HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-10-17 - Orange Coast Pilot' .
SUND AV. OCTOBER I 7. 198:.' 0 HA N G f C 0 lJ N T V <. A LI f-0 H NI A ')0 C L N T ~ ,.
Land values ~hange teBants' happy endings -
By ROBERT BARKER Of!MD..., ,.._. ltatt
Craig Knapp says 1t was his la.st <:hanet> to
survive in the outside world when he moved into
his mobile home in Hunungton Beach. · .
Knapp, 35, was paralyzed from the armpits
down from injuries h e s uffl'red in a 1979
motorcycle accident.
He said he had recovered suHic1ently in a
nursing ho me to move into the s pecially
equipped coach at Huntington Shon.-s at the edge
of the Pacific Ocean in March 1981.
"There were no indicauons that they were
planning to close the park. I was seuhng down to
live here the next 25 years or so.
_ "{ paid way over market value but 1t was
great. I could sit at my w indow at home and
U.S. threat:
U .N. pullout
I srael ous te r ·n10 Ye opposed
WASHINGTON (AP) The United States
threatened Saturday to halt payments to the
United Nations and withdr aw from the U.N.
General Assembly if the assembly votes to expel
"Such action would do grave damage to the
entire United Nations system and 1t would hurt'
us all," Secretary of State George P Shultz said
in a strongly worded stateme nt issued Saturday.
He called on UN. members to "tum aside such
"If Israel were excluded from the General
Assembly, the United States would withdraw
from participauon in the assembly and would
withhold payments to the United Nations, until
Israel's right to participate is restored," the
statement said.
It reinforced a similar threat voiced
Wednesday by U.S . Ambassador J eane
Kirkpatrick, who said American diplomats are
employing a "full -court press" in lobbying
against the ouster campaign. mounted by Iraq
and ·Libya against Israel in t he 157-member
Ame.ican officials said United States
participation in the U.N. Security Council, which
is charged with maintaining peace and security
in the wOTld, would not be affected bf' a
withdr8J!oNal from the General Assembly, the
United Nations' main forum for discussion.
U.N. observers have said hardline Arab
nations succeeded last week in getting a
watch the sun llt!l ovl'I' thl' ocean through the
palm trees."
A month after he· found his Shangri-La,
Knapp said he rf'CC1vro an eviction notice from
park management.
"I'm on welforl' and I hnvc no family and no
place to go. It's ilp, dead-end time."
Two coaches down from Knapp, Jim and
Landa Knowles live in the mobile home that they
bought in April 1980 after Knowles obtained a
JOb at a l'Oncrete co~pany in Fountain Valley.
"We still owe $20,000 an~ are forced to
move, we couldn't pay it ~(f an• afford an
apartment, too.
"I'd hnve to hnd a new place for the coach if
I'm going to keep my job but there are no
va(•uncles in Orange County.
"Rea listically, it could mc•a n µersona l
bankruptcy," he said.
Ralph and Leona Meyer li ve across the
street from the Knowles.
. Ralph Meyer, 70, was c'Ontrollcr for a chain
of retail stores in Chicago. They planned their
retirement for about 10 years before moving to
the park In 1975 to be close to their son and
daughter who live In Huntington Beach .
They say they have spent "thousands of
dollars" fixing up the bathroom and the rest of
the coaeh. Their living room is placed on a
separa te f ounda t ion , m a king the ir coach
impossible to move, they say.
''This has been our little spot under the
sun," said the 67-year-old Leona Meyer.
"We Cigurl'd wt• had W to :rn yt.>an; left and
we• wantc-d to spcmd tht·lll ln tht.> b(•auuful. l'OOI
air," he added.
But the Mt'yC!n1 upparc:ntly don't h<Jve 20 t.o
30 years left at tht• park. Neither do Knapp nor
J im and Linda Knowles
Along with about ·4-0 utht•r lenants, they pay
$160 monthly rent tit the park off Hunungwn·
Street and acr~ Pat·1f1c Coast Highway from
Huntington Beach caty hh:guard headquarters.
Hunungton Shores lS unique an th<Jt at 1s the
h rst of 19 mobile home parks in thl' city to servt-
an eviction nollre on 11.s residents
Nobody has been forced to leave the park
yet. Park manaRement re presenta tives said
(See TENANTS', P age AJI
O ra nge County s he r iff's
de puties today are trying to
1den ts f y a h eadless body
found Saturday in a shallow
gra ve o utsid e a blood-s~a~tercd home in Mission
\Tie.JO. ·
H ours late r , the severed
h ead was discovered in a
second grave a quarter-mile
a way. sh eriff's Sgt. Jerry
Kre itz said.
Kr e itz sai d Ri c h ar d
Schubert of Mission Viejo and
his fathe r , George, h·ad gone
to a younger broth er's house
on the city's north side about
5:30 a .m .
They found neithe r D·e nnis
Schubert, 24, nor his roommate,
but saw' the house was spattered
with blood and flagged down ll
passing deputy to• help search it.
"Tt\,ey located a mound of
fresh dirt in the rear yard. Upon
checking the fresh dirt. they
found a human body Quried [n a
shallow grave." Kreitz said.
i--ca~nti·LalS vote. on the matter !>QSl ned until _
Oct. 25, to allow them more time to swing
African, Asian and other Third World countnes
behind their drive.
Deputies fo und the head __
Saturday afte rnoon 1n a ne w
gr.a ve in a nearby greenbelt.
Kreitz said a resident reported
seeing a man digging with a
sh ovel tn that area the night
In the statement, Shultz also said the United
States would r ecall its delegation to the
U.N.-affiliated International Telecommunication
Union Conference in Nairobi, Kenya. and end
further paymen ts to it if the expulsion attempt is
Just three weeks ago, U.S. delegates walked
out of a· U.N.-affiliated International Atomic
Energy Agency conference in Vienna, Austria,
following a vote to deny Israel credentials.
"The United States views these threats with
grave concern," Shultz said of the proposals to
exclude Israel. "We will take . . action in other
United Nations organizations if there are similar
Ce lebrating is good medicine
Suffe ring from a suburban deficiency of ethnic neighborhoods?
Try these two cures today. Greeks are dancing, a bove, singing
a nd selling native foods from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m .. a t the Irvine
T o wn Center , 420 I Campus Drive. J e wish crafts, food and
ente rtainment are o£fefed from 10 a .m .'to 6 p .m . at the
Israel Fa ir a t the Orange County Fairgrounds in Costa Mesa
Sampling the different cultures will cost at least SS.
Police were treaung the case as
a murder and an autopsy was
planned to determine the body's
identity and the cause of death.
Kreitz said Dennis Schubert an'1
his unidentified roommate alsd
we>r<' b e ing so u g ht fo t
qu<'slloning. :
"We don't know if the body is
De nni s Schubert o r the
roommate or a different person,"
he said.
Kremer clarifies his exit
.,.., "" ..... "'a.tie...,
Debbie and David Hungerford beam proudly as their newborn
daughter S hanon finds a more important thing to do. Shanon,
born Friday night al South Coast Medical Center, is Orange
County's first test tube baby.
Test tube h"""'Ope bri!J.gs reward
By PHIL SNEIDERMAN oflM.,..,,... .....
Abou t two years ago, David
a nd De bble Hunge rfo rd of t..guna Nl~I p w up hope of
havinl a child. Debbie 1ufl•red
from dam.aced Fallopian \ubn
and w• un.ible \0 c:oncelw.
But then the couple h eard
a bout t he openln1 o f • Lot
An1elH p ro1ram u a1 n 1 a procedure lhA\ ln recent yean
hM ptOY'lded hope for chlldlell cou...... (
The Hungerfor da' renewed
hope wa& rewarded Friday night
with t he birth of 7-pound,
8 ·ounce S h anon , Ora n ge
County's tint tetl·tube baby.
Ever since S h anon'• birth,
th e phone in Debbie
Hungerford'• room at South
Cout Medical ~nk"r In South
Laguna haa not. stopped ringing,
David Hungerford aald In an
lntel'Vi•w Sat.u~y.
Ahh ou1 h 1ome teat-tube
par ent• have opted f~r
anonymity, he a.;ild he and his
wife, who la 30, decided to go
public to encourap other oouplea
with fertility problems.
Shanon arrived • little ahead
o f schedul e . A deliver y by
Cae .. rean aectJon W U p lanned
f or T u e.day , but Debbie
Hunaerford went ln\O t.bor on
Friday. The alrl WU born at 7:16
0.vid Hul\lttford wu pietent
dwing the cMli~ry.
(Sff TU T, ,. Al,
O(the DaltJ Not .....
Printe d allegations that
out going Irvine Company
President P eter C. Kremer was
fired have touched a nerve with
the 42-year-old Newport Beach
Kremer , who has been
• unwilling to meet or talk with
the media since announcing his
resignation last week. issued a
b rief and tf'rse l y worded
statement de n ying that his
contract was not renewed.
"The company board of
directors did not refuse to renew
my five-year contract nor had I
sough t its renewal," Kremer's
statement read. "Had l wished, I
most certa_i,nly could have stayed
on longer. .
K remer sa id he was
responding to a story carried ln
the Newport Ensign, a weekly
N ewport Beach newspape r
which stated that th~ firm's
board of directors had elected not
to rehire him. ''A majority of the board
expresM!d a desire that 1 remain,"
said K remer , a compan y
stockholder and board member
himself. "But I chose not t o,
because I want to pursue other
perBOnal and profealonaJ goals."
Kremer, hired in 1977 shortly
after the Irvine Company was
purch ased by • sm1ll aroup of
Investors, said h l1 , contract
expi*aat June 30 bu~ that he hu a to work through the
end the year. ·
"I am Hd tha t aome people
havt tell compelled to make to
much more of It by relytna on
rumors that are to~lly without
foundation," his atatemen t.
T he bu1ln e11 community In
Oran&• Count y has been a
hotbed of N.mor llnce Kttmer'a
annoupc mtpt with varyln1
theories on what it means and
who would be taking the helm
for the Irvine Co mpany, the
largest landowner in Orange
Th e fact that Kre mer's
resignation came on the heels of
a s hakeup on the Irvine
Company board fueled the
Board changes included the
elevation of Newport Beacl'\
businessman Donald Bre n , an
elusive figure who is reported to
be the l argest co mpan y
stockholder and the man who
brought Kremer to the Irvine
Bren was named co-chairman
of the board and now shares his
top duties with A. Alfre d
Taubman. a Detroit shopping
cente r builder who previously
had sole possession o f the
J . Robert Fluor, president and
chairman of the Fluor Corp. of
Irvine, was also named to the
The Irvine Company has spent
the las t w eek stamping out
rumors that the firm 1s being
sold. is being merged or being led
by a board of directors suffering
from a power struggle between
Bren and Taubman.
''During a period of this type.
it is normal for speculation to run
rampant and for most. if not all,
of the speculation to be withou~
foundation," Kremer noted in al\
Irvine Company newsletter to
emp,loyees Friday.
'Ours is a highly attractive
company and I would imagini
that there would be interest ip
purchasing the firm," Kremer'a
in-house message continued.
"However. it is predsely beca~
the company is so desirableasol
long-term investment that th:t
present owners wish to retain it."
Even before Kr e m e r's
resignation, the re was talk in
business ci r c l es that the
development firm was being sold
to New York-based Mobil Corp ..
a firm that tried unsuccessfully
in the late 1970s to buy the Irvine
There was speculation Fluor
(See KREMER. P•1e AZ)
Disco ver · new oversea to uring
opportunities in .. European Travel Fair~"
beginning o n Page CS.
ES-6, F l ·8
~ A6
Oea\tl Not.l<..U ·
Edltortal Page
Ann Landen
Ma box
E2·3 A6
~ El . El
Public NoUces
Real Esi.t<'
Stock Market.ti
St ~c·
02, E5
t I Oranwo Cooal DAIL-V PIL 01 /Sunday, October IT, 1982
. (tJ Continued stories
• ~d bt't.'n pltic·l'd 011 tht> lx):mJ ul
directors bet.•aui.t.• lht! lrv 11w
,Oompany was to merge with his
fJ.rm. Both l''luor und the lrvint•
Company deny sUl'h u merg£'r
, The Irvine Company has currw
through a tortuous two years 1n
Dally Pilot staff w"rlter Glenn
.Scott contributed to tbls story.
Newport Beal·h w1lh its planning
and developme nt efforts
A multim11l1on dollar plan to
expand Newport Ce nte r was
·dropped following a c1t1z.e n
.re fe re ndum, a plan to build
·.homes, offk~ and hotels south of
Corona 'dc l Mar 1s still tangl<."1 in
a lawsui t . and the Irvine
. ,Compa ny is being sued b y a
group of homeowners over leuS<' . tees that must be paid annually
to the development firm.
" Iron ically, Kremer said the
past fiscal year has bt.•en th{•
1h1rd bt•1>l 1n tht• n>mpuriy'N
'!'host.• who know him aay
Krl•mer 1s a mun with a good
St.·~· of humor. u quick mind but
u strong desire to st~•Y out of the
µubh<.· lunelight.
lntl•rviewed in 1977 during his
(111al days as Vlet' president Of the
Nl•whall Land and Farming Co.,
Krl•mer exprt'SS(.>d soml' anxtcty
ut going Crom the then-smalf,
onl•-ncwspaper-town of Valencia
to Newport Beac h.
He told a reporter then that he
was not US4.'<i to receiving much
Krcml•r , 1n a prepared
statmcnl, said when he leaves
the l rvmt> Company Jan. I he
plans to pursue personal goals.
lie has not been more sp(.'<:if1c .
There ha s been no
announC"ement on who will take
over as president or whether thlS
person will come from inside or
outs1d(· the company
,, ' ' 1 t w as a n a ma z i n g
exp erien ce.'' h e r ecallt·d ,
"especially when they pulled th<·
-baby out of my wife anJ I L'Ould
see what had bee n k1 ck1ng
around there for the past nine
months. It was a great expent'nt-c
tor both of us."
: He said he and h1S w1 fr• had
been hoping for a girl.
1.. The Hunge rfords' period of
qppelessness ended when they
heard about the opening of the
Los Ange les Co unt y-USC
.m e d ical Center's I n Vitro
fertiliz.afion program.
In this program. the mother's
egg and the fa ther's sperm are
mixed in a laboratory dish. The
fertiliz.ed egg then is implanted
1n the m other's womb and
.proceeds t hrough a n ormal
, ;Pregnancy.
Shanon is the third s ucresst ul
birth through the Los AngelL'S
·program .
"When she heard about lhl'
:program. Debbie wanted to get in
:right away," her hus~nd says
"At that lime, they s:i1d they had
tried the prot·edurt-with 14
women and there had bt'en only
on£' su<.'t.-essful pregnancy
"They told us to be opum1st1c
bui said there might be less
t han a 10 percent chance o!
su<.'t'eSS. Debbie got her hopes up
high in the beginning. so 1 was
lcfl to be the more skeptical one."
David Hungerford works as a
sales manager for an O range
County packaging company. His
wife. Debbie, hopes to return to
ht.'r job as a flight atte ndant.
The new fathe r said the Loo
Angeles fertilization program h as
been refining its procedures and
1mprov1ng its success rate. He
said the program has four other
lt"St-tube pregnancies under way.
During Debbie Hunger ford's
pregnancy. the couple talked to
many other people with fertility
··It 's amazing h ow many
people are in the same boat we
were in," David Hungerford said.
"We're tryi..og to give those
people some reason to hope."
'Oil leak closes street .
pressure building up as a result
of the leak. Train vs. truck
Of the Dally Pilot StaH
"We don't know who'!> doing h ..
That's what Jc·H F•m•man, a
hand at Dana Wharf Sporthsh1ng,
said Saturday aftl"rnµon when
asked about the· dt•l 1berale
mutilation of beak!. on numerous
brown pelicans.
"There's just no n·ason 1t
should happen It's !>tupid."
Beaks on abou t one d ozen
peht:ans reportc-dly havt• bt'en cut
o ff dcl1bcratl·lv H arb o r
o b se rv ers . including
reprc-sentat1v~ of tht· st.alt· Fish
a n d G a m t-D t• p a r t m e n t .
spe<.:ulated that a f1sht.•rman 1s
Forema n contl•ch.·d that the
pclttans often JngN f1~ht·rmen
by alt<'mpllng to capture fish
being hauled m by anglers.
"Yeah. tha t's lrut>," Fon •man
said "But 1t"s sull no rt'ason."
Pdkans who lost· part of their
beaks can only survive· 1f fed by
hand Tht'.V are unablt' to C"apture
live fish in cx-ean waters
,.Fore man said some o f the
muulated peht·an.s might be able
to Ir ve off d 1s(·a rdc d bar t fish
tossed mto harbor walt•rs The
others? "I don't kno"' ."Foreman
"<lid. , Leakage of oil and a volat1le
gas from an undergro~nd pi~
caused the closure Saturday of a
stretch of Goldenwest Street in
~tington Beach.
P olice Sgt. Chuck Poe said the
l~e was reported at l p.m ,
fotclfli police ar.d hre officials to
clQse the street between Ellis and
c;.rfield avenues Holes were
· <tjlled in the street to release
Officers said ffieleak was
capped late Saturday and that
repair crews would work into the
nrght with the aim of reopening
the street to traffic today.
Police and fire officials late
Saturday said the o wner of the
leaking pipe had not yet ~n
e vera1 pa-Bengen suffend minor injuri~ when a northbound
Amtrak tra in collide d with auto-transport truck tha t became stm.·k
Saturday night while cro ssing the tracks on Camino Capistra no
just so uth of Aver y Parkway near San Jua n Capistra no. The truck
driver, who was transporting Toyota autos tha t h a d been used in
filming a commercial n earb y, esca ped from the vehicle before th~
tra in hit, police said.
He said 1t 1s not the first ume
JX.•licans with missing bills have
been s po tted "It happPnPd
bc>fore about two munths ago.'"
hl· said
Pt'11l'ans arl' d prote<'led species nr bird under California law
Anyone <.-onv1t'ted of k1lhng or
mJUrmg the birds may faC'e a
S J.000 fme and/or a yt•ar m pil.
~ 0,,., ouler w•le<a lrom Po.n1
i;lonceptlon lo Senta Nicoles ~ nor1n-1 winds 12 to 22
1-1lnot1 with 6 lo 7 loot seu Sooth ~I SM NlcolM l1l1nd moally wes1 ~ northwHt winds 10 10 15
note. Over outer wa1et1 ttghl
1¥11111>11 wtnda morning becomlllQ ~t to southwesl 10 10 15 knols
lternoon end evening ~thwnt swells 2 10 3 feel Felr
\f ut high cloudlneu •I 11mea
1Jllllchy log end low clouds
~~ng . lncr111tn g e nd ~Ing more extens1"9 In the
:-. i/.s. 1ummary
Slight co~oling
Nor1her11 daser1 highs 7• to 84
southern d-11 116 10 93 P11chy log end low cloud&
along nonh coes1 Chance of
showers •n ••lreme nonl\
spreaa1ng 10 nc;rtr>ern Sierras
Moslty ,.., efMwhere 1n Norlhern
and Can1ra1 Calltorn1a lhrough
Monday Some clouds Monday
Th• Air Quality Man1gement
01slr1CI predk:ll good air quellty
todey 1n mu t porOona or th•
Soutn Cout Air Buln, wltn
unh111thlul air quality predk:led In
th• San Gebrlel and Pomona
valley1 and the Alveralde-San
Bernardin<> are•
Unhealthful air quallly lor
aenlltlYI PIOl>ll la lorecut in the
San Gabriel and Pomona 11811eya
'Wiii\ I Poltullnl Standard lndlll of
138 and the Rlveraldl·S•n
Bernardino region w1lh • PSI of
Good air la foreu.st In the Sen
Fernando and Santa Clerll1
vall1y1 wlln a PSI ol 100,
me1ropolllan Lot Al!Q94et with •
PSI ol 87, the Hemtt·Elllnora
area with a PSI ol 58. Banning
with a PSI ol 50, Ind PSI 42 for
lnllnd Or11ng1 County, 1¥ Sig.
Beer Lake region, coatlll arMI
and high end low dlMri•
Big Bier
Catalinf' Culvet City
Euf•lll Frnno
Long Bl.ch
Lot Af\Ollll
Mt w111on
Newport BNCI\
Palm SPfh'>ga
PUldena Puo Robllt
Eeclwood CHy
Salin ..
SM 8«n8tdlno
San Oleo<>
Sen Franciec:o
Sent• An•
SMt• 8erb•r•
Sent• Marl•
Tahoe V1lley
76 26
71 38 0-4 58
72 52
83 67
&8 47
85 so 82 41
82 58
86 83
94 51
118 53
72 55
92 60
74 58
90 53
118 64
89 57
85 52
70 51
76 49
72 52
87 411
78 60
64 54
9g 50 82 57
75 50
72 52
81 60
67 30
99 58
83 65
Bilhnga Btrmlngtlam
ChArlNIOn. S C
Char1111on. W V
Cn1r1011•. NC
Columbll SC
Oallaa-FI W0'1h
Oea Mo1nea
El Pa.so
Greet Falla
T HI Lo l11dlanapo11a entperatures Albany 61 .. o Jectl.on. M111 Albuq\lllfque et 48 JIGl{a<>rwMll
CALWOl'INIA 15'° 7 1 40 Jul'lllU HI L .31 23 KanNa C41y I IOI Knoll!/1111 83 40 Ill 82 40 Lii Vegla
115 58 1811la 07 5 ' Llllll ~k 93 61 AllenllO Cit~ 6e 40 LOUla\11111 -o n Auatln 17 54 Lubbock
~ Mtmphlt
:-s~llf REPIRT. ~~, ... -... ,,..
.... ...
I 2
.... -3 3 i
.... Dir aw ew ew •w
Nonh Ptalle
Olllehom• City
OtMfl8 ONlldo Pllll~i. ~· Pllltbllrgfl
ll0tll8ncf, Me. Ponllnd, Or•
58 43
74 51
89 51
&8 33
76 44
57 48
88 S6
45 35
47 42
89 48
73 56 63 42
68 49
87 40
52 34
59 39 48 43
72 49
50 39 76 70
60 38 72 40
81 35
48 36 ~~ ~
33 07
54 31
89 '27
88 55
57 41
8Q 42
811 71
80 80
Sii 37 74 53
77 411
48 27
81 35 85 43
83 52 71 5t
80 44'
73 45 eo 111 84 83 81 40
55 33
88 .... 79 55
57 . 411 83 &$
13 64 11 47 13 3t
73 82 M 47'
" 16 .. u
&7 37 11 SS
Bucket brigades to compete
A mJg1l· kingdom will appear Those who don't want tu pitch
aflt>r noon today at Corona del in and pack down buckt'ts full of
Mar State• Bead) as the shovels. c;and on the 10 X 10-foot ploll>
scoops and spatulas ~tart flying. can root for their favorite squad
Sculpting teams in the 2 lst or give advice about the most
annual Sandcastle Contest will malleable proportions o f granules
ract.• against lime and tides for a nd water.
two hours Spectators also can ret·all
Th l' n t ro p h 1 es w i 11 be famous carved mounds of the
presented to the top family. civic pas t : the Medfly castle. the
or service club, business firm and Urban Cowboy castle. the roller
youth group <'Ompcting as well as skate castle. various foreign car
the most unusual And humorous shapes and IJ!e-like giant ogres in
,..-c_as_tl_es_a_n_d_s_w_ec__,_ps_ta_k_es_a_w_a_rd_. __ r-"'cpose.
An ' Anythmg GO<'S" catt'gory.
wh1th has no SIJ'l<."<.' limits but
must be finished by 2 p.m. to be
;udged. has been added by the
sponsoring Commodores Club, a
division of the Newport Harbor
Chamber of Commerce
And this year two longtime
rompclltors have announced that
they will be marr ied on the
beach after the contest and after
a shower. Mayix' their entry will
be a honeymoon suite?
\' r
2700 W. Coast Hwy. Newport hlCh (714) 631-3210
I Handknit sweaters in
100% wool with angora trim
by Marceau -matching hats,
scarves and mittens
... ,
I l' \
Ralph and Leona Me ye r won '"t be able to spencl 2 0 year
retirement in the ir Hlittle Spot Under the SUn,"
From Page A1
another 90-day eviction notice will be ser ved
Nov. l.
This has raised fears among residents that
they are being forced out with no place to go
because owne rs want to develop the h igh ly
prized coast land for: "higher and better" use and
more profit.
Officials say there is a zero vacancy factor at
other parks in Orange County.
Residents say they fear that their coaches
will become worthless if they can't be moved.
They say if there is no compensation . the
hardships will be great.
Residents also assert that despite ample
opportunity, they weren't told by park
management that a change in the use of the park
was pending.
Their concerns have caught the attention of
c ity council members who h ave put a
moratorium on conversions of the parks until
next June.
In the meantime, the officials are trying to
come up with a conversion ordinance that would
be fair to both the park owner and the tenants.
T h ey are sch e duled Oct. 25 t o consider
compensation plans to tenants who are evicted.
takes effect before the park closes, the tenants
would be eligible for whatever compensation
that is approved.
They may not be eligible for anything if
they are forced to leave before the ordinance
becomes effective and 1f the land s its idle for a
certain length of time.
Brian Lake, president of Huntington ~acllll
Corp.. said the company wants to be fair and
equitable with tenants "The questio,, is what's
fair and what's equitable. But I don't want to be
put in a yes-and-no situation on what we are
going to do."
The corporation, as a wholly owned
subsidiary of the Huntington Beach Company,
leases its land Crom the company.
Lake also declines to say what thl• company
plans to develop on the mobile home park site. It
is wned for multiple residential units and office
developments. It has been a mobile home park
for 22 years.
Residents say they don't know where all
this leaves them -uncertain and unmollified.
"I've worked alJ my life and found a place I
like. And they tell me to get the heU out," said
Joe Nocella.
Huntington Shores re sidents aren't sure
where they stand because they received the
eviction notice in April 1981, before the city had
taken any action on the conversion issue.
"Where we went wrong 1s that we believed
in the country," Jim Knowles said. "We believed
it's OK for the common man to have a home at
the beach.
''But we aren 't the right class. Aft.er all, the
poor rich people need a place to stay at the
City Attorney Gail Hutton said the.re is a
poaibility that if the ordinance is adoPted and
Dellr ..... ....._-,....,.. O'o-..11
Neighbors Crain Knapp and Jim and Linda Knowles sa y pending
eviction means dead-end time and bankruptcy.
Listening •••
CIP11 n
f I ;1••11
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Tell us what's on your mind
ORANGE cJ.sr Dilly Piiat
MkttMI , . Harwy
Owtctot ol Motle11119 1c1rc~IOftl
MAIN °"1C. mw..ee.tM,C-.Me\e,CA _.. .. ....._ .... IMO, C•te MeW, CA ...
Cwtf'!tM 19 Or .... C.M ............. C-,. llH -Mflet, lltlllir .. .-., .....,._, tNMltr.,. ... .,.,. .... _ --_, ... ,.......... """""" ...-C:l•l ... mk-otc-rltlllt--.
fr_~ .....
~---.. • ........,.. N. Oe~~-4 Jr.
Oorect0t o4 °'9t0110M
l ' ' , , .
O ronuo Coast DAILY PILO 1 /SurHJtty, Octobur 17, 1982 A3
Gift of gab exchanged
OftM Oe1t1 ...... ll.tf
Lonely a•nQlc• pe1>plE' o nd
un11UCCl'Hful pohuclan11 u11uully
hove lhe suml• prohl<'m poor
('Onver11Dtion 11kll IH.
Thnl't1 tht> view o f Alan
(;urner, an author and spet·l'h
coruiultanl who conducts reJ(ular
programs ot Oranf(e C()ast ,
Golden WNll, Santa Ana and
nine other tollcges throughout
Southern Cali fornia.
Garner !>cllevcs C'onvt-rsation
t.octic's a~he key to getting u
date, getting t'lected and f•Wllmg
ahead in business.
"There art-only three things
you can talk about," Garner
maintained. "Yourself, the other
~rson and lhc situation you're
"You can ask questions, voke
o pinions or sta l e tac ts. The
problem is that too many people
talk about themselves or JUSl
state facts."
Garne r claimed his o wn
conversat10nal turning point
oreurred sevcraJ years ago when
he was jogging along the track at
Cal State Long Beach, trying lo
figure o ut how to strike up a
friendship with a woman runner.
H is first comment t o the
woman was, "Boy am I tired!"
He later realized he had begun
and ended .the conversation wilh
that single factua l st atement
about hinlS('lf.
On their ne xt meeting, Garner
said he tried a q tion about her
s tre tching e x rc ises, got h e r
talking about eahh and fitness,
and e nded up ·th a date.
Garner . who s · e seldom
dated through high sc I or his
undergraduate years t UCLA,
realized that changing the way
he talked to othe rs could do
wonders for his S<x:ial schedule
-and perhaps for other facets of
his fjfe.
He quit working as a utthty
• m e ter read e r . e nrolle d in
communil·aLions courses at Lh L·
Univers it y o f Oreg o n a nd
eventua ll y r ev i ewed 500
sc1cn11f1c stud1l'S <.'Onl't'rned w11h
T he inforrm111on culled from
these studies be-came the basis fo r
his book, "Con versationall y
Speaking " Thl' book was
d esigned to he lp people learn
ho w to start a L'Onvl·rsauon. how
to kee p one going <ind how lo
a void "r e jec tio n p rodu cing
In 1980, Qarn<.·r paid to h<.ivt.·
3.000 copies bf "Convl'rsationally
S peaking" pubhsht•d for sale to
s tud e nt s att endi n g hi s
workshops. Tht• manager of u
South Coast Plaza lxx>kslore also
displayed the volumes and sold
419 l'Opies in about two months
The writer was hvmg m Seal
Beach and h1s parents became his
d istributo rs. send ing out t hl·
books in response to increasing
requests. Tiring of the workload,
Garner's parents e ncouraged him
to s ubmit "Con vt>rsational ly
Spl•ak1ng" t o a t r a d iuonal
M1·G 1 uw Hiil publ111h1•d th<•
h1111 k 1 n I IJIJ I ond paruall y
b U IJ 'j I <f I I I'd h I 8 J 4 C l'f->'
µromotumal tour Gurner, who is
now :!:.! 1111d lt vrng in Lil JoJa..
sr.ud thl· book I ii into llw ft!:llh
Tu kl'<'P 11 t'1Hlvl'rsa t1011
"'mng, don 't a.'lk too mnny cl~·
L·ndt·d 4ul•1111on s that can bt!
ans Wl'r {·d -in a s ingle word .
("Whe n." do you work'!" "Ho.;..
long havl' you lived in Orange
County?") Instead. us e mo'te
i.pct:1 flc opc>n-ended questions.
("Why did you dc.-c1dc LO move to
Orang(.• County?") ,
S h y <iway from v;,igue, too-
ope n -1m d1:d rema-rks l1ku "Tell
me <tbout yourseW"
Po liticians can use thb
approach l o make frie nds at
t rad111onal ··rubbe r chicke n"
lum·hc.>ons Candidates should uk
those an attendance about the lr
particular political concerns an(J
how mau cn such as crime arc
a f!e<:ung them personally.
-S ing le people trying .0
arrange' a fi rst date with a new
acquain tanc<.' should "start small
and act casual.'' "If you make It
Sl"'l'ffi likt· a big dt-<tl, pc'Ople are
mon.• likely to turn you down,"
Garner ~ys
T h l· au th or l'On ceded th~t
many of his suggesuons are jllS\
c:ommon Sl·nst•, but claims too
man y p<·oplc never think about •
thcSt-rules for good convi:rsation.
Garnl•r has a d a pte d h i'S
tcchn11.iues into a program .for
~ll'b µ<tuple l'nlltled "Talk Your
Way to Succ<:ss." This 1s a lso the
name of th{· new book Garner is
Like the single person and the
poli t ician . th e successful
salesman is the one who uge.s
good conver sat io n s kills t o
establish a friendly relauonshlp,
G<.irner said.
"The sa lesman who car e-s
about you 1s someone you tend to
come back to," he said
Rancher ~nds range standoff
RANGE, N .M . (AP) -An
81 -year-old rancher left this
top-secret U .S . Army b ase
Saturday. ending a standoff that
began four d ays ago when he
gathered guns and food and went
to reclaim his. homestead.
Dave McDonald and his mece.r
Mary McDonald, left the range
about 10:30 a.m . after m eet ing
with two members o ( Ne w
M ex i co '• ~o n g r essiona l
delegation. a st.ate legislator and
th e state's Cattle Growers
Association president. said White
Sands-apokesman Jim F..ckles.
"A bunch of thieves got our
la nds," McDona ld said la ter
"They'r e e r o ding 1t with
machinery ... hauling off gates.
dr agging out closets a nd all
But he said his four-day
standoff with the U .S . Army
might prompt some results. "We
got (U.S. Sen. Harrison) Schmitt
afld (U . .S . R e p J oe) Skeen to~ther ' with the commanding
officer of White S ands, and they
pointed out som e things tha t
ought to be looked into." he said
".Now. they would pr.obabl?' let
a rancher in there to advise them
how to fix f'ros1on work and such
things as that," he said
The McDonalds sneaked on tD
the missile-testing facility land
early Wednesd ay morning and
set up camp at an old homestead
McDonald says th e Army took
from him 40 years ago. The
Anny ordered them to leave but
the M('Donalds re fu sed until
Saturday '
Mcl>onald's departure was a
relie f to Anny officials. F.ckles
said . "Now we can get back to
business.." h e.
OCTOBER 22, 23 and 24, 1982
88 Fair Drive, Costa Mesa
(End of the Newport Freeway !55) in Costa Mesa )
• comm11111ly O•OlfCI OIO•fHt.a lor ,,,.
1tnnct•Ol•lfllff1 l fld r1on•prol1I Ot01fl•ll•
11on1 OI 11111 Ort n(Jt C1»11 Art1 '"
cooot r1t1ott wrtfl '"' Sr"t of C1l1!01ft1•
31"'1 AIJ"'""""' D•1t11c1 rO•tflQt Count¥
F•Jt(JIOU"Ol l
B•tt>O• Say 1..1on1 Club
Cot1• Mt .. ·NtwPorl M•rbor Ltont Club Co11a M1u·Ot111Qt Cou1 l1on1 C1u1>
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G•fflt< lrv111t lt0n1 Out>
Mufl11f1910n 8H Cll HO•I Lt<lfll Clut>
Hu111tn91on Btllel'I North 1.•0f\• Clvt>
,,._'"' .... "u• lion• Club 1r.1n1 1..1o'lnt Clul>
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AClull-1 day
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Continuous entertainment of German bands. costumed
performers dancing groups contests and polka dancing
Kiddie rides. adull 11des. games of skill. video games and
community bootl'ls with food. games and crafts Arm
Wrestling Champ1onsh1ps sanc11oned by the World
Arm Wrestling Assocla11on
• Authenllc German Food • Costumed Performers
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• Extllb•tors
• Round trip t1oke1S for 2 to Germany on L TU
tnt11rnAt1onal Airlines
• 5 Schwinn B•cycles-5 Speed Cru11era
r . '
01u11u Cu .. t UAll V PILOT /Sund•v. Ootobur 17, 1984t
Critters roanJ
at Pendleton
8•n blego Trlbunjll Wrlt•r
bobcats prowl c1uts1dt• tht.• barracks Coyotes
knock OVl'r trashl'i!ll!> as thc•y foragt.• for f~
h 's standanJ prot·t.'<lun· fur thl• Marmt'S o n
maneuvers a t Camp Pt•mJlt.•to n to shakt• out their
cloth ing fur tar.mtulas afwr sll't:ping outs1dl'
Camp Pendl<'lon . a 125.1100-al·rc amph1b1ous
Marine Corps tra111111g bast• 1s honw to ·14,000
battle-readv M<trtnl'S It's a lM> home for b1son.
d eer . mou.nta1n hons a nd (·ountll'SS smaller
Tht' l'amp M·rvt~ ,L<; .in unoff1e1al w1ldhft·
preserve bN·au:-.t' of its v1nu:.dl:-pristlnl•
backcountry habit.it. tlw 4u1t.·t l'ffurts of tht:
camp's Natural Rt-:-11ur<'t·s Off1n· .ind a $70,000
wildlife ronscrvauo n prugr .. 11n fumk<l mostly by
Paul Campo, a c1v1han 1•ng1nt't.'nng grolog1st
who directs tht.• Naturnl Ht·sourl't'S Offll't'. says
the relationship bl·twl·c·n tlw Mc1r1m•s <ind the
wildlife is rcspt.· .. :tful. a11ci th<• rull· 1s "look . bu t
don't touch."
Mannt•s ofll'n havl· doM· t·m·ounlt•rs with
Camp P cndh·ton ·~ :1n1ma1 .... p::.irucularly
"When the.· weonlht·r warlYl!> up the placC' 1s
full of them." says Sgt Todd Wagstaff. He said
he often secs royott.>s when hl' )Ogs in tht: late
afternoon along th<· golf mursl· a t the San Luis
Rey gate
"It amazes ml· hov. dost• yCYU l·an gt.·l to
them," sa)S Wags wff You'd think lhl'y were
tame I know th<·V ,1n·n't I 1A ouldn't want lo
taE&ley•1th onl' ..
For th<: mt)'.l part Campo ~llCI lht Marint.'S
a nd the wildlife• h 1:lp (•a,·h o tht:r
B ison mun('h o n gross. rl'dUl'I ng the
likelihood of grcc..-, f1rc-s. Campo said Up to 33
wild American plains b1srm roam the camp's
eastern fringe·
She<>p grazing 1n tht.• wt•st also keep fires
down . Campo said ::.i s hepherd ~Wt..-; thl'm out o r
the way wh('n thl· ~fo nnc:s conw through on
"If a but fa lo wanders into an area where
Marines are, we shoo him o ut." !..lid Campo. "If
the animal stops and refusl•s tu budge" then
everything stops unul the buffalo moves out."
He said no large• animals have• been killed by
live shells used on maneuvers. and the Marines
m a k e a n e ffo rt to p1«k up their s p ent
"Y ou drive down In t erstate 5 and vou
hardly see any action." said Campo ''But boy.
this place is teeming "
The bison herd. startf>d by ovt:dlow from the
San D iego Zoo in the 1970s. hves near two
man-made lakl'S surrounded by grassland .
Seve ral of the <."amp's a nimal reside nts are
endange red spc<:1es . mduding the uny gray.
winged least tern. which nests on the beaches
Campo estimates that half o f the state's 900 pairs
of least terns hve at Camp P endleton
O ther military mstallauons have wildlife
programs but Campo said Camp Pendleton's 1s
the most soph1sucat<:d Its budget W.ls rc>duced by
Congress this year
DINNER '8.95
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LAS V l•:t :AS, N1·\. IAl 'I A 'IH't 1.11 h .1111
111 "l'lt llll'>h .11111 .. 11u1111-.•1-. lllto,t ti 111 1111"' dt•'4·1 t
g11mlih11u 11·:-..111 wh1 i.· h1Hh '\tukt ' 'h11wd11w11'
urt· 111111111011 th111k 11h11u t u11tl1111kolil1 · .. t,1k1·'
1•vt-1 y d ay 'l'l11•y 1111• tht· Nul'l1·111 1':1111·1 u1·r11·y
St•u1d1 '1'1•.1111, k1111w11 u~ NJo;.<..;T, .1 h t lh· k1111w11
t•l1•111t•11t 11( A111t•ru ,,· ... 1111111·,11 pr11u1 .1111 A11d 111>
:.!110 1111•mbt.•r" hop•· tlll'r 1· 1s 1111 1·a11-.t• l11 d111111-t1 ·
Tlwll' .11111 1:-. tu ht• 1t•11d y II ll'lf 1111'11..' l'V1·1 t1 y
tu h11ld u11 A11h•r11·un 1·1ty 111~ .. tuj.(1· w1lh a 11ud 1•111
dt•Vll'(• Ttwy 111'1' l'll.H'l.(t•d with l 111d111u Jilli
d1:-.a r1mnl( tt•rtoni;t n11d1·111· w1•aµo1111 A11d f111lun·
wnuld nwan t'utas lr11pht•
Wuh 1ntt·rn11t101111l tt•rruns1111111 1h1· 111t·1·t·aM•
jlld a ~row111~ l'apub11ity t11r rna11y lu produ<·t•
su c h dl•Vll'l'S, thl• thrt•lll o f II t'l 1:-0IS IS tuk1·11
M'nuusly. "Wt• thtnk lht· p<>H•nltul for 1l l1t1ppt>11
mg l'><ISlS," suys M ahlo n Gall'!>, fi:I. u rl'lirt•tl
Army gt.•n t:rol who lwadi. lhl• Nt•vada Upcr;.1t1oni.
Office of the Dt·1.xu·lJnt•nt of ErwQ(y and run~ tht·
l'OU ntry's nuclear ll'stlng progrom
"The re's o pownual tht.•rl' and 1f 1l happt•rc.
we've got to tx• n •ady M y lo(l'l'<tll'st ft:ar 1:-thal
sonw tt.•rronst ~roup hoping lo gain pohlll·al
advanLagl• of MJllW kmd would M'l' flt lo t:arry out
a thrt'at I'm m orl' afraid of nuts w1th111 tht•
Unttl-<l Stat~ than tl.'rrm rsL'> from abroad "
Thcrt.· hav<: !:wen 70 nudl•ar rt'l<itt'<.I thn·aL'i
maue Slrll'l' a wave of tt•rronsm swept Amt:n ca 111
the early 1970s T wcmty of thOS<• wt.•rl' dl'l'mto<l
vahd enough b y tlu· FBI tu warrant furtht.'r
111vl'KllH•1ll1111 .inti NJo:ST 11111·111 11v1·' h.1v1•
ll"'if1tllld1·cl 111 M·v1•1 al 111st11111 t"t T11 d,111· lh1·v h.1v1·
1111l 1·11n1u11h•11'll 1111 y 11u1 lt•u1 tl1•v11·1·
NEST !'l pok1•-i1;1t•r1 :-.uy 11 11•111 t 11-." would
p11''4.'lll rrllli..ll) d1mt·1·-.
1>11 )'l•ll 1111k P·•lll( hy Hllll11llll1 111g .•
lllll li••lf flllllldt1l1'tf l'Vlll'lllll 11111 llf ,1 llltl)'•I <'II y'>
l>u you d1•l11 y f'V111·11at11111 u11 d 11:.k
lhou:iu111l11, pt•1 haps hu11dr1•d:-. ol lhm1:-.:111tls 111
If a d1•v11•t· 1-. fo u11d . du y11u 11 ~k
l>o you r·il-ik pa nic· hy I unnouncin~ n
u uc· lt·u r-nuanclul t-cl •·v uc·uu I ion ·~
Do you dt'loy t•vut·uution und
risk hunclr••d1-> of lhou!-lunc li, of
Ji vt•i, ·~
t·hallcngmg booby trtrp. .. thut aH· l1kd v lo Ix_ a
part of tht.· d1•aclly pa<·ka~t·''
N EST was born 1n IYN, tht· 11utgr1Jwth "' i1
nudt•ar lhr<'at Jgain:.t .Bo:.lon Fonun.1ll·ly. th<·
threat was a hoax bec.·aui.l' govt·rnnwnl 11££11wls
found thc•mst•lvc•s without a plan for n ">p11nd111g
and t:onfus1on re rgrwd
Whe n tht• thn•al was uvt•I . (i,1tl·:. toltl his
superiors 111 Was hington "l::nou~h of this G1Vl'
1111·" 1111"""r1 to 11"4prn1cl tu .lllcl Wt •'ll dc•vt>lt1p thP
I .1p.1l11l1t y "
Tt ... 11111111111" t•lttt· 11111 h·lu (11 <· d1 •)>llrtml'nl
w,1)> 1111111 tl111 ·1· 11l•lllll11> l,1u·r It" (.i11tt.., 11urruu11d1·d
l11mwlf with 1>onw 111 1111' f11w!Ct m111d" 111 llu·
lllll lf'lll Wl'iljlllll' hullllll'"-'
Tod .1y, hy law, olllY 11utl1•.J1 th1t•ut II>
1111 w.11u1-cl 111 th1• Jo'R I It th1· thrt•Jt appt•tH'> vulid,
r1't·111cl111gi. 111 1•11p11·" 1Jf tlw rrao:..-..1g1• dll' '>enl to
N J::S'I"-, t hn•ot •''-'l':O•Mlll•llt i.::rouµ, tlw t-:1111·rgt·m·y
Aetum und l'rn1rcJ111al11111 'l'Plllll ( EAl'TI Th<·
lt·;.1111 llll0 ludt•" St'1t•11t1:-.l:-. rrum Luwn·n u :
L1 v .. rm11n" L .. :. A lunwb ,J11d S:.111dw nut'lc·ar
lahorato111·s J)lui. tlw Nt·vada Opt·nit1m11f O H1n·
Tht• tt•<im 1:-. r<'<JUlrt•d lo n·spund tu N~T'i.
tlin·at a:..-...·i.snwnt offll'l' 1n t hl' buM·11w111 of a
(;1·rrnantown. Md . bulldm" w1thm two hours
"Tht· mt>ss agP 1s analywd by d1fft:rent
1x·oµll' fur d1ffon·nt things," (~atc-s IW!Ys "Tht.·
1->(:ll'ntlst.::. try to dt·lt•rminc• wht>llll'I th<.· pc.•rson
knows what ht''s tulktng ,d.Juut Dot.•s lw
undt•rsu.ind nudc•ar thl'Ory. nudtc-ar n:at'llun? Art.'
thl' words right?
"Otht:r groups l'><amtnc tht.· thrt•at from the
po1nl of v1t•w of ljsychohnguLSll<.~ lb tht· guy
nut-,'! Is this a w uonal mind speaking hl·n·?"
If EACT dt'<.'ld t'S the· threat ts n •al. <1 NEST
learn I.\> dl·pluycd from a hangar iil Mt-Carran
l ntt.•rnallo n<il Airport an southcasl L<is Vt:g~
T h t• ca llup could be a ~1mplt• o ne· a
h <mdful of sc1cnllsts to hl'lp CJffa.'crs trdl'k down
ISee N l lCLE AR, Pag~ A5l
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'KM Radial 225' I . STEEL BEL TED
==-==~i.,;;..;.:!..!.:.j RADIALS
::=:-=:-:-t::-:7.:-ttir:ii~~ Quf Reg 62 97 • P16Sl80A13
Plut t .69 F E.T. Eech ~~-E~Fn~ •Radial Tire Miieage
..-.....="""""'"-'L.la&.LI~ •Radial Tire Traction
ChoM from eeve<•I dllltttnl
1tylt1 1nc1ud1nR Ito•• 1111,
check end H ·H•I tnvt·
Spr•y Enamel
Ottooee n11 0t gtaee finl9h In
whit• and 1n arr1y Of Pol)Ultr cotott 11. 1 e 01 can net wt.
• Features 5-Rlb Tread
1 Tirtt Plus F E T Mounting lnclucltd-
No Tr.In ReQull'ed
Loving Care
Hair Care
I application All shades By Clarro1
Kmart AM
Pocket Radio
This radio lealures direcl tuning
ca rrying strap ·e•u"" ....... no1 .nca..A)tl(1
Cafeteria Special
.. • I ' . .. .
Fried Fish
Sandwich Plate
Fried fish with two pieces ot bread·
ed cod with tar1er sauce on a bun.
with cote slaw and french fries
M o n. -Sa t.
Oru11gu C.01.Hll OAILV PILOl lSundoy Oclobor 17, 1982 5
Wh n sleepin h comes
U) KIM Mii.LS ""11l 1lt111g lu1111 v .• 111d I 1lu1u~1t1 'W1·ll
AHMl•led ...... ...... 1h,1l .. Jll"l lw1 11g w1•11k Willi l.1ught1·1 .
NJ•:W Y<>HK !•:.wit cl,1\ 111 h1·1 111,., 11111 11 g1.1 111 lh1· p111111 wh1·11· 111 y
l ':111d1111• I l,11 d1•11 11111:1u11w:t l!• 111tlltKI Ulll.'1 hu.,b.11111 .11111 I would j.(11 out !11 tl111111·1
111 1>f.1t<t'il, l>-.•l\t•dt lltt•, f1t t•i.t·11l.1t•d IJ y h1.•1 .111d I'd Jll't l'lf><'llll tlw wltoh· lltl'al ... 111h11g
phvi.ll lvll. )U"t '" hlJ)' .1wvk1· 1'1111\lj.(h Ill (Hit 111 lllY I lt.11r "' ""ltli 111y r,11 i · 111 lllY
I 11111·t11111 l111rd1·11 h111> Ill" <"1tlt·t"'Y, 111111 pl.111· ..
with out th1., dl'uj.(, ""'' l:t ltuhll' 1111111d1111 S t•t 1111d.11 '1 -.v111f1l11111 .. ol '"" 1 ol1·p,y
HI lll'lll ly I.Ill)' lllUllll'lll 1111' h.illtu llhtllllll/\, 1lt-.1 Uplt•d '>lt't'fl, ,111d
"I li·ll 11Nh·1·p 1111(1' wh1·11 I w.-11t 1111i> ... 1 .. 1·1• p.1r.tl v"'· wl111 Ii,., .1 f1 .. ·l111g dur 111g
1111' lJ.1ll11 uu111 tu Mt'I a dn11k 111 watt·r, ft•ll tl11 · llghl1·1 .,1;1g1·' of :.l1·1·p o f lwtrtj.(
uud w11k1• up w11h u t•<1111·w ..... 11111 ." i.h1• uw.1k1• IHll u11.tl1l1· 111 11111v1• 111 :1111•ak
suy~ "l'v1• b1·1·11 k1111w11 to i.l1·1·p :n houri. < >11l y .d1<1111 z:·, l"';11·1•11t 11( .111 ri.11 1·111t•ptw:.
11111 str1.•kh l t•vt•n ft•ll :1!-olt•t•p om·1· 11v1•r a ,111f1·1 .di th1·1-1· 'Vll1J1l11111:.. but ;di .1r1·
i.h•Vl'" d1111111t·ally :.l1·1 ·py :111u mo:.l .,11ff1·r fr11111
Nw·1·ok!Jl>Y ts a rwun.1log11-.1I d1su1 lh·r 1 :1t.1ph·x v .11 lt•a hl •M.·1·a:.1111wll,v
for wh11·h th1•n• 1s no known 1un· 11,.., "ll.1v 111g 1h11tcdl'p1>V I)> l1k1· .dw.iyi:.
prtndpal symptom 1s C'x1·1·s:.1vt· a11d l1t·111i.t ;" ,1 ... t•Y ,,, .i 1111n11 • .i 1w1 :.u11 m1>-:hl
OVl'rr1d1ng !oolt•l•p tncss Tht• 1111l y ht• allt-1 'ol:avrng :1w:1k1· lhrc•t· day:.," 'kl)')>
m1.·du:ally Sillll't 1on1·<.l tn•u tlltl'lll 1-; Bill B.111d , ·• 11,uC'ol1•pl11· 111111 pn>:.1d1•nt uf
analc .. pl11 drugh l'olluc1u1ally, upp;.·n. th1· A11wrll.111 Narc11l1 ·p .,y A:. ... 1.11·1.;t11111
Ev1•n w1lh drugs, soml' suff<•r1·r1> an· f/\N/\1111 St<.1nf11rd. Calif
unu\Jll• 111 hold a .)Ob or have• a normal l\11111h1•1 1iat lol1·1.H1t'. M1 s1> H v a11
ltft· p 11·.,1d1·n1 •1( th1· N1•w York l'tly 1·hapll·r
Anolhl·r prt rna r y symptom of th•· of lh" ANA J1·Mrilw1> ht•r dlrws::. J"
dtsOnll•r 11> eataplt•xy, a sudden los.o; of fl'1·l111g "hkt· vou'n · walkmg through
muM·I(' tom· brought on b y int<•OM' v1·1 v tlm·k glut' ..
a curse . p::
111ul11plc 111 .. 1.1111 1•., 111 llw 111111•,., w11h111 •!
l.11111111·-. ~:
''f'l11• 111 '>l lt y 111il h1·'>" II\ lh.;t =.·.:
11.11I1111 fl'>V 1 .. 1.tU'4'i by ,1 lt•i.11.111 Ill tlll'
111 •• 11 ... 11·111 , · 1nu11 drng l1.1 l>r M1·rrill ::
M11l1·r . • h1..f uf lhl· 'l1·1·p d1:.11rrh·n. .:
fl' ''HI .1111 .1t lh1· St.ill· Ur11v1•1-.11y of Nl•W
Y111 k .11 S 11111y B11111k "It duc.•.,11't J fJJ)(·hr
t11 IH· ,111,11111111\ ,tl But thl·11· ,an· 11hv11)u"
.t)111111111.ilit11·:. 111 th•· h1al11 1·h1·1111i.uy "
'J'yp1rnlly , 11.111 oh·p'y (111>t 11how11 up
l1l'lw1•1•n llw .1g1•., 11( Ill and :m Currt'i.'t
dt.q(n11 r-.1' h11w1·v1·1 . tukt·s m ui;l
1i.1n·11l1•pt11·r-. a11 dV('1 ;1g1· of 10 to 15 y1·ar"
ul\t·r 1·1ini.ul1111g llitl't' to f1v1· phyllJ('lllll~.
"' 1 orcl111g It• lilt' ANA
"111 ;, phy'>lf'.11 l'Xollll, you d1111't J111d
.111y1h111g wn111g with a pt•r!ootin who hat.
1i.11 u1lt·psy.".!lw1 t-<l .,,1ys "Y1Ju OlU!>l run
'1111 1.d t1·-.t'o
But, 111111>1·1 Iv diagnosl'd ,,, t111t, once· a I''''""" d1 •v1•l1.1p'> t\:trl'<1lt•p1>y. he· or she·
11.i-. ll fw Ith" l'>J\'S Mllll·r
. . .. ..
. . • . ..
•. :-
~ •' .. :
Toy de 'igncr l\'l uri Kaestle rt.>mcrube rs when her 1•nw11un, r<.ing1ng from angl'r t11 Although lht· l.1u .... · ol narmh·p:.y 1:. a
amuS1•nwnt to sexual cxnlt•mcnl 111y ... u·1 v. 11·-.i .. 111·h1·rs l.1i.·ll1·v1· 1t ha1> tu du
'Aftt·r lh•· 1n1iwl '>ymptom1>, over thl·
rll'xl f 1v1· lo -.c·v1·n v1·ar'>, lht• ind1v1dual
111.Jy g1·t Wlll'>t' and ·mon· symptorru. may
.1p1x·Jr. · Mtth·r ....... ys. "but th1·n lht'r(-'s a
1w1111d 11f sl<.ih1l11altot1 lhJl lahls tht·
11·rnJ111dl•1 of llw md1v1du:ir.., ltft• Thl•rc
1-. 'oollle '>C:anl 1•v1dl·nu• th<.it mdk·:. <.ift(•r
-,o 111 fiO '>l'l'lll to gt'l bl·ttl·r But it's
po!oo ... 1bl1· lht y ..,tmply lwt·omC' ml)rc•
l'Xp(•r1t·m·1·d :1l handling sympto1ru. ..
.• .. ·~ ..
narcolep Y caused h~r to lose muscle tone whilc a t "Aboul n am · yt>ars ago, I 1>t:a11t•d with,, dwn111.il 11nln1la11w 1n th1· pc.rt of
dinner. h l'd just sp e nd the wh ole m eal sliding out of having thl'w atl<ll·ks," says Mart Ka1·!ootl1•, th1· hra111 th.it rnntrol:. wakt•l ufm·~
h a :Hi-yt·ar old loy dl's1g1wr. "(would kl'I Hl·"t·a tdwr ., l>1·ll1•v1· thl'n· 1s J g1·nt'l11· m y C a ir or with nty face in the pla te." this st•nsl· of weakness when I hC'ard •l'.1lJ::.<· 10 1wrt11ll·psy and hav1• found
Aluminum Foil
12·1n X 75-11 roll Many uses Buy
several and save•
Glass Plus "
with Trigger
Cleans glass and more 32·oz bot·
lie ·Ft Oz
K mart" Anti-boil/
Formulated to protect aluminum. all
12 Oz. Cans Oly
Gold Light Beer
"The perfec1 balance ol lightness
and great taste'" 6 pack 12·oz
From Page A4
stolt•n ur<.imun1 i-.ud1 .i:-. tlwy did 111 Wdm1ng1011,
N .C Or It 1·ould IJ1.· 1>11nd.1r to ;1 1~75 1nc1dcnt
whe n ..JO nwn s1·;o·c:twd fur :.i nudl'ar d cv1ct· tn an
extortion thn•al aga1n!ool Unum Oil Co 111 Los
Ang1·l1•!> No dc·v11·1· Wah found
All ~Oil ffif'mb<•rs havt• fx·1·n c:.illl·d out onlv
o nce· In th<· wintN of IY78, 111 Opt·r;H1on
Morning Light. th1·v tral'kt•d d own t·hunks o f a
"hot" Russwn '><JH•ll1t1· that dl'omlt·gral<.-'d OVl'r
northt•rn Canada
NEST na·mhc·r' Jbo h.tvc· bt•t•n usl'd ttJ
monitor radwt1on during lht· Thrc-<.· Mile• island
t· r 11> 1 !> <J n cl t u ad,. 1 'l· du t h o r 1 t I l's at th P
eon venllonal bomh1ng of llarvl•y's Resort 1n
Lakl' Tah1.1t• In thl· l.tttl'f C'<ts(.'. tt was "lx'<.·au.!>t•
wt• L·an 101.1k tntl) th<· bl;wk box and tell what'~
thl'rc·." Gall'S "<ml '
If NEST is dC'pluyc•d to M'<•k out a nuclear
device>. a c·all abo gOt''> to the· N;1l1Cmal M1lttary
Command L\·nt1.·r for urdnann· disposal umts
from om· of 55 db1gn.it!'d Armv bcC>t·s
"W(• thmk a tc·rrortst nught booby trap the·
dl:'v1n· bt'<'<tUS<· ht· would wa111 to proll>t't It unttl
soml· c·a1astruph1l' monwnt wh1•n 1t would
dt•tonate. Br<.•<'<·h1ng the: l>'J'Jby traµ 1s thl' Army's
job." Gall's said
If lhl' lcx:alton Of tht• dl•Vll.'l' IS spelled uUl,
t1•am m.-mb1·r1> r<•«pond thc·rr If an e xact
location ts 1111t g1v1·n. N1':ST nwmbers bl'gtn
scarchmg with <•bboratc• ('(1Utpm1.•nt ston-d 111 thc-
Las V<'ga. ... hangar
Thl' <•qu1pmc·n1 tnl'lutll•s a sl•lf-contatnl'd
power gl'ncnitmg pl.ant "tn l'ilS(.' Wl' gl't stuc k
<.omcwhl'n· Ill th<· boontc·s." Gates savs
Thl•rt• an• al~> mundane lookmg vans that
c;in be camouflaged with signs ranging Crom
pizza parlors to plumbc.•rs. two helicopters. a
Conva1r 580 and s mallc•r ain:rafl -all crammed
wtth rad1dtton trnl'king gt·ar to comb busy ctty
s tn.'<·ts nr th<· n·mott· 1.ountryo;1 d<·
'· !· ·: ~. .. .. :::
QQ_ +h~r rk'ft.......,i. and makeu~~~,,__---i
Cookware Set
With Silverstone
7-pc. set with 1 · and 2·QI covered
saucepans, 1 O" fry pan, Dutch
KMC 19" di••· Portable ..... Color TV
Advanced 19" Diagonal Color Pic-
ture Tube. "Auto Color" control
system. Instant picture and sound
Integrated drcultry for great rehab1h·
ty. Contempo<ary design.
TV Spec IOI O n
Sale Thr u O c t 30
Conyout Pnce
I I ~ I ........ ,,, ..
Kmart' SoleP1lce 12.88£0
L•st IC mart• • 3 00 ~R.001• •
Hot Cocoa Mix
Rich. tasty hot chocolati. Plain or
with m1n1.marshmellows 32-oz can
Panasonic" Stereo
with Cassette
AM/FM radio cassette play/record.
Your NetCo&t 1 3 7 AAe<fOCIO<V
ll•l>Ot• •
F()f al: thpllash p0eke1
came<as 16 flashes
I l ,...._, r 3C '"'"' Afiri•'~'
-1.00 3
four Net Coil 2 37 Anttr fOC:IO<V
llebola •
Bonus Pack GE • F1Hh8ar ti
2 flashbars FOi 20 flashes
18" x 27''
Rug Remnants
Shags, plushes and more. In popu-
lar colors. With 1ute or non.skid
10°/o OFF ~ ..
.,.....,. CClf'Clt '"""Your Photos
Co1d1 w•ttt •hOr pe1sono11ouch Mooe
from "/OJI IOVQtote C:OIOf 1"9QOl1\fe
H C.,.. w ... l11v...,._., ......... 1.t•
IO C_. WMI 111111...,._. ..•..••. 11.tO
11 C.... WM\ Im...,..._ ....... 19.N
tOO c .......... '"¥~ ...... 11.70
tock ~we ouoront ... Of your
ptao!Ot Ole ltH I Qn ttonctofd C060f
pllnt flm Oftalnal rOll de'leioplng anCI ~ Of C-41, 110. 126. J&mm (f\jll trome Ontv> and Diie• 111m. one Pttnt
90Cf\ on OV1 ltOnOClfcs-ftniln PQP9f,
12 X 125' clear piastre wrap Stock
up and save•
2-lb. Bag of
Bonnie Lee Popcorn
A nutnltous, economical snack
"C" Alkaline Batteries
In handy 2·b•lttry pttka1.-.
Dur.cell t-volt. 2-bettery pack .............. 2.41
°"'110et!"A", 4-bettetY .,.c:k ................... 2. 11
NEST mt•mbl•rs c·an carry through a irport
lobbies. down bu:-\ '>trt•(•ts or into crowded
buildmgs Tht' c-aM'S arc> stuffrd with rad1at1on
dC'tec·ttun t'CJUlpmC'nt and "talk" to the carrtC'r
through a 1111'y plug in his or her ear and to
techna1.·1an .., 111.vans or nl a 1.·cntral location The
bland·looktng casc•s lwl11· tht•1r dangerous
"Thl'rl•'s ~· km•c• .J<•rk n-<.ponse amung people
whC'n vou sa v t h1· word rad1at1on," NEST
spokesman Jac'k Doyl1· !oo<lld of thl c·a~~. •"If the
public knl'w you \.\'l'rt' 'ot»tn·hmg for something
l1kl' a 11ud1·~1r d<•\'ll'I'. thf'n• would Ix• panic tn the
s tr<.'<'Ls Th11> way you c·an walk through crowds
ancl not alarm anyum• ..
While <:c>nw NEST o pt•rallvt>s would go to
the S('C'n<'. othc·rs would m an a s1 1uat10n room
with ma ps sho wmg tht· puh11cal w o rld. every
nuclear power plilnl 1n thc Unatc'Cl States and all
mtlttar\ bast•s
On1· of thl' mnn• nnunous fl•a tures of lhe
sttuatton room 1., a d1){tt.il l'l0tk showing the•
current ttm1· 111 all four t11tw zone•:. &ml'ath 1s an
"rne1drnt doc:k" wh1l h i,tarts whc·n an incident
lx>gms ·
"Or 1t l'an be ust-d Ill a l'OUntdown mode to a
des1gnatt'd thrt>at 11mc ." says Doyle . "That's so
wc don't lose sight of lhe botlOm ltne."
Developed Modified
lo your spec1l1cat1ons
al reasonable rates
(714) 951 -67~0
Spec/al .
Special Oct. 13, -Oct. 19,
labeo bicular: 3.69
lnm 1s a magnificent ltsll lrom
I ha1tand with a 1el bl1e ~ body and b11ll1ant red 1111 An ebulloenl
~·men that w~I add a hlllt acbon
and a lot ot erecana to your
1qua11um Set him al Aquatic ,._ __________ ... lropoc•I~ wlle1e lie n on lollf undei
t-------------tl!f name 'Red h 11td Shark'' IOI • • • •
Daily Pilot
work for
only J 69
' l ''\;I\ I Rt.,1 I' < H ( 1\111 < >R~IA . IR\'IM
The Infamous
Professor Kmgsf1eld of "PAPER CHASE"
JOHN HOUSEMAN returns to uc Irvine
Tuesday, October 19
8 p.m. Crawford Hall
To speak on
"Perspective• -The State
of the Art•''
GeMral Admlalon $4, S nl()f C11110n1, Othef Stvdefllt , UCI
Alumnt Membefs S3 ltekell ASUCI 9o11 Office 9 30 am 4
pm Mondey·Frl<Say or l teketron OV1tet•
Information (714) 833-8371
-' .
·~ I
Al Orange Cout DAILY PIL0118undey, Oc:aob•r 11 tG62
A shame to thwart
desire for city hood
The tail that could wind up
wagging the dog in Leisure World
Is. relatively, a small sli.ver of
The local point o C thc>
argument betw~n proponents of
ann exation oC a portion of the
retirement community to the e1ty
OC Irvine and of those on the side
of incorporation of Leisure World
as the county' 27th c ity 1s a
565-acre site .
The parcel IS in the midst or
the community and is owned by
the Rossmoor Liquidating Trust.
the residual e ntit y that is winding
d own business inte rests or the
land development company which
built Leisure World.
It includes a 189-acre site that
the K oll Co. has staked ou( as a
potential business park.
And therein lies the potential
rub. The City of Irvine's interest
in the annexation of a portion of
Leisure Wor ld is predicated, in
large m~asure. on the potential
revenue to be generated for the
cit y by that industrial park.
The future city of Leisure
Hills -for that 1s the ·name the
incorpo r a ti o n interests are
ban dying about for the proposed
city -may find developme nt of
the business park to be an almost
insurmountable problem .
- -Though the a rea now contains
n o hom es. it does lie in a zone.
including the in tersection of
M o ulto n Parkway at El Toro
Road. tha t the fede ral government
once paid Rossmoor Development 1 Co., $4.2 m illion not to develop
l......_ That neutral zone is under an
El Toro Marine Corps Air Station
flight path and its development -
either for a nnexa t ion or for
incorporation -wou ld bC' difficult
to justify.
And even before the K oll
park issue came into focus, there
seemed to be a certain air of ··who
cares" about the whole question of
cityhood for the Leisure World
T he upscale fin a n cia l
condition of many of the area's
retired rcsidt•nti> sccmt•d l ll
mlttgow aKain.st uny move> to place
th<" t·ommu1my' 21,000 property
ownl'rs und\°•r o threat of addl'd
"Who nct>ds 1t?" would seem
t o have bl·t:n o pretty va lid
Howev('r, a few lackadaisical
1m:orporation studll's conducted
OVC'r the past t·ouple o f years
(mostly undt:rtaken, 1t wou Id
'><>em. m a sp1nt of self-protccuon
Crom out.side cityhood influences)
havt• gradunlly built up a body of
kn ow l edge t h at seems
prl'ponderantly to indicate tht.•
viability o f the area as a fr ee-
standing municipality
The latest of these studies, in
fact, indicates that "Leisure Hills''
could become a c:ity that, with only
a part-time manager and without
muc h change in t he way local
residents assess the m selves for
services. would generate a fi ve-
year surplus o f $2.2 million in
Given the laek of thrust on
the part of the city of Irvine for an
all-out annexation drive early on
and also given the fact that the•'
community's residents have not
shown a great dea l of interest in
incorporation -at least not until
recently -it still seems a shame
that Leisu re W o r ld's late -
blooming desire for cityhood
(eit her by incorporation or
a nnexation) should be thwarted
over the desire of one compan y lo
develop one ple<:c of land.
Let's hope that: (A) the Koll
Co . can work out its needs for
developing the business park and
(B) the city of Irvine. when its
council meets next, will drop its
annexation efforts and endorse
incorporation of the county's next
and newest city ·
That two-fold approach
should make hfe a little easier for
the L oca I Agency Formation
Commission whi c h , at this
readin g. h as the conflicting
applications for both-annexation
and incorpora tion before it
B r ee-a.er a boondoggle
For more than a decade.
Congress has been was ting money
on a w hite elephant project that is
proving to be uneconomical and
represents a tec hnolog y o f
questionable value to mankind.
That project is the Clinch
River Breeder Reactor . Touted as·
a showcase for a technology that
w ould solve the world's e ne rgy
problems, it instead has become a
drain .on the public purse and has
been a showcase for government
mismanagement and big business
relyin g on handouts to circumvent
the free market .
Perhaps more importantly ,
Cli n c h R iver r e presents a
technology whose drawbacks may
far outweigh its benefits.
Yet ·congress h as continued
funding the soup line for Clmch
River . although the demonstration
project has survived some close
calls in appropriations votes.
The breeder reactor was
conceived as a long-term solution
for energy s h ortages. Un Ii k e
con ventional nuclear p ower
plants, which consume a rare form
o f uranium Cu e!. breeder s
theoretically w ould stretch the
nuclear fuel supp ly by centuries
through "breeding" m or e fue l
than they w ould consume. It is
estimated that Clinch River. to be
locate d in eastern Tennessee.
would produce about $600 million
worth of plutonium fuel.
The project was approved in
1970, with an estimated cost or
$700 milljon. Participating utilities
co ntribute d $257 mill ion .
Projected completion date was
Twelve yea r s lat er, $ 1.3
billion has been spent, but
1roundbreaklng began o nly o
month ago. The projected
completion cost has rocke ted to
$3.57 bllUon , with the taxpayers
to plck up the entire overrun. The
ettlmated completion date h as
been pushed beck to 1989. There t.
no tellioa how much hi.gher coeta tor the 375.megawatt pl.ant w1ll go
. iif1JJi1at
if Congress continues to vote
money for it.
When the plant was proposed,
backers said breeders would be
necessary becau se the then-
expanding nuclear power industry
would consume uranium supplies
rapidly. A decade ago, government
forecasters figured 1,000 power
reactors would be operating in the
U.S. by the year 2000.
Today, the nuclear industry is
nearly moribund. Construction
costs have become too burdensome
for utilities, while more and more
safety adds more to th e costs that
power are being raised. Ensuring
safety adds more to the costs that
infl ation and interest rates already
have piled on.
And t h e r e are o n ly 83
licensed nuclear pla nts in the U.S.
Eighteen years before 2000, there
is scant prospect for rapid nuclear
expansion. The 1,000-plant
estimate is ou t of the question .
And an Energy Department board
believes uranium supplies will
remain ample for at least 40 more
In add1t1on to economic
questions, there is conc~rn over
w hethe r the dangerous p lutonium
breeders wou ld produce should be
manufactured in large quantities.
Extremely toxic. the substance is
dangerously radioactive for 240.-
000 years . Should we place
perhaps Insurmoun table risks of
· man aging a plutonium-based
economy onto future generations?
Moreover, large production of
p lut o n i um co u ld m ea n
proliferation or nuclear weapons
beyond any hope of control.
The probl ems with Clin c h
Rive r seem to indicate t h at
breeders h ave drawback s that
aren't balenced b y the benefits.
Congress would be wise to cancel .
the project and use the funds to
s tudy new energy sources that
hold greater promise of being
economical, clean and abunda nt -
and w'tu not pU8 a d~edly legacy
onto posterity.
Thetnet P. Heley
Jane Amer!
l•-Clll• .. !dotot .......... ~
(d.toriQI '• e .....
Themtlt Mee.""
MolloQ11•0 la1t0f ....
r •
• .. ·~ . ..
Bashir's bequest to the U.S.
WASHLNGTON -°S hortly before hi s
assassination, Lebanon's President-elect
Bashir Gemayel was '"coerced" by armed
Israeli troops into boarding a helicopter
to be Clown south just across the border
for a final confrc:-ntation on Israel's
unsatisfied demand that he sign a !)f'ace
That was not the first journey by
Israel's man-in-Beirut to talk face-to-
f ace with Prime Minister Menachem
Begin and Defense Minister Ariel
Sharon. Their alliance had been solid.
GEMAYEL'S dc.>cision to thwart Begin
was thus a seminal turnaround in which
the U.S. played a major role. For the
first time since the 1975 t'IVil war began
in Lebanon. Gemayel"s refusal to play
Begin's Quisling ended Is rael's
dominance over Lebanon's bloody
politics and enthroned the U.S.
The only concession that Begin could
extract from Bashir Gemayel was half-
baked: At an appropriate time following
his swearing-in as president, he told
Begin. he would agree to end the state of
belligerency between the two countries.
Gemayel's late-night flying visit to
Prime Mlruster Begin on Sept. 10. four
days before his assassination, has been
reported (but never confirmed by either
the Israeli or Lebanese governments).
Not known unul completion la.st week of
a conf1dent1al Reagan administration
intelligence study are these new facts.
lhat the. Israelis ··ooel'«'d" the Lebanese
president-elect ("kidnapped" him, one
Middle F..ast insider told us) to get him
mto an Israeli helicopter for the short
trip south -and browbeat him when he
got there, and that Begin knew that 1(
the U.S . could manl!uver at.self into the
role of chief mediator between Lebanon.
Syria and Israel, Begin's dream of an
Israeli-made peace treaty with Beirut
would fade away.
For Begin, a peace treaty on Israel's
terms with its northern Arab neighbor
was the one c~rtam way of justifying
Is rael 's casualties, military and
d1plomat1c. during the bloody invasion of
f.1 .. r:· '1 .. _.,.
1-v.-.-s /-N-OV-AK-~
Lebanon. A treaty with Bashir Gemayel,
Israers Chnstian-Falangist partner for
sax years, would also guarantee
continuity for Israel's aggressive
commercial and economic exploitation in
southern Lebanon, with an open border
P resident Reagan·s diplomatic agents
saw disaster in that sequence of events:
prolonged I srael i hegemony . A
Lebanese-Israeh treaty drafted in
Begin 's Knesset o ffice could not
conceivably advance the U.S. peace plan
to settle the Israeli-occupied Palestinian
West Bank problem Indeed. Jsrael's
favored position with Bashir Gemayel
would contribute to new o utrages
ag~unu the nearly half million. non-
armed Palestmian refugees m Lebanon
Senior administration officials believe
that Israel envisaged a political
partnership with Lebanon that might
· promote a flight of those Palestinians to
Syria, spreading the virus of homeless
Palestinians even wider.
Bashir Gemayel -only four days
before his assassination -had listened
closely to Reagan's emissaries. With a
pledge of l ong-t erm American
involvement in Lebanon. backed by the
president's Sept. 1 peace plan. he cast his
lot with Reagan and for a new and
united Lebanon. Summoned by Begin
twice in those final days. once in late
August. then on Sept. 10, he refused the
lsraeli demand for an instant treaty
intellige,nce agencies has discovered no
li nk of any kind between Bashir
Gemayel"s defiance of Begin and his
assassination by Leban~ extremtSts on
Sept. 14 . American specialists insist.
however, that with Israel"s closest
collaborator dead, his then unknown
successor would be even less pliant in
dealing with Israel. That d1C·tated an
1mediate Israeli advance into West Beirut
to give the Falangist militia their chance
to "'purify" the Shaula and Sabra
Palesuman camps of PLO remnants -
and perhaps fright en unarmed
Palestinian refugees into headlong
The massacres ·rolJowed. In their
aftermath came an anti-Israeli reaction
far harsher than Bashir ·Gemayel's
defiance over a new treaty American
mediators are counting on that reacuon
liL.b..eJp sohd1f the new regime of
Bas h1r's bro ther . newly elec te
President Aman Gemayel. and Amenca·s
new role as the dominant power in
Lebanese affairs. the last bequest of
Letters to the editor I
L end registrar
a h elping h and
To the Editor:
It is ballot pamphlet time again. in
preparation for the Nov. 2 elecuon. and
the help and cooperation of the public Is
needed by the Registrar of Voters to
clear the voter registration lists of names
that should no longer be listed.
When a ballot pamphlet is received at
a residence and the per30n addressed no
longer lives at tha t address. the
pamphlet !lhould be RETURNED. Don't
just throw it out. Mark the envelope
moved. or whatever, date it. sign it.
(Initia ls will do). and mail back. No
additional postage necessary. f
It is not enough to not vote where
registered for several elections m a row,
nor enough to report someone moved to
a voting precinct in order for a name to
be removed from the rolls. The Registrar
needs to receive back the pamphlet
marked moved, or receive a signed note
astung to be removed from the rolls.
This Is Instrumental In keeping voter
registration lists up to date.
League of Women Voters of
Orange Coast
Wat er threat
To the Editor: There has been a great deal of
confusion over Proposition 13. the Water
Ret0urces Initiative Statute, which will
appear on the Nov. 2 :.tatewlde b&Uot.
The measure, If pau~d. wo uld
radlcalJ y modify California w&tt-r law
which hu evolved through o trial and
error procesa that has taken more than o
hundred years.
The major elementa of the lnltlative
aound good enough on the aurftce, -
until you dig a little into the a:mall print.
T h ea e 1 n c I u de : co n s e r v a t I o n.,
groundwater management, lnstream
prot«tion and lltnlting stora~ behind
Netw Melones Dam on the Suanlslaua
River. Wate r conservation has a
"motherhood" r ing to It and~very •
reaponalbll' individual In the state
ahould 1upport conaervatfon. However.
Propotltlon 13 Is aimed at only thoee
areu that Import water from outaldt
\Mir own watBahtd. Thia h8pptma to
Include 18 of CaUtomla's 20 lar1e-1t cltt~, auoh u San Frenclfl'O. San Joee
and Oakland H well H all o f the
Southern ,nd Central part of the State.
Proposition 13 mandates that a water
conservation plan must be developed by
local agencies and submitted to the State
Water Resources Control Board for
a pproval. Until this five-member
politically appointed body accepts each
plan. that area cannot import any
additional water. This places the entire
future of Californ ia's continued
prosperity and growth in the hands of a
few governor-appointees (there are
currently no representatives from
Southern California). not directly
responsible to the people. This removes
authori ty from th e local traditional
water suppliers. who must still be
responsible for that delivery.
Groundwater management plans must
be developed tn 11 overdra{ted basins in
the state (primanly m the San Joaquin
Valley) under this proposal. This also
sounds Like a reasonable way to protect
our precious liquid resources. Like the
con ser vation section. however. the
~roundwater management plans are also
subject to the approval of the same
state board. If not acceptable. water
deliveries through the import system
will be inadequate to meet demands. The
obvious result is that agricultural lands
wlU be water-deficient and farmers will
be fon:.-ed to take land out of production.
ORANGE COUNTY is singled out as a
prime example of good groundwater
management in the inlUat1ve and the
overdrafted a reas a re instrucled to
d evelop simllar programs. This Is
ludicrous! The Orange County Water
D11trlct (OCWD) has managed Orange
County'• basin since 1933 and we are
tlnttered to h&ve been s ingled out.
OCWD c urre n t l y h as a capital
Investment of $100 million. not COU]lting
Its annual operational costs. to manage
thls bo..'1n. To develop almllar programs
In the 11 overdrafted basins could C09l
well over $1 blllion. Who would pey? If
It'• the farmers, doesn't lt atand to reuon
we'll all feel It at the market?
Not only that, it won't work anyway.
The reuon Orange County has ~n able
to atablll~e iu 8roundwater level• hi
becaUle we htvc a marve.loua imported
water system. without which we would
have to cut b.ck 7~ percent.
All In all, Propo.Juon 13 would reeult
In water lhortQel, tnc:reMed water coau
and the Jo. ol thous.nets of valuable
acre• of a1rlcul\ural productJon. We
cannot afford I\. That lt why the Or•r\l't
( County Wat&~ Dlatrlct h aa aone on
record opposing the Water Resources
President, Board of Directors .
Oran~e County Wa1er District
Traffic tragic
To the Editor:
Traffic -Terrific or Tragic'
Have you struggled through Beverly
Hills lately?
It seems to me that every big Newport
Beach commercial development on the
drawing boards will beget lots more
traffic -same has been so in Beverly
I move that we con1inue to hve in
Newport Beach. not Beverly Hills South.
More power to the Newport Beach
residents who will inform themselves
about this and second the motion with
their votes each lime they have a chance.
R eassuring
To the EdJtor: .
During our horrendous lire scare In the
early morning hours last weekend It was
most thought{ul and kind of Laguna
Beach City C-Ouncilman Bob Gentry to
quietly walk mto our home and reassure
us. in the midst of frantic ~king. that
we would be notified in time to evacuate.
His presence was much appreciated.
This quality m Bob IS just another reason
we are ~lad he is on our Cit}' Council.
Non sequitur
To the Editor:
I must respond to Mary Schmlu and
Raoul Silva and all the Christians of
"Callfornlans for Moral Government."
Since the l\Vowed purpose of the
organitatlon Is to control tht' personal
Uves o( others. the statement m.clt-by
Silva that he isn't interested In "John
Schmitz' penonal life ls a non sequitur. I
wonder what sta°l'ld the organlzatio.n
takes on odultcry and bastardy. KATHRYN LONGLEY
• L.et1er11 Jr<>m rtodtra art tL't'lcomt T~t
right lo co11dmat lf'lltr& to fit spoct or
thm1nate hf)(•/ It rtitrotd L.ellrrs ot 300
words or Ltll u..itll bt gt~ prtfttf'ftU AU
ltlltrt mu..r 1nclwlt •f{lftOlure and 1nod1ng
oddrua but nomt1 rno11 bt welhheld on rt·
Qkt•I If 1ulflc1tnr rtaaon " apporrnr
Potll'JI 11.•ll 11<>r lH pvbluhtd IA1ttr1 mow be
l«'lPphanf!d In S.2 4086 Namr arid phOftt
numbfir o/ ltit con1nbu1or mvat bt gwn for
tltrlf l<'OILon pvrpoats~
. \ •• -..
01011g" Couat l.)AILY PILOT /Sunday, October tr, 11162 1
Beachcombing is inspiring indolence
By SID MOOUY Al .......... .., ... , ....
C'U'l"l'YllUNK, Mab.'> Jut.ltt111.,: fl oi11 llll'
e mpllt'N wuwht«I u'hon• h•'n '. Uudw c•1s1•r 1111d
Milll•r ll1gh Lift. run Hl't.'k und 11t't•k th!• ~urn1111·r
as thl' fovort'\J 111ult ur mar1111111• 111lt•1 '""
D1scurc.Jcd <.·ur1011s 1111i1t·u11•d lloutl d.lll ll'l>
was flnll choice with tht• milk l'l'llWd 111l ho111(l1
there was surpris ing stn•11gth from &·hw1•11k',
on Long Island
There was no w1nnc•r among d1·lt>r1<1·111i. Too
many labels had wushl'<I off.
Tht.' fort'l(o1ng m urkt•t rt•st•.1rd1 aL'\.'Umulult'(!
during B belll'hL'Ombill~ l'in:UrllllUVlgallOll or thlS
tiny, bouldcrt•LI isle off Capt> Cod
· The tl'rrain rt•St.•mbh•s llw .illt'rm.ith of lht•
battle o f Wule rloo whtl·h wus wh y 11 wus
unromtx-d and bvunttful \wo loh.-.tt·r Pol huoy,.
some pretty shl'lls and a pl'rft'Ctly u~Jl.ilt· µlastle
showe r bag w ith noulc tha t fl'tl'hl'S $1 7 49 111
yachting sturl•S A good day, a ll 1old
A lift•llm<.· of such bcat'ht:ombing ha.' 11l'llto<l
m e $10 7~. cas h That avera~es llUl lo a httlt.·
more than 20 l't'nls a year.
l h.ivc a lso rt'<'t.>IVt..>d <-ons1t.lt•rabl£> ~:orn !rum
the more· pr odut.·t1vt.• lt.•v£>1s of s0<.·1c1 y Thl'Y
regard bcal'ht.'Ombmg as the cp11oml' of indolent.'£'.
They're right
But it's wo~· It':. St•t.•kmg someth111g for
nothing , the root of all t.•vll Howl'ver, ror those
of you whose scrvt• is.as lousy as muw and refUSt'
You're a fter the n t nHlll('t' of
the sea : a cr a<'kt.•d lift• ring oft'
a G reek ·tra mp sh·anwr, a
ke tchup dispe ns t•r thu t sa ys
HMa d e in Liverpool."
to take ski lifts ex<'ept 111 summt.•r. allow me to
introduce you lO lhl' fulfillnwnl:. or rnmb1ng
beaches. It costs nothing, gt.•ll> you uul into thl'
sun and keeps you off lhl· golf courst•
For equipment, all you m"to'd 1:. a ba1hmg suit
a nd som e old sneakers :.o rally your spouse
forbids you to wear them m pubht.• but to which
you are devoted because of shared e xpl•rtences
T h ey sh ould h ave numt.•rou:. holt.·s so any santl
that w ashes 1n10 them <·a n JUSt a:. ca:.1ly wa~h
Some people. thl' kind who always h;,vc
e xact change for tollbooth:., t:omc preparl'<l with
a rontainer to hold flol.Sam and .ietsam I think
this de feats the whok· sp1ril or the acllvllv.
If you t.·an't carr y som e 1reasun• you'vt'
chanC'cd upon o r t•an't stuff 11 somehow into yuur
suit -0r sneakt-rs without 1t falling lhrough tht.•
holes. then you a rc• compdlt•d lo hunt up a
half-buril'd Cishnl'l or a.n nb<indorwd f1Vl'·gallon
creosote buC'ket.
This will give.• n purpost.• lo what is
otherwise, admiticdly, a bum's Ilk.
Don't pick up a ny thing that looks like It
belongs to a juvcn1le ll probably does His
mother will spot you , surc as fate . 13c'S1d{'S. it's all
cheap plastic nowadays
You d on't want JU:.l. JUnk You'd do bettl'r ~l
the town dump 1f that's all you'rc looking for.
You're a fter the romantt of lhe sea: a cracked
Life ring off a G re<.>k tramp steamer. a ket<:hup
ispenseL.lbaLsays "M_ilile in L1w r pool" or one
of those hand-b lown PortugueS<.' ne l floaLo, that
.... ,.. ..... _..s...
t '22 ~IOlt IL VD.
COSTA MU.A -541·11 5'·
It IS Ollt rJ ,,,. mOSI moulll .walttlrlQ
tute trnls you II tvtt '"'°unltr loaded "'''h 8~ fruits lfld 11111s plus llOllrllOll rum & brlllOy StllO s 1 00 10 cower post•o• 1110 hln
o-no 1ra we II rush you 3 shtts of our OfioCIOUt lru~uke IOI vou 10 Irv w. 11 &tso 111<1uae our OtAut1IU4 COior
GJlllOQUI ltlCI I tOUOOll redttm~
l>4t tor SI 00 on your 1101 OIOtt ..
Adllltss--=-------------------------------I t~-------....... -----S<t~ ZIP----
--.......... ,.,,..
E ven a cla m dig <'ould turn up
a bur ietl piec·e of onw thing
tha t h~bt•t•n tossed a hout 011
the o pe n sea.
bring $I 00 111 1onwr wall•rfro nl JUnk shop:.
If you ('an JXISSibly mandgt.• 11. 1>t1ck lo v1rg111
tx•ach~. thOM• lh<it havl' not lx't'n t.'Omtx'CI !>111l'l'
the last high 11dc. those rca('hablc• only aero~ ...
Jagged s trctt·h<.·s o f t·oral that lhrt•aten lu
L'Omplel<.• thl' destrut.•tt0n of your snt-akers.
Tha1's how I made all m y cash I we nl out to
, lhl' beach l•ven lx•fort• a hurricanl' had l'cast..-d
tormenung ll Tht• wind drove• lhe mm <igamst
my hwd wJth SU('h force I was dt.·af for houl'l>
But there. thread<.-d among th e dun<.• grass. w as
o1 '>opp1111( bul olllllWlllll' $111 11111
Snmt·" li.11 1,1l1•1, I w.1 .. 0 11 llll' IUilllt' lx.•LJ1.0h 1111
t '111 "I11111" .II 11'11111011, u V\•f')' lo(i><Kl ,1r;11t·lo(y Ill
111111h1•r11 dll111•' I found 1w11 flla.~tir· ~1111111" thul
11· .. •·1111.ilt•J u11y un1hn·llai.. ·r 1t•y wt•1 t• t·urrcmt
0111· 11.ul ,, :-.llt·kt•t 1l111t ,.11d tf I wo11ltl l'Ul 11
111 I o111d t111y wlll'll und wl ... 11· I round 11 1111d !lt011tl
11 lo tlw Woud " llol1 · 01·1·.11 111~1UJJhll· l11o;lltUlt•,
tlwy would g1v1· mt• '/:, t l·11li..
Un for1u11ull•ly, lllt' M '• ond g1z11111 had no
st1l·k1•r. W•HN.ls llolt• 111ust 1i,1v1· 1h11ugh1 I wal> an
1111pnm·1µkd, s li1ftlcss ll(•11d1n11111>1·r trymg t11 gtc•t
11d1 ut th1•11 1·x1w nSt· .111d ga v1· 11w n11 1·1 t.•t.ht for
thr M'l.'m1d w h.11sl1.
If I w 1•11· 1n 11 Jllst 1111 th1· n1r1111·y, tl11s
s1•1b11('k n11gh1 hav1• p1 't '>ll"d1·d 1111· lo l.1k1· up u
lll'W 1'•"111111· H ut l1y 1111•11 I v.,,, 11\111
p11::.1gradu.olt· ht'o1t·ht.w 11l11ng
<:c111d1ology Sh1·lli...
M y '>l::>ll'I gol 011' Ullo 1t S lw livt.•s 111 Nas:.au
Aflcr cvt·r y storm, whdt• AahJllll:Jlll> Wt.•rt•
1Jll'kl11g t'Clt:llllUli.. o fr tlH' y.ird ,ind WOlldC'I mg
whl·n · !Ill' t1•1nµt·sl bh·w llw 1 h1l·kt·11:.. i.ht· Wiil>
out harvt·,ung '>hl·lb.
Ttw h1·.iuty of lw1 u11lt'l.'l1011 1x·r:.u<1dl·J nw
lo l'X1.wntl m y d1'1111111on of lw,1l·hn11nb111~ A
b1·at'h . for n1111h111g pu1 po'>'''· lllO'>l~L'> of a11y 1hmg
lx·tWl'l ll wlwn· v1>U l',1n d1 v1· to lht• hollom 1111
your ''"' 11 lung · pow1•1 a11d lhJl p111nt 1nl;~nd
wht·rt· U11lwrma11' lwg111 <1dv1:.1ng you yuu 'rl'
Only thosl· 11bjt'l'ti.. th.ti 11 avl•lt·d vw W<•lt·r lo
gl'I to w lll'rt' you found th1·111 .Ill' ta11· ganw A
t1l'k1ng w.111 h ll'fl un llw 111! ot a 1·11J:.l;d !>t·h1111111·1
wn•t:k(·c.J 75 y<·ar:. ago u1Jv1ous ly 1s soml·un<'':.
Tht· \\Tl'l'k 1:. nol.
Tht·s1· stnl'turl·S h.1vt· not vN bt•t•n t'Od1rll'd
by the• Ullllt•d NatlOllS llllll ttw ' Law or thl0 Se<.i.
b u 1 l h t.· v h a v 1 • st· r v "d nn· f a 1 r I v wt· 11 1 n
mH·rnatu;11,il w;11t·r:. I w a:. tll1l't• :1pprcjal'ht•d by <i
str<·<•t url'llln 111 P11rt:-.111ou1h on lhl· (.';1nbbt·;.in
1:-.l<ind of Donllntl·a I h· orr1•n·d .1 sht·ll for s.1lt.·. a
lovl'l:V or a11g1· urw I h~otl 11111 :O.l 'l'll lx•lun ·
"Oh. I hav1· -;i11111· of 1ho:o.t· alrt•:.iuv." I s..11d.
fr1g ning d1 :.111t..rt·st "Wh1n· did you happl'n lU
find you~.,.. •
Ht• told mt-. and w11h1n minute•:. I was b<il'k
i.lbOard o ur bui.lt d1v1ng 1111U lhl· hi.irbor Tht·
bottum WJ~ all\'£• wtth th1· :.twill>, Wt•:.l Indian
, f1gh11ng l'O nt'hL·S Thl·1 r nwa l , ll turned uul.
mak(~ dL•hciou~ :.p<ighetll i..1ULl'
Thl' nexl mo rning. m dl"<.'J:><.'r walC'r, I saw J
globular, 1>tlty :.hap<.· l,•av1ng J trail al'russ lht.·
bottom Thc boat':. dl•plh mat·hint• rt•ad 26 fl'l'l.
well bl•yond thl· l1m1l of any humdn but d
J apanesl' pt.•url dtvl'r Bui a sht·ll 1:. c1 :.hl'll. nnd
beat·ht.·umb111g ts bcuchl'umbmg
I madt> thrl-c dive:-. re -t•nat·lmt.•nts of a grade·
B World War II U-boat movll' Ears splitting .
Prl·ssure gauge o ff lhc• S<:ali· Hupturc imminent.
On lhl' thin.I try I gut it It dcam.'CI up to Ix·
a giant tun. worth $15 or so at shc·ll lxJut1qlJl'S
Tht.·n· 1·nsut.·d an argumc•nt w11h lhe local buys as
Dally Pllol Slaff Photo•
Tht· bt•!<>l lwud w s for c:omhin~
a n • thoM· tha t h uvt· 110 1 lH·c·n
t•or-i-.lw<l !<>i ttt't' tht· l a~l h i~h
t idf•.
tu lhl· ll'rntw i;.tl l11111l!\ 111 Port:.r11oulh. LX1m1111t·a
But 111 b,.;,l'f1n11nlnng .1i.. 111 -...lv<il<tl'. finder'>
Thi· lx·:.t lx·<1thl·111nlJmg I kncJw of tl> <Jn ;.i
dt.-i..l•rll·d l'>l<ind far out in lh<· B..1h.oma.'> v.1h1t.·h
s hall go nJmt.·ll·~' Ou-.111 t'UI r <·nts and wtndl>
cr1n:.ptrl· to makt• ll t ht bt·Jt·hhc•ac.J of
1nnunwrabl<' ..in 1val~ lo 1h<· Ne·" World
The rt· WCJ!'. ... 1111'>(' l(Jll(• urr :.omt. au burnt·
Vl'h1cll' lh::it l·xµ1n-cl m 1h1· &·r mud;i Tna ngll'
Tht.•rt.• Wl•r<.· :.h0t.·..,, nww mall·h111g, lhat lookt·c.J a:.
tf lhC'' hud l'fll!>.'l-d lht.• SJh.1r:_i <t~ \.~I'll dS lht·
But on t.· d CJ l "• n {) t b t 'oll h <.om b l u I 1 nu
~thing Ont· lx•al'hl'Omb:. Ill r111tl dnythmg It
may nol St.•t·m lO h:.iv(• a plat'l' 111 vour pl'r!-.onal
grand dci.1gn al lh(• momcnl but m:..y on rurtht·r
studv. You l'<•n alwnvs st1l'k 11 1n .i dnf1w11C.id
m ob; It· ·
Bt·a1.·ht·oml>111g thJllt.·ngl·:-. \'<•Ur 1ng1·nu 1ty
•ind t•xpand:. ynur horizon:.
WHY .~
Tht• VH'" a lone·
can m a ke a
trip worth the.•
e ffort . even if
treasures. like
c urre nt lrac.·e r"' o r
a ircr a ft nose
cone s o r w('t
$ J 0 bill~. are
nowhert' to 1>4.'
Al Ndtll"S LE'3~tng Company
wro 011<•1 manv advantage~ to
1n1• l1•a->1nq customer size
~l.l01hty I' •PP."<'nce But pPr
11d~:> mo~t 1mp01f.tnl LUSI
Al NabP•~ Lt'as1ng you deal
IJ1tl'CI no M10tll,.rnan ur '""'
, .. 1 .. 1p•olib1'11av Ant1 .11111to.t>
Other lpac,1 lJtOQ•o:lffi'> 0111 •S
l•CO a1rect1y 10 the p11m1• lo•nd
ing rall' With the prime rate
dropping out of the clouds
In recenl week1. our rate has
dropped loo .1 pcunl /<1 >11!'1
rnan tnP SPPChll lt';lC,illCJ I •O
gram~ otle•rd by 1n1• m.tnu
laclu•e•!> And '"' 111 w lc1w
rate arpht>S .11.10\S ll'l' hvau:J
tHl ,tr\\ ''111~•-,,, r11v11t·I' W•th
O\it Inv.• r t uP riuA ,., It t.• ,){·r
fPt,:f llfl, h t•,Jc..•• It ;it 11t•'I\
t lf 'y Jlt 1ot1 t1l •' Wdlhr"\g , ~'
I.using All Makes 4 Models
Nabers Leasi ng Co.
2600 Harbo1 Boulevard
Costa Mesa (714) 540-9100
(for Orange County homeo wner s)
D ri nkjng water in Orange County has been found to
contain levels of impurities that might be harmful to
your hea lth Ch lo rine, A sbertos, P C B'. a nd
bacte ria.
RECYCLE YOUR CAR! We will test your tap water AT NO C OST a nd show
you how to remove these ha rmful agents at a cost
muc h Jes than bottled water.
Donate it to OCC's
Recycling Center
Do you get 1nd1gest1on 1us1
looking at that old heap s1t11ng in
your driveway. garage. back yard.
or patio? Want to get rid of it once
and for all? If yol•r car can be
driven or towed, DONA TE IT 10
Orange Coast Colloge·s Recycling
Program! You can receive a tax
deduction••and feel good about
helplng a strong r ec ycling
program to become self·auff1cient
If you'd Ilk• f~rther Information abo ut !low you can RECYCLE YOUR CAA,
cont1ct Curtis Fleming In OCC'a Student Alfalra Office at 556·56'6
Orange Co11t College's Foundation tllllll as a duty reglatered org1n1u11on
with the I A S , and can 11ecf'lpt tax deduetable g1fl1
Bottled water quality w~thout the bottle
891-5202 ,_ Mon.-Fri. ~-5
A qua Jndu st ries, G1rden Grove. Callfornl• 1 ~~111/,/. " Wlfmt-~•I*•• l.enloMllS
~~v.. 11 ............ Ye.rlnt...,.
-j r--
330 Wash1ogtnn St OtPI W3
M111111 Otl Aty, CA 90291 '----.... ------.... ..-------..-~------~----------.... ~----.. , ·' ;
-.. , .. ,. :.-~-
8 Orange Co11t DAIL V PILOT /SumJ y, Ootobor 17, 1982
Let's Keep It That Way! MEET
It won 't be easy. We're up agai nst a powerful polil ic~11 machine, hacked by out-of-town
monex. that is bent on destroying t'he residential qualit y of ou r ci ty and replacin g it with a
policy of unrestricted growth at ;,iny price: for their own profitr.
This "Big-G rowth" group has th e money a nd the big-business clout to field and fu nd
its own ··sla te'' of candidates for the C it y Counci l. Ir their slate win s, the res idents of
Newport Beach lose.
It's your dec ision ... your future. Your vo te November 2 wi ll decide the fate of
,Newport Beach. Either it wi ll continue to be a great place to live, with moderate growth a nd
. .. a Man Who Cares!
emphasis on resid enti al goa ls . or it may end up paved ove r into an asphalt jungle by the If y ou huve a problem , Paul lluatme l is the ont..>
y ou turn to for he lp. No m u tte r w here you Ji ve or
what your need , P a ul llummcl w ill KO u lt-out lo
li s t e n 1t nd try t o h e l p . A l though h e i s th t..'
Coun c ilma n from Corona d e l M ar, he kno ws th at
h e was e le c t e d by the vot t.>s of ult the p eople uf
N e wpor Beach.
"growth-at-a ny-price., crowd.
Delightful as it is. Newpo rt Beach i~ al ready ~e ing plagued wi th problems brought on
by too-rapid expa nsion. T hose mainl y rc~pon s i blc fo r creatin g .our problems in th e first
pl ace a re now driving for com plete control of our ci ty gove rnm ent by field ing a slate of
complia nt candid ates.* Even h ii; opp o nents a dmit he is a man o f grea t
M 0 HA L C 0 U R AG E, JI I G H E TJi I (.' 8 A ~ D
HONEST C ONV ICT IONS. A minority voice in the
present "Big-Gr owth " Counc il, h e c a n b ccom<· a
p o w e rful influen ce for a bette r Newpo rt B e ach if
th e Irvine-d o min ate d s ltlte is d e fe u t ed b y t h "'
people this Novem ber 2.
Listed bdow a re a few of these prob lem~ together with my own position on them a~
contrasted to the votes, acfion (or inaction) of the :.;lute of candidates put up by the Irv in e
Company. the big developers, the inter -city Chamber of Commerce and the "7-C's"
The "Traffic Mess"
T h i s i s t h e n o r m a l r o n s c 4 u t' rl I' I' 11 I
over-buildinl( cummercial unrl industrial
developmenb.. They pull mnre people inlu an
area t han it can ab~orb.
R ecently, the Irvine Company wanted l11
expand Newport Center. Not rnntent with tht-
24 pe rcent expansion permitted under 1.ur
General Plan -they went t o the City Council
and urged them t o DOUBLE the a llowable
e~pansion, letting the m crowd 1.5,()()(1 to :.!t1,0<)(J
more commuter!> into this area Lhat's alread~
suffering-from lark of access road~.
Naturally, the "Big· Growth .. ma111rity on
the Council pus hed at throul!(h. I \'Oted BJ!Binsr
it. S u bsequently. more than 8.0110 Newµorl
Beach r esident!< backed my s tand, sign ing a
referend um petition that killed lhl' Council's
action .. for the time being!
L ast s pring. l h e s ame "Big Gnrnch"
majority pushed through a drastic revii.ion of
the General Plan that c hanged the Benni n~
Ra nch from needed residential 1onin~ and
exte nd ed the Cos ta M e s a type
commercial/industria l s prawt' to the area
t hus increasinl( t raffic dramatically I weed
against it.
Once again, the resident..'! were forced lo
take to the streets to halt the Council's action.
More than 6.000 residents signed a pt•tillon 10
put the issue t<1 the Vote of the peoplC'. It 'i-. on
the ballot this November.
Several years ago, I voted ·to enart the
"Traffic Phasing Ordinance". It ha~ proved to
be an invaluable tool for making developers face
up t o the t raffic pr oblems they create. M y
opponent was on the Planning Commission al
the time He refused to suppnrt it!
Our Mounting Crime Rate
T here was a time in Newport Heach when
you could leave your ho me unlocked and walk
the st reets in safety. No more!
Crime is t h e inevitable produrl ol
over-crowding. a nd the o nly way to fig h t it is bv
beefing up the polke force. Yet. when our police
chief came before the Cou ncil recently aml
requested funding for "addition al llfl1cers, the
"Big-Growth '' majorit y turned him down. Th~y
were not willing to solve the prohlem they had
helped lo create. I voted FOR more />"lice.
