HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-10-14 - Orange Coast PilotJ 111111 CUii , , I t/\' I •1 11 I ' 'I . 0 H A N < 1 I U HJ N I Y < I\ l l F 0 H N I A ~ S C E N TS • I New developments tO challge Mesa skyline? .. .. ·~ By JODI CADENHEAD' °'"'...., .......... The two lar1est landowners in Caeta Mesa have propoeed plans that would dramatically change the city'• akyline, adding a new metropolia aimllar to Town Center and abo ut 600 condoininluma near South Coast Plaza Mall. Developers ·for C.J . Segerstrom & Sona, builders of South Coast Plaza and Town Center, submitted plans to city officials this week calling for 2. 7 million square feet of commercial office and retail development on 98 acres bounded by the San Dlego Freeway, Fairview Road, Sunflower Avenue and Harbor Boulevard. Alao proposed are two 400-room hotela. Also, offlcails for Curci· England Co., developers for the Sakioka family, have propoeed the construction of betweep 500 and 700 condominiums, two 350~room hotels and a retail center on 30 acres east of South . Coast Plaza Town Center. Blowing whistle on San On of re costs him career By DAVID K.UTZMANN or ... ....,,... .... Professionally speaking, Earl Kent n.uked his bridges Wednesday. In so doing, he ieemed to have put an end to a lour-decade c areer in e~neering. 'I really don't know what the future holds for 'me." the 57-year-old Cypress resident said. "I've done myself in, so to speak." So what could this stoic- . looking engineer with 40 years of welding experience poeaibly have done to prompt such bleak prediction• for his personal future? Only thia: Kent complained publicly to the U.S. Nuclear Re1ulatory Commi11ion that defident or miming welds were ~Una sizable safety rtaka at two nuCl.r power planW, one in • MJchipn and the other at San Onolre, three miJe9 mouth of San Clemente. The company claimed that Kent had failed several oral examinations for ,welding inspectors. But the Cypress residen.t maintained that the real reason for his dismissal last March stemmed from his ongoing criticism of the way welds were being handled and checked in key systems at the two nuclear facilities. Sitting Wednesday in the Orange County offices of the Alliance for Survival -which haa been a vocal critic of San ' Onofre expansion and licensing -Kent said his decision to go public with his charges was prompted by the lack o( interest which officials at F.cU.on, Bechtel and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission had ahown. "I've seen too much in my We to remain quiet," he said in \he clipped tone• of jomeone not. accuatomed to explainln& hls feelinp. "I've aeen too many miltakes, too many violations of the code," Kent claimed. Both developers submitted their plans Monday, In order to qualify for the general plan amendment h ear i ngs in February. Such hear ins• are neceeaary for mne changes. The "Segeratrom Home Ranch" as it is called, would be the second largest his·h·rise commercial development In the city. . Town Center, located acr9J1 Bristol Street from South Coast Plaza Mall, 11 the largest. By 1990, it will include three million sq uare f eet of comme r cial development, on 62 acres. AbOut 1.6 million square feet have been built. Senior city planner Mike Robinaon said additional traffic problem• aod the need for housing aenerated by the project will be prime con1ideration1 when t"he city Planning Commission review• the development Feb. 14. "It's similar to Town Center, only slightly smaller," RoblMOn said. The S egeratrom family'• laraeat chunk of undeveloped land currently la zoned for industrial use and i:. atW being fanned. Segeratrom o!flciala decllned to dllcuu the propoeal that calls for the construction of 2.6 fl)illion 1quare feet of commercial d evelopment, two 400-room 'hotels and 80,000 square feet of retail development. No-building height• were specified tn the preliminary plan. The Curci-England proposal incl ude• 500 to 7H condominium•, two 350-room hotela ran1in1 from 10 to 12 atoriea ln hel1ht and 12,0 square feet of retail developmen Lut August, the dty approved the development of 1. million square feet of cor office space alon1 Anto Boulevard on 50 of the 165 owned by the Sakioka family. No decision hu been mad~ regardin1 the future of th, (See MESA, Pase Al) , 1 ~ ' UCI bias~ ~ , • • ! v1ct1m i • serious By GLENN SC01T Of'tlleDlllf ........ ' \ ... A UC Irvine c hemistry profeaor was ln 8erioua condition today at UCI Medical Cent.er in Orange with burn• auffer~~ Wedneaday when a solvent exploded u he worked on e experiment inaide a campua laboratory. Greaory Williams, 28, a f~ year inatructor at UCI, was under treatment this morning in the medical center'• burn unit for first and aecond-degree burnt on the upper part of his body, a 00.pital epokesman Mid. The Physical Sciences buildina wa1 evacuated for more than an hour after the 2:50 p.m. explolion OCIC\UTed in the fifth-floor lab, a campus 1pokesman aaid. Oran1e County 'Tire Department flrefiahten. wearin& protective "acicf 1ulta," were called in to emure that no fins or toxic odor• Unpred after the flub exploliion. Dama1e to the lab wu not detmmined thia monUna· His charges brou1ht 1tron1 deniala from offk:lala at Southern California l!dilOn Co., which own1 80 percent of the San OnofN power station, and from Becht.el Power Corp. which built bo'h tbe San Onofre and Midland, Mich., planta. Kent work~d as a quality control enaineef at both facilities until h1I ffiing by Bechtel earlier .this year. A:t an earlier point i n Wedne1day'1 interview, he explained h1a deds&on thJa way: 'Truth ii truth, wherever you find it. Planta should be aafe. I'm pro safety. I certainly do not want to continue with the miltakes that have been made in ................. ~O'DI ·11 Firemen, dreued in protectiYe euits, prepare to re-enter a Tbe apLIMn Wal the WlOftd ln two ct.ya a& UCI. Pow8' .. knacked out f« • lbar ~ · after an um.lated blut, th• product of an electrical fire in the cmnpw' Central Plant. Col1eaauee Mid thia mominC that W1lllam1, cbnductln1 raearch in mixing orpnic and metallic molecules, was in the (See BLAST, Pa1e Al) laboratory at UC lnine's Phy1ical Science& Building to investigate the explosion that hospitalized a UCI chemistry profeeeor. They (See SAN ONFORE, Pa1e A!) donned the suits after fumes from the blast drove them out. A little local color These three pelicam probably feel they. add a touch of distinction to a moored boat in Newport Harbor at they do their best to resemble &ome fancy boat ornament. It'• doubtful that the owner is in full agreement, particularly when the time comes to clean up his craft. Tylenol .suspect's :home searched I; BRENDA B. INGERIOU. 'II , ,,..__ CHJCAOO -Police aeerched for a -.Ml tame the home of a ••e1o1et cbemiat" in connection wt&h sewn eymkte kiWnaa • ,...,... ...-huated ln TnM tar a _. ~ al tryinl IO extort U mllllon h·om the maken of mx1ra.Stren1th ,.,...... ~ ~. 48, an emDloYee "' ...... hll ....... Md bitn ::\ ...... bGnd fnlln Monday r.--' .,_t while dty we punuid what they --~evldmm ....... -. .. ns'1wlUlna '!f••b•• •u•r•u an th• Poiloninll, homicide Stf. Monroe Volllck Ukl. . Hffe Ma not been dilcounted Al a IUIPld . . . he II ,not a strona a.peel," Mld homicide o.c.ctive Robert Brown. llllnola. Attorney Gener.I Tyrone J'~. who la ~ the multl·•l•n.c.f__ ta1k foree lnwstlpline the llfllln8I ol 88Yen .,.,. who took zxvj.Stnrqrth Tyfenol laced with cyantae, ducrlbed Arilold'1 arre1t •• "anodMf OM of tbme inddenta that are uilrelated'' to the ~ allo . .arehed Arnold'• · aulOIDOblle and work loeker, Vollllrk aatd, but dmw WM no .......,. .... ward on die ,.U11 ot 1' ' the new IMl"Chel. His home had been aeerched Monday with h1I pennill6on, deteC?Uvee aaid. MIMwhlJe, fede...i authortUee iuued an arrelt warrant Wectn.day and were ...-chil\I ln Teut for • man aceueed of trYN IO extlOrt fl mlWon after the kllUnp. rahMr ... Th• warr.,.t alle1ed that ftobert Ric~ In hll mid 801, wrote a letter co McNeil Con1umer Produeu Co., rMnUfaeturw of ..... l&I•"" Tylenol, ~~ .,, ~ want to ... lhi klllnl·0 The letW llli Ille.....-, IO ~, .. _,1n ..... , ., • ~It ..... The llCCDUftt. wh6ch IDS WM clallld. I t Boy's death still controversial issue By FRED BAYLES ................... Little Chad Green would be celebratina hil 8eV~th birthday aoon if Ilia parent• hadn't whilked him away to a Mexican Laetrile clinic, a former proaecutor aaid on the annlveoary of the boy'• death from leukemia. But Chad'• parenta, Gerald and Diana Green, aay their deciaion to UR the controvenial drua inatead of court-ordered chemothe rapy allowed theh 3-year-old 90ll "quality time" in hil final days. Three yeara after C had't death, the prindpala in the ('.II( a1ree only that it ahook thE medical and lep1 .iablbhmenta "It'• ln all the cwbooka," •YI Jonathan Brant, the former naiatant attorney pneral whc proeecuced the Greens. He •)'I Chad wu the victim of "medical child abUle.~' Had the Greens atayed in Maaachuaetta ana 11ven n1m chemotherapy, ''Chad would be celebratin1 hia aeventh birthday," he aaya. Chad'• mother calls Brant'• atatement ··~·'' "We thou1ht we were abo protectif\I Chad from the uma thin1.'• ahe 1ay1. "We didn't think it wu rl1ht to fotte a therapy that could also be danproua. n.ete are waminCI ln die phyaiciam' boob that the drt.1-can kill )'OU, 10 you jult ~~know." ' 1be Greem fled their Sdu.aa•, Maa, home in January 1979 to av oid cour&:-ord.,red chemotherapy tor their 10n11 leukemia. The panntl felt .. were We9rinl a'8d down and~ waa doln1 well on a diet of natural food1, Yltamln1 and Laetrile. Chad died Oft Oct. 12. 1979 - 10 mdnthl after hla p1nn• .. him to a clinic In Tlj"9ana to (leeDBATR,Pqe,.U) Peter Lada ran out of Oetober ....pc Wedaeeday nlPt, but tile Milwaukee Bfewen• pitche, luilte It wun't hie faalt. P-.e Dl.1 . ' . I ."1'"'1-----------------------.;.. ... ...;;. ..................... ________ _, '.'BLAST VICTIM .. • ' pbu of dlatllllng the solvent , \e trahydrofure n w h e n the p~plosion occurrt..>d. ''' ~They detennined that during .• )r;anate r ot the solvent, the l'yatem was somehow exp<>s<..'CJ to t~~ atmosphere, which caused •.1 h I ,~,t ,e c e m c als t o reuc t b y exploding. Th ey wero un1u rc how the exposure occurred. Williams immediately took an emergency shower at a 11\all tct up In the building for 11uch oc.'Currences. He was then tn:>at<.>d at the campus Healt h Center before he wu taken to UCIMC. :~~ES A PROJECT S. • • •'f'emalnlng proper ty, o fflclal11 said. •' ltn o rd e r t o build th e " tdndom.in.iums the developer is ~uesting new urban center residential w ning that allows up to 50 units per acre, Robinson said. The first time such density was proposed occurred last March when the council approved a project by C.J . Segerstrom & Sons and Coas t Community College District to construct the l 155-unit Regency Terrace. Ike Oberst, project manager Curci-Engla nd, said the bination of residential, hot<?ls retail develo pme nt will te "an urban center not t y p i c a l o f a s ub urban environment." City officials indicated that they thought only residential d~velopment wouJd be proposed by the developers on the 30 acres • east of Town Cen'ter. . "Th ere. a re a Jot of h o tel operators that wan t to get into the market a round the J ohn Wayne airport and Costa Mesa," Oberst said . "People have been approaching us. We're not doing it because everypne else is doing It." T he retail development will include cafes, s mall shops , delicatessens a nd liquor stores, Oberst said. I Moral Majority faCes IRS probe WAS HlNOTON (AJ~) 'l'hl• lntomul Revt1nu• &·rv1l'\' aayw It will ch~k Into a w inplul nt thlll thu Mon1l Mujorlty FoundatJon la lll1·a i.lly 1olicltln1 tax-exem pt don t1on for polltkul acl!vlU"'* "Undt<r the h•w , I cannot confirm or dony or utherwlse l'Ommcnt on .,...y lncUvlduol case," ·lRS s pokuarnan ,Larry Batdorf said of th e complaint, mudt• T ue11duy to IRS Commlsslcincr ROfK.'Ol~ L. Eggur Jr, "But obvlou11ly we read ou r m oll a nd look Into vorlous ttlll'JaUon that lrl' mado," Batdurf iu1ld. 1'he complaint w1• madt• by People for th Anwrlcun Way, an oraa nlu tlon that tolevl1lon produc.oer Norman Lt-or 1Ald h h elped orgun lit• "to · prou •ct A mcr l'-'lln11 ' c onatltut lonn l rrf'Cdomll." An th on y T . Po de.Hila, the executive dlrc:>Ct.or or P eople: !01· the American Way, IWld In the complaint thol tho Rov . J orry F alwe ll Is a ttempting to rolae money for hl1 Moral Mojorlty Foundation in ''floairunt ond d ir ect violation or lhl· luw" c ovtt rin g l D><·c.·X l'nl f)t roundatlon11 Pc.dcatf!I wrote thul lh • l11w say• an oraonliallon q u llfylni tor tax-deductlblr glfta may not lnwrvone '1d1rt><:tly or md1rcoetly In any politlc.•o l compalgn on b<>half of or oppo1m lon lo uny candidata Cor public office." He' OBk ed Eggar to r everse th\> guuranU .. '<' lhal dona tions to the group will be tax·dt•ducublc. In Lynch burg. Va., Falwell said Wednesday the allegations are unfounded "O u r tax attor ney• hovt" lookt.>d currfull y at thti lt'\Wr In question. a tht.oy do at 1.111 our le twrt , und they ttill u• we're operatina totally within th rciulatlorls set forth br, the l11t~·rnol Rcvcnu(• Scrvk't.',' .aid Folwell .. "Thlil I• JU8l another lrentlc e rlon b y Pt·o ple for the American Way t.o altack us. PAW ls crumbling now. I would aay PAW 111 1n serio u11 trouble : The y're: g rabbing at atraws," Falwell sold . Second s huttle delayed? CAPE CA NAVERAL, na. (AP) Wh ale NASA says it's confid ent the s pace s huttle Columbia will blast off on time ncx.t mon th, there could be a delay In the J anuary launch of th e Cha lle nger , t he natio n's second reusable spacecraft. AN ONFORE SA FETY. • • A pressure lea k in one bf Chall enger's t hree main engines has delayed their delivery from the National Space Technology Labs in Mississippi to Kennedy S pac<.' Center, where Challenger Is bcmg prepare.."<! for flight. past at nuc lear po w e r ts." h e v a li d ity o f K e n t's ations are being looked Into a second time by the Nuclear latory Commission, oHlcials Wednetd.ay. ut Jim H a n c h e t t , a kesman f or t h e N R C 's naJ office in Walnut Creek, inspectors do not regard the es as being "terribly serious he moment. They are not r problems, at least at the ~ace. but we really don't know until we take a look at them." K e nt c l a ims there a r e .(loll! ... .,, • .,.. wind• -1 10 11thwe1t I 10 1e l!nou noon ex.:.pl nonh-twly da outer water• Polnl oneeptlon lo Sen Clement• . 8out"-' ....,, 2 to 3 , Fair Wllll pelehy morning , ,,titueh ot lh• E11t w11 wet ., Mdneedey •• rein end ~ealonel thu nderalorma • ~•front•! •)'•l•m '"'"' .... England to P9foNI ... . .... from Iha .,,_ ... "°'" _,..." Alllbem• end -11N'n l ,..._ ecroee ,...w•ytvwWI Into .-...m .... &tglencl. Aeln eleo -eeattwed -the OreM LMI• end '-"Y rain ~~o ·over 1ou1Kee1fern 111 ... -· ,.., f1lllN' mudl of tll• reel ot Ill• n•tlon end Mm?IN'•lurH -· MUOn•bly ooal. '°' lodey, ralnenowen -• torece9I -..... ~. wllfl ~ ---eel '""""'--· CllW9f "'°"'99. CIOudy .... -· t 91im.r:m inm a-gte eoroee tllt MIH IU lppl 0•11•. over th• ulll•••I and trom Upper Ill 8'I aoron In• centrel c.... Calilo,.,iia ~ c.aflwnle .. be l1llr .......,_ ,...._....,..., ,....,,. H rly -rnlnt tot alone th• ... _ .... OOMt. Oranee County een •~pact IMel'I In tllo "Id 101 et tlle .. acMe and low lo mlb IOa .. Lowe 6' lo It Friday ..... 12tol0. 1"lend ~ .. ""*' ,..... .......... 111 .. -....• .................... ............. 1od9r,· ~ In ......... "' ...... ....,.-.rthlllle'/4 tol2, .... " ..... loutllerfl ..,, ................ lnltle.IOt. ....,..,,. ... ConWll Cellfomle ............ ..,...,...end .............. ,,..,.lome .......... ,....,,'°' ..... _ ................ thous ands of incomplit tc o r missing welds at San Onofre. These f\ulty welds, he said, are concentrated In structural a nd pipe s uppo rts a nd in el«:Clrical tray hangars. Jo b seek ers upset The engines were scheduled to arrive in Florida last month. Kent satd that a good weld should be able to last the lifetime of the plant. estimated at between 30 and 40 years. But many of the welds he saw, Kent claimed, would last no longer than 14 years. The solution , he said, would be to either bum out or ground out the defective welds and perform new ones. Police attempt to calm the situation out ide Help Wanted Publications, 2110 Har bor Blvd., Co ta Mesa , wher e everal people were trying to get their money back Wednesday after th e bu iness was evicted by the p roperty owner. tory Page A5. The th r ee R o<:k well lnternat1onal engines must go through a battery of tests before being certified for installation, and the delay could push back the scheduled Jan 20 launch date by a week, ofhc1als said "Dur i ng so m e of th e callbrat1on tests, w e we re not sat1sf1 ed a nd w e did ll again," said James Kukowskj, a NASA spokesman in Washington. DEA TH STILL I SSUE. • • continue the Laetrile treatments. He was buried ln Hastings, Neb., where one of his grandparents lived. ''The drugs had a debilitating effect on hill little life," ~Us h is mother. "We wanted q~ty time for what was left of hi. UCe." Laetrile la a trlldemark for a chemical derived from apricot and peach pits. Advocates say it Is effective against cancer, but recent findings by the National Cancer Institute dispute those claims. Or. J ohn T . Truman , w h o treated Chad at Massachusetts ~neral Hospital, says the case raised important doubts about Laetrile. "We documented for the court that cyanide was accumulating in Chad's body," he says. "lt did give the public cause to pause about the uses oC Laetrile .'' Truman stop& short of saying. Chad would be alive today lf hla parents had a llowe d th e chemotherapy to continue. ''J think It's pc'Obably fair to say he would have had a 50-50 chance with treatment," he says. "Without the treatme nt, h is chances were zero." Diana Green says there was never a ny proof tha t Laetrile hurt her son ''Chad n ever had a n y side e ffects o l cya nide poison ing . Even at the very end of his !He -even at the autopsy -there were no traces of CYaJ'\ide." Beach fog due 81\revepoft Sioux Felli SI Louie SI. P_.e-Temc>e SI Ste M11tle Spok-SyrecuM Topella Tueeon Tutu Weetllngton WICl!lte 72 41 eo 96 62 83 61 llO 80 13 ea 84 77 11 1 15 IO H 77 .. 71 11 11 71 12 .. " 17 72 17 71 " .. t2 to IO .. .. 12 ,. .. .. ., 63 Sen Otego ~ 6t 37 Sen ,,encleOO 50 4e lenJoM 12 50 . 12 lent• Ana 11 65 4e a.r.ce lotbet• 11 48 42 Senti CNI 14 51 50 81t1te Metle 71 43 34 Slnll Monie• 14 H 47 Stockton 85 41 48 Tehoe Velley ee 30 81 ' Thermal 15 54 40 Torrence 90 51 Yuma 91 59 31 eo Extende d 53 51 28 forecast 38 57 54 8elurdl}'·Mon4e)': Felt eii~I 47 61 venable I~ end tow doudt - at Ille COHI> """' end morning 55 110Ut1 High tamoer••-111 10. 84 • •t tM coat• to mld·IOe lnl•nd 50 ·-l owt In 50e end io... eo.. 41 High tempar11wre1 In l h• 61 ITICM'ltllnt IO to 70 Ind loW'I II\ 61 30e •JNCMOL 1141 ... Smos " 67 M Wllef• 10 c.n (toll trH) for 4, a.mt~~: 12 14 ~:T"' .. " ·=·~ 13 241 ..... 4C ,._..... ... IM .. ---IO I 42 ...-.:llOO)ll1-471t ... AOMO __. Cemlr: 4'001 " 141-4111 • lllf IEPll1 Tides TODAY 1 .._tow HI pm. o.t ..... .. .... '"' .... ,..., . ,,,.. ... "" *'"' 0.0 :..-.. .... ...... ""' ..... • .. ..,,, 1.1 ---.., ....... •• ...... 04 ' I IW ............ '·'''~ I.I ' I Ji . hf! Mf1 tM., .. f ;IO ..... ,. 1 I ,_,,_111:118Jft I 1 · ....,.,._.._,.U'IBAI, ...... NO,.-. ' The Challenger will place an advanced tracking satellite m orbit NAS A h as b een tr y i ng to main tain the present launching schedule to gain the confiden<.-c o f s h utt le c us t o mers, s ince commercial satellite companies and the Department of Defense By STEVE TRIPOLI and ad.equate piping to pump demand fmn launch times with Of!MD.-rNo••tMt about 1.6 billio n gallons o f no delays Water recycling projects advance · Three pro posed projects to r ecyc l e d w a t er t o OC W D So Car, two of the Challenger's con stru-:t o r e xpand wate r customers annually. engines have been certified after recycling faciliu.-s In Orange Ano ther project 1s a n $1 I a 500 -second test firing and County appear on their way to million package proposed by the should be delivered to the space becoming reality. Irvine Ranch Water District, one C<'ntcr by Nov 22 or 23, Mark Directors of the Metropolitan of the nation's pioneers in waler Hess. space center spokesman, Wate r District o f So uthe rn recycli ng . T h e profect entails said. The third should arrive a Ca lifornia h a ve aulh o riied only the laying of additional rcw days later. officials to open negouauons on p1pehne in several areas so that A test C1rmg of Challenger the projects with loca l water lRWD's current recycling plant engines on the launch pad should dlStricts. MWD would share the can be used to its full capacity. be possible by Christmas, ofCicials cost of the projects. The IRWD pro ject w ould say. But a J an. 20 launch "is still about double the d istrict's 1.9 conjecture," Ku kowsk i said. I f . a s e x P e c t e d . t h e billion gallon a nn ual recycling "We're aiming for it but it's going negot iations are s uccessf ul , capadty if completed. to be ught." projects that will add about 3.7 The third plan, a smaller one, Pre pa r a tio n s c o n ti nued billion gallons of recycled waler 1s a $6 million package proPoSed smoothly Tuesday, however. for to area supplies each year may by South Coast County Water ,the fifth flight ol the Columbia. start construction as early as next Dis trict-in S outh Laguna to scheduled to take off Nov. 11 and spring. produce recycled water Cor three carry two satellites on its first Recycled w ater, though not golf courses and a greenbelt area commercial mission. d rinkable, can be used to water ln South Laguna. The 8,000-pound sate llites golf courses, parks.end greenbelt A fourth project, this one in w ere hoisted Tuesday Into a areas. Riverside County, al.so wiU affect special "super clean" room a t the The largest of the three local Orange County If constructed top of the shuttle's launch projects is Orange County Water because it will be aime d a t platform, 189 feet above the pad. District's Green Acres plan, an lowering salt levels in the Santa Th ey w 111 b e p 1 a ce d i n $1J .6 millio n package tha t Ana River, a source of drinking C,lumbla'a cargo bay on OcL 18, ,.--lncl __ u_d_ea ___ cons ___ truc ___ Uon ___ o_f __ a __ Pl_an __ t ___ w_a_i_e_r _locall __ _:..Y_· ______________ ~'8J_d __ H_ea_..;... ________________ _ WATERFORD FOR CRYSTAL-CLEAR CORRF.SPONDENCE . The elegant beauty of hond-cut crysta l makes our letter opener a pleasure to use. Handcrafted In Ire- land by Waterford. Sta inless stHI blade. A gift to cherish! $59.50. SLAVICK'§ PIM,,...,.. Since 1117 Whtre rhe btsr ,swrpristJ btgin. ,llfllan ..... ~714) ..... ,~. Nlwpott liactl Also~ Loi Mgllll • llft °'1GA •IM \tlgll NO llTl'lll ma. NO M'rrla PLACI. ' I I . Orange Ooa1t DAILY PILOT/Thurlday, Ootobet 1', 1912 -~~----....... ......---!""!-. ---------------------~~ Newport ca tdidates heat up San Francisco's ban on handguns 'ill~g~l' By ne A11oclated Pre11 SAN FRANCISCO -A • stale appeal . courl haa ruled San FrancllCO'a handaµn ban ille1al two weeks before It waa to have been enforced, but Mayor Dianne FelnsteJn vowed to Continue lhe antl- plstol fight. "Obviously, lam very sad," aald the mayor, who was catapulted into office four years •Ro after a double .;'. asaaaainatlon with a handgun. "But it ls l}Ot the enq of the battle. It ls onlY a ruling and It can be appealed." City Attorney William McCabe aald Wedneaday'11 ruling wouJd be stuGiied and "likely we'll appeal It to the s tate Supreme Court." San Francisco ha.a one of California's worst per carlta homicide rate with 26 murders reported in, 1981. Btb test tube baby born LOS ANGELES -The nation'• eighth test tube baby has been born in Los Angeles, and "both the mother and the baby are doing fine," a county health spokesman said. Tony Tripi of the coun ty .. Department of Health Services said the Infant, the second such baby born in Los A n g e I es Co u n t y,. w a s delivered by Caesarean section at an undisclosed hospital. Carson given probation BEVERLY HILLS - "Tonight Show" host Johnny Caraon says_ he's concerned that his drunken-driving case has becolJle "a media event," and he kept quiet about It on his latest program. Canon pleaded no contest to dru nken dri yl ng WORLD Wednesday and was put on three years' probation. ordered to pay a $603 fine and a t tend driving school or attend an alcohol treatm~nt course by April 1983. He also may not use a car for 90 days except to drive to and from work. ·' Rioting flares in Polpnd WARSAW, Poland - Undaunted by tough steps to smash protests in the north, outraged workers in southern Poland pelted riot squads with stun grenades, rocks and gla ss, wreaking "considerable" damage to the nation's model steel-making city. The viole n ce f lared Wednesday, the country's third day o f unrest, a s workers and sympathizers protestt?d the Communist government's new law that forever disbands the free Solidarity union. There was no word on Injuries in the dash that erupted after riot police fired water cannon and tear gas into a c rowd Qf 3 ,000 steelworkers de'*71lstrating in support of the out1awed independent union. Rioters tore up roads and litte red streets wth glass shards and stones, the sources said. Sweden still hunting sub BERGA NAVAL BASE, Sweden -Search patrols dumped more depth charges today after making new contact with a "pomible" but elualve alien submarine lurking near Sweden's anti- su b warfare school, the Swedish navy said today. Navy spokesman Capt. have been searching two weeks for one o r two submerged jntruders. Both are believed to be Sovlet-b1oc vessels. . . By TEVE MARBLE Of tlM D.ity "9t IWI Tra.fflc, th~ nal.O ot srowth •nd nol1M3 from John Wayne Airport were thf' point.I of debate today when the Newport Beach City Council candldaw• rolled lhcir travel.Ing show Into th<' heart of th ;\ ci ty's busineM community. Appearing before membel'8 of the Newport Cent-0r Aasoclatlon, the nine candidates -vying for four of tho city's seven district aeat.s -agreed on several things: -John Wayne Airport must be relocated. -The beach city needs a form of rapid transit. -Newport Beac h will. continue to grow. Candidate Allan Beek, challenging Incumbent Evelyn H art, suggested one way to reduce traffic ·would be to seal Alaska oil bids bring $2 billion ANCHORAGE, Alaska (AP) -Oil companies bid more than $2 billion Wednesday. nearly four times government estimates, f or fed era l oil a nd g as exploration rights in th e Beaufort Sea off the North S lope of Alaska . "This Is in contrast to the Congressional Budget Office prediction of $500 million, as they continue to criticize the Reagan administration's planning e fforts." Interior Secretary James Watt said at a news conference in New Orleans. Intense competition for a handful of tracts in Harrison Bay off Oliktok Point pushed the bidding to near-.record levels . The most sough t after tracts were about 40 miles northwest of Prudhoe Bay, America's richest ·producing oil Cleld. A bidding consortium of Sohio Alaska Petroleum, Mobil and BP Alaska Petroleum offered the high bid of the day, $227 million for Tract 19 l. Another consortium, headed by T exaco, wasn't far behind with an offer of $219 million on Tract 206, which is dlaBfnally adjacent to 191. There Wert 338 tracts (Qr aale, cover ing 1.8 million acres, but only 125 received a total of 252 bids Nearly one-third of the bids were received on just 13 tracts. The record for a federal Outer Continental Shelf sale is U .7 billion offered In New Orleans in September 1980. Emphasizing that the government projection of the likely sal e total was extremely low, Wall said that forecast was made by holdovers from the Carter administration. race oft the Ba l)OI P nln1ul1 ind Grant 1uaae1ted the city he did havt a aood ldea.11 char1e non-c.'tldenia • tlO lO •1~ •hould start talking and atop Hummel cautioned Usc.en.g_ ~ fee to ent r 1 u I n " 0 t a n i c C o u n t y bowaro ot "smear campatcrS"lhd He cone: clcd there mlaht ~ government, th(• uirpcm owner. IHt•mlnuto mallera" frolllf'l• legal oppo. tiion lO 1uc:h a move. He IN.lid a logical spot for a new oppon nt. He char1ed A#fA i. Mo1n can ldatct endol"ltd the alrpori would be near the San supported by penions who ~·t n o tion o r ,crcatlna utolll t" DieiO County line. live in the city. I parkln& lo around tbo city and Heather replied that there By c;'Ontrut. Councllmarl~ having a• 11ittlu •Y•tcm runnina likely will never be o n ow Strau11 and challen1er tt'drm the lengt ot thu lhrec ·mlle airport. She chided Grant tor Loats agreed they woul~p pcntnaula. suggesting it would be unfair w their campaign on a prof : C . Edw 11rd Woltc, a land relocate the airport In Orange level and mud-free. • acpraiser nd real estate brukl'r County "but okay In San Diego." S t raub and Loats crd d a .so seeki H ttart's scat, said o Incumbent Paul Hummel, a awords only fleetingly shuttle sya .!m "Is a grand idea" Corona del Mar resident, and hi. dlacussing the economic he~~ but predi ned It would never challenger, Bill Agee, relnforoed the city. Loata predt d work. 1 the projecUon that theirs will be Newport Beach i1 h eaded or At t orn c • y David G ran t , the meanest, nastiest race. tlscal trouble while StraWlllt -.id challe ng n..s Mayor Jac k ie ,"My opponent," said Agee, "IJ the oppoelte. Jll' Heather, ila the audience tbe not effective. He's antl-bualneu, The council election wlJI be city has aated four years by anti-growth and listens only to a held Nov. 2. Candidates run.oo a attemptln to "shove the airport small minority. He couldn't get city-wide basis but repr4111111#ll TJik•bK;:u:d~d00";:1i~i::i R eag n 's 'non-partisan' speech had partisan message By DA VI ESPO ....... tect,r-wrteer WASHINGTON -Pres· ident R eaga n 's "non - partisan\' economic address W ed n es•cuy nigh l sounded suspiciou 'ly like an appeal to the public to ·vot-0 Republican In the Nov. 2 congressional elections. "W e l' a n do it, my fellow Ame r ica n s, by staying the course." I \eagan said in a defense of his c~c<>nomlc program televlsecl live from the Oval Offke. Hie made no mention of the election only 20 days away at which 3~1 senawrs and an entire 435 -member H ouse o { lllWll llllYlll Represe1 lt.alives \vlll be chosen. The balloting will in large measure• determine the fat.e of Reagan'• program in Congress over the· next two years. What he oCfered was hope, and what h( · asked for was help. He c 9 nceded lhat at· 10.1 percent j unemployment is too high, bl.1~ promised It woul9 come down aE• hls program <.'Ontlnues to ta ke h<1ld. "Make no mistake. Ameria 1 is recovery bound and the world knows It." The words Republican "nd Democ rat. conservative and liberal \vere never uttered, and in fact ~agan said the nation's problef'os are bigger than any one poUUca 1 party. But lhe traditional political labels ~~eren't necessary •In a speech t the White Howie aaJd was " on -partisan" but the Repub can National Committee origlm ~lly ofCered to purchase time for on t he three major televls "n networks. An) •one listening knew the presid• nt was asking for America President Reagan carefully avoided political terms in his economic policy address Wednesday night, but implied voters could aid his economic recover y program b y voting Re publican in November. to elect a Congress next month that will stay the course with him, that will keep his program In place and reject the temptation of the "old ways and the quick fix." •·w e have sUIJ got a long way to 30 before we restore our prosperity." Reagan said. "But what 1 can report to you tonlght . . . . is that, at long lut, your government baa a program In place that faces our problems and has already started solving them." It ls a program, of course. that was put into place piece by piece over the increasingly bitter protests of Democrats and Re publicans will have to fi maintain in the new Congr't!U that takes office In January. The line about the "quick fbc"' seemed an obvious thrust about Democratic programs of the I But It clearly was aimed, as • at a plan approved earlier year in the DemocraUc ·- trolled Hou.e of Repraen for temporary public ~"VIII~ that will repair roads and a nd reduce unempJoy swiftly H e said Congress reconsider the constitutl a mendment t o balance federal budJlet. Sven Carlsaon refUl&d to say how many charges were Ul&d or what happened after they exploded In the area, where anti-submarine patrollers NATION It was the navy's first offensive action againat the intruders since last Friday. During the first week of the search, surface vessels and h e lic o pters dropped thousands of pounds of explosives on areas near sonar and other con tacts. Six doctor.s to buy Mesa hospital ~ Reagan's son out of work NEW YORK -H ours before President Reagan told the country "Amer lea 11 recovery-bound," his son Ronald Pre900tt Reagan stood in an unemployment line here waiting for a relief check. The 23-year-old ballet dancer has collected lwo pr three unemployment checks in recent weeks since his layoff from the Joffrey Ballet.. Deputy White House Press Secretary Lar ry Speakes said Wednesday. The entire ballet company has been laid off for about one month. By JODI CADENHEAD ()("IM Delly fltlot l t•tt Threatened with a transfer of beds from Costa Mesa to lrvine, six physicians have agreed to purchase the 99-bed Costa Mesa Memorial Hospital for a reported $12 million. officials said. NegotiatJons for the sale began last year when the past owner. Hospital Affiliates lntemalional, became the first health care corporation to file a notice of Intent to build a hospita1 in Irvine. by foir hospital management corpo~ations. Its •first ownNs were physicians whose contract allow·~d them first option to purchr: the hospital Ir It were sold r It.a license transferred, oCfici:' said. Bu•t before Hospital Alflliat.es Inter ational could pursue the Irvin venture, the corporation urchaaed by Naahvllle- Hosplt.al Corporation of Amer ca. 0 r· n g e Co u n t y H ea It h Plan Ing Council spokesman Thor aa Hinton said Hospital Corporation let the Irvine hospital application bid expire, in part because the physicians had the o ption to purchase the hospital. "When the doctors said they wanted to purchase the hospital It kicked the Hospital Affiliates project in the stomach," Hinton said. The physicians felt that the "beds were still in jeopardy'' and decided to go ahead with the purchase following the takeover by Hospi tal Corporation of America in August 1981, Richards said. ~ The purchase is expected ~ CinaUzed Friday and the name the hospital will be chang~: Costa Meaa Medical CeQ\j Hospital. The new owners are d Benjamin Kraut, J ohnnie ao-.,a. George Haddad, Atllia Mart.i..,..IL Shedrick Moore and Morris Refinery explosion probed The tranafer, 1f successful, probably would have resulted in the closure of the Costa Mesa 1---"'-------------------------------------""", PORT ARTHUR, Texas - A rupt~ line 1that spewed superh eat ed powder on employees at a Texaco refinery, killing five and Injuring eight others, was part of a unit that had to bel repaired last week. officials aay. Th e lin e rupture d Wedne.dAy u worken were "'9're Listening ••• 842-6088 • trying to restart the unit after repairs , s aid Texaco spokesman Charles Rentz. Rentz identified the dead as Frederick T. Rhine,}9. Jeaie Denni.I Jr., 34, and ttennan C. Hope. 35, all of Port Arthur; Vemon J . Cole, 56, of Groves, and Charle9 L . Choate, 33, of Nederland. hospital and left physicians practicing at a nearby medical office with no hospital nearby, according to the in coming adminittrator, Tom Richards. UC Irvine College of Medicine has been Involved ln a lengthy battle with a number of private Interest grou pa and hospital management firms that abo are Interested In building a hospital in Irvine. Since Costa Mesa Memorial opened In 1968 It has been owned What do you Uke about the Dally Pilot? What don't you llk.e? Call the number at left and your ~ wlll be recorded, tranllcribed and delivered to the appropriate editor. The same 24-hour an1werin1 service may be used to record let· tera to the editor on any topic. Mailbox t"Ontributora must lndude their name and telephone number for verillcatlon. No circulation calls. please. Tell us what's on your mind OMHCIE COAST CIHIMM ..._.. ..... 714JM24171 All etMr ............. 141-411"1 Diiiy Plllt L.-.,Wwlll "*'•'' ..... .... OtredOf °' Ad•..-.. •leem8fh N. •••••~It . .,.,..., el o.-- • I · I We lnv.ite You To Take Advantage Of 40 3 OFF, S.elected Watches And Jewelry Gener ic·products seem here to stay Rushing the season George Boyden shovels snow fro m a walkway on a Sandia Mountains crest near Albuquerque, N ~M. The Sandias_ got their first dust ing of sn ow this fall Tuesday. By RA~D<>l~E. ICHMID~ ......... ,,... WASKlNO N--Itwu 1977 when the p n blljick-on-whlte label• flru made .he croaln1 fro m Europe ln 1ubatantlal number• and tur ned up on 1u~rmarket 1helvee~ln Chlcaao. Now, generic prod cu can be found In 80 perc '9nt of the nation's 1upennarkeltJ· Arriving ln an Inflation- wracked nation, UI ey offered shoppers a no-frills alternative and a dlacount from the familiar national and 1tore t: ranc:h. And they quickly won popularity, particularly with the cost- conacious middle Ami 3ricans. But e ve n though generic products have carved out a firm place In the A merl c an s upermarket, expe rt• differ about their p o l e nllal for continued sales growl h. "h had a lot of ~P peal to the mlddle and uppei'-m lddle class becauae It W U kind crf a trendy ·thing, like buck1"1 thre system," a aid Rosanna M e i 1tzer, an econom1st with the /' ~griculture Department. "Now it isn't a trendy th1ng any 1ore, and people who like those J >roducta or want to save money will buy them." Concrete figures 01 'l sales of generics are hard to come by, with estimates from c ?xperta in the field varying. Brian Sharoff, pres1d ent of the Private Label Manufacturers Association, estimated that total sales of private lab el items, mcluding generics,~ a" !USt under 17 percent" or supe ket sales. Generics the m a Ives h e estimated at 2.4 percen , up from 1. 7 percent only six m •nths ago. Sharoff predicted c mtinued Three county ~awyers ousted Two Orang_e County attorneys interim auapenaion Sept. 3 after orde r . H is s uape n si}on w i ll were suspended from /racUctng his convlctio~. on .May 27, ~f o~e continue until he pa .aes the law recently and a thir resigned count of perJW'Y in U.S . District exam. w ith disciplinary charges Court. . . . . A third county at1torney, pending against him according to He will be meUgible to practlce Myron Steven Bernarcl, 59, of the State Bar of eallfornia. law until further order of the Santa Ana, resigned f1rom the Supreme Court, and fl\UBl notify practice of Jaw Aug. l23 with Jay Willie Henderson, 40, of clients and opposing eeunael in disciplinary charges ~>ending Newport Beach, and R. Michael pe nd I n g cases a n d re tu r n against him. The lnvesti talion of Hanley, 43, of Anaheim, were unearned advance legal fees. his practice has been te minated among 12 Callfor:iia attorneys and sealed. publicly disciplined by the State Hanley was suspended Aug. 9 Bar Court , acting as a afte r h e faile d to pass the Bernard will be req\.aired to disciplinary arm of the State Bar, Professiona l Respo n sibility return unearned fees adv~mced tO and the s tat e Sup r e m e Examination, an ethics test , him and no tify clients of h is Court. which he was required to take aa d isqualification to act as an Henderson was placed on a result of a prior disciplinary attorney. ClllUlll I • 1rowth tor aenerlc• and the whole private label -houae brand.a -field. Mentzer aald a 1tudy 1he co- authored recently found gef\Crlct with about a 2 percent •hare of the market, whlle house brands produced for a particular •tore or chain -such a1 Scown Buy at Safeway -have a 16 percent. share. She said generlCI have the potential to rise to a ~ percent share. However. J ac k Cergol, a spokesman for Food Marketing Institute, es*mated ge nerics command as much as 8 percent of the market already. Travl.s Whitlow of the market research company, A.C. Nielsen, said generic growth seems to have flattened out recently. His company checked the sales of 15 products and found generics to hold about a 5 percent 1hare. "Wh i l e a n' occasional established generic e n try has exceeded a 10 percent share of a single category, the range Is primarily between 4 percent and Orig $18.95 each. Pl ~1n on serving your finest wines Because now, you'll find t o Impressive designs In this brilliant crystal. Choose from our ex elusive Berkshire or Dorset patterns, In fine goblets. wines, flute hampagnes, saucer champagnes or cordials. Robinson's Glassware, 86. To order. call toll· free 1·IOO·341·1501. Every bride who registers I l any Robinson's through October 30 will receive a compli 1entary copy of the Bride Gulde (Whtie quantities last). ROBINSON'S COMPUTE ~IZED WEDDING GIFT REGISTRY. Make an appointment w Ith our consultant at your nearest Robinson's. We'll record y ur gift preferences tn every atore via the only computerized service In Southern California. • 10 peratnt.'' he uld. ''If you take aenerim u a tharo of the \Otal 1tore, It'• very 1tn1U." But h e ,adde d that "their po1ltlon 11 prtttty w el l e1tabll1hed, particularly In the C.'Ommodltlet area 1uch u canned fruits and vegetable•, where they've demonstrated a fu lr umount or atrentith." A new phenomenon Is the introdu<·tion of multi-tier pricing, a p roceu ot o fferlns items Mentzer referre d to as n eo- gencrk'8. Whlllow said a numbe r of stores have begun. th e trend, exemplified by A&P, which has changed Its generic sales to a product llnes. national brand1, means the chain now has three product lines. national bands, A&P brand and -Instead of generics -P&Q brand. A&P Vice President Bill V1tulli said the P&Q brand on about 150 generic items now accounts for about 2.3 percent of A&P's sales. He said the change a llows A&P to offer more consistent quality by setting Spt."'Cifications for the firms that make the products. Generics, he added, h aven't hur~ sales of house brands as muc h 11 they have cut Into national brand1. For example, aome A&P 1torea UMd to carry four national brll\d1 of ketchup. Now they carry only a couple of nallonal brand1, plua the hOUM brand and the n~genertc. Whitlow aald h l1 1tudfea Indicate gc n t!rlc1 take about two-thlrdt of their market from national bl'and1 and about o~­ thlrd from houae brandt. S haroft said generics alao have boosted private label sale• by focusing consumer attention on non-national brands. Thei r s uccess, h e said , "establlshE'd rui a fact that it was possible for the cons umer to make a d e mand in the marketplace and for that demand t o be m e t w i thout th e Interference of television." No o n e was advertising generics on television, he said, "and yet reLaller after retailer found people coming Into the store and saying, by maklng a purchase at the cash reglater , tha t they would s upport generics." Overall, introduc t ion of gen e rics has been a sortinR process, Che experts agreed. CORDUROY COORDINATES BY VILLAGER ' The newest fall cords . . . In tan or brown cotton corduroy are 30% off. Jackets Vests Skirts Pants Bl ouses A99. $92.00 $67.00 $51.00 $53.00 $45.00 Now $64.40 $46.90 $35.70 $37.10 $31.50 the . /EAEnDIPI TY Contemporar~ Fashions W estcliff Plaza Irvine Blyd. at 17th St. 631 -0350 1 , , l Ducking the issue They've got signs for everything else, why not "duck crossing?" This particular number was photographed on the Balboa Pe ninsula bayfront, advising reckless swimmers and boaters to watch out for ducks. · Job firm evicted in 1Mesa ..A Cotta Meta bu1lne11 'that aell1 Job ll1t1 to unemployed people ha• been ordered to vacate the premllett by the owner of the property. J~ok Myers aald he gave a three-day not.ice to Help Wanted Publlcat.lon, 2110 Harbor Blvd .. after the butine11 owner failed to pay $610 monthly rent. Myeni laid he wu alllO upset with the alleged misleading advertiaina pract.lces that came to light laat week following a news account of an lnveatlgatlon by Costa Mesa police and a state employment agency. The buainetl. which opened in August, hu been the target of complaints from people who an1wered n ewspaper advertisement.a for specific jobs and were then told to pay $25 for the list.a, offlclala said. Help Wanted has been ordered · to atop advertising apetjflc jobs by th e S la t e Bu r'e au o f Employment Agencies. Alter paying the fee, several Help Wante d customers complained to police that jobs Jiated in the company publication were identical t o those in newspaper want ads. "I'll probably have to stand out in front and tum people away," Myers said. "They'll be a lot of upset people who want their money back," h e added , referring to the company's promise to return money to dissatisfied customers after 30 days. Al tho\)-gh Help Wanted buaineu llcenae list.a Johannes Venderra aa the owner, Myers said he lea.ed the property to Pat Antr~m , who operated AAA Realty at the same locauon. Deputy OlJtrict attorney Diane Stavenhagen said AAA Realty was aucct!IBfully sued last April and the owner ordered to pay $1,000 fine for false advertiling. Costa Mesa police Investigator Steve Shulman said both AAA Realty and H elp Wanted Publication have been the target of numerous complaints. Arnold York, who laid every job lead he was aent on from lielp Wanted was In the new1paper, waa ref~ his fee Monday after standing In front of the bu1lne11 ancf turning potential customers away. ... Orange Oo11t DAILY '9ILOT /Thur Ootober 14, 1H2 BENSON & HEDGES • BENSON 6 HEDGES aOO'S Only 6 mg yet rich enough to be called deluxe. Regular and Menthol. Open a box today. Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Healtll. 6 mg "tar:· 0.6 mg n1co11ne av. per cigarette. by FTC me~. -.. . . .. I· .·:\ !• •' .... : I . ..... .................................................................................................................................................................. i · Celebration Grand Reopeni~g ber 16th this Saturday, Octo THINGS TO DO---TDDA y 10:00 9:30 -ooors open - .. ' 1:00 12:00 -Tattoo - 4:00 -condor b 16 \982 Saturday, Octo er ' 11:00 2:00 5:00 - 30 years and still • growing • Drawings for free merchandise held all day long • Gifts to firat 250 people with minimum purchase • Casual modeling throughout the day • Special featured itema at special prices • Lots of exciting new fashions from top designers After 30 years in Newport Beach, we've expanded our atore and merchandite, andt_ are celebrat~ the growth. We U be closing at 4 pm Friday in prepa.ration for Saturday's celebration . 8 .. . ... Al Ortnge Coaat DAILY PILOT1Thur1d1y, Ootob« 14, 1H2 Missing Children Act signed by president WAS HINO TO N (A P) -Start lna today, parenta can call the FBI and aak whether th namM and detcrlptlons of their mJulng children art> rt.'<'Ordcd In the agency's naUonal computer. l! lhl• nomes Ol'l' nvt llstt'd and local police rt>lus 1.-0 011k the.• ~"'Bl io .:nu.-r the statlstlt'll, the por~nts cw 08k th~· FBI lO do IO, under a law 1>lgnl'd Tut•sdoy by President Reagan. The Missing Children Act la ulmt'd nt helping sonw of the thow.ands or parents ucr088 the nation (~» ~ &iEM WISE who.e chlldrtn have been abduct.ct or have run away, "Ood bleu the pre1ldent," aald C.pl. Ron Hawakley of the South Klng1town, R.1.. Pollco Department. Jluwsklcy hl'aded the seven-year search for Ju10n Foremun, 6, who cJl.appcared M y 18, 1976, In the tiny vlllali(c of Peace Dale, R.I. Reagan calll'd the .p'roblcm of missing <·hlldrl'n a 11atlonal "tr/A~edy " a nd •aid t hat RUFFELL1S UPHOLSTERY •••ht1 .... -4S..• 1922 HAJIOI ILYD: COSTA MIU -141·1116- J)Jrentt have faced "tru1tr1tlon and 1n1er" In trying to locate their ml11lns children bec1uae of overlapping jurladlctlona and lack ot centrallu<t Information. "ThJIJ 11 t h' tlr1t •tup thJ• l'Ountry hu wkcn on bchult or ml11111lng children," SAld Kri1tln C:Olc Brown ot Child Find Inc. of New Paltz, N. Y .. thl' nntlonol r ·1it1try for mlulng children. Child Find's nationwide toll-fr<'<' number Is I ·600·43 l ·5005. Save mon ey andrshoppinq time Rliad tlw Daily Pilat ------ ·Deposit must he returned By PAT HOROWITZ Of .... Deltr,......., the shoe fits ... we're It. DEAR PAT: Co.Id you plHH &ell me what I teuat'I "cleul81 depotlt" CUI be H ed for by tlle laadlord wllea tlle &euat m oves? Tiie apartmeat WH left la better repair aad cleuer coadl&Joa tllaa wllell cite tenant moved la five moatll1 aao. N.M., Cotta MeN NEW DESIGNS FROM YOUR TIME-WORN TREASURES ... Old diamonds never die but they do get put away. Settings become 1,>ose and unsafe. or 1ust terribly out-of-style. We can create exciting new settings tor diamonds of all ages. Start them on a new life of usefulness at a moderate cost. REMOUNTING SPECIAL THROUGH MONTH of OCTOBER Solitaire mountings for diamonds up to Y3 carat: Rings '80. Pendants '25 Pierced ear studs 140. In 14K . with comparable bargains in settings for larger stones too and free appraisals for any remounting JOb that costs over '100 CHARLES ff. BA RR Mefllber of ~nwrican Gftft Society Accredited Gftft Laboratory 17111 & tm. Wntdiff Plmo ............. 43.00 Black & Tan 42.00 Navy & Brown Sizes •• to 10 . You didn't say if there wu a problem getting the deposit refunded. If thlt it the snuation, you 1hould know there'• no 1uch thing .as a "non-refundable" deposit. whet.her it's called a cleaning deposi't. .ectu ity depe.it or an y thi ng elae. T he only exception l• <.'<>mpenaalion for the landlord when 1tranae or unusual al terations are requested by the tenant. California Civil Code aection 1950.5 requires the landlord to return to the tenant within two week.I all cleanlfl8 and aecurity deposits or "fees" that are not reason.ably , necessary to remedy tenant defaulll, re pair damages caused by the tenant (exclusive of normal wear and tear ) or to cle an the premises. Any deposit deductions must be itemized by amount and explained ln writing. IC the landlord acll ln bad faith and does not return the money or properly act'O\.ln t for any part kept, he or ahe may be liable for up to $200 in punitive damages over and beyond the amount of the deposill unjustly retained. The burden of proof aa to the reat0nable nes or the a mounts claimed Is on the landlord should the case go to Small Claims Court. Phone the Orange County Fair Housing Councll at 835-0160 for apedfic information. 111 J ., MAIN OFFICE 330 West Bay It., Coate M .... Ca. #54 FASHIOM ISLAHD. MIWPOIT HACH 17141 '44-4223 #27 MAJM S'IUIT, ALHAMllA 121 Jt 212°5671 ~· Mall addreH: Box 15'0, Costa M ... , Ca., 12121 Telephone: 142-4321 Program informa11on 1s provided by the networks tnd s~uons and is subl«'r ro <:himge w11hou1 noure ... . \~ ·. ~ ... ~ ·. ~ • • • • . • • • • . . . . . . . . . . . ClB'fD;J The iJCCDl1t that fJi1fJS /rj1 ITD BJ rr1irket htarest and gives you total checlW1g canvenlena! Market·Rute Checking is the perfec t pluce to put funds from your mat uring Ta.x-Frce Account It combi ne!l the high earning power of mone y market fund\ with unparalleled checking convenience. Open Market-Rate Checking with $2.000 or more. Immediately. every dollar over $2.000 begin to earn a high money-market rate of interest. All fund \ up to $2.000 cam the highe'it rate allowed by lnw on a checking account -514%. The $2 .000 is insured by the f-ederal Savi ngh and Loa n ln,urunc.:e Corporation. Fund!> above $2.000 arc not a ~aving!I account t?r depo it anJ arc not insured by the FS LIC'. They arc bac ked hy United Statci. Government ecurltlc'I. • With Mark et-Rate Checking you may write checks j u~• like --.-~--" ... --.-.... with any other checking account. or arrange for the exclusive TELE-PAV-"Y tem to r ay bill by phone. ·You can ubo wtthd ruw ca h 1u any o our '>Cvcnty·two 24-HOUR f ELLE.R location'\. .....,. ..... Get all the dctl\lll\ lln exciting Market-Rate Checking by calling T he Finuncial Linc-di rect or collcct-(7 14) 231-4023. or vi it the neJrclll A~wciation omcc. •s•ct to clll111t •t1t A11111111 tft1Ct1" ..-i• "'"""' ~f ti ,n..ci,.i •114 111ttttt1 111 """'"" 11 11111t 1ete alt_.. tMt ' CtA.I .. tMtlllteH ' U.S. lifespan • average rises I WASHINGTON (AP) -The life •~tancy of an averap American hu rhlen to a n!COC'd 73. '1 yHl"I, the ,ovemment •ya. It Mid women atlll have lonaer Uf•paN than men, anst whita have lonaer m .. pana than blacka. The National Center .on Health Statiatica releued data Tuesday ahowlng avera1e life ~pectancy roee :4 year to 1et a new record ln ~~ , The ll(e expectancy for females la 77 .6 yeara while for m..ies It la 69.9 yean. 1 Woman now live an average of 7.7 yean 19neer than men, the data ahowed. By contrut, lh lYtiO w~ lived 6.5 yean lone« than men, and In 19~ they lived 5.6 yean lonaet'· Althou1h the dlaparity between blaclu and whit.es narrowed a lltUe, whit.es atill can expect to live '6.1 years longer than blacks. Life ex~ is 74.4 yeara 'for whites and 68.3 yeara for blac . the period 1969 to ·1971 it waa 71.6 yeara for whit.es and 64.1 for blaclu, a difference of 7.5 yeara. 1 • • Infant mortality dropped to a new low rate , of 13.1 deatha per l,000 live births. It was a decline of 5.1 percent from the rate of 13.8 per l ,000 in 1978. I The leading causes of death continued to be }\eart dileue, cancer and strokes. They were FALL FESTIVAL °' SAVINGS .An Autumn Extravaganza! • SPORTSWEAR -SEPARATES JACKETS -SKIRTS -PANTS -BLOUSES DRESSES -SWEA TEAS -ROBES ReDUCED 330/o lo 75°/o MEN'S SLACKS-SPORTSHIRTS-SWEA TEAS-JACKETS 'REDUCED TO CLEAR MAJOR CREDIT CARDS SALE STARTS OCT. 14, THURSDAY OfPARTMfNT STORf: 1816 NEWPORT BL VD ., 1 COST A MESA 548-1212 HOURS 9:30-6:00 Closed Sund~ys Orange Cout OAILY f>ILOT/Thurlday, October 14, 1982 AT ... ' .., , l<ulJllll th•• ix·rfoc-1 rump with .1 1~·rl..~ l'<•I' '"' 1111 .1 n11•J1um hi);h h1•t•I /\\ .ul.tM•· in bl • .h ~. hut\\ u "' t.•111-.· •i•lt , -",.- 4A 7 10 )/\ b ···'I' ~ a J ti 2A 'i' • IO ~-/\ h'I .. _:.~.!&fm ~LL(j~ SHOES- 8 - 4 ·-tu - responsible for about 70 percen,t of the 1.91 'fill"ondeathsinthe Uni~ted--~S_~ __ t.es __ in __ l9_7_9_. ____ .....:.... ________________________ ~--..----~~~----~~~~~'----~--=-99~F~A-S~H-1~0-N __ I_S_LA~N-D~,-N __ E_W_P_O_R_T __ B_E_A_C_H~--7-~_9·_9_55_1 ____ __ ex ans • lonor1ng :QY hero I GALVESTON, Texas ( P) -The sheriff's ~partrnent is preparing laure ls for a quick - 'think.ing 7-year-old boy w.ho nee ded 1,000 ~tJtches after he saved t..,o girls from a niarauding half-wolf. Galves ton County 1t)eriff's deputies have a rranged for Scott ~eruie and his family tO. be flown to Houston t>ri Oct. 20 for four days of festivities to honor the younpter. · And Sheriff Joe Max raylor has already made Scott an honorary lteputy. When the fierce half- olf, half-malamute mMUJM!O "Hombre" broke ... chain and leaped a -foot-high fence March near Scott's home in erauson, Mo., the eaourceful youngater mtor>Ot.t~ the two girls out danler onto the upper rt of aome monkey • I.. Hla action saved hls •ter. Carrie, 3, and her end, Kyle Naea, 4, but did not have time to ve h~lf. The dog turned o n , "eating him alive," lllllD>ll"dlng to hia father, oliceman Charles eruie. The 100-pound animal keel Scott down and .,._,n alaahing hia face, tiest, back and arms. bile Scott wu being ttacked, Carrie ~rarrlhled down and got er father. McKenzie to ht.a 10n's reecue ahot at the dog six mes with his service lver. Scott underwent 4 ~ oura of e mergency gery. His ear had to taken from the dos'• ~IWftj ... h to be reattached. then, Scott haa had even operatio.na to pair damage to hia face body. "I can't imagine why e choae Scott," hi• ather a aid . "He'a in& to eat. He'• the craw-nieat kid , all llnUIC!le and bone, and he 't wetp more than ·~~·t been for tt, the two smaller Ida would have been tiled. And if Carrie adn't been brave 1h to crawl down h• pole, Scott would ave been dead," -~nlle ..ad. . 1... Q9IYmton Sheriff'• Lt. Leonard and odMt' .... reed about the ... _.mt more than 700 lJ,ea away ln the ewtpa er and were ---~ by llCCOUllta of bo '• action. This 'rl. ·Sot.· Sun. ot Huntington Cent•. 50 Community 0t9anizotion1 Ml . ...,._..a• ltenf for fVftd rofstng. " Now and them. , I Warning: The Surgeon General HH D1t1rmintd , Thee Cignnt Smoking ft Dangnut to Your Htllth. ~ti. brand tar .... reflect 1he lower of ttmtr FTC mechad Of Die. 11 FTC...,. ' I SOFT PACK 100'1 FILTER. MENTHOL 2 mg. ''Cir·. 0 2 mg. nicotine ev. Plf eiplttt-by FTC mtM e1•1•1 •~toe.te.COfO "41 Orano-Oout DAILY PILOT/Thur~ay, October 1 ... 1882 College 'policy' paper ... rekindles hot debate ., , ,,, For a time it appeared the angry •J· dispute between officials of the Coast Community College District 11 and in s tructors wh o had 1 questione d the value o f the ·,,, district's telecourses had cooled , down. 1 Trustees h ad ag r eed to I·• withdraw letters of reprimand placed in the files of 67 teachers who had criticized the telecourses 1 in a letter distributed to four-year · schoolJ s tatewide. I n turn. the ' Americafl Federation of Teachers , , agreed to drop a formal grievance ·, procedure claiming the district had violated the instructors' academic freedom. But both moves were contingent upon the adoption of a new policy defining the proper lines of communication for e mployees wishing to commen t on district , matters -a policy acceptable to bOth sides. So a drat t policy, prepared by Chancellor Norman E. Watson and presidents of the three d istrict colleges, was presented to trus- tees last week. It was anything but acceptetble to the instructors. Among o th e r things the proposed policy would: -Require a n "exhau stive intra-district review" before an e mployee could comment on district matters outside the district . -Require all employees, i n cludin"g faculty , to "communicate their advice, comments, opinions and recommendations" through their college president.a for presentation to t he board of trustees, a nd restrict the board from conaldcrlni agenda it.ems without the review and advice of top admlnlltratora .. -Req'ulre the board to recognize the comments and recommendations of a college senate only on matters pertaining to that college. (This, for example. woul d preclude co mment on the telecouraes, which are produced by Coastline College, by members of the other two district colleges, Orange Coast and Golden West). Clearly the adoption of such a policy would, if followed, prevent a repetition of anything in the nature of the telecourse criticism. F,qually clearly, it would restrict 'the free speech rights both of employees, who would be barred from direct communication with trustees, and of trus tees, who would be barred from considering matters not app r ove d by administrators. For the time being then, the le tters of 'reprimand remain in place, along with the . pro posed grievance hearjng. But district officials emphasii.e that the policy presented to trustees was only in draft form and is subject to revision. Well it might be . A minim um of fo r et h ought wou l d have demanded that revision be made before its presentation. The'· critical instructors may have been guilty of a rather embarrassing indiscretion, but they are not felons who need to be, as they now put it, "muzzled" by their employer. Laguna seeks solutions Facing up to a pair of long- standing problems -a shortage of parking spaces and l ack of adequatQ reasonably priced housing for senior citirens -the Laguna Beach City Council has embarked on an ambitious project that could a lleviate both si tua tiortlJ. The plan e n visions what is termed a "village entrance project" on a 4.5-acre site along Laguna Canyon across from the Festi~al of Arts grounds and adjacent to City Hall. A consultant will be hired t6 • determine just how the area could be developed to accommodate both parking and housing. It will not be a simple task, since about half a dozen properties are Involved. Focal point would be the city's antiquated sewage treatment ' plant, due to be cloeed next year. 1 1 Also included are a covered flood control c hanne l , the city employees' parking lot, an Ediaon · Company substation, the city's corporation yard and portions of several privately owned pan:els. The council estimates it will take up to six months to analyi.e the available land, detenniJ\e how to· dispose of s tructures already located there, obtain title to needed priva t e parcela and. prepare planl and cost estimates for a parking structure and the senior housing. Additional options m ight include some commercial facilities, a hotel or a restaurant. T h e council recently was cri t icized f or rejec t ing a recommenda tion that a parking structure be constructed on the p resent municipal parking lot on Glenneyre Street. That atill would provide the most immediate soluti~n to the parking problem. But if the new plans can be accomplish«=d, the city wlll be making good use of tome very valuable and strategically located property that now ii dotnc llttl" to 1erve the community as a whole. : .. Heights eyes annexation ' , Santa Ana Heights is a 700-acre !·area perched above Upper · Newport Bay and directly under the flight path from John WayM I Air rt. ror many yeara it was a peaoef u1 rural island with lots of honies and dogs, a mix of simple older homes and a few rather lmposing estates. When the jet.a arrived, the peace wu brQken, not only by the racket of 41 flights a day, but by diVision among the community's couple of thousand reeidenta. Some were d e termine d to preaerve the realdential at- mosphe re at all co1t1. Others favored throwinc ln the towel and yleldh\I to more commercial developement, lea likely to be rattled by jet takeof fl. 1bere were onaotnl battJee with the county over airport nolle and heeted ~ to talk of airport n=y the de~te bu been over whether the community 1hould remain under county jw1ldlcdon or leek armexation to • the city of Newport Beach, al.lo in the forefront of airport expansion battlers. The f eellng is that the county leans ·toward more commercial which could dilute airport o don. w aome residenta are c:trcu1atlng petlt1ona u a fint 1tep toward annexation to Newport. The procedure could be lnldated either by the dty or by a petition of at least ~ percent of landownen in the area. Newport prefers to stand back and wait for the result of the petition campai1n. The petition drculaton aay they want to obi.in signaturee of at leut ~ percent of the lftldenta to make a strong case for annexation. Whether Santa Ana Hel1ht1 would be better off under the . juriedktlon of Newport a.ch ii an open que.Uon. BUt at least the head count la a conatruct1ve atep that can provide a c00Un1 off i»riod for the divided reeidenta and help reveeJ the true wtm. of the majority. Oplnlw expr11Md In thl INCi Hove ,,. U'"9 Of thl Delly Piiot. OtMr vltwt ••· ,,. .... • lhll,.... Ira.,_ flll t'*r 9UtNrl Mil ertlllt • ......., ,.......,.. ts lnvlt· Id. ,,_ .. Tftt Diiiy Piiot, P.O. lox 1160, Coste Mele, CA tl6M. ,._. (714) M2..al1. .,._,,..., NMlr JMeA..e ........... .............. ........ ,... ... ,.. II MIC WI ~ .... I ~up! •-JUST 91urLJP' I • I Letters to the editor College staff l;:-' also sacrificed To the Editor: Ah, the s i n of o m ission, that transgression that besmirches the torgett.er and the forgotten. The Daily Pilot editorial reflMcting on the "zero pert-ent pay ral.se" for Instructors of the Coast Community Colleges (Oct. 5) falls into the "forgotten" category. The "forgotten" are the nont.eaching classified staff employees of the colleges who also have gone without coat of living increases this year. Moreover, the effect upon these employees is significantly greater than on the comparatively well paid full-time teaching staff. The Daily Pilot rightly pointed out that it ls a bit sad there will be no pay lncreaaes for members of the faculty to help them keep pace with rising oosts all round. However, at an average salary of $33,· 345 per teaching year, a faculty member will be In a much better position to a bsorb inflationary shocks than a member of the claasified staff with an average aalary of juat $17,898. Consider too t ha t the average ins tructor'• salary is baaed on 177 teaching days of five hours a day. That's $188 per day, or $37.68 per hour, with ample time to u nde r take outside money·makins act.lviUee. Most members of the clualf1ed staff. however, work 246 daya a year and are at work nine houn a day. That'a a total of $73.12 per day, or $9.14 per worklna hour (the lunch t~ is unpaid time). Such a full-time work achedule certainly puta the cluaified staff at a diaadvanta1e l1\ developing additional outaide Lncome. eta.ified staff members have borne the brunt of layofl1 and forced workJ income redUction withln the district, and they are the onea leaat able to cope financially. ln many ways, emFloyees of the Cout dilU'ict are aubsidl%1ng the educ.at.Iona of thousands of student.a with money from their own pocketbooka .. lnflatlon eata away at frozen peycheclc.a. Yet, theee are hard \imee. Employees understand that but pleaee, a little credit where credit la due. It may be the only credit they can atford. NAME WITHHELD Missing member To the Editor: I conatder my.elf an lnlonned dtl.len of Huntinp:ln Be.ch. I know that there are many othen out there like me and I wilh that ~y would pt topther to let John 'lbornM know that we are lk:k and tlred of a council of lix people u..e.d of le'Yel\. Joha-Thoma apent a lot of money 1ettln1 himself elected, ao for aome reMOn he m~ have wanted that job. Yet time after time he la at.mt or out of the room when important vote• are taken. ln that expenaive campaign new1paper he put ~ut, he declared hinweH for e:very group and ewry cau.e ln the dty, but the few t1JPe1 he la there he baa voted oppoeite everythlna he aid he ii for. Come on, John, can't you a•t your achedule tocether? Mark the Calendar aheed for council nllbta. 7:80, City Hall and alt in your aeat a,, enouah·to vote on.._.. of tha.e impcll'tant i.ue... You owe It to your fellow cou.ndl mMnben and you owe tt to the public. MERRY LENT Weary beer To the J'.ditor: . About • month aao. • a Pf'OP9'll for con1umer l!::eeUon le111tatlon, California mbl1woman Maritn ... • ... lllmd to cawktlr the need to nqun ~ stolW to l'llDOY9 1\ala ..... Md .... 8'0Clm. Accordtna to a study _by Stephen Chapman of the ChlallD Tribune, "All ~N 10 dMerlora• M IOCID M lt ti ~ and the .... ll .. , dnank the -. .... It IMtel. Bottled or __.. ....... .....,life of anly 80 10 ~=draft beer, whtoh l1n't ~ 9"" .... np6clly." Tb• propo11I 11111· the writer to Ailembl,womu .,.. ... ~=Md .... ......................... -'81f-.. _ ............ ,ti ...................... ... ..., ...... u.. ..... ., .. Ila• .. ...... .._ •• 1111, "MAILBOX Beer-dating legislation would also provide special Incentive-for-the brewer, the distributor and storekeeper to: maintain fresh beer, insu re proper refrige r ation and atock rotation Including the removal of stale produclS. As It now exists, the consumer has no way of knowing the beer being purchased is freah nor la there any indication o n the label about the Ingredient& the drinker trusts will be aafe for ingestion. . B y law establishe d in 1516 by Germany whJch now includes Norway and Switzerland, beers produced in those nations are restricted to basic formulae of barley, hops, yeast and water but the American brewers are free to include fifty-two chemicals to make an ersatz concoction that smells, foams, tastes and even looks like beer. It la hoped someone up there in Sacramento defends California's largest. albeit ill-informed, liquid beverage constituency. BRUCE HOPPING Forgotten pledge To the Editor: Recent pledges by certain Irvine City Council members to defend their city from a 8Cheduled airline Invasion of the El Toro Marine air base bring to mind an earlier pledfe by council members to defend the cay from a different threat. When Michelson Drive was e>Ctended from Culver R oad to Jamboree Boulevard a few years ago the Irvine City Council dedded to put only a two lane bridge aero. San Diego Creek in order (if rou can believe this) to create a bottleneck defending University Park aplnat automobile traffic from the F1uor pfant. So, what ia the council now foroed to do, at i n c r eased ex pe n se and Inconvenience to the public? Widen Michel.eon to four lanes where U croeees San Diego Creek, u should have been done, and the council wu urged to do, in the flnt place. PRESENT MEMBEU of the City Council are maldf\4l the aame aort ol 1hort·m1hted deterwe reaarding El Toro that their predeceaon did regarcUng the F1uor traffic. The weight of evidence, and common .en.e, tell me that 90mewhere between 1 and 1,000 alrllne (J.lahta per day is a level of .ervice that will help meet local needs while posing no threat t.o either the military mt.ion of F.l Toro or the peace and tranquility of Irvine. What la needed ii (Of' the part.let conttmed to lit down toiether and determine what t hat nwnbtt 11. lrvtne needs now, and wW need more ln the future, the kind ot ..-vice the alrllnet could provide at El Toro. It doesn't need the klnd of defenae lu council ii now providing. NORMAN G. EWERS Schmitz' guts To the Editor: Speaking of a "sick mentality" on moral •ues. Fint, John Schmitz made a fool of hlnwelf, hil family and the entire ultra-conaervatlve movement. Now Mary It dolna It, chairi~ a Chrlatian aroup. which Includes the Pro-Family CoaUUon, a1alnst Gov. Brown. They aeern to have ao many teeret.a in their family, I hope the 1enator knows about lhia. I woukf have more retpect foe ~ If IM and the eenator would Ju9l quietly fade away. No one can ever accUlle them of not havinl sut.a. NAME WITHHELD Help!Ul hote~l ·~-- To the Mw: U I may be permlttild to we the Dail)' Pl"°' •• public forum. ( would like to take this op~rtunlly to publlc:ly c:ommeDd TM Newponer reeon hotel for its support of the MuJUple Sclerolla Society's gala fund-raiaiJl8 benefit held at the hot.el. Not only did The Newporter terve • , host of the event and donate in eJWelS of $22,000 for an excellent buffet dinner and open bar, it also spent nearly five hours re-organizing the benefit'• tettinlj 1 from the outdoor pool terrace to the ballroom due to the unaeaaonal rainy weather. M y h e artfelt thanks to The ' Newporter's gracious new ownen and excelle nt management for their contributing so generously to a local I charity cause, and for taking such a positive, acuve role in the Newport Beach community. A special thanks alao to those MS supporters who attended the event. RICHARD P. HAUSMAN Agenda problems To the Editor: Laguna Beach is a changed d ty. Until recently the following appeared on the front page of the Council Agenda: Welcome. Laguna Beach is a General Law city governed by State law, city ordinances and the General Plan (and the Roberts' Rules of Order were u.ed for guidance). Below, on the same pqe, was th e important Public Communications item, which permitted citizens to expreaa their Independent point. of view at a reuonable hour. nu. is important. The Fitzpatrick adminiatration radically changed the agenda in following manner: "The Mayor determine whether any It.ems on Regular Order of Buaineu should transferred to the Conaent ~ndar." Concerned citizens consider thM action. negative becauae it denJes them a~ to be heard on a regular agenda itern.l Many of our citizens have come~ to dltcuss said items -only to dilcover . the.e items may have been removed by the Mayor and put on the CoDMnt Calendar and a declaion has altttldy been reached without lnput from our cf Another aerlous problem with t agenda ia that backup material in many~ cues juat lan't there. resultlnc in the fact that these agenda ltema are decided without th~ cltizena of Laguna BNdl having all the (act.a. Th1a is wrona. '""" ls counter-productive. A poelible way to avo6d the.e m11jor confrontations ia to live the aame materiaJ that council memben recetw to the citizens of Laauna Beach. It )* takes one more copy and the dtbenl al Laguna Beach are certainly worth one mon? copy of backup DM1terial. ALAN E. ADAMS Hart not involved To the EdJtor: Apparently, Sue Ficker doea not read all of your paper all of the time. 11w Daily Pilot clearly retracted earlier reported alleptiona that Mayor Pro~ Evelyn Hart waa involved in a lewNa concernln, the Bannln1-Beeco referendum. feel lt ~ to poUlt out that Evelyn dJd not appear• a ~ to that law1uit nor la ahe a member Gfj any political llctloil Committee formed~ 1upport or opf>09e the referenduna ta question. The only action \Mt Mayor Pro -r.J Hart hat taken, whh respect to that referendum. It to vote to have the mai-. btouaht beton! the ctttww of Newpmt. Beach. 1 feel that thia pi.c.m.nt ol Evelyn with the o\t'9r rmmben of .. City Council who a.re aet.lwly Of111 ' ra the referendum rneMU!9 la ilapl'aw. The public hu the rflllt ID lmiaiw ... truth and thl1 11 that the ma~ contained ln M1. Ficker'• let•, • ~ conce rned Mayor Pro Tam Han. 19 completely falae. ,,_. Orange CoHI DAILY PILOT /Thurtdly, Octobet 14, 1982 Al ·---- •ANN LANDERS •HOROSCOPE •ERMA BOMBECK Epileptic victims .need understanding aid DEAR ANN LANDERS: 'l'hla afternoon l wus haviog lunch in the 11ehool cafeteria. ll wu just another ordinary day. The studenta around me were studying, eaUng, talking or Uewnlng to th<' jukebox. Then suddenly there was panJc. A perfectly normal airl sitting at the next table began to jerk wildly. Her eyes were rolling up Into her head, her legs teemed to be getting sti({ and she was frothing at the mouth. I was scared to death, and so was everyone else. We didn't know what was happening or what to do to help her. Suddenly one of the boys said, "I had an aunt who had the same thing. It's an epileptic seizure." He said, "Just leave her alone." So we d id. In a few minutes, after she had Callen out of her seat to the floor, the school nurse came in and took charge. After a while everything was OK, but It was a very scary experience. Please, Ann, print aomething in your t:olumn about this. Tell people what to do m case they are around a person who has a seizure. The public· QUlllllf By PHIL INTERLANOI of Laguna .Beach r---~·j" 2~ bt· ..... (.AU'., t to ,.,, .,., •411 ~I <JI ,, r bn u Ill·• ll ,,. ~f l'Yt Vl.1 I I I ill "Most authentic battle scene he's ever done." ,, It. (.1 br tn J l HOIOSCOPf BY SIDNEY OMARA f:Ar.ies should ~'.get to heart -i;rlday, October 15 "' ARIES (March 21-April 19): Legal adviser may t be up-to-date; do aome personal investigating. from ~t or tradition strongly indicated. Get heart or matters, maintain independent stance. ,.. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Take ring roads: tivoid direct confrontations. Sense of direction ·~ulres further examination. Re lative may be re but could al8o be misinfonned. Emphasize tkal issues, basic chores, diet, nutrition and \h. f'.N GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Good lunar aspect b~· oincldes with greater freedom, s peculative ture, personal magnetism. increased popularity a special relationahlp. Elements of Umlng, luck tF}de with you. 1" CANCER (June 21 -July 22): Highlight 'kcw'ity, utilization oC lessons recently learned, 1\bUJty to constructively make use of references. Be '!ware of source material and realize you need not 'ltlve up something of value for nothing. l . LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Emphasl.5 on quick observations, short reports, significant· contacts resulting from recent trip. Be ready for change, additional travel opportunities and assignment Whkh utillz.es your writing skills. >tr '" VIRGO (A.._g. 23-Sept. 22): Search is concluded n:-you locate what ls needed and poseesaions aurge l\lpwards ln value. Focus on payments, collecUooa •U.d diplomatic answers. Family member talks '~bout mnodeliog, renovating and pomible purchaae ~bf bucury item. .. .,~ LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): Cycle swings In your 1uvor -penons who had dj>poaed you will now become enthu.alaatically cooperative. Streamline hnlques, get rid of superfluous material and 1Mflne terml ln crystal-clear manner. Pi9Ce9 plays a 'by role . .,. <1 SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): What appeared to a letbeck will boomerang in your favor. Accent lbn d l1covery, production values, added ~IPClnllbWty. challenge and chance for lncreued • mpentatlon. ~ I AGmAIUtJI (Nov. 22-0ec:. 21): Puule J>~~ fall into P1k'e: lunar and numerical cycle. hl1hl11ht "'larlty. friend1hlp, a successful bu11n .. 1 1111 ..... vwr and wilhee that are fulfilled. Stay with ~ -you are likely to correctly eerlle wnal theme. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): New approach ... In bullnea career and fulfillment of ambltJont. Imprint your own 1tyl•, ltat4t nffd1 ln direct ......... rocua Oft promoUon, Mk!Jt.lonal authority fnedom to make top-level dedllorw. Watch PllCD (F•b. 19-March 20): Give younelf ~lllOMI room: you•,. t.tnc pn••d for an1Wen aould be playlfli wl!Un• pme. Make -~ .. "" full play to lnteu.ctual cwioltty. " 1urely d«-s need l'<iucallng. -ST. LOUIS. MO. DEAR MO.: Tbank you for glvlna me the oppor&walty to 11y 1ome&bln1 about a 1ubject tbat slaould It.Ive beea let out of &ie clo1e& 50 ye1r1 110. Here are lD1tn1ctloa1 ror tllo1e with lndlvldual• wbo bave an epileptic sellure. Ooa't tTy &o laterlere wllb bit or ber jerk.lag movememts. Never try to I orce aaytbla1 bard lo to tbe.moutb. Geatly slip 1ometbln1 sort, 1ucb as a folded llandkercblef, be&weea the person'• teeth to keep blm from biting his tongue or cbeek1. Loosen any tight clotblng, especially around tbe aeck, and turn &be person onto bla 1lde 10 that the exce111 ..Uva wUI drala out of bit moutb. Once tbe coavlllslve movement bas stopped, ~ let tbe peraoa rest lf be feels like I&, a.nd by all me1a1 be ealm and reassuring. wben you talk to blm. He m1y be embarra11ed and ask wbat be did or said. Be klnd and aay, "Everytblng was OK." There are several pamphlets available for the Dol'!I thU. mc-an rnl'n ore gc.-tting wt•11ker tar\d women ore gettlnH stronal·r? no you think women'• lib hus unything to do with thl11~ 1 think I t'a a bad slJ(n mysc:lf. Why would u guy let hls wlf1~ pick out a Mull for him'! -J fN i>HlLL Y DEAR J.: Wives were plckla~ out haelr bu1baod1' 1utt1 lonjl before womea s 11lb was a patient and the lay person oa epilepsy. Write tu the gleam In Betty Friedan's eye. Tbose 1uy1 11re la die Epilepsy Foundation of America, Suite 406, 1828 L store because their wives bauled tbem a. Motl St., N.W., Waebiagtoa, D.C. HOH. men bate to go 1bopplag for clothes and, tr tbelr , wives didn't drag them In, they'd look .Hke Skl4 DEAR ANN LANDERS: 1 am un Hi YN•r-old Row bums. Any more questlUDI, IOD? male who has a 11ummer job running errunds and making deliveries for a well-known mcr1's clothing Wha t's the story on pol, cocaine, LSD. PCP. Store. f have )earned 8 lot tn the last SIX weeks and downc•rs, speed? Cnn )IOU handle them J°J' you're would now like to ask Ann Landers a question. careful? Send for Ann Landers' all-new booklet, Al least seven out of 10 men who come in here "T he L owdown on .Dope." For each hook/e t to buy a suit have their wives with them. The wives ord£'red , send $2. plus a Jong, self-ad.dre•sed, seem to do all the talking ond the guys always buy stomped envt.tlope (37 c.·cnts postage) to Ann whut their wives like. Land£•rs, P.O. Box JJ995, Chicago, m. 6061 l . I Business breakfast strikes fear By BOB GREENE Something lt!rrible is happening. It is happening all across America. It is happenJng in Chicago, Washington, New York City 1;1nd it is happening in Los Angeles. Societ al observers say it 1-; only a matter of time until this awful thmg s preads to every small town, village and hamlet in the land. The t?usiness breakfast, just a few years ago. was all but unheard of. Business discussions were handled over lunch. You would have a few drinks, talk a little, stay away from the office for 2 1h hours, and then charge it all to your company's expense account. For many American business men and women. the business lunch was a way of li fe . It was a -::onvenient excuse Lo break the day in half, and get out of the office for a long spell. No one even pre tended that a whole lot of business actually got conducted over lunch. But that didn't matter. The business lunch was one of the perks that came with being an executivP; sort of like a parking spot In the company lot. Business people had no hint that things would ever l'hange. But. in the las t 12 m o nths, they have. Suddenly, the phrase "let's have breakfast" has become part of the American corporate language. For many of us, just those words are enough to strike raw fear in our hearts. I don't know about you, but for me breakfast has always been a simple routine. The a larm sounds. I fall to the floor. I moan. 1 crawl to the bathroom. I raiae my hands to the sink and pull my.LI up. I look ln the mirror. l ecream. I roll into the living room. I cry. I begin to gag. I flip over onto my back and inch my way into the kitchen. My head on the linoleum, I reach back and grab t)'le bottom of the refrigerator door with both hands. I pull it open. I use the refrigerator shelvet1 to pull myself up. I stick my hands in the Ice contaJner and put some ice in a cup. I gag agam, I fill the cup with wa~r. I open a loaf or bread and stuff two pi~ into my mouth. 1 fall to the floor. I reach for the cup and, with both hands, raise it to my lips. I swallow the water. 808 GIEENE And I'm ready to fat'C· the bnght new day. Thc business breakfast threatens to change all that. Now, corporate managers are telling us, the early morning hours arc supposed to be used to get things done. Before a businessman even shows up at the oCflre, he is supposed to have a big jump on fin·s hing off the day's business. I know how this got started. It's that Reagan bunch again. The }>resident's three top aides - James Baker. F.dwin Moose and Michael Deaver - have made a big deal out of their daily 7:30 a.m. business breakfast in the White House. lt's supposed to be symbolic; while much or the rest of the world is sleeping, the president's men are de<.'ldlng policy. So naturally, the rest ot us are becomtng swept up in their break-of ·day fervor. There 1s no graceful way to say no to an invitation to a business breakfast; if you say you can't make it, you are admitting that you are a luy, slothful soul who can't bear to drag himself out of his warm bc-'Cl in time to talk turkey. The talking turkey, by the way, is one of the most horrid parts or the business breakCast. Many of us CJnnot st~md the eound or another voice before, say 11 a.m. Our mornings at work are spent starlng at the floor, waJUng for our akin to wake up. and wincing every time the telephone rings or aomeone slams a door. Now. we are betng told, we are expected to walk Jnto a restaurant at 7 a.m. and greet someone who slaps us on the back, bellows "You're looking good this morning!" and proceeds to laugh at a high volume and pound hia fiat on the tabJe to make his points. Our other sensory organs are assaulted and injured by what goes on at the business breakfast, too. It's one thing to smell gin on a companion's breath ut a business lunch; it's quite anotlher to sm ell Pepsodent on his breath at a bu:,lness breakfa.'lt. It's one thing to sit in an intimate, dark restaurant at noon; it's quite another to squint in a brightly lighted dimng room a few minutet. after daybreak. Every nerve m our bodies crie11 out against the business breakfast. And yet, the business bre<ikfast portends to be the wave of the future. The big bosses love ill For one thing. it is immeasurably ch eaper thurn a business lunch; your boss knows that if you're taking a client out for a 7 a.m. breakfast, your exp<'n~ at'count is gomg to be onJy a fraction of wh.;n 1t would be at noon . For another thing, it doesn"t take plac·t• on rompany time. Your boss doesn't have to W•:>rry about you goofing off over your fourth marlin i at 3 p.m.; the business breakfast takes place bt•fore you're even due at work. That's possibly the most nefarious thing about the business breakfast. It's a symbol that you'1re so in love with your <.'Ompany that you're wiJlin1u to get up a few hours early and knock off a little work on your own lime. It dcx-i.n't'matt.er that you would rather not be doing thlS, after all -as so many people who love business breakfasts are fond of saying -"You've got to eat breakfast anyway , so why don't we meet downtown?" There's no getting around it. If you turn down an invitation to a business breakfast, you ure admitting things about yourself that are only boWld to hurt you in the end. But if you can't say no, you can at least do everything you can to make your host know t .. :>w you Cool about the whole thing. You don't have to make a big deal out of It. 'rhe last busln~ breakfast I was invited to, I showed up promptly at 7 a.m. My host bellowed a hearty "Good MomJng' • to me. And I crawled across the restaurant to his table, puUed myself up by h is lrouser legs, gaggE-d, cried, grabbed his glw of water with both hands, gagged again, and poured the water d own my throat. "MA>rnlng," I said. Picture taking ·shatters shutterbug I am one of a dozen or so people In this country who does not own a camera. I considered buying one once ln 1971, the year our daughter graduated from high school. Between the 15 minutes I picked one out and brought my husband back to look at it, It had become obsolete. A camera haa become obsolete every 15 minutes since flMA 80MlfCI He agr,cd an'd proceeded to telJ me how to use has camera. There was the lens to change, the llflht meter to set, the time and distance to judge, and of course the final setting of the focus. By the time. I had accomplished all thla to .his satisfaction , we had not only lost our light, but our 29·year·old marriage was in deep trouble. AT W IT'S END then. • In all of \hose yeart, ( have never heard one amateur photofCX'apher say to another, "Here, give me your camera and I'll take your picture. I know how it works. I've got one juat like it." There is a reaon for th.la. Eml>arralled, he will say. "Oh. t see, you've got the one that ca.me out three weeks after mine did and the viewfinder was repositioned." It lln't too hard to find out whether the official family photographer la the husband or the wife. OUR F IRST AND LAST family Christmas call'd picture was attempted three years ago. I got cfoan shirts on the boys and a comb through their h.air, gave my daughter a blank check to stay at home, and got the dog hairs off the white sofa. It mu.st have taken my husband an hour and a half to set up his camera ao that he could set it and join us in a group picture. NO OTHER PERSON In the world has a camera like yours. I have seen a professional photographer examine another person's camera, receive explicit lnstructlona from the own er, and then take the picture with hla finger over the lens cap. We have 18 shoe boxee of slidea. They could belona to a widow. There it not one alngle pldure of my husbend in them. There are only the kids and me waving to him from the top of the Grand Canyon. a _bUggy in New Orleans, and a whirling t.eac.'Up In Disney World. The picture shows four people with tei?th clenched into fake grins with eight eyes looking ut a blur on the lefthand side of the picture. My mother said. "If that's Bill, he looked a lot taller at the wedding." • Neither vulnera ble. outh deals. NORTH •QJe O KJt 0 9715 •KU WEST !AST • l tU •802 o IOI <;1 QU o K JO OAQ2 • toto •QJ5 80lJTH •A Kt <::I AUO 0 108 +AU The blddln1: 8Htlt W•t& N.nti £u & I c;:i , ... t c:;I P ... • • , .... 0 , ... , ... , ... Openin1 lead: Three of O. A youn1. unknown t .. rn tk.d out a I lnltrn1tlonal ) a.ck ln 1978, I volunteered to take his picture. GORIN ON lllDGf BY CHARLES H. GOREN ANO OMAR SHARIF Mutch Point victory in the rinlll playoff to betomc• Cao11da's representatlvea at the World Bridie Olympiad. now l1kln~ place in Biarrilz. f'ranr«'. The wjnners eound Uke a mini U.N.: Nida Gar. tagan'-. Vo1t•tk Pom7kal Jki. Z11munt Marcinek! and Gordon Crlapha. Thlt deal 11 from one of llte qualifying round•. and ftaturt1 another of Canad•·, un•un« upert1, South madt a trial bid In dubs. eu1p1tla1 that there mlrht be • pme tr ht• part aer had IOtH htlp In that -ault, Sin~ Mutb hed • ma•· lmum r•l•and a major club honor. he JuniPtd to ,... • even thoulJh he had only thl'ff trumpa. Wett led a dlamond. Th• dtf•ndtrt coll•eL•d &wo &r6'k1 ta the euJt ucl eota· l ~lnued s third round, rurff1d by declarer. It aeemed tha\ the fate or hi• contract hlng ed on tht trump finesse . Bridge up ru. howevtr • hate to rHort lo anythlnr as pl•bian .. a rhwNt If 'htr. I• anoUler llM available. to o ... , Arbour el Montreal: who beld •h• Soutlt eard1. opted for another line which was not without an element of rl1k. l>edar•r c11hed the ace an~ kinl of clubtl. followed b.y thre• round• ot 1padea, .nd ln1 In dummJ. Ht breath•d • sl1h ofr•ll•f wh.n th' epadea broil• kindly. Now ht led a diamond from dummy. Had E11l rurttd. clf-(larer would havt dlacardfd hi• club lo .. r and thtn pll7.d to dror the qu .. n of h""'· a llH o play that would llavt aueeetdff. East circled to pitch hit quren of club•. and declarer ruffed low. Then he exited with hi~ last club. West won, but dec1uer had a position In trump11 where he would be 1urt of h11 contract if Wttt had eithl'r the queen or tt-n of trump •1•ln. the nine of a suit prov•d II.I worth. Arbour picked up a 1ame awlnr on th• deal. becauH at lht' other tablt' detlarer rtll•d on th• trump finetM and tnd~ up down one. H•• .. ,,......_...._ .... ....... ...., a.ute9 0 ................... , •• ..,, ........... 0..-. Lea41," eH• ll!tl &e "G .................. .... ... ...,.,, P.CJ .... •t. N_.....N.j,.,.._ ... dlecll1 ,.,.... .. Ne•• ........... ' s:. I l _4_•·--· Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Thurld1y, Ooto~ 14, 1982 ' .. PAID POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT t I THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL HAS TAKEN A THOUGHTFUL LOOK AT THE CANDIDA TES FOR NEWPORT BEACH CITY COUNCIL E LIK HAT , THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL IS • • • a group of 65 business and professional people working to assure the best possible local government in our communities. We have been in existence for over 5 years. We are not a front group for real estate developers or any other special interest. Our members contribute time and money to local causes because we love our communities and want to see them enhanced. WE THOUGHTFULLY LOOKED AT THE CANDIDA TES BY ... .. inviting them all to ~speak at a forum of our members. We evaluated their voting record and political philosophies, and questioned t~,eir experience for the job. We finally selected a candidate for each council seat by a vote of our members. We're happy to tell you our conclusions. ·c WE LIKE WHAT WE SEE BECAUSE ... th~re is a fine candidate running in each race. Sometimes in the. past we've had to choose the best of some bad alternatives. Not this year. We believe the election of the candidates identified below will upgrade the quality of the Newport Council, and help heal the divisive, combative atmosphere now in the city. This is a key issue because . . . · IN GENERAL THE COUNCIL HAS DONE A GOOD JOB . of running the city. It is a demanding complex job, which takes ded.ication, concern, experience and good will. Antagonism and divisiveness serve only to weaken the council's communication with the voters. We believe election of the candidates we recommend will reduce the bad feelings and increase the harmony in town. WE THINK THE BEST CANDIDA TES ARE ... Former g:~nlng commissioner IMLL A (he's running against Paul Hummell) Long-time Newport school official NOMI LOATI (he's running against Don Strauss) Vice Mayor •VIL YN HART (she's running 1galnst Allan Beek and Ed Wolfe) Mayor JACK• •AntmR (she's running against David Grant) In the coming weeks we'll elaborate on our reasons for making these choices. We hop~ you'l.1 agree that our recommendations are sound and merit .your most serious consaderataon. Jerry Parker, President hid f0t ~ The lxecuttve Council P.O. lox 7472, N.wpon lwh, CA. HMO Jerry Parker, Preeldent ( ·~ . ' .. llllJl'lll THURSDAY, OCT. 14, 1982 COMICS 82 BUSINESS 84-8 ENTERTAINMENT 88-10 Traffic tangle only temporary Can are restricted to two lanes and bicycles are prohibited while Orange County Environmental Management Agency inttalls a 14 x 10 x 4,000-foot "reinforced concrete box" along Laguna . Canyon Road. The storm drain project should keep winter Oood .cenee, below, from being repeated. The pueing lane will be restored when work ii done. BY JODI CADENHEAD ... ..., ...... When five 1eneratlon1 oJ wometi from ane family from ap 8 weeks to 80 years were re\Wted ln CG.ta M-. recently, Ibey found out they had a lot ln COINOOft. With &be ~·~n of the lnfmt s.nh Campllell, they had ell marrtecl by the time they w.. 18 and all worked while ........ th* ....... rr.nc. Powwa, 80, now Uvtnc ln Warren, Mich., said she wartr..s bl • d9U' fadory durtnc the-: day. ol .... man1lll in thel ................ ou.-n. ll~~.~Mldd.,n, worUd at • .....,._. plem ... lilht ,..,. ·~~tobelp ~.didn't Mu wCll'ldni. but lt .. thecmlJwaywemwdll& lnte e bouM," Nld the mld-••1m.., The fmdly di llY9 ID.._ W. a.droolD bncll t.. =. pakl •12,000 for ln the If ' "" Her dau1hter Pat Boyd, 39, didn't work until 1he moved to Co1ta Meaa with her five children followlnf her divorce llx yeen aao. "I like workln1," aald the office ma,:fter o( a local tire 110re. "I y enjoy It. I'd aet 10lt nol wartdftc. •• Her dllupw Kelly Cmnpbell, 20, works also H an office rnaMpr, aaytnc she had never noticed before that all the women had been employed. They all a1reed that opportunltlea have Improved tnmendowly for women with w:h •ICle.Wdinc a-nentkln . "When I waa youn1, 1trl1 didn't hav:.~portunltle1 for educatton." Ottmen. "All the prll that wtmt to hlch eohool want.eel to be .,...., .. U the oppanunltill for wormn have ch~ed, 10 heve the Ufftty._ tbe W•J they do ~1n1 from c~kln1 to Whlft Pow .. WDtell I Jc.r of .._..._..._.lt;lheWlda / washboard to acrub clothes and a carpet sweeper to clean the ,,., . Sixty yean lat.er her 1reat- 1reat 1randdau1hter Kelly Campbell ha1 an apartment 1tocked with the latest automatic appll~ncea and expect• her husband to do h•lf the ta.work. "I tbAnlr ~ should be ual," a.id the ~ lnolher. ~ ou have to work et It, but one penon ahouldn't have co do more than the other." Their~ on IMfl1all differ, thou1h. Says OttOMn,. who'• been lnurled 42 7ear1, ''You lhouJd work to rDlllut the other one happy. A lot of younpr OMI &et married and they don't take lt that --.ly," S.1ponded her ....... Boyd, ''Thet'1 a f*Y u . You can try it. WI lt anlJ ..._., llMt h~f ... thal ... ~=.. . Ev tnotber con that 1h• b• hoped her dauahter would be...., wl Ill I, ... 1rea1 1llln111 _ln 10m• ...... ichlew wMi -Mrlllf Md not. '\ Winnie Hervey is one of a I ew blacks to write I or television ... BlO o. 0 ~ • °''"Of COltl DAILY PILOT/Thurlday, October 14, 1912 Tiit: t ',\WIL'' CIRfl'N "Why is it always MY fault just because I'm the oldest?" '9AR'9ADl'KE by Brad Anderson "I wish you'd remember where you hide your bones and stop rummaging in that closet!'' DID YouR~D ~T~RAl<~S IN FOR "THAI ? SALES PITCH .... ,. l'f ACAOl8 51 Pig ' -It: o.a ea Oemble I Conellrlerl M ANtor IVrtllld 15~ - - 14 Men coin t7 Ho9Clle loolr 11 AlmJtrCIUP 2 wordl ........ .,. 10 undouded dlle 71 Small group '7 Alplltl"Je 72 Olminlltlv9 "AllOlllOf Ml• ..... 73Mllrl 11-.,.:Poee , .......... n""' 11111e 11 ...... , ........... I 17._,.. OOWN ...... ~ ~ 1Fi19mtnll I_. 2--0flM "...... wortd ...... ;.c:&I, MU.I.-. , ...... ' ,,...... ,..,. . ..., ...... ...... ........ .. ,.. •eu.oo ........... ,....._ ...... ll91d '7 Nlill HI I,,..,,_ .... ....,.. .. .......... -....... ,,..., ,.,..... ., Ulf 11..... ",,..""" ........ "" .. tUlllJllll • ,.._ .. ,.,.. .... _ .,,_ .......... _ ........ ·' t BIGGt:ORGE by Virgil Partch (VIP) 4 ·"° I / I .. / ( '\, '• ·- "It'• Juat that I think I look better In th•H thin I do In my Jogging o-t·up." n•:'''~ THt: '9 t:~ ACE Hank Ketchum 8 ' \ I } 1 'No, i WILL NOT ACCEPT QlJE~ICt6 f~ lHE -"JDIE>JCE. • MV NAME'S Cl&. CLN't'\ ! I'M STAVING AT A HOT!L! TIE NUMeeR ~ ~-9440 1 by Ferd & Tom Johnson BUT W&~ SAVE l{A~ 1b 1.ISreN To J.flS C~ATTE~' "TIMES A D,AY. PEANl'TM TMl5 DINNER I ~AVE FIXED FOfl ~ TOHl6MT IS PR08A8LV THE FINE5T DINNER ANV P06 IN HISTOR'f' MAS EVER MAD ! Tl' MBLE• EEDH Hl,"71.&.! l'M L.ONEL'!J wru. YOU 'fALKfO Mt:? NAF)ICY, I HAVE A 5URPR15E FOR YOU GORDO FROM NOW ON, YOU CAN EAT ALL THE CANDY YOU WANT-- -------- AND YOU CAN MESS UPTHE WHOLE HOUSE, TOO I "-'-........ ,, !!~~!!~=:;;~ ................. _____ .. .,.l,/,;1f,•t. I by Charin M. Schulz I SOPPOSE IT WOUl.D 8E IMPOLITE TO A5Jt. FOC A SECOHO OPINION ... by Tom K. Ryan by Jeff MacNelly by Ernie Bushm1ller WOW! WHAT A DREAM by Gus Arriola by Tom Bat1uk f'l'NK l ' "INKE••E"N OKN.J , fUERE'6 ON~ ONE. .SECOND L£Fi' ! ~ DID ©) CAU. 1AAf sruP10 1iME our , ~ ~ -.---~'f elt*£ ws .._, b)l llW, ~----1WM'f ... DR.SMOCK , You'Re KINC'A NE!W A-f' ""rHIS OFM"HOF='e!PIC ~USINE!SS, AReN'-f' vou, POcroR ?9 I I ·Party scheduled :f at Casa Pacifica ' • UCI aupport aroup, the Medical Re.earch and J'.ducatJon·Soclety, Chancellor and Mn. DanJel 0 . Aldrich Jr. and Dean and Mn. Stanley van den Noort have arranaed an Oct. 23 i.. Fiesta de Otono at Cua Pacifica In San Clemente. The Mexican sarden cocktail buffet la echeduled from .. to 7 p.m: Dr. Stephen H. White, chairman of UCl'a phyaloloey and blophyalal department, will dl8cU11 the profll'ela of marine blophyalaa. Re.ervaUona to the $4l> per per90n fund-ralaer at the Nixon•' former home are limited and PARTY WRAP neceuary. Deadline Is Friday. Kay Vickery at 83,..5487 may be called. LITTLE SISTERS: Twenty-five Little Sisters had a real party recently at Roblnlon's in Fashion Ialand. They toured the store and were treated to lunch. Afterwards they visited the beauty salon where they had d~monstratlona on makeup and akin care ~fore havtng their hair restyled. The girla ranged In age from 12 to 15. Joeeph Cernlga, manager of the Beauty Works salon, arranged the outing. TOURNAMENT WINNER: Kris Peyton, top , , winner at the tennis ~umament sponaored by Jane • Gray Porter Committee of OC Philharmonic Society, gets a weekend at the Sheraton Plaza Hotel in Palm Springs. . I I I I . . , I • • Fund-raisers in. the offing Do ra Hill, the first woman mayor or Newport Beach , helped found the Florence Crittenton program in Orange County. Dedication of the new Dora Hill Transit.ion center In Fullerton is scheduled In her honor Thursday, Oct. 21 at 4 p.m. . Open house will be held at the center, 602 N. Harbor Blvd. from 3 to 6 p.m. and the public may attend. Crlttenton Services is Orange County's oldest non-profit voluntary agency. dedicated to the residential care, education and rehabilitation of tt!en-age girls and the care and protection of · their infanta. FCS recently received the Disneyland Award as the outstanding service agency in Orange County. Especially lauded was its new emancipation agency. which was e ntire ly financed by private funds through the efforts of c<>mmunity volunteers. Hill has served as preside nt of the Crtttenton board and ls still an active member. National Assistance League will hold iis annual convention Oct. 18-21 at the Anaheim Marriott Hotel. More than 1,500 are expected to attend from 71 chapters. Host chaptera are the 10 Orange County chapters includlne La1una Beach. Huntington Beach, Newport Beach, Anaheim. Capiatrano Valley, Fullerton, Garden Grove, Orange, Santa Ana and Tustin. Barbara Reed of the Anaheim chapter is chairman of the host.esa committee with Dorothy Reichle ol Newport Beach oo-c:hairman. Besklea the buaine9a and' committee 1eS1ions, conventloneers will participate In a trip to Knott'• Berry Fann, planned by the Newport Beech Chapter; where they will be entertained by John Raitt. A bus tour of the beach area with luncheon at the El Adobe In San Juan Capistrano is alto planned. The convention affords the opportunity for all chapters to share experiences and acquire new knowledge In the businels of operating major philanthropic groups In their respective communities. Santa A~a -Newport H arbor alumnae chapter of Delta Gamma will aponsor a Delta Gamma Showcue of the arta Sunday. Oct. 24, from 1 to 5 p.m. at the SandslOl}e Gallery, 384 N. Coast Highway, Laguna Beech. The public may attend at no charge and proceed• from the sale of the art work will benefit the Blind Children's Center. established ln 1938 In Loa Angele• by Delta Gamma Alumnae. The center continuea to be the group's philanthropy. Plannlng the event are Muriel Reynolds, Joan Christensen, Alice Carney and Mmes. Robert Gibbons, Donald Sutherland. John Crites, Michael Cate, Alfred Mollicone, Jobn Everett and Gerald Raymond. · Friday, Nov. 5, 11 the date selected by Children'• Home Society. Orange County District, for ita Antiques Exl!!'_ and tale at the Oranae County ~ea.ta Meu. The 1 to 10 p~m'. ev!l!nt will be In the Commerce Building and adpUlaior\ i. $2.00 with chlldren under 12 free. ... nioe liquor •tore,. aest to lrnne Baaela Parmer'• Market SALtJTES THE ANGELS (.UfD 'nl08E orHD BUMS WHO MADE TH& Sam:&) COORS Lisht 120l.C-s201 PIEi llDSICI CllAl9' ... ...... Dty s14• INGlENOOK !! • Orange Co11t DAILY PILOT/Thurlday. Octo~r 14, 1982 ' I $ EXTENDS PICK~UP . & DELIVERY SERVICE" Harbor Ridge Spyglass Hill 'Sea View Westcliff Eastslde Newport Heights Harbor View Hiiis Big Canyon East Bluff West Newport Lido Isle lrvi_ne Terrace Ba ye rest Dover Shores Bayshores Balboa Island Balboa Peninsula Point /.od All ol fJ111111nl 1:111 1494-40441 • DRY CLEANING • HAND FINISH • FINE LAUNDR~ • ········Since·'irs ·mttoouctiort;:ihteresr ·ra:res ·on·Weits·Fargo's·MarkerRate· ........ ~ ................. . Account have kept pace with money market fund averages. Add Wells Fargo convenience ~d FDIC insured safety, and you have an investment that for low risk, high yield and liquidity is unsurpassed. If you've been looking for 10.5'~ an investment that compines money marlCet yield, liquidity and insured safety, the Wells Fargo 10' •t111 FaraoMarV• Ra1c Market Rate Account is whar •••••••• A«oun1Yidd 1mumt· you've been waiting for. •••••• ••• A $20,000 investment gets 9.5'lf. ••••• you interest that keeps pace with money market rates. You can withdraw funds with just seven days notice, and make deposits or withdraw interest whenever you like. You can phone-or mail instructions, visit your Wells Farao Bank, or place a stmding 8~ .... ~---..-~---~~--~---1 9/8182 9/15/82 9/22/ll 9129/tl 10/6182 .. ... " order. And enjoy the convenience of keeping all YOU[ funds in one place. With a Market Rate Account, your money is insured ·by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. And backed by the assets of America's 11th Jaraest bank. The Market Rate Account is the closest thina yet to a hiah- yield, hi1h liquidity, no-risk investment. For more informa- tion, call us, toll-free,· at (800) 238-4586. , Scholarships awarded . Senior civil engineering students receive 11,000 k•olanhips from (left to right} Dave Walden, Dave Boyle and Sam Peterson of the Orange County Chapter of the California Council of Civil Engineers and Land Surveyors. Recipients (from le~t ) are Allen R . Kosup, Richard Lee Noble, Cynthia Ania Brown and William Thomas Truxaw. The students are from UC Irvine and Cal Poly Pomona. RIONAL "'MU INVINTORV -lclenl1ly .,-,,_ IO -Of a, relelioneNpl Aloo .... "Tr ... YCNI Tr-·· 1r1 POlll"'9 PwlOMll lMm Oo•oiopmenl fOf pr ..... Of QI- -·· phone M11 Roe: .... , 8oill>IO< j • Coneullen•• ,...rwor~. ~ e..cti (714) 840-12U NEYER UNDERESTIMATE THE DANGER OF AN IUNE88 ~: R. rh. '• All around ua a.re countlem 1erm1 waltln1 for the opportunity to enter our , bodlee. A ntj.lecied acr~ of the ak.ln, a cut on your weakened, tired body can pennl t one to niter and live. K.D.O.C. channei 56 !Mh aenn oc vUul hat an unfalllna l n1tlnct to reprod--and C9ll multiply quic:k.ly. A fever II one ol the firat 1l1n1 that they are becomln1 a d1n1er . Take your tempe/ature durln1 an y lllneu and call a phy1lclan If you have a f•ver. We can 1upply an act'UTe te thennome\er. TONIGHT Thursday, Oct. 14 YOU OR YOUR DOCTOR CAN pltOtfK US wbm )'OU !'wed a deUvery. We will deliver promptly without ..va c:harlt· A ir-t many people rely on u. tor UMlr he.1th nMda. We welcome ~ for dl'liYerY aerYice and char1t aocount11 6:30 -7 P.M. NEW 9.50~ ~ired RM ACCOUNT I 0. 11 ~ * ~3a1ized •a 2217tO 3l-,.,M1n1111uz11 Balance '30.000. Ad. today on this high rate account Stop in at your nearest Allstate Savings office or call oollect (213) 240-5913 and a member of our Bank-by·Mail Department will be happy to help you. This a<µ>Wlt is fully insured up to $100,000 by the FSLIC. . . II ' ' ~ '< ............................. A s1111 .. SBV1nos · ........................... .. Allstate Savinp & Loan, a member of the Seara fanily. Over-$3 billion in astets. C l982 Allstate Savings&: Loan. ·>--..., _.... .... -"' ........... _ .. .._. ·-.,.._ .... ,... ...... " ...,.._ .._.. ..._,_ ,.._, ... ..., -·- Now .. Tax Relief with Three Money Makers Republlc'1J:u..Free Al.....,. Certlflc•te la dlll enJl8ble. But hurry! Dec:. 3 1st is the deadline for opening new ac:c:ounts or reinvest· Ing to obtain the full exemption. $2,QOP of earned Interest Is tax·e>eempt on a joint Federal return. $ l ,000 for Individuals. If you're In a 303 t4Jt..bracket..or higher, this ls better than most taxable Investments. blnvut ,our maturtne All·Snen fUtHll In en IRA cw a ~ PIM for the Mlf4111· plore4. Cet •tax deduction this year and post·, pone your tax .. until you retire! Anyone earn. Ing wages Is entitled to a tax·deferred IRA, even though covered by a private pension or proflt·sharlng plan. Also you may have e Keogh Account In addition to an IRA, even If your self·employment Is put-time. Repub1tc•1 1 ... ranteed rete certlflcet•• for 'IRA end Keogh accounts reflect current Money Market rates. Term 18 month• to 21/J yeara. Additions may be made without extend· Ing the term. (Rate set et time or purchase of certificates.) for det.81a. Md current rtet• on Republic:'• Money Mekert cell our neerat offlce. REPUBLIC FEDERAL s';;.'N;8 '°"00'-[j'.s.j);I l 'Superleaders attract faithful f olloWers BY STEPHEN FOX .,......_wrttet L OS ANOELES Why do people work hard tor one tx. and lc.f under another? Or. A. ·Warren Benn la, profeaaor of management ca\ the use School of BuslnC88 Administration, ssyA it's a matter of leadership. ''People would rather dt.'Cllcatc their Uvcs t.o a cause they believe In than lead lives of pampered idlenesi," Benru. believes. "The leader o! a cult, a traditional re- ligion, an army or a dynamic corporation can tap this desire." Bennis, a nationally known management expert, set out four years ago to determine w hat makes a "super leader." To do so, he interviewed 90 of them, in- cluding chief executives of some of the nation's biggest cor pora- tions, university presidents, pub- lic servants. •newspaper publish- ers a nd the coaches of. con- sistently winning teams. ON AVERA GE, th e "superleaders" were 56·ycar-old white males who had graduated from college and were making about $300,000 a year. Most of them, he also found, were en- thusiastically married to their first wives. Statistic..'S aside. Bennis identi- fied five traits his superlcaders had in common. -Vision -the capacity to create a compelling picture of the desired state of aUairs which inspired people t.o perform. -Communication -the abil· . _!!¥ t.o portray their vision clt8rly MUTUAL FUND und In 11 way that enllated the t uppurt of thelr conatJtuenclee . ~ Pe1'8lttence -the ability to stay on counie regardleee of the obstacles encountered. -Empowerment -the abili- ty to croote a structure which harnHHed the energies of othera t.o achieve the desired result. -Organiwtlonal ablllty -the capacity to monitor the actJvltJea of the group, learn from the inlstakes and uae the result.Ing knowledge t.o improve the over- aJI performance of the organJ.za- t1on. BENNIS FOUND that his supcrleaders didn't pay .much attention t.o popular theories on management and motivation. "When talking t.o these peol?le, I didn't hear about humaniung t he workplace, the Japanese form of manageme nt, be tte r working conditions or innovative compensation schemes," he said. "One of the most dynamic leaders I diS<..'OVered was working m a n eight-by-ten clnderblock office," he recalled. "But that offke was the heart of a vortex oJ excitement and involvement he had created. His employees had been working 80 hours a week for 18 months because they knew they were on the brink of developing a brand-new compu- ter that would make the compa- ny famous."' Superleaders come m au sizes, Bennis found. ''Aside from having the five characteristics I defined, the ef- fective leaders I studied w~re tremendously diverse. They were tall, lhort, fat, thin, lef~brainlf!d or rtaht-brained. They evinced no common pattern of peychcr Josica1 makeup or bllckcJ'ound, '' he Mid. BENNIS IDENTIFIED a dla- reprd for risk which he dubbed the "Wallenda F.ctor," for the tamoua hlah wire walkers. Uk.e K.arlWallenda,patriarchofthe cit'cwl family, 1Uperleaden aim- ply dldn't think much about the poMibility of faWns. "They don't think about the downaide, be<:auae then they would be puttlna their enerey into that," Benni.a aald, adding that they alao don't dwell on their errors. "They have the capacity to externalize their miatakee to that when they make one, they don't see it aa a great defeat." Bel'U'lia a1lo noticed that a lot of the leaden he studied didn't seem 110 auper outade their area of expert.19e. "Socially, a lot of Ule9e people are abaolute miltita. Very few of them aeem. to be capable of small talk," he aaid. "For then(. noth- lng is done without a purpoee, and when they're not on that purpoee, they're boring. It's aa if there's a range of lntenaity and out.side of their range they tune out." THE SUPERLEADERS,•Ben- ni.a found, were happiest on the job. . "They are very happx. on the whole. But if they can't play in their playground, they ean be v~ depreued," h e ·aa id . IMV&HIM h l're t.tl 10.. HI VICI II OT NL 111'11 SIA 11 01 n tO Gr-•-11 7.4 Prv SIP 11.7' 12 AHet .fl NL ~UltS C..-TNT 10 11 NL LI -I o> NL lnw Sel 1 .. 1 11 Nll9cl t.M 10.J7 ~ F-: ,,...... I • NL NIEW Y~IC {AP) c;..,1_,l .. Go Purlln 11 11 NL lnw VIII t.1' 10 10 Mui-ol ~: C-M.J1 I Ck-.... NL TM ,.._lftt ...... OrU. l.G 'M Thrlll • IS NL lnw R-4 Ji 4.n Atnff 10 IJ NL IM &i tl.n IS tHM -~· tetleM, ..... lecl..... fovll .... I JO Tr-JO OJ NL h l•I u n HL G.-s .. S.91 0-. 14.'7 ..... .... NL tlle Nal'-1 A.U«I CN ncetlO< Group Fld\IT<ll 17 '7 NL IVJ Fd 12 M NL I"'_,, LAI t 11 ()...... 11.42 11 9-tA:I NL ellof> .. Soc111illff HIYl<I t '7 10 U FldSHIU. If OS NL JP Grtll IUO 14.Tt Ta fl're !Cl.JI 11.10. H-14.14 11 =Op •.a NL Deeter\, IM . VI HI-u.a 14 u ,,.._ ... Prov JP lnc.o 1.n t.U MUOI.lei 12.1' NL HI Yid 16.Jt 11 11.16 NL lhl IM'l<et et"""<" NOe< .. 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I SI Net Ah • U 6 '1 Gr-II.JS 12 • .0 Inc om .... 1. II Sofco Sit<ur: *°'Id lt.S7 11.Jt ADV ,.,., NL I Mom • ,. '-" ()pin • It • ., HI VICI ... 10 JI StoO • I I '°·" E ..... 1 t .12 NL T .... c. .... IO.tl Allll"'• 14 » NL Ootn tu 10 00 T .. E• II) ••l lnlll'd 10.•S II ... Tub 1.57 t .12 G ........... NL T~ Ml NL AIM "-· T .. Mo 11 SI "SI .. WIEq • '° • " Mun • 1... l.Jt Toi Ra UI •.12 lnco 11.'7 NL Tr ... E411 IO.n 11.n Cw Yid 12 .. IJ,)t COlu Gt" :IO.. NL .. Wiii 1J M NL Ooln 12 ... IJ U '•lrtl<I 1.1• IM SCPOUI ·-· Twr '4 14.• NL Gre_.y Cwl .. Al 111 I f'Oltar S JI S _, Su1nm II.'° 10 .. NE Liie '"""· e.it 11.• 11. It TM!( Ge 11.. NL IO .. 11.• Cwl .. c.o 1 IO I •s F"CI Glh • .. s JI TKll 12.19 u .n ECIOMI 21.45 D.n o..-u .u 11.» TwM: $e1 11.11 NL HIYl<I ... IO 27 t.m1> Id • SI 10 " F-" G•-TOI RI IJ. IUI o.-lt.67 JI.. '"" ..... "L T...C Vt s,a S.lA A..,... , a 16 NL C-.p 11"<1 .... 10 Gr-I 41 NL US G..t I." t .» IM-'°'" II t5 k.-"-· USM ~. 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NL MF• 12.a IJAJ ..... IO •• 11.17 ·-1.61 '""'Tr 11.41 HL II. C.. I IS G Su,.e y llM 14.10 ISi Or-: MMI t,OI ,... f'C C. MAI.··· 1.....C IJ.M 0ttMA t• NL IL llllC 141' f"IUlll ... , .. L ~ t '1 7 Jt Mfl'H ._.. 1.16 f'lletlM ~' 9"c1e11t ,,,_. 11.te NII .... "" I.SI NL hr•" J1.J1 NL lllC-J 1t • .. lllTrl II.JO n.• "'" ..... tl.6t 11.$1 fl ... tJ.I ..... IOM HL ·-'"" 11.C NL ''"' 80 II.ti IUO TrPd ""-•ell -........ Jl,41 Ht. Mee C I.JI U4 Trtlll t.71 ll,61 ~ t.a.i NL 9Mt Olfl U 1S NL ,, __ fl'-. trll Sft !04' 11 Jt -rrtlt LY'llCfl: ... Ill 1AS &AS V911t 1A Lii -li.17 NL lee< Hiii 1•.AP NL AM ~ IO_OI IO 111-tll"Y • 'l1 NL ... IC II.SI 11.>7 "E "'-: ij ... ~141Y 14.at 1 ......... It.fl NL ....... ~ Euh 11.0 NL l111ef<1Pilel' Gaplt 11.-0 tLG t.11 ·" l&Or W t , ~ t.1' Nl. I• RI 1(.M HL Ht lcm II_.. 11 0 1..C. 1' 10 11 1J E411'1 .. IO_H IO,ft -tt.te '" M.'9 IU1 I Mn NL Ill N t • NL P•nTI' .-well HIV.. IJ 1J U SJ HI llOC 1.. 1,.. II -IJ.,Jlt M lfW; 4Ji -.&, II JM HL ...... C.0 h l'r• t .A1 NL lllVel 11 .. 11.16 HI Qlt ti.a. 11.n ...... NW II.a. It, .. .._,_ 11 rtlCe aJ1 Nl. lf'I !At 11 W 12 • US Gvt 1.D NL NI"" .... 1.1' l.tMel f.ft lUrt ,....,,_ la.It NL ....... Ot9: .... II.. NL c..-. 22.61 NL f .... lty "'-: f Hla '"" ll.. -I t... t.d ~· ~; ~ = J.» l.11 = 11.. "L .... ,-,. II.IS 12 It AMII( 16.A NL llll I-lt.U 11.41 M4111111t 7.G 7.a 0.... IJ.AI .. t..41 S. .... NL allti & IHr 0.. ..... .... NL'"" 1-1.)t NI. f>ec"-I0.41 11.IJ 1-..... N 7.. M a. ... "L ~ 10.A NL c~ .....u NL '"" ._ 1ut 11.w ... v• •-» 10.1~ 1141 .... H EJ"" 0t "' NL ..._ ""t Ht. c::.... s .12.7• NL c.. ~.a NL ,,..,._,~· """'/llM .... '·• H Ire Ii! N . P'MI 81 1ua ffl. 5'J"' "'" 11.11 Gekll _ .. I lh :c IS NL I°' .. •.6 .. ,. .. Ollt J0.01 NL .. ..,., .. llW: 0 ,,,. , .. ca&vl11 Mtec.11: Metlll t 2t 2•.7' OS f41Y J. •:" ~· ff• 1!1,11 I . .HI l. .... ,f/f.M. • • 'S-' •••wt Iii\: .,.... 'lk• ' NC.· • •' ·•• . DMd f .. 1-0t Mun 8d ,,q HI.. IQS no.,,..,, ........... 'fl.al' ,,,, ,.,. : P'.. ~· HI. Nl. -... ._ 1111tw: •• ,u .16.t ··~··11.'7' Hl'"ros""' uo•.u MC1W10vt _.,..1 MN'T 1 .a N '"""' Al•· «NI•~' '' '•' ~II I0,•7 11 66 Gwl 5K t.a HL lllw Mii IO lt 11.1' M IF F-: fl'OIM L• NI. .....,._ : I-,.,...,..... Ny't HI WS t.11 10.7' HllllCO l .:M NL IDS Ta JJ6 J.70 fund t ,14 t ,• I-t.J7 Hl. AM tM NL ...... --- • Tontato growers call for ·help SACRAMENTO (AP) -Calling their crop l<>ea'11 "a tragic dl1'Wlter,',.the C.allfornJa tomau.> grower11 arc rcquetUng --: tor t he tlrat time, they slly - government relief. David L. Zollinger, ext.-cutive vice president of th<- Callfornla Tomato Growers AalOCiutt'on. uyli thot 600,000 tonJ of canning t.OmAtoet have be<-n lolt thla sea8(;1n. At an average of $61 a ton paid t.o the growcni, that's.a 1088 of $36.6 mlllion. O ff i ce comple t e d The Koll Company. headquartered In Newpor1 Beach; has completed construcllon of a new office building and Interior Improvements in Tustin for the Santa Ana Branch of Fireman's Fund In surance Company, California's largest in.!Jur,ance underwriter. Growth of t h e Santa Ana Branch, whic h· generated over $55 million in premiums in 1980, led to the necessity to move a staff of 225 to ,the new facillty . How'ard Price, Koll construction manager, del!Cribed the prettr~d concrete-frame building as a compact T-shape with integral covered parking for-353 vehicles. Completed under budget, construt.'lion cost.~ for the shell building, parking structure and tenant improvements totaled' approximately $6.8 million. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT AMERICAN LEADERS UPS AND DOWNS DOW JONES AVERAGES Due to late transmission today's fisting will not appear In the Dally Piiot. WHAT STIJCKS DID NEW VOAW. ( ... Pl OCI. tJ Prlr TOO.y °"J, ..,ovanc,eo ...... Oeclfned )99 ,,. Un<ll"'ll'fO ™ ,.. Tote!••-20n ms ..... 1119111 411 •t• N•w lows l 1 WH,-, AM[A QIO NEW YOlllC '"Pl OC1 13 PTr.t Ad•an<.tld T~ cMJ. Otcllneo ,., >01 Un<llaf9d 11S m Total Is-• ... m New lllghs .. ., ...... ,_, ) A METALS NEW YORK (APl -Spot nonrtrrout mtl81 priCM lod•y C•PIM' 70-72 cenlt • pouno. US OM1tnatloflt WM 23-29 _,,. • PoUnCI Z1M 4(µ2 _.. .. a pc)Ufld, cMflvttecl. Tiil 16.2691 Mel ... w .... ~lb ..........,._ 78 _.. .. a pound, HY . ...,_, '370.00 pet ttUk "9tfft-'297 00.'303 00 uoy ounce NY SILVER GOLD QUOTATIONS ar TIM AM«IMM ~-Seltclecl world gold ptlON tod•f LOIW!oft momiflO living ~211 50, off$ 11 75 London ellernoon flatng S428 75 011 112.50 P..sa eltttnoon lf•tng $426 llS. Oii S9 71 PreM1Wt lt1<1flg $430 00. oll S 10 1111 ZWtcll i.te •tttfno<Wl ''"'no «30.oo. 011 $5.50 bid 1431 00 tik.0 Hefldr 6 Htr,,.t ll (OfllY deily Quote) '428 75, on s 12 eo 1119t11Mrd •°""I oeH1 qvoteJ «28 75 Off St2.60 l~d (only dally quo1•1 lebt1ca1eo «so 111, o11 s 13 1.- SYMBOLS O·New y .. tly !Ow u•Ntw yelltly h'9h u lien OlhO<W•H noted 1alH or dr1110e•>11' ••• annu•• d••bul_,.lS IHI* on tht I••• qu•••erly or te,..•·annual O•c••••hO" Spec111 Of e•I•• dlvldfl'IOS 0t paym('nlf nol -. . • ~ . \ . l . desionalecl H ·~ul&i are .O.nllt141<J 111 rne • 104!0Wlfl9 lootnoth " . ' . . . ... ..... .. ... . . . . . . . ............ . ------COLO COINS Due to late transmission today's llatlng wlll not appear In the Dally Piiot. •• ar•lao.ea.I<• .orA111tu" .o..AMuAl4tlllllC>..,.. •••• ~· • slOCk Ot\ltOtnd C•LIQUJdAhflQ 01v1oeno > O.Cl1•td 0< patO '" preotdt"9 12 mo<11na •·O.CUOttO Of paid att~ 1100 OivlC!tnO Of ~I yp J·l'•ICI 1tw1 year. d1"10enO om1t1t0 d4Jttrrto 0< no te11on taken at IUt dt\lldtflO meeting 1.·0llclatt!d Of patd U'llS Y9., Ill aGWmullh•e IUl>e Woltl dl\llden<ll ln l!INlt fl·~ tf-l•Oecllt90 01 pa.o '" l)f9Cfl0'"9 12 "'°"'"' plus \I~ dt~d l·P••O 1n tlook •n o•~•"9 12 rr1ot1111a. •••,....1.0 CUI\ ••lue Of1 h·O~ Of aA•OtallltlVllOll dale 1•Elt·d••~Ot Of tK•llOhla y•Ea•OWtOMO '"d -In luH •·S• ... fn Ml CiO·Calltd wd·WMll Olslributtcl ""•WlllM 1uued ww•Wllt1 wt11an11 ••·WltnOvl ,..,,.,.,,, •lli•·E• .ofa1'1buoon P E rellO ln. P<W:. ti I tlOcl .. 6 mut11pt41 o• P<1•·lh•1• -n11•ot·cs.<••to by dtvlClln; IM flltsl 12·mo<llll tAtlllngt flQll<t 11'110 1at1 .... orooe f Bill broadens . . .S&Ls' powers I L WASHINGTON (AP) -Tho ,..w bonkln1 wen Conare11 haa 1tven aavlnp and loena will n 10me of the ties that have kept the lndualry t(om doing little mQre than wrltlna mort1agea, iriduatry offlclall aay. :: Over time, S&La likely will evolve more lnto ''Camily flnandal cent.en" where conaumen can 1et lqlna for homes, can and educatlQn, and put their "'-°ney into •vino, checking or other lnvetUnent llbcounta, the offidala uy. :: · Rollin Barnard, pnllldent of Midland Federal aivtnca and Loan AllociaUon in Denver, expect.a f\&La in larpr ciUee to concentrate their 1ervices on l.(kllviduala, famillee and amall businesRS. ·: The new powen, he said, "are going to be very nieeenlngful in the yean ahead." :: James Christian, chief economist for the U.S. t:,aiue of Savinp Allociationa, a1ao foresees S&Ls ~one-atop family financial centers. :: The leglalalion, approved by Congress and eilpect.ed to &e aigned into law by President Reagan, ~let federally chartered S&La, for the flnt time, oUer check.lni aot'Ounta to individuals and certain ~. corporate and agricultural cwt.omen . . : It alto will let them grant loans for commercial, ~rate, buaineu or agricultural purpoees of up to 10 percent of their aueta by 1984. S&Ls now cannot ogter commercial loans. ·: Under other invesunent authority granted in \lie bill, S&Ls will be able to i.ncrea8e the amount of nSoney than they are getting from the mort· "8es. • The legalation allo includes a financial ajd package for weak S&Ls and directs federal regulators to authorize an investment account 'I In tended to be competitive with money market mutual (unds. ,. Richard Pratt, chairman of the Federal Home Loan Bank Board, said the bill waa the most comprehensive for S&Ls in the last 50 years. It of1en them, he said, the "beat possible cure at this tiine" for their money ailments. Due to the long spell of high interest rat.es, S&La have been suffering their wont earnings crunch since the Depression. The institutions have tarp portfolios of old home loans agreed on years aao when interest rates were mucli lower. AB a reeult, S&La have been paying more for new money than they are getting from the mort- PFI· In push ing for the legislation. the S&L lnduatry argued the new powera would let the inatitutiona diversify their portfolios and better weather volatile shifts in interest rates. • Yet, the new powers won't do much in the short run to help the weakened industry, S&L officials and other analyst.a say. Lower interest rates •till are key. ln the long run, Christian believes the ability to oiler checking account.a to businesses will be very important. For example, he said, S&Ls loan money to builders for new housing, but they haven 't been able to offer checking accounts to hold the money. Barnard want.a to use the expanded lending and checking powers to better serve small business executives liXe ctn..ggi.sta, car dealers and hardware at.ore owners. Other S&L executives, though, plan to ease into commercial lending, about which they readily admit they know little. I · Roland Barstow , chairman of Bell Federal Savinp and Loan Aaaociation in Chicago, cautioned , commercial lending can be "tricky. We don't know that businela." Opponents of the new powers contend they will d.ia1ort the line .eparating S&Ls from banks. They say the houaing Industry will suffer as a 1 I result. Robert L . McCormick , presid ent of the Stillwater National Bank in Stillwater, Okla., has called the bill "a major step . . . toward the eventual elimination of the (S&L) industry as a dJsUnct financial aedOr, putting the future aervicing of the housing needs of this country up for grabs." McCormick ia president of the Independent Bankers Aaoctation of America. ' But Christian argued that savinp and loans' strength lies in real estate lending. Moreover, he said, the additional powen will idve S&Ls more flexlbWty in their portfolloe which ihould make their balance sheets healthier. That should mean more money for home loans, he said. Last of Corvette style produced .............................. BOWLING GREEN, Ky. (AP) -A sleek, black Corvette with a leather interior rolled oU the line at a General Motors asse mbly plant \Vednelday, the last production model of a style f•tured for 16 yeen. The car will be sold for about $21,000 by a Chevrolet dealer ln Auburn, Ky. Plant Manaaer Jo.eph Dell'Ario said the 1983 COrvett.e will be radkally different from the one that rolled away Wect.ne.day. But he declined to d*"-specific changes ln tbe car'• delign. He did aay, however, that the flberlllMI body will be more stramllned. : Mmt of the uaembly plant'• 1,337 workers been placed on layoff until mid-November, trainlnj and _preliminary producUon will on the 1983 model, he aid . • The plant'• production force -people who **8lJy put the car ~ -will be called ~k to w ork in phaaea, be1innln1 in mid- 119~.ber. But it will be aevera1 montha before the t Will return to full production of 15 can per he Mid. Alt.houah many chanaea will involve to routine nc anCJ updatln1 of equipment, one major dltllWI will be the lmtallaUon of four robote ln the t • un1trame weldlnc lhop. :! One of the robota -nicknamed "Speedy'' - .. been lnltalled to h.endle apot weldJ.na on the ··tram. ·• ••J ~ that robota are a touch y aubject," ,..r:.,.Ario '*1d. ~"We .,...:.., • hieh volume plant ... We're n1 robot• to hnprove t h e q uality of OUI' ---n.·" No w orkera at the Corvette p lan t will jabs Im ,• ol the roboCI. whk:b wtU do extra ..... flw•ipao, .. .., work In OCher ...... he .............. _____ / D STARTS THURSDAY NO DEALER SILES MASTER GRIP 40 PC. Vt II DD o/t II ·DRIVE SOCKET SET --- You get both SAE and Metric aockets. Juat 97 don't te ll your neighbors . or your aet will look Uke mine. Empty. STP PRODUCTS W TBEITJIEIT 69 They aay II helps 8 OZ. • deem up the fuel 9 If, and c:arb. What do 9 ~ yousay,Jlm? 12 OZ. CDIUIETOI SPUY CLEllEI MakH a meal of the aludge and muck that build• up ln yow carbandPCV .a}ye. ··12• 13 oz. COLEIWI YERS&JUJLER 38997 All •tffl trailer caniH almoat a half ton of Yacatlon goodiea or whate•er . .,.en hitch•• lo compact•. Double-duty aanct.r glYM you orbital cmd atralght llne 2 3 9 7 actlon. ra1r .. 'h aheet acmdpaperwltbno #f431 ciu-•tlona. SS.00 rebate from Black • Decker by mall. . ........ ' "lillSllK llJU The beat way to driYe a nall without amcrahlng your llngera la to UH er bcnruner. I V." to3'h" BOLLED R•Fllli 87 DORIE FURNITURE Thought you could relax· cauH they're a lready a H embled. eh, Bunky? No. you've gotto •taln 'em or paint' e m. Life la tough. 30" ILL PURPOSE STOOL EARLY AJIERICAll LADDER BICK 14'' CBllR ~ 58°k OFF REGULAR RETAIL ALL POLYliLYCOIT PRODUCTS lncludH Liquid Cleaning Compound. Waab and Shlne, Llqwd GICIH. Fabric Shampoo. Chrome and Metal Cleaner and More. Limited QuanfltlH. YBT AUTO PlllTS EllilllE ENAMEL Ubar.altrooJ>9r. 122 bolda up to 1trong eolHnt1. 16 OZ. 1350° FLAMEPROOF COATllli Good for l\.ader•. mcmlfolds. etc:. (My I 88 motber-ln-law could uH tbi• for her pol roa•t.) 16 OZ. CASTROL m 20W /50 WT. MOTOR OIL 9 .1 ·c QT. Smaller care run hotter and tbls •tuJI c:an take the h.at. (I heard that on T. V. Dld you notice?) McCULLOCll I" ELECTUllAC ELECTRIC CBAlll SAW Lightweight .t3 HP acrw handle• cuttlng )oba around the bolDfft.ad c:hop-cbop. Manual oUer. front hand guard. 2697#EM8 (!)f)Qf) DD DO I D.E. FIRE !¥ UIMN'scm -.-... ·~4X8 ~~liftli"ln · t.ed t.begr11 ... rr. I bow about It. c ~ ... Pack up the kld1. put on your 3-D glaHea cmd watch "The HouH That National lwlt". Coming to yow corner lot eoon. ~ ... -· 39••#PIUO Fall la upon UI cmd IO are the lecrne and .ama. Llght .. &flht UIP blow.r will make acleam 1..-p. Attac...._tsnaUable ''I' I' i I I)" 9'' Tree and Shrub. E" orFnalt Tree. f1RElllST lllCROWIYE OtEI CIBT WITB TIMIOUR DOOR ""-• Oak flnlu cart hold1 ¥ro and ldtcben gf.lmoe, put It togetberfn the time It takH toballea 'tater. It wa1 a good deal at o\lr old price, nowlt'ae .... nbetter. YOU GIHmble thll wcnerly walnut flnl1h unit with clear gla11door. muLOCEI IWllS ld•AaberFogUgbt afcdl dl'""'91 l1 j v• 844 DI EA. 111111-PICI m ~=1•~~ 'If DOORS 8 #2005 i., -·- #N20t7 cl'l''C-.11-tita •eclaulc. a lot ... . KllCG STEREO CISSEi IE ADAPTOR FOR I-TRACK TIPE PLAYERS 2. 88 #ICCA-8 They ... m to be lasing th• ol' 8-traclre out. ao th11 mlght be a wiM blYe1tment. COLUMBIA ~ CITAnDI TUB EICLOSURE Flt1 your atanda.rd 5 footer. ha1 lold down towel ban. Jfow you can SIL VER FINISH 6497 . play with your battleshl.,- witbout the Oood. GOLD f'INISH 6997 llUIUY MEI'S 2&" llOnEBEY CRUISER 6888#Wl0 Foam grip handle. balloon wbltewalla, coa1ter brake, JOU can put OD your UadH and cruJH ln .tyle. 11111w IDGABOO FOLDllC TDLE BEICI SET 3997 Artrauu laagaroo? I muat ued more al .. p. Actually. lt' 1 a c:harcoal 1talned OllCD'k pine plc:ulc let, ID llmlted qucmtltlel. ILICI • DEC*EB IJ6' •ILE EDCE SDOI DD •tDCE . TllllJltR 3.000cuttlng1troke1perm1n .. or 21 88 111115 90 th-r '°7· I hcnen't cOUDted them mpeU. Enough to do the fob. ,:)-•• cam. WEITIER tECETl•.ES DD n.awas You'N goDDG fMP what JOU IOW (I fuet made that up), 90 IOW tboee tall "ftl .. now. "'E'D I PLllTEI .o ......... s•• · 11' ........ 7" I Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Thurld• • October 14,• 1112 AT THE RIG:,IT PRICE • • So your MW 6 7 77 :::::;~;·~ looklog cmawer to the 1pace problem. · Walnut llnlab, you #3622 aaHmble. CAROL CDLE llDOOR CUBE TAP U1'EISIOI CORDS ~n.SSC 9n.66t 12n. 77t 1sn.88t Brown or white, cbOOH your 1lae (my 119 wile eay1 I 1h0Wdn't 1klp brealda1t. but I • bate to eat OD an empty 1tomach.) 20 f'r. DECDIATE ULTRASOllC PEST REPELLER 3999 A whole lot ecder than peetlcld••· Mice. roc:tcbe1. and otberTanDitacan't handle the u.ltraaonlc 1ound wen" cmd ID099 bl with M)IDeODe ••• ALLTBIDE STEP-Ill TE .777, Fred Aetalre and Gmper Rogera. now there wr•re a couple of cla1•y 1tepmate1. • .... ._, ..... 8 ELllER'S liLUE-ILL 11/• oz. 19t Qulclr way to bond 39c wood. ceramic. cloth and other 40Z. matertala. 59c lfoa·todc, a1 nery aoz. kid can tell you. 129 220Z. CLIDDEI SPIED BOUSE PlllT . 977 GAL. Oood exterior 1haff. Throw a pa:lnt1ng party and find out who yow real friend• GN, 744oAL I "' ' r .. beardota Tbom,.an· .... u.. bat not. n. ........ ...i. Tbl.I kllMl PNteGt• wood. ~k. ........ CLOSE-OUT EllERSOI CEDJIG FUS DESIGIER SERIES ·~~ --~ , --~'-c. t """-:>" You'll fMl llke Bogart In 'CalClblanca". 38" and 52" c-.pme ln walnut or antique white lln11he1. 42" Ln poll1hed bra11 llnl1h. 1w .. theart. ,.. CLASSIC DECORITIYE ~wm1Eftll0n I 698~cms 52'' M'DD DISS FlllD I 99!!21PB.2 SEITRY CADET SAFE 7777 .. s.1 Your YaluablH will 11 .. p ea1ler In thl1 llre·t .. ted IClfe with combo lock. remOYable 1heU. and dead bolt1 . IUSIDllli TAPE Golf 11 a lot llke buable11. You drift bard to get bl the green and wlnd up ln the bole. 3/•"xso ros. 39t l "x&o ros. 59t l l/2"x6D YDS. 79t 2"x60 YDS. 99t ~ CEllEYIBP ~ DELUIE SCBEW DllY& , .. wwlcln't throw --rout.the .......would '"''•-rbeu ,.. ....... lllMllcMcl. lllgMr 1...a--- ~.....,.._. >. I CllllCE DOOR OPEIEB Security and CODYeDMDC9 at the puu of a button. Hpeclally nlce In a downpow. llllYILLE FEllCI DllULITIDll 31/1" FUL·THIK R-11 lS"x.0 LIN. n. (SO SQ. n.) 23"x32 LIN. n. (81.3 SQ. n.) ,,, . ., ' •• ., 81/a" SUPER·TIUI R-19 15"x24 LIN. n. (30 IQ. fT.) . IS"x20 LIN. n. (a11Q. n.> ----~~----·-,----------~~ . 1 I .. ; P h ilharmonic features violinist Perlm.an, LA orc'1estra to per form in county T htt Or an1 • Cou nty PhUha rmonlc Society'• MCond concert of the 1882·8a •aeon, 1eh«luled Saturday, wlll fN turt Carlo Marla O lullnl, mu1lc dlrectc1r1... conductlna the Loi Angeleit t"hllharmonlc Orchestra and lt.zhak P e rlman, maater vloUnilll~ The 8: 30 p.m. prosl'm 11 act at the Sant a Ana Htah School AudJjodum, 320 W. Walnut St., Santa Ana. T he concert will Pltc•• .for Oroh11tra, Op, e. II w r l n e n In U 10 by An to n Webem, an ardent follower of lcho.nberJ. Th• 11Shc PlecH" hu a brief performa time of 10 mlnutH, de m o 1tratln 11 Webern'• lndlvl ty and creativity. Featuring the vlrtuo1lty ot viollnilt Perlman, "Concerto for· Violin and Orchestra" waH written by Alban Berg in 193~. •he month• before hi• d11th, -Followl n1 lnterml11lon the final work on the pr'Olftm wlU be Anton Btuckner'1 "Symphony No. 9 In D Minor," on which he worked from 188!7 throuah 1804, h 11 known u hie "unffnilhed" 1ymphony u he woa unable to complete It before h1• death in 1896. > Glullnl bl celcbraUna hJa llfth eeuon a1 mutlc director of the follow a 7 p.m. review by Martin -------------------- . " Jazz singe~ due Bemheln1Cr, music critic for the Los Angeles Times. The p rogram Includes "Six Ste wart, Davis sta r o n TV Carmen McRae will &i'1g Sa turday a t the Irvine Bowl on the Festival of Art8 grounds in Laguna Beach. Her performance, a lso fea turing jazz tru mpeter Bobby Shew and the Saddleback College Big Band, begins at 8 p.m. Tickets at 89 anl 1 12 a re available a t Select-A-Seat or a t the grounds box office a t 7 p.m . Saturda y. HOLLYWOOQ (AP) - Academy Award winners James Stewart and Bette Davis will star In "Right of Way," a movie being made for· Home Box Office pay television. Franklin Schae!er , an eight- tjme Emn1y winner, will direct from a flc:ree nplay by Richard Lees . Stew a rt and Davis will play an aging couple who refuse to l~l illness separate them and go to great measure to see that neither wilJ be left alone. ~~----A~PCTU{~ NOW PLAYING .. cena... .... .... wt1T•*•n1t f.dwllOI Hlltlor Twin City Clnter Pacfflc's Orange ()five In UA ~II 131·3501 834 9282 &3.; 9381 H3 OS4S .......... '*-* Vllto Twin no"'° ··---"-- ~M~rchtoa Disneyland Drummer. Christmas la coming sd>n to the Magic Kingdom, along with our mo1t magical holiday event, l=antasy on Pans~e. We'll be auditioning for parade performers and participants at Disneyland 81 follows: Men-October 30, 19 82 8:30AM-5'11" and up 10:30 AM-5'6"•to 5'10" 1 :00 PM-5'5" and under Women-October 31, 1982 8:30 AM-5'0" and under 10:30 AM-5'1" to6'6" 1 :00 PM-5'7" and up The minimum age requirement Is 18 years of age by October 31, 1982. All appllcan 10 must bring a valid Social Securtty card and proot of minimum age requirement and should plan tc1 spend approximately fOJJr hours at the Park. Auditions will be held In the Disneyland Rehearsal Hall, wh lch may be entered from West Street, south of Ball Road, at the Disneyland service gate. No appointments necessary. ~Disneyland~ t313 HAAllOA ll YO • 4HAHOM, CA lm3 ""(Q)Al Of •QIOTIHn f-.o-tl' ........ , ................. ~.M.Boyd ln{~rfl!! Daily Pilat . s LUXURY THEA TIES ) 11t Tlit a..h1cs•YS2.1Sl IWessetMrwiMlllCH ~ 6J.4~5J /~~.) s • -• i ORANG• COAST COLLl!G8 Ii . CALllNDAR OF l!Vl!NTS Oct.15/18 LTD UNLIMIT•D D1nce Concert •oct. 18 KIRK OLS•N lrlah/Amerlcen Folk Mualc Oct. 22 Ul'O'S & TH• CIA Oct. 2a JOAN ID•N BOWi• "A F•ll H•aa.nlna" -Concert ·' •oct. 23 kATHL••N ROACH ..... Pl1nlat ---~----=. Oct. 28 MOON COIN -Ir/sh Music - ' Oct. 28 SCOTLAND -am ...... " i I Armchal r Adventure Serles . 1 ·~ao .: Oct. 31 OAKLAND BALL•T I 8 P.M. -llOURT MOOR• TH•ATR• ' Fairview & Arlington, Costa Meaa -556·5527 I •F/NE ARTS LEC TURE HALL 119 I •• 2 P.M. Matinee Performance I • . ncKns/VIN·MC -•••·••27 • ' c1neoome a * ( FOR FOOi EXCITEmEOTI VllftOur ... ) * "'f?~ <:-r-fJ/. .. rn Mv~&T&R O'TOOL& ~ T/W flt JlpfJ-~ FAW>llll VIAR ........ ' ••• J141 IJi!I 4:11 •••• 1 111 .... 1 THE LAST A MERICAN VIRGIN .,, NNSfto .. 111 Pfut U• 111 lm•ll• (RI 1L..i Utt .. O.rtl (RI , MllllOtl WllJO •WPHT llAC" OllANGI WHTllU .. Tlll £dw11ds VtelO f Will £Dwa1da NtwpOl1 Clfltm.i Clntckime Edwlldt Cinema WHI 830 6990 6U 0760 834 2U3 Ht 3935 mo MaM Ii•• PIN• ~29 ~3" "FUll OF SNAP AND WIT.' Oovtd M u n N!WSWl:U. NOW PLAYINO llll& U llllO -TlllOlOll IUCll UA fol<>.,.. ("""°' 5-• (OW1rflll•n~ C..