HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-10-20 - Orange Coast PilotIRAllil CIAIT YOUR HOMETOWN DAllY PAPIR WE ONE SOA V. OCT OBl H 10, 1982 ORANGE COUNTY. CALIFORNIA 25 CENTS Viejo slaying suspect escaped Montana killer Uy JOUI CADENHEAD Of IM Delly Pllol llelf Thl· mun lwlJ 1111 'll'>IJll t1111 111 murch•r 1n lhl• th oe:ap1L<1t1un Jt•a th 111 a M1ss1un Vit:JU m.m l'~.iix·J I 1 um a Montana stalt• 111t•111,d hospawl five Yl'ar:. ..t1'(o wht•n· lat· wus st-nt fur tht• brut.11 ~l.iy111g ol u n1b drtVl'I', authonlll':> :.aid Codv Lt•o S1.:hrl'tlw·r. <W .•. il:-.1.1 k now1i as Barrv J\111h•rson, wa!'.. a rre:-.ll•J ea r i y Tut•sJa:. by Renter ~ I • strike looms By STEVE MARBLE Of IM Delly Piiot Steff A r l' n t st r 1 kt' 1:. b t· 1 n g con s ad c·r e d by ll·nanl ~ uf a Corona dt•I M <.ir a part nh·n t c:omplex that as bl•1ng gn.>onwd for luxury bvmg T e n ants at tht• Short':.. a 120-urut complex that oVl'rlook~ nearby East Coast H1ghwdy, an· bein g advised of n•nt anc-rc·ase:. that will h ike monthly paynwn~ for some by nearly sioo Several tenants SJ!•d.,a mass exodus is under way pncr that at least o ne-fifth of th<.· renters have left or are plannmg to mm•e out before the clost• of th<• month The owners did not v<•n fy this report J o hn Monsen , a frrt•lancx• film maker and spokt•s man for the upset rt!nters. said tht.> owners of' the apartments hav<· agreed tu m e<'l with tenants Thursdav H e said he 1s hop<>ful a compromise can be reached on the rent hikes a nd that more drastic s teps such as a n•nt s trtk<' can be averted. The owners, though. said they don't believe the re 1s anything to negotiate. The Goeden Co . an lr11me • hrm that recently purchased the comp_lex, re~rted that t>xtensive re novation 1s--uriaer way at the Shores and that ren ts must go up. ··w e don't like that word 'negotiate.' W e purc h ased the property. w e're the ow ners and they (th e tenants) are acung like this is som e sort of condominium setup." said Bruce Froehlich. a Goeden Co. executive Froehlic h said when the owners bough t the property. they made a promise to a lender that the apartment complex woul<! be spruced up in short order M unsen sajd tenants feel the r ent hikes are no more than a fancy way of getting renters to "f inance" the proposed improvements. "The owners are upgrading the rents before they upgrade the living arrangements.·· Munsen said. He said the tenants want the owners to push back the Nov I deadline on rent increases u nul a comprormee is reached "l suppose if they (tht.• ownc·rs) want, we can be enema~ and let everyone lose." said M unst.-n "There S('ems to be some sort of n ot i o n h e r e that bc>1ng coopera t ive and trying to compromise is une thical." M unsen said h<' fears that unless t h e r e is some hard negotiating by both partit>s, the Shores w ill soon bl-a wastc·land of vacant apartmcnL'\ Froehlich said h1s firm 1i. not set on a course of evicting tenants and as willing to deal individually with "h ards h i p " cases, par ticularly with senior citizens. -lllDEX- Al Your Servi<.-e Business Cavalcade · Classified Comics Crossword f Death Notiees1 Ed1tor1al Entertainment Food Horoecope A'nn Landers Movies Mutual fWlds National News Public Notlces Sports Dr. Steincrohn Siock Markeia TelevWon ThHtert W eather • A~ A l l 0 5-8 88 8 5 0 5 AIO B4 Cl-12 All All 84 A8 A3 83.8 7,06 Dl·4 All A9 B6 84 A.2 U1u11~,. l'11u 11 1v Sh 1•r11 t ·, llo·p.11 tlllt'l\l 111\'t•,llt(lltot)o, th11·t· d,I\, .it 11·1 1>1·11111., Sl hulJl•1 t '!'. 111'.ullo •,, h111h w." found 111 tlw li.11.k\,11tl 11f 1h1• ho1111• th1·v ,h,111 d 11 ..i;~:H:! Via (;ll.itt.I" Sht·1111 ·, Sgt 1.v1111 N1•l11·111>1 .;,1111 Sd11·1·illt•1 11·1 t :i11 t\11al11"1111 bu~ ~1.11u111 .11 !l.~:1 .1 111 S.1tu1d.1y .md '' .. ., 11w1 .it .i S.i• 1 arnl·ntu hu, ,t,1111111 .11 7 IJ m l>\ li~:.il pohn· - Making a s pl ash 1111d ,111·1 tl, ., ll\Vt·:-.Ug.11111 , I 111111 ( )1 llllj.!t' ( '1111111 v N1·li1111g ,,11d ,1i1·r1f1 ·, lllVl''tllg,11111' t 1111._.tl1•11·d S1 hn·ilwr ,1 'u~p1•1 t 'llH 1• 1111' d1•ath, hut w1·11· r..tu1 t.1111 to rl'11.,iM' .111v 111l1111n.ot11111 1111ul qu1·!'.ltollltlg h1111 I ul'llu·r l11v1·.;11g.it111 :. 11'1111111•d 111 < )1 a11g1· < 't1u11tv 1·.11 Iv T11l''d.1v 11111111111g w11h 1111· :.!ii y1-._11 01;1 ~U!'.f.>l'l'l 111· was IJ11ok1·d 11110 t >rn11~1· l'1111111y .Jail wh1·11· 111· I). h1•1111o< h"ld 1111 $:!511.0110 l1:11I Mll1·' l'1t\ Mo11t:11111 , p11l111 dt1t'I J1111 l '1·1 l.1111 .,;11d Sd111·1l)\·1 w,,, .11 11 'tlt'll Ult !.I , 111711 I WCI d.1v' . .t11 ·1 llh' 1 .... 1\ 111 .1 la11..d 1·.111 d11 v1•1 1>011.dd M11v1·1, .111. "·" It 1u 11d M11v1·1 11.111 111•1•11 '""t tu d1 .. 1tll . 111d ~•:1hli1·d llllllll'l'llll'> l11111·i., <.:1·1 lUlll -.;11d <..'1•11.1111 ,,1111 that St htc•ilwr Delly Pllol Photo by Oery AmbroH Al Kolb ~wings hi &.-~t·ar-olcl ... on. Eric·, O\'C'r lhe -.urf 1wa r lh•· Newporl Bea c·h Pier. T he• famil~· <'a mt• flown from Santa Ana for a n evt-ning a l the bt:•n<'h. Evicted job firm A Cusw Ml'$tl pb µublll·:itaon bu.stnt'SS that w~ Lhc t..irgct u! num1•rous complaint.... to poltu· ha!> shut Its doors Jnd mov('d to Santa Ana. authonllPS s.-11d H<'lp Wantt'Ci Publicat11m. :ll IU Harbor Blvd . wa:-t'\ 11.·tl'd I.isl we('k by the· propt·rl' nwncr , Jack Mv<·rs for fa1lurr 111 mak1· <1 n·ntal Payment Johannes "l knrv" Vandt•rrci said 1n a phone. 1n tt·n·tl'W Monday thal ht' dt·l1b1·ratC'ly .w1thh<'ld a portion of th<· $!'>10 monthly rent paymt•nt. da1mmg ther<' were holes in tht· roof of th<' building. Vand('r ra said that hu-.1m•ss dropped from an awrngl' of 30 <.'ustomcrs a day to zeo ru last wct•k a fte r dissatisfic>d c·ustom<>rs succcssfullv d1sc·oural>{t>d ll('W tl1t•nL-. from l'11l1•r111g th1· Cost<i Ml•:-.a hu1ld1ng M::my vomplt11m't.I that th1· ltst of JOO~ for wh1l'h thc·y paid $2:'! "' d ~ m l' r <· 1 y a t' o p y n f iJdvt·rt1~1·mpnti, f1;1und 1n tht• c l.1~:-1f1N.l section 11f a llH ;ii m •wspap<·r · · W l' d o n n t d l' n v t h a t , .. Vanderra said Monday: ''Wt• JU:.t opt•ncd a <:ou ple of months ago and most emp loyers a r c not aw:irc of us. We go through the newspaper. They coml' in the offit'e and pay mc>ney We don't point a gun at their heads " Stc•vt' S hulman. a Cost.-i M~ Pohcl' det<'Ctive. said ht· rl'<-'CIVcd nearly a do1.cn calls Monday from people• who wanted their money bac·k and wantcx l to know w h c r ,. t h <' b u s 1 n <' s s h n d r<>loc~tc>d • SA Ill S1nl1' 11pt•n1 ng 111 August. Vandt•rrn ~ti he ha:. rctuJ·ncd .1bout $:.1.11110 to eust111m•1' a~ part llf a vt•rb;il guarantt•t• to t l•fund tht• $:!5 ft'(· to di,c;.1t1~f11-d dll'nts dftl'r on<' month La~t month tht· St.111• Bu11•<1u of Employmt·nt A~cm·1t·~ 11rd<·n'<.I the' l'ompany to stop ,1dvt•rt1~111~ spN 'I ftl' JOb u fft'rs found in nt•wspc:ip1·r!'. Vanth•rr:i ~.11d hl· t•l)mpl11'<1 Sund:1v L<1s t wc·t•k P.n Antrim. ""hu opt•r:Jtc•d AAA Ht·.1lty at th<' sanw l11':atmn. dt•flt(•d n•porL' that hC' WA~ h•a!>mg the proix•rt y ur h ad any c·onnect1on lo llel p Warllt•d Pubh('allon Ht•lp Wunt C'd Publ1l·a t111n's n ew nddrl'SS is 21 :rn Oaamll•r StrN·t. Sonia Ana • ID absentia Couple on irial Ci vil Bu i t l1roug ht by f o rn1er bu i11 e By STEVE TRIPOLI ot ,,.. Oelly Piiot lteff A dvll s uit aga inst lot·al restaurateur Irwin Maiman and his w ife, f'rancml'. 1s proc'et'dlng in Orang<' County S upt"rior Court d espite the abscm 'l' of t h l' Mllman s and any atto rneys to argue th<'lr sid e of the cnse. Th unusual c1rcumatanc8 al'Ol!le b«'aUIC' o r the dlsappca.ranoo of the M ilman & fro m Ortngc Coun ty l a t e la st m C1 nth . appQrc ntly w ith ab<lut SI m llll?fl In l'Ontc."Sl<.'d •~·I.Ii. Judf'l' J9mrt1 J udi(<' n11rc«J to htor •u1t fil<'d b y a former ' bustnt'i'IS µ<Jrtner of the Malmans despttl' th<.• d1sappt>ararH·e. hoW<'V<'r FormC'r partnl'r Irving M a rte nson claims h <> was lllcgolly induced Into llignmg over his interest in tht• Lakeside Res tauront near J ohn Woyn<.· A irport by M i llman, w h o r<>ccntly sold it for about $3 mil hon Two !At t orneys for the MartenlQ.0 questio n ed their client and hi~ wife bl'foN' Judg.- Tuetday. On.-of thrm. Richard McMiilan. 'said during l• brcuk In the \rial that hawyl•r3 would prC8<'nt onl~ the MArlensonif ldt• ( o f thl• C'n.s<.' before Judgt' n•ndt•rs ti dt'<.'lsaon m th<' mattc•r Tht• Mllmnns. who rC'portcdly leh tht• urc1o1 St'pt :rn. would h avr to rt•lln'n nnd hir<> a n~w attorn1 •y If \hey wi"h to prt'S<.'nt u defoMI.' In the eas•'. Mc·Milla11 said The· Milmuns· fc>rml•r ottorncy wrui rC'movNI from the ('JIK' last week after he t o ld Supf'r lor Court Judge Phillip PNty thOt ht' 1.'0uld not dt>fond the Mllmanit In \heir l•bacn<.'t', a nd that the Mllmt1n4' owt-d his law rt.rm abou t S!\O.<IOO an legol fl't"I. d plt•:1dt•d Hllllty Ill llll' g11"11\ I I lllll ,111d l,1\t'I I li,111g1·d 111, f1l1 ·,1 111 11111 guilt\. Ii\ ll'."•111 111 111,.11111\ II 1 IA '" "· 11 t t 11 ,1 1111 11 I ,rl 111,t1tul11111 .ot W,11111 "\p1111g, f\l1111t ,111.1 \.\ lw11 ht "'·" .allo g1·d 111 h.1v1· w.rlk1 •d 1111 tlll' ~:111111111-. 111 (k111l11'1', l!17i. ( '1•ft.1111 ,,11d Sd111•1ll1·1 wl111 g1 """ up 111 M1h·!'. C1tv, w.1~ 11•1111·111l11·11·d 1,, . th1· l lrn·t ·.,f µoltl'I' .1:-. "1101 dl'1 11111· 1• XI I I' 1111· I \o I 11l1• JI 1 ~I II I ,111 ' .11 t •1111pl1 ~h1 •d ll ll"I' 1.111 .111d dt ,\.11111· 11111111 ·1 11. \\ ·" .11l11pl1·cl h't MI .111d 1\11 , 1-:.1 ~ h1 c·1l11•1 who liv1· 1111 I h1• llll1'k 11 1' ol l/11• -.111,alJ M111it.111.1 town. thl· d11d .... m.l 1111111 111 ht'> .Hl1'1'1 f111 tlat• 111111d1·1 cit 1h1· 1·.ib d11v1·r So h11 d11 •1 ' 111dy lllhf'I I Lill Ill "'Illa tlll' lt1W W;J!o. a ft•lo11y lltt'l l d1.11 ~·· 111 C.:ottJgt· GroVl', ()1 l . 111 I' 17to Irvine De Lorean workers puzzled on firm's future By GLEN!'; SCOTT 01 Ille Delly Piiot Stefl En1pl11\1·1·:. .11 tht· IJ1· 1.111 1•.111 Motor Co 1·Xl'l'Ullvc· 111 f1(·1·" tn lrv11w n •portt·d lt1 Wtll k tod,1y but tlw futurl' ul thl·tt 111111p:1ny "l'l'Ol!'d lllll'l'l·t~lll .dlt•I thl·V \\('rt' 11x·kl'<I Y. tth tWIJ 'l.trtling ,1 11 no u 11 c-l' n1" n I ' T u 1 •..,cl a y ,1l t1•rnoon Thl· British govl·rnnll'nt t 1r~l l!>~Ul·d :1 !o.tUll'lll<'lll thal II plans tu pl'rm;.11ic·ntly :-.hut down tlw f111am 1:illy tnJubll'tl :-.p111 h 1-<ir m:.mulal tunng pl<111l t·,t.1bl1,lwJ f11ur Yl'.H"> ago 1n Nurtht•rn I rt·l<1nd bv Gt nl'ral Motor:. 1·>.p<1tn.1tt· John Dt· Lon-.in Univ houri. lat1·1. FBI off 1('1als t'all1.·1.i' .i pr<":>S l'tmft·n·m·1· in Lo!> Angl·les lt• annuunt·t· th <1 t undt'l'<'OVt·r <1gl'n ts hnd ;a rrt·stt·d Dl· Lon:an <1t :1 JJ m .ii .i hotl'I m·ar Los Angl'lt•!. lntc·rnatwnal A 1 r p u r t T h t' ~ cl a 1 m <' d h t' appdrt•ntly had trll'd to fmam't· a $:!4 m1l11on C'o(.'atm· dl·nl to raise l'ap1tal tn n ·surn·t·t hi:. cJ~ ang bUSIOl'!o.' SupcrvLSOrs at tht• lrvtnt' ofltn· dedim•d comment this morning on the· 1mpltC'at1ons of thl· <·v1·nts a~ th1·v awattt"Cl wo rd from tlw1r l'h1l'f~ "in New York S.iad unl' workl'r. "Right nu"'. wr-dor\'t know :mv mnrr thaTI vuu do .. · L>t: Lun·an's plant nt·ar Rclfa~t had bt•1·n 111 n•c·t•1v1·rsh1p SHll'f' f'\·bruary w ith d<>bLo; (•st1matl'd at :SfHi m ti I ion. aC'C'ord ing t•> The A:--.rn·1.otl'CI Pn·s!> The· Bnll'>h gov1•rnmc•n1 1ntt1ally \'ll·wing I hl 1•nt1·rprt--<' a!> a poss1blP l>oon for lut.·:d Jiil>!>, h.id I nvc•Stl•cl 11llll'l' than $14:1 m1ll1on tn govt•rnnwnt gr;mt!> and loans But Dt• Lorl•an·~ st;.il nll'!>S st1•1•I. gull wang 'port:. tar M·llmg f111· $:!.1 ttOtl llf'Vl'f l'lllll'l'rl <•lltollgh 1>11\1" to makl' tht· hu,1n1•o;<, fJI 11 f1t.1hlc· ,11\rl lht· plc111I that Onl'l' 11.td 1 mploy1-d :umo work1·rs h.id lM·1·n gr.ulually l1)';lllg mww~ H1l'h<.1rd T BrN11ng. :-.pt'l'l.JI ,1gl·nt 111, l·hargt• of th1· F Bl's Los A 111 • .:i-h-:. oft 1n•. :,;11rl D<' Lon .. m had bl•t•n und1•r surv1·tll;1n1·c· 1• a r I ' 1 n 1 ls I 1,.1· mun th . undl'n·ovt•r 1n\'t>st1gat1on l<.,1dmg to h1' ,1rrc•st 'l\, 11 ulh1·r nwn arrt•,tt•d I.ill• Mond,I\ A I" 1 h;l\'l' bt.·1•n 1.·h.ug1•d Ill I Ill' I l>l'<llnC· l'<l,I' Willt.1111 !Vlurg.111 n1•t1 iek. FiO. nwrwr of an ,1\·1.it11111 ~t·rVl('f' Ill M11ji1\'1'. and S11 ·ph•·1\ L1·t· Arnngtnn. :1~. of S.111 D1q.~ll .in· !>U!'pt'\•lt."d or l~·mg 1h1· pl.m1wcl <1uppl1C'rs of almost .!:!II pound~ uf l'ot:ainl' th.it f'AI of facia h ,,ud De· Lo1 t·~-i n had .111.111g1 d 111 l1uv B11·t11ng 1mµla·d nu ring his :1111111um t'llll'nt m ,1 t•onft•rt·nl·t· th.11 11n1kn:uv1•r .1gc·nt'i h .1d 1nliltr.1tl•d th1• drug ring John Z. Dt• Lorean A uto m ak er ·capture d in cocaine bus t l:h Ll!'\OA DEUTSCH Aiaocleled Preaa Wtller LO~ ANGELES J o hn Z De Lnrt•.:in. un1•11mc• Gl•nt•rul Motors hov wond1•r who latl'r markl'tcd h1; own futunsttc st.amlt•ss stt>t•I sports c·;11 . Sl't up a $:.!4 mtllton 1~11·a11w cl1•;:il m a dt'SJX'r<.llt• bid to <;.;JVt• h1). h;mkrupt c·omp.mv. the FBI ""'~ D1 · Lon·•m. 57. spt•nt the· 111ght m pd .1fkr his arrl'!'..t TUPM.1<1y al an airport hotc•I with !'..('\'t•ral kilograms of cocaant•. Parkt•r Ct'nlt>r jail watc h commandt.·r Lt L<.ml'I.' Humt•ro s..11d today "Hts l'Omp:tn~· IS In Sl'V(.'rt' fmanc·1dl problems." H1t·h ;ird T Brt.•tzmg. spt.'Ctal ag<'nt an t·harge of tht• FBI Los Angl'll'S offll·e. told a nc•ws confercnn' .. And he ft•ar1·d thl• possibility of has 1·ompany being closed down by tht• govC'rnmt>nt which h a-d cxtl•ndc>d l~ms to him . 7'i "He• w;.is expressing mtel'l'St m £mam·mR some type or operation that would product'. quickly. larg<' -.urns of money m return for tht• investments." Th<' arrrsts of IX-Lor<>an And two othl'r m<'n taken mto c·ustody 'on Jylond av ended a f1vl'-month un~r-<.·ovt•r probe w hich tracked thl· auto executive across the 1See OE LORE AN. Pa1te A21 Californians aid fa01ily in Mexico T l';f'U/\NA. Mt•x1c·o (AP) Gabn<'l and Margarita Parra had n<'Xl to not hint( whc·n t h1•y ll•ft tht'lr onl'·room hnml• 1n thl· v1lla((t' ol Tarimoro on Jurw 2 Th<>y rock a bu::. for 'J.' ' doys und spi'IH mo<1t of th1• nc.'x t two 1nonth-. wt1lking northward, lo v1s1l thP11 -.on. tx•ang tr1•.1 t1oel tor 1.·on n ·1 111 an 01 ant(<' Count)' ho!1p1tal ()11 Thun.cl11v thl' Porras nnd thl'1r ll -yc•1ir-ol(i dnughll'r Silvia, wlll fly homt' to tht•ir vlllnl(c northW(tl'll of Mt-><i<.·o City . nnd obout SlH,000 will bf' w1utang for them an 11 lu<'nl hirnk W hNl Col1Corn 1rrns h l'ard about the• PurrQll' pilgrlmnH<' to vi5it l 7·vt•llf ulct Jt>s us at Chtldn•n's ll()spitol in Onin~1·, \hoy donittt-d $:!:J.51lti. l'nough lO puy ror tht• cc1uph•'s "'"Y sln<'V August find <'Ov1•r thc• pr1N' of thc.•1r planl' f are h ome>. with pll'nty lc•fl over for Parrn to buy a l·ar a nd start a tax i servtl'<' JC'Sus had left homP at the age or 15, hcuding \O Orange Coun ~ an Cahforn1u to look for work. Kc was s tricke n by ostcog enlc sarc·on\t1 s hortlv a fterward a nd ha~ h1!l left l"g ·amputau>d a yc•nr ago. Tht' Pnrrni:i rodl• u bus from tht•ir h oml' to I krmosallo. tht'n set out un foot. urravinf( a t th<' Tijuana lnll•rnat ional border cr~inl{ on Aug 3 Thc>v h. d arrive d w ithout proper· pnpNs. but offtc1ols at C'hulo Vista's Boy General H os p1tol 1nte r v t•n c d a nd nrrungt•d for th<' family to ht' rC'unltt-d with J esu s. Thl" tomlly hH bttn 11vln' In llll'I &pArtnicnt n~ar the hoepital !Un('(' Au~ust s Po lie comb NY • ID Tyl nol cas Uy Thl' A• ol'lah•d p,.,,., l>ohl't' 1111cl ~·01 1.1g1·11t' 1.111rwd 11ut thruuf(h N1·w \'11r". l11okini.t (~w u "~n 11111• 'li"IWl t" Ill 1111 { hlC'agu fyl1•1111l 11111nil'r' 11ft1•1 11 Y.a.' ll'.!lltc'\.I lh.11 lw .lll1I 111, "111· ''llYt'<l 11\ 11 M u 11h<1lt:m h 1111'1 uilltl l.1\A.• lus t wl·•·k . 11 w .1 .. 11 •por11·d tuduy Jum1-:; L 1.1•w11o. .111d 111:-. \~111., L1·an11 , ('l\1•1·k1•d 111111 th 1· "~lll'UNt' I l1>t1·l 1111 S,•pt '.!O, 111111· day:i bl1fon· th1· I 11:-t 1•1 M•v1•11 l'h1rngo u1 1•11 d1•nths frnm E >..11.1 .. n •ngth Tvlt•nol 1-;1µ:-ult·:-Cill1·d h 1·yun1d1., 1h1• t 'h1t.1g11 Sun nil':. n·1x>rtl'J 1t•d.1. I .1 \~" "·" 111 Nt" \'111 k It. ,.,111 111· b.111 n11 lo.1111\\ h·d~1 111 l.1"1, li.•111g Ill the• 111\ l\11 .111\\ l111t . ( ·11 ... 1,.:11', p 11l11 I' ''If" I llll1•1tdl'111 tlhlllllt•tl /I , ........ 111111 ', 1 lt.11.0111•111.1111111 111 I .1"1' "' ,1 1111 1111• ,u,111•1·1 .11111 1"'1111' llll t11•d 111 ot \ lllllf'llh'I 1111 h1·l1• Ill dt•lt ltllllllllj,t II l .1•\\I' \\'." d1·1'11 tt·d 111 ,, dn1H ... 1rn •· s1>t·11111:-- Mi • 1ng Hobie located th JOUI l'Al>fo:NllEAU Of Ille O•llr PllOI 11•11 Tl\I' tltVl-ll'I \' '" lltt ll 11 h11 1;11.1111.11 .111 llt .11 tl1 -..qqw;111·d 1111111111•' h1·f1111· ti "'" 111 IH· :1111·1111111·d al .1 i\.ola d1.1111y t·vl'nl 111 N1•wpo11 H••;wlt Su111l11v h;1.-. l11·1·1l .. rolv1·d l1ill;1\.\ 111~ '111111· -.l1•UlhlllJ.( ,111.t <I r1 ·W I otll•lc· ...... ly 11 "'l·d Sh.1kc.,.p1·ar '"'" 11111•!\ 'ftw Ch11'Jl-(11 T11hu1w .... 11t1 Sl'Orl~ or N1•\\' \'111 k C'11v pohH· and FBI Jg1·nt :. Cal\tll'd 11u1 jtW-o ugh Nt•w York ltH1km~ l11r pl111111•:1.1J1h th.it .ib11 '""\\l'd ·' 'I') l1•111d v11 t1111 hll \'lllg lit•· 1•111-.1111 l.11"d 1111·.111.1111111 111 .1dtl1llt1ll, fHlhl'I 111 "Hllh\\ 1·,lt0 l It l\l 1-..,•n111 , \\h1·11• l.1•\\t1' g11•w up, ,,1111 11 \\,4' h1·111g lltt•t11tll•d llt,11 lw 111.1\ h.l\'t' hl.11111·d T vh·11111'., "'·•k1•1 f111 tlw 1!17 I d1·.11h 111 h t" \ 1HlllJ.: d.111ght1•1 L1''""· d1.11 g1 d 111 .1 $1 11111111111 1·>..1111111•11 i.d11•1111• h1tkl'd t11 th•· l)\\11d1·t" 1111\\1°1·11 S 1·pl :.!!I .11111 ( >..1 I a... \\,111i.-.t r.11 qth''l111111 11g 111 th1• -.I.I\ 111g" 11t .. rn-..•lv 1·'· .... 11.i 111111111 ... /\11111111 v l ;1°1ll'r.1l 'I \ 111111' r'.1li1w1 . "ho li1-.11I, .1 1."k loru "' ll\\1· ... 11g.1llll''> Dellr Piiot Slall Photo Joh tan\ ( :ar~o n take·~ tlt·livt•q of hi,. l>c· l.ot't•u n -.porh •·ar i11 .Ju1H'. I ''HI .· in In inc.•. Tlw auto eompa11 ~ · ... foumlc·r ha.., hc·1·11 urrc·~lt•cl 111 "It "'" ,, C1ll111·dv 111 1·1111r,," .... 11d Br lH 1• I l;11c·11 · M111 It .1d11 .tl11.u1 11 ut lt111 u .. lt1· .1dcl1•c.J , p11l1111~ "" t•J11).ll11• •HJ! 111 Ill'> 1 lll'c·k '""~ 1·1111uglt 10 1•>.pl..i1ri "It.ti h.1µp1·111·d ~ l't1Upl1• 1111 Tu1·,,.l.1v a :;2 I "'i II ion c·rn·u i m · c·a!'lt'. Tht .. ,111111\. t"1 "" (. 't 1111·1 I I "lt1t It l l.1/1 II I ... d11 I I 1111 . '-' '' li11ld1 11 g ll .... 11111 u.tl ,1U!'ll1lll llo w"'v t•1 . N1·\~ Yurk l'llv 'l>dlil'\.' Sgt Ed Bt111 h --.11d 1t1do1 \ tht· ix1h1·t• d 1•p .1rt11w111 \\ <1" 11111 lhl' SOUl'l't• lt11 1111' 11'111111:-. th.ii DE LOREAN HELD ON (:OCAINE CHARGE Su111l." 011 1111 '""'' 111 .11 th,. Jtdlio.1 P.1vil111n T h•· ,,,tll11J<1I d1111J1t•d Ii\ I l11h11· N1·\\ pCll l "·" \ l)ll!>ldt •Jl .J I Ill' 1111 •11111 •1 JJI I/I" ._Win overwhelms n.111tm. :-..11d Hrt'tz111g ;,i1n·r.t11 ... ,., v11 1· c11111pa n y 111 M 11J;I\'{ ;111d S t1•ph1·11 1.1·1 H11·111ng all<·g1·d 1>1· L orc·,1n Arrmgi1111. :H. iii S.111 l>ii•go, t:tflll' to f.os J\11g1•l1•' lo buy :!:.!O d l ·M·rtlll'd .ii. ,111 a:-siit•i .itt· oil .11 t .11grll'd latt· Tut•:-.<fay 1,.,. U ~ l\lo.1g1,trJll' J:..i1111·.., P~·nn1 · w h o ...i·l $:!ti n11lliun l>:.itl for I l1·trwk .md $.>011,0011 for Ar ring I• 111 ( '011c t•rnt·d about th• d1·l1v1 •1 v Ill lhl• 1·.11.1111.11.111. t f,111·11 l.Jlll"'lj llolm Su11dav ,1ml w.1., told 1111 1·1.t11 w11uld be· th..r1· h \ du:-.k Wh£'n lhl• ltgh~ and b1.•ll:-. \\'l'lll Th1.• ;{11.v1·:1 r o ld \\'l111i;11 1 ,.,,11d P111111tb 0 1 1'1K"i•llll' ft1r d i ... trtliutum lh·llw k T lw 1hn·1· w1·11· ;11 1·11"·.t 111 S11u1lwr11 l'aldo r111a at a i.ln·l't I off on lhl• L <1s Yt•gas ''"' :-lw \\,rs 111 1lw ltute·I l-11ling t11111 uf eo11 ... p1nn g tod1 ... 1n 1111t·t11C"a1111 · m al·h1nl• Tu1.•stlav. l'11:-1a M1·,,1 111•11111 · l1<1,1rd1ng ,1 pl.1111• .111d It.id fUWt · 111 $:! 1 uulliun and po..,..,1.,..,11111 111 1·01·.11111 • with 111 · t l"I(' k .... .ti lllflll' y. s l!·pl It'll \.\ tls.111 , l'1trnpla11w<l that llw b;11I ,~ .. ~ "unn1•n·i.sa rll y hrg lt . 11111:-.1d1·nng 1h<1I Mr I let rtl'k h as 1111 "' llH" rt't'tlld .. Su11• 1•1111ugh , a 'JJ.irk lmg n1•\.\ 1111;1\ W,1.., WHlllrtg 111 lht· '>IJ.t( t• th.ii h .id l>c ·t ·n n·:-.<·rv1·d rw111 th1· Furr Z11111· w lw11 I laz1·11 .111d lhi· .1Ut'lllHll'l'I l'hl'<."kt·d res ide nt K a rt•n Stt·wurt llgun•d 111·1·11 l1·1•d111g d 11ll.11 ' 1111 11 tho Utht·r' involvi·d 111 th<· l'<\M' 111l1·nt 111 d1..,1rll•t1t1· s h e'dhil<1$100y1t:kpo1 111ad11111· lur 11·':-. lh.111 l1v1· wi•n • .irn •..,lt•d M ond;oy night l1 1·tr1t•k w.1.; .1111·,l o·d 111 She w:.is wrong 1h1• j:tl"k por' 111111lllt'' Br\'ltllig .,,11.r ag1.·nls St'llc·d till I lollvwo11d .011d Arr 1111411111 w:" 'was $267 .000 Tlw 1·1111pl1·. "" 111·1' 111 .1 l;11111h P•>U nd ... 111 i·oc.·uini· wnh a ... in•t•t p 11.· k 1· d up 111· :i 1 Va 11 N 11 v :-. · 1 lt·"s bi•1•11 111 V 1.·11lura Counl v Stewart, in La:-. V1•g.1 ... w11h lt1·1 plu111l1111g l1lh1111·:-... ,,t1d lite \ v.tllH· o l $Ii ri nullum A11·p11rt. B1 1•11111g ,,11d ·1111• 1111·11 . ,...,,, liu:-.1111·:-..,1r1Jn for 17 v1.•;.1rs L111d Hut u11k11wn lo I (;171 11 .111d th1 IHll g w -... 1 ... Y.:1s th.i t 11 w..1"1·1 1tw 11ght boat A wmdlt·!\.., 111ght kt·pl tlw 1 t'Otl .1U1·t11111 l>c><JI ;.ind ll:> lTt•\\ ..,l<ilh-tl .1 dr:-t.1111<· """'\ at IH1h '. '1usband for a 4u1<·k 111w d,1y h.1\'1· 11111 h.1d .. 1111ugh 111111· It> tf ("OllVH"ll'll. l.1l 1' 111.1i.1111u111 1 .. 1 1.·1.·o~n1zt·d ;1;, un~· l)r lh1· ''vacation. hne>d up f1v<' is llll ,1 11111\ 1•1 I 111m tht· ,11111 k "' Ch.11·w ·d w 11h I~· l.111·1•a11 w1·n· st·n1t·rn·1•" of 1.1 \1-.11 , 111 p11"111 11.1111111·, li·at.ling 1·x p1·11s 1111 :','pfogr css1ve $1 m:tdlln1• al th1· ''11111111g "' 111ueh m11m \ l11111ak1• \\'ill1.11n M organ l!l'tnl'k, :io ~.nd a S:!:J.000 l111t· ,11r11111· 1111"t·hanies .. Wil:-011 •,;11d111 1 .. Nohel award Strt·1·t ' 'MGM Grand llu tl•I 'lll'tlll111g pl.Ill, ,,,,·111·1 •>I l\l11rg.1n Av1.1t1011, an llt•l nl'k .111d J\11111g11111 \\'1·11· llt•lriL·k ·';...• --------------------------------------=============== ., .. , ::"to Chicago 11 ·~·profess or l h l' .., t'°C 0 n d a NobPI prize Pelicans to have surgery on beaks By JOEL C. DON 01 Ille D•tly Piiot Sl•ll t\ ll'o tln 11£ Vl'lf'rtllJl'lilllS Wiii 11\ 1h1., w 1·t·k1·nd to mold .1rt1I H1.1l uppt·r bl!Mk S and ,urg1eally <1ll:ll h th<· pro:.lhl·t1e d1•v1t·t·' to a group of mult1lal<'d brown p1•l1 e;111..,, mT't>rd111g lo a L:1guna N1gu1·I .in1n1al du<:tor (;0.1\I•· H o l11·n:-. of l'ruwn V.tll1·\• 1\n11nal ll11sp1t.d :-..11d .i tollt·:q.(lll' agr L•t ·d tu lr<·a1 lht· l>11 u ~ ;.11 t1 ·r t•xum11lt11g t h1·m Tut•,day F11un1<1111 V Jllt·v v1•t1•rtn<1ri<111 R 11IJl'rt Hook~ v;1lunlt·t·rl'd ICJ lwlp th1• inJun•d 1x·h l"ans a fter lw.111ng :.ibou t lhl' muu lauon~ d1'><.·11v<•r1'Cl in Dana Point Harho1 I.1st '-'<'<•k In ;,idd1t1on. two Los .\ n g 1 I<·' v t· l t· r 1 n Jr 1 ans ... p1·11.1l111ng 1n non -dumt•,111 ttn11 m1t ... told ti v~t-nn1tr~ dt:<tHtl<t hJ\"1• ol £1·rt·d tu donall· lhe1r ~I' I \' ll" 1'" (I) r I h l ' 'll r ~I( .ti pr11u ·dun· F oll11\\. rng Ill'"' :-.papt·r ci nd 11 lt·Vi-.1u 11 ~HTOUn l s o f the· mu11Jat1on:-. Dr Hob••rt~ ~•d th<' .m 1mal hospital rt'<"l'tVt'Cl St'Vf'ral u11ls I rom ix·oplc· who wish<'Cl lo • Senti mom·v t11 l11·lp lt·1·d .md 1.111 (or t h 1• b11:d , \\"1 thtlll1 ,111 llJIJ>l'I IX'..ik. llH' pt•ftt ollh :tit lt11.1hl1· tu f<'<•d 011 lht•fl 11111111.tl d11 I o l li\'1• fish , O£f1e1al' \\ 11h th1· St.1l1· F1,h a nd l;anw Dt·p.i1 t11w111 l>1·l11 ·\'1 <1 11gry f 1slwrml'n a n · 11·,111111 ... 11>11 for thl' n1u11lat11m.., Tht•\ ,,1\ ll11 pt·h1 ;ens ~••·;ti ,111d111vy liall I 111111 boats Jnd w1ll l·\'1•n i.n.tll h I 1,11 ·•' 1h1 v ;er<· rc•t•lt'<I 111 lw lti.ht·rnH·n 'fhrt•t• o l th1• 1•,l1m.11<·d d111.t·11 or "> pt•l1t·an ... that had th1•1r uppt·r tx·ak' 1·hopix·d •If ..,,1w1·d off w<•rl· t~1k1·n h\ ... 1,111· 111 fw1al' lo tht' C r own \';rlh ·' hm.p1tal Th<' 0£f1t·mls an· 1n1ng 1111aµtu11• tlw olhl·r lnJUrt•d 1>11 d ... lwt1111· tht•\ dtl· ul sWrv<.1t1on .,,11d F 1i.h ,,nJ G<tnll' 'Jwk1•sni.1n J>.1111l k J\ loon· I l o\\ 1 \"l"I . 1h.11 .Job r t•11r.111h d1f£1l ult lw< ,1u" 11111:.l o4 lhl' mulllah'<i lllnl,., .1pµ.in·ntly h.1v1· rtown a\\,1\ Imm th1· l>Jn<1 P oint art·<1 . he ...a·1d Fair and warmer Thl· v<·tl·nn,1n;tn!> I 1r ... t plan tu makt· a n uppt·r -lx•il k <·as1 from a b1nJ that da-<l m Nl'"''IXll l &·uc·h of l"3USt's unn·latt•d to the· mult)Jllon.., Tlw mold will bt• U ;, (' d l 11 l' il '> t b (' :1 k !> ll U l II ( filx•rgl;1s..s ""Tht• b t•ak.., will h.1v1· to b1· 1·u s t11m·m11ld1•d IJC't. atl''<' of th1· d1l!t·ri·nt l<-11gthi. ;ind ~hapl'' m·1.'<:lt·d ." Hob< .. rh ~1d Consla/ Outer walars POlnl Conceotoon to San Nicolas llland nor1r.-s1 ...inda 10 10 Ill kno11 and 3 to 5 191>1 -Soutll or San NIColas rtTind. norttlwesl winds 7 10 12 ots w11r. 2 10 4 loot seas wr.ara fight vartable winds 1 througll night ••c:e p1 ••at 10 1 outhwas1 II to 16 ~no1a an .. noon and evenong Sour 11 to I thwa1t 1well 2 10 4 leet 1-~f.M<>Stly fair lhrough nighL Snow exten d ed l 1om JOUtllwestern Minne sota acroH eoutr-n Horii'\ Dakota. eurern Sout"h Oako ra and c entral Nebraska on Tuesday . end Denver got Ila llrsr meaaurabltt snowfall ot the wason Travelers 11dv11or1a1 w11rt1 luued lor HSI centrttl and aoulll central Soutll Oakol& and north c:antral and nort llae11ern Nat>rhlta Freeze warning• ware issued tor oior1hwHtetn Oklahoma and IOf lhe 11a1e·1 Panhandle Rain and lhundar1howa11 extended lrom rhe toulhaMlarn two-thirds ol Mlnnaaota across ITMICtl of Iowa, eas1ern Mtsaour1 norlheallarn Kansas and lrom northern llllnOIS lnlO Lower Mietllgaro A ....,.,. lhunde1110<m watch wu lu uad lor parta ol Iowa w1aeonlln a nd northwestern llllnOlt For today, 1hower1 1 nd tllundertllowe~• were lore<:Ht lfom the Greet ukM Into -•· central Hew England, the central Att.11c: Coatt and Inland partl of IN ... tern Gull Ital" Wklely ~ .,_.. -• loreeaat alonq Ill• wutern Gulf Coaat Wldely Kallered ahow8re -• l0teeaet In the northern third ol Ille PIClflc Coul .• mod 80s ::.ouine'" oesen r11gt1s 85 10 95 EllSI 10 northeast Win<!~ rn lowe r Cotorsoo A,v•r Valley allerrioon ano ""en•ng NO•Hlern ano Cenrral Cehl0<n1a .. ,11 De c1ea""9 ,.,,,, varoa1>1e '"O" Cloud' lto m Ill~ southwest Cnance ol rain '" nottnwe'1 Mostly lair and warm '" central srate Te111pera I 11 r es NATION HI Lo Pep Alban~ 68 32 Albuqueri.iv,. 69 •• Amarolto 65 •6 AnchOraoe 42 31 16 Ashe111ile 65 30 Alie"' a 7 I 46 A111ntc Coy 61 48 Aull on 87 68 Bat11m0te 68 4' 81tling1 •6 l3 02 Birmingham 76 53 Btamarc~ 39 35 8oiM 59 29 Botton 68 41 B<ownsvlll! 90 67 Bullalo 70 ~ Burllngton 64 35 Caspe< 40 20 23 Chtrl1tn. SC 75 56 Charlsln. WV ,, 46 Charllle NC 71 42 Cheyenne 36 19 21 Cl'locaoo 59 47 09 C1ncinn1t1 14 49 Cleveland 71 47 Columl)Oa SC 77 54 Columbus 70 H Oas.Ft Wit'\ 86 66 0ey1on 69 45 Denver 42 27 17 0.. M Otne$ 63 52 03 OetrOtt 70 ... Oulutll 41 35 06 El Paso 84 48 Fa111>anl11 38 33 49 Fatgo 37 34 Flagstall 59 27 Great FaHs 46 22 02 Heriford 70 31 Helena 48 22 02 Honolulu 117 611 Hou a Ion 83 71 lndnaplla 87 48 Jacktn. MS llO SS Jael(an1111e 79 60 01 Juneau 46 4 I t• Kens Cl~ 70 41 Ot Kno•vtlle 70 38 The Forecast For 8 p.m. EDT Rion lCJ Snow(E} uveoas -•Ille Rock Lou111111te lubl>OCk Mempt11s M1am1 Milwaukeiot Mpla-S1 Pau• N11srw1tte New Orleans New York NorlQlk No Plellt Okte C11y Omaha Orlando Ph1l11dpl'\1a Prioen1- P1t11burgh flland Ma _.\land. Ore Providence Raltllgh Rap.d City Reno RIChmonct Sall Lake San Anlon•o Sealllfo Sllrevepo<I SIOU• F&llt St lovtl SI P·Tampa SI Ste Maile Sportane SyflCUH Topeka Tucson Tula& 69 57 80 5• 72 •7 80 54 79 58 80 77 57 !>() 8!> so 43 82 75 50 82 55 67 •& 11 4S 4:1 33 16 78 S4 43 4' 28 81 63 87 39 9t Ill 10 37 ·111 30 113 ~ 116 37 76 42 35 3' 04 53 34 72 45 !>O 211 114 67 5g 3g 82 58 40 32 II I 7!. 511 84 6!1 60 48 O• 34 27 70 38 73 ... 116 40 111 5• Showers l/llllll FlumesE:!) wasringrn W1ClltlA . 70. 49 68 ., PAN AMERICAN 'l.c;epulCO Bermuda Curacno J'teeporf Oued1l11ar11 Guadeloupe K•noston Ma11llan Mend I Me•ICO Clly Mon1arrey Nassau San Ju:>n T aguc.gatpa Trontdld VtraGtUl CANADA Cetgary Edmonron Monlreal 011 .... A9Q•n• T0<on10 Extended forecast 90 79 9 1 84 81 86 90 81 88 77 88 114 90 Ill 90 118 42 33 85 85 J t 67 77 73 80 66 55 73 77 75 61 48 6t 73 76 llolf 75 72 IS 8 37 4 I 29 44 ~ ....... ·?irn ..... -~u ...... R_f R_IP_DR_T Friday·Sundey Some ntoh1 ll'lrOUOll early m0tntng ,_ c;loud• or log naa• 11'\e coasl Otlle<wlH ''" H1g111 <811QlnQ from neat 70 111 lllt l>eac;hea lo the upper 801 In 1nl1nd vlllleyt Lowa mostly In 1111 50• 1nd lowe1 801 Mounlatn 1110111 mo1lly In lllf 701. lows ltom r1·vi Smog Where 10 cell (toll rreet tor la1eet 8f1100 lnlOfmatlon: ..... .... , i 3 ..... Dtf SW llW • WSW On1noe Couniy (I00) 44$4•2' Loa. AngelH County 1100) 2•2·4012 Ahr9tt!Ot 8114 ~ e.nerctlno oountlM llOOI M7 ... 710 AOMD lpilOde Center. tlOOI 242 ...... Thl· art1f1u<tl lwak ... \\ tll Ut' s u r g 11 a I I )' .ti t.1 t'h1 · d 111 I h <' pd11-.1ni-''1th .1 ..,p1·1·1.tl d 1•11tal bonding 111.111·11.d .ind nu t.d platl':-. and ~ r 1·\\ '· ~h1· \·xpl.111wd Tlw arnm.d d11c. 101-... will kno\\ If I ht.• pro:-. I ht•l ll 'UI gt'r)' , ... :.Ul'l.'l'S.sful t/Ol'l t h1•) uhwrvP tlw pd1can!> f1 "'l<Cl111g in t lw wild. sh" add Ni Limited To Supply On Hend OellJ PMot Photo br Charle• Sl•rr \ e lt·rinarian Gayll' Robe rt!-> examint•s a rw li <"an with mutilated beak. It's one· of !'-4'\f'ral to lw fittt•d w ith proJoithc·li<' tlt•,·it't••., 25% OFF SALE 2 DAYS ONLY Saturday & Sunday, Oct. 23rd & 24th Includes all: • OPEN STOCK • OAK BLOCKS • BLOCK AND KNIFE SETS KNIFE SHARPENING CLINIC Sat., Oct. 23rd 11 a.m.-3 p.m. At Coron• d•I Mer & WHlcllff tlorH Sun., Oct. 24th 11 a.m.-3 p.m. At Herbof View & An1helm Hiiia aforH Thrff Knl-• Per Customer Shorpen.d FIH . . . Additional Knivn 69' loch. more than you expect In a hardware store ••••• HARDWARE EJ VISA" ....._ 17tfl St. et!Mne, ~ INct\, '41·'133 ...,_ V ... Sen MlgWI Dr. e1 Sen Jeoqu1n, ~ IMctl, t44 ... 570 c... .., Mer 3101 e Coe.at Hwy • 113-2800 A......,, ... Senta Ane CMyon Rd., •I lfnJ*lel Hwy., 991-52112 STATE Narc<) lie office r • • r e ap mar11uana crop 8) 'fbt• A ~oclatt>d l 'rc.-11111 H1111 .. t'uunt\ ,h1·1111 ·, dt•pu 11•'' h.I\ 1 1 .11dt·d ti I mu11ju.t11.1 w11 d1·11, ... 11w1• ,July ,1nd M'lll'd l\t'IJI I\ ~ ltl llHIJIOll w II f'l h 0 I l h t . d I'll g . 'J v ... Slwnl f's S~t H11n ( 'h,1plr11 llulf of th(· r111d' w1·n· f111urw1•d by u $10.llOU gia111 from th,· US 1''1111·:0.I S1·rVll'\', Ch.1pl111 ~11d Ill u11 11111·rv11·\\ TUL'Sd;,iy 111• :o.<.&ld lhl' l.11'~1 · ... t rmd lll'lll'll :i,0011 pl.11\ls l\t'.11 Purad1s•• M1 .. 1nwhrh•, istt1h· 111111·11111.,. ul I 11 "r' 'tu\' tlwv'n · trv111.: 111 d1i.1 upt lht• lll\l\Ual h.1rvt•'tt ol 11 ll Ill h II I d l (' 41 u II I ' • ' fllUll11111lltw1 dolh11 lllJI IJll.lfW lfUJI Jt•11 v S1111lh, 111 •1111 111 llW 1-tull' .'1u~111•1• Dt·1u11•111w111 ':o. H II I l' •I u II r N ll r l ' IJ t I t' s E11l11n t'llll'll t. s111u Tucsdn y thJt 11111:. of po t haVL' bt.•t.•n t1mr1~.111•.d 1n lhl· 11pt•ra111111 hy ,t.1ll'. lot·al ,1nd frdl'l .al 11ff II 'I 'I ' Illegal alie 11 ,.aids OK'd SAN FHANCISCO Tht US l mm1gr.i11on .Jnd Natural1zi:lt111n S1•rv1n· 1·,111 n•sume sonw of its .101> SWl•t•p:i for tllL•gal alit•n:.. lhl· !Hh U S Circ·uit Court of AIJµ<'uls :-kl)'::. Oil • 1te • auct1on big • t1nJe i'J\HACllll'J'io: < '11111 tt\l'I fo: ll to( l' I h Uy t' I S 'II •IJI 111' d Up 1·\l\.·1 ylhlllg f1t1111 pupt.·11111 pop~>t·1·s lu hulld111t•r1> durn1..i till' (11111 Joy 111 w hal nnlld lw lh1· 1111111111'/i 1,11·1-11·1'1 ~ar·ai.w ~ah· llw au1·111111 111 1·qu1pnwn1 1111111 ~:><xw1 USA's ill la11•d 'lwll· rnl pruj\"t l E>.xo11 oftll'rab suuf tlwv n11Nt.-<.I rnon• than $3.2 n11ll1tHI M11111J.1y and 1·>-pt'<'lt'CI thl· totul 111 1n1>Ulll lll' f urt· t hl' su 11• t•tult·d t11d ..i v Tht•y satd murl• 1ha11 1.(lllll huyt·r'l> turnL·<l out. Uµ for Si:llt-was t'l.jlllf)lllt'lll from thL• abu11dont·u C:olonv Shult• Oil Pro.Jl'<'l not u1s1r1but1•d lu o tht>r Exxon fuc·1l1t ll':ot Clothing a11d k1Ll'h1·11 ap1,h11m't-:. w t• I' l' I n d u tl l' d . a I u 11 g w I I h s 11 o w m o b 1 I l' s u n ti g 1 a n l t•xt·avawrs. Th1:rt· Wert• also µ1ckup tf'U('ks and 1.iulldozl•rs, bust•s, mops. mounds of tin• l'hatn:o., wall'r JUg:o., ,at:kl'ls and hardhat!>. llundr·t·cl~ of lm )t'r~ ~atlwr ul Exxon's sha le c')il project in Parac:hutc·. (:olo .• fo r a thrN·-tlay sa le liquida ti ng much o f the· c•c111ipnH'nl fro m ruhlwr lw ml!-i lO h u lldozt:'t'i,, T lw (:ourl rult•d Tul:sd.1v lhal lht• INS 1·111ild raid private• busfnt'SSl'~ 11thl•r lha11 lho~l' that brout-tht ,1 t'I\ ii n~hts s u11 t•arht•r th11-~('JI 'l'h•· 'u11. brnu.:ht by tht· :.! .tlllO 11w111ht'I' In lt•rna lluna I l\luldt·1~· und All1t•d Workt'rs' Lot·.11 Union l~i-1 ;md growers N(•v 1· Rl)s t·:. u nd Pt•url M1 •adow:. Mushroom ~'arm m 1'1•1.du111a; allPgl'd lhl' INS 1.i1d1•d µlat'l'S 1•mploy1ng workt·r:. 111 Mt>Xll'::tn origin. 11·.:anllt·s:. 11( '' ht•lht•r tht• , mplu:-t't'S wen· 11•gal .alums Cos t of living tops poll DC voters weigh statehood plan !:->AN FHANl.'ISCO l\111:...1 C.1lifurnia v11ll·r' put tlw 111:-t ot h\·mg atup lh1·11 li..t "' t•onn·rns. tht• C.il1h1rn1,1 1'1111 l"l'fXJf'h'(I tod,1~ The t·oo;t 11 1 ll\'lll,t..:. 111 111 oth11r worct.... 11111.111.111. '' ·" \'Oll'd mu~\ lfllflOI l.1111 Ii\ i H ix·n·t·nt u l the:''' qllt'!-l111n1·d 'l'ht 1w>-t pn11rtlh'' "t'l t' 11 lllll' ,111d b\\ t•fllllll'l'llll'fll. 7tl fH'fl'l'll t. u llt'lll pluymt•n t .ind J11h:.. iti 1wn·c·n1. taxi·:. .ilhl gu\'t'l lllllt'lll !>fK'tldtng. 7ti pt•rt t•nt. "IUpply of l'fll'C'~:V· 7 1 p1•n t•nt .111d suc1al '1·1·urrtv .ind "·r\'11·1·:-for -.1·11111r:.... liH 114 ·11 ''ll l S tan1p old fo,. $85,000 LOS ANCELES 1\ :-m.oll WASllJ Nl;Tt>N <AP) I t I J1:0.tr11·1 uf C11lumb1.1 n·,1d1·111~ approve> a propos.11 011 ~h'<:l1on l>,1~ ,1ll1ll 0 d JI l'lt'.lllllg lht 11.1l1011's 51:,t sl<Jlt'. lht·Y would g1•1 mon• th;.in '' 1ww .iddn·ss tlw~"d hl· t•nd11rs1ng .1 plan l•i gu.1rnntt'l' l'Vt·r·:-• t·11111•n a .101J Wht•n a t·o11v1·11111111 o l -l f1 1•lt'<·1t·d clt·l1·g;1ll'' 1 ..... 1 'Pl 111g drl'\\ up .1 prupost'<I t11n:-11tu1111n th<11 "11uld bt· tht· b<1:-.l"I 1()1' .,wtt·hood. a µproval b~· thl• \'t1ll •1s on N11v :! w,1s 1·xp1't:1t·d to ht· ,, 1·11wh Rut tht· proposal's 1 • .111• 1::. now 111 doub1 bc.'C.·aust• ol c·onlrovt·r~y 11v1•1 k1·v pro\ 1:-.11111s. wh1d1 wuuhl l'tJ"ll 11·,1th·nts S77 Ii mlll11111 .1 Yt'dl. at't'l11'c.l111g to Jl1 '"t11na1t• Ii\ tht· <.;n·.itl·r Wa~h1ngt•111Board11t T rad1-. lht· largc•'t hu ... 111•·'' gr11u1. 111 tlw nation's t';1p11;d Tht· 11\llSI l'X IJl'llSlVt· Pl't>Vl:O.llJll 111 th•· IH,01111~\\IJrd d1;; unu·nt to l t l'alt• th1· -.1.111 · o l "N1·w l'11lu111b1.1 " would '"' th1 g11.1r,111tl01· ul ,, y1h 111 .1d1 ·11u.111 1nt111111 lo <111 n ·,1dt 11h .it .. 1 t '"I ol ;S!i I nul1111n tl11 bo.11d ..... 111 Thi· It! art1tl1 11111,11111111111 wou Id 11111 n-s1•111hlt · 111:1 n v 11th1 •r Sl<1l1· l'lln:O.lllUllllfl.,, JI would j.(IVt• Am c·nl'an p11::.tagl' : ... 1a111p l'arry1ng lht· uµ ... 1dt• d11" 11 p1('\Un: o l a V.'111 Id V\'ar I ,., ,, a1rplanl' \\a:. ,1u1·111111l'd '"' $85.000 Tul·~l,I\ "J1 ·n11~" 1n v1•f'l1·d Ttw 'tamp ... w1·n· 1 .. su l'd 111 t·1m11111·11111ra11• tlw I 1rst .111 1h·ll\·1·n · 111 mail 111 IHIH 1 .. 1 ... 1 '''<•r .• 1n '"" '"· ont· ol ;i kind ... wmp f1 om ·Bn11sh Atari fights back Thl' 24·t't•nt <.11rm<11l ,t,1111p I S 11nt• of U 'ht•t•l 111 l 1111 inad\'l'rll'ntl:-• p1111t1·d with the· Curtis.' J -N411 ;11rl'r;it1 l'Ummonly known a s th1· c.;u1<111J 'old in Nt·\\ York for ,, n •turd SYH5 IJOO Tht• po:-.1ag1· stamp l'arrit•d a fa1·1• \';olu1· of urw ix·nny on 'sex cartridges' WORLD Cubans • In A(ghan raid? ISLAMABAD, P ... k1:...tan Afghan gu1·r r1ll as today t'la1ml·d that (.'uhan lloup::. were dC'plo:-t·d with So\'1l·t g.round forcci. 1n 4l ma.,s1vt> but unsuct·t>ssful m1l1t:H\ o f f l' n s 1 v c I a ., t w l' <' k 1 n Pu,ghman, 15 mil1•s nurth of th<· Afghan t·ap1wl Hes1stunc·e sou1Tt'" dainwd 111 h u \' c• 1 n C 111· t £'cl h ea v v l ,1.,u,il t1c•s 1n lhl· Ot·t I~ tomhml'd -a,saull north of Kshul. but !JO l«r havf'O offt·red no dol·umt·ntary µroof . 'tUl'h as 1·aplurt.·d 1d111lllv l'ards. of Cuban ll1\'11lv1•tnl'nl 111 tht• uinfl1l't Troops g uard Irish polls BELFAST . N11rthl'rn hc•land With mon· th<.1n ~5.000 S()ld1t'rs .ind pnl1t·1• guarding pol1l1('1an<> and polling plat'l"i. thl' people• of Northern lrC'lann \'oled tuda'' for a new provincial assembl~· th:Jt Bntain hoix·s will br111g P r '' t es t a n l s a n d R o ma n Catholtcs tO~l'thl·r NATION Ih·:.p1 tl· Br1la1 n 's h 1gh h111ws. howt•V(!f, thl· clt·<:llon 1-. not c·xp<.·'<:tcd lo produ<"t· a blut•pnnt for pcoac1: ;1fter 13 'C'ar::. o f f1ght1ng bl'lween NNlhl'rn Irela nd's <-sl1ma1C'CI I m1lhon Prowstanl :ind th<' ~00 .000-sl r o ng R oma n Catholic minontv Watt warne d to 'pay up' WASHINGTON -A H ouse Appropr1at1on s subcomm1tlC'<' l'hairman say., that 1r Inu.•riur Secretar> J ames W alt docs n ot n •1mburSt.· th•· Trcasurv $8. 842 bv Nov I. hl· wall aSk th<' pant'i to orch•r ll dc>ducted from Watt's pJychccks~ • Rep. S1dm•y Yatcs.10 -Ill . warnro Watt in a lcltor that h t· w o u I ct p r c s s f o r g.irn1shm1•nl unl1·ss thC' Cab•nct m<·mbcr repays tax money ht' and his wife spent for pr1 vatC' parties at a fl·derallv ow n N I muns1on during tiw 198 I Christmas -..c•ason Sutxommllll'l' MlUN.'C'S said TuC's dav that Watt had angrily c=ompla1m'CI to Yates that the letter Y :1tt•s' third Sl'C'king repayment became public bcfor<' h<' saw 11. The sourn-s indicated that depart· mc>n t 0Cfu.:1als Wt'rf• stll I r<·v1c•w111g how much s hould be rl·p~11d SUNNYVALE IAPI Atan Im . :o,(·andal1zl·d IJ\ "ll'll.·lhl·rt11· v1 d c·11 g<imt'' th~t sp.irkt•d prou·sls I rom \\ •11111'11 °~ groups and lnchans. h.t:. \'IJWt '<I to drag thl· makN and <.h::.lnhut111 of lhl· .nlult 1·ntt·rt:11nrrwn t t'o1rtridgt•:o. I 11 llJ l'llUrl Awn said th:1t .1:-,, n111k1·r of . . w h () I (' s 0 m (' r a m I I :v t• 11 t l' r l u 1 n n1 t• n l . • · 1 l \\ a., 'nutragt'Cl" by g:mw-. known a~ "l'ui.ll·r·~ Rt•\'t·ng1 . .. "Bd<. helo1 P..irly," and "&-al 'Em .ind F.dl 'Em.;. which work onlv on Atan ('IJn~ih•::.. Th t• <.· 11 m p ~· ll y · · u o <.· s n o t c·ondorw or apprnvt• of 1h1:. use of 11o; home video ~amt• ll't·hnology" and plans lu ftlt• suit to blc>t:k tht• gamc-s' dl"ltribut11m and ..;.ill'. said M ll hJc•I 1\1110111-. pn•s11h·nt of Embalmer ad hoax prompts big response The adver t1st•m<.•nl pronusc-d a "new exciting part·t1mc• can•t1r no experienc<.· nt'<·<.•ssary ." And even though lht• promised JOb was as an embalmer. more than 500 p<.•oplc• t•alh·d tn r(.'Sponse But the ad. 1t st.•L•ms. was a hoax. "l te ll you thiS plac·t· has Bcr<'l'I going crazy," rornn<'r's secretary Sandy Smith said. "ThC're are no openings here and that's nol the way jobs are flllL'<i lwrl'. Bu_l 11 does indicate h ow dC'spC'rate p<.'Oplc are to find work .. The 14-llne C'lass1fied ad in Sunday's editions of the Re~ister read : "Embalmers -.No Experience N ect'ssa ry ." and promised that sul·ccssful applicants would be trained for "a new exc1t1ng pan-time tar('(.'r" I We1re What do you ltke about the Daily Pilot'> What don't you li~e? .. Listening ••• Call the number a t left and your message will be recorded, transcribed and delivered to the appropriate editor. The sam e 24·hour a ns we ring service may be used to record let tt'rs to the editor on a ny topic Mailbo• contributors must include their name and telephone number for verlrlcation No cir culation calls , plt'a!"e 1642•6086 Tell us what's on your mind. ~ e.O. Gil ... ..._., r • ..,.,. ""°" "° "OI ..... 1°"' pa~• l>r ~JOp m -~•1f"' af\O you• copy wll D• ..... t<I lelutOly e"CI Sur\day If 'lfN 00 "°' ·-· '°"' WI!'.!..:';'~ cci::: ,,._.., ORANGE COAST Daily Pjlat Thomot '· Hol9y Pubio~f\ef olld Ch•I l•ttul!ve OOoc., Jan• Amari [ •KUf ... Ed••Ot L Kay S<hulta V<ee ,, .. .0.111 a.>d 0,,t< IC)f ol Adlf .. 1 .. --0 Raym•nd Mod.eon f:01>1•ollflf Mkhoef '· Horwy 0..t<IOf of Mllrl .. lflO 1Cwc~IOIW "Kenn•th N. GecMord Jr. 0..9(10. a! ~OllOll• • CIH1lfi.d edwert11lng 7141'42-H'TI All ottlef depertmentl t42~321 MAIN Of'FICE »I WHI ... $1 , (9'1• ,....,., CA "'-11......_ ... '*· (Olll MeW CA _,. C9"flelll "" OtMtit c .. .c ,.._.l•hlnt c_., .... , .. " tlerW\, 11 ... ~ ........................ .. ..... u .. -,., ........ ., .. ··~-........ '4"Klllll ,.,,...UMll .... _,...,. _,.., ' _______ .., Ala11', 1011,u11n1 1•11·111111111·::. dt\'1"111111 lit· did 1101 gl\·1· 'f>tlllll'-111 lilt' l<'Jol·il <.1< 111111 ::.a'l.111g uni:-that .1ht•1 "lurthtr tt•\'lt \.\ Atu11 hd!> dl-c.·1dl'(I lu 'l'l'k l<•gal d('llOn aga111:-1 th1· manul~1t·tun•r uf lht· 11 I (I'll' I\' l' g ,HlH' l' ;11 l l'f ti g l' "I. Amt•nl·;.in Mul11µlt· lndu::.trll':-. and tht• distributor. Mys t14Ul' .. Thl· gamt•<; st'll for $-19 !-15. Th1·1r rc·lc•aSf• ttuickl~ promph'<.l a !>l.11t•rn1·nt from Atilrt, wh1C'h tno\l'Cl to d1::.Mll.'la ll 1 lst•ll f rolll thf'm Tht• ni;1kt·r ol tht· g.i111l·~ ~ml 11 would not pull lht• µ1 oduct oft lht• markt•l St1•\\',11 t K<'~lc·n . pn·,1dc•nl of tht· N11rthridgt'.,, b.J'<·d Amt·r1t;1n l\lulllplt• Ind u,1 r1t•s . sa 1d he• d 1<.l nut t on~ 1 d c> r t h c· t ,1 r 1 r 1 cl gt'' pcirnu~1.1ph1<. Pl·uplt• µlaving "Cuslc·r·s H1·v1·ngc"' ::.111rt· µ11111ts by "Joining" togl'liwr a f1•mall0 and a Cu,h•r, w1lhllul panL' Tht· ganw d1•p1t 1-. a nakt•d l.1valryman "ho" J.tlldl 1::. 111 h.1\'1· "'>-wllh an lnd1,1n woman · In "8a1·hC'lor PJrty " playL·r::. try 10 hl'lp a bc1lhl·l<1r t•scapl· from rows of womt•n Tht· tht'mt• of tht.· third gamt• 1n vo l\'es 111n<:turbat1on. "lt'l-absolutl·ly dr:.gusttng." sa id L ors Rl·d Elk of lhL• Anwrat·an Indian l\lovl•mc>nl Gem Talk 8)' JC HL'MPHRll:'S CPrllftf'd Gf'molo11111t. AUS TANZANITE ll ,,, ... h1•1111h Tanzan1te doc>s n ot hove a long, lurid. fabl<.'<i history among gc•mstonC's. ThC're's a very good rt•ason .. this gem was discovered just 14 years ago. Min<'rs working in the Meralim Hills o f Tanzania m ade the dis('overy on July i. 1967 They were awestruck bv the beautiful transparent bluc:--violN crystals. Tiffany an d Co o f the U .S . ocquired some of the gems and d<'Cidcd to name them for their country of origin. Tanzanite rcot•ht~ us in two ways: through the regular ~><pol't IK'rvtt'<' of the Tanzanian governmcmt and from smuggle~ who ·nc. k It across thl' border to K <'nya. Tonzanite hos not bN•n found a nywhere els~ 111 the world. It h as been found in crystals as lnrgt• os scvl'rnl hunctrc'Cf corats. By heat \renting the crystal!! to obout 700 d t.' l( r c cs ( a h r e n h (• 1 t • 8 om t' Tanumlt<' con be transrom-'lcd to a beauUful purc-blue-shade, but m any prefer the n•tur•I bluf'·Violct. There are a lao sonw- n aturnl blut' 8pt-Clm()ns which look very mut·h ltkC' ~ppnir~. JJ<Jltt•t• tlw nght l•J :o.trikt'. proh1Qi1 gr;111d JUrtt·:. from l 011gag111g "111 fi,h1ng l'XJWdll1on . ., .. <.1nd t·n·all· a s l ..i 11 • bu 11 k t" h L· I p I a 1 I 1 n g hU"lll ll '"-"t •:-, Otlw1· µruv1s11Jnl-wou Id grl'<1lly 1•J1.po111d right::. ol 1·rt1111n ;.il ::.ll"lfX't'h . han an~' n·:-lr1l'l1•m on u \\ on1an ·~ righ l lo h ,1vt· .1 11 . .11111111111 and OULl.I\\ I djJll<tl pu11l"lhnwnt St·xual Ir t·t'dom lit•l\\ 1 t·n t·on!>t•nttng .1dult-. 1s 'f>t>t II 1wlly grantl·d II thl· c·unsl1tulro11 1s .. 1ppnJVl•d. 1111· m:i vor wou lu su bmu 11 io Congrl•Ss. whl'rl' .iµµroval by a Wro ng a ngle rnuJU1 u y in both houst•:. would.be n'l.tum-d for pas:.agl· Nt•w Columbia w o uld be l.he ,. 1 g h l h ~ m a I I c· s t s t a t e t> y popul;11111n 111 thCo' union. w~th 7111J.()UIJ pt:uplc bl'ul ing Ql..lt AILJ s k11. Dl'l<iwtirl'. Wyoming. V1·rn111nt , NL·vada. North O<Hceta dllU South Dakota It the· L·o nslllullon 1s r<.',Je<'led . lht· t·onvc•nllon would n'<:onven e to l r y .iga1 n If t ht• sct·'}nd l'Ul1Sl llUl1o n Wt·re rt•Jl'l'IC<it it woultl takl' ;.i voter 11111tal1ve or C11y Coum·tl ordinance• 10 4'ing ~1IX>Ul a nc·w conv(!nlwn. ig n mak t'rs seem to ha ,·c change d the name o f California· la rge t city on the '< road sign a t the H a rbo r F reeway . i t ransitio n road from tht• San Diego f r eeway in Carson. • ' • \ t . ii·•· ... '\/,~ . ( ~ ,'\ 0 OMEGA T he timely -gift for a lway fro m the O mega Gold Collection. uperbly crafted . riC'hly tt'xtured l 4K gold bracelet rimepiC'c~. Creared to rnakc> the most out of vour every moment . Omega. One Clas ic is all one needs. Man': $2900. Woman's: Sl 700. , MEMBER AMERICAN OEM 80Cl£TY 1809 NEWPORT Bl.VD .. COITA MESA s1~1• Bt1nkAmene11d-MHltt Chlff t PMONE S48·:M01 I • . .. • Heap of trash accumulated AP Wlre ptlolo Welcome g uest Jiha n Sadat, widow of Egypt's s lai n pres ident Anwar adat , hug Kenne th Estrada, I I , dur ing n met-ting with ct children's group in Cupt•rtino w h t-rt· !