That Noisy, Dirty,
Dangerous Airport
Not ei·eryln1d\· i11 Newport Hi!llCh is i•qunl/.\·
11ffected by J.he jet t1ight out 111 ./11hn Wayne
A ir1111rt. Hur. lvr ten.' oft ho11ss11d.<; of residents
who lave under tht' fli~ht pa ttern, al l!oo a
nrghtmart-ol nyi!.f' and e\'er present dun~er ..
as ttre huge jets go lumbering overhead.
The onlp rmsolu tiorr to the prof>lem is to
find a n a lternative site for an airport. Two have
been propnsed: Ont' by the Southern California
Ai;«ndat+on nf (~ovemment.«~ t he other by -a
"Blue Hihh11n " Committee appullllt.'ci hv the
Cmrntv Supervi«or<.
Why ha., my oppone nt not uttered a word
111 ftl\or o f eitht-r location'' Perhap~ bt-cau!.t' the
lr\'ine Co mpany uwn"' 11ne «ite aod has design!.
on the other. Or. maybe it' just that the Irvine
C'umpany and other hig de\'elopers are making
too much money by exploiting the property
ac1jalent t<• ,fohn Wayne Airport.
I favor 1111nt U!oot' of El Turu Marine Ai r Rase
until we can build a new reg1u nul airport in
Santiago Ganyun ur Pendleto n . We s hould
make up our minds ... and go! It's time we gut
.John Wayne Airport off the backs of the ii:ood
people of Newport Beach~
In the m eantime. there is heavv pressurE' tu
further increB.<;t' the number of night ~ Ollt of
.John W ayne Airp11rl a demand hrnui<ht
ahout in large measure by the increased l'lumber
11f hotels and husiness de\·elopmenrs springing
up in and around NPwport Beach.
For instance. the pro posed Marriott Tower
(which the "Bil!·Crnwth" Slate fa\•ors) would
re~ult in neArly :llJ.000 add it ionnl passengers in
and out 11f .John WaY..nc Airport each year,
a('cor d in g t o it s o wn E I R repnrl! The
"Hi,:-(;mu th .. Slate is .:un~·hn for more and
m11re hotels and development
l 'ntsl Wt' ha,·e a re1do nal a1q wr1 that can
h nndlt• the increased demand without
dt--.1 ro\ ini.: a huge s lrce of Newport Hc·ach , I will
c1111r inue ro nppmie new hotels.
Asbe$los in Your
Drinking Water
When I di::.coverc·d the cit y wu~ 1ni-tull1n~
n1>ht>:.t<>i; cement water main!-. I imm ediatt:>I\'
alerted the C'ouncrl and urged th f' 11lht>r
mt-mher ... to 111111 me in authorizin~ a thorough
in\'ei.t1gati1m tu determine if these pipe:. could
p i> e o can cer threat to Newport H ench
· 1'he "A11ti-Re!>icl1'nt" Council mnJ11rity
ridiculed my concern until a nowd :-t·aenti:.t
trn<f t•ftrtCi!f re-;t'&r-<'h&r 6XJ>S:~•~ al"""m
tlw potential danger. H a::. tei.timon\' cau-.ecl tht-
relurtant majority to finally reverse 11'-elf 1rnd
join me in demandinl{ meaningful l<' ... t'-.
Unfair Distribution
of City Services
Have you n o ticed how some 1rnrt"' uf
Newport Bt>ach that need it least. oft en get the
most clf tentinn frnm t he cit y'? Land!'.l'Bping,
povinl(· and median ::.trips a re l(uod examµle!i.
The "Irvine" Coun cil major ity approved a
' .. ~00.000.00 cont rar t to re -su rface Newport
Center Drive I ielt the money could he heller
"'pent improving older sections of Newport
Hl'ach. and voted accordingly. I support a fa ir,
even -handed distribution of city l'ervires to
mnintain and beautify A /,/, of Newp1JrC /Je111h.
The Silting of the Bay
The "Big-Growth '' Slate of candidates love
tn clnim credit for the d redging of the Rnck Aa\
lr1)11 i<:ully, the extensive s ilting ol the Hoy
11tarted whe n the Irvine Com pany begAn a
massive grading program upstream of the Ha~·
in order lo develop huge arf'as of the watcrshf'd
(primarily in the City uf Irvine). 1t was th1.~ silt.
lo11sened l1y their proding. that washed into San
Dael(o Creek and then into the Ray. choking it
with thousands of tom; of Irvine mud. 11a nd nnd
The present at tempt at silt removal in San
Diego reek is actually the insrallati1111 of trRIJS
to provide for removal of sil l as it come from
the exten.<;il·e lr\'ine l(rnding proje<'I$ upstream.
No provisions have been made1-nor a re funcii;
availnhle to address the proble m c.•f removal of
silt remnining in thr R11ck Bay. The present s ilt
remova l p rojert ((It toxpa ~·ers expense ) is
I 11111111( to !-111\'e the pruhl!"m but 11> "er\·111g \11
l'llh:tlll'l' llH' \.tllll' 11j II prt•\!1•U,l\' lll1dl'\'l•l11p11ble
pit'rt• ol /n //If' ( '11m/J11n1 prup,·rty.
ln-.tt•acl of f.,n·111g tht· Irvine Cornp1111v \•>
JI II\' I 11 r I h e tl a rn II gt' I I la ll d l' IHI'-l' d . t he
"H1,.: ( ;r1111 rh .. C111rnnl rnaJ11rit' "1 h11nk(•cr· the
In llll' C '11m pan~ fur ttll.m111g th1· drt-d~ang' t" hto
d111npt-d on snm"' 111 at" low-lying land !-11 at
l't1t1ld lw m11de more -.urtahle tor cit-\'t•lopnlt'nt.
.<;Jw11/rl11·1 those respr111 ... il1IP for the prcil>lem 1>1H'
for the cure'.'
Too few -Parks an
Tlw older !lec·t11111~ iii' Nti"p11rt Heath an·
dt-... JH:ralely i.h11r1 111 1n1rk' And playJ[rci1111d:.. I
~Ul(l(t'"tE'd that the c rty eiwrc·i~f' it:-r il-!ht uf"l1r::.t
rt-fu:-.a l " on the ~u rplu<. C'o ronn del ;\1a r
E le rnl•ritary School. unci u-,e ii for a park.
pluyl(rnla nd, day "ch11ol and communit\ ti'nte r
The "A11t i-Uesicfl!11t .. ( '11u1wil maJortl\ nrrnf'd
In\' propo~RI d own.
The "Land-Lease"
Powder Keg
L easi111( rather than 11wnin~ la ne! is Ii ft>uda l
E1Jropcan concept. impo rted for its 11wn profit
hy the Irvine Company many years ago. Linder
it~ old semi-paterna l owners hip, the lrvinP
C'n mpan~· p ro bably p osed little threat t o
N ewpo rt Beach lea!le h olde r s. 8111 , t h e
··c arpetbag'' ownen•hiµ o f the n t.'W
Irvine Company changed the complexion o f
that relat ions hip.
Overnight. thou~andi,. of Newport BellC'h
residents were wrenched v1otent ly out of the
<.enarrl ,. r hey had known for ~ea rs with
"uddl•n o\'erwhelming. and often impo.,«1ble
ciemn11ds 1111 their finance!\.
While the city of Newpo rt Bea1~h can not
dircl't Iv interfere in the nei.t<itiations between
tht• lr\'ine C"ompany and it~ tenants there is
mur h that a sympathetic C ity C"ounril rnuld d o
10 erw<>ura~e a more humane attitude toward
the d ti2ens of Newport Beach Ii~ this
M11·l1il(1111 ·h11secf land lord.
Rut, such relief can not be hoped for so'
Ion!( os a pro· Irvine, "A nti-Resident " majoritv
n ominates tlw Council.
,\ rece nt city-wide survey showed that 89
11er<·e11t of those who respllnded lo the question
expressed the opinion that AN\' expansion of
the Airport Termi111il would inevitably lead to
m11re fli~hts an nnd 11ut nt .John W11yne Airport.
While claiminit they art• o pposed to a irport
noise, lhe "BiJ(·(;t11wtll"Council majority voted
to nccept an expansion of the Airport T erminul
to T HREF: T IMES its present size!' I refust>d to
1<<1 11/onK with t hi~ irresponsible Cm111ril art ion.
•The "Big-Gr owth", "Anti-R e8ide nt" S la t e ••Althoufb te w Newport B e a c h rcaiid e nts
(supported b y the Irvine Company, the inter-city have ever he ard ot it (or, are e ven aware ot its
Ch amber of Comme r ce, "7-C's" Committee and existence) the "7-C'•'' Committee is cons ide r e d by
others), 111 composed o f Henthe r, Hart, Agee a nd many who know lt8 pu rpose to be an oppr eulve
Loata. A vote for anx of the m Is a vote fo r innue'nce on Newport Be a ch politic8. ll seeks to
devc oper control a nd unbridled .cro w th. take the powe r out o f the banrt. o( the people, and
place it in the hands o f a few big developers and
"7 -C'a" is a 8ub-rosa Orf(ani za lion whose
purpose is to contro l electiona sod candidates.
The C o mmitt ee int e rvie w s prospec tive
c ondida tes for the Council, and provides finances
for those it find• compatible with il8 own
vie ws. T h e lo yalty ot tboao ll 8e1ec t• h
d e monstrate d by the "blook -votlnK" of the pre11ent
Council majority o n every luue affecting -big
P1Jd for by Paul Hummtl For Council. Mel J. Crandlnette., T rea1urer 418 Hazel Orive1 Coro1ta del Mar CA 92626 #822423
Dally Piiat
(JC(; slu111bl1• . ., i11
t •o11ft•1·(•11<•t• opt•1u•r
ugai11 I C<·r1·i10 . ..;. IJ1 ..
Brewers climb over another wall, 7-5
Milwaukee overcomes 5-1 deficit to tie Series at 2-2
MILWAUKl!:fo; (AP) l;wm:m Thoma~ ;111(1
Robin Yount t'IH'h dr11 v t• 1n tw u 1 un~ 111
Malwauk.ee' six-run l>l'Vt•n lh 1nm11g, .rnd th1·
Brewl'rs. their OOl·ks Lo the wall nrwt· .1ga111, eh.irgr·d
lo a 7-5 v1t·tqry ovt•r thl' St Luu1s Curd111 • .Js
Saturday lo t'Vl'n bas(•ba ll's 79th World Sl•r 11·~ at
two games a p1t'{'t'
p1•1111a111 'l'h•·y did
"T h t• att1tud1• ot th1 -. lu.1111 v1·1 v '>l'ld11111
1·h..i11g1·~ .. no muttt•1 what llw :.atu,1t11111," -.;.wt Yollnl,
whost• two-r un. l'hl·ck -sw1ng s111gl1• Jr 1·w tlw
Bn•wt•rs to w1lh1n onC' run, 5-4
.. WhPn you pli.1y m a World 8t•nt•i.. l'Vt•ry g.mw
h llllJJor lUl\t," Y11u11t 1.•ur\llnuL-<l "Wt· took lhts ganw
lht• ~mt· .i.:. any. Wllh till' all1lu<lt• that Wl' w;mt lo
,11 (• W.1'1 Ull1<Vit1 l.11Jlt•
··111· ,;11u Im •. u·ni w ;,, ,1 l1ttl1 · .,llff, '>11 wt wuuld
h;1v1· W:ul i., g11 111 l'1•1t•1 l .. ultl," Ku1·11n ~ml
Tl11• .1f1-.l'lllt' 11f .t11utlw1 r t'l11 ·f -.ta1, St l .ou1 ... ·
Hruu· Slllll'I .• .i.,o lw· otllll' JI\ ·~'>Ul'
In M1lwaukc·1··~ St·v1·11th, whtlt• Suth•t -..J I 111 tlw
bullp1•11, two Card111al 11 ·hl·v1•1., who f111l11Wl•d
... 1J1 tt•r l>a vt• L.1P11111t rail1•d to 1t•t11·t <i 1),1111·1 Trail ing 5-1, thl' Brc•wt·~ Wt·n· heatkJ for .1
third loss an four 1982 World &•rll's gam1·~ ,1
deficit from wh1c.·h only four w.mu. ha\'l' n'(.'UVt ·red
-w hen they sent I:! mt·n lo th1· platt• 111 thl'
seven th.
"Hopefully. this will g1v1• us •' ltfl for tht· rt·st
of the Series:· said Paul Muhtor, whu w..ilkC'd and
~vei:ttually ~'<>rc.'CI lht• tying run in Mtl\\•aukt'l•s big '!'nan~. "We didn't want to bl· s taring intu a
slluauon of having to win th n•t• 111 a row"
Al thl' sanw t1nw, lhl• 51i.5ti0 fans who hravL·tl u
n1ld. windy day at Mllwaukt•t• Cuu11ty St;1d1um
Wt're ldt tn suspt•r\Sl• over wht.'lh<'r lllll' ut th1·11
favunll' soru.. r1·ltl'f Ul'l' Hollw F1ng1·1~. WiJS ablt• to
"I "-<>uld 11111\ hJVt• U:-.t·t..I Suttt•r with two uul 111
tlw 1·1ghth," St I :out:. M,uwgt•r Wh1tt•y 11<.•rwg ~11J
111 the prl·v111u~ two g.111w~ of tht· Sl'nt·s, Sulll·r h.1d
J>lll'ht·d -I ' inning~ wl11lt· H'l't11d111g a Vll'lory and a
-.av1· ""-.
Today's game St Lo uis at Mii waukee,
1:45 p.m.
Lt>ft -han1fod rclwvt·r Bob Ml'CIUrl· stifled a
µutcntta l St. Louis rally 111 tht' eighth with a
J oublt•-play plt(.:h. tht•n rct1n-d tht• s1dt' in 111dcr 111
lht· n111th. stn kmg out Tommy llt•rr and p11wh
h1llt•r Gt•nc Tl·nat't' to end lht· gomt• as f'ingt·rs
warnwd up 111 lh1• bullpen Fingt•rs ha~ not p1ll'hl'd
Slnl'L' St•pl. 2 lx'<'<I USl' or IJ lorn musck· Ill has right
Sut11·1 v. "" 11 nt,1hlt: wlw11 4llt•:.t11111t•d .1h11ul h1~
n1111 -aµJX•a1 Jnl't•
Today's pltchera-Bob Forsch (15-9) of
the Cardinals vs Mike Caldwell (17-13) of the
"I d1111't h;ivt· 11otlt111J4 lo suy I d1dn I pill h," ht• TV -Channel 4 at 1 :~0 p .m .
Announcers -Dick Enberg, Joe ~aragiola,
fony Kubek, Tom Seaver a nd Bob Costas .
W.i.,, h1· 1<·.iuv'' Such a predicament would haVl' bc.•cn nulh111g
new . They had to beat &lumon' on thL' last day uf
the regular season urtt•r losing thn.>t: 1n a ru\v tu
the Orioles to win lht• Anwriean Lt•agut· l!:ast T hey did.
"Yt·s. I Wi.1s n ·ady," ht· s.i1d lt·sttly Radio KNX ( 1070) a t 1:30 p .m .,
Al ll•r Yount's two-run sing It·. l\·nl Cou!Jl•r lll'd
tlw scort• with a s1ngl1•, ;md Thom:.i~· two-run h1l
prov1t.ll'd tlw w111111ng margin.
Announcers-Vin Scully a nd S parky
And erson.
In the AL playoffs, thl· Brl'Wt•r::. r1•ll bt•hand th••
West champion Angt•b U-2 amJ had lo w111 thrL't'
straight gamt•s for thl':r f1ri.1 Anwn<'an Lt•agu1 •
Artt>r ward. BrPWl'l'S Manag1•r Harvt•y Kut·nn,
who had said <·arliL·r m lht• Wt'ek tha t Fingers could
p1ll'h perhaps um• mnmg. finall y adm1tll'd lhcit his
y.,unt':. hit 1m>l,..bly W.i!> till' lllo~t ui1lik1•ly 111
1Sec BREWERS, Page ll21
Remaining schedule-Tuesday's game:
in St. Louis. 5:20 p.m.: Wednesday's game. if
necessary: 111 St. Louis, 5:20 p.m.
Unknown tailback leads USC
Gibson comes off bench
to pace 41-21 • v1ctory
STANFORD (AP) -For most
or hi~ career as a running back
f o r S o u t h e r n Ca l i f orn ia ,
Anthony G ibson has spen t his
time standing on the s1delrnt.'s,
learning to live in the shadows or
othe r runners.
Gibson , a senror who had
never scored a tou('hdown, got
his chance Saturday and showNi
a nationa l television a udience
and a crowd of 75.185 w hat he
couJd do:.
Taki ng over for rnJured
starting tailback Todd S penc.-er.
G ibson ra n for 120 yards and
three touchdowns In little more
than two periods of ac~on to lead
the 14th-ranked Trojans to a
41-21 romp over P acific-IO nval
"l'M STILL in s hock," G ibson
said afterward. "The whole total
day hasn't hil me yet."
F o r th ree years, Gibson
watched Marcu s Allen smash
records and gain stardom. Then
he watched three other runners
move into the crucial tailback
spot as Allen's successor. Nobody
ever really watched Gibson.
"I have to give great credit to
Anthony Gibson ." Robinson said
"He has done everything we've
asked him to do -play fullback,
tailback. combination. He came
on (Saturday) and I thought he
dominated the game."
Spencer was domtnattng the
game before he spram ed his le ft
knee late in the second period.
He h a d racke d u p 99 yar ds
rushing and 28 yards receiving.
It was a shame that Todd got
hun:· Robinson said. ''I was
impressed with Todd His
al'celeration was magnificent. 1
don 't bel1evt· hts inj ury ts
./ WHILE SPENCER and Gibson
were delive ring a on e -two
k nockout punch to the Cardinals.
now 3-3. the T ro.)3n de(ense was
making Stan ford qua rterback
·John Elway seem something less
t h an a H e 1sman Trophy
candidate E lway threw three
mterceptions and was sacked six
times for a total of 7 1 yards lost.
Southern Cal so pno m or e
quarter back S ean Salisbury
outplayed hLS highly touted rival.
1'.'0mpleting+~-passes for-2-01
and one interception on a tipped
ball H e al so sco red two
touchdowns on quarte rback
sneaks 4
S teve Jordan sel a sch ool
record for the T rojans. now 4-1,
when he connected on a 52-yard
field goal midway through the
third period to give Southern Cal
a 24-14 lead. He added a 35-yard
field goal midway through the
r1r1al per iod.
THE TROJANS, scoreless in
the first period. stormed for three
touchdowns in the last seven
minutes of the second quarter lO
tak<' a 21-14 lead at halftime.
Trailing 7-0. the Trojans got on
the scoreboard with an 82-yard
march. Spencer ran for 48 yards
tn five p lays a nd caught a n
I ee USC, Page 82)
Stanford's Vaughn Williams tries to hold on to V C wide rec·e1ver
J eff immons during third quarter action Saturday.
An old friend sparks Bruins,
footbaU team welcomed back an
old friend Saturday at the Rose
The Bruin s' running game,
overshadowe d by the team 's
potent passing attack this year.
surfaced at an opportune time in
a 42-17 victory over Washington
State that wasn't as easy as tt
"It took a big play to opt.>n this
one up." said UCLA quar terback
Tom Ramsey and the "big play·•
was a flanker reverse by J ojo
TowmeU that brought t he lirums
back Crom a 17-14 defkit and
gave them the lead for keeps.
With the ball on the UCLA 47,
Ramsey pitc h e d lo ta ilbac k
Danny Andre ws, who In turn
handed the ball to Townsell.
Picking up a couple of blocks,
including a c rus her fro m
Fountain Valley High f roduct
D uval Love, Townsel raced
down the sidelines and mto the
end zone to give the Bruins a
badly-needed ~park.
From there. 12th-ranked
UCLA uttled three m ore
touchdowns ln the next nine
minutea to bury the shellahocked
vlliton. ,.
"I 1ueH w needed a Ith ,
"peclally et that time," said
TownHll~ a ~-8, 180-pound
. "'We deflnt«ly needed a .... 1T~ reportera clu1ic rod
around Ramley end Town.ell,
Love dreNed quie tly ln the
PJ'"WI!• Oblvtoua to the an~ntJon
1>81ecl to hit teamma ..... " , .. ,,
"I just try to do my job," the
e x-Ba ron said. "The (lack of)
publicity really doesn't bot her
me. The people that really matter
are going to notice how I'm
The Bruins. 1-0-1 in Pac-10
play and 5-0-1 overall, came out
and q uickly buUt up a head of
steam and appeared ready for a
romp. Scoring on two qC its first
three possessions, UCLA led 14-0
after just 11 :06 of the contest .
Andrews. a 5-11, 171-pound
sophomore . was the ca talyst in
the first drive. carrying the ball
33 yards i n three ca rries
including a 13-yard rurl' around
left end that set up a Ramsey-
to-Toa Saipale four-yard T D
And re w s f i n is h e d the
afternoon with 79 yards on 13
carries Meanwhile, the Bruins
also gol a lift from Burness Scott.
who rus he d for 37 yards. It
seemed as if the injured Kevin
Nelson was hardly m1ssed
"It was a big cha~ for Scott
and Andrews toda y and t hey
took f u ll a dvant age," noted
UC LA Coach Terry Dona h ue.
"A s you know. w e've been
putting a lot of emphasis on our
running game. but this was ou r
besl effort in that department
this season .
"There are still a lot of things
we ca n improve on, b ut these
g u ys s h owed me somethin g
today "
The resurge nct' of the rush
Saturday wasn't necessarily by
design , according to the heao
• NFL • • negot1at1ons Ill
"We didn't coml' mlo the gaml'
pla nning to run th e ba 11 X
number of Umt>S," Donahul• said.
"But Washington State's defense
dictated a few or the thmgs we
ended up doing They wl'r c
taking some of our pass routes
away and giv111g up somt' holt•s.
so we took w hat tht•y gave us."
Wh ile' t h P UCLA running
game was receiving praist' for tht'
first liml' this s!.'ason, Ramst'Y
and Co. weren't exactly quiet
either. especially m th<.> Sl'<'Ond
half. The Bruin rC<'Orcl -holdC'r for
com plettons. attempts, yardage,
pe r centage and t ou<'hdown
passes was able to pad 1h1s stats
even m or<'. wh1 le receiver
Cormac Carney Ollf<l wr ote his
name into the school's rN·ord
With a r eception m idway
through the second quartl'r.
Ca r ney became the all -time
Bruin l ea d<'r with pa ss
rl'cept1ons. pass ing K urt
Altenbt-rg's total of 87.
Ca rnev. who l'aught five
passes tn t he game overa ll, made
a circus catch in the end zone for
the fourth Bruins' touchdown,
fighting off a Cougar defender.
lipping the ball in the air. and
then making a diving catch.
"It was plain lucky," Carney
m odestly admltt<'d . "l kn ew
there was a rush on a nd Tom
(Ramsey) threw lh!.' ball up
early We both went up for the
ball and 1ywas just one of thast•
lucky bounces. T he ball was
(See BRUINS. Page 8 2)
• serious trouble?
Nego tiations to end the 26-day Natlonnl
Foot ball Le ague players' strike are In
serious trouble, sourcca clOfie to both sides
agreed Saturday.
Saturday. w ith t he key economll' issues yt>\
to Ix' touched upon.
Nt•w York . n •v1('W1ng its options on tlw
rc>molnd(•r of the season .
RoU>llf'. in a telephonl' intl'rvi<'w Crom
his home in Harrison. N. Y , re fust>d to
characterize the sta tus of ,the talks, but did
say, "Nothing would cause you to think
tha t we'r e Immine n t l y going to h '1Vf•
M eanwhile, N1''L Commi11loner Pete
Rozelle Indicated the two sides had a long
way to go before reaching an agreement,
but refut!Cd l.O speculate whether thl' entll't"
SNlSOn wu being jeopardized by the
prolonaed negotiations.
Sam Kagel, a private mediator who
entered the talks Tuesday nigh\, was
shuttling ncgoUatora In and out of hll ul\<'.
With a n-..w1 lllackout In ~ff~ct, no
1Ul\<'menu wt re lllued, but t0urc:u 11ld
progreu wu at a v irtual 1t1nd1tlll ,
"Overall. the talks arc an serivus trouble•
I am usually o ptimistic but now I am
IJnBure whether th('re will u<•tually be a
settle m e nt ," said a sourt·(' c lost" I()
A 1econd source. contacted p r ior to
!Ugel'a reinCorclns the news blackout and
resumption l)f bnrgalning Sat1.1rday, &[Cl"ced
and aaJd union 'negotlal.On w rt' concerned
that manaacment was "1l8Ulng the talks.
•w allt ng marching ordera Cro m th e
Tht owne rs' s l>e·membc r ex~cutl ve
committee was to meet this weekend In
Saturday. Kagel SAld In a terse state ment
thl• pr..rtlt'S were "engaged in lntcmse,
cx1i\tint.1ous nPgotfatJon1 on non ·Cl("Onomlc
i urt."
KA&t'l hu reverted to shuttl • dlpl<>mO<"y
In an attempt to k~p the t.Alk.s olive. The
two 1ldc1 have-not met since ThuMay
night, cxcrpt for a n acr imonious rlve -
mlnutc ncountC'r Fftday. •
Tho In as
Gorman Thomas. although mired
m .l 3-for-29 slump m postseason
play and s lowed by a sore knee.
said hl• rl'll relaxed and ronhdent
before• he hned the Milwaukee
Brewers' game-w inning h it io
Gamt· 4 o r t h e World S e r ies
T humas drilled a 1-2 pitch by
St Louis' Jeff L ahu into left
field to break a 5-5 lie a nd cap a
six-run seventh rnning in the
Brewera' 7-5 comeback victory.
uver the Cardinals.
"l 'M NOT A 300 hitter, but I
always h ave a lot of RBis:•
T homas saJd. "T hat tells me I'm
better wuh men on base.
"When I l'ame up 111 the
~venth I was very conf1den_ .. _ .....
he• said "The re was no pressure
at all. Wl' alreadv had tied the
game I figured ·1 could get a
bases-loaded walk or a base hit
If not. the game's still tied.
"After my first time u p last
night. I made a lrttle adjustment
at oot 1 hll the ball hard three
times last n ight I felt I was
swinging the bat good.
Da ve LaPotnl got m e o u t
t>arlier today on three pitches l
JUSt barl'ly missed."
Thomas, one o f th e m ost
popular players in Milwa ukee,
was booed by many among the
rt'<'Ord crowd or 561560 after he
started the big sevel'lth inning by
fouhng out
"I STARTED out the inning
with a popup to the catcher so.
hey. may be you co u ld say I
startt>d the rallv." Thomas said.
"But then BenJ1-(Ben Ogliv1e) got
on an error and then tt was like
an avalanche
"The nolSt' <1r1 our bench kept
1naeas1ng 1n magn itude and
volume. and then the fans got
rnto 1t," he said "When the Cans
hr-rt• gl'l into ll, th ey can do
damage and rattle you. I think
the fans played a big part in it."
Catcher Ted Simmons, walked
intentionally to load the bases
prior to T homas' big hit, s:iid be
has been telling Thomas for
(See THOMAS, Page BZ )
Arizona 16, Notre Dame 13
Tennessee 35. Alabama 29
UCLA 42. Washington Sr.
USC 4 1. Stanford 2 1
Washingto n 3 4 , Oregon
S t. 17
Long Beach St. 22. San
Jose St. 2 1
C al St . Fullerton 20,
Wyom ing 16
Nevada-Reno 40. Fresno
St. 26
Navy 39. Wm. & Mary 3
Pitt 38, Temple 17
Penn St. 28. Syracuse 7
Clemson 49. Duke 14
Georgia 27. Vanderbilt 13
Auburn 24, Georgia Tech 0
Oklahoma 38. Kansas 14
Nebraska 42, KanlU St.
Mkhlg1n 29, Iowa 7
Ohio St. 28, llllnota 21
N. C1rollna 41, N. Carollna
St. 9 .
(Complet• '°°'"• , ... M): t~'
• t
• HI Orunn• Cou11 DAIL V Pll 01 /Sund v. Ootobor 17, !QB?
Andujar should be
ready by game No.
f'"rom Al' dl11pa tcbl'S
M unugt•r Whitt!y IJl•r z.o ~u 1 d
Satu rllay thut Cirdinals right~nndt•r
Joaquin AnduJM may be abk to p1td1
thl• Sl'V~·nth game of lhc World Scrwi; 1f rwt-ded.
"H1.,'s on crutches. T hey'"'' sull puttrng hot
und cold packs on his knee to rc.>storc c1n'.:ulat10n,"
said Hcrwg "If there's a S<'vcnth gamt', h1•'1l be
lht•f'f' ..
Andujl)r was struck Friday rught just bcluw
the righ t knee by a drive off the bat of
Milwaukee Brewers catcher Ted Simmons
Andu.)ilr c.'Ollapsed, writhmg on the ground
as S immons was credited with a single. The play
happened in the seventh inning. antcrrupting a
.11Ull\dout performan<:e by Andujar
: It wus the third time in srx weeks that
;Andu jar had been felled by a drive from a n
:o pposing batter.
: He was struck by a lmer by Ron Hodg(>S of
:the New York Mets Sept. 11, leaving the game
:nft<.'r completing .one rnnrng In the National
·League Championship Ser ies, he was struck by a
;ball hit by Bob Horner of the Atlanta Braves and
~eft-thc game immediately.
: Nonetheless. Andujar responded quickly to
treatment on each-<X'Cas1on and dad not miss a
pitching turn.
Quote of the day
Bill Yung, foot ball coach a t Texas-El
Paso, describing how h is team was going to
prepar e for a visit by power h!l S MU:
"We'll take their players to Rose's Cantma
and let t hem' drink gringo water That'll
give 'em the areba mebas."
Huntington Beach driver wins race
RENO. Nev -Two yo ung
California men were first of 418 •
l'Ompetitors to cross the finish line
Saturday in the Frontier 500 off-road
race from Las Vegas to Re no.
Dan Smith, 18. of Visalia. and Dan Ashcraft, :.w. of Huntington Beach. teamed to drive their
H uskvarna two-wheeler to a finish lime of
Jack Johnson o f Las Vegas was the first
Jour-wheel vehicle to cross the finish !me with a
Class l ttmt: of 9:07.12.
. The top Class 2 finisher was Jerry Penhall
t>f Balboa and Ron GardnC'r of Laguna with a
time of 10:06.31.
Some 15 classes ran the 462-mjlc course.
Finishing second to Johnson in Class l was
;J-eff MacPherson of lrvme at 9<\7.54
Clarke goale p oe Flyera' win
Koul• 11( tl11• MC'IOl(lf\ rind Brian PrQiPp't ,
Hohby ('lath 111.'t1rt~I hl11 llrt1t two Iii
.cuul ut 11.:UJ 11( thl• third µt•r1od wu~
tht• ~ltlllt' w1111wr 101 Philudl'l phlu
t'<l~t'<I ~lWl>•'\', I :1. tn u Nt1llonul J li!K·k1·y l .1•oti1111·
Kanw ~1tunluy n11tht l<':b1t•wht•'h-111·1111111I tlw
l'lrt·ult, Gllbt•r t Pt"rreault ~'tll t'<I thll'C' ~u11b 11rnl
1td1.lt•d two u11sh.ti. u~ Bu ( ( u 111 t'l'U!iht•d
Wu•hl11~tun, Y-:l Olnu 'lccarti lll 1'l'Ull'U
thrc··· lo(OUli.. hu. l'>t'Vt'lllli h.11
trcl'k 11f hli. 1·1111·1·1-. to lt·.ul
Mtnm·M.1tu w un U 4 lJ lu111ph
ovt•r C:ul8tt1 y C1<·eofl•ll1 1i.
now tied for f1ri.t in thl' NI ll,
with l'ilo(ht t(ouhc, 1h1• f111ctl'st
!il.'lrt for 11 North Stal' pluy1•r
1• v 1• r B I a k ti D u n I o p
i;(.'Orl'(J two (>OWl'I' piny rulll8
11nd Mlk~ Ll ut p11st1·1 h is
!ilxth 1·ar1 .. ·1 ~huLt1ul lo lt•11ll
CLARKI St. Lou1:. to u ti-0 Vll'tot y ovl•I
Detrcut Oo ug Wlekenbelser f1rt'd thrl'<'
goals, two or ttwm an ;1 r1vl'-goal M1111trt:ul
outbur:.t 10 the third 1wraocl, to lt•ud tlw
C11 nad1l'n:. over the New Yurk Hangl'r:., 8 :l
Pierre La rouc he scorl>d thrc(• goub and Roll
Francis twd a Hartford re<:ord wiCh fivC' uss1sU;
a~ the WhalC'rs ~arned thc1t first NHL triumph
o f thC' S(•ason , n 6 -5 wan OVl'r Van c·ouv1•1
Hector Marini &'Ol'l-d with Jfl St'l:tJl\dN ll'fwln
the game to givt' New Jersey a 6-5 wan ovt•r
Pltt.'iburgh . Rd'okie center Troy Murray's
first goal in the NHL early an thl' third period
gave Chicago a 3-2 victory 9ver Toronto
Rook il' Luc Dufour's second goul of tht·
gaffil', Wllh five minutes remaanang, liftt.'Cf Boston
into a 6-6 lie with Edmonton
Ballesteros eliminates Wadkins •
Severiano Ballesteros of Spain n ·· a nd Sandy Lyl e o f Britain score d
scm1 fmal victories Saturday in the
Suntor y World Match Play Golf
Championship as American hopes were washed
away m the rain. Ballesteros won 3-and-1 over
Lanny Wadkins. who lost a two-hole lead in the
scheduled 36-holc match on Wentworth's trec-
lined course. Lyle found old Ryder Cup rival
Tom Kite badly off Conn and posted a n 8-and-7
v1ctory Miller Barber s ho t his third straight
6-under-par 66 round to give him a five -stroke
lead gomg into the fourth and fma l round of the
S untrec• Seniors Classic 1n Ml'l bour n e ,
Rudd on pole for Old Domlnlpn 500
Ricky Rudd will be on the pole II
for today's Old Dominion 500 Grand
National stock car race, but most of
ttie SJ>C(:t.ators will be watching the
duel between Darrell Waltrip and Bobby
Allison. Waltrip will st.art th ird and AJhson sixth
in the lineup as they baule for the Winston Cup
point championship. Waltrip ts the defending
champion but Allison holds a 37-pomt edge in
the point s tandings to date this year ..
Despite protective headgear. a 19-year-old Army
boxer is dead o f injuries susl ained during a
tournament bout Oct 9. Charles D. Love,
stationed at Fort Knox, died Clf blows to the head
r eceived in a n amateur match
BREWERS CLIMB WALL . • • F~m Page 81
all coming on a pitch he didn't intend to hi•
. "I wasn't fooled by it. I was trying to hold up,"
Yqunt said. ''The ball was high I sull hit it solid,
b~ like I said. I was trying to hold up on the
The Brewers won the opener I 0-0
-;wing.~ ---
· Asked 1f that was an mdicauon o f better things
an ·Milwaukee's future. Yount said. ''Things all day
long hadn't gone that well, yet we were s tiU in the
ballgame and that put us one run down Coop came
up wtth a bag hit and then G<>nnan turned things
dround for us "
LaPoint had yielded just five hits through the
first six innings, but with one out in the seventh, he
committed a costly ea:Qt: that would make all Jtix_
runs unearned
Ben Oglavie hat a routine grounder to Keith
Hernandez. at f;rst and LaPomt. covering the bag.
dropped the ball Don Money then s troked a single
to right that sent Oglivie to sa'Ond
Thomas. who had JUSt two hits in 14 at-bats
before has game-winner Saturday, said he had
watched Videotapes of himself to t.ry to rind flaws
an his swings.
-"I wanted to find out what was happenA.tg to
me, and I thmk that was a big he lp." Thomas said.
dcclmjng to say just what he spotted.
LaPomt got Charlie fv\oore to pop to shortstop,
but Gantner scored Oghvte with a dou ble
Doug Bair reheved LaPoint. walking Paul
Molitor and givmg up a two-run single to Robin
Yount. MoHtor made it to third on Yount's hit, and ~il Cooper came to fare 43-year-old left-hander
Jim K.aal, who was no more successful than Bair.
Milwa ukee's 10 hits Saturday gave the
Brewers 42 for the Series' first four games, during
-w hich they have hit in double f1cures in three
games. The Cardin.als. meanwhile. have had just 2!l
hits and were hitting .197 as a team, compared with
Milwaukee's .296.
Cooper slapped a single off the glove of third
baseman Ken Oberkfell. scoring Molitor as Yount
raced to second. Yount and Cooper each advanced
one base on a wild pitch by K.aat. who then was
re heved by rookie J eff Lahti.
Game 5 1s scheduled here today with Bob
Forsch going for the Cardinals against M1lwaukee·s
Mike Caldwell in a rematch of first-game pitchers.
L ahti came in with a 2-1 count on Ted
Simmons. whom he walked mt.enllonally to load
the bases.
College football
SATUROAra OAM£1 w .. 1
Oregon St al USC ( 1 30 p m 11 LA ColiMVm)
UCLA et C.Utorn11
l onQ llMc:fl St 11 Sen OltQO SI • n
NeY9da-Reno at Cal S111e FulWton
Notre 0-11 Oregon
FrMnO SI 11 SMl JON St • n
Te• .. Tech at WNhlngton S11ntord at Withington St.
Cal Stare Northrf"9e at Cat luth«an
Ocddenlal el Whlltler, II
S1111a Clara al Cal POiy (Pomona). 11
Claremont-Mudd at Redlands~ 11
Roclll" Paolflc et Arl.tona. n
Wllblf SI. at BolM SI .. n
Colorldo SI. at BVU
Montana St. at ldal\o, n
Mon1ane el Idaho St .. n New ~k:o SI at New Medco. n
E. Wahington a1 Northern Aruona, n
Vtaf\ et Wyoming
Art!-at Houlton, n Oltlaho!Tia St. al Oltlahc>IN
SMVat T9lljl8
Al< Force '' Te• .. ·EI Pato. " Alce at Texu MM S.~ 11 TCU North Teua SI. al w .. 1 Texu St
MCNeeM 8t. 11 Arkanu1 St. ......
MlchlQ6/I 11 Nonh-tetn Ohio St. I I lndllf)a
Purdue ti Micf'llO*I 81
lowW af Mlntlelota, " Nllnoia at Wi.conein ~ at K.,,._ St.
MlllOUfl at Nebtalla T...,..Attnoton at Wlchlta SI
wea1ern Mlct!IOAn 111 Bsll St
TulN 11 Ofak1 \ Certlral Mlchlg1n al Kent SI
Eutem Michigan at Nof1het11 m11101a
Notth«n Michigan at Nortl\i!ft1 Iowa. n
Mleml, 0 II Ot\lo U
Indiana SI al Sou1i-n lllll\ol• BowilnQ Gre«1 81 Toledo. n
C1nc111na11 11 Ala~a
ran,_ at Georgia Tech
a.orgae 11 l<antuct<y, " Sou1h Cel'Ollna ar lSU, n
Ouke at Maryland
Aubum at Mlalsllppl Sr
Clem1on II North Caroline St
VMI 11 Richmond
louisvllle at Southern MtWMlppt, n
M11mplll1 St. at Tut-. n
Mlaaltalppl al Vandetbot. n Waite ForMI at 'lfl<gtnta
APC*echlan St. 11 Virginia Tech
1111no11 SI 11 E.111 Caronna
Wllttem & Mary 11 Jamee Mao11on
NW Louisiana at loul1l1n1 Tech
Akron 11 Mlflhell T~ Tech at MoreMe<I SI BE loulalll\I 11 NE Lou191ena
ltm., at SW l0lll1l111a . t1 '-' l>enn St. 11 WM! Vlrglnl1
Pllf'a1 SyracuM
Colgate el Rutger•
Harvard at Prine.Ion
Vil41 It P9nn
The Cltldel at Navy
Botton College et Army
M....ehuwtll at Bot1on U
HOiy Cl'OM al Brown
Buclcntll 11 Columbla
Maine at Connecoc:u1 Oertmouth at Cornell
08\lkS.on at Lalaywtte
»ti Ha..-.r llY4., Cetta Meta ......
' I -· -------..._~
presents ..
COLLIGI ,... ..........
Kanta• State
* Nebfa1ka
* lrl9ham Young
Coloroclo State
' r
From Page 81
l'lt'V1•rul duyH to trv h• 1 t•lax
"Of l'OUl'Ht· y1;u prt'""' wtwn
vou'11• ·II fo1 <!II 111 :lO for :"\II 11r
wllat1•v1·1 h1• Wll'C," S1mmon11
':eul "You 11 y tv 1 t•lu>< The·
L:1lt•111 l'i In tht-11• h d0t•lin't KO
uwuy It's hkt• at'i. m u t•ag(• But
yvu m.1y thmk tht· ualn1t Is not
1h1•1a· 1111y11111rt·, lllltl tlu-n your
l'llllfltfl'lll'l' t•VUl)UI Ull'b "
~l"T£1l THOMAS' ptJpup to
"t11r1 th1· s1·v1·11lh , Ogl1 Vll'
..i ruu11d1·cl 111 llrsl 1111:«-m~ K1•1th
ll~'111111dl'1. und rt'achlld haM·
w hl•n LaPomt dropped tht· 1A111.-.
to tht• bu~ for un t·rror
"Al tlw llnH'. II S('•·nwd SU
u 111111p111•tu11l, !Jut ttw11 (l>onJ
Muney got a hll a nd pwk1<tJ up
th1• rally." 0KhVI(' S~lld "I thank
I h•rnandl'2. mm.It• the right play I
dcm't thrnk ht• would have gotll'n
nu: by making the play hunself,
or 1t would have lx>en very dose,
lx'<:ause h<' was playing me deep.
Fortuna tl•ly, LaP oint lost
pos.-..-ss1on un<l it turned out that.
was all we lll't!dl-d."
Wanning pitcher Jim Slaton,
who rcl1cvt•d Brewers starter
Moose Haus an the sixth wtth the
Cardinals lt'admg 5-l. said none
of the Brewers at that point had
ruled out u t-omeback
"My .JOb all year has been to
l'llOIL• an and hold th<-na u11ul wu
<'<iuld hri•uk lo111w with u big
111 n1n~." S lu1011 •o ld "Wliul
lu1pptmc.'tl toduy w1~ 11 lnnj( trml'
1 om1111< We d1d11 't c•xudly hu11t
tlll' mwr off the bt.11. hut tht• 1111.(
ln11ln~ d1•fin1t,.ly hl'lp<-<I u., n ·lux
n 11 ttlt• lm "
"Tll E WA V our ll•um kc1•ps
mm1ng btwk U> amazing I J(UCl>li
wt•'rt• kind uf w1:1rd," nght
f1t•ld<'1 Churlw M11or1• H1111I •·But
wi"rt· uiwd to h.1Vl ll R ttJ pla y
h11r(I We· had our backH l<> thl•
waif tJll Junl' l wht•n we· Wl'rt'
11 1r1 ~umt•ll uut ol first plan·
Wl''Vl' had to piny hatt.I fur f1w
"Muybt· II luok1-<I llkl· Wt• Wt•n•
n1mmg u1,glut--O whe11 we gove
them four runs 111 the first two
innings. but we hurl ll lot or tough
p loys in thcrt.• and JUSl d1do't
make them," third baseman Paul
Molitor said. "But I don't thank
Wl' ever were nervous. W e kc:pl
sw 1ng1ng t he ba.ts wt>ll 11nd
played l0<1sely.
"I don't think wt• rl•ahw huw
important this win 1s." he said.
"We t-ould have been staring a
~-l dcfrcrt in the face. But we got
the kind of clutch hits we h avl•n't
had for awhlle. I know nont> of
us are nervous now "
From Page 81
llpJX'<i hil(h t~nuul(h tor 1111• lo get
undt-r It with u tJ1vt• "
C<Jrnt·y, dulitx.J "Corrna~· thv
Mugnlf1t·{•nt" by tht• UC..:J.A
publicity d!'purtrn .. ut, l{lid the
rt'<.'Ord wu-c not f11n·mo11t In ho.
mind t·nt1·r1111< th1• ~amt• .. w 1th :.I)( uarOl'W IL' ft, 1 aurt of
C1.cur1•d I wui. going lo gt-t 11
eventuall y," ht· 1m11J "Tht· one
thing I wAt1 ('llf\l't•rnt'(f about wu
winning th1· lo(Utnl' My primary
l(oal 1K to play in tht· ltOSl' .Bowl
~a111 ai; PlJ(•-10 t•hump1ons."
ln a game tht· Brull\S couldn 't
;.ifford t.o lose 10 tlw l'Onforen<:c
ra1·t.., lht•y play{:d t.o lhl' level t)f
their cum petJu o n for 2 1~
4uarters. Washington State's
dcfel'lS£' kt-pt UCLA at bay and
a!Jowed the oCCense to c.-ome back ,
w1th place-kic ker JC1h n Traut
booting a 28-yard field goal to
g ive th e Cougars a 17-14
advan tage seven minutes into the
second half.
But a pair o f Ramsey t o
Carney aer ials on lhc Bruins'
next possession net~ 28 yards
and set the st.age.' for Townsell's
reverse and th e tide
immediatclty c·hang{'(f
"Give (ofrcnsrve l'OOrdmato r)
Homer Smnh credit for calling
that play." said Donahue. ''Il was
l)SC WINS, 41-21 • • •
a play that rurned the game-.
around emotionally as well as on
the scoreboard "
Said Ramsey, "Wl' knew. the
play was the re. It was just a
matter of finding the right trme
to use it."
From Page B1
11-yard pass before Salisbury
boltc-d ovl'r from the une yard
hnt· for thl• toul'hdown.
Stanford regained the lead
14-7 when Ken Williams took the
kickoff 69 yards to the Southern
Cal 31 yard line. Four plays later,
Elway loblx.-d a pass from the one
to Vincent White in the end zone.
The Trojans tied the game
again on a 65-yard, 12-play drive
capped by G ibson's leap into the
end zone from the two at l :27
S a I 1 s b u r 'y f i r e d a
32-yard pass to Timmie Ware and
an 8-yard pass to Gibson Inches
from the goal lrne Gibson ran it
over With 10 seconds left in the
"By the second quarter we
fairly dominated the game," said
Robinson . "Our offensive lane
was simply outstanding "
"Our offensive line 1s the best
m the C'Ou ntry," Salisbury said.
"I wouldn't trade them for any
team's lrne."
R obinson said h e thou ght
Salisbury outplayed the highly
rC"garded Elway
UCLA capped the scoring wa\h
Carney· s_z.c r oba tic catch ,
followed 411U1ekly tn turn by a
65-yard r etu rn wi th an
interception b y linebacker
Blan chard Montgomery o n a
look -in pass and finally by a
touchdown pass from Ramsey U;
Dokie Williams
Washington St.ate Coach J im
Walden could o nl y watc h
helplessly as tht-game reu apart
for his Cougars, now 0-1-1 in the
Pac-10 and 1-4-l overall.
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Oronge COHI DAILY PILOT/Sunday, Octob r 17. 198~ Bl
Alabama gets an in-Vol'6.nteer-y shock, 35-28
Frum Af> dllipMlebl·•
KN<>XVll.L..~;. '1'1•1111 Al1111 L'o1.krt•ll fh,><I
two toud1duw11 pus."'"'· Fuutl H1.•v1.•11 k11.·kl.J four
fw lcl ~ouhc un<l Chuc·k Col1.•mun 1et'tl tht• ~i.mt• wilh
a 34 yn1 d tou1.·hdown 1 u11 1n thl' f111ol q1.1artt•r ~
T1.•nm'l>M'<.' Upsl'l St'l.'ond nmk1.'<f Alahumu :t!> 28 II\ u
S.1uth1·ust.-rn <.'onff'rt•t11'C· foothall l(nnw Satur<lny.
Tlw Vll'lory t•11d1-U 11 yt•urs o ( lrU8lriltion ror
thl' Vuhc, who had· nut w1m thb unn11al 11k1rm1sh
since n :l4-0 tnu1nph in 11171)
T hl' Vols, 1ro1hnl( :.!l 1:1 al hal(unw, took the
lood with an 11 point oulhur~I Within O lipill1 or 1:32
early in thC' third qunrWr'.
Alabdmu. whkh lust ,for tht• first l1m1'. dus..od ft
14 -point dl'f1c•1t to s1.'v1.·n. lht'n rnuvt•d to the
Tennl•ssec 17 with 90 st'\'onds lt>fl But MakC' Terry
1nt1.'r1.'t'ptt'd a pass. t1ppt•d by Lt't.· J1.·11k111s. in the
end tont• to sPal tht· v11.·tury w11h 17 M•1.·onds
A rizon a IB, ,'~otre D a m e 13
SOUTH BEND Max Z...nde.JB.S' third h eld
goal of the gnm<', a 48-yardl·r as lime ran out, lifted
Arirona to a 16-13 vu.:tory ovt•r previously unbeaten
and ninth-rankl'<l Notre Dame
The W1ldcat.s, who h.uJ traill'd IU-0. mounted a
hnal dnvt' from tht•ir ow.1 20. with quarterba1.·k
Tom Tunnichffe fmng HI yard:. to Brad Aoderson
tO Set the ball 8t thl' (n:.h J:l With SIX Se<.'onds
rt•ma1mng. After Arizona callt'<i Uml• uut, Zcndl•jas
drilled home the winning poinL'i as the clock ran
L oni/ Beach St . 22~ S. J ose St . 2 1
SAN J OSE Long ~a(·h State carnC' from
behind in th(• fourth quartt•r }.ll upset San Jose
State, 22-21. in a Pu<'if1c Coust /\thlC't1(· A.ssodation
·NFL All-stars
on schedule
WASHINGTON (AP) Tight end Don
HassellX'l:k of th(• New England Patriots says he'::
having a ball m thc nc1llon':. c.·ap1tal
"I'm kind of t•nJoy1ng the week ," said
Hasselbeck after pracudng .vtth the player union's
AFC East team that will meet an NFC East squad
today at RFK Stadium "It's a lot more (un than
what I've done m New England."
Asked to explain, I lasselbt.>ek said "there are "
a lot more rules m New England "
He said new Coal'h Ron Meyer, formerly of
Southern Methodist. has inst1tUted the new rules
and "it's a lot like colle~e"
"I undcrnand why hl''s doing it," Hass('lbeck
said. "It's just part or the program."
Among the> rules. h1' said, is one that prohibits
the Patriots from !raving the hotel in a visiting city.
and one that calls for the offensive a nd defensive
teams to ride SE'paral.(' buses to and from the airport.
"This is more fun," said Hasselbeck, a six-year
veteran who at 6-7. :.!45 pounds is one of the biggest
player's here. "I enpy m~ling alJ the guys from the
. d ifferent teams."
As for the game. Has.selbeck said, ··As long as
no. one gets hurt. 1t will be hne. It's for a good
cause." /
I The cause. of course. 1s to put pressure on
management to agree o n a new collective
L11n)( l~·1wh 111w1 tnhntk Tocld I >1111111 1 hn•w (01
Iii:\ yunlN to St•t u M'h1111l l'l'l'ord for u 1onl(l1• f{UllW.
1'tw Sp11r1111111 w1•rt• uht•.id l I I.I mHlwuy
thruugh tht• third p<•ricxt wh1•n th1.· 4Ut·ni took a
Jnvl' HU yunh; wl11d1 slulh·d 111 tht• :t yard lirw Guy
J11l111xon tlwn ku.•kl·d u :W-ynrd fwld K<>ul
r 111 tlw fllUl'th qut11'tc•r, :Sun Juiw :Stull' hud u
fourth J own and :w yurds wht•n M1kl' Bng fuln>tl u
punt and tossl'd u l"Umpll•ll'<f puss whkh fulll'd to
muke first down Loni!! &•ul'h took 11v1•r m u fu~rt·t·
dl'IVt'. Dillon r l1mnx1nl( lt with a n11H:.y111'U
}-0Ut0hdown p88..'l lo w1d<· rt'{'\'IVl'r Tom rowlt·r
ff'aslt1n11ton 34, 0~11 17
CORVALLIS, Ort•. Jut'4ut• Rubinson S<.'Ort.od
a pair of St:><:ond-h&lf tout·hdowf\8 as No. 1-rankl.'<i
Washmgton puJh.od away fur a supr1s1ngly difril'ult,
3 .. -17 Pac1fu.: 10 Confcrr nt"t' v1cLOry over winless
Oregon St<ttl·
2 FT. 497
4 FT. 11 97
6 FT. 1577
8FT. 2877
· ·ng cont;act and end the pla~y~er.;-· s~tP't11....,..~~~~-
in its 26th day
Sports o n T V
9:30 a.m. (2) -NFL REPORT.
lO a.m . (2) -CBS SPORTS SUNDAY -Four
boxing matches, the Great Pool Shootout of l982
and Mr. Universe from Belgium.
10:30 a.m . (4) -SPORTS WORLD.
1:45 pm . (4) WORLD SERI ES -
Milwaukee at St. Louii;.
at Stanford. Taped Saturday
World Serit-S St. Louis at M1Jwaukee, J :4~
p.m ., KNX ( 1070).
Hockey -Kings at New York Rangers. 4:20
p.m .. KPRZ (I 150).
...., llflllll... ta I UI"' ... I """",__ .... .. ,. ... 1
CSI ...,.._ ta UJI ,. "' l tsa m.. ¥11111 11111 $Mb..,°"........ •• .. ... • ,
fHturing ClllUM
AUITllA .. .....
MlllCI l.lfllt
__............ tlO I U I ,. .... 19
~ ........... ,. "''' ........ Ol4t a.I •• .. ... lld> l ... lllllt Clloll ...... , ... ,_ ... M ,_ ................... ,... ..
Olllca -........ r.I tnll JI ....
GUllS ·•W
-M•• a Wll• THAM I'll
Oct . 16 & 17 lat. & l un.
A good way to get your
name in the newspaper
is to walk across the
street reading one.
7 9 :AK OF 10 •£1224-C
You 9et the heat ahield
stand, too, al\d it's UL
approved (which means
Uncle Louie liked it.)
Take a N&t, in r9d or
chocolate. (I'll take the
NCl, I'm trying to watch
my weiqht.)
Tht' r1utn1m1· w1111 111 tluuht u11ttl Hol11n11011
~:ore-cl hue llt.'C.'utlti lout·hduw11 wl Lt U _yu1 d 1 un wtlh
•I -l:l h•ft Ill the• gunw Wwoh111Kton, {f.O uvt·rl11l and
4·0 111 tho Ptw 10. WtlJI fovort·d hy :m polnL' i11(11l11Nt
thl' llt·ov1·111, whu h11v1•11't w1111 u t•u1d1•r1•rn·1· l(allll'
lllnl't• l »71.1.
Ohio St. JIB, llllnol~ 2 1
C ll AMPAIUN , Ill Fn•1d1ma11 H1 d1
Spnngll'f', who ho<l m ltc.'K'd th1t'l' fit·ld l{oals l';11 l11.•1
in thl· gurn1•, kh.:kcd u 27 yurcJ fwlcJ guul with 1.•1ght
seconds tu go und llw Bu,•kcyl'11 Sl'Ol'l'd on u suf<·ly
set:onds lawr to Upel(.•I 15th-ranked lllino1s, 26-2 l
OSU quarwrbat'k Mike Tom1.·zak hud thrown
74 yards for 11n1.• WUl·hdown and jumpt·d ovt.•r th1.•
goal line· for unother to give· tht.· But k1.·y1·:. ll 21 -7
faurth quartt·r lend.
CS F uller ton 20. "'''oqllng 16
LA.RAMIE. Wyo Cal State Fullc.•rton. IP<id
by the passing of freshman quartt.•rbat•k Ah.·x
Espinoza, edged a stumbling W yoming team, 20-16,
in a non-c.·onfl'rt.'nt.'(' game
i'l\µ111u1 .. a , ,1 h I p111du1 t 11( lo~"l Le* At1ijdl'!5,
p11'-'K'<.I :w yw U. 111 Ju1111•' 1'1 u111 1111 J tout·htluwn
with thrt·l· minull·:. lt•l t II\ tht• fir .. t II.ill to g1vt! tht•
T11Jms 11 14-111 l1·od thc•y m•vl•I Ir.NI
Wyorr1111ii adried 11 toud11low11 m lht• fou1 th
µ1.:ratxl but Tl tun fll'ld l(oal ktc:kt.·1' < :rl'g SMnkt! u
1''11unt.111n Vullt·y lligh product, M:IJfeU tw11.'t', frdM
20 yurcl11 uncl from :m yurd1t. m tht· thmJ pN111d ·
Wy11111lnK was hit hard hy l\Jr1111v1·r11, lrn1111).(
thn·t• t1101•i. hy 11111•1't·1 ·pllorn,
Na vy :19, ff'lllla m & Mar .'' 3
A N N A P 0 L I S ~ 11 a 1 t .. r ha ,. k M a r l' .,
Pagnunt.•111 run for two t11u1.·hdow1111 und !Wt up tWt1
others with key pa~ l'umµlt ·11ons Saturday. gulding
Navy to u 39.:i v1t.·tory ovc·r W1l11<.1m & Mary
The· junior 4uart1•rh;wk, a Huntington &ci('h
I ilgh and Guldt·n W<.'st CoU1.•gc produ«t. t'Om plet.f:od
17 of :l5 pasSf:S fur :.! 17 yardb 1>4:forc ht.· was shaken
up and lt·h the gamt.· late in the third quarter.
Pagnancll1 was not :.t.•rioUS"ly lnJUr<.od, and returned
in the fourth 4uart('r fo hold th<! bull on wn cxtr<.
point 1:onv1.·rs1on
0 •
Compact unit ha. variable
speed control, depth
adjustment to 2V1" and 360° head rotation
(reminds me of the "ezorcia-t.")
Pick up a length of clear or gold for
thOM well-beaten patha in the hallways.
Ford or Dertron.
Your automatic
tranuniaion could
get real cranky if it
gon too long
without a drink .
~~,. -~ ~ GRABER
't r ~ 11
48" to 84" 777
66" to 128" 977
84" to 156" 1177
Hefty off -whit. rods han ten.slon pulley. One
or two way, either way I'd call it a draw.
DEllGID CHAii 12aa
Lookie there, Homer,
it 's Strong Boy
Walton of "Little
HouMboat on t he
I ~! OFlO •RS:~:::"
Kids said they'd take care of the
puppy, right? Now you need the
freshener. If they can't sit still.
give 'em the windows. too.
49 ~oz.
Take my advice, if your wife
wants to learn to drive the
truc k , d on 't stand in her way.
No MnM renting theM quya. Com .. i n
white, beige, or brown. let your flnqers do
the joqging.
st .. k little model
flta JOW' i\and. :
Ju.t alide open to :
UM, puU\ cloeed. :
Oot th• Nella)
f .. t ure, t oo.
114 Orange Co11t DAILY PILOT/Sunday. October 17, 19&2
C~rritos quarterback Mickey Corwin is wrapped up b y Orange
Coast linebacker Eddie Kesk y during actio9' a t OCC Saturday
Red-faced OCC
loses ' 41-19
Of IM 0..., Net lleft
Orant(t• l'oui1l Colh•t(c football
l'OOCh Otc·k Tul·kl'1 ca lll·d al on
cmburro11sing firs t half, and
indet-d, whe n lhl· opposition JJULk
34 po111ts on tht• bourd In :w
minutttli, lhcl'l' probubly 1sn 'l 11
bc:ltcr wurd Cur it.
Bul whut really ll-<l to OCC's
downColl Sulurduy mght in the
Pir;1t<.-s' South Coast Conff.'rent~·
openl'r w ith Ct•rr1tos, wus a
sloppy 40 st'<:onds that's right,
jus t 40 set:onds in which
C<•rr1tus took advantage of two
fumbles und an Interception to
. scqre two tou<·hdowru; and a C1t!ld
The e nd result was a 41 -19·
Falcon v1l·tury before about 3,500
fans who were on ha nd for
Coast's Homecoming.
OCC'S INABILITY t.o hold on
the footba ll waUl't the only
problem SaturCtay mght. D?rrit.os
quarterback Mickey Corwin, a
promising sophomore who had
not lived up to expectations in his
second year, riddled the BUl'
secondary. throwing for 268
yards on the evening.
"W~'ve got to p la y b ett er
teams that Cerritos still, so we're
goi ng t o hav e to improv e
drastically." ad mi ttcd Tucke r
following the l'Ontest.
"We r eally got bhellacked.
really thought we were goirg to
clu .di right tornght," the O<..'C
nmd1 uddl'<l.
Al'lually. things startt•d ulf
wt•ll l'nough for the P1rutt.'li, l ·4
With :\::J2 minutes remaining m
tht• (1r1lt quarter. oc.;c had
01Jt•rwd n 10·0 lead -with tht·
help of 1ust one !int down .
MIKE GREENE booted a
:m-yurd field goal at 5:09 of tht·
r1rst quartc•r, and less than two
rn1nutt'fl later, the Sues blockc.>d u
Cl·rritos punl which dt'fc.ns1vL·
tackll• Ron Malerstem poum·L·d
ml m the Cerritos end zont'.
But the n came the second
q u a rte r a nd 1t took ju s t 11
se~'Onds for the Fakons to get on
tht· scoreboard compliments of a
one-yard plunge by Jac kie
Johnson Seven mrnutes later.
Tony K emp 1tlso barrelled 1n
from one yard out and 1t was
14-10 Cerritos.
A fi e ld goal by Sc·otl
Livingston. a 17 -yard TD pasi.
from Corwin w Kemp, a sevc·n·
yard TD toss from Corwin to Bill
Fil·k inger and a 2 9 -ya rd
Livingston field goal. all coming
in the final 2:04 of the half,
turned the game.> into a laugher
Be tween th<.' scoring, the
F<.1kons used an intert.~ption by
Guy Teafatiller and fumble
recoveries on two consecutive
k1ck0Hs to put the game out of
• wins GWC, "Gauchos post ·easy
Tuc k er, meanwhil~ could
c·omplete JUSt four of 10 passes
ror 51 yards in the first half. He
was replaced by freshman Greg
Dt.·nham who h it 15 of 26 passt.>s
for 167 yards while being
mtt.'rcepll>d once. Rustlers roll, '28-0; Saddleback ~nnihilates Comets~ 41-3 The Fakons had taken a 4 I -I 0
lead on a 12-yard touchdown
pass from Q~,rwin to Jeff Wt•lch
at 10:05 of the third quarter. Golden West and Saddleback
Colleges romped to easy opening
confere¥e football victur1es
Saturday n1ght.
Go Ide n W est · s Rus t I e'r s
toppled host G rossmont College,
28-0, to o pen South Coast
Con f ere n l:e play whi l e
Saddleback toppled Palomar,
41 -3. in Mission Confer en ce
Richard Stahlheber paced the
Golden West victory with 72
yards in 19 carries and the first
touchdown. The Ru,;tlers added
Sailors win tourney
' ORINDA. Ca. -Senior Colin
TDs m each of the SU<.'(:eedmg
pe n ods with Gregg Webber
blocking a punl that was
re<:overed bv Jim Carl.son in the
end zone for a second quarl<'r
score. .
Ada m Gragna no and Tim
Long ran f o r one -yard
touchdowns in the second half
with Lee Green adding the four
conversion points.
Saddlcback had an easy night
against Palomar but thl' Comets
e nd<'d the Gauchos' s tri ng of
scoreless quarters with a f1cld
goal in the fourth period w ith
12:29 le ft to play. Prior to the
score. the Gauchos had gone 15
quarter s without giv:ng up a
Seddi.t>M:k 41, Pak>mar 3
k0<• bf 0u1111 ...
Peioma1 0 0 0 3 -3
S•OOleOeck 14 14 6 7-4 1
S Cutri• 14 run (Ga.-ko<:1q S Gleed 1 1un (Ga.-k•ekl I
S Mara11e11 2!1 pu s from M111e1 coasee~
~ICkl S M.,alllll 11 PH• lrom Miiie• (Gaue•
~!Ckl S Cume 9 1un (klCk fa11..01 P Walk•ns u FG S Cerroll 3 ruri (Gu-ko<:kl
" 2,300 (Hllmal&CU
Gem• l1at11llc1 p
F1111 Oown1 17
RuJhM ·y&IOI 16(·4 7)
PotlnQ yllOI 143
Panu 21.JJ.1
Punu 7-43
Fumblel-IOt1 • 1·0
P&nalll-yaJOJ 4-45 ............. "" ... ""
8 27
P P•tett0" 9~tor·m1nu1 71, S *•rtz,
3 10. WllloughOy 4 4, Ec~1•nO. 8·1S. ~till 2·6, u..,.., 1-IO< minus 11
S Curne 6 !>!I Moller !I !14 Gl••O
8·21i.A Alloro 8·93 CattOll 6 39 Smlll> 3.13 S1tttrl 4. 14, 8H11> .. d 2·IOMNnua 8 lndlwld...i PaH l"9
P Pele1son. 18-26· 1 116 Mey9' 3-7--0 u S M1li.t1 14·20·0 200 8H1naro 6 13·0
lndl•ldu"' lleceMn9 P Lane 4·30. Morol !I 4!1 Swaru !I 33
• Lew•1. 2· 11. Wiiioughby l·IO•·mlnuo 2
H••,_ 4.4, Eek•ano, 1·3 SGl>8Pfl' 1· 13
S Marshall. 10. 1!17. Se•alln1 3·40
Cum• 3·3!1. Hamro 1 13 Allord 1·7
Bryanl. 2·9, 81o&Obe<'ll. I 13
Golden WHt 2t, Oro11mon1 O
lkOfl by ou ...... GOloen WHI 7 7 1 7 28
G•ou mon1 O O O O O GWC-S1an111eo.. 3 run tGrNn k1ci.1
GWC-Catlt.on •ecove<IO o•oci.eo pun1 on ena 1one (Gt_, koci.1
GWC-Gragnano 1 run (GrMn klcii)
OWC-L.ong 1 run rG•Mn lo.tcill
A -1.SOO ( .. 1oma1eo1
OCC bounced back as Denham
found seldom -u-sed Ore lando
Ramos on a six-yard TD pass at
11:29 of the final quarter. The
Pirates got their final two points
whC'n they gang-tackled Cerritos
reserve QB Mike Douglas in the
end zone with 9:29 left in th.,.e
contest. * Cerrito• 4t, Orange Coaat tll
Sc:Ofl by 0-111'•
c;e1111os O ~ 1 0-41
Orange Coasl 10 0 0 11-19
~Sletletlc1 c
Flrlt downs 20
Rushes-y.,ds 42·144
Puaang yards 298
PU9" 16-26-0 Pun II 4-30
FumbleS·IOSI !>-I Thompson scor ed in sudden
death to give the Ne wpo rt
Harbor High water polo team a
6-5 victory over Monte Vasta and
the champio n s hip o f the
Campolindo tournament here
Craig Mille r had a big night
for Saddleback. hmmg 14-of-20
pass auempts (QI.. 200 _yards a nd
rushing for 54 yards in five tries.
He didn't play in the second half
Pirate wome n g r a b firs t place ho nors Pe<1a111e.-yards 12· I 12
lndMclual It,,.....
C-Kemp. 11-67, Aelefle< 7-35 Joflnaon
8-27; Kelty. 3·9. Franco. ~. eon..n 4-3
M1tehel1. 2·3. OouglaS. 4·f0<-m1nu1-4
OCC -Soulhw11d. 8-34 8 11ghl 6-31
Denh1m. 4-10. Sw1nt>erg. 4·22. Tuc:i<et !1-7
ASlien. 1·5 The Sailors. now 12-1, posted a
10-9 verdict of Me rced in the
se mif i n als to r each t h e
championship game.
Thompson had three goals
each in the two games. while
teammate Grant Stanly tallied
for two goals against Merced. and
three in the finals against Monte
J ohn Mars ha ll caught 10
passes for 157 yards and t w o
touchdowns on the way to a
sch ool record for number of
receptions in a gaml'
OCEANSIDE ..:::. Orange Coast
College women 's cross country
team captured fi rst place in the
MiraCosta Invitational and the
mt>n 's team placed third
Saturday m a unique format that
saw the team titles w on on
elapsed time for the tol> seven Robert Gurne picked up two
touchdowns on runs of 14 and 9
yards while John Carroll scored
the final TD and Dan Gasser
kicked all but one conversion.
runners. ,
There were seven races for
both men and women with one
from each school in each race.
Football sCores
couioa ....
UCL.A 42, Walhlnglon SI 17 use 4 1. Stanl0td 21
Cal"Otnla 10, Oregon 7
WUhlnQton 3', 01egon St 17
Long Beach St 22, San Joee SI
N9w MaAICO 22. San Diego SI
17 HumbOIOt SI 14, So Oregon 7
UC Davia 28, Santa Clate 1
Sectemento St. 31. Cal lulheBn
~ PllClflc 27, ~ 20
Fl. Lewie 27. Coloredo ....,_ 14
H•yward St. 28. Cal Poly·
Pomona 17
Oregon Teen 41. w WUhlnQlon
Pac. Lu1'-n 48, Lewi• & Cieri! O
SI. Mary'a 21. San F'9ndec;o St
Roctit ..
8<1gham Young 39, H-111 25
Cal St. Fulle<1on 20. Wyoming
Colotado SI. 21, AA FOf'CI 11
Nevada-~ 40. Ffeeno St 28
Atllona SI. 37. Te111 ... £1 Paeo a
Montana SI. 27, 8ol• SI. 14
Montan• 40. Idaho 1e
utlll't St. 14. P~ 12
Utllh 24. Nftede-LM Vegaa 14 ...........
TaXM A&M 28. ~ 23
Coloredo SI. 25. Ol!llll'tOma St
25 SMU 20, Hou91on t4
T-Tmcfl 23, AICM 21
T ••••-Artln oton 30, SW L~29 T.-. 22. s. ltlinoll a HE LoulelaN !!1, Attlan ... SI
AttlaneM Tactl 37, ~
81. 21
• SW OIUMome 43, SE Ollllll'IOma ~ T-Lul'*1'I 17, Prllirte \llew a
··Pam.de St 14, ~on t
.SUI "°" 8l H , r ..... on It .• • Aft09IO St. 24. Mlllne Cfwtl!W1
it .c.m. ~ •.•. A"--• • E. c.mrat u. 151, r#I Oii,._
41l" E. Tn• It. 17, "-d 'llYM
Ao111n 42, Kalamazoo 14
Augus1ena. 111. 49, Mt111111n o
Cent St , Ol1to 50. Kenluc;ky SI
Concxwdia, Ill. 20, Eur•• 7
OeP-38, Olive! 14
Hiram Col 13. CIN Western 12
Lu111er 20, Simpson 14
. SI TjJomu 38. SI 0411 14
~kota Teen 10, Slou• Falls 7
Wartburg 41. Cenl. 10wa 14
Oay1 on 62, Maryville 0 Heidelberg 21, Woos1er o
N. Oekotl SI 2 1, S Del!ola 14
N Mlehlgan 47, Or-.id Veney St.
Northw<I. Mleh 35. Sagln1w Val
SI 0
Ohio NortM<n 20. M1t1ett1 0
Otterbein 10. Ohio wee1yn e
Alhland 23. Franklin 21
Capital 14. Muskingum 10
E. lltlnole 16, lndlana St. 12
Hltttdale 52, Femi SI 0
Indiana Cen1rat 9, St JoMi)fl,
Ind 1
Wayne, Mich. 4!1, Mlolllgan Tech
Wla.-Rlv Falla 20, Wla ·Eau
Claire 14
8eneo1c11ne.K1n1. 27. Cent
Methodllt 10
Blecll Hllll SI. 28, S Dakote,
SP'gfkl 16
Elmttur1t 14. Carthege O
Findley 38, hyt()f' 14
Fl. He)'I SI. 11. W•)'Tle, Neb. 6
Fr1endt 27. Stentng 12
Henowt 32, Mandieatet 0 K-Weelyn t7, Tal>Of' 8
Unooln 28, NW Mlaaourl SL 28
St Mary'a, l(an 24, McPharton
V alparaltO 2 1, EvtneY!lle 17
Wllmlngton 24, o.n-8
Albion~. Olivet 12 ....
T-35, Alabama 28
Clemaon 49, Dulle 14 <MotV1a 27. Vandert>lll t3
N C.ollne 41. N. c.tolina St. 9
Auburn 24, Georgt.t Tech 0
LSU 34. Kentudly 10
MIMleelppl 27, TCU II ,
Miami, AL 31, Ml rl 'r~ 81. 14
Florida 11, W r .... St. 14
FunNn ff.• Cwollfta n
'/Ml 36. Jernae M.clllon 7
RenOotph-Macon 24. Emory &
Henty 20
Geidner-Webb 38. C•t•wbe 31
Grambling SI 21, Mtaalu lppl
Val 14
Jadleon St 17, S0u1hem U 10
JackeonYllle St 43. Veldoeta 51
JC Smith 33. LMngatone 32
NW Louslana 28. Alcofn St. 7
S1vann11> SI ta. Claf1t Col. 12
Navy 39, Wiiii.am & Mary 3
P1U1burgl1 38, Tams* 17 v• 36, Columblm 10
Penn St 28, Srr~ 1 Amrr 20. PTlnoelon 14
Bolton U 28, Rhode lalend 18
8rown 38, Cornall 19
8oclcMlll 20, Aocn.tet 0
Dartmouth 14, Harverd 12 o.taware 48, C w Pot1 7
Holy Crou 10, Connecllcul 1
Lalayell• 35. Penn 20
Lehigh 20, New Hamp1Nra 17 Maine 42, MaaalCl'luMtll 24
Maryland 52. Walle fOf'"I 31
Allegheny 7, John Cerrol 3
Froatburg 51 29. W1yn11burg
Marcyllorat 28. Nlage" 12
SHPl*Y Roc;it 28. Clerlon St. 17
CaHt0tnl1. P1. 14, Lodi Heve St
EdlnbOro St a. Indiana. Pa. 3
Oenev• 14, Grove Cit}' 0
Bethany, W Vt. 28. Tlltel 1
Falm'lont SI 25. W Vll9lnla St
M-Marlllme 24, WMtlllld St
0 Hew HI....., 19, Diil ot Columblm
Ptymoutll St 37. Framingham
St 0 stony 8rOOll 30. BtOOlllyn COi
Albany, N.Y 27, Cortland St 20
fk.lttllO St 15, l~ 8
Frnkln & Marlhalt 10, Albrlghl 1
HOfatra 35, W«ceatar Teen 21
Nort'-'larn 30, Arnet1Can Intl.
Sallet>ury St 30. Paot 2t
Com"""'"1 .....
The Pirate w omen hmshed with
a combined lime of lwo hours. 22
minutes. 4 I S('{'Onds.
All o r the seven runners
finished either first or second in
their respective races Sue Zika.
Dawn Howe. Kathleen Dube and
Janine Dube each won a race.
Kim DeVe t1s, Barbara DeBont
and Kim White all finish ed
second with DeVetas posting the
best time of 19:32.0.
lndlVtdual 'Hllnt -C-Cononn, 17-23-0 268 . Oouglet. 1·3-0
20 OCC-Oenh1m, 15-26· l 167 Tucker
4-10·1. 51
lndlvlduel~ C-Welch, 5-76. Compton, 3 -64 Oenl
1 ·35. Vqhn, 2·22. Joflnson. 2-111. F1enco.
1·11, Kemp, 2·31; flCIUnget. 2·30 OCC-Ounllam, 7-82. Deal. 3-41, G1dOlng1.
1-24. Roney, 2-18. Swanbetg. 3·21. Aamoe
2· 12. Stan, 1-5
~300 OFF
Uni take
OC titles
1.,.ci.I to t ... D.ilt Net
Murk Junkerman o f L o11
Alamitos and Clare Feil of Mater
l>t!i po111.tod low limes of lhc day
Saturday In the Orange County
cross countl'y lnvilatlonal at
Saddleback COiiege.
Junke rman posted a time uf
15:03 for the men's Division AAA
ra<."t: to win by 38 seconds over
Ruben Esparza of El Modena.
FC'it captured the women's
Division AA race In 18:08,
wmrung by more than a minute
over the second place runner
Susan McyC'rs of Foothill.
Mater De1 captur~ the men's
Division A team title as Rick Marunc~z posted a 15:48 and the
M o narc h s score d 29 points,
lowl'St of the day , for the men's • I c'Ompeuuon.
"l was pleawd with the last
mile in the ra<.-e," Martinez said.
"It was real smooth and I had a
lot left. But I think I could have
run faster 1f the re had been
someone pushing me." ·•r thought our No. 3 runner
(Mitch Eddy) ran exceptionally
well." a pleased Mater Oei Coach
Bob Richardson said. "That's by
far his best race of the year." He
finished third in 16:06.
Dave Anderson of Corona del
Mar won the Division AA race
with a 15:27 docking.
••J just went out and worked
the hills," he said. "At the two-
m1 le mark. 1 took off on my own
and from that point on I was just
trying to post a low time."
Jud y Mc L a ughli n l e d a
University finish that saw the
Trojans take four of the first six
places in the women's Division A
race. This gave the Trojans a low
team score of 23 m winning the
d1v1s1on team title.
Following McLaughlin across
tlie finish line w e re Theresa
Barrios m third .. Julie Seleine in
fourth and Annette Salazar in
sixth. Tina Liao finished ninth
for the Trojans.
UCI, Muitangs
Chargers win
UC Irvine's No. 1 ranked water
polo team .1ourneyed to Malibu
S aturday to hand Pepperdine
College a 14-8 Pacific Coast
• Athletic Conference defeat and
r e main undefeated against
collegiate competition.
On the high school front, Costa
Mesa sT.opped visiting Mira Costa.
11-6. and El Toro posted an 8-6
u-1umph over VlSiUng Villa Park
UC! 1s 12-0 against college
compe uuon and 3-0 m PCAA
play John Olivier. Trevor
Dodson and Peter Campbell each
contnbuted three goals to the
UCI cause that saw the Ant.eaters
move quickly to a 3-0 lead and a
6-2 edge after the first period.
Aaron Chasen had s.ix goals for
Cost.a Mesa with Scott Ashby
contributing tl')ree and Doug Plitt
17 • McMurr; a 1. l!IOOOC* Cfwwtlan
23 I~ F. AuMln SS. T .... .UI
~t .......
.. AltlON ti. NOlrW OtfN ,13 -~lt,""'9 '1
w. VlfQlnla te. VlfQlrll9 rec11 e Oi<lolnnell 11. Mempflll ••• 1
L~ 35. Alctlmond 0
Mtddla Tenn. 21. Murrey St. 9 w. Kentucky 21, Tenn•H••
Teoll t4
8. CetOflN It. 24, 01N1c11«1 1 s. MIMIMIPPI 22. TIMne to L~ teoll 40, lAmW ti
Mt. 8an AntonlO IS, F~on 10
Cerrltot 41. Ortnte ~ ti
Oolden w .. 1 H . OrOlllMflf 0 ...._..,.eatc ..... 11111
W•t LA 20, Loe AngelM 0C I
hal LA 21, Clomf>lon 11
LA Hatbof 47. Alo Honoo as ........ c ... ,.. ... Stlllla Ana 40, 8an Dl..,o 00 1 laddlel>adl 41, Patomar 3 ~ ,3, Cltrue 111
Crown Hardware
1024 Irvine Ave.
Newport Beach
Crown Hardware ,
· 5620 Santa Ana Canyon Rd .
Anaheim .,
. .,....,. ............ ,
~ "· Uofltl ... "., ·-~m" ...,... ... n .u: -..... ·=r~-:'n-tll .... t4 . .. ......... I" flllfl .. 'OlltU.M. ........ c..:1.2·,:·.=.::.. ~r=.~~Or-." ~
I . TlllMIMI It.$, Citadel 0 "°'* ......... ~ 17 n111111u1 Col. •1. OuacNta 1• "·"•••·•,...._o N, _.._ la-J.;'~Mf/1'(#1 tO ...,..,., u. "· .. • w . ...,_ 4 IClllllwlll I ....c.r it. "· .......... o .......................... ,
~ It, at. N Cwofflil AITI .....,.,...:=.~11•.va.11 H...... I , Waetl, &
'--0 • •
............ Ct,, .....
Taft 4 , i.OflO lead! CC I
lent• ~ 21, II CerMlo ao ........ ,,, ........ ,7
............ Cl .... t I
Moofl*lt a., HaflCIOOlt '1 ""'4'••• •. LA tovl.,.._I ti . ColMte O'f Dllat1. LA Ylll9r II. Mllllpa \'llllr t t loilt ... "1 t, ,.,...,.., v~ •• .. ute'JV It, Ventura H
~ • • ~I t"
WOM.O H•HH 8ffw-. 1, CMdlnal1 II cca-•1 IT. LOUii lllLWAU«EE
.. Hlllll Mrllbl
.... r 2b • 0 0 2 MOlltr 3C> • I 0 0
Obt"" !lb t 2 t 0 Voum .. • t 2 2 t>-T~pll 1000 C-lb • 12 I Hrt\Cb 1D 4 0 0 0 SllM\Ol\a G 2 0 0 0 Hndrc:I<. rt 40 I I lhOmN cl 4 0 12
P011 .. C 3 0 I 0 ()gk .... If 3 I I 0
l Smlll\ II • I I 0 Money Oh 4 2 2 0 IOrgdh 40 21 MOOfot tl 4 0 10 e-01.., P' 0000 Oenlht 2b 4 I It
Mc0M ct 4 I 10 0 .Sftlllh .. 3 I I 0
Tolalt 33 6 e • Totals 33 I tO 6 ~ non lot IOrO In the 8th IMltruck out for OIHtrklell In the 0th ._. .,, !Mine•
St LOUii 130 00 I 000 5
Mh-.. 000 010 80~ 1 E-Oent...,, Yount, laP()4nt OP.St Lou••
2, MilwMH 2 l08-St &.owls 6/Mllwau~ee
6. 28·0berktall. Mohey ~Ith lorg
Gant-38-()gllvte SB-MCGM, Ob<t<~lelt SF·H«r
It. Louie
l aPcMl\I
8alr(L,0· 1)
lNltl llllwMlllH
If' H
6 .... 7 0
4 t I 3
2 2 I 0
I I I 0
0 0 I 0
Hua :;•, 6 4 2 3 Slaton(W, t-01 2 0 0 2 t
McClu<e(S, 0 11-\ 0 0 0 0 2
Bair pttcha<I to 2 b•ll .. s "' tne 7th
Kaai pnc:n.d 10 2 oaueu 111 tt\e 7•1"1
WP·Ha ... Kall T·3 04 A·!>6 ~
a.tttna MllWA~I
~ MOMy
Moor• Gant,,.,
He<r L.Smlth
~ T.,,_
Gr .....
Br toll
McGM lorg
Tot alt
Cid-Ml ( 1..0)
Sutton McClur (0· I)
Ladd Vele~ (0.t)
"-Slalon (t..())
.., r ll2b:lbhrrblew9
19 3 1 0 0 0 2 364
11 • 7 2 0 0 s • 12
17 3·6 ' 0 ' • 3S3 ,. 2 • 0 0 2 2 286 15 2 2 0 I 0 0 13J
15 0 3 0 0 0 3 200
8 100000 000
1 3 3 ' 0 0 1 •29 16 2 5 2 0 0 I 3 13
14 3 S 2 I 0 3 357 1422342 8 221 19e
... r " lt> :lb "' rbl •"9 15 I I I 0 0 3 067
15 3 3 2 ' 0 0 200 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 000
5000 000 000 • ,. 0 s 2 0 0 2 357
1:134 tOO t 3J3
13 ' 3 0 0 0 ' 231 0000001000
1 t • 3 0 0 2 • 273
10 I 4 2 0 0 t 400
0000000 000
127 16 25 8 ' 2 14 197
Pit china
lllLWAUllU II Ip h r., ...,.., .,..
'0 3 0 0 1 3 000
1 II S 4 • t 3 600 3 3''°' 2 1 I 2 4 2 70
t .... ' 0 0 2 0 000 " 1 8~ 6 • 3 ' • IS
t S"' T 11 4 2 2 8 75 I 2 I 0 0 2 1 000
4 3.5 25 16 13 13 IS 3 34
II Ip .,,., l*Mwa
,orsch (O·°fl I ~ 10 6 4 I I 6 3S
ICaat 4 2''1 4 ' ' 2 2 3 68 UIPOint 2 8''1 tO 6 3 2 3 3 2'
LaMI 2 I'' 4 2 2 1 1 10 80
SIUC* t 4 6 4 4 3 3 I 00 ,Pair (0-1) "3 7 2 2 7 2 3 • 00
• aut1 .. ( 1..()) 2 4"> 3 2 2 2 2 0 00
Andujr (1..01 I 6''°' 3 0 0 I 3 0 00
Totals 4 JS 42 2J 14 14 ta 3 86
St Lou!S team -'* rUf\A i.u 11\an eum
o1 lndMclual pltd>ef a -MCI runs due to
11f1911Cttlon 01 rule 10 111 tn g-' kof•bf .......... Mllwaolc .. (Al 212 132 624· 23
St Louie (N) 132 033 2 I I -16
He11drlclr reached baae on c11c11er •
lntw..,ence 1n 1111 innlnQ. Game 3 E-Her11ande1 2. Ogilvie, Cooper.
Genl .... 2, Slmmol\S, Yount. LaPOlftt OP-
S! loult 5. MtlwtvkM 2 L08-MHW-ee
30. SL louts 21 SB-Molitor. McGee 3,
Obe<kltll 2. 0 Smith 2 $-Gentner SF-
H«r HBP-H~t Dy Forsell WP-Stue>e<
2. Hua. Kea1. S•vea-Sutt&•, McCkne
WOf'kt .., ... ,, • glal\CI
T.....,'a lcote
Miiwaukee 10, St LOUii 0
w.-....,·o kor•
St. LOUIS S. MMwaukee 4
Frtdey'e lecwa
!J1 Lou•• 6 Mllw11Ukee 2 ~'e lcor• Milwaukee 7. St LOUIS 5
To6tr('e,-St. LOU!t (Fouch 15·9) al M1twau~U
(CaidW911 11· 13), t.d pm
Mllwaukee at St louto, S 20 pm W......,.YeO.-
Mllweukee at St louts S 20 p m ti
k1" fact• and flGur" Facla ano 119ures from tlle 79th Worl4
S... ~tile MllwllUllee 8'-• and
the SL louts Catdtntlll ' ~ca-et
Attand.,_. 53,723
..... .-Pll '"°· tst 17 Cornmlllloo•'• Shat.: 1134,12216 ~· POOi· 141.DH" l eague end Ctub Sertea aharH S711
342 83 0-2
Atlen<J~ 53,723
..... leoeiptt '"'· 15017 CllomrnlMlorw'• s ..... 1134.712 65 ~· POOi~ "45t,OM." League ahd CluO Serl•• there• 178.
~83 0-J
Atten<Jarioe 66,SS6 ..... ,_..,,, 1142.744.26
Commlaeloner 'a Share: I I '1, 4 11 71 ~· POOi. "4t0,1M 83 LNoue and CtuO Serlea tlleret H O
........ cout• UC,,,..._tt,P ;o1 .. I
UC It.Mt I 4 t 3-14 ,..._.,. a i • 1-• 00 1N1M -tnQ; OIMlt :I Dad_, a, II
Qa mpHll 3, "ob.,11011 t Veron I ~t.J0...,....1
.... MIMOOl o.... ... n.-.0....1
... COiie Q 1 t t -• o...... • ' 0 " eo... ..... «Ottllt a-" A/llltfOy a. "'"2. .,_ ..... ~.
Yllll .... 1 ' ' 1-• (If.,. I I t 1-e fJ T.,• .co,111t Wll•On $, lloop J.
......... LeOreM1
. .
c .. ~,--,
l•I OJlllM. Ce.) .... ,. ........ ,.. .........
1.1 .. G.0 , ) ~ I J V N9wp0fl H.,bof I J 1 I 10
"<•wpoo t H•• ll<l1 0<.liflllll I h~nl)•llf• S 111 ... 1., ), J<H>o. ~. 0 Oonl\ell 2
C.._....,.hltl .... '"'1 HafW I. !Nr\te Vtete t
Moote Vitt• I 3 0 0 I (I 6
NtlWOQft llttbo< 2 I I 0 I I ~
Nlwl>()tt llatllOr &00<1119 lhum1>ou11 :I llt.,.ty 2. lvkoakl t
SECOND RACI. 1 11 t8 m•let ll'Q Doug (Plnay) I '<> 4 00
Roch CarM< (Valeftl...itl 6 40 o .. uvllle Dawn CS•blltel
3 00 4 60
3 •O Atto receo R41gal Sl>Ot t Ir PrO•IOlf\llel, Super Stat Vincent
lune t 42 2/S
Md .. ooae,
~ DAil. Y DOYel.E t6·3) P•tO $78 20
THIRD RACE. 6 lvrlonjlt
A luelly SIQ<I (MeCarron) 3 60 3 00
VIV6CIOU$fy tRC>n*O) 9 60 15 20 ChtQulta 0 111 (Cta1•Md•l 15 60
Also r6C•d O'Atques, Stepnanou Bryn
Picture 8r1de, T hellard s Br100, School
Marm, JelfyDHn, Juhana t OtHm Bukktun
Roo1n·1 E11erov
11me 1084/S
FOURTH RACI. 6 lurtongs
le Smtt k (Vll8"l\le1AI 4 80 3 40 3 20
G11noo Jom (P1ncay) 3 •o 3 40 Bright tsle (S1D11141 S 20
Also •&Cod Mon1ana Ch~. Preton11ous
Punce Hellf\·a Tip, Sum..-K1119h1, Hog
Wild, Pill>• Too Tom<t I 08 115
Fl"" lllACIE. I ·~ lurlonga
l auqll•"O Boy (Mceatron) 8 60 4 80 • 00
Sham a FOOi (Caslanedal 10 40 6 20
Oornremy (Oelahou$Nye) S 20
Also raced Shady Fo•. G-•I Jimmy, MOIMly A~Ung Reel Rocket Anot,,..
Reatm Sucl\a Pleaau1e
Time I 15
S5 (}(ACTA (&-3) pa>O $236 50
801TH RA~. 8''1 lutlongS JtlO Untt (Mc:Hargue) 31 20 13 60 II eo w C S11ec11y (Henaen1 7 00 S 60
Time tor • C.nch (SIOllte) 16 80
Atao raceo Cmco Grano. Seahawll, Matt
O G1em. Pro Passer. Tol>ln Gold. Reel Gooo
Man Crypt.,cll AlleQlance, Decontrol
Tlrn6 t 16
"'~ Me. (McCatronl 5 20 3 80 3 00 PuN OI Smoke (PllfCO/ t2.20 8 00
Cocky Gtover (P1ncayl 3 40
Arto ·~ Ectio Piece Holtow Ranoer C<et11stov1. Fear1M>me Foursome. ReJnOow
Wll/I, Ad Man Don Orlando, Royal Button• TIWI Hague
T1m<t 1.461/S •
14 EXACTA (11·9l paid $267 SO
12 PICK 8Ut t3·S·•-8·4·81paidS12.988 60
wnh IS winning t1Gt.et1 (SI• horMs) $2 PH;
5,. consol1t1on P•td S 112 00 with S79 wtnntng holce1s (llve horses)
EIGHTH "ACL t 1116 mttea Prtnoe SpellllOunO
(C.Slanedal • 20 3 00 2 IO
Potey (Plncay) • oo 3 eo
CN<: Oanoar (McHerll"'I 8 20
Al90 r-WtMer "8enlc. C-1•, Royll Captive. Rac1no It Fun S•rt t Orum.,
S..ord 81-. 1<uqabey
Time 1403/S
' ' . .
UIC 41, llanle>f'd 21 k_.,o.. .. tefo
boull1e<11 l.tll O 11 J 17 41
31M1too11 1 1 o 1 :.>•
8U1r1 WIVle I 1u1t (ll•11•1Q01 k~)
Ul)C &1lt•Dury I""' IJ<Hll.,, kK-kl
l tart Whit• I P•H 1ron1 ltw•r Otarmoo k~I
VIC Gin.oil 2 run t.lo<den kle;~I U C OtOM>rl t 1un (J<Hd•tt kH;k)
..JJSC I (I Jorden ~2 use Ott-011 tO "'" t.1t>ro1n .,.. .. ,
St111·0o1t .... I 11111 tH••mD<I k•~l.I U6C•FO Ju.a.,, 3~
V80 $at11bllry I run (JO•dMI• klCkl A 76 t86 Telll'I ...... , .. _
lllC: I II •t Qow111 25 Rutti.l·ytlOo , l>0•22T "•wno y111d• 201 Retu1no r••ll• 411
l'ullt• • 202 r umb'" IOlt 2-4
Penattte .. yardt T 71
lime OI POIMHIOll 3l 16
..... ._ .... ltall•llc•
23 24·43
20 27.41.3
0.24 t
18 44
RUSHIN() Sovt1191n cal, GID-. lf.20, SP•"'•' , ..... Kawana 1·)• 8tanlotd. Whtie W•. K Wtlllam• 1·2•. Hooper 4-22
l'A8SING 8outhe1n Cat. Sall10u1y '1·30-1·201 S11111oro. Elwey ?7-'t·3·231
RECEtVtNO Southatn Cll. Stnvnona
•·62. Si>eneet 4-28 l(amona 3·37, G•boon
!). 18 StanlorO 0o11 .... 6·3 I TOii•• ..... so ~Hiity • •9. OINMI 3·42
UCLA 42, w .. hl1t9lon St. 17
kof• bf Ou.,teu
w,.11•no•on St o 1 10 o -H
UCLA t• 0 21 7 42 UCLJo S11pt1a 4 pa ... rro.n Remaey (L.M
UCLA Scoll t t rull (l .. ktc:ll)
WSU lurntt • rvn (Traut klCk/
WSU Jone• 46 pau lrom CHP411 (lr•vt
~•Ck/ wsu FG lrout 28
UCLA lown .. 11 S3 rul\ (lea klekl
UCLA Carney 11 pus trom R"'"'"Y (lee ktCh)
UCLA Mo11tgomory 65 1n1erc eptton
return (Luu klekl UCLA D Wlllioms 20 PIH horn Ro.mMy
R.,. klCk/
A 41, 732
fe•m 911llollc•
Full dowu1 2 l
Ru11\1t•·yortJt •5-200 PtHl"ll yerd1 190
Retum y•r01 3 I
PHHI 17·36·1
Puntl 8 40
rumotu.1011 •·2
Penalt,...yaroa 7 ·62
Ttme ot P~MltSlon 29 S'
lndlwld...i Slatlettca
RUSHING WHhlno1011 S t Harrtt
I t-117 Mattllewa 13-el. Mayes &-30, Tumor
7-t6 l hy!Ot I· 12 UCLA, Alldr-t 13·79
TownMll 1·53 Scott 7·37. Mor-ad 3-tt
PASSING W1111111glon St Casper
1'·20·1·1UO. 1111"61 O-t-0..0. JontsO·l-0-0 UCLA R•mHy t7-27· 1·238 Nevlle1HI
RECEIVING -WHh1n91on St . Jones
5-82. Moore 3·34, l Taylor 3-30. Spence.
2· ti Jacque•· 2· 13 UCLA. Car...,, 5-81,
Townaetl 2 •8. Dorrell 2·25, Betgmann 2·24,
Bruno 2· tU, So1pale 2·7
Fullerton 20, Wyoming 18 k<He br ouan.,.
Cit St Fvllttton 7 7 6 0 -20 wyomtno 3 1 o a -111 CSF".M1t1<tr 27 lnteri;eptton 'eturn IStl!lnke klek)
Wyo·FO I obtn •3 Wyo.Jollnaon 42 rul\ (!Obin kick/
CSF.Pr uttt 3 I PHI lrom E•1>•norb
(Steonkw ktck I
CSF·FO Steth~e 20
CSF·FG Steinke 38
Wyo-Lowe • rul\ (PIM •111141<11 A-17,320
Cll' Fwsl d-ns 16 FW.,,.._y111d1 36·7t
Ptallng y11d• 175
Return yatdt s 7
Pu1111 7-37 F.,,,,__, 2·1
Penait-yttdl 0-415 lomeol P-..on 29341
......,..... lleltetlc•
20 &3~47 10S
7 7. 14-3
RUSHING -Cat St ·Fullerton, Lewis 5-40~ Wl\"'16-31 RenOet 4·21 ~· -tS..t03 owe a:l"t. GOH.gin PASSING -Cal St -Fullar\on. &ptnoza 17-311·1·1'16 Allen 1·1·0·1 Wyoming.
-'OMW>ll •·ll-t-47, ~ger 3-6-2·58
RECEIVING -Cet SI ·Fullerton. Pruitt
5-66 loO.ell 3--42, $moo{ 3-10 WyOfT>lllO Wllllama 2.39 Novaoel< t-41, Mar11na 1.1t
Ruel t-11 Lowe 1·2. Te.or>e H·2l
Lono hach 81. 22. San JON SI. 21 koreltJ0-1•,. Long Beach St 6 3 3 tO -22
San .JoM St 7 1 7 O -n LB·StoU• 7 pas.a from OtllOll (hlek llltledl SJS·Kff'M 100 yard ktckoff return (84trg
LB.Johneon FG 26 SJS-Ctarkaon 3 run (E!<ttq htekJ
SJS·Rtcharo10" 8 pesa hom C111~1on
tBe<g kick)
l8.JoMson FG 21
LB·Fowler 9 pan t1om Oillon IJollnoon
LS.JOllnson FG 20 A t7 ,.,
First downl Ru.,_.ywda
"Utlfl9 ytll 0• Rllturn yatd•
F umblfl-IOll
TeMI Slatlt tlee
~ .. 3 11·76
33 211
IJS IS 22·mtnua 18
242 214
10-36 ,.,
Penalt .... yllldt
Tlme o!P-
263 I
SOUttl Coeet Conf9t~ Ce f1111-<>-al • l w I.
Ml Sen AntonlO I 0 4 1
C«rt1ot ' 0 2 3 Oolcleft w .. 1 t o 2 !I
Sanl>lego...... 0 0 4 0
'1JlwtOll 0 ' 3 2 Orange Coell 0 1 1 4
Gr-I 0 t 0 6 ....,..o-
Sen Diego .._ •I OokMn w .. 1 .....,..ca-ea
Mt Sal\ AntonlO al °'Wl09 CoMt Gr_,. at Cemtot
.....ion COf'l'9r9ftc• c---• L
SttddtebaGk s .... Alla
8111'1 OleOO cc
Palom•< Cltrua
1 0
I 0 I 0 0 0 0 I
0 1 0 1 ......., .• o.-
SaddlaClecill at 8111'1 Diego CC
CUru1 at Paiom.r
Sant• All• " Sou-tefll
o-.. w l
5 0
2 3 3 I 3 0 2 3
~ 3
' 4
louttl C-t l ... ue
....... o-..11
WLT fH T ~f-Vly 2 0 t , 2 I
Mlellon Viejo I 0 I 4 1 0 LAoutl• Hllit 2 I 0 2 4 0
San~te 110 4 20
l aguN llMch 1 ' 0 3 2 0
Woodlltldge I 2 0 3 3 0 Ottna-• 030 060 ... .,,.. . .._
Woodllfi<IOe 3 7, 0.-. Hiit 18 ,,,_..., .. ._
Lagvna 8ffot1 at Mleeion vi.fo ,,..., .• a.-
0-~Ill• at 81111 ClefMnte
WoodOriOOe •t Ollt.,IO .....,., .• o-
"',. ;n 64
151 92 78 108
104 71 58 63
tOt tOt
41 ...
C•pl1trano Vall•y •• ~•gu111 111111 at
MIMIM VlelO OTN911 ICQMI ..,.... __ ......,.
&olta OrMCM It, lot AmlOOe 10
CtOH °""'" COfllMUNIT'I' C: °"Lloa
MlltACOITA .. YlfAf~
(at 0111P11 .. 0 ..... ) .....
fUJ" Ko<n I 0•0M11'0lll. '30 :Ml 1
...... lr•I AtlllHla ::I' 1 Ill 3 OrllllOI Coat! 2 32 ti. 4 M00<119er~. 2 :13 II 0 i..,, °"'Ila
Me ... 1 ~o )~
O• engo C.autl ltn••"•• • Rae• I ;i l'l a111Qu•1 'I ,.. llM.e ' ' laCIO•M 1' 51 Rec.• a 3 McM .. '"'· 11 ~6. n.,,. 4 2 Lrtc~IM)n 7 I IT, llA(e S I Adlrlll, :I t 33. RllC• 6 8 Ct• .. '9 73 01, R~e 7
t M•rrvme11. 1 t '8 f'
TNm "°'" t Or.,,o• t:o••• 'J ~2 4 t :I Clroatlm0<11 :I ~8 4 t. 3 MltACOlla. 7 3 I 73.
• MMt. Ariton•. 7 :>~ 04 ~ Prntenl•, Arlt 2 36,,
Orenge Cout t1n111ter• R•~• I ~ O.Vet11 UI" 0, R&c.e ' I Zlhl 19 ~6 0. Rae. 3 I Howe. 20 0 I ....... 4 ' K
Uube, 'O 19, R1Ci4I S t J Ouo.. 20 35.
Race 6 2 O.Oont, 71 17, R-1 ~
Wlllte, '10,
( .. l addlellecll l:ollep) MIN
Dhltloft A
t Merh,,., (M•I., °"4), t!> 48 ' l•w••~
(El1>•••n2a1. Ill 53. 3 Eddy (M•l•r Oet)
111 06. 4 C111r•1CO 18u•ha P&k) 16 t I !> ~(Mat .. Cell. Ill 12. 6 H<>gve (Sonor1)
16 ••. 7 Kreb• (Uni...,atty) t6 20 8 lone1
tMater 0.11, 16 20, 9 Shvlta (Un1-111y)
16 22. tO Afelllbeld IOe••n Viewl Ill 22 It Oor•dll (Raneho AtlmltOaJ 18 25 n
ArHnault (Mater Oe•I. 115 27 13 W1t1011
IVn>veunyl. 16 28, 14 LeOrallO (V•i..llG•al
t6.28, 15 Gooo tCoete mMtl. 16 33
Teem "°'" t Mater Oei, 20, 2 Coate
Meaa, 121 3 0..-• P4tk. 172, • E1peran111 t56. 5 Footllllt, 160
OMtlon AA
I A~ton (CorO<ID Oel Mar). tS 27 2
Hallem.,1 (El OottdOI, 15 42, 3 Green (VUt1
Patk). 15 SA. ' Baugh (Hunt111g1on Beach),
1!1;67, 5 Kiner (NeWport H••O()(~ 16 68. 6
Ooermo (Vlllo Pork). 18 10. 7 Pttkar (VIII• Perk). 16 12. 11. R.., (KeMtdy). 16 tll, II
White (lrv11101. t6. 18. 10 Cue•a (Hvnllngton
Beaelll. 18 :10; I 1 ~ero11 (El Ooraao). 18 24,
12 Smith (Garoon Gro•el 15 27. 13 ROdriouoz (Konn..Oyl, Ill 28, 14 WOOO (El
Ooradol, t6.28 1s. B•ero 1E .. 1nc11,. t8 20
Team 1corea I e1 Dorado, 62 2 Vitia
Park, 66, 3 Huntington Beach, 96, 4 Dano Hlllt. 112; 6 Newport Hatbof, 144
OM olorl AAA 1 Junherma11 (los Alom11011, IS 03 2
Eaparu (El Modena), 15 41 3 G1an111to
tt<•t•ll•). 15 46 • M'Glll& IEI Mooe11n 15 59. 5 Spen,e• tEt To101 16 03 6 Makens (El Torol. t6 09 7 t.1ac0011ald
(Tuttlll), 16 13. 11 Farien (Et Toro). 115 16 0
Chrtat1e (M11aion Vietol 16 t8. tO OeSant06
(El Modarla) 16 20. t I Valen (El Modena)
t6 22. 12 vouno (E01son1 16 24 13 Reece
(Et MoOenaJ. 16 28, 14 Coe (E01W>11) 16 26
15 Betodeau (Tusttnl 16 35
T ••m ICO<e• ' El MOOelll 40 2 El T O<O.
