckfo whether you want to hire the luwycr to do more work for you. Safely rules stressed DEAR PAT: School cblldren walking or rldln1 their bikes to and from 1cbool are aware of traffic safety for a wblle after tbey retun to cla11ea; tben tbey seem to forget. I bave bad several narrow mines white driving very carefully because younpten dart out In front of me or go a ll over tbe street on their bikea. Maybe you could locate some 1tatlstlc1 on bow many youngsters are Injured by cars. Perhaps it would make 1ome of the kl~• realize tha t cars can and do bit them even when drivers ar e doing their best to be cautious. W.H., Costa Mesa 'J'~w <:4llltu1 111u llltehwuy Pull ul lt'JMll'tJI lhf•r<• wt•n • U:J 1 J>l'C.lt•11tr1un!I kt llt'<I und I J,40:i lnj"lrl'd lu11t yeur by autun111bilt•i. Of thut. numbN, o h l~h J)t'l"(l'Olllgl• W{•rt· younu.tertJ under Ul(l' I U. A lci wl uf 1 7~ yuun8 J>t'<.f(-.l1 lanM wt•rf' kllltrd and tl,<t:J:J lllJUrt"I Unll~ pus tt'<J otherw111t•, thl· sµ<·l'd l11m t wlwn pu11s1ng u S(hool whl•rc· l'hllclrt·n un• l'Olt.'rln g or lt•uving is 25 miles pt•r hour This 18 u good llnw Cor purl'nts lo rc•mmd l'hlldrcn of lh(l basic rulc•s for !N.lfoly, such us looking bolh ways lwf urt• t roi;slng strncls, obeying stop Ugh~ and traffic signals, t:rossang only at 1nte rsec·twnx o r t'ross w11lks, not walking unto lht• road from betwet•n or behind parkt•d rurs, and to Cal·e onl·omrng tra Cfic wh~ wJlkrng on the sidt• of the roadway • "Got fl problem? Then write to Pat Horowitz. Pat will cut red tape, • 1 getting the B11Swers and action you need to sol ve inequ i ties in n • government and busin ess. M11if . , yo1,1r questions to Pa_t Horowitz, At Four Servi<Y', Orange Coast Daily Pilot, P.O. Box 1560, Cosw Mesa, CA 92626. As mflily leiters as possible w1JJ be answered, arms summit DBS MOINES, towu (AP) Leaden In C'tmtrol of nuclear weapona have never tried w end tlw nudeur "foll y" and 1hould be ton;·ed through Carnµ David-style t.al'u to find a 11<>luuun t.o thl' 11rms race, suys Sen. Alan Cranston. The summit t•(fort like the one between urael a11d Egypt would h(llp "end thls lolly before It ends us,'' tht• Culiforn1u Democrat told 600 people &t an unti-nuclear meeting Sunday. "Something like the Camp David t.alks are OL'l.'(jcd ," he said. Leaders would be told "we are not gQtng to leave here until we have solved d1ffc rencPs11 just as former President Carter pressured lcadeni of Egypt and Israel In 10 days of summitry several years aso. The t'rowd. gathered tor Peaceday meetings sponsort>d by Peace Links-Women Against Nuclear War, also heard Rep. J ames Leach, R-l owa, say thot the idea of winning a nuclear war ls "the most miS(.·hicvous notion that exb1ts." Crnnston made several Iowa appeara{lces on a lhrc<•-day swing in hopes of sparking support for a presidential bid. He was greeted with enth wlasm when he said LimHlng the arms race cannot be a dist.ant priority. Nuclear war would never be Limited. Cranston says, since leaders who thought they were losing would t>scalat.t.o a war North Mexico econo01y shaky , TIJUANA. Mexico (AP) Prcsidcnl·t•lcct l Miguel de la Madrid says he is aware that Mexic11ns f living near the U.S. border are suffering "the effects of our grave and profound financial crisis." But he is powerless to act before Dec. 1 when he takes office, De la Madrid told 50 government and business executives in Tijuana. The new president of Mexico, 111 ending a weekend visit, was warned a chain reacuon of plant and business closures is Likely unless steps are taken at once. Sixty-eight restaurants, factories and retail stores have gone bankrupt in Baja California in a month. Mexico a nno unc·ed Oct. I tha l borde r businesses may resume dollar tra nsactions, prohibited since the peso d evalua tions and nationalization of private banks. No mechanism has been announn-d for pulling the changes into effect. "I know that the northern border. becauS<' of its proximity to the Umted States. is suffonng the effects o f our grave and pro fo und finanC'i al crisis," De la Madrid told the business leaders. "I am also convinced it ts not possible to rt'SOlve bord~r problems from behind desks in Mcx1l'O City ... where they do not know details nor the day- to-day inconveniences." Madrid promised to establish a w mm1ssion to research economic problems along the border. The businessmen complained that strict limits put on the number of dollars that can be moved acr~ tne border has made it d1fflcull to import materials or pay bills to U.S companies. They said : (\or-Sr•lG-~ ' -~ ~ HANO FINISHED SHIRTS FOR UNCOMl'ROMISEO EXCELLENC ' \ • ' .. ' ~ I • ~~ ' I' I I 'I' :. ; ' I 494-4044 Star r fla nagemenl Sustaining a tidy enviromment when time is yOtl' most valuable commodity BACHELOR-ET£ SERVICES ERRAND SERVICES Hawaii Free Almost. Real Estate lnve•ting Seminar 8 Oays/7 Nights Alm0$1 , In 1h11 CM«. may 1us1 be QOod vnough Good enough 10 wrllt off the entire upen"' of 1he holiday II vou qualify Consuh wrlh you1 we ad\l\Jor lor verlflCAlnon Dtduct1ble De,11n11l10n S.m n11u I• olftr1ng e few remaining 11Ctommodatl0fl1 for their [)(ic 4· 11 . 1982 Hawaii ...... COM~· of R .. J Eet.••• a ... ~HtlAt hmtee• Sen.. An ue111ng opportunity to pertlCIJ>llft In chit compreh.-ntlvt .. rlea. (Onduc11itl t>y Or E F Moody, dtallng with crlllcal cone11rn• of 1odty'• ru l Httle pyofUtloMI ond 1nwt1or/ ~v•lopctr Join u• for ow Sm.1 Introduction PrtMnt•tlOO tt the N.-..iport S.lboii S.villia• Community Room 111 ?PM Oc1o1Hir 14 1982 Coll SM P•nt11llano for funhft dtt•llt 8ACK BAY TRAVEL (1M) 1• 1111 1171 IMll• AYI .. COITA •IA. CA. • A Special Announcem?17t.from the 1nakers Qf T>:l~§.~9£. We want you to replace your TYLENOL capsules with TYLENOL tablets. And we'll help you do it at our' expense. A~ a rc~ult of ~<:l'lll 1ampcnng v. 1th ·1'. I 1 NOi c:ip,ule<, in limlll!d arl'a' 111 1hc cnuntr). the 1m1!..cr' ol, l'YLENOI arc \oluntaril) \\ ithdm\\ 1ng all TYi I "IOI t.:ap~ulc .... Thi' indu<ll'' Rl'gul.Lr Strength .m<l Extra-Strength 1\ 11 "Int cJp,ulc'. C<jf'i 1 1 ~01 cap~ulc' (40\ '"c onl) l anc.J Ma\111111111-Strcngth l\'l ENOI ' Sinu' Mcd1l'.1tion cap~uk,. We an: doing 1hi-.. to hdp pmrcct ) ou .1gain,1 the ri~k of f urthcr cap,uk rampcnng. \\'c '':.int all l'Yt ENO! cap-..ul c ll'-l'"" 10 nov. ll'l' '1\ I 1::.N<>I tahlct~ unlll nev. tampcr-n.:~i,tJnl cap,uk pa1.:bgi11~ j, available. So. if you ha\ c an) 1\ t I M >I cap,uk' 111 ) our home. t.lo one of the foll nv. ing: I. Return the Oc)ttlc' \1.ith lht• unu'l:d portion to u-... together v.-ith your mm1c and a<ll.lrc" 1111 thc f<,nn below. And we'll rcplal..'c )'Our '1\ I I NOi car,ulc' with l'YU-Not 1ahkl"I. free. We'll al,11 rdund )Our po~tage. Or ... 2. Rcrum the unu,cll pc.1rtr11n to )Ollr '1t11\: f11r )Our free replacement of1Y1 1 NOi 1ahkt,. Or ... 3. If you prefer. you can rc1:c1' ca c mh "'''""''tor lhc unw~cd carhulc~ h> -.ending lhr Otlllll' (ll ll'-along with a letter rcquc,ting the refund. We're taking thi' 'rep hct.:uu...c. trn the pti'I 20 year-.. over 100 million American~ have made 1\'L L· NOi producr' a tnNcd part of rhcir health t.:arv. We're conrinuin~ to do cvcrythmg \\C can 10 keep yollr tru~t. r -----------1 I Se1ul w: I I TYLENOL Exchange I P.O. Box 2000 I Mapli Plain. MN 55348 I I Pica.~ end my coupon for f rcc l'\:plu,cmcnt I I tablets to: I P/('(IJC' prl111 I Na~ I I Addrc~ I I City I I State Zip Ne.M•f) I L - -~..!-~~~!!!.."'.!:.. - -.d I I I ~· . Orang• Co••• DAILY PILOT/Tue1d1y. Ootober ia. 1812 Fire disasters raise roof safety question The recent ser ies of fire8, But ~ ... thC! Southland it is a with st ill m ore tragic losses o f very difCbrent story . Whe n the homes a nd person a l property, Santa Anas blow, the humidity is raises once more the wood roof incredibly low and the lire risk dilemma. ; enormous. This is especially true While not a ll th e h omes as webulld closerandcloserto the des troyed last weekend w e re brush-covered foothills, tinder-dry shake-roofed -some indeed were for all but a sh ort period of the mobile homes -television films year. sh owed clearly h o w burning C learly. in the interes t of embers. swept along by the Santa saving lives and property. local Ana winds, could la nd o n a nd c ommunities should look t o ignite almos t any non-fire controls that could help prevent retardant roof structure. these annual catastrophes. By now ·m~ny_ cosnmunities lf a total ban on wood roofs and some counties ~ave placed a does no1 seem w arranted, at least full ban on non-fire r e tardant there should be some guidelines as roofs, usua l~y meaning~ wood to where they can be ins talled shak es or s hingles. Those who with safet y, both for the occupants want the appearance of shake~, a home and for its neighbors. and can afford the extra cost. m ay use pre-treated mate rials. Othe The guidelines could w ell be must settle for tile, rock or asp'h t developed by county or local fire r oofing. not o nly s afer but departments and a specific permit considerably less expensive. required under local building There h as been talk of a state codes for construction of a wood law that would ban wood roofing r oof. Builders a lr ea dy must throughout· California. Given the comply with many loca l health econ omic probl e m s o f the and safe ty m easures, as well as northe rn California lumbe r state building codes. Thb would industry, this would appear to be a reasonable addition to the have small chance of passage. And law . It coula overcome objections ~rhaps, in many cooler, damper to a tota l ba n , while assuring a ateas, it really is not necessary. reasonable degree of fire safety. Econoniic law-at w-ork Remember those pred ictior.s that the price of gasoline would hit $2 a gallon and the n ext episode of gas lines and sh ortages was just around the corner? Few re mem ber the m today. with prices tumbling. s upplies plentiful and retailers fightmg like cats and dogs for customers. Drivers probably can contirl'ue to keep gas prices a nd availability off their lists of things to worry about. Industry observers believe gas costs will continue d ropping for the rest o( 1982. The r eason for the g ood fortune? The law of supply and de mand is working just as the textbooks describe it. Afte r the Iranian revolution o f 1979 , wh e n a c uto ff o f petroleum from that country led to a shortage, panic buying and fren zied price runups. drivers reduced their use of fuel, buying more e fficient automobiles and driving the m more s paringly. That's the demand side. On the s uppl y s ide, th e worldwide recession means less petroleum is needed. The result ~ has been a global oversupply that h as th e once-f ear so m e oi l ministers of the Organization of P e trole um Exporting Countries tossing and turning at night. • OPEC atte mpted productio n c utb ac k s, but t h e days o r $40-a-barrel prices and th e • industrial nations waiting on the sheiks' every move are gone. As a r esult r e fineries are operating at 71 percent capacity, 17 points unde r t h e full -u se figure . Combine the s lack dem a nd and the abundance of supply. and it is easy to understand why . gasoline r e ta ilers are cutting prices. All o f this d oesn 't m ean gasoline won't become a problem ag ain sometime down the road. Anyone who has been following the news this year realizes that wars began easily in the Middle · Eas trso urce of muc h of the industrialized West's oil. A blowup c los ing the Persian Gulf chokepoint could bring back gas lines and price increases in short orde r. We've been lucky this year . Oil has continued flo wing into Gulf su~rta nkers. despite Ira n a nd Iraq ~ounding each other silly. and despite the Lebanon crisis. But for now. drivers need not worry about how faraway hat.reds will affect their gas tanks. Prices are down and will continue in that direction in the near future. And we hope motorists will continue to practice the conservation that h e lped bring about falling gas prices. Opinions expressed in the space abOve are those of the Dally Piiot. Otner views ex· pressed on this page are those of their authors and artists. Reader comment Is invit· • ed. Address The Daily Pilot, P.O. Box 1560, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. Phone (71') 642·4321 . Talking junk mail next? • An edit.orial from the FuUert.on Daily News Tribune It ls the duty of a newspaper to warn readera of coming threats to . their peace and well being, and so today's subject ia machines that talk. Thanks t.o the tiny computer chip, they already are here: pocke t calculaton that announce result.a and alarm clocks that call out the time. Soon the clocks will be lmproved and, ln a faint Japaneee accent, wUJ order you to get up and go to work. Detroit plan.a to put microcomputers on new cars to monitor their operaUons and report to drivers. In a few yean one wUl turn the Ignition key and hear a monologue like thla: "Buckle up. Check the oil in 200 miles. Don't drive 10 faat. Watch out for that van." · A.mazing. The geniwiet of two great lnduttries, automotive and electronics, join forcea and succeed only in replicating the mother-in-law. TM IJ'"llnl c.rd people att even ahe1d of Detroit. Long content to offer the finest of d<>aettl to mark holidays and expc91 eentiment, they now have the talk.lna sreeuna card. Th• flret on ttle market l• a auutrnat card which, wbeon opened, plaYf .. Silent Nllbt" and ''J'e WI.th ORANGE COAST , Daily Pilat OTHER VIEWS You a Merry Christmas.•• The American Greeting Corp. ii readying 12 electronic cards for sale, ranaing Crom vendons of "Happy Birthday" t.o "Let Me Call You Sweetheart." So far talkina carda are expensive, around $6 each, but mua production will bring the price down sharply. And then we will face the ultimate horror -talking junk mall. Many now are annoyed by a mailbox full of unwanted adverti9ement.a, but at leut they don't have to read them. Junk mall that tallu will be a far blger pain. It wlU try to lelJ yoll a aold-plated key rtna or a recreation lot on the Falkl.nd Ialanda the minute you open the letter. Senalble people will throw the noisy lntru1lona on the floor and at.amp on them, and podlat.rtat.a will proeper. 11\er-e, for what lt ii worth, ii \he bleak future. Thole who worry that mankind wW dllappear ln a nuclar war CM relax. The fat.e of humans ii to be nattered out of exlttence by m11ehtnee. ·"'-'-'·....., ~~ Jene~ faecV!..,. t dllcW ............... fdllortOI ,. ,_ ,.......~ .. ~I-- 1 ' Soviet-Israeli pact feared WASHINGTON -Menachem Begin has displayed certain peculiarities that tend to raise the hair on the back of President Reagan's neck. Sources close to the president say he harbors a deep uncertainty about Begin's judgment and a fear of his adventurism. The replacement of Begin as prime minister of lsraeJ. Reagan feels, would remove an incendiary from the midst of the powderkegs. A more moder ate Israeli government might enable the bitter adversaries In the Middle F.ast to muddle through without Armageddon. BUT THE PRESIDENT would Like to effectuate a change in Israel's leadership without jarring Begin's sensibilities. The National Security Council has been secretly discussing the prospects of Begin's removal. But Reagan carefully reassured the embattled [sraeli leader last week tha t Was hington has no intention or meddling in Israel's internal politics. For Reagan is worried how Begin might react. For one thing, the Soviets are casting flirtatious glances In Begin's direction. A possible Soviet-Israeli rapprochement has been dtscussed at the highest levels in Moscow and JerusaJem. Evidence of this Is c ited in C IA and S tate Department documents shown to my associate Dale Van Atta. These documents are classified so far above top-secret that even the codl' names used to classify th<:m arc top- secret. This usually indicates a nl-ed to prote<:t U.S. spies who haw ix:netratc.:d to the innermost circles of foreign governments. The documents indicate that Israel has been playing coy since about 1970, when ~-G. JACI AIDlllDI ~ the Soviet s firs t began making overtures .The subject of re ne wed diplomatic rdations has been brought up intermittently a t secret meNings ever since. While Israel has remained "deeply suspicious of Soviet pqlicy toward the Middle East." an ultra-secret documl'nt reports, .. Israeli leaders have made 1t clear they would be nx:eptivc> to a Soviet overture to resume official tics .. Indeed. Tel Aviv probes regularly for signs that Moscow may bt• co nsidering sign ificant shifts in policy toward Israel." Another CIA wport. wh1l·h also has an exotic classification stamp. st.a tes that the "number of Soviet officidls in Moscow (who) favor relations with Israel (has been) growing ... The argument of tht.'S(:' Soviet oHicials 1s that .. the abscnt.-e of Sovie t-Israeli d1plomat1t• ties favors Washington's Middle East policy," the CIA explains. T he re's a lso a do m estic r eason : .. Mos<:ow bt.'11eves an Israeli cmbas.sy in Moscow would weaken protests by S oviet Jewish dissid~nts. si nce the Kremlin views such protests largely as the result of unhapp1ness#with Soviet poh<.:y toward Israel." A KEY SOVIET di plomat ont·e told U.S. officials in l'tm fid f.'nCC' that he had been assigned to Israel. a CIA report notes. adding: .. From time to time. other Soviet offll·1als have said that the USSR has earmark<.od personnel fo r service in Tl'I A111v:· The Kremlin 1s populated with cold pragmatists who are feeling som e d 1scomf1turt.• ovC'r th e p itiful performance of their Syrian clie nt agai:ist th<• lsral'hs in Lebanon. Thl' Synans blame the poor showing on Lhe1r S0v1t.'t ·madl.' w<.•a pons. the Russians contend that the Synan soldiers and pilots were at fault This controversy h;.i<, stirred anew Sov1N mu•rest in renewing Its cont.acts with l-.rac>l For their part. some Israeli leader~ welcome the idt'a of rt'Stonng ties with Moscow . They St'<.' at as a chance to show their indepcndcm-c of the United States and eventu a ll y t o play o ff o n e superpower agai nst the other to Israel's advantage Chief among these Israeli leaders is Foreign Minister Yitzhak S hamir Senate's version of 'ghost voting' While Ralph Morrell. the Dixon crusader. has bet'n firing oH barrages at lhc Cahforma Asst>mbly for its dece1ttul ghost voting and vote switching practi<.-t.1 and, in fact. was successful in bringing enough public pressure on that howie lo compel a rule change purporte dly banning ghos t voting (which 1t hasn't), the august Senate h as been merril y sailing along with its own version of ghost voling. Not having an electrical vote recording machine to enable obliging members in attendance to press the vote buttons of absent members, the Scnat.e has resorted to "substitute .. roll calls. This is the practice of taking a roll call which has been ret.'Orded when all or nearly all of the Senators are present and using it to pass subseque nt items on the daily calendar in lieu of a roll call on the specific legislation before them. THIS PRACTI CE conve ni e ntly enables a handful of Senators to adopt legisla t ion even though the legally required quorum of members are not present. · The lawmakers JUStify this practice by explalning that members are called off of the floor to attend committee meetings and take care of other l eg islative business. But substitute roll calls are just as deceitful 8S ghost voting ThC'y present to the public " rt't.'Ord that 1s not true for they show members to be prcs(.>nt and voling on bills they have n('vcr st>en let alone heard debated So the substitute roll ca ll'i rs at best a bad pra<:tkc and possibly an illl'lo(al one flll WITlll at anytime. But in the hec-t1r closing days o f a legis la tive session its use 1s outrageous. For bills which have bet'n quickly amended in the rw1h of the £inal hours are being madly passed without most of the members having ever seen the amendments. And using substitute rolJ calls they are not even present when the bills are passed. Yet. because they are passed in those final days there is no opportunity for anyone to demand reconsideration 1f It Is disrovered that the amendments have made the bill objectionable. Their feeble excuse that the substitute roll calls are necessary because members have to attend committee meetings ts at best an admismon that the Legislature ls In disorder and unable to schedule its busant>SS in an organized manner At tlw worst it is JUSt plain bull. 1 1''or the fact 1s that the solons are not in s<.•ssion t>vcry day lespite calling themselves a .. full-ume Legislature" The off days art' supposed to be the days lor c.'Omm1ttee hf.'arings and there is ·no leg1umate excUS(' for the solons to create conflicts between committee hearings and the full sessions. IT MAY BE surprising to today·s legislators to learn, sint-e most have been elected subsequent to the change from a .. ('i tmm .. Legislature to the so-called full -lime Legislature, thal In the former days lhl' lawmakers were scrupulously m attendanl·t• at all Sl'SSions Thas even thoug h they o nly had a few short months m which to do their work before final adjournmt>r1t. C.Ommittee meetings W<'re held at night while th<' 'Sessions wc•re held during the day. The connictl lx'twren th<' two didn't exist. Tht• d1fft:.orcn~ 1s in the desire to carry out thl'ir respon!ubi llties to those who <.•lectcd them to offi(.'(>. Obviously that has lx'romc less important lo the modem legislators who view lheir public trust u a means to make themselves a good living. As old J.P. Morgan once said, .. Tht> public be damned." Tourists pay a price for being AmericaQ some friends of mine returned from a vacation In the Caribbean laat winter and complained about how expensive It was -the k'COl'nmodations, the food . and oil the lncidental1. t t.old them It remlnded me of an old story I once heard about the Ume Kini( ~ IY-1-11-Y 1-41-111-...... Jt>. Oeor•• J WH takln1 • journey to Hanover. On the way, he 1top~ at a villaae ln Holland for a lhor( rett. While fresh horws were beln1 l'ffdl~, the 1Un1 uked for two or three ecp. The c:hafae on hil bill WM 200 f1oriN, a t.rUI)' OUtrapoul tum. He protn\ed mildly whUe p1ytn1. with the words, "~ mwt be ltWCe around thl1 place. Tbe innkeeper llnlled, "Pardon, *-• !9 arw pa.ndful ~-·t·~-, ............ 'nw pra A.nmlcenl pay abroect II llw prim for ...... Ml Amsioan. We hllw been known IO lalll Mid• Widely• \lw rtd...a ,..... an liilrdl thM h would bl ablurd IO IUppal9 tlwt other ....,... would not want lo t.3ke advantage of our affluence. Their attitude Is not entirely a matll'r of envy or greed. but often a reaction that Is conditioned by our own attitude in foreign countries. which la a curloua combination of pity and contempt for native values and 11t.andards. Nor has it ch•nged rn~h in recent ye•rt, despite the growth of overseas travel. From Mexico City to Rome, I have aat In retataurant.a or cafes and teen Americans peel off a roll of biU. ~fore a waiter, ask.Ing 'neolently. ''How much Is that In re•/ money?" when presented with a tab In pelOll or llre or any cheaper currency than ourt. NOW WORLD t'COnomllt.a tell \.I.I that the dlltribuUon of wealth la btllnnJng to 1hlft, anct the U.S. ma.y cm~r the 2lal century .. a dimJnl.thed financial pawer. Japan. and Ch• Common Marktt ln ~. and Che OPEC naUON may very well b.1U.,,..mc UI In prod~tMty and eventually in per wpha ll'K'Ome. Thia may not t. entlrwly a bed thlna tor u1, 1ocl1lly, 1plrhually and emoaana11,. However lt may pinch • little economically A1 a rich uncl• amons "°"n....-. we haw been l6c>n rllplCW thin lawd, and we lilnd to b9 • puulcd and hurl at o u r lack of international popularity. But in every century. the domlnat1t nation has been regarded with the same combination of dooaJn and admiration. We may ~ forced t.o look Inward now, and examine our values. rather than outward and count our aaeet.a. Thia may or may not improve our mora11: it I.I bound to Improve our public rnanMrt. Seoem1 to me tM e....-wly "!JtJclaul'1 1oclety encouraaed by our 1Jut o lawyen It IQcrea1ln1 the coat o Am.rlcan produc'9 and makinl I lmpoulble to compete In the wor market. Orang• CoHt DAILY PILOT/Tue1aay, October 12, 1N2 At •HOROSCOPE •ERMA BOMBECK Love doesn't have to be· painful at ag~ 60 DEAR ANN LANDERS : I have ll delicate problem and wll understand If yuu can't publish my letter. But do try, because there must be thouaanda\ of women with the same problem who can't bring themselves to diaicuss It. t am referring to puinful intercourse. I am 60, In good health, had a hylfteteetomy at ~O and was hatpily married for 30 years. When my husband died was sure I could never be interated in another man, but I was wrong. A year ago I met someone very special. Intimacies began a few months later. I love the feeUni of cloeeneea again and "X" is a wonderful lover. He enjoys me thoroughly, a~d I pretend I am havillg the lime of my life. Actually, I can't wait until it's over because the pain la awful. l never had this experience with my husband and wonder if the dlscomfort may be psychological -caused by guilt -or is Mother Nature telling me I am -OVE~ THE HILL lN EVANSTON? •... ,, By PHIL INTEALANOI of Laguna.Beach llOIOSCOPE. BY SIDNEY OMARA Virgo asked • to revise Wednesday, October 13 ARIES (March ·21-April 19): Individual in position of authority who once turned you down will now actively bid for your services. Accent on achievement, production, responsibility and a special relationshlp involving member of opposite sex. _______ TAURUS (April 2Q-May 20): You beat the odds. Your selections ring bell of accuracy. Emphasis on speculation, variety, romance and conclusion of significant transac;JJon. Aries individual will prove to be a secret ally. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): New approach aids in breakJng through maze of red tape. Maintain independent, confident stance -stand tall and act as if you have numerous allies. Member of opposite ex seeks your counsel, wants to begin a serious relalionshjp. CANCER (June 21-July 22): Follow through on hunch; individual who aided in past will return to ecene. Ideas are plentiful. key is to be selective. Relative makes request and you should attempt to fulfill it. Leo plays important role. LEO (July 23-Auc. 22): Valid investment offer dominates scenario. Draw line between enthusiasm and wlllin_.gneas to be exploited. Check legal loopholes. be aware of rights, permislions. You'll locate article that had been lost, missing or stolen. VIRGO (AUC-23-Sept. 22): You'll be asked to revise, test, revle.w and possibly renegotiate agreement. Cycle ill high, your Judgment. intuition are likely to be on target. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): You dl9cover hidden values. You meet fascinating individual by attendina clandestine meeting. Be analytical, 1eek motives, take nothing for granted and be aure a1reementa are in writing. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): What had been fierce oppotitlon will n ow represent a step- pingstone to progress. You win major point, powua of penwation are emphasbed. What begins • a mild friendship ·could be transformed Into a romantic Uuon. SAGl'M'ARlUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Orden from top are subject to change. Know It, have alternatives at hand and be ready 1o present your own concepta. Key Is to perfect techniques, to streamline procedures and to 11eparate fact from WUlion. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22.Jan. 19): Focus on comwnunlcaUon' education, lone-range plant and &he t1tabllahment of J><*lble oveneu contacts. Abstnct principles come into foc:w and can be dealt with in a realiallc manner. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20·Feb. 18); Withdraw funds from proJect whme IJ)Ok•penon provides double- talk tat&er than f 1ctual data. Protect Hae\1, perceive potential, dl1 beneath superficial indimtiona. Refu.e co be coen.d into commlttlnc time, ener1y and money to 1omethln1 v e ry Mbuloul. . T.•-...i. :IO): -"""' -I ,,,.....,. llMfl« II I. Oul.Unf JOU' OWft future, • --lnde ' oda.Ut1 eDd ........ to ..,._.a Diojlct. You'll betw mon aware of lepl ramlf6ca&lon•. lncludln1 1,.clal rt1ht., ,..r~n. ,, DEA{\ EVANSTON: At IO? Wbat a.m? l'I only a m08d, dear. he a 1YHeolo1l1t tad make 11re ever)'~1DI la au• de,artmea& l1 OK. Dr. Geor1e M . Ryan, an oblletrlclan· 1y1ecolo1lst In Mempbl1, 1ay1 &be discomfort may be due to an 11tro1ea deficiency tbat cau1e1 dryla1-oat t• tut area. Tills 11 1or111al for women your a1e. Dr. Ryan we11 on to uy your aaeee&o1l1a Will probably prHcrlbe ettro1en pllll ilMI a va1lnaJ cream Uaat comet wlda u applJcator. He l1Hed oae caveat, bowever, tbat doe1 NOT apply lo you becHH you've llaad • lly1terec tomy: A v~ry 1ll1bt risk of endometrlal cancer may be present among women wbo take estrogen. U goes witbout 11yln1 tbat a woman wbo bas bad cancer 1bould not take eatro1en In any form. (Ditto for pregnant women.) Or. Ryan pointed out that etlro1en reducea the discomfort of bot flubea ID p01tmeaopau11l females and 1trengtben1 the bone. tht laave a tead .. cy 10 become brittle al Ult body'• natural Hpply of Htrogeo dlml1l1tiea wltb aae. An overwbelmln1 11mber of doctort now believe the benefits of euro1ea beavlly outwei1b tbe risks. DEAR ANN LANDERS: Will you please tell me how to keep those all-important lines of ,communlcaUon open when a teen-agcr's eye> are hidden behind mirrored shades and, her ears are plugged Into a headset almost every waking moment? These appliances were purchased with said teen-agt•r's own money The feeling of beln" totally blockl•d o ut drives me crazy. 1 Ot:t>d some guidance" JAMMED CHANNELS IN LONG ISLAND DEAR JAMMED: Tlaose all-lmportaDt lines of communication bave been 1but dow1. N0Uala1 It 1etU01 tllr1111t. Behlad tile 1b•de1 are frtibteaed, l11ee.re eyes. Tbo1e ean ar, planed because 1be doesn't wa.nt to laear wllaat you laave 10 aay. You laave a bo1tlle, rebelllolH dau1bter oa your bands. Tiiie belp of a profeulonal countelor 11 clearly ladlcated. (And welcome to tbe club.) Do you feel awkward, self-conscious lonely? Welcome to the club. There's help for you in Ann Landers' booklet, "The Key to Popularity." Send 50 cents with your request and a Jong, sUJ.mped, sell- addressc•d envelope to Ann Landers, P.O. Box I J 995, Chicago, [JJ 60611. He will bike not jog, thank you I • • ON THE way to lunch I pass the noon joggers. ;:/"'? I walk downhill. Seven blocks, 15 minutes. l take a taxi back. I don't overdo the heaUh fi x. Most of the world Is uphill, friend. Let the meter do the walking. The noon joggers are on their lunch break. A dedicated bunch. - I know the 1'11.ip in blue-and-red running pants well enough to Sb.y, "Hi." He gives me a wave -1 think he's ou t of brt:ath. A fellow an a blue .\<?~in~ suit has more wind. Answers, "Take It easy. · Haven't taken up the joggin' craze -not that crazy yet. But many people say its the only way to go. This is for them. STAN DEUPl.ANE AROUND THE WORLD mussels and dry Normandy cider on the boardwalk when I got to Deauville. I was a little wobbly to star t. Also the beginning of the road was on an upgrade. I pumped up and stopped to get some wind. You don't forget how to ride a bi ke. But you forget how to breathe. ALL ALONG the road French people were riding bikes. Pumping steadily. Without effort. French schoolchildren biked along the road -one rode with one hand and held a book to read in the other. !t'rcnch workme n in bleu de travail rode seriously. their World War I handlebar mustaches floating in the breeze. French grandmas in black rode past with long loaves of crusty bread under their arms. I got on my bike and coasted a few yardi. downhill. Immediately I was met by an Alp of a hill. All that French countryside -long and rolling when 1 drove my rented Renault -had turned intc a ferocious t'Ountry of mountains. Hannibal would have been stumped to cross 11 on an elephant. l TOOK the bike back to the bike shop. The proprietor was surprised. ''So soon, M'sieu? You must have gone to your destination like the wind." l walk my seven blocks to lunch. You can exercise without being a pig about it. A BUNCH of scientists in Southern California put 10 little pigs on a strenuous jogging program. They took another 10 little pigs and kept them sedentary. (Sedentary is when your doctor says, "You ought to take up golf." And you just lie around the scatter and watch football on TV.) These pigs were Yucatan miniswine. No explanation why science needed s uch exotic pigs. Maybe more enthusiastic joggers. Neurologi~t could help· They put them on a treadmill and said, "Jog. hogs, jog." The pigs jogged and wished they could stay home and watch TV too. The point is that the jogging pigs had better hearts -42 percent better -than the non-joggers. (The non-joggers knew the Nielsen ratings better. though.) FEW OF our pasta set jog but some ride bicycles. Friend of mlne bicycles all over Europe and finds 1t just what he wants. He ls not a nut about it. He sa1d: "If you get tired of biking, you put the bike on a train and ride to 90f1le more interesting place." In a little town called Vlllerville on the Normandy coast, I got hot for bicycling one day. I went out and rented a bike. I said to the man: "Ten kllomet.ers, M'sieu." Six miles. A breeze, I thought. You never forget how to ride a bicycle, right? THE APPLE blossom land here Is called the Flowery Coast. Cote Fleurie. Contented brown cows, loaded with Nonnandy cream, looked at me from green pastures beside gray stone farmhouses. The sky was blue. I decided I would have PaN DEAR OR. STEINCROHN: About tbree montbt ago, I suddenly trr.ped and fell. My right wrist bore motl of my wei t. Except for . ln and stlffne11 for about two wee 1, I forgot all a':ut tbe accident. But lately, I've noticed otber trouble ln tbe same wrist. I've had numbne11 lo my fingers a11d even ID back of my wrist and lower arm. Notbing belps. I've taken 11plrln and soaked tbe wri1t ln warm water and Epsom 11lt1. At tlmea, the nambne11 11 IO ba.d, tbat lt wakes me from sleep. Coald It be due 10 artllritls? I'm only 31 and otberwlse beal&by. -MR. B. \ DEAR MR. B.: Why guess about arthritis? Haven't you had X-rays taken of the wri.t? And qf the neck region, too? Whenever there's persis\erit numbness and hand pain,' always consider the poaibillty that cervical arthritis and nerve pressure may be present. However, unilateral numbness in hand and fingers makes one suspect the ~ib1lity or carpal tunnel syndrome. I'm sure you've heard about it. But I doubt it's related to your fall. In many patients, the numbness gets worse after driving or otherwise using the hands. Some patients complain more or pain than of GOif ii 011 BllDGf BY CHARLES H. GOREN ANO OMAR SHARIF numbness. The diagnosis is confirmed by special neurological examinations. Therefore, I suggest you consult a neurologist. Treatment will vary. Wearing night-splints or being injected with steroids ls oft.en helpful. ff such treatment is ineffective, surgery may be indicated to release pressure on the median nerve. ' DEAR OR. STEINCROHN: Whenever I get a beadacbe, J find tbat two aaplrtna -sometimes repeated ln a few boars -take care of tbe paill. Bat invariably, I get beartbua and a stomub upset. Tiie ads say tbere'• uotller drug tbat'• jaat 11 effective. It tbere? -MRS. L. DEAR MRS. L.: Perhaps you're referring to acetaminophen. This controls the pain as well. but there's this drawback; it is not e ffective in conditions that are inflammatory. Therefore, they don't work well in all ltinds of arthriUs. But. it has fewer side effects and less toxicity than aspirin. Ask your doctor if It will make a good substitute. Dr. Stcincrohn welcomes questions from readers. He c:annot answer all individUJJlly but will include those of general interest in his column. Send your questions to him, in c:are of the Daily Pilot, P.O. Box I 560. Costa Mesa 92626. Neither vulnerable. East deal a. Opening lead: King of •. with king. ace and another club. West. ruUed and cashed the ace or hearts before ex· !ting with a low heart. It looked as If all he had to do was ait back to collect two trump tricks for a one-trick set. West's by ruffing another diamond. then cashed her high heart. She WIS a trifle lucky to find that West had three cards in each red suit. but that WIS her only chance to make t he hand. more interesting part score battles. NORTH +K4 O QS 0 AJ?e5Z •J54 WEST EAST +QJ7U +V.W O A87 0 109542 o to o llQS •llt •AtOtU SOUTH +A 109852 1:7 "J8 0 10 •Q82 The bidding: Eue. S.•Q Pua I+ ow. 2. Weit Nerd! p.,. ! 0 PUI r ... 1 The average declarer reacts to a bad trump break with blind panic. But there ia often a counter ii you keep your cool and look for it. Con· aider t his hand from a recent rubber bridge game at New York's lamed Cavendish Club. In modern theory, North'• response or two diamond• promised another bid. J{owever. he decided that the hand was likely to break bad· ly because of Eut'a double, 10 he made a well·Judged past. The defenders started Sitting South wu Bee Schenken, a winner of many national championships. She cashed the ace or diamonds and rulfed a diamond, then led a trump to the kins to get the news about the bad break. But now declarer's technique of ruffing a dia· mond early paid off hand· aomely. She reduced her trump length t.o that of Declarer simply exited with the ten of trumps. West won the jack. but. he w11 end played out of his second trump trick. He w11 forced to lead away from his Q·7 of trumps into declarer's A·9. Even a lowly two,level con lracl can provide exciting play. All t.oo oft.en we are meameri1t1d by the gamee and 1lam1, only &.o ignore far R•bber brldse el•1u tlu·••M•t tlle eouatry UM tlie fov-deal bfidse format. Do Qe1 bew -•tltJac 1•• dea't? ClaarlH Gere•'• "fe.,•Deal Irids•" will tMdi JM UM ecrac.ep.1 ud taeUea •f ..... faR·peeed M-o.. pae &Mt ,....wea UM eve '-... llCIUls nltMra. fer a e9pJ ud a ICl9n,.., ..ac1 11.75 to "C ...... , •• Deal," care ef d1f1 ... ,,.,.,, P.O. lea 151, Norw.-1, N.J. 016'8. Make elaodla ,.,.we to N ••I' ,.,.rbMka. Oh rats., resear~hers • Will • again American a don't make a move anymore wltt°'out checking first with reeearch rats. If coffee makes thoee little suckers Jittery, we atop drinking It. U they feel be\ter when they Joi, we start to run. If loud noilel make them sterile, we tum our radim down. Por s11ors-av ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT It's difficult to be alfve now. when so many. of the be.et people have..,•t yet \;eet1 bot-n. I find mywlf reading every tcrap of research I can on them. Alter all, with \heir affinity for paraJlelina human biology, they are shaping my entire Jlfe. • THE OTHER DAY, I READ how e drug u8Cd In the treatment of hlch blood presaure wu injected lnto a ra\ that WN "eeverely · depremed" and low and behold. hit ltl'el9 dilappeared. ( muat have reread that article thrH times before t 1'8lhed what wu bother1ni me. Then it hit. How in the world can you tell when • rat b depremed7 , Doet he tchJepP around the c.,e all day in hll buhro_,., watchln1 television and refusing to. shave? no. he let the lddl run over hla tail with \Mir blcycl• and ~r augptt they play outlide? Do you tell him he'• Fine to have 1t.Hmed broccoli with bolled oNonl tor dlnrwr and he says, "rm no\ hUf\ITY"T (~who don't Ht have to be RVerely apn•td.) Maybe It'• becaUM I'm a non-rnedkal penon. but I hoMldy eua'l WO wtwn anJma» are happy ar *·I kMw our doc and our lddl ...,.-=-whm thetr r.-_.,. wet and cold. bul thllt I l'CM&lcln't vienture a.-, klfO'•tolhlnldftl. Youdon'taa,.....uU\lt llMA IOMIKI AT WIT'S ENO rat reeearch hu been a hoax. do you? It lt Pollible there never wu a rat who won Up1Uck .M 1Jcbd h i• Ups and red dye No. 2 wu responsible for maklna him lick? It there • ~blllty • 1een....- rat never went to all \hoee rock ~rtl and w.nt deaf? What If a ret didn't make a dtd8'on to drink *Xia with. MCtharine and die thin? MY HUSBAND CAMB av • I pul u.. VUde down. "Do you think tetearch rau could .. , depr 111 d?" I lllMd. "Sure," he eald. "It happMW all \M tam.." I WM ttlll ~· ''Whal WoUld ...., Mwt to •t apn••d a r "How would you Ilk• to be U'anaferntll from the Akohol Ind Sex Rmletth dtvtl6aft to • eop 10 c11-W'd•r• ' l'ma~...an. ",I• Orange CoHt DAILY PILOT/Tue1d1y, October 12, 1982 ANNOUNCING __ _ . ' .. " , BUY OR SELL SECURITIES WHILE YOU BANK THROUGH AMERIC~S LEADING DISCOUNT BRO.KER. America·s leading bank and America·s leading discount stock brokerage firm. Charles Schwab & Co .. Inc .. have joined forces to bring you a unique new stock transaction service. Now you can bt1y or sell securities at the Schwab Stock Brokerage Services Counter inside s~lected branches of Bank of America. YOU CAN SAVE UP TO 75% ON COMMISSIONS You'll save up to 75% on commissions com- pared to rates charged by full conunission brokers! And you'll get more convenience in the bargain. Because once you open your Schwab Account, yo u can handle all your securities transactions right · where you do your banking. • ~ CHARLES SCHWAB IS AMERIC'Jt5 LEADING DISCOUNT BROKER When you buy or sell securities at the Schwab Stock Brokerage Services Counter you h ave a direct line to a Schwab Account Executive. Your transaction will be processed with electronic speed and accuracy. What's more, you can simply phon e Charles Schwab&. Co., Inc. from your home or office to enter an order to buy or sell securities 24 hours a day, 7 days a week -on weekends and most holidays. No other brokerage firm offers such con- venient service. And Charles Schwab &. Co., Inc. is a member of the New York Stock Exchange and the Securities Investor Protection Corporation (SIPC). CONVENIENCE AND . SAFETY With a Schwab brokerage account and Bank of America checking account, you can sign up for Automatic Settlement. So when you make securities transactions they will be automatically debited or credited to your account and posted on your Timesaver Statement~ · If your safe deposit box is a t a branch With a Schwab Brokerage Counter you can move your certificates safely to the Schwab Sc~urities Deposit Box . COME IN FORA FREE DEMONSTRATION Sec for yourself just how easy and con - venient it is to buy and sell securities at the Schwab Brokerage Services Counter. Con1c in today for a free demonstratiop and we'll show you how to type in a stock syn1bol and get a stock quote on the Quotron electronic terminal. How to check prices of securities you may own. How to enter an order to buy or sell any stock, option or corporate bond. Dcn1onstrations of this exciting, new discount stock brokerage service will take plnce at the tilnes and bank branches listed below. Free Investor Guides will be given away during the demonstrations. OCTOBER 12.13.14 AND 15 BETWEEN 10 A.M. AND l P.M. Bank of America branches: Newport Beach I 3444 Via Lido Newport Center/ 500 Newport Center Drive ~1guna Hills/24061 Calle de la Plata FREEINVESIOR INFORMATION GUIDES Come in to one of the select Bank of America branches for the two free Investor Guides we have for you. One is the handy Standard &. Poor's Stock Guide that shows pertinent financial data on more than 5,100 common and preferred stocks. And we have a Symbol Quik ™ booklet. for you that provides a complete listing of symbols for stocks listed on the New York and American Stock Exchanges and major Over-the-Counter issues. These Investor Guides will be given to you free when you come into one of the select B of A branches for a demonstration. If you cannot come into one of our select branches and would like more information on Stock Brokerage Services mail the coupon or call Charles Schwab &.. Co., Inc. toll-free (800) 648-5300, extension 54. --------------------------Plcnsc send me more informntion on Stock Brokerage Service~. Nnmc ___________ ~ Address ,... City ~ ___ Stott ZiP ~--- Phonc (_) __ Current Bnnk of America customer 0 M-1i 1 to: n\""' Chorlcs Schwnb & Co., Inc. One Second Street · s~~~~i~~~A;~~RICA Bl l BANlf ON THE I EADER.. BAN ex !'--____________________ ......,..._....,,._....~ ......................... ..____________ -------------------------- t --· THI COAR IND THI COUNTY Tuesday, Oct. 12, 1982 BUSINESS ENTERTAINMENT COMICS TELEVISION 83-5 i-~ 88 ' Robert Urich st11rs i1J "Take Your Be I Sh"t" in a movie aimed at /'emale ,. viewers ... BB D a Costa Mesa hotel 'chut.es' the workerS Part of a day of fire prevention practice ~ and fire drills for employees at the Western South <.:oast Plaza Hotel include d some fun and games involving the fabric e cape chute rigged up to the hotel's 4 th floor. Among enthusiastic user's of the chute ~ere members of the Nielsen family, assisted by "dad," Lester Nie lsen, who awaits the first arrival (left photo) and (photo below) counts the arrivals of Abraham, 2, Isaac, 3, and his wife, Janice. First to safety . . F olJowed by big brother • • • And by "Mom," too Sentence of architect in bribe case reduced. Former Anaheim architect LeRoy Roae, convic ted o f conaplrecy In oonnectlon with a bribery echf:me lnvolvina former Oranp County Supervllor Ralph Diedrich has won a reduced eentence after aervlna four montha in at.ate pmon. San Dte10 County Superior c.oun Judie Rom Tharp acreed • cu& Ro.'• on,tnal 1er1tera of 1·14 years In ltate prtloli to one ,_,. In countv tall and flw yean probatlon Tburtday. Tharp ai.o fined Rem '5,000. With cncHt f« time alreedy llrwd, ... would ..-nd oN)' * man montha behind ban. He ' would complete hi• aentence either at a county jail In San Diego or Riverside. Tharp based hi1 aentenoe reduction on d iagnostic ltUdlea J*'formed on Roee at the men'• Pf\lcXl at Chino. Role'a •ttorneyt had aou1ht hla outright releue, but Tharp refUled. Ro. WU convicted In Th81'p'1 cour&room in J979 on a 1ln1I• count of CONplracy rw1aunc to a lanct development plan In Anabebn Hilla. Dledrtc:h, former chalnnan of the ~ of Supervllon, wu convicted of bribery and c.'Onlp6.-.cy. LB schools to sell land? H :: .. .. .. :: In an effort to 1WJ educational program cutback.a. Lasuna Beach Unified School District trulteel wlll meet with the Laauna Beach City Council tonl&ht to dllcuu the aale of 11 'h .cres of unwted 1ehool district land. · School• Superintendent Bill Barnet aaid' the dlatrict Hopes to sell H t acrea to the city to be Uled u a park and the remainder for private houalnc development. The entire land eale could ne\ the dlltrict u much 11 $3 million. he aaJd. "Unlea1 thins• chan1e In S•cramento the d61trlc\ will receive lea• money," Barn•• expl•lned. "Not only will the l•ncl 1ale preaerve tho•• pl'Oll'M'll that would normally be cut' but It alto givea the board options to enhance exiatlng programa.'' The land. located In the Top of the World neighborhood, WH orlglnal1y P'lrchaaed by the 1thool ditlrict u an lnvdtment for anticipated 1rowth, Barnea •Id. School board memben aaked to meet with the city council to cla'rlfy p~uree ''in order to brln1 about quick ule of the property," he added. The city and tchool district al8o plan to diacun how the land will be ~ the 4\.i acre• th•t would be 10ld to the city, the dlatrk:\ would Wee to divide the remelnln1 property Into 31 parcels with 7 .000 9e1uare feet or land each. .; The council allO will meet with the Parkins Taak Fore~ Committee to dllcUll ltt l'HIOql Cor rejectlna the commlttee•i recommendation for a mu1tl: tiered parkinc prap at a city~ owned lot on Olenneyre Street 11uar Laauna Avenue. The C'O uncll prefera the parktn1 structure. desllned td •llevlate the city'• downtown parklftl problem•. to be located near Laalana '1 a11n1 1ewa1• t.reetment p1-nt llCl'09 fram \he Featlval of Aria arouncta. The alae ana de1l1n ef a parkinc Jot at the ...... llllM hH not been decldeii ~1»1 dtJ offldall. a.kl O&J Mn..,-IC.a ,....nk. I I I ·I .1 • ,i Ora11g Coaat DAILY PIL.OT /Tue1d1y, Ootobor 12, 1982 orileone's. Stealing m oney from Girl Scout cookies . Uy SCOTT KRAFT t I \.!. \ k 7 I AHOCl•l•d PtHe Willet 'I' lt• (ill •7'ullh 111 1111'1 IC•• llUll lllU II.ft lit \ yt•ur, l'Xpt-t'tll 111111111·11 1111111· rh.11 1 $:m11 111tll11m th111 N l'.:W YOUK Morn and more PflOple an..• yt•ur from t•ook11· '>!il1•' 11, 1111 'J. :i 1111llluu M'OUUI, iu.11d dlpprng in14s the liirl &'Outs' ('OOklo jar, a nd loc:ul Hldrnrd K oo" ,p11k1"H11u11 111r llw u u 11t11111 l 'ft·out ('<H&n1·1l11 urt• losing patience -and t.uklng orgunlw1111r1 111 N1 •\\ V11rk Clly lcMlll 1wlUJ11. C:ourt ca11c•'I to n•1 ov1·1 1•ookr1• p1 1w1•1•ds ut'(• 'I'h t• Detroit cound l ha111 lost 'm any thousands of do/Jnr s just on this last cookie sale.' S..•v1.•ral tount·1ls have gone to court recently to "h ighly unulluul." 111· 111d, 11111 h1 •1·.1u-.t• ull .1n.· ~i-.,>wr wokr<.• -.alL>s pnx.'eC.'<is Crom troop leo11derti and hnndlcd by Im .ti 1 m1111 "'· rlt•·v 111rKhl nor lw u( the opcrutlng budgeta, the national orllce said. (k tH.•nUi who flu ted to tum in cash t'Olt('(.·ted by the n•ported to tht: 11ul1111111l 11thw. The United Woy, In comparison , t'Ontrlbu ie11 28 «irl<. • "We hav<> ni1>1t• nu>n•·y. n11111 · tx1x1•:. of l'o11k1c>s perc.:cnt of the bud1cw. A former IK'OUt leader in Montgomery, Ala., um.I more pt'<>pl1· lnvolwcl 111 tilt' mok11• suit•:. than The Lake Erle Council, In Clevclund, said the wa11 Sl·o11..•nct>d to five days In Jail earlier this month l'Ver before," Knox :-.ays "Wlll'n you tuni.rd1•r tl')l' amounts owed by parents or troop cookie sale !hr stealing her troop's cookie money. Last week amo unt g e n crut1•d 1111d 1u111t•d ov1..·r , It's a manugers ranged from $50 to $1,000. Ve rn i;i'Out offidnls in Cleveland said they planned t.o go re markably horw:il op1•1·ullun " ' Woodlief, <..'OUncil development director, said effort.