-!h t• ta pe d n tele vision progrima. A I •1111 h :.. I u 11 c 11 I 11 JI I Ii• 1111111111 .. 111 111 11 .c'>li ul ll1111lln)(l1111 ('1•1111.il l'cuk ttpdlc•d lh1· d1·1111ht 11( 111111 lt'l\fftlllhlc; "111111 Hiid l1t•1 I' 1·1111~ .11111 holllc•:.. 111 ( '1111111111111 'l'lw plh· up t·11l1111n1111-cJ M·v1·r11I Wt'\·kio. ul T1 u11h I\ Thun u1·11v11 Y d ll I I I\ j.( W h I f h 'I II I I' 't II ( v11lu11h•l'r"I t hr1111..ih11ut t )1 Ullli(l' l'11u111 y pwkc•cl up lilt•·• ulonu NII \'I'" o111d htl(hw.1v ... Vlll'llllt o 1 .. 11 s u 11 d lH· u 1 h c·:.. a ' .1 1•11111111111\1\y s..•rvkt· ,Tlw 1·v<•111 Su1l dav wus 1111 IH· h .ii I u l c H 1j(U111111 ll !t I 111' ltl-t·y1·hng and Lllll'r Clt·.i11 Up ttw 1·u111pu1~n oq~a1111.1111111 111 '>Upport of Propui.1t111n 11 , tilt' rt.>turnaull· 1H·p11:..11 h1•vc•1t1~1· 1'0nta11wr 1111liallv1·. T h l' y l' 1 u I 111 w h •• I t•nv1r11nnwntal m11v1·nw11t und s tud1•m v11lunt1·t·rs 111"<.•u111pll:.h1-<I h1•rt• 1:. nothing 1·ompan.J to wh.it p.1:...-....gt· of tht• "bottl1· lnll" 1·<1n d11 fur ,all of l'altlor11t:J tu as">urt· I 11 •alll'I 111:'.ltbld l '1' Tht• 111t•i.sagl' from '1" st.1t1 ·:- wh1•n • t l already I"> 111 1•ll1't'l Is that 11 lias \Vork~·tl , th1·v -.o1 1d l'1111s1d1·r th~1t. · Tht• U S. 1-;n v1r1111ml•nt.il Pt oh'<. ttun Ag1·nl'y 1·:..t1111.1tl'd that :rn JH' r1·p n t l 11 ti II pt· rt·1· n l o I r11;1d!>tdl' Ii ttt•r h\ vulunw 1s t'a~., a n d b u t t I t: s A s l u d \ l'lllllm1i.:..1011t-d by tlw lwvt·rag1· 1ndus trv 1ncl1 l'att·d thtit 15 pt•n ·1·11t t;J :rn ix·rt·1.·nt \If r11ads1d1· l11tl'1 by 1t1·m 1s b1•vt•rug1· t·ont;i1n1·r:.. !'X1t·11t1\L'> sav 1l Wkt•s .1 bottk or ptt'<'r of brokrn ..:lu,., 211-0 y1·ari-. lO dl'<'tllllJX>Sl' C.';tlT1 a11 s almw :..1wndi-. $1~1' mill11111 ci y ear 1111 p1<'ktng up ,dong ~;,•1 ·wiJy:.. ;incl highway:- 0•111 Pllol Pholo br Chari .. 81•11 J onathan Hi' in ( lt•ft ) of Lukt•wood and David Oixon of Costa l\1t·~a 1,il c· up hag~ of bolllt·~ a nd cans a l lluntington Reat'h'~ Cc·11t ral Park. Tht·) c·ollt·t·tt·d tlw t'mptit·!'! lo d c mons tra tt> s upport for Propo~i l iou I I , whi<'h would fon•t• a Jqmsil on a ll hollies a nti t•un-.. New job program to serve Huntington, Fountain Valley I luntmgton 84-at.'11 and Fountain Vallt•y will 1 .. -,1 ·rv('d by " nt'W program uimt'd at dt't'fl•asm g .,, 1·llart• rulls by hl'lping unemployt'CI p1:oplt• ftnd ~ 1i,.. Tht• so-calll'd Employm(·nt Pn·parat111n 1'1 ogram probably will commt•nct• o ut of t ht> 1 •• 111kn Grove offl('t' of the sl<lte Employml'nt I >t vl'iopment Department 111 about u mont h 1 h .inge County Supervisors set tlw wht·ds in 11111t1on for a lcx:al EPP Tuesday. Tht• p rogram, which tr<i tns w t•lfan· 11·u ptl'llls 111 tht• skills nel'dt>d for l>Ul'l'l')>.sful 1 ntry into the .)Ob marke t. has bft•n SUl'\'<'SSful in t 111 t'l' other California coun ties wht•fl• 1 t was tl'">lt•tl In Ventura County off1c1als n ·portc·tl ,..ivmgs of 53.87 tn welfare assist.ant~ for 1·vcry doll.1r spent 1n tht' program San M<'lN) County 1 l'ported savings of $2.97 per dollar spent. and 9 Soot. Annualized • /0· Rate COUNTY DIGIST L..tk1• Count\ ~1v1·d 'I 114 Just tw;, Or;.ngt• l'11.1-.1 l llll·s will p .. 11 ttl lf>Jlt· bt'<..tUM· the· Cardl·n Cruvt• 11ff1u·. "h1l'h '1•1 Vl'"> 1tw111 plu~ i.t•n ·r;d 11th1·1 inl.111cl t'llll's, will I><· th1· only lo<.'JI ufftl't' lt1 h,1\t tht· program ,1t p1t'l-.!0nt * * * C'Ol ll"TY OFFICIALS an· dt ... ·1d1ng tlw l)(·sl ''.iv to spt·nd .111 1 '>l1111.il1·d S 11 7 000 J>c·r y1 .. 11 l'•'' OlJfkl.'d for .1 pl ttgl .1m t11 pr t•\'t•nt d11ld ,1bU">t' .ind negll"(·t in t ht t "lllll' Thi· m um ·\ ''Ill h1· '><'I ,1s 1dt ••s .1 n·sult 1Jf ,tatt• lc>g1slat10n 1-rc·.1t1ng tht· fund out of fl-t·~ to be> <.·harged for tlw 111p;. mg 11f birth l't•rttfll'<tll'S I 0 11 ot.0 * Annualized • /C Yield •• 1117 to 31 clays, Minimum Balance $20,000. Act today on thi s high rate account Stop in at yourneare ·t All state Savings office or call collect (213> 240-5913 and a member of ou r Bank-by-Mai l Department will be happy to help you. This account is full y insured up to $100,000 by the FSLIC. Allstate sav1nos All tale Savings & Loan. a member nf the Sears family Over $:1 billion in asst'I• 1 l'IX:! ,\11 ... 1;-itt· ~1v111~ ... & 1.1.;ui •4, ..... 1.... . .. ' ...... ..,., .... ,,..#,. J ........ •"" ~..... • , •' •• ' .. •• ........ I 6 Plenty Of Free Parking OPEN 7 DAYS 8 TILL 6 KRUPS PORT AILE HEATER HT1500 The fan heater with axlal blowe r for ventilation and heating INTERMATIC TIMEALL 24 Hour Timer -with 24 individual tim<.' S('tt ingc. to providr lighted !tecurity. CALL 497-4403 240 BROADWAY, LAGUNA BEACH COMPUTI ftl.UMllNG.a.ICTllCAL-OlASS DIPTS. 01.ingt· l'nunt;. Supt·rv1:-c;r'S ;..,k1•d t>it· t·c111111;.•-. Sot·rctl St•rv11·1·i. Ag1•n cy Tw·sday to d1•\'t•lt1p ,, plu11 f1Jr .1dn11111stra11on of thc · fund * * * IDEAS ON HOW to ullt·v1.tt1· trJfftl t'n11g1·sl1tlll at tht 1nt1•r-.1't·t111n tJf Houu· ... ~1 and 55 .ti•· h1 ·111g ">ought IJ\ 1.,t.111· off1uals t'.d11.1ns. th1· .. t.llt· D1·µJrtm1·nt of T1.111 ... 1 ~•1 l.11l••ll. 11., c untfut l1ng an opt·n houst• tn Tu ... 1111 t11d.1v t11 ... 1·1·k ">lll{g1·st1 o n:.. rrum a n y "illt11g 'pokl's nwn Tlw 11p1 n hnu;.1• wtll l'llll until 8 p n1 111 th1• 111111111 high hudd111g o t S;11nt J11.in111• d1• l.1 u1t11111.i1 Sd1•~·I lti7H I M.11n St * * * "IT TAKES A THIEF '" Cc1tth ,, Thu·f." a p1 11gram offC'nnl-( tip., on :...·lf-prott'<'llun .tgain~t < nnw \\ 111 lw f1·;1turc d at th(· St'C't.ind D1:..trtt·t l'11111·n., Adv1StJry Count·il m1·c·ttng Oct :rn Ex thwf M1ch.i1·I Mt<."affrt•y will !.pt:ak Jl th<· d1n1wr mL't'llng. whwh st<.irL-; at 7 pm at tht· Hunt1ng1on Bl'<ct·h Inn. :!1112 Pat'1f1t l'ua">I IJ1ghW<1V Tht: mt·c·llng IS UIH' or thrt'C (.'Vl'ry Yl•iJr for tht· aclv1:.ory t·ommttt1·1· :ind wtll tx· ;;;tt1·nd<'ll by St·tond D1st n t·t Sup1·rVtM>r Harnt·tl Wrt·dt•r H<•st>rvutwns may b<· madl' by calling 8:14 :r.!21J * * * AIR PASSENGER tn1ff1e at John Wavnl' t\11·11111 t 111 S1·pt1·mlx·r show1·d :rn 1m·n ·t1!><· .)v<·r 11·\'t•b for th1• same• month la:.t yt•ar t'\'t·n though till' 11umb<·r of takt'Uffs iJlld landings dc'lT1•.JS4.'<.1 F1i.:un·s for last month .,how thdt l I0,80ti pa)>.,(•ngt•r. .irnvt'<I and d<·part1'<'.I a~ <.•um~rt'<:i tu I Hli,Ohti 1 n Sl'µtc·ntbt•1 IYH I . Jn I I 7 p1·n·1·nt 11wn·a1.,t· BE-NS6N& HEB6-ES BENSON r. HEDGES IOO'S Only 6 mg yet rich enough to be called deluxe. Regular and Menthol. Open a box today. Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. , 6 mg "tar:' 0 6 mg nico11n11v ,ptr c1garent. by FTC merhod ' • 0111111111 Lo1lh l l>All Y J11l UT /WntJ111J~C1uy, Octou r :io, Hl6i Book tells of LBJ mistr BOSTON !Al') I\ 1ww hook suyi. Lyndon U .Johnso11 cat 11t'<I 1111 u long, ~l'\'at•t h.>vt• uffu1r w1th u 11tur1111n~ blond m11jlrt•1111 o f ti Tt•x1111 rlt'w11p11per lm1'u11 who w11~ a m11111su1y of LBJ's t•1trlv r1M· to powt.•r · Th<' 1t'lauonxh1p. "Jul.b out of tht' lunJ1>1.0npt.• of John~m·:. life," lht• hook says, "as 0 111· or lht• ft'w 1•p1sc>dl•s JX'rhaps lilt' only nne tha t thrt•atened h1i. per sonul ambition " Author Robert A Curo, m u biography published this month , says t hn.onds o f the ro nwnl·~ bound Johnson and Allt•t.· Glass ror years. e nduring as friendship t•vt•n a fter their passion cooled. Tht· relationship finally brokti o f! Ill the 1960s, the book said. when th e woman become hoi'.rificd by the Vietnam War poh<'H.'S he set as president. l.yndon ll . .lohnson Wilham Wh1tww·th, t•dttor of Tilt· Atlantlt'. said tht' pubhslwr'> t1f Caro's book, Alfrl•d A. Knopf Inc ot New Ywk. report<.•d Ahn· Gl.iss 1s nu lt1ngt·r hv1ng Tht· 111 tldt• im1d .l11ll11i.011 wh11 d11·d 111 lll7:1. w.11\ •• 1wwlv l'lt<t 'h-tl ll11ust· 11u-111h1•1 wh1•11 · lw 111t•I 1\1•1" (;l11s.'1 111 l!l'.17 111 "l .rn1~li·,1 ." .I I l111l11\Ulld ill'll' V lq(llllll t•M;Hr• i1u1-..11k W11 i.h1 11~t11n <:loss 11 Vt•d t ht•rt• .1i. 1•1111q1.11111111 tu C'li.11 It•, I': Ma1,1i . 11 w1·1dthy T1·1C:111 who 11Wrll'd th .. Au1'ltn • Amc•rw:u1 Stut•·-.11w11 al11n~ wilh oil .1ml t't•al 1·Nlal1• 111l 1·n·st11. 111 '\ t1llllllt-( Ill t ht• lxiok It 1'1111111 not he-d1·tl't 11111wd 1C M.11 -..h, who w;,, horn 111 1111111. ts still hVlllJ.t .JohlliWll MIO ll l'!'ll11l>l1:-1lwd •i duul r11lallonsh1p. lilt' lmigl'aJJhy ....11cl lk c·ul t1v;11<·d M.1rsh, fltttlt•ring the oldt•r lllllll by i<t•t'k111g his ndv1l't' and t•vE'n lt•tt111~ Marsh w1 tit• SJWt'('hl'!'I for h11n, hut ht• ulso lx'<'llllH' t\lll'l•'s lovt•I' Mars h aµpa11·11tly 11 1·v(·r dl~t'CJVl'l't'd thl• o.Jffllll :Jlld lllll'I' 1•ven cabled J uh11:{011, "l'luy 11s m~~1·h golf as ))11ss1blt· v. 1th Ali1·c· "She later told friends that she had burned lovt> lPllers that J ohnson had writtt•n to her," Caro wrote, "ba•aus{' she didn't want her granddaughtt.•r to know shel had ever been assoc·iateJ with the man she considerf.'d responsible fo r Vietnam.'' Thl' liaison bctwet.'n a raw young hilJ-country <.'Ongressman and <.1 striking woman of wt•alth 1s described m an t'Xcerpl from Caro's book published in the November issue of Atlant1t· magazm e. 'Bait, switch' probed Harry Middlt•ton of the LBJ Library in Austin. Texas. who handles all press inquiries for Lady Bird Johnson. the former president's widow, was out of town Monday and unava1lablP for C'omment. his office said. Mr!> J o hnson's home telt'phonc: number 1s not listl·d . ... LUS AN(.; !'.:LES (t\P) r\ four-month 1nvl'st1gat1on of al leged ''ba1t -and-sw1tch'' appham·t• sale~ at Z()dy!-'ton·~ throughnut Caltfor111a hu-. l'UlminaH.-d Ill nuds at two ston·~ i.lnd u w<irehnusl'. Dt•puty District Atturrll'y John Lync·h s 1ad Tuesdtiv that • 1· m e r (' h a n d 1 s t' . ad ,. t' r t 1 s 1 11 g mal1'1"1i4b. sales l'l.'l't..'l)Jls and ~h·-; trainmg ni.1tt•ri;1b \H'fl' M'IJ.1•d during tlw 'l'ardw-. l\l11nd.i~ .11 Frank inatra a nd Nancy Reagan ha rmonize on the song HTo Love a Child" during a White House pirnic honoring Foster Grandparents. The r.,.----1-----1rsri a dy wro e a IJook wlTh rhai title for the program. Zt><..ly:. sturt•s 111 Ht·dt111dc1 lkal·h and Inglewood and at a Wards warehouse m CommerTt· Lym·h 1.·xpla11wd that Wards,'' V 1 r g 1111 a b a ~ 1• d ,. "111 p .J n y u11rt·l<1ll·U w Muntgunu·ry Ward. l1 ·asc•s !>p <H't• and s t•lb. all o1pphann·s at Zody~ !>lur1.•s. Th l' J n \' <' s t 1 g a t o rs w h o t·ond u1·tt•J tlw 1 wds had ~l':.in·h w;1rr:1nls obt;111wd 1111 llH' basis tJf o111 at l 1d;1v1t l1\ .tppli.trll't :-.:il1 ·"1111:111' Bowlers 'strike' at cystic fibrosis Look at all the shrewd ways you can use it: The fifth annual Bowl-for-Breath, to benefit the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, has been set for Nov. 6 at 43 part1c1pating bowling alleys in the Orange County and Greater Los Angeles areas. Bowlers will <'Ollect sponsors at 1 cent per point for a total of three games bowled. All prcx·eeds will go toward benefiting the children a nd young adults atthctl'd with cystic t1bros1s. Around 1 7 bowling ~l.l~xs in Orange Co~ny have agree<f to participate. ancf wiIT charge l .51l for all three games. shoes included. Take advantage of tax-sheltered investments Get a special deal on luxury items F<i~ht now it is a "huyds markd" 1111 items like cJrs. \'acations. h"ml' furnish· ings. hoats, anJ olhl'r ILLxuril·s. TherL' ~1rL· special upporlunities ()11 ne~1rly l:\'l'fything :\ow may be thl' upporlunl' liml' In huy- Shi 1p anJ compan:. \\.t helil'\'l' you'll find uur l h>nh:uwnl'r Elluity Loan program tu hl' one uf !ht'. most altradt\'\! a\·ailahle: • Competitive rates • Flexible terms • Loans .a \la Ila ble Jr.om $5,000 to $100,000 Prizes will be offered to the high ocorers F o r more informauon, call 635-01100 or 994-7465. By investing in a tax shelter. or another investment offerin~ tax benefits. lhc t~ dollarsy(,,lu save may offset the actual cost of your Homeowner E,quily Loan -while your inn~slml'nt increases in value. with a litUe help from St-cufit~'-J1at+lit'4-B~attn1+1k..,... ----- County tourneys aid cancer fight The American Cancer Society's third annual · racquethon, ·:Breathing 1s my Racquet," will be held Nov. 13 at Racquetball World in Sanl<i Ana. Four-member teams will represent county corporations in racquetball. tennis, ping pong and badminton. as weU as In a 100 meter swim and a I K run. The first place team will take a perpetual troph y back to its company. Forty teams will be allowed to compete. For more information, call the American Cancer Society at 752-8600 or Cindy Fisher, chair of the event, at 972-2999. Crane arrested for drunken driving SAN RAFAEL (AP) -IUinois Rep. Philip M. Cran~. a 13-year veteran of Congress who made a bid for the presidency in 1980, was arrested on auaptcion of drunken driving ln Marin County aft.er being spotted weaving from lane to Ian<-on a deserted highway, the Sheriffs Departm •nt said Tuelday. The lH-year-old polltician, the first Republican to enter the 1980 presidential campaign, waB taken Into custody before dawn Monday as he was drtvtng north along U.S. 101. He was Creed from jail about 6 a.m. the same day. Crane. who admJtt.ed to the 1rrN1tlng o!tlc~r that he had been 'drinking, performed poorly In roadtide tobriety teat.a a1.-cordlng to Lt. James Riddell l Save now on home improvement The next infJatfonary sur~I;;! will drive home improvement costs up. Now may be the ideal time to add the room you want. build a pool. make any major repair ... in effect, let your house pay for its own improvements. Pay for a college education Today, the avera~e cost of a college education can be as much as $7,000 yearly. And one of the few financial resources that has kept pace with that rising cost is the value of your home. Why not free some of your equity for this important investment in your chi ldren's future? Start a business, or improve on one Do you ha\'c an idea for ll prnt i l:thk new venture? Or a way to impn >\'l' an exist in~ one? Your SL'l..'Urily Pacific Homeowner Equity Loan may he lhL· shrewd way to finano• it. Plus you have all these extra advantages: •With continuing inflation. the dollars you borrow will be worth more than those )'OU have to repay • The interest on your loan is ta.x-1.kductihlc •And hcst of (Ill, you don't have to Slive up )'Our home tn enjoy all the profit it has earned. New attractive rates. Apply now! For more inf ormatlon, call toll-free 1-800-648-5600 and ask for operator 82 Or mall the coupon today ... ___ o .. _n~-•n111D011M--•·-0#~1W:rhtl-T'°" • .._,._ ._ ....... __ .oo; ,, r------1 I Send to Security Pacific Bank PO Box 51048. Terminal Annex I Los Angeles. Cahtorn1a 90051 I I D Tell me more ~1huut your I llnmcm\'tltr Equity Loan. <ind send I ml' an ;ipplkat inn 111l\\'. I I NAMr I I AOO~rs& I Cl!V $TAJ£ llP I "'""""'""'~...... I D•v I !•~nQ I I I I I I SECURITY PACIFIC BANK I TuE l..OOKJNG R>RWARO BANK L ""'"'."'"''''""" oc.~· 1111 ------ .. , 0 D 0 81 8 8 0 0 D Cl E1 o - 0 0 0 0 CJ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - • uto repair rackdow11 8 PAT HOROWITZ Oft D ... ~lltMot lteft DEAR R E A OER S : A l'1>stu M t'su m rcycle re Ir dea ler und a Fullnt.on aut11 ru . Ir dealer 'have f?leaded guilty in sepan1h.' ac o n s to ope r a ting uulo mot1 vt> r<'p1.11 r b ' eues without having u sta te registration. th Oepartml'nt of Consumer Affairs' Burl'tn• of utomotive Repair reports ln one of the ac tions. Malcolm B Dou~I~. g business as Qua li ty Moton.·ycle Scrv1tX>. 75 W. 17th St .. Costa Mesa, was ordered an .. r Judicial District Cour t to m m ply with .pf.!·ons of the law rela ting to motorcycle re · busines.5 In addition to hlS guilty plea ro non-regastrauon Douglas plt>aded gu1lly lo Optr"ating hts business w ithout displaying a co.s umer in forma tion sign an a mannl'r picuous to the public ln the other action, Eduardo Rodn guez. g business as J.R. Performance.'. 2017K W onwealth Ave., Fullerton, w as ordered in orth Orange County J ud1c1al D1st ric·1 ~i.rt to pay a fi ne of $75 and to violate no According to bureau chie f Rober t N W ns. a ll a uto repair shops arc requirf'd to bt• re tered a nd to display a state-approved sign lis ing consum ers' rights a nd givi ng the b~au's toll-free number: (800) 952-5210 C umers who bcltcve they may bt-victims of uestionablc auto repair practices arc asked to ~ that number or wnte to thl! Burt>au of Atftomottve Rl'pa1r, 3 116 Bradshaw Hoad. Sa~ramento 95827 . lf~me computer law ' .. :DE AR PAT: I am going to buy a borne co~uter a nd thought I'd ask if any s tate age cy regulates computer repa ir businesses. It curs to me that ao unethica l computer rep•ir service could e nd up costing the contumer plenty of m oney. : T.L .. Costa Mesa . ! A nC'w law wh1c:h bring~ humL· l'Omputer reitir and auto sound mstallallon busam•sses unf er stat<.• regulalor y authonty of lht' Bu~au of Electronat· and Appliance Rl'pa1r wi~ take effect Jan. 1. 198:3. The· bun•au wall rclf;ter the businesses and cn fort·c thL• law threugh its consumer complatnt handling and d1~plinary processes ~ Service dealers nr L'Onsumers who have qu'-tions about the nl'w ·law should nmtat·t th~ Bureau o f Elect ron ic and Applaam·c· Repair. 909 S St . Sat-raml!nt.o 9581 4 <phone 91 445-4751) ) '(fun for Heart ' p~anned in Irvine . . . ~e Orange County Chapter of the Amencun Hea Association has set Saturday as the date for its a ual Corpora te Run for Hear t an lrvane. acco ng to chairman Ralph Sorsole1l. l?rnployees from businesses th roughout the counh w ill recruit s p o n sors to pledge tax- dedu<aible donations for each kilometer completed Proc4eds wi ll go toward research programs spofl59red by the Amencan Heart Assoc1a11on . • 'the event -a 5-kilometer and JO-kilometer fun ..On-walk -tS not a thletically competitive. but parti~pants w ill compete for pnzes based on the amouth of funds they raise. ~-Qra nge Coun ty busi nesses w 1s h1nj;t to part if ipa t e may contact Sandra Oannley at 547-3{101. . UFO-CIA lecture • sl4tted at college ~ lecture/slide presentation entitled "UFOs and tie CIA" w ill be presented Friday al 8 p.m. an the O(ange Coast College Robert B. Moore Theater. t est lecturer will be Frank E Stranges. direc r of the NationaJ In vestigations Committee on U d entilied Flying Objects. Has theories are base4 on pre viously classified CIA anformation whlctf has been made public by the Freedom of Info~llon Act. cketa. priced at $3. are on sale m the OCC Tick Office Monday th rough Friday from 8 a.m. to 6 .rn. and Saturday from 8 a.m . to noon. fRESH LOCAL LOBSTER I DINNER '8.95 t foclud•• cbolc• of •oup or •alad, 1,# ud pot•to or rice pilaf. .. / Call For t::--.-:1 Rwrvatlona ~ 173-7721 ~~~!1.!:1!.:s .. . ~ BALBOA L .......... . AND W'S ll&Alf OALOUI Make More. 11 \IHI rt· looking for A r1"o rdh11< f;n•t•r ulfrnng uolJmltt·d l'.trnm11 po1r111A.1I ;11d ; 1h"111· 111 hrlp JW111llt' Kt'I 'l.lrll'd cu1 "l\lnd ft11.a11dal fururn u/ dwir 11"11 1h1•1111H1 11"" 1110 11H1"rll '" 1111\'\Ul(All' 1111' WllT •SYD~ TA.UUJfO A.IM>UT, AND 8llOf'PIJlfO AT TD a..T TllW uaePll&AD Oun.sT ITOU Df TD AJLSA' Attend a Free Career Seminar. _. ... 80UCWTDUA80"81 1) We have the &aracat eel~Uon ol on·h•nd Inventory Ill Saddklt.:k VMllr.y. :&) We have the nnnt quality men:ha.ndllt' 111 thc: uca. 3) We otlU the beet pc,raonallled tM"rvlce cuiywhere-we Wllltl you 8i1tlelh-CI For ReservatJons. CaJI 833-9450 4) Our •tore la mcrchandt.ed for your ellopplnj C'onvel\Jc-nce. Mu.I llt'm• are han&lnC (not In bfa&al and are color-coordlruatcd by •lz.c a11d etyk. We offer you 1 larae area to •pread your .ctccflon out '°you ''lln ~ what It look.1 11.ke before you take It home. 5) Laat. but not lcul. we havf' lht' loweal prlcea. We lirl' W(Jl"th nndln6(. "'""'" H l JNT INCTON BEACH LIHHARY TALBERT ROO M Ourovcrhc•d 11 at • minimum. we att not In an expenMVf' ahopplng complex. llwe were. we couldn't offer you -l ~i the valut11 wr dot l!l .I AUClA 23184 VIA P ABRICANT& lllUION VIS.JO • J 11111·· OcL. ~:i, I ~JH:l 1, ..... 9:00 AM 855-8078 SALE NOW IN PROGRESS ,. Investors Diversifit'<.t Services, Inc. ,., I 11 I •fll•ll f l/J/t••r/11111/r / 111/11"1 <'' 1\ I IS THE ECONOMY FORCING YOU OUT OF YOUR HOME? Question: Are you attempting to sell your home under the pressures of mounting debt?? Question: Is pending foreclosure or offering your home on the market at way below value your only choice?? Question: Are you unsure of the future and feel a real need to protect all that you have worked and saved for?? We bel ieve that we have a program that may fit your needs and our criteria by retaining possession of your home so that you may remain within your community, with friends & neighbors and not disrupt your famlly. This may be ac- complished and at the same time reduce your monthly ex- penditures dramatically. We invite homeowners, or their realty agents (if home presently listed for sale) to call u1 for program detalla. All inquiries will be held In the hlghe1t confidence. Please direct your questions to Mr. Hastings at 714-640-5560 or 714-957-1300 cooperating b'roker of the WARMINGTON GROUP Savings of more than 1/3 ! ! Our 44th Birthday celebration continues! 1/3 OFF! o n Paul Stanley coordina tes. ORIG. $74. · $154. NOW $48 .85 -$102.85 Sophisticated skirts, pleated trousers and blazers in com · pl~tely lined wool gabardine. Available in an assortment of fall colors. Sizes 2-12. L1m1ted sizes, come an early for best selection N1'W/IO• I Llc.1<h F isluon /slJnd 644 ·14 11 .11 Mr e/1101' South Co">t />/,u.1 557 6080 Beane Bag creates a little nostalgia by updating this classic shoe. Available in black, brown and wine, this shoe features contrasting piping and comfortable low heel. Orig. $65. NOW $45. AvJr/Jb/i> 111 Lani N~wpon 8e.1ch Only ' interest for one full year. That's the yield a taxable investment wou ld have to deli ver to match our insured Tax-Free Account. if you're in the 50% tax bracket. The more you ma ke. the mnre vou need a Tax-Free /\n :nunt. For in tance. ta ke a look at the,\idd a taxable accoun t \\<iulJ have to Je11ver to match l'Ur T.i°x-f'n:.= Account. If ~our In rale ;,: Eff~lhe Yield 50% 14.96% ~ 12.47% 30% 10.69% A year ago. Congrc~s gave tax payep .. what ma y he a once-in-a- lifetimc exemption of up to $2.000 in inte re~t income fo r rnu- ple~ filing jointly ($1.000 if filin g individ ually) o n one-year Ta x-Free Accounts opened by Decc mher 31. 1982. }'(m hare> rm~r until rear :'I end tn open a Tax -Frc•c1 A ffmm t. Once the account i ~ opened. th e exe mptio n may include ea rning~ re- ceived in 1982 and 1983-up to the maximum eligibil ity. ,, The Off er Ends December 31 The current Tax-Free Account rate i~ 7.215'1 and the yield 1~ 7.48%-hi gher tha n th e average y ie ld on tax -free money funds. Unlike money funds. however. yo ur Tax-Free Account wi ll be in sured "afe up to $100.000. Call The Financial Line and open your Tax -Free Account by phone. today. THE FINANCIAL LINE (714) 231-4023 Direct or Collect f hc I 1nanl.'111I I rnc: hour~ arc M a.111 1111 7 p.m .. Montlay. anti M am. 1111 5 p.m .. Tue..Jay thmu~h I ntla) j , J a~~~ i 1 dhkillM Wl'\lnic ()f11njtt ( OUlll\ lhf'Otll(h 111 nffl\•t... J laglnl federal Peoples federal I ..... • • ~~'°'-"'•All• C..• llMf .............. • m1 .,..,.., a.. """911 INL• · ~ °""'"' fllm J ... • Mt lMI ..... 11W U.-IMP • 2'0 Ottt<1 """"' 0rMlt'IOlilrt • 1\1\ ~ W •• A.t J ........... )0\ -.i111t -.-, U.-1111 • tHOl Pe1tt ,. ~ ... ,..~ S.. OlelMt • ~ Att-"• P(t • '°l "'"'~ II ta1111H ,,., ] ea.--..... >AIO'-.., '"' .... u.-...... )0111 ,, l V& , PM••o s.. ,_ "-'-. Jim c. ....... c..w... - 11-. • U6• (I Jert 111M .._ ,_ • 1SJJ1 ~I -.,. ........ • o-,.,,..,u ., h it ' ,_ ..... · IOI,, si.itr ..,_ ..._..., • I......,,. a., ""11 ,, ..._,..., __ ZINC ... .i::,.. ' .... -.. -·· ·:.. -;-: .. .,_,,,,. .. • \ Orn11u• t.OHI DAI L y PILOT /Wodneaday. October 20 • .,982 ATUAAL OYSTER SHELL CALCIUM with VITAMIN 0 100 TAaL•TS ZINC 1.29 (ZINC OLUCONATE 11$ MG.) 15 MG. POTASSIUM GLUCONATE 500 MG. NATURAL VITAMIN E d·ALPHA 400 l.U. POTENT A STAEll ,OAMULA OF B·COMPlEX wlll IOO MG. C efMl llOl.U. I u.Lna5.29 · NATURAL NEW GARLETTES DEHYDRATED GARLIC and PARSLEY 80 TABLIETS NATURAL 1.79 LECITHIN 19 GRAINS VITAMIN C 500 MG. Wilt\ AOK HIPS, ACEAOLA 91141 llOFL.AYONOIOI COD LIVER Oil VITAMIN A ID SUPPLEMENT ~:o-.1.79 AOWlflC ••·OCT .... , • G.ARLETTES f Jo<•QP.t.T(D ..,Ajl\t •"C",NA\o.t • A7 .• , •' . " I ' ' --- 11 ( 1! I SHOP 7 DAYS A WEEK ' I IHI .,~ 11 1 " ,, , ......... (l .. [1,\\ •111,·1 ·I'',. " f • l 1\ll 4111 I() ,'Ill) l'r.it \ll .. fl,,~ , ~· Orengo Co 11 L>All v Pll Ot1Wod1111day, Oc1<1bu1 •10 IUOl New insured savings account plan hailed The nl'W . 1n11urt·d rnurwy l'narkN S&VlngN U~'\'OUnl lhtH MKlll WIU 00 uv1ulablc• ut ~1vmgs und loa n aasodt1t1ons nnd bu11k:; 1hould havP u minimum dt'Pc.>81l t'equfremenl no t lorgl•r than $5. 000 a ccording to th1· Untlt·d Stat es League,,( Savings Association . The new account "m uy W C'll prove altracllvc If tht• initia l d eposit req111remt'11l wt•rt• us lov.· 81 $2.500," l e ugu<' prc•sade nt William B. O 'Connell said in a letter to fede r a l f11rn n c1a l regulators. ~egulators arc no w in t ht• process o f dev elo ping fin a l details of the n e w a1:c:ount, which is exp ected to be available a 1 financial m s 11tut1on s lx>fon• the e nd of the year Unless th e n t.'w savi ngs a c count 1s mad £' "full v competiuve" with mon ey m arket mutual funds and 1s struc tured in a manner which is simple from th e cu stom er's standpo int. "it will n ot have the e ffect which l'onl{n·i.I! dt•&lt t•d," U l '1111111•ll "IUlll In llw ll'lt1•1 Lt•g1i;lul lon ,1p p r11\1•d 11\ t'ongrt•i.b lt1~t m1111t h 111s111w1s 1111· D 1• po 11 1 t a r y 1 n s 1 11 11 ll 11 11 11 Dc•rt'RUlut1on l'o1111111t\l'(', wllhlrl {'IO dUV!i of tlll' hill's l'llUt 'lll\1°111. lH dl0Vd ;1p U IWW, lllSUl't•d l'IH\'llljo(:O. :11·1·1111111 w had' Ii. "d i11•1·t lv l'ljU1v11 lt•n1 lo und 1·11111p1•llll V~· w ith n w n1•v 1r1 11 1k ..t 1111111.111 I unds " · Prc•s1d t>11t H1·ugun 1i. l'X)H'l.'ll•d soon to sign tht• lt·~1sl&t1u11 In draftmg 1h1• hill a I ll)USt' S t•nat<' C'onf1'rc111·1· 1·11mm1llt•t: s u ggestvd that t h l· 1n1111mum deposit req u1 r <.>nwnl fo1 l hl' Ul'l'OUnt nu l be la rge1 thJn $5.0UU T ht> US Lt•.igu(' rc<.·omm<'ndauon, tht•n ·fo11., 1:. ··consistent w ith thl' mlt•11l of Congress." O'Connell sau.J "It would Ix• a serious rn1st~1kt• to SC'l t he min imum b;.i lan<•t• require m ent 011 tht• J1·u1u111 below $2,500," O 'Conm•ll ~ml H e a d d ed that abou t :1ri pe rC"e nt o f sav 111~.., ..isi.ouatwn f'Ji> .. IJllOllk h,11 .. 111 1'' ,Ill' Ill olll llllllh 11! Ii·'" ll11111 $:1,000 I 11 pt .11:0.111 jo( l'1111 KI t ''l'I (111 111 d1•1 llilo: llil• Ill'\.\ !>hVlll~!I tll'\Olllll 111 1>1: 1 n•u ll•d. O'l'1111111·ll 11111<l 1tw lll'W l\.tVlllj.('° p l.111 I l'l)l'l'lll'lll:. "11 l:uul111a1·k Cu r tlw n.1t1u11's s11v1•1.., .111d l111 urn·1 • .t 11u111w111111.., •· T ltt· lll'W u<.'\0ou111 shoulo lw lp 11'1.(llla lt•d flii:i111·1t.1 I 111:.ttllll lUJI\ l'N'ilf)lUI 11 llllllll' of 1111· d 1°JHll!l t' w h I l' h I h I' v Ii .1 \/I' Io s I l 11 uni11,url'd llllllWY 1m11 k1•l mutual fu11di.. O 'l'onrll'll -...11d 111 th t• lt·l l1•r 111 f 1nan1·1.tl n ·.:ulu11ir' th1• lJ S Lt•agu1· ul1>11 . r l' 1• o m 111 l' n ti l' d I h a 1 <• "m.untt•n,inlt' h.d .111n•" (111 1111' II l' W ... a V I II g ' ,1 I \ II U ll I IJ l' l'sWlJlli.h1•d "0 UV I U U °'I V I h I' I' II°' t 11 I .11 lmllll!>Lt•nn~ .1 111111ll v 1n.Jrkl·l dt•po:.11 .1n·oun1 will lit· inc n·<"''d 1( h11l:.im·1·s :.in· Jl!uwc·cl to l:dl hl·low tht· m111 1mum d1·po..,1t .11n11unl w11huul pt•nalty." tlw 11·.aguP 11'1 ll•r sa ul Pay No Income Tax In 1982 or 1983 and, Legally Recover Taxes Paid In Maureen Reagan keynote guest M<1un ·t·n Ht·agan wall "P4'ak 111 Lo11g l~·ach (x l 28 as kl':V111llt.' g ut.-i.L uf :.i 1.:on fenmct· t•nllllt•tl. "On Top of Ou1 Workl "S lw will addn:-..-. .in a udwnn ol 1ntt·rnJlH11l.tl hu ... irw-.-. p1•11pl<· fr•Htt tlw Un11t·d ~l.Jll'S .111d :W ltlUllll it•., 1979, 1980, 1981 You can invest dollars you have already spent, are currently spending and will spend In the future for taxes. Into tax sheltered investment s that: a) Average a 500% tax write-off b) Ar e highly profit motivated c) Have a history of posi tive cash flow and a~rec1ation and d) Not on IRS abused shelter list For a private and confidential appointment please call TLC Financial Services, Inc . (714) 752-7371 Broker Inquiries Welcomed "011 Top of Our Wo rld" ..., "'l)IJOMJrt·d h~ £.>t•a11 Furw.11 ding. ,111 1nt1·rn.1111111.d t r an;.pur1..it1•1n 1·urnpan~ Th•· 1w1J day t·11nfl'ft•n<·l· wall ht· lwld .JI Long &-.H·h·~ ltvJll MannJ liutd . tht· pot t .it Long BP..ich a nd lht· world h1".1dqua1 tl•rs uf Dea11 111 I lu ntmgton Bt•ach Hl·Jg.m wa II bt• Jo11u·d b~ otht•r rt>Cogniwtl l'>.JX•rl:. 111 m1xfrra11ng wh<1l wall tx• a forum for d1S(.·u:.swn on ovt·r:.c•Js bus11ws.-. Thi· topic for h1·r pn'sl•n1at1un will fmus on El·unom1t· P11l1 t 11·.1I Strut•tun · uf the· C:urrt•nl Ovt·rM·a' l\1.ir.k<'l of lAmC'ne<m Bus1n1·ss J\h1un ·t'll H1•.1gdn w:is lurmt•r 1:hll'f 1·xe<.·u11vt• off1t't'r fur S 0 S (S t•ll Ov1·rs1•.i:-. A mc•nca) Sht• ha~ f1Jr many y1·;1 rs bt1~·11 .1n .1dv111:11tl· of 1ncrt•;1s1ng Aml·rtt·;111 1Ju,.1m''" an t1•rn;i11on;,il tu•, I I f>l •. L~ ~ Yo%otess1onal ~ 111f. Flans/ FLORIST 29 15 Red Hill Avenue A 10& Costa Mesa Stone Mill Business Park 641-08 10 ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!~-=-=-=-=-=-=:--~~----:===-======~ Introducing TODD ADAMS, D.C. Family Care Chiropractic HOLISTIC CHIROPRACTIC HEAL TH CARE PRACTICE -Specializing In - • Family Chiropractic Care • Progressive Chiropractic Treatments • Athletic Related Injuries • Nutrit ional Counseling • Deep Muscle Therapy • Exercise & Body Toning Programs INSURANCE CASES WELCOME AUTO GROUP WORKERS COMPENSATION UNIONS MEDICARE Grand Opening ln~itation Gompllmentary Chiropractic Evaluation And Consultation CALL FOR AN APPOINTMENT NOW (714) 553-8236 TODD ADAMS, D.C. M«n,,., Arn«tcan Chlroprtotlc Anoe. AH#n,,., c.Jlfoml• Chlropr•ctlc ANoc.. 4121 We•t•rly Place, # 116 Newport leach, C'A. (NNr J.#tn WoyH Alrpwt) ' . Holm ea Lang Punt /(eel er beefs up s ales force K1•1·l1·1 ~ 1111ds, Im 11f S.111lJ i\11u, .1 lull '>l'I Vin v. l111ll's.ili• d1s111bu1111 •>f f11od pn11 lu1•t-. ,111d 1 •·l.1ll0U -.upplll's wl v1111< ,ill 111 So111h1·111 ( '.1111111111.1, t\11:mnu Jlld N1 ·v,1d,1, Ii." .1111 111u1111·cl 1h1· 1111111111111111 111 Jot•I Ed\\anl llo lnwi. 111 11 11111111~11111 B1o;11 h lo <i11111p S;il1•s J\l.1!1.11(l'I 111111111''> "'all l>l' I t0hp1>1h1blt• 1•11 l1.111111ig .111d pl .,111.il1l1· s.ilt ' ).(fl•V. th <lllll11tg '"' J''>lj.(nt·cl '''"°' gruup '1'111 ll1•Jdqu.1111'1' l '111 11JJ·''"''" 1111 has J111111u1111 d 1111 pi 1111111111111 111 Anne Hu ruda 111 opt r;;uu11' 111u11.1g1·1 1111 lh N1•wpo1 t &·al Ii 11.i ,1111111 A 1,u,in1·s:. ,ul1111n"u .1111111 j.(l .1du.1lt• of C..t S1;111· L o 11g 11t•Jl h , ll.11 .11L1 h,,.., l11 •t II \\tlh Tlt1• ll1·o1dqu.111t•1 s C111npa111t•s lc11 I ' v'""' 'l'I v111g pit ' 111ush ..... 11ff1u· .1Jn11n1stratur John R. Mill's of I ll111t111i.:t11n £34.·Lil'h has lx·l·n s1·l1•t·t1•d tu hNtd up lht• 1H·wly-upC'nc•d Orangt· l "11u111 \ •>I I ac·t· o l I le •I I mJn V idl•o Svi.tt•ms. I 775:t M ttl'h~·ll S t , lav1111• 1'1111r tu JOllUllg Hoffm<in an J anu.11 \', l\liln. Sl'l'Vt•d .1:. ;.;dt•s ma11;1gl0I ur th t· Video Dupltl'o;t11•11;. IJ1v1..,111n •11 T11µl'lll· C1irporatt0n Hex P rin • nl N1•w 1J111 t fi<·,wh l1<1s JUllWt.l thl' 01 .i11g1· l'11tJ11 l y 1.t 111·1· ol Toul ht Hoss & Co <is parlm 1 In 111-. 111" p11-..t11111, 1'1 wt 1-. rt·spons1bll· for 11Utl1t;. 111 th1 \'l1n11u:o. n 1m1M1w·-i w1 v 11·c·d h:"J Touc:h1· Ho'' J\111-.1 l'l'l.t·ntlv. I'm ,. w." T11ul hl0 Rw,,,· US p,111111 1 111 B1 .0111. wht 11 ht· "''\'II('(! 1n11•rn:i1111nal :wn1t111" 1111111 111, 11.1'>1 111 ~.111 l',1 ul11 John A. Lung h.1i. lx t'll µ111n111t1•d t•1 tht pos1111m o l \'IU p1 t•S1d l0 1ll d1·\'1•lupn11·11l 1111 K\\lk"·t Dl\'"llJll, Emh..i1 I ll;,i1cl\\.ill• li1oup, A11.1lll'1m L.i11g h .1, ">1tvl tl 1ltt11 t th.in 17 ~t·.ir' v.11h Kw1kwt 111 \ .1110U' llloJ0,1~l·m1 Ill l.Jp.1t1lll'S OVER THE COUNTER NASO LISTINGS • I •• Ptoi>E,e> l1 J1 -"''' '"" to • \b • P•I t1b0n '1 • u ... ,. ••• ,...., 8•· • ... •• ,l .. ~~ 17 • i& Pin-.r\n ') • le. P1onH1 \ H , ]4 • Pta\11""" J t6 • PO\\•\ ,.,_ • Jfi;•,I P1 .. ~(,M •& , lb I P•SSleyn t J to t •' Pr09rp IA'• 11 • P1>!>vN( 1b 18 Purtbpn '11 • lu • PutO(ap J •• ] Ouatu(fl ;\ n •. R•~oCp l•. 1) • R.t,..m f'CJ 1t ,-,, • Rti,.-..ti, ")1 , I J Ro•OSv 11 . Rol>bM, , • • ~. Rov)~ ..,, • 41 S•Olitr 18 I~ • S..ft<C )t , JJ !>IHtlC.0 11 , 19 SIPaw• J'i , J~•• ~(rtpH ) )•• Se•9•tt 11 .. 11•·-Svcm\t J • • St'IM.O " ,, ) ~ Sl'lw"·wl J•, l • S14'r•A\ 10 Jt !tllf(Of'\• u • '· • S(•IWI, •"' •.. s-r•s~ ,, 11 • Sl•novn i • 1 SIOM•etc. 11 I] • !>IOl>tqo. •• • • • St~f\nv- 11; 11 Slorl!>l • • • s''•""'l ........... 11 18 • l~'• I ti • ,, IO loO • I • • • 1<I 10•1 ll , ... 1). h ~"· 'ti ' ,q • 11 (;l•rurd L l'unt •11 r uunt.1111 Vall<·y, with l!J v1·,11 ., t·>.;1w11t·m 1· 111 ... vstt 111s 1•11).(11ll 1•1111~ 111c lud1ng u d1·1 atl1· 111 p1 ... i..w11 t11n11l).(, h.1., l>t•t•n n.rnwd d1n'(·tor 111 1·11~1111·1·1111il for K11d1• 1111 111 'f\hl111, Spt"'<-liJlt!>~ an p1 l'l'J"On l1 1111n.: 111;.11 u1111·11h ror ll•sl :in d da ta .111u hsi'> JppllloJl11111:0. !Jur1t Jliln'I Kci<lc· aftt·r eig ht '''JI'> at l1111•r ... 1.111 Eh·t lltJlllts Curp11rdllon 1n ,\ l)J ht·llll Ru.ssell M. J edloak 111 llunun~wn 11 .. rhour ha-i h""" c-l1ot tt·d c h.111111u11 111 tlw boa rd 111 I lunungton l'.1ul11 Tlt1 ifl .111d Lo.m As ... 11u.1t11J1\ Julinc.k 1s pt t s ult nl ,ind 1 h.111111.111 111 tlw 1,.1,1rd til Double (;1·1111111 l'111 p .1 111u I 11 1.11 1·t1·cl 1 ... .i l' ... ta l e d1\1 l11p1111•11l I 11111 h1·,11h1u.1111·11 d Ill f tlUllWIO \';ollt•\ Warren M. Zindlcr Ii." 111 1 11 J!Jp.,1nlLd v1t·c· pn·s1d1·11t .,f pnx.lul·t d1·v1·lc1 p;111·11t Jnd Ge or ge G. Scha c kellurd h,J., l1t·1·11 .11•1x1i111"cl vu l' pn·!>1d1·nl of rl·M·a1 ch .1nu cJt•v1·lup11w111 !111 ~1;111· 11f th1· At t Inc., .1 l'ost..i Mt•sJ li<1'>t·d pllbl1-.t11 •d 111 11 ;,in,pu1 lul>l(• int1:gr.1t1•d buo.;1nl's!> appltl .ti'""" .... .t 1 \\itrt· fur t he m1tTo<.:ompull·r fa·ld E r it C. Cowing h;,i-. t ••. , 11 ·•fJJJ111rltl·d pn·;.1u1•n l 11f l\kCurnb ... Sl•t'lllllll'"> l'o 1111 111 Ir v11w l'uwing's pn111,1rv n · ... 1 111n~1bil1111•., "111 Ill d111'1 t111g tht· soles ;ind marktot111~ d1v1s1on t>I tlH Md_'11mb' n ·al c•state l11111 l1·cl pa1 t111 a..hap' F11· ... 1 ln11·r,l.it• B.111k 111 c.,1i1wn1<1 ha.-. ndllll'<l Ro bert E . Greene t1 f Vall,1 Park <·x"c·utiv1• Vll'l pn.-.tdl·nt ;ind Hs ...... uor 111•d1t ufliu·r In addition c:111 11• '' 111 "''"' ,,, "" 1 ha1rm;111 111 tht• b<ink's C11<iil 1'11111 \ l1>1111111tlt 1 (;n·•·rH JOllH:tl First 11111 tsl.111 lmrn1·1 I~ L.'111tl·d l';d1 lorn1" B;,ink. HI l~li7 I)'• I 1• ~ '" ,. t• .a •••• " ,. tl1 (,4 10 It 1 1t • I I J'i 1•. )/ • la • 7., I ,. ,. '• . ', tf .• 1 .. t'. ,~ ... ](i I If!• llt lb '~ \jo, ~ 'li4 , tO 11• 1l ) .. . 4] •)• f )I. JO 11 , ~ I t , l(J • u . , •• .... :i. 0. •) n "' n '6 • II • ,, ' '\ 'I , I J •• )\, "' " t •• '.le \• ]\ )4 : ,, n ~ub,.,_,, !><;p.>t ll Sv1H llM[ l.J< , .. ,.,~. l •ndt-n lt"C\Jn J... ff!icn'A lt"n•r•I l •I''•'-, lort1fCJ,1 lOf(IU \ 1w .. 1t:. 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HMllOlll 12 •l NL tr.m 10 U II 17 l/fA HIV t ft t .. ll'IQlh • it 10 01 1&1 Orovp Survty ll M u t1 Grwth •.. 7 JO ln9Ulll It t i N IMOft'l a I.I 4 It l!vror11 l2" NL Trf a <11'1 llfll•tll 1'1m 10 t.01 1J l "I $11 10 t0 II J7 l'-attCI ,_, llMl11ttf'( l ti HI. /!Im t..• 11"1'•111 lllllf'CIPltali l at ll -••11 l!IC# I 71 11 U loll llm \IMVI I 111\'MI I ,S U U ''" , -••II l11Yel II .M U fl 'I'~ ... llMVlll ""•r. • ti 1" ua:;·vt ..,...,111 Tu • it" 10 •• l"l~I 1\ 1111 crwu ~ 11u ' ': ) ,. '"• ~ » flll. M '""--•II !2,;.' 46 I H 111~1'-" Or~ ~.'Ji: :~Jl N : ~I Sf. t&'I : u ,, •• 0.-. ol r .... ,, .. ,, (f'nt..,, lf"l1t"t,.. =~~. ff"l!J('t+ Vtlil ANh""""' ["IOn" "" {p..:Co FtJ r .,.,\t "vEno. ,,.,,.", M•O"'F- (Mp"•O '>lcEno• HH0111 l<f'nCOO us EM Cl 0. t t ' . .. I ) 1 Otl 11 S J '' ,, " 'o OH 11 S ! • .. I' .. • s • • .. l I ... ... ... •• Ott Ii 1 Ott 11 I Oil 11 I Oii 11 I Ott 111 011 IO I O" 10 ~ • Otl 10) 011 lOS • 0 11 IO S .. ()fl 10, Oft 100 '• 0 11 ,. .. ()fl 91 -'• ou '1 • Ot• 9 s Ott • ) t")tt • s NY '14~ t :()MPO 'l 'l'E 'l'HANS (~'rlt)N UIAOI •'•O•n INtlVOl • ••O• 'ON '"II .... •o•• 111110 ••" ... (,,.( ltlW •O\ION 0 1 I •Ot I , .. o '"''''"'"""HO< • • llCMANOI\ ANO ... l'Oll tlD •• I ....... ,0 &NI) IH\llNl f ,\ 1982 s • Two savings f irIDS cut rate l.l )S AN( ;J•:u·:s (Al'> Two C.1hro1 fllJ ~V lllH!> 111ul 11 1:111 1111otttut11111t1 huvv 11h11vt>tJ IUi mut·h ·'" ·• lull Jll'1<t•11t.1g1· IJl•llll l1oi11 ruU'll 011 udjui.t,;1hlt• h u1111• lua111> 111 ,lllOJllwr .1llt•111 pl tn 1111n1u lull' th•· t.lt!prt •'l.'ll'c.J n .. .t 1·-.1.111-m.11 kl'l 11111111• S.1v111J(' of Amcrn:J. ha .. 'll-<l in ~ Ani::t·lt•s . • 11111 &•Vt•rlv l11lh. li;L.';(.'<l Anwrrrnr\ S.1v1 ngi. 1·.1d1 "''' llll'1t 1._o14·, :11 I'!.'• pt•fl•t•n l Mondoy T h.11 t·ur11f1h1t'l> with r.1lt'll 1un~111~ Crom I ~ 1J4·n1·nt to J.1 1' pt'l\l'lll ,o('t'tjl"(llnl:( lo .1 Sl.11.to•Wldc SUI Vt•y l.1 .. I W1•dlll•:-.d 11y hv tlw (",tl d or111:i Sa vings ;u1d Loufl Lt•JJ,:Ul' A set ruling weighed WASl llNC:TON (AP) Tht• Supreme Court is t.1k1111{ a do:k• l1x1k al d lowl'r court's ruling that tht- Ht•ag11n .1dtn1111strat1on 1'.'larrns mal<t•s US coqx1rnk Ll!>S('I.' l'l•SY 1.<1rg1·L-. for foreign guv1•rnmt•nt.!:. ... 11lt·I C.J~tro·~ M-12un• or A11ll'rtl·an propt·rty 1n t'uh.1 f11llow1nt: the n·vulut1on that swept him into powt·r 1n !!:.Hill '>parktil tlw ll•ngthy ll·~al c:onlrov{·r~y STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT N(W •OllK 1API ~., .. Iv•• ouu •nd ;wt 'twnq.; ot lflt' f1tlttt'O mu\• 11M.hve Nt''A Vo.ti-. ~t«.~ l •• r~n<r-1\\Ue\, tt•d•nQ l\ltl•Orwtlly At moftl• th.tn u J.ofttf'f 1 740 9(,.fJ IJ'• 4*• UtM t )t) >00 I) • '• l·~on 1 C.1 100 Jt • '· fllt""" I~ I I 0/t OW .O• )ito4t\k t1 t O)'f> ffOO )/ AMA: ( OIO 968 000 t•t. • "" ,',\n~r~~· :: t: ::': . !"': JO tno JO t ,., 15 Ull •> .... lnOu\ ,,,.,, • " ,, ... ~ 401 1~ "' " • , 1n••n•1"1401n'"· 01 )'If> n M 31 l68 oo ,.J II 0 101) •1 10)1 09 1001 ... lUI) 411) )~ IU _.,, , ... W•tf'rC..om ll'i<l?(lO •'I • .1•. JOtHl\ in ll10 400 41' l'~U\l(U 800~ U 1 t J M f'lt1ll l t'll Jn 400 ~ t • ' •'hlll0\11( 1 llU 100 H • '• M001I /~#4 100 )I (P'ltv\ht 1'\UOO I•• AMERICAN LEADERS t.EW •ORK t"PI S olH luH PllLO t~,~~·-~ri_."tut ~t '™( • !~,1.n~,\Q\I 1'::'~"\• ~:~~t "·'''""""' lJUntt"P'trl Ch•mo Hh t~~t~~O·• ...- Af'\ttlnt i ..... trnRMol n k.tlby(~p Am0•"1 COf'Otl W\ .. 1 maftt ltMU \I liW HOO •A • I /&cl"<)() ,,, l I• II\ J(jO l» ICJlf j()O • ,_. 116 ..00 1J • ·~ '°° ?lt· 1)6 \OD ' • IH lOO 10 1)0 JOO ,, • ,,. lW ''· P<o . ... I• I• I Up UP UP UP VP UP Up ' Up ~ Up ' Up '· uo • !>9 • Up '• Up 'I Up • .... uo ""• Up '· uo l • uu I • Up 1'-Up I UP "• Up I' UP ... UP IH ... IJ 1 "' II ' II t '"'tt t 111 10 I 10) 10) 10 \ •• u •o •• •• IJ I 1 9 0 ' I I I I r I• I\ Utll\ HS,. I •)\ 70Cl' IS ll\ IOI WHAT STOCKS DID N l W Y(JiO\ i.At'I 0< I '" """•"'-'"" O.<.l1nrd Unt1'.ono-<1 Tot•• 1\""--" N•¥t htQf\\ Ht w k)w \ A••• •¥1 • r .... ~)1 , .. )~ /(i .. 1)4 I NCWYOH> APt (Kt 'q ,\(JvrttW.t-0 0..f.llnrd U nt "• ,-.,.,,..o 10141 I\,""'\ Nt'-Wt ruqt.\ .. .i .. -•ow~ METALS NEW YORK (API met•' pt.C.8 t~.01y fl>ft )14 J.1 1 10 -~· .. Cot>f"t 72'• 75 cent~ a pound U aes11na1iont l MCI 23-29 cents a P<>Und Tin S6 2•23 Metals -compo~te Alumlnum 76 cents a PQUnd N '( Merc ury $370 00 Pt!< nas• Platinum S338 OO-S3U 00 troy ovn NY SILV£R ~ Handy 4 H111man S 10 •• pe1 troy ~ 5 GOLD OU OTA TIOHS ~ llr the AHoclas..i Pree• ! S"'8Ctlld "'"'"' Qo40 IJ'I(; .. ,.,...,., London morning h•1ng S•39 oo) uo StO 75 London alternoon "'"'9 S•• t 50 vt> $13 25 Perle olternoon '"'"0 S•38 22~ ul' s 12 16 c Frankfurt '"'"9 S•37 96 up $9 9'°° ZUtlch 1a1e alle<noon fl•1no SA• up S9 50 bod SU 1 00 aslcet! Handy 6 H.,m•n 1only aa11y quelfl• S•• I SO vp S 13 25 • Ene•lh.,d 1on1y aa11y quo1e1 S•• i!so up St32!> • £119•lh•rd tonly daily quolel labttclied S•63 !>8 up S 13 92 , SYMBOLS .. ~ • , . I L ! le Orange Ooa1t DAILY PILOTIWednHd•y. Ooto b1r 20, 1982 - State should not make private schqol loans Should the state be n.>qu1n'<.J to loan in s truc tio n a l matNiuls purc,hased w ith tax mont·y to private sch ools? That is th(• question In Proposition 9. W e.• believe the answ er should be no. O ur t ax system provid es California n.'Sidents with a v ia ble public school system. Everyone' mus t pay those taxes, but the ,Yst~m is available to everyone 111 the?.jse. So e parents ch oose to send th ei r hild r e n e l sew h e r e Somet mes they feel the quality of education is superior in a private school. Sometimes they want their childre n to receive re ligious or e thical training n o t p art of tht· public school curriculum. This 1s their choice. and it 1s one tha t we respect. Nevertheless. the public school syste m exists for the good of society. By re fraining f r o m u s in g i t . yo u ca nn o t withdraw fina ncial (tax) support any more than you can refuse to pay inc ome tax b ecau se you h a ppen to live overseas for the momen t. The result is that parents who believe their childre n sho uld have a private education, for whatever reason , must accept the fact that they will h ave to pay for th at ~hoice. The state d oes not h ave la rge surplu ses. An ever -incr easin g Cf'escendo of c riticism h as been d ir ected a t the state educationa l sys t t• 111 Io r f u II in~ tu p n · IHI rt• studt·n ts mfoquutcly for l11tt•1· h ft'. T h is is ~:nr1.:dy u m onwnt wht•11 we c~m nfford to d 1vt·rt valuabk• n·s ourcc:. l o thu:cl' who h ave con sciously upll•d out of lhl' system It bears 110 \lng also that m:m y private schools ar1• run for profit. Why should we bt• hdpmg them <>Ul? And th<'re 1s a separate, m ore emotional issue. One o f tht' long - standing tenets uf this country has been the separation o ( 1.:h urch and s tate. I t long has b e e n held inappro priate a nd dltigal for go vernment to subs 1d1zc any re ligio us o rgan1zat1on. Ye t . by loan ing teaching mate rials to private, c hurch -supported schools, the government 1s domg exal'tly that. What it comes down to, is that separate educational systems for religiou s o r soda! groups a re a luxury th e s ta te can ill a fford. We bellevt• that parents w h o wan t the ir t·hildre n educated d ifferently must pay the price for that. The only cxcC'pt1 o n 1s f o r handicapped students. but ex1stmg law provid es for the edu('allon of thl'Se special s tudents at taxpayer e xpense in an alte rnate facility if a public sch ool 1s n o t available. These needful s tude n ts do no t need Proposition 9. And w e don't thmk the voters o f California need 1t eithe r . Vote NO on Propos ition 9. Curbing vandalism The Fountain Valley School Dis trict is trying a fresh approach toward curbin g sch ool vandalism. Ins tead of th reatening punis hment for d estruc tive acts, the policy will give stude n ts some thing positive to wo rk toward. A fresh a pproach ts cer tainly called for. The district spent $1 9.- 000 last year on vandalism damage t'epairs. ' This year. each one of the equ ipment purehas(• or field trip m ig ht be two ways tht• studen Ls could s pend the money In fairness to thf' students. expenses arising from destruction t hat pro bably t'ould n ot b e attributed to an l'it-me n tary-age student, sue t\ as a television set theft. would not count against tht• total. Also, 1nc 1dents 1n whic h pcsrents pay for damage caused by the ir c h i ld r e n wou ld n o t be deducted from the $1 ,500. ~~.u .. ,Jli\ll~M,. .:. J I~ 1.