ST, 3 Tu111n. 114 4 M111ton Voeio I 16 S
Founl.,,, Valley t3 t
t MclauQhlln (Untvet11ty) 18 54 2
Ktern•n (lot Am1001). 19 12. 3 B1rr101
(Untverslty) 19 37, • Sete111<1 tUn1ve<1•IYI
111 3a, 5 G1IDet1 (FOuntlln Valley). 19 50. 6 Saluw (Untver5tty), 20;08, 7 Hagan (Oana
Hiiis) 20 14, e Ror>man (Vllen<:lal. 20 29 9
Klao (Untver111y) 20 36, 10 Young
(Eaperarual 20 39 t I Evert• 1E1 Mooona). 20 44. 12 CraOtree (Founta111 Volley). 20 5;>,
13 Sprmoer (L~ Amigos~ 20 53 14 Vat0e1
(Etpe<a11za). 2 t 04, tS" Bullard 1E1perania1
Team I COrOI 1 Vn1•1••11y. 23, 2
Eapef anza, 17. 3 Loa AmfOOt, 111, 4 Oane
Hiiia, 1111; 5 El Modena, 120 Dlwleloft AA
1 Fett (Mater Oel). t8 08. 2 Meyers
(FOOthllll. ti 19. 3 Co• tFOOlhllll, 1U 28, 4
Lloyd (FOOtMI). 19 28. s Corney (Footh•lll. 19 30; 15 Fro...c! (FOOtlltlll, 19 30, 1 ADrahorrl
tfoothllll. t9.3S, 8 Murret tNewpon Harl>orl.
19:35. 9. R1bllltl (Newport HMl>Oll ti 43,
10 NI0)0'9S (trvthel. ti 50, It l(llne
(Footl\111), 11·51, 12 Maher (Miter Del).
20·30. 13 Croteau (W11ter Dell 20 39, 14 5-9 (Newport Htrl>orl 21 OI. IS Wr19ht
(lrvtnel. 21 18
Teem"°' .. ' Foolhltl, 20 2 Mltef 0...
14. 3 ~ H111Dor 78 4 lrwle, 103, 5 C.-ta Meta. 145 ~AAA
' Miiiet tlu11111). IS.•. 2 Blogtte (El Toro)
19°'12 3 Pratt (Edleon). 11 13, 4 ~ (El
Toro), ti 2 t 5 FlHOle (Tustin). tll 30, 6
11""'4<moil!n (EOl.Mllll. tt..». I ...S.•11 1Er
Oor.001. t9 44. 11 Ol9'< (Tullinl. 11 48, 9
Oety (M1s11on V1e101 II 41 10 Snydell
(EO~I 10 t3. I I White (EO•aonl. 17 Mitter
(Tustin) 20 211 13 KOi.-fTuS1111J. 20 ·~
14 Romaro (Et Toro). 20 45. t5 Collin
(Mo~ Vie1ol 20 56
T9*TI ICO<K 1 Tustin 31. 2 Ed•aon. 48
3 MlastOr> Vtero "· 4 Et Toro 94, s Et
Ooraoo t32
8wl11 Indoor loumam-"t , ....... ........_., ._....... ........
Yannlek Noah (Franoe) def Jay Lapldut
(US), 6-3 6-2. M•tt WUancler fSwedenl dtlf T-HoOttedl (S....,.,.I, 6·1, 7.5
Au11r.i11n Indoor tournament , .. .,...,) ._.......,...
0-MIY9< (U 8 l def Jimmy Connon
(U 5 ). 8-3. 2·1 ... 3.; .JIJIM McEfWoe (U 8 I ""' s1 .... 0en1on cu s ). 6-3. 11-1
WCT tournament ( .......... IWy) .--.... ........ Ivan Lendt (C~echoalOvtkl.11 def .IOllA"
Kttelt (South Alrleal M . 6-4. 7·S, WOfl..,
F l b a k (Pote ndl o ar Tom•• Smto
(~16~ 6-1, 6-3. 5-7. 6-1
F1oftda open , ...... ......,,,.) ...,,._.. ........
AndrH Jeeger (V.S ) def llelh -(U 8 ~ 1·6, &-1, Chnt E...,, ~(VS l def AndrN
leend (U S I, t-1, 1-2
ART'I J>::lo ':.":..,~ .. I -79 qtert V b-. 1•D OOl\llO, 35 manUtel.
45 rod< fllh. 20 ~. 10 ecvtpln
DAVSY'I 1.DCIC~ ( .... 11111 iheefl) -
189 lnOleft 305 bonito.• eel~ bl ... ' -cod. SH mac*n, M 7 rock coo, $8 Ulld
t>Me, 1 l>Oftlto 11\aftt.
DANA WM""" -268 111\0let't 54 bHa
575 l>Ol\410, 2 11.itbul, 14 t maohettl, 30 rock
11th,. ~-S2 9QUll)ln SUI.ACM -et Anglin 15 baa•. 3
l>Onlto. 20 macil9'tl, 230 rodt ns11. ' llno
cod. 4 petcll ( .... ) -111 ~· 8! OOllllO, t lllllllllt. 22CI ,....,.,, • --" ~.
300 _..... ~. ttl ~ lltfl, • P«efl
-·~. , ~
............ " ..... ' ..............
Lot Anoeiee I 0 O-I
NV ...... • a 1 t-4 ,,,..~
1. N9'# "°"'· OOrillO I(~ T~~ 1·11 ~ troolw 3 (~. ~ ,...~ 11~
(&IP). 3. !..oe ~ ~ I <•"'"'*· P'oio. tl:t 4 (llfll. l"anatt11t-o....,,,. I.A, ma jOf, 2•47; I . 811\t.,, NV, ma lof. l t47:
Kannady. I.A, • U : c ... 1o11, HY, 1l:ta:
Hyel,..,,il NY, me!Of, IS:H : °''°"'· lA. IM!Of, 1a:l2. 0.., NY, tl!11. ..........
4. N9<tt YOfll. IOHY t (l ... tMI. 10 •
.,._.,.._NOiie "*" ...... I • ..._ Yotll. """°"' I('(,,,,..., Oomal. 11:11 U.1 ,.,...._~LN'I'' 4 fl, ~.\.A, lf . .c); .....,,.... ,.T, tH•
llloh o" 0011.--Lo• ""t•tu .. to-t-• New TOltt lotM-11. Ooellal Loe ~ ..... o. ~Miii .... v..-.~ tl,lto
• •
Ornngu Co11111 DAILY PILOT/Sunday, Oclobor 17, 1982 ..
Dolphins' parade
• ru1ns ~ I . .
warriors ex plod ~ r or :l 7 -16 victory
lpeclal to !tie Delly "°'
Woodbridge High s poiled Dana
II ii ls' Homt.•t·oming gum1· by
luylng a :i7-16 dl•fl•at on lh1·
l>olph111~ bcfor .. 1>n 1•Ntlmuted
crowd uf J,000 llt Duns ll11IH
High School Saturday 4ftcrnoon.
W oo dbridj(e 1 ·lcd h y
qu11rkrb;wk Kt.'vin Burke and
runnln~ bac:k Rudy Figu1:rna.
piled up & :J0-0 lead and was
n l' v er l h rt.' at c n e d by t h ('
Dolphln11, who put up two luk
~wures to give the homu funs
somethmg to <:h<..oer about
The Wcirr1ors also g ot
somc·lhlng to l'ht.oer about t.•arly,
as Dar in Oet niel took a first
quarter Dolphin punt at his own
44 and returned 1t to the Dana
Hills 2~. Six plays later Figueroa
plun~ed over from two yard'i out
1.0 put the v1s1tors up by six. The
point after sailed wide right to
keep the S(:ore 6-0,
Daniel also set up the second
Woodbridge score, interc:epting a
Dolphin pass at the Warriors' 22
a nd bringing it back t o the
Dolphin 4 1. Four plays and a
lit tle over minute later , the
Warriors upped their lead to 13-0
on the first of three touchdown
passes Burke would t..'Onnect for
on the day.
Sean Wright was the rec1p1ent
of the first stnke, stretching out
in the left corner of the endzone.
to gather it in.
The big turning point in the
game came when Dana H ills.
after punting to the Warriors.
recovered a Woodbridge fumble
at the Warrior's 14. The Dolphins
found themselves knocking at
the door, getting a first down at
the Woodbridge two-yard line.
On the ensuing play. Shane
Pratt bur!""owed through traffic
inside the one-yard line. One
official signaled touchdown but
was ove rruled by another. After
some discussion the Dolphins
tried it again, but this time the
baU got loose and the Warriors
took over at their own one.
It turned out to be a IO-point
switch as Woodbridge went the
length of the field for a 31-yard
field goal by Hans Wiberg. It
actually could have been worse
us Woodbridge, wh1c:h woul
wind up lwlnte 1111acued l
pt•rualti('H for 20 I yards, had th·
first of two touchdown11 cullecS.:
back With six ~-con<!» left before:
h~dft1m1· tht• W1Jr11ora had to:
11t•ut. .. tor th~ field goal. I
Afte r 1n t ermiui o n . the!
Warriors 11alit.·d tht· win witl>l
anottwr 'fony Burke TO pau1l
th1:i1 t>Oc to Figueroa, who wouno.
up catching four pas8e5 for IO~.
yards The play <:ovcrt-d 31 yarclli;
and t•appt.'<.I off etn H2-yard driv~:
that con11umed a lmo1H five;
minutes. Kicker Tim Lead\•
added the· point aft.er for a 23..0:
lead :~
Burke cnd<>d th(! afternoo~!
connecting on 16 of 2 I for 24G"f
yards and thrl-e scores. Ftguer~
t.·nded hts b1glJay rushing for 10Q:
yards on 16 carnes. ~
Dolphins who enJoyed fi ntiS
games w er~ tight e nd Dav&
Harris, who c·aught eight passes
for 118 yards and a pair of TDs
and quarterback Matt Cooper,
who ended the day I3 of 24 f~
189 yards, 3 inte rceptions an~,;
two touchdowrui ~
* ...
Woodbr1d91 S7, D•n• Hiiie 1t
lcote by Quanere
::;. :¥..
Wo0<1b11cJge 6 to 7 14 -37
Oona Hills O o 0 16 -16
W -Ftgveroe 2 run, (kick failed)
w -wrighl 4 pau lrom Burke (leacn kick)'
W-FG Wtt>erg 31 ,
W -F1gu11<oa 3 1 pass rrom t)Urke (Leacrt •
W-Nk:holson 6 pass trom Burke (Leac11
OH-Horris 8 pus from C<><>Pt!f (~.
run) •• OH-Harris 28 pass from Cooper (Otlv~
pass lrom Cooper/ ••
WB-Sclvoed« 3 run (Leacll klCk )
Attendance -3,000 (ett I
Game ltatletlc• w
, Firat downs 23
RuS11eS·ya1dS 37·213
Passing yards 246
Pu"'1 3·33
Fumbletl·IOSI 2·'
Penatt•es·y.,ds t7 .20 t
lndMdual 8tatlatlc•
DtC '~ :.>t·78
RUSHING -W-F.gueroa, 16· 100,
Schroeder. •·3•. Sieler. 5-2 1. Lee. •·23.
Burke. 3-14, Clay. 3-10. Ruller. t-6 Daniel.
OH -Ptltl. 17·85, Coope<. 1·9, Halsey.
2·2, Oll~er. t-0
PASSING -W·Burlle, 16·21-4,240; Lee.
t-1.0, 6. OH·Cooper, 13·2<1·3.18g
RECEIVING -· W·Flg11«oa, 4· 105. Wrlgllt.'
6·68, Ruuetl, •·58, Lee, 1·7. Nicholson. 1-6. ·•
OH·H&trls, 8· I tB: Frencia, 3·37; Prall. 1· 19.
HAltey 1·6. Van E.nget. 1·9
It's the Muldowney,.
Prudhornnte show ..
Two names familiar in drag
racing circles dominated the
scene Saturday during the
seco nd a nd f i n al da y o f
qualifying for today's Winston
World Finals at Orange C.Ounty
lntemat.ional Raceway. '
Don Prudhomme, 42. a veteran
touring professional from
Granada Hills. roared into the
top funny car qualifyi ng position
with a 5 .76 -seco n d ,
243 .24-mile-per-hour run
Shirley Muldowney clinched
her third top fuel dragster crown
and a $40,000 bonus with the
sixth fastest qualifyin g run
during the two day s of
preliminar ies at OClR.
Muldowney. also 42, needed
only to qualify to sew up the title
1n top fuel competition. She
posted a run of 5. 73 seconds at
245 90-mph to become the only
drive r to win more than one
Winston world championship for
unlimited dragsters since 1975 .
Gar y Be ck of El Toro
maintained his top fuel lead at
5.58 seconds and 251.39-mph but
he is out of the National Hot Rod
Association (NHRA) title chase.
He can defend his world final
c r o wn s u ccessfu lly today .
Prudhomme entered the finaJs
in third place in the point chase
and still trails leader Frank
Hawley by 826 points going into
t o da y's f i nal r ou nd o f
Hawley, from London, Ont ..
Canada, qualified third in the
16-car field at 5.90 seconds,
239.36-mph. If he wins his first
round match against Al Segrini
today . h e will eliminate
Prudh o mm e fr o m title
conte ntlon and a possible lifth
NHRA championship.
Anteater women
romp past Titans
UC Irvine romped to a 3-1
women's volleyball victory over
Cal State Fulle rton Saturday
night while Christ Colteg • of
Irvine dropped a 2· 1 verdict to
Ca lif or ni a ln11 tltutc of
Cindy Rohrig, a freshman out
of Ml111lon Viejo High, played
well at outalde hltwr ind m ddle
blocker tor the Anleoters who
improvod their reeord to 14-13
wtth th~ vietory.
Fullerton fell to ~,.11 on th«.>
Chrlat College won tho flnt
1ame of three played S.turday
nJ1ht but had trouble In \M ~>et
two and the mat.ch wtnt to the
visl lol'll, 2· l .
Billy Meyer of Waro. Texas, is.,.
in second place. 488 points-
behind Hawley aft.er quahfying
sixth for today's finals. He meets
defending world finals champion
Jim Dunn of Long Beach in
opening round action today.
Warren Johnson of Norcross,
Ga., earned the top pro stock spot ·
with a 7.73. 177.86-mph run with ·
defending world champion Lee ·
Shepherd in second place. •
World c hamp ions will be
crowned in nine NHRA divisions
following today's f i nal
eliminations. which get under
way at I 1 this morning with the
top fuel Cu-st round. Priw money
for the event ts $308.850.
* Dtag r9dft9
(It °""90 c_., Int, "-"rt>
fM OUA1J'W"9
TOP FUEL -t Git)! ~. El Toto, 5.58
seconcJa, 251 39 mllu per hout. 2 Merk
Oewlld, 0ne1nna11. 5 65, 255.68-mpll; 3, Jody
Smart. SOI\ Antonio, Tox , 5 87, 252.80-n\pll.
4 Jtm 8arnerd, Portland, 5.69, 248.81-mph:
5. Doug K•rhul1u. Bek•rtll•ld, S 72.
240 U ·mPh: 8 Slllrloy Mu ldowney. Mt. Clemons. Midi .. 5.13. 248.90 mph; 7. Connie l(alltll, Yl)lltantl. Mk:h. S 75, 23&.94-mpll: 8 .
Luclllo LM , Long 9Mch, 5.76, 239.3(1..mp\.
FUNNY CAR -1 Don Prudhomme,
Grenodl HIMS. 5.76. 243 24, 2 Kon Vontty,
W•d•wOrlh, Ohio. S.85. 2•2 SB. 3. FIMk
Hewley. London, 0111 .. C•neda. 5.90,
23D.311, 4. Brue• hr.,eon. Complon, S.M ,
241 93, 5. Tripp Shum1ko. Plloenla, 5.97,
229 59, 6. Biiiy Meyo,, W.co. Tex .• 5.98,
240 00, 7. R1ymond 801dle, Dallas. 5.94,
23 t.96, 8 K•nnY B•tneteln. Dallas. 6.00.
PRO STOCK -1. Warr•n Johnson,
Norc;ron. Oa., 7.73, 177.88; 2. Lee S ho91'*d.
Arllngton. Te• , 7 .74, 177.51, 3. Bob Glidden.
WhltOllhd, lncJ , 7.74, 177. t8; •. Fronk
laconlo. Totow•, N.J , 7.79, J75 43; 5. lob
lnglH, Cermot. NY , 7.83, 173.4 1: 8 Oon
Cooncie. Cayuga, NY .• 7 U , 172.08: 7 Marti
Vulll, R•no. 7.88, 173.41, 6 Joe Lepone,
Newton Squire. Pe., 7.87, 172.41
Islanders top .. :
Kings, 4-1 ~
Butch Gori~ and Bryan Trottiel'
re gistered first-period goals to
power the New York Ialandets to
11 4 ·1 victory over the L09
Angeles Kin,s Saturday night in
a game whic h marked th~
National Hockey Ll'ague debu"t
of Victor Ncchacv of the Sovi~
Union. .
The 26-year -old Nechaev, a:
.center. watt called up by thl"'
Kloga from their New Htven
farm dub Friday nttht after
acorl.ng a gc>al and two ..Uta for
tht' Amt>rlcan Hockey Leaaue
NlahthawKI. He took a ~sw-
1hfh but did not ..-oro.
Gortn11 with defennman
Thomas H~Jander draped over
hla blick, opened the a'Oftna at
6:1D of \he Clrst pttlod whft\ he
knocked ln •rebound OW1' Kl"8I
rookie pUe Mike Blake. ,
• Orange OoM• DAILY PILOT/lundey, O..Oier 11. 1912
CONSTIUCnoN QUALITY tMYen. .,,,. •••• NOWOM.Y ... •• ,
SCALLON W•emrv llac
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U0 )OD fist! W~llJC>lt Clftr1dge flltrr. Whllf
WllPIY lasts. som no ralnchects.
nc. 1U 9. Nita fOf al lnOOOr or outdoor
p&ants ... plantlng or transptahttnv.
IEG. 128.99. Handcrafted llanl·
wood Chain wtt1I llanclWovfn
natural palm wtt.
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Gift you~ PfflX'f wttll I
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lloHodll 8Ulll• _ggc:
REG. 11.49. COIOrful addition for your vard
Of gardtn.
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1" x 10' J( 6' Clar 1t1111 .. ronc• •rick• •••rd NOW ONLY ... • ••• .,,
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(714) &24·tet3 1714) NH&e1 (213181 ... tlt (714) 750·3441 (213) 421-7561 1714) IAJ.60M (21313498850 (7141179-1191 1714) 68M034 (213> S3Ml33 (714) 980·0212 (7141913·~4 (2131S47·1122
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() A S 'I'
Julie Pearce of N ewport Beach. short on size, but long on fashion
Proportion key to short chic
A woman doesn't have to be tall
or large to be an authority figure.
"Petite women can have the •t?!a
of authority by making sure their
clothes flt," said Shelley Kern,
conducting a short chic qlnlc at the
South Coast May Co.
"A short woman shouldn't look as
If she's weari ng someone else'
"There are many succesaful short
women," Kern said, citing Oollle
Parton, who she said wu five feet
tall; Liz Taytor, five feet, two Inches;
Bo Derek, five feet three Inches, and
then there's Nancy Reagan.
The answer for a short woman In
selecting clothlng Is stytea cla•lfled
as petite. They are scaled down to flt
women 5-foot-4 and under.
EstlmatH put the number of
women In thla height category as 17
mllllon In the United States.
Petite clothtng came out In 1980,
but when pant• c.me In they faded.
Five years ego they came out 1trong
again and petltH are avallable. In •
1tyle1 from sportawear to evening
"Eight out of every 10 women
under five feet tour lnchM are not
' .. ...
aware they can wear Petite size,"
said Carol Landis, fashion consultant
at May Co. "When they are looklng
for a dress, I'll say have you tried the
petite department and the an~wer Is
usually no."
"Petite women are also not aware
of the options they have In clothing.''
Kern said. "They have been told so
many times 'you can't wear that
because you are too short,' but the
truth Is petite women can wear
almost anything If It's In the right
The correct proportion Is the key
to being dressed property.
For Instance In a tailored suit -a
petite woman should-have narrower
lapels on her Jacket which ahould
end just below the waist. The one-
button Jackets are very flattering.
Best akf rt styles are A-llne, straight
and dirndl. Detalls lhould be kept at
the neckline of a blouse. Rutflet are
okay, but again proportion comes
Into play.
Flat finish fabrics are beat for the
small woman. Wool and velvets are
good, too, and tweeds can be uied
In touchel.
"Don't avoid br1ght colota," Kern
advfJed. "You can WMr them."
. '
Women at the clinic were asked
what they had been told that they
couldn't wear. They sang out
culottes, prints, floats, plalds and
"It's not true," said· Kern. "You
can wear them If you have the
proportions scaled down. Large
prints should be used In small doses. Try small prints and plalda. Floats
shouldn't have too much volume.
"Wear knickers If you want to, but
keep your hose the aame color. Wear
boots. but keep them In the aame
color family u your skirt.''
Kern told the women they didn't
have to wear high heats all the time.
"You shouldn't weer heel• over three
Inches tall, but try \he lower stacked
heels. Stay away from flats. V-throat
shoes are very flatterlng.
"Be careful of textured hose,"
Kftrn abserved. "Sheer hose with a
sheen look great on a short woman.
"Bags shourd be kept small.
Shoulder bag straps can be tied up
so they don't let the bag fall very far
pajt the wal1t".
Other advice on being short and
chic concerned belt• which lhould
be 1 ... than thrH Inch•• wide -
v-1nap1ng 1n tne tre>f't le very aood
and Jewelry which ahould be 1'ept
small and scaled down.
All figure types have restrictions,
'"and petites are no exception. Kern
pointed out that women five feet.
four Inches and under should not
wear cuffed or harem pants.
Otherwise almost anything goes If
the proportion Is right. Manufacturers are aware of the
shorfwoman's problems. They know
the mature woman wlll not find the
kind of sophlstcated clothes In the
junior department where she Is often
forced to shop. The clothing 'makers
are responding.
"Good styles for the matare petite
woman are being made by Jones of
New York , Evan Picone, Liz
Clalborne and many others. Sizes
are 2 to 12 ·and 14. We have sllk
dresses by Maggie London coming
In soon. TheY. are high fashion and so
are London s dinner sults," Landis
In he'r lecture, Kern told the
women It 's Important for them to
keep their weight down. "One pound
on you will be the same a1 five on a
tall person.
"And always be au re and uae
mucara on the top of your lalhet
Tall people will notte. If you dOn't.'1
the laughed.
. I
tSuntJuy, Ocl ol> 1 17, 198:.>
I •
Get that casual look by doing it yourself
Dilltr l'llol a...itr ldltOf
Thi.>re an· women who :;till huvc• their
w~kJy appointnwnt at thl• h1ur salon, but wilh
the casual 11tyll-s the rna..1onty of women mnkt'
appointnwnt.11 for spedal UC<'usions or lo gel huir
colored, tr1mml'<I or t'Ul.
But , al t h o ugh y 11 ti • rt' no Ion g er l h c
Thursday 2:30 p.m girl. you want to reprodutoe a
salon look al home
Th<.'r<''s a w1Jt> chok-e of apphanet.'S made lo
help achieve that look.
lieneral ~k'<.'lr1c. who makl'S blow dryers,
curling iron~ and brushes and electric rollers,
offers these ups to assist you
Ma ke surl' you begin with a good cut and get
regular trims
' ~
When styling hair, ma!<e sure It retains some
moisture. Blow dryers should not be used on
completely dry hair.
Always kl't'p the dryer moving to ensure
even drying. Do not hold dryer direclly on hair.
Fall forec:ast: l'pswt>pl huirstylcs tha t makt• tlw
most of fu<'iu l f eaturci,.
Begin drying the bat•k of the hair first,
continue on the sidL'S, and !inish by drying hair
at the crown of the head and around the face.
For added fullness, dry small S('('tions of hair
at a time. Make certain the under laye r is
comple tely dry before drying the outermost
Use the hig h setting to dry your h air
'}Uickly The lower sctung should be used for
Use l'urling irons and brushes un clean, dry
hair for best rt'su:ts.
The amount of hair on tht.• barrl'l helps
d e termine the hairstyle and type o f hair.
Generally five to 15 n11nutl'S 1s n<t:omm<'nded.
The tightness of the· c-url dcpc·nds not only
on the size of the rolk•rs. but ulso on tht.• amount
Suit yourself this fall, with a wide selection of ta ilored fashions.
And, suit the hairst yle to the fashion look, says the Hele ne Curtis
Hair tylist · Advisory Board. At far lMt, a classic l>ob, perme d for
curve a nd ·tyle upport, is a good starting ,point; pull hair int~ a
tiny chignon, and add a brimmed hat for the proportion and
mood need ed to acce orize a dinner su it. At left., chic, bold a nd
casua l look for fall 1982; pair the two easy ,.Uece of the uit with
Crt'uting professional looking hair st y le~ a t
home is m a de ea sy with today's vcrsatilt•
iq>pliuncc. Add f ullncss and body lo Ion~ hair.
l..ft, with a heate d curling brush . For a dra ma tit·
look, reminiscent of Bacall , center, u~c dt'<.·tri'·
roller s, side pa rt and c lip away from forc.•ht·ad .
Ulow drying. adds body to the sleek st yle at ri~ht.
of hair un cai.:h roller. For tighter curls. wrap
smaller S<'t·tions of hair on small rollers.
Por loose waves, use larger sections of hair
on mt'd1um and large rollers.
Avoid limp c-urls by letting hair cool before
Add body and fullness to longer hair by
rolling the under layers on medium rollers and
the outer layer on large roUers.
S hort hair? Rt.'fflcmber this rule of thumb
when using electric rollers: Hair should wrap at
lt•ast I 1r, times around the roller
Ti ckets
on sa le
for cr uise
C rui se of Light
uckets are now on sale at
the Huntington Harbour
Philharmo nic Committee
office. 10873 Algonquin,
H untington B eac h
Monday through F'riday
For fall and wintN .... tvh:-.L.., '><JV thl· d1rl<tllun
an hair 1s upswept and off ilw l<Jt'I' Th<it go<·~ for
super-short, nwd1um <11 pa'>I your ..,houlder
To a<:hll'V{' tht• balk ..,w4·1Jt look l<ikl· th(·
sections of your hair th<Jt l .. dl Jrnund vour Ian.-
and wrap them around thl ">l~ hng b1 u~h with
hair going an th1· d1rt'<.'t10n 4Jf tht.· bi.It k of your
ht'ad. 1 Watch your ha1rdn·~...i 1 and d1111 t lit <JfrJ1d
to ask questions
a nairstyle tha t Ca rrie The Same ee mg; l I 0 an easy Style ------......... ~a-=--r..<.-. p M
We're more
Than just the
Best place for
is pe rmed to direct ha ir off the face, and tousled a t the foreht.>ad
for contra t. ( uit : left, by Calvin Kle in; right b y Norma
Hairstyles suit tailored fashions
Adult uck<>ts arc $4
and l'h 1 ld ren under 12
arc· $2 Mori.' anformauon
about tickets may be
obtained by ca lling
840-1777 Cruise tickets
for cruise tours (groups
of 40 or more) may be
arranged by c alling
Come see our designer
• Active wear
• Caaualwear
CHICAGO (AP) -The slraighter, simpler
lines o( fall fashions signal a need for hairstyles
with more ''ta1lonng" and less curl than in the
past f cw seasons.
That's the w o rd from the twelv e
professionals who make up the Helene C~tis
Hairs t ylists Advisory Board. The y believe
tailoring an hair, as in new menswear fashions. js
the most importan t new trend.
As an example. a s hort style witn light curl
on top and closely layered sides and back, is one
shape that complt.•ments almost all of the current
designer fashions
For the first lime m several years. the
stylecasters give th!.' nod to medium-length hair.
from chm to JUSt above the shoulder. In the
recent past. fashions favored very short or very
long hair But with daytime hemlines n~w
reeling like· yo-yos from thigh to caJf. a ~d
length cut S<'Cms a good. wo rkable comprorruse.
say board mt-mhcrs
A new influent•e on hair IS hats. From floppy
fedoras to saucy little berets. they topped off
many a fashion look when designers introduced
the new fall hnc.'S.
According to stylist Jerry Gordo of Chicago:
"Hats ore important, especially the cloches and
other 1920s st:·• ·s They're close to the head. and
hafr has to he rlc:.1~<11ed to fit under the hats.
That's why we'll S'-'<' ks; volume in hair this fall.
and rr.ore classic straii-;!.: l•JO ks '.1kt• the boq."
Gordon a lso secs marcel-like waves. "but
looser and .not as contrived" as the originals, as
-part of the smaller, closer. hair look.
• The large number of working women who
are now the backbone of many fashion designers'
markets and beauty salons' clientele are mor~
lmportant tha n ever as a source of beauty and'
-fashion trends, board members point out.
"The working-woman hairstyle, something
:versatile and wearable on a da1Jy basis, is a
.dominant influence today," says Gerald Haynes,
'owner of thrf'e Detroit-area salons. Another
1tylist cit.es the ever-popular bob or pageboy as
an enduring classic that working women request.
Noting c1 change an attitude. stylist Brenda
Longhofer. of Louisville, K y., says, "Professiona1
arrogance is gone today. Our job is to design the
looks that women want to wear and most women
eeem to know what they want in a hairstyle."
Rol.'Co Altobelh. in Minneapolis. adds, "lf
you imist on one 1. 1k or length , you limit the
appeal o f your ..... 1 k Fo r instance, many
hauatyllsts like to llhow orr their technical ability
0n ahort styles. But women themselves tend to
like longer hair." · Long or ehort, a key corudderation la no· fuss
eue: "A whole generation of women has pown
up with mlnlmaJ malnt.enana! halratylet. ' aaya
Michael Swlter. Phoenix, Ar1i .. stylist. "Women
are not solng to at.art chanatng their loo&<. every ~ they buy new clotht'I. Easy care is a big
teaeon why o.rm1 have been ao popular for the pllt decad4t ,.,.. -
Fuhlona rely on color and texture to creat.e
moodia. Jutt • tweedl. lilJu and IOft awea~n ~ne with 1ulned·cla11 '1plndow coJon to
' f
create a rich, elegant (~ling this SC'ason. so 1t 1s
with hair.
For fall. th<' expe rts see rit•hly s ubtle
coloring in deep reds and golds instead of brassy.
sassy tones. The deep coloring will combine with
textured taiJoring ach1<'v1.>d with cut and perm
"We'll see multiple texture perms m a single
hlllrstyle," says Darleen Hok la. Portland. Ore
"Natural hair can range from curly to wavy to
straight on one head," she adds. "and the new
penn looks will have that natural feeling. too."
846-9216 or 846-3589.
The Cruise of Lights
will run from Tuesday,
Dt:•c 14 . throug h
Thursday, Dec. 23. There
will be four tours daily
to view the h o l 1day-
d eco r at c d h omes
beginning at 5:30 p.m .
The tou.r s wllJ leave
from Peter's L anding.
16400 Paci fl(' Coas t
Hig hway. Hu nting ton
LAYAWAY Shop now while selections ore plen11ful
Use our Layaway Pion
The ultra·th1n Concord Manner SG series features the exclu-
srve nine/quartz• movement. Handcrafted in Switzerland.
impressively precise. each water-resistant watch 1s a sculp-
tural blend of stainless steel and rich. warm 14 karat. gold.
Come see. A. Lady's. $840. B. Man·s. $890. C. Lady's. $840.
Bailey Banks& Biddle
World RMowncd Jewelers Since 1832
eop e
-Lido Marina Village -
3'3 I Vis Oporto
Nttwport BBBch
UMful, H ly-to•llnCI lnformallon 11 •
vital part ol the work uttlng
New19aper claulll•CI 11 on• 1ouroe
bullneee people l'lavu come to depend
upon -lor par1onal •• well ••
wolk·relatecl ne.da.
To rMOtl ec:uve e111alfled reader• call
and let 111 llelp you write your
reeu1t-oeu1no ed. ..., .... classif led ads
phone 642·5678
• '
""°'" br Deir Not 111h1t11r...,_ Cflertee Stan
Wearing a Liz Claiborne two-piece.purple Evan Picon e separates
are suitable for Julie
Pearce. The dirn.dl
st yled skirt is teamed
with a tweed jacket
that falls just below
the waist. Small ruffles
add eyecatching
accents at the neckline
and sleeves. She w~ars
sheer hosier y and
pumps cu t with a
V-shaped vamp. The
Bare Trap bag stra p is
tied at the top to allow
it to fa ll a t the right
distan ce for her he ight.
plush a ctive wear suit with Monet necklace
and earrings, P earce checks o ut the pe tite
dresses available. he knows the petite
woman can wear tripes and g athers if the
garment is proportioned correctly. The
Oaiborne a ctivewear comes in a variety of
j ewel colors. Pho tographed a t May Co.,
South Coast Plaza.
562 Club sets membership • mixer
A membership m ixer is planned by the 552
CLUB. Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian.
Monday, Oct. 18, at 5:52 p.m. at Balboa Pavilion.
"Step Through the Looking Glass." a
seminar for achieving women will be held
. Ott 23. lit the Holtday Inn. 1850
Harbor lvd .. Anaheim. Lunch and a style show
will be included . Reservations and further
information may be obtained by calling 669-1712.
-.ORANGE DISTRICT. California Federation
of Women's Clubs. will hold an October Harvest
salad luncheon with cards and games, at 11:30
a.m. Friday. Oct. 22. in the Costa Mesa Women's
Clubhouse. 610 W. 18th St., Costa Mesa.
EXECUTIVE WOMEN Inte rnational,
Orange County will hold a fundraiser meeting at
6:30 p .m .. Tuesday. Oct. 19, at Knott's Berry
Farm. Guest speaker will be John Carpenter,
operations manager. who will speak on the
history of Knott's. Furthe r information can be
obtained by calling EWt membership director
Charline Berg at 731 -7711.
WOMAN'S CLUB of San Juan Capistrano
will hold its annual steak fry Saturday, Oct. 23,.
from 5 to 7:30 p.m. at the clubhouse. 31442 El
Ont ttling 1s a tact. marrfq Is an lnstitutJcirl
that iS here to s~ and the age old traditJon
of~ ~rings looks like ltwfll
be around for a <Mille alSO. But whtre does
It say that your rings must k'x* llke gand-
mothet's. O< ~ that matttr. II~ almost ~ry
~ and wedding ring you stt in
most stores.
~ a~ exciting altematM5, and we art
proud to show them to you. At~
Leigh. we design and handcraft the most
ll'ique and ecdtlng collection of~·
and wedc:llng rings )'OU art going to see. Wt
~ognlze that .YOU art lndMdualS and our
~lry retl«ts that understanding.
Stea~ prepared as requested by Fred and
Ben Newhart of Walnut Grove Restaurant are
promised by Mra. Ross Carpenter and Mrs.
Dorothy Tenneson. "CO~hairmen.
Tickets at $6. 75 are available by calling Mrs.
Harold Smith. 493-1783, or at the door. Guests
are asked to bring their own table service.
USC TOWN AND GOWN Junior Auxiliary
of Orange County will meet Oct. 19 on the
campus at the Alumni House. Guest speaker at
the noon luncheon will be John Robinson. head
football coach at USC. Sixteen Orange County
students will be presented acholarships.
Huntingto n Beach Chapter 857 of the
PERSONS will meet Tuesday, Oct. 19, at 12:30
p.m . at Murdy Park Recreation Center, 7000
Nonna Drive, Huntington Beach. The chapter's
annual bazaar is scheduled Oct. 23 at the Gemco
store on Brookhurst and Warner , Fountain
Valley on Saturday, Oct. 2.
The fall collection of LIZ CLAIBORNE will
be featured in a trunk s h owing at the
Broadway-Newport at 12:30 p.m. Friday. Oct. 23
in the Spo rtsw ear 80. second level. Mo re
information available by calling 644-1212.
Mar¥~ \Writ~ trfl you what )'OU
a~ t>uylng or explain to ~u why ~u are
paying the right price. To protect you aoainst
this, W! ~ l:aken the~ out of com-
paring diamonds and will take the ti~ to
eQJC.1tr you In the dlllMI as In qualides and
price. and thef'I SUJ.sr.antlatr IM\at W!\~ said
with a money back guarant~
For straight ~st explan11Uon. unique
designs and guaran~ value. Wyndham
~ Is the store that speciaflzes In ~
ment and wedding rings.
~ng rtngs Hlllecle frol'ri SI 75
~rings Mllll* from , S450
' ---. ·-. .
Orange Co11t DAILY PILOT/Sunday, October 17, 1982 Cl
Fash ions for petite
better now than at
one time
By vllJA DEAN Ofttle Daltr Net llllfl
''I've had to shorten a gown 4lB
much as six Inches," said five-
foot Julie Pearce, dl1cusaln1i
even ing c lothes for a petite
"It's really ruce to find clothes
for evening such as lhe jumpsuit
I modeled for the cover."
The 95-pound Newport Beach
resident says her height was a
definite advantage OfK.'e when a
designer friend asked her to
model some dresses s h e had
made for the short woman.
"I've had so much fun today,"
she said after lhe photography
session at South Coast Plaza. "I
just may starl my own agency of
petite models," s~e id jokingly.
"There's a uch be tter
selection of fa ions for the
petite woman t an there was a
few years ago.
"I like tailored clothes," said
Pearce. who was a manager of a
c r edit of fi ce in what she
describes as her pre-children
Pearce, a native of Walnut
Creek, and h e r husband
Michael, have two children -
Sally, age 9, and Robert, 6. They
have lived in Newport Beach for
four years.
On the cover ...
Julie Pearce of Newport
Beach models a Mary
Martin Petite jumpsuit
made with a jacket. The
white, gray and cerise
outfit is of polyesterlarnel
blend. FASHIONS:
Courtesy of May Co.,
S ou th Coast Plaza,
roordina ted by Carol
Landis, fashion consultant.
LOCATION: South Coast
Charles Starr, Daily Pilot
S he is president of the Junior
Ebel! Club of Newport Beach .
Her club has been a non-profit
community service organization
since 1946. Its objective Is to
"build a better community" and
has won numerous awards on
the local and state level for its
The club has achieved these
awards by volunteering
thousands of hours in areas such
us a school age mothers program,
CPR classes. babysitting clinics,
u new home for dependent
children. Casa Teresa, pre-school
1dcnt1Cicat ion program, Girls
Club of the Harbor Area and a
Dangerous Stranger Program
for children.
In add1t1on to contributing
time to the community. NB
Junwr Ebell m"mbers contribute
money ·
A Valt•nttne Ball was held at
Balboo Buy Club and this month
a Newport Harbor Cruise on lhe
Catalina Holiday raised funds.
Members are busy now planning
a Unique Boutique for Nov. 18.
Proceeds from the functions
t.>e n e f1t the Orange County
Rescue Mission, March of Dimes,
Harbor Adult Day Care Center.
Orange County Riding Center,
UCI Medical Center, American
L egio n ess ay co ntest ,
Orangcwood (the new home for
d e p e nde nt ch ildren). and
Besides time Pearce spends
with her family and her club
work. she belongs to Anderson
PTA. visits the gym regularly
and loves lo snow ski and play
Focus· e><pert make up aRd
skin care advice
Fee· S25 to be applied to any
Chanel cosmetics purchase lrom
our luxurious collecuon
When. October 28. 29 and 30
Call: (71 4) 644·2800. ext. 685 or
register In Robinson's
Cosmetics. 197. Newport only
. ----------~~---
('.t .
Coull DAil V Pit 0 T /$u11tJOy O<.lobttr I l . 1982
• movie premiere Diabetes group plans gala for 'Six Weeks'
Of the Olllly f'llol I i."
Tht· Orun~t· Cuun1y P1t•11111•11• Co11\n11th'I' of
t h" A mt• rt n 1 n D 1 uh t· t e s A :.., tH 1 ,, t 111 n h n 11
unnoum't'<I lht• wu1 Id pn•m1l'rt ' of "Sax Wt't•ki."
sta1 rm~ DuJlt•y Moure und M111·y Tylt•1 MoOlt•
Ot.'<.· U at tht· EJwarJs C11wma. :mo Nl'wport
Ct•nll'r Unvt· A bltwk lit· artt•1 llwall'r d1ni11•r
wall follow al Tht> H1t1 TIH•n •ll bt• mort•
1nformnt1t1n on this gala
AIH fo'OHCE BALL Tht• UC:LA l'olur
Guard ha1> bt.'<.'n sc..•lt.'<'tl>d by till' HHI:! A11 Fon't.'
Ball l'Ommlltt't.' Lo prt.>:.cnt ttw l't>lori. durinJ.( the•
o~·nmg ('ercmonws of this yl•nr's t'Vl•lll 0 11 Ck-t
22 in th<• Ct.•ntury Plaza Hotel
Nt•wpurt Beach restdt•nt W11l1am Lyon.
prt>S1Jcnt of tlw Wilham Lyon Curnp~111y dnd
chairman of the board of Air <:~11 . is the
'MASKED BALL: ThP bo.iru ol d1rt'<.'IOi'S of
the Girls Club of the Harbor an·a a rc planning a
masked ball Saturday. Oct 30, in the Irvine
Coast Country Club, 1600 E. Coast H 11othway.
Nl'wport Beach.
Costumes are optional .md ttt·kl'ls urt· $15
per person Cockuuls and hors d'0t.•uvrt~ will tx·
served Crom 8 pm. Lo I am with ('nlc•1·winmenl
• scheduled at 9 There'll bt.• pnwi. awurded and
dancing at the ball.
THE S HIFT: The LA/NY art cxh1b11. whal·h
will be on view through Nov 28 at Newport
Harbor Art Museum and UCI F111t> Art Gallery,
was prev1ewl'd by more than 1.000 fine arts
patrons, general members. artists and special
More than :wu ot the group rl'maim~ al the
museum's Sculpture Garden Caft• for dinner
Artist.'\ represented m tht• show. all of whom
were from 1 he Los Angeles art•a and now are
from New York, include Richard Armijo. Jack
Barth, Ly nda Benglis, Max Cole" David Dt-utsch.
J ack Goldstein, Bryan Hunt. Robert Kushner.
Barry Le Va and John Lees. Also Lort:n Madsen.
Ann McCoy. Allen Ruppt'rsbt•rg, David Salle.
H ap T1vey. William Wt•gman a nd Elyn
FEED YOUR BONES. "We· arl' pll•<™-'<i at
the turnout," said Margo Stuart Shf' was
chairman of lhl' "Feed your Bonl's" dmner held
at Cano's Seafoods of Mexico to benefit the
Natural History Foundation of Orange County.
"From about 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. guests wc>re
waiting to get to their tables. And tht•rc.• was a lot
of interest 111 the displav of fos!.ds found in
Orange County We expect to reahw about
$4,000 from the dinner."
Among those attending wcrt• Peter Hl'rman.
Sharon and Jack Raub, Judy and Tim Haadinger.
Evelyn Hart. Geoff and Vicki Stack 1she was
co-chairman) and Jane and Frank Merkel
Cano's donated 40 percent of all dinner and
drink tabs Lo help NHFOC est.abhsh a natural
history museum in Orange County
t' j • I
necklut'l' off t•rt•d
for salt• at '1·\·t·d
Your Bones•
parl )
Lyndn Bt•nglis' lead and tin art pair at NHAM
~ix lo t-"ight million year
old hurk's tooth held by
Margo S tuart. The fo ii
upgrndt•d a t the Be lcourt
dcvdopmenl in Newport
Rt•ach was donated by
NHFOC by J. M. Pete rs
,. '
E. G . Chamberlin. left. and Ja<'kie Ballard with
a rtist Du,·id De utsch
Paul Sc·himnwl. ~II AM <'u ralo r of exhibitio n .
left, \\ ith art i~t Ja<·k Ha r·th a nd hi!-painting
•Altar of (;ood Fortunt•'
Jacquelyn Powell applauded
Jacqul'ly n PowL'll of Santa Ami was nam<'d
Orange County Junior Woman of thi• Yl'ar
Wednesday al the annual fashion shuw lunl'hron
sponsored by the Assast.anct.> Lc•agUl' of N(·wport
Beach . Junior Auxiliarv.
Whalt· w111 king m the> Abandont>d Childrt>n ·s
Ward in &nnkuk. Thailand. sc•vc.·ral yl'ars ago, she
devclup<><l a '>fX'<'l:JI apprl'C1at1on for the need to
provadt· adc.oquawly for those youngsters This led to
ht•r famil y's adoption of two children with special
t_ IT'S POSSIShE;-+hv board of d1n><·t.<m;--0'--t--1~ I P rov1denc·e Speech and H<•aring Cc>ntc•r will
M ore than 500 applaudl•d a!. P o w r ll
approached ltfC' s tag(• <it South C0<.1<;t Pl<1w I !owl to
rccc1v(· a gold nwdL1l fur hn mo1ny l·ontnl>uuons tn
h er ('Ommun11y m cultural. phlla11thrnp1l and t·1vie
Sht• i.., marm-d to Donald Powt·ll and is the
mothc·r of four l'hildn·n Powl'll has bt~·n an Orange
l'uunt v n ·s1dl·nl for '27 Yl•an;
PITwrll'i; othC'T' ac.trvitrl"S mdude YOluntCC'
st•rv1n· with Li Casu. tnc.· fund-raising :..uxlliary of
the• nt•w A lbl·rt Sitton h onw for abused and
abL1ndom.cJ l h1ldn•n I sponsor the Cl'nter's 7th annual bc•ncftt
Thursday. Oct. 21. at the Nl'Wporl Marriott
The black tie evening ha1> the• thtmc
"Achieving the lmpossibk· Drc·.im" sinc.·e thl'
center's 16·year dream for a pt·rmanent home
becomes a reahty this winter The new fac1hty 1s
located an the medical complex of St J()S('ph and
Childrens Hospitals. Orange.
Jan Knowlton and Charla• Vic k o f
B roadway Plus will provide entNtaanment
during a musical revue following ccx:kuuls at 7
p.m . and dinner at 8.
· Benefit Chairman Thomas R. Testman o!
Ernst and Whinney of Newport Beach says more
than 25 exceptional prizes mcludang a 14 -day
transcanal Caribbean cruise will be awarded
Tickets are $175 per person and reservauons
may be made by calling the cente r. 639·4990.
EST. 1752
..r £TC ••. 11.50
People who nee<l people
should alw1y1 check the
Service Directory In the
but I'll be the best dressed
kid in town after I'ue been to
Petite Marche.
389 E. 17th ST. COSTA MESA• 842·4'71 4
J acque lyn Powell shows off ,
he r woman o f the year
For th e
t rad it ion a 11 y
dressed woman ...
17th & lrvlM Ave., N~wpoft h•ch, C1lif. (714) 64J..07'2
Powdl. orw of 17 n om1n;11t·d fur thl· award
said, "I'm gt•tting lhc· award for !>unwthang l'vt·
en)Oyed." On stagP with h t-r W<·r<· l:i!.t vt•a r·.., wmm•r
Barbara K1lponl'n dnd Susan StrJn~ .. wom.m of th<•
year award comm1ttc'<· t·ha1rman
Ovc•r lhC' pas t ntn<· yl'arc.,, c.,hc· h<.1!> been
dedicated lo l wo guilds of ChildrMs llosp1tal o f
Orange County. Small World and Jat·k and Jill A"
president of th<' Small Wo rld Guild and whilt•
serving on the• board of that organ1u1t11m. s hl' was
able to broadt>n tht> fund -raising dforts of ht'r
membership on behalf of CHOC's Outpat1t•nt Clime.
Powl'll 1s C'urrenllv on the CHOC All-Guilds
fashion show advisory board
Stninj( introdul'c-d Judges Sophw Ccndl'l
l\lr.. Alvin Cox. J Robt-rt Fluor. &•rnardo Yorba
Wilham A Furniss and Mrs Robc·rt Harris
Dora Brigham \\'dS l'hairman of the ev<'nt
wh1t'h fc•atur<•d a fa~hton show t·oordinated b)
K111v L<-sl11 11f Nc1man-Man·us
'Otht'r l'Ontm1lll'<' mC'mbers were Marty Elholl -'
V1kk1 Johnson. Rene Gerry. Carol Hoppe, Emil\.
Wrcshoff. Martha Ball. Sue Guggl'nhl'im. Linda
Thompson. Pat Be-ek. Marlt>nl' Quandt and Judy
Lawrl'ncc>. auxiliary chairman.
Westin South Coast Plaza Hotel
Ferndales and Princess Cruises
IJ001' open I r m
'-,ht1\\ 2 15 r m. BRIDAL SHOW
Commmlator and Star of the Show
~~ ..4a11<µ
Come for a day of romance on the
n111hr rrn\rl
ChriJll11n \'frddin1t ~rVtl't'
CrHlal \\ rrl1linii (.akr fop•
C:ua101n Crlltm
Darrrll'' 11rdrwk Form11I \\ rtr
, 0.rnl"n•um• 111 El"ltlrtrr
h rnd11lr•
high seas with your crew:
Jnhn Crnndnll Jew1•lro
Jn rph Cooprv Umn11•1nr•
Juth t'rrn tra. Wt<ldin11 ConJ111ltAn1
Karp l11trr1or Carden•
I 11nrnmr Co.mrllr•
l,01o l<rv Proourttoru Mobile D1'K'n
/11hn ~1 Produl'1ton•. lnr.
:\la1wl11·, S1u;hn
M111n' \ 1tlro
Plnrn Hahn
Pnn1·r'5 Cru1M''
f.oo.l C.nmp11n''
~ l'\lm South < 08" l'lu• llottl
\rt1,1u· t1om1
Marriott plan
of expansion
goes European
This year marks the 55th year
since J. Willard Marriott opened
the door of his tiny Washington
D.C . Hot Shoppe Stand and
began selling hot sandwiches and
cold root beer.
In expanding from this small
enterprise. Marriott opened his
first hotel. The Twin Bridges
Marriott Mo tor Ho tel. a l so
located in Washington D.C.
Since then he has opened a
total of 109 potels throughout
North America. the Middle F.ast
and Eu.rope . The Marriott
Corporation has had .a. ver y
progressive expansion in the past
and the promises of the future
are just as far re aching and
Marriott'$. introduction into the
European Mark e t is the
Amsterdam Marriott Hotel and
the L edra Marriott H otel in
The Amsterdam Marriott is a
five-star luxury hotel. located in
the most convenient and lively
part of the city. The view from
the Ams terdam Marrio tt
combines the his t o r y and
--...,.1 no1"'ll8l'l<:e-of -cobbled streets--with-
the fun and exciteme nt· o f a
modem bustling city.
Located in the Leidseplien. m
the heart of Amsterdam. the
Marriott is just minutes away
,from exciting night life. shipping.
restaurants. international
boutiques, thea ters and
picturesque canals.
The hotel has 400 comfortable
and spacious guest rooms. Each
is tastefully decorated with
individually regulated air
conditi oning, direc t dial
telephone with message light.
radio, and color TV with two
closed circuit channels showing
full length feature films, free of
The hotel spec ializes in
organizing meetinp. conferences
. . .and gala banquets. They have
translators on hand. secretarial
services. and audio visu al
(See MARR IOTr, 08 Pase C•>
Royal Viking Li ne takes c ruising beyond
c ity street s 10 hist oric Mediterranean
If you think you've seen 1t all.
sta rt again at the beginning.
Along the sun-blessed shores of
the Mediterranean.
Here the Greeks taught us the
meaning of art and science. The
Romans gave us a code of law
and justice. Great religions and
great civilizations flourished.
Royal Viking Line offers a
series of two-week cruises t o
these unforgettable lands. Each
cruise is a legend all its own.
In the spring. cruise from
Athens 14 days round trip to -
parts that include Villefranche
o n the French R iviera. T o
Medieval Dubrovnik on the
Adriatic and Venice. romantic 83
Or in autumn, sail eastward for
13 days to the Black Sea and the
Russian resort ports of Yalta and
Odessa. Plus a jeweled strand of
Greek I.stands with fabled names
like Rhodes and Mykonos.
Other cruises take you to the
Holy La nd a nd the ancient
treasures that line the shores of
Turkey and Egypt.
Or you can sail the length of
the Mediterranean and on across
th e Atl a nti c, c alling at
Casablanca, the Canary lslands.
Dakar and St. Thomas.
R oyal Viking ca n a l so
. transport you to the "Land of the
Vikings." Cruise to a nc ient
haunts d eep in the fjo rds of
Norway. Then cross the Arctic
Circle to the North Cape.
illumin a te d b y the e ndless
summer sun.
Or traverse the Gulf o f
Finland to Le ningrad with its
palaces o f Czarist R u ss1a .
restored and radiant. sailing to or
fro m London/Cop e nhagen.
comb i n e both cruises into a
month-long adventure.
Sail from the old world and
new following the Vikings' wake
w estbound for 21 da ys v ia
Iceland's geothermal wonders.
You can even drink in the
vintage w i n e co untr y of
ln 1984 cruise the British 1.sles.
calling at the S he tfands. the
bonny lsle of Skye and Dublin's
fair city where the girls a re so
pretty and the conversation flows
as profusely as the stout.
Join Royal V1k1ng's World
Class Cruising on e ither the
Royal Viking Star or tht> Royal
.Y1ktnR Seas
Orango <.,ooi.t DAILY PILOT /$unduy Oc.lobor I/ 1982 ('5
Inter-conti nental hotels
offer. seasonal prices
Inter -continen tal hotels 1n
G e rmany will offer spenal
package rat{'S this Wlnll•r anJ lhl•
foll o wing summl•r a l six
prope rties in Bl•rlin. Culugm"
Dussddorf. Frankfurt, Hanovl·r
and Hamburg.
Prices are approximately $29
per person. pe r night, doubk
occupan cy. with a s1nglt'
s upplement available at
approximately $20.
Taxes. service c harges. <1
welcome drink and a hearty
buffet breakfast are all included
in the package price. Rates arc·
effective Nov. 15, 1982 through
Jan. 15. 1983 ; June 15. 1983
through Aug. 15, 1983 and every
weekend thereafter unul Nov
15, 1983.
The six luxury hotels offl·r
e v e r y a m e n i t y f o r t h l'
international traveler
B eautifull y appo1n tC'd
guestrooms are equipped with
color television. taped music: and
mini bars. Most of the hotl'ls
fe ature h ealth ce.1 ters with
swimming pools. saunas and
sophisticated exercise equipment
F i n e r es taurant s offer
ou t sTanOi ng local and
international cuisine. For thl·
business traveler. excl'lll'nl
communications and se<:retana I
services are available !he howls
ar e conveniently located close to
the business. shopping and
tourist attraet1ons of each city.
Mu-;ic lovers are sure to sing
the• pral!>l'S of Vienna and the
s1x'<.·1al l·ultural pockagc planned
this wintC'r by the the Hotel
lnu·1 (onllm•nldl Vienna.
Th(• lnt("r-l·ontinental plan
1 n l' I u d l' s l w o n i g h t s •
an·ommodauon with breakfast
buffot . ..1 la carte• dinner at the
hotl'I '~ t·lt•gant R o tisserie
Rl·staurant, transfers to and from
tlw arr port hy private limousine
and 1Jrx·rn or theatt>r ucket of the
gut·st"s eho1t"<'
The· l'tty's ou t s tanding
;.irch1tl'<.'turc>, excellent museums,
fint• n-staurants and proximity to
Alptm· skt rc'SOriS make Vienna
<t n 1d1· a I w 1 n t Pr h o I 1 da y
dl•st 1na t1on
Thl· luxurious Hotel lnte r -
ninttnl'nWl V1t•nna overlooks the
l'll~"!> St:.iupark and 1s close to the
upl•ra house'. the Ho fburg
lmpl·t tJI Palan· and some of
\'1t·nn.1·.., m1r.t t•k·gant shops.
Co~>t of the p ac k a g e is
approx1matdy $144 per person,
double occ upan cy. with
add111onal davs available at
approxrrruHely S4J per night.
Single ~uppleme n-rs-a-r e--f
J\'<iilabk· at $53 20 for two nights
.. , 1th <1dd111onal nights at $66.50.
Thl• r,11<•s an• l'ffect1ve from
No\' I through March 3 1, 1983.
Ta:>.c•s .ind M1rv1(·t• C'harges ar e
Atbenaeum Inte r -continental in Athens
cuU. to the 1quare mile than any country In
the warld -about 400 lllel have been found,
and 10me 200 CMtlee or rum. of cutlet 1dll
clearly exilt. Durinc the 1princ and IWml\er of
1983 an entertainment such u a play, concert
or paaeant will be put on within the walla of
every major a.de.
l . ,...
~ e
Post off ica Ila!• and MdlrU ~ ..
Mclll OOll!tr-. un-... 1119 lrip • QJtl-fined to the
W1 111 rn , .......
f0/lto•11 ........
115 wale! lar """ l1rrwrwia1
~MO~· .. ,,,.,.. ... 0 m., °' )OU( oct , '"iot of ~o~ r· 11',~ "'"" f' Vito totrat u . or noturo~olfon
!IGP"L ~· i-"' 0 • --.
< .
vtS.u SHOn
Al 1111 munlry's US From 'f'AI ph'f"CIO"
Embmty a at !tit a at o l'aptal
~ OI )QI tnltf
0 CD.tllry.
Mclll OOlll"* out· NtG adl Ol~J eidt tJ Caodo ond of Alna> en! th
~o~ NMrtctJ whn <h·
... • 0 j)l'OtJletn ..
Hwldld '" QM'll'rlll )OUCl't~~ lllQ ttr'laql 01 ...Cl
oi tholt YfAJ en Yl1111f9.
°"' l!'Olltl Al 1eo11 or. month btlln yQJI tnp.
'2 IO $3 Pl' WISO. Around S5 't ~---ond ($ dOlro.
You '"'1.::* o ~h• Orone-PQl!IPI".' )OU 'I Humon oen reoetve a fl9tt'cy_ '"'" Ylta. 11111alaotl0n offlclt on otll if II'• ~·be*" ~d for o ~ trltl orly ~
STUll8fT IO llll\9'S UCBISI
Willi 10 rhe C".ounol From 'rQK physooon In oddllO'I IO CIEE's y"" lotal Ameroln
on lnterno11onol a ot o raptal 10 pO\ )QI con gr1 Au10fl'Clblll "-:too-
Educot~ol Ex· mort~Wllh hon (MA) «to ~ l@ld F rri Hall a'd Com-~ . Yoril. N. Y. ~o n y . 549 10017. l1oson1v1ll1 Rd .
B11orchlf Manor· 1 N.Y 10610. Coll tall-
frtt ~J .2QS2.
Ni.,.-. )QI """" Any COO"'''f VoU Every coun1~ ,, All countries vou
dltixu'lts on pb'lf travel Ill 'f'Oll 19 1nttrts pion to ctM '" tiqi~ llltwccunlry
lr011t , lllUM U::i lllllarlCal ....
~....,,, .. ..
Two~ Two~ You can receive 1 pwnNt O'MIWOCJ!tly ot ti. AAA offa
16 Pl'.,... °'Pl"dl on llnglh 1S
' of tnMll tlf'N Bole
COYffOQt le. IWO
monll'e • S.S.
:::i:°~ l'he Clnt• IQ' llit-Not Mryont ,_. This Pl'""' hilt ~ eo.C,onll'Ol<ICM• lnlUl1llnC9; but II wilt lormol ton •n 11\t
u~erogt up to "'°'~~I tilt ~ 11.cbi mm world'• 11101•~ ,ooo, You muet IOCcl "' llOtt htOl 111 o ote1dtn1t ond ~o~~ rn. ltlol .,.. ft ~"*" IO fltld ....
-ltudlnt OU what medical ~·111an1"
~..,-.:-: ~to bring two pouport·li• ~-I~ P'IOIOI~ t:": Wiii :J.:~ Y,:a11 ~ OU tft/111 .. 9llit
OM ~-tin ~lllCQlt)'QI ~--~ ~"*" over11u. Corry . =~'I
,, .... .
f;I Orange CoHt DAILY PILOT/Sunday, October 17 . 1982
~(~~~~ !.~~~~~urt~l IA~er~~A~~. h•~:~~,u~~h•· >'ttd of
~ ,, ' -1, $7t'16 conn('('t1tm with Pntr1l·k Nov1·111llt'r i-:rr1•t·t1 v1•
~ ,,;;_ tlt>nry Jntt·rnultonul ltw J1111. 1, 1 l.IUJ. tht• pn<'l'
«>, <'I' -SAS 111 comlnH up hu nnno1.rncl'd t h rt•t• dro1>S to $3'4\I ~with two oulumn tour 5l'Vcn -nlght prut1rum8 i''or thc111t• lntttrt'litcd in
pu<.•kagt•w that of for a <.'<>mbinin' London with London-only for u wt~·k,
Wt<t•k In Copcnh11aten for other rnupr dtlt•s OQ the 1' u tric k ~It• 11 r y l n l ' I
as fow rui $69~. lncludlng <.•ontlrwnt. All progroms ullt•N u seven duy, six
trip airfare from Los are cxdw1lvf' u( iurfort• 111~ht program mcludlng
Lufthanaa, wi th
dally departures Crom
Loa Angeles and San
Francisco puts a $719
"inflation fighter" fare
into effect Oct. l for
round trip flights to
Fran.kl urt.
Roundtrip flights to
Munich are $748 and to
Berlin, $852. And with
both fares you can stay
up to three months.
S o co nfid ent as
Lufth ansa o f its
' punctuality that it will
pay passengers $50 lo
UOO for any flight
;'con nection s missed
·because of late arrival
lrom the West Coast.
Ther.e will also be a
special $400 payment for
any lost baggage, in
addition to whatever
other claim that might
have to be paid.
Air Franc e , is
reducing its round trip
Los Angeles Paris Apez
fare to $809. There will
also be offering land
packages for as Ii t tie as
$358 per person. double
occupancy for nin e
nights accommodations
and continental
Numer ous s k i
packages offered this
winter provide round
trip ai rfar e ,
accommodations, and ski
passes for $1 ,009 per
person. World Airways
has announced a round
trip far e from Los
Ang£•l cs t•ff ecllve T he L o ndu ri & hoto l. trunsft.>rs und
thrnugh Dc.>t:. 14 Amst e rdam prugi u"' si~ht1C1•1•lnu for $139
Brltl1b Alrtours 1:1rc
offering round trips from
Los Angeles to London
for as low as $599 plus $6
departure tax.
Air New Zealand -
on Aug. 25, Air New
Zeal and inaugurated
twice weekly 747 service
non -s top from Los
Angeles to London
Departing in the early.
evening on both
W ed ne sdays and
Satur days. Air N e w
Zealand is offering
complimentary cocktails
and h eadset t o all
passengers and au meals
are served on china or
New Zealand pouery.
To celebrate its new
service, the airline has a
new program, "The Best
of Britain at Bargain
Basement Prices." The
program offers one full
week in Great Britain,
comple te· with h o te I
accommodations, rental
car with u n limited
mileage. p l us full
English style breakfasts
for only $39.
KLM -announced it's
Europe on Sale Again!
Fro m Nov. 10, 1982
through March 24, 1983.
KLM wilt offer a $649
round trip airfare from
Los Angel es to
Amsterdam for travel on
Wednesda y and
l'OllSislS of thri•t• nights Ill l1111Cl:'d 0 1\ l WU pt•l'!IOllS
Lu n d u n , h u I ( d 0 y l>hurmg a room.
111ghtseving Ill LunJon':s Norlbwewt Orient, has
West ~nd. trunsportut1un unnouncc.•d three.• new
via rail in the li:ngHsh programs o n a ll its
channel. then via ferry flights to Europe from
to Amsterdam; lhrl'e the West Coast.
night's ac.'t0ommodat1on in EffecUvc as of Oct. I,
Am s t e rdam , a n 198~. lht.> round trip
Am ste r dam Ca nal a d va n l·l• purc h ase
Cruise, rat! transporuon excursion far<' (APEX)
from Gatwick airport to will be $719 fro m Los
Vi c t or ia Station Angeles to Hamburg.
r ound trip, l·o ntirw nlal Gl•rmany. (The fare does
breakfas t daily and hotl'I not include the $3 U.S .
tax and st•rv1re charges. d eparture lax and 1s
Pr 1 ('es. e ff cc· ti v l' subJel't lo restrictions.) qct. I 1hr(fugh Dec. 31, Northwc.·sl is one of the
start at $:M9 ECft.><.·tivc only airlines o ffering
J an. I. 1983 thro ugh direc t ser v i ce from
Mareh 21 thL• pracl' (per Culifornia t.o Hamburg.
p e r s o n , d 0 u b J l' For business travelers,
occupanc·y) drops to Northwest now offers
$329. sleeper-type seats, an
exclusive feature to the
airline in its executive
class. The London & Paris
program indudL•s three:
n ights in London, half
day sightseei ng o f
L ond o n's Wl's t End ,
roundtrip transportation
fro m Gatwick airport
and Vic to ria s tation.
transporta tio n by rail
and ho vercra fl from
L ondon to P a ris and
return . h a lf day
sightseeing o f Paris.
three nights in Paris,
contine ntal breakfast
daily and r e turn
transportatwn lo London
and one night's
accommodation, there
before returning to the
United States
Sleeper seats are
available by advance
reservation at no extra
c harge . There are,
however, only a limited
number available.
Northwest also has
ex tra -wide e xecutive
class seating. with first-
run movies and more.
Business travelers
flying from California to
London on Northwest
will fly in ftrsl class Cor
the domestic por tion of
their trip.
First class passengers
are afforde d the usual
ameniti es first class
passengers have come to Prices pe r pe r son. e><pect, including sleeper
double occupancy start at seats.
Ski bargains for winter sports enthusiasts
Eu r o p e ' s m o s t Francisco, seven nights
glamorous winter s ki accommodation in twin
reso r ts, Innsbruc k , bedd ed r ooms with
Kitzbuehel, Dovos. ·St. private bath, continental
Moritz and Zermatl, are breakfast and dinner
being offered for as little daily, airport transfers.
as $995. local host, car rental, tips,
Featured in Specific t axes and se r vice
Tours' "Ski Europe charges.
1982/83" brochure. the T he program appeals
pac kage includes air to a ll wanter s ports
transportation from Los e nthusiasts and to all
A n e 1 e s a n d S a n tastes and ketbooks.
The fiv e world -
renowned resorts feature
an incredible variety of
alpine skiing, allowing
even intermediates to ski
100,000 feet altitude
drops. o n b eautifully
groomed slopes.
Cross country skiing,
c urling. bobsledding,
iceskatjng. tobogganing
and hang gliding make
for unlimited win~r fun
Specifi c Tours'
select i on o f
accommodations range
from m o dern
con d o miniums lo
medieval -:astles. from
rustic lodges to elegant
palaces. All hotel
arrangements inc~ude
two meals a dav while
condominium packages
exclude m,eals.
Gaing Places +
liBportBac Bags!
Come and visit the
exclusive LeSportsac Shop
1n South Coast Plaza.
You'll love the vast selection of
bags and accessories for Fall.
South Coast Pla•a
3333 Bristol Street
Costa Mesa., CA 92628
714 6671283
I l
Marriott branches out with more hotels
l''rom l'ul(~ ( ·~
l' l1 u I p rn 1• n l t o 1 n t• <' 1 y fJ u r
l11tllv1<.lu11l rwt•da alon61 with a
wldl' runl(t' of t'()nfore~ roonw.
11daptubll• in 111w. ull 110und proof
pnd alr~<'tmdltloned
Om· ol M1.1rr111ll'ic m·w~l and
mottt t•><c:lllng pr<.iJNt lWI I• thto
Lt·dru M urraull loc·11tc•d 1n
duwntown Athl"nll :::khc.-duled t.{1
opc:on in thto autumn of llJ82, thlii
rlvt'-s lar Mu r r1o ll H o tel 111
cu1wl•n11·11tly lol·atro JO minult>s
from P11•1:1t•u11 und 4!0 11ll11ulL·s
Crom lhl· uirport
Cu11t1nu1ng In the Marriott
1rud111on of o(f<ormg llB gu<.1la the
b t· i, l In q u u I 1 t v 1 h c Led r a
will oftl·r thn·•· tounaea ana
thrN' rnL~ur&u'l lJ, Including a
pc>0hlidc• bar with food service.
The rt'11l111.mmt tucllltlt•ll olliO
offer a wide variety of chokt•
fi'rom threu I uu ngt·•. "'rh1•
1Tcrrt.1cc, Tht• Librury. 11nd lhc
Windjammer." to two 11llractlvt•
restaurants, "The• Dutt•h Inn "
und the "Port O' Amsterd1:1rn ."
&Kh offers u unique selling and
& com C orlu bl c u l rnos p here.
Marriott's warm hOHpit.alhy und
the Out.ch p<.>Ople make ll easy
for you to feel lhol you 'n: al
T he hol(ol will prov1<lc thl' wry
finest In c·ulsinc, St:rvke and
amt.•ni t1es to its guests, suc·h us
fresh greenery. fluffy bathrobl•s,
Lhf't'l' ph o n<'s per KUcstroom,
doorbelhi on each door. p1f)<'d-in music, heated towel:., m housc
movies and a rooftop swimming
pool and jacuzzi.
Th,.c restaurant.al will Include a
fomll Y 1tyle -restaurant, "'rhe
Konu Kai Polynesian," and a
go urnwl s pc•clal restaurant ,
o ffering t r &di tion a l Greek
T hl' Marriott Hotels arc very
proud of their products and the
tl'um work that has helped to
L'rcal<' the Marriot s pirit. Thia
hod built enthusiasm among the
t•rnployecs, which is paased on to
ltS gUCi>ts
Exchange your currency before traveling
Through Deak-Perera
you can purchase up w
120 foreign currc n<.·1cli
before you go abroad
The c urr e n t:y
exchange agency with an
oCfice in South Coast
Plaza also o ff ers
"travelers checks in U S
d o llar s a nd the
curre n c ies o f ma1or
foreign t'ountries.
And , with 1t s
currency-by-mail order
forms, you can obtain
curre ncy and travelers
checks by r egist e red
Contrary to poµufar open.
bL•lief, you don't auto-Deak-Perera as one of
mutll«illy gt·t bt•ttcr the oldest and largest
c.•x«hanlo(l' rau.·s ovt·rseas foreign t•xchangc farms
Ofu•n the ratt.'S art: 1 n th e W es le r n
at·tually the same -or Hemisphere lt has more
heller here at home l h a n 7 0 o f f 1 t· c s
And by e xc h anging worldwide, whe re 120
currem·y bl•fore you go. currencies are bought,
you're protected from sold and ext'hanged 24
the uo ce rta1nt ~ o f hours a day.
currency fluctuations Si n ce 1928, D eak -
while you are abroad. Perera has t.'xchangcd
What's more, you more foreign currency
won't h ave t o spend for industry. travelers
valuable time in lines-at · a nd banks than any
f o r e ign a irports o r other financial insutu-
waitin for banks to tion in the United Statc:s.
ln fact, hundreds of
bunks use Deak-Perera
fo r their exc hange
transac tions . Why?
B e <.' a u s e 1 l o f f e' r s
complete and convenient
services, and because Its
e xc hange rates are as
good or better than those
offered by most financial
ins titutions here or
If yo ur busi n ess
req u ires you to send
money t o over seas
d estinations, Deak-Per-
cr has the answers.
Drive Away! Sail Away! Fly Away!
Register at any South Coast Plaza Store during
15th Aoni\tersary Sale
October 14th-17th for Grand Prizes!
• Choice of ISU ZU I-Mark Deluxe 5-speed or
ISUZU P't.1p 5-speed truck.
• 7-0ay Hawaiian Cruise for 2. courtesy of
American Hawaii Cruises. (Airfare not included).
• 4 PSA trips-for-two to San Francisco, includin1!
lodging at SHERATON Fisherman's Wharf and
use of HERTZ Automobile .
• Plus two $25 gift certificates courtesy of
THE LIVERY, and many more pri zes .
\'Al.ET PARKl:\G-all ~1all hvurs· 10-9 weekda)·s. 10·6 Saturda)'; 12-5 Sunday
A collecbtJn ef fine restaurcm_ts in one
ANTONELCO .. STO•••TE place seU!ll.!J:... .... W•FFLE
Cla.sa1c N0<1hern llal1an cu111ne. 11110.,0
"''nt l•tl I'"'" 1 •ffY caa.Dlt 1talf 10 aHurt yOllr «11n•no ••HI t•l>&flt nc• A1seN111on1
llllO ... Clo.llUllOOltllCI (11•17511153
Femout IO< 11 .. M.,ne '°°"" _,,,, ''"" hth dally ,,,.0111 .. 0et llH llt O•n ,,,..nu or ~11 ffllooel «1•1"91 lunch Incl 0111.,., En1en11n.,...1 eno 11111e1no
(71111179 1181
Oott•tt<I Oy HOI•~·-· OI Toll yo oll•fl oOvff'lltl .l..,,tM ~ltlM tn I Mrt ...... flnt ffV our como111111on hinc~t 11111'1• TllPP*l\ l'loom, tOOll*d 110111 before rour IYft bttt!OWIMll C,,_lt All rNIOl'Clt cllt c~t OOtn 10tyuwffll l114IMH~1
J _-
. .
Orange Coaat OAILV PILOT/Sunday, October 17, 1982
Corn e to the
Travel Festival
'sponsored by Ass ociated Cardillo Travel
I <
on Saturday , 'October 23, from 12 noon to 6 pm.
Lo catioH• ·is 655 Anton Blvd., Costa Mesa: Town Ce nter
OFF I C~ ·, AI RL I . E~·, AND CAR
REPRE 'ENTATil.E · __ i\LSO 0 1 IB 0\\
• Obtain Travel Broc hures
• Get \'acarion Ideas
• Enjoy Oktoherfest Band
• Enjoy Scottish Bag Pipes
• Bring yo ur frie nd
• Wa tc h our German Dance rs
• Lates t Information on a irfare~
Learn all about tha t trip to Europe
you have been wanting to take.
Lots of brochure and lit era ture will be
ava ilabl e. Our trave l counselors will
be able to give you the late. t
and most up to date airline far es and assist
yo u in planning your trip.
Whether yo u want to know the
lowest airfare to Lond on or the
First Class fare to Rome, come
to the European Travel Festi va l
where a ll your questions will be
answered .
(:\no:-:-from South Coast Plaza Hotel)
Passport Photos: On ly $3°0
By specia l arrangement,
Asso ·iated Cardillo Travel has
a rranged ~or a prof es ·ional
---..~togiapber to take_on:.t.he.: __ _
spot passport photo. for
one-third of th e pri ce yo1:.1 '>-vo uld
pa y elsew here.
round trip for two to London
roun c~ trip for two to London
Drawin gs wi ll be held at various
times during the day. Drawings
for th e trips to London will be
held at 5 ::~0 pm on premi e of
Festi va l Ground . Winner need
not be present to win.
P.O. BOX 19824 IRVINE, CA 92713
. • . . : I ~ .
~ .
JI • , .. • • • . . • • • • • ' .. . .. .. . . ~
• : c .. . .. .. ... ..
• (41
'•': • •I "' •1
.. I, I .. •• .. .. .. '• .. .. .. • • •• • • • ' • • • • • • j
Cl Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT /Sunday, October 17, 1982
Come to the
... . . . ·. . . . . . . . . · .
. . . . ~·: :··. . . . . . ... . . .. . . ... . . . -..... · ..
SATURDAY, OCTOBER 23 from 12 noon to 6 pm
·-~ •. ~.!~n Cent~ :!! ..
r:f~" Co••l 1 ..
N !. .J/d H Jh•I " " SOUTH COAST PLAZA c "' -Ari1un ".-1 .. .. '"'D'''" r r ~·" J • S.~:'"U" 1 .,....,~ ci )f , TWO TOWN CENTER " Anoe le led 0 < ..l ~1] C.,dlllo ~ " Trevtl ' ; ;;. w i1 ~ 655 ANTON BLVD. .;, '•tf'
l "'l'•" ,,.
German D ancin g, O kto berfest Music, Scottish Bagpipes, lo t s of give-a-w ays, plus 4
round trip air t ickets to London
.--------The follow ing w ill be p articipating.--------.
Trusthouse Forte
M arriott
American Airlines
Air New Zealand
British Airways
British Caledonian
A ir France
N orchwest Orient
Specific Tours
Unique Holidays
Autos Europa
British Tourm A uthority
Mella Tours
Lindblad Tours
Royal Viking Cruises
Informat ion on travel insurance by:
Travelers Insurance
Information on purchasing foreign traveler's cheques. and
purchase o f foreign currency by : Deak Perera.
Information on purchasing your new car
o verseas: by Autos Europa
Information on transportation to and
from airpo rt by Regal limo Se rvice
• •
i 1
Dilly Piiat
Buy computer or hire?
Data processing services: The pros and cons
Of"'-0.., ...... t i•"
We are In the midst of on er.1
w hen people rely on compull'rs
to write their grocery lists. amuSl'
their children and balance thl'1r
The services of l'Omputers arc
especially vital for business<$ 1£
they want to remain compel1t1ve
Gone are th e days wht'n a
bookkeeper's hand-ledger system
was sufficient to handle all of a
company's accounting needs.
Bu t for small -and med1um-
s12ed businesses, the n.' 1s an
alternative to the large capital
m os t co mputer pun:has e s
r e quire : hiring a computer
service bureau t o do the
l-omputang and avoiding purchase
of a computer for use in houSt•
What are the pros and cons?
One company has experience
with both sides.·
Env1ronmentals, Im· a hnen-
r en ta l bu s iness based 1n
Anaheim. bou~hl a computer an
Besides the initial purchase price of a
mainframe, such a s this processor at
Orange Coast College, co t include
1981 to handle its g e n eral
al't'OUnling and payroll.
Then t he t:urnpany w1·nt
through munths of headache and
worry over a c.'Omplex machine
p<!nwnnt>I weren't equipped to
handll.'. ssud Jan 81agiott1, payroll
supt.<r v1sor
The payroll personnel weren't
able to progrum the de tailed
1nformauon rf'quired for th e
ct1mpany's 1,600 employees, she
The l'Om putcr would break
down for no apparent reason.
Nagging bugs Ill the system just
weren't fixed.
"Things would happen and we
didn't know why," she said. And
no one had the time to find out.
This year , Environmentals,
I nc we nt baclto usi n g A uto matic Data roccssing
(ADP). a na tionwid <:om puter
scrvict-bureau, for its payroll
c:omputallons. The firm used the
service an 1980 before deciding on
a computer purchase.
No w , Biagi o t t i s aid, h e r
departme nt d oesn 't have to
worry a bout the constant
revisions tn tax laws that caused
programme rs problems w hen
they (Jsecl the an-house system.
"There's nothing for us to do
but compile the information into
batches , then ADP picks it up
and the next day our payroll is
all taken care of," she said.
Th£' one advantage of a service
bureau. she said. 1s not havtng to
worry about a system no one in
the company is trained to
"If there's a problem with the
computer, then it's their (ADP's)
problem," she said. "They're the
experts and \hey ·know w hat to
Environmentals, Inc. still uses
its in-house system for general
accounting , s h e sai d b ut
pleased with ADP's payr oll
work:_ _ .
Biagiou1 's story is t h e kind
service bureaus use to illustrate
the ease o ( their system and the
dafflcullies or buying a computer.
1---,.-....ogrammer.s., software.., mainte nance and
insurance. Capita l outla y for a system
average around $60.,000.
Ba!tically, compu te' service
bureaus provide two types o f
service: batch service, long the
staple of industry. and on-line or
on ·site systems. w 1c are
becoming increasingly popular,
according to Joel Sarne r, an
executive with ADP. w h ich has
Look for new capital sources,
Realtors told at Mesa • seni1nar-
Of the 08'lr "°' .....
President Reagan's economic
policies can and do work for the
real estate industry -in general
a nd in O ra nge Coun ty -1f
Realtors know how to use them to
their best advantage.
trouble. Lambert said. because
they are s tiJJ viewing the market
'" traditional terms instead or
iookang for innovative solullons
to the \.•nprec;Wented decline in
the market.
Investors with foreign capital
usually have strong motives and
objc'<'l1vcs for investing, he said.
"Th(•y'r c etched an stone," he
said. "and they don't care to be
That's the view of Benjamin V
Lam bert. president and chief
executive officer of the New
York-based Eastdil Realty. Inc It
was offered Friday at a
Reaganom ics-real estate seminar
held at the South Coast Plaza
H o tel by T h e Society of
Industrial Realtors.
Thrift instJtutaons are bound to
have a spurt of funds coming an.
La mbert said. ''If you have
money in money market funds.
think seriously about putting 1t
anto a thrift institution.''
Cash -o n-cash re turns from
investments are what foreign
investors want, he said. "Tr y
pulling 82 Japanese in a room
and telling them about internal
rate of return," he said. The foreign market is another
new source of capital that 1s "not
a mirage:· he said. "The money's
really there, you just have to find
out how to access it."
Investments made t.oday must
be made for the future. ''Think
post-1Rdustr ial society," he said.
Th e choice be tw een a
s mokes ta ck f actory and a
software compu ter cen ter for
investme n t purposes is an
obvious example. he said.
"T he economy is not short o·c
capital for the real esta te
community," Lambert said . But
the problem most real estate
agents have is trying to locate
~al capital and, once they find it,
knowing how to use It. he said .
Capital from Japan: Southeast
Asia. Europe and the Middle East
does not com e f r om a n
unsophisticated market, he said.
Real estate agents are having
And a smart Realtor should go
overboard to make sure he puts
that. foreign money into good
But n o matter w h at the
investment . t h ere are n o
guar a n tees in r ea l estate,
Lambert said .
Personal insight key goal
~ .!f..!.t~~.1!.,ETT
GREENSBORO, N.C. -Paul Givens argues
that a S wiss national should head the new
planet. Jenny Ramsey proposes a consortium of
five individuals to guide "Earth Il."
Two psychologist.s. watching beh ind the
one-way looking glass. are n't all tfiat interested·
in the qualifications of the proposed leaders of
the new dvih zaUon. They are attuned more to
the competition, noting the interruptions, the
pe'rsu.asivenesa. the taking-charge in this grou p
of five.
"Paul'• really hard -balling it now." says
Dwight Clark, a psychologist from the University
of North Carolina. "Thetre locked In a relatively
high lever of compell\ion."
Hill Stembergh, Crom behind the looking
11.aM, note9 that Give ns, chanceJJor of Pembroke
State Univeraity In North Carollna, comes from •
background of committeea. He alao obeerves that
Glvena always reduces Ramaey'1 classier tag of
••ClOl'UIOl'tJum" to ·~t&ee."
The two were •mont_ 19 participant& In the
Leadership Development Program at the Center
for Cread~ Leaderahlp In Grcefllboro, N.C. lt la
a week of gett.ln1 to know younelf, of leamJng·
where the •t.rona polnta lie and whe~ a IJtllo
fine tuninl mJcht be ~· It lt a week of
tettln1f ., o o&te rvatlon thrOUJh one-way glass,
vld«P apes, lnte rpr•tetlvn o r teat re1ultt,
(~ by prof«'llllonals end ~n end flnally,
on the last day. the setting of goals.
But do the men and women who come here
become better managers, better people. happier,
richer. more efficient?
Well, some strange things have happened at
this Center. One man went back to his company
and a nnounced he was leaving his wife as a
result of the seminar. Another man quit his job,
wen t back to his hometown and successfuJJy ran
for mayor. He credited the Center. Anothe r. after
"We don't have specific things
we e xpect them to do when
they leave. We just want to
give them the best information
possible about themselves."
the week's experience, r allwd he wasn't happy
In the 9-to-5 world. He quit his job and bought a
farm on the North CorolJna C03st. That company,
Incidentally. continues to send lta C>Ct'CuUvet to
the Center.
U.S . Army Brig. Gen . James Doiler,
kid napped by the R4ld Brigades In Italy, d ropped
the Center a note after hlJ ordeal and aald what
h<' lea~ there helped him during h i.I captivity.
Th~ a~ the offbeat. Whet the ~nter
hopes for lt that thew men and W<>fMn simply
g«"t o bft~r lnaight tnto th""*lve. and, hi ving
that. make t0me positive cha~.
Me1kel Anel'f•I•
l><1w Jonr•
10 l111J11•llldl•
0\. hlOt'f I I I!>+ 9.25
l (')w INl 18 , ....... " "'' ·:.,,,,, !-iee lu.1w your stock tlid 011
the Wall .,lrcct rollercoastPr thi ~
wt·elc. Pages D2, 4-.'5.
Deity Noe ~ lilt Nc:Mrd It_,...,
Hiring .a processing service means the bother of training ..-
personne l to operate complex computer equipment is avoided.
But buying the machines gives a firm a capital asset tha t brings
tax advantages.
regional offices in La Palma
In batch service. the bureau
sends a driver to pick up a batch
i ns urance. elec1t,r 1c 1ty and
training. all add to the costs
On the other hand, proponents
-<>Hnfoi:mation Cr~ company..
Dep ending on how much
processing IS required, the pack·
ups can occur once a day or once
a week.
The bureau then converts the
infonnation into computer-ready
Conn, processes it and returns the
output. lake payroll c hecks or
accoun ts receivable statemen ts. to
the company in a one-or two-day
tum -around time.
Service bureaus say there are
additiC\nal costs involved with a
computer purchase, beyond the
rutial purchase price oLL.he.
computer itself.
Marketing surveys done by
ADP show that customers fmd a
computer initially will cost them
an average $60.000. The average
price for a system comparable to
the ones ADP uses ranges from
$40,000 to $90,000,
•,of m-h-OUM> sy.st~ms pc»nl-ti~---1
t hat wh en a company buys a
computer there 1s a fixed cost
-Contracting with a service
bu re au invite s p ote ntially
~alaLing costs
But the large capital outlay,
Most bureaus charge a flat fee
per em ployee when they handle
payroll and generaJ accounting.
Thus, as the company grows. rost
Being on-line means that the
company has computer terminals
and printers an its office that arc
hooked into the servire..bureau's
main computers. On-site systems
provide the customer with micro
or minicom puters as w ell as
term inals and printers
Can pa yro ll confidentia lity be maintained
b y allow~ng outsiders to proce ss the
material, o r by keeping sensitive
documents in th~ busine s ?
Basic ledger service costs an
average ADP customer around
$858 a month -and prices
haven't gone up m three years,
said Samer.
The estimated cost of a
complete minicomputer system.
if p u rchased fr om separ ate
ha r dware. so f tw a r e and
maintenance companies, comes to
aroun d $2,860 a month o n
average, he said.
which many businesses can't
~CCord . is only the tip of the
iceberg , service bureaus claim.
Beneath lie costs Like the salary
or .a prog r a m mer abl e t o
communicate with the compute r
in its special language -COBOL
o r FO R TRAN . A good
programmer commands well over
$20.000 annually.
''W henever yo u h ave a
computer you h ave to have
prognms. and when you have
pr ogr ams you have to have
people to program them." said
H arvey Chin , a regional
mark eting s p ecialist with
Burrough s O ffice Automation
Systems m &mta Ana .
of a service bureau m creases.
whereas an an -house system's·
costs remajn relal.lvely level. they
Compute r salespeople point
out the other cost advantages of
owning a co mputer : t h e
hardwar e as a capital asset ,
providing tax credits, and is
depr eciable. allowin~ a tax
The computer ind ustry 1s on<'
in which costs aren't rising, he
added. As technology increases,
computer costs are ex~ted to
When he's through with the
com puter, an owner can sell it
and recou p some of his original
investment. said Peter Jensen ,
manager of mass marketing at
lnternationa l Business Machines
Corp. in Newport Beach.
. corpe down -about 5 'j-)er~nl
for an average system over the
next few years. he explained.
Maintenance, so(lware and
hardware peripherals, as well as
"We stlJJ get 50 <itents on the
dollar on our computers. even th~
(See COMPUTER, Page 03)
• ID leadership progralll
"We don't have specific things we expect
them to do when they leave. We don't have any
axes lo grind or bones lo pick. We just want to
give them the hest information possible about
themselves." says S tem bc!rgh, an extrovert who
never worce dow n during the 12-hour days he
served as a trainer for the group.
The Center. a non-profit ope.ratJon funded
mainly by the Smith Richardson Foundation,
o pe ned its doors In 1970 and some 3,100
execu tlves . m l 11 t a ry man , u n iverai t y
administrators and othen have been here tor one
of its 26 programs. The Leaderahlp Development
Program ls the showcuc; the tab Is $1,800 plwi
lodging and tranaportatJon.
The ·participants this week. 14 men end
flve wome n, malled In six hours of paper and
pencil teats b c fo rr they 1rrlved at t h la
modem cement a nd glaaa bulldin& set amidst 19
acres of forest, extraordln1uily tall pine trees and
pine oaks with dogwood and mountain la urel
'l'hl1 group. typlcally, 11 of mixed muod
when it arrives. One woman aays she was .ent
here becaUR she waa a "bad girl." A burly blond man crtcks that lt's hla turn a t "charm and
glamour" tchool, •• tho Center la known blic:k at
his company. A third HY• h e I els hlChly
honored, "I don't aus~t they're 1pend1nc $1,800
on.a loeer."
He'a aot lo&lc on hls aide, but not 100 percent
aot"UJ'9CY• l>r. David Calt\pbeU, psycholopt and
executive vice president of the Center, says he
learned that one company was using the CentA:r
as a sort or out-placement resource. a polish-
the-guy-up-and-kick-him-out motif.
After the Introductions are completed, each
member of t he group ls given the name of
someone else and told \his will be their "ta.reget"
person. Come Thursday, they are told. they will
spend half u day with that individual giving him
feed back -a psycho-sociological term thal
roughly translates into telling the guy what1a
eood and bad abo_µt him. But now , a test . The pre-testing -
person ality invento r ies, job satisfact ion
evaluations. psychological prelerencca and so Oil
-already has been analyzed by the t'Omput.cr.
This test Involves finding butardlwd geome~
shapet in mazes of Unet.
Later th.i afternoon the aroup takes an lQ
test and la o*rved -aatn by the 11tafr through
the one.w ay mlrrorw as thel perform anQthet
.ctlvity. Thia time, Inst.cad o competing -aalnfl
e.ch o\her u they did In Earth ll, they must U,
their hand n c:ooperauon. Only they don't kno~
thet ..
'f°Mlr Ullsnment la to chooee the pttti~t
of a new en e r1y company from a list of
candldata. Whit they don't know ls that they all
have diff....wt blta of lnformatJon. tn .>ne of the =.,the obllt""' aroan .. the rather rel.I~
-who hM the crucial lnformeUon ii
(8" L£ADltMlflP, Pa .. 01) -
Orcmgo Co at DAIL V PILOT /Sunday, Ootoblf I 7. 1982
Here are the stock market activities of publlcly traded Orange
County firms for the week .-nded Friday, Oct. 16. Data provided
by Newport Securities Corp.
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From Page 01
shouted down before he can get to 11
This is the last time the seven t.'Onsultants
Hired for the observation w ill be on campus until
the following Thursday. feedback day. Each
participant also s pends a ha lf day with a
During thrs week. the rt>'s a mixture of
classroom lectures. a little physical fitness. some
barbed cracks as patinas erode. a lot more good·
Jiatured teasing and some pretty inspirational
presentations. particularly by Bob Bailey. an
eeonomist by training, who serves as the other
leadin~ trainer, along with Sternbergh.
At one session. Bailey is talking to men and
~omen who. for the most part. manage others.
tte implores them not to break the spirit of
apother human being:
"The old adage that c:ream will rise 1s a
fallacy," says Bailey. And the n he adds,
passionately and m a whisper: .. You destroy the
potentlal of people by destroying thC'ir esteem,
their self-worth."
After the day of feedback , the re is a
celebration at a Chinese'restaurant. Toasts and
tributes flow as participants receive their
diplomas and their .. button .. buttons The staff
had been wearing red buttons with four white
holes throughout the seminar and would not te!J
what they meant A prom1.se 1s made that on
Friday the secret will be told.
J enny Ramsey. 46-year-old college professor
w ho look5 about 30, says she learned more about
herself rn the week than she did when she saw
two psychiatrists during a crisis period of her
life. P aul Givens. chancellor of Pembroke. says
he learned he has to delegate more authority.
•df!t"IH)' yfN' .,,....,. 10 OUA!lnMC ot a
t~IO"tl°'IO• AttO ev•ll ,,..,.. Y0411 tie,,.. .,, P0tt''4 P~ T-.m
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•oo 1 pl>Ofl9 ""'• Rocne S.....¥00< c.,.....,.,.,,, ~"'°'· ~ e.adl
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High mileage investments.
Bache analysts give their buy and sen recommendations on
11 energy stocks and analyze some of the lactors affecting energy
investments 1n their new report, "[nergy Stocks Pros and Cons··
In this outlook. we analyze and discuss. Economic and political
developments. Seasonal demands Spot pnces The abatement of
inventory drawbacks and much more
To find out our th1nk1ng on these issues and our recommendations
on 11 energy stocks 1ust call the nLimber below or send 1n the cou·
pon Serd for your free copy of "Energy Stocks Pros and Cons" today
Bache Halsey Stuart St'lields Incorporated
1301 Dove Street
Newport Beach, Ca . 92660
cm STAT[ 71P
(714) 840-1281
A '1ctlllou• Bu1lnt u
Hem• lt•l•m•nl lll•d
with lht County Cl•tlt II
velld fOf tlwe , .. ,. eft•r
which time contlnuln9
bu1lnHMe muet teflle.
Pubtlcetlon 11 MH88ery
only If th•t• •t•
chen9ea. Cell the L ... I
D•petllft•nt et th• DAILY PILOT for
lntorlft•tl•n end n•etHery tomle.
IJlt. W
Auto stereo systeni designed
for simplicity of operation
lh UAllUAltA MA Yl.;lt
Af New1fHhHH
Tiii' l11~h I 11..llol1t y 111Jui.L1 y IJfl'Mm!ti u
pw uJux Ovt•1 th1· p.i11t .m yl·u1 s 11.b 1x·nnd of
t(ll'Ull'~l Jo(I OW!h ll'CltOll'lil l'Xn·lll'nl't• ha:.
rcodwd 11 h1Hh lt•vt•I of dl.'vl'lopn1l•nt
At lt·a:H ont• 111dustry h:adt•r suys that
nothing inlrodm•l-cl In the near futur1· 111 likl'ly to
greully 1111p1 ovt• un the bc1H hom1· 1..•qu1poumt
already bt.•111g markl•h•d .
1Jl.•i;p1u• this ad111•v1•tnl'nt, swrt.'<1 1..•om11C11wnls
art• owm.J by only un t•strmall:d :W to :JO J.)(•m•nt or Amcrrc-ans
Ht·usom; SOlllt:ll mes s ugge:. tcd r or I ht.•
u1spurity rndud<' the tl1H1t·ulty of undt·111umdrng
tt't·hnirnl uata nl"Cl'SSUry lo st.•fl""'l <:omponl'nL'I
WISE'l y dnd th(' h1ght·r l'OS t of stt•n•o Ill
compuri:.on with o ther home• <'nt(:rtainmcnt
In tht• works ts an aulO sll.•n •o sys1t.•m that
would prov1d<' s1mplrc1ty of o~ratlon with high
quality sound, says onC' industry expt.•rl.
At,-<irdmg to Dr. Amar G . Bost., prt·s1u1.:nt of
Bost> Corp . a c:omponcnt makl!r spt><.:rnltzrng 111
speakers and amphhers. tht-industry 1s pursuing
a st.'lf-defcaung c·oursc by marketing compom·nts
with ever more t'Omplrcated t'Ontrols wh1c·h
few t-onsumers can or wish to figure out.
.. Enthus1a:.ts for example th<>St.· who read
thl' high f1dc l1ty specialty magazin<:s -
represent h:ss than one half of I 1~r<·cnt of the
market." he said Yet much of the manufacturer
adve rtising t1nd salC'Smansh1p m audio SJX.>c1alty
stores is gcart'CI to this tiny portion of the publrc .
Tne following peraon$ are do.ng business as
Sanle Ana Ave Cos1a Mesa CA
The followl"O persona a•• dOl"O
business as
Sea latartd Ot . Newpott e .. ch Ce
Al(IN SEZENOL ;> 120 San1a BRANSFORD '7 SH laland Or.
Ana Ave. Costa Mesa CA 92627 Newpo1t Beacl't 112&60
Th11 bus1neH os conouctect by a
general partnersn1p
Akon SolenOI
Newport Bea<:h Ca. 92660
T111s t>vslnen Is conducted by a
gene1a1 partnerahlp.
Samantha BranatOfd Thia stalement was r11ed wllh
County Clerk or Orange County on
Seplember 28. 1982 Thll atatement wu hied with tM
County Clerk of Orange Coun!y on
F1M445 Sep! 23, 1982
Published Orange Coesl Oa11y ''11141
Pilot. Oct 3 10 t 7. 24 t982 Published Orenge Cout Delly
4342·82 P1101. Sept 26 Oc1 3 10. 17. 1982
The rollowong per son os doing
ousmess as
Nevada St Colla Mesa CA 92626
Nevada St Costa Mese CA 92626
This business 11 conduc111d by an
Garoon Rujanawec:h
This starament wn !tied by 1rie
County Cieri\ of Orange County on
Sapleml>er 30 1982
l't&.IC NOTIC£
l ne ro11ow1ng person 11 doing
bvsone.s as
JIFFY PAINT. 17330 Newhope
SI Foun111n Valley, Ce 92708
Debra Ann Roche. 16562 Ml
Shelly Foun1a1n V1ilt;y, C& 92708
This busoness 11 conducled by en
~bra Ann Roche
Th•s statemenr was toled wtth the
County Clet~ of Orange Coun1y on
$eptembe< 29 1982 F1..U F1lll02
PuDllahed Orange Coaat Dally Published Otano• Coal! Delly
Pll01, Ocl 3. 10. 17. 24. 11182 P1101 Oct 3 10 17 :l4 1982
4315-82 I 4~11-82
Boiw 1m1d 1i1111pl1..•1 to UJ>4:futt· c·onipon crll'i
IJl t·u111wmblt·d Ill u i.yi.t1•111 ut th•· rt·lull or
nw n ll f ut·t u ring lt.·ve I wou Id r 111d hrtJ.Hil-r
l'Cllll'Ulllt'I' 111.'l't'Pl<ill"" and .Ir(", lhl1l l',lll I', .1 hkdy
I utur e d t'vt•lt)pmt.•nt
Prov1din~ u highly an·1·111Hl>lt•, NUJJCrlor
J111tt·ning t•xperit.•n<.·c on fllw c•qu1pmt1nl ulso
would lead to more coru;unwr mtt.•rc.-sl in high
I ult•llly, ht• s41id
Furthc.•rmorc., Bos<' thmks hl· hw. found tht•
ideal plal't' to provide th<it lasltmmg expC"rlcn<:e
111 lht' family c·ur
tki.·t·ntly, Bose.• Corp •md Ut•lm Elt"'l·tron1cs
U1v1 i.1un u f Gc•rwral Motors hl·ld a n ews
u mf<•rl•nt·l' m New York lO tnlrodut-e such a car
,\t·rt-o i.yi;h:m, which will bt.· uffl.'n-<l as a $900
option m GM's most costly modcls the Cadillac
St•v1lle and Eldorado, the Buick H1v1t>rn and the
Oldsmob1ll· Toronauo.
Automobiles an• generally downgraded as
ecmc<.•rt qua lity hstt•ning areas. Th<.• d1ffll'ult1cs of
providing a strong and unwavc.·rmg signal Ill a
vehicle moving at 50 mph through a veiriety of
interference ioncs is t•nough to give.· an audio
engrnt.'<.'r a ht•adac-hc.
Ho wcvt:r, Bose said. onct• thl.' signal
d1CC1cu lty rs overcorru:_ -and today's best
re<.-c1vc.1rs und antennas eliminate the problem
in h1:. opinion the car has one factor going for 1t.
It 1s an environment rn which every variable
important to the design of a perfect sound system
can be known.
The variables are: size and d escription of
lls tening environme nt position of the sound
sou rn•, and position of the listener. A d esigner 'of
home stcrt.>OS has no access to such dat.a.
Pay No Income Tax In
1982 or 1983
and, Legally Recover
Taxes Paid In
1979, 1980, 1981
You can Invest dollars you have already
spent, are currently spending and will
spend in the future for taxes, Into tax
sheltered investmeQtS that:
a) Average a 500 3 tax write-off
b) Are highly profit motivated
c) Have a history of positive cash
flow and appreciation and
d) Not on IRS abused shelter ltst
For a private and confidential
appointment please call
TLC Financial Services, Inc.
L .M. Bo~d in ~onrtmhes ~ll.IJ Pl.ID!tt-lliiiiiimm--(7111iiii1iiiiii4 )iili7iiii52_·_73-71_ ...... iiiiiil__.
i Broker Inquiries Welcomed
The Art of Fine Living
Newport Beach, CaUfonda
HARBOR VIEW CONTEMPORARY: With unrivalled views to New-
port llarbor and vast Pacific waters. this stunning 9-room Contempo·
rary 1s the work of a prominent local architect. Set on 1.1 acres of
garden landscapinl{. the spacious residence incorporates waUs of glass
opening to a terraced pool area. $7.000.000 Brochure NDP21 ·37.
7210 Beverly Blvd .. Los Angi>les. CA 90036
Telephone: 2131934 8877
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2 CMc P\aia, Suite 100, Newport lkac.h,.CA 9~
Te,I: 714/644-6200 )"-
New York City
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Palm tkach
Urongo Cooet OAIL Y PILO T /Sunday CJc.toDur 17 198:i ~
Bulls running loose
Wall 'treet 's ra1npngt> (•ou ld Ju1vt• •·11rit•ty of cnust·~
Al ........ •netJ•• NEW YO.KK P ... rhops
the stock market bull ~hnuld hl·
given a blood Lt.'tit to dt>ltmmm•
what it snorted before g0ing on u
rampage. •
Was it lower lntercisl rutt-11,
lnstltu\lonal buying panic, the
poeaiblllty that Reaganomics will
work -or be changed after the
c oming -elections -o r that
foreign money will ('Ontinue to
pour ll"!to the United St.ates?