~ t.b small claim11 court to proeecute 2~ people for C hicago's (; 11 I Swu 1 <'1n1111 ii begu11 gelling were still under way to arrange for payment to dlr('('tQr for tlw Ulrl Scoui... CawwDy C-Ouncll lrr JockAonvlllc, Fla. Thl•n, 1hc 1ay11. they arc unable tn rupay the lOMn. In St. Louie, whcro the Girl &.'Outa loet about $17 .0-00 ot Ii... me»l recent •a million sale. effort. "there arc All many e xcUllCIJ aa there arc lncldcnt.t," su1d Uall Brruie, aul1t.ant executive director of that Url'0°ll l'OUOCll. "( don't think It's premedlt.a~>d. It can be the breakup of a family or other financial trouble al home," Brase said. 'fht> S t. Louis council 's losses ar:c only a small . pt:rccntage of towl sales. "But It's painful because It's the kida' money n·ull y," Bruse said . l~'S of about $8,000 from this year's cookie sale. tough five yc111 , u~11 Although utrkrati, then.· avoid going t.o court. In Dct rorl, one o f the n a t ion 's m ore d II l t f 1 h I I "W"'' e n"ver pr""'""Uted th...,,.. pc~·pl" before c d J ec nC O Ct l' 'f>l.'t I II llo(Ull S t l'Y 1>11y l le ()S.') "' V " ""'"~ '"""' "' '" ' on cor et;:. p an t'(·onorn1l·ally depressed areas, the problem ls worse amounts to less th.m ~> fit·i. 1•11l, ur <tlx>ut $50,000, or but this year we were picking up the same people t::1 th1i. yt•ar than ever, says Jean Wayman, executive towl sales. involved i n this sort o r thlnfJ last y<'ar ," 1 .. hn-t•tur of tht• Mrt'higan Metro Girl Scout Council. Woodllcf said . The council though t 1t "would have d J J d • • "ll IS a j.{l'OWlnl{ problem, and tne amount Of Tht! prol.Jlcui 1111' jo(lllWll 111 lht• past tWO years no Opportunity to c lear this u p unll'S8 WC ua an 1nus rn<im•y grows greater a ll t.h e time," Wayman "simply be<.::fus1• at'-. t1•n1pt111g." surd Shirley L . prosc.>cuted." I!!!!'' surd The Detroit council has lost "many thousands Miller, dlre<:tor of d1•v .. ln111111·nt for tlw Gari Scouts ORLANDO, Fla . (AP) -A simulta neous of dollars just on thrs last cookie ta.le," she said. of Chicago. In Alabama, Alicia Creek Alexander, 26, was landing of two Coroorde supersonic jetliners will Way man says the council "has a couple But "we gt•t tou~h ahout rt," sht· Jdded. "This sentenced to five days in jail after pleading guilty t.o take plat-e in Orlando lat.er this month as part of the twws uwaillnl( t'Ourt dates," but she declined to is a mllhon -dull11r ,, \1 .1r busll11'1's The re's no seton d -d e gree the ft o f prope r t y In the opening-mon th ceremonies of Walt Dumey World's dii.<. us:. them The combined sale of cookies and Girl fooling around." disappeara nce of $720 from her troop's t'OOkie sale Epcot Center. &out cf!lendars brought the council $1.3 million in Ch icago's :rn.oou (:111 Smuts sold about 1 prOCt.'t.>ds. Before the sentencing, she paid back the Air France and British Airways will fly the mu 1, 56 percent of its a nnual budget. mlUion boxes of <.•ook11 I'> ll11s sprn1g ar:id plan lo hold money. authorities said. craft into Orlando International Airport on Oct. 18, . "Times arc harder, (lnd I think the economy is another sate this foll ' A half-dozen Girl Scout offlcialH interviewed bringing abouJ 200 French and British dignitaries behind this in large measure. But we feel the kids Girl Scou~t'Ul1k11•s :111· s•1ld 101· $1.50 to $2 a box, said they doubt that offenders set out to steal Crom and ent.crtainers to the official dedication of those Jrl' owed their money. Our prior it y Is for girl depending on fh p an•;i . w11h ahout 115 cen ts going to the Scout program. countries' pavilions, oHidals announced Th..u-sday. scouting and we'll prosecute whe n people are the bakery and tlw 1 t'"' g11111g 10 suppoq local troops "h 's just that they say, 'I've got to run to the The Concorde, the world's fastest airliner , taking money Crom the Girl Scout program ," and councils. Crn1k11 .11 1• lht largest source of l(r()(•ery store. I'll just take this $60 and pay it back travels at up t.o 1,400 mph at altitudes of 50,000 to Wayman add Pd. ...------------in_co_m_e_Co_r_G_ir_l_&-ou t n 1w 1t 1 t-.. pr11v_1_d_in_,g.._4_0_..pe_rce_n_t __ ne_•x_t_w_c.-c_k_' ._"_e_x_p_l_a1_n_ed_V_1c_·k_1_e_Be_rs_h_aw_. _t'OO_k_r_· c_sa_Je __ 60_ • ._00_0 foet. ------· ------- Big bucks I'\ • going to volunteers D1snt.'yland once again will provide $200,000 In awar ds t o Orange Cou n ty vo lu n t ee r o rgan1zat1ons in a !program t ha t h a s lmntanuC'd since 1957 With a top award of $25,000 going to th e organiza tion chosen for outstanding community 11ervicc,, thf' Disneyland program includes 63 ..twards ranging from 50 1 $2,000 grants, I 0 Cor $5.000 each and two for $12,500 each . . Orga niz a t i o n s p..art1crpat1ng in t h e !Disneyland program may <,eek recognition in the following categories: Cultural arts, education, s ervice f o r youth , .1ccomplishmen ts b y youth groups and special ht:allh services. Also suppor~ groups, social community service, civic t'Om mun ity ser vice. 'it'rvrC<' by or for senior 1 1°t1zens and e nvir - onment, ecology and 11jcrgy Announcements o C .1ward winners will be made rn April 1983 at a D:i s n c y I a n d H o t c I lunc-hl'<>n D1snc•vland awa rds hJv~ b~en shared by "'· • I) ~00 Orange County J<h">ups stnc't.' the program hogan Lac;t year 450 o.r gan1zat1on s pa rt1 - cfp a ted 1n comp e - tl\lon for ~gifts r«prC'sen 11 n.g"' ~?~·000 voluntN'rs who dohated more than 7.7 m11l1on hours 1n comm unity S4lj"V1Cf' J• Fashion show due Sa turday :t h e a n n u a I r a I 1 h.q1cheon -£ash ion show ponsored by W e ight Watch e r s o f O r a n ge Cou nty will be held at I t :30 a.m. Saturday, Oct. 2 3 . in th e Ana h eim M)lrrlotl Ho tel. T h e ~tlow will feature 13 members w ho h ave a cqmbined total weight 1085 of 545· pounds . .ffi c kets, p r iced al $1-2.50 each are available until Oct. 15 by calling 8~-5505. 'Proceeds, d eductin g c4st, Will be dOnl\ted to COPES . an O r a n ge County shelter and crisis cente r dcd 1cnted to l'eventing chiJd abuse. WATCH · for ou r GRAND REOPENING Saturda , Oct . 16 Come in now and register for prizes to be given away M17 Ya. Lido .... ,.. ...... 17M110 It's • Werning: The Surgeon General Has Oetitm med That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health • t 11 ,.... "*"· 1.4 ,,.. nicM IV.,. cJllllftt br nc ....._ Orange CoHt DAILY PILOT/Tu111day1 October 12, 1982 81 Those , 'depression' numbers had for Reagan By WALTER R. MEARS ........... c ..... , ... , WASHINGTON Pn'lld~nt IWaaan u11t..J w .. y " tt'C.'t'fltlon WM wh~n your ndahbor l011t h is job and a de prcalon wu whl'n The numbers for this year un«'mplo yme nl r a lft, to 111. I pc!'rcen t In Sep~mbt.'r, ~iame IUI no 1urprlae SLl"ICI.' they t'><pected ll, R p ublkana w ere bracing and [)(omocrata blamJng ·eve n bl-(orf' the Labor Departm •nt rt•ported thal u n e mplo y m l•nt h a d hit doublo dlgll.Jf for the first time lSln<-e 1940. Unemployment R8te .,__~..----------------------------------------------21 ·~·tor Septembef. 1882 Percent ..... ........ ._ -----------------------------------------------20 The numbers since 1929 He re are the annu&1I i•vc:rai e un~mploymcnt r&itl'tl, J45 rt>t'Orded by the Lubor 0..-partme nt, from 1-9211, when s uc h figuro1 were M o n t h ly f1gur1·N for 1984!, seasona lly ad juiJtt.-0. Mo. No. J a n uary 8 5 February. 8 8 M arc h. 9 0 Ap ril, 9.4 May. 9.1> '1• .. ' T he announl-cmcn t prooucc-d o m i m e o g ra phe d d e luge In Wu hing lon. O rgan ized labo r suigoo a rally across the s treet f r o m the W hite House . A ha ndful of protesters c htalned themselves to an entrance al the L a bor Depart ment. Dem ocrat.a called It a national tragedy, and b lam e d R e agan . Th e U .S . C hamber or Comme rce called It a na t ional trage dy a nd bla m e d Dem ocrats. I r I ------------------------------------------11 ----------------------------------~*10 tlr11t (•ompiled. Yr % 1929 3.2 1930 8.7 ·1931 15.9 1932 2a.6 1933 24.9 1934 21.7 1"35 20.1 1936 16.9 1937 14.3 1938 19.0 HJ55 •956 1957 1958 195g 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 196 5 1966 H.167 1968 1969 1970 11171 Hln 19n 1974 1975 um; 1977 1978 1979 Hll:IO 1981 4.4 4.1 4 J 6 ff 5.5 5.5 6 7 5.5 5.7 5.2 4 5 3.8 :Ul 3.6 3.5 4.9 5.9 5.6 4.9 56 8.5 7.7 7.1 6.1 5.8 7.1 7.ti June, 9.5 July, 9.8 August, 9.8 Septem ber, 10 l Reagan bla med them , too. ln politics as In foot ba ll. the bcist d<'fense is a good offense. 1939 17.2 1940 14.6 5 1941 9.9 1942 4.7 you l o~t your o wn. tiy tha t definitioh , th i\,is a d epression for 11.3 mil hon Americans. • And by an y d efinition , that is trouble f o r R e publica n candida tes in t he elections three w eeks Crom Tuesday. The presid e n t is, after a ll. the one mindin g t he store. and in e l ection t im es o f econom ic h a rds h ip, his party's tick e t usually surfers for it. T h e p r eside n t . while i n California, signed a bill in Long BC!ach to prom ote e xports an d said it w ould create hundreds of tho usands o f ne w jo b s . The a dminis tra tio n ha d n't s h o w n much interest in the m easure unti l late l y , wh e n i t was e mbr a ced a s a s t e p to ward l><..'Onomic recover y. The signin g was reschedu led so as to come a f e w h o u rs af t e r t h e u n e mployme n t report. d iffe re nce betw een ~-~ percent unem plo y e d a nd 10 .1 pe r cen t is n't m uch unless you happened to be one of the people who lost a Job in Septe m ber . T h e b ig difference w as symbolic: the first double digit unemploym ent since th e days just before W orld War n. T he jobless rate in 1940 w as 14.tl percent. any more, but he c.J1d frequently during the campa ign th a t won him the White House. 0 Thi: une mploymc'n t rate 1s m ycn w orse no w. R eaga n 's 1982 campaign arg~mem 1s tnat tne proble m H e s t i rre d <.·on tro ve r sy b ~ w as. and 1s, t h e fault o f t h e saying that w h a t the n-P residen t De m ocrats and their spending 1943 1.9 1944 1.2 1945 1.9 1946 3 9 1947 3.9 1948 3.8 1!149 5.9 1950 5.3 1951 3.3 1952 3.0 1953 2.9 1954 5.5 A nagging re<.-ession w o uld be h andicap eno ugh . A worsen ing un e m p l oy m e n t pi c ture, dramatized by the hig hest rate o f joblessness since the w aning days of the G reat Depression . ma kes the b urden far heavier. T h e in c r e a se i n th e Non e 0 1 t h se e xe rcises was long on s pontaneity Both sjdes kne w what was com ing . A point-J percent increase in lht.' unem ployme nt r ate. representing a n add itional 450,000 peop le withou t jobs, e dged th e index i n t o d o ubl e fig u r es . T h e 1l Introduces a frigh tening wo rd in to the campaign aeoate over Reaganomics. T he word is depression. Reagan doesn 't use lt Carter called a recc:.-sswn was in habits. He has said that today's Cact a depression . Campaigning in u nen:iploym ent stems fro m "th~ the indus trial Midwest two years t ragic excesses o f the past. ag o. h e said une mploymen""'1ere ., Campaigning in Re no, on the t'Vl' w as "comparable to th e Great o f the u~cm ploymcnt report. Depression of the 1930s. That's Reagan said tht-Democrats w ho n ot the recession h e (Ca r te r) w o uld be l ambas ting the people in ch a rge "whc:n the ec.:onomy started going hay wire. "What are they offe ring now exl-ept th eir ta11eo po11c1es 01 the past?" h e ask e d , "spe n d a n d spend. tax and tax, and 1f that is n 't e n o ugh . borrow a n d borrow ." speaks of. that's deprt'SS1on .'' admin1strat1on over it werC' thl• I ' r.===========================================~ r-==-==========-====--r~~~~~"--~~-11 A:inerican industry seeks to find new productivity PtalC NOTICE PERSONAL PROFILE FICTITIOUa aua1N1H INVENTORY $20 NAMI aTATIMINT "'40ntoty you• ••"'•to.,.,.,.,....°' • The lollowlng person I• dotng ,.,.,..,.,"""' "'""' ••••' l••>n VO\lr buslnetl 11. ,,,..,.. "' P.,..tr;o p.,..,.,..., l•m FLAMINGO, 3622 Wett 51h 0.v•IOP....,,, '"' P1••1ft 0< g1oup SlrMI, Senti Ane. 92703 lllll I P"onl M•• Roe,,. ~1v10t Adolfo Aeoe11. "'°I W••I 61h . <»-tt11•• '"-1-" ._.._, 8Nol> Street.~. An•. C11l10tnt1 92703 1 (714) &40-1268 Thi• bu11neu 11 conducted by en1-----------~1 tndMduel Adolfo Ac:otle Thll at••-• wu llleO w1111 lh• ___ PU8l __ IC_NO_T_l_CE __ _ APOLOGY STATEMENT We apologized to our fictitious statement In our current sales letter . We are not as an exclusive agent for precision surface grinding machine of Tatung (Taiwan) In the United States. Also we do n't have the authority to distribute the agency of Tatung (Taiwan) in the United States By DA VJD COOK The CllflellM kleftce .__llOf CORPORATE execut ives in t h e U .S . a re trying to pick up the pace in the ir productivity race with other nations. P roductivity growth -the increase in goods produced per hour of work -s low ed to a crawl in the United Sta t es dur ing the 1970s a s J apan. France, an d Germ an y posted gains in e Hlcie ncy more than twice as large as U.S . industry . Seeing the ir com petitive p osition erod e , executives a t hundreds of companies a re takin g steps to boost productivi ty. For examp le: • Inte l Corporation has cut the steps required to h lre a new e m plo yee b y one-third and Ui.mmed the actions needed to order office supplies from as many as 95 down to 8. As a result, the company has already pocketed savings in excess of $10 m illion. • W e stington E lectric Corpor a tion used computer design equ ipme nt to cut from 11 hours to 45 minutes the time it takes to d esign and make a ge nerator part. • No r to n Compa ny sought employee advice and fou nd ways to cut the reject rate at its glass ceram ics o pera tion from 15 percent to 6 percent and got back almost $5 for every S 1 1t in vested in the program. H owever , d esp ite re n e w e d pro duc t iv it y improve m e nt e f for ts b y c o r po r a t ions. U.S . productivity in the next fe w years is not expected to grow as ra pidly as it did from W orld W ar II to 1973, economists say. Virtually everyone has a stake in productivity growth. Produc tivity is, in e ffect, a r ecipe that tells how much of a given product or service can be produced with one ingredie n t like labor o r with a mix of ingredients includin g labor, en ergy. and mach inery. The more cars General Motors can tum out using one hour o r labor. for instance, the more productive and better off GM -and eventually its w or kers ~ wiU be. That is because a corporation or a country tha t boasts higher productivity t han its competitors h as two appealing options. For Instance, if Toyota has a h igher productivity leve l tha n G M , Toyota ca n a Uord to "buy" a bigger share of a given market by selling a t a lower price than GM. Or it can sell 1ta products at that same price as its Detroit -baaed opponen t and pocket fatter profita. Improving productivity is thus a major avenue to healthier cor por ations a nd more prosperous countries. "Productivity growth ~presenta the best way to secure and improve ... living standards," aaya W alter Dolde, senior econom wt a t A. Gary Shilling & Co .. an economiot consulting firm. The h igher a na tion's level of/roductivity, the larger the qua ntity of goods an services It can produce with a given quantity of labor, capital, or energ y . T hus, a h igh level of productivit y can increase the size of the economic pie cttlzena share. For exam p le , if productivity In the U.S. continues to grow at the 0.6 percent avera ge annual rate ex~rienced since 1~73, real houaehold l~ In the U.S . could amo unt to $26,700 by 1990, Dolde calC\.llat.es. But If productivity growth zipped along at the 2.6 percent average annual growth rate posted between 1960 and 1973, average houaehold Income would be $37,600, or $10,900 higher That i. why the ldowdown ln U.S. productivity arowth I.I a cauae tor concern. The rate ol growth declined after the quadruplln1 of oil prices in 1973 and '74 and wu negative from 1978 to '80. All a reault of a brief economk recovery ln early 1981, productMty crowth spuried 4.9 percent ln the Unt quarter before turnlna neptJve for lhe rest of lhe year. The 1.4 percent lnc re aae in nonf•rm produc:tJvtty during 1981 WU only about half lhe 8W'l'ap rate ech~ between 1960 and 1973. So far lhlt year. produc.1.lvity aowlh hu bftn in the o.~ to 0.6 pen.wot ..... ·~ only factor which hu contcibuied to hl1her productivity I.I htpr unemployment • . .," uya J.rry JulnowUd, eenlor vtce·Ptfti.dent and chief economl1t at the NaUonal Aleodatton ot Manufactur-.n. BecaUM product.lvtty la a ra\io' of outpul co Input, It will rt.e wt..n output or GNP 6t atqnant and the u.e of i.bol' fa1la • • rmult of unemployment. For 1912 u a whole, Deta Rftourc" Inc: • economi.t Rob.rt Oou1h expect.a productlvtty . ~wth &o b9 onlpbOut 0.6 percent. Othera, lnlil•edtna Whenon l'ooonon*1tc Aaloda• n.,.ct a dldne in ~.l. powth of 0.7 ,....nL UnW the eDOnOm1 bulln I I 11 do not have dw mlh lo .,..wt aa new capital equl,.....t. ~ lho1 are not anxious to spend anyw ay, since the re IS County Cler• 01 Or•• County on YCXJ AM IN DIFAUU UNMll A Oc:I I. 1982 · O 11 O OF T 11 U IT DAT ID KAIZER INTERNATIONAL COMPANY 5312 BOLSA AVENUE, UNIT "D" HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA. 12'49 excess capacity at many existing p lants. F111111 11,.TIMHll 20, 1tu. UNLIH Later in the decad e , productivity is e xpected to Publllhed Oran ge COHI O•llV YOU TA.KE ACTtON TO ll'tlOTICT rebound as the ec.'Onom y Improves. In the years Piiot. Oc:t 5· '2· '9 26· 1982 YOUll ,.,.O,.lllTY, IT MAY a1 ---------'-3-76-....-82-.1 aOLD Al A ""9&.IC IALI. •YOU.-..,...----..,,-.,...-----------------' from 1981 through 1986. Citibank econo mists thlnk PUBl.IC NOTICE ... 10 AN IXfl'l.ANATION OF THI productivity grow th will a verage 1.5 percent a year. -----· ------• NATUAI OF THI "llOCHDINO l'tll.IC NOTICE The acceleration combines some increases that '1CTmoua au••H AQAINaT YOU, You aHOULD r----------------------NA• .. ATIMINT CONTACT A LAWYlll. FICTITIOUI au...... '1CTITIOUS au ..... normally occur as an economy recovers and l!IOme Th• to1tow1ng P•••on 11 doing NOTIC• or TMllTH'I •ALE NAMI aTATl•NT MAlll! aTA,..._NT strengthening in the long-term productivity trend bualnMI u r.a. No. ... The rotlOwtng !*ton• .,. dOlno The 1o11ow1ng P«IOM .,. OOtng h labo f beco · ced d ELEGANT ENTRIES-WEST, NOTICE IS 11ERE8Y GIVEN. 11\al buti'-I u bu*'-u as t e r orce mes more e xpen e n an 112 JIO• AvenU41, Selbo• lal~. on Wed...-d•y. Ncweml>ef 3. 1882. NEW HORIZONS 1800 Oo e 810E ST REET HAIR SALON ene rgy prices s tabilize. CaNIOt"IQ 92&e2 •I 9;00 o"doc:k • m of Mid dey. 1n Street Su•I• 2,5 ~r1 ~ 263,0 AYon. Su11e o. Newport L.¥• Berg, 112 Jed• Avenue 11'11 room Ml Ulde fOt G004uc:tlng CA 92fieo_2,58 · · S.ach. Celll0tnt• 9·2683 "T he re w iU be a reve rsal, but it w ill be a Ba1t>oe 1 ... no.c e111orn1e 92662 1,.,., .. ·.se1ee.w11hlntlle otflC49ol H .,111 s 1 1 , 1 •• Gene T Pei, 23781 Hooer1 1 I d Id Thl•lbu*-l•condUCledbyen REAL ESTATE SECURITIES e ys ems nerneion ... B•i · L1gune Niguel, Celllornte sow y e me rging t re n . on't see a d ra m atic tnc . • Neved• co•po•ellon. 1800 turnaround." aavs C. J ackson Gravson , chainnan of lndlYlduel SERVICE. loc•••d 11 2020 No•1" Dove s1r .. 1. Su11e 215. N-c>ort 92 77 L.MI Betg Bt<>edwly, Sull• 20e. In '"' City of 8HCll, CA 92860-2<&58 0•1• ol Lino• Toby Mak>ney, 1650 Pent the American P roductivity Center In Houston . Thi• •••1-1 ,,., .. lllecl wtlh Ille Senta AN, County o• Orenge. St•t• lnQOfporeOon. 8129181 Hewpon. No. 3t5, NewpO<t S-h, County Clerk of Or•noe County on of Celllornl•. HO ME FEDERAL T CellfOfnll 92880 M ctcroeconom lc fact ors s u ch as c h ange In 0o101>et t. 11182 s Av 1 "'Gs AN o Lo A N cor~i~!~• 1' conoucled by• Thi• bull,_. 1e conducted by• en ergy prices or the level of capital Investment "111~ ASSOCIATION OF SAN DIEGO, • Hoalth Sye1em1 oener• P.,,,..,9111p, Published Or•nge Coul Delly C1llfornl1 c:orporellon. H duly 1 1 Und1 M•k>tl41V played a major role in causing the downturn in U .S. Piiot. Oct. s. 12. 19. 28. 1982 1ppo1n1ed Tru"H under and C'=•htonC::;,d~ Thts at••-• wu filed wnh lhe p roductivity an d help ex plain w hy a return to .&332·82 Puttuen1 10 '"• pow•• of u 1e 1 Viele Preeident County C1ertl ot Orenoe Couf'ly on Pos t -W or ld W ar 11 prod u ct1'vlty levels ls n o t i----P'tlll--IC-NO_T_IC_E ___ =~ confertto •n th•• c:erieln Deed 0 ' I Thi• •••1-1 w11 liled w11h '™' s.c>temt>et 17· 1982 Tru1t uecuted Oy SALV ATORE "'~·-C "· C f1t7tf7 e xpec•--'. :-----------PUGLIESE ANO REBECC A J vuvnly lerk ol "'1nge ounty on Pubh1he<I Oren~COHI 01lly <.a.1 ·-Sept 2.&. 1982 -----------------------1 YOU -IN D«FAULT UNDIJI A PUGLIESE. HUS8ANO AN O WIFE, '1ll244 Pllol, s.p1 21, 28, 5. 12. 1982 PUBl.IC NO TICE FICTITIOUa iwaMH .. ,.._ aTATl•NT 1.., :he IOllowlng per1one ere doing vvSIFMN •• DESIGN BV OESIGN, 2087 Sen Joequln HlllS Ao.CS. Newl)Of1 Beec:h. Callf0tnl1 92880 Hervey Normen Meyerholl. <&2 1~ Perk Newport, No. 31 0, Newport BMch. Ceiltoml1 112660 SleYen lrllh. 1.& Mln•r• Trell, mne, Callf()(nl1 927 15 Thlt butlrMN Is G004UCled by e 11 Pllf1netlhlp H N M~hoff Thie 11e1emen1 wu flied with the nty C1«11 of Orange County on Oc1ol>ef I, 1982 NIUC NOTIC£ N.-ITAft•NT lht lollowlng pereon 11 doing bual-•; (t) SILVER lt.!PRE8Sf0NS PHOTOGRAPHY (21 SI LVE R IMPRESSIONS. 4521 Plnyon Tree L-. lrvlne, Calll0tnle 927 15 ROBERT WARDELL TRACY. 4521 Plnyon Tree Lane. Irvine. Cellf0<nle 92715 Thi• buelneu 11 conducted by en lndiYldl.tel. Rob«1 T rlC'f Thie tlal-1 WU flied wllh lhe County Clerk ol Orenge County on Sepleml>ef 17. 1982 FU790 F1W741 PuOllthed Orenge CoHI 01lly Published Orange Coul Oelly PllOI. Sept 21, 2S. Oc1 5. 12, 1'82 Pilot. Oct 5, 12, 19, 2&. IH2 4173--82 '385-12 "8.IC NOTICE D 11 D 0 F T ft U IT DAT ID ret:Olded Oc:lobet 8, 1978, In Book <&092-r.! OICIM81R 11, 1HO. UNLlaa 12172 ol Ottlc1a1 R-d• ol Hid Puollehed Orenge COH I Dally YOU TA.Kl ACTION TO ll'tlOftCT Coun1v. et page 4'5 Record••'• Ptlol. Sept 21. Oct !I, 12, 19 1982 YOUR .... o .. unY' IT MA y ., Instrument No 8197. by ••eton OI • I '292-82 90LD AT A~ IAlL • YOU breech or delaull tn peymenl Ot l'tll.IC NOTICE NATUtll Of THI fROCllDINQ aec:ured thereby, lnc tudlng thet FICTITIOUI ........ MN-81 l lt l ... D M IDLAMAT'ION Of' nt1 performenc• or lh• ob1tge11on1 PtalC NOTICE AQAINIT YOU, YOU IHOULD breath Of defeull. Nol~ of which NA• aTAnMINT NOTICE OF DEATH OF CONTACT A LAWYIA. w11 recorded July 7. 1982. H The lollowlng pereons ere KATHLEEN HASKINS, aka NOTICE Of' TMlaTll'I •ALE necorder, s ln11rumen1 No d-'~buslnn1 11· KATHLEEN DELAN EV T.8. N9. 11117 82-23.&581, WILL SELL AT PUBLIC "' UTTIN' UP THE TOWN 2•35 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. lhel AUCTION TO THE HIGHEST . . • · .. HA S KIN S AND 0 F on WedMe<ley, Ootol>et 20, 1962. BIOOER FOR CASH 11wlul money Coul Hlway, Coron• del Mir, CA P E T I T I 0 N T 0 at 9:00 o'~k Lm. of Hkl day. In of llle unll.cl S1a1 .. ; 0t • calhltw'• 19262~ ADMINISTER ESTATE NO. lhl room Mt ulde f()( cond~lng Ghlclk orewn on • •••t• °' nellonel Eathet G08Che 2 ColdflreM., 1 5 TruatM'• Setee. wffhln Ille otllOetl of b•nk. • •I••• or federel credit fmne, CA 9271.& A-11 i I · REA L ESTATE SECUR ITIES union, 0t 1 atele 0t lederel u vlngs Lorr eln e Pennington. 1555 T o all heirs. bcne-flcianes, SERVICES. local.cl et 2020 North Ind IOan •NOCialton oomle:lled 1n •B57 Mne Vwd• E. Coel• MeN. cre ditors and contingen t eroeowey. Suite 20e. In 111e City of "* 1111e. en peyel>le at 11'11 lime of CA 92826 c r e d i to rt o ( K • t h I e en Sant• Ana. County of Orenge. Stale Nie ell right Olle ano lnte'"I held Thia butineas II <:on<IUc1ed by • H k d h of c.afl0tni.. GEORGE MAYER ... by ii, .. T;1111••· •n 111., reel gener., parlne<lhlc> aa ins an pe rsons w o duly llPPOlnled Trvet .. uno. Ind ptopeny altuete 1n Mid Coonly .no Eathlr Goedle' may be otherwise mte~t.ed purauent 10 the pow•• of 111• Stet•, dacrlbed •• followe Thl9 •t•lemenl wu flied With 1111 In the will and/or estate: conferred In lhet Gef1•1n OffO of "EXHIBIT A" County Cleftl or OrlllCM CounlY nn A petition has bel."n Ciled Trutl executed by JAMES L HART PARCl L 1 nu1111 IC NOTICE bv Bon n ie She-rman and & LINDA: HART, wtlo ecqulred 11119 U"419utnown 1n<1 defined on '"""'-J .. LINDA O HART. rec;orded lhll c:erteln condominium Plen -----NO-TIC---1----Dor ot h y Sciso rek in the ~t>er 31, 1980, In look 13898 rec:otded August s. 1977, In book Of' NOM-Ma.-oN..._ITY Superior Court of Orange .,.............,, .., ... ,. of Offlc:lll ~Ot"d• of Mid County. 1232• o-323 of Olllcl11 Recotd• No11~-is nereby t:"'•n lh•I Ill• Countv r equ e stl no th at .T•n Of CALl'ORMA r,..,,,..,.. I 30' "'-....... I I I ' -J e D"ICI 0' THI aTATI NAlmlTAnMINT ~.P~oe '·"-°'""""'."'~-':n OfOtange County,CaJjf()(nle. ~n0er•lgM<l wlllno1 reeponllbte Bo n ni e S h e r ma n an d l'tll.IC NOTICE ·---cT Tlle followlngP«'IOll•••dolng nu 4.,1 ,byr...on o • .,. PAAC!L2. ~or 1nv Oeb ll o• 11 ab11111e1 D th S 1 kb ........... ,. o r d efe uH In pe yment o r An undMOed 11.&0thlnler .. llnand ic;onir ec:ted by H 4 H Ou . on or o r o Y c s o r e t! Dl,.AllTM:: .. ~:10INlllAL bu9l'::':s~EA RE MOOELEAS, per1orm1nc• of the obllge11on1 10 Lo1.&ofTtec1No 8835,Hlhownie1terint1d•I•. appoin t e d as person al ADft~ '°" ..,. NEWPORT-MESA. 2984 Alrw•y 1eoured lllereby, Including lh•t on • MIP recotded in book 352, Oiled October 9. 1982 representative \0 admiNter .. ,._1 ••~-CA 0282e l>fMCh or o.teull. Notic. ot whlcll peg11 31 to 35 or Mttcetleneou• Heral Khen the eaute of Kat h leen """'-'C NOTICI .. --. """"•......., · wu reciord~ June 24. 1982. u Mec>e. records OI Otenge County, 2881 8Nr SI •201 SEALED PROPOSALS will be Mich••• J . Nlohof1. 2791 Recorde r ' ln•lrumenl No . Call lornle. logethe r wllh •II Coste MeH . CA 92626 H 8 I k I n II (u n d er th e tecelYed b~lce of 1he Slat• Bayth()(e Ot • Hewpon 9Mdl, CA 82-217920, WILL SlLL AT PUBLIC lmprovemflflll lhereOll HCel)llng Publlllled OrenQe CoHI Delly Independent Admlnlstratlon ~~~r:~ .. •I 1':,7~.~'r y~~ 92~j .,,. c Nlcholt , 2791 AUCT ION TO THE HIG HEST 11\erel•om Condominium Unll• 1 Piiot. Oct 12. 13, It. 1982 of &tat.es Act). The petition C·on---,.._1~ ................... , ... ~· Or . ~ a..ctl. CA BIOOEA FOR CASH, 1awlu4 • through 40, 1nol u1IYe. toc:1led 448&42 11 set for hearing in Dept ....... _... ...... -""'" ""' ... ., of the United Sl•IM, ()( • c..nw ,,,.,eon. N 3 700 c I ~-Hii i• Perkway, Clly of fnOu1try, 92 le ............. .cl .... ~ d•IWl'I on 1 11ate °'net Ecceptlng lheretrom en 1-----------1 O. at tv c venter Cellf0tnl• 917« lf.llenllon: "-Thie but !MM ...,...,...., vr en benk, • '"" o r feder11 creoll undMde<I "' tnter .. 1 1n 111 °"· gu. P'tllllC NOTICE Onve, West, In the City of Miii""· Cetertng a .... 1 untH 2.-00 indMduelc Nlc;hOI union. or • e1e1e or or fed•r• or o111er hydrocerbon ttubllenoM Santa Ana, Callfornl• on P1·m..:.:.!~1~,·~1~.!1pu· ~!; T••-ite:~t w .. ellled wfll\ 111e ..... 1ng1 •nO loo 1ieoc:1e1lo · rylng In. on. or under th• •boY• '~!!!,.IOU1T• .. ~Ml ... NTH October 27, 1982 at 9:30 a.m. • '"'""' ~ ·-• ...... ._ -• ,..., OOmlc:llad In 11119 '111• ... , payeate • c:t-rlbecl propetly •• Mt lonh In ~ .. • • oc>eMO I/Id r..O In Aoom 11 •t Mid County Clafk of Orange County on Ille llme of Mia/ Ill rlgllt, lltle end the Fln•I Order of Condel'nn111on In llle following peraona 1re d<Mng IF YOU OBJECT to thci lddr-for: Oet. 1• 11112· ,1•111 lnter .. t Mid by 1. •• tr\lllM, In Iha lllYOf 011111 City of~ BMch, butlnMI u ; granting of th..-petition, you FI r e en 0 L 11 e S • f • t y Publltl'ltd Orenge CoHI Ol lly ,.., pr:::.7.:,utt• In MIO Coun l'MUnlOlpel c.:r:;111on ol Ille 9ltl FIRST WORLD TRAVEL OF should either appear al tbt ~:~c~.021~~ P11o1. Oct. 12. 19, 28, Nov. :.~~:2 and ~c!:1i'2 of l:k~~:,., =~~ ~l~st.1~= =:o~E~~:..C~ ~bffiar~lfn,a~~ f~~!t!rrt~~~ Plue. 8 en11 An~ ... Oounty 01 AddltlOn to Newpot1 ~t• In ltle 2«3. paga 80 of~· Rec0tde n eeo. ob lion• w ith th• co"r\ OranQa, 81111 of 0-ornle CW.0 . •-II' llf\Tll't Olly 9 Hewpon s.tch M per m111> Th• llrH I 1ddtHa or Olh•r Pelrlola RyO•mp, 115 \lie "" " G&O? 11 1e1 ~ nui-. rtoorded In Book 4. p .... 94 or com Mon dulgnellon 01 lhe r• .. Wul«a. Nawport 8-QI\, CA 92863. be ore the hea rln1 . Your Thle pr~~91teretlonl Aennout .._.. .,..,...,._ Mllpt. prooartY herelnabc>Ye OIMGribtd .. MlchU I W•ll•r. 115 \Il l •P~ ml)' be ln penon In oontunollon wllh o•n•••f. MAMI tTA~ Th• ,., .. , •ddlftl o• Oth•r C>VfPOt(l<I 10 be ti S1nd Doller Wlderl. N9wpOf1 heel\. CA 92863. or by your attorney. ~ enc1 ~ -.11 to Tha follow4nD '*'°"'.,. dolno ommon cM•lon•llon of the rH I Court,~ 8Mctl. Celif()(nl1 Thie ~ le conovctad by • 1 p y 0 U AR E A mHt fi r• 1no Ill• Hl•lf'oooe ~ -CIP«1:'f ~ deecITTbeO la Tll • und•r1fg ned her•by ~II par1nenfllp reQUlrlfMnt• In "' n1111tr1t bullcllng. DOC SAVAOF I HOME IT'YL.£ Pllfpor1ed to bl· dl•clllm• 111 fl •blllly for any Patr1cM l\yttlemp C REDITOR or a con~t~ ~'•·bid 1111 lntpeollon: On SAA·l-0, 47t L 17ttl llrate, COl1• 848 Cet11tn• Orlve, Nawport tnoor,_,,... In Mid .. , ... lddr-Thie etatlfNlll w• 111eC1 wtth Ult credllOr of the ~. y~ Tueedey, OctOW 12, 1"2 It 10:-00 Meea, Ca111om1a fft27 8Mcfl, c.lff()(n.. Of" othlf ComMOI\ '"91gMllon. Cour\IY Clafll of ()f111ge ~ Ofl rnl.llt UJe )"OW' claim with tho • m th•rt wlll M • i>t•tMd tit• Afcll A. 11.,.119, 1H1 M•H The unoer1lgned h•reby Said .... will bl mlMM wllhoul 8e9t 24, Itta. ,_ t t It t th ln•o•cllon tour, 11 which llm• DfM tanta Ana Cllltomla t2101 dlec111Mt •II ll•blllly for 1ny werr1n1y. eaprt •• ot lmplled, Publl•lled 01•119• COH I 01lly cour or preaen ° ~ r*9fattnltllttM of U1t 1111• lftd ji0t>art K. i1u~1 101 D1t1lla, lnCOfraetMM In ..,d 111eet l<ld, ... reg1rdlng tlll•. pou•ulon, o r Piiot. Sec>I. H . 0o1. s. 12, 19, 1M2 penonal re pre1entatlva pr09P*Ofl"9 b4ddart tllell rNeUt u eorone "*'Mar, c-n1a t2t29 °' °''* OOIMIOfl 04Nllgnallon. enoumt>ranco . to 111111y th• 4i4'7-V appointed by the c:ouh OMc c.n • ., "*•c "°°"' t7), Ith Tflll IMliMM le oonouotM by e l•ld Mle wlll bl llflOI wltllout prlnGIP•f b•l•nc• ol tht NOi• Of Within four monlha from ~· - f !Ool'. IMI• 1'ne. tlllforl'lle. gtnttll ~· w1rr1nty. o pr•u or lmpfled. olhlf obl1Qallor1 MCured by Hid "9llC fl)TIC( date of flrit lu ua nce of • 8100.,• m1y order Pl•n• end ~ K. 111we reg1ro1ng tlllt. POUH•fon. Ot Daed or f"ru11, Wllh 11\ter••I and ""~•~ 1peclfloauon1 by con11ct1111 Tl* 1CattfNn1 -fllad Wltll ttie •ncumbrencH . to U lltf't 1h• Oltllf tum• H prowlOtCI lh.,tln: ll,._ lttiel'I M provided In~.._ Conlreol M1n1 .. ment hctlOfl, County Ct1ft1 Of Ot-ll'fll county on prlnclpal bel•nc• of Ille Not• Of pl\te ednncH . If 1.ny. ut'lcltr lht ACTIT'IOUe ..,_.. 700 of she Probst. Code of P.O. eo. 107t.L ~. Meot. l*Ptamber 11. tMI. 01t1« ob11oa11on ~.cs by Hid *"" 111ereot and '"'*""' on euc11 ..,... aTAtwln CaUfornla. The time for' Telepf\OM 111•1 ut.1111. ,.,,. o.ecs oe frvel, willl lnttt"t a ad¥~. and plw t..., CMr... The IOllowtnt l*'IOM -dotnt fWnt claiml will "°' nplrt • T,...,. " 1 ~ .._ Pulllltflff °''"'* COHt Delly oth•r 1um1 H provl-.cl tMte4n: tllCI ....,_of ttle f',._ end Of bulllMR ... ' prior IO four mon• .... -1_ 12. IO ----f'llot. hpt 11 H OCt e 12 Itta plut N VlllM9, II 91\y, 1111det I N '""'9 ~by llld DeM of , WATl .. OATI~ l. TO., 4UC '"" ·-0 :,' ttie It~~-:, :.C..°":: ' ' ' · ' •ttt-a *"" lflereof end lnWlll on Tr1111 TII• 101a1 amount of ••kt =r.'' °''"'· h i•• c. HewJIOff the dat• of the hurlnll of ,,..,_ Md •P nfftaellll•. •-.,. -ldvenoee, Md p1119 feel, Chat oblle1t1on, fnclvdlnt reHon11>1y • C.. ""° noUced abcwe. hollbldelar.,..fUmllft-...._ ..,,_ and*"'*""oftM TNMM ••tfm•lld '"'· ctlartH and laY•rty !41flt 11 .. 111. '-id.. YOU MAY EXA .. INE bond •nd ,.,, __ ;;4&~ -INi;i.......,nmiiiioueiiiiii•Mi11ii1i1iiliMii'"-~'i'T11e cw::' :z.= ':9:.1~ :C:-~'~~::a!":': g::r::_:•gn~~~ iM rue kept by the eourt. If raqua,acs ~a-U.. ITA~ o911gellon. lnclvcllnt ra•eonabty 110,a..e • tlMO you are ln\e~ In th• P\irllllflt to leatloll 1770 Of IN Tiit....,.. Pl"IOlll.,.. CIOll't Hllmal•d I•••· chrgH end Detect. Octoo.r a, t"2. Tiiie ~la ooncl\IOted ~ • •&a•, you may W. • req~ L•bOf Code, Tiie ~· of ~ •: ~Of, ... ,,. ..... ttle ''"" H 0 M I ,. l 0 I " A L llmlleCI pertnertfllp. --·" wllh th• court to ~,,,. lllCMINI ......_I*~--MAI. UJATl INl"ICTIOH I qf llllllel ~of 1111 ftOtlOI, ft IAVINOI .~ Hllll -Y· UCI., l l t l f ... ......... .,,.,..,,.,..,. .... MAINTIHAHOI .... VIOi, 1417 Pt.4UO. ANO LOAN AMOCIATION • Callfomle •p•c • no c e 0 tn• In the OOVn'ty In"""' ... Wtl II to ••ratot• W1Y. OOlll Meta. CA. Oeteel: ~ 21.i, tH2 °'IAN DllOO. l,lmlled .. ~-· Inventory of .... \e ... la be one. , ... 11 .... '" "" tltll. otOMI MAY•"· • ColltOflllt OOtPofll'IOll, Oonorll ...... ._ of and of tlW .............. . D•p1rtmtnt of Trlf••port1Uon Vlrtl11la M. M•y•r. t•11 T·-• r:-o w-Lid a-_. --, ... -~rl.__... In ..._... ..,.... .._.. ~ .., w eo. c :, MAru~·r• 'Y:· ~ ..... '"'' ~·=.:::........ .... -••r---........ ..... w ................. '°"' Oii ...i• °''· 11 Moll, A ~liJMcs. .~ ... .uw.c.. I =--~:-·. 8 u ti 0 D I 0 0 0' 'h. .. ro,00til '°'"'· o., ... of '"" ..... ..,.., ·~,, ...... • CeitorM OOlpolllklfi. • ~ .,,.,.... ..... ...... Of Ollltarnla ....... Old9. _...a.t •• Ofl fMll ot 1IOO lttl W9J, C... .,._, l)A..... *§:; lie Ae1n1 .......... fmlly, LW T. tr ft, I 111 h I a, 8'Nlt, ...... 1 .. ' 0...-.... T1111---la_,..,..."' I !r DJ ~. I~ J. Morwtr Ir.........,. fl.....,... Wtr••1a ... t•ertt.1 .. ~ .. ,,,., ..... 'f""Y ..... ,. ... "': -"9..---.....-.:. .... ,.~. :1:..:1.· on,__ ~ ._., IOIO ...... ,. IOIO Nar1ft....... VIia WI......... • TllllM•l-1111 ____ .. ...... ...... n.61MMl"""9W ......... _.. • 1 llnr "~we 111 ....._ ~,~" Ofw'lll ~ °" ..... Ma. CA tm11 ..,_ AM, CA MM Q9u111r Cllr\ ef or.... Oe111111J on Lii Aa ti naa ~-..__ ••• -. T•l11C) .... 10 ,...,._•.ffM> ...... tO .........,,,,,_--·~· ~ •--,.,. ,....... °'°"" o .. , Ollfy (lll\lltlllftH Ofaftll C.... Deltt m 1"11 a.aa. hMltMd 0r9"19 OMlt Deltr ,.,..... Orante CeMt '?m ,_ ..... M, 0.. 1, 11. 1t1t "'°'· Oet. ti, It, II. 1MI ,_......, 0r*"9t c .. e ......_ t, t. IL .~ "°'·OM. 4, 1L .e ...... l'lot, .,.. It, II, oat. I , 1;.Ri _, .. , • ..., .. ~ ..... 11, 0.. "), 11, 1~1 ....... ~- Orange Co11t O~ILY Pll.OT/Tuetdav, October 12, 1982 MllC NC>Tlct ........ NOTICE OP 0£ATH or VIOLET CLVDE llOIS, alaa VIOLET c. ROSS AND or PETITION TO ADMINISTER ESTATE NO. A·llill7. To aU h411rs, bcnefjc·tllflt.ofl credltora and cootlngent credito r• ot Violet Clyde ~. aka Vlolcit C. ft()U and perso n a wh o ma y be oth41rWlll' lnlcrt'lltt.-d In thCI will lmd/or e.tato: MlJC NOTICE MUC NOncc IOnca °' 'tcTmOU• .,..... • u , 1 " a o " c o " T """Tll't IALI MAMI tTAftMIN'f CMM'CMllU '--Me....,.._, f111 tollowlng p4lt1on 11 doing C°'*tY OP ~ T.t. .... c...... bUMMa H 100 Cwte CeM9f Oftft, WMI 11 A I ID I FIN AN CI A l RICKMAN Rl'INFORCING ,,O, ..... CORPORATION .. duly IPC)Olllled IT Lil, 204 OtlYe y Avenue, ....._AM, CeiltwlM m• T 111t1•• unde1 I h• lollowlng Anllhe!M, CalllOtnl• OH04 MARRIAQI Of Cleeetll>fd d..O Of l•ull WILL SELL Lairy Wllllam Rlclo.man, io• PITITIONIR. PHYLLIS COLLIER AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE Ottwy A-. A~, CelllOfl\la RllPONDENT. OlOl'FRl!Y HIOHl'I T l lODIR fOR CASH 9'~ COlLllR ~payable e1 time ot .. 1. In l••ful Thl1 ovalf141H 11 c~tecl by tn lu.11:1'-'AML Y UW) money or 111• Unlled SletH ) au lndlYldu111 CAM ll1 D • 19 ,. right. Uti. •nd lnttr .. t COtl,,.yeO to La11y W RICICf!I.,, NOTICll end now ti.to by II undtt N ld Deed Thi• e1ertr~n1 w .. ''*' wl(h IN v.., llaff -..,. Med. Ttie ..-t ot Trull In 1119 prOl)trly her.inalt91 COU'11y Cl••k OI 01engt Covnty on M41Y -.w. ........ ,.., wlt~t deterll>ed· SllP••m~ 11. 1ou rottt hlftt lle1td ttftlH• r•u T R UST 0 R. HA RR Y G ,,tftM ,..,_ wttNll • ., .. "9M .. Dic ke r Praaer H a nna Dawson Thomas t: A pt'tlllon hu bt~n fll~ ~ Bank of Newport ln the uptirlor Cour1 o f Oran11 unty ~uettlng that Bank ~ Nt•wport );Ko MppointOO OJI pc;t1on11l r4.!prti~nt11tlve 10 fdrnlnluer thti elllate of Vio le t Clyd e Ross. Corona dc l M 1.1r. Cnlltornla (unde r (he Ind ependent Adn1lnh1tr111lon o f Eatatt'I Act). The petition Is wt for h earing an Dept No. 3 et 700 Civic Center Drive W est. Santa Ana, C&llforrua 92701 on Oct0ber 27, 1982 at 9:30 VANDAGRIFF 1nd VIRGINIA Fl PuOlltlltd Or•nQt Co11tt Dally ~ ...... . VANDAGRIFF. nu1band and wife Piiot. Stut ~I. 20. Oct 6. 12. tOH W ,_ .,._ lt, .... ltlt ....... of BENEFICIARY Fl'ASl 4t12-H aft 1tt"11er 111 tllle Mellet1 r•u l'EDERAl 8AVIN08 ANO LOAN PUBLIC Ml\TICE ............ ,,_,.., ....... ,_ ASSOCIAT ION OF SA NT.A "" ,....._.,,......,tfMJ,"'8J MONICA, I COl'P<>f•llon NOTICI OP ,UILIC HIAlllNO IM MM ... ltlM. Center d evelopers f o rmed AeG0tded June 2· 1981 H lntlt I V THI lllDIVILOPMINT AVtlOI No. 2e13 1n boOll 14on. Paoe en AO.NCV °' ,,. CfTV °' COITA U.tM "• •W. dem•11de4e. 11 The Rob~rl P. Warming t o n of Otllclal Rec0td1 In ,,,. oftkle of M I I A To RI y I I W AND t~ ,_. doaldlt -lre Ud. C d Q Id V 1na Recorder f,' Orange County. IVALUATI THI ,ROCllt 0, af11 •utileMI• • me"" '" Ud. ompany un · e ra ance 11ld dHd 01 ru11 de1crlbH th• THI llllDIYILO,MINT PLANI ,.........._.,. ........ 1. .. a. Dicker, A t1hopplng Cl'nll'r 1~ pr~ty '°" RIDIYIL0"'1mtfT ""o..cT ... .._..,. ""° llfue. 11JX,>ciall1t, havf' announc~d the PAR EL FM •lmpl• i111a io ARIA ND. ' (THI DOWNTOWN II u11~ tl•H• Hll•ltar •• t t ' of DI .. W I t and imple m e n •h•1'on of a·n vt.:ntor ·J Condominium Unll No 9 (lhl _ .... -'"' ........ ... .... orrna ton Caer-arm DI on .... y "Unlt"I, u ahown upon th• :.~v~~J.!.~",:C:Jc:::. ••u11te, d•lurh fl •••r l• Propertle•, a compan y that wlll 11ystcms. T h e com putcrizl'd Condominium Plan C•nt1t1ed 2 ITH I w ALL A. c I ~•., • .... _., s~iallz.e in mixed-use a nd r"t.ail tracking syste m t•n s ures th:1l "Condominium Plan 101 Loi 1 of -~~CT AM.At au ,..,_ .. • ........... ., fie~ " • Traci No 10587"1. (Th• "Plan"), AND TO ACCl'T "'9&.IC NIUt ••tu"•· pu•d• "' , .. latrada • 11 o pplng cente r developmenl~ inve nto ries m eet c urrent and o'occo~!!~1°~0Ju:~.'i~. :~1:0:: ON THE OIJICTIVH OP THI ~THE RESPONDENT ln a ddition , the c ompany IS anticipated business <.'OndlliOn.b of 1322e. P• .. 1e through 115 =~LANO INITITUn 'AMIL The petitioner h .. flied• pe1ition loo k i ng l o acquire exist1 ng th e Distribution Companies. iunlF. YOU OBJECT to th"' lncluelve 01 ~fic:1•1 Rtc0td• ot Mid NOTICE 1s HEREBY GrVEN 11111 concetnlng YOUI maulage, "~tall shopping cen ters a nd ho tels for A 26-year e mployee of FDC's " Orange Counly, whlCll plan pertalnt to 1119 • reeponM within • °"Yt Of If , ('anting or the petition. you 10 lh•l ptoper1y dMC:flbed ln Tr~ ~~.y~~~.~I ~~ lhe d•I• thal lhl• 1ummon1 I• itsc and it3 lnvesto r11. Rt!publtc Sµpply Compan y of • h ould el'tber appear a t the No. 10587. In ,,,. County or O<enna. Mt-..ct on YoU· your default may be <:alifornia. H anna is a graduate Slat• of C1lllornla. recordeo"'j';, NoYember 18· 1982• •t lhe hour 01 entered and Iha court may enttr • h ea ring a nd s tate yo ur book 440 pag .. 6 end 6 730p.m u111e ume, and II.a" 111e ludgmenl containing lnJuncalve Of The appointment of R onald H. of P cpperdinc U n iversity with objections or file w ritten Mltcella.neoui Main. In 1,,. onioo 0j ~~~~v~~~. °:'.,':!· other 0tdert c:onc:«n+ng dM~ of Prage r as vice president o f rc~I a degree in management a nd also DC BUSlllSS Council, th<• Sales anQ M a rketing · Council ol ()range County, und tht• 8uildlr1t( Industry A.ssodatlon u ( S<1ut hcm Cahfornw Thoma11, who wa~ formerly lx:an W 1tll'r Stock Broke rage, has an t•xtc•os1ve background In sales ru\d administration. He will spec1al1w In thc 'leasing and aales o f i ndu s tria l prope rties at Ashw1ll Burkt:-lrvme. A graduaw of UCLA w ith a degrc.-e in •·-<:on o m1<.11 a nd finan~-e . T h omas IS 8 resldl·nl or Long Beach objections with the court 111e county recOfder of ukl county. C•lllotnl• ., t,,. plic. t0t • pubHci prope1ty, 1pouHI 1upport. chlld estate/major loons, was made this holds an associate deg re<.· in belore the hearing. Your PARCEL 2 An undivided 00258 t1earjngtobelleldbytt1eAgency10 cullody, chlld iupport, attorney w eek by Far West Savings and p e troleum tcchnolo~y f rom Frederic k 8 . R e ntschle r , nppearance mav be In per!IC>n percent lnt•••ll In and 10 thl revl .... and ..... 1 .,. 1111 """''"'of , .... COlll, and tuCh OllW rllllel u Lo ..... Asaoclatlon. " common Ar••• as anown •nd u ,. . ..., may be granted by 111e court. Tiii .... Orange Coast Col egc I n president of Hunt We1100 Or by your attorney. dellnod on the Plan. the Downlown Redevelopme111 g1rnlthmen1 of w1gea. teklng ol -1 F you ARE A EXCEPTTHEREFROMalloO,gu, Project A1ea No 1and111e Wallace money 0t property, 0t 01,,., court Prage r comes to F ar Wes t California. Foodll , Inc. u nno u nces lhc _ REDITOR or a contingent m111e1a11 and other nydroca•t>on•. Neighborhood Redeveiopment autnorlied procH<llnga m1y alto Savings from Lloyd's Bank o f kro m ot1o n uf Dr. Donald D . --~-'1 f h d ased below• aep111 of 500 feet wllhoul Proiect Area No 2 reeult California, whe r t' he w as vice.• A a b w 111 8 u r k ... Ir v a· n e body to th post' f n '1or C•~ to r o l e cce , you Ill• right of aurlace e~lry. aa Al eny 11me. not leter 111an lllO Dated: July 20. 1982 .. '" 1• I lf)n O &e mustrileyou r claimwlththe r~lnlnllrument1ot rec0td nour aloreHld aat lor naar1g. •ny LHA B•tncll pres ide nt o f the r ea l estat e announces the a dditio n o f lwo vice preside nt with responsibility courl or present It to the PARCEL 3· An exclutlve no111 an<1 person who dealr" 10 e•preas •n Clerk industries division. He previously commercial/industrial real est.al<.> for rcscG1rc:h a nd de)'elopmt'nl, " '""p•rsonal re pre~entat ivn eaaament I~ u1e the Patio Area opinion on lhl progren °1 the By; r ' M. Burnt, W ""' v1·~ pr""'1'd"•nt o f r e al ""''"'" b k Bill D d R l't d te " ~ " red•~elopment plAn• may Ill• in ..... ..... '"' ~ "'""'"' ro e r s, awson an ex qua 1 y assurun ce an corp<J1'S .. appointe d by the court daslgn•tedP·9on theplanasbelng . Deputy I f A . c· D~ k ...., appurlenent 10 t,,. Unit. wt111ng, a 11a1amen1 ot 1111/her DIAN A. DlNttOH oan s o r m er1can tty 0<1n • Thomas. relations . wt)¥ithinfourmonths fromthe PARCEL4An 1xolu11ver1gnund 0P1nloni.A1tneabove·1t•ledplacre •T-11CenterDt1Y1, where h e was r espons ible for Dawson h as b een in R o h dy, who joined Hunl.· 1:..,. date or Urst issuance o r MHIT\4lfll IO UH the parking •Pace and time any ~ton or Otg•nlzallon •ull• IOO d . d ' I . I 96 h c. !le tters as provided in Settion dealgnatec:t on tile Plan., Patklng detlrlng 10 be heard w111 be •llOfded coat. ...... ce11tontla t21a1 con s tructio n a n tnte rme 1a te commercia a nd resident1a real W esson in l J, assumes t is • 700 f h p ba Cod f Space No Ps-201. that oppottunlly. Tel: (1141 '41·... real estate invcstme n ls. estate in the Ne wport Beach area position afwr serving four years ~ o I e ro le e O YOU ARE IN OEFAUL T UNDER A Tiii areu ol Ille Redevelopment Publl1hed Orange CoHI Delly :.O..'t:alifornrn. The time for DEED OF TRUST DATED MAY 26• i~f=' .,. ~ally l>Ounded u PllOt, Sept 21, 28. Oct 5. 12. 1982 6ince 1973. H e w as with ColdwelJ as vice prC's1den t . ca nnery filing claims will not expire 1981 UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION RID~YELO,.IHNT PROJICT •175-eJ Bobble L . "Bob" Hanna has B a nke r for fi ve year s before opera t 1 on s . Dur 1 n g his -prior to four months from TOPROTECTYOURPROPERTY,IT ARIA NO 1 DOWNTOWN nuD•.ic NOTICE been promoted to general joining Standard Pacific Corp. as employment at Hunt-W esson. the date of the hearing MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE "'OJ«CT AU/I.-, ".,_ manager, lnvenlory Control, for direclor o f Sales a nd Marke ting. Rohdy has been assign ed to a noticed above g FY~uH ~E~DA ~~ ~e"~~A:i~~ !hit erea 11 roug111y dller•bld.. K_.1112 Fluor Dl1tributlon Companies, M ost recently. h e was d irector o f variety or senio r staff and lme .... ,h vgu kMA ~ EhXAMlN1~ :Rgc~~D4NG AGAINST YOO, You:':.~"~.,: 1~:.':,!1r:1 1: •m~°'c=~HE Inc ., a s ub111d1ary of Fluo r sales for J .M . Peters Company. oJ>t!rau onal rcspons1b1hues . • ~ e e epl Y 1 e court H u CONTACT A LAWYER .. ,, 11111 St• .. , on 111e aout11 •nd COUNTY°' ORANCM Corporation. A r esi d e nt of Hunti n g ton Rohdy as a gradual~· o f low a ::fyou a r e Interested in the "-~.ccao~2•2L•7.ne • 111• Newport p~ Avenue on lh• w .. 1 ·• 1'00 c ....... c ... --............ w•at H FD C B h D · s u h B S ......,, ~A.... .-.-.............. -anna r e ports to eal', awson 1s a c ti ve 1n tat.c n1v"rs1ty w it a 1·n ~1!5lale, you may (ilea requesl "Ill • 1trM1 address 0t c;ommon "EDEVILO,MINT ,ROJICT ...... AM. CA_,.., · '" · · ..,'wllh t h~ court t o r eceive dHlgnetlon 11 ihown above no A Ill EA~ -we 11 • o • PLAINTIFF LEONARD KLEEGER, President Leon S h ackelford and several industry o rganization s, general Agricuhurl• a nd a Ph.D • s pe cial n oti ce or th e warra n1y 11 give n•• 10'111 NEIGHI ""OJ«CTAMA uss1E KL EEG ER. HARRIS nvt>rsees the a udit, d evelo pment inc luding the H o m e Builder's in Agricultural &:onomics. lnvenWry of eslatea-els~t~~~r~~I "~ T~~~·~n~rt~u fil~~ROOEMFOO~J~N ~---------------------------------------------------~ II being bounOed by Hemllton SlrMt INGLANO end JOHN S EIT Z, and of the peUllOl\S, accounts bene Clary under H id DHd of on tne north, Pomona Avenue on RUSTEE.8 FOR $EITZ·ROBISON ~nd re p orts d escribed In ~~:it~~ ~=·:~:!u~n~r=.: lhe aul, Weal 10111 s1 ... 1 on the EMPLOYEE PROFIT SHARING ~sect I 0 n 1 20 0 0 f th t' thereby htrtlOIOt• axecule<I and IOUlll. and Pl.O....tl• Avenue on Ille PLAN. RAYMOND J Et»SE N. O'l·Callfomla Probate Code. dlllvered 10 lhe undartlgnad • -;!. D...__. __ , :c wtn ~ICZ~BEEYTHJEJ~NNSBEENC, KPLAEUYL " M M •· wrllten Oederatlon of O.faull and ,,. ._.... • ...,,, .. _, 8"' "l . " . " e I er v t . amp er -Demand IOI' Sale and Mitten notice also conduct. publlc ,,.., ng on Ille ER NON SPIT A LERI, MARJORIE • Ha, .. e I . 8 y: Er De I ' J . ot breach Ind oi elec11on 10 cauM -dete Ind llme fOt public lnpul PIT AL.ERi, CARTER McDONALD, _..Sella&, Jr. and Robert A. the undersigned 1o sell u ld with retpect to 111• Urban Land MARIAN McDONALD and JOSEPH Foster, Eaq., Altoraeya at property 10 .. usty .. to obllgiuons 1n111tute Penel Advltory Service RISAY. TRUSTEE tor GRISAY La_,, ·r.190 Camp•• Drlv•, and tntrealler the under1tgneci The Panel AdvllOfY ServiCle Study FAMll Y TRUST. .. ., .. wlll provide the Agency wllll an vetlU5 .uof .O. Box 78%0 , Newport :i-=-~~i:''l:c~r~:~~,:d1~'. obl•cllve evaluation of Ill• DEF E NDANT OO NALO M Beacb , California tZllO. 198:2 111ni1r. No 82-2041 70 or Hid development potenllal tor tne SUTHERLAND. LAWRENCE A 2 •Jt714) 7$%-8ttri Otllelll Recordt Downtown RedevetoptMnl ProjOCt LEVINSON, LEON H LEVINSON, Publlthad Or1n1• Cou 1 Dally Said nle w'111 bo made but Area The Objacllvea of lhe ULI PHY l LIS TAY l 0 R . J AYNE ~ . Panel Sludy .,. 10 I( Av l I c H . l I z s Au R w EI N. Pilol. Oct ~. e. 12. 111112 without covenanl or warranty, 1 D11erm1na development BARBARA TOMPKINS , HELEN __________ _.4 .. 3)!!--..;8""2 eipress OI' Implied. regarding lltlt, potenllel within the Downtown DEIR. H THOMA S MARSTO N. PUBLIC NOTICE: potMsaron, or encumbrance1, 10 Redevelopment ProjOCt At.. AMBLYN C S MITH, PAUL OE I •·-------------pay ,,,. remaining pnnclpal tum of 2 Consider land pl•nnlng QUATTRO. PATRIC!( O'NEIL, ALAN tU..NOft COURT CW THI the notl(t) MCureO by aald Deed of conciepts GEISLER. JAM ES MOOS, J A ITAft OP C~OflMA P°" Trull, with lnlerett .. In Mid note 3. RellleW exltllng and propoeed W EST H 0 FF . WE ST H 0 FF .,,.. THI COUNTY CW O..ANGI provided, advancN. 11 any. undet traffic circu11 11on 1:1a11ern1 CORPORATION, a Calllo1n1a Ne. AH... lhe rerm• 01 H id Deed of Truet. determination ot their po1lllvei corporation. RAM8LEWOOD, a ON>lllll TO SHOW CAUM '-· Charges and Ppet\-01 tho n e". I Iv a Imp I c I • 0" t II• c -·1-·-LI "AA PW1 lhl FAA POtl CHAMOa °' NAMI TrullM and ol I,,. tru•ta CfNtad by dev':iropmenl potenll•I within 1111 WEST-S A~INGS An:D e·o AN C.C,,. '1277) Mid DMcl ol Trull Seid .... win bl Downtown Redevelopmenl Pro)lc:t ASSOC I A Tl 0 N . a C 1111 or n II In the Maner of,,,. AppltcetlOtl of held on Wednesday. October 20• ArH Ion and DOES 1 111 h --ClARON RICHARD NE LSON and 1982 at 2 OO P M at the CNpman 4 0 e Ye Io p a m 1r11 et1 n g I :•~ roug MEl8A LORIE NELSON, for Avenueentrano.to the CrvlcConler '"'~lallOtl atrateQY ' .. -.... o .... t 8 ulldlng. 300 East Cnapman F0t , .. _ .. _ i·t-ma1~ ,_,..... ....: '" Change of N-. A~. In the Cily ol Or~, CA _,,.., " -~·· ~· -.. CAM ~ll _,, WHEREAS, pellllonora. CLARDN Al Ille tima Of 1110 lnlllal Pet McN1lly, R1Clevelopmen1 NOTICll Yov fllff llill09fl euod. RICHARD NELSON end MELBA publbtk>n of this notlCle, the lOlal Agency of 1,,. City of Coate M-. Tiie-' rft1J tlee ... .....,., ,_ LORIE NELSON, have llleCI a amount ol lho unpaid balance of 1 7$4-S3:17 wtltwlut ,_ Melle flNrd _.... ---'itlon wltll Ille Clerk Of t"1t Court Obllgailon aecured b lhe abov EILEEN P PHINNEY ,_,....... wtlMfl 10 ..... Reed :,<:m~ ~= ~ ~~~~ d•rcrlb•d dHd o7 1ru11 and ~~Agency ~ ~ ~· "• •Ide .,.KELSON and ME LBA LORIE ... mated COIU. ••P•n•et. and Pubhshed Oreng• COHI Diiiy d•m•11dede. El lrl~u••• ,u•d• r NELSON to RICHARD CLARON advi ncu 11 Sll0.40• 2$ T Piiot, October 12, 10 21, 1082 .._. Mfttr• Ud. ... 11:1&1hno6e a • :ll El S 0 N 1 n d l 0 RI ME LBA Clelermlne tlle opening bid. )'Ou ma •«8·12 - -Udo, ':r:.= defttre .t.:LSON cell (7 14) 937-o986 ..-: Delee! September 20. 