\ iji.hltll!mld1'1 /\~~· l;J, ~ 1/Y<i~~ ,(X) trJ ~l~, ··1, , '""' .... ,.. ....... ' .... Hunter 'protects' wildlife WASHINGTON Ll. Hay Arru·tl 1~ a l0Wt'1"1111-( hulk of a man, a l'OU~h -sµokt•I\ Url'al Wh1 ll' Hunkr and sport fishl'I 111un 11! tht• Erm•s t H emingway st'hO()I (1f nl<.1d11s111u So, by lht• c·urtous log1l' of th1.: Reagan udm1mstrat1on. he 1s now thl· assistant :.t'lTCtarv of lntC'rtr>r for fish i.lnt.I wildhf(· thC' man rl'Spon~1blc: for priJtl,·t1ng c.•ndangcrcd Spt.oe1cs A unl•llmt· oll-c'Ompany gl'Olog1st unu l1fC' na-mbc r of the• N<1t1on al H1f11.• J\..'--;<>t.1.1t1on, Ar11t'll was namt't.l ht•:Jd of th l' c a 11 f II r n I a r I s h a nd Ga m I' O..·panment by Gov HonaJJ Ht•ugu n. In lhut l'LIPUl'lly. hl' SU(.'(.'(•&,full y kt•pt tlw St·a uth •r off tht• L·ndangerl'd·Spt'l'll'!> hst NOW, AS TllE flo<lt•ral arb1t1.•r of hh· ar11J dto;1th fur thl· animal kingdom. Arnl'lt h~" Jlluwl•d frllow bw;mas l11 bring h,1ck 1hc·1r African lroparu k1 lb a~ t r u p h 1 1.·-; a n d h a s p c· r m 1 1 l t• d munuf<11. tun•rs of .)Ogging sho(::o. Lil 1mpw t Au~trJlian ka ngaroo hides lit· .:ilsn f,1v11r~ turning CIVl•r tht• world's only wmt<·r rdulo(r' for whoopmg l'l'~nt•s to thl' 11•11d1·r n11•rl ic•s of the :.tatt• of T<•xas, wh1l·h w;int~ to devt•lop part of tlw rurt· bm.Js' hub1tal for t•ornmernal purf)<J~"> Arrwtt hus turnt-cl his lntermr JOO 111111 a ~c·nt•:-. of !>td ar1 :-.. At govl·rnnwnl l'Xpt.•nst•. hl· ha:. gonl' fishing off Nl'w Z<.'alund <ind in Virginia H l· hJ~ bt-..•11 heard to bci;1sl of h•l' on-tht• JOI> game· ex pt'Cl1t1orb Rcn·nth Arrw11 comb1nl0d J lo t of ph·a~urt• ~1th a l11 tlc· bus1nc·-.s 0 11 a lour· da y JU11k1•1 to tll1• L'a y111a11 lslaruls 111 tht• :-.urwy C.1r1bl>t«J11 Th(• u~tt•n:oblt• p(llnt uf thl' tnp wa:-. ti• :.t•\· whl•tlwr .in 1nipor1 1·x1•mpt111n 1111gh1 s<1f1·lv IH' JACK ANDI RSON granwd lur gn•t•n s<•:.i turtlt•s raised in l'apt1 v11 y Thl' n •ptlll•s, nuw on the· thn·att·rwd SJ.>t'<.'ll'' liM. Ufl' l'UVl'h.'d fur th{•1r nw;1t and lh1·1r slwl l~. At lll'tt', h11~b w1•r1· tht· Covnrnn bl:i11ds g11vt·rnnwnt aml t h1· proprietor.., ul a gn'l'll ~·a·turtlt· farm. ond tht•y Sl·I 11u1 to t•Ott•rt..un thl• w1ldlifr pr11t1~tor 111 grand Myk llere', ho"' th1• trip w1·11t Arnl'll .. nd h1:-. !)<•rty flt•\\ tluwr1 ''" .i SatunJ.1y .1ml dwtk1:d mto <i plush n •Mirt h11td Sund .. y w.1~ :.pt•nt :-.c.uhil d1v1 ng and I 1shmg (111 n1t1rlm 011 Mont.lay, the.• ~rl1U1' Wl'nl hunting Tiii' lfU,1ffy wa~ !-.Up!J(1w d tu bt• µ1g1•on~ .md dovl·~ But upo11 th1·11· return. orw 1111•mlx:r of tht• hunting par•:.· was hN1rd to n·111~1rk tht1t th' h,JlJ "wtngl'll <J couple.· ol p.1rroL-;" 1\:-. 1l huppt•n::.. tht• onl:. sud1 lunl rm th1· 1:.l<md 1:-. tht• CrJnd CJvm;m t\mui.011 . wh1l'h 1s on the· l•ndungt•rt•d :.pl' It •s list On Tuc"'°"'Y· <ilung with m1>rl' :.< ub.1 d1\'111g. J\rm·tt f11wlly MfUl'l'Zl-<l m d lllUI 11( the.• turlll• f<1rm T h<· ,1:.:.1stant -.c."< n·t,1rv w.1:-. n ·portt'Cily 1mprl'SS<:d with 1h1· 11pN .. 110 11 , though hl· twd m·gll-cted lo l:1k1 · .i wrtll· <•.iq.x•rt along lo makt• an •lfJ1'r;J1:-.;ol Tll F: POINT at 1:-.,ut· 1:-. whNht·r the tu1 Iii· !Jr m •~ ~t·ll -~uff1ul'nl or still d1•11t·r11b 1111 wild 1u1 tit·~ Tht• lfJp S<.'1c-ntrsl •111 tli1.· r..rm lolt.1 n1 v J'>Mx.·1a1c• Pctc•r (;r.,rH t hJt. 1.·ont1 ..ir y t<J tht• turtle f.ir m1.·r..' pred1t·t1un t1vi-yedr'> ago, not a '111glt· turtl<· hole ht•d frurn an 1·gg laid in t apt1 v 1t y has lwt·n abh• to pruducc 11fbpnng Iii 'hon. tht•rt· r!I <• su~pll'llln that Jf thL• tui tit· f,11 rncr~ wc•n · tu bt• ur;intt·d an 1·xt·rnµ11on to the· k dt!ral prr1h1b111un on 1mprn 1111g tunic· produ<·L-.. thc·y would havi-tu u:-..• wild lurlll·s lo -;at1~f v thl'ir • u,,111111 t 1 '> d l mand:. Thl· C~v man blJnd' t·ntn ·prt•1wur' •1IJ\11ou'il) ·hupt.-d 1111 A1 nc·11·~ !>Upp<1rt in thl·lr JX•t1t1on ft11 <tr\ t•x.•rllpllon Tlw turtlt• 4u1·:.l10n will lx· th<· !>Ub)l-<:t of .1 h<·<•ring lx•lun · tht• llou:-.c wildltft· :-.uh1.·m11m1ttt·t-. who:-.t• l·ha1rman , Rep. J11hn 13n·aux. D-La . JOlnl-d t ht• Amell •·>-1)i·d1t1on Thi· ruggc.·d Arnett 1:. l'X Pl'l'lt:d to 1•nd111'!-.1· t h1· t uni\-form1.·r~ t•xttmpt1on 1 t•4ut·~1 l1·;1v1ng tht· 4ut·~11on Whttn.· rn·x1 1111 1111 11t•nµatl·t1l JS..'>l'>t • .nt Interior 't•t rl·tJ1\0 .' L<ibr.idor •Jl babv-seal < lubbmg i1nw·1 • Foo11rnk Arnl"ll rPfu!.cs to talk to rt purtl·r~ ·a~ a matl\•r uf pnnuple" His pr t•s:-. -.pokl•sman d rd nut r<.>spond to "'\'l:r,11 1114Ulr1L'S dis tric t's 15 e le menta r y sch ools will be allocated $1.500 to cover vanda lism expenses, or $22,500 total. lf the damag~ bill ,near the end of the school year is less than $) .500, a school may k eep the surplus. T h e student council w ill decide o n its use . A special Threats of punis hment for vandalism a re effrcuve o nly up to a poiflt. A program that rewards positive behavior may be jus t the a pproac h that will c ut t h e F o untain Valley district's high vandalism bill Reunion stirs sad, funny • meino.r1es i . :YES on Props. 6 & 8 Two propositions on the Nov. : 2 ballot have to do with m oney : manage m e n t. B oth d eser ve : support. ; Proposition 6 expands the : Investment authorit y of managers : o( public pension funds. such as : the Public Employees R e tirP.ment : Syste m , the State Teac h e r s· : R e t irement Sys t e m a nd the :pension f und s of l ocal : governmen ts. ! At present. only 25 percent of : the assets of such a fund may be : invested in common stocks and u p : to 5 percent in preferred stocks. : The pro p osed con s ti t u t ion aJ ! amendment wouJd increase such : investments tD 60 percent of the : f und 's assets, a nd inc lud e : investm e n t in some s m a ller : companies that d o not meet the : present s trict standard o f $100 I millio n or more in assets. the ballot by a n almost unanimous vote of the Legisla turP. It merits a YES vote. *** Proposition 8 1s design ed to a llow loca l gove rnme nts t o man age their m o n ey m o r e e fficie ntly by borrowing against total anticipated taxes and other revenues. suc h as user fees, to meet day-to-day expenses during the summer and fall months before taxes are collecte d . The money w ould be repaid, interest- free. w h en taxes are collected in December a nd April. Ar presen t such bor rowing is permitted o n o nl y a s m al l p ercen tage of exp ected t ax r evenu e . W ith pro p e rty tax collections limited since passage of Pro p o si t ion 13, m a n y loca l go vernme nts a re depending more h eavily on user fees and other non-tax reven ue. s uch as federal grants. LONDON There's JUSt so much sentime nta l baggage you can <.'<1rry through hfc I'm not much for reunacms Anyone who has reached th<.> age of 60 rould easily spend the rest of hlS days JUSl s1tt1ng around. remembering. I'm here at this o!d U.S. 8th Air Force Base near Bedford. England. though. because members of the 306th Bomb G roup arc having a reunion and I flew with them on the first U.S. bombing raid on Nazi Germany in February 1943 It's sentime ntal baggage I carry easily and with great pride. IT'S BEEN 40 years now smt-e thl'Sl' men fle w their four-engined B-17 Flying Fortresses out of here. They're the kmd of men Americans like to thank arC' typical Amen cans, but they're better than ty pical They'r e special A lot of World War II Air Forc.-e men are. 1t was a terrible wa r for t h e m . .although during this reunion they·rc managing to recall a lot of th(' good things about 1l. It would be too sad 1f they didn't lt was terrible because so many of ti1em were l<Uled. One evening t hey'd be sitting around their huts talking. worrying. playing cards and writing le tters home. The next evening, if there had been a bombing mission that day. the bed next lo theirs or the one next to that -and maybe both -might be empty, its former <X.'t:Upant, their pal. dead Perhaps he had gone down m a p<•rachutc that <.·a ught fin· "Who bUrnl.'d lia1ltty"" Mac Kin ley Ka ntor wrote "Was 1t v<>u?'· lt was a greai and krt 1blc· war for mt• ANDY ROONfY because, as a young re porter for thC' Army newspaper. The Stars and Stripes. I was m a strimge position I came to this base often when thl' bombers went out. and when they returned -1f they returned -I t.alkoo to the crews about what had happened Then rd return to London and write my story. I often felt ashamc.>d of myself for not being one of them I was ha0ving the ume of my life as a newspaperman and they were fighting and dying. That's how I came to fly with them just that once to Wilhelmshaven. It made me feel better about myself Looking out at the crumbhn_g remains of the old runways at this airfield . I'm haunted by rtashes of memory Ofte n t he bombers came back badly damaged a nd with crew members dead or d ymg. In April of 1943. I was here when they came back from a raid deep in Germany and one of the pilots radioed in that he was going to have to make an emergency landing. He had only two engines left t Under existing r egulations, ·now somewhat outmoded. pension ! fund managers are limited in their : efforts to obtain a higher re turn ; for retirees. "'.. Managers of private pension P e rm itt ing a d van c e b o rrowi n g agai nst a 11 s u c h a nticipated reve nue w ould ease cash flow problems and eliminate the n eed to borrow comme rcia l money at high interc.'St rates. Gun owners run most risks funds, and of public funds in many oth e r a r e a s, have the advantage of greater flexibility in handling their '1lvestments. Propo1Uioa 6 was placed on We recommend a YES vote on Proposition 8. Thought:. :JI larg<>: The supreme irony in th<.· nv1han dl·mand for handgun ownt>rshlp Is thnt most of the guns used by criminals arC' stol<.'n from private homes. and tha t u housc•holclt•r In poSS<'SSlon of a gun 1s far ' •' ~L.M. Boyd/ Office romance 11'f·• less likely the pair wlU return to said office that afternoon. 01111111111 .. • l&em No. 36:5<: In our Love and War man'• We II a report that more than ·'10 plRltnt ol all rcmantic affain are ~bonducwid between noon and 3 p.m. In One American man out of 25 would more likely to be shot by an lntrud r ·-the ~. pu1Der'I meet at out-rathe r be a woman. One American ths o one without. ot-t.he-way c:afea. most uaually. The woman out ol •b< would ntt.her bl-·a The voting public ls only aelectlvcly . ~ the c:9fe from the olfk.'et t.he man. cyn111c1·a11 1bout dt1h<' Sl.tl~m11en\8 m1adeh by .. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~l po t c an~~n ngw~ ~eonyt ~ alogaM and catch-words that conform to ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat .J Themes P. Holey ,Vblltll9< Jene Amen lceelll••• fcl.te>t ....... KNllMch fdllorlol 'oee ldlfof -n....... Mce.eftn ~l!Mol \hC'lr prior ronvlctloN. (A thoroughgoing cynicism mlght'at least 1eencrat ~ a higher bret:-d ol candidate.) -Perhaps th• moat wide.prod 111uslon la that If ~t Wert' ln pow~r we would behave vtty dl ffer~ntly from thmc! who now hold ll -whcm. In truth. in order to 1&t't power Wt' w o uld havo to bt."O>me very rnuch like them. -------------~------=--~-~ (~·mn·s fauil mistake•. both in t heory :ind In practit-c ) Untold thou~nds of young pc.'Ople kl't•p going to rollegc for years beyond on y genuin<' need or desire, not to rt'l't•iv1• 11n r ducotion, but to postpone maturity for ai1 long as possible ; but, beyond a t•1•ru.1n poin t, the longer you postpone it, the hardvr 11 becomes to OC'hlCVC' ll -Professumal nthlMes e ndorsing producl.<c in TV adll convey a greater atmosphere or tnslnrerlly than any other group -and. besides. they l'an hardly rvud their prompt cards Ifs hard to lov<' your nt'lghbor 1f you don't Hkt> your neighborhood . Little has ch1mg'-d In dw world In the 40 ycani 8inre Oen. Hugh S. John.410n tcstiflNi, "Thcr~ n evl'r was a war at urns thot wos not merC'ly the exl(lnslon of a pl'C.'«'dlnc war of commel'C'e grown (it•rttr unul the w..-ape>ns ot commcn: 1eemed no longer 1umc::1 ntly deadly." -"Ideology" ls to ~nuln~ ideas what a robot I» t o • real lle•h -and-bluod pcl"llOn. Jnd h1!> hydraulic systt•m was gone. He w uldn•t let the whet.>ls down and there was something <.>v<'n worse The• ball turret gunner was trapped in the plastic hubble that hung beneath the bclJy of the bomlx-r Later I talked w ith the crewmen who survived thut landing Th£>1r friend m the ball turret had been c·a lm. they said They had tal ked to him He knew what they had to do. He understood. The B-17 slammed down on 1ts belly . and on the ball turr e t w ith their comrade trapped mside ll. TH E R E ARE funny s ton es. too. Evervone here remembers the eccentric gunner Snuffy Smith. Sgt. Maynard Smith He was an oddball kind of guy. but he did his job well m the air. The Air Force lovro to give medals and they had good reason in SnuCCy S mith's case. On one occ:as1on. Henry Stimson. then called secretary of War. came lo England. and officials. thinking this would be a good time for publicity for the Air Force and the secretar)l.r-arrangcd t.o gwe S nufCy Smith the Medal of Honor The whole entourage came to this base with the scx-retary and a down generals, but the hero was nowhere to be found. It turned o ut he was in the kitch en washing dishes. He w as on KP. being d1sdplined for some minor infraction of the base rules. This reun io n is a bittersweet experience. Last evening I had a drink at a bar where there was a gathering. and a s trong-looking weather-beate n man came over and quietly said he'd like to buy me a drink. He's a Nebraska Canner now. He had been the tail gunner on the Banshee, the B-17 I flew in over Wilhelmshaven. We'd been hit that day and It was a terrifying trip. but it made a good story for me. We laughed and talked together and he-paid for the drink. As wt· lifted our glasses in a mutual toast. J noticed that two fingers on his right h nnd we re missing. It happened to crewmen who stuck by their guns while their hands froie. And he was buying me a drink. , .. _ lllllY Ill Ford cloees lta Southern California plant. Opt'nt one in West ~rmany and aaya "Buy AfTIC'rict._n." ' E.W. -. ......, .. ~_...,. .......... ..,~---_._..,...., .......................... . ....... .._, .... Oelt ........ •ANN LANDERS •HOROSCOPE •DR S TEINCAOHN A 111 Never too late to ·cure frozen~fingers syndrom~· DEA H ANN L A NDE.KS You will rwv1•r k11t1w how m ul·h 11 11wt1nl tv nw 10 St>t• ltw lt•lll'I 111 y11t~r column fru11\ thl· woman w hu bt-currw 1t·rn(11•d when sht' hod to srg11 h1•1 nunw on u d11(·u1111•11t 111 the preS{'n<'\' o f otlwr.. I thought I wa., tht• 0111:-ufl(' For ~() yt•ur1' I huvl• suHl'rt'll w 11h t h1· f11111•n fingers sym.ll'onw m lxm~. ~nx•t•ry :.t11rl'!>. 1 hurd1, votm~ -JUSl nurnl· 11. l reaJaze now tha t my pt111b1J was l".tUM'll l.Jy guilt feelin gs t.•ngl'ntlt•rt.•d by my motht.•r , who start.'<.! al m<• w ht.•:\cvt.•r i.ht.· chdn't lrkt• w hat I ....,,d or d id . Your advi<'«' was l'Xn•llt•n l Tuo Ii.HI J\11 11 Lande rs was not wriu ng 40 y t.•ars ago w lw n I n e ede d to be told 10 st•t.•k out a sym pu1tw1tt· psy<.·hologist and rad m yself of the curse It'!. l<x> l:i lt' for me , but I hope lhat wom an lakes your adv1t·1• STILL STR UGG L ING I N O H IO DEAR S.S.: If misery loves company, you hnve a lot of it. I was Inundated with le tte r s from IUfflllf By PHIL INTERLANDI o f Laquna Be a ch LAST 0lJT NOT LC AST 0 • • ,._. (,_., •.-_,..,..,I CH_,.-_,,.,~\~ iN "".,., ~ •• ...,._, 10 2C. • HOIOSCOPE BY SIDNEY OMARA Libra asked to • revise Thursday, October 21 ARIES (Ma rch 2 1-April 19): $mp,has1s on communication. long-range plans and information concerning travel. distance and language Define spiritual values, see others m realistic li ght, find ways to dlSSeminate na -essar y data TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Re lation s h ip be comes serio u s . F ocu s o n m o n ey. love, commitme nt, respons1b1laty and future plans I:klve be n eath s urface ind ications -you could gain in formatio n w hich le ads lo jack pot GEMINI (M ay 2 t -J u ne 20): Let go of past it's time to take m id plunge into f uture Focus also o n public re lations, pubh<'aty, pa rtm•rsh1 p a nd marital s tatus. People are attracted to you with their problems. CANCER (J une 21 -J u ly 22): Emphasis o n inde pendence , fre sh start, ability to finish task which h ad been held in abeyance for more thun o year. Vitality makes comeback LEO (July 2~-Aug. 2~) Emotion s tend to do~stnve tu gJve-logic equal time. Mcmtx-r-of opposite sex wants to pla y games. P o pularity increases, you regain sense of d1rect1on a nd mtuauon is on targe t . VIRGO (Aug 23-Sept. 22): You'll have more working room You're granted additio nal s pace. green light rJas h es for expe r imental pr ogram. Funds could become available from unusual sou n:..-e. LIBRA (Sep t. 23-0ct. 22): You'll be asked to revise. review and ~bly to rebuild on a differe n t structure . F ocus on quick trips, visits a nd messages. Keep resolutio ns concerning nu trition . d iet and proper exercise. SCORP IO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): You obta:n w hat you need -gain indicated thro u gh written material. Focus on ch ange . trave l. varie ty and ability to know difference between confidence a nd mere bragging. Old deb t will be repaid . SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-0ec. 21): Harmony restored on homefront. you make correct moves at right Um~. Emphasis on d iplomacy. home repairR, poaible purchue of lux ury 11.em or art object. G ift from one you aided in past c:ould be on the way . CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): H08pltal visit proves benc.ficlal -individual tempo r a rily confined provides ins pira tion , p e rtin e nt Information. Many an sw e rs are found be h ind scenes. You'll be In v ite d to atte nd private, cland..une conference. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Follow throuah on hunc.h. realize that one who pulls strtnp ts fond of you and will promo te y our belt Inte rest.. S cenario hl"hllahu mone y, a c hi e v e m e nt, production, reeponslblllty -an d love. Capricorn natJve plays key role. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): You touch univenal theme. People are drawn to you, wllllng t.o t.rwt you and t.o confide in you. Focua on career. contac:U with ~ who understand powe r game. Membtt of opposite 1ex feelt 1t.rong)y and makn no tec:ret of It. reMden wbu tbouaht, as you did, tha t they Wl'rc tht> only ones. Wby do you feel lt'!i tuo loh' tor you·! I don't. The following ktecr nuay tw U!icful. Df•:A H ANN l.AND!-:HS I would llk1 · lo hl'lp ·t-'ron·11 l-'111~t·1'!\," who Wloll' lo l'Onft·s.' 1lw tt•rror s lw Cl'll w lw11 slw hud 111 .,,~11 h1 ·r 11.11111• 111 th t· p1 t•iw11ct• 11f •>h:wrveri. I huv•• had 1111· p111l1lt•111 fur many yt.·a1-s. h u t th1• lo lluw111g l<(ll)lllllC'k~ li.1v1· rmH.k Ii ft.' eus1t•r A:tk a qul·suon of u J)4'™'" who 1:0. 11b1>1•1 v111g Wlwn he re:.pondi.. h1i. 11 1111d w all ht• 1111 wh,1t ht· l'l :.<Jying a n d nut on wha t you :.irt• doing S hade your wr1t1ng II y11u Hrt.• n gh l h111111t•d, u s1• your IC'ft hand lO l'Ov,•r your writing Or put u d\<'t:kbook •>r .1 pur'e lx·t wt·,•11 vou :111J th1• pt.•r MJll watc hing II old yo11 r hrt•at h .is you ... 1gr\ ll "11111•1111ws hl'l l:>S If pos::.1lilt·. 1.1k1· sunw111w w11h vou who know' uf your prol1ll·m .i nd ask 111111 111' lw r 111 1•ngugt· th,• 11lht•r, Ill l'Oll\'l'f''i:tllllll ~ ANN I.ANDERS S,1y 111 ymJIM•)l, "l'r11 llttl till' ttlll\' 111'1 '\C>ll who li,i... llw. q uirk T lw 11• J rt' 11111111111 ... 11f olllt'r'i " J\ SOlJL MJ\TE IN T l·:XJ\S 0 1!.:AR SOUi.MATE: Your s uggestions sound prurtkal. If they work for you, lhf'y might work for others. Thanks for sharing. 1H•:1\H ,\NN I .J\NDEHS I .im w1111111'( .1houl my 1 ou."11 who .1ll1•11th l011lll'g1 · ~111 milt·' from lwr t' I h·'s :.i :o.wt•ll kid l1lll h.i~ 111 ·v1•1 h.1d ;1 11111111• lilt 111' par t•111-. art: d 1von·1·d I 11!. 1110111 h.1s alw:1y ... lit'\'11 ll.10 l1L1'\' l11r t11m .ind lw d111• ... 11 '1 1·a11• 1111 Iii:-'t•·1>1 l,ul ) Hill .11111 I h.1v1· 1>1 ·1·11 111.H1 It'd f1.1r •·1uht 111u111h1> Hwk Ii.ti. l.1<·1·n with 1" 1•vt•1'\' w1••·k1·11d w llh(lut hut lit• 1·11L' ('V1·ry1 t11 111( 111 "glit ~nd rwv1•1 1m·k.H u/J ufV'f l111n .... 11 Bill likt"'• H11·k. liul tu· I!. lllt.'Cl or li•Vlrl l( 111111 .11111H11l :.11 111ud1 l'v<· told ham h1!. t·u11:0.tlll'\$ p11•-.t•11t·1 "putting,, ,1,.:.111 1111 our ni;1rna..:1·. liu1 hf' 1·1111t111lll'' 111 hun~ .1r11u11d .111yw,1y Whut i.hciuld.J d11'.1 NO NJ\MF. l-'HC>ry1 NOWHERE HEAR N.N.: Stop pussyfooting. Come stra lgb1 out a nd tell ltk k tha t from now on he can't com• to your pla ce unless you invite him. If he shows _,, without no invita tion, te ll him, "Sorry, you cu ,t stay her e this w1tekend. We need to be alone." 1\1111 J,;,,,(/1·1-,., c/J."·u~·:. lt•t •t> t1J:W tlrmk111g I~ 111~ 111,, '" n•,1/1tw., Le ,Jr11 the f,wt., l1y reac1111g "Howt• .111<1 }'uu l-i 11 'l'£·t•11 l\Mt't"S Unl.v." by Anti L:1mlt .,, St"m/ :111 1 , ·111\ ,1ml u /(.Ing. :.c•Jf-addrt'S!Wd. s1.1mp<·c./ em·c·lv/H' 111 Ann L:1111lt·1.,, P 0 &x J J 99J. < 'h1mM"· I II lilJfi/ I Congressional candidates cloned 8\ BOB GREENE · In thL'i season of l-Ongn ·-..."1111;1! 1·lf't 'l101", I h.1\'t• 1111\llt'd .m a larming trl'ncl th11111~ nt) t1 ,1\ t+• .11 uund th•· toun lry All cif thl· young nw11 1t11111111g ft1r C't111gn·,,, :..t<t•111 10 look lht· same> Sµc.·l·1 f1 l.·a lly. m tlw 11 1t·l1·\'l'i11111 to111111t rt 1ab, b1ochurt•!>, nt•wsp.11Jt•r adi. .111d l11llbo;inb. lht•\ Jrt· all m their !.hrrbll't.'Vt.·~ J11d ..iri.· 1·arry111g th1·11 '\Ill l'Oal" slung uvt•r tht'1r shoulder.. T hl'y an· W<tlkmg dnd th~·ir hair •~ blowing in llw w ind I do not know w ha t lh1s mt•:tn!.. T y p1cally . 111 a T V t•1m11nt'rT1al. ~· would-hv (tlllgrt!ssman 1s dt.•p1elt·d "1rull1 ng pu1 p•i.,l"fully th1·ough a ful'lorv or t.lo\\ n .1 bus~ ... 1 n •..t Thi· pt'Opll' around him an· dll·i..,NI n.•gularly hul ht• Ii.is that C'oat ovt.·r his shouldC'r 1 By 1h1· wav. ht· holds ttw l.'oat with h1~ ,1rni .r:rkl·d s traight up That IS, If tht• l'O:tl IS --1~ng •IVL·r his right sh ouldN. ht· hold~ 11 w ith his righ t hanu If tht.• l~Jat 1s s lung ovt•r his ldl :.houldt·r , ht• holds It \~ llh h as lc•fl hand Ht• m •v1·r holds II wnh h1' .•rm tr1~1ng his l.'hL·~t lu the otht.·r sh11uld<•r I Tht.• lit' IS nt.·vPr vankt'll l1 HJSl' You would th111k thut 1f lht· ft•llow 1~ so n •l<txr·d th:.it ht• is w1 1l1n1-: to Wkl' h is eoal uff. ht' might pull has 111• down . loH But tht"St' nwn m·vc·r do, appart•ntly tht•y w:1111 111 111· rC'ady to gc·t r1ghl b:.1t.·k 111 work !.hould u1\ (•m<.'rgcm:y strakt• . .:ind tht•y Ix· rt'<.jUlrt.'11 lo µut thr· t"fl<I t on. The slogans for thcs..• C'On~n-ss1om1I 1·a11d1da 1t•s gt>nc ra Uy art• a lung the tht•mt· Qf ··Wt•' rt• W:tl k1ng lo Congr11ss T ogt'lhL•r," or "Wa lk ing W ith You l<• Wash m g to n ." or "W alking S 1de-by-S1dt• Wllh You" T his is curious. because m~t l'Ongressm<'n, once thL'Y ge t el1c><:h.>d a nd arn vC' an Washmgt.on. don't walk any where• T ht•y do 11·1 t'Vl'n d rive any where ; they arc• dnvt.•n by staff m cmlx•rs or c hauffe urs. Evcm w hen tht.•v have to lt•avt• 1he1r t·ongrr.:s.o.;1onal off1t.'l'S an~d go to tht-Caµ1tul 10 vutt·O"i'la bin. t ey don't walk Ther<.• arc· httlc· trams that t:1kl• t hl•m from the congrt•l>Slonal !lfflll' buddings tu t he Capitol l am no t su re wht•n th is n 1m pa1gn ln·nd startC'<i I have· a ~usp1c1on that at has StJmt•Lhm.11( tu .~ • 808 GlffNf do with lht· µul>lll'', ix·ret·p111111 of t·ungn~'in11 ·11 For \t.,,,..., many of u~ ha\'1• thought 111 m1 ·mhc•r!. ol 1111· l'ongll·~ as tlw ull1matt• "I.it 1 al.\. .. A l'Ort l(1 t'l>Mn.111. 111 1lw pulili1 's m 111d . lo11k1·d :.rn1lt'lh111g likt• the· 11ld Th11r11;,... N.1,.1 l·•l'l11t111~ ol Bu"s Twt•l•d · l b • was p111 tlv h·· dn·s."·u 111 thn"t·-pu't·t· ... u1t.... th<1t w1·n· a '"'' \1111 ... rn.111 . h1'\ hJir '' .1~ g1 l'.1M·d ha< k . ht• had OJ ug.11 111 hi' mouth. h1• w111 t· .. ~old watt·h t·hJ111 ,I( ro .... , hr!. bt·llv . ..ind ht· w;1:-. flll'll\ old Tlw rw'' c" .1111p:11g11 t't)111111• ru.i(, ,,t't•m d1•!.1gni·t.l t11 1•r.1.,•· 1 h:ll 1111a1!1• l r 1111\ ••ur 111111cb Wh1•n Wt· sc.·t· lht· l·;111d1d:1t1·~ 111.111 v ul wh11111 .11 c• 1.h-.gU'>llngly tnm w.tlk111g \\tlh 111111 t oi.JlS IJVl'r lht.•1r sh•1uld1·r' ~md 1h1 ·11 h.111 bl11w11\g 111 ttw wind, 'Wt• P"tu•1\'1· lhl'rll not .1!. t.1t l.<ih but U!. M1•11 ul Al·tion N1•v1·r 111111u that th1 ·n · •~ 1111 quald1l·,1tllll1 ... wu11g 1h:11 :i t·•mgn•s.,man rnu~l 1110~ l1kt• lw 1s un h1!. way to pl.iy r;11 ·qu1·1 h~.t I app:1 n ·n t ly lh1• l·ampaign '>l.t1eg1!.h havt• dt'l'ldt ·d l h;1l th1:. is what Wt.• w<.inl to !>l'l' f1•ll11w:-. with tlll' v..Jtl'h (·h •. un:. 1'h1•y m1gh1 tak1: ')(1m1· u11auth1111Ll'll mu1wy. vt·!>, l.iut Jt least th"-.Y wuuld11'1 Ix Jl1J1, 111 w;1lk away v. Ith 1t quill' SS) 'lll'l'llil\ •, Thi· wc1r'\I p.111 u l 1111:. '' v. h.11 11 1!. gwng to dfl 111 Am .. 11t;1·i. .vtittlh It v.~:. rnw 1t11ng fur gt.•rwrClllO.Q;> t11 gl'11w up w11 h I 111· B11!>!. Twt•{•d image· 6r tor1grt •!.s11 w11 I I " qu 111· anothl'r f 11r tht· t•urr1•111 yuung~tt.·r' to grow up thinking lh•1t 11 y11u want tu gt•l lo L"ongn '>!'\, ~ Oll hJVI• lt1 l,1kt· ofr your jaCkt:I <ind WiJlk th1 ough l'IUWd:. Nu 11n1" al th(· [1g1· of 10 1ir I~. a!.p1rt.•d to lc>(>k lrkt• ·"' •1ld -.tyh· conwL-s.-;man. but lht'S(• nt·W f~l l(lw ... .;n• ~· •• 11rall1v1 · lookrng tha1 we• run the risk •.11 h;1vang c·h·rm·ntw·:-'-l:hnols full of boy!> slmg1ng l 0;1\'\ ov1·1 I h1•11 -.h1wlder,, and walk 1ng brisloly t.lown th1 hallw,1v" hc:l wt.·1·n l•K kt•r !. This 1s l'lQI good It ,di 111 tlwl>l· lt·llow:. ni.1n..igt· to gcl el('(:ted 1t tould l'h<.111gt· 1h1 1·ompl1·x11111 of Washing ton fun:vcr lmag1m.· ..11JO or !.II ol lht•m , all 111 th .. sh1rlSll'l'\'l'S. i'.tll w ith 1lw1r ,JLlt'kt•L' l>lung ovc>r th<J shrJuldC>rs. all wit h lht•tr ha11 hluw1ng in tht-wand. gatht'ring to hstt·n 111 tht• Prt•.,11l1·n1" .. ;innual State uf the Unum tm , . ..,,,gl· The thought 1s fr1ghtc•n1ng And \'t.•t 1t 'l't·m s to bt· l rll•\ 1l <tblc>, in ma f'~ l«mgrc•ss11>r1al t.l1stricL'l. the> land1uatt-s from both partll's an· using this r1l'w 1magt•. sn I\ doesn:l mattt.•r who wi n s tht• 1m<igt· 1s going \'n I'm nut sun• ahout th1 .... hut I thank tht l>lralt.•gy Wa!.hmglun nt•i.t y<•ar m.n but.kfu·t· .f.\11 111\l' thing. lh1· nt•w l·amp .. ugn atls A (anal µ<lin t •:• ~ubllm1 nallv i.tn'"' thl' fJ1·t that th<· woultl-bt• You mav havt• n•1llt:t·J th.it I h J V{• u.st>d 11\t• congn·s.'inwn a1t• 11•11 ;111l·1t:nt . w11c>nc-d m('n. m:.iny of ter m mt.•n an "1h1· column. Thi~ wa ... un purpose I am thc·m .1r1· n11 1old1 ·1 than m.111v of us I d on't know a wnre that tht·r1• a n• worm'n running for Congr~. about Vllll, bul lh1~ dot·~ nut m.•kt' me haµpy Ork of 100 till' t hings v.1 v.1•rt· ,1lweiys .. bit 10 <.-ount on t!> that But from w hat I hJ Vt• !><'l'll on mv travels. t~ the nwn running 1h1· 1·uu1Hry WC're m ut.•h more woml'n candrt.lcitC'S ::in· managmg to a\'01d the tren'cl. t•ldt•r l v than WL' wc•rc Tht• n t-w t•amµa 1gn Tht.•y are kl'cpmg thl'1r pck<'t!. on. they a rc> suung tumml·rc-1.1b l·r~JL·lly i.tn·o;s tha t 1h1s 1s no longt.•r so. dow n m the ir campaign ads. tht!ar hair 1s neatr~ a nd It tt·nds to mak1• um· lt•1·l 11ld al leas t th 1:. one corr.bt'Cl Whether thC',V havt.• l>Ullply failed to n oti{'t.> A no l h c• r fa 11.H:v 1 n l h 1· s Ira 11·10· 1 s t h e tht.· m•w eongrps.c;1on.1l .... ty lP, or w lw t hl·r th1•y h<W<' i.upµosilion ffidl w1 · w ,1111 yuu11g. vtml.W::rl1ungrm:rrr-~n-d ll on p11m.·1pl{", r!:" undror ----- w 1th their l'0;1ts uvc•r lht•11 '\houlders al> our ... I h11p1 ;:i fr•v. ril 1h1.•m Wll\. though Wh11n I n •µn·s<.•n l<!l1 v1•!. 111 Cnngn· .... , l\lcm~ of Us don't watl'11 1h.1l n.1'"-I Stall' ol th1.• Union addrrs::.. I'd Llk'-' Tht•M.• t·and1d.Jtt· ... l11ok llll1ou,1~ ll kt• anl·hnrnwn I l•1 hav1.• ;1 frw "lllng woml'n 10 look at w~ile ~ would vol< lw lh•·m 111 r..;1d mt• the· 6 o'dock rwws. walki ng m1•n l.·arr: their ~ull l'Oat:. around thy but nut to go 111, W;1shang111n I µrc•fer tlll' µ<Jrtl: old Capitol ~·haml)t•r' (.':111 mt;> .tn 1tfralast GOif N ON BRIDGE i • B Y CHARLES H GOREN AND OMAR SHARIF ;\ort h '01.1th '11ln1•rahl1• South Ul'ab ~ORTH +K Q 83 K QJ 6 +AK 10 6 5 n·:irh1n1< thP1r bc• ... 1 1•11nir.111 fl•Jl Y.twn 11 l.111' ,,, t.111 "" I hat t.Hl 11• r:an p:11n1 .1 flH"l llf" t1( lht• h.1n<I that :ill11"'' 1lt•1·l.1n ·r ln nt.1k1· .1 ,.,ml r.11 l 1h.11 "'"ulcl n11rm.tlh 1•11 ~o"'n ! 111 hand"1th t h1• ar1• :ind lt!d ti lrlllllfl lo thl• •jlll'l'n , whirh twirl. ~rnn• h1• harl . t(J 1 ak1• 1',lft' ol hi' I" II ~fJJUI''• h1· 10,11n1· 111 h.1 n1I "'llh lht• •tUt·1•11 111 r luti-rufft·d .1 'Jlaflt-1n 1lt1mm~ .1nrl •h··n trH'd lh•· .1n kin.: 11f 1•l11h,, nn "h11·h h• ~1u!fl•1I hi-la't ,p;1cl1'. n·m.11n1nic l'.trtl "·'' .1 d1.1 m1•nd I J1•1•lnrt•r 1•lt•1·11•d l11 pla.' 1111 th.11 .1 ... lo11ntpl1011 lit· '"l'h"d 1h1· kanl( q11t·1•11 ol d1.1111•iniJ, i\ h..r ruffinl{ rt urn 111\' l.1,l rlt.1m11nd tnr h1' ninlh lrt«k. ht• tht•n .. x11 .. rl "11 Ii .1 1 r ump ·' ,• WE T EAST ., +87 +AQ10!Hi 5 2 ~AJ1 09 . 4 10 7 52 ) 93 +9 4 2 +J 3 Ot:T H • J 43 K 76 5 2 0 A 8 4 • Q7 Thi· h1dd1n1i. outh Wut North Eut PaH Pau I + 3 • Pau PH8 Ublr f'u8 4 Pus Pan Pan llpt•n1ng lead: ~:1gh1 ol •. 1.ooktnl( .11 thl• :'\11r1 h South hand,, you "'lllild Y.,1nt to piny 1 h1-. hand in f11ur ht' .1 rt s t. 1 ' r• n n 11 rm,, I aJ"t r1but111n. your ,.,. Jll'•·ta t1on -woul'1 lw to ln•w 1 "'·n h1•ar1 · lr1ck' and .1 ~pat11• :-.inrth South <;11rm1111n1 .. rt t::ast 's barragt• lo rl'.l('h I h111 rontr11r1. At h1!> sl.'!·l)nd turn :-.11lrth douhll'rl for IJk1·11ul ~1ncc hi" part n1•r had not 't 1 bid -and Snuth r .. 11 ,.,,111 plt!tf.'ly c;nft· wlwn h1• 111 lroducl'ct h1:1 hl·rHt '11i1 111 t h1 fou r lcvt'I '.:n1 uni\ w:h d1·dan•r rl1 liithto•rl lhal lhrt't' round<; nl 1•luh, Y.1·n1 I hrough. but hi' """ hnct an 3lmu'!l l'omplt>l" t·1111nl un Ea~t'" hand. For h1" JUlll JI to thrt•t• 'padt.•!> r:,1~l 'llrt•ly h.1d () 'lf'\'f'n t•ard SUIL 11 .. h:td -;hoY.n ur with lhrt't' 1 l11 h11 . .i 1lt.1m11n1J .ind :i ht•arl . "' IY.1•ht• of hi' l'.trd., wr·n· k nm" n """ ht' l .. 1'<t 1'.1rd .1 h•·Jrt or .1 cf111mond .. \\ ,.,1 \\ nn I h1• lrtrk 1·ht.•aµ I\ lrnt ht• h;1, yt'l to I hank d1•,.(,1n•r ~ow h1· "'·'' forn•d In lt-.1rl from h1, .11·1· JMk 111 h••.1rt '· .rnJ J, .. IJr•·r" k1nl( hP1-.11111• 1h1 lullillin~ 1r11·k How do you rhoost' the best opeofog lead? Charles (.;ort'n has the answer. f or a ropy of "Winning Opt'ning l.l'ad8, •· 11end 11 .8 ~ to "Uoren·tudM." care of this ne wspaper, 11.0 . Bo x 259, ~orwood, :'11.J . 07648. Make checks payable to Nuu· papl'rbookt . ... .. ... l'rr~mpl1\t' lmlrlinK 1·an d<'0('t'I th1• nppon1·nl' from W l'SI lt•d h1" lop 'P.HI•'. t:nst won t hi' an• ant.I 'h1fl1·tl to a dinmonrl l>1•«lart'r "'•in :0-.ln('t' dl'dar..r rnuld <i('{' 1•11.:lit ht•!lfh hut nnl\· ""ven d1.11lwnd., "' h1' h.1nd .inti du mm) 111mhtnf'li. 1 h .. odd, .. lt..:htl~ fovorNt th.,1 1 :.1~1 ·, ,. Aspirin before surgery a DEAR OR. STE INCROllN: I got Into troubl~ taking a1plrln darlnf tbe week befor e my 'all bladder operation. My doctor wamed me not to take aspirin at lea1t seven to 10 d ays be fore my 1ar1ery. He kaew I ltad been t1kln• It for years to conirol m y artbrlll1. Not rea lllln1 that u plrln may cauu compllcatlon1 If taken before surgery, I took only fo.r a day (I'm 1Hd to tailing as many a1 I t) uatll tbe day before my operatlon. Result? I developed po1t·operattve bleedln1. Fortunate l y{ It waa controlled wlllllHt addldonal 1uraery. affded blood tran1fu1loa1. After I recovered, I coafe.1ed to my doctor I llad taken 11plrln. All be could do WH 1b.ke 11111 llead aad look at me a1 If I wei:e a duce, wllllell I probably am. -MRS. 0 DEAR MRS . 0 . I w on 't get In to lnbt.•lt. bu t if you ere a dunce. btt thankrul you ere 9 live one - and p rooob fy amnrwr than you Wl'rl' bt'fort• th <' o pera tio n. It la we ll r~gnizcd tha\ 1is ptrln ca n Influence the blood platele t cou nt. T his t ont> ot the h c lo r a In b lood c lo n i n g lt m Ay increase lnlr90pt'Nltlve and poel·Of)('rnllvl' bk ~In" t'V<'n if ( JOUI HEALTH OR. PETER J. STEINCROHN taken In smoll 11moullt.1 d uring t he we<'k prior to surgt'r)'. For e xample. In a study o f about 200 p; tlenta undt'rgolng o varlrty or operat1on:s • L. Kitch en . M.D. and M.~ocia~ of St~mford. Conn. Hm plta.l found th11t bleeding occurred in 22 pl'l'Cent of patients who h. d both a posltivt' drug history and a bnormal plate let coun t; and only In 7 percenl of patien t& who d id not take H pirin nod w h08<! platelet count w o normal. Som<'tim<'t, tak ing as li\tlc os two aspirins In t h e week befort' s urge ry moy cause excCllsiV«' bl('('(ilng. It mak es good M'n.-.it' for au protipt.-ctlvt' surgical patle nta lo di~ u plr ln bttfol"f' sur~ry. FOR MRS. T .. There's no lncontrovertlblt' l'Vldt'nct' th•t your auct't.'SS an quitting clttnrNte$ will .. no-no .. be grcatC'r 1{ you UM' u g rnduatl'CI filter wilhdrawal systl'm In om: study. all smokl•rs w ho stopJ)t'd"t>n their nw n, and 60 P<'rt.'l'nt ot those who used o~thEer method s rt•nlatned ubstlm•nl tlurmg the 12-m th follow up period Nt•vt•rtht>lcss. a graduated fi n sy11tcm may help somt• pcoplt• quit smoking who can't s top o n th<'1r o wn, o r rduse to h .•t>k proft'SlJiontll ht>lp . •1 D E AR DR. STEIN CROHN: It s t e ms to ,me &bat angina pectorts bas lately become one of.Jbe prime 1ubjtct1 or dl1<:u11lon. Wiiiy was It acyer mentioned years •10? -MR. G. ~ ... ' DEAR MR. 0 .: Well, let's go back q uite a few yNu~. lt was In 1772. when Or. Wlllhim He be published h is cl&SSIC deterlpt.ion of ngina pecto s l n 1788. Dr. Call'b Parry w rote. "Angina pl'Ct.ori Is o d i scU<' o f t h e h ea rt c o nncct o d w l h malorgnnluitlon of the roronary artertet.'' Dr. S tt•itt<'rohn welcom £>.s qu~stlons tr rradcrs Ht ,,.nnot an...•wc>r an indlv1duaJJ.y bur m<'luclf' thOS<' of ll<'tl~ra/ intt'rt'SI in h(1 col . nd your quct11lons to him. tn CAM of f.h~ DI y Piiot. P.O. Box 1'60. C~r• Mc.a. Calif. 92626. • 9 4 0 . .. -• "'' OtUllUCt CO&Ulll DAii y I'll u I /Wud11ooduy. Octob•r 20, 1082 urviva l cour e lat d A w1ldt•1111 ·=-.' M•rvwal t' 0 U r Ii C' , t ,1 ll Jt h I h V 8 l' 0 ~ r ll " h c• I II II d Ou ldtrnr.,1111111 H11 l11•11 Cooper, will lw~1n 111•>.I Wf'dnesduy 111 lrv111t• Thl' t'OUl'S•'. 11ff P1t•d hv Snddll•bnt·k l'ol lt•g1"i- Cummun1 t y St·r·v •l'•·i. Olflt'('. 1is :s<'hl'<lU lt '<I fr11n1 7 lo 10 pm 1111 (11111' t•onst'<-'U llvt• Wt•thwi.d.iy.., al lrvrnt> H 1~h SC'hool. Room MSLC A w l' ('k l' IHI ll u l 111 ~ Nov i I and 2<! 111 th· C hul·kwalla Mou111.1111-. w 1 11 t• u Im 1 11 ..i 11• 1 h 1· program. Tht• l'OUl~l' will ru,·u-. on S<•IC -rl'lram·c., .1 t·.1u-.t· a n d · t• f f 1 • t • 1 u 11 ti 1 • 1 s tanding or •• :..ur VI\'<& I IJ h VI> Ill logy ,11\d e n v 1 r u n m l' n 1 .1 I r l' SU Ur <.0 l' ( U) Ill' I<' I I\ 1mprov1s 1ng tool-. ol 'urv1val Fl't' (or I ht• 1·11111 M' 1:.. $ti() For rqtrstralloll 1nformat1 on . t·.1 11 Community St•rvlt't'!> :11 83 1 -46-lti or 559 I :11 :i Veterans ' counseling. offered F r C' l' v 1• l t• r a n !> · benefiLS couns(•l1ng .md da1m f1ltng as:.1s t;.11wt· wiil bt> offt>n ·d bv the· D is ab I ed Amt' rll·a n Veteran:. (DA Vl ""hl•n <J field service unit v1-.11-. s<;-ve ra I Ora ngl' l'uu 11 l .\. locatmns this month The DA V 's o ff1t·t• equ1ppc>d van m:mnl·J bv a veterans· bt.·ndrti. e xpe rt -wtll bt• 111 Foun t.am Vallt•y T'..lt·s<ll.ly and 1n Laguna N1gul·l and Cost.cl Mc·~· Ol.·t :28 Veterans net•d nut l>t· members of tht' DAV t1) take advantagt· o f the· ('OLlnwling St'rv1t'(' Any veteran or fJmtly member who v1s1ts tht· van should bring th<.· ve teran 's VA l'larm number. 1f 11va1labll', and Social ~ur1ty number The va n w ill be p ar k e d at th<.' Elk s Lodge, 10480 T albl.'rt Ave. m Foun~m Vallt'v between 10 am and ti p....m._ O cL 2.6~ Che L H o l d1e ld F't-d t•ral Building. l<tOOO Avila Road . Laguna N1gut·I. between 8 am and noon 0 c t 2 8 . a n d t h <· Vete ran's Memorial Ha ll. 585 West 18th St . Costa Mesa. bl.'twcen 2 p.m and 6 p.m Oct 28 History party set The Orange Count y Historica l Society will hold a "sig ning party" Sunday to introd uce "Orange Count1ana Ill." a collection of stories about Orange County families and act1v111es The event will take place Crom 2 pm to 5 p .m . at the S t an ley H o u se, 121H Euclid Ave .. Garden Grove. PERSONAL PROFILE INVENTORY $20 !~~J~' ;:o~.::.~ ~ex! t ,.,,,,.., 11'1 P0ttt11ff PpiO('nef l .. ,,, OfJw•tot>m•"' f:o, P'tvlt• 01 0'04.iC> app I ~ l\llS Roche 8eNl•oO< • eon...i1aNt ....Cw0<• Newp.><I &Mch (714) 640-1288 1i IHI : ~ !!!!:! All COMllTl0!9t0 SQAl WATW MIAflNO llllfMIOOM- ~ .. , ... ,, 5-"ftOe nm. Si.ttt al Y°"' Oooo ICel St.,,. _ _. Y°"' At•J COSTA MBA 641-1289 ,,,. Nowport ~- ~ WJO 495-0401 , 2"2'1 ~ Clft l'*iN l1M .... ,._.,, .. A"-f "-r I Children's Halloween For fun & pr11ct Huntington Cerlf«ir " Holloween heodqvar fer\ for the kid~ Pick up CUSTOMERS ... YOU MAYWINI FOR YOUR MO•T COUllT•OU• •MPLOY•• P11m Good Wtd11ttday, Octoliltr 20th Th111 1a: J~~ HAWAII luHdoy. OctolMr 26th. Som• lt1me At Rt911lor Prictt. "'-------------, CH't ~A flON AWAR~ Nf ~~ 82 WITH lOClllNG DOM( llD 32 -GAL. PLASTIC TRASH CAN&LID 599 Heavy dvt'y with con . ve n1ent metol hortdles • SUPER VAlUE! . • flAllll!lj; llD IHDl<Alll 0111( ro• 11 umw'"' rowu • IOtrD 11 All llOIN • OUAI CMAMllll llNIOI • Ill! llllU U&llON & IU VI(( UIC 'ltl(I 21 99 1599 UH MU'S Mil· 500 IN llUtf :~:; 1099 COST • WIMn yev .,.. "''' I rtMlf. COLONY PIUUUM CALIF. CNAIUS HG. J.H .2~! KAMCMATllA FINI QUAUTY VODKA HG. J.St 4~ ~ , ... ~­ PETER PAUL BITE-SIZE CANDY BARS ~~f·l 59 YOUI CHOI(( Tre ot the kids 10 Mounds 0t Al· mond Joy ban in the I 2·o:t bogs! • I . ' . .-.~: t#.,.~ "' .. - .. OUR FANTASTIC SELECTION INClUDE5 • DUKES Of HAZZARD • ZORRO • YODA • DARTH VADER • CHfWUCCA • lllA • WK£ SKYWAlKH • HOllY HOlllE • ANNIE • G.I. JOE • STUWIUIV 5HOITCAKE • APPll DUMPLING • LEMON MERINGUE • APRICOT HOPSALOT • PLUS LOTS Of OTHERS! REG. 5. 99 EA. HUS UP 'lAY SET SEUCTION 299 GIANT flO"Y WITCH HAT 19.? , " 49 YOUR CHOICE FACI MAH-UP ICIT COlOIFUl TINY TOT COSTUMES 1~.~ 299 , .. our •IV'C>IV 20" x30" All-OCCASION FRENCH FASHION HAIR ORNAMENTS' 9 c~o~~The~~e~! 2 5c poper Many prints• Enamel bob pin,. no· velty horrettes, more ' C REG. 1.49-1.99 STARTS WED. I •r .. ... TROUBL-SAVER 4-PACK LIGHT BULBS' 9 Choose AO 60, 7 ~ or 100 wolf long lomng c YOUR CHOICE BONANZA! 599 Solids or prints 100% polyester/ nylon b1nd1n9 REG. 7.99 c~~~:l DURACELL ALK·ALINE ENERGY CEW 'C' 01 'D', 2-PACI •. volt, 1.PACl ;~:.1~2 Stock up on the•e long · lotting batter••• now! 4.,A(I 'U ' /lfO. J.n 1 ·" schedule & detail, •n • _____ .;;;;;.. _____________________________________________ 111111111 ________________ ., mall. Couume porodt 0,1 2$ & 26. Trick 0< T reot on the moll o,,, 'l9 & voblrn feu1vol Oct 29 & 30 -IMITIMT• llACll .... , ................ . .,. ....... .,........_ ...... ,... •ttm .... -... .. .....,· fo.TAffl YAWY ................ ....,. .,,... .......... , ... _ .......... .... ..,....,., . .._, l C91TA llllA •lllL tM-C... ........ <.-. .,. ........ _ ........... <.-. ' --. ............ -~ ,._ . ..., ... . ... , .. ,I .......... . 1 I lilly Piiat WFC>N~SOAV OLI JO llH.l:/ THI COAIT AID THI COUNTY ENTERTAINM[NT COMICS TV LISTINGS ·Marines draw line with beach fence Sunl>t1tlwn • .it Sjn On11f1 1• Slat<' 8t"tll'h should11't h,1v1• mud1 troublt• cfot·1ding wht•n • tlw slJll' park ends and Camµ P1•11dll'ttm beg ms The• Muram·s havl' C'n·c·kd .1 chain link fl•nc·t• loppc•d with barbed win• along lh1•1r nortlwrn boundary. They hopt• tlw IJJ1 rll'r. wht('h stn•ll'ht.'S from thl' dtffs to the mPan high 11<h· 111w. wtll d e t e r b c• ti c· h g u l' r s r r o m a~·1dent.allv wand1·1·ang 11110 lhl· ml111ary 11:-:tallat1on's firing range and tra111111g an.•<1 "It c·ould bl• Vl•ry dang1•rous for people• lo conw down anto that area," said Mannt• spokc•sm,111 Lt Russ Phurman "We•'v<• told people that many t1 nws, this (th1: fent·e) is JUst tr ying to prutt'l'I them." "A fpw m1111ths ;igu Wt' not1f11'tl statt· 1>4:.idi 11fl11·1<1b 111 th1· jf1'<111f v1olat 1ons of s l;ll1· law and l11•sp.1~"ng." lw ~ud Tlw -;t,111· lo.1\\ v111lo.111un Is 111 11'11·11·111·1· tu 11ud1· ... u11bJth1ng \\ h11·h 1-. popular Jl the• south l·nd of 1h1· swtt• lwach Phurrn.in :ibu --.ml l14.·,ll'hg11t·1~ n 1uld stumhll· uµun thl· h,1M · fanng rang!:', \\ h1l'h lw -;a1J 1-. a 111111• mun· lhcUl J rnd1• lrom the• .,l.1 lL· I IC..ll'h "It 1s lht· Marin l' t'1J1 IJ" prnpt•rty and th1•y h<i\'l· tlw right lo 1•x tend th1· ft'lll't' on th1•11 prnpt·rty." !><lld Jc1l·k Stt•Wl'. an•a 1nanagt'r for lht• i-.l<.1lt· bt•ttdu·., 111 lht· Camp P1•1\dlt·lo11 n·g1on 84 85 86 //11111i/toll ./01·t/1111 lo t•.Y/J/11i11 /,.,,,, ,.,.;,..,.;,., 011 Tl' .*;1u·t·i11/ ••• 11.'l. 0 D He noted some· p1•oplt• whu stray unto the beach arl'J adjoining the base an• tn·~1X•s.,111g on {edcrnl property I It· !>a id sunw pt·oµll• havt· opll'cl 11> spn•ad thL·1r hlankl'l' a11d l'n.JOY thl' surf us far as a rrnl!' down lhl· -.·oast on ha::.e· propt•rt)' Marinl' off1l'1als ali-.11 havt· e·urnpla1m'Cl of a lit11 •r probl<·111. Stow1• addl•d Ma~itw!'i hope· ft'nt't:' with ba rbed win• will d t•tt•r ht>ac·hgoc·r~ fro m •1e·c·ulc·n1all y wa nd<·ring inlo milita ry firing rang.-. Oall1 Piiot Photo Movie hero hooked for fun Fourth grad e r a t El Mor ro Schoo l in Laguna Beach meet E.T ., made of pa pie r-m ache by libraria n Sherry utton Brown to s.-r ve . as frie ndly pitchma n for HR eading is fun" ca mpai~n . Anxieties laid to rest Steven Fanne r said he grew up a lot when he was single, between marriages. He learned how lo do things alone comfortably, he said. such as Uving alone and liking it. There was a lime, he recalled, w hen he'd lit alone at home and get anxiou s about not doing som e thing. about n o t b ei ng in volved In some Corm of out.side activity.· 0 0nce I got t hrough that period and realized I can do wHatever I want," he sa id, "I foWld freedom." T he 32-year-old Farmer Is a pr~idng peychotheraplst who, among other things, teaches an ~e r llon train ing course ea ec i a Jly f or •Ingles at let.ck CoUege. coune. whlch he deli.med w~Jr working out hit own f ean •"' fruttrallona u a bach•lor, foe\lliel on \"Chine partkipan" how to relate more •flecdvely and increase their scH-ronf1de nCt- through application of asscr11ve communication skills ln at. he introduces practical, down-to-earth techniques which are particularly relevant lo the single person's needs . Topjcs covered In the four- session class currently offered on the college's North Campus in Irvine, include such things as "The ABC's of Thinking. Feeling and Be ha ving " and "Con - versation . Com pli ment s a nd Criticism." The Idea of being alone drlv<'s some singles Into a ll kinds o f frantic activity. oft.en producing extre me anxiety, he lndicat¢.'.. Once a single person reams to enjoy being alone with himscll, he said, he becomes more flexible and has more choices. "You can go out. stay at home or just sit and think," he said "It'• okay to alt and think." Referring to hi• ow n development as a single. Farmer said onet• he learned that. "I felt hke I grew up a hell or a lot." Noung th at many people arc confust-d betwc'<.'n assertion and aggressive bc•hav1or. Farmer explained assertive behavior Is direct. honest a nd appropriate. Assertive bt'hav1or. he said, anclud~ things like the right to express your f eel i ngs and opinions lo get what you pay for in a consumer situation and the right to be trcatoo with respect. ''It means I'm not violating the other person's r igh t s or d emeaning them in some way," he tu:iid "What if someone has your phont• number and keeps calling but ~ou don't want to go out w ith him, · the psychotherapist asked. "How do you get h im to stop calling or to say no? "Most people arc rompruisionatE They don't w.,nt to hurt th<' CSet AS!olf;RT\°N. Pa•e 82) Simple elf orts inspire "1 ht•\ ,I/ I' f /11' I /i/(•/ J \ \\ h11 h..i\'t• 11·fu .... 