No one knows what role these
possibilities play, any more than
you can say for s ure th e
pessimistic bears aren't correct.
Bears still roam the field, and
don't seem inclined to crawl into
This ls always the way it is
when the market is making a
major move. It doesn't announce
its intentions, as linge ring
memories of the great crru;h of
1929 can attest. It is only in
review that the patterns become
a bit clearer~
Reviews. however, a re n 't
appreciated in · an atmosphere
that puts a premium on previews.
Money is made from guessing the
future rather than analyzing the
past And so. while hu;tory muy
be worth more than the glam:mg •
rt'vlew that WaU Street gives lt,
the overwhelming interest is on
what might happen
If interest raws contulUl' to
fall, for example.
Should Lhat O\":ur. two rru.1J0r
events might ensue: Economic
<H.'t1vity could be generated all
the way from consumers to great
corporauons; and huge sums of
'money might be transferred from
debt securities to equities, SUl'h as
Lower interest rates m1gh\
r easonably be cx p et:t ed t o
ge n e rate more interes t 1n
automobiles and houses, basic
industries whose fo rtunes dictate
the health or sickness of many
uttwr 1ndw1trit•:. 11nd thou"'111di; of
lul·ul t"t'Onumll'N.
ThlH 1~ \hl' breukthaou.,h
11o ught by the.' R l•oga n
udm1mstrat1011. wtm·h hwi c.-om
to r('ly on lhc <.-on.sumer to aptmd
the notion out of rcc•t:s.'lmn. It m
whnt the curporaH· world ii.
w111t1ng for, too
Institutional buying panic can
bt• both l·au~ and c!Ce1;t of r i1>ing
stock prices.
Insurers. mutual and 1Jens11m
funds, bank-adminJstered trusts
any groups that (•ollect funds
for investment -have Lo be
a ware of what their ne1ghbon1
are doing. lru;titutions today are
e normous, multib1llion -dollar
inves to rs. A few o { the m
together can make stocks movt',
a nd movement arouses the herd.
If you were a portfo li o
manager would you likl' to be
left in the dust? Wouldn't you be
<.•oncerned about missing a bull
market? Of course you would:.
Your profl•ss1onal status a nd
incom e would be direc tl y
From Page 01
0;1es tha t a r e 10 years o ld.
especially in the European
market," he said.
As for confidentiality. both
sides of the controversy claim 1t
as a plus for their systems
Sarner said h aving pay roll
done by outsiders keeps other
employees from knowing how
muc h everyone earn s . But
J ensen s aid h e feels
confidentiality control is tx-ucr
when security documents stay
within a business.
What if a service bureau
botched a de livery route. he
s uggested. and d e live r e d
confidential financial statements
to a competitor that was also a
compute r ser vice cus tomer,
Jensen asked rhetorically.
For businesses that value tight
con trol over their \lperat1on.
having an in-house compute r
offers many advantages. Chin
said: "You can control vour own
desti n y." with a c"ompany
computer, he said.
An on-site computer means the
company can con trol its
timetable. A service has a
number of clients vying for its
time. which ba s i call y is
co n trolletl by 1t s bigges t
customer. hl' s~ud
Bui what good 1s a timetable>
when a computer doesn't kt•cp up
with a g rowing l'Ompany's ne<.'Cls'?
Sarncr asked
"When you buy a computer.
you're buy mg obsolescence." he
said. "A year ra ter. you're c1tht-r
using half of 1t or ll's nut big
enough for you "
There are a lot of headaches
that go along with owning a
computer, Burroughs' Chin said,
and it's also a big risk to take.
··F.ach management is different."
he said ... Some are bold a nd
wilhns.t to take a chance a nd some
aren 't"
IBM's Jensen said he believes a
computer is a good exercise m
discipline for a small business.
"l think the reason many small
companies go to service bureaus
1s because they don't want the
respon sibility (of owning a
compute r)," he said. "l always
ask thetn. 'Who really carc>s the
most about your data and your
operations -you or a S('rv1ce
bureau?' Too many times we get
people who just want to pass
rcspons1b1Jity on to :.l111wone
e lse"
Compan1t•s that avoid buying
t:omputers art• only dclaymg tht•
1 n e v 1 t a b I t• • J e n s <· n s a i d .
Computers arc on l'V t·r yone's
mind, they'n : getting C'ht'apc r
and people are becoming mun~
comfort.able with them.
Ye t . many people s til l fear
t·o mput e r s . Even J e n sen
admitted he wasn't thrilled about
computers when ht:> first C'ame in
contact with Lhem
"I dreaded talong a computer
course in college." he said "But
eventually I took it a nd 11 wasn't
that bad
"You don't develop a love for
the machines," he said, "unless
you're an engineer. But they do
provide bencflls in this world
that make life better m general "
People m busines..'i should look
at c-omputers not as something to
bc scared of. he said. but a s
something that can improve their
And if they don't want to look
now. they will have to sometime
soon "It's like the white owl
commercial from a few year s
ago." h e said. "Eventually
they're gonna' get you."
A double tax break
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No U.S. income taxes. No state income taxes.
TAX-FREE Federal ~Xf'S. State taxeb. The
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And the current yields are uttractive. 8.8:1 ', mul th at' . ., aft er all
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. We think that you '11 agree that the California Series of the Municipal
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All of the municipal bonds in the fund arc rated in the category A or
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You may redeem or sell your units at
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price. If you 're a Californian in a high tax
bra cket, double ;ax-free income. may giva -
you a lot more spendable income.
Write today fo r a Prosp ectus. It 's
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1Hmbet SIPC
-------------------------------------------Sh••r•on/ American Exor••• Inc.
550 Newport Center Drive. Suite C
Newport Beach, CA 92860
(114) &U-2'42 •Attn: Jerry Jones
Branch Manager
A prospectus conta1ninr;i more complete
lf•/ormar1on about the Mun1c1p1111 Investmen t
Trust FunC1 14th Cal1lorn1a Sefles (A Unit
ln•esrment Tru~IJ 1ncluC1inQ 11111 sates charr;ies and
tupenses will be senr upon receipt of t111s
coupon Read 11 carefully Delore you invest or
s11nd money
Bound for New Horizons
When people put their trust in
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they're an · g but speecble~s .
. , .
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fiii 1 tm·e it. I think It 's s uper ... we're jus 1 _ ~,
not downtown people. !l's all right here.~ --
/ I
"I fcC'I comfortable ... I ft ·d a l ea...,<'. Tlwv \
wc:re \Try h(:'lpful. Explained a lot of th i n~~ to u s . .,
'9 Quite helpful. .. told u s wha1 was lnfonnal l\'t'
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Ko1, r a,.,,.-.,,, •. ,
The Sears Financial Center isnow~ln
the South COast Plaza.
Peo ple are talking about the SearS"'F'lnanrlaJ Network. BN'A11. e
now. the financial ervtces you and your family n<'c>d m ost arc togrt h er
unde r one roof.
The roof of the Scars s to re Int tw South Coa. t Plaza.
Because people -even people who make a ~ood I lvl ng-; n <'cc1 good.
ound adv1ce about their money. Anet they nf'cd that adv1cc-ca y to find
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the people they trust. .
That's why Sears has started the ears Financial Network. Wlrh
Allstate for your In urancc need '. D a n Witter Reynold for your tn\'est-
ments.Allstatc Sav1n~@ for savtngs a nd loan .
6' I think people t n1st the Sear FlnanciaJ
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And fo r Real Estate. there's Coldwl'll l3unk<'r.
You·n, ltwlted to sec <'XcH'l ly what thcsl' <.·ompanic·Co) can do for y ou.
And to tC'll u s how vou fC'cl. ·
T lw Ct·nt t•r is o pen for your comTn lc·n C't' c1 u rl ng r(."gnla r Sears
s tore h ours. Monday Frlclav 10:00 un tll 9:00. Saturcl a\' 9 :30 ~mtll 9 :00.
Sunday 11 :00 untll S:OO. · · '
For further info rmation : Ir \'OU
C'an'1 \'lslt lhC'C<'nl<'r(tl '!-.rtt 3333 Orlstol
StrC'et. C'o~t a Mr ·a . CA 92G26). please
C'aJ I (714) 540 -3333 or nnv All tHl<.'.
D('an Witter Rrvnolds. Coldw<'ll
Bunkc•r. or Alls ta te Saving · offlc<'.
Th l' Sc·ars Financial
Network. lkcau e toda)~ t hr brs t I
plact• for your future h ould b<'
wt th frtc•nds you can tn1 t. I
Al Sears .
All~l.llt I
De.in W it t·r f(t "nr Id~
L Jklwt:'ll B,1n c•1
AllstrHC' ),h 1ng'
r •
H(l!lf 'Qw , ~· I *iJ n~ hi t ._ ...
" .. ' l (!\f .,. """' n -•
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I I.._ 4411 " •I II All • : ~ ::~.p Jt
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Oru11gu Cou11 DAILY Pll 0 T /Sund1y October 17 1982 DI
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D8 Orange CoHt OAll.V Pll.OTl 8unday, October 17, 1982
I State home resales weak
L.OS ANt;EL.ES -Calltornl• homf' rcaall•
a<·tlvlty retN&lncd very wf'ak In AugW1t, 1982, WI
sales of exl11Ung 11nalc-tamlly homc11 dccreued 3.U
percent from July tor a acru;onully udjuatl'<.1 onnuul
rate of 21~.816 unil.8, the Californlu AK."4.)Clutlon of
Realtors (CAR) unnounL't.'d
This ls the lowest rate of murket activity sinc't'
January of thu1 year and 1s 27 ~ p<.'rt·e nt below
August 1981.
"The August resale f1gurt'S appear to reflc..>cl
the dlsruptJon In the real est.ate market caused by
the De la Cuesta dedsion," said Seb Sterpa,
president of the Realtors' ASloch.ltion. "Because of
the Supreme Court decision at the end of June,
consumers were very confused as to whic h
mortgages were affected. Uncertain about what
loans were assumable, fewer people entered the
housing market."
As a result of sluggis h sales activity and
seasonal factors, the prices of existing single-family
homes deelined during August 1982. The statewide
median sales price of a single-family home
decreased 1.6 percent or $1.793, from July to $110.-63~ in August thls year. Compared to August 1981 ,
prices were 2.0 percent higher. the lowest annual
rate of housing appreciation recorded since the
monthly existing home sales survey began in
activity can bl• c>efX'<.'lt'<l 111 tht• Cort•1tt'C•ul.Jlt· luturt.•"
Tht• timt• on tht• murkc•t l14•fu111 !iUlt• lt·nijlh1•111-cl
con11l cluruhl y In AUMUHl 1 Ull:.! h t'l'ltllh\' of a
11ub:ct1111tlul d1•clhw In thl· tJ<-'fl't'nlul(t' 11( 11lr11(h•
fumlly homt•K IK'lllng In h•t11t thun :m duyH frorn tht·
lln'ft> ci( lumny 'l'ho m1•ctw11 1l11w un 1tw murket
tx-ro~ suit· wttj 7tl U dayK 111 Augus1 , un 11wn·wu..· ur
7 0 doys from July this yt•ur and I ~1 :1 duyi. loni,tt•1
than m August 1981
The slugg1shnC1i18 of the rcMlt• murket ts ulso
reflected In the August 19t12 inventory index of
unsold single-family detached homes wh1l·h
registered at 22.0 months. down from July's 23.2
months. Singer attributed that d<.>c.•hnc more lo u
decrease ln listings rather than an increase in sales.
Jn August 1981. the mdex registered IA 7 months.
Despite the De la Cuesta dcc1s1on, existing
single-family home sales sull contmul'd to reflret
the Importance of assumabfe finanl'ing. In August
this year , only 22.0 pe rcent of exlsung sales
involved the origination of a new Cirst mortgage,
including FHA. VA and Cal-Vet loans. 0( all
single-family sales sampled , 5 I .8 percent w ere
based on the assumpUon o f an existing firs t
mortgage loan. In 13.6 percent of sales, the owner
provided the primary mortgage financing
R ealtors :.-
el ect
officer s
(:ordon N ll·u lson , a "
Contru Costa Rcultor .
wui1 d<.~ted pre!itd<>nt of
th<.• Ca laf ornlo
Association of Realt<Jrs
(CAR) for 1983.
Nl l'o l so n , who
('Urrt•ntly Is f1 n t vice
president, was elected by
a cc la mall o n a t the
d osing general session of
the Rt'altors' 78th unnual
t·onventi o n he re. H e
succeeds Seb Stcrpa of
Glendale, CAR's 198:.!
presi dent.
Becki Schwab of San
Diego Co unty was
e l ec t ed f irs t vice
Ra y 0 . Sp1oelli of
Menlo Park, was elected
to his third consecutive
term as treasurer; and
"Despite the recent drops in mortgage interest
rates. a recovery In housing will at best accompany,
rather than precede as it has in the past, any
general economic upturn," said Joel Singer, CAR's
director of planning. research and economics.
"Since economic growth will probably be weaker
than normal, only moderate increases in housing
Compared to August or last year, it a ppears that
the institutional mortgage lenders have increac;ed
their market share somewhat, since the share of
transactions then baSt,~ on the assumption of .an
existing fi rst mortgage was 61.7 perc.-ent. o r th.e existing housing units sold during
August 1982. 15.0 percent were attached units or
condominiums. Down from 16.4 percent in JuJy. but
up from 13.5 percent In August, 1981.
Oonald A. Wiedmann of Scenic view o ffer ed a t Mar inita T ownhomes in Dana
Los Angeles. was elected P oint where a ll the mainten a nce is do ne fo r the executive vice president
and state secretary. h om eowne r.
Magnificent 2 end 3 bedroom hom.1 ecro11 the 1treel from tcenlc L•k• P1rk. only
• 1hort welk to the beech.
Cl'Mliw exterior deligt\s -in perlec:t hermOny with the arnbance ol 1"8 OOHri L..aYISh intenors
oll9r en ~ ol °'*' ~ end leelure sumptuous master suites MaNIV9 hand-ma!MI wooo. buminQ flreplaces, pnvate *'* ywde with lerge petlOS ltld attached 2 ltld )<:er gerages A wann VII•
lege afmoephere, p1u1 the converuence ol 1 central locellOO 1n the cn1rmlng old 1ree section or
HuntinglOn Beach You own the lend, en4 no MOftthly •HOCl•Uon '"•·
10% Down
Special New Financing
Final Oceanfront Lots
P riv.tll' ,,·,11 11.·d ,1nd g.tll'-g u .udl'd communil~
w ith priv,1k bl".Kh ,1nd priv,tlL' -.\\'im ,ind ll'llnt-.
d ul:i in .i n Ck•ml'llll'. ·
20% Down 5-year Financing
9o/s 0/o Interest, OR 12 °/o Interest
10-Year Amortiz<ltion Only
Act Now!
(714) 498-2830
(2 13) 277-9470
Also: Subordination available ubject to
approvcil of pla n s and construction lo,1n.
Home association
does the chores
If they try to observe all the special days and
wee ks d uring October. homeowners at Marin1ta
Townhomes, a new. Cape Cod-style t'Ommunity in
Dana Point, will be glad they have a homeowners'
association to take care of the day-to-day property
management chores.
The association (whose budget is available in
the sale~fice) maintains the professionally
landscaped grounds. the exteriors of the buildings,
and the swimming pool, spa, clubhouse and tennis
court so that the homeowners can relax and enjoy
hfe, no matter the occasion.
The two-story, two and three-bedroom homes
are priced from $1 59.990.
In addition to prime location. Marinita
Tow nhomes residences, each with two wood-
burning fireplaces (one in the master bedroom and
one in the living room), offer six spacious floor
plans ranging in size from 1,334 to 1,935 square feet.
H ome shoppers interested in viewing the
furnished models of the new seaside-close Marinita
Townhomes community may take the San Diego or
Sant.a Ana freeway to the Pacific Coast Highway
(714) 960--0214 Local. county. state. national and international exit near Dana Point, go north on Pacific Coast Highway to the Street of the Golden Lantern, and
events come to your doorstep I II.If p·llDI' turn inland toward the hills eor approximately one . th b . ht l ' ht d z · l mile. The sales office is open daily from 11 :30 a.m. zn e rig · zg an lVe Y to 6:30 p.m .. and additional information lS available
(714) 840-8407
A vintage car uses the 1nivate,
gate-guarded gateway to Connenutra by
the ea in San Juan Capistrano.
Big band tTumpets
ConnenJara project
One of the most gala op1ming
night celebrations ever hl•ld for a
new residential community was
recently h osted by Mort•la nd
Develo pme nt Company to
introduce its collecllon of 80
custom-home lots at Comwmara
b y th e S ea 1n Sen Juan
Capistrano. The pro~·t overlooks
Dana Point Harbor and th(' oc•ean
· More than 300 c1v1c: d1gnitanes.
members o f the press and other
guests enjoyed dancing under ~he
stars to the music of L<.-s Brown
and his "Band of Renown" a t the
lavish event.
"This was a perfect night to
enjoy the spectacular night-light
views of Dana Point Yac h t
Harbor from Connemara by the
Sea," commentecl John Murphy,
project manager for the exclusive
new community. "We are pleased
to have so many enthus ias tic
guests on hand for our opening."
A ICCOnd premiere showing of
the bt>aut1 ful homcs1tt-s to th1•
genNal pub lic was h eld the
fo llowing Sunday, Mu r phy
no t e d . and was t•4ua ll y
s UCC.'l'SS f u 1
Pncc..>s of the estate-s1wd lots,
which range up to 36,000 square
feet in size, begin at $188,000 al
Connemara by the &-a Pads for
actual deve lopment average 1:1.:rno square feet. whu:h will
accommodate even the most
lavish o f custom dream homes.
To v1s1t Connemara by the Sea,
take the S an Diego Freeway
south thro ugh Sa n Juan
Capistrano, or north through San
Clemente, to C amino Las
Ramblas. G o east to Avcnida
PeS<:ador, turn left, and follow
the sign s to the sales o ffice.
which is open daily from 10 a.m.
to 6 p.m. For more information
about the exclusive More land
Developme nt property, phone
661-0305 or 661-1053.
Oro11ga Co11t OAILV PILOT!Sundoy, Octobor 17 1tt82 b7
Gradu81 rate decline forecast
WAHi llNt:'l'ON Mu11uug1•
lt\lt•r't••t ru1111 u n · hk•·lv lo th•dlm•
o nly l(t adu11lly hC'lw1·1•11 1111w 1111d
llW 1•11d 111 Hlll:i, m·trn d111~ Ill I Ill'
N111 111 1111l Suv111~'i u111I l.11ur1
Lt•ng111"" t-!1•11n11mH' l\d v11111ry
Thi• ":AB IJllllt'l)llllt•!; II 11 ~
JWr<.'1·111 mnrtgugl' t lllt• lly tht• l'ml
ot thhl y1·11r ond 11 13 :'I f>''l'\'C'nl
rate• by tlw 1•11d of I 911:t. i.:11d i-:A H
C halrmun Dr Muurll't' Man11 ,
fo llowing u n·t'l·rit yuurtl•rly
mt•t•t1111o1 u( lhc· l':AB 111 Los
Angl'11•11 Tht• moi.t et1111nwn
mortgugc• rtlll>S eurr1·ntly uffrn·d
by mnrtgalo(l' k·nd1·n. <111· 15 15 5
T h l' E A 0 . a g 1 u u p o (
dis tingu1slwd l'<·on<1 m1sts and
busint•ssmL•n from ou1s1tlc· th<'
savings and l,p0tn 111tlus t ry,
bl.'lit'VC'S that the· dranwtil· <lL'(:hrw
in shurt-tc·rm ln tt'rt·st r ates in
rc•ec•nt wcc•k s will not be
rC'flt'<'lt'<.I in substantially lower
mortgagt' ratc-s
And, in a v1C'w shart-d by many
savings and loan cxt't.'Ut1vc•s who
allt•ndt•d thl• EAB mt'l'l111g, said
Mann, tht• cunsensus was that it
would take a mortgage rall.' of
about 13 percent to trigger a
signi f1c:ant recov<'ry 1 n th e
housing market.
"Stabll• interest ratt>s. p rogn.'SS
'1n the program of et:onom1t
rec..'Ovc.•ry. rt•stored t•onf1dl•net• by
the AmNic~n publil' and the
f1n a n c:1al markC'ts 1n th e
eeonomy, and the ability to
qualify fur home rinandng will
a ll bt• nt'C'dC'd for ho using to
makt.· a substa n ual l·onwback,"
s;ud Mann.
EA B members do n ot set.•
housing as a major suurc·<· of
strength 1n ll'ading tht• N·unomy
out of t he· c urre nt r<'Cl'ss1un,
Ma nn said T he EAB looks for
housing st.arts in th<' I I million
r angt' at the end o f 1982,
reat.·hmg 1 4-1 5 million st.arts in
Thl· £AB scud that the bulk of
the dl'<·hne in short-term mtc•rest
rates h as cx:curred and forecast a
six-mo nth Treasury bill rate of
8.5 percent at the end of 1982 and
s lightly lower at the end of 1983.
The current six-month T-b11l rate
is 8.6 percent.
Long-te nn government bonds.
which are at 12.2 percent, w ill be
at 11.5 percent at the end of this
year and at 10.5 percent at the
end of 1983, the EAB predicted.
The EAB predicted that the
prime rate, which is currently at
13.5 percent, will be around 12.5
percent at the end of 1982 and
sli tly lower by the end o( 1983,
· · T h l' 1 t• ni a y ht• 1111 mt•
fhU'lUUllllll Ill lhC' )JI lffil' ruU.•,"
11uld M111111, "hut tht• with• 11w lnte11
tltut huv 1• d 11.1r11c1t·riu•cJ tl\t'
prm1t• 111nct• llJ71} w ill probably
1111\ r('O('C'llr "
Th I ' N II l I 0" II I L (' u K u •.. ,.
l't.'UllUllll(.' 11UVl11tlN al!IO cJIJ>(.'Ul\.-.t-d
the· govt•rnmc•n t'11 l'l'On oml('
polit•u •s halfway through the
Hcngun Administration.
With sh urt-t.crm intert-st rat.cs
down und th e i nflulio n
t·oni.idl'rnbly 1mprov~. the E.AB
said that when recovery 1>U.11 L'I 11
will tx• mudC!it The EAB look."
fur a 2 percent growth rute
dur1nu llw r1•nuilnth'r of th11' yc·u1
und o 3 1x•1tt•11t growth r«lt• Ill
1 !JU!1
Pruhw for tht· 1''VtlN·ul Ht·K1·1 vr·
Buu1d Wlll!I c·omb1nl·d Wi iii
w u r I\ i n g. I h u I th,. Hf• (J j.( H n
Atlm1n111lrut10n 111H I L'1111ter1·si•
mu11t t'<mllmw lo !>low tlll' grnwlh
1n i.pt•ndmte O thl•rWIM'. thl• EAH
CIJUttonccJ, l'Ont1nUl'U mUSSIVC'
dcf1clUi will grcutly 1ncrcaiw tht•
govt•rnmcm t's borrowing nt:t-dl'I.
"If this hapJX!tui," said Munn,
"th ere• will be another loss of
confident·e by the flnant•ial
markcl!I. the pb of the Fc.'<.11•ral
Rc·scrv~ Board will be mul·h
morl• dtff1cult and the
Al'H'w vary with f111unl'lnl( 111ruclurt'li. t'inarw1111i
prugrnm.11 sub)l.'l'l "' uvroluhHlty uf funds AMn
fo-v lnlormnuun uvad.oblt tn th•· lll•l•'ll ufhet.'
' •Huntington Beach
• 5o/o Down
• 12.9% Interest*
•Builder pays non-
recurring closing costs
• Extremely easy
builder qualifyin g
j(llVt•1111111•1tl jll l'lt'IUI t• 1111 tl11•
111.11 k1·1, 111 1111,1111 t• the dc•flllt
will 1·r11wd 11111 priv1ol1· M'( tor
hot ICIWl'I'"
'f'ltt · EAU ..... 11.J jJ I l'llJIOll!Ollilt•
11!01·111 p11l1t·y 11·qu1u•i. r1·dUl'tn8
tlw i.i111wlli 111 lt·d1 ·ral ..,,,,.nt11n"
It UI ~t.J tlw .1d1111111i.t1 at11111 ,uuJ
( 'u11J<11·1>1> t•> 111uk1 t·utbut·k!O In
-.p1•11u111J.( fur d1·h·ru.c. cnt1tl1·m('nt
µ1 ul(ram-. .ind hP:d lh 1·an· lu
ll·<lun · wh11t t·ou ld tw a $150
h1 llw11 bud~l'l dc·t11•11 rn f1M.·ul
I IJ8:1
Tl1t• EAR warm·d lhtil lht·
u1wmµluy1111•nt rute l'ould 11·m1:1111
at 9 p••fl«nt ur h1~h1•1 thruul{h
I !Jll:I
It's easy to see the logic of accountants and other professionals who have
made Harbour Vista Orange County's most successful new community.
Beautiful 2 and 3 bedroom condos near Huntington Harbour amidst a
picturesque-setting of waterfalls. ponds and streams. Enclosed garage.
vaulted ceilings. wood burning fireplaces. spacious private pat.lo or deck .
swimming pool and therapy spa. INVESTORS WELCOME
Open Daily
lOa.m . to8 p.m .
(714) 848-5557
I •
r '
Pl Orange Coaet CAil Y ff1LOT/6unday, Octot> r 17, 198:l r Financing Small homes aid economy
:1boos t to Mt1re unit pre dict e d a exp ectatit>n s lowered
I the buyer .,.,, .. ~n1t111,·r h111r1 .. c·un be· •· .. u1.1ht 01\l' ur lhl' 'ohH1111" ll4'111j( Lt It'd ., ' UV Q
' "I hC'urd ubout Quu1I <.:n·i·k w hfl lht• hou11lrlfol 1111Ju11t1y uut uf with u mt.H'h 11nn1llt•r down
from a fricnd." rtx•ulkd Jot• &oek, h.11 wonct fl"t.'t..·i.slon Kllll'l' Wui Id puy11w11t, llN1rly six thou111111J
currt•ntly a hum t•uwni•r ut tht• Wu1 ll ai. tlw huildtnM of 1mrnllt•1, Jullur11 h ·B1L T he m o nthly
Stl'rhng llo nws t·ommunaty lcMS <:xp<•n111vl' huu!ll·11 mortgugC> paym<:nt Is ovN 40
"The finam·ing wus 1t:rr1f1c, NI> I At·curd1ng Lu orll' 111du 11 t1·y purt.•t·nl l<.·ss, $7UO us compur<.o<l 111
ran down tht• Vt•ry m•xl duy and obst>rvvr. th1:o1 trt•nu l'llU ltl udd $404 But the savings don't i Lop
houghl one. bC'tWt<C!n aoo.ooo u nd 400.000 ht•r1'. The smallt•r houS<.• also Wiii
"I h ave a o n t•-bf'droom new unat.'i in ttw m•xt IU months· cost k·~ to heat and t'OOI, less w
rondomin1um, wh1t'h is 11 rx•rft-cl and show till' wuy Lu 1-ttmumil· malnwin. and tht• real estate u1x
first homt' for a btwhl'lor sul'h us rc'<:ovcry bill will be muc.:h smaller \DO
myself. Tht> bt.•st part about '1t is &unomll' t:oncJ1t1011s und high Bu1ldurs who ar<: murkc:ung
that I didn't haVl' tu borrow any inturest rates huvt• l'U USt'd the· these smalll'r, more affordable·
money from my pan•nts . I dtd it preBt!nt malaise Eurlwr this Yl'Llr units are reporting bris k sales
all on my own." Congress p assed u hall to Two o f the nation's lar-~cst
Located in Lagunu ll1Us, lht• subsidize home• mortgagt· rult~i.. homebuilde rs, Lev1ll and U.S
one a nd two -bedroom con -but tht: bill was vt•toed by Home. have begun to b u ild
dom1niums rangt' from $79.-President Rt•agun Tht• industry i.mHller units with grt,at sucu·ss
900. The below-ma rket mttc>rest is now lookmg Cur other means to Gcmcraft Homes or Houston
rate of 11 ~. per l'Cnt is f1xc.>d for a stimulate new home <.'Unstrut'tion ufrers a 994 square fool unit for
full thirty years, 1( the home 1s and sales. $42,950. Ths home was t'ltcd m
r esold an the fu tu re. the For several de<:udt•s s1nglt• Sept.ember Prokss1onal Builder
fmam:ang mny be assumed by the family hoUS<.>s huve t'Ont1nut.>d to magazine as un ouLstanding
new owner grow 1n s1zt', bec:um1ng more t•xample o f a well d cs1gn<•d
• "l thank that a lot of .lY'Ople e xpensive in the proc•t.•ss. Tht· smaller homt· wath a good rc'<:ord
today JUSt asswne that they can't average single family home an of saleabahly
arford to buy their h rst home: I 1981 had about 1,700 square ft.>et .A t·co rd1ng to Mar!>h P
)mow I was getting frustrated of space and <:os t $72,500. At Tr 1 m b I C', pub I 1 s her '' f
l oo k 1 n g for so m c l h 1 n g · today's high mt.t•rc:st rate~. that's Prore5s1onal Bulldt·r mugazinl·,
-;ippropnalc'. But the combination more than most homcbuyers can there 1s a marke t for between
•pf priCE'. financing and location afford. It•is also more living spal·e 300,000 a nd 400,000 smaller
made Qunil Creek right for me," than many Amc rac.:an familll's homt."'S in thC' next 18 month8. He
aeck added, and I couldn't be actually need. said these units would be nt•w
huppi<>r with it " According to Professional busi Res.s in the housing industry,
Th e ful l y maintain e d Builder magazanc, many builders in that they wo uld r ea<:h a
community setting presents a are now cons truc·ting smaller marke t wh ich is no t bP1ng
network of strearrfs, lakes and houses. Rather than t ,700 squan· fulfillC'<l by the larger <md more
open greenbelts as well as two feet or even larger units. builders t.•x pensivc units now on tht•
l ight e d te nnis co urts, two are now cre<:ting much smaller market.
swimming pools. spas and saunas. homes, oftC'n 800 to 1,200 square "There arc nearly 20 mi Ilion
younl( fL11111J11.,, '''" arlurd "
Th•· 1·11110411 u<·t11111 und s.alt'ti of
l'V1•11 J00,(100 111un• huwnng uni\.I
would h UVl' u drumutw c>rtect on
thl· huu:ong mduinry, and would
ul.,o ~1v1· a hoosl tu thl' entir<.·
t.• <' u nu m y II 1· r l'' s how th l'
t'4:onomy wuuld l>t.· 1mpat·t.cd by
this t'tlfl8trU{'tlt111, at't.'ording lO the
•$5.3 btllwn ~~c>nstruc:tion
•$:! 9 ln ll1 on 1n pay roll for
d1r<.'<.'l un-s1tt: labor
• $1.0 bilJ1on tn m:.orkl·lmg and
•$247 mallrnn an lucal real
l'!>latt· UtXl'S
•$I I ball11Jn an rc..•ta al sales
such as rurnat urt'. apphant·c>s and
<:arix•tt ng
•900.000 .1<11':. 1n th<.· overall
t'<.·onomy which wuuld add $1.l
b 1 111 u n to U S T n· as u r y 1 n
payroll lJXl.., w1thhc•ld
l'rof<~wnal Builder magazinl'
1i. s ponsoring a n<.1ll onw1de
cam pu 1g n to 1 n vol vt· more
bualdt·ri. tn the..· c·o ns truct1on of
i.mallc..•r . i.martt•r <.ind m o re
affordabll· housing, and also to
l•nc:ouragl' bl'ltcr dc·s1gn and
t:onstrutllon innovations an these
"Smaller housing doesn't have
tu be• drab or mon oton ous,"
Trimblt· said. "And 1t does n 't
h ave to be· stripped o f the
amcn1t1cs.and fc<Jtures that most
homebuyc·ri. want ·· I Full finant'jng dNa1ls may be feet in size. , hc·ads of households in the 25 to
.. obtained from the on-sate sales Lot saws arc being de<:r't!:J!Wcl. 34 year age group. Thc:sc.· arc•
representatives. T he model too. This 1s having a dramatic trad1t1onally the prime market
H e <·1tc·d tht• fuC't that the
smaller hotnl' featured sn its
Septcmbc:r. 1982. 1~uc. built by
G cm('raft Homt·s of Houston,
Tex<is. was undt•r 1,000 square
fl><.•t and pm't.>d at under $43.000.
but 1nc ludl'd landst'aped lot,
patio. fireplace'. ai r <.'Ond1uonmg,
modern kitchen with range and
dishwashe r . c.·C'ram1c· tile
bathroom. a n d many energy
consc.•rvation fcatur<.~
I f
homes and sales office are open effect on new housing <..'OSts and for new housing. Yet. it is this
... from 10 a.m. unlit !) p.m d aily on the ability of families to buy. group that has been prlC'l.'d out of
For further information. phonC' The cost comparison of a sanglt• the market by high interest r<ilt.~
831-6700 family house of 1,700 square fC<:l on large and expensive homl:'S,"
T o r each Quail CrC'ck i n and one of 1.000 square feet 1s Trimble said. "Homes o f 800
Laguna Hills. v1s1tors may take The creek a l Quail <.:r eek , a new hornt> dramatic: $72,000 versus $43,000. to 1 .200 s quare f ee t a r e
the San Diego Freeway to the La r esulting an a smalle r in1t1al suCfic1ently large for most hrst
Paz o fframp and continue to dcvelopme nl in Laguna Hills. i nv es tm e nt and monthly tame buyers. and they can be
M oulton Parkway and the payments fo r principal a nd constructed and marketed at a
Sterling community interest. price that many more of these ~~~.;:_~~~~;__~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Decorated Models Now Open Decorated Models Now Open
' I '
Dilly ~Hat
She lo ves h i m jus t th ~ s ame HOIOSCOPE
SCOR P IO (Oll i:i Nov 21 ): Lunar a nd
11u11wnl·al l'Yl'll~ lihuw that you'll bt> at right place
ut L'I Ul'1:.J monwnt Lt•urn by ltoaching ·-you can
ufford l(J Ix• gt·nl•rous. to shart• knowledge because
you un· dul' tu "slrikl' it fll'h" DEAR ANN LANDERS: I JUst n •ttmwd home
from court. It wru> onl· hell of u day. Whl·n tht' JUd~w
said , "OU!orce granted," I knt•w my lifl· would
never be the same. I startl'tl to pack to RO away for
lit• kt>t.•ps nw wurm uml s1111lt'l> u lol
Ht"i. huthful,
And he lovl's nw 1111-W1f1•
Here's another venlon:
Whtskl'rs tn the sink'!
Not on your lifo my guy sw1l>ht•tl tht·111 mtt
Soggy towt•ls on lht• floor·~ Nt•vpr
He p1du; lhl•f1l up and suys nuth111g
Soc:ks und shorts hit tht• humix·r us h1· 4Ull'tly
puts thl'm lherl'
No ncwspapt•1-:. s trewn ovl·r the.· plut:l'.
We both stt anti wulch hockey und baseball u11
the weekend and ran aero:..-. this l'olumn at thl·
bottom of my su1tc:aS4! I l'fll'<i Plea-;t• run 1t again
Du I c·an.• for him"
You bet It's a beauty. -HALi'·MA~ I IN MA~::,
DEAR MASS: He re it is. Sorry the a uthor
didn't sign it. She deserves a second round of
That m•at guy lx·lungs to nw
He bought our house:
l::le sets t•x1.m1ph.•s for thl• k1tb
God blcs.-. h1l> motht•r Whiskers tn the sank'!
Why~romplatn? It would lx· silly
T hey belong to my guy
Soggy towels on thl' rlour'!
I pick them up and say nothing
She uiught him lovt· nwans t·ons1dt•ra11un flll
l small' a lot
I'm faithful.
Socks and shorts that didn't qu1tt> makl· thl· And he lovt•s nH· THE Wll:-"'E OF A
MATURE MAN hamper?
I quietly put lhl•m whl•n· thl'y lx·lung
Crumbs an lx-'d'? Hl•y, whl'rt"s my pillow'
Ne w spapers strewn all ovl'r tlw plal·c
As he sits and watches hockey and basd>all on
IT?. I have dtS<.'OVl'l'l'tl that a great many ix·1>pl(:
who brag about getting along on five.• hours slct.·p
don't tell you abou t the two-hour naps.
But w hat do I care?
I'm not alone -.')..
T hat messy guy belongs to me.
He bought our house.
He loves our kids.
He z.ips me up and paL-. my behind.
Don 'r gN burned by a "ljne" cha I's 100 hol w
handle. Play ic cool with Ann Landers' guide to
"Necking and Pelting -What Are tl1e Limits?"
&nd your requesc co Ann Landers. P.O Box 1J995.
Chicago. l11 606 JI. enclosing 50 <Y'fl ts and a long.
.stamped. sell-ndressed en vC'IOJX'.
1 Hodge-
10 Storm•
15 Thunder
19 Stlckum
20 Build rapid-
ly· 2 words
21 Lyric muse
22 Mature
24 Foreign
25 Once -
blue moon
2 WOf'dS
26 SPfite
28 Sea dog
29 Over1oy
30 Postal Mii
31 Continent
34 Helm
35 Side street
36 Shade tree
38 Made butter
40 Legal term
42 Stern
46 Error
47 Let tall
49 See parsley
54 Break.as
a code
55 Potpourri
56 Money lend-
er of a sort
58 Wanderer
59 Irish noble-
man of yore
60 Evening
61 Doctors
62 Time period
64 Playful trick
65 Female
66 Paper
67 Falls short
70 Splash. as
of cotor
72 Cozy room
73 Me1ocan
14 Relaxing 144 That, Fr 19 Dance step 92 Gnomes'
76 Rostrum 146 Oaring trick 23 Napoleonic relatives
78 Treating 147 Helm mar shall 95 Make well
with mercy position 27 111sh sea 97Coll~
Q 1 Before. to a 148 Ski site god cheer
poet 153 Fragrances 32 Buckeye 98 Grandiose
82 Devil Scot 154 Constet-Stale movie
84 Despise latlon 33 Hindu 100 Housetop
88 Dramatic 156 Atrllne abtlr mountain 102 Third card
solos 157 Dixie Stale 37 USMA grad 104 Soup
89 Biblical Abbr 38 Shear vegetabl811
country 158 Red cedar 39 Fishing boat 106 Pretends
91 Greedy 159 Cupid's 41 "-Cid" 107 Separate
93 .. elter companion 42 Mackerel t08 Above
lhey've 160 Lerge 43 Threesome 110 Looi! for '"" -.. stream 44 Uncommon 112 Comfort
94 Rub 162 Striped 45 Skating 113 Sailld ltsh
96 Mimic enimel surface 114 Agelns1
98 Augment 1~ Expunge 46 Brtdge thrlll Prell•
(witn "out) 165 SlltClleS 48 EQual 115 Sign tubing
99 Inscribed 166 Provides 50 Promise 117 Symposium
101 Twosome food 51 Am0')9 1 19 Seasoning
103 food flstt 1117 Posmve 5z-511011g wind 124 M..-oloc.
105 F11st·r1te 2 pote 53 Paradise 122 P81'10<med
words 168 Room In 55 New Je<sey 124 Summeries
106 Philippine Barcelona city 126 Female rulls
volcano 56 Complete 127 Settlets
t09 Pitcher DOWN section 128 Fasting
parts 57 Polk:le sea.son
11 1 Possessive 1 Sen1ry action 129 SQueezes
t 12 Cuptd command 60 Withdraw In 131 Chinese
113 Summer 2 The 011ent away pagoda
·souven11 3 Plant stalk 61 OemollSh 133 Con1a1ner ol
116 Pepper 4 Nag one's 63 Highway goodies.
sl\rub spouse 66 Send ou1 Mexican
118 Dregs 5 Geometric again style
120 Elec abbr l19ure 67 Tumult 134 Beast ol
121 Goll stroke 6 Moon 68 Pot burden
122 Sand hllt goddess covering 136 ASCOi
123 General 7 Three -69 Gym shoe 138 Mild reproof
tendency match 2 71 Cravat 139 Knowing
125 Longs tor words adornments 140 Fabled btrd
128 Minus 8 "Et -73 Plait 141 Big lusses
129 P19bald Bru1et" 74 Harvests 142 Alaska city
hbrM 9 Hurried· 75 Donor 143 Developed
130 Narrow 2 words 71 Condition 145 Greet Lake
welerway 10 Returns 78 Fall guy 147 Luge
132 Swiss money 79 Paid athlete 149 Byron poem
pa1nier 11 Metric 80Be1ll 150 Egg.shaped
133 Eleve s measure 83 Chinese 151 To-city
lather t2 Actor s 1<»<e mile ol Italy
134 Enact 13 Short Jackel 85 Urge· Scot 152 Map
135 Auto fuel 14 Solemn 86 Notice directl<>n
137 EJ<am1n1ng 15 Dlsloyally 87 Decimal 155 Hall Lit
139 Chopping 16 Knoll base 157 Gone by
tool 17 Gems1one 90 Rue de -161 Actor Asner
140 Scope 18 Network Pa1x 163 At home
~!!ERS 56.95 _...-...::;._
Choice of Fi~t Oifftrtnl Stltclions
Happy Hour Hon d' Ouevres
4:30 to 6:30 Mon .-Fri.
14982 Redhill
At Edinger
730-0 115
.. "> ~~ 1naeioJ ?ZeJtaueant (~
Happy Hour 12 to 5
11603 Maia St. 142-511 l
Hl-2372 Baatia1tta ltacla
Chicken ·cordon Rieu $6.50
Fresh Red Snapper $5.95
T eriyJki Beef Kabobs $6.50
Slced Roast Steak $6.95
Served with choice of soup or salad, fresh vegetable and
3000 8ris tol
Costa Mesa
4 to 6 P M Mon -Fri
C~' SAll>WICH llltelt
545 -5570
Always Frtsh MesqWtt Bfoltd
Seafoods • Steaks
SAGITT ARIUS (Nov 22 .JX.t:. 21): What you
ungmully thou.ghl of us a "gloomy atmosphere" will
ut·tually bl.-br1~ht, t:ht-l'rful and l'ondul'tve to sell-cx p ress10n .
CAPRICO H.N (Dl•c: 22-Jan. 19): Rules are
brokton, conn-s.">10ns un· mud<· and your wish ron:>t:S
true Unorthodox pron·d urcs dominate -
c:1rcumstanl·t·s turn suddenly in your favor.
AQ UARIUS (Jan 20-Fe>b 18): Confusion exists
rl'gard1ng d1rccuoni., ml'ssag<.'s CheC'k sources,
uutltn{• your own ~oat:. und m a k e necessary
PISCES (1-\•b 19-Mim·h 20). One close Lo ou
mnf1de1> rdt.•a!i., drcull'll> Moments of intimacy y
<•mphastzl'd <ind fomily harmony is restor!~e
Commu111c:ate, plan uht'ad for travel and submit
Cormcit for Spt.'<:1al publit.·auon
2000 sq. ft ..................... $120.00 t TAPE ' TAX
3000 sq. ft ...................... $150.00 1 TAPE + TAX
·Oller expires 11-15·82
Save Io•;, 2 Homes Same Area · Same Day
We Also Videotape Parties. Wills. etc
20 Silver Crescent Dr., Irvine
&re6/e9S ~
All dinners mclvde sovp or salad. hot bread. and dlnnttr
special beverage
18774 Btoollhunt
fOlllbin Valey
l Mit So. of 40S fwy.
Coll For ReH rvofion• 963-2366
All luncheons include soup. salad, fried rice and
fortune cookies.
Beer & Wine Served
Lunch & Dinner 2930 W. COAST HWY.
11 30 a m. to 10.30 p m
7 Days A Week
Food to Go
(71 4) 631-803 1
~~,;.:~ BAR B QUE
.•.•. .....
~ Wiii> Fr..-cJ\ lriff CllM'9d GOle II-dellCIOUt bbq -· & IOHl<ld
ouuereo bur'I No f.l.lt>tlttvti0"9>
19'11 Brooktuit
At Adams
l .11
Maine lobster Olnntr
Choice of Soup ol Caeo111
S11a<1 6 2 Frean Vtg GOO<!
enytlme Sun. tl'lru Fri , Set. 4 to e P.M
tlnti1cton Beach
1.11 fried Shrimp or FrHh Fllet ol
Sole. Salmon or Trout1 llQ
ffllJ• UI \Jlt1\."•1t II '1tL16
$5 .96 Cae11r1 Selad or
Chowder, Fruh Vtg Sun
thr\I Fri 5-7 Ind l at. 4 to t .
101 •• hrsW• Ir. 1141 .........
........ &JI .. .,.,. ..... 141-1111 Aallttl• ll..Ull
·~ Orange CoAll DAILY PILOT/Sunday, October 17. 1082
Sue Ellen didn 't have a name
Linda Gray o f 'Dallas,' shows off her ne w sh ort
haircut !or this season .
By J£RR V BUCK 4" Tete¥1M911 W1Ke1
LOS ANG1':L.1·.:S Lrndu Ciruy hu"'
, <·onw 11 long way frorn lhl· •«11 ly cl11y11 uf
"OJ1llus" wlw11 ictw w;i:. k1111w 11 only uit
tlw "h1•u11t'lh• 1111 tlw 1·ouc:h "
"Sut• l'.:ll••n didn't {•Vc:n huv1• u n11mt·,"
sh1· l'l'l'Ulh; "It wus Jlllll u four llrw parl
In 11rd1•r for mt• w rt•mJ fur tlw 1mr'l tlwy
hud to t r t'ltlc d lulugul• jui;l for lhl•
''Sue ~llt'n was Just u v 1i<u111. Sht•
wmm'l t'Vl•n identified Lis J .H.'11 wtfl"
'l'hl'Y just wantt..od som<.'<.inL· to till on 11
couch and look likt• un t•x-Mi& 'l't·xu11 I
urrivl'd; I was 1.811 und brun<'lll•. I lookt't.I
tht• purl l think I gut II 111ort• .on 111y
look.'l than anything."
Things happe n e d fast for Gray
and for "Dallas." F rom that obsl·un·
beginning s hP bl•camt.• a s tar on th<•
show. the wifo of J.R. Ewing (pl<iyt'<.I by
Larry llagma~). had several a ffu1rs,
bet·aml' an alcoholic and then went url
the wagon. and suffered through one
crisis after unothcr. At the S<Jmc um1"
"Dallas" bet:ame te lev1s1011's top-ratt•d
"l gel so angry a t Sue El lun ."
Gray says. "She's so dumb. I wish she
was more intelligent. J had really hopt.'<i
last season after she divorced J.R. that
she would show a little strength. She
was married to this man, she knows all
h is conniving ways, but she s till falls for
his line. She loves him and l think
!x't.'UIJA(• of that lJhn<Jly OOIJCVl'S hJrn -
wh1L·h I• dt•vllJitatlng t.o m · u u pcrbOn." tiruy iwy1 1he doo1n't know what'•
uhl·ud Cor the pt.'<>ple ot "O:dlaa," nor
dtw• an y ot lhl· t:u•t Thu acrlpl.ll 11n·
"lvt•n out only o Wt'l'k in advon<.'(•.
/\wuy trom ''D11llns," Gray 111 •1t·t
IVl' 111 lt>luvi111on movies. She 11tur11
TlwKtluy, Q :t. :ltl, in t he CBS movt~ "Not
II\ rront of lht> Chllun •n ... She pluyi; u
divort'Cod moth(•r of two who is brought
Into t'rJu rt In o bitwr <.·ustody bau ll· by
ht•r prudish ex-hu11bancl w hcm a younger
man movl'll in with her.
"After l agn'i.'Cl to do It the script was
totally rewritte n lo f)(!rsonalizc 11 for
me," shl' says. "( had a lot of input.
There were things about the original
saipt I didn't hke. She had no fam ily or
frll'nds It was like playing Sue Elll•n
<ig:un. We gavl• her friends and made her
Isle fuller
"I definitely look for roles that are
d1fforcnt from Sue Ellen . l a lways had
VISIOOS or w.hal I want to do. They're not
what I'm offerc.'<i J gl't offers to play the
wife of a powerful mt>n. In this film I
didn't want to be rich and I didn't want
tu bt• m•urotic I wanted to do a womaQ's
film that would show a stronger woman
than S ue Ellen." ·
When "Dallas" Opl'ned its fall season,
viewers did sec a different S ue Ellen.
Gray had cut her chestnut tresses.
"The producer was not thrilled," she
111.1)'11 "Wtw 11 tht' M!b(JI\ ondl!d I w;,•
wearing a 11wt'oter, ponu., and hud l(Jnl(
hair We did u d1rl'Cl l'Ul from thut to
i;Wrt the m•w 11t• :um T ht'l"l' I Willi In the
iwmt> ¥Wt•utc•r 1tnd pants and my hair
1s sudden ly 11hort. l ruttonuliu· ll thlt
w u y S h <'' 11 1 n t h u h •H• I> 1 tu 1 and
distraught So ~1ng a typ1eal aociaJite 1
J<i> out whllt• Cll(('s rn u t-omu and huvo
my hair cul," '
Gray wus a lalccom\•r to acting.
"1 had bt'l'O a mod e l and 1 did
C(Jmmerdals and I h1:1d two children ,"
i;he says, "I wus in my early 30s bcforc I
b<.'cumc un actr~ You're supposed to be
finished ut thul ugt'. not starting .
"All lh~ womt'n I udmire -Georgia
O'Kccffl•, Katharint-Hepburn -never
let anyone d1ct:lle their lifestyle . I
hope I can pass that on. too, sq women
won't say I'm JO, I'm 35, I can't do this.
It's all sclf-1nfl1ctcd . You have to
at:knowll'<ige your own uniqueness."
Gray studied at·u ng with Charles Con-
rad She says. "He was more than my
• t.'Ollch. He was my guru and my sh rink
He was very pivotal m my life. It's
amazing how JX.'Ople come into yo.ur lives
when you need them. He really made me
take a look at what was inside me so that
l could bring it out··
She is married to Ed Thrasher, an art
director. and they live with their two
children on a three-acre ranch 35 miles
northwest of Los Angeles,
P'll Vlf PAR 10Mfft -4 TIIACK DC>lJY ITIM O "THE
BOAT" (Ill
(Form«t) ~o .. lloot"l
Fri. 7:11, 10:00 I' ! ""0\1\1 h f r.tl" Uultn 'hnu
I :!:! 63•2553
"WAITHFSS" i~ totctllv off th'· II
".111 ... frit.•ntlh,1 .uul pldy ful."
"'''" "' //1 l \ '\/II I\' I
119U llfW,OflT WCtl OAUG1 WUTMlllSTEll
'41twl 8'u 1'1111 EO•illd~ "'t .. 00t1 C.netN Cneoome Pacohc s H• w~ 39· ~ 5339 64' 0760 634 2SS3 Or"'e In 891 3693
~..oui.,o J,.111 llO 6990 · .{.,._.c-N WU! U1 lUS
LUXURY THEA TRES .. • lit Twt llbtiMt 5a.twi1uOM.YS2Jillllltss0tlltfwisdllltd s ll3rd4·1·1utl6l63~ 12551 1 ~~, J * FOR FlK'll EXCITEmEnTI V1s1tOvr ... * ARCADE of GAMES* ;'., '.;;:
f ;~ a,,-r;; /f1t' rn
:=s.,owfll lfi'Z fb'f 4 :U ~Boat
... toeetller •••••
A I ILLEIJlll ,,., • 7,;u
...... (91
l li>O·>M· .. U
• ~c-.nso...no °"'<1 To'llOut<orllod'100r •1nq11o1w.vl'Ot-
l Don't GP In The .,. II!"-~ Cl · Woods fRJ iii VI""~ "'"Th• Hlllt Ha .. l:yet (R) TlW~Aao'clnlToa..r.<RI CT.-THL. EXTRA· fA!T T//llr! ··
..... • Tf.RRESTRIA L u lttOGlllOttTMICM • JD l"lua Oratonalayer(l"OI Z•pped (R I • Nltlll Slllft l "I
: AMERICAN VIRGIN ... ..,..., apia : m Ah o Stlowlnt Plut.J Uc llfrll ~yor Lin • w Utt,. Du llnp CAI On SunM Strip (R
Ori-Int Open 7: 16 W9*ni9'1ta/7:00 Wtekench *
Clllld"" Ulldtr12 frtr Ultltss Meted
We we lodled out ~UM we refuMd to ION mQfe than hall of our Job• and lhereby double the work loed of thoM ~· W. MY9 WOt1ted In United Artlltt tl!Mtr .. tine. they opened. Eectl protectlonllt WOl'kt multiple tell of equipment. He 19 f'tllPON!ble for sound and picture In ICYefal eudltorluma et one.. Thlt hu lncruMCI the actual emount of phyllcal work and . *ttv lnefMMd our rnpontlblllty. "'°'" "' Inception. we have cooperated with the uee of automated equipment. WE HAVll wtlLINOU INCftl AalD MODUCTMTY. Before eutomallon. one projec:tloni.t was uted to pro1«1 one ptcture for one auditorium. Now. undet our lut GDntr~. OtM proj«:tlonltt prepw•. ~atM and aupen!ftee equipment end fltm for u many at four, llJC. and ewn eight
IUdltoriumt It onoa. ·~· bellfte thet there should be• flmlt to how many Jobs tllet WOl'kert and the community thol.lld loM to eutomatlon. We think
wortcer• llnd the community. 11 W911 at the employers. have a right to gain through the benellta of automation. lJnlt.ed Artlett Communications 11 a many mult1~m1111on dollar C«poratlon. TMy meke hendtome profile from t~tet
opetetlone. There 11 no "°'"""to Med to .......... )oM. Robert Naffy wente to lncf .. M 1111 profits by ellmlnetlng our jobl. "9 does not ln1end to reduce the pric. of your movie ticket.
Mr. Nelfy l'9fUMd to negotiate on MJ Of the Union's prOS)OMl1. Tht company t tOOd pet on It• orlglnel utt1metum1. It o"«ed OJ"Y •per"°"' for _,.. or.._ ,he WOtk toad, at the same time ellmlnetlng 50·7&% en our Joba, ThOM of u1 wtio k>M
CAM jebe will not be eble to iUP90r1 our fan\lllM. TM community IOMI the...., ... we earn end epenct In ttle community.
If )QI( "":r: foffoWI Mr. N~'• Hampte. -'*• wlll your jOb be'? How wlll you 1uppon your fernll)"? With higher .. ..,,,,..,... and fewer Mlertee fo IC*'d. OU1 .,... ~ 11 bound to autt..
W• wwe --. to continue to negotiate, but Mr. Nalty dlctetorlalty end erro0ently locked u1 out. ,..._ doft't to lftto .,., . .,,.... Artte1e ....,. ... ,.....By IO doing, you wlfl' help VI get OUf )Obt beck,
lntemettonel ........ of ..... trloel ......... , •• , ...
end "'""" plature ............... .... Afll-Clt.
"" SWOOt>~
SORC€Rl:R8 ..... _
WOODS" 1111
PETEii O'TOOLE 1 TllACll oouY
"MY .... .:t~~
FAVORITE THE WAU" 1111 YEAR" (N I FRI ..... 1:15. 10:11
F .. I. 1:11, 1:15, 10:11 SAT/S UM. 2:00, 4:te
SAT/IUN. 2:15, 4:1 t:OO. l :15. ,.1I
I 1:15. 1:15, 10:15
F1'l 1:20 SAT/SUM. 4•. l:GO
FM.e:IO, *21
IATISUN. 2:10. li:10, 10dl0
......... (f'G)
S AT/SUN. 12lll 4:20. •• T1~0l~m
""· I: 11. 10:00 SAT/SUN.~
t :11, 10:00
IMAGE" 1•1 --e.u--. ....
"JllKYLL &
,_?t.!.,D..,~ <111
U T/llUll.-.-.-SW()"'\o~
SOJ~eRen ..... 1. U ll_l.-.lilt
--IAT/-·-·--"DON'T GO IN
..... "11,-
I AT/-l<Jl.1•11. -
OF .'84" 1111 "MY
, ... -FAVORITE .. ,,-..,... .. -YEAR"
"WAITRES&r'l "'· •=-. ·1=-. ::.
1111 SAT/SUll. 1:15. a.
.. ,,:.-::..:-l:OO ......
f.4!1 ,,.,, .,.......,.1
Fri. 7:tl. 10:40 .. v--. "46. 7:11, 10:40 (A)
nm S:llftA· Tauunu.u
ET.·m:=~L m • u""n: •"6' •< hM't
FN. t.-00, 1:11, 10:20
aAT/SUN. 1:00, i::10
... 1:1', 10dl0
.. l/S11n. 1, 4, 7:15, 10.00
.IUl YU U RYDS l!Y ... t .. eUMr ... ia
Frl 1:45 FN . 7:15, 10:40
S•llS11n 4:25, 1:45 S AT/SUM. S:SO, 7:15. 10-AO
;r,L l:JO, 10-AS~) Fiil .. t:OO ~..;;Sa;;:.;t.;../S;;;.;llft.;,,;,_=2:20;,;,.•.,;,.l~.,;..;.;.'_10:.;..:45_;_-+-t AT/SUN. 2:101 Ir.JI. t:00
AMITYVIUE D: ~·--::.:::. 'l'.~Ot h~
THE ~ION '"'-.._., 10:u ,__·1AT1-.-ue SAT/SUN. 2:50 • ._ 10:11
"f'ASt TVl'Q "' "ROCKY nr "'°' ~:-(II) ,...~
,,_ ~..,., -SAT/auk 1A 4:& l:2IO
'"· l:OI SetJS-. ••• 1:05 ,..._ t:20, 1~15
SAT/SUM.~ 8:20, 10:15 T.~Ot ~m ••CHOll
Frt. 1:15. 10:10 Fiil. 1:11 (f"G)
.. t/S11n. 2:15, 1:15, 10:10 SAT/SUM. 4:20, 1:15
"CLASS OF ,....~m '84" (R) I ~I J~
-. -F"1. 1:10 ~r IA~-.. -S AT/SUM. S:IO, 1:10
"WAITRES&r• ~!!, aATJ -. t:ll.-. -
1'111. 111&. -fAL 1:11, 10-AS Tl_ Ml."''-SAT/IUN. 1='0
S:1 1 -F--aAT,-. 1--
,....,._(N I .. ,, ___ _
WHOftDtO(JSE "' TEXAS" 1111 ....... .. ,, __ ....
"WAITRESsr · (Ill
""'"* SAT /SUN. 1::IO. Hll, 1:.U
GET our· CNI
"'1. 1:41, 10:2I
0 WAITMl81" .., ... .. .. ,,..., .........
"•CIUllZa Pl.A Y" -.ri-. ... ..,,.. ... Ml. ..
)ou11 l tlt-•11 IJo wit•
will offt•r u 'f ii/I
com·t'rl 11t U(,'(.'
with buritont·
Patrfok Du11do11
m; gm •st ar tist.
.... ereuaaM ..............
aMI I ........... .. .. ... , .......
• r/1(1l1f 1i tA~4••1~i hf'1
ExcluaJve Engagement NOW SHOWING
UA CINEMA COSTA MESA . 714/540-0594
0...., • 40 • I JO • 10 It ""' Mt .... IJ • • 1 46 • ~ JD • I»• I JO ' 10 30 Piil ..
·oc singer to presen·t concert COITA llllaA
(Ow110• ... ,"'
!Owl•O\ c ...... c.,,, .. 919 4141
(""'M0\~11¥• ~ .. ~110
1111010• YllJO
fOwllOt Minion
OUllOI UNJA fl 1,11111411 c..-.. 6H 1'~ I .JIO l 1 "'•"41 Dr"'"" WUTillH Tlll \?l JOH
UA Ml~ WUTllllHTlll
193 OS46 P,; 111( • I!• Wa' 39
"""""9IWW .., " 1,w1 °'' '' tn 191 3 93 ~ .. ~.
Orange County songstress, Joan ldt•n Bowie,
will present "Fall Happening" Saturday, Oct. 23. at
Orange Coast College.
The concert will begin at 8 p.m. in Robert B.
Moore Thc•atre.
Bowie, a rec:ordlng artist with World Harvest
Records. will perform such selections as "September
Song," "Autumn Leaves," "New York, New York.''
and "Singin' in the Rain."
Bowie will be backt.>d by a t.'Ombo, including
Jack Reidling. piamstll'Onductor; Luther Hughes,
bass/guitar; Denny [>tmnis. drums; and Steve Carr,
Baritone Patrick Dundon will make ., guest
appearanct:• to sing "My Way" and several Iris h
songs. Dundon and Miss Bowie will also present some exciting duets ,
Advance tickets. pn<..'t.>d at $4, are on sale in the
OCC ticke t o ff ice, located in the colle g e's
Administration Building. The office is open Monday
t h ro ugh Friday from 8 a.m. to 6 p .m .. and
Saturdays from 8 a.m to noon
Monday thru Saturday
All Perform1ncu before S:OO PM
(Except Special Engagements 111• HIMJysl
.BffiH.tt9 LO M•OOO o• •o ••<•OM J tt•·2~
•'THI LAIT A•lllCAN VWIOIN" ,........ (•l
"'AIT T ... I AT IUOOUllO•fT _.. 1111 ,...,. ..•
a •WITMll"<"1 1t:&t.11.. ..
00aOVHZI l"l.AY" ••l u...-. ....
THE •~CElllElr tlll ---•1>flAOON•LA VIII" <NI ..... --
"THE CHOSEN" 1 .. 1 11-...1.:•••t:•----
COMeO" ' __,. ....... Y-°"91 ...... ..,.... ~l ..... l-19CI OM ..... ~l ~•.a I. ... Jl 90.,. .. f"> .......
locwity ot Concuewood
.. , ... "°"° ""'° THE IOtlCEMll'" "'1 .-.---Aoo.e&.AYUI" •N I 12oJO, :US. 4 40, 1,.5, l:IO, 10-U .........
".MIKYU & 14YOE . Toou.-11 AOAIN"1•1 -~.:~· ,l:: ..........
·THE LAIT Atllf.lllCAM v~ "1111Y ,.v~-ftAlr' '"'
f.oc:l/ltv .... Oil AIN:J
.ZIJ/6>4·9 211
WMOllEHOUal IN Tl•AS-101 ......... "LOOKIH' TO GET OVTr' 101 ,, .. , ...
"THE CHOSEN" IM> , ........ , .... ,,.
•OC>fl'T oo "' TI4I wooor "'' , ..... ~
•TH( ..._LI HAft EYEa" 1•1 •ar •n•
'AClf lC IHUU!S CAIV(·lll SWA, •U IS
n tt1c• '"'' tvtal -uoe 11111 .. , " AHAH(llll OAIV(0 IN HOIO• ILVO oam.111 . OllAll" DlllYf·llf 1 l • 11 , ,.. u •vaoa• a 1u•ta• •lllU PU1141to5 )VlltNfl U AH lt(fW tl&OWtl
... Olk• Oii-. 0.., loe J• -iwt• lU •• IM,OIHAIH lfOTICl 1 CHIL Dflllf U.DU 12 UIUI _ ........... OlllctO.-O...l••· -....-·-••C.111-·--,, tCI •• tall ---OCXUIOl'I -
--M IQllWU 1•AU CJtll..A -a Olt Ml -
AJ>.4A, I ...
ANAHEIM DRIVI IH ,_.... .. °'_" 119·9110
t C~llt A C ...... ,....._. .,. ,__.. .. o.. c•t
1 c.rr...t;• • , ......... Or ...... l•• J a...t• • c....,. .......... ~ ,.,
P. I ... " ~..,Pt
UflCO"'A•• Wetfot_,.,...
" ' ..... " ... '
\lf'tCOU'I .... *•" °' 11\Qft 121-4070
I ,,., • .._ '-
0111\/l IM
so~ o...., ''"" •' -II""' (1o >
"Cl.All CW ,....,. "" ......
·n cANfllOll
Ctlllf H SOUICt
•A YIU.I£ I:
Tl!e ~HllllOW°<"J
I".,. "THI II._,. l'AllTI
MAllACfll" ll'I c.. .. _
"E.T., ,..1
-THE IWOflO ANO ntl ~11-.~ • .....
·wArTI111ar 1111 ""' ·1ow1:m l'L.A v· ,.,
tt2·~1 c,...,,_
°"-" ... "-
-ft-Se ti) w ..__•_•_•·_lH_a_ .....
"AN ewftCP AllD A
""' "~6111 WOOl.CY ••t C•f+-
~ oo • nt1 woooa· l"l ""' -T .. HIUa HAva n'l.I" ·~·
C1llt ··-... .......
LA HABRA ~~~•,,.. ---·--·--171-1 .. 2
.... ,
ORANGE (1111\/( IN
MIS~ION r 11•.1 1N -..
WA~H'41 P . · "
1c~•c-... ·T~t AM '°"°'" AL&. O'llW" ~· ~ =: ==:: :::--;.1,·• C•oi-
""' •t<:ANNlllS"<"I
l.ttMD .,.. ·~ ...... ~-.. .... ,
"TMI I WOllD AllD , .. '09llnl .. ,
•ec ...... e•11u
A $1 d1sl'uunl 1s available fur Gold Card
holders (~mor citizens) and children under 12.
T1(·kets may be purchased by phone, using V1sa
ur Mastercard, by calling 556-5527
Tickets will be sold at the door for $5.
con A•u fdwards 811stOI S40 1444
Ed'*atds Cinem;i ~let 979 41•1
UTCMIO' C dwi11ds Sacldleo;ick
~81 ~880
fDUNTlllf H \llT lllWllfl Edwilrds
family T '""' Woodbfldoe Cinema 962 1248 5~ I 065S
[ -o •1.&1~1 A«11tno ,-oaf"~ol~
\'~ .) ' ~-.· .'Jf ""Ltl~~archtoa ~~
Dis-ney ana rummer.
Christmas is coming soon to the Magic Kingdom.
along with our most magical holiday event. Fantasy on
Parade. We'll be auditioning for parade performers
and participants at Disneyland as follows·
Men-October 30, 1982
8:30AM-5'11" and up
10:30 AM-5'6" to 5'10•
t 00 PM-5'5H and under
Women-October 31, 1982
8:30 AM-5'0" and under
t0:30AM-5'1" to5'6"
1 ·00 PM-5'7" and up
The minimum age requirement is 16 years ol age by
Oc1ober 31. 1982 All applicants must bnng a valid
Social Security card and proof of minimum age
requirement and should plan to spend approximately
four hours at the Park. Auditions will be held in the
Disneyland Rehearsal Hall, which may be entered
from West Streel, south of Ball Road. at the Disneyland
service gate. No appointments necessary.
Everyone has
about the ugliest
way to die.
.................... .,..._.,_..,. ... DflAllG« Si.a .. •• ll<••fl• 639 1110
''YDY rvwn an om: or 1n rnoanz mvm ...
"'4111>0.. WOllTV
PEA ll TO..O NUlfTllfGTDlf BEACll DllAllGl
UA Movies EdwilldS S<iOCllellae~ Edwa1ds Hun1>n91on C1nemo Cine<lome
990 4022 ~a1 ~eeo 848 oJae 63• 2~~3
COSTA MHA ldw1.rd\ LA HAlllA
South Coas1 Plata ~46 2111 AMC r .isn1011 SQvJre 691 0633
L HO h S5lS ACCfOfl O fOR IHI$ (HOAOf .. l NI 1
~-~ ...... " -
YOUNG PEOPLE n. __ ,,, .. ,._.,0--·°""' ....... °'""'"' ,,,, ... ~tbt'~O,rt.flt;hll/llJtelf
-Roger Et>en
Forgive n1e, Father,
for I have sinned.
I have killed for 1ny Country,
I have stolen for n1y Church,
I have loved a wo1nan ,
and I a111 a Pries t.
'""''"""h \ i"9'h.tt\ lo\ l'r~"
, FRANK YABLANS ,.,.....,.,.,.,,,
1>1 ... ,... "' ''"'"'"'•r'" BILLY W1lllAM~. 8.S.C.
. .. ..
si..nv MICK MdlEl l.NtO • JAMES P. HAYDEN • MARY GAIL Alm & TOM DRURY.. r .. "' .... ~AfKllE Bm =:.,.,HENRY ZINMAN ~ &v H.Kll«iSLEY THURBER ~r.'..!.~: wGARTH Ell~EN IR llH1-fn 0 l ~:ir.: ... JAMES BRYM °""~·~!Iv SEYl«lUR BORDE & ASSOCIATES I ~~I"=:'::.-,._.. ''u"' "'JOHN WI LLIAMS "'..i .... ,11,, FRANK YABLANS 4...t DAVID NlVEN:µ.u.&...6-""··n
..,1...,,.a.., i.. ABRAHAM P6LONSKY ..,.., WENDELL MAYES
11.t.d"'""''"'"""'"' JACJS ALAIN LEGER •
R 11e••-n• '""'""b' FRANK PERRY 111-::.:~r:=¢'::=.-,_.,_ to.ll_C_ ••
OCTOBER 22, 1982
At A Theater or Drive-In Near You
. "
J •
E4 Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT /Sunday. October 17, 1082 .-------
:'·6:00 8 ~ACE 6:06 fCI MOV1E
e e "' "Tiie M lttOt •
CtKlc'd " 119801 fMubeth
Teylo(, Kim Novell BaNd
on e •tOfY by Ao•th•
Chtlatle A atrenge mutdet
lnvoMng tlvlll ~OOCI
a111ra takes pl-1n an
eno11a11 vtnaoe ·po·
5: '6 t l MOVIE
• • "The EduCAllOn 01
Sonny Ca,.on" ( 111741
Rony Clenton, Don OOI·
don 'R'
"Ftom Beirut A Rellglous
~" Melo< Leb.,_
..itgloua ~• Cllacuu
the CIVISllan ~ In
,,,.., country !Part 21 8 MT PAT~
8:008 CAP'TAIH
"HHlth Abu_.. Guests
Robeft M~n. MD .
c~lan Tom D<eeS«i,
LOlett• Hotleway 0 YOUTM AND THE
"Can TIHI Olympics Brealo.
• • "T,,. Sea WOives"
( 19801 Gregory Peck. Rog·
ar Moore During World w.., II, • o<OUP OI Btlllsh
bullnessmen form • volun·
•-rag1men1 to c:1est1oy •
Geiman spy nest In the
Indian ac.en 'PG'
•• ·~ "Jonethen uv1ngs-
1on Seagull" ( 111731 VOleeS
of James Franc1..:ua. Juliet
Milla A aeagutra pursull of
perfection leads him lo •
hlghet awareness. 'G'
• * * "T,,. Club" (1980)
Jack Thompson, Gtal\am
K*Mnecly The coach of •
hH·~ Australian loot·
ball teem llnd• the going
rqugh bOth on the playlng
1.ad end '" the bO.ltd room
whet• he laces an an1a-
~11c club prNld«tl uo D IEMNOIPrTY 8 "°9ERT ICHULl..£A -~YE.AM GVC1'f~
., [)i'Y OF DtSC0V£RY
"The Peace MOYen*'I In
EutOP*" Pierre Salinger
talks with th•• 1><omlnen1
leedeta of the EurOP*&n
paac. movetn*Mt In Bonn,
Wnt Germany.
• '.~ "Blue Fire Lady"
(19781 Celhryn Hamson,
Merli H0109n A youno glt1
tnea to Mve a cen1a1<eroua
hOr'M lrom ~no SOid 10 •
worll 18'1n
f Zl Tl4£ l8lAND OF
Anlmeled The O•eedy J B
Trumpl>orn etuh·lends on
the ISiand OI Nevawuz &nd
tries lo modernize II tor Ns
own personal gain.
,,.,.,., SWAGGART
.. ~(A)
"l '11\COtrlglbla' ( 111801
Jeen-P•ul Betmondo.
Genevieve Bujolc:I A
paroled c:on ar llat
encountara troubt• wnen
he r-1• to hlf Old way or
.JC :o.:~~.o •~AHO ,,.,.,. .
({I JUtlf( FAlwtu. OJ MX HUMeAAo CEO l'nPtltNO OUT: THE
Tl'lle ~ to the poj)Ul8t
epeclel "Who Are The
Deeoll• And w...... Did
They Oa t 111 KICll?"
upde'-Ille story Of Ille
e111reordlnary 1em11y wNQf'I
~Nn0l0800ed ~'*"· -
John n ... lushi, who ·e death
in 1982 shockf'd lh~
c nh•rhainmt•nl world, slurs '
in tht> movit', HTh4' Blues
Brothers" loni~hl ut <) on
KAH(:. Channd 7.
O'MOVIE * * '• Toby And The Koe.
le a..," ( 194 II Roll Harr1a
Live scllon and an1me11on
combine to tell the Ille cl •
young boy and h•s p111 11011-'* In Austrat1a'1 lronlHlr
Clay a
Hollywood reporter Bill
Harris presen18 up-<lose
reports on the people and
e11en11 wtilch are making
news In the production and
glamor cep11a1 ol 1ne movie
• • "Soto (1978) v1,.c;ent
Gil P11<ry Armstrong A
haroely lnc:lepel'Clenl Aus-
11 e.11an women wno woru
•• • l orost ranger
becomes lnv011tod ""th •
8:~ U OOYSSEY "Mln11tr~y T~ephone"
Gueera ·~ry Kell. C11rec-
1or OI "First Step, • The
J-sn Teen Connectt0n
sponsetec:I by lhe JCIWISh
Fec:leralton Council ot
Greeter Los Angeles.
counselor Joanne
Bruckner of Glendale, Rew
Ralph Tucllman. m1n11tar
ol the Burbenk· Toluca
Lek• Firll Church of ~ello·
$ MOVIE • • 1,,. Lillie Dragons
(1981) Sslty Boyden. CMs
Peterson A OAf\O ol 1uda
traonecl In i..ar111e rescue
one Of their friends when
Iha 18 kidnapped 'PG'
• • "Heertbeepa" (1981)
Andy Keutmon, Berne-
Clette Pe1eu In a world ct
the ,_, luture. two--corn-
mercial robots e..:perlen<:e
the 1tlelllltudee ot first
love 'PG
t:OO D MEET TH£ PRE.lJS fl .UT OF A-M. l08
0 ~ AOeE.«1'8
• • "Groen lc;e" (198 tt
Ryen O'NNl, Anne Arc;l\er
An *"GI'-snd e aoc;•al11•
attempt 10 rob • South
AmerlCAln -•Id tmUO·
gler of • for1une in oem•
••I~ "Any Numbef Can
Play" 119491 Clerlt Gable .
Alelllt Smith An i.on..t
end Clfefr• gambler's llfe
11 -with • MfleS ot
••• "Arthur (1981)
Dudley Moore, L11• Ml,..
nelll Whlle h1a lamlly
ellampts to le<ce him Into
e pr••rt•"99C1 martlage, a
drunken, hec:lonlallC play·
bOy fslls In IOve wllh • poor
WOtklng glrl 'PG'
• • "Ssvage H•rvest"
11p80) Tom Sllerrllt,
MlcNllM PNlllpe Al> Afrlo
can dlouglll dr-wllCI
81\lmala Into populated
., ... 'PO'
Four boxing matches, Ill•
OrHI Pool Shootout ol
1982 81\d Mr Universe
ltom Belgium.
WIM!peg ., Toronto.
Dwow " * "The Wonder'a Of Aladdin" (1Ge1) Docl.id
O'Connor, Noelle Adem. A
oerWe -99* ffOfTI a
lamp end gnlnll 111 llOldet
rneny---. G HlfWJ) cw TNJTH
Corteapondenta Linde
Wertheimer end COk~
Robef11 IOln PllOI Ouke tor
an uP·IO·th•·mlAute aum
mary ot Conoreulonel
11t * '\ "Any WhlCh Way
You Can I 1980) C11n1
Eastwooci Sondra Locke
Belo•• H lll•ng c:1own with
h1$ girl end pel orangutan,
• t>e1e-hstec:1 hght11< lllgnl
uP IC< one last. lucr•ll••
match 'PG'
• • "M y Champion'
t 19811 Yolo.o Snlmac:le,
Ch•il Mtlchum Tile lrue
atory cl • tamale Japanese
running champion I• told
10:30 fJ (l.Q BEST OF KIOS
Guesu gymnast Kuti
Thomes. aoul slnge< Tec:lc:ly
Pende<grasa. actor Jeff
"Lei's Steel Away" Guesl
Cha•I•& Brac:llorc:I, .. ce
pres1c:1ent Marr11t Lynch.
P1etce. Far>,..., 6 Smith
• • 1\ Sp;nout" t 1966)
El•ll PrHley, Shetley
FaDarH A bandlHCler
m•naoe• 10 entang~ h1m-
M1fl '""'h ·-c:ar1
11-«> CE MOVIE
,. • .,. "Dauu" ) 19501
Gery Cooper, Ruth Roman
Upon finding hlll -and
proparty dHtroyeel, en
embittered ao-Conleder·
••• ol!lc•• •OWi revenge on rhoM tetponalble --m .-A.ST'!:,.Pl!CE
tS•sson Premiere) "To
Serve T"8m All My Days--
F0110w1ng ll':orlc:I W81 I, e
young We1Shm8/I joint Ille II•" cl '" upper-etust Pfl-
vsl• Khoot rel,,.,. than
tetUtn IO lhe &oel PllS cl
Na nellY& vlllaoe (Pan 11
·~J M0\116 -
• • '\ "lstenc:ls tn The
s11 .. m" C 19711 G90l'ge C.
Scoll, Claire l'loom B8M<I
on th• novel by Ernest
Hemlnow•y Al> laotatec:I
et11SI is torceel 10 _, 111s
hidden emot1on1 wf>ef1 his
three ••trengec:I sona
coma IO vtalt him PG'
• • '"' "Strenoe Benavior" (198 t) Mlcl\aej Murphy,
LovtN Fletcher A ~
ollioer 1n ... uoa1n • -•
ol brul&l mutdets In •
small Mid-tern cottege
town 'R'
1 1 ;30 fJ ®J THIS WEEK WITH
C MOVIE • * * • "Fldc:llet On The
Root" ( 1071) Topo4, Norms
Crane A peaaent milkman
1n turn·ol·the·century
c:zertal Rualle '''** 10 m81'·
ry otf hi• t1Jolble dtvOhter•
whll• 1rylng lo llOld onlo
hit Jewilh heritage In the
tac. ol oe>P<"81on 'G'
0 R<>Ct<ONTV
12100 I THMI!. STOOOU ' llAACH
MOVIE **'A "Abbott And Coe-
lellO In HotlywOO<I" (1045)
Frencee Aalterty, Robert
St•f'lton The bo\lt find
wo<ll as 11 barber end •
pot1er In • h19"-< .... ton-
'°'le( partor m ~API!" CHAU
"llc.Yenger Hunt" Profe9.
IOf l<lt191fleld'• •nnusl
.. .,CIM r9Qwltlf19 •tu·
<Nnl• to 111\d -• 10 tOO -Oel QUMllone In
IN .. ~ II •It.cited by I
"8.nlOfY Dec>r..,.tlofl"
(0l M<MI * • ''The Jan Sltlo«"
( INOI Nell Dlwnond. l •t-r.,_ OIM«. A ,..., Yorf(
ci.ntor .,,.._, wttl'I lmmlty
trldlllOn Md .... ou1 IC
find -•• pop ""*° ... ''°'
1 • KT...-lllld I
c::::J9cA8C IAIC>
• ICl'MI ccas1 e ICH.Jof'V 11 fld. I
•""" llllO.) •e CCM•TV UM.>
• l(CIT Cl'H>
<01 On TV
rz1 z. TV
iltJ HBO
[CJ ((ltwm.tll)
I Sftowtlme)
..... ,ltM
• I~• N"" Ne1wor11l
LOWDIMM HefWy ,Ollde _.,.,_ IM
eMly .. Metty ......,..
~ ......... -" • .... ...... Miit • """' .... .. • ""'-In • !9lnCMe
Colonldo~. eMCMI
• a • "Ro~ll WeddlnOW
1110 II ,.,ad Alie.Ire. Jtrwt
II°"'*" A 10<1Q·811Q-dlll'IH
1••m D'"*'' • wrotmlllff
If! ngl••tO It Iha time lflal
Q~ fllfebeth II It l>UI
llnQ Iha f~19f I0<.141W• 04\
11411 11l8hlmontet l)lllfl•
··awM1 file Roylll Bltd•
Thi• le en 11\tltnate •tudy cl
Iha •w91l, 1#1\0M fflMlyle la
p.rh11>9 u be•ulltul •• t~
• HUM.AH llHAV!Of'
"Vleu•l Perc411>t1on"
12-66 I Z MOVIE • • * "S-t Ch811ty"
j 1"111 Shltley MM:lelntt,
John M~M81lln fifed ol
har tswc:l•y 11x1a1ence. •
Clance hell h01teaa wllh 11
llHrt 01 ootd '*•""** lor
true love and the simple
merri.d 1110
The Mun1ten unknowingly
1en1 their spare bedroom
IO a polic.tnin fJ WALL Sf'AEET
Gueall Sammy Dav•• Jr ,
Eddy Reven. J •mea
a.con. Georgl• PeaclHI•
g) ADAM-12
8anc:lll• ua•ng '**' ou ena
• unique eacepe rou1e rob
an armored truck at • u11-
1no• and loan ban~ &!I NATURE
(Premler•I "The Flight 01
The Condor" Of. Donelc:I
Jollenaon tskH viewers on
• rare journey through the
Andes Moun1elna
"Local Government"
(101 PlJ8LIC PUL8E
Thlt IMIQuel to the popular
tpaclel "WhO Are The
O.BOltt And Where o.-J
They Get 19 Kids?"
u1>4f••• tne story or the
extrerdlnery IAmlly which
now lncluc:IH 70 phyalc•I·
ly-hendlcappec:I children
Thia Clocum*Mt•ry catclleS
many wlkl animals as they
grow up and lesrn to sur-
•lve In llMllr natural h•IH·
O •me 5 S I LOUIS
Cerdln•ll at Miiwaukee
1 :~ 0 ,. TROOf'
UnleJS n can find an exper1
bugler. F-Troop 1$
fJ MOVIE * • • 'Goodbye Mr
Chlpa' ( 11169) Pel er
O'TOOl8, Petula Clstk A
Clecllc:ated English 9Chool·
m&Sl9' la much IOYoc:I by
hll lludenll
• ADAM-12
Q~VIE • • * "The Hound Ot TIHI
BalkeNllletl" ( 19781 Peter
Coot<. Dudley Moore Mu-
ter 118uth SherlOclt Holmes
1nvea11ga1e1 m1aterloua
going.on at Basi<erville
Hell end begin• to ~t -vane. inc:Judlng him·
"" 2:00 8 OIU.IGAN'8 ISi.AHO
The Moaqulton. an A,,_t-
cen singing group, lsnd on
Ille itl811d.
• • "The Tan Women"
(19M) Anne But9t, Matla
Petllci'iy Foltowlng en lndl-
an maeeecre, ...,.,. coure-
geo.;e women ,_ the
orc:leel of en ••lleulllng
and perilous I'*' 9CIOIS
IDM<>W • *.,. "II\ The Glltter Psi-
_ .. (19771 Chad E\19rett.
Sar bar a Hetllhey An ettor •.
i'\4IY def*Mda • lesbian
act:uMCI ol murdering h8t
10"*' whom a.11* Claim• was
blackm•lllno ,,.,
d) MOVIE • *.,. "Rampage" ( 1963)
Rober1 Ml1Qhum. EIM Mer·
11ne111 Altar t""'V relum to
Germany from • .. ,.,,, •
big "*"'* hunt• pl-the
dMlh of 111e trlll>C* to
wtlom he .1oet lhe glt1 he
"Runnlog A Movie The-
iler" A man wile booll•
moYletl and 81'\0ther wile
owne • amall lhMter di ..
CUN hOw ... y II It 10 own
• 11.,.11,. end ,,_ dlffieu11
810t.OOY l!I MOVIE
• • ,_. ·'The GOiden Voy-
ege Of Slnbed" t 197•)
John Pl'lllllp Lew. Ctwollne
Munto Oamone. devlll,
IOfcetln end -d-ell "'*"-the hero ot the
AtablM N10ht1 u he Mt•
.. ~ In ff9l'Oh ol • lebled
IH)MOVle * • "Spirit Of The Wind"
119791 Chief Oen a-oe
A J'0'.11\0 bOy OV«COlllM
I'll• handicap 10 *-
the World ChetnplOn 000
Sleddet 'PO'
(())a.eov. • * "The l.lnMtln" ( 1 N 1 I ..,.,.,. etdl, Sidney u.
t1C11 A TV newtwOmen •lld.,., two ...... """~ IOOOlnlt ., • bO*Cllnt "°"" )Me1)tted by • di ..
IUfl:led brother and .... .,
and tttelf -1JOW Off•
er~ • • "'°'~ o.tllt19" ( tHt) '4dlt .... Dtel
ArMI A '°""' OOU919'1 ,_...... .. .._,by.
911erdl1it ll\9el WflO ,_,.,... "'9 .......... ... _.....,_
K TTV ( 11) ti:llO "Kini( Solomon's
M11ws " lh·bu ruh Kl'rr and Stf'wart
(irn11Kt'r ~l1Jr m story of u wh1l<' hunter
1<u1dtnl( u p:1rtr ch rough dork1..'8l J\fr1c:u Jn
st.•urt•h of 11 wom un 's hui;hunci
KNXT (1) 8 :w "Glor111 " Dr AdUtf\8
finds thul u11·c·l·tlng Gloria to be· u
vetl'nrwry uss1stm1t rm.1y Ix.· mow thun h e
can handlt•
KNBC..: (•I) ~.1.00 "Horll'yboy." Erik
F::nrud<.1 ~·nd Morgrin Fa1rd,ild star In
movll' uf a young boxer who foils 1n love
with his prcs.s a~l'n l as hl• ~><.'Omes :rn
overnight media hero and t•ontt•nuer for
thl' middleweight championship.
'Puerto Aleo. Our Right To
Oetlde" A comprenenalve
eu1rn1notlon ol U S I
Pu11r lO Rico ro1a11on1, his·
1ory a110 major conlllcta,
plua pOatlble IOlullona to
Ille PfOblema thel st11m
from the 1slanc:1·1 com·
m0<1weallh •ltlus. 11 pr•·
C MOVIE • • * ''Ralntree County'
(1957) EllHl>elh laylot
Montgomety Clill During
the CMI War. a capllv1111no
Southern belle 11 deter·
mined to h&Ye the men 01
he• chotc:e ragardleH ol
the consequencea
3:000 MOVIE
• • '\ "Ll'I Abnet · C 1959,
Paler Pslmer, Jul!*
Newmar 11'1 a Clark Clay 1r
Oogpalch lot Lfl ADne<
when ne INtna the Atmyl!
mo11lng In 10 IHI bomDI
end Dally MH I ~"'"' him CIOMW 10 the all et
• • "Improper Channels'
t 1981) Alan Arkin, Manette
H•rtley A aarles cl mlsun·
Clerllsnc:llnga cau1es a
social work., 10 suspect
the 5-yeM-okl c:1auon1ei 01
• M0818led couple •• the
voc:hm ol Chlkl abuse 'PG'
3:30 fl) 1NS10E
Hotl Merk Shields looll• at
the Interplay cl polltlc5,
power end people In Iha
nallon's cepnot
"Super Bowt Of Country
Music · This unique coun-
try mus;c IHllV&l features
Jarry L• Lewii, Ronnie
Milsap, Cert Perl(tna. The
Kenc:lelll end H....... Cor·
• • " • "Altetec:I States"
pO&OI W1111am Hurt, Blau
Brown A Harvard sc1t111-
t11t' 1 genelle structure la
lillared When he c:oncfucT1
mlnd·up1ndlng exper1.
mon11 wilh leOl•llon 1sm.s
end powerful haJlucino-
ger.a 'R'
4:00 I) COlLEOE FOOT8All
s•anforc:I ..,. use
Taoed Salutdlly
Roger Eb<!O Ind Gel'e
S111(el review "Je«yll And
Hyde T ogelhe< Ageln, ..
Spin Image... "LOOktno
To Gel 0\11." "Tex" end
the "sllnkar ;:if lhe weal! "
0 MOVIE • * "BIOOCI From The
Mummy'• Tomb ' f1972'
And•-Ke1r. va1er111 Leon
When an Egypll&n q._, la
uncovered In 811 ~
tooic.t CllO. ,,., -eel
h1nc:I brlnga c:IHth to
mtim~ Of 11\e Hpedl-
Gt MOVIE • * "High Velocity" ( 1917
Ben Gauer•, Brin Et.land
When Iha top e•ecullve cl
11 global corporetlon la kid·
nap()ec:I, two VMltl\em vet· *' 8118 uM g.uerrMla leclla
to subdue llhl abOuctor.
Cl) MOVIE • • * "The Pinll Panthet'
11"41 David Niven, Pet*'
Saltera A tewel thlel
attempts 10 11111• ~
alon cl • prloele>ss gem
w11h lhe help of the French
police ~or·• wll•
"l•t'• SIMI Away" Guest·
CllarlH Bradlord, vlee
preatc:l*Mt, Metrill Lynch,
Pierce, F*Mner & Smith.
'9 DHI0...0 HOME
QI ntE .-oam>N> ma
"'~ * • i. "Murph The Surf"
(1974) Aoben Conrad,
Donni M~ll Two light·
fingered beech bum1 snd
• i.mete eceomplioe leave
l>ehll)d a lrell or empty
jewel boXH an<I btOk&n
draams •• l""'V succeaalul
ly enelch the "Ster Ot
lndle" gem
... MOv. • * "Oreet1 lea" (1981)
Ry*M O'Neal, ARM Archer
Al\~ and a aoc!allte
atteMOt 10 rot> • South
~ ttnerald tmutl-
Oltr ot • 10ttune 1n oem•
'PO' (0)M<MI *** "All Nighl lonQ" (IHI) Gerle Hacttmen.
l•rbre Slrtllll)d. Attar belf'll Oemoted from cor•
porele .. .cM...,.. lo d\el11o
•I-f'lltlll rneneger. •
middle llQecf men'• Nfa-
•!Yle end "*"--'""*' .... .-~·R'
~ ..... ""'~ C-W ""'8t!Ofl I ~
MOM ....... 1.oe Mte-
I _ .... "°"' ······-llM"'IW
..... wmtCIMDY
• • "Th1lvt1a" t 1977) Mar·
lo ThomH, ChetlH GfO•
din A c:1111y couple iry 10
r.c1p1u1e 111911 innocence
amid the coauptlOn ol
Howard ClectdH to melo.e 1
1e1ev1111en commerc:1e1 ri:r
bOOll hll hefdw•r• Ou"·
neaa fJ UCNEWS
'1i) THIS Ol.D HOU8E
Bob VII• show• how 10 tnm
windows and doora. and
g111e1 1d11lce on pteparlng
artd painting 1n1erlot walla
l tJ M•A•S•H
Kllnge• Hema 10 tack
~Cl8/ a knack fOt culling
lhrOUQh tec:I lape IC QCll
some mUCh·nM<lec:I sup·
phea le< the unit (Part 21
HOllywoOCI reporter Bill
Hstrll presenll up-cloM
reporta on lhlt people and
llvenls which are inaklng
news In ,,,. prooueuon end
glamor capita! ot tlHI movie
5:151 z -..ovtE • * "The Eeluceuon 01
Sonny Carson' 11974)
Reny Ctenton, Don Gor·
don 'R
Carmine's new comecly act
hu ave<yone leughtng
e.0C91>t his lrlendl fJ NEWS
Guest Joe Namath
•• IJ D NEWS U MOVIE * '.~ "Kill Or Be KUlec:I"
( 1950) Lewu1nc:e T1e<ney,
George COUIOurl\ The
pollCe 111lt.. • lugtll•• in tlle
)ungie wllll& the killer who
framed him condUC11 a
March of hi• own 0 TH08' AMAZING
Featured I captured gtHI
wfllte lh8tk ~ wflo
pun up Clendellen•. • kllle<
whela. • two·h••d•CI
ane~e. hor•es tor Iha
GI MOVIE • • * "King Sotornor1 'a
Mines" ( 1950) Deborah
Ke<r, St-an Granger A
wl\lte hunl8' gukl*' a P•f't)
tr.rough darkM1 Africa In
-rc:h or e woman's hut•
benc:I .., MOVIE
• • • "The 81g Bus '
119761 JOMPf'I Bologna,
SIOCkMCI Channing Com·
plete wtlh bOWling alley
enc:1 aw1mm1ng poot, ,,,.
world'• llrat nuclear•
power-eel bu• etnbMlll on
• cSanoer·fllle<I e<oa..coun-
'2' 'rip
"Summer Of Set•jevo" On
June 28, 1914, • young
Slav netlonallet u.aas•I·
natec:t ArehdUlce Fran7 Fe<-
dinencl ot Austria
'1i) NOVA
ts.uon Pramteral "T"9
C-Of The UFO'a" A
rtoorous. ldentlftc ln-11-
oellon Into the fact 11e11on
end hoax ol unldenlltled
ltytng objeCll It ~led
Tom'• chance of mMaging
the ne'wlC)aper It ruin.cl "'*" the ~Int•• Oo on
"Millon Ooller '•c•"
p91t) Tony Cut118, SyMa
Kristel A c:o-11c compa-
ny llMd wlll llQP el notll·
Ing IC ....... Ne l)focNcil 9 _.
IH IMO\M **lo\ "lllllndl In llle
SlrMm" ( 1977) George C.
Scoll. Ctelre Bloom Baaed
on Iha novel by Emfft
H9mlngway An laoleted
ert111 11 loroed to r!IYNI 1111
lllddan emotion• Wl'l9fl hit
three ••ltsnged •on•
COtM to Yllll him 'PO'
10 )MCM9
• •'h "Jone1n111 LMftOe-
lon heQull" I 11731 Voleea
of Jamee FrencltOut. JuAet
Mlllt A IMQUll"I purtUll ol
per19cllon !Md• """ 10 • 1119'*--·o· !S)M<MI * * i. "Any WTllcrl W.y
You Cet'I" ( 1HOI Cllnt
Eaa1woocl, Sondra L.oolle.
a.fore Nt111ng down wl111
hit girl and pet or...,iM,
• btt•flef9d ..... elgl'I
up tor OM IM1, Nerelllle
melCll. 'll'O' a:aol NIWI o~nM••••INlla• ~OOUl'T ..., .. 1"1 WOM.D
Ill ...
"'°"" ••• \, ....... long"
,,.111 .--o.n. -o.wm-""° ..... ...,.,. .................
..... llti111 ~....,,.
OM "*°"
NI -~
CleOp•h• I• ll•lltpotle<l 10
N-Y0tk City In Ille Rl)Ar
Ing ·:io. •II•• ~''""O P~•. end Jeffrey ell•
COvet• thel lt•be llutn h••
beCC)nle • veudevllle per
IC)trnar 8 IJ.Q) M'L.IY't
f eatured a royal love
•Helt tll1t led to '"* r.oro
nation ol • ... eleton q..-i
unueuel fOOda, lhe myth of '"* grMI apae, 9'lt1ord1
r1ery ar"'80logl<:el llnda
''Dog D•Y•" JemH dl~Ov
etl 11111 wtille • vet'• Ill• II
nol altoOQttwtr envh1ble,
tllal OI I CloO mlOht wtll be
IO !Parr 2) m NATUM
"Tne Flt0h1 or The CO<\-
oor" DI Oofl&1c:1 Jo11111aon
tall .. v-• on • r81•
)OUrt~ through the And ..
l MOVIE • • •.;. ··s1r.noe Bell•"°'
(1981) Mlch•HI Murphy.
LOUIMI FlelCher A police
olllc41r lnvettlgltel •aeries
or brut•I murc:l4trl In •
amall Midwestern cotieoe
town 'R
8:00 I) ( f ) AACHlf
Blllle giVN Sleplionie lea-
aona on how to ch01m •
msn D ~CHIPS
Ponc;h t>ec:omea a Gel9btlly W,,.,, he llkH a part·llme
JOb modeling te< • Cl911Qn·
et jeena ad
lnle•v••w• with Merlort
Rou. Ille Pointer Slaters.
reporls on a Jelle<aon
Starship rec:orC11no MIS·
11on, the rechnlcal ac:lvlao•
on "Trapper JOhn. M D , "
IOClsy's goas1p c:olumn1a1a
A lop model eskl Mell IO
1nve1t1o•t• lhe mutc:ler ct•
ramoua fashion d**'0"41'
when llhe Dec:ornes IM
c:hlef suapect 0 IT 18 WRITTEN
• • "High Velocity" ( 1977
Ben Gu.rare. Brlll Ekland
When Ille top e.acull1te 01
, 1 global eotpor1t1on 11 kid·
napped, two Vietnam ••t·
arena uMI guerrilla tactld
10 subdue 1111 ebouc10t
CE MOVIE • * '" · Myttar191 Ot The Pac111c:· 11979) Oocumon·
tary An eum1na1ton cl an
1s1anc:1 wner• enc1an1 11one
t.-mplaa have bear\ Cllaco•·
•red with no other trace ol
Ille peopl• who bullt lhem
. The Flighl 01 The Con·
clor" Or Oon&ICI Johanson
t1kea 1newe<1 on • rero
)Ourf'IOY through the Andes
"To S«ve Them All My
Daya Devi(! goes on •
hohc:lay and ~· a youno
nutN wflO lnYltea him 10
ceteb••t• "*' blrtllc:ley with
her (Pert 210
Ill • • • "Flc:lc:ller On The
Aool'' ( 10111 Topol, N0<m1
Crtne A peasant milkmen
in lurn·Ol ·the·c en lury
c.z.et!ll £Wsaia 11 IN lo ....,._
ry ott his eligible Cleughte•s
wflile trying lo hOICI onlo
hll Jewllh herlt~ In the
·-of C>P9'9S•IOfl Q H MOVIE * * "Tiie SM Wot ...
( t 980 I Gregory PSCJ< A<>9·
er Moore Outing World
Wer 11, • group ol Br11tlh
buslneaamer> form • vOlun·
IMr regiment to destroy e
0...-~ epy nett In fhe
lndlan Ocean 'PG'
• •• "Arthur" p981)
Ouc:lley Moore. Liza "41n·
na111 Wlllle 1111 lemlly
auampta lo rorce him Into • ~·.,··noeo merrlaoe .• Clru,,...,,, 11«1ont1tlc play.
bOy ,.,.. In love with • pocH'
wortt lno O'rl PG'
t $ MOVIE * • ·~ "Amarlcen Gigolo"
( teec>) Richard Gere, Leu·
r*" Hutton. A Beverly Hiiia ,
glgOlo bee-lhe Pflme
suepeet In • murc:lef 1,.ve._
t198tlon 'R'
• • • "First Monc:l•y In
October" 119811 Waller
Matthau, Jiii Cleyburgh A
llbelel Supr-Court Ju•·
lice ClllMe with the MW·
aat member cl the nation'•
~t coun, an uhr ..
CC>n98'Vall\le wom811 turist
&:30 .. Ol.a..IA
Dr Adema llnclt that tr ecn-
lng Gtor•• to be a ... tarl-
nary aMlttant may be
more th811 he can handle
G n.w°'° TOMOMOW
Florllf'IC4I goee on atrlk•
-lier laclt ol a penlllon
pl111 end George'• reluMI
to do anyll1lng sbOU111 O Q!MOW
"Honeyboy" f Premle•e)
Erik &trade. Morg#> Fal<-
Cfllld. A young b01tar from
Iha betf'lo 18111 In tow w!1h
hit pr.a 90*"1 .. he
bee0tne1 •11 overnlohl
media "'*'o Ind• cor1tenc:t•
ar !or I,,. mlddiew.lglll
I l'llCHAN> l#oAtOHa 0 MOYll
• • • "The etv. 9roth·
.,. .. (IMO) Johf'I Belulhl,
Oen A~royd Two .,.._
llnoet'9 mue1 conMnd with
the CntGeoo police, the
CIA. Neo-..... e end the
U 8. Army lo put tooethet
• beMftt ~ to talM
~lot ll'lelt,...,, 0
MA11T1• .. -M1CC..,.•
"TO hrYe Them AM My
~·· Oelllcl goee on •
llOlldey and ....... ~
.,..,.. Mio 1m111.. him to °"""" ... IMlr b4flhday WOii ; ::_-;,~
1a..on~, ... _
119YTNd" ~~
.... -ttw ~ VIO-
tcwt.I "deflloft '*'* Of ..... .,.... .......... elleflt•
~·~ CliMPOW 0 fl1MCMI . ......... ~.
(ttae)....,,., ......... .,..., ~'fir. ..
Mr t9Mlly ........
.,... llOltlllt """ •
' ,,..,, OI gotd -c:hN fOf
true IOve 11tld tne llmf)le
n1arrled Ille
$chrielder teerl lhAI Ale•
II wtterlrlG trom •" OV*'•
llbuf'ldence of women 111
hla Nie
.,4510 IOU.Y'•~
10:00Glf J TMHPJOHN,
Oen Cupid 1119a DI Jec;ll•
pot Jae.i.aon. atulty Arnold
SJocum. 8lld ladle•' mM
Trllj)Gi JOt•n l ~~OOAY
acMIHWtlWTt"l t
Paul Mazutlky talk• el>Out
hla chat ec1er1 and why Jhe
,,,.,,,.. cl merr1eqe, 11\ll·
Clellly 8lld ,,_ Ml .. lylM h,.. DecOme Na lt.0..
• • • "Flr1t MO<Klly In
Octot>ar (19811 Walter
M•llhau. Jiii Cteybutgh A
liberal Supreme Court Ju ..
tiU Cltlh4N Wllh the MW·
eat membar ol lh• nellon'a
h1g,,.a1 court. an ultre-
conMN•fl•• woman )ur111
0 MOW • * "The Je.u Slnoar"
t •9801 Nell Otarnond. Lau-
rene.a OllVlar A New York
cantor b•eak• with r....,11y
traC11tron and Mt• out 10
find aucc.sa •~ a pop
mullC alat 'PG'
• • • "Bodv Heer (1981)
Wllllem Hurt, Kathleen
T urnet A amallllme Aot1c:1a
lawyet 11 perau•Cleel by Illa
•over to mu(Pet het hu•-
banc:I 'R'
• • 'II Reined All Night
The Dey I Lett" I 19711)
r ony Cur Ila Sally
Kelletmen Bumbllng gun
smUQOlerl Wind up In the
Clesen b1ck•rlng O••r
wet er
ft) TONY 9AO'Mol'S
"Tile Vemllhlng Tribe" The
alory or • tribe 1n Soulh
Ame<iCe bllllevec:I IO be
pure Alrlcan II IOICI
CIOuc:la 0 1 W•tneu lord
P81et WtmNy uneenhs an
important clue wNch P<O-
Clucea 111 unexpected cor>-
feuJon (Pert 2)
11)()() tJ D Qt NEWS U WORLO OF
Neal Gabler end Jellrey
Lyons ·-I, The Jury
and Looking To Gel
• • ·~ Any N<Jmbel Can
Ptey" (19491 Ctenc Gable,
Alelde Smith An l>Or>Ht
snd ceretr" gem~• Ille
11 t>eHt with • aeries 01
'1:151) caa NEWS
11:301J 8~8 ANAL
g) T ALO OF TiiE
"The Boy WhO TeMled W1tll
Animal•" A young bOy's
lnt*MN lnternt In enimelS
ceu-a ,_ re19ed eye-
Sy<eeuM "
"KlllNS Slate YI NebrH ·
• • "Ootdl• And 1he
Booer Go To HOiiywood"
I tll8 t) 0 J Simpton,
Mell•H MlchHIMn A
Champion bOHt end hit
10-year-okl m•naoer. rte.-
Ing from • vengeful fight
1><omoter end adoption
8Ulh0rlt6". 11C09C>I a HOiiy-
wood producer'• 0119' of
h8'c> (RI
• • "Ootc:lle And the
Boxer Oo To Ho41yw00d"
(198t) 0 J Simpson.