1982 • • dlM. "-la llA.,. IT IS ORDERED tnat •M perton1 SEAStDE FINANCIAL PUBLIC NOTIC£ ....._ tnlerHled ln lhe above·anlllfed CORPORATION NO'TlCI Of lt VDU with to look I.he ad~ ol ~. 'i'~~AT.! :::::: 1~~~.,;~ B=Y· TtD. SERVICE co.. ._ .... "!'.!!,ll, ~.:~... ~c:::: ;~~:1y':':i:i::.:, • -In the courtroom ot Deper1ment No. .,_ .. ___ .. --.. written rffPOnff. If eny. m1y b• ~ It lhe CourthOUM localed al 700 y '""'""""'"VO' T.8 ..... C .... 11 tiled oo lime. Ctm Center Ol1Ye WMI, Senta Ana, Aialetant ~etary NEWPORT HOME LOAN, INC. M SI Ualed due a I OllClllr el Calltomla. end lhDw cauM, II any, One City BIYd. West. duly ewotnteO TruttM under Iha I d b do •A • 1 Ofange. CA 0286e lollowtng Cloaerlbed d-.d of trutt conH o • un • oo• .. I e ~~~tl~nt>!c:;~:::i~g· of ~14)93s..11288 Will SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION .. unto, d•b•rl• htoerlo IT IS FURTHER ORDERED thel a Pubtll ed Orenge CoHt Dally TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER FOA lnmedlatemenle, di !;'~~~·· oopy ot lhl• Ofd« 10 Snow CttuM PHol Sept 29. Oct 5· 12• 1982 CASH IP•Y•blt •• time of .... In ::a.~::;::;r~ ; 1~;;!",,.' be pub119hod In lhe COSTA MESA 42n -e2 lawf\.11 money of the Unlteel SlatMI t. TO 'THt DEFENDANT; A c:MI DAil Y PILOT, • new1p1p11 of PUBLIC NOTICE •It right, title eno Inter•• QOnveyed complalnt hH bffn ltled by the g•n•r•I olroulatlon printed In to and now held by It undtt Mid plalntlft ..inet you. K you wWI 10 Oranoe COunty, Calll0tnla, once • MO'TlCE INVITINO ..,. DHd ot Trull In 1111 property defend ttlll lewlull, you n'Ul. within --k for lour succeHlv• wHkl Notice 11 hef•bY glYen 111•1 tile herell\af\tr dleetlbed: M d1y1 altet thll 1ummon1 11 p(IOt 10 the del• Ml r0t heWlng on Bolfd of Tru1IHI or the CoHt T R u 8 T 0 R : J E N -K E --°" you, Ille with lhl• court . tho petition Community Coll•O• D11tr1c1 of PARTNERS . • C • 1 Ito r n I• wn"en ~ 10 the COITll)lelnl DATED: Octo«>er 1, 1082 011ng• County. Calllornla, wlll PW1nerlhlp tJnteM YoU do ao, your Oefeult will 1 • • FRANI( DOMENICHINI receive Haltd bldl up to 11·00. BENEFICIARY: NEWPORT be entet.cl on application 01 tho ... Judge Of the Th\nday, Oclober 21, 1982 .• , the HOME LOAN TRUST NO. 1H plalntltf, end ltlla oour1 may en•. • • SuperlOt Cout1 PurchHlno Department of H id Reoorded Ii.Pf~ te, 1'82 18 ln11r. JudOrnenl eoalnet you tor Iha relltif ~ L.. llACMllMt college di11r1c1 located et 1370 No 82·13294 of Official Aecofd1 In o.nanded W. Iha c:omc>Wnt. which ~ .. ~ Adam• Avenue, Colla Meu. the omc. Of the Aecrorder Of Orenoe c;ould rHult In garnl1hme11t of P.O .... C-,_ Calllr0tnie. er wNch time Mid bk:ls COunty, tllld dead 011ru11 cleeulbee wao-. lllklfta of money or property .c ...... DfM wilt be pUbllc;ly °'**'end rMd tor lhe 104lowtng propeny or other reflel requHl•d In th• r. C...01• tc111' PRINTING AND BINDING Loi 5, Block 22, of Newpo<t oomfMlnl. 1111 (714) .,.._ SPRING CLASS SCHEDULE; BMdl TrllC1, .. I* mac> recorded DATED· October 20. 1081 ... -.Publl1hed Orange CoHI Dally GOl.OEN WEST COLLEGE In Boo* 3, Page 2t of Mleoel--.e LEE A BRANCH, .;Jlllo1 Oct. 5, 12. 19. M . 1982 All bids -to be In aceordance Mape, 111 the omc. of ,,,. County Clerk ""' 073-82 with lhe 8ld F0tm k11trvc110t1t and ~der ol Saki County 8y: SHARON l<UPl<A, 1 ,.., PUlJC N()TIC[ CondlllOnl and S.poc;lficaUOns Which 220e W. OcMnltont. HowP0rt Deputy .~ ere now In Ille and miry be MCUreCI BMctt. CA tALL & .. ...., "' 5 • ..,.., In Ille ottloe ol the Putd\Ulng Agent "(tt e 1trwt addr-0t common a.IMrt IC .... ljo< v ~ COU9ff (W TI4I of Mid Gollege dlllrlct dHlgnalfOfl 11 11\own above, no 191:11,.... o. AJ1o19. autte 211 .., .. ,. •TATI OP CAL#o.A '°" Each bidder mul1 tubmll Wltll hi• w1tren1y t1 given u to 111 l..-w ..... CA mu COUNTY°" LOI ANCMLll bid • caalller'• c;heck. urtlll•d oomplet-or corr«it,_)... Tel; (1'4l ....-Ut............ check, 01 bidder'• bond mad• YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A Pu1>ll1htd O"no• Coul Dally ......u. .... ~ CA "°12 payable IO the Otd« of Ille Coul DEED OF TRUST DATED APRIL 13, Piiot Oct 6. 12, t8, 28, 1oe2 1., ,. PLAINTIFF: COtnmunlty Colleg• Ol1lllCI Board t082 UNLESS YOU TAKt ACTION 4372-82 COM~UNITY 8ANK, a CalHomla Of Trull-In en amount not ltll TO PAOTECT YOUA PROPl!ln'Y, IT • eorpofetlOI\ lhltl tlve perc;enl (&%) of ,,,. tum MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE 1• 1'0Efl!NOANT: bid ••• guarani .. thll the Olddtr IF YOU NEED AN E)(PLANATION ""'·~JOHN J. l(UllKOFF, dbl J J wlll enter lnlo thl oropoud OF THE NATURE OF THI _,F c,,..,•PANY d DOES t Contrac1 It 1,,. 111"1 19 ew.,ded to PROCEEOINO A0AIN8T YOU. YOU KUllt(ur• .,... ' an him. In the event of !allure to eliler SHOULD CONT AOT A LAWVER, ~ougfl 10. lnc:luelvt. _. • • 14.•R'OMI Into eucn oonlrl!Ct, the ptooeedt of The ber!ellolary under Mid Died ~ ' CA89 _,. CMt117 the Gheck w4M be IOfflllled, Ot In t,,. of TNll. by ,_, of a brMCh or ~ _ aonc8I ., .. ...._ ....,. ltllCl. caM ot • bond, IM tun llUfll thereof default Jn the obltgotlone ~ ... E" ..., .............. ,.., wlll b• lorl•ll•d 10 said college thereby, hel'etolore eHcut.ct 11nc1 •: ....._ ._..,.. _..... dlltrlc:t. ' dellY•t•d 10 the unde11l9ned • ;. ,..:= ..... • .,._,..... No bidder ml'( withdraw 1111 bid Wflnen Dectara11on ot Default llnCI "' ...., 1 11 ....,, tor • C*IOd '°' rony.nw (4&1 d•ya Oemend tor ..... 9ftd wrlntn llOtloe IO • If ,OU ...... to _. the adYIC9 Of tfler tM dtle Ml IOt Ole CIPllf'llnQ Of btttcf'I 11'14 Of tltetton 10 ~ •'•11 •Horney fn '"'' metter, rou thereof Ult 11nder1111ned to ••II U ld • ilNll*I do IO pr~ eo 11\et yo.tt The Board Of Tru.tt .. , __ Pfoptr'IY10 M11tf'/ Mid 00119t110ftt, .,..,... r-.onee. If any, m•y _,. Ille prMlege Of r~lllO 11"111\d Ill eno l~r••fler the 11nder1l9ned 1 ~ Oii 11me. bldt or to •lll¥e eny ltr~ or clllMCI MIO nottoe Of IN9eCfl elld Of -.,," • Av •• 0 I u ••• d II. e Id. lnfOtfNllll .. In tny bid Of In IM etec;tlon to be ,_dad NM 11, iol ilia••••••· 11 ., .. ,.., ,.._. blOdlng tN2 •"*'·No. 82•210002 ohlld 4H ....---u.. • -II /If NOfWAN E. WATSON OfllOlml Recorde. t --0 ~. Seid H I• wlll be tntde, but :,~..:-a..:--1:::::::1~ 9o8ld o(Trw1-wl111out covenent or warr1ntr. A co.t ~ty .., ... or tmoled. '-o«fnl IMll, " • 1 Utt•CI dettt 1ollcltar 11 COleOe Dletl1Gt poeullll>I\, Of ~--. lo , eorweto de un tl>OOedO <ti\ •••• Putllllflod bre11ge Coa11 Oally pey IN r_..... Pflfldpel "'"' Of w 1 ~tu Il la, dt lltrr• 11 t Ce r IO Plloe, OCt. 5, 12, ttl2 IN "°'9(1) MOW9d by Mid Deed of ~. do .... mtn«a. 438042 T"'91, """ 111,.,... M Ill Mid ,.... ~ ;'.!!.•:'!.-:-!:;: ~ MUC M>TICl ~~ ':~0:...871 = ., • 1. TO f .. DUllfOAHf· A dVll "*"10Ui ..-.. ta.. ~ lftd .....,_. Of IN NlllC NOTICE PICTJTIOUI IUt .... NAmSTAft•NT The IOllowlf'lt per1on1 ere dOlng bu..,,... ... PACIFIC COAST POTTEAY. 211'-' Cocstt Stttet. Newport a.ch • Caltlomla 02"3 Den• amllh uenlllly, 218'" Cedar SlrHI, Ntwoo11 BHOh, Catll0tnla t2-3 Atthur Wiii. 1511 Glb••ltor, ~. c.IKOfntt 02008 a eon Alll1on Gen1111y, 218"' Cedar lllHt, Newport 8Hcll. CallfOfnla tzte3 Thle b\llllleM 11 oonduc:ted by 1 O--el patlnertf\!O Oent Otnti~ Thll eteternont wet Neel wtttl the County Clwtl Of Orange county on Ocaotl« I. 1M2 ,.,. PubRahed Oreno• Coe11 Delly Piiot, Oct. a. 12, It, 2t. 1M2 •S1M2 .. -~· Ml Ileen llled lly Ille NAm 8Tl~. TNelOe end of""'"'°"~ by ., ~.= ~ " ,.ov wlltt to T ..... .....-........ -.,. dol"" Mid Died Of Trvll laid .... w411 lie ~ ....... " • '"' ,_.. • .,. ,....,~-.. ., heM:I Oii T~-. OolAlllet It, 1tll I a- Ii' ....... ~"""'·within DutlnoM •; -· c ·-· ,, d•r• ,,.., tflll tummon1 II 090 AllOCIATH t20t w I.I .. 1 .00 p.m .... UIO 111pme11 The fottow•no ""Ott It dOlllt ,. _. 011,eu lllocl wtlfl w. ooun a A 1111 eOo 0 ' A~ ertlrenoe IO ltlO OMe C...• ~ -. ,, ~ ,...... to tf1e -...ini Veit --· le • ianot. l11ltd11111. 300 1 •11 Olllp"'on IUNLITI IOV' CO. t1101a1t -. u.w. ,OU dO to. 'ffNI ............ Ca. =.i e. Ottormll1or "' ~ Awrtllll rn 11'9 City Of ()t.,..., ~. ""''""·lull• "A", hn•• Mt. • •.....,.. Oii apptloellOn ol the Lido Porll Wlr/, Unll 0-I ·~ .Al 1111 tll'fle •of tlle 111ttltt CA. ~ w M oourt NY lfltet • ...,,. Co tatia . P"~ Of ~ '"*°• lftt feltll ,.,._.. In....,.._ a...,.., ol ~ft =::.,i:-: le•••r a Cicero. 111c. J• :=;:i!:.'':=:':':o': ~JtllllJ, HH4 OorotllH, :: .-ci Neun l111='"'"•"' ot c111tor1111 oorpor1t1on). 20 o tlucrlbtd dH• of ""'' •rt• '"'v;;'=-r-..:'w • 11 ~ ...._ et ., "°"'1Y ~ louleY•td, Coat• M•H, o1llm•tld ooete, .. ,... ... , 11141 ""'"9d ...,,,_.,... #I '9' otllef roftef r .... IH Ill lllO CIThie .,J..,... It eonducled by 8 edYe!!OH It 114,IOl.IO, To ........,, Int. Ol"Ofll ,,.,. ·-det•mlM,... ........... ~...., ...... ,.,_.. ...... --=_... ........ 11i.if1tt' CICll'Q, INC call (7'4! t'7.otll, -=---NI ~, TMrer. Deeed.-= .'!i.!!11· .... o.Mr• ._,... NIW ,_ LOAN, 1 ... _..,,._._.11118f11 Tlllil lllite:WIC ._ tll9tl _, N IHO. • ... nw.. :=r= .... ma.-... a..-, c-.., c.ei .i ~ Oeunty... .,, ~ ._..... ...-...... 0..Ullll l•tae• M, -· -· ..!:!f!!l' -TI-......,_.. ..... wlll .,_ ... ..... .. ... !l!!!llP.. \, •-:mr °"' ..... =:\..ca.. fl°""" CeuMy Oii 3'1!1!!111.!!ll'!R.!!!lllr! -r:.==.-a.-.: ...... ... ,_ .. :.;r..,c:--m.u=---,., ...:=-r,.. "· ... ~ ,=.-:r..~ c:-1:..':I ..,... ..,.... - OVER THE COUNTER NASO LISTINGS NEW YORK """' t..•en1Jl ))I., ,.. lnlrAtnd • .... , P•w•u P •• • • .. 1"··•~1 , .. , .. NASO.t.0 q,,otelloM Clow(.p "" s~. Intel )t• 1 ,..._ Pffr I I t Slr•w(I 1•4. "'• UPS AND DOWNS ""'"'1"9 "'Ol>M' -· (01111• ••l. 1•1 • tnttt Enr )•, l"-P•n•En• " ••~ • SutMtu .•.. ·~·· And ·-•I ,,., ... by (OI0(.6 • J7 \ I• lnlQ•Oh JO lO' • P•ntM \ 1~:-~:;I~~~ El ''· ••• m4rk.•l ~''••al (.om(IH U i, ~·· lntmf'O 111 • 1' PeoPEAP ••• •'• 4 p.m Prl<..M dO nirt Cml!>nr 10 II lnlmlC.\ "" 11 I P•t•llt ,,,, w .,lllME 0C ' ..... NEW YORK tAl'l T nir tot1ow1nv 1.,, jn<luOe .... ,, ..... ,~..,, c.1 .... 1.1 ., .. "'' ln8WV. t • • ..... P•lllbon 14', 14•,1 lt~• ,, .. ., .. ""''"' ln.r ov .. , 1n.r "°""'' .. ' m•r-kdOWf'I "' comm· ~onP411> ~ ~. lw•ScJUI 11' • 11'•! P"U•Ntl •l'• t)~ 1• m 1•'• 71 \lO<~\ M"1 Wlt,,Anl' 'nAt MVP -UCl l\\k)n fOf Mon<My Ofdl\ l01 " lO,. J•m•llY IJ1 t IJ<. PltrUSS U 14' / Tt<.umP u ..I. tN "'°'' -"° oown llw "'°'' t><t~ on Slot~ Bid Mlt C.ro\lr• ti'· ••• ' J•n<o 74"' 11h Pln~rln lt1 M l•ltmA 'J1 • 11•· 0.,(Pf"1 ot (f\(tl\Of "'OftOlf",\, o~ 'W0t"'1" .. AEL tno till'• U'• Cullr ~d .. ''• •IJ•llv l 1• ' ' P1on>4I , tJi,, 7)fi-. r.-n•nt , •• , 11 ior MotlclAy j!IFl\P<OI 1t; )I (y(ll•on s .. SI. ~O:.'l)~ Pt ~1~: m: ~~~:~,.. '• 1 lip,.,., I I'• NO *-U,,0f1. 1,.0•"9 Oitl0¥IJ \2 .,. tn(I AVM C,,. •l· •\o 01.0 ••• U"'-u 1 , 171. 12<-TomlO•I 7 ... )I. VOid N•t Mw:I pt"rcent•Qt <twnQe' .,, ttw A<•dln• ••'· 11•. OavtM ""' IS l(.;1 • ., 1 11 tit Po .. GM )9\• >9' • l ovot• > I , .. d1ft•r•nc. .. IX'l""ffl I,... Or•v•Ou\ UO~AQ A«wray I''· 11 .. 08fft ~ \ IS.:11 t(•nl•n 1'' ' 1) Pr.St-vn ~~ i;:~ l~~~~a I )'o OtO 011<-t ~ too.-'t' \ ltt\f bKI prtt• AOdl\l\W I)•, I) g:~~' ., .. 11« .... ,s. ' 11 .. :it•' Pr~•P 1)I I 1)1 I AdvR-''' ... '°"• I' I I l(tmbllll I' .. IO._ PbSvNC ll ', 1J'• fyM>ftFO ti\ .. "'. "'"8"' .. , . " 0.wey(.I ''I ''• io;1no1n1 1• • l PurtS.-n ti•• ".._ UnM cGH 1•' a I/'• U P~ AlltOltl( l.S'. ,.,_,., OlaCro 7S h KloolC l41' )lit , PutO~ '""• 11 US Enr )" I"' ....... l •\I .'"!. Pt I AM4rea '" H , OtanGru n :it ~~:~" IJ'' 14 Ou•.._r ..... , us S..r 11<. II I Row-r r , ' Up M• ·~"'" •.. .. ' Ooc~lrl .... )0 'i'• ''• R•~nCP ''• , .. us rro ,, ... 1)\. 1 CatSlv 9 ' .. Up 13 I AC•eet ..... Jt .. OollrGn n 1. n • Kut1<•• ,. .. 11 R•vmno 1••, JO UlftBll\ 00 ... " l F-r ... . I J Up 111 :::-~r". eo~ I .... Ooyl08 ,,.1, u L•l\C• \ 11 11' • A.,_,v.-,, ~r· ~. . ~~,.:.,., •.. ... • '""*'" J• . ... Up 21 I O•l.t~n 1• • , .... L•nclllft • ••u RooOdSv "'• ...... ·~· 1v. Oun•. , .. '""-1"'• L•.-.Co o·, ... RobC>My 10 104o I v .. 111 , ... ,.,. s Hm•ldF 10 , .. Up JI 1 AOV... ... ... tNriron •'• 101• Ltft\Y\ JH, 11 Rouw J4t 1 24~ VelM•ll 10 10 .. • P•OS.-• ' Up 100 ARt\M9 II ... , .. l:•ltlV"< '""'· u•' Ll"llro ' lt 31•. WOiier ,... ' v ... o ... • • •0 I ~~i:.~· l '• ... Up 19.J AWt!O 11 .,,,. Eunl..M> 2> I>'• ~~·~" 19 " . Saltto ;:~ ~,;l ~~~::s. U'• •• • , .. Up ltO ,.,..04't , .. • • \y\11" "'' , ' Up ". An9SA 13'. '3' .. Ell:\l.1 11•. 1119 14'• 7S !.!HelCid )0, )'o 10 Metrll l • .. Up II 1 IEI , a. 1 µ. MGF Oil ... . .. SI Paul SS IJ•, VIOeOC.P ..... ... •noAGo 11 11" El•N..CI "'· u MMIWE ,, II .. Su1pH ,, J 20 V•NB\h 711.. 7) II r.,,~n u . . ... Up " . !:f.:~ ,. '"· E•MOO• JO•. 104-::r;:"' l'. l '> Soo•0-1• ..... , .. , W•'"E' I) "' • 1) "-"" ) '· Up II • , ...... ) EntO.-. ,,. 2 ,. •• ,, . .... S.t\'Of ' JJ • JJ•• W•hEn1 ""-' t•'• 13 JM,..(:! ,. J ' VII II I ••Oof>Go •• ..... l.nrNWl I' , .. -·-,., l '. 5,"~' u . 1> ... WO..,, .., 40., " J ME• W'• 11 1 .. Up II I AllC•LI ·~· •• t tnlhv ·~ .. ' -u1LP JO )t\1 SvCM\I »· ~ 1'_,... WHOIO al"-al'• " JllRftlt ... I• UP ,., All.nR' JI' I J'I Et115"" IJ u .. ...... .,. •.. .... 5"-41'-41'. Wm0<( 11', II •• Afmo~ 10 t. UP I• I ,..,,, ... • ... It .. I I '• ::i;.o.:: ' . '" 5'lwmul n•. ll Wettt.U 1)'. '~ • I) ,., . ., J • Up ,. ; 8800 "'·SJ<. ~1'l'~I S)) I )1 71 ,, .... St•r•R• II'' ..... W•w•O • II , II " T•m••• )'. .. UP llt I :::r~ ... .... M<rerl • •• It C.•"""'Sc IJ • '" Up I• s FarmGo . '"'· . ... S.llcona " ,,. > WOlvAlu ~ • •\ 't •1 » F ldlC.Ot ,, •• u ... =~:o '' 1 '' '· SC•IW1t '''• ,,, I W-1 11• .... " 10 Ael1.oilY , .. .. U1> 16 J l•nQHC II'• IJ f18k~Y' u )) . "'• u SwE'~" ••• # " • W-LOI )1'"' JI•. " C.l••llO 1). , ... UC> ••0 i a\ICA 0 II' It 1• F18Mtn ., .. MIOUW ~11'J Slenclyn J'l J'l\. WflQntw ,, ..... tl'• 11 Nc...nfo J VP t1t O 8f'\\1Fr ~II'-~~~ =:~~~n 7t'. u ... McU<l(.ep •• l\o StoMocro ll,.. 1]1. l tOftUI ll' • 11•. " ltttStton 1•. .. Up ". ••vi~ •'· i MldlAtt SldR•o-)ii;',, '1'' n• --·l•Olt 1• "'•M<lri ... .. UI> IS 2 -u .. s~ ,>:"; ~::':le" 141• ,, ... • ,. 11 1• s,.,,,,..,.. lS _,. u ~lrl<h• • .. Up "J ·~IPl 11 u ... ,. Midl8k \ 111 I 114• ,. CMF 1 Up I• l BellL ' )t•. )6• 1 ft•N"• ,, .. ,. :::~·~ei;c; 11 11"· 11 \c1IN 10 . I • Uo ", BnM91 ti"-1111. FIWO<b ""' " , .. , .. Molt~ ~ s,,•,. ()OWNS 8100(.o ,,,., 14.._ fOfKIO ,. ··~. 8ordSoft MonfCol , .. , .. 8irtdlr 10\• IOCo fo.m~ll •l· .1, =e ........ • 61• Fr•n' P 11\t ll iume L•\I '"'f. Pt l 81Y•-II 1•1'11 Fr•nkEI .. '"' ti ,. .. I Nll Cp )<. Of• ,, . 8MMll lh 1 frttSG '°'' -MO"'"" 1 .... "'-NASDAQ SUMMARY · 1 T~•on ••• ... Otl IH 8n.TQm llV.. II ... f romnl I 11. MOIClub 10 100.. • 8elu. J'o .. OU I] 0 Bue•-"'·• ••~• FullrHU JP• 11"1 ""' ...... , 1t1• 11 4 Cllnltloc• 7 ·~ 0 11 "' 81111.r• o v. 4lY> CnA~lm )It )\~ N1trQ( '°'• n NEW YORK tAPI MClll active o .. , s 1,,vo " 141 • , .. 0 11 10 9 ~~·t·~ 1014 1~ CnO.v<• , .. 1''• NO•t• IS'-• 1' I";,~:'.. '~~ "'Ct:illd A~y.0 N~l>~ • Pr1¥'S utt l'o ... 0 11 10 I 1h JV. Ot1RtE>1 11•, 10 Ntrw•S ,. 2t\<I MCI •. 1,S,.2,000 241a U "\, 1 VICtra~t ~ .. .. Off 10 • CPl I~ It h Oo•l~n 11 n1 .. NYAlrl 2'11 t h I BlotoQ 2•. '. Off 10 0 C.a!Wt~• 1'~> 40' • GraOflk I)\, ll"l NIOOC. "'· ... ~rm'~ ' .~1~=· ,:.~. ,l~~· . .. t lnl-1 ... \, Of! " Cant.OH )\,, ,, • G••YAdv .. 11 Nltl\I\ A ..... 61\'\ \.J1 10 AdvComp ,, I .. Off . , CepEn ~. "° Clllnht .,. .1. .. , •• ..,, 8 .,, ·~ ?:t:rS< ~t:= ~:; 1:~ tlh II Tlp .. ry ' ,, 011 9' Cei>Sw\I 10 II Gy rociyn •'• , .... ,., •• 8 411'• .... . "' 11 ~lun , •.. ''• Ott . ~ tap Alt l V1 )1oo. H .. M>tl )'o l'I NC••G• ,, ,,,, T•-' )78,.00 ,,.. JJI > ·•'· ll HM~•nO ,~ ()fl u Cart Ce 2• H•> M•mlPI 101. 194. NwlN°' "" "" ~PT , ~1,JOO I.... ••'• . \, 1• -loll 1 • '• Oii 1 0 Getu• llO.. 11'-o Hetdwt. 11. , Hwtl~ ,,,. 111,. -m , JDt,100 ,.,.,, 11 .. I) A~I ) .. Ott 1, owr Ill• J:I''\ l4 Hrpll-''• 1q1. NOlltll in •• ,,. Pftll(;I 211,400 10 10 .. • .. It AMFI 17' I Ott I • (.firms ISh It He~ 1t 1t'l. vlNu<•ll £(0ftl.All> 1 ... 400 JS JS'. ... 11 E'~" ... .. ()fl I) (.l\ttlH 14'• U la He IHI 21 u i.. OoaMr t llt II lit 11 QuftlMd ••• " Otr l.J """~ 19 20 H<""~ ' 11'• 21\e 111• ll Actvantt4 1, IOI " 1Ut10<\ ' •• .. Ot• '' C...•Ull llh It Mtnt F ,. •• , >J 8Xl:2.~ ...... 0.Cll'*' 114 10 s-o J'. .. Off 1 I Cl\<;1>41 )II. Sl\9 HOfoOfn ,.,. ,, . ~ ...... Un<M"9fd .. ~ JI Br.c:t.n JI• 1. Oii 1 I Clrfic:o .... ~. Hoor,-; 11 ...... Ofll't rro , ... • ToCel I•-• ),DI n Mier Z 111 .. > Ott 11 '"'~ ·~ •I.. HOt IA\ ) ". Otter IP 11 .. n ... ,,,_ ... _. .. • ... JJ Aol!Ht l • .. ()fl 11 CIUUIA '1' • 0 -"• 1 tMS In• , ... JO PCA lnl , .. • Ntw t-14 1• H-~ .. Off I 0 CJllUlll .It ,., ' •SC ,, •• .,, 1 P•boll ,,, ... ToC•I -41,t ll,100 n OllS.Cllf .S't .. ()fl •• l'<CeR 10'· 10 .. MUTUAL FUND Orange Co••' O~ILY PILOTITueeaey. October 12, 1982 8 NYSE COMPO ITE 1"RANSAt;rfl.ONS QUllTAflOHa INCi.VO• llAOU ON'"' NIW •O••. MIDWl'1", l'ACirlt , "'*· I OUON, OITIOlf ••o (llol(INNATI HO<• a llCMANOH AliO lll'OITID I V TMI NA•D ANO INtllNI f ...................... . 1. Movie cartoonists call off strike HOLLYWOOD (AP) -Cartoonl•ta have vo~ to e:nd their 91A ·wcok walkout without galntn1 •nY. ground in a kC!y dl11put-0 with producers -prot.ecti~ from havlt11< work sent overseas. ' The mo.t visible victim of lhv prolonaed 1trtke was Mlckf'y Moua.c, who waa to have retumed tc) Lht·uwr acrcens In a Disney Chriatmaa show. It would hove bt.'C!n his first theatrical release alnce 1953. Dllm,•y oHicaaJs earlier this week po11tpone<I plant for the program, a spoof of Charles Dickens' "Christmas Carol," because not cmough time wu lef\ to produ''C' it. , , Gas prices rise again? LOS ANGELES (AP) -Motoriata probably have seen the last of dt.>cllnlng guollne prices and can expect the cost to begin rising ~aln at any time, oU industry analyst Dan Lundberg says. The overall price of gasoline -including taxes - has dropp<.'CI an average of 1.3 cents a week since the · Fourth of July, bringing the average price to $1.26 n gallon, Lundberg said Sunday. He added, "I think Reaganomia; is working In the gasoline induatry." STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT AMERICAN LEADERS UPS AND DOWNS HEW VOAK IAPI llw fotlowo"9 11'4 -· '"* -Vo-• s.oo E><...,. t'OCk\ -WMrenh ""'' ...... -.... ,,. mou --Ille mMI .,._ °" f:" ... ' of ..,..,.. ·-·-of ......... °'Ne ::O.:rd'ft lr.ol"9 lie-U ••• Intl· -... , --< ....... <'-9H .,. '"' OIH••-• -n uw prevlou• c1oo1,. P<k• -_,., ~~"'· price. 1 11~~ ._.,~\'> .c':t. upPciu 2 IMll<» pf A U., • ~ Up IS> l SIPocCp l 't • llto Up i. S A Cl\rtlltr w1 J • -. Up IA J S llntH PU• ... , • IOI<> Up IU t H.,. ... SI. n t\' • I~ UP IJA 1 Tes111 ,,....., n , ,.,.. ur 12.2 t WelU I _. " S UP lt.O t ·--"'" ,._ Up 11.t 10 F111S1&.r t °" UP I U 11 Am~lp8 IO<e t I~ Up 11.S 12 Pe<"""1CI< n 1;, • 2\lo UIP 11.J IJ P.,ml.,. 11\o I UP 11.0 u Sot..c 1'~• H t UP IO.t IS Ill .... 4 .,.,_ II • 1-. Up IOA It II_.,, t <t UP IO I 17 l rlSO., t11v S\e • In Up IOA II PIWI~ 000 U \, 11• Up IO,A It C ... hH Incl '°"' • I Up IO J JO Ev•M Pd t in '• UIP IO I 21 f'llkpT•k )AV, • ti/< Up IO I H H•l...CUf'I A It "> + I 'I> Up IO.O JJ 111?.o 4,2-f H h • l\o VP 100 t• L•......S.•11 J... • v. Up 10.0 JS AIDtf'IO Cut UV• • I... UP t,t ,. HlleLlll n oo::, • 1Vr~ Up t t "'-"'* L•\I CllG Pc I. ~ ~::i~ DI w• 1'-g:: ~: J '"--'_. 1~ 11; Oii IO S A Am8.is l'dl 171, '°" Oii l .S S PSlncl •·.IWM I'• '-Off I.I t GCA Corp .. ~, IV. Off 7.0 1 H"'1Y<:o IOln "' Oii .._, 1 unle11 Corp ·~ v. Oii u 1! ::~~~ :~ :: g:: u II WlllOPll lpf ,_\, I"' Q,I U 11 AMS...lkp JIW. I~ Off t.t u o-QI ,... ... Oii •• IA "'"""*'-" 21n ~ Oii •• U H.,nltcHt 1~1 '-()II ... 16 NoS,,_ 7111 )A 2 °" Oii •A 17 SCerEG Ill 20 I Oii AA :: !:c..·~ n: = g:: :1 20 Wyrw\llnl IJ~ '-Oii AS ~I RloGr.,. pf 11 l'h Oii Al n S<Olt Feirer ~ 11<o oo • J » c-unn 21> c.. Off • 1 J; r.:.T.:,,,, :~ ~ g:: : ~ GOLD COINS frllllll tO U UI I~• "t ratEP I '1 1 411 .O•"'°' •I ... "°' 1.• • ,, .. • .... •I.. ·" • ,,., 17 .... , .. , .. " 1tt It • 1'-,..,...w • "' ~. I -u~- -- ~ ....... ~·~--__ ........_ DOW JONES AVERAGES • HEW VORKIAP) f'lnel Oow·.1-..,._ tor Mol\OAy. 0<1. 11 " JTO<KI .. lD '"" .: tvi"t"; "'~ 1f 1'rn.:= :IOTrn to1t 400 70 ., .. ff.ti· M IS Ull 121 ,. 114 11 121 12 ltJAI • 2 • U Siik t m D "3 ti ao .S -t • t.62 '"""~ .. . o n,•1 .,. ,,.,. ••• IMIAOOn Uhllt • i,.S, tOlft WHAT STOCKS DID HEW YORK IAPJ Oct, 1 p,.., r........, .. " ACIYenteCI 11'4 IW. 0ec.11neo lJI ,.. Un<"-l\OICI a.s .. Totel ,,_, ,.., "" H•• llltllllt 401 ltl New IOW\ } • IVH•• 4iiiill • 0 0' HEW VOAIC CAPI Oclm 1 ,,...,, ~ ~ AC1vent40 '50 0.<11...., Ito 1• u n< l\el\OlfCI ,., DD Tote1 1_. m 7t2 Hew llltM .. ., H•w lOW\ 11 • METALS SILVER •I COLO QUOTATIONS ·' .. SYMBOLS 0 ...... .,..,1y IOw .......... ~ .. iy hl9fl U .in• Otn.<wtM noted ralM OI Otv~ ••e •nn<1el Clotl>ul..,.,.,,11 beMCI on ii. !Ml q11•••••ly o• ,.,.., •• ,.,..,., oec11•11•011 Spec.el or ••••• clo...oenct• or 11•-·~ ClftlVn•leCI .. •eQ\11., ... -.111..a "'•' ... IOllOw•"Q lootnote• • •·-'ISO ealre Or ••l•M b-Ann<I .. tll'f!IU' aloe~ O•••ClenCI c:·~tqu1C1•11ng ~Cl o.c:ia•ed or p..c1 111 j>feced<"9 12 " "0ec:1., eel or 11ald •II• tloctl Cit or ~II uo j·Pet<I llltS .,._,, OWldenCI -!\tel ci.t•reo « no ec:oon taken •I IMI ~ rnMt.ng -·0.CIAlecl O< P..cl 11•a .,-., ., acc:umuuiti .. -... 111 CIMclenO• 111 ••-• ,. ......... -•·Oec:l&tecl Of 0..0 In l)f..,.,_ 12 MQlllll• ""'' floe:* OIVICMftO 1..-.. ... llOC~ "'I ptec:.Cl"'il 11 1910f1111A, ••1- c:Aall •alue on ta-dt•ldencl or h-dll4Jll1ut1on dale a·E.a·CI••-• Of ••·•igfllt y•bod~ end MIH "' 1\111 1·S-ot1 lull QICl·C-WO·Wherl ~lttll<ltecl .... w.- ouued ,.,..w1111 warr1ntt 1w·WU~1 ••""'" •-.fa-N1tltl\l1-p E taltO ,,,. Of-ol • al~ .. a MUlllO .. OI C*·tlllt• Hf~-611"-0, Cltllld"'il Ille iel .. I l~-Monlft -l'lng• llQUI• tlllO , .. , .... P<!Ct .,. "' 141 1n 111t~., ... .. .,.,.. Orange COHt DAIL.V PILOT/Tueaday, October 12, 1982 • urta1n to go up on 'Old Times' TOM TITUS .. Delly ........... Colden Wt .. l Collt•ge movt°" h1to thl' 11potllght weekend with the openln~ of Harold Pinter'• le drnmu "Old Tlml's" in tht' Playbo>C Theater. This Inn~ open in~ on the• Wl'l'k 'K calondor ~turea vctt•n)n GWC drama 1n1nrut•tor Charle11 f tchell In the central role of a movie director tloee sanity is threatened by a woman from h lS ffe's past. Renata Flor in and Carolyn Matsuda omplete th e cast as the wlft• a nd vh1i tor, ~tively. ~ "Old Times" will be slagl'd Fridays and turdays at 8 p.m. for thn .. >e we~kends with a u&tng matinee planned £or Ol:t. 31 al 2:30. Cl.I U 4-6070 for ticket information. South Coast Repertory and lhrt~ commuruty i eaters head into the final weekend of their urrent productions. Closing are SCR's "All m avour Said No," the Huntingto n Be ach 1-yhouse's "El Grande de Coca Cola," the Costa esa Civic Playhouse's "Arsenic a nd Old Lace" and e Laguna Moulton P layhouse's "Room Service." ~ Final p e rformances o r the repertory roduction, an lrish comedy about labor unrest, will e given toni5lht through Sat urday at 8 p .m.: /Fine dining. 3801 [AST (QAS I I llC.11\\'A' '<:Ot<ONA OEI MAR (A (714) 7CO·OJJI ~w •!) WW ~ ~. tz:rr. *" N.Llf~ ~ LUXURY THE ATRES .113r.J@ij•Xull6t6s~ 2sss /~'i!.) S FOR HKll EXCITEITlEOTI V111tOvr ... :tr ARCADE of GAMES•-;:.,.'::; : 14 a.-r;; /fl'l' rn Siio-tt I !JO J :JO 1::10 71:10 l :J O 70mm THE LAST AME~CAN VIRGIN llJ Ut~~: ~~~r::;,t l"I * Orn1 .. IM Open 7: 15 W•ni911ts/7:00 WMkends * CllildrH U..dtr 12 fret Unless Note4 R~ad all l f!days \~WS eve rrnd~ Daily Pilat Sunduy ut 7 .:rn und Wl't>k1•11d1i nt i ::ill iu lht• F11u1 th Step 'l'ht•att•r, tiM ·rown Cc•ntt•r Ol'lvc>, CO!lu1 Mt'Hl1 Rt"R•rvatlona 9~7 ·4U3a "El Gruncfo," it froctu1-i-d n ight club revue with u Spa nli1h uc\·ent, clu11c11 out with pcrformum•t·11 Friday and Snturday ut U:30 u\ tht• HunUngtcm Beach Plt1yhousc, Main Strt'l'l ul Yorktuw11 AvMUt' in the Scacllrr VIiia.cc ccntt•r . Reaervution11 847-44U5. The vt•nerable comedy "Arscmc nnd Old Lut.'t'" resumes Thursday and l'OntlnucH through Solon.lay wllh an 8:30 curtain at the Costa Mciia Clvit• Playhoust• on the Orange Counly Fairgrounds. Reservations 754-5159. And "Room Servi<..-e," another comic oldie, gl>t!s back on stage tonight and plays through Saturday a t 8 p.m . al the Mou lton, 606 Laguna Canyon Road. Laguna Beach. Reservations 494-074:!. Additionally, four more local stage produl·tlons l'<>ntinue their rcspectivc engageml•nts along the Ornn5le Coast. They are: -"The Pirates of Pe nzance" at Sebastian's West Dinner Play house, 140 A ve. P ko, San Clem ente (492-9950), running nightly exl·e pt Monday al vurylng curtain times through Nov. 14. -"P<•ath tr~p" al the Harlet'!uin Dinner This extraonflnary concert desaws a speclal beeJ.nnlnll· Start at SPM on either Oct. 25th or 26th wtth a f.abuloua dlnnu at MairwtO's by the Sea on the HuntlnQton Buch Pia. You wtO then be chaufrwed to Untw:rsal SNdlos Amphitheater In a d~« custom coach. With ,, beautiful hostess KMnll you compllmcntary cockta~. afW whlch your rtKrYed orchatra Kats wtD put you ln the bat poulb~ position 10 ef\)oy thll erut ~Wtalnu ... Space is limited . Call T oday! Pacific Coast Box Office At Maxwell's on the Huntington Beach Pier 714/536-8826 714/540-3669 H...,.., ,._,...,_,,.,_ M1..,~VW)hlMfW HRS 9 AM 7 PM ~-'-'•• llil "111,lt'\oArto'\M'M .w1-.t.A,\lt,llfMf1''T,,~M 'lij lltfvt'()t•\;l f;t!tPf1~. _., Al • ll'T All MA•>" UlllrT ""'r"' PhO~I Allll MAILl'.llll1tl'~ The Airporter Inn Hotel Presents THE GREG TOPPER SHOW Alrporter Inn Hotel • AcrOll from er.,. CGunty Airport 11f-1770 l'luyh111111t•, :sl\05 S llurbor li lvtl , S unt.1 Anu W1» !1!1 l I), ul1.C1 plt1yi11j( 11ll{litly l'l<ll•fJI Mcmd;1y at vary111J( lime'!>, uh10 throuJ(h Nov 14 "Tht· Mind W1th tht• Dirty Mun " al tlw lrv111 t• Commu111ly Tlwutet . 111 Tu1 t h · llol·k Cm1u11unity Pu1 k on Sun11yh1JJ Ho11d oft Tur tit• Hot:k Orivt· 111 lrvint> 1557 7W7). 1111 wUJl{t' fnduy11 a nd Soturd11yh ut 8 p 111 a11d Su11duy ot '.! pm thrrnJl{h (.)(·t :.i:s "Ca11wl11t" by lhl' Nc·wport Bt•11d1 Purkh, B1 ·ud11•i1 und ll1·l·rt•ution Uc-partnwnt ut L m·o ln Sd111ul aud1l11nU11), 310 I Pimf w Vil•W D11vi·. Corona dcl Mur (640 'J.'l71 ). runmnl{ F11day1t und St.1turc.luy11 ul 7.30 and Sunday11 at l ::SO through <..>.:l. 'J.4 MllllOll tllJO ll(W,OAT IUCll OAAllOf WHl M .. lflll 10Noll0> V1f111 I w•1 I dNftO\ l;ewpcHI ~'"''"' C.•..clun11 I O#l!Ot C-111111 W• I 830 MVO 6H 01110 b.t4 ?~~1 ~Qr 393& 1J1'# .... Wll 4011 """~IL\41t 6«-l l'flD •O-, .... , .... ~._ • .,, "FUU.. OF SNAP AND WIT.' NOW PLAYING II fOllO llll•flllGIOtl l lACN to ... ,., ...,,.; t,.. • f O•' 1 ., I , ,~ f • • "·U •,ll'U -~II II" COIU MIU I , • .,o •.u-Jt~ l.o4 It 41-1 \4t; II' I "The movie leaps to some strange, balleteavictory on the foru of thi5 supercharged, classically American performance b)' Jon Voight.'' Jud. ANIJ, 'l'H+lll ~H ~ 11.~•1,.-1 '.' !'(' f'f ~ NOW PLAYING COITA Ml H OAAllGl OUNGl WllTMlllSTlll Eowaro~ Harb!>• !win C•tv Conte• f'ac1tie' Otdn(lt 011ve In U/I Mall 631 3S01 634 918? 634 9361 8910~46 MllllCMI Wl(JO co .. 11os v1''° r .... &la 6990 •BARGAIN MATINEES • Monday thru Saturday All Perlormencea b'tlore S:OO PM (heept Special Enp9'11111111 Ind HolcdfYl l l>. tt.i11DAU .A MAI., l O tt.ilfOOO OI I Ole CtOM LA MIRADA WALl<·IN 994·2400 "Tlt9 I.Alf ..... lllCAN -I .... -.-"'' •• ,All' TIMle AT lllOCM-._.. ••• ... , .. ,,. ".ll!llYU. e HYO« TOOll'TICll AO ....... l•I ----~"'' ••AN CWPICUI ANO A Ot!NTLIMAN" !l'l .... ............ -AMrTYYILU fl. TMR l'OI H l llON'" ll'I ............. ------------ ••LOOICIN' .. CLAll ~ , ... t., TO GET OUTI" ,., ,_.,..._..._ j ---18CAN ---YOM-..., _ ..... _ LAKEWOOD CENTER WALK ·IN foculf'¥ o• Con.cll••OO<I 213/531·9510 "fOtNK FLOYD: THE WALL"I "" •THI llOAO w~· t111 ..... ""'°" ..... 11a:a--..•• "AlTIMO 1unr"" .... l'MriCll ...... ,~.,..~ ........... .JO'°"" •0.ll!llYU. A HYOC •. TOO&TMlll AOA11f•• ,_, ...... ___ _ LAKEWOOD CENTER SOUTH WAlll '" 'THI LAIT ,,_NCAM YlltOIN'" (Ill ---.,.,. M IT UTTU WMOMHOYM .. Tllil " I"' I --- ~-­·T1:-.1r , .. , ~ ...... ··MV 'AYOllm YEAll" ,.., -- "THE CHOSEN" '"'' , .. a.. ... , ...... "LOOfCIN' TO GET OUTr ' 1111 ............. _. ..... .s --• --·-IM,OtHHf MOllCl1 CMILOtlllM UMOUI ll fllfl ' --·--"""'"' $el/Sta -... ,.. ~..,..._ .. ""'_. __ t• llO .. CM-111!!1< -ICCUSGln --.--... ~1·AU~-D .. .,._ A"' A ••1 .... ANAHEIM OlllVl IN ,,. .... ft ot leMOft It 179-tllO "ttUllONOOI ·•· ..,, ~ ... -.-POX-1111 Cflj( .. _ " I ~4 Ii ' A I.' t BUENA PARK l•lllVI IN ll"C ............ .,("911 H l·4010 ,. '•t ilo ' ..... LINCOLN 0 111\/l IN \~GM Aw-e Wetf Ol 1"4>" 121·4070 I •• & •t FOUNTAIN VALLEY OlllV l IN "THI IM>AT .. 1~1 ~ ... ---™-"'' C:"'I "- "E.T., t"'• THI! EX TA A· TEtltlHTlllAl" •u .. ··-'LOYD: T"9 WAU. • 11'1 ....... ~~or .... "l.OOllW TO •T OUTr' c-1 ~ ... "'PMTMll•"1111 I .. THE t'J\MIL'' CIRCl'8 BIG GEORGE by V1rg1I Partch (VIP) \\Why do they call him Bonnie Prince Charles? I thought that was a girl's name." "We're trying to 1tralght1n htr 1y11." ,_:\R,.:\Dl'KE by Brad Anderson .. e •w_,,_.,,_.~ ,~0 "Sorry I stopped you, Lady. It was perfectly all right to run over that stop sign back there!" .n;DGE PARKER Wore.HA DolN', Mrt· DooDl.E? LET'S 5£E I~ VOO WANT IT AFTEP. I €1TOMP IT, LIC.K IT ANt' .SMEP ON IT Hank Ketchum by Harold Le Ooux I Ll~E YOU, CHARLEY' I WANNA 61VE THE 60A~D OF OtRECTOF\5 A c;ooo P.EPOP.T ON YOU I by Jim Davis VOO WIN.GAAFtELP. VOO CAN ~AV£ If by Ferd & Tom Johnson LOOKIN' ~ 5oM~TtJtN<; I C,AN'T FIND... rj if l f)JI ·o )) I ' Orange Cout DAILY PILOTnueeday, <>ciobtr 12, 1812 PE~Nt:TI MEV, CMUClc: .. I JUST SAW SNOOPV'S BROTMER 60tN6 PAST OUR MOUSE .• I TMOU6HT ME WAS LIVIN6 WITM VOV ... I 6lJESS IT DIDN'T ~ OIJT ... REMEM8ER WMAT M'I AVNT MARIAN USED TO SAV ? Tl'MBtE•EEDN '(OU1RE: NE:t?PEP, t:\?C-AN ACCW~N"f A'f 1}1~ SAL.OON! SHOE DOES ANYBODY KNOW THE MEANING OF THE WORD, REPETITION? ~·~ i..•"·"'~ wrn~ >. .ioveeFVL. .,. ~"T' ~L<;. 1WO Oft 1MCUt =~ f'O!!J~et."' l.IOf<.E./ 1.:>-11. t 'l 'NKl' •INKt:R•E"N .--------. WERE '5 FOUR 5£C.ONDS LEFT IN 1HE GAME ... lfi~E.€ SECONDS •.. 11>JO SECONDS ... 11 YOV cAN CMOOSE YOUR FRIENDS, 8UT YOO cAN'T CHOOSE YOO~ RELATIVES '' 00 NO!! 1 ~'i 8EUEVE rT !.' by Jeff MacNelly 1ME WE51VIEUl ;· OOACU~~~ A11ME .OOT ! .. we1,..1..., WHA'T'" P 'YA KNOW.' ~'M A t>IGl"T"AL. WA-r"CHPOG/ / .. Orange Ooatt DAILY PILOl1Tu11d1y. October 12, 1982 rfa ke Your Be t hot at H aving II All !Male gazers ha ve :J lternative tO ' World Series I I I I 11. 11 L By FRED ROTHENBERG NEW YORK (AP) -Tho Worhl Serius un NBC ls th" favorite p1111tlm~ of mule vH•wcrs, iso, Robert Urich becomt>s the ladl~' choice tonittht In e movie ''Take Your Best Shot" on CBS, (KNX'r. . channel 2 at 9 l).m .) This same fe m alt! a udiem·e ~t.4tK onotht•r 'fantasy outlet Wednesday night, when Dyan Cannon plays a bigamist, marrh•d to handsome Barry Newman in New York a nd handsome Hart Bochner in Los Angeles In ABC'i; "llaving It All." ~(c~el 7, 9 p.m .) .• F or male gazers, these movies may be acceptable alternatives w baseball. But only ''Take Your Best Shot" is de<'idedly supenor w run-of- the-mill movie mush. It was written by Richard Levinson and William Link , wh o c reated '"Columbo" and the intriguing m ystery, "R~hearsal or Murder," which starred Robert Preston last ;;seaaon. ll 'tSl>.\Y EVEHINQ llOO 8 WORLD SEAIEI Miiwaukee Breweo •• St. Louie Cardinali ~ Urich. ttw ist11lwurt from "Vo~o$," "8,W.A.'I' ", umJ tlll' UJXVJnltltf Noc; lft'l'll':S, 'Ghvll11n,'' phtys 1wto1• JP&"I M11rrltwr, whuljl' t'lll't•t•r 111 d0St'1 to lhe pust tonBt.• thun pr'f'tlt.•nt. J cl:IS e11J0yt!d tht> limelight of scr it'tl iiturdum ont:' yt!IU'. 1t wns oolll'd "Hkocht.•t," und ht' pluy,-d 41 1·up. "Whut l'l.1w'!" h1· 1myl!. At•t•ordlnl( tu J l'l>ti, uctors find lhC'm1wlvl'11 in fiv\• c11W)(orlt•i1 on tht• wuy uµ unJ down Whu'IJ Je8s M::tnl11or? Get nw JL>s!I Murrin.:r. Gt•t mt· a J<'SS Mariner ty{X-' Uc•t me u youn~ Jess Murrhwr Who's .lt'Mil M;.irrlnc r'! Whlll• Jt•s.>1 iH trying to 1'1•1•st:ibllsh his t·orcer. hui murl'l:1Kt' 1s movin1t toward ('iHlccllotiun. Carol (Meredith Buxtt•r Binwy ) lows h1111, but shc'K un>d of the emotional and psy<:hologkal lnl!ltability on thl' other side of the: bright lights. The .('fH1•e1·-fumllv t·unflil-t ::ind the: dismkgruting marriagt.· art.' handlL•d routinely but - , 10:00 D THE FORUM PRESENTS ... l<OOL ANO THE GANG eumm NEWe D ({I) HART TO HART Jooalhan and Jenntlor wll· neat 1he murder of Jen· nller's beloved aunt'• lulure husband Q <CJ MOVIE * * * "The Ollence" ( 1973) Sean Connery, Tre- vor Howard While lracklng down 8 child moleeter, a London detective &lowly odges hlmaell toward a norvou1 breakdown. 'A' (tt)MOVIE 8.'CIO •• HEWS CHAIWE'S ANOEL8 G EIGHT 18 IENOUQH Tom propoMe to Abby. • M0A0 S0H Peychletrltl Ml)or Freed- ,,,_, oomee to the asylum 11191 It the o4077th 10 CINI' hit heed end llndl r ...... In 111 unique form of lntanl· • HAWAII AVE-0 Tony K ubek an d J oe Garagiola will be joined by Dick Enberg in calling t he actio n for the World Series, beginn ing today at 5 on KNBC, Channel ti .. • • * "Arthur" ( t981~ Dodie)' Mooro, Liza Min· nellt. White hi• lamlty etlempta to force him lnlo a pra-arrengec:t marriage. a drunken, hedonllllc play· boy falls In love wllh a poor working girt. 'PG' (.S)WHAT'S UP AMEAICAI Feelured: • look et lhe grallttl ~ In New York City; • Mardi Graa celebr•- llon with lhe Cajune, aome ol America'• levorlle akin- ~ dipping hole•. U MOVIE • • •;, "Privet• L"'°"' .. 11980) Sylvia l<rlalctt. How· ard Heaseman. A wealthy mao eaalgns hi• Mduollve houMtreei>et lhe job ol providing hla 1S-yur-old son with hla lirSI sexual eipetlence 'R' • OV!A EA.SY Gu.I: Alcllard Simmons. fb HUMANITIES THAOUOH TH£ ARTS "Drema: Greet Age Ahead?" i C88NEWS ' A8CNEW8c:;J MOVIE "L 'lncomglble" ( 1980) Jeen~Peul Belmondo, Genevieve Bujold . A paroled c on ertlll encounter• trouble wt>en he r-t• lo hit Old way or Ille. ())MOVIE · * * "looker" { 19111) Albert Finney. Jemea Coburn. The m~terlOU1 dee1111 of • -* of t>eau- tllul model• Involved In • new edver11slr>g PfOjecl .,. blwned or. the plutlc -~ who opereled oo them. 'PG' I JStHY KOO KOO t:ao ALICE CAMPAIGN '82: THE DHATEI "32nd Cllllfomle Senate Dlltrlet" Frank Barbero ve. Edwwd Royce. ID GAOWlfkrYEAAS "TIM Emerging PerlOtllll· the purse tirings to • $5- mttttoo Inheritance. 'PG' 7:30 8 2 OH THE TOWN Featured: a vlsll with 92- year-old animator Grim Nelwlc:: a looll et whethlf chlldren ete gr<l'MMQ up too 1 .. 1: gerege aale hln1s for both buyer end Miter. 8 LAVEAHE & SHIRLEY &COMPAHY Lenny end Squtggy Share a motel room with the glrla. G THAT'SHOLlYWOOO "Tyrone Power -An Actor For AM S..eon•" I MADAME'S Pt.ACE u·A·s·H H..iceye turns the 40nth Into pen pals lor lourt.h ieders beck In the stetee. ()) TIC TAC DOUGH ~Ell / lEHREA REPORT 8i) MAGIC OF Oil PAINTING (!I YOU A8f<E.O FOA IT 8:00 8 ()) BRING 'EM BACI< ALNE Fr111k 8uck lnveslloates the stabbing of the ancien1 lel«Mr ol a peece.IO\llng people who Inhabit • remote valley. D THE MEN WHO MADE IT HAPPEN stars u me 1egendatY v1c- 1or1en "demon barber or Fleet Street" whose clients mysllfiou•ly dlsappeer Q O!NEWS (¢JMOVIE • ••'Ao "Amefican GtoOlo" ( 1960) Rk:hard Gere. l •u· ren Hullon. A Beverly Hills gigolo becomee the prime M1spect in B murder 1nves· !!ljetron 'R' "" (HJMOVIE *'" "End19$S Love" ( 1981) Brooke Shields. Maritn Hewitt A 17-yeer-old'a obsessive love tor hl1 IS- year-old glrllrlend leads 10 perenrel conlllc1s and treo· edy 'R' (l)MOVIE •a "Splrll 01 The Wind" ( 1979) Chit!! Dan George A your>g boy ovltfcomM his handk:aP to boG<>me the World Champion Dog Sledder. 'PG' @ MOVIE (l)MOVIE • * * "Body Heal" t 1981) William Hurt. Kelhleen • Turllef A smalltime Florlde lawyer Is persueded by his lover to murder her hus- band. 'A' 10'.30. INOEPENOEHT NElWOAI< NEWS • PLACIDO DOMINGO: THE TENOR, THE TEACHER Tl>e world-lamou1 ten0< works with three promlsmg youMQ linger• from the Pht11M1e1r>111e College ol the P.,.l0<mlng Arte. (R) I OHTHEAIR 11:00 a a Cl> ®1 a NEWS 8 SA TUROA Y NIGHT Hoal: Rlch•ri:t Dreyfus GUMt Jimmy Buttel 0 INSEAACHOF ... "UFO CapttvM" • THATQUIZSHOW Gt STREETS OF SAN • FRANCISCO A recluee who has lived In a atrenoe menalon lor 30 yeera comee under lnv .. 11- gelloo when • nelghbor- hoOd boy diseppeeta. ~HEWS ilJ BARNEY Miu.EA •MOv1£ r ~ Htghllghta of the live moet exciting mo!'f19'lt• in the hlatory of the World Serles feature Bebe Ruth. Ouaty Rhod... 8ffl MllllfOSld, Certton Riii end Reggie Jeck eon. a• * "The Great Bank HOii•" ( 1979) Ned Beall)', Richard Baaehart. Three dltgruntled bank · ••eou- 1111" decide tn get the rtchet lhey feel they're entitled to by araglng a robbery ol thelr own bank. 'PG' 8:30 D COUNTRY JAMIOAEE a a LAVERNE& SHIALEY flll 8U81N£88 AEPOffT G DOCTOR IN TH£ HOUSE Allh<>ugh !empted by • roul beet dinner. Duncan end Paul stlclc 10 the4r heellh loo:j diet. I * * 'n "MY9tllfY lllencl" ( 1968) St-Forr•t. Sue Lloyd. An edventUfer eccl- d entelly uncover• • ICMme lo Intercept en Alnerlcen ~ milSlle et ,_=-:-HEWS • HAPPY OAY8 AGAIN AlllC)tl det«t1 hill drewn of becoming • comic wnen he dlecovera thet lie can INk• bigger money .. • 1-·•boollle. 1 :,HEWI Q An unupected vllltor ~· et Peter'• epert- menl. • THREE'& eofM'AH'i Jeck end Chrillly do Janet • dllf-by tlllclng '* Into trying '°' • 11romot1on. I JC)t(IR'8 W1U> •••oe NPORT Cl) P.M. MAGAZINE A profile of Autltrlllen elr· 11nC1 mucot Sydney the lloelel beer: • IChool '°' m•J0t leegue b•Mb•ll ~· 0 INTPTAMIENT TOMGHT . ~ with tlle Pointer SIMer•. <ID...,_ 80\..STICE Henry Fond• etld Myrna Lo)' ...... mettled COii· pie wtio reflect on their &O 'Em:='*· • * "The Jar Singer'' (tNO) .... Dlemond. lJlu.. rence OMer. A Hew Y«tl ctntOf bfMll• wttf't fam41y tredlllon ~ Mta out lo find ~ •• POC> mu11c•.'PO' (l)MOY'm ** "Oc*le .... (11tt) T~ D1nra. ,,..._ Wlil· ..,, One orMglltene llOld • IOOCT tClll .KNK INK) • KTU.11 .... ) -~CAICI •UMacCMJ ....... 1Y, • .) e lCCIT(MCt e 1tTTVC1NlJ .. k~N UMI.) •"en'"" ••OC.f'811 8 MOYIE • • •,; "Forgotten City Of The Planet Of The APM" ( 19741 Roddy McDowell, Ron Harpe< Astronaut• Vlrdon and Burke, along with Gelen. the Chimp, die- cover the rull'll of whet -once • government rhlnk tllnk. 8 9 HAPPY DAYS Joenle •nnounces her p11111 to mow to Chicago permanently 10 continue elnglng with her beloved Chechl O D MOVfE **'Ao "Night FlfOhl From Moaco•" ( 19H) Yul Brynner, Henry Food• A 8olllet defector otter• • ns1 of RuMlen ai>iet to w .. 1. emleeldera. • P.M.MAOAZlfE A proflle of Ausrrellen elr- nne m.co• Sydney the kOCll• bNr; • IChOOI ror meJor IHgue beaeb•ll ump!(•. • MOYIE **'Ao "The l•l•nder" (t978) Dennie Wtevar, 8hwon GleM. A mired mCllolend lewyer buyl • Honolulu hotel end bec:onlll entangled wllh I ruriewcay wltnete, a U.S. S.0.llM' end a ruthle .. mot>tter. • tKNA (~ Premler"e) "Tiie C•M Of Tiie UF011" A flgorOUI, IClerlllflc lnwetl· gatlon tnlo tlle feet, llc11on Md hOU of unidenllfted llylno ob)Clertl II pr-ted. i MYITERY (leeeon Pret!IWe) "8- MY TOdd.:,~dle Jonell ~ On•TV (J) Z.TV (J) HIO ~ CClnema•l (I) (W09') NY., N.Y. 0 CWTll) ~ <U"'l (I) 11t1owt1,,.., ........... • ((MW ..... "'"""' Lllverne end Shirley ere elllgned to live In • arore window ol the luture O • 90 YOU THIHI< YOU GOT TAOUBlE8 (%)MOVIE • * • "I Hate Blondea" ( 19111) Ju.n Rochefort. Enrleo Mooteaano. Thieves di.cover that • Wftlthy nove1111·a latHI work deectlbes In detllll lhe eecurlty syetem protocllno Ille velueblff In Na homo. t:OO 9 (I) MOVIE "Tel(e Your Beet Shot" (Premiere) Robert Urich, Meredith Ba1rter-Blrney. An unemployed Hollywood actor tr ... 10 energlM hie lecltlutllf car-end at lhe eeme ume aev• his unrev.,lng msrrtege 8 9 THREE'S COMPANY J.c:k h•• to gel • tooth ••trCICted by e dent111 who hll)penl 10 be T errt'a jlltCld i::~ (Senon Premiere) "Sw ... ney Todd" Freddie J~a ltef'a • Ille legerlelery Vfe. tOfllln "dllmon berber 01 Fleet StrNt" w110M Cltenta f!'181et\OUllY dlUppellr Q QIMOVIE • • •;, "Fulureworld" ( 1978) Pt1ler Fonda, Blyllle Otnlltf. Two rept)fl.,• dig t>ene•th Ille eur1.ce of • l•ntHy world wtlere patron• P•Y h•ndtotneiy 10 llve out t'1elr wllde•I dream• emong • popul•· llOn ol rObOtt. {O)fl\All Melba Moor.. Aobel1 Gull· 11ume and 8llerm1n Hemllle)' •• INturecl In a pettormenc. Of Ille 1111 BfoedWmy muelOal bM4ld on Olele DeVl9'• play ··~ VletotlOW.'' MO I ~., P9UO OtTOI Tiie -..,..,, .... 1\#d· nOMd MOurlty guerd wllfl Mt •tor• •bou1 • ~ • typRmet lllld .. p ............... •NOVA (e.on ,.,,..,..,., ''Tiie 0... Of fl'lt \WO'I'' A tfOOtoUI, IC:ientfflc lrMlll· 9llOll Into. IN fllCl. ""'°" -llOU o4 .......,.,..., ~ ObfeOll 11 ............ n Cl) AE.A08la8E Get In 1118'>9. loolc good, end teel greet with thl• phyllcal fltneet program. t t :10 8 ()) OUINCV Quincy tookl Into a hit- end-run eocldent which could mun finenclel ruin tor hla friend, b•r ~ Denn_x Tovo. (R) D I.If TONIGHT Ho11: Johnny Cuaor>, Gueeta: Buddy Hecti•ll. Jim Stalford. G l1Jl A8C NEWS NIOHTLINE I YOU ASKED FOA IT THE JEFFEA80H8 G8Cifge end LouiM relive some or their moat unlor- get11ble end hller1ou1 Hpettenoel. (Part 2) • ART OF BEING HUMAN "Art: Tell Me Whal I Am. Tell U• WhO We Are" '9 P98 LATEMOHT Holl: Oennll Wholey ... (.Q)MOVIE "Carhop•" ( 1t77) Kiiiy Kerl. (I) ~ANCE: 8TOl.£N LOVE (PM12) g MOVIE "It Reined All Night" t 1~40 C8) MOVIE • • • ''Fire• Mondmy In OCtobet" (1981) W•tter Mellheu, JIH Ol•tburgh. A llt>er et Sul)fel'lle Court .iu... l!Qe Cielhel wttll Ille 1141W• Ml member ot 111e nellon'• hjgfllet courl, can ultr• t:Ot'l..v•tlYe worne111 jul'lli, 'R' tlJOO a INTMTMMHT TONIGHT Int~ wttll the P01n1er sleier• · •O ,AlfTMY ~ A n19111 ••lot1111•n beOOtMt • 1tlOI ..,.. ,,.. v•te •· w • belUlllll WOtnatl rnuet ,... Lad9 Oodfv•'• ride IOr her. ("I • MOYll ...... , .. ~··1t1Mt Tony Curtll, ''"* ~ ~· Wtllle on • mllillOft to --111191 ll'ltor!MllOn tlwOUOfl • H_...,. ....... ; IWO MariMCI .. jOlllell 11¥ • ''"'°""'"' ~ ,.., o••· .MOY'm * * ,_. "Tiit 'l.,lt•r>' C.lllt" (1t71) WlfllM 8h•t1ter. ~~nd• D•>' Oeofte, " men .,..,..._ • wlwre Link and Lcvln~m whlnt• 1u't• In th"lr k<Jtm inslghta Into the uctlng rat raC('! the humiliation of being S<.·rutlni1.c'CI at auditions, and the loss of self- l'lllccm euwwd by failing ut most of thom. Orw out.hUon ~·(me, with the• prodU'-'t.1r toc. butsy to ll11ttm. is artful a1u.J snuppy. And, •ymbollcally . lt'11 all there in J t'tilJ' sidekick: a telephone an11wcring machine. l'roduccrs, agents and Hollywood hunl(cr i1-on control h h1 dt•11\iny. This actor is certainly not his a.wn man, For J ess, one alternotivt· is the restaurant busine11s. Jeffrey Ta mbor, durnpl.!d ~his season from ABC's "U to 5", Is perfect as uctor-turned-chef who offers J l'11s a proprietary <·h ance at firmer roolll. "Take Your Best Shot'' allows Urich to add a little raw vulnerability lo his ht.>e fcake, although he's still there -in various st.ates of undress -to be Ojtled. But it c!oes n 't offer Baxter-Birney TOBI TOPPERS KTLA (5) 8:00 -''Forgotten City Of The Planet o( the Apes." Roddy McDowe ll and Ron Harper sta r as they discover ruins of what was once a government think tank. KNXT (2) 9:00 -"Take Your Best Shot." Robe rt Urich and Mere<lith Baxte r- Blrney are featured in premiere story of an unemployed Hollywood actor who tries to energize lackluster career and at same time save his unraveling marriage. (See review above .) KCET (28) 9:00 -"Swee ney Todd.'' Freddie Jones stars as legendary Victorian "demon barber of Flee t Street" whose clients mysteriously disappear. variety of ident11te1 In or<ler lo expoee evildoer•. • lOV£. AMERICAN STYLE "Love And The Vampire" A your>g couple think that their lendlord le • vampire. .. Love And The Advice Olvera" The megle 11 gone oul ol Mel end Audrey's marriage. (C)MOVIE • * "The Freoch Women" (19111) Frenc:olee Fabien. D•yte Haddon. A bordello belnQ kept open by a gov- ernment sublldy 11 I~ -ol murder end pollll- cal acendel when a VIP customer 11 photogrCll)hed et ptey ·R· (l)MOVIE *** "Arlhur" (1981) Dudley Mc>o<e. Liza Mln- nettl. While hla lemlly ettempt1 to force him Into • Pf-ranged merllege, • drun,en. hedonl911e play- boy 18111 In IOW with a poor working glrl. 'PG' (Z)MOVll: • * .. Going Apel" ( 1911 t) Tony Danza. Jeulce Wei· llf. Th•M orangut•n• hold the purM 11rlr>g1 to • $5- mllllon Inheritance 'PG' 12".30 8 8 lATt NIGHT WfTH DAYIO LETTtAMAH Gueet; A1>1g.i1 Van Buren. ·~ENCAN STYLE "love And The Love Pottorf' Polly resorte to m1191C to get Freddy to pop the ~Ion. "Low And The Mot .... Ann and Woo- dy errenge •motet rendez- vou1. t2:40 8 ()) MCMILI.AH a W1FI! Mee la baffled by • m•ter ..,.... thief """<> llOmmlta hla IObberlM dUl'lng ~ !!l l>8fllee. (R) 1:00 • MOV1I: * * 'h "Countdown" ( t988) Robert Duvall, J-Cun. An Amer1c;can Mtroneut lendl Ot'I the moon ool)' 10 ClllCOYer a demollehed Ruulen ~ elrUdy there. • * • "The Secret ln11e- 1lon" ( t984) Stewerl Granger. Raf VCll!one. A group of lnlernellonel crime "ispeclellll•" •• promlted e ptrdon If IN)' Wiii PCll'lkllpete In the Jnlll· lrlllon of Neu.I-held terrtto- ~ "=:ortd W• II. .. Thlt Ledy la A T remp" (1980) Semenlhl Fox. Rlch.,d Bolte. "X' t: to• MOV11: • * ,_. "The Oeeperele 0Me" ( t968) Mulmllleln SciNlt, Riii Vlllofle. In can effort to eec:cape from • Siberian labor cemp, one bf other AC)f1floft hie life eo lhet the other ~ be ,, .. , 1:ff ~ .:::..tCOOM& ... ~ "Emy," "ftw .. Tlmel A Ledy" wld "Wondetlttld" •• M10nO Ille llitt I*· fOfmecl In concer1 by The 0ommo0orw. 1:t0 •• ,., NIW8 OV8NQHT .MOW * •,... "Tiie 'Mmul•" (1tt0) MlltlOn lfMdo. Oeofle C, loon. WNI '"" ............ ,,_..Of t Cdflll 19, a veNtlln oop lltlCO¥tfe a CCINOW~ lnvoMr>g the tuppr"~ or • eynthellc fuel formula ~an oil car1 ... 'R' lZ)MOVIE • • * • "The Trtela Of Oacer Wilde" ( 19e0) Pele< Finch. J-Muon. A c.lebrlty pleywrlghl'a llbel Mill end• In dl ... ter for him. 1 :40 CC) MOVI£ * * ~ "The Rein People" ( 1ee9) J.,,._ Cun. Shir le)' Knlghl. A young women eeta out on • ctou-coun- lt)' trip 10 eecape the responSlbilltlM ol her met- rlege end Impending molNrllOod 'R' (l)MOVIE • • "Looker" (19111) Albert Finney. Jamea Co6ufo The mY91erloua dfflhl of a _,.. OI beau· tllut models lnvotvecl In 1 new IMlver1111r>g PfOjecl .,. blamed on the p!U11c eurgeon """<> opereted on them. 'PG' 2:00 8 C8I NEWS NIGKTWATCti 2:251= • • * "Arthur" (19111) Dudley MOOfe, Uze Mln- nelll. Wllll• hie femlly e1tempt1 to for.:. him Into • pr•erranoed marriage, • dNnken. hedonistic play• boy .... In IOve with • poor wor111ng girt. 'PG. 2:aoe MOYIE * ~ "The Angty Red Pten- ef" ( 19e01 G«elcl MOflr. Not• Heyden. An emoet>•· like crNIUfe engultl 8 ~IP tfltll 1enc11 on Meta. 2:401= S:OO MOYIE * * "Territory Of Othert" (1970) Oocumentwy. The ~ wildlife of Amerlce'a VHI SoulhH•I region remain• laoleted from !Mn'e lntruliOn. (O)MOYIE • • • "The Enforcer" (1978) CHnl EHIWOOCI, Tyne Dely. "Olr1y H•rrY" C....,,.,, II joined by • lemcale rookie In hie purMllt of • group of C•lllcwnle revolutlonerlee terrortzlno Scan FrClrlCllco. 'R' I: t5 Cl) MOYIE • * "Emily" ( 1978) Koo Stcll1!, Viol« 891nett~ In 1t20s Engi.nd, • ...,... gl(I Comel Of age tlwougtl can eftelr wllll can AmerlOen IChoOllMCher. IM(C)MOYIE * * * ~ "The Men Wtlo Would a. King" ( t975) Seen Connery. MlctlMI Ceine. 11-.d on the ltOtY by Aud)'wd Klpljl!O. Two lkttllfl eoldler• MC OU1 to clCllm Ille riGhM CIOd poMr of • remote. legencSCllY lllnOdOfn. 'PG' .MOVIE **~ "PrW•le L_,." ( 1NO) IY"M Kr11te1, How- ¥d ~. A. WM1tt1y mtin lllll9M hit MductMI flO\IMllMC* lhe fob of ~ "" t5-yw-old IOI\ wllfl "" "'" ..... C!::•'R' . .... , ..... ~ .. (1 .. 1) I JMt1 Rochtfon, Enl'lllo M.n-.no. ™""- CllllGOWW "'9t • .....~ 1'0Wll1t'• ••t•et work ...... In detlll .... ...,,tty ..-m proteCtlflO ...... .,, .. hOtM. ._.MCMI .. ~··,,~,!'IC"- JOHN DARLING mut·h. Tht! st.ur ol NliCs ".fo'um1ly Ties" moVt!fi from onu 11hrlll argurncmt lo nrwthcr She dt'tll!rvC'111 bl•ttt-r. So dnt.'IC Dyan Cannon. Alao billed M romant1t c•omcdy, "Having it All" ill a promising romp that 11unk by its une•J11k1• lht•mc. llow many tlmt!ll t•1tn yo\1 Ill'!! on<.· hui~banc.l arrivlnu wtwn tbt· otht·r it> lt•aving? Miss Cannon, playing fttmuus fashion dt:a{gner Thcra &ylln, i!i lhe movie's 8ltV1ng gruce. ~ the frazzled doublc·dater, sh e i;c...oems to be having fun. At the· end, the fil m trws to bt· Sl'l'iou is ubout Thcru, so scurcd of being alone with hcrM~lf, that she needs a thrlll-a-mlnute exlstcnc.'t' a t home and at work. But it gl'ls lost in the 11huffle. or. rather. the !lhuttlc bctwe<'n Los Angeles and New York. The muin c.:uriosity is the out.c:ome after the Inevitable discovery scene. Will Thera end up a onl:!somc., twosome or threesome'! By thc n , it's just plain tirc..'SOme erd Ari«!. veoa -'rm 1:10rg. A detecllve 11 murdered when he Is hired lo ltnd 1 mlaaJno hu$band 4:05 (8) MOVIE * '" "Endl"s Lovo" ( 1981) Brooke Shlelda, Martin Hewlll A 17-yea,.old'a ObNtslVO IOllCI IOf his 1 S· year-old glrllrlend leeda 10 parental conlllcrs end 1rag. edy. 'R' 4:45 CS) WHAT'S UP AMERICA! Fea1u1ad: a IOOk at the graffiti scene In New York City; a Mardi Gru celebre- llon wllh lhe Cajune; some ol Amerk:a'a lavorlee skin. nv dipping holes M'r dnt-sdat1'• Da"fimr Mo.,IPa 8:00 (C) * • • • "Le Slr8da" (1954) Anlhony Quinn. Glultetle Mealna. A wend- etlng arrongman accompa- nied by the llmple-willad glrl he bought to IM hla clown la goe6ad Into kllltng 111 acrobat wtlO 1..- him. Cl)•• "Spirit OtThe Wind" ( 1979) Chlet Dan George A your>g boy OV9f • comn hia hendleap to become the World Chetn· pion Dog Sledder ·po· c):30 llt a * I "First Monday In Oetot>er'" (191111 Weltlf Mellheu, JIH Clayburgh A llt>erel Supreme Court Jua- tlce cluhel with the ,_. M t membef of tht nation's hlghelt court, en ultre- coneervetlve womAll jUrllt 'R' 7:00 (%) * * "Tiie Conqueror" (19S8) John W1yne. SuNn Heyward. A mighty Mongol wetrlor ktelnCll)I the deugh- ter of • PoW«ful Tarter II.Ing end Miles conlrol ol hit empire 7:30 (D) a•'.~ "Cloud Oenoer" (1980) Devld Carradine, Jennifer O'Nelll A lop 11unl Iller negleeta the people who c:.re about him in lhe Mlll111 purautl ot n11 dengeroua eport. 