1'tl 111k1H11·klt·11;1i/1·r 111 tht• 1•\'l'lllllJ.: O f t/J1 II .I t'•ll' fllSlt'<tlf. lht•\ h <ll"I' J:llllt•ll llUI 1>/ th1•tr h1m11•.,, llUI 11/ 111; 'klllJ: dlit11" 1ndt•t·d . 1·1·1·11 0111 ul 1/1t·11· .'>tCkl:x'<I.... to 111111/!>lt•r ltJ tlH· 11/ starrc'<f young " Nancy H1 •.1J.!..it1 /rum "Tu Lm'l' A (.'ht/cl" By JODI CADENHEA D 0 1 Iha 0 •111 Piiot Stall Audrcv &•-::-..1 11kt·d 111 think of ht'/'St-11 a~ JUSt OIW of lilt' ~IH fo.,ll•r grandp<•rt·nl., lll'lprng Vl·lt'l1r:1ti· th<· program's 10th ;n1111vPrsury at Fa1rv1l'w Stat<• I lcisJJIJ<1l BLll few tould say tlwv'd rl'<~1v1·d an mv1tat1on to tht: White•· llo uM· and bf't·n andud1·cl 1n a l'4K1k b\' first lady N;.uwy Ho..·a~.in "I know a lot of oth1·1-. .,,.. ho dt~·rvt· ll m on •." ~1d tht· wh1tl'· hd1rt-d Cost,1 Mt .... m .... ., frll'nd-, crnwdl-tl around to l'ongrdtulal(• hl·r .. , ........... JUSt lut k~·. Last yt•ar N.tnl v H1·.iga11. "ho h~1 be-t'TI J long'-tlnl 'iUJ>))OrtC'r of t h C' F o s t t• r (; r ;, n cl p a r 1 • n l Program. 'i(•nt wnt1·t J.11w Waiki\' around thl' tounll v lo mtt·rv1e•w hundrt•cb or s 1·1111 1r tlll71'11 lt workin~ with nwnt.111:-n •t,11dt'<.l you ngstl'r., BC'ssa was 11111· ol :i:i loslt·r g randpan•nts whos1• s tory 1s publashPd an "To Lov1· A Child " Sh<· h·ft Friday Im tlw 1·.e1utal and w ii I "l t <' n d :1 '> Jll' l 1 .1 I lum·hc·on on tht· Wh1t1· I lou-.e> lawn Tuc·sdav to t t·ll'l>rJlt' th1 · publlt·at1on ,;, tht• I 11 st lady's book "I'm so <'XC'lll><l I don't know how to conwan myse•lf." i,a1d Bessa. noting that h~r labl lnp to Washington was m IH25. wh1•n Calvan Cooltdg<' wa., pn-s1dl.'nt Bt-ssa reml'mlx·rs h1•1 f1r-.t trip to Fa1rvww Statt· llosp1l,ll nam• years ago Her youngt-st of four childrc-n had .1ust left home and she knew sh<' nl'<'dc-d soml'lhang to fill the hours. The first dav sh£' l'ame homl' antl med · "I'd go home and say I'm no t going back tomorrow it's too depressing." said the energetic 69-year-old. "But aftc-r awhilc- you see you can do somNhmg for the child and 11 makes vou happy." • Bessa asked to work with the active. problem boys Sht' was given a ward. wht'rl' thr<'<.' foslC'r grandparents bc•for e h<.'r had fa1 led. Dalt1 Pflot Photo by Patrick O'Oon...tl Audrey Bes a found a new purpo e in life through fo lt>r g ra ndpa renting a nd a <'re dit in Nan<·y Reagan 's boo k. Her first ~a-ndson " w as M1chal'I. 16. who l·uuld nut spl'ak or evt'n dn·ss himself In four year::. he progressed C'nouMh to move mlO a foster home The suctcss story. l1k1· thl' many that followed.' was tmg<'ll with :-.adnt•ss. s1nc<' 1l mt'ant saying good bye to som1•onc Sessa h ad come lo lovt' as mut·h as her own SC'Ve n grondC'h1ldren "I felt so m<'an pulling him 111 that l'ar b<.'l'ause I knew Wl•'d nt'vcr SC'<' C':l<'h othl'r." shl• said. "But I didn't w ,mt him lo Taal." Fur has sakl'. -;h1· knows it's l.>CM not lo visit him ··The· fo::.tl•r grandparent program makt•s things lwlter for I h l' t· h 1 I d r c• n a n d t h e grandparc•nl::. h,1ve· ,, fl·elang that W<''re d()lng soi1a ·~111~ ... she said "I huv1 :1 1ww purpos1• in hrt' My l'hildrl•n sav it's been wondt•rful for me .. · . teven Farmer h lps Ringlf' get away from excu e b y chonsins behavior pattern at addleback Colles e. l I 'I EU • s • •1 Or lllQ8 liUUlll DAi l y Pll IJT /W11df1 talltly Ucln htu Jtl, l'ltl/ l<~o-editors Lynn OM·n a nd !Mildred Mead RUFFELL'S UPHOLSTERY l ........ tffMMSS..• I '22 ....-101t IL VO. COSTA MESA -S0 -1156 -;::::;::_-_ - ROUND-UP CHECKING Fl NALLY An easy way to earn our high repurchase plan rates on fund s 1n your checking account' Earn 10.50°/o on your balance over $2000 __ Rate ~bJ.e_ct to ch_a np3 d!'IY ----====:j ---- Deposit any amount on the t:119 Money ··Round-Up" Cneclt•ng Account and earn 5 .•, 11 your balance is $2 000 or tess EvNy 111T1P your oalance e•ceeds $2 000 tl'lf' B•Q MonPy Wr;inqlers at Far West wolf corral th.ti e•cess c..ish .ind he•d •t •nto a h19n inter es• lund that. pays o"r high repurcnase plan rates You II earn those «lies on P•<·ry dollar over S2 000 un111 'f<'U neeo your money a day a week a yea• or longer' And your money is insured oy an aq~ncy of lhP FedPrat GovPrmE'nt up 10 S2.000 Your balance over $2 000 is not insured by the FSLI C. because •I •S not a savings account or deposit Instead. 11 •S secured by obtoga11ons secured by the U S Government or a U S Government Agency The secun1tes are held on a separate account 111 one or the largest commercial banka in the Up•ted States and pledged to Far Wett Round-Up Customers When yo u need •I wrote a check II your balance drops below S2 000 you II 11111 earn 5 •"- So. round-up your ready cnsn and apply for "Aound·Up" c hecking today• .. ~-- DANA POINT 24501 Del Prado 0P1a Point. CA 92629 (7 14) 661-3356 HUNTINGTON IEACH 1!.l114 Magnolfa Ave. Huntington Beach. CA 92646 (714) 863-2900 NIWPO"T BUCH 4001 MtlcArthur Blvd Ntwpot1 Buoh, CA 92860 (714) 833-8383 (213) 29&-no fa hio11abl ' 11 'l-'.1 ... h11111 • .l1l1 F11111I 1111111 l '.dlf111 11 1.1" I 1111· 11.11111 111 th• I • .-h1t111.1l1l1 , 111" '•••\..h::-;k I 111 'lll'l"'l I ~'"''I ' 1 .. l lo.'11111.111 I '11llt M• lu Id •• l,11 k 011 I ht11o 111 ••II .ii I .. 1 I 111 .1111 lt1 ,1,1111 11111 ( '11,l,1 l\lt .... 1 ..... 1.1 ...... 11i. 011111plt 111111 "' 1111' l.illC•k 'l'li· l 111.il1 111 l lh 11111• 111111-.. l11111 h1·1111 \\,1·. .,, ... 111 tlh '''II"' 111 th1 1111111.. l .. 1 ('11"111e··, <Iha 11l.1h• llhlU'-.t' 01111•1 ll'\'llK" Ill 1111' IMM1k \\t 14 I lllllllf11l1t d lo',. \\•·II krn•\\11 I 11 ,1111:•· 1 '11111 11 1.111, 1111 l11d111~ ,, l.1\'111111 1111lw1.111· .J11hn \V.1"11" .111d 1111 K 111111 ''""'''· '1'111 11. M,1r11 111 ;11111 V11 g111 i.1. .ill d 1u1 l1·1 1111·1111" '' 111 1111· F.1s luo11altlt•!>, l'llw W,1yfl\', pl11' 111.111v 1111 11•1" . A t th1• lllt11'1w1111, 1111·111h1·1i. .J11d g11t ·.,ti. Ii.id tll1• 11pp11 1 lll l\ll ~' 111 \1 11'\\' t11 lil1 •" d1·1·01 .111·d hy l'tl.11' W.1v111" C :1111 ta './.1g 111•1, ~:l 1111 bt'l h f'uott" Sl1,..11· ( :1 "''· l )1:1111• M \'l'I '""· .l.11 k 11· l<1ig1•1-.. N111 111.1 MPy1•f', I .lll'V W1• 1d \' .11 d .1ml J)r .J1•n 1·1 l<1d1.11 11, A11tl 1111 F.1,..h11111,il11!·' g.1lh•·r1 11g " 1·o m pl1•t1• w1th11ul r. ... 111111 " V1•t.1 Ut•h l'. 11w 1w 1 11( Vet11'i. !11 11111.itt• App.111•1 111 Wl',ldtff l'l:.itJ , pn•..,.·nlt•d 111f111 n111l 111 od1•l1 11g '" 1·l('g .1nt C.1s h1 u 11s ror I llll'l t,111\111).( ,II h11llll' l\h·y~·r Jlld W1itKh\ Jt d a n J llg t.J thl• ~·V('l\l a nt..I l\l ild11·d l\h.,1d . luu 11d1·1 u l t h1• t-'.1i.h1111iahl•·i.. 11111du1·tt·d J brtl'I nw1•11n~ J nd th<111k1·d ll1•rh l.uc·~ \\ oocl\\arcl. lt•fl. a ncl :\orma :\It•\ c·r. l1111C'lu·o11 1•lamwr~ The Celebrity Series Presented by Saddleback College ==-;:..community SefVlces w cookbook go on al ~11111111 l<11il• I It k l\lt ...... 111~:1 I .111tl I,, \ :1 "' ).(1 H11 1111,111 11111 ·1 1111 111111 I~ ol tl11 l'. .... l111111,1l1h.., 1111 ll0 ' I llfllllllllft \\ 1111 d1111,t lt ti ,1ll 11h1' 111 !I ll p l lllllllf t1I ( :111111111 " 111 l.11111 Vtll.1g1 .11111 1111' l\,1lho.1 B.1v t'luli "'''11 ti 1>, 11111111,.., lh.1111 Mv1•1'1'111 , will "<t•llk llH Ill\\ '"'"k ""WI II '" l.111-. l11t1t"1° W1• ... l1 lill ( '111111 " lh• 1u .. k lM•1K 111.11 \\ill 1111••11 111111 1 llltlllt' 1111 '1111 "'""' y I 111111 t 111 ~111 1 will i.:11 I•• 1111' ('11111 w 'd1 pa1 11111 111 of ''""'' 1o1·1t·111<· .inti 11utrtlltJll Th" J-.1 ... t111111.1l11t• .. l1.1v1 d rm,11t·d .11111111 $1110,lllHI 111 1111 111111 g1 '11111 111 111~: !1111111 d I:.! v1·.11, .1~11 l'l1.q 1111 .111 ,,11 d M• ·•" 1111111111 111111~ 1111 1111· ti• 111o1l11111;, t 'li.tl'lllolll ( '11111 H•' ~1111l1•11l'o Ill ,1 Ill.ii k1 11111: t l.1;,·, p111.14 ·1 1 ~~111 p.11 111 q1.1I•· 111 d11>1t 1hu1111g 1111• IK111k' 111.1111111• .i11tl 11l.11 111u l lw l1<111k' 111 'I'""" .111d ltl11.i11t ' l\1111111g 1h11" ''"' 11d 1111: "I f l 11111 .1 ll tll. I · 1 •. ,, II II t ., '1 ·I • ('Ii." II" .. " ( '11 I h gt I • , , '""I 11 l ( ; T ~1111111 l\l.11 v ,111d l 'l11 ·:-.t. 1 Mt11\• II. Su1v .11 11 1 l l1•rh S111t1111 I '.11111 1.i l; 1 ol It, '1'11111 Ol1p lt.i11I .11 111 M \'111.1 S.11111• M .. rv ll.1U!>1o1ll1 11( 11 11' Srnttl1 Hay 11h111111;w 111 111 Bl'l<1 Pl11 :-.1110111y will uddtt'':-. ii11· t'1•11t1al ( lr,11~1· l'1>un1y Ktlllll; 111 II Ill :Ill ..i 111 1t ll'd111J{ 'l'h 11r..,.l11y 111 th1 · M1 ...... 1on V1t·)'• 111 11111· of K.111•n S p1111k1·I A lioa1 d 1111·1·t111u '' "'h1·d11l1·d 101 !I 1:1 "1th lu11d1c-t111at1\uo n Mo rt• 11tl111111at1or1111ay lw hud b y t:ulllng l>l'bhtl' lfod1•1 .t i H I !10UO 01 Kathli:c:n Flynn JI ll:J5 HB?:.! 1\l .,, 1;1.,11 .• 1:1.111.1111. 'f't t t\' o111d H11l1< 11 "'111 •"'" .111d l\l.11 ' 1\1111 W1 ·lh /\\ 1'1111\IN l\M llW )Sii\ t\l,lw 1. .. 111., 111r111·d1a11 • I 111 I\ "'"·'" 11 .111d flw1l1 ( '"""' .111d 1111 l\#1111.it.. will 1 .. "" "·'"" '" 1·1111 •11.1111 .ii 1111 S.1l111d.1\ /\Ull.llllll 1\111 l1111'ol.1 11.dl 'l""""'''d "" M.111111 l.111111 I 111 .... p1t..il I• u1111d.1l11111 . i\1111111g th"'' • >.1K'\ l1"<l l11 .1llt·111l tl11 · lurnl 1 .11~·1 A fa ll lu1w hl·on for Chi < )1111 g.1 11w111lw1' " p lanrw d Thursday at 11 a 111 1r1 1111· M11d1·l l(t.0111 of &1lbo;; Yat·ht Clu b hy tlll' N1·w pm 1 I l.11 11111 ,111d O rang t· (.'(lunty .1lu111111 Hi·" 1 'o1t11111' "'''' IK· m udl• with M r' J E T1•1•g.11d111. 1i:11 :11111:! 111 II I).'. '" Id Ill I hi ( lhlll'\ l.111d 111111•1 ( ;, ''"" H.111100111 .11 • I 11 .111d l\lt' St.11th-\ K1 1 kltol I 111 l ·.., •HIJ dl I 1\1.11 IJ1 "-•·11111 th H,11thol11111•·""· Mr ,11111 M1-. l;ll·n Still'" II Nt "11111 t IS.'.1d1 .111d 1\11 .111d M " .lril111 H .1111 • /1 ..... 111 .J11.111 I ·II'"" ,11111 ,j .___ - Assertion trai~in g c lass (From 81) o lhl·r per~m·~ h ·t·lmg!'t. T l11· 1h111g we l'<Jn get 1ntu 1~ lw 111g 11v1•rlv prolt'CllVe or lhl·tr fl·d 111gs W1· think if w1• say 110. lht·y'll h1· dl·Slroyt'U." F arml'r s uggc:;lt•d handling a pc.•rsistunt unwl'k1111w l·alll'r w1 th empathil' ussl·rlio n which l1•11tls to softl·n thl' ml's..o.;;1g1· Fo r 1·xumph:: ht· , .. ,d. "You · could li<l.Y sonwthmg l1kt· 'I r t·.dl\ hkt•d talking lo you hut I'm mil l'Omfortab lt• going uut w11h \IHI right """" · T lwn . 11 the· gu\ kel·p:. s::ivtng th ings hk\·, 'A". come on . bahv.' UM' th1• rn11n· stm ph• Jsserl.1t1n S .iv. ·N11 I n·ally d11n'1 WWI I to go llUI "tlh you righ t now " ., l' I> p I t· 0 r l 1· n d "II l lh t . assc·rtt11n bt-t-;1u,c· of unn"il"t 11 fl';Jf, h1· ~lid .. w l' d II n I) I l r \ .1 l t. II l h I f p1·11pl1··, fl·1 l111g,, · h1 ,.,pl.utll'tl "Wt· .111 11111 n ·spor .... 1ltl1 1111 1111 ·11 l1·1'l111g~ Thi· 1l1111g I v.;1111 111 gl'l ,1Wi:i\ from Is 1 >-nN·'" B \' •'IJ p I y I II g I 111' \' .t I I 11 ll '> ..... ,1·1'llllll tt·l'hlllljUI ''· t "a r nH·t' s;mf. d;1i.s parllup;mt:-. l1·;1r11 tlH',V 1·:i 11 n1a k1• 11 a lo 11 1· 111 w it h a p;111n1·r and 1·;111 l-:111 d l1• Jlli.I ,d J fl U l ii ll ,V t h I II g 1111· I U d I 11 g lo r1·;,k up •1f a 111n1o111• 1 v.1111'11 111 ;.i n \ II 1 • 11 p I '· v 1 1 • v. a !'- t'oilo'>ll uµl 111 No n1.11l1•1 wh.11 ht -.;iut ",\.., ,, ... 1ngh· al111w. you "ill ... un:1\'1• .. F arml'I. wh11 "' d1n·l·t111 11! P al'I r ll' Co as l Cons u I l,1n l!'t In Tu:-. t 1 n and s pc· 1 1" I 1 11·' 1 11 rnar ri:q~l'. fam1 I y Jntl 1·h ild tht•r;.py. ts pn·p;.inng t11 1·xp.111d hrs <•UUll'lll"t· by hui.ung .1 'h'"' ,·all1'Ci "Cunm'<·t11111" to <111 ovt·r C11mmu111tv Ctihlt•\'l!--l•rn whtt h .,.., vt·i. l rvim ·. Nc·wµm t Bl·at·h .01111 I U!>l111 Thi II.ill ltuu1 ... 1iould li1 f.llll .Ill lllJ.: l,111 111 {Ji llJIK·I , h1· '"'d .ind V. tfl 111111' 1111 loptl., '>Udt ·" ·t 'l11 ·1·1 l'p It , 111lly IJ1·11n·i.,11u1 /Uusi" g,.oup ,~/,·cl~ oJ'fic,·1·.-; M1111a 1>1111;1 ut·r " 1h1· 111·w pt •·i.11h 11 l ut t lw l1.Jrb111 V 11·w 11111' ('111111111111·1· •1t th1 Orangt ( '11u111 v Jl htllo.11111111111 Sut1t tv S1 ·1v111g wtth ht·r .. n · M urit.I (;1p k1·ni., M.1r~11· Thum," Phv.llt' .J11n1·:-. Su'o.111 F1 tt'" JncJ Sh<tnm 1\11 N ·" I • ' \ " I l l' p rt ..... d l' II l s • C.11 nwn W1 li1·1. ,,.,, 1·ta1 \ •• 11d E1111 1':11 '' ln·;1..,ur~·1 · S1.11t111g 1t-. I ~th ;.1 ,,, H;11 bor \'11 \\ ll iJI, " IHH t>I the• 3:~ l-'l11lhitr 111111111 \ 1Jlllllllllt·1·-. ..... h1l'h 'upprn i... th1· \\t1rk 111 OC'PS (i-IL~'TJ) Ctt•&,TJNG ~iiF-"111 1.A LIDO ONE HOUR CUSTOM PHOTO * fil~~~•• 1•1t1z1~ * HU·:1·: l-'11 .. ll PIUH 'l :SSl~f~ l 'OIC l ,11:1:• First Prize NIKON FE CAMERA Five Second Prizes ONE YEAR FREE FILM PROCESSING· Carlos Montoya CoMtance-lonn--- Twenty-Five Third Prizes FREE 5X7 CDlDB PRltH OF YOUR fAVOBIJE..PltOTO Sat., Oct. 23 · 8 p.m Sun .. Oct. 24 · 3 p.m McCracken I Warfield Sat.. Nov. 27 · 8 p.m. Sat.. Oct. 30 · 3 p.m. The Nutcracker Tues .. Dec. 21 · 8 p.m. Wed .. Dec . 22 · 2 p.m. & 7 p.m. Albert McNeil Jubilee Singen Saturday , Jan. 22 · 8 p.m. All concerts held in the Fine Arts Theatre Saddleback College South Campus For ticket mformat10n and reservations call 831 -4656 or 495-2790. Mon.·Fri .. JO a.m.-noon or 1·3 p.m. °"'""specials 1t Spires are extra good. And. they Include 1 bowl of soup or crisp graen 111111 wttll choice of dressing, cllolce of potato (baked potato served 4 p.m. to 1) p.m.) or rice pilaf. dinner roll ind butter. TOP SIRLOIN STEAK NEW YORK STEAK -:~-. .:.-."?, ... Jurcvand lender 3 85 ~ Gnlled to vour choic~ • 1 ( ~ • ::; ~ SATURDAY cl 1010 Pm i -~ ·' FILET MIGNON A dehcious steak 1 wrapped inbaconto 3·.15 y enhance the flavor. 'bu e.tn 't Cook If •t home for,.••· .... f t1•1~~ I lftl 'SI~ ( 't;l .,l~ICIL\'l,f tS f •~tohcr I I thr11 2211cl -Come in and Register for Grand Opening Orawing - • . , , .. r. , . , • 1r· • , , , ,, 1 1" t 1 ti ~ t •f 'll} I I ,""' ":\q1 I J f I II t lft ' 1 t A. 1 J ' ' , c• 1 ' t fl I 1 I ' t p•; • ! 1 A ft 1 At , I A j J I t 1'' f 11 A IJ 1 ' I ( ' Cll 11 (\ (11 } ol' Ji\ •• 111 I I f 1'tt , t 'lj , .... ,,, 1 l 1 id!'' * C•IL\..~U OPE~l~f· IU·:«'l·:l"'l10~ & UIL\\\'L~G * < ktoha tt. I H8t from a:OO 'till 7:00 p.m . VIA LIDO ONE HOUR CUSTOM PHOTO '' lh1· 1111».I rnm11ll'I•· 011010 t f'nlo·1 n N1"\(10rl Ur·,1 '' lh~I QtVf' \ •lu ., ,, ,. ;1h11lu•, 1n ONE HOUR 01 fl'SS1 ~ I t ,\ t I Ct•! • t I 'J1 I . channel 56 TONIGHT Wednesday, Oct. 20 6:00 -6:30 ~. ' ,. Or unu Cuoa1 OAll Y PILOT /W dnHday October 20, 1982 Bl Hamilton Jordan tory on Iran crisis readied for T l1 • Ry JERRY 8\J K p1umul\." tu,. rww book "C.'r111111, 111111 l•> Af T ........ Wfll41f Wik ubuut µhms fu r llw ISIJo. h11u1 TV J11nl1111 ""Y" 1tw WlttVIM'<i "'"' v would 11111 bt• tuld 1•xt•Ju,.1v t·I y I 1 ut11 111 , \'ll'WJx1111t u tu.I wuulcJ 11111t11111 ,1dd1t1111111I m1tll•n11I 11111 111 lite• liuu k 1\ v11t11I heh K h11mP1111. I 1 lllllilll )''u11•l)(11 M1111 .. 11·1 S111l1·)(li Cih11tb1.11h·h . (.,,II ()111.11 '1'1111 11" llh•· lt·hd1·1 "' 1•.111.1111111. ( '111 ('tuu h•i. A li4'i·kw1th th .. 1cle·1 of th•· .1buru·d A11w1 tl .111 11•114 Ill' e•l 111111 .1rnl Lt Col ('h111 le•' W S11111 (111ul11•Kl 1,111kt11)( t\111t•rtl'Ull l11 "td/.(I') H.1fl'>h11un d11I 11111 want lo d1:.1 u"'' 1111v Pll"lhh• IH t11r-. fnr llW ruh•i. "II W!l'I w11h J hu l•· h1\ o f tr('p1da\(ofl 1!1111 1 1111 1wd 111v bcJ11k .mil 11111.4-. ov1·r II> 1lw 'l4 11•111~11ll·n.." tu aJY" "I J uJn'1 w.m t J11n111 v C'ur tc•r, 111 Jll)'Om • t•IM• le• .... v !It'll th.et cl1d11't huppl•n · I tli111k 1 iwrt· 11; ""It 101111 und tonlllt't 111 tli1· 11 uth 1 lt.11 W• d o n 't havt• lo C"rt·alt! .111vti1111~ LOS ANGJ.a .. 1-:H ll11n11 l1 u11 11t•r1c11 b 1u.t•d t111 111,.. t11 lou11t o f tlll' J11rdon'11 11olorv or lht• llnul dnys of th1• hoMllll(l' l'fll\IN Thi 1•1• h1111r, 111 till· C..'11rh•r 11dm11i1 .. t ra11u11 11ntl lht• lranlnn M.'r'1'1.•r1pl11v hnv e· ht}l'll 1·11111ple·h-d 1111d 1Hl8Wl(t• t·r1111:-. II! bi·m~ dt•v1•l11pt'fl a ... ,1 1lw utlw1 1h1 ,,.. how lll l' dut• I"" I '"flll'rt' l'I II <11,lHll llllll lit•t Wt <'II the· l111u k a11d 111111." Jordun i..Jyi. "I d11l 11 1111 111 tt'M'utd1 that I did 1111t 1111ludt•111 tlu h11t1k 1111111St•1 h'!\ lor <.'HS A dl'l'li.11111 u11 wlwtlwr to ~u ul11•Jtl "l'un Wt • µul l II 111 f UlllJ 111.tkt. II With lht.• ltllnlM'rlt'li will l~· tullt.fl-11 ftt•1 l'rt'<l1hll•?" n:.ks J111 dan , 11 fo rm .. r Whitt• tlw rwtwurk h1tJkt1 at ttw '14'11'\'lll•lay. llouw t•h 1t•f t•C 11tufr "W1•'ll huvt• t•• suyi; &Jb Murkt•ll, C..'US' Vll'l' 11110:.ldt·nt "f''ur 1111>WOL't:, I 11111•1 v 11•w e•d I h1 • J ell' tor of t h1· ~h11h ul la .1n N11 11111· klll'W thut lht• Shuh hud c um't·1 Cw .1 long 11nw Not 1•ve11 h t" wire· Th.11 dul11't flt in bt.·COlllil' 111y lt11ok w11' u I 11 !>l huml lll'l'UUtll or Whut l krw w '" thl' l111w But tl well IH · in till' f1ln1 " "Orll' t1f 1lw rw11·t•plhll\.S thai hurl,,~ ,Hlilllllll'tll Utlllll W.11> lht• f.ll'fl't•pllltn ltl,Cl l'n·111d1•111 C.11 ll'I hud murupul.ttA'<.1 Chi· ho:o.td/.(l' 1·t 11t11< f11r h1i. own l>t•1wfu," cN· l•11111t·r Witth' IJou i.t• u ffll'tdl !>C.}'4 "'1'1111 I w;e11 11111• 11( till' I l'llbOOS h(· II( Wtlll a11d si"I· A i.,1 of v1111·1·s will ht• for n11mst•rtt•.!. .l unl1111 '>ayi. St·o tl, wh11 ti. p1 uv1d111~ 111(111111.lllllll 1111 lilt' '>1'1'11C1' llli.ldl 1 IH 1\1111•1 ll'llll l•:111ti11,..sy 111 'l'1•l11 ;111 , w;1, t h1· l11tl y Ulll' IWlll/.( IJllld lwal'd 111 tlus ftl111 .Jordan 11t1tonded u fJl't'Ks lundwon "I'm s1•11s111v1• tu 1111• f<•l't thut I wai. with Markt•ll a nd G1•ruld H11l 11h111111, th1• r 1·1"H'tt•r r.,r this :.tw·y You'll huvt• who run tlw tt1l•d 1t1 n 1mpuignN llH to st•t • how w1· h..imllt• ll I hnpt• whl'll .J11n111y <.'3rtt•r 1n l!l7fi und HHW u11d 1l1· '-11,Vl\ l'Vl·ry e·ff111 I w.1r. i1t•111g IWHh • 111 :o.ulil'>ul1i.ta11111111· .di tlw 11d111111u 111111 111 tht· fil111 Evt•1 v page· e1r '4 l'lpl 11; 11 bu1•ke·d h y p .iJ.:t'' ol -.upp111 l1t1~ dtx·u1111 ·11tl\ d1•h '.1l1'd .• •. ll':. all llVt.'I Pl'Oplt· will !lL'l' th11t WI' wus the· prl'Sldt•nt 's a s:cistunl rur hove nm whlh'WUMht'll tht.• fot.•ts." t.·ommun11.·11tw1H1 Hufshuun wall IJ1· 'l'ht.· ll·udmg <'h.iru<.·h ·rs will lw tilt' :Jl'lor" from thl· hOHU.gt• l'l'l:oi.. Jonl11n. PrL•i.ldctH Jimmy CarlN. the Shuh, Ttw h11 ... 1,1i.:t•l\ wt•rt· H1·1z1'<f oo N1Jv ~. 1!17!l •• net w 1•n · ni>t n ·ll'lL"lt'l.J u11lll Jah '.W IYlll Jord;rn was in Los Ange les l o L·X<'<.'Ulive prutlu<.·t-r for tht.• m1n111t•r11·s. ~-"'-~~~~~~~~~~ CORRECTION In U1• I H re Oot. 20th edvertltlng MCtlon, ttt.re le •n edvertlMm•nt tor Colorm•t• Y•l-llt• llenk•tt , •PtMtrlng on Pete $, Ttt. .... Pfk:• of SN." fCH ttt. twin t lH le Incorrect. The c:orreot ••le price I• 111.". Ttt. HI• prlc:e of $25.tt for the lull •II• It lncOfrecit: th• correcit Ml• Pf'lc• It $32.H . We e lncerel~ r99re t th•N errore. !Sears! \t'<11,1t\ -oitkK•AlllfO(O CORRECTION On P•o• 1 of th• s .. ,.. October 20th advertlalng ••ctlon there I• an adver- llHment for ff 15337 weight bench, aale pri ced at S5t.tt. The copy Information la Incorrect. Thi• weight bench doe• not Include • pulley ay1tem. We alncerely regret thl• error. I Sears I Something Special ~' feminine fashions ·~,,:; 250 E. 17th St. , Costa Mesa 645-571 I ,,.- ~ OCTOBER SALE 20% OFF FILL cono• SllRTS I BLOUSES DlnllE DRESSES (SELECTED ME:RCHANDISE) We Spec1ahze 1n Fashion Fo r The Missy Figure fS1ze 4 thru 18) •SALE DOES NO r APPLY TO SPECIAL ORDERS! PUJLIC NOTICE NOTICE INVITING atOS i'lot;ce 11 lle<eby o•ven tllat lhe Boaro of Trustees o l the Cout Community College 0111<1ct ol Oranoe County, Calltornl•. will receive sealed bids uD 10 I t 00 a m Monday Novemt>et 8 1982 at the Purcllaa1ng Department ot .a10 college 01s1r1ct 1oc11ed 81 1370 Adams Avenue. Co11a Mesa Cahlornla, •• wh1Cl1 lime n 1d bids will t>e publicly ~ned and read tor PRINTING & BINDING SPRING 1983 CALENDAR OF EVENTS, GOLDEN WEST COLLEGE All bids are to be 1n accordance with the B•d Form lnstruc11ons and Cond1t1ons and Spec1licat1ons wlllCll are now 1n Ille and cnay l>e secureo 1n lhe olllce 01 tile Purchasing A9en1 ol said Cco11ege d•strict Each bidder l'l!l.ISI sut>mil w11'1 h<a bid a cas111er • checl<. cerllll•d chec k or bidder s bono made payable 10 me ordlf of Ille Caul Communlly COiiege Olstrlel 8o81d of Trullees 1n an amoor1t not less 111an hva percent t5%) ol 1ne IUfTt t>•d as a ouar an1t1e tllat the l>t<ld« will ente1 1n10 tne propos ed Contr11<:t •I 1111 s.me •I 1war<l4KI 10 him In the even• of ledura to entlf 1n10 sue11 c:onl r 11<:1 t IMI pr oceeoa ol Ille check Wiii t>e rorafeileo or 1n llMI use ot a bond. Ille lull sum lhe<IOI will t>e lorto1111<1 10 010 co11101 OISlrlc:I No bt<lder may 'tlritl\draw 1111 blO ror a penoc:t for forty·ltve t•5> dayw a1t11 the dale Mt tor the QPe<\"'9 lhe<.al Tiie BoarO Of TrullM!I r-- 11\1 pn\'11198 OI flj«ltng ll'.lf Ind all l>tds 0< 10 wa1o;e •nY 1rregv111rt0es or 1nlo1m•llll11 1n any bid or In Iha b!Oding ltl NORMAN E. WATSON Secretary. P\8.IC NOTIC£ NOTICI CW TIWaTU•a SAU T,,,....'• Ne-llCIS2S • On Novembef 3, 1982 •I 10 00 • m She•reon/A~n EJCpress EKrow Comp•ny lormlNly known •• Soulll•rn Clll•• EscrO'* Comp9ny as TrustM. or Sucoeuor TrualM or &.ot>llltuled TrustM, ol 11111 ce<taln Oeed ol Trusl oec:uted by STUART J SWEENEY •nd JANE L SWEENEY, 1no recorOed June 29, 1991 as 1na1rument No. 41679, In b001t 14119, P9Qe 1954 Ottlcllll Recoroa o l Or•noe Counly, Calllorn1a, and pursuant lo that c;erta1n Nolle• of Oalaull ano Elec:llon 10 Sell 11\efeunder recorded June 2•. 1992 aa 1nS1rumenl No 92·21617• or Olliclal Recoroa of sa10 County, .... 111 unoe r a nd l>\lflUlnt 10 ulO Deed ol Trust Mii at public auchon lor c.asll. lawful money ol Iha UnlllJ St•te1 ol America. al the Nortll front entr9nQe to lhe county c:ounr-. 700 Civic CentlN Orlve WM1. Santa Ana, C•Jllornl• all tllal right, tltla ano lnt., .. t oonveyild to 11'1<1 "°"" held IJy II ~ aald Deed or T NII 1r. the property 11tu•led In •aid County and Stlll dftctlbed u Lot I ol Treci No 364d In the C11y or Coate M .... as ShOwn on • mtp recorded In t>ool< 129. ~ 37 t o 4•. both Inclusive ol M11call1n10\l1 Mapa, reco1da of O.ange County, Callton>1a. Tlla a1rea1 addreu or other common dealgnatlon of s aid p<OC*1r 320 1 '°""' Street. Coate M .... Cal<fomla 82626 Name ano address ol th• b1n111e1ary at whoae raqu .. t tile u11 11 being conouclad. City F1d1ret S evlnga and Loan "-l•llon by. S,,..,._IAmtflcan EKPrtH Mortgage Corporation, 1201 Ee•I HIOhi.t'l<I Avenue. S•n Bernardino. Calttornla 92~. OlrectloM to the aboo;e prooerty 8o8td of Trusteet Cout Communuy COii. OtatrlCI Pubhshed Oranoe Coatt Piiot. 0o1 20, 27, 11182 may be obteln1<1 by raqun llng Otlly Uml In writing from lhe ~~ wllllln 10 day• lrom 1111 llrat PVbllcatlon of thl• noilc;4t. 4592·32 MUC NOTICE Stld Mia wtll t>e made wlth0u1 cov91\lllt of warrtnty, lllPflN or FICTITIOU8 9U8*EIS 11'(1911ed> 81 10 lllle, pDM-IOn or NAMI ITA'RmNT encumllfancM to Nlllfy tne unpeld balence due on the not• MCUtecl t>y TIMI IOllOwinO pe<90n• are doinO H id Deed of Trut t to wit: IH.· bu&l'-5 .. 900 00 plu• the lollowklQ Mllmetecl ON TIME TRAVEL, t701 Scotl cottl ·,~ ... and Id\!-et Ofivo. Suite 0. N!>wPoll BHch. the itm. of the Wtlal put>llc:ttlon of c11111orn1a ineeo tN9 HotlOe of s. Joyce V Mc Etroy. 200S1 Elllmate<I Truet" F-In the Cololla Clrcie, Huntington 8"ch, amount of St t27 85 pue lnt•M'I •t Caltlornla 92648 t7 76~ per iincMft on tl\e unotild N•l'IC!Y A Hlglll'I. 3007 Hert>o< j>flncljllll t>•••nce from 4-1·82 ID v1aw Dr1v1, Corona del Mtr. Sa le , j>lua any edvanc •• th t Clllllornle 112625 ~ may be iuthorlnO or This ~ " aonducled t>y a ~ 10 pey p1111 ,,,.., ~ G9<*af 1)8f1l'tetlhiel. • • • • ch., ••• Nancy A Htgen ' J<YfOe V Ucf ltt>y YOU AM .. Olf'AUL T UMD•IU Thlt ,tat~e w .. 111«1 with the CMlaO CW TMlef DATIID NMS 11, County Cltt1I of Oranoe Courity on ., ~ .. 'YOU TAKI ACTION Oct " 1N2 TO ~CT YOU.."'°"""' '"'"' IT llAT • ~ AT A flUMJC Put>lltlltd 0 11nga CoHt Ot lly I Al I , t• YOU .. 11 D A .. P1lo1, Oct 8, ''· ~. 27, tll82 IU\.ANAnoM or: THI MATUM _______ ..__43-.9,_7_·1,_2_10/I THI "90CI ..... AQAIMIT Ml.IC flOTIC( i.°»t::.U 1NOULD CONTACT A ncnnoua ...-.. oetect: ._...,.. n . 11e2 91.um ITA~ 9HtAASOHIAMEAICAN S,,.cl•I Oct. 20. 1982-0d. 26. 1982 Pan1ui11 sutchi: 2.99 My d1~)1hon 1) ll'~tlul I 4rn ' 11.iulul iw1mmt1 Ind 4onsr1ntly on lilt mo1~ I •m mo1t 'omlolllt>lt 11 fC<Omp1n1ed by Ollf Or llOO ol mv brolhtl\ or Sl\tt r) S•r mt di AquAl1< lrOCll(.jlS whtlt I'"' un ul• undtt l~ n•mt Blu~ Wh61a · lu1 only / 99 IT'S OUR .-.. . . llaldwln. ORGANS rnn PIANOS M no NEWPORT Baldwin Mdl. 600 $ 9 9 5 O O 12 °h Baldwin factory 40" Console Pianos 1 Direct Fim1ncin1 Dmliuly Reduced lo· and 'O A.P.R. On al Baldwin ONLY Oller limited to lncludu Bench _ free Delivery Pianos ' Orc,ns Sttd On ~nd. Until Oct. 31. 1982 It's Our B irthday, But You Get the Presents by Saving Dollars On All FAMOUS BRAND SHOES ORGAN AND PIANO CENTER 217 E. 17th ST. COSTA MESA 645-2471 SAVE UP EXTENDS PICK-UP & DELIVERY SERVICE TO $2Qoo ON ALLOURFAMOUSBRANDS Harbor Ridge Spyglass Hill Sea View Wes1chff Easts1de Newport Heights Harbor View Hills Big Canyon East Blufl West Newport lido Isle Irvine Terrace Baycrest Dover Shores Bayshores Balboa Island Balboa Peninsula Po1nl ull All ol 1Jarm1nl C.11 1494-40441 9 FASHION ISLAND NEWPORT BEACH, CA 91060 II• IS?~ • DRY CLEANING • HAND FINISH • FINE LAUNDRY USE YOUR MC VISA OR AMERICAN EXPRESS Pt&IC NOTICE FICmlOU• au•MH NAME ITATEMENT Tiie tollOWl"O t>lfM>nS ere dO<"O busonesa as 39t'1 STREET PRESS "0 Bo • 2092. 402 391h SI NeWJ)Orf 8a8Cll CA 92663 ~NCY l YNN BECK •O~ 391h St , Newpo<t Beecll. CA 9266.l SHARON LORE FARLEY 410 39111 St Nawpo<I Beacll. CA 92663 GEORGIA MAHONEY. 81• E Ocean Front. Balt>oa. CA 92661 Tills business •s conouclll<I by a general partnership Nancy Lynn Beck Fl"31t Published Orenga Coast Oellv P1lo1 Oc1 13 20, 27 Nov 3, t992 4466-92 P\8.IC NOTICE K-o1M7 FICTITIOUI •USINEaS NAME STATIEMINT CENTRAL CITY ASSOCIATES 4 Upper Newport Plua Ortva Newpon Beach, CA 92680 THE MEIST ER COMPANY INCORPORA TEO. • Calllor n1a cor::iorellon • Upper Newport P1au Newport Beac:ll. CA 92660 EN CI N IT A S·ARN OLO PROPERTIES 16909 V11 de Sanla Fe Rancno S9nte Fe CA 92067 Tl'li. 1>us1nes1 1a conoucteo by an un1ncorporale<1 ISIOC•t l•on oilier lhan 1 pa'1netal\'9 E nc•n•l••·A tnold PrO()el'ltes Jany S Arnold. Managing Gen P111 The MellllN Co . Inc Jerald A Alford S111lor V~Pras Thl1l ste1emen1 wH filed '"''" thl County Clerk ol Orange County on Seprembll 17. 1982 F1t7W Letry T ucller Tueller, 9-ta a Heffwnen 3 Upper Newport fi'lau Newport 8Hch, CA .-0 Publlt'1td Or1no1 CoHI Dally PllOt, Sept 29. Oct 8. 13, 20. 1992 .. m .92 P\8.IC NOTICE '1CTmOU8 .., ..... N.,_ ITATl•NT Tne following p1r1on le 001ng bualnetau· PARRY CONSTRUCTION COMPANY , 239 Ceder Streel. Newpor'I BeKtt. Callfoml1 02803 NHI Ve nce Parry, Jr . 239 Cedar StrHI. Newport 81ec11. California 82"3 Thll bu~ IS conducted IJy an lndM<luel Neal Pwry Tiiie .,.,_, .... flled With lhe County Clet1I of Ort1199 County on Oclol>ef II, 1882 "-" Put>llal'lad Orange COHI Deily PllOt, Ocl t3, 20, 27, Nov. S, IH2 44U ·32 Ml.IC NOTICE ncnnoue .,... .. NA•ITATl-.T Tiii IOllOwlllg Ptrton t• doing t>utllltll 11; POOllC NOTICE l'ICTITIOUlll BUalNE8S NAME aTATEME:NT Tne tollow1ng pe<sons are doing ousinau '' HHP ASSOCIATES 332 Fore.I Avenue Sulle 22 Laguna Beac'1 Calltorn1a 92652 H1llllurS1 Properties a hm1led par1nersh1p 332 Forest Avenue, Su11e 22 Laguna Beec'1 Cahtorma 92652 Ao1and J Jensen 10 10 E C11e11nut Avenue Sa nta Ana Cahtorn1a 9270 t Antno11y J Ursano Family Trust 2005 Palo Veroe Avenue. Long Beacll, Calllorn10 90815 Peter R Urnno t6 t23 S t Cro•~ Circle. Huntongton Beacll Ca11torn11 92649 This t>u11ness If conducleO by • general par1ner~1p HHP ASSOCl~TES e oener al pannera111p By HILLHURST NO REFUNDS e NO RETURNS e ALL SALES FINAL PlellC NOTICE STATEMENT OF A8ANOONMENT OF USE OF FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME Tt1e 1011o w1no petson ll•S abanooneo tne u~ ot me F'1c1111ou1 Business Name COSTA MESA C AR1SltAN PRESCHOOL 320 E 18t'1 S1tee1 Costa Mesa C1lilorn111 92627 The F1c111101a Business N11ma relerred to above was l•leo 1n O<ange County on July 17 t980 Lois Eileen S hallot 7741 Gonzaga Place We11m11iJ1M Calilorn1a 92683 This bus•ness was conducioo by" l1m1ted parlnersh1p Lots E SMiier Th•s statement was 11led w•tll me POOll.C NOTICE FICTITIOOS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT I l'le 10110 ... 1ng per so:. 1s ooing ousineu es SPEE-DEE PRINTING 9632 H1ni111on :3A Hu')t•ogton B_each CA 926•6 Welter Edwin Conklin 12t2 C1anb1ook Torrance. CA 90503 T1111 nuSlness 1s conducleO by an 1nOIV10uel Walter Conklin T111t 11atemen1 was hied w1111 lhe County Clerk ol Orange County on September 27 1982 Ft"327 Publtsneo Oranoe Coasi Oally Pilot Sept '9 and Oct 8 13 20 198, Count~ Cler~ ol Orange Count> on 425 7 ·82 Oclober 5 1982 ------------ Ft•t4M Publ1.r110 Or•noe COISI Daily Piiot Oct 6 t3 20 27 t982 4'100 8~ MLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUI BUS .. ES8 NAME STATEMENT PllJllC NOTICE FICTITIOUS aot81NES8 K..01 .. NAME ST A TEMENT FICTITIOUI •UatHESI Th .. lollow1ng PC!fS0f'5 ,.,., oo.no NAME STATEMENT business AS T ne roitowing persons are d()lllg YORBA LINOA APARTMENTS DuSIMU as II, P 0 Bo• 90•0 Newpo rt CIRCUIT·TEST. 3150 Pullman Beacn CA 92660 u63 8 11cn SlrM1 Colla MMa. CA 926t2 Newpor1 Beach CA ENVIRONMENTAL COMM· PARTNERS t 1J T H E U N IC AT IO NS I NCOR · PR 0 S PE C T ·CAL IF 0 R N I A PORA TEO, e C•lilornla corporation, C 0 M P AN Y 8 0 e I '1 w are 3150 Pullmen St , COiia Meaa CA corporatton One Tower SQuare, 92627 HarllotC) Conn oe11s, (2) EE Trus bullness IS conducted t>y. VODER 2S55 E Chapm11n, corporation Fulle11on. C A 92631, 131 v J Envlronmantal Comm S HRADER 2SSS E Cnapman, Inc Fullerton, CA 9?65 I, 141 LY L Allen J Shafran, Pr .. COMl'ANV (Yorba UnOel p 0 Bo~ Thll statement WllS filed with 161 8040 446J Birch NewPorl Beach County Cle<k ot Orange Counly on CA September t7 1982 Tt11s business •• conducttd t>y a oencnl p11rtnersn1p l y L Company 1Yorb1 Linda I Read Bauman Mno F1~ Publi1hed Orarige Cout OeHy Pilot Sept 29 Ocl 6. 13. 20, 1992 •300-92 PROPERTIES t------------Tht lollOw•ng persons are dc.ng Gen Pan P\8,IC NOTIC£ e pa11nann1p POOllC NOTICE buaoneu as This sea1ement was Iliad wltll 1'1e ------------A S S 0 C I A T E 0 C 0 N Cou t c•~t.. I Or C t Fl<:TITIOYa 9Ul*E88 By RECREATIONS INC genefll partner Douglas A Hill ITATEMENT Of' A•ANOOJ4M£NT TRACTORS. 26S1 I Pesao San Oc·e;t!r tl 1:a2 ang4l oun yon MAMIE aTATElllEMT Of' UIE OF Gebrtfll S•n Juan Cap.streno 92675 F1"311 TP1e lollowlno per50n1 ere <IOl"G l'ICTITIOU• BU81HEI• NAME Rob••• Lipsey 265' I Paseo Pvt>l•Slle<I Oc• 13 20 27 Nov 3 OUSl....U as V"e Pre~t This slet~ment was tile<I W11h the Counly Clerk ol O<•nge County on Tile lollow1no pe•son1 n .. e San G8brtel S•n Juan Capistrano t982 CARTE·TUNES PUBLISHING. abandonecl 11\f! use ol the hCt•hOUS 92675 45t2-82 177 Riven'<!: • K . N8"'por1 Beac:h, but.ness name Tom Sm1111. 38501 Paseo San ------------CA 92663 October 19 t982 FtltlM1 PublilheO Oreno• Coast Dally P110t Oct 20. 27 Nov 3 10 1932 •619-82 TRENDS 20221 Crown Reel Rosa San Juan Capistrano 92675 MLIC NOTICE KEVIN KREIS 11602 E 207111. L.ne HunhnQIOrl Beacll Cahl0tn1A 1h1s busmen 11 conoucte<I by a laklWOOCI, CA 26-46 oenerol partn1<sh1p ACTITIOOS 8U81ME8S CRAIG MILLER. 527 Rivera, Tilt F1c1111oua Bu11ne .. s Name Tom Smilll NAM£ STATIMIENT Seat 81.c:ll CA 90740 elerreO 10 above wu hleo on Tnis t>usiness 1t1ternen1 w•s hied The lollowlng person II 001ne BRIAN TANNEHILL, 11515 m-ic W\TICE rat1Q8 Counly on August 16 1992 ... 111 ,.,. Covn•v C~r• 01 Or9f\98 l>USlnaSS as Mepte<1a1e, Norw111t CA 90eSO n.-. nu Bonnte Barkley 2022t Crown County on Octobl< 11 1992 OAKWOOD TENNIS CLUB & Thlt Dus.nest It con<luC180 by a C.JIMO Reel Lane Hun11ng1on Beech F1"314 PRO SHOP. 860 Irvine Avenue. general parlne<Slllp 1 ufl'1111 1 o Ill co u Ill T o, alllom11 926"6 Pubhl"80 Or1nge Cont Oe•ly Newport 8"cll. CA 92663 Kevin Ktlit C~CMIMA Sue Bero1ron, •31'' Oohlla P~ot Oct 13 20. 27 Nov 3. 1992 Eow1n Speer, 8172Latson •10 This slatamant .,.11 !lied'"''",,. COUNTY CW l09 AMGal.ES oron1 de! Mer, Cellt0<n1a g282S U 36o82 GatOen G•O'tl CA 926"4 Counly Clelk 01 Orange County on In 1119 Mlll9r ol CRYSTAL l YNN Tiiis bu11ness was c;on<1uc111<1 by a ------------This t>u!llneu la conduct9CI by an Oct t t. 1g92 FLING Minor. A '*"°" who lhoul<I e'le(al Parlnlfthlp POOllC NOTICE 1n01vtOue1 F,.. frw tr he 1-. Bonnie Bar~•ey EOw•n SPMt Pubt1111eo Oranoe Coaet Dally .,. decllared om t CUI_, Thlt ltatement WU hied With Illa FICTITIOU8 BUSINIES8 This at1temenl wH 1118<1 wllh Ille Piiot. Oct 13. 20, 27 Nov 3. 1Nf and GOlllrol ~ente. ounly Cler~ 01 oranoe County on MAMIE ITATEMENT Counly Clerk 01 Orange County on «70-82 CAN CfTAT1o•:-uae tot>er 5. 1982 The 1011ow1ng perso111 are do1n9 Sep1eml>9f 27, 1982 F 115527 bu•lness as ftta2t POOllC NOTICE ,,...... ,,_ .......... Publlslled Ot•nge Coul Oallv CHARLES E SMITH CO . INC . Publlalled Oranoe Co111 01lly ------------C_..., _. CoMrel Pllol Oct 9. t3, 20, 27 1982 111972 Miiiiken Avenue. P 0 Box Piiot, Seol 28 •nd Oct 6, 13, 20, FICTITIOUa auaaNEta (MANDDl-NT} 4399.91 19129, Irvine. Cehlorn11 92713 1992 NAMI 8TAn:lllNT ("91 ADOP'TIOM> Ch1ar1u E Smith Merine •281·92 TIMI lollowlng persons'" OOlriQ To OR£GOAY ALLEN l'LINQ POOllC NOTICE 011trtbulort. Inc . a C alllornle 1------------but•nes• as: t a 111 g • d n •I u r •I ft 1 Pl• r) • •------------• corPorallon 16372 Mllllken AY8<1ue PUBLIC NOTICE BEST ·LINE SUPPLY CO . 11~ wh9'Hboull unknown. CYNTHIA FICTITIOUI IW81Wal p 0 Bo-19129. INlno California !------------Alvarez A...nue, Orange, CA 928411 LY NN STOLTZ (m other). NAMl'.ITATEMIENT 92713 FICTITIOU81UalNHI KI M soo HYUNQ, 28~ wtlefMt>oute unllnown. llld 10 1111 The lollowlno peraons er• Oo•no fl\11 OUSIMH •• conducted by a NAME 8TATllftNT Fairview Road. NO C-205. Cot .. per~ clelmlnG to 1>e the father 0t t>ut1neu u · corPO<•llon The tollowtno person la ooino MIN. CA 92828. • • mother of MIO minor perton above AQUA TECH POOL ANO SPA Cher lea E Smltn t>uslnes1 .. c Hu NG s 0 0 N KIM. 21 '15 nemad. SERVICE. 23772 Via Lt Corona Marine Otstrit>utort, Inc KIRKWOOD .A SSOCIATES. Falrvl-Road, No C-205. Coai. 8y or<I« ot 11111 Oourt )'OU we Mission v11io Cehlornia 92691 Obi Cllarles E Smllh Co 206t But1"9tl CerlllN Ortve. Suite MaH. CA 92626 llerelJy c:lted Ind ,.quncl to 11P99W Emily Donnelly l aMarre 23772 inc; 207. INlne, C.lllorn1a 8271S This bullMM I• conducted by.,, before the Judge Pre1ldtn11 In VII LI Corona Ml•t1on \11110 Oanlel S rhOml)lorl, .Jf Joni S Mllu , 290 Ce oney lndi~al Oepcwtment 234. Am. 7-311 ol tM C.lllornla 9289! vice Pres.aent Le ne No 20• Ne,..porl Beoc:n 8oo H Kim at>o>te 91\lltled court, located at K4lflneth Ern11 LaM1rre. 23772 Tl1•• 11111.nen1 w•• hied w1111 me C•lllornla 92663 Ttlla at•t-• wu Ned wt1h .._ Crlmlnal Court Bldf .. 210 W. Via La Corona M1111on Vieto Counly Clerk ot O.anoe County on Thia 1>ua1neas" conducted by en County Cieri! of Oranoa County on T..-nple, Lo• An~, California C81lfornla 92881 Ocloblr ~ t1182 1ndtvtduat Octot>er 8, 1882 .... toOtl, on Otolmber ti. 1N2. al Thi• bullne .. II CondUCled by •n ,, .. ,, Jon• s MUii " 1.00 Lm , OI th1t day, th«! Ind lndlvld11al Publl1hed Orange Cout Dally Tllll atalerntnt wit !Mid with the Put>llalltd Oreng• Co111 Oi '"'" 10 allow """· 11 •n)' you Emily D L•M•rr• Piiot Oct e •3. 20. 21 1032 County Clerk 01 O••noe Coun1y on Pttot, Oc1 13, 20. 27, Nov 3. 1N ri.vot, wtl)t Mid per-. lflcMllCI not This 1t1111111111 Wat hied wlll'I Iha ""02·12 Sepltmbe< 27. 1982 4510 ~ dMW'ed he from die oontrol o1 Counly Clerk ol Or•nQ• County on '1..U1 ht t ptr•nle 1ooordln1 to th• 8"'11111\t>er 21 ttl2 fltBJC NOTIC( Published Ou111gt Co111 Dally fl'ta.IC NOTICt ptdtton on Ill lleteln. '1t1111 Pilot. Sept 20. Oct 0 13, ~. 1882 -----------'°' ...,,. '° attend, )'Oii IM)' .,. PubllthacJ Oreng• CO HI Daily ,ICTITIOU8 IU..... 4213-112 ....... , dNffted oullty of I contempt of Pilot, OC1 9, 13 20, '27 tt12 ..... ITATIMINT '1CTITIOU8 ._.. • oour1. 4391-12 Tl\t IOllOwlno J*IOlll Ill doing .. ID•1c 1111\T.ICE ..... ITATl•lfT ·' TM pelnlO!I llled ,..,. " for the ·-----------buelne .. IS ,,_, nu M E T R 0 p 0 LIT AN 8 0 u ~ pufpoee ol fretlng tM MjeCt Cflllcl MUC NOTICE CAL PAC MANAGEMENT 'ICTITIOU• .ua•H OUTDOOR SION8. 3001 Redll I 1t1t ~I for~ 1------------1SEAVICH. t 115 Sal11a <1or SI , NA• ITATl•lfT Avt , Eepttt\8", No "·Sult• 1 , Dated: ~ ... ftt2 FICTITIOU• IUlllNIH Cotti M .... CA 82826 Tiit lollowlno ptrton It doing COttl ....... CA OH2t •• JOHN J, O~AAN, NAMI 8TATIMINT HOWARD W BRANTLF.Y, t 115 bullntlt u · MUAOPOl.tTAN OUTDO°" • 4 Du~~o:::wino peraon •• dOtno ~= COMfi'ANY M e S D181'Al8UTOAS, n6 W l°"'*"f II~ M ! 11th Strttt, ~te MeM, Cllllfornll IOUTM!AH CITIU A·1 MASONRY e CIMENT, , 2413 "0 '' a. Fllt"'8¥r. 1111~• Ana , Ctlllornl1 ta704 00llnty0.. The followlnO paraon 11 dol11g 81111ador St .. Co111 Mt ... CA I.AMBROSE FOUR. I.TO . 4000 llON OOlllP . a C tlllorn .. ~--~l(unlpo, butMMtso'L .. S~ SE·CH BURGER, 9262Q60ROON B Mil.LEA.,,.,. So. MOICOOAflhur8lvd ,!'.,fftlOC ... l'au1te oorporatlon. uoo 1!,~t°').,.,, .,......, "' " ~..... 4 ::::.1. Nawporl .... ecn. al 1orn11 "°°'• 81111 f'ranc:llC0..1. ,..,.. , 1eM H. U..... 16032 s .. ch 8ou11v11d, Midway June 81 .. Loe AnQ411et,CA 00020 021MK1 JAY KI NGRY ~ONSUL Tl~ 02927 E8CAOW OOM,ANY, 'feel M. Smt111. 2tH Androe, At TNtt .. Cotta ..._., celltomll tHM MITZll A. IAOWN. TNt "'*'-le c:onduOMCI by 1111 Melllent VIOe Preeldlnt lndMIMll. 1201 l 1e1 MIOP!l end Ted M. tmftfl A~ TNe .. ..,,...,, -tied...,.._ len ~.CA N404 COuncy °"" ~ 0Hflfl Colny Oft t 7 1 • I .... 1 ti 1 0 , OctoMr u , 1Na .... ,.,, ,..,, ... Hlllt7 P11bl1111ed 0rllft99 eo.et OtHy ftllblllflM OrMt' Cont O.ity fi'llol, Ort. ti. IO, 21 Holl. i, ttlf Not. Oct. ti, 20, 'l7. tlll ...... ~ l l(ftln Pltrldl Orlmtlltw, '1413 "O" 8. '•lrvtew, ltnlt Ana, c.llfomle t 270• Tiiie ~ II conclucled l)y In ~. ICM! Orlmttuiw Tiiie .,~1 WM llled wtth the OOUf!tY Cttnt 04 Or 11101 COunty on 8eptem4* 21. ttt2 . ,,.... fi'ut>llthed Orenge Ooatt Otllr Pilot, e.t :tt, Oct t , ti. QO, tN2 •2M·U ~ .. ~~ City, CA 82955 PAUl. A MYERS ooe F'ront St. OOuglHI l.ambrOM. 21 Oltnn, SEfWICE, INC., a C111•or a ..... ...-8URIT SAEl Tl11A. '110 Eell l.lhlln• HI 90781 lrvlne, Cellfotnll 9271• COfj>OfltlOn, 485 w. Wlllatl• A • °'9lltr c.-.. !Ill, No 3 . Otend1le, CA 91205 Thit l>utlnetl I• con<ll.leled IJy,,,, Thi• butlnftl II conducted by an Aretdil , CA 01oot .... CrtlMMf C..... ...... Thia bullMN 11 condl.lc;led by an unlncorportte<I U~latlon otl'ler lndMdulll Tfllt butlnttt II con<tuc1..r by'• 11t .... T...... ...... lndMdual lhtin a partneral\lp, 00uol .. LtmbtOM lltMftl ptt11'19tlftip .• ~ ......... CA _,I &urlt 8 .. Tiiie Howard W 8ranltey 0-111 Ptnn.t ~topollltll Outdqot e..,, ~ •• ~ Tlttt ttltttntnl wH n19e1 wllll Ille Th 1 •l•t-1 WM 1111<1 Wltll tllot 'Olit ttlttl'l'*I\ wM fl6tO With tlll Thie tttt9nltnt ... flltd wtlh 1'9 • ....,.,. .., c...,. .. Covllty Cl9rk OI Otlt\Ot COullt'f Oii County CWll OI Otanoe County on County ~ OI Of•• County Oii County C.11 of °''"" OOUMy 1' i... ........ OCto«>tt S. tOU Oct It, tM2 Oct0119r S ttea OCto«llf 11 tlU D .,.._,., ef U ..... ,,.... ,,_, • ,,_ ' . ·~ ,11t>lltl!ld 011no• COltt Delly Publlahad Oren941 0 0111 Oell'f P11t>lltl\•<I Ortl\01 COUI 0 1lly Put>llthed Ortnge CoH I Oall'f Put>llalled OrtnQt Coatt PllOI, 0Ct t. 1i, 20. 27, tN2 Piiot. Oct I , 13 20, 21, IH2 PllOt, Oct 1'. ~. 2l. NOY J. 1N2 Piiot, Oct &, 13, 20, 27, IH2 Piiot, Oct tS, 20, 27, Nott. I, 1 4' IW2 434a.t2 U 37•t2 43H-ta 4111 ... .\ .. ··-........... - I I I 11 1' 11 I -.• 4 a I --# 4¥ ¥ 0:0 • I ... Orange Coaa1 DAIL V Pt LO l/Wvdneru.loy, Octobur W , 19H? W or ld Seri TV • r our g un1es pul H(: on lop of N ie l~•·n rul in f(~ LOS ANta:LJo,!S (AP) 'l'ht• W111 Id S1•1w11 on lhl· fli-11 t foUI µlut·l~ II\ llW tl'll'Vl~ll)ll l'lllirlijl'I lmd sw ept NOC tu 11Ji fln.t Wt>t•kly triumph 111 more than ti y1·.1r I ~1 '"l'ht• U.11>t.•lulll ~Ulllt'b bt•lwt1t•n tlw M1lwuuk1'\' .rcwcn1 und thl' ~l Louui C11nlin11li; Kll Vl• NB · 11 1g Win for th1· Wt'l•k 1•11d1'll 01•t 17 'l'h1• tll'I work ~as thrt-c.• full 1 .111n~' µu111L' ah1·ud uf CBS. th1• '1.'luaJ Iron l ru 111\l' r • : CBS' "till M1nult'i.," wh1d1 rq~ulorly fin1i.h1 •.i. D1gh in lhl' n1tmgs, wa.i. shov1od to No. :l5 by tht• Suntlay f1Ct1n11• ' lit•i.:.111, l1111,.t11•d s1"111d 1111111 11 11 lk11t11111 "S11111111 ,'!,, !-.11111111,' 1111' I 'llS fll I\ .111· I \II .. tiow th.el 11111.,lwd '"'' 111.,t v.1 .. ·k "111t ,1 l1o11 k l11 l11wk i.h11 vl11w v.11h "M ,1~1111111 1' I ' ",,, N11 I .I 'l'h1• 1 11~~1·:.t 1""11,illy 111 1111• Wl't •k w.11> A B "i. "H1plt"v'1> ll1'11t•v1· 11 01 Nu l " ll was ltp lll(•lllljjl Sumluy·, World S t'l 11"• 1(.11111• .11111 I 111111lwJ d,-ad la.'4t Ill tilith 1111111 I lt•11• .111· th1 · top '1'11p Ill sh11w:o. Wm Id S 1·r11•:-. (j11111t• Nn fl , ;1 l'lllllll( 111 :I'.!. II 0 1 :!7 :t 11111111111 hol1'l'hold,, NBC...', W111 ld S1•r11·., < :u1111· N11 :!. :.!II I 111 :H :.! n11l111111 , NB<.:. W11rlcl S1•111·' < :.11111· No I '.!.7 1:1111 '.!.:I :! 1111lh1111. N Ht'. W11rld S1·rn" < i.11111• Nu :1. '.!.f> O 111 :W H mtlhon. NB<.:. "Tlw ( '11u1111y Mui.11· Aw11rdi.," ;M t or :!O :t 11111111111, l 'llS , "M111<mm1, P I ." i!:J 7 or IH 7 n11ll1m1, CBS. "M A S 11." :!:l <I or llUi 1111l111m, <.'HS, "Th11't..'~ l'rn111>.111v." :.!l 7 or Ill 0 m1l110n, ABC; "Tlw Jl'ffrr~111s." :.!I :t 111 17 7 m1lhun. CBS. "One D;,iv JI .1 '1'11111., .. '.!.I II •11 17 n11 lhun. CBS Sophiu Lort•fl. ,,;LU' I 011 l h t • ·~ToJ u)" !'>h ow this Wt•t•k , dt•sc·rihe·cl fwr imprisonme nt '"as hell." 11 SWOl~b 'f,~ SORCERER l1tl-QDOl&lff..,..,. II~ f tp H 1 II .. tl<IOt ~! Thl> only '>lJUI nut1• lur NB<.' wa" thu t nww 11f ts re gulur s h ow' ni._1th• th1· Top 10. and tlw tghest-rntt'd sc.'rwi. w.i.., "Clill's" an a tw fur :.!11th place. Many of ttw :.hows NBC was l'oun1111~ u11 lo (ifl it from th1• ratings <:ellar f1msht'd fur bt•hind !'Fame" w,,, No 60. ''Tux1" wus No ti!. "Ch1•1•t-s" was No. 63. cind "Tht• Dt•vlan l'onn<'<.'llon" wru. No 64. ; NBC won thl• Wl•ek with a rating of io...l, •<'C'Ordin~ lo rrt'Ords 1·o mp1lt'd by the A.C. N1l'l~'11 J,:o CBS was St't.'t>nd with 17 3 and ABC wa . .; 1hird )vith 15 Ii Tht• 1\t'tworks say this m eans 111 au f Veragt.' p r11nl'-llll1l' minute , :w -I pen.·e nt ul tlw nation's homl'S with TV we n' tuned to NBC. ~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!lll!m!!~· . . NBC's last wm l'amc m tht.> week cndt.'<i &>pt i, 1981, when the nt•twork also took f11-st place 1th tht' Miss America Pageant. t: w g The No I s how or tht: Wl'(•k was Sunday's fifth ame of l ht• W orld Sl•nes. probably bt•t·ause it arted in tht• aftt•rnuun and s pilled into the vening. Both CBS and NBC counted Gamt• No. 5. owever, bc.'Cause mort• than half of 1t was pl;iy1.U 1n rime liml' in the Eas t st t! h p The networks rl'<--'t.'IVl' idl•nt1l'al raw dau. from the Nie lsen Co. and <trl' free w interpret it as they hoose. The networks rarely daffrr in their hs ung of Che shows. however. and diffcrl'nt'CS usually Ol'l'Ur nly un de r a circums tance suc·h as the one involving game that ran mto prime t1ml' c d a The only World Series gamC' that did nu t makt• th e Top 10 was Saturday's game. which w as pl;iyt-'Cf ntirely in the afternoon. N BC's pre-game hows ast Tuesday and We<lnesday nights fm1shl'<l in th0 ::-cond highest 10 shows e I SC The h1ghes1-rawc.I show aflt•r thl' £our W orlJ Series games was "Th<• Country Music· Aw<trds" on BS. The m ost pc)pular series 11! the wet.-k was CBS' Magnum. P I ," s tarring Tom SellN·k as a awaiian private dNt•t:llvl'. wh1t·h was sixth . After a t. 1t was such pcn·nnial lronl-runners as thr• medics "M -A-S -H ." "Thn-c.>':. Company," "Thl· !!ersons," and "One Dav al a Tame" c .. H th co Je STARTS TODAY ORANGE Stadium Onve·ln 639·8770 NO PASSES ACCEPTED FOA THIS ENGAGEMENT "WAITRESS" is totally off the wall ... friendly and playful." -l<i••I"· h dl, W NI H IV •BARGAIN MATINEES • Monday thru Saturday All Perlo1mancu belore S:OO PM (Elctpl Special Engaeemtnts and Holl41ys1 LA MIRAO A M Al, lo M1toao ot •o••c•ont LA MIRADA WAlK·IN 994·2400 ha The nt•w CBS S(•rit'l> "Tuckt·r's W1u:h ... "h1d1 d undergone exlcnslVl' ahf'rm~ bdure tht• Sl':tS<in "THI: l.AIT &MllltlCAN VlllOIN" ~ :JHE CRITICS' FAVORITE FUNNY FILM /1. "SIDE-SPLITIINGLY FUNNY!" -......... SY91DICAnD AUi came UU (l TOAO UA Movoes I 0#4IOS SaclO~DaO 990 •On 581 S880 COSTA MlSl fOWa<O<. MUU llMiTotl ICACN t O#MOS HtinMlljlOll C~m• 8•8 0388 ll Mlllll OllHC:f C1ne00me 6~• .?Hl Soutn <:Ns1 Puu S•6 ?711 A~C fa.