Mallue MIChHIHn A
chempiOn bo•ar and hla
10-year-Old menaoer. f.._.
•no trorn • vengef\11 tight
premolar end adoption
euthotfllee. KCe91 a HOiiy·
wood procJucer· a ofl8' ot
help (RI u a NlW8 H~MO\llE • * * "Body Heel" (1Ntl
Wiiiiam Hurt. Kathleen
Turner A emalOlme Florida
la~ la paraullded by hla
lover 10 murd« ner ""*-
band 'A'
• l ' CH-"'Ld CHA..PUN OHTMl'11..M~
1 1:ecl 8 'ACE THI NA TlOH
1 t:00 D 100 CLUe a WONP Vl8ION ., OUTPUMITI
A gel\eUclet uH• an
uneduU1ed miner (O.vld
~I 10 eel,,_ his
expet1rr'19nl1 In evdullon
., Tffl N>CMCa
At'! exoilonvlct. out on
parole. de9')eretely lr'lee lo
qo alt algllt
• It "Body And Soul"
(19811 Leoti I-K.,,,,..
dy, Jayne Kennedy. A
young blaGk turn• 10
prlHflgllllog to rlllee Iha
money lie need~ lor mecff-
cel edloe>I. 'A'
ti> WHA ra"" MllNCAI
, .. lwred • loolt .. Ille
graltltl 80811e 11'1 New YOtl!
cny. • Mardi OfM oeletlf"•
llOf'I wlnl t .... c.+-. ~
of Atntra'I fiwortte *In-• '= hOIM • • * •i. ''Alleft" (1t7t)
TOttl llt9ff!n. ...... Kot·
.. Tiii ....... ....,..
"'-.... Wl1lr ldluw a ,,.,...,.... ...... .... ,....., ........ _.. .................... ........ -•WWflo. ~=--.,.. *. ''Tiie f* 1111 I Of ._, a. .... ·· 0174) ~~-.~
. -"" ~-1:.-..... .,,. ---. ... ..
01 ZeoMlr Wfl .... , ..
MUC NOftet: Ml.IC NOllCl "*IC NOltCl rtJ8t IC HOT ICC
..... l fATl•NT .. ,. ... ITATIMIN't .. ,. ... lfATl ..... l NO"" ... r11e followlllo 1*110n• •1• CIOlng t111 •otklw1no pe1.ou• "'" t10111u 1111 101tuw111g "111011 11 011111g 1 It'~ <>r DEATH Ot" ~.. t>ut1n•t1.. 1>u.ii-. •• DANIEL It. LAOl> AND OF
14V C lt:AN INO MAIN 111 fill 'l'OVNO t1urt.t11..lUU TRI NOI. 2o:u 1 C1o•n ""' PETIT I 0 N TO
TENAN Cf 8 RVI C!. &481 m t14l YOUNO OUlCH INOO l~tlllt\llngton0.1<.ll C• ll'040 ADMINISTER ESTATt;NO.
V•nau11d . (hrCl•n Qrov• C• ClUO, 131 PA9All MMA~' (41 DONNI[ UARl<t f V 'on' A 111.•51 Ht41t SOUIHf'flN CAllf OllNIA flA::IAH l.row11 HNI L111e Hu11t1no1011 Oo111th ·, 11• • VIVIAN ANN WHl!A I. &4111 MAL.AM, (fll INO()Nl SIAN f AIH. (ti CA 1120<!4 fu ull IU'lnt, h1•1wl1du1 It'll,
V.....,CI. 0.relan Oto..., Ca 112646 AISIAN f AIA llll<l 111 AltlAN LXPO fllla l>u .. ,_. 11 1.l\f1cJUCl.U by 111 1· r t•ll It 11111 11 nd urn lf lll(l'll I
IAllllAAA LCE AAlf 36:11• ~outn Coall Vlllflil• 3040 ~ Plue 11\cJlvfCIUlll 1·n<tl1Ull'f nl U..11h'I ll Lud\J Tiiden. Ofanoe. Ce Dr 8111111 Ane. C11 92104 OOM!e Betkley d t ._
Tiiie ~I• ~100 lly e l;Owlll f 6 .. Nl/11111• Cel1lo111111 l11t1 1tat1me111 wea 111911with 111• I.Ill pi•nmn• w \II 11\n y ul'
OtNtal Pettnerlt\IO ci11 p111auont. 10l• Kloge Ro•o COllnty C14111t ot 01101109 Cou111y on u thurwuw lnh'll'!ill-d lu the
VIYlan Ann Wh41•1 fll(,OlllflllO. c. 11202!1 SICll '°· tN:I Wiii uncllot ~Lill,•. Thi• 1tatem..i1 WN 1114td w1m me Ollmt S Sl!!•Hn11l• I• Callfo1111u '1Mll2 A J)l•tl tlon hu bt.-t•n fllv<I
County Ci.rk ot Or•~ Couoty on curuoret1o111. t03• K.111g1 Road Pvbll•h•<l 0 1ang• Co11• D•lly by l>oni.ild J Liidd lo th,• Sept, 23. 1012 f teU<l(llcJO. C• 11202~ P1101. Oca 3. 10, t7, 24 t082 ,,..,., rn11 t>utln•H1e conuucieo 11y 111 •J 18 u Supt>rto1 Court o f Orunwc
Publl1heo Orenge Co•t1 Dally lndl•1<1u•I County rc·1lut•stlng tha t
Pllol. Sec>t. 20, Oct 3. 10, 11. 11uu Edwin L S11Hn1.. Oa111el R Ludo be• llppolnWd
4'61·82 Th•• •••tement wu 11100 w1111 lh• POBUC NOTICE 1111 p..•fllOnul rl•pr"1!li11U.llvt• w
------------Couniy CIClfk of Olll1tgo Counly ori --,IC-T-tT-IOU--t-IU-1-... --.-.---udmtnl11l1..•r t h1• C"'tlll'• uC •-IC MnTfC( S11pt1mbo1 30. 19112 ., .. ~-"" ,,..... NA .. ITATl•NT Ooruald J I .ndd (und1•r lh{'
'9CTITIOUS M.l ... lt Puollaheo Or•r•o• Coaa1 D•••Y "" IOllOwlng P.,•on 11 doing hufo• ... ndt<nl Admlnb1trullo n 1>ua1ne .. ..-.-..,._ ITATl•NT PllOI Oct J to 17 ,. l982 MA A IL y N RE 0 18 • MA of Fliwtl'tl Al•l ) Thl' IX'llllo n ~o~wlng P•rton '' Clolng 4280·82 ENTERPRISE. t7'0 Adema. Svll• 1s se1 fur ht•ar1ng In Dept
INTERIOR DIMENSIONAL ___________ __, 2so. COlll M•H. C• 1121126. No :\ Ul 700 C ivil-C't•nt{•r MARILYN REGIS KILEV, 104 0 · W S DESIGN, 16600 Tu•lln Vlflegc, W•y, PUBl.IC NOTICE f'llrh•v.,. L•ne Cott• M•ia 9211211 rlVl' est . 1111 lu An11.
T...Cln Ca. 92&e0 Thlt bus•nesi 11 conouc1ec:i oy an CaHCur111a ~2702 on Oi.:wbcr SUSAN ELIZABETH THURBER, "7 l!loo' u 30 15500 Tvalln Vilt~ V.ay , Tutlln K-0% 143 lndMOuel ~ · • u• Ill ir: p OI m
Ca. 02t80 NOTICE OF DE ATlt OF Mar~yn ReQt• Kltey !Jo' YOU 0 8J1'X..'T lo th1..· . 11111 etetemen1 w•• filed w1111 th• f h Thie butlnMI I• cooouct.o by an ETH EL BELLE TULLOSS County Clotk of Orange County on grunting o l l' pt'llliun, you lncl~u .. n ThUt'* AND OF PETITION TO SllPI 23. 1982. ~ould1 (•1thl'rdappear at the
Tt111111a1em111t wu 111ee1 with tile ADMIN IST ER ESTATE NO. '1N142 ear ng un s tate your County cwi.. ot Otenge County on Publ11heo Orengt CoHt Dilly obJccl1on11 or file written
Sto'*"t>er 3. 1g112 A·llU8l. Pitot.s.c>i 28·0c• 3·10· 17· 1982 objections w11h the 1..·ourt "IM27 To ull heir.., bencf1cian1..'ll. __________ 4_2_32_·_112 bdurl' the hl·aring. Your
Pvbll1hed Orange Coo t D111y creditors und conttngt>nt Mt.IC NOllCE Jppearuntt• muy be in person
Piiot. Sac>• 26. Oct 3, 10, 11. 1g112 c redito rs o f Ethe l Be lll' ------------•210-8:> FICTITIOUS •UllNEIS ur by your a!Wrnl'y Tulloss and pl'rsuns who NAM« tTATIMl!NT IF y 01t:J. A t: E A
may be otherwise mWrt."Sll'C.I rne tollowlrig peraon 11 001ng C REDITOH or a ronun"ent
in thl' will a nd/or CSUllR outmess as creditor ur the de<.'t'ru.cd, you
'1CT1TlOUI ""..... A petillon has bet.>n Ciled JE RRV HOPKI NS LAWN must Clll' yourd111111 with thC'
NA,._ ., ..... .._NT b 0 1 "" I h LI d · SERVICE. 655 V1111 Bon11a N11wpor1 ~ .. , .. ,_ Y ar een r a l oy '" Beacn C1 92820 court o r present ll to t he l>u~~:~lng ~'5001 are ooing the SuCpcr19r <;ourl 0 £ JERRY LEE HOPKINS, llSS p e rsonal rl·presc ntat1vt·
AN o ER so N Orange ounty requesttng v1a1a 8ontto Newpor1 Beach Co appoi nted b y tht' court
COMMUNICA TIONS co 4000 that Darleen Faith Lloyd be 92820 within four months from the
W•11ar1y PL Sutt• 100. Newport appu1ntl'd a s µersun al .,,;1::~u°.':sinessiaconoucte<1 by•n date o f firs t ii;suan1..·e o f ~~~· ~~~ICK ANDERSON repr~nt.allV(' to administer JERRY HOPKINS ll'llers as provided In Sl'C."l1on
20802 Reel Lane Hunllnglon lht' esl ate or E thel B('ltl' Tlllt s1a1amen1 was lllttd Wlltl th• 700 or lhl• probate code of
BMch. CA. 926•6 · · Tu 11 o s s ( u n d l' r th e CO\lnty Clerk 01 Orange Count~ on Californrn The time £or
LONNIE JULIA ANDERSON. lndependent Adm1nJSlrallon Sept 3o. 1982 FltMIO filing claims wtJI not e xpire
20802 Reet L•n•. Huntington of &iuitt.-s Act) Th1..• pellllun Puolleheo Orange Coast Daily prior to fo ur months from BMctl. CA. 92046 f h · "-t This businep Is conduc1eo by an is set o r earing m ...,.,.p P1to1 Oc1 3 tO 17. 2•. 1982 the date o r tht' hea ring
lndlllldull. c No 3 at 700 C1v1c· Center __ ---~1·8~ nottced above
Gary P Anderson Drive W e st , Santa Ana. =---Dl= .. =,IC;;_.NO=Tl-C;;;;;E'-""=--YOU MA y EXAMINE This statemClllt w11 meo with tne C a I 1 r o r n 1 a y 2 7 O 2 o n ~"°" Co.inly Clerk of Orange County on November IO 1982 at 9.30 FICTmoua IUllNEIS the file kepi by the cour t H
Sac>temt>e< 2•. 1982 am • · NAME t TATtMENT you are mtl•reste d tn the
F1N247 Tile 1o11aw1 CI01ng estal.t:. you may fill' a r{'(fuest PublisheCI Orange Coast Oa11y IF YOU OBJEC..'T to the bus.n•" as: no persons are Wllh thl' court lo receive
Piiot. Oct. 3. 10, 17, 24 1982 granung of the pc.•lllton. you CALIFORNIA PA TIO DOOR, spec I a I n 0 l 1 c I' 0 r I h e
__________ 4_3_50_-_8_2 should eithe r appear at the 1623 Alabama Ave. Huntington Inventory or estate and of Dl-1c NO h 1 1 t 1 Beach ca. 92~11. n,_ TICE ear ng a n < s a l' yo Jr THOMAS ALLEN OEGUELLE the peliltuns. a1..'C0.1mts and
---'1C-TTTIOU---9-1U-a-.._--,-,--ob~ect1ons or file written 8t82 SnowblfCI. Hun11ng1on Be•c,; reports dc~:nbed m Sccuon
NAMe ITAT£•NT objections with the...court Ce 92646 1200.5 of the California
The lotlowlng persons llll! dOlng before the hC'artng ¥eur RU TH B OEGUELLE. 8182 P roball· <.:ode
bual,_. u appearance may bt.· in person Snowbird, Huntington BllBCll C• Law Office of J ack De itsch
$ALMAC INC. 2280 San1e Ana or by• your attorney 92648 7060 Holl"WOod Blvd. No. A,,. Costa Mesa This buslnesa 11 conducteo by • J . CA. 92627 ' I F Y 0 U A R .E A general partneranlp U lt _
LOUISE. SAi.VAT!. 2280 Santa CREDITOR or a t.'Ontmgent Tom 0. Guel.. Hollywood, CA 900%8
Ana Ave. Co111 M•tl. CA .. crechtor oC the dec(!ased, you T1111 Sl81-t wu liled With lh41 (?I•) 4'•-H•• 92&27 f'l l h h County Cle<k ot 0.1nga County on "" ROBERT v McCOY 19 •70 must 1 ~your ,. aim wit l e Sac>• 17. 1982 Published Orange Coast
GrovewooCI or .. Corona. CA court or present it to the F117111 Daily Pilot, Oct lfi, 17, 23.
9 1720 personal represt>nlat1ve Pubflshe<I by Orange Coast Dally 11182 Thia l>uslr'141U 11 conouc1.o by 8 appointed b y the court Piiot. Sep1 28, Oct 3. 10. 17
corporation. within four months from the "'2611-82 4567-112
Loult E S.iJvalf d f C ( Tiiis atatement was flleo by 1119 ate o 1rst issu a nce o
Pia.IC NOTICE Nil.IC NOTICE County Clerk ot Ot•~ County on letters as provided m scc-uo n
Stotembe< 30. 11182 700 of the p robate rode or
Ft98685 Cali fornia. The time for LEGAL NOTICE
Publlaheo Orange Coast Daily filing clauns will not expire lrYIM "-" Watet 0te111c1 Plfol, Oct. 3, 10, 17, 2•. 1982 ( h f The BoatCI of Directors of Irvine Ranc(l Water OIS1rl<l1 ate regular
----------'4"'3""5"'"1·""11;::.2 1 phnordto ou,r mhonth s rom mMl1ng helCI 1n.tll4I Olstrlct Ottic;e. 18802 baroeen Avet\111. Irvine. CA. Nil.IC NOTICE l e a te o t l' earing on See>• 21. t982. adopt.a Resotv1100 No t9112-60. ameno1ng 111e
noticed above Rules and Regula11on1 of tn. Ol1tr1e1 f0< Wat9< Sewer anCI Reclaimed
'1CTITIOUt IUS .. 11 Y 0 U MA Y EX A M IN E Water Service Amendmenta •PP<OveCI by ll'lls acuon -e 10 Section
NAm STATt•NT the rile ke pt by the court lf 12 2, 12 5(1) and 12 5(2) u mor:/carlfcularty Ml lortl'I below ~~ pertona •r• ooino you a re inte r ested in the ~~:,;:,., S:~': fOtl
SOFT-CELL PRODUCTS, 2011 with the court to rece ive MC~ WATEI MRVICI
A~ Del Mer. Sufi• 20s. San s p ec 1 a 1 n o t 1 c e o f the MCTIC* 12 ~~ ~:r.:AOENEYRA. 155 w inventor~ of estall: and o f 12 I ESTABLISHMEs:r~:...;~CM·
Plllllada. Sen Clement• California tbe pelltlOns: at'<.'Ounts a.nd Rates to be c;herged and coltecteo anCI 11rmt, prov111ons. end
112872. reports•dcscnbed m Se<:uon cono111on1 to be ettectlve r"pectlng suc11 rates for wa1e1. ~. 1nC1
RICHARD C WEMM ER, 9217 1 200 of the C a 11£Orn1 a ~ec:la1med wale< MIVl<le wPQll.0 by the Ol1tr1CI to Cullome<s wllhln Ille
Moll River Circle. Fount•ln Valley Probate Code Olatncl shall be u nxllCI Ind •llbllstled by the Boatd lrom lime lo ltme Calllornle 112708 and publtSheO 111 Exhibit B to t1141se RulH I nd R41gulat1on1. WftlGh
Thi• buslne" 11 conducted by a CARMAN & MANSFlELU[ cnergas shall have no effect on •n •111111ng pr aunuque
•-<1181'-hltlrtr*111'1iP. ""E.'l)AY Cl\RM: rtrml>u1semenT aQfMIM/111 'fh11P<Ot/ISlon 11 In addlttcn lo end not by
Richard C. Wemme< t7!1 E Coast llw~ w1y or d9<oga1fon or any 0111e< rem.Otes or procedures aveJl•bi. to the
Tllll 11•1-nt wu flled wltll Ille C d 1• M CA .;.,u OllltlCI pvrsuant to •ry lew or regu1a11on Of by any of Ille p.ov11lon1 of
County Cleft< or Orange County on orooa e ar. """" t1141se Rules 11nC1 Reouletlons Stot.,.,,bet 23. 11182 (714) 17&·0%00 17 2 CHANGE OF SERVICE CHARGE
F\Nt4' Published OrangP Coa st Tiie BoarCI rHO<Ves 11141 11g111 to ch•f\QI 1ne 11Cl'lec!Ule of water
Pubhhad Orange Coast Dally P1to1. Daily Pilo t Oct 16. 17 23 -llN1 reclalmed wat9< aen<IC4 criarQl!S and othl!f ci'tetges et •ny <>-1 ""' Oc1 3 10 17 1n•2 • · ' • • llme, or from Um• lo time · _. . '"'• . • • ' ":268-112 1982 12 3 SERVICE CHARGE BILLING
rtllllC NOTICE
4~66-82 Waler. ae-r. Ind rec:lalmed water &eNIU cnoroes wlll be rendered
-----------as p8f1 ol Ille Oltttlct Water Serviu Bill et lnterv111 of one month or
l'tCTTTIOUt M.l ... H
POBllC NOTICE multiples thClreof Th4I Olsttlel r~es Ille rlghl to bst:mal~ bills, bllHO
The following person 11 doing
bl*'-M: TROYCO. 750 W. 17th St. Cotta
M.a ca. 92&27. TAOY H CLE M JA . 3052
Neat•JI Ro.. Lagun• Beach. Ce 92t5t.
Thia bu.ir-II i:;ond\;Cted by an
lndMdual. Troy H. Clem Jr
Thie ata1-I WU fifed with lhe
County Clent of O.ange County on
A·1154U .
To aU helrS. bent>ftc1an es.
c r editors and contingent
creditors o r Harold S paulder
and persons who may be
othe rwise Interested in the
wiU and/or est.ate ~23.1982. ,,.145 A pellt.ion has been ftled
Publt1hed Orange Cout Oalty by Doro thy Sloat ~itman
Pll<M, Sept. 2&. Oct 3. 10. 17. l982 a ka Dorothy Sloat in the 4218-82 -------------c S uperto r Court or Orange
County r equesting that
iety Dorothy Sloat Leitman be
CMMATION BUAIAL ATSU. ap.,otn ted as p e r sonal • -646-7 431 rpresentalive to administer o.,, llterature tells the l he est ate o f H aro 1 d
comp1e1e story of our Spaulder (und er the
~· Independen t Admlnl.stration
Coll• ---of F.stat.es Act). The petition ~~-~~======~~is set for hearing tn Dept.
PAClftC Y•w
Cemttef'f' Mortuary
3500 Pac1f1c View Drive
NewPOrt Beach
Laquna Beac h
. 494·9415
LaQuna Hills
San Juan Capistrano
Mof1uarv • Cemetef'{
Cr-eme lof'{ 1625 Gisler Ave
Costa Mesa
Cotta Meu
l.Uft ... OM
WISTCUllP CHAPll. ~E t7thSt
... . •
No 3 at 700 C1v 1c Center
Drive, West. m the City of
Santa Ana. Californ ia on
November 10. 1982 at 9:00
a .m.
granung or the petition. you
should either appear at the
h earing and stat e your
objec tions o r file writte n
objections with the court
before the heurlng. Yo ur
appea.rilnce may be in person
or by your attorney .
CREDlTOR or a contingent
oedhor of the deceaed, you
must fl.le your claim with the
court OC' present ll to the
p ersonal repres e ntative
app ointed b y the court
within four months from the
dale o f first iusuance of
lettt>rs as provided ln aection
700 of lhe probate oodt of
California. The time for
fl.J.J.ng clai"ll wiJJ not mcpire
prior to four mo nths lrom
the date of the hHrlng
no~ ebove.
the fll«' kept by the court. tf
you are Interested In the ..-.tA!, )'OU may flit' 8 l'tlqUe9t with the court to receive
1peclal notic e o f the
Inventor y of estate a nd of
the pelltione, accounta a nd
reporta delcril>M In Section 1200 o f the California
Probate Code.
flam.at Beh.l, E .. .
llM oaa.. A¥e. N• .. ...
WI Aaelee, CA HH4
(Ill> t"·IHI
PubUahed Oranf* Cout
Dally Pltcn.. Ol:t. l I J 7' 231 :te2
on prlOr consumption 12 4 METERINO
For the purpote of computing ch11gea. each meter upon the
cu11om«'s p...,,1_ Wiii be con11oere<1 seperately. end readings 01 two
or m<HI! metar1 Wiii not be combl!led as eqvlt11len1 to measurem..,,t lhrougl't one melar except as follows Ill ,,, lhON lnslancat 1n wntcl'I, by tMson ol Spec:taJ oe>e<•llng
conc:llllons. the 011tr1CI aubt11tul• two or more me1ara ot a smaller j(ze
tor a s•no .. larger metar on tne same MrVtce Connec110n rn wf'lleti event
the Sll't of MrViCe connactiOI\ 1111111 be aubslituted tor the size of the
met11 In the appllcatton of tlle rate 9C:hedute, end (2) When a written appllc;allon therefor llH been granted
pur-nt to llf)Pllcabte Rvlea anCI Regulaltons ot tlle Olstrlel. In wlll<:ll
event bllllnQ for ~ ana11 be de1ermlneo by totaJlllQ HCh ot 1he
feclors pertinent 10 computing 1 bill '°' MtvlCe lhrough uch meter
and aact> 9UCll total Shall be lhel wlllch Is &1)911cal>le to the seme factor tor • combined bllt
(II All bllla and cnergea IOf watCI', -· 1nCI reclaimed water
Mrvloe hClreunCIC!f an111 be dve and payable vpon rraaen1a11on and a11a11
become dlllnquenl 1-.1y-five 126) days lherHllar Such bllls anCI
c;tlltges lfllll be OMnled to 111ve t>eeo1 pr-led vpon having ~
c:teooalted In lhe United Stat• mall. POllllQll palCI. Ind addret.MCI to lhe
eopltcanl. OWMf. or CUSl°"* rellec:1ed In 11141 records ol tile Ol1lrtc1
(2) n ptyment Is nol made Within twenly-llve (26) Clay1 atlat Pf_,latton, • late ct11<ge Wiii be .. vied on 1ny unpaid balallCle and lh41
wetlf Ind/or raclalmed walat ~ m•y be dlecontlnutld without
IUf'lh« notice and wele< and/or recfafmed wat., ~ ll'tall not egaln
be eupplled unlll all dtitnquenl bill•. plus I penalty. Wftletl 11 ettlbllthed
lrom time to tltnt by the Boero and pubtllhed lri Exhibit B to lhtae Rolee Ind Aeg\11811ona. ha,,. been paid; prOl/lded, h-. 1ha1 II tile 1urri-on Is requwled to be made outside reoulat working hOUra. a larger
~nally H publfthecl In E•hlbll B 1hell l>CI peld before Hrvlce 11
rest0<ed Payment lh•ll be made In person or by mall 81 olllcea of lh• District Of. al the option o1 the 0.11rlcl. to II• 1u1horlzed coOe<:IOfl
(3) Oltcontlnuance ol M<'llQe by reason of • d<t11nquent blH INlll
not avtomalfceJly con1tllute revocellon ol p•rmll However. auch dellnquenGy may be c;ontldered 81 aulflc;tent rHson lor 1 revc>c;allOn ol
P••mll In 1ccordance with Ill• prov111on1 ol 111 ... Rul•• anCI Regulallon•
Ellec:tlve 011a. September 27. 1982
Betty J. Wheeler
S.C••l"Y Publithcld Otenge Coul Dally Piiot, Oct 11. 111112
Nondiscrmnation Poky
It Is the policy of Costa Mesa Medical
Center Hospltal to admit and treat all patients
without regard to race. color. or national origin.
The same requirements for admissions are
applied to all. and patients are assigned and
transferred within the faclllty without regard to
race. color. or national origin. There la no
distinction In eflglblllty for, or In the manner of
provtdlng any patient service provided In the
hoapltal, or by others In or outside of the
hospital. All facllltlea are avallable without
distinction and rules of courtesy are uniformly
applled to all regardlHt of race, color or
national origin. Staff prlvllegea are granted
without regard to race, color or national origin.
All persons Involved In the referral of patient•
to or from the hoapltal or a11lgnment or
transfer of patient• wtthln the hotpltaJ muat do
ao without regard to the patient'• race, COior, or
national origin. Coata Meaa Medical Center
HoepitaJ 11 an Equal Oppottunfty Employer and
maneoet emptoyment and employee retatlOM
practloee WlthOut regard to race, cotor. rellglon,
Sex or national origin. """'*' Or!Mfl c... ~ ,. ()It 17, ... ,.....,.
0 • 5
Orungo Cou•I DAIL. V PILOT /Sunday, October 17, 1982 t:I
f 1 "8c1 Y111 U, Call
MOVUS rot SAi f
t&w...,, hunohfod ltcM~ lnrwrnn~d ·~ ~\HftOf \ "' t•endOlfHl\tUfth .".,.
COA04'Wl'hf'1u"'' I ~t T<Mnhou-.n f'urn Tv•nlWJit.lu• l nl
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t i• tn>u J'tJ6 t116 t'l\l ..... •111 nu ~ net '"" nn . .,
= "" .. u •11 --llWI •» WJi ---.., ...... ...
""" --ml ---"'1•
OPEi llllAY 12-talO
101 Vil lllll
A bat o f Ho llywood o n Lido.
fomwr <.'t·lt.•l>rlty'i. homt.• Pct f1~·1
h oust· fur formal t·ntC'rlalntng
4200 sq. fl with IHI fl'<:t "n
Ct·nou WullNl 1·vu rtyurd l!ntry,
:J Bdrm. dL·ll wtlh hn·ph1Ct! and
I()' wN b&r wath lxwk bar 5 1/2
hathi.. formul dimnlo( room . foyer
c•ntry. O uuu.omdtnlo( mastPr 1:1u1lt•
a pproxuna h'ly 1000 i>q. ft. wtt h
buy V1t•w , h is & h er balh!i &
drcl>Htng ure a $895.000.
OPEii lllllY 1-t
131 Yll LIH IOID
Chou:l' over s ized 11H11de lol.
Spat·ious h o m e built around
w.•r y private p a tto w ith spa. 6
bcdroo~. including maid's. und
5 bath!> L ooking for new ownc•r
tc.> upd uw t o m illio n d o llar
<·atcgory . $H4 7,500.
This luvc:ly fa mily home hCIS Just
bl~n pamlc-d m & o ut. Vacant &
rl·ady to m ove in. It has 5 bdrms ,
:3 baths. family room o n corne r
lo t. n ear park for the kiddies
W alk t1> sch ools. store & tennis
club F o nt asllc f inancing
3 bdrm. '}/'2 bath. Lowest price in
Crest. 2 ca r gar age. l uxury
kitchen. formal dining a r ea.
P oo l , l ('nn1s & s p a . M ost
d esirabh.• s treet. Walk to beac h
& s ho pping. Priced at $175,000
Ava ilable now!
Imagine ti bdrms. 4 baths. fo rmal
dini n g r oom . s te p s t o Nord
Beach & playground o n best
street. 3.650 sq. ft. of good livin g
for o nly $575,000 w ith excelle n t
f 1nan ctng.
Lido Realty
673-7300 ••~•;l;El;;;u;t•;;~~~~==============1
•••••••••••••••••••••• (IUlllll: Advertl·
sers should c heck
their ads daily and
port errocs i -
m edia tel y . The
sumes liability tor
the first incorrect
insertion only
HH1t1 l•1 Sile ......................
.,,, £11111 All real estate advertised
1n this newspaper 1s
subject to the Federal
Fa11 Housing Acl of 1968
which makes II Illegal 10
c.;;;;i · · ··· · ·· · i·oo; ........•......•.•.••.
advertise "any preferen-Mll HOISi ce, llmltatlon or dlscriml· I nation based on roc;e, , Very excellent home In
color. religion ••• or nlee area ot Hun11no1on na11ona1 orlgl'I, or any BeaGh Newly painted,
intention to make any relln1Shed kitchen cabl·
such preference, llmlta· nets, squeaky cle•n Big.
oon or olscrlmlnellon " big rooms. all on nlc;e
slz.ed lot T e<rlllC t>uy 11 This newspaper wHI nol $110,000. Call 54&. 3 3
knowingly accept any
advertising for rtal as-
tole whtch ts In lllol•tlon
ot 1he l11w
~--~;.,.---th t l \ \ I l'lltU \ '----.----t
~ ::'.~. ':':::! ~
To cH•••oet -.C\\OOf' fo• \v"d•,.,
reod worch <or•~·"9 10 """'°"" "'""""z""'°'"""''"" ........ , ,,_
u-.._. ... ,.,,,. ....
··~ I' ... _
"''""' .. .......... ... ,._ .. ~ ··-....
~~ gAJ•ct•
'=~=' S~ll411V\-1'£~s· ------.-4"' QAY L POUAll
0 1001-ii.. 6 oc•o""'t.d _,d, bolow.A IO 1"0h 6
tllflt)lo -d• "'"'I ........ ol
-h "' ltt ~ .. ol -·
I I I' r I
.... ....
I LABH[C I If It's got wttee1s .. _r ....... r-1-1_.,1,...... ,0~tn:,~· ;::~.''·:~~· ~=
l ou'll move It -- ----. Hm• IHlure. Thar both aster In a I E x II A L F I are told with • llfellme D II Piiot ............... --...-..... --c-guarentH or thirty dayal ci:.~,. ...' .... l..__.l_.....l_._I __._I_, whlnh•v•r ·--
ad C.11 , ,.__1t_A ... c __ 1 _,c..,r.._ .... I ! ~ .":-:-~-~f~' M2-s.11 anc1 -I' I I r• I . .... • '*' -.._ -a friendly .•.
___ •
642-5678 ...
To help you sell
items you don't need
To help you lind
items you'd like to
To help yoo
publicize an eve111 vr
make an
-----· announcement
To help you save
money-a nd gas 1
Daily Pilai L~
Cati c••u"-
642-5671 -
Ge1 GREEN caSh -ISelllng anything with •
for WHITE elephants Dally Piiot Clu sllled Ad
with a Claaallled Ad Is • 1lmple mal1er
Call 642·66711 just call 842·5678 I
Room for two 50' boats plus a
bay Boat. Sho w s like new 6 nns
overlook vie w of main bay . Lots
o f guest parking. A new~r h o me
on la nd you o wn. 4 BR. 311'1 BA.
Reduced to $1 ,295,000 George
Beaut iful 4 BR. 3 bath, 4 car
garage custom h ome. O n quiet
cul·de·sac lan e Secluded pool &
r oom f or t e n nis c t Owner
a n x ious. $998.000 G eorge G rupe
644-6 200 .
"HllCH" II SHIHllffl A
fantastic loca u o n featuring a 3
BR. fam rm cus tom s plit level
h o me w /an o cean v ie w o ff
master s uite Three privat e
beaches make this a "Superb"
family h o m e . N eed s a little
T .L .C . $455.000 incl land .
S haron Smith 644·6200.
Ua11a YIEW llLlS-llHIMMI
Atte ntion Dec orators! This
luxurious 4 BR tri-level home
needs your creative decorating.
F o rma l l iving area w /vaulted
ce1hngs. Affor d great privacy
Secluded park-like garden.
Selle r h ighly m otivated $349,500
LH. Belle P artch 644-6200.
Outstanding 3 BR, 2 bath home
complete ly remode led situated
in N e wport H eights. Th is
beau tiful residence has lots o f
c harm plus a s parkling pool.
C lose to beach es, s hopping &
schools. Priced to sell at $262,500
includ ing la nd . Donna Godshall
H ome in tip top condition in The
Colon y . 3 BR with big country
kitchen -and a lovely bonus_
room. Takes up the whole 2nd
floor ! Good f inanc ing. Coby
Ward 644·6200.
IPHllH 11•1 ti IUllHT
Ple nty oC room for the family to
grow in this 4 BR. 2 'IS BA home.
The massive stone fire place in
fam rm-dining room Is a delight.
L o w m aintenance yard
w/mature landacaping & • great
Indoor-outdoor living are a .
Locatlon-cloae to 1chool an4
s h opping. Own er wlll l ease
option or assi•t w/tht' financing.
Ask Cor Pat Ad e n Cor-
information 855·4343 $289.~. ..,.u UIU •1&1 •n•
Cozy 3 BR Is located ln the heart of
Northwood wtlh all the ammlU•
of an MIOda\ion. It la alto wal.klf\I
dl11.ance to the achoola & ahopplns.
Only U0,000. Ollda F lth er
a&a-4343. ::;~::: ~-· r r r r r r r r r r J r::::"• •e I I I I I M I I I I J
--------•• Uh .................... . ~~~~~~--.......... ---~~~~~--"--~--::-~~~~~ -. •
El Orang• Coa11 DAIL V PILOT /Sund1y. October 17, 1982
~'.!!!!.~'.'. ~.'! ...... ~ !'.e.!!!! .~'!. l.'.1!.. ..... !'.e.!!!! .{'!. ~.'! ....... ~ .. ~~ .~~ ~~·....... !'.e.~tt!.{e.1• !.'.1!....... !'.e.!!!!.{'.1.!.'.1!... ... . ~.~.'.!!!ft! ...•....•.. !'.e.~!!! .~'.'. !.'.'!....... !'.'.!!!! .~~'. !.'.1! ....... !'.'.~!!! .~'.'. !.'.'! ...... .
~.~'.'.'.t .•...•... 1.0j~!:'·~'.'.~L ........ !.~f ~.~'.'.'.L ........ .'.'A! ~~ .. '.'.{ •••••.... !.~~ ¥!.~'.'.'.L •••••••• J.Oj~ ~~'.'.'.L •• \ ••.•• !.Oj! ~~~~~'.. ••••••.• !.~! ¥!.~'.'.~~ ......... !.Ojl 9!.~ .. '.'.~ ......... .'.~. ~ ... ~ .. ~~~ ......... !.Oj!
• ,,---OIM llPLll I llllMI I UITllH'I
I ~ ~ Or plu1 1 Br plua t llr II llWI YI lllTI
10._ dwn v•rt"f tow $113 &()() (J1tltl .. 11t tll•· ntmt>n .. ed, ••P•ndod 3
p11ce Cell f lm Rhone. ,., t1omt wllh 3 Ud1m1. Bdrm a b t lh hOmt with
_ 0 ,1 N .at.Q_Ulll IUNDAV • 03 t t2ee or 120 t2e3 n1e1111 11tu•t•d 111 good 1111f11ly 1oom torm11 di l!fil!IR Ult! 11•1 ot Coe111 Men n1ng plu1 1pa11\ll11g PoOll .._____ ---w11111og dl111nG1 to OutelcJt littOleet on(I
2t04 W. ~tronl .......................... 000 1ohoo11 1nd ahopplng BBO round out 11111 uo·
8 Rue Vim
OPEN 1-5
.,.. IMll II UU& llU
OALL 144·4111 tt lmll tatl
One or the largl'Sl lOUi on Lindu ll~h· w ith
a rurl· 1iln"le-st.ory 4 BR, 3 ~ BA home.
Totally \ien-todek>d to absolute perfrc:uon.
Large rear yard with grass and laq~e
dock for 4 boats. Guard gal<' and tennis
rourts mudl· this l•xclus1vc home 11 fine
Investment. Try $175,000. down.
YOH 11111 Al HWI PAYlllT
11,000,000 • t % LOAI
Class-Sty It•· D1gn1ty · Elegance-Qua l1ty
AJI are truly descripttvc of one of · Btg
Canyon's truly custom homes with a
wide frontage on the golf course 5
Bedroom~. 6 1 z baths. plus all of the
amennws you would t'XPl'l"\. Seller
f1nant:1ng avu1luble. An unusual
opportunity to st ep up with out
inconvenient'<-' $1 ,950,000
4 Bedrms. family room & dining room.
lmme\,Culall' throughout. New carpets,
drapes. marble entry & de<.'Or. Electronic
sc....ocunty system. Wet bar. 2 fireplaces, 3
car garage. Artistic pool and spa. Prked
right at $695,000. Gate guarded area.
Call 644-4910 for permission to enter.
Two-stor y N antucke t 4 br with
beautiful Sunset pool surrounded by 14.
000 r<'d bnl·ks Tastefully decorated
thr.oughou l with wallpapers and
shutters. Shows like• a model home•
Many upgrades. Seller will finance
Submit down. $760,000 incl. land.
Chanrung 3 bedroom home with lots of
extras. You own the land. Great fam1ly
home. Pm-c reduced $45,000. Beautiful
large corner lot Walk to the bay, Balboa
Island, and Fashion Island. Owner
motivated. this co uld be best buy m
COM. $320,000. Flnancing available.
Earthtones thruout. 4 br. 21n ba. family
rm. dining rm. 2,378 sq. ft. View of
Pavilion. night lights & Catalina.
1251 SHFLllE, Clll OPEi SAT/HI 1"1
MAHOll YllW MILLS-.-111 YUi
Quiet , park-like setting. Rm for paddle
tennis and pool. Great for orchard. Cul
de sac st. 3 bdrms. fam. rm. Call now!
1211 IEY WEST, CIM OPll HI 1-1
Channing 4 Br. & farruly room. 2 brick
fireplaces. country kitchen. quiet
residential area in young development
by Buccola 1 ()% dn Owner carry 10 yrs.
Detached 3 br . 2 1 1 ba home on
greenbelt near commumty tenms and
pool. $114.000 in assumable loans and
you own the land $135.000
IEW EHUll Oll lLllA ISUll
First time lasted. Charming nr. new 2 sty,
architectural gem. 4 bdrms, fam. rm.
Quality design and decor throughout.
10I Tu~u:::e ............................... llN,000 [J1C.tll1nt bur for 1111t•r g11d1K1 hOm• Jutl tedu·
114 Met ...................................... 000 h o mt 0 1 nvea1 01 Ctd 10 only 11119,flOO
2409 c Dttw• ............................. "20.000 0<16-23 t3 Cell lod•YI 0~0-7171 S1lurd11 & Sunday
$700,000 ° 1oa4 1 . ..,INMI a1vd .................. e1.uo,ooo
221 Qrend Canel ............................... 000
1131 '°'' arletol ........................... 11'1,000 404 Cotumbte ................................ U4t,OOO
S02 I 11,_1 ...................... , ................ ,000
1541 I . Oc••n alvd ...................... 94101000
1571 I . Oceen alvd ...................... tM4,IOO
W Lido '9t. Dr. ,., ..................... N4t,IOO
121 Lido '9t. Dr. C·3 .................... tseo,000
..01 .. r•lde ................................ s1,M1,ooo
22tl Redlande Drive .................... 1241,IOO
\.\A II RI ROI\ l llOMI "· ''< 111 \I 11111 ..
...... ' f4• .... a-••fu.w "' \t .. """' HH Ml
21.Jh . 4M••I ... , , ... ,._,.-..... ,
JIS \itetl•P ~o ........••••• 4
173 .. 900
. 20'.Kt IOWI
001101& Ill ., ..
Motivated seller will fanant:e at
12 12 % interest' Super rental
properly currently earning $1450
~·r mo. Well located on the cx.-ean
side. of the hwy. Wailing list of
tenants. Lowest priced units in
Corona del Mar at $229,000.
(714 \ 673-4400
(f l3) 6Zl -2121
The Harbor Area's Lon111t
Establshed Real Estate C~IOJ
Tt11nklng of a n-homt Buying end ttlllng 1t •
tor spring? See the many re11on1ble Orlct -ttl11'1
llsllngs In todty's ciaul· wtlat ctuallled 11 all
lied columns. 842·5878 •bout. 6-42-54578
If it's got wheels
you'll move it
faster Ina
Dally Pilot
642-5678 and
a friendly
ad·visor will
help you turn
your wheels
Into cash.
* MESA VHtE On tne golf cour~e
Custom b11ulllul 3 Bdrm
nome. many, meny ••·
trH $2711.500 with tO"lo
down owner will cerry et
12"•"1• lnterall
Rtr MoOer~le, Rltr.
Hl·ll2t 1
The luteat drew In tht
Well I 0 11ty Piiot
Ct111lllad Ad 45'2·5070
:I bdrm. a bath. family ru11111.
1·xµunMVL' vll'w c'E Phm) Mmt
1011d111un S1·curi1v ~V~h·m
Large assumable loan. $3 10.000.
Open Sun 1-5 21H 5 Vista
:1 hurrn, :1 bJlh, family rwml.
p11ol-s1dt• (G Plan) Dt•s1gnl•r'-.
ho11w Large· loan availahh· Y11u
own the land. Open Sun. 1-5.
2400 Vista Noblcza. $319,000 ft•t>
Mobile Home, -Bayside Village
. Expanded 3 bd model . pool.
beach , lndry . sun deck ,
recreational room and boat sltp
are some of the many amen111es
P(icc $68.500 Owner wall
Coles wor t h y (1 Co.
..... '" ) .. -. ~ ..... ~··~·;,..,
-; :.. ~ ·.1 :.rr
Ohltt111 Estate
ovar e.ooo aq tt • 1 1 2
AC••• o t pdme thO·
roughb(&d properly &di
to Jeck Klugman Eatete
n1 F ellb1ook Every
da.ullng amenity. cl'lam-
p1on1hlO tenn11 court
$850.000 l•rma Ag1
2 t31275-2031
1111&1 IOIEI
Sp1rkllng ' Bdrm 2 batn
with two llreotaces. Prt·
vile spa, wood decking.
aeparate dining end lots
mortl Well priced II
S 1'2 900-call today•
10'1. IHHESTll
4 bdrm hH with solar
pool and spe on 2 acres
w/4 stall ba1n Llled
Arena. oak trees $2 10,
000 Call Pol, Agl for
brochure 1·674-3836.
ReKil 10 t rolinl\ ( t
01 I on llv111~ room. '""Y 11•11 ~w tep111g \p11al
1ta1ri d\t w1lh
m'&nollltnl Sb 000
t h1ndolt"
MA • I , I
b•tll 1n thr 1ound
w1tlo l•vo\to marble
On l!IC <.ANYON goU
cour\t ovr1look1ng
K~thtn~ lh, 1ound
w1lh p·,u lhlu lu1
outdoo1 tlllfllioning
fot 11<t
4 btdroom\ dntl 4
baths J.89~ ,q II ol
unhttlled &•dfoJtul n s •t\tht
a"a•d .. "'"'"K Versaolle~
The Opportunity
You've Been
~ Waitinc For
Ma~t '' Your\'
Mary Lt"''' ul
RE/MAX • Newport
631 -596~
t 2 01 3 bdrma All.terms
Including VA. FHA &
lea se opt ion Prices • range trom $69,500 to
$239.000 Call soon' •
979-5370 •
\{ :-1~1111~·11
If it's got
you'll grab
a sale
faster in
Daily Pilot
ads. Call
._.I A•,'\ ... ,f d-.,.t"4'")
Heve something you want
to Mii? Cle11lfle<I 1d1 do
II well I C ell NOW.
• • • • • •
A s
To help you
publicize an event or
make an
owe WITH 20-25% DOWNI
Residential Income units just a few steps to the sand. $225,000
With 20-25% down on this beach duplex ifs yours! $235,000
Eastbluff 3 bedroom, 3 bath ranch style home near schools.
$259,000. Or trade for Capo Beach condo
Linda Isle 5 bedroom. 4 '12 bath home with 4500 sq. ft.. courtyard spa,
slip and side tie for so· boat. $ 1 ,450.000 LEASEHOLD
Harbor Ridge 2 bedroom, 2 bath, 2000 sq. ft. home with assumable
long-term financing. $379,000.
A Ko1 pond and huge yard adorn thi s mini-estate with 6 bedrooms 4
baths. French doors. skylight. $449.000 FEE.
ASSUMABLE FINANCING AVAILABLE t :·. Designed for guest quarters. Priced to
seU $595,000. Seller finance. No loan fee .
... . 213 1111111 OPll SAT /HI 1·1
Harbor Ridge with 5 bedroom s, 4 baths and breathtaking panoramic
views. $1,385,000
Corona del Mar duplex with Ideal owners unit, new carpets and paint.
Walk to beach. $369.000
,. WHUY I. TAYlll ct., IULTHI
2111 ... ,, .... ,. 11111 ••-'
llWPIH CllTH, I .I. 144-4110
FlllECLlllllEI ..
Tht Landing Plen No. 2
by J M Peters. ' Bdrm. 3
ba. lam rm. 2 lrplca, 1
block to like Foreclo-
t ure sale S28<1 500
Open house Sal/Sun t -5
3 Warmsor1nos
20 Unllt w/pool, 200 n
lronllge. greet ere•
F1ntastlc terms. Stanley
family teaM wtconsumer
Inda• tie-in
,.., mile to beach, t yr old,
3 bdrm 2ba. c1th. eel·
tings, tile root. S 1811,500.
Try 9% down or owner
wlll wrep et t 1'~ or lea.se.
IEWPORT 1001 .
ESTATE SALE: 9 unfla.
close to shopa Twntlm
type Greet tocallon and
terms Call FAST on ttll•
PENTHOUSE 2 {'<lrm
with panoramic vl-ol
OCHn end bey A MUST
SEEi Auuma ISi It s 190.000 11 12% Prtct
$208.800 Cati lellQe at o.ie-t3117
AGENT 6"5·9850
G•••d Gomm Cetm
home• Call M. Lou
4115· toe<I. 770-809"
llUT 111 ........
Fifth bdrm rnek" greet
d•I' Of omoe, ••cellent ., ... t aolt OOUf ... ,,..,
by. Welk to the perk.
Meny, meny e.-11 ... c ..
tod•y '°' ~tmenc to 11\0W. 541-2)13
F~; I /\TEfo!!..i
"Jodelle" model with 3 bedrooms. 2'h baths. panoramic views of
clty, ocean and Catallna. $695,000
owe AITD OF $519,000 AT 12.75%
Harbor Ridge 3 bedroom. 31/z bath home with panoramic views. 3050
sq. tt. and addltlonal family room. $695.000
Spacious 3 bedroom family home with family room. 3 baths. French
doors and Bay windows. $495,000 FEE
A dramatic wel bar accents this 3 bedroom home with family room.
dazzling views and motivated seller. $475,000.
Harbor Ridge 3 bedroom. 2112 bath townhome with 2500 sq. ft.,
beautiful views. $575,000
Harbor View Homes with 4 bedrooms. 3 baths. green belts. use of
pool. $310,000
Harbor Ridge 4 bedroom. 3 bath home with spacious patio area.
extensive landscaplng. many custom features. $790.000.
Harbor Ridge 5 bedroom. 4 bath home with panoramic views. private
yard, large decks. fireplaces. atrium. $775.000
ASSUME FIRST OF $357 ,000 AND owe
"Casablanca" model in Harbor Ridge with 4 bedrooms, 2 112 baths.
entry courtyard, skylight and fireplace. $520,000
Sea View 4 bedroom. 3 bath home with Impressive city light and
Catalina sunset views. $465.000
.Hµntlngton Beach 4 bedroom garden home with spa, fireplace and
beams. $225,000
Santa Ana Height• 2 bedroom home plus den, private patio, use of
pool, spa and uuna. $118,000
Two bedroom, 2 bath condo with flreplace, decks, nice landscaplng,
use of pool. $159,000
Lovely Brtarcllffe plan In Arbor lake with 2 bedrooms. 2 baths. den.
fireplace, mt. vtewa. 1175,000
Costa Mesa trlple>t showing irue pride of ownership. garages
sundecks. $245,000
Huntington Harbor Trinidad Island home with 3 bedrooms. family
room. 2'h baths. 35' boat dock plus much. much more. $399.950
South Laguna duplex near Aliso Beach with fireplaces. view and
private balconies. $210.000
Emereld Bay 4 bedroom, 3 beth home with large patio. spa.
landaceplng. corner lot locetlon. $825,000
''In New~ Beach Loolc To Lingo Flrilll"
.... I Orengo CoHt DAIL V PILOT /Sund y, October 17, 1982 ..
~~!!ft·············· ~ ... ~~~t' ... '. !~.'!. ·• · ··, ~·m .'!!. ~11• • • • ••• «~!!tt ~~'. !."'~ · · · ·· · ~~!!ft~*-''······· ~.'.!!!!.~~~ !.'.'.'. • • • • • • ~;!;;;/~'. !.•l!. "iooa ~-;1;;i¥~1~~i'!~-;i;; t~;;~~·!. !.•.'! •• i·;;· 1 ~;J::. · -~ i i>o i ~.¥.~~{ ••••.•••• ·'·~' f!!'.~'-'·· •••.•.•• J.~I ~~~{ ......... !.~ !i!.~~~~{ ......... !.~~ !i!.~~~~~ ......... .'.~~ 9!.~~~~~ ......... !.'.!~ .. 'I................... ........... ... . ....... . .................... f .•.....••.........•.
41 lle11I It. lttrlt
Offered al SU9,000
l·•• "' ow1wr hour"'"'"~
&11,.11• au .. lul 0111• vi 11111
Cunyuu' hHt1l hutut..• I 't•f ft'\ l
1111 '11• •ll lt1U~ 1•111••1 lul lllllill fv
I 111n 11 v I 1,,111 1( l,,j u ~ 111 y
1 (Mflttll'111•hlll lht U•Htl
t" 'I( 11 M•I \ •• U'l' u l ()11 k
M1t11111l1n·n1 po••' fv 'I"' :, Oft Call 01 appt :I l\A r.m1 1111 Ir 1111 '111•• nu
LORETTA CURCI I llllilH I 'I I i• 4tl ~ Call &'4-13&7 ·
Liii ISLE 10111
lit YI& LIM •• IPH HI 1·1
Prime Lido Nord bayfront. 5 bdnn. 511> blllh
Lge LR , mr cond .. 2 boat slips $1,500.000
Remodeled 3 bdrm, 2 bath + large rec no
beam t't'ilinga, furnished, patios $420.000.
PElllllU IOIE ' Ocean & ,euy vtews. Marine room. 4 bdnn, 3
bath 3700 sq.fl. $1 ,385,000. Oceaafront • Lllll ISLE llYFllOIT
Lagoon view from 6 bdnti, 5 bath, playroom,
dark rm, den. Boat slip. Now $1.000.000
S~t.acular bayfront dplx 2 br, 2 ba up, 2 br
2 ba dn. 2 boat spat'eS!. Redu<.'Cd_: $1,500,000
New 4 br. 4 \l'J ba, custom French Normandy
Est.ate 1.2 prime ac hilltop. $1.250,000
IVALOI Fee simple 2 br cottnge on qu1e1 Oescanso St
(m Fla LS) Reduced to $100.000
C-Oronado lsland cust. bayfront lot. 85' boat
dock Plans avail. Now $370,000 w/t.enns.
)4 : ~''Y''J' ~,,., 1'j 8 bl~ bibl
LIH ISLE S 1,H0,000
A well located Jarge bayfront home
with pi.er & slip on prestigious Lido
Isle. Walk to s ho ps & theater.
Enjoy community tennis & beach
club. L e a se o r Lease/option
a vailable . Sec Eche Olson at 333
Via Lido Soud
IAYSlll lllft S1,1M ....
Gorgeous bayfront fresh on the
market. Vault.eel ceilings. decorator
touches thruout. Lots of glass gives
extensive-wat.ervlew_Bayside. patio
plus pier & slip. Exceptional tenns
offered by seller. See Evan Corkett
at 633 Bayside Dr
Ill ClHH 11.otl,OOO
Custom home on golf course. 4 BR
& family . No expense spared on
thi s elegant 1 story home.
Outstanding o wner f inancing
a vailable. W ill trade for airplane.
See Carole McMahon at 18 Cherry
SPYIUIS Sltl.000
Spectacular unobstructed v iew.
Modified Cape Horn 3rd BR now a
suite. Great for in-law, guest or
teenager. Gorgeous pool & spa.
Manicur ed landscaping. Owner
will carry 1s t T .D . See Jane
Mitchler at 15 Carmel Bay Drive
Ill OOYll Hll,000
Over 2000 Sq Ft of perfection .
Deane "Bordeaux". 2 BR. large
family room, kitchen & 3 baths.
Extremely private end unit location
with its own pool, spa & fountain
plus gorgeous landscaping. See
Lucy Rose at 30 Rue Fontambleau.
1n1ws _. .. ,..
Popular Portsmouth model home
with sparkling pool. 3 BR with
family room on corner lot. Quiet
area near schools & shops. See
Linda Marston at 17 Monte rey
A light spacious 4 BR plus den
home with pool and gorgeous view
of e ntire harbor. Owner wiU carry
with approximate ly 20% d own.
Great potential for user or Investor.
See Carol Allison at 1715 Galatea
Ull llU
Impeccably maintained 3 BR 3 ~
BA home on one of Lido's most
desired sts. Country charm abc:>und.
In the remodeled kitchen. Cozy fam
rm & bric k ed s unny patio.
Fireplace in mstr suite. owe 2nd
T.D. See Cynthia Rumsfeld at 218
Via Koron.
Deane Homes freshly painted &
decorated . Ready to move in .
Beautifully designed patio ~rinp
'he tush landscaping right Into
Lhia super 4 bedroom c.,rury home.
See Cora Baldlkoakl •t 490 1
• Plus view of lht> harbor, OC.<clm
and t:1ty lights
• $550,000 fee
• Great financing
• Flawless condition
• Mouvaled seller
• Open Today 1-5
2901 Harbor Vit•w Drive
10"Xt llWI 4 BR in Harbor View
Homes, $295,000 foe
$695.000 fee
REHOll H0,000
To $399.900 f<'C. 5 BR Peninsula.
Complett< remodel.
:i BR + 21,? ba, $239,000 f(--e .
ILIOl TO 0001
4 BR. $825,000 fee Cameo
Shores. Owner financing or
$295 ,000 fe<'. L a rg e
entertainment area. 3 'RR 2 Ba.
-•TWO ...... ONGS
760-1397 '73-7711
Pul your advertising mes-Read the claaallled ads tor
sage where 1119 reeders the best deals In apan-are. 642-5878 rMnt renta11. 642-5678
UHi fUlll Y llMI, Pltl I IPA, I llRMI
$3411.500 ........... 2406 FRANCISCO, NB
Ill 011, TIWlllMI, TIP 0111. otMM PHL
$:1:W,000 ... Ii\ CANYON ISLAND, NB.
UYFHIT I .... Fii. THiii WllY IDOi
$7Y5 .000 ........... 12 BEACON BAY. NB.
umE UL. llU, ..... UY YIEW
$339,500 .... '!till BALBOA, BAL IS LE
$35:.!,500 ................... 1501 Patolita, COM .
llWPORT, I 11111, llTE YIEW, IHR IOltOIL
$275,000 .................... 253 1 BUNYA, NB.
l&Cl llY FUIHHI, 'h ACRE + UH
$465,000 445 E. 20TH. OFF TUSTIN.
$395.000 .: .................... 1205 SANO. KEY
$450,000 ...... " .......................... 118 RUBY
$259,000 ... 68 CANYON RIDGE, IRV
REALTORS. 675-6000
2443 Eael CoHt Hl9hwey. Corona del Mer
ThlS truly magnificent residence is for thtJ5e who embrace re laxing
luxury as a way of life. This home is complete ly remodeled &
decorated by noted designer Al Mendel.\ San Francisco. Featuring
imported pavers beginning on the front patio & continuing into the
entry & thruout the fmly rm, kitchen & breakfast area. Derorated in
Mediterranean style w /curved arches, recessed lighting & liberal use of
mirrors. T he remodeled gourmet kitchen features solid oak cabine try,
J en-Aire Range. Portuguese tiles & a breakfast nook w/ocean view.
Also completely redone is the fabulous mstr suite featuring an added
hideaway retreat & a bath w/btlf Lile work & mirrors. Naturally there
1s a panoramic ocean & nighl hte view from LA to Catalina & of course
a pool & spa are cncl'd in a private courlyrd. This fine home ts
unmistakably Newport! Priced at $849,900 FEE w tassu mable
financing. For private appt to view call 759-150 I.
Blfl views of Fashion Island and the Pacific ocean highlight this
exciting stone & stucco ranch showplace designed in 1973 by Ivan Wells
for executive entertaining. No expense has been spared 1n the creation
of the luxurious interior, encompassing 10 rooms & a total of 6500 sq ft
of living space. The gracious & divenie layout includes a gracious !iv
rm, frml dm rm. a handsome oak study, fmJ y rm, country kitchen
w/island work area & breakfast room. 4 bdnns, 6 baths as we ll as such
fine quality appointment:i as tile C.loors, crpting & several skylites.
S uperb outdoor gatherings are made possible by 2 patios, w/firepits,
cstm black bottom swimming pool & spa & a complete poolside wet bar.
Also features are Cull security system, dual temp controlled wine
storage. & a 3 car garage. Located in the lvly Dover shores area of
Newport Beach this exquisite home ofCers perfection inside & out. The
residence maybe purchased furnished S 1,500,000 FEE LAND. Call
This outstanding exec home features what must be the largest lot in
Cameo Shores! The rear yrd features a Japanese garden. waterfall, Koi
pond, pool & volleyball crt. In a spacious environment designed for
memorable days thruout the year. The interior was designed for
entertaining as well. A lge liv rm w /frplc overlooking the pool &
gardens exemplified the open spacious feeling prevelant thruout. A
huge kitchen, frml din rm & 4 spacious bdrms including a mstr suite
w/blt -in shelves, sunken jacuui tub are but a few of the numerous
features of this fine residence. Offered at $670,000 FEE w/assumable
financing at 11.7~~. Call 759-1501 for further details.
-•11111111 !••·•·With VI•• BEST IN BLUFFS .
Nl•W 1.·u11Loml11·J hom1•, f1r11.•11 t
nwtl·r11o111> unu l'rart.Nmum1h1p, !'I BH, 0
bath•. gonw room, cJrN1m katdwn,
pool , 1pu & ~ fm.-plG('l'li L<;><c01llnt(
Newport llurbor and tJt't·on v1t·w
l 2. IH5,000.
OPH HHAf 2·1
Pl•H• 1111 (l 1•) UO·IHt
llTHllTllllL FUIR
A mos l luxul'ious five-bedroom
bayfront property, with pier and
slip for a large ya<:h l S uperbly
c ra fted interiors dramatically
counterpoint the bay a nd ci t y
v u .. •ws. Remarkably pnecd al only
$1 ,350,000, fee. Plcast· <:ontac:t
Cathry n Tennille for deta ils
regarding ow n er -ass is t ed
f1n an('ang.
Cul-d e-sac: lo<:allon. 3-bedroom
home with separate quarters for
tt-enage rs, mo ther -in-law . or
guests. TerratL>d yard has patio, koi
pond, and waterfall. This home is a
"must see" for the famil y that
wants the Nl•wport lifestyle Call
Joy Holker for a showing
# 2 C01pote1te f'hno
Newport Center
lllT HY. Lovely 2000 sq. ft. 3 Wrn\, 211'i
buLhA, film. rm, wlde_grc4Jnlwll, rwar
pool 'ia11 $235,000 llGltltM Tll LUI.
WIU l IPTlll. Good wrmw By appl
Wll'T WT, WllFIGI. Charming 3 bdrm.
:l bath11, 1 lcvt-1, only $175,000 Opc•n 1 ~
2007 &.,111
OPH 1·1
1oa An. a •• ,., 1 M, 2 ''· ,,,.
100 P11ra a •r wlttl 11111!
1t11 v11t1 a •• 111.1 a •r, 2~ •a ••
2141 Yl1t1 lltr-41 I •r •I•• ta•
2111 Yl1t1 lr114ila I ,,, ta• •I••
llEILTDlll, llC. 1'4-0114
15% DOWN
• 14r• 2 h . Askia& S 111,IOO. H , h t
T11 UHIAIU fer SI0,000. Saller
oarn hl11oa at 12"Xt/7 Jn . IPEI
SU.DU 1·1. tt• Mar~11tt1 Ir. (Ir
l ristal I hularlH ).
3 llllr• la••• t1 llaJOO' t•t. Zt1d fer
\erus ad 11l•als. lriH llr HIJ:
10~"Xt La. fer S 112,IOO au1•alll1.
20211 Cr11reu St. Ir leu Ir 11111
lrlstel. 10 'h"Xt La . fer 1112,IOO 11111••"•· hHr •Ill .carry at 12"Xt.
bkl•& 1231,IOO.
3 14r• 2 h , ""rdd C.sta ltH "•· Le ••tr H ite, 10' ,,a. Tr•lll• fer ,.,,.,
II•••· bkia& $111,100 w/12'X. au••· YA la ,., H•,ooo. IWC •al11u ••
12"Xt. Sull•it. OPEi NOISE SAT 1·1. at
2111 S11 J1111 La11. (IHr Fain lew).
INC 673-1600
This is the much sought after Chelsea Model with five bedrooms and
three full ba~. For the large family thL<i home of approximately 3,500
squa~ feet ~l a ll!+ 'l'-he master-bedroom-suite 1s ..par-ticular
enchanting and includes a lu><urious sunken oval tub and separate tlled
shower. There is a separate family room with wet bar and a 15'x21'
bonus room for the kids. This entire residem'e has been professionally
decorated including custom drapes throughou t! Formal dining is
provided as well as an eating area off the lot.chen w1lh decorative
ceiling fan. The kitchen 1s a marvel in Itself with gas bu1ltlns,
microwave. tra~h compactor and soft water. Custom brick work and
spa complete the picture perfc'<.'t back yard. Call us for details on the
excellent assumable loans or th<.' s uprismgly affordable prke in todays
market. 963-5671.
Charming waterfront Cape Cod located on the boat parade route.
Enormous li ving and formal dining rooms face the water Forty Cave
foot dock accommodates up to a 55· boat Glass endosed patio with
spacious deck. Terrazz.o entryway with iron security gate. Two large
fireplaces. Seller will help finance at 12%. This exceptional value in
wa.terfront property is offered at $559,000. 963-5671
With four spacious-bedrooms and two and one half baths this home 1s
an excellent value. Not only is 1t the lowest priced home in the tract,
but the seller 1s also offering a $5,000 cash rebate to the buyer al the
close of escrow. This home offers maxirpum privacy at the end of a
quiet cuJ -de-sac and backs onto the propooed Bolsa Chica Marina.
Soaring cathedral ceilings and earthtone decor comple te this picture
perfect property. Even better, it's vacant and ready lo move in. Call for
more in formalion. 556-7035.
Two attractive new triplexes located within walking distance of the
ocean and one half block from the proposed Bolsa Chica Marina. These
are pride of ownership buildings with superb design and Ooor plans.
All six units are two bedrooms, two and one half baths with wood
burning fireplaces and lofts that could be converted to an extra
bedroom. Vacancy factor in this excellent location is almost zero.
Available individually at $320,000 each or make the seUer an offer on
both. Complete financing information available at 556· 7035.
ThlS meticulously maintained home is tailor made for the gourmet,
starting with the custom kitchen. Oak cabinets and flooring surround
your built-ins which includes a microwave. Just off the kitchen ~ a
charming breakfast nook with bay windows. Super plush carpeting
and custom wall coverings complete the picture of sheer elegance. The
extra large family room provides ample room for entertainment. All an
added bonus the large irregular lot with custom pool provides
extraordinary privacy. With a large fully astumable 1st trust deed, this
home is priced for Immediate sale at $310,000. For an appointment to .
lee call 556-7035. ' NEW'°RT RACH OFFIC~
2170 laJ' Mlt•I Drive
Newport leaola, CA t2HO
(714) 711-1101 .:I. AMERICAN HOME SHIELD
"We Protect & Service
Things That Service You."
Hunttntton leac", CA 12141
(1J4) ••7031
r I
•.... 0 ~ • ' ngu C0111t DAil Y PILOrtSunduy, October 17, t982
~~!!f!.~~.!.'~ •••• l'.~!!!!.~'.1.!.~1! ....... ~~!!!t~~' .. ~ .. ~· ...... . ~!!!f.~!!! •••••• !.~~1 !~{'!! •....•••.•. /J?ff !~{'!! ..••...••.• !.~1
•••• ,, ,., $1/1 ,,, .. ,, ,., ,,,, .•........ ...., ••••.•..••...............•.•.••. c..,,,, 1001 c,,. .. ,,, ,,,, ,,,, .... ,, ,., ,,,, •••• ,, ,., ,,,, ,,..,, ,,, ,,,, Oliff IHI '61•1• . ............ _ ......... 9.!················ .. ···· ~···················· ...................... . f!l.".~!.,ll!.~!..!.~!~ ~!.'!11!!.!!~!~ ••• !.~f ~!.'!11!!.!!!!~ .•• !.~! .!.'!l1!!.~!!~ •. !.~! !~!!~~l!~r.!!r.I!!!
HHlll ,., ,,,, ........•••••••..•....
IHI& ¥1111
R(Al. VALU( Al S 11&,
000 4 OR ''' 01 ran11ry rm •llplc. Cl•n. walk 111
ator1ge cro .. ,. e1ec1
*'V~t. OCfAN VU• 3001( lotn Jasmloe Crk
Ownttr/Ag-'11 6'40 t!'l 1~
With 3 Br H• Ba. l1p1C
By Owf\411 646-8580
1111 """""" "0" ....
H•,IOOI Lew Pr•t•I
'N_ .• & tp11Clou1 Oa1
LH&Ttll, PltOI, l'llMI
H4•11u 11tu l Ira h·v 1·I St\-S I JU<. :1 BA, u11
nmtl • 1•lt'l·t1111111' 111 r purl I yl1tt( 11y1t1•111
llulo(•' 111u ... h •r lx.11 m Wllh lli; 11w11 pr1
VIII(• hUft'lmy, t'lllltOl'll t•uhlr1t•lx lrt rumlly
niom, hnr k httpfot't·, lt"tt•ful UR of wnll
1·ov1·1 lllj.(>-:1 Olympll' c•orr1111u11tty JIV()I~.
VILLI II 0111111 11 Ill VllTI . M Hui>e Qurallly dul)le• :I hplt :I ger tOOJI.,
l\fAUlffUl Ill OllYll IELLEll FllllOllll! '''"'" 1111 • "~I( HIU Olll WOHLD O•H let/Ill• 11·1 • mablot roan at 11''• 1n1 I 0 WNTl011Af5 " By llOW•r<I M .. 1k C.u l O~oty 3 Bdrm, 2'A bath• s 17 ~K '0', Ag." I
lrom $ t~ll 000 llOm• with m•ny •rtivnl lr1h•1 t•ict r all•:-. un• lmnlnu d11wr1' Sdh•t 642 '.l<.&6
41111 J244 YllO 113!l'i llu• Auum1t>ta $231lK " •t'Cullve 4 6• ? fl• 3000 l•J>PIO•I el ONL v 12v. lltta11c;lnu UJlli cr HJ'Xl Al'H, Co! :l Vl'JI i. .,1 11 HB nom• t?~OK,
llLPI Full ptlc• $41111,1100 l.:11ut· Nt:wporl ~1 or 5 Bd1n1 µvol i 1u1111• uqu••v '111JK 11111 .. '"'
Wiii trode your car 11oa1 0""' 11 •r 10 11 1 C 1111 A~kmU $:1·19.~100 •IJ•• ur ? ~411 llll!>V
kllch lga llV!og rm, wt CAM!O SH0"'1!:8, by OW•
... OOdbUllllJIO IPIC S•P-ner. OCH ll Yt.W 4 OR. 6
•rtlla bdrm wlog aCldl ba, d•n pool tao , 2 110!\!ll t•'n@nlll•• 100 nu _lb.,,. New roof, car
rl\eroua to m•nllon Co P•• orap.. Ull~.000
vered pn110 & groun<I• Uuyer enume 111 al
aullic1en1 10 •dd pool 1-.'Y. Down p11ymen1
Cltf• VIII .. w/11001 10 Ccel •
ting flreplacu NEAH
OCACH 1.? & 3 Od1n1a
lrom $8o4,&00 81110 ...
m•rkel Ill! rate allo.,.•
lor p~mu •• to .,. u
S 7 O 6 / mo I C • • y $~ 1.0110 d own lo t•Xt1Hllll( l11un11, 111 uwn1.·r
Oua111y1ng) Pool, 1annla .may 1·111 ry w 11 II 11·~' d11wn 1 71i.~110 & H C:Urlly gahtd privacy •
T D etc lur OOwn IJl!Y ? 131470·21180
ment on bo11111t11ur 2 Ur 2 IJltt• Me~11 Vt•dl ISP1G•
Ba c.or1C.Jo SI 20.:>00 Si.I 111e,1 loan 16".\
ll48·1l402 101111£ llllRIMITOI , HT. dow11 'Ukr lll{H383 and rK veh1i;ht ttorage SI 46,000 OWC $400,
2861 CORVO, C M 000 at 11~ 101 10 year• TAKE AOVANTAQE or
DOVlll IMOllH ,, ... 000 I"" 0•1<• !') \j(IQIJ 111111• make Q!)Ocl
.. "'"'• "IU& OOll!lll DI lb% drt f f51de 0 P £ N S U N 0 A Y 760 I r.14
3 B r 2 '" 8 11 • J I amt n e
Creek Plan v view of
oc11 & min 760·9386
~;~;;;; IWMEll SAYS uHLL" ~ S20K cto•lng co••• -
Spacious ramtly home
Ave bedrooms 01 lllrM
plus In law quarters
Separate f11m11y room
01111ng room Convenient
10 oeaches 1nC1 tennis
about S3000 per mo
Vie w home. 011.r
S•lt•ff "" "'" Spollht 3630 al duplex
owe Ill· 12%-loog lerm
3br/3ba+5brl 3b•· 1 vae
S09 Acacl1·w1tk 10 sea
Open Ha;, Sal/Sun 1·5
Ownllf/bkr 645·7048
lu><ury condos on lhe
oceanside ot Hwy for
tease. lease opllon or
purcll1se Sp11c1ous 1 WESTCUf f Bdrm un11s w/lrplc;s &
3 Bdrm. 11, bath Try security perking Use of pool & spa Models opeo 15•i, down and get Oa· dally t 1·5 Call lingo lance rinanced by owner, Rear ESlale. 673.3271 no loan costs For vie-·----liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim wing drn1e by Sun 1·5
12 18 Devon Lane As-
king $239.500 H Frecle·
rick, 631· 1268
Cele ), OfNe.,_t. ..... " .... 7)).
• 15.55 t t .;I!{/
lmmaculale 3 Bdrm. 2 ba
owner's un11 and spa·
clous I bdrm rental, bolh
wllh lo lled be&m eel·
tings. trplc 4'>d 1 very
p11va1e pool Loca1ec1 on
one of Corona del Mar's
pre1toest streets 4 bills
10 llllle Corona Beach
W1lla·I• l11lty
.::i-1::~11 f!!!f.!!!!~ .•.... !.~~1
Beaulllurty rll'TIO<letld 6 Wt WHI htl
Bdrm ptu1 huge larnlly Moaa Verde Beauty, 38r,
room. teaturlng French Clen. n-p()OI, tpl. cpta.
dOOfl •nd window•. •tr pelnl, $30,000 dwn TOP
new klt<:hen. proras110-S 179.000 Rltrs wtlc:ome
nalty landscaped front 75 l·Oo40 I
end bac:ll wtlh eiitensrve *5°% OOWN • use ol brick Ouallty de· coretlog thruout TERRI· 4 Bdrm. pool. lull l111ea
FIC FINANCING AVAi· Mau Verde beauty
LABLE Asking 523g0 $138,000. 645·9922 Agl
000 fOI an llppt to see MESA VEROE 3Br & den
can S.0-115 1 S90K In 12•,.,. •. Ft P
$131,0001 ·S1H11.I
S 129,900, opn S111Sun
1·4 3069 G1ora1ter
By owner 2 br, 2 '" bo condo, 3 level, 3 pauos.
Nwp1 Hg1s Terms nogo·
Hable 631·0715
or sale by ownr, 3t>r,
2oa. FR Cusl lr&ehsu.
huge lot Oealgner's
home Mesa <101 Mar s 169,500 540·2616
/Jn ~IG[~
QAIL( Y i:.,
Modern. detached hm,
uniquely des•oned by
The M as1ers ol lnC1oor1
outdoor envlronmen1,
llgh I and airy Interior
wtskyl1ghts, 3 garden
a111ums, beamed eel·
lings. king sized bdrms.
lamrly room w /ba1 &
walls ot glass to patios
Enloy sun all day on
'P11va1e Roof Sunoeck··
Only $10.000 Clown &
S 1395/mo pym1s. II you 0,. ltSE S/S 1-1 are looking for a UNIQUE
11-X. 11-1 h's 1res1
Owner will c;arry 1 sub·
t1an11111 inds on 1hese
well maln1atried 11ngte
story 1 & 2 t>drm un11S.
Plen1'1' ot 011 street par·
king 4 car garage Al·
lrKl1vely priced at $325.
IU-1211 Stpllislie1tt4 HOME AT A STEA L weve got II'
City Style Ctdt IRVllE THUCE CENTURY 21
Ol4t CtrtH 4tl Mir S1Hr000 Wa .. -j. R111fr
ohr•, ... a 14r• • Th•S neat 3 bdrm. 2ba 141-IOIO
11 ltwahtUll plu wllh over 1800 sq It and lmtiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii l~•..._-~W:.t.:llolilo~
fa•ilr r•. Wills tf lovely pa11os anCI gar-USTSll( $1 17. dens Owner wlll finance 1lau 'ri•& Ht411r au1>111an11ar 1111 TD It CUllMH 500 buys t hll 3 BA
sar4tu i1l1 lllJlit 12•1• 1n1 7 yr term A AIH•t Fiaucil& ~:~~h:~~ar~11'~~:~
ret•I 11' Yl•lte4 leasehold H iiie PrlOeCI Secluded 4 Bdrm p1u1 more~ Owners moving • 10 sell In lee otlll11s, 1111 f111r1, 1 ...... _1211 lamlly room, laeturlng M a k 11 o 1111 r B lo.,
-eoc•osed courtyard. prl· 848·0709
~'!'!l~!!.!!!!~ ••• !.~!
112-011 DOVER SllDllEI
144 1 011l111y Drive
4 U• Oen. Formal Dining
Roo111 2 Flreplacea. 3
i;n1 oat1ge plu1 large
HOllby Room Pool 111ed
144 1 O•l••y Dr11111 lot. b1t11u1 landaceped
Own411 will nulsl at II
4 B• Q11n, Formal D1n111g n11nc1ng Ontv 5420,000 HOW STOPPHI
Room 2 Flreplocu, 3 Open Sat/Sun 1·5
car oa1 age plus large Robinson Realtor
Hobby Room Pool llzed HI-HU
tot, oeaul l8nd1c1ped 1•--------• Owner will DHllt II II· Scenic Moun1a1n VI-• &
Slept Aw11y 9rllllent blu8
pool mlngle to make
Country S1.,1e Ltvtng
111os1 enjoyable 111 thla
1mm11c Gurden V•flit
nanc111g 0111)1 $4 20.000 l•--,1•1•.•1•0•11•1--
0pen Sat/Sun l·S •
Ro1>111son Aea1to1 UOf PTIOHL
Hl-H•l Loc111on·E•cellent p,..
SPllCIO\rS 3 Bdrm Wind· I•--------·
llowor Mdl boasts most I•--------• ouhage<>ul> master su11e ILUFFS l&RIAll
w /own pllv dressing You own the land 2,000
ere11 open sunhglll kit· sq fl. 3Br. ram rm, 2,,
chen w/mas!llve de<:k gel Ba wide Greenbelt. near
IOOl!lher area -all sur· pool Fer btllow market
rounded by walls ol glass 1235•000 Wiii lease OP·
& co11t1as11ng Coun1ry lion Bkr. 644•0134
wood decking lncredrble !•--------• low pnce of $105,000
wllh $10,000 down,
S 109711110 pays all · dorit
miss 1n1s one, CALL
Shimmering pool and
corbs1no spa surround
in1s 2 story elegant pride
ot ownership Garde11
Villa Protessionatly de·
coraled thru-out Orea·
my maSler suite w/extra
h1de·a ·a w11y closet
space As you like 11 loll
101 added bdrm or
Gorgeous newly remod
home 1n prv1 bch com·
mty. 3 Br & lam rm
Super h1rms. may t1ade
$189K ree conversion
Orily S269.900 645·62 18
E.<lla large Island kll·
chen 4 luxurious be·
drooms w11h p1en1y or
wardrobe space Ms1r
s1e has his & her baths Owner will finance below
mrkl ra1e• Mullan realty
qu1e111r moments Has IHCH WALlll
commanC11ng v•ew lo Custom 2 story home open sta11case and' with spa1 Skyllgh1 we1
ente11a1ner s Irv rm bar open beam Ctlilll'lgs
Hard 10 rind at $69.900 anCI more Super lrnan·
with 55000 dn pymt al· c1ng Owner may consl
lows assumpuon 11 9% der ellcilanoe• $280,000
ell 1n1 ra1e $979/mo Call 979-5270
PByS 1111
cttd to 56111 Setler movrng
ou1 ot U S Neeu buyef
ror • Bdrm 3 baths, 1m
1oacu1a1e home wrlh eJt
tra room oll meste•
1222 SHIH
IU-1200 ,. .
Back Bay area.y S395.
000 5% Down Win con·
s1C1er 111des. etc
Armitage Realty
ven1ent custom bu111 3
BClrm family room end 3
car garage home It
sparkles with pride of
owne11h1p Owner w111
help wltll lrnanclng
110l COllWALL
0111 SlllAY 1-1
' BARRETI .. ffEALTY By owner. The Colony, 3iliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim-
£/ f•ro 103Z bd 2 bit. ate. lrg kll, lmly S10,000 HWM
•••••••••••••••••••••• rm ftSh pond. walk to ... ,~., Vitw •••••
HtflJ tfficiHt Hlar em vale back yard wltn Ko1
lltt water I Jltt•r 11-pones. VllfY open and airy HllCHI
SEAVIEW -elegan1 &
c harming Ha mpton
Model. lobulous views.
decor spe p11ve1e
c:omm w/pool & tennis
lac1hl1es $450,0-00 Open
House Sal/Sun 12·5
1903 Y1ch1 Colina
111latt4 tlett4 1t1u. t ~ •llh toads ot g lass -CURRENT !ST TO AP·
F111iltl1 ttr••· Offer-· ' PRO.Xlf"ATELY s133.
R•RAL Sf:TIIMI shop pool & tenrus H19h 1oan balance $145,900 2 sttrJ • IR, ntr
t4 at SJ•0,000. 111 C•lll #ell JOl4. 000. Asking only $165.
Miristl4. • • ••• • • ••••• •••••• •••• o o o o w N ER s AN •
On SUMHY 1-1 ••WNRT IEllm xrous For an appoln1. ~ man1 to see, c all 011 Of A lid I• Charming 3 br. 2 ba 5•0· 1151
CHlto Ni"""lids. home wfdet. 2 car gar. •" Across lrom Chartea
4 Bdr 3 Ba, lam rm w/
welbar. well below milt
price a1 $1 74 900
REALTORS -------YH ••• tllt ledll Heller Perk. 237 Knoii Pl.
Otrnr JrtJtrty OH· $145.000 By owner f!~.'!!~~~J~!!~.!.~~t
sl1h ti a Ir I 4H IH't •ht•rlt t11aats Charmtnn 2 st". s 1>r w/
I' •-T lllf 11rMESA VERDE 3Br . .... ' wftti wttltar. ltw Ith· ar-r , pOOI/ spa, $l •9.900 As-assumable loan Asking
le 1,,liHCll, ••Jtr 926-15371evs 925-6796 sumable loao. ~S-99<>4 $179.500 Agt 963·8573
Ir& wtll lal4S01Jt4 1¥•~ &SSllUIU DrHll<:ally reduced 3 br
I t A t • i Immaculate 3 Bdrm y• fM• T ! auum roan of S9•.000 1 ' CHU • • Jf -home with manicure" " -tr•S S 149 900 Agt 963·8573 t a. a. M t ... Super reduction just - --YI I •tac .. es, •I landscaping acro111 lhe made tor qulCk sale on B••li•fll•
obo 551-8358 eves or H0,000 11 11"r14es,
wl.nds SJ•• 1211,000.
1111 ,.,. bhltJ
Plan 25A In 39 Park lH-0122
Northwood 3 bdrm, 2~. IY OWIH ba Huge BONUS
ROOM Large tamlly e~~~~~~~~·
room w11h walk·ln wet UST ILIFF COMDO 1>~1 end llreptace Plus 3 br. like new xrn1 fin
your own SPA. 1mmaeu· $139.500 Owner
ta1e Microwave, and 673-3069/(213)281·~ 65 AIC $249.000.
3 bd. 2 ba lnd•y 1oom.
v1ew/grn bll. pool Cati
tor appt to see 6•0 0888
by owner
lt~T 01 LIDO
Loe new custom nome
on 1•, lots Open Sat/
Sun 1·5 210 Via San
Aemo Owner1eo1
UNIQUE HOlllEI CM 1J11r1 011ly 1140· 1366
AT Tf NTION 1nv1111<Ha. ~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!~~ 11xc1111011t EU8181d• Co1111 ·--------•I Mun 2 Bd1m duplex 110,000 IDWll
Harbor Rldgo 2 br con·
Clo aec oat11. auum
AITD OI $440K 6•0·960
Stlll11 at ltnl
Ce rrnel M odtll R11
modeled ond upg1aded
lh1ougtrou1 $245 000
Firm Ownr I Ag1
llWPOllT llEl&NTS
A·2 lllt w1111 2 BR home
Below marl\111 value
Jack H Lesch BKA
5 Bdrms outs1and1ng
corne1 lot. across ltom
grnbll. lrg pv1 backyard,
view. 494· 1840
BY OWNER J Bdrm hou-
se, $199.000 Consider
_!lny oller 645-88_4~ _
180 deg view. leaded
glass, oak lloors. ou1·
door llrepll 3 BR -grea1
home By owner 3•1. 10
bkrs Reduced to S399
500 Sml do w n
11,,000 IOWI
2 Bl luW'llr y• don do wt
plush cpt, llgh1. bright
tnlenor. overlks nuge
prk MuSI sell now also
101 tease Call Jean
760 ·0168 or bus
2 13t5S6·3040 -
Xrnt view Expanded
Monaco wood floors 3
bd. French drs
Open Sal/Sun. 1·5 PM
7 A .. e Chateau Royal
3 bd. 2 ba. pool & patio,
s198.ooo o w e 645-7555
Rt4uct4 Prictl
French No rmandy 1n
Sunset GerClen 3 Br w/
guesl couage Call for
Really & lnveslmenls
llEIUCEI $20,000
HWPHT lllHTS ••• 1 1% 10 qual1t1ed buyer B1a/'ld new 3 Bdrm, 2ba.
lamlly rm hm Securtly
lnu•altlt Fl11aol•&
1110G l>Oft I oggo11
l'tsrloct Mon.co
713 PC1tt1118lllll
$2YS 000
~p11c1oua CdM Ouplts•
2662 CtHM6W
Ba~•ho1es doll nou~e
10 2X oro1e . ntw
,., 1)81 /(lrill)tlS new GOP
per plumbing , clet n
11111(11110111 Good rental
ar1111 Own11r 1• mohv8180
811d will wO•k wllh you
A1t.ino S 135 000 Devin
Re11I E\lale, 642-6368
HB condo e•tra clean
walk to bell. adll comm ,
S 115 000 Own 962-8480
New VICIOllUll on BalDOil $225 000 T d• wrrle ott 5
l•land i 5!15 For more ur111~ Easu1de CM
lfllU '1 ;j a I 2
CALL SARA llARVIM $400 ooo ~P $ 100 ooo
UNIOUE HOMES dwn OWC bdl at 11 9•1.
675 6000 or 675 5688 <;opt11511ca1ed 1nves1or!.
only John 63 I 45 16
OLD CDM $221,000
So 01 hwy 3 br remo·
deled home on R-2 As·
sume lg loon Delle Agl
631·1 66
s .. c1,.,.1, 1016 ..•••.•••.•.....•..•..
E•cep11ona1 value 3Br,
1•.Ba home $ t28.000
Ask lor Dennis 493·6628
or 498-4950 L111go RE
Tu1tia 1090 ...............••....•
BY 0 WNER·3Br, 2Ba.
spa 1>e11u11ru11v lndscpd
'•acre $177,500 All or-
rers counesy 10 brk•
838· 1265
w,,1.; .. 111 1091 ..•.....••••.••.••....
11 UllTS/Pri•t C.M
10t.81•Ull d C•OSS rrom
purk on • 77 3C• es Lar
go 3 IJtlrm un11s alwa~s in
demaflCI f u1011c;1ng avao·
l8DIO $'>,600 0-00 lee
Ill 1"11 '-'In•
RI Al F<;1A1£
I <1 1,1, "
T 11p1e .. located Cos1a
Mesa All 2br un11s with
gatages Owner will h
nan~ 01 reasonable ra1e
with 20% down Asking
$179,900 631-7370 01
Loli /or Sile 2ZOO .....•................
sale 4 br 2·~ ba good
ne1ghbo1hooCI Assume
$88.000 toan Only
S 1050/mo Beller than
rent alter ta>" beneht
R&H Inv 752·2197 Easts•de Costa Mesa
Ollltt RH/ lllltt Plans & permits lor a
••• •••••• •••••• ••• •• • • 1950 sq '' hm Ready 10
II •. / I/. build S8 5 000
O I I Oall JJOO 548· I 182 642-2901 For S•/1 •••. ••• •• ••• •• ••••• ••• S Lag 251: 100' ummpro ..
Excep11011111 24X60 2 BR. ved property 180 degree
tem 1m 2 Oa 5 S111r Pa11>. wh11ewalor view Loma
nr So C51 Plaza Below 11 act bit. 3 101 10 Bes1
mar k e 1 . b / o wn r otte• 493·6704
556·67 15
lirt111l11t Park
20x~8 wtencrosed porch
2 BR. 2 Ba, Corner IOI
hghl 1n1e1101s This Is the
BeSI Buy 111 Town
t ranquol E S•Oe CM lex.a·
11on with many trees
253 Flower S1 H1S1orocal
custom home nex1 door
S95 000
Oua111y 1 BR beth 19 11. Ai'"'~~ert Rt~ E.stJte vino rm k1tch/d1n1ng • .s-J ......... 1.S area All natural wood ._ .. •
pane11ng & cabinets U141 "45-5525
Newly up gr aCled Lge
s1oraoe sned s 16 900
493·8453 ,, ... ,,;., Dt1111,
«t101t Z400 1---------· 1 ..................... . RHICH! APPU VALLEY 1111.
901 ~::.u~ ROAD
... 1 A1la l11 Slll,000. s11ee1 l1om Patil neat So this lovely 3 bedroom IHtll 1()40 ----H C.... 1ticMH4t C.out f.tau...-1H.9.5.0"4--t<11~-...l..°'81ed ...-i-4-............................ .
Cell •ot II 646-5092 m1ns from the beach. II fl( SAii
gates $225.000 MIWNIT HTS VIEW ooen house Sunday 2.5
AUentlOO bulldefl·lrade 2345 161n SI • 645-4670 your condos or units for --
U\1$. • BEST BUY :..!,OWES T
obstructed btyfocean Prleecl Npl Crest Pl11t1 3
v•-·Oood 2 Bdrm home 3Br Tn·lvt $179.500 Bk.r
Double wide 2 bdrm am&l.OA ..,, lb a1tac.b4Ml
1unroom and carport IO-
cal8<1 on 5 Star Greenleaf
Park M o11v1teCI selle1
has reduced pence to
$33 t 75 anCI will finance'
Rt'duced S tO 000 no
qu&kf)'t"9 .a ~ 2be~---
old LanClscapea •7 acre
Ass •• AIL( 1 I 2 ... and o llering l1rep111ce. I L F I st I• ~ated SPA "°"o pauos aea trlO tS•n COU OF NEWPORT
DES PERA TE OWN EA stori199 shed and more' 2 s1ory, 2 bdrm 1'1 ba
MUST SELL Reduced to Dor'! miss out Call 10• beech -Condo CO·OP
$159.000 3Br. 2be ne-day Now pr1ced 11 Poot sauna weight c .. _ .. ,..., w er E side home $ll2,900 979-2390 room sub parking
642·2901. 5•8-1 t82 Ocean and Pier View 175·55t 1
S lfi I llSled i i 5160.000 S65
· 1cr c 11 000 under marke1 All
Mest Hiii cnh or new r1n Greel
Seller willing to negollate opp·y ror someone Who
on terms large 3 be· can act l ast Agent
droom 2' • batll home 531-8100 Ask lor J1m So40K equity In Ocean· Th is br1gh1 & cheery
1ron1. total pymts (no Garden VIiia lends Hselt
negative amortl. s 1650 to high-style llvtno w t
mo Fantastic 1oc w 111 luxurious earth 1ooe car·
trade up, ror cars, boats, 1>8111\Q lhruoul. S.au11lu1.
paper. or gems VERV well co-ordinated w~
ANXIOUS Must ctoae Clow treatments & mu.
Famlty room end crack. R1ghe1mer
lino fireplace Mom·ln· -law suite Excellent value· GREAT LOCA I ION 3 bd altheprlceot$155000 2 ba. trp1c. $122.000
99 · oeo o w e 7 •2390 (2 131530·5 159
last. c an adCI cash s1ve lung size bdrms all
49•· 1096 se1 in p11ma 1oca11on A
~~~~~~~~~~I rear gem of a buy a1 1he -low pnce or $69,000
.. , ... '" .. ' 100f •.••••................
Br+toll Trade/lse o.pt tor
duplex or uM 673·8585
large 4 & 3 bedroom
units •n tOO bloc Sea·
soned rental records
SOl<I turnlShed .-.uuma·
ble loans New on mark·
I h 1\ll "' Inc
R[ -'• f'>t-'t[
SSOOO moves you In w/
tow monlhly pymh 01
$711 HURRY • won't
lasll 964·3311
llLY 112,0001
Stear the show wfthls
hrQhly pampered two
11ory Gatden VIiia
Dynem111 style run•
rempant thruout wait• of mirrors & t>eauhlul wood
panellog Upper level ol-
llc8 + big & beautllul
decora1or bdrma Private
Twt Sttry CH4t
YA Ttr•sl
Very nicely decorated
Brook view condo Al·
most t600 sq 11 floor
plan oilers 3 bedrooms,
2'' ba1hs, dining room
Att recreauon11 •~n111es
evadable Seller wUhog to
carry 1a1oe 2nd Call lor
deterls Reduced to
HL\IJOR~ .. } ... ,,.;.,.,, 1001 ...................... COClll811 patio OVIHIOOk• ~~~~~~~~~~ lush greenbelt EAcltlng 1-
low prlGCI of $92,000 & HU 1% HWll
LOWHH HICl w/11 low IS S t0,000 dn, 5 Bd SBA, 2'"1ba, 1906
ON THE POINT S812/mo pays all. A slf. $189,500 Asaume
Beautllul 3 BClrm 3 bath, MUST TO SEE. TAKE loan OWC bal, prtnc
huge famlty room, formal ADVANTAGE on I y 5 4 4 • 8 3 9 0.
Cltnlng, 2 llreptaoe•. pallo 838-9851
with on BBO and ea1ra OEITllY 21 ----LH_I ___ _
large 2 C41r garage Ow· W&Ll-11 amn
ner wlll c;arry 2nd TO and l"I·•••• VA buyers, lge No. Costa
•hort escrow. So420,000 "' .,,_ Mesa home .,.llhln your 11H E. IOHI ILYI. ~~~~~~~~I reach. ca11 eo1 662·2886
'"' Slllll 1-1 HARE thl• EattslCle 2 BA ... 2·1200 duple.x and have low ... payment•. or llve In one
IPll 11 Ill 011
Sat .. I S11. 1-1 •·•·
N tce1t duplt-x So. of ttwy.
Outstanding location. Greet
-.unable flMnd.ng. 3 br 2 bl ....
2br 2 ~. each w/2 car garage.
()wner/~L 876-8370
al lllUTlll
end rent Iha other. t>ul
anyway you took at It,
lhl• properly la an ex·
c atla n l buy New
carpeU/drape1, new
~ ptumblng. 2 t1rge
yard•. w1con1rdar VA/
FHA, Asking s 135.000.
Devi n Rea l Eslala
w1111 of 0•10. •••11.
alone floor•. redwood
p•n111no. unfqu• w ... lern t>ar and entertain· "*'' room Euc11yp1u1
''"' ~pproxlmtttly 'I• acre. NHr lrvlna BlvCI
Fr•ll'I and lunl C•U .......
RHICH S 10,000
Take advan11ge ot 1h1s
sacrltoce sale Secluded
p11v11ty Gated entry
2·Sty. 4 BR 3 BA. formal
dine pen1hOuH matrs
re1re111. 1n-taw qlrs.
cou11ya1C1 Charm galore
9' ,.,,. loan 1valleble or
w/111ror lln11nc1ng 10 Ill
your needs Owner de·
sperela S1es1 a1 S 145,
000 Cell nowll Bkr
714-983·0902 1011 rree
1-800-525-8910, Ext
1500 * 10%DOWN•
4 BCl•m. pool. spa.
l andmatk Tr Xlnt 1erms
P11n or'lry St 59 .500
6-45-9922 Ag1
3 br, 2 ba, ram rm, 1668
sq 11. 1381(
5119-2330 964·0227
OPH HT /SH 1·1
HU Pier Ir.
4 Bdr,m, 2ba. POOL
Leu lhan 10'1. ca1h
down on this aupet le·
mlly hOme See & 1ubmll
$ t 71.000 Call Ann or
HOMES. INC 63t·1400
lrYl•I 1044 ·-···················· IHHH WHllllHE
3 80, 2 BA Condo
AcroN from twtm ck.It>/
park I 116,000 By Ow-
ner 8&1-1688.
llLY 120,000
t>uy• • or1nd new 3 bdrm 2ba home 111
WOOdbrldge Owner l•)'I
••II loday. Call to aee
Merllyn, Aol 660•9400 , .. , .. ••n• 1PAlllU
S.. II lodtyl Con"'9f\fenl
loo1llon, qu111 cut de
uc. •n •11oep1lon111y
nice 2 Bdrm and den tnd
unll. 1'11nctd patio, air
conditioned, community
poot. Rlducld to & 138, 500. .,._,,_, ......
't513 CAMN5 DI· IRV"'E
llEIUOfD 110,000
Assumao1e loans. priced
below mi.1 Move 119h1 •n
$160 000 Allen Beal.
559.9400 559· 1403
c ••• •14 .. ,., the
suptrlt Yitw frt• this
l11111ri1111 rui4tect.
OJtl Sit. I S11 1 tt
5 " .. , .,,.11t•Ht.
131 -•300 tr
wllh potential ror much Tom Gomer 646-9200 18 mos r111anc1ng prov•
ded .:11 $500 per mo al more $388.000
OPH SlllAY 1·1
3 Bdrm. 2 ba. bllghl and
111y wllh coun11y kllel'len.
Long term 13"t. linan
$175.000 Bkr 754·1202
12'• onl Wiii\ $ 11 000 (In
Asking $58 500 lor quick
sate 1-24 7 -4288
llli IEAll UIE
One or a lo.rnd Ready 10
begin conSI on lui. Cus
3 000 sq It, 4 bdrm. 3 , llAllll lllDIE tar gar ~auna tac Very
L••sT lX,EMSIYE A l>l\'l:.ion of large decks and lots 01 5a gl8ss Looks out 10
JORIELU MIL. Harbor ln\'C>ilmcm t'o spectacular t80 degree
View of ocean and city forever 111ew or Ski
tights. 3 Bd1m. 2'~ba Ai1rtat•ll Slopes. BB Lake. and Ready 10 pack bags and GREAT BUY. close 10 plus office, 2 lrplcs. m1ns muSI see this Su-
move Enjoys sunsels oeach·2 BR 1 ea 11119 OllTOM LIT /or S•lt. 1300 pert> ~0011r1dge loc 10 _ll_E_D_l_C_E_D __ S_1_0_0_0_0_, and spa from p1lme could be Ille start you •••••••••••••••••••••• npprec1a1e C11ll 10 in.
'P location In Seoview Pvt always wanted towards II l&llOI ltlLL HST C.M. DIPUX spect other r1ne hOmes
Assumable loans riced communlly Call tor Pll· creating your own per· Great view 01 ocean and 2 2·bd, heavy shake roor we nave bll 5475,000
below merke1 move vale show111g feet Newport Beach city loghts Wiii subordl· lrg yrds, only 5142.000 Owner will ass1s1 With hn
llghl 1" 5180.000 Allen Jo-Ann Doran Bkr llome 5169,500 Devin nale w111 bulld 10 suit. I .I. FORECLOSUlllE SJUU COIST, llC
559.1403 Agt __ _ _ Real Estate 6•2·6368 Bob Halley, Re11llo1 1 yr old, 2 2·bd un11s, ', 714 -585-3981 Bea l 559 ·9 40 0 ., 759·0619
f!l. .. '!~.~J.C.t •• !.~~
2 br. 2 be. lovely vrew &
selling Aoom for ex·
panllon~r will help
llnanca S•SO 000
•98-4935 (Iv msg)
llllE HHCTIOlll
Mag nlf1cen 1
1•4-••ll bll\ to ocean No down
IE TIE Fl.ST BEST DEAL IN ----~--•possible we can deal Oet of Co••t1 n HARBOR RIDGE
See this new oner1ng 1n Beaut J BR nome .,.,,h W1 .. tt l11c• ao1 SllllfYI 6•0•7814 or ''2!'~ ZSSO Cllll Haven Fabulous lncred view $465M rrom this •ovet., 3 bdrm.1_5_58_-8_9_8_1 ••••• ••• ••••••••••••
view. newly decoroteCI 760·9307 2' 1 bath condo 1n New· •-a. 1 I 1350 Solana Beach
Poll Crest Pool. spa. -•C• t••urr Beau11tul Ocean Fron• throughout -carpels. •••••••••""'••"'•••••••• Condo 3 bd 3 be 2000
wanpaoets. p111n1 e1C 3 I•--------• and tennrs $ 199,500 C1H Older Oupte11 near 45111 SI sq 11 1350 oOo
Bdrms. dining room S •rwAllllS S DeT•or1esL PlllO-•TIES NB 3 bt 2 ba upstairs CUL VEA & ASSOCtA· wine cooler. h1de·&·way "~"' '"~" 2 br. t't ba downstairs TES
den/work room-so muc;ll t0"4 DOWN 1•2· 1103 Wiii sell as Is lo• S700. 756•2•76 more Fee rend lmmac 3Br. 2Ba + 3 ca1 000 or wlll bulld 10 su11 ___ _
1'11111111 RI., H gar + pu111ng green I jiiillii•--lliiiiiiiiiiil tor $875,000 & up (plans GREEN If ALLEY LAKE
OPfl SlllU 1-1 Won I last ., only $375 YIEW 3 IR a IA & approvals obtained) MOUNTAIN HOME
000 Sale. tease or option. A r m 1 I a g e R e s I t y Ne•t to natoonal torest. 142·1200 32 1 KINGS ROAD 7 t4·544·2484 skiing boating. e1c 3Br
.. , 16.000 DOWN OPEN SUNDAY 1.5 Duple~ on lhe HnCI 30111 kitchen & ''· lndry rm. ltv PETE BARRETI ·,. REALTY
No qualllytng, tmmed 6<15-9950. &46-5719 rm. rec rm, 2 lrplcs.
occupancy. shart Eas1 ~~~~~~~~~! 91 NB Newly remodeled t'·Bo, complelaly fur-
Blull 3 Br. 2Ba + apa I-In end oul 3 br • 2 ba nlsned Good Income
Only $229.9951 Cell JOhn IAYCllHT HllCH upstairs 2 br · 1 ba 2 1 h downstairs Min t0% property or •m ome
.. wh1 tew1 1e," ocean
views with mas.er suite &
3 bedrooms. mard ·s
quarters & 4'" ba Ele-":::::::::~ oanc.e and warmth, Iii
larvos (Bkr) 760·9669 Now asking $355,000 for Clown OWC balance al 1·867-3534 _ ----• 1hls 4br. 3'~ ba e~eoutlve
OCUI VIEW nome Amenities include 13 9% lor 5 yrs Great for Riocill F1tml
wet ba1, 2 llrepteoes. and summer ren1111s $73!1. Crotrt~ , Z100
3:c1r gaiage Assume 000 Armtlage Realty •••••••••••••••••••••• gourmet kitchen, formal
<lining rm MollvalaCI seller will carry Isl TO at
10•1. Int Call for de111111.
NOW $595,000
I ti IMI '-lrK.
h II 141\i
Lower Tnree Arch Bay.
Prlv Area Greal View
New flll1n9lng • bdrm.