-. ltO 407' • ~II !H O 141 0311 COIU llllA 10\o.,°' !MM~ C:O.\I 1'1&11 S46 711 l •BARGAIN MATIN•••* MOMIV ttlru l •tur••v All PerformancH belore 5:00 PM lh• 1""91 E ..... 11111111 lfld Htlid1y1) -... n.LI HYDe .,. ,~,,,.,,,.. ... ------ lAl<lWOOO C lNHR SOUTH ...... '" •mmr• .......... ... _ --- Bil! "IA f>A• ~ • •I .. ----·-UMOJO -, ____ ....... l lM070 -- flltJ•i•r.1 ~ 1f11 f v ..,.....,.. ... ! ---...., '"'~ftMI"' - "THt!CHOSIM"------·- "LOOIUN' TO oaT OU'TI'" 41111 ----- -n.at"'"' ......"' ..... ""' -·"-"l ,T .• .,.. THe IXTfllA-TlftMITNAL" -cuetOP .... 1111 ..... l I.. I ., • ~ 4 ......... _, .......... Itel ....... ,_ .. TOM~.,_ .... , Cllll 11- .. --r:::.~ ........ Loi An1 e le1 Phllharmonac .. havln1 INwned the J)Olt at U., beatnnJna of th• 1978-79 ae Follow1n1 h11 tlret MUOn In Anaele1, he 1l1ned a flve-yt <'<>ntract extcmdlna hi• tenu,... with the orcht'ttra fhrou1i1h H~M. I Concert Ucketa are on ui. d. the Orange C.Ounty PhllhannOnAill' oUk~. 234 E. 17 St., Suite 11 C.OSta Meta, tewphonc 646-641 or 642°82~42. ' ' Gang chief .. • Orange COHt DAILY PILOT/ThUrld1y, October 14, 1981 NBC clear • winner on Thursdays_ .. . . . Lineup tops usual mediocrity; could be too good for TV . . . . . . • . By FRED ROTHENBERG • Tl" ..... ,,... .,..., NEW VORK -la NBC'11 Thursday night Jlnuup too good for TV? Art• viewers ao used to moolocrity that they don't rc•cognlzc. aometh Inv, 1 pcciMI? "Cheera," NBC'a new oomedy (9 p.m.) Is 80methln(I 1pecla1. lt often wit and wonnth, yet two weeka ago waa ranked 60th umong 64 1how1. If that Wli8n't bad eno ugh, the No. 1 program waa "Three's Company." a mlndle111 blend o f aex ual prance a nd pratfalls. l'Vfln though It had won the Emmy tor betl comedy. ("TaxJ'' ulnt at 11:30.) f'lru1tly . ther(' wo1 "HUI S Lrl'Ct Bluet," ( 10) the• crown Jewel In NBC'1 Thurtday nltiht lln('up. In the pw1t two yean, "Hiii Street" ho.a won 14 Emmy uw'*rda -by far the mmt in tel~vitoon But only "Hiii Street," among NBC'11 Thursday progrums, did well In the ratings last week. "CheerB" and "Taxi" both lost to CBS' "Simon & Simon," (9) which was booswei by a cr01SOvcr 8f.J>C!1tronce by Tom · Sell<..-ck o( "Mugnum, P.1. ' . ~plaode of the puerile "Too Cloae tdt C.omlort," (9) that week'• No. 8 1how. Wltll "Too Cloee'' u • le~·ln, tonJaht'1 debut 41 "It Takta Two" 1hould do bctt4'r than tt detervet. Some viewen are too taiy tO 1wl&q\ ,ChanMlt. , . "h Tak8 Two" (9;30) 1tan Patty Qu_~ Alttn u • howtewife who upset the famJJy._ domeulc tranquilit y by becoming ll proeecuUng attorney. Richard Crcnna. thl! surgeon who loved his wife before the c.,._ change. la too chauvinlllically tnflexlble IC> acc-epl TV dlnnen1 and a tired bedma~. : Trinidad Silva plays politically avvy gang chieftain Jesus Martinez in lonigha's ~~Hill Street Blues," KNBC, Channel 4, at l 0. The show continues to draw top rotinss. ' Lut Thursday, NBC offered three hours or the most Involving TV series or an y night I~ recent memory. It began with the talen ted kids In "Fame" (8) learning about the real world, not television make-believe. Crom a retarded singer. The n came "C heers," the funniest program of the new seaaon, and "Taxi," rescued b~ NBC from ABC's acraphcap . ABC can(.>eled 'Taxi" because of slipping ratings In this cww, CBS, which won the ratlnp race the pa11t two seasons, t1houlc.I be admired for good programming. not good programs. Two week& ago. when "Cheers" premiered, it wu knocked down by a two-hour episode of "Magnum." the third-rated show that week. ABC also had strategic succc~s agai"nst "Cheers"' and "Taxi" with a one -hour Thia makes for predictable. manufactureO situations that are too trivial to be ecrlO\$ and too childish to be funny. : Tonight on NBC, "Cheers" otrers th~ weakest of it.a three episodes so far. but hiQi enough good cheer and insJght to surpass any comedy on ABC'a achedule . 1111 !{"ti)\' ~ e:oo1•• NEW8 CtWW.JE'a ANGELI I l!IGHT. fHOUGH M0A'l'H A lootbell '*° etMI• a perpi.xlflg peychologlcal pro«M.m tor ...... Md 8.J. when he ..,,..,. • wound that .. and ,. Clf-. • HAWAI F{VE-4 • OVEREMY The Eagle is one of several specie of American wildlife tha t is studied ~~·Q THROUGH THI ART8 "Muelc: ~ S-c:n IFor=Q on tonight's_ pr.emier e episode of "Wild Ame rica," on KOCE, Channel 50 a t 7::JO. H8CNEW8 MOVIE * *"' "Sliver 8e•r•" ( 197S) MlchH I Celne, Cyblll Shepherd. An eccoun11ng oaru .._ a n lntrlc:•t• plen to iner-,. WMllfl by rnMlng -of IN 10t1 executNw In Ille WOftd of l'lfOll flMnoe the ¥lctllM of .,. ... _ ..... , ~ 'PG' I A 8ETTM fl\ACE .. AUCll CAWAIGN 'II: THE DBATa "'11th "-Illy Cletrtct" Si-CMe va. John Sten- ton. • CW>WINQ YfAM "lndlvlduel Dlftwancee" Cl>8NEWI 0 MANEY MIU.£R cm KAMwt AND THE DOGOHOIT eMOW "G~. 8'andel" 1':00 I <=-NfWa N9CNEWI HAPf"f DAY8 AGAIN 1=..NEW8Q -T1lllcJer IMk• 111'1 err.at In the p .. ., Camp. beillmurd«. • THNrl CC##'NIV ChrWy ,... lot 111'1 otd« man IM met In • eiiper. ITllBet. 11 JOKlllrl WIU> ...... ""'°"'" (I) P.M. MMAZJNE 'A p!'OftlW bf'~!Weet· am ... Clwt.y Prtde: Al'Mf lea.. l'MHl'lber Ot!e """' dri-pwforma. 0 ENTIRTANllENT TOMGHT A Jeller•on Sterahlp recording ...ion. ~=.IUICHOX • * \.\ "The LMt Deys Of MuMOllnl" ( 1911) Rod St....,, Henry Fond•. .... ,,.. and of the Sec· ond Wotld W«, Malian r .. .,,......., ... ..._ ............. '° .. .. ........ COllf!llY. 'PO' CZ)MCMI • •'1' .. .._.om .. 1 t97S) .. ""'*'· Clwtt Hey· WOOd. TWo rtv9 ,..., ... c:c>mpaniff eUMPI 10 ... ..cf\ °""' out In • rw for .. AlaL~ _..,.,..,, ... -. 'PO' 1':11. I ON nt1 TOWN ~-·tllklngJohn Moadlllt.e ...._ on tM ~Time Oolftpl.-.; ..... ,_~._ ~:•loc* ....... ._ ___ .,_of .. •-••ncJ'1 ...., IUPW• ...... 18,MAYNUD LAVIMll......., &°"""Nff .... ~ .. --Into n;&;-a.1' ''TMtl,'' ,..... .. ; ... ........,, ...., ........... . ..,... ol DMter ... Gatvey: a r9S>Of't on roc:- mualc'a M•ieel women~ I MADAME'S PLACE M0A'l'H B<ol!en-hftrt9d l<llno•r '-1118 wife for the MC· ondllme I (I) TIC TAC DOUGH MACHEL I LEHRER MJIOftT • WIU> AMERICA (Preml•r•I "W1tchlno Wildllf9" Natllfelle4 Many lt°""8f ,.... ""'*•· Wf'8n lll'ld llow to looll tor Amert- c:a'e w1'd lll'llmall In 111e1r net11181 ~lngs. Ill YOU AIKED FOii rr Cl) AEAOelCtlE Gel In lhape. loc:« OOod. lll'ld fMI Of'MI Wllh thlt ~ ftl-progrMI. I~ 8 (I) MAGNUM, PJ. M90num 0911 Involved wtth • run1w1y Jei>•nese gift, • kldnepplng and an allempted murdet wher1 he trlea 10 do a lavor for Hig- ~ Q! FAME .kMa trlee to reunite t>er l)Menla, Ind Coco dlseov- en 1Mt Lafoy 11 planning to quit ec:hool for OOod· ewow * ·~ "Life, Ut>erty And Plltauit On The PW1M Ot The Apel" I 111741 Roddy McOowall, Aon Harpe<. G...., the chimp llnda thel 111'1 old loYe la now a ~r­Q!OI.'.! ., ,,,. ape hotpjtel. • 0 JOAHIE LOVES OHA()Ht>· .............. . ~d tutpeel• Ille worst when Chachl enawera Joanie'• ptione In the mid- dle of the night G MOVIE "Oil" (197S) Slew8'1 Whit· man, Tony Kand... The '-of_, breve men -tflrMtened by • life thet oet8 out of !lend. • , .... MAOAZIHl A man wflO cal! make • peny out of yc>yr 1111'11111)'; • -wtlo conquered her ·=--***.,.''The M .. _..._ eon Mlltdera" (Pl'! t) (1973) Tiiiy lev ..... Mer· toe Gort.nw. When • bled! ghetto leen-eger 11 pinned lot two bf&WT• mwdera he dldn'I commit, • Potlce .. ~ lr'81 to find Ille , ... _.,.,_ • GUN OON"nQ.: TO ICllP NIO OIAA ANM Thie dooumentery -· Ille contrownlal Initiative "°'" 881«81 ,,.....,_.._ Md ,,._ Ille hl8otyr of 1!!11 oontrGI In Ille U.S. • INUK PMYIBt8 ..... a..... Ind .#ltfrey L)'Oftl ,_ en lnforl!letNt loot et -.i•e MW • 1"9 mcMee. <J:lMOVll * * • 14 "The 1!1ePt11111t Men" ( tllO) John Hurt, ~ .... A deda- oet.O PftYalclall tell" _..,,. ...... ,_,_ dtformed -~ .... e l(N)CT tCHI e KN8( (NIC) e JCTLA (lfllll,) -AK IAtc:I • ••"MaCCH> • """'"'(IM.I elKCSTCMCI (IJJ Oft.TV Cll l ·TV 00 HIO I •""" U•• .. ~TV Uftll.1 •KC&TC"9it llGC8 CNIJ <CJ 1c11wm .. 1 (W0.-1 NY,. N Y C CWTISI IUPHI CINwtlmel ...... ,.,,. •re.-....,......,.., unlH lhen hid bMrl tpenl In dlMp lreelc •J(hlbttlon1 'PG' (l)MOW *** "8odv .... t"(1MIJ Wllflam H"", Ket,.,,._,, T "''*. A amelltlme Flortcla tawyw II ,,......... by Ille IOveo' to mwder rw hul-band. 'A' ewow *'_."~IJ''(1M1) .,.,.,,.. Lee Cur1la. OonaAd ptnnnoa. A hop1h•I) ._,. mllfder• c:orit"- hll reign of l«YOf In a amalt town. 'A' 1:30. Ill ST AA Of' THE FAMLY At r9C)Or1 card time, Jentlle adiernee ft> •nenct • con- e.rt lll'ld ~·· OOod gradee -to reflect hll performance on tl'le foot- ball fleld. • 80 YOU THI« YOU GOT~ • GUN CONTN>l.: A DUAT'ION PAOPOerTION 15 A formeldellN~ ,.._, .. ""-from "C. lfomlenl Agalnet Str ... Crtme'' Md "Cellfornlerla Ag8lnlt The Gun lnltletlw" •iw-led • O'IEREASY CBJCME.OT Alch•d Harrie. Meg 8ue- -1 end Alc:tleird Muenz 11« In Lerner end L-·· •• ~ 8roechqy muelcal laoed ., Irle Wint• Gar- den rr-treln New Yort.. t:OO •Cl> IM>N a IM>N A.J. and Rlc:tl heed out to ... In -efl of • !reined dolphin thet wu kid· n8iPC*I !tom an OCMneri- llfll. G8CH&M Hot·~ Cer18 09ta lnlo • fight w4th en abnoldo- Olll N9w Yorll Yank-fen •ltheber. • ell TOO ClOle FOR OC>MfORT Henty and """"' ,.... ,,.., ,.,...,,, COUid IOOn h8lle • .,. btot ..... Of .... .., uni.. Henry ..... • dfMllc ...., to Cflenoe '* .... •MIRV~ MAifU#W TMIATN (IMeon Premiere) "To 8efw Them NIA My Oeys" Followlng World W« I, a '°""° w--lolfl8 the llllff of en llPP«-cNll prt.. v•t• IOhool rather tfltn return to tM cotl plte of 1111 ~ ~ ,,.,., 1) iMCMI ........ ~~· (tteq) ·~ ~. How-ard ltuumen. A...-, men ..._ 1111 ~ ~-.... the '" ol PfcMcllne 1111 t6-,.... eon_. lllatlrM....,.. Cif::,.,.. ..... "llmwme ao....op" (197~) .,.,,. Mc:Mulln, Kete Woodlllle. T~ -'°'-""• ............ ................ .... ~=~· ....... '° .. ,..,. ---... ~~ "''*":::=r· ................... '° .................. .... ..._ ......... ;-:w.·~ ..... Mlllwllld,... ...... :.:-.....-.;.t~: 10;00. (I) KHOTI LNDNo K .. 111'1 II «*18in lhe hM I°""" II« lluaband'a killer, end Ve1'1 wor1t 1Mrw - Mr book IH conllf med, G 18 HIU. ITNET llWU Furlllo lec:ee up to llCCll .. • tlona of c:orruptlon In hie precinct and trtn to MCUr• •truce~ local genga, wtllle 811n and Coffey «reel• blutre men Who thlnka he la 111 llllen. l •.. HEWB 0 20/20 FAWLTY TOWERS Alt American touri.t and 1111 wife try hall'• lamper to the llmlt. • OOVIUY "The Ancient Mltlnera" Undarw1w~1e rec:onetruc:t the ~ merit of~ end the ...... of endent ...,.,_ era ffom ttw.. .,,_ that Mnk In the Medlterr-.n ~ of~· ago. ~~ * * "P..,., TIO« .. ( 1978) Oavld Niven, Toehlro Mltune. The tutor or • Jap. --~··ton llnde he muet !We up to hit OfMlly •UOG«•led I .... of herolam when Iha boy la kidnapped. (I) M'U. IE NOHT Ma< A~ Scfvelb411 and Chf• tine Ferr.re llOlt • look et TV'• moal m1morebl• c:ommerc:lell lrom the birth of IN medium to the pr ... ••• .MCMI • •• .. .....,.,,...,. .. (1811) Andy l<*'1m11n. &erne- dette Pelan. In • WOf1d of the -""'"· two -rnercllil rotlot8 ...,.,..,_ the vlGIMltlldee of flrlt love. 'PG' lO:IO • •• •w NITWOM .... • FAWLTYTOWIM laelt __,,, ... !fie dMtfl of • ou-t etop him ffom Pf8P9flng the room for lta nut OCCllPllf'll, ~~GOD * * ''The Oteet Train Aol>- tiery" I 1979) a-, eon. nary, Donald Sutherland. TWo pPer1 fllm.of·ffle. century con ertleta attempt to I""' Off the~ lmCIOlelble roC>Mry of • lodled .... llboerd I ..... n10W10 looomotlYe. 'PO' ,,••••<1>oa NlWI • MTURD.\Y NGHT Hoet: Chrfetc>pftw L ... °'*": Meet Loaf. ... llND4 ""Ho "1#91 """°'9" I THAT QUIZ 1HOW ITf8TI Of' IAN ~ Alt Old OOlllller con..._ to oommlttlng • murd« he wltnelMd to prot«:t the i5ol1111 lliend. ._.IMPORT DOCTOR .. THI ~ ~ end P8111 ,_,. a drunlten ln'<lltetlon to Len Y~ to tour !fie llOtpltlll. ®MCMI * * "Th8 Juz llnoer" ( tNO) Hell Diamond, LAil- rence Olvter. A ,.._ York GMtOt .......... ~ trldiaon Md ... , out to llnd ~ •• pop ITll'9lc .... 'PO' (ll)MCMI "Pl!* a.,, ........ (IMO) Jotlnt ...... "X' 11:80. (I) QUINCY ,,. ..... °'.....__.. ,,,_, Quincy from --ting to the offloe Md a.w eor-Htro 11 •• to ... _,. dutJee '"' e8TOMCIHT Holl: JC1M11y CetlOll, °"8tt:: lllbllre WOOd· "°'*· ea AIONlwe .-m.M I YOU AMID flo.. IT ntl&1540NI L.Ollfee ...... II -1twl ...... ,, .... ___ dlldlll .. ...... • NIT Of' __ HUMAN "OMrie Dllao n•11f' • PW~T9111HT Hott:.,.....,, <l>~IT'Ola UMI Ir..&. . ........... ~ .. ( , .. , ... Mlln. ........ ....... ,. ..... ...... --=-· ... ~ ...,_41.....: • 5 ---· ............... ... ~ .,.,..... ...... ............... ................... -a.,., I iT ·--~ ..... ·-- TUBE TOPPERS KOOP ( 13) 8:00 -"The Marcus-Nelson Murders ." (Part I) T~l ly Sava las and M arjoe Gurtner sta r 1n story o( black teen-ager in the ghetto who is pinned for two bizarre murders he didn't commit. KNBC (4) 9:00 -"Ch eer s.'' Hot· tempered Carla gets inw a fight with an obnoxious New York-Yankees Can a t the bar. KOCE (50) 10:00 -"Odyssey.'' "The Ancient M arine r s." Und e rwater archaeologists reconstr uct development of shipbuilding and lives o f ancient seafarers from th ree ships th at s ank in the Mediterranean thousands of years ago. • 9 VEGAI Ward An 81\lhropolog~ A bMlltlful narc:otk:e agent proleNOr wtth • peoc:h111t lella Oen that one or Illa ror co-ad• II auapec:1ed of dOM lrlendl la Iha lead« Iha brutal murd41ra of of•~ GI*· aome of hi8 lormer bed 8tlon. (A) J>8r'tne<a. 'R' • MOW t:10• MOVIE * •. _. "Girt Cruy" ( 1943) • • "The Two F11C411 Ot Mickey Rooney, Judy Ger· Or Jekyll" ( 19811 P•lll lllncl. A rtc:fl pleyl>Oy 18111 In Maule, Dawn Add81n8. A love with • dude -.nc:n girt. r-chet atudylng OOod e MOYIE end evil In human netur. * • .,. "Two People" deO«*•I• Into hie eYi (1973) Pal« Fond1. lJnd.. Mlf. but lhe OOod Mlf MY Wllgner. An AWOL •llempta to do eway with lloldfer Ilea 111'1 lltlllf with I the Olher 1-"lon model during t>er 1:21 (CJ MOV1£ brl8I etey In Merekeeh. * * ,_. "Hl)ln•y • ( 111711) • LOW.~ Allll'I Bet•. 0-0. de .. I'm.I Pwla. T""'""" and lr1Q8-"lowe And Mlwph'(• Bed" It'/ punc:tueta the atormy a...111 Md John •rllle rellllonlhlp ~ the ,_ ...,...lefy. "l°"" Of'Nt ~ ballet at8' And The Loet Dog" a... end ,,.. ~·· -nor IM•.,.. ed In the~ ~ 'A' tor a toet dog that.,_,_.. t:ao. Qt N9C NEW8 ... had. OVUWIQHT Cll """-'V-O l:OD • C9I NEWI Al'9 ~ Md Louil ~ATCH .... .... • lo<* .. bur· , .... lelQu8. • alowna, OOlillG8 a:.ao MOVS end ~lflll ~ •i.t "loet 1e11111on" ~ I ttea) oi-· .,.....,.., Leo-ta:.ao •a LATE HIGHT wrTH pold Salcedo. ~ DAVID&..El"TBWAN .......,. 8ld lrom • Allplno au.ta: Fred Sllv9rmen, ouenllle lea~ during comediln 0-0. Miller. Wond WW H. ·~ .. != ITY\.a "Beyond Outh'• Ooor" "l°"" And The Eklpe-(1979) Or. H«old Fr- ment'' Ronald 11 trying to man. "PG' elope With Atlee. "l.OWI • MOVIE And The PWt Pell" Pen • ._. "~ II" (1911) pelt lltl08 they -· 10, Jamie Lee Curtll. Donald /4ttlty end l..ouiM «• flnally ,....__, A hoplftHfy QCling ~meet. ""'-mllfder« c:ontlnwa cm MvT-1111 ,..... of terror In • * * "l'he Hight The Ughtl llnall lown. 'A' ..,.. Out In Gaorgte" CZ) MOVIE (ttlt) Krlely ~o'::'' • .,. "&tr-OoM-Uo" Meftc Hamill. A • (tll73J J.,_ McMullen, ~ eongw"1tt1Q duo Kii• Woodville Toplce heW many llc!YenlurH .-n 10 lie tl'le mty ~ ...... ttytrig to •• out • fOltlO tor • llf0\1$1 of Mng on the country·-1· anoopet't end INlr anoc:t>- ern Circuit. 'PG' l!'9 equipment. CZ) MOW 1:11 Cl) MCMI ** "The Conqueror" *** "lody HNI" (1N 11 (ttse) "°""Wayne."-' Wiiiiam Hyrt, Kai~ ~. A mighty Monool T-. A amelltlnw Flortd8 --k~ the deugho-llwY'8' .. pnueded by ""* • of • ~ Tertw 10¥W to murder h« hlll- 11"'9 Ind Mtne ciontrol of bend. 'A' hll emc>lr•. l:AO I Nl'W8 11".40. (I) UOCl.OUO t:to MCM1 MOCbld in\19etlget• an * * "U'I ac,etc:h" ( 1970) ~ In .... fellow Alt outdoOf entti .. ,, 4*- oflo8r .,,.. Idled wMe cowrt 111'1 OfPNMd beer ~ llln'I • ,_ (A) wt>. 1•• MCMI ®INlaTHENFl *•tit "Promllal. Promi.. eono.t1 Llll'I Dawllorl Md .... (1"4) Jayne ~ Nici! ~ preeent lleld, ,,..,.. McOon•ld. Nghllghta of tM prellloua n.o ~ ..,,,.. ... ... .• pro rooebll ectloll .,...,. ..... -at .... efld ........... wlltl ~ .... bec:om8I pr-enent and ooect... .,._ tN ~ Nd Med HO(C)MCMI end ...... • • * * "Flddler On The • MCMI Roof" I tt71) Topol, Honftl • * "Th• Yellow Cf-A~' mlllman "' T~" ( 1"4) Rory In turn.0Mh••c:1ntury Celloun. NOif\ e..y. Alt curtet ....... .,... to mllr• lnclln IJllllde ,,.,.. lo hWI ry off 11111 elO)ble dm .,...., dft en Impending raid ..... ~ to hold onto pwt~.......... ..... ... ,...,......,, .... CB> M<h.. raoe of GPC)telltioll. ·o· ** "Oniell lot" (IMO l:IO(ll)MCMI "Yt111 O'NMI. ~ ~. * • "Tiii J4IU lil\ltt" M .,..,_,and I...... (IMO) Nel C>lemoM1 lAY- ...... IO ,_ e loutll -OM.r. A ,_ Ycwtl Mletlcefl ..,.., .,,.,.. c.ltor ......... fw;llly !'*. °' • ~ "' ..... tr..illllll Md ... OUll .. '"° ..,.._ .. ... Cl) MCMI l'llllllo .... 'fl'G' •~ ''Helowelll tt" 11t1t) ••• MCM1 ,,.,. Lee Ourt ... Donetd * '* "Hideout" ( lt41) M1111 IOI. A MP i I i Mt• IOOltl, Lk¥9 ..... ..... _..._.,._ .. ,,.~-······ 1111 ,. ol "'"" Ill • llld ...... Ill ..... ..... -..... ..... ..... .,, ............ ,.~ ......... , .... , l':W. LaolWd MIM, "9otlel .. ._..,Too'" AW(' JOHN DARLING ~-z.. ' One wishes that we~e enough. (?)MOVIE ***"Body HNI" (llNI) Wllll1m Hurt, l<•lhleen Turne<. A llTllllllllM Florid• lewyer la pwau8ded by hie lover to murder her hu .. bend 'R' 4:26 (j ) MOVIE * * *..,. "H11rlland" (198t) Rip Torn. Conchata F eH811 A r 8llCller Md Ille hou .. keeper lace lh• rigor• of lronller ltte In 1910 Wyoming. 'PG' 4:JO (0) MOVIE • • "The lnc:re dlble Shrlnlllng Woman" (IMO) Liiy Tomlin, en.nee Gr~ din A houMwtle !Inda It hatd to cope when the auddeoly b90lna to lhflnlc In alze. 'PG' 4:508 RATPATAOl The Rel P•trol llllla prey 10 • Clevet....., ~when they tWh to Iha 8ld of • band of ltappecl Allttd 80!- dlerl. f 'rlda•'• Da,,i f •r :tlovfe• DAYTIME MOVIU 6i30 0 * * * "Roy11 weo- dlno" (1115 1) Fred Aalalre, J1ne Powell A tong·end- dance learn OIYM • I*· lorm.,_ In Englend el the llrne that 0-Eli~abetll 1111 ~111no the final toueh- " on h« maltlmonlAll plans 1;00 (Hi *• "AdventurH 0 1 The Wild41rneea F'emlty" ( llH5) Robert Logan. SuMI\ Demanta A c:on- 1truc1ion -11.... dlelllu· lloned wllh city Ille. e11emp11 10 llUC>POt1 hit 11mily by rMno ort I he lend ·o· fOI * * "C1r1nonbaH ""n" ( 1981) BuTI Revnoldl. 0om OeLulM. Varlolle oddlNll C!NlfKt .... ~·'" a coaaMo-coeet auto r- 'PO' CZI * • * "Fnt Monctey In Octobe<" ( 1N 11 Welter M•llhau, JiH Cleybllrgn A Mbetel Sup<-Court Ju .. flee Cl..,_ wllh Iha ,_. Ml member of Iha nation'• hiOl>NI COUO'I, 8'\ llitr•- ~alll/8 women Jur1et 'R' 1:08 \SI •*'"' "Slack BMuty" (11171) Martt L•ter. Well« Slea.k Sued on lhe sto-y by Anna s-i1 A ptoud and •"""°"*Y bMutlflll hOrM uperienc-many dlvetM--1 e!JO C "Mitton Dollar F-" (1981) Tony Ourtla, Sytvta l<rlllel A coam.tlc: compa- ny llead will atop al nolh- 1"9 10 m8ka hie product• • -· 1:00 0 • * * "Invitation To The Oence" ( 1957) 10or Youallevtlc:ti. 0-Ketty ThrM Rlmaky-KorHkOV dlltlOe Mq-.,. pr• Mnled. "Oltcua" A ao..n 11111 IO Illa death lrom e 119htrooe; "Ring Around The Aorf'' An ~ oHt Chlngee handa many tlmw: "Slnt>ad The Setl<>t" A Mam1r1 Hpe<tene• IJtdtlng adYentllf ... a;00 lOJ * * ,_. "Arry WNc:t1 Wey You Can" ( 1lt01 Cllnt EMIWOOd, Sondra Loc:lle ..,,.. ... dng dowrl with hit girt lll'ld pet orwlCIUflll'I. I bW•llltad fight., llignl uo for one la•t. 111ore11,.. maleh 'PO' CZ)** "S.veoeH.,_. .. (1910) Tom Skerrlll, Mldleile P9'illpa An AM. can Orought dr'-wld enlmala Into populated .,__'PO' l :IO (CJ•* 1-t "Allltnall Are haullflll People" (19751 ~UWy. C>Nturel of Afl'tcall wlldlll9 --In ... netur81 llllbltet 'O' ····~ .. ..._.. .. Ctloloe" ( 1954) Jotwl Mlle. Ctlertla l.ellgMon. A boot· mallet etNtftP'a 10 , ... Ille Ol*P IOllf'Ot Of leOOt by Pl ... ..,. ,,.. t""'8 ... ., .... "°"' fMr't)ttnl, ...... """*'° Det\IM" ( 1t75) Jet! Attdg- ... IMI W•..,..on. All AtillftMll lndlell 811C1 hie ~ ootlor1 ••••llUiad by Ille rtgore ... NIPOMI-.... ~ ......... ..,.... 8llCI tum to --,,...,.. . II >•••" ..... ~ ,,_,....,.........., JoM ............ T"9ll .. lier tawdry ••lllenu. a: danc:. hall ,_, ... wllll .. ,_,, of OOld ..,."he• •or: 1rue love and the ""'pie' murled life ' 10:00 II) • * * "Ycwngblood Hawke" ( 19841 JamH. F••nciacua Su1ant1e Pleehelte A young wril.,- 11 deeply 811.C:led pt)'ChO-o loglCally 8llCI emo1lonallf by 11\e aucc:eaa ot nia llr•1 novel <C t ** "Teke Thie Job And Shove II" 1111111 Ro ert H8)'8, 9atbata Hettney' A ~ corp«lte Hec:u- 11ve rune Into res11tanc9 wflef'I he returns 10 hi ~own to revllall~• a ~P•nv b•~ ·po· fHJ * ** "HouMCall•" ( 19781 Waller Mtlthau. Glenda Jacit eon A Wid- owed doc:lor 111111 hit Caunov1 lendenc-!orig enouo" lo lall tor • divOf· cee whO doetn'I ~ ..... In phil•,.<*•ng ·pa· (Q, *•*'.+"Top H81" ( 111351 Fred A•l•lre. Olnoer Roo...-8 A m8" Ila• trouble wi1h hi• o•rtlrlefld ~ .. Ille llllnk s ,.,. 1 mamed 10 lier bell Irland S * * .,., ··rne L1111e Hui" (111!171 David Niven, S1ew- art Or•noer A woman ta air ended on an •119"d wilh ,.,., 00.bend Md ,.,., kMI< 1():30 0 * • • 'Mad.,,,. Rolla" ( 111781 Stmone Sig· noret. CllU<le o.vp!\ln A wom•n'• pereonallly undergoe• en ex1rem• 1ran1tormauon wttM Ille 1nvotva1 heraell In a rom1nllc •llalr which b<ldi1M two widely dftt .... inS1 eullutal ...,_.. 'PO' 12:00 iJ * * * "Min WllO Could C'-1 Oea111" 1195111 Anion Olltnno. Chr11topflw LM A man~• murder ... ah., !earning Iha aec:ret of • gl.and operetloll wNch can keep Nm et«· Ml)'~ CC1 • * "The OrMt Ttailn Aoob~" ( \979) Seen eon.-y, Oo;ald Sutller· land Two expert tu•n-01- tlle-c...tury con 1rtl•t1 •llemp1 10 pull Off the ~ lmp()Mlt>'9 •<>O- bery ot • IOclled .... eboerd 8 IMl-mc>""'O looo- motll/8 'PG' I H * * • "One On ()fie" (11177) Robby 8en1on, Annell• O'Toole A boy '*"° oon to ootieg. on 1 bMl<etball 11ChOl8rtlllC> 11 abu..O by the c:oec:h, acorned by hil IUIOf and UMd by ,,.,. llChOOI tor 111 own purpoMa 'PG' r o • • "Voyaoe En Oouc:e" I 111821 G ... aldlne Chlll)lln. OornlnlQue Sin· de "A 12:16 l * * * "Flrat Mondey In Oc1oO..-" (1118t) Walter Mett!leu. Jill ClayborOfl. A Hb«•I Supr-Court Jue- tlc:e clul>el wtlh the ,_. •I member of the natlOn'• hlol\MI court, lfl llllt• con_,,... woman jurtet 'R' ta:JO I$ * * • "F'1t11 Mond"Y In Octollet" (1981) Welter Mlllhau, Jiit Claybllrgh A lllletel Supr-COIHI Jlla- tlc:e c...,_ w1111 the - .at member Of the nation'• ~1 COllfl, en llltr• c:on1«Vat1119 woman )lltlet 'A' 0 * * "COme Ha119 Cof. r.. Wllh U." I 19721 Ugo To0n8ttl, Vtlentlne A mieklle-eged I... coneutl· Ml for Iha ltatlen eo-~ met\I teloc:atM to a ...... country tOWft wtlef"e he ,,._ beefl made head Of Ille ~lmenl tiOO 9 * *'*'h "Hobeon'• Ohoioe" (1954) Jbhn Miiie., Ch..._ Lll\lohlon A boot• mailer •ttemt>l• 10 rel81n: hie cheep aourc:e of lllbOf • by ~ting 1111 tlVM' dauCl'lter• lrom IMfr-;tftt, • (t.) • * "8•v109 H.,...... .. : (IHOI Tom lkertlll,' Mlc:helle Ptlllllpa. Ari Alrl- Cln drought drlww wltll llftif'l\81• Into l>OC)Ul .. ed • --·pa• f l'MICI **.,. "AnlmellAle ~ INutltvt People.. ( ,.71f· Documentary. C1'911Mw ot' Alf~ wtldllte -..... 1Mlr,..,,. Mbllet •Q• • ll l • * "8pir11 Of TM • Mid" ( ttNt CHef o.c Geotfe A ~boy OWi'• OOtNe 1111 Mllcllceo I« lleootM IM Wortd ~ DiOA Doll ..... ·~· ! by Annatrong a a.11uic .~ , Winnie Hervey could be the only black female story editor currently working on a TV series. She succeeds where few do By DEBORAH BELGUM A-l1t1d..,_W,._ HOLLYWOOD -The fact that few blacks work in television comes as no surpri!e t.o Winnie Hervey, who may be the only black femaJe story edit.or currently working on a TV series. "lt is very hard because unfortunately a lot of people think that because you are black, you can only write for black people," says Hervey, 27, who works as a story editor on "The New Odd Couple" -the black version of the hit s how of the mid-l970s that starred Tony Randall and Jack Klugman. "They only call you when they have black projects," she saya, "and there aren't that many black projects." "The New Odd Couple" premiered this fall on ABC on Friday nights. The show stars Ron Glass, from ABC's recently dbcontlnued "Barney Miller," as Felix Unger, the fussy photographer. and Demond Wilson , a leading player in NBC's "Sanford and Son" through the mid-'70s, as the sloppy sportswriter, Oscar Madison. Gerry Marshall, whose credits include the originaJ "Odd Couple," broadcast 1970-75, aJong with ''Happy Days" and "Laverne and Shirley," is executive producer of the new series. As story editor, Hervey is responsible for assisting s taff writers in the development of story ideas, rewriting scripts before and after production, and making sure there is character continuity from one show t.o another. The position is one step above staff writer. "There aren't that many black writers," says Hervey, who worked previously as a staff writer on "Mork & Mindy" and "Laverne and Shirley." Of the 6,000 writers who belong t.o the West Coast chapter of the Writers Guild, onJy 100 are black, says Robert Price, president of the Black Writers Commlttee. Price says he has never been able to find more than four black staff writers and-or story editors working in television at the same time. Hervey says the answer t.o the problem I.a not the creation of aU-bl.ack television shows. "You don't have to have a black show with only black people because we interact with all different people," she says. "And that's what television should reflect." Hervey. who grew up in Southern California listening to the roar of rockets taking off from Vandenberg Air Force Base, where her father was stationed, graduated in 1977 from L oyola Marymount University, Los Angeles, with a bachelor's degree in communications. A short Ume later, she attended a television writing workshop organiz.ed by Warner Bros. for women and other minority aspirants. In that workshop, she wrote a ecrlpt that became, in her words, her "showpiece." It was two years before she landed a job as an apprentice writer on a television aenes catled "The Six O'Clock FolUes,'' a comedy set in Vietnam that lasted only six week.a. -· From there, It was another dry spell before Hervey got a job in 1980 as an apprentice writer on "Laverne and Shirley." Since then, she has been employed almost all of the time. While Hervey's climb toward success has been relatively painless, she says the work has not been as rewarding for many other black.a. And the industry, she says, is hurting Ii.elf by ROt employing more blacks. ''They don't say, 'Let's eit some differe nt feedback. Let's ge t some different people in here.' It can only enhance .Utever you do," ahe says. _ • Hervey saya she agrees with the National M8ociation for the Advancement of Colored ~ that the only way to get the networks to ~more blacks la to exert tome economic preesure. :;: The NAACP says It will tarset major film llfdios for JM*ible boycotts and extend It.I equal IDlployment campaign to the network• If more lil9clul aren't hired to work on movies and TV ~· ·~6 injured in NY 111 'Who' concert " NEW YORK (AP) -At leut,_7_~./!ople, llictudina three police officen, were In~ ~uri~ • conoert by the Brtu.h rock ll'OUP -rhe Who, ~to \he ~.ncy Medical s.rva. : Some people atffend ankle lnjuriee when they trampled ln \he crowd at Shee StMllwn on , while othen euffered ..,. lnjwiet from ~en, nld EMS Deputy Chief Chule1 Wheeler eaJd 68 .,.apa. wen tnat.cl at the , while 18 people W9l'e taken to hmpl&all f« amnt ol dnil cw~ « lnjuriel eufter.d In O.., he ...... 'l'hl'ff of the 18 were police ftilln; met Whlelll'. 'L At. aancll't by • .,,.. Who" "' ClndnnaU In ........ ..,.,. ll DeoDle ..... tdu.cl ....... ... .... .., ,... Mr .. ., lhrouch Rlvmlde '!WOlileUm doors. ... 'Simon,' 'Magnum' battle for ratings LOS ANGELES (AP) Thl• bl.k·k·lll·back duo or "Simon & Simon" and "Maatium P.l." battled "0.llu" for tlrt\ In \h Nlelaen ratlnp thill week. ahhoush the> baleball playoff gumee 11rorro hmwlly for ABC. There was a contllct amons the nctworka, however, over Interpretation of the ratln&s compiled by th A.C. Nle~n Co. for the wffk endlna Oct. 10. ABC and NBC liated the CBS aeries "Simon'& Simon" aa the No. 1 ahow. CBS, however, had the N o. l s h ow as ABC's Amerlcon L e ague Champlonahlp Game No. ~- Sunday afternoon'• game between the California An"els and Milwaukee Brewers, which gave the AL championship t.o the Brewers, wu delayed several times by rain and spilled over one hour Into prime lime. The watnc WH Included In tht! prlmo·tlmu Nl ng• by CBS, but no\ ABC and NBC, which do not t'Ount 1how1 th1t t>t>aln before 6 p.m. EDT. J!~or the r«vrda, CBS sove American Leaauc Champlonthlp Oame No. 6 a rating of 26.3, which meant It wwi seen In ~ million horMt. The ratlnp here arc thoec listed b~ ABC and NBC. Tho weekly Nit>lacn ratlnga are jointly comml11loned by each of the three networka. Nlelacn aupplles ldcntl~I raw data to the networks every wt..>ek , but each Is free to Interpret the data as It wanta. Rallnga re1ulta as rcleaaed by the network8 rarely differ, however. ''Simon & Simon" finished at the t.op ot lhe ratings and "Magnum" cam~ In third. "Dallas," CBS' hot prlme·tlme serial, finished In IC.'<.'Ond place between the two rrlvaw eye shows. The Naliona League ond American League champlonehlp pmee on ABC 100k three pl.K8 In the Top 10 and two pinet and a pre·pme ehow In the next 10 h.latwl.t 1how1. But the lint NationaJ Leaaue playotf aame between the St. Loul1 Cardtnala and the Atlanta Bravee, which wu r•lned out, flnilhed amona the flve lowett-rat.ed 1how1. C BS won the week with a ratlna of 18.6 IK'C\)rdlnf lo the N~laen raUl\al. ABC Wat aecond with 18. and NBC had 16.2. 11\e networks say thll meana In an av.era'-e prlme·tlme minute 18.6 percent of the nation a homes with TV were tuned t.o CBS. CBS clearly dominated the Top 10 with Ill regular aeries and wllb an epl.ooe of a two.part mini aeries, "Bare E1aence." The only other programs t.o break Into the Iron& ranks were three baaeball playof( pma on ABC. HARDWARE Wlwre Friendly SermcP is a Family Trad1tiori lll11 en1m1I hou11 p1lnt Kld-tMted Olld<Mn Spred L•lex .. ml- gloa enamel gtv-1 you a 1uper-tough non-)'911owlng' nn11h. 12~ .. '••99 Goal on eHlly. drlH quickly to a durable flat flnlah that re11111 ~­ Ing Water clean-up. 11!.~7.99 Famou1 latex flat wall paint from Glidden. a..uttful ltat flnlah ecrubt ciean, II.aye eotor IHI. Euy water ctean· up. 9~ .. 9 1399 It-It·• I 1111110111 01111-elf .... , ••... f11t-fl1lall relt1t1 111 -........ .. ••loll •••'IJ "Great for your Holiday Turkey" "11t ........ , •• ..... , ..... , •.. ,,,,, Flex rake. Sturdy construction. reg. 8.99 3•• •IP• •• ,,,, • ... a ••r• Sylvania'• 3-wty l'Oflt bulbs. &<>, 100, 1&0 watt. reg.2.53 •. (1.00 rebate with purcl\ ... of 41 .. ' Effortlessly wax your car and save $3.00. reg. 8.49 our price ................ 4.49 leas Mfr. Rebate."I .. ,,, .. ,, .. ,,,,. 1,00 your price .... , .......... " Magic American cleaning aids . Cleans and protecta. reg. 2.99 208928 QB 249441 2089~ • '"' , .. , ...... Jatco 1 gal. paint thinner. 10 gal. llmlt. Aeg.4.80 80717 11rd11l11 ••• ooold1ook1 reg. 2.95-19.95 20%0FF pow-1oc*• Pl.421 . Get A $2.00 check bacll from Stanley when you buy a epeclallv marked Stanley Powarl()c;k• Rule. Earn up $3.00 on other 10011. 11'1 a Super 0..1 for Super Doarel Ae9utar Prtoa $16.45 l ate Price IU8 2,00 7.11 ... , .. ,. .. Kerosene heater. Other model• available 1t comparable savings. Jll··· .. -· 1a.11 , ....... .,....,..... ... .... • • .--Reg. "'·" Ray-0-Vac Heavy Duty super cells "C" cell 2 pak. , ... , ... 50 c DaHa dactl ~ faucet with I " c.ntar and bright chroma· pladng. #100WF. Rag. 39.85 70974 111'1 • ....... : ............... 111.• ............................. , _ 'i ... Orange Co11t DAILY PILOT/Thurlday. Ootobet 1•, 1082 Cl - '". . Where else can you shop in 2 major . departinent st_ores, 5. unique. specialty · stores, 2.1 very classic m~n's shops, 22 of the world's leading shoe stores, another 29 stylish ladies wear shops · and 11 fine jewelry stores and a 15th Anniversary Mall.-wide Sale to boot? .. . · Where else ... SOUTll COAST PLAZA San Diego FWY at 3333 Bristol St., Costa Mesa, CA 92626, (714)546-6682 Valet Parking during Mall hours. Weekdays 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Saturday 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., Sunday 12 noon to 5 p.m. , . · t I ~ . .~ ......... ___________ .............___~~ ... ~ ........ = J .· ' I • . . . . JC .. ' ... Or1nge Ooa1t DAILY PILOT/Thur1d1y, October 14, 1982 ' OUTH COA T PLAZA South Coast Plaza celebrates 1-Sth ·anniversary Looking al the South Coast P laza Mall today, one of the nation's top 10 s hopping centers, It's hard lo betieve one so great could have started so small. Yet on March 15, 1967, South Coast Plaza held its grand opening with only Sears and May Co. open for business. At that time, the center was an enclosed straight line from Sears t o M a y C o . v.· i t h construction still under way on the 86 mall stores connecting the two major department' stores. Th e San D iego Free w ay that n o w empties thousands o f cars at the gates or South Coast Plaza was still in the planning slages, so the mall was virtually In the middle or a limn bean fl~ld. e nclosed malls '1ere re latively nPw, and while South Coast Plaza was not the Clrsl, It was one of the first to offer shopping in o controlled environment. "It's ver y expensive to cnclo11e malls, but the SPgerstrom family had the rorc1ilght t.q go ahead and 11pcnd the ex tra mo ney u nd build an e nc:loscd ma ll," sold Esch('r. Tht· St•g cr1n r om fom1ly , owncni of South Const Plaza, had lll'llll>d In the arw1 In 1898, and eventually became the But th e ce nt er s I I I h ' b e>eperienced a primary pee a sa e a s opper s oon trading area of 20 miles almost from its very first day, while most malls The 15th Anniversary dre w the ir customer s m a I I -w l d e Sa I 1.· , from a five tp seven mile Th u r s da y th r o ugh radius, Werner Escher, Sunday, October 14-17 ut public relations direct.or South Coast Plam Mall, for South Coast Plaza, marks the '-elebration of said. a decade-and-a -half or What was so special sl'rv1 ce and r e t ai l about a mall with 86· excelle nce th a t has empty stores located out rcsullt.'CI in South Coast in the boondocks? P laza being the most It was enclosed. successful retail cent.er in In the la tc iii x ties, the nation. To hallmark the mall- w 1 de sale cclcbr ution, several grand prizes will be award e d i n a drawing: Ch6icc o f an Isuzu I-Mark De luxe 5-speed car or Isuzu P'up 5 -s peed t r u c k , f o u ·r weekend trips-for•two to San Francisco. t.'OUrtcsy of PSA:; including airfare from Ori;lnge County, lodging at the S h('raton Fisherman's Wharf, und stores and restaurants usage of u Hertz rental that Include an e nti re ca r : a cruise-for-two n ew s uite o f s tores from Honolulu to four opening this month H a w a aiC1n I slands, Di sco unt s t o b e courtesy o f American r ealized r a n ge from Hawaii -men's, women's. and But th e c e nte r of ch ildren's clothing to a t tl•nu on during the home f urnishin gs . four-day event will b(• jewelry to shoes, even th e barg a in s a nd r es tauran t spec ials discounts available from the South Coast P l<izu S<>c SALE. pagt• 10 largest 1 ndepcndcn t producer of hma beans. Alth ough the Seg c r11tr o ms ' f arm o pe ratio n sti ll exists today, the CamUy gav{• up one of their llma bean fields to toke a gamble - building an enclosed mall. Of course the gamble turnl'd out to be a bit( s ucceu. Such a big su ccess, in {act, that Esc h e r c l ai m s th e s hopping center has "helpe d to put Costa Mesa on the map." Wi th a p rim a r y trading area of 20 miles. South Coru;t Plaza draws customl•rs not only from Orang<: County, but from San Diego, Riverside, San Bernardino and Loe Angeles counties WI '."ell as people from out of state, ExCher said. "Seventeen percent of our cui lomers are from o uts i de of Orange County," he said. Because of the number of pt.'<>ple the maU draws from outside the county, Escher said South Coast PJaza a lso helps Costa Mesa lo "enjoy a healthy financial situation" with the s ales tax the city garners from the mall. Escher believes South Coast Plaza draws so ma ny cu s tomers from ~ CELEB. page 10 ~dJ~{.~~ ~~ ~ l ~ I.~ I ~1 , '! rft .. ' \ h · SHOP THURSDAY AND FRIDAY 10:00-9:30,SATURDAY 10:00-6:00. NOT ALL STYLES MAY BE AVAILABLE IN ALL COLORS QR SIZES, SO COME EARLY FOR T~BEST SELECTION.SOUTH COAST PLAZA ONLY. GALLERY 49.90 . SILK JACQUARD BLOUSES, REG. 70.00 FROM OLEG CASSIN1, 4-14. 29.90 MISTY HARBOR JACKETS, AEO. 45.00 LILAC, BLUE, CREAM ~M-L. COLLECTORS 1/3 OFF 'COTTON AND SILK SEPARATES, FROM KENAA, BLOUSES, SKIRTS, PANTS. REG. 34.oo-50.00. SAVVY 25.00 CHALLIS PRINT SKIRTS, REG. 68.00. POINT OF VIEW 24.90-83.90 DAYTIME AND EVENING DRESSES RIO. 50.00-121.00. tt OS IF HY . 90-2.90 IOCKI, AIG. 2.0CM.00. 3.90-8.90 LIGWAllMIM, AIQ. 1.00-11.00. INDIVIDUALIST SPORTSWEAR 15.90 PANTS, REG. 33.00-91 .00 ASSORTED BASIC ANO NOVEL TY STYLES, . 4-18. BLOUSES 8.90 CREW NECK SWEATERS, REG. 20.00 IN ACRYLIC , ~M·L. TOWN SQUARE 18.90-29.90 LINEN BLAZERS, "EG. 38.oo-62.00 RED, NAVY, WHITE. 33.90 PETITE VELVET BLAZERS, REG. 51 .00. 49.90 SPECIAL DIMENSIONS VELVET BLAZERS, REO.eo.oo. ACT IVE SPORTS 17.90-29.90 MEN'S AND WOMEN'S ATHLETIC SHOES, REG. 21.95-43.15. TENNIS AND RUNNING STYLES. 22.90-35.90 LADtU TINNllWIAA, AEO. 31.00-5'.00. IV AA COMPANY. n a r ' . - THE BRASS PLUM 19.90 "RUMBLESEAT" BEL TEO JEANS, REG. 27 .00. DENIM, 3· 15. 29.90 SWEATER DRESSES, REG. 58.0C>-86.00. 39.90 ACTIVE JACKETS, REG. 80.00.-.00 ZIP-UP AND PULLOVER STYLES. BRASS PLUM SHOES 24.90-54.90 BASS SHOES, REG. 33.85-69.95. ASSORTED FALL STYLES. WOMEN S SHOES 34.90 NORDSTROM TUXEDO BOW PUMP, REG. 44.95. TAUPE, NAVY, BLACK CALF OR BLACK PATENT. 39.90 ANNE KLEIN ESPADRILLES, REG. 54.95. ASSORTED STYLES AND COLORS. CHILDREN S SHOE S 7 .• 16.90 KID'I ACTIYI IPORTI SHOES "IQ. 10.11-M.ll. AllOATED STYLES . 9.90-29.90 KID'I ,AMOUI MAKIA IMOll AND SANDALi. AIQ. 11.IWl.ll. llLICTl!D ITYLU f'lltOM f'AMOLA .. I , IARITRAP. FASHION ACCESSORIES 2.90-10.90 FABRIC PURSE ACCESSORIES. REG. 4.00-17.00 . FASHION JEWELRY 2.49-4.90 GOLD TONE EARRINGS, REG. 4.00-9.00. LINGf Alf 12.90-18.90 LARGE-SIZE SLEEPWEAR, REG. 21.00-38.00. HANDAAGS 8.90-14.90 CANVAS TOTE BAGS, REG .18.00-21.00. CHILDREN S SHOP 11.90 BOY'S VELOUR SHIRTS, REG. 18.00. LONG SLEEVED, V-NECK STYLES, 4-7. 21.90 BOY'S FALL SPORT JACKETS, REG. 44.00. 4-7. 5.90 GIRL'S PLAID BLOUSES, AEO. 13.00. LONG SLEEVED. 250/o OFF AllORTID TOYI .RIO. 12.oo-31.00. ram· .. .. f Oran~ Coaot DAILY PILOT /Thuraday, L 14, 1012 ' • . -. ,J Anniversary,.:, Mall-Wide :~ Sale ·~: October 14th-17th "~ , . Register For Prizes ................................................................................................................................ ~,. U ISUl'U 4 weekend trlpe-for-2 to San Francisco courtesy of~ Choice of I-Mark Deluxe 5-speed car or P'up 5-speed truck. Apparel The lntlm•t• Collectlon-Special selection of designer lingerie ....................... Reduced 50% H•rrl• & Frenk-Velvet Blazer in navy. burgundy, brown. Regularly $175 ........................... S•le $139.90 Joel'a-Corduroy Jeans. Regularly $26 to $30 .................... Sale $19.88 Little Folk• Shop-Entire stock ......... 20% off Chealn'a-Wool blend blazer sport coats, navy, tan. dark brown. Regularly $125 .. Sale $89.80 C•pezlo-Capezio and Danskin leotards. Regularly $1 5-$25 .. : ....................... S•l• Y1 off Gene'a-Rabbit silver fur jacket. Regularly $230 ........................... Sele $159.99 Blue fox fur jacket. Regularly $850 ........................... Sale $679.99 PACIFIC SOUTHWEST AIRLINES lncludlng @ lodging at . !A~ °"~~#fa~ ~y' \Allir.~O Restaurants and Foods Hickory Ferma-All beef "Sportsman" sticks. Golden Needle F•brlca-'Penny-a-yard" Sale. Regularly $2.15/pkg ................ S•I• $1.39/pkg Full price first yard ................. Hcond y•rd 1 e. Pronto Rlator•nte-Fettuccini Alfredo with Plue Cutlery-J.A. Henol<els Granny Paring homemade noodles and bread. Knife. Regularly $5 ......... .I ................ S•I• $2.50 Regularly $7.90 ............................. S•I• $3.95 S•msc>n & Oelll•h H•lrcutters-Shampoo, The Meglc P•n-Free chocolate Mousse with finishing rinse. and hair m ist. any purchase of new lunch or dinner Saute Items. Regularly $8.50 ............................... S•I• $6.50 HouH of Almonda-Butter A'lmona Toffee. The CoffH Bean-Talix Olass coffee pot with Regularly $4.39 ............................. : Sele $3.19 candle warmer. Regularly $25.90 .. Sale $20.72 Lindberg'•-Thompson Maximum multi vitamin Tinder Box-Helson pipf' from Belgium. and mineral supplement-120 caps. Regularly $30 ........... : ................ S•I• 2 for $30 Regularly $14.40 ............................ Sele $4.95 20th Century, Ltd.-Prime Rib dinner-for-two. Regularly $24.88 .......................... S•le $14.88 Vie cM Fr•nce-Authentic trench butter croissant free with any entree or $3.00 bakery purchase. Sherman Cley ...... Shermian Clay grand piano, • Regularly $7649 ............ , ............... S•I• $5549. Kimball piano, regularly !51599 ....... S.le $1299 Kimball organ, r~ularlyl:S1599 ....... S•l• $1299 Bergatroma Chlldrena Ettore-'Wee Care" car seat by Strolee. Regular ly $54.99 .. S•I• $39.99 Crulae-for-two from Honolulu :u.-to Four Hawaiian Islands, courtesy of AMERICAN HAWAII CRUISES-"'" 4 Islands, 7 Daya (AlrletW to Honelulu not lnduded). Plus other exciting prizes. Register at any South Coast Plaza Store. Home Furnishings Grafton Street-16-pc. Franciscan Dinnerware. Regularly $45 ............................... Sele $19.99 5·pc. Royal Doulton setting. Regularly $87.50 .......................... Sele 122.50 Inge '1 Bed •nd Beth Boutique-Kock vanity chairs. Regularly $54.50 ............... Sele S39.99 Compmny '• Coming-Wedgwood 45-pc. English stoneware. Regularly $230 .............. Sele S115 Upatelra Gallery, lnc.-All Salvador Dali lithographs and etchings ..................... 15% off David Orgell-Towle stainless 5-pc. placesetting. Regularly $30 .................................... Sele $15 20% off entire antique silver. porcelain, and crystal collection. Scandle Down-Free sheetcase ensEimble with purchase of any goose down comforter. Regularly $69.95-$179.95 •• t'~ ~1 J 1 Lerry Dougl••-Tweed sport coats w/elbow patches. Regularly $125 .................... Sele $98 Beck Bey Rowing & Running Club-5¢ coffee and soft drinks with any menu item- Regularly 65¢. South Co••t Pl•za Flori at-Long stem roses. , . Wllll•m• Sonoma-Earthenware "chili/soup" RegulfJrly $3.50 ........... ., ....................... S•I• $1 bowls with color·banded trim. 100% wool slacks. Regularly $45 ............................... Sale $33.99 Pege Boy M•ternlty-Denlm Jeans. Regularly $27 ............................... Sele $22.99 W.n.h a.tke-Men's, women's matching aloha wear-dresses, shirts, pants, sets .......................................... Up to 50% off FrH ahetl necklece with purch .... New Time• Clothing Company-Contemporary junior fashlons ........................... 50 to 7~ off Corduroy, denim, or twill pants. Regularly $3().$50 ......................... Sele $13.99 Miller• Outpost-Men's Grapevine elastic-back sheeting pants. Regul~rly $22 ...... Sele $12.97 N•ncy Cretg-Famous name suits and coordinates. sizes 2-14, petites ........... 20~ off • Hubbub-lmponed pure wool crew-neck Shetland sweaters In pastel colors. sizes S,M,L. Regularly $22 ............................... Sele $12.99 otnglH Formel WHr-Selected formal wear aocessories ......................................... 10% off L•ne Bryant-Famous name jeans and tuxedo trousers. Regularly $26-$36 .......... Sele $19.99 The Wet Seel-Storewide Sale Up to 75% off Judy'a-All accessories ..................... 75~ off All dresses. blouses, pants, sweaters, and guy's clothing ....... ; ............................... 30 • 7'"41 off Bemey'a-Brittanla active wear and shoes ....................................... Up to 50~ off McDon•ld'a-Blg Mac, r~gular trench fries. medium soft drink. Regularly $2.82 .............................. Sele S1 .99 Gifts Ctlne'• Hellmertt Stetloners-All Hummel and Goebel In stock .................................. 30~ off Rlzzoll lntem•tlonel Booka-Entlre Italian region glf1 book series. Regularly $100/ea ............................. Sele $50 Marco Polo soundtrack album. Regularly $10.98 ............................ Sele $5.99 GrHt Thl"9•1-Holmegaard glass lamp from Denmark. Regularly $100 .................. Sele $75 Coech Houae Glfta-60-page Photo Album. Regularly $12.99 ............................ S•I• $7.99 The O.Ueon-"Dee Ly Bobbers" Halloween mask. Regularly $5 ......................... Sele S2 .50 Lynn'• H•llmertt Shop-Plush SnoottV and friends. Aegular1{$11-$22 ....... ~I• $5.50.$11 Wllll•m ErnHt Brown-Boxed7assorted Americana notecards. Regularly $5.25 Sele S2 8 . Delton BookHller-Selected hard-cover bestsellers .......................................... 40~ off Muek: Box-Zimbelzlt musical gramaphone disc- player. Regularly $1,000 .................. Sele $500 Abercrombie & Fitch-Classic Abercrombie & Sports & Toys Fitch denim jeans for men and women. Regularly $40 ............................... Sale 124.80 Toy Center-Mattel Electronic Baseball. Polo 8t01'9-Select group of Polo Ceble knit aweatera. Regularly 1&5 ............... Sale 111.11 The Llftry-Pr.fall apeclal-11~ off on all new fall aportCOllla. Selected women 's Items ~off Gentry-All-wool double-knit aweatera, sllk tiff, British tweed sport coata, corduroy auita, and ali. woOl tutte ................................. Up to ~ off .... lnterMllon9I Everything at ........ 2Mtl off J1111r lportaww-Men'1 cashmere turtle- neck sweater. Regularly $185 ......... Sale 1125 Le M1111tn-Overalls by Liberty, Oshkosh, le Cutecumber ...... , ............................ 25~ off • Regulerty $39.88 .......................... Sale 112.ae Toye lntematlonal-Peanuta plush character Spike, Snoopy's brother, dressed In hit T-shirt. Regularly $15.50 ............................ Sale II.ff Oehman'• Sporting Goode-Men'• and ladles Newcomt>t tennis wear. Regularly $23·$33 ............ Sale 111.11-121.11 Muntlngwear shirts . Regulatty 114-$22 .................. lt.11·113 .• , .A.O. lcftwarz-Space ship X-5 Regularly $9.95 .................................. M.15 ' ~alnbow "Love Doll' Regularly $10.95 .............................. le 18.15 I. N•tur•I Cosmetlcs-hntroductory skin care • kit-includes scrub. freshener, moisturizer. and llp gloss. Regularly $31i .................. Sele $7.95 HoUH of F•brica-Cord uroy-$2.22/yard. Calico & floral prints Regularly $2.49/yd ................... Sele 11.96/yd. I Ellen Bek Studloe-P$esport photos. Regularly 2·for $10 ..... ,,.. ........... Sale 2-for SS 'Department/Specialty Stores Bulloc~'a-Glorla Va?derbilt stretch cords In assorted colors from the Sherwyn Sportswear Dept. Regularly $58 .. J. .................. Sele $34.99 JOHph Megnln-100M> wool Harve Bernard Pinstripe suit. Regu~ly $240 .......... Sele $160 I. Megnln-Junlor S rtswear Department Items on sale. For more Inf rmatlon, call 957· 1511 . Mey Compeny-Boy 1 s lzod Sweaters-regularly $19·$20 ............................................... $11 .99 Women's wool coor nates ................. 20~ off 20-pc. Dinnerware s rvice Regularly $39.99 ......................... Sele $19.91 Seera-Supersize t el-"lmpossible Terry"- brown, wheat, and ue. Regularly $17.99 ..... 1 ..................... Sele $7.99 Saka Fifth Ave.-S bre Wide Sale Current Fall Fashio ~ ............................ 1 /3 Off Jewele & Accessories Welafleld'• JewN . Two-for'..one sale-Sliver· pl•ted champagne or water goblet. Regularly $20 .......................... Salle 2 for $20 ~· Jeuop & Son• '-Selected Val St. Lambert crystal pieces ........ r ........... , ............... 2~ off Rooten'•-2·pc. b rnlshed brown Samsonite garment bag and tarry-on set. Regularly $165..... .. ......................... Sele 185 Schaffer & Son $1 -mllllon loose diamond sale ....... 1 ............................. 25% off store wide .......................................... 20~ off Chic All Seiko and Citizen Welchel ............................................ ~ off a.In )lamond eerr'lngs-2/3 ct. total wetght. Aegularl $1400 .................. Sele lt50 Jew• by h-Speclal ute of one-carat· 1lztd dlamondt .................... 11 ,915 per Cllrat Regularly $1 .75 ................................. Sele 99e Descampa-Bathrobes. velour towels, and bags .............................................. 15-~ oft 2 LH '• Flreplece & P•tlo-Solid brass Mouse spindle. Regularly $10.95 ............... Sale $4.95 Designer'• Choice-Bohemian crystal champagne glass. Regular1y $6.35 . ..,. '3.00 The Pottery .. m-Rod6ca glass sated bowl by Colony Glass. Regularly $30 ........ Sele S21 .95 ' Cricket-Toscany Wine Set, including flower etched decanter and six glasses. ~ Regularly $49.95 .......................... Sale $39.95 -; Shoes Florahelm Th•yer McNeil-Wide variety of .~ Men's and Women's famous brand shoes. •1 Regularly $50 ..................................... Sale $16 Cemeo Shon-Cobbles, Red Cross, Socialites. Selected styles. Regularly to $48 ........................... Sele $21.80 The Shop for Pappllgllllo-Selected Dominique, Palma, Snob, and Samba shoes-sizes 5 to 10 t medium and 6 to 10 narrow. Values to $70 ............................... Sele 131.90 ~ lnnea Shon-All men's and women's Sperry ff Topsiders. Regularly $49.99 ......... Sele 131.80 C.H. Beker-Town Flair dress and casual flats. Regularly $23.99 .......................... Sele 117.17 Belly of Swttzertand-Bally "Penn" In bleck or brown. Regular1y $130 ....................... Sele $91 LMd'e-Selected merchandise .......... 2'"' off .. • Kinney Shoaa Men's women's end children'• l shoes. Selected styles ................... 45-7C* off . . . Naturallnr WMt-Naturallzer "Bubbles" shoes In navy, taupe, and black. I Regulerly $40 ............................... Sale 121.17 Joyce Satby Shon-Joyce & Selby "Comfon" ahoff-cholce of alx styles. Values to $45 .............................. : Sale 121.80 ' Johnelon a Murphy-Johnston & Murphy 0 calf8kln dr ... 1hoe. R Aegularty $120 ............................. Sllle 171.80 .... Boot-Ladlet HandtMlge-~ off. Regularty aeo-1210 ...................... ao-1101 I VALET PARKING-all Mall hours: 10-9 weekdays; 0-6 Saturday; 12·5 Sunday . . . .. .. . . l C.4 Orange Coa1t DAILY PILOT/Thur1d1y, Octo~r 14, 1982 ~ SQUTH COAST P\LAZA fMall-wlde speclals 1 , 1. Orafton Street 16-pc. Franciacan Dinnerware. Regularly $45, sale $19.99. 5-pc. Royal Doulton setting. Regularly $67.50, sale $22.50. 2. The Intimate Collection Special selection of designer lingerie -reduced 50%. 3. Harris & Frank Velvet Blazer in navy, burgundy, grown. Regularly $175, sale $139.90. 4. Inge's Bed and Bath Boutique Kock vanity chairs. Regularly $54.50, sale $39.99. 5. Joel's Corduroy Jeans. Regulru::ly $26 to $30, sale $19.88. 6. Hickory Farms All Beef "Sportsman" sticks. Regularly $2.15/pkg., sale $1 .39/pkg. 7. Cline's Hallmark Stationers All Hummel and Goebel in stock - 30% off. 8. Little Folks Shop Entire stock -20% off. 9. Chasin's Wool blend bla7.er sport coats, navy, tan, dark brown. Regularly $125, sale $89.80. 10. Joseph Magnin 100% wool Harve Bernard Pinstripe suit. Regularly $240, sale $160. 11 . Capezio Capezio and Danskin leotards. Regularly $15 -$25, sale -V2 off. 12. Golden Needle Fabrics "Penny-a-yard" Sale. Full price first yard, second yard 1 cent. 13. Company's Corning Wedgwood 45-pc. English stoneware. Regularly $230, sale $115. 14. Plaza Cutlery J .A. Henckels Granny Paring Knife. Regularly $5, sale $2.50. 15. Rizwli International Books Entire Italian region gift book series. Regularly $100/ea, sale $50. Marco Polo soundtrack album. Adidas lady Orlon Rumng Shoe . Regularly $10.9 8, sale $~.99. 16. Upetain Galler, , Inc. All Salvador D lithographs and etchings -15% ff. 17. Gene's Rabbit silver fu jacket. Regular $230, sale $159.E 9. Blue fox fur jacket. Regularl $850, sale $679.99. 18. Larry Douglas Tweed sports t w /elbow patches. Regularly $125, e $98. 100% wool slack! . Regularly $45, sale $33.99. 19. Page Boy Mate 'ty Denim J eans. Re ularly $27, sale $22.99. 20. Great Things! Holmegaard glass lamp from Denmark. Regularly $100, le $75. 21. David Orgell Towle stainless 5 pc. placesetting. Regularly $30, e $15. 20% off entire an ique silver, porceline, and cry tal collection. 22. Pronto Ristorante Fettuccini Alfredo with homemade noodles and bread Regularly $7 .90, sale $3.95. 23. Samson & Delilah Halrcutters Shampoo, finish' rinse, and hair mist. Regularly $8 50, sale $6.50. 24. Florsheim Thayer McNeil Wide variety of M n's and Women's famous brand sh . Regularly $50, sale $16. 25. Toy Center Mattel Electronic ball. Regularly $39.88, e $12.88. 26. Waltah Clarke Men's, women's tching aloha wear -dresses, sh rts, pants, sets Up to 50% off. Free shell necklace with purchase. 27. The Coffee Bean Talix glass coffee p< t with • candle warmer. Re larly $25.90, sale $20.72. 28. Coach House Gifts 60-page Photo Albu . Regularly $12.99, sale $7.99. : ~s with velouf relnfOl'cement. white powder blUe trln;i. 19tt Reg. U .98 .......•...•••.......... Allg. 29.91. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,. C»!fil:H..S.A...: ''We Make Sure You're The Winn · ~~33 lrlstol I~& • FALL 'INCENTIVES' SALE We are pleased to off er a 15o/o discount on~ AI "L fall Spo rtcoat s fo r men Including ... C ash1nere, Ca1nelhair, Tweeds and C orduroy A lso ... Selected items from our ladies department 20% to 50% Off 4 days only! Oct 14th thru Oct . 17th MONDAY THRU FRIDAY 10 t~9 SAT 10 to 6 SUN 12 to 5 #11 So Coast Plaza • 540-4600 LITTLE FOLK SHOP South Coast Plaza Anniversary Sale O u r Entire S tock Of Boy s & Girls Clothing Sizes 0 to 14 Also Young Juniors For Girls 4 DAYS OllLYI Thur., Oct-. 14th 10 to 9 Fri., Oct. 15th 10 to 9 Sa t., Oct. 16th 1 0 to 6 Sun., Oct. 1 7th 12 to 5 662-7725 Ca1h - Ch eck -Ma s t e r car a - Vl'1a -Layawa y • . . ~ SOUTH COAST PLA ZA 29. New Ttmea Clothing Company C.Ontemporary junior fuhiont - M to 70% off. Corduroy, denim, or twill pan ts. Regularly $30 - $50, Rale $13.99. 30. Tinder Box ·Helson pipe from Belgium. Regularly $30, sale 2 for $30. 31. Sherpian Clary Sherman Clay grand piano. Regular $7649, sale $5549. Kimball piano, regularly $1599, sale $1299. Kimball organ, regularly $1599, sale $1299. 32. Cameo S hoes Cobbies, Red Cross, Socialites. Selected styles. Regularly to $48, sale $26.90. 33. Bullock's G loria Vanderbilt stretch cords in assorted colors from the Sherwyn Sportswear Dept. Regularly $58, sale $34.99. 34. Weisfield's Jewelers Two-for-one-sale -Silver-plated champaign or water goblet. Regularly $20, sale 2 for $20. 35. Scandia Down 41. The Shop for Pappagallo Selected DornJnlque, Palma, Snob, and Samba 1hoee -aizet 5 to 10 medium and 6 to 10 narrow. Values to $70, sale $39.90. 42. Descamps Bathrobes, valour towels, and bags. 15 -60% off. 43. Bergstroma Ch ildrena Store "Wee Care" car sent by Strolee. Regularly $54.99, sale $39.99. 44. Lindberg's Thompson Maximum multi vitamin and mineral supplement % 120 caps. Regularly $14.40, sale $4.95. 45. South Coast Plaz.a Florist Long stem roees. Regularly $3.50, sale $1. 45. South Coast Plaz.a Florist Long stem roees. Regularly $3.50, sale $1. 46. I. Natural Cosmetics Introductory skin care kit - includes scrub, freshener, mois- turiur, and lip gloss. Regularly $31 , sale $7.95. 47. Lee's Fireplace & Patio Solid brass Mouse spindle. Regularly $10.95, sale $4.95. Orange COHt DAILY PILOT/Thurlday, October 14, 1982 Cl West in Hotel South Coast Plaza garners four diamond award for hotel, excellence R o bu r t ~ H ltwtu, l(cneral munuf(er of the Wu lln South CoU11t Plaua hotel, annoum:c•d that h l1 400 ·roona property h u<J rec cl vtid the prc1tlglou11 Four Diamond rating from the American Automobile Alllocla tlon. The landmark Costa Mesa h o t e l , which anchors the South Coast Plaza T own Center, opened in August 1 97~ and 18 only the second hote l ln the Newport Beach, Irvine, Costa Mesa area to earn the rec-ognillon Crom AAA. The four d iamo nd ratlna will 1.1ppcar In thtt to uttain th11 rat1n1." 1983 udlllon o f the ho exp!'lln ed , that It Callfornla-Ncvadu Tour would not be po11lble Book whic:h honorii only witho ut everyone '• tha.c propcrtlC'S "whlch dedication to their many 1i6' n It leant 1 y c xce ed job reaponalbllltlet." AAA'• rcqulromenta In Tho AAA'• primary mo 1 t p h y •I ca 1 and <>mphaaiB, as one might operational ca tegorle1," exp ect , la In r oom1 according to AAA 'N where a demanding Cla r e nce Carlo ugh, requirement schedule manager or Approved· 1ndudcs e x c ellent A<.'t:ommodallons. s ta ndards o f sound- .,Hawcs c redits the proo f ing, securlly, Wes l in t r ad I t i o n or room decor and faciUlles exce lle nce and the for accommodating the commitme nt o f h is guest 's clothing and 400-member s taff tor pcr!iOnal effects. earning the rc.'t.'Ognit1on. 1''ood a nd beve r age "So many r equir e-a lso come unde r close ments must be met sc rutiny as f ood preparation, lu tervl and pn!Mnut!on, ., well u menu, were cvah.uned. Hawet pointed to hla h otel'• w e t I kno w nJ banquet• and catering experience, 24-h our roo m service and thft excelle n ce o f award w i nning Alfred o '• restaurant and wine U.t1 as being responalbJe for exceeding the crit.eria m thi. category . Ot h e r AAA con - sid eratio ns i nc lude d the appearance of hotet- grounds and their maintenance. guea t 1 safety precautions, and hot.el room rates. ' ,. (JI OH IO IN Free sheet.case ensemble with purchase of any goose down comfor- ter, regularly $69.95 -$179.95. 48. Innes Shoes &oath ,) 36. Toys International Peanu ts plush character Spike, Snoopy's brother, dressed in his T -shirt. Regularly:o$15.50, sale $5.99. 37. Millers Outpost -Men's Grapevine elastic-back sheeting pants. Regularly $22, sale $12.97. 38. The Magic Pan Free chocolate Mousse with any purchase of new lunch or dinner Saute Items. 39. Willi~ Sonoma Earthenware "chilli/soup" bowls with color-branded trim. Regularly $1.75, sale $994• 40. House of Almonds Butter Almond Toffee. Regularly $4.39, sale $3.49. All me n's and women's Sperry Topsiders. Regularly $49.99, sale $39.80. 49. J . Jessop & Sons Selected Val·St. Lambert Ctystal pieces -20% off. 50. Designer's Choice Bohemian crystal champaign ~· Regularly $6.35, sale $3.00. 51. C.H . Baker Town Flair dress and casual flats. Regularly $23.99, sale $17.97. 52. Rooten's 2-pc. burnish ed brown Samsonite garment bag and carry-on set. Regularly $165, sale $85. 53. I. Magnin Junior Sportswear Department items on sale. For more infonna- tion, call 957-1511. A Hickory Farms·Cheese Ball and Beef Stick··are so tempting, you might not wait for your guests. Before your next party. come to Hick<iry Farms"' and taste some delicious appetizer idea~. Our Cheese Balls are made from a blend of nur finest cheeses. And wait till you shCt' into our famous Beef Stick• summer sausage. Just remember: if you decide to treat yourself before the guests arrive, make sure you"ve got plenty left for them. ffickor1 Fe1rms (Jf ONIO' \\'e"ll give you a taste 11f old·ttme country g1J1idne ~'." ~ .• ..,.... .. _ ..... _·--·-·-- Coast ?taza "" ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION Oct. 1·4th, 15th, 16th & 17th 4 DAYS ONLY Shoe Overstock Sale (Selected Sizes) STYLE MENS: Converse Phaeton Adidas HI Point Hi Adidas Rebound Adidas Superstar AsaHI Men's Canvas New Balance 7300 New Balance 6600 New Balance 660EE New Balance H-510 Nike Dynasty HI Nike Wlmbledon Nike VIiiage Nike Mariah Nike Columbia Nike Yankee T /NB WOMENS: Converse Selena New Balance W660B Nike Racquette Nike Elan w/w Nike 'Elan w/rb CHILDREN: Adldu Magic Adldu Jump Shot Lo Adldu Clipper Adldu Junior Cleat I 47.99 25.99 33.99 47.99 24.99 73.99 58 .99 58 .99 62.99 36.99 37.99 38.99 58.99 58.99 34.99 47.99 58.99. 36.99 24.99 24.99 2~.99 18.99 21.99 16.99 SALE 33.99 18.99 23.99 33.99 17.99 51 .99 41.99 41.99 44.99 24.99 25.99 27.99 4 1.99 41.99 24.99 33.99 41.99 24 .99 17.99 17.99 18.99 13.99 15.99 11.99 BIZ•• Avall. 8-10 9-11 10-11 10 , 101/t 9,10 81/r-10 7112-101/r 9, 10, 101/t 8 -12 7111-13 10, 11, 111/r 81/t-1 11/t 8-11 91/t, 10 8'/t 8-91/r 7112, 8 81/t, 9 81/t, 9 71/t-9 1, n~. 2,,,_, 31/t-5'A . 1 ... 1 Vr, 2'A, 3, .. Ledl•• Winning Waye Warm ups Pastel Stripes and Solids Reg. 39• and 44" NOW 25" Men's Tennis Shirts Gant, Adidas, Bogner. Boston Traders Reg. to 26.00 NOW 18" Ladles Tennis Tops Values to 3400 NOW 12" LadlH SeparatH by Aspen White Stag, Catalina Bay Club, Ultra Sport Reg. to 500° NOW 18" Mena It Ladles Wermupa Reg. to 4500 NOW 9" Fllhnet Football lhlmmete A11td. Colora Reg. 1a•.1r NOW 11" Reyn Spooner & Surfllne Shorts Reg. 23 to 25'° NOW 11" Nike T -Shirts Value 3.99 Med. Only NOW .99 Limit 3 per customer Baaeball SIHve T ·Shirts Reg. 9.00 NOW 5" Men'• Stretch Football Shorts Reg. 1790 NOW 11" Men'• Nylon Gym Short• SPECIAL 1" . O.P. hokl Reg. 4.95 NOW 1" 540-4717 • • ( . -· I ~ ....................................................... __ .... ______ ..., ________________ --:-____ _...~~~~--~---~~--~~~·~ t •e Orang• Coaat DAILY PILOT /Th~rld1y, OctoMr 1•. HIS~ M. Bally of Switzerland Bally 11Penn" ln black or brown. Regularly $130, sale $99. 51). Leed's Selected merchandise -20% off. 56. 20th Century, Ltd. Prime Rib dinner-for-two. R~gularly $24.88, sale $14.88. 57. Vie de France Authentic french butter croissant free with any entree or $3.00 bakery purchase. 58. Kinney Shoes Men's, women's and children's shoes. Selected styles -45 - 70% off. 59. Nancy Craig Famous name suits and coordinates sizes 2 -14, petites -20% off. 60. Schaff er & Sons .,, $1 -million loose diamond sale - 25% off, store-wide 20% off. 61. Naturalizer West Naturalizer "Bubbles" shoes in navy. taup, and black. Regularly $40, sale $29.97. 62. Chic Accessories All Seiko and Citizen watches - 40% off. 63 . J oyce Selby Shoes J oyce & Selby "Comfort" shoes - choice of six styles. Values to $45, sale $29.90. 64 . Gingiss Formal Wear Selected formal wear accessories - 10% off. 65. Lane Bryant Famous name jeans and tuxedo trousers. Regularly $26 -$36, sale $19.99. 66. The Wet Seal Storewide Sale -up to 75% off. 67: Judy's All accessories -75% off. All dresses, blouses, pants, sweaters, and guy's.clothing - 30 -70% off. 68. The Galleon "Dee Ly Bobbers" Halloween mask. Regularly $5, sale $2.50. 69. Back Bay Rowing & Running Club 5• coffee and soft drinks with any menu item -regularly 65•. 70. Oshman's Sporting Goods Men's and ladies' Newcombe tennis wear. Regularly $23 -$33, sale $19.99 -$21.99. Munsingwear shirts. Regularly $14 -$22, sale $9.99 -$13.99. 71 . The Pottery Barn Rodica glass and salad bowl by Colony Glass. Regularly $30, sale $21.95. 72 . J ohnston & Murphy Johnston & Murphy calfskin dress sh oe. Regularly $120, sale $79.90. 73. Chain Reaction Diamond earrings -lhct . total weight. Regularly $1400, sale $950. 74. Cricket Toscany Wine Set, including flower etched decanter and six glasses . Regularly $49.95, sale $39.95. 75. McDonatd•s Big Mac, regular french fries, medium soft drink. Regularly $2.62, sale $1.99. 76. Hubbub Imported pure wool crew-neck Shetland sweaters in pastel colors, sires S,M ,L. Regularly $22, sale $12.99. 77. Barney's . active wear and shoes. Up to 50% off. 78. Brass Boot Ladies Handbags -50% off. Regularly $60 -$210, sale $30 -$105. I 79, May Company Bay's lzod Sweaten -regularly $19 -$20, aale $11.99. Women'• wool coordinates -20% off. 20-pc. Dinnerware eervice " regularly $39.99, sale $19.99. & Edwards Town Ceriter Cmema IMIM. Pwta QIMW ~ lff ....., Octbber 18 and 17 Saturday and Sunday ~ durfnl South c.out Plua'115th Anniverury Children 12 and under FREE when they menUon the annivenary ale Good noon to O p.m. for S. T. and 3 other ftlml 761-4114 South Coast Plaza LIMITED TIME SAVE 20 % Tasteful Tailoring at ' Terrific Savings s27~0 .. , 14 s.1v1• $(, 80 011 '"" '''""'"", Dovf'f ~1111(.1 purn11 5i11wlly I ;,,if.,J t1o<l odo.il for bvlh dlt!.'ly tll•CI ldtlv•CO "'''•I' Choo•.ie '(OUl'i u1 bllll k 11 ivy CllltHtl t1111w 11 \jtt•y II "'"" r-..--------------------i ! Penny a yard !! ! SALE' !' I e I I I I • SILKS II I I COUTOURIER I IMPORTS I I • WOOLENS I I •AND MUCH, MUCH1 I # MORE! I I APPLIES TO ONL y I I FULL YARDS. I I PRICES APPLY TO NON-SALE ITEMS. I I SELECTED FABRICS I I 4 DAYS ONLY ENDS OCT. 17 I I When you buy one yard of fabric I I at regular price -get one yard of 1· I the same fabric-FOR ONE PENNY! I I Minimum purchase $20.00 for fabrics & I 1 $5.00 for ribbons and trims after discount. -I d onecaratH 1amon. SALE just s199S per carat Now i~ ihc llffil' to h11y .1 o'nc·carnt J 1am11nJ at " very &rcc:ial pml'. Jewel) hy J1•\cph pr11uJ ly pre cnts a 6park linJ,: colll.'Cllon p( 1111c l.H.•l d1o1m1111J, pn lcJ ,1\ $1 . 995. per c<1r.ir. Come m 11.Jo.1y fur. t hi.' Ix·'' '>t'.ln 111111 ,1\ qu.m1111n .ire llm11cJ 11n th1, un1~uc Ji.1- 1111111J '·''l' A TRAlllllll" l)f TRl "I h lR OVl:R 6C Yl:AR-. J[W~LS by JOS[PH .......--L"'J":"I .u ""'uttth t "·''' Pl.t:l• "' t 11'•·• ~h.·,,1 All n• •1 •t 1.-J1t (Ac:~) lJtJ\ ,UhJ r" ,,,1u,d1:.:,l lnitt"-h h\ Jt• ('I h JI._ tUlif "Ad\. ·Hie" -l'h .. 11• t 714) H 0 •1,1t111 t )I'<'"''''" J.1\' ~ "'c~ THE NATURALIZER ADVANTAGE unmistakable comfort at uncommon savings ONE WEEK ONLY' s27.97 ' I' 541,,. 'IO J ,. r ~•, o,_• J' tat.J, ,c ~ /r•r •1' ,, ,., J1urr t Pei Xl' <Jd f u ' ti r ~~ "'•"'' JJ .n~Jfe<, t•aw PS~ • I CH005f fROM t~AVY BR Nm Al A( I" r AUPf St.AOQIH AWJ r "11Pr Arm c.nr ( ~11F.nf NATURALIZER_west ""t~ South Coast Plaza (Lower Level) For your corwenience. m1111 u1der5 accepted Or phone 549·08 1 1 10 p1,1c.e your order I Minimum cut 1 yard 1 I Golden Needle Fabrics and Draperlee 11 ~=so==u=T=H=c=o=AS=T==P=LAZ==A=A==NN=I=VE=R=s=A=R=v=S=A=LE===: 1 .south Coast Plaza • 545-0034 I I Near Sears, lower level. L MUST BRING THIS AD ----------------------~ STUARDS SoUTH COAST PLAzA . Storewide Clearance Upper Level Saks Wing Vrsa -Mastercard -American Express Starts Today with Savings of Y3 to 40 % off STUARDS & BRUNO MAOLI Original SHOE SALE SnJARDS Reg. to •125~ Prices Now sg~o BRUNOMAGLI .. SOUTH CO\ T PLAZA 80. Abercrombie & Fitch Clualc Abercrombie & Fitch denim jeans for men and wome n . Regularly $40, u.le $24.90. 81. Polo Store Select group of polo cable knit sweaters. R~larly $65, sale $19:95. 82. The Livery Pre-fall special -15% otf on all new fall aportooata. Selected women's items -50% off. 83. Sears Supersize towel -"Impossible Terry" -brown, wheat, and blue. Regularly $17.99, sale $7.99 . .J 94, Gentry All-wool double-knit sweaters, silk ties, Britiah tweed SJ>Ort coats, corduroy suits, and all- wool suits -up to 60% off. 85. Lynn's Halbnark Shop Plush Snoopy and friends. Regularly $11 -$22, sale $5.50 - $11 . 86. Jewels by Joseph Special sale of one-carat-sized diamonds -$1,995 per carat. 87. William Ernest Brown Boxed/assorted Americana . notecards. Regularly $5.25, sale $2. 88. Raj International ~erything at 25% off. 89 House of Fabrics Corduroy -$2.22/yard. Calico & . · floral prints -regularly $2.49/ ' yd., sale $1.96/yd. 90. B. Dalton Bookseller Selected hard-cover bestsellers - 40% off. 91. Music Box Zimbelzit musical gramaphone disc-player. Regularly .