~ ~ 5ouJ•t 691 0633 LUtUllY TriERTllES I h t 1-o libti11ttSlloe11uOtllY$2JQtltlltu0tti.re1wll1ttd ~ -~ .A-t0.~.,..t .,._..._,.,.""""Al 11' ~"'I ''"'C'V""' .•'••J-.... ,,.. •• ~9'\'l)i.•~~.ISO. ~·_.AO l•.._,..,.,. .. -.c..,.• '""·~· H •W. S 113 re14•1•X11il6l61_. 2551 1 ~~.) S C>••1tt ~l 'ft\ re"°'""" of" .. ~ ... ~·~ ... .,,,._._,,.".,._ .. ,.. "lllV ''\~enc. ~ : i I . I ' f : . ' I l .· FOR FUOI EXCITEmEnTI V1s1tOur ... ARCAOEofGAMES• :-.. :-~~·.· ~ !W-r;;U'-"'' m ~~fol·~·J~J~ S lO .IEK YLL ~ HYDE • ... 101e1h er •1 •1n """ ·~~t"Y t:.,:,o A4i \V~.'~ogt H •t h 111) 1 :45 &:Jb 10 s ~ .... ",~.,~sl~~~?, Show• I .~ '"' 2 PETER O 'TOOLE l];E AJ'I Ol"FJCER M'sE~~~ G~'V[!l 1:10 I : IS I O:lS 1:00 l :IS S:lO 7:~ IC>OO -alt. !Ol'IAROS \S'l'U .. IYACl'.TIP , ,....,.., ...... °'"""' ···~ -·tlCM011 EI 1111 I '11M • • fl HHI 'IH/.\I ~ PhH Or•9on\1.ty•1(1tGt f Arr r1•r1 AT lt10C:(-Tt0CM It Hoo•CI IR)~ N•thl Shilt (R} Sa ve money and slwpp111g t nrl<' THE LAST AMERICAN VIRGIN * Q i:.:~: ~~~.:"~;,t IR I Ot•••IM Open 7· Hi Weetin19hn/7 00 w ..... ndt Cllildrtn Utldtr 12 fret U..less Ntted Rt'ad the Daily Pilot LOCKED OUT AT UNITED ARTISTS THEATRES ' We 111e loc:ked out becauH we refused 10 lose more lhan half ol our Jobs end thereby double Iha work load or those remaining • ,We hive wortced In United Artllla theatres al~ they opened. El<ih projectionist works mulllple sell of equipment He Is responllbte for sound and pk:lure In 1eveul auditoriums at once Thia has lncreaM<I the actual amount or physical work and vasl!y lncreated our responllblllty. From It• Inception. we have cooperated with the uM of automated equipment WE HAVE WILLINGLY INCREAllD "'®UCTIYITY. Before aulom•tlon, one projeetlonlst wu uted to project one picture for one auditorium Now. under our IHI eontrect. one prolee1lonl1t prepares. operates and supervlMt equipment and film lor u many aa lour. 1h1, and even eight eudltof11.1"'-•• one:.. We ~ lhat there ahould be 1 llmlt to hOW many jObe tMt worker• end the community 1hould lose to automation We think woncer• end the oomrnunlly. •• well 11 the employert, have 1 right to gain through lhe beneflll of automation. United Artlatt Communications I• I many multl-mllllon dollar corporation. They make hlndaoma proll19 from theater operation• There 11 no economic ~ to etlmlftete ..-.. Robert Nalty wentt to Increase hit prollll by ellmlnellng ow 1ob1. He do.a not Intend to reduce the price of your movle tlcl<et Mr. Nalty refuted.to negotiate on .,., of the Union'• pr090t1l1 The company atood pet on 111 original ultlmeluma II o"eted only lie pet hour fOf ~or t,.._ the work 104d, It the ... me time ellmlnatlng 50-7!1% 01 our Jobe Thole of u• Who ION our !Obi wtlf not be abte to aupport our femlli... The community IOHa Ille Hlerlea we earn end spend In the community. II your .nptoyer f~ Mr. Nalty'• e111mple, where will your fob be? How will you aupport your famllv1 With higher unemployment end few9r Mlarlel to apend, our 11ea economy It bO\.nd to 1ufter We ..,-, willing to oontlnue to negollatt. but Mr. Nlllfy dlct1tC>fl1lly and arrogantly locked u1 out .,.. ... doft'I go Into MJ UMtH Al1ttta .....,. •• ,.-..By IO doing, you wlM help UI ~t our fObe back • PAOJECTIONllT8 LOCAL ICM -ORANGE COUNTY lntemetloftel ·~ of thfftrlcet atege emp1o,.., end mewing ptoture mechlne opereton Aflfl-CIO. ,...... t•t "FAIT TIMll AT lllOOEMONT HIOlf" 1•1 ,., . .,. a· W&ITlll.11 11•1 1111 •• , •• ' · SOUEEU ~LAV" 101 ,,. ...... ·-THE IWOllO AHO THE IOllCEllEA" 1• ,,. ......... DlllAQOMIL&VfA' ,..,, ···--... "AN OFFICER ANO A OlMTl[MAN" 1•1 \Hiii ........... .. "THE CHOSEN" ''"" U4l ... •4t 1 61.1 6' ,._. CHEfCH 6 CHONO TAIPlf COM80 " 1 •.-.a• AM t OUOM M-l O._ • •I ·-.. ' -.Cl Oltfa._•.t 1•11 .. '" J .. u MOR U•1 ... ,.,. ......, LAKEWOOD CENTER WAl K·IN J oculry at t onol••ooo I 213/531·9510 J PINll FlOYO, THE W&ll -1•1 ........ THI LAST •MElllC.,. v111ow· ••• ... ._... 'STAA TAEll" 101 '" .... ITAA TAfl( 11· THE WAATH Of KHAN 1•01 ...,. ••t LAKEWOOD CENTER SOUTH WAlll IN Jocul .... Al 0.0 N"Q 21J/6J4·t211 THE I HT UTTU WHOllfHOUIE IN Hll&S o1 ,. , .. --· 'lOOlllN' TO CIT OUTr' •• , ,,, , .. •lHf IWOAO ANO T'Ml IOflCEAlll"' 1•1 ....... 'OAAOOHll A TEA '"' ...... "TfMPEIT" '"°' tK ._. ·MV F&V01111E VlAA" 1001 •n •• ECHOS"ar 1..,1 ......... , .... _.. ,, .. OON"T GO IN THI WOODS 0 1 .. '" .. THE Hll.ll H&Vl EYll ,., ,,. , ... ,, .. •• °""' a.-o .. , 1• •• -Shrh HI'"' IMPOllTAlll •OTICl 1 CHllOlll N UllO(" 12 fll((• oww ... ·-.. , °""' 0.-D ... 1• t• C...A-·-UW_G _VUIJl[ll '"° ... CNl_ ..,.,._acctl'IOll•- --.., Allllllll 1•AU Qlof-11 _.., tJI Oii .., - A~A.Hf•'4 ANAHEIM OIUVl·IN h•••c» •1 ot l•~ 11 17'-tHO -----I c. ...... ,...C"-'t '~· .,. ,.,... ... 0-t , ... t <"-<• • C"-'t • ..._ o.-'" •<~•(. ........... ,-o,, .. ,., t"'f ··~ avlNA ,AQl! BUENA PARK QR1vt '" hr.cOUt ••• •••t ot '"o" 121·4070 avlllirr'IA J AQt LINCOLN ORIVl ·IN UftCOln ...... ., ot l.ltan 121-4070 ll1uN"A1"4 FOUNTAIN VALLEY ORIVt -tN io" O.•oo •rwv at l tOOlll\tirt• fSo l H2-2411 "OOW'T 00 IM THI WOOOI 1•1 ..... • THf Hl\.LI HAYll IYlll" 1•1 Cll<I '' tO\lllO .6 to.AIU.1.A LA HABRA OWIVI IN -·-·--·---17MM 2 ~ " , . . ~ "CUH ~IMC""" ~tflP •U C&Pf nlOM ~ .!-7 NIW YO•ttc-C-1 • ~· ~ r .:_ C.rlff ., \OU-0 c • .-•,_ ~ "AMITYVlllf II THI! POISllllON' 101 l"'"' ··THE llUMlllA PAllTV "'All•Clll 1•1 .. ,,~ ----.. E.T.. 1,..1 THE EXTRA· TERRESTRIAL" "-Vt 'DllAGONllAYl!A '""' 'rHI IWOllO AMO THI SOACfllfll'-,., ..... "SCAN'ltllS 001 W&llllElll • ..... IOUIUI PLAY 1•1 CllOf I• SOU-"O -~11.0 SoOI) c;. .... c;...-.J<- 191·3693 1c...,...c,..,... '""'°' .... fO\iOM 4-\l O•t• t"t t C-....Cfll 6 c.._. t MCI .._ .. ,. t•t I (MMtl 6 CJilriMt t flM_lf llO'nt 1•) CMf It tO\jllO TOGl'THlll AOA*" 1"1 .._ ... •THI l&IT ·-~~.~ill\ "THI IWOflO AHO THI IOflCIMll" 1•• .. .,. •ICAHtlllll-101 ORA NGE OlliVI IM .... . ' ... MISSIO N {llllVI IN .. . . W APN IPro..1 '4 ~--.. ....,. .... I* OM• NMO MUHTO COM IW'ltl~ Dt Loe "*"· R i llUA M.1111 II••• l'IJIA ', ;>t~ '• I f ':I MllltOll YllJO .. ""." ..... , ...... , ~ ... ,,.., "' ......... ,.,_ ... ~ ··~ .. ·---- lllWPOIU lfl CM OllHOf W(IJMllllftll I 1h;r••d1 NtNI>'''' (.1m•111i1 t 111t Ouitfl.. t'd(.11.C It• Wit"~ loH 01~11 I, H l'.'1) ltt1.• 111 ~'II 1~01 WllTMllllUll tt0 "'•.W• a.ff U'JIU•' "IHf\f.......,ttffll~ "E.~ DOtL)' I • ""f~ ' . ~ ......... • -\., .•\ . \., . THt: t '"'llL \' . CIR('l'H by 811 Keane "Grandma says hay is for horses!" ,.AR,.:\ Dl'K•: by Brad Anderson 10 Zo '~ •1r1o1~o••u"" ,..._,,.,.,. "Do you. Marmaduke, promise to love. honor and ... " Jl'DG•~ P .\RKt:R by Virgil Partch (VIP) ·•·U> fp "It'• 111 I hid to w11r. My bunny ault la 1t tM cl11neri." /I Ff , ( ~ I ;'I 'Aw,tk:JM ... l'M NOT YOUR EASY ! • by Harold Le Ooux .. ==::::::J~==::===::=:-:::7"";:;;:-.;~ ~~~~~~~lll'fi!lltrv;w~EC(:,O;oT~AA~PPEiFETinv (,()()DIDEA CHA~LEV'$ CA~ 15 PAP.KEO \ WHERE HE 15, LOU' YOU COME ACP.Oe.6 THE STREET. MR C' ALON(;, WITH ME AND HE 'S STILL TN THE HOTEL SCOTTY' &JT I DON'T KNOIN WHER E I ~ ........... - G.\R•'IEl,.D FOLLOW ME, NERMAL. TMIS IS MOW YOU CUM0 ATR£E ACROSS 44 S1muletor I Wfttlout 45 HOWllY9l'"" 1 5 Kind of Ille 48 Low reton 9 Equ!nes 48 1nn11H 14 Noun ending 52 Brfllth 15 Suhorn Colum~ 16 Ending for &irNm lnS or red 2 WOl'dt 17 Pre-med 56 Chlliee subf 57 Sut>MQuent 18 s 1000 bins 58 Single 1Nng 19 LISIO 59 Opening 20 Deya111 eo T orpld TUHOArl f'UZZlE IOl VED 'l 1 C11*111n 8 I AeYerld ~ lillirfiT PIM 82H.,_ 'l WOJd• 83 s.1 suro- 23 LIH' 84 Ho ont 25 Sale Sign 45 f in011 2words 26 F1neue DOWN 27 Oo¥e'1 l\Ofne t 000 cf\aln 29 Function 2 Boredofn 32 Cera! 3 NOfM 35 GOid CIOlll i.nou• 36 NFL or C,t Abbr .,..,_. 4 Polll 37 Top.di'..., S .._I dllll )I T OMO dOwll I F 11 Nottfl 3' " .. ~ """'-..... 7MW.p 40 "-• ,.,_.,.,, .,....... .,..... ., 0.WOfl tO..,., ao.crv t•....,.• I 12 Wttnln Prtfi• 42 AalyMMd Of 13 Mr LM.. Aeron 21 Addillonll 44 Oefleclt 22·Aebullld 45 Cooltrotell 24 Sootflel • 7 F' renell rlvtr 27 Pender 48 P11 -By 21 Herbinger '4w Mtll 30~ •tc.n- s 1 "*' rWM 60 A""* Zol• 32 COM CIOM S 1 ~ o.tty U D1•ructiee S2 Oed IMut M,,....., U A1t1'1met• ....... 54Wr«l Jllllloftll -&S -.OW NM• MC>lflctld .. WE. S IT HERE UNTIL IHE FIRE DEPARTMENT COMES ~ Oranoe Coatt DAILY PILOT /W.c!n1101y. Oclobor 20. 1982 81 1'l',.Btt:" EEDS PEMMIC:AN- BURtiER5 SHOE MY TV 15 BROKEN, BUT I CAN HAVE FUN HERE INSTEAD ,...__r--17 --l I. i •• i I '"!! ,~~~~N • . >~ ~ ... -'"''. GORDO l'~\ JV~ "~ T1-\lt..:£ """'~ i.QJSE- 1<.E: E. Pf;lZ, ! F~KJ~ 1'oA-sr? c~·r Wf. ~IJ~ ~~I~ A LI ru. ~ ~1~l1M. fOR llWtKf~Sl ? ... ......__..., HELLooo .1 THt /5 SLUGG01 S I \ C?.: ECHO r. ~ ~ CANVONJ~ I I'' •If' If~'"', I 0 ;tr ,•If) .. ·lh "" ni£ 5TUD£Nl5 MANAGED ro Pou. iHEM CX)WN I YOUR ex,..ReME:t.,Y SL.OW GAME: NOW PReSE:Ni"S US Wl1"H A PRO e l-eM, .JASPE:R ... .----------. ~OMETIM~" I WONDER I~ SOME ATMLETE~ EVEN t:NJOY PLAYIN6 . ---·· )' I WE.LI.. , 15UPR)SE <.,.100 HAVE TO EXPECT fHAf KIND OF EAl7HU61A5M AFfER. OUR FIR6i WI~ EVER! SO la)AAT WOOLO 'foU RA1~ER "~"~ fof{ w.AKf~l ? _ 1"HIS IS A SOL-AR- POWE!RE!P GOl.-F CAR1" ! I f J by Charles M Schulz lMAl'S WHAT 1'0 LIKE TO 6E .. 50MEONE WMO 00f SN11 ENJOV PlA.,.tN6 SOT WINS ALL nl£ TIME ~ -co : , J by Tom K. Ryan by Jeff MacNelly by Ernie Bushm1ller by Gus Arriola byc--"R>m Batra MAYBE 50 &JT I W16H 1HE4 'D HAv£ fCRN DOW THE. 60AlP05T5 IN5iEAD OF fHE BLEACHERS I -. ·. . . . • . . .. Ora11g J TV how g r d for worn n Tall, <1111·k """ luuu/sonu• b,•,•l't ·11IH• i.-. tJt,. ,.,,i,. /'01· 1u•w . .;hows By FREO ROTllt:NOf.:JU: .-r ... .,1.1on Willer NEW YOHK 'l'h1• 1111>Nl hl,11,1111 tl11·1m• ut new 11ht)wi. 111 tlw 11\unth 11ld t1•IPvli.1011 k'll."l(m ii. Stud P11w1·r Thi· lofJ !lt.11 :. 1111 "'''111 to ht-11111lt· hu11kic l..aal S unday. i.w11rthy 1':11k K'(1r111l;1 \10.~·d ·In hi» 11k1VVll"H Ull a moll• llitJlfol 1111 "l 01 11 •,," then J~lUl'tod lri 11111 luk1111 bnl'ls 1" a liox1•r -hi th~ lllllVll' "lllllll'YlMI)'" ll d1d11'l tak,• lvni.: 1111 th1• 1ww c<11111111 y cou s m N fru rfl lht• "l>Ukl•:-uf lla1.1..11d'' to .show o ({ ll~·lr phystqU('li In tlil· r1n1l l'IJlll'i<l1·, right UC\l'f thl1ll l'ltl' ll•:1pc'(I .11'1'1~ lht • ~'l'l't'll, Coy and Vtuw t• Oukl· h.1d 1h1•11 llr:-1 puhlll· inpecttun 1'1wv took ,,er thl•tt 1,h1rts 111 1·hop •Wood. "Vnv11R1'I '' l•.,1lt1lf 111' l1,11t 1 111 '' ll,1\1tl I l.1i..'4.·lh .. 11 11p .. t.1j.(1 d 1,, .... 111111111111•1 ... , Ill "K111~hl 1!1d1 1 ' \\ '" o11,1p 11111 t .1 111.1111ht1111 S11:1p111•1 1•11,11·1 1111 "' y1·.11., Ulcl1•1 11ud11•111 , • ., l11uk111g tut .1 111111 -.11ph1,ll111ll11ll Wllil !ht II lt11lld1'11llll' ht1llk"I '""' .tli.u lt11tl ti 111 tlw 111·w p111ijl .111 1' '1'111·,1· ,tar:. 1·;111 II(· 1111'1'1 v 1111 •11, ~·a 1 .. t11lt• 111 pok111i.: lu11 :it t lw111s1•lv1•s .111d 111l11•1s Tlw .11·1 111 s1•lt·d1•1Jtt'\'1Jllrn1, 1111"t1·1t·d h y '1'11111 S 1•l11'l.'K, Is now pra<.·ta·•·d l1y l.1•1· ll11ri.l1·y ol "M ,111 U 1111sl11n ," Hnw1· H11xh·rl111'1 111 "Hrm~ 1·111 B1ll'k Aliv1•" 111111 H11l1t•1 t l l 1wh 111 "l ;av1l:111 " U1u• N Bl' prrn110 I 111 I h1· Vl'I 1111 v1·il1·d "t:.1vilti11" """''" lt1111pu11d1111H11lll ,, n1lpnl, llH'll Wl'lllj.(1111.( his l1.t11d .1l tltt• IMlll 11( ll ,111 111111 h1111d.,.11111· like S1·ll1-c k 111 .lu1 k ~ Jli.1, \\. hu ~ '" ,, l11i.ih t•t II 1•d f,"1111111 11111d1•I l1t•l1111 "Tl11 I>.. v l111 t '1111111~ 111111 ' ( hu• 111111v Ii. 1h ,1t tl11 111 w '""w' pt1t.)l't'1t'tJ "' lit" h11.u,:1·'1 l11i.. .11 1· "N1·wh 1111 " 1tt1fl "( ilw 1.1 " Roh Nl'wh.11 t .11111 Sally St111tlw1 ' d1111't 111nll' fr11111 1111• M'A sy111liol slrnnp "llullyw1.1od d11l11't k1111w wltul 111 d11 with S,1l1y," '"Y~ 011111 :1111 "Sit" d1ic·1m 'l h.1v1• '14'X .q11x·.d Sh1·'s 1,11,1111• ;1ml kooky " M is:. Strullwr .. is IJlll' •if 1111• ll•w l1 •111Hlt• l1•ad ... 111 1h1· 111·w P"'•lo<• ·•ms 11111·1 .. r th11> 11'1a1t•s 111 tlll' 111•1w1wks, tlll'tr' 1·1111~·111uM1t·s 1.i11>nl .1 IHl liy f1•1111111""· pul1111g t11wk 1111 p:1l•k;1glllj.( f Plllult· l>t'otUll1'' ~ 11111·1111ld11°l ltic1k i.:11od and :wl w1·ll .at till' sillt1t· 111111• This bulg111g bn·frukl' 1s Jt•:-.1gm•d 111 ·appeal l o young aud1 t'm'l'S. whos1· maJ01 requirenwnt 1s that th<• srnr sn11k· a lot .md look prNty Byrun C ht•rry (Coy Dukl.') had . never actt-d bdtll"l' P t:"h 'I Eku 11111 u( "Thl' Powers or M ulth•·W Stur" was J lt)IX.ll'I P u bhc 1ty shots or J on E:nk lkxxum 111 "Wonwn Inv•· '1'11111 S1·ll1'(·k, 11111 tw'i. also ,, rn.111·, 111<111 ," ,,,y, Al 011t11'.1lt1, .1 l ',1sl111g d111·1·t11r "M1•11 d1111 '1 lt•t•I th11-.1l1·111·d hy h1111 " But n 's al:.l> lhl' 11.,111111111111 th,11 W•Jllll'lt .tt\' ,·u1111•11ll1n~ tlll' 1·11111m1•11·1.1I 1hat 11111r1· th.111 4 l '\'l'f Adv1•1 t "1 '' h.1v 1• .1lways 111v1·t1'll won11·11 v 11·wt·1 1•111,u1111·1' Aotl • with 1·,1lil1• 1t•l1•v1s1oi1's :.porl' and n111v 11·' JIU .11·1111g m11l1• Vll'Wl'rs, NBC , C8.<..; .111d ABC .111· in da11g1·1 nt prugrammin~ f,,. l.11111•:. 1111lv Put on the g love 'l\·lt-v1"on. II <111y1hmg. b 11111 .1 lh1 \'I'· d1nwns1unal 11w<l1u111 If vou'n • .1 man. vou sh1111ILI h1.· L.111, uar k This IS lhl· ~w;1-.i111 tlll'y !JI oil lll'l ' Ua1·hru Shwisuncl lrit•io, u lilllt• box ing toni1-<hl wlu·n l'ltw tt·um s with R yun o· '«.>u l in tfw I <J7CJ movit•. HTlw Main F.vf'nt," on ~;\JU :, CharuH'I 7 a l <J. WEDNESDAY EVENING ~:00 WORLD S£HS Game 7 with M1lwaul\ee at St Louis 1:00 iJ 0 0 NEWS 0 CHARLIE'S ANGELS The Angels go unde<CO•er as stewardesses to ltnO out why a friend ot Saor1 na s 1s being te,,orozed 0 EIGH'T IS ENOUGH The luds wrangle tnet: way along on Tom and Abby s San Francisco none~rnoon trip W M"A"S"H When B J 1mempts 10 comfort ll nur•e who holS marriage troub•es 11e d•\ covers a rornanuc p1001<im of nos own ll) HAWAII FIVE--0 A cat burglar •1r1~e\ 111 tne home ot a 1oc1011y ptom1 nent tomoly ED OVER EASY Guest Dougl!lt FoorDa"~• Jr O W UNOERSTAN04NG HUMAN BEHAVIOR Motovatoon And Hungf'r (i" CBS NEWS 0 A8CNEWSO ~NBC NEWS R WILD BAINES This cJ«umentary catcnes many wild animals as IM}' grow up ano learn to Sur vive on tn•r natural naoo 111 0 JENNY 1(00 KOO 1:300) ALICE m CAMVAIGN "82 THE OE.BATES t8th Cet.lorn111 Senate D•st,.ct Auemblyman Gary Hart A•-emblyman Charles lmbtecht H Bn.cfl Driscoll • W SEWING POWER OllNEWS @ BARNEY MILLER Tne detectives are O°'"il bonke,a 1n the1f' nflw assignment as 11 homocode aquad (Part 2) @MOVIE • •" lnv•tatoon To Tne Dance 1195 7 I Igor You•kevttc:h, Gene Kelly Three Aomsky·Korsakov dance sequences are pr• s«ited 'Cl•co•" A c&own fall1 to hll death lrom a tlglll•Ol)8. Ring Around The Rosy A" anni.,..._ry gtft c:t\ange6 hand1 many times, ''Sonbad Tl\e Sailor A aeaman e•per1ences exciting adventures 7:00 iJ C88 NEWS 0 N9CNEWS 0 HAPPY DAYS AGAIN When RICll~ I personal•ty lhps, only the FoM can help 0 A&CNEWSO 0 SOAP Burt l>eO'"• to e•hobn •tranga bena•IOt and Fllhef Tim nas b11d news lorCormne W THREE'S COMPANY Chrtny. Janet and Mr• Roper think Mt Roper 11 Mel~ another women G) °" JOt<ER'S WILO • .., 8USIH£88 MPOAT ()) P.M. MAOAZINE A man who cuttom•rM luxury c:ara In HOltywOOd, a O<OUI> of glfl• tr alnlng lor lhe ,_ Olympic; sport Of ...ierd8nCMG (II INT8'T AINMENT TONIGHT An • Interview with s ... ,, Pure.-.,.,,,.'"°OUT: THE OUOLT'I Q..ow UP Tiiis Mq\"81 to the poplllar eoeclal ''Who Ara The Oeeolta Ano Where Old They Oat 1t l<lda7" u9dat• the ttory of the eJ11ta0td1nwy famlly wtilch ,_ lndudea 20 l)h~l­ ~~ c:tlild<an , ~OH • lobby Vinton perform• llurt La nc·ast t'r s tars in ··Hun Silt>nl. Run D t>t•1)· to11i ~h1 al B on K CO P, ( :taa nrw l I :t Jt1m" or h•S bog9es1 nots onctudong B•;a On Blue :>nil Ae<l ROM!S For A Btue Lady from the SdnOS Hotel 1n L8S Vegl\l Z MOVIE • • • F11st Monday Ir• October ( 19811 Walle• Mattllau Jill Ctaybvrgh A loberal Supreme Court Jus lice cluhes """" the new- e11 memoer ol the na1<on s highest cou•t an ultt11 Cons.f'rwative woman ,uh'1 A 7 30 iJ 2 ON THE TOWN Featured en ant-""''" Std Caesar, tile Jugg..,s Con•ant•°" '" Santa Bar- ba•a 11ow people can Pvl theor tree to •Orio. ror t~ Q J~ FAMILY ff:UO 0 LA VEJIHE & SHlfU..EY & COM PANY Altar IOSlr>O trwi.r jODS '"" 91rls dec•de to move ta CalitQmoa 0 O'E~LA- Fealuted a p•ot11e 01 Barry Manolow. a 1001< at the c,_,leadong squad lor the Los Ar>getes oasl<etball team 0 MADAME'S PLACE 0) M•A•s•H Kh~er becomes a new5· paper editor II) 8 TIC TAC OOVOH €E) MACNBL /LEHRER REPORT W INSIDE STORY SPECIAL "Nuclear war The incur· ADie Disease The med.cal consequer>ees of (luCleer war are 01scussed by Sov•· "' and Amer.c;an phys .. c.oans Hodd1ng Carter hOllS iO YOU ASl(E.0 FOR IT Featured SWISS Heto«>p- ter Rescue and l ne 1a1ano Owned By Dogs 8'()() e 1 sEVEN aR10ES FOR SEVVi BROT .. ERS 0 .jf, REAL PEOPLE F'ea1ur8d· 11dull 1roc;yc1e races • gotf game played 1n tile snow. ballet star Jacques O'AmbOlse teach· es modern dance to schOOlchlldren 0 MOVIE • • • Tiie Hindenburg 1 t975) George C Scott. Anne Bancrol1 A wary N1121 securlry oltleer tries 10 prevent sabotage aboard the historic end ultlmetely doomed 1937 IMgflt of tile German dlrtgl· ble 0 11)) TALES OF THE GOU> MONf<EY Jake. C<wtty. Louie and Jack under1ak• a perllOus lnercy minion at the req.-1 of Ja1te'1 ol<l llytng buddy and a ma)ettlc. Wa11111 ctllef1aln G MOVIE • •'n "0Hdly Haro' t 19781 Don Murray, Olalln Wllllar'flt. A trlgg«-happy pollcem.,. • ca•-Ind a llldnac> VICUm'• Ille 11• jeOpardlted wNl<'I he rn· c:uet her a(ld "'"' her al>OUC'lor W P.M. MAGAZINE A man wllO oua1orn1in kiMury ~ tn HOiiywood. • g1ouµ o• g1r1c; ttAm+no tnr tilt! now OlymfJ•• .pnrt ol • wttltn d<',,4 .. •00 ll) MOVIE • • • Run Somn1 Hun [)<;Pp ( t958> (.;lork C.ublo Burt Ldfltd5ttJr A ~ul'Jm" , 1ne crew 15 d11;.chtO be1wftftt\ bOyl\ ,m(f m tm aurong a ba111.. ull the coa!I ot Jopen ED GREAT PERFORMANCES ~ ·v•· r ron, L inco1r1 r ,.,,,,., N-\'ori. City OPe•.i MAdarna Butttitlly Jud1111 1-<adOO(I Judoth (.hflltin Jl!H}' "'adl•y .. nd Al,.n f,tui a1e featu•~ 1n H•.- N•w vor> ( •ty OP"•<>• p u·•ciue:hon ot G1•ltvmv PucC•n ' \Aad t""li Bu• H!• 11\ ChtrslOllL'llr l\lfe• • conduct~ C MOVIE * • • • r tit"o' o' rh,. Br10A t 19~01 Spen'4•• l r 1 ~v Ehza~tn '"ylor A lalhf'r ••Pe<•t'l\C~\ all 01 the 1oys and n.-dacnes ,,..olved with tnt p•11para 11on• lor "" daughtf'r • upcomtng -ddmQ H MOVIE • • "The S•A WOl•o• ( 19801 Gregory Pl!C• ROQ er Moore O\r11ng Worlt1 War II, a group or Ortt••" bYSlnes~men to, m '' ¥Olvn teer regiment to dnll•Oy a Germen •Py ne\I 1n ""' ln<l••" Ocaon PG 0 MOVIE • , BoOy And S..iul tt9811 Leon lsaoc Kennfl dy Jayne K"nnOd) A young Dlaclo; turns to pr1Zelogn11ng to raise 1no money ht• needs '"' mt'01 cal SChOOl A $ Bil.ARRE John Byner ~h°""s y<>u lh•~~ 1trang11r than truth llllger than hie and 1anol'f than anylh•~ you ve e•l!r seen @ MOVlE • * , The Formula ( Hl801 MerlO(I B•ando George C Scott Whole 1nve1119at1ng 1ne murder of a co11eegue a vote< an cop uncO•flrl a con•porocy 1nvOIVl"ij lh• suppr&HIOn ol a aynthellc tu .. lormut• by en Oii c•rtel ·R 1:30 0) SO YOU THINI< YOU OOT TAOUBL.£8 Ui) ELECTION '82 $ JAMBOREE IN THE HIU.811 "Super Bowl Ot Country Muetc" Th•• unique coun· try mu•lc: INtlvel laetures Jetry Lee Lewll, Ronnie MHaap, Cati Perllln1 Thi! l<andall• 1nd Mel"" CO•· nellu• 1.45 l CHARLES CHAMPLIN OH THE l'lLM acEHE t;OO iJ ALIC£ A -~1>41r llory r-1• that the for"* own., ol th11 diner may ha•• bun.cl • bundle Of IOOl on the preml-0 ~ THe FAC'TI Oft LIFE 8laJf'a , .. at1on.n1p w1111 h11• 'Ciiiti£L LISTINGS flthef la put on I~ """ wnen tn• bacQmea th• vlt· tlm of .,. IRS tax 1\ldlt !? 0 (JI) MOVIE ** • "Tht M1111 Event (18701 Barbra Strelaand. Ryllli O'Neat A benkrupt perfume company prffl. dettt 11 forced 10 1111 back on her ona ramalnlno HHt •• 11 prl1allgl'lter who't afraid to flohf (Al • KNXT ICBSI e l(NBC IN8CI • ICTLA !Ind.I .KA8C: IABCI • l(FM B (C85) • KHJ·TV (Ind.I /'• ttCST (ABC) e KfTV Clnd.I , 'e °ltC:OP·TV Clnd.I • lt.C:E1' lftlSI • KOCa (ftttl) I 01 On·TV 2 Z TV '" 1180 IC IClnell"ltU) J (W0 1t) NY , N Y d7> (Wf6~1 IESPN) If, CShOwtimel • Sc>otHOhl e IC.Olt N•wt Nefworkl m Ml..V~'"H IZ)MOVll • • "The t duc11t1on 0 1 IOMy Carson" ( 1174) l'lony c11n1on. Don Oof don 'A' e:aoe ~THY~ MatWlall Nit put 10 Pl'OV. to CttloUa that lle'a reelly em~m!WI ·' 0 l9' f AMIL Y TIES fhe Kttttlt>Ha 10-0._am•n• '""" ••Owl on law e"fou;e mttnl un<1 gun GOntfof uftur Uoeor 11ome 11 burglarozod m LEAGUE Of WOM EN VOTERS CONGRESSIONAL DEBATES Prouwrnnt mttroUurs uf botro 1he House und Sen· 1110 d{lbllle Ille issues 101. "'0 1JOte1.s m the Novambm elections C MOVIE * • •, AnimAlll Au; Beau· 111u1 Poopla' ( t9751 Oocu· mentary Crea1uie1 ot Air•· can w1ldl1fe are SMn m lht1lf n11t11ra1 na1>1ta1 'G 9·45 0 MOVIE • • • Artl1ur' I 198 t) Dudl8V Moore Loza Mlro nelh Wn1l1> nos tamoly •llempl~ to force htm mto a pt0 3,, ang9(1 marnage 11 drun>en hedonoslic ploy boy rolls 1n 10•11 w11n a pour w()(l11ng gorl PG 10 00 iJ a TUCKER'S WITCH A"ianoa s Hashes protJe 10 1;e ••Ohl lor a c113n9e "'hen 6 mys1euou~ ne1gnbor or the> Tucker·s g"ts onvol•ed on 1 1a1a1 shooting Q .)9 QUINCY A h._tnd1capped coroner :tltttrk~ Quincy tor behttv· in(J 1n Ina .nnoc:.ttnce of a rn;o• '\U5p(tCI~ ot murdur ... ong hos ~roppl9(1 son oomm NEWs H THE COMMODORES IN CONCERT £ t.J'-'f fhr60 T unttb A L .. dy and wondotlun<l aru among '"" h•i~ Pf'' !or m&d 1n c ont ert Dy Thi• Commoaor11s S MOVIE • , Naug11ty Wov"s ( 19701 Brenden Pn~e Je~" Har,.nc;pon A vacuum cte.-.ner 1a1esrnan •S aedoe-4'0 bv tus cl1en1s mlfl an enetgehc. demonstr• uon R @MOVIE • , Oeatll van11y ( 198;>1 p,..,, l f'Mat Peter Boll•~• h·y A Ne" York )OUngste< ~. y nt fO An t ona 10 v11-11 "'~ moth<!!• eno stvmblt'' .. c.rou " ser.es ol gr•~ murden R 10 30 ll) INDEPENDENT NETWORK NEWS 11'00600 8 10 J9 NEWS 0 SATURDAY NIGHT Ho,i Des• A1ntu Guml D<eso At na.1 Jr 0 IN SEARCH Of" Chinese E•plorera' 0) THAT QUIZ SHOW ll) STREETS OF SAN FRANCISCO A yovng 0• ·hOOk8r ro1urns to her lo•mer way or Ille lo help Stone !Ind A0Dbo11s l1nd t1'11 mu•derer or her fr1@nd €E) BUSINESS REPORT W OOCTOR IN THE HOUSE Mary and Lawrenc41 want a ten"'' table ror the com- mon room but Duncan wantt'a new teleVlllO(I C MOVIE • • Take Tnr1 JOO And Shove It { t9811 Aob«t Hays Baroara Herafley A young corporate executive runs Into resistance wtleo he 1e1urns 10 ttis nome· town to rev1ta111e a comp•· nybrewery PG H MOVIE *', "Halloween II (1981) J11m1e UHi Curtis Donald Pteasence A nopeleSSly 1naane murd9fer conttnues nos reign ol terror on a 1m1111 town 'A' Z MOVlE " • ', ··s1range Behavior (198 t' Michael Murphy, Louise Fletcher A pohce officer investigates a se•Mls or brutal murde•s on e 1m11111 Midwestern college town 'A' 11:30 iJ (]) ARCHIE BUNKEA'S PLACE Archie's bookkeeping pracllcea gat lllm In serious trouble with the atata ta• deptr1ment (RI 0 IJt TONIGHT Guest hOlt Biii Coaby Ouetts Ktttly M ontallh Mel Torme, Ma•llu Henn11< O Uf A8CNEW8 MOKTLJHE 0 YOU ASl(ED f~ IT Featured "Swtu H .. 1Cop- t4W Rnciue" and "The l•llnd OwMd By Doge " G) THE JEFFEMOH8 All•n, the "whit• ai-p" ot the WlllMI family, raturn1 hOmt (Par1 II Ul) FOCUS OH SOCIETY ~ P .. LATENIOHT Hoat Oennlt Wl\Oley 0 , EVEAYTHINO GOE8f S 0MOVIE • 8 e "80dy Haet" (19811 Wltllam Hurt. K•thlffn Turne• A smalltlma Floflda lawyer It penuaded by hi• tov.r to murd., IWlf hu .. b•nd 'R' 11:00 ~"'AIHMIHT An tnlervlew With Sarall Puroell 0 i1lJ l.OVI IOA T TIMI Clj)teln It ttlUllltecl wtOI hie IOV9 Clllld. I mlcl· die llQe(I -'"-to .... TU BE TOPPERS KtX.'E (;JO) 7 ;m "'ln:.1d1· Story S J><"l'1al " "Nul'lt·ar W;1r 'l'h1· l1wui :ibl1• D1sl·;.1s1·" Tlw nwdtl':..rl t·or1sL•4ut·rn·<·:. of nudt•:11 WiJI' .11'1· d1st·u~M .. ·d bv Sov1vl <t1 HI AnwrH'ali phys1t·i;11b. KTLA t51 H.011 "Tht· I l 111d t•11hurg •• Gt·or·gi· C Snitl :tncJ Anrw Banrrnft s l :1r 111 slorv ol :1 w:1rv Na11 st't'Ul'llY 11ff1n·r0l> allt•111ritl> '" pn•\'( 0 ·111 :-.11hot<igl' :..rboa1 d thl· h1s ltJl'll' ;md ull1111atdv doomt:d w:n flight ul tlw (;t•rn1:in °d1ng1blt• Kl'ET 128> 8.00 "L;1 hit Pt·l'l11tmo1nt·t·:o.. Ll\'l' From Thi • L11w11ln l'N1l('I " Judith Haddon. Judith Chi 1~u11, .11•11 v I l adlvv and Ali.111 T1lu~ .in· f<.•dlUf 1•d 1;1 Nt·\\' · York C11~ o,,..,,,·, p1o<lut0l1<m of "M<1dam Bulll'I th " catch up wotn the tune• and leudong 1u10" hlkO lht111 c.ase to Mia tAI 0 MOVIE <t • 1 A Gu•d" Fot lllll M11111t'<l w oma11 119781 C.yDoll 5hephe•d t..1111110~ Ftttn-.. A young "Ou,~wtf., wt10 ff)("fiet thfll mar"ed ltf\" t) c.lo'iJng '" ou riet oreaff'l'> OI havmg Uri l.4\lfOnUtnU•I ulla11 0) MOVIE • • fl Jugg11rr•oiul I t97~1 R1<.hdfd ~ilHtl'• Omar Shor1r A hOhc!.l~ cruise ti...como' J noghl matf• wnen •he authonties at u h.1• vry l1rittr 1oc~1v~ t.tn umonous oomo thrOoll ano an ~atortton nole demand mg S tO !> molhon ll) LOVE, AMERICAN STYLE ·Love And Thr Nu•s" Berme falls in tove w•lh ~ nurse Lova And Tne Hypnollsl Atenard suiters lrom th<'! aller ertecls 01 hos stag patty on ho• non .,ymoon 0 MOVIE -Aml!ncatt l>\c I 19801 £ r~ Edw .. 1os Rondy West 12:05 iJ 8 MOVIE • • M ore Than F.,endi t 19781 Roo Remer Penny Ma1sna11 A you~ coup•• try lo decode 11 they re 1>81· tar ot ~·no '"ends 01 10• ers IA) 12:30 0 l9 UITE NIGHT WltH OAVIO LETTERMAN Guest como<loan B1oll1flr Theodore 0 COUPLES ll) LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE Love And Tne Fu11 A po••cema,, a11est• a cood and her boylrHmd Lov" And The Champ Herlt<y wants 10 delend hl5 w1l9 , honor lrom the man 1n 9C 12:38 H MOVIE • • Gr_, tu (198 t1 Ryan O N!'al Anne Arch9< An engineer and a 1oc1ahtf' •!tempt to rot> II South Ame<ocan emerald smug gter or a tortune on gems PG 12:45 C MOVlE • • fl The Ot111nc11 I 19731 Sean Connery l rf' •Or Howard Wh•le trac~·~ down 1 child moMlste• 11 London detectove slowly t'dges n1msell toward • nervout bre&~<lown A Z MOVIE * • Beau Pe<e I 198 t) Patr1ci. Oewoflra AroAI B111w 1:000 MOVIE • • '"1 'ChuDasco 11988) Alehard Egen Cnr1stapha1 Jones A youth r111ol•e' some Inner CO(lfllCIS whe" ha joins a lune '""'"ii ""' Q) MOVIE • 8 ''t The Ntghl Fight• e11" \ 1980) Robert Mitchum, Dan O'Herllhy A reluctant young man Htumes • rOla 111 the lrlsh RavokitlOn l:tO D MOVIE • * "' · Dey OI The EVIi Oun" 119881 Oi.nn Ford Arlhur Kennedy A man enlilla the aid of a cOftort 10 hunt down the Apkh .. "'"° abduetea his wlle and .. ,.,..., ®' MEWi l:H S l"WTH M JULY Alc:hatd Thor'nal raputa hit B•oadw11 roi. I t • parapalaglC Vle1nam veter· on llome tor ii lamoly , oumon Ort 1nOt"p(¥10ence 1 Day 1 30 0 J9 NBC NEWS OVERNIGHT 0 CHANNELZERO CnPv)' C..hd'llP L;ua•"t• NPw mc.tfl @MOVIE • / MnnOongo I 19771 Jttmos M "'~"" Susan G1•orge A Wf'~I Atroc;an ot the M nruJmgo lffbe ·~ brought to a '1a•e·Drned 1ng plootrtt1un 1u Louisiana t>PIOrf' lhe •tart ol tno C•••I War 'A 2·00 iJ 8 CBS NEWS NKlHTWATCH W NEWS 2 26 H MOVIE • • Sotcnce Of Tnt' Nut1n 1198t1 Ellen Buro 1yn Tom 5,,.,,.., '" 1919 o young woman s mamageo 10 11 trapper taaos he• 10 e hie ol Mr01h1p 1n thn wol- derneu ol noriroorn C•n•- dll PG 230 0) MOVIE • • • • Tne Mllgn1!1~e"1 AmDe•son s f t94:>f Jo,11pn Conen Anne Ba•IN B8$8d on Booth t ark1ng1on s novet An ('Ccent•oc lnd1on1t tam•ly ci.nos 10 trad111on dur1ng a tome 01 rapid char>ge J9 NEWS 0 MOVIE • • • * P.aydUy I 19731 Rip Torn Anno Cap" A country and western songet rulhlessly ma1tes hos way 10 stardom Dy manopulal· ong ond d1scard1ng tnow 11round him 2;40 0 NEWS C MOVIE • • • • ·F1d01t., On l ne Aool tt97t)loPOI No•ma Cran• A peasant motlo.man on turn·Ol·lht!·Cl!ntury c1arost Russia t10es to m.,. ry <111 nos ehg1Dle daughters wllole try1~ to nold onto n•s J....,1sn nernage in the r&c;e or oppression G 2 45 l MOVIE • • Tne Education 01 Sonny Ca•son c 19741 Aony Cla,.ton Don Gnr- don A 300 0 MOVIE • FliQhl To Nowne1e ( 1946) Allln Curios JllClt HQll lnternatoonat sp+es""' lor 1eceH 10 vllal nucMler 5ec;ret1 340 $ MOVIE "• r Naughty Wovas· t l!HO) Brenden Pr!«' Je&n Harrington A •ecuum cleaner salesman 1s seduced Dy his chents 1n10 an energetic demonstr a· tton 'A 3:48 @MOVIE • • • "Death Valley" (19821 Paul LeMat Petet B1lh~s­ ley A New York youngster 1s sent to Arizona to visit n1a mother 1nd 1tumbl4!s across a -tes ol g11sl}' murders 'R 4'00 ti KAMIKAZE: MISSION OFO!ATH •·18 0) MOVIE • '' "The Phantom Ot o,.d Streef' I 1945) Dave O'Brien. Kay AldrlCh A th .. ter tn NllW Yor~ City beeornllS the SC-Of 8 hOrrlble murder 4.308 llPY H MOVIE * e "The S.. WOlvea" j 10801 0reQOfl' Pecll. Aoo• 4W Moore OVllnQ Wl)(ld Wat ti, a group Of Bfltllh butiMtttnen fo<m a YOluh• JOHN DARLING tdlll• regomunt to dHtroy a GtJ1mar1 •PY "''"' "' 1n .. 1no1oln Oceon PG 0 BAL DE MOULIN ROUGE l MOVIE • • • Strange Be11uv1or ( l!llf ti M1c.naet Mutphy I Oo"e Holchet A pol1c;i otr1c"' 1nvo1t1gataa a !.Dfftt5 or tJn,;lal mu,ders m a smoll M1dwes101n collegu IOWll A 'J"hur'ldapf11 Va~11irne ff•)rie11 6 15 l • * * fl Allflt"'1 States 119801 William Hull Blaor Brown A Har vard sc1ent1tt s Qenelfc structure 11 talt&fed when tle c..onduels mmo e,.pand 1nq e,pe11ment• with 1sota hon tanks and powe<lul 11.illuconogens R 7·30 0 tr.e Forst Tome 8 00 C • • Aoao Games 1198 l ) Stacy l(each Jamie Le<i Curtis An oc:centroc t1ucker a beau 1dul n1tc;nho~e1 and u psycno µalh•c lt•ller tr .ivehng Ille ~ame 1oute play games 01 Ille and 011ath PG H • • Ad•enlu1115 0 1 1n11 Wolderneu family t 197!>1 Robe•l Logo11 Susan D11monte A con struct10n workm d1s1tlu ••onecJ w 1tr1 tlly lltu ollump" to •UPPOI I ho\ 1umoly Dy lovong oll ltl{I lano G S • • lmp•CIP"' Ch.1n nei. I 198 ll Alan Arkin Ma .. eue Ha111;iy A "'"e~ ol m 1sunde• standings causes a M>Cial worller 10 susp,.c;t the 5 tlla• old 11augn1er ol a M!P••ated couPI• 1s the •1Gflm or child abuse PG Z • • .. Strange Beha• 1or t 198 ti Moehael Mut- pny Louise Fletcher A potoce olfocer 1nvestogatl'S a ,e.,es ol t>tutal murde•\ on a ~man Midwestern COi loge town A t .00 0 • • • Mode<n Romance (1981 I Albert Brooi.s t<a1nryn Harrotd A 111m e<l•IOf tries repcat edly lo win beck the Mart ot the woman lie loves R 9 30 0) * * • Funny f'aCf! (1951) Frea Attoote Auorey Hepburn A lesnoon photographer ft(ld o sales· gorl tell on love on P&rll 0 " • '• "Thir Wlldernoss Family, Part 2 ( 1978) Robert Logan, Sus11" Oamanle Shaw A mode<n pioneer fomoly laces II bll· lllf winier 1n tr.a Roclly Moun1eon1 'G 9·45 z • • Solo t 1978) Vin Cl!fll Gil Perry Arm1tr0r>g A hercely Independent Au1trah•n women wno works 81 a lorast renger becomes '"vOlved with ii lore1><IOI 10·00 ll) • • '• War 01 The! Wiidcats ( 1943) Jonn Waynti Merlha Scoll A pretty schOOlteacher oust- ed from e smell town lor ha1r1r>g wr1tten a con1rover- s•1• bOOll beeomes the 001ec1 ot r.omanhc rtvllry between two Oklahoma 011 men C • •.. Hell's Angels ( 19301 Ber> Lyon. Jean Harlow Ourl"g World War 1. 1nrae Oxford buddies oecome dlVlded when tlllly are conscripted 10 tlgllt on opposne ••dH 'PG' S • fl '"' "Three Guya Named Mika" tt9S1) Ja"e Wyman. \/an Johnson A pilot. a bu11neuman and 11 scler>t11t woo a pretty llllWlfOHI al the IAMe time t 1~00 H • • • "One On One" ( 1977) Robby Benson, Annetta O'T oOlll A t>oy who goes to college on • bHketball tchotarthlp Is abuled by tha coach scor~ by hll tutor and uMd by the tchOOI for 11' own pur~ 'PO' O • • • 1 "Oengerous Oa'ol!M" ( 1981) Bernard Crot>blns, Biii M•ynard A bumbling d•lec:ttve aot"" a 1 S-ye¥-ol<I murdel 11.15 l * ** * "Attwed Statea" ( 11101 Wllllam Hurt, Btelr Bf own A Har· ••rd tclenttat'a Q«lellc: SlfUClut8 II all6fed wnen he eonduct1 mmO-eapa.nd mg •upe,-1ments "' tn 1sQj•· 11on tatlkS and powerlul 11a11uconogpn• A 12 00 O " • • Arena I t9S31 Gog Y0tmg Jean Hagen Succ.er.a olmot.1 t u1n5 tne mamage of o rodeo cow- boy S • •'• lheFc:umula \ 19801 Ma1lnn Brando George C Scott wnole 1n.es1ogat•"O t1'e murder 01 u ~oll1<ague. a veteran cop unco•IH5 o c.onsporocy m•olvong 1ne ~upp1esr.oon ol & syntnetoc. luel lo1mula by an 011 cartel A 0 • • • , Eyewitness 1198 t I Sogourney Wea.er W1ll1an• Hurt A telev1.,()n 'es>0''P' t.)t!Comes 1nvotve<J with a tOmtor who may know mote at>uut a mur· der 111a1 he w11n.,s!.e<l than he1s1>ay1~ A 12:30 C • • ' The Mnror Crock <l ( 1980) Ehtabeth 1 •ylor Kim Nova• Based on o Slo<y oy Agatha Ch11s1ie A suangt! murdet mvo4v1ng r1vat Hollywood stor• take~ t,>lac.e in an EnghSh v1lla9" PG 1'00 H "" , lslar>ds In The Stream 11917 f G..c,rg., C Sco11 ClauP Bloom Ba,,.,d on 1ne no., el b) Er ue~t t1em1nowa;i An 1so1att1d art1"1 1s torcf"tl to re ... eal htS n1C1don umottons wnen hi!> 1 hr eo tt1tr anged r.ons c.ome to v1tt11 ,,,m PG l • • 5010 119781 Von cent Gil Perry Arm&tton9 A fu:uc.&ly 1ri<J11pend&nt A v'\trahan wo man w ho wor ~ s a~ ft IOtf:tCiot t anger bKt)me!t 1nvl)l\1Pc;J INl1h 3 ,,, .. 01101 2 00 s • • • HOu~t' Call\ t 1!1781 Waller Ma11na1o1 Glenoa J&ckson A Wld- oweoo d OCltlt ,.,alts nas Ca!>3r'IO•O tenoer>coPs tong PnOugh to fall to, a <J•vor· ce. who aoeSf\ t ~oe"«' 1n pManderong PG 0 • * • Arthur 119811 Dud ley MOO•f> Loza M•(I· nt'll• wn11e ""' family attempts 10 ro1ce ri.m onto 11 Dfl' 11rr&n"9e<rnr11m..,.-. dtvni.en nedon•SllC play· t>oy falls •n IOve w11n a poor work•~ girl PG 2 30 C • • ' Tl\e Great Br11on C t9781 Jommy Osmond len Borman In the early i!X>CX a your>g con artost swonales ••~Y­ on" on s19h1 and creates sevt-ral problems for him· !Utll ·G z * • Snvage Harvest I 19801 1 om . Skorrotl M1Cllelle Pnoll1ps An Alrt- c:nn drOuQhl droves wold animals onto populated areas PG 3:00 H " • Aaven1u1es Ot The Woldf!rness Family 11975) Aooefl Logan Suun Oamanlf' A con· strurtion w orkf'r d1s10u· sooned "'''" Coty hie attempts lo SUPP<>r1 nos tamoly Dy h•ong oll tne ta"d G O " • ' Oange<ous Davies C t98 II Bernard Crol'lb1ns Bolf Mayn~d A bumbhng detective solves 11 15·yea1-old murder 4-00 C Miiion OoUar Face ' (1981) Tony Curtis Sytvta Kus 1 et A. c:o~mot 1c; c;om-" • ny llead will "op at noth· •no to make h•s products • sucoeu 0 • • '• Tne Wilderness ramlly Part 2 t 197111 Robert Logan Susan Oama,.te Shaw A modern pioneer lamo•y l&ees a bot· ler w1n1e1 on tne Aocl<y Moun1111na G z • • • Sweet Charoly" ( t9691 Shortey MaeLeine. Jonn McMartin Tired or her tawdry axlst9"Ce. a dance hall hoalHa With • he8"1 ot gold aearcihea lor true '°"* and the altnple mamedhl• &:00 O • • ·r~e 1,.c;redlble SMnklng Wcman ' ( 1980) Liiy Tomltn, Charles Gro- din A housewife 11nch II hard to c;ope when ane sudder>l'f baOlnt to snrlnt. 1nma PO' _ 5.30 S " • Improper Chan nals {1911) Alan Arllin. Marietta Hartley A -• ol m••u,.derstandlngt CIU-• MIClal worker to auspect th• 5-~11-old 08UQhlet OI a aec>ata1ed couple IS Iha vtcltm Of CNld abuH PO' by Armstrong & Batluk \ rt& IC N<>TICr T I 1a 1•tl NO flCC or llllJU I LL • :!Al l YOU "nr IN llrl AUL 1 UNOtH A Otto o r l HUSf, l)A fCD AUOU81 :n . 111&11 U NI llHi vou TAKr ACTION 10 l'HOTFCT ~OUR Pl'IOP JH Y If MAY lU 8010 Al 4 PUllUC 8 AI r If YOV Nr f O AN ClU'L ANA llO N or 111r P'M>Cl lOINO AQAINSI YOV YOV &HOUlO CONTA(..I A lAWYl~ On No-110.. IU. 11181 tll I I 00 I m L[WI!> ANO ltOUCHlR EN T r R I• fl I~ l :, 11 o • 1 I 1 l l 8 EAVIC S n duly 1ppolnt•d Ttu•t .. und•• end pur1uon1 to OeecJ ol l <ull 19'0'o.d s.c>••mlMH 3. 1ueo. •• m11 No :1044, In oooi.. 13727 p1gu 1:10!> of Ofl1c11I AecOldl in lh• offlG• or 1111 Count~ Rt c o•d•• o f Orango County C .. lforn1a WILL SELL Al PlJfll tC AUCTION Ml.IC NOTICC "o m 1ou1 au11M111 NA.Ml llAllMI Nf 111• l0How1>111 p1111111ia •1• '''""" b\Jllln .. • H l l: BAllll PAllAb 1:li 4i ·A Magnolia A~•l1u• Hull• rt1 l1•rl1•1t Orow , CalllOftll• 11NI• I l ( l.l4~l (I ~All Ah IN(; a Callfornll c111 uor•ttnn llll·t:> A Maonoll• ,. • .,_ :loll• fl Oa•(.1•11 0 10¥e Cahtc><rn Ol641 fl\lt buttll.iH It tOlldUCl.U by • tC\fP<J<alln11 l • 8.U.t P1J1a1 In.. JM n 0118. Ptu•d.nt tlllt et•lctm8111 wa1 11'4Kl w1t11 UMI Counry c1.,~ ol 011tt0• Coumv on Octobet II I \Ill' P1tU10 Pubttthall Or 1.11111• COUI Dally Piiot. ocr IJ, ~o 27 Nov J , 111112 4!1 1~ 112 TO HIGHEST BIOOlA ~OR CAStl, ------------ CASHIEA'S CHECK OR CERTIFIFI) MLIC NOTICE CHECK. IPlylDll 01 llfii.i ut ta14t 111 -------------lawrul money ol tM Urureu St•t••l K..01110 u Ill• front 1nt1lt1C.• II) "'" Oto ,ICTITIOU• 8UllHE•• Of1111041 County Cwt muu11 IOClll.0 NAMf I 1' A T'l!Ml NT on S1n11 Ana 81v<I u .. rw•en Th• IC>tl11w11111 pt11ao11a ,.,., l.l<>1ng 8yC!l "1011 SltHI eno BrOallw1y bus111eH 11 S1n11 Allot C1l1IC)llllll •II •!Qhl, lllle core 0 ALVA APM11MENIS end 1n1er111 conv•yed 10 ono now 3200 Park Cenlttr Ouv., Sui111 1400 n.W Oy ,, un<Je• P IO o.t<J OI Trust Co110 M11aa CA \IZ626 Ill me properly trtuat11U In H id OAON CORPORA l tON e Couruy ,.,,II State Oeacr11>«1 u 0 11laware co1porat1011 J200 Pu•~ lot 162 of I 1~1 No !>788, In Center 011ve. Suu.i 1400, Costa 1111 C11y ot lrvtn.,, County or Or1111ou Meu. CA 92626 Slef.i o t Calltornta. as per map This ous•nen It co11auc111d bY o recorded m Boo~ 216, pages 19 10 c0rpor111on 27 lnclultvo or M11eoll1neous Maps, Oaon Corpor111~11 In tho otllco ol thll Cou111y Rt!CO•l.ler This ttatornont WH ltl~1111 11111 or 1111d County Coumy Cle•~ or 01ano11 County on T ru11or or 1ac:oro owne r Septemll4ir 17, 1982 MILDRED F ST AAICH " widow The 111111 aUOrftSS and ottier common Otlllgrlallon rt any. Of tne ri al p1ope.1y oeacuoeo above IS pu1po<tt<I 10 oe 4246 S11ton Roao Irvine, C11rt0<111a The unOe• stoned I ruttee d11c1e1ms any 11ebll11y lor any tneorrectnen or th11 street address and ott1er c;ommon oos1gna11on 1t any. shown herein Setd sole will IHI made , but wtthoul cove nan1 or warranty. expreH or Implied, regarorno title. poaseu1on, or encumbrances. to pay the unpa10 balance of the note(s) secureo oy saro Deed of Tru11, 10-wrl $61,033 50, 1nelud1ng as prov rded 1n s a id no1a(s), advances 11 any undar the te<ms or said Deed or Trust. tees. ch1rges and e•pensea of the Trustee 1nd ol 1111 lrusts creeted b~ saio Oeeo or Trust The ber\el1C11ry under se10 Oeeo ol Trust heretolote 8Aecuteo ano delivered 10 1111 undersrgned a written De<:larallon ol Oelaull and f117652 PciOllllll'le<l Orang• Coast Dally P1101 Sept 29 Oct 6, 13, 20 1982 •302-82 Pll3LIC NOTICl FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT I h11 1011ow1ng person 1s 001nq busmess as ( 1) GARDEN JEWELERS \2) THE GOLD CREST 130 E 17111 S treet. Cos111 Mt'~d Cal1torr113 92627 01kra11 Yazmuc1y~n 121 S Paik Avenue Mo11tt0D,.tlo Calrlorn1a 90640 Tnrs Dus1nust 1s •011Clucteo by an 1noiv.oual 0 V azniac.rydn Tnti Statement was llled w1tn the County Cte1>. or Orange County on October 18 1982 F191163 Puottsntio Orange Coast Oatl) P1101 Oct 20 27 Nov 3 10 19112 4529·82 Oemana 101 Sale. ano a wrllten nuallC NOTICE Nollca or Oeraull ano Electron 10 1 ____ r_uu ________ _ Sell. The under signed caused said ,.CTITIOUI BUSINESS Notice or Oelaull and El~llon 10 NAME STATEMENT SeH 10 be recoroea "' the county The lollow1ng 1><11sons are Oomg where the real properly rs located busrnMs H Trustee or party conducting sale C A B E R F I N A N C I A L & TITLE SERVICES. 506 S anta INVESTMENT Cci 119 J1Sm1ne M onica 8 tvd . Suitt 406. Santa Creek 01 Co1011a oe1 M ar CA M onica C1111ornra 90.tO I 92625 Telepnona 1213) 393·3788 C AON CORP 11 De laware Date Ocrober 15, 1982 c;orporatton 119 Jasmrne Creek LEWIS ANO BOUCHER Or COiona aet Mai CA 92625 ENTERPRISES ooa Th•S bUS•neu rs Con<IUClecl by a Tnte Sef'trrc:es corporation H Uld Trustee Cadn C0<P DIANA FEIST O W Slocum Pres Vice PreStoent This SIDl8f'llenl wes hied W111\ Ille PublrSl\00 Orange Coast Daily County Cletk ol 0 1tng11 County on Pilot, Oct 20, 27 , Nov 3. 1982 Octooer 5 1982 •594-82 MLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS aUSINESS f111913 Publrshed Oron9P Coast Daily P1lol Oo;I 6 13 ?O 27. 1982 440 l ·i!2 NAME STATEMENT Mt.IC NOTICE The tot1owrng persons are oomo i-------------bu""8SS as ,.CTrTHX.11 IUl lH£SS FAIRBANKS MORGAN HORSE NAME ITATEM£NT COMPANY 30:16 l engS Bay Costa Thi loi10w1ng ~son· are doing Mesa, CaJllorn1a 92626 ousinesa as LIU M Ale-Pittman 3026 All PACIFIC FINANCIAL 441 Lings 81r Costa Mi u. C•lltorn1a N Ne•POll e1vo Sulle 203 92e:l6 Newport 8eacl\, CA 92663 Oougru C Pittman 3026 JOHN I( OJAH4NG1At 8591 Langs Bay Cotta Mesa C11110<n1a l a•thorn. Huntington Beach CA 92626 926'8 Tn11 bUsrn"ss 11 conoucte<I Oy a GEORGE ISKANOER 8591 general p11rtners111p L•rthorn Huntington 8e1cn. CA L1aa M A18>-Prttman 92646 Th•• s1atemen1 was llled wtlh the Th•s busmen rs conouc:uto oy 1 County Cieri< OI Orange County on lrrT11te<1 partne<1h1p October 19 1982 Jonn K Dihtngrrt Fl_... ""nrs !lla1emem was h~"'WT1h11>e Puo1t1nea Orange Coast Daily C.1111n1~ Cieri< ot 01ange County on Prlot. Oct 20 27 Nov 3 10 Y911~ OCi t 1 1982 4556-82 fttuOI MLIC NOTICE Puottaneo Orange Coast Oa•ly P1ro1. Oct 13 20 n No• 3 -------------U 35·82 FICTITIOUS 8UllNESS NAME STATEMENT DtlDLIC NOTICE Tile ronow•no persons are OOlng 1 ____ r_uu __ ......,. ____ _ OuSlness as STATEMENT Of WITHDRAWAL (A) BUSINESS LIBRARY (BJ FROM PARTNUISHIP OPERATING BUSINESS LIBRARY PUBLISHING. UNDER FIC TITIOUS BUSINESS ( C ) B V S I N E S S L I B R A R Y NAME PUB LIC AT ION S, 10 ) JJ M lne lollow1ng person has PU8 llSHING. fEI MARK NEEL withdrawn as agene1at partner trom ADVERTISING A GENCY 3857 1ne pa11nersri1p ope1111mg unde• tne Birch Street, Newport Beach CA lrChhOUS DuSIMU name of ISLAND 92660 lllLLAGE PROPERTIES at 313 MaJn MARK NEEL CORPORATION Sttellt Seal Beacn Ca1rto•nra • Calllornra corporation, 3857 81rcn 90740 Street, N...,port Beach, CA 92660 The rrc;tot>ous bu~1ness name This Ou••~SS II con<lucie<J by • statement ror 1~ parln!!rsl\l1> was COfl)Ofatt0n hied on May 4 1981 1n the C<>Ynl~ Merk Nell COIPO<altOn ot Orange Jern H8lgl11. Sec:• lne lull name and res-oence or Thi s llalemenl WIS hied With 11\e 1ne pe11on wlll\Or•w1ng ., • County Cle<k ot Or1ng11 Counry on pirtne< October 5. 1984' Mar~ En~ Galyean P 0 Bo~ f 11111Me 142 or 16772 Broadway =5 Sunset Publl1hed Orange Cout Deily eeacn ca11torn11 90742 Pilot. Ocl 6, 13. :10, 27. 1982 1sr Mar~ E G81yean 4371·82 Thrs s1a18f'llen1 was 1118<1 w11n me ----P\a.--IC_NO_TI_C_{ ___ ~"\a.c::S~:i of Orange County on FICTITIOUS 8U9'HE.&8 NAMt: ITAT£MfNT Th• following peraon Is dotng bualoeu as f 1•1•n Publlsheo Orange Cont Oatly P1to1 Oct 20 27 Nov J 10 1982 462 t-82 THE DELL co __ 33 6 J;_ IC NOTltt 17111 S11ee1 Costa Meaa, Calllornta 1 ____ N3l. ________ _ 92e:l7 SUPERI°" COUflT OF Cynthra 0 Mollll, 9 Wtrlspenng CAl lf°"NIA Wind, lnnne. Calllornll 92714 COUNTY OF °"ANOE Thie Clllflneal la conducted by an 100 Ctwtc Ctft .... Ot. w .. 1 lndlVtdUllt'\ P.O. 9o1 131 Cynll\11 0 Moata ._. .. Af\8, CA '2702 TN• 111tement WU flied Wiii\ Ina PLAINTIFF: THE EASTBLUfF County Clerk or Oranoe Counly on HO MEOWNER I COMMUNITY <klober 5, 1982 AllOCIATION, 1 Ctllfornla "-· F1 .. 11 Profit CllfPO'•lkM>, n . Publlllled Oreng• CoH I Dally 0£f ENOANT: ..IACK A. MARSH Pilot, Oct 6 13, 20. 27. 1982 ANO IANQ NAM MARIH And •• 14·82 DOES 11"'"911 U , lnckltthe. POOi.iC NOTICE '1CTrTIOUt _, ..... NA• tTATU•N"r Th• to1Jow1ng P•flon I• doing bu~ .. PH O TO O RAPH IC COMMUNICATIONS UNLIMITED. 3207 City s""'· Newpon Ba.Kii, CA 92863 GARY GENE HUFF. 3207 Cl1y StfMI. N9WJ)Ot1 Belch, CA 92683 TN• Oullne» la oon<Jucted by 1n lndMdual 01ry G. Hult t UMMONI c-. No. '7-44-7l NOTICll You llan ~n au.d, The COW1 ,,,.., Hc;lde .,.inet '°" wlttloul r-Mini heard 'llnlH• '°" IMtlOftCI wttNft •• ,.. ~ the lrllof!Mttofl '*-· ti you wt"1 fo Mett the ldvtQI ol en 111orn1y In 11111 m11ter. you t!W>uld do 10 ptomp11)1 10 lhal yovr written 111pon11. ti any, may ba flied on tltne AVllO I U aled Ila a l do dem1nd1do. I I trlbunal puad• Hc;ldlr _,,. Ud ... n lllldMncle • menoe q111 Ud. r"'""1da dlfttro de JO dlM. l" la lnformacloft ~ ..... !11 U•l t d d •••• IOllcllar 81 F1_. c anNJo di un 1bogado 1n 1111 Pubh1t11d Orange Coaar Oally a , u n 1 o , d 1 b 1 r fa h a'c et Io Tlllt et111menl WM filed With Int Covntr Cletx ol Orange County on OCIOber 5, 1982 PMot oet 6. 13. xi. 21 1ee2 lmmedl11emen11, cit .. ,. "**a· 43U 62 "' 1aepu111~11a, .. 111y Mguna, -------------~ .., ~ --.lade • lf!"'lpO "'8.JC MJTJC( 1 TO TH OE'FrN~Arf1 A CMI ----------==--complaint ha1 be1n llled by 1111 'tennout ..,_.. p1e1nu" ac>tln•1 you 11 you w11111 10 N.-tTA.,....., d.itnd 11111 lawtult. you mu11, Within The tollowl"O '*''°"' .,, dOk'O IO Oay1 1lt•r 11111 1ummon1 11 ~ u w....o Oii ~. me w1111 thl• court a L 6 J INVl 8 TMENT8 . 