Pvt Pty •99·3 144
Charming. Ught and t lry
3 BA loll of Spanish
1111. deck•. •P• 1 s~ dawn $204,500 r•ruu UY 11
&ffHl&IU llW
Prrce 11•.thed Sll0.000 3
BA. poor tnd •P• Prl·
val• beach $390,000
TllH HOit UY
Privet• oce1n!rortt com·
munlty, 3 QA 3 9•, d.,,.
•2e.ooo below ·e 1 •P·
pttlMI 12tt.OOO
IWllPlll YllW
N-CUiiom 3200 lq-11. 3
BR. 2~ Ot norn1 wltn
great OCt•n VllW •nd
:: Top quellty 1435.
INMoeee IMlfne 3 BA 2
Ba. Ft9Mi, foor1. o-r·
den wlndo .. , •Y'IOlll, ·oce1n W.W att.IOO
-..1111 ..... ., .....
811•°1• loan and owner wlll 1_7_1_4·_5_4_4_·2_4_84 FIXH-FARM
help finance 631-7370 MEW OUSTOI 9 plus acres M urrieta
&Fftll&IU 3 BA, 2'"1bl, former
IAYfllHT model · 2 atry. Best
Lovely eicp1ndable 3 locanon $141,500 o·reet
Bdrm home wllh lorm11 term• Submit on down
dlnll'lg 1oom 60' or bay-p1ymen1 John Marshall
or 549·3$46 IUCll ltOME 1ncl<ls 2.000 sq fl 111m
house large t>orn, gar
lront with large terrace, Agt 831·7900 pier enCI dock lor 50' + ,_..;... _______ _ TR,\Dll 10\ \I
f?I .\I J)
boat Marveloua for par· DH. THTUHCI
llesl $450.000 on IMM-YllW ,.IPllTY
hold, only St600 annual· H IWllll. ly 101 HRTI STAil LI. Priced at 1210.000. Ow· .. _1 •Ha•y 1_1 nllf wm NII tor 1258.000 1--....,..--1-1-llE---
.r~ • -c 1 1h Prine; only r.-MJ•lllO Out1tandlog buy of the lent. le1t1t ...
COUNTRY, 2150 eq," ot
llvlng tpace 800 aq.ft. of
g1re~. vtultld belmld
01lllng1, huge oountty
llltehen. ,. Bdrm• 1nC1 3
t>alhl, large yarO ...Wilt\
room to tiipand Oood
'1n1no1ng avall1bl•I 12115,000
11tlWUTIUn•. ....... ,1 ..
j Pl Tl
yelr Comparable h.. Custom 4 90 & FR
sold tor $2115.000. S.. to o'loOklno pV1 pool. 0r..-
b•llev1 Call B Olaas. slog rm for lilds Oi*I
5511-749• hM lllt own lfv rm wllple
------' king az bdrm 01r11no uylng and "lllno al • 111tch & b• or .. t pkg for
reetonlt>le prlce-tllat'1 g111 Rlduc:4!d 10 $320,
what claulfled la 11t ooo. Rutll Laurie. Allr.
•b0u1 6"2·66711 6411-•311-0
+ core ntnm • mmrmnr conrnnr
W11 "'1111 -Ullll RIMI
Move Into a custom, l Mll1ion Plus
Harbor Ridge View Home for on\ •so.ooo down. 240 decree vlew of ocun.
bay and c1\y, 4 bdrms, 5 full bath.a
formal dining room. dtft. family room .
. $1,299.600 . , • $50,000 Option money .
. plua your monthly P9Yft'*ltl of t-4,
an be applied t.o tM purd\ale ptft.
Only $25.000 dOwo, Ow· $15 000 down S 1646 per
ner will c1rry b11l1nc1 mo To1al price St75
Bkr (2 t 3) 596·5847. ooo 702·452·8777
(71•1 892·0887 ----"•s'•x••/ ,,., t11''' . txciu•1 ZIOO .,,, ,., ,,,, 1100 ·········'············ . ..................... ---------
to bu)' thl1 bHulllul J
y•tr old, • unit apart·
ment houM In Sao Cle· ~'• wllll ocean. htlls & QOlf cou11a view• 11 I
lrtmendou• uvlngs 01
reel from lhe 01Nner be-
lort t>elng ll•t•d with
brok.,. Act NOWlll C•U owner et (714) 642·0131.
'1~!!.!~t'J.1f~ •••••
Wm trade dbl wide mobtle
11011'1• &/or 3191 llOuH,
Tullln lot part11t dWl'I In·
come p~roperty. (714.)
av OWNIA -A 1 LOT-
IHI lldl Cottt M•H
Ptane & permll1 tor a
1 MO tq ft Ml "9edY I 0
bulld Sl &,000 .....,,,n,141-ltOt
Hl'T Ill
T hll is absolutely lh•
Mii 11me in )'Hit to get
a good buy 1n real estate
1 •i>ectetlze In negotlahog
& clo•lng TIGHT CIHIS
ror my c111n1t on pro.·
perty In the So Oraoge
County COlt t•I commu· n111es
L•t m1 llnCI you or •
member ot your lamlly a
ntw Or P'9·0wned llO!'l\e
or 1ncom1 orop111y t
work direc tly wl n•w
f\Ol"ll• t>vlld1re & 1enw1
& ~ellora ol retal• pro-
petll .. 10 neoo1111e the
bq1t poulbl• dealt for
my c111n1e The Hll•ra.
P•Y •II commlH IOn•
w/no commlHlon coel to
~c:'ch 1ran1ao1lon1 In-
clude. b\it et• nt>I ltmlted
to cll111Ct trlldM fOt 11ny
v1~ Ptot*tY 1n Oninoe
County, belOw MIU ft..a .... ,.,., rai1 tor 30 't"I> a
no p1ym1n1 2nd TD'•
Cell •tt.JIS• l0t tftOfe Into
Dock for 30 ft. boat. quiet area. Steps to
Lido Village. 3 large bedrooms, 2 ~ baths.
Tour this magnificent custom home.
OPEN TtUSOAY thru SUfl>AY 1-5
603 36th Street, Newport Beach
(For more information contact)
OCEAN -. Spacious open & sunny all view
home w/ panoramic decks, on huge prime
Island Point, + docking & prkg galore, +
you own the land, + owner financing, all
for $965,000. OPEN Sat. 11-5. 4028 Channel
Place, Newport Island, N.B. 673-0202.
$224,000 under appraised price of
$1,125,000 FEE. Pier and slip for 55 ,
ft yacht . Custom built. Brick, wood,
and glass home. Totally remodeled
and redecorated. Fabulous Bay and
Fashion Island and Mtn View Dover
Sh ores. Shown by appt. 1036
Polaris, Newport Beach 646-0523.
BtauUful CWltom home: 3 Br. 2Yi be, tile entryway,
Fomial tiled dining nn. Step down living nn, mualve
wood burning frplc. Step down family nn. gourmet
kJIChen, CWltom c.blnett compl. wit.rash rompector,
micro and eelf/cleaning oven. Fenced beck yard. prof
landlcapina, compl. 1prinkle1'11, 2Yi car gar w/auto dr
opnr. Must--IO appreciate the many more amenlUes.
Drive by 620 20th St. Huntington Beach. and call
111/IH-IMI tr Jll(MJ-1111
Orenge COllf DAILY PILOT/Sunday, Octob•r 17, 1982 Fl
--:,,,---.....•· -':'":'"'--~ --$460,000 YOU OWN THE LAND 200 FT. NEWPORT •AYFftONT
OCEAN -Spacious open & aunny all view
home w/ panoramic.deck.a, on huge prime
Island Point, + docking & prkg galore, +
vou own "the land, + owner financinl(, all
for $965,000. Open Sun. 11-5. 4028 Channel
Place, Newport bland, N.B. 673-0202.
OPEN SUND~ Y 1-5 1jl07 Berk1hl.r• Duplex with 3 bedrooms downstairs and 2
bedrooms upstairs. Close to the beach, right
on a turning basin -Best buy on the bay.
Lot size 45x 100 (a lot and '"' ). Call Ru~
Fluter for details.
By owner. chow<· qu1l'l lcx::Jt1on 3 bedroom,
2 ba. Pool home Two scp fenced yards.
Reduced $20,000, priced for quick .;ale .
Asking $230,000 -flexible. CANNERY VILLAGE REALTY 673-6776
Three bedrooms: 2 bath. Sep. dining room
Covered patio. Ad&ms and Baker. Near
$5500 dn, assume loan, 2 bdrms, 2
full baths, double wide. 4 years old.
Payment only $463.46 monthly.
Price slashed over $35,000 on this huge 2
story, 3 bdrm prestigious Jasmine Creek
Home. Tennis, pool. guarded gate, fee·land.
Drastically below marke t at $349,900. Open
Sun. 1-4. 25 Mainsail, Corona del Mar
Sherry Coshow Act.646 -1327, 646-7070 Steve Willie Associated Realtors
581 -1100
Must sell! Over 1600 sq ft 2 bdrm. 2 ba
overlooking golf course in Nwpt Sch. Fam.
Rm. w /wet bar & frpk, din. rm .. cathedral
ceilings, patio -+ 2 balconies. Pool. jac,
tennis, exotic landscape, 2 car gar. Assum.
190K mrtg. 25K dn or cars or diamonds.
Prit'e: 265K -make offer. Out of state
Private and spectacular 5 bedroom 4 1/2 bath
-country French custom -located on golf
course. Paneled library -wine cellar -4
fireplaces -maids quarters -pool and spa -
3 car garage · limo pad and extra parking
inside electric gate. Offered at $2.650,000.
For details and appt. Ring
4/5 Bdrms, 7 baths. library, Cantina. 5
fountains, pool , s pa. A one -of-a-kind
e ntertainment residence for the truly
discriminating buyer.
Open Sat & Sun 2PM till du.Ii.
SUNBOW REALTY 631-2242 SUNBOW REAL TY 631-2242 Appt. 759-9051
PRIVACY . . in Corona del Mar ON THI IAND -aank
31 BALBOA COVES, N.8. Almost 'A acre, pool & view! Extensively
r emodeled 4 bdrm home with dream
kitchen & huge living room. One of a kind
property; gated driveway & extra-large
rolling lawn. $695,000 fee. Call
owner/agent for appt, 640-7246.
2 story, z bdrm. l 1h ba condo beach co-op
pool, sauna. weight room, sub pking. Ocean
& Pier View. Listed at $180,000. $65.000
under mkt. All cash or new fin. Great opp'y
for one who·can act fast. Agt.
Jim Rlghelmer
BOAT SLIP, private beach. Lite and ·
cheery 3 bdrm. 2 bath home. Fireplace.
Price re:duced to $489,000! CASH TALKS!!
Or $200,000 down & seller will carry 1st
T.O. at 12% for 10 years. Submit all offers. OPEN SUN. 1-5 1132 EBBTl>E ROAD * BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES * 873-111~
~!.-.~•.'! ••••••••••••••• ~~!!!!.!~!~!!~!!. ... ~ ~~!!!!:!~!~lt~!t •.•• !~!U.t!!P!~!! .... !~.'!HN!!~ .. ~~!!!!.¥~!~.'~.'!!~ .. ~~!!!!.¥~!~!!.~~~:.
•".., ..... ,,." f!!!~.!re ...... !.'.ff !1.'!lr.!.!m~ ... 1.1.ff l!ltrtn.fftd ... 1.'... '"1!.'1. ......... 1.IM ~, _,_ ,,. ~~.'-!!~ ••. i.m ••. •••••••···r.••••••••••• LIDO ISLE 3 bdf f I I C b rll'• 81~ ....., ''a Sm 1 bd, Ett-alde, No 4 • 1 m. 1m 1lbo1 ~ lu pen· lmll.I •••••••••••••••••••••• 2Br. 2ea dr-.nallc 1p111-
•••••••••••••••••••••• pelt, 1325. rm. II'..!~~ mo. ~ioi' 1~bf, Yeerty-Wllk!J·Wlnt•. 2, Penln Pl. 5 BA, 3'A ba, 111191, perk MttlnQ, lrplc. • ULlt& 11LM9 &4&-8895 OCl.ANFAONT 2 bdrm · 3 4 Bdtmt. DA. lfg patio. S1200 mo dbl remote OW (ff, 1985
Adorable 3 bdrm llOUM a.., liJal 3llf 1 Bl 1700 mo. &Iii ... n-.-,. 311f .•••• uan to mo Agt. 873-toeo mo. Avail "11-1. 2700
& gueet hoUM. 1850/ITIO. :"I;';.................. Grundy Altr 975-1111 ........ ·.·.r.;-.......... Baytlde Or Shown by IAYl"'~ONT w/lore11er Exec. 2 bt. 2 ba condo, · · • l elcfl, tennl1. 9u1rd1d PllP c.tui Iii #It 3W appt. 175-M75
Yllw .• Ir •1eoo1mo. oc.tn YllW. pool, tennll. WESTCLIFF -31r. 38a, ~·· new 1'1'°°81 town-........ , I A y fl'~ 0 NT 3 a r Compl. furn. 710-9488 den, fully/ ptly furn. fiome. 2 Ir. patio, Ph ..v 4·e;:;.~·a.:·;R·:c,·R~:& II .. IT 11500/mO (1·5): 240-3201 (aft 6) 11100 mo. 84'4135 493--it47 llM1ll \'few. Comm. pool, llf'I· Luxury condot on the W8"'~ e~ront rental• " 111 lfffi 3l'I DOVEA &HOAES: L~. nla, 11500 mo Ownr ~.c:.·.~~·11::.:fo~t~ln f:~
lr:n,Jr°!t ~:..-...:.. I ••'-••••••••••••••••"• newly rlfurt>llflld 3 ~ ~!ft ff!NN,ttH 75e-eooe II 8 I 1 a 1 .~· nc: 180 deg. Oc:ftn view. 28t droom. 3 bl th, pool. •• • • •• ••••••••• Lllra.a """' 3~ Eieg9nt 3 bd, f1m rm, prvt &~~~ •::.1. !~1~ o~: a I I-..-:Zba, IPI. 11200/mo. Ph Corner lot. bcell1n1 .._.., .IMf r.;rm•••••••••••~ communll" Step1 ao --.. • ...._ .....o.i.... PICI f ---•n •304 4H 4•27 11llO •• d Jmm•••••l'n'9' 4 Ir. 3 lta. Oen, Din. ger 1 • .......... , -""""'UM o .. .., • • " 1oe11ton. /fftO, .,r IP no pell •1050,mo 227 pool, Spa a Tennie. pool I..,.. Modlll open
L/lra.a f•lfd lllf AUr1c11111 collage 111a11 & A110Cl1t11132•HOO 6ri~ 11 ':'!' 10 Ootll 2·131316-351; 11250 mo. lmmed. delly 11-5. 0 111 Llnt o u.r.Ani r.r ••••• .-••• 0 01 15 10 t1011 21. L• llll br ~ ; · · occpnc:y. 875-2740. .-.... 111111. '73-3271 ·~·~~:: :'j,!ti:.~ ~~l!f.,r · u111 . ~d . 3 bdrm, 1u41y""" ~. tit .,,.~.9\:.,9,,. 0;:.m~T~3 '""° 1pank1ng new IYI-6'.f• ~ J•M n211. Winter. OP!N 321 · . A11111 Nov. 11• 11eoo mo/ d~ too. UOOOIMO l>r 2be Ju9' r'.oec •iso rywhlr1. 3 bdrm. 21,; b1. rr:.r.;-i-:n ••••••• ::i: 9 111 14'4 OH'4 i-11• fl•lll 1111 ~ll'·llUI Cell OelOtee 1i1frt .... /lltn. wlntt« 'e'?ll-5',t · 01r1ge, pttlo. 11.000 C1rpet!d 1 BA. mooern .:tr • .,~·· . . ;r,..~ .... ,........... '. L ........ on-lic.O '""Dr Ill~ mo. 807 lrla. 841-4"1, 1qulp d llltChlnLHI~ 2!'..!9!...°". gotf CO\ltM, .... _,... o_, l' ••• 0 . b r d 0 : ._,..__ 777-2233, 973.4311 11rm1. UllO. Me tro
....,., """ -... POGO -• llrM .._. Ill "8elty, -.,7008
A I w lfl I •a I 1 In Tlerrl Del Sol Atty 1-..a...-..__ .. /... ..,........ .I_, 1 -I • I II. ol••lfted reM 111e 1e11 '4t7 1744 •-.... ..1.1Tmm ..... l'~i NNttt news bdrm, s ... • • Mt""1 • 3 I~ 2 la.'°"•........ , ...... '*"9 ... to llldl. t bd, 1 l ftr..,.._, I Cit Ill'. l'rplC, rlnf91 ~. t a-~ '-· 1 ,_ wflO need Peot* rm. I fplo'•, ~ ""11. I tH wtnr M. •'~9.:.J:i 911Cony. Oeroener, wet , .... no "9tl. Prt.all. fl#ftti .._,, llllllllecl lfllMd a;_. "'9 Wuher/Drrer ll\011 -,.., • Mt. lf!lcrow111t. L"" *7IOlmo. "'· ......
,., Utt •111 iu.r1. lrMI 1n.. 11eoo mo n.• ~ '" ~""· o it•••· ,,. ,., "'°· oner. 141 w '""· "· .....en DAU I'll T "*"· 14M• .. ... 111-AeN ..._."" -.1111 I
t '·I Or nga C..oaat DAIL V PILOT ISundov Octobur I/ 198:1
2308 Cllll Or (Nwpt HC!te) NB 642-~200 $388.000 Sun 1 5
• *225 Grand C not, Balboa lslond
83 1-1400 $595.000 Sat/Sun 1-5
3 14 Marigold, Coron11 dul Mor
63 1 1400 $669,000 Sul/Sun 1 5
2 BR plue FAM RM or DEN
2861 Corvo (Me&a Verde) CM
957-0761 S 175,UOO Sun 12-5
1577 Ees1 Ocean Blvd , Peninsula Pt
631-1400 $344,500 Sun 1-5
430 Catallna. Newport Beach
760-8333 $209,500 Sun t-5 * 461 Abbie Way (E Side) C M
631-80 11 $179,500 Sun 1-5
• *3425 Ocean Blvd , Corona del Mar
644-9060 $ 1, 700,000 Sun 2-5
•30 Rue Fonta1nbleau, (Big Cnyr1) NB
644-906~ $475,000 Sun 1-5
*;; 1 Pandora (Irvine Gro..,es) lr\I
642-5200 $138,500 Sun 1-5
* 19 Curt Or , (Jasmrne Crk. \lu) CdM
640-151511-728-5 151 S&t/Sun 12-5
10 Balboa Coves Newport Beach
644-6200 $495.000 Sat/Sun 11·6
* * 633 Lido Park Drive F-1, Lido Penn.
631-1400 $549,500 Sat/Sun 1-5
* 1r62 1 Lido Park Drive C-3. Lido Penn
63 1-1400 $560,000 Sal/Sun 1-5
320 Seaward, Shorechlls
63 1-1400 $4'45,000 Sal/Sun 1-5
**827 Via Lido Soud. (Lido Isle) NB
673-7300 $1,850,000 Sat/Sun 1-5
1543 Serenade Terrace (Irvine Terrace)
644-4910 $320,000 Fee Sun 1-5
4 Beachcomber Dr . CdM
760-9386 $425,000
3 168 Manistee (Easts1de) CM
Sun 1-5
646-5092 S 149.500 Sat/Sun 12-5
11 Rue Verte. (Big Canyon) NB
213/470-2880 $499.500 Sat/Sun 11-6
7 Rue Chateau Royal (Brg Canyon) NB
644-5116 $665,000 Sat/Sun 1-5
706 Bisson Ave . NB
760-9669 $229,995 Sat/Sun 1-5
201 Coral, Balboa Island
631-1266 or 673-6400 Sal/Sun 1-5
14255 Matisse. Irvine
551-8358 $145.900 Sat/Sun 10-6
14 11 Kings Rd (Clift Haven) NB
642-5200 $525.000 fee Sat/Sun 1-5
401 Carlotta. Newport Beach
645-7555 $ 198,000 Sat/Sun 1-5
3 San Sebastian. Corona del Mar
760-1900 $1,900,000 Sun 1-5
21 11 Opal (Balboa Island) NB
675-6000 $595,000 Sat/Sun 1-5
341 5 Ocean Blvd, Corona def Mer
760-1900 $1,250,000 Sun 11-4
* •3215 Ocean Blvd . Corona del Mar
644-6200 $1,500.000 Sal/Sun 2-5
204 •;, 39th St .. Newport Beach
673-9384 $280.000
458 Costa Mesa St . (E-slde) CM
Sun 1-5
759-1501 $146,500 Sat/Sun 1-5
*427 Ca1allna. Newport Heights
644-6200 $262,500 Sat 2-4
3 Woodland, Irvine
644-6200 $155.500 Sat 1-5
1824 Por1 Sllrlrng, Newport Beach
720-0505 $209.900 fee Sat/Sun 1-5
2298 Redlands Drive. Back Bay
631-1400 $248,500 Sat/Sun 1-5
502 I Street, Peninsula Pornt
631-1400 $395,000 Sat/Sun 1-5
2405 Clltt Drive, Newport Heights
631-1400 $820.000 Sal/Sun 1-5
*204 Via Eboll. Udo Isle. NB
673-7300 $550,000
1207 Berkshire Ln Wstchff NB
645-7534 $230,000
1107 Valley Cr., Costa Mesa
546-2313 $, 17 ,500
Sun 2-5
Sun 1-5
Sun 1-4
1824 Port Stirling, Newport Beach
546-2313 $209,900 Sun 1-5
19442 Salmon Ln. Huntington Bch
546-2313 S 119,000 Sun 1-4
2672 Clrcle Or Bayshores, N B
644-6200 $395,000 Fee Sun 1 30-5.00
* 1939 Port Bristol, Newport Beach
631-1400 $265.000 Sun 1-5
141 Landfall. Newport Beach
631-1266 $259,900 Sun 1-5
3 BR plu1 FAM RM or DEN
.d5 Jasmine Creek, Corona del Mar
552-2000 $'405,000 Sun 1·5
65 JHmlne Creek, Corona del Mar
552-2000 S325.000 Sun t-5
20172 Harbor late Lane, H.B.
9fM-02.27 $138.000 Open Sun.
215 Welnut St., Newport Bch
87&-e670 S 172.000 Sun 1·5
102 VII Koron (Udo, ... , N.B.
844-e-200 U85,000 Sun t-5
14131 Klee, lrvl,,.
944-e200 1149,900 Sun 1-5
~64!> Vt!lta Or nada (Bluffs) NB
640 0020 $310,000 Sun 1-5
•2400 Vista NoblezJ (Btulls) NB
640 0020 $319.000 Sun 1-5
lt' 1472 Galaxy, (Ovr Shrs) NB
642-2510 $695.000 Fee Sa/Sn 1-5
* * 38 Balboa Coves NB
673-9 187 $489.000 Sa/Sn 1 5
108 Turquoise Balboa Island
63 1-1400 $595.000 Sun 1-5
321 Krngs Rd (Cllll Haven) NB
645-9950 Sun 1-5
J069 G1bra1ter (Mesa V<Je) CM
545-2883 $129,000 Sa/Sn 1-4
12 18 Key West (Harbor Vu) CdM
644-49 10 $379,000 Fee Sun 1-5
* 1211 Kings Road (Chit Haven) NB
631 -7300 $395,000 Sat 1~5
1930 Port Bristol Cir (Harbor Vu Hms) NB
631 -7300 $268,500 Sat 1-5
* 1016 Dover Or (Westcllll) NB
631-7300 $255.000 Sat 1-5
* 1028 Westwlnd Way (O\lr Shrs) NB
631-7300 $83~.ooo Sat 1-5
1301 Oolphrn Terrace (lflllne Terr) NB
631-7300 $985,000 Sat 1-5
1r512 Rocklold Pl, Cameo Hinds. CdM
631-7300 $199,900 Sa/Sn 1-5
261 1 Cir Dr !Bayshrs) NB
645-62 18 $269,000 LH Sun 1-4·
* 15 Carmel Bay Or Spyglass. CdM
644-9060 $595 000 Se/Sn 2-5
25 Ma1nsa11 (Jasmn Ck) Cdm
640-9592 $349,900
152.5 E Ocean (Balboa Pen Pt) NB
Sun 1-4
642-5200 $420.000 Sun 1-5
* 1700 Oahu Pl, CM
751-0401 $179,000 Sa/Sn 1-5
.;-Point Loma, (Spyglass) CdM
673 -4400 $723,400 Sun 1-4
2345 16th St (Npt His) NB
645-4670 $225,000
218 Via Koron (Lido Isle) NB
* •301 N S iar (Ovr Shrs) NB
Sun 2-5
Sun 2-5
642-5200 $450,000 Sun 1-5
1607 Cornwall (Wstcllfl NB
642 -5200 $289.500 Sun 1-5
1903 Yach1 Colina NB
644-1017 $450.000 Sa/Sn 12-5
616 Mangold. CdM
67 5-5511 $340 000 Sa/Sn 1-5
2301 Araha IE-Bluffs), NB
644-6200 $169,000 Sat 1-5
760 Via Lrdo Soud, NB
675-6670 $575,000 Sa/Sn 1-5
17142 Re1mar FV
963-6767 $144.500
101 Via Genoa (Lido Isle). NB
Sun 1-5
673-7300 $895,000 Sun 12-4 30
3 Valley View (Trtlrck), Irv
559-7494 $258.000 cash Sa/Sn 12-6
3BR plua LOFT
* t 1691 Tammany Cir. N Tustin
759-9100 S559,000 Sa/Sn 1-5
2402 Vista tNobleza Bluffs), NB
673-4400 $255,000 Sa/Sn 1-4
4 Narbonne. Harbor Ridge
644-6200 S 1.695.000 Sa&Sn 1-5
1541 E Ocean Blvd, Penn Pt
631 -1400 $470,000 Sa/Sn 1-5
125 Via Orvleto, Lido
63 1-1400 $549,500 Sat 1-5
594 Marquette Crrcle. Costa Mesa
673-1600 $136,900 Sun 1-5
9 Sunrlver (Woodbridge) lrvlne
760-8333 $299.000 Sun 1-5
**2804 W Oceanfront. Peninsula
631-1400 $659,000 Sun 1-5
* * 1024 E Balboa Blvd., Peninsula
631· 1400 $1,450,000 Sun 1-5
2861 Corvo. Costa Mesa
957-0701 $175,000 Su n 12-5
4 BR plue FAM AM or OEN
1441 Galuy Or. (Oover Shorea) NB
548·5647 $420,000 Sitt/Sun 1·5
* 1840 Tredewlnda. Bavcreat, NB
6.44·9060 $359,600 S•t 1-3
•S Colonial (Northwood) lrvlnt
831-7300 1230,000 S•t 1-5
17 18 Port Ashley (HVHms) NB
759-0822 $259,000 Sa1/$ur1 I 5
* 1132 Ebbtlde, Corona del M&r
640·7246 $695,000 fee Sun 1·5
* 14 Burning 1 ree Road (Brg Canyon) NB
644-4910 ($695,000 Fee) Sal/Sun 1-5
213 Diamond (Balboa Island)
644-4910 $595.000 Fee Sal/Sun t 5
11 t8 Somerse1 Lane (Westcllffl NB
631-7300 $475.000 Sa1 1-5
125 1 Surll1ne Way (Harbor Vu Hills) COM
644-4910 $275,000 Sat/Sun I ·5
* * 104 Linda ISlt1, NB
644-4910 $995 000 Sun 1 !>
18 Cherry Hiiis l n (Big Canyon) NB
644-9060 $1,095,000 Sun t-5
11 t2 Westcllll (Westcllll) NB
642-5200 $255,000 Sun 1-5
1222 Sussex (Westcllfl) NB
642-5200 $23 7 .000
3962 Acacia (College Pk) Irv
552-4915 $178,500
210 Via San Remo (Lido Isle) NB
Su11 1·5
Sa1 1·5
675-30481673-2556 Sun 1-6 •
* 1812 Port St1rlrn9 (Harbor Vu Homes) NB
760-8333 $375,000 Sal/Sun 1-5
2901 Harbor View Or lHVHISI CdM
673-7761 $550 000 lee Sun 1 -~
1722 Port Barmouth (HVHm!.) NB
673-7761 $259.900 lee Sun 1-5
144 1 Galaxy Drtve, Newport Beach
548-5647 $420 000 Sal/Sun 1-5
226 Poppy, Corona del Mar
644-9060 $575.000
633 Bayside Or , Newport Beach
Sun 1-5
644-9060 $1, 100,000 Sun 1-5
1152 Kingston. Costa Mesa
644-9060 $230.000 Sat 2-5
* * 2319 Bayside Or , Corona del Mar
644-9060 $1 500,000 Sal 12-5
2015 Yacht Resolute (Seav1ew) NB
760-1900 $519 000 Sun 1-5
•4626 Roxbury (Cameo ShoreSJ CdM
759-1501 $640 000 Fee Sa11Sun 1-5
396 Princeton !College Park) CM
979-5370 $127 500 Sun 1-5
11 San Sebastian. Harbor Ridge
760-1900 $1 299,500 Sun 1-5
1010 Sandcastle Corona del Mar
546-23 13 S325.000 Sal/Sun 10-5
932 Coronado (Mesa Del Mar I CM
631-7370 $145,000 Sun 1-5
1255 Somerset (Baycrest1 NB
631-7370 $355.000 Sun 130-5
3133 Kerry Ln (Hall ol Fame) CM
641-8629 $136.900 Sun 12-4
2408 23rd St. (Cherry Lake) NB
631-7370 $495,000 Sat/Sun 1-5
222 Via Palermg...(Lldo Isle) NB
673-7300 $36,.00 Sun 1-5
* 2825 Clubhouse (Mesa Verde) CM
645-0303 $245,000 Sun 1-4
* •606 Harbor Island Dr (Har) NB
631-1400 $1 ,495.000 Sat/Sun 1-5
434 Begonra. Coror:ia del Mar
644 -7211 $595.000 Sat/Sun 1-5
•2036 Goldeneye (Mesa Verde) CM
979-2390 $279,900 Sun 1-5
t4 Morrow Bay (Spyglass Hiii) CdM
760-8333 $595,000 Sun 1-5
42 1 Pirate Ad , Newport Hts. NB
631-1400 $225.000 Sun 1·5
3474 Windsor Ct. Costa Mesa
546-2313 $209.000 Sun 1-4
2839 Alla Vista (E-bluff) NB
644-6200 $298.000 Sun 1-5
11 1 West Bey Ave • Nwpt Ben
675-6670 $469.000 Sun 1-5
29 12 Carob (Eaatbluff) NB
644-1742 $249,000 LH Sal/Sun 1-5
• * 708 Via Lido Nord (l.ldo Isle) NB
675-6161 $1.500.000 Sun 1-5
* * 2 19 Via Lido Soud. Lido Isle 780-1900 S 1,995,000 Sat/Sun 11 -4
* 1524 Antigua, Newport Beach
646·717 1 $849.900 Sun 1·5
* 1608 Galaxy (Dover Shores) NB
831·3550 $190.900 Sun 1-5
2ee 1 B•Nwood. (E-Blutf) NB 873.-7300 1190,&00
5 BA plue FAM RM or OEN
9 Cyproaa 11eo Lane lrvtntt
!>!>2-2000 $2~5.000 Sun 1 4 30
1 Rue VattJonnu Big Cnnyon, NB
760 8333 $725.000 Sun 1·6
1606 Castle Cove Cir, (11V Hiiis) CdM
644-6200 $640,000 Sun 2·5
12 Tralalger . (Hbr Rtdgo), CdM
780 8333 $2.225,000 Sa/Sn 1.5
1885 Boa Vista Cr (M esa Vde) CM
540-115 1 $239,000 Sun 1-4
2406 Francisco (Bek Bay) NB
675-6000 $349,500 Sun 1-5
*35 Aldgellne Or. HRBR Ridge
760-1900 $2,390.000 Sa/Sn 1-5
* .. 2 Winged F1 Ln. (819 Cyn). NB
673-7300 $699,950 Dally 1-5
• 2773 S<Jndp1per (Mesa Vde) CM
6 45 -0303 $265,000 Sun 1-5
* * * 29 Beechwood, (Wdbrdg). Irvine
55 1-6829 $410.000 Opn Sn 1-5
1095 1 San Leon, FV
963-8573 $179,500 Sun 1-5
901 Kmgs Road, NB
631-4300 $1,100.000 Sa/Sn 1-5
* * 40 1 Baysrde. Newport Beach 673-6900 $1,695,000 Sun 1-5
* 4 1 Goleta, CdM
644-6200 $890.000 Sat 2-5
938 Via lido Soudl, NB
6 73-7300 $84 7 ,500 Sun 1-4
6 BR plua FAM RM or DEN
*41 Goleta Pornt -Corona del Mar
644-6200 $890.00b Sun 1-5
* * 115 Harbor Isl Rd. NB
631 -7300 $1.500.00Sa ll -5
* •33 Via Lido Soud. Ld Isle NB
644-9060 $1 650,000 Sun 1-5
. 7 Muir Bch Cr (Spyglass) CdM
640-6259 $2. 185.000 Sa/Sn 2-6
2277 Pacific Ave. CM
673-7300 $107.000
2277 Pacr l1C A\le, CM
673-7300 $146000 Sa/Sn1-5
2286 PacrlJC, Unrt N, CM
644-9060 $1 28,500
2286 Pac111e. Costa Mesa
546-2313 $1 29.900
3BR plua DEN
-7 Rue V1llars. Big Canyon. NB
Sat 2-5
Sat 12-4
759-9100 $650.000 Sat/Sun 1-5
404 Columbia. Newport Crest
631-1400 $249.000 Sun 1-5
325 Ins. CdM
644-9060 $309.500 Sa/Sn 1-5
423 Carn ation, Old CdM. CdM
675-8370 Sa/Sn 1-5
1961 San Bruno. B luffs
631-1400 $150,520 Sat 1-5
132 S Bayfront. Balboa Isl
631-1400 $ t .300.000
Sat 1-5
509 Acacia (Ocnsde of Hwy). CdM
645-7048 $440 ,000 Sa/Sn 1-5
2 BEDROOM CONDO * • 1301 B,aysldt Or, CdM 644 -9060 $2300/mo Sat 2·5
1r Pool • * Wetertront * * * Wettrfton1 & Poot
Oronge Co at DAILY PILOT/Su11duy 0<..ICJh r II. 198:? t'I
·.'.!!!'..¥~!!!!'.'Mt!... !'.~!"-.f P/PJ~.'!~.'!. •• !'.!!!'..!pf,!~.'! .~ .. H!!! ,,.11,tal••-' AMtl•t•I• ht•l1•'4 ,.,,,,,.,, ,.,,.,.,,
...... • •
•••• • ••·•• • .~.-•• " • •• • •• •••• •••• ll•/11•l••H P•l•1•I••-' ll•l•t•lllH
A,.,,.,.,, A1•1t•Hl1
ll•l111•l•h' V•l•t•l••H ~!!~.!~!~ ...... !.¥.1 f~!!~.t'!!!! •••••• !.~!1 !~~!~! ........... l.«1
Or1nge Cool Collage. * •IH·l1IO•. waorg twnhe 28r. 'b• !~n!!.f!~!A .. 1.~f ,.,,.,, 1 .. ,1 1111 t:~i~ ii,·;;······11if ••·•••••··•··········· ······················
111 covu L;.;; ir:i~;;·,:.:.-·~ n.-... n, •••••••• 1 •••• f!!!t.!!!!t •.•• }.~~1 H•:!'•t1•• 3140
~.'!!t!!!. ~!~!~ •.. !.~~. ~.'.'!r.!!. ~~!~ ••• !.~! do11 4 Rm 2 b•, mo 30 BtltlrWOOd 1700
oern Ol1n• llld1/p111 Fltt •110101111• 3 OR ' Tiie 8ptlr'j• Coodo 2nd
811ultlul I l dtm OIMe ' " ... ,. dltfl 1.1)(100 with boat altp tr<te/hwy 2 hd _...A9-:..JIU VILLA MlDfAA 2 Or ?Ila. •••••• ••••••• •••. •• • • • Nn r Cl r Apl a 1.i;,ncJu
I lli-u M 8A, dh, OKOr Oourm.t It a 3 ., we eome • ., etro kltCI\ l)OOI 6 y&ril Kldi / r I 1 vlrMn)woO<J Condo 11 l tlOO mo tllp l 6&o 4tT l&et ~-.-9 c ·etd• tamlty complex o.tuu p00t11e10 •••• 1 'II"
11 '2 '' 50 mo Celt II I I • 1111 U&aT•HTI D/W, j "'U• W1rtg1t 2ur 2 01. 01tn1. uswhr
r11nt111a v11111 """'*'• (11~ 4111;i Brukm
i r1ur11 2 bdrm •P• r1gn1
"" "'" tand Ne,,. carpe "'•U 1.rod ur •Pl• Alt bit lfl~ .. v. •I .. C.<>1y l111j)18(.8
fur lhQll cold winter "'U"'' $ tt'OO pt1r rno
A .. lt)' 836 700!1 e:•• UIB•I l8:l!I Meta U :lll Agl &41 603;i
1 BA I B1 du11l1•. pv1 etde l°'ele PARKCACSI Pf1fR8
petlo new p11n1 1648 Beet Alty Sm Cott ttOMfl 3 t 1•-. 01 llV/
Coo,.,. AUi.on • .'!!r.! .•. !~!••••••••• 6•e .. llfullw 11ndeC1~e.. dPd $ "322&/mfo I ' 00 I '' mtloa b .. Cft N<r ~h 6arr•ll tutu Cl4l &200 oc:r ANI OONT °'' 2 4 6r v • ' " •P • 4 IOen Mgr SW<J1mo 5311 tlJ&2 r g11den •Pl• Pool & pa Ap1 1 L •A • ,., Oy w•ek 01 mon1n "'""'" '"
n10 &33·8182 Not• rent•t A11e111.y lam rm Otng '"'· 'c.ar l•---------
So Coa1t Plue M ar t>y,' 3 Bdrrll 1 111, fent...S y•tO uar w/ opener, 1ppt'1, IAllll .. lllUlll
Sf') 71173 a1to1/Cl~.ka NQ Pi ii
B11cr111tor 14 1 ti E 11<11 281 I Pl, uP•141111
frHh paint Nr ~hit. no
o•t• $4&0/mo Cl1\1 ·8155
!>p114. I 4 ;i tJr. lovely
1Jlno1 & alrearua *'' u11111 ertt1y by priono
toe roe •r•• ln<.I UY'"
111101 & 1ti11 646 li!IO 1
BA hie. cnel kllcheu, 110 pet• Senta An1 Mt• comm po<>I. J•C S975 Hlgnly d .. lrlDI• ere•
tero• Wiid wllll POOi $760 Agl 548-0614 !11>2 8~47 fllr .. bedroom hom.
0 I , .,,, ,.. SKlud•d toc:a tlou Puol nly •uv Matro n Hlly Sent• An• 1111 38r, big llnlv1t•1t'r Perk 3 br. 2 b l 1 111190 or 11111 opt1or1
848·7005 yerd. no p.,1a $750/mo co" o o . Ju'' r • d • c '1 too rier mon111
•Br. 2 e1 Me11 del Mer, 5•8 0814 Bkr $&40Mo 648·0:l1>7 011l1boul
cletm 1tom1. quitt 11rte1 • J •f Cle1an. 2 t>d. dbl gar, quiet U•y & B•ach nuy I 8 0 0 m 0 0 w n r o ••• ,,,., z. IOC o••Oenerlwa1flt p<l H 1 noo
759·8000 •••••••••••••••••••••• Av111f now S88~ cell l•----·-----lrHlll lew ll••H collltCl 11 •1,70·6421
Wtrllllf remel1
now 1v1llable Cell
.IAOlll llW.TY ,.., •&•AlllHT •n·• na
Furn r1n1011 l)y wtek Qr
month Agl tl7~ 11110
'250 V~r>Qu•rd
b40 01!2ti OI 642 490~
811Gh•for U 10
t Bdrm 1480
1111 E 18tn 842 08118
Spuc:1ou• 2 Or 1 011 1<126 3 8 I 1 1h lh $ 4 7e>
Laundr y I nc: . puol
549.g559 12·7PM
Specloua 2 bO, 2 ba. new
CrpU, (lr11p•a. llUVd
(lltllid41 IOG•llon S4 75 S•• MlrtOt 147 f 18th
'J Or. wl 1Jttlth lal A 111,1 fl
S:>OO iecur S4';rJ
213/llll:l 70~(1 ti lt:I 'JO Iii
~IJ .. t 1 ria 2', c.ondo type
••t•r 1r1 Ille Blurt• Frpl, t~··w (;.11rpo1 No Piii
\fr;i•, 64~ &;i 18
A gem, 1p1rkllng 2 BA
hae. 0•1•0•. k•delptt• S470 Metro Re11ty
O•n• Point W81klng di•·
lance 10 Beach 3 and 4
OdrnU 195~ to S t3SO
Pl (mO 861·f 100
WOJ1d l:>r1dg e He1111g•
P111 k 3 6R. 2 OA. dbl
g11ogo Patio, frpc DIW.
formal dining Avail Im·
mediately. No P•tl S860
rno 213·423·4894
811ycr111t CllllOm dH IQn. 3
OR. dining rm, t11m rm,
don. 2 ••y. :J;ioo •q 11 1011 yerd $1250 mo Kemble,
714 956-5730
6:110 OC*Kn Front, 38r • lower dPI•. 1mmed oec:u·12 BA I OA, old l'tOUH, no
pency 111 Ju11e 16 S750 ~" Chlld OK AH\1111 pd
mo (2 131596 1709 eve 4 15 ~lem11ton l lP!>
2 Or. t ' • b11 323 £ 181h
SI No p11ts G1r $660
SIMrr II MQrrll 64 I 1324
I hd 4 hlk!. from flC.lt Alt
u1111 pll 201 c 1111.uuv
lll>I 4 $400 ph11 Cl11p
IN NFWf'l)llf IH Al.It
A 1Ul•ol 1-'rt•lfC>Jlrtll 111
uCJ•• lrttoHt 1.(J'1tn\l)l11ly f,;ll
ll•t llf•lml h11r "'IVJltU
r lur1111rua11 011<1 l11H1lt11
IPll IJ ht1H11• te11i11 • 1 ,,,,.,1, ""'~" tu ll11atnu11
•llrtH1rl I 11Gllflt1t l'llJHll
(.tJllVfUllftlq l h l1IJ1 'Jh
~ii,. ll11lu111,.l111n t111r ""
lu1 . 1 1' ~ lo1Jrm 11111• dt1d
I tr) I IJ<l, 2 Ill Apl In Int
ftlull~ r rlJI Su11er IOCa
111)11 11 ~Ory Pfl~··· No
'"'" S117$ 64~ 6218
Oen & night view 48r lam HuuH Condo Ap1 All
rm, 2 'Jt 8 1 . A \/ are a av• 1 I• b I e now
S1000mo831·1153 $6 ~0 $950
eeeutllul E1S•d• 3 BA, 2
master bethl , lorm11
dine, gourmet kltch end
now S625 Metro Realty
2 eorm, 1 bl. lrplc. o•·
r a g e , t ncd pa ti o
S!i951rno Leaae Beck•
up to golf courae 7 10
Joann St 2131472·6240 --------2 Br t Ba petlo. enctsd
garage. lenced. carpets
& drapes No pell $525
plus security 548·5442
01 770·5629
3 Br 2 Ba. S735/mo No
pell 808 Joann St
644· 1836
Npt Hgts ar88, 3 Br 2'., ea
condo; family rm, lrplc.
l a und r y rm , gar ,
$825/mo Joyce Weitze.
llgt 631· 1266
Eaststde condo. lbr. 2
be. den. frptc. 2 car ga·
rage $825 545·6685
2Br. 38• lovely twnhae,
pool. ape. gar & c/p. no
pets $725 mo 675·7163
j BA. Santi Ana Hgts. 1
a a lncd reer yard, $750
mo. 546·4 131
Nr S.C Plaza 1 Br. over
pool, parlt like Rel. stov11
1nct $500 846-6256
IEW lllYllE
1 BA 18a & '2 BA l'Jt Ba
FROM S700 to S850
Dishwasher & Double
Fireplaces. Cpta/Orapes
1 Yr l ease w1op1 to buy
Good public transporta-
7 14/493·0467 ~!#.~~!.~~~~ ••• !.~~~
lf1ti 3Z40 ..•.•.................
2 Ill, 2 II, SUI
Nu 3200' tu~ hm on blull
t80 oeg vu of harbor.
surf. mtns. 3br. 3be.
security, seune. spe Flrlt only. no 18111 For $1800/mo 495.7009 gOOO tennants Children -
& pets M etro Realty 2 Br t Ba collage. Clllf
6J6 7005 sectton gas range gar·
oener refrJg Wiii leue Sharp 2 BR condo. 1 sty $850 494·0154 On bua
111 bllns pool, S550 mo 11rie
Call 540· t t58. asi. ror
Dave Home. 4 81 2 Ba. beau!
v i ew $t250mo $400 rents 2 big bOrms 497-1761 494·521 4 Amy with ga1age many e•
1ra1 M etro Heally,
3 & 4 Borm. $725 to
Lease or lease Option
New e~ec nome 3Br.
111ew $2000/mo Agent
497-176 1
S750 Fenced yaros & 2 bd, den, 1' • ba newly
g arages Kids & pets reoec panoramic OGean
w elcome 545·large views ASH avall Nov 8
b<lr rns, master b a1hs. $850 494· 1177
!luge walk tllru kitchen. Oelulte 2 or 2 ba-n-;
kid/pet Metro Realty, beach. view 's 1200/mo
636· 7005 _ Call 494. 584 1 evs/wknd1
2Br. 2Ba Condo "' Hoag, Luxury 3 br 2') oa. study, pool, oshwsnr, no pets view S 1500/mo Call
S650 mo 768~~-494-5841 evSiwknds
4 Ill, 2 IA, 1110 Ctean -2 b~ house 1n vu ..
W1tl't carpals. 1elax1ng la9e Frplc, oeam ce11,
spa M e t r o A ea 11 y yard & gar Klds/PelS oi..
636-7005 s000 494·2576
new 2 Br beach nouse LI N. ti 32SZ
all utlls paid. skyltgl'tl. •• l.'!'!~ •• !1.8 •••••••..•
sun dec:k tots ol wooo BCH tennis pool gr<l'd
t•plc. blt·lns. 2 car o•· gate. 3 bd. 2 ba 1mmac
rage. great toe a1 217 831-1293
Harlforo. Ortve by & then
call 536-7979
\ltew ol 11\e ocean 2
80rms 1''tb1. guarded
gate. pool, sauna, gym
$800/mo 213/333·3846
or 902·1298
2Br Condo, 1 'hBa. cpts/
drps, clubnte. jac, pool
$550 mo 768· 7633
Lovely spacious 3Br. 3Ba
twnhse. pvl community
POOl/f8C 2 ml to bch $600 mo 499-1101
'!.~1.'l!! •• ~~·i! .... !.~~!
3 Bdrm , S725 Fenced
yard & garage Kids &
pets welcome 545·2000 walk to ucr and shop·
Ca'tl1'/H1-Hll llHT Tl IWI 'I $3000 down 2'~ bd. 2
Agenl. n_o_ree_. ___ _
~'.'!r.!! .~!~!~ .•• !.~~!
•rlll l&O• t•f ba, huge lot Close to the m;, " • ocean. lmmed occ pv1 4 bdrm, 3 bath condo, pany 847-4788
pool. tennis. etc $775. Call 675-4277 5 blks to ooeen Elegan1 2
3 Bdrm. expended Car-
mel mol View New cpt
1800 sll S 1200/mo. Call
Agt Gana Hiii 642·6079
----------BR, lam rm & den $875 Westside 2 br. 1 ba du· mo Plush cpts, 2', ba,
ptex. enct g1r. pv1 yaro. cedar and gless Sun·
no pets $485 & $495 deck. dbl car p111 gar 3 Bdrm 2ba spotless
mo 548-6680 all 5 & fully malnt'd yard No • S 1250/mo
wknds ~ts lnq, 527 18th St 2 Bdrm. 2ba, beaulllul
adult un11 S 1200/mo
Call Holstetn Realty
760-8816 or &.44 -9 152
La1Mloptton. 2 or. 2·~ b1 _9eO-__ ._e_s,_1 _____ _
condo. 3 level. 3 pell01. Nwp1 Hgts '850/mo +
ulils 631-07 15
Ocean view. voli.y bait .. t.
119 Huntington St 2 BA
$650. 1 BR SSOO. or rent en t 11 e d p 1 x S 1 1 2 5 Lovely " Br 2 Ba crpt Ill 2Ba avall Nov 1 536•3602 0, 661•7622 Mg 2 car gar numerous
50 mo 151 & last req tru11 trees. 1 blk lrom ~Y pref 85 1-1769 2 bdrm, 1 bl hse nr ocn C1tlf Dr Garoenar No
T·PTan lavorlle wradded yd. OAr $6Q.O _iljL..J.1JtLLJ..:teu>....:U1URUJ110.-AJvAll
d1n1ng rm. 3 BR 2 Ba. 1_8_36_·9_6_2_9______ Oct 151 548-6080
lam rm. lge yatd S890 Spotlees 2 Br all ached Tile Blurts, 3 Bdrm condo.
Incl grdnr 5<19·8664 dbl gar. W/O hookup, 2 b a L 1 n d a PI a n
Deluxe condo. 2Br 2'hba,
trple. patio. extraa. $850
837·2686 e11es/wknd1
$500 & $500 dep Oulet, S 1 2 O O I m o I s e
nr Fwy & shopplng Sml 760-1900. 673· 7681
pet POIS w/d ep MC·
S9501mo 2 Or tu;, condy,
overlk1' nv1111 perk Av&ll
Nov 1st no pita, non
smkr C Aii Jean
760·0 168, 2131556·3040
3 Dr <lupl •. 1 nouae horn
beech near new Frplc,
gar11ge. ttal'twhr. W/0
nook upa $975 yrty
673-4889. l\HP trymg
Vrly 3 od 2 ba evatl
1mmd Nwly remodeled
Musi rtmt lhl8 wMkend
124 •2nd St 646·5710
or 675 3132
B1and new 3Br 2bll lam
r"' hm Frplc 1ecu11ty
g111es Low ma1n1enance
$960/mo Open Sun 2·5
2345 16th St 645·4670
1 BA, $390 3 BA, $850
2 BR, $525
Mi!lrO Realty, 636·7005
Su CJ,.,.,, 3Z16 .............•.•...•..
2 BA condo. 2 Ba. fp1c.
Oen. wotbor. gar Beaut
sur1 view S1eps to bch
$750 mo 492-1619
2 Br con<lo. 2 ba, lrplc.
den. wet bar gar Steps
to beach Beaulltul surf
111ew $750 /mo
Su Jau
... ~~!!~'.'.".~ .... !.~~!
4 BA 2 Ba. xlnt San Juan
Capistrano locatlon.
$830 mo Evs 493-2448
Sul• AH 1210 ...........•.........•
Nice 3 BA 1 '~ba dplx
$650/mo 3 yrs Old Kida
and Pell POUlbla Im·
med occup Ed Watts
964·6171 ------
,Soc1a1 .-.c 1tvttle1
Dlr e ctor •Fr ee
Sund a y
Brunch•880 's•
Partl .. •Ptus
much more
T e nnts •free
l eaaons (pro & pro
s h op)>2 He allh
Sw1mmln$1•Goll Driving Range
S l ngtea . 1 & 2
& Unfurn1sned•No
Peta•Mooers Open dally 9 to 6
Oakwood .......
lew,.,t leMk/11,
880 lrvlne
(at 16th)
(714) 645-1104 ... ,.,. .... '1 ...
1100 16th St.
(Dover at 16th)
(714) 642-51 13
Lrg 3 bd, 2 bl. gar, lrpl,
w /d, winter no pe1s
$900 673-6640
tean ruturn 1 BA. I gar
•l>. ', bllt to bell Oct-
July 1 person No pets
S425 120 36t h S t
675·9722 ------3 Br. 2 Ba. convenient 795 Lg 3 or. newly turn
S700. 1st. last plus $200 Nr bell (213) 265·3507;
retu r nable clng 360·5465, 617·358 5
831·2000 daya
t---'--------~ C••'••iaia•• Soatl 1. .. ,,,,. 3116
U•l•1•i1lftl 3425 ········"'············ •••• .-... •••••••••••••• u 1acc1ve stu~o-. empt 3 B• Condo near So C lemale non smoker
Ple.za, crp1ng & blt·lns Small combo. llv·bed·
ovetlook s g reenbelt. dlnrm. share bath S325
pools, spas & clubhouse Includes all u1i1111es. color
avail Security gate TV. phone. small prl"'t•
$850 Call 979·8231 eves kllchen. linens. 01111es.
& wkn01 washer/dryer private
------enuy walk to beach. EXEC RETAEA T In New-pool, 1ac. sauna. 1ennl1
port Bch 1 Br penthou· court. gate guarded &
se Secut11y, pool spa. patrolled prestige area gym $6001 mo ( 7 14 J 493•3•90 6 4 6 -4 287 1 213) ,.,,,.,.,,
AH fJ 11f11 T iiiii tlaf.,ai1ltl .,,.~!! ••.•.. ~!~'! •.••.........•••...•....•.
.. 1 ... 111 .. , 310f ., ... ,,, .. , 3106 •...................•.......................
furn 3 bdrm 2 bll, mo-Br apt garage No pets
Oern Span1111 apt Steps $700/mo 227'1> Coral
10 No Bay W1n1er S800 2131395-35 11
84 1·0783
Eastalde $826·1850/mo
2 Br 1' •Ba Townf'\ouae.
all bu111 1n1, lnory rm.
cerpurt. yuO/belcuny.
smell pet OK
TSL Mgmt 642· 1603
F1reptac e. pool dllh·
washer. pvt petlO X lg
Garden 2 Br on Els1de
1560 557-284 '
1 BA. new-pa1n1 cpta.
dr1p11 d /w, no pe1s
$400/mo 2265 Miner St
1111. 2111. Jiii.
M11111 \lorclo 2 br. lip,
.i11c.I gor Nu p11I• $600 + d11po111 970-4383 '11>0110~ '" 0C.Mllll U111 pd
I r1cJge1 S!lOQ !lOtl ll llOi 675 74!>0 nedt!(;Oraltld I Br r111r1u
incl 19200 Wctllatt
$4 10 760 8376
E1111S1Cle nouae, 2 Bdm
don lrg lrnt din nu cpls
lrg tncd yrd pet OK $650
tsi & last sec 5400
2 and J bdrm 2 be avail
llOW $57!1 10 $625
567 -4785 Mon-Sa1 9 5
end Sun 1 I 5
Free b1cne1orei1e, tl•
change tor baby5111111g
ano work 545-0034 As·
Lge1 I br patio. pool g,JI
-ec. oorn ow $41'•
892-t.74!. 011~
lrg 2 l>d 1roph1• g11•dlJll
pallo $480 1209 rtorlell't
12 13) 49:1 1ti)5
2 oo 4 <ltln townnouse ')
ba Frol T 1:1nmi. Spu ror
bC.r1 2202 Heu Cu<.lu
/ 1<1 960-3745
l1viae Jlf f .•.•••.....••.........
Or11ngt14*! adult c.ontm ?
bd on s1ream S550
857 4993 or 673 J11!>
!!I.~'!!.!.~.·.~~ ..• !.~~~
''•110 "l(Jtl(J
!:.f'Vl•rlll llllC.hlllflllt 110(1 1
fidt "' urnp. ft.,tfUf o h o'4
Ol•.,.l~ftcH hHt11hu.,. 1.tnd
'" f.H\.••Orlt•\ Mt_,,y,, .,, "'
Otty '"'' r••·.to if• lot f11hHtt
u\H ~01111 tty tur 111•.tu1ct
mtn.h•I•, UIJUf' tt 111ty
Ort Ju111h"" 11 ltd <11 c,,.,, J1J.1quu1 Htlh All
2tu "btt uay uc.t1un 'l•hw
C.UfitJ(I 1JtJr11 jl!C.IJl/1
~tt<.ufl1y rJld11 sr1;••, rltO
G.;11 C>t!r1111 f,4• 111 lti "r SM; !>8JJ
vrn., "' '""' .i1;w <' ljH 1 Hn J t ,,, \µ.;c.1·~ $ IOIJ
rn () 6 4 4 r, f 8 0 fJ I
b4G J 18~
UAI lit)_. l'f;NIN '' hlk to '"It 'i lltl 1 till. yrly,
t 1 11 1 1 S !I 6 0 rn o .,.,:-o6•n
.1111 lLHi up:s1a1rt w /
"'"dtH.~ vcean view •llY $750 A gt .
t.1 J JJ55
W"~' N"wport Ouph111 2
110 I IJa down118111.
lrl•ll. cJbl1WhJ . pllltO, gl •
r1111e S600 mo Sunday
7(,0 7241 wkdays
IJ1!> 1642 Agt
I Br 1 B.i apts on Pen1n
Uµ~t..wi , Dlk to ti.lach
(.Iv~ to thOPt & restau·
'""" rrom $450 mo Agl 675 t6•2
Su C/em111tt 3116 ••................••.• Newry decor Gaa po,
encl gar, dwsnr pool,
bbq no pets 642·5073
2 BcJrm 1'' ba trplc (J/w
pvt pa110 oeraoe no
oe1s $520/mo 634 Ha-
mlllon 543·5478 1 BA lull oa. ocean '4ews
pv1 <leeks. 1plc 1n new
house Avail now No
pets $500 mo inchJs
u111 1st. 1as1 & sec 10·4
wkdys 752-6618 wkn<ls
3 br l oa pa110. ges & 'l Br " BJ tr""' 'SSlS Na Wf1tPr S600/mo + clea-
included S350
pel~ Ac.r<1s~ lrorn Nu"' n1ng & oep 531·3585
purt BtMtn Goll Course •.Ns We.t:tield
Beautllul garden 1pts
Pa11os/decks No pets 2
cl'tlldren welcome
2 Borm 1•,. Baths $540
2 Bdrm 2 Bat11a $565
398 w Wiison
631-5583 or 642·4905
B eau11ru1 2 Br 2 Ba
1ownhouse. lrplc. paoo,
lndry rm, good toe
$560/mo TSL Mgmt
642·6221 642-1603
C811 962· 7940
2 br In newer 1rt •plex n1
SC Pluta. gar No pets
$545 833·9293
Bachelor. Utll's Included
Prk g space Back yard
$300 Cati ot1er 6 pm
EASTSIOE Lg 28r garage
+ carport & yd s1ove/
relr1g $550 mo
ocu• VIEW.
10 m1n.1es so ot Laguna on Dana Pomt s most
secluded scenic Olu ll,
ltke new 2 Br widen
•tra large pm1a1e pa110
yarage $72:1/mo Call
6616441orMF 9.5
54!i 4f:l!J!i
Large 4 Hdtn1 ~•o~ua "'
pollO St«PS IC'> htlil~lt
tmrndt A Vdil now
$1201)/rnn vrly f,7'.J i!5()f
Slepr, to fhe BMr.h ;i Br
2 8.l 1 l~rtrtts couru
.i1.1o~s 111e ~,,,...,, Very
CIPa11 NPW (.:,,lf.>AI $7C.0
mo Ylly ,,.,,, Cljll K.110
6750174 MtJJ1 I ro Jt1
673 :J5!)6 S.;1 Sur•
WINTER RENTALS Coit• lflH 3124 Sludio. '· blk lrom Mani :J 4 4 Ar L.IOSu 10 w,11 .. r Us'sl.E • • •••• • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • Beach gd k11ch Util m ... t 2 BA 2 Ba avail approx $3.50 494·3044 "''" & unrurn "'"~ona 2 Br 1 Ba pool side apt. Nov 1 no pets s485 bit! dll d'"'"" 1te\ Brok•·•
fndry rm. blt·lns No 760 1418 or 548.8675 Spac 3 bd 2 oa F1p1 675 4'11?
pets Call for appt evs/wknOs Lnory Nr Beacn S950 NP• HI~ 7 0, ~DaC'ious $435·$450 494-3446
N• SC. Gener~I Hosp,
'.lllr Ir pie, ?Ba. stove.
c;pls Ava11 Nov 1 S535
rnc. (7 141 891 1644
Lye ? Br. 2 be 204 W
M .ir1ro sa . $435
8 18 163 1 or 548·• 162
? ua ocean view. close to
~noi;111ng & bch $445
Sul Bt1cll 3114 ............•.........
!11 bllt to leach
luAury 3 odrm 2 ba. 2
1l••ry pr 01 decora1ed ~1 000 mo
213 596·0403
Rooms 4000 TSL Mgmt 642·1603 2 BR 1 Ba dpt" new apt quier mature ao11
----------cpts/drps Crean insida/ 1 br w/gar ctose-1n for 1 $700 1nc1 ut.I f,75 8202 ~~,·~;;v··e:~;,"5~,';;n•·H~;e• FlllESllE COMFlllT out No pets S550 mo person. rels. uhls S47~ 631-8000 M s1ra19n1 Lag Bch
Like nu. lga 1 br apts 11111est 4 $275 relun-494-5380 $275 uttl 499·2286
frplc. OW. gar . $475/up dable dep Devin Real Du,ltl 2 &.dr1t1,lba TRAifQUILITY c T
Patio or b1lcony Pool & Estate. 642·6368 • Ver" P"••lte 2 00 d'•I\ 1 oro all nouse privt· spa No pe1s 2650 Harle Nr !:leach. palto $700 , .. leges W ·o member Sun
Mesa Pines 549·2447 1 bd duple.A carp1s bl· 760-2561 494-6306 AUIUILE NOW IS s.111 CluO pool tenms
----ttns. drps gar No pets L.;rge 11001 pldns g>1r S280 tst & last uul Incl
$465 2 Bdrm. refrtg. pa· $400 2229 Orange Ave Split Intl D,11 dens landscaped pool 1)86 4038
tlo. no pe1s. adults pref, 493·0676 2 bdrm 1 ba. Cape Cod 1acun• Greal LotJl•on. [ sioe C M Pvt lurn rm 4 724·A James. 673·7787 Nr Harbor stores room charmer In town, nr close to evetything• haJn Owrt en1rance Incl · y. beacl't. yd. lrpc $750 Some 1ownnouses and u PINE BLUFF APTS clean 2 BA. 1 be, beems 760•2561 494•6306 apanmenlS wltl1 <len u1il 182 Cecil Pl (Cl. 1 Br w/lofl Child ok. no pets $410 642·3 153 I -$3 15 673-754'4 patio , view. frplc. encl COZY 2 Bo, w/lull kit hall av,111 No Pets Please ----gar . gas stove. dtah· Bach apt . lrpl,. pool. 1cz Olk 10 bell s41o incl<ls From $690-$730 4 Br 2 Ba nse WIO. kit
washer spa, lndry rm Female prelerreo $345 ut1ls. 1st mo plus S500 MARlllERS SQUARE "1" $225tmo S20 dep
$625/mo + ulll 645·0892 sec to move '" Hotel APARTMENTS f,4£>.8386 alt _1 ___ _
SPMC 631·8107 3 bd, g ar . trpl, pallo. Calllorn1aapl9 494-2797 12441rvineAve.belwecn NB Nonsmkr lull house
E/Side.C.M cute bachelor Newport Heights area or 493·7137 wes1thll g Mariner Or pt1v11eges 5295
ap t, s4ooi mo + S300 $650 10 $800 559.5001 L N' I 31SZ (7141645 0252 631-7215
security No pets Joyce 2 bd, 1•, ba. Studio. P11-.!l.'!~! ..• 'I.".~........ Room •'o smokers or
Weitze. 631·1286 1g1 110. gar No pe1s On Gott Course West I BR·POOI bloc~ 10 or1nkars Worl1,1ng per-
G S575 548-4291 Nine Condo 2 BR 2oa 2 ocean-s1ng1e 5350 !.on prel o 548-4814 TUNNIN tar~ 1 & 2 Br car gar wloprir Wash/ 642-5002
g•1rden spt 710 W 18th 2 bd. 1 ba wlgar, S475 dryer L95 Prvt nome Furn. no
S No pell, wller pd NntHll Bt•cll 1169 1 Br bJCh4Hor blk I CI sml\ng a< or1nk1ng Ptol
Near 18th/Pomone. t Br,
1 Ba. oownsralrs. dis.
carport. water pd. 1 child
Ok. no pe11 $425 Agent.
no lee 962-0217
754 0986 ••••' ; ••••• •••• •••••.. beath lrg oec~ uttl pd male over ~O $288 mo
IHTAlfT II -•, Block to beach 28r $395 840 J787 556-0637
$485 mo 2 BR I' •Oil
tndry rm carport. all
bltnt, cp11 drps TSL
E SIOE·28r Duple• Manogefflent 642-1603
cpts/drps stove, S475 •EASTS1DE 2Br 2be
mo No pets 675·245e. K1d1/sml pelS ok S57S
646-5345 ut1I Pd 631·4320 agt
Large 3 81 2 Ba Town·
house 1n qu1e1 complex
large pool garden sat·
long $675 645-3381.
Du1 ,,;,,,
bright & airy S670 mo
yrly 968-8263 1 Olk to Sch lO ... tJ• 2 bd
den 2 oa yrly 01t1ns
Beachlron1 winter renlal relrog ~750 675 8839
Oct May 4<109 Sea-Lge bach a~·11n \le1sa1111:s
st.ore 2 Br ~700/mo 3 PH 27 o ve rrocH 1n9
Br $800 Uhl5 pa10 Can courlyar<l ooor 1.te
be lurn 1sn eo w t1ight im ,,..8 1 10
714/544·0614 o~ach 5ub1e••11rie.1n
8eachtron1 winter rental 9 a' d g e ~ b 0 0 m"
Oct-May 2914 Ocean. 64' Cl'.JOI
Wkly rentals now avail
S 105 & up Coror TV
Phooes. •n room 227,_4,,__ _ __.
Nl'wport Blvd CM
$84/wk F1doen nr Beech 81 WATERFRONT trg 2 Br 2
Quiet. Clean. 2 bd In 893-4894 Ba. Ir pie. entry 1 car
cour1 New carpe1a. o•· ----gar lrg pa110, small ooa1 1.1 ...
·Beyfront L1 111e Isle. pier. 3 SIOfY 2Br. S1800 E'slde 1Br 1oa. pool.
m;) 675·3067 laundry No p e ts
From Dana Potnrs moSI
secluded scenic btull
Like new' Only 4 uO!lS 2
Br widen Xtr11 trg pr1vate
patio From $725/mo
Call 661-6<14 1 or M·F
9.5 643-0212
Iron! 3 Br Newly remo 2 BA 1 Ba lplc <;tep~ to
Oele<l Can t>e lu•ntsl'teO ocn $650 mo )•ly
Utlls pale 7141544·0614 Re 1 5 r.. 4 2 7) o 5
2 bdrm. 1 ba. S5501mo 1-'>6!! 410b
Nwpt Blvd & Wilson
rage. yrd. comm pool. no 4 bdrm. 2 ba Walk 10 10 15' 1st 1as1 sec ,,.;.,,,,. 3101 ----$38 5/mo 833·7890.
pets. $575/mo Mgr 2453 Beach, qule1 cul·de-sac $900 675-2298 ......................
Winter Rental 2Br. pool. 1
hOuse to bch $550 Playa
A E 673·1900
111 2 BR. sundk Ip, stv, 646-1947
8 Orange Avenue. C.M 5850 675.7673 DELUXE 3 BR 21~ ba, 2
38r, 2'h8a. lrplc. comm Seaspray • 1 level 3 Br sty. lga front yard &
pool & spa. 2 car garage 2ba condo Pool. 1ennls. upstairs pa11o Near
w/auto drs nr So Cst 1 m1 from ocean lmmed beach 1st & last, secu·
relrig. $700 306'.'> Coral 1----------Appt only 213·277 ·2120 Newer 1 Br wigarage No pets. $4 10/mo
Pl $'775 a11 a ll $675 Call rlty $1100 per mo 8 z a m 0 642·9202 968·8426 or 960-3296. 2 t3/531·i 84'5 _6_3_,_·5_6_6_1 _____ _
IE W CA p E CO I ----;ll•PET•Fllr 3 Br. 2 story town11ouse 2 " m;, , baths. pwder rm Very TW•MM. Thll rtouae la ready ror P v 1 . c o m m P o o I
Decorator perfect. I PI · family Modest i..11chen at $900/mo, 673·8856
clous 2 Bdrm 2',,ba. $425 Reedy for rent to-westclltt area. avail . 3 BA pool. Jae. recreation day Best 539·6190 Cost area, pV1 patio, bi lcony. 2 Ba. dbl gar. lplc $925.
large garage OecOfator * s.eoo 2 IR * grdnr tncl Elaln1 ,
wall paper. draperies and Affordable home This 546· 1232. &.45-5963
more S 1150 Incl pd utll unit will be lhown all oay
Ca ll 673 · 2 3 1 1 from lor19 Kids no problem
9·5pm See now Best 539·6190
3 Dr. 2 be 2 Children OK ,_c_o_s_1 _______ _
Newport Crest ocean
view e11ec condo. 2 Dr.
den office 2 bl formal
d in wet·bar tennis
1 Bfl apt, utlf paid, partly
OCEANFRONT·28r lur· turn .. garage
nlshed. winier. $575 mo 673·4236 or 675-2355
Furn, quiet. Ilg, winter. 2
rentals 6 75-4886 ''"' ,,.;.,,,,. 3I01 ••..•..•.............•
bdrm. 2 be newer dplx
lloe 2 Ir Ilse/apt, vrty Mature non-smkrs, no pets S700 X 3 Furn S650/mo 673-4743 2131799-4195. 257-9792
3 bd. 2 be. lrpl, mierowv or (714) 67J-3986
lndry rm. Great IOGallon 425 utll pd 1Br Oplx 4 17
Gd parkng 67S·4912 E Bay Ave . Balboa No
BKA 11915 547. 1155
28r gar 1 blk from bch, bdrm 1 ba, sundeck ,
Weter & gardener Incl
$795 644·2778
p ools elc $1 200
w1ntet rental $550 mo block 1rom oeach 212
3 13 E Bay A ve (7141 30th SI $625/mo yrly *le"'-'9ao•* 573.2so2 675-8120 675•3206 2 BR. lully crptd. rock C .1 I .. 31Z2 2 bdrm 1987·8 Cherie lrplc. encl gar $400"s LIDO ISLE-4 Br. 3 Ba & 111•• •f ,.., tudlo apt, $350/mo utll
$470 per mo 1 Child Ok Hurry, But 539·6 190 den.$ t•OO a······················ Incl 1st & last Call aft 5 Cost 222 \lie Palermo cean view, b eeulllutly wkdys. 673·6228 No dogs 64 2·2250 . 675_7168 turn townhouae. trplc • .___~-------
646-7017 •--.-C-ou-ld_ll_8e_'1_• __ ,_________ pool & patio $1095/mo OlfH ''' #u 312Z
E.c.ec 4Br. 2Be nr So Cit FentastlG 4 Br, Incl Fem Lido ISie bayfront 6 br. 5 ·-6-73_·_0_8_9_8_____ .. ••••••••••••••••••••
Plaza. formal din a llv, rm. kld1/pet1 $585 PM ba, Plflr Ind slip Lease -OCEANSIDE OF HWY STIPS '' IOW
ram rm. pool. 1"8 + all gar. 1111 Beat 539·8190 $2500 mo or lease op. 6 11 t b h 1 1111 Manu amenltlaa lnclu· " tlon Open Sun t·5 Call " rac ec; · av ' amenl11u. S 1300 mo 2er Condo. l'·I Ba. cptal 644•9687 or 7511 _9 182 $350 IN 675-6001 ding views from deck,
957-8481 1v11/wllnds. drps, pool, Jae, clbhae. Ag• Ct•I• .. ,,. 31.,. lrplc, etc ,.., "'" "'Lerge 2 Br. 2 81. $800. Eesrstde. pool, 3Br. 2Ba. no pet s $560 mo 1-----•••••••••••••••••••••• "'Large 3 Br 3 B ii frptc. covered patio, ra-768·7633 Penln Point 2 br 2 ba. Furn 1 bdrm apll. S385 S 1175 d I d "II h $95 steps to ocean. S800 E mo ee "c en 0 Lg 28r Twnhae. 2 story. lease or sale Agt end up nc garegu Cell An l hony days
-mo. 6411·6906 1 '.'\ml from bch, p ello. 759·9182 or 673·0850 '2110 Newport Blvd CM 842·5757 eves & wknds
Sharp and cieen 4 br. 2 very clean 1550 mo 548·4968 831·6630.
b a . 0 a r d an I r t n c I 980-0822 Newpor1 Creal 3 br. 2~be. Olll II 110 1 8 5 o / p h pool. tenn11. No pets 0Hst.Mwy/MHlrt"41r
548•9950 m o one ••aliaftf• $950 mo 642·3490. ALL UTILITIES PAID The Shores In beeutlful
B•tH JZ4Z CdM 1111 1 & 2 bdrm Lovely custom home 3 Br, ••••••••!! •••••••••••• With 4o· doc~ for power Compete bet ore you 1pta for rent Call Helen
2 be: lr11hly p1lnted . 2 Br 2'hb• townhouse. boai 3 Br 2 ,. 8• condo rent Custom design Gibson. &.44·2611
many xtrat. prv1, tlte & close to Harbour & In W. Newport '1150 feature• Pool, bbq, t-----------
a I r y 8 4 2 • 2 9 8 2 . ocean $850, 631· 1266 w/o dock S l350 with cov'rd garege, aurroun· 1Br. ro pell, no garage,
7141758-3246 Gery dock. 673-11QO did with pluah fanOtc•· S550 mo ~vail Nov 7
E·SIOE. sunny 2 Br ga·
rage. deck $450/mo
160 21sr St 546-0185
2 Br den. 2 be. trplc. new
crpt. lrg view decks. 1m·
mao occupancy Agem
S 750tmo A gent
YILU 00" .. yl OCEAN VIEW. 2 bd. 2 ba
duple• lrpl, naw carpets
Spacious E Side Apts & drepes No Pets
Encl gar. paho. Oshwhr & $625/mo 675· 1541 or
stove Most ulll free No 12131316-3145 pets 2 BA. 1 person S510 2Br. garage. near ocean
2 BA 2 persons S545 ocean view balcony
1 BA starling a1 1435 $480/mo 2131402·2657
2323 Elden Ave CM See at 24682 Apl A
642· 7605 Cordoba Or
SPACIOUS 2 Bd 1 Be, Studio apl rel"g we1 1>11r
Beam celJ1ngs. aerv bar. S275 mo
Wood cab . no pell 64 1·1391
$475 2256 Maplyon :>t Lu•ury Townns 1pt 3 br
upstairs no p e ts 2'• ba. oc vu. $725
S.430/mo Sierra Mgm1 240-2220 Of 974·4288 641-1324
S535 Ovplexl S560 Houae HHliaflOll
$325 8cl110pn 10-0pm l,.d 3140
333 E 2111 St e780f"30 2·g•3·9~;,;,;·;;;,•·A~~jt
645·81031645-6589 immediately $525-$550
LIXIRY OOIHS Frplc. d/w, garage No pe l t . w111 r p atd 2 Br 2 Ba Including 2 545.2000 Agent, no ree c ar ~garaga w/opener.
wood burning lrplc. most 38r. 2' 1811, lrplc, dbl gll•.
u tll1 paid , view of W/D hook-up $850 mo
streema & waterfall• 964·4633. 1·526·3004
F r o m S 8 0 0 C II I I Nr Beach 3 bd. 1"'• ba,
662· 1309 crpts. drps, bllna. lrpl,
1 BR 1 Ba. encl gar. pv1 enc gar . $850 C al~
patio. 1110 \llctor11 536-0921
$4lO mo 631•8812 1 bd, bltns crpta. drpa
• 1 BR DUPLEX• lrpl, anc ger, w/d hkp,
$415 1nctdng ut111. 2288 patio. am yo $495 Cati
A Placent11. no Piii 536·0921
_64_5_·_9_48_4 ______ A votl _n_O_w_l_B_r -1 Ba
38r. 1 800 m o HIVI 2 BA 2'h bl. central he.I •
01h1r1. Newpt, CdM. ting a air. OIW. renge.
New beach'r-t home 3 Pl~ No pate 644·7809 .. .,., Nice. quiet up1telrs 2 BR. Br 4 Ba, turn $2250/mo. 1 B Furn $515 uplex 28r 2 b•, lrplc. 2 be. ap t. ,560• moi t upsu tra apt, d1w1hr,
privet• patio. sJngi. g•·
11g1 No peta, w 1111
p ll d $500 /mo
545·2000 Agent. no lee
Fre d Te no re A gt tret h comptr. auto g1r unturn $2000 Cell Bob 365 W Wiiton 842·197 1 w•ah/dryr. utlla fnel. 822 Hamllton
Koop at 759•1221 Sml t Bf hou11 E'llde. no 64 6 -0 883 St 648-0477 631·12M . 631·27 11 o p e n e r 1 900 mo
FRENCH QUARlER 7 14·95 8 ·2273; Eva. Btults 3 br. 2·~ ba. green·
3 BA 2'h bl fple w/d & 213-291.0222. 90t. Gery bait, neer pool 1 1000 r.tr. dbl 0.,: 11miiy con-l)efobblo. 714"'631·1206 mo Bkr &-44-0134
do. no pell 1750 Agt, /mat 3141 Baylront, 5 bdrm exec
64S..431C • • • • • •• • • •• • • • • • • • • • •• h()f1'MI... OUNtt, beeu view
Ulll -lllTAU No Dock 875-7673
3 Bdrm 12'1\ ba. c ... n. 2 10 4 bdrm•. •titling 11 Nwpl 11tand wettrfront,
dbl ger. lotaot 1mon«tee 1860 to 11395 I~ 4 b•. 2 bl ul)pef du·
1760/mo. to mo No IN plex. new crp1/<11apea. PIP.,.•~.;..:'lcr o , D /W lrplC No pets S1200mo. M"--yrty 875-4186
Neat I cllaep , 1325 Br. 2',.B• ptu1h condo nr
bunoafOW, Info et a.11, w111t. poatlbte t>Ol l lllp. 63t-e110 Cott 1 1160 mo 875·1938 0t
851·8394 .. DUUtlll 8111 2 BA 2 BA. tO· 3Br. 2\.\8e. trl-tavel. Con·
PllS $325
call 848-8695 ... 11.,, ••
,..,. 3110 •••••••••••••••••••••• YM lllllYI m
Beeulll\ll t park 11111 wltl\
llf r teed pool
•Prtv111 ftetlOI
•CoV&fad Perking * SplCIO\.tt APll •Dining Ar11
•Welk ln Cl"'4lt1
•Hom• llke Klt~t
1 blk to Huntington c.nw. ,,.,ntl>Oft•tfon &
or. 1 ba. carport. frpl<:,
OW, yud No pats
le50/mo. 559-0265
o 28r. 2Be. lrl)IC. 1 par-
king ep, NO PETS 1700
m o 1tt & latt + S350
refundable dep Ouellfled
a ppttc e n lt o n ly
Br 2 B1. So ol PCH.
new bldg, trl)IC, 17g5, 0.
Paeh. ownrtaot Re/Mex
759·1221 -------uplx nr bch 2 bd. 2 ba,
aep yd, ger. lrpt. no pets
$850 1!40·7742.
18r Treller. $225 & up
I 150 MC dep No doge.
133 E 18th SI • Spece
42. C M 642·9t93
E t ide. near 17th St. 2
Bdrm •Pt l .475/m o
1300 NC. Jaye. Well~.
RI/Max 83 1 • 1288
2 bd. 1 be. Waat·•lda
rocatton $500/mo. I 160
aec urlty Cell B ath
831-5230 eftlf 4 pm
2 br apt, ci.an. quiet. NE.
Coa1a M•u Enc. ga·
rage 14 7 5 mo p1t1
5 4 7 ·4 111 d•y•:
559-8183 .v ..
3 bd 2 bl Oeroen Apt. 2
prfv PetloS W/O hookup
ln1tde I encl gar le75
Ole 940.5504
llUtllH W&LI
l.rg 2 BA 1o wnhouae
1p11.enct g1r. frl)IC Near
Hunt Hrbr. from $545.
Children OK 840·~07
2 er t 81, patio, 91r, no
peta. Beech, Warner,
1450 /MO 847·094 8, 8411-1~401
'rNlntle. Frlplc, MCklded do In Nwpt CrMt. 1860
tnco, ye1. oaU 81'109. c111 1tf5 ,~n~~~.,...,~~~,.,~-~,~mo~·~83~&.o~6~58~~~I .... (Of Oat•ll• Colll • 1-_. __ .. _t_eo_. __ _,.. __ z 1~ 2 11. cp11. drpe, 8"CI :C,"~ly :i~. =~
Anott. "-'uM. lu•t IHO. I"' 11110. No P•lt rero• b oat. 1 111 ba·
ITILmll r1111
1 Bdrm From 15115 2 Bdrm H1S
er 2 Ba. newly pelnted. 'ibd:1 ba, no peta. Nice
new drepea, lrplc. eun· 1.oc. 1400 plu\ aec . <189,
d • c k •• 5 0 ' A 0 I 54•·Hto. btW'n 9·4pm.
"'* I rm. fnod/pvt. wt _1_s-eeoe ________ droom1. five i n d halt =~.~-,.~~c= WOOOIAIOOI 11100 batl11. '4500 I* montl\. •..... , Spec 4 bf. 2'h bl, n~ IA&at Of ..... 09tlotl. 1-· tandac1ped. t1m. rm, Oellbou1 ~ to yow pfloM to frJ*, palloe. 1.att1. pool le)I I IMcifl My
.... 1 -.-eonno-.. & 11nnl1 940· 1n1. 111·1• ............. 1. 6,...1 ... ote 12().7373
, I
18211 Perkalde Ln, 1 b11t w. of Blach, 3 bike s Of !dlfl98' .. 147·15441
ffl!t~t.l!t'.t •. llif
UllllW'f 1tudlo, fr.. HBO,
pll<>ne, Maki MN, tpl ,
1 130 ..... 4t9-'°16
875·&511 1541 1 Miia Dr .. Stnt1
lfl hlOnat 3 I t, 1 8a, _A_N_H_t_e _____ _
lrpt, pallo, no s>ett , '925. 3 BR 1·~ b• 0., tpc
8 12 Orcllid. 8"44-1447 patio. n-~ 'an &'.
Br 1be. llJ~k. pool, 5'4·5939. 84&-5978
1<1111 Pf•f. no pett. 430 ,._,,.,a ~ • .,,.., '"'" l eaw11d 1 5 75/m o .,.,...,,,,_. ......... ,~ ,. ... ,.1..... ~ makae It eeay. ~ • .,... _.2·M71
• h cu11ty Gain
• fl(IOt ' "I( 1100111
• I 6 1111 , .. IO Aplt
• llardtll l 1ndJt1C1l110
• 01tllw1111tr1 6 llO'I
• Joo to .. Ki' & Sl\tft
yearly Steps to beach
1116 w Balboa
3 bdr 2 ba gar greal
IOC Winier
Bachelor g•eat loc
TSL "'C"'t U2· 1103
Nwp1 HIJI~ ? lll •' l•<l
spa~1011!. Av"' now
S7351mo 64'> i 401)
Yrly 2 b•I nr P3nlr ont
$650 1 t1a ~· h nesr
OC l'·IC• $"~(\ A.q1•n l
3Bt 20,1 J I .1r Qd• 1\lt' 1
!Ilk 11) ocn s0r I) mo
615 9174
Cos1a Mesa 548·9755
Pine Knot Motel onCo8Si
•~wy NB Steps to
OC1;!811 Wkl y rates
R!!asonatlle rates Kit·
c.t1e11e11es phones. maid
SPrv1ce. Z channel mo·
• • TEL 1967 Newpor1 Blvd, Haal1a1to11 HHt11111011 CM 645·9137 •••d 3140 lt1d • 3140 . ---••••• ••••• •••• • • •••• •• ··················• ••• Vac1t1oa Rt•t1J1 4250 . ......•••.••........•
Wasn't he the Ambassador from
Austraha under Teddy Roosevelt? _, . ./"' .._
1f y(IJ ~t' nol ·U" "... I 111t •I ..... 111• l 111 ~, tt .. ~
Oan I feel OAd • yuy" 111 ·"'"' ~r""tt '' 1,., •I 1 • ~.. ~· f 4 J•\f.t•d•'ffily 1J+ll.,rtt I •t Hf I"' I ~ l • h
,, ~ .. J .... ,..,, V11!1t• I" tfti, 111 •' " fh ·~ h "' Piii "' "•i'• •'t t ft\1111 )f hit tlly ,..,.!\,!!1141• .-tt '"' '• r ~
pl4•w1n-. ffi1tt 'If'~~ 1t .t1ftt1I on l''lf ,t~ , 'w" A ,,.,,,.,, t
t "''ld 1}1 ·Af11r1• HH1 tw1n•1 1lr\1lrt1 o t h1fr\l .w101
ti •I t~•n1. tii.101• AM o"'"' l"'"d ,, 1 •11 rv .11.,1.11 U<'"'" btf'f'lt't \ A6d 10 lhdf tttmm '"'-''h -.1nun1t1~
~M)t•I\ -' .,IA 1nd I Jn.-tn1t "II 1111 atu>f'I (l,.1t hu(1p1f1~
tf'li1 rmp~n,mt-nl md t m '" \:l'I • '" t1 ' JM• "' ~ u!J ~1011dl1 I''" tl\1m• r •• ,, ~'""'bu"''"" Iii
On, .ind '"'' l\l'rt1 .. ,1m r11 '"'I '""' ~.111 .11>.orlmrnt~ "'''" $MO 00
sV.~b'~~. ,,,,.
111~'>" II "'·"~Ion V1Katr !Jn' Hi •lhr ihlf1 K11t.h CA 11141 1193qqr,1
trom lhto S..n °''ro rrr .. •n d, .. , ""''h 11 111.1 h II'
Md .icldfn lh•n wr~I 111• M 1 ,1,M~' Iv $•Jw;nd V1l'•f•
'v~!!fLL_!!JS~G ~~Vtll~ ~
lu,vrious adult & fan111\ living 1n "" ,111
ne" counlrv '<'tt1ng. 1 l, & l Rdrm~
Amen111~ In< ludc·· * Rf'I (;,1~ R.1n)(t' * 1 nt 101 ).tfPPnlwlt' * D1~hw"tjier•d,,po,.11 * P.11101~undet ~ * DraptiY<Mpellng '* L,1unclry 1,1( 1lttll.'' * Rt't rl'J11on room *Alf tond1t1t11)1n)l
Comt ttt ut now '°' btst stlf<tion. lib w.
Y< loop to 10 Thundtf Run In Irvine. C.tll:
Beau1tlul 1 BA 2 BA
Condo at the Whaler In
KJanat:101t Beach Resort
N~wly decorated. fully
equ1ppeo Special Fall
rates 873 52 t 1 ----For rent over Cnnstmu &
New Year's ::I br, 4 be &
1011 Victorian home rn
Aspen Colorado Dally
ma10 51tv1ce Xlnt loc
View ol Aspen moun·
1a1ns Close to town Also
Ms baby grand piano
$450/nlght Please cell,
760· 1340 or 760·9466.
Rtnl•l1 lo S/1111 4300 . ..............•.•••.•
Sllr lg lux nme w/prol
person, $285, 1st. last.
dt'P 966·8479 ----Sl'tr lux nme w /I, non
snlkr, mature. $300 1st.
ras1, dep Rats 640-4999
Fem rmmate wanted to
s11r spac 3 BA, 2'• ba
Full tac11 condo S C
Plaza area $275 mo
545-4356 -------remale to snr 2Br ap1. nr
Fashion Island A11p.
Mtllure. non·smkr, pool,
11c. spilt rent & elec Fey
720-0514 -----ROOMMATE WANTED
M/stra1g111 . no·smoke.
$250 + •,. u1111 Oy1
642·5446, evs 642·5820
Ou111 meture F 22-30 shr
3 Dr 2 be apt on l>Net\.
N B F1ptc. 25' patio
1265. l at. 1111 & see
Brien 673·1519 -----Fem rm mate needed, 2
bdrm 111p1. 81lbo1 Pl!'I
$326 mo. ultl Avalt Nov
'" 075-5328 ------Room w/kl1 prfv S250,
111 & l11t. utll• Incl Nwpt
Sch 642-6811
Newport Bch •Pt to 1111.
r 1M , 28•. 28&, Incl utU t
pnrktng U 50 mo + dell
Pre! m ature ov11 38.
631·2010 ------Meta e!tyl reat &11111 <teo
vtlQ91f 111111 i.mait to
looate, rant end IPllt ...
f*'MI IOI -.>t on htboe
lllend Commu!H "om '*'* •n<I only In c.i. M o n 111r u Fri, Office
H l·IOOI Aal IOf U.S
.. •
Fl Orange Co111 DAILY PILOT /Sunday. October I 7, 1982
lessianal Service Di~eclary B
u~.'.4A!8!ou~~r for a
30 day Id Int~
00 IT NOWI ... ,., ll••r•
Yovr Dally Pilot
SefvlOI Olrtctory
14!·Hll, eat. 122
f!!!!~.~~·A. f!'.!!~~ ... ·r!!r..1• !.•tt!f1, •••••••
Any occ .. ton Pon bl• J1ck 8uff1no1on
t·1121 ll14t.1179-.7552 Own«/oper11or
~~!!l!~I •••••••..•
Compulart11d bOOkkeo
plnO from HO mo Alto
mall 1111 4 payroll
C1rp11, upl'IOI. 1rea ruo
c1ean1no Work ouar
Free E11 1146· f77 t
Ouallly work Rel•
FrM HI 4114 14211
C1ru•lr• C1rp1t 10i'iaii'liion & Re ••• ,..~•••'••••••••••••• pairs 30 yra Exp•t Car· Flnlal'I & rougl'I ceroentry, pets Works 11111·8205 cabi11111. rm addtltona
1145-81118 S1um du11 1g11a11011 2
rma S20, nail S5, c:oucn
Ramod & Ropalr1 Froe $20 No l'lldden ch11rgo1
H I Lo rates 0.Ckl. P•· Carpel re1uv Guar
llo Steve 752-11556 8113·6 103
Exp11 ca1penl11 doea Ct•tatlCl•Crllt ~~~~~~~~~~! addlUons, remodels. •••••••'•••••••••••••• decks Skyllgl'lh & ••· Cemonl·Masonry-Block ~.~!~.f ..•....••.•
Smell t>uelneu or pers.
pairs Free ea1 Dan, wa111.cus1 work Lie
982-08 t5 P381057 Rob 547-2683
Addilione. carpentry, ma· X·petl brick & c-;;;;e,;1
1on1y, design and d••I· work , Nwpt/CM since b la i. • uno. BBO's etc: Dave 1969 Call now & -'\ve ••• ~'!!! •• 1 ••• m!!.... 494. too3 .•• , 124 6<15·85 t2 .!I
J11nne 675·5288
50% OFF FIRST MONTH lester Craffs•H C'"i'J' Ci tt Dependable, 1ttordable. • euenttal Anawerlng Fonlsl'I & rem'dl c1pntry ••••••••••••••••••••••
•ervlce, aecretarlal Rererences <199-3105 Looklnp, 101 •Int child· ---------care? n my Costa Mesa
l>utlnau servtcH. mill FREE ESTlllTHI nome. full time only $40
box renlll. word proces· Reasonable prices, IHI. luncn lllacks. TLC Lrn-
elng Tetex-F1e1lmlle. protesslonat work da 751·2342 order entry, ptgers-lease buy. detk spece rental. custom work toot No job Happy, safe. loving cn1td
ANSWER NETWORK too small or loo bfgl CD· care Nutritious meats
631·9131 (aslc tor A.V ) blnets. kitchen remodel snacks FT tPT St 50tnr • & lrnlShed carpentry Agea 3 up. Jaml>oree
~~~~'.~'!!! •••••••••.••
AppraJse & LlQuldate
M tchael Hein 953·0717
~~~!~ ............. .
Otlv-•ys. Parking Loi
Repairs. Sealco1tlng.
S&S Aaplllt 63l·<l 199Llc
'Dan Hallberg Grading
& P1vlng Co. Res/com1
Lie 397804 842· t 720
etocl./ plumb.I cabinets/ PCH. N.B. 675·0781 coun1ertops I ao every-1n1ng from s1ar1 to llntsl'll Famlty Day Cere tor chit·
Cati Brao at dren. up to 5 yrs M on·
(114) 111 3210 Frt. 7 30-5PM Llc'a
-------1514 Rutn Ln Wes1c1111.
NB 846·9028 f!!l!.1.!!."!ff! •••••••• Malura woman Wrll sn 111
Sl'lampoo & sleam clean my home Any Age C M
Color 1>rlgl'ltene11. wht Aree 642-6072 crpta • 10 min l>leach 1---------
Hall. llv/dln. rma S 15; avg Co•lllclOt• fH•111J room 57 so. couch StO, •••••••••••'••••••••••
cnr SS. Guar ellm pet R.J. lhtff•H I SH
odor Crpt repair 15 yrs lie 306888 Remodel.
exp Do work myself Add'ns. Cab111e1s latnilll•• Reis 531.0to1 ~6-858616<15-4644 ···~·•••••r••••••••••• ------SAFE/FUN CHILDCARE No Steam/No Shampoo STANBUR INDUSTRIES
AgH 2'h & up, E/Slde Slain SpeclallSI Fast Gen't conlr Properly
C.M. Karen 645-<1205 dry Free est 1139-1582 tmprov 1197-18 t I (8·51
t iiiiff1ir1 Iii-.;;;/ ···········'·········· CuttOM RemocJtAd<fll•
!!~.'/.-J, .•..•.......•.. ?'!.'!~(!'!~~-..•••.••••. wooo r f'NCLStOA T S llOI( llPHVllHIT
FrH 111 Ouellly 2nd 10
llOl'el 8•mlel Con1t
ln11etle<! & Rep1lrod A(PAIR • Pl UMBINO
frM Ht Oar~ 4llll· ln4 Carpentry. otoc. Ill• Fr ..
Lie 4 tll6 70 548·4"7 1 a ti I ... AeH 646·211 t 'ff,.~". .".J 0 • 0 •• • •' • 0 •• 28 YRS EXP OU NHAM f.a:~'!~.!m~~~~!"A.
Kii remou. caQtnets, vt
deo 1111t11rt111nrnen1 unlit
FrM ell 64,·0881
ToppecJ/romoveG Cleen Aemodtl·rtPOlll lenClll(j
up, 111wn renov 15 l•:.t<I ftJ e1oc1r1eet-i>t11m1>1no
1.1roe1111y 1131·8530 TltE HEH SOHi lawll·HOl•ll'lrub inetell Cuatom wOO<lwO•k. rough
Tr1111 1r1mtrtrnoval & f1111111. m .. omy, 11l1K. 11!!. .. , !.'!~I. .......... .
SIONEA Furn 1111no•·
m11nt COIOI IChemea
955-2066 or 752·0322
L@wn Milnl/Aototllllng trlcnt Ru11 968· t640
Do•••tic r ......•••.••••........
Viejo Services Aoency
llc'd/bonded 973·9000 'D .1 --•• '!!! ••...•••••.••••..
Repa1r1 1mt tob spec It
yrs e~p Buo 552·9582
FrH 11um111e ~48·80115
S1n1rnon1 G111d1n1no
Ctn upa towro c11re, lull
con1r11 & r eald melnt
free 9'1 646·668<1
Oberlin Lanoecape Serv
Written agreement on
mo ma1nt 644-12<16
Full Service Gardening
Zac Bernal 848-2922
Waif 18•tures·Allousuc Gardening, Lendacaping,
Hano· Tope-Steel studs yard ma1ntenonce, cteon
lie 389944 1·532·5549 ups, tree tr1111 & r11movat Free 11111mah1S tnau1eo DRYWALL TAPING 642-4889
All TextureS/ACOUSllC Free OSI Kevin 675-9088 Exoer Garderoer & Clean
-. ----ups f1t;;1 trimming. Free Eltelr1,,J est Pete 64 t-1096 ...................... ----
right. free estimate on Ne&t·Oapend-rees. Free
large or small jobs est 846-0955, 968·7479
Loe 396621 673-0359 ---Landscep1no·Yd Ctnups
~~~!'t'-1 ............. .
& Sm111 Moving Joba
Call MIKE 6411· 139 I ------HAULINO-ORAOINO
demolltlon. clean-up
Concrete & lree 1emovlf
Oulck serv 11<12-7638
Hauling • y1d clet111 up
Quick & clean Free 111
Heuffng & yd clean·UP
Tree trlmm1110 garage
clean-up Bob 850-9844
~! ... '!~ ............. .
24 hr ED Ul-1125
Furnoce·poo1-wa1er neat
~~~!!!!~~,!~1 ..•.....
~~~fff!~f ••••.•••
tt111h Quality hou1ework r •r>trltmced. dopen<11 ble, honett, 1n11lllgon1
me11cutou1, 111xtbl11 I 1111
t he oe11 Phone
613-7012 1lter 11 PM
WMkd•Y• All d•y $1\tur day l!rld Sunday
83 t-0893 • Good 1111
tr vou want your houn
Linde 669-03 t6. Good
QUDlrly l'IOllHClllDnlng exp'd A xlnl, local 1'111
646-210 I
Ca;pet & UPhOI. gene(81
nousec1ean1no F'lr wa·
x111g lree est G11a1
Per 111111 Hous&elea111no
& drnner prep Exp'd ••·
lfabte Calf Cheryl,
979-9536 832·7965
ff !'.~~~~!~I ....•••..•
20 YRS EXP Hauling. tree
1rrmm1110. tandsc:aplng
Brothers Const
~~!!~'··············· * &· 1 IOVlll • Top quality &i>Klel Ct r•
Ill handllllO 25 VII O•P
Compot11tv11 '4t1IH
No ov11rt1m41 730 l'.lb3
Quick, Corelul S1Jrv1c.o
Low ra111a f>b2·04 10
CO Lie I 124 436
lnaurOO 64 1·8427
!~!!'!!~I ............. .
Fiii P&llTIH
by R1charo Stnor l oc
2806<1<1 13 yrt Of hlll>PY
focal custorr1e11
Thank you. 631-44 10
reas , rionest Reis lie
287107 Dave 964-1045
lnttext Res1d/comm
Free est Lie 644·4798
Cuatom work Free esl
Reas Steve 547-428 l
e uatlly worr.. Free est
Cell alt 6pm. 673-5166
23 yrs Also Odd jObS A
repo1rs Bruce 972-0 t 16
r~~~,~~ ............. ~!!.'!''-·············· l:Kporl w111cov111ng 111 Huo.r RooflnO·•ll IYP"
1t1llat1011 RHI prlCH NIW·llC()Vtf·d1Ck1
Con1u1ten1 Au1onm111t LIC •<1 11802 6•1-073<1
58 t·85llO
111/1 C1r111 ...•...........•••....
CtlSTOM woad petlO co-
vora. Otckt A leneee by
Don't , .. roor. reo•lr 11
frlCllOn ol CO ii
• I Small IObt OK Free llHI•!/.' IJ.1 r 1111m1111 Call Tom 01 ···eo~s 0PLAsr.iA1'Na".. chuck, t1•2-ll3112
Neat pa1ch111 tnt/ext lllH•I
A•stuceoa 645-e268 ••• ••••• •••• ••• •• •••••
Re11uccos Int/ext 30 Y•• Neat Paul 645·2977
RetcrM111/N-tcr .. n1
NB/CM only 11.42-11552
,, ••• ;.,. ~t!!~!!!l! •...........
"•••••• ••••••••••••• E-Z LAY'N ATLAS PLUMBING & Heat1no, 1peclllillno in Sprtnklert. Lend1eape
repairs 6"5· 1111111 Gu11an1eec1 5311-2737 ---,., 24 hr El 141-1121 .!.!. •••.•.•••••.••••• 40 OBI walerhealer $:125 1 ILE INST ALLEO
~t!~~!!~~'. ....•.....
B onded * 1nad *lie B34<17~
Free est 1-524-582<1
~!!!~!!~!~'··········· FURNITURE-KIT CABS
Cstm finishes, repaftt,
doors Joe 673-t469
All Kinds Guaranteed
Reta JO/In 840-11217
TILE WORK-Fret 111
Chuck 675-5100 evee
Foremost Ttte Co for
. Quot11y ceramic Ille In•
stallatlona 673-5578
frH S1triet .•....................
TrH trrm/remov. ctean
ups. mowing 554-7017
Oual work/Rees rates
Free est 631-5072
T reo trlm/remov·Matnt
frrrgat1on Jim 851·0 t29
Service • a tl'IOroughly EVE'S LANDSCAPING·
compt serv & hsectng
comm & reSld 646-7556
-PAINTER NEEQS Rt1110,tJiHll1ui1
WORK! 30 Y'S eJCp Intl ••••••••••''•••";-••••• r.-.~·!1~~ ............ .
Sml lobs/Repairs Lrc
-----Mowing & Edging, 01
comp malnt clean-ups.
Free Est. 6•5-1587 233108·C-10 548-52031...-.--.-------
20 yrs Do my own work
lie 27804 I Al (146-8126
Etec Ser..,1ce & Cons11uc·
11on LO rates Free estt·
mates lie 333217
557-1738 847-47t4
!!!'.'.;~ .•••••.......•
A&t< rEN CE w ood &
chain link Restondtcom
549.5493 5~0-7751
•• ~'!.l!'!~!' •.......•...
Carpentry · Masonry
Rooting -Plumbtno
Drywall • SluO<:O • Tiie
Remodel J B 6<16-91190
Carpentry • Ceb1nets
Plumb • Drain Cleenino
Eleclricat • Tiie
Rers Don 968·01<19
Cell Jack anyllme.
Oay 01 night 675·30·14
C111n house. 540-0857
Quality cteenlng l'lelp Is
here! Reis 960-7452
Expeftlae Housekeeping
We rurnlsh vacuum &
supplies Kiiiy 641-4970
Custom Home C1aen1ng
A Compl Maid Service
Pror • Bonded • Ins d
Of Nwpl Bch 850-1200
f!!'.'!~!l. ~!!!!!!! ••••.
Tired ol doing laundry? I
flult & lold, l'land wash
nano 11on Meticulous
Exp Renee 6<12-9787
~~!!~!l~~············ BRICKWOAA Smell 1obs
Newport. CoSlo Mesa.
Irvine Rais 675-3175
exl Acoustic cerlings Uc
366780 Free est
Davis Painting ll47.·6186
IMT /UT P&llTll&
Ouallly Dan 645-7220
r,~~1!1~ ............ .