'PG' 1:00 CC) * * "Roed Gemes" ( 19111) Slecy Keech, Jemie L.. Curtla. An ecoentnc trucker. • beeutllul hllchhitter end • ptyehO- pethlC kfller trevellr>g the aeme route play games of Ille and dfflh. 'PG' (8) **'A "lelendl In The Slreem" ( 19n) George C. Scott, Clelre Bloom. 88Md on the novel by Ernes1 Herntng,,.e.y. An leoleled 1111.111 la forced to r-.1 his hidden emotion• when hi• lhree eatreng•d aona come to 111111 him. 'PG' 8:ao e • •. ,. "Mye1ery lllend" ( 1tee) St ..... For- '"'· Sue UOyd. An adven-IUfer eoc:ldentell)' uncover• • ICMn1e to Intercept en Amertcan lf>llC• mlaelle •I ~own. t:OO (%) * * ~ "Newllront" (1t78) Biii Hunter. Chm Heywood. T*O l'Wlll _. r ... companlft 111empt to edge NCh ottler out In • reoca for ll)jl Austrelten ,_ vlewerS In Ille '40.. 'PO' t:IO. • * ·~ "Lady Liberty" ( 1972) Soptli• loreni Wll-uwn OevCIM. An lllllen woml!l'I on lier way to • -'ding ettemptt to go lhrougti eu1tom1 with • l•981M1NQI. cm.* "Cennonl>elt Run" (19111) 8ur1 Aeynoldt, Oom Oel.ulae. V.,toue Oddball c:hattcter• comj)e1e In • ooeeMo.coaat euto race. 'PG' ~ e •••;,"The Deughter Of Aoele O'Gred)'" ( 1t601 June H•ver, Gordon MecAM. DIMUCl<led from • c.,_ on Ille ttege, en ••· vCIUCleolille .,.,., daughter 11 nonetheltM enchanted by ttle cOlor Cllld gay lllCttemenl of Ille era. CJ:) •• ~ .. Any Number CCIII Play" ( tt4t) Cletll OHie, AleJCll Smith. An, "°'** .,,.. ....,.. OM!· ..,. .... " beClet wttfl • ..... Of trClf9dlM. (l)••"F~~"· (, ... , WOiie .... °"' NNa. A yowig OOU!Pte'• m•m• la NVIMI by 1 guardian angel who resemblea the wtfe'1 le11or• lie movie atar 0 *I,,., "Thirty la A Den- geroua Ag•. Cynthie" (196111 Dudley Moore A clautcal pianist feels ht must compoM e m81tltf· piece before he reachel 30-yeat•-old. 11:00 CID * *'fl "Beer Island" (19801 Donald Sulhertend. Vena11a Redgrave. An Arcllc weather-reMerch 1e1m'1 membera ere forced Into • ltghl for their very survlvel 'PG' fZJ * * • * "The Trials Of Oscar 'JVtld•" ( 1960) Pel« Finch. James Muon. A celebrity pleywrtght'a libel suil ends 1n dl ... te< lor n1m t1:30 (OJ *** "First Monday In Octobef" (1981) Welter Mallheu. Jiii Cleyburgh A tlbefal Supr-Court Jus- tice c11st1et With the new- eat membef ol the nation'•' hlghelt court, en u1tr•- conHN1t1110 women 1un1t 'R' 12:00 D *.,,.,"The Lonely Men" t 1957) Jeck Pelence. Anthony Perklna. A reform-minded gunlrghtctt la preaaed into one laet b•llle. CCJ • * * "AaintreeCoun- ty" ( 1957) Elizabeth Taylor. Montgomery Clift. During the Clvll w.t, •captivating Southern bcttle 11 d«lf· mined to have the men ol hef Choice reger<11M1 Of the c;onsequence:a 0 * • * "Silver Streelt" (1976) G-Wild .... Jiii Clayb urgh A mild· mannerael book editor eccldentally beei>mea Involved In • llnleter ert thief'• biz.err• plot during • croee-<:OUntry rreln ride. 'PG' 1: 15 (.%) • * '" "CebCn In The Sky" ( 1943) Elhef WSlltfa, Lene ~orne. A black wom- cin bettlel the ci.vll for the llOlil of her men 1:30 ©)*a* "All Night Long" {19111) Gene Hackman, Barbre Slreiaand After being demoted lrO!T1 oor- porete executlw to cileln- atore nlghl manager. a middle-aged men's Nfe- atyte end veluet 811 lurned uj>tlde-down. 'R' 2:00 U * * * "Ar JI Monday In October" ( 1911 t} Weller MelthllU, Jiii Cleytlurgh. A liberal Supr-Court Ju1- llC4 ClaehM with the new- eet member of the nation'• htghMt court. en ullr•- conMl'\'ath1e women jUrlst. 'R' 2:30 (H) * * ,,., "lllenda In The Strum" (1977) George C. Scott, Claire Bloom 8&Md on the novel by &Mel Hemingway. An llOleled llfllat 11 forced to ,._. hll hidden emotion• When hll three ealrenged 1on1 come 10 v1111 Nm. 'PG' s.-oo cm • • '" "Cloud oancer .. (1980) David Cllfrlldlne. Jennifer O'Neill. A top atunt Iller neglec:t• lhe people who Clfl •bout him In the Mlfllh put9Ul1 ol hi• dengerc>ue ll>Of'1. 'PG' (%) * * "The Gt.el Train Robbery" ( 1t7t) Seen Conn«)'. Oonlld &nher· lend. T.o exper1 tum-of· the-century con erlleta ell~ to pull oft the -™ngty lmpocaelble rot>- bery of • locked .... •bollfd. t•t-ITIO'Ang IOco- motlft. 'PG' 4:00 (I) • • o;, "The Shogun W•rrlore: Gr•ndlzer" (19111) Anlmllled. A~­ lul rObot detends Earth when It II tnll9ded by V~n lnv11dere. 4M CC) * * "Road G..,,.. .. (11t1) Stacy KMCh, Jcamle L.. Curtla. An eccllntrlc I ruck er. • beeu•lful hltcMMler end, • peydlo- P•thlc killer tr~ the ..,,. route l)ICly a-of Nfe end dM111, 'PG' • "It Atlned AM Nlgfll" 1:00(0) ···~ .. ,, .... .,. .. I ttM) Vcan Hefllt\, 6d '91>- ~. 84IMd on • df emil by Rod 8er11n9. A bUllnele tycoon get• a.uoht up In • hlgh-eohelon .,_ ltNg· ~· • *"' .. ,...,....ont" (t978) 8111 Hunter, °"'" Heywood. Two IN9I _,. , ... COlllC*liel .. ..,,_ to tCloe eectl --°"' In • rece llOt tllCI AW!flllan ntwe ~ Ill lhe '409. by Armstrong I BetlUk Illy Nit I T\Je&DAV, OCT. 12, 1982 ClASSlfllD cs Series matchup -is. intriguing ff'arld §erlPs a t a lll•n,.e . ST. LOUIS (AP) -T hi.a riverfront city on the l&1\ka of the Mlssisaippi w here the Gateway Arch llnaJa the way West, welcomes the World Series or the first time In 14 years tonight as the St. Louis ::ardlnals face t)\e Milw aukee Brewers. Baseball could not have come up with a morl' ntri guing m a tchup to batt le for l ts"world hamJ)fonshlp. Whitey He rzog's Ca rdin als are a modern iaahouse Gang, who won t he National Le ague hampionship w ith speed and defe nse. They stole 00 bases and Herzog thinks they're capable of 75 nore than that. And they hit 67 home runs, fewest f\ the majors, proving that you don't have to hit the .all over the wall to win ball games. Don't try to tell that to Manage r Ha t'vcy {uenn a nd h is Amer ican L eague ch ampion ftwers, a team of slugge rs that hit 216 homers, ope In the majors. The Brewers live by the long )8U and, in tribute to their manager, they are called iarvey's Wallbangers. So it will be a clash of opposing philosophies. Right-handc:r Bob F'o rsch , who p ltchPd a three-hit shutout -in the opening game of the 1 National League playoffs against Atlanta, starts for the Cardinals tonisht, while the Brewers t'Ountcr with lefty Mike: Caldwell. who was batte red by the Ange ls in the opener o f the Americun League sen es. Two of the Wallbangers are ailing a nd Kuenn saacl he would not know until gametlme whether ou.t.llelders Gorman Thomas and Ben Oglivle could play Thomas, who shared the major league home run cha mpionship with 39, has a sore knee, and Oglavae, who hat 34 homers, has a bruised rib. "I won't know 1f they can play until I get to the park," said K uenn. "If th<'y don't, I've got all kinds of other guys who can." Marshall Edwards and Ma rk Brou hard, who both made important l'Ontnbutions to the playoff victor y over the Angels, are Kuen n's outfield reserves. The game two pitch ing matchups w ill be T wo Milwaukee Bre wer fans show the t ic ke t they have for the World Series in tha t city ove r the weekend. On t he left a re 20 &landing-room -o nly ducats and on the rig ht are 60 grand sta nd §eats at $18 each . vctcrun Don Sutton fur ltW Brewers ags inst rookw John Stupel' for thl· Cardinalli. When the Series sh ifta to M iiwaukee for g1:tmc throo Fr iday night, Pe te Vuckovich , tradc.>d away In one of Hcrwjf s curly re modoling moves, starts for the Brewers aguim1t J oaquin Andujar for St. LouiM. Tonight'• g•m• -Miiwaukee at SI. Louis, 5:30 p.m . "T he trad e was part of the· business," deadpanned Vul·kovkh , an 18-gamc winner this season. "Whitey wanted to build a t.cam on spec'<.! and I never really ran t hat well." Tonight'• pltch•re -Mike Caldwell ( 17-13) of the Brewers vs. Bob Forsch ( 15-9) of the Cardinals. TV -Channel 4 at 5 p.m. Announcers - Joe Garaglola and Tony Kubek. The Cards do, though. They arc a fi rst-to-third oriented tearq, seldom sat1sflf;.'Cf to advanc:t! around the bases 90 feel at a time. And their dt•fense is JUSt about flawless with only 124 errors. Radio -KNX ( 1070) at 5 p.m. Announcers -Vince Scully and Sparky Anderson. .. "From what I've seen, they're personalized with W hitey He rzog 's sta mp on them ,'' said Caldwell, the Brewers' first ganie starter. ''T hey have a lot of similarities to the teams he had m Kansas City. Thoy don't strike out a lol and they hat tho ball up the midd le a nd in the alleys." Remaining 1chedule -Wednesday's game: In St. Louis, 5:20 p.m.; Friday's game: . In Milwaukee. 5:30 p.m.; Saturday's game: In Milwaukee, 10:20 cf.m.': Sunday's game, if nec essary: I n M i lwaukee, 1:4 5 p .m .: Hcrzog's Royal teams rl•ached the playoffs (See SERIES, Page CZ) Tuesday's game, If necessary: In St. Louis, 5:20 p.m.; Wednesday's game, if necessary: In St. Louis, 5:20 p.m. Series matchups Comparing position by position S T . L O UIS (AP) -The position-by-position ma tc:hups for th e 1982 Wo rld S e ries between the St. Louis Cardinals of the National League and the M ilwa ukee Bre w ers o f the American League: FIRST BASE Each team boasts one of ats league's finesl hitte rs playing the position. Keith Hernandez o~ the Cardinals hit .299 this season - fall ing for the first time since 1978 to hat over .300 -and d rove in 104 runs. Cecil Cooper of Milwaukee was a .313 hitter with 32 homers and 121 RBI, enjoying one of his finest seasons. The fi eld ing edge goes lo Hernandez, one of the best glove men at first base, but the overall edge goes to Cooper, who blends a solid job at first with his potent offensive capabilities. SECOND BASE This position ls tough to call. Jim Gantner hit .295 with 43 RBI near the bottom of Milwaukee's batting order this season , while Tommy Herr batted .266 wath 34 RBI and 25 stolen bases in the leadoff spot. He rr's quickness in both fielding his position a nd baserunning ma ke up for the 30 points h e lac k s in b atting average. CaJI at even. SHORTSTOP Ozz1P Smit h of the CardinalS' HEllNANO£Z COOPEll may b e th e b e s t fi e l din g sh ortstop in the business. H is agility, ba lance a nd ability to throw from awkward positions are unparalleled. But how can he compete with Milwaukee's Robin Yount, in the midst of an MVP season . Wh ile Smith , sidelined part of t he season w ith a leg injury, hit only .248 with 43 RBI, Yount hit .331 with 114 RBI and 29 homers. It wouldn't even be close af at weren 't for S mith's nonpareil fielding abilities, but Yount still j(ets a sizable edge. THIRD BASE Nei t h e r P a u l M o lito r o f Milwaukee nor Ken Oberkfe ll of S t L ouis a r e pa r tic ularly smooth-fielding third basemen. Moli tor even admits he's not very good a t the position, which he assumed only this season. So you h ave to· go to t heir offe n siv e statis tics, whe re L. SMITH YOUNT Molitor emerges on top. Molitor hat .302 with 71 RB I and 19 homers, while Oberkfell was a .289 hitter with 34 RBI and onJy two homers Molitor gets the nod. CATCHER ,.It's a tough pick , since the Cardinals have Milwaukee's Ted Simmons outnumber ed 2-to-l. St. Louis Platoons lefthanded hitter Darrell Porter and righty s w inger Ge ne T e nace . Bo th Porter a nd S im m o n s have s us pect a rms, b ut P orte r 's' problems have been compounded by an off season tha t saw him hit only .231 com pared to Simmons' average of .269. The power is about equa l. and a ll three are fine handlers of pitchers. It's almost a tossup. but th e edge goes to Poner-Tenace. LEFT FIELD Two fine a thletes -Lonnie (See SERIES, Page CZ) Table • tennis competition here not very good 'hinese national coach g i ves his vie ws 'a y HOWARD L. KANDY °' .... Deltr "°' ...... T able te nnis will never replace football or baseball as a national sport in the United S tates. Such is not the case in the People's Republic of C h ina w her e the &p<>rt is No. 1 a nd has been pursued with intensity for a number of years - even to the point where in 1979 after Hungary won the world championship by defeating China, team members were put to more intensive drills than ever before .• THE RESULT -CHINA returned to the top of the ladder, winning the team title and the first and second place medals ln all singles and doubles oompetilion in the world games of 1981. One man who has been largely responsible for that llUCCeSS is China's national table tennis coach , Zu Hang Wang who recently visited ln Newport Beach. Wang has been In this country since May, giving clinics for U.S . coaches a nd players and oiherwile promoting the sport Ch ina wiU introduce to the Olympic Games in 1988. As a new na tion in the Games in '84, they can introduce one sport for the next Olympiad. Wang, who does not speak any English but at times understands aome words or phrases. gave his thou1hts about. the U.S . table tennis situation throu,h interpret.er Tom Ku who ls a pre-medical 1tudent at UC Irvine. Ku came here from Hong KDnf, two yean ago and speaks English well. 'The level of competition here is not very good compared to the rest of the wor ld," Wang says . "But the young playe rs right now will be very good later on if' aay about flve years. ''The potential la there but the y need more development and training together. F..peclally the top ple_yerw. "Thi• country will n eed more camp• for ()layen and a chance to play out.aide of this country. nwn they need a l)'ltem to train the playen. Right now there Isn't anyone around to press the top playen inCo lmprovtna -they beat everybody. .. ONE OF THE BIO THINGS 1 have not.iced ii that the parenta live the players all tM IU~ Chey .-cl. It lln't like that ln Cb1na and that• one al U.. bi& re11m1 why table tennJa will be aood ln lhe U.S. Tn tueh a lhor1 time. The parenta' support 11~·· Wane hinmll l&alUd playinc the pine at ap 8 and at l& he lt.U1ed tnlNna wtth the netional tam Ind -away from home fOf' IOod In a camp for athletia a. wauld eu.nd idlOGI In t!M mom1nc. lhln nln for t.lble tennil in tht llhemoon. ( "( made the decision myself to go into table tennis. I played around my home for awhile but as I got better . I was put into a camp. "There are all types of sports at the camp and it is conducted on an Intense training basis that includes running, weights and other th ings. "I ran 10 miles a week, lifted weights every other day and played table tennis five houN each day. T here were about 40 top players (men and women) in the camp. "The peak age for players in our country is 20. Your reflexes are much better, you have more speed and better judgment. At 25-26, it depends on your skill but the best age Is 20." WA NG IS SATISFIE D with what he has occor.iplished an the U.S . since he arrived in May. 'On e o f the big things I have no ticed is that the par ents g i ve the player all the support they n eed . It i s n 't like tha t in C h in a . T h e parent 's support is great.' -ChlneM Nellonel Coech Zu Heng Weng H e has been t o Chicago, De troit , P e oria, Washington, D.C .. Colorado,. Indiana, New York, Maryland and New Orleans. L a .. among other places and has conducted clinks In each of thete places. He recently conducted a five-d ay chnlc In Orange County and concluded his atay w ith an exhibition match against West Coast. champion J im I.;ne of Fountain Valley at Lelaure World. Jn the camps for athle tes in China, If two ethlet.et have a dlaagreement or a flaht, the one with the m09t athletic a bility lt kept and the other 1ent home. When an a thlete ls throuth with compedtlon, he goe1 into coechina. teaching or Into a factory. "Thet'e are lota of os,enlnp ln t.he fact.on• and 10me even go ln\O reporuna And tiro.dcu\ina," he aaya. He 11 married and haa • three-yetr·old daupter in w country where only one child ii l"f!CCJmlftend at the preecnt. ume. WMt happena ft ~ than one child comee to a famUy? "lt haa an economic effect." he .. ,.. "They pt a dec,..ue ln money, even if \hey have twina. C.oach&nc cbm't. live nw any privlle .... I ma. the TABLE, P•• Cl) ............... Chlneee nalloaal table tennie eoaoh Zu Han1 W ••I demon11ralee proper method lor a return. He conducted cllaiee la dal9 are• recently. f 11 C:I Orange CoHI DAILY PILOT/Tue1d1y, October 12, 1982 ~· t, ,, eye patch covers abrasion F rom AP dispatches Reggie J ackson got oH a plane Mondav in Southern California with a patch· o ver his left e ye. a nd a spokesman for the Angels says he has a corneal abrasion. J ackson, who was 2 for 18 in the playoff series agains t the Milwa ukee Brewe r s, reportedly told Dr. Kenneth Olander of that city 1.hat he did not know how he injured the eye. "ReWe managed to scratch the cornea in his left eye.' O lander said. "He was in a lot of di.scomlort. and his vision was blurry." The physician said he gave him a topical anesthetic. Later, howeve r, KABC-TV in Los Angeles said Jackson told a friend that he had injured the eye sliding into third base in the final playoff game against the MHwaukee Brewers that the An~els Jost 4-3. Quote of the day Bobby Thompson, forme r New York Giant, recalling his famous "shot heard around the world" in the 1951 playnffs against the Brooklyn Dodge rs: "People still tell me that the re arc three events they remember the most in the lives: Pearl Harbor. President Kennedy's assasination and my home run. Lmagine that!" Bossy goals pace Islanders Mike Bo11y scored twice in less ~ than two minutes in the third period , Monday night capping a New York Islanders' rally from a three-goal deficit as the National Hockey League champions edged the Ne w York ~n~ers. 4-3 .... Mark Haater scored the dec1s1ve goal with 2:44 remaining in the g a me as the M o ntre al Canadiens held oCf a third-pe riod rally by Quebec to defeat the Nordiques. 4-3. ~-----------------------------------.. Camp, Eatanola grad, topa In PCM Univ rtlly vt Paa~Uh: tl&ht tind • , Toa)' Camp, 1 iraduatti of ir.uuwl&a •Im t HlM h S c hool , a n d Utah StaL,e defenalvo tackl SUw1 Miiier haver been 1ttlt.•1·tt•d as Pacific 'ou1t Athlctat• A.ltloclulJon playen of tho Wetlk. Camp cauaht nlnu PAllM'I for 89 y1rda and _,, • .choul ~rd with tour touchdown r(l(.'(lptionB u Pnclllc IC>tit to Fresno Stale. Hl1 24 point.II llCOrt-d, the mOllt by on lndlviduul In thl' PCAA lhl11 sc111K>n, cum4.· ugalnll ll teum thot hod t1llowt'\i ju11l 25 polnt.te In fo1Jr prevlouli ganw11 . . Quortcrbackit Todd Hons of Arizona Stal" and Tlm Cowa n of Washington 1huro the l'aclfic-10 offc11.11lvc pluyl·r of the w(>ck award. ~ra ·kJu Joba Bartbalt of Arliona und lincbul·kt,>r Jerome Boyd of Oregon SUlte w ere named dcfomJive co-wlnnl!NI. Weyer heads Serles umpires NEW YORK -Veteran National Ii League umpire Lee Weyer will be • behind the plate tonight when the World Serles opens in St. Louili and will also call balls a nd strikes in the seventh game iC there is one . Other umpires anr•ounced Monday by the baseba ll commiss ion er 's o ffice a re Satch Davidson a nd J ohn Kibler of the National League and Jim Evans. Bill Haller and Dave PhiUips of the American League. It will be the fourth seri~'S for Haller, the third each for Kibler and Weyer and the second for Davidson, Phillips .md Evans. The home plate rotation following Weyer will be Haller, Kibler, Phillips, Davidson and EvanA. The offical scorers will be Jack Herman of the St. Louis Globe-Democrat. Dave Nightingale of The Sporting News and Dick Young of the New York Post. Virdon to manage Montreal? Biil Vlrdon, fir ed t his season • after seven year s as manage r of Houston, will be named man<iger of the Montreal E.xpos. the AP learned · Monday ... D~11is Potvin of the New York Islanders was an volv.-d in an a utomobile accident Monday morning. forcing the de fenseman lo skip the team's NHL game with the Rangers lat- er that night ... Dave Eichelberger fired a course record 7-unde r -par 65 to win the Inn of the Mo untain God s Invitatio n a l pro-am g o lf tournament in Ruidoso, N.M .... Golden State owner Franklin Mieull and other Warriors' officials met to make decisions which should determine where forward Bernard King spends t he coming basketball season. The New York Knicks have orfered Kang a deal reportedly worth $4.5 mHlion and the Warriors must meet it by Wednesday or he wall become a rr~ agent ... The fina ncially troubled Jacksonvtlle Tea Men of the North American Soccer League were sold to a group of investors who will m ove the team to Detroit . Television, radio Following are the top sports events on TV tonight. Ratings are: ~..,......,.... V' excellent; V' V' V' worth watch ing: v v fair: v forget it. ~ 5:15 p.m., Channel 4 v V v v WORLD SERIES: Milwa ukt-e at S t. Louis. Anaouncers: J oe G a ra g1ola an d T on y Kubek. It will be Make Caldwe ll (17-13) pitching for the Brewers against the Cardinals' Bob Forsch (1 5-9) in the opening game of the World Series tonight The Brewers eliminated the Angels Sunday in the faflh game o f the American League playoffs while St Louis took three straight from Atla nta for the National League title. RADIO Baseball -World Series, Milwaukee at St. Louis, 5:15 p.m .. KNX (1070). · TABLE TENNIS COMPETITION . • • From Page C1 . about the same as eve ryone else .:._ about $50 or $60 a month. "Rent and medical insurance is cheap, about $10 a rponth for everything. Food iB about $20 a nd I don't own a car. "One of the big thlngs I notice here is the large number of aoft drinks you have. And there are way too many cars:· WANG'S WIFE WORKS with the labor union but it isn't ln the same vein as an American labor union. Everybody belongs to the same union in China and there are no strikes such as the NationaJ Football League ls having right now. While he was ln the Newport Beach area, he stayed at the home of Dr. Lock Gee Ding and wife Ruth. Dr. Ding i.s an acu~ncture spociallst and an M.D., the fint in Orange County. "My wife has no compla.ints about my being gone thJS long. But s he might change her mind if she geta a chance to viait another country,'' Wang says with .-milchievous smile. Other than athletes. children remain at home in China until they are married and they must be over 20 before they are allowed to marry. But for the a thletes, ~tal concentration on their cholen specialty Is a way of life, not only for table tennia experts but for thoee in gymnas\ica, bHketball, volleyball, football (soccer) and iwimmln«. M for Wans'• penonal conquest. in the world of table tennla u a player , he finlahed teYenth in the 1985 world singles competl\ion and fourth w ith a putoer in doubles. He wu on the winning team in the European championshlpe that year and won the ""'1• title In 1966 ln a match with Sweden, another world power in the sport. HE HAS BEEN the national coacti ti.nee 1972 Series weather clear ST. LOUIS (AP) -The National Weather s.rvk'e aays a weak high-pte99W'e syttem should keep rain out o r the forec11t tonight and Wtc1ne9day night for the openln.c 1amet of the World &m.. .. •-n,.t doem'& mMrl I& won't rain, but we don1& haw it ln the fONCMt.'' meteoa'OJosisl Ted Schroder aalid Monday. "It wlll be cooler cN.n normal, but the ndn lhould Ny 10 the IOUth of UI." ffllh -.mpera~wr. both today and Wtdnftday uod9r i1rt1Y doud, lllMa wtU t. in the low to mid .... ...-. loWI bodl ftllh&I fallinl ln10 the mkl 4.0I, 9chrodr lakl. • Normal hilbl I« °"' \&me of &be ,.... .... dip-and n'ormal Iowa about 00. Game m~rau.tr•• at Du.eh Stadium, Nld I lhould ... "' the mkt to .,..... 00.. on a fuJJ time basis and says If he ever has the opportunity to visit the U.S. again, he will not hesitate to come here. "l love the U.S . and think it is a very pre tty country," he says. . And, according to Patti Hodgins, t he U.S. national aenfor women's champion and an instructor at SaddJeback college, Wang has done a great deal to help advance U.S. table tennis. "Our players are desperate for h igh school coaching,'' Hodgins says. "We haven't had national coaches or a top training program in the past but he has helped a great deal In advancing our program. "When he came here. Chinese officials felt that we wouldn't be a threat to them because we had a long ways to go to catch up even though we are among the top 10 countries In the world in the sport right now." Even with the hype tha has come with such an outstanding visitor, table tennis la st.Ill not a threat to take over as the national sport of this country -now or at any time in the future. . But It wlll become more of a way of life for those Involved than a friendly game of ping pong as It is known in the 1lang vernacular of everyday life. Angels must wait, at least one year From AP d11pet~llff Once again, it'• look at the put and "if only ... "and to the future and •·wait 'UJ ~t year'' for the Anle1a. For the 22nd tJme in thelr 22-yew exiltence. the ~la won't be ln the WOl'ld Sftis. It w• different thla time, \houah. With 1 two sames to none advanta1e on the Milwaukee Brewen, a lineup bui.tn. w ith h!ch·priced power and experience, and tJ.. ~ p6tcftl"1 ltaff ln the AIM.rimn ~. the Anj911 _.I ahoo-ln to wln the le-au-championehlp and World s.ri• berth. Apbvt all oddl, they f.u.d. 11ie Ancela Im& thrw lfnllht to the lftwwl In Miiwaukee, Mcomlna the only ieam tn the 14-yew hlltor)' of the ..,.. champWnhl .. to lole afcer wll'\IUna the fll'lt two ....-1n the a.It-of.five pi.yoff1. . So 7&-yeer..old 0.. Au&ry, the patient, hw- tpendlnl owner of the Anti~ .,.. ana&Mr year without rwlJ*'I h6a dr'lmD for NI trxtraU tMln • Gene Mauch remalna ltlpnat.lz•d • the ~ who's a loetr when It countl moat. Rod Carew, maybe the bB& tuu.er In butb9U over the pMt dlmde. ld1I ham't played ln a World Seriel. And ....... "9dclan'• Ital' .. "Mr. Oct.ob9r'' Im& ...... of lt11'ider. SERIES MA TCHUPS • • • Fro~ Page C1 Smith of S t. Lou111 oncl Bc·n Ogilvie of Milwuukt•l' room left tle ld for their rN•pcl·tlvt• teams. Ogilvie has more power and la p c rhup11 ~h e bette r outfielder, but. Smith ma y bl• thl' m o 11t versatile offe nsive t hrt>a t 1n baseball. He hit .307 thts season w ith eight homers and 6Y llBl, and he still found time to steal 68 bases and lead thl' leuguc.• an run..., scored with lW. Smith gets the edge. CENTER FIELD Gorman Thomas of Malwaukl't.' shared the major league lead an homers w ith Rcggw J ac.·kson <•t 39, and normally he would get a substantial edge over St. Louis rookie WllLie McGee. But the Milwa ukee slugger has a problem with his knee that has slowed him down an the field, and he is mired in a 3-for-44 slum p. McGee meanwhile, has all the speed and agiUty to play his position we ll. while hitting 296 with 56 RBI this season. McGee ge ts the call. but it could go the other way if Thomas goes on a lear. RIGHT FIE LD Charhe Moore of Milwaukee probably was one of the most improved fielde rs and hitters an base ball this sea.son. He has a good arm, h e hat .254 with some power a nd there's few a ny better in the clutch. Speaking of w h ac·h , Geo~ge Hendrick comes to mind With 1()4 Hlil, lY hrnru•nc und IJ it! I! btt ltlng awrag<' thlH ~·uson, 1hc• St. Louis raghl Cwld1•r has all till' tuo!JI. Hcndrk k an a landslide· PITCHING 0 n I y u n c n a m t• 11 l' c d lw mentioned. Brut·t-Suttt:r of St Louis MllwaukN.•'s p at c.·hing stal r. started the season suspect and wound up tha t way. Although Pete Vuckovich won 18 gaml'S and lost only sax, the BreWl'r!> wall hove to go with mQre than a one -man rotullon. Lefty Make.· Caldwe ll gets the' opening bid, bringing with ham a 17-13 rN.'Ord and 3.91 ERA. Bob F'ol'S(·h 15-Y and 3.48, goes for S t Louis. The Cards team ERA this ye<.1r w as 3.38, while the Brewt·r!- w e r e a t 3 .98 . And w ith Milwaukee's Rollie Ftngl•rs inactive since Sept. 2 with a torn muscle, Sutter has the field to himsell with his 36 saves and 2.90 ERA. The Cards get a subs ta ntial edge. MANAGER Harvey Kuenn of the Brewers took a 23-24 team on June 2 an d turned it into the w innan gcst team in baseball, finishing the s~son with 95 victories. Thal alone lpeaks to his effecllvenL~ as a manager. But the man in the Cardinals' office, Whitey Herzog. h<is th as election all tied up Herzog took Kansas Cat v to West.em D1v1s1on tatles in 1976, ·77 and ·79 SERIES MATCHUP INTRIGUES. From Page C1 • • three times but never <:ould get past the New York Yankees. So this wlll be his fi rst World Series HC''s looking forward to at .... it you can''t g{·t up for thc·M' g.inu·s. y11u l'an't get up for anything," ht: S<Jld "I don't know what at's hkc," he said . "I've never done it before. but everybody wants to. Now I've got the chanC'e." The Bre we rs' big bats don't frighte n t he CardanaJs, who thank their spat"aous ball park will equalize Milwaukee's power and that aLo; artificial surface wilJ benefit St Louis Cecil Coopt•r, hl•rn of thl· Bn·w<•n,' pt>nm.nt clinching Vl<.'lory ovt•r tht· Angl•b. sc·l·s this all· Midwest World Sc•ril-::. us a g.J<J<l thang fur ba~·ball "It's gn"al to h~vt· nt·w hlc,.,td 1n the• St·nt-s." he said "It's good for fan:. to.,,.,. pl<i yt•r-. tht•y d1m't get to St'l' that much." Vuckov ich rC'ml•mbered BusC'h S tadium's room y dimensions but didn't think that would trouble the Brewers. The Bn•wt•rs and C.11d1 nals will 1)1' sc·eing pl<'nty of eal·h <>thl·r for th{· m•xt wt-<.•k or so "These guys can hat them out anywhere." he said. "The ball doesn't carry well here but af they can hit them an MalwaukCC' with the wand blow ing in, they can hit them anywhere " Milwaukee fan simply reacted As for the Cardinals. Kucnn said he really didn't know muc:h about the NL champs "I expect them to run," he said. "They've got great speed. But we have fell ows with great speed, too. We might s urprise some people ." RACINE. Wis (AP) A 27-yc·ar-old Racine The Bn w ers are coming off a re ma rkable w eek . A f t e r losing three s traight games in Baltimore to fall back into a tee for first place an the AL East, they captured the division on the final day of the se ason by be at ing t h e Orioles. Then Milwaukee lost the first two games of the American League Championsh ip Serles to the Angels but recovered with three straight victories to capture the pennant exactly o ne week a fte r they had beaten back the Orioles. Robin Yount, Milwa ukee's shortsto p . was asked if the s train of the hect ic w eek might leave his team drained w ith nothing left to give. "When you look at what you're playing for ... that you're in the World Series. something very few players on our team has experienced. well. man has admitted <:auhang tht· ball at till' ll'fl f1f'ld fen<.'<' wh ich was rull'd a homl' run for Boh Boone of the Angels ln the: Amt•man L..•agut• playoff game won Fnday night by thl· Mrlwauk•'<' Brt'\H'n> 5-3. "l rea<'ted slnctlv out of mstan(·t .rnd reallv didn't know where i was in relat1onsh1p to th(. fe nce w he n I fanll made the c·at<.·h ," F.ddw ~'kcr told the Racine J ou rnal T aml's of lht• C'atC'h at Milwaukee County S tadium "Afler I got the ball. I first felt n•al good. then I sat down and thought. 'What dad I do? J think I took that ball right aw<1y from Benjie '" Brewer left faclder &n Oglivat' had <.'Ontcnded there was interference on thl' play But umpire Larry Barne tt ruled it was a homc> run , and t hat endM the Brewers' chanl'<'S for a 5-0 shutout "I read w he re (Bre wl.'r Manager) Harvey Kuenn said tht> fan who made tht> catch must have been an Angels' fan ... lkckt>r said ~~~~~~~~~~ College football IATUN>AY'I OAMH .... WHlllngaon SI Ill UCLA •• ROH Bowl (1.30) use at s1anl0td (Channei 2 a1 12 •&> lffw MexlCO at San u..go ~t , n Long Beac:h St at San JoM 81 , n • Wuhtngton •I Oregon SI Oregon at Calllomll Wat>et SI. at Por11and SI • n "41ck ... Co40tado SI at Air FOfc;e TellH·El Peto et Arlzon• St.. n liawall et BYU Ida/lo at Monlan• BolM St. •I Montana SI FretnO St. at ~ad•·Reno ld•llO St. •t Not111etn ArlLon•, n Nevadl·Lat V9QM at Ul•l'I PllClflc It Utah St Cal SI. Full«ton II Wyoming .......... , 8aytor II TellU AIM HOU9ton et 8MU. n Tuu Teen al Rloe r .... Arlington •t SW Lou•lilln• NE Loulslen• •t Arkenau 8t ...... Oeotgi. Tech 81 Aubufn Ouk• 11 ci.maon W TeaM St. •t florldll E.Mt C#Oill\8 81 Florid• 8t , n VancMrblll et Oeofgle LIU " 1<er1tuc11r. n Well•F'""llM~ Mlu1u1u:_ St " Mltfll4 en• > ~ .. c.O:::'lr" Hottll C.Olln• '"'"*' et louttl C.,Olln• ~ .. aoutn C#ollne •• AleHIMelT-w.twn Kentuakr .. T..-T.cll 8. Mte91 ...... 8'I Tulene. n - Jame. Mlld190n al VMI w .. t Virginia 11 Vlrgtnl8 Tocll Marll'laH at W"t C•rolln•. n E TenneuN St at Cidlldel, n Lamar a1 LOUlll•n• T .i;l'I, n Rlcllmond a1 Loultvll .. Clncinnetl 11 Memptit1 SI M Ten-St 11 ~"'IY SI Mid-• e.n St •I Kent St N. llllnolt a1 Bowling ()reen T Oledo II C.,,1181 t.Ak;l>lgen Oralle el Nebr•lll•·Om1111, n Olllo u. II E. Mlelllg•n Olllo St •I tNlnoll lndl•n• 81 Mlnnetol• Mlelllg1n II low• loWa SI, •I Mtu ourl Otcl1horn• 11 K1n1&1 K•nMt St II Nebruk• Miami (Ollto) II W. Michlg1n M1c11i9an SI 11 Wl8COlllln Norl"-ltrn 11 PurdU41 Atllon111 Noire o-Colof'.00 11 Olltal'IOfna SI S llllnoll 11 TulN , n N.w Mexlc:o St It Wldlita SI .... RulQWI 81 8otton ColleQe. n Brown 81 CotMM HlllV.,d •I Oanmou111 C W Poet 11 O..w- eonn.ctleut 11 Holy Cra1 P9M ., L1111yett• New Hllll'll)lhlfe 11 Lelllgll M~ll 11 Maine WlllMI I Mwy Ill Nev; 8ytllCllM 11 Ptnn 81 T 1t11C>1e et Piii Artny It P1inc.ion loalon U ti AllON ltl•lld luekr'lell II "°°""t., CO!ufftbl• 11 Ytit 1101.1111111 JOHNSON & SON presents ... COLLI GI ,. ............ Notre Dam• over Arizona * Stanford over USC * UCLA • • 0.-, Not ateff f'Mto Costa Mesa High's Wally Grant rushed (or 149 yards in the Mustangs' 17-10 victory and is the Daily Pilo1's P layer of the Week. Federal mediator seeks strike end F rom AP dlapatcllles The chief negotiators for the Na t ion a l Football L eague 's owne rs and players met with federal mediator Kay McMurray in Washington Monday as the aearch began for an intermediary to help eettle the players' strike. In New Y o rk , NFL Comm.iaioner Pete Rozelle, who had said a 13-game regular RMOn was the likely acceptable minimum before it would have to be 1Crapped, told The A.uociated Preu ilie owners could change the ir minds and g o with a 12-eame eeuon, or less. "~one of this is etched in atone, to borro w a phrase," Roze lle said of a s pecific eettlement deadline. The "etched ln atone" remark was, in fact, borrowed from union president Gene Ups haw, whose earlier <leacr iption of the players' contract demands have since been changed. "Everybody asks me." Rozelle said. "Eve rybody ask s Chuck Sullivan the chairma n of the owners' Management Council. Everybody asks the owners. Why don't they ask (Ed) Garvey how lon.r a credible season s hould be?" Garvey, executive director of the union, and Jack Donlan, his c ounterp a rt with th e Management Council, met with McMurray in the office of the Federal Mediation and l Conciliation Service. D.J . Yount, spokeswoman for the FMCS, said in a terse statement McMurray met "with both parties to begin the process to select a mediator" and that McMurray said he did n o t t hink an anno uncement would be made before Tuesdav. Rozelle had said earlier the strike would have to be settled in t i me t o play the gam e s of Oct. 31 -Nov. l to avoid losing the entire season. A ss um in g a mediator i.s named within a few days and brieCed a few more, both sid es could b e ca I le d together by the weekend . The selection of a mediator acceptable to both the owners a nd th e un i o n c a n b e accomplished within a day or two, and that person could be ready to sit down with both sides by next weekend , sour ces familiar with labor negotiations said. McMurray was handed the task o n Sunday of f indi n g the middleman in the first major step by both sides toward settling the strike. The Management Council had insisted on federal mediation. The union h ad rejected any mediation, then relentd and said private mediation would be accepta ble . The Management Council initially rejected private mediation. Ill Bill ROSSIGNOL FP vas I " O~nge Co11t D~tLY PILOT/TuHd1y, October 12, 1982 Cl Mesa's Grant top prep star Mustang tailback reel orf 149 yard in victory C<111w Mt...a Hlah'• Mwnang,11 arl' In tho hunt for the &>a View L.:usuti cha.mpioruhlp and a berth In the CIF Centra l Cont rt•n1.•o football phayott1 with aa 1-1 league record Mnd It'• obvlou1 their 17-10 victory over Irvine High twit wet•k can be! trac.'ed tu WWJy Grant. "Ali a 110phomo re he ran behind Danny Hlnet and he aaw a little bit of Junior varalty football a. A Junior. He'1 rvully lx'\!n aa plt'uant 1urprlae. "Qultt> honf'tltly, we thought wl' would have a definite weakneu at running back, 10 he hu been more thun Juat a pleasant aurpriac." The little ($·6, 130 pounda) ~ri1or . tn1lb•<:k reeloo off 149 yard# on 26 wrrh .. "' from hi• 1pot In the Mustangs' backfie ld, 8''01'\'d twice (lndudlng n 41 -yard IK.'Orlng jaunt) and caught a alx-yard pa.1111. Because of hh1 ondl'avors lust wct.tk , und In ~lor start.a, Grant is the Dally Pilot's Pluyur iii' tht• eek. Gr61n\ hrui ruahl>d for 485 yards on l 12 carries (4 .J uv~·rugt.') arid &K.'Ored aevcn touchdowns, and much ot his SU'-'<:css can be traced to the play of llnl'mcn Mike Hovur1.ion, Peter Schurb, Richard &hlc:11lngcr, !"rank Wcrnar and Jet! English, a long · with fullbal'k Errik Sparks. "He 's not overly fast," says his c-ouch, J im Hagey, "but he has quick feet and is able to hnd daylight. The amazing thing as that he d0t.'Sn't havt.• Vf'r V m t lf'h l"fAvinP f>VN\rtNlN' 1111; 41 -yard scoring daah proved to be the winnlnt( margin in Melill's upt1et victory over Irvine und he has been m Ml11a's receiving game in each of (Ive s tart.s. *** '*** *** Other players of the Week J eff Brown, Corona del Mar The 180-pound junior fullback carried for an 8.2 average on !Ive rushes a nd was credited with seve n unassiste d a nd three assisted tackles as a linebacker in CdM's 21 -0 loss to Saddle buck . Brown is also an intcgraJ part of the special teams, but h is forte is as a blocking fullback. Matt Homb11, E dison A two-year starter, t he 5-l l , 180-pound senior receiver and defe nsive back. was in on 11 tackles, broke up fi ve passes, caught two passes for a net of seven yards and returned four punts for a ne t of 38 yards. J erry Eldridge, El Toro T h e 5-10, 185-pound senior had his first 100-yard game as El 'I'oro's tailback, rushing for 127 yar:ds on 25 carries, in addition to an 88-yard kickoff re turn for a touchdown. He also scored on a two -yard run and was m o n several key tackles as a defensive back. Scott Davie, Estancia The 175-pound quarter ba ck had h is most productive nig ht of the season, connecting on 16 of 30 for 176 yards and 2 touchdowns. As a corne rback in Estancia's defense he was a big factor in pass defense with some key tackles. Carl Saterfield, Htn. Beacb The 165-pound senior tailttack rush ed for 142 yards on 14 carries (lO.l average), including a 67-yard scoring dash, in addition to catching passes for 34 and 25 yards on screen plays. He also returned punts and kickoCfs for the Oilers. Jen Blelman, Irvine A sophomore, he stepped in for the injured Mike Z o rn at quarterbac k and l e d the Vaqueros ' oHense with a 3.3 running average and picked up 62 yards through the air withou\ being Intercepted. At 6-2 1h , 175 pounds, he was al.so the team 's safety. punter and returned three kickoffs. Scott Garrett, Fountain Valley for 72 yards and helped Coach Dennis Haryung decide to keep the option offense. He had one touc hd o wn pass ( 14 yards to Kevin McOennon). Glenn Vieira, Marina A 5-9 sen ior. he caught fi ve passes fo r 84 yards for the Vikings in their 17-15 victory at Millika n, and had two kickoff returns, one for 61 yards and a touchdown. the other for 19 yards. Each of his five receptions came on crucial situations. For the season he has 17 catches for 259 yards and two touchdowns. Pat Dubar , Mater Del A 6-1 JUnior and operating at safety for the Monarchs, Dubar had two interceptions and two d e fl ections, and recove red a fumbl e i n Mat~r De l 's 7 -7 standoff wit h Edison. He also returnl'CI F.di.son's last-gasp field goal try 55 yards before being run out of bounds. Frank Sennes, NewporJ Harbor A senior line backer, Sennes came out on top from a list of 55 candidates from the Sailors' list after a 48-0 rout of University. Se nnes was credite d w ith six tackles, caUS4..>d one mten-eption and re turned another 21 yards for a touchdown. He also broke up a nother pass and caused a fumble. Dave Carroll, Ocean View The 6-4, 215-pound tight end caught two passes for 29 yards, one leading d irectly to an Ocean View touchdown. He was also a stalwart as a defensive end, going both ways for the Seahawks. Cesar Diaz, Saddleback Corona del Mar c.'Ontalned ju.st about every thing S addleback could throw at the Sea Kings - except for the 140-pound Diaz. who caught three passes for 44 yards. including a nine -yard scoring pass in the first ha lf of a 21-0 victory. Ba rry Cummins, Westminster The 6-3, 200-pound offensive t.ackle graded out 80 pcrc,"ent an blocking e fficiency, and was near-pcrk<"l in pass protection for the Lions, despite a 19-7 loss to Long Beach Wilson. BUI Whiteside, Woodbridge A 6-6, 220-pound defensive tackle. Whiteside w as in on several sacks and contributed to a h eavy pas s r us h a gains t Ca p is tr a n o V a ll ey i n Woodbridgc's 37-7 loss. Marina, Newport make poll Hlah ec:hool ranking• Clf' 'lto FIVE CONfEllEMCI '"· khool, rec0<d 'olnl• 1 Loyote t5·01 l:M 2 SefVtll (2 I) 131 3 BllhOP Amel ( 5·01 10• • St Poul t•· I) 102 5 Long Beectl POiy (2·0 2) 115 6 CrffP< (!>-01 87 1 • ...,.,,, 1'-'1 n II Miiiikan (3 II •O 9 COltont3·11 21 10 AJemeny (5--01 10 Clf I OUTltEllN CONfElll!HCI! I Foothill (!l-01 2 E1911ant• (5·01 3 Lnt Allot (!1·0) • El Modena t !>-0) 6 Ml .. tOn V1110 t•· II 6 Lynwood 13· 1-1 I 7 HH Wilton t•· 11 8 Villa Pat-(3 I· 1) 9 Siii\ Ctetn.nte I•· II 10 CAPtll•ano Valley 13·21 Clf CENTllAL COIWlllENCI I S1ddleb11Ck 15-01 2 Fu11et1on (5-0) •3 A1nc110 Alamnos 15-01 •. -pot• 14.rbof (S.2) 6 llMtl El T0to 13·2) La Hab•• (3·21 7 Lot Amtg01 (3·11 • Sunny HIH1 (2·21 9 Wal letn 13·2) 10 , ... , A,._,. (3-21 La Oulnta 12·31 Reds hire 3 60 61 S7 50 36 33 32 111 12 10 69 ~ 53 50 36 36 3S 13 • 1 7 CINC IN NATI (AP) The Cincinnati Reds hav<.' re hired three coaches to assist Manager Russ Nixon in 1983. However , the Reds did not retain Coach Harry Dunlop, who was offert.'ci another post. Pitc hing Coach Bill F ischer a nd coaches Ron Pla za and George Sc:herger were signed to contracts. Another coach will be chosen to round out the staff. PERS Eligible Donahue impressed by Bruins LOS ANGELES (AP) Detpll~ the fact that the 1082 UCLA football team lo•l I UI perfect ra'Ord lO#t wtekend, the Bruln1 appear to be ar,prcctate!d more than ever by the r t.'OllCh. "I'm 1Ull very imprCS14..od that our team <'OUld oonw back In the last 33 seconds to tie," UCLA Coa c h Terry Donahue sa id , Monday at hls weekly mee~!M( with reporters. "A lot of ~ can't do that. There are a lot of athletetl who would have cashed the ir chips in . ~ ''THIS IS AN exciting team, a good team, one w hich the faf\S enjoy watch ing," continued Donahue. his enthuai.aam rising. "I'm just not going to let .the fact that we went out and Ued a game 1put thla team in the bank, ''Thia isn't very good Engl1Sh, but it's my funnest team." A 43 -yard field g oa l b y Arizona freshman Max Zendejas with 33 seconds to play at the Rose Bowl last Saturday gave the Wildcats a 24-21 lead over the Bruins. Howeve r, quarterback Tom Ramsey q u ickly move d the Bruins from their own 20-yard line to the Arizona 19. UCLA freshman J ohn Lee then kicked a 36-yard field goal with two seconds to go, tying )he game at 24 -all. While he made it clear that he wasn't happy with the tie in his club's Pacific-I O Con fere nce opener, Donahue expressed the feeling that the club remains a solid contender for the league championship "AT THIS POINT it looks like we 're f ar be h ind in the conference race," said Dona hue, who is in his seventh year as the UCLA head coach. "But I don't think it's over , it's a long season, things change rapidly in college football. It's too early to tell. "P e rsona lly. I d on 't thank anyone in the conference will go unbeaten . I'm basing that on what happened the last two or thre e y e a r s . But th is is a diffe rent year, somebody may not lose," The Bruins, who fell fro m eighth to 12th in the AP weekly ratings because of the tie, are 4-0-l with six games remaining on the 1982 schedule. All are conference affairs starting with this Saturday's contest againsl Wa shington State at the Rose Bowl. Top-ranked Washington and 10th rated Arizona St.ate are atop the Pac-10 standings with 3-0 records. The Bruins play Washington at Seattle on Nov. 6. but don't face Arizona State. The Sun Devils have four league games left on their schedule. Garrell easily had his best effort of the season with a 5.0 average as a fullback, and graded out well w ith his blocking. He returned two kickoffs for a net of 34 yards against Long Beach Poly. CllY & STATE EMPLOYEES: Tbad Baa1, Laguna Beach In his first start of the year, t hi s 16 0 -p o und junior quarterback completed 7 of 13 The Choice Is Yours. \bu can~ for~aM?lage, or you can )Oin FHP. •LUE CROSS/ IE NE FITS FHP ILUESHIELD INA Hosplt•I Pl AN PAYS full <overa3.e for PLAN PAYS 90% of semi· PLAN PAYS 80% of hospital Servi<u unltm1ted number o f ays private room r•te for first charges for first 10 days, YOU PAV nothing SSOOO, 100% therutter up 100% thereafter to 36S days YOU PAY 20% for first vou PAV 10% of first ssooo 10 days Office PLAN PAYS 100% Pl AN PAYS 80% .. YOU PAY SS ea<h vmt Visits YOU PAV nothing of covered charges YOU PAV 20%. Dl•gnostlc PLAN PAYS 100%. PLAN PAYS 80% .. YOU PAV SS each vl\lt X·r•y YOU PAV nothing of covered charges YOU PAV 20% L•bor•tory PLAN PAYS 100%. PLAN PAYS 80% •• vou PAV SS u ch VISlt Eicamln•tlons YOU PAV nothing o f cov•red <harg.s. YOU PAV 20%. Outp•tlent PLAN PAYS 100% PLAN PAYS 80% • • w /Looll N77 Blndlnll w/Look N77 Blndlnll 'rescr~tlon YOU PAY no thing. YOU PAV S2.SO ch1rge for of covered charges each ~rescrlfitlon (up to one YOU PAV 20% mont supp y). TM • 1 Slalom Racing Ski A new High Performance Recrtatlonal Ski Regular S460 Save SI 00 Reau Jar S4 I 5 Save SI 00 • Special Sale Price .... 5359.88 Special Sale Price .... $314.88 ROSSIGNOL STS OLIN 730 w/SaJomon 1'l1 Blndlnf . w/S.lomon 727 Blndtn• The •I Recreational Performance Ski A new ~I for the less aggrusl'le skier ~tular 5420 Save 590 Reaular S380 Save sgo Spcdal Sale Prtcc .... 5329.88 Spcdal Sale Price . . . $289.88 ....... ~=~- Prtca Include a.wm btndtnc 1nata11at1on CIDITOI Loi CentlDI C'Anelt betwftn ~. s.r. lllJIM.1111 0 ... GI ll02 1 ~ ... I llto<ll w of 55 fwy ...... ~~N· Our Ncwpon Bach store In Fashion Island now hal Ttdcttronl rugs 'r•ventlve PLAN PAYS for annual full-Not pro vided Not prov•d•d. Oent•I Clrt mouth X·r•ys and ticamln•· t1ons for •II memb•rs YOU PAV nothing PLAN PAYS for cleaning and topical applit.atlon of fluoride for memberi under •..G• 12 vou PAV nothing . Deductible None. *'* AfterS150 per penon None dtduct1blt, th• ~Ian P-•Ys 80% of the first S2SOO in covered 1trv1ct1 and 100" tMreefter Heh •• calender yHr AH HftS l llt lblt EmptoyHt In Or1n9t County and lcMhtm L.A. County: Tlllt co,.,p11t..,n H • '""'"'•'Y ot th• benefltt off•'"~ H<h ,ten COfttvlt ~'" lenef1t1 Offtdr for fwll ~alll on otn.t ,..,, <•II'"' .. Jll·IJt-JUJ ••• tOOOf 1'•-IM 1'11HI IOOf01 funtler infor1MtiCNIOflovr1Mnef1u...-.. n.tat C4 Or n • CoHt OAILV PILOT/Tu•ed•v. OOtober It, tOH WORLD HfUH ~,_ oompett.on1 IT. L~ CMOIM•U , ....... Ken O-•lel .... AllMeey Jullo~elw <>me SMOh oi.nn .,""',.,., Derrell Pone< o.n.r- 8._._.' OeYICI o-a.oree HenOtici. Oen. IOfO Wltlle McGM Lonnie Smith J<Mquln Andujal Doug Bait ~ Fotac:h Jim lteel Jell Laflll oe .. L•Potn1 Jolln Menln 91-MU<I JCJM Sl-Bt.-Sutt., me~ 2 1 I 2 .234 0 • 231 12 41 261 7 ,, 274 0 4 231 2 23 282 19 ICM "4 0 34 21NI 4 !>41 307 • 19 W L I 15 10 0 5 3 II 15 9 , 5 3 2 6 4 0 9 3 0 4 6 0 12 11 0 9 1 0 o 8 31 '"" 2 47 2 55 3 41 4 01 3 ,, 3 42 4.23 4.05 3.38 2 90 -.wAUICU .... Wllll l'lrat ... Cec:lt ~ Jim Gantner Ed Romtto Rey Howell PllJI Molttot Don Money Aot> Plcclolo AolMn y OUtll Teel Simmon• Heel Yoe! M.-8'0Uflerd M~Eclwerdt Cl\el'le -e 9en ~ Gorman Thomu l'ITC...O .... ""Ml 3 15 32 121 29~ 4 43 280 ' 7 260 4 31 302 13 71 714 18 H 243 0 ~ 331 29 114 .289 23 97 278 1 ' 269 4 10 247 2 14 254 8 4S 244 :µ 102 245 39 112 W L I 3 , 8 17 13 0 5 • 29 11 II 1 , 3 3 12 1 0 12 15 0 10 e 8 4 I 0 te 8 o '"" 3 71 3 91 2 80 '47 4 00 4 22 S.04 3-29 3.29 3 34 Worid l4N1" 8t a alenc• TONIOHT'a o..-Mllw9UllM at SI Louis, S 30 p m WED•HOAY"a QAMI Mllw-M a1 8t Louta, 6 30 p m FMIAY'IQAMI 81. Loui. e1 Mltw-M, 5.30 p m HTUROAY'I OA• St LOOI• el MMwMl~M. 10.20 I m a""°&Y'I CIAMI II lcOull el Mllwe1.1i." I 40 o "' II ·-y fUllOAY OCT, tf OAMI Mllweukff •• ~, LOYI•, 6 :10 p m ' II "-'"''l W OHHOAY, OCT. to CIAMI MllwaUkff et $1 lOYll, I 20 p m , ti ·--y Oelt TrM MOHOAY'l l•H~TI l ttlil °' t7"4Mr ..... .......,... _,lfttl ~-IT llACI . 7 lyrlono• Lo01111Y1hm (V•'*"'""'I :to 20 9.60 e oo Pt1ntt1e. (Hawley) 9 20 1 40 Rapid Emil« (Eatml•I 1 40 AillO r8C4MI Prince 0 Dancer•. We\erlotel ll111y 8teck Bulle!. O••lieid. Ooc Ward, Fancy Guy FlyinO Or•••ly Someoung HllCll*llCI, Solll"IO TltN t 22 115 H CONO llACI. 1 1111 milea Erup11 .. tMeta) 23 40 9 00 Cl 40 Premium Oepoell fMcHarguel 4 40 3 00 Hit Ser,.1 tSit>tllll 4 00 Alto rAC*I Olden Ao•. Twin• Ton .. do, Ster Court, Blaci. Moment Fr•• Duty ROM:OIO<I Gr- Trrne 1 4J 4fS t:1 DAILY oouau 11 51paid 12t1 eo THHIO llACI . 8 lurl0<10• Comprttllend 1Hawley1 7 40 4 40 2 80 Ag1111u1 (Guerre) 4 20 3 20 Nanda Devi tOelaf\OuHytl 3 00 Alto reE 4'9d Dtne1no Down, MIU Sectll Ag.,,1. Sonoma Hoa1... CoamlC Clo•., T-llle. Vrb<MIOy Ttme t 10 4f5 POlHITH llACE. I '\ mlle• on turl N0<'1notly GIOw (MCHllQUI 8 40 3 80 ' 80 Lorn GOddeu (Llp111m1 4 80 3 80 ()jlmoun t0et•llOuM41yel 3 60 AllO raced ROM TuClo• Kar1>1c Orey Su .. n Malm.,.on My s,,1.1 T rm. l 49 315 ~IFTH llACE. 