2$54 wrllltn ttl9QMI lo 1111 complaint. Eldlln Avenue. A 101, eo.ta Mela. Uni• .. 'J{JirJ 00 eo, your default wlll CA. 112927 be ent1110 on •PC>l1¢1t1on on the t.a roy Burka, 2554 Elden plalntlfl, 1114' 1n11 court rn..-tnler • AottnV., A 101, Colla MeH , CA jUdgmtnl IOtinl l you IOt 1111 ral .. I .,.,., dtmanded In lh• COtnpltlrll. Wl11cll J1n1e Newto n Bllrlce, :166 • could r11ull In 0 11n11t1m1nt ol b:9lft Avtnut. At01, eo.ta ,,..... •808'-taking ot money or pr()pal'ty CA. t*7 or other reflef r1que111d In tfle Thla~ll~Dy • ~· 0-W .. pertnertfllp, 0.ed MM:fl ti, 1'62 Jltnls N ilur1la Lee A. ....... C .... n. ltatM*'IC ... ..., """ --.. ~......., ~a.ti of e>r.,.. ~ on fttCJllY. •u..•m. hftfft • ~I, IN2. Cou.&'TTA ,,_ ~ ................... 'vtllll~d Or1nt1 Co ett Detty II T--. CA -~. 1ep1 tt ft16 0c1 e. 11. 2CJ, P1111na11ed Orenge CoH t 0111~ ,.. ftlOI. 8"' tt, Oct. e. 13, '°· 1H 2 ..... 4310-li N!t.IC NOTICf Nk.IC NOTICC W OHIJ "CllflOUI IUllHIH N()fl(lt 0' lftUITll'I I All NAMI l tAl lM•Nr Nu I07M lh• lullow1r111 ,,.,..,,,. "'" t1orr1u 1111 (It IUll•I ,, llllh' Ill IU OU lluellle .... •m Ull rnuur Ulf08[1Nll.I & TlJl•f>AN C A UIN( ••• INC ,• CalllOt fli• "utj1'/i AllUll wh11• ~tlNll fltll( I ION (;Cl 111' W l/lh •tlClll U •• 21111 J rs11 .. 1 bUl1• No 51 No t:i ( O.lll ...... (·A 1:1021 I, sa ......... ,., c .. 11forn11 U~ll 10, ancu lttl1PAN 11•0:.t N111111lu• wnoH l•l•IJllOfle 111111111•1 " ti 1111 D< llu11llny1u11 Oea1 It t A l lu4'1 •48 a11110 u Aoanl 1u1 111n11t.ON '"'• ou .. ,,..., ••• 1,,,,,,., 1eo Uy • ., CO wllu•• •llii>1u It UllO Hlv•• ~lttll.,l.luw Patio 0<1va SaLIMnt•11tu t ahtcw111u 0•*11 1 u1•1•<111 II~~ 16 wnu .. '•"'1>111><1• 1111111be1 11 I tu• .ia1811...,,, w•• 111.,u "'"" "'" tll 111) 112'4 JOO() •• 1 ru••-01 "'•I lco11111v C.kti Ii 111 ttr ""II• t.<iu1111 ..,, r.,,.,., OHO or l•u•I ••.Wlltd t>y io.,.1 11 11>11" JC AN M n U()IC.HllK • t111111e rt"'10I wOffUll O<,rObtu 10. 11id I •• fll1.H11tat1a<1 o ..... ..,,, C.uu t 0 11lly 1r111ru111•ttl Nu +i 4800. ht boo~ Piiot. 0<.1 t3. 20 71 Nuv 3, 198:1 14/8 t 1111u• 1ti'ltl 111 0 111c;1411 4420 11:1 Ra~llt<h 01 0 1 ""Uu t,ount v c~11lorr1111 11111 ourau•nl 10 ""'' PtJBllC NOTICC C••t11111 Noll~" u t Oel•ull end i-------------- fl•J<.llun tu $ell tll01•e1111t1"' f6'.0hl!JQ Ju1111 14 tllttJ n u1111v•11•t1I r1u 11:1 ;1011/lbll nt Cllh('tlll H"~ordl oll attut < nunty waif ofHJtH u1•<1 '""'""'"1 tu •"1\J t},jt1U ut T •u•l Mill JI uultllc; •111.110" l ur cuin ur C·"'""' • l.ht1Cli orawn on a •1t1111 Ut 118lt()n .. I Uunli II 5tllr.I 01 t<l(JOfll ~IOIQll lHllC)ll 01 II llBte 01 ladol•I , •• ~rnu, llfl<I 111011 •UOCIMll<111 dOOU(,.llMtJ llt lnw 'Sluh• nl t.#thlOtrUG "' 1n" Nor111 110111 e111t•n•t1 tu mo County Co111 1house 100 C1v1~ Con1e1 Ortvo Wu11 511111111 """ Cnl1lorniu ,,11 mot 11oni 111h1 anti 11HoiO&I convuyel.I tu ano 11ow 111110 by ti 1111001 •AIO 0."KI ol I 11111 111 ltl11 t.rrOjJlll IV Slhrnhtll Ill S8t0 Cou111y ,1111.1 S1to11e u11.u1n ... .1 us t.rr v OF N(WPOA I A( Al.~1 t,uunty u t OAANC..f St11111 ot Cdlrtur111" 081CrtllW us IN fltE EVEN I or A I RUSfEE SALE PROlllOCO f OR HEREIN A ll PAAl.ElS OF REAl PROPERTY OE SCR10£0 IN !HIS OEEO OF 1nvs1 s~•All Bl SOLO I N O N E $All ANO NOl SEPAAATEl \ PARCEL I LOI '/1 ut ''••ti No 5798 1n H11 C.tty ut Nt>wport Bencn, as pe1 Map it>COru"o 111 Book 112, Pagu 31 10 3b 1nc1us1ve ol M1scelli>n110..s Mufi~ "' ltlti Ottu.11 ol 11\e County Atitur '"" 01 sn10 County PARCE l ~ A non ... c1us1ve easement 101 1nyr11~~ ilnU i••ss tnroughoul LOI 105 or Sd•O ract 5798 togetttur w11t1 eliaemen•s tor 5Ut.11Xl•I and sattlament where H •d Lot 52 ao1oons lot 105 1ogether with easemen•• tor eoves or o•e1h&nos • .. ne1e su c n eaves a 1e conttructed •n accordance w11h app1rcaole mun•c1pa1 01d1nanc;,s and 1 n0f1 &AClusrve r.ght to use me lacrhues 1oca1eo on said Loi 105 sub1ec:1 10 me P•O•rs1ons as ~et forth rn Artic111 26 ol 111e Res1oun1ra1 L 01 Leasu recordud Novembt" 3. 19865, rn Booi. 7127 Page 239, Otl1c1al Recoros lne purportll<I streat aooress or 01ne1 common 11es1gnn11or1 or sa10 properly 22•5 \/1S1a Huttrta Newpor I Beach Cu1rto,,11a No w arranty rs given 3• 10 1" c;orrectnes~ o< completenHs Name and address ot the uenelrcra•y at "'nose request the s11e rs oe•ng c:o noucteO GRANITC: HOM E LOANS l I tJ 1400 Rover Par Ir 011~ Sacramt11110 CA 9!>815 Oorec11ons 10 me dbOve propetty mav oe Olltdrnea Dy 1equest1ng s.-me 1n wr11rnu !rum tne blnehc1ary FICTITIOUI tVllNH I NAM! IT A TIMI NT ''"' h1ttuw11111 Pill l(Jll .. llUlitU OuilU89a Aa RAtNl:IOW BAK ERY 112J9 Bruukllu11t I Ou11l•111 V»lloy C•lllUlllUI llUOA Cllwryl I v1111 '.114trti..u I!\)/ 1 CrtttM,,l!N\t Ortv• tiunlmutun Umu.h C•11turt11• 11~1141> 1 tua bUIUfifl1•• •• ( Ofl(hH lttt.J hy "" U\(hVl(hllll Chor yl I Y"" ~htmku I Ill~ ¥18ltlll1.,lll Wll• llltHI Wiiii lhfl County t;1or1o. or 011111uit 1;11u111v ,,,, Octot>111 I I 1911~ F1H 311 P1.11>11'""<l 01 drtg11 t.0011 Ou11y P1101. Oct q :w U. Nov 3. 1962 4•6S·82 MLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUI t U81NU S NAME ITATEMENT The to11ow1ng per11on1 am domg bu1111"'n ilt DATA ARIS :1900 MaOrson Avenue Fullorton Cat1forn1a 9263 I Ca101 Suo Co11a<1111 :1!100 Meo1aon Averruft fulterton Co1o101n1a 0263 t Jonri Cu 1e111n, ?900 Ma111so11 Avenuu Fullerton, C11111orr11a 92631 This bulllneaa 1a co11<1uGtea tly a llmllO<I porlnerahrp John Caator11n ThlS 11e1eme<1t was ttleCI wrth the Counly Cler>. ot Orange County F111323 Pubhshed Orenge Cousl Dally Pilot. Sept 29, Oc! 6 IJ. 20 1982 4260·82 MLIC NOTICE FICTrTIOU I IUSINUS NAME ITATEMl!NT The to1tow1ng person Is d oing bustness " GR APHICS ON E , 17 195 Newhope, Su11e 103, Fountain Ve11e11 Cahlornla 92708 ~Obert Berne ro OeL1oma. 262•5 Buscador. Mis11on v1e10. California 92692 fh1s buStneas 19 condueted by an tndtVldUaJ Ro~rt e Oellame This 1111remen1 was lllO<I with me County Cletk 01 Orange County on Octob8r 5 1982 F111910 Puohsl\eO Orange Coasr Oa11y Prlot Oct 6 13 20 27 1982 4312·82 MLIC NOTICE wrll'1 rr tO oays lom lne rirst STATEMENT Of WITHDR4W4l Pullh~ato0'1 01 lhtl no11ce FROM PA°"'TNERI HIP SJrO ~ale writ De made without OPERA TING UNDEft 1.o.e11Jnl or "arrantf e•p1ess or FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME 1m111otl<I a~ to 11110 poss.issron 01 I h~ 1011ow1ng per son has encumbrances 10 satisfy me unpaid wnndrown o' A ge11e1al par1n11r lrom batanct< du~ on lh<! note 01 notes 1110 partnership operatrno unOe• 11\e secured oy sarll Off<I ot Trust to llc11t1ou. ousmess nl'lme 01 TRIM IT wtl SlS69251 plu~ tne IOltOwrng SYSTEMS :10901 Paseo Pino El estomuteo 'osri. e•penses ano TOfo CA 92630 .;o • .inces di tne 11me ol tne 1n111111 Ille t1c1111ou1 Dus1ne1s namr publicatton or tll•I No1>ee or Sale stet-nt tor the P•rtne<sl\•p wGS Fortcloau•e ~••• end E •P•n1es fllea on Januery 2S 1982 In the S I 107 119 Any Advanet's Counly of Orenge m3de hert!<)ller with 1nt11resl Rlclletd Cher ... Orlttln 11\e<eon lrom d•ll or •dAOvanoe 20I01 ,_ "'lno NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER Er T0to, CA l2aO YOU AM tH DEFAULT UNOl .. A F111725 D ( ( D 0 , T" u • T ' 0 A TIED PuOllllH!d Ot•nge COHI Daffy OCTOHR 1•, 1M1. UNl..ESI YOU Pik>I. Oct 13, :10, 27 Nov 3 1982 TAKE AC TION TO PROTEC T 4467-8:? YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY 8£ SOLD AT A PUILIC I AllE. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE N4TVRE OF THE PROCEEDING AOAfA 8'f YO"O. YOU SROVLO CONTACT II LAWYER. O~tll<l Septemoer 27 1982 RU81CON CO... aa Said Tr111IH . 8 y: U.S TRUST OEEU SERVICES, INC, A~I 2 11S J $1. Sii . ND 1 Sacramento, CA IY11 Br· Unda Y-ne. Corpot•I • Secret•rr (119) ... ....., Mt.IC NOTICE FICTITIOUS IUllNEIS NA..-ST A Tftn!,,.,. fne IOllOwlng person IS OOIOQ buSlllllSS ., A8 A CUS FI N A N CI A L SERVICES 5 16 16th Street Huntrngton Blach CA 92648 NA NCY E FLINN 616 1611\ Str1e1 Huntington Beech CA 92~8 This OuSlneS~ is conoueted b~ an 1nd1v><Jual Nancy E Flinn l'uOf1sned Or 11nge Loasl Oa11v PtlOt, Oct 6 13. 20 1982 Tn•s statement wa. tiled with the 4345-82 County Clerk ol 011rige County on -------------October 11 1982 MLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS aUllNEH NAME ITATEMENT The tollow •no person '' doing ousrness es SMALL PACK CONTRACT. H :l5 Jamboree Road Suite 160 N...,port eeecn, C11t10rn11 92660 LOlllff Lara 250 Chit Ot1ve No 14 Laguna Betch Caltlorn•• 926St T"'s buSlness IS CO<'ldUC!led Oy an tndMdul t LOrtlM Lall Tnrs stete<nant wa1 llled wHn Ille County Cieri< 01 Or1nge County on Octooer 11. t982 f119315 Publlshed Orange Coast Dally Pilot OGI IJ. 20. 2'1. Nov 3, 1982 4513·82 MLIC NOTICE f 1"3.20 ?ubllshed Orange Coast Dally Piiot. Oc:I 13 20. 27 Nov 3. 1982 •503·82 MLIC NOTICE f'ICTmOUI I USIHESS NAME I TATlMENT The lollowrng peraon is Oo1ng bu Sll\ISS ti (Al US A WEI SUITS tBI AAIN80 W WETSUITS 221 Main Street, Huntington Beach. CA 92648 LOIS JEANETTE BROWN. 308 Robtn H ood COSI O Mesa. CA 92627 lh1s bullnesa 1• conducted by 11.n lndlvlduel LOIS J Brown Thia statement was fll•a wrth the Counly Clerk ot Orange County on Ollt~r I I, 1982 Orungu C..ot11 t DAil Y PILOT IW•dnttadoy, October 20. HJ8? 87 MllC NOTICl NOTICI or TftUITll'I IALI Ltan No ttOOOttl J,I Ho. QA1 ...... t YOU Al" IN D.,AUl T UNOl ft A Ol lD OP T RU t T DA T ID ..IANUMY N, 1111. UNI.Ill YOU TAKI ACTION TO ,ROTI CT YOUR ,,.O,IRTY, 11' MAY II I OLD AT A ~UC IAL.L I# YOU NCID AN IX"-ANATION M THC MATURI or THI ,ROCllDINQ AOAINIT YOU, YOU IHOULO CONTACT A LAWYIR. 8ECUHllY !AVINO& ANO ~0AN A880CtA f ION • Ct1ilu1nt1 torpor allon. u Ou ty •p1101n1eo Trull•• u111r•r lhl IOllOw lng de11<.r111tK1 O...U ul 1ru11 Wll L SELL AT l'VBLIC AU(.llON f O THE HIO tffSl f)llHlfll roil CASH (pay•~'' at t1rn11 ut H ie in llwlu! n1«r1ory 4'.11 tht1 Urolle<l 3t•IHI •II 11utH 1111• arul 1111"""' 1.011veye<l lo PUBLIC NOflC( FICTlllOUI I UllNH I NAMI I JATIMI NT ,, • ., fullfJWlnU JJ•llUlltt ..... lJYhl-U nu11t1•11 •• CfiA f A8 I l NI It ANC> &tJl'l•I ( 1753·11 l 1111111 4vonue C:n•lu Mnu C:•lllOrnl• 9~11:10 Kari JOll1rne•n O•uhu 1•;•10 1.0111mu1" U11ve C.oa1 11 M••• 1.•UIQ<tlll 11~11111 (')11111t1I I "ate1 IJ>.1Jnl. r 1'1:.0 N urt h w ... 1 r•tt•Mt No U '1 Anetlf!lru ( 4lllht1rt111 llJllOI 11111 t111•m11a• '' 1 <)Hthx 1..U by 11 O"ne<•I flllllilllf•hlll 1111111 J IJu• .. • l htl •talemenl w•a llle<J Wlitt 1119 Coonly Li•I~ ol O••ttlUu (;wnly on S11p1em1>u1 11. 111"1 ,197707 PUl>llllllld 01onge COHI Uo•IY Pilot Oc.1 U IJ 10. 21 1116? 4 llllJ ""' Otl(l llOW tt!llo IJy II ,,,,.,.,, aalO ~ t------------- 11r ••v•1 "' 11111 '""""''Y ''"'"'"•rte• PUBLIC NOJICE Oeac.rtb<!d t-------------1 RU S T 0 R M I I, It A l L W flCTITIOUI 8U81Nl!ll KLOEPPEL •" un111a111ea men HAME ITATEMENT B EN E f '(.I AR.,. s E cu R II y Tit• l(JllOw111u 11111'"1"• '"" •lorriy S A V I N 0 5 A N 0 l 0 A N IJu•l11t1•1 ~• ASSOtll'llON • CQ1po1a11on A & K I f NC ( 1411 NO A Aecord•d rebrua1v 3 1982 aa Roche•1t11 t.01111 M""' <.A !l~t;?I lfllli No 8~1.041293 ,,, Ot11ciet R08Efll I f l ANICl 3411 Nu n .co1os 111 111• o t1 1c• or l h • A Roche""" t.n•t.1 M "'" (,A RetOIO•r Ot Or•no .. County. H id 112627 d eed <11 ,,.,.r d e scrlb•t the C. E 0 AG [ II() 8 C: RT lollowmo µrOµNtly KllNEFEl TEA 30? I l.tllltllld Av11 EXHIBIT "A Cu~lo Mu~a CA 1126~1.1 DESCRIPTION Hus ousrnuas 15 con<IU<.h)(l lly 11 PARCEi I gtt110r:JI porlritt1••1111 ~01 69 ol '111~1 NO 10348, Ill . (,ll()1g11 ~· Kltr1t1ltil1er tnt! City or lrvmo County or 01a119e. flus ,101em11n1 WU~ 11111<.I Wllt1 ,,,., S11111 or c .111orn11. " Pe• map County Cll!<k or 01.inoo County on •UCO•O•<I "' Oook 474 P!lge• 16 10 Octobu< ~ 191!1 FIMtoe Puoli.lled Orungt• Cooa1 Oftlly PtlOI Oc.I IJ IJ 20 27 198;i 18 lncluarve. M1aellll•11ooua Mepa 1n me ot11Ce ot 11111 Counlt Reeorder ot aalO County EXCEPT IHEREFROM •II Oii g as m•t1••t t1 ind olhe 1 hydroe11•1>on~ below• depth of 500 P''°llC NOTICE 434~ 82 l'tilllC NO TICI ' 111)) NOTIC• 0' fRUITll'I U l l J.I . HO U14 IM,OMlANT NOTICI TO "'°""fY OWNUl1 YOU AR IN otPAUL T UflM>lft A 0 110 OP TRU IT, D AT I D NOVIM Hft JO, IH I. UNLlll YO\I TAAi ACTIOH TO "'OTICT YOU ft ,,.0 ,.ftTY, IT MAY II IOlD AT A l'Ual lC IALI. I# YOU NllD AN IX'U NATIOH Of' THI NATUftl OF THI! ,ROCl!IDtHO AOAINll YOU, YOU IHOU LD CONTACT A UWYUI, On Nuventf)o1 10 i98:r. II 1(1 00 a nt ("U N ll N fNIA l OElll 1 OPMf NI or CAllfOnNIA INC a (,•liturru~ c;orporeflon H Ouly 1tt.1110111lt1d I tUllff llrtd•r ltnCI pu .. ulrll "' lltt..iJ of I ..... rnc;nreled 011f:<lllllHU ~Cl 11181. di ln•I No \!) 14ff UI ()tlt~tjjl ~4 .. < OllJ• Ill th" ""'~" OI ""' (,olinly l~f!CIJllJtill ul ()r ·"'U•• (.11;,1111y. ~tote ot l.•lllCtlllrO ~ a"c ut.,u r.>r P1u1d p, 01>•1 U•• .. <.-.a11tor1u1• c ... n••ut P.u111•t •"'" Wll l l>l ll A I PUlilll. AUC I ION 10 HICiHL:.I l:SIOOCR fOR CAS~I UHty4tble .ti 111ue ut aal• 1t1 hiwlul "'"''"Y or th• VrnttlO !.r .. 1ua1 "' "'" north trom Cll'ttro1tG11 10 ""' <.OUl•ly CC.Utlllw>.:t 700 CMC Callhrr 011v11 Wut S•nte Ana, C111torn1a. all ught lillfl nno 1n111e11 conveyed 10 and riow n•IO by II unt'Jlr uld OM<I ol Tru•I 111 the property •llu•ll<I In H IO County en<I State oe1er11>e<1 .. P.ARC[l I Pur~ol 12 111 11111 Clly ol Nuwport aaocn Coutlly ul Orallgot, Stulw OI Cultror n1u ... thuwn 011 ii rn11p filed ;n bOOh O!l PUUeft 4S 11111.1 46 OI I''"'"' M111,. '" "'" otlri;,o ot tf'le tounty <tJCO•O•• ot n .•d county f •t11PI "" 011 Otl rtghll . m1nMal1 ftttllt!•dl rrunl& nilur.11 g.11 11ghli ""o ot hll• n~ar uc; '" uo1u by w halioevnr nome t..fiow n geothltfmal •loom •nd oil pto<Jucts d!!rtVU<I lt()m 11n~ ot lho ro1e>gorno PUBUC NO llCl flCTITI0\11 •UllNl ll NAMI I TATIM8NT Fhe f1JOuw111g v•nl-)(1• "'" thtmu WlllMlll "' Jiil l<I N IAi '•l'f (;1A11srr. 30 I) t f <>'•" L •nl•r Urtv• • l)lo 1.eQuno Nlijurtl (.1llh)r111e lnt>lf N111uet A•aiH •e ta• 1111. • CtillO<ht" 1.1.l4Pf><all•J11 }I) IJ I fll',.., C..11•• Ot1v• tl!'l I •Ou"• Nt(lu•I C•lllU<t1U• Ultif I Tht• llY•ll .. ta II <.UOOUCl.cl 11, a t.O<POll!fl()ft N>guel AHO'-'"'•• ltt~ fl~l\4111 [J 111111 >IM)n Pr-Oen I I hit at•t-•I "'"" trilMI wt11• ti,. t,ounty Clalli or 01111111" C.•.rui1t~ oo Septltfl1btll 2 I 111111 ,1., ... l'ut1hlh•d Ort1il1J~ l.tr.,.1 O•rly l'rlol 01.1 20 'II NQi J 10 1118:1 4!191 112 MLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUI ltUllNEll HAMf I TATI M«NT I"" 1011owrng P4I< IOl•I •• • "°'''II bUtl~S a$ OAllE S WRCNCH IN l'YME 2•~ fr1c;t1er Sl••el II I C:l'i••• Meaa Ca111ornr11 11282b Oav1a W1U111m F ullmght l3 I~ I lo• Al110• • H1i. Mrnlon V••)o. Co11101n11 9:1119 I Mobllll M8GIHU1l1 0 (,(fllto<nl• corporJ11on1 246 r11c'1111 Str•lll. B I CoelD Me.a <,1111torn10 92678 This bu1111aH 11 conducted by a llmnea po1111111nrp Oavl<I W fulllttQlll Tttrt jlulMltllll wu1 ltl111J wttn Ille Coun1y Cte•1' of Ora11gt1 County on S4opt11mbl!r 28 1982 F1llSOI Pubh~n"o Orangto Coa11 Oa11y Piiot Oct 20 21 Nov ~ tO 198:? 4827-82 11101 WllhOUI lhe 11gh1 ol IUflACO ____ uu ________ _ entry . .s •tt&11rve<1 tn 1n111umon1• OI FICTITIOUI t UllNEIS •eeo1d NAME STATEMENT 111a1 may o~ wr1111n or unoer the oo m11c NOTICE PJ•tttl or 10110 nere10.;oove •----·-"°'"--------' PARCl.l 2 Tne tollow111g t.1•1150" '' dor11g E111em11111& as '"' fortn 1n thu ou~mess es S ections c ntttteo Cartarn ALOHA LANOSCAl'f CARI: Easements ro1 Ownera "Suppor1. :117 I A Pomono Cci~ro M esa Settlement nno Encro11cnmen1 Calilo•nio 92b21 ena "Common Onvewey E1semenr· Jomes Steven NnwtsCJn ;> 17 1A or the ArHcle en111111a 'Easements" Pomona Costa Mc~u Caltlornra ol 1110 OeCIAi 111on 01 Covenant•, 9:1627 Cond111oni eno Rea1r1c11on1 !his. busit1os~ ,~ cuttou<.ti;<J by an oesc11DO<I 1n SUBJECT TO t>elow oOOrvrOual (tne · OeclarlltlOl1 I JamtJs S Newtson PARCEL 3 rn1s statumenl WtlS r1le<.J wrlh the Easements 11t sue" easement~ County Clerk 01 Orange County on are p&rt•Culally se1 torth 1n rne Ocl ol>t!t 11 1982 Art•Gle en111lll<l Euernems or me OeC1ara11on ol Covenant~ Cono111ons eno Re1111ctrons OHClll>e<I tn SUBJECT TO below (the "Mester Oec1ar111on ) under F191J12 Publrsned Orange <.oa~t Oa•ly P1101 Oct 13. 20 27 Nov 3 198:? 4459·82 the Sectton h8ao1ngs In sucn Arhcle 1----P-U8-l -IC_NO_T-IC_E ___ _ enlllle<J as lo1tows 'Own~rs Rights•--------------And OulitlS ' ' Vllltlles and Cable FICTITIOUS BUSINESS Telev1&1on,' S•Oeyara Ea &l!-HAM£ STATEMENT m e n t • · 'S" PP o ' l • n a 1t1e ro11ow1no person is 11011111 Set11em11n1, 'Encroachment.' ond t>us•ness as "Community, Facrlrttes Easement " BARK FA.GO Ro o N SO F 1 • d8&Cllbt'll IOQ<!lht!I Wtlll 1118 P8<PeluUI rtg111 ol a1111mg, m1ntng, ll>lllOrr11(l Jnd OPuil>ltllg thuretor and storing 111 ana 1umovt11g 111e same to om soro land or any OthOI lnnu 1nctuor110 l htt rrglll to wh1ps1oct. or l.ltr uctronally arlll ano mrne lrom lands omer ltla11 rnosc here1nAbOve deacubcd, Oii Or gas wells tunnels and Shalla onto. Ulr<>ugh 01 across Ille iwb:wrtooe 01 the tano "•"'"'"bove d;"c11oed arrO to tiollom SllCh wt11ps1oe1ied Of 011ectro1111lly drilled "'ells tunnel' ano Sil.lits uno111 bnO oaneam or 1Jey11nu 1ne e~tt!f•or 1tm1ts 11\efeot and to redrtll rerunnel equip ma1n1a10 1epair deer.ren ano operdte ,;ny ~ucn wells or mmt1S wi1hou1 noweve1 rne 1rghl 10 01111 mine store ~•Pit.I"! and ope•ate througn 1111! surl&Ct! or Ille upper 500 tee1 of me suoeurraco 01 me lano os reser•eO by lhe 11v1ne Company by a dcx.umonl ruco<Ood Feb1uary 20 1980 PARCEL 2 PARCEL 4 WARE ENGINEERING 9:1!13 [mery Easement tor 1ngreu egress Ct , 14 Fountarn Vatlet Calrtorni., A non·e-c;tu51ve easome111 tor and street purpo&et and d•ainaga 92709 ingress "0'l'SS and ve11rcular rn. under lh•ougn and acrou mat Keith Go1tJon Bnr i.er 939J parking ove• Pa•col B 111 the Crty ot port•on ot LOI N ano lot 42 ol tract Enle•y Ct ,.. Fuunt•Wi Valley Newport Beach. County ol Orange No 10334 as per map 11180 rn l>OOll Calrtorn.a 9:nos S1a1e or Calllorn1a as '"°""n on a •45 pages 2S 10 39 1octusrve This Du•ine'" •• c:onOu<.lt!tJ by an map flied in 00011 93 Pilges 4S dnO MIKellaneous Maps in 111e ofhce ot tntltVillual 46 Parcel Maps 1n the oll1<t! 01 me the County Reco1der ol said r<.crltl C..oroor1 Uarl er o;ountr •ecorder or sa.o coumy Coun t y , sho wn as Common ln .. !lal@mtJorl Wtl~ ltlecJ ... ,,,, lhe rne \tteel ~dOr('S§ 8fllJ Olhet Roadway on E•hlDll I or tl\a1 Cciunry creik ot 0 ,3,,911 Couniv on C0"1"10n des•onouon •I any 01 me Supplemen 111y Oaclaratron 01 Ottober 8 1981 real oropert) oescnbeO above ·~ Cov en o n 11 c ono111on s and F199237 µurporteo 10 bt! 1? Cc11pora1e P1a2a Restrieuoru rec:orOU<I on Augus1 15. Pul>lt~h!'•1 Or ,ong< Const Oatly Newpo1 I Beacn. CalllOrnia 92660 1980, tn book 13704 PDOH 168 IO PtlOt Oct 20 ?7 Nov 3 tO. l982 Tnt: unOIHStgnud T•uSl!.!t' 182 inclusive Ot11c1a1 Records ol 4601 •82 disc1a1ms any 1tab1l1ty lor auy u10 County mcorrtoetness or me srree1 aoareu 3 Racrno Wind trvrnu Ca11lo1nra ----.,.-.,-,1-C-NO_T_l_C_E----lano otner commoon oes1gna11on 11 'Ill a 11ree1 aaorb 1 or common r"°'-any J>ho .. n herein designation ta shown above no --------------1 Sa•O sale will oe made bul ... arrant y 11 grvan as 10 rts FlCTITIOUI aVllHEIS "'11\oul covenanl or warranty compllteneu or correc1ne111 Tnt NAME STATEMENT e•press or 1mpl>e<1 rega.01ng trtle benellc•ary under u 10 Oeeo ol Tne toOow•no Pi'rsons are 00tng possession or encumor•nces FICTITIOUS 8 VSINE88 NAME STATEMENT I hi! IOllowrng person 1s dorng busmeu 11s (Al SKELLEY LATZER & CO . (Bl CARTEL CONSUL! ANTS 5901 Warner A venue Suire 100. Hun11ng1on Beacn. CA 92649 TIMOTHY G SKELLEY 5042 O' Dunbar •fon11ng1on Baacn CA 926'19 T'1•>o bu~rrtai~ 1• conoucte<I oy I ltmlle<J 11•• 1ne<st11p T 1motny c; Skelley Tnrs stall!mtml was tried wrlh 11\e County Cttttk or Or.inge Count~ on OctOO•• 14 1982 Fl .... 1 Pubhshed Orange Coast Daily PtlOI, Oct 20 27 Nov 3 10. t982 4626-11:1 POOLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The tollowrng persons are Oorng bus•ness as CALIFORNIA LIM OUSINE SERVICE. c 10 Kroy & Smtih U OO Mac Ari nu• Btvo No 300 Newporl Beach CA 92660 RSM CONSOL•OATEO INC • Cal•torn1a GO• pora11on 2•897 Sunnymeao Blvd Sunnymeeo CA 92388 This business ·~ ccinduc:te<J oy a c;o1pora1ron RS.M Con•o•1oa1eo lnr. l&Velle B1a01telo. Pr~ Thrs $t .. 1emen1 was hied w11n Iha Coun1y Clerk ot Orange County on Octot>e• 14 1982 KRAY • SMITH c -n·•""• •• Law F111MO MOO MacAt1hur ll•d. :: J30 -pot1 8aeell. CA l'2MO Pull'"""o O•,.nge Coast Oetlv P1l<>I Oct :10 27 NO.. l 10 198:1 •62S-8:? Trutt by •eu on ot 1 breeo:n or Dusrness 85 1ncruorng tt~' cnarge\ dno defeull •n ,,.._ ot>llijations aec:vreo PEARY & SHEPPARD 14252 e.pensas ol tile lruatee ano ot tl\e me<eby h_.etotore ••ecutl<I ano CulvO< Orrve Sune A246 Irvine CA t<ust~ c:reatt'O D~ ~a10 Oeeo .,, Oehve~eO lo the una1rt1gned a 92714 Trust IO Plly lnt1 rttmarntng p11n<;tjJdl 1------------- wrllten Oectatallon or ~fault and R 0 BE R T PE RR Y 3 2 0 9 sums of 11\e noll MCU180 oy U •l,l PUBLIC NOTICE Demand fOf S•le end wrtllen not>c;e Bayview Menhtttan Beach CA Oeocl of T1us1 10 Wtl $1 883,350 S9 or Drtach or 1no 01 erection 10 902641 <Ntth 1n1erea1 1hel'eon lrOf'll M•rcn 1 HOTICI! Of' NON-Ml~ONl181UTY CAUM 1111 und81algneo to sell MIO TERRANCE SHEPPARD. 467 r982 al 17 pet~nt per annum as propeny 10 Hlltty 1110 00llg11ions, Orango Blouom, Irvine, CA 9:?7,. provrd!Hl 1n said note plus costs ano Notre;!! 11 nereOy given tn11 the and ther111ter tne uno1r11gned Tn•s busineu IS conCJucte<J Dv a any al.lvoric;es w1111 1nteres1 erso unaerstgneO wrll nor bl resPOn110le c:eulMl<I H id notic. of breacn ano general Poitn~rShtp utelud1ng tale charges to' a rt y o e D ts o I Ii 11o1I1 I • e e election 10 oe Raco1deo June 29, Terry Shl!pp11ra Tne 1>011ehc1ary und"' so•O 0.,.'(l c.ontracred hy anyon1 Olhf'r ltlan 1982 as lnetr No 82·22303 1 o ,.J!L 111'5 statem11t11 "'DI llle<J wrth the QI Iuin her1t1Qto1e e~ulltd ill\d.. ru~ 011 O• "'"1"' 1ll&$ .aAl&- ':>mc1er ReccmJi feounty Clm OI Orange Coun1y bn oellvered 10 the undersigned a Dated mrs 19111 Olly or Octo!M!I Satd a1te w1t1 Oe mede, but Ocl 11 l962 wullen Oectorelron ot delaull and 1982 without coven ant or warr an t y F199JOI Oemano for Sale and written e•i><ns or 1mphed r1Qa101ng 1111e, Pubttsneo Or1nge Coast Daily Not•ce ol Dela.ult •nd Elecl•on 10 possession. or encumbranc;" to Polol Oct 13 20 27 Nov 3 t982 Seti Tne unde•slijned cauM<J satd pay ,,.. rem••n•ng pr1nc;ipat 1t.1m 01 4438·82 Notrc11 or Oertoull 11na Electron 10 Ille Mte(sl MCU•ecl by said OeeCI or -------------Sell IO 01! rKQIOed 1n the counl; Trull With 1nt81NI u In Mid note P\.6LIC NOTICE where 11\8 •HI prope<ty" loo;oll'<I prov•ded edvances 11 any under Oete Octot>e< 14 1984' the terms ot H id Deed 01 Trust K..01"2 Conllnanlal Dewelc19menl of lees Cl\llfges and e•P41"1MS QI the FICTITIOUI IUSINEIS CalttOtnla. Inc •• Calllornl• Tll.ostee and or tne 1ru11• GIH le<I Dy NAM£ STATEMENT Corpofltlon ... ., ....... and U rd ~ OI Trull The tollow1ng person 11 doing RAT Flnanelal 8en1letng Co . Inc .. Sat a s ale will 01 1111a on business as a C .. llornla Corporation. ae -o•nt Wodne$Cley, November 3, 1982 •t INNOVATIVE RESTAURANT :J'33e S. Painter AYI. 2 00 pm at the Ctlapman Avenue SPECIALISlS. 3•S Unrverslly Onve, Whllll•r, CA entrance 10 th e C1 v1c Center H·2. Costa MeN. CA 92617 (213) 6M-0011 Bulla Ing, 300 E .. 1 Cnapm an EDWARD MARTIN MORRISSEY. Adrienne Alwae, Tr1111 .. Offlce1 Avenue Orange. C11ilornl1 345 Un1v11S•ly Drive H·2 Costa Pubhsheo Orange Coast Oa11y A l '"• tim e OI ,,,. 1n111 at Mesa. CA 92627 PrlOI Oct 20 27 Nov 3 1982 publtealton or 11111 notlQe, tl\I 101a1 Th•s Ou1111fls "conducted Dy an 46 17-11? 8arOa1a l RoctM! 27S E 1811\ St • 68 Costa M~ CA 92627 PubhsheO Orange Coa11 Oarly Pr101 Oct 20 2 I 27 1982 •614·82 MLIC NOTICE NOTICE OF TRUSTEES SALE NOTICE IS t1EREBY 011/EN lhal the real propert• s11uated rn lhe Count~ ot Orang" Stal e o t Catrlo•nta kt1own es 120 Snornc::ltff. Corona Ot>I Mar. C•ly ol Newport Beach Calllornia ond de5e<toa<I tu lollQWS •mount of the un1>•t<I Oat1nca or the 1n<J;111<1u111 0011g1t1on aeeu••d by ll\1 above at"erobea aeed or trust a nd l!St•maled c;oau o•penns and EO wl tO M ,.rt>n lot •8 01 Ir act 1116 rn 1ne City or N-part Beach County of Orange Slate ot Calilornra as per map MLIC NOTICE recorOll<l on BOOlo 36 P•OM 19 and advar>eea •s '3 I 298 04 To daterm1n1 the opening Old. you may eall • 1 SIU 5.e• 18 Oate Oc1C>bef I 1982 SECURITY SAVINGS ANO LOAN ASSOCIATION ... H id TrullM By T 0 SE R VIC E COMPANY, agent 8y JANET RIACH, AISI VICI Prta>denl 1990 N C111101n11 BlvO Morr1uoy I Thia statement •H flied W111\ 11\1 County Cretl.. of Orange County on Soptember 20 t982 F1t7QO PuDlrahed Orenge COHI Delly PllOI Sept 29 Oct 8. 13, 20. 1962 4301-82 RESOLUTION e2l:tll2 20 M1scerlaooous Maps recoros or ACTIOH OF TI4E IOAftO sa10 Orange County ano will t>e sold 11 l>UOhc:: auchon on me reat OR TIIUSTEEI Of' THIE 511198 11 230 Newpo<I Cet'lter O"ve, OCEAN VIEW ICHOOl Newport eeac;h Calrtorn1a on DISTRICT OF ORANGE Novemt>e< 15111 1982 at 9 0 I am COUNTY. CAU'°"""' to the highest bldde1 ror c;esh 1n Tho following motion was moved 1awlul currency ot Ille Vn•led Stites ov M ar11nna Bten k 1na Oul y The u te will be maoe without -------------aecon<le<I and carried MLIC NOTICE WHEREAS. Education Code covenenl, 01 worr1nty regarding -------------Secliona 39500-29502 i><ovt<la that ttlle. po5S6Ss1on, °' enc:umb1anoes. FICTITIOUS BUl lNl!SS 1118 Governing eoard 01 any sc::hool fO U llSly lhe obllgat1011 sec:ured by NAME ITATl!MENT an d under the Power ot Sale n1str1ct by unammous vote ot all conte,.ed in It'll Oeeo ot Trull Tne lollowrng per,on 11 doing membe•s may exchange any reol exKuted DY RICflatO B Miile< ana J,ICTITIOUI eu...-ae NAMI! ITATD•NT Ste 7t6 F1~-WaJnul Cr••"-· C A Puo11111eo Onnoe Coast v ally 9•596-37117 buSl~:ROSE THREE l TO property w>lh anoll\tr puolrc RICHARD B MILLEA and BONlfA •000 MaeAtthur Btv<t we.1 T~· ag1!ncy. •ncfua•ng ' clly and .l£AN MlLLER.1'14abend an.a ..,...,. .. Suite •OOO Newport Buen CA -wMEREAS. ~8 OCt ln VltW Joint Ten•nts •• Trustor I O 9~660 Sc;l\OOI °'11"~1 I atroel) ~the Amer1c:en Homa Mortgage Trust r he follow Ing person IS dotng ousmeas 1s WOODWIND MARINE 206A Collon S111e1 Newpo11 eeacn , C•lrfornle 92280 David S1ep111n Sales, 206A Collon Stta et, Newport eeac;h. Cat1l0<n11 92~60 This bulllnnt 11 conducted oy an lndlvlduat Oavtd o Se••• r 11r1 11a1emen1 wH 1111<1 wtlh tile County Cterlt ol O•ange County on October 11. 1962 ,1..,11 Publlahed Or1nga Cout Dilly PllOI. Oct 13. 20. 27. Nov. J, 1962 4457-~ P\8.IC NOTICE f lCTTTIOUI IMl ... H NAMI tTA"n•NT Th• following person 11 doing butlnall u J M JONSSON COMPANY, 3 1305 P1110 Ott Sol.1 South Laguna S..Ch, Calltornl• 9211177 J1f111y Craig Jon11on. 3 t30!i 1-'Ueo 011 Sol, South Laguna e.ech, Callloml1 92677 Tiiie but lneaa It conduc11d by 1111 lndlvldval Jef'lrey C Jontton Thia 11a1_,1 waa Iii.ti wltl'I 1111 Counly C!tr11 or OflllQI County on S.01 27. 1H 2 ,, ... Publlahed Ortng1 Co111 Ot ll)' PllOI, S.01 29. Oct 8. 13. 20. 1982 . 424 ... 12 PtalC M)TlC[ FICTITIOUtllUMNltt N.._aTAn•NT The 1011ow1no pt1eon 11 doing bvef'lltt .. 1'Al'IANTINO ~NOSCAPINQ, 231 8 1tllh P1ae41. Coale M .... CA 92127 S11pnen C T11ant1no. 237 8 16111 Placoe, Cotta M9a. CA. 12627 Tl* bu~ la cond\Jc1.0 by In ~ l tM Ttr1t1rltlo Thie ICt \tlMtll ... fhd wl1fl lht County C*1t Of o.-. County on Sept ~1. ttl2 ~­Publlafled Otange COHI 01Uy ,Mot, 8tPI .. 29 1nd OC1 t . 11, to. 1112 Prtot Ocl 13 20. 27 Nov 3 1982 Publllhed O•enoe Coall Cally •442·82 Pilot. October 13 20 27. 1962 ___ Ml_l_C_NO_T_IC_E___ u oe-62 FICTITIOUI IUllNEIS NAME ITAT••NT The lollowlng person IS doing bU51netll •• SOU THW E ST EN E RGY RETROFIT. 19126 Magnotla Street, Su1111 :1038 . Hunllngton Buen Cnttlornla 925•6 Steve Penn • Stephan Louis Pin n. 2070 I Cheuc:er La ne Huntington 8ee<;h. Ca1t1orn1e 92646 Thll bulM"8N 15 c;ondu<:le<I tly t1n 1ne11v1<1ua1 Steptlen L Penn Pr111dent MLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS IUllNEll NAME ITATUll.NT T ne following r:>e1 aone ere doing bUSll'eH II H 6 H CONSTAVCTtON SITE 601 S Euclld. Anaheim. Ct1lll0<nill 92802 v1c::1or P Syqul•. 195 10 lbeJ ~rmos. C1llforn11 90701 Cerol M Syqula. t9510 lbe) Cerflloe. c1111orn111 9070 t Tlll• bu•'"-" conducted by 1n 1nd1Vlduel · CarOI M Syquil Thlt l llltmltll Wll lllt d with Iha County Cl81k ol OflnQI County on Octobel 5 t 118:1 Tl\11 tltlement wll llllcl wllh 1111 County Cllfk or Or1n0t County on fl'"47 Octobef 6. 1982 OOUGlAS LAMBROSE 28 owne• or ree ptO()et°I)' Br al Deed Servic e Core>O•l llOn a 17 241 Oalo. l ane. Huntrngton each C•htornol COf""'tllOn 11 Trustee. Glenn lrYtoe C A 9271• C.a1t10<n•• 926H. e port>On of wttlc:I\ ""'" lhrs busmeSs 11 conduc1e<1 Dy a inc:ludu app•o~im1tely 110•825 tor 111e beneltl end H eurlly ol ltmtle<I parlne<Sh•P 1 t 1 _,,1_ ..,. ,.._ A merica n H ome M O•l•g•g• square M l O '"" ""'""" at ''"' C o r po r a 11 on . a C a I 1 r or n i • Oougl1t Lemnrose soulnea5t corne< and Gen P11r1 This 1111teme<1t waa lilld w11n the County Cle<-ol Orang8 County on Oclobe• s. 1982 f11Q07 Pubtl•h•d 0 11no• COHI Oatly Piiot. Oct 9. 13, 20 '11 198:1 •360-62 WHEREAS. Ille eoove-dtserloed CorDO<ll>On 11 Benatter11ry, d•led 110,875 SQuate tee1 or land ls not January 6 l98 I. •nd recorded on ano will not at the lime ol dellve"' ol Jenu&ry l!I 111111 •n Bo<'I\ 13917. · • Pa~e 336. as 1n11rumon1 Numoer poueu1on Df needed fo1 acl\001 8 3" o R f classroom bu1101nos by the 0 111roe1, 1 ~ 01 111"11 tcoras o tht NO W TH ER EF O RE e e IT Coun t y ol O ronoe. S tele o f RESOLVED THAT the 01etr1c 1 C&lllornlt Boaro or Truatees In the bell Notiea or Oof1uo and Ellellon 10 inter@sts or '11\e OttlrlC:I, iuthortl8$. Sell tht descrlb•d Ital prop1rty -------------under 1118 Dead OI Trust was NJLIC NOTICE and d eclares 111 1n11n11on to recorded In Book ,.320 11 Page -------------e•Ch•nge Ille abOVl·dtlC•lbld 367 f N 5!>88 FICTITIOUI ltUllNEIS I t0.825 squire teat 01 tana for 11 nsr•umant umt>lr 1 • NAlft IT A TIMENT epprox1m1tety 102 300 tqvt<e teal on Oecembll 1 I l981 of Ofticiel rne 1011owtno person 11 doing ot tand ow n1d by tne City of Record• 01 1111 County 01 O<ange, bu Huntington eeacn louted alOng • State ol CaMlorn11 SlnetSAsL aSa SPORT HAUS. 1779 I "'-t"'-...,_, _ _. I The H ie win bl c;onouctl<I Oy portlOll O h ... nor 1""n """'"'1"1' o AMERICAN HOME MORTGAGE Newpor t B lvd Coste Me n 1"'1 OtstrlC:t'a rH I PIOPtflY loc;4ited T R u S T OE E O SE R v t C E Catilornlt 02627 al 17:141 Oa~ Lane. HunlinQton CORPORATION , 8 Ca tltorn1a N11or H 8ehnem 3900 Park BHCh. Callforntt 926•1 A m•P COfl)O<AllC>n, <Nl\Off Mld•I H ,. 230 G•een 01lv1. Corono dll M •r. oeplctlng tne specific 1oc:1110n1 or Newpoit Center Drive No 200. C•lllornl• 92625 ooth p1oper11es It available lor Newpor1 BHCll, Calllorrtll 02880, -------------r Thia Du•lneet 11 conOuC1td lly An r11v1Aw aurlng r119ula1 WOlklng noun Phone Number (7 l4) 759· 1515 Publl1h1d Orangl COHI Dally '1.-U Pilot. ~ 8, 13, 20, 27, 1082 Publlahed Orenge COHI Dally MLIC NOTICE 4403·8:1 Piiot. Ocl 6. 13. 20. 27 1952 4370-82 POOi.iC NOTICE tndM dual Al 11111 0 111r1c1 bu11n1 11 olllc• Pt1nclpat •nd 1n 111811 Ou• FICITITIOUl ltUt M l t NHefH Dahnam located 111 189 40 B S trut $:118,811!>4 NAMI 8TATS•NT ACTrTIOUI IUllNlll Tl\11 1111-1 waa filed wllh tntt Hunt1ngron BHcl1 C11lllorn1a 92642, Costs ExpenM I and Ad"l n<ws Thi IOfloWlng petllonl are dolno NA• ITATl•NT County C1M~ or Or1119• Counry on BE Ir FURTHER RESOLVED $9.504 50 bl.lllMIB u Thi lollowlflQ l)erl041• ••• do•ng SePttmOlf 14 198:1 THAT 11\e Sllc••tery ol 1111 Oietrk;I dUol (eporoxlmatlly) S9.50• 60 WARMINGTON SOUTHLAND bullnMt.. f'1t7S7• Botta or ltuareea ,, directed 10 TOTAL $226,315 59 DEVELOPMENT COMPANY 3090 M A RK VI INVt8 TM ENTS . PuOltlhl d Or1ng11 Coall Delly publt1h 1 eooyollhr1 rasolutl0tl not Deled Oclc>ller II 1982 Pullman Strut, Coat a M ua, 1480' Hllltbo•o Pltc:e. Tustin Pltot ()cl ti. 13 XI n 1H2 teH lflen onc;e • week l or 11\r" ..AMERICAN HOME MORTGAGE CaMf0tnta 9'826 Cllll0tn1t 92oto U 04·112 -4!1 prt0t to lhl Bolwa enttflng iTRUST OEEO SERI/ICE CORP The Ro1>11r1 P W1rm1n91on A C 11 y M•llaro. 1•1102 'i•nto the uc;1>1noe or 111t above· 1 Celllornll *""'•llOn '"-"a"". 1 C•1•f"'nl1 cor""'lttOtl, Hlll1"-o P··~·. Tuet•-. Cal1forn11 DllD•fC NOTICE "-~11.._.. proipt(t'-a ...:-~ "-3090" ~Kman Srr";;.1, Cot;;''Mea.. 92et0 ,._ "' r~ 1""A$ AoOPfED,.. SION CD ANO M~ Kalfletlne ...... -• ...," Catitorola 02028 Mel ZMemby, 261141 Cln an:ra FICTmou• IUllNCll APPROVED THIS 21•1 di )' Of June. $TA t OF CAllf!'ORNIA Blverty HIHt SevinOI end L0111 Or1ve. Min ion Vitfo C1lllornl1 NA• tTAT••MT 1982 COUNT'\' OF OAANOE Aatoc::llllOn .• C1hl01nre S1vrno1 .. 92t711 Th• IOllOwtnQ p.,tonl ore dotng BOARD OF TRUSTEES SS L oen Auoc;lallon. 2 72 1 1 Lu D avid M Cot11n1. 26352 oulfnett ae OCEAN VIEW SCHOOL DISTRICT On OClober fl, t&U. ti.lore lhe Raml>IH . MINlon Vltlo. Ctlll0!nl1 Pecllloa, Ml11lon VietO. C8lllOml11 IM A GE M 1C R 0 n 5 l. B 81A ff OF CALIFORNIA) undlnlfQnt<I, 8 Notary Pvt>llC ltl 11\0 926112 02675 Pomona,-COll8 Me .. , C•llfOrnl• COUNTY OF ORANGll l for u l O C o un t y 1nO S tate, Thia bUetnH• 11 c:ondllCted by • Nell Wllft1m1 Schllchl. co20 02t:l7 •• 1'c>er1on111,. app1 ar1 d M ery OfMlll partnership M ap le Tret Drlv• ~nan1 1m. Ct1•rl .. Nelll8n 9ymmonda 1. OALE COOOAN. Sac,.t•ry ol 'kat"-tllll 2~. known lo ,,,.10 w A R M I N a T o N Calllofnla 02807 ~:153·8 Pomo•i a. Co•t• MH •. the 801rd or Trv ttffl 01 Oct•n l)e the PfMldtnt ot the OOl'oor•tlOn SOVTHL.ANO Jo4"1 l'llley, 1011 Topo 8 trffl C•lllO<nll 92621 View ScflOOI OltlrlCI OI Orene• ~htl ••tte\lltO lfll wl1Nn ,,,..,_,, 0 [ V E L 0 P M E N T An81181111. Clllllornta 9:180il Uncle Aaye Symmonda. 2263·8 Oounly, CalllOlnle, l\lflt>y c ertify lino-to ,,,. IO 111 1111 per_., whO COMPANY Rot1e110 M1ndu , 14 792 POl'llont . Cotti M111 C1llforn1a thlt 1111 above end foregoing '111~ 1111 Wf\11111 IMtrum.11 on I y T n 1 A o b • r 1 P Hlll•bor'o Plaew Tuttk'I C1hl0tnia 02627 mo tion w11 duly and regul1rly ~Ill 01 Ille Ootpot1110n lflloteln W1rmlngton Co 02tl0 fl\la II\*'-• c:onduclld ti)' a mowd and aeconded, and pWd ~. and ICllM•lld~ IO - WMllam J P1ltmM, Thlt tlullne. It t:Onduc:lld oy· ftt*al pjWlntr11NiO by I g.o wote Of aid loetd " • ~ Midi ~etlOll ••ICV*t IM Secrataty l'I Cley Mall11d Und• "*~ ~ ,..,., ~ 1twlOI MtO on !flt 'Wllllln k'l•lru!Mnt iwrtuent 10 Ila TNI llllemtnl WM lllld 1#1111 the 1'1111 '181-1 w11 lllld •ttfl the Thlt llet~I ... flttd wffll Tiie 2f'1 dey OI Junt, 1112 ltw.-. 0t a rwolllllOn Of llt loerd County Cler• ot 0tanoe County 0t1 County Cllrli of OrllnQ8 County on County Cllttt ot OrltlOI ~IY on Olit coooen ~ ow.T .. ,..•ICls a. .. ~_ ......... -.. ...... _ OctOOtr 1e. tH2 Oclt>blf to ttl2 Octt>blf 1t. 1N 2 S.Crettwy Of tn. ..... 1 ":.."':....~c';;ii ... .., .,.....,. ..._ F'~ '1.... ,,_,. loetO of l rutt... -AM .,......,. .. Publl•h•d Orang• CoHI O•lly Pllblf•fl•d Otano• COHI O•lly Publllht d 0 11ng• COH I 0 •11)' Publll hed Orl fl9• COH I Oally ... PullOctll•~ ~~~ q.o~afly Pilot. Oc.t 20, 11. Nov 3, 10, tH~ PllOt, Oct ?Cl, U , N'Ov l . 101.. 1ff2 Piiot, Ocl ao, 27 ,.,... 3. 101 tOH Piiot, Oct 20. 27. Nov 3. 1H 2 ... tlOt. ""' • '"' .... , .. ..,. .,.u.u 411120oaa •&a-et 461'41 -~ • ' DO YOU HAVE A FAVORITE RECIPE? If you like to cook and h ave a "fav o rite" recipe, it could be worth a trip for two to a city of your choice anywhere in the Western Hemisphere (via Western Airlines.) Or you could .win one of five 5200 gift certificates . It can all happen in the 1982 Dally Piiot Favorite Recipe Contest, and it could happen to youJ Even if you don't w in a top prize; your recipe could be published in our "Orange Coast Cook Book" in the Daily Pilot on Wednesday, December 8, 1982. Daily Pi lot Special sections editor Janine Fiddelke will supervise a panel of food judges who will name the best recipe on the Orange Coast. Winning recipes will be judged on originality, ease o f preparation, adherence to theme, and of course, taste. So get cooking. Read the rules carefully and send us your recipes as soon as possible. Ent ries must be postmarked no later than N ovember, 1 2. Dally Piiot Favorite Recipe Contest, P.O. Box 1560 Costa Mesa, CA 92626 t_. Appetlz~rs Meat spreads, zesty dips or munchies . Take your pick. 2. Grains and Breads What is your favorite way to start off a holiday meal. 3. Main Dishes Whether it be hamburgers or coq au vin, the best chicken salad or roast duckling, everyone has a favorite recipe for the mainstay of the meal . 4 . Vegetables and Salads Including vegetarian dishes. And don't forget the o ut-of-season treasures in cans and in the frozen food section. s. Desserts Let · s see what you can do with chocolates, gelatin, butter, flour, whipped cream and other favorite goodies. Set those calories aside. ; 0 1 . 2. 3 . 4 . s. 6 . 7 . 8 . 9 . List all ingredients in order of use, followed by clear, concise directions and the number o f serv ings. Remember, o riginality counts. Submit your typed entry o n a 3x5" index card. Put category in upper left hand corner. Only one entry per person per ca tegory will be accepted. If more than one entry is rec eived for any single category, all entri~s for that category will be disqualified. Judges reserve the right to properly categorize entries. Recipes must be complete, and may not be changed after submission. Incomplete re cipes will be disqualified. In the event identical recipes are submitted by two or mo re contestants. the first received will be the one considered for judging. A black and white photo of the person entering the contest must be submitted w ith the entry. The contest is open to all residents of the Orange Coast, except employees and their immediate families of Orange Coast Publishing Company. Indica te on each recipe in the top left-hand corner, your name, address, telephQne, and category entered using separate sheets for each recipe . Mail to "Daily Pilot Favorite Holiday Recipe Contest." P.O . Box r 560, Costa Mesa, CA 92626, or bring it · to 330 Bay St .• Costa Mesa . ALL ENTRIES MUST BE POSTMARKED NO LATER THAN MIDNIGHT, November 1 2, 1982 or received at the Pilot office no later t han 5 p.m. November 1 2. I 982. Entry of a recipe constitutes agreement that it becomes the property of the Daily Pilot. and may be published with acknowledgements (no street addresses or phone number will be published) in the Dally Pilot and Mirror newspapers. Entries will be disqualified if they fall to comply with the contest rules . All judges' decisions are final. All prizes will be awarded. CONTEST ENDS NOVEMBER 12. 0 1 l J l l Dally Piiat '\~ \ r W(ONCSOAV, 0Cl09FR 20, 1982 -·- SLIM GOURMET SUPERMARK ET C4 cs --- A 11u•1·i1·1111 c u i . ..;i1u• g t·t . ..; 11ocl /'1 ·0111 ""o t h t•r (,'/A ". .(.'9 ---Meet 'n treat There's no trick to this ·spooky'' family celebration Halloween is a children's holiday -full of the fan tasy of disguise and the reward of special treats -for adults to share. This not-always-innocent celebration derives from Celtic mythology. Villagers wore masks and costumes to deceive the spirits of the departed, said to visit their former homes on this night. and feasted on the harvest to forget their fears. Halloween remains a time for community. To put family fun and neighborliness into the celebration and take the "trick " out of today's treating, the National Confec tioners Association has supported "Meet 'n Treat " for 10 years. This program suggests adult supervision for safety and to preserve the best and most wholesome aspects of Halloween. For most families, the celebration begins with the carving or a jack-o'-lantern. Creativity can also be exercised if you and the children make their costumes or. at least, decorate their faces with make-up in lieu of a mask . If a child Isn't heart-set on the scariness o f certain headgear, make-up should be encouraged: it's safer because it doesn't obstruct vision and your child will probably be more comfortable. Despite all of these activities. the highlight for any youngster 1s still the cand y-collecting door-to-door v1s1ts as a traditional witch. ghost or princess. or the trendier extraterrestrial creature. E.T., Pac-Man or Wonder Woman. Plan to make rounds wit h the children before 11 gets dark. Then shepherd them home to a neighborhood party, where everyone is in costume and the refreshments are fortified by those bags of treats. In addition to such activities as bobbing for apples. pinning the tail on a black cat and telling ghost stories. ~1;' ·"""/ you might want to save some preparation to occupy and amuse party-goers. Give the children licorice strings. candy corn and gumdrops to make laces on iced cupcakes. Other party refreshments could include Peppermint Floats and an easy Witches' Brew chocolate fondue with assorted sliced fruit, pound cake and marshmallows for dippers. Each is made with candy -great uses for Halloween leftovers. Wrapped candies are also a nice pick-me-up for lunch boxes and after school in the weeks to come. If you divide up any unwrapped candy for take-home, you might want to pack 1t in plastic pumpkins as a party favor. But keep it separate from treat bags so that parents know where their children got 1t. For a safe, lun-fllled Halloween, Meet 'n Treat with family and friends. Ghost 'n goblin cakes 1/J cup butter or margarine l/• cup sugar 1 egg 112 teaspoon vanilla 13/• c ups all-purpose flour 21/2 teaspoons baking powder 112 teaspoon salt 3/4 cup milk 112 cup finely crushed hard c andles (lemon, cinnamon, llme or orange) Assorted candles (llcorlce whips, gumdrops, jelly beans, candy corn, choc olate morsels, marshmallows, candy-coated chocolate) In small bowl of electric mixer cream butter and sugar Beat 1n egg and vanilla until smooth S1f1 together flour. baking µowder and salt Blend flour mixture and milk alternately into creamed mixture Stir in crushed candy Ptace 2·. ·inch paper liners in mull1n cups Fill cups half full with batter Bake in 375' F oven 20 minutes or until cupcakes test done Cool Top with your favor te fr osting, ;:ind decoratP as funny facec; using assorted c<ir1d1es YIELD 18 cupcakes Peppermint f rosted float 'h to 3/4 cup finely crushed peppermint stick 1 candy 3 cups chilled milk Safety tips for Halloween • Choose costumes that are tight In color and short enough to prevent tripping. Add reflectors In case you return after dusk. • Ute make-up to complete a costume, rather than a face mask. Or be sure the ctUld can see well through the mask. • Accompany your children to houses In famlllar territory only. • .If possible, go out during dayllght hours. ·And carry a flashlight In c ase you're delayed. • Accept wrap~ oonfectlona only. They'll rem ain In good condition longer. i 1 pint vanilla Ice cream Peppermint sticks, whole In container ot electric blender combine crushed candy and milk Cover Process until candy is dissolved 01v1de ice cream into 4 glasses Fill glasses with milk mixture Garnish with peppermint sticks YIELD 4 servings Witches' brew fondue Approxlm ately 32 miniature chocolate candy bars or 10 full-sized candy bars 113 cup half and half or orange juice Fresh fruit, cubes of pound cake or marshmallows for dippers .. In top of double boiler over boiling water combine · canay oars and half and-hall Heat. snmng cons1antty. un11t chocolate melts and mixture is blended YIELD 1'' cups .. . . . . • • .. :: .. ·: Safety rules for pedestrians . • Cross street~ only at the corners, never between cars or diagonally across Intersections. • Look In all directions before crossing the street. • Obey all traffic lights. • Always walk across streets. Running can be dangerous. • Walk on the sidewalks, not the street. • When you are waiting to cross the street, stay on the sidewalk. • Watch for cars that may be backing out of driveways. 1 • arly a utumn bounty • • p1r r ff ordable one -dish dinne r Homl• gur1.h•1111 UIHI IS ll Wllll\kt rut h11k111u 11rq(llllll l1•11v1· ... 1111 .. twd I. ll'.1 .. flllllll "'"' •ld4.' form 11U11\clM ur,· 1n1<1 !'dtt·nt, 11 111 iihcu 11 'i t t' 11 ~ p 11 11 " I 1· u p Ji( 1 11 l 1· d o u n d 1 n g w 1 l h 11utn t111w. c·1•11•al u11J u 111111 Jn 1 um I 1· 11v 1•.,, Mrn1h•11·v J111 k C'11t't'M' ege tu blt•s from the.• 1.·unvt•111t•11t udJ on lu ll u .. lll'd 1• 1 u p 1,.I(11 l a1 MSon's harvest Why rrutt, yu.:u1 t, Mil.id .. 