7 yrs local eap Guar
worr.. Prices start al
$8/roff Alec 7S1·7027
Ouallly work wotl'I a per-Se111no any11'1111g with a Jolly Crrcketers Prof
sonat 1011ch. Bechetor Deify Piiot Ctusllled Ad Waffpaper1ng & stropping
ok CM, Irv. HB Betti Is e simple malter Many relerences Paul
850·0933 lust call ~2-5678. 857·0118
for Merchandise under 1 1,000. ..
...-r11 ti l;f RVICl
• (111H:nlry • plu,.,b•ni
etlttt11e1t f 1Mnro cerl)fntr,
eooor1 •molo1n11 1Cab1nru
•1hrl.i•a r ducrh to car'i'
doo• \Or "I' B•c or 1,.,in ,.,
do •I all 1111 tt11t1r•1 "'"'" ?0 t'I t•O
l>cr~.t *8)\76~1
951 ·606 7
• .. r. Sell your no-longer needed items for cash. If.It doesn't
sell, we'll run It anolher 3 days FREE. One Item LINES
Most aub)ec11. K-14
Oay/eve $5 & $10/hr
Mr Morgan 1145-5176
!~'!4!!.~!~~~!~r .....
"Lit the Sunshine 111 '
Call Sun1nl111 Window
Cleanrng. Ltd. 548-8853
20% Monthly Discount
Int/eat R1s1dtcomm I
Free est 20% monll'lty
discount 64<1·<1798 ----Tl'llnklno or a new nome
for spring? See the many
llstlngs In today's clHtl·
fled column• 6<12-5678
• -.L !l_'_:J;' per ad, must be priced. Sorry, no real estale or
commerclal ads. Call today for full delalls. 3 3DAYS
CLASSIFIEDs642-5678 (Non-relundebM. EatH llnee 11.00)
r!!!~!'.1! •••••.•• !.~~~ Sciool1 ' '!!.11.!Y!~~'!. •••. !l.~ L111 I r, .. , 5300 ...................... J1•l•l1 tt li•n dOI l 1•t•l1 11 Si111 4300 l1•t1l1 W,.tH 43ZS Oflict IHt1l 4400 01/ict lul1l 4400 laio111i1/ •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••. •••••••• •••• •• •••• •••••• •••• •••••••• ••••••••••••••• ••••••• ••• • ••• •••••• • ••• • • ••• R I J 4500 Pal1t Newl)or1. 3 br twnti. Poolt1a.c 4 br nome, SC Elde<ly woman needs furn DESI SPACE ODii * 111 * .... !'!.~••••••••••••••
... M /F. V\J back bay. Plaza. M 21·35. Sir n· IB• nsetapt, could pay Allracllvl rustle upsta111 UECITIYE s•ms $750 Up 2160 It fndu·
* * * IHlroctioa 100S Babysitter wanted. ciose Atlantis Parlor e;tt·4·;;;;;,;·i;;i;;;~ 10 Bon1t• canyon pool tennis spa. Jan smkr. S250 6" t-3523 S260-S300 mo 645-6<106 se111ng We supply oesk. str1a1 • OlllGe 1810 t Re-. · Full service Keep your FOUND ADS
Course lnctudlng 16 School Irv 10 sit my 9 yr
Open 24 hrs a day Volumes ot etectronlca old girt aft school 759·0048 Fem iv nr 2 bd. 2 bl, G1tl•fl fir l l •I 4350 space copier You sup-overnead low & profee· don do Ctrcle. P & T
Fem w/fvrn and cal loo-Promontory Pt $370 ••••'••••••••••••••••• P'Y phone. & S95 pr mo alonat 1mege nigh Pr• Hun11noton, Beach 7 days a week trainrng lrom basic; 10 553·0554
king tor apt or hOUM 10 plus ultlstdep. 675-31189. Garage tor rent SSO mo pr aesk Call 64<1·7211 stlgoous Westclilf 8118 01 842-2834. __ _
,.. 286<1 L• Salle Costa 8
Jacuzzi, Sauna Locals ---------es well as Touri sts advanced TV repair, a WJSITTlll
BankAm111cerd. Amer-Design Console lor tab Grandmothll type pref .
1 E 0 • expe11ment1, a digital c M n T.. • ahr CM Area. 687-.. 207 Rmmale wnanted 10 stir 2 Mesa Alt 5 1157•2740 2000 IQ II w/500 SQ II Newport Beecn 81 Do-w ANTE O g 1r age o,
Shara ocean view apt. BR 2 B•. fem. non smkr storaoe. O C Atrpor1 var Or Ste. 14, 63t-3651 1ndu11r1a1 apace, min Call:
c;an ~press, lners ,,11 muftrmeter ' a solfd·state my ome. ..ura ..
Promontory Point, 2Br. CdM S300 760·3633 Eastllde garage ror sto· are • S 2 O O 0 t mo Olllce apace 10, lease 600 IQ It. tor It body·
2 Ba . 11 0 11 • 1 m It r Erica rage S75 851·8928 N B 111 Allport Sacre· work, no pllnt CM/HB
welcome 7 t41645·3433 Fri. 2 &. 8 yr old Also
2112 Harbor Bl CM 1rlggered sweep otcltlo-teeneoar tor occaslonel I•--------• ------___ scope and a 25 color eves 1145-8826 Cu ttM halHY Phoat TV w11n 01grtel clock
$200 REWARD tor return Converaauon with Barbi a1011a1 channel display & Ban1e1ng
1175-3805 6•5•7234 IOll O"'IT"'R tary end Comnuter ava1· 9~·0l32 Roommate wanted Prof s; s; .------------Fem--10-ebr--wl-'W_F ___ Df_l _I<><:_ fem 10 ahr 2 bdrm. 2 bl Oflici Jialll 4400 HWPORT IHCll lable 1·2 or 3 Mperate 3200 ~Q ft. w11h AIC ot-
Nwpl Condo. S275 mo epl tfr SOCSrPIQCA1t ...... ._._ .. .._ ollo<:es available Ind use hces. Randolpl'I St.CM
6 Mrchllte 556-723• •llLHt tFFICH• PLE'Te exeCVTIV! o co11,.1e-nc-e nronr fTlfl(lTtrWrcamm btue Ovation guitar. 24K MC/Visa 24 nrs etec11on1c tuner. ell are P&llT /Tiil TILUR ~lOnTlfO ~~ 638-0701 ~tblu1$-& all...c:ompJ 675-96'13 0 FF ICE SE AV ICES j714) 955-2580 frontage 5•6-1653 IEWPOU IUCll 1 room to 2800 IQ It FROM $195 to $t3t5 545-6627 alt 5 and orend new Thrs 1a • A~~ at H.unt1ngLo.n_--~·
Savings & Loen, 6967 Fem to snr 3Br. 2Ba
1wnl'IM tor <1-6 mo $275
mo. incl viii Nr S.C
Plau. 5'46-4596
From S1 16 a aq It Adi lJ NEXCELLEO SER·
1 btk from beach NoOe 2 A11port11 Inn & Frwys VICES ENVIRONMENT
6 0 ---COEDS • Would lo..,e to S 1700 value Wiii sell 101 00 sq II fllce Newly 90• 127 corner M· 1 wt Lost Orange Persten lam perly wtyou Call Sue 0, 5700 631•9106 Warner, H.B E 0 E
decoracted Beautllul small bldg 991 W t911'1 <:al. Neltre Beck Bay. NB Kathy a nytime 1213) -----
wood p11nel1ng and St.C M 6'12·3•90 area Reward 64•-4293 6 3 4 . 4 5 7 1 I 7 1 "I
bookshelves Ideal ror t l•tl•••HI
bdrm. t ba. ger Female Call AM 833-3223 STAFF
llOll·Smoker. no pets T E E DO ·RTE s
Rmmate to Shr apacloue
home, N.B Wik to l>Ch
$250 mo 631·7325
S295 mo 1st. tasl, s 100 1617 Weatcllff. N B 256 H H A u... A
d 675 "563 lo 4000 .,., 11 ISi floor COMPANIES or 2 people. Cornar of Stltlfl 4550 Lost Engt11h blue cat 527·7~ ••• •• , .............. . LOii CLOSER
ep ..., Agefll ~"j:5032 114/Hl·Olll M/F Cn11st1en & responsl· ---------
3 Isl Sl & Newporl Blvd ••••• •••••••• .. •••• • • Reward Voe Brookl'lurst Ex o 11 c a an c e, s to, Joi1 W10IH 101S
$550tmo 675.-3551 Storlgl Sheds. ettractlve & Hamilton 89•·650 I Bachelor/ Bacl'lelorelle ;~~~~··~;;;1~~j~;~·:;,tt
weather proofed wood REWARD Parties 738·8538 or do general h1ndy ~ork
Portable cust o m & Lost Jewelry In red bro· 558-11538 Call eves & wkends.
-------bte. CM S215 plus uUt •Hlllt OFFICH* SO LAGUNA 3 Arch Bay DELUXE SUITE LIY( AT TIE IUCI John ~8-6213 From I room to 3 rooma 2 Sulles avell Gd Hwy
Fem rmmte wented 10 M/F shr t>eaut Back Bey From SI 16 a sq It No Vislblflly 497-235 1 Wittr Freil II~
Shr Bel. Ill home. $285, condo Pool. 1ac. tennla lease required Adi Air· •2500 SQ It 1ndu111rat unn ulil pd. 1175-9142 $300 645-5123 POiter Inn. 2172 C>Yponl wrlh 325 SQ tt, of office+ 20l2 SQ Ft (cen di •I
modular Ruu 966·1640 cede big Senllmental For Companionship mas· 972·115~
value tnfo cell sage or a driver call Ken Exp pract nurse Aers.
M1m1 497·3672 497-5716 transp ays. nttes
Please tee our ad tod1y
undllf LOAN
Promontory Point Fem
to Shara 2 BR 2 BA
Ocean view. S<IOO mo
Teri 963-71173 ext 238.
Call AM 833-3223 5000 tq It asphalt cove. S 1 SO/sq ft 8<12-46•4 lo1i••11/l•r11t/ Found Sun 10th, gray & Good Loowong W/M 34 548·6572 Mrs Derek TERMINAL
,,.,,,, w .. '" 43ZS Alrporl area • Exec: Sul-•• ••••.•• ••• •••• •• •••• •es From 225--•SO sq h
644-43911 Chrlstmu Rental w1nted,
$ t per sq. tt. Many xlr8'
Call 557-70t0
----------1 In CdM by Swed1sn1----------lal hie SJH/Slh/~ Orendperents Dec 400-900 PLUS 1<100 sq It
11t/tst. 979-911116 dye 15-Jan Pref 2Bf furn Pentl'louse Bayfront Sur·
M·F 6"<1-7896 te. perking , Pl\1101 1173-t003
A Salute to. • Not~ble
ational Women in Busin ess Week is
Oc tober 17 through 23. To honor local women
in business, industry and commerce, the Daily
Pilot will publish a specia] feature in its
October 23 edition.
T his is an exceptional opportunity to
int roduce a new or longtime associate 10 the
people. of the Orange Coast, or to honor
awards, a chievements or contributions.
This Is the
. Actl~al Size Ad
For belt reproduction, t clear
btlClt tnd wttltt Photo of any
•Ire can be u1eo. Your "*NOi .iu eccompany ,,,.
plctu,. tn thl1 ~. tf you
choou not to pubtlt h •
pic ture, flll tl'tt •P•c• with
your meueoe.
The cost of each notice, with a photo is
only 132.
,p on't miH t his special opportunity.
Deadline for reserving pace is October 20.
<All today I
red & lanced va1d Furnrshed suite wtootalde Fi•••ct •2<100 aq It 111dua1111I ent Nwpl Ben OC Air· ••••••••••••••••••••••
unit with 900 IQ fl of port S200 mo 857-6363 l•1iaHI
wtolle YO Cockallel, Mesa avelf tor companionship eves
Woods C.M 557-9111 lorgeneroust1d1es Tony SDll motivated creative
FOUND Blkltan mla 642"7656 ondrvlduat seetcs creative ~~~·~e:Q ~':'0~11dustrta1 CDI OllHIER ••• "..fr.!!!!'}!l ••• !.~f
unn wl11'1 1500 sq It of Otlloe on 2nd floor. ap-Soutl'I Counly Arctde
upgr1ded office Have pro• 580 sll So of Co111 Location and macl'ltnes
aub·fease tenant for 900 Hwy w/ocean breezet or loaa11on only Cati
breed. med, ahort legs, A D&D'tt seet<s dungeon, emp opp Vic 538-4• 19
y II 0 '11'1'1 F v II r. I new 10 area Wanted by eltrac. eaec
hskpr lfve.ln POSlllOn In
e1egeri1 beacn clly home
w/Jec. toe ••eclprol M or coopte Educated. haghty
qualllied. superb cook
Raq ..salary & cer Refs
534-301<1 aft 12
8.48-9372 m19 714/5<15·35111 Lee
SQ It or office space If and s u 1111 y p 1 11 o T 0 m 0 1 s 1 m 0 n e Lost M an s Bulova Ac·
desired $560/mo Avell Nov 1 586-2695 cutron watch al Ml Cesa
•• 1 Cati 9 to 5 875 2311 ---------Resturant area, 1711'1 SI • .... o 1v11ted owner IS • • ••ov1••0 OUT OF ST•TE d 'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil"' "' " CM Oanerous rewardl rea Y to make • d,11at 1• Ctotl'llng Con1tonme111 High sentlmentel ..,1tue
Call 7t4-751•4760 Pitn· ctRIU Ill llU Sl'lop CdM $15.000 Mike 646-9911
clpats only 1050 sq ft partitioned 1175-3589
osta Mesa 1 or 2 room ollfcea air conditioned l·U-n-IQ_u_e_b-.. -.-,-.,-6-5-Y-,I-. Lost Hlmalayn female eel " $75/ l -, "Lulu ' D1cl1wed Vic suites rrom mo oceted near MacArtl'lur Must 1111 tor reHons of
Utlls lnctd 779 w t9tl'I on East Coast Hwy neetln Priced 10 sell Im· ~~1•1/41~ ;,u:.'~.';~B
St 851·11928 S 1050 per mo med (71<1) 963-0095 IEHTlfll Lost Perlllan kitten. to,. o 1 to £H• SOZS 101se shell F. ans to E T IEWPORT OUTEI ••• ~.1................ Nr 19th & H11bor. c M
Wltl'I use ot reception. JORECLlllH Rew1ra 8<15·53•8
cont room. kolCl'I, pl'lone. llELPlllE Lost 3 mos kitten Blkt
aecretartel & word pro-ltt S.l1tite1 wl'll, whl paws Nr Santa
cesslng M11t & message ,_EAL TY An11161h St C M Re· serv lvlll separately ii ' . 1151-5995 werd 5•8-9 I 45
deslrld7 t•C17a6tt0J.0u1d00y. \ l>1\'t..,1on of "'';;::/,''' II, ft1ll .. llJrhnr lm·c.,lnwnl Co 1 SOJS Found M blk lib wt
500 bendene, M Rel/Sl'lep Ill baatc OIC w/ e~~~~~~~~~ •••••••••••••••••••"• mix. l1wn & wl'll, M mlll
lltorage By 0 c Airport ••• , •• ,,, ••• ,,, ffSO •••• unuR Sllep fin & blll . M 115',~8~2°8' m 0 T 0 m •••••••••••••••••••••• ltrt1a1• Ot. lee. Cocker. blk Newport Office & garage S285/mo Specletlilng In 111 & 2nd Betcl'I Sheller, 125 Mell
xec aulta w/AC. 500 IQ Near Bllboa Bly Club TO'a e!nce 11149 Dr C M 11•4-3656
11 w/bell'I & gar $400 & Coast Hwy. 11411-764 t Robt S11Uer NHtCM FounO Enoll•l'I Sheep
mo 675·3600 II IQ FT A E Broker Bd Rea1to11 Dog, H B erH
ull ,.,..., office 1300/up 0 • • 1142·2 t 7 t 5•5·0611 11113•5085
Brencn offiee $110/mo t200 aq ft • SllOO/mo WIDOW HAS SU lor TD's i----------
Ans ..,..., .. 150/mo 328 No Newport Blvd RE LOllll. 10K Up. No lost Picked llP In Bui·
NeWJ><>rt Beach 752·64011 720-1685 Credit Cl'leck, No Pen· tocks Wllal'lire Puking
Respecteble congentat
ceuc lady, early 80 • desires rnov111g 10 Artz
Pteacot ar11 Compa.
nlon (not nursel to lady
of same wl'lo can pro·
d11ee down on home or 1-S-wed--19-h-0-,-r1-see--ks-jo_b_H
rentel Spt11 rent & •~· 8 counterl'lelper. bl•·
pens No nenky penkv. mt1td. nousekeeper, etc
Excnno rats CIO The Serious ans. Coll Answet
Delly Piiot. PO Box 1580, Ad 65 10. 6•2-•300, 24 CM AO t08 t l'lrs
Ladles 101 companlonsl'llp Swedlll'I man 22 Meks lob
or Just to talk c111 Ken any type gardening. ba·
497·5718 byslllfng. ~secleantng.
trllal counter l'lelp, lull 01 PIT Strritfl 5360 Good rers Cell Answer
•••••••••••••••••••••• Ad • 704, 642--4300, 24 lT YHR IHVIOI hrs
Personal, quallfled com-Europ11n Ledy (French.
oanton dflvera for your Engl11n speaking). too·
day 10 day errands king for P/llma work 11
Shopping. doctor'• comp1nlon for elderly
, appta. cnurch, ate All l1dy. or housekeeping, •
need• met. By nour or or 5 day week So. Coatt
day 49•-5857 Plaza or Newport BHcl'I
,, .. 556-1253
Prof ehopplng & errand IJ!Jl..'f!!~'!. ...• !.'.f!
aervtce 6 4 4. 4 3 . 7. ACCOUNTANT 720-1769
tot: 11 tweed pants aull
00 t·B Birch St. NB u o Studio •pace to en are, elly. 0.111111011 & AHoc wlll'I fur coif••. blue/ Relallonthtp Recovery.
tq 11 S t 00 per sq fl C M Approx S65t mo ..... 11_13_._1_3_1_1 _____ green allk blOUH. Uti.ral Learn how to slop 1ne
lmmeot11e .opening 1v11-
la ble for a part time
Termln1t Operator to
work II 30 am to 2 pm
C>Ytles wtll Include ente-
ring data for tl'le Loan
Dept onto computer Ill·
m1n11 and operating
pr1n11r end 1u11tl11ry
equi pme nt tor DEC
cornputllf Prior termlnat
experience on digital
eq11lpmant/ DEC 1 t<I•
and splnwrlter printers
preferred. Typing of 60+
wpm accurately ls req11I·
Wt Oller an 111rac1lva
aallry, good b91111111 and
1 beautiful work envl-
1onm1r1't. Pl11se Catt
Judy Emeraon at (71'4)
776-7101 between 9 AM
and Noon for more In.
* * * ** •COLUMBIA* * SAVINGS * .ind lo•n * 1\\~n<i•lion *
***** e 10 s. BrooknUrsl -
Anal'lelm, CA 112004
equ11 Oppty Employer
Aoen1 5• 1 5032 11· I IAM. 556-3343, IV9I rewerd 875-51011 pain of not l*ng IOved & • 9 6 2 • 0 7 '4 0 or CHtt•IS,JlllH to b11llO n ew r e ta· ltllH OfflcH 2 t3/5911·00611 Owner or 2nd end 3rd TO Found Male long ha tr tlonal'llpt when old on"
Rtdhlll, Coa1a MIU Welk Up Kloak . 11<4 Sq. I t NO -4 Rock)' Point Wll· PUPPY blk W/Wl'll On 1'1av1 broken down
Sublet 1778 sq fl 81 79c Ft . well locetld In new lln~ to NII at • dltcount chest Vic S..Clltt C C. Orou.cc:,11 now lorn\lng ~t~~::.t e7:.~~~2r~o.~· ~::i~:r H~~:n: l~f:!111~ ~~~:,~~~:! ~~~7cs'c:;:: 1_1n_H_B_:-~l-~-:-:-~-·~-2_2_5__ 11•0
tton 71•·720·2280 come tl'll tnvestment ot • PURPLE JADE RING IAU HOORTI WHTlt•ITll llfetlme. Aek tor Steve NB/CM ara. 54&-61136 Call Rod 720· 1645
To monitor ano Improve Beauty • EatebltlMd men
axlatlng Job order co1t & womans hair aty11ng
ay111m tor mecbanlcal ll'top Orange Co. airport
product rn1nut1et11rer arH, l'IM 0000 Q91111ng
Mull nave B s In AC· f 0 r II y II et p rt I w I
counting eno 2 y,.. lndu· following. Hlgl'I perC9n·
•Hii l co•t txpartence. t a g • . 5 <I 8 • 8 3 7 7 :
tttong In budget pre-552-0205 paratlon, 1nt ly111 of _Boa_t _______ _ 011u111 office 01 11011 71'4·1175·3285 Prof. Student 1n.tapeuttc
t paoe 142110/900 eq ft C•••1ttll/ Loll: CAT. Long n11r HI· menage. your home. fOf produot Jlne margin• and
1.430411200 aq tt Besen •••l•I• ~~t• Aaa11•n•••I•/ m1lay1n. wnt w /blk & M or '·Tom ~11•2077 Blvd e1wn 2 f--. ClvlC 'l'"W ~ • I I Orang• point• Down· Ma..-IOI Hunt1no1on c~1« l'lnoppi,iO'C.,.1«. •••••••••••••••• •••••• ""'NI I town H e geo.3997 R• '""' 1411 Sano conlldtn1111 r•· H;;;o:;. Mutt ~ tlls>e-prlma IOCellon 9711-81189 Office or rettll locatton W. £11t I 11e•i w11d •••••••••••••••••••••• •ume. tnOlcallng salary. ,.__.. ......... Knowttcl·
reporting ot v1r11noe1. IOAT lllTIL
Newpon Be1en. Appro11, •••••••••••••••••••••• i----·-------to: ... ...._ -or 660·01 44 550 1q. It 1500 mo. to• baHan•t•fl JIOf Found. Manx c1t. Miia HOLIOA'!~OM[ 0, &. 11..lll 0-gl-boar_!J, =.,~d$Sen/h•r YllW .,,IOI 1a1. 640-8644 ••• ••••••••••••••O• •• veroe area. 10.16 vtcH ...... ae· "'" . ~ ....... LIVE 30· .. 40·1 M11tlc ror ~M772 Exchange your"°"" tor P, I. lea Ifft to start. (213) 211·2t77
OlllOe tullt on Ptc Co••• L1gun1 BHcl'I new 500 ~' ptny ~on Jazz •----------1 mo. vacation In En· W ltlll Hwy ovtrlooklng New-1<1. ft .. ocean view, 11lnt Group. 6<1•·7-490 gl1nd. 1nc1. frH uH of 1 nftr 8~~!~~!~'
port Harbor Appro• P•rklng , l1H1/opllon. l1naa1l1 l,Jlf car The advtfllMr na1 IA Intl "~ '""
1000 aq tt a.tow marllet 4911·5841. SCRl".LETS ••••••••••••••••• ••• maoa •rr•ng«nenlt w/ !qual OOotY ~ Pl'T for N.8 . tn11e11orl
''''· 7t•tll49-7t00 Batbo• Pen., ~.I., •P-IUll L..a 1 Wllll'I 1r1911ttt farnu ... IMng 1n iiiiiiiii M•'"'iiiiiiiiiiiiiil ~,:..."i.,':::,'t~~ ~o ... .. n prox. llOO l<I It. on Nwpt ·~wes PHOTO MOOl~S ti.1ulllul homes lo 811· gtow. lt~t 0 .K. Good
' llvd. 1700/rno. utn1 Incl M~ ESCO .. TSIOANC!M chtnge w/llmllat homn lyptng abtttty, po1ttlva
t200 aq It • MOOtmo e1s.ot20, e7&·4t30 ~ • TUNll ouTCA1.1. u liAS "' YG1H •• AH 110UMe Dally Pf lot ettltuctt, '""' •PPt•·
328 No. N: llvd. RENT OR LlAIE: Newt~ Permit • ~ Hl ... 1 Ptrlo"atty lnaptcttO, ClaUH'-1 rtnce, qutcll mind &
720·1 6 l"lllC91'1 . Arctic 1~~~~~~~~!!!I ptiotot1 a11att. on requeat. ,... "•Y Ptrl0ft9'1"" ll'l•n. • -T , .. _.. ramoOtled home wit COMH '1MT i; Tl'tla wW>e wtll COit you WOf'tc... MM i' ""' -rww• latr. IOt. Co!Ml't aonlt19, It ,_.-._ ..... 1-... and "'91 SIOO fof Youf lndM-"•II datOfy. 11 eoo to t200 11 ti tot Id to Newport llvd, --.... ·-· M•ille YoUf lflDI0"'41 •· Chlll oholca. Write "'-" you. "'9 n. ,... ., •• '" .....
aq/ft, 1nctude1 Janitor 14 .1i34, 811·1'"· fountain pens "'"" tl'te tltf 11~ u.ing the Oelty .... '<> 90ll Htt,-.. ....... -WtM . , ·• Ot'Ull '"°' .... ut111t...... • .. me ••ur• r-. beth -..... c ••m·-...... ,., .. ti 9 for--· a. ... ....... .... ... .. .., -Oftlot. wor11 ~ & out-art tol_d 1r-''" ~ilfttlmt """' --· J ._ "'· • 0 ••• -· ••· MULLAH ~·Al. TY •Id• •toreoe N601mo. outran-Of t!llnY 49YI. .... Wiii IAlll .... ·=: ....
HO-nto 431'" ! 11111 . c M . w111c11•ver COMU 1t'11IMUI l"tnd "'"'Y!'I w1,11t '" ca8"Ulel. to.llW !?"' ..... !!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~==~~~~~.1Jc~tual~f~led~ll0~.~ ... ~2~·~58~7~8::1~~1·~3~<48~-43~H~(c~olteo~tf).::::~F~IA8~T~~~~~~~C~lutl~fted~~A~d;•~M~l~-et~~7t:t.-;Oelty~;1111ot~~Oteu===lfltd9,=::..J..!!~!!!!!! ...... J.::"=--==~--~~:c""::·::=:=
'· I '
~-----~---------_.. ......................................................... ...
..... ,
NMded •I 1ne 5u1 I an<1
Slll10 ltOltl to-1 R-
1au1•nl Oay 1tllll CO<I·
IKI Miii\ 0oft~ In Iha
AM ti 497-4471
11111111 fftMI OI.
need• [Jtp1'd 01d .. Deak
Pet•Otl 000<1 lyplng ano
gd phone po11on11iJy a
mu1t F111 oac• office
0611-1038 Tu1lln
IO llHllllOI
(714) 848·<4535
Oltlll HIP Jtlll
OrHI Income pOleollal
AU occupa110111 '°' In·
101m 111 on c •ll
60111108 04?0 •XI 3
IHTll. AllllT&lf
Pa.11 11•~ n,., 4 day• ,,.,
wMk Some tron1 dHk
l'.•p• ll•G Irvine
75? 7!111>6 wte~ct1y1 7 l o
Denial Olll<;t MO• Mllure.
up11 111 pegboard, In·
eurance. p•tltnt l!IClhedu·
ling & bllllng 4'1> dy1.
c M 631 t•20
Ell~lenl. E111hu11u11c &
organl,.d,. Wlbkkpng
eapet 4 dy wk 5<16°3000 ..... , ... , .....
Dental olllce Newpo1 t
Beech, ohalrs1de a111a.
1an1 6441.0032
f.lueo1111 ltn• 1ci;ount
11om111 Min 2 y•• •g•nc~
Ill""' fled ll Jame• a
Co 1111lne Call Dut1 Wll
llama. 762-0000, CO
lAOIPS Xlnl lnCOlt11
Cnc hanted ~•dY •
110111• p1r11... have tun
earn. B••b••• b& I 6 t40
Legal Secretary
OHPIHTI te 111,
tt S11,IOO
Miry Hlcklt Agency
19162 MacArthur Blvd
Sulle 200
11111na. CA 92715
No FH lo AppllClll'lt
Light 11ovse wo1k Make
mealt ond 11e111 drau
lady Mu!>t llvo 1n and
hav;, car Np1 B en
nlea per1or>, young &
aggreulvo, exper help-
ful. Call 831-4402 ask for
llme. no exper neceas
The Sealark Motel 274 LOAN
Newport Blvd 646-705 Co1umt11a Savings, a h·
nanc1111 lea<ler. has two
care111 opportunities 1n
11s beau11tu1 Anaheim
~~~~~~~~~ -~~
CARRIERS Wanted Earn Dental Ass1s1an1
$300 10 $600 par mo. Oesperalely needed
Must 111ve dependable A O A. Newport Beach
ce• GOOd driving record p1ecllco. Mode1n, front
& proof of ln1urance. ott1ce a11per helpful
Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Sund1y, October 17, 1982 • FT
Lill l"IOlal
AQQ1a111v1 Nawporl
Beac;h 11rn1 M@t mou
Ylle<f indlvlC1ulll1 t etfl
to1111 op•n Mu'I llava
H [ Lio Ha1bor Pacific
065 001J
lua11 0 11101
Ill.II OLllll
Nuwl>()•I 8 tatlon.tl hH.
part 11me poa1tl0f1 evel·
lallle Wiii 11 •ltt
!1117 8212 Mr l'lllfTIOl\t
E •P•rr•uc.ao 01 N•w·
torn111 l 0111 Olflce1 tr al·
nlnQ aaml1111 Including
f NMA P•Lkaglng Oclo·
ou JO Hohday Inn
Coll• Mua, 9 "30
$ tbO (;alll R C LICtll·
aees :IO•/\ dlao f Alf!
SISl ANCE Spon101
Funding CoO•illfl .. O•I
Reaerv•d ... 11ng only
C•ll 101 Info, (7t<ll
r / WY\9 po1111on 111 re1 all
hantw•t• 11or•, •e•
ljlev•. ti w WrlOM Co
1:10 Aoo11111ar, CM
CLAltl"ID" c1n1
W.HIMITIH 1 ~·~·"•'•"•~•o•wllll"'•••!l!!!~I Fern 10 S 1~1mo PIT II!
M U I I b II m 11 I U t a flltH /dH' #H//H/ .... H 5~9 9043 le•v• Mtt· ••• • •••••••••••' ••••• • ••••••-.•••••• ••••• • • •
811011 SUPE.A Garage Saltl GIANT Oaraga Sale 0401
detkt , 1ablU pl1n11 Breakw11ar Ci H 8 Ool
S•I•• clott11ng. i.nlck·knack1. G 10 Hamlllon10u111110
lllTIIEl1 doO cllpj)ar, l>OClo• 511 IAHH UU
looking IO• tetra in & Sun 8·1'i 113 E Bay·
~o•n OlllG4!•
F1111t111 v.11.,
Com.? Tr.,, P.,l·Tlma front, Bal Isl• (varylhlng from b•by 1111m1 10 turn11u11 1038 I S1let •I Int PENNYSA• ,,IHa ,,.h ,.I• Kulo.ul IBrookllul'\1 111d
VEA, 1660 Pl1Cen1111 •••••••••••••••••••••• Gert••ldl S111Sun 9 '111 2 Ave. Coll• Mtll Alk tor GARAGE SAl.E 7000 Ml·
Mra Whllo ramar Or , 911lb01 1'.'e111n ••rt1•1• c •• , .. , looking for 4°6 exper Se11n
prolo111onal1 wa spec-SIPflllHT
ltthlil 111 new programs, YO•ll l•Ol•I
1 e OMP/AAM. OEM. 111 WOik PIT, 9 am • 2 pm,
& 2ruJ TO'a or 4 pm • g pm, with Ille
Coll JoM Cu1ttek Loa Angeles Time• c11-964·9090
Sal/Sun 873·2,03 c., ••• ,,, ,,., •••••••••..•..........
Yard Sale bed1. blkU.
kit l1bl1. party l1t>IH.
c;ablnatt , m11c 1t•m•
~-$100 Sa11Sun 10-"
607 Orcl11d. RESIDENTIAL culallon Team In telt· phone aolaa. Earn an MORTGAGE SERVICE hourly waga + comm C11t• 1111•
Malt1. PE Ma10< wilh de· Tr tining provided Fo1 Mt~·b;~;·;1~;;·;;.:;,~d
gree tor branch Mgr, d!talla, C 11117141) goods ceillng' ten. &
Boys Club Suporvl1ory 5w0·030 I __ 0111er assorted 11ems
Exper net1ded to reply SIGllnlllY 1948 Anaheim s1 Sun 642-8372 betwean g.5 o 9 3 5 8 5 03
~!.'!r.!!. !!~!~ ....... .
Moving Hie. IOI• of good
fu,n , •ome •nllquea,
piano, olc Fri/Sal/Sun.
43 I Vitia frUChll. (rleal
10 Eestblufl Shopping
Ctr I
5111/Sun 10·<1 2 sofas, 2
chairs, 2 din ~ts. king
ma11ress. 11e1uo. rugs,
Odysst1y & misc Xlnl
cond 4 t 8 SI .Andrews or
coll 6•5·6400,
f11•ll•11 ,,,, !!!'.!!!! ............. !'.~'!!}!~'!! ... ~ ···········•·····•···· **'BUY** Oooo u1411J r111n1tura & Appl!~ 0" I will ... ,
or 8 LL IOr Y~
l&ITHI AHTilll ........ 111·1121
Hou .. IUI of t>Hullluf W•letl*I, king 111'8 C-i>-"ll~e n•w" quallly turnl· tt1n1 bad wlmlrrored
lure In Jaaml"• C•M41 lleadbo11d 1400
0w,_ imitt Mii Call at· t31·1271
lat I PM 760-o3AO 191!AR OAT •280 SCAN
Oall P e..-~ 1900 Nf;R 1246. ., artv v ..... • 04&..28&& 8, ... dey bed 1ty19 twin
bid• w1m111 ...... com 2 And Brown/beige btll· I llf PllllTlll 1011a11, co-ordlnalad dad rugt UO & HO
LH 957 .. 13, •h .. 11 a11d dull fUtlles, V•ry lg Orlanttl rug
Mull rtlM Ceah
Pr~• ataf111
Mallrell .. & lt>Ynd Ml
Twin $77 Fu" $117 Queen $147 . King $1(17
Sota Bod• $197
Soto & loveH•I 5247
0•11•1141 wllh 4 chra $87
11150 H11bo1 Blvd
COlll Meal 63 I ·6e09
611 ll•OWll plald aota t1lda-
a-1>ad $75 M&ple dlnell•
set, " cha l ra I 76
Brua1 1ab1e wlleavva & 6
chair•. $500
714·979-41188, llfe m1g
Baby Stroller
lwln. custom, Parogo .All
access 1ncluOed. like
new $175 979·2516
1700, Compact Aalrlg, ttGO. °"°"0106 almost naw, 1170, ~I ---
Olla• 040-0278 M A T l A e I s I 8 0 x SPRING Oouola, (lrm
HO 075.0&66, M·F 9·11
Oak Furnllurt, Oaak,
Ouea11 •1 bed, Aelrlg,
and Mort 831·88811 -Latge Magnifier Fluota·
ANT IOU I! Dining T ebfa, acant d11k lamp Knit·
w/4 blu• clla111 Lii new Ung m"h, 2 wlllla wlOker
blUI 1325 633·01415 I WI n 11 db 0 8 Id I
G1 aa1 Antique w1c1i:a1
Sota & ~ aim c11a111.
m11tora, dooor llamt. a1c
6 11 Cene1111 Newport
Beach 640·8 140
T 1la lop 54" tound P•llO
lable wrought 11on baM
with " IOldlng cllelra.
l !IO 673-8468
Padu1e1 dlne11a WOOd· John Wayne Tannl• ck;b
grain table. 4 Br1wlval Family M1mb111hlp tot
chair a Xtra laat $86 11Je $800 95$-2013
552·5365 Aqua11um 1111011, hellara, B IHO 11111 , everything goH .!.'f!.'•••••••••••••••• 960·7192 aft •pm Beeutllul Simco Roping --------
Saddle Xlnt Cond. Naw II.' II
$700+, 1811 $425 obo IHI ••Hll
6•0·9 166 WHIH "'' .......•.............•
W.ANTEDI Good UHd H0t11do1' ''°'' IHS relr1gerato11traau1, .............•••..•...
Apprx firs 4AM-6AM Poslt1ve attllude 4'~ day
Openings eva ll In wk. Call Julie. 642·463' ~~~r~ ~~"·R ~~~-:~vr IUOTIUOAL IHIHUI
pm, M·F Newpo11 Stach &1ea lew ~ • " • t -GOVERNMENT firm aeeka uperlenced MOVING SALE Sat & Sun Management secretary wl mlnlmum 3 Oc1 l81h & 17th Furnl·
Fu1m1ure, pr1n1S. pain.
11ngs. colleettbles All!lo
toys bo11 equipped,
1ent, misc 160 I Marl•
ne•s Newport Beach
Sa1/Su11 9·3
011k 01n1ng Room Table &
I) upt101srnrod Chalrt
X l n1 cond $800
Dark wood, wlretrlg.
2 Siik Peralan Ruga toi lroal·lrae, wllll le•·
salt 1 running '°' tO K, maker Mu11 be In ••· olller. 7 K 11 intetasted, cellenl condition Cell
please contact (2 13) 6<12·5678. axt 320.
951·7112 Mon-Fri, 7AM EXPERIENCED Perma-
to I 1AM nent position 25 yr old LOAN INSURER .t.t •••• rLlfl yrs expr who 11 wllllng 10 lure. antiques, misc Item
• learn legal sclry skills t077 Corona Lana. C.M. 438·6428 8 30·5.30 ->----------------
Cashier e 1 e c 1 r 1 c a I c o Dulles w111 include H · M&•f, Tralltll s11111y commensurale 979-7079
sembhng and submllhng wteicper Medlcel & --I d b I.II.
•• , C., •• , Garage Sele·Ellalt Sale,
Collea table, dk 11e,1111y
buml wood deslg.n. l•ka
new, $250. 556-0998
l!.'11.!!'l. ••••••••• ~.~~~ ll••it1/ 7141859-7200 PAll~lll LOT OHlllEll E>Cpe1tence<1 _c_oo_tc_s_n_ee· 6 mo to I yr cashiering
oan ocuman1s 10 o · den I al benefits Non waler ekl equip bow & ta111 FHA Insurance and Starl your new career on smoker. · 0 d Wasner. Dryer. Aetrlg
Furnllure. Water Bed.
Moped, Bike, and riouse
11ems 4461 West Coas1
Hwy Se1-Sun, 16111 &
171h 9.5 PM
18K gold/diamond pen· Jailr••••ll 1111
dan11 .35 O"IS diamonds, ••••••••••••••••••••••
t>Cperlence. pleasant ded tor dinner house personality, oul-golng & Nrte or day sh11!1 avell
well-groomed. Hrs, 9·6, 3 Apply between 2:30 and
days a week. Apply at: 5 PM, Mon-Fr1 990 Dove
TME 111¥11£ ... , .. , St N B
VA guaranly, ma1n1a1n1ng our 3rd shllt. earning $.4 CALL KAREN 851·1005 arrow tel, 100111· 1 sp loan 1tac lo.1ng system. Up 10 $<1 50 u you be· -----bike. luggage, antique Wrouglll 11on baker's ca·
b111a1, wl dblt doors &
shelves. $75 556-0998
gem lab appraised $950,
8$k1ng $600 631·~ YAMAHA Bau Amp.
Head wllll a double 15" and insuring thll adt· come more t>Cp'd You Sec•elery chat!. etc Sun only 9·5.
Quale conlrOls ate met w lll be promoted lo Someone who doesn't 474 Ogle St. CM, (Nr Ir·
Minimum six months 8•· mgmt & supervisory le-mind working tor a living vine & 17111) Orllnge patio ctielrs(4), ~~!!!~!!f ....... !~!f rnv e~~e~~e~I c:~~·,0";:~
L. Aulusilne F11n;;so;lented Sele·
1061 Camelback s~tSC'ns 10 distribute
Newport Beach 92660 the new European Et-
perience 1n insuring vels Can 714-537-4840 Raises wlllloul asking II MUSI Clear Garage, lools.
loans is required Setec· Interviews held every you're WOllll 11 3 glrl of· clOtMls. shoes Se11Sun
led candidates will have Wed 6·7 pm at 1 M Oel hce Experienced Ol trll· unlll everyttllng sold
Ille oppon un11y to ad· Mar. Costa Mesa E O. nee 642-9237 2092 Wallace Ave. c M
llllck removable CU· SMlll·TH PtfPPIH S800obo Ga1age Sale Sa11Su11 9·4 stiions 580 556-0998 I t O t •-22 t 1 Vista Huerta East· --· -----AKC Champion tine, all J • 11 ' 1-.r•
blull. lurn , sp1s oqu1p . 5 piece dining lable sat, stiols. 8 wks Wiii lldldl~~~~~·~~~~~
d di $60 tor Chrtslmas 720-0891. I·
720-2680 tortless e•erclse m•·
clllne. comm11s1on1 vance lnlo the Loan Clo-E SECY !IE• IFC 548· 70 t 1
sing Oept as tile de·~~~~~~~~~
1ewe1ry, lamps. rugs, vac goo con llon 553•06414 C~mpacl Planola pleyar
c 1 n r . I 11 v b 11 n d s . Cottee table S20. Call ___ piano Good Condition
bedsprds, elec 1yoewr1. 6"6·7230 #il~lllHHll 1110 $1500, Includes over 100
ier recorders etc BeORM French Pro1t. Set •••••••••••••••••••••• •Olis 673·6839 CHILO CARE needed. 2 7 t 4 I 8 4 6 . 0 6 4 6 0 r
hrs. 6:30 lo 8:30 am, 3 or 213/592-4239
4 mornings wk + 1 wknd mo Loe. Blwn O C & Full Time Handyman job
UCI Wiii consider hv&-ln for large office complex.
646-0768 requires experience tn
CwllO CARE NEEDED general t>u1ldlng repa1ts ro (7 14) 556·6991, 9· 11 30 Ages 9 end 6 yrs 2 at· am Only
lernoons per week. our --,------,--house In Corona del Mar GOVERNMENT JOBS
need car, refs. $4 11r Many lobs available 1n
759-3868 wkdys US. and overseas. For
*COMPANION . ~~~e~t~;r 3121888-4347
Live-In N.B Elderly ---------
Lady. Reis. 673-4414 0111 snllST
C I •1~ Motivated Styllsl needed •••••ti/,.•• tor Prog1eulve Salon.
Hskpr, ally week-ends Salary, Comm. Vaca·
wleldetly ladles can live lion Mgr 5<10-8889 1n, ('O smoke CM
631-7156, 6"2-3481 Hairstyllsl wllll lollowlng
---------10 work in new salon In COOKS, lull & PIT. hrs & Corona del Mar area
money to be arianged. called Images 675·5531. Tile Gr111der Resleuranl.
1400 w PCH. Npt Bell Mii• SCllOOl QlllllA· 642·8881 • Tl
ClllSELHS Learn Trade whlle d0tng
People ne.ded to treln misc production. equip
as Counselors to aid maintenance & some
others In distress or wllh driving. MUST have
problems This new clean lfc. Neal •PPt8·
technique results lro a ranee Full-time 5 dy
well and happy person. WMk Stan $<! 50 hr Clll
All welcome 1o apply alt 10AM 5<19·223 I
Contee•: Olanetlea Ctnl·
er 77"-0 121 between
9 30 AM and 10 30 PM,
Mon 1nru Fri, Sel 9.30
AM 10 4.30 PM
Are you planning a move?
Clau!lled ads wtll point
you in Ille right dlrec11on
to-M4\d Ula-home you
need. 642·5678
Responslble person,
Mon.-Frl . Sam-noon
Stan SS/flour Laguna
Nlguel Call Mon.-Frl.I
HIY'eYou rud 1oday's
Cl111llled Ada? II not.
you'i't mlnlng ttle ~
bargains In town!
panment expands
Se1ac1ad applicant will
process documents per·
1inent 10 all types ot
loans including FllLMCI
FNMA, seconds, wraps
and 1umt1os end exa-mine escrow 1nstruc·
llot)S, noles prellmlnery
lllle 1epor1s title pollc•es,
deeda ol frusl etc A
m1n1mum ol two years
experience 1n o savings
and loan or llnonclal 111·
slltullon 1s required.
We oller excellen t
growth pote1111al. com·
pellllve starting selarles
an d comprellens1ve
t>enefllS 1nclud1ng paid
medical, dental and YI·
s1011 coverage. For more
1ntorma11on. please call
Judy Emerson at (7141
776-710t between 9 AM
and Noon
* * * * * *COlUMBIA*
*SAVINGS* .1nd l u•n * ''"I( 1.1l111n *
910 S Broo11llurs1
Anaheim, CA 92SO.
!<JUii ~fF-Employer
f'RI o(.R ''"HR'-•
Tired of
Driving to
Los Angeles?
Ultrasystems, In c. has immediate
openings for Fortran Programmers.
Senior, lntennediate, Entry-Level
For long·term DoD programs.
* Familiarity with DEC (VAX/VMS)
Operating Sys te ms and DATATRIEVE
or VAX DBMS Software desirable
but not mandatory. * Must be able to qualify f or DoD
Security Clearance.
Send current res ume to:
T.A. Jenkins
ultrasys tems, inc.
2400 Mic helson Drive
Irvine, CA 92715
I • An equal opportunity employer
MHICHIST ·ll,.r'4.
Ma1ura. work ethic, lgllt
bkpng, good oHloe skills.
$1000 up Non-amkr,
Land devetopment com·
panv. heavy phones &
1yp1no Sllollhand or
equiv. req'd Mature, non
smkr Send resume &
salary requirement lo.
PO Box 7006, Newport
Beoc11, CA 92660
Nume•ous llsellld Items.
clothes, loys. etc t052
Co11cord, C M Sel/Sun
9.5 644-5846 _ Dresser w/mlrror & night ~ ht ... N e w a c c o r d I a n
le•olitlt1: llrlll sev'aensd $150 551-5007 8 to 20 long. 364 Pl' 11. S300IOBO. Greal tor
S .. T / s u N 1 o. 5 pm 775• 1491 anytime lllds Heather 6"6--6705 " Balboa Oceanlronl Sat/ -• (Raleom St. nr Vtctor1a I Sun Oct 23 & 24 9am to MA T T RESS & B 0 X Anllque mahogany cabl· 752·8383
Retrig $150, gar dr OP· 5 A 11 • a a el house SPRINGS Obi. Brand ne1 wllll ong. RCA radlO Olli I · I ner S<IO, Sota, many e•· GOI PC gbr gd 11ard Newl S150 551-5007 & record f)layer-$75, b•· ", 1t•ll•t1 .lc1o1•111C s up oar s. · throom "marble type" ~•!f••tlt 1111 -Service 1e11on Attendaril. eel. bargains 631-3039 d II 1 eve1 Fton1 wheel allgnmenl eicper, apply Shell Sta· woo 1 · gas urnace. ----sink 1n 1 door & 2 drawer •••• • •••••••••••••• Own tools Newp<><I Tire uon 17th & Irvine. N-· Washer, Cryer "family 1elr1g stoves. woo d Antique Oak 01n1ng Am cabinet plus mattlllng 2 All hardwood desk. 6
Center 3000 E Coast port BNCh. sale. 311 22nd s1, CM sriuners. carpeting . lbl w/4 cllrs door wall cabinet & dra-. $95 !-----,.----..,..,...::-9 4 Set only sinks. toilets, ale t023 $395tobo 641-0988 "marble lype" wall sll....,I, 752-7179 Hwy, Corona det Me_r -S E W I NG M AC H I N E -·-· ----· ---E B a I b o a B I y d "'
MP<;t'lanlc, small engine OPER Expr. factory ,, •• ,.;. v.11,. 673-5847, 631-41895. Twin bed, Kini cond $65 all for only s100; tempe· OFC IESI a 011&11
E.-perlence Neceuary. producllon llne Pc ••••••••••••••"••••••• 673-8960 (sltel Aller 5 PM red glass sho-doors, $75 551·1364 SAT/SUN 9AM·5PM 011 675-3291 Ilka new. only $50 lor1 ___ _ App11cat1onbyApp1only 1a1as. Costa Me1a paintings. furnllure, kit· both Call6"2-0138. a111 •-1
Call 639-3540, OTS 015· 642·9651 chen ware. dishes. col-The fastest draw In tile New B•oyhlll 01nlng Set 6 ~~•••••••••••••••~•
tributing, Orange 1•1-11-1,-,-11-1-6-1-.. -,-1.-1-.-1 leclibles. llre wOOd. good West a Dally Piiot cl1811S, 2 leaves $950 110 gallon Aquarium, Basenjl red & whl M !>UP·
• .. ~1 • junk 16038 Catleton SI, Claslilled Ad. Call Today 867·2320 custom 1tand & acceas py, sriow proapect, wllf trC•ll• 111& Somewlltta out there 6"2 5678 ---------StSO 847 268-4 .... Perl time Food brok11, there must be a person FV E of Hrbr of Liiac --·-------Queen bed, Custom Orttio • co-own . ..,50 898-3821
women more sullable. over-60 retired, who la including frame. Good WANTED exerciH bike. KEESHONO puppy ~KC,
car necessary Call Fri looking tor nones1 work cond $100 497-5085 Reaaor1able Pleat• call champ. line 9 wks. $150.
Ocl 151h and Mon Oct In family business. We IJ.'.11..'f!!'.'.'!. •••• !.J.'!'J ~II.If!.".~~! •••.•• !~!~ Old Wicker Rocker. An 1 w • r Ad 6 2 6 . ,_5_5_1_.soo __ 1 _____ _ 18111 949·05H eici 17 need a persori wllO can ,..,."El •&EllT Sears Elec Cryer. avoc Trunks. & An'I Tables 6"2_.300, 24 hra GOiden Retnever Puppies,
•·IL sc•LPTllllST receiv& & ship merchan· .. .,.,, " Heat serisor 673-3460 liiiiiiiiiiiii~iiil.JA~K~C~&!s:ll:ot:•~~~~ " Oise, do Ute llaridyman EJCpet'd pleasure' agent, S 557 96..,..
Needed tor progr11s1ve job•. keep our place Sabre trained. ptaterable S ~ 645-8968 Single eleclrlc adjus11ble 250/ea. • ~..-
salon Soma cllantele clean & contribute 10 Ille with 1 tollow1ng Call Gibson AIR SWEEP Air bed. Kint cond Wll Hiii
pref Salary, comm . rr1endly and cheerful Wedneaday 522-3302 cond 220 volts. $175. 640-095 llLU_.1 ••
Oarllng 6 mo Old sandy·
hatred m111 Haa shots
end lie 1 20 obo.
vacation Mgr 5'10·8889 atmosphere here. We A$k for Marie. 645-8968 French Provincial Huteh. 4 .,, .....
Nursing pay modH11y so II would d 3 11 1 8 d ll•lte4 E4ltMI
LVN for buay back oH~. ba helpful II you heva nPHmlH & R,~!!,~~. ~~. ~::S.s~~ 1~!ir s xfn~'~ond~aij~~ llPll llllJ FI T 567-3242. Ask lo• ulall ng Income. Wa PAlll·" PEISll 548•44185 Firm 631·2010 AKC Cocker
1Bu11 Male
559-9607 Joan Smith provide medical & otfle( Itek Quadrltek, busy 25•1. OFF an collactor'1
ln1tra1t1ng benetltt C.M. Print snoo. Exper. Rel, side x ildo. FF .. IOe Rourid side I able $50 . plales. Oct. 16-18-19-20.1.,..,.=-..,...--".:""---::---
Nu•slno Mu11 be neat & bond•· only Call for appt maker. excellent cond. Pedestal mirror $100; 4 9:30am-5:00pm. 372 ea. AKC Yor1e1a Pups. 1 Fe.
RN or l VN needed tor bit Please phone Mrt. &42·01« 1200 5"8-4485 game ollalrs $35 ea: 1 mlno d• Ellrella, San $350, 3 Malas. $250.
FI T days In convale9Q8nl Monroe tor lnlervlaw 1--------------------club cllalr S75 Clement• 496-U 11. 8 2 8. 14 88 or ( 2 1 3)
Hosp. Xlnl Salary & Be-t714164t·0353 "AITEl/WllTIESS Brand riew daluica Teppan 760-0499 l!~~~~~~~!!~IJll~4~7~-"~06<I~~~-~~ nellls, 1ncludlng Ins. SICk 1----------Wllll car tor wlckar DH· 30" gas range, 2 ovens 1----------1:
Pay, and Vacations Ap-~llft[R SJIR ket lunch service. 9:30 10 ( 1 c;onl cleaning). coal K•n9 size m11treas and Ice cream freezer 130 Pini\ Maulokln Parro1, w/
ply Beve11y Man0<, 3410 ..>Ur ft ... 130 pm Mon-Fri Earn $899 sacr 14 50 boa spr1ngs Frame Halrd~S25 Oest<s$20 IO• wrouglll Iron cage.
Victoria. c M Dynamic investmer1t Co 1150 to SHO wkly Must _55_2_·_30_7_5 ______ !s~~~00G o o d con d ea Side tablas $15 $800/obo 540·5396
lrvlnfl based messenger
service rieeds part·llme
person 1 30-5·30PM To
ana phones, lake ordets
& enter ordlll's into com·
puter terminal Start
$<1 50-$5 50 per hr Cell
Barbaro 556-6328
PIT OeYelOP buSlness 10
market sec:urny system
Eatn e1111 e S20001mo
lagle Enterptlses
Real Es1a1e
See "Loan Ottlcer Tra1·
n1ng Seminar" ad
Aecep11on1st1Typls1, NB.
law firm good typing
111 1111 C all Luisa
0 C Airport atea 104' In-
vestment real estate &
acc1 olll ce light
phones-lyplng-bkkpg. 6
llea1blt hrs per day
requires a SUPER Sl AR be neet, P8f$0n9bla, en· Frost tree aide by side 552-0&5e ABYSSINIAN$· 2 klllena.
wm1nq to ......, "Oll'f btlsl· ~re 97lr-074r-arro reTog. 9 cu-rr.-t:ooi n lrundltt-Bed COnlempo. Wavne-T9'\nla -Club rv-<k4<-e4I o. t I e
neu. Compensation 10 AM tor appt. $275. 857-5086 rary design. Xln't Condi· lamtry" memt>eralllp for spayed CFA reglst'd.
$36.000 plus bonus and 1--------------------lion $100. 67S-11"497 sate Make otter. <193-0415
81capt1ona1 benellll Wiii WllATOI MAYTAG Washer & Drye1 1---------760-0499 1-----:----=---
0pportunlly 10 1rave1 for BrOkarage llrm hu Im· Excel cond $250 t>olll. Solid Oalt Capu ln'a 1----------1Parakee1's S8 ea. Cocil•·
a brlgh1, highly motlva· med open for eKper wife 540-0337 Chairs. refinished Oout>le bed w/ant1que 11e1 ·s $35 ea 6'117'>\
tad se1111anar. Aoq· Clg operator. hrs 6·2·30. $50 ea 760-8310 lrema $100: table saw round oa g e S 6 5 ,
degree and evidence ot selary commensurele wl F:,:~~:r~:~~!~~tr;:,, Liquidation house sale, 1_s_1_00_6,...4_6-_17_50-:--:--:--i-6-4-6-_2_2_3_1 ______ ~
super star 1ccompll1fl· e>Cpar For app1 cell, He· $350 6"6-5752 any11me eccessoroes furn. China. CHEMICAL LAB SU~\-li•an I Otf•ll lfH
men11 If this lsn'I you · I en M c G I n I e y , silver. c11andeller1, TO &'!-OFF '>\'¥.PM •••••••••••• ••••••••• please tell your sm11rtea1 714-6<1<1·2292 ll~ld gOOds 10 be sold M·F. 10.5 Sal. 932 N. Oak Upgrl ghl piano,
star 'luallty friend at>oul 1----------APPLIANCES at 11ery low price Mull M e 1 n st Or an g e . needs finishing.
this ad Non smokers 23 w k I SlOO·S200·$300 Oii. re· call ror appt 10 get 1hru 639-7071 $850 5"8-7272
please Colllns Assucla· or ers
lr1gs. washers, dryers, gale 759·0386, cash
1es. 567 San NIColH Of. cooktops, ovens dish· only By appt only Bumper pool/ping pong Yemalla Polished Ebony
NB. 92660 NEEDED 0 washers combo, S 100. Flipper 4 8 ' · p I en o . U 1 R . N W! Ga1den Grove Appliance Seti ll1t Oelll style pin ball macil, $400. SJ500/bSI ofr 966·8677
13 t91 Harbor Blvd GG s 100. sewing machine Oak credenn. $400 Cable upright piano. like
$1200 537-6333 $75. t>edrm lurnllure Hammond alee organ. new S IOOO
Open Sun. II·" 549.7235 $750 6<14·2119 6"6-6201
Apply wllh U S leading
TEACHERS-spee\atly goods re1111er
7 14·964·5354
CALL ANYTIME la It Tilll Sun-Wed
,,,,, ... ,;,, ......................
~.~,. .. ~~ •••••••• ~."!!,!
,. 1. IOIS Sota-bed. blue, dble sz. nRt Ila $75 or reas offer ;;~i;·~~~-·f~:.d·~~.; 979-9536. 832-7965
incl mowers. viii bed & 7 Sota-grn & yellow plaid,
concrete mllle• Avail for $175 Matching club chr
111ew1ng Mon Ocl 18th $75. Wicker racker $50
fro m 9 10 4 pm al Oak end lbl $50 Oak
Fountain Valley City Spanllh oanch 175
Yard. 18240 Ward SI. 675-3089
For You To
submit sealed bids by -------Fri Oct 22nd al 3 pm to Sola & Loveseaf. earlh·
Fountain Valley Clly Hall, tone plaid, solid wood,
WESTMINSTER PurcllaSlng Dept , 10200 qlty consl Fair cond
Oo you Ilka teaching? ANT~'t8E~ALL Slater Ave Min bids '°' $ t50 640-9166 '
Bui, do you need the 11751 Westminster Ave each will be posted NEW French P1ov bdrm,
opporlunlly to work In· OAADEN GROVE 1•1-. --1-----1-1-11-ermolre & buraaus & din
depandanlly • and lo 554-6!03 .!!(!.!!•••••••••••••• •m tel 8<41-3239
earn more? I~~~~~~~~~~ Girl's Schwinn Pink PM• l H O.ttll
Kenwood Cllet Food Pto-It.. "'J
cesSOt". never out ot bo• ••!!!I •• ••••• •• ••••••: valued at $325. sell 1982 Ski Naull qua
S 2 2 51 of r 54 8·89 5 4. "200 ,.. Qnly 38 floun
6415-7491 AllO have e 1977 For·
Man's leather coat . slze mule 110 20 II .. Ilk•
38 10 40 Zip OUI linlng N E. W I C a I I ( 7 t 4 )
$"45 6"5·9521 842·2000 & Uk for Jl.m-
my, Jr II out, pleaae RepubllC "Kids Fly Free" leave message!
1lcket1, ages 2· 16, t>Cp.1----------
11115182 2 tor s 110 Skis & boots, Flecher
673-M87 180CM Sz 10 1 ~ old. $50/t>SI olr 552-3511 Radio con1rolled Falcon1---------,.-
Senlor model elrplane lr.,1ti•1, C.1 llH
plus 5 ell RS red lo gear • • • •• • • • • • • • • •••••• •
$350 Gena HIME •Ill
1114)5418-2429. Ill a OIUIOTIU
11on control pe11on 10
ope1a1e Hobart Sllcer
E11per. Prel'd Out will
ltaln 9 30 AM to 8 PM.
Mon-Thur. 6 AM lo 1 PM Sunday Apply 10 AM 10 Consider • career as an
12 or 2 PM to 4 PM IDS Rapresentelive. Pro·
Lori's Kitchen. 3077 s. vlde your community
Harbor Blvd , (H1rbor at with ptolesslonal mooey
Carriage DI l s A. management Mr11lcie1 •
----------1 what people are Hklng
$ willower Net Like new Antique Botlet 650: Cut ,55, 833•3222 Herculon, brown and
gra11 crystal S 150 China beige. good cond. $85
aet 1 175 867-2320 woman's 10 apd blc;ycla. 548·2667
Small Antique Dresser good condition. se5 0' BUNK BEDS
1 8 6 0 · 1 8 9 0 $ 2 9 5 offer 759·0097 & dreu. to mMcll. $100
5"8-8954. &45-7491 SCHWINN Pixie, lltlle 5'48·1067
Trlpla llller, dellclous,
household Revtrst·
Otmosl• Warranty So-
dium, Clorlne, All:leslot.
vlruM• removed. 1149.
, ...
11TM1111 a n ,, ........ ,.
.., . Sill • TUii
lllllllH'I tor and need right now Anllq~ wleklf lurn. Ar· l lrls. w/lralnlng llHla Bd;m Ml' Obi bed, 8 pee Poriat>te Digital muhlma-
• EWPlllT Our district managera·
Income a11er1gaa over
$45,000 and our OIY111o-
molrt and more. 2821 55 645"8966 Fr P1011 solid wood 111. u ,_, S 175 .
Ooean Ln CdM 673-8 112 SCHWINN Bantam, llllle I 3 5 0 or bas t o I r . "3·8291
aol.mo ULll nal Manager• over 170,
000 per year Oppo<tUnl·
tit• to advance are
10 beeulllul antique staf· boys. wl tralnlng wheels 540-0337 •-.-.. -... --.-.-.. -,---.. -,-1
ned gtan window• from 155· 645•81168 BABY CRIB. Simmon•. An .uea ancs lhapea. c.tl
mid-I church 25" men's Nlslllkl wllll Ilk• new, wtilla w l lof cter
831-0871, 876-9144 auntour cyclone shll1lng. canopy. s12~. 6'40-6187. . Y~to;56:1453
Have Immediate full and
pa•Hlme sales opening•
In our COametlc ., ...
Apply In pe11on M·F.
2 Falhfon lalend
N-pOll Centi( EOE
celled 8ober·up e.rn up
I • • •
abundant, and we oHet
oompieta training.
Many of our moat SVC•
oaetlul men and woman
come from the leeching
p1otasslon. You could be
our nHt ~ atory
To attend our Career
Seminar at Huntington
Beach LIOrary on Octo-'* 23, Call 933--9450 tot
your ltMfYlllOtl
lnt1ttn llttnlflH .. ,..., ....
Equal Opp Etnpl M/F
wHk. Earn HOO·HOO
mo, no aelll ng n ee
A llHtll lllO St25. Soon 642-8534 .~~.................. ..;i,,.,
APPLIANCE SERVICE ' #•tlrlllf lllS We Mii tecond .. guat ••••••••••••••••••••••
appllenoea 549-.3077 ••• a1.1n.
I •-•-.,._1 RedwOO<I 2•8 decking.
-· "'"'""-4·20' long; 8190 r.owoocs l• 1157-8133 Mn<:lng. Call Jim or 1(9(1
Dltflwuhaf ·Fraenf
JUnt OOnd. _.6-6848
111y11me. 775-14111.
2114'1. 339, 2X8. 4k P«
12' Upright Ir .. ., $100. 11
Aun1 Ilka new. 548-3375. 1 ___ s_a_ ... ,_1_1 H_S>-0_1_2_2 __
Aefrlgt. WMherl, Dryers. l'rtt ,. ,,. Ml
Man~ to chooM from. •••••••••••••••••••••• 0utr 1 100/up 85g.()M2 FrM $llm0y9d m•te, un-• · altered, reQlt. 4 yn C•·
Wtrdt Menu•Mtglc 011 thy Cray, 642-5713;
stow,~ OOIO. 2 Y" 876.eooo ctyt
s 1110. 54t-te7e ,.,.. llhten•. 1 wile, boK
IWrlferetor. W•tlngllou• trained.
H , •hilt, axcet oond. ~107
1145, ·-·-54702918 "·-,...,.... ... Nc>l'lone8 .... ..... ~ -··PIT "•frlttrelor. Ilk• new "'-lroat frM. 2 dr
P .. Zoo •n' "9nta Too
2"°~1M.CM !'RH PtfS 031·M50 1400 • ltOO Wiiiy. Cell llH 113 toeO
(7 t4) 536-7&M Met !Of 'vr, G • Sweat. 1011lnt mh1td
R H. ~ MA A Wnf* 6 Dfvef, OobletOerm Shep , M,
bro111e. oood worklng eppro•,· t mo• old. ..... Of!d· tl!IO. 780-1310 M&oOl1
.....,_ fl"tDldalr• Dryer. workt a tllk a ""' l'llale kit·
WOfk l.~S:T. In ,._ ""9C11W, 176 t ...., ...._ 1...-...
port . • ..-••1-n1e ,,,., •· *'· '"'" -·--· OUt loP '*'°" .,.,. "" 14 let,11#1 ,_...,_._,4_•_• __,,_,.."""""--=~
=r-=~~ ............. . I PM, Mfltt M4' tJ'to. ...
Featuring weapons of all
ares· Swords. c:olrv, wer
touvtnln. antlqu. end
lllouaandt of collae11bta
Mesa, lf\I., gala 3A off
Arlington St
Fa Orange Coaat DAil. Y PILOT /Sunday, Ootobor 11. 1982
,,,.,,,.,, ......,, llH ... ,, "'' A.11,.,,; ......... ~........ ~., H1• C/111/11 llJO "' ••••••••• ..• -.n •••••••..•••••• ; ••••••••••••••••••.•••
Otln M11k IV 1111• 1>01••· OOAT 81 tPB AVAILAOI e: Hiil ol ''t l
lfld lino-00011 '100 Ntwpoo Ueoch J6 26'. &ll•Y •llOllcH PIGkl.!QA '
Down •l4MIPtnO 0111 HO 30 . 36 . 40 . 6 4b Call coupH 4 l o c11oou
60hwln11 V11111v blh 6·U·40U l1om II 6, 11 0 111 1 10001611 (8th
'I!! H3 1613 MOii I:• A3003) P110t1• 11111tno ••
SUPS A\IM lfon11no1on llU ..... , ff. 1•"•1 H a r I> o u r 0 It y • D I 1
Miii ''"" IHI 840·6&46, 846 n ee 8 9 ••••••"••••••••••••••• P M , I 4 0 4 0 9 1 , S!!AUTifUl H .. RCA 113·431 3704
Color IV 2 yr w• nly
$1411 Fr11 Clellv11y
Open Sun
IV John a 640· 1786
Bool Clock tor r1n1 24'
mu. tow prolllo dHlled
610 381h SI N1wpor1
l1l1t1Cl 673-3084
8' 11••.a & rape deck Wllh rec:Ofd co1111e11on. l>lr In· Sllp tor rent, Main B1y
••Cl•. llaahing .Ughl•. 36•6'•" se It $500 6!56-0998 673·5340
Bla11punk1 cua Stereo • • •3 11 Cooew•ltt, up
CA2001, Uaeel 1 week 10 33', pow•' or Hll $2~ 960·11927 llVll 673· 1943
(0)1A Ml\A t.4l UUIO
'63 Sluelebf'lo., <!h•ITIP40ll
5 PHI CP• NICI oar
'3750 2131592-179~
1 .. 11 ......... ,"
1946 Ford Woody W1
gon. S 13.000
Motorol• 23 ' con,otw 20". 3o·. 4 4o· tllps •viii 192V r ord MOdtl A Town
good cond 175 now Biibo• Furi Zone S e o o n S I 0 . 0 0 0
549· 1255 Merino 556· 17 11 675 6161
a.II & Howell El&cl•OlllCS IHtl( S,.H I '60 Plymouth V•ll1n1 8
Couru lnclueltng 16 fli IOIO cyl push button auto.
Volume• or electronics •••••••• ••••••• • •••••• alnl cond Ong owner
1ra1n1ng 11om basic 10 1811 Sleek Crill 455 04a 6 o o o o m 1 $ 6 7 5
1Clv1nced TV repair, a engine B11rkley jet, tan· 546·4109
Oetign Console ror lab dem 1111iler Xlnt eonel •
hperlmenll, a digllal $4200 Alter 6 cell 68 Chrysle1 Convert 38,
mulllmeter. 11 so110-s1111e 552·4344 000 011g ml, $2000/bsl
triggered aweep osc:lllO· J -S fOIO oh 499.1997
scope and a 25" color .~1!, .. !~~'J! •••••••• ·11 Mark 111 c1ass1c 1
TV with digital clock. DRY STORAGE owner, lull pwr. a/c, leoth digllal channel display & uphol, etc. superb cond.
electronic tuner. all are 68.000 ml, a must see Heelhklls & all complete Monthly boat llorage. ca1 Best otr 1131-9927
and brand new This la a any slztt. 24 hr security l>el 9pm
S 1700 value Wiii sell tor free launching
1100 531.9106 HWPOllT HHS
'R'C'Ai"8" Portable ColOf 1131 lack llJ Dr •I
TV. works good IU·Ol10
Etooredo Converl11>le,
1975, brown loadeo.
1e.iner lnlf $6700
646-0917 $45 640-9166 ---.. --• t 1· 4 WiHl D1ir11 1550 Colo, TV. 23 Motorola, 1 t••INI • 1•• ••• .. •••• ••• ... •••• ••• portable w/IWIVel ale no •••••• ,. ••••••••••••••• 62 JEEP CJ7. Lid CUSI
$100 556·1448 Aitt11lt IJJO bl , di 5 ••• ••••• •• ••••• ••• •••. remove e 'ar op
RCA 25 inch color TV.
converllble console with
,emote control Like
n-$250 pp 631·9276
FOR LEASE • Mooney apd b<v;. stereo, many
231 O C $60 per hr wel more •lras Warr s1111
Eves 832 ·3322 or ve110 $11 000 OBO
760-8835 675·2743_
New PS-X50 1urn11ble,
semi auto, dtr dr crystal
spd control $200
c,.,_,,, S•lt T1etl1 1510
ltst 1120 r~;~;; .. /5··~;;;;~·5,~:
,.,,, ' ,,,,;.,
•••••••••••••••••••••• reo c asse11e Smalt CabOver Camper tor Im· c amper shell $2175
port 1rucll, bool stablll· 673-6618
zers. come< 1acks $750 -------. ~.; .. ,., 17 14> 645•5898 SPECIAL PURCHASE ••• -;,.a •••••• •••••••• · 77 Dodge camper con .. IHtl, ll1iel1•••tt version pop.top, ale.
S1rrit1 f020 new em/Im eass stereo
•••••••••••••••••••••• sink, stove oven. refr1g. Marine Services lols ot storage cruise
Design/Install/Repair conl naw was & pa1n1
Olly work 549-2520 Ev Xlnl cond lhruoul
PI um b In o' e I e c I rt cat. 'liiit:iii4iii5iii-8iii7iii3iii0iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil I
SIX PAC cobover lor Im·
N-'112 Jeep CJ's 10 to
choose lrom Includes
winch 1amboree packag;i
Bl'I<' much more
OlllH£ CllST
2524 Harbor Btvo . CM
549-8023 645-7770 woodworll Ouallly work, II
compe1111ve prices
631-7913 port 1ruck, x1res $500 or '75 Chev Sliver ado •. T 4
best oiler 631-8278 X 4 350 hyOro $4500
Marine Melnl Serv Oua· l~~~~~~~~~~I OBO 646-1367 Illy work specializing 1n I:
joinery repair. paint. & lloto1t7d11/ '72 Ranchero with shell
varnish Call Chuck lcHllll 1150 Musi see $1400 714·8•&-9,3• •••••••••••••••••••••• 673·3149
-----FantastH:; MolorcyGte '73 972 D IHll 1nnt IHO Honoe XL250, Slfl/Cllrt 1 atsun wl camper
•••••'•••••••••••••••• 2100 m1 Looks & runs gOlng home 10 Germany, 1981 fiberglass diesel like newl 5500 497•1897 must sell Runs great Nordic lug Full yachl ___ ' ___ $950 Call 675-7350 alt
trim, the besl equlppe<l '79 Honda XL500, Mint 6pm
ever bulit 4 pages ol cone!. $950 or bell offer '80 Toyota Cu&tomlzoel
gear, aaklng $59.500 640·8353. st ake bed truck . Air ?~~~S9~~-44SO· home '71 YWll• ITCOO cond, am/Im cass Siii·
N-head WOfk. sprock-reo Moon root. dual Ctassle 18' Lapstrake el & chain 1850 whls O(' rear. 15 gal W1r
Century bay bOal. 4 cvt. 850-0202 tank w1e1ec pump. hy·
Grey $3500 675-6161 C1rau11c a11 shock~ stain·
35Hp '80 Yamaha 125. xlnl less steel and canvas
15' Boll & trailer • conel $600 c.nopy 2 rear mounted
xtres, $750 or trade 760-9215 tool boxes, 2 captain's •673-0&<!7 • YAMAHAS '80 y Tri· Chrs. mounts IOI Stake
18 South Coast, totally M olo .75 MX 175 1974 bed 3 2 . 0 0 0 m I
rellOfec:I NIGest In NB. MX lOO 546•7903 I'll $5<175/obo 546°210 I
$6600 obO 631-7765 or 5prn Mon thru Fri
631· 7022 •80 Yamaha 1100 Speclel. '73 Datsun Pickup w/shell
28' Twin OSI New only 650 ml custom auto, low mt
Sk1pjoek, S48,000. seal s2600. 546•4843 S 1700 775-6268
557·4758 '74 Ford XLT '•ton. wt
TRADE Beeulllul 22· Chfls ll•t.rB.-.r,l1lrf ifiilr.8ir 5 fil"$. g<1 cond
Crall Full op11on. for lt•!f.lt•t•f• f 160 $2300 646-6502
~ulo Need ~ransportah R~~~· 28~·,;,•0,~;;;;,;,~~ '81> Plymouth Arrow Pick·
t on today oal wort sips 8. fully toaelec:t up Gd cond >.Int me·
$3500 Mark 873-3481 645.86161Paul) chan1cat, AIC 1111. dh
U ' Wtllcratt S/F •1100 in1r Must sac1111ee t>e-
l978 new 250 HP OMC • low tow btuebk S3300
S Musi ~I by 10115 ·77 firm 968-3442 all • on Ball tank. VHF. 111' 14• Field & Stream 22' Sunday w._ 950 Take over pymls SKIPPER YACHTS {Dodge 360) Rear Oinel· u 1510 ol NEWPORT BEACH le 48,500 m1 963-2187 !!.".! •••••••••••••••••
Lido VIiiage 673-5200 11'iltll f1'•ll 1110 ·~ Ford Va~. Econo 6 cvt
• •••••. ~ •••• ••. •••••.. has po1en11at 14 11 fiberglass boat, lrlr 1972 22' Kensklll Travel 675-7498
& 22 hip motor w/ ac-trailer, Good Conellllon
cesso,.es $675 . S2500 (714)526-4317 'l3 IOllE YH
963-5272 Headers. ouals. capt
'62 Ideal 32'. rr be. every cha1~ $1600 8"'n 0202 11 11 aluminum Sear s opuon sll·conl must '~. ~-
Jon. 3 hp Saers, jackets/ sell All 5 81*1 · 1588 '58 YW VAN CLASSIC
aneh«S $42'> 963·5272 · 12oocc. rebll engine
w in trade $401< equity tor T!!J!!!!t •• ~t}!!'J..!J.!~ S800 OBO 968· 1640
boat w/cesh, or can 1811 111 sleet. surge brake. '75 FORD VAN 631< ml,
wflp yQUf IOBfl Gas Of tandem a.rcle $800 RUNS PERFECT
dat. prefer twin eng 545-3048 al1er 5pm 962-0945 Sponlllh 494· 1098
18' Seacran, c.enter con· Aet• S•mn, ·'"'' ~ ... '!! •• '!!!.'!!. ••• !.~IA
90le 11!5HP Mere with 1rtr I Aet•11•11n HOO WE PAY
S6,poo 645-9190 ;.~i;tr·&·1;;;·~;·~;;k~
A Bristo! ChflS Connie, up 10 50¥. oll your bOCly
plus allp SSK dn payt. shop Ht Biii 964-0332
OWC bal. (714) 840·3~6 European Mechenlc re·
or (213) 592-2384 pairs Eu,opean cars•
SllV9f'ton 34' Corwer11ble, French Spkg 99I·1229
1980. Etectron1ca + Xtras John + Loran c S59.50o.7--,,_--11r-es-. -9-50-.-1-8-S-.-,-o·'
(714) 673· 779 l ply, tor heavy duty Piek·
up, $700 556-0998
18' Hobie Cal, yellOw wt
taq aunrlH aall• Like new S2500 67~161
24' 111a11Cler 10 hi p In·
board, 5 aall•. head.
galley. on naw trailer,
nee ds work $5000 ,
&46-320 ....
Seva 45% on,.
lllllboat Clerno8. 5M-lt30, 436-3414
una ••z • (40t)0 5->M21 Of
... I I Ille LOflG S.aell
.... Show. Oc1 22-31
tlC INI• wanted to help ~ 31' Nllb011 91r'Mdy
1nclloreel In Mnloo.
I.ea ve Ocl 23
'It C.11lln1 30, lrlttol:
~ecte mut a etec.
•lf!Cll, dlH el, HlrH.
...... O"ly • llmee 135,
-" .. 11»"6126.
LUA. llY .1 ...
deli~• any ..... vehlete
or buy• any oar over
Auto-M••··· Ktutl dff-
ler oo.t. No tat Of , .. , pymt
No aecurlty Oepoalt
No l.loe!IM fte eo montll flnenclng
TQS! H for 11.._lflt
8 yr/S(),000 ml WlfTAnly
Any l'Nlte a "'°"' 1onllgn Of ~le
•w1111 INt eel
Cell ~-MeM It
111·1• ... ..,
fOR llEI CAii
2480 Herbor Blvd
, .......... .. c .... .... " ..... ,., .. , ... , . .,
• I • i
Tum your
UNble cas1a.cau
Daltyl'Uot claufflld 642.,5611.
~.'.'!!..'fM~tl. ••• /.~lj r.~~~.~r.!!~ ...... .
.. •• , •• !!! ............. !.~ ..
us o CAAi a rnuCKD 1981 DATSUNS OOM IN on CAI.~ FO~
.... APPHIW Yerr 01 ...
Counlar•Oel..lllo Lt• MllH&t Yt•ltlH OllYHLIT
tUll ft ACH OLVO
141-1111, 141·1111
Top DoOar
f.01 Your C11I
JtHSHI UI u ... , •.• ., ... '1
2628 H•ll><>r 81v .
Co11a Meaa 540·5«130
dlllely lo, your v11111c1e.
don11e11c or to1 e1gn
!H1 I 828b
~ ... , .... , .!'!r..~'.'!. ..•.••
Al/1 l••H 1105
1111 11111 T 111t1
t120Z ltath lhll. ...... ,., ....... ..
TURBO '8 I Dllt 280lX
LO 1111, fully lo11ded low
pnce 692 232ti
'77 Oat.u11 P/U, 1 ownwr,
wlcamper & tool bo•
$2900 831 ~45
'70 Da1aun 6 •Pd hitch
1>ack . .clnl cono
··~;avELOC::es·pRiNT·· 1---------'11 l1tsu1 110 $4950 5 spO, 8/C, tape,
whls. 1111, 10 m1 529WOU
Dir 845·2963
'16 GT. 49M, burgundy
4 Door, AM/FM .slereo
CiHelle E•Cellenl COO•
dll1on. $4,000
1142-4338 01 647 ·0686 .clnl S5,900
540-8969 • '77 280Z 6nty 28K ml, 79 Spyder convertible pert e c 1 1 n & o u 1
llH 1 llunlh A OOOHI,
81"-llff 91h llll, l lC, 11n/
lm,13QOO 6733172
'80 Acco1d 4•Clr AIC •'"'
cono •••1 .. OG4 9718
111111 Aec.urd ~ X. Al(.,
PIS, PIB 4 apkr Gt11eo
AMII M w/c;IH 13 mo
Oii.i $6000 1149 0039.
·79 lion<Ja Acc.01d 42 000
1111 I own1r. tllver. 11u10
•I• etv1eo $6000
'81 Honoo 4 dr Accord,
13 500 ml llKE NEWI
Aulo. 1;mllm 1teroo. air
$7500 owner 646·7841 Xlnl cono Blaupunlo.1, al-s 7 9 9 s f o B o p p
toy whls Always gara· 645-1743 '60 Civic wgn, 33,000 ml.
ge<l 19500 495-0738 runs gfeel 6 spd. eic.
--'81 200 SX AC 5 sp DI· em/Im cess • roo1beo1
• Sl(ess sate ~ •500 7"'" 2680 A•'I 1101 $5385 080 brn -vv• ••• • • ••• •• ••••• • • •• •• • 662 7343 ·79 Ctv1c 5 spo, a/C, 1eally IO 11141 IOOO Tlrh • --sharpl 40 M S3950
28,000 m11es, fully loaded f11111i 11Z3 968· 1024 · sunroof. gd cond Like •• •••• • • • • ••• • • •••••• •
new s 13,400 oBo OlllllE COHTI'S J•'l,Hr 1130
6 4 5 • s 2 ' ' E v e s • o•LY a1T10111z11 • • •• • •• • • •• • • •••• •• • •
857-9884 day~--FERRARI
'75 Audi Fo~. Noe<ls Mlle IEllEllSlllPI work S tOOO o, best ol·
ler 657·4167 lr-------""'"l!'!!'!!~I
3.1 Mllll II SEHi
Auto., 55.000 mi • orig
owner Red E111 • Blk lnl , '80 4000. sunroof, 4 spd.
stereo air. •Int cond.
$6200 631·2991
I chrome wire wheels
Body & Int • WCI & leather.
compl res1ored Runs
perteclly Proless SIO·
reel Concours Condition
!10.500 Fl Gary
642-9607 Days &
-----73 Aur.11 LS 100 Good
cond111on 4 01. S 1200
1978 Fo• GTI. OI•. $ 1000
Below Book, Recarro
seats ,. spel, al•, not a
scratch. nick en oenl
$2950 546· 7245
3 100 WHI COUI Hwy
Newport Beath
642-9405 ----· * 'll FERllAIU wkenos bet 6pm
Low ml, itlnl cono Fly I~~~~~~--~·
Yellow Must sacrifice• ""'' 1131 751·~344 ••••••••••••••••••••••
'71 A~o1 . 2 dr, good fi•t 1125
tr ansportatton. must sell ••• ••. ••. ••• •• • ••••••.
s4001obo 91e. too1 *FANTASTIC*
lllW 1112 •••.••.•••..•.........
831·2040 495.4949
28402 Marguerite Pkwy
Mission Viejo
(Avery Exll oll 1·5) •
Open Sundays
Nice SeleGllonl
• 74 3.0CS. 4 s~ (960NAC)
• 11 3201. 4 spd .. sun
root (248TRAI
• ·79 3201. 4 sP<l , sun
root (849YHZ)
• · 80 320'.. 5 sp<> . sun
root ('&~§Z°l.iK)
• 80 3201, 6 spd . air
cvnd ( 1ASX048)
208 W 1st. Sanle Ana
Close<l Sunday
850 N Beach Blvd.
La Habra
Open Sunday
It US K.Xt · RMW
--1lillll ...,..,.,.,,....,.
"4W'\~fll-.. f"1eoc'l~
ll'Wf~J..J __
·74 B1v.aria. 4 spd. Sun RI,
Very good cond $4200
673-2545 or 675-6484
'81 3201. air 5 ape!, stereo
CHS Fl1wtess $12.500 831 -2991
1111 ••• , ,,, ...
11Hllt ... IM. . ............. . .. , .... .
.u;E SlliCTIOfl
FIAT X 1/9's
'78 FIAT
4 sp, fac1ory ate,
stereo, 1ape, rack.
alloys 43 K -A Real
Be1u1y (1BUC707)
'79 FIAT
5 ap, Factory ale.
Stereo Cass. Rack,
Mags, ( 13090)
'75 FIAT 124
5 sp, Slereo. Mags.
Air. Very Sharp, 6f K
'77 FIAT 124
5 sp, Ok Green, Mini
Condition, Stereo
Cass ( IACP577)
M ~tlidtt Qur..Ctt4
f1A T ·l.MICIA
1 , , 'ff l'l.1r1'P• a,.
5.•'ll J A11J ·,~ • 1 1.'
'82 Mazda RX7·GS, Gold
1760 mi Llka nu• 5 SP
sunrl, ale, am/Im ster s 10.soo 646-7641
'76 Mazda AX4, 2 dr, 5
spO, good cond
$2550 851 -1853
1111m11 .... 1140 ····••·•·••···········
You can afford lo
buy your Mercedes
Benz from us.
APOhtt 10 new cer• 1n aloe~ On epproveo crt011
'81 380 SL. 7000 ml. Wire
wheel•. 138,000IOBO
'll RZ 4IO llO.
lla•k /ltla•k
All extru, 62.000 ml
$28.500 very llrm
731-5115 83~2
A1t•1 ""' ••...•..•••....••...•.
r.·1~,.~~1!t ..•... 1.~t r!!~ ••.•••.....•. 1.'.'.f
·ee MUISIANO HQ t4ow
flllll Pli ~1e1111ty palnl.O
\1n1 c.ond S:/9()0
11•4-t 0402
r~ G•an<J f0tt110
SI 000 I 100 WHICllll '8' MBZ 380Sl, 1llv11
grey w/bll1Ck Int 30001 Ml MUtl Mii ltatl Oii••
640·~700 (8 4 ontyl I YtrJ 01111
Lt• llllll&t Ythlolt1 611 0111• Uug 1t1bll am/ D• NewpQtl lht1r.11
Im/Iv GltH 11er ••<-• 64? '1811
'76 MBl 450 SL gold,
bOlh I opt, IPOr ly. $ llS,
000 040·0238
'89 MIU 8 3, chctrry CIH
tic, bl~. tunrl, c;11ae11e,
011 , air 1111, collecl ort
11111n s 1 ~.000 640-11238 '
fllOM AS l OW AS
1111 .... , ,., •••
o 9 MBl ·11 Sllve,tb18ck. 11202 luoll llwll.
au1111. to '"'· 11'8 11 CIH· lluatl11tH luoh 91CI 673°2790
llQ 114 112-0121
•••••••••••••••••••••• '82 IJICkup lungbttd. w/ 1112 Ml IT •Mii •Int cond, 11110 new
This one hH 11 aunrool & S6~ 644 0364
It vory c .. enl I 1EBH094) 7~ C.f)h<.11 llUIO, AMl rM OILY S2111 ,.... Orig 0Wl1tll $2299
JIM MHllD 673 6734 l!vOSl wknds
18~~~1i!~c~•=~d Tt!~!!t~ ..•...... !Z~?
ttunllngton Beach 1110 TIUUMPll
142_-2000 j TU COUPE 01Jll011s mctude air cono
tn•I $1100 04'1 t}J73
60 VW 11ew pa1n1 11c1ory
'"'' '19001Dnl oll•r 675 07~8
77 VW St1111c1 o run'
gr111al mull aell
$4:100/llt!•I Oller
Volvo 9112 ..••......••....•...•.
1 Yel" lultr
111 Grenet C1111tyl
t 9tl6 lfilr bOI Blvd
141-1303 540-1411 MCI 1144 & ilO AM/FM ( 1AP02241
•••••••••••••••••••••• ! OILY s111a '82 Volvo OL Wagon, .dnt 1970 MOB, rebulll eng u COM $1 t 900 559·5199
and carbs. new lop, Jiii Mllll•D ·71 v o•vo P1800 E Auto
spoke wheets, roll bar, YOL,.SWl.,E .. needs llghl body repair " • " AIC lo 1Y11 gd cond
$1500 720-0742 1871 t B;iach Blvd $4500/obo ev 5<18·7996
Huntington Beach 80 'l( Bl•re loaded '74 MGB. 1 owner Pio· U 2 2000 " neer slereo 8 trk, lug • 23 000 mlle• $12 000
reek ski rack. new ll•es. Vo/i nt• 111 9110 000 !>46·0315
top. clutch. whltt Must ••. •• ••• f....... .. . . . . '68 VOl'IO t 445. 4 dr auto,
go 10 good homet Call '66 VW Bug 1mmec "' & ale looks & runs Aini 1
wkndslevs.645-5902 out $1800 . bs1 ofr o wner $950 /ob o
'14\il MGI COIVEllT 631-1142. 546·6903 554 2079
851-0246 1111 YOLISWHH 1973 t64, 1mp;ictab1e 0119
P2l ClllPEll me1a111~ blue boOy, 11eve1 '74 MGB Runs gooo gdl
mileage $2100
751-9195 or 644-4157
!!.•A!!! •• = ... !.~~!
505S lllllO DIESEL
Au1oma11c trans . sun·
root. pw r s1eer1ng -
w1nelows & door toclla
AMIFM stereo cassette I
cruise control. alloy
wheels & more' 13 16685) I
$13,950 I IEe~~~o~~~~~~S t
112-0100 I
Save over $2000 on brand
new Peugeot S05S Turbo
OSI AT .• dr Elegant
sports sedan w l
everylh1ng on 11 Drove 11
on vaca11on In Europe,
1ust got 11 home Cert1!1eo
10 Cahl standards S 14
995 544-6784
loucit 115 .•...••••........•••••
13631 Harbor Blvd
Garden Grove
Salts·Strvlc t
114 IH-2333
This one 1s immaculate•
OILY Sltll
JIM MAlllllO
18711 Beach Blvd
Huntington Beach
DIESEL llllllT
Op11ons include an AM/
FM (84568)
OILY 14111
JIM MAlllllO
18711 Beach Bja bug
not completed $600
Hiii HS
This one 1s very clean &
hes low miles {4788>
OILY 12111
JIM MAlllllO
16711 Beech Blvo
Hunllnglon Beach
71. ll IU5
New p11nt/lops. lo mi. in
s1orage Must be seen.
S8000/S8400 Can (7141
'76· 7 PISS wgn, $3650 'IO IZI Snrl. auto, air whls,
Low mlles Lea lnl All lepe ,.70276 L•c exp power, AC. c;tun. mus• '83 Olr 645-2963
sell 128·500 OBO 63 BUG $14001-0B-O 714-955-3501 wk Cla Sohd engine. clean
'61 356B. re·bll. no rust 642-9574
ne;ids some work., ------$3l00,...49-l-6SJ5 70 VW Cm_pr Bus, rebll
eng resforea foloul.
'77 9 t 1 S Tero• AC/PW. must see $2700/olr Niki
all lealher, lo m1. must 532-9208 dys, 675-5315
sell Wiie s car Make eves
rees olr 645·6776 '75 Bug Sunroof e•eel
'75 911 S Brown/Tan re· cond Runs great $2500
burll engine new clutch, obO 640·9605
new tires Sheeps111n ---
h1I, 4 spo , OD air, new
IHes ltawloss cono
lhru ou 1 $2700
~!'.'!.'1.¥!!.'. •••••••••• ,,,.,,,, 1101 ...........••••••••••.
Come 111 & see Newport
Beac.h s 11nest selecllon
of previously o wned
Porsche ' Audi s ano
445 E Coast Hwy
Newport Beacl\
73 PrnlO Runabout
2300ct RI H AT 84 .000
m1 $800 OBO 968· t640
A/llC 1905 ....••................
'75 AMC Pacer ~Int cone!
25MPG $950
536-34 10
l aitk 9110 .....•................
'80 Buick Ltd luxury dsl.
$6900 )C ini cond
760·8765. 833·2591
'69 R1v1era (1>es1 yr) 430
eng good but ht m1
Needs l>ody w ork
S3001obo 673-3104
C•dill•c Ill 5 •••••••••....•........
ol late model low mlleB·
ge CaC11tlacs In Soulhern
Calllorn1al See us today•
'67 Camaro SS 350 LT I
Edelbrock H1ghr1se 202
heads 4 spo reo real
c lean 545 1764 &
6•5·8730 • $ !2.000 646-2389 BI Diesel Jella 10 mr 5
spd blk atr snrl, am/Im 77 Etoo Fuel ln1ect1on
c ass c lo th seats loaded 40.000 m1 gar
S9000obo 892-9022 llePI. m1n1 Only $5995
7ti ~ore! 011n.01 eulO
Au )Cini coo<I
S1 tY!) 016·6077
11 f'ortl I fO Cour111y
SQutr .. :3tellon Wgn
look• ' run• oood 9 1>11utng11 11r pow1r
,1oe1111g 6 l>•kl 91 ,000
rr11l0• 011 car englt1e ••
1Ju11 1 111 5~.000
$6'101111111 o fter G4G :J 104 1111111 6PM 01
1111 011y Sat/Sun
~!~~!!1. ........• !.~!¥
M-F 979 9696 wkdya
75 Monarch 2 dr AIC
PS1PB. c.11., new urea,
c.tean Sn50 842 3602
~~!!~~t •••.••••• !.~~~
·79 Oh1a. lully 1oadeo, 4
$pt:l, new 11res S11erlhce
76 Mu1o 1&no 11. auto.
raC11olhoa1e1 . gel cono
S ''00 Russ 966· 1840
66 Mutnang new paint
uphOI SUSP orelle' lie·
reo SJOOO 545-7098
Old1•dil~ 1155 ...........••..•......
Trust sale 2 dr, 71 86
Delta Cu" Oldl, P/W
AIC rao10, call B ot A
M on-Fri, 8AM·4 PM
79 Cutlass Supreme Ost
54.000 ml A/C 8ul0
1r1111s stereo. PSIPB.
mell brown w/lawn lnH
$4850 71412•0·2119
lllllHAM CltPf
x1n1 Conel Full Power
With all op11ons 1nclud1ng
teether 1n1error tape
cass and much m ore
Lie IBTB707 Priced al
mu amt•
445 E Coast Hwy
Newpor1 Beach
12 C•tlass lreucht•
Loaoed' Includes 5 year
warranty Low mileage
S9 950 2 t3·596·0403
'76 Cutlass AIC. CIC to
m1 go 111 es very gd
cond Best Oller
Pi11to 1951 ......•.•...•.........
73 P1n10 Runabout
2300cc R/H Al 84.000
mr S600 OBO 968· I 6-40
r!T!'!!!!~ •..••••• !.~~
'60 Plymouth Valiant 6
cyl push butlon aulo.
•Int cond Orig owner
60 000 m l $675
61 K CAA $5500
Blaek. to m1 2 or AMI
f.M,.BJJIO 552·3519
Po11ti1c 1165 •.•...................
'77 Ventura Hlchbk. alw.
good cono $2000/0BO
492·6334 -'67 Ftrebud reo ctasarc
conv New ang/trens.
Ylnt COl'ld $3850 OBO
851 ·043 I or 645-1442
'76 Grand LeMans 9 pass
70 914. looks and runs
.rclnl $3.750 New oa1nt &
nms 960-8174 '73 Kharman Ghia Con· Alter 6 PM 979·7229 wgn. 71 000 mi...---'14 3110 CPE verllble. excellent cond1·
Xlnl cond. no rust. tug t1on $5500 673-9055
rck. AM/FM, radials w/ '80 Rabbit Conv while
chfome rims S5SOO w/blk top Assum lease
978-1490 I 6 K m 1. g d con d
'73 Porsc.he 914. 5 Spd, IO 644•54o3
m1i.s 78 VW Rabbll, aulo. 2 or.
S5275 645-11814 sunrl, AMIFM cass .aim
'66 Po•sche 9l2. 5 spd, cond S3800 675-1350
green I owner. herd 10 ..!:"s
lino cono $7 000 lirm B11a Bug must see to
646-1688 apprec111e. cslm paint,
str1pes. int Befgman l1eult J15S 2180 dual Wet>ers cent· .. ii"liiiiiiiiii.TS .. er 11nes to1s ot chrome. many e xl ras
lo choose from S650010BO 847-8224 As low as $4989 (ser 1380) '78 VW Cempmoblle w/
The all new '83 AUtance popup top Auto. Good
Is heret Fuegos, Imme· cond 17 600 m1. 56000.
dlale delivery 494-7667 Lagul'l8 Beach
1964 VW • new paint,
AM/FM radio. body Ok.
runs eacellenl $1,675
2524 Harbor Blvd , C M 549-8023 645-7770 536-9469 alter 6 or all
---------·• day weekends l•ll• l•r.tt 11Sf .7 --,---•• •••••• • ••••. ••••••• S 8Yg am1 mttape. new
~·~'ffH("'f~a..' ,.._,,,_
~~""'"* h• ,..,,.... °""' WNO&n 11-s
rad••••. Clutch, brks Na·
Cline 642-4000 Mon-Frt
&O RABBIT 28.000 mt, ex
conel, Sunrl, em/Im cass.
$4500, 631-2017 all
'75 Sctrocco. I owner. nu
palnllllres. xlnt con el.
1111 .ClDILUC
EL DOllHO llAlllllTZ
'79 Seville. must sell by
10-20 Fantastic cond
New 111es brks. shocks,
etc etc Sliver $9900/bst
oh 675-6700 S Ask tor l(en
Ci1r11l•t 1120 •••.••.••.............
We have a good setec-
tlon or NEW & USED
'X." t I .tr 1. or H ' ,
• • to.. 1 \ \1 I •, \
, ... ,. fllZi--''-4_so_e_4_0._1_44_9 ___ , _ __;. __ ;....;;...__;~~=
•••••••••••••••••••••• 75 A1bbll. 4 spel ate, ·10 Chevetle pan oul or
~46-1 200
Sllet·Setvice·L .. alng new brekes. am/Im asls $500 Musi see 2·4 SAltllllOI c e s a • C L E A N . ell 835·9489
$2100 953-923'
¥!1.~ •••••••••••• !.~~!
72 Vega needs mo1oc.,.
$200 Call Don al
C 1\ 1)1 LL, \C
111&11 12700/obo 652-3460 or 1--------1
652-5851 f!!.'i~!~!'ot .... !.~~! 1977 CADILLAC H l-2040 •11-41411--,5-8 -VW_V_A_N_C-LA_S_S_IC-73 MARK IV ILDORADO cou,.
f1r..t• 1111 1200cc, rebtt •nglne N-p11n1. ciean teeth« (622SZG)
•• ••••••••••••••••••• $800 OBO 968· 164 Int C~p 6-42-9574 $6995 1111 TtYITA ~.e-g-B-•l•_B_u_g_s=-1r_ong_1_eoo_ c.,.,,,,. llJZ
OHILLA IEIAI eng .. IOC>lla & runs good. • ••• • ••••• • • • • • ••• • • ••
Options Include •n auto. Blltlaln thockt, many '77 • auto, II blue met I
m111c Iran•. & en AM/ e111ta1 MUST SELL grey leather lnl reu
FM (~822), $2400 090. 540·9136 apk,tl equalizer. alutn
•• Ly •••11 whl1. Beautiful cond •• 1111 IAlllT Bell olfer 644-9582 Y!',.IWllAI!~. 2 Cir. cua1om 4 tpd. "'n
---roof w/lo mllM. In gooO 18711 h.ch 8lvd COnellllOn Lie 275fRU
Hun11r191on leeCti Only
YtrJ Oltn
Lt• •1111f' Yt'ltltt
81 AltlDll conv LOl<Jed,
8400 "°'I, )II mpg Mint. $3988 u .eso. a..a~n
U Vellow Coh11attlbl1
it a rm 1nn Oll l a ,
1350011>11 Off. Of """' .. ..., Ttllll lrU• "llM 0000
1111! ..... ... 1'7t.OS•• t-~~~~~~-~
.......... ..... H l•l•r c"etom. new "l .. n motcw l trMI. Jhlt wlt1'0
-11000 &41·•5$•
~"! ........... !.~~!
'I I Aries, 2 elf, 4 lpel. tlr,
mini 1111( mlMls $4295
,.,, ---I HO
••···········•····••·· '71'FORD Mavetlek Good
cond 3 ~ llr•. econ
H SO 404·3211
·ee '•Icon, very good
conel, p1, 11nt fm cue,
m•o•. new 11r11, orig
rim• & llub CIP• 1v•ll.
vtry racy 11900/obo
&A&-1387, &46~481
IHO 2 di Fo1Cl l'IHj';,"
Xlnt Cono 11,600 mo
UtoO O S U03,
Otter Qood Thru
Mondi)', 10-18·1!2
IUNDA', oaoa1• 11, 1'12 ... CINU
By ·Ernie B~shmiller
eooc>! LET'& 00. OCoTTY! t OtD YOU HEAR ANY·
GOl"rA MUNCH r-----i THING ~OUR eov
PLEASE ., ...
• I • •
. .
:!'M WRlilN6 A_NEW
F16HT 50NG Rl~ ~E
VICTOR.4 EVE.fi!. .1
~~"E~:~t:r~ ~
"THINK! ~~~~i?.I , j
YOU SAY 1'"HA--Y-S so, eo-r .:t't...t.-
HAF="T"'A FINP Ou-f"
Hf;Y/ OLJ"T"'StPE::
OF A c;:::oe, MAN'S ees-r FR1eNc::>
HA5 ONE E ' OR 11JJO ~
H16H •.•
5KQ' ~
. . ~c
:!'U. ADMIT Ii
~A arr
Ferd and Tom Johnson
" . ·--
:~!_., .. ~~;~.:; ..... :~h-oNe THING
.. .,.--•• 1' •• _ ___..,.._...,_._
LE:D TO . ·
By George Lemont
;!) ,
NI.MM ~ -r'UI~ LQ::)K-. L 1 ~5i A GOOD COOKl&i
REiC1Pe t
10· 17 .................................. _
~ .. '
.. \~
HE:R-1lU: t..IGH1S WE::Re 1..-0W 1l-H= Mt.JSIC
SOFf-AI L-AS"f SHE "TUmlt:P ibWARt7 HIM •••
. . .
,. . l
CAN YOU TIUIT YOU• IYISr Then ere •t 1Mtt ......... .
~ ....................... ,.., ............ ,. ......... ~
......., ~ ......... , Qecll ....... wttll ........ .
·1u•'•llNl'Jdwe1·•·-,,..,.,,,_,...S f 6u1n •w
~ e.Hli>td .. IMa.JlllllP 'I Jl•M C l)aAOW 'I PJO:Nlj C .-i1twl It 111'1d I MW.Jall'Q
FI nd words one by '"' , to complete this wits
tester. Eech en1wer
word cont.int the let·
'9fl 0. ft. I , In the
poaltlOM ~ted In
hdl .. r•"'· Detlrilft°"'9· ta, to bottom,.,.:
1. UM&ewet (hy·
2. F ... ftclferlot'n.
3. KIM .. el,Mbtt. •.c.tttt .... ............. 6. IMIR 1rcts p6tct,
ltel'!Wmblf'. letter• . ti the word ONI r•
fNI,, In the .... tlOM
lhowft ebow. -•A•ll f l*IM•~
' 1uauodd() ., ·>11-.id
( _, C -le.I() I
F r Better or for Worse
Cf\N 1 Hf\VE AN UMBRE.LLA,~M?-\-fS
I -----OUT. 6
.~ .,, 0 0 • .18 .... ~I 0
.. s. o . .7
2~ 20 • ,29 . • 30
ie I• 6
3 '5 . ·' 16, l'> ''i
l'k ·" j -, 13. ''·-RING TOSS! WMt un you dr•w to complete ttlis circus
scene? To find out, IMert lines from 1 to 2 to 3. etc.