6 lu<IOnot 11.m Two tVelenzue4al 43 00 11 60 11 60 Acupunc:1ure tPinc:eyl 6 80 8 20 Mourllet>enk tGue11•) 10 60 Alto rBQUd Sheyl>OOO. Cr0t1 Flll(lt. P11't Pel. Manet'• T •••rn Smokln Nell•• Otyn•P+C Glory. Blowlno Snow T1m<r1 1 09 215 M lllACTA tS-7) pllld 1140 SO l lJCTH llACE. One mtle Soc>Nlllealecl Ottl(Oln11yej8 00 3 80 3 70 Mann netff IMcC•rron1 3 20 l 60 Muy Juepe (Vetenzuele) S 00 Alto rAGed Pe<ltctlt>lllty HOid lhe ~tuJ•, ICff, Conunentel Gl•I. Rev•-ol the N-• Tune 1 311 3fS. HVINTI4 llACl. l '• mt ... on lU<I Nan t Daneer IH...,leyl 6 IO ) 60 r optekl tll4acl< 1 4 20 Enola O•y (HanMnl JOO 3 60 s 80 Alto •llCecl Vtlal FOIC•. BelMm Opelelee<IM, Fo•l'lole Hulllel Tome t 411 lf5 fynollfl• '5 EICACTA (5-21 peld $76 SO &2 l'ICIC Ill 15·8 •· S •·SI p11C1 5 145 • 62 I 80 Wlln Ot>e WlnnlnQ lldle1 Ill• 110tMtl S2 Prck S11 ~•lion P•ld HS t 60 Wllh s 1 wion•no 1rcke1t 11iv. l10t ... l EIOHTH llACE. 7 l1ir1c>1>g1 LAndeluct IPincey) 2 20 2 20 2 10 R81e ll111ll tPietC41) 4 40 2 10 I 1me ol Sele (McC•11on1 2 10 Aleo r AC*! She1111 Br OW•I Sinole Flower Some t<...oa f'll<1 t<OOk,. K-P.-1 Gummo nme 121 4f5 II EXACT A (9·61 plld $4S SO NIWTM llACI . 1 '°' mtln Pirtll (H-yl 12 60 I 60 4 80 PWLIC NOTlct AP Top 20 The Top IWtlf'lly •-In Thi AUOCtll9'1 Pr ... c~ IOOtt>eff POI. With llra1-plt1Ce •01n tn p.,.,,t,,_ ... ..,,. recorC11 and IOlal l)Otnll I we1111noton ·~I) 1 Ataoame ( 131 3 PIH (81 ~ Georgia ( I) S So MtthOdill 8 Ne1>1a1ke 7 AtlllnHt 8 Penn Stele 11 NOlre Oeme tO Arizona Stele t 1 N0<111 CatOllnl 12 UCLA 13 W111t V1rg1noa 14 Southern Clll 16 lll1no11 11 LSU 11 MIAml, Fla 18 rexu 19 Ftotldl S1a1e :io Clemaon 5·0-0 5·0-0 4-0·0 S-0-0 6-0-0 •· 1 0 6-0.0 4·1·0 4·00 4-1-0 •·1·0 4·0·1 •·t·O 3.1.0 6· 1·0 3-0· I 4·2-0 3·1-0 4·1-0 3-1· 1 w~·· tournam.nt (et bet L.Mle WOOdllNlde, Fla.> Pt.et llOWWS ........ 1,048 t,Otfl 91141 909 811 752 7t0 878 112 860 S72 471 428 403 287 174 148 141 110 19 Zina Glflllon (US I d1l loll• Allen (US ). 6--4, I 1, Virginia Wede (Brnain) Ciel l(etny ~Of•lln CV 8) 8·2, 1·6, 8·2. EllM ButQln (U s I de/ Alyel• Moulton (V s I 2-e. 8-3 8-t N1ncy Yea•o•n (U S 1 def Petra Oelh-(S..,.t.rerl•nd~ 2-1. 6-3. 6-1 Bar Dara H1llqulll (US I Clef Pal Medr•do (B•UMI. 2·1. 6·2. 7.5 Su1en M1ecar1n (U 9 1 Gel M~netltt Totr419 fU S ), 8·4 11-2 lnlpe ch8mpion1hlp (ai~llMt") u.a ..... ..,., ...... 1 Jom Eng11s11, Newpo<1 BMch and Leo Colltr1 Hunltngton lleKll. 2 Olc:t.. Ec11 ... rd1. Cut>• Lake, N Y . 3 P.,,n.., Oa¥11 and Stu Simon. Oman• Neb Nit.JC NOTICE NHL CLAAINCI CA ..... U CO.WtrMN<ll lftt,U..OIWI ... W L T ,. '" l'te 1 I 0 17 14 4 flJM(JlllOO Wlflt\lpeg """' VllllCOU••t C•igary a 1 o 11 ' 4 I 0 I 6 4 3 I I I 8 10 3 0 3 0 10 10 0 Netlh Ol•t.lott MIMMQla 81 LOii!• ,c~ f O<QlllO Oetrott ' 0 1 ,. 10 0 ~ , o e • • t I 1 14 tO 3 0 ' 2 10 11 2 0 2 , 4 13 , WALH COIWIMNCI 1'•••~11 Olftel9ft IJ11t1Mle4Plll1 NY ltlendet1 New J .. wy Wa1Nng1on NY Ranoe< I Pl II •but gl> W L T" l'A ltte, :i 0 0 18 11 8 3 , 0 10 t3 & 1 0 ' 11 10 4 1 'I 0 t I t;J 7 ' 3 0 14 15 ' 0 'I 1 11 12 , Aelaftl• Dl•I•'°" Montrwul 8011on Ou•lltM. Bullilo llarlltlrd '.I I 0 18 13 !) 2 t 0 10 12 4 2 ' 0 w :>t 4 021121111 0 7 1 0 11 I MoftdeJ'I kOfH Monl••"' 4 Ou•OwG J N-York 1t11noer• 4, New YOtk 14ano .. • '.I '°"''"''• o ...... Vanr..ou•., al Pnttllur(jll Bo11on tt Ntw Jot<MtV IU111• et w111n1p911 EdmOrllOn •• C•iO"Y HAICAA 1t•ndlne1 l'olnl L.edefe I Booby Alllton 2 Oe11111 WeJwp 3 Terry LlbOllle 4 Harry Gant s Ricl1 .. d Petty 8 Buddy Anrngton 7 o ... M.,e>o ti Oele E.,nhatdl 9 Ron BolKhetCI 10 RICl<y Rudd MoMy Le.O.n I Darrell Waltrip 2 Bot>t>y AlhllOn 3 RIC:11etd Petty 4 Oele Ea1n111101 5 T1try L.oont• 6 Ron 8ouc:tlal d 1 JOdy Rl41ey e ~''"Y Olllll 0 Benoy Pt raona 10 Buddy 81k1t 3.82, 3,784 3,857 3 393 3,301 3 235 3.226 3,0llt 3.CMl5 2,957 '5ll0,400 504.070 343 795 330~ 296 1170 273 9SO 2s9eeo 248,20 237,010 223. t26 Monda~'• trensectlon• MOCKIY N'etioMI ... ., L ... ua NEW JERSEY OEVILS R-Boo Mlllitr tente< and lelt """Q •OCCl ll IMtOt -S-t L ... ue PHOENIX INFERNO Signed Aihado Ann1e10 poalkMP9• and Manual A11>1110 laurent. Clef- North A,,_ic-loccet LMfue JACKSONVILLE. Fie Tne JaekM>llvtfle IN Men -r• 1IOid 10 • QfOUP ol 1nVM1ort end win De moved 10 Detroit Nil.IC NOTlct Vikings utilize big play offense Vi ira, Karman park Marina victory Mllrlnat H igh'• Vlklnaw wwd o pulr of bl" pfay• Ftlduy n lwht to help s ubdue Mllllkan, I 7 16, In their fin al tunc:up for S unact Leu61U<' footbuU ac.·llo n thank.t t o G l~•nn Vle tri1 u nd Erle K nrman. Vieira re turned a kicko ff tS I yord!l to get the Vik lng11 g o ing ond Karmon d ashed ~7 yu rd 11 for o touch do wn Hunttngto n B each 's C arl ~utcr(1chJ r t.'clcd o rr a 67-yard louc:h d o w n run, but il was n 't eno ugh Lo kt't'p tht• O llN11 from escaping their first lc1Hs o f the season The Big PlayR 88-J c rry Eld ridl{t', (El T oro), k k koH return for TO 6 7 -Car l Sa t l'rfi e l d (H unting ton Beach ), TD run 6 1-Gle nn V ieira (Ma r in a ), k1ck o rf return 57-Eric K a r man (Ma rin a), T D r un 55-P iH D u ba r (Mate r De i), kick re turn The season's big playmakert1 92-S teve Brazas (N e wport Harborl; 88--.Jim G arton (Ocean Vie w), Jerry Eldrid g e (El T o ro): 80-S teve O prian (M a ter Dei); 79-Ric h a rd Aguirre (Ma t e r Del), G ary la nuzri (University ), 78-V e m o n Wallerich (Edison): 76 -Gary Ia nuzzi (University), 7 2 -Dann y Th o mp so n (Huntin gton Bca<:h): 68-Do n Pryo r (Cor o n a d{·I M a r ); 67-Carl Saterfie ld (Huntington Beach ), Lan <:c Martin (Coron a d e l Mar ). 66 -L o u a e Cerda (Hu ntington Beach ), Bob- b y Wil l iams (Sadd leback); 63-J am w Weston (U n iversity); 62-B d l Marle r (M a ra na). SC-tanf ord on TV Sat u r day's college footb<.111 gam l· b<•t w ccn U SC and S tan fo rd w ill be te levised nationally b y CBS (C h a nnel 2). T he Pac1f1c -I 0 Con ferC'nc <• game wall beg in at 12.45 pm , PDT. w it h the pregamc show airing a t 12:30. Southe rn Cal, 3· l , as ranked 14th in this w eek 's Assoc'iated P ress poll. Stanford, 3 -2, as led by qua rte rba<.'k J o h n E lway. t h e P ac-IO's a ll-time passing lead e r ABC-TV will n ot s h o w a n y football ga mes this w t-'Ck c nd. P'\8.JC NOTICE PUBl.JC NOTICE J o hnny Salinas (Irvin e ). M ik e Zaldivar ( Un1vl•t1dty ), 6 1-Blll Russell (Woodbridge) G l enn VIC'1ru (Morino ); 60-J amc.·1 D unn (Hunti n gto n B e a c h ); 59-Gerod J o n e \ (Ed11on ); 57-Eric K arman (M a r i na); 55-P a t Duba r (M a t e r Oei); 54 -J e r r y Eld r idge (El Tpro). 52 -K cvt n Bradley (Saddle back), C hns M a nde ville (lrv ine), 5 1 -0ave P a tters o n (Cor o na del M a r); 5 0 -Gary l a n u1.1i (Univer s ity ), C la r k Patte r son (M a r ina); L a n ce M a rtin jC-Orona d e l M ar) Lu t f eek's stallstical leaders J ·~ Rushing I . Stev e Brazas (Ne wpo r L H a rbor), 26-177; 2 . Wally G r ant (Cost a M esa), 2 6 -149; 3. Carl Sate r field (H untington Beach), 14-142: 4 Jerry E ldrid g e (El Toro). 25-127; 5 . Eric K a rman (M arina), 14-107 P assing I . Scott Detv 1s (E stanl·1a ). Hi 30-2 , 176 yard s, 2 TOs; 2. Chad Pariseau (O<:ean View), 14-27-0. 174 y<trds. 0 TO; 3 8 111 Mar ler (M arina). 9 -18-0 . 128 y<trd s, 0 TD. 4 T im H anson (Wl·stm instl'r). l l -25-1. 102 ya r ds, 0 TD, 5 . R od Pesak (S<Jd dll'back), 7-15-0, IOI yards. l TO Rece iv in g l Tim Va l e n z.u ela ( Wc.-i.tmmstN), 7 ·66; 2. G lenn Vw1ra (Manna). 5-84. :$. K evin Md.)t:nnon (Lagun a Beach), 5 -61, 4 Tony Loc·y (M ater Dea). 5-42. Scoring 1 St<c-vc Brazas (N L•w p o rt H arbor), 18. 2. Mark Drap er (Lagun a BE-ach). W a lly G r ant <Cosw M esa), J erry E ld n dgt' <El To r o). K evin B rad l ev (Saddleback ). 12 each. 6 Era'l: Kannan (M ann a>. 11 F ie ld Goals 4 5 -Pet cr Schu rb (Cost a M esa). Pl&.IC NOTICC ACTITIOU8 .,.._... 'IC'TTTIOUI _. ..... NOTICE OF DEATH OF FICTITIOUt tw..... ,ICTITIOUa .u..... ,OUNTAJN VALLEY FICTITIOUI 8U8*€11 NOTICE IHVTTINO alOI HELEN J. CLARK AND OF NAMr aTATIMrNT NAMI nATrMrNT teHOOt. DltTWCT NAME tTATrMENT 1a10 rnM MO.• p E T I T I 0 N T 0 The loltowlog per90f11 are CIOing Th• lollowlno P•t1on 11 doing MOTICI Of' AOOl'TIOH The 1ollow1ng pereona ere dorng NOTICE 15 HEREBY GIVEN 111a1 l>vtln.w ea· bullneea U Of' llllllot.UTIOH OF INTENT blJsineH IS sealed PfOposels wlll t>e received t>y ADMINISTER ESTATE NO. VARIET Y IMPORT, 2375 LE GAYE WINE IMPORTERS, TO LIAN tURl'l.UI (A I GE M po L 1sH1 N G the City ol Coste MHa. 10 w11 The ..._ ITAff•NT ..... tTATIMINT The ro11o-Mno oetlOt'I• .,. doing The l~ng pereona er• doing bullneu u · buelnetll u . FOX ,·ASSOCIATES 2592 llENTURE PUBLICATIONS, · L TO . 200 t fall Flrll SlrMt. Suite Newport Blvd . Co1t1 MeH, Cl 10<4 Saote Anl , c.lifonll 82705 lnt27 O & R FlnlllCial ~. Inc. (A Berw•r EnT.,PllHI. Inc (• c.1110<''11• Corporall0'1l 2001 fall Celllornl1 corporation) 251~ Fltll Streel Suite ~·Same Atte Newport Bl•d., Co111 Meu. Ca Celll<11nl• 0210s. ' 82927 Thil buSC,_. II C0'1<1ue1ed by e Thi• l>v•I-I• COtldUCtect by t llmllect p.,tnereh~ corporation. SARWAR ENTERPRISES 0 & R rienclal Setvlcet. Irie A 11535%. Corn.It Or . Coll• M .... CA 02828 180 Newport c.nter Or • Sulla 180 DltTllllCT ltEAL Plll~ltTY s y s T E M s . t B ) u H I 0 u E City Cou~tl p 0 Boll 1200. Coate To all heirs, bencf1clarles. Ji n T V•ndeot>erg. 237S Newt>ot1 BNch. CA 82660 aeo NO. U-t MARKETING CONCEPTS. 3•640B Men. Celrtornia 92826 on or cred i to rs a nd continge nt Cornell Or . Cotla M .... CA 82826 Alt>etl Rlc11ard LeG1ye. 335 NOTICE 15 HEREBY GIVEN THAT Camino Cep1strerio Capt11t•t1o before 111e 11ou1 ol 11 00 am oo C l Umt>ll'lhe Vllldlnbetg. 2375 E~alel Bly, L1gun1 BHch. CA THE FOUNTAIN VALLEY SCHOOL BMcll, CA 92624 Friday Oclot>et 22 1082 11 al\811 De creditors of Helen J. lark Cort1911 Or Colla M .... CA 82826. 02851 DISTRICT hH Cleclet•CI ,,,., 111e Oerints W1yrie. 3~640 Cem1no the rMPOt111t><hly ol lhe t>tOdet 10 and pe rso ns w h o may be Thll l>vllnlSI II COOCIUCIMI by Thie bu-.. II conduclect by •n COllOWlng •••I properly """ nol be C'flllltano Capi5tteno Beach CA Clell\lel hit b•CI 10 the City Cieri<' otherwise interested in the 1001v1<1u111 (hu1blr>d & wife), ltlCIMctueJ needed le>< clautoom purpoM• 92824 Office t>y lh• proper announced wtU and/or estate: Lemb1rthe Vaoo.til>etg Albert RIGhlllCI L.01yo ThrM claMtooma 11 W•rdlow Kim Amy Smith 341l 40B tome Bid& wlll be put>llCty opened A petlu'on ._ __ '--n filed Thie tl•l-1 wu filed with Ille Thia 1te1emet1t wu lllect with the School. localeel el 9191 Pioneer camlrio Cap1s1reno Cnpi.trano and reed eJoud., 11 00 em. or u INC. 8y Wlrrln FOK. Ptwldenl ,,.. ...,., Counly Ctetk of Ot1nge Coun1y Otl Counly Cllrll ol Oranoe County °" OtlYe. Hu1111no1on Beach. Calllornt• 9Ncll CA 92624 soon 1herHl1•1 es pracucabte on Aonatct J Hwrell by Jane A. Thacher in the Oct . 7, 1812. Sept 17 1912 The Board of T•ulleH oc lh• Thie 1>v11ness 11 conductoct by • Fr1<11y Oc1ober 22. 11112. 1n 111e Pr9110ent S u per ior Court of Oran ge P•• F1W117 Founlein V•ll•y SCl100I Dttltlcl llmll4KI pvl .... ah•P Coul'>C'I Cnsm1>er1 City Helt. 77 F111r Thie l\etem.nt WM filed with tN County c.tc of Of.nge County or Septemb« 24. 11182 Thie eta'-11 wu llleCI wtlh the County requesting J ane A Publll hed Orenge CoH I Oalty Publllheo Orenge COHI 0 1Uy rnot-lo le•ff J.t1e fKlllllff eo ()enrios Wayne Ot1ve Coale Meu C11tlotn11 ~'Y .Cterll,,.12.ot 0renge Courrty Otl T h acher·be a ppo inted a~ Pllol. Oct 12. 18. 2tl. ~ov 2. 1N 2 Piiot, Sep! 21, 211, Oc1 5, 12. 11182 1nctkeled ebO•e under lh• 1e1m1 Thi• stat.,,,.nt wu filed Wllh ,,,. 92828 tor lhe turntlh.ng ot ONE Ill .--. 30 • «16-92 4 1116-12 and condlllona 1ta1e d In 111• Cou"1y Cletk ot Orange COUl\ty °" e.-.CH OUMP TRUCK. 25 000 ,ftMU personal re presen tative to RnolutiOtl of the Boe•d. ReeoMton 0c1 r. 11182 POUNDS G v w R . ,~ Publl•h•ct Orange Coett Delly Piiot Sept. 21. Oct. s . 12. 19, 19112 4234-82 Publl•h•d Otano• CoHI OaJty administer the estate o f rtaJC NC)TIC( PUBLIC NOTJC[ Ho. 113-10 F1fl111 Add 111one1 111' o' 111 e Pilot, Sept. 21, 28, Oct. 6, 1,21. 1882 Hele n J . Clark (under th e '1CTTTIOUI ., .... ,, Th• minimum mo11 1h1y lnee PubllafleCI Orange Coa11 Oalty specmca11on1 may be obtalned at -----------et-82--~-Independent Administration ,ICTITIOUt tw .... N ....... tT'"Tr•--PIYmelll lor lh4t term of lhe leaM Pllo1. Ocl 12. 10, 26. Nov 2, 1982 the Ollic• 01 lhe Purchulng Ag1ri1 ...._ ITAn_,,, -.. .., ehall not t>e le11 t11en S121 per 4410-82 al 77 Fair 011ve. Colle Mell. PtaJC NOTIC( of utata Act). The petition Th• lollowlng pet1on I• doing Th• followtrig per1on II doing motllh I* cle.utoom The mlt'tlmum 1-------.------Calltornl• Bld• lhould be returnee! -----.. la set for h earing tn Dept. butlnM&M ~~G OLDEN RING & mon1hly ••H• pe yme rit lor Plitt.IC NOTlct to the •t1en11on ol lhe CIT)' Clertc, r_.,,....,. --No 3 at 700 Civic Cente r HOUSER ENTERPRISES. 3195 1ubeequen1 perlooe m1y t>e wtlhHI Moel time limit "' e N9led '1CTITIOUI ..... MAm tTAnmwf ' IEARRIHO. 230 E 171h Slreel. NO edjualed by Ille Con1ume• Pttce ,tCTITIOUt .u .... al envofOC>e. IOelll111ed on lhl ou1elde ..... ITA~ The tollowlng J*ION .,. dOl'1g Drive, West, in the City of ~2:df.~•Y Av•. COlll Mau, CA El2, Colll M .... C111tornl• 82827 lncteK ennual .,,.,. reflee14KI .. ... .. tTATEMINT With lhe Bid Item Hvmb« anCI ,,,. The lollowl """"" bull,_ 11: San ta Ana . Califor nia on P 1 180211 A110 Ylllellzelen. 30 12 Mayfield 1he end or the ••u• pettod A Thi totiowlng pereon1 .,. CIOing Opening oa11 00..,_ • no '*_. .,. ~-.., AN AH E 1 M e U IL o I H G Nov: 3; 1982 a t 9:30 a.m. Sll1ll h6J!aMc8.:!'~. ~:'~t4:n Velley. Avenue. la Creec•ri\1, C1lllotrile MCurlty d1poell may t>e reqwed buatroeu u Eaoh blCI 1heJ1 epeclly H eh end 1"11lC]T!-::._.~EA•LlOT2H. } •• ~u.TCYA. ~92~7808o_c. FIAounT~J: v8..t!?, CT~ .... ~~~ gra[F.n·•ngyoouf .<?~petltlo'°n. ythoue CA 82708. 91214 ptlOt to OCCUPMCY· JEAN'S BEA UTY S ALO N, eve ry Item OI HI lorll1 lri 111• • .._ ..._,,_ .... ,...,,, ,.__ ..... -• --r-u. uoc Thie bullnM• 1, conouctect by.,. Thie bust,_ It condue14KI t>y .,, . No commltaton 11\1111 be pelCI any 253-A Eul 171h 81., Coete M•M. •P•clllc111on1 Any e nd •II 82I05 lndMdull lridMCluel llC*IMCI rell H\ete t>rotier "' !his CA 82827 u cep11on1 to the 1pecll1celion1 ~A G'-On 5515 ~ Fl1,P . In c .• C1 lllorn la ah ould either a ppear a t the Phlltc>M Hou-AnoYlllCllzellln regard end there ehall be no tmogene W~I0'1. t214 S Austtn mus1 be cl••r1V stetect l'1 \ht bid N9wpor1 8Nd!. CA 82M3. ' CIOf'PO'a1i0'1. 9930 lei~ ~v;:e-· he•rlng and stat e you r Thil 1181_,1 w•t llleel with lhe Thie 11.,_,I wu n1ect With the dectucuori from any propou l tri S1 .. Serita Anl, CA 92704 etld failure 10 .. , forth ariy """' '" Jenell Piii.,...., 1401 Lucinda. F~11t"':.,~~~ c1~~.-..,. by oblectlon1 or file written county Clerk ol Oienoe County on =~;:';4 °'. 1~~ eoutlty on cletermltlitlg lhe hlQllM\ reeponal!M9 Oellld EU91n9 Wlleon. 1214 S. lhe 9'>9df~1101u lhall be grou<1C11 Sent• Ana, CA 82706. '" .,., __ • ""'"'"'".., • oblec t"ons with th e court Sept 24 1982 t>lddlr. Au11111 St. Sanl• Ana, CA 87704 for r9jlellon ot lhe blel. Kon1t111tln Sperkuht, 1281 ffmltect partnenohlp b f 1 h h 1 y · '1tnol1 P b 1 0 C "~ SH'-<! propoH I• to IHM ••Id Thi• buatnesa " conctucted by 1 Eaeh bid lh•ll Mt forlh the 1\IN ac.111 Front. Laguna Beach, CA FHP, Inc. e ore t e ear ng. our Put>llel1ed Orange CoHI Dally u t 111ed r1n91 ou t ally property mull be rec.lvttel by \he genertl p11rtntttthlp, namu and ies ldences or all 8~~· bull,_." C0'1ductect by • e:_PP~t ~~;~ ::;8'1m~Y~ peraon -P-11o_t_. _5419_;;;1=28=.::;.0c1..,._5_._'_2_. -~8.;;2_4~.;..8..;.:.;;.~ •·P-11o_t._&ep __ '·_2_11_. _0c_'_·_5_, _12_._1 .. 482 ... ·M4..,'8 ... 8'""~ ~~:'s~11~~~1.~:1~:'9E;~~:1~~ This a1':=;,~ :!.cr.1ee1 w1111 ihe r:~':~~P~~~1P~;t~~·. '~'1:~!'':y I~ gen«.r pW1Mrlfllp. Tille 111temen1 w11 filed with 1he 1 F y 0 U A R E A ---"8JC NOTICE c.nter. 17210 OMI Slreel, Foun1alfl Counry Cl«lt of Ofln99 Couri1y on coroporeuon. II••• 1he namM or Joyce A GlleeOtl Courity Cletil OI Orenge County on rtaJC NOTIC( V•lley, Celllorril1, 82708, no l•ter Oc:t 11, 1812 lh• oll1cer1 who c1ri 1lgn an Thia m1..,,.,,1 wu llleCI wtth the S419•emb« 17, 11182 CREDrJ'OR or • contln pnt P1CTinOUt euttNlal 1,,.,, 2 oo pm . October 25, 1M2 f"1aaGa 1greeme n1 on D•h•ll or the COUtlty Ct«tc of Ofange Couriry oo ,1.,... cndlwr of t he deceued, you f'ICTITIOUI .,..... MAMr tTATDllN'T Before accepting any wr1111n Put>li111ed Ot1rige Co111 Oelly eot90'•tl0'1 111<1 whether more ll\al\ Sept. 24• 11182. Publla11ect Or1n'b4:: CoHt 01llI must file your claim with the NA• tTA'R....,. The IOllowlng penoni ire dOlng propou ta, th• Oet1g1ted olllcer PllOt, Oc1 12. 18, 26. Nov. 2. 19112 OM otttcer mue1 eigrl ti the blCI It by ,,ea. Pllol. Sep1. 21. 28. , 5. ~2j7~8!2 court or pr esent it to the Th• lollowlno P•••on 11 doing bU•lnlll II. ah1U can lat or11 t>ldctlng Any «74·e2 • p1rtne1 thtp or • 101n1 ••ritur•. Publl•h•d Oreoo• Cou1 01Uy -o person a l re p r esentative bualnele u:· ELEOANTE ORCHESTRAS. P•••on who hH h1re1o ror• DimtlC ..,,.TICE ttate lhe n1mea aoo •Cid• ..... ol Piiot. Sept. 28. Oct. 6. 12. 18. 11182 d b h KARU CLAY. 1822,.<\ Newport 133 E. Vele Loop, IMM. CA 92714. sut>rnltlect • wrttt.n blCI may subt\'111 rUU\. "" •II general partrier1 end Joint -~35-82 PUBLIC NOTICE appoi nte y t e court Blvd .. Sult• 263. eo.11 .,....._Ca. ~John Tottl, 22526 Conll. 11'1 or .. bid HCiMC1ln9 by II IMtl tTATSMINT OF WiTHD"AWAL vt1<1turer1 II the bidder 11 • IOle ------------within four m on ths fro m .. 28 .... 7 •••-·-...... c • ....... 1 ""9(6~)percentthlh!Qh99twrlt11n P1oP1letorlhlpor1<10lhet 11t1Uly t11at 'ICTITIOUt ., ... ,, • ' ..,_, ..,.. ".c-t>ICI The hlQ'-1 rltOOnllb4e ~ PROtl!l ,All,_R .... ~RATING does bu11n111 und•r • 11cut1ou1 PUBlJC NOTIC( .. ._ tTAT••NT the date of first llluance of Keren N1tl!ia Matcu.. 276 E "°"" o. s-. 133 W Vile ehllll " requlr.ct to uecut1 t,.. ..,_,." '1CT1110Ut name the blCI ehall be In I·~ ,... The tollowlnQ pereon1 .,. d0i'1g letters as provi~ In Sect.ion llth St.. Coat• ""'8. Ca. 82827 Loop,.......,,., CA 82714 101m of c11ae. 111ch formal 110 .,... .. ...,. ne me 01 lh• b1 ctde1 with a ACTTTIOUI ..,... •• NAm tTATDllN'T 'the loUowlrig peraon 11 ooino bull""9 U: COSTA ME S A C AR CUSTOMIZING. 1161 Superior Avenue. Cotta MHI. C1lllorn11 t2tlt Luelln L. BINOtl. 114 Allegheny 8ttH I. Coll• Men . Callfornie 12921 Thlt bull'*!• II conctuc\4KI by •n lndMdull. Lucien L. Blaeon lhll Mlt..,,.,,I Wll filed with \he County Cllr~ of Ofenoe County on ~1.1ff2. ,1W7. Pubt11h1d Ot1nge Co111 Dally "°'· Oct. &. 12, 111. 2e. 1ee2 4334-82 butlneu 11; 700 of the Probate Code o r Thi• buSCnlN It conctuctect by.,, Thie bu"'-" cond\IC1eel by . heretofore b.en epproved by \he Thi l o llowlng P•t10n hU CIHlgnatlon lollowlllg •howtng P R 0( AO)URCATMI OUN NS Ll(M81)TOE co C•lifornla . The lim e f or lnellllldullK1ten N•tllle M1rcu1 generll ~~.u 8owd of Trutt-. wfthelltwft .. •general P•r1Nt< from "OBA (111e llCllllOUI rl •"'9)": ,Iii l I 111 L _, The &oar<I of T1ull-an1JI make I.ht ~l~th!O oper1tlrig under lhl provided, howev1r, no llotlllou1 EMF .OYEE NEWS. (Cl UP OATA ng c . ma w not e xp re Thi• 1111-1 WU llleel WCth Che Thi• .,.,_l Wll Iii.ct with,.,. !he d4lt•ml'11tl0n .. TO wMIMf to llcUtlou• bull-name of PACIFIC name thall be UMd unteu Iller• II. BOOKLET. n21 H ~.,, s t., prlo r to four months from Couniy Clerk 01 Or111g1 County on n1~ Clel'k ot Orenge Couriiy °" 1ea M 11.ld tac11111 .. with 11n (10) OROUP MARKETING,,, 504 N0t111 current reg111rau0<1 wllh the Orenoe Santi Aria. Ca111orn1i 02toe the date of t h e h e aring a.pi 24• 1812 Ste>t 1'· t912 d•)'l •lier reoeipt ol blelt. Hewpor1 Blvo • Suite 206. ,.,_POt'I County Recorder. tn c u e or Stephen Eugene Fru .... 2321 noticed above. p d 0 ,,_. ,,.._ rri torm•llon concerning th• 8"ch, CA 02943 corporeU0<1s. 1'1Cludl the,,.,,. Of H HHP•tl•n S I . Se nti Ana, YOU MAY E XAMINE ublllh• r1ng1 Cou 1 Oal~ Publlehed Ot1nge Conl 0111y proPOMI ~ be 1C1<1111Md •oe The flcllllout t>u1ln111 n•m•1the PtMICleril. Secret•ry, Tr......,• ClllllotnC• ~:noe Piiot Sept, 28. Oct. s, 12, 19, '" Pilol, ..,, 28, Oct 5, t2. 19. 18112 FOU NTAIN VALLEY S CHOOL ... ,_, tor lht p.rtnetlhtp WH and MllNget ' PMer Cttatlel Allen, 2312 S1nta the fUe ke pt by the <.'OW'\, U 4233·12 1----------'.-2 ... u. ..... e,_2 OISTRICT, 17210 Olli Sttlll, lllect on M1tcll IS, 1982 In the The City Council ot tM City or Ana St., Colt• M .... CA 82827. you are Interested In the PUBl.IC unytct PUBLIC NOTICE F°"ritalfl Valley, c amomta n roe; County 01 Orarige lcoe1a MH• '"".,.. C"-•Ith' 10 Thi• bull,_. It conctuctect by• estate you may flle •request "" ----·• -·-•• (7t4) l 42•etlS1, Attention Naomi Full N1me and ACIC1re1a or th• roieet eriy °' '" blel• OIM' .. PMtnlf1hlc>. Ith °ih C t t Iv ,ICTITIOUl llU..-lt r_,,,,_ -Wlelanct. 8uelr!Ra 8«Yloel Pe,.on Wllhdrewlrig · John H., OATQO· Oc:1ot>e< 8. 1082 Peter Chartea Allen w e our 0 rece e MAMI ITATS•NT NAMI ITATS•NT Oete October 7, 1812 Wllll•mt , 508 8egonl1 A•enue. Publl•h•d Or1nge Co111 Delly Thie ... ._, ... flied wcth the 1 p e c I a I n o t Ice o f th e The following P•t\on 11 dolno Th• tot1owtno iar•on 11 docng FOOHTAtN VALLEY Coron• del M111. Ca11t 92825 Piiot Oc:1 12 19112 Counli' C"'1t ot Of111g9 County on Invento r y of estate auett butll""9 •e: bu*-.. 8CHOOI. DISTRICT Jotln H w11neme · ' · · · ~ Oc:I 4, 1812. and of the petltiona aocrounts 0 ' A B u 8 I H E s 8 MURPHY MOTORS. 936 N 80Alll0 OF TRUSTEES P1taol P1~ d t d ac'r lbed I MANAOEMEHT SERVICES. 2001 e. ... ..,, 8t .. Of•nee. CA 82eel Suill\M Moor• Put>llehed Ot1nge Co••• 0111yl rtalC NOTlC( Put>lla11ed Ot1ng1 Co111 Delly an rep o r • e n Flf1t 8t .. Sull• 204, Slrlll An•. CA OougCH Murphy. '°' CltlOlt•. Clefk Pro-Tem Pttot. OC1 12, 18, 28. Nov 2. 1812 ,ICTinOUI ...... Pllol, Oct. 12. 18, 28. Nov. 2, IH2 Sectio n 1200.6 o f the 82705 ~ BMch. CA 82MO of lhe 8olrd U80-12j ..... ITATSMINT '4t8·f2 Ctllfomia Probate Code. oavld w. Shetlend 2213 1 ~::*ii ,,... II C011duc11C1oY11t Publl1t11ct O••na• Co111 Di lly "'8.IC NOllC( The follo-tW!ng P•raon 11 dolno -----------Robert N . Broll o a, Colet•, MIMIOrt v1e1o. CA iHtt. n....~•-Mvtph Pltot, Oct 12. 10. a1. 1112 t>vllnel• at: "f8lJC NOTICC AUoruy at Law, IHI Park o..lld w. sn.tllnd fllil Ma;;:;;; wM :ZC, wcth ,,,. 4.41842 "°TITIOUI .,..... THE FROLIC, U H wan1e.. P'IC>YrTIOUa W.. ITATW °' AIA•o1-NT Au., BalbH Itta••· CA Thie tt•tetMnt -flleCI with ttie County Clift.. of Orange c°"111y on -----------..._ tTATDmNT f"ountllln Vlltflt _.. eTATDmff HMt.~i-HM. COutllY Cllftt of Ofenoe County on 001 11, 1112 "8JC NOllC( The tollOwlnO .,.,_ ••• 00!"9 Myron l• ......,., 3201 Dlllota. The tollOw4f1t s-_,. .,. cto4ng °' u. °' P1CTmOUI Pub t ed _O r•yf• ~l Oo1 r. 1112. ' bllllNM .. eo.11 MMa. Celltofnla t2t2t ~ •: IUeMN..... \ld~ ~ 1 1 ,,..1. lltGTmOUI .,..... ,A01r 1c GAEEN/HUHH . Thill bu.in.a II GOndllGted br Ill c I! NT R I A E A O H T'hl tot1owl11Q p1t1on1 h1v• ID Ol, '-"''• • • • .._ 'ullllaned Or1r1ge COHI Deify PubU1h4ICI Oi1noe CoH t Oatly _.. ITAftMINT Sult .. A, t!IOO South Sunlll1t ltldMdual CON 9 T' AU C 11 O N, 2 8 ti 3 2 ~.!!!..ut. of the Flotltlou1 l'llOI Oct 12 10 21 Nov 2 1N 1 PllGI, Oct 12• tt . '9, Nov 2• 1112 .fh• lollowtrig per1on le doing 9tt'91t, An"'4!111\ CA t2IOI Myron ......., ~~77 WOOCI. Uf\1111 NlglHll. CA .._.., ........ ar"-v1.·-,· PHOTO"'RAPHY, ________ 44 .. ..,84-..·82 ' . • . ' ... :.,..u -44•2·•2 bullnetll M• O•vl .. AO(llfl C01p01111on, • Thlt llllll'Mnt -llled .. "'-..... " .. PWLIC NOTICE ·-II' -TIC( ' A A c • a c A R ,. 11. T , " d c111t01111a 00f'por111or1, 306 w .. t ~ c1et11 ot 0renoe ~ ., ...... O.cv•IOPlfl~I Corp. (A ~ .i::: St . V103, Coet1 Meta.·------------"8.JC NOTIC( 1--~~r~-~~""~==~--1 UPHOLITUIY CLtANINO, 317 =:o·:o·"'· Ao1d, 0 1m11lllo, CA S.Otll'lltllt 24, ltl1. P-1 Cf/ltfOfnl• Oft,Otallonl, t 1219 The "ctltlou1 8ut ln .. • N1m1 PIC~A~.. i---AC-TmOUI---_..-----~.ir=r.. ~'t:ts Corona dtll .,..,, Tflll ....,... II oondUct.d by • Publltl\10 01•110• CoHt .,...Y ~ 1~ 14 ' Lo. MQllll, 1elerr1d to tbOvl wu lll•d '" The tollowlllt pe1eon 11 dOlflO MAim 8TA,....,. Tiii ~ "'IOM •• dolflO L•o JOMPll P1•oeloey, 3 tT OWDOt.._, Pllol, S.Ol H , Oct 6• 12· 1•• 1111 -..... ..... •.:..._ ... _.. .............. 1 Orenge County on ._.,.a, bultlntM 11 Th• tottowtn" l)ef1on le doln" '"IU9"11-•: 'OPPY ltrMt. 0 010111 dll M.,, ~~ o.,or.tion 'at-ta ~--.. --·-VJ J 1y 01vlo 1 1111111111. ta7t IONVA'I ORH8MAKIHQ & ~ ... • • ... IM"O"Y P~TI DllllfCT, c.....mi.... ~· "°9l't Pml.IC N0T1C( MP 09\llOCllMM Ootp. """end Ad .. NftOOt1 lffcfl, CA ALT f A AT I 0 N A .. 0 0" v OllCCO ,33 I . Columlll11•, tl70 ...,.. AM Avenus. eutt. !; TNI ..,.,_II OOfldUotSCI by II\ .-.-.. ....,,.,, ...... ,,,... •aMO· CLIANIHG, 1H 7 P1r11 Avenue, '""" Ane. Olllfofnll 92707 a ...... callfornil lff27 lndMOUll· Tllll .. ...,,.,. ... ~ wttfl ,.,. "°'1CI °' AM.IOAftGllm ,.. .,.., 1,..,. M lllld With till 1. .. t1r M1tll V11nle111. HI eo.t• Ma8, Cellforlll9 Ht27 fARL. OllCTIA, eo11 hMflor• ,__ lollr. 1110 t#lt• l.eo J . ''H•loty, IU Ollrll • Gnlnla Couflty on CHAW• Olll9•• ~ OIMI f/lf 0r-. Coumy, on !!!!! It., vm . eo.ta MMa. CA ~ Klrlmlt..i)71"a w-.... Off..,., NllWJOft e.Kh, C1llf0t,.I• v•ntf9. l ult• I . Co•ll ...... "°"' l tr ... , CtKOfl• ... Mat, ,,, ,.... A&.COMOUC llWaA• Ool. t: 19U. .,. • .., ~. c.llfofnll n 11• t~ IC.i...,111 tlt27 ~ aHtl • ........ ,..... ' ,__ Tiiie ~-'°'1ducted br • ,_.. .....,_ 11 C1011C11iOtM by 9fl ~~II ~ br M fNI ~ 11 oonowctsd by Tllll ----II OOI ...._. tty M ilt,...... To WllOfft It~.:" ,......,.... or-.. CoMt Oll!Y ...,._...,...,. ~ .._._ .,,,..., •~ ,~C. ·~•N ...... Oo\. ta, tt. It. Now I ,.., _, o. ........ ._ ICJf9mft bt1 0.tlr CMt)4 L. ~ Leo .I ,,.,.... A'-Cllf 11'111•.t f/I ~ • ' ... 11 .... ~e~~"~-~ ~ Tiiie M...,..,. w lllld wllft 1'19 Ttlll et..-it ... lllld Wlltl... ...._..,t .. 111e11 W1t11 r..-ltltl'Mlllt ....... tlle "'... ..... ClfltMI tor "4t" °" ... :;s -nr .,_.,. ...... _._ ........ , "'' c.;-ty 0.... 0( Or ... Coun1y on OOunt~ Cl9rt of OrlflOi C0UMV on oc.t 04 or.,.. c-tty C4MMy C. .. Orlfll8 County., .... ...!!... OA _ Wll'9 CM ... !'I.I tic> Ill [ can w-•n.:: ~ ._. ''· ,.., P1Wf Oot...., '· tea 0o1oe. '· 1• 11111•• 11. , .. ,. ~ "'· ,..,, '---·· .,..,.,~".., 1. ""' ... "" .. ~ ...... -.. ~,~eta:.,...~ ''*'"'" Or8flfl c:O.:-:= , ....... 0,9'1,. coe:W:: -.. .......... °'Jll't! c-1§ ,. ... ~ ~.oe. :;, .. :r.o/:r o...10.1~ --· ~ --,..,., Oal .•• 12, 1t,....... . Plot, Oct. •. tt. ...... ""-... ,... ....... Oii ... "·" ,... .... ·~ ... °"" .. -.. ..._ Oil ti ...... -·· .. ... .... • . . .. . . . .._ .. :--... .... fWJC NOTIC( ... tm ,tCflflOUI ., ..... U..ITAflilllNT The IOliowlllO llWIOIM .,. dOlnQ ou--. .. OIC Kl"· WA RM I NO T O N llRO,UmH. :J090 P11Hm•n a1 , Cotta MMt. C1Ml0tnle 9HH ovo, inc. . a Ca 111orn11 OOtpotlllOn, 10731 WMI '~·I' 0 lox 04-737), LO• Angel u , Calllornla 90064 Aoberl P Warmington. 3000 Pu11m1n ~treet, Cot t• MeU. Calltornle 92020 Thia bullne.1 I• conducHld by 1 Qenetll plllnerlhlp GVO, lno. 1 Clllllornla corpor1llon <l«•ld v Diak• PrMldenl Thll 1111-1 WH IMld Wllh IM County Cl1<k of Orange County on Sept 16, 1N2 ....,_,.,.........LMtl O-Me•llWWY ....... Alttw. !Mvd. h!MIOO .._,.,. 9Hoft, CA taMO Attn: Joe I . w.-. I~ '1t1 .... Publlahed Orenge Co111 Di lly PllOI. Sec>t 28, Oet 6, t2, 19, 1982 4290-82 'ICTtTIOUI M•Mftll ...-aun•NT Th• following perton 11 doing bualnMI u: PARLOR MA IDS , 223 8 ContlMntal Ave • Co111 Mesa, CA 92Cl27 M'a rl1 Kr1u1er1 , 2238 ConllMntll A ... , C08t1 Mna, CA 92827. Thia buslnesa It conduclld by 1n lndhlld ... I. M1111 KrauNrl Thia bullne11 WH flied wiUI lh• County Cletk ot OrarJ99 County on Oel. 11, 1982. ,,..,,. Publllhld Orange COHI Delly Pllol, Oel 12. 19. 28. Nov. 2. 1982. 4478-82 l'tlll.IC NOTICE NOTICE Of' A""llCATtON T O lfLL AL C OHOLI C NVIUOEI 1M-12 To Whom II May Cor>e4Hn BOERI, Angelo & M1rltyn M are 1pplylng to the Oep.,tment ot AklOhollc Beverage Control ICM "4 t" ON-SALE BEER & WINE !PUB EAT PL ) to Mii 11coho4lc beveregN al 15941 Edw1td1, Hunllngton Beact. CA 92648. Publlthed Orange COHI Dally Pilot, Oct. 12 1982 4482-82 DIATH 1mc1s HICKS R USSELL J . HIC K S . resldenl o f Hunlingto n Beach, Ca. Paseed away on Sunday October 10, 1982 al Hoag M em orial Hospllal. Mr. H icks was the son o( J oseph J . and Elliabcth Simpson Hicks and was bom in Loe Angeles, Ca. He was a fireman for the City of Los Angeles for 29 years and had served with the Army Air Corp during World War U. He was also a member of th e American Legion. L oving husband of Betty G. Hicks, beloved father of Dr. RumeU D. H ick s of H onolulu. Hawaii a nd Sandra H ick1 VanZandt of AuatJn. Texas, al 10 survi vi ng are 3 (VIUldchlldren RUMeU P and K elly E . Hick s, b oth o f H o nolulu, H awai i a n d N icholas L . Vanzandt of Austin, Texas. 1lster Elsie Zeller o f Los Angeles, Ca and a brother Hobart Hicks of Pasadena. Ca. Fune ral aervices will be ronducted on Wednesday, October 13. 1982 at lO :OOAM at Pierce B rothen Smiths" Mortuary with the C haplain of the Loi Ange les F ir e De partment officiating. Interment wilJ be m ade at Fores t Lawn- Glendale. Pierce Brothe rs Smiths' MortWl(y dlrectoni. 536-6539. BRISACHE R MAUDE BRISACH ER, age 89. a resident of Las V egas. Nevada. Passed away on October 8, 1982. Survived !>Y 2 110ns Jack Brilacher and Harry Brisacher, Jr .. l slat.er Mabel H acke n yo1, 6 granddaughters a nd l gra ndson a nd l gre at - grandllon. Cryptside 1ervices will be held on Tuesday. October 12. 1982 at l:OOPM with Fath e r Ri cha r d O 'Shaughnessy ofhc1aling. Entombment Pacific View Memorial Park. Pacific View Mortuary d irectont PACIHC YllW MIMOAIAL rAal Cerretery Mortuary Chapel-Crematory 3500 Pac1hc View Drive Newp0n Beac:h 6"·2700 McCC>aMICIC MOITUAl•S Laouna Be•ch 494·9415 Laoun• Hills 768-0933 San Juan C4p1strano 49S·1776 HADOI UW,._MT. OUYI MoftllatV • C.me tery Creme1ory 1625 G11ter Ave Costa Mesa 540-~554 ,_ClllOTMIH ml•OAOWAY MOSTUAaY t 10 Broadwav Cott• Mftt 142•9150 IA&.ft ... OM IMl'IM & 1VTHlll WllTCUflP CHAP'll '27E 17tl'ISI CotttMeN 84&-9371 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8 D A I L y p I L 0 T c L A s s I F I E D • 5 6 7 8 SHYICES 14W loot •.. , ,,,.,. .......•.....••...•.•• IOUAL HOUllNO 0"'0RTUNIT 'I' ... • Or ng COHI DAILY PILOT/Tuo•doy October 12, 1982 ('3 • l M dja11 11wurtu• of /Juily /'llot /umilw~ I P:rceedr $.14,000 u uear Ynur ad rcacfws thr COWltt(B '1WSI af/ltlt'flt tJuymo flU dr~nce ..... ,,, ,.,, 11 ..... ,,, ,,,, -,,,.,,, ,,, ,,,, 11..... ,, ' , I"'"'" ,,, f,/, I 01•11 ,,,, l 1t111 . ••...........•......•••.......••••.......••.....•..••..••.•.....• ·•·•······•·········•· .........................••.•••••.••••...•.. OtHra/ IDOZ ltHral 1001 0.•1111 IOOZ C1111 11111 1024 ·11vJa1 1044 .•.••................. ·······•·•••·······••• ··•···•···•··•········ •••••••••••...•..•..•.•..................... l•tt•I ,,, .. ,,,, IJJOf .. •103 loo w.ii·,;;;·db, .. ;:;ci!~~b~; t •IAYfllltlT* HAT lllP IPll IAILY 1-1 38 BALBOA COVES. 3 bdrm • 2 bllh NOW REDUCED TO 1489,0001 UT llOYIHTII LllD llLI llDMEI Prim•• L1du Nord boy front. O'tifrm, 6 'Ill ho th. L111· L .R . 2 bo8t &llPJ $1 ,500,000. H1•mocJrh-d 3 bdrm, :.! bulh I lurgt' 1t'C.' nn br·om ('f'llina•. rur111J1h1.'<1, pulloll. $420,000. RAH IPPOITlllTYI ' nu"'' a ior 3er houa.. ' 110" IOWI 2 b d con a o T n • 1u111n for part11I dwr\ In• i IH/lfAM Prtv8l11 1111110 com• prope rty 17 t4J l $14,IOOI Lew Pr•tal Pool Spn, rnnn11· P11n !>57·0390 f "N•w" & IPllCIOUI Q111 C.IPOll C~ll 11•1491l t 116 <Jen VlllH wlflOOr 10 c•I ur 491' C.204 C M MUC)IJ QUOlllY duplu llng flreplacu NEAR 1 lrplc 3 gar coppar , BEACH 1, 2 & 3 Bdrme DESIRllLE 1>lmO'ng I U5K. •Hu '""' IOal lllO .... I .. llW ,..,. llW. Tll/IWIH r.•1111ter'1 ltllH 1 --·~·~'J~l·~l~H~'J~·~~ All r .. I "tale adv9ft1Md I Jiii from 184,&00 Below 11111ble loan at 12"1. Int mark•t int ret• ellowt DARTMOUTH :41/ 95:,;, o I r A 0 en' I . t or pymt a u tow Ill In Perk 11 Home• 2 ...... ..... "* '* ,.., .... , .... ··~ •Ill• In lhll new1peper 11 tubl•ct 10 the Faderal OllllOEl Fair Hou11ng Act of 1968 S 7 9 S I mo IE a• y bdrm, 2 oe Muter aune l 4 Pte 11 . M••• Verde Ou•llly1ng) Pool, 1enn11 hn private lludy end !Spice Stree11) g reet Ll •• l ISLE U'F"o.T ~A':'eu~t6~!~~/0rlEveg1F etr1um Alltolu1tly gor t loa n 15'Yt down Bar geoue hof'T'le · bitllet than 1 979.4393 __ Lagoon view from fl bdrm, 5 buth, plnyroom, THIS ONCE IN A LIFE-• moael S 173.900 dark rm. den Bollt 1hp. Now $1,000,000 TIME g::~~~~~l,TY O•I of CtHl1 W I .. I 11 ...u.. 1ttMtlr 2550 ·-.... .... 1• llOt wnlch makN It llleaaJ to Ea1l1lde , Wutsld•· edverllM "eny preferen-l>vlldebla R·2 1011. tl\ree c:e. llmltetlon or dlecrlml· to chooae troml Prices nation baaed on race. and ttfma for good In· color, rallglon, Hll or vHtment Cell now tor nttlon•I or'111n, or iny deta111. 646-7 r7 1 Intention lo mat.1 any euch pretelance, llmll•· tlon or dlacrlmln111on " THE REAL ESTATERS UYlllE PUCE a •• • .... , ~ Rct s~i;;a"'"~;;;·········· S~t.aculur bay(ront d plx 2 br, 2 ba up, 2 br, ft39.r~3~r1!,d. JBr 'It ~ Beau111u1 Ocean Front • 2 bu dn .2 boot Spa«'S Reduc.'C."'C!-$1 ,500,000 2'h be home 111/tem.rm ~l'/-; ;:;,ci~3~~ b•. 2000 frplc. S6 t,OOO loan, 81· A::l::l CULVER & ASSOC! A fllllllllll 111011 sum• at 9'1t%, $107.000 w.>·8600 TES "" IP IJIJU ll'O .... '""' )000 IM l..U This newspaper wlll not knowingly eccepl a ny edverll1lng for real H · tale which Is In vlolaOon •••• -noo 111. "· Offl•• -1200 ~· Ft. New 4 br, 41h oo, l'~tom French Normandy 11 v1 11 ob I e 11 1 3 "'· 756-2476 Est.ate I 2 prune ac:r~ hilltop $1.2~.UUO 1'iii64i2i•ili060iiiiiiiiiiiiil .income 2br/1bah0me , lvlLD. 11 'tS23 CAMPV,Dt:IRVtt1£ I •,,block to beach of th• law. '"'° .... ., ~ liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii De Let 1201120 • SH0,000 •EU YElllE --sg9,500 Agt 968·8666 Fee s1mph• <.~mage on quiet Dcacanso St. (in 3113 MAOIERA La1, llJ ti IOfZ GREEN VALLEY LAKE Fla IS). $145,000. 4 BDRM 2 BATH •• .~'!~ ••• 1!•••••••••• MOUNT Al~ HOME lJllll """ ~ ~~ 2'(j(I nm ZIOO blQ HIHl1 A dvertl-* sers s ho uld c heck MEI& YHDE 00 " 0.l.D Olyl. Appraised et $140K VILLE IE OEllllE Next to natronel forest, Owner must Mii S 125K BEAUTIFUL skllno. boetlng, etc 3Br Coronado bland cust. bayfr0nt lot. 85' boat Agt Steve 213-927-8001 OLD WORLD kltch11n & 'h, lndry rm, llv their a ds dally and g~st~~o b:eo~t:fu~~u~J,4:n report e rrors Im-home. many. many e•- m e d I ate I y . The trH. S279,500 with 10'Y• I k Pl 11 N *370 000 • TOWNHOMES rm. rec '""· 2 lrptcs c oc_._..!J!!! ava . ow " • w/tcnns. By Howard Mark Co t"Ba. completely lur- >100 DAILY PILOT. ~S-down owner wlll cerry at :: sumE=i; llablllty for 12'1% tntareSI = the firs t Incorrec t ••r MeOartHa,.llttr. BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR )41 lhy\odP Dr•.i· l\j B 67~ 6161 ~ 541-1721 -Insertion o nly. t'--~~~~~!"1 11/._. /1/u' IHI C11t1 lft1• IOZ4 e ·--------1 LHELY I Yr. 014 ••. CHAR.MiNO.RE.MOo .. 3 ~;e:··;·;;,·;oo;,·~·;I· .. B••••• Ill lilt need• t1m11y 10 occupy Br+lolt TradallM opL tor A...-n toen, owe s 133. = •••••••••••••••••••••• Ila 5 bdrma and 3 baths duple x or unit 673-8585 900 3106 Mc Klnte y .,. Ital lltatt Close to comm pool and 546-7447 .,,. •••••••••••••"•••••••• not tar ''°"' anOi)s Very 11/._. ------!:: C.Ht•I J OOZ well kept Price rec:lucec:I '••i•••I• I 001 •.n •••••••••••••••••••••• t o S 159,900 C a l f •••••••••••••••••••••• IEW 00110 :: FOii TIE 919.5310 now !E EIEOUTIVE ...., In prHtlglout Corona del -Mer Harbor View Hlll1 home wllh l1n111Uc view of ce nyon Glgenllc ~ Montetey model .,erfect )OWi tor lh• lady who love• )Oil enlertelnlng In her t>Mt : 1ddreHed home Good -auumeble llnenclng MDI Cell tor preview 5-46-2313 THE REAL ESTATERS LOOK .\ (:·I l I tlJ..•11 f.,f A) • • 4 IN • f ') f ..,.f Jt-.T~ 1~% Y.A LOH auumaOle on this 4 bdrm home with relur- blahed kitchen and tow melnlenance yard. Own· er will 111lsl In financing tool See II aoon. Only S 127 ,500, c•ll 979·5370. ; \t >1l1111~·il jjf /Ii I r I \ l,.<I ~ J ~, f ~f """ • . . PEii.SiU Hiil 1-2 lt'a spec1el' It's on th• Polnll II hH 4 Bdrm1. plua 2 Bdrm• II hu 3 car garage It hes 1ome vi- ol paslll~ bolls on bey II has much morel And, tt'a only $334,9001 642-5200 -c,, ... '•I lbt 1022 •..........•.•........ II IOWI CLOSE OUT • FINAL SALE 2 & 3 Br 3 Ba lu11, e/c All emenlli.a. Next door to all •hopping & ,,,.., ... 714/631·5056. HSTSllE OIAlllEll lllYllE THUCE S1H,IOO _, ~~~~.r!:' regular 1st TIMI lfFEIH . I 0 AT s II 0 W-llWNIT OIHT ~7,1~ ~::: ~.:gr:i ~. ::~ ~ ,•. . . . Au••• FIH1ol11s Saclu<Jed 4 Bdrm plus ramlly room, fea1urlng enc1oae<1 courtyard, prl· v11e back yard wllh Kot pond Very op•n and 11try with loeds 01 gleu . CURRENT 1ST TO AP· PROXIMA TEl Y S 133, 000 Atklng only S 165. 000 OW NERS AN · XIOUS For en 1ppolnt· men1 t o •••· call 540-1161 -... u CASE Conve niently locet•d lovely p•t101 a nd gar· condo Three tpeclout dens Owner wllt flnauce Every Seturd1y tn the oectroomt Two and naff subatanllel 111 TO a t ~HERITAGE .__!!_~ORS Qa Piiot CllNlfledl Oalhl Reatrut peak·e· 12V.% Int. 7 'If 1erm A ,...., boo view from deck• lehehold •tat• P~ For Claaalflec:I Ad """ ..... Aasum• •11..ctlv• flna"-to .... In IM, ACTION .,. 11•1 II TIE cing s210.ooo. H_4-'J!11 c au i. ··~ IPlllll U1-'JHI M.llD DAiiy Piiot : Moat unusual condoml-I~::::=:::::::= AD·VISOR -nlum home. located In Ii ~· ' . · "-aitl/t1M678 IOOZ '= the heart ot tha city, ye1 I AOIEI IF Liii _ ... -e11tremely prlv1te and lllfflEllf FM I•••••••••••••••••••••• :: remote Running fl)rlngt, H•~ PLEAStH ~ ..... ---.=:::::~--1urround you Trlckll~ .. OllT ... = :i:!~r't1!!.11~".~~ua~~ E11pan1tve vlewa over· :: hidden 1hlmmerlng pool looking plu1h country _ I Perfecll tor. You have a club groun<11 maJntalned 9'JIT mlcroweve, llreplece. by other• at no eApense :: welk·ln cloNll, etc. Call 10 you Truly a presll· ... 546-2313 g1oua home on prime site : overlooking Big Canyon -Counlry Club Call tor THE REAL, ESTATERS! IOI• -----"" -- --· -••• =~ --= EUTllH IAIUll 3 Br on cut~uc An- ltloua Mll•r wlll help fl· nanoe. Lrg auum loan. SI 15,000. 751·3191 whee barrows'" recreational vehicles•oolf carts'"model trains•blkes *pianos•cars refrigerators •skates•••••• color bo'OChure. 144-4110 (-,-,-, . T AYLOH CO.· ~---"1 ICWflllT 3 bdrm, 1h1tce & ehlngle home on Betboa Penln, Owner 111111 help llnance. Priced to .-11 at H OO. ooo. e-6'12·2253. associated e R c ~ ( II~ A f A' r c' I! s 1'" ;• W lo._ r-•' ,,.,, I •F•EOUHIE• Take aove11tege ot e11- cetlent pricing on this 3 Br home w/12'/•% UIU-mable loan. Bargain pri- ced et $140,600 with VA terms ava ll 1bte. Call 769-1501 Of 762-7373 ~ Walker & Lee COLDWel.L BAN~eRa ___ .. ,.,._. REDUCED TO: $799,5001 BA YFAONT ·LINDA-CL08lNO C08T8 ONL YI Ownet hae hed bu91Mee reve,.all and muat llquldelel To• qu.lffled buyer, thl• hom. may be purchHed fOf clo•lne coat• onlr l Fabuloue lo wHt price on H cl111lve Linda l•I•. 811perb l19oon location with .,._,/ellp for tart• racht and a 5 bedroom home with large famllJ room. ln¥eet now before P'lc" go up. 131-1400. LIDO ISLE-AEDUCEDI The flneat of dec or In Ihle la rge redec oreted 4 ~room home. L•rt• l•mllJ/tarden room with wet bar +. MSNFete dm. '"" '541,500. 131-1400. \\Alf HI H0"\1 l t()\tf ~ t't Ill \I II Ill" 'll t.h 11 ...... , .... , ,_.,.,., ..,..,Iii 131-1400 •• , \4., ..... ,.,. ... , .......... .. 173-etoO TAR GA'ZER."•"• t'-'o,=.;'-=-.---'lh t I \ l I M 'I I \' ~ :~.:!~ ~~'::; ~ IW1 fo dh•t11p """"*~f' I • Tw•dO• •e9(J •ord\ '""'f'\P~ "'l • ~'\ of .,qwr lOdQ t.t.,, .. ,..,. 11• •• " U• •• ...... W•M '"" ··-· ,, . -•• ,,.ti .. u •• -.-h .••• .. ,.. ... •I• ., .. ., .. ..... ..,,.. ... ., ... •t• • ..,. ., ....... ... ~~· " . ,,., ... ,,., .. ..., ........ ¥11'-· .. ~ ' ~ \h tf'9 .... •t'-• •t+ .... .... ~·'·• . ... h •••• ... .... •' ... ,. ..... ,. .., . •>-.··-" ... • • 1'1.o!:c!.-"'l<I '•'· , . " . ,. , .... . .. ... .. .. .. .... .. ..... .. 9"•• •I .. ... •6',t •I ....... IEW"llT IUIAJI from $159,000 nlahed Good Income ATlllllll llYLllllTll 495-3244 760-9355 property or 2 fem nome IUIH CElll•ll --1-867-3534 S1H,0001 -S10l l•.I ~!.'!r.!!.!!~!~ ... J.~t Out ol Stall -- Modern. detaclled hm, ILIFFI IAll",.ll uniquely designed by -The M11ter1 of Indoor/ You own the land 2,000 outdoor environment sq It, 3Br. tam rm. 2'h Light end elry Interior Be. wide Greenoett. near wlskyl1gh1S, 3 garden pool Far below market etriuma, Deemed eel· $235,000 Wiii leHe OP· hngs, king slzec:I oarm1, ._".on-B•k•r-64•4•--0-t3•4--i tamlly room wl ber & '" walls ol glass to pa11os Enjoy sun ell day on "Pr1v1te Roof Sundecll" Only S t0,000 down & $1395/mo pymtl II you ara loo111ng tor e UNIQUE HOME AT A STEAL. we've got Ill CENTURY 21 Walll-1• Realty 141-IOIO l1w,ort /llJlfHt 3 Br. 2'"' balh1, femlly rm, POOi Buy $75,000 below market 11 $225, 000 Private party pnn- c1p1ls only 682·7367, 836·0784 eves Bluff s best buy! 3 br 1 level, pool. llke new S 175,000 Bkr 644·5215 llDG lllE L11g11 101 4 bdrma plus den, 3 cor garage. sp1, 2 lovely polio, Large masler Sulla Lo<:llled on centrnt corner stra<J e Generous owner Onan TRIPLEX NEAR BEACH & SHOPS Country house w/3 Bd1ms and 2 Bdrm b&ck unlls each with laundry room Shows true pride of ownership with fire· place, sundeck& and ga-r egea 15•;. down o r ctng $850,000 trade IOI T 0 .• $245, ~lldll 000. 644-7020 llllO REAL ESTATE I IOUlllll This 3 eor 2 Ba charmer Lido Realty hes a cul-O•sac toceuon llld ls Situated on e lerge' 6 7 3-7 300 .. !.~~!'l ...... !.~~ 64 Acres zoned R·4, lg Spa nish Home. guest house. horse corral, 1><>rd1r1 lown, penorernic vtewa, Wickenburg Ari· zone $950.000 17 H ) 337-2555 lud11, Fa1a1, ,,.~,, 2100 ...................••. Cnllll llOYE Eest sld• ot Hemet 13.3 acres In Grepelrull and Orengu Reeaoneo1e water cost Oulatandlng tu benefit• Manege- ment avallabl11 $2,500. 000 llMOH OICllARI Adjacent 10 Mercecl cny llm11a and aubdl111110J-' 32'~ acres A1tract111e terms available Excel- lent tu benefit•. $480, 000 lot Aatume IO\>I' tnterw loan Allllng prlOe s 132. e~~~~~~~-1 900. 631-7370, M9·3548 Allllf SUt,000 I~~~~~~~ TRADI T 10.\AL REALTY 11 .. 1;.,, •• t.1tt IHO .•.................... IO IOWl-10'-let. Beaut. custom home. vv of oce1r1. welk 10 sand. 2131333-38 46 or 902-1298 ,,.,., 1044 .••.............•..•.. lllW ITl,,ERI AUZIH KIOEI UUZlll fllAJIOllll SC.Ole MountaJn VleW9 & S1ep1 Away Brllllent blue pool mlngle 10 make Country Style Living moat enjoyeble In thla tmmec Gerden VIiia Spacious 3 Bdrm. Wine:!· flower Mdl boasts most ou1rageou1 mutet tulle w/own prlv dreutng area. open sunlight kit· chen w/muslve deck get together erea • all tur· rouna.ci by well• of glau & contrat tlng Country wood dac:klng. lnc:re<llble low price of S 105.000 with S I0,000 down , $1097/mo P•YI all · donl mlu this one, CALL NOW 11200 '"' ••• View 10 Paloa Verd•• ""'Ith breethlak•ng night • fight panorema E•ecu live 2 t><lrm + lormal di· nlng, with comm pool & tennis Seller wnl conald· er e ny offer Cell for more details 646-99 ti AISOLITE STOL Gorgaous 3 Br home wl pvt yard end meny H · Ires. Try 10% dwn or trade For de11111 cell Patr ic k Ten or e 631-1266 11.11'1 OLHEllT Tiii WEEI Ill YJ IEllOEI 11201 BUILDER'S LOSS. dre- mellcelly REDUCED to ult IMMEDIATELY BRANO NEW 3000 1 I cuatom. $330,000 Call for app t NOW RAE RODGERS. 63 I· 1268 i..1.i1 ....••..•.......•..... ...... ,.,.111 •• . ••..•..•...•......... ,,.,,,, Jl oz •..•.•••••............ II IALlh llWD Adorable 3 bdrm house & guest houte S8501mo BAYFRONT w/loreve r view • Br S 1800/mo BA VF RONT 3 B r S1500/mo Weallly Beyfront rent1ls from $700/Up. W111ertront Homes. Inc 111·1100 '''"' 111 .. , Jl Of .....................• IAYFHIT 3 oa. 2 b• house, gar. l rpl , 2 pat 'a , w ntr, 1950/mo 676-0380 Slept to Bey 3 br, 2 bt dining rm, gar, 2 patios $725 Winier OPEN 328 Sapphira. 644·0954, 575-8573 laJNI ,,.; •• .i. Jl 01 ......•.......•..•.... Winier Rental Lgr 2 bd. I ba, frpl, Piiio, WIO, Very clean 1950/mo 500 w"' ocean Fror1t, Call 635-5086 Of 997-3070 W•1llli•1l•1 /Ofl D r · t JI-•••••••••••••••••••••• ... ... .. BUSINESS LOSS FOR· •••••••••••••••••••••• CES SALE Nice 4 Bdrm bee 2 br. 2 ba corido, 2'-t bah 0 I Sl 10 000 oc .. n view, pool, tennt1. I ' n Y • Compl furn 780-9486 with 122.000 down and (8·5) 240-3201 (aft 6) euume $88,000 long • · 2 STNY EUUIOE term 1oen s 101101mo BHll•1r.• Better thin renting •ner IHtt JlfO LIW II LIW PYm 1ax benefit• R & H In· •••••••••••••••••••••. 111,toO v11tmentt 752·2197 DELUXE CONDO Near Shimmering pool, 1nd beacl'I. 2Br 1 ·~ be, Jeo, caresalng 'Pl aurround Otifl Ital l1t•t• poot, tennl•. v.ry prlv•t•. thl• 2 atory eteg•nt prJde •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • n o k I d • • n o p • t • of ownerthlp Garden AttH•• l•t ,,,, ''°' seoot mo. Call Gayle VIiia . Profnetonally d•· •••••'•••••••••••••••• 83&-go 11 or eves coreted lhfU•"" •t. l>rH-GOVERNMENT LANO 492-1170 ,.v Sold tor u 1ow H S'7 50 ---------my muler tulle w/el{trt an 1 c r • Fo r Info W•UI ••ti 1141 hld•·•·•W•Y clo••t 3121888-4347 b l. JL-10 •• , ••••••••••••••••••• apace. A• you Ilka It loft 1---------1 180 deg. OcMn vtew, 28t for added bdrm or lhl~fXOI/ 20•. fP•. 11200/mo Pll qul•tar momentl. MH lf•lll IN lalt '"' 499·630•. 499-4827 commanding view to •••••••••••••••••••••• ~ . •---a. 'Ill open •l•lro••• and ••-a TU MLTll It-• • e ntet1aln1r'e llv. rm -r~ ••• ••••••••••••••••• Herd to find et '89,tOO •• llYllTtlm LIDO ISLE • 3 bdrm, lam wt1'I 15000 dn r>Yfnl. 11-San ci.,,,ente pride ot rm, 4 Be, S1700 mo. towe NtUmptlon 11 . .,. OWMr'ltllp, IT\Odefn Spa----•If. Int r111. H1t/mo ntth llyle 4 u"l1 apt. OCEANFRONT 2 bdrm. 111 houM w1111 ooean/.hlllt a 1 lh S 1 O O "' o . 8 111 P'>" ..,.., 11 golf GOUrM view OIOM Grundy, Rl1r. 875-8181 WILi .. IULn to evtry1111na . ontYi 3 Cannery Vlll•o• Moblle ..,.1,1, yHre Old ' lhOW• Ill• Home hrk. 2 bf. 2 ba. NEWI PHw ~ COUid pool. No pett. Otoee 10 occupy 3 lldfm .. 2 l>lln •llop1 a rHt111ra nt1 I i . : I ; • i • -' --If It's got wh•ls, ....... . ..... ........... I T OOL£C OIMllllll Gftv a OCltW'I ......,,, IPt If 1100/rno ytty. 17w.16 • 1ppllc•bl• a renl lhe t·52S..184t, 1·772·1801 -.ur1 otl'ler 3 ec>trtrn.n1e for • -· ~ Income ... ,., Wiii help 3 IA ' .. Of I IA 2 Ba. • ... = ... , wn -= = --.,,. you'll move It fester In• Delly Piiot ctesslfled ad.Call 6'2-5671 and a f rlendly •d-vlMr wlll help you turn your wheels Into cash. o~er 8,000 ICI ft., 11.2 l 1 l I' I Acru of prime tllo· • · rouonbfed P'°'*1Y Id~ I 0 A I to Jecll Ktuotnen illete U R G 1 , nr, Fallbrooll . !ve ry I I I' r dautlng amenity, ~in--• • -t p1one111p tenn•• ooutt. 1 11 ,1 1150,000 terrne. A9t E R E C K • °"' "" 0o11 llH • DH , •••• ,.,2.7·6-·203-t ___ ;t I I' r I IMll* l veiylllM he gett M · • • -• l!IM Ind °'*'9 1111 lftCMlth lie ...... - 1 H 1 T T 1 S t "'•ollthe•moll•--· ""111 ' I I I I' I ·~ t ..... l .. ~ Cfl11m1ft9, oer1tral loca· . • " "'..., ...... _. lion, bit ~ ysd, A-2 -...._ .... ,. J w.. one of the "'°9t livable finance a SAVI! buyer ocH nfront, w~mo1 .~ ~.: ~ .!!:.! t11 .. o...11,~c'"O• Of Ooll1t•I 7S2·t•ee °' 173 , r.• .... . .. ""'""' ID HfNn, Pflc• NPT OAEl1' Condo :;"~!~ Clllletioo;=: of 1215.000 00 It way luutltul 31r vu belt. ,, ... to0. :~~~0:rrr"~,,':t::; s10001rno Aot MMni ONLYlll Call owner at Wl8f0Ltn {7t4) 3 tit. 3 be, d9n, l!lnt IOO, ''*Y °' ptty """· • , 100 642-0138 ;_;~~i:C II I Wondttful Worio pd. t• JUN 1 .... tN. of 1 11op ptn9 , rlt lll 11 ,_ .. _1_._*_1_'"-'--- r;:r.~"'~c:'::= flr.IJIJlll!l-.IJlf :·.u.=r :-.... -=~·~&:a.: :> ) :.;-..:.:p r ff fr r r r :i==~ ·i:~~~~~~~:w:""::!""~111111=·~·~=~=:!!:~~!~£!•!!•!r~un II••• .. •11••• ••11 .. .. .... ,. ' Cl•llflect M-""°' ,_ l'iome , . .,, ,ette, '" .... ......., I I .... ' C• Orange Cout DAIL.'/ PILOT/Tu .. d•>'· October 12, 1912 OOIT NOWI letter ..... YOUI Dally. Pilol ~OlrlGtOf'( Rapreaen1111¥a lessim1BI ~!!f~~~·A.f!!~~ ft!~~!l.~~'!!!!l! ••••• l!'!!!n!f! ••••••••••••• 1~ ............ l!!tl!'M .............. ~~!tr ........ · !t.~'!f ............... '•r..il•· , ... n.. -JAYS "SPIAKIASY" c.,n.,,M,4UOOry·lloct< HSKPM l MAIDI tli'N'nolll OwWllnt D-.MP JON I *A 1 -•• ••••""••••••••••••• ' ••• ;-r. · · ·••••••" ' Any occaalon POfl ber Walte-C\ltl work. LIO. LWIMN HALYIWKLY Cln•upt, lawn cata. NII & 1ma11 M0Ytno Jobe ..... I • -·-· ASA PAPIAHANOINO AOCWINO Rl!PAIM 1·521··141, 179.7552 •381057 Rob 547·2 .. 3 Viejo htvioea AQency oomm & reeld !Mint. Call MIKI ... 1st1 ...... I Top QUallly SOeoiel Cara 7 yre IOCl l Hp. Ouar Small foba 01( ,, •• Lle'dl~ 97'-toOO , ...... -·· In handling. 28 Y" e11p work. PrlCH ""' al Hllmll••· Call Tom °' C'1 it Cil" c.,1 r• wt. -Ml4 HAULINO.QAADINO Hlgtl q\Hlllty llOuMwOrll Compelltlva AelN U /roll Alec 761·7027 Chuck, 542"3t2 .• :r.. •. '1............. .............. ........ a.-a11 MAINT. & Ol.alON demollllon, Clel n•UP l!•parlanced, d~d•· No 0-11ma. 730-1353 ,lnllh & tOUQh c:arpantry1 Childcare wlldy1, ctad. r:l.e'••••••••••••••••• Oberlin Land~ e.rv. Conctat• & ltM remo'llal. bla, honatl, lnteHlge111. ITA•Vl"'G COLLEO" JOiiy Crlcllaltrt Prof 111#81 cablneta, rm lddltlon1 INChar. Organlnd IC1l-DRYWALl./AOOUITIC Wr11ten tereement on Quick MrY 842·7'31 mat1Culou1, lle•lble. I Ml ST",....~ TS " Wallpepeflng & lltlpolng. •••••••••••••••••••••• f'&-18 t8 YillM C M 845 <&857 Aepalre am~ epeo 11 eln '4 t h 1 b a 1 1 . p h 0 n 1 U..,..H MOVING M1ny tefetencff Paul. M0911.I HAVICl • . • • .... .... . mo. m t. 4•124' PAOF ll!AVIOI! 07"·701" lfler.. .... co. LIC. l124-439 857.01 18 • RHc:taanll.