$1 ,000, sale $500. 91. Ellen Bak Studios Passport photos. Regularly 2-for · $10, sale 2-for $5. 92. F .A.O. Schwarz I Space ship x-5 -regularly $9.95, sale $5.95. Rainbow "Love Doll" regularly $10.95, sale $6.95. 03. Jaeger Sportswear Men's cashmere turtle-neck sweater. Regularly $185, sale $125. ---------------- Plaza Introduces valet parking SUNI I OWlR F A s H I 0 Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Thurlday, October 1 ... 1982 C7 PLUSH PARKING -Proving once again they are a step above the norm -South Coast Plaza is now offering its customers valet parking. The service is available each Friday and every weekend. Valet parking is located at the mall entrance between Bullock's and I. Magnin on the Bear Street side of the plaza. Hours arc 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Friday and Saturday and noon to 5 p.m. Sunday. Valet parking is available for a $2 sc-rvicc charge. N G A L L E R y International Designer Fur Sale OSCAR DE LA RENTA•HANAE MORl•BIRGER CHRISTENSEN•FABERGE' \ . .,. / 1 ' ' ,. ' 1 #.,) ,.".•, .;:; -,,· . "' ... ,,, .. ' I "'I , •'.I' .:'/ ''Jr ~ ' , I . . , ' / , .. ; ' I ' 11 ' d . /) , '(' ., .. , .," i ( , ,, ' ~ . ~. ~ .1 • f . J ., $2900 $1995 to $5500 ,,_,,,..,..,. lllnk JM:k•I. Rta. $3900 Save $ 1000. The jacket lhown above II a classic example of mink at 119 mo.I el9gant. Natural Tourmaline• Mtd gMcllll. Fur Safon, 400 .W YOUll "'11 NOW, H WON'T KL rou wna. JAii. ,.., ~ ro tntllt """"1'MJ. My hlnoe OhMpe ottwt rlwn • '·'° ,,.,.,..,,, .. I» ~ -by IJIJIJIYltrfl .,, Antwi ,,.,_.,.,.,..,. o1 11.1• 1o,,. ht 1r.oao ot Prf¥kNt ....,_Md r2• to MtY .",,.. owr l r.oao. ,,_,,,,,., Mink .. R!{l. $2300·$7500 An outstanding collection of coats, strollers and jackets. Lightweight female pelts Including natural Blscl<glama •. FIKS ~ to lllOW COtlfltry of orfQln ·. ' .. \ I ~ "'\ $995 to $4500 ContMtporary ,,_,.,,., Jllolc•ls. Reg. $1195·$6500 Our most •xcltlng looks with natural red. glacial, sand frost or Norwegian blue fox. natural American lynx. coyote, and oor rare Tibetan lamb. I • /. f • j ' •ca . Or1n99 Oout DAILY "LOT/Thurlday, Ootober 14, 1112 __ ,_ ______________________ mll! __ ~*~-------------------------..... --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.... : Ar•• prep tootb•ll pl•y•r• .hol)ored In Ca.rouael Court Outatandln1 hl1h echool football playen from 29 ane echooll are hcnond ln thll, the 14th ~ear of South Coa1t Plaaa'• Player-of-th•- Month rrosram In the Carouae Court of South Cout P1ua Mall. portralu are diJplayed 1lon1 with the echool colon throuahout tht football aeaaon. One player la 1elected for MCh half of the ....... throu1h hlth achool athletial. Partlclpatln1 echoola are : Canyon Hlth School, Caplatrano V•ll•y H!1h School, Corona del Mar Hl1h School, Cc.ta M .. Hiah School, Dana HWa H1jh School, J:dlaon Hlah School, El Toro Hl1h School El Modena Hiah Schoof. ~tancla Hl1h School, Foothlll Hl1h School, Fountain Valley Hl1h School, Garden Grove Hl1h School, Huntinaton Beach Hlah Schoof, Irvine Hl1h School, La1una Beach Hlah School, Laauna HIU. Hi1h School Lo. Aml101 Hl1h School, Marina H!1h School, Mate(' Dei ffilh School, Mlulon Viejo Hl1h School, Newport Harbor Hl1h School, Ocean View Hith School, Saddleback Hl1h School, San Clemente High School, Santa Ana Hlaih School, Tuatln Hi1h School, University H11h School, Valley High School, Villa Park High School, Weatminater High School and Woodbridge High School. MAJOR BRAND CHINA SALE Selected by their coachn for exemplary play, the players' acUon 1'he Player-of-th•· Month pro1ram la Intended to fo1ter community klemWcadon and 1promote the many valuea to be 1alned Chrl•lma• Guild open• In time for holiday• The entire range of thia aeaaon '• offerings, includln1 decoration•, omamenta, and all aiz.es of aynthetlc tree1, are now available to patrona of South Cout Plaz.a aa The Chrl1tma1 Guild opena near the Carou.el In South Coast Plaza Mall I Within the 8 ,500 ~ aquare foot atore that ij faces the Briatol Street • Mall entrance, The Christmaa Guild dlaplays decoratlon1 in aeveral 1tylized motifs - children'•, reli1lou1. traditional , even • "CameloL" F.ach motif'1 onwnenta are displayed upon a aeparat.e tree. Sharing the ait.e ia the renowned Antique Gulld, offering South Coast Plaza antjque- lovera a variety of antique furniture, br .. it.ems and unusual pieces. The entire 1tore will be open through January. The Christmas Guild/ Antique Gulld ia open from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday ~h Friday, Saturday 10 a.m. to 6 p .m ., and Sunday 12 noon to·5 p.m. South Cout Plau iJ located on the San Diego Freeway at Briatol Street in Coeia Mesa. Snoopy 'pawses' at plaza during anniversary sale The famous beaale, Snoopy, will be ln per-.,n this Sa&urday arid Sunday at Toya ln&emational at South Coast Piasa Mall ...-una kkll and llvirfC away au10p'aphed "paw printa." In addltlo'!1 a dnwlnl will be helG ln which chlldren wrt&e a letter to thelr favol&e Snoopy character. The wianen receive a doll of &hat character, on Sunday at 3 p.m. All durln& the 4-day Annlwrmry ~. SP6ke, Snoopy'• derelict ~. wW be on aale. Snoopy will be there ln penon on Saturday from 11 -l p.m . and Sunday from l -4 p.m. SA VE 15°/o -500/o A dazzJlng array of gorgeous patterns from Wedgwood. Royal Doullon. Minton. Coal Port, Rosenthal, Royal Worcester. Spade. & others. now on sale. CapezioCostumeAccessories '1 SHNITS/ TIGHT SI LE 0 1 A R OS • capez10 S-rfl c-1f "'°••I Costa Mesa, CA 92626 7'4 / 540-2575 through this weekend! 2°" off • all leather and suede baas • all opaque and patterned pantyhose • all shoe ornaments . MHtt rC•td • V1N SOUTH COAST PLAZA S1 ... rcti ~ lmog/nollOtl orrd build from,,,. bo11C1 or Copezoo I DftCt StlltR DftVlllOn V-neck Short Sleeve regular I I 0.00 Now 44.99 ~~ I / Hand KnM Cotton Sweltten ~xcluslv~ for Ducks & C?o. I 00... cotton. crew and "V-neck cardl.agns and V-tWCJc shon ~t cabled sweattts '' ' sptclll J><k t tron now until tht'y•rt gone. Many colors. Crew and V-neck Card~ regular I 20.00 Now 49.99 n.dlttonal Clothln1 for Wotan South Coat Plau 714/957-1177 SHERMAN ClA Y AMERICA'S LARGEST PIANO & ORGAN DEALER E 112 MILL WIDE . These 4 DAYS ON..Y! SAT.lHSlll.12·5 nos., _,-~T., Sift. ...... CGR.a --------..... ~____.. .· ! ..... ~ --'MPllll SAYE '2111 • Plaza rest.aurants please myriad tastes Duri ng Ill flrat d ccodu·und -u ·hul(, South Cou.t Plua tuu1 come to be rt'OOgnlzed u 6l diner'• p a rad iac, offering eo l lng l'ltabllshmcnta lhol vary In IK!OJ>C from CivtJ-star gourmet restourant11 to sidewalk cafn. During this week's 4 -d ay mall -wide Anniversar y Sal e, shoppe r s can benefit from severa l edl b le dlacounta in addlUon to the savings available on merchandise. r For instance, Pronlo Ri•torante, where the combination dinner house/informal· trattoria offers the finest in Northern Italian dinJng, Fettuccini Alfredo with homemade noodles and bread, regularly $7 .90 will be featured Cot $3.95. The cha rmin E alm01ptwn1 o( tlw Mogil P a n I tt l' v 1• n m o r ' ln Vl \IOIJ With U fr~4 chc.>c:olatc mou1111c wl ll the purchase or uny ol lho new fabulous Jund or dlnnl'r "sauw" lwm11. .for o r f'frcs h ln• change, all c•oftcc anc 10ft drlnka at Back Ba) Rowing and Runnln~ Club resorl back to lh< long-forgotten price ol ~ce nt s with the purchase of any menu Item. S hoppers can ''board' the 20th Century atd restaurant, offering Cim dining aboard several a uthe ntic re-created railroad dining ca..S, ano l i k e th e f amo u ~ namesake, enjoy lhc ultimate in food and service. During the Annlversar~ event, the prime rib dmner-for-twc can be feasted upon Jor $14.88, $10 off the· regular $24.88 price. The aroma of fresh pastries and croissants alerts passers by of the lighl bislro fare al Vie de France, a very popular M a l l co mbinatio n . bnkory/cutu: Rt~mbllng 1wmuwh1H a tradhlomal f rt'l;H' h co u n l r y 1 Id t monu r , 1omo of the gn•uwat tcmpuatluna thla •Id<• ot the Seine are d I 11 p c• 11 11 t' d d o I I "/ Authontlc trench butwr crollUIUllt.s are frt..'t• with any cntrcc or $:J bakery purchase during the aale. M cDo nald 's , everyone 's favorlle hamburger s p ot, is offerin g a Big Mac, regular order o{ french fries, and medium soft drink, regularly $:.!.62, for $1.99. Hickory Farms, the store featuring fresh-cul natural cheeses, famou~ Beef Suck sausage, and gift-packs for malling or taking out, is selling all- beef ''Sportsman" sticks, regularly $2.15/packagc, for $1.39/package. For some delightfully satis fying snacking, the House of Almonds offns Buller Almond Toffee, regularly $4.39, for $:i.49 duranJ< the event. New plaza stores. are firsts in stat, The first Eddie Bauer s t ore in South er n Californ ia opens in November on the upper Cache, Eddie Bat1 er are new additions r e nder e d b ulk y oute rwear o bsolete in 1936. tor our geographical area. Cache s pecializes in Cac:h e as one o f the foremost better women's stores in the country," said Rubinsin. Orange OOHI OAIL Y PILOT /Thur1d1y, Octo~r 14', 1982 (j• thru this weekend! 20% off I Group of Tailored Leathers reg. 27 .99 to 29.99 2240102390 • 20% off any 3 pairs or more opaque or fa shion-pattern pantyhose • 20% off handbag group, too Ma!.tPrCard • Visa M 1ster harge • V1'1a SOUTH COAST PLAZA • FASHION ISLAND Anaheim Shopping Center • &ueno Pork Center Huntington Center •The City Shopping Centre evel o( the Carousel ourt in South Coast Plaz.a Mall. Well-known through- out th e cou ntry , Throughoul the years, the company h as equipped expeditions to ever y continent In the' world, and has earned the title "Eddie Bauer: All Eddie Baue r personn el are knowledgable outdoor exper ts who know and use the products they sell. They can answer ques tions about t he outdoors and how to enjoy il. women's better wear, The store will boast an and , unlike designe r all-clear glas.s storefront, boutiques tha l fabr~w~b.and ~u1lt-1n ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ co n .centra t e on .a upholstered displays. parllcular genre, w.111 G r acing the stor e f ~a turc a t .I.cast 2.~ 'inte riors throughout are d I f f c re n l Io o k s antiques that include a se l ected fro m 350 decorati ve antique nationall y-known labels. overhead fan. ar gely through their talogs ( 16.5 million of ·which are distributed ually in the U.S. and anada), Eddie Bauer ializes in goose down :pr oducts and o ther quality outdoor apparel and equipment. A forerunner in the "field," the company was ounded in 1920 by a .young outdoor enthusiast named Eddie Bauer in Seattle. It w as Bauer who designed and pate nted merica's first quilted "'ll'O~lr'down Jackel that Expedition Out fitter." The developmen l of pro ducts for use by expeditions and on-going testing results in ever- i m proving garments, s leeping ba~s and equipment for t e first- t i me adventu e r or longt1me sportsman. The store "uncondi- tionally guarantees" everything it sells. and stocks a va r iety o{ specialized items suited California's first Cache store, and the firsl on the Wes t Coas t , opened October 1 on the upper level overlooking the fountain at South Coast Plaza. The e~phasls wall be Rubinsin added lhat on evening w ear and women of all ages are sportswear from b.oth likely to be attract~ to Eu~opean and Am.erican Cache. not only for its designers. According lo sophistication of styles. company spokesman but for its sheer selection Mitchell Rubansm. Cache of coordinates. attempts lo coordinate Other Cache stores are colc;>rs am~ng unusual located in Miami, Fort designs, with a .t-om~on Lauderdale, Chicago~ eleme nt of soph1stlcauon H ou ston , L as Vegas, throughout. Wash i n g ton D . C .. "ll is this coordination Philadelphia and Palm of designs that positions Beach. s::1so~ 2° FALL SALE LARRY DOUGLAS ORANGE COUNTY'S LEADING MENS STORES CELEBRATE SOUTH COAST PLAZA'S ANNIVERSARY WITH AN INCREDIBLE WARDROBE SALE EVENT ... ' Look al lh111 great values • • • REGULARLY SALE PRICE HALSTON VESTED SUITS 310.00 249.00 TWEED SPORT COATS 125.00 98.00 .. 135.00 109.00 100°/o WOOL BLAZERS DRESS PANTS 45.00 33.99 SOUTH COAST PLAZ~ (71 .~) 545-1675 ., I • ANNIVERSARY Selected Styl es Cobbies, Red Cross, and Socialites Values to 150 NOW 26.90 Cameo Shoe~s South Coast Plaza Lower Level near May Company 546-5210 Oran1a• Co••t DAILY PILOT/Thurtd•v. October 14, 1982 Mall changes Include new ·stores The announc u men l that 17 ne w 1lofllet1 will open by Chriltmat1 in the large1t re·tenant1lng of South Cout Pluu lince the cente r opet'led In ~arch 1967, waJ1 made recently by 0 u neral Manaaer, Jlrn Henwood. "The new 1to1re," he aay11 "pr ovide South Cout Plaza patro na an even l(reater 1h1>pplnl( 1electlon and b•.lild on ttle alr.eady Im poalng number of quality 1toret1 that have made South Coaat Plaza th•~ most 1ucce91f ul re tall oc?n ter in the United Statet~.11 Moat of the ne\~ 1toret will be located ln the two levela of the Sea.rs Wing ln space form erly occ u pied b y· F .W . Woolworth. Approxlmate.ly 100,· 000 square feet Is lnvolved in the suite of 1tores to be oponed by November 1, 19El2. Of particular notu, accordlna to Henwood, I.I the excltln& addition of Yves Saint Laurent. Tht Saint Laurent rive . gauche acheduled for a September openina. will be located In the Jewel Court. Tho Initial West Cout mall operation of Eddie Bauer, he aald, Is also aignlflcant for Sou th Cout Plaza patrons. This famou1 mountaineering and outdoors store will open In February of 1983. Able> appearlf18 In \he-s.en wlna are: Candlt't Shott -women'• shoe1 and apparel: P'ooUoc:ktir -active and casual footw ear; General faahlon ready-to-wear; and Eddi Bauer - o utd oor and mountaineering good• and apparel. Nutrltlo n (GNC) -Overlooking the vitamin and health 1tore; fountain, Jn the Bullock.a Holtman Beauty Supply Wing, Cache, a women'• -co1melic, nail,. and dHIRner evening and akin products; Howard & •port1wear store wlll Phil's -western wear:' open. Jarman Shoes -men's shoes; Lettuce Patch -Many existing atores re1taurant featuring have, or will, undergo salad1 and sandwlchea: e x p 8 n s 1 o n 1 o r Little Folks Shop -remodellngs. Expanding chlldren'a apparel: Mrs. are McDonald's and Fields Cookies -now Robert Phillips Polo Among the othe r open; Radio Shack -S\ore. Weisfie ld's South Cout Plaza firsts electronic and stereo J ewelers iB undergoing a is the world-famous s t ore; and VI de o remodeling, and Innes store, Neuhaua Chocolate Con c e p ts -h om e and Johnston & Murphy lo be located in the May recorder. computer, and are soon to remodel. Compan,y Wing, and La , video store. Leed• s Shoe 1 has Baguette, a croiasant recently relocated to the emporium llsted by To be located ln the upper level of the May Vogue Magaz.lne ~"one Carousel Cour t are: Company Wing, and of ~he seven ~~in the Beaujon of Paris -Singer has merged with United States. to be e I e g ant fas h Ion House of Fabrics on the located In the Sears accessories and gifts; lower level of the May wing. Brooks -women 's Company Wing. ·Celebrates 15th anniversary From Page 2 out of the county because of the center's r•eputation as an internatkmal mall wit h uniqu e s h op selection. W h i I e s t 1· o 1 I l n g through the mull, It's a wonder to g1112e upon some of the nan:leS on the marquees lln Ing the halls. F..scher explained that whenever the Segerstroms came across a unique store in their travels, they would Invite the store owners to open a s hop in South Coast Plaza. . South Coast Plaza also continuously surveys its customers as to what type of stores they want in the center. Escher said. "The shops you find here are a matter of customer response in most cases," Eecher said. "In a sense, we detect what the customer wanui by co n t inu ously surveying the customers as to the stores they want.'' From its 1967 beginnings tt!I an "l"-shaped shoppi ng center, South Coast Plaza went through two facelifts. First, it waa made into a "T"-shaped mall then it became the "H" -shaped center it is today with seven major department stores and 176 mall stores. South Coast Plaza is part of a larger 200-acre plus deve l opment consisting of South Coast Plaza Village, an open mall of 75 artisan-like shops and restaurants. South Coast Plaza Hotel, South Coast Repertory Theater and the South Coast Plaza Town Center. In the future, an additional 400,000 square feet of space is to be added to the mall. Among the s.hops are the likea of th<e world'• most famous jE·weler, Jes MUST d e Cartier of Pari1, and th•!! world's most famota ·toy store. F.A.0 . Schwan of New York. Also to be found in South Coast Plaza Is world-famo u:!1 leather maker Mark C1ross's only •tore west of Boston and Yves Saint Laurent In the ·Jewel Cou 1rt. Sale boon for customers The mall's s hops have been per90nall y selected by the ownen. of South Coast Plaza i n some instance n whi te consumer dern.anda have controlled the other choices. From Page 2 Truly, across-the-board savings. No pur c ha se is required to enter the drawing for prizes. Entry blanks are available in each of the mall's stores and restaurants. Football fans won't miss any of the action when they come with friends and family to the Anniversary celebration-there wil1 be giant screen TVs in open maU areas tuned to all o f the w eekend's gridiron action. The collegiate games will be carried Saturday, and if the strike Is seltled, the Ralders - Seahawk contest and Rams' shoot-out with the world champion 49ers on Sunday will be shown. shown. Sou th Coast Plaza opened in Marc.1'1 1967 with May Co .. Sears and 66 stores. Measured in terms of sales, number of customers, radius of attraction and loyalty of I patron.age, its success has few parallels. -Samsonite BUY THE GARMENT BAG ... GET THE COMPANION FREE! GARMENT BAG • loomy ha111l111 area • Larve pockets e1 Heny duty vlnyl exterior • Carty It extenclecl or folded CAR.RY ON COMPANION •• Great choice for short trips or as an extra ba1 tt lxterlor pockets • Ll9htwel1ht, 1tro111, durable • Attractive soft vlnyl -.,,,..--· , __ - -· -----. ,a_!J. ~ .. 7-liiil~ ,.. ~ 11··.· .i ~ -~.. " ' ~,, tit ..... ...... o •••·•as Hurry. Offer llmltecl to stock on handl Wutrnln1ter .... .,.., ..... ....... ..,ce; 19W331 Anaheim ,, ... , .... ................ 956-1110 I Expert Tailoring for men & women Custom made-to-measure clothing House of Tailoring's exclusive collection for men and women now presenting Fall 1982 & 1983 • 28 master tailors who take pride in their work • Custom suits from s350 Slacks from s95 Custon shirts s32 and up • Large selection of domestic and import f ahrics • Losing weigh t? Let House of Tailoring refile your wardrobe Over 21 years in Orange County All work guaranteed La rgest tailoring shop in southern California South Coast P laza Carousel Court, Lower Level Mon. thru Fri. 9-9: Sat. 9·6 540-849 1 TOY CE TER ANNIVERSARY SALE s BOARD GAME • Parker Bros. #157 • • REG. SALE PRICE Electronic Baseball • Mattel # 2942 39.88 12.88 . Spike Stuffed Dog Med. #87 45 25.00 12.10 Tomy Electronic Basketball # 7600 26.50 12.88 Vie w Master Melody Madness #SPC4201 36.88 11.88 ATARI ASTEROIDS ·#Cx2649 14.88 Head to Head Hockey by Coleco #2160 49 .88 1.88 Spike Dog #8747 By Determined 75 .00 31.11 Mattel Fun Flower Thing Maker II 24 .49 8.11 Lakeside Computer Perfection 19012 49.88 1~.11 Miss Piggy Hand Puppet 11ss • 22 .95 14.11 Milton Electronic Game #4043 99 .88 ·21.11 •• "*'Ohandl• eubject to 1tock on hand .... Endl lun. oOl. 17 i t lllllJPlll W!DNU OAY. OCT. 14. 1982 ClASSIFllD 06 ' Cards turn to ace S utte r slams door to p reser ve • win MILWAUKEE (AP) -Most pitchers shudder at the sight of the slutUling Mllwaukl.>e Brewers Not Br uc.-e S utter That's because most ballers shudder :u the sight of him. Sutter marched out of the St. Luuis bullpen Wednesday nigh t and sl'1mmed the door on the Brewers as the Cardinals battled from beh and for a vital 5-4 victory that tied the 1982 World Seru.>s at one wm apiece. The teams had a day off today as the Series moved to Milwaukee where Pete Vuckovlc:h f&l'eS thl• Cardinals' Joaquin Andujar in game three Friday night. The St. Louis victory was built on llpet.'<.i, a controversial walk that the Brewers thought was a strikl'OUt an d Sutter. Thl' relief ace had walL:hed from the bullpen as the Brf'wcrs rattled 17 ha ts around Busch Stadium to capture the opening game of the Series, 10-0 "I was im pressed," the reliever said "But I wasn't S<:arc..od of them." Very few teams frighten this master of the split-fingered tastball. wnose scraggly beard makes him look like a mounuun man when he comps lumbering out of the bullpen. Manager Whit.Py Herzog never had a chance to go lO his trump card in the opening game blowout. So he seized the oppor tunity when it presented itself in Game Two.· "I wuntro Lo stay cl()S(' and not get blown out," said Herzog. When middle-inning n•lievcrs Jam Kaat and Doug Bair accomplished that. Herzog called for his main man with two out in the seventh anning "I would hate to have a World Series and not have Sutter patch," he said Frldey'a game -St. Louis at Miiwaukee, 5:30 p.m. Friday'• pltchera -Pete Vuckovich (18-5) of the Brewers vs. Joaquin Andujar ( 1s~10) of the Cardinals. TV -Channel 4 at 5 p.m. Announcers - Dick Enberg, Joe Garaglola, Tony Kubek, Tom Seaver and Bob Costas. Radio -K NX (1070) a t 5:10 p .m . Announcers -Vince Scully and Sparky Anderson. Remaining achedule -Saturday's game: In Miiwaukee, 10:20 a.m.; Sunday's game: in Miiwaukee. 1:45 p.m .; Tuesday's game. if ne c essary : in St. Lou is, 5 :20 p .m .; Wednesday's game, If nec essary: In St . Louis. 5:20 p.m. This game began like another Brewer bree~. Milwaukee built a 3-0 lead an the fi rst three innings against rooloe John S tuper. In the second, a walk, waJd pitc.h and Charlie Moore's RBI-double made it 1-0. An inning later, Milwaukee added two more. Molitor singled, stole second, reached third on a wild pitch and scored on .,,, S utte r confounded Milwaukee's slu ggers, allowing only two infield hits. And he got the ~t he ncc<fod from battcrymate Darrell Porter, the hitting star with a two-run double and a clutch single In the winning ra lly. In the ninth, when pesky Paul Molitor opened with a bunt single, Porter gunned hi.'TI down trying to steal second base. T hen Sutter, whose 36 saves led the.• major leagues this season, mowed down the final two batters to complete the victorv. a groundo ut. Then ex-Cardinal T ed Sim mons , slammed his second home run of the Series, ·this one a s hot into the second deck in right field. Bre wer shortstop Robin Yount hurdles St. Louis runner Ken Oberkfell during Wednesday's World Series game . The Cardinals could do little with Brewer starter Don S utton and Hen.og went back to basics <See CARDS, P age 0 4) A Ladd • IS rattled Brewer p i tch er says ump ble w call ST. LOUIS <AP) -Pete J,.add ran out of October rnaaic. but the M ilw aukee Br e wers' r od k le relief pitcher insisted it waan't his fault. He blamed plate umpire Bill Haller. Ladd relieved Bob McCl ure with two St. Louis Cardinals on base and one out in the eighth inning of Game T w o o f t he World Series Wednesday night. LADD'S PITCH on a 3-2 count to Lonnie Smith waa called ball four by Halle r. loading the bases. Ladd, admitting the call "rattled me," then walked pinch-hitter Steve Braun on four pitches to force In the winning nm. "l knew he (Haller) blew the call," Ladd said. ''The re ar e ma.ny other things I could say, but I'm not going to say them." Ladd, who had ea rned two saves and retired all 10 batters he faced when the Brewers beat the An1eJs to win the American League pennant, Insisted his 3-2 pitch to Sm ith had caught the outside corner. "It wu on tbe out.side comer, and It got all the corner," he said. "It wu not even on the black. But h e (Haller ) said it was completely outside. "I juat have to for1e t about it," he 1aid . "If I was a six-year veteran, I could take this a lot better. But I wanted this 10 bad. M y m i nd waa n ot in to m e pitching to the~ hitter. "I w a lke d Bra un o u t of frU9tratpl," he uJd. Brewer Ma nager Harve y Kuenn said Ladd t1ad pitched well. '-THE ONLY THING 1 know I.a Lonnie Smith aid It WU a good p_ltch, and I te9pecl hia opinion," Kuenh aaid. "If the guy la called out, there'• runne rs on fln t and .cond and two out, and It's a different llltuatlon," he uld . "But I don't think thla wlll bother Ladd. He'• a good kid. I thought he cltd • fine job." Many ll!COnd-l\.M9en thought Kuenn might have called on RoUI• Fin1era to pitch In the lnnln1. a h hou1h Fln1er1 haa'" been mdellned llllnce Sept. 2 with a tern muacle ln hi• rl1ht fonum. However. Kuenn aid he would be reluctant to uae Finau• lo • lie 1ame In any ~ flf'MYffi't \-.ct Rollie In that . llu.ation all yeer, and the Wotl<l ...... haln't chlma-t anythlnc." he9'd. Catdwr T.t SimmOnl, wt.me adnd homer •11 two ntah\• ....... t hil former tearnmetet : hlld helped Milwauka take 3·0 t .nd .4·2 '-di. aid the Brewen Md l90 name for Jioeinl. ''It'• not lm~t whwt mi ' YleW ol &he pitch ........ . ' Simmons said. "That d id not determine whether we won or I o t t th e gam e . It wa s a controversial situation, bu t I'm not going to blame the situation on the fact we got a tough call. "We had a 3-0 lead," he said. ''When you get t hree runs on a I kne w h e (Haller ) b le w the call. T here are many other thing s I could say, b ut I'm not going to say them . ball club you should win. We got four and didn't score any more. That's our Cault." The Cardinals had been sh ut out for 11 consecuuve 1nnm gs in the series until they started their comeback with two thlrd-lnnlng runs off Brewe r starter Don S utton. "MY SLIDER W ASN't nearly as good as the stuff I had against the Angels last week," Sutton said. "But it was good enough that If I threw to spots I could have won." taking what I gave him a nd goln1 the other way," S u tton said. "He'll h it a ball down there once every 80 times up. but he did a good job." T he Brewers were shut down over the last 2 YI in ning• by Bruce S utter, w hose 36 saves topped the majors this aeaaon. "Sutt.er la going to be A factor in this series." said Brewer third basema n Paul Molitor. "He is going to make a mark. A couple of guys did get good rips at him , but It wasn't enough." MOLITOR BUNTED his way on to start the Brewer nint h, but was thrown out trying to steal. "I d idn't get a real good jump. and the pitch he threw to kobin Yount was not a good pitch to h it." M olitor said. "Il w as the only high pitch he threw. If he threw his split-fingered fast ball. we'd probably ha ve gotte n a ground ball on the hit-and-run , and it would have been a great play." "No o ne In the Ame r ican League throws a split-fi ngered fast ball like S u tter ," said Bre we r right fte:de r Charlie Moore . "His pitch es not only break down real sha rp, but he can get a lot of Inside or outside movement. The Cardinals tied it at 4-4 when Darrell Porter lined an opposite field double off Sutton in the sixth. "I'm not saying it was a quality pitch, but Porter did a good job of "It was good to get a chance to face him , although r hope w e don't have to face him too often In thi• series." he said. Darrell Porter drops his bat and h eads for first after driving in two runs We d nesda y night . Will Mauch he hack n e xt year? Time will tell Angel m anager sitting on hot seat a fter his team's elimination from champion ship serie Much has been said the paat few days regarding Manager Gene Mauch'• atatw with the Anl(ela. . WW Mauch stay? WW he go? WUl he be fi red? Are the playera happy with him? Are they unhappy? Tilele questions, among othen, have been rai1ed alnce the Angela' tras tc undotna In Milwaukee. And, the re are people, Important people w ith in the organization, who .,.. llatenJns. General Manapr Buuie Bavui, alon1 with Owner Gene Au~. will uJUmately ckdde Mauch'• fate. Nobody aeem1 to be ru1hln1, h owever , to make a quick dlclllol\, S.Vlli, In perUcular, wanta to wetch all th• evidence before rendertn1 a verdict. "Gene wW ~ here • '°"I • we feel he'• doUwl the job he'•~ to do," S.v• u1d from hil offa at AnalMUn Stadium WednadeJ. "Whm win, JOU'" .,. 1o be 9'1ppy ... t C. rw bftn iplls.d wtth fhanl9ln Uke Charlie Drlilan, Walter· <Allton) and w. Lio (Du.rodwr). .. ._.of them tt'• difflcu.lt for me lo ............... t SPORTS COLUMNIST JOHN SEVANO Of coune, winning a dM11onal title la one &hint. and blowln1 a 2.0 lead In the champlonahlp 1eriet ii another. "Flnlt,hlnt l«'OIKI meana nothtn11. To me , there'• only one r•ace to fl nlah ... Bavllli edded. ''When 10 to the hone r.cet1 I bet to wtn, not to place." Mauch haa come under c:oMderable criUClam by the pr119 and even t0me of hie own playen for the way he ha ndled hla P6tcben and for ICll'M clectlions he did, or didn't make, dwinl·th• Antell' flnalthl'M ........ The mo1& talke d •bout Incid ent oc:eurr .. Ill t h• final 1•m• of the champl.ltlhip ae rlH wht n Mauch elected lo ... >' wtth •11.t"··...._. Lull Sanctln on U.. mowicl .....,_, ltft· handld hlttlftl Oedl °'°'*' wtth two out and she ...... loaded "' .... 19¥9nth ....... . Angel left-hander Andy Hasaler was warming up in the buUpen, but Mauch chose to forego the percentases In favor of Sanchei, who promptly aerved up a two-run single which ultlmately decided the game. After wa rd , a n g r y w o r ds were expl'ft9ed by H .. ler and an explanation ("l do w ha t r think are the best percentages") wu offered by Mauch. Bavul aald Thureday, however, that Hualer lan't the only player to expre11 d i1pleuure In the way Ma~h ran the bllU club -not only In tht •rie.. but ovc.-r the'aeuon u •whole. "A Jot of playtl'I ha ve u ked to be traded and I'm Fll\I to flnd OU\ why," Ba vaal promised . "I 'll llat en v e ry carefully to what tht y heve to uy and \ht n I'll dedde which pleyen to U.p and which to J.t IO·" Tbafld batman ~ DeCinCM and le ft fielder Brian DownJnt art two pla~ In abuch'a oorner. Nttther want to .. their lkJpper fD. but then both w..-. cone.nt..s ......., loO. ... -tltVllld playtns for a-Meuch thll '1iif." -.licJ o.c.mc.. .. ,.. ... ..,., ~ __. I hew nolhJ"i but,,.... for the wa y he handled me. T he whole thing was a very positive experience. "I certainly don't like what I've ~n reading ln the pa pert." Said Downing: "I don't want to tee anybody go, but then I wasn't one who was In a negative situation. "T h e way I aee it if 1. and a few others. had hit like they were suppoaed to there would have been no controversy at all. "I know M>me guys have proble ma, but the guy (Mauch} gave me a chance. I can 't find anythln1 bad a bout h im althout h there are oth~n who mlsht think otht-rwlM. "Anybody who'a not playin1 ii not IC>ina to be happy. I would feel very c:om(ortable thou.th havl"I him beck." At Downlnj • pointed out , It ... l'N. ~erybody la po&nllna to one play out of 19'7 1amtt. ·and anakln1 Mauch the acapept fOf' .verythlnc \Mt he~ . "If we had hit we would hrie wan," offered Oownl"ll In Mauch'1 def..-. Mauch '• '•'• 11 •~htduled to be annoumed by Blvlll and A'*1 -~ ... MAUCH, P• bl• l Or1no• Coa1t DAILY PILOT/Thurlday, October 14, 1912 Quantity of quality. water polo player~ sinking Prep water pow Ill 1\ 1lnklfll'1 1 In a way, h 11. a<.'(.'Ordln& to United Statet 1 national coach Monte Nlli.kowakl. At leaat in terma of quality ~pth. ln •nother way ll'a treading water, there are 1tlll cnouah blue chips, 1uch u Corona dl'l Mar'a 0.vid lmbemino, to k~p a now of quality talent : geared toward college and lnte rnaUon"l excellence. "Every year there'• aJways the two or three teama of quality," aaya Nitzkowski, "and from what '' t gather Corona del Mar and Newport Harbor remain pretty high in quality. ' "But the o ve rall broad base, u fur us : deve lopment, has dropped aome. It's already " reflected on the university level in the Pac-10 and ' PCAA. · "It's hard to get past UC Irvine and maybe one ~ ~r this year," contlnuea NIUkowaki. r -~"I'm not aayhli there aren't quality players, there are indlvlduals at USC. Stanlord. Cal and Olympics committee reinstates Thorpe From AP dl1patcbes LAUSANNE. Switzerland -Jim • Thorpe got his gold medals back Wednesday. 70 years a fter the American Indian stunned the world by capturing both the penta thlon a nd the decathlon In the Stockholm Olympics. The Inte rnationa l Olympic Committee ' Wednesday reinstated Thorpe's amate ur status, ending the 69-year battle by faQlilY and friends to h a ve the medals and trophies returned. They were take n away in 1913 when Tho rpe d isclosed he had c ompe t e d. in a se m i pro baseb a ll league and his amateur status was revoked. Thorpe, who die d In 195 3 , will b e a w a rded posthumously two Olympic gold meda. ls in a <.'eremony at 1'HOf9N Los Angeles in January. His • name, stricken from the Olympic record book, · : will be reinstated as a co-winner of the 1912 • events, sharing the decathlon title with Hugo Wieslander of Sweden and the pentathlon championship with Ferdinand Ble of Norway. IOC President Juan Antonio Samaranch will preaent the medals to Thorpe's family in January. ''The name of Jin". Thorpe will be added to the liat of athletes who were crowned as Olympic champona at the 1912 Games." the IOC said in a atatement. The decision was made without a vote Tue9day by the IOC Executive c.omm.ittee, said • Julian K. Rooeevelt. the U.S. Olympic Commitu!e repretentaUve. Quote of th«! day Gf0r1e Wel1ll, University of Virginia football coach, whose team is 0-5 after a 48-i> rout by Clem&on: "You're only as food as your *\~· and on that basis we re a terrible foo team." · 40 NFL players drop out of game ~ NEW YORK -Qua rterback • .. Gary Daniel.Ion of the Detroit Lions ••• and w1de receiver Mel Gray of the St. Louia Cardi.nala highlight the revised rwten announced Wednetlday for the National · Foott.D Leacue Players AMociation "All-Star" · pme thia Sunday in Wuhington. D.C. A 10tal of 40 players have been added to the "National F.aat" and .. American East" rosters, which conalat of 78 players. Forty playera originally scheduled to participate in the game have dropped out, including quarterbacks Joe Thei.amann of the Wahington Redakina and Richard Todd of the New York Jets; wtde receiver Harold Carmichael of the Philadelphia Eaglea; running backs Wilbert Montgomery of the Philadelphia F.agles and 0 . J . Andenon of the St. Louis Card1nals; and. Uneba-::ker Lawrence Taylor of the Ne w York Giants. UCLA, tor inuance, but In tl'rm a of de pt h . everyone ma to bu down. "Irvin • tl-'<i·1hlrled tut y •r (holding Peter Campbell back 11 yt-ar), t10 hc'1 (UC lrvine C0a<'h &I Nt'wland) 1<>1ld. "Stanford 11 a fur l'ry from lu1 t yl'ur." Thl' r l'O•O n • ur~ t.l mple , acc:ord1ng to Nltikow•kl. With tundJi t'Ontinuina to btl llOUKht by every aport on t he h4Jh 1chool lt:v •I, und with the dwlndllna number or on-compus coochet, the bite get.a blggtr each year. "Jett Stitt~• at Corona dcl Mor I• a good example," aaya Nitzkows ki. "1 wonder long he can stay there wfthout a waching contrucl. "There are juflt a few -Billy (BUI Bernett) at Newport Harbor. Jim Sprague at Sunny Hllls, Ric k Jones at Long Beach Wilson ... "So many don't have contracts, so w hat happens is that sorne have J• different coach ever v year Baker triggers Rangers' victory three-goal third period Wednesday , New York's Bill Baker Ignited a Iii night, snapping a tie with a power- play tally as the Rangers d owned Philadelphia, ~-2. in a National Hockey League game. Ron Flockbarl acored both goals for the Flyers, who had won their Urst three games thii; s~ason . . . Elsewhere In the NHL. third- period. goals by Gaetan Ducbeane and rookie Scott Stevens broke a tie and lifted Washington to a 5-3 victory In Toronto . . . Al Secord's' 'goal from point blank nmge late in the sec.'Ond period climaxed a three-goal outburst to lift 4 Chicago to a 6-4 victory over St. Louis. . Seahawks fire coach, general manager SEATTLE -Coach Jack Patera [i] a n d G e n e ral M a nag e r J o hn ••• Thompson were fired Wednesday by the Seattle Seahawks, who named Mike McCormac k inte r im coach for the remainder of the 1982 National FootbalJ League season. McCormack, fired as head coach of the Balt.imore Colts a t the end or last season, was the Seahawks' director or football operations. Do n Ande r sen . the Seaha wks director of non- footba ll o pe r a tio ns, wi ll b eco m e d ir ec t o r o r administration, fllJing in for Thompson for the rest of the season. The announceme nt of the firing was made by John flATaRA Nordstrom, whose family is rpajority owner o( the team. "We have been disappointed at our lack of progress on the football field the past years and that was the sole reason for the dismissal,'' Nordstrom said. reading a prepared statement. "It became apparent In our early season performance that things hadn't turned around. "It is aJways difficult to make chanses. but we believe that Mike McCormack will be an excellent head coach until the end of the year. We have not written off the 1982 aeuon." Newman to team up with Andrettl ADdrettl will team up to field a car in ... Paul Newmaa and Marlo • the 1983 Indianapolis 500, along with other races on the PPG Indy Car Wo rld S e rles cir c u i t , It w as anno uced Wednesday. The entry, backed by Budweiser, will be a Lola T-700. a turbo V-8 Cosworth. The car ls currently under construction in England, and the n ew team hopes to start tesung In December before beginning the Championship Auto Racing Team aeries . . . De fe nding champion Jou McEaroe and top-seeded Jlmmy Connon won their second-round matches Wednesday in the Australian Indoor Tennis Champlonah lp1. McEnroe took only 76 minutes to dispc:19e of Australian Qirl1 Jo1Ul1tone, 6-1. 6-3. while Connors ou1ted 17-year-old Joba Frawley of Australia. 6-1. 6-0 . . . Frank Keefe, head swlmmlng ooach at Yale University, has be.en named an assistant coach for the 1984 United States Olympic Swimming team . . . A National Basketball A11oclatfon committee postponed aanctlona a&alnat San Diego CUi>pers owner Doaald Sterlla1, pmldlng the outoome of hi9 effortl 10 tell the franctu.e . . . Gary Player burned up the Wentworth golf COUl'8e with a 5-under-par 67 today and took a four-hole lead over Lauy W1dllla1 at the halfway stage of their first-round mat.ch ln the Suntory World Mat.ch Play tourney. Television, r.adlo TV: No event.I 9Cheduled. RADIO: Baske tball -Lake r s a t lndianapoll.s. 7:35 p.m .. KLAC (570). MAUCH IN JEOP~RDY • • • , Women take spotlight From Page 01 time ln the next couple of weeka. • • • The Anget. are not expected to 1tand pet for next 1euon. Bavasl tald he hopes to meet with Mauch next week to discuss, ~ other thlnp. the team'• ~ fQr 1983. "The flnt thi"8 we want to do .. help the club," Bevaai noted. .. If we C8I\ flnd are• to "improve bunelVet, then we will "Our flnt priority wt U be to Ii t down with [)m Baylor becaUM what we do with Baylor will depend on what we do with the rat of the dub." .. B1ylor. a free •1ent. 11 ttd by notortou. Jerry a hard-nmed dealer. It s-t.eln, In fact, who alao ~tancia, Uni la1h at Newport • represents Steve Garvey of the Dodgers . "(hope to meet wtth Don 10me time next week," aald Bavaal. ''By next week we'll know what we want and what we're lookin1 for." Bavaal .added that the club doetn't intend to do too much, either, until they get a fln1l atatut report on four playert who apent much of '82 on the diaabled U.t. "If the four men on the disabled Hit get he•lthy, then we're going to be a better dub. Plus, we'll ai.o have IOfM trade bait," aaJd S.vui. The four playen the ~11· OM Is referrtna co are cat.cher Ed Ott, relief phcher Don Aate, 1hort1top Rick Burleton and plt.cher Bill Traven. "lf they're heelthy, where can ~. better playert?'' Bava1I Trav•rt pUched hie flnt pine In almolt two )'Mn the otlw day ln Arllona, workln1 thrH '""'""' olDd llW. up two ..... and no rune. "lie Alla ltr'Uell out four. I& 1t ._. ... of lhll quartet dwt the Miiii ...,., .. ,..,., qul•t on ttle trad'ln1 mark•t CIUl'tlll Ute ............. "' ~ber. this weekend By ALMON LOCXABEV .., ................. Women sailors wlll top the lilt of yachtlna evenll In Orange County thl1 weekend whon Bahia Corinthian Yacht Club hmt.t t.he fifth race of lht' Oraftle County Women'• Ocean Racina aJona with the Peay Gretory Appreciation Rice, honor1n1 Oreaory who promoted women tailing tn PHRF yachts. Down Dani Poln t w•y , C.platrano S.y Yacht Club will ho1d • one·deaian reaatta Saturday and Dena Point wUJ hOlt the 1eVenth rac:e of Jts Dana Point Serie. for PHRF yachts. In ot.her Southern CalJfornia Yat:"hUnJ( A8octatJon In•: . .... ........ .., .:J .... ~-DIOoi1111wWM• ....... e'I llft:i=.~· YM ·,Chi• -Mell'-T,....,_ ....... 01tlteM11 .... °'"' -()H ........ -=..a.:=·~_,.._.. l'ell--~ ........ ...,. -~o'*• ~ ·....-:: ....... .......... PREP SPORT 9 ROGER~ CARLSON United S&atct to Unllh welt at the '84 Oames," •YI Nlt.ikow.ki. "It nothln1 ellle. It'• to showc~ the 1port. Non·r venue sport.a ore paying • price In the -.:hool ayatem." "It affect.I the booltera. the pa ... ntl lf'OUJ>I, the 11ummer programs, jWll a domJno «>ffec:t. "And wo'rtt IKl Ing It at the uruvendty l"vct. 0nl' or h111 \:Urrt.:nt proJt'ctl Lii tryln1 to put wai ·th •r an lll•lt.aU: devolopmcmtal c.mp tor 16 and llf·year-olda, a l 0-day concentrated trainln1 program. "Get the belt $0 from the state and put them uncfor the nation.al 1enlor and junior 1taff1 and It would be a tremendous benefit to our hlsh tchool program," say11 Nltzkow11kl, 1 Huntlngt.Qn Beach reslaon1. Don't get me wrona, we've got a lot ot playen, but the quantity of qualJty players la dropping. • • • "And, the out-of-et.ate prosrams arc catching up." NltzkowKkl waa a recent recipient of the United States Aquatic Sport.I' hfgheat honor In Memphll, Tenn .. an annual award prt.>sented to an lndlvfdua.l maklng an outatanding contribution to one of the four aquatic •ports (swimming, water polo. diving and synchronlZL'd swimming). A bonus tor wat.or p olo f31thful la the announcement that f~lNA Cup lIJ (remember the Russians, Hungarians, Itallant and ao forth at Long Beac:h last May?) wlll ~ held at. Pepperdlne University In Malibu. from May 7-14. Small wonder. He hu been the head coach of the national team the past si,c yeara and has been the Long Beach City College coach the put 27 years. And, he continues the long fight for his, aport. Let's face It, It's a minor aport, In terma of public awareness and popularity. I'm not trying to sell that theory to thlJ area's water polo playera, but they would have to admit they find It a tough It.em The top eight from the World Gamet In F.cuador will be tnere In w~t wlll double u a pre- Olymplc tournament. The 'S4 OlymplC' Games wiU oo held at the same site. • • • Brad Rowland. who did not play high echool football but U1 a graduate of Fountain Valley High and a transfer from Golden West College, turned in u big performance for Northern Ariz.ona University "''<.'ently, proving prep credentials are n't elway1 a necessary commodity. to sell. · Nitzkowski admits the dream of Oly mpic Games ore carries more weight than on the surface. "There arc a lot of reasons why we want the Rowland was credJt.ed with lhree quarterback sacks and forced a fumble In the Lumberjacks' Big Sky Conference game with Boiae S tate. Orange Coast tops Rustlers in five games Jn a match featuring frequent momentum shifts. Orange Coast College had it when It count.eel Wednesday night and came away with a 16-14. 15-11. 9-15, 5-15, 15-l triumph over Golden West in So uth Coa st Confe r e n ce w omen's volleyball action on the winner's rtoor. G o lde n West st ar ted fast, taking a 14· 13 lead in the first game before OCC rallied to win the next three points and the VOLLEYBALL " first game. Orange Coast took control in the SC'cond garne, jumping to a 12-2 lead. before• Golde n WPst regaine d t h t• momen tum. The Pirates hung on to win the second gaml'. but t hl• :'ustlers raUied to takl· thl' nl·Xl two and forc•e a de<:1ding fifth game. Som<.' fine defcruw hl•lpt-d Orange Coast win tha t one gvong away Fresh man middle blocker Kim Serey did a fine pb in replacing OCC standout J ody Brencic, who was sidelined with a n ankle Injury Ouu.1de hitter Val G rady also ,11 • 1 ~tl'<l to the victory. For G olde n West, hatte rs Kathy Brown and Knsty Olson played w e ll 1n d e (cal. The R ustler s droppe d to 1-2 in confere nce play. while Orange Coast is 2-0. In high school action. the CIF's second-ranked squad, Corona del Mar. de feated No . 4 L aguna Beach in four games. 15-7, 12-15, 15-13. 15-11 in a non-leag ue encounter at Laguna. So phomore Linda Burton , senior setter Eileen Hess and senior middle blocker Mory Ann Muller we re instrumental In the victory, while middle blocke r Anna Riegel played well for the Artists. CdM Is now 8-0 overall, while Laguna dropped to 8-3. -Sea Kings, Sailors ; post Sea View wiiis Fountain Valley unbeaten in Sunset Top-ranked Corona del Ma r breezed to anothe r v ict o r y, Ne wport Harbo r broke away Crom a halftime t ie to down stubborn Estancia and El Toro stayed ln the hunt for the ClF p layoffs in Sea View League water pole action Wednesday. Meanwhile. Marina, Fountain Valley and Ocean View posted S unset L eague victories a l Golden West College, and on the communHy college level, Orange Coast dropped a decision at Long Beach Ci ty College. Corona del Mar's trio of Dave lmb<:rnino (six goals), Rick Scott (five) an d Eric P aulsen (five) a ccou n led for 16 o f t he Sea Kings' goals in a 24 -2 romp of host Irvine. The victory upped CdM 's~league mark to 4-0. Meanw hile. New port Harbor was tied 4-4 al halftime against Estancia before Colin Thompson broke it in the third period . T h ompson 's tally was quickly follo wed by goals from Greg Lukosky and Grant S tanley and the Sailors led the rest of the way. T r oy F e nley a nd David lnadomi each scored twice for the Eagles, wh ile A rt J e ppy had three goals for Newport. El Toro posted a key 10-6 w in over Costa Mesa, as the Chargers S<.'Ored seven of their goalB in the second half. The win pushed El Toro's league record to 2-2. while Costa Me sa dro pped to 3-1. However , the Mustangs must still face Corona del Mar and Newport Harbor. Kevin Stringer played well in goal for the Chargers, stopping 12 shots. while Craig Popp acored all three of his goals In the final period to help El Toro seal the issue. Costa Mesa, ranked fifth in the latest CIF 4-A ratings. is now 13-4 overall. El Toro. which was rated sixth, is now 12-4 overall. ln the S unset League, Marina r e b o und e d f r o m a t o ugh sudden-death defeat in its league opener to knock off Edison, 12-5. h was the fi rst time the Vikings have bea ten Ed11on 1n seven years an water polo. A stout Marina defense he ld Echson to JUSl one first-hall goal, w hil e Junior J am Zak ask y WATER POLO provided much of the offense, scoring five tames. Junior Steve Smith, who tallwd the first two goals for the Vikings. also played a fme game defensively. Fountain Valley is now 2-0 in the Sunset after taking care or Huntington Beach, 19-3. Leading the balanced scoring attack was Guy Buker (four goals). Steve Be ntley (three). M a rk Wan (three). and Rob Cope (three). Ck'Call View evened its league ma rk a t 1 -1 b y dumping W estmins t e r . 11 -6 . Darrin Moeller had three goals 10 pace the Scahawks. Ora nge Coast College LS now 8-~-1 after I0&1 ng to Long Beach . 14-12. Steve Sammons continued his scoring tear. notching seven goals for the Pirates. Decision delayed on Plett case BLOOMINGTON. Minn. (AP) -The NauonaJ Hockey League delayed until today a decmon on the Minnesota North Stan' Willi Plett. who had a hearing Wednetday on his mat.ch penalty. Plett was given the penalty las t .Friday after c lubbing Detroit goalie Greg Stefan with his stick. College football SATIMOArt oama .... WHl'llngton St YI UCLA 11 AON Bo.I f 1·30) use 1t St1nl«d CCII""* 2 11 t2 451 New Meafoo at Stn Dleoo 81 , n long 8Mch St II San JON St , n WMhlngton II ~eoon St. ~.., 11 Cllllfornl• w.o.r SI It P~ 81 , n N«tham Cobldo II Cal Poly (8l0 ). n Aedtenda at~ Pectfle Cal llllhtran II 81Cf9mtt!IO St • n Cel Poly (Pomone) 11 Cef Biiie HtY'W#d u. a.,, Dleoo II LA Verne Whittler 11 l>omone-Pltzer. n OookMntal It Cle191nOnl•Mudcl ...... ... Oolorlldo St. et Air F«Ge T...,._!I flllO 11 Attzonl 81., n H_...atlYU ldlhO et Montana 8olM St. at MonllN It. F,_., St. ec Ntv.-."-'O ktetio 81 II Horll•n Atltont, n Neved...t.• V9QM 11 Vllfl Plldfio 81 l"8fl It Cal 81. ""'9rlon II ~ . ........ e.ytor at T-AIM Howton .. IMU, 11 T-Tedl81"'°8 r-Mlllgton •aw LolMleflll NE l.OUlllMe • Nil-It. ..... 0-,.. fllll II Au4Mf! Dueleeta.-t W, T-k el '1oftM .... CerallrMI t...";.* ., . " v.,,..,.. " ~-~" w .. ~. rt11'11u• "·.. l,.1 TCU.. 111111· NOr1'10....... ... -.a. .. """""' " '°""' ~ ' JOHNSON &SON present• ... COLLIGI .............. ....,. Dc111ne ~ ArtS9NI * Stanfenl ..,., use * UQA ' I . • Orange Cout DAILY Plt.OT/Thurlday, Octobet 14, 1182 •• Orange. Coast, Golden west a.Wait conference ·openers . r .. cuaTftBN Im, foyr Wffka o"f •wady preparation, Or~ Cout and Golden W•t collt l " tackle Saum Ow&~-"°" Satw'day ru,ht. wtui. undefeated 8adclJebilck mlttrtainl Pa1amar OD1lllt ln the~ Conf.-.nce football opener CorbOth ....._. .. ,. Kickoff'°" all PD* ia 7:30. c.m ... •• ~ o.ua With a 1·3 non-conferehce mU-k behind him, OCC· Coech Dtck Tucker wUl Mnd hll Plratea aplnat what hu been a dluppolnUna Cerrttoe outfit thua far. Uke the Buca. the Falcanl carry a 1·3 record into the conf-.ce opener deeptte the preeence of 11 ...,._.from IMt year'• teun whkh flnlahed with m 8-2 mark. _ • If lt'lgol • ba ...... • you'llgrab au .. • faster In • Dally Pilot ... AICOMIO ...... , .... Steeb _.,.Q ...... fft., Oct. IS. I ,... STOCICAH UllltMS,.....11 .,,.. c. ........ s..., Oct. 17, 7 ,.... 18100 ~ VINMONT AVI l UOllU e classified e ads.can l I ) Ji I I I 00 11 J ) n I ' • 7 642·5671 TO'l'OfA ...... ..,e .... ,_ ,_. WHflf IMf HA .. 0 1. SAN OlfCO ANO Ill ,.ff WAYS Mff I MUC NOTICE . "We're 1tUJ look Ina for a runnln, t>.ck," admitl Tuck r. "Brau hu worked tht bett n pr.cUct and h ·u be •tartlni." Ool4ea Wt1t ac Oro11moat , • T hl1 aarne la 11et lO bo played at Granite Hilla Hlah School, w hich 11 1everal mUea from the Oroumont campu1. And with an 0-4 record thll 1C?uon and a 10-game lo1ln1 1treak going, the OrttflN may be •mart to be playing to far away from home. "We're far from dlaappointed," notes Golden We1t Coach Ray S hackleford , of hl1 team'• 1-3 r ecord. "We're anxiou sly looking forward to 11.artlng league." The Ru.stlera, who dropped a 30-14 con test io highly-regarded Santa Monica CC a week ago, are 1ulded by freshman quarterback Adam Gragnano, who hu manaaed to be lnt.ercep* jult one. thla MMOn. He'1 oompleted 28 of 74 pe-. few 3~8 yardl and UU. io pua io Jamee McGee, who hu hauled In 11 .,.._ tor 207 yarda and thNe TDI. Paltmar at la~Jmell. Stop Palomar'• pMllna pme and the Oauchol 1houJd have·Uttle ttoubJe e1n.endln1 lheli' CWTent unbeaten ttttak to 21 samee., . That'• the way Gaucho Co.ch Ken Bweartnpn lookl at the Mt.ion Conference opener. ''The main th.lna ap1nlt a SJMllna team la to take away the bl1 play. The MCOnd 11 to put preuure on the quarterback. Palomar doet a 1ood job of protectlna ltl quarten.ck, 10 we'll have to do a good job of ruahlng," S wearin$Cen uy.. Li 0 DOWNEY LIQUOR BARN WOW OPENI EVERY SPECIAL IN TOWN EVERYDAY . ··.-:...--::.~.:::==--...=-.r.-· •'ASAOENA coi.. ... • ............ 2U·U l ·OIU 6 •MISSION VIEJO •It~ ••• M •.11rtef'M11 .._••poll l l•O • l• ,., 71•·11S·•IU I U ·IU ·IO I •GARDEN •CANOGA GROVE 'ARK WHtml"etet '•llbrook & a l wcllo Vt ft Owen ,, ..• , ...... Jt>•H •·l>JO Schlltz Beer PllCk 12-oz. Cane ca.a.., I •21• 11.-c-················;-··................... ,..,. ............. 8 •21• 11-. c-··············---················· ...... Booth's Gin / .. ,,oof ·~ ' •RANCHO •THOUSAND •'ALM •GRANADA ., ...... UCAMONGA OAKS l'RINGI Hllll cm Cetft.eh•n & Moo1pe1• '•IM C•nron Ofl•• o •• oftM.t. ·--•t th ,,, .. , ',,.,,. a tndl•" ··-, AC-r1a.f10.au1 101 ... 1 u u IU -JU•IOIJ 21l·ff1·121> .. ,. .... ,,., lllENTWOO •HEMET • TORRANCE '•clfit lANCAITEI •A•ANEIM I an V1c1nlt l ett flOfld l & C:OH I Hlf hWAf ._ IOltl I I ' ... """' l t n Jec1nto & An11 A A•O I J IJ.071 1110 1la0fU·JIJI JIJ.Jl>·OIOI t llt ·M6·0022 i!os Hermanos .f'~:~ $ 1.5 Ltr. 99 1~· ~ ··~·· ..,. .. 1ttii, ... , .................. •4•• •C ..... •¥111111.-... •~ ........ M•. '* llwW'ztnnllw •2•• Old erow ......... •r ......................................................... ?....... . ....................................................... 1.11-Ur. ...... 111..... •3•• .............................................. , ...... 1 ........ ............ . •.. .. ...._ .•.............•...•.•••...•......•..•••..• t.7'4.lr. .,.... ........................ ~ '12" ::::1 ................................. ~ •1211 :.-=... ......................... ~= •11 11 .... ... . .,.. ·~ ................................. -.~ ................................. ~= '12" c111:. ............................. ~: ... . . 12 Pack 12-oz. Cans °'' ,, • ..., I •1• ........... UIM. 1.._ c-············· ..... lo••*•"" I '2'' IJIM .. Oft. 11-. c.. ·······-·-····· ,_ 111 ............................................ .... . 1M ........................................... ....... 1M ............................................. llliii a1a 1M •11• •111111d1 ............................ ...... =...: ............................. ~= ... , , .. ,... ... l""' ........ ,.:...'21• eoor, .................. · ..• .,,... '20" .................... .....,•31 11 Low..,.., ........... .,,., •as•• ......................... ....., •a1 11 ..,,,. ......................... , ... ,~ .. ltore • lunier•,,..._,..,, 10 AM·I PM Moura: • McMJ•.......,, I All·I 'M --- •• Or•nee Oout DAILY PIL.OT/Thurld~, October 14, 1982 c ............. . , .... ,, l&WAUICD ., .. _. tT.louet ., .. _. H«r 2b 3 I I I Mo!llO< :Sb 5120 4 I 1 1 5 0 3 I 3 I I I 4010 3000 4 100 4021 3 0 00 Oberllft Sb 3 I 2 I Younl .. e-T-pll 1000 COOC* lb Aemeey 3b 0 0 0 0 Slmmolte c HemandG I b 3 0 0 0 ()ellY!e If Hendflc:I< r1 a 2 0 0 TllOINMI cf Potier c 4 0 2 2 Howoell dll L.Smltll " , 0 0 0 Moot• r1 IOtO dll 2 0 t 0 Gentner 2b b-Q(-pll 1 0 0 0 c-•-pll 000' McGee ct 4 t CJO OSINtll • 4 020 Tot• 311195 T~ H 4 104 ........... ..... "'~ 010 000-4 St. L°"le 002 002 Ob-5 •llled °"'' to center lor Obefklell In Ille 7111. b·llruclt OUI lor lorQ In Ille 711'1. o-welked tor Ot-In Ille Ith 1!-0gij11le. OP-SI. Loull 1 L08- Mllweult• I, St Louie 7. 28-Moote. H«r. Y-1. Porter. Cooper HA-Simmon m. la-MCllllOf ( 1), ~ 111. Oberklll ( 1). 0 . '"'""(1) ........ IP M •P•80 II & 4 4 I 3 .... 2 I 1 2 2 ~10020 Sutton ~e(L.~11 et.a...-. 8t\Plf • 0 4 4 J , Kaai " 1 0 0 0 0 8alf 2 100 03 Sull• (W, 1..0) 2'A 2 0 0 1 I S1uper pllched lo I baller In the 5111. WP-8"-2. T-t:54. A-113.723. ----COllP08fTI .OX ...,, I.Smith H«Nlldc Hendttck T-Poner ~ Otlltettilel 0.8'NUI ·-Meo.. lorQ "'fo:l. .. ~ • r 11aa11r,-...,. 11 2 7 0 0 0 2 .e:MI 10 2 5 2 0 0 3 .500 8131001.333 9 2 3 0 0 2 2 .375 9 1 I 0 0 0 0 1211 7 0 I 0 0 0 I .143 9100000 .000 2110001 .500 924200 1 .... 722 0 102.2M 17 14 27 5 I 2 13 .351 tT.lC>Ute • r 11aa11r,-...,. 9 I 1 1 0 0 I . 1t7 7000000 .000 7000000 .000 7 200000 .000 4 0 0 0 000.000 7 0 4 2 0 0 2 .511 4 0 0 0 000000 9 1 :s 0 0 0 1 .500 702 0 0 007M 0 00 0 001 .000 4 1 0 00 00 .000 2 0 10000 .500 000 00 0 0 .000 91 5 11 3 0 0 5 .180 Pffchlna m.WAUICla I ., II t • C~(l-0)1 9 3 O o ... .,. I 3 0.00 1 3 11.00 2 2 1.77 2 0 000 •• 2.e5 Sut1on 1 t 11 4 4 "'°°"'9 (~ t) ' '"" 2 1 1 Ladd 1 \\1 00 Totlle 1 17 1 5 6 tT.LOUle 1ti.ll t er'9 .... foredl 1~11 1 ~ 10 11 4 1 1 1.36 Kul 2 2 2 0 0 I I 0.00 .LM'Olnl 1 11\'o 3 2 2 I 0 10.11 LMt11 I .... 3 2 2 0 1 54.54 ........ 1 • • • 4 , , •.oo ..., 1 4 1 0 0 0 :t 0.00 1klMt (1.0) 1 2.... I 0 0 I 1 0.00 Totlle 2 11 21 24 12 7 10 1.00 .... "' ...... ~w 212 122 ~14 S I. Louie (NI 002 002 010-5 E-Hernlinda. OQMe, OP-81 L~ 2. L08 -MllweullM fl , 81. L0<.111 I I s- OlltllMf HIP-How911 by forec:fl. WP- 81\lt* 2. A-107,4411. -Of1Ci .......... ,a.no. T_.,...._. Mttweull• 10, S1. lOIM 0 ... I ..... ..... SI. Louie 6, ........... 4 ~!led, 1·11 ,....,.. .... 81. LOIM (ANM« 111-101 et Mtlweuk• (Vuc:llcMdl ,....,. S::IO p "" I I ..,.,.._ St. LOUii e1 ............ I0'.20 ...... .....,.. .... St. LOUii et ......... 1~5 p.m. ~--MllWIUkH •I 81. Louie, 6:20 p.m .. II ~. . W1•n11t1,.. 0-MMweukM et St. Louie, 6:20 p.m • II _,. .... , ....... ,..... , .. _. ,.,,.. .._ -7WI WOltd a........., .. ......._.,_._. the St. Ulllll ~ .... , •~•uu .... ,..,.. "'°· 151.17 eomrr1111-·1...,. f134,772.16 ,..,.,. Pool: $451,06t.M ,.~ end Clull 8etlM .,..,. .. : 171.· ._, A.....,_53,723 .... NOllpll: ..... 160.17 ColM '11'a ...... lftere: f 114,72216 ....,..,. Poot 14M.OM.M .. ~ end Clut> ..,... llllt'•: '76,· T ..... Aft~107,441 NM ,...,..~f1,71UOU4 Comrlllellonow'1 Shlfe: l2tl.44UO ....,.,. oa1 •tt. rnu• l.e19ue e nd Olull Safi .. eller••: •1112.-.11 -~ .... ,.... ca1an-n cou.w .... .... "' Of9l"9 c.-ti Or'lftle eo. 4 I 2 J-12 l.Olll leedl • .. • o-,. Oren91 Con t uotrne: Aln• 2 . MaCotmll* '· ..._.. 7. ~ a. .... ecttOOL ...................... ~ 2220-1 ~ "9rtlOr .. 0 .. •-12 ltlMC!e "°""9l IMOOml 2. ,enley 2. "-'·~f. ,_..,,...,__,,.,._,,I, OeVrlel t, .,......, a. O'OOnMll t, LullOllly 1, ""°""'°" •. aT-•C....-1 C-.._ I I 2 0-I • T-t 2 4 1-tO C-.._ -'Ill: 0Meen I. Ure I, ,,.,,.,, '· """ '· II Tore IWlllll v-. I , e-oet..._ '· W111o11 '· ,........ •. IAOnlnd t, '-Pa. 0... ............. OOtOM .. Mir ' ' 1 )-14 1MN1 0 0 01 1.-t eor...e -..., M«lfll! ~ •• = .. ,.... .. ...,_ .. ,....,.. t, '·"-' .,.._.. ..... ,,......,.,, ......... ..... I I I 1-11 ..... ' .. ,_. ....... S ....... Li~-rr•· ........ ......,,~ .. ~ ...... ....,, ......... .._ ...... :rr ...... ---:::... 4 • 1-tt "==v-.--·~~ .. --~~---......... f. ....... ...= ... '· ....... .... ..... '· Ollltl.• .... tt,;W 1 0 ·r == I'',_, . ' ...... ...... :~~ftf ii ~ -n .. '· ().ill TNe =: .. =··.L.,TI CtRI 111._1.-......... I l'MTAACI. 1111 11o Oeo Allllton {VllU11 I 40 3 IO 2 IO !•lret'llely (8lecllll 3 IO 2 IO 0 -ol 8plM (OllHICll) I IO Aleo rlM*t· Soor1lll0 c ..... E.IQlee Five, Slllf\\lv, E'• TrldlUon. 0••• I" Man. Time· 1·43 •CONO •ACI. 9 lurk>nQt MlitldalMY ~ (VINie) 14 40 7IO 140 T•• ... o'• Pu.au (H..-1 1• 20 10 eo 0 f Of Olflt tEalledAJ & 00 AleO 19C*l Melincle'e PIUtn, My f l-II• Aunt. Mayo Moonllglll, Pfornpl Oel. 00..ble Flu", 8ok1 Meg, TtoM!eme Zouavee, SIHIMI 811 Time. I; 10 115 It DAILY ooueLa 17·11) paid 165 00. THlllO AACC. 1 1115 mllel. En•oy'• Ptkle (MoCwronl 13.00 s.eo 6 40 Ooncan1oo (Torol 6 eo 6.00 Golden Mlntllel (llllc*I 9 50 Aleo recec:I. 8lcll'• 1 Kldl. o.oroa M • Hott O'Oeuwe. ,11111; V•141d, Fllnl Hn... 81 ...... Hono• Her Oller, 'Re1c:11Hblllly, ll't • Cerleinly Time I 44 4/6. PC>Uftllt MCI. II lutlonOt Double Smoke (SIOllle) 43 00 1UO 10.20 lubelll O'E.tl• (Llpheml 7 20 5 40 Siiken 0011 11>111hou ... ye) 6 20 Alto rececl: Slylltll Outen, 0111(;ing OUMI, Bell't Ric19e, 01wn'a For1UM, Oete 0. Oto. w oodlyn, Graf'' J eanine, Foggy Moon, Pr-I Mia TUM 1 10 PWTH AACI. ll'h tunonot Fer (Ve1etVue1e> f • 50 s eo 3 eo Pel-tOelellou ... ye) 4 00 3 40 Llnu Plllle ( Pine1yl 3 00 Alt o race d Far Song. Hello High . Ttllej)tity, Kec:I Ellen, C*ldebl<I. No Mo<e 81uM. I m Smoocllln. Tltne. I 16 316 • IXACTA (3-91 ptld Jil7 50 SIXTH RACE.. IS lut1onga FebulOut Nouon (Pineeyl 3 bO lnlt1n1• (McCetron) 0t.ege Lecly I Hawley) Aleo tlACI Rut;ng O.piome1 Otanje Rein• Time 1.09 315 .. VINTM AACI. On• mole 250 220 4 20 280 290 Joi t111 Too Pegae.ntry (V~•I 12 40 5.20 3.00 ~ Intrigue (SllOWTl•U r) 2 90 2 50 8110n Bey 1Mc:Cerron1 2 20 Allo t1c.d Ebony Bronn. Venqultll. Tlw• Oocl Tltne I 35 4/5 • Ix.ACT A 14·51 paid $N 50 It fltCI( SIJl 15-4-10-3-1-41paidU,752 60 with 19 wtnn1nO 11c:ut1 I""• 11or-1 S2 Pta. St• con101e1Ton petd 0 2 40 with 3 73 wrinntng ttc:ltet• (lour hew-) llGHTH MCI. IS'h lurk>nQI on hirf SlllNklle (Hewle\I) 10 ISO 5 40 3.80 ~ John IMClC1ffon) 8 40 6.00 SrnollHe IHlll) 6 80 Alto ra ced Shegbuk, Jon•• Time Mec:Nn9. To 8 ()(Nol, H...Otome One Titne 1 12 4/5 N9fTM AACI. t 1/111 ....... Jerome Ptlltle (Meal 19.20 5 90 4.20 0eowt IHewtey) 4 00 3 00 0on won (P1n<:ev> 3 eo Alto reCed. Plaattc: Fl nJHllC, Goodbye J v.. Summit Ollne*. Rut< For llulletl'llllll. P etllln111edetll Time I 42 115 • IXACTA 14·11paid113 50 Attenis-18.057 ..=z:oocthltl A'f'S ..... TI c--........... --_.,., ,_T MC&. One mlll ~ OvlMIQM Lori CLongo) 6.80 4 00 3.20 """"'* ~ (\INlllNI UO 4.90 Oele'I o.'4ty (Metcohend) 1UO AlllO reced: Morilet9}' OtH m, Oed•r. =.oa..nc., Andy'1 O)'netl\O, Rey Oel • Olildl L.sYy, Howdy lc#llP Tllfte. 2'03 215 . • IJIACTA (W) pelCI 145.10 •CONO IUCS. One .... 1104 Not>le ""' IS'--l 9.20 5.00 4 90 T1c:U1 "°°"' ,....,.,._, 1.20 & eo F eo1en (PerklMI t.00 Aleo rllC*t: Froety Hunter. PlelOlltO P•I. Oeer Sir, Imp Imp Imp, Jay• Memotlet. MllOr M1tllen1eY. Denton. Time. 2:00 ;1&. ,..., lllACa. One ,,,.. .,_ Sutffeoelte ,=.,.,, 12 40 5 00 4.00 ,._ I) 0 ( geon) 3 20 3 po OllQo Hoaf9 (V ....... .-1 7 ;AO AleO teced; ............. '--'• ........ "'-'*ln. Mdy9 ~. L.edy ....... SooNe c. flln« 2:04. • UAC'TA (4-11pelCI 14120. • >'· ·-----·-. ....... .,... ~ OOUNn •cOMt ... 100 ·It.,. "°" .:~nallelm), '"'· Oevon 1' 14lflMI (t , 117 I, Kerwin 9111 (Edleonl, IMO taO-CtU~ ~ ...._. lhMI AMI, ,.,. o o j" 71 Tony Krry~oa••• (Oa1de11 o.-~ '" N0-11 41 ti Oennll Cerr (lowelll. 1"3 Mii• (4 06 •I Mer-lc111111"9 (0.,Clen 01-1. 1172 2·mll•-ll u 11) l!rtc H11111 1~1g11n1 8Mc:h). 11176 UOHH -( 13 31 Joh n Pe1erton (S•ddlell.Ck), 18711. 330LH-('7 21 Mltll Hele (Kaltlle>. IHI 440 rtlay-(4 I 41 I MI• Ana, 1170 Mtle telly-C:t Id 01 lettt• AN, 1912 HJ-16-111 JI~ ThOfton (LIOUM hlch), IN I, I red Halrti (LOI Alwnlloel. 11111 U 12"'51 Tony Pitt I (8Mll Ane Vllleyl, 1978 rJ t&C).<41 Ken WllllMnl tTrO'I') (51-IOwl PV -I 19-11 Or, Erne! (El Oorldol, 1111 SP IH ·h '•I Im Nlldlllrl (Newpo11 H1tb0rl, 11173 OT -( 1117·2> Scoll Hud1on IMIH IOn Vll fol, 1 lllO. c-en.1 100-110 41 l!ddl• Morrie (Hun11ng1on Be8Ch), t 40 200 12 I 38~ R.. 8town te>c:.M Vi.w), 1N2 • 400 149 901 Jell ~II (Laguna Hllll~ 1912 900 (I 51 341 Ettc: 8ehtlng (LI Hebr•J. '"' 1.!IOO-i3 &Cl.21 Erle Cllr111-(Editor!), 1877 1,eo0-(4 oe 751 Jon e u111t tl!dl1on). 1981 3.000-i9. 17 6) Jon Buller IEdltonl, 1991. 3.200-11 48 78) Jon Buller (Edt1on1. 1981 5.000-(14 19 21 RflPh Setne tlo11e1. 11174 I IOHH ( 13 4 I) St••• Ketho (MIH IOn Vi.jll). 11182 300L.H-t35 151 SI••• Kerho (Mlttlon Vi.to). 1982 400 relly 143 IOI IMM. 1060 1,600 relt y-(3 111 4 11 Fountain Valley, 1981 ·-100 11 I 041 Michelle Kelley 11 .. 1ne>. 1970 220 (24 02> Mlchellt Kelley (l,.lne). 11170 440 ~ 31 ArllM Emetton (W .. lmlNl•I. •9711 1150 (2 10 21 Atlltl Eme r t on tW .. t,....,.letl. 11118 M1 c• 35 241 POiiy Ptumer (Uftlvertltyl. 1082 2·mlle -110 4 I &> Annt l>e41• Vlll1nue•• 1Foun1e1n V1ileyl. 1979 1 IOLH-113 II) Lt ure Milla (Uf'IVlrltly), 1080 330LH-(4 5 301 Sheron Hellle ld IFountllln Velle)'I. 188 440 relay 149 2 II S enl• Ane Valley, 11'71 Mile relay (3 63 4) S1nle Ana Valley. 1979 HJ 15-101 Laut• Cern9t>ell IT•O'/). 1991 LJ-( 19·91 LIU Goutdlne (El To<OI. 1977 TJ-31·7'"') Kim Taylor IV~). 1881 SP -(52·4 'hl N•t•ll• l(e111 w1111a IFullerlonl. 1881 OT-( 113·31 Nalllle Kaetawellle 1Fultet1onl. 1892 (Metrlcl 100-(11981 Eal-Wlllle tSeddteblCkl. tN2 200-(24 1181 Annelle Roge<t (Unlvwtlty>. 1891 400-(&3 4 21 Ar1111 Eme rson CW•lmtnal•~ 1979 800-12 02 31 Mery Decker (Gerden Oro .. ). 1974 l,SOQ-(4 Ill 91 POiiy Plu...., (Unl•ettlly) 1892. 1,1100 -14 311 92) P olly Plume r tun,.,.,..ty), 19112 3.000 19 56 31 Ann1bt tl• Villenu••• IF-lain Vllteyl. 1891 ) 200-(10 28 031 h reu 81u101 (Unlvwtltyl. 1182 IOOLH-(14 Oil Leure Mlllt (uni-1/!yl. , .. , JOOLH'-(42 55). Sheron He llleld (F-1eln Valley), 1"2 400 ,....,-(~I 21) S.00-, IM2 1.100 reley-C3:6i.21~ E'99(enz.e, IN2 Misc. Bruce Sutter, ace r eliever of St. Louis, delivers a ninth-inning pitch Wednesday in the World Series. CARDS EVEN WORLD SERIES . • • From Page 01 -the running game -to arouse his team. With Willie McGee on first and one out in the third, the rookie swiped second. Running when you're three runs behind? "Wh y not?" asked Herzog. "I'll run when I'm five runs ahead or five runs behind. IC the other manager will promise not to get six runs, then I won't run." The steal wai followed by a run-scoring double by Tom Herr and an RBI single by Ken O berkfeU. Suddenly. the slumbt>rtng Cards were ba<:k in business. In the fifth, Robin Yount doubled and scooted home on a single by Cecil Cooper, making It 4-2. K.aat and Bair prevented a ny more damage, but the Cards weren't making any progress againat S utton. lfe retired eight straight batters before Oberkfell singled with one out in the sixth. Oberkfell stole second on the next pitch, took third on a long fl y ball and marked time as George Hendrick walked. That brought up Port.er. The Brewers were playing hlm to pull, but he lined a double to lef\, cha.slng both runners home and tying the score. "I was JUSt trying to cover the p1ate," said Porter. "I know that Don Sutton has great control and he can get the com ers on you." Was the shift proper strategy? Port.er smiled. "That may be the first balJ I've hit down the lin,. in left field in three years," h~ said. Now. with the score tied m the se•1enth inning. Hen.og knew it was Sutler's time. With two out, Cooper looped a double to right, the first hit off Bair. Sutte r started with a n intentional walk to Simmons, and got Ogilvie to ground out, end ing the lnnJng. With the Cardinal relief ace on the mound. Brewe r Manage r Harvey Kuenn went to h is New kid on bullpen. But instead of aHing Rollie Fingers, he brought in Bob McClure . "Rollie was weU enough to pitch," said Kuenn. "I didn't consider using him. I've used Rome Fingers w hen we're ahead, not in tie situations or when we're behind." McClure weaved his way out of a two-on, two-out jam in the seventh which Included the Cardinals' third stolen base of the game. But he got into immediate trouble in the eighth when he walked leadoff man Keith Hernandez on four pitches. H e ndrick forced Hern and ez but Porter delJvered his second hit of the game and fourth of the Series, giving St. Louis runners at first and second. Kuenn came out lo lift McClure and relieved with rookie Pet.er Ladd, a hulking pri.9on guard whb had been a bUlJpen hero in the playoffs against California. • T he first batter he faced was Lonnie Smith and the count stretched to 3·2. Ball four was cloee, cloae enough for the Brew ers to howl to plate umpire Bill Haller. "The inside edge of the ball got the out.side edge of the plate," said Ladd. "All umpires are basically the same. They call the pitches that are there and they don't call the pitches l~t aren't. It isn't the end of the werld." Simmons thought the pitch could have been a strike. "We got a tough call," the catcher said . Was it a strike? "I'm not going to answer that question," said the catche r .. "Obvioualy, it was a ball." Ladd missed with hi. next four pitches against pinch hitte r Steve Braun, to force • home the winning run . "You never thin k walk ln that situation," said Braun. , the strip Drsgster hasn't had a lot of ·recognition By HOWARD L. HANDY or ... .,.., ""' awe He'• the new ~Id on the block and as such. hasn't been credited with a lot of recognition in the funny car drag racing profCISlon. But going into thia weekend's Winston World Finau at Orange County lnternallonal Raceway, Frank Hawley is the point leader In hia first fuU year on the circuit. And c hances are good the London. Ontario, Canada driver will become the new champion in the funny car division. Hawley haa ama.ed 6,818 points to 6,330 for Billy Meyer of Waco, Texas and ~.992 for Don Prudhomme of Granada .HUis. These are the only three drivers with a s h ot a t the driving champlonahip in funny car compe\.illon. "IF WE CAN make It to the aem.ifinah, we can win the clwnpionahJp," Hawley says. "But Bl.lly Meyer ts very capable of letting natJonal record.a and elcktng up extra points . 