; -...
j ...
"' l •
TO AND FLOW : Md c.elers ftNtfy ..... M:4rM: 1-bd. t-Lt.
blue. 3-Ytllew . ._Lt. aw.wn. S-Flfth. 6-Lt. ''""· ,_ ... W.Wn. I-Dk. tretft. t-Oll. ,_,.._, 1t-Lt. purple. 11-llMNen •
by Lynn Johnston
l'M lN 1"l-tE. MOOO FOR
Mt)(l,AN RX>O !
' C2J
1ACO ~OR /1101 !
BONJOUR, AMl60! MOW ARE. vou~?
By Gus Arriola
Enck.dis thtt nt'ptlW of my favori"' photo and one proof nf pur·
ch•"1 •many si~ Che\.~ Nips Cr.ckt<rs, plus 2S-for post•&-' and
h.lnJltf'ti. f'k·a~ send m,• J ,•nl.irg,•m,•nt. Mail to: Chl'\.~' Nips ,..::;:=~
Phoht Enbrgt•mcnt. P,O. Ekix R. Likt! Gl'm.~a. WIS. 53147
Octow 11, 1982
. I
s..d .. ~.on ......... ID "/Wt." Flmlr Wlllcly, &41 l.exhgeon •. ,_ ~ N.Y. 10022.
W.'I r-r S6 tor ~~ Sony. we c:an'I .,..., c#1etl.
FOR PHDJP KINGSlEY, author of The
~,..,_Boal (c.o-t" DuN.p)
...., .. _ ... ,....tc>bn'+•tthml
w? k heHsz a modsD •4 •?
-V.B., &.ma. Pa.
• Men are only more prone to a high
degree of hair lees. Women allo &ote
hair, dhough usually not to the same a -
. as men. The ma1n-reMOO 11 tfial
male hair loes depends on the amount of
androgens (male hormones) reaching
the ~ .. folida. Men ~
duce monr male hormones than women
bee••• the testes are the main provider. In fact, men casb'ated before puberty
do not go bald. Baldnaa has been •ound mce prehistoric times, hence aD the
very old rectpes for supposedly curtng It. However, modem ser..es accelerate
hair k>el. and so In recent yean hair lots In women has inaaled.
FOR LEE PURCEJ.. ._ ol HomeuJori:
Ito. .. ,_.._. 1i1111o ..-..? -P.T., "&op. N.Y.
• I owe It al to the I.in Slew McQueen. He was very,
wry kind to me and Q1Mt me my ts. b6g bruk in
Adam at Sbc A.M., oWot1M Mchael Douglas, the ftnt
fllm Steve produced. I met McQueerl at an audition
where I was one ol 400 women. I got to know him but
tha'C was never any romandc tnt.ai. I owe him a lot
and mm him. as everyone does.
W..r-_"R~~:~'° ........ Wl
• There waa a lltde bs ~ my hornet~ of Meridian,
Miss., called the YodeJer. I started hanging out there a
lot, jamming on acoWldc gubr, oocaslonaly ~ aome-
one sitting In on harmonica. We used to get together
and play hundreds of different songs, which opened
me up to folk mu9'c.
FOR BARBARA BUSH, wife of Vice President George
"'--VISJ ace I 4+wd -_. 1hmill tlml8 .._ vaa ...._became .....,otbluit? -S.N., Bouldlr, Colo.
• The fact that I am amused by the outrageous keeps
me from losing my paHence. Of C:OW'M I have felt
blue. I suffer when I hear people are hungry, out of
work, etc. I feel &witrared about not being able to
he.Ip. To rid myself of that sadness. I exerc1le hard.
ET AL: When a. ... .,.._ Rewa Wt
London for Canada to flm Superman m.
he did not object to being photawaphed
wtlti his glrifriend. Gee fldorl, but made
"'" the 2-year-old ton _was out of
camera range. .,,__ don't take MM-
ltiiW 5 piffii'e... . y
things ~ thae days, and we don't
wmrt ..,., leoogl met ...... When actnell
% ..,.._got tnwMd ~a bm-
de to aw an EngWt tchool from dollllg,
local of8dak became wmy. They gave the Workers Revoludooary Party mlliant
the oo&d lhoulder. Explained one: "Her mottws are 11ltp6dous. We do not wmrt
her." ... Meanwhile, T~ Rk:hmdlon. Vanema's ex, Is busy~ R..dMI
Wsd, a.t Rip a.a.le'• c:o-ttar ~ Sharby. Mochlne .... Mart I I DWrtcb d
hes not dtlwa«I the rewrtierl draft of the auti0bk9aphy she ~ In over two
yeas ago. Problea11 II, 9hc has l(JlOr'ed OllrUllln phma
ol her Ille -irnpoltant , juJcy ones. Ot's eaMr to Ml Ice
cubes ~ the North Pole than to mmt.t a tlm"s bio that
lacks Jll*1e.) How.wt-, the pubWltft ... CXrient to
wal, becaow ... is tuch a wand old lady and we
don\ w.n to nJ9h t..." Minne, who~ lhe's 78, ii
lmd In r•esa books as 81 .... a. .... C..... anda-c. ........ both
up b the ane role ~ Lam
Plane Out, ltan1rlg --MlcbMI Vlncml. Because
they .. both from Nicaagua, where tempers aren't
always leapt in check, the quatk>n is, wlll the loeer be
!Jadc)us, or wil the tpll'ks fly? ... ...._ 6-61 con-
a&bd a w.hingtorl beat ittc;en on "deftdendes and
ex>ngm\bl problans of the ~." and he Is now advls-
lng tw by mall. He claBns the struk In the lndJan Prime Vlnamt
Minlller's hair II natural, but he's keeping quiet about
the rest of It .•.. Fonner star Suanne FCMlt'er, who
starred With a.Ide ft.-and~~ In Phan·
tom of IM Opera, has been singing only the blues late-
ly. She was recently discovered sleeping In her car, a
victim of ha-d times. "She'• ltiD beautiful and has a
~ voice," -.kt Cols• Camp, an actress
who would like to hcJp Foster. But the proud Foeter.
who was once daa1bed as a rival of 0-.. Durbin
and DIDllb Shon, "Nfula to burden anyone,·· Mid
another &iend, M.'Tha Hunt. "However. she
wouldn't tum down the dlMCl8 of a comeback"
PRO Ano con CON Awry E. ~ tax anorncy
Should Fringe BewJka &
Conlfda-ed lttCJOtM Jar Jax Pwpoees?
~---_,~ ............ ....,
0 191 MMIL.Y W&KLY. All rtot1te ,....,,,....
... ,
ibEt,t2 '['['['['[ I
Good on Regular or Bath~.
~ I-
"' I ~ I
J ohn Elway saunten easily Into
the Stanford ~ tpOl'ts
Information ol6ce and plops
his 6-foot 4-inch, 202-pound
frame intct a chair. He is draaed In an
ensemble fre.stl off the rack of a rwrar-
by lpOl1klg goods store -T-thkt, fad-
ed blue jeans, ~ you haw to
pey for In inDlments and, l\>Pl*IQ It
olf, a railroad cap he goe foe S6 on h.ls
i.t tr1> ~ K-Mlrt.
Hmdly the attire be6aing a young
man just a few short months &om
bec:omil IQ a millonalre. You w , In
the ~ cad game ol profws-
tlonal sports, 22-yaw-old John
Elway is looking out from a fuD
hollM and about to fl1llb the
whole pot.
Ahead sit two wodds,
bod'I pnAma'i glory,
---~ dollars, becauM
blond, blue-
.. eta. ol pm-
t..lloral ~
ball. All-pro
qw;•bid& Oii .u~ ... , out-
...... But f
the pdnc9 of
Palo Alto an..
~ ~ ...
..., to p9j hil
hand, h• Isn't ... .., ..... --. w lor The,....... Tm. r.... In Polo A-.,, Olli·
letting on ri!j1t now.
"I JIM ~~ma and I don't._ to
e.oropare is ...... aw..; wtl
go. "If I said I enjoyed one more than
another. then people would thSllc .....
the way rm pig to go."
Ahedy the~ w h9begun.
WkJ\el5 the key chmn he gmdy ac.a
on the dak as he leans bade In hil
da. h bars the logo of the Oneora.
N.Y., Yankees, the New York
V.W.S' minor-league team he played
for the past summer. And the lwy fits a
DMlun 282 paid foc &om the
$140,000 signklg bonus the Yankees
gave hm, not just to p&ay six weelcs ol
br ritel. but to kdc up de dralt rW1ta
to hil future.
John's faaher. Jack Elway. has~
a coach for mare thin hal ol his 51
years. He has coeched bmketball.
b I hall and food>al aimoa without re-
rnirlbi mc:e 1953 and is cunendy
m 11•dlr.glhe-n ' aollhe
Sm Jams...~ bJbl pro-
~· He krMJWa John Elway's pmn-
tlal ...., than myarw .... hBYq
•· &lld..t II d.wiop &om ~ to
Diiis ~." ,,.,. a..y ...
'1'hey t-s to ~ out .._ ~
donnl*9, and whir\ John ,.. 12 I
, ... •led to • OM out b IWn, )ult b
.. to t..p. I t.d IWn 1t 6-2. 185
pouncla, good mn, tnWt, a ~
b.:k, good ~ flft/11.y, .. ttMm
.... PU' I W1o19 thlt he hid a bed
...00., ---he ~·· dell\ the -*••nlliQ pool... '
JD a.me dole. John ii a llale
t.c:k, he ii tmart, has good ..-s.
agllly. .. thoel things hll father
1e'll make zillions. That's choice.
pre.Ii •e.i. Except for his arm. He has
a ~ arm, not just a good one. ac-
curate to 60 yards and frlghdully
poweriu1 at any distance. Several
foocbal 9COUt5 have said It is the best
arm they haw ever seen.
Even~ Scanlorcfs team does
not look like a coniander agab"I this
yes, Elway nanalns a prime can-
dktalia for the Hwiw1mr1 Trophy and.
barring lnjwy. will almost certainJy be
the ftnt player dlOlen In June's Na-
tional Footbel League draft. Dick
Steinberg, perwonnel dhaor of the
New England Pelriots. says Elway ls
"as good as f ve seen sinc:ll Joe
Namath. Ha ~·t mm In the pros."
Had llXMAt Tony Raaano of the San
Frandlco 49ers says he Is the best
~he has'"" come out of
co8ege In 20 yean. John's coach.
Paul \Vg;n, says. ~He can do It all.
He's the best quartezbeck In the na-
tion. no question." ignoring for the
moment the plaintive obtectlons of
Univentty of Plmbwgh football fans.
who tout their own men. Dan Marino.
Hls basebal future, though. Is no a wd defined. Yankee owner
George Stmbrenner can be e:xcused
'· when he looks at the blond tnwn ol Elway, he ,... an lnamadon of
Mk:kay Mantle. A left-han<Md hitter
With powar. Elway Is perfect for
Yankee Smdlwn's short rtght-6eld
-00.. When Elway signed, Gary tfud*, the ICOUt who SVieci hlm,
lllid. .. Mr. Sta\tnnn.-II thmJdnQ
about (Dave) Wln&eld. [Jerry] Mum-
phrwy Md EIMay •our oudield ol the
tutur•." Given Steinbrenner'•
IOmeWhlt vo&.dlil nlNre on penon-
ftll clKll6ol•, Elway could be the only
..vtwu ol th.I p~ troika. Sdl. .,
a man with six W'Mks. proles--
sional bwW experience is
not often named a sure-
shOf major-league starter.
Says Steinbrennu,
~The John Elway I have·
seen is a litde bit ol Frank
Mentwel revisited for me.
He is the perfect all-•
Ame:k:an boy." (Wei. not
perfect. Demurs John's
mother. Janet ... ( used to
get mad at him beca••se
he wouldn't take out
the garbage. And It
'8el'OS the longer he's
in c.ollege, the le9 interesred
he is In deaning.")
In short, John El\A/ay is
somethhg spe::ial. An above-
awrage stud.nt off the fteJd.
majoring In economics, he
suuggles to remain unaffectad by
al the attention he rec:eves. There Is,
howvwr. one week he and hill father
dread with equal fervor. It ls the we8
~plays~ San Joee
St.ata, and son must try to beat fadler.
and vice versa. In fact. It wreaks
havoc on the entire famly -~
wife Janet and slsmts-da~ters Lee
Ann, 23, and Jana, John's twtn.
"It's the WC11t we8 of the yes."
John says ... Al the quadons you get,
the premuN. It's hard to concmlnlM
on footbd. But !l's hard on cvayone,
,....,, -cal .,. a... ,,..
... I llit.acl •cw ........
JoeNeu•.8w0-W-S.11 I • _ .................. ...
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Colors I
Proportion Tailored
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cry on
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Here an die best lookinc. best flttina atl..purpoe knit slacks you have e.w I IMd ! OdiWftd .....,, stniaftt to your own door to see and cry on at home .I
AT NO RISK, at a price to INke you purr! I
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you even sawe on Top F.shiorl Boutique Shoppe Colors!
All the --
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I YI'• ' Pe .. ~ -.:nd me the . . . pairs of L11d1c• K n11 Sl1.1ck ~.
for ,. ht~h I've cn~lo>Cd m) f\111 rcmill1n« of S . . . .
Sins~ J.4-l6-~2 I ~Add SI. 50 per pelr for the1e sJzu.1 I r lu• s I 75 for ~···c 11nd h11ndlinf.
I o. c ..... ~ ro O\llSA DMM> .. c...,.
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GUAllANTEE: I fl~ ttwt
If ~pon ,._;pr I do not ""'-" hi · -thfld«Jt•., ,,.,,,.him m.tn
Wfrftlff 30 dityf '°' • filll 19'11ttd of _,, ,,.,.,.y I Pflld you.
Plum A
Green • e.n-v c
Wllll« White 0 .._,. F
lrow" 0
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,,UL II • •U I!
especially my mother This has been a
lot worse than people know ...
Jack is more direct. "That damn
wee.k, .. he says. lighting a cigarette.
"It's a reUef when the game stans. I'm
just glad we play them early every
"The season begins for all of us
·~er that game." says Jana. a senior
at San Jose State. For The Game.
Jana wears a hat that has the Stanford
emblem and colors on one side and
those of San Jose State on the other.
Imagine the slew of emotions born·
barding_Jack Elwey in last vear'
test. for instance San Jose won 28-6.
It was Jack's biggest win as a coach
and John's worst day as a collegian.
Even as Jack cheered on his defense.
he watched his son throw five in-
terceptions. get sacked seven times
and leave the field at one point with
an injured ankle. Aher the game Mrs.
Elway first smiled and embraced her
husband, then spotted her bruised
and broken son and burst into tears
E Elway Is. if anything. an in-
tive athlete. His father played
ipro baseball before becoming
a teacher and coach. and he noticed
that his only son had a remarkable ap-
titude for sports
"He always wanted it." says Jack In
the football equipment room at San
Jose State. "He was always intrigued
by any kind of ball or game. There
was a k>t of competition with his sis·
ten. By the time he was 10. I could
see he had the ability to concentrate.
which all good athletes have to have.
"He was a great basketball player
when he was young. We'd throw the
baD around or shoot a little bit. but I
was always the one who wanted to go
in first . It was always. 'Five more
minutes. just a couple more.'''
John spent his formative high
school years In Northridge. north of
Los Angeles. Jack had moved the
family from eastern Washington.
where he was an assistant football
coach at Washington State University,
when he became the head coach at
Cal State. Northridge. The most
noticeable part of John's athJetlc
genius. his arm. developed well past
normal limits during those years. By ,
the time he was a senior, he had
established himself as the most
coveted football player in the country
and had been drafted by baleball's
Kansas Ctty Royals as well. (Onc.e
K.C. declined to sign him. his rights
went back up for grabs.) He had been
named Southern Calif ornla Athlete of
the Year. and schools were stumbling
all over each other Jo sign him to a let-
ter oi Intent.
"Stanford was always his ftrst
choice," remembers Jack. The only
fl'.AMllY WH.KlY. Oct-17. ttla • t
person who could have influenced
him away from Stanford was. not sw.:...
prisingly. his father After three years
at Northridge. Jack had been hired by
San Jose State to right its floundenng
program. Only a few thousand sus-
plclous minds made the connection
between father and son. Jack has
whittled the story Into a routine.
··1 always tell people that I offered
John $2.000 under the table, a new
car and a mortgage on the house." he
begins. "I even offered to sleep with
his mother. But I couldn't really ask
him to come with me. I think he
would have come if I had asked him.
but I couldn't do that." He always
follows that disclaimer with . kBut
Snips and •nalls ... : And there's more that boys are made of.
if they' re Scouts: Sleepmg under the stars and studying
them. Building campfires and careers Leaming first aid for
snakebite in the woods and rat bites in the cit~· Making
dinner making fnends making something of themselves
Scouting todav combines all the old-fa.stuoned lore of knots and
nalUtt llfUdy with modem ideas-like an enVironmental·sdence mem badge.
Or like job·training courHS for young men and women out cl high school and our
wor N"ewprograms bnng SCoUl'lng-t~ttrwh0"1m? phvslca.tty-handlcaPWd
mentally retarded. or emooonally d!StUrbed Yet what's unchanged are Scouting's
goals: to develop chorocter. fitness and anunshrp That's 1.1.•hy we re happy to
suppon the Boy Scouts (and the Girl Scouts, too among many other worthy causes I
''"&uh It." To a Scout. thas ~sn't mun vandalism. but c.leanup pro)ec .. to
kttp the ourdoors great. Since ~ care for the envtronnwrft. too, our Mobil
Chemica.I Company donated 1.5 million sturdy plastic Hefty• bage to the Boy
Scouts' ~soue Our American Re•ourut'' program last 6pnng. It was the
largest atngle corporllte contribution ewr made to that program-enough
bags to collect a yard·wide pile ol trash stmching several inches deep from
ChJcago to Orlando. Scouts used the bags for litter, landscaping. storing fish
In a contest for the handicapped ... even "#iaroatfng'' gypey-moth cocoon•.
·~re .I/OU through with this?"
Heft)r and thrifty. Since Scouts are encouraged 10 earn money to help pay troOp
expenses many are now selltng Hefty ~gs that we re wholesaling fO partld pa!lng
units. Which LS where you could come In The average family uses more than 25
packbges of bags a year and buying the.se trom a Scout would mean a thrifty Sl2.50
proftt for his troop and a bonus "Hefty Scout Bude" good toward uniforms and
supplies W11h each package of bags. you ·u aoo get a 25-cents off store coupon
Do your 900d tum. Scouts thrive In field and fore$t, but what
about bo)r• on dt)I •~? WUJ they join ,...,., or Scout troope?
In New Yon City, for o.amp&e. flw out of .tx Scoutlng·age boys are
noc yt't &out•: many want to be. but often thtte'• no nearby troop.(()
Join. City or country. theft's always e nHd for adult hetp. So ICf
bwoJvecl younelf: Volunrttr your own rim«. Get your bustnaa.
union. ho9M of wonhtp or otheT grou1>9 to llP0"9C>r a troop, °'
donate eqtllptMnt, or p"'41kk a mtttlng p1oc~. With ~ help.
Scouting can continue to c~ out It• chalJ•nge: "Be prcpored."
It'• a fact For more lnfonnadon on how to help. contact your
local Scour Council. or write to· Boy Scouts of America.
1325 Walnut Hill Lantr. lrvfng. Texas 75062
Cllcs ....... 4. ..... 0ICI p ........ 4t..._ ... ....._NY IOOl7 a,-.llillllllCei,_ .... ,
sometimes 1 look at myself and say.
'You had the best damned quaner·
back in the country across the table
from you and you blew it."'
Elway's arrival at Stanford aeated
no end of excrtement ori campus The
school had iust gone to back-to-back
bowl games under Coach BUI Walsh.
who recently took the San Francisco
49ers 10 a Super Bowl titJe College
fans are acutely drawn to stories of
grear high school athletes. and
....__.....,,E=lwa~·s arrival set them to interm~
drooUng and babbling
It also encouraged two quaner·
backs already on the team, Grayson
Rogers and Babe Laufenberg. to
tran.sf er to other schools They saw
with notable clarity their new roles So
did senior Turk Schonert. who bea1
back the challenge and led the nation
in passing before moving on to the
Cincinnati Bengals
Even long·estabhshed pro quaner·
backs are intimidated by Elway's
awesome physical skills One sum
mer. Schonert. along with fellow
former Stanford greats Jim Plunken.
Guy 8en)amin and Steve Dils. ~d
out wnh the team Ir's said that after
watching Elway's whlstbng spirals.
nobody wanted to be the nex1 guy up.
If Elway connnues at his present pace.
by 1he end of the season he should
break all Stanford and Pac-10 passing
records. moving past all those
gentlemen along with two other
alumni slingers, Frankie Albert and
John Brodie
If his physical talents in bas_eball are
no less obvious. they took longer to
come to the surlace As a freshman.
he hit only 269 verstJs college pitch·
ing. but the next year upped that to
361 with nine home runs and 50
runs batted in 49 game,, (N C A A
rules, while allowing Efway to play
professional baseball without losing
his football ehg1'bilny. take away hlS
football scholllrshtp and bar him from
playing any more college baseball l
It wasn't until last summer.
however. that he confirmed to his
own sat~on wha1 everyone else
already believed to be the truth . He
left for Oneonta In June to ploy in the
New Yori<·Penn league, a rookie
league. He started the season slowly.
rrnmaglng only three hits In his first 27
at-bats. and his arm grew sore.
"Sometimes I just try to do things so
well. and that's when I don't," John
says. "I wanted to get a good stan and
I staned pret.11ng " He would call
home l'Wlce OT three dmes a week, but
aceordlng lo Jack. "He never sound·
ed down or depwessied . I dkln't say
much 10 him , t>ec.ute I figured he'd
6gure It out hlmMlf."
Ht did. EJw~ conquered his arm
woes by warming up before every
game and finished the year hitting a
very accept21ble 318 and committing
only one error m 42 games
Which golden road John Elway
chooses wiU probably have less to do
With money than several other fac·
tors. The zillions will be there no mat·
ter which spon he picks Baseball
players probably have longer playing
careers, bur there's something iibout
being a quanerback. being the guy m
charge. that's appea~ng
"I think my famUy would say it ts up
to me.·· he notes, "buc ii I told them
th~ could make up my mlnd for me.
I thin my sisters mighr prefer footbaIJ.
They en)Oy the faster pace I'm the
quanerback. and they see me dorng
something on every play In baseball.
I'm out in right field . and I only come
up to bat three or four nmes a game
[According to Janet Elway. "The girls
Says mother Janet,
"John 5 sisters think
baseball is kind of dull.
They say they won't
watch him Uhe
plays baseball."
think baseball is kind of dull They say
they won't watch tum 1f he plliys
baseball ") My moth'n would be hap-
py either way. but I think she might
prefer foorbaU , too My dad is the one
who really doesn't care "
Which football team drafls him
could weigh heavily on his career
choice. though Elway would prefer
playing in California.. but the worst
reams in the N.F L . and thus the
prime contenders for his services. are
found In Balumore. New Orleans.
New Englllnd A trade could be ar-
ranged. of course . or the new United
States Football League. which begins
play in March 1983. could be a factor
To try and lure hometown stars. the
U.S.F.L is assigning draft rights to
local franchises. so EJway's rights
already belong to the Bay Area team.
But rhosa decisions will have to
wait lfs autumn. he's 22. and all l.s
nghr with the world (Except that San
Jose State won Its annual duel with
Scanford last month. 35 to 31. making
11 two In a row for Dad I
Elway rlsn from his chair to excuse
himself. He scoops up his car keys
and 1ugs hlS railroad cap over his
wheat·color hair. His questioner says.
"Well. talk lo you In June.''
"You and everybody else." Elway
lough$. He flips hls keys Into the ak
and catcha them effonleaJy. rm
June ls still e long dme away. _.,
Receive up to $6.50 OI\ f9asherPrice toys.
•Bu 2 F' h P · 1· l $25 ----------------. puy or more IS er-nee to~ tota tng at east ' I kl rK'IV' WW' rd-ec, ch«lc. tmJ thu kinn completely fillcJ •JUC, pn-.'1 ~ purch.. (rhf I before Nov 30 1982 receive $2 00 I J-Jlti'l ll'\'numbcrcloppcJfrum,..cht..1JC),anJy.iursalesr«l'lpc(~)<b1cJhftwttnAuausrl. I • ' ' • ' 19112 .. nJ N .. vnnt.rT JU', 1982 w;1h A,htt-Ph« ltftru clrcl«I en
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Classic Veal Plccata-wlth a Twist
By fllorllyn Honsen
~-?Hua \WPla:am
Grem a......,,.......,.°"" a._
...., Gr... Salad ...,,. Anlgulo
°""&ta. ......,awww1-~
........... Wine:~.
\i\:tl'ICIDCirl di 5mt G\r.....,, M
ll,\ ... dalll ... al...&.-ellopW
1n C111P • ,.,._ .,_
t rih111 c -olw al s.lt. eo._..
F-hllm rr.hiv ~ bled! ,..,,..-
S ri'rrs c aM .._,. ,.._
'hClllP ~ .........
'h Cllll' v.a btoch. Oii chldim broch
f trt' 71J D l>M IMlp e:f..,..t pmnMv
1Mn ... al"-'· peeled
1. Spread Hour over a large sheet of wax
paper and coat each slice of veal wtcti the
lour; shake oft excess and place on new
sheet of wax paper.
2. In a large Wllet, heat 2 tablespoons but·
l'lf and olive oil until hot. but not smoking.
Add veal slices to the skillet. just as many
as will flt comfortably. Cook over h~ heat
to brown one side, about 2 minutes; tum
and brown the other side When browned .
transfer to a hot platter and keap wsm.
Continue In the Sllml manner until all
r.alopinl .. cooked. SprinJde li!j\tly with
air and frahly ~und black pepper.
S. leave the pan drippings In the 5klllet
and add lemon juial. white wine m'ld
broth. Hat to bo6llng and boll for 2 to 3
minutes, stirring to looMn aU browned par-
ticles. Add parsley and remaining 2 table·
IPOOO• butter. bit by bit.
4. Place ICAIDopinl In the slclllet and heat,
n,mJng each In the sauce for )Utt a minute °' two. Arr-. -=-Doplnl on wmm ICJ'V·
Ing pi.er end pour the SMa owr. <*·
nilh with a few peeled. thin .aces of
lemon. Moira 4 ..,,,,,,.
Note: Thia redpc can be made "'*l9
c:hk:Mn tcaloplnl -ttw. 11. boned,
lklnned. e.a.ned chk:kcn bralltl -{or •
~ ~to the Yal. Some mmt.11., C8ft'Y ~. ~. *-ct
twt.y brall whkh .-0 maka a good
FAMILY WUJ(LY. OctOllet 17, 1112 e 13
Veal Plccata la a gem, but the -ruut"' la that you can sublltitute
chkken and cut the ~ consl~ yet still have a delicious entree.
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Addrns Apt. Addras ------------Apt. __
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PM's Name PWt'1 Name ---------------
Name on gift plate, book from Name on otft ..... book from o tam o tam not 1 grandparent. 8'rthdlt9 o tam o I wn not a grwtdperent. 8"1hmt9 _____ _
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£1dDM S1 .00tor8'llnclMdEdltlOnaor12.95 tDr Dlllu.e E411ton, ,..,..~ 15.96. ... ao. PoNoe and hMcllng tor Wh .,.,.. ....... U..9ook. (Cllf ........ ...., ........ , a.tel COUtMK'
-..-or -Ofdlr tO: ·"'~· ---...... 1118, Vll..LA•, CA., ..
Pteue allow '4 weeks tor procn~ng
..anANlf PtMM NI in• ...
~,...,. ---------------
Addrwe --..----------------aey1-...121p --------------
0 c... .... ., ~·> .. to ... Mnt to your 8ddlw.
Ising college costs and
tougher eBgibillty re·
qWement5 for Feder·
al aid today mean
that parents who in.
tend to put their
~-;:hlltlir.n thro co -
lege should start their
savings plans earUer
and attempt to pU1 more money
"Other sources of financing -part·
ly from the coDeges themsetves -are
going to become more and more
common. but we still counsel that you
should count on having to do more
for yourself now than In the past.··
says Kathleen Brouda. lt!60Ciat.e
director of the College Sch<>Wshlp
SeMce. a division of the College
Board. "The earlier a famiJy starts
savtng. the better off tr11 be."
S.vlng regularly: "Saving regular-
ly is the first step." says New York
&nandal consuhant Margaret Rahn
Keene . ''Treat it like a blU which must
be paid monthly, and pay savings ftrst
-not last -or the
money might not get
set aside."
push college costs higher Meet with
your banker or a financial adviser who
can take Into account your personal
sitwltlon (the age of your child. your
Income and the amount needed) to
hele ..}'2U come wtth a month!
savtngs p n.
lnW9ting wilely: High ·yield s.1lV·
mgs vehicles such as money market
Instruments or time deposit acc.ounts.
which currently pay in the range of 9
to 11 percent Interest. may be attrac-
tive Investments for you. As you shop
and compare. remember that safety
and a high rate of Interest are yow
With long-term Investments. be
sure any penalty for early withdrawal
Is not too stiff. lf the economk situa-
tion should change while you are
building your savings. you may want
access to the money in o rder to re-
invest In higher-yield Instruments.
Mtnlmblng ..._: "No matter
what income-tax brackei you 're In .
you11 also want to do what you can to
minimize taxes." says financial consul·
Some families prefer
establlshtng an auto-
matic system for saving
money by requesting
regular payroll deduc·
dons from their com-
pany or askbig their
t.'tk to tnms6er a spec-
if led amo unt from
checking to savings
each month.
How much shoWd
you save? That de· ~~~~.L_.~~__.&11~1
pend.a on the age of the child and the
type of inttttution you hope he or she
wtll-attend. For 1982-3, the average
.nnual co.t to attend a four·year state
1n1tttution (Including tuition. room,
board and other educational ex·
pclla) Is $4,388 according to the
College Board. The average annual
cost for a four-year private Institution
ii $7.475. If your chUd Is 3 when you
_, sevtng, t:Mn a.urning just 51/4
percent compound Interest, you
would need to put away $63 pet
month until he or she IS 18 In OT'der to
saw the $17,500 necaury for four
yurt ... ltat8 college.
Of ooune, over time lnflanon will
rant Keene. "A very slmple way ls to
set up a custodiAI bank account In the
chlld"s name. (Your chUd will need a
Social Security number.) Then. in·
stead of being taxed at your rate, the
money wU1 be taxed at the chlkfs n1te .
which Is bJccly to mean there wtU be lit·
tie or no tax."
lf you have subttant~l earnings
and assets. you may want to con-
stder a shOrt·term trutc (known as a
Chfford trust) as another way to
reduce taxes and put astd• money
for your child. The trust must run for
10 years and a day, and while the
child receives the trUlt amJngs,
whkh are taxed at his rate, the ...ns
revert to you at the trutt'a Hplratlon.
An attorney can help you Mt r.
one up. ~
MMll.Ywt£KLY, OctOW 11 1tU • 16
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Can We make Sense
Out of E.S.~?
By John E. Gibson
1. The sharpness of your sixth sense
plays a role in how well you succeed.
2. It's easy to teU if you have E S.P
3. Intuition is seldom fallible .
4. It's difflcuh to teU when your in·
tulttve faculties are working.
5. People who have E.S.P also tend
1---co,_...,.,.....,=ighJyVumeTa loJalling in
1. True Studies conducted at
Newark College of Engineering con·
dude that many executive decisions
are based on good. old-fashioned
hunches. The researcheTS also note
that while middle managers may base
most oi their decisions on sales
orders. shipping schedules and otheT
factual material. top executives can't
always do this. They may not have
enough information to make a totally
logical judgment about whether to in-
vest several million dollars in a brand
new venture that may not return an
Immediate profit . So they act partly
on intuition.
2. True . Psychological studies at the
University of California. which
analyzed more than 80 successful
E.S.P. experiments, employed a sim-
ple and effective test to determine the
extent to which an indMdual possessed
E.S .P . The procedure is to have
someone guess the colors of a
shuffled deck of cards that the subject
cannot see. It is noted that "anyone
taking the test has the opportunity to
guess. by chance. half of them right;
however. if someone consistently
guesses the right colors more tha~ 50
percent of the time. then the subject
has E.S .P ... It goes without saying
that the more an lndivldUllrs score ex-
ceeds the 50 percent level. the
stronger his E .S. P
3. False. Harvard University studJes
on the psychodynamics of both logk;aJ
and intuitive thinking have demon-
strated that aD of our faculties are falli-
ble and that lntulttve thinking can
sometimes come up with the wrong
answers -just as loglcal thinking can.
It Is noted that wlah/uf thinking Is often
allowed to intn.ide on both lntukive
and logical thought procaees -and
II a frequent caUM for hunches that
turn out wrong.
4. FalM. Psychological studies show
that In most caMS a penon car6el
when his 9bc\ti MOM II working and
when It II temporarily dormant or only
functioning In part. It It bat dacrtbed
as a feeling of optimism and certainty.
P:MllLY Wl•KLY. OcloMr 11, "'2 • 17
5. True . .Studies at Western IUlnois
University on romantic love conclude
that intuitive people. those who
display the various forms of E.S.P. -
accurate hunches. subconscious
promptings, etc. -experience In-
tense romantic feelings and are much
more vulnerable to faUing in love.
But. the investigators note, these peo·
pie Mdo not necessarily have a greater
commitment to their partners" 1'3111
than do less Intuitive types. IAJ
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J t -"!!_ ~d~'! ~'!P_!d_ ':_tti.'._" ~ ;Jtft!I<°!_ -
By Roaolyn Abrevoyo
ach year thousands of
household pets are rushed
to veterinarians because of
health emergencies. many
of which rum our to be fatal
because they weren't
---11-rPd 11nime
Here are two of the most
serious emergency condioons. the
symptoms lnvolved and how to effec·
rtve.ly cope with each.
Trauma. ThlS tS a condition
resulting from a
serious fall or,
more ohen. from a
pet being struck by
a ca.r. If the animal
Is unable to get up.
ii may be suffering
from broken bones,
multiple lacera·
tions. bleeding. or
neurological ln1ury
"As in all emer·
gency cases.'' says
Dr. Julia A John-
son. a small-an1mal practitioner in
New Jersey. -you should never fad !O
call the veterinarian first to alen him
that you are bnnging in an injured
animal. This way he can get every·
thing prepared .. Not calling in ad·
vance. says Dr Johnson. hurts the
animal's chance of surviving.
In dealing with trauma. veter·
inartans agree on the importance of
approaching the animal with caution
to minimize injury to yourself and fur·
ther injury to the animal. first calm
your pet by placing a towel. blanket.
or ,acket loosely over his head and
face In some cases. it might be
necessary to use a muzzle . which can
be effected by holding the jaws to·
gether with a belt -If you can safety
handle doing this.
''U there's profuse bleeding." says
Or. ,Johnson, .. apply a pressl.IJ'e ban·
dage of gauz.e and tape (If a first aid kit
Is avallable). or use one of your socks
or a handkerctuef." If bleeding per·
llsU. shnply apply hand pressure over
the bandaged area until you get to
the doctor.
A good way to transport the animal
to the vetertnarian Is In a blanket h'eld
taut by two people, points out Dr. Ken
L. Ward, pratdent of the Society for
Emergency Veterinary Chnldans and
~nager and director of the Erner·
ge,ncy Animal Hospital of Dallas
"Animals are the same as people
when Injured ... he says . "Talk to them
calmly and avoid commun1eanng
hysiena ..
P°'8onll. Some of the most com·
mon toxic substances that pets con·
sume are rat poison. their owner's
medications, peeling lead-based
pa.Int . fertilizer and. of all things. anti·
freeze "Most people are unaware that
afew~ ohntlfr~~l'I be fatal ."
says Dr. Johnson. Pets like it because
it tastes sweet and may be exposed to
it from the garage floor ~use of a
leaJcing Bdlator. an uncovered an·
tifreeze Jug. or residue in a drip pan
According to Dr Johnson. '"You
can tell when your pet has inge5ted a
pots0nous substance because It acts
intoxicated and uncoordinated and
has difficutty breathing." There Is only
a shOl1 time before It will start to con·
vulse and go Into a coma -and that's
why 11's essential to get the animal to
the nearest veterinarian Immediately
Pet owners should also consult a
vetennarlan if their animal Is expen·
encmg vomiting and diarrhea accom·
panied by cold and clammy skin and
sunken eyes. straining during unna·
tton (urinary blockage 1s a common
problem for mature male cats): and
stomllch bloating (which occurs most
commonly In large. deep -chested dog
breeds. such as German shepherds.
collies and lrlsh setters) .
"People tend to Wllnt to wait and
see if their pet wiU get better on its
own," says Dr. Wayne E. Wingfield.
Oiplomate American College of
V eterinary Surgeons and a director of
the emergency cbnic at the College of
Veterinary Medicine. Colorado State
Unlvenlty. "But our success hinges on
early diagnosis and prompt. efficient
medlc:al treatment. "
Dr. Johnson emphasizes that stnce
speed ln·getting to the veteJ1narlan ls
so lmponant for MT1ous conditions.
"you should establish ahead of time.
at a roullne vlltt. exactly what the
doctor'• procedures are regard· rw
Ing after-hours emergenda." ...,
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544\oer Oollatli" $59.00 per .., plus 54 50 p.p • c~1t ,.~~ .. &Jtr9tioft Dalt . • • • . . • . • . . . . I hndl .. Ina. (Umlt5 Mtsper customer.) Eacti se11s _ .... __ -_ •• _o_. _____ ~---eccompa~ by !. FREE EiaenhOwer d<>llar I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I encloleu Checlk. _ moneye>rcMr. In ttie amoun1 ot $ __ New VOrtc residents plHMt aod ........ .......,. ........... , ..................... .
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Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined
That Ciganme Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health.
Why You Really Can
Change Anothet Petson
If onlv he would
change. If onlv she
were different.
How manv times
hOJJe we thought
tho~ words about
someone Yi.JI? love?
Q : ln the book you make an 1mpor·
rant distlnction between changing altl·
rude and changing behavior.
A; I think that what we want most
often fTom other people Is a change in
the way they behave toward us. Even
when we soy that whar we want Is a
change In attitude. behavior change Is The p osition
1omong psycho ~
therapists has
-whet ~Te-reafty after: tf we fall to
been that while you can -with effort
-change younelf. vou cannot (and
~rtainlv with anv lasting effect)
change other people. This position. of
course, does litt.le to decc us from try·
ing, using toctics that range from the
Ineffective to the destructive.
In his recent book. Changing Him.
Changing Her (Simon and Schuster).
Mk:hoel McGill. Ph .D .. a professor of
0f'90rlizationa/ behavior at Southern
Methodist University, explains whv he
belleues that it Is possible to change
another person. He di8cu.ssed his
position in an Interview with FAMILY
Q : Why do we so often fail when we
try to change a person?
A: Individuals often threaten to force
change but they're really not prepared
to follow thro ugh and then live with
the consequences. Empty threats ju.st
don't work. Neither does the gullt -
anxiety routine.
Q: How can we be more effective'
A: Arst of aU you have to be specifk
about why and how you want the
other person to change This ls hard
for most people It is important to
make a conscious decision for
change. to think thro ugh carefully
why you want change and why the
othft person Is likely to resist. Too
often we ju.st wish fo r change and
hope the other person somehow
gu..a what we want. Or we moke
only a halfhearted attempt Or, wone,
we try to l!ve with something we can't
tol«ace and get Into a martyr-like
tituadon, get mad at ourselves, or go
off to get revenge. These patterns
mutt be turned around.
Q: In other words. you think tharonly
a strong stanoe works If we want to
lft a change In someone
A:. The only way a relationshlp am
~w II through the process of
c:ti.nge, end even oonfrontation. In ~ 10me sttuatlons you may have to say,
"change or else," and mean It.
recognlzle this, it can resuh in confus·
ing messages. For instance. a woman
rells her husband that $he wants him
10 love her more . when what she real·
ly wants is for him to demonst.rOle his
love more frequently.
Q : Should we offer rewards or m ·
ducements for change?
A: Yes, I think people should be
rewaided for change -and told In
advance what the reward will be. A lot
of times we don't let people know
what It is that will be rewaided. Also.
most relationships reach a kind of ceU-
ing aro und rewards We simply
assume that the other person knows
we 're grateful or we offer our standard
thank you's. We need 10 be more
aeative when it comes 10 rewards.
Q : Yo u say in your book rhat men
and women relate differently to the
Issue of change .
A: Women have ~ much better idea
of what they want ro change than
men do. I think men Just give less
thought to It . When I ask a man.
"What do you want to change about
your wtfe?". the typical response is,
"What do you mean?" or. "I don't
know " Then they say. "What have
other men told you?" It is as though
they simply are not as Introspective
about their relationships with others as
women are. Men also don't talk lo
other men about what they want to
change In women. whereas women
do talk to other women about
Q: Can trying to change someone
ruin the relationship?
A: Change Is destructive when peo-
ple haven't thought through what h
means for the relationship ar)d are un-
decided about what they want to
change and why. The "changer'' must
ultJmately respect the r1ght of the
other penon to say. "I'm not going to
do that. I'm nbt going to change."
One thing you haw to understand at
the out.Mt of the process \s what
you 're prepared to do If the 1'11111
other penon A~ no. .,
,,0,411,y Wf£1<LY, Oct~ 1 ,, 1M2 • 21
''The Rattlesnake''
by Fred eric Remington
• An outstanding mll5eum quality ttproductlon
in the great tradition of frederic Remington.
• Available in a single limited edition Issue of
0 9500 serially numbered sculptures.
ne of Fr~rlc Remington's f.ach Rattle.snake rcplk:a will be ere·
best known and dramatk works -at.ed in c.old<.ast bronze -a medium
"The RattlesnaU'. depicts In vivid de-that enatMes I.he casting o( finer detail
tail the ctas.sk moment a.s hor5e and than the traditional hot<ast method.
rider enc.ounter a swtled snake. wtlile every sculpture will be individually
on the trail. The few ofiglnal bronzes. ~ from a b6end of~ bronze
made by Remington In 1905. a re rare and resins. Once I.he castlng is com-
and have sold at auction for over P'eted. It will be finished wfth a ric.h
$1 J5.000. Now thi$ •/, size repro-patina. similar to the original. fach
duction is available rcx the unusual Remington Rattlesnake will be seri·
offering price of only $195.00 per ally numbered and hallmar1U!.d. The
sculpture. edition will be limited to 9500 pieces
The fine reproduction was pro· and after that all molds wlll be de-
duced under the direct 5Upervision of ~ ~r.
M.s. Christine~ -fonner Di-To reserve this Important Remlng-
rector o( the Reproduction Studio of ton reproduction. sfmpty return the
the Metropolitan Museum of Art and applicallon ~·. l'io payment need
creator of fine Remington repro-accompany your Ol'dcr at lhi$ lime.
ductlons for The Nelson P.oc.kefcllcr
----------------------~ '7he Rattlesnake"
.., Limit: one: per per:w>n
~~~-==C-.Qe)t6 .. nc-~ ""' r_,_lon '°' 11>< ''""~ to i. "an~'°'"~ 1n tOld..-1 lln>n•oi "4 1 19' oo· .,....
I.) 00 '°' ~ -hondlln\I
I UftOf'rMMO I Meld -no monry -~ "1) .c1.1191 .. rc 18 lad)' lor "'*"-1. t IO\N be blllf!O IOt ,,,., .,.,_. ol .,_9 30• *.cl. .alWt ""~ IOt tht IMllMct hi tlllft momNy ~ ol M9 30· bllll
t WOUid lk "1)' bir ~ ~ol 1-49 )()• <-..i IO'") "-*t C.-0 -~
C.-c...dll\ln'Ollft ------------!ACI Diiie -------
.. "llflllCatlonl-~ ~~
I I I I Addlao~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-l
I Cll)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-
"-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ --~·-c.on __ ntt_•_k~~rok'lmb~~~:!'~,.:U_::_-:::_~---~----.-.~~-~----R-S_l_O•
L .,,,., Di 9fWW up a poot 111119 nch gert,-"'
..... .,,.... l>Ut io-When ahe -only a
ye.,.. old. '-mom.. leh '-tao-for
.,..,.,_ ,_, Tftia deM<tloft left Olene a lonely.
-trw ch<lcl. who con1.wed up d,..,... of
romanelc •dven1ure1. However a11rologer1
euminone ,_ nalal ~ ... that t1-
cNAdhood ._._,........,llO~ ...... 'Y
~D ·.-..,,,.., ,.. C __ .__._
~Off._ 791 '-'-· n.. ~~that .... _.,.._..,a ............. who ...... .,_..,._ ""'"" .... '°"" .... longe for. And jUet .. wnpo<Qftt •• ,,_~will utldy ,_....-tor lu.lluriM. He.C-r-...,..._ma,..,...__
.._ love for children and • deep __. ft)
~ ..__. _. "*" It'• only,.....,... t.._.
L8dy Oi choM U> ~ kinc»oeer-end ro become
~ ...... '" ,_ _...,. Altd ltM roywl
cout*t co..id not r.-dloMfl • mor.f....,,_ daf
fof tN bW1f'I of d*r .on. ~ .. y the ,._.,.end..,. lit tt.t _,of hoa.,.,,. _.."'
I ,,...wticwtt ~for tt.e bor1'I ot • IUng..
Ailttotoe• ~ ...,_ ltw1 Pn-Dt •••
perlec1 .-1eh for her Scorpio Prlnm a.c-of
11oy dw peop1oe of E,..unct u._'" i..-.• , tt.t tin.
of her bor'dl, lndoQ-.... will ...., .,..... a.bout
mejor ~for IN._.....
Ledy D_,. i. not the only ~-aH.cted by
Htt'*'9Y lhcau. you -· born. fOU yourwff heve 1 UfMque netal i-a.cope, doH-t from al
o~ I" lhow you what It can mean to you bv
.....,. c:eieOnbft for my~
y-Ne1al Horoecope .:.. help "°" dtwc~
your hidden tMlnta. Ind.,._ you -con~ ti>
um"'-" Whefl you ttw.a. of Mentyn ~. you
~ IK'W'I tM s-.ctanl ''dumb blGI*'' .. ,.
~ ..... .__ ..._.. tN1 no"-9 c:outd
lie ,.,,._ from me mdfl Sftt Md the ~ to
... II-dou• IC1TW ...ci ahe "-It Manlvn
flellad '-•• symbol imeg9
J-Oh•on'1 ,,._. d'lw1 ~ mung psychtc
Ind IE.SP..,_.._ Shec:ultrwtad her ~..-cl
le coi.,ld9-.d I"-IMdif'9 ,,.,.c:Nc of out tl...._
"-'-ope can actwwKe '°"' ~ and bnng you -tm. A c~ of Robert
Redford'• -..1 chan to Paul Newmen'1 .,._.
th9M 1WO sun to be "*fY -tlb,. In rffll II ...
Special Research Project
,...., -....y doM 1..-.d• n. .. r hor'o~s aho
ll>OW9d fhat a '°"'' ....... ..,. would be .. ,.....-v
SUNDANCE KID and tt>e STING certainly beer ltt•e
OU1. On die oW-hand. the timu19 of die movoe THE
GREAT GATS8\' end the ,,_....., ot AotMtn
Aedfotd'1 planets _.. m confkt Boa off..:.
,...;lta _.. certawoly •lot Ina U-. ••P9CWd· If ....
fled ch9dlad hoe ho<oec:-he coWd twrv. aVOldad ..._.di·------Y-hotoweope can bnng you tov.. ronw'IC».
end rmprow~ lit.. Henry llJ...,...'shooo11COP9
lhOW9d that .. ,,. w .. cont.dent ~h. -
would o...nooll hie~ He UMd hill ..
_..,_.. ...,. d9t9d -of ltte -beeutrtul -"' ct. _.., Hw hOroacode predlc:tlad h• mern... 10 Nency Me9innM wt..t ,. tnOf'9
.-.zlftg. hie chert tndocated that •I he suo.li1ed hoe
.... ~ ........... hewoutdbemo.e...cc:euful
In ht1 Mtddte East negot:iatton1 s-.mn a smMI change c:... m..,. • IJ09
dl"9te.ice In T aHy s.-i..• caw, he uMd hoe heed
H11 Nat.el~ annbutee hl1 ch-to~
11...:1 He ~ hl1 he.cl tor the ,,_.., THE
~--.._._.°"" "--h.eped peoploe _., '" .,ood ~ ...,.., a d°"P trom an enicle ift die
M....,. .-,1ct· 1 S-*Y .....,..,_ Mary 11(..ety
cl'ldiu~y with •v.nv her from..,_.,'°"
on "-' le99 "'8t would...,.. t.n her cnpeMd "My
dOctor decoded an oeaentoon was needed, and told
me 10 c:hec:ll onto the ~tal Friday tor l"9
c>penf!On on Mondrt I con..-..cl m y a1tro6ogef
Ha tc*I me tq h-tha ~ ~ to
W.,._...y I did thte, and on T-.cley me~
luddenly di~ a blood ~ -ce..-ng .,,.
trouble H.d he perfor"* ltte apentMln • any
d-W(IUld ....._ on Fridev'• .. """°'' .. · I pr~ would,_ have_....,.-..
How don your Na&al ~ wcwti1 ""'
a•C""°fe' w.11 chart the po91-of the_, moon
•nd ..., ... ,,.._,. .. Chey ---~your .,._..
ol borth ac your nact -of borttt n.. ~
~ .,.., ......... ,~of "'-bodliel mMI• up
'YOV' c:haYC. ThN .,_ thltl _.._born at ltte
HKI -hme .. vou. buC '" • d~f crty. wlft
ha .... d~t ehatt n.. _,,,_ ont--tloft and ~·of ~
natal ct.an •• called your N•tal
Horoacope AatroloOv •• nor fortune
i.f11ng and your hor'oa.c:ope does not
cauM thtnga to fl_. to vou You1
horo~ •netvz-your parwoneltry,
and tt.... ..... vou whet """9• --
i..tv to ~ to~ S..t ~.
your lnaewtlc..-..--... ,,_
htw, of ¥0U pUt your ........ 10 11 In LJldy o.·.-........ ,a-'°~ """•U COUl'M.
As you've -from the a~ 1·.,. .,...-you, -of ct. moat._..
~ ueed "'-t.Otoecope to .-ch
-buf'" .,.._ --..,._.... 11 af>d faced fMure ,,_,_ _......,_,,.
af dttt.9nt wlyS to ~ ....... ttt.
loY9 9UCCW and .....,.,.. ....
Each --of UI ti good •I .-hong no ma~ how odd one'•
-h mey -10 ,,.,_.. Yovr
horo.c:ope _.. .,.. you what you're
.,ood at. So-., beet your brW>s out on •n-o..tyou·,.._.......,.....,,,..._
'" equel _, ot c.-8'*'1 on
~ you',...,ood at would.,..._
much term. "'-d. bvC you'll be
.... Med and~ .... you•,.. dloone It
Yovr horotc099 w.ll grve vou • c_....,,.,.
_..,..of your __ ....., II -_, °"' "°"'
11renQtt11 and ahow you how tout...._ "'-n. tt wtl
MIO do.cuu vour _. .. arM.L end lllow you lO
~••fort'-" s.c.u-,,_, Natal •~oecope .. such a
aoohllOC9tacl ~ of "°"' ~. ot w.ll c.....,.,,_, IUbcon-.. nw>d to...., ou1 your
Ndd-~-n. ... -ct. ---.. you "-'vht '°"fled laMftt fwn""9. ESP.•• ..,.,_1,
pulNoc ,._.., athletics. •tc. I bolt -afT.S lo
try It .,:O..·ve t--tint for -to grve vou
a lfnte .,.-, .., your l>otOWCi9'1 be.,._ -It
"""' v•ve you m. -"ct..oce 10 •tart U9'ftll your
hidden tMent>
S""""'9d up,,,_ Neal ~o.cope -..._._
your ~. low life, ca,_, fl...,_., end
i-tth It ..... h9lp you .-..bind and acC»Pt
~f 100' ....._, vou -It wilt It.en "'-you
wt.era yOUI ta'9rltl ... end •t vou on a courae ol
Hll·1mpro.,.men1. ••lf·lulf1llment and true
~ ~ the o6d uylng goea. ''\'ou only ii-once ''
Wifl You miu your 9UCCeU ~~1 Wi• VOU
stumble """' .,.,,,... '°" could haw evooded. ...
Rober1 Redford......, tM GREAT GATSB'Y1 Don't
vou owe •t to ~ end to your IOvecl -to
-.. -v pr-=--_. ot yo .. lite end l'ftMe
ltM best of •t. !Mty -grve yowwtf _.,
advent..,. wttft ftt. added edge of VOUt ~
Halal Hoooacu.-°""'"" ..... ~ ...-... prafect. \l'OUC:-... yo..r ,.,_.. ......., Uon•cope fof Ofttv • CCICt'IOftl
COit You get the ............. c-.g and ..... ,Dne
procea -n.EE And you CM> uae _. horOCOP9
lor • full.,._ -an~ no .W. .,..-n.. e<1Jda i.tow woll ... you h-to ordef _.
~. Foryouro-o .... e.-...don'tpeaa~
lht.-..... ~~tv.
How to get your Personal Natal Horoscope for only a copying cost .
By John F. Ford
SMtd,,.. your .. 8C1 bfne and p6Ke of bwth I'll
CIMt .... ~your Net.II HOfCleCOIMI '°'-" ,_,,,.-"°" -v ~ • dupllc:8• cottv of vovr ..... , • ~ "°' Oflly 13.00 to -the C09t to fTllllu9 yow~ ptw IOC poet809 and heftdllng You get
tN elqMlfttiw cae11fotv end el\ely1in9 P'O¢"' flllEIE
-~ of IM feet -,_. ~ ~
llOl 11 ~II I tot woeft llftyhow
Y-Mt8I hOfoecOM will conelet oft.,.._ Mel
3.000 ....,. Md ... prv"6de you .. of die
.................. ~·Thkhl--~
MNH'°'" I • v-ftoroecOtM .. ._ "°"~and ~ \'OUfWff. It ..... wlyM "°"' ...,_..., .,.. ....... "°"' ·~ ............. w. ...... ., ..... ,.,..., °"' your "'°"".._... ...... ~ .,... °" --tO ......_ • l~crf119 ........................ ~IO -... ~ v-llofa•~..-..... ~ '*" MtNlft ....._ 1-~ Utt, ......_
~ ,...-.c ......,._-··and IMw.,...
how to '*"' !ft °" ttleM • Y-llOIOICllll .......... ,OU I ~
eNty.i. of ~ low I~ ~·' l84'orM
~on how to enjoy a more fulfilllne •• 1•
wtl4 be otfwed. You'll be told ..... you·,.
~IM>le wltfl and ..tty •nd .,_ .._ 10
find rotftlnce ~ VO\I find It, .,_ horo.cope
.... ...., VO\I ...._ " burniftt hot
• Your horoec-wW '"still~ In vou. lloV
~you...,., you're good •t. It wlll ~
you In the proper fnm• af mind to bet!" •
pr-ooram of "'1 ••ound Mft.lftltl'O-·
• The 1.,.._ of jo4N end_,. NI "°" -'"" wlted fof "°"" M 119ted You'll lie tolid ~
c-. will bttftl you --..... h1p11' -.... """'6Gh )otle IO 9llOlcl.
•Y-~~ ..... be~ Y-
a""'-M _,.... 1ftC1ft9Y and IN .._. _,. fof
VO\l IO mMt.e _.,,_,. -dlecl!Aed. . ..,_ ,_,..., ..... f....., ,....~ -........................... °" ............... yo.-INI .. , .-0 -.....n. 9f'4I your.....,__
~·· ,., ..... to WOft'\' ..,.,. tlfldif'I -eMutllftuoiet01id ..... CICIMlftt.......,....,..yow
ctwt.Ae_., .... ........., .... lftpua uh
V-ftw wit! can~ po1&C1..._ H'" .._ ..._,. ....., "' "" c-..... ..., °' ...-.-.... ulu1a11 le ~ ....,.....,, If ....... la __,, .... ~.,.,_dleft, .,..._ ... .......
VOii Gall do 10 m-. It ~
W"-CMtlft9 fCM"' '-Olcocie. -conform to .,.. ~ ecieMiflc Prine.-.. F1rfl lhtlof9tudia
aftd 111"\llde of -., pl9c1t af ~ wtH lile ~
6own 10 .,.. l'lfl9I of • -...... RnMiy, -,o...
be·~ lftlO ... 1911 310-146 ~ .
which contain• ovar t• mllhon lllt• of
...V....._....,1111,';altntom.'*". Youcenba
_. thet your '--ojM w!M•ttee ........ MM
.,.. _, ...... tytle fouM ift ,,,,11oec!t1L y-
hotOKOilS .... cairoy ~ -"".._., .... ...,.
-be ceat tl'Olft your a!IACll ti.-end_..,. of lllf9I
..,. .,_ end "'°" ...,__
A .,..,., hoto9Ccrpa cou6d coat ._ IO t.HO If
done llY a11 unole1u •111, THfi"P.'I
AHOUITRY NO CATCH 10 ._of'-I naM .._
lnfarmMlloft fot "" .... ,,,h .. -... 1· ... ....... ,,.,,_...... ..... ~ ,,_ ..
............. melln ............... liott. ,.....,..wM
flt""-..... -~ ... ....,.__ lllJy ....
out• wdl quoaN:u ...... I TMI ,__,..,..... ._......,._ilteuM>AV
NIWl'A'l"I. "IOIOOlt, McCALlS,
WOMAllll'I DAY ...,. ..., Jultmlo n.
,......... ....... ··-•••• ...,.. ... 900.000
,_.,,.. -~-..-... Mvtoaca111 llft
d\at'a ...... ·1 .. frw••'*'l9 W.-y-MaMI
to._thte~....., ,......_..._~_,__,..,__ .. ....,.._...,....._
almoet to Iha point of -...... So.-· ............... --~ Qnto~-~~" .... _.. ...
ro ,...., .. widl --"and ..... •• an .... « ltll9.-cWofWl!oV~lftoNaWt'°'1 t11rwfor
yoursatf. for ¥11"' fllftllty Of "°"' ......... """"" ..
1tlia: &Md -die -.. ....... "'--....
-"'-.................. fof.cft~ -· ,_,.of ..................... ,, 00 ~""'
and 50C ........... ceelh. ct.di. or~ .... .. .... .._ope ...................... ....
~ ..... I ah I • I' Cit.,... ... . --'°"' _. ....... Wrtlll. _ .. -'2.'00 -.) If you..,,.. n Clww•rJ16. ,.._,
c:NfWll,.. ...--11¥ .............. .
h1fOl11-1. "' -.. ,... _... .. ~ _.. ,..,,.,.., c. card ....,.lloll ....
Mall yo .. , of'daN to ,... AMf"ICA ..
AlntOLOGICAl AllOCIATIO'-. llta-rctt
C>Melilill • .,... 00-1 • .,, ......... -. •. c:-... ow. 447'IO. Y---·· I Jlil~lll!yl------M~~li. TO.WW• " •• l ..........: ...,, hoto1t111• ,..... -·...._.,...'°'II"· "'**-
Knocked Down and Rejected?
fllake It Wotk fot You
thor of the recently published book
Re~ctJon (Addison-Wesley), rejection
often def eats us only because we re-
spond to the ..81q>erlence ·as tf it were
the same thing as faUure. White points
out that although we tend to think of
By fnaty Long
ach of us has met widt re-
)ecdon In our nws. In-
cluding anyone who has
become a success. When
Fred A9taSe 8rst offered
himself ~ Holly\Alood. he
w rejected as being just a
'"balding. skinny actor who
can dance a little." NeedJess to say,
Fred kept on dancing.
~. Gltwn the pianist and
walcing ~. Li>erace, first
started making ii big In the 1950's,
musk: a1tlcs rejected his perionnances
reso~ -.. sentimen1al vomit":
·But Llbe:race re)ected the rejedjon
and played on to fame and fortune.
His famous response to the 5tream of
ridlcule? '1 aied all the wny to the
Most of us would agree that bein9
te)ected makes us feel worthless. The
vay word -~}ec:Uon -can be
wound.mg. imi>'ying humiliation,
lonellnas. defeat. Rejectloi'i hurts us
1he moll whel I ildli!ifees wilt\ the
9l!Cttt drams we haw b ounelva.
Each of us h.m his or he own "ego
kieel," ~ Or. M. Bame Rich-
mond of the Qlicago lntdtutie far Psy-
~· This ts a kind ol hldde'I
Wion In which we see ow.Jves as we
would molt .. to be. Tua ldlel may
lnvoMt ~Jn a cmtBlr\ fWd,
~ ol a cmtlllrl tal.nt. or wld
1UCC811 In OW romantic relation~.
RljK:ttol 1 In sud\ a sl\adon creablS a
~ of hop ' ,_ or ~Im
..-1nw.___we .. ., .... lt•
proof dWlt we don't ~ • c:h.-l08 of
But lkQ)ldillQ to John WhM. au-
~ L.oftt 1111 ~ --tMo ~
NpOfCll Oft~""*'·
'/IM/LVWBIW',O&toeet 17, ,_en
ou?fl Ever-Make-in Your Ute, YoutTNOW
Tl\efe 1rt all kinds of wys to Nllt inonev Good 1Cllly.
Molly -If •llYOM knows t"'t. I Od for Ille P1St ~
yun rve concentrated°" fitid•nc. lflwestteJt1111. c1e11 me Ml ~ Slftlfltl ..i onty ttw ftfY hnm 1ep1
.ild tthai IMltlads far f>fWlt OIA 1 NU of weattll 111
1 hurry But btillw me. m 111 tllow ,ors nnti hut I
etpenenced •""""11 1et'llClll!ly IS e•cot•llC .s 111.s w
R~. I C:llllt KfOS.S I '""" """ .. ., to ma~ bia bur. bUt afttt I tflof OllCll sNdy I dtsunled II Ilea uw It
ff.qllil'fd lco mUCfl ~ ol bmt money I ncl
pef'SOlllf eflor1. 811t "'Y ad' did .,-ft IS ~ lo deYefoll ¥tt •noltlel fantastic •n<I unll$u1I •1lltt.-
fa11tnt1 --.... lMt 1119fil llOlr llH -bltft
•4 .... -ft'! fully c0111ploes •lfh the lllllCb set ol m n
ci..ds rm nottd IOI dellllftdtnc ol "'' potent11t -elllh P'Odlltllll conctOt
• Must be Mitt to bt started •1111 ...... Mwlwwwt
• Musi bt ~ lo sat It .... Ind ntC Wltrlf«t
•llfl ,_., ~
• Mftt bt af:llt 10 be stantd Incl .... Mltuilty lllJ --·-• ~ flQUlfeonly • f•....,. flt.,..,_,_,_.
• Mutl "'9t tMmc IMVill profit polrlTNI ol $eel.GOO .....
..._ tlla one ps W1Y beyGlld my 1151111 fllD"CM ~ r.et.,.. Ths em.. .. ,-·· llllller4' """''°"to'
• Stitt It 011Ce -willlll JI ---ol sNlfllll 111y
""""' • hlvelllOI• ..........
• AccolliPliSll _,...... ---..... ,.. .... -filldl.'911all•11•..-..... ..,,~
.......... PIZZI• ........ dlelar ftDIY ""'111'1
... _ ............... (ftClll lfm:5 .en of
1100.000.00 by tllf md "go days -'°"' And Ms~ 11C111 ~or paper profoti
........................... --------.. ........................... ...... !' .. la ::::-II ........... _,.,..... .....
~---·•• 2 IMllW.'-. ...... ). ....... ~_ .. _
I I! * • 4""o' .. 0 I ................ ..,,, ....... ... .. ~ ....... .. -. ............ _... .,.. .. ...... .............. -... .. ,., ................ _...,_ ,.........._ ......... _ .. _. ........ c....~ ......... ..... ,............, ......... ....... ................
N1tu11ty. you're •ondern1f "'"' 111 tlus 11 -but rm
no1 aoma to tell'°" IM!n!. Ho. in pnc to cost you ten
SlllKllers to ftnd out. But I .. tell yo11wfllt11 rsn~ so
you'• llCll be ott on -di pw c:lllte
• No so or oft color stuff
• No dlm1 lenef, Potnmld or mulll·lrwl sum
• No lllM Olde!. envdoOt Sf\lffloc or d r09-shrP01na
• No 9TllJnl or sdl-publrsllmc how-to stuff
• No ll»n bfolit!att SC'*"t
• llo stDds. Cllmt!IOdtties.. ~,. rsUtt etc
• No plllbl~ bfttln1 or •ll'f'llll
• Nit am. cmts or sorc1ll "-•Is
• llo l*tf-llifn. door b>-doOf or ollOftt sdl ...
• NII Cllllllllp. INlillll Im. OOSb1t. ek
• No~ Ill buy ar rent
• ... """' .. fl1mlS. rtll!Wes. ek
• Nol ~ \'Oii lllwt ...... -~
AftyOllt Wllft -I ........ Of tllltlrflOn
Y•w 111C ""'91 cflorC:a
I Wnll ar ....... 1111 llld ny ID pry Ollf IN ddllls tor
flee. It ...... -'-WI t1N1 ltle hldl -Mre0l 111Y .....,. (517} 6S5.33l3
1 "" .. ., ......... '° *" ., ......... YOUf
tlwllcl "1100.000.
3 DD 1t1e 1111r _.... ...... Sfllld 111t ltle 1111 11111 Mid
ffl s~ on Wllflns 111 ltllt llltfl to IN blnk
Niftr Bonusf
A 1tto ~bee•"' OllrOO MONEY·~ COf.r!OlNTIAl N£WSL£TT£R. we •tPOrted on
lncJll\ef busmen fhll CIR ewly net I !.()()() I
wetk for life tfs I bil lllOl't lfl'ilOIWed Ind does
ft(IUtft lfttlf!C ouf Ind lbout, but Ollf rttMIS
Wfft SO ~ll!'d 111111 II 11111 l"m onctuC:hfll d IS
1n,utr1 rr. -.S when you or"dtf our -spec11I DAX •ef>O(l "SI00,000 1n 90 Drys. ..
I'S Ont lllOff lllln& (Sly. ltllS 0u Vtll IS I w1fldy SO Ind
so. !Sn'I bf') lhtre •rr lol!i ot oeol>lt n&flt now 1n bid
lr111nc11I S1rlits I hope you're not ont of them. but rt yo1.1
ttf. haw1n1 IUd ttlos Id you now fine •bsoiulett no
eJCUSI! fol belna llfc*e. bfc.luse IS "" SIYlflC ps.
''Tiits is tr Tllrs could tlutv lie the ~ 1nd·tof·lll
mlufMln to 1ny ll!Olley 11119ftln you have I cues Yoll'll
l\twt to ~ my WOid lor rt until you •ectM these
fabullM "'*1S -but~ rt eases your mmd Ill). O¥tt
100.000 "'"'•llCI WOIMfl worldwtde l\IYe beeft. -""
yun ,...... """' ol my boolls. fftlf!IQf. rroort\,
Cls.1!ftl tlllf proc!'llllS Ind newslrt1trs. T fltrt muS1 be
I felSOfl
-De.It f V. Du VMI ....... ,..._,....,,
920 W (hnd Artt1 W~. ~ .Ql95
•11112 L------------A-~--------·---'
r----------------------------------~ OlD Ylll.ASI s"o'· De,t. vz ...... )40 ...,,., SlrMt, "-··· , •. I n >1 I
PIHSI rush Ctnulne Antiqued Dolls I
(Z4S06<Cl) for Jun SS .. IKll DIU\ u 90 00\ll&t r
lftd nendhn1 on lull mone, OK~ 411trtntu. A/10 PRiii NAMl I
01101 tncloSt my fRCC GIFT I
-SAY{ "'ORE' Ordtr TWO lor 1uu $1 1.00 DIU\ AOOAESS I
-$S 00 \lloopona ind 111ndl•nc on Hmt mono
DIC-1ue11ntt1. Ptrttc! lor !rtuuttd &•IU CITY I
EncloHd Is S !PA ru.1dd ults tu)
CMUll IT: · Amtrlcen l •oren _ MnterCud L VISA L "T>1ntr1 Clu0 Certe Bltncnt
lice I~ . ------------
STATE -- - -I.JP I Chte ~ hire •nd st•d SOc 101 • yur \ \UO· I -Krootoon to our lull color ca1t1oc of lone I
&•It\ ll38996SX> Ou• policy " to oroceu 111 ~~~=~' ~;!~Pc':!;i,~r~~·~r~!~1 o~~~!;."n'of.',:>:~ II
oromotty St11pmtnt &ut,,nletd wotllon 60 City\ L !.:~0!~----------~H.H.1.111( 1912--------------.J .
Here·a a doll ju1t Ilka g11ndmoth1r
had when aha waa a llttre girl! An ••·
qulalte y01.1ng mlu 1h11 will delight
coll1cto11 or all egn. To give•• a g1tt .•. or to keep for yourHlf . . to
t,.Mure from 09neratlon to generehon.
A lll08T WONOl..,UI. Qlnt
Tiile be~tlful doll h11 the kind of
qu1tlly cr11t1menthip found only In
the nn .. t helr1ootn9.
~ .... .,.. .....
110.,. I ....._A''" Gitt
NOW s5ee
Not a reproduction, but genuine
antiqued 001celaln, dellcately hind
oaJnled jut t Ilk• ot waa over 76 yHra
ego. Her dr ... 11 the l1nHt lllc1orl1n
f .. hlon, all lac:• 1nd rlbOOna, 1uthen·
Uc right down to her '"°"· Ptu1 • hand-croch1ted hat to Ht olf her
golden trauea.
Not a '"ln/ature •• a lull ti in. tail'
Hera'• a collector 1 bu)'·Of·•·lllaltm•
you won't went to mlH. But our
w1rehou11 lnveritory la atrlclly 1rmlt1d
and at thla low price la au re to go 1111. So hurry. order now.
MOHIV 8ACK OUA"ANTH a.a 11111 0111111,,. Ant1Q.,.d Ootl lor your•
1111 011r -ch•lld•M 11 uncCN1C11toon111r 91111entffd 10 p11111 you 111 ... 'Y W1I)'
Of rour 1111rc11 .. , 011c1 relulldt4. (e•c•PI
-t•v• & llatlClllng), no ciue1110111 .. ~d'
OLD VIUAGE SH<.W, Dept. VM·U 7t , 340 ~ StrMt, H-. l"a. 17331
Pleue ru1h _ P111(1l of .. Romeo" G1nu
rne L11tl\1r Sl\oe1 H 1nd1c1ted below All<I trM:IOH my f'rH Gilt (M5'51 I IXI
0 Two P•" PflCt $33 00 PIUl $5 00 pO't
•Ct & h1ndhn1
_pr(1) Brown (M28l6348J
S111(1) Wldthtl l-----
_pr(1) Blec k (M78 1641BI
Slll(l l----_ Wodtl\ls>-----
CHAMU: IT: :l Ame11cen Capren :J C1rte Blanche J Ooner1 CtuD
.J Mute.Card
E•P d ate __ _
Pttnt Name ___________ _
0 Cli•O ,,.,, Md UllCI '°' tor ,..,., MKrlp-IOOft to our full-color ut1loc of flaa 11111 (lll"'5Q. Ow p011t1 11 to P<OC:1$S .. , eriltl
"°""'llJ. Ctld1t Cl_. orflt• ate pniclUlf
yPOll CllClot ...,0¥11. Otll~ llOIHlad P< ..... IJ. 0 Cnclo u d •• $ __ (chec lo.o• money order) Sii.,...._ IYlfllltHCI wit~I~ 60 U71. L--------------t HM l.tnc.1912 • -------------.J
Up To A SIO Vi1Ut1
OROEll wmw~
iHE llfXT
Don't Pay $40 .... Don't Pay $30 . ............................... .,.., ............... .... • °"* .... llurtl ...... tit •r.,wnPlll11lfll111'••'*
•llMl&lll ........ ~ ........ ~~s~s17aa
8'lp Into ltYle tt1et'1 flt for • prlnc.-our MV'I...., 111M, IMllCullne "Ao-" of richly tanned I,...., °"'f .... etef\Ulne IMttlef. lt'I I f'eOel look at e oltt•nct ~ • pric:el lllpper-type ..... with altatle LUTMIR .. ISTTIRI
lllMr'b at th• aid• g!YM YoU 1llp-ort-end-olf llllt'1 ...,, 11t11i.e ••"11. teatlllr "IHUtllet"
comfort. yet gripe rour foot for a .,_rleot l•l 11iow111c 1110lttvrt 1e '"'" w ,._, .... 11
And the wellllno r1 Mey on ere.,. aot" that ~:~ti":,,':::~.':: ~~=·~ ~ 'ti"M:'·
ouatt_lon e¥efY atep. Here'• one atloe tll•I'• ctlll•• of )Ollt foot 111 -·--1111tlrtlll· eletMt ~ to _, wltf't bualneea aulta ct11 ....-Ill
••• CMUal enc>uef'I k> weer with 1•4nt. Don't m6M CMlt on ttila ~ value-order now I
........... 1. 1"· •• ·"· •. ·~. 10, ~~~~re'~). O/E C•tde) (MM1U48)-: (MHtt428)·81aell
°"4y 111 ... iw .. 1 JH. '°' ....
rejection in terms of humJU.,-
tion and defeat. It can actual·
ly be used as a positive force:
a challenge, an Ulumlnation,
a chance for a new begin-
Rejection has many
motiveS and sowces.
ranging from kindness
to auefty. and the first
st~ In~ coming to
grips with It is to rec·
ogni2e jusi what kind
Of en
you. Though rejection is
painful, if is often rooted,
says VJhlte, In simple good
judgment: "That which Is of-
fered is not good enough.''
Such a rational rejection can
be enonnously beneficial -
tf you meet rationality with
rationality by carefully con·
sidering how you might "im-
prove yow product."
But human beings are
often not so reasonable, and
In certM\ cases someone will
reject another person be-
cause he fears that the in-
dividual outshines him. or
because the new person
teminds him of someone
who made his life miserable
years ago. People also reject
each other at times simply
because they are terrified of
being rejected themselves
Psychologist Roger Calla-
han. co-author of h Can
Happen to You (A&W), calls
this a beat-your-partner-to·
the-punch rejeetlon and says
it is especially common In In·
tense romantic relationships.
R woman. for example,
gets Involved with a
new man and, after a
n umber of weeks,
things start to look good for
the two of them. She has
flnaly learned to relax with
him; they're happy. Then.
lffmlngly out of the !Mue .
she tells her friends that she· s
pblnning to break up with
What's happening here.
Mys Or. Callahan . ls that the
coup&e Is becoming Intimate
and the woman's own vul-
Mf8b1llty ts tearing her ro
dHth . Her unconscious
tho"9lt might be: "rd rather
be the one to end It now than
taka the chance thar he11 end
It In a month or to."
Thil typr of f Pl often
develops becaUM of rejection
This kind of approach.
cautions Dr. Florence Sea·
man, direaor of Advance,
the Center for Preventative
Psychology in Philadelphia,
Is a cover-up for feelings of
worthlessness and will pre-
t you from drawing hon-
..._~§1 and helpful condusions
from your experience.
To avoid that doomsday
feeling , you've got to look at
rejection in a rational way.
Begin by making sure you
'--'' ___ know what was re aed, Or.
Seaman SI iggestS. Most likely
it wasn't the very essence of
yoUT being but only your
idea. behavior. plan, or pro-
that was refused. If that ls
case, you must simply
acknowledge that other peo-
by a parent in childhood. pie have the right to disagree
WSome people deal with their with you and that they are
fear by betng ready to reject bound to do so as often as
others at a moment's notice," not.
explains Dr. Callahan. "The
slightest hint of disapproval T hen. try to treat the re·
or the least danger of feeling jedion as part <X a lam-
that old pain will cause them Ing process. which al-
to teJ<e an aggressive stance lows you to look more
out of sheer terror." deeply into certain mpec:ts of
Re.cogn.izing that the per-your own behavior -and
son who has rejected you then make changes.
may have done so out of WRejeaion teaches us far
jealousy or his own fear of more than acceptanc.e ever
rejection should relieve the can." says Or. Callahan
sting: the rejection says more "Wllh rejection we have an
about him than It does about opportunity to analyi.e and
you. Unfair as It may seem, find out what's wrong. We
you may be rejected for a can ask what kind of chronic,
reason that has nothing to do built-In problems we may
with you. have that may pop up again
What rejection actually and again in our relationships
means for you. however. or o ur work sityatlon unless
depends not so much on we con&ont them Rejection
ho\1.1 or why It comes. but on makes us aware. forces us 10
what It does to you and what take corrective steps. lroni·
you do about It. cally, If you're never rejected.
Some people simply can· you could be doomed to fall·
not accept rejection or bene-ure. h's on the way tDat we
ftt from It. They respond with learn how things work."
anger and hostility toward Rejection con be wound·
others. as did the daredevil Ing. though. even shattering.
motorcyclist EveJ Knievel. and It's not always possible to
who starred In a 1977 movie toss It aside with a ample,
caJJed Vloa Knleoell Critics "111 do better next time.'' But
voted the picture one of the mo!l rejections are not ltfe-
worst films ever m.ide. Eve! and-death marten.
responded less-than·con-And however rejection
structlvely by bashing one of may come, one would do
the crltk:s with a baseball bat well, suggests White, to refer
-an action which was then to Thackeray's story The
"rejected" by a )udge, who Roec and the Ring: "While
sent Evel off to jad. the other guests at the chrls-
Many people who are r• tentng of Princess Rosaba
)ected rapond tn much the are wishing her happiness,
same way, If In a tomewhat beauty, IUCCetir and to on ,
lower key, by trying to ~ good fay B&eckldck, the
credJt the perton who nt)ec:t· wiMtt of them aD, NVS. 'The
cd them. or to lnvelldate t~ _ -bat thing I CM wteh her ,_
rt)ecdon. II a lltdc nmfortune.' " _.,
l'AMl'-Y W!tKl.Y, Oct-. 11, tea • 11
No, Cathol.los do not believe that Marv is equal to God. They
do not worship her. They do not adore her images. They do
not consider her in any way as the rival of Christ, "the one
Mediator between God and men'.'
What then do Catholics believe about Mary? They believe
tha1 all she is, she owes to the goodness of God. He cho.e
her for a unique place in His plans for the redemption of the
human race. And for her allotted v~tion He endowed her
with special graces.
On her s-t. Mary. as a 1 espoosible human being. responded
90 perlectty. in fact, to God's advances that she is a modef of
faith and obedience. In a word. Catholics betieYe that God's
power on the one hand and M.ry's cooperation on the other
made her the kind of person whom all later get 1e1atiol15 woutd
called "blessed'.'
For more on C.tholic belief about Mary. we invite you to
aend for our free pamphlet, "The Mother of Jesus'.' No one
will call on you.
--FREE-Mail Coupon Today! -----------
Please send Free Pamphlet entitled
'7he Mother of Jesus" FM-24
C11v --------State -----Z•P---
Kn1GH1S oF co1.u••us-
p 0 Boa 1971 , New Haven. Conn. 09521
•Toa STRMOM'TWMR .-~slnl
... •• a $ l;I .............................
•UI f1t1 1 It ---.--..i
•Cam suea. ...... ,.......n,11W1 • ___ .... ...,.__-..... ,.........,,....
•»GAY llOMY..Uat QUAMHTlll
Tl_. null TIE ITU.TUii:
Sllld •• ...,. ...... ~
IAVD °'., ""_:.::.:-11 e .. -'::.:. -......... -.
.... UOIWID I. Dafe. N ·fl .. ,. .... .,,1tta.NYum
1 • ,
1n·•MIY •••• ...amuTY
THmWNIE .,,...
Mc>lt ~ers say once they
for a "acx:esitful mar·
rtage, but couples With
too much In common
may ftnd themMfves
unable to have chiJ.
~~11'8-1:Mll-t"8W to~ and
end a story, the rest Is a
breeze (relatively). So If
that's what's been holding
you back from writing the
Great American Now!, you
now haw no excuse.
New rett•d• at the
UniwnMy of Mict¥tt
Women's Hospital
stk>WS that ti couples'
gaMtic makeup and
~ are too sbnilm. It can cause the woman's body to Te·
}ect the fert1llzed egg, resuJtlng In ip<>ntaneous abortion.
However, vaccinating the wife with white blood cells from
her husband seems to cause her Immune system to protect
the fetus. This technique has enabled several women In the
U.S. and England to bear healthy children, including Judy
Spoturn of Ann Albor. Mich .• who gave birth to a son In
1980 lifter seven ml9carrlages.
Dr. Alan Beer, who heads the Michigan research team,
says the odds of choosing a mate With such sbnUar genetic:
makeup are &es& than one In 1,000. He notes that. lronicaDy,
such couples are kieal candidates for donating an organ to
one another with minimal chance of rejection.
Yes, they're ltill coming. Thoee kk bees everybody's
been buzzing about for yest. But •they speed on ttM?W way.
romance teema to ba t.alcing a Mltle of the ldng out of them.
It al begm'I In 1956 when an cxpeabuental group of
A&tcan bees ncap«i from Bnml. The African bees are
smaD... th.an the conventional honey bee but are much more
.,-as1ve. They attack In
swarms, wtl1 pursue three .
times further and take 10
times longer to calm
down. In the yess since
the ~ Etcape, thee
MVC been reports (apo-
~ mo9dy) of the
bees wtpil'9 out domettic
Tom Stl:>erkld and Jeny
8iedannan convtnad 20
best-selling authors. In·
eluding Isaac Asimov.
Stephen King, Belva Plain.
Ken Follett, Erskine Cakl·
well. John Jakes and AMn
TofOu. to pro vide. In their
own dlstlncttve styles. a
brief opening and dosing
for a potential stOTY-
Teachers. parents: Be ·
ware the Ides of Mart:h -
and October. At least as far
as kids cutting classes.
Willam O'Connor, a retired
attendance dean, recently
sent us the resulas of a five .
year ltudy he did on 1,500
lludents .. his uplt.ale New
York ~ IChodl. He found
th.at thee two months WIN
peak dma for lldpplng
c.-. Kids cut twk:e -
olten In October • GltMr
months. says O'Connor,
maybe becaUle thetr ln1dal
enthutAasm for a new tmn
has worn off. Overall,
about half the students cut
dMa 10 or more dma each
ye. to duck out to the malt
shop. or wherever kids go
AD we can say about this
honor ls. "he eooiJmed itr'
OlOMll over 90me 70 en·
tertalnment and sports
6gUNS who have appe.ared
In ads In the past yes, the ,
venerab&e John Houseman
was recently named c:eJebrt.
ty endorser of the year by
Aduotising Age magazine.
Previous winners include
Kart Malden, Bill Cosby and. last year, Brooke Shields. The
80-year~ HoU5eman, who dkln't become famous until
his 1970's portrayal ol au5ty law' profeaor Olarles
Kings6eJd In the ftJm and TV versions of The Poper Chase,
They've put them aD to·
gether In a new book, The
Do·lt·Yourul/ Bes'"//er,
and are Inviting us to fill in
the midd)e. .
The duo. boyhood &lends
and young would-be writ·
ers, got help from Bieder·
man's unde Irving Wallace
(who!le family has become
Onc e upon a t i me
happily eveT afteT.
masters at churning out
these paint-by-number
books) and admit they
hope this concept ls their
own tk:ket to the big time.
Tua book's publisher,
Doub&eday & Company, ..
now rururlng a nadcnal
cxmtat Inviting high school
students to 6D In one of
three select •ones. The
competition is open to any
student enrolled ln an
English coune ·at a school
that buys 10 oop6es of the
book. The wtnnc gets a
trtp to New York , but, sony.
no book contract.
won out In 1982 for his
memorab&e work tn ads for
Smith Barney. Chrys&er and
Puritan cooking od.
Some advertising execu·
lives think Houseman has
a\ready become oveT·
exposed. and he admits.
"There's a limit to how
many [ads) you can do and
keep your credibility ... And
at an estimated $200.000
to $250,000 a year per ac·
count. he's not taking any
chances and says no more
pl1.9 for a while.
(AD Lba except Sat.,
Scorpio.) Sunday -Rtta
Hayworth 64: Arthur Miller
6 7. Monct.y -George c .
Scott 55. ,.._.., -Amy
Carter 15. w .. ...._. -
Mickey Mande 51; Joyce
8rochers 54; Arlene Francis
74. 1"b&nd9y -Came
Asher 26; Dizzy C.+Oap+e
65. Frfllil¥ -Joan Fon·
taine 65; Annette t=unicelo
40; Catherine Deneuw 39;
llmothy Lary 62. s.. . d8v -Johnny Canon 57 ;
Pele' 42.
anlmall and attaddng --port control towcn. t-------__;;......i"------------'----------'
Family \\Cekh' But • they move lnu-
orably northward (they'w
now rached the hthmus
ol PMmna), they have
been mating wtth men docile European honey be., and
the ltraln Is gradualy lollng 90fne of Ill ~. ac·
CU"dlng to Taxes MM entomologlet Jtm Smllh.
The now '--thtih_..., be. lhouJd react... the U.S.
~ 1990, but It'• too cold t... for dwm to Q11t much
n°'1h ol T ...... They might~ be a boon to the economy
Mat dwy'N ealent ~ producet -N rwar1 they ... ~ eo a... 1n dw h place.
a• PNlll4.'! WIPLY, O..W 11, -
11lit lff•lll IJW ,,,.._,,.
.. ,l_....A-. .... 'IWllN.Y ....
P9trtdt M. u..c.y
Vlae ,,,_,~ Md Ad Dlrwtof
Oef9ld Wroe
Vloe Pl'l 1 I di II Md Genl. Mf'•
Jclfalhen Thon1*Jf1
c::a.n.. ~ .... ,,,....
You don't have to wait. It's here now! The help you need for catastrophic
medical bills ... payable both IN and OlIT of the hospital.
can provide these added dollars for covered sickness and accidents at a cost most families
can readily aHord. Yours over and above your basic hospital benefits.
N early every American family has its own horror
story of the rampaging costs of an extremely long
illness. •
Either the family lrnowi. such a ~tory. or they have
personally experienced it Free New
Mos& people now realize that a family's earnings.
bank accounts. entire life .savi~gs can be wiped out-
~ by the costs of a catastrophic illness-the
k.iod of iUness (or accident) you hope against hope will
never happen. but which. unfortunately. 11ometimes
But even a catastrophic illness need nor hr :i li~n..
helps you fiaht ln8atioa ...
shows you bow to 5lrdch
.. • . • • .. nlDl'e dollars
cial cat.btrophe. Now you ca '"'"''u w ££(l Y o •oE RCA-o
Family the protection you need ~11 ,01, 11h • • caused by ca~troph1c illness
Al Last. The Million
Mutual of Omaha's Cata
Plan supplements the ~ cc
pie have, which is fine for or
can't be expected to cover th
catastrophic illness.
M uruars new Plan provide~
protection for every mcml
a MILLION dollars over and at
coverage, whichJ1lay sound II
you could possibly need. But 1
tunaiely. have to use all or mos
long~tenn illnc~s. That's when
have MutuaJ's Calastrophic H
answer to medical bills that c
thou.unds of dollars t<Xb)L
Why Coverage 11'
When dealing with a lone
costs o( from S 170 to SlOO a
someairncs economically a'lC
ldvlMblc to care for the p-•ticrc
Your present hulth insuranc
Mail t h i ~ po-,tagc fr~e car<l tci<.la} fur FREE hooh.
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/'11 ''" '' • 1l111t I r1·1 'n' ,,, ' I HI I /111114.1tl11\ /11t I',,/., •1111'11 11/,,,.' ''' ,11/1111/, '''on '''''' 1l11tl I
hu' 1 'he t !, ,/ 111 /uh
( tlltl\lli 'f'lllt \til/PI \Iii/Ji ,1/ J'filfl thill 1 f/11/"'''11/1 llf' /u ~ / lftOll 111111, 1 J\ 1 '11~1 I· I 1 fH Jt
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I \futwllt '"' \11•,/111111 '"l'fd1m1•11t\ ti ''"'"~'" ,n,,I
( II\
. hospilf:I care. This ~T•i
V.-.ttilf ~ill~ ll IM)'S or iIJmp.iJl~i.D:d ~ ''·'"
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•Sotlf«: AMfflcelt Holpllltl AU«lol#Olt:
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J()W ! Mail the po:.tagc paid reply card today
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Ww.J eJO_,...• WlU '".,._,. .. n! w~
C"" A /uuJ/ 11>11111}" tlnv '""' • ""1-'
... CMalllllM ...
-IPIU.I • CM!_ Fflpt ... te _.. l*I or CllP llnllly. F.-............ QMlt-........ .... _..,.
..... -*· f'llltic.i. 7\1%' ... D •llli .... (11M~l ~
IYl·IAH 1111• CITI
--IL.Mii ltllp1 stop 111•1•1199 o uany •1y1:
·--·"'· tor IH~IHI. a.. .. Cllf ~: " ' ..... P'llllk. ,.. • 0 -lale(mll)~
=·Tilll llPPH UH O&iimtw,Wlllm ............. , .... _
~ ....... --. ---~.., .......... ,17-
0 ~(111111) .. ~
llfYll WAii WllHWll
Jiit wllisk Wl>ndtr Ct«ll °"' "'' 11&11 111rt1ce. Sptclal ____ ,..... ...........
~ ""' -'*""'· .... •t 10' • 11"·_ -0 ... a.a ('°'51)~
llfn IA .. ·Ul .. H -·~--· o. .... .._ ........ ,
.,,., •ltll "1.'::.c~'"'' ....., CIMI """ ~· 1'rlstll ....... u tt O a C.. (11117) lftlll
llfT WWf'Mll II A "SUP" WITI Ul-
m1 Ocld alllpes. toys, 90001ts an wr1p0ed at Uell of d1W11rln9l l lnd .... If 11, Y•lt
(IM'·IOWI or IU't (SW·IW) dniQ~ ..... a ,.,, .... co-04•24> . . . . .... . ~0 All'I .... (0·90845) ......... .
~ --spencer
5111' ..
II 1111 .... TU: YOO msT I[
SA nsmo YlOlt YOUI l'UICllASE
Oft wt Will RUUllD YOUI lllONCY
To: . I
~.,,. ___ ,.....,... __ .,.... ___ _ ,.,.._..,....,
I I I I CtTY TATl-2•"---I
W'llllCIM. _....,. ~"'""' TICQT
................ imlll .. miill l -----------------~
"' llHIYI So kelp 1111M ute I lllMyl Shlrdy U ·
....... '"'llat 12 CO!lllllf1· •111ta 10 1111111 ClltCkl Ill ~orw .... r.."""""
0 Clleill'"' (11533) ···~
MUl'f tlU APNllTllOT llOl alipt i11 pocket. p.,.11 lltcorcla daily notu: *'"'"' ""°"' 1111m11trs HH 2·yHr Cllt llcllr. Ylnyl *'!i. asl't colOra. 3" 11 __!' , __ 0 lnt·I•' (12U1) 1r,.q
ca..~18.L ... Abloom wltll vloltta. petite
clllmtr 111111 1 pair of Joot•· birds on Ila dome . S11owy ~IUN *lllllC, 2\4' Ill. ~ ... ,
( 5332) .......... ·~
"MIT FMT" NII '"9'"' .... In co~ watlltrf Glvt llOWllll Wlmittl Oft body COii•
llctl TMI I llio Into allon. c.allloll lllt, tool Great tor .., ...... , Ktl¥ityl o-... .... (t23CM) ~
11 ITIR TRTW Cll'lCM ICE Liii CUWll Gin 11fe. sure toot1119 on t11ose allck nr·
flcff. Jnt slit O¥tr 1110ta. IN*•. llaatlc: bind 1dj .. 11 to ·~ alu '"°''· 0 ... .,. (514251 . lh4t
HI "Ul·IOWI MllLll
NolHIHI '"°' t•P• llup llMtt MW tor lftOfttflal NOii·
skid '°" ,_. et I ,_ o ..... -.. ........ 1 ... .. . . .. 0-5"17 ............. 10·51706 •
TIUT IW FIT f'f"FfCTLY wlttl com1or11111t el11t1c n· tlMm. J111t 110011omo1111 & §!iMiei
·,. orvanind "'' to ltlftdlt wlllle 1llopp1ng St1mly ,111nlopt1 for 12 gro-
cery orouplngs bounel rnto ~ boollltt. 6W x Jll(~
0 ........ 1128)~
IM 6 CAT I.I . TMll
St11111tu slttl t11 UHrH '9f'S 1111 rtl11rn wlle11 II• ..,...., ...... ,...._.
---·--~ B::t:: I~ i;;a
NII 'l.'.::ctcookln~. uve POWtrf Mall Cllrome-
plattel llHI; flt notched pan
elements o r ian, PM 173UI! th4I o r1n,,.. 73166 ~
PIT Ml CM'T lt9lt... llll•T WllYl·CHTH ITIYI ITIUI Ptr1on1hztd ITtfl CLIPS Strong
... 1111 dille-talt fOMI c.-~~:fr.111111tow WUll~on t• 11 atl• 111dlft1-prot1Cf U'ft II to 1'old ~·· floor. Vinyl; 21W a 14W' Mt.k. bt letln board. l° lg.
Lm"' --...... ~ .. -:h ---......... .., ....... ==:. ill.::: II :.... Mlollt aw. •
.... ~ -· ......_ Au't COlor1 "9 ... !~.--.... 0 Ptl ... 1"42253) '='"-·o=o.._,,O.._Cell= Cltll 10~7~-.._ ~~~~--'a-1
'' 11 14 ,1111111 o1 soup. uuce. dressing mixes. Holds 'em uprigllt, usy·to -lind! White, plastic-coated •• , •• r
X 3W, llJlldl. ltlfltS .......... 0 .. c..., (11702) .......
CAii ITllClll alvt swttl
trata • fancy to\ldll Just pllC9 on top; sprinkle w1t11 sugar,
nuts; lltt ott. ltl It I Clu1gn1. Aellllbte O CIM"'9dtl (0-11313) . . • . . . ~
ILICI 111111 PHFKTlY1 IAHlYI Hudy ltolcltr flu 111
1111111111 ""' •ron91 to grip slippery onions; ~Ht' .............. Ult! .. , ...... ,tlOl3 .
UllY Clll·H · TH·Cll
-...,.... pipit!' llol ....
.. ... ...... llMt; ""ff-4' ' S..W..Alel ~~----(O·SMtt) .
M'tfCf IOWl CftH an knps food ITeslt-tlle pretty
I prac11ctl wayl Colorful paf· terns dreu up bowls, elutl·
ciztd bottoms tit 1nugly. Vil!YI .... ., 16· 4"·11* ~m~-0 ........ ( -159IO)l'f':q
FIHU Clff I CllCll
CllWI llf •flft ....
ICICUI IT Tiii HIEI IPMIU LIU UYITAl-ntm ,.., trtl Into a winter
~I Twitt daltn re---:.. ':'tzMCilee Pllllic; SW. \Umn .......... -
I HllTll CHtlT•AI CAHLI• I• clller, rtf. ,,.., ......... = .....
II !lltsflf. -~ ,.11 ...... , ... ., wt""9 ,.,.
•fifes t 'lli*._ OIC...C 11>••-.i.
111a1cw n1111 s.. -· .--. ... ••-..-r.·w1. ......... ftMcorllteM. ...... 12Wlri.llt ... ,. .... ltld, ~
0 11 -~-·~ ................... ~ = ..... 'II?'! , , ....... ......; _ .... _. .. llftllAI ...... ..,. "*"'!!a ...... 1111 • ., ...................... ...... mtt.-..... ..,._ ... ....
,.t ... lfttJ ...... All ....... . = ..................... -. ........... ~.·-owe..-1._, ... ,., .....
O Dtlt ...... ~ ..•
nnlT .. , HHH
--.1.-wttllY ... ......,~ ........ ..... _ ..... ,.. . = ... ~-J,'fll,•> ... . c ..... .
..... _..,_
11 "" I 1111 I 1 ... n"s
'"'· ................ Finl fr1• htlltll ClltHtl ....... -........ .. ....,_...., ....... __ a u.,.. en-. .. ~
"'9Tt IDlmf9l "'"° Miii ii MAlf Tllf TillE with Jilly Rua Gun ! Just toad . press. release! Knots in pre· cul y11n1 twice u fut (up to
IOO 1n one hour)' --0 ..... (44099) __ ,..
IWfl TIUMMEll lets you be your own btrbtr! Just glide
over hHd tor neat. nsy trim I Grf't for kids' Poly Blades separate
0 ltt••tr (9~991 .. tt:-41 0 ....... (0·82,04) ~
IR T1ll CARDI wmtOUT IUllUt Standard·llU Cards have giant markings.
0 E·Z let Dtcl
...... ,. (322841 . . . ~ Pleadtt (&.416"1 . lrtlltt ( 7 2 728 I
HJOY MHDl·FllH llEAD· ,., Clrver Book Stand
1d1usts tor reading angle & th1ckntss or 1Nttrl11. Handy fo r rHdong wllole eating fol· lowing recipes. etc Ptauic __ 0 ... , ..... (88336) mq
'"111 l'lltl Pllfl'Ttlll ltTt Yet 111 I tt••ltlt ,,,,,. '"'· ••••er•. •r•11111-p1 us stamps. ink pad . tweuers! Personalize cMCks.
boOlta: pnnt s~ns. etc -... .. 0 PNt let (13136) •• ,..
.. ....., IOU EllAIElll make
1t tun to err! Shaped Ilk• small lite bulbs. from brttt·colorld domes to metal bUHI tW ea. let ti • ln 111·1 colors fa-~~··· ~
CATCll NAiii TIU9 Cut'Ptlllll No llllllY dellHlps. ltdly hair dOWn
'**1 Snit-on vinyl coom·up 1111 _,.....,__.laillll rim. Grut for perrns._Jool_
0 ... 1'19 (23217) . IT:4t
mil.All lllralll lrT lets you tl;llten or replace hinge screws In 1tcond1! H11 minl-1crewdr1ver. magnifying gtua, 4 screws. Slmtrlpatoo~llciln-& m~1J1111..
0 "'"lit ( 9591 ) . -~ ~-~~ ""~~~---
HIY·PllmY ClH•IC FRAME gives a precious photo elegant treatment! Charm· 1ngly VICIOrtll1 In wlllte ee· ramie. adorned w1tn roses
Euel incl 2V·· • 3Y.--0 ....,,,...,68908)••""f
Ylllllllt llHS-111 Clrrltd I• .... 11,. .......
Jiit ,0, tut
Utt ont YOI .... ,,...
..... fair
to ''"· fr1111 IHI. Plaatic;
COLORFUL ClllYH TOTE IOI lets kid1 carry a Whole collect1on ot crayons 10
ldlool. on visits to grandma. pats. tic Kups 'em from gttting lost! Wood4 3WJ.Q~ _ 0 ~T.U (49t67)JT:q
HPllCLf EllAllll •AIEI EWEI MDMEWDllK fU.t 'llc1t1· the b1,ges1 mis· taku-ktds love t tor school or play. Clever 3-llavor
du!Qn: wood stick :r IA.:. __ 0 Emil.It (86811) . JT!q
11 U"ILO .. A POttCM I A kid's dream collection ot col· or1ul glass "cal'I eyes" -1n-tkldi119 1umbo sllooter1 All 1n s111rdy drawstn119 bag-ready to ltadt. plly or stasll ~J_
0 11 ••"'" (72504) ~
... IC IATM CllAYOlll cltH ,,., 11 111., ce1111 Makes
bltll time tun! lei ·em draw on tub. sink. Oin1 Suds right ott. won'I 1111n! Mild soap: sate
color ltatlU. 0 .... Cllilf (0·80119) ft.tit
...... llAllE P\ACIUU tell
tht wor1d a room 11111 the11sl Ceramic, Htt·adlMru 2V·· x
1'K.1Utt 1tl u-.
o .... "'''" llrt'a (P-03061) . t'Mi. ley'1 (P·03079) ~
.......... I ~ .... ..... ........ ,,,,,.,_
RllUL lf .. IL 11111
llanllOAIH wltll "'' decor! Metnortlly 111111·1111 for MJtl, ICllWI, ....... 11C. a.....1t111.tw. a ===l~
..._wra. K .. ..._ ....a ... , .. Ca• c..,.,. , ... ,.,,
.nM'ne~IU9n1 II Chllf1'11f. IMI In all 1mor-1-llelow-
-.... ....,
~ .. '
·~ -,__
110 .........,_ ... c...,... CMtve to My:
llf'( CMDfT CN'ID ...... ... .._ ~llqett t •"
lffrMtrftl ... ... .. ·--·~ -__,_ ...... -. ,_ ---
_ ..... _
,t= .. !~ n--. -t""al J~~ .... ----'= ... , ......
.:t~:t 1'1111111 r-01 to 1 .. . -~.,3:'~ =r:--r:M ,_ lfOI• 'l . ft~ .... :::-1 .... f:-l Ol• I 00. cw-;.;;. & Al .. .., .. "' ... ,., ,._ 11.0l• 17 . ....... "' .... "" ft "'""'-C. i; --~--• .., _. ..... :!'!!:! ~ -IUlt I .. wtltl Mtemllt .-_ -1,.1 1 !It rt•=....,• =e • ___ .._._ __ ,_~•c-·aaa::m:••
• ft ..,_,.. m· ,,......, ....... _....................................... ---._ •4W1M'. ....., ........ H IW= .......................... tl!D.!..i._ .. C:..1--..... _ _,~ ...... -
~~-~r ~r-r :. =ti:: ·~· 'i -~ -...... m= .. ·Ji.~.~~ ..... 1112. 0.. lt.00 ... .... ... , ................ ...... -
. · a;~ · "='E.S ....... :i..c:=.r· '-· ..... .....,5 .. ,aoo.aoo,,......_ Tiii ..._ . ....... • ---------n..-.. ...... .............. ........ . ········~ .. •·········· ................ ~.., ...... ._.... ......................... .._ .
~~TS ~~o: :~~(i::.1
AlfY rTDI • n9 CA'la&.00 ONLY -WHIM 'tOU IU 0-. IMTCH I 0-. MOMI
(1 to I rT'EMa "'9CaD M llMUD)
kRn IAITl'l HAU" IOOI ••a ~u9111.
tul "tollCll & SM~ alo'llor lots. Has plcturts
!Ny can ru lly toudl IMl-ftuffy rtindMr tw. IOft bard. rmll br!Q. fle. A.. 0 Te9llt .... (88528) ..•• .,..
HI ADDIHI UHLI II llAlllOW CILlll add CllHr to mail. tnd wntino
rmm lddrual Just wet & allc•. 3 linn-.......... 1911 ....... 11,. 0 .. LaMlt (0-20642) . 0 •• ......, (35165) . .