-W ecreene Ramod. & Repalfl f'rH Looking for •lnl child· yre. ••P· .,.... -2 OAAOEN WORLD Hlullng : yrd ctaan up ~d•y•' All dly Si~u';: 1n11.1tecl. 041-8427 NB/CM only 14i.tH2 H I. Lo"'"· Oacka, pa• c:are? In my Cott• MaN Wiii tHIUr ... ACOUlllC FUii htvloe QarcMnlng Quiet!' clMn. Fr .. "' "'"Ind lundau. WAT{;H US' OROWI hplfl walloovertno In· tlo. Slav• 752·9568 home, lull lime only. 140. Hano·T..,..81eal 1tuct1 Zee ..,rial 146-atU 873-05•9 1 , 11a1111lon. RH• prlcH . IJ11laku11 Lunch enac:ke. TLC I.In· LIQ. 319844 1·532·5549 O FOR A SUPER CLEAN l•l•ll.. Contutllnt AHlgnmenl. •I"•••••••••••••••••••• Elcpet carpl nlar do .. 01 751 2342 ardenlng, Landaoaplng CLEAH·UP8, OAAAGES. HOUIE. CALL CHRISI •••••Z•r•••••••••••••• 68t·8590 SERVICI! I Al!PAIA 1ddlllon1, ramodela, • . QRYWALL TAPING yard marntenanoa, c:tMri ANYTHING! CAU e3t-Gl93 Good, .. , ... PAllTIM Van Os>Pent kw:. Co. decka. Skyllghll & re· Heppy, nte. IOvlng clllld AllTa111utM/Acou1tlc; •·tr• trvn & ramovll. AA.NOY 842-7647 •llOLH--tly Richard Sinor. Lie 1•11• C.•ttl 831-..et pain. Ftea .. , Oen, care. Nuirllloua maa11, Fr" Ml Kevin 87&-toae Fr .. lltltt\el•. lneured. Haullno 6 yd c:IH n·up .._,_ 280M4. t3 yr• ol Nippy CUSTOM·~··P~jk,"~ E·Z LAY'N 982-0815 enacka FT/PT. 11.50/hr llHltli•I 642-4189 TrM trlmll'!lng, garage Rallabla 30 yr CM rM . looal cuatomert vete. daaka & lencee l>Y SPf\lllllefa, Land~ C. ... 1 i.mH Ag" 3 up Jamboree, •••••••••••••••••••••• Expar Gar~ & "*" ctMn·~· Bob 950.8944 Rift Marllyn 631·8078 Think yoy, 831·4410 AANOY 94 1~22 Guaranteed 53f.2737 .ff6'•-••••••••••••••••• PCH, N.B. 876-0781. ELECTRICIAN-Priced upa, Tr• 1rltnmlng. F,.. . No SIHm/No Shampoo F1mlly Day Cara for chll· right, free ••llmate on Mt. Pete M1·10M .Hiia• • II you w1nt your hOUH QUALITY WORK • n111, '111t11 l•ul fll1 . Ul·llll, tit. HI ~.hmtt •... ~OFF FIRST MONTH ~ble. aftord1bla. at1antlal. Anawarlng u rvlc:•. 1aore1arlal & bllalnea MNIC••· mill lb011 rental. word procee- 11ng. TalH·F•celmlla, order entry. paoar .. 1aa .. bw. dMk apace rental. Stain Spacl11t11. F111 dren. up lo 5 y11, Mon· large or emall fob• ••••••""•••••••••••••• AEALL Y CLEAN, Call reaa .. honeat. Ael1. Lie •••••• .,,,.~.,.. •• '. ••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• dry. FrM Mt. 839·t582 Fri, 7:3o.5PM Llc'd. Lie. 3tet2t. 113..0359 •ulna,. fC llf'D \) Ul·llJI Linda 809-0318, Good 287107. 01v19&4·1045 ED'S PLASTERING TILE INSTAllfO 1514 Ruth Ln, W"tcnn. ...................... Fur~pool-wal•t ""' Rel•. CUSTOM PAINTING N••• pllchal. lnl/ext. All Klndl. Ck.twanleed Shempoo ' ttHm Clean. NB. 648-9028 LIC'O ELECTAICIAN Cwpentry . Maaorvy ...... 1111 lnl/axl. Aelld/comm R .. IUCCOI. 646·8268 Rel•. John 840 .. 217 Color brlgh1ane1a, whl Qu11. wo<k/Reu. ratN Roofing • Plumbing ... ,.,IH,.J•• ••••••••••'!f.......... Ftee 111. Lie. 644·4798 CUSTOM CERAMIC c:rpll -10 min. bleach. Ct•ltffltrl ••llll Fr .. •t. '31-5072 Drywall -8tuoco • TIMI ••••••••~••••••••••••• Oregon gen contrac:tot PLASTER PATCHING TILE WOftl(·Fr• Ml. Hall, llv/dln rma $15, IYQ ···········'·········· ELECTRICIAN Aemodal J.B. 646-9"0 ~ s ;~~~~... wllf h0UHll1, paln1. ' INT/EXT PAINTING Ae11ucco1. lnllHt. 30 ~ 87&-8100 -room 17.50, couch 1 10; 1,J, llhM t... Sml fobel~a. LIC. r--·~· ,.._......_~, .....__ ....... .:.. ..~;;,57 gen. repalra. 648-13e7 & WALLPAPERING yra Neel, P~ 5-t$-2977 cht $6. Gull. 911m. "'"t LI .......... 8 .. __ ...,...... "'" ..... _. ~ ,.._, ,..,.... ,._..,.. Cuatom work. FrM Ml. 11 -Lj •..-•-~-odor. Crpt r""'llr. 15 "y~ra c. ""'""' . ,,.."""""• 2331uu.C·lO. 5-tl·5203 Plumb· lln CIMnlng W•'U•-'•f. Rau Steve 647-4291 ... a• ::::.~•••••••••• 0 ..,. Add'n1, C1blnat1. .."'SID/CO.. D Elaotrlcal • ,... Joan'• ci.en1ng s.rvlce •••••••~• •••••••••• ••••••••'••••••••••••• S OW AA.TES I Hp. o work myull. 648·8588/848·4"'4 ,...,. ..,M'L/IN · Rafa. Don tee-01'9 Hou-APl .. Aentlll 20 VAS EXP. Haullng, tr" _H_A_R_8_0_R_P_A-1N-T-IN-0--1H ILL 141·11H . L Reli. 53l·010t 20 Y"· Do my own work. Off~. 540-1287 trimming, landecaplll(I. Oulltly work. Fr" Mt. Watet Hellet Speclall Tr .. trlm/ramov. ci.en EXCEL CARPET CARE Mc!:~:.~·d~~~:-;;,·;1~.~~: Lio. 27so41. Al 841-l128 JACK OF ALL TRADES TIRED OF HASSLES? 81olhet1 COnlt. , Call 1'1. Opm, 873·61M. "24 hr . plumber 11C. upt, mowing. 85 "- 7017 Jacll Buftlngton mod. Llc'd 648-0781 Elao. Sefvloa & Conllr\IC· Clll Ju 1nytl1M. Quality c:laanlng help 11 846-0565 f•IHl•A ~~•••••••••••• Ownar/oper11°' 1....,.s..,.T"""•_N_e_u..,.A_1_N_o_u_s_T_Rl_E_S_ uon. Lo'""· Fr" •ti-d1y or night 875-301' harel ~ •. te0-7452 i '·••'n •-~-, OllT• PllmM ~!!~/!~!~I •.......••• ••••••• ••••••••••••• Carpal, upflol. ""rug ,. mtlM Lio 333217 .... IVmlT 1.,. -.. -n•u 25 Y" IJCp. Lie. 40394 1 JO. Horn Refinllhlng Moat tub~•· K·1' ~.::':'d:::a're cteanlng. Work GUif Gen'I c:ontr. Properly 551.1738 · 947.,.714 REPAIR . PWMG HOUSECLEANING .. WASH .. ORYa.FOLD.. Bonded. Ina. Ref• Color Anllqu••. kl.I. ceblnel•. Day/ .... 5 & 1 10/hf. ANSWER NETWORK &31·9131 (Uk tor A.V.) Mloflael H9ln 953-07t7 , _ _:.F.:.:'•:..:...E:.:•:.:t:... 64:..:.::6:...·.:..171:..:7.:.:l~.l-:l-mp..;__ro_v_._te_7_·_1_1_11_;_(8_·5..:)_ ., I C Honeel & De9an01bla Plcil\19/dellvery ivlll. expert. 983-0911 Olc:k line painting 845-0e&<l Mr. Mofglfl 645-6178 ,_ 11•1 •• arpanlry, elec. U6a. "'" Brandl te2-2f90 ......... y """"72·37 alt. • KURT'S KARPET KARE C111 .. WIMwttkl¥ ••••••Au•••• ........ Mt RMI. 645-2811 ""'"' ...,,.. v HOLIDAY PAINT TIMEI FURNITURE-KIT CABS WJ.'-tt CllBlaf. ~~!t ..•........... Dl'lvaw1ya, Parlllng LOI Aepalrl, s.atco1tlng. SlS Aaph" 831-4199Llo Dan HlllbarO Griding • & Pa-Mg Co. RM/coml. I.le 397804 8'2· 1720 ~~'··········· Loving Mother wtfl babyall full time. C.M. ArH. ~ Quality worll. Aefl. ••••••••••••••••••• • A&K FENCE: wood & 2 Expt1rllM HouM«eeplng llrecl of doing laundry? I 23 yra. Aleo odd Job• & •••••••••••••••• ••••• - _F_r_ee_n_•_._4_94_._1_42_9 __ 1 Kll. ramO<I, c1bln•11. vi· 1 chain llnll, A91/lnd/oom. Ha YRS EXP. DUNHAM W• furnlah vacuum & fluff & fold, hand Wllh, 1epalr1. Bruce 972-0116 ~··~ 'Jnla~~~· ,':/e'1 "· ~Let ~~n~lhw~_!"_: deo enlarlllnmenl unll1. 5.48-54'93 640·7751 OME IMPROVEMENT au""'IM Kitt.. 641·4970 oor · oe • ~~..., .,,",. • ....,... C1rpa1 lnat1ll11ton & Re· Free"'· 642·0881 Ramodal-repalr1..,enc:lng ,,,.... ., hind hon. Mallc:UIOUI. PAINTER NEEDS Cleaning, Lid. 548-11453 pairs. 30 yr• E11per Car· WOOD FENCES/GATES alaclr~·plumblng Cuttom Home Cteanlng Eitp. AerlM 642-9787 WORKI 30 yre a11p, Int/ ~!!.'!~I.•••••••••••••• 20% Monthly oteoount pal• Work• et1-8206 IJ!!.'!!!!~I............ Fr:•:~G!,y ~~~24 ::~ .. ~11-8&30 ~~pleo= ~ !!~!!ffl'•••••••••••••• ;~t:.i;,'! C::'.na• Lie Hu':'-~~~~r.· Int/HI. RHld/comm'I. C•l•tl•• RESIDENTIAL-INT OE· ----·-UNICLEAN SYSTEMS BAICKWOAK: SmaH Jobe. 011111 Pllnllno 847·5188 lie . .t411802 54S..9734 Fr ...... 20"/t monthly •••••••"•••••••••••••• SIGNEA Furn 11r11ng1· ~· •••••••••••••••••••••• of Nwpt Bc:h 850· l200 Newp0r1, Co9ta M.... dlacounl. M<l-4798 CHAMPENOISE menl, coror achemH. ••••••••14•••••••••••• HARDWOOD l"l.OOAS Irvine. Rafa. 675-3176 l1 .. tl1• lllf Plllll•• Fine Clletlno In the old 955·2086 or 752-0322 Tll .... ... e.au1lfulty c:i-'9d Quality work with • par-··'····"············· ' CRAIG CLEANING co world tradition. 645-9858 Le~-ir~ ..... -·b ..._..... and waxed. 832-4881 1onal touch. Bachelor #iri~ F1rthl~ lnle<lor Dall~n Oon'I re-roof, rep.ii at RHld/comm'I lnlle11t Want Ad Help7 642·5879 f .... ~.,,.., .,,.,_ · kc•• I HB 8th H•NGNG/STAIPPI G fract ion o f coal . 0 --1.m'·t-1.•-.... -Ttede your old •luff for Tr• ltlm/ramoval SELL Idle ll•m• with e 0 · '"'· tv, · • ••••• ••••••••••••••• " ......,_. " ~ ._...._ new goodla• with a Lawn Mllnt/Rototllllng Dally Piiot Clalllfted Ad. 88().0933 -ABC MOVING· Vita-MC &011 945-11326 857·2890 ::;_:oeeowna1 oper Cl1ullled Id. 642-5e78 Ft• NUm1ta 64a..eoe5 842-5878. Wini • .. , C•'I '"'"2-••re Quick, CatefUI S«vlea. C Shop 81 home lt'a auy ~ • "'" "v Low '""· 582-~10 l11slfled Ada 842·5e78 wllh claaalfled 642-5878 Want Ad1 Clll 642-5878 ~ • tor rour motorcrc1e DOLLAR DAY DOUGH SAVERS for Merchandl•• under •1,000. Sell your no-longer needed Items for cash. If It doesn't Mii, we'll run It another 3 days FREE. One item per ad, must be priced. Sorry, no real estate or " commerclal ada. Call today for full detalls. , ........... " ......... •1•) DAYS . CLASSIFl~Ds642-5678 ..... ~ ................................... ----..... !!!11!11!!~----------~----------...... ~ ........ ------~~~"""'""."'""~--~~~·--~----._.. ......... ,....._ ____ ~ ... -• ,.. Orange Coa1t DAILY PILOl ITuHday, October t:Z, 1882 ls & Camps .,.. .... -.--...~~ .... .-~~~ ... ~~ ... ow r1·sl~lt'flll1' for fa//. I CHRISTIAN MONTESSORI SCHOOLS t MIRO PlllSSllli SCllJll Learn ~to use Wang. IBM OS6 & 01spfaywnter Xerox 860 • 0 Pre-School • Klnder1arten • Elementary I ) • Structured 1choola I • Christ Centered Claaarooms t • Strong Academic Program 1 LESS~ for the novice (1 v · or more yrs. e>eperlence): vlolln, viola or cello. Clll 014) 556-84 m1tr •airmant lrtiaal • Developing Child's Potentlal . t i Now Enrol/Ing/ • spec1a1 education c1 ... es I ALSO limited openings for private study, Including beginning cello C....-lriilc.ft...t ... OltANCt COUNTrS OLOIST A 11NlST l'•IYATI SCHOOL Deys•h .... •W. ... UIN MOH WC*IY Grodesl<-8 Garden Grove SanJa Ana South Coast t 552-4697 Become a Word Processtng Spec1ahst Excellent Career Opportunities WORD PROCESSING AN O INFORMATION t Anaheim Area Civic Center Plaza Area t 537-3329 542-1387 957-8190 t Near Harbor & Near 17th & Near MacArthur .Chapman Ave. Main Street & Bristol f .... ~ ....... ~~~~~~~~~~..- Ltant to le A TRAVEL AGENT Morning, afternoon & evening classes. Pac/Jc :Jra11e/. I . :Sc/wo/ 610 l. I 7tfl St. s.ta Aito I Music For Moppets . . I c .. Suun 1-6 p.m. Jul11ard grtid -~ ~·-·----, C~ld'a World. ChHdren'a Center University Methodist Church 2232 s E 811sto1-s~~:1~Ln11 Ana. C• mor ~"'°' ... oll•-.. ---(-llM .. r E,1' tt£W MA~~0~41. ~~o c""OOL -KINOc~G ~+,. ~:CZ> ~ SECOND Gfi .. ~l'. (714) 543.9495 E•telllltkd ltU Finam·1al Aid Pro11r11m~ Arcred1ted by thl· i\t'l'n"hlln1t l'omm1s~1nn or lhf N11 tional 1h~xut1on of TraJt .t,, Terho1c11I Srhool' FREE LESSON IN OCT. u.1t.. s,.°'' low lnllalll1 Ages 2'h through 6 7 a.m. to 6 p.m I Forfurther information reprding advertieing placement in the Schoolt & ln1truction1 Directory -call Louise Griffith 642-7667 ext 330 ~~,~cz," ~o~i"\f Pre-School Piano lessons Culver at University Avenue, lrlf lne FOLL DAY SCHOOL Donna T~~. Ohec:tor , 552-4858 I • 8:00 AM -6:30 PM . i I Emphasizing Scholastic Achievement Skills Development Reading Aptitudes •• ,,,, •• ,,,, 41H IH/itt .,.,,, 4400 I ------I - _ _, r..1 ....... , Btl• WHIH 11H ••••••'••••••••••••••• r;~••••••••••••••••••• 0///tl 11•11/ f400 #ttlJ1,ll ftall I a ' 5300 •• a •• ~tt••••••••••••• •••,-•••••••••••••••••• WUlll •TEL Non Smkr M/F 25-35 yr1. •••••••••••••••••••••• 111.1 1 1 5035 LOii I fHll' 5300 'f~!!.'!.f.'."-'···••••••• Jd1 WHtH TOTS --------• Wkl 1 t 11 11t t t see d p c 11 E ti 1 t 11 ,,. • • • • • • • • •• • •• •• • • • • • •• • •• • • • • ••• • • •••• •• • ••• OOIPAllllll &llE Y ren IS now ava , a1 . a . a wecu ve iutas, Ur ser-•••••••••••••••••••••• Lo11 BlufGold Macaw FOUND STEEL GRAV d Ill S 105 & up Color TV 75~-0 4 5 t ext 53 or 'lice, greatly reduced, no WIDOW HAS SH for TD'a ap11 ~ moa ago Believed ahorthalr cal, approx I v~~ng.;.~~l~an:;'*':o~k Up to S350/wk Call to· Phon11. In room. 2274 83t 7741!.fve. Lynn leue 754-0274 RE Lo'lns, tOI< Up No to ba In Balboa area yr Meo Verde area Cai? eve• & w~ands. day JOBS TODAY. N-porJ~14;5M Wanted Prel M. 25·35, 2500 sit ballc olc w/ Credit Check, No Pen· Reward 642-11807 Gery Vary 1lrald, has new 972.9525 835-4449 . 2707 N BALLET & FIELD TRIPS 919-8308 545-0622 2129 W. j EDINGER SANT:A ANA I---------' ahare 3 bd. 2 b• 33rd St 1torage By O c Airport. Illy Dennison & AMOC home 540·5721 111 5 ----Bristo! S A SITlall '" NB Beech p1110 bea $ 1 5 o or m 0 T 0 m 673-7311 Found Sml wht Poodle --Confidante. per110na1 H · ~~~~~~~~~ BEACH AREA $84/wk Relr1gera1or-M1ld·Pool Nwpt Blvd & Wlll<H1 Co1ta M11a 548-9755 Pine Knot Motel on Cotti Hwy, NB Sup1 lo o c ean Wkly rate• 6<65--0440 llEEI l PUOEt · · • type dog. Ye11ow11one, lttllalll 5350 11 d I ed -med Int $225/ulll Scott 851-6928 111 TO, 5114•000 tace. C M 546_8383 •••••••••••••••••••••• cretary post on Hr COOK, lead, e11an1ng1. 8 7 5 . 1 4 211 , Ra Iner 1300,up I 30"1. discount, ule $80, __ by attracllve, refined broller Huie exper ne- 964-5665, days Full aerv oltice S80fmo 000 Seasoned 9 yr1 on Found ChllWahul. brwn, UllA I YIOll'I lady, mid 30'1 FrM to c •a•. G or d a l I z . Shr tux hma wfl, non ~~~~11.lca S50/mo $ 3 0 0 . 0 0 0 I arm wilt on cheat, lov1bla. PHOTO MODELS lralfel 714-499-5772 780-0971 Inter vi••• amkr. mllure. S300 1st. Newport 8"ch752·6408 547-8451. 6'14-0195 CM 751•1772 'ESCORTS/DANCERS H1l W. tH TIOO ~fltwn 3•4 3o. TuH thru lut, dep. Rell 640-4999 Wiii purchaae exllllng 19l FOUND Gray & White OUTCALL 24 HRS AU•J;;;;t~vt••••••••• Fem, rmmale wanted to IEWPORT IUOI or 2nd mortgagee at longhalred c111 Vic. El· 111-0201 IOOllEIPlll. lhr apac 3 BR, 2.,., ba MEllOAL llfTI dl1coun1 anywhere den St CM HH collar J-~~~~~~~~ Full factl condo s.c PREMIER LOCATION (404)325-9100 Atlanta 848--0897__ --* * * :~;~:3s~ea 121s mo 900 ';:,~en e u=111ea O•••••/l,,slau L~~~'.'~~:rv~~:nH~::;. Affantia Parlor ROOMMATE WANTED IU-2llO ~,:rtR~t:~o~~~ ~I~ _NB_R_-_..,_d_64_2_·5_4_2_8_, Open 24 hr•. day Reasonable ra11s. Kit· Mf11ralght, no-1moke. 4001·8 Birch St. N.B. 440 Ung 10 sell al a dlacount Loat Cymbal•. In black 7 day• a -k chenette1. phones. maid $250 + '-' ut111 Oy1 1q It. St.00 per aq It Thia prOQerty 11 In fore-vln carrying caae Bal· Jacuzzi, Sauna Local• NABER~ Mull be &llpeflenced In automo tive bookk••· ping Must alto be ver- satile In elthe< payables or recelvable1 & accu- rate Call Stan at Counler/Y11rd perton tor tool 11nd equipment rental company Mull en1oy working with peo- ple. good salary llld be- net 11 package Apply 1705 So Coa11 Highway, L B 1930 Nawport Blvd. C M or 22600 Lambert service, Z channel mo-642-5446, ave 642-5820 Agent S<tt-5032 closure and could be· boe Pavlllon 1018 •• wall aa Tourl•I• ~ _ vl81 SANDPIPER MO· 0-u-19-1-m-a-tu_r_e_F-2-2-30-th-r-1 hl•H lffleet come the lnvHtment ot 1 845-1872 R-•rd B1nkAmerlcard. Amer· ( ~ \ l)I ( ( \ " Countar help wanted, dry ~tL·&!~:1~f'l>Or'1 BIVd. 3 bf: 2 bl 1p1 on ·bMctl. Redhlll. c0111 Men ~lt~t!;,i3~~~ tor Steve Loat Sml lem gray dog. ~=~:~~r~4r'::.~4:~1 ,/ J ;/ ' cleaning •••bllah"*1t. Ste 1203. El T0<0 A NB. Frple, 25' patio. 111, Sublet 1778 IQ It at 79c. IOOkl Ilk• terrier, red 2112 Ha1bo< Bl. CM ,. .... • . • 11-... FIT. 30846 Cout Hwy. A,.tl•l•ll ,.tl•Hll UlllA IUOI laat & teo. 8rl1n R bandana, leath & Ilea ---------• ..,,_,\\~· •,.10 •1~1 So IAg.499·1985 Iii I /dM U. /, •l1iH 873 1519 acapt ' work room. ,AllH••tt•Hll/ cot11r Mesa del Mir. O•tt•• Fallt11y PllHe L~~~~~!!!!~-: iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii •••• ~.!!!' ••••••••••••••••• !.~•••••••••••••• MITH Ill i--·-------1 lloraga. 875-3182 10·5 . 11111•111/ CM Very sad Rewerd. ·11 • I •·· &. J1·~1 Wkly rent ala S95 up Pref. M 25-35 &hr 3 bf. 2 o 1 11 I w 1 5 .,,,2• C<>nveraatlon w th Blrbl eabytltter needed. MA· IEOI Diii • • I ,,,, ... , -t• • S B e uxa au e n I er ' -I I • I 54 ._, .. MCfVlaa 24 hr• ••ll•f •• ••••"••••••••••••••••• Color TV. free collae, ba on 35th I. N . Re-front bldg 20l2 aq It -• 61•• TURE. el(pet'd w/lnlant1 Company win11 l •P•· •uli 3140 NWPT HGTS-2Br. 2Ba. healed pool & 1tep1 to dee. patio 1225fullla $ 64 •••••••••••••••••••••• Loat all white F Manx c.t 838--070 1 2 day• Wll my home S3 rleneed lralnee people to •••••••••••••••••••••• apacloua, lmmad occ ocaan. Kitch'• avall Scott 875-1429 or Raina< t 50faq 11 2"4844 A•••ntMt•ll SIOO (no tall). weak of 10/4, COEDS . Would 1011a to hr Mu11 have own trana work on commercfal fl. Aval!. now 1 Br. t ea. 1750fmo 645-7400 985 N. Coaal Hwy. day1 964-5885 Ottloe IP-avallable at •••••••••11••••••11••••• Ille. Springdale & Slatar, party w/you. Call Sue or 875--to58 or 67J.6()8t 9 h 1 n g b 0 • 1 9 1---------1 Lagun1 Beach 494-5294 S 3B 3B ,.... 1800 W. Cout Hwy. -1111 al lal8ita H H B "Snoopy", r-ard. K th time (2 13) S250·S500/thlfl Call upatalra apt, dawahr · Llrge 3 Br 3 Ba Apt, hr lovely r • ...... M Belboll Bay Club. 200 & 760-0!<>( 847-t0t7 alt 5 1 Y any Baby1it1• needed to give prlvlla petlo, alngle ga· enclld side "ltd, plenty Vit1lil• •••llll 4110 home wfmother & aon. 226 11 111 C 11 8 3 4 • 4 5 7 t . ( 7 1 4 ) I TLC 10 Infant. PIT. In our JOBS TODAY. 2707 N raga. No pet 1. water of pllOllng {block from ...................... new cpl & paint In bdrm, 714,taqt 7J5 caa • Call 857-4113 t tor your Found tma.11 bfacti klltan, 527· 7188 nome 648•8023 BrtatOI. S.A. amall '"' pa 1 d . S 5 O O I mo beach y'••rly rant II For rant ov.r Chrtstmu & g11aga, gard-. w ro. • wholeaal• warm-upa. M. bel. 13th & 14th. Diamond wanted wt11 leank""' ------1 5-45-2000 Agent, no tea S800f • 980 8460 N-Yeat'a, 3 br, 4 ba & frplc S300 + ·~ utll. Ho-Deluxe otllca to 1hara, A1k for Ma.ala of Com· Balboa Pen 875-5405 Buy 1 caret from private pa"ll'VT/TIM" TILL"ll Dental A111t1tan1. 4 d1y1 1111 •a.I mo • loll Victorian home In nMt, reliable 844-'$965 prof bldg, lido VIiiage fort11bfy Vour11 FOUND D bl d 1 party, caah. 83t·9278 • " " wlek In Newport Beach llUll -2 Br 1 Be upstairs. en. Aspen, Colorado. Oally Pvt ollioe w/aac:'I area og, on •. w -Apply at: Hunllnglon olc x-rey lie a mull Lrg 2 BR townhou11 cl1d balcony, 1 block maid aervlce )(Int loc Slngla man wf1 yr old boy S280/mo. Call 1'30-4pm, Liii I I•••' 5300 11•• COiier, med az. male For Comi>anlonahlp. mu· Saving• & Loan. 6967 6'64-2485 or 548-2886 apt1, encl gar. frple. NN! from beach, lflnl per'klng View ot Aapen moun· to lhr hM In CM 1200 873-7480 •••••••••••••••••••••• Terrier type Vic Newpn sage Of a driver ca" Ken warM>r. H B E 0 E. Hunt Hrbr from S545 av&1l. year-round rental talna Close to 1own. Also mo & 1hr utll lmmed B I v d • t 6th · CM 497-5718 --t DENTAL OFFICE MNGR Chlldren OK 840-.6807 S600/mo HQ..8.480 has bat>y gr end piano occupy 846-104 l llW lfFE• 675-6856 Banking Efficient Enlhu11u11c & S<t50fnlght Ple11e call Fam rm mate needed. 2 OlllCll aulle on Pee: Coaat -------Llatenmg DelflCH l\oma, IEW ACGlllTI lllP o rganized .. wfbkkpng 2 er 1 Ba. patio, gar. no ... PenthOUM: 2 br. ipec-760-1340 or 760-11468. ' bdrm ept, 8albo1 Pen. Hwy overlOOklng New-fOlJNO ADS SCRAM-LETS olc. fec:tory. lie, rep di· )(ln1 opply for ex par axper 4 dy Wk 548-3000 pett. Beac h, Warner, 11cular ocean & bay __ $325 mo, ulll. Avall Nov port Harbor. Approx •creel guar. 598-751 t person In ittractlvi S&L. --------- SOO/mo. 8" 7 ·61148. v I e w $ t 2 O O Imo l1•l1l1 II 1'111 4300 111 87$-5328 1000 sq ft Below marker ARE FREE ANSWERS 11111•11 Imm opening for Ff T Dental Asslatant a.e.1M01 646-1397 •••••••••••••••••••1•• aA ra11 7t4f645-7100 •· , 53•11 poalllon Exper. In n-Desperately needed Npt Hta 2 Br, 1paolou1 FEELING CRAMPED C.tl/!' ltr lt•I 43~ Ocelot • du1rd -r:ntfl -account• a mull Call R D A Newport Brach '"'I,••• ••t&. 31·~1 apt, quiet m11tura adlt Xtr1 l11ge 1 Br atec>• to •••• e-••••••••••••••• ' •li•ftll l••l•I 4450 Cal •, Cr-a>. • T~'"t1 •••••••••••••••••••••• 7 7" 180 t practice Modem. ront -• ,, ocean w/d. patio. rec rm s1n911 car gar 20th St, •••••••••••••••••••••• ,._ " AT YHR SIRYlll Linda. I 14) .,4. offic e ex per helpful •• ••••••••••t•••••••• $700 Incl utll, 675-8202, $425 875-3231. Co1ta Meta. Storage. Prima Wall Co11t Hwy, 1 DETECT R EOE Orange Cont Sa· Poallllfa alll1ude 4'~ day VlctOfla Bffch 1 Br. $500 '"31 8000 S'"5/ ""' -21 100 1•2-11 I Our new b<>H haa •bad Pertonal, qualltled com· vln~•· 1700 Adams.C M unlurn. urly 1550 furn. " • M v mo ""I""" NB locatlOn. N-. t panlon drivers for your wk Call Julie, 642-4832 ' IBer "14&• sq 11 avall C1n be dllll· temper. Everyllme he d d nda 92 26 8051259"'25 1 *** 2 BR. nr Hoeg. Lullurycondo,Alty 1tra . Ofllu•1•l1J 4411 did. S2000fmo Wala<· getamadande>panlhll S~~~~ln:~ :~~~or 't 1_B_a-nk_l_ng-------1 • ..,,,.,, lfMj 3111 ~~~~: ~~i2 g1r. Will ah11re, S550. . ·.··,·~·L•l•D•••:::=;I•*••• Iron' Hom.·, 'n c 1100 IEWUI mouth he tat• oll the •PPll church, etc All •TEW•I* lllYEll ····•""••••••••••••••••• d a 7 5 2 • 9 4 4 2 , e v " -rtw5 831-1400 amok• OETECTOR d 1 8 hour or " $7 40/hr Sev.,11 Ope. NO FEEi Apt. & Condo Lrg 2 er 2 Ba. encl. gar. 640-2434 1 room to 2800 1q. It ---------1 LOST CAT. Choe brown nee 9 me Y Commerce81nk, hu Im-nlnga Cell today rentals. VIiia Ren1a11. S525. Oya 83 t ·3473. From 11.18 1 aq. It. Adi Otllce & garage 1285/mo wrgold eyu. Vic ot day 494-5857 mad openings for Hpe< 836_.449, JOBS TODAY, 67$-4912 Broker. 845-4380 eves. Alrportar Inn & Frwy1. Naar 9alt><>a Bay Club Monarch Bay area. Ana-Found. Smf BlkfBrn. male teller a. We oll1r vary 2707 N B 1 1 1 8 A PARK NEWPOR T APARTMEN rs IMMMATI WAITlll Call AM 833-3223 & Cout Hwy. 848-7a.l we<1 to "Ming." Plaue Chlllu1.hu1. no ID. Oovar SELL ldla llama with a competitive sal1rle1 & 1 small 1~ r 1 0 • • • J.• C/mt•ll Jl11 Male 26-35, 1tralght. t---------____ _..;. ____ I call 240-31t8. Shrs. NB. 6'48·1348 Dally Pilot Claulllld Ad full11ngeofxlnl t>eMllta ~~~~~~~~~ •••••••••••u••••••••• non-amoker, to ahlre 1617 Westclllt, NB. 258 C ... •rt/M .. jiiiiii;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~iiiiiiiiiiiiijiijii;ijiiii~iiiiiiiii~~~;;~· Super opptyl Pl-call -BHch Apt· tOO yd1 to hke new 2 Bdrm, 2 ba. to 4000 aq. tt 111 floor fnl•ll 4411 1 fOf eppl 1714) 85,.8900 ORY CLEANING-Full· llnd. 2Br. 18a, garage.I San Juan Ca platr1no Agent 541 -5032 •11••••••••••••••••••• A s I t t ~HOllAll !Ima, marking & legging COUNTRY CLU8 LIVING 1395 mo. 4ff..7t51 condo. Fireplace, pool, •lll~I llflOH• Otnc. or retllll locetlon W. a u e 0 e Equal Oppty Employ M/F of drapertea In plan[Wlft IN NEWPORT BEACH 3 br, 2 bl, Piiio, gH & I JacuuJ. only mlnutn to From m 10 3 rooma. Newpon Beach. Approx. e e train Start $4 per ht. A total environment waler, •aAArmo + ·•~ oeech a o 1n1 Point Ht>r 550 eq. It. l500 mo to-Banking Con Or•~'Y· t2117 Lo· .. t 1,.. _,,, .....-From . 18 1 eq "·No 111 a••e9•• N bl ga St .. ,.,,,.1"'"'" ape, .men commun " on nlng & dep 53 1-3585 S290/mo. plu1 'h utllltlae. A ...,.,.. ..... t TELLEI n · ·""· .....,. _, Iha Upper Bay. Prlvll1 evs 1 Gemerd (7t4) 831·2040 le-rleq ulr2adl72 DudJ. Air· Office Su1tn•avalt down· 0 a e ~LIOTl- 1p1, 8 1annl1 court1, 7 Nr S .C Ganer al Ho1p, Call AM. 833-3223 town Huntington .......,., Po11t1on avlll•bfe In our TEOWlll clubhoute 1nd he11t11 I or 496-11768 POftaf nn pont ........ PART TIME " -· poo11,clON tobualneM, 3Br. lrplc, 2Ba, ltove, Sl'lr lg lux hma wfprol eoc lq It gro .. rental. • So Co11t PllH ofllce HllEVEl TECHNO- elrport, F1..,lon laland. CPI•. Av1ll Nov. 1. S535 paraon. 1235. tit, IHI. lrporl area" Exec. 5111• lO% frM rant for flrlt Businesswomen Teller aic.pertence praflf· LOGY, the fut growl-c I h mo. (7141891-1144 dep. 986-14711 1"· From 226-450 aq ''· yNr. Call 080·8480 red, caah tlandllng expe· ... al~nv~~,:,~J.,:.C,op~~ 1--..:._...;... ____ -l....,....,~F~9""'.-30::-:--:--3=-:-'."'-:'2ba:--I ~~~5;<'7~tOM1ny xtraa. 1250 1q fl ratall/olllca rlenQe required. C<>ntlCt ~~~:~.:i~ =~!' :! boc'helora and 1 Bdrm ~rt.NII 19nldM M~tep'a to :~~ch~(N.B.) • ---apace , E. t7th SL In Joy Loerke at 540-40&8. lmmadllte opanfnge IOf unlll IHture fine d•-., D8hln ,,,, 3• II s S275 875.-3311 -900 PLUS 1400 lq. tt. Cotti M .... grNl viii· ationul \\ 0 1ne n in IJusinc~s Week is • lop notch atectronlcl lfgfle' turnlture end K · ••••••••••••••••• .. ••• 1 1 · PenthouM Bayfl'ont Sul· b 111 t y & p 1 r k I ng 11chnlolan 10 trouble ceseoriel. Move In lodly llAWIB Rmmte 10 •hr Newport ta, perking. PlllOI 645·3•77 O c to b e r 17 thro ugh 23. To honor local women c CAlJORNIA Fm9W. lhOOI and repair HOI or reaerva tor future uae. YIWll Terr. Condo. Non-tmkr. 873·t003 1---------1 Bued Sy1tem1 and SmMtly furnllhed mod· 13t0, •,; utll Call Rob -iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii '-'••lrl•/ · b · · d t d ti.. O 'I bo1rd1. O.lllled know-ell opatl dally. New 1&2 bdrm. luxury dy1 9711-5370, IVH •llfTI IUU* ... ,,, 4llO m u s m e s, 'n u r y an commerce, tJe 81 y 855 Town Center Or ladoa of TTL logic raQuf. ec>t• In 14 p1-. 1 Bdrm 642-0&4 t ••••••••••• .. ••••••••• P1'lo t w1'll publa' h a special feature in it co.ii....,.. 92828 reef. Send resume •nd On Jll'Tlbor .. Rel at San Joequln Hiiis Rd 144-1IOO .,., Block to beach, 2Br. bright a llfY. M70 mo. yrty. 0884263 from IMO. 2 bdrm from 0 C Airport 111"· Prof. N.B. 31175 9frctl. tOOO IQ. -equel oppty. employ..-Nlaty requirement.a to: 15116, TownllouM from 1·w-oo--o-B-R1_0G_E-.-,-11-r -ren-t-.1 anlllronm8'lt, fvn MNloe, ft. MIA zone. Agent O c to l'""r 23 C(la'ti'o rl. BICYCLE STOAE need• M.mL 1885 + pool1. tann11, 2 BR " ea. p1110, ... "",.,., or no frills. lndMdual of· ,.....,5".,,.1~·-503_2...,. --~-~-1 "" f I ,. • _.,., fleet Of desk apece. 160 ·~ Th" . I . rallable, d~1bla. en-TIOlllLllY, .. weter 1ll1, pondl "'11 utll., non 1mkr, Dava, aq ft . 3500 eq tt. 1 MO. 1750 up. 2180 It. lndu· IS 18 an CXCeptiona opportunity to argetlc person for aloctt lor cooking l heating I 844-0620; 867·1330 FAEE. 75t-11178 11r1a1. Oftloa. 11101 ~ work Apply at 210 llHI ...... WIJ P•ld. From s in °1~0 2 8 A t 1 h dondo c1rc1a . P a T introduce a n ew or longtime associat e t o the Newport Btvd. c .M. lnlH, lalff, 11111 Frwy drive North on' r P 0 1 are, Huntington. Beach . e.aet110 McFadden to 12001mo. 'h uuia. Call 1111 IP• M 142·2134. people of the Orange Coast , or t o honor B()()+(J(E!PER ASS'T ILlllltul ...... 2 bdrm, 1 be, 156-0fmo, Se aw Ind V 1111 g e George II 842·8381 aft Alt utl Ille ...,.1.,,1 •--~.,.----~~I 1mn1adl1la Full Tlma EXP., .. lrNC.,D. Per-•• uear1v. St-• to belch. 7PM & IAM r .... va ru u,... • •c 7 u I h h p-...i11--I "" " " ,,_ , •'w .. 7: .. __ I .:.:.17..:.14..:.:ll.:..:11:.:3-:...:6:.:1:.:11.:..:8• __ .,,..,...,..i;;:;-;;-"':':'=::::-'~:::-::-:--::-l .. "Ing. W• IUt)ply o.k, tox12 ,...t corner wt awards, ac ievements o r COlltributions. ....':':,"::.-°!!"nu nln ·,.~.ro-ta nent poaltlon. 25 yr Old l1lv 2 t·3":!~2.;,.2 '•---, ~-M/F non1mkr wanttd lo 1paca, C()Olar. You IUP-bldg. Olll W. 111th ,St, ... M .............. 10 " a'.::,1•1 ~•th""'/!•"· e I e c 1 r I c •I o o .....,..,. "" -7 ...... 5 ... "' "' .. _ ..... -~. * 1115 pr mo Coetl M .... 842·3490. -.., ' 7 •11•11 7200 ---------•11•••••11•••••••••••• .,,r new "' °"" uvme ""' ,...,.,.,.. '" 12 roll & lnvolcln.g . ype 1'" " • ~ HO ' up with kltohan. w/apa, 1278 •H ·7t40 Pf CSMll. Clll 84•· 211. W1rahOUM •P•C•. Hlgll 55.eo wpm ' good •FASHION COUHSELOA 3 bdr,. 2 bl. oer. gr .. t weekly. Oaianfront MO-•va ooo 1q fl wrlSOO 1q fl door lcc:.H. 4000 !Mt Thi I oompu11t1onal 1klll1 a $12/hr, PIT, LecllM ,._ loc. Winter tit 815-8740 1-3-b-,-. -2-,~-b-.-cond--o-. _'3_3_5.,.atorage. O.C. Airport •viii. 642·5535, Karen S S the mu11 Call Carma111. per.i Bull""8 731,..S47 UlllA 11111 Incl. utll. + s 100 dap. • r.. • • 2 0 0 0 I m 0 . 3200 aq. ft. with A/C Of· Actual Size Ad 714-a.5-Hee Of 538-04N a ach•tor. gtaet too. ~ -.... ..., ..• •TM. 553-839e, 831-11814 ISt-8928 flCMI AWtd<ltph I t, C.M. "L&.IW lll •• Wkly rent111 SH up Congenl1I, neat M/F lo O.lAGUNA,3Atctl8ay 8pr nklad w/comm. 1111.1 n WOf11 Wtd p1ey In Pllnl Cofor TV, free coffM. 1f'lr lg• 3br/2be 1pt, 2 Sult• evlfl. Gd. Hwy frontage . ..._,963 Ji'Of beet ttptoducllon, e c ... r .... ILLDI Springe. L• v .... Ind hf, 2be, bey/OCMn v'8w Mlt9d poo1 & 1tepa to CdMt 1300, 111 a tut. V~ •t7-236t t011 t27 corne r ~-1 w/ blectc lt'ld White photo of ainy ... , r"°'1 -oetnolieei .. condo, pool, Jecu111, OOMn. Kitch'• eve11. Bob 180.0136 i---..,.--11--.-,_111-.-1-1n1111 bldca. "1 w. ttth 1119 can be u .. d . Your MOOfwll ~~to ting HCIOno ""' P'O- wtty bldg, tnllmo, 1115 N. CoMt Hwy, IRVINE. 5 bd, 3 be. frpl, --It. C.M. "12·3490. mett•oe wtlt eccomp.ny the .ov .... Call .,5-'$44t , duct. Trevel wllt'I Clfllpeo c .. Oeitny, 8'6·2011 Of l.egune IMctl. •11-t·52114 pool, tennla, lofntn~ beo. Slilt .. lnol. recept., plOture In lhlt ... ace. It """'' JOH TODAY, 2101 N. roned group,''""'°"• ~. • HC'y ""''· cont. rm.. ·-·' ',._ I'/ ..... ,~ 8'191of 9.A. Im.. ... I I II .. ---------Kit prtv, Chrlltlen Homa, tr1111 Iller• utll • N kit., melt 11end19. A•· _...,, .. .., ctioo1e not to publl1h a ton furn• •v, return v:.v 200::::. ~oJ ~7~t~~~~~le loh. ;'~;.~::ii:-• .=~: r::::.-l~l°':t~~ In ... 'l!'!m............ ::,u~~· •Pee• With CAfll ... EA8 Wencecl lern =~.-ct-=-= m o , I••· I 7 I 0 o r 1=---------1 1325 mo. 852·8041 I F v 1......, ..... Mo mo ,.,,.,,, 1300 •o HOO P9f mo. be welt 1 room94t end "'6-ltff Et TOfo, Ill hOUM prhll· 857·11311. • • "v"" Vl"1' ' # Mu1t hive depefMl1ble lllft lmm94tl1tely ~ ._._, W/D, mambar8un ''°'" 1325. "3_...5. 4-.t1•/t. ._. car, Good d"""-flOOfd lntetvlew call .....,.,.,, 2 ... 2 .. ... ...... No ._ ... 1 .... 12-... ~ ••••• , ••• r.-.i1 "y""' -· ' "°"' --· & Sell CllH), pool. ttnnfl n04.leeme • went..... "" 0811 MeM I or 2 room loutll county Aro•de. & proof of tneuranoe. 11 em to 4 pm . .-....._ .,... AcrOl8 from ..... taeo. , .. ''-'· utfl. lnct. mo. Non·•mkr, ,.,, I. •ull••· ,,om 111/mo Locetlon end ll'lectli.,.. The cost of each not1'ce, with a photo •• Apprx "''· •AM·IAM I MlaOIM ~ .. ~Go« Cour• 5M t03e CoetaM..a Cafl lfltPM Utltl lnctd. 71t W. t8ttl 0, locetlon only. Celt o Opening• •vall. 1n 1,~ull~-tlme--Po81~1t-10n--,O~p-p-11-. ... ..__ 13t-5* It 15t·-T I I nJ 132 Nawt>rt 9c ... CdM. Irv · I_. To The leedl. 2 Ir, a ••. a tenn11 court• 8CfON ,,.. 1treet. Very ......... Cerpet. 1780 fftO y~ ,..,. Cel Km Ul·Ot24 Mon·'''· Jo l n..Mltlel·lun v~....,».aa.a nr, , ... MwfY,... led U 4 42n d IL ..... 1t0.-.., 11WtH - Acom wncKdl pl'Mtlfll, :;:--::-;~~:-:-:::-:-:-~~~l..:::.:.:.:' ::...:.:.:-=••:..____ o ,.,, o r '" o n • o y . C a I I T 11 e _.•I ht•, I tunll~ lor ~uldl, a.... 1250 llt & IMt, u111 lf\el, 9peot•culer view, pool llllTlfll 611-Ht5 , N1-1t1I ~#"rt, 1AM ,.,,,, t•nerel OfflH NB. M2·M'1 11p1, 1ennl1, lee. 91te. • ... ,..... 1·..,-:--.. -;:-• .,--,,,,.-,-,--1 • Don't mi ss thia special opportu.nity. to 1tAM. I Clerll·l~ """°' .... ............ C "" ....... •-& 12411/mo + Ille Hlllp'g _ tlon. ~ to ..._ "tiMh: o;; ~~~ -'-"-·_1_.,_• _____ , ~..!!!' uN 9! .. f!C~· ...... .. .... -.l!ff Deadline for reeerving space is October 20. ..,.11111,.11,,, oontro1, ~ • uUI 112 Cecil ftl (C), WeeemoM HOft'9 N, • ,. ......,., room,,.,_,, ........... U. •--"" or MltlMe, C4'M In· pomputw opefetl••· 1316,17a.7&.« tonw/1or2...,..flllllt :::.~J:::.:;; -11-CaU today! ..,,.,_...._In.MIO Pet~t ,...._.tor .eta.. ntOC"lebte 17t-~11, MN e..11, ~~If l~t(l~'r'..,.. 642 5678 -tC,....le_l_tl_fl_ed_A._d_l -.-,.-111-ie =-:.:=.~~ ...__._ "'...__ 11..,. M/I 25+ Lib, 9r11d, 1111• deel'9d. Cllll. , TO~ tM .., ..... -1n1wet to e ~ 7'•"'40.llM .._., ·~-.P· ...,, ~ or weer .-.on to 1'4111CM "'-'· ....., NH/OM rml gerege or ...,d Miii! i•'• t ........ Cell "'°'9 tO ltlf f\jlm 2 If t .. a.Oii .,_________ f11 L .,_., 9c1........ Mttet wy 10 ... mot Hew .......... to • AM Of ~ W9d from WICI l2tO' '4 ulll. Heve '°" ..... to ... ? ...... ,7, ..... .-,. -Ot••••• ... ilo "-· ........ 1 f4~ QI ............ If.... --I ,..._... (' 8 Orange Coa1t OAILV PILOT/Tueld1y, actober 12, 11r K~l1..f1.-.!'!. ..... ~{ff ~~11. .~•.-.!'!. ..... ~{ff ,!Jl •. ,M'!!. •••• f.~ff r.*•••li,... .... #eUHI .,,,, Ill-11,., l,l"f A•IN'I 1.-w ''" MMllH Tiii .._ Wi'A"*,,,..,.,.,.BUY •••••••• r .... ~-;.J "11.~ Mat ,.,h ,,,.. 111• I~••••••••••••••• .. ~' ·•••• .~.w. ...... ·········""'·· ....... , • "'''' •tttttttt •. 1 ••• ... mm •••l'r.'11 ..................... : 'II Ven Collverllon M W 1111 #1n.IM a.., tff ' ,.,1" 'Ir ••P•r In •II a ...... ,, __ .... ,. ...... ,,ur• a .. ... "'It I••• ... .. . IOtt dCXik tor ret1t, trOfll -••• • •, ••••••••••••••••••••• .••••••••••nr •••• 1 •••• ~ ... '!!.l!!r.!!~ ...... . r.~ ...... l.~?f 'M 'IW lhia. tmmao In • Out, I 11~0, b •I Olt 13 ,. 7 142, 841-lt03 • Love BelbOI lllland pl\HH OI "•• worll ' .,.... -"''"' VAM.. .., •. p -· -,. IMW UOI ltver/1:1111 ..,. • 1000 • En1<>y Working Wiii\ People a Like hlllt'IO modem tcaulprnel'lt. >Clnt Aj)f)llanc.e-Oft I llllll NII Head wlt11 • double 11" tie, up lo 30·S2' ::J'" C u • I om I 0 u 11 o m I • • I I 3..., Li ml Wit• • Have Knowi.dge of Junior 8wlmweai oompeny ollerlng top Of llLL tor You flV .,,._., cabinet All H 00 per II t7e •• Cuetoml Liiia 1'•• wllh r;•;.~:O~ M6'• Of· wl\Hlt H ,000/010 & SporltWHr pay & benelll• lrvl1'• ll&ITlll l._ '" Hoellenl oondltlon IHtl ltftl 1 HH on1v 1~1000 rnll .. but ...:__ _ 213.a32 ... 7t • Undert11nd Marc handl11ng l Invento ry • r • • PI•••• o •I I 141 llH Ill Mii NOOol>O •••••'•••••!I••••••••• '-" I ""'"'velour c14>1 111 3201. llr ttweo ceu . l•-------- Conlrol 7'~7&1 • • IH Hlt 1.,. cn•lfl wlm1"h1no toll mlnll 'll MIJ 411 ILi. ..... , '77 Convert, ... to ..,. p11c Amlfm, chrome rldlele t MOO 83 l·IMf '--iiilliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiij,.o;• hble, 42.&F • • DRY SfQRlGf I bees. cu•lom eat & mor•t 112,400 631·2"1 • Want A Full· Tim• Job 1• TllOllH With 2 eddltlontl IMv•• " 11zn1101 Juet Motd ,.. • ~ 11.-1w... Wood IOP In per1 1,;ond lkaulllul D<um Set. 1100 MOnlhly bOll ttore~e, I a ble p.,ly lo make 11 8MW 8301. 111 •lrU, AU e1tr ... 82,000 ml Tiii WI lll l ...... ,.. '" No lllfftl•nc• n.OH· 13&, 900·8844 or betl oner. any 111•. 24 nr MCl'1 ty, ••nlll4 mo111n1y peymet\11 CtulM t.Qlltrol. tpar• 0••1 12UOO VetY lltm .. unu Ill s .. ,d ~aume & au .. 11on1 To H ry For Information, ---1414-7902 lrH l~oct\lng No old conlt1GI to H tank •1•0 window•/ 73t·lll Ill ba-4lM2 Olean bug, 1800 •nt cell 1111 brown P4ald t0I• hid.. llWPHT Hiii tume, f\O bKll p1ymen11 door•. tlntld w1noow1. reblt eniv a tren•. 32 (9111~27·06301227·81&9 •·bed 17$ Maple dlneite 011111 T11•lt111 I 1111 IN• lar Ir II due A8K FOR ROSE e utometlo, new llrn . I M If ITI 19 mpg, 643..6415 ' 7 7 M F ••t. 4 on1 lr1 175. Ll1/••t•I IHI 011 646·9!103 Ike 1rnport1· H OOO 4113·4406 ----ad•m· pEm on· rl 842·11964 •••9'•""•••••••••••••• ™· 0 dlt •7• Oe 1111 • .,.d S n "'I FH MUJIT• •71.7 P•H won. 138&0 ""11t111 nterprl-__ ----1BMMagA,21BM82410'1 " v ... ,.. · u "· H HIYllT•m 8 n11, auto. air, whit , OAK BEORM sn 6 po Vydeo 1200 All on , I A•I•• w .. 1H ISIO Vory good oond 14200 t:r. 170278 Lie ••P 801 40 Bllboa laland nNllTilll I contemp "YI• lllni rnalnte nence a~ree 1111 .. 1111 •• •••••••••••••••••••••• 873 1'5411 or 876·641841 '87 C le•tlC "100'~'. ,8 Ot ••• 1....,3 · · · • •••" • '"0•• •• •••• • •• • •• ---Cn1ulleur pettltlon wl · ' ....... .., O "'NE"'AL PAITl·IP Pllltl ~~2-~eo~•0r 1110• 1315· "'c.~rJ''ovcT•••11t•.~0•',..50°1r. c,.,.,,, 1111 WE PAY D1tH• 11ZOI pou1t>1e option•. Metal--:03_B_uo __ 1_1<1_001_o_a_o_ ~ "" UIL IOILPTllllT Itek Ouadrltek, bu•y ---....... ., lt•I II 10 •••••••••••••••••••••• lie pr own w/llghl Ian Solid 90Glne, cltlan No NN ded tor progr•••lve C.M. Print anop, bper. SOLID OAK WALi. un111. SCM Copier. Model 1'2 ••••••••••••••••••••'• TOP DOLUll plulh velour Int Comp 642·0674 u lon Som• ollenlel• only. Call for e ppt w/metchlng collH & 2 roll-led. HOO • 11\Clud•• Cabover Cernper lor Im· POI llll Ollll -, lectory rebuilt & rH tored pref. Selary. comm.. 84l2•0t,.41 end teblH S41601,4100. cu e ol toner e nd 2 c>ort truck, boot. •t•blll· ...--to ru1w car cond Con· V1lr1 1,111 EXPERIENCE! vecetlon. Mgr 1140·1111119. Mint cond. 012·418011. o"" ot roll• ALSO IBM ze,., corner Jeck• •7110 ALAI MAllll verted 10 u 8 1pec1. ••• .. •••••••••••• •••• O. C. Marke llno Firm NATURAL FOODS 0o kTiPIST SOFABEO NP throw pll 111" carriage •lee. type. 1714) 645"11898 PHTIAC/HIAll Orig blll• 101 OM 104• 11 1 Yelwe lteltr Now hiring for company w.,ehouM FIT 141 per 640.-0%1 r~r~~r~~:~:; low•. cordur~y lab. Min; writer. l t50 642~3711 ll•t1rl11' llkt1 1140 241110 ~farbor Blvd 000 on l\end • oar pr• 11 lr••I• ... ..,, et11f potltlon1.281mm• hr 731·5273 cond , 11crll 1 300 I I I011 •••••••••••••••••••••• COSTA MESA Mntlyttored lnGermeny .... .. Ol8t• openlno•·Yrty WAITll/WAITllll 972·411911 .!.! •••••••••••••••••• WHIZZEE Motor Bike. Mint 141·4aoo bul reedy lor lmme<lllll lllll IEIYIOI til~~~r bu•Y beck onkle. Wiii\ cor tor wicker bH• SOFAILO\IESEA T eon· B111nJI Club wlehH to $~~ ~~·.~~~~· Mark, 141· 1417 '"~':\~~ Price 17& 000 All Liii• mDAL lfFIOE Up to 1 1100/mo. Lit• ltkllle. People contact. 0•11 1135-4449, JOBS TODAY, 2707 N. Brltlol, S.A. amall tee IEIEUL OFFICE PerHlme. 20 to 30 hour• per WMk. Typing .. 55 w.p .m. Front olllce ap- ~enoe. Call 141-1411 GEN OFC • good pl\ per· 1011ellty. It typing, am olo. 3 dy wk. 5410-8593 00\IERNMENT JOBS Many Jobe evelleble In U.S. end over ... •. For Directory 31211188-434 7 e11. E·91 UIHIHIEH Be your own bolll Best r e n t deal In C M . F/T 567-32412, A•k IOf kel lunch MNlce. 9:30 to temp ttyle Elrlhton• piece YO M betkleN dog PIUH only qu~llll•d OVERSEAS DELIVERY Joan Smith 1 30 pm Mon· Fri. Elrn colors Sacrlllcel 14100 1 h 1 t Y 0 d 11 1 • 1 5 O -ll1t•1tTtlfl/ WI llY c•lh b~y•re call EXPERTS S150 to $170 wllly. Mu1t 972-41895. 11911-3828 If 1 l lSO OLUI Ollll ;-j (714) 642..01311 Pert·Tlmo. Chrltlme• be neat, peraonoble, en· CHIHUAHUA PUPPIES •••• !! . .'.'!•••••••••••• ---UIU llf Crall COmpeny, etuttlng ergetlc. 979--07<17 11 10 BED, Ortho hotel full t:r PAPERS, SHOTS 1160. '8l Y•m•h• SR 186CC 1111 TllOll 1982 OATSUNS '70 Merced11 280SL. Im· p lllo w1, dec o rate AMforeppt. _, wlfreme Li ke ntw c111 83 1_8026 Streetblke,mlnt cond .. I m1c compl H rv re· YILVI wreath•. or -Ing CM $125/0bo, 8<17-7271 S7SO, 95mpg 8"6·04l90 Very Cl••• cord• 2 lope, auto, air 19&8 Harbor Blvd 640·2241 J'fit~l'fs Maple Ong T.eble with 4 A:~ ~:~~~;:PIH, 9 •79 Hond1 CX$000 11lnt Htra Lew MllH&e ;;~·500 1151 ·11228. 14t~··AMi~;417 Printing Cl1uy Ru1tut1nt. captain• c111111, t t50. 893-441118 cond XtrH. low mllH . YelalolH 1090 eve. Book PUle·UP PIT. Mon, S60·18011h111 Ca ti Maple Bunk bedt, 150 KC Cockert , 1 Bull $1200/0lltr 960·7103 '80 280 SE Mra. Rhodel' '78 2441, AC, lle<to, 411, 2 pm to 9'>PfOX 11:30 pm 1135•44149. JOBS TODAY, Lg Formic• (white) table, FROM AS LOW AS M1rced1t Beni Sliver, 000 ml, Bii.ii. 111nt cond. TuH. 10:30 10 epprox 2707 N B 1 1 1 SA S25 OBO 8711·6837, 326 male. 1 Chempegne lem. 11•1•1 B1•11, l•lt/ moon roor. alloy ~I se200 546-3807 6·30 pm. No EJiper Nee. · r ' 0 • · · Grind Canel. Bel 191•. 8 wll• 559·9807. i i$ fl All option• Mutt be --------- APPIY: Pennyeover, 1860 tmellfM Bnutllul l .. ded glu1 TlME MlOlW 11100 .!.~!t.·.!~!~f! •. , . .'.!f 111111 HHI $4988 -1845-8730 ·~~J"'l~~~•g5°!'5~~ Placent11 Ave, C.M. bookcote/dHk & met· R1n1 26' motor nome, Top dollar II tor Sporl• u~ 11·~z '"'"" · ~! •· WIRE INUTtl .I GrHn wing•. gorgeou• tip• 8, fully loaded. C• t' B g• Cl P• • l'llU .. Pm(T1rkDl•t~~urbu11y"1"'y1"t•m'o. Brokerage firm his Im· ng preubleck rocking body & 1111111ra. love•· 8415·8616 (P1ul) 91; .. A udl'. m r . •••••••••••••••••••••• A,,., U1-' ..... chair. E•o•ll~t condl· bl•. elfectloneto, very 1, u • '79 M G convorllble, •••••"•••••••••••••••• Eun utre S2000/mo. :.:a~:'.",,':: :.~~.w~~ I Ion. r • • s'o n • b I a I• m •. 9 mo' o Id . SHOO Atk lor UIC MGR 1111 MlltJ TtJtfl cuatom top, new rodlole, C. I 11 IHI EI g 11 En 11rpr1 t e I lery commen1u1at1 w/ 770·8508 1143·~485 Mull aell by 1011& '77 .Ill Mlll•O 11202 IHoll llw•. fog llght1 $5000 •• !..~•••••••••••••••• 9155•59o7 exper For appt call. HI· King u bed, mettr111/bo11 White lem Amerlcen Es· Fltld & S tream 22' YOLlSWAI Elt 833-8 148 •lier 7pm. Come In & Ml N-port ,/Tl • I I e n M c G 1 n 1 e y , spring• & frame, HO (Dodge 360) Rear dine•· t87 I 1 Betch Blvd Mllltli&fe• leeoh L 111"' 8e1Ch'• tlnttt Mleetlon •• I II 714-644·2292 Call Lindi 1548-9688 klmo. loveable, •mart, 11. 48,500 ml. 963·2187 HUNTINGTON BEACH 112-0121 llllC•I " 0 1 prevloualy owned Supplement your Income UK C, naebrkn. S2S. 2 200 •••••••••••••••••••••• Po11ch1'1, Audl'e end by doing lnterntlng Want queen al1e men. & 873-6289 f'11i1111 f'11v1l 1110 14 • 0 MEISTER Volk•weoena ~~~~n°: :~r:n~~~~ 23 Workers! :,~:. ~rt~.dH:~~ ::ir K;h~~Hp~~~.~u!~:. :~: ;;&ri;::i·;2~;;;;·;;,i,~ -w iNTED' 1981 DATSUNS Po1101111111 ... · - penle1. $41/llr ouu. + lu· S50 4194·0029 6111·5007. • every option, 14111 cont'd Late model To;otiu, Yerr Cle•• 13631 Harbor Blvd. --..- crlllve bonu• Incentive NEEDED NOW! Dinlth Modern 8. Couch Mu 111 • 8 11 A 1 1 5 · Volvos. Pickup• & vans Lew Miit•&• YelalclH Garden Grove ,,.5 E. Coe11 Hwy Newport Beech 873 program•. Convenient 111•11 I Dr•••• IOIO 891-1588 Cell u1 todeyl l eles-lenlte 1llernoon ahllt Selu $1200 end 2 cl·elrt. S400 •••••••••••*"••••••••• FROM AS LOW AS exper. pref but wlll troln __ 8~589 alter 5 MOVING MUST SAC 6'8 ADIO l 1n lc., 11111 LH1ia1 the right person For Twin bed. complete w/ Beldwln Grand Plano, 1 I AttllNlifl HOO 114 Ill 2111 ~£••••••••••••!.~! lntervl-. cell Ma Kruk Pollurepedlc matt. yr old 675•95 to Miki •••••••••••••••••••••• TOYOf•.w""" "O $3988 • MUST SELL '82 EAGLE 11 546-5778 Appl~ with U.S. IHdlng (Seely) 150. 645·34113 lk H3 PAINT & Ille body work. .. ..,.. '10 121 PIT .. ~Ho blaff .. s apecl~ty ~· r:1el* Phylll1 Morrlt Gl1t1 top •• }!!I ••••••••••• !.... up to sew. off your body "'~=,!'·• Low mll•• LH Int. All ~!!'. s:n:~ ~fo~":i1::: College Credit Av1ll1ble. Cell .~~Im• ~11141Wed largo dining table w/8 198 2 S k I N • u 11 q u e shop est Biii 9641.0332 "•O ·OOJ • uo.t o 7 power, AC. cloen. mull $ 7 ,500. Owner Cell .UHIPlll llPT 11110·$300/wk A•k ror · • arm cllelra Ideal for lge "200 f ". Only 36 hours. European Mechanic r•· 1111 MUIJ T •Jtfl Mii $28,500 OBO 8"8-4829 •I the Surf and Sand Mervin. 848-!1781 ~!fl.' •• ~'.!'.'. ••••••••• dtl~l2ngoorm. mor,cko•nl otlbrl. ~~f. ~~oe 2•0 ~~77 ~~r~ pairs Europun c119t WE HY 11202 IHola llwll. 714·955-350t wtt d• 11/r• 1110 5411-3446 HOlel need• • Supervl· ,__ ________ • tl t ,, ' 99 58 N E w I c • I I ( 7 1 4 I French Spl\g 99t·1229 USED CARS & TRUCKS 11 •• 11 ...... •••cit '80 PORSCHE 911 SC •••••••••••••••••••••• '°'· lull tlme/apllt lhlll. P/TIMI SIO'l •• ~'! •• ~.!~ ••• !.':..... " -2 1 or 848-007" 8412·2000 & ilk tor Jim· John COME IN OR CALL FOR •• Thia 11 Illa llnHI pre· '&O Bulcil Ltd lukury dal, Blllnguel (Eng/Span) NHded tor 1 min Ille GIANTGe.regeSa.le.9,.01 5 piece dining table Mt, my. Jr If out. plllta AUTO PAINTING FIHAPPUll&l 112·'0121 ownedT1<galnSo Celll $79 0 0 . Xl nt cond 14.50/hr. Conl1c1 Miii ln1urenc1 office Shor· Breokweter Cr. H.B. Oet good condition 180 leave me1segel Up to S<W. on your bOdy Cormler·O.Llilo All blk w/every co,,c•I· 760·8785, 833-2591 Mwcl. 4197..,.77. Ext 385 thend & typing 1klll1, 9·10. Hemllton/Bu1hard Coffee leble s20 Cell •llOp est. Biil 964..0332 Oll•Y•IL(f '70 Detaun 1600, 311 vable option The c tr -,-1-1-11-.. -,-.1-1-IOO--prevlou• eMperlence In 8,.6•7230 lr.,1tl•f. c.H1 llllf " n Roadster, xlnt cond Va· was 1torod on block• ,._ I have• Job tor bright, 1ntut1nce pref. Please .. ,_L,.,,.,, • ••••• •••••••••••••• 1 18211 BEACH BLVD lue $1200 Make oller since new Currently hu Runt good 6415·9"34 e ne rgetic hOUHWIVH, Clll AM, 557-5642 ~'-~";.~ •••••••••••••••• BEORM French Prov Set 8' 1".; M•ul. goodS55 ~!'.'.'.'.!!!.!~!!........ HUNTINGTON BEACH 6416·3134 IHI Iha,, 4,000 ml W• 11,~"l•# ·,,,s ~~~~~~· Hd::!:~ie'acn~~og~ S Altti•1n llOS Dr_, w/mlrror & night con ssf~~2 IMPORTANT NOTICE 147-IOllr 141-IU1 TURBO '81 011 280ZX wlll sell tru1 Ptlttlne ~~~.':':•••••••••••••• •In ••••,.•••••••••••••••• stand S 150 551·5007 TO READERS AND Lo mi, fully loaded Low Po11ch1 •1 midpoint TIE WIEST Mop Squed. 557.9097 GUYS COMMODE. Bologna evH MEI~ llLF OLIU ADVERTISERS T Doll prl<:e 592·2326 between Wlloleule & LIUl IEOllTlJIY mer bl• top. Cir. 11190. MATT RE s s ' B 0 x The prlo• of lt•m• •d· op ar Retell Which I• II leH1 IELIOTlll Region•• office ol lerg• c•Ls light mahogany $150 SPRINGS Obi. Bren d ~~c!.3b~~9~~'n!:1 vertlSed by vehicle dH· Pa1'd F11111i 1123 $12.000 lell tll1n eno·1 netlonel few llrm seek• " 240•1253 Newt St50 551·5007 lers In the venlcl• clHal· •••••••••••••••••••••• tner brand new Portche I of late model, low mllM· ge Cedlll-In Southern CaJllor11l1I See ua todeyl ltC'•tery with experlen-HOT NEW PRODUC T Antique Ook Dining Rm evea ,,.,,, ,,,,,,,,.,, lled 1dvert111ng column• For Your Cerl ORUCE cn1n•s For appl 8"41·1885 dya. ce or Interest In general called-Sober·uP Earn up tbl w/41 chra. $400/btt "' IHS doe• not Include ony OILY AITllORlZED 63t-2321 eves lftlgatlon, Potltlon requl· to ofr. 6"1.()988 ,:')~.r~P~lnl cond se5 •••••••••••••••••• .. •• appllcobletaxet. llcente. "'JUll0• 1 11• FEllllAlll '76 914 2 O ltr E•c•I re1 high typing 1klll1 $lOOO WK 7' Ber . custom m•d•. transfer 1111, finance ...lffaoela-leroury cond . new brlkll 4 lloht shorthand & share Antique Buttel S850: Cut 87!1·J29l __ mahogany Coln lnlald cnargea, fees lor air pol· 2828 Harbor Blvd IUURlllPI c lutch w/app11rence o1 ~·I oflloe dutle1. CALL Mr, la"il :~st~r/'~~7~~~~0Chlna 11 brown aol• and love top. 15 stools. offer lu tlon control device Coate Meae 540·5630 0 p M 11 bl S7300 Famlllarlty with Celllornle • toat, cocktail table. 2 8"0· 1257 cartlficatlons or dealer --I~ ~~ ~~o~ 553~S6" ue courts dealred. Excellent IH· 1000. AHl;,.,11 1010 end tablH. S 150 com· f'V I '' documentary prepare· ADlll f•Htlt' [W~ beneflte, lnctudlng dental •''••••••••••••••••••• plete 855-2203 (. ' 1, tlon charges unles• ..... '1 ... ,.-........... M T . '61 356B. re·blt, no rull. I n 1 u ran c e , B •I I y IALH/llTIH HARBOR AREA If/Ti ltflH 1011 otnerwlH 1p1clfl1d by A•'i 1101 need• •o m e wo rk . 851..()291. Earn to $1500/mo. PIT APPLIANCE SERVICE New Broylllll Dining Set 8 •••••• :t............... lhe adver11ter •••••••••••••••••••••• $3300, 419 .. ·8875 Mu 11 be m •tu r e Wo eell recond .• gu111 cl\1lr1, 2 leaves t950 BEAUTIFUL 215" RCA 1 0 A .. I 1000 Turh 3100 w t C t H I N 5511-90413. L .. ve MH· 1ppllance1. &<19-3077 867·2320 Color TV. 2 yr wrnty ¥!!'.~~{.••••••••!.~!! 26,000 mlles, lully loaded New~ort ~!!ch wy ' 1 lllOIE Ullll C&llLUD 2600 H.,bor Blvd. COSTA MESA 140-1110 1967 Clenlc Eldorado hardtop, new llrH, bolt, wi ring . p1lnt. etc. Smooth running. AMI.Ing S 150011>11 olr. 6"5-3337 Light houHwork. make meelt end help dreu lady. Mu11 l\1v1 car end live In. N.8. 5411...oll05 uge. J I 1010 S 1<18 Free dellvery eunrool. gd cond Like 642·94105 924 TIJ RBO. White. S 1 llY APPllllOEI ·""7.. Open Sun LR••E N llY new $1 3,41 00 OBO c herry cond Fully •81 E' ..... 1•000 1 elel lmlEI• L91 957·8133 i:ov·s ~~·;.-;;;·oii..'. TV John'• 648-1786 ..,..llll* 6 ,. 5 . 8 2 1 1 Eve 1 . fil l 11ZS equlp 'd Sell below tun;~:,:""!an;· utr:· I ""'-• MONO Pendent 80 C11 RCA 25" color, remote 857·9i>8 4 dew• •••••••••••••••••••••• mtrket 8418-3768. u-.. --.... _ bk s1•,350, UMlllllE Weshe<-~.,-·Relrlg 1.,.,,., ... ,, ' '77 124 Spider. N-top, ,..,.... "'~ " Looking for •Mire In· Oishwullef·Freezer dlU """'· ""1-.276 control, Ilk• new $250. delrve<1 any leue velllcie .80 Audi 5000S, 22.000 am/Im can, clean, runs ·77 911 S Targa AC/PW, .lelrle 831·85&5 •m• come? Try Part· Time Xlnt cond. 048-se.8 edlet wedding Mt. Oil· 831-9278 PP or buys ~"Y car ove r ml loaded, Ilk• new, 11 In 1 s 3 7 o o 0 b 0 ell lee111er, lo ml, mut t .7,. El OoredO, Gold In a ~~':, ~16~'6 :~~~~~· Retrlgs, Washers. 0ryer1• mond•. 1"1( gold, petite BL Sc>eP•"· Pelr of 12" Auto-Mlle• actual dea· chocolate brown ut , "941-6875 sell Wife's car Mak• out. All o ption• end Up to l"0.211/hr. SlJper Bo11. Cell 1135-44419 JOBS TOOAY. 2707 N. Brlato4, $.A. tmall IN Ave, CO.ta M ... Atk tor Many to choose lrom 0 /835-,.171 E/41117_..939 K 120 amp speeker1. lor cost IUlller M•ts S 11 000 reu otr 645·t 775 clHn A1k S2250 obo G good'" $150 ..... No 111 or IHI P'l"lt 6"1·41058 6"6-7033 r;,,,, 11ZI Mra White uer S 100/up 859.()682 lli1ti lll•H•I IOIO 0 AL ape ...-N-No aecurlty deposit ••••..... •• •• • • • • • •• • • 75 9 11 S Brownll an, r• 8"8-5222 S ... s .. ,, t ide-by llde refrio •••••••••••••••••••••• L P A Cabinet• No 11e;en1e lee ·79 Audi 5000. S~tver/ blue 78 FM1111 Giiie air Min· bu•ll engine. new clutCh. -11-·L--l -t----,,---• 1 _ •MflT w h 11 e . 2 ·Yr a 01 d : .... 2d... wl l5" 999i1ter•. pair 01 60 month 11nenclng 1n 1 AMI FM AIC, 10 root 1mllm tape. rear new tlrH Slleep1kln ~~.m~!. ........... ~~ '" •rlr .. .:..._. $275 /obo 4197·1561 8to20'"""'.36' ...... rl1 RS·115·2PHcebtne11w1 Top $$tortr•d•ln1 mlles $6800 ot1o j d5el $829595 PIP $12,000 846·2389 I IEE II Fiim LIVE IN with lemlly end cer• tor 1m1ll ehlldren Muat be Wining to travel & able to drive Light l\ouMluleplng & cooking req'd. Mutt •P••k En- gllth. No 1mok1ng & No drinking. 8"5-7550. Refa req'd. _., ~... ..... tPNktrt & ll<>rnt. 8000 S yr/50,000 ml w111r1nty 645·2808 u_.. 2 546-4764 I JI I 1151 Work PIT, 9 em . 2 pm. R1luger1tor. FIF Aman• 775-14191 anytime •h•P• $4150 pair BO Any make & model 75 Audi Fo• N ........ -. little H••'-• 11"1 I '.' •• ! •• !T!!........... twlo•nllo•v,•N•E good& UMlecSED. or 41 pm • 9 pm, with tilt Top freezer. Harvetl Antique mehnn1ny cebl· PE A \IE Y Am P 11 11 er Foreign or domestle ........, 1J W c:d G cond $200 -.. "Beckt l'""• 30" pr1Ctloe work 11000 or bes I ol· ••••' •••••• •••• • •••••• 111 DEALER IN U S A Clltllrolelll Lot Angeiet Times Cir· r .. 1 • net with otlg RCA radio ..,, ·with thlt ad 1., 857.~ 187 MOlll lllTlll1 ... cul1tlon Team In 111•· 5..J.C 13 & record p11yer·S76; b•· amp, Ilk• now S 100 __ _ Phone HI• E F throom "marble type" ( T 0 m) 7 5 1•85 1 6 ° r Cell Auto-Mate et 77 Audi. aunr1. Mint cond . wo Cln help! Before you rY"1V CARVER •· e rn en reezer·Frlgldelre upright, 541&-0995 b""· check our unbella· 1"-1 I· hourly wege + comm. 15 cu t>lc f 1 s 100. link In 1 door & 2 drawer 7•1 f.AAQ S4.000 -, ~ r c ~ Tt1lnlng provided. For 751.039• alter Spm. cabinet plue matching 2 Bleupunkt c111 Stereo • • '"' 5•0·3383 (Keren) dyt ble H lectlon, uvlngs l"lil..A .. LYrt../l~C. det1111. Call (714) door welt ceblnet & CR200 1, UHd 1 week (lo ftr ,,..Hf) and sellrvtoelYEtllodl•IY1n .. ..._ .