'l would rather be chasing than be the one that ll chued," he aays. "But that doesn't mean to .-y that I would want to trade polnta with Billy. I think he almoot feels mor ''Ol'\Cldena! beinl there than ln the lead." While Hawley ~ he hae to bHt Meyer 1o wtn the drlvtna tUJe, lie ai.o doesn't count out h'9 Ufe·lonlr hero in the •DOf'\. Prudhomme. "I've been reading about Don Prudhomme elnce I wM 11 and he'• been my hero ln dr .. radna tlnc;e I WM~. And he •till h.al. chance to Wln the U\M thla yeer." · tt.wley bl one of the few hired driven nidnl on the full·Wne NHRA circuit. "I nad my panmta' can for a few yeen and we wtnt to the amaller track• where they IUAfU'Med money. WMn I switched to the Chl Town Hlllder (out of CbicaF> and ownen John hrtlionM. AUIUn Coll and Pit MJnldt, we 1Ull 1'91\ She llMlJer llWka With a ftW °'" the maJDr l1ICll thrown tn. .. I TOLD TlllDI J felt we ~CGlllMUUw and that we ehoukl ..., the major dft!Uit thfl ,.r. ..,,., told ·~ cOWdn't ..... , •• fU1I ,_-• die 11_111Q1r t bu& &hat It would be mt • ~e . did ..... eerty ... &he ,.... • i:idf'd; ~ Auplt Md thin w ''They at dllt b9nk llCLlOUnt ln Aupll • t and told me that we might not finish the aeaaon but that wu before we won three races." Hawley was a winner ln the Gatomat.lonala. Springnat.lonall and NorthSta.r National.I. HE HAS RACED at OCIR twice before. "l...alt leer in January, the tl'action wasn't too good and had had a lot of experience on auch tracks and won the race," he recalla. When he Nrted i.n drag racing, he drove• top fuel car on weekend.a whlle attending school during the week. "I 1wlt.ched to funny can my third or fourth year and I feel very fortunate. It isn't eaay to aet a job driving for someone elae. There aren't many hired drivers around. They are u rare aa ractng a Formula One car . "When I firlt came on the drcult, the other drivers didn't exactly ahun me but there WM really no reuon for thnn to talk to me, ei.ther." WHILE MOST drivflW won't admit to bein.I tense belore competition, Hawley aays: "After Fremont (two weeks aao> my wife Lana and I drove down the cout on a little vacation trip.' I tried to forpt about mq rad.nl but I bemme all tensed up and ahe aot after me. I toJd her l'm ....Uy trYtna but I don't know If I convinced htr. -•'We haven't been married too Iona and the radJ'I world ii completely new to her. llhe'll pt UMd to lt, \houO ... Hawley feela the NHRA drcuit ta the only way to 80· . "They an the pea~ to bt wtth 1f you want to look ~ tn um apon. They know what Ibey .,.. ctoma and have rMde dnl nd"I what It II today." * * * ...,....,.._ ........................... .. ............................... a. .... .... • ...... OCIR:=\CI.,,_., •• __., ::::::u~ ... .-Jlil.!. •.111: ....... ..,, .... ...,1. ........... .. --u:~.;tt:-:w·.w517 ~ ......... ..... .... -c: .. :::=::.. •. ~~ • ::-!!rl."rl'liifi .. -~= .... ,. .... N..., •..-.........;.;~; ~.,: . ..... :-............... .:: Oranoe Coat DAIL V PILOT /Thurld1 D NU NOllCl P\aJC NOnct 4!'£ 1 ~11 MUC tl)fa P\alC M>nct: Nale .. MUC mTICl 0:::."*4=r •u•nUl!Jltun •• "=='•'lllllll '*.ft•*" ---!~ -o:.,ft'"W ~ .,m.1J':, .. ~°'.::W'"' ""011 .. dolfl, ,.c.:::::'=9'... ~°':.•'"'"''°"it •0•1111 ...,:-_.~...,.... .,. dOil'I , .... 7':JztoM .,t doitlO -===-.-==:o .. ~ .. '!!. '\::~ ---~.nca l"AIHltNO TO 'TMI MA~ 1114 ,,o..... O"ANOI OOU fll fY ~IOIA VILLAOI flU,.I. 1Ht MeM ~ 11 YOUMl••AULT....... -· "YOU" ,.O,UTY 11 IN .... LW, HIMlt.,,...., .....,_,CA • ~ .... C1M1.... AHOOIAllON.1..u ,. iledhlll v.,oe Or1Ye I. ••or• 113. Coall OltNAAO AHOCl ... TH, •II ... °' ,..,..,, DAflD ~ " •0•11• '"O'l._TY •••• •CNtlCLOllMI HCAUll YOU taM ,...,....,.,, AWllllUe, 9'llte O•wl, Cotta MeM MIN. Call4orftlt ,,.,_ Oorportl• 1111111 l11llt 200, '91. UM.181 YOU fAl&I Mm POMCL.OeuM MOMlll YOU A• I I IN t • D I• Yo U ft Mfl(I! A XANTHAICll. 1t 1• IOUT14 ORANOI OIVfl.~NT c.Mf«nw tHlt l'ltcMMlltt9 lnO 1 Californll Ntwpoft ~. CtMfOfnlt laMO TO ~TICf YOU. "'°"""· A• I I IN t •I t • Y 0 U • PAYMl•T~1J.T M~Y H IOLD 1 AltwN \Ant HuntlnflOfl teecfl, CA ~TIQfil, I OOtPOt•llOll Joy Mtlek, Chort ltr)'I· oorport tlon, 1701 t.larbor llvd , Stephen C Hoplilllt, I II IT MAY II IOLO AT A "*.IC PAYMl•f~.t...'.T MAY H IOLD MTNCMIT ~ C°""1 ACrtot.. t2... • DUIHOAflT1 ,,..,,.., t4t17 Ollll ~ ~. CO.ti ....... Callfcwnll tMH Colpot1141 ,. ..... lull• 200, Hew-: AL I . , , "0 u ... ID A. WITNCMIT _,,. CCMMT AC'ftCMI. tnd rou mey heve lhe "°* riotll 10 TNe °'*'*'It~ by 1111 KAHi ~~. INC., Cellf9rnle H714 Thie bulMoM It OOlldUOled by a pott IMCh 0. HttO (pen'*1 UUNATION C» TMI MATUM Ind you rN1t lltY9 IM ..... tltflt to brine your account In tOOC11tandlfl0 lndMOuel "°""'A ~ACK end oou "'Thie butlrltlt II OOl\Cklel911 by"' oouw•tlOll. ,,.o.,ic· J ··~· a1 IO:t °' TMI "'OCI .... AOAMT bring your IOCOUlll In goOd fltndlllO by peyln9 all of )'Our PHI du• M .. • )(aftlf\ellle I tlv0\1911 I, llw:k.llNe unlnaorporalod ueoct111011 ollltr ~• lfto 111111 Met141tlta ''~· ltn .Nan YOU, YOU IMOUlO CONTACT A by p1y1ng all ol your 0 .. 411 dut payment• p1ue perfftttttO eotlt 11119 Olll et•~I wee flltd with the IUllUOM thll! a 1M111nenNc> LIOy(l lttMtt, Capletre no, 0 1 lllOrnl1 ttt71 LAWYllll pe~ll plue Po'rnltwel ooat1 All4 txl*I-Within llWM tn~ltlt l1om COUnl)' Cltrtl of Ofllltt COUlltY °" CAii -17·n.tl Joy MtlM PrMldellll (ptftntr) On Ootobtr 21 1tl2, al 10 00 .,,....... wltNft thr .. montN lrom tM dtlt thle Nol!Ge of 0.flllllt wat October ti, 1tl2 NOt1Cll YM Mwe ~ Mt41, ~etarylfrMturer Thlt tllltfMnl w .. f~ with the Oevld B Qwrlton U32 t Via A.M. 8U""OW f8CAOW CO. I Int oa1t 11111 not~ 04 IH'lllll WM rtcO(ded ,...., n. _. ~ ............ ,.., Thfl ···•-t -lll9cl with ,.... Coulll)' c ... 11 of o, ... County on Aondl. Mttelon v1e10'. Callfornl• c11ifornl• corporation, .. duly r-dtd. Thi• tmOUnt "N -'02 '2 Thi• a!TIOllnt .. '3,030 31> •• ot PUbll•h•d Orengt CoHrt>•ll)' ........ rew Mllll ~ ~ County Clerk ol Orenoe Cownty on Ootol>ef 5, lff2 t2ttt iOMlnet) 10001111td TrutlH und" and .. ol hptembtt 21. 1N2. and will hpl•m1>1r 18, 1892 e nd wlll PllOt. Oct 14, 21. 21. NoV. ~ .. ~~. * ~ ...... ~ ~ ..., .. -Ootot>tr 6, tN2. ,,_ ''*" Thi• blltilltH II condllCttO by • our1111111 10 Ottd Of T~t rec:ordtd lncrtue untll your H0011nt lnctHH untll your acc:oun1 ..._ .__ .,......., -·· Publl1htd Orang• CoHI Diiiy gt114H .. p1tt11trthlp Mey ti. 11112, •• lnet . No McOn1Mourret1t. btG<>,,_CIHrtnt You.,,aynolhave If )'OU Wl8'I to 8'tk the advle;t or Publl•htd Orang• OC)H t Delly Pilot. Oct. 7. '"· 2 t, H . ttta lttPl'ltn c ·Hopkin• 12· 170510, of Oflldlll Aeeorda In You may not have lo P•Y lht to pay t1W1 enOra unpukl pornon ot P\altC NOTIC( an attornt>' 111 thl• malltr. you Piiot. ()ct, 1, t<I, It, 28, llU .W23·82 Thi.I ettlt~f w'H m.a wnn 11\t Ille oft~ of the COunty Aecordtr• tntlr .. unpaid portion or your your account, aven thou9h full ------------ahould do to PIOMPt~ to that ~r 43t7 .. 2 1----.. -_-IC_Mn_T_IC_[ ____ Counly Clttk of Or•no• County on o f Or9ngt County, State of ~nt, ~ t'1ough fUll payment payment wH dtmtndld, 1>111 you •TAft....-T Of' AllANDONMIMT wrllttn reeponM, II any. m•y b• .. _ "" OGIOl>tf 4 IH2 Callfornl•. e)ltcUlod by ROBEAT a . wt• demanded, bYI you '""" pey N)Ut l o•v UWI Ml(IUnt elated Ibo .... • Ofl UH°' llltd on time. MUC NOTICE ' · '1*1• AUNGST and AKIYO AUNGST, the ttnOUnt tl•ltd above. Af1tr ihtM ll\Otltrll from trw1 d•t• PICTfTIOUa ., .... NA.Ml A YI I 0 I U.61° • 4 ht t 14 • 'ICTmGUI IU ... ll Publlthtd Orange COHI O•lly l!Utbllnd and wlf•1, WILi. SEl.l AT Afltr thrtt month• from Iha date of rtaordtllon ot thla doeum•nl Th• tollowlng pertont h tvt dt11 .. 114ade. if! ir1i.w11•I pWM• 'ICTITIOUI .,.._,, T"'• .~~,.!'!,"!'!','!!.. dOln" Piiot 001 14 2t 21. Nov 4, ttt:l PUBLIC AUCTION TO HIGHEST 01 recordatlon ol thl1 document lwt!ICll o ... ol 1tc0td111on appea1t •blltldoned tlle llM or the llc:tltlOu• ...., ....... Ud. • 111dl•'*-• NAMI ITATtMIH'Y bu~;;.;;.; . .,, ............... ..... .. . . . 4521·12 BIDDER FOR CASH (j)l)'lbl• at (Whl<:h dllt Of rtcordatlon .,,.,..,. htrtOtl). llllltU lhe ObllQlllon being bu"-natnel ....... w. ~ .,..,. .... T .. ~lowl ... no pereoo• .,.. dOll1Q Wl!STERl.Y CON·TRUCTION, lll)'lt ol Mle In lew1ul mOtll't ol tha ht,.On). unl•H th• obllgallon IOIKIOffd ul)On .,.,mrtt • longer BENO PAATNIASHIP, '3&0 • M .... Lee le~ .,e "" ·-Q 111111111 tC NOTICE United ltalM) II lht front dOOt of ~Ing rorttlONO uPOn permn1 • l*IOd. you hive only the i.ga111911t Von Kerman Avtnllt, Suitt 38&. ...... BAY TIRE CI! NT I A, 8 0 t 20IO N. Tuetl.n Avet1ue, Santa Ane, '""" lutrow l!ac:row CO., 2070 N, Tuttln longer period, you have only the to 1109 lht fOf~ll by pey-lt!g NIWDOri heafl, CIMDtllle NteQ, 111 Utted dtl .. eollclllr ti Rt ndotph, Cotta M .... CallfOl'n.la Calllornle 8270l k'"°*1 AlletlUt, Santa "na. Callfoi:nla, all legal rl(lhl to atOI) lht fOftcloturt by the en1111 1mou111 dtm1nd•d by ~ ,Flctttlou• lualntM Heme COnHjO d• un lbOOtdO tn •• ,. t 282t WMlerl)I Oewlopmet1I, 2080 N ,ICTITIOUI IUS*I•• right, lllle end lnltrMI con~ 10 pe)'lng the entlrt amount o.tnllllded your GUldflor ••l•rrtd to above waa fll•d In • • u n to. d • b • r r • h 1 c., Io p.,fOl'manot Mll'lltt""' lnci • Tu• II n Av• n 111 • 8 t n I• A.n • • ........ IT ATS•NT end l'IOW lltlCt by II under Mid OMd byfcour c:1e<111or To find out ,,.. emount yOll muat ...__ r.--.. ...... ..,. tt~'I , _ __....,_ ""'' " C.Nlornla 8270t ,._ _, _.In ..,.#191.,.,._ .. , on "'"· -· • • '"' ........ t-te, oe HI• m•ntr•. C •II for nr, cor por •tlon. 80 I 811 re;0 0 • 10P"'•n 1 1 Th• lolloWlng pet$0/ll .,. dotnQ of Trull In the property .. 1u11...., o find ovt tM emount you mutt pay, "' to wrenge lor payrnen1 to C.W. Hogberg, HS Amigo• 111 rt19Utft• tte1ha. fl hay alQuna. 1R2•r2d!'ph, Cotta M ... , Ctlllornla C allfornla oorp"o~allon. 10044 O\ltlnett u ••Id COunl't and Stal• d41tGtlbtd ... pay, or to a,,enge '°' payment 10 11op lh• lortaclotu••. or 11 your Way, 15, ~t BHcltl, CaHfornle ~ Mf realttrada a tlempo, v v HARBOR WESTMINSTER l..ot 2t ol Tract No. 04t7, In the ttop thl forec:loturt. or II your propetty 11 In lorec:loeure for any 92MO '· TO TH£ DEFENDANT· A c;IVW Thi• bulinMa .. conducted by. Vletorltl, AIVerald•. Ct ltlornla 82503 ASSOCIATES .• 13 Corpor•ll City Of lrvlnt, .. pet map rtGOlded plopt<ly •• In fotec:loau,. f()( any Other AMOll, oontac:t Nency Ohtat.,, 3720 8lu4I Key, oomplalnl hH t>ffn lll•d by th• c:<wporallon Thi• bull-•• c:ondue1ed by • Plau. Sult• aoo. Ne.ootl Beach, In 8oolt <!07, Page 18 10 11 lnclullv• Olfltr rMIOll, oonleGt: AMERICAN SAVINGS ANO LOAN C<lfont dtl Mii', CelHornla 02t25 plelntltf AQllnal you. II you wlah to P••lo1manc• M•rk•llng, gtMfal ~~Ip •1 Cahfornla 92MO Of Mltctllaneout M11>1, In llMr Office ...,.. a.....,._ A_ ..... , ASSOCIATION ' Richard 0 Frn••· 239 dei.ndtll&~t.yournu1t,Wfthln Inc ... ,Otvell>pmen SllPh•n c Hop111n1, tt30l 1ht County Recorder ol Hid ~........,..~...,.... t572SE.Whittlet81vd Monarc:h Bey, Soulh leguna, IO day1 aft" thlt 1ummon1 It ltt Prttldtnt N~aa Papo... Corpora la Plaza, Su Ill 200, COunty . , • Al~ AIMINr T__.. Whlll.,, CA 00801 Clllrtornle 02t17 . MfWd on ycu, lltt with thla court a Thi• 1111-1 wM lited with lhe :~~':Oevtlc>pmet'tt NewpO<I BHch, Calll0<nla 82eec> The ttr .. 1 eddrtu and othtr 210 w. centtoe Aw.. ('7 14) 173-7113 Tl'llt ~ ... condUc:tlld by• wylttet1 rtlO()nlt 10 thl compltlnt COunty Clerk of Orange County on Clalg Bacllllrom, AOQt< POl'ttr, <1041 MacArthu1 common Clel!Qnatlon, 11 any, of thl A,...., CA 11 you II••• any quNUon1, yov general par\'*ehlp. Un .... )'OU do to, )'OUI default will Octot>et 5. 1982. Mlden Blvd . Sull• 280, Newport Beech. rHI property dllC:•lbld above 11 (714) -..1..0 1hould contact a lt•Ytr or th• Rlc:hltd 0 Fru.. 0. •ntared on •PPllCatlon ot Iha P1mTI Pt 1 Callfornla 92&e0 purported to bt 8 Alondra, INlne, II you have •ny q""11on1, you gov411nment agency which may hallt Tiiie ttaternent wal flied wflh Ille plalntlff, et1d thla COUit mt)' enl., a Publlthtd Orange Cout D•lly Tiii• •tat-I w .. liltd wllh th• Thi• l>llllnMt 11 oonduc:tlld by a Calllornll ahould contact • lawyer or th• lnlllfed )IOUf toen Aemtmbet, YOU County Ctenc of Orange County on Judgment tGllnlt )'OU fOf Ille rflltf Pilot, Oct 7, t4, 2 t, 28. tOl2. County Clerll or Orange COllnly on gtlMHll partntfahlp , Th t u n de" I g n t d Tr u II It govetnment ~y wfllc:ll may have MAY l08E lEOAL RIGHTS IF YOU Oc:tot>et 4, 18t2 demanded In the compllllnt. which <M26-82 ~l•mti.f 30. 1852· Stephen C HoplUna dl1clalm1 any lltblllty for a"y lntured the lotll 00 NOT TAKE PROMPT ACTION law Otftoee tf ' could rttult In gl•nlthment of ------------,,...... Thll llattmtnl wH hied wlln the lncorrtclntH of the llrtel .Od•MI flemembat, YOU MAY LOSE REFERE N CE N U M 8 ER NCMAM> O. "'ADI wegee. ltllit!O Of monty 0< property l'ta.IC NOTICE Publf•h•d Orange CoHt Dally County Clerk o1 Orange County on end 0111tr common dellQnallon. 11 LEGAL RIGHTS IF YOU 00 NOT Bt-tMIM7911.A FRANO A,. ........... C.,..,atlen or othar rtll•I rtQUHltd In Iha ------------Piiot, Oct 7· 14· 21• 28· 1982 October 4, 1982 any. ahown helaln. TAKE PROMPT ACTION NOTICI 0, 01,AULT AND IO'll1 T-Ctflltf Oftwe. c:ompl•lnt. PICTITIOUI IU ... 11 4"22•82 ,,..... Said ult wlll ba made, but NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN IL.aCTION TO llLL ~"DEED lulte • DATEO: AprH 29, 1082 NA• tTAn•NT l'ta.IC NOTICE Publlthod Orange CoHI Delly without oovenan1 or wa,,anty, THAT TITLE INSURANCE and Of' TltutT. ~ ....... C.-onitt '"71 LEE A. BRANCH, The lollowlng Ptrton 11 doing PHot, Oct 14. 2t, 28, Nov 4, 1982 tltptlM Of lmplled, regarding Ulle, TRUST COMPANY, a c;«p0<atlon, NOTICE IS HEAEBY GIVEN. Thal '1821a Clerll bYllnMt u · 'ICTtTIOUI IUt•tt POHH l lOn, or t ncumbranc;H, It duly appointed TruetM under I FIRST CHARTER FINANCIAL Publlthtd Orange Coaat Dally ~:Halen M. Olten, LAMB ENTERPRISES, 124 NAMa ITATl•NT l'ta.IC NOTICE lnc;ludlng fen , chlfgU and Deed of Trull dated M•reh 3\.1082 CORPORATION, 1 c;o1poratl0<1, 11 PllOI, Oct. 1<1, 21, 28, Nov. 4, t912 Deputy Topaz, Belbo1 l1l1nd. C1llloml11 The lollowlng pereont are doing HpenlM of the TrullM and of the 1xecultd b)' KENNETH SKJE"VEM Tri/Ille under 1 Oetd of Trull _ 4524·12 CHAlt&.llW.PAltf\ET 026t2 bullneNat: ,.... tru111 c;reated by H id DHd of and DE LORES SKJERVE M. detld MatC!h 4, 1077tlltcvte<lbyA DltUllMY G~TT IUNQ W. Lamb, t24 Topa1, Balboa THE PEN ANO PULPIT PRESS, flCTITIOUI M.lllNlll Truet, topay the rem•"11ng principal hutband and wife, CESAR JAMES I.A FRANO, a maultcl man, l'ta.IC NOTICE 6 HAIXltllON llltnd, Callfornla f2582 3187·A Airway, Coate Miii, CA NAMI tTAT.MINT 1um1 ot the N>le(IJ teeured by aald OCTAVIO SANTOS and MARY ANN 11 Truttor, to Hcurt Gtrllln 1 lllMAlttMw lhG., Thie bllllneu 11 conducted by an 02t2t. The fc>O-lng pereona .,. doing OMd ol Truat to wit: $60,000.00 SANTOS, trullae of the CHar obliga1lon1 In favor of AMERIC"N PICnTIOUI -·· IWlt... lndlvlctulll, THE COMPOSING ROOM, bu1ln•u ea: with Int-II thereon from June 10, Octavio and Miry Ann Santoa Trutl SAVI N GS AN 0 L 0 AN NAMI ITA,._NT NewPOft lltMf\. CA... W. lamb INC .. a California corporation, CAFE ON BRISTOL STREET, 1081 at t3 l*c:tnl per annum .. dated Jaunery t5, 1H1 end OAN ASSOCIATION. a corporation, H The IOllowtng pettonl &r• d°"'ll (114) -.e111 Thlt llteement w .. llltd with Ille 3187-A Airway, Colla MIU, CA 3099 S.JtrlttOI StrNI, Colla M•H. provided In Hid nott(tl plut coata O'CALl.AOHAN ano ROSANNE Btn•flclary, r•c:ordtd March 17. O\lllntea u : Pul>ll•h•d Ortng• CoHI Delly County~ of Orange Counly on 02828. C111rornla g2926 and any 1dvance1 ol l 13.87e 00 O'CALLAGHAN. llutban<I and wife. 10111n Boole 12101, Page t5u 01 "O!LANTO PROPERTIES, 4 Pilot, Oct 7, 14,21.21, 1982 Octobtt5, 1082. Thlt bullntHltCOflducted bya TINY NAYlOA'S INC . 1 wlthlnl., .. I. and LAWRENCE ARMAN and Otf\Clel~dtln thtOtlic.t ofttMt StH ldt Clrclt, Newport B•ach, u21-82 P1M17' c;orporatlon. Caflfo1nla corporation. 130 t3 E The b9nellclary under Hid Deed CLAUDETTE AAMAN, huaband lltld Recorder of Orange County. CellfOfnle 92et3 Pubtlthtd Orang• Coal! Otlly The Cornpotlng Room. Moltllt SllMI, Santa Fe Spr1ng1. ol Trull htfttofora axeculed end wlf1. and SINCLAIR WEN and Callf0<nla. u ln11rumen1 No 23<18 t Reylent Mlraol•. 4 StHlda Pllo1. Oct. 7, 14, 2t. 28, 18112 Inc C11if0<nta 00870 dtllv•rtd to th• undtralgned a IRENE WEN. '-bend and wfft, 1111 tald obllg•llon1 1nc:luda a Circle, .._port 8eec:h, Calllornla 43U·l2 Art Griffin. PrM. This butlneaa 11 oonduetlld bV e written 0tc11111tlon of default and •• 1111ant1 In Common aa TN1tor, prornlH Of)' note for tht ~lnc;pal ~2et3 • PUBLIC NOTICE Thi• 11atement waa tllld wtfh thl COIPOf•lk>n 01mand for Salt, and • wrllten to eecure certain obllgatlon• In aum ol $.45,800 oo Charle9 Olton, 9821 Kii• Or1111, PUBLIC NOTICE County Cleric of Orange County on Tiny Naytor'1 Inc Nolte. of Otlault and EJectk>n to favor of Main a nd Batavia Thal a b•MCh ol. and dtllWll In, Hu"tlnglon BMoh, Callf0<nla 02841 '1CTITIOUa IU ... ae ~temt>et 2 t, tH2. Mich ... w. O..arnll11 Sell Thi unotrtlgned ceuaed Mid Anoc;tataa, A General l'artntr· thl obflgatlont f0t wmch IUCh Deed T1111 bollinMt I• conc:tuc:ttd by • N.AMI tTAffMl!NT l'ICTln:u~-•• '1t'TM4 Prttldtrll Nolte. 01 Otfaull and Elec:tlon to ship, H beneflc:luy, recorded 11 eec:urlly hH occ:ur•ad 1n thal ~ pertnwt/llp. The followlng pe11on 11 doing NA• IT ATl•NT CAl'MTZ a KAtoAN Thi• 1111-1 was ltled with Iha Sall to bt reco<ded In thl county 4 • 2 • 8 2 a• In 1 Ir um• n I no payment has not bHn made ol Raytent Mirada t>YtlntM .. : AltofMJt • "-County Clerll or C)tcenge County on where Ille real property 11 located. 81· 1 te204 In th• Office of th• Thi lnatallment ol prlnelp .. arid Tlllt llet-t -tiled w11h Iha MICRO DISCOUNTS. 14658 The lollo.,,.lng ptraon 11 doing 20t1 ....,_ C11lr. Or. Stptembet 27. t082 Datt. ~lamber 27, 1882 R•cord•r of Orang• County, lnt.,MI wtliCh beCarne due June I ~nty Cttnc21°' pr82.,. County on Ovll Ro.d. lrvloe. CA 02714. bu~~~OIDO BOULEVARD ..... • l't..,..... BURROW ESCROW co ... aald C•lllOfnla, dtt«ltMng land lhlrlln 1982. and RMI E11ate Tu. .. tor the :>ept..,.,btt • 1• JAMSHEO A F"ROOOUEE. ltYlfte, CA tr711-11M Publttlled Ora"ga Co111 Dally lrutlH, 2070 N Tualln Avenue, .. Parct4 10, In thl City ol Orange, year 1081·82 rtp0<111d delinquent f'1 ... 72 t46S8 Oval Road, Irvine, CA 92714. CENTER, 1113 Corpotalt Plaza. Publlehad Ora nge Coa11 Oally P1k>1, Oc1 1'. 21. ~8. Nov 4, 1082 Santa Ana, C" (714) 558-0212. County of O,.n9a. SUit o t and 111 tubMQutnt peymenta wNc:h Publllh•d Oreng• CoHt Dally lhla buSlnMI la conducted by 1n ~~.118 2o9o~awpott B•ach, Piiot, Ses>t 23, 30, ()(:1 7, 1', 1082 •&28-92 By Chell Wyland Cal1f0<nla, u lhown on a map fifed bec:•mt due lhlf .. fler, Including PllOt, Sept 30. Oc1 7, t<I. 2t. t982 lndMdutl. ..... t10<olt 2 4230-821------------Prealdtnl In booll 1111, pagea u to 48 of any tall c:harge1 or other sum• 420•·12 Jamalltd A FarooqUM Stlplltn C Hopkins, • 13 l'ta.IC NOTICE Publlthtd Orange Co11t Oaily Parcel Mapa, In Iha Ollie• ot th• pay1bl• und11 tha terms or aald ------------Tiiie ltatement w .. llled Witt! the Corporate Plan, Sulla 2oo, fl\8.tC NOT~ PllOt, ~1 30. Oct. 7. t•. 1982 County Aecordtt of nld County NOit"' Deed ol Trull ____ l'ta. __ IC_NO_T_tC_E ___ County Clerll of Orange County on ~t Beech, Calll<l'nle 92et0 'ICTITOUI ., ... ,, 429e-82 Mid obllga1ion. Including one no1• That by ••non 111ereof th• ,ICTITIOUI eu ... H October 12, tG82 Thie butinMa 11 c:onduCllld by • PICTITIOUI IU H NAm aTATl•NT ----..,-ID-1IC_W1_T-IC_E ____ 11or the P1lnclpa.I 1Um Of l304.M5 00 undersigned. prt1tnt ben•hc:tary NAMI ITATUllNT '11MM limited 7t;"r!:~. Hoplllnt NAiii ITATl•N'T The followlng 1)«110nl art doing r..-nv lhal lh• t>entflc:lal lnlerN1 under under aoch deed. llT .. executed and The tollowlng P•rton 11 doing PubN1hed Orange Coaat O•lly Thi• tlattmtnt wea filed W1th 11,1 The ID/towing Petton• et• doing butlntlt.. ..,.., auc:h Deed ol Trull end th• dallvtrtd to Hid rull .. a written busln-... Piiot, Oct. 1', 21, 28, Nov. 4, t082 County Clerll of Orange County on bu1lnt1• H : PROUD AMERICAN RACING, NOTICI Of f'UtllC obllgatlon1 MCur•d lhtrtby tr• Oeclaratlon ot Oefeull and Demand SCRUBETTE SA.I.ES, 18873 447~82 Oclobet '4, t8e2. A S ~ ~ ~ 11 ~ \ ~ ~ . D ~ ~ V0 ~ 525 Vlc:t0<la, No t2, Coata M-. aALI OF pr._,tly hlld by the undtAigned. tor Salt. a"d hH depoallo<I wlll'I San Antonio StrHI, Fountain ,1 .... PARTNERSHIP, 3520.B Cadlllac CA~2~2rJy ANN BAILEY , 52& ""IONALl'ttC>f'eltTY lhatabr .. ch of,anddtfllUlt ln,lhl H id TrutlH tuch detd and ell Valley, Calflor11la 02701 Publlahed Orange CoHt Dally Notice II htrtb,Jlven that obllgatlonl for which tueh Deed Of documentt evidencing obl10tllon1 Harold Stlvtdor Pamplnella, fl\8.tC NOTICE Pilot, OC1. 14, 2t, 28, Nov. 4, t082 "~~s~·w~c~~~~~2~024 ~~;;1e. No. 92• Coat• M .... CA pur1Uant to MCtion 1 01 '"' Clvll T1hru111 1~1u~~? ~.·~umr~~~ 0 1n1 MC•ndurd9!1_!~~by1b·y·~~ ha~e da::C:...,18'm9<; 18873 San A111onlo Slrtel, Fountain 4530-&2 · Code, S1111 ot Caflfornte. the • P•, ... _. ,._ ·~ .,......., """" ~ '"" ..,.... " • Valley, CllNt~nla 027oe FICTITIOUa llU .... aa ____________ 1 BelHrlc .Orlvt. Co111 Me11. CA RICHARD FRANK CASTRO, underllgned wlll Mii at public aall lht lnttallment of lnttr•ll ""hlch eecured theraby 1mmedl1tety oue Thlt tlullnea• I• conduc:ttd by an NAiil ITATIMl!NT l'ta.IC NOTICE 0282J80• HN ... TATU ... 7808 e C5~5 ,,v2~210<7.•1. No 92, Cott• M1t1. by compellllllt btddlng on Iha 22nd bec:lme dvt August 2. t082 1nd all and payable end hu e4ec:teo ano ondlvldu•I. Th• lollowlng Pt,.on II doing n "' ,, • v da of Oc;tobar, 1ge2. et 2'00 iWbMQutnl lnalllllmtnll of lnltll' .. I don hlrtbV llect to c:au.M the lrust Hatold S Pamplnatla bullneu ••· ACTITIOUI ~II Lakeview Trail. OranQt. CA 926G7. Thie bullntN II conducted by• o'c~k loctted al Publk: Storage. 111at by reuon th•reol, the propeny 10 be told to aat11ty lhl, Thie ata._-.I .WM filed with the PARA MEDICAi. SERVICES ,.._ aTA,_., Thlt bllllneu la oondUC:ll<I by A llmill<I parlntrtl'llp Inc 20415 Plac:entte SllHI In the undartlgned. pr•Mnl btn•llclary obligttlon NCUl9d thereby. Coun1Y Clerk of Orange County on INC .• 0771 l<attlla Street. Sult• 10t, Tiit tollowlng p1rton 11 doing limited P.,lntfJoMahlpph ...... C••lo, Gen Thll 1181~1>-; .. n ~~,.'!Y with 1111 City of Coata Mtaa. County of under auch O•ed of Trull, hH Oiied September 18, 19112 Oc1otltr 12, t082. ,,-...... A~Bt_..~.."~. 022880411 S•ft Jull! bullntM u: """ -·-· ._. Orange, St ala ot Cellfornla. th• exec:uted and del!Yertd to aakl duly ~AN IAV1NOI ANO LOAN _ .. ..,. ......,_ -· ORANGE NUTRITION. 1730 Pat1ntf County Clertl ol Otenge Counl't on abandon•d goodt. c;hatllll or appointed Trulttt, a wrllttn AltOCIATIOft Pubtlthtd Orangt CoH t Oally ~. Cotll Meta, C.llf0<nla 02828 N•w Hamp1hlrt. Co11t M•H . Thia 1111_,1 w•t llttO With ll'll Stpt..,.,btt 21, 1082 pereooat properly ~llbed btlOw. Otdaretlon of OefllUll and Demand Virginie M Slick.,, PllOI Oct 14 21 28 Nov <I t082 Thlt bullntll II conducted by • Callf0<nla 02t28 County Clerk of Otenge Cou"IY on '1'1MI In Ille mtlttrl of. tor Salt, and hat clepollted With AMI. Vice Prteidtrl1 • ' ' • • '44t3--S2 C:orpotl tlpon111.8 ......... ,.,_,.._Inc. Glf ~ St a u II.,, 1730 N1w Octobtt 12, 1N2, • ,,..... Pub!'!!'•d230 30ranoe C7oea14t 01!_!!.Y RICH ... RO SABBATIS Retifg , aak1 duf)' appoinled Truet ... tuet1 A f Hen'llon rtalC NOTICE .....,_ ........... Hempahlf•. Cotta MM&.' Calll0tne Piiot • .....,1. • • Ocl · · ,...2 c:o11 .. lb4 3 dr-• lltl'l'g po1ea o..d of Trull and •U document• AaeL Seerttllr)' 8o0by R. GeinM 92128 Publltlltd Orange Cout Oalty 4225-82 12 bol<M 'mite • ' evld•nc:ln9 obllgatlon1 Hc;urld Publlthtd Orang• CoHt Oa11y VIGe Pl'Mldent Tiffi bullneas •• conducted by .,. PllOI, Oct "· 2 t 21. NOY 4, 1082 CHARI.ES f BROWN· & OOUI 1htrlt)y. and ,_ declertld end 00. Piiot. Oc1 14, 21, 2&, Nov 4, 1982 '1CTTTIOUI .,..... Tlli9 ll•t-t w .. tllld With 11'11 ln<IMduel. "470.-12 P\B.JC NOTJC( mite mattreH. c;lothlng. mite:, hereby deci•r•.111 ~m• HCUfed 4520.82 ....-ITATl•MT County Clettl Of Oret19t County on Gert Steuffer K~ 11-thereby lmm•dl•llly dua and ------------ Th• lollowlng pe11on 11 doing Oc1obtr 12, 1N2. Thia 1111-1 -llleO Wltt'I Ille Pt&IC NOTICE MICHAEL s NEWMAN· Baby payable lltld llel 9'eett0 end dote PlllJC NOTICE 0\111-ea· F11MM Coun1y Clertl of Otenge COunly on fK:T"IOUt .,_11 '~•~" bu90Y, 5 Chlllrt, rrunk. 3 vacwma. her•bY aleot to c;auM the trull ------------THE TICKET SHACK. 1120 Publlthed Orang• COHI Dally Oct.!>, 1N2. N.U. aTA,.._.,, The f....._.._ -eon• .,, .....,_ 12 bO .. ~bed, plc;lur•. 2 lloOt property to be told IO Mlltfy 11'11 ITA.,..n CW W1114DRAWAL Newport Blvd , Cott• MtH, Piiot Oc1 14, 21, 28, Nov. 4, 1912 ,.,_,. d bu -~·'V ,...... -~-.. pOllthtr• ObllgetJona -..d lhlr.0,, ,_ ,...,.TNllt...,. Clllf°'nlt 92827 «04-82 Published Oranga CoHI Dall)' 00~~~ per_,. we omg ~ .fe OR/ I M p EA I A L Landlord, __ the right to bid lllleilll Md ..... ~hlulatH, °'9JtATWG ~ Kenneth Jot Oberlin, 700 Weet Pilot, Oct "· 2t. 28, Nov. 4, t982 '•I THE ROUSE SCHOOL (2) ASSOCl ·TES • 13 Co po •I• at the .... Purcha111 mull b• A o.-.i, ,....0 ... 0 II 'ICTITIOUt ...... NAiii! 15th S trttl, Newport Beech, •52•.92 1 • " • r r _ ....... _.th·~ .. _,., ...... ft ...... 1~a1 Publahtd range CoHt • Y Th• tollowln9 per1on ha• .. "" THEROUSEC0 ,34 10-G W. Pltia,&.ht200 ~8ted'I "-""' ,._,~., .. ..,,......~ A.. 2 21 n.•2 C1Jfl0<nla 82ee0 rtatC NOTIC£ MecArtllut, Set1ta Ma. CA t2t28 Cellfomle 92MO , , lhl time ol PllfGNN. All puref'IAMO Pilot. ""'' 7. '"· t, • '4, w41hdr8M'I aa •general pertner from Tiiie ~ 11 conc:tuc:ted by "" Pta.JC NOTICE ARTHUR WARNER KASSEL Ill, Oavlcl B G.,rleon 23321 Via good• are IOld M IA. end """' 0. ~ the ptl'lntnhlp operating Ut1dtr 01• tndlvlduel. l'ICTTnOUa .,..,, •21 felt Or No. 20t, Cotta M..., R d MIH I Viejo' Calllornla ilfl'IO\ltd at Ille time ol purchete. flclltloua bu11n111 nam• of Kennetn J Ot>erlln ...._ aTATDtllNT 'ICTITIOUa .,..... CA 02028 8~~~(&>artner~n • Salt aubiect to prior cancellation In "8.IC NOTICE CHIROPRACTIC ASSOCIATES Of P 0 C PttMC! Th• lollowlng &*'ton It doing NAMI ITATl•NT SUSAN MARIE KASSEL. 421 Sttpll•n C Hopklnt • 13 11'11 "'tnl ol Hllltment btt-n COSTA MESA. 270 Btielol, Suite ubll•h•d rang• OHi Dally bull-at: Thi fOltowl!)Q .,.,_,. •• doing ,,., Or No 201. Cotta Mesa. CA c Pl s . 200 landlord and Obllga11<1 P•rty Oatl<I l"ICTTTtOUI ........ 1oe, Cotta MMA. CA 02928 Pilot. Oc1 1". 2t. 28. Nov. 4, 1082 BILL'S Fl.OWERS, 30822 So. bullnMI .. : m 2g ~~ ~~·92ee't,1~'pwtneri 11111 7th & 14th day ol Oc:tobtr, N.u. ITAT'lmNT Tll• llcllllou1 bu1ln•11 neme "472.a2 Cont Hwy, Laguna BH ch, CA J ... RPAL CO. TEXACO, 2175 Thie bualnta It conduc:ttd by an ' 1012 Public Storage, Inc , The lollo.,,.lng pereo" It doing llal-1 for Ille pat1nerehlp wu ------------02851 N1wport Blvd., Cotta M•u. Frl<llfk:k J. Sttmmllt. 31102 l andlord bu.intu ea: fll•d on Augull 10. t971 In th• •IDllJC NOTICE C•lifomla 92827 lndMdulll Senta Margerlla Piece. San Juan Publlthtd Orange CoHt Otlly PAC IF IC S AN OS. 17 5 0 County ot Orange. .-~ Willlem lewla Votz Jr., 30802 Guetavo Palaclo, 3400 San Susan Marll l< .. HI ap11111no, Ca llfornlt 92175 PllOI, Oct 7, t4, 1982 Monrovia C·2, Co111 MtH, CA FOttl• l"ICTTTIOUI .U ... 11 K·4 t) S. Cout Hwy., Laguna M1r1no Clrc:lt , Cott• M•u . Thi• •teternent w .. filed with the P•rtnet) 43411·12 02827. Full Ntmt and Add"" of the ..... ITATl•NT BMoh. CA •. 92851· C•lllornl• 028241 County Clerk of Orange County on Intl OUllMN ,, conducted by. ANN M. WEISS, 778 Seolt. No Perton WllhdrewlnQ. TM tollowlng pereone 111• doing ,,J;~~r::~-11 conduc:tl<I by an FlfnandO Jwamlllo, :MOO Stn Octot>et 12· t992 f'ttoittO gen«lll pertntttl'llp PtllllC NOTICE u , Cotta M••· CA 02827. BETTY JEAN HARMON. O.C bullnMA u : Wllllam L VOiz. Jr. Marino Clrc:I•. Cotta Meu. Publllhtd Orange Cout Dally SteptWlt'I C Hopkin• Thi• ooalneaa It conducted by an olfloe, 4002 GrMnOap, lrvlne. CA INTERSTATE PLAZA, 1'00 Cdfomlt 02928 Thi• 11•1-I WH filed With lht f'ICTITIOUI .u ... •• lndMdual Otn 4; t603 So. Cotet Of .. COila Srl1tol 8tr•tt North, Suite 245. Thia llal-t ·wu Ried w1tll the Thie bu11ntaa It conducted by a Piiot, Oct. 14• 21· 28· Nov. 4· 1982 COunty Clerk of Orange COunty on NAMS aTATIMINT Ann M W.... Mete. CA 02828. Newport Beach, CA 92et0. ounty Clerll of Orange COU1'ty ori ~el peftntrtl'llp 147$-82 October 4, tH2 The followlng f>lltonl art dOlng Thie 1tatement -• filed w4th Iha Betty J, Harmon · WILLIAM K,. DAVIS, 1400 t 28• tOS2. Fernando Jarernlllo "8.IC NOTICE '1IOl7'7 blltlneat u . County CWll ol Otano-County on Publl•h•d Orang• Cout Dally Brlltol S I North, Suitt 2'6, F1tMM Thie 1181.,_,I wu filtO wtlh the Publllhtd Ortnge Co111 Dally FULLERTON • GILBERT ~ttmbet 21, 1012. PikM, ~I. 23. 30. OcL 7, 14 1082 Newport Btach, CA t2eeo Publl•h•d Or•ne• Cont Dally Count)' Clerk of ~anoe Couflty on K..-2 P~ot. Oct 14, 21. 28. NOV ... •11112 INVESTMENT COMPANY. 505 ,,.neo 4221·82 R. FREO WAL TEAS., I t05 ltot. Sept. 30• Oct. 7· 14• 2t. 1992 Octobet 6, t982. 'ICTITIOUI Ml ... H 4527-82 North Tuttln. Avenu1, Suite 150, Pl.tblllh•d Orang1 Cout Oally Riverview Drive, Fallbrook, CA "320-t2 ,,..,, ..,.... ITATDmN'T Santa Ana, Ctlllornta t270!> Piiot, Sept 23. 30. Oc:1 7, 14, tN2 P\R.IC NOTICE ~2028 Publllh•d Orange Ce>111t. Dally The lollOwltlg peraona art doing fl\8.)C NOTICE 0 K INVESTMENT COMPANY. 4152-82 Thie butinMA .. conducted by . . Piiot, Oct. 1, 14, 21, 28, t982 bYllnMa ••. •• Callfornlt llmlled pllt1ntrahlp, 605 FICTITIOUI ....... ti penntrllllp BEITH llJllll:I 438M2 0 X NA R 0 B 0 u LEV AR 0 ACTITIOUI .,_,, Norlh Tualln "venue, Sult• 150, NA• ITAH•NT "':, a1e1:::"'..:. ~ w4th the ii Ill Pt8.JC NOTICE ~~~tT•E~.o~. 1~.c.:~"::~1~:~~':: Thi :::,,:T:~, doing Set1t~ ~~= g::. o1 tilt . NIUC tl>TICE ~~ persona.,., dolnO Count)' Clerll of Ortngt County on AC'ITTIOUI ....... Celdornl• 02eeo O\I*'-... Robttt H Grant Revocable Trull F1CTTTIOUI ..,_.. l•I SHORELINE POOLS (b) Septeml>et 21. 1182 ,_ JUD<> ....... tr•-..,. SttPh•n C Hoplclnt, 11, t3 ECKIS ANO ASIOCIA.T ES •tabllal'Mld November 0, t873 by T f,.._flo 1 ITAnMIN1'1 doing SHORELINE POOLS ANO SPAS (c;) ••·-,. 00 ,._ .,,_,., Corpora II Plaz•. Suite 200, AOVERTISINQ & DESIG N. 117•• AoOtt1 H. Grant, Truator, 33 Hlllbor h• o w ng Ptfton 1 SHORELINE SPAS ANO POOLS (d) ""°:.~:::"r~ 6 DONALD AMOS fVES, ... ~~ Ptrtont ll't dOlng Newport Btec:h. Cellf«nlt 12880 Slty Pat1t Blvd '2 t5, ~. CA ltlend, Newport htc:h. C.iofornla bU91MuC ,. ':; EXT 1NQU1 S HER SHORELINE SPAS (t i SHORELINE ......,. USM C ---Oan1rd Auocl•t,1, ti t3 8271• 92MO • CONSTRUCTION lfl SHORELINE A"9f ~c.r.-...... reti r ed M ajor • a OERMACUlTURE. 2400 w. Corporal• Plan . Sult• 200. HORTON & ECK IS Alc:hard l . Ow•n. 31423 s. ~~~~o~:v .. t,Coata ENTERPRISES. t21 Ptomontory ... ~.,.......,.. .... ,.. resl~nt o f Newport Beach. Cout HIQhn't. Suite 0 , Newport Newport 8"ch, callfomle t2MO ASSOC! ... TES AOVERTl81NG. COHI Hl9hway, No 28. South v CrelG HoM 834 JoAnn Drive Wiii. N1wpo11 Beac h, ....,.!t~~-C.12··1~~wayon:mr ~i.~~eokwlth, tHtO ~.~=~~edby• ~":2~Perti81Yd.,•2t5.lrvlnt, ~~"':t~ledby• Cotl::.c.itomi.'02921 'Calll~,9~580Mayflt,ld , 121 Pubfl•ll•d oranoe Cout Dally • ~2 al e age 0 • e A~llquln. Huntlno1on •••oh, Stephen C. Hoc*lnt Nanc:y Ec:lllt , t242·37 River general ~ CO 1nJ~ It oondllc:ted by an Promontory Orw. w .. t. Newport Piiat 8eOt 23 30. Oc:t 7 14 1M2 lt aurvlved by hi• wife c Ol'nle 02641 Thlt llattmtnl w .. (tied with"" Glen Aow. '"" Oteoo. CA t211t. O.K. IN\lt!SlMENT .. .; c H Buch. c.lltornl• N028t0 · · ' ' ' 422t.a2 La Ven, d auehter Donna Crelg e. aec:kwlth, tee 10 County Clerk of Ottnte County on TNI butlMM 11 ~ by 1 a Cellloml• ••non OM Thia bu9IMM 11 conOuc:teo by.,, Lynn I v ea 0 ( N ewl.o r l Al9onQuln, Huntlng1on 8Hch, OctOl>er 4, tM2. llrnlttd ptrtnenhlp llmlttd IHll1ntrlhtc> TNI .....,_,. wu lfltd wtth the lndMdual. ------------i C h Caiffot'nle 0~8 '~ Nancy E<*ll By: George L. Atg)'foe County ~ of Orenoe Covnly on Niii L MtYflekl B each , a ., alaters ut Thlt ~II GOnduc:ttcl by an P11bll1hed Or1n11• CoHt Dally Thie,,.,_, wM flltd with the 0...81 P1111ner October S. 1Ma ,_ Thi• atai-t w• llled wtth ,,.. ,ACJAC YllW ....,., .. AL l'M• CematOf'( Mortuarv Chae>el-Crematory 3!500 Pacific View Dnve Newport Beach 6"·2700 WsCCMNCCK MOITUAlllS LaQuna Beaeh 494"'941S LeQuna Hilla 7649-<)933 San Juan C.p1S1rano 495-1776 "'_.,. LAWl6-MT. OUYI Monuery • C.mt lef'f CremztOt't 162501..., A~ eo.1a~ M0-$$5' Colun and Mary Grana. lndMdWI. Piiot. Oct. 14, 21, 211. No. 4, tN2 County Cltrtl o1 0t11191 OOYnty on Tiiie IM~ wu flltd w4ltl tht ·-County Ctettt of OfanQt COunty on Services will be held on oi-Bedlwtttt 4532.a2 ~temt>et 29, tN2 Count)' Cllt1I of Oftnte County on Publl•h•d Or•no-Cou t Dally 8-tmbet tS, 1oe2 Friday Oc~r 15 1982 at Thlt .. ,,_, waa lhd wftll the ,,.... S«>ttmber 21. ,..2• Piiot, Oct. 7. t" 21 28. 1M2 8 ,,.., .. 2 :00P'M at t h e Et Toro CounOcl-,!L ~. tJ;.Otenge counw on rtalC MOTIC£ Publlth•d Orange CoHI Otlly "''"~'ft 43tt-2 Publlthtd Oran91 CoHI Dall) I Ba C.. J I h """""" ..... .-IOUI---.. P"-0~1 30 Oct 1 14 "t fff3 c•-..-6 IUY Pilot, Oct. 14, 2t, 28, Nov.,;, 1982 1Mar n e ee nape wt '1911' ro .. ,,, --.. ., .. ..._ · • • • • •4314.u .;,;-'Nii rtate NOTIC( 452A·f2 C haplin Robert Dlckenon Publl•h•d Oranoe c o .. t Delly T ..._ aTATW -.... At11M 1e1•ewn pie---·-•• .. -.,. N0- 0 ff 1 c I• t l n e •. Private PllOt, oe,. 1• t'4, I t , n , 1°'J...82 ~°':7'"" '*'°"'••doing rtatC NOnct ....,.,. ......, c.....,... :=-..Mit"iT'Aft..MT ,..._... ,,_ Inte rme nt at R ivertid e -8UGP '"CK P"O.OUCTS ·. ------·· T f ... I I ·-•• doing PICTmOUI .,_ .. I " ,. ... "' _.... --Publleh•d OranQt Cou t DallY II• "' ow ne per "'' .... -11 .. -... Nadonal Ml ltary Ceme~ry. rtatC NOl1C[ IUGPACK Pf!A POAMANCE NAMI ITA,._., 30 Oct 7 14 tN 2 bullMM ... -.. ,._,., The family req~ ln lieu PftODUCT. 3MO Clldlll8o A,,_,., The fOllowlno pet.one •• dOl/lg "'°'·sept. 23• • • 4221-12 NAll.8° NATUAALI. y . 28 75 Tht lollowlng j)eflO" II doing ribu·•--be "°~ ._.,. co.ta Mtu, Call!Or!N m butlnMt aa: 1rv1ne 8llld Sull• 2"4 Cott• ~ bullMtt ... of fiowert cont ........ NA.Ml., • .,...,. OH !NOINHAINQ, INC.. • VALLE VISTA EMT. 30tOJav1 rtalC NOTICf CA Hta1 .. • • STEADMAN ASSOCIATES. mtet. to St. Jude Memorial Th• tOllowln9 l*tOll •• dolr19 c 111to1n1a corporation. 3HO Aotd, Coal• MeN. Callfomla t2t2t Ju D 1 TH H 11. TO fll , 3 o 3 1271 Gl«lM)'ta, No. ta, l tfuna Fund or blood donaUonl to butk*91 •~ , Ctdltll c Avenue, Coete M•H. TA IS H I N 8 H 0 ICU I AH ...CTTTIOUI ....... ~ !Mnt, CA H Tt5. lttofl, CA t2t51. the American Red CfOll ln O AT'I MEOW, 108 32nd Callfomla t2Mt KASUSHIKI KAISHA (Ttlthln NAm ITAT'DmMT thla ~la oonOucted by tr1 SHE""' M BTIAOMAN, 1278 hia name. ServScel under the ~· NfoWPOt1 IJHc:h. Ctlllornlt Tiiie bullnttt It btlno conduc:led ltlolluun, K.IC .) a Jepa nH The followln9 peraon II doing lndfvldlltl, Oltnneyft, Ho t•. L41tunt Bttch, n...... 1¥ • eot~a9*1. ~etlon, 8QIO Java "°8d, Cotta ~ M' ~ Hiiton CA t2f6 •· direction of a.tu Beraeron-Naltlrd ....... HG w. 1ttti ly; ~ c . """°"· ....... Ctlltomll tlttt C"IATIVI Pl.ANT OHIOH. thll .. ~ -ftltd with lht Thie~ .. concMttd by Ill Smhh " Tuthill Weatcllff llr .. 1. Cott• MtH, C1111o;nl• ~ Thie ~ le OOl\d\ICted by • IOIO ...... A~. c.. MeN. Clark .. Ort1111 Collnly on ~. , Cha~I Mortuary of Coau '2::. bulllltM 11 conduciad by Al\ Tt1t1 ttttemant flltd wfll't the OOfP«•tr..11 11111 , h 0 11 u 1•11 CA~ ... W oetDOZA. UOO °"°'* 11. ttN. ,,.... Thie .. ,,.::: !..~ wtt11 "" M-. 648-93?1. I ~ ~t~t~~ COUMy Oii ICalluatllll ,..,....., Ho. 0-104, Oo1tt Maaa. l"llt>fllfltd 0ttfl99 Coff1 Del~ Oouner Clefti o1 ar.,. COwMy on MENDOZA Nrlllrct i...-~ t<.tlllilMll KMtla CA'"" PllOt. 0oc. "' 11. 11. -.. •. 1tlt' Oato11tr ta. •• , .. A M 0 8 ff E N R ~y ~ •:=::r~ ~ ': ::.: ~ ~ITMM ..... II. ftlla. ~le OOllCMteO "Y.,, . ....a Pllblltfleel Of~ Coett Ot11Y MENDOZA, JR., PHH ~1.1 .. 2. _,&.eilt._.I, t11•• -,__,,.,...,......, MolflfnC>MclW,_ _.,. --PllOt,Ooc 14,tt,&No.r ~1!'!. away on~ 10, 1982 ,_,. ,... Ollie._"" TM ... ...,. .. MM""" !ht -· r-"""'16 ,_.,_ Loni Beach, Ca. He la l'11bll1Md Orenoe Cooet o.lty "----.o• ,._, Ctllllt)'Clartlof0t.,..~on ,,_:*"......... MC'lmOUl- 1UrviYed by hJe IOn David., PllOt, ()ot. 7, 14, II H . tta '*"2 Pldl._.. Oral'fO COMt De1Jw m' ~· .':'-· ~ of Or ... ~ M . · ... lf•W Private funeral .. rvlcH ,.. __ ._ .... __ . "_· .. '° .. ··-°"_· .. 1 .. • ,.;SM;a;i1-.• :..:=..•, "a.. ::z:o-...... ._ Oot~ 0r ... CHM OdJ...::... ~ ,,.,... ........ were held under the MUCll)TICI • ,...,OOt.14,11.tt.•·::..~ HlW AH6CtAT11,0 1••---,.--IC---.---- dlrectlO'n o f Balta ..onnoue-ll PWUC!!OlJC( = Ii• uu•a. ' .... -.a111P "'"'~·-·~·-4000 •--;a;niilnm••li-- •rlftOft-Smlth a. Tuthlll . .-...nAW ":.r ... -• ,__ -, PllllCllmCl ...,,._,,-.!!.."'"~~1 Mrifiiil.. I W8'totliff ~l Monuary TM ~ ""°"° .,. ... I If .. ,_., ._..,...... ... IT._ -°' o.tt_ ..... ~"'.!'71. ~-!!.'.. , .. ,._ .................. .!!!... ........... "'"" .. dolllt ~ °'"'" co. ~ ... '4•wr '"'"'°"' ICT oowANY.. "'° ...... _ ,.,.... .. ...... ~ ........... " ,_......, -._ --,._.,-CJcit 1• "· ·u; 18• lM -.... .=,:•.:._.,. ..._ co1111Mttt11t Mf,et•ll•11, 0110 ~ ~tNDUI-"'" •• __... '-.. ~. ~OrM,CottaMeae.CA Ml,.AtLI YIA"I ~"I· 44 ,.,. _,. ----.. ~ f " tlo.. ,._ ""a..a.n ._. tMll. ICHOOl..UOI. ttlll..,_,C.. -~ •••r •v• e , e r r... MN • ""'"" ..... ,._ IYANIH HI OOMPANlll Maea ~ ~ "ONCIN CONIT,.UCTION, .,,, CA~...,.... ___ _ l of l.Aluna Hiiia, -· 1 • ,•....,I --= ltl I lltll ltt• La c ..... 0 ~Ollllllllfl Valley, MA" 0" I LAltD WllT ~,= -... 0i:taW t• tNC., a OeHfor11ta 9'',etLllO.-, --· -• • c-r:.:• .:..· IAfUNA, :JOO lflHAtttlvt Hwr&&J I --.. , -·--'·_. ._ L.~ ·=~Loop Mro. a.. l ... trott7 • Coate .... Collfer111a -·-II f t No ~at -· -··-.,~ .... -. -,......,_ ........ ,,. ... ,., . . . ' a .a• II\ re r 11 ••nor ·. n. '1e oon••od "Y '• ...,... D . ....,, t11 I. 1111 La CH1t.•..!.••'"'" ••II••· "'-'.'"fi:ao:.., 1 .--="'" ..... J11illtM•u.-ua h 2 II I '''"'· Coa1a ...... Oetlternla ~ • ""' 'Ml• ---• ef90 n, • le_!!, ........,. ~. _, . ~ "-Gtfllll!, t1t1 La..... , n. • ._.,a ··~·M5 "··-....... :.:,;,~~-.. :se:=·=· ==~ lite ,. rbH 1-IW.. ace..-&:.': ,_ -""'': .. f -~;;..1:1.... !!J'A'.-S::. .. .. ,...'1:f':I ~ 8:1: r.I.°""". l:ZT~ ~· ~ --!!·~~~ ~ .... Ollw ..... , :rm ~ .....__ .... ___ 111111!1!11_ ...... :::::of Clil*' ..... ca. ""'· Oii. 'M. • J;f'l::'f. :.-:r~~ -.; °"' M, t ,J ·: M Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/ThUttday, Ootobef 1'4, 1912 Mt.IC ll)TIC( Ml.IC llD1ICI Ml.IC NOncl ...:i~~~ ~. ., y'!hMJr..~ 11 , Nlftct ot nlDll or ~;!~tH YO~ POlllOL roau11 YOU CAMILLO 8 . llPPI .4NO AcTI N TO HOTIOT YOUll fa II I I IM IN l N YOU• 0 F P & 11 TI 0 N T 0 ,ITIMY 11-.0AU W!.!!''· If MAY H IOL 4DMINllTltft ESTATE NO. llUaM) MU.• YOU N11D M ;:d';~ "" COUit' ACTION, A·UllM, The marketplace on the Orang~ Coaat ~~"ft.:..:' A':.= ~ "':c= ~ .='1::11.C:.,~ To all l\elt11, bfnefk:tarl ... YOU. YOU IMOU&.D CONTAOT a by paylftg ell ot your PHI du credltotl and contln1ent LAW'nll. P•~• Plllt perrftlti.o coe•• ano credlU>n of C.mlllo B. Zlppl MOTICI cw TMllTU'I •ALI ••.,.,,_Within tht .. fn9nlhe trom and per.on• who may bo T.t ..... -ttla date INt riotic. Of "811111• wu th I t tod I h NOTIC' .. Hl"9V OIVIH '"'' tecotded. Thie MIOUlll " ~ 0 trw.., ntel'e11 n l ., on WaelneMer ~bet 3 1112 •• 01 Augu11 17, ttU, •nd will will and/or •iate. al t;OO o'clocil. am of Ml4 d.y, iri lnorHu untll your aooo11n1 A pt'thJon hu been tlJt!d the room Ml Mlcle IO< concllie11na ~ outrtnl. You may not M¥t by Ton y Z I pp I I 11 l ho True ... ·• l elN wlthlll lhe Offic.t ol 10 pay Iha '"'"• unpaid l)Ol11on of 8 • Co l t o AEAL EITAtE llCUAITllS .vo11r 1oooun1, •van though full uperior ur 11 ranac lfRVICE, 1oca1ac1 u 2020 North payment w" demanded, but you Counlr req~Unj U,at Tony B<oed'#ey. 8""' 20e, 1n the City of """' P-v Int 8IN>Ulll 11a1ed ·~ Z Ip p be a pp o In l ed a• Santi Alla, COUfttY ot °'"*·St,.. Ah• iilr• ll'IOntha trom the date pertonal ropr"4:ntallve to ot ca11to1n11, A'MIRICAH Cl Y• ot racordellon or thl• document admln ltter the ettate of ~m.1!!.~ ••••••• ~'!fm.!'.~~.lt •..••• : ~'If!!!.~~'! ••••••• ·•··················· ~'1. •••••.••. 1.~f ~~'!. ••....... !.~I "1'!!1.¥. ••••••••• }.~ ~!1/fH. ••• !.'!tf IANK, • calH0tnla corl>C)(atlon " (whlOh dale Of reco<d•tlon 8Pf>M'• r.-Ill B z pt d h !•-------. -CHARMING AEMOO 3 duly eppolntect True•• und« ind hereon), ul\leM Ille ob11Qa11on DtlnO ... m o . Ip (un er l e Tl Pllct YM A• CaN LIN llll •rn · . 8r+toft Tr*'8111o ope. for Prime Lldo Nord tMty1foiilJbilnn, ~ ~ ti.th. dUS*• °' unit. 873-HIO * MIU YIUI p11r•uan1 10 the powar or u l• IMac:loMd upon permrl• • longe< lndcpendent Admlnillr•llun 1 '°""''ad In 111e1 o.,ieln Deed or '*10d. you lleve only the~~~ ol E.a\alA!e Act). The f>'!llllon 642 5678 Trull eucuted by f'RANK E to atop the loreck>eura by ~db~ la 14!l for hc-arlng In Dept. • On lhl golf cour ... Cuetom boautlful 3 Bdrm home. many. many ... Lee L.R .. 2 boat allJ» .fl,600,000. ~.~!~ .. }.~ff ~:,~~~'. ~8~ C ~=:::: ~ ::::iTtC:'."011n1 demend• by No. 3 at 700 Civic Ce n ter I 1181SES Ill SAU Offlclal Aecordl of Mid County, al To find out the emount you mu11 Drive, West, In lhc City ol i:l':.'\u-i II page 3M, Aeco1der'1 ln1truinen1 pay, °' to arrange '°' payment to Sant.a. Ana, Calllornla. on t:: ..... 1 .. .i1 '"' No. ee:92. by,_, of • btMdl °' llop Iha loreclosure. or If your Novembttr 10. 1982 al 9:30 •c:r.::::O.:" ::= default In payment °' performance property I• in l0tecloeuia for any C:.• a.... , .. of the obHgellone MCured 111e1.oy other 1Neon, contecl: ANAHElM a .m. .,_ ...... ,...,. lncludlng lhal btHc;h or default' HILLS PLANNED COMMUNITY IF YOU OBJECT to the r.:::.. Voll•r aoa Hollo• ~ wtllcf\ WU recorded Jufy ASSOCIATION, PCM Rl!AL TY ANO granting of th& pelltlon you l!':'JWlfill llollh :: 8, 1982, .. Aecofdet't '"""'"""' MANAOEMENT, Aganl, 23728 ahould either appear at the .;:.':.. looth •1144 No. 12-2Ht t2. WILL SELL AT Birtcher Drive, El T°'!'· CA 82e30. hearing and Ila le y o ur 1.at-111u. :: PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE (714)788-7281 . . i.a.-111c ... 1 llY HIOHEST BIDDER FOR CASH. II you have eny QUffllOnl, you objecllona or hie written MIM .... Yi\:" 1111 lewful money of Iha United s1a1 ... 1hould con1tct a ltwyer or th• objections wltb the court ~ .... .::" :::: 0< a uthlet'• cheek drawn on a oovernm•nlll aoency which may before the hearing. Your 11MJ111•C:•po1n... 1gi1 ttate °' national bank u •late °' haw 11\turael your loan. be 1 t"'~·~ 1• **" credit union, 0, " ..... °' Re111e111Mr, YOU MAY LOSI appeb arance may n person ..:.: • ..:-:: tederal Mvinot and loan aetodatlon LIGAL MQHTS • YOt.I DO NOT or y your attorney. "' ... -'" •• domk:lted In Ihle 11ete, Ill payeble 11 TUI ~ AC110N. I F Y 0 U A R E A 1to1111o "-• •.i. "'' lOUAL HOVtlNO Ol"l"Of'ITUNIT'I' '"'· b1g,500 with t0% Remodeled a bdrm, 2 beth + la.rte .... rm. down owner Wiii carry el beam ceWno. fumlahed, patiot, -..20.000. t2~% Intel' ... . • ., ..... ~1 IUtr· PllllllU -P•Mhhf'• htt••• 141-lln Ocean & ,1eti;vteW.V.rtiief'OOm. 4 bdim. 3 ~I~~,~~·:~.~:::~ liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ bath, 3700 lq.fl. $1,385,000. Oceai)front. IUbj•CI 10 th• Federal NIAlflllT u1•a IW ..... Am9 Fair Houalng Act of t"8 3 bdrm, allallr& etllnQle -, ...... , wtllc:h mAllM 11 Illegal to home on e.it>oe Penln L.aaoon view from 6 bdrm, 5 beth. playroom, adverllM "any Pf•fereo-Owner wtll .....,. tln111Ce. d k d Boal -" N ei 000 000 A•, 11m1111lon or d'.ec11m1. ,..,... ar nn. en . ....p. ow • • • · -'· Priced lo Mii at SOOO. nation btHd on race. ooo. evee 842-IZ253. color, 1ellglon. HI( or " l&Yllll PLIOE nallonal origin, er any Spectacul.a.r bayfront dplx 2 br, 2 be up; 2 br, lnlentlon lo mek• any Iha llrM of ..... all right. 1111e end NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN lhll CREDlTOR or a contingent HAl ESTATE lnlat"I held by 11. " TruatM, In put1Uant 10 Artlcle IX. Section 7 of creditor o{ the deceued you Ac .. .,, •tir s.11 th•t rHI property sltullt In .. Id th• Oeclar•llon of Coven1nt1. . • ~"h":!."'• '"''Ill• 1uch preference. 11m11a-2 ba dn. 2 boat 1paooe1. Reduced-$1,~.000. •• !Ion or dltc1lmlnlll011." :: Thi• nowap•per wlll not • fllllllll IUlll County and Stet• dHcrlbed .. Condlllont and FIHlrlctlona. must file your clatm with the ....!~ ;r,::rtr IOl!oln: recorded Ap1ll 28, 1077. in 8oolt court o r present It lo the '""""r Liii• err,... I.Gt t5 of Trect No. ett5. In the 121ee. P'llff 208-327, ol Otllclal p e rsonal representative ~~~:..":rn.,nr City or Cotta Men, County of Ft.cord•. OtsngeCounty,Calllornla. appointed by t he co urt °""'"'" U••••attl• Orange Stlte olCalllornla asper• breech ol lh• obllg1tlon of •-•otio••••• map reCorded In Book 380 PllQM g paymanl 01 1uu1men11 hn within four mo~lhs from the l::.:a'~r1J" and 8, M~ M8P6, In the occuned.NOtleaoflllkltlfaachand date of !1r11l issuance of IAllfwwa.• 1 Oflloe of the C(ounty f*:Old., of llen -Ned for record on Juty 2, letters u provided in Section ••i. 11-Trar P•h Mid County t912 u lntlrumenl No 82-2312oe •-• Oum ""'°" EXCEPT 911 oJI, gu, hydr001tbon ol H id Olflc:lal Ftecordt. No 700 of the Probate Code of :ti~t~o1"':.':.,, eubllancee and mlnat'alt 1y1ng and p1ymen1 or peel due emount• h11 Californ ia. T h e time for o..io1 so1t~'"" 11411ng " 1 depth of "'°'' than 500 occurred. Thaletor•. the 4nlhelm flllni claiml wW not expire ::::~~!:'~::;:• leelbelowlhenatural-.irf-ofthe Hiiie Planned Communlly prior to four month• from 11.11c.11te"'""'" ground, but wllho'ut any right, AMCClatlon dOM hereby ei.c1 10 the dale o f the hearing IDITAlS what~ 10 '"'"upon or uM In 1111 01 c:au11 \o be told. "" 'ced bo ''""-""'"'•"" any manner Niki eurface °' •ny part followlng daecrlbed ,.., property to nou a ve. ·-u.,..,.,,,.... :: knowingly accept any acaffleHt New 4 br, 4 ~ ba. CUit.om French Normandy ~= advert11lng for rHI H · ....... lttlfe E.ttate 1.2 prime acre hlplop $1,250,000. 1• 11te which It In vlolallCll over 6,000 eq tt., t t.2 : of Ille law. Acree cf prime llio-lYAL• ~liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil rouotibred property •dJ. Fee simple COl'""e on qulet Deecanao St. (in ~ to Jac:k Klugm111 &tale -: 1111111 Advert!-nr Fellbrook. every F1ata}. Reduced to $100,000. _ : sers should check dazzllllQ amenity, diam-...,.. ... •ay1 plonehlp lannla cour1. .,......,.. .,. =1 their ads dally and 1850.000 terma. Agt COrOnado Ialand cuat. yr;:Qittlot. 85• boat : report errors Im-'=ii2it3i12i1i6i-2ioi3i1 iiiiiiiliil dock. Pi.n. avail. Now '370,000 w/t.e1'1m. med iately. The,. = DAILY PILOT as· .. Ml/lllT uu. aumes liability for 111.-llWI BILL GRUNDY, RE ALTOR Jo.l I ~ '('\•dt fj1 / ,._, ~, ' I ,, TRADE .... your boring Income pro- petty "' outgrown r•l-donoo wtth larO-tqtllty for tlll• noot ru.tlo and roomy 4 bdrm 3'A batfl home with 190 deg, oce111 vlow In wtlk to beach Corona del Mar tocatlcn. REDUCED TO $<475,000 wllh t 1. 76t/• Int. O N THE BLUFF -• INCREDIBlEJ A-3 pare.I w/otd« llotne and vista• lnoludlng Newport H11tt>or, BalbOI PeninlUla and lho ocoari. DIK<>unt '°' ceah. 187.5. 000. t«-~m-l.911 UTltl c.~.... 1114 •••••••••••••••••••••• ... .., • ._m ... ,. .... of H id land lylng b•lwHn,.ald Mtlttytheobllgellon:. YOU MAY EXAMINE -"~"••utU•• eurface and above 500 ro fMI llefcw lot 28 of Trac:t 7587 M per map the file kepi by the court. II i;::::::::~:::: ~I" .. Id turfaca, H reHrvecl In th• rac:crded In 8oolt 378, Pagee 2I to you a r e Interested In the T .. -"-•• deed r-ded 1n 8ocll t0t28 Page 25. lnclutlve, of Ml1ceflaneou1 ••te fil l T .. -u.r 4 t8, offtclal record•. · Macie, In the Oflloe 01 the Otange "-• you may e a req~es °"4>1e•• "'"' Th• ,,,.., add1at1 01 other County Recorder. with the court to receive ~;,::.11•1 common detlgnatlon ol th• 1HI The record veeted ownert or the ape c I a I n o t I c e o f t h e :::: ~::'! U•I property hereinat>ow deecrlbed It proper1y "'°'' commonly known " inventory of esta te assets 11_,. purported to be: 1113 Ftldgecr .. t 888t Avenue de S•nllago. d I th llll ns ............ ftlS 11-&ao.r<1 = the first Incorrect 3 Bdrm. 3 b11h home, .-Insertion only. Coton• det Mar toca11on. iii--------~!1': ;f~s~~-Bdrm, 2 11i llTDllT11 I ... llL.lllt 'I -U..,l"'Uf I I()"'-".,.., 4 bdrm hM wllh 101ar Rare ...._ varclo agt lo--... .,, #r "'' ,... '-' ,..._ :11> pool and et>• on 2 ac1.. vet 4 Br, & epa -roun--•••••••••••••••••••••• Roollora, 1711-&000 w/4 atall barn. Llted dad by 'h mllllon I llou· !: IHI 161•11 f:ii~iii!~ii::I Arena. oak treH 1210, HI but priced under 114,1111 LR """1 "Now" & apaclcue Gar- den Vlllae w/floor to COl- llno flreplacu. HEAR BEACH. t . 2 & 3 Bdrme from 18<4 ,500. Balow market Int. rate allow• tor pymta •• low •• 1795 /mo. (E••Y Quallfylng). Pool. let1llle & MCUrlly gated prlvecy TAl<E ADVANTAGE OF THIS ONCE IN A LIFE- TIME OPPOFITUNITY Clrcle, Coeta MMe. Calllornta. Allllhelm, CalH0tni1, It Ronald Polo. an o e pe o · ....,.,..., =•,:!::': The undersigned hereby Dated: Seotemt>er 8, t082 and reports described In .... ,.._,,,.,.. ... dlsclalm• a ll lltblllty for any .,... Hll9e ~ S e c lion I 2 0 0 o I l h e 1·~ .. .._ "Si."'"'' lncctrect,_ In Mid ttrMt edd1"' C--etr Aunlitton, CaJifornia Probate Code. o~O::.'l'o. :;:; ' °' ott1er common det1Qna11on. UMe w.-.. JAC KS 0 N ., ID 0 ER •· om-."""'"' Said .... wlH be 11\ade without •TA'n Mc .... ~, ' ... "' ""''-"-"'•' w1rr1nty. upreu or Implied. COUNTY Of~ ) SUCKLING ~~·• lltM•1 regarding 1111•. pouHslon, or " 111 Newport C.tr. Dr. .. ... ~ ....... .,. encumbf-. lo Mllef)t Iha ptln-On September 8. 10112. t>elor• Sahe 1414 ...... ll•M•I• olpel balanc. of the Noe 0, otli· me, the undersigned, 1 Notary Newport Beacb CA HHO IUSINESS, lllYEST· ., ob119atlonlMCU(ed by Mid o..o Publlc In ind for Hid State. . O ' Co ut"T ni.aa""( u» •••••••••••••••••••••• 000 Call Pat, Agl 101 1200.000. 75t-31t1 = f!~.'!.'.t ........ !.~I •H••IMlll. brochu,.. t -874-3836, :: HLPll'I PllPlm• 1 _8_1e_-_20~14 ____ _ !: 111.L .. IE H Yr., ...... ., Have aomethln.t,to NII? :: Very excellent lioma In ~~r r':":e ' .. ~~o~ ;:;; 1 . Clualftod Ida 11 well. -ntc:. .,.. of Huntington lhope antlq 1 1 Beach. Nowl" painted, • ""· • c .... ' Owner wlll carry llnan- c:. ·' ' ........... ,.;,,,, . ~ ·~ .· of Truet wllh lnlerNt and othef per900lllly appMred Linda w .. 11111, Pubhshed range aat llRl'I , r- tum• ai provided therein. plus k,_ lo rne lo be AMI. S«:retMy Delly Pilot , Oct. 14, 15, 21, ==--= ICfvancea. " 1ny, under the twme of IM corporation t"-t uecuted the 1982 4535-82 '"''"'-"' ~ 1 ,. .. ,.tlnlshed kitchen cabl-clng for 25 yH11. Only neta. tqUMky c:1oon Bio. l t35,000. Call 75t-150t big roOfna, •II on nice °' 752-7373. llnd let T errlflc bUy It • t 111,000. Calf ~23 J3 lhareol and lnterett on 1uoh wlttlln lnelrument. tcnown to me to ..... ,_ .. v....... -=:.:~~ i:·:::J: ~~~e =~~h~ 9:.'tt'~ :~ MUC NOTICE 5E=}.~~~-: = ~ the trust• etMled by Mid Deed of c.orporetlon therein ntmeo. and YOt.I AM .. DCFAUl T ~--A ..... (M[llTS T1u11. The lotal amount of .. Id acllnowledged to me 11111 auch O.ID °' TMIST DA'BD AUGUST I · ' obllgatlon. lncludlnq IHIOfttbly co1p01etlon uecuted the within 11, 1ff2. UMLISS YOU TAKE PBSIMAlS & ullmaled reu. chargu and lnelrumant purauant 10 111 By•U.. ACTION TO ftROTICT YOUR LIST & FOU"I ex'*19M Of the TrutlM, el the time or a rHolullon of Ill Board ol ~RTY, rT MAY M MM.DAT A " of Initial publicetlon of this Notioe, ii Olrectort. ftUeL.IC SALi .• YOU ••o AN ~·-;:::·""'"'' 158.232.23. .Nie I. WllkJMefl IXl'LANATIOM Of THI MATURI ~•' "..,.., Detect: Oc1ober t2, t812 Aoot. Ne. m-11r1-. M n. NOCllDtNO AOA•ST '-!& ,_ ..-CAN CfTY aAMC, AU.DI AND PUTT YOU, YOU IHOULO COWTACT A :,:,~;,._ A .. ...-..__.._ .... IYM) 7121414 LAWYIR. T•••ol' ,.. r;;;,:' _,.,_ -~ 9tvd. NOTICE M TMl•TU'S HLE SEIYICES 9y: MA&L ••TA .... ••cu•1T ... hfle 171 T.S ..... ..., ~ ~ .. MJW1Ca, '"' " .......,. lleedl, ~ NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN, that ~·~· ~rt<1wr 1 C••• ,... __..,etteft, ... on Wedneedey, NovemtMor 3, 1912, OIPLOYMOIT & ... ~ Attenieye .., ~• HILU 11 9 00 o'dock • m. of Niki dey, In N£PMATIOll 0..1. , ... ~t ft l A N M I 0 C 0 II M U N I T Y Iha room Ml Mlde tOf conductlnQ ,.,._ 1..,,,..,..,.. -N. er,...... ASSOCIATION TrutlM't SalM, within t,.,. offk:M ol f~.W.,·::::.• Ila 6 r Santa Ana. CA 92708 Publlthed Orange Coa11 Diiiy REA l EST ATE SECUR ITIES • (714) 9~t0 Piiot, sec>t. 23, 30, Oct 7, l4, 1992 SERVICE, located II 2020 Norlh MHCHAllllS( Publlthld Ora11i• Cotti 0111y 4231-82 Broedwey, &.11• 208, In the City or ,...,_ "-"' Piiot Oct t4 21 2 "'"2 Santi All8. County of Oraoge, Slate -'--• · · ' · 1'"' fUlllC NOTICE of C1111ornl1 , REAL !STATE A.,,.,; ... _________ 4_53_7_·_82 SECURITIES SERVICE. I Calif0<nle Awt- Nollce 11 herat>y given that corporation, H duly appointed ..,kt•'!! u~,,,.1, NlJC NOTICE MOTICa TO CMDfTOAS MllUU~ ,.._ ,,.,~,.., u.c .c.) Nolle• It hereOy given to c1tdllor1 of th• within nemad 1ran1feror that a bulk 1ren1le< 11 about lo b• "'•d• on personal prOP8f1Y herlllnlft• dwctlbed. The -and tiu"'-addr-of the Intended Ir"""'°' arr. ART FOR DESIONER8, 2915 E. Radlllll Avenue, Coile M•H. Clllltomle '2627 The loc.elon In Cellt«nil of 1he chief 8X*:Utl..,. office or principal bu1ln•H office of 1h• Intended lrarm.tOt lee SAME. All other butlnHa name• end llddt-uMd by Ille Intended lllllllfol'Ot wtltlln t.hrM )'Oef'I IU1 ptet 10 far •• known t o Ille Intended tr_f.,... arr. NONE The ,_ lllld Ouw-addr- of Iha lntend9cl I<.....,_ arr. COMMONWEAL TH BANK, 3000 W. TruslM under' and pursuant to lhe ""-·-El s.gunc:to Bou....,wd, Hawthorne. pow•• or 181• conte11ec1 In 111a1 c.-, .. 6 ~, .... M Clllfornll 90250. ,... llled w11h the C*'lllln Deed of Trust uac:uted by ~:'~ f'ederal Oapo11t lnturence NAM V4N NGUYEN and TFllNH 01 t'WM .. • Corpo1ellon, an appllct llon to LUONG, hutt>tnd and wife, :::;::.;,..,_. et1ebll1h • Branch. w111c11 racorded Al.lout! t2. 19&1, In BOOk J.-.t'lry appllcallon w" 8CC41Pled 10< Hllng 14177 of Olllcial R«:ord• or Mid IJ•-k on Seotembet 2t, 1982. County, et page 1781, Aeccrder't ::,~1=.,.. The pe<manenl locltlon 01 Ille lntttvment No t37N. by ,_.. of ._._ ........ p1opo••d brenc h It 18862 a brMCl'I or default In payment 0< a ..... .i a..u-"'• MacArthur Boute1111d, Ir vine. partormanc• or the obllgetlona ~n:-""'"6 i:,. ... , Callfornl• 02715. Hcured thar•by, lncludlng that ~-.~ !..°' •• ••-~• Any ,.,_, wltf'llng 10 comment bfMdl of"' delautl, Notice of wtllc:t\ ;;..,;:.~~. on thlt appllctllon m•y Ille hit w11 recorded July 7, t882, H -.--·•liar comments In writing with the Re c ord••'• Intl rumenl No s..T-•H,-.. _.,. fleolonat Director ol the Federal 12·234557. WILL SELL AT PU8LIC • .._ .,_,,. Oepoaltlneurtina.Cori>otlllonellll AUCTION TO THE HIGHEST • llAJS&Mlltll( Regional Office. 44 Montgomery BIDOEFI f'OR CASH, lawf\JI money (9'1rllr"'T StrMI, Sulla 3e00, S.... Franclacc, of Iha United Stat ... or t caehlet'1 "-II "" Callfornie 94104 ~ dr'.wn on a 1111e or natlonal -· •-...,.,.., tt llf'/ person deal<" 10 prot•t bank, u ttat• or led•tal credit -..ae..-,..,, the llfllllllflo of lt\lt applicatlon he union, 0( 8 tlet• Of ledefel llvtf'loS :::: :::.ff('l\.nH hu • rlghl to do so II he lllet • and !Oen ...oclltlon domlclled ln -·.s.o w<llttn nctlea Of his Intent with the thla ttate, all paytble et the time of -. 111.,. ~· ~ Director wltlrin 15 d1ys of ..... en tight. tltle and 1n1er .. 1 held =-=: 1 the dale of Iha lest publlclllon of by It, H T1utlee, In that re1I Tl'-•T'TI .. thlt notice The nonconfldenllal PIOP811Y lltuale In Mid County and -. 11 pottlonl OI Iha applatlon ere on State, Oeac:flt>ed " lollowll. Al<tT•l'I THE REAL ESTATERS LOOK Fo r our new regular WMlllyfMlure IOIT SIOW- -1 CASE evory S1turd•y'n th• Del Plk>t OleMifled• Walker & lee •11 -· Hlghly upgraded four bedroom home. Conve- nient loelllon Owner wtll help flnat\08. Juel redue--191• 11119 4 llNlll :&.1sooo. Now 1 t,20. , .. ., Pllllll l&LI 111·lMO -Eaceltont 2 at°') home ~~~;~~~ii:~! •ie with generoue 1l:t•d Ii 111m room• throughout. FM-2 llll llWPT It I : mal nv1ng room, crac:k-Charming 4 er. & !amity omo I llng tlrepl-. l>IO m .. ,., rm 2 brick 11,.placH . ' ail 1ufte. be11 buy In the countty kitchen, quiet =11.,..1. Ta;•t:dvantage retldentlal arH In mo- .,. -laE! !I tov. down. 1229,ooo. -~ d.,n tract by Buccola ~I = :wm. o-.... .:r :• •Uw.T• = ., .... = ........ ,, .• -39 BALBOA COVES, 3 bdrm -2 bath. NOW FIEOUCEO TO J.4tg,0001 ... Ill .. ,.,,, = IUl.Tll/ .... -•lla..1111• =~~~ T/\ YI .OH c '( > 111,111 MWI 1111• 111111 ASSUME 1 U50% VA, tat Of $97,500, 2nd, IOO. Lovely 4 bdrm, family room. Mini condition. AfSIOFNrtAl MAI ESfATE SEtMCES Ltll ISU S1MO,otl Outstanding 40 ft bayfront location with view of main turning basin. Remodel or have builder-owner constru ct your dream home! Price Includes plans, permits & coastal approval for 5319 sq ft home. IN NEWPORT CENTER 644-9060 LIDO WATERFRONT REDUCE DI Owner wlll ..... tor taooo. ,., '"°""' or IHH/optlon or Hll for SH0,000. hcUfftr buldfnt wtttt 2 Md i deft on OMlowl.Vu • bMtlMp ..... -WAff-Rf RONT HOML~."< llt \I 11111' '4t.. "'"•••h t•_,.,.,.,, "•...,_.,.-., • ..,... ·-11., '-.,.... ..... 131·1400 CENTURY 2t . ........ ..., .......... I 13g,900 -5 'ff old, 3Bt 2'h ba llotne w/lam rm t1plc. Mt,000 IOM, H · eome " 9'A%. St07.000 avellabl• at 13'1. 542.1oeo mu m11 3t13 MADIERA 4 BDRM 2 BATH ApprallOd at l140K Owfl8I' "'4111 ... 1 t261( , "g• st-2t:s--g21-eoo1 •WPllT UIUll An.II llYUllTll ...... WI 1111,1111 .. 1. lllJ MOd•rn. detached hm. unlquely dHtgned Oy Tiie MHlera of tndocr/ outdoor environment. LIO"' and airy lntarlor w/akyllghtt. 3 garden atrium•. beamed cel-llngs, king el:ted bdrme, lamlly room w/bar a wait• or Q1M1 to ~lloe Enjoy aun •II day on "Prlvll• Root Sund4K:k" . Only I t0,000 down & I t385/mo pymlt. II )'OU are loolllng IOf 1 UNIQUE HOME AT A STEAL. we'vogotttl CENTURY 21 . ....... ..., 141.flll ., .... " knockl often wtlon you UM rMIJll-oet'tlng Dalt)' Piiot CIHalfled Ad• lo rMCll Ille Orange Coat rn.w11et. Phone 542-54178 AICt1AAO R_ CELEl<eTIC and JEAN CEL.El<ETIC. 29t5 ~ Aec1t111 Avenue, Cotta a.leu. C1lllornl• '2827 That the property perlln•nt haleto It detlc;ribed In generet .. : .. Inventory ol art Md lramrno. all furniture, flxturea, ofllc e equipment. llHll., unll1. and It located al: 2ttll E. Aedtllll A-. Coeta Meaa, Oallfornll 02t'Z7. n1e 1n Iha Reok>nlll Otta u ptrt or Loi O lnclutlv• of Trect No. ='it'.• 11•• the pubflo file ma1n111neo by lh• t0370, In the City of lrVlne, as per =~ Corl>ot•llon. Thi•,... 11111ellat>le IO< map Ned In 8oolt <472, Pagee t8 to ·-H111• ~tn:::a· publlc Int~ during regul1r 20 lndu.iv. of M~ Maips, R_...n .... :111 It's gol -ls :::• lou'll move It ::: aster In a ::: Dally Pf lot LlllY llYDI -~.~!.'/f~!. ... !.'!tf l~~ ... !.'!tf ~!.'l~ ... !.'!tf ~ tlour't. rec ords ol Orange County, A~~~~''.,., Publlllled pur1U1nl to Section Calllornl•. Tiie tlrMI addrns or -;-u ,u,.•" Ill[ 303, 14(1>)( t l ol the RulH and othef common dnlgnallon ot the 11111 Aegulatlone Of the Fedelal o.potit real property h erelntbova 0-.•I ·. :: classff led ad.call 642·5671and a friendly ad-visor wtll hetpyouturn OOHOOS - 1. 2 0( 3 bdnne. Alt tenna lnctudlng VA. FHA t I•••• op II on. Prlca1 ran~ from 119,500 10 1239.000. C1tll eoonl 17$-5370 The bu*-name UMCI by the Mid tr.,,.._or ot Mid IOclllon It: lneutance Corporation. detc:tlbed 11 purported to be 18 ~-,ca .. ,, .. CommonwMllh 8lnlt Ftalnel.,., lfVlne, Callfofnl• ~-::.:~::J:" •It ... -ART FOFI 0£8IOHERS. Thal H id bulk 1ran1rer 11 Intended IO be ooneumm8'ed et tt1a oftloe Of: STUART A. Mcl<EHZIE, 18t28 M•c:• Street, 201. Hunttngton • California 02&4t on 0t llfl• OotC>Mr 2t. 1182. By: Jemea 0. McCool Th• undersigned ll•reby i'W .... 10<1• .. n1 Vice Praaident. dltclalmt all ll ablllty for 1ny ~ ---CHlllet" lncotrectneae In Mid lttMC addl-"_..,. .. ,., Publltlled Or1nge Co111 Dally or othet common ~. """'" W'•A1t11 .... = r.ourwheels ntoc•lll. \(>Ill tll:lf1 Piiot. Oct. t<e, 21, tH2 Siie Ille wlll be ma~ without AfflS, lllNITH 4!\09.-8? w11r1nty, ••PrHt 01 fmplled. C-•I regarding tltle, pouHalon. or ~!:. "-• encumorancat, to 1atl1fy Ille Aw4.,. I&.•'-• prlnolpal b1l1noa of th• Nol• 0< Hw • , 1 ••1 ', I Thia tMlllt lranetw I• IUbJect lo Callfornla Unllorm Comm•rclal Code Sec11on 810t. The natM and addr•• of the ,.,._, with wflolll olallN may be llled It STUAAT A. MoKENZIE, 11128 Ma=.• lttHI. 20t, Huntington CellfOtnll 92848, and ftl8 leet day IOI ftllnQ clllm1 by W1Y creditor ellell be 6otober 21J, t882, ~ It Ille butlnnt day .... ore Iii• coneummauon d•I• ....... ..._. OMod Oc10bal' 13. 1te2 Alcflard A. Cefeqtlc Sy: Sluert A. Mct<enale Attorney In Fact Intended T,.,.,.. Pul>llWled Or•nee COHt Dally Piiot, Oct. t~2 4~ Ml.IC llJTICE . ...,. ftc:TITIOUI .,_ •• NAMI ITA'nmNT The toflooiotng peor~ era dOlng ~ .. : I EL NOFITE/BROAOWAY ASSOCIATES. "13 Corpo,.le Plau, Sulla 200. NewpOt1 Belch, Callfornil t2teo Stephan C . HOplo.lne, • t3 Corpor•t• ftlua, Suite 200. Newpotl e.am, Celltwnle John 0 . Hopkin•. 2442 C-t Elden AYanua, Oottt MHt, Cellfor!1ll t2127 (pannar) ,redetk* J. Stemmler. 31102 Senta Merowtt• Plllee, San Juen C1111lel1et19. CA. t2t75 (pannet) Dlvtd" 8. 01t11110f), 23321 Via Rondal MIHlon Vlefo, Calllornlt "8JC llJT1C( tatt1 ,.,,.,.,) ITATWOP ••• mar••IT oeir:..~4~-by I °" .,. °" •. .,,.,.., ~"" PICTmOUI .,.... .... Thlt N1omon4 wM fltect with Iha Tli• to110 .. 1n1 oer1on1 ha.a County Clttk of Orange Count~ on IMndo!IOd "" i-. °' "" tlalltlolle OCtooer .. 1182. ""*-IWftO; ,...,. YAU.l YllTA llTATU. '°'° P111>lltfled Qranoe Coe•• 0'61Y '!!!!..Roeld, CoMa ...... CelltOrnie ftllol. Oct. t<C, Jt, II, Nov 4, ttlt ~--. "2M2 T ... f'lotltloua 8u1lnH1 Name - ,.,.,," to above ,. .. med In ft1LJC .. °'T.::1.:: ~a1:i1tt1 ==r ic.-.(T ......... .-..1(.ll).1 ....... CCI'.'~· -... "" ........ .,.. -... COlta...., ~ .... ..--. '8! TNl IMllnW • ooi d' _. ~ e . _. OONNA,',...!E=:,'"!~G. ...,,........ HIWICI. .. ....... _, T................ No. ti, ...... AM, CA tl10 . ~~ OONNA L llCK, H7 W. ==-=-r.=-~7~Np.11 ...... AM, '1111 =•II w ...... N OONNA MoOLILl.ANO, IH CIMltlf .. 0.-.. c.., .. • ..... .,, .... , ltnta An•. OA °""9 •• ..... "107. ---.. .......... ~. ............. DllNL .... ""'•"-----= ... 1. .. ,..o.,. .. ... ,, •••••• Ot.. .... a.. "'f!!!.... ""' ......... '-. '· 'ii11ii'I .... ...., .. other Obllglllon MCUted by Hid ~ Deed of 'fru•I. with tntweit and ~ other turne H provided lllefeln; 0ou ... plut 114vtner9e. It any, under Ille ''"'" •-lher9of and Int•• on IUOtl Z. edvanc.a. alld plut 1 .... charoea '••••• and 8XP'M" Of lfle TtUet• and of ~=•~\'h•• the In.ta O'fllted by Mid Deed of L<.-1•' n--T rull. The total amount of Hid 11•"'- 0bllflllon, lncludln9 rnton•bly :~""" 8e•• ~ orier... and_,.... of a<l1 Ille Tll.llltM, If the time of lnftlel ~I PUbflcetlon of Ihle Notlee. la .... • ..,.., • 7H.70, .... ::: Oeled Oc1C>Mr It tN2. 11-· RIAi. laT A Tl alCURITllS ::'!.._, .. llfMCI. ~! • Callfornle '"''""••, H cc,,. _... ...... ~=····· ,,.. :1-::;:::::::::;~1w~ .. ~~W1U~!ua~1[I 111ul• Lovely 4 ldrm 2 Ba ~It For Ad Action :r kit~: .::i=::. 111• Cll Allklno a "t,too. Mall• = I an offer. Ut-7370, ~ Daly Plot 54&-7aa ::: Al). VIS(I '1Q ::: 642·5611 ::~ ~~ .... ------11111 --- :; ""' a.'"*' AtJ 11111 ACTION -"" ft'll rlU call. ~= M2-M71 TR\DI 11( I\ \I "'' \I I) r.r~;,~· ~· Ii~~.... ~ . ._..AM.CA .. (114) ..... anes... ~;:::::;:;:::::;:t~;;;~~~I PlllllllMCI OranQe Coan Delly 1:-11 -• Piiot, Oct. 14. 21. 21. 1182 AITIS, ISO •• -...... -Q.IR'CJ ~ .... -_ J;~ fM:l.e ... ..., •IQH2 ~~··· ~ ~· ~~ Cit J:;(/9;, PWLIC llDllCl ... ,~ C ..., .. .., ",... __ ....... __ PEmMM.,.... ~~ •• •t:·:-tt:" .,=. = _. e'TA,_y .,.,,,~'::. = ._ • ._ ._ _.. _. ~ '°':'" pertone .. dOlnO =.-.. . .. ·.;. = I A " 0 • I ' I <Al ""''c,0111v °' OINTA\ -1-:-= , 1 1 1 r 1 llffitCll: (II DOI, MN ._, • . • _ ="'· H11nt1n1ton hKllJ C,t ... -~AAY T. ICHMIOT DOI. INC.. II I· I u • 0 " 1 ,. t· C111fofnla corcr:~~ni!: It. I I I I l =-"°9d, • CA l~Molo • • • • Gl.OMI WUTON MADOO>C. -= I L A ' I A I ::.:n ... ~'=·"""· "°·'°'·I... · =• r 1 1 1 11 ..::, =...-:-.:.:. fllla~•-·--:r.:_.......... . ----........ -.. ............ =:-:r:: ... --IOfl ·~====""'·11 I ~-m:-.. • .. =.·~·-s Gery T ......_, DOI I ..... .. Ille. ~.,,....... =-.......... ,... -a:;e;:-:&.:-,...~er.: ~--.,~:::.· °" :i'-~Oii.i "'·=-°'.... ,..,. ......... 111,'91 ""'· .... to. Oil. '· t =~!!=:!!!!l~!!;!!!~!!!.!~~~!!,!!!!!.!! PREVIEW NEW LISTINGS BALBOA ISLAND OPEN HOUSE FRIDAY 10-2 111 I. a., ,,... -magnificent two story villa w/pler & sllp is richly adorned with stained glass, Italian chandeliers. designer wallcoverings. unique carvinp & fountains. A park-like piaua lntroduces this 14-room waterfront showplace offered at $1,600,000. 1111 I. 11J Pr..t -Excellent South Bay view, corner location. Three bedrooms. three baths. w/shared pier . Flexible terms at $1,100.000. 111 l•J• -100 block loc:aUon near South Bay. 3 Bedroom, 2 bath home with a 1 Bedroom, l bath apartment. Flexible terms will exchange for c:ondo In Carlsbad, Lake Marcos aru. Priced at $549,000. OTtlR EXCLUSIVES SHOWN BY APPOIITTINT 111 larHt -Duplex, cannot be duplkated \oday, 4 Bedroom upper, 3 Bedroom lower. Prime 100 Block location near South Bay on Quiet part of Ialand. Gre•t opportUnity, $895,000. • ••11i -Honw plus lncome1 3 btdC"OOm home near NOl'th Bay Front with 2 Bedroom aperimenl. Owner will .-., .in ttnanctnc. mo.ooo. 111 leral -Thl'ft bedroom home, lar1e fixed rate private~ an.no polnta. no qualifyina. 25 yr. amor\. T....iully ........... w/vtew Miii' N. Bay rt.Jn,, Mow-in Condlttan ..... . 111 ..... -....,_Opp, "SWWll N Tr.ta" 8aMry n Candy Stant wtth flXtww. inwn10ry, end a 1991' ----· . •••••••••••••••••••••• c.,,..... "" ..... , .......••.••.... """' .... ,. Upgtaded 3 ldrm, pool l'lome neu PrOl>OHd 1>1rk, plu111 oarpetl, greenhou11 window• Try 112,000 down, Al· lllf\O I I 17,500. Milla OI• fW . '"'' Mf..0109 Owner. 4 bd. 2000 tQ ft. AMITI loen, OWC 1133. 900. 3106 MoKlnley. 