1111d I . I t• II ' " "Cl II wlu·11l 1(1'1 111 t&kl• advunlUl(l' of 1•t·r1.•11li. I t 's ltl(htly 111s1•111111v h·11v1•i..1 ru11h1 .. 1 1 , n1p1111111't-tl j.(rt-t•n c abundu111.·1.• wi th 111111111.·d ;1 11d v111·uu111 '• 11·11:1µ11011 ,.1111 111111111 e-r lpes thut 1.·1all Cui 1>111.·k 1•d 111 11•t tJ111 ll i. Fry bn1•ur1 111 lar g1• 'i 1.·up milk ordabll', ln·:lcasun frt-shm·ss und nutr111v1.· sk11lt·t u11t1I al1110:.l 1.·11sµ '• l 'll p h11 t l1·r 111 etablet;? goodnl•e>s, with nu 111.•c•d Add t'J(l.~pl11111 , onion und 111M1<111·11 w. 1111•llt•d h eat Gt> rm for pn•s..·rvau vcs. zun:h1 n1 Sault• unt il I t'JO(. s l1 1<htl y tatou1lle Casst•rolt· ii; WHEAT GERM 1.1~j.Cpla1 1t Iii t•·ndl'r (about lwult•n ad e with ull tht• RAT AT 0 U ILL E 10 mmutei.) l'la1·1• hull 11 11· 11" po 11 n ason's bl-sl t·~pli:u11, CASSEROLE I h 1· v q( 1• 1aIJl1•11 111 4 111 u r Jo r a 111 11' :i v 1· I'> • ma toes, zuct•htn1 und I i.l11·t·' ba('un, d1n"ll 1111liv1dual l'a:..-..·r11l1.•, ( 11 1 1T11~lu-d nion. Add U'Sly tomuto 1 ~ rn 1• d 1 u 111 111 :.! l'Ups) 1 • ll'aspuu11 p1.·p1x·1 uce, wheat germ und t·~gµlunt , 1·ut 1nt11 Sµoon wlwal g1·n11 1111 t'umb11w l'ltl'. WJll•r lled che<'Se to cn •u tf' a • i-1m·h 1.·ubt.·s vegt•tubll•S Sp1111k It• und so lt 1n suut'l'J.wn. a in dis h th u t ' 11 b1.· I 1m-<l1um unmn, 1.·ut w11h half th1· 1.·ht~·:w Top I !eat lo bc.nlmg Ht'<.lun· ,,elrome at a ny wblt· 11Ho w1'<.lg1·s w 1th t 11mut01· s on u lwal. t•ovt•r and s1mnlt'r ~Or try Pursley Cht.'<.'St' I mt"Cl1um lUl'ch1n1. n·maining v1•gt•tablt·s 25 n1111ut1•i. until wall•r 1s ~ i c e a s a t a s 1 y sltc.'t'd Cumbtnl' tomato saut'l', ubsurbc.'tl Ht>n 1ov<· Crum f hemauve 1.0 pl:un rwt.• ~.) cup r 1· g u I a r watl'r :.ind s1•aMm1n gs h<·al. S11r in n ·ma111111g futt y flavorl'd wheat w ht.·•H gt.•rm Pour ov1·r v1·gl'l.il.Jlt•::. mgn'<11t.·n ~ Spoon 111lu 4 .erm is a delightful 2 1.·ups (8 ounces) Spnnkl1· w11h n •ma1n111g lo li bulll'n•d ti-ounce ~nt to the ri<.'(', cht.'t'W gralt•d M onte rey Ja('k cht'<.'Sl' Bake. uncovt.•n'<.i. md1v1dual bakmg dishes W special seasonings t'ht>c..·~t· at 375 dt•grt-t•!. I" rur :.w &kt· at :l75 d<•grl•es F. e.irsJey and gr<.'l'n omun 2 rn<.'<11um tomaux.-s. mmull's until hot for 20 .minu tes until Ad live l y (lavor and shct:d Make.~ -l st•rvingi. thorough l y heated . folor -mak111g this srde I t•an (8 oum·ps) PAR LEY C ll EESE Llarrnsh wllh diagun allv fish a pleasurl' for thl• tomato saut'l' RICE :.lt1.·1.•<l grt•c.•n o nion 1f t Y.e as well as the pulau• i,, cup water 1 , l'Up u11t'uok1•d 111..·1.• dl'S1red r;;:w;~:l ;·.~~:~•o n ~ I <~~ wat«' Make~ 4 w 6 m<nK'· l f ronJ Rhineland i The Rhine land region :.c:hool or the Northwt•st tr G e rmany 1s potato to pal'k w1111c·r pears. the country. One of the most gro\.()ers snam bling to fa mo us peasant dis hes S(•ll their fruit and bcgm f ro m l his h e av 1 1 v preparauons for the 1983 ~tatoed area 1s a salad fn.-sh Bartlett season f leverly n amed ··Hamml'l H oweve r . f resh .nd Erde" o r H eav1..•n Barllet ls ar£' s t ill •nd Earth madt' with .t va tl abll' thro ugh t qua 1 p o rt 1 o n s o ( November. right now in potatoes and apple'S and plentiful supply and at faten with crisp slrc:t>s of great pm'l':. If you have i n-fried blood saus;1~w bt.'l'n planning to put up Northern CahCornw 1s a box of fr~h BartletlS. ~artlett pear country this 1s the time to buy N ot s u r p rt sing I y , th t• Ba r t If' tt pl' a r s c;; n C alifor nia vNs1on o f t•xtrC'ml.'ly wt>ll ChoosP Heave n a nd Earth usc.•s f irm p ea r s and sort J>eeled and sliced fresh aecording to saze and t:Mrtlell pears mstead o f r 1 p <' n t• s s ( f ur mo r l ' ~pies for a s li ghtl y uniform rnok111 g) Tht• r:,ere nl swC<.'tness and -;kins nl'C'd not be p<'l·ll•d w hcr combinatw n of but do halvc.> and core tht' lures. If you art•n't a fruit Dropping BartlNts §load sausage lover, this 1n salted water ~111 h ot salad complt•mc..·nll. prl'vc>n t thPm fr om inv kind of smokt.-d meat darkl•nmg until you'r<.· or "ribs very well. ready to proc:css them ---,, "'Early autumn mar ks For canning. pack pears '1e beginning of the end l' u t -s 1 de d ow n a n d ' £ fresh Cal1forn 1a process 111 boiling water artlett p ear season bath 20 mrnutes for pints ackinghouscs have shut or 25 minutes for quarts ll t•a,·~·n nnd Earth, with var iations -I nwd1um pol<ltOC'S ti bal'On str1 ps 2 rnl·tl1um o n ions , th1nlv ~lt(•t'<i 4 f rt• s h Bu rt I et t pears. pl'<'lt'CI a nt! slr(•ro I tablespoon sugar 1 , t'Up l'lder vrnegar 1 tc:asp<xm nutmeg • t• u p m 1 n t' <' d pars I<'~ 1 i lC'aspoon pepper ' n producllon. thE' HEAVEl'i & · !l>l'keU---gone back. Lo EARTH '• lt•<e.poon salt _....~~~-'=<--~~~~~~~~~~_;__;_~~~~~~~~~ Coo k potalot:'S 1n boiling watN 35 to 40 minutes or until te ndl'r . Let cool slig h tly. peel and dl('C' into l -1nc h c·ube~ Fry bacon 1n mc·d 1um s ktllt'l until t e n der n nd c·rispy. Removt' a nd dratn on paper towl'l Crumble bat'On. rt.>M•rvang 2 strips !oc \i.lppmg. S;.iute onions ~~~~~~~~~,_;_, E:e -------------- <:a ssl'roll' lakt>i, a d vanlagt• of season. 1n r(.·ma1n1ng bal·un dnppmgs un til tc•ndN, about 3 or -I rntnull'S Comb1m· all rngn'<ircnts in a 2-quart tasserolc• dish Bake 111 :n5 degree· oven for 20 m111Ule!1> or unlll hee1ted through Garnish w11h rescr vt'd bacon and w ith parslc.>y sprigs and tomato w e dgt'S, If d(.•S1 rl•d Mak~ -I lo 6~v~. A HONEY IMtEDllAM GIFT CERTIFICATE IS A GIFT IN GOOD TASTE. Our gift certificates are a perfect way to say thank you or congratulations. They are an easy & convenient way to do your Christmas shopping early. Give a gift that is appreciated by the entire family. Our gift certificates are available and redeemable at any location. WE SHIP COAST TO COAST , USA + ALASKA & HAWAII .,~"' A MA9QA '-A•(W()OCI N($1 CC • .-.> •...QO• .. <.i., ·~!JV!t n f • 4•• .\, 4 •f •4'A f6•• 4-.,•4 ..... ~· W~•VCJHlLS ·.or>~~( \.A~J()Sf ~ ... .., ... ( ••t.C A '0 •~i•"'-l::>f"i": ~ •• "• a • ••f ..:oo.·.g"••JQt ~,e.o-..,"'O""" ......_ Authorized bg the Hummel Family I IA,\ llCI<,\ f,.EU II\ 4;\ ~ht;' • <! \~ \ ,,. .. Rted & Barton Sih.'tnmiths ,,,, -)w, ""i...i "'" 1<1 llw •·>!Id ........,., "'"' ""'""-! ........ _,"'"" l:A(t.,,,l.Jlt,f •• ............... ,b"ftrt1C11...,,..,.ft,,.r1r1.._~1"rllt "'~,,_,,,~ ,.., . ..,..,, 11\#.tm..lo:""'J-1""'4•i.,_.f ......... ~ 8••"''*",,. Sl'f5ilt•~J -· H.."11tftcli> 11 nu.~ I ""' ''"'-Lo<to.H' I -,....,.....,,..,,.,.,._.,.,,...M.IO"" "'"'""""'.it.""" "i."1> rtir.-,htttr ~"''"' \l\of l'14\Vf"'i~'--- "fM-.n ______ _ ,.,.,.. I I I I I Libby's Lite.cuts out the sugar. \'ou cut out the savings. • ~tllmltt\.""""'4t"'l~t"\..,.f~,.9~..... "*'"' ---- =:::·;~.:"'..!"'::.=. l ... ~ lmt' "'""' T1or llt.i. ,.....,... ,,..,. "~· -·~l-..W•O...C ... -• ....-~._....rl .. _ ............. lt ............ _.. ..... I ...... _ .. _ •t., ..... o--... _hw..I••""" ''"' i...tlc\ t.r~"°""""''"'''--'"'•f"'"""' . ......_ ". LITe.1 FRUITS t•nh,um...-r f •r • JI• n ,~, pur rh....... f ....... s roflf I t I ru U'' """ t""4ftt1rr,J I "ft~UU • r 11\~ I 1\ flJ1.ttl'"~fi.lt~ ._...lt°'L.•\ t,~,, r r• i· ht•.UJJ1f)f1\•_.I "'' r1.i •' ir .1 .,~ .. tf•I• t .,,. n• C..ahfonu.t l 11ttwh o,.ft,t•""•·h\1111Ut .. 1\ \t"llUfOM• \ ..... J'41t,~ '''' .11.1.-,1l1tr·r-.i·r,n'IJet.l\oootntl\our • nr,f'l•lfll, It t'* • ''"J·l1••J...,.1lt\O,.W¥m''"'ht un. r i -\m ~r "TT~""" •·•·•n·,tttu....., ffttorf tnw,w - ~ .. """., ... J•Uf•h.1 ... ,,, 11.urf.(NOt,tc:llf~ tOV"''f..tH ''""I*'''',-,.,_,,..,. t11••I u , .. , t..-· tihfMn u1.itK1 n-..1Ut:ttl I t .>J\jJun' m .. 1\ ,,.,, t• '"""'l''~I hf' tr.rndf"m<d \,.likJ ~h•·rt J•f•1t11t11h .. ! 11\1,.lof N~tOl14'dlJ) Ll\111 <:.n,f1 \ .. 1lu• I :!\Mt•''' •. ,., ' 11r 1 u'ltr;flw·r mutt JQ •n) ~ff"' , .. , R•..-t•·• 111 •• ,.r\ 11) m.1t1lllliJ tn Cah?u,nla r ..;tru.-.·r' fitrl'I ( ,,.. '"*'"' Pf 1 Rr~, 7 l'9 \tfM,mt ''''"' ... ~I 111.1101• t14 ... , 1t) t. \PUCA Tl•)~ ll\l F \pnl Ill l'IU I •l >i11flt•utt~I t1\ < ..il1l••rrn0f 1 .mt\#""'"' (,rn\•u·r'li S.m frar"M '""' u f \ l 1Mlt1r ·tr-. .. a.~mar~ l.tt t1n"'' c GOOD ON ANY SANl·FLUSH•IN·TANK CLEANER Mr OH"" W•d•-illfll"'tCIOVl>Ofllto• ,_ v...,• ~ 7c 1>1nc:t~no piO\l'Oid yOu """ ,.,.., cu•IMnllf• ,, • .,. complieo ,..,,, Ille If',,,. nl lhtt oflAr Alty ol"9r U!itl COfl 111~111~• "•lld '"'' couoon W)tll •I P'OOI 01 PV•Cft•Je ol "'~ ....... ,,..,. II) <'()Wtr •V 191lftm(Jl<C)ll\ •• not tullll'~l«l °"·~I 11 rouvon 0 110 Ud 1111111e1110 O• l)rft.mtc1 by -1\0l A .... ~ Cl>•IOIMIM 01 "'9(111«1 P'odltl<'lf•I Of 11 •••eel 11e...-•et1•<1!ICI01P'OhoOll4'Cll'IY ..,,. .::«l"wme< mini P"V """ ..... ••• Ofl<lf lfmlled 10 - CO<'flOn Pfll ""''MM C.un .. 1u1 f 701 Ml ol COUlll)rlt IO 00119 lll•Owly 01v111or1 PO 8o11 R 1'1'1 fl PHO f9•ft 1W10 -~------------• Some canned fruits have added suuar We cut 11 out in Libby's lite There's no sugar added 10 our Peaches. Pears. Pruir Cockrail or other . One fru11s They're packed in a blend of real fru11julces, for a fresh frui1 1as1e ~O\" enJo~ our grclu 1Jstc and cu1 out a nice savings when you buy any can NO SUGAR ADD£CJ To celebrate the Sanl-Flush 70th Anniversary, we're offering two great ways to save money. A 15¢ coupon toward any Sani-Fl1,1sh In-Bowl Cleaner and a 1oe coupon towards any Sanl-Flush In-Tank Cleaner . Anniversary Coupons from Sani-Fluah: .. What a way to celebratelll ' \ \ ~· • ,....redeem these "11111111 , coupons at any store ~ , selling these ' products ' - Now you get More Raisins in Nutri-GraiDM than any N tr . G . -other cereal. u I· rain Hurry!Save 30( No preservatives and no sugar added. • KuliOVO Couo!Mny c 1982 KfilOOQ Co<npeny SAVE .75C Wild Blueberry Muffin Mix OFFICIAL MAIL·IN CERTIFICATE FOR FREE HERSHEY'S SNACK SIZE STORE COUPON To OtC ~' tlort coupo11 l0t • ''" btO or Hefltlfy'tiRttse's Mr Snack Sire C.n<1X semi th1t compleled form. 1lot1o wtth Mr• thrM 13) proors o p1.11cnau (net w1 allttmtnts lrom p ea· Ms -----.,,1,...,,...-.,-,,.-,,..-.,-,\'0l-1 ------!991 from lllY of these 1tt1a11ty't1Attse's canotes· Snt~lt S1tt,30•CountTravt.ouny9, 120l 14ot 1>1gofHt1$1My'1 MO•eu __________ ._, --- Assorted Mrnliturn. Att1t's Mln11lllf1$, ROfo 01 Twiu1t11 an<I Ont 11 I PIOOI ol purchaae (PkO ~rel with platlle tt· Citt --------sr~11 ---l•o -,-"'"-.. -,.,.-1 mowcll from '"Y. 91c1tage 01 "h t tt•<ly" Gtntral Purpost AOt 8'11trlt$ or 1ny 'htrtfdV" fltthUghl IM•tl (llO(•I -1~ n ,. J) ~ "I """ M •• ,.,.Y,...,.l .... Y'I "'""OY o•••• ~·IJOnll l11mt 0!!11 0000 ollfy Illus A Yoid "ht•t oroM>'" seno 10 -""" ..... -.... 1Vfd Of ~ ... fl'111C.led ~r'lti> Ti!IS OfA11flCAlE MUS~ ,,0 .... 1112 K.COMPN4V VOVll ACOUUl AHl> MAt r.QT 9( RlPl\00\JCfO ~.Ct..... O!ltt nptfff OtoftnOtr '' t9t2 Qnly1111tr•llinOto111 111dMdlll! lf/lllty 910tip OI O<folllll•tto41 Af!Ow "9111...-1 IOf t~I """"'" ... ,.._ .. ~ _ _....,.,..,,_c.., Hfltl!lt ,_,tm Offt .. Of'llNIDl~11 1111 f ----~C...C.., o..y CfOMlt o • I I I I I I ,.,,.,, Ornngo COOll DAIL v PILOT /Wednotdoy, October 20, 1982 C3 1-.--------------1 I I I I I O't't2'l'l 0009E SAVE30( I . --------------8 SAVE 75Co······zi FLINTSTONES-VITAMINS Regular, Plua Iron or With Extra C 10 OfAUll. Yllll ... "''""''"a 10 Kl ...... '9f"' '°' '""··-'°"Of'"" -we •• •e.mouru '°"' 1or the ''" titut 011"'' couoon P'lit le nM101ng 1t v$ed '" ICCl)fdll'ICt ••Pl lr!f l)ffft \!Itta ,..,eon lrttOiC.U snowing CMCf\Hot\._•~ Int •• ,, 90 OITI Of klff<;Jtnl ''°'' 10 co.tr t°"oon' oii-senteo m11\t bl' 1no.n uoo; 1t0Uf\I CUft$1,,1ftitf musi PJY MPf ~1 ,., •"-O'••O \41"o •nen OltsttHeO o, 1now •M lit not ,,,.,, o.w1c;...1or1 Of 'NI mt1cnand!N ~~':C.~~C:.:e"'iDt.JfoO:: ;',\'':i1l'£0Stltl1&o=~g~1s~t·1~,,. e!,~',~rc-~':'~'''~- !>11.)4 l '"'' Olwl COUPO~ Pl R PuRCHASt COUPON EXPIRES •130113 fltnt\tOOti 1) I hiOt"'•" al Col~bol P1tlltifft:\ Hidw .. lllill ln.c t.'1~\ l ~OOttll)ltf\ In( 4'ilnot•lf'CI IJ\e' C 198? ~IMW'I' 81/0ftl "'~t.ltO"" I~ c •98l t,11le$ t -"°''•' one: 16 500 35096ti ---------------.I 41W --------------- ~TORE COUPOll save20<: on your next purchase of ·Utter Green. lht ,al 1111'1 lh•I lo<lllOh odot• h<>t1e1 than uw '••d•"<l < 14) Iott tr 44000_ 602654 44600 103434 .. --------------SAVE on your next purchase o1 f©i atHffi_:_ General Purpose Batteries or Flashhghl ANY PACKAGE FOAM SAVE2 ~·l('f TO O(.t, f" 'fi1111 •• ,,..,Ni•teo '° ~ '' ..... ,., ,...,.~.,~ ..... ('Al:Jool' .. .flCOIC.,_• •'°'I"'• 1 •. ,,., ltiw-·f'"1' /ff,.. 1•"" hrM"""\. , ....... ,.~·10• .... \.°"'" .. ~.,, « ~(""""'O·~~ D"'"''10ff1Qv#"'CI'-. ~'""" ""'"Hl •t"l'"t:'•"'.,.,."', ,, ... , .. ~,-..--· l .. O'l~·l~Ol·O"'•~W"."lt'.Dl"\O-f"il'C'i"'P1"'"'•1·~ t'•~t·"-QWC .. •'\'1""\ ..... otr'•l"J(•\'f!ll¥•~•"IO'I 'O ~.-· ~N"\ ~"*f•'N ~, ~~ ..,..., ... "" .... , .0\) .. ~·"°''""~'"'°' .0• •"CN'~'O" .o..:. 1 .. ;x-"t\ ~-'tr ~~ ,, -~~'\tit."''"'°' ~ ... , ,._.. ... fJl.\(Clrrt;:P" \"10""•••1\'' .C-•~)Ol'OO"tO"Oo'• d-\·\.:.eot .-----...... ~ ....... ••.e:•·~-....,,,_,~°'""'°' ........ ~ r _.'\ 0-1'1,...,"#"lc.·•re~•N W'°""'l'i'' O' <NI °"'t"4...SW 1"~ \Of'Ctl(.f t l•r'IO•ltO t. 111 to ,.,.,,..,.. ,~ .. , ·~· W""'"P'~ •n~ o• ..... tof""\• ""OIW "<''01" (~..,,.,..·~,I~ • .., M-h ~ ~fO~ l1iotf •fl•,...._Q>~ Hf+t"'«St•l .. ,.., C.,,. ri~llO~tC ~'°~"°""'"Mr ~~CA•l!llOE C()fl~HO-. II' 0 IM:).t 10?~ C ~ IO•• $11)4 COU"'ON l~llNCl"'9l~JI 1~ 99997 10017 9 ·I -Rel••le< Her--..~ •• ~ ...... .-..._.,...,..,.,_ ••iu. Qlua 7 < "8ndling 11 you ,..,_. ""° -· .. Slr'Cl!V., _.,.,,.,. -IN 1e<ms ot ll"t ott.. ""° ot uoon ._... you '""""'' """*'<:• """"°' sattsl.oclO<y 10 Her"1ey Ct'OCOlate eomo.>y ~·may no•°" U~011tansl1<r.., C..s-mv~o.ya11yaai.11 .. 111>.o..- P'-l.O IUllCIOlrelloc:l..,Oylaw Good 0111y111US.A C1M>ve1Uet '1'0ottc F01re ~o!P<-'Y•~9dllldl\a- ==.~~~·TI COMl"ANY ... O. loa 1117, Clinton.-• 51734 ~ U~MS OICllllHA 31, I tea, UllllT a..t COUl'ON Pfll l'UftekAN. 314000 102 .. &7 1 JI Orange CAi~lt OAll Y PIL-OT IW d11u1tluy, Oc:IOlJ r 20, !Ott~ . Prize-winning harvest of easy apple recipes Uy llAttUAtt A fUBBONS :;"J.'hl!j mun I h 'x Sl1111 Ct~t>urnwt Ht·111lt•r lll''11x• lt\~l)\(>ll l ht Ill~!> U'I II [~•lfVl'ht of l'llSV H pµh• 1"4'1('1pt•s A .. up•·• •0111pl1• ~.J'M und h.1k1· 'pre" 1.i1k"s tlw to p 11117'· 0 r at',. :l "' t • 1 t q: ''I ll! ntown. Pa w111 .. my ·: .r~ 1 .i h , 11 "c1 1-: a s y tloo~buok" (Mtwn11ll1rn> fw this d1>hc·1o u s dis h • 01\ACE ZWEIZIG'S ' WISS APPLE PIE 1 ~AA 1 tt•aspuu11 \'.1111 ll.1 I \ tlill't I l\llJI 1 ll'uspuon b,1k1 ni.1 I"'" tl1·r 1'11wh of sail 7 tublespoon ....... ug.ir (ttl ~ t .1 l> I e s p o u II .., ~!I ,111U 1:1 tdl ( l"Ul'tOSI') I nwurum .1pplt·, 1w1·ll•d. l'Ort•d, l'ho ppt>d O ption a l 1 , l'UP 1 h.1µix-.I nuL.; O pl ton<il Sugar • 11 hst llut1• lo equal 2 1 1hlt'spoon s s ugar tJ I II kl•L<;) Rl'at 1•gg and vanilla 111 ~1·tla·r Sllr flo ur , 1>.1king powd('r, salt anti -.11 gar tugNht•r: add to th <' 1•gM mixture. B1•nt smooth (batH•r "111 bt• thick). Sur appl<· \\tlh nuts a nd s uga r .;ubst1tUlC'. tf using: fold 111 w b a tte r . Spread in 1111 n s t1c k 8 -int:h pan, ... p ray(.ld with cook ing ;.pray Bake in pre heated ~ 111-dt·gree oven 25 to :rn 11 rnutes. until li g htly hr11wned S<•rve warm or l'Old l\l.1kt•:-six servings. 120 l .d1irH·s each (optiona l 111gn•d 1\o'n ts add 700 , 1loril·::. per servmg). !\1 1 s W a I 1 a l' L' l '1 nmplon of R1chboro. I• 1 wms with this easy 11 t ipt• for poaL·hed 1·~.d 1•s .good for 111 l'il kfa s t. s nack" or .i, ... :-.rrl (Pa<:k cd 1n CJ 111t1ll Ja r. they travt.'1 111 1 11whboxcs. loo) POACHED APPLE 1; ctpplC'S I c·up <.¥ater • t·up white wrnl• f .. 1 ,·1<frr. or water> :~ tabk'Spoons raisins Few d r ops vanilla t ll.lfa{'t Pinch of grated h ll)Ull p<:'C I Optional: SW('('lencr l.1slt' (..2uJrlL•r the appk'l> .rnd , mov(' the p eel a n d -•. •re>" Heat reniammg 111L•r1'<11cnts in a covC"rC'd f 1 llN or pan. Add the 1pplt·~ ma single layer Cover and cook JUSI m lrl tender-firm (about I 1 minutes for cooking 1pplL'S. 5 minutes or IC'SS t11 r c·a t1n g apples) l<o·move fro m hea t . 11 11 c.· o v e r a n d {' o o I 1Sw1'l"ten the "syrup" to t h t c·. if desired. with 1Kar substitute). Refrige rate until ,,, rv1 ng time, serve d 11 lled. Makes e ight D on't get s t ung by bee pollen Bee p o ll en: i t 's ~ .i.upposed to..he the lat.est 1 hrng in good health. ~'>Id in specialty stores I 1v the jar and somewhat 11· ... e mbhng wheat germ 1n color and texture. bee pullen is promoted as a hPa lth food . cure-all. protein enhancer and a godsend t o a l lerg y sufferers. One widely public1i.ed cl<11m is that "a mere 35 J{ra m s o f h o n eybee pollen every day" (less than four tablespoons) will satisf y the total n utrition needs or the average person. "T h at's nutritional hogwash ," says Dr. Ju dith S . Ste rn , professor of nutrition nnd dittetor of the Food Intake Lab at University of Calllornia. Davis. Stem •tresses thal th e mo st sensibl e and heallhful d iet includes prude nt choices from all four food group1 -milk. high protein meats and bl'•ns , fru i ts a nd vt>getablea. breads and l't'rcals -not bee poUen. ''Th irty-five grams of f"vcn the most tnergy- dN1~ food component, mt, would provtde only 315 caJories." she NY•· "That'• not enouah to sustain a human being no mauer whal other nutrlentt the product mlf'ht contain." ' l\l'I Vlllg11 . 7 !I t'll 1111 ll'~ l'llt h l\.·v1·rlv 1''1 l·1·1h11u11 111 T 11111111u, ·c.11 . w1ni. w111t 1lw1 lip fur lill8•" ln·t· d11•tl'l '1 a.EV'S Sl lGAnu ;ss DIETITIC' BAK E D APPLES: H1·111ovc· tlw ro11• .mJ p.11 t or t tw top l>e.'i:I from ~1k1111i upph-s, wing t•11r1•flll 11ot tu 1·u1 throu.ch tlw bottom 1"111 t• a ,. h n p p I L· w 1 t h I t I .... :. p () l l I\ r {I I li I n !I ' ·' .. prtnkll• of t 1111wn 11m, ti prices good thru oct 26 mannated th••ll 1•.t, 1111d ',,! dll'll'I 11 1'111(111 II 11• 1 ,1111 ll1•s Add 1 I I llfl \\ ltlt'I 1111 l'<tdt ll JJJll l•, tlllll liuk1· Ill II 11 11\'t'I t•d d l s h .1 1 .I / .1 dq,i11~·-. .1IMlltl ,11J 111111Ult"• tll 1111111• 1111111 lt•111h•1 (111 11111'111\V,tVt• 1111\lt Wllll I nu k •. 1 •• 11 " t 1• :1 1 llll l1U lt'" l.t·I ri•'l I llllrtt1l1·" ) 1-'..ll'h li11k1•d 11ppl10, llUnil1111"i. (0.•vi·rly 11ul.{gt·'ll~ 1·1111111( ba k1·d 11ppl1·.., with a grup1·f1 u11 'p111111, 1111• st•rrall•tl 1•d g1· 111.1k1·.., 1 t 1 .1s y t11 l lit 11110 tht• l'lkllt I M1•1'•· 1·11..,y 11,1ph• lllt•w, 1-:AS\' MH'I O WAV E A 11 I' l. f<: S A l I (' t•: (~11o111t•1 llllJllill'tl lllJIJh•" a11d 111111 ,1w11v tlw 11111 1\ 11 ,111~1· 11ppl"' 111 .i 'llll(lo• la Vt 'I 111 ,1 lo:IJi.i. h.1k111u d1-.1t l'ov1•1 w 11h pl.11'111· \VI ll lJ M1110\\'<1V1· 1111 h1j(h unlit .1ppl1·' .111 · vc•ry ''''' '1'11111· cl1•11t•11tls ml qua11111v 1111tl IVfll' 111 applt•s It l' Ill CJ \ I. I I II 111 11111 r11w,1v1· .ind t 1101 fresh 1 silver salmon BllM GOURMIT lhrnuu~lllv S<n1p1 ••t>Jllt · f111t11 f'4 '1'1 Wllh ,1 '1)101111 S1111 I' Ill lh1• It, I IHl'I Jt111 ("IA. l 'I 11•11 Ill l.1:.ll'. If tit•'llf l•d) l<:.1\'ll 1 4 I \I JI M'I VIII~ ,q1p111>-1111.11t ·ly 50 1 ,tl11111·.., (w11houl Ml~1ll ) "FfillW " APPl.~S l'llt Ull)W I l'tl •1J1plt•'> 111111 1l111·k 'l lr•·•·'>. 111111 .1w.1y l 111• I ii 111• SJ' I II V ,1 1111111it11 k 11k1lll•t ltl>1:r11lly wrtlt rookln~ 'i/>ruv /\ 11 .111~1· t IC' .1pplt• ""' , . ., 111 ... i.111uh· luyt·r Atlcl :t tablt.,.pouns whrlt· ""1111· or w11 11•r u 11d I h·u,.p110 11 c.Jll'l ni.11 )(a1 In<• for 1·11d1 .1pµh• S p1111kh.• lr1othlly Wit h ~'111111.Jfl)llll <.'ottk lltll'OVl'I <•<l. u1111I 11w1o;t urc· 1•VJp11rHl t•ll T urn and 1~1(1k Jll"I unul \~. • no dealer sa1es • limit rights reserved health valley g olden hawaiian chips 5 oz. bag 119. 1.J9 lightly l>rowrw<J (~·1 v1· w I t h I' u n ,. 11 k t· 11 • 1 I d1•11111·1 ) ~;111'11 aµp l1• lll'l'Vt'll l WO, :'>O l'LI lorl••11 1'4'r 1wrv111g HAW Al 'PLt:SAlJCF. l'u rt'l' purt·d t•1ir1·d Jt<"t-d .1p1Jlt'tl 111 tht< loud pr111-."S.• .. 11r using tht• strt•I h I a cl t• S " r v l' 11111n1·d1Jtl·ly, 11r udd i t1•<1bJ)(l(lll'j l1•nt111t JUH'I' (Ill ,, t•ru s hl•d v1ta111111 C tahlt•l) tu kt•<•p upplc• (1111n I U I rllllK lirown Y 11•l<l I 111111 t•ut•h ~1ppl1" hilo hawaiian iumbo papaya •t I' I' r 11 x 1 m ,, t 1· I v ti IJ 1 .. 1tor11 .... SllRF.l>U t:O APPl.t; RAI S I N C Alll\0 1' S ALAD P 111 I (WUJih<>d) UOJ)('4 °l1•d 0Jj1pl1• n n d 1 ( ~ c· 1 u h h 1• d I unp11r1 •cl 1·ar111t tt11 OUJlh lht• 1d1rt.<ddtnJ( cl11'k or " li I 1• n J 1· r A d ti I tablt-spoon t·ud1 n11i.1111<, 1>!.1111 lo wlat y111<(Urt , . ' I I Jot h t . ' I 11 w f •• l 111ayor11HHsl'. max wt·ll Makt~ four ~·1 vml( ... .i~, l'JIOrt<'b t'ttl'h l~ .• 98 l~ .• 98 back to basics holiday baking specials! new crop!!! pecan~ b:'~.;;'~~. 2. 98 new crop!!' almonds bulk only . "· 2.79 1~.1.S9 new crop!!! walnuts _bulk only ~ \: ,...~. 4.29 l~.2.~ escondido juice co .. fresh pineapple-papaya • • (whole or half · cut -wrapped · tree !!) health 11 1 h .. f 1 va ey rea awa11an ru t JUICe 1 99 32 oz. bottle "t· 2.S9 • wt w•ll t>e sampling u cono100 1u1ce~ '"our lus11n s tort on lriOoy •no ou• nl'wport bee.ell 1110te on satu1de ''!· 1~. 4.9s 1&. 2.89 granola beef k-bobS '~~i~on steaks tcenter cutl haon1 ~r::nb~:d~~~~S9 r~. I~. 3.98 lb. 3.49 .99 .. awa11an 16 oz. loaf ~-,-r;-;f_d _p1_tt_i_e_S-"'-5-IO-. -bO-J( ---J1j1 rtj. I~ S.98 lb. 3.69 dr~so~i~!u. ,,... us 39 I/ sfuff ed Snapper 8 oz each ChaOrCn 0nUf Oil Ii (not to exceed 25°0 fat content) 2 69 ''!· N. 8.9S box 7 .45 ''!· •· s.98 ••· • 14 oz. bottle ~· 1.8S 1.69 direct from the islands hawailan sun juices cantlies & preserves!! 10% o ff H•• !O"tf, on any ol 111ese ltrnt procucts lrom newau c;lloose from a large selection 01 tropocet l•u•I . 1uic;es m.caoem1a nul cen01ts & prese,..,es fantastic foods Irvine ranch farmers market great for the bar·b·Que l I tempura batter strawberry preserves 10 oz. jar rtt· 2.4S 1. 79 10 oz. box rtt· 1.29 • 99 homemade jarlsberg swiss '19· I~. 3.98 lb.3.49 lrvlne ranch farme·rs market small french .rolls pkg. of 12 1.19 homemade Irvine ranch farmers market assorted fruit danish pkg. of 4 rich's all white turkey breast rtt· •· S.49 lb. reshly prepared veggie ulad "I· •. 1.98 lb. 1.49 HOT LINE• 831 ·4408 PIHM let u• •r1ow 110• wt cen .. ,... y011 Delltl Your Ol>MIV•llef\1 lte lfTIPOf1M I Md ft value yovr l141Mtlon1. Aa• lor Jon Hu1>1>ero • Prn t0en1 11.•llly Weyfle, Vic:• Prn loenl or Tony ,..,.,, o.n.ret MINIQ9f •• waldon's new Hallan sugar free dr1ul119 12 oz. bott10 "I· 1.71 1.491 lUl~EQ'!ll~~q • Trading session sparks refunders convention 8 y Marlin Stoune Thus 11S tht· :tt•ll"Oll f•H' t'ef und1•r11 1•1111 v1•11t1111111 During 1h1· 111•x t ft·w Wl•t•k11, 1.'01\Vt'llllllllll Will ht· hl'lcJ an Jonl'bvillt'. Wlis, Tt·xurk111111. Tt•xw1, Vuorh1•t•t1, N ,J • Mohalt', A I a . a rHI S 1111 tu C' nu. , Calif., us w"'ll a11 tn Walm1ngton, lnd1u1. upolis. C'h1t·ago and u doz.t.•n olht•r' 1·1 tws. What's :i rv!undf'rs (.'Ori Vl'll t11111 '! ll's 11 h11( gt·l · togetlwr wh1•rt• a vid l'llUJJUll d1ppt'rs und rl'fundt•1':. \and bt·~1111w rs , l(lu~) s!)\•nd ll duy or an enUrl' wc.•1•kl'nd trad111g rt'fund ful'ms, t•uupons, lx>Xtops 1md lal)(:ls. nnd a lot of wonderful stones about their money -savi n g cxperwnces. My first t•onvt'nllon of this ·fall season. was tht• Sec:ond Annual Nt•w J er sl'y Couponing a nd Rt•fund1ng Convention rl'<.'<.'ntly held at a hotel an Fairfield. N.J. When 1 arrived on Friday evening. more than 150 refunders were cnjoymg the excitement uf their first tradtng session. The hotel had provided large. rou nd tables that seated eight Llnd eonvcntioneers wen· moving from table to table showing each othN the forms they--ha<l tu trade Refund forms are traded on the basis of 1--1-1, regardless of the value of offer. Most of the C'Onventiont'erS had their extra forms 1n "magnetic" style photo albums where thev were easy to look a·t and prote<:ted from a lot of handl ing Some conventioneers came with several albums bursting with forms. Casi Bruno of Verona, N.J .. arrived pulling a small wagor. filled with albums and cartons of boxtops and labels. (Ht•r hus band, John. made the cart for her!) After convention organizer Dee Koch was assured that the tr:iding session was off lo a good start. she as ke d beginners to join her in one of the meeting rooms for a class thcit would introduce them to "organized" couponlng and refunding. She explained why we save I all o ur boxtops and labels, why w e trade refund forms by Mall and she answered a lot of good questions. 1 have never been to a convention where I didn't learn something new and the New Jersey convention was n o exception. When I traded refund forms with Evelyn Solberg of Morris Plains, she showed me how she kept her small proofs-of-purchase 1n plastic notebook pages designed to store 35 mm color slides. Each page had 20 square pockets that were perfe<:t for her POP seals. The trading session co ntinued with "time-outs" for door prizes and refreshments. and didn't break up until after midnight. At 8 :30 the next morning, the trading session beg~ again and there were ever. more refunders than the night before. Fortunately. the session was held in the hotel's grand ballroom. but by m id-morning it was a tight squeeze moving from one table to another. I really believe that most of the con ven tioneers wou Id have k e pt trading through the lunch hour but for the fact that chicken a la Francese was being served and tables had been set around the hotel's lovely indoor garden and pool. During the m eal we paused and each table had a qualifier round robin, which involved ~ing envelopes full of boxtops and l abels around to enable each of us to take out the ones we wanted. The des.1Crt was peach melba and I left the table with more than a dozen empty Sanka packets. T he tl'adlng conUnued throug h ou t th~ afternoon ond I met • lot of wonderful coupon cllpr>el"I and rcf\.lndera. c ... ..,, ... ~ 0*1,, ...... -. .............. , ... Clip out .~...:-........ .,,, ...,, " wltll 1lmllar oH h•olt coupon• - btvtr•o• rtlund offer• with btY«ttt COllPoftt, lof Ptmplt. ,,.,, ~ !flt ,....., prooft or pur en••• wn11• 100" mg tor me ••llUlted f l>llllt at lhll aupe111111 i.et In ll•W•P•P•rt ano 1111giu1t1 .. 1111d when t1adln11 wtHl t.111111a 0 11 ... • mey 1101 oo •vallaOll 111 all ,,, ••• 1>1 thl tountry Alh>w tO ,...,,.to •.eel•• ••Cl'l 1alu11d lilt lolluw11111 ••lurld ulfara have • valuo 0 1 SO SO T II••• ull11 a oon'I require • 1ttw10 rorrn MRI ftW IRT'I Ft1111 EOll Oller P O 8'rii' 4\1_. Oelilt• Conn , 06083 Re<.tJIVIJ II IAIUll<l 011 lhD purclltH j)ll(:fl OI f do&tn eQQt up t o S t S tnll the .. N11H1tlo11 111tormellon · p1111a1 '"'"' It• t-pound pa,i.1110 or 1nv Mra FllOarta S<lll Ooldttn Ma1u11•lne 11110 tlll\ r11111~l111 lftP•' wilt. thu puri.1'11'* p11ce ot 11111 ooum IOQu• ClfCled t-xpiret Nov :JO. 198~ MRI. FILBIRT'I 100 P11•c.,111 S o!.!l...QJL1l ngtuno, P 0 Bo• u 7 '1 lle1t1n. Conn 0110.111 ll•ntJ lh• u•••11 Nu111t1on 1111m met1011 .,.,,.1 ltlllll ... P•llkau .. Of '"Y Mia FlllJ.,t a IOI.I 11•,.l.•nt Curll Oil Ma11111111• I arJllH N11v JO 11182 f hel• tltfUf t (e"IUlt tt f ehHHt fo1111l •OllOIN $;' no 0111111111 ""'' H•hlllO 198:? 8011!1 111• r1tQVlt"1I r•lu111:1 lorn' an<J flvt HI ount• nnct or 12 01.ll1Co ttn111 111111•1• ft um llorder. Sh'O'• w111pi;ed Sue .. E•plrat Oac 31, 1011~ KllAFT Pa .. lilt tlu<.k Motunc:I 01101 A0<.•l•e 50 1;enl• lo• lf8(;h 2 pounct pa11{ll end 20 ce11te tor aMC:ll llthat tl•11tt IQr e 10 181 (If UJ1 Ill S 1 8t11cJ lh• requ1re<1 ••lun<l tuHYI, th" llot111 and w1go11 1vm1>01 u11d "'" 11a1 weight from 1111y v1u 111ty 01 K• alt Chu11k Ct•.,cldar ""'' Comy Cn.,esos I ~11""' Jon J 1 1118~ KftA'f OILUJr;I 6111-H VII•• l'\8"ell/• • t I <001/0ll IUI ljlOVllil II••' St11HI 11te rtqulrec:I • •lu11tJ 101n1 •t10 in1•" U"lv11r••' l'•C1<1111.1 1.ut.l• ay11111 ul• h u m •nv th••• 1••• kauo• ul o II ou"'' nr 111o•r •I•• ul K• all Owlu '" 111111•urt1&d &HtK.i••• (,.,, • ., •• •lh..oa (•HV .... ,. •• ,. I •f.lllH 0... l 1, 11/UJ 1100 01.r "'"" \ t Huhrno 1.)11•• ?,,•11Cl Hlu t e1iu11 t•IJ 1 •1lut11t lu101 a11d auv~11 loht~I ffom ~,9y11 I 1111110 01 SO\I" Utu I •ll"to~ tlto• 11 108< I NACK MA Ul f , .. lioOklat Htc lllve ,. '""'tlfl b UUldat, • '~ ce111 coupon rur f>1111~k M1to, a :?6 c;e11t COUQ(lll IOI lwO dlll•••fll :>11a1 k CrftCk••• and it '1 SO •tt•vuct utt .. , tn1 m S und th• 11111u1ta<l 1otu11t1 fott11 n11tl 2~ 1.•nt- 0 I) & I II U II e IHI Ii II II d II n U N 0 p11tt h•ltt I• Utt<.ll"t"'Y f A~.tlf u• lli.J.'....}L1ill W llOHT WAI C lllRI S 2 t....uuµuu fw uny W•ogfll W•tt,fttu• "'''"" "1aol C\er11t th., '"4ttffe4.J ••luntJ lwm 11110 l>vo 1noul• 1.11 P\.lrl.hltlt ""' or1111e tlUllt JjUt.k'4U• flMJ) ... ~'"' ''"'" any W•tijhl Wntctiure tnuon 1ttoal h •1,>ltt1• {)11<. :11 . IUIJJ ''''' '' 11 retunCJ 101m you 1.011 w•ll11 lt>r tt $I ~uh ••l1H1<l lllwl1tl~ l1111nh1110•• •. hot CIOO• '"Id '·"'• or < tllf.ktt11 from C tttua1 S•Httld Uuvw, l •tobuoy l UK P1c.111t P1w•twr•. 1> o !lo. 104.l MfttJlu JllftUl, M inn ·j~J-48 C,end u aolf 1&tlfht1•••4J. •h . .i11ped dnvulup.-ltH tr111 h11 m T h1& 1JU0t uAµl1 or-u.,c ~I 191l2 -- II'• l•1llCJw1t1u 1ulw111 ''"•" ••• Wl)llll \ l!J ~0 I 1111 l<1il•JO•lllQ 1ulu1t1.l UlllU U1J'1wf•' '"'fUl!v ft 1ttfu11CJ f(JHH NABllCO r '"' St111c;h T111 1• 0 tlh• 118J , """"" Am1irlf.a Mlttll ~!>JUll S u nd mo 11u1d1••n t.C.mflfltl'ltlUU ••Hals ftOltl IUty tlu tlU ol tho t1.111uw11111 Nat11ac.n A11111..~ t.r 1tCkm t\ Whuwl ll1ma tr IN4.1Ul L.h1t.ti\1tr1 iu o U111u1 'iuc.11tt1httt fiw11a Ctmtum Unum (.,tutdctor" Uacu11 f l11n11 Vnootuotn I him. A t.nYHlty Cnu k•'' ;uuJ ,., r;tfUtN 11111,ti•ti., u11d h 1utrt11nu f '''''"' "'" '11 1111\J 1111+, .. r.ltoti. rnquir•, 11di;tuJ '""" llUli DIAMOND S t!.••'• l1•hmd nu.,, '101•0 tho '•fl•J•r•U tohHtcJ '""" a11tJ 4t t•t,•1 ftclfu • ,. •JUIH •• 1111 t>f ullh•• Ull.t• t H•1uo111J f-uttokJ,14wua• Altt1tHuJ1 w Ullu1 Olnmuucl Hi>•ale(J '-nlhiHl Almorut" j)fUllli Uut '*l;llllt4t l;tJ)• -.tH1w 1nu ,,. .. ou1c.t11••• ,,,,. • I •I'""' 11,.t, '11 1\111~ CHVHKV. Ulf ·0 ·140 HJ V, Oli HtNllV. OOOllMI. MAlllNITI: 6 H 0 • C AP ti I .1t11J y S I (,ii. n httftHHt Ofht1 '1fH1(j fl1H 1(.t(JUIH.K1 ft lhll\J h1'0' ~.UHJ lfit• tJf1iVOl~ol l>rc11Jul t C• •cJu •yrribo1 IH1n1 urty ')•• l1+l1 "'-•t\j'J\ vf r~1t11\111t,.tl • (.,1f;1Jl1Ut •,11 .. ( ufl'> t.'1u11~ r <)tt H'''" / ·U•H h1' t) H•ff•"Y I,, •• , ... JCJtW iU l'JljJ HESTlC A"lun11 O!t"' Am.111v., ft l.ttH19 '1 :f~ 1U S~ ~l!ltHJ tntt 'uqu11 ud 'ttlun<l fut m •nO twf, ~m,11" No'itlu B1u c 1u11t 11 'N,, .. ,,pu·~ 1111 it f• • ""' ,.~tvrnt U1n1u tt.J• n TOMATO SAUtE 1 I r1 1•lu11d 111 Juu1 f1.11 • )I .. ,1u11a I •O"" 0<14 lt t08~ Pill" ,AUL Relunll ()11•1 l1tx.u1~• <t $I Ot A •i ••lu110 ~ If•• 1w1..,u11ed 1eh .. ;r14J ruu o 8lld ,....,,, ll•HY .. tH I Pto<IUCI Ct)(I• ty"10•JI• '"'"' int t1u ta1ow ol lwci l'•t•• l'au1 Mout1d, Armo,td J1,y. r '" • t•up,,mnunt Pat114' o• JJowot .. HJU" 111ull111,.1.k• 01 bite lllt blQI IOt • • t rotund f <11 a t 2 r•tund. lllWllo .. " yellow "St 00 Bo"''' Rt funo l •rl•ti1.11•• tAkOn from a f'•I•• "'""' ~itll bu• y d"play 11 " l'~lllt•P•l1tt1j tlO•t E•Pt•et C>e1. 11 1{182 AIHIE'I ( '"" f. f T S r11tt Ofl1r r 1 , r ••1J•llv Ca11dy '1111<J "'• requ,,fl!f •4'fun<J form •nd ""• ' '''""~-1mt w•11Qt1t f1vol:. lton• 'hM '' ""' p11ne 1 of R11t1to • 011 co • M111~ '''"' IO"'' wom&ri Doyt 111 u1ur.J on ft:Jtm E.c.p11e1 Otte. 3 t 1Q8J frozen food values•••• Zacly rar~Cahl G1own Fryer Breast tacky rann•CaJU Glown rrv•1 Thighs or Drums Zock·f rarms-CalU Gro.-n Combo Pack • rarme• John-Mi.aad Pork Chops r01me1 John s11owd•1 Pork Roast l!alplu-SwHI 01 HOI Italian Sausage l!oJphs l're•h Cemet Cut $1\JUed Pork Chops USDA rnap Gold•n Ptemium Beef Stew Meat rroian Oetrosted ru1e1 01 Orange Roughy Solocl SIU heth Cooked Shrimp Columbus O•v Salami Bats* RalPN ''~"' ftull Gelatin Salad* 1.39 pe1 lb pet lb .99 1.19 pe1 th per lb 1.79 1.29 pet lb ~2.29 ~2.69 ~ 1.89 °IT,'2.29 ~·3.99 l:2.99 ..ru,' 3.89 .59 Hal>rew Na11ono1.r.an1n 01 Knockwurst A.waned ncnon Dean's Dips S<J1gen10 Sliced Muenster g~l.09 ---•Bakery Values ---- 11a1p1u Corn Bread Ralphs Cho~ol01• Chip Oarlllh 4 pm·-''' Bear Claws llalphs Plam C1l'nomon or Powdered Donuts ci~'D'o~ufs 0• ~:o 1.49 p:roll.09 pkg 89 ore • pko 99 Ott • --• Penonal Care Values•-• flghlt Colds J2 01 btl Listerine Antiseptic 2.77 1.57 1.88 R~ ?o~ 01 Gal64 Ol Colgate Toothpasteeacb B'od¥csrlCif;i)Q°0'"1C•n1-r:i •••-Ltquor Values•-•- POc: 2.09 12 01 cam Coors Beer """ 9 98 btl • Shor1bteod 01 OrttnQ~ Whe•I Pogen's Cookies Nol>1K<> Ritz Cr a ckers Whole or Diced Del M onte Chiles .>un1tun• Krispy Crack ers 601 85 l><IO • I~~ 1.38 101 55 can • 1601 boa .69 ? Swo~Gu•en Goddeu "' 79 Buttermilk Dressing s:,i • l5:1.09 Seneca CIJ'Ulomon Applesauce OclJOn Sp1oy low Culo11• Cranapple Drink .a:i 1.69 1.99 10i!~ 2.19 Cl\ef toym<IH Twtn Pocil Cheese Pizza Mix u·~:; Gene1al Mill• Cheerios Pu11na Dog Chow PU11na Cat Chow TrlOQtl &o!Ut Formula 409 ·~~ 3.89 ~~ 2.67 1.15 2201 bU lCDdl•Y Aloe V••c:i.Cocoo lvn•t &I t.r•-.•tl<ICJI Liquid ::>oap ''\\:i 2.19 · · ucruott ll•n 01•90 and ll!lptrltl Count•et Prices Effective Oct. 21 thru Oct. 27, 1982 • Av1ll1blt 11 Ralpht Appttltt Shoppe Only. C.,yr'9hl '"' lly lleljtllt Oroury C0'1'pt ftf All fll(jhlt llaHtv.0 Wt, ....... th• 119ht to 1111111 "'••luH ..... 10 tOl'!ll'!la1e111 a ...... Of wllotoultll AchefllHd 11tm1 hi thlt H .,. the ume prlt!• o• tewe1l11111 tlOfH Print Olhlt fhu11d .. rtl1td pl1CH '"'f ••'Y Otptndl119 vpo11 loett 001t11Mtl1lon co•I tecl1>1a"' otot•tpfllc loc•llOft Sn•ftt• re., .. tt Pf .. lou• .... ~·· lltlpllt prlc•. °' 101 dt lt p1101to11111111 prlc• rtduollon ••clu•IW• ot advettlHd or pmmotlOfttl ptlu1. 2$60 MICW.. ~T talS 9901 ADAMS, tUITl5TON BECAH llalplu l'lom n ondo Grapeiruit Juice 011t9on farm• Carrot Cake Goldan Premium oat <1n 1!:. .69 1701 189 Pl O • Ralphs Ice Cream 2.09 .69 llun1 Jemima Buneurulk Jumbo Waffles 1001 PkO ----Produce Values•••• Ce>unuv stan<l-8 01 P•O Fresh Mushrooms r1 ash SOiid G11ten Cabbage c'a'iiots MUd SWl•t Brown Oni ons PLAIN WllAP f"leeh Roasted Peanuts pe1 lb pet II> >•os pkg .79 .14 .15 .15 1.89 .49 .99 Llbt>y•1 2 oa pllQ Plnaopple Otanqt 01 Banana Frost Drink Mix AMOnad • &lit House Plant M1Xed Bouquets bunc'h 2.99 3IO 17tll'ST .• COSTA aESA ,mo IJ( VAUNC&A, LAUIA taLS CtUO OI., AT WM.MIT, ltM uo. 1tV11, TUSTlt JOrOIT a .. avo. 17291 1711l ST .. TUSTlf 411 N. LOMA, AllHW -'9.U WMJO, QTllQTOft 8EACt4 MAGNOLIA & WMtO. F(Q(Jut VALLEY 15411 S. IMMJl(IUST, WD1WISTf.I STOR£ tmS: 9·10 Oafr, t·t S.U, '1• Orono• Co al DAIL v Pll Ol/WeUnHduy, Octob r 20, 1882 Enriching your knowledge of nutrition labels HOME NEW By AND VIEWS DO~VWENCK c--, ....... ~., 0. el CWM11• .................... Word1 u.'Wd on brt'ad nnd ~~•I produl't lubt'ls Clln t>e confusing tmll·~ you know precisely whu1 they mean. Examph;s :u t• lhe ~rms "enriched" and "whole wheat." "Dlriched" means th111 specific nutrients havt• bt>en added to tht> bn.·ad. In amounts prescnb<>d by governme nt regulation:., to replace some uf thl• nutrients that Wl•rt• 10~1 when the grain was milled. The enr1t·hmt'nt nutrients arP iron and the B vitamins n1a<·1n . thiamin, and riboflavin Under fe de ral law, enrat·hm ent o f cereal products is voluntary, not mandatory. Howevl'r . California has a Ct>real Enrichment L aw r eq uiring enrac:hment of wh1tt' flour. while rice, corn m ea l . a nd fo ods containing more than 25 percen t of th ese products. Thus, products s uch as s paghetti. ma caroni , c r ackers, bread. cookies, and cake mixes mus t be made wnh enriched flour. The enrichment law · applies to products sold a t the retail leve l. not th ose so ld at th e wholesale level. Also. there are some important ex~ptions o f foods that are not required to be enriched. These include. •Orien tal. Chinese. and Japanese s t y l l' noodles. •White rac·e. known as "coated ri ce" because at has b eC'n coated with either glucose or talc The coating makes the rwc "'hater and shppery and must be removed by tho rough was hing Washing wo uld remove th<.' C'nr ic hm e nt nutriC'nt s . (Pac k aged ennC'hC'd race should not b e washed for this reason ) Thts type or nc-e g t>nt'rally 1s sold 1n largc-s12e bags a nd as po pular with fami lies where rice is a mainstay of the diet. •Corn tortillas. These are made from either kernels of com that are ground at the tortilla factory or com flour that is purchased ·from a wholesale distributor and neither produc t as required to be enriched. Corn meal , which is enriched. as not used an the production of corn tortillas. Under the Cahfornaa law. cereals and foods m&de from them must be l a b e l e d to ii n{o rm c<1 n1ume r s that they h<tvf: b een enriched Thus, a label will state: "enriched white flour" or "enriched yellow com meal ," and on the ingredient list you wall see t he names of the enrichment nutrients that were added. An ingredient list of a food made with enriched cereal will tell you that enriched flour or othe r cereal has been used an it. For example, o n a p ack age o f enriche d noodles you will ~ as Ingredients ''enric hed white flour , wate r . eggs." But on a package of Chinese noodles, not e nrich ed, you w ould read , "white fl ou r , water, eggs, dusted with cornstarch." What ab o ut unwrapped b read and other foods you buy at a bakery? The law doesn't require that these be labele d with an ingredient list. The flour wed in them should be enriched, however. You c.a11 request information from the retail bakery sal es clerk s about ingredients in thei r producta. Two other ternlS that confuse consume rs are "who le wheat" a nd "wheat." The Code of Federal R e gulations (•dopted by California) states that bread can be }3beled "whole wheat" only If lt contains one type c1f flour -whole wheat flour. If white flour as well u whole wheat ls uaed, the bread or oth er product should be called •1wMat bread," "wheat muffin," etc. U you rclld I.he ~t U.t on the label of uwhat tnad" yciu are likely to fin d <hat white flour ls the tint ln,recti~t lilted and .-hole wheat ll lle!COftd. T h I 8 Ill I' II II II l ht• product hi.• most• whatt• (lour lh11n wholt• whl·lll bt'('UU!it' lr\t{rto<lll'll l.'i nllllll bl' l1 s tec.J o n lul)l'IN 111 •lc•<'rt•o san l( o rtl1•1 uf pn '<:lon11num-.· hy Wl't~ht • • • QUESTIONS Wf'; ARF: ASKt:D: Q l'v1· n11ttl'l·d udv1·rt1111•11w11ti. •>n TV und <'lst-wlwn· wur111111< ubout gc•ttln!:' t•H> 111ud1 ... 1111 und lll'lllnij u a.ul t :rnh11ll llllt' r lhou~hl lht•Nt' :0.1111 Nllhl\ll lllll'°' Wt•t t• JUl!lt fut 1->l'<l plt• 1111 l'l j)l'l'tttl d1t·t" ful' htKI• blrn1ll prt·nun• S h1111ld l'Vt•rymw ht• UIOlllU 1h1•111'' A I h •11•'1< Ull l'XlllllJ)h• u £ p r1>dUl't promotl•ri. tuk1111< 11tlvo111Ut(l' of 11 n1rr1•111nutrition 1.·orwt•r11 und U!llll~ It to !It'll LI prodUl't You l(1•t lhl' tdl•U frn~thl· udvl'rllsing thut l'Vl'r Ylllll' ... t11111lcl 11-tlllt I' l'n1lt 1-.111!'l11111pl1C•11 t11 uv1111I d1•v1·l11plt\t( htlo(h hl1111cl "''''l>llll' ,,, 11 llt1•1 Jl 1 11!1 Jt-OP• I I' I 11 I t• cl l 11 l~lllllllH'V 111•111 t dlN4'il'°k' Hut l1•w ~·11•1\l1ttt>1 1111· wallln~ to '\UV thot r•i.:1•1•11.., .. ult (n·ully oe11cl1 u111) l il II I> I ' II t11 'jo( It h I u ll cl pn'N."urt• A pmpo1 tum of th1• p opulut 1011 J.>t:rlrnp:; I ~ lo :.w 111•r1'1°11l ~t· lhuu~hl tu hu vt• 11 )tt'lll'lll' llllM't.'pllbl lily lo d1•v1•lopln)t t111<h blood IJfl'liMUrt• llll II rt•11ul t of t•xc•t·N.~ suit l'111111u11111ll1111 A111l 11111H1 A11lt'l'lt'Un11 11n• 1· u 11 11 u 111 1 11 ~ 11 u I t 1 n 11111u u11t.i. fur ul>c.1v1· tlll'tr lli.'t-d 'I' h 11 s . l Is t ' 1 t•c·11 1111111•11 1J..1 llors hJh hc -.·11 tlllsdl· thut. for nuJt1 t lH't>JI t', rc·dtll'IOH 11a l I (·o n11umpl11111 would 11111 lw hur111lul 11nd mtJ;tht lw h t• I I> I u I H II t I II I II I t•t'lllllllll'OdUtltlll Ill fur l'Utll\{( ll•fiH of Vl'I y Milty foodii (t'S j><·<·wlly smwk ft>od11) one UN111u lt•ij)j Kllh 111 pr1•p111·lnH fooclN 111111 Ill till' t111Jlt., nut u 11w 1td1 frorn !tl1lt wo c.J1um l h l tJ r I d t• I rs I> O I I 11ulr..lllut1·ic whwh u1111ully art· pollt.~'ilUtn d1l1111d1• Exn•!i11 poto:.iHUlil l 'Ull hl• horm fu l to HOOll' IH'll p I l'. r 0 r ,. )(II n1pI1· I h 11 h t• WI I Is k I lf n •• Y 111ulfunl l1111111 Thlu, µotu11111um lluM·d 1w ll 1;ub11t1 tutt•11 11h1111 ld bt· \I N ,. d IJ ti I y w h (' ll 1' l' (' IJll\ 01('11 d I' J h )' H phys1t•111 n aft1•r propc·r t i.' h I " h J V l' IJ t• t • 11 pc· rf 111 nwtl . Q I ltuv1• i.omL· c·usl JlUl'Tl lllU lll :.t.SU ('I' p ;111 11 I hat huv1• ht'l•um1· psltt-'ll un th .. 1n 11 11h• Wha t ----- l'llU"4.., lhtw" A Pit ling 111 t'UUM.od by u ny quuntlt1c·11 o f n11n..rul suits thul rnuy n mu· frClm wt1l•·r or add 11 r 11 a I t )' t o u tl 11 (s uul'rkruut, bueon drt1>p1ngs) lc·ft 1tWnd1ng an lh•· ~m Thl· pals don't hurl I ht · J>lHI nor clu tlwy ufft't'l thl• food T1J 11vo1d th{·m. don't >Hott· S&h y or acid foods ISc(' LABELS, CIO I Stater Bros. Means FINE QUALITY MEATS, FRFSH PRODUCE 8 MORE at priees to save you money! SILVER BRITE SALMON Ji. ROAST~ SILVER BRITE SALMON STEAK ,\U\ HI Ti'll) 1 l EM (;l \ll\\IH .,..,,.. .... ,._~~,,..-~.,, ... ,n. ,. .. -................. ..._. ... _. -·•ff __ • .,_,-....... ,,. ....... ~ __,. ·~· ......... -·-. ::-.---::"!..'.····-·· .... -... - A~Hm'rr~rr~ AEFUSC SAlES TO COMMEACW. DEALERSOA ~OUSALERS H''lt AJ• .. f ... '"' c..•s ""'t..tOltS •IOI HllTf "" ... ,. .. .,... si..maa ...... ., ....... ' .. NUCOA MARGARINE _,,,.., .. ...,_ .. _____ _ .. 4 .. -·-,....,, "'-; ~ ...... ..__.... ___ .....,.,...,,,, ·~-... "'"'-·· •· ...... '"' ~ FARMER JOHN SKINLESS Sa~S~ff !KA!:i nks .. °'..., .. 89c "'" 11.09 ._. 11.u BEEF ROUND BONELESS SMOKED PORK PORK sun Sirloin Ham Pork Tl "11.99 ,. 13.99 Hocks Roast . ao!t •I.~ •I.6'. SZ. ....... '111 ........ '1d .,..\,,.._.u '"""" '1l51 ............ :.-~ ~ ~ ... ,=-. PILLHUllY "lUi '"""'"'" Cake Mix lllAOlTO ~ tYUl(TlU Pillsbury Fmti1g .,.,_~ PILLSBURY HUNGRY JACK INSTANT MASHED • Potatoes . . ·. y~ • Laundry Liquid ... PALMOLIVE GREEN • BarSoap ..... .. a.;;ox 2 ......... .. CLOROX UOUtD • Bleach .. ...... ' .......... . A.JAX. REAL LEMON Dish Liquid • CLOROX Tllez .................................. . HandlWlpes. • POi8to Chips • REOUlAR OR SUGAR FREE o.t.08 ROOT BEER OR Bubble-Up ............... . Plu..sauRY PIPIN' HOT l,oal ................................. . PtLl.98URY AU. AEAOY • NO BURN FOR FRYING SALMON STEAKS OR BASTING SALMON ROAST FANCY HEADS OF BEEF Cube CRISP LETTUCE Service Dell • ............. , ....... -~o..Oiwt BEEF ROUND BONELESS London •~t· $ PITATI SAW Steak Broll ... 43c ... 11.19 ..• 11.99 ... " lo;,Ll ... t (.f JACI CllISl t...JUo~o..• TmYIESl 92..4~ •I.9L American ~i 1&-0Z ••.•6 ,oooz •3.IS 64-0Z 67° 22-0z•I.06 1&-0Z ••.77 .~·•.02 12-02 • •• 73 2-UTER 99• 100Z 89° OCl.UIPllAl cr.,ple Juice I .... ~ilnis,,...1 1 Preserves ~ r·~ -r· I VAlllfTll:I Royal Gelatin • \6 Svenhanl's 9 Raisinettes .._._¥¥ ll•la ...... ...._. lmllllC.. ......... ... '"'--'"" u Pie Crust .......... . .. ............ 1!>0?••.27 --·990•2 It's Out Meat That Made Us Famous! It's Our Meat That Made Us Famous! • , l Orung Coo1t DAILY PILOT /Wodne1doy, Octob r 20, 1082 Remedy for aft ft u • h I n R I n il r t ti r 1ehool, the f1111l thll'I orw htiara frorn tlw grf.ldt' school s~l Is "I 'm hung ry!" H l're's 11 r e medy -u no t too· sweet answt•r for tht• cakti and milk mundwt'tl. Qui c k u ntl t•usy Ambrosia Cake goes togethe r In ont> bowl. Cure for supply Ahe r bukmg, ttw C1 vt• fruit umhro1ou toppmg bu b Li It• 11 u n d c• r l h 1· broiler JUlil u11til llJ<hlly brownt'tJ nnd ll0 R nlr roudy to l 'Ut W1th u ll.llJ gl1111:f o f milk, 11'11 lht· ''jurH rlt(ht" un!iwt'r Cur 11 sna<.•k ufwr lit·huol. AMBROSIA CAKE f luffy Lemon Cak~: :l l'UJ>li flour I \~ t•ups sugur :i ' ~ l t• a s p u u n s baking puwdcr I tC'aspoon sail r school 'hungries' I l'UP ml1k 1., l'UfJ l'lhortl'OION :t l'KNM I tu1Jlwiµo<111 ~1Ul1'<I ll'llH)ll f>t•t•I I lt•11111mu11 Vt1r11llu 1•xtrm·l Ambro11la 1'opplnJ(: I l'Ull (30 OUIH't•s) fruit l'\X:ktull, tll'Ulnl'<I 1 J t·up bruw11 i;ugnr 1 • l'UP nwllc'd b ultt•r ~ lablespi.ICHIK 11\llk 1•1 l·Up l'Ol'00Ul l'akl·. I k ut uven ln :i~O ch •j,(ft'<'ll ~ Mix ull cukt• lrlt(l't'<llt•nt.11 111 lul'gt• bowl 011 low spn•d, 11t•rnplng bowl <'•in"t1111tly, unlil hl1•111lt•d Hl•11 l 1111 htNh 11p1•1•d , !U'f UJHllU h11 wl f1w1u1•ntly, :i 1111nutc111 l' ll U r IJ ll I t l' I' I II t 0 "rt'U:St'(t und tlour•'<I mke• pan, t 3xY>< l \Ai l111:hl's. Bukl· 40 to 45 nu nutt•11, or until toothptt'k mst>rti•d ln l.'t•nlt•r l'om e s u ul l'lt-un. Cuul ut ll'asl 10 minutes bl'forc addinl( Ambrosia Topping. A111 brwil11 T u pping: l luul IJVNI lo •1110 d1°j(l'l't'8 ~· Spr111klt· frull 1•11t·kt.111l <1 11 I 0 p II ( l' H k I' M I )( brown icuuul' 1111d liutkr 111 11rnull bowl. Hiil 111 :.! tobl•·t1µ001\.