-•4'"' .,,..,..,. '"~" 540-0301 Aull.. lllS "marble type" well IMll. S260. 960·9927 evet • •• lllW 1112 ,..,.,. ............. ,_ CONHEU C HEVROLET ,..,,. t f I f • ' '\ ' •I' I I \0 \ SU.-1200 LUI IFFIOHI Aggreulve Newport Beech firm ....._, moll· vet eel lndlvlduel1. Terr I· tori" open. Mull have A.E. Lie. Harbor·P•ciflc • •••• ••••••••••••• •••• a.11 •or only S 100: ternpe. ••••••• • • ••• •• • •• ••• •• SALES I IERYlCE -_.,. 11"" SalN For Mlt mite: tleld equip. red glaH .,,_ doort. IH I JI, i A•lif•fl/ C. i I H10 TIE LMI 1nc1. mowers, utll. bed ' llke new, only $50 for ,, ,,, •• c1.,,;,, 1110 2850 Harbor Blvd. ,.~,. 1111 •• !'.~!!.'J. ••••••••••• F1mou1 for Ille nnett In concrete mllltr: Avell. lor bolh. Call 6<12..0138. ~·!..r•t•I •••••••••••••••••••••• COSTA MESA •••••••••••••••••••••• '&O Mark \II European attire lor guy• viewing Mon. Oct 18th •••• • •••••••••••••• · •trL "A"sl 140-1140 Sele~~!:1ot1.;~•01111 ng MIST ••u & gel• I• looklng tor 2 from 9 to 4 pm at Foun-Gulter· 12 •Iring, llute, air ..,,,, #1l•l1•••t1 Shey replleo1; pickup• & --.., lharp ledlel 10 u tlit our teln \11lley City Yard, bru1h, wa lnut cl\r1, llmff IOIO coupu. 4 10 clloou MUST S ELL '76 Honde llUll Only 13,000 mlltl on thl1 Lain Offic« e u1t ome r1. Feth Ion 182ol0 Ward St, 1ubmlt 6415-6317 .,,.. •••••••••••••••••••••• from I (008788) (Slk C\ICC Wgn BHt offer. Cattier edition Two tone , ....... VllltJ background necea. Poal-... led blda by Fri Oet. HO train, B1tehmenn •no.. Metlne Servtc.s A3093). Prleel •tatting 11 IALH-IEIYICE 955·2588 evenings · H 1-20.. 411-4141 tllver with dlttlnctlve -..,.._ 0. lion• open lmmed. Cell In 22nd 11 3 pm to Fou11· 4118 delalled layout, Ml Oellgn/ln1lall/Rep1lr •Y 11,Hll IHther Interior Hu 1155-0073 ........... .,.., N.-..vvi ., ___ .. for epp1. fain \/alley City Holl. 10 epprec s·oo1 b Olty work 549-2520'Ev Wllll ""'' 1131 , ... ,. 1111 ~option pQNlble for Looking for 4·8 exper. Tt;;~:e:4'~soo PUf'ChHlng Dept., 10200 862_7•51. e.,.2.01,.3° 0· 831·2040 419S.41949 •••••••••••••••••••••• ••1••••••••••••••••••• totel lu•ury driving! p<oteMlon• We IPtC· 1---------1 Slater Ave. Min. bid• for Plumb ing, e lectrlcel, IAllLllAOI llW OIUOA LIYDI (534ZEN). Ju11 nee<I r• lellze In new progrem1. S1cre tery/Rec1pt1onl1L each wlff be potted. 115 yde Juat Ilk•,_ car· woodwork. Ouelity work. 28402 Marguerite Pkwy Do you rH llY love C•· fl abl• party to make I.e. GMP/ARM , GEM, 11t Agoreatlve local compu· pet, Mrthlonet SHI of· competitive prlcea MIHlon \1'41jo 11011? II 10. give me • amell monthly P1ymtnt1. & 2nd TD'• tar firm nee<la v«Mlll• llt ttlll 1111 ter 833-9799 831·7913 (Av.,,. E.xll 0111•5, Ull Right now I've g0t 1 No old contract to H· Call John ~ aelltt1r1er In ••lea de-•••'"••••••••••••••••• ... I IHI ~' ton ol them, Including sume. no bedt peymen11 llM-9090 putment. Job lnvolV•• Ledin bllle. Sears 3 apd Le1vlng •r••. Mii mem· t1, .,,,, $COpen~Sund • I ST, GT, end tu, loaded due. •SK FOR ROSE G d co d SSO/ b berahlp In pr11ttglou1 ••••• ••··~··••••••••• " RESIDENTIAL en1w1rl11g phon11, ty· oo n o o. NB club 'A price Write 1a11lc 18 Lep1t11lle Supr1'e with ·Topi 848-9303 Ike lmpor1t • MORTGAGE SERVICE ping, taking meHtgll, 8"7·7271 Cldtllled Ad 1078, Delly Century bey bOl.I, 4 cy1, •53 S1udebetler Champion Jus1 need relle~ party dlf Loan running 1rr1nd1. Good woman's 10 spd blcyele, Piiot, P 0 Bo• 1580. Grey $3$00. 875-t181 5 PHI cpe Nice ear to make tmall monthly ---.7-3-M-A_R_K_IV __ _ communlcltlon, phone & good condition $85 or 13750 2131592.,792 Sale•·Setv!Qe-LMtlno HI 111 payment• No old con-p I I 011 I I I / typing tklll1 • mutt offer 759..()097 Cott• M ... 921128 13.4 Botton Wheler type 1112 lllW OlllEHT JOI TOI.II ~ trect to tNUme. no bedt New paint. CIMn IMlher llOllW Non-tmkr only. Must be lflAm wl 40HP Mere eng R•· IH4 ..... heff4 Nie• Selecllont .... , M4l0A. • pll)'mel'lll di.II. ASK FOR lnl Cl\Mp 8"2·9574 llee nHd end nave own Schwinn brown 10 •Pd mote ctn, bolt cover, 1 1948 Ford Woody W•· * .76 2002 4 tpd /r1 ROSE 848·9303. Ik e 11-~.,.,. H11 Min. 2 yre 111p. Proo/ treniportetlon Cell men'1 btice. $50. Computerized exerclMr. yr old. I 3950. Dys 113 OOO • 'tn ITI, If 6 lmpor11 . dlr. ':tf:l:::•••••••••••••• Eectw. Ctencal. llght er· 8•8-l"10 Cell8"5-3"13 Li ke ne w. Sacrifice 835..e&e5,1V91873-9555 gon. · (9tTP\IB) --.. 1---------r •111 4.1pd, ihowroom ra nd•. Smell Newport $1495, 759.9320 • '79 320i, 4 •pd . lot· .,.,, '""' 1981 TQYQT•S Mortgage Co. 11Sl..0'44I~. Secretary. experienced l•il"•I IBM Typewriter Older mdl 18' South Cout, totally 1929 Ford Model A Town dedl (818)(0H) r&GUnl " GOl'ld . whl wired llhr Int., Melntenanoe nH ded to 111111 bu1y #•,.r/1/1 IOIS w/carrlege & keya. GO ~~~b~~~71~6~·! :1~~~6~.' S 10 ,000 * ·eo !1281, Iulo , &n/r1 lllHMIH! USl••IUIOllll y,,.. lltM ~8u~~1:i1'.' ~~~1:i'~; Bullock'• So eo.et hu a executive. •Int •klll• & •••••••••••••••••••••• c o d S 3 O o 11 831·7022 (488ZOJ) j •' 848-5865 lull time pe rmanent ~\'~t3~7~•Y· NB IOW llt/FT. 957~3349 1me. ' c 1 '57 Tnunderblrd, 1 of 211 :.c;~2~~fvR~ •Pd ' 10•· '78 Mud• RX4 2·dr, Lew Mllt11• Yeltloltl --------- po11tlon tor • metnt•· · Redwood 211:8 decking. 24 ft Welleraft S/F wtiupereherger. 41·800 • '80 833ecl, loeded &-spd, good cond. 80K FROM AS LOW AS ~!. •••••••••• ~~! ,...... •••m WhOIHele 0011. $210. 337 2655 " " " • -· nance .-.'°" W'lll\ tome "·20' I~; also redwood New Cordleu phone 1978 n-250 HP OMC. ml. S211 ,600 (7 U ) ("'555341•) I ml, 12650 851-1853 '78 Omni, •c , auto •r-1, bealc knowltdOt 1n car· fencing. ell Jim or Ken Norma 497•1781 Belt tank, VHF, trlr. $14, • · 111-a171 u11,,..~" lt•r 11~0 341 ooo ml Xlnt oond pentry end £1eclrlcel Ila••• ln'/1ime, 775·141111. 950 OWC. '31 Std. MC>del A colleotor 208 W Ill, Senta Ane ~ •• ~~'••••••~••.:..!"'?! $3988 S3e50tolr. 5ol0·0415 . 1klll1 mandatory. Thll Aft REDWOOD EC For ult: lull memblrahlp SKIPPER YACHTS car. Run1 grH t. Rumble Cl S ••••••••• p()eltlon offer• NII com· S<l·H lhr. Lot1 of oppor-D KING In MeH Verde Country 01 NEWPORT BEACH Seel, etc. 17000 call oNd undey ' ,.,, ff4f peny ben1flt1. Pl•H• 1un1t111. Can 1135·4449, 2•4'•, 33" 2x5• 49« per Club. Wrlle Ad ti 1023, Lido VIiiage 873·5200 7 1 4 . 7 5 2 . 1 194 or CHOICE INVENTORY I •••••••••••••••••••••• oont.ct PeraonMI TUM-JOBS TOOAV. 2707 N. Savell ~5-0122 0•11)' Piiot, Box 1580, ... • 11 .... , 7211 ... 240 VOLUME SALES You c1n afford to 1111 • T t '71 FORD Mevtflck. Good Fri, 10 am· 5'pm. ~~Br~11~to1~.~s~.A~. ~am~e1~1~1 .. ~~Cftm~f---eo.11 M ... 92828. 11, "' ,_ & bu" your Merc--s UIJ =• cond. 3 new tlrea. econ. It .. ••••• •••••••••••••••• • .. 9 Wll4ya Jteplltr, 75% ~ VU'lll $e50. 494-3211 BULLOCK'S "'•11•• • '""'" , ... 11/" 18' Hobie C•t, yelloW w/ reatorld, iclnt cond. must. Benz from. us. 11HI ltMll • Station Atten<11111t, L1/•1•t 1010 0 n b 0 • r d 1 h • leq. •unrlH Hiii. Like NM. 980·40711 1•1 I I 1 l I I I I $0 .......... ..... It IT&Tlll .... exper, apply Sl\ell St•· •••":.'\•"""•••••••••••• "T I\ 1 .. b new. $2500. 875-8181. Hl-1121 • Ford Felrlene, oleen M.,..._.,t tlon 17th & lrvtne, New-w•NTED .,~ T .. !•c0'!!..!:., & ~~ otum .. '• 28 •• 1, ........ • 4 WiHI lhlnt 1111 llW body. runt 111n1 22 mpg, .....,..... por1 Beech .. • ....,.,. .. Ot ..... ... _ .. ,_., .,...._~,-.,, .... u • -· .. •••••••••••••••••••••• 543-84115 Pvt ..,.... lllPLI tine lor Memly• NIC Re111uren11, Lido Pu k oyt. eng $11,900. LARGEST JEEP DEALER se ... ·Servtc.leaalng '741 Ctlll!OOk P<>P·IOP mtr • pty. tit,..., ... Mlf EWING MACHI N ! 10 00 SL R c a me r a . Or.OellyM. 552·5133 ln lhe W•t 850N ee.ohBlvd l\ome, lookt & run• '84 Ford Cu1tom 500 .' .. I OPER. E11pr, teolory Beyonet mount. Pvt Pty •i• w••tt 'l&.....a...L. ._ delpefetely need• La Habra gr .. 1, white. new tir., lo MOO M 1>991 off<w. Celt Jt•r. 11• •H••1 production fine. Pe. CH h. Call Antwer Ad - -•• !!i:?:ffl ••••••• ~f "°""JEEP. 121 IHI DOWN ml O H •love , ne ater, .,,.. eeo-eot7 tr...e. 1TM1U. ~~2·~ •• co111 M••• 825 842-4300 24 hre. OOctnl!.!_2·,0..0thl E?.!!!'rtdoa? RAND N!W CURTIS HIUlll~t0~1111T"-~ ""-- 0 Suncl1y LEA E reffto. HOOO .I I.IT .... ...,..,, .,,.,...03.;." ~ .,_., ' HAWKS. complete, for _, ""-• ..,....... &4l~ &4t-7033 ~••••••••••!!ff ,_ • pm, 1 ""E"11, Fountelll H 25. 845-'310 '75 8 MW 530! wlttl ~. 311711 !Mfch l lll1ff1CIW1teht nl ,. ••1, lffl Valle y. 1 blk Ent ol WT llU 1912 TOYQTAS ll u..tll .... -St, N.I . 6411-7112 Full ll~ Co9't MeH .. t .. cf9j .. ••••••••••• Brookhuret. Help aend II IJJ,, Allt/ ... /lllAllT H50 Ot '*9t on. Clll Ml·:M11 . .. •m•I• Golden ou r )'Out I\ Choir 10 'I 2524 Hatl>Or IMI .• CM Thll ULTIMATE drMno ,.., .... '42-M2 MANICURIST wttn folio-t:=----·----1 ~ICOllle. 1ovee to rtot Coloredo .... Flr1t Sou· ~ 1111 fl4t.ceo23 t45-7770 ma chine ce n now b• .-!nO. run 'f04JI own but!· EACH OlHEAS ... hrl In truck•. good wetCh· l"--n ......... t c .... _.... •••••••••••••••••••••• '/OU''' Lo•d•d with L ....... , ..... neH et tl\e OU&ler'• week. Earn t eo<l·ttOO clOQ, .. lhota. ,,.. _.. '""""' AT SLIPS AVAILAILE. 82 JEEP CJ7. Lid. cutt moo11rool. •Ir cond., lllolt; 8715-3121 mo. no u lllng neo 844.08911 840-0020 liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii l NftPOft ltMCh. 211', 211', rt moveble l'lerdtop, 6 AM/FM oa11111e a 10 860·t911 WANTED ••CIM ... 30'. 35', "°" & 45'. Call •Pd bOJI, ltefto, min)' much rnor•t (10 \IJ1U) ...,,_counter hll9 ne.-~--------·!"' ~•bit. PIMM a.II U 2·48H from t -5, more xlr ... Warr etlU .NII ,,._, ,....,.. party ded 11'1 ~·· MmlttM ~a.191 A n ewer Ad tit . Mon-Fri velld J 111,000 010 . 10 mH• amen mon,l\ty ~io-tert 111 ~~~°r.:t ::: IMI. ~ &42-4aoCI 24 lwL AACUI CHANNIJ.; llldt 878-2743 P•'lfM"tl, No Old con· ttoc-Oii •PPt-er.OH -.2':M -PIT o go home . Afgl\an tie ro 2t n, t HO; alto ftwh •W trec:1 lo --. f\O baok ---------1 1400 • ltOO wtily. C•ll S""PdOO ml.l. Speyed. L<f Dog kennel, uMd once, side up 10 18 11 1100. oo•••••••••••••••t•~"n' ~ta dW AIK FOA Matur•. worll eil\IC, IOl\t (114) 63'-76" Aek fOf Fam 11 Y dog . 25. e73-t146 Toyotll •re. AM/FM It.. ~081i U 8·930S. Ike l*png, IJOOd oftloe Miiie. A.H. Dunlevy ' 7'412404206 lll3.-t417 1-....--------I rtO CUHtte, 8 mlll lmC)Onl " ctff .,ooo UI). Non-•mllr,1------....:....-.:...----·b...,~,c:="":'y::-.. '::'......_-...,.,-::-_b,""'"'.".10,...---. LI. AVAIL Huntington cam~., .... ,,,,,,, ..... • " tfS.Mt1 , • ..__ ~ ..,.,,. ... "'" Porllbla black & wl'llle H • r b our I• y . O a ,.7,. 11 " -••tf ~ ~J g ood tor hmtty T\1'1120. 8.0·56411. 14f.77M. l ·t i-"-~-------1 -..et ~DICAL AUISTANT N1•223 1, 84e.MM ,.,..., ___ 6~_·_14_1_1 ___ 1 P M , 8 4 0 • 4 0 t 1 , '10 DOClpe DIO 4J(4, ell ~~..t ,,.,. MW •· *' W• n.cl good .,..,.. to ack Kitten,~'*"*· .. , .... , .• A..... 213·431·37"4 tlltru, AM1'M OH•.. ~ ..._.-;;;;':•·:•;;:;;'::•:.0;;;::;;;::=1 H t up •c.~men11 e mot Old. ,..... OOod ,,.,_ .. ,. NI00.141.0111 "' • ,., Qwlllecl Ad :.;. °i: 11\e --*to'-: ~l\Ofne--, _78_,_·_64_4&..;.. ___ •• }!.'.!~•••••••l!f l 'to ToYOta 4M lonO bed. loCT1<* Hollder IM'• ,_. trewl WANTI O: Llvlnt room 14tff or ttade tor...._ Collll • Clue>. 8alaty + OClfMli9. .... oouotl. oNn, --flU °' ' .. a..eo,. ~Not •Ion + bo111.11 . Ca ll I 11f flat• lable, Md tablee. ._.,....,_-&tOlll __ Wltll __ 41_'_"_e_a,-.-,-•,ra ~ wttl\ eflell. /ID.~ IU-3740 efter 1 ~. • -.. , .. ,... '-• Mii" t e '" 1000 '"°°""8• 111IO Muet ... a1400 .... ...,. ..--.,... & Dfto9d ,_,.. MO>CMll • IPloP., nome ..... ..., llLL '~ 1...,,. Wlltl e D•r ·~'· •wUlflt•· 11W t4t wlttl ClltMlfl'1d '41·M 7f ~ illl'llot Q•1111ed Ad. .,.._ Went Mt Cell Ml·M OIMlhll Mll Mt·MFI $4988 ,,, _.. ... !!!ff!f ••••••••• t!!f ...... '1t Mllllent °"''· flAy lo•d•d, to mllM. new Ur••· emlfm C .. Mtte . .... on. ...... tM l Tl II '.I> A Y 0 C f 0 U l H I;.> I 'Ill .I Mission Viejo pet sto re employee J im Ridge holds the elusive Noah the Boa, who's escaped from his tank twice. • Ylll ·llllTlll llllY PIMI OH AN<.t < l>llNI Y 'Al 110HNIA 'l'J Cf_NJ S Irvine Company rumors .flying as Kremer quits The announced resignation of Irvine Company President Peter Kremer has fueled spec ulation that the Newport Beach -based firm is to be sold or evl)n merged iii:~:""""~~~~.,_J with another looaJ company. • Kremer. who has been at the helm of the Irvine Company since 1977 when a small group of investors purchased the Cirm. made his announcement Monday and said it will be effective Jan I. The resignation came al a time when there has been talk that t he land planning and development firm has entered Into discussions to sell the company to Mobil Corp. of New York. Mobil tried unsuccessfully in 1977 lo buy the Cirm but was outbid by the group of investors that now own the company. There have been other rumors in the business community that the Irvine Company might be considering a merger with the Fluor Corp .. based In Irvine. J . Robert Fluor, a Newport B each r esid e nt and board chairman of the F luor Corp., ret."'Cntly was named to tt:e Irvine Company's board of directors. Offic ials from the Irvine Company vigorously denied both rumors. According to Martin Brower, an lrvi~e Company spokesman , Kremer's decision to resign wu his own. He said the 42-year-old president was not forced out. Brower said also that the resignation is not re lated to changes made last month on the company's board of directors when d eveloper Donald Bren was named co-chairman a nd Fluor and businessman John Galvin were pol on the board. (See IRVINE, Page AZ> Dow extends climb as prinie sliced There 's Noah 's .place, not like home By JAMES PELTZ Af 9'*-Wrtter Two major banks slashed their prime lending rates a full point today, stock and bond prices rose again in opening trading and the Dow Jones industrial average climbed further above the 1,000 mark as confidence gre w that interest rates will keep falling. York Stock Exchange. gainers took a 3-2 lead over losers. By JOEL C. DON ()(lfle Delly Hot atfff The elusive Noah the Boa Constrictor just couldn't come to grips with the adage about no place like home ~ckily Ridge knew where to look this tim, and Noah was quickly returned to home sweet home. surprised to learn that good old Noah had spent 2 'h months enjoying the wide open territory of the insulated attic space. The Dow Jones average of 30 industrial stocks, up 105.05 points in the past six sessions, climbed another 1.28 to 1.014.07 after 30 minutes of trading today. His keepers at Pacific Pets in Mission Viejo thought they had put a damper on the ·6-footer's wanderlust _spirit when the 2~-pound reptile was found slithering about the attic of a row of stores on Alicia Parkway. Pet s tore employee Jim Ridge, 17 , retrieved the slender rascal Friday and returned Noah to his 100-gallon fish tank home. But the snake once again decided he was tired of s howing o ff for s tore customers. The case of the disappearing boa constrictor began last w.eek when employees of nearby stores began hearing a strange sound much like water run~ing through pipea. Figuring It might be cauaed by one o( pet atore owner Shirley Sachell's critters on the lam, Ridge was sent to investigate. He found Noah, a remarkable diacovery since the sl)&ke had disappeared from the pet shop and was presumed stolen July 27. "We thought there was no possible way for il to get out of the tank," said Sacheli, Sacheli can only figure that Noah survived on hapless field mice and squirrels that sought refuge in the attic. "It IOWlded like someone was spraying water on the roof," said BJU McCulley, an agent at nearby Realty World store. •11 go• up there and looked around to see what was there. "U I knew it wu a snake up there, I wouldn't have poked around." As for Noah, he'U have a new home with the Ridge family and will have full run of the house, Sacheli said. . Bond prices soared, with prices of long-term U.S . governme nt bonds pining more than $40 for each Sl .000 in face value . Government securities were not traded Monday because of the Columbus Day holiday, but pricet1 of corporate and municipal bonds rose more than $20 for each $1,000 in face value. Before -stock trading began, Morgan Guaranty Trust Co. in New York. the nation's flfth- largest commercial bank, cut its prime, or base, lending rate to 12 percent -a 25-month low - Crom 13 percent. Chemical Bank, also in New York, later matched the cut. Most other major banks last week cut their prime rate to 13 (See PRIME, Page A%) As trading opened on the New Brother, sister poles apart on Newport growth • lSSUe By STEVE MARBLE Of the o.., "°' ..... Bill Ficker, yachtsman, architect and full- time student of life In Newport Beach, has this one vivid memory of the Balboa Peninsula. h 's a hot summer day, cars are backed up bumper to bumper, motorists are honking their horns and slapping their dashboards with impatience, radiators are boiling over. "Stuck In traffic again," says Ficker, looking out a window of his sixth floor office in Newport Center to the city below. "But that was 50 years ago," he adds, laughing. "The people who complain about the tra(fic now must have very short memories." In this third and final part of a Dally Pilot series on the growth-no growth controversy In Newport Beach, the dispute splits families and prompts developers to wait. Previous segments covered the historical perspective of the power plan and environmentalists' concerns. His sister. Sue F icker, for instance, doesn't remember i\ that way. "I remember being able to drive down to Laguna Beach for breakfast and getting back to the yacht club for a morning sail. Now I can't even get to the yacht club. T he cause of the blaze is still being listed as unknown . Firemen probe canyon BY DAVID KUTZMANN or .... o.., ,... ...., Fire Investigators were expected today to complete their probe of the 16.800-acre Gypsum Canyon fire, which by this morning had bl."tm reduced to a few smoldering hot spots in back country eaa~ of Irvine Lake. Orange County Fire Department Capt. Chuck Murphy said the $11 mllllon blaze had essentially burned Itself out by Monday night in the rugged Fremont Canyon area weat of Black Star Canyon and ea.at of the lake. Only five ground-baaed crews were expected to be out on the fire llnea today and Wednesday, with several e ngine companies patrolling the perimeter of the fire zone to extingulah any flareups, Murphy sa1d. I The blue, which began Saturday morning In Oypaum ----lllDEI---- At Your Servke A7 Hol'OICOpe A9 Erma Dombeck A9 lntennllllon 86 Bultneaa B3-~ Ann Landers A9 Cavalcade A9 Movlea Be a-&fJed C5-8 National 1'ewl A3 Comk9 B7 Public Notica 83-4, C4.S en.word 87 Sporia Cl.4 Duth Not:k.w C5 Dr. St.elncrohn Al Stan D.iaplane Al TelevtaAon • l'.dltorial A8 n.ten • •••riabvnent ee w .. tMr-AJ t Canyon, destroyed 14 homes and damaged aix others in exclusive hillside neighborhoods In Anaheim Hilla. Villa Park, Orange and SanU_,o Canyon. Some fire offlclala specuJated MondAy that the blue may have been t rlasered when 1wlrlln1 San ta Ana wind g usta caused electrical lines to fall In the Oypaum Canyon area near the Riverside Freeway. However, Murphy aald thla momlng, untJI flre lnveat.11aton compleie their work the aiu. of the blaae ta still belna Hated officlally u unknown. The lire captain alto aald he could not c:omment on whether there were any lndicat.lona the flre may have been deliberately aet. In addition to d•troy~n 14 homes and damach'l llx the fire 1uued 12 barns an 1heda1 •• destroyed Hveral aUUJIDOOIJm and cawed lnjuriea to more than 140 people, lncludina atx flnfilh-.. None of the fnjurl•, however. wu eerioUI. "The traffic's so bad it's not even sa(e to go outside. I can't even ride my bicycle anymore." The Fickers. brother and sister. are practically neighbors. Both live near the tip of the Balboa Peninsula. They grew up in Newport Beach and have watched, with equal interest, as the town changed. But the similarities stop there. The Fickers are polar opposites when the talk turns to Newport Beach . Some people call them the "Fightin' Fickers." BilJ is a Newport Beach booster, a man who likes the way the city has grown up and feels the community will get even better if allowed to continue growing. Sue says the city is going from "bad to dismal" and believes the developers have "raped and reaped" their way from the Santa Ana River to Corona del ry1ar. "The town's been ruined," she claims. "They let all the developers use up their coupons too quickly. It was compulsive, obsessive -like a doctor trying to squeeze in too many patients. "Just take a drive around," she says, reaching a high-pitch. "All you have to do is look and you can see that something has gone wrong. We've developed beyond the realm of intelligence. And I'm going to be moving out of here pretty soon." Bill, who has had a hand in some of the building. sees things differently from his s.lster when he drives around Newport Beach. "You don't get one of the best hospitals in the entire country by stopping growth," he retorts ln a reference to Hoag Memorial Hospital. "I truly feel that \he.people who complain are those that haven't matured with the community. They're the same kind of people who remember how it was In college and fong for those da:vs." Not onl y do the Fickers disagre e on whether the c ity should continue to grow, their own memories of what the town (See ATTEMPTS, Paae A4) Buddy. Ebsen fuming over Malibu f ir es LOS ANGELES (AP) - Residents including actor Buddv Ebeen called for "al'IOn patrols'' after 11 weekend bruah fires - many of them deliberately 11et - burned 751000 acres, lnju~ 147 people ana destroyed 81 homes. "It really infuriatee me," laid Ehlen. of Newport Beach, star of television's "Barnaby J~a,'' w h ose ranch on Matrbu Mountain waa aaved from the larl"t of the fires. "Thia fin endaniered the lives of my !:1:J and many people In the He said h e would try to ftl'ftn.ire such arson J>ll.rOlt. -·"TV. seen a mnaD bruah fire wtlh two youna children rid~ away from It on their blcydm, uld .J:b aen'1 24 ~year·old dauahblr' Kikl. ...................... "f think we need to have children watched more dmely ln ~ ......, aod I think people ......... '° haw .. be men aware Of wno 11 In .. ..,.; Homeowaer Pal McCouell l•ne • • llacnel • he IOolia o•er wh•• la left of lall hoaee, cl..aroyed by wMkencl fire In Onqe. "It'• hard to pa&rol -... without--. -,...,, ........... /1 I . HIF Oreno Co111t DAILY PILOT/Tueedly, October 12. 18'2 stories ·::~JRVINE COMP ANY . • • • Irvine may add hike trail Tho lrvine Ctty Council, 1ull reaching for a w•y t o 1olve traffic fruatratlon1 o( Culvcrdale resident.a, will coru1der a pror:>aMl.l tonlghl to add a new bicycle lr811 a nd walkway along Culver Drive. 1. ' "' 0 n c c o m p IA n y 1 n s I ll t' r f,r "eck.nowlcdgcd that M'Vernl board , membett did feel that Kn•m1·r .. dltu.d acted with "u "hcuvy h11ml" 'AJ.•e&rUer this year when try111g to 1 ·1•; ae\tle a dlaput.e wl\h rcaldl'nts fJI '•who lcaJe land from th<' lrvit11 • 1111 •Company. · But, the JXll'90n suid. tlu• bounJ l> ''has been lorgcly 11upvc>rt1vt' of n• J<.remer. : CJ Beyond a prepan•d Pl 1·~s 1oi release, Kremer has nut bl'l'll 1\1 avaJlablt' Cor comment. "When I lniliaJJy jolm·cJ th1 • company in July. 19 77, we .',•greed to a fi v c-y (•.1r ,. 111~ommitm ent, whic h I h o ve '-'1, fuHllled," Kremer said in lw> 'l1'1Jrepared statement. ~I -He said he wiU pursuL• otlwr • personal business inwrcst.i. uul will ~rruun 1& i tOCkhuldcr In the company One Irvine Company 0Hk1al suggested that Kremer holl tx,-en frustrated by hla job and lta demands. "He has never enjoyed the public end of It, the fact that he is olways being buttonholed on iasul.'S. I believe he will get Into something that does not call for such a tr emendous amount of public exposure." Newport Beach Mayor Jackie Heather. who has known Kremer sin<.-e he took over the compa n y reins. likened his i;esignatlon to that of a baseball team manager. ''It's always easiest to get rid of the manager when things aren't going well," she suggested. -By STEVE MARBLE Dogged soccer player Revlew of the recommended trail along the northwest side of Culver will occur during th~ couf)Cll meeting beginning at 6:30 p.m in lrvlne City Hall, at Jamboret> Road 'and McGaw Avenue. The bike and walking trail would run from O ld Main to Main streets and la int.ended to keep pedestrians from crosaing Culver at Ferri.a Avenue. where residents h ave complained of safety problems. PRIME RATE CUT . • • • Ginger, a I 0-year-old dac hshund-te rrier owned by Fri ts Hoscnve ldt of Ont.ario, Canada, practices he r moves between filming. sessions for her movie 44A Minor Miracle." Ginger will be featured along with international soccer s tar Pele. T n e trail would allow 'Pedestrians, especially school c hildren heading f o r Woodbridge. more oppo,...a.inity to cross Culve; at a s top signal. Residents claim most children tend to cross the six-lane road at Ferris because n o impr oved walkway exists on the northwest side of the street. percen t from l:J.5 percC'nt. although Mello n B a nk 1n Pittsburgh, ranked 15th. ('Ul its rate last Friday to 12.75 pt•rct•nt from 13.5 perceot. average closed above 1.000 was on June 23, 1981, when It stood Ill 1,006.66. The average has risen about 236 points in two months Schools OK vandal policy Culverdale residents initially had petitioned the council for a signal at F erris, as well as another o n M ai n and Thiel Avenue. Th e Dow J ones indus trial averase surged 25.94 points to 1,- 012.79 on Monday. That wus its highest level since it ftnishcd at .:tlrt ,016.93 on April 28. J9Hl. &•fun• ,,,.Monday. the last limf' thl• I•)'>( The prime rate last stood at 12 percent on Sept. 12, 1980, a period when it had started to rise and was climbing to' a record of 21 .5 percent, r eached In De<:ember 1980. • ~.':_HB h omeowners win r;~tlood insurance appeal !.•fln .By ROBERT BARKER .. );>_lOf .... DllltJ "°' ..... -"-'~~.Nearly 5,000 Huntington , •!)»each homeowners will not havL• :'i•:to pay about $800,000 in flood ,.,, 1jn1urance payments on their hQmes because a federal agency . ._\lpheld a ci ty appeal . a . ",epokesman said today. • "Y' In 1980. the city appeal£'<.! ' ':'federal requirements for annu<.11 : ';.t tIOod insurance payments of $1 60 · ~n more than 7,000 residentia l ";•lots. Chica streets on the east and west. Planning officials said a difference of a fraction of an inch in grading levels can ma ke the difference whether insurance is needed. The federaJ requirement st.ates the building pad must be one foot above the anticipated flood level in a so-called 100-year flood in order to b e exempt from insurance provisions. By PHIL SNEIDERMAN Of the OallJ "'°' le.ff F o untain Valley Sch ool District trustees have a pproved a new policy designed to reward schools that kee p vandalism damage to a minimum. Under the program. $1,500 will be aJlocated this year to each of the district 's 15 e le mentary schools. Vandalism expenses will be deducted from this sum. A school can use any remain ing funds to purchase special item£ such as a spor ts scoreboard or to !inan<.-e a fi eld trip . Vandalism cost the district about $19,000 during the 1981-82 school year. prompting officials to consider new programs aimed at curbing window breakage. spray painting and other damage. One proposal called for C:istricl schools to compete against one another for the lowest damage tutal. This plan was deemed unfair. however, bC'cause school location s a nd st ructural diffe r e n ces might give some schools an advantage. Under the new program, each school wall chart its own progress in keeping vandalism expenses down. If expenses are low for the first half of the year. some funds will be released in January. The remaining money. after deductions for damage, will be released during the last week in May. Each school's student council will de termine how the money will be used Assist<lnt Superintendent Ja(•k Mahnken said burglary losses. such as a break-In that resulted in the loss of a d1str1ct television set. would not be counted agail)Sl a school because such acts are riot usually <.'Omm1tted by elementary students. Also, a c ts o f vandali s m comm1tt ecJ during s ummer vacation months would not be charged to a school's yearly allocation. Incidents in which a parent pays for a child's vandalism damage also would n o t be charged against the school's allocation. In a related matter. district trustL.>CS have decided to continue with a district policy, In effect since 1979. that requires school lights to be left oH at night. The measure was enacted to ~ve on energy costs and to test a t h eory that vandalism would decrease if the lights remain off. Assistant s uperintendent Mahnken said results of the lights-out policy in deterring vandalism are incondus1ve. During the current year. lights will be lefl on at one school. Fulton. to determine whether increased energy costs are oHset by a reduction in vandalism expenses. Council members. however. declined to add the signals based on staff and advisory oommittee recommendations. The walkway idea comes from a citizen-staff committee appointed by the council last month to find other options to improve safety. • Other recommendations from t~1e ad hoc committee include: -Tapering Culver to allow a widened stretc h o n th e southeastern side where Orange County Transit District buses stop. The tapering would aJlow buses to st.op closer to a signal at Culver and the San Diego Freeway. -R evising umang on the signal at Culver and Main to proVlde more gaps in traffic to make exiting from Ferris onto Culver easier. Of that total. 4 .9 8:l :•!'":homeowners are now exempted '• "'from paying the flood insurancC' -, t while 2, 194 residents will havt· tu ; ·'ieontlnue paying the bllli.. ""according to cit y Publ1t· The ci ty hired a consultant to tonvince the federal &nergency Management Agency that nearly 70 percen t of the homes in the appeals area were above that level. Assumable loan ruling downplayed lnfonnalion OHicer Bill Re<-<l ~ '* ' •lJ' h e Feder a I I!.: me r gt• 11 c.· y _,.,.,,Management Agency had '-h!quircd all the homes includ<.-d 'n the appeals to pay insurance 'Vbecause they lie in the flood plain 'l'l of the Santa Ana River. ,~ .. ,' .. .,, ... ; The ·a..,~a of the city rove red in the appeals case includes Edinger .~nd Ellis avenues on the north l• ,afid south and Gothard and Bolsa . ~\\ ., ,;41: A list of the exempt homes is availab l e a t the publi c information oftice a t the eecond floor of the Civic Center. 2000 Main St. Another list can be viewed al Central Library. 7111 Talbert Ave. Reed urges people checking on their exemptions to bring their tract and lot number to his office. He says that information can be found on tax bills. By STEVE TRIPOLI ()(the Deity Ptkll ltaff Lawyers. realtors and savings and 'loan spokesman have down· played the impact of an Orange County Supt!rior Court ruling that tentatively upheld the assumability of cer tain mortgages. Judge Phillip Petty ruled last week that loans made by state- ch a rte red savings a nd loan associations which have since Clear overhead NATION .. ... Lo Pep 81 32 85 42 3:0 30 68 fl1 5t M 87 58 58 ~ 78 fl2 .01 "'• ~· • ht•.~J,,.,u C., ... r." t~ 70 NO,.,. v l> 0.,01 01 CO"'" , .. ,, ·~:=ronts :Cold .. Warrn ww s.-'° 65 !>' 06 51 35 . Oman• 12 66 oe °'1anclO 74 51 Ptlilaoelpfli• 6 1 58 1'11oentll 4 7 37 P11111>1Hgh M « Ponlend,Me 50 46 Pona.nd,Ort 10 53 PrOV!denee ~~ ~ :::o~G 113 51 San Antonio 51 30 Sen Oteoo 51 40 San FrancllCO 14 49 &Mttle 11 44 St.LOUii 31 27 81.P .. •Tempt 63 43 8f>c*- .. 71 8ytKUM M 5t .. T09tl&t 51 4f TllCton 74 eo .02 WMtllnQ1on 7t .. .31 Wlchl1• ... ..... 1.ff 81 ... 74 00 72 ff 83 13 == ... 47 10 19rlt0'# 70 u . 8-mon1 :: 44 .Ot 'llO INr 61 .... 04 = 13 • ·03 CuMr Cl•r ~ : 1.: l---• sa 3t 87 71 .04 ... 55 82 58 75 5t 6e 31 73 ... 58 34 65 30 55 37 67 64 _37 85 12 88 51 M 49 5t 48 88 74 .01 63 3t 63 48 .10 ... as 75 45 81 51 .. '3 "' '--74 36 17 M 11 ... 71 411 " ao 11 31 95 IO 17 H 7a llO Stattonary •• Fretn<> 83 52 i..naater 75 17 long 6Mch 87 55 . l.c>eA~91N 113 63 M•rytvt .. 85 Monrovta t1 48 Monterey 65 55 NMdlft 78 63 Newpoit Bemcn 7t 58 01klend 85 51 Ont•rlo 87 ... Ptlm Springe " 5$ Pu.derla Ml 55 PMO Rot>IM 86 42 . Red 81ufl N 53 Redwood Ciiy 81 52 Reno 6$ 21 Sac:remento 90 41 a1111n .. 71 47 San &«nardll'IO 112 54 CANADA ... 31 c.lg•rr tc1mon10n ... M ~" ... eo 32 OtlllWI 51 31 ~ 53 22 TOfOlllO eo 49 5f 42 ' V6noCMIVtf WIMll>eO 4• 42 Smog -wMfe to ••II ,, .. , ,,.., tor ' ...... ~ ....... I Ill' 11,IRT ~" ..... ;Ct~.' ......... Md IM ..,,_.IO ........... ______________ ._·~~~,.., '.EJrlende'd 'foreu.1 ... ~,. ........... ....... ...,_ ..... .. ....... .. """" --TOllllM INt ...-, II fl I• "'°"" deer ~ of Mftr lftOrfllfla I lot •t ello HHt 111 Otoftf• CcMMlr ...... IO to It. HlfM , "°"' .... "' .......... .. ... IOI ._. ... . • switched to federal charters should be assumable. Federally chartered S&Ls are allowed e fC ectivel y to bar m ortg age assumptions by exercising a loan clause that calls for full payment wh'!n property is sold. State chartered Savings and Loans cannot do that. Petty's ruling indicated that loans made by fe deral S&Ls while still under stat e charter will be governed by state rules. The decision is not final . however. Fred Crane. lawyer for the Garden Grove property own er who brought the· action. saJd Petty's ruling on law now will have to be specifically appUed to his client's case. If Petty makes such a ruling the caae probably will be appeale d by the d efendant. Fidelty Fede ral Savings a nd Loan Association. C ran e said. The appeals would open the door to the case becoming a precedent in the industry. according to Crane. Severa.I other groups with an interest in the case said they doubt that its impact would be so large. however. Leonard Shane. president and c hairman of the board of The case's impact is 'very much overstated.' Mercury Savings and Loan in Huntington Beach. said the case's impact is "very much overstated and overemphasized." Shane called bars against use of the so-called due-on.sale clause, which requires full payment of a loan when property is sold. "a device for breaking a contract." But he also said that such rulings more reflect the problems brought on by the overa11 economic picture and its unpact on the housing market. Julie Stewart of the California Association of Realtors said the ruling "was not surprising to us" and that it upheld th e association 's opinion on loan assumability. But she add ed that federal legislation n o w a waiting President Ronald R eagan's signature would guarantee assumability with weightier federal laws, and without the possible long wait for court action to achieve the same end . Andrew Katz. F idelity Federal's lawyer an the case. said he also believes the case w ill have little impac t because 'Fidelity Federal had cam.'eled its no tic,e o f foreclosure o n th e property before the lawsuit was actually under way. Katz said he also feels that Petty's interpretat ion was derived in part from errors in the fact& involved, and it therefore wouJd lose its potential impact if carried to higher courts. DESIGN -QUALITY -PRICE There is a choice! Hav<' you been frustralcd, !tearching for cngagcmcnl and wedding rings, and finding that mos1 of those that you've seen all look the s.ame, in !ttore after storel Arc you also con cerned about quality and price when choosing your d iamond and feel you may be mi!tlc d because each Slore has a diffe rent mel h o d o f c omparing qualities, and they won't give you a guarantee that you drc p.lying a .fair priccl At Wyndham Leigh you will find d truly exciting colle oon of unique rings craftt"d In our own workshop in 16 kar.it gold <1nd platinum. We take the time to explain diamond qualities and prices, so you will know exactly what you are buying, and that you are p;aying the right p rice, and the n substantiate this w ith a money back guarantee. There are many fine jewelry stores in .Orange County, but only one that SJlCClallzes In designing and creating the unique and beautiful engagement and wedding rings found at Wyndham L('lgh. Engag~ment rings available fro m $•SO Wedding rings available from S17S 127 F•JNOn I~. ~ IHCh. CA t2660 PW• lulodcs Wlbhlrt ' • • •• I I , Orano• Cout DAILY PILOT!Tu11d1y, Ooto.,., 12, 1882 H/F .41 Brown., Wilson • NATION heat up campaig'fl Huge oil sale set off Alaskan coast WASHINGTON (AP) - OU lnduatry offlciala say the eale of leases In Alaska's Beaufort Sea may be the "crown jewel" of lnt.erloJ4t Secretary James Watt'• ambltlo\ls program lo ofter virtually the entire U.S . coesillne for exploration. Experts say the lease sale Wednesday of 1.8 million acres in the Beaufort Sea may produce the biggest U.S. oil and gas discoveries in 14 years. Some say they believe the aale, to be held in Anchorage, Alaska, wtll bl· the most lucrative of the 41 w bC held over the next flv(' years. With revef\UH from the Beaufort Sea leue going u high u $3 billion. Six states -California. Aluka. Oregon, Waahinglon. Florida and Massachu.etts - a l ong, with several environmental groups have filed sults over Wat~'a leasing program, but those suits will not halt the Oiapir lease. Eye drops removed GRAND JUNCTION, Colo. (AP) -County officials ordered storekeepers here to remove liquid eye care products from shelves after two drops from a Visine A.C. bottle containing hydrochloric acid burned a man's eyes and sent h1m reeling to the floor in pain. "It was like getting hit with a hot poker, I hollered pretty loud," said Larry Martin Tingley, a patient being WORLD treated tor depression at thE' Veterans Administration Hospital, after using the eye drops Monday. After Tingley was injured, police found a second acld- laced bottle of Visine A.C. at a store in Grand Junction, the biggest city on Coforadq's Western S lope of the Rocky Mountains. The seals on the bottles had been broken and they contained a yellow. smelJy llqui<!. .. Japan chief to quit TOK YO (AP) -Prime Minister Zenko Suzuki said today he will step down as prime minister next month in a move to unify his ruling party, which h as bee n , increasingly divided over his economic policies. Suzuki, 71. announced he would not seek re-election in November as president of his Liberal Democratic Party, a post which carries with it the premiership. He had been assured of re-election, and his d eci'aion came as a total surprise. Chief Cabinet Secretary K lichi Miyazawa quoted Suzuki as saying the reason for h is decision was that "mounting internal and external problems facing the nation require uniformity within the LDP." Poles continue strike WARSAW, Poland (AP)- thousands of shipyard workers shouting "Solidarity is alive!" struck in Gdansk for a second dily to protest the ban on their union and were joined today by thousands more in the nearby Baltic port of Gdynia, witnesses said. Western journalists, driving out of Gdans~ to nearby Elblag to breach a telephone blackout Imposed by Conununist Poland's martial- law regime, said the Paris STATE Commune shipyard in GdynJa had joined workers at the V .I. Lenin sh ipyard in Gdansk. An estimated 5,000 workers could be involved in the Gdansk protest, with several thousand more joining the s trik e in Gdynia , the reporters said. They said the strike had resumed in Gdansk at dawn and that police backed by water cannon had surrounded the giant shipbuilding complex. I 0th crash victim dies HANFORD (AP) -An Avenal girl became the 10th victim of a tragic crash between her church's school van and a truck when she died of head and internal injuries without regaining comciousness. The bther nine victims, including eight children, died instantly Friday when the truck driver veered into the .van while trying to avoid a car stalled in his lane near Lemoore in Central California, Terry McGee, 15, dled late Monday at Sacr~d Heart Hospital in Hanford. She was the last person hospitalized with accident injuries. The truck driver, Tony Larios C.astro. 20. of Fullerton was r eleased Monday after treatment for knee injuries. State smog program OK'd LOS ANGELES (AP) - Californ ia atood to gain millions of previously withheld fed eral dollars today with a report that the EnvironmenUiJ Protection Agency has approved the 1tate'1 auto smog inspection T."1i.o. Ange1ea Herald Examiner said the EPA was expected to make the announcement t¢ay ln a Loe Angeles news conference. Gov. Edmund Brown Jr. has slcned a bill pueed by the state Legislature requiring biennial inspection of many California vehicles to make aure they meet federal em19sions 1tandarda. ' By DOUO WILLIS ~ l' .... lo .. Wrtlet LOS ANOELES -An 11urealve P~te Wllllon tore Into Edmund Brown Jr.'1 r<'COrd n1 gov,.rnor Monday night while Brown d e noun ced "th e dlsastroua eoonomJc policies" of Pre1ldcnt Reagan In the final debate betwt..'t.'n toe U.S. Senatc.t candidates. In contrast to laat week's polite exchange on foreign policy, lho \JlC-hour seasion on domestic laaues, broadcast 11tatewlde on radio, took a nastier tone, with BrOWI'\ pressing Wilson for the details of a personal t.ax break and Wilson snapping back a reply and derisively calling Brown "brother." In a closing speech reminiscent of Reagan's attack on P resident Jimmy Carter in their la.st 1980 debate, Wilson, the Republican mayor of San Diego, asked, "ls • NB victim of theft sets reward A Newport Beach man is offering a $10,000 reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction or the thief who stole $70,000 in jewelry during a burglary at his Big Canyon home. Tom Evans, 55, said someone slipped into the exclusive gated community and smashed a glass door leading to his b edroom while Ke and his wife were out to dinner between 6:45 and 8 p.m. Taken in the heist were about 50 to 60 pieces of gold and diamond-studded jewelry valued at about $70,000. None of it was insured. "I don't care if l get the jewelry back," said Evans . "Maybe somebody knows the guy who did it and wants $10,000. The couple were getting ready to go to Palm Springs and had left the valuables out, Evans said. lronically. Evans recently came out or retirement to start a safety deposit box company in Newporl Beach. Anyone with any information can write United Safe Deposit Co .. 201 San Joaquin Hills Road, Newport Beach. Two dead after HB collision Two Huntington Beach residents have dled as a result of a weekend traffic accident. police reported today. Police sai d Ri c hard Katchadoorian, 18, of 10071 Cu tty Sark Drive, was southbound on Magnolia Street near E l lsworth Drive in Huntington Beach when his a uto struck a legally parked dump truck at 11 :05 p.m. Saturday, police said. The driver was pronounced dead at the scene, police said. One of hJs passengers, Karl Ann Schneckner , 22, o( 808 California St., waa taken to Fountain Valley Community Hospital, where she died Monday afte rnoon of malllive head injuries, according to a hospital spol<esrnan. Two other pueengera, Teresa Heu, 19, and a 16-year-old boy whoee name waa withheld, both residents of Hun\ington Beach, received minor lnjurlea in the mishap, police said. A wilne91 told police the auto was driving with lt1 headUghta off. Officers said the cawe of the accident la still under lnvettigatlon. we're Listening ••• What do you like about the Dally Pilot: What don't you llk.e? Call the number at left and your ~ will be recorded, tramcribed and delivered to the appropriate editor. 842•8088 The same 24·hour answertn1 ttrvlce may be uaed \o re~nt let· tera to ttw editor on any topic. Mailbox coatributors must Include their name and telephone numbel' ror vertflnllon. No clrculaUon calls, pleaat. Tell us whal'a on your mind. Cl:AI lwt ~~ , ........ ,.tWoy ~ Md o..t t!WC411 ... Ollie« ._ A..t lep~ M•l&:Hn ~ fdllot CoMroe. .............. •..... "· Dlreoot d 0,....... ClaeellM ...... " .... ....,. Al ..... , ....... ....., C.lltomla better olf l.Odtity than It wu laht yur1 aao?" and blametd Brown for the 1tatc'1 problems. Wl11on Hid the Oemocrutlc aovcrnor more than doubled •Ute apendlnai, "taerlCi'-'t'Ci basic education to pump welCorc," buckled popular opinion on 181fues Ukc the death ()(malty, let "the modlly go ber-.,rk," &nd ''told Cill tornla to run tuelf while he ran ott to run for preside nt twice." J Brown jnipcd at Wlltwn on familiar themes. Including the mayor's proposal to let people under 45 withdraw from the Social Security system. But the governor reserved some of his s harp es t atta c k s for Reaganomics. State voters will decide in thil election "whether or not to ratify the disastrous economic policies $200.,000 stamp of the Jut two yeurt" which have "put fear and anxiety Into the heorLI ol mi1Uoru1 and million.a of Collfornlan1.'' Brown aald. H e blamed rl1l ng fedcri.l deficit• and uncmployrnent on tlgh t money, "exccaalve" tax brt'llk11 und Hcog•n 'a military buildup. Wilson replied that vot~r• should support "the kind of courage, the kind of realism that W<' hove seen In rcx.-ent months." He aaid the recession was "a consequ(lnce, not of the la.tel 20 months, but of the last 20 yeara ... on orgy or f e deral spending." ; But the mayor later disagreed with a Reagan administration proposal to trim unemployment benefits for a number of slates, including California, and saJd the administration "has perhaps been optimistic" about how long the recession would la.st. This is a file photo of a ver y r are American postage stamp, a 24-cent Air Mail invert, printed in 19 18, that will be sold at a uc tion in Los Angeles this mo nth. It hasn't been seen o n the market for 3.0 years. GG . chief burned Garden Grove Police Chief Francis Keasler was seriously injured Monday when his propane-powered pickup truck exploded in flames as he was driving on Newhope Street south of the Garden Grove Freeway. Kessler, 50, was taken to UC Irvine Medical Center. He was ~rted in serious condition at the hospital's burn treatment center. Police Sgt. Bruce Beauchamp said the police chief suffered burns over 30 percent of his body. K essle r was driving northbound on Newhope Street when his truck burst into flames. Brown responded to Wlblon'• au.acka by defending hil ret'Ol'd u tiovernor. ''l'm proud of thet la1t tl1ht yeara," Brown said. "l 1ee It u a record of l~aUon and a record of fltihlina. · Hu cited multlbllllon·dollar Income tax cuta and the J>8*8e of new aentenclng lawa \hat are .ending 19,000 people a year to priton, more than double the rate when he took office. Perhap1 the moat. heated exchange of the evening wu on the topic of the invetunent tax le. claimed by Wu.on when he paid no federal Income tax In 1980 on an income of more th.an $70,000. Brown twice asked WUJM>n for · details of a l oan t o hls partnerahip for a projec\ to convert manure to fuel -who had made it, what was the collateral. Trial set in Mesa tot death ~ . A 28-year-old Costa Mesa man pleaded innocent Monday t o charges of murder and murder by torture in the death of his 10-week old daughter. Harvey Mark Davis, ,an unemployed oil well drilJer, was arraigned in Harbor Munlcifal Court before Judge Sel m Franklin. A preliminary hearing was scheduled Nov. 19. Davis was arrested by Costa Mesa Police homicide detectives Sept. 27, four days after Cathy Lee Taylor discovered her daughter Heather Davis dead in her crib. At the time of his arrest Davis was free on $5,000 bail pending a scheduled Nov. 1 Orange County Superior Court trial on charges that he broke both arms of Taylor's 20-month-old daughter, Megan . The infant was removed from the Taylor-Davis residenc:e and taken to Albert Sitton Home for dependent children. Taylor's three other children also are housed at Albert Sitton. If tried and convicted of murder and special circumstance allegations Davia could face a death penalty detennJnation. Steve Harmon, one of Davis' attorneys. said he was hire<! by the Costa Mesa man's parents. He declined to say where the parents are living. Davis is now at Orange County jail where he is being held without benefit of ball. i • ' Laguna orders hillside lVork · Fearing th e threat of mudslJdes and flooding, Laguna Beach City Council member s have ordered the reseeding of a hillside area blackened by fire Sunday. The blue that began in the early mroming hours destroyed a house and scorched 35 acres of land, according to Laguna Beach Fire Chief Ron Adams. That figure represents a revised damage estimate. Flre officials had originally said as many as 60 acres were burned. Adams said 51 engines. including four from Laguna. and 291 flre personnel helped snuff out •the blaze. It. burned an area Check through your Jewelry boK, trunk and aalety ct.9osft box ror that otd p*9 of jewelry that you ,,....., WMt becauM ,,,. deelOn no tonoer appee11 to you or you feel It la dated and unattrec:ttve. How la the II~ to get It freehly mounttd In a new piece ol Jnelry that you wlll ' enjoy. lt'a really amulng flow your otd aton.a can come to m. In a new Mtttna. If you are the .creative.: come In encr dl9clM ~ with u• and we wilt trenllate them Into 1 •ketch that our ,._..., can uee M • 1*19 Print ror ~ dnNm ring, neokJ90e °' other ~ry Item. ~lybe you haven t any conorete ldMe of your own but we can oueto"' d .. IOn tuet wttet you need to mallt • "" t1om1 for thoM pr1IOloul •ton. "'9t .. Ndden •••Y and not being enjoyed l'OW ~ ........ ~W9Y to ___ rout otd II to OOfM ln Md MllOf from lltoe YWtllty or ready·""" • tint• Ju•t ...... ror .,. lddllon °' ,_,, E One °' .,, -...isi•• .... lfllpped UI 8 .... 