5"5.V •"7. ~· Oraoge Coa1t DAILY PILOT/Thuraday, October 14, 1882 R11I E1tmt11 ~~!!~~.{'!.~(1 ....... ~.~l!!!.tt ... : ~ ,~ ....... ,.,.i,w .. ,.._,~ ,,. "-1 Lut lllf #111111 ••H ,. • .,;j •••••••1.··~; •••••••••""•••••••••• •••••••••r:r.r.~ •• • ••• ••1• ••• ••• .,,.,,.,,, ••••m •• ur......... ,., ,.,, 11,, ......... , •••••••• ~7 C11J• .,.. 1,114 •1n•• u•f ,.,._, 11.i.nllt" ,,.,__,.,.M ,,.,__,~ llWPMT ••• 7 •••••••••••••••••• ., .. ., ....... ••• •••• •i•••••• ·"'91• ;· •••••••••••••••• rr.; ,. 1• .r:-1111 •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••• :n .... :r •••••••••••• -::r::it.:'T•••••••• •111~1 ltHllHf Pll't Avallable now llrlo .. 3~";.!:n:• Anl ::0''· 1 B••ul. decor Turtlef*' •••• !Jr:fPll •••••••••• ,.,._. f.•1• m-M~ ...... ,.. 20••1 w/enctoeecl potell rtnte from t800 t o m0 641-4~1 yw 'l 760 view '1ome , 2 mHter OCIANFAONl 21 I ,,.Jal•M Jiff •••••ue';'i••••••U.''U ...,) #41 ::r .. sKTZIS ·LL THll 2 IA. 2 le. Cornet lot, 11100. 01 11 lor de11lll • ~i-:oe;ic93~t:2~ Agl nllhed wtntet "1u'e,;::,· ;•h•1••••••••••••••••• l.afge 3 Ir. 2 II TOWf\• •••••••••••••••••••••• "" r,denhomeln 1ion11n1.,1ors Tllllll tn. OOMnlron,•avllla«lte. • ... Ull UY • · e7f.5l02 · ••r Y 1 Ir carpet•, llOUM In qui.e COfl'll)le•. 0..•PoC*lda•trawoe backbay. AlllUf'M 1120. e .. 1 Eluy In Town VtrHAIH/ ..... _.__ .. bdrm 3HO .. "" -dr ape•. no pet• large poof, oar~ .... 2br a be bkne d.-N 000. AU Aodgere, 11'40·3931 Furnl*.._.. It I -ool, dbl Qlfluga, mod ftl.ul t.Ht 1.141 .. Ir 2 81, acrOH fr om l•H IMO 97&-teOe ting H 75. 80·Ut1 1i,t'm11eablilCtl Nol*•' .. ._ ur1 n guard .. • ••••••••••••• •••• 1and lllieorly w111i.w of s 876-&t•I ' llOO/-...... _ ...... 2 Af~f J.t ,., '"' gatad commun117 w/ i•rO, 5 nm•. opt/bu~. HAAIOA OCIAN ,AONT ocean se.40 840 0340 ludlo apt, 1360/mo, utll. · __ ..,..,,_-·_...,.._....;.....~.;:;_-.. 0.. ••••••••!•••••• men y 1men11 •, ~5. IHI. 039·819 , Nu 3200' lu• l'lm Ori btutt. ' • lnol. 111 & 1111. Aft a E'elde 1 I r Iba, pool, Wtt9'.MI OVEANMENT I.ANO IHI/mo. I. Many olh«t •val· 190 d•O YU Of lllrbOt, OCl!ANF'AONT, DtLUXE wt<dye &93·8221 l aundry. N o p all . 8plQ 1 ' 2 .,, lo I Sold tor 11tow••17.llO larfreat Ott,I/ lable. 111rt, mint, 3br, 3b•, Furn, Quiet, lrg. winter; 2 CtHa•" I• UU 1315/mo 133·7110, pin .. a etrHm'• :!l ; n : c re . For 1 r1 t o l•frt •II""-2 br, 1 b• du· ,••curlly. tauna. •P• rentll• 97~oee. •••••••••~••••!••••••• 8"8-19"7 gate•, entry lly ~one. ..... 12/ 88·43•7 Ext. JL·19 On Lido PIU'k Orl\19, I.Ir• pie•, encl, g91', PV1 yard, 18()()/mo. •N·7009. t!e I I"/#, ,111 1nn Tl tlUI ~ 1 Br. w/Gaf809· No lge reci area lncf. gyM, . \ Rr!M~ MWI A,.rt•1at1 oe 2 Bdrm~den. teeurlty ~00 P;~•eJ::g :111:9: EMEAALO BAY 3 br, 2 •~'f.!, •• ~ ••• f!....... Many amenltlH 1nolu·~pe11 .... 10/mo. pool I•· MH. Hf LEASE OPTION tlllt /e1 ,,, 1 ''" bldg. 12000/mo wk d bl lllOO IQ. ft. lrpl, brl<:k ~CHn view, bHutlfully ding view• from oeck, M6·5577 2 1 3 8dfm apti. Avi ll. gorgeou• 3. Bdrm den 1•••••••••••••••••••••• Waflrfrelt..... n 1' patio, wllh •Pl 119oo. ~· ~0S:~1:01~1,e~~~~· !1ikl, •to. · • E·SIOE. 941nny 2 8r -:-lmm4Mllataly. 1626-t&&O. Ulfllll condo In CLIFF'HAVEN. WT l.M. llft.U 111·14" L. .... /OC>llon, 2 br, 21!1 bl 2131178-2255· 873-0194. ..,'L,8'ge 2 Br 2Bl.1825 raga. deck. 1 ooi:!. Frpkl, d/w, garage. No 1111.L -................ ••• ,, ..... ,_,,-.. ~•. -·· ' -· , ... ~. , •• , •• ........ cu• , ,m•· ' •· ' ••. ... ... ... .......... • " •.• ".. • " •. Com•'""' "mod .. •d "O ,, ... °"~ l142.000 •• !~!~ •.• 1/!f :t.:' .m~. igootmo. + ........ f'' ,...,, 8"' ~~•~••••••!!.!1 C• 11 .• "'•on' d 'Yo ..... 2 9' ' Ba. ln<llY 1m. ..._ .... -·· M ... Ind decorated. 2 Bdrm 2 I.I. Ptl lltnll Br. 3 11. Datl Din 0 ., ~~r· ~·rig. Av~I 1 18· E.llda, eunny 1rg 1 Br. ulll. 842-11757, evH & wknd• d•hwehr. We1111oe 3Br, 2'1t81. trplc: dbl pr. •MESA VlAOE 3Br , pool/ ape, 11•9,900. A .. eumable IOM, 545-HO• batll 11ome on R-2 lot. 1 yr Oki. 2 2·b0 unite, 'A no pe11. I 1o&eii mo' u f •Br. 28•. av111 Nov 1. ..94 ,.1 .. :. 'o'n'.. .. , 8 112..5 paid. teno. yrd, u oo. 831·8830. l•Hlmo. Av111. 11 .a : I W/O hook-up. ii60 mo. New aarthtone Clfpell blk 10 ocean. No down Coral. 2131395-3611. $750 mo. 111 & 1111 req ..., ., ""' ·-8'48 ... 13' f.46-M25 964-<..W. 1·82'-300' uMd brick llr~.O.. a1i poHlble. We can de11 Fa,nlly pref 851· 1789 LHH or IHH Option. O.nt lwr/llMAntltlr w 1 private 2 er 2 Be n-kltch41n and batll•. lllfPI ....... ~~.:9'::Y' 6"0-781• or D.H ltl 1 3lll New uec l'loma. 3Br, F~~~ ~:.dr;,,0•~·:~1s;.e1~ Tiit Shore• In bHullful Lll•Y.... un~ encled .,90 • 2 Franch door• and huge -•••••••••!'•••••••••••• vi.w. 12000/mo. ,4genl. 2110 Newport Blvd CM CdM llH 1 & 2 bdrm 2 Br. 2 Ba. lnctudlng 2 bloe'k• from :J: waier yard. A•eumabl• lln•n· You OWfl the land. 2.000 D•~lllfl/ lrll• llW .... , •97·1761 .... 8...... IPll lor rent. Call Helen car garage w/opener, I 16251 mo M0448CI · .cing avllllable. Owner wlll IQ tt 3Br tarn rm 2'"' u '"'"' Olb90fl, 8"•·2811. wood burning trplc, moa1 -...,...--· -----alto cor1llder leaM ""· s. ' ' ' -.Jt1 111 1411 1111 Oar1e Point. Walking di.. W•HI MU.HJ 3ZSZ u 11 11 p 11 d v I• w o 1 I Nr a.aeh. 3 bd Ht. bl I -~ t ~F O~bel1. near •••••••••••••••••••••• ··~to 8elCh 3 and .... , ••••••• ,........... aw IE HI . I . . ton. Hurry, won't IHI. poo. ., below market Hnl TU UILTU r1•l•••l1 J'-1 bdrm• $950 to S 1350 BCH tennl1. pool, grd'd ALL UTILITIES PAID • I lllMI. 11r .. m1 & 1¥•terta111. crptt, drP•. bllna. frl>I. ~;f, ~ '". •Oo. Con ~"·:"· ,'Z"' -... r• lmllllm ••••••••••. •••••••!.'!• "" mO oe 1_, ,00 •"'" bd.2 .,, 1mmoo t.,., ,. • ._ .., •II• :0,~ ,;,.. I t 00 o • 11 ~ :: I 050. C• u l~~on~.~~'~· ~·~-0~13~·~~ 8 C bike 10 B@ach 2 bd 1 831-1293. Compare before you encloHd g1rtge, fir•· ~,,.------------------I· 1n lemente pride ot bl wlretrlg 11'ove 0 ·., HouH · Condo • Apt. All L 1 c piece, patio, bit In•. 2 Br t'lt Ba. No p111, 1 bd, blln1. erpll, d1p1. ~HERITAGE REALTORS llAlllllUHI •1111-J HUPIJlllll .... Thia bright & ChHry Garderl Vl"-lend• llMll to hlgh·•tyle living w/ tuxurlout earth tone car· pellng thruout. BMutlf\11 well co-ordinated win: dow treatrnenl9 & 1n ... llYe king "2e bdrm• tll ... In prime IOC.llon. A rMI gem of .a buy at the low price of SH,000. S5000 mo.,.. you In w/ low monthly pyml9 of S71 t. HU RRY -wor1't IUITIUIJ.J owMrlhlp, modern Si:i•· l8So mo. v'rty. 1neluc:1n • v • 11 • b I e no w ove~ ap1clou1 3Br. 3B1 ~;n,. u11$m 0 .. 1gr1 otrpell ar1d drap... 1•50/mo for 2 I*'°"'· I frpl, er1c gar, wld hkp, r1l1h 11yl1 .. unit apt. •II utll1 No pell $850 ·195 0 Ptwono11"11·~.pV12 mcoml lmoubncflhy .. co1'udre1. ool, bbQ. Quiet atrMI 11100 per 7 511 W. 18th St . patio, em yd .... 95 Ctll lllYIAR• hOUN with oc.afl/hlllt & 835-5"•5 . 7 t•l•93..0•87 v v , g1r1ge, eurroun-6•6·9507 536-0921. ~ golf courM vt-. CtoH • B -S800 mo 499·1101 ded with ptulh landec•· mo. ~~-------1,1. '11W t o everything, only 3 Ct1•a• ''' #11 3111 Hll•flf• Ml J ping. No pet•. HARBOR REALTY SPACIOUS 2 Bd. 1 Ba, Av1ll now 1 Br t B1. STEAL THIS CAPE COD y11r1 old & 1how1 llke •••••••••••••••••••••• lllt:i 3Z40 II•• Vl1fa.. 3111 I BR. Fum 1515 873 • 44 00 Beam eellinga. MIY. bar, up1talr1 apt, d•w•hr, BEAUTY. EJC_pinelve 4 NEWI New own., could paclou1 • bd, 3 ba. In •••••••••••••••••••••• •••HOME.FOR.RENT••• 385 w. Wlleon 8•2·1971 Wood c1b., no P•••·l pr1111t• patio. tingle o•· Bdrm, ,POOL home occupy 3 Bdrm., 2 bath Spyg1111 All amer1IU11, •11211 J II• 3 Bdrm 1725 Fenced # tJ N tBr. no pell, r10 garage, $4 76. 2258 Maple .. raga. No pell, water PRICE REDUCED $130. city & oe .. ,, vi.w apt. II 11750. mo 759·1015. 3 lull bllh•. multl !amity yard & 'oar•o• Kid• & ••• _, • $550 mo. Av111 Nov 7. 548·7356 or 873-8803. p I I d . s 8 0 0 / m 0 . 0001 MUST SELL. ... 95. appllcabl• & re nt the Br, 2'"' Ba. F.R .. o.R., & OK Fr pie ln•ld•. pool pell welcome &°•5·2000 •• ~~t .•...•... 1.~~! 1_8"-=-•·:- 7 .,..809 ______ 2 Br 1 a.. 22•8 Canyon I 5 •&-2<>00. Agent, no IM. 000. RAE RODGERS. other 3 apar1m~11 for view. Comrn pool, ten· loo Beet, 539-1890 Cot. I Agent, no IM Jll 11111¥1 m 2 bd, Iba, gar, lrpl. Or upetalre, no pel•. MM .. I WILi 131·12e8 Income. Seller wl""help nl1 $1500 mo owr1 Sh 2 BR S8001 1430/ o SI M tln1net & SAVE buye r 759'.8006. . r al~rbpltn1 poocolndSo550. 1 lly, .,,, .. ,, lf1t:i Jiff S..Utllul & patk Ilk• with 8•1-1391 andm:..o "76" 6"1·t;';i. lfrl gml. Lrg 2 BR townhouee thou1a nd1 o t ~rel · · mo. •••••••••••••••••••••• terraced poo1 "' "' apt•. end pr. ffplc:. New REDUCED klling price Elegan13 bd, t1m rm, pl'VI g111 540·1158, Hk for HARBOR VIEW HOMES •Private Pitioe Duplex: 2Br 2bl, frplc. 1535 Dllplex/1580 HOUM Hur1t. Hrbr. from 16•6. of 1295,000.00 11 way eommunlt y Step• to ave 3 Bdrm, expanded Car· •CoYered Parking view, 1hr w11h/d ryr. 1325 Beh/Opr1 10~ Chlldren OK. 14o-ell07 .. BELOW currant replace· 1 p ool. Spo & Tennl•. Jutt look 11 thl• llnar 3 BR ~~~:: 1V~-200~mo. Ccpat11· •Spaclou• Apll 1800/mo. 6"8·0883 333 E 2111 St. #78or30 2 Br 1 Ba patio, 11., no .,.,./..,.rllf ment co11111 Prlnc1p11 1 1250 mo lmmed. 1111 1525 mon1111y Kida Agt OerieHHI S.-2•8079 •01r1lngAr.. eves , ___ 8•_s._8_10_3_1e.-_M_5'9 __ . pell. Beach. warner. 3 Br, 2'/t bathe, famlly ONLYlll C•ll owner at oecpncy. 8 15·27.-0. 1re OK. Good Nie area •w1111 1n CfoMll 2 br, ' be, c1rpo11, trplc:, L.arge t BR 1 B•. Quiet & 1•50/mo. 1•7 ·89•8. rm, pool. Buy $75,000 <71•> Brand •pinking n-eve· at Beet, 539·8190, Co91. TIE lllffl •Home Ilk• Kitchen• OW . yard . ..,..o pell. Hcure. refrlg & etove. 948-IM01 below market at 1225. 64 rywllere. 3 bdrm. 2'A b1. HOMES FO 1 blk to Huntlng1or1 $850/mo. 559-0265 S•10. 7ll0·8378 ---------000. Private pany, pr1n. 2-0138 Gar•~· patio. ll,OOO · R RENT 3 Bdrm 2ba, •pot1e11. Clflter. 1r1neport1Uon & , _______ ;___, _________ _i clp111 onl 662 7387 mo 7 I I ••1 •ee 3 & 4 Bdrm, 1725 to $1250/mo lrwy1 Lg 2Br, 2B1. lrpl<:, 1 par· CONDO 2 bd. 1'i't ba, w/ y • . . ,. •. .... • 8, $750 . Fenced yard• & mLmll Pill kl I 838-0784 n7 2233 673-~99 ng tp, NO PETS. 1700 rpl, pooll 1825 mo. 11t & -· lat:t•I ,,. .. ,,. ZllO · · o•r•o•• Kid• & pell 2 Bdrm, 2bl, bllutllul Bd mo. 111 & 1111 + $350 lut $200 eteeolng dip. Wiil 1111,IOI •••••••••••'"•••'••••.. BARGAIN RENTALS welcome. 545·2000 1dul1 unit 1 1200/mo. 1 rm From 1515 relundabledep Qualified 982·9757. TW •• ' .. ' Wiil 1r1de dbl wide moblle 2 br 1 ba 1800/mo. Ager11 , no tee. Call Hol1teln Realty 2 Bdrm 1815 1pp11c1 "11 0 n 1 y 1:--:--------l 11100 Pll ... home &/or 3Br llOUH 1 b I b $700/ 760-8816 or 64•·9152 LA QUINTA HERMOSA 875 657 Lge 2 bdco luu. View to P1lo1 Verd.. Tustin tor panlal dwn 1n'. 2 b~ 1 b: $500/:!:~: •1421 2 II le•t* T Bl If 18211 Perk•lde Ln, 1 blk 1~-:::--·-1 ________ 1·1...;;._B_R_l _B_a_, -.,..-c-l_g_at-. _p--Jvl LIW •I LIW Pnl'Tll with br .. thlllklng night come property. (714) 2 t>r 2 bl e1g Cyn 1 1050 2 bath, b1leony, vi-. • ht u s: 3 Bdrm condo, W 01 BMel\, 3 blk• S. 2 Br 2 B1. So. of PCH, .L' llghl panorama. Exeeu· 557.9390 M FergulOfl & Hlhn R.E. l1m dwell, encl gar, ... 2 b • LI n a 1 P 11 n . of Edlng« ... 8•7·5•4 t new bldg. trplc, 1795. o. ~!~0~~ ~~l::f~orl1 . IUU ff.4.3311 • StC\lloly ~H • P(IOI ' Rec Room • I & 2 811 PlllO Apia • r.a10tn lanclsc1111no 112-t !Ive 2 bdrm + formal di-C 8'42-1183 831•8512 Ihle rental and other• 11 I 1 2 O 0 I m o I • e Pean, owm/agt Re/Mu SIHI 1111 11'1ow w/thl• nlng, wlll'I comm. pool & .M. Huge Quallty duple11 8"1 539 8190 c 1 780-1900 873-7681 ' r,u• IHt:i 3141 759·1221 hlghly pampered 1wo 1enr111 . .,_,._ .... ,I ... --'d· 3 lrp,lc, 3 oar. copper O ..... ' · ot ' •• ••••••••••••••••••• -:--------- • 1 BR DUPLEX• $'415 lncidng ut111, 2266 A Pltcer1ll1. '10 P•"· 645·9•9•. • Oltllw 11i.n & ll80 t • Jog 10 ltac:ll & SllOPl •tor y Garde n VIiia. er 1ny~r:"" C;'jj'jor plmb ng l125K, H IU· N ~ftll • •ar COTTAGE In Tri-plea, 2Br, 2BI Condo nr Ho19, Luicury ltudio, Ir .. HBO. C.11• #IU 31J4 Dynamite ityle rune more detail-. 8"6- 9911 m1ble loin 11 12•;. Int. ..ry new 3 bdrm, 3 b1, Quiet, 2Br. $600 mo. + pool, dshw1hr, no pet1. phone, mtld terv. 1pa, •••••••••••••••••••••• rampant 1 hruou 1 wall• 01 ____ .....;__,;_;_.;__;__J S t 7 5 K / 0 tr. A 0 • n 1 2 flrepl1ceu. 2 car gar. $500 dep. New ra nge, 1850 mo. 788· 7833 S 130 wt<. •99·3016 mlrrort & bMYliful _,...,. •1 -.. At ... 111' 8"2·98tle Balcony Gardenlf, wet 1111. paint, dbl gat, WIO DELUXE 3 BR 2 • &. ....._......._.,. EASTSIOE 2 Br. w/patlo, 111 & lllt & """"' ....,. ~ bar, microwave. Leite hOOk·UP. cpll/drpe, 01• 'It ba, 2 nnMJf •t:• 3111 ~ U 1 8 182 paneling. Upper level of· Tiii WIU Ill.YI EJ111cutlve .. Br 2 Be. 3000 11350 per mo. d 1 lly. lo• tror11 yard & ····••••••••••••••••••• • '· uppe<. C.Cll, 1 200 secur . 1•50. flee + big & bHutlful lq ft HB llOme. $250K, 551-•693 after 6 PM 89's~ .. 8~~ up e pre I . up1telra plllO NHr 6ANFRONT Dix 2 ... Br APMMITI IPI B 873-75U , •ot. 213/193-70..0, 638-5018 decoratorb0rm1 Prlv•I• IEllOll 11211 equity SHK. Trade for beach 111 & 1111. MCU· By wee k or month Baautlfully tandecaped l•OO bd codltall patio overlook• BUILOEA'S LOSS d apt• or? 5"8-8859 2Br. 2B• dr1matlc •Piii· ••II • UTI• rlly. I 1200 ptr mo. 673·7873 garden apta. Pool & Spa. WHI Side. SPARKLING 1 ... bike rrom bch. All lulh greenbelt. Excltlng • r•· level. park MUlng lrpk: • 631·5661 WI P1t101/decl(1. No Pit•· CLEAN & SP c 0 ulll• pd. 207 Chlc900, low pr~ 01 192 , 000 1 matlcally REDUC ED 10 .._Plex, M ... Vetde (Spice dbl remote gar dr'. 1885 Incl lamlly rm, ~5. dbl ntlf rental• B.chalor ... 10•1415 A I US. 2 1pt •· l•OO plue dep. w/u IO'# u 1 10 . 000 On, ull IMMEDIATELY. Ste) tr••I loar1 l5% mo. Avall 11•1. 2700 garg, kldl/pet1~ 3 Br, 2 1tory townhOUM. 2 now •vallable. CaM 2250 V~d br, r1ewly redecor1ted. 985-"95". BRANO NEW 3000 1 I .. ___: k .. 7 . B htfe CaH "'··1 ,,...... 7 bathe pwder rm V tut_. ••aan ., "•" cerpet•. drapM. dlth· ::2-:--::-----=----- $812/mo. p1y1 all. A cu1tom 1330 000 C ii """""· r • 9-<4313. ayelde Or. Sl'lowr1 by d1ye, cot! ..... -....-· PY I •• comm P o :~Y PIW~ ..,..,.ee29 or 2 ... 905 waallel. range. No peg. bdrlM nr Ooten. Ulll pd MUST TO SEE. TAKE for lppt. NOW .. AAE Wll /11 "11 IJIO appt. 875--6875 •IH-11IO* 1900/mo. 673-8858 ' l1M11• Bachelor ... 10 $415 6•2·0884 orl Fr~. $500. 608 B 9th. ADVANTAGE. E •••••••••••••••••••••• C..I• ·~· ~••_. • 1 Bd 552·11723. 675-450 S. Ll!Q. 25x 100' unlmpro-••••••••::: •••••• f~~'? CLOSE TO BEACH: Brand Newport Creal, ocean 1 rm ... 70 -:------=--------mTRY 21 ved proper1y, 180 .._. .. •m ... ··-· ,,_ 2 Br . ...._ __ .... -.... vi-execi condo. 2 br, ... , m• 161 E. 18th 8"2-0858 Eaettlde C.M. 2 bd, 1 be.I w•u• .. M. U41 --..---...._., '""" den .., __ 2 F 1500. 980· 1838 orl '•'••••••••••••••••••• WAI.I .. llA&.n whitewater view. Loma 2 BR hou-111•1'• l•n· all ut111 paid . 1kyllght, · o .. -. ba, formal urn rentall by week or Spaclou1 2 8'. 1 Ba. ... 26. "8-9534 .U YllW tiff ... 1racl bl! 3. lot 10. BM1 ~ ..,_ .....,.,_ kldl/ '41'1 dedt, loll of wood d lr1 wet·b•r • ter1r111. month. Agl 87$-8170. 1 3 Br. 1 'It Ba SH 6 0 ~~~~-;;~-~;~~1 °"" 493 •10.. • .... ..-..,,,... fr""" bit I 2 • p 0 0 I 1 . •I e I 1 2 0 0 . L d I . . Ni...-,,._. 1 mlnulM IO. Of L.aoun-WANTEO -· ...., pet• welcon"lt ..,.., • "• car 01• 873·3313 210 Ocean Front, 3Br aun ''1 a c . • p ool -· Q .... , upa1 .. ,. 2 BR. on 01n1 Point'• molt •1 -Cr Of Blutf•. Lge cuh. ,,. .. ,,. ISfl I "· 2 ... call 538-7919 .. BR, 3 Ba Nwpt CrHI penc:y Ill Jvne 15. 1750 TownhOUM 2 8r 1'/. .. s"'' Incl. 622 Hamilton Ilk• r1ew 2 Br widen' ·-=---pref. k.~t!:·~;.,": 0.1 ti C•••IT Belt. 539-8190 Cott ~·:~iorOJ~::.J~Y~ 1~ IOWlf dplx. lmmed oc:eu· 5"8·155& 12·7PM. 2 ba. •pt. 1550. moll Mcluded •c-lc bluff Jiii e.-... 1010 •••••~•·---·••••••••••• Frp1~ reno• yard condo. lmmae. Agt. Car· mo. 121.s) &N-1709...,. trplG, pool, epa.'att~ t. s.-e..o.-n 111ra iarve P!'lvete patio'. •••••••••••••••••••••• --:::-=~--------1So4ane Beadl v , • • QI· ON THE SANO lane, 875· 1771 gar1g_e. No pet•. Avall E.•lde. near 171h 81. 2 garage. lt251"'o. Call • NWl•104' let. lwnt •WPllT Beaullful OcHfl Front S~~i no ~811· Prlvlle View of the ocHn· 2 LIDO ISLE· 4 Br. 3 Ba & now. 1825/mo. 831 ... 984 Bdrm apl. IH5 /mo. 881-8U1 or M·F, 9.5 Beaut. cuatom horne, \1\1 •1111 -Condo. 3 bd, 3 ba, 2000 only. ':a ~1 ~~ Tt Bdrm1, t 'i'tbl, guarded den 11•00 2 BR 1 8A 1300 MC. Joye. Waltz, 843-0210. of oc:aan, walk to aand. Extra taro• laland kit· ~ "· $350.000. .. 99 •18 17 · · · G::; pool. HUna. gym, 222 vii Plllwmo. pete cttad·t: =·no Re/Mu 831·12e8 , -=i-.--.-... -.,._--,-,,-1-.,- 2 13 / 3 3 3 . 3 8 • 8 or chen. 4 tuxurlou• b•· C LVER & ASSOCIA· · Imo. 213/333-3848 875-7188. ,,· . 001 • u ' Hamllt~n. 111f:: 2 bd. t be , WHl·•lde U"l'ott: ••• 7.':':" •••••••• 902·1298 droom1 with plenty of TES •2 • m, 141t't* or 902·l291 Penlr1. Point 2 br. 2 ba, 8.4S..0783 loolt:on. 1500/mo, Stec> On Ootr Coune. WHt lmff IH4 wardrobe 'lace. M1tr 758-2•78 Prvt dining room. deep 28r Condo, 1'ABa, cpl•/ •l•P• 10 ocHn, S800 --·-Ill u curlty. C1 ll Beth NlneCondo:28A 2be,2 •••••••••••••••••••••• •I• haa Illa !\et batna. I _,_ pile carpet•. molt 9'>PllC drps, c:lubhM. •~ .......... 1e1ae or ••I• .. 01 LIFE'' ... ,_, 831·6230 attar 4 pm, ""gar. w/opnr. WWI/ Owner w1tt tln&noe below ••l.u w/ encl 91r. Kid• t1r1e $550 mo 7&e·7W ,........ 759.9192 ~ 873.oeso Eulllde 1825-'660/mo. 1~-_;_;_:...;_~:.:._~~-I dryer Lower unit w/ .. ITWPllJ nv1tt r1tel Mullan realty •••••••••••••••••••••• Beet. open 7 days, Cott. 2 8'. ,,,,. Ba. TownllouM. 2 b< apt, cie.n, ~. H.E. P•llo, redecorated. illlZm PllllJ M0·2te0 ...... f•l•Ui" •638-8191 * 3 & •BR l'IOUM. CIMfl. Call ~ CrM l 3 br. 2'1tba, ft#R ROUND f\M: all bulll·ln1, lndry rm. Colle Meu. Enc. 91· 1725/mo. 71•/n0-1950 ASK FOR LORI •••••••••••••••••••••• 2 BR 1 B d Elgin, eger11. pool. 1ar1nl1. No pett. .Socia I Actlvltla• carport, yard/ba lcony, ' 1j• S• 75 . mo peta. • •---wzwt ,.111•11 '=miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiillf---• •11·• ti I uplex, pvt 531·9"81 $950mo.8•2·3490. Olrector•"'r ee emall~tOK. 5 7 ·• 111 d1y•: • ....,,_... Ull ., __ ,_ u~~ P' -•••fi • • p1 o new paint 15•5 .. 8 5511 8163 -··-·••••••••••••••••••• .,._,,..'"""""aln'llawl& --• •••••••••••••••••••••• ' · . 51>1111 tooc:.n.EJegant2 With .-0' dodl for..,_ Sun'dUo TL gmt.. 8"2·1803 • -r-NO FEEi Apt. & Condo 819')9 Awau 8'1111anl blue -•-_. • •aa ••• -• •-mo. 833-81152 BR, lam rm & .. _. '"'"75 ,,_ .. _ ""...,....• ' 1 .... 1 b 1 u•-•a'-""' _, E1t1te •IHd lot. Thi• --"""' -boat 3 8' 2'i't S. condo --.... · •• Flrepl•ce . p ool, dl•h· "''" •· no Pl" ,_,. ren ........... Ranllll pool mlr1,le 10 make rtlldenc• contain• 3 Adorable 3 bdfm houM *a. z' • I •• I mo. Plu•h CPI•. 2'i't b•. In W. Newport 1 1160 Parta.•PIUI waaher, pvt pallo x Lg Loc. '400 PIU• MC. dip. 17~1t2 8'<*ar. Country tyle Llvlr1g Bdrm•. formal dining & g~t houM. $850/mo. ••at* cedar end gl11•. Sur1. w/o dock. $1350 with Q~.i~T• 0111den 2 Br. on E/11de. 548-Heo. b!Wf'I 9...-pm =====-=.:......::.:..:.._ mo11 er1joyabte lr1 11111 BAYFRONT w/lorever -daelc dbl car pvl gar dock 873 1190 " • .. $580 557 2&41 3 BR 1 lmmac. 0 .,der1 VIII•. room. kitchen with vi.w.•BrS18001mo. Prlcelgr .. 1 fOffamltyon fully m1lr1t'd yard No . • "'C"IATION: • . . 'It ba. gar, fpc, Spaciou• 3 Bdrm. Wind· b<eakfU1 ., .. and den. BA y F Ao N T 3 8 r budget, h.,, all modern • pell lnQ. 527 181.; St. New beaehfront home. 3 Te n n 11 • F re • 1 BR, r1aw paint, CPI•. Piiio. n-decor 1596. PARK NEWPOR T APARTMENTS flowe< Mdl. boalt1 moa1 For anteftalnlr1g, • 11500/mo eon~1. Her• Crllrilt 980-6331 Br .. S.. furn $.22eQ/mo, L-(pro & pro drapH. d/w, no pet•. 544·5939, 8"8·5978 outraci-out mut• suite cu•tom de1lgr1ed Ian al Weekty Bayfront rent... 11 Belt, 539'-8190 Coat unturn. $2000 Call Bob 1 II op ) • 2 He a 1111 '400/mo. 226S Miner St. E'llde 2Br 1 bl, upatlln. COUNTRY CLUB LIVING w/own prlv. dreulr1g with ape, flreplt. etc. Ex· rrom S700/Up .. Br. 2 Ba t.1'1 ... dal Mar. Oeean view. volley ball ct, K009 al 759-1221. ClubS•S.Ur1e• 851·2175 FrMll paint. Nr IChll. no IN NEWPORT BEAC.-. ., .. , oper1 '41nllgl'lt kit· ':!"~Val-:::.·~.n500an·. Weteriront Hornee, Inc clean home• Quiet 11r .. 1 119 Hur1t1nglon St. 2 BR. Bluff• 3 br. 2'1t be, i'""' Hydrc.~ 111 pell ... 50/mo. 831-8155 A lo tel e nvlror1ment dlen w/mu.alve dedc get ... ..,.. lll-llH 1 8 0 0 m 0 0 w n , 1850. 1 SR. 1500. Of rent b 11 8wlmmlno•Golf , 211. Ill, apanment community on together arM . 111 IYr· •••·IHI "' er111re dplx S 1125. • • near pooL 1200 Ortvloo Ai--Newly decor. oaa pd, Spec:lou• 2 bd, 2 b1. ,_ Ill• Upper Bay ,.ttvatt _ _.._.. ~ 75.,.eooe. 536 .,_2 ~ ••i.7922 mo. Bkr 8"4-0134. ... -..-c rp11 d cl b.. d r.,.,...._, by wllllolgllM ,.,._ ,,, .. , 3111 ...,..., ""vv a 1 AU T'' u L enol gar. dwehr, pool, • rapH, g ood u nOuH an htalth & contr11Ur1g Country •••••••••••••••••••••• •19TT .... 2 bdrm, 1 be llM,,.., bc:fl. A ft A "TM INT 1 : bbq no pet•. 8'42·5073. E.utllde locatlon .... 75. •P•. 8 tennl• courll, 7 wood decking. lneredlble Stepc to Bey 3 br, 2 be Children/pet• OK. Fncd yd, ga.r 1800 , No pell .... ·-8 Ing 1e1 , 1 & 2 SM M1ngr. 147 E. 18111 pool•. CIOM 10 bull,_. low price of $105,000 dining rm, 01,, 2 palloe. yard, PV1 garege .... 95. c 138-N29 llTAm Bedroome-Furnllhed \'41!11 ftleld _s....,.t_. _•4_._c_M_. ___ _i airport, Fnh6on 1t1enc1' with I 10,000 down, $725. Wlnllf. OPEN 328 at BHI, open 7 daya. B tl I Complalley cuetomlza<S I Unfurr1lt hed•No l 12 Br. 1'A bl, 323 E. 18111 Conver1lent •hop• o~ 11097/mo paye all · donl Sapphire, U 4·096", Cott •• •It• "Liutremont" with labU· Pet1•Model1 Oper1 f ... f &PTI St No peta. Oar. seeo. tltt. Unlumllhad becne-mlH thl1 Orie , CALL 875--8573 •530-6190• •• , ... , JUZ IOU• ocean Ylll• and •x· deity. to 8. 8HUlllUI garden 1p11. Sl•rr• Mgmt. 8"1·132• '°''· '' 2 bdrmac>t•and NOW. ln•tMI Pla•Hlac ~ Oefl&nlght -new.•Br.fam ;-9;~·2 .. 9;·~~~;·;;:;,: Qul11te~urnl•lllno• tor ....... ~=:~ peta. 2 ,M .. • Verde 2 br, f/p, tO'#MouS:~ 11000 2 ITllY WU. 1808 Pt Ta~gart 1219. r1•i•1•I• '111 rm. 2'~Ba . RV trH. 1ng1on Harbour' aru =ir1de~';!~~=~ ..... 2 Bdrm 1v. e.1111 15"0 enct Oii' No PfYd. 1500 Severe! b4lc:hal«1 and 1 1ft II LIW mm 000 P""" M®OOO. ...................... 11000 mo 53 """ 1750 mo. ,..._..,. , • .; """'· 8'•·'200 l"'ltllsoft 2 8d1m 2 "'"" ,,.. + -· •••-4383. 8d-...,, ,..,~, "" 7 13 Polnaatll• $295,000 Wint« Rental. L.gr 2 bd, 1 •E.uttldti 2 br, 1 bl, 8pm. ._!::; ..... ,.. 398 w. WMIOl1 dHlgn11 lurnltur• 1nd ... -Speeloue CdM du"'-x. bl, frpl, Piiio, WID. V.,., Kid _.. -· 83l 5"''"3 1 111 ••• ••L•I ••-~. M~ In t""-,._ ,,_ I S"'50 -·, I""• pell,? S595. 2 Br 21 .. bl IOWfl .. OUI•. 880 1-" • ""' °' 8"2 ... 905 1-r' 1 ' --,._ v-Shlmmerlng pool, and 2882 Cr•tllW $310,000 c ••n. • /mo 500 ,. " , ... ,ne •••••••••••••••••••••• ...,, ~ r...w for fUt\119 ClleaalnO 'Pl -round Bayehor• doll houM Wm ~ Front. c.it Utll• pd. l}31 ... 320 Agt. cloH to Harbour & (at 18th) Large 2 Br. r1ew palr1t. tel&I VIEW uae. Sm1nty 1uml1hed thl9 2 atory etegant pride ALSO 835'50t8 ~ 997-3970 2 Br I Bl petlo. enelld oeHr1. 1850, 831· 12&e (714) ~ 1104 carpet. 1 526/mo. Stu From Dana Point'• moat modal9 oC*I dally. ol ownerthlp Garden New VlctorlM on Belboa D.al ltlal 1lll iatege, 141nced. c:.rpets Gery ....., ..... /... •97·2338 or 540·3tltl8. I Hctuded tcenlc bluff. VIiia. Profeealonally d4I-l•land. 1595,000. For •••••••••••••••••••••• drapea. No peta. 1525 2 BR 2'1t bl, oenlrel hee· t100 18th S Beau11ful 2 Br 2 Ba Like NWI Only• unlll, 2 On Jamt>OfM Ad 11 eotl1ed lhru-out. 0r... more Info ~II Sara Mar· xec:. 2 br, 2 be condo, plu1 MCurlty. 541·~•2 ting & air. O/W, ranoe. t. 1owr1houM. trplc, patio, Br widen. Xtra lrg prlVate San Joequln Hlll9 Ad "'r. -•• ...,. wl••" ""· ....., -· -· -0< nO-M20 '"'" oom•"· ~•• .., 39', '"'°'· ,,,__ .,... (Do-•I 181h) ••••• 1m oood 10, ••!lo. F1om l12'tmo. 144-1 .. II d•·•·•w•y c101et Urllque Homee Comp!. tum. 780·9•98 ... TOWlllll o per1er . 1900 mo. do In Nwpt Cr•t.' 1850 I (71.4) 842·5113 1680/mo. TSL Moml ' Call 891·64•1 or M·F, ~. ---------..,.ct. Al yo41 Ilk• 11 loft 875-«>00: 675-5811 (8-5); 2.-0·3201 (aft. 8) • ••-7 H . 95 I · 22 73: E vt. mo. 835-0558 842-8221 8<f2• ;803 9-6, 843-0212. ~ Block to beech. Hr. ~~r.,~~d.::m:~.~'." H:~ ....... ...,, 1141 ....... I ~:.,~;2~·.:lt1~ ..... Au "" ----UITl9I 2 Ir. den, 2 bl, lrplc, MW ;:.r~~ 1870 mo. commanding view to Lm llll :.7................... 2 Bdrm•. 2',,. batll1 In ...................... iocEANFROHT BALBOA 2 er CtPI. lrg "'-dedca. Im-~~· _...:...;:.._.:.. ___ _ open atelrcaH and Un.I 180 deg. oc-i view. 2Br Oatderl Ilka community JmH 1144 Nice 3 BA 1'Aba dpl•. Lr 3 bd 2 be · 1 S. pool Ilda IP'. med occupancy. Agent 2 bdrm, 1 ba, 1550/tftO. entarlalnar'• llv. rm. Preetlgtout le6and fant 2ba. ape, 11200/mo. Ph avallable ,.ow, Oecorat~ •••••••••••••••••••••• NllO/mo. 3 yra old. Kkta w?d winter 'n":'p' !'r.· lndry rm. lllt·lnt . No $ 7 5 o I m o . Ao• n t YMfly. Sltfl to, baeotl. H#d '°find et .. 9 • 900 utlc loci tlon, you'v~ •9f..5SC., .. "_.827 perfect. Ulllltlll pd, lllJILI and P•tt poHlbla. Im· leoO &T~ · w1· Ca ll tor IPPI ... ~. 1118 W. Btiia.o. . ..... t6000 dn pymt . .,_ heard a lt the g ood ,.. •~I •tfl • 1 1 5 O I '" 0 · C • 11 2 to 4 bdrma lllrtlng at ~ occup. Ed Watt• ' · TSL 5=: 942·1903 EAN VIEW. 2 bd. 2 ba 213 ... 5- 2542 IOwl aeeumpllon 11.9% wordt. now tel ut! lhOW •• •••••••'Ttte•••f•••• 876-2311 SlllO to i13to. 171 Cf.AN FRONT Wlr1 ter duplex. frpl, ,_carpet• ~ •ff. Int rate. 1979/mo you • w1tarlron1 llome 8' 2B• on golf eourM. 3 8r 2 81, 1735/mo. No C.le.W••• rentll '0 8-1/'3, 3 bO. 2 -1 MIU... I drapu. No Pell. 3 bOr, 2 be.,..,, ,.,. .. t pays all. with 4 bd"'l9 & 4 bathe 1895 mo. pall. 809 Joar1n 81 f•nJdM JfH e.r QI'!'. pell. Prefer fa-Liii• nu, lge 1 br 1919, H 25/mo 875·15• t or toe. Wini• -•· mTllY 21 lhel "811 all tn. Ot~ & Tierra Oel 8o4 Riiy 84 ... tl3e · •••••••••••••••••••••• mlty. a;.)6.() 3•3. ffplc, r1W. Q91'., 1415/up. (213) 31W1•5 • aa ... IULn oherm o r whit you 497-17'44 .... , -·-et .. 111•• mini 1 Br. on Patio°' beloony. l>ool & l•oh 1 -dre1m about "In Old Npt Hot• area, 3 8' 2i.. e. -t b """"·No Pitt. ..... &/\ Ha ... 1. 28r, garege. neer ocean, • o r• great loc. •'f•l111 C Cod" 12 11-.f J...t 1Jff condo, !amity rm, ffplc, Lux rm IC>t, prof, dec'd, OOUI ' pear each, rec Mi-2••7 ""'"" " OOHn VltW, bllCony. )'911"1y, ---------1 ape .200,000. ••·~••••••••••••••• laundrv rm . ear. llnene, dlehel, kng bed, li e .. ••0 · lt• 5 imo . ..-.Olmo. 2131402·2157. 'Ill .... Ml·1MI rm,• e.. 11700 mo. agt 831-1288 1 CDll'OVYV ear. ldr; rm. wlk to bet!, 2 131387·NOO. ec>lt. dfJ>9, anot pr. no Cordoba Or. "'• 6 ...,, '"" ocean v'9w .aw..... '700. 8k4121 ... -.... ,. •nl pett. 875-MOt condo, pool, Jaeunl. W.n I ij-100 ISLE· 3 bdrm. fem 1825/mo. Joyce Wlita ctn.~ H G grd, undarground :lta/1'7·3292 day•. 2 BR 2 Be ltucMo, i671, S H at 2•02 Apt A. 2 .... -a "-/ . . 3 Br 2~ DI, HOO/mo. "' • ludto ac>t. retrto."' bar, M0Uttty ~ '821/lftO. F e d T ,•••••··~··•••••••••••• ... 85 2 ldrfll .... .., 1275 mo. Call "--·v, •201e or =."'l':..':::'::r:':. L o ea ,;,.,,..~;.~'.;;,,••" '1525C-lll:l!Wle --"':::':.~; ~ ~.:"'.~~ l~~':.°~~r.f. .. ,.,,., ,...;;;:· - eurrouncttno an lntatlot NHr 11ew 3 er 2'1t I• I~ 1411 1600/mo. IH La Po· • •trtunl. NIC4t)' tandlCa• 67"-7300 twnhaa ---~d a1 .... 8A 2 8e,eptt,dtPt,«!Cl .. •••••••••••••••••••• toma.eG7·7t11. PINEILUf'FAftTI ....o .narior, ~-.. t '::::;;;:;::":::===~ :.t ....... • -gar , 1710. No pelt IXIC AlT-'"T ,._ _... _........ r M1nat •700. ·6010 17 a.eeoe · ".,. '" ...... t Ir. wllon. CllHd ok, ~~~~!:._!~~!J ~~~~~!!!_!!,!~ = ~· NIOa..,,.... IUll WMlll fettllff condo, 3 br. 2 PGtt::!, 1 ., penthl» II patio, vi ... lfple, anct T _. tow .,,...... Cutt om 2 etoty t1ome be den f p6c 2 W0009NOGE 11100 M . II 1~· pool, ape, ·~,_.-1""1.atl 01' .. 911 etove, dllh• ~ .... ,t· ,~d--AttX;llJ. .. 1 •. 1Qtan2t1'. wllh •pal &kyt'9t1t, wet • M2B • ear ga. 8pK . br, 2'1t be. nlcaly rr.· 4 201 /7mo. (1 , .. , •••• ';';.................... WllMf. •119. lndry rm. .... •• ber OC>tn -.,. raoe. ' IM...-a 1111d1c •ptd tam rm • • ( 2 1 3 I 1 ,. ... ..,, ...., MOO/mo. 000. Ind lftOf• • .,,,., oe:= =,-.,:-d"':'....,,.,2-b--a. -d-/w-, -,.-u-oe-1 frple, p.-loa. 'Laka, pQOi 113--1000· •••••m::;r.;:";'••••'"" &PMC 13t .. 107 olnO Owner may~ r•rd, WHhtr' dryer. & ••nnle. ••0-1321, LIA81/0P'TION. ~ Ir. . ...... No .... !JlldtOM outebaeflttOr der ndlangel 1280,000 ~---,----..:.....-! MllO. 541·7°"4. lff.tllN, ofo 720-1S73. GUier vtew. 1touftty ... 1700/ Ii. 117.,. Coral. _,1, 1 4ooimo. + poo Ctl .,..mo . n.a--,, .. ,!f 21 sa. ~ ttd HatbOf "'dot fen-11S,..,Mt1. MOllfltr No .... Jo,ot ..... wm-. .... .z.-.. .,!;,. ~0 .. ''::"~ L~~~.·:~~:.~ :::,01," ..... Pool. IH. lftNtmo f ·l•yf 0111. I.IHI• l•I•, Waltlll. -.,, ...... · .. "·:."~-= L:;i .... ~'.!t7n~jiillojiii.ilii71-i7i'1illil .. ted communltJ, ~ al t4tlK. 1to.t301 =::·.~t=Lllr. ltlOO STUNNING .... 1 & a., C ·e . I Ir. "''°· f'tl I" model, prote11tonally It,_,.,,,.,,.,, · .. .,.,. lllC. 110 W 18'11. 4ta-41M7 .. ._ ........ looetlofl •••• ••• in~ n Grtl'd Canal: IP•· ,~'~''··"":-".~,,,.,,..,,.-...,...,,_--I r--~-,;-..---11 °" lM letctl nA, I~ ......... .HIM -.. ~ ept, t br, 1 VILLA '49DIM: I Ir Iba. = ~etlo I lftllny •tt•a ... .rnn'l' .... 1' .. ell lie. V.., 1780. ln.Ml1 l 'aldt, felftlly oompte•. I.I ••• · • pm 1at1e1 I .... um s bdr!ft, I ~ ~ 1 9A, .-. "'' .,, D/W garage. Wtt/gu , 8" ; .. 11 _.1\t.. :,1~'7":,-~':'°· =::. ee--wi:; _. -.. 1100 aoe" eor•: pd. lt1111110. a ssoo '-.oM 1100 to MIO .,,..~. VI -" ~ ltl-117·11IO dtp. 1914 llcteft, M9f dbrg twnfla: f!!.i.. lk ~=----__;,--.... Apt '· ~147 Dl1llwHft•r I Ooubl• '° lr1alWOOd. ITUU, --:--ilf!ftJM' II.fl Near tltft1'omoM. 1 Ir. °"" Tiie a.m.: Cendo Ind 141 1 • d a.----:.et•· ...... =..... ,_ .. ..:!! .. _ .... ,. ..... .. . ......!:.. °""ET."•"1 d/t , • ,...,._, _..,.___ ...., M • • bun..... t ...,,., IM,.....,.... --··...., , l altld t Vr LW _,.,.,to i.ur •....., t "*"" IM. .. " ....... ........,. di, M,.... , ..... ca.-l"I• •• 1111 a• riA•hcCfllllf "ITlflll ,.., --. • TV • .,.. no -l700 x a ' no,_...,., . _ ............ ~=,i:-9t:: -:-:-:-....... ~imr~,..,. .::;:,~,~-= ... , . ,r,1: ,.,, ..... ~·· ....._.. ~ F'" -· ....... ,. ~=~=~~u===~~;.::::=::=:::l ... ~Ml7=::· t:l!i! =:.tr'· •· ' · ''' • • · '" '"' • · · ... nee • ! ... a • -IWM .,~ .,.,.oms tM ,, I / 'OrMge Oout DAIL't' PILOT/ThurM:tay. Ootob., , .. , tta2 ·f!i lessimml ·a Diretl -I I ~~ .•• '!t~1 ••••••••• -:-:[~1!.~l!!l!!1 ........ rf1!.'!f!.'t!?,.!f~t!,! •• rt~!!~~············.·· ~ .. ~fl!!f~ •••••••••••• ~~!!!!!~!!!t •••••••• !!~~!!l' •••••••••••••• !!~tJ~~ ............. ~!!!t! ••••••••.•••••• CHILD CARE: my l!OIM. KURT'S KAAP!T KAR STANIUA INDUSTAl!S A&K '!NOi!· wood & Mii llPllVUlllT b.pertl .. HQu.-.._,lng BRICKWORK: 8mall fob1 Joll.y Cricketer• Prof MOBllr HRVIC !unetl/tnectl• lnclUded Quellty w<>tk ... ft Oen' I c:iontr Property Chlln link RM/Ind/com R!PAIR . PLUMllNO We IUfnlltl veciwm & Newport. Cotti MMI, W•ltPtl>8flnO 4 llflPpll'Q ~rMOa/~ WMlll L•toe yatd f.4e-Tt3g Fr .. "' 40•·142t lml)fov HT· 181 l (1·61 &41·6403 M0·7711 Carpentry, elec, Ille ''" -.ippll.. Kltty 6'1·4t10 l1VIM Rel• 876-3171 Men~ 1elereoeH ,..ul N8/CM (Inly &42·t55i egee, ,..,, 11te1, meelt c>•J,. 30 yre E.xpw c 11• ••••••••••':':':'.-.· •••• -.. 1n11111..c1 & llleollred u & Compl. ~lid lervtee •••• .. •••••••••••••••• I! 1 11 ino 1 ·"•••••••••••••••••••• Dabyelttlno FT/PT all c1;p;j"jn1tallallon J Re-C•ll .. W~-til•• WOOO FINCH/OATES "'· Aeu ... S.2111 Cuetom Home C.nlng lft•I•• 857· 1 l8 rl•tldlftl 'Ct•f1• lnci. 754.730e pet• Work• lel-8205 Kil. remod, ceblnett, vi· Pr ...... Oery 4go.t724 28 YRS IXP. D Nii.AM Prof..~. ln1'd ••·1 11¥111• :t~ri~tlo~~ ~;:: prl~~· SEAVIC(' RflPAIAC / c1.o en1w1.inmer11 unlta ~M~,2~~~r UNICl.eAN SYSTEMS I Top qut11ty. &PtlClll c11e coneulle'll Aaalgn"*1t van Oppene serv1c;e o lu,.aill•A ~mn StHm duel agltetlon 2 Free Mt 8-42-0881 l.1'1•1-,, ,.._.,1;z-p1umiw... ng 01 Nwpt Ben. 850-t200 1n ttandUflO 2& yre HP 151 1.9590 838·4668 ••••••••• •• ••••••••• "'" $20 hall •• coueh • •• ••• ••• •••••••••••• ....... ..... .., Com-lltlv• Reiff 7 E .. L-:Y.-N JAYS "8PfAKEASY" 120. No 0hldd•n c'h11........ n....11111•'1. Tllll carpentry 831·8&30 Qu•llty wC)(k wllh e per· ...-I t' ,. .. ... • -··• p r1 b •--..-.w I t 8 h I No overtime, 730-1353 I •• 111Yfll Sp11nk1e11, Landteln .. ny oc:i-on. 0 ., Cerpet 1e1uv. Quar. I......... ............ Topft-'"/removed oie.n I ,~ "' 10'11 ouoti. IC e Of •••••••••••••••••••••• 1·&21·81 41.171-7552 8113·1103 AESIOENTIAL·INT 0£· up ,;;;,renov Ta1-3•T8 .... ~.~.!l!!!! •••••• Ok OM, It'¥'. HB. Beth ·ABC MOVING· -lcuSTOM WOOd P•llo CO· Gu1srent68C 538-2 37 DO IT HOWi f SIGNER Furn arrenge-• • HARDWOOD FLOORS 850-0933 Quick. C1relul 881vtce I ""'· deck• a le~• by '"' All hf..... ~.'M~f!!f .......... C"1tl•t, ment. color 1chemH. Tll 11111 MIH heutlluNy Cleened Low'"" 552.0410 RANDY 641-0122 ..................... . Yow Delly Piiot Computerized bookkee· ••••c•HAMPENOIS•e •••• g55·208e Of 752-0322 L8wn-11ee-enrub ln1tall and waiced 832·•88 I lllWUWllTlllll STARVING COLLEGE IJHlft l liu/t •il1K\E001•NS0TuA•Lrle~?---- 8etvloe Directory ping f1om S50 mo. Alto Fine Ceterlng In the old lfalllll TrM trlm/remov1I ,. /'' STUDENTS MOVING ••••••:.'•••'"•••••••••• R:fa John 840.;;17 ~tlllYe mall 11 11 & payroll. world ltadlllon. 845·0158 ••n•••••••••••••••••• Lewn Malnl/Rotolllllng ~.'.!/.•j•••••••••••••• CO. Lie. Tl24·436 ED'S PLASTERING ¥ 112·2430 HSKPRS & MAIDS FrM Mtlmate 541.e<>e5 DUMP J08S High quellty houNWork j ln1Ured. 841-8427 NHt PlletlH. Int/ext CUSTOM CERAMIC MJ•ll'JI, td, Ht 11 C••••l1Cl•lllll LIVE•IN HALVIWKLY S O d & S-all MOvl"" Jobi Experlen~•d , d•""'nda· WATCH US GROWi R4181UCCOI 845-8258 TILE WORK-FrM Ml .,,,..•'"' •••••••'•••••••••••••• v,.10 Sefvto. Agency lmmone ., entno .. , . .., ...... ..,..... I ~~~~~~~~~ •••~·-••0"'••••••••••••• Cemenl·Matonry·Bloek llc'd/bonded g73•0000 Cln-upt, lawn CAie, full Cell MIKE 641·13g1 ble, honell . lntelllgenl. , I I/ --PLASTER PATCHING CllUck 675·6100 ...... A. ,1_ Flnllh & rough c11penlry, w111 .. cu11. work. Lio. comm a 1Hld malnt. HAUllNG·GAADINO met>culoue, flexible. I em .!.! .. ~I•••••••••••••• RHluceoe 1nt1ex1 30 TtH S1t•iit-.. !1.¥.:-:a........... eeblnet~:~.;~:ltlon1 #381057 Rob 547-2683 ¥!f!!!!!.••••••••••••• FrM eat. 841·8e84 demollllon, clHn·up. ~~:. T~: t~lft:, ~o ;~ Piii PlllTlll y11._N_e_a_1._Paul 5_4_&._2_077 1 •••••••••••••••••••••• 800KKEEPIHO·TAXE8 CJUJI Cltl DRYWALL/ACOUSTIC MAINT. & DESIGN Concrete & trM removal WMkdlye All dey Seiur· by Rlcherd Sinor Lie IJ•athf• ltPlllll Smell bullneee or pen. Remod. & Repairs. Free ••••••••••••••••••••• • Aeptlra eml Job spec 11 Obeffln L1od1eape Sefv. Quick MfY 542· 7638 day aod Sundey 280644 13 yra of happy ••••••••'••••••••••••• Tiii lllVIOI __ Jeenne ___ 6_7_5_·5_2_ee __ :~· J't~:!t~2=•· P•· Chlldeere wkdyt, cred yrs ••P Bud552·0582 m:'.'~~nn~gr~~l~I PROF SERVICE FOR A SUPER CLEAN l~~'.~~·~~~1-4•10 H~~~~. P.~~~1::~~: In I .. T,rM w,'!fkTwftl h '1 ~-AlllWtU• ~n/n lelcher. 01g1nlzed aotl· Wall 1e1tture ... Acou1tlc Haullno • yrd clean up ... OUSE C~ LL CHAIS! 6 .. 888 IC ence r mm ng ~ ....................... E•per cupenler dOH vttles c M 845-4657 Heng-Tape-SIMI llUdl GAADl;N WORLD Quick &·clffn. Free •fl 63'1-0803 I Good,.,. QUAl.ITY WORK • nell. 1•P•_1r_•_. 4 .. _._1 __ remove! by HQ1111d Doi· 50% OFF FIRST MONTH addlllone. remodele, Lie 389944 1•532•5549 FuH Sel'Ylee Gerdenlng 873-0548 reH., honeat. Rell Lie 24 hr (I ...... 7121 loll. P.O Box 34, Coate Oepel\dable, ettordeble, deck•. Skylights & re· lnlanl/PPre-iehoodl. So& ZIC Be<nll 848-2022 CL"'•N-UPS, GARAGES. 11 you wtlnl your houHI 287107 Oeve 06•·1045 40 011 wll~~ter 1225 1 Meu. Ce 92627 Ph e11entlal. An1wer1ng palre. Free eat Dan, Coast 1111 ., .. , eya DRYWALL TAPING 1---------1 """ REALLY CLEAN Cell -... 642 1932 ""2-0•1" wknd• Call 650-1711 •11 Te•ture•/•cA"tt•-01rdenl~, landaceplng, ANYTHING! CALL ' I CUSTOM PAINTING ---• Hrvlce . H Cretarlal "" " " ,. ~ .. ,. ""' "' d le RANDY 842-7847 Linda 889-0318. Good I I R Id/ l1li•i1il•1. ---------bu11n ... MrvlcH, mall Free eel Kevin 676·9088 yar m nten•nc:ie, e en Aefe I nt ext. e1 comm. •••••••••• ••••••••••• t s LOW RATES S bolt rentel, word procet· Addltloos, carpentry, m•· Looking lor xlnl chlld· upt, ""trim & removll. H•ullng & yd clH n-up. · Free ••t. Lie 6"4·4708 JD Horn Rellnlahlng ' Tree 1r1m/1emov. cleen d •'-nd d 1 carf't? In my Colla MM• EI-11/--1/ FrH nllmlln lneured. I 00 -• 1 kl bl 1 ..... 70 7 t ing. Telex-F1celmlle, eonry, •-n • ,. • 1 .. 1 S 0 ..-• Tree trlmmlng.,l"'~• quellty .. ou~ecleenlnf.· INT /EXT PAINTING ... n1 QUH. I ca ne •, ups, mowing 11....-1 II BBQ. t D hOme, u" I me only 4 •••••••••••••••••••••• 8-42-48811 • ,,.. • ,, o 11 1 ti 845-06~ 0t• entry,~........ no. • • c. ave Lunch lnactlS. TLC. Lin-ELECTRICIAN-Priced Cletn·UP Bob" .... .. ••P'd & xlnl, looel ,. s 4 WALLPAPERING ne Pl n ng , i buy, dMtc epece reotll. 494·1003, ext 724 d• 751-2342. r1011t. free Htfmete on Exper Gardener & clean B 1• 848-2l01 Cullom work Free ell FURNITUAE·KIT CABS .~.'!!.~/. .••.••••••••• ANSWER NETWORK c., .. 1 l1tnll lerge or small Jqb1. upe. TrM trimming. FrH .!.'.!~/.•••••••••••••• Reas Sieve 547·4281 Calm llnlthei, repair a. Moll 1ub;ec:t1. K-14 131·'131 (uk IOt A,V.) •••~·-·•••••••••••••••• Happy, sate, lovlng child Lie 398621 173-0359 HI. Pete 141·1008 ...... , II '/ .... 1•11•1 Carpet & uphol, gene11l 1 HARBOR PAINTING doors, Joe 973.1459 Day/eve SS & $10/hr cere Nutrltlou1 meel1, &•" -& houHcleenlng Fl1 we· M M 84S 5176 ~Mn Shempoo & tleam Clean. anecka FT/PT. S I 60/hr LIC'D ELECTRICIAN LAWN MOWING SEAV. Furn-.pool·wller heel xlng. lrH ut Guar , Oualfty worlt FrM est. IHI'• ' organ . • ••••••••••••••••••• Color brightener•. Whl Ao•• 3 up Jamboree. Oual. work/A .... retn N•ll·depend-rNI. Fr .......... ,, •• ,.,, I 838·5543 Call •II 8pm, 673-5166 •••• !.,............... w;.,,. Cl11•i•t. Ar1·AntlQ'*°Jewelry crptl • 10 min. blHch PCH. N.B 875·078 l Free eat 831-5072 1 HI. 846-0955, 068-7479 ~~•••~•••••• •••••••• £ I J HOLIDAY PAINT TIME! Huber Roofing-ell types I •••••••••••••••• ••••• ApPrelae' Llquld•t• H•ll. llY/dln. 1me SIS: IYO ---------1 u ' noBIN'S CL"" NINO I •• it•• •a 23 wr1, •tao odd )Obi & New-recover-deck• I .. lei the 8un&llfne In .. Mic:~ Hein 953-0717 room S7 50', c~•A'" S10·, Famllw Dey Care tot Chll· ELECTRICIAN al• (;•U ' · ., ""' •••••••""••••••••••••• , " Li •11602 5•8 "734 l C 11 S hi WI do """'' , • s~vlce • thOr"'"'hly repelrl. Brur• "72-0118 I c. "''" .. ... a un• ne n w . ehr $5. Ouar. -•1m. nat dr"", up lo 5 wra, Mon· Sml Job1/Aepalra. Lie. ••••• •••••••••••••• • -• --• 20 YRS EXP H I~ I -"' Cle I L d S48 8853 .11.,.a,.i. ., .. ¥ .,_.. ' o 5203 Cernantry Muoory cleen hOl.IM 540-0857 1 · eu • ree lllf PlllLf•• an ng, 1 • ~r.;~'••••••••••••••• odor. Crpt repair. 15 yra Fri, 7R30·~MW Llc'd 233108-C·l · 5•8· AQ;,jj~ :Plumbing trimming, lend1Capng PAINTER NEEDS r 20•~ Monlhly Dlacounl Otllt9W•Yt. Plfklng Lot exp Do work myaelf. 15B1"....8u'!',_28• H1cfltt. AESID/COMM'L/IND. Orywell . Stuc:co. Tiie Joeo't Cleenlng Servtee Brothers Con11. WOAKI 30 yr• exp. Int/ Don't re.roof, repair II lnl/exl AHld/comm 1 Repalra, SMlcoetlng. Rel1. 531-0101 N · ~ ·vv 20 yra. Do my own work. Remodel J.B. 9~8.9090 HouHS·Apt1-Ret11111 I 8•6·0555 ••I Acoustic celllng1 lk: fr a et Ion o f co• 1 Free HI 20% monthly S&S Atphlt 831-•199Llc No Steam/No Shampoo C••l11t1111 c..,,., Lie 278041. Al 649•8126 Oflloet. 540-1287 EVE'S LANDSCAPING" 388780. Free eat 857·2890 dlSCOUnl 644-4798 Dlt\ Hlllt>wg Gredlng Stain Speclllllt. FHt ···········'·········· Elec Service a Coo1truc-Cerpentry. Clblnett TIAEO OF HASSLES? compl H rv ' hHClng. D•vtl Painting 847"5188 _R_O_O_F_IN_G_A_E_PA_l __ A~S CAAIG-CL"'•NtNG co a Pevtng Co. AMJcoml. dry. Fi" Ml. 839-1582 1 • .1. llffllN I S.1 1100 Lo retff. Free eatl· PlumE~,?~~-CT':nlno Oh8u,e8.111tLcf1l•e,,~~7.hel52p 11 comm & reald. 848-7556 l• .. ti•• Smell Jobi QK. F1ee Aesioico,;;.1 lnlle•t Lie 30711().t 842-1720 EXCEL CARPET CARE Lie 308&88. Remodel, melee Lie. 333217. Aefa. Don""'• "140 ,,., """ .. --,--.--.---i .. ,...·•••A••••••••••••• e1tlmale1 Cell Tom or $ d Add'nt Cabinet• 557 738 8•7 47 4 ...... "V , ••• IY ••l'YltH ASA PAPERHANGING [ Clluck. 542~92 creen• mtt10tS Led ., Jack Bulllngtoo 646-868Sf645-4644 ·I • 1 JACK OF ALL TRADES HOUSECLEANING ••••••••••• • •••••••••• 7 yrs 1oc11 exp Gu er -, --w o' k 0 w n er OP e' ~~'11!1 ••••••••••• Loving Mother will babysit t'Ull time. C.M. ArH. M&-M53 Npt Ht• 2 Br. epaeloue apt, quiet mature adtt. 1700 Incl UIM, 875--8202, 131·8000 Lcae Nd! apt lo v ........ ~H 27, overlooktng courtyard, pool. lac. weltflt rm , walk t o beac:itl. Subterrane•n aua;· 1100 mo. Owner/operalor 1---------i Heve you read today'• Cell Jeck anytime, HonHt & Dependable Tired of doing leundry? I work. Prlcu 11.,1 11 Selling anything with • 646·3089 Cerpel. uphol, area rug Masonry, eerpenlry, con-Claullled Ade? 11 not, day or night 975_30 14 Brend• 962-2600 fluff & fold, hand wHll, 1 $8/roll Alec 751•7027 Delly Piiot CIH1lfled Ad cleaning Work ouar crete, edd'ns. Int/ext ,.. you're milling the beat Sh t h It' hend Iron. Mellculou1. 11 e llmpte melter Wan1 Ad Help? Free Ell. 645-1771 mod. Uc'd. 648-0781 bargain• In townl Want Ada Cell 842-5178 ·wt~ ~=·642~S:~Y Exp. R-642·gT87 CllUllled Adi 842-5678 Jull c;atl 842·5178. 6•2·5678 I '°' rour a.wn mower DOLLAR DAY DOUGH SAVERS for Merchendl•• under •1,000. Seil your no-longer needed Items for cash. If It doesn't sell, we'll run It another 3 days FREE. One Item per ad, must be priced. Sorry, no real estate or commercial ads. Call today for full detalls. (NM-Nflln ··~·· • ..,. .... •1•) • r ' 1A.t••unas••ll/ . ,,,, ... ,.; £111 I Fo•u .•••••.••••........... A.t•tHtt•••*' SllO ···········~·········· LINES 3 3DAYS CLASSIFIEDs642-5678 1100 lllWllll LOST CAT ChOCI brown wt oold eye• Vic or Mooarch Bey area Ans· were 10 "Ming " Pleue call 240-3118 This Is the Actual Size Ad FOf *1 reprociuetton, • cteer bleelt •nd Whl .. photo Of eny ,,,. cen I>• .., .. d. Yo1.1r meHllO'wt•~the plct"'9 In "'" 111*19, ~ ChOOH "'>t to Pl.lbllall • picture, fill the tpeoe with Yo.Ir metMg9. ~.tl!l!'!!!! ......... . Jdt "'•"' 1171 •••••••••••••••••••••• Young merrled man w111 do gen81'11 hMCty wonc. Call eve• ' wkende, 972,9525 81k F 30 went • llve•ln poelllon. clMn, coot! • .,.. t1nC11 In .. ohen9e for room & l>Oerd. Muet be Ible to work PIT out1lkle home ....... ,,. Eiip PflOI "'"" Reft. tran .. , •• dy 1, nltu . l.,·HU Mfl Derell ..... !*.lfla.~ .... L~tr AUT~ ... . ......... rv:•"'* ... 191 •11tomot ve ..... 11 .. . --.._.. .... .. ..... .. ..... ,_.._ .,, ........... ..... ,...~a.a .... . Orange Coa11 DAILY PILOT/Thurldav, October 14, 1982 DI ~~11..rt.•.a.~~ .... !.{ff '9~11..Y!~ ... ~~ •..• !.1.'tf '-'ll..fH.~ •••• TJ.ff IWl.8M'll. •••• 1J.ff fllll.lfltt ••••••••••• ll!.'111. ......... 11.!I ltm'n. ......... 11.ff tl!t ••••••••••••• ~l ft.t.'!,.f~11f... ••• T!,.~~~ ••.•••••.• l!M l •bylitter wtnltd, CION COUl!lef 1'141111 W.,,19d. dty UIM. lllllTllY ......... n ,., .... mlto llelO ~. LADY'I OUtlO"' DIA· , .... 111• DRY STOR'GE '10 Oodo• DfO 4Jt4, .,. to lonlt l C e"yon c;IMnlnt .. t~lh~t, "9olontl ottto. ol lltte 00 AJrJ0tt .,_ \w lft, =--~~w:r'.! ~~~~~.:.~•· OrMn wlnot, 0oroeoue ft e•tru, AM /'M Cllt • ichoo!1 ""·to ... l'llY. t 'IT. IOl4t I Hwy. ntllon•I llW flffl! .... WHtmenl ,.., ...... ' ~ Mon Oct tllh -bCHly • felilllettj fo¥M· Moklllly bOAI llOr•g•. letOO .... '"°''' old-o\ rt •II 101100 . lo. Leg. 4 .... IMI aec;r .. 1ry wltll Hl*iln· uot oltloe. Lto111 "°"' f"to 4 Oft\•• 'oun. l.adlel ~ .... Die-bte, •tfecllo"•"· v•ry any l&u, 24 iv ..ourlty. 'to loyo11 4•4 ~ .,;r. H3 M ~ Ot lnler .. 1 In QeMtll phon.••t'IPing·blillPO e 1 0 y 0 mono.. t4K tc*l!..pecKe. llmt. t mo• Old ffM}~ 14N6 °' trllde let~ ltbylltter Medici, MA· ........ u. tltlO•tlon. Potlllon flQUI· "-.iblt "" '* Oey. \~;J~:yd ~.ty ::nii 01ua.41n ,, •• , ... tH. 143.1415 ~... PU Of? eo-totl TUAI, eitWCI w/lnfwllt ,1mou1 '''" At111r1 rH hlOll typing tklllt, t•• •••a _......, ........ ' ..., ji f' "'-lf ti ~f -1tl1 .... ~If • ---2 d9" wk,,,.. tW)IN .... ltudlo ... 111n1 lllrao· llQlll lt!otlllend & lh11t ,_ -....,, v 1 r """' M~W. 1P.w' a-... , W '72 Aancflero With -'*' . llA~ ... , , -t!W9, per.onablt men end of gtt\9(11 olfk:e d110.. t2nd. et a Oft\ 10 Foun· .n tn........ .. .nrr. .... l'w:T .. ,...._T ..._.. I Muet .... I 1400 llr. utt have OWfl tr1nt. WOl'Mn. ~ ti "rl. lem F•tnlll1r1tu wllll C1Jllornl1 A,!~!blel olllld titler ~ t1tn Vallty City H•!l..1 TAIL.I IAW. 10'' "°<lk· MOVl.HQ MUIT 8AO. &'I 073·3149 tr&· ION or 17S-50t I, 17 ...... ' ... AAAlA.. rtt .. ~.,.... l!.xoelllnl ....,, pr mlrily tvt't . ...,...n Purohul119 Det>t., 102w well. Never 11Md. HOO ltlCIWI" Orend Pleno, 1 __ .,,.............,. lkt>Y9httt needed to g1ve ne1 ;w:m .. W:.~ :111:.1~1111 dental ~:;.:.;:fer. N. lrwln• ... ,. Awe. Min bid• let del4*9d· 841·3•12 yr Old e1a-t110 Mike T!H.'l!~W!t!. ••••••• r.•.'.~ •••••••••••• 11.!f RC \O lfttent, PIT, In our No ••Pf'· netded. Wiii t n • u r 1 n c • ll •tty llCll Wiii be poel9d #hlfll.a••11 .._. Oak Upgrlght pl1no, C••Jlftl1 lal1 '11 Vtn Convertlon llome. 84&-IOH treln ''"· Full or p1rt1 811Ml291 UUI al ,, •I l •••••• :rr •••••••• rml' nMd• llnlthlne. l••I '"' MT llU leNline time Call (213) 830-eot9 LiQhi"ho Hwork--mi'iie Ltteet In lurooean tit· r;f111ff ••••••••• r.. M --1150. 64t-7272 •••••••••••••••••••••• cu• 10 m 1 cu 110m 1 PAIT/Tm TIU.II (3·10 PM) mult :nd llelp drHt n .... l!.tt0t11ete llectro-AAAGI '*· Pnc.d lo Ladlel blllt • ...,, $ IPd to ao· iono. Ht per ft. Y h P II hed !b Cebover C•mper for Im• Cuttomt Like new with I .. I t Oenttl Ottlc• Mgr M•IUI• tidy Mutt hlvt oer tnd nlo t 1tero1..,., At Merl ••1111 ''I 1·8,· 8 1tl8un Oood cond. 160/obo, 77f..14t1 enytlme. ~m8~' • ,o • U 1oRny Pofl truck, l>OOI, ti~· onlw t0,300 mllH but Stvlngt & loan, 987 txper. In peg otrd, In• Uvt In N.B. 648..0IOO llomt UM. Pert time or t1·8. 2392 Fordham Of. LIVI NLLllll · $3500/btt ofr tee-H 77 (7t4) 945.nte 1Mt I Ptu.tl velc>ur ~· App Y •t. nunt nl on • 1 on T.V. P0t1•blt unltt for 147-7211 '" P 1 1 no• · ier1, GOrntr Jtekt 1760 ' Werner. H.B. E.O.E ~~enrt,ft1T~';"14~~~ LIVE IN with l•mlly t nd IUll time. Cell 176-0819 S111Sun.v.-. turnltute, s,::.':~~015Q. tO epd 8-nd tomeone you love lkll•f. "" #llllllH llkn I/fl =1.'~u::·:~'&llm:~ Banking 0 M 83t-1420 Cir• lor am•ll chfldren or 873.ft3t CIOtlle1, eto ... 1 ROH c.a 845-3413 • belMlllM boYqutt ol 30 .,... •••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• (IZ79280) Jvtt need r• .. &lllllTI llP ' ' . ti be wltllnQ to tr•vel II•~ St .. CM. 549.70.44 Miium belloon1. Ptrf~I t 08 2 S II I N • u 11 q u • '11 .at 14"/tM lllbl• party 10 m•k• ltitel ltlhtMt 1bl• to drfve. Light n-Red 10 IQMd Ilk•. good lor all oc:autone. GrMt "200t". Only 38 lloUrt. Oood d 831 8349 111 thly 1 Xlnt oppty 10'1 ug:r. Dentel olllc;e Ntwport "°"Nkeeplng a c:ooklne Earn to 11500/mo. PIT. OLLEOTOAS Contole, oond. Puncture proof deciorttlng ld111. Aleo llavt 1 1977 For-con • • ~'!; 01~o;ontrfc~~.!. r,:'~P"'•~'1t~0 f: Fl\ Be•ch. clletrald• Htlt· req'd Mutt •PHk En· M u 11 be tn1tur e . H• to 1pprec Furn, 11t .. N0080 845-4605 87:t·44tt mu11110 20 ft ... Ilk• WHIZZEEMotorBlke,xlnt wme,nobeetcpaymentt petition. Exper. In new t•nt. 844.0032 glllh. No imoklnj a No 559-9043. LH v• MH· mleo. 2041 Cllartle (rMt). rie'I. Antique m111ooeny cebl· NEW I C • 11 ( 7 1 4 ) cond rHtored, M•rk. du• A81< FOR AOSE. iccountt • mutt. Ce ll drinking. 945.755 . Atf1. uge. lrt1 5 tpd bike 130. Al· 11/'~'•f net wltll orig. 'ROA redlo 842·2000 6 ulc for Jim· 1 11100 H3·3481 848·9303. Ike lmportt· LI d (714) 764 1801 DESK CLERK ""'*'· Fl req'd moet new PUlll tnowet ••• & d pl $75 b my, Jr. If out, pl .. H ---di n •· • . time. no exper n•c•H L•a• lfFtOtl• 1mlDT wtc:alcher 176. 979·M811 •11rl•l1 1111 recor •ver· ; •· leeva met1t119I #elll'1'111/ _r_. ------EOE. Or•noe COlll S•· Tll• 8Hl•rk Motel 274 -• •••••••••••••••••••••• tl1toom "mtrbl• IYP•" ~ .. ,,,, 1110 •• vl~t~700 Ad1me. C.M. Newport Blvd. 848-7445 Aggreulv1 Newport Looking tot utre In· ntlque br ... bad. MW\119 •W llt/n. :':1~11 :i:r ,!1~0~j~~ lr.sJ!•f. '-'• llH •••••••••••••••••••••• V B 9 1C2 }CLE STORE nMdt Dental AMl•t•nt Btecll firm •Mk• moll· come? Try Pert-Tim• m•ch .. dHll • mlto. Redwood 2•8 dec:klng. door well Cllblnet & • 1•1•1•'1• .,;;:·,·0••L•l•ll•••• Bulltec:o Alptno 380 trl•I• OllYlllllll , 0 vated lndlvldv1l1 Terri-Stte1 11 Ille PENNVSA· furn .. etc, etc. 8•t. I to 3, • ..,.. ~ _ ... _ _......ood -· bike . 1500. Call evH, ••Per•l•ly n••d•d II 2987 Cf ftdon 8 c M ....... ; ..... r..... "marble type" WIN.,,..,, I I ~' c:ar1 Ito 5 rell1ble, dtpend1ble, en· R.O.A. Newport BHch tRorEIHllopeHn.bMu•Pt 1'11v• VERCo. 1880 Pl•centt• (Ott B-'" o ). •• ;. .!.:....· . lenc;ing, •II Jim or Ken en lor ontv 1100. tempe-8"'tt.31 3 ("•-:.~1 i-84_6""'_7_8_____ ••ao1"'~~--• ergetlc peraon for tlock pr1ellce. Modern, tront · · c9st:00°;3 90 0 ~:: Wll~~! M .... Aall tor -er .......,........... 1nytlme, 716·1491. red gl ... ehower d()()(I, • .. _ ... '"""' '81 Y1mah1 SR t85cc _ -·- work. Apply et 2146 o ffic e uper. helpful. BACHELOR GARAGE REOWOOO DECKING ttke new, only 150 for llllltl Him StrMt bike, mint cond. ¥111 llUllTP Newp«1 BIYd, C.M. Poeltlve •ttllude. 4'!\ dly Loen Officer S11et SALE·Tqo19, tlereo. c11 2114•1, 334, 2xe. 4k per botll. Clll 142..0138. Ill t OeU.IOTNI $760, 95mpg. 846-0490 llUOJ YUi Boll wt!. Call Julie, 142·•832 Ft11tal1 Valley llPft.lllllT 1225· Etc. Sal Ontv t-4. ft. HO treln, BIGhmenn eng.. '79 Honda C)(5000 xlnt lllT llEITIL ELIOTllO&L 11111111 Mtrt&,t ... , .. , Y• ...... 34• VUltnOVI, C.M. S•vell 1195-0122 4>c8 deltlled 11yout, -SHW cond. )(tr11, tow mllH lllll·UllP EXPERIENCED. Perm•· Looking 1or 4·8 exper. Work PIT, 9 am . 2 pm, BHll•IM ,,,,, Pr 9. AOOR hl·llll llldlng to 1pprec. 1400/obo. IOTllll 11 l 1l $1200/ofler. H0·7103 LllllUll ~:,'= :Tu.~~i: nent pot111on. 25 YT old protHalon•I•. W• tpee· or 4 pm · 9 pm, with the ••••••-..•••••••••••••• g 11 ,, d 0 0 , s 5 o M2·7"5t, 142..0143 Prt• I All tt I Pll 'at Yemen• 850 Mldnlt• PIOIPIOI rlenc4MI NllOr. Knowted· ; 114~95~;J~ a I c o · :·~~~~~~1~';M~G°.f~~:i ~~r.ti~~.~~ ,:i~: ~~!12.~~,~~B~~! 983""4477 IBM Typewriter. Older mdl HY • SILL • WH Spec:111. tnowroom c<>nd USED ge ~t & outt>oerd en-& 2nd TO'a. phone HIH. Etrn •n 9·10. H1mllton/Bullherd fm II F11 IHI w/c1rrl•g• & keya. Od tow ml. $2700 080 'll IHtf "II gtne repair helpful, 151hr Fltnen oriented Sele-Call JOhn Cue.ck hourlr, wig• + comm. • .._., •••••••••••••••••••••• i con d S 3 0 0 , c 111 F11turl119 -pon• of 111 557-2817 • to 11111. (213) 271·2877 •P•rtont to dlttrtbute 96-4-toto Tr•ln ng provided. For .!.'!r.!!.-.:r; ••••••••• To gd home. A lg II en 957.3349 emt. eru· Sword1, colnt, wer .75 Kewukl '°°<:c grHt CrulM, air cond 6 C.B BOOKKEEPER ASS'T Ille new EuropHn El· RESIDENTIAL d ett 11 t , C •II ( 7 14) 11 10118. 81m-4, Copy ShMpdOO mix. Speyed. New Cordteu phone. aouvenlre, entlquee Ind running cond • P 327691 lmmedl•t• FUii Time Po-lortlHI uerclH ml· MORTGAGE SERVICE 540-0301 mtchlne, Stereo equip. F. m 11 y d 0 g . Whol•HI• COii. 1210. :~:~ndl 01 collec:llbl• $400. 673:8874 • ..,... 14111 lltton ,_,,_,In 1 ,.,.....u.), clllne, comml1alon1 B•r refrtg .. ldl Item• 7141240-3205 Norm• 497.1791 "'" ..,........ rv-ft._ 7 14/8 46 -0848 or Loan Sales ·" ' ORANGE COUN TY #•Ill Be•H $1/1/ I ~~':r/t :11~°:~v,':9: 2131592~239 p ll 00E111 I / TIE LHI ~8:3 Port Renwick pt, S:::,· s!~:,.~n.~':,~· For ..,.: lull memberthlp FAIRGROUNDS, Co111 l••llll'1~'1 1110 HI '!!c~~h~ 1111 Invoicing. Type 55-80 PIUIW Tll ·-EIOllW Femou1 for Ille flneel In . . 540.572 • . . In M•H Verde Country MH•. enter get• 3A Oii ••••• ,.·.... ••••••••• Wheef.(510523) wpm & good compute-_,. European ettlr• for guyt Ult lat 27 Club. Write Ad 11 1023. Artlnglon St. SllM •ittl tlonel aklltt 1 mutt. Call Work and Pity In P•lm Min 2 Y" exp Procl 6 gait 11 looking for 2 Furniture, ClothH & Mix breed Beegle / g~~~ =·9~g;8.l580, llell lnl•1tl•I Mull Mii by 10115 ·77 • c erme111. 7 l4-545-28M Sptlngt, Let Veg" i nd eacrw. Cleflc11, tight er-111.,pl•d ... loual11our HouMhotd ltemt. Sport• Doberm1n, all ehott, .. ~ MJ Ftetd & Strum 22' 'll IHtl lllll BOOKKEEPER/ ret0r1 1 ., ... , 1 demonttrl· rends. Smell Newport c u11omert. F•thlon Equip. Boot!• & Lot• of good witch dog & good llllHtrt Tiii 11/111 •••••••••••••••••••••• (Dodge 360) Rear dlnet· SECRETARY t ng exc I ng new pro· Mor1g1ge Co. 851--0«4 blldlground nee.. POii· Magazlnet. 208 v11 lido wlkld1. 497""43114 0 n b 0 •rd 111 • 7' Btr. cuttom med•. te. 48,600 ml. 963·2187 Frig. bay windows & air PIT for N.B. lnveetorl ~=a ';,~.~~~n::=: l&lltlllST t10n1 open lmmed. Call In Sou d . S A TURDAY Broken cement lrorn P9· "Trecycllerl" between m1hog•ny. Coln lnteld •1•ll••1 •11n/ •110 oond. (2390521 Motel•. Retteurtnl, R.E. tlon lurnlahed, return wllll cllent .... 3976 Birch N-port Beech for •ppl. ONLY, 9-5. 110. emlll pea, good lor The Ctnn..-y & Oe11ney1 top. 5 110011. offer. :~ ••• :-.";!.!~ •••••• !.... Slltl Small ..aery but oppty to guerantNd. p1ld training s 1, N.B 545.7112 Tiie Loolt. 844•9500 land1e1pl119. 840-1392 RHt1urent1, Lido P1rk 840-1267 1972 22' Kenaklll Trav11 grow. Student O.K. Good and lllgh earning•. Muat ervloe Stetton Attendant, #inj1UJ1• FrM kitten• 8 wilt box Dr. Dally 9--8. rv: IMll triller, Good Condition 'll Hiii O&MHI typing •blllly, po1ltlv• b• well groomed and llllOlllST-la,.r'lll. exper. 1ppty Sn.II Sta-A;··············;;;; trlined. . . OM Wiii aJfl '"'" "" 12500: (714) 528-4317 Sink. frig • & ••••P•r 1tutude, 1h1rp •PP••· 1t1rt lmmedl1tely. For 845-5370 tlon 17111 & trvlne. New· •• .'JJ!!!.............. 848·3t07 Only 12.001 Seturd•y ••••••:/••••••••••••••• 3t AIRSTREAM (82Ml19) renc•. quick mind & Interview call 848-<1187, Mttur• counter help""" Port Belch. COMMODE, Bologne I 1_0 October 18111. llem 10 1 BEAUTIFUL 25" RCA 101ded. 18500 obo SHH llappy peraonlllty men-11 em to 4 pm P1rente de<I In Schll't t>Mutlful e w 1N0 MA c H 1 NE mtrble top. Cir. 1890. fin lllf "~ pm, 10350 Elll•, Fountlln Color TV. 2 yr wrnty. 873..0878 delory. 845-41t& ...ieom.. n-bakery, D•n• Point. OPER Expr, l1ctory llgllt m1llog•ny Sl50. •••••••••••••••••••••• Valley. 1 blk eui of $148 Fr•• delivery. '11 Fllll VU CARPET & DRAPERY Full time position Oppor-AllO PIT Bretklatt cooll. production lln•. Pc. 240·l253. * *' BUY** Brookhurst. Htlp Hnd o~ J~~·. 848-1788 ·e:p:~::.1 !~;:;~n~~ .. ::7. Window pkg . ttereo & HI•• perton, young & tunlty lor quick. lntelll-496·2434 r1tet. Co111 M••• Antique O•k Dining Rm aOocl uMd Furniture & our youth cllolr t o Mll.Afl 5,8111•1599 alr cond.(Al8845) aggreetlve, exper llelp-gent, generel office Meture, work ethic, lgllt 842-9e51 tbl w/4 chre. $400/btl Appllanon-OR 1 wtn "" Color•do ... Flr1t Sou· Spanlllh Mehogany Meg· • Slttl ful. C.11831-4402 Uk for c1«k-typl1t Junior potl· bkpng, good otfloe 1kllt1, EACH OTHERS 8-9 llB ofr. 641-0NI or &ELL lor You thern Bept11t Cllurci\ nevox i tereo contole. Aile hrnn, 11111 Jeck tlon. Exposure to •lock d s·oo I 'A I HOO ...... . $1000 up. Non-1mkr, week. Etrn 1800·1900 Antique Buttel S050; Cul MA•Jlll lllTlll Ltdy'I rlCCoon fur co1t, good con . .. lo r. ttHHI H · JI~ ~ CARRIERS Wented. Earn control, purch.lllng and 673-3591 mo no ulllng nee W':al 11,.,., c .. tn -830·81119 •••••••••••••••••1•••• lllltl• PHI computer oper1tlon. • grUI '''" " • 141·1111 lll·H21 v. length, rtrety worn. PAINT 6 Ute body Work. • 13oo·to 19oo per mo. Perm1nent po1lt1on for Mechanic, emall engine. 850•1991 j "'117 · H7-2320 exc111 cond Size me-JBL SP91k.,.. Pal< of 12" up to 50% oll .,our body 2080 H1rbor Blvd Mull ll1ve de.....,d1bl• -I 1-PllllTll" dlum •~"'" ••2 7107 K 20 ' ,,..., r .. l1ble pereon. Ctn Ve-Exptrlence NecHHry, elepllone s.... Kenmore wether a dryer. •• ~ _.,., . .,.. • · 1 imp •P••ker1. shoo nt em 984--0332 COSTA MESA cer. Good driving record lor Electronlct C M Appllcetton by Appl ontu. Ull .. -d s L" 957 8133 good llhepe St50 RAN 1.a2 0010 a.a• 1211 1 proof of lneurence. 714-540-9264 · · · Cell 839·3540, OTS DI~· __ , •Int con · 75 H ell. • WANTED eMerc4M bike. DALL P.A. Ctblnet; European Mechenlc re-"' • ._. Apprx. llrt. 4AM·tAM. trlbuttno, Orenge WHlml P/T 54 ..... ae •fl 4t wkndt Formic• Tlbl•. 42x52" I ~uontble. Pltue call w/15" tpellltr•. pair of pal rt EuropHn Ctr ti '64 Ford VIII\, Eoono 8 GYf, Opening I lvtll. In OEN OFC ·good ph per-$400 • 1900 wkly. Cell •ANTIQUE AUCTION• wltll 2 eddltlonal leev... 8 RS·l15-2PH c:abiMll wl French Spllg 991-1229 11 .. polentlal Newprt Bell, CdM. Irv. t on•llty. It typing. 1m OIL 1011-'TIRIST (7 14) 538-76H All! tor Thurt .. Oct 14, ePM. Tiie Wood too In pert cond. :..~ ~:,; '2/11~, 2 8 • apellcert a ll<>rn•. 8ood John 675.7499 Oe ll The Regl tter ofc. 3 dy Wk. 540·9593 Needed for progtMllve R.H. DunleYy H COnd ~ ol e Penn, '35, H0-5844 • ' . 1h1pe 1450 p1lr B0 .1 __ A_U_T_O_P_A_IN-T-IN_0 __ 1 --------- 951·7112 Mon.frl, 7AM .-Mlf -• ••Ion Some cllent•I• -.-entlqu• 1hop; toyP, 8rt br 11 IOf hto. PEAVEY Ampllfler Up to 50% ott your body A•IH WulH 1111 to 11AM. 1 :;-,::~llle op=g• pref S1luy. comm , ,._ ... _ ctllna. ltmpe, turn .. lncid •-becl~f. M~ :.,.11; Lj2~ kennel, UMd once. "Bedl11age 30" prlcilce shop Mt. Bill 9&4..0332 •°"9••••••••••••••••••• CHILO CARE"nMded. 2 over .... end dometllc. vecatlon.Mgr540-8889. *"'1•1 primitive. 10% buyert 111. 4 ch•lrt 1 75 553_1417 1mp, Ilk• new $100.1---------1 WE PAY "''· 8:30 10 8:30 ""· 3 Of 20•000 10 50.000 + 1 Nurtlng work Evenlne• In New-premium. C111 c 11arlH 842_.954 (Tom 1 7 5 1-8 5 18 or Ail., 1., 1,1, .-irop DOWll 4 mornlnge Wk+ 1 wtcnd -C•'I 13121 "20-"""JS L I port Beech. Litt wMlc lor detalll. Port1bl1 bleclc & wlllle 548.()995 •••••••••••••••••••••• W--I L B 0 C • ,_ .. • "" VN or bu~ beet! office. ou I"" _,.an -• In 24 Larry Morgen OAK 8EDRM SET 5 pc, TV't 120. POR T OTICE mo. oc: twn · · • Ext 2239 FIT, 5a7.3 •2, "'lk for r ..,... ,... ""' ton e~4-I I Bl1upunkt C8H Stereo IM TAN N . fll 1111 A&a• , UCt Wiii A-••"~ w~1n " .. " hourt and br~t home Auel ...... .._ con temp. tty•· x nt 553-t417 TO R"'"'DERS "'ND ..... . ....,..,., ....... ·~ . Join Smllh $3"5. Call ..... 7"' •rter 1ee6 TOfOfllO w-, cond. aa.c1lllce 1375. CR2001, UHd I WMk. aov""'ERTISERS" l4&-07M GOVERNMENT JOBS • ~ "" -· ee All tlectrlc hotplttl bed -1250. INIG-9927 eYM. " ALU ll&llH CHILD CARE HEEDED. Meny 'ie>bt evelleble In f&lf·l'm 1 PM. Coet1 Mell 971-4 5. With llde rlllt. Th• price of Items ad· PelTlll/-, Agee 9 end e YI'•· 2 .,. U.S. end <WW-. For OROER ENTRY nPUITT9I. 714-566-tlOt 80UO OAK WALL uMI. 1700. 844-98&4 IYU9ITI"""' YertlMd by v«llde dMo 24&0 Hllbor BIYd. ternoont per week, our Dl<ectOfY 31218'9·4347 PROCESSOR ••"••m lfJI w/mllchlng cotlM & 2 Comp4. ttereo tptem, • 1 lera In the vetllde ct..... COSTA MESA ~In Corone def Mer. ext. E•91 Irvine beaed metl.-iget PUTl..W .... • 7."tttt .......... .-... end t1bl". '45011400. John Weyne Tennie Club Pc • t 2 0 watt•' fleet edvertlelng column• ..... ••- need ctr. refi. 14 llr. llMllllSSlll Hrvic. l'IMda P•rMlme ll•k Ou1drltek. bu1y HARBOR AREA ldnt c.ond. 972-485. lamlly memberelllp for $95010BO. 497-8372 do•• not Include 1ny -·- 15WW wt!~. 8e YOUf own t>Oell Belt =~n:~~:i:~ ;n~y.Ptc'"~u":'; :=: :::~.!= S<>f:AHO MC>· throw pet. .-. M~~ ... ,. I ... ~.. . II =:e~t:':.'·f\= Mt· lUl r • n t d • • I I n C . M . &42-0 t 44 •--''enoee 6.ff.30r7 lowl, c;ordurcy fa& 11tnl -• chatgee, f-IOf a1r pot-WI 11f 11111 HaR 548-34•8 & enter Of"der1 Into com-_,.... . cond. teer fl 1300 Double bed wt •nllque r.../-1•1 lullon control device ... ~ puter terminal Sttrl A t TER I ... a I"' IPft..aa.I 9 72 .... et5. lr1me 1 100; t•bl• HW •• ~:a-. •••••••••••• ~tllflcatlont or d••ler II.Ell 1111 Up to '350/Wk. Cell to-IWI STTLIST S4.50-$5 50 Plf llr c111 BARTENDERIH• HE E· s100. ""'"17!50 IHn.J 1111 day . JOBS TODAY. Motlvtlld St"'lll needed Bttbara 556-8329 OED. Apply Sergenll't Lei HJ-8133 SOFAILOVESEAT con· •••••••••••••••••••••• documenttry preptra· .. flllll 935·4449, 2707 N. " "'-t-·rent ..... w. ltlh WMher•"--·Aef""". temp. 1tyle . E1r1111one Unlverally Atlllellc Club t2' elutn. boalltrall«, 7,5 lion cherg•• unteu for Progreulve Seton Ptlntlno St, ,.-:_t• • .::: Ol~f~ c01or1. Sacrlflcel $400. memberehlp, M&O. tp411 hp motor, eu11. OM tll*. otllerwlH epeclfled by Brlltol. S .. A. amall ,_ Selery, Comm , Vec1-Book pul•1'P PIT. Mon, ...,. -Xlnt oond Ml-$141 t72~8t5. tr antler fat. Ooug, MOO. 494-2905 the ldvertl-. COOK I d I tlon. Mgr. 540-8"9 2T pm to apptOIC 9:30 pm. -IPlllTll . BED. Ort .. o hOI .. lull •• WkdYl.!!2;~100: 9Va or ... __ ,_ 11~--· 1111 • •• , even ng1, uea, 10.30 to 1pprox Broker-ftrm 11,1 Im· "-frlgt, Waeheft, ~ " & wtcnd ...,......_2 ,., -.l•Nlln ~~••••••••••••••• broMer. taut• exper ,,.. Halr1twM1t with lolloWlng 5·30 pm No Exper. Nee: -..-M1ny to chooH from w/freme. Like new. •--1 ,,,_, __________ , ceai. Qorde Liz, , ... ......, p 1...,. medOper\for~wlre 1 100 8 ... ,.....2· St25/obo,847-7271 CHEMI CAL LAB SUP· ._.,,ff _ .. 780·0971 Interview• to worll In ,_ Hlon In ..,.,....,. ennyaeve<, """' operttOf, ,,,_ 8-2:30,... Ouar. /Uf'. 5_.._ PLIES, ln1trument1, & •••••••••••••••••••••• LUii II UY blwn 3·4:30. TUM thru C:-~~nl• del ~1'! 5•5r3•1• Pttoentl• Ave, C M l1ry commen1ur1te w/ IS;, lkle-by•eldt refrlg. Betutllul leaded glau ororg~ ,.e2-:~•to ~ ~!n'"'11n1Servtcel1-"IRepal. If I 1111* ....,_, magee. v "" PIT. Develop bualneea to eiq>er. For 1P91 call, He-r w h 1 t e , 2 y r 1 o I cl, bOOkcaH/deall & met· ,,..,_ ,...,_ ""' ,,.,,, ~-.,, Fri. HOUSEKEEPER . 2 dyt market MCurlty tyl1em I• n M c Q I n I • y . $2751obo. 4117-15$1 elllno pr--btok rockl~ ofl 1-6PM M·f . 10·5 <>tty work. ~l>-2520 Ev dellver11nyle ... venlcle COOKS, full & PIT. hr9 & wk . 8:30-4·30. own Earn extra 12000/mo 714-844-2292 "'-"r'-ei~ FF ,.____ ch1lr. E11cellent cond • Sat. 932 N. M1ln St. ,Plumbtng. •••-=trlcel, or buy1 tny G•r over money to be 1rrtnge0. tten1p. 752-7037 Eagt1 Enterprl ••• ._.....,.... ..... / ""'--· tton. re11onebl• Orange 839·7071. wooctwoni. QualttyW<>fll. Auto-Met•'• ec1uaJ dee· The Orl"tder RNlturenl. 855-8807 C.11•• h/n Top lrHzer, HarvHt 770-8508 , competitive prlce1. lef coat. 1400 W. PCH, Npl Bct1 I ll1ve • fob lor bright, ••••'-•••••••••••••••• gold. Gr .. I Cond. 1200. #11t11/••N8I 83l·711t3 No 111 or !eat pymt &42-eM 1 energetic houaewlvH. P /Tt•I llO'Y CHI• .... 645-3413 Solid O•k tcllool detk. Wu"' IOll I No aecurlty depoeit otllert. during s chool Needed lor I min Ille •••••••••••••••••••••• wl awlwet chelr' 1250. •••••••••••••••••••••• ... ,, ,.,,., H41 No llcenae IN Nllll1llS houri. Houeecle1nlng. lnturance office. Shor· Freezer-Frlgldelre uprighl, J30·5277 AM & eerty W4NTEOI Good u11d •••••'•••••••••••••••• eo month fln1ncing People nMd9d to trtln Mop Sqoed, 557·9097. thand & typing tklllt; IWll mlf 1 5 c ub I c It I t O O PM relrlgeretor/freezer , 1981 llberglu1 dleHI Too S$ IOf trade-Ina •• Coun1elo re to 1ld -·UI-prevlou1 experience In Evefy Sunday, 8am-3pm 751-«194 ifler 5pm. Cu1torn llnllhed 48" lrotl·free. with le•· Nordic tvg. Full y1cllt 5 yrl50,000 ml wtrrenty Olhera In di.tr ... or with -lnau•ance pref Pleue Orange CoH I College. Refrlgtretor, Ilk• new. round teble 150 m•ker. Mutt be In ex-trim, Ille belt equipped Any meke 6 model pro blem•. Thi• new Perton•t tine •ccoun1 c:.11 AM, 557-5842 Ftlrvlew & Arllngton. lroat tree, 2 door. 540-1735 cellent condition Ctll ever built. 4 pege1 of Foreign or domettlc te chnique retullt In 1 edmln. Min. 2 yr1 tgency Coatt M .... Admlttlon 1185. 893-toeo 842·5879, ext. 320, gHr. Hktng 159,500 •With tllla Id well and hlPPY per.an. exper. Fred S. Jamee & Recept1on111/Typ111. N.B. frH to buyer•. Selltr M1tchlng benohet lor 49" 8:30-5·30. Office • 897-4450; home All welcome 10 epply Co. trvtne. Call Don Wll· l•w firm, good typing ~llloM/ Info. E Stove, wlmic<cwreve, round t1ble. 112.50 " . 548-5930. Contact: Olanetlcl Cent· llaml, 752-0990, EOE •kllll Ca ll lul11 556-511() ~ ... :.w ... :·u:~ 640-1735 ••llt•l c --1.-.-.-.c-,-8-.-L.-P-.-,-,-.-ke-1 CatlllAl~~-11 e r. 774-0121 betw"n More flmlllM 11• getting 640•9900 495-2639 · KlnO N bed, me1trea1/bo11 1•1111 .. •I• 1#1 Century bly boll, 4 cyl, 6 t :30 AM end 10·30 PM, the~ "bug" thll You don't need 1 gun to Heve tomethlno to Mii? 1pr1ng1 & freme. lto.1•••••••••••••••••••••• Grey. 13500. 875-6181 , .. t.r .ltlte1 Mon thru Fri, Sit 9:30 yw. If you hew • cam-"drtw IHI" wllen you CIMelfled llde do It .,..., 1 yr Old Ol"9n & Slttler Ctlll Lindi .548-teee YAMAHA 8•H Amp. ~18~.~S~ou~l~h~C~o;aa~t:::;to~t~•~ll-;y ~~~~~~~~~ AM to 4:30 PM per thlt'I not g•Ulng place •n td In the Ody g11 llOYe, beige, 1350. Oenllh Modern 8' Couch Heed wtth. double 15" , .. tored. Nlcett tn N.B. '63 WllLYS 327-305 J4ave eomethlne to Mii UMd, Mii It now wtth • Pilot Wint Adtl Celt now 11• WolH 1111 494.2905 Ind 2 ct\alre, $400 PV lpMker cabinet. Alt $9500 obo 831-7785 or iuto • all·n•w II' .. ' Claaellled eda do 11 Wllfl. Claeelfled Ad. I 642·5e78. • .. ,................... app1n Mlcroweve. Ilk• 842-9689 etter 5 In excellent condition. 831-7022 cond. $3000. IMl()..8MI Bea part of CopadeOro •.. a legend in the making., ,_, 1200 UOOobo .. _,. / 831-e:Mt Twin bed. comple te w/ lat-Olll 1-IPll TAADE 8eaullful 22' Cllrle -lflll Po tturepedlc mitt. 1 Creft Full option, lor Cl•1dt1 1111 Refrlg, w1111er & dryer, (Sealy) $60, 845-.3413 auto. Need trenepon•· •••••••••••••••••••••• mutl Mii to best olfer. 8Mu1Nut Orum s.t. 1100 tlon todty. Bo11 wortll ... L HA"tl Good working cono. Pllylll• M«rl1 Otua too « be9I ott.r. 13500 Mll'k 873-3481 Sh ............ ....,... & 167-4784 aft &PM. l•roe dining table w/I 844-7902 1Y '--;-,· hUl>I erm m ah . Ideal tor toe ,..,, laJ/ llll coupH. o c OOH wflM 1111 dlntno rm or conl. lbl. Student Flil1•. xtnt cond., •••••'•••••••••••••••• fromt (008788) (Stk. •••••••••••••••••••••• I 1 20 O, m • k • oh . s 170 714-849·0229; Blggeet 30 footer alloetl A30t3), Prices 1ttrt1no 11 ..... 2$11 or 84e-0074 21)-924-3886 lmmecul1te tlbergl111 •Y tt,1111 • ....__ dlnl .... __. IUll-111....-•llllt I Columbla 30. Interior '" ,,........ no te.,..., -.. 111u-. 1u bigger tll1n moat 35'1. good condition HO. r.•l.-nl "'' Bunk• IOf e edulta. Full Coffee teble 1 20. Cell ••"'•""•-·•••••••••• ga119y a hMd. Atomic 4 Me-7230. SCM Co96er. Moo.t 142 with Menec prop, low PRESENTS Ill BEORM r:r.-ic:h Prov. s.t. rolMld. l600 • tncludet houra. Fufl electrOtllca & M ~ wlrrtlttror a night c ue ot toner encl 2 VHF. Auto. pllot, 4 Mitt THIODORI ROBINS FORD }(I,<, .--&•ten• ~lYD (Q\TA ... l~A f,4; fl)IO AN™lll 1ttnd. 1150. 651-5007 c._. of rolls. ALSO IBM Including ;:.1nn1ktr. 7 t8" car~ e1ec. 'W," ....... _ e11ee I ~.I •600· ...,.,..,. '53 Studet>lker CNrTiplon wrtter, 1 . 842-33 . 1 t 7 • 4 4 5 o ; h o m • 6 patt opt. Nie• 0 .,. INESDINT Ms~~~?,~1o'b1' B~~: '"' 1#1 54a.5930. 131ao. 2131&112-1192 New I It 50 55 t ·5007 •••••••••••••••••••••• 18' ~ Cet. )'9llow wl , AlJCTK)N 8llee • B•Hnll Club wltll•• to teq. eunl1M NII•. Like ...... 17 Twin'~, xtnt CClftd. MS. ~ ~:de:r:~~ new. 12600. 876-'181. ..., ...... ~ 1948 Ford Woody Wt· gon, • 13.000. 1•1 .. ..., Aftet 6 PM 8M-3128, -11 lh IM 875-3291 AKC Cocker Puppln , 9 steoo 142-5290 19" Ford Model A Town ....... cn...a... t ft brown tot• Ind ~ wk1. Aecot ciolor. 24' 111ender. 