5 Of reedy-Made ... to .. In ...... '°"' "' rMnou11t1n1 ,our valualllo ............ """'9 .. ..,... °' ii kllldl w r ... .....,. fe'I ... ..... ,... .... fe'l Nd In mind. Dwtnt ...... two ...... " tftla montft •• ''' '"'''"' Crom Skyline Drive down to buildings along Laguna Canyon Road and destroyed lhe house of Thomas Duckworth, 1199 Lewellyn Drive. City officials are now concerned about the mudslide potential danger from a we t winter season. "It depends on how the rain comes and when it comes," said City Manager Ken Frank. "ll we have heavy rains and the rain comes early in the sea.son it wilJ be a real mess." Frank said ci t y coun c il members voted Sunday in special session to· dee 1 a re a loca 1 e mergency . He sa id the @ EiEM WllE proclamation was made in order to get state and federal officials to help the city cover the ooe~f the fire as well as the wo engines that assisted firefig~ in the battle against the S4nJ.a Ana wind-whipped blue 1bJ&t destroyed aeveraJ homes in ~e Anaheim Hills area. I Officials from the COUf\tY Environmental Manage~nt Agency were expected t.o tiait Laguna's fire area to aa~as damages to the hillside, ~ noted. ' Laguna's total bil!.e!::Ji~ firefighting as well as efforts could ~ as hlgh u SIJQ.- 000, Frank said. t : ~ Valu9t In 14K mount ~·up to~ QIC9' LI ring seo. • pendent •21. pMroed .., ttuda l40. n.. compar ... ---11'1 ror *99' atOMS too. , I We WI mel!lng theee ..,... pttoel It thll time to IM~IGt you 10 Oil ltlll wortl done before ltle nlP of Chrletm • ordeu that fffl our "°"' With that thou9flt In min ""'-you cen 11119 ...,.. thl• y111 thet are made fMlly ...,. . ' ' ,,.. .. wetoom• and 1pprool1to MoauM Of their ............ IQUr09, ~Old ...-r rMllY • "'*' --'° .... to your a1r11dy valualltl ............... ~ wll llnotf ... tMI Vlllue, ... , do a ,,.. ..., ..... °" remounted ...,_ tMC COit CMr ''°°· Don't ""' "oft ....... : . ................. °" '""°"' ......... If you fi•ven't ent9'M ''Clam ...... --.. , .......... ,.. ... _ .... ~ ... .......... .. Oft .. , .. Of ....... . tlft ......... .,.. ........... "'"-.... ,.. ...... ..... ,.. .. ~-.. ....................... ... .... ._111111 .. 0tttr_., .... ..,..... ......... BUSINESS ENTERTAINMENT COMICS TELEVISION . Costa Mesa . 83-6 86 87 88 hotel 'chutes' the workers Part of a day of fire prevention practice and fire drills for employees at the Westin South Coast Plaza Hotel included some fun and games involving the fabric escape chule rigged up to the hote l's 4th floor. Among enthusias tit> user's of the chute were members of the Nielsen family, assisted by "dad," Lester Nielsen, who awaits the first arrival (left photo) and (photos below) counts the a rrivals of Abraham, 2, Isaac, 3, and his wife, Janice . . • ...4 Robert Urich sta~ in "Take Your Best hot" in a movie aimed at female viewers ... BB .. -.. 0 0 • • • Followed by big brother • • • And by "Mom," too Sentence of architect in bribe case reduced Former Anaheim architect LeRoy Roae , convict ed of c:iomplracy In c:onnecUon with a bribery .:heme lnvolvtna former Onnae County Supervilor Ralph Diedrich hH won a reduced •entence after aervln1 four · ,monthl in 1tate prl9an. San Die10 County Superior Court J~ ,Ro. '11\arp a,reed to cut ao. • ort,uW 11ntence ot 1-14 ye9ll In .......... to OM y.r In countv tlO and ftw y_.,. probation Thur.day. n.p., fined ... $&,000. With cred1t for time alreedy --. ... would spend onl~ iii .... months behind ben. Ke • 'I would complete hi• aentence either at a county jail In San Diego or Riverside. Tharp bHed hl1 sentence reduction on dlap09tlc 1tudln performed on Role at the men'• prilon at Qlb)O. Role'• attorneys had ~ht his outr11ht releMe, but Tharp refUled. Roee wu conVic1ed ln Tharp'• courU'Oom ln 1979 on a •inlle count of con.p6ney relath'I to a land development plan In Anaheim Hilla. Diedrich, former chairman of the Board of Supe~. wu convicted of bribery and .-.pAncy . LB schools to sell land? In an effort to 1tall educational procram cutbecka, i...una S.Ch Unified School Dtatrfct trwteet wm meet with the Wcuna Beech City Council tontaht to dtlcuu the ule of 11 ~ acrea of unu.ed .chool diltrtct land. School• Superintendent Bill Barne. Mid the dlatrict hopes to .ell +'A acres to the cl ty to be Uled u a park and the remainder for private houalnl development. The entire land •le couJd net the dJstrict u much u '3 million, he .aid. "UnlH1 thln11 chan1• in Sacramento the district wlll receive 1H1 mone1," BarnH explained. "Not only will the land ••I• preaerve tho1e pl'Oll'alM that would nainMlly be ·cut' but It alao gives the board options to enhance exl1tln1 JM"Ol"8ml." The land, located In the Top of the World neighborhood, waa orl1lnally purchaaed by the 1ehool district u an lnvettment for anticipated growth, S.rnea Mid. School board members uked to meet with the c:tty councU to clarify procedW"ft "in order to brln1 about quick Nie of the property,'' he added. The city and echool dfltrict allo plan .. di.cu• how the land wlll be clewloDed. Be1fdft the 4 ~ aor•• that would ........ the dtr ..... diltr1ct would w. to cllWlt the rem1lnln1 property Into 11 11 ... til Orange Cout OAILV PILOTITUMday, OCltober 1a, 19'2 MUC M>nct &•lltlt NO'flOI Of' ''°iffiOUI IUllNi11 I U It I• t 0 I' O OU" T O' .,.,..,..., IALI ..... ITA,....MT O~ NOTIClt OP' DEATH or ......... ....,...., Ttla lollowlng o•r•on It doing COUNTY OI' ORMGI IOLET Cl.YD& ROii, au T.I. .... o..... bUeineM.. *cw.a c...w """· .... 10L&T c. aou AND or a 1 A,, o e ",NAN o, Al 1'11c1<MAN l'l11NP0111 c1 No ,.o ...... S T I TI 0 N T 0 ~AATION • ~y llOOOlnt9CI tTllL. 204 Qr Ivar Av•nua, aaM9 Ma. C••IMa "* DlllNllTEll UTAT& NO Trualat undtr Iha toll owing An.r.tm. Cailfomla 12'°4 MAl'll'llAOI M II' ' dMonOed datcl of trutl Wll.L HLL Larry Wiiiiam 1'1Jct11111n, 2424 PITITIONlfl l'HYLLll COLIJllll •Ill · AT PUILt: AUCTION TO THI Ortwy A--. MeMlm, Calllomla l'lllPONOINT• QIO,rRl!Y To aU NHl'I, beneflciaris, HIOHHT 110011'1 FOl'I CASH HI04 COLj..Jll'I redhora and "onUn1ent (~abet •t llmt of Nie tn 11wtu1 Thi• bu11nN1 11oonouo.iby1t1 •MuiJW•IClOM .... ('A•Y LAWI editor• of Violet Clyde money ol tnt Unltao 8111111 •II lndtVlckial. CUI*-"'' o • n 1t -L-V 1 C o -__ ... right. lltle and lnl.,Mt oonW'ttd to Larry w. NG11111an MOnCll • .... lo et • ..... ..... and ,_held by 111#\0et Mid Dead Thie ... ,_,, -Iii.cl Wl\11 Illa .,.., MM ........... TM """ • r • o n • w h o ma y be o1 Tniat 1n Iha Pf0j)9fty '*9illalt• County CWll of Orane• County on .. , -.wa ...-.. ,_ ......_. therwlte lntel'ftted In the c!HalMd: September 11, 1eu. '"" 1te t111 llaar-1111IH1 ''" Wand/or •&ate: Tl'IUSTOl'I · HAl'll'IY 0 ,,..,_,..,... ............ ~ .. Prrcer Oaw1on Otclter Hanna TbomH Robdy A -tition hat been fll-' VANOAGl'llFf and VllllQINIA R. PUbll•h•d Oran11.• 00111 Dall~ ................... . .. ~ .. ot New""'rt In .c VANOAOl'llFI', huMland and wllt Pllol, Sept. 21, 28, Oo1. ~. 12. 1882 • ~ ................... .. ....,,.. .,.,. · """ a f. NI! Fl C I ARY : F 1 RS T 4112·•2 a11 alfar11ar lfl till• "'•tter, Jtll u.,.rlor Court o f Oran1e FEOIRAL SAVINGS ANO 1.0AN .. _IC .,.,,.,,,_ ......._ .... ..,_,., ....... ,_ nty requestinc that a.Ak AS 8 0 CI AT I 0 N 0 f SANT A "~ "" -. , ........ ti ,....., If mftY,"Nr N ...._ ....J ,_... MOHICA, a oorporatlon M llM all ...... ewpon .,... ap..-n-.. .. Aaootcs.ct June 2 , .. 1 .. inttr NOTte::I cw ..uauc HIAfUMCI AvteOI Center developers formed rtOnal repretent.atlve to ~ 2t73 Ill booll 1:.0.2 paga 877 av THI ltlDIYILO,MIMT u. ... lie •IM -..illMllH II R b p W I dmlnlater the etl•t• ot o1 '0fftclal Recotd,a In 1rie office ot :,or:c,.vr0n:;~10:,c~r:.,...., .._........, -"• ·~ The o ert · arm 11ton lolet Clyde Rou, Corona '"-Raoord•r ot Orange C011nty; IYALUATI THI '"OCIH 0, • ...,...,.. .. • -~" IH. Company and Gerald Vance I Mar. California (under .. id dffd or tru11 dHc:r11111 th• THI RI DIVILO,MI NT 'LANI ,.._.....,. ....... LNla Dicker, a ahopplng center h e I n d e p e n d e n t ro11ow1~ pr~y: '°" MDIVILOllMS~CT ll!Mfmultn ..-....... apeclallat, have announced the dmlnl1tration of Estates c:::o!~1u:,:'t1n~m,::, ~11(1~~ ARIA !"0· 1TCTHI 01owNTOWN ~·;: .!':::.=1•.:!•!.:: formation o( Dlclter-Warmtn1too and implementation of lnverll{lry ). ~petition la .et for '"Unit"), u •hown upon th• :."c:~~"~c: :l aa1111ta, dabtrfa ll••trl• Properties, a company that will systems . The compute r i zed -artna In Dept. No. 3 al 700 Condominium Plan. l•ntlll•d ~;LT HI w ALL Ac i IMl••14••n•, • .... --. s~iallze In mixcd·l.l.8C and rel.all trac king system e nsures that Ivie Center Drive WHl, "CondOflllnlum Pl1n for Lot 1 of -~"'°"CT AMA; 141 ,..,,.,.... • .,...,i.11, el lier •• •--, Callfo-•· 92701 Trac:t No. 10587"1, (Th• "Pt1n"). AND TO ACClftf l'UaJC W\IT •1tu11a, ,.,.. .. , , .. ,.,,_.. • a oppln~ Ci?n ter d evelopme n ts invento r ies meet current and -IVNI •m• r•corda.d on July 12• 1978 •• 0 It 01,llCTIVll 0, TH ....... t dd t ' th I t' ,. t--' b I d ' . r October 27, 1982 at 9:30 Oooument No . 15810, lo book NTH~ . I 1. lO THE RE.SPONOENT n a to n, e c ompany ll an tc pa~"' us ness con 1t1ons o 13228. pagu 79 throuoh 11& ~ INITITUTI 'AMIL Thi pa1111onet nu Iii.cl a pa111ion looking to acquire existing the Distribution Companic.'S. 'ir YOU OBJECT IO lhe lnGlullw 01 OtttcW Racotda of Nici NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that c:onoernlng your Mlfrlaoa. If you fall &h ofiplng cent.en1 and hotel• for A 26-year employee of FDC's Orange County. wNch plen P«1all'll Iha ~I •..-.... of the to Ille• reeponae within• da'f9 of (10" ( d Its ' '"" R bit' Su I C ( ant.Ing of the petition, you 10 that pr09WIY ~lbed In TrlC1 Cit 01 Co•t• M;:;'h'u .. 1 th• oat• that thlt 1ummon• 11 ~ an mvet1...,rs. c pu c PP Y ompany o ld either appear at the No. 1osa1.1n the Coun~ of OrllnQI, ., a.wd on~. YoUt Mflilll !MY be California, Hanna Is a gr41duat.e earing and ttate your =~~·11 °!4~•.111g~n~•9.'•i°!~'t ~~ ~~~ ~8~9:~•~11:i11: =:r::nf:o!i':,:;:11~ft:' c! The appointment of RoDald H. o ( P e pperdine Univen;ity w ith DC BUllllll b cllons with the court tht coun1y rac:ordar'ot Mid county. 18"6 Park Avenue, Coit• M•H. proptrty, 1pou1a1 1uppor1. Child estate/major Joana, was made this h o lds an a ssociati' d e gre e in Council, tht· Sale. and Markc tln.a CounciJ o f Orange County, and the 8ullding Induittry ~ialion uf Southe rn California. Thoma~. who was formerl y Dean Witter Stock Bro ke rage, has an extens1vt" backgro und in salt.11 and adm inlst.rauon . He wiU 11pedal1ze i.fl the leasing and sales o f industrial properties at Ashwill Burke-Irvin('. A graduate o f UCLA with a d egree In a'On omil.:il and finan<..-e. Thom1ts is a reside nt o f L o ng Bea.ch. bEUona or file written M~ Mapa 1n the ofllcl 01 NeiollbotlloOd Community C9n••. othet ordeit• oonc.ernlng dM910n ot Pracer as vice president of real a degree in manageme nt and also ore the hearlna. Your PARCEL 2· An undl'ild«I 00268 CalllOfnl•. "'JM PlaGI lor • publk: cu11ody ohlld 1upport allornty F W S l d I o 1 · 1 d · 1M11r1no1obe"heldby111eAQency10 1 '1 ndlUGh 1114.r e11e1 week by ar est av ng1 an p etr o eum technolog y Crom Frederick 8 . Rent1cbler, ppearance may be ln penon g:'~~n~n ~~!::• .~ :~ow~0 ~~~ ,..,. and tvalu•11 •h• progr"' 01 !:· ~ot g~~tld by 1~ ~t T: Loan A11oclatlon. 0 rang e Coast Co 11 e g e in ~re s Id en t or Hunt .We u on by your attorney. daflnecl on the Pien. the Oowntown R•d1v1lopm1nt g1rnlihment 01 wagai, taking 01 p F W "'-J·f . IF YOU ARE A EXCl!PTTHEREFROMallollQN Pro19C1AreaN01111dth41WlllaG1mc>MyorP<C>P111Yorottiereour1 rager com es to ar est ~1omw . ooda, Inc . announces the REDITOR or 8 oontinjent rnlnetMI and 01,.,., h)'droc:erbone· Neighborhood R1davatopm•nt euthorl1ed proe..d1ng• m1y aJllO Savings from Lloyd 's Bank o f kro motio n o f Dr. Donald D . f h d __ ...... below• cHipth or 500 IMt wtthOUi Projac;l Atea No 2 • rMUlt California, where h e was v ice A 1bw111 B 11 r Le -1 r., In' e bod to Lh 't' f tor o t e ece-"""', you 1111 right of iurlac1 tntry. u At Illy tlm•. not ••••r thin the o11ec1 July 20. 1H2 • .. 'Y e post ion o senio r uat file your claim with the r~ In lnatn.imanll ol rac;ord. hour 11or ... 1d Mt tor heerlo, 9'\y LM "· Brench preslden t o f the real estate a nnounces the addition of two vice pres1dent with responsiblllty ur.t or present it to the PARCEL 3: An ••ctullv• right and paraon who cMllre• 10 uprffl •n Clark. Industries division. H e previously commerclul/industrial real est.ate for researc h and d evelopme nt, eraonal representative taHmtnt to uH th• Patio Arta opinion on th• r.•ogrt1• 01 tha By: T. M. Burn•, waa vice pres ident o f real estate broke rs, Bill Da•on and Rex quality assuram.-e a nd corporate Ppolnted by lhe court cMalQnel.O p.g on lhe plan u being ted•v•lopm•nt Pan• m1y Illa. In Deputy C appurlanant to the Unit. writing, • 11at•m1n1 ot hl1/her ~AN A. DtlNllON loans for American ity Bank, Thomas. relations. llhln fOllr months from the PARCEL 4. An ••c:lullve rloht and 09lnlon• At th41 al><W9-tt•ted pl-• Tew11 ca..• om., where he was responsible for D a w so n h as be e n i n R hd h · · d H t ate of first luuance of _.,..t lo._. the P#klng 19K9 and tkM any par1«1 Of organlutlon hlta -o Y, w o JOI ne un -tten as provided in Sectl.on cMalQnetld on 1119 Plan .. Panclng dlllrlng to be '-d wilt bl 1n0<cs.ct c..ta....., c.._..... construction and intermediate comme rcial and reside ntial real Wesson in 1963, assumes this oo of the Probate Code of s~ No. PS.291. th•t opponunlty. Tai: (714) M1·-real estate investme nts. estate in the Newport Beach area position aft.er serving four years allfornia. The lime for YOU ARE IN OEFAULT UNDER A p,!r!,!':! :.:.:.~~ PJibll•h•d Orin~ CoHI Dilly sln<.-e 1973. He was with Coldwell a s v ice pres1d e n t , cannery 11 .... claims will not expi-DEED OF TRUST OATEO MAY 29· 1o11owa· Piiot, Sept. 21' 211· 1. 6' 12' 18112 Bobble L . "Bob" Hanna has Banker for five years be fore o p e r ations During h 1 s ... ,. "' 19111. UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION llllD.IVILO,MINT 'lllO.llCT 41~ ri->r to four months from TOPROTECTYOURPROPERTY.rT AllllA NO 1 DOW NTO WN b een pro m o ted to genera l joining Standar d Pacific Corp. as e mploy m e nt at Hunt-Wesson , he date of the h earing MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. ~CT AlllH -PUBLIC NOTICE manager, lnventOry Control, for director of Sales and Marke ting. Rohdy has been assigned to a ,,,,_.., bo IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION .... ~ a ve. o" THE NAT u RE o F THE Thi• ar•• "-'OU911'Y dftcrlbld u •-o1t12 Fluor Distribution Companies, Most re<.•en~I , he was director o f variety o f senior staff and lane YOU MAY EXAMINE PROCEEOINGAOAINST YOU YOU being~ by leth Slr•t on l~COUlt'TOf'ntm I b d ' f F J f J p Co · j b'I .. file kept by the court. If SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. th• no+th. Orange Avanua on 1111 ITATS °' CALWOMU n c ., a s u si 1ary o luor sa es or . . et.ers mpany. operat1ona respons1 11Ues. 1.1 are Interested In the eo<>CaoMYL•na •111 Newpott ... 1.t7th8traetonth41aouth,and c~OIOflANO& Corporation. A res 1d e n~ o f Huntington Rohdy is a graduate of Iowa l Beaeh CA.92927 · PomoneAvanuaontlMI-•. 700Clv!GCefttetDftftWMI H·a nna reports to FD'' Beac h , Daws on is a c tive 1n St.ate Un1·ve rs1'ty w1'th a B S 1n estate, you may flea request "(II i .. , .. , addr ... Of common llllD•YILO,MINT '1110.llCT ........... CA "101 • ..... . . ~h the court to receive dealgnillon 11 ahown •bova. no A It I A No. 2 -w • t 1 a o • PLAINTIFF: LEONARO KLEEOER. President Leon Shack e lford and several industry organizations, general Agriculture and a Ph.D . apeclal notice of the warr1nty 11 gh•n •• 10 111 •~"°-"CT AMA uss1E KLEEOER. HARRIS nvf'rsees the audit, deve lopment including the H ome Builder's in Agricultural F.conomics. ~~n~~~ea~~a~u~or~r~~l "Th41 ~~~~~•bid• m~~ROOEmFOO~J~N~-----------------------------------------------­_... of the ..-tJtJona, accounts b•n•llGlary undtr H id Oetd .>I being l>QIHlded by Hamlltoo StrMt INOLANO 1nd JOHN SEITZ, -r-Tru1I by r•uon of a brHGh or on the north, Pomona Avano9 on RUSTEES FOR SEITZ·ROBISON Vld repo rtt described In Mtauit In the obllgatlonl -..rid 1"41 ..... Wast 19111 StrM1 on the MPLOYEE PROFIT SHA~NG ai. c l l 0 n 1 2 0 0 0 f t h e th«eby. h«etofor• HAGUl.0 and IOUlh, and Placanll• A¥1!'1ue on Iha p L,. N. RA y M 0 N 0 "EN s EN ' '"'"11itornla Probate Code. d•llv.,ad to lh• und.,1lgnad • -· LIZABETH JENSEN. PAUL .... written Oeelwallon ot Otfaoh and The Radevalopmtnl AoenGY wtlt BE c I( LE y • JEAN BE c K l E y . Me.er v e. M • mp er • Demand for Sale and written notlca allO conduct • public hearlng on Iha ERNON SPIT ALERI. MARJORIE ..... e I . By: E r.H t J . of braedl and oi llle11on to eauM -dtll •nd time IOf pub(lc; lnpvl PITALERI. CARTER McDONALO . •••• Jr •••• Robert A. th• und•relgn•d to .... 1ald with r••P•CI to lhl Urbln Lind MARIAN McDONALD and JOSEPH J'Oater, E••·· Attoraey1 al Pf09WIY to utlsfy Mid obllgellonl lnttltul• Panel Advltory Slr¥1C. RISAY, TRUSTEE tor ORISAY La ... UH Camp•• Drtv.a, and lh•rHlllt th• und•11lgn•d Th9 Penet Ad"*>ty Sltvloe Study FAMILY TRUST. "' eauMd Mid nouea of bread! and ot wlll provide th• Agency with 1n 11e<1UI r.o . Box '1111, Newport lltctlon to be Reoofdld June 15 obl•Gt1¥• •v•lu1tlon ot th• DEFENDANT: DONALD M Beacll, Callfornla tZllO. 19112 N ln1tr. No. 92·20• 170 ot Hid d•valopmant pot1ntlal lot th• UTHERLAND, LAWRENCE A. (714) '1$t·lff5 Offlelll "'-t«dl Downtown A«leveloPmanl Proi-ct LEVINSON, LEON H. LEVINSON. l'ubllab~ Or•n•• Co••I 0.11,. Said HI• w'lll b• m•d• but ArH. Th• Ob)IGllYH ol Iha ULI pH y L l 18 TA y L 0 R. J A y Ne -... Ort.$,6.12.lllt.2 without co111n1nt 01 warrinty PlnllSluctyareto· KAVLICH, LIZ SAURWEIN, ·ir-43$6-U expr-or llllplild ttqardlng 11111· 1 Oel•rmln• d•v•IOpmant BARBARA TOMPKINS. HELEN J;} . potMM!on, or aneumbranc.. to pot1nll1I within 1111 Downtown DEIR, H THOMAS MARSTON , " rtaJC lllOTIC( pey the remelnlno principal aum ol Red"'91opmanl Projac;t Afee. AMB L YN C SMITH, PAUL OE ---c--OP ntE t119 notl(I) MCU<ld by Mid Dead Of 2 Con1ld•r land plannlng QUATTRO, PATRICK O'NE.ll, ALAN --..._., Tru.t with lnteteet M In Nici l'\Ole ~II GEISLER, JAMES MOOS. J.A ITATS CW CA.L.9'0RMIA 'Ofl prOVld.cf edvanc:ft II Illy und., 3. Ravi.w •~l11lng tnd propoeld WE 8 THO FF . WEST H 0 FF TMI couwrt..., •1::.~ the 1.,mt of Hid O..O ·oi Truit tralllc Glrculallon pat11rn1; CORPORATION. a Calllornla .. ._ ciharQll and ·~ ot 1.,e dll.,mlnallon ol lhalr po1ltlv•I 001po11tlon, RAMBLEWOOO, a .~ ~~~':.It'~ Trutl• and of "'9 INlll creeled by n." 11 1 ¥. Imp. c 11 0 n 'h. Calllornla Umlted Par1,..,lhlp, l'AR , ~ C.C.Jt.\ _.._ MklDeaclotTNlt Seldul9wlllbe development potenllal within the WEST SAVINGS ANO LOAN ~ ......... ctt'•col.,~~ ......... held on W~ay, Odober 20 Downtown Red4r>alopmanl Projlcl ASSOCIAT ION , • Call tornl1 ., ,... -11,. ""''"' 1982 et 2:00 p M 1 the C"'•-...: Aree. eorpofallon, and DOES I through C~RON RICHAl'IO N LSON and • ' ·a ._.,,_, 4 Oav•lop 1 m1rkat lng / 50 ~ ..:ELBA LORIE NE LSON. lot AwnueanlrencetothlCMeCenttt ~tatlonetrat90)' ' IUWONI °*'Ga Of Name. ~ulldlng, .~~.,E••, ~ChapmCA.1n For t11rther Information eonlac;t CAii %.1R MIA7 wHlREAS, palltlonarl. CLARON ,..\tlnUI, In , .. ""Yo ""1f191· P M N I R d j RICHARD NELSON and MELBA At ,,.. tlm• of th• lnltlal II c I ly, • •t:.opmenl NOTICll Yeu haM bMfl l4Md. LORIE NELSON, have lll•d a publleallon of 11111 nollo9, the 10111 A9tflCy of the City of la M .... TM-'_, dtc:6da ......... JOU .,_,, Of the ur1'lald balance ot 7~5327. ....... ,_ ..... ....,,_ ........ r::n;:. ~ ol =~ obl19Atlon tecured br the ebov EILEEN P. PHINNEY ,.. ,.......-....... ~ ..... ,.._ from CLAAON RICHARD ducrlbtd dHd o tru1t an SaGt-1..-y of tl)I .... ......,...... ...... . Nf LSON and MELBA LORIE eat1m1tad cotll e11p1nM1 end Aldl'o91opmanl Ag«ley AV 110 I U • t Id 111 t I -I • NtLSON to RICHARD CLARON advance1 11 s'ao •04 25 T Publl1had Orange Coatt Oall{ dtMeft-ado. El trlh111I ,11ec1e NELSON I nd LORI MELB · detetminetheop9nlnQbld.'y01;ma Piiot. Oc:tob., t2, II, 2~ ... 1!'82 ...,_., ........ fllM. NELSON: "" cell (714) 937-09ee. .,. ,.,.... .. Ud. ~ dafltre " IS ORDERED that all pet'lona Oetad: Seot..,..bet 20, 1882. •-IC MnTll'r 119 • .... LM le --.. SEASIDE FINANCIAL l'UUL ""'.w; ...... lnt.,Mted In Iha ab0¥9-entltlld COflPORATION lt you .tt11 10 ... lhl tJ1.Aoa of ...,. ~ blllcwe mi. Court 11 By. T.O. SERVICE co.. -~TU-~.• an 111orney In Ihle matttr, you t0:'30 A.M .. on HoYembet 10, 1M2, AQartt • ...... • -lllOuld do IO pl'Qm9tly IO lhll yout In the courtroom of 09per1mlnt No Cfndy ~. L-..._ ,,.._., 'AltTNl!M wrltltn '"ponM. tt 1ny, mty bl 3, .._ !tit Court'-loeetld at 700 "911atAfl4 .ateirllary T .I ..... C-.Stl 111eC1 Of\ time. CMoc.nter Orlw W•t. ~··Ana, Ona Cl1y &MS WN1 NEW~T HOME LOAN. INC... SI Ullad dll•• 1ollc1tar •• c.llomia, and lllOW ~. If In)'. Of CA iM ' duly llOOOln19d TtU.IM llfldet the eonHjO d• un abog1do an Ht• wtly Iha Pttlllon For Cheng• ol 171~6-8298 lollowlng dMcrlbld deed Of 11u1t 11 u n t 0 d • b., r 1 h a c ar 1 o ~T .. ~u~ notERbe gran.lldo .... _ • Publlthed Orane• COHI 0111)' Will SELL AT PU8LIC AUCTION lnme<11a1.m.n11. d• ••••• meneta, "'" OAO£n.. u-p~ Sept 29 Oct 5 12 19112 TO THE HIGHEST 8100ER FOR au !W91*1a aecrtta, II hey aiouna. ~~ °'1n~ loCOST~ ~ ·~---· _· __ · _· __ · __;•2;;.7..;.7_-11;;,;2 CASH (Pl'flble at time ot .... In pu9Cl9 -ragl9tfada • ti.mcio. -.. ,. ,.. ... ~ ,.. llWfUI money of llW Unnld Stataa) 1. TO THE' 0£FEHOANT· A eM1 DA LY PILOT, a n1w1p1per of PlB.IC lllOTIC( d t1Qftt, 11119 and lnt•"'1 con-Jeyld ~plalnt hH been Ried by Illa t~ftaral clrculatlon printed In to and now IMlkl by n under Mid plajntlft agalntt you. tt ~ wlttl to or9nQll co.inty, Calltomla, 0!1C9 a NOTlCa IMYTT1MQ IJIDI D .. d ol Tru1t In the prop•rty def9lld th19 i.wtuit, you nwat. wltl'lln _.. for lour 1ucee11lv• WMkl Notic. I• hlf'•by gl11et1 lhll the hetllnatttt ~rlbld: H d•Y• 1ftar thlt 1ummon1 11 Pftof to 11\a date ... lot 1-'lng on 80111d ol TrullHI of lhl CoHI T R u 8 T 0 R : J E N • I( E l«Wd Oft you, flit with 1hla oour1 • IN petjtio.,. Community Collegt Ol1trlct ot PART N !:fl S , • C 11 1 Io r n I a wrl1tan raaponM 10 the oomplalnt. DAT£0: Octobtr t, 1N2. Or1ng1 County, Calllorn11. wlll PA1'1,.,.,ll'llP Unltal you do eo. ~ dlflllJll wtll fAAHK OOt.tEHICHINI r-iv• ...r.o bid• up 10 11:00. BENEFICIARY. NEWPORT bl tnltf'ld on tppllc•tlon ol the Judgt ol the Tllufldly, Octobtt 2 I, 1982, It 1119 HOME LOAN TRUST HO. 1H plllntlft, and tN1 cour1 mey entet 1 ~Court PurGhHln9 Oepartm•nt OI H id Reeorcs.d AptM 18, 1N2 .. lnltt. judgrntnl ...,.. you kif the , .... _,. L. Ma.M college dl1trlct toc1tld at 1370 No. 82-t3~ of Ofliclal Aacorda lft dtlNn6td lft th9 oomplalnt, whldl ,..._, • '--Ad1m1 Avenu•. Colla Miia, the office or the RAG«dlr of OrllnQI c;ould raeull In 9arnl1hmal'll ot ,.0. ._ C·~ Calllrorn1a. at wtllet1 time Mid bid• County; Mid deed of'""' dtaMbM "'9M· t•lna al money orf09WIY 191 c:a..-o.M wtll be publk:ly ~and rMd IOf: 1h41 tollowtng propeny; or other r1011 rt1quHt1 In th• ...... ~-a111 PRINTINO ANO BINOINO Lot 5. Block :U, of N-port eomptaint, ,...,.._ (114)•~ SPRING CLASS SCHEDULE; 8aed'I Trac1. aa per map ,_did DATED: October 20, 1et1. "'bllslled Oran04t CoHt Dally OOLOEN WEST COLLEGE In 8ooll 3, Pao-2t ol ~ LEE A. BRANCH. ll'lfpC ()cl. &, 12, 11, 2t, 1N2 All bide -to be In acc;otdanee M_,., In Iha offlCI ol the County Q1t11 ----------43...-.7.-3-82..--with IN 8'd Fotm lnatruetlonl and Atcordlr of Said County 8y; SHARON KUPKA rmuc lllOJIC( Condltlonl and~. lona-"lefl 220I w oe.entront, Newpot1 o.OutY . -now In lilt and mey be aec;utld a.eh, CA. IM.L a ... ., • .._ In 1119 offlCI of the Purc:l'IMlnQ Agent "(If 1 ttrMt addt-or oommon ~ IC.. ... ~ CCMSr cw TMI ot Mid eotMot ditttlot. oHlgnallon 11 1hown 1bo111. no ~ ,_ o. A.Iola. ....._ 11' 'tTAft cw c~ '°" Each blddet """' aubrnlt wl1h hla Wlttanly •• given .. to Ill L..-a .... CA_, TMI COUlfTY cw LOI AMClllL.I• bid a c;11hler'1 cht ck, certlll•d ~or oorract,_~.. T• (714) ..,_ . '11........... oheck. or blddtr'I bond mad• YOU Al'IE IN DEFAULT UN~R A Publlehld Ora~ COHI Dilly L.w ,.,_....., CA llttt ~ lo IM order of the CoM1 DUO OF TRUST DATU> APRIL 13. Piiot Oct. &, 12, 19. 29. tN2 P'\..AINTlff; Community COiiege Oletrtct Board 1N2. UNLE88 YOU TAKI ACTION 4372.a2 OOMMUHITY BANK. Ca11fom1e of TNl4-In an _, not le9a TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT a thM 11\19 petOllnt (~I of the IUm MAY IE SOLO AT A PueLIC SALE. AHT· bid .. 1 guetantel lhet U. blddet If YOU NEED Aflf !XPLANATIOH KULll<OFf db• JJ wlll •nler Into Iha propo11d OF THI NAT URE 0' THE CoMPAHY· Met DOE.a i COt'lltect It the ..,,,. .. twWcs.d to PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU. YOU lncllullW • "*"'· In lh9 -· of fellllte lo ant• SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. · •••M Into..-oontrac;t, lh9 ~ooeed• of Thi beMflelety und« Nid ONd CAM -CM1111 ltla Cheek wll be ldrfeltad. Of !ft the ol TNlll, by r-o1 a bNeot1 or llOTIC8I , ............ ~ CeM of. bond, th9 IUll eum thlrlol 6'fault In th9 ~ --ftllt _. -.._.... ...... ,.. wtll l>a torlllt•d to tald collao• tllatttty, heretofore Heauted and .._ ,_ ...._ ....,... ...._ dllertct. cl•llvtrad 10 th• underllgned a ~ ,..._ ..... • _,.. ._. Ho flldder may Withdrew hie bid wrlttt11 Declaration ol OlfUt and ...., , ••rn .....,, for a l*tocl ror torty.llw 145) daYt ~ kif ..... and wrfttlll no11oe ~ wlltl \0 ..-tM ec1111e9 of after tM dale Mt for 1119 Oj)efllnO of btMCfl encl of .-.ceio., 10 Giii-. ·attorney tn '"" "'attar, you lhef'eOf, Iha undlftl~td to Hll uld do 90 ~ 10 tt1M yo11t Tiit loatd of Tn..1-,......_ property 10 Ml Mid 041110atloN, "'9POflM, " W7• "'9Y be 1119 P'MleOt of ~lnG any and al ind tlllrHll•r ,., 11nclartlonad • 11111e bide or 10 _..,. tf'Y ~-or eauaed Mid not.lea of Weadl..,, of y Io j u a I•• 91 • a 1 d • tn1otma110 .. In eny bid °' In the IMCtlon to be ~ June 11. ................... ,..... blddlnt, 1N2 • lrlltt. No.12•11000I of Mid .... ......, w.-. p tlll a /tJ HORMAN E. WATSON Oftlolll AIGotda. ~ ....... ·== ..... lec:fetll\'. Said H I• Wiii II• made, but ••.._a.a,., r ... 90Wcl of Trw_.. without oovanant or warruty, ..... ~ ~y ~ Of lmplled, ,..., .. lltll. •• U•••d -.... IOllcltar •• COllOI OIMttct poHtlaiorl, Of ~-. to ...... -ilft ...... en .... Publllllld Or•noe COlll Dally pey .... '9"'llllinO ""'*"" -of alit111e. d11tarr1 uurto P11ot.0ct.s, 12.1Na lfia,..eC•)..,,.,byMldDMdof .. t PSI ffl'ta, M ... wa, ~ Tn,.., wilt! .,,..,_. .. In ... nota -,.,._ ......... -....... TIC( ptoYlded, ~.I. If !l"rl UllCllr --JGllJI.... ...... PWUC ., Ille ••mt Of Mid "'" .. TNll. --,, TO THI'~! A cMI ----a1 ..... ~IN ..,.... of .. ._ Naft fteM " tM ":Mi.n&';iiii;T Truai. ancl of tt1e tnilll .--by I ..... ,OU. I ""' wflll IO TN tollowlllg penoM .,. doinO Mid Dead of TNlll. 8* 111t .. Ila 1111--... f011 illllll, _.... "'*""'a ,.. on T.,.._, 0.... M, t• .,.., ee.11 IUIMIOM la oacAllOCIATU 1201 w La at 2:00 P·"'·· et flll Ollepf'lllll ,_, ..... -_,,,I "-"• A ......... ,..;.,.. -• A-----IO .. CMI C.-,__ ......... ., c;-._,,.._,., -....... .,...,., lulltllno. 100 IHI Cll•P•Hn .. -. .,.,,, ..... -W9lrft I Ollll .... Jr 133 ~. '"._City 11/f Of .... CA . .. •••C11tte1t of"" UdO ,.,.. ~tli.w"CM·~ A• '"' ""'• •01 '"' ln111a1 ._.,=-.--=---..... =-"-......... ca. . . ~ ...... ,,.., .. ...., ,~=-~=:.-.: 1i-1ar l Clatro. lno. (• :=:-:=:-=-.= ~ ,....., lfl .-),. ... ,,..,., ., Cartfotnl• oorpot1tlo">• 2000 dHorlltelt dHd of .,,,., u• ..... "_.,., ~ =.-=.,~d. Colta M-. •tffN1• 00991, ......... , -4!"--!!11!"!!' ralef ,........ hi Hie nm .._. 11 .... LJlllld "Y • adunoe~1 114.Hl.IO. Ta • ......~.. .... .... _ ......... ,...f'llllr fltCTmOUI ....... NAmlTATS...n Tiie lollowlnQ pefeO!ll -OOlng ~aa: PACIFIC COAIT POTTIAY. 21114 c:.dal' llrwt. NawPor1 BMdl. C«llfS',~ ~II Gentilly, 2111,t Ceder air .. 1, Ntwoort 8Hoh, ClllfoMle ""3 Arthur Witt, 7$71 Olbraltor. Ceriebed. ClltfOmle HOOi kott Alllton Otntllly. a1e14 Ctdar ltrHt, Nawporl Bt1ch, CatltOfl'lla ~ Tllfa bualf!ell la oondue1ed lly I ....... "*""" . Della Qanllly Thia ... alMnl WM llled wlltl lfla eouncy Cllt1I ol Of.,.. County on OotoMr 1, , .... ,..,. '"Oii.tied Or1110• Cout Delly ""°'· 001 I , 12, tt, 2t, 111N 4171-12 IAXTll' & • CfCIM>. IHC, Cillo!!:.:! J!!:!!!!. ;.. .. . =:::·~· ~HOMll.OAN, &:-~ T'llll M ...... ~ """W. INC. ~·="'-Ir.;.;.;--.... =Oln-~°"'"'Yon 1¥ ••• ••· ~ .. ,...... ,... -1-•=··-----.. ··--a~.,... . .. ..... =1:J0r-..-. .. OMIC· D111r =·=~ Olllll ~Nit ~ °'~ Deir ,.._.. OrMlt qJ .. -Oii." .. ... .. .. ....Oili. , .. ti, -......... Oii; .. , ..,,.. m ...... r OVER THE COUNTER NASO LISTINGS . . '·'· 21• ..... u• ... •• " ... t ll,XIO un l .. , c.tlCI 1 • • y, . . \. ~ ,,,, ,~. " 10 • l\w . . ' l'• • ~ l 1 • • • 4 fl~ ,..,~ l. '"' 41'. • " \ .. 14 • )\ ._ " ' ... 1"'-• H,. \01 I • • ..,.., )• t • lo1 ,. . . "' ,,,,. . "'• 1.. • '- "'• l ... l" • • ... ,, ,~ . "-... .. . . "" J • ... 10 • "· l•" , ... ~· Up :It• Up 2J I Up 111 UP Jl I Up 71 J Up 100 UP '' t Up "O UP Ill Up ti t Up llt UP It• Ull II 1 Up 111 Up "' VII ••I Up I• I Up .. , VP .. s Up .. , VP 1•0 Up .. 0 VP ISi VP IS J VP I• J VP t• > Uo "l ~· 011 ie t t\o , .. , ..... , .. .. ~ Off IJ. .. 011 1)0 '• Oii 11 I ,.... Oft IO t '" ]\, .... 1"• I •••• , ... 14, J ,,, ' •1. '"" .,. a1. J•• 1;: s s•~ .. Oii 101 .. Ott 106 '• Ofl lO 0 \r Off t s "· Oii • 1 \' Ofl t I Ill> Off I S .. Off •> •• Off 10 ~. ()II 11 I Oii I • .. Oft l.l \) Ott 1 J .. Oft 1 1 \, Ofl I I \lo Ott 11 v, Ofl 1 ' , .. Ott , 1 .. Oii 1 0 .. Of• •• II SJ Nl II Jt Nl Nl • , Oreng• Coa1t DAILY PILOTITUMd1y, October 12, 1882 8 - Reagan heckler loses support SALINAS (AP) -0 . Richard Arnold, the Republlcan candidate for Congreu who verbally , joustOO with President Reagan ln the Whlte Howie, 1 hu Iott lhc financial backing of local party lcader1. At a meeUng Monday night, Bertram F. Rudolph Jr .. vice chairman o( the Monterey County Republican Central Committee. wu going to make a resoluUon ' declaring that Arnold wouldn't get any local party ri funds unleu he assured the commit~ there would be no more "aenaational provocaUona.'' Micro Pro due lay offs SAN RAFAEL (AP) -MicroPro lntemational, which produces software for microcomputers, plans t.o let go ot about 100 employees. Seymour I. Rublnateln, company president, said Monday that the layoffs wiU come soon. The company has about 450 employees in 22 offices nationwide. Last July, about 40 employees were laid off. Health plans probed LOS ANGELES (AP) -A state official says collapsed American Benefits Ltd. may be one of many health-benefit plans coverlng thousanda of workers •, that could be on the ed#·Of bankruptcy. - "We're looking at . half a dozen very seriously ., right now," said Frank Damon, chief deputy state insurance commissioner. . Armed with a new state law taking effect last ( month. the state is cracking down on so-called : ; multiple-employer trusts by clearing some of the regulatory fog that exists between state and federal agencies which are supposed to oversee the industry. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT AMERICAN LEADERS UPS ANO DOWNS HEW YORK IAPJ TM lol-1119 HA "'°'"' .. -Yoo• Slocll Eat ....... tlaU.a -,..,,.,,h lll•t ,..,,. ...,. lolP IM moat --n tlle mo•t bewel an Oer<.enl ol o.eno. ~rctleu of •ol-lor T-y. HO -Uf'I"°" lr8dl~ ... ._ $1 .,. lnc:I· :.:: -=-= ... ~o~i::= :-.:.::: O<K• --0.V'l iism P<I<•. -U ll CllV ~I I PS£G S.ll!ll 1' • '"' Vo n. t lt .... &d 1141• IJ"" • t... Vo l~I J llMllA llMc.ll '"' • II\ Up IJ I 4 AVX QI It I 2 Up 12.S l H..,._...AI S'-i t w Up 12.S 6 .... 110 l 11\<o t t Up 12.J 1 11" H6nl J "" • '° Up 12.0 I LTV~ 10 , 1 Up 11.1 ' o.ft0.16 1J .... 1bJ ... t1 0 10 C-ln 21~ • 2.. V11 10 6 tj c.mro..1rwi. 20\o\ • 1... Up IO J 1 OEOlnll tll\ • .. Up I0.1 I It_, U 1" Up 10.1 14 ~ .... Mn o " 1\<o Up t t U lTVQI AA 14 • 111. Up t,I tt Al .... tn(I U"' • 2Yt Up U t Gelr=l'I C Jll t J.... Up t .I It P II t t Up t.t It P_, Ill t i<. -. VD 1.t JO ,.,_, Hom 2tl't J\4 VII U JI !'It ........ JV. • Ito VII l.J tt Sevff>Cp t'-• 'h VD e.J n N-Engy """ ..... Ue • t J; S.OColnc: 21 • J ve e.o 1' ~-::..~'-Of ~:~ : ~\lo ~= :~ 27 WKll"""' II~ + 114 Up I.I -~NS C'lt. P<I ; ~=~ i;~ • .... ~ t1 , ..... _,.., tt. -Ill -· Lo 4 ._ Ind ~ -~ Oft 1-' ' Coftll'ftC>eU th" ... Oft • 1 6 frlol 1 'h Off t..7 1 OTFI t.!Sllf io-. -. Ott U ~. !;~ " 1il: -~ ~ ti 1 ~LCClltp t ~ Off i:t ~· •i. -" Oii u ,. •wtMs co.s 1014 .. Off J.1 :: ~=-At:.:. t ~ .... -i.... &:: t~ 1' AllCllHIKll ,. .. -"' Off U I .. ft!=-~: ~i = t; Oft "' ~. ~ ~Olf :~ -1 1t ... SI Ill plA ~ -th S.1 ..... _.... ,._ -1.... S t ....... "" -..... Off ,, • ...,..., ~ n-. -111. Off J. DOW JONES AVERAGES '" , HEW YOllKCAPI Fin.I Oow-Jonft ..... ~;oc~'· Oct II •,t. JO 1no M .07 1021,. .,.! ... • 1012.1' • -"'"" Lo9w c .... ~ 20Trn t0.7' 40070 17 .. ts.'1· ' IS VII 121.M 114.11 111.11 122.13• t • •l !>fl• o X U :> Jn " 3IO S •·•· , 1,AI '""'" .o u,t001 • Tr en ~~~ U hl't J,..u,~ .J WHAT STOCKS DID ' '? .a HEW YORK CAPI Oct. 1 t i T""'90lly ....,. Adv-13k ~,,.. l>Kll-m --Vft<......., 1"S .. Tot.i I-ltl7 t .. , Hew ....,.. .,, ""'" ....... '°""' s 4 W•••1 4'lrilt • 0 0 NEW YO RK IAPI Oc1m 1 ......... T"'""9\1 -:r • """•ncell .. OKllNd ''° 1~ Vrt<......, l"l rt roe .. lt.iwft m ...... Nttlt " H--11 ,tJ METALS u• >I ... I ,t HEW 'l'OAK tAPJ -Spot not11011~, mete! priOM T....oey •• 1 e._..., 17"'·70 ,.nla • paund, v .. ~~211 ce<lll • pound ''1 ZMc .0-42 -11• 1 pcund, cleh•ed 1'4 Tiii $6.3200 Motall WMll ~le lb ' .......,_ 78 centa e pound. N Y. '·" lllvor l9 580 pol troy --· NY ComM' epo1 monll'I ao..o Mon .,, ....._,,, $370 00 pol llaM • l'lotlMlll Stt7 00·$303 00 troy ou.-~ N Y ~ SILVER .) •• i1 <\J oo(j .....-, .... iw-... 43 -troy~! ~~~~~~~~~~~-~~- COLO QUOTATIONS "l .. 1t1 I ... • llUllClllT I lit ',(JAY <H I OHi II I,' !'Ill/ Mission Viejo pet store employee J im Ridge holds the elusive Noah the Boa, who's escaped from his tank twice. ()HAN<.t ( Olll\4 I Y C /\I II UHNIA ~'>C EN TS Irvine Company rumors flying as Kremer quits The announc:ed resignation of Irvine Company President Peter K remer has fueled speculation that the Ne wport Beach-based Hrm ls to be sold or even merged with another local c.'Ompany •• Kremer, who has been at the helm of the I rvine Company since 1977 when a small group of investors purchased t he firm, made his announcement Monday and said It will be effective Jan. I. The resignation came at a time when there has been talk that the land.p l anning and developmen t firm has entered into discussions to se ll the company to Mobil Corp. of New York. Mobil tried unsuccessfully in 1977 to buy the firm but was outbid by the group of invest.ors that now own the compan y. There have been other rumors in the business community th.at the Irvine Company might be considering a merger with the Fluor Corp .. based in Irvine. J. Robert Fluor, a Newport Beach res ident and board chairman of the Fluor Corp., recently was named to the Irvine Company's board of direct.ors. Officials from the Irvine Company vigorously denied both rumors. According to Martin Brower, an Irvine Company spokesman, Kremer's decision to resign was his own. He said the 42-year-old president was not forced out. Brower said also that the resignation is not related to changes made last month on the company's board of directors when developer Donald Bren was n amed co-chairman and Fluor and businessman J ohn Galvin were put on the board. (See IRVINE, Page AZ) DOw closeS off 9; banks slice prime There's Noah's place, not like honie Three major banks slashed their prime lending rates a fuJl point to 12 percent today and the Dow J ones industrial average remained above the 1,000 mark, but the s tock market's fierce rally ran into resistance today in very heavy trading. (Due to the h eavy volume, final stock s quotations are not listed in this edition of the Daily Pilot). trading and closed at 1.003.67, off 9.11. As trading opened on the New York Stock Exchange. gainers took a 3-2 lead over losers. By JOEL C. DON Of the Dellr l"Mot •••" The elusive Noah the Boa Constrictor just couldn't rome to grips with the adage about no place Like home Luckily Ridge knew where to look this lime and Noah was quickly returned to home sweet home. surprised to learn that good old Noah had spent 21/2 months enjoying th~ wade open territory of the insulated attic s pace. Sacheli can only figure that Noah survived on hapless field mice and aquirrels that sought refuge in the attic. His keepers at Pacific Pets in Mission Viejo thought they had put a damper on the 6-footer's wanderlust spirit when the 25-pound reptile was found slithering about the attic of a row of s~ on Alicia Parkway. Pet store employee Jim Ridge. 17 , retrieved the slender rascal Friday and returned Noah to his 100-gallon fish i.nk home. But the snake o~ce again decided he w as tired of showing o(f for store customers. The case of the d isappearing boa constrictor began l ast w eek when employees of nearby st.ores began hearing a strange sound much like w ater running through f ipes. Figuring it mlght be caused by one o pet st.ore owner Shirley Sacheli's critters on the lam, Ridge was sent to investigate. "It sounded like someone was spraying water on the roof." said Bill McCuUey, an agent at nearby Realty World st.ore. ··1 got up there and looked around to see what was there. The bond market extended its rally. with prices of long-term U.8. govemment bonds aoaring more than $40 for each $1,000 in face value. Before stock trading began, Morgan Guaranty Trust Co. in New York, the nation's fifth- largest commercial bank, cut ita prime, or base, lending rate to 12 percent -a 25-month low - from 13 percent. Chemical Bank. also in New York, lat.er matched the cut. · He found Noah, a remarkable di.9covery since the snake had disappeared from the pet shop and was presumed stolen July 27. "If I knew It was a snake up there, I wouldn't have poked around." As for Noah, he'll have a new home with the Ridge family and will have full run of the house. Sacheli said. . The Dow Jones average of 30 Industrial stocks, up 109.18 points in the past five sessions to a 17-month high. see-sawed through the first four hours of Bank of America and Chemical Bank followed suit. Most other major ban ks lut week cut their prime rate to 13 (See PRIME, Page At> "We thought there was no possible way for it to get out of the tank," said Sacheli. Brother, sister poles apart on Newport growth • issue By STEVE MARBU! OftMO.-,Ne48e.ft Bill Ficker, yachtsman, archltt:ct and fuU - time student of Ufe in Newport Beach, has this one vivid memory of the Balboa Peninsula. It's a hot summer day, cara are backed up bumper to bumper, motorists are honking their horns a nd slapping their dashboards with impatience, radiators are boiling over. "Stuck in tramc again," says Ficker. looking out a window of his sixth floor office in Newport Center to the city below. "But t h at was 50 years ago," he adds, laughing. "The people who complain about the traffic now muat have very short memories.'' In this third and final part of a Dally Piiot series on the growth-no growth controversy In Newport Beach, the dispute splits famllln and prompts developers to wait. Previous segments covered the historical perspective of the power olan and envlronmentallsts' concerns. His sister, Sue Ficker, for LnstanCP., doesn't remember it that way. "I remember being able to drive down to Laguna Beach for breakfast and getting back to the yacht club for a morning sail. Now I can't even get to the yacht club. T he cause of the blaze is st ill being listed as unknown. Firemen probe canyon By DAVID KUTZMANN o<1t1eo.-,,._. ..... Fire investigators w e r e expected today to complete their probe of the 16.800-acre Gyp1um Canyon fire, which by thls morning had been reduced to a few smolderlnr hot spota in back country east o Irvtne Lake. Or a ng e Cou nt y Fir e Department Cap t. C huc k Murphy aald the $11 mllllon blaze had essentially burned Itself out by Monday night in the rugged Fremont Canyon area west of Black Star Canyon and east of the lake. Only flve ground-based crews were expected to be out on the fire lines today and Wednetlday, with several engine companies patrollln& O,e perimeter of the fire zone to extinguish any flareupe, Murphy said. The blaze, which began Saturday morning In Gypsum ~---llDEX----------- At Your Servke A7 Hora.cope A9 Erma Bom~k A9 lntennlllion 86 Buaine9a 83-5 Ann Landen A9 Cavalcade A9 Moviel 88 ClMllfied ~--8 National Newa A3 c.omk» 87 Public NoUces ~.C4-5 en.word 87 Spori. Cl.f Death NO\ket C5 Dr.Seetncrohn A9 Stan Delaplane A9 TeleYWon 88 I.di cortal A8 'n.ten Be "'tena1nment Be w .. ttwr A2 . Canyon, destroyed 14 homes and damaged six othen In exclusive hlllsld e nel&hborhoods in Anaheim Hllls, V•llla Park , Oranp and Santiago Canyon. Some fire offldall speculated Monday that the blaz.e may have been trigaered when swlrllns Santa Ana wind guat.a caused electrical lines to fall In the Gypeum Canyon aru near the Rlvendde Freeway. However, Murphy said thl• mornina, until fin! lnvesli8•ton complete thelr work thf! cawie of the blaze Is still belns listed officially• unknown. The fire captain aa.o aald he could no\ comment on whether there were any lncUcatJonl the fire nwy have been deliberately let. In addition to dntroyt~4 homee and damacinl lix the fire 1uned 12 barna an 1h_e d 1l . deuroytd HYtral automood• Ind CIUltd lnjur'MI t o more than 140 people, tncludlM llx f!refllhlen. None of tlM fnjuriel, hciwewr, wu .nou.. "The traffic's so bad it's not even safe to go outside. I can't even ride my bicycle anymore." The Fickers, brother and sister, are practically neighbors. Both live near the lip of the Balboa Peninsula. They grew up in Newport Beach and have watched. with equal interest, as the town changed. But the similarities st.op there. The Fickers are polar opposites when the talk turns to Newport Beach. Some people call them the "Fightin' Fickers." Bill is a Newport Beach booster, a man who likes the way the city has grown up and feels the community will get even better if allowed to continue growing. Sue says the city is going from "bad lo dismal" and believes the developers have "raped and reaped" their way from the Santa Ana River to Corona del Mar. "The town's been ruined," she claims. "They let all the developers use up their coupons too qu ickly. It was compulsive. obsessive -like a doctor trying to aqueeze in too many patienta. "Just take a drive around," she says, reaching a high-pitch. "All you have to do Is look and you can see that something has gone wrong. We've developed beyond the realm of intelligence. And I'm going to be moving out of here pretty aoon." Bill, who has had a hand in some of the building. sees things differently Crom his mter w hen he drives around Newport Beach. "You don't get one of the best hospitals in the entire country by stopping growth," he retorts In a reference to Hoag Memorial Hospital. "I truly feel that the people who complaln are those that haven't matured with the community. They're the same kind of people who remember h ow it was in colJege and long for thoae days.'' Not only do the Fick ers disagree on whether the city should continue to grow, their own memories of what the town (See ATTEMPTS, Paf(e M) Two buildings evacuated in blast at UCI An explosion at UC Irvine today resulted in the evacuation of two buildings and left the entire campua without power fOI' a time. No injuries were reported. Authorities Mid a short drcult retUlted in an exelolion at 11:18 a.m. In the school s C-entral Plant building. where electrical equipment ii loa1ted. Both the central bulldln1 where polJce and perkinc ler'vtce employees are howied and the nearby Craw ford Hall wer• evacuated. A tlre l'MUJll"I from the explosion wu extlncuiaMd In about 10 minutes, of"ctall llkl. A apokeewoman for UCI laid that police barred anyone from esalerinl the campu1 early &hil aftemoon In cw dMre wwe MY men ~ No other detalll ~ avallellle. ........................ A total of :=::-county fin ..... ........ to ... am.. Homeowner Paa MeConaell l•n• on • lho.el -he loob o••r wlaaa Ii lela or hie hotlle, a.royetl lty wHtkncl fire la 0ra.,. •. -._. ... , ' Amount of ......... I: ..... ...... ...., .... ..... Power •H ••Pffte4 to be . ......... ~~..., . • ...... Orange Cout DAILY PllOTfTUlllday, Ootob« 12, tN2 NB NYSE COMPOSITE TRANSACTIONS ' UOYATIONI IN(t.UO& HAOll 0" TMI llllW YO••.MIOWUT, l"AClllC, l"IW, IOtfOlll, 01 HOlf ANO Clll(lllllllAfl HOCll UMA ... 11 Allli. aaPOaU 0 ... t 11a NOD ANO INUIN& T Ntl ~... Ntl '-le• llftl Cllt ,. l ..... c .... '"\. ,. I ,,_. Cl4>M ci.. h, r.:,.t I ~ J ~,.i • t., 18 =tu tO f 1'12 '-~·~•• t;. ~:o~, I J ~. t: :1" 4.~ ·~· ~ ,"" ~ .. \,, ~= ""'1 't ... ~ .. 1, ... 1' 1 "'. "' ._. lfK ~ II~ t -. .,.. , I I It '-, .... AAAf OM •· tt 211;" n\<J . t .... r • 1. ~· • "' ....... 1 101 t \, rr .. 1 ij I"' : ~~· ··-= ... ll,J TH, u;. •; ~i::: t.! ,, '] · t:: :t: ~r-i. ,. :'t il"':· . !f1'w •,•·.· 1, m ,-lo -161 1.. -M ' I \'f Vt ·1l'!'t I ~ ~ :11 "1 .. 1i • " 1 "' .. • ~=:!!l . " '1 t.: /. ll:r11 • i " \lo • h f:ii7o .~'-.~ 4 ti ~ .. ~ ~~!:~ 1 1 1 '1~t=:: : i5!~ '·n ii .1H !tt: ~ ~ t: :; ,~ t:: .· ~ =ti"~ ·4 "l~~: ~ ~ 4i !O "'+ "' ,.., .. ,I, .. 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In..... • ,., 1.J I * 42~ h lrlC411 ,..,. • l4J\I> + \It JI 11 IJYt ..... llf!aMP 1.n .• m ll •1 • llf • 40 17~ "' frl"'llf2..JO 11 ""' 1:: ': "'.atllt • " Nlettfl S. , .. , • U 1""" . •Me.t.111 IS 714 '7 -~ tr1Selft ii J» '"°'· ... ' .. , -"' ~· ·"'° 12 z.u"" '.: : ·~ arO= 1.10 .. a 9'f IM I 12" ~' ... u 1ts ~l l.IO S 231 ~ 4 .. I :..~. • :-:.; 4~ E ,.,, .. , 1.IOllt tot • .Jiiii ,. l( ... n 1.40Ut• DoW Jonas Final OFF 9.11 CLOSING 1,003.17 Reagan heckler loses support ( , I SALINAS (AP) -G . Richard Arnol~: Republican candidate for Congreaa who verbally •• jol.asted with President Reagan in the White HOUie, has loet the financial backing of local party leaders. ,.. At a ~ng Monday night, Bertram F. Rudolph Jr., vice chainnan of the Mont.Hey County Republican Central Convnlttee, was golng to make a re10lut.ion ·!• decl.a.ring that Arnold wouldn't get any local ~y 1 funds unleu he aaaured the committee there would be 1 no more "sensational provocations." p Micro Pro due layoffs SAN RAFAEL (AP) -MicroPro International, \. which produces software.for microcomputers, plans to •' let go of about 100 employees. ' ~1 Seymour I. Rubinstein, company president, said Monday that the layoffs will come aoon. The company has about 4 50 employees In 22 offices nationwide. Last July, about 41) employees were laid off. Health plans probed LOS ANGELES (AP) -A st.ate official aays collapsed American Benefits Ltd. may be one of many health-benefit plans covering thousands of wo/kers that could be on the edge of bankruptcy. "We're looking at half a dozen very seriously right now," said Frank Damon, chief deputy state insurance commissioner. ,. Armed with a new st.ate law taking eHect last ~ month, the s tate is cracking down on 10-called "! multiple-employer trusts by clearing some of the regulatory fog that exists between state and federal ·• agencies which are supposed to oversee the industry. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT UPS AND DOWNS NEW YOltK (API Tl• lol-1 .. lltt -•• .,. -Yon Moo. £•~ ...... flOCk• --·-s "'-! ............. , .. ,,_...., -,,,. -· -.. ,..,UM ol C-.. , ... ,..., .. , ol ,,_ ... ,_~ ..::. ~"'!.... ~'?.:~-;:.:-:.:~ elllereft(e -Ille llf•"lous C ....... P<k• -IDdey't il-i"' .... ( •. ....... I.All ~ Pel, I PSEO S.*! Jt ., lh Up U.1 7 KMllM lllA 1Jv1 • Ito u,. , .. , 7 ll-1<fb "" • -.. Up 11.0 4 -Ila Madi •lo\ • \IJ Up IJ.1 S lt1ll Harv JV. • ._ Up 12.0 t AVX Cp Ille • 14' 1111 11.7 1 Wa<klll!oll II~ • '"' Up IO.t I e•ln Jl14 + 71n Up I0,1 t E ,,,., '\' ... UP I0.1 IO 0... ll\li 114 Up M..O II H~9 U • '"' Up t A jt t.TVCp lo.A 14 • 1111 Up U U ~1.-l•to • '"' Up t.t I• Arkla 1 ''"' 1.. u,. U IS Flt ""'-Jlto 14 Up U It t. TV ~ "6 • ._ Up t.J :: r:rc-m: : ,"" ~= tl tt ~~ flf 11\fo • Ila Up 1A 10 NI 4.Mpl Iv. • "' Up 7.7 ,, II,_ 11.Mpl lO • ,..., Up l.S 22 P-.0r111 '"°' .. VII ,.,. J:J I~ » 2111 Up 1.J 1A 11-ElllY It.-I"' VII 1.1 li I-LAQpf 4S~ J UP 1.1 lit !I.-. C. ~ " Ull '·' J1 Wy~ ,\It ~ Up 1 I ~ 10-1'11 , SllMI Pr9( a ,11r.,..... ., ·=·· , . . ,,,. 'i!:::!"'ll I GM '. !t"' """' ,. ....... " 'I "'IK .. I Ctellirc. " .... OWi 14 "-C.W. " ·~!.!QI ' 11 ~&-' t: MlllW ;¥: '~'" .. ._, ... DOWNI I.alt C"8 I'(\. llln -!lot °" ... ttll. tv. Off .., ·~ -'4 °". u ,_, "" Off u • ... Off 1.1 ::: : :: i ~J io..-... .. 104' -" t.l 7141 -"' u """ '~ ~ "" -"' ... I~ -' §i: .. , '""' -' .. , .,_ -,.... s.t ,_...,OffJ.t ,. -•In E ... 1•111 -I U 411n -If\ ...j ,,, u-. -... "" S.) ""'_, D.., 41\ft -l\lt u .,.._" ' u '"' --s.s GOLi CINS .... 10M &Nt)-· ............ ~°' .......... ..,..,.. .. l'l1dll(• llf'Oe. .:r ... t .,., 01 .......... . ._.. Ladt, t trey oa.. 14M H . ut ...... ... • ..... u ~ .4 IN?.11. .. .... Ml. •-. M01 tiwr •· 1411.11, .......... ..._ o...,..,., .. AMERICAN LEADERS METALS :r .... ·O. '•"< ~ HEW YORK (AP) -Spot t10t1leH-f met# pr'10ee T...Oey I )If c._.,., H~·TO "•"" • pouno, u Saw clMllMllON. ! 11 &AM 23-29 cienta • pGllnd JJll Z1M >I0-42 C*>18 • povnd, cMll¥ered '1 "" l6.S200 Melall w .... ~ lb .. '1 Ala* . T• ~ • povnd, 11.Y, ,.~ ...... •.seo per lfl1t -· NY ........,..~ IC)OI monlh do9ed Mon .:;. _, ....._, $370,00 Pet flMil • n Ptettft-U97 00·'303 00 Uoy ouna.t ! N Y ~ ~~ ~ SILVER ~ HMdJ ... ...._.St 43 per"°' ounoi' -------~ GOLD QUOTATIONS .. ~ .!? SYMBOLS