10 11/p In· 8 • d I n • $ 1 O • O 0 0 . • ..,. •Nt, Ooc:tllall tlble, J 113·4o4M bOtfd 6 Hiia llHd 1-l -76_.e_1e_1_. -----t COHMfll CHEVROLET "-""I , '• I r , ' \t ~ S4t>-I 200 .. HYO Top dollar• for Spor1• Ctrt. Bvga, Campert, 914'e, AuOi'I Atk for U/C MOR .ltl IWllll YllllWllfl 187 11 BelCh Blvd HUNTINGTON BEACH 142·2000 WAITED! Lite model Toyota•. Volvoe, Pickup• 6 Vtn1. Cati U9 lodtyl .............. e ....... " ~ .... .,.,. u .... ., WIHY USED CARS & TRUCKS COME IN OR CALL FOA ••n APPUllM. Cormler·O.Lllto 11mlln 18211 BEACH BLVD . HUNTINGTON BEA~ Ml·Hll, 141-1111 Top Dolar Paid For Yovr Ctrt ........ u ....... ...., 2828 H1tbor 81Vd. Coetl ...... 64().5'30 ~1."''·!~m.'!! ....... All•I,... 11# •••••••••••••••••••••• ''78 VELOCE SPRIHT 14960. 5 tpd, tic, tape, whtl, tllt. lo ml. 52tWQU, Olf 845-2963 Copa ls a truly unique restaurant. patterned alter the splendid temples of ancient Mayans. The cuisine will offer multinational delicacies-the setting is incomparable. FEATU .. INO : Q11eltty ~ ·=-~190 cont• KC Cookert, 1 lull g11tey,' on ,,..· treller: '3t Std. Model A 0::'°' !w~ Antique ~ ,...... "*-· 1 ~ r.m, n .. dt work. 15000, *· Aunt 11f"1 b1e tut• a lndudlnO • oom· New 1toyt111 OlnlnO let. 8 e wk•. SM-MOT 645-3244 S.11. etc. 11000 call ANI •1• r:::• w.-,, bdrm IUIM ollalre. t lt•v•• .. 50. 1 7 1 4 • 7 5 2 • 1 1 9 4 or •• .. •••••••••••••: •• ~; Now hlrfng experienced or highly trainable people to provide' top quality service. Positions availabJ~: • Bartenden • Cocktail Serven • Hostalllostesses • Food Serven •Appetizer Serven • Buapenons • Caalder • Doorman Copa Is a on~ of a kind spectalty mtaurant from El Tortto, offmng excellent starting pay and beneftta. Apply Ill penon • Moaday-&.durday 9:00-5:00 ' 83a anroir.ltadMea Cacm. from loulh Colet .._Hot~) \ MMllC> White ftinl Amertcen Et-.. ,., ""' 72 .... 2"40 M W .. , ... rom Auilrle, ,,..,bit 111mo tovHl>le tm•rt ..a 1111 28 000 mlM. 9'llY loeded topped wHll •••nd1, leeutlfut ~ ""1"*" uicc' llttbtk~ a25' ••••••••••••• .. ••••••• ·55 Chevy a.1 Air won. tunroot. od oond. Liii• c;ommOCI" I ""'olr" Dr•tttr wllrt ml,,or t73·UM · ' IOAT ILIPI AYAIL.ABLI: UO reblt •ng., run• new. 11),400 010. frOfl'I AU9trta, ''enoe I •100 Nlfttt lltnd IH Newpott h9oft: U ' 28' or-t• AM"M caee, OT e I lt•ly, Co'"'''lt ,, ... 011 ... •••• . KUIHOHO ~ M<C, ..... 40', ...... Cai meea. 11,000 541 llM 4 5 . 8 2 1 1 y ••• pint Cflelll9. oeblNel • dlemp. llne. t w'-1. 1110. 942.du from t -5 ._..""I· . 857·1M4 deyl. ermolrH. lxq11t11ttlr o .. 11ner aola & Ol\lb 611°5007. Mon Fri ' f !9lft flt lf!f '75 AUdl Fo1. H..oe '"'9 ....,. well····-., ..... ~ ....... ........._.......__ . . . "' worll. t1d1Do Of beet of• meny 11 ... I dMllM· le, MI0/090. 411 .. 71 'Ai(C"i ';;;-' P\lppltl, MAACNS CHANHIL: tide ~"°'8T ..U"c)EAti•A * 187-4117 p~ Of -...... &Mite Ot ..,.. ... .... -H7 -tit '° II ft: l1110; Mo In IM Weet end lcto pertodl of .... bit a ' 4t -llOI•. .,.. ........ lldt up lo ti ft I 100, _, 11 4udl, IUIW'f • ..,. CIONI,, pen, l•wtltr & olll•r =~·;:..~ollrt ( ). AltC Yellow LA01 10 "'°· 17S .. 141 ~ Jf.l'r'°' ~ (Ktten) dyl lt9'M lte rlUIMfOU9 to ,_,., "'°"· Od ,.,,, q , ILi-AVA" ... ............, Hlaftttl Dlllar Pt6ct """'*'· "°"" oflm type I 1 0 0 • • f 1 • 2 2 s 1 • .... -._. ...... _, ~- ... ~ _.. ... Ill , .. 1111 tf•rltour 1~1t De -· 1 ... MH M0-.... 1, •nw. M 11•1 .... -Oerffnt t mo old Nndy· P M , t • 0 • 4 0 t 1 , .1 ... /-.T --tf9 .., LdwoOd P1t10 let. 1 ll11ftd n1111. HH 111011 11~t·J?tit HM......, lhd.. CM No "'lnlftlufM No,... ~ dw +I*' I tnd tic . 810 0110. 9oe1 ctMll ,., ''"'· 1~· 14tl0a .... mo etYft, No .U,., ,,.. \.:: :Jr o" p ' I 1 O' 1'0-ltlO IMll, tcM ..,_ ........ H JliP Coif Lid ... ...,.., ' AICC 0-. • 10 HU~ ••• Howport ,."'OYllll• ~., ..... 8 .. .... • ....,, .. .,,... .... 1 ... Miiie llllftd . .,,..... .. ... ..... :;:. .,.... .... ~r0• ,, ... ., ...... 7 .... ,_.., ""'·,..,. mott ·~~ ... w8,, ,_ • ... f!!'W: .... a-. -. # •INI' ...... y11td. It t,OIO 0 . ...... ,;.;-............. 1100,_.......... 111-114* r=ii!ll!Fi;:~=fi~ii~=J) -W DoOlt ...... -117 N ·~,,..!""--~!!---~~ 11111111 W KC v..-"""-, '9 ~ ...... lllMt. • ...... ".!.~ . .,..., WO: I ....... ttlO'. 81 per ft, 171•0181, TOfOtt '11, AMIN ~.a.1111 II• UH et (I U) lfl,.,_ rtt OttHltt 11'1111 wlllleitlili t?Mllr _.. ':&..';."I:·.~ 1er. :f:Z.9:1 '"'" 11 ' 11 • Ml =--. .,.... ....... l M 2 ••• Orange Oout DAILY PILOT /Thureday, October 14, 1182 MATCH THE NUMBERS OM THE ' 'll flUU (A78550) 12ttl 'll T-1111 (159701) S2ttl MAP WITH THE NUMBERS IM THE BOXES • ATLAS CHIYS&.m.f'L YMOUTH 2929 Harbor Blvd . Costa Meaa. Tel. 546--1934. 3 blockt south of San Diego Freeway off Harbor Blvd. Complete body ahop. Sales Service P.u. S.V1oe Dept. open Monday thru Fr1day 7.30 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. and I A.M. to 5 P.M. on Saturd•y. llACH IMPOUS a.8 Dove Street. Newl>or1 Bueti. Tel 752-0900. Call ua. -.·re IM 199(:1ellata tor Alfa Romeo. Peugeot. Sub l Maserall. • THIODOllROllHSPOltD Modern Min. Mrvlc:e, pertt, body, pelnt l tire depta. Competitive rat• on lelM a <Mlly rant.alt. 2080 Harbor Sl'.ld., Coale M .... 842..0010 or 540-e211. JOHMION & SON LIMCOLM MmCUIY 2826 Harbor Blvd . Costa Meta. Tel. 640-5830. 57 YHtl of friendly family Mrvlce -Orange County'a oldett Lin· coin-Mercury dea .. rlh1p 137·2400 • MIWPOIT .. OITI CoHt Highwe1 • ....,.,, IHoh. tMCIM.fi0!111 .. The,.,, .. 111111 I••· I • NIW,ORT DA TS0t 888 Dove Sireet, Newport Beach. Tel. 833-1300. At the trlangle of Jamboree. M.cArtnur & Brlatol behind Victoria Station. S•'"· ~. Leulng & Partt. We make grNt dealt I • HAIRS CADILLAC 2600 Harbor Blvd .. Coate Meta. Tel. 5-40-9100. Orange Coun1y·s Largest Cadillac dMMr 5-ln Service. Lea•· Ing • SADDUIACIC IMW~AltU 28402 Merguerlte Pkwy . Avr; Ptlwv. •It We offe< what no bank or leaae company can: t. E11pertly ltaffed. motl modern service l perts dept ; 2. One Of the Southlend's most experienced ..,.. a teMing stiff; 3 Ellminatlon of the mlddlema n by leMing dNler direct 131·2040 Minion Viejo 495-4149 • CHICIC IVllSON POllCHl-AUDl-YW 415 E, CoHt Hwy .• Newport Beech, 873-0800. The only ~hip In Orange Couney with thaee thrM great mak .. under on• roof! • ALAN MA•NOM POMnAC.IUIAIU MIO Herbor Blvd., Coate M1M Tel .... 1300 ...... e.Mce. Leaatng. "Mr Goocto...ICh • \ • IOI LOHGPU roMTIAC 13600 Beach Blvd . Westminster Tel 892·6651. Orange County's oldest and largest Pontiac dealership Sales. Service. Pans • DICK MILLIR PIA T !LANCIA "Probllbly the townt priced Fiats (n -Southern Calitornla" (located 1 mile north ot Sou1n Coes1 Plaza neer Mein SI. and Werner Ava In Santa Ana ) 120 W. Warner, Santa Ana 557·2 t32 • SANTA AHA DATSUN 2001 E. 17th Street. Santa Ana, Tel. 568·781 1 Your Orlglnel 09Cllc:ated Oataun ONler • MHtACU MAJDA we·ve movedl Our new loc:atlon II 1425 Beker Strfft. Cote• MMe. Tel 646-"34. ''°" by & Yltlt our modem lhowroom and '"why we're the 11 Mazda deeler In loutMm c.llfornl• SelH. Service, Pa11s and leaalng. • com11u DeULLO CHSYllOL•T ..... ........ ~, 1llt1 ........... Hul-tOft~ .....Ulld ...... ~· ,.,. . ..,. COfM 19r Ind -eur ._ ..,_ .. OIYI .. ,...., FOR l'Uln'ltlR INFORMATION , Olt TO II PLACID ON THll AD, CONTACT YOUR DAILY \ PWOT RIP. COST A MESA DA TSUH 2845 Hart>or Blvd . CoSla Mesa Tel 540-6410 Serving Orange County for 16 years 1 Mlle So 405 SUNSET FORD, IMC. (Home of Wllhe IM Whale~ 5440 Garden Grove 81vd .. Westminster Tel 636-4010 • OIANGI COUNTY VOLVO 10120 Glfden Grove Blvd .. Garden Grove Tel. 530·9190. Exclullvely Volvo to cover all your Volvo requirement•. ..... Ueed•Salel•LNelng•Part•·~Body s~ FtMWay c:tOM In Iha heart of Orange County at Garden Grove BIVd. l Brooktlurat. 0 C ONNILL CHIYIOLIT 2828 HarbOr 81vd., Coete Mela. Ovw 22 Y9lfl aervt~ Orange Countyl 8aln, leellnO. a.Nice. 6911 549·1200. epeclal part• tine, 5.e&-tMOO: bOdy atqi tine: 754-<WOO. IOY CAIYll IOLU IOYCNMW 1640 Jemborff Aoad. NewPOft 9'eC:h. ~ 811•, S.Vlca, lll•t• And Le1tt09 . ' .. lllTllllll IUCI /1-lll lllllf· (JH/'\N< ·' ( ()IJN I y I "' II <JHNIA .... Ct N j <, Huntington school seniors excel in CAP tests p n ... ,, By ROBERT BARKER or .. ..,,... .... Huntington Beach Union HJgh School seniors have poste d hfaher scores for the third year In a r o w In the California Aaaeaament Proa ram test 1, according to officials. The teats w e re given laat December and the results were released this week. The performa nces b y 1982 June araduates meant tha t the local district exceeded 74 percent of the districts throughout the state In reading: 80 percent of the • distrlcta In written expresalon: 82 percent of the dlatrict.a In spelling and 84 percent of the d latricta In mathematics. The per centage o f correct answers In written expression. s p e ll ing and mathe m a tics reached their highest levels in seven years. R eading scor es w ere up slightly from last year but not as Mgh as they were in 1975-76, 1976-77 and 1977-78. "This causes concern," said Superintendent Frank "Jake" Abbott, "because reading acores Blowing whistle on San On of re costs him career By DAVID KUTZMANN or-.~,.....,, Professionally speaking, Earl Kent nuked h i s bridges Wednesday. In so do ing. he M!emed to have put an end to a l our -de c ad e c ar ee r in engineering. "I realJy don't know what the future h olds for m e." the ~7-year-old Cy press residen t said. "I've done myself in, so to speak." So what could this s toic- looking engineer with 40 years of welding experience poaibly have done to p rompt suc h bleak predictions for his pe rsonal future? Only this: Kent complained publicly to the U.S . Nuclear Regula tory Commission tha t deficient or miaing welds were creatina amble safety risks at two nuclear power planta, one in Mkhipn and the other at San Onofre, three miles south of San Clemente. His charges bro1.1ght strong denials from offldala at Southern California Edison Co., which owna 80 percent of the San Onofre power station, and from Bechtel Power Corp. which built both the San Ono fre a nd Midland, Mkh., planta. Kent worked as a quality control engineer 1rt both facilities until h1a firing by Bechtel earlier this year. T he compan y claimed that Kent had failed several oral examina tions for w e lding in s pecto rs . But the Cypress resident maintained that the real reason for his d ism issal last March stemmed from his ongoing criticism of the way welds were being handled a nd checked in key systems at the two nuclear fadliUes. Sitting We dnesday In the Orange County offices of the AUiance for Survival -which has been a vocal critic of San 'Onofre expansion and licensing -Kent said his decision to go public w ith h is charges was prompted by the lack of Interest which officials at F.diaon, Bechtel and the Nuclear Regulatory Commiasion had shown. "I've 1een too much in my lite to remain quiet," he said in the clipped tones of someone not accustomed to explaining h is feelinRJI. "I've seen too many mistakes, too many violations of the code," Kent claimed. At an e arlie r p o int i n Wednesday's Interview , h e explained his decision this way: "Truth la truth, wherever you find it. Plants should be safe. I'm pro safety. I certainly do not want t o continue with the mi.stakes that have been made in (See ONOIO'RE, fta1e AZ) Boy's death still ·controversial issue By FRED BAYLES ... 'Jtl.,... .... Little Chad Green would be celebrating his seventh birthday aoon lf his p a r e nts hadn't whisked him away to a Mexican Laetrile c linic, a f o rme r p r o secuto r s aid o n the anniversary of the boy's death from leukemia. But Chad's pare nts, Gerald and Diana Qreen , say their dedalon to ~the controversial dru1 lnatead of court-ordere<l chemotherapy allowed theh 3-yeer-old 10n "quality time" in hia final days. Three ye us afte r Ch•d'f death, the principal.a in the CUE agree only that It 1hook tht medical and lepl establlahment.a "It'• ln all the cuebooks," U)'I Jonathan Brant, the former Uli8tant attorney general whc ~led the Greens. He aay1 Chld wu the victim of ''medJcal child abu8e.'' • Had the ll'reena stayed In M .... chuMUa and given him chemotherapy, "Chad would be ce leb r ati ng his seve nth birthday," he says. Chad's mother caJls Brant's statement "aznazlng." "We thought we were also protecting Chad from the same thing," she says. "We didn't think It waa right to force a therapy that could a lso be dangerous. There are warnings in the physicians' boob that the drup can kill you, ao you ~t don't know.'' The Greens fled their Scituate, Maas .. home in January 1979 to avoid co urt -o rd e red chemotherapy for their aon'a leukemia. The puenta felt drup were wearing Chad down and he was doing well on a diet of natural food s, vitamins and Laetrile. Chad died on Oct. 12, 1979 - 10 months after h1a parenta took him to a cllnlc In Tijuana to continue the Laetrile treatments. He wu buried ln Hutino. Neb .. where one of h1a aranclparenta lived. "The ~ had a debWtltin,( were at the lower end of the oomparllon band. I don't know wha t the answ er la but It'• tomethlng we are eolng td take a look at." ,, (The comparison score band projects expected ecorea baaed on two factors: the parent education of the students, parents and the p e rcentag e of the s tudents p articip a ti ng In the A id t o Families w i th D e p e nd e nt C hild r en w e lfa r e assistance proaram.) The district seniors answe.red 66.1 percent of reading test queetlooa correctly; 66.7 percent of written expreulon queationa correctly: 72.1 perceot ot apeWna queaUona correctly and 71. 7 percent of mathemaUai questions correctly. Ocean View High School fared the worst of the six di.trict hJgh tchoola, declJnlng In all test areaa from last year and having the low est number of correct answers on the four test.a. Abbott said thla may be an Incon sis te ncy beca·u se Ocean View tradltiona'lly does better on other tests. "But we will bo examining Ocean View and If It hu similar results In test.a thlJ year, I will have real concerns." Abbott aald, however, th.at he IB "very pleued'' with the arowtJ- ln the number of correct anawen from one year to the ne xt for three yeen . · The test results were evaluated by district consultant K eith Hartw ig. His school-by-sch ool summaries Include: -EDISON HIGH SCHOOL - I m p rovemen t In a ll a r eas .., ..... ,......, ...... ~ Firemen, drened in protective suits, prepare to re-enter a laboratory at UC lnrine's Physical Sciences Building to investigat e the explosion that hospitalized a UCI chemistry profe880r. They donned the suits after fumes from the blast drove them out. followin& a severe decline In 1980-81. Score. are up in all areM and within the oompariaon aoore bands in written expreaalon.. s pe lling a nd mathematic•), &adlng la below the com~ score band. Edison aho w a: t.endencjea toward weakneM ln• :;:~ a':::~!':r!::~· number~ . . • -FOUNTAIN V A LLEY~ HIGH SCHOOL -School nwde! substantial Improvement except! for reading for third year In row.: (See SENIORS, Pase AZ> • UCI blast • • v1ct1m • serious By GLENN SCOTT or .... .,..,,......,. .. A UC Irvine c h e miatry professor was in serious oondltion today at UCI Medical Center in 'Orange with burns suffered Wednesd a y when a s olvent exploded as he worked on arr expe riment inside a campus laboratory. Gregory Williams. 28, a first.- year instructor at UCI, waa under treatment thia morninl ln the medical center's burn unit for first and second-degree buma on the upper part of hia body, a ho.pita! spokesman said. The Physical Sciences buildJ.na wu evacuated for more than an hour after the 2:50 p.m. explosion occurred in the fifth-floor lab, a campus spokesman said. Orange C o u nt y Fire Department firefighters. wearing prottttive "acid suit.a," were called ln to ftWUl'e that no fires or toxic odor• lingered after the f1uh explomon. Damage to the lab was n ot determined this momlng. The explosion wu the second in two days •t UCI. Power WM knocked out for an hour n.-tay after an unrelated blaat, the product of an electrical fire in the campus' Central Plant. Colleagues said th.la morning t hat W illiams, conducting reaea.rch ln mixing organic and metallic molecules, waa in the (See BLAST, Paae AZ) New skyline due for Mesa? effect on his-little life.'' recalla mother. "We wanted quality ti for what was left of his life." Leet.rile la a trademark for chemical d erived from aprlco and peach pit.a. Advocates aay i la ef!ectlve agalnat cancer, bu recent findinp by the Nati Cancer Institute dispute th clalma. Dr. J ohn T . Truman, wh treated Chad at Mauachuaet General H01pital, aaya the case raised Important doubts about Laetrile. By JODI CADENHEAD Of'IM Deir ..... .._.. The two largest landowners in C.OSta Mesa have proposed plans that would dramatically change the city's skyline, adding a new metropolis simila r to T own C e nt e r a nd about 60 0 condominiums near South Coast Plaz.a Mall. Developers for C.J. Segentrom & Sona. builders of South Coast Pl a za a nd T o wn Center, submitted plans to city officials this week calling for 2.7 mllllpn equare feet of commercial office and re tail development on 98 acres bounded by the San Dieso Free way, Fairvie w Ro ad , Sunflower Avenue and Harbor Boulevard. Also proposed are two 400-room hotels. Also, officaila for Curcl- Enaland Co .. developers for the Sakioka family, have propoeed the construction of between 500 and 700 condominium•, two 350-r oom hotels and a retail center on 30 acres east of South Cout Plaza Town Center. Both developera submitted their f.lana Monday, ln order to quall y for the genera l plan A little local color Three pelican• do their beet to l'ftemble fancy hood omamenll on a moored boat In · Newport Hart.or. Tiie owa.,.. ..W do wltlloUt lhe deeontloa. -~11,aaeleaDtas ....... ..................... I ' a m e n d me n t h ear i ngs i n February. Such h earings are necessary for zone changes. T he "Sege r s tro m Ho m e Ranch" as it is called, would be the second largest high-r ise commercial development in the city . Town Center, located across Bristol Street from South Coast Plaza Mall, is the largeat . By 1990, it will Include three million square feet o f corpme r clal development, on 62 acres. About 1.6 million equare feet have been built. S e n ior city planner Mike Robinson said addltJonal traffic proble ms and the need for housing generated by the project will be prime conaiderationa when the c ity Planning Comm laal o.n re v i ewa the development Feb. 14. "It's s1m.llar to Town Center, only slightly smaller," RoblNOn aaJd. The Seaeratrom family's largett chunk of undeveloped land currently Is zoned for Industrial UM and la aeill being farmed. Sel{eratrom officials declined to di.lcuu the propou.l that calla for the construction of 2.6 million s quare feet of commercial de ve lopment, two 400-room hot.els and 80,000 equare feet of retail development. No building he isht• wer« specified In the preliminary plan. The Curcl-~ngland proposal includ es 50 0 to ?00 condominiums, two 350-room h otel• ranging from 10 to 12 stories In height and 12,000 equare feet of retail development. Last August, the dty coundl approved the development ol l .a million equare feet ol commercial o ffice apace along A n ton &ulevard on 50 of the 165 llCle9 owned by the SakJoka family. No decision has been made regarding the fu ture of tbe re maining property, offtctala said. In order to build the condominiums the developer II reque1t1n1 "1ew urban center residential 90Rln8 that allows up to 50 unlta per acre, RoblnlOn said. The fint time such denltty w• propoeed occurred last March (See MESA, "Paae Al) ----llDEI---- Peter Ladd ran out ol October magic Wednetday night, bat the Mllwauk9' Brewen' pitcher intlata ii w•n't hla fault. P-.e DI. A\ Your &trvlce AS liua~ .... 8orDa.ck .u ~Landen ... _ 83-5 Mqvlee c.valclde .u Mutual l\uMM a..tf 6-d De·IO N__.Newt NI Al • .. AJ o.na • Public "°""" DI.DI I Dl-4 Cn•wCll'd 82 :=-....... 0.lh "°'*' DO • ........ Al T9ieYtlbl • ............. • ,,_ .... • ... ... Al NIORS EXCEL. • • a t'Ompoeite basis, Fountain ley shows the s\ro"ies\ actual formance in \he d l1t rlct. ntoln Valley exh ibits a t.;.dency toward strength In v~cabu lary and ten denclc11 toward weakness in read ing compreh ension and number L (l()ftCe pts. :-HUNTINGTON BEACH' ., •1• UNION HIGH ICHOOL DllTRICT 17.yHr lumm•rr Grad• 12 '- Sub)ectlYHr ••••• percent II• rank READING -HUNTINGTON BEAC H IG H SCHOOL -1981 data 1tlow1 Improve.men\ In all area». R e adi ng . spe ll i n g a n d mathematics are at their hlghe1t levels In seven years. Written expression has reversed a two- year decline . Sch ool s hows tendencies toward weakness In sentence r ecog nition, w hole numbers and probability a nd statistics. -MARINA HIGH SCHOOL -The 1981-82 performances Job seek e r s upset Second shuttle delayed? CAP!'; CANAVl':HAL, F la . (AP) Whllt• NASA aays lt'1 confldont the space 1hu ttle Columbia will blaat off on time next month, there could be a d«>lay In thl' Junuury launch of the Challenger , the n atio n's 11('(.'0nd reusable spa<.'t.>Craft. A pressure leak In one of Challenger's three main engines has delayed their delivery from the National Space Technology Labs lo Mississippi to Kennedy Spat.'C Center, where Challenger bi being prepared for flight. The engines were scheduled to arrive in Florida last month . The thr et' R oc kw e l l Inte rnational engine1 must go through a bau.ery of tests before being ccrufacd for installation. and the delay <.'Ould push back. the scheduled Jan. 20 launch date by a wt.-ek, orficaals said. 75-76 76-77 77-78 78-79 79-80 80-81 81 -82 ' '" · MATHEMATICS 74 79 79 77 74 74 74 declines In all areas with reading reaching its lowest level In seven years. Marina High School has shown generally high level of performance in the district b~t its historical pattern shows httle ronsistency -scores go up and down sharply from year-to-year. School shows tendency toward weakness in number concepts, CJ ccimals , probabil ity and statiSll<.'S. Police a tte mpt to calm the situation out ide H elp Wanted Publications, 2110 Ha rbor Blvd., Costa Mesa, where several people we re trying to get their money buck We dnesday after the busine s was evicte d by the prope rty owne r. tory Page AS. "During so m e o f th e calibnit1on tests. we wt:re not salisfiL-d and we did il again," said James Kukowski. a NASA sPokesman in Washington. II • 75-76 74 I 76-77 76 I . 77-78 80 , ,. 78-79 78 • J 79-80 83 .... 80-81 82 ' . 81-82 84 ~ WRITTEN EXPRESSION 7~76 73 76-77 79 77-78 86 78-79 81 79-80 79 80-81 78 81-82 80 75-76 76-77 77-78 78-79 79-80 ~ 80-81 81 -82 SPELLING 76 71 81 74 77 83 82 -WESTMINSTE R HIGH SCHOOL -1981-82 was SC<X>nd year of sharp improvement in a ll areas. Per formance is well above state averages and is better than the parent educdtion Index and the AFDC perceu tage would suggt.>st. School shows tendency of weakness toward word forms. -O C EAN VIEW HIGH SCHOOL -Scores are down In all areas. School is showing a tendency tow ard strength In st udy-locational skills and te ndencies toward weakness In sentence recognition, word fonns and f r actio n s . The test perfor man ce is above state averages, but not as strong as the pare nt ed ucation in dex and AFOC pet'Cent.age would suggest. "The performance at OVHS bears watching." ESA PROJECTS. • • en t h e council approved a eel by C.J . Segerstrom & s a n d Coas t Communit y ege District tD construct the Sl5-unit Regency Terrace. JIJike Oberst, project manager Curci-En gland , said the blnation of residential, hotels retail d evelopme nt will create "an urban cen ter not typical of a su bu rban envlronmenL" C ity officials indicated that they thought d.nly residential development would be proposed by the developen on the 30 acres east of Town C.ent.er. AST VICTIM. • • of <Jislilling the solvent a h ydroruren when the iiiijosion oocurred. They detenruned that dunng transfer o f the solvent, the system was somehow expoeed tD the atmosphere, which caused the c hemica ls t o reac t b y exploding . T hey were unsure how the exposure occurred. Williams immediately took an emergency shower at a stall set up in the building for s uch occurrences. He was then treated at the campus Health Center before he was taken to UCIMC. ONOFRE. • • From Page A1 t h e past at nuc lear powe r plants " The validity of K e nt's allegations are being looked into for a second lime by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, officials said Wednesday. But Jam Han c hett , a s p o k esman f o r the NRC's regional offace in Walnut Creek, sald anspt.>etors do not regard the charges as being "terribly serious at the moment They are not ma.JOr problems. at least at the surfa<.~. but w e really don't know until we take a look at them." Kent c laim s there are thou sands of incomple te o r missing welds at San Onofre. These faulty welds, he said. are concentrated in struc tural and pl pe supports and in electrical tray hangars. ~ent said that a good weld should be able to la.st the lifetime o f th e plant, estimated at between 30 and 40 years. But many of the welds he saw, Kent claimed , would last no longer than 14 years. The 10lution , he saJd, would be to either bum out or ground out the defective welds and perform new ones. K e nt spent 17 years as a quality control engineer, working at sax nuclear power plants. He worked at the San Onofre plant from October 1980 to Augus t 1981. Beach fog due SnowmzJ ! lnl1nd Lows 53 to 51! Frld•V Friday, October 15 '"fr:~ !:.:a cen exptct hlQhe· • T~ eturp.;es;;;--T--r-----'T In the eo., IOWS In lhe upe>et 60t. Mounteln• wMI 111ve decreeelng northMat wln<ll tOdey. HIQl\I In , I 1 F1lr tOCl•r wllh highs l1om the SO.. 1ow9 In the 40t. .mld-701 • th• bHch•• lo Noftllern"-'lllgM74 to82, • mld·80s In lh• lnl1nd .,.... loM 42 to 52. Southern ~ ~ °' rog end 1ow doud• 141t• hlQhe se '° 83. 10w1 1n the 50t. I end ..rtv Frkliry morning. Nonllern _, Centrel c.Mtornla. Dtll<erwllM fair. OY9fnlgM !owl 52 wt11 be telr with WVnl deys end • Hlglle Fr1day 72 10 eo. m11c1 night• ttwougfl l'rldey. s- 1 E lae wh•r•. from Point low doude end petefly too llloflQ ,Qncepllon lo th• Mexican COMI end eoi-tt velleyt. order end oul 50 mll••· ----------NorthwMt wind• 10 10 20 knot• • )WtYI 2 to 4 1oot --°"* Teniperalures ~ft•r• tod•y tllrough F1ldey. _ _ l«My llgN vlll'lebll wtnda In the NATION ri"1111 anCI morning hou11 .. ~ l"cp btcomlng aouthwHI 8 to 18 Alblny 54 45 HOM US °' C-ce i.nou 1n ttie eft•llOOM 1o0ey end Albuquetque 12 32 Fronts: Cold .. ridey. Wind ··-1 10 2 , .. t Atnerllo ... 40 ---------------------· ""'1 ~t tw9ll of 1 to 2 IMt Metiorege 30 ~ •ltlf'nOOn. Moetty llllf ttwougfl Mfll'ljlle • se rldey H «:ept tor eome petchl-" Atlanta 70 ~ tog end low cloudt In the nortllern Atlentlc City 12 58 Wltlfl lodey. lncfMllng lonlgh1 Autlln 78 58 end H1ly Frld•y morning In Blltlmof• 83 57 soulhtf'n wet••· · ~ 72 40 Bltml~em 87 eo 81tme1ca 81 32 V .S. sumniary t::on :: :~ • BrownlVllll 74 63 DenM log blenklltd muct1 ol lkltflllO at 50 Penn1yt111nl1 end Weet Virginie lklrllng1on 55 52 t1rly tod•y H 1how1r1 I nd Cuper ff 27 ltlundet9~: continued OY4ll' the ChMIMton s c 82 72 Altenllc t •l•I•. ChlflMton' W.V. 59 53 l'oO 1110 ltnoer•d over ,.._ CNrlol•• N c 71 83 1na11nc1 end .. 111n Hew York, ~ . . 54 21 with dOUdy •'-.. ,llldlnO from CNceoo ff 41 me '°""*" Aooelldllenl 10 tn. Cinclnntll ae 5, upper Ml11l1ifppl V•llt y •nd Clevlllnd 86 43 ~ ~· .._.. ........... _ .. Columble, s c. St 17 ._, --_,em """" .,.., Columbul 64 48 pertl of norlfteln Mldllgln, with I o.ii..FI Worth 75. 54 few ~ -the '*"'--Oeyton 64 45 cor,_ of IN IOU1hern Pleine The °'""' 5 I 13 ,. o1 tM nation hid dell 10 o.. ""°"* n 47 ~ GtOucty ..... o.t1o11 eo 31 Todey'• lorecH I celled for Duluttl 45 42 e c 11ur1d e howere 1 n o 11 p-• 41 tllvno1r11orm• f1om F1orlo1 l'llttllnk• 23 1t ' fl(OUOfl the .....," 111111 of Nor1tl Fergo M 31 'Cltolna IO N9w V0111 encS New 1'19geleff 57 29 l nt l•nd, rsln ove r northern OfMI ,... 74 37 ~. too O\IW Wllltllngton ....--..d 51 .... ... lfld ~ .... ......... ,._,..,. ..... " 74 74 61 se 40 se st se 85 52 .. 53 41 eo 57 78 50 73 00 ee &3 87 38 72 55 81 51 eo ae 75 45 eo 41 12 eo 81 35 " 31 12 51 83 41 78 S4 87 48 72 53 •• 37 to ... .. 72 52 .. 83 42 .. 50 to 34 to 47 73 .. es et ... 40 HW11...,. pt9dloted In "'9 IOe ........ .. SS ... w-......., ....... lt'ofll IM' ... ...-----~------------.,,,., a.flHIH lppl V1ll1y 10 E .... lngllnd; 10I "-'°""*" Alllntie Coell IO IN .,,.. "°"'*" Aocei•: '°' .,., "°"411: 10. tnd tot from 1 • •ovtllern Arlaon• t cro•• QellMrnl9 IM N9¥9de to OrtfOl'I • .. '" ............ Te"'peretur .. •rou nd th• ,... ~today rtnged from 2t L.-..... It LM .... WYo .. 10 II In l(ey ~ pi.r llrell. .... ... -,..,,., Jetty (;all/oral a - ... ...... lfl• ~....::, lllf llPIRT :~ 1-4 24 0 ,... 1·1 1·1 1·2 1ol l·I ·~· , ..... i .. ,, •7 17 .. .. ~,::;.-:::.= eg ..... ,, ..,. ..... . .... "'~ , .. et th T...,row; Ht!1t Tide e:M 1.111. Low Tide; l ·H '·"'· lwell eMI '" •• lllN ... ~ ho:J:w.111. • • ' Mleml 84 so MllwM .. 58 42 Mplt-St. P1<.1I 52 48. Nath VIiie 70 55 New Orleen• 73 83 New VOl'lc so 57 NorlOlk 87 59 Notti! Plellt eo 33 Ollltllom• City 73 48 °"'•llll 48 40 Ot1ando 87 87 PllKtci.lpllle 83 58 Phoenix 87 !15 CALlf'Otll•A Apt>lt v •lley 77 37 811klfllleid 91 80 8eretow S5 53 a.eumont so 51 8lg..., 59 28 . 8l9hop 77 38 Blythe .. 57 C:.tellne 78 54 £ureti• 81 47 "'""° 87 51 L.enc;Mt• 71 1' Lone 8Mcfl t2 55 ·~r at ... t5 50 ,Mont«ey .., ... Mt, Wiiton 72 51 ...... 17 M ~a-ti 71 M 11 &4 OnlerlO .. 81 PMll lptinft t2 57 .. ....,.. 90 H PMO~ " 41: "'**' 15 c ~ "'° 8lllfl .. llledWOOO City 12 13 .__10 , . ... ...... .. 41 ..,, a.MrdlnO .. ~ .... Gellrtll t1 t i Tides '°°"' == =-1:11 '·"'· •·• p.m llmAY u ....... f: ... ,,. 0.0 :::ti: •: &lft. u ... I. P·"'· o.• ..... :r t:1t1Mf1 .... lufl ':11 M t :IO ''"'" ,.. :':.:' .. ..,,. Mlefl .._ ..... , ....... .... H OplR. I Recycling of water near OK By ST EVE TRIPOLI Of lhe Delly Pt6e4 11.n Three proposed projects to con s truct o r expand water recycling Cacilltaes an Orange County appear on their way to becoming reality. Dlr~tors of the Metropolitan Water D istrict o f Southe rn California have auth o r ized officials to open negotia tions on the prOJCCts with local w att•r districts. MWD would share the rost of the pro.)('Cts. If , as expec t ed. the ncgotaataons arc successful, projects that will add about 3. 7 billion gallons of recycled water to area supplies t•ach year may start construction next spring. Recycled water, t hough not drinkable, can be used tD water golf courses. parks and greenbelt areas. The largest of the three local projects is Orange County Water District's Green Acres plan, an $1 1.6 millioJl package t h at Includes construction of a plant and adequate piping to pump about 1.6 billion gallons of rec ycled wate r t o OCWD customers annually. Ano the r pro1ect 1s a n $11 million packaRe proposed by the Lrvine Ranch Wat.er District, one of the nation's pioneers In water recycling. The project entails only the laying of additional pipeline in several areas so that IRWD's current recycling plant can be used to lt.s full capacity. T he TRWD project wou ld about double the district's 1.9 billion gallon annual recycling capacit.Y if completed. The third plan, a smalJcr one. ls a $6 m illion package proposed by South Coast County Water Distr'ict In South Laguna to produce recycled water for three golf oounes and a greenbelt area in South Laguna. Video job market • se011nar A free seminar exploring the c urrent JOb marke t an television will be conducted Saturday a l Golden West Colll•gt• in Huntington Beach The· event . sponsored by the college's counseling and guidance. department. will be hc.•ld from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. in Fine Arts Room 222. Coordinato r is Se rine •The Senior Citizens Club of Huntingto n B eac h is sponsoring a bazaar t''nday a nd Saturday at the Huntin&lton Center Mall, 7777 •Author Alan Garner wall teach conversation skills during an a ll-day w ork.shop scheduled Sa turday at Golde n West Colle ge 1n Huntington Beach. Thl' workshop will be held •Registratio n is being conducted now for a benefit tennis tournament to be held Saturday, <Xt. 23. at the Los Cab.alleros Racquet a nd Sports Club. 17272 Newhope S t .. Fountain Valley. Proceeds will aid the at GWC A rn o ld , pro gramming manager f o r Dac k i nspn - P •H·1 r1 c Cablesystems in Jluntangton Beach. She will l'ha1r a panel or television industry cx<.'<·ut1 v<.'S who will diM'Ul>S )Ob opportunities in n jbll'. 1nd ('p e ndent produt'tlon. PBS. commerdal stations and corporale in - howK· television. Echngcr Ave. The bazaar wall be he ld from 10 a.m .-11 p .m . i''r1day and JO a.m.-6 .P.m. Saturday. from 9 a.m to 4 p.m an Lhe t'Ommumty center Lecturer Garne r 1s the author of "Conversauonally Speaking." Registrat ion fee as $20. More· 1nrormat1on can be obtaanro by calling 891-3991. Orange County chapter of the American Red Cross. Entry fee is $25. Four divisions are planned. and participants wilJ play in a round -robin fonnaL F o r r e gi s tration information, call 835-5381; · ext. 223 . WATERFORD FOR CRYSTAL-CLEAR CORRESPONDENCE. • The elegant beauty of hand..cut crystal makea our letter opener o pleoaure to uM. Handcrafted In Ire- land by Waterford. StolrlleH ateel blade. A gift to cherish l $59.SO. §LA.VICK'S ......... 9nce1111 WMrc w brsr sw~s brgin. ,..,. _.. ('7M) IM-t•• """"°" lllCtl .. en.-.......... 111111 ........ ' "° ' ' . •• Orange Co11t DAILY PILOT /Thurtday, October 14, 1982 H/F STATE Tylenol suspect's home s'earched San Francisco's ban on handguns 'illegal' 8 y BRENDA H. INGERSOLL AMM&etM ,,... Wrt.., CHICAGO -Pollcti 1earchcd for a 11t.'<:ond time tho home of a "clolJN chetmlst" in conncc.:tlon with seven cyanide kllllnti• a1 foderal ag~nta hunLcd In Texaa ror • mun ~u.ed ot tryln1 to extort Sl million from the makor1 o f Extra-Strength Tylenol. By Tiie A11ocl1ted Pre11 SAN FRANCISCO -A atate ap~al court haa ruled • San Francil(..'O't hand(JW} ban lllegal two weeks before it was to have been enforced, but Mayor Dianne Felnateln vowed to continue the anll- pistol fight. "Obviously. I am very aad," said the mayor, who was catapulted into office four years a~o after a double asaasalnalion with a handaiun. "But it la not the end of the battle. lt b only a ruling and it can be appealed." City Attorney William McCabe suld Wedneaday'a ruling would be studied and "likely we'll appeal it to the state Supreme Court.'' San FranciS<'O has one o r CaJlfomia's worst per carlta h omicide rate with 26 murders r(•ported in 1981. Roger Arnold, 48, an employee of Jewel Food Stores, had been held without bond from Monday to Wednesday nlgbt while city detectives pursued what they said was clrcumst.ant.lal evtden'~ that led them to <.'Onslder him a possibl e suspect in the poisonings, homicide Sgt. Monroe Vollick said. 8th test tube baby born "He has not been discounted as a suspect ... he ls. not a strong suspect," said homkide Detective Robert Brown. I~ LOS ANGELES -The nation's eighth test tube baby has been born in Los Angeles, and "both the mother and the be by are doing fine," a county health spokesman said. Tony Tripi of the 'county Department of H ealth Services suid the infant, the second such baby born In Los Angele s County , was de livere d by Caesar ean section a t an undisdosed hospital.. Carson given probation · Illinois Attorney General Tyrone Fahner, who is heading the multi-agency task force investigating the killings of seven people who took Extra-Strength Tylenol laced with cyanide, described Arnold's arrest as "another one of those incidents that are unrelated" to the killings. Police also searched Arnold's automobile and work locker, Vollick said, but there was no immediate word on the results of the new searches. His home had been searched Monday with his permission, detectives said. BEVERLY HILLS - "Tonight Show" host Johnny Carson says he's concerned that his drunken-driving case has become "a media event," and he kept quiet about it on his latest program. Carson pleaded no contest to drunken driving I WORLD Wednesday and was put on three year s' probation, ordered to pay a $603 fine and attend driving school or attend an alcohol treatment course by April 1983. He also may not use a car for 90 days except to drive to and from work. Meanwhile, federal authorities issued an a rres t warrant W~nesday and were searching in Texas for a man accused of Rioting flares in Poland IRS eyes Moral WARSAW, Pola nd - Undaunted by tough steps to smash protests in the north, outraged workers In southern Poland pelted riot squads with stun grenades, rocks and glass , wreaking 11con.siderable" damage to the nation's model steel-making city. The violence flared Wednesday, the country's third day of unrest , as workers and sympathizers protested the Communist government's new law that Coreve r disbands the free Solidarity union. The re was no word on injuri•!S in the clash that erupte<l after riot police fired water cannon and tear gas into a crowd o f 3,000 steelworkers demonstrating in support of the outlawed inde)>(mdent union. Rioters tore up roads and littered streets wth glass shards and stones. the sources said. Majority WASHINGTON (AP) -The Internal Revenue Service says it will check into a complaint that the Moral Majority Foundation is illegally soliciting tax-exempt donations for polltical activities. Sweden still hunting sub "Under the law, I cannot confirm or deny or otherwise comment on any Individual case," IRS spokesman Larry Batdorf said of the complaint, made Tuesday to IRS Commissioner Rosa>e L. F.ggar Jr. BERGA NAVAL BASE. Sweden -Search patrols dumped more depth charges today after making new &>ntact with a "poesible" but elusive alie n s ubmarine lurking near Sweden's anti- aub warfare school, the Swedish navy said today. Navy spokesman Capt. Sven Carlaaon refused to say how many charges were used or what happened after they exploded in the area, where anti-submarine patroJlers NATION have been searchrng two weeks for one or two submerged intruders. Both are believed to be Soviet-bloc Ves&(!ls. It was the navy's first offensive action against the intruders since las t Friday. During the first week of the search, surface vessels and helicopters dropped thousands of pounds of explosives on areas near sonar and other contacts. "But obviously we read our mall and look into various allegations tha~ are made," Batdorf said. The complaint was made by People for the American Way, an organization that te levision producer Norman Lear said he helped organize "to pro tec t Americans' con stitutional fret>doms." Reagan"s son out of work Anthony T . Podesta, the executive director of People for the American Way. said in the complaint that the Rev. Jerry Falwell is attempting to raise money for his Moral Majority Foundation in "flagrant and direct violation of the law" cove ring tax -exe mpt foundations. Podesta wrote that the law says an organization qualifying for tax-deductible gifts may not intervene "directly or indirectly in any political campaign on behalf of or opposition to any candidate for public office." He asked Eggar to reverse the guarantee that donations to the group will be tax-deductible. NEW YORK -Hours before President Reagan told the country ·•Ame r ica is recovery-bound," his son Ronald Pre9COtt Reagan stood in an unemployment line here waiting for a relief check. The 23-year-old ballet dancer has collected two or three unemployment checlu in recent weeks since his layoff from t he Joffrey Ballet, Deputy White House Preas Secretary Larry Speakes said Wednesday. The entire ballet rompany has been laid off for about one month. Refinery explosion probed In Lynchburg, Va .. Falwell said Wednesday the allegations are unfounded. "Our tax attorneys have looked carefully at the letter in question, as they do at all our letters. and they tell us we're operating totally within the regulations set forth by the Internal Revenue Serv1ce," sajd Falwell. PORT ARTHUR, Texas - A ruptured line that spewed superheated powder on employees at a Texaco refinery, killing five and Injuring eight others, waa part of a unit that had to be repalred last week, officlala say. The line ruptured Wed.nftday as workers were We're Listening ••• 842•8088 ...... . trying to restart the unit after repairs , said Texaco spokesman Charles Rentz .. Rentz Identified the dead as Frederick T. Rhine, .39, Je11ie Dennis Jr., 34, and nerman C. Hope, 35, all of Port Arthur; Vernon J. Cole,~. of Groves, and Charles L. Choate, 33, of Nederland. "This la just another frantic e ffort by People for the · American Way to att.ack ut. PAW Is crumbling now. I would say PAW ls in serious tro uble. They're grabbing at straws," Falwell said. What do you like about the Dally Pilot7 What don't you 1111.e? Call the number at left and your ~ will be recorded, tr&MCrlbed and delivered to the appropriate editor. The same 24-hour an1wertn1 servrce may bt used to record let· ters to the editor on any topic. MaJlbox contributors m111t lnchade thelr name and telephone numbtr for verification. No circulation ullt. pleue. T.tl us whafs on your mlnd. ClaHtllH .....,. .... nW.U·M?I M otMr 111111""'9"'8 MMU1 MAIN °""9Ca ........... c-.MMa,CA .............. , .... c ......... e• .... c.,r ..... ,. Or ... ( .... ,,... ....... ""-"'· __ ...._....,.., ............... ...., ... _, ...................... Lii .. ...... ......... ,,, ....... ...., ..... _, ~~ \ryln6' lO uxtor\ tl million after the kllllnp. Fahner Aid. The warrant alleged that Robert. RlchardlOn, In his mid 301. wrote • letter to McNeil Conaumer Producu Co .. manufacturer of Extra-Str•?4fth Tylenol. demandlna money 'If you want to atop the kHJtng.'' · The le\t(lr told tho (.'Ol'npany to depoelt the money In an account at a Chicago bank. The account, which official.a 18.ld was clOM!d, had belonged to a suburban resJdent questioned last week by the FBI. Fahner aald the man, who ran a travel agency that 11 now cloacd, haa "never been o suspect" In the extortion or killings. Richardson's wife, Nancy, onc.-e wor;ke2_ for the travel agency, Faflner said. He said the couple w ere be lieve d to be In the Amarillo area. Arnold was arrested late Monday night after an Informant told police he was known to keep cyanide in his home and was charged with five counts of failure to register firearms and one c.'Ount of aggravated assault, Detective James C. Gildea said. Bond was set at $6.000 Wednesday night, and Arnold was released after posting $600 cash bond, or 10 percent of the bail. Gildea said that among the books found in his apartment was one that explained how to put poison into a capsule. Arnold "said he was a closet chemist" and had "a working knowledge" of chemicals and compounds, the detective said. I I FDA ends Tylenol hunt in Oroville f I • ' I . •• • OROVILLE (AP) -After an examination of more than 372.· 000 capsules, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration's search for strychnine-laced T ylen ol has ended. But the hunt goes on for eye drops r umored to be t.ainted with Poison or acid. "Based on what we found, I would assume it's a local problem," FDA R egi o nal Director William C. Hill ~~id Wednesday in San Francisco Ol hls agency's sean:h for poisoneif Tylenol capsules. . Three bottles of the pain:. re liever from a Long's Dru; Store In Oroville were found t<> .have been laced with a rat-kiUet~ s trychnin e . They w ert discovered after Greg Blagg, 27', said he became sick when he took Tylenol on Sept. 30. Talk sounded political Reagan's 'non-partisan' speech had partisan m essage By DAVID ESPO ._.. .... ,,.. ........ WASHINGTON -Pres· ident Reagan 's "n o n - partisan" economic address Wednesday night sounded suspiciously like an appeal to the public to vote Republican in the Nov. 2 congressional elections. "We can do it, my fellow Americans. by sta ying the course," Reagan said In a defense of his economic program te levised live from the Oval Office. He made no mention of the election only 20 days away al which 33 1enators and an entire 435 -member H o u se of llWI llllDll Representatives wlll be chosen. The balloting will ln large measure determine the fate of Reagan's program in Congress over the next two years. What he offered was hope. and what he asked for was help. He conceded that at· 10.1 percent, unemployment is too high, but promised It would come down as hls program continues to take hold. "Make no mistake. America is recovery bound and the world knows It." The words Republican and Democrat, conser vative and liberal were never uttered, and In fact Reagan said the nation's problems are bigger than any one political party. But the traditional political labels weren't necessary in a speech that the White House said was "non-partisan" but the Republican National Committee originally offered to purchase time for on the three major television networks. Anyone listening knew the president was asking for America Presiden't Reagan ca ref uHy avoided political terms in his economic policy address Wednesday night, but implied , . •: voters could aid his economic recovery program by voting Republican in November. l • • • to elect a Congress next month that will stay the course with him, that will keep his program in place and reject the temptation of the "old ways and the quick fix." "We have still got a long way to go before w e. restore our prosperity," Reagan said. "But what I can report to you tonight . . . . is that. at long last, your government has a program in place that faces our problems and has already started solving them." It ls a program. of course. that was put into place piece by piece over the increasingly bitter protests of Democrats and t~ Republicans will have to fight to maintain in the new Congress that takes office in January. The line about the "quick " seemed an obvious thrust ab¥ Democratic programs of the pal But it clearly was aimed. as wel at a plan approved earlier tlJ year In the Democratic-co trolled House of Representa for temporary public service · that w111 repair roads and brid&: and reduce unemployme~ swiftly. · He said Congress mus reconsider the con stltutionW amendment l o balance th federal budscet. We Invite You To Take Advantage Of 403 OFF ., I ,1, Selected Watches And Jewelry 32 FMNon llland ioe~e:'J=.=.,·==• .. ,. Gold jumps; Dollar lower By Tbe A11octa1ed Pre11 Gold prlc~tc climbed neurly '20 an ounce ln tiarly Europcon tradlns today following a 1lmilar 1harp rlae in New York the pr<•vlous day. The dollilr tumt.-d m<Jitly lower. Gold hos bc~neflted from the declines in U.S. interCllit rOl(..>fi, which mu k • gold purchatM.'t on credll ICSIJ t'xpcn.<ilve and lmpruve the compt.'tlUve value of bullion agairut lhc dollar. The dollar. however, often IOiell ground when rates fall because lower rates reduce the yields of dollar-denomlnuted inv~tments. ' Gold for current delivery cllmbt-<J $16.80 to cloec al $4M.80 a troy ounce Wl>dneiK!ay on the Commodity Exchange In Nt>w ':(ork. Irvine building bought ' Banke rs L ife Company has purchase d a, 37,000-square-foo l, two-story reflective glass oHlce building and its 2.06-acre site at 241~ Campus Drive m Irvine from VondevL'O, Inc. in a transaction handled by Coldwell Banker Commercial Real Estate Services. Mark Greer and Rick Duggan of the Coldwell &nker company's Newport Beach office. with the assistance of Brian Corrigan of Coldwell Banker Institutional Liaison Services, represented all parties in negotiating the transaction, valued at more than $5 million. Group raps bump!ng . WASHINGTON (AP) -An aviation consumer group says the CiviJ Aeronautics Board's modification of an anti-bumping rule wall result in hordes of passengers being left stranded at the nation's airports. Matthew H. Finucane, director of the Aviation Consumer Action Project, made the prediction after the CAB said that starting in December airlines would not have to automaticall y compensate people bumped from flif(hts. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT DOW JONES AVERAGES Due to late transmission t oday's listing will not appear In the Daily Pilot. AMERICAN LEADERS UPS AND DOWNS Name I N.tlCnYSlr 2 lreOHtt n J HOtlaonCp 4 I I ' • S I mpOE JJIC t 0tMIQKO 1 llAACOM : Ot .. o Intl ............ .,. 10~ 11 (;-IWnn It HHllltM 1t II-Tee;" 14 k ro911ter u~~Tr 11 lnllTr NY 1: Pa1m1H<11 1 r...u .. .., IO l''iW tnl< >t mlkn Nit tt CllKllF~ ~:;~ u '"'""' GOLD COINS Due to late tran1m111lon today'• llatlng will not appear In the Dally Piiot. WHAT STOCKS DID HEW YORK (API Ott tl AdV•nceo O.Cli~ Un< l\""9IG TOl•l h-• ~w lllQlhl .... '°""' ,,,, .. ,. "'illill • l· rooo U•• ,.. , ... )OU •II ] NEW YORK IAPJ Oct U METALS Too.Jj ,., 1'S .., • J "'• ci;i. n• Ill JOll ... 2 """ ... ., D I .,, •1 • HEW VORK (API -Spol "ollle ttout m.tal pt~ T""r9<1.ty Cepper 70-73 cen11 a pound, U S dMl-tione LMd 2$-29 -.i. • ~ ZIM 40-42 cenla a POUn<I. Clel"'9rec:I Tift M.2339 Met.tit WNlt COf'npO.tlle lb AluMlfwm 78 a.1ta a POVn<l, N V 111etewy S37o '* n .... Plelln-$331 00·13•• 00 l•oy oun<:e NY SILVER Hendy & Harmen. a 10 09 per trov ounoe GOLD QUOTATIONS 1, Tiie A-.i.ted ...... Selected "'°'Id GOid pr~ IOOey LoMofl morning lilllno 1'29 so. on I 11 75 l.•MI•" all••nOOn f1a1110 1'28.15. oft t 12 60 Pwlt •ll•noon 1011no $425 65. oH S9 11 ,,..,.._, l1&1n9 SA:IO 00. Off S 10 H Zwtdt 1.t1e ,,,.,,_, n1ino soo.oo on SS 50 btC1 1'31 00 MlleCI H111•1 • H•flllall (only Cle11r QUOl•I 1428 75, oH Sl2 60 I~ (ooly dalt~ Quottl 1428 76, Oii 112154 l~d (Ollly Cl.tlly Quotet teb<~ted S•50 19, oH J 13 12 SYMBOLS ,· . ~ .. .. ~-/-mll I I' 11 i /', ' I I ' I j ' cJHAN<,f C.IHJNI Y l Al II OHNIA ~'>CENTS New developments to change Mesa skyline? By JODI CAD;HEAD square feet of commercial office Both d evelopers aubmhted square feet o f commercial The Seaerstrom family'• i n c 1ude1 6 O O?. 7 O G 0( ... Deir,....... and retail development on 98 thelr flana Monday, in order to developrnept, on 62 acres. About largest chunk of undeveloped condominiums, two 360-room · 1be two Larpat landowners m acret bounded by the San Diego quail y for the general plan 1.6 million square feet have been land currently 11 zoned for hotels rangint from 10 to 1.2 Coata Mesa have propolled plans Freeway, Fairview Road , amendment heartn11 in buUt. Industrial~ and la 1till being atorie1 in hei1ht and 12,00CI that would dramatically change SunClower Avenue and Harbor February . Such hearlnas are Senior ci ty planner Mike farmed. square feet of retalhtevelopmen the city's akyllne, adding·a new Boulevard. Also proposed are n~ for zone changes. Robinson aald additional traffic Segerstrom officials declined Last Au~t, the city counci m'tropoll1 similar lo Town two 400-room hotela. The "Segeratrom Home proble ms and the need for to dlacusa the propo.al that calla ed e d-· lopment of 1 Ce n le r and about 6 0 0 Also, o fficall1 for Curci-Ranch" as it Is called, would be hou.aing aenerated by the project for the construction of 2.6 million ~iliI': aquare (~~of cor · condominiums near &uth Cout England Co., developers for the the second laraen h igh-rile will be prime considerations squa r e feet o f commer claf o ffice apace along AntoJl Plaza Mall. SaKioka family, have propoeed commercial development ln the when the city Planning development, two 400-room Boulevard on~ of the 166 acree Developers for C.J. Seterstrom the conatructlon of between 500 city. c 0 mm I as i 0 n r ev I e w 1 l h e hotels and 80,000 square feet of owned by the Sakiok.a family. '. & Sona, builders of South Cout and 700 condominluma, two Town Center, located across development Feb. 14. retail development. Plaza and T own Center, 350-room hotels and a retail Bristol Street from South Cout "It's similar to Town Center, No building heights were No decision has been made submitted plans to city officials center on 30 acrea east of South Plaza Mall, is the largest. By only slightly smaller," Robinson specified in the prellmlnary plan. regarding the. future of th• this week calling for 2.7 million Coast Plaza Town Center. 1990, it will include three million said. The Curci-England proposal (See MESA. Pase A%) Blowing whistle on San On of re costs him career By DAVID KUTZMANN °' ... Deir ......... Profeuionally speaking, Earl Kent nuked his bridges Wednesday. In so doing, h e teemed to have put an end. to a fo ur -decade ca re er in engineering. "I really don't know what the future holds for me ." the 57-year-old Cypress resident said. "I've done myself in, ao to speak." The company claimed that Kent had failed several oral examination s for welding inspectors. But the Cypress resident maintained that the real reason for h is dismissal last March stemmed from his ongoing . criticism of the way welds were being handled and checked in key systems at the two nuclear facilities. Sitting Wednesday in the Orange County offices of the Alliance for Survival -which has been a vocal critic of San So what could this stoic- looking engineer with 40 years of welding experience J)OllSibly have done to prompt such bleak predictions for his personal future? Only this: Kent complained publicly to the U.S . Nuclear Regulatory Commission that deficient or rniMin& welds were creaUn1 sizable safety risks at two nuclear power plant.a, one In Michiaan and the other at San Onofre, three miles 80Ulh of San Clemente. 'Onofre expansion and licensing -Kent said his decision to go public with his charges was prompted by the lack of interest which officials at F.cti.son, BechteL a nd the Nuclear Regulatory Cornmiaaion had shown. His charges brought strong deniala from officials at Southern California Edison Co., which owns 80 percent of the San Onofre power siaUon, and fnlm Bechtel Power Corp. wbkh built both the San Onofre and Midland, Mich., plants. Kent worked as a quality control engineer at both facilities until his firing by Bechtel earlier this year. "rve seen too much in my life to remain quiet," he said in the clipped tones of someone not accustomed to explaining hl1 feellnas. "I've aeen too many miatakes, too many violations of the oode," Kent claimed. At an earlier poi nt In Wednesday's interview, he explained his dedaion this way: "Truth ia truth, wherever you find It. Plants should be safe. . I'm pro ulety. 1 certainly do not want to continue with the mistakes that have been made in (See ONOPRE, l>a1e A%) Boy's death still controversial issue By FRED BAYLES .......... ,,_.,.., Little Chad Green would be celebrating his 1eVenth birthday ' soon If his parents hadn't whisked him away to a Mexican · Laetrile cli nic, a former prosecutor said on th e anniversary of the boy's death from leukemia. But Chad's parents, Gerald and Diana Green, say their decision to Ute the oontroverml dru1 Instead of court-ordered chemotherapy allowed their 3-year-old son 11quallty time" ln his final days. Three years after Chad't death, the principals in the cal( agree only that lt shook thE medical and legal establishments "lt'• ln all the ca.ebooka," uyt Jonathan Brant, the former Uliatant attorney general whc prwecuted the Greens. He uya Ch.ct WU the victim Of "medJca) child abuM." Had the Greens stayed in MalHChUMtll and 1iven him chemotherapy. ''Ch8d would be ce l ebrati ng h is seventh birthday,'' he says. Chad's mother calls Brant's statement "amazing." "We thought we were also protecting Chad from the same thing," she says. "We didn't t,hlnk It was ri1ht to force a therapy that could also be dangerous. There are warnings in the.. physicians' boob that the drua can kill you, so you juat don't know." 'The Greens Oed iheii Scituate, Ma.a., home in January 1979 to avoid court -ordered chemother,apy for their son's leukemia. 'The parent.a felt drup were wearing Chad down and he was doing well on a diet of natural foods, vitamin• and Laetrile. Chad died on Oct. 12, 1979 - 10 month.a alter bis puents took him to a clinic in Tijuana to continue the Laetrile treatments. He WM bwied In Haatlnp, Neb., where one of h1I 81'andparent.a lived. "The drwut had a debtlltaim. Delr .......... .., ....... 0'01 .. UCI blast • • v1ct1m • serious By GLENN SCOTT O( ... Defr ......... A UC Irvine c h e mistry profe.or was in terioua condition today at UCI Medical Center in Orange with burns suffered W ednesday when a aolvent exploded as he worked on art experiment inside a campus laboratory. Gregory Williams, 28, a firat- year Instructor al UCI, was under treatment this mornlng in the medical center's bum unit for first and ~-<iegree bums on the upper part of his body, a hospital 11pokesman aaid. The Phyaical Sciences building was evacuated for more than an hour after the 2:50 p.m . explosion occurred in the fifth-floor lab, a campus spokesman said. Orange C o unt y Fire Department fi.refighten, wearing protective ''acid suits," were called in to ensure that no fires or toxic odors lingered after the flash explolion. O.mage to the lab was not detennined this morning. Firemen, dressed in protective suits, prepare to re-enter a laboratory at UC Irvine's Physical Sciences Building to investigate the explMion that hospitalized a UCI chemistry professor. They donned the suits after fumes from the blast drove them out. The expbion wu the 8eCOnd in two dayt at UCI. Power wu knoclted out for an hour Tue.day after an unrelated blast, the product of an electrical fire ln the campua' Central Plant. Colleagues said this morning that William•. conducting retee.rch in mixing organic and metallic molecules, was in the (See BLAST, Pase A!) effect on his-little life," recalls h mother, "We wanted quality for what was left of his life." Laetrile la a trademark for chemical derived from aprico and peach pita. Advocates say I Is effective against cancer, bu recent fi.ndlnp by the Nati Cancer Institute dispute th claims. Dr. John T. Truman, wh treated Chad at Mauachuaet General Hotpital, uy1 the cue railed Important doubt.a about Laetrile. Laguna nixes school land buy. By JOEL C. DON OfhDelJ ........ The ·Laguna Beach Unified School DI.strict has some surplus land it would love to aell but It just can 't aeem to find any buyers. • In an effort to flDd a way to sell off 11 'h acres ol land in the Top of the World neighborhood. school district officiala called on the Laguna Beach City Council Tuesday night for help. The district want.a to either aell or donate about 4 ~ acres of I.he land to the city for a recreational park In exchange for approval of 31 -lo t s ubdivision o f the remainlfll pa.reel. Council members, however, said they couldn't take any immediate action on the propou.1. The district, they said. must rue an environmental Impact report, appUcatlon for subdivision and other land studies with city planners. The cost for the atudles and application could run as hlch as $60,000. Schools Superintendent Bill Barnes noted state law prohibit.a the district from uatnc' it.a educational revenues to fund such studies. Fire in Laguna Canyon blamed on house blaze The district could enlist a private de'l(eloper to fund the environmental reports. But school district board members said developers are wary of taking on a project unle. they're sure of how the city plaru to subdivide the parcel. "The real problem the tchool district is facing la the hou8'nc market la so dismal nobody really want.a the property unle. they can get It at a real dirt icheap price." said City Manaser Ken Frank. The fire that 1COrched 35 acres of land In Laguna Beach was started in the Lewellyn Drive home that a1ao was destroyed by the blaze. fire officials have det.ennJ nflO. The cause, however, la a myatery because of what little evidence remained at the site, according to Laguna Beech Fire Department Capt. Herb Jewell. A little local color Three peUean1 4o their bat to retemble fancy hood omamenll on a moored boat In New~ H•bor. The 0W11er eaahl do without. the deeonlloa, •pedailJ at elea..._ ...... "lt will always b e undetermined," he said. "The damage la too 1eVere." The blaze erupted early Sunday rnonili'W and blackened a hillside from Skyline Drive to bulldln11 on Laguna Canyon Road am. from the Festival of Arts 1round1. Thomas Duckworth'• home and rear guest· hou.e at l 199 Lewellyn Drive were leveled. Barnes aaid one su11eated altemaUve ii for the district to donate the entJre parcel to the city and then rMp the proceedl from the sale of the land. Estimated value of the property la about $3 million. The funds are needed to bolster tchool prosrurw and atall educational Pf'Oll'U" cutt.cka, t.- Mld. ---llDEI---~ Peter Ladd ran out of Oetober magle Wedneeday nllht, but the Milwaukee Brewen' e_lteher in1i111 It w-'t hit fault • .,._e DI. A8 At 83-& M Dl-10 All ,.. •· .. Al • 82 DIJJI • Dl-4 D6 Al • • • n AN ONOFRE SAFETY. • • e past at nuc l ear power ta." :..,.he val ldlly of K e nt 's gations are being looked Into f a .aecond lime by the Nuclear ulatory Commission. officials sa Wednesday. But Jim Han c hett. a s p okesman fo r the NRC's • ,._ional office in Walnut Creek, l:eld inspectors do not regard the !·charges as being "terribly 1erlous •et the moment. They are not .~jor problems, at least at the ltaarface. but we really don't know until we take a look at them ." K e nt c l ai m s there are thousa nds of incomplete or missing welds at San Onofre. These faulty welds, he said, a re concentrated in structural and pipe s upports and in electrical tray hangars. Kent said that a go6d weld should be able to last the lifetime o f the plant, estimat ed a t between 30 and 40 years. But many of the welds he saw, Kent claimed, would laat no longer than 14 years. The solution, he aaid, would be to either burn out or ground out the defective wel~ and perform new ones.' Kent spent 17 years as a quality control engineer, working at abc nuclear power plants. He worked at the San Onofre plant from October 1980 to August 1981. While there, h e alleged he found thousands of incomplete welds for e~trical tray hangars, pipe supports and structural s upports. Though h e brought these problems to the attention of his superior s at Bechtel, he claims no remedial action was taken. ·BLAST VICTIM. • • ,,~ of distilling the solvent t e trahydro{ure n when the explosion occurred. .,, '.J'hey determined that during "transfer of the solvent, the system was somehow exposed to •the atmosphere, which caused i.he c h e mic a Is t o react by A exploding. They were unsure how the exposure occurred. Willlanva immediately took an emergency shower at a stall set up in the building for such occurrences. He was then treated at the campus He1dth Center before he was taken to UClMC. I-- SUNFLOWER en 1-IAKIOKA w DaVILOPMENT a: < w <Xl o.ltr ......... _, '"" - · ned shaded a rea indicates proposed new evelopments tha t would a lter the skyline Costa Mesa north of the San Diego ESA PROJECTS. • • aining prope rty, oHicials In orde r to build th e minium.s the developer ia ting new urban center tial zonlng that allows up unit.a per acre, Robinson •••The first time such density was proposed occurre d last March when the council approved a project by C.J . Segerstr om & Son s and Coast Community College District to construct the 1,155-unJt Regel'.'C)' Terrace. Mike Oberst , project manage!' for Curci-England, said the combination of residentJal, hotei. a nd retail development will c reate "an urban center not typical of a s u b urban environment." City officials indicated that they thought only r esidential development would be proposed by the developers on the 30 acres east of Town Center. Joh ~eekers upset Second shuttle delayed? CAPE CANAVERAL. Fla, lAP) -While NASA aay1 it's confident the apace s huttle. Columbia will blast oU on tame next month, there <'ould be a delay in the January la unch or the Ch allenger. the nation '• k'COnd reuaable spacecraft. A pre111ure leak in one of Challenger's thrc.oe main engmea has delayed their delivery Crom the National S pace Technology Labs in Missi1111ippi to Kennedy Space Center, where Challenger is being prepared for flight. The enganea were scheduk'<i to arrive in Florida last month. Police a ttempt to calm lhe situation outside Help Wanted Publications, 2110 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa, where several people were trying to get their money back Wednesday after the business was evicted b y the pro perty owner. Story Page AS . T h e t hr ee Ro c kw e ll International engines must go through a batter y of tests before being certified for installation , and the delay could push back the scheduled Jan. 20 launch date by a week, oHicials said. "During so me of the t'alibration tests, w e were not tialisfied and we did it again," said James Kukowski, a NASA spakesman in Washington. HB students high • ID tests The Challenger will plal-e an advillfed tracking satellite in orbit." NAS A has b een trying to maintain the present launching schedule to gain the confidence o f s huttle custo m ers. s ince commercial satellite compa01es and the Department of Defernoe demand firm launch times with no delays. By ROBERT BARKER or .... o.1tr,...,..., Huntington Beach Union High School senio r s have posted higher scores for the third year in a r ow In the California Assessment Program tests. accordlng to officials. Dana Harbor plans early spook fest Halloween will ge t off to an early start at Dana Point Harbor with an afternoon of goblins. ghosts and other creatures that go bump in th e night Saturday. Highlight of the "Fall Fun Fest" will be a pumpkin-carving contest from 1 to 4 p.m . Children under age 14 are scheduled to create jack-o' -lanterns from 1 to 2 p .m. in Dana Wharf patio . Bigger. k iddies will ge t their chance at the cont.eat from 3 to 4 p.m. in Mariner's Vi11age patio. Anlong the spooky creatures o n hand will b e the witch Hagellna and Maxwel ct\e Robot, a 3-foot electronic device that will extend greetings to all visitors. The Heritage Players also will perform songs from their upcoming production of "Carousel " a t 2:30 p .m in Mariner's Village patio. The tests were given last Dec.-ember and the results were released this week. The performances by 1982 June graduates meant that the local district exceeded 74 pen..-ent of the districts throughout the st.ate in reading; 80 percent of the districts in written expression: 82 percent of the districts In spelling and 84 percent of the districts In mathematics. The percentage of correct answers in written expression, s p e lling and mathematics reached their highest levels in seven years. Readin g scores were up slightly Crom last year but not as high as they were in 1975-76, 1976-77 a nd 1977 · 78. "Th as cause concern." said Superintendent Frank "J ake" Abbott. "because readinf( scores were at the lower end of the comparison band. I don't know what the answer is bul it's something we are going to take a look at." (The comparison score band projects expected scores based on two factors: the parent education of the students, parents and the percentage of the s tude n ts partic1pat1ng in the Aid to Fami lies with D e p e nde nt Children wetcare assasta:lce program.) The distract seniors answered 66.1 percent of reading test questions correctly; 66.7 percent of written expression questions correctly; 72.1 percent of spelling questions correctly and 71. 7 percent of mathematics questions C'orrectl v. Ocean View High School fared the worst of the six distract high S<:hools, declining in all test areas from last year and having the lowest numbe r or cor r ect answers on the four tests. Abbott said thas may be an 1ncons1stency bel·ause Ocean Vil'w traditionally does better on other tests. "But we will be examining Oc<.•an Vaew and if it has sim ilar results in Lests this year. I will have real con<-erns." Abbott said, however, that he is "very pleased" with the growth in the number or correct answers from one year to the next for three years. So far, two of the Challenger's engines have been certified alt.er a 500-second test firing and should be delivered to the space l-cnter by Nov. 22 or 23. Mark Hess. space center spokesman , said. T he third should arrive a f Pw days lat.er. A test faring of Challe nger engines on the launch pad should be possible by C hristmas, officials say. But a Jan. 20 launch "is still conjecture," Kukowski said. "We're aiming for it but at's going lo be tight." Pre parati o n s con tinue d smoothly Tuesday. however. for the fifth flight of the Columbia, scheduled to take off Nov. 11 and carry two satellites on its first commercial mission. The 8,000-pound sate llites were hoisted Tuesday into a special "super clean" room at the top of the shuttle's lau nc h platform. 189 feet above the pad. Recycled w-ater projects gain By STEVE TRIPOLI Recycled water. though not IRWD's current recycling plant O(tM DMly "°' •tefl drinkable. can be used to water can be used to 1ts full capacity. Three proposed projects to golf courses. par ks and green~lt The I RW D p roject would con s truc t or expand water areas. about double the d1str1ct's 1.9 recycling fadlaties 10 Orange The largest of the three local billion gallon a nnual recycling County appear on the ir way to projects is Orange County WaJ,er capacity if comple ted. Chance of fog becoming reality. District's Green Acres plan. an The third plan, a smaJJer one, Di.rectors of the Metropolitan $11.6 million package that is a $6 million package proposed Wate r District o f Southern includes construction of a p lant by South Coast County Water California have a uthorized DI t · · S h L and adequate piping to pump s r1ct tn out aguna to offlcia.b to open ne,otlations on about 1.6 billion gallons of produL-e recyclc..>d water for three I .. 1• 14 58 .. "° .. 51 .. &5 52 •1· 13 .. , eo n 71 50 73 50 .. 13 111 ae 72 55 11 SI 90 M 76 45 eo •• 12 eo t1 H .. 31 '2 51 '3 •1 7' ... 17 •• 72 13 •• 37 ., .. .. 72 u .. t3 •2 ff 90 IO 34 10 47 n ... .. 11 ... 40 lllf llPllT • .... 14 0 M ''I ,. , .. ;:: Ml.ml ... IO MH'WMlkM 5e •2 Mpl•lt. Paul 52 ::-NHhYll .. 70 New OrlMnt 73 t3 New Votlc eo 67 Norloli &7 5t ~h Pl•tt• eo 33 Olllehom9 City 73 •I Omaha ... "° Orl9ndo 87 t7 PtlNacMlphl• t3 6t Ptlo.nl• 87 55 CAUl'OftNIA =:v1111ey 11 37 ••11411d ,, to 81ntow 15 13 &Numonl eo 51 Bio..., " 2t 8ltnop 11 38 illy1he .. 57 Celellf\9 78 .. Eurelll ., 47 Freeno 17 61 lM!cttltt 71 ,. Lant IMcfl 12 .. Lo-~ .. ... Moflf • tS 90 Monl«ey 17 •I Ml . Wiiton 72 SI ~ 17 M NewpOf1 tMcfl 71 .. OllllerlCI It IM Onc.rio .. 11 Plllftlprlnge t2 17 =-=-to .. .. •1 : ,..._.... ---lluft .. If I .. ... t:".: .. c:r t2 13 .,. ... ..... .. .. ....... dlnO .. .. ... ~ " ,, Tide• ==·3'·"'· .. . .... I" •• """ .., fi ...... . .• ::1.: .. .., ... .... u 91:' :r. t:n ,.., u 1•~· •:••·""· ... ~ .... ,,J/:,11 ..... ~ ..... ........ . I the projects w ith ocal water r ecycled water to OCWD golf courses a nd a greenbelt area districts. MWD would share the customers annually. fn South Laguna. ooet of the projects. Another project is an $11 A fourth project. this one in 1 f • a s e x Pe c t e d · t h e million package proposed by the Riverside County. also will affect ne9otiationa are successful. Irvine Ranch Water District. one Orange County if construc ted project.a th.al will add about 3·7 of the nation's pioneers m water because it w1JJ b e aimed at billion gallons of recycled water recycling. The project e ntails lowering salt levels in the Santa to area supplies each year may only the laying of additional Ana River, a source of drinking __ s_ta.rt __ cons __ truc __ u_· o_n_n_e_xt_s_p_r_in_g_. __ pipeline in severaJ areas so that __ w_a_t_e_r _Joca __ l ... ly_. _______ _ WATERFORD FOR CRYSTAL-CLEAR CORRESPONDENCE. The elegant beouty of hand<ut crystal makes our letter opener o pleo1ur• to use. Handcrafted In Ir•· lond by Waterford. Stolnleas 1teel blade. A gift to cherl1hl $59.50. SLAVIC K'S ""' ....... Since tl1'1 Whtrt rJw bat sanpt'Uts bcp. , ....... .,..m .. ..,.., •. """"" ... A111a....Y1 ............. -.. "° • • , 1 I ' 1 ~ • i\ , 1 I I ' < 1JU\N <,f < OlJN I Y < Al I f OHNIA ~5 CE NT S Irvine council appr9ves overcrossing plan By GLENN SCOTI' or ... ..,,...._ A meaaure Irvine voters approved ln the June election u a ralll'09d track·lowering project hu turned out lnatead to be a brldse·buildlng enterprise, CouncUwoman Barbara Wiener clalma. But ao far, the newly elected council member haan't penuaded her colleagues that a two-phued plan aimed at aeparalin8 railroad tracb from buay streets la a bad approach. Thia week Wiener claimed current proposal• to bfJlld overpaue1 flrat and then aeek funda for lowerlna railroad beda would be 'fdU1tcult If not lmpomlble to julUfy." ff overpaues are built, ahe argued, no oullide agency would be interested in offering money for what would seem a coameUc act of dropping the tracka Into a 10-foot-deep channel. Other council members disagreed , howev e r , and authorized Public Works Director Blowing whistle on San On of re costs him career By DAVID KUTZMANN or ... .., ......... Profeulonally speaking, Earl Kent nuked h is bridges Wedneaday. In so doing, he ieemed to have put an end to a fo ur -d eca d e ca r ee r in engineering. "I really don't know what the future holds for me ." the 57-year-old Cypress resident aaid. "I've done myself in, so to speak." So what could this stoic- looking engineer with 40 yeara of welding experience poaibly have done to pro mpt such bleak predictions for his personal future? Only this: Ke nt complained publicly to the U .S. Nuclear Re1ulatory Commi11ion that deficient or rru.ing welda were creatina all.able aafety riaka at two nuclear power planta, one In • Michipn and the other at San Onofre, three miles aouth of San Clemente. Hl1 charges brought stron1 den1ala from offidala at Southern California Edison Co., which own• 80 percent of the San Onofre power atatlon. and from Bechiel Power Corp. which built both the San Onofre and Midland, Mich .• plants. Kent worked as a quality control engineer at both facilities until hit firing by Bechtel earlier thia year. The company claimed that Kent had failed several oral examinations for welding inspectors. But the Cypre11 resident maintained that the reaJ reason for his dismissal last March stemmed from his ongoing criticiam of the way welds were being handled and checked in key systems at the two nuclear facilities. Sitting W ednesday in the Orange County office• of the Alliance for Survival -which hat been a vocal critic of San ' Onofre expansion and licensing -Kent said his decision to go public with his char,es was prompted by the lack d intereet whk h officials at Edilon, Bechtel and t h e Nuc lear Regulatory Comm&aion had 1hown. "I've aeen too much in my Ule to remain quiet." he aald ln the clipped tone• or 101neone not accuatomed to explaining hi1 feelinp. "I've seen too rnanr mi.at.aka, too many violationa o the code.'' Kent claimed. At an earlier point In Wedneaday'1 Interview, he explained hi.a declalon \hit way: ''Truth la truth, wherever you find it. Plants 1hould be safe . I'm pro aafety. I certainly do not want to continue w ith the. miatakes that have been made in (Sff ONOPRE, Pa1e A!) Boy's death still controversial issue By FRED BAYLES ·"" 1tJt1•,,_...., Uttle Chad Green would be celebrat:lna hit aeventh birthday 1oon If h it pare nts hadn't whisked him away to a Mexican Laetrile clinic, a form er proaecutor sai d on the pmlveraary of the boy'1 death from leukemia. But Chad'• parents, Gerald and Diana Green, aay theh d«taof\ to UR the oontrovel'liaJ drua lnatead or court-ordered chemotherapy allowed theh 3-year-old ton "quality t.ime" in hia final days. Three yeara after Chad't death, the principala ln the CME aaree only that It ahook tht mecllca1 and Jeaal e9tabllahmenta "It'• ln all the CMebooka." U)'I Jonathan Brant, the former Uliltant attorne~e;eral whc prmecuted the . He uya a'9d WM the victim of "medical child atJu. ... Had the Ureen1 1tayed in Muaachu.eua and 1lven h im chemotherapy, ''CMd would be celebrating hia seventh birthday," he says. Cha.d 's mother calls Brant's 1tatement ••amazing.'' "We thought we were also protecting Chad from the ume thing." she says. "We didn't think it waa ri1ht to force a t herapy that could alto be dangerous. There are warnings in the phyaicianl' booka that the drun can kill you, IO you ju.at &,n-ir know." . The Greens fled their Scituate, Mam., home ln January 1979 to avoid cou rt -o rd e red chemotherapy for their aon'1 leukemia. The pattnll felt drup were wearing Chad down and he waa doing well on a diet of natural fooda, vitamin• and Lae~. Chad died on Oct. 12. 1979 - l 0 months aft.er hia parents took hlm to a clinic In Tijuana to continue the LMtri1e treatments. He wu buried In llMtinp, Neb., where one of hia arandparenta lived. "T he drwcl had a debllltaim. }, Brent Muchow·~to proceed with an application to the 1tate PubUc Utlhties Comml11lon for U milllon to conatruct overcl'Olllinp 1pannln1 the track1 at Jeffrey Road and Culver Drive. At iaaue 11 whether the city should seek the $5 mUllon only for the overcroaalnge, which Muchow says It haa an excellent chance of receiving. or aak for more than $10 million to finance the concurrent track lowering. Muchow claims the city's probability of receivin~ fundin" would eubetantlally -drop by ukln1 for ao much. The overpauea would 1tand about 29 feet above ground level (two or three feet more for ralllnga) If built before the lowering. That height ia aim.llar to the height of t))e exlatlng Yale Avenue pedestrian overcro.aing, Muchow noted. If the overpaues were built as tracks were lowered, the height could be dropped aeven to eight feet, he said, calUng it "a minor difference in elevation we feel iB part of the tradeoff '' Wiener said votera, who gave 74 percent support In June for 9le project, will be 1urpriled to dllcover how their lowering project hu changed. But the treaaurer o f the campaign puahlng for the ballot m e asure, Bicycle Trails Committee Chairwoman Juanita M oe, argued that ballot d escri ptions ex plaln·ed construction might take place in st.ages. Noting that the city might never have the same chance for ...., ..... ,,.... _,,...... 0-o-.I Firemen, dressed in protective 1ui11, prepare to re-enter a laboratory at UC Irvine's Phy1ieal Sciences Building to investigate the explosion that hospitalized a UCI chemistry prof es8or. They donned the suits after fumes from the blast drove them out. the $5 million 1rant, 1he aald, "we can't afford to turn It down." , Muchow a&ld aeveral _eubUe aemlnan will be held aoon fOf neighborhood &MOdaUona t...f near the Santa Fe Rall3a tracks. Date• for the flra seminars ~hould be annou within two weeka, a departmenl spokesman aaid today. • A committE:.e al.lo la expected tO be formed to make auggestlonl on landacaplng for the over.-., embankments, Muchow added. . ' , UCI blast • • • v1ct1m • serious A UC Irvine c h emistry profe.or wu in aerioua condition today at UCI Medical Center in Orange with burn1 suffered We dnesday when a 1olvent exploded u he worked on an experiment lnaide a campus laboratory. Gregory Williama, 28, a fi.rst- year instructor at UCI, waa under treatment thia rnomi"8 In the medical center's burn unit for first and aecond-degree burnt on the upper part of hit body, a hospital spokesman aaid. The Physical Sciences building wu evacuated for more than an hour after the 2:50 p.m. explosion occurred In the fifth-floor lab, a campus spokesman ea.id. Orange Co unty F i re Department firefighten, weartnc protective "acid suits," were called in to enaure that no fires or toxic odon lingered after the fl.uh exploaion. Damage to the lab waa not determined thia morn1Jl8. The exploaon wu the aecond In two days at UCI. Power w• knocked out foe an hour Tueeday after an unrelated blaat, the product of an electrical fire in the campua' Central Plant. Colleagues aald thla mornina that Williama, conduc ting research in mlxinl organic and metallic molecules, was In the (Sff BLAST. Pa1e A!) New skyline due for Mesa? effect on his-little life," recalls h - mother. "We wanted quality for what wu left of his life." Laetrile is a trademark for chemical derived from aprlco and peach pita. Advocates aay I la effective against cancer, bu recent flndlf\81 by the Natio Cancer Institute dlapute th claims. Dr. John T . Truman, wh treated Chad at Muaachuaet General Hotpltal, aays the cue railed lmportant doubta about Laetrile. By JODI CADENHEAD or ... ..,,.. .... The two largest landowners in Co.ta Meta have propoeed plans that would dramatically change the dty'a skyline, adding a new metropolis almllar to Town Center and abou t 600 oondominiuma near South Coast Plaza Mall. Developers for C.J. Segerstrom & Sona. builders of South Coast Plaia and T own Cen t er, aubmJtted plant to city officials th.la week callina for 2.7 million aquare feet of commercial office and retail development on 98 acret bounded by the San Ulego Freeway. Fairview Road, Sunflower A venue and Harbor Boulevard. Also proposed are two 400-room hotels. Aho, offlciah for Cu rcl- Enaland Co., developen for the Sallioka family, have propoeed the construction of between ~ and 700 condo miniums, two 350-room hotels and a retail center on 30 acres Miit of South Cout Plaza Town Center. Both developers aubmltted their plana Monday, ln order to quall(y tor the gene r a! plan A little local color Three pelicans do their belt 10 reHmble laaey laoocl onaamen .. oa • moored IM)et la New~i1 e...-r. The ewaer Mid do ,without ............. •f1elall7 at eleaahll ...... . ....................... amend m ent hearing• i n February. Such hearinga are necessary for rone changes. The "Segeratrom Home Ranch" aa it i. called, would be the aecond largeat hi1h-rl1e oommerdal development In the city. Town Center, located acrou Bristol "Street from South Cout Plua Mall, is the largest. By 1990, It will include three million aquare feet o f commercial development, on 62 acres. About 1.6 million aquare feet have been built. Senior city planner Mike RoblNOn aaid additional traffic problema and the n eed for housing generated by the project will be prime conalderatlon1 when the city Plannin1 Commiaalon revlewa the development Feb. 14. "lt'a llm11ar to Town Center, only &lightly smaller," Roblnaon .. ld. The Segernrom famll y'1 largeat chunk of u ndeveloped lend currently 11 aoned for industrial UR and la at1ll beinc farmed. Sel(entrom offictala declined to dbcua the propoeal that calla for the conatn.lctlon of 2.6 million squ a r e feet of commercial development, two 400-room hot.ell and 80,000 aquare feet of retail development. No building heights we re specified ln the preliminary plan. The Curci-En1land propoul inc lude• 500 t o '700 condominiums. tw o 350-room hotela ranglna from 10 to 12 atorlea in h elaht and 12,000 aquare feet of retail development. Lut August, the dty ooundJ approved the development of 1.3 n\ilUon aquare feet of commercial office apace along Anton Boulevard on 50 of the 165 acr'S owned by the Sak1oka family. No deciaion haa been made regardlns the future oi the remaining property, official• said. In order to bu i ld the oondominlwna the developer ii requeatin1 new urban center l'ftident.lal aontna that allowl up to ~ units per acre, Robh'80ft aald .. The fint t.ime IUCh derwity WM P,ro~ occurred lut March (See MBIA, r ... AJ> - ,........_-----11111---............ -- Peter Ladd ran OUI or October mastc W eclnetday night, baa the Milwaukee Brewen' piaeher ln1i111 It•-'• liil faub. P-.e DI. Al At ... At De-10 II • DI Al • I I I I ' • I I ... AN ONOFRE SAFETY. • • e past a t nuclear power ta." he validity o f Kent's gatiofl,I are being looked Into at a second lime by the Nuclear l\taulatory Commlsaion, officials sida Wedneaday. But Jim Han c h e tt , a spokesman for the N RC's _f9J!onal office In Walnut Creek. ~ inspectors do not regard the ..,gee as being "terribly aeriou.s ~t the moment. They are not , .maJor problems. at leut at the ' ;JIUtface, but we really don't know \lntil we take a look at them." -l<ent c l ai m s there are thousands of incomplete or mLSSing welds at San Onofre. These faulty welds, he said, are concentrated in structural and pipe supports and in electrical tray hanl(ars. or the plant, eatl mated •l between 30 and 40 year•. Bui many ot the weldl he aaw. Kent claimed, would laat no lon;er than l 4 yean. The 11<>luUon, he aald, would be to either burn out or ground out the defective wcldl and perform n.ew ones. Kent spent 17 years as a quality control engineer, working at six nuclear power plants. He worked at the San Onofre plant from October 1980 to August 1981. / Job seekers upset Dall1 Piiot Photo b1 Alcherd Ko.hie< Second shuttle delayed? CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP) -While NASA aay1 It'• confident the apace shuttle Columbia will blast off on Ume next month, there could be a delay in the January launch of the Challenger, the nation'• S«'Ond reusable IJ>lk.'CCraft. A preseure leak in one of ChaJJenger's three main cmgines-. has delayed their delivery from the National Space Technology Labe in MUisiBalppi to Kennedy Spa<.-e Center, where Challenger 1s being prepart.>d for flight. The engines were scheduled to arrive in Florida last month. Kent said that a good weld should be able to last the lifetime While there, h e alleged he found thousands of incomplete welds for electrical tray hangars, pipe supports and structural supports. Though he brought theae problems to the attention of his s uperiors at Bechtel, he claims no remedial action was taken. ,BLAST VICTIM. • • ' ·process of dlStilling the solvent \etrahydrofuren when the explosion occurred. exploding. They were unsure how the exposure occurred. Police attempt to calm the situa tion outside Help Wanted Publications, 21. 10 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa, where several people were trying to get their money back Wednesday after the business was evicted by the property owner. Story Page AS. Th e three. Ro c kw e ll International engines must go through a battery of tests before being certified for installation, and the delay <.'Ould push back the scheduled Jan. 20 launch date by a week, officials said. "During some of th e calibration tests, we were not satisfied and we did it again," said J ames Kukowski, a NASA spokesman in Washington. Williams immediately took an emergency shower at a stall ~ up in the building for such occurrences. He was then treated at the campus Health Center before he was taken to UCIMC. ' , The Challenger will pla<..-e an advanced tracking sat ellite in orbit. They determined that during 'transfer of the solvent, the · ,'system was somehow exposed to the atmosphere, which caused Jhe c h emicals to reac t by Recycled water projects gain NASA has been trying to maintain the present launching schedule to gain the confidence o f s huttle customers, since commercial satellite companies and the Department or Defense demand rirm launch times wtth no delay11. 0 a: SUNFLOWER a: <( w CD ined shaded area indicates proposed new ~evelopments that would alter the skyline ~f Costa Mesa north of the San Diego .. :1reeway. awESA PROJECTS ... FRWY ~ -;when the council approved a development would be proposed teject by C.J . Segerstrom & by the developers on the 30 acres ns and Coast Community east of Town Center. ege District to construct the "There are a lot 01_ hotel fl~55-unit Regency Terrace. operators that want to get into ~Ike Oberst, project manaaer the market around the John Curci -Engl~nd, aaid \he Wayne airport and C.O.ta M .. " ~blnation of residential, holea. bberat said. "People have ~ ~nd retail development will approaching us. We're not doing cr eate "an urban center not it because everyone else la doing t y p i c a 1 o f a s u b u r b a n it." Pn~rnnmP~t·.'' . . The retail development will City offlc1ai. 1nd1ca~ t~at include cares. small s hops, they thou~ht only res1dent1al delicatessens and liquor stores. By STEVE TRIPOLI Of tM OMtJ "'4>1 llefl Three proposed projects to construc t or expand wate r recycling facilities in Orange County appear on their way to becoming reality. Directors or the Metropolit.an Water Dis tric t of Southern California have authorized off1ciaJs to open negotiations on the projects with local water districts. M WD wou Id share the cost of the projects. If . as expected, th e 11egotiat ions are successrul, projects that will add about 3.7 billion gallons of re<.'ycled water to area supplies each year may start constructJon next spring. . Recycled water , though not drinkable, can be used to water golf courses. parks and greenbelt areu. The large.t of the \hree local projects is Orange County Water District's Green Acres plan, an $11.6 million package that includes construction of a plant and adequate piping to pump about 1.6 billion g•l1on1 of rec ycled water to OCWD customers annually. Another project is an $1 l million package proposed by the Irvine Ranch Water District, one of the natlOJl's pioneers in water recycling. The project entails Chance of fog Intend. low• 53 to 51. "rlday Frida October 15 high• 72 to 80. • • lnlend Yailey9 can e11P9Ct higlle · _.;.&. ........ -Coastal ·1n~~'°:.~:-..= ' Felr lodey wllh high• from ~io:::'t~ HIOM In • •tlld-70• at th• b••cha• to ~ deMr1 hiOIW 74to12 _ ,"lld·IOa In the Inland areH. iow. 42 to 52. Southern ...,; . Ct!.,_ of fog and tow clouda let• hight II to 93, IOwt In the 50a. 1~!.:C::"Y Frldey mofnlnQ. Northern and Central Celltomte. ,.., lir .. ~ tows ~2 will be ,.., wttn ~ .,.,.. and IO 51. Hight Frld111 72 to 90. mild nlghta through Fnde)' S-'t! I e e w her•, from Point low~ anc1 petell)t fo9 elorlg r Conception to th• Mhlcan coat and edi-tl ~ Dorder end out eo mllea: Nortr-t wlndt 10 to 20 know • - 1 :~.:.t~~!~th~g~r=~ Temperatur,es J.qcelly llOh( verlet>le -4nds In the -NATION 'c" lrl(ght and morning hour• * Le ~ becoming •outhw••• I to 1• Alban, 54 45 ~~~;..;:::.:..=.;=;::.:::::!::....:::::1L-,,.:.:.... _ _. •note In tM efternoona tod., and Al 12 32 ":: F'r'-'· Wind wavea 1 to 2 1991 ~ &4 40 Stllionlfy •• wlttl ~ ewell of I to 2 .... Anc:tlofege 30 2e en.moon. Moeffy ,.., througtl " 5e rldey eac.pt IOI' -P•IChy ~ 70 64 log Ind low CIOude In Ille northern a .. _ ... ,.,.., e2 51 • ....,. todey, ltlCl'eetlltg tonight .. ,_,, ... .,..,, 78 68 end H rly Friday morning In t='i:::o.. 93 57 IOUthetn wetera. . llllnot 72 40 • llrmlngfl~ 8790 j lJ s 8lnnen:lt I 1 32 }~ . . summary :=on : :J. OerlM tog blenlleted much of lrownevllle 74 83 Penneylllenle end w .. 1 Virginia Buffalo 81 llO I Hrly todey u 1hower1 and ='°" :: 5~ J I :::= :::'*'-fhe Ctlattnton. 8.C. 12 ~2 Fog etao llngered over H-CNtteliton, W.V. ff 53 lnglMd end ___,. Hew Yonc Cfleftotte, H.C. 71 13 1 • dolady ... etl'9ndlng ,..oin ~ 54 21 t fhe '°""*" ~ to the CflloeoO at 41 J I uppfr Mlululppl Velley and ~ !! ~!· I Gt.-Lell-. ......,..._... vv -I Mn ... _~ Oft1o Ind ~ 8.C. 11 17 , 1 1 C".:!-~~~ ~WOtlh ;: :: -'* of 1M 10UtNrn ....,,... The o.yton 14 45 f ,... of tM netlon heel clMr to oen-a 1 a3 ~doudyll<IM. o.~ u 41 Tod•y'• lor•CHI ctll•cl IOf = ~ :'2 lo 1o •tt•r•d 1howere and " r tllu•uleretorm• lroin P'lorld• ,, ... !...~ !'a 4,' I ""°""" ttlli -.tern h8lf of Hortll ---' 1 ic.tOllfte to ,.... Yorti end ,._ '•oo N 35 = ~ °::'. w.:,: ...,.,d \ 57 ... .. 74 tMI tMI .. 52 53 80 71 73 II 87 72 81 80 75 80 72 81 .. 82 83 78 87 72 ... 80 .. 12 13 H tO tO 73 18 ... 74 51 40 59 85 ... .., 57 50 50 53 31 95 61 3e 45 41 tO 35 31 ff .., 54 ... 53 37 ... 72 ... 42 IO 34 47 ... 11 40 I l _1t9l•1td, rein over north•rn :-r... ;! rr H111N weN.,,..... In 1M IOI ....... M H ~ w~ ..... .,.. trOl'll IN .. ~-----------.....;;....---...i I ,llpper ~HIHlppl V•lle~ to ~--·----·1-tr-.. ~A~oo.;'10• ..... ... _..,.. Aoolli.; .. ..,., "°"*; 10e end toe ltom 1outflern Arl1on1 e oroae ~ ........... to Oreeon: ................... lllf llPIRI f .. ,.rOhHH °'OUltd Ille .. .... • ..... ~ ........ "°"'. a...m. ~ .. LarMlle, ~ .... It In ,,_ ==-...... ~ -~ ~ ~ ~ ltlr .. ... -_·_r-._______ ,..,. ..., .... ltlr .. i7t,J··~ . :: :t: I ~w·::.:= =-=: !j :; u ...... =--~· ,,, ~ .. .... °""., .......... t fit "'9 ... 711 •I IN ~.1 .... H/Wt Ta..: l ;lt Ult. Low Tide• l :OI I' I'll, ...... ..,. ........... -::"""'"""" .... -··--. I Mltn'll Mllweull• Mpl..SI. Peul H"""'"9 New°''""' Hew YO<lt HorloMI Hor1h Plett• Olllellome Cit, Omaha Ortllldo Phlleclelphle Phoenlll Tidet TODAY , ... 90 se 42 62 48 70 55• 73 13 llO 57 87 6t llO 33 71 ... ... 40 87 17 83 .. t7 55 11 37 " tO 15 53 10 51 H 21 77 341 " 57 78 14 81 .• 7 17 51 71 3t u &5 .. ... " 50 17 ... 72 51 I 87 51 71 541 ., 54 • .. 51 ti 17 tO .. .. 41 , 'II II .... I H II 7t ... .. 41 .... ti ., ....,.. IOw l:lt P·l'll· 0.1 ........ ~, ........ .... ... ti4it • "' 0.0 """ 111111 "' • "' .. ., .......-... .. '·"'· 0.4 ....... 111111 .. ,,,. ... .... ...-........ t :• '·""· ......, ...... 1: ••. 111 • ..__,......_ .. 4:111.M., I _ ......... ' only the lay ing or additional pipeline in several areas so that IRWD's current recycling plant can be ~ to its fuU capacity. The IRWD project would about double the district's l .9 billion gallon annual recycling capacity if completed. The third plan, a smaller one, is a $6 million package proposed by South Coast County Water District in South Laguna to produce recycled water for three gotr courses and a greenbelt area in South Laguna. A fourth project, this one in Riverside County, also will aHect Orange County i( constructed because 1t will be aimed at lowenng salt Levels in the Santa Ana River, a source of drinking water locally. Dana Harbor plans early spook fest Halloween w1U get off to an early start at Dana Point Harbor with an afternoon of goblins. ghosts and other creatures that go bump in the night Saturday. H ighlight or the "Fall Fun Fest" will be a pumpkin-carving contest from 1 to 4 p.m. Children under age 14 are scheduled lo create jack-o'-lantcms from 1 to 2 p.m. in Dana Wharf patio. Bigger kidd ies will get their chance a t the contest from 3 to 4 p.m. in Mariner's Village patio. Among the spooky creatures on hand will be the witch Hagelina and Maxwel the Robot, a 3-foot electronic device that wlll extend greetings to all visitors. The Heritage Players also will perform songs from their upco ming production of "Carousel" at 2:30 p .m. in Mariner's VIJlage patio. Wiley Horne, MWD's project manager for the program, said negot1at1ons now taking place will delineate the roles and respo nsibili,ties of all parties involved in the pro jects. The format for each project must be approved by all involved before construction can start. Horne said. So far, two or the Challenger's engines have been certified after a 500-second test firing and should be delivered to the space center by Nov 22 or 23. Linguists given job opportunity Forums o n job opportunities for people who speak foreign languages will be orrered beginning tooay all UC lrvlne. The ~atherings. sponsored by the School or Humanities and the Career Planning and Placement Center, will be held consecutive Thursdays Crom 2 to 3:30 p.m. in Room 203 oJ the Student Services Bu1ldinl(. •&ckcrs or a state ballot pro position calling for a freeze o n nuclear arms production will assemble in Irvine Saturdar for a "Yes on 12 walkathon.' Proponents of Proposition 12 in the Nov. 2 election plan t.o meet at 10 a .m. at Willlam Mason Regional Park on University Drive near Culver Drive, said organizer Karen Lltfln. WATERFORD AU meetings arc free and open to the public. They will cover jobs in business; t ec hno logy; medicine, co urts and broadcasting and, rtnally, opportunities in translating and interpreting. More information may be obtain ed by calling Jayn e Klunder at the car eer planning and placement center. 833-6881. They plan to walk an equivalent of 12 kilometers by going door-to-door to pass out campaign literature. Organizers say they hope to distribute more than 20,000 door hangers. Volunteers already have covered most or Cost.a Mesa. Corona del Mar, Laguna Beach and Santa Ana, Litfln said. FOR CRYSfAJ....CLEAR CORRESPONDENCE. The elegant beauty of hond-cut cry1tol moke1 our letter opener o pleoaure to uae. Hondcrofted In lre- Jond by Woterfor~ .. Stqlnl~11 1tffl blade. A gift to cherl1hl $59.50 . SLAVIC K'S ""'.---llnc9 '"' . Whtrt w &csr stnpnws bqin. .......... c'h ...... , •• ..,. ... MIGNIW&.-~·~ ... ·IM-- -----=~-- ,, • Gold jumps; ( Dollar loWer By Tbe Associated Pre11 Gold prices climbed nurly $20 an ou~ ln early European trading \Oday following a 1lmllar aharp rite tn New York th prevloua day. The dollar turned mo.ti)' lower. Gold ha• benefi ted from the decline• In U.S. lnten'lit ratet. which make gold purchuea on credit • leu expensive and Improve the competitive value of bullion agalnat the dollar. The doUar, however, often loeet ground when rates fall becau.e lower rat.ea reduce the yleldl of dollor·denom1nated lnvest.menta. Cold for current delivery climbed $16.80 to cla.e at $454.80 u troy ounce Wednetlday on the Commodity Exchange In ~ew York. Irvine building bought ·Bankers Lile Company has purchased' a 37,000-square-foot, two-story retlective glass ofLice' buildmg and its 2.06-acre site at 2415 Campus Drive in lrvlne from Vondevco, lnc. in a transaction handlf'd by Coldwell Banker Commercial &al Estate Services. Mark Creer and Rick Dugan of the t:oldweU Banker company's Newport Beach office, with the assistance of Brian Corrigan of Coldwell Banker Institutional Liaison Services, represented all parties in negotiating the transaction, valued at more than $~ million. Group raps bumping . WASHINGTON (AP) -An aviation consumer group says the Civil Aeronautics Board's modification of an anti-bumping rule will result in hordes of passengers being left stranded at the nation's airports. Matthew H. Finucane, director of the Aviation Consumer Action Project, made the prediction after the CAB said that starting In December airlines would not have to automatically compensate people bumped from rti~hts. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT DOW JONES AVERAGES NEW YORK (API -Dow Jof>M 2 p m. AMERICAN LEADERS UPS AND DOWNS HEW YORK CAPI lhe 104-1"9 1111 "'9Wf WW ....... Yot' Sl«• be ..... ,,~ .. ""' ...... 11\et ...... -.... IM ~· --tM rl'IOll -on i::um~_,<'*'91 rteardlftt of voh"'lt Ho _ .... ui.. trNl"ll •-u .,. Incl· uOtd. Net -_, ... ( ... , ... _ .... "" dllfe<ent• oet-tlw prevlou• (~ prlo -_,,., ~&;,,m P••<•. ~-Loi CllQ Pct. I UNIOrll l'I 11 • • J Up M.0 J K"*C» 6'• • 1'• Up Ja.J a Chrllll.,• t~ • W• Up ».I 4 LTV CP pll tJ 2' UP "·' ! ~~:Co :~ ; :~ ~= :·~ 1 lnll Hano _,.. • .. Up 11.0 I Trko •1, , '"-Up U.l t GEO 11111 11'1 • 2\ot Up 21.I ltoO<-ee-. 30 lndu11ri.. 1004 32. off • 10 711 20 T r.,,epo<1•1ion, 40ll 92. of! • 1.«>5 16 UllHll ... 122 42. up 0. 10 65 StoO<a. »9 e... oll 2 llS 30 lnch111ri.it, 1004 32, on 10 711. 20 Trantj)Orttilon. 4(111 02, of1 1.06. WHAT STOCKS DID HEW YORK IAPI Ocl. 12 --r-.., ,,.. Oe<ll-"' Un<IMl!neld 2M TollM I-7012 ............ 411 ...... _ J WH•• .. ..,_l • Ut{J HEW YORK IAPI Oct. U """ ~. "• Jlt am ., . 1 ~ ... ~ .. T~ .. $ De<1I-.. , ., un<:rr.:;: 111 U1 Toi .. , .. , ... en ............ .. 41 --l • METALS NEW YORK (AP) -Spot nont•rrove mel81 prioee Thv~. c.,,., 70· 73 • c•nU a pouno, (J 8 o..llnaltofte LMll 23-H -.ia a POUnd ZIN 40·42 -.11 a pound, ~.O "" M 2:139 Mel81t W-~ ID .......,_ 711 ~a pouf\O, H Y ...,_, '370 I* "-- ....""-•331 00·'344 00 11oy Ollnce. N.Y SILVER :y ~==:· m~ : n: ~= ~u 12 lnllH41rv S 164)1 '""' • ''°' Up 1'.I Hendy & H111m.,,, • 10.09 I*" troy ~ 11 o-tllnd U 'e • J"" Up 1'A 14 OwrM Or U ll • 1 1 Up 11-' IS N--AI 64. • I UP 11.4 l• Pattl<llPtr ~ , 1 Up 11.4 1 Oyco~rl 14h • 2"' Ut lt,I ti Plftgol...S l\~ , 11> Up 1•.I 1t To!lholm 16•• • 2'1• VII ,._,. 10 PritDrlll 10•1 ,. 1~, Up 11 O 21 WhMIPlt Sii U~ t J\ot Up 16.0 fl ~~:E:o. ~ : l~ ~: :u J4 Pett-ll' I • 1"' Up 14.• U US 54"4 10.. • 1'1i Ut 14 • ..._ 1 HalOIVSlr J lrCKllHll l'I J HotlzonCo 4 I I t I 111 : S,mc>OI olC 1 -"t!:t • 01...., '"" . .,, ......... ,,. 10,.....,., 11 Coacllmrl l15nc J hell •• I< • u ........ l_Qf 16 ·~Sir 11 l'nur NY ti Pt lmlN<ll "'~" JO JrlS.U fl'IV 21 Amlus Pell J2 C'-kFOH I!~ "s .. ,,. ... OOWHS IAtl CllQ PU, 11 -21tt 011 10,. II 1"9 Off t ,2 10 ~ Off IO <•Y F~L .. OVFF ~. •h \It Ott U s•~ -" Off .. , JO tllo Off w 21ot -1ot0t1 n u -2 Off S.• ... " Off j ,4 U \lt -... Off U 11111 .. Off u n IV. Off U '"' .. Off s.o tllot -.. ~ •• 4h -\lo ... 1'Vt -J I •:: ~\It-\ .. i : .. s llo ... IH• -t1o 4.i "" -"' t ... • -, .. Ott ... '"' -.. Oft 4,2 u ..... -1 Off 4 1 GOLD COINS Due to late tran1ml11lon today'• llattng wlll not appear In the Dally PllOt. GOLD QUOTATIONS 9yTM4_,......_ S...Cl.0 wort0 QOld P<ICM IOO•y, L...-.. rnor111n9"•lnO1•29.ao, on a, 1 76 L..,... all9mooft fixing U:tl 76, ott •12 ao ,.,.. an•noon f1aing "426 65. on ff T 1 'rMlllur1 fhdng 1.430.00, o" S 10.INI Z..W. let• alt•noon ft•lng l.430.00. olt 15 50 bk! $431.00 1111<.0 H••utr a Her••11 (only O•ill' Quota) "421.76, oft S12 ao ,.......,,. (only dally Quottl S428. 75, of! 112.SO I~· (only Ollly Quolal fal>fleatlCI 1.4&0 "· oll • 13 12 SYMBOLS ! ' $ I I i <i I .. r 111111 ClllT cma• 1111111 •' ' I I II ' I I /\ I I 1 f j I I ()Hl\NLI ( ()IJfjl y 'l\l It ()fiNll\ '/', C lN J<.J NeW developme-1ts to .change Mesa skyline? 'By JODI CADENHEAD or .. ..,,......., The two larptt landowners in Co.ta Mesa have propoeed plans that would dramatically change the dty'a skyline, adding a new metropolia tfmilar to Town Center and about 600 condominiuma near South Coast Plaza Mall. Developers for C.J . Segentrom & Sona, builden of South Coast Plar.a and Town Center, aubmitted plant to city offid.a.la thi. week calling for 2.7 million aquare feet of comrnercJal office and retail development on 98 acres bounded by the San Die., Freeway, Fairview Roao , Sunflower Avenue and Harbor Boulevard. Alao propoaed are two 400-room hotela. Alao, offlclah for Curcl- England Co., developen for the Sakioka family. have propoeed the conatructlon of between 600 and 700 condominiums, two 350-room h otels and a retail center on 30 acres eaat of South Coast Plaz.a Town Center. Blowing whistle on San On of re costs him career By DAVID KUTZMANN or .. ..,,......., Professionally speaking, Earl K ent nuked his bridges Wednesday. In so doing, he leemed to have put an end to a four-decade ca r ee r in efliineering. "I really don't know what the future' holds for me." the 57-year-old Cypreaa resident said. "I've done myael! in, so to speak." So what could this stoic- looking engineer with 40 years of welding experience poaibly have done to prompt s uch bleak predictions for his personal future? Only this: Kent complained publicly to the U.S . Nuclear Regulatory Commiaaion that deficient or miaiug welds were creating sizable safety raka at two nuclear power plant.a, one in • M.lchipn and the other at San Onofre, three miles 80Uth of San Clemente. Hla char1ea brought strong den1ala from officiala at Southern California Edison Co., which owna 80 percent of the San Onofre power station, and from Bechtel Power Corp, which built both the San Onofre and Midland, Mich., planta. Kent worked aa a quality control engineer at both f.adllties until his firing by Bechtel earlier thi. year. The company claimed that Kent had failed several oral examinations fo r w elding inspectors . But the Cypress resident maintained that the real reason for his dismissal last March stemmed from his ongoing criticism of the way welds were being handled and checked in key systems at the two nuclear facilities. Sitting Wednesday in the Orange County offices of the Alliance for Survival -which haa been a vocal critic of San • Onofre expansion and licensing -Kent said his decision to go public with his charges was prompted by the lack o( lnterest which officialJ at F.dison, Bechtel and the Nuclear Regulatory Commlaaion had shown. "I've 1een too much in my life to remain quiet," he aaid in the clipped tones of someone not accus tomed to explalnin1 hia feellnp. "I've seen too many mistakes, too many violations of the code,'' Kent claimed. At an earlier point in Wednesday's interview, he explained his dedslon \his way: "Truth is truth, wherever you find it. Plants should be safe. I'm pro safety. I certainly do not want to continue with the miatakes that have been made in (See ONOFRE, Pa1e Al) "' Boy's death still controversial issue By FRED BAYLES .'II I 'If.._ .... Little Ch.ad Green would be celebrati.na his teVenth birthday aoon if bis parents hadn't whlaked him away to a Mexican Laetrile clinic, a former prosecutor aaid on the anniversary of the boy's death from leukemia. But Chad's parenta, Gerald and Diana Green, aay their dedalon to Wle die controveni.al dru1 instead of court-ordered chemotherapy allowed theil 3-year-old .on "quality time" in hit final::....=da;:;l..:.:::...· -~ Three years after Chad'• deeth, the principals in the CME a1ree only that it ahook thE medk:al and lep1 establlahmenta "lt'a in all the CllMbooka," aayt Jonathan Brant, the former ualltant attorney 1eneral whc en-cuied the Greens. He •)'I Ch-4 WM the victim of "medical ch1Jd abule .•• Had the Ureena stayed In M .... chu.etU and 1lven him chemotherapy, ''Child would be I A little 10cal color Three pelieau do their beet to raemble faney hood ornaments on a moored boat in Newport Harbor. The OWllel' eollld clo ....... .... ..... lea, _,,.,....., •• el-•• ..... ' ce lebrati ng hi s seventh birthday," he aaya. Chap's mother calls Brant's statement • 'aJ1\8z:iJ\g' .• t "We thought we were also protecting Chad from the same thing," she says. "We d idn't think it waa right to force a therapy that could alao be dangerous. There are warnings in the ph)'1icianl' book.a that the dnurs can kill you, 10 you juat don't know." The Greena fled their Scituate, Mam., home in January 1979 to avoid court-ordered chemotherapy for their aon'a leukemia. 'The parenta felt drup were weartna Chad down and he waa doing well on a diet of natural foods, vitamins and LHtrile. Chad died on Oct. 12, 1979 - 10 months after hit parenta took him to a clinic in Tijuana to continue the LMtrile treatmenta. He WM buried in ffMt1ncs, Neb., where one of hla ,randparenta lived. "The druo had a debllitatlna Both developers submitted thelr plant Monday, ln order t.o qualify for the general plan amendment hearln11 ln February. Such h earht11 are n~ for zone changea. The 'Segeratrom Home Ranch" aa it la called, would be the second larateat high-rise commercial development in the city. Town Center, located acrou Brlat.ol Street from South Coast Plata Mall, is the largest. By 1990, ll will include three million aquare feet of commercial development, on 62 acres. About 1.6 million aquare feet have been bum. Senior city planner Mike Roblnlon said additional traffic pro~lema and the need for houal"8 generated by the project will be prime conalderatlona when the city flannlng Comml,uion r e vi e ws the development Feb. 14. "lt'a i1milar to Town Center, o~y slightly amaller," Roblnaon 88ld. The Segeratrom famlly'a largest chunk of undeveloped land currently la zoned for lnduatrial uae and la aUU being fanned. Segeratrom offlclala declined to d1-cwa the propoeal that calla for the construction of 2.6 million square feet of commercial d evelopment, two · 400-room hotela and 80,000 aquare feet of retail development. · No building height• w e re specified in the preUmihary plan. The Curci-England proposal .., .... ,.... ., ,..,... ll'O'D __ , ... Inc lude s 500 to 100 condomlnluma, two 3~0-room hotels rangln1 from 10 to 12 atorlea in height and 12,0°' aquare feet of retail development, Lut August, the city ~ approved the development of l . milllon aquare feet of comme o ffice apace alon1 Anto• Bol!levard on 50 of the 165 ~ owri'l!O by the Sakioka family. ; No Ciecision has been mad• regarding the future of th' (See MESA, Pase Al) UCI blast • • v1ct1m J • serious By GLENN 8COTT • or-..., ......... A UC Irvine &emiatry profeaor wu in terloua oondition today at UCI Medkal Center in. Orange with burns auffere~ Wednesday when a solvent exploded aa he worked on an experiment Inside a campua laboratory. G~ory Williams, 28, a flrat- year instruc tor at UCI, was under treatment th.is momlnc in the medical center's bum unit few first and tee0nd-degree burnt on the upper part of hia body, a hospital spokesman said. The Phyajcal Sciences buildlne waa evacuated for more than an hour after the 2:50 p.m. explosion occurred in the flfth-floor lab. a campua spokesman said. Orange Co unt y Fire Department fi.refightera, weaJ'inl protective "acicf suits," were called in to ensure that no firea or toxic odon lingered after the flMh exp&o.lon. Dama1e to the lab wu not detennined thi. morntna. Firemen, dreued in protective suits, prepare lo re-enter a laboratory al UC Irvine's Physical Sciences Building to investigate the e~pl08ion that hospitalized a UCI chemistry profeuor. They donned the suits after fumes from the blast drove them out. 'The expJc>.ion WM the leC:.'OOd in two daya at UCI. Power WM knocked out for an hour 1\.-day after an unrelated blaat, the product of an eJectricaJ fire in the campua' Central Plant. Colleagues said thu mornm, that Williama, con~uctin1 reeeareh in mixinl ortAhic and metallic molecules, wu in the (See BLAST, Pase A!) effect on hit-little life," ~ mother. "We wanted'quallty · for what waa left of his life." Laetrile la a trademark for chemical derived from aprico and pnch pita. Advocates uy i 11 effective against cancer, bu recent flnd1np by the Na Cancer Institute dispute th clatml. . Dr. John T. Truman, wh treated Chad at Mauachu1et General HOfpital, uya the raised important doubta about lAetrile. .. Hummel house illegal? By STEVE MARBLE or ... ..,,... .... Newport Beach Councilman Paul Hummel, a stickler for adhering to dty building codes, is in hot water him8elf over alleaed buJlding code violations at nla Corona del Mar home. Hummel, aeeklng re-e lection Nov. 2, cla1ma a "crank" la trying to discredit him by bringing minor code infractlona to the attention of city building inspectors. Re aakl he auapecta IOl'MOne of trying to pull political ahenanlgana before the election. BW Agee, who la challenging Hummel in the c:ouncll contat, aaid he la not responsible for reportlnt the purported violatJona to the dty. "Thia doesn't rer,reaent any ~lidcal dirty work, ' Mid Aaf.e. 'Thia ia juat another e>eample of a man who clalma to be the d ty'a 1reat rule-keeper but keep• .,,_kine the rulea blrmelf." The dty hM "red-llg8d" the coundlrnan'• home. Qty otf6dala •ld they will stve Kummel a chance to correct the alle1ed violation• before a cltaUon la 1-..d. Paul Hummel Aecordlng to city lnapecton, the vtolationa include a hot water heater on one aide of Hummel'• houle ~ta U.to an area that la 1U to be kept clear for fire afety re ona. Additionally, the city aald, there la a ttockpile of lumber, a plM\lc bubble for railinl planta and a 11<>Ud wooden beam that encroach lnto the area. Hummel has been aaked to remove all of the items, incl~ the hot water heater. The councilman retorted that the violations are trivial and hardly worth talldnl about. "Moat people woUld lauch if J4. showed them what the city'• worried about. I'm willlna to bet every hOU8e in Corona cfel Mar haa aimllar thlnp .•• City oCfidala, who aid policy prohlblta them from namlnl the peraon who reported the violations, denied they are tryinC to harua Hummel. "He's being treated ;..t like any other citiien," aald City M.anaaer Robert Wynn. "We're ;..t respondinc to a complainL" Hummel claimed the hot •ater heater hM been in 'place alnot at least 1956 and la Mp! bemwe it pre-dates laws on lteeplnc side yards clear. He aald he haa already removed the p1MUc bubble and will take care of the other itllnW aoon. "All I can •Y.il that .. ,....,. la aoli1I to an awful lot of trouble to pt me a b9d name." ---1110----.. Peter Ladd ran out of Oetober map W edneeday nltht, bat the Miiwaukee Brewen' piaeher lllll1t1 It wa111•t ha, ••••. P .. e DI. M At 83-& At Dl-10 112 112 D6 Al • r.&I C/N Coa1t DAILY PILOT/Thur~~. AN ONOFRE SAFETY. • • e pas\ at n uclear power. ta:• The validity of Kent'• ations are be~ looked into a eecond time by the Nuclear Wf!twatory Commaaion, officials Wednetday. . But J i m Hanc h e tt , a 1pcik e1man for the N RC's onal office in Walnut Creek, lnspecton do not rega,rd the , ges u belni "terribly ierious =~•t the moment . They are not • )!Sajor problems, a\ least at the )urface, but we really don't know 'llft\il we take a look at them." -Kent c laims there are thousands of Incomplete or missing welds at San Onofre. These faulty welds, he said, are concentrated in structural and pipe s upports and in electrical tray hangars. Kent said that a good weld s hould be able to last the lifetime of the plant, eatlma\ed al between 30/ and 40 yean. But ~y of the welda he aaw, Ken\ claimed, would laa\ no lonaer than 14 years. The aolutlon, he aaid, would be \0 either bum out or ground out the defective welds and perform new ones. Kent spent 17 yeara aa a quality control engineer, working at six nuclear power plants. He worked at the San Onofre plant from October 1980 to August 1981. While there, he alleged he found thousands of incomplete welds for electrical tray hangars, pipe supports and structural supports. Though he brought these problems \0 the attention of his s uperiors at Bechtel, he claims no remedial action was taken. 1,l,ILAST VICTIM ... !I 'Process of distilling the solvent (;·11etrahydrofuren when the explosion occurred. .r11 They determined that during '\Cransfer of the solvent, the 1'isystem was somehow exposed t.o .'\the atmosphere, which caused •.the c h emicals to r eact by 0 a: SUNFLOWER exploding. They were unaure how the exposure~urred. Williams immediately took an emergency shower at a stall set up in the building for such occurrences. He W'tl then treated at the campus Health Center before he was taken to UCIMC. Deir Net~ 'J TIM,..._ 'ned shaded area indicates proposed new velopments in Costa Mesa. ESA PROJECTS ... n orde r to build the ominiwn1 the developer is uea\ing new urban center · tial zoning that allows up 0 units per acre, Robinson and retail development will create ''an urJ:>an center not typical of a 1uourban environment.'' City otficiah indicated that they thoul{ht only re1identlal development would be ~poeed by the developen on the ~ acres eaat of Town ~ter. "There are a lot of hotel operators that want to get ln\O the market around the John Wayne airport and Cotta Meu," Oberst said. "People have been approaching us. We're not doing it because everyone else is doing it. .. .. Job seekers upset · D•Ur Piiot ,.hoto bf fllchard Koehlef Police attempt to calm the situation outsid e He lp Wanted Publications, 2110 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa where several' people were try.ing to get their money back Weanesday after the busmess was evicted by the property owner. Stoty Page AS. Recycled water • • pro1ects gain By STEVE TRIPOLI Of'tMO.-, .......... Three proposed projects to construct or expand water recycling facllltles In Orange County appear on their way to becoming reality. Directors of the Metropolitan Water District of Sduthern California have authorized 9fficials \0 open negotiations on the projects with local water districts. MWD would share the cost of the projects. If , as expected, the negotiations are successful. projects that will add about 3. 7 billion gallons of recycled water to area supplies each year may start construcuon next spring. Recycled water, though not drinkable, can be used to waler golf courses, parks and greenbelt areas. The largest of the three local projects ls Orange County Water District's Green Acres plan, an $11 .6 million pac kage that includes construction of a plant and adequate piping to pump about 1.6 billion gallons of r ecycled w ater to OCWD customers annually. Another project is an $11 mtllion package proposed by the Irvine Ranch Water District. one of the nation's pioneers in water recycling. The project entails only the laying of additional pipeline in several areas so that IRWD's current recycling plant l'an be used t.o its full capacity. The third plan, a smaller one. is a $6 million package proposed by South Coast County Water District in South Laguna to produc-e recycled water for three golf courses and a greenbelt area m South Laguna. Second shuttle delayed? CAPE CANAVERAL, F la . (AP) -While· NASA aay1 lt'a confident the apace ahuttle Columbia will blast off on tJme next month, there ·could be a delay In the January launch of the Challe nger, the nation's !IC(.'Ond reUJl8ble spacecraft. A pressure leak In one of Challenger's three main enJ(lnes has delayed their delivery 1rom the National Space Technology Labs in Mississippi t.o Kennedy Space Center, where Challenger 1s being prepared for flight. The engines were scheduled \0 arrive in Florida last month. The thr ee R ockwell lntc•rnational engines must go through a battery of tests before being certified for installation , and the delay c.'Ould push back the scheduled Jan. 20 launch date by a week. officials said. •·During some of the calibration tests, we were not satisfied and we did it again," said James Kukowski. a NASA spokesman in Washington. Thc.> Challenger will place an advanced tracking satellite m orbit. NASA has been trying to maintain th~ present launching schedule to gain the confidence o f shuttle c ustomers, since commercial satellite companies and the Department of Defense demand firm launch times with no delays. So far. two of the Challenger's engines have been certified afler a 500-second test firing and should be delivered t.o the space center by Nov. 22 or 23. Art for coinmerce sake considered in Newport Newport Center director na1ned ln an effort \0 give Newport Beach aome cultural enrichment, the c~ty council ls considering the idea of forcing builders to provide art objecta as a condltlon for development. CourwU memben advanced the Idea after learning that such a law exists In Brea where builders have Installed 40 pieces or art in j(Jst .even years. The Newport council only once has asked a developer to provide an artistJc touch. Pacific Mutual Lile Insurance Co .. which recently completed. a pair of seven-story office towers in Newport Center, unveiled four modem 9CUlptures at Its facilities thit yeM. Council members were told that In Brea, the city's planning commission acts as a review board to insure that pieces of art are in good laSle and would not be offensive to the public. Karen Kennedy has been named managing director for th e N e wp ort Cente r Association in N ew port Beach. A UCLA graduate and former public relations officer with Gillen Stone Inc. of Newport Beach . Kennedy takes over for Leonore PenfU who served as the association's director for three years. Pen!il has moved to Beverly Hills. The Ne w p o rt Center Association Is made up of businesses from the circular s hopping and professional center. Chance of Builders in Brea are asked t.o erect the art creations in places where they can be seen from public streets and are given a wide range of artistic styles to chooee from. •Re gistration Is being accepted for a two-day workshop Oct. 29-30 at Orange Coast College on building a solar collector. The class will meet Oct. 29 from 7 to 10 p .m. and ag;lio Ort. 30 from 8 to 5 p.m. A free orientation lecture wall be offered Oct. 22 from 7 to 10 p .m . in the coll ege's technology building, room 117-D. Cost or the workshop is $60. F o r r egis trat io n information call 556-5527. MllllN Mllnl* .. Mpte..lt. P•ul NMtwMle NewOf'IMne New York Norfolk Noftfl Piette Olllehome City OIMlla Ortendo Phll9delptlle Pfloeni• . CAL•<MINIA :::.~:'? .., .. _ e-imont ...... llilflop =-Eur•• ,reeno L......, Lone...,, ·~ ~ '"· Wllloll ..... =::--- OMMo ,_..,,... ,......... .==.:-.......... ...... Qty .......... Eb-- . lllf IEPm • • .. 80 541 42 82 ... 10 as· 73 S3 eo S1 97 st 90 33. ' 73 ... I .. 40 17 17 S3 SI 17 SS 77 S1 11 eo IS A 80 81 6t 21 . 17 3' .. S7 71 &4 11 47 17 81 71 ,. '2 .. .. .. .. IO 17 ... 11 ., ~ 71 .. ., ... .. 11 " 17 to .. .. ., : .. It I .. M • • .. c .. .. • .. .. , It u Brea law also mandates that the art objects must be designed by people with experience and knowledge of 1CUlpture. Newport council members were told that such a requlrement likely should only be applied to ''major" developme nt projects s uch as banks and large omce buildings. •Corona de! Mar resident Jalle Hall has been named student representative \0 the Coast Community College District Board of Trustees. The Orange Coast College student will be sworn In WATERFORD Wednesday and will become the fourth studen t representative to serve as a Liaison between the board and the 60,000 student enrolled al Orange Coast College, Golden West and Coastllne. FOR CRYSTAL-CLEAR CORRESPONDENCE. The elegont beauty of hond-cut crystal moke1 our letter opener o plea1urw to uM. Handcrafted In Ire- lond by Wo .. rford. 8falnle11 steel blade. A, gift to cherl1hl $59.50 . SLAVICK'§ ,.......,..,...., . ' 1111111:1111 OHAN<,f <CHIN I Y < Al If OHNI/\ J'!> CE NT S New developments to .change Mesa ·skyline? 'By JODI CADENHEAD or .. ~,._.,..,. The two larseet landowners In C<»ta Meu have propoeed plant that would dramatically change the d ty'a skyline. adding a new metro polla similar to Town Center and about 600 condominiums near South Coast Plaza Mall. ' Developers for C.J. Segeratrom & Sona. builders of South Coast Pl a z a a n d T.o w n Ct: n t e r , aubmitted plans to city officials thia week calling for 2.7 million equare feet of commercial office and retail d evelopment on 98 acre. bounded by the San Diego Free way, Fairview Road , Sunflower Avenue and Harbor Boulevard. Also proposed are two 400-room hotell. Alao, officials for C urci- England Co .. developers for the Sakloka family, have proposed the conslruction of between 500 and 700 condominiums, two 350-room hotels and a retail center on 30 acres east of South Coast Plaza Town Center. • Blowing whistle on San On of re costs him career By DAVID KUTZMANN or ... ....,,......,. Profeulonally speaking, Earl Kent nuked his bridges Wednesday. In so doing, he teemed to have put an end to a fo ur -decade caree r in engineering. "I really don't know what the future holda for m e ." the 57-year-old Cypress resident said. "I've done myself in, so to speak." So what could this stoic· looking engineer with 40 years of welding experience poaibly have done to prompt su ch bleak predictions for his personal future? Only this: Kent complained publicly to the U.S . Nuclear Regulatory Commi11lon that deficient or~ welda were creatina sizabJe aafety rilka at two nuclear power planta, one in M1chJpn and the other at San Onofre, three miles 90Uth of San Clemente. 'Hla charge• brought strong denials from officials at Southern California Edison Co., which own• 80 percent of the San Onofre power station, and from Bechtel Power Corp, which built both the San Ono fr e and Midland, Mich .. planta. Kent w orked aa a quality control engineer at both facilities until his firing by Bechtel earlier this year. The company claimed that Kent had failed several oral e xaminations for w eld i ng i n spectors. But the Cypr ess resident maintained that the real reason for his d ismissal last March stemmed from his ongoing criticism of the way welds were being handled and ch ecked in key systems at the two nuclear (acilities. Sitting Wednesday in the Orange County offices of the Alliance for Survival -which has been a vocal critic of San 'Onofre expansion and licensing -Kent said his decision to go public with h is charges was prompted by the lack of interest which officials at F.dison, Bechtel and the Nuclear Regulatory Com.mlsaion had shown. ' "I've teen too much in my life to remain quiet." he aaid in the clipped tones o( someone not accuatomed to explaining h is feellnp. "I've seen too m.anr mistakes, too many violations o the code," Kent claimed. At an earlier point In Wedneaday's interview, he explained his decision this way: "Truth is lrUth, wherever you find It. Planta should be aafe. I'm pro aafety. I certainly do not want to continue w ith the mistakes that have been made in (See ONOrRE, .,age AZ) Boy's death still controversial issue By FRED BAYLES .•........ ,,.. ... Little Chad Green would be celebrating hia seventh birthday aoon if hia parents hadn't whisked him away to a Mexican Laetrile clinic, a former proaec utor aald on the anniversary of the boy'a death from leukemia. . But Chad's parents. Gerald and Diana Green, aay their deciaion to use the controversial drug instead of court-ordered chemotherapy allowed their 3-year-old IOn "quality time" 111 hJ.a final da . Three yeara-after Chad't death, the principals ln the CME agree only that it ahook thE medJcal and legal establ.lahmenta "It'• in all the cuebooks," aayt Jonathan Brant, the former uaiatant at1omey ieneral whc proeecuted the Greens. He aayt Chad WU the vict.lm Of "medical child abule." Had the Greens atayed in Maaaachuaetu and given him chemotherapy. "Chad would be A little local color Three pelieau do their .... t. IO reeemble laaey hood ornameatl oa a mooretl ·bOat In Newport Harbor. The OWllel' eOal• clo ..................... ~J•leleaalq ..... I I I I cel e brating his aev enth birthday," he saya. Cha.d's mother call5 Hrant'a statement "aJn&Zing." "We thod°ght we we re also protecting Chad from the same thing," 1he says. "We d idn't think it waa right to force a the rapy that could aho be dangerous. There are wamlnp in the phyaiciana' books that the drup can kill you, ao you just don t know." The Greens Oed their Scituate, Mus., home in January 1979 to avo i d court -or dered chemotherapy for their aon'a leukemfa. The pattnta felt drup were wearing Chad down and he wu doing well on a diet of natural fooda, vitamin• and Laetrile. Chad died on Oct. 12, 1979 - 10 montha after his parenta took him to a clinic in Tijuana to continue the Laetrile tttatmenta. He wu burled in HMUnp, Neb., where one of hia arandparenta lived. "The dru"' had a debllita\tna Bo th developers submitted their pfana Monday, in order to qualify for the general plan a m e n d m e n t. h e a r i n i 1 i n F e bruary. Such hearlnis are neceeaary for ione chaniet. The "Sege ratrom Home Ranch" as It iB called, would be the 1econd largest h igh -rise commercial development In the city. Town Center, located across Bristol Slreet from South Coast Plaia Mall, ls the large1t. By 1990, it will include three mill.ion square feet of commercial development, on 62 acrea. About 1.6 million aquare feet have been buJlt. Senior city planner Mike RobiNOn said additional lrafflc problems a nd the need tor housing generated by the project will be prime considerations when the city Planning Commiuion revle.w a the development Feb. 14. "It'• similar to Town Center, only 1Ughtly smaller," Jtobinson said. The S e gerttrom family's largett chunk of undeveloped land currently 11 ioned for indu.trlal use and la atlU being farmed. Segerstrom offlclala d«lined to diacuu the propoul that calla for the construction of 2.6 million square feet of comme r cial d e velopment, two 400-roo m hotels and 80,000 square fetit of retail development. No building h eights were specified an the preliminary plan. The Curci-England proposal ...., Nee ....... l9f ~ O'DJI JI Firemen, dreued in proteetil'e suits, prepare to re-enter a laboratory at UC lrl'ine's Physical Sciences Building to inl'estigate the explosion that hospitalized a UCI chemistry professor. They donned the suits after fumes from the blast drol'e them out. Inc lud es 500 to 700 condominiums, two 350-room hotels ranging from 10 to 12 storlea In height and 12,000 1quare feet of retail development, Last August. the city counctS approved the development of l.' million 1quare feet of commerdatl o ff ice apace along Anton Boulevard on 50 of the 166 acn!f owned by the Sakioka family. ; No decision 'has been mad~ regarding the future of th, (See MESA, Page A%) . UCI hlasi • • v1ct1m • serious By GLENN SCOTT or .... o.1r,........, • A UC' Irvine c h e ml atry professor was in serioua condition today at UCI Medical Center in Orange with burns suffered Wednesday whe n a solvent exploded as he worked on an experiment inside a campua laboratory. Gregory Williams, 28, a fint- year Instructor at UCI. was under treatment this morning in the medical center's bum unit for first and second-degree bums on the upper part of his body, a hospital spokesman said. The Physical Science9 building was evacuated for more than an hour aft.er the 2:50 p.m . explosion occurred in the fifth-floor lab, a campus spokesman said. Orange County Fir e Department fi.retighten, wearing protective "acid sulta," were called In to en.sure that no fires or toxic odora lingered after the f1aah explosion. Damage to the lab wu not determined this momlna. The explosion wu the teCOnd in two daya at UCI. Power waa knocked out for an hour Tueeday after an unrelated blast, the product of an elect.ric:al fl.re in the campus' Central Plant. Colleagues said this morning that Williama, conduct i ng research In mixing organic and metallic molecules, was In the (See BLAST, Pase A%) Hummel hoµse illegal? effect on huilittle life," recalls - mother. "We wanted quality ti for what was left of hla life.'' Laetrile is a trademark for chemical derived from aprlco and peach pita. Advocates say i is effective ._galnat cancer, bu recent findings by the Natlo Cancer Institute dispute th claima. Dr. John T . Truman. wh treated Chad at Muaachuset General Hoepital, aaya the cue raised important doubts about Laetrile. By STEVE MARBLE or .... o.1r,._., ... Newport Beach Councilman Paul Hummel, a stickler for adhering to city building codes, is in hot water himself over alleged building code violations at his Corona del Mar home. Hummel. seeking re-election Nov. 2, claims a "crank" ia trying to discredit h im by bringing minor code infraction• to the attention o f cit y building lnapectors . He said he auspecta someone of trying to pull p o litical shenanigans before the election. Bill Agee. who II challenging Hummel in the council contelt., aaid he is n ot responsible for reporting the purporte d violations to the d ty. "Thia doesn't rer,resent any ~litical dirty work,' aaid Agee. 'Thia la Juat another example or a man who claima to be the city's great rule-keeper but keeps breaking the rules hirnllelf." The dty has "red-taae<f'' the roundlman's home. City offk:iala said they will atve Hum.,,.I a chance to correct the alleged vlolation1 before • citation is 1-ued .. Paul Hummel According lo city Inspectors, the violat.ionl include a hot water heater on one aide of Hummel'• howle that juta Into an area that la auppoeed to be kept clear for fir. Mfety reMOna. Additionally, the city aaid, .there i8 a atockpUe of lumber, a pl.Mlle bubble (or rel.inc plants and a aolld wooden beam that encroach into the area. Hummel has been aaked to remove all of the Items. includinc the hot water heater. TIM! councilman retorted that the violations are trivial and hardly worth talking about. "Moet people would laugh il I showed them what the city'a worried about. I'm wllllng to bet every howie in Corona del Mar has aimilar things .•• City oflk:Wa, who aa.ld policy prohibits them from naming the person who report e d the violationa, denied they are trytnc to harau Hummel. "He'• being treated juat like any other citiien," aaid City Man.ager Robert Wynn. "We're just responding to a complaint." Hummel claimed the hot water heater has been in ·place since at least 1956 and is 1ep1 becau.e it pre-datel laws on lteeplng aide yarda clear. He aald he haa already removed the plaatic bubble and will take care of the other items aoon. ••All I can aay is that aomeone '8 aotng io an awful lot of trouble to pt me a bed name." ...--.......... --llDEI---..... Peter Ladd ran out of Oetober ma1lc W edneeday nisht, but the Milwaukee Brewen' plteher in1lltt it wa1n't hll la.it. •-.e DI. AS Al ID-& ,.. A8 Al 81 .. IJl.10 • • DI . Al DI.OW Dl-4 Al • • • • Al 1 \I . ' _. Oran~ Co .. t DAILY PIL0l/Th"'9d~, Octob« 14, 1N2 NI • Dow Jonel Flnel OFF 18.21 CLOllNQIM.17 Gold jumps; Dollar lower By Tbe A11oc:laled Pre11 Gold prices climbed nearly $20 an ounce ln early European trading today following a similar 1harp rile in New York tfae prevlou. day. The dollar turned mostly lower: Gold has benefited from the declinea in U.S. interest raletl, which make gold purchalel on credit less expensive and improve the competitive value of bullion against the dollar. • The dollar, however, often loees ground when rates fall because lower rates reduce the yields of dollar-denominated inveatmenta. Gold for current delivery climbed $16.80 to cloee at $454.80 a troy ounce Wednesday on the Commodity Exchange ln New York. Irvine building bought Bankers Life Company has purchased a 37,000-square-foot, two-story reflective glau office building and its 2.06-acre site at 2415 Campus Drive in· Irvine from Vondevoo, Inc. in a transaction handled by Coldwell Banker Commercial Real F..tate Services. Mark Greer and Rick Duggan of the Coldwell Banker company's Newport Beach office, with the assistance of Brian Corrigan of Coldwell Banker Institutional Liaison Services, repre9ented all parties in negotiating the transaction. valued at more than $5 million. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT AMERICAN LEADERS MOALS UPS AND DOWNS NEW YORK IA") -lpol nonferto..1 -one. """8er C•~ 70·73 cen11 • POUllO us ~.......... . LeM 23-29 CM«• • POUnd. n.. 40-42 ~·. POl#ld, ~ Tia .. ~.,.... w .... ~lb U 1111 • 7t-1 pound N Y ~N70per"--. '' H.~ '331.00·S3U.OO 1ro1 ounce, SILVER GOLD QUOTATIONS I _i ~ OuotellOnl Jo i I .. n. • 1'1'1 f "'- s.cted wand Odd 111'°91 •-· ~ !!'Orfl4n9 fl.111110 1421.IO. off 111.75 SOLD COINS NEW 'l'ON< (AP) -"'-.... T~ o1 Odd~~ w4!tl w~a ptlce •nttefrelMll, I lrO)' OI., 1451.71 do-tl4# ............ 1 lfoY 01., 1411.00 dOwll 114,00 .... • ....., u 11or oa .. '640. Tl oown 11e 11 ..... --· ·"°' lfOy or.. ~ .. ~•1uo L"4e11 •11•1110011 r1.1110 142• ts. olf l $12.110 P9rM ,,..__ ll•WIO $425 4$, off .. 11 i ,.,...._. ftllflle 1430.00, off 110.N z..... ..,. ·--,. ..... $430 00. off u .so tlld. 1431.00 Mlled ttaNr • "•'••• 101111 d•llr quo1•> I 1421 71. off 111 IO , 1~ 11 ••• 1on1r d.ily ~, ... ti 75. on .,, ...... (only dilly QU01•) l•llflCMecl 1450. it, off t ia.12