-. milk l>ri1.:d1• butlt·r s uJ<ar rn I )(I u rt: 0 v I',. l' ll k l'. s prtnkl•· l u p Wllh co1·11nul Bukt• 5 lo LO minult•S Ulllll l'IK.'OOUl 18 V<'1'y ltghtly brnwncd • and lupp111g 1i. bubbly Makt.•s uliout I:.! :scrvmgs. Ambrosia Cukt• of olives To make such ordinary meals as stew, tamale pie and s paghetti extraord inary, add oil- cured Greek·style olives. They are also delicious as a relish eat en out-of- hand. Although these olives a r e sa lty and slightly bitter, they add pizazz and offer flavorful culinar y r e ward s . George York . food technologist, University of California Cooperative Extensio n , Da vis explains how to prepare them. SAVE wnH SMITH'S LDW PRICES ANl 8 IDlm CDIPDNS I Golden Anniversary SMITH'S SELLS ONLY. USDA CHOICE BEEF! It is best to use mature olives that are dark·red to black. Mission olives are commonly used. but a n y variety wi 11 do . Choose s m al l olives because large ones become soft. The olives will shrivel since they are salt cured. PRICES EFFECTlll• THURSDAY, OCTO••R. f I THRU w•oN•SDA Y, OCTOBER 27 • LIMIT RIGHTS ,, ••• ,..,.0 • PHON• ., 3 537-3502 FOR N~AREST SMITH'S LOCATION To prepare 01l·cured Greek-style olives. cover the bottom of a wooden box with burlap. Weigh out 1 pound of salt for each 2 pounds of olives. Mix the salt and olives well in th e box to p r event m o ld fro m developing. Pour a layer of salt over the olives to a depth of l inch. Place the box o utdoors so that the brine formed will not ruin the floor. After l week , po ur olives and salt into another box. then back into the first box to mix them. Repeat this mixing ROUND STEAKS USDA CHOICE BEEF •BONE IN -----~ 1•! RIB STEAKS USDA CHOICE 8EEF •LARGE END p~ once every 3 days • and edible . This usually BONELESS RUMP USDA CHOICE BEEF •ROAST •ROUND 1~~ ,. 198 STEWING BEEF IONLLl.11 CUii i BEEF LIVER t1.1CIO SLICED BULK CANDY A810"TID •IOI.AL 'O" HALLOWEEN until the olives are cured CALI FD RN IA takes about 30 to 35 days. Sift out most of the l~QCADns_ ~-''J!·~· ·. ~ salt through a screen. _ _ Di th e o I i v e_s _ _,_____ _______ __ ...... :~~.n~!~. i~~:~i;~ ~Y IMOOITH $1 --!! dry overnight. Add I pound of salt to · each 10 pounds of olives. ( 1 i,~ -..... ··\..._ft 0FR Mix and put the olives in \....._ ~ V BROWN ONIONS IWJIT, MM.,_0 RED ORAPES NtCTeUfltCMll DIEFFENBACHIA8 CYCLAMENS f LO .. IST oua..u n', ... ,..CM 111.l JIOY 2:25' "59e 151 3" CLUB STEAKS IJIDA CMOICf llH "'' S¥All IH0 lt 269 198 ll RIB ROASTS UIOA CHOl(l 81tf \A,.0 ( (NO SIRLOIN PORK CHOPS ,. 198 lt 219 HILLSHIRE FARM S .. O•IO IAUSAOt, 1J01.l-.A ••U.IA.I.& FRESH SALMON WHOLE OR HALF • SILVER BRITE #>----~ -~ ~t\ t.. ·_?--~ LAROE BELL PEPPERS HAWAIIAN PAPAYAS BOSTON FERNS, POTHOS 0A •1t10U "lAftTa, ... OtC:M It.ti ll'Of CORDA TUM vtlvn-lu,10.~o•CM lfll POT 1~~ 5:'1 ... age 311 411 a cool place. Use within 1 month , or store in a refrige r a t or o r h ome freezer until used. Just be fore using, coat the olives. with olive oil. Do not use oil if you plan to use th e o lives f o r cooking. To coat with oil. put them in a large pan or box and sprinkle a little olive oil over them. Work the olives with your hands to coat them with oil. PREMIUM RUSSETS CUCUMBERS RED DELICIOUS There are many other ways to obtain flavorful results with olives. UC Cooperative Extension o ff e r s in ·d e pth informa tion in three -publicatfons. Want to know how to prepare brined Greek- st y le olives, S panish· style green olives or Sicilian s tyle o lives? Learn to process green - ripe or dark-ripe olives, can or freeze ripe olives? Observe special food poisoning precautions when canning? Find out in the 1 2·page publication, "Home Pickling of Olives." The 4 • p a_fe publication , "ABC s of Home--Cured. Green-Ripe O l ives" offers ste p -b y-step procedures in English and Spanish. Olive o il? You can make it at home. Learn how i n the 4 -page publication, ''Homemade Olive OU." P .. EMIUM GRADED POTATOES CRllP 'OR IALADI APPLES 'ROM THE NORTHWEST 29~. ~~>~ 3l1 ~ 31~. VIVA CRISCO SHOmNINI NESTLE CANDY •MIL~C~~~g~LATE 1'' • 1100.000 .... STAR-KIST TUNA ORANGE JUICE .. .-TM"a,C:MtL.LIO.M-01.CTflt. •• -·, •. ORE-I DA POT A TOES NOMI tTnl. t•~I ltllCO. r!ltOIUt ORANGE JUICE CASCADE . DETERIEIT 119 1 59 SAFEGUARD SOAP BELL DOUBLE HELPIN'8 c"'''· eo1 01 t ea.01 ENGLISH MUFFINS t .... TN'• H O 0't OLYMPIC MEAL BREAD 1• Ol lOAJ WHIPPED TOPPING DUNCAN HINES . FUD8E BROWNIE MIX FRYER BREASTS CHICKEN • Rllll ATTACHED FAMILY PAK ,II~. WILSON · BACON SLICED• 12·0Z. PKG. 139 RTICHOKES UH• COMPACT FOLGER'S COFFEE A&.l.-GRIND8 •1-L-8. CAN --. 1•• DUNCAN HINES MUFFIN MIXES ...... CA• DlaHWAIHllll ... oi.1011 311 ::=.:.~~~-~~LD 54• ~~I. lfl ILUIHlllllY 1" Ul~·Olt. 80lC lllAN .-..oz. 1011 Enjoy olive eating adventures by ot'Clering your coples now. Write UC Cooperative Extension Publicationa, 142.2 Harbour Wa y South , R ichmond. CA 94804 . Enclose chec k payable to UC Re1enll for $1.87 which incluct. p os tage . tax a nd handJin1. A1k for publlc1t•.,n1, "Home P fc kllna o_f Olfvea.'' #2758: "ABC'• of Home-Cu red , Oreen-Rlpe Olives, #21131; and "Homemade OUve OU," N2789. Smith:\) FOOOKING 3100 BALBOA BLVD.AJ1fM1lli!lt.TNEWPORJ BEACH' 2975 HARBOR iEAR BAKER • COSTA MESA OPIN 2• HOURI , ("1 t) I " I ' ' .. ti ... -..-r r I • l . ' ' •• ""'I I ,, .. '4 I I ... , ' .... ,, ! •. 1 • I. l Ill ;J l . j { ii ,, L ; •'' l'•!W I H'•'l l ,l\( I "l'U' " 1 ••• • · t I 14 I • rH 'll 1•q •,t ,, •li;tr 11 •1'1,1 1r 111 ~l~:il ) I Ora11uo Co111 DAil v 1-'IL o t tWeelnHdav. Oo1oh4'1 20 1ee2 You ar By LINDA OEllTSC'll .................. , ... , "Nutrlt10111au11 amy v1111 are what you ~ut. hut 111 liollywood'11 11tur i.y1Ht•111, lt'I wh(•n• yuu l'lll thut co u n t K T h 1• 11 1· w celebrity "Ir\" liJIUl t(t•IM u mu<·h t1t't·lu1rn ui. tht• hottett rww film und ltul y e ar 's (uv11rttl' 1s Instantly o forgot 11•11 flash in t ht• pun If they w t•rt• g 1 v111 ~ Oscars for rt•:;taurnn ts this year , S p uHO wou ld be th e h .1nd., d 11w n winne r with -;uppot t from a grow111H la11 duh o{ the b1ggt•st nallll'~ m show bus11w~ '' hl> I tr\\" up nightly for 1<1hl1·s c1t W o I { g a n g ., u l' k ' ~ go urmet pazui p law "l reallv didn 't think at would get th is c razy,'' s ays P ul·k . th1• g1ft1•c.J chef who ha:. l{ottPn u~-d to incessan t ly 1•111~1ng phones as t ht! ru:h and fa m ou s v1t• fo r pr1zt•d rescrvataoru. w h1d1 ha,·1• been sc ar c <•r t h.in tru ffles s1nt·e Spagu opened in January "We refuse about :wo reserva tions a day," says Puc k . "I t hough t 1t would be maylx.· two ur three months of this a nd the n it would norm a l out. But 11 JUSt gets m ort• wher und m1111•' ()II II ti V t' \' t• 111 JI 14 • .I Wli11'11 Whu of u •lc·brtlll·S :cud1 .1i. Johnny {'un.t111, ll1•1H y W111kl,•r, B11•11d.1 Vu,·turo. Hod Sll'W1.11 t , K 1•1111y H11~1·r11 und z,.11 'hu1 <.:ubut 11\l1y lw i.1·1•11 111 Sµu~o·b "1'11M111l dill'" wh1t1· tllld J)lllt• IMlllt•l dtll tn~ t lllHll ll l hhllll~ p 1zt.11 With dUl.'k J'lllt'. s:.i111p l111g thl· Hn~t·I h.111 pustu wit h J<oal d w1·s1· m d brot.'1.'0li u1 f1•.ist111..: 11 n S p 11 ~ u · s p u n g 1· n t ~arll1· l'llll'kt•n 'J'h.i t '.., ll\ll ICI S.I V I h.1 t I h t' ' I <I I ' h .• 1 v I ' .1hand111wd 111 lwr pl.11·1 ·:. 111 1•at and Ix• s1 .. ·11 'Ptw 'ubll•d Polo Luun~1· at th<• EWverlv Hill:. lloh·I s till docs i1 turn uw1:1 y busanPss of lum1nartl'S Cur break fast and lunt'h Ma Maison has a faithful daen tele w i th Orson W elles lum·hang thl•rf' most days Ch a s C' n 's. a o tH' ,. fading favo r1t1•, ha s JUmpl'd b .H :k to popularity with d l1ttl1· h elp f1om th e patronagt• of President Reagan a nd his wife, Na n cy, who dint• there when m town M o v1t' a n d T V ext'('Ullves -high 111 tht· t't'h<•lo n or Ilollvwood Cooking with class Kay P astorius. S<.'hool of lnterna11onal Cu1s1111·. wall teach sevl'ral cooki ng dass1•s for thl· fall q uarter at S herman Librar y a nd Gardens m Corona del Mar. Registration as $21 per class and must be.· made in a dvance A ll classes will be.-held from 11 a.m lo 1:30 pm A M exican Fiesta menu will b e featured Tuesday. Nov 2 Pastorius will prepare d1sht's native to Cucrnavaca, Mexico. T h1.:se inc lude Camar o n es e n F1111 (nild marina ted shrimp), RaJas de Pollo l'on· dlllt•s ~ queso (fllct of c h icken w ith ch 1les and chel·St'), Chayotes w ith corn a nd tomatoes and Napol1.•s Salad with avocado, cilan tro and onion On Nov 9. same time. a food pr0t"(">SS()r Frem·h dinner will be un the men u. Pastorius will use 1deru. gleaned from a W(·ck's :.tudy with Wolfang Puck and a w~k at Tan t M unes in San Frannsco Foods will m cludl• Omon Soup w ith Che1~t·. Broi led Herb('d C h1 t·k en with Mus tard Saul'l-. Br u ssel Sprouts Polonaise a nd Chl•rry and Pineapple Clafouu The A rt o f Garn1s h1ng will bl" explored Tuesday. Nov 23 with art1st1t• use of vegetables. fruit and flowt'r garn1shC'S as well as l'Onta111crs and servers on the agenda The last classes will be in two parts. on Nov 30 and Dec. 7. and will focus on pre paration of an elegant holiday dinner party The fi rst se<-t1on will include an appellzer m ushrooms stuffed with Mort.adella and Parmeson. a pasta course. Homemade Raviolis with Fresh Pesto Sauce and dessert, Fresh Macaroons and Semisweet Chocolatc Tortoni The se<.'Ond section will o ffer a :.oup roul"S(', Shrimp Soup w ith Pasta. F lank Steak siuHed w~tn • Prosciutto. Veal and Vegetables and vcgetabl('S. Gr~n Beans Parmesan For more information. mil the garden off1ue>, 1 673-2261 . ·······------------------------------, 1 SJ.00 Off t • I C.......J l n:-. Homestyle Moroccan 1 1 "'''t"t t uwwicr Food Lamb, Rock 'I • • • • • • • wllft P=~:~,.:;o•ft•• Cornish Ga me Hen. : fl!Ht.., 1'8 tourw Chicken, Rabbit, Fresh 1 com~tt d>Mm B a k e d B r e a d a n d Menu ptices ranee Moret Beer & Wine from $10.75 Served '-~~~~~~~~--' Expires 10·26·82 3e2'-7Woroccatl.-J : S910 Warner at SPfingdale 840-3024 I In ThrlftymMI C.nler, Huntington Beoch ~-------------····· -•:••••~·-,•••••~QWOM~~-••••,••••••••~ • M~~~••r•E~~ AUTHENTIC 1 DAYS INDIAN CURRY DISHES 2 FOR 1 SPECIAL 2 Complete lndl•n Curry Dl•h•• WIT'H THIS COV~ OHL Y BEL.L Y DANCING FRI. & SAT. HITE ONLY 5930 WEST COAST HWY., NEWPORT BEACH ~ 11·1 P.11.,-.. 11 P& 141·'202 •r 141·1102 L ..... 11·>-•2 »••·----------------········---···---· §ou~me t Presents Holiday Gi fts from the Kitchen Nothing 1s more apprec1a1ed than a gift you have made yourself. This class will demonstrale how to prepare lovely culminary gifcs as wel/ u gAls ways of decoraling them for beautiful giving. Included: Chutney. an h erb vinegar. pickled vegetables and someth ing for the sw eet tooth. Friday October 29th 10:30 a.m. Fee: $20.00 , TO ENROLL IN A CLASS P•y~nt mu•• be ll'IM tn 1dnn~-fot 1h~ CUit 1mwn1 Rl!fur.d• .-1nM1 II. II"" but cl.• credl• ••II t.. ,.. .. ....i ;Pho1111 rutr•1tioru •UI be ecupietl whh • n ed11 urd numbrr (VISA/M..ierCard/i\metk•n E1preMI or 7"" m•y r,g,.tsr 1n ~raon 11 r-t Hefdwate. you at VIP d1111· "' Mm 1m1'11, u -11 pltt11t11'i1 tt•ti pul111 hllt'tl ltMrn, 1111' t1t•11dy T t u111ps wh1d1 M'f\'1·~ h I ~ h I ,. I• I II I II I ,. ul 11•rm,.111. 111 M.11tn1 " 111 Wt·i.tw1111d , 11111· 111 1111 old1•ict n •lt·l11 lly lt.111~11ut11 1111 ltul11111 f11od 11 ':. 'I 11 I d I o I, I' ~· I II II k S111,1tru's l11v11111c• '' l t 's •1111 p t1i.:f tl1l1• 111 pr1·dll't wlt1vh 11•i.t.\IUl'll1tl will 111uk1· It, wh1d1 0111• wtll 11ttl'.1l'l tlw stars," 'l,l y:.. u ll 11 l lywu11 d puhlansl wltu 11•qUl•1tll•d .111 11 11y11111 v "I I ',,, l'ClllllHll.lllHI\ 11( thllllo(:O. till' luod ho \\ tl11•y 1110,11 V\IU, wl11•llll'1 tltt•\' l.1k1• m1·,~.i1-11·~ ;111d .. wlio will bl'I' vuu tlil•fl• N~1 lll\\' wo:. pn·pan'<l fo1 tht• unµn·1·1·1~1·11tt•d SUt'l..'l'~ or Spago lt•ll:-01 uf .all tht• a:l -vt-.tl 11ld uw1wr h11ll'l·lf . For the· l\ui.tnan hu1 n , F'rP11t·h t1 .11n<'d 1-'uc·k • ID • tin S ptij.(11 ""' II 1111tlo( .. l1t1l 11 .. h1t111 11111 \'·'"'"' 1w1l1·11 1111 1111 · Su11·.1·t SI 1111 111»..! tu ,111 11 I l 111.,;h I 1 .. 1111tl ... 11111 Ii.. 111.1111 d1 ... 1a . p 111 .1 l1.1k1·d Ill "111111 hut 11 t11J.t 11v1·11' "llllldt·il 1 ...... 1111111 11111 Jh1t I 111• 11,11 ktlllo( lol w.1i. .1o11111111•1 w llh Hull"' Hoyn •i. 011 11(.~.'11111~ lllto(lil Ami 1111 •Ill t.1hit'1t hav1· bt•t•tt I tllt·tl tor d 1111w1 1<1'\'1'11 lllj.!h l ~ a Wl't•k ~1111·1· ltu-11 'l'lw p111 ·1·s .11 Spal-(11 l11w1·1 tli1111 11101<1 "111 " plilt •·s wa tlt ;1 la 1·;1111· 1·11 t n ·1·' ava1 l;.ihlt• I 111 $11 .all .111d .1 full d111rw1 \\ tth Will• ltkl'IV Ill 1'11'1 $~!11 :.1•t•111 1t'l'l'l1·vant 111 lhl• Wt'<Jlthy l'U:O.lllllll'l lt S 11111 t• :. J v' th 1• ma 1 n J t t r J t' ti ;, ll I b l' U l ' k hun._wlf who work..' 111 <111 o IH' n k 1 11· ht· n on t h 1 • rl·st aurant floo r - µrov1d111g a :.h u Y. for d1nt•r... I town 'l'h• I lt1 I I l'llllWtll'd fo1 has 111.ilo(tl••I 111 .,111 .. 11 ... Ill "111111V1•ll1 I 1111\1111' \I vii• d1•lt<t'h ·tl I 111111 Ma l\t.11sw1 tlll' 1111111 tallt• li11ld1·1 Ill tlt1· 11111 1111 ' I II I 11 I I I I y w II II ti h .i t1lo(ll lll ' l'111k 's .:11u11111'1 1.111' l11ll11wl'd "I th11u1d1t 111111 fJ''"JfJlt· who 1·111111· to M11 Mu1s1111 wouldn't 1·111111• 111 Sp11lo(o, 11 would b1· 11111 s1111j1l1.," s a .Y !'I I' U I' K ' ' i LI 1 l'Vt't VliodV l'lltlll'1" J>w•k '' 'nwrtl<ir. 11111111 k T1·rr;111. p11J111J1J111·1·d '1' .. 1 l 'VI', <•Wiii I u l llw ~t ill • : I II .. M ,1 M .• I ., II II ltl•tllt\,t tll' •I Slll'fil l'I (11rdwl1ty tow.11tl 111 ... frn 111<'1 JMl'llH'I 's Silt 11''" h ut h1• .u.Jn11lb ht·'" m •v1•1 ~wt ft1<1t m Spi1go Tht· 1·11dur111g ~UC'l l''>lt or M..i Mui:.on. wtmh ha'> gro wn stl'adily 11v1·1 10 Vt.•a r '>, l s a l1·ssu11 111 rnc1 t·h,1nd1~1 11g £111 tlit· s h o w lius1n1·ss upp1•1 I 111'>1 But M1t M111 .... 111 11111-tht n11t l111 v1• .14·ll1•d v.1th11111 '""" lllj.(ll'dl1•11t11 .1 lo( I t' ii I I' Ii I I II II ti ,1 1•1·lt·l111t y 1 l11·11U·lt· "1"111 tlll' lui.t y1•:t1 WI' Wl'll 11p1•11 , 11 11111111.: li11p111 ·1wd," •myi. '1'1•111111 "T ., . .a11el11L·11 1·1· .i nd M'I Vll'l' l'.11 1'11'11 n u• 'l'h1· l1111d w111t 1111·dt111·n · I Wl'lll 111 1"111111·1· lo look 1111 d fll'W ( hl'f lllld (IHtlld W 11l1 j(ltlllo( I 'lll'k " Word :.pt 1·;1d q1111 klv .1l111ut 1111' sup1•11w l1.1<Kl .111<1 i-1111 11 '1'1·11 o1d 's I I ...: II I .1 , ' I 111 I II d (' d .I ... II \I' I 1 II t' HI .. SI' I . I ll111.dd S11tlt1•1 la11d a11d S1u.111111· S1m11•1 s "( )r...,lll W1·l11·., IS V1·1 y 1111 p11rt..i11 t tv ui.," s<iy:. '1'1·11.ill "My family has b1-.·11 to.1king l'a tt.• of h11n 101 thr , ... ~wni·rauun. ... " Mtth:wl Ca1ni• '>lops bv '.\'ht·n h1·'' in Lown AP IHerpholo Au .. triuu-hor "olf~a ng Puc·k c·a ter., to ('t•l1·hriti1·-. in hi1-1 piaCJ va la«t~ Spa~o. ---- TRIPLE FRESH PRODUCE Yellow Onions ,s 3 8.g 39' " ' T rop1cal Pineapple 33' Russet ~otatoes -25~ Crtsp Celery " ., "" 49' FRESH PRODUCE Fresh Green Cabbage Fresh Cucumbers Blooming Mums Marguenle Oa1s1es Honeydew Melons 14' I • 25' 6 t s399 II-_ s19e QUALITY BEEF Boneless Roast &;·a·~·.:. • s1 e9 Stew Meat ',:;··~;:. :-s21g BcetCUWStm ~ ~ ~~g Top Round Steak ·-·· . &onel•u Sofewor Ovoh•\t &.ef l!ound .. GROCERY ~Quick Oats ~····•• ~ Bartlen Pears . . 3:t Apple Juice ., ' .. -R '• ~ amen Noodles -. BAKERY s209 l.ij: 69' ... 55' s29g 6 -~ s100 FROZEN QUALITY MIA T Lamb Chops J " 9.!"' s199 Boneless Turkey • ·• .:...'. s1 59 Strceu Bacun . . .. -·-~1.u.. "'· . .. .. , '1 '9 SEAFOOD Salmon Roast' •• "•'o-'\ • s199 Breaded Fishcakes ., 89' Fresh Squid s119 Cooked Shrimp i. -_.;., • y '1 99 Olympia e~ leer ;.. · ••~:;:;P•• ,.,\ s 1'' 6 ,, .. l•m.f J C..M DAIRY HEAL TH & BEAUTY LIQUOR •Oil Boy .!'{ 1s.111 ggc Collage Cheese ~ 87, Envelopes ""• 77c Summit Wines ~ 14ae P11n' l\t lOIC""" ~ i "'Ud l1~1IS.1t 111 ~ lo A ... , 4 llflo Orange Juice •215 Raisin Bread •kl 99' ,VlffM lifllnn 1,t.1 Wt·Ql't\ ,.,., Fleisct1mann·s /IO lf9 l NJM C:0tn ()I So<n1 r."'"" veaetable Oil N~, 1dt /4 Ol 99' totn1 Real Pine ~85' l;IHntt WI fRRACCIPT USDA flllll'POOD STAMP COUPOIS Honey Bran IJo• W•>O~tt lltfolO Rnlsln Muffins M•I W•oq~I \ Schneck en ~t W•tO!'t' Ct- 14{)1 age ~l'ofl ~\ 69' :\ •10• Green Glanl ~ ""q ,1,. Sour Cream ggc Plastic Strlos -~· s1oe Black Tower :;:t 1,,.~, '2°' N bl•H c .. , an coo 111 • l11(f'lll I' ,, SllfWIY " 1nc11 •. JO I 1 •" .. • ' Great Escapes _..111. 01 ,178 Bu1term1lk 89, Cotton Swabs" 2¢ "• s12e Ltte Beer 3:t 12 ~~h11 14•e °'""" .... ,,_O l •tC'.,,,. 11"'1 Coilell 'llf ... h ol 180 I '"'"' M "" ...,, l'llc•• I Hee ti ... Oct. 2 I .27, ""In S.uth••ll Cellternlo (luept Se11 Ol•t• & IMpt•lol Co11ntl••I Seme heme 11et A.,.llellole Al Ut N, ~-t. l ,A. on4 C1ttelln1t, SMASH 'IM FOR CASH w• 2oc ,.. ,.,. lit ••r.c~.1~11 . ... .... • 1000 ••1•1de Of., N••pof1 .. _.. • IH No. CoHI Hlt"••1· &.•tuna 8Hch • 24 Mof\et'C" •• , ...... , l.vftt ~· • 14411 C1'411er Or.', It WelnMt, lf'flne • ., ... ertl .... leftte AM 011111011 Cont i DAIL y PILO T /W dneadnv. Oct ob r 20 1982 "' 'Other CIA' woos palates with • native foods By KAY HARRIN01'0N T"9C~HM..-.. .....,.., ..... ..,..... HYDE PARK, N Y Afll1r many y t•1.1r11 o f ( (J l' U 11 I n 6' 0 n ( 0 rt• 1 l( n foodac, Am<'rin11111 1rl• turning thf'lr utti'nuorl to the• c·ui11m• of thl•lr own land From l'OOBl to c~t rt>stnurants featurinR regaonul nnd tradllloni.I dishc•11 umJ local µrodU<'t.' m st•as1.>n arc e11joying popular ity with Aml'rkans und foreign vi:s1tors. Thl' llltt•s t t o unde r sc·o rc this new 1•111ph11 11l11 1111 llU l l Vt• 1•uh11tw IM tht• l'ul1nury l n1111tult• of Anwrll'O 1n tlydl· Purk. N Y . mw o f I h c• c· 0 u II I r :v . M Ill Cl s l µ11•i;llHICIUM 01·ul111u1 y l'lllll·g1•11 TIH• "olht·r <..'lA," rui It 111 sonwllmt.,_ r11 llc·d , hus 111H·1wcl u r l•1H11ur11nt 1·ullt'd tht· Auwrwun Bounty, wh1t•h i;t•fVl'S All\l'I IC'Dn l'llllillll' T h t' u l a 1· a 1 t 1· rt•:ttuurunl hos dt.•t•or rt.•prt•st•n11n~ lllllJt>r rctctons or the· lJn1tt•d S t.<.llt.'S North, Suulh, East, and Wt•!>t and liJ>t.'C.'lllllh•K Ill lh1•1w llll'llH 11\Ukl' up lht• llll'llU , w h1d11'1111111.wl'1•v1•1 y 1l1.1 y to tuk1• udv1111 tu~1· 11( 1o1 11 I p 1 11 d 11 1 1· o n d pl1·nllful fooct .. Ttw 11•11 tut11 ,111t w n' dt·1o11<111'<I hv Tni.h W1bw111 l<i As1m1·11111·~ of Dullui. K1tl'ht•llto1 l)l'l 'Ul'Y l ,0011 MjUUI'(.' ft'(•( Ill LI forn11•1 ofrll'l' W.lllJ< 11( tlu· 11111111 liuildint(, Roth Hull Tht• 111!4lll1Ht• UC..'t.'Uf'U'I> u fvrnwr J1·1ot111 w1rn11ury bt11lt HI lht· t\ffll 11( th1• 1•1•111u1·y ov1•1 louk111..: th1· lludM111 H1 v1•1 D11w" 111 lht• m·w 1 t•11lolll'lllll luok out 1111 11Uijh floor to 11·1ltt1J< 1111 twd w111dows 111 .111 1111t·nm u11111 vu • d unn· 11"'<1 h y p1 It's~· 1111d tlll'll i.tUdl'll~ 111 1111' 111111'1 d111; 111111, lht• V lt'W 11 (11•1 11 thl' ulas•wd Ill k1td11•1l JI t•O wh1•r l• 11\t'HI :> turn on 1 •>llli't'r11·s, hn•ad, rolls, .111d p.1i.tr:v 1ir1• b11k1•d , .ind 11111 d l'SSt'l ll> Url' pt t•pltl't•d .J,111H'1> ll11y w1111d a11d T1111111hy Hy an, C'ulhia1 y l111>111 u11• 81:.1duult•!> w h11 .1r1• in d\<11 ~l' o( lh•· Glas ed-in <'ooking an·a in the American Bounty Rt-stauranl ope rated by Culinary In tilutl' in H yde Park. Tlw a la <·arlf>, resta ura nt ser ves native cuisine in a decor re prc~cnling four reg ions o f the U.S. •9112 l.JS Thru Oct. 23. 1982 Shrimp & Fish Special $2.99 eec...<•• ·-.... •• .. ., .... ..,, ........... , •• • ·-···~ .. -.......... ,,,_ .... ~ -.... . Free Poppin' Fresh Milk Mug with 3 Pillsbury Slice 'n Bake proofs of purchase plus 1 milk proof of purchase. It s a treat lhat s worth the trip' Four big Gull shrimp. our c11sp\ fish Idler plus frves slav. & hushpupp1c'!>1 Shnmpl~ delicious' 3095 Harbor Blvd. In Costa Mc..a I t\1 \4,.;lt"-,,, '-in IJ1nC'-' f""' t '* '""' llu•~ l•·•hu 14715 l••ffrcy Rd •• Y,.tn .. • t•"' ,,,, '•n•• 1'iho1 •"""~ hv1"e r~----------~, SAVE20¢ -•Ill""' .. , :·. F '"' ur >-= • ...c O:n 11r 111 11111 .. 111111 ~1w1· n H.11.• 1···•k1•'" • ~ lift. .. •• """"' • ,. .................. ... ~ .................................... ~ •f ..... •• .,.. ~ :·:-:: ~·:, 7. ·;:. :· :::!""~ ... ,... • , .,,,. .. -.., .... :s $ :-... ::-;':.:~~·~ .. h·~..: ~-::::::::~ .;..N,•: ~ ... ···-..... , ..... , .............. "'., ..... ,.. .... .. ...... , .. ···-· ·~""' ............................. ..... .. ',, ...... ,,., •••• '"' ... h .............. ,.,.,, .......... ,~, ,...... '•• .-i••_..-·~o .,.....,. ... <""'"' ~ ••" ••• ''"' •• +-.. .... , ....... I .. .._,, ••fll"JfU81H .... t'hi.._., ... , .. , .. ...... ", .... ,, •••• ( ..... ,, ................ ,, ... ~ ........ t*1, le f 1!.-f ftttt ... ltlt fl .. , N •J:h •t.H • '• I ... , fl. ... 01•1 •'f et t'flttl•to:' ... '11•·• ••1Hfl ...... t1t .. W t •.-w ,,.,,,,,..,,,.., ......... '°' v. .... ~ --~ ... '""'° "-'f •!'of •thH •t~ttfi j'l"tf,'Ntt 111 \1¥tt [Mrt, C°",.,,._ PO IV"'CIH\I ~ t t , .. A''°"1t.6HC,.•1-..1~ -J11 If ~ ftt' •'~• t llf l "f'I fl °""1'1t,.., STORE COUPON ____________ ._J llurrv! &nd Me> Mv l'oppin'.l·'rl'-;h Milk Mu~! loctose• ''' 1~11e P~1sau1y Stoce 1 801 """ ot =~':::~.r:;;:, -:.~:r:,:~~~~~ ~=~;:::=~ cut"''" 11dt ot car1111 SeM '"'a 1111lk 111vt 1111 J 01 eac• "'"' or•rllf 1•c1ts.f is tt1t P1Hs11t11y Slltl • Bah PIOOI OI •••t'HI 104! Ofll IRilk PIOOI Oi Pflebl~ U ..... 0011 IS IOOVll Olvl CllKI 01 _,.,,.,,.,s,~ l11<1tMf•a SI I& c11tCl tf -y0t11t1 1., uc• ..... "'" Gr .... , ..... " .... ' .. , '"" ..... lltll _,...., rfll' r14 .. 11 IN 11111 ... N lllHMKW ,. MY''"" 0!111 .... to U SA YN *'tie .. tlloMN".11 \llltltf .. 1 ..... , ''"' """' ....,,. •• wttkl ltt NWl"I' Of!lf ''"'" CITY SIAH .l.M•lfl 31 1983 NAM( ·~''"' AOOAISS ltP knd11•11 u1 lhl• Anwrll'1111 0 ii 1111 I y lfr Ii t U Ur 0 11 l , .. 111pl111'\l1t'. "Wt• Wiii be.• wo11~ 1111ly I 1 t'!ih produc'I.· 111 •11•11 .. •111 N11 C'h1·rry t111n.t1111"' 111 l-'e•liru.1ry And onl y Arn t•111·:111 tl1:0.ht•:o. will ht• M'I vt>tl N11 11111•1~11 t.J1 1t lH·i. Wi th Aint•nt•un 1111m1·s " llt•j(llllllll 1111d t'lhllll' I luv11111 that havt• b('<.'\)llll' purl of lht• t•o rnplt·x l\111t•1w11n whit· or•· lJiwd PX l1 •11i.1 Vl'I y. l.1k1• th1• l'l J\'!'> ~;s1·11 ff ll'I H11111n, wh1l'11 lti.ti. ,, I 1xt•cl p11l·e· 111e·11u of l 1 .. .,.,11 f11u J !>, t ht• Auwnuan Uou11ty 11> osx·n to the• public· for lund1 and d 1 nnl•r The• 111•w n •staurnnt 11> sta(fr'() IJy students 111 their final c· o u r " l' h l' f o r c gniduotwn A l'oUri;t' m n :gionu l l\tnl·rin1n cooking wus introduced las t year tltul Wll.Y lt(l'ltl'flll lllJI°' 111'11 •I It 111, the• dtt•( irn1d , "pnH'l 11'11 II y Hll po~I hl1•" lo t"CI 1m11 II· l ht• l">dl of u 111l'oil ut tht· A11H"r1n 1n H11u 111 y Rl·N t11u1 11111 IH·f·au1>1· 01w d1n1•1 may havP ,, rull nwul ont.J u11utht•r JUst :.oup unt.J sulucl. But I" ll't•i. do Call 11110 th1· gt•lll'r.11 rn11~t· 11( 1 h1· 1<:11<·o ff1 .. r Hou111 wht•r1• 11 f1v1· <'11ur1il' lund1t'llll Ii. $I :1 r10 1111d ti SIX c·ourM• t.Jllll\1•1' $~HI !)() On 11p1·ning cJo y the 1111•nu 1111·1 ud1•cl Nut·h dlwhe•11 U H 'l'umutu und C'c•lt·r y Mo u 1111t• wtth 111-rh Suu1•1" P oudH•d Oy111t·1i., C'n ·11H·n1 City, I l a m S t u ( t 1· d w 1 t h l'r11 bn11•u1 u11d C'o rn. M.1ry lllnt.l S t y lt•, Nt•w E11~li111cl < 'l,1m C'howdN. N e w 0111·;111 c;umbu Z' 111·1 lw li, :i11d Am1:.h ( ·111l·k1 ·n l11\d Cw n Soup w1tlt Sal fron ()11 the• lfllllll ('Ollf!ll' iii.I l ht• 1 t• we• rt• A N t· w t-:11j(l,md S h1111• U11111n, C:iJut1 -Styl1· S hr 1n1p s I u I' I I'd M t I l I l 1111 ' McduJlio1111 of Ot>l'f Cllllfornw. n u rb•·l'Ut·d Smokt'<l lJn•kt·l of H1·e·( T1·x11l\ S ty le·, 1111t.l f 111111 lht.• I Ol1¥M•rlt• lht•rt• W.L'\ C h1l'kt•n S1uff~d w11h S pinuc·h. Mu hroom~. ( ;urtw, anti I h•rllli 'f ht.' cJ t• !llil' r l llll' II U 1 11 <· I u d <· d A m l' r ll o 11 Ouunty Cukl'. H11·t· w11h C'n·am and 1-'rc•lih Jo'ru1t, W a 1 111 Fr t• s h f' r u I t Cobbl1·r. und Jlonw111ut.l1• Jct· l'n·um and S hc·rlx-t !See 'OTHER', Pagl' CI01 • I I ON A BIG BAG OF COME 'N GET 11:· BUT ONLY UNTIL NOVEMBER 25, 1982! Sl•an·hing out rt-c1pc.•s for tht· Amc.·1 tl·an Bounty took Chdb I fl·ywood and Ryan around thl' Uniu.--d States, talking abvut f ood with o ldc·r rt.•stdt•nts, asking h o w t h t· 1 r m o l h c• r s a n d grandn1othl·r s 1·ookc•d, cons ulting w ith food Pxpc·rts, and tas ting spcc1a ltws of kx:al t.•atmg plal'l'S "W<· havt• l'hangt-d manv vf th1· tn1d1uonal a nd-rt.'g1t;nal d1i.hes i.l1ghtly." Mr Hl'ywood 't·xplamc·d . "making thc·m ·. m u r l' " u 1 I t' d t o l h e t·urn•11t trt•nd toward 11ghwr foods and fcwc•r hl•avv saut t'b. We are c•spc•(:ia lly mkn?Sll•d m 1maginat1vc• USt•s of fn.·sh vc·g1.•toblcs The only 4-Flavor dog food with the taste that calls dogs to dinner. "The• on ly dish we• have ll•ft stni:ly alone 1s the· Nt•w England bo1l<.'Ci dtnnl·r," h(• n >ntanued. c· x p I a 1 n 1 n g . " T h c r e· s nothing that n m 1mprovt• that. But we• m..tkl· our own c•ornl'd l>e:d and use· the• old-fash1onc•d gray variety. wh1l·h may be new t u sunw v1s1to rs . Then• was no n •d c·orncd beef u n 1 ti l h l' A rm y startt:c..1 curing lhl· mc•at C•ll 642-5678. Pul • few words to work for ou. Di~i • Pr1t1krn Rye Bread 1s the healthy way to enioy your daily meals This delicious bread is made from the same kinds of high quality ingredients that go into the baking ot Pnt1kin Stone Ground Whole Wheat Breads and English Mu ffins Look lor the new shape of Prtt1kin Rye Bread 1n your favorite supermarket Try 11 soon with this 20C off Special Ofler Coupon Wholesome Rye ead NO Sugar NO Shortening NO Animal Fats NO Milk or Milk Products NO Cholesterol NO Artificial Flavors D-itikin 'R)'tlmd# .. ' .. ' t l ' I I • • , ' ~ ' I 1 rc----------------------------------1 F2s Special Off er Ave ··' ·'" 1 2 0 ¢off • • BREAD -'1f ': , " AYE BREAD Mr Grocer When 811 terms ot this offer hllve beon lulflllod by tho customer and by you. lntoratelo Brondt Corporoalon will •C1deom 1h1s coupon for 20¢ plua 7¢ handling on the pureh.no of one 1oa1 ol Prtl1111n Ave Brf!11d Any Olher uae con1lltutes tri111d lnvo1coa prov1d1ng proof of purch11e of sufltc1ont tlock of Prt11111n Rye BrHd 10 cover coupons pros::.nted for redemption mu11 be shown upan reciueal Consumer must pay eny aatea 1111 Cash volue 1 201h ol IC Only one coupon per lndMdual. lem1ly or org1n111111on Coupons wlll be redeemed only where lnttralete Branda bre&d 11 sold ln1ers111e Br1no1 Corp., P 0 Bo• 100. 20¢off L ________ ~n~a~ll!. M~ ~~ ~·,!!'!''!.' ~r~3~1~ __________ !_2S I I I I I I ~-,-----------------·------------------------------------------------------r-----.-.," I e Orang1 CoHI OAIL V PILOT /WednHday, Oolober 20, 1082 'Other CIA' woos palate's with native foods {'l'rosa Paae Ct> Chell Heywood and Ryan •tu.red tome of tht> rclpea In uu at the A meri c an B ou nt y a enaurant, bealnnlna •Ith Chilled Sweet Potat o Soup, a Southern 1pectalty Preparation lime ta about •& rnlnuta. CHILLE D SWEET POTATO SOUP 2 tabl es p oo ns unsalted l)utter l small onion, diced I stick celery, finely diced 2 quarts c hic ken stock l ~ pounds sweet LABELS (From Page C6) In the pans and clean pans regularly. Also don't add salt to water before adding o the r foods to be cooked such as pasta or vegetables. • • • . . . Q . One o f my Cavorite frying pans has become warped. What caused this? l s there anything I can do to straighten the pan? ... A . Warping is c aused by sudden temperature c hanges such as pouring cold water in a hot frying pan. Warped pans can be atraigh tened by pre- heating the empty pan slowly for about 10 minutes. Then turn it upside down on a heat proof material, place a block of wood (larger than the pan) over it and pound it with a hammer. Also, when buying a new pan look . for one that is labe l ed "warp-proof." COOKING Fassero 's I nte r - nation al Coo kware, 2919 E. Coast Highway. Corona del Mar . has scheduled a class on Chocolate Artistry on Thursday, Oct. 21 at 10:30 a .m. Cost is $25. Call 673 -2343 f or re9ervations. A fall series of classes that focus on the best of Amer ican cooking will begin this month at The Br oadway. Newport B e a c h . M a r_Lo o Cunningham w i ll conduct the sessions an the Special Events Room, 4th Level. from 3 to 4:30 p.m. The October class will teach cooking with herbs and spices. Reservations cah be made by calling the executive secretary at the store. There is a $10 charge for each class which Includes sample .ervings of the recipes prepared and a recipe booklet. Madeleine De Groote. chef of Sherman Library and Gardens in Corona del Mar . will offer cook Ing cl asses o n Tuesday, Nov. 16. 11 a.m. and on Tuesday, Dec. 14. aleo at 11 a.m. The November menu will feature Ham and Cheese Appetizers. Boned Turkey stuffed with Vw. Champignons a la creme, Scalloped Potatoes, Pumpk i n Cheesecake. In December, the class will offer Fresh Tomato Dill Soup, Toaste d Bluecheese Wafers, Duck a l'orange or tangerine, Rice Pilaf with Saffron and Bouche de Noel. Registration fee is $21 per class and advance registration is required. These classes include 1ene rou1 samplings of foods prepared. For more Infor mation call the l a r den office at 73-2261. H you don't """'· I can oftef iflportant savinp • on .. insurance. Cl*'~ ,...,d from: wmTT.aMCt .. 1 OM llsarrt lltwd. .... ,.. ....... c... ... ". potatut.•11, fH•l"lt<d und dkt.od l l'UP ht"OV)' crt>am Solt itnd popp{'r In u 4 quitrt IWUl'C'pon. mc:-lt butter unJ K0\4Jl' onion11 and cel~ry until brown Add chkk t>n stock and poU&toe and rook 30 minute. or until potatoes are sort. L t>t mixture t:ool and then puree In a blt.•nder or food pro<:easor. F lnl11h wath heavy cream and adjust seuonlng. Serves 10. J im l l oywu111I d1•vt•lopc•tJ u h111wy 1u 1d mu11tard IWU<'l' whh:h ht• 11uy11 111 "un lnvuluublc· Ul~"lllllJ>&u1111wnl" for (•old llll'Utli 1.111'1 p o ul11 y P1 t.•pu1 utton ttnw 111 lo nunuh•a. and this umourll hi liU (( i(' It• 11 t for U Ill' whult• hum , "t'I v t•d buffrt-atyle. HONEY ANO MUSTARD SAUCE I Vi c.·ups honey I tablespo on prcparnd hursc•radush 1 1 4'Ull lll•'IJUrt>1I lu uw11 11111l!IU11 II 1 111ldt•i.1H11111 !ellY "llllll'4' I IPll'I'""" W111 n •:;lc•1 t1111• -WHJt t • I lt'U'>IHltlll 11·1111111 JUlll' (..' u 111 IJ I I\ l' u 1 I 1111(1 t•d11•t1ll' und nux w,·11. S.•1 Vt• With 111\'Ul of yuua chtJll'l' For u purty 11nuck, llt·ywood 1hp!! IJll-<.'C•i> of dm·k1•11 nu-al 111 H fluur unJ 1•g8 1111 x 1un· 1111d then 111 u 111 1x1ur1• of 1·1·u11lwd puWto t h1i;n. und 111 t•utl l"I un1hH, UMlnij I I fJ•lluto l'l1q'"· u11d '• lin•1HJ 4 I umhi; D1•1•p I ry d1ll'k1·11 IJll'('t'' um.I IM'I Vt• w11h la11111·y und rr1u1>turd 11uu1•t• 'l'ht• 1.mµu luri l y uf lll'rr y 1oblJll•111, whu·h o r 1 U 1 n .i I l' d 1 11 N 1• w E11l(la11d , hui. i.µrc111J u 1·11u11tl lht• 1·ountry. µt•1'haps 1•v1•11 1u·ou11d tht· wor IJ Tlw A1111·nt:<H' Bu u n I y ll t• 11 tu u 1 u n t su K"''" ll·d w h 1 ppcd <Tl'Ulll .1i. 11 lopping for hlul'lwr'l'Y l'UlJhlt•1. l;ut vu1111l11 I('(' l'l'l'Olll II I.I wurthy 11uhiclltutt· 8 L ti E B E R R Y ('OHHLER I f> I 11 I ( I l' H h hlui•h1·1 ru·' ur 1o11y ht·rry Ill M'J'ltlll 4 l h " I t• 'j " II •I II II Mntnula11·tl 1>Ul(1tr 1 \'UIJ afl purpOl>l' JloUI 'J. tt•uspomlK lmklllK puWdl'I I nap ~' un ul utt·d sugur i l'8~11 '• · t•up milk 1 lt•u11puon vanll lu t•Xtl'Ul't I h·1111poon l(rll t1·d lt•1111111 nnd I I l l ' u " .. la t• u v y l rt•Ulll, 1·h1 Ill-ti 'J. I 11 b I l' I I> o o n I t 'tll1 h<t•ti11111•1'11' llUJ(ltr ~tl'hl'Ut ovrn to 3~0 Jt•grt.'t.'w f' Wlllih und Jry bl·rrit·s und pla('(• in a 'L·qu11n 11v1·npr1>of d111h S pr111 klt• with 4 lalJll'i.puunli 11ugar. Saft fli>ur and baking p11wd1·r lOl(t.•thcr Add riugttr, ufU(I, milk, vunlllia, und lc•mon rind. 81111t with 11 wootkn apoon until 1111 lnt(rt"<lit•nt# ore.· l'UnilJ1nc.od P our m1Kturc uvl'r bc.·rru .. 11nd bukt• In o 350 dl'Krt•t• F' <>Vt•n for 1 hour Remove from uvc•n unJ alluw to r1.'ilt for 10 minutes <.:ombinl· 2 l<abl,·i;poons c•onfc<." t I I) II •• r K • II u g a r w I t h lwavy l'rcam and whip until thi('kc.>nt.•d. Serve with tht• c.•obbln S<>rv"11 4 ------------~- Low prices throughout the meatcase! Treat yourself to low prices. rNESnES' 199 ~~~H 10, 01 IMJ KOOKY SPOOKS 199 ~~~~~UP KITS (M,, KOOACOlOR II FILM 2.39 ~~~.~~~.~.~~~~.~.~? ... ,.1.7 4 POlAROIO SX70 F.!!:,~ 13.89 POlAROIO SX70 Fl'!,•-<• 7.29 ~AROID FILM "'°' """' 7.99 Patricia lblson Saved •13.04 GIANT PUMPKIN P!~tl< r~~~ROUPOPS •011 .89 r ~~~.l:~~~;~~;.~2.29 I ~~~~~y KISSES AUOltttOOt MN.Afuitt\ r~~K MINTS LARCE PUMPKIN ••n1 •• ,,2.39 tlOlt•' 1.89 R.OPPY WITCH HAT ·~ 1.59 2.19 ~ARO & MOUSTACHE 2.19 LACIE'S TICHTS "'talJffD CQOl1 •CIO' #¥\Qtlll IGll\.' fOftt "'"' u • n to•" CIRLS' LEOTARDS '""°' -· ""'"' "'"'' lOlo' !<BW 111 l•OIH -· 1t11W t"t>1 lO*llGtUht .,, .. ,, I• 2.57 4.77 0Ut ... Ce PfOtlU'°" ttol(y fUil'lrlt"1 tNW Pfl(~ (0 0t #ftf(flv• W'°""'°•' Otf(IC)tf" 10 tfW'w '""°'¥ ouoo.. >t 1tt) PORK LOIN ROAST SorlO•n Cut PORK LOIN SPARERIBS countrv Stv~ 1110 Eno FRYING CHICKEN 401 67 40 1 67 FRESH GROUND BEEF .•. 54 .. 1.14 \l8\DI' ..... DCI\ IO' I •l'U O "°"' Ut ~~~CUT CHUCK ROAST •. 97 ~0~;.E STEAK •• 2.88 PORK LOIN CHOPS .• 2.17 FRESH FISH ITEMS IDAHO TROUT .. 2 .39 .• 1.89 ~;STERN OYSTERS .. 01 ... 1.67 CANNED & PACKAGED rTOMATO 39 ~~E ·~ 01 un • I ~~.~~~SAN CHEESE .. ,"' 1.99 I~!.~~!<!,~IX ' '°'""'1.09 r~~.E~TEW .. o" ... 2.25 r Key Buys mean extra savings. t<,.., 8 uvs Ar~ •tf'tn\ 0"1Cfl'O t>tt•o.,.. .,,,..,., ,., ... ~,vf1 •Y tJ·t-Ct)Unt P'<M •• a ,,.~un o• manufactutet\ 1ttmOO'll'V ororn•Jt•on•1 1•to"'-'anc8'S or e•l:~Pl!<>".i ;>u•c"•'"' You 11 1.no r ,nor Ms .:>I Kl'y Buy,,.,,,,, f'Vf'•y ,,,.,,.you ~!\QC I ~~ CRACKE.RS \tl'tl8t',.79 !!!.~~~IN.~~~ ~.IX . tt1101 c-. ... 95 r~!~.~R,.~~T MIX ••OI 90,.75 r~!~l •101 11.1.23 r~~N... ltOI ... 1.73 r ~~~~.~~s ~N _,,1 .49 , "'""'"' r ~,:.~.~~ ~AISINS 'OI .. , .99 r ~~~~!!TIOS ••>,01 0No63 l#tTN w,n U U\ Qt •Ufll9\ OU ARTER PORK LOIN lnC~ loon 1110 St~ -Stn0tn cnocx PORK LOIN · CHOPS lllOCut l0 1 69 lD 1 97 WHOLE FRYER LEGS . •. 59 l ... \lol I t) ... (I\ .. _. lllC. ~~~~ END RIB ROAST .1. 79 FARMER JOHN SAU~~~1 .29 !~~~ .. ~~~! .. " .. 1.89 ..... ,2.39 HORMEL BACON '4100 aAC• lA.lfl FROZEN ITEMS r MINUTE MAIO 79 f4!~~~p J~!£~~. I ~"YANSoN:s ~~.tCK~~ .. ,. 2.69 !STOKELY CUT CORN ''°''"'•75 ! ~.~~~'-<~~!S~ .. °' •• 1. 5 7 rs~.~.?RN ........ 1.19 !~~~_.SAKE .. Cl ..,.1.29 r~1.~·s EXTRA P!!!!.1.87 I~~~~~.~~~,,. ·•01 oo.1.69 DAIRY ITEMS LOW FAT MILK lacJYlte .... 186 ~~o~.ENIZ~D MIL~ .... '" 1.91 ~~fE GRADE AA EGG;.,'"' .85 I ~!~~~!!EVER~~ ... 2 5 l~DY l~~. ~~'.~~~ "°' "" 1.85 DELICATESSEN ITEMS rXLNT 33 ~~~ITO~oz ~9 • ~~r. ~l~N.E~. ~~.A~~~ .. , 1. 5 9 r s.~~~.~K to'"' 1.19 r s~~~~~~R?~~T oro1 o.c 1.49 !~!ouo ~~~~ONI. '°' "' 1.15 I~'!t~~UR~ ~~IE~°'"' 1.29 re~~~~~ ..... Ol .. Q.99 r~~z~~~~.~~~~.s: .. , 2.39 r ~1. ~!~~.~.~~.~~!. "°' '-' .97 Patt'lcla's own weetc's ahopplng totaled 171.11 at Lucky Th• same or comper11ble lt9ms at the supe~r1tet of Mt' choice tot1ted $91.82. Th•t'• I NI/Ing• of 113 04 •I l.uckyt T .. I t•k-'I 0cto09f 1, ltl1 The Discount Supermarke " ...... ·----·· PORK SHOULDER 99 ROAST Fr~ PICnlC St~ lO e PORK SPARERIBS Fr~ TURKEY BREAST lOU\ -< ... ., "" lCU'\ ~ T~f• 09\M OI--.. ~I M ROASTING CHICKEN .• 1.79 ..89 ...... 1.68 LADY LEE BACON ~~~MER JOHN BAC~~ ... 1.69 SLICED BEEF LIVER '".69 LIQUOR & WINE r ~BEAM BOU~ • ., 11.49 r~~~~LVET '"''''" 11.49 It~:~~I RUM .~ ...... 10.49 GENERIC ITEMS GENERIC CANDY Sii.Wt~ GENERIC SYRUP ...,.. ... , .. ~ .. .. 1101tn 1.19 ~~~.~!E. P~NCAKE ~!~ .. 7 5 ~,?!COCOA MIX ... ..,.1.19 KIDNEY BEANS u ........ FROZEN WA~FLES "r' ".39 .. r, ... 69 ~~N~_RY. ~E!ERGE~0; "°.1.59 ~~.!~ .. ~'??~ .'.1.~~~E. "'" .... 72 H OUSEHOLD & PET r ~~IT.~ .l.~10 "°' ,., 1. 79 r ~~ T~~~~ ~~~~ .. ~· 2. 63 r;.~~~~~~~~~°' •.. 2.11 I~~~~~ Pl.A'.~.. .. .... ,, .99 r~~~ oe.'.~~~~'.. •101 l'l .79 !~~409 .,.., • ., 1.15 !~1~.~.TE~~~T .. ~oo.3.19 r~~1~~·~·~"~3.49 QUALITY PR ODUCE OUALITY ... 05 PUMPKINS COICMflOr~ DELICIOUS ... 29 APPLES ll90 WlllllnltOI\ tnra,.ncv GOLDEN 021 BANANAS ltllJI ""°" '° '" JUMBO u76 WAI.NUTS ...., u' .., 1 Update traditional recipe with non-conventional pans At th~ flr8l hint uf rainy weather and ~'001 air , mouth -watuing vl1lon1 of h omt•mudt• taste •tt>mptur11 lnvudt.• the consciousness of tht.• cooks who wekome the c ha lle nge of creating something different. Now 11 the perfect time to spice up some traditional r ecipes by forming them Into new shapes. M ake your favorit e breads a n d cakes. but i n stead of using convenlional loaf and layer pans, use your imagination. You would be w ise to use a baking spray as well, to be sure that your creations come out of the pan in one piece. • Try delicio us, fruit- tilled Cranberry Bread recipe ... and share the results with a friend. Ins tead of using a loaf pan, use two I-pound coffee or vegetable cans. Once out of the pan ... or can ... drizzle an icing made of confectioner's sugar and orange juice o v er the top . Th e co m b ina tio n of cranberries, ora nge - and a hint of lemon, will be hard to beat. Then why not try your hand at c r eating a honey-laden batc h of Regal Comsticks. A dash of dill weed, sour cream and cream of tartar make this recipe extra special. The secret to success for this recipe is simply in getting t he bread sticks out of the mold in on e piece. The easiest way is to use a baking s pray. Every n ook and cranny of the pan will be greased and floured in one quick step. CRANBERR Y BREAD 2 c. all purpose flour 'h tsp. salt 1 ~ t sp . baking powder 'h tsp. baking soda 1 c. sugar 1 tsp. grated lemon rind Grated r ind of I orange 1~ c. melted butter l egg. well beaten 2 c. fresh cranberries. coarsely chopped 1 c. chopped nuts 1 V. c. confectioner's sugar 3 T . orange juice Preheat oven to 350°F . Using ba king spray prepare cans or loaf pan according to directions. Sift together flour, salt, baking powder. baking soda. and sugar. Stir in lemon and orange rind Mix together orange juice. butter and egg and add to dry ingredients, stirrin g quickly t o moisten . Stir in cranberries and nuts. Spoon batter into prepared cans till % full. Bake at 350°F for one h our or until top is Feeling fit . on air fare By TOM HOGE ~Wine end ~ Wrttw A vivacious young woman. who made a name for h e rself as .executive chef for New York's Mayor Edward Koch. has developed a program to change the eating habits of plane travelers so they will feel flt when the trip 1s over, and maybe shed a couple of pounds. "When embarking on a f light ," s aid 28-year-o ld Rozanne Gold, "remember that just because the airline says it's mealtime doesn't n ecessarily mean it's your mealtime. You may feel better just ilaving a snack during the trip. "It's often a good idea to order a special mea I fo r yourself b e for e boarding," she added. "By ordering at least 24 hours in advance. you can arrange for a low carbo hydrate d iet , a koeher meal or a fresh fruit pltte." Oold, who lookll TnOl"f' like a fash ion mode l than ~ a kitchen supervtlor, said that travelers should be a a awa r e of prope r nutrition 118 lOfl athletea. "When you re on the ao m aki ng p la n e connection• and trytnc to (See AfR FARE, Cit) goldt>n unJ toothpkk lr\84.•rtt-<I ln l't'OtN \'OllW!I out ch•on Mukl' on wing of con frt•twnt•r'11 11ugor und ornn..it> JUl('t•, tlrlttlt• ovt.•r top of loaf I f desired , garn1:.h with' oranac 5(.'('tions REC.Al, CORNSTICKS I l' flour I l« y.,llow conrnwul I tap. huklnH !llidu 2 tsp. cream of t.llrl.IU' 11) tsp. suit 2 bp. dill Wt'<'Ci ~ c. milk 1 c. 1hury sour crc·am :! t<ggs, Wt'll beaten 14 c honey Makes: (I) 1 pouru.l t•of fee c·a n and (I) J pound vegctnblt.• t•an• •Ans ·~ x 411'1 x i :v. tnch loaf pan n1ay also be used 'A <:. melted buttt.·r or margarine S p111y (11111,llt'k pun ~··111 ·rou~ly with htak111u :.pruy ( '11111b1111• I lour, \'t111111i.•1.il, 1..wklll~ HllUll, \'ft•nm of turwr, !llllt and d111 Wf'\'d MI)( Wt·l I ('CJ Ill h I IH' nll I k , 11 ti Ur l't'C't1111, t'~Jt(!I, huncy and buttt•r Add qu1<·kly to dry ll'\8f{'fhcnts ~t1r w JU:Sl mix. 1''111 r11rn11tlt•k wt' 11 ~ PI u n · 1 n :l 5 0 d11Krt.~· oven and hake io lo :l5 minutes Makt:s: J 6 c:or nst1cks I ., •. hukin~ :o.pa·a ) lo t'UM' rc•movn l of bn·ucl!-1, t•u kt·i- -, VOtll 7&ra AtltllVERIARY 76 FREE PIA VACATIOtlS Enter Vona Golden Gate Sweep•takea. Eaby blank• available at all Vona atorea. t I 2lB LOl\1- WE'U DOUBLE THE DIFFEREftCE VONI GWUlAl'TEI! OP ou• LOW "00D PIU(EI 11 lll .. l,~l,•,111,.11i'v11ll\llMJU,1+ll11rHt'11k.i,.f1"'~Jpl1tl"'t ._.,If OMh1i.q 1111' 1tltlr1 II yt11; • 41• fuwJ ,,,,.,., 1, .. 1·i.1lt f1,1t <1.J l•h' "'II•'\ "'"''~ ,1 .111v 1Hl11•1 ,.,,~·r111101k1··1 \,,,,._, •111 po) 'f'•JU .Jwtil .. Hi(" ,f!f1,.,,."' .. h;-.1 .. t11 ... "' \ 1111 .. [~,,._ ..," '"'' ,1 1 J .)•1 d1ffr11•1•t "'"'I fl'tlftll I ,, .. ~J 11 .. n•\ ., ,,,h )/O. ,, "" "r t U!l1,MH' poi., .. +ff! lht ,0(111• l1•1tt lh°l•I' <JI •)II ... ti('\'"' 'H'J('l!fl·llk••t 0 If U11111 h"•JI I\ l1~r' t'.111' .. I \''kJI 1h•trn1rcl • ,,_,.,. , •• , ('1f'i tUttl Ow l'01r1 '""''~··I ' """J · J''" .,., 11 \, '"' \1'••1 ...,, IJ f fl\ ·I• 1ldt !'1'" ·h"'"'t'IO• \.1111, lo•'··~' r1n1 1• ,r .. , I' " flt.,,. ... ,. If ... . . .. . . ,.. . SUM PRICE SPAGHEITI CONT ADINA 19 J.'.9,~TO SAUCE. ''~111 398 QOlJ/'oO t()P Oil !.N'oO.H'.H ~T 2 REGULAR PRICE. 9~ .59 PRODCJCE •J'1,.... l\YI t ""•iti r•fol ... Whole Pumpkins Iceberg Lettuce ,.,, ..,,, ' .. ,..,' .. Brown Onions .05 .49 . 15 ··~~ ....... ,... 1 ,~,, ' '·' 69 Fresh Cranbvlies • • • Fresh Papayas .... ,, -.&/f Fresh Ntlchokes .89 ... 69 ... ,. t "jU'fl'jO , ,, • 4"-1 99 Tropical Plants • "" • 1 • • l;t;tefA#ll\li•I•l•b1I I• t•""' f ... Vons Orange Julu ' ,.., ' oll ~ I" ' ... t ... i'ln~:~· e~mtos '"'•I"''' • "' ... 1• flil Mkrowave Popcorn •• , ..... ",, •• ,... • ' • •l\t Oh I Boy Potatoes l/ "'1\ 1Kilt{I',,.. '''"'' Carrot Cake ••,.-_\ ~I' tf lf'\f "'""~ •"l'"T 'I,., Deluxe Ice Cream ]19 . 25 )19 .59 } 99 169 VONS BAKERY 6f'~fll\oV\:t"~'~" OLtnt Sesame Bunt l"' 1\1116"" ('II.Of"~ ~Jf\1 Crescent Crumb Donuts t/O/ , ""'•' ~flf'1t"'ll ~pie Coffee Cake """ l.•U owi:•,NCot ... n Holiday Cake Donuts .79 )05 J 45 ]15 .98 LIQUOR I t S !'lo... ~-.)1 tllM"•I a()~ Taylor Calif. Chablis .. , .. t Beringer Chardonnay ' Seagram's 7 CrolllT1 Slim Price Vodka Andre While Champagne ,, . Seagram's V.O. 599 6 99 5 49 7 49 J 98 7 99 DELICATESSEN t 1i1t1 .41( t ~"\~/W t"'41ltf•~1 " 2 29 Monterey Jack Cheese " f\"\f""' 4o(,U1f1t•1"''1J(•/ l"'' Mozzarella Cheese Ponl's Plua Crust Gallo Italian Pepperoni ' 1/ f• '""" ... #" "'\• ·t Flsher Sandwich Singles Alu/Xlnt Burritos J;I\/ ...... .W ""-lU "'f•AJ Vons Beef Bologna 1 29 .99 1 09 .99 3' 100 .89 DAIRY PRODUCTS ,.,I,,, ... ""'""''' 79 Contlnental Plain Yogurt • .93 u1 ar+1t r .. """'°''" "''" Chilled Orange Juice "'""''4 W tt. I• 79 Saffola Stick Margarine • GROCERIES ;t'I/ .,..,\ ~ .......... , I t\, .. Jello Gelatin Cinnamon Applesauce Tomato P\Jree .. "I • • ... -.. 1 Slim Prke . Com U I If Tomato Ketchup Genulnc Dill Pickles "'. ' .... Olnty Moore Beef Stew Libby Corned Beer Orange Marm11lade Minute Rice .63 }13 .79 .44 J 85 J 75 2 35 } 59 .99 } 39 SERVICE SfAFOOD t "''Ir 'o' No I t4 1 • Turbot Flllct s .... -·' Fresh Catrlsh ~.., "'' "'\ • """r ",... Rainbow Trout ..... ti',,. Oce11n Perch Flllcts )69 ] 49 198 II•) 98 HEAL TH & BEAOTY •>OJ /tint'''",.."'"" Jer~n·s Lotion He.cl Red Sh11mpoo .. '""' '"'"'' Cori<:ldln D Decongestant 177 1 aa } 68 Mt_f/"Jfl~J\f .... U 95 \t"lll"'!irtfWH1it }89 Je.raeymeld Cltrua Punch • Ah1n NHlll Spray Tender Cube Steaks " . Boneless Chuck Roasts o I I i• I',.. I • Sirloin Tip Steaks t11 .. "'I;.,,. , .. "' .... Ill •• Boneless Rump Roast Pnrk Loin Rib Chop• Pork Loin Chops '"'''188 ·~ .. 249 ,, 2 59 t"I J• lfj ,~ ... A.+I~ Country Style Spareribs " 1•' l"W'll!' ltij I! Roasting Chickens • f ··•111 ... .• .. .... • Fresh Chicken Breasts loli\t \ , ·~ ....... , Sausage Rolls "'.,.,..,.I .. 1't1 , 111• Fancy Sliced Bacon "] 29 ,. 2 29 "} 79 VONS 76TH ANNIVERSARY GOLDEN GATE GETAWAY SWEEPSTAKES h • Vons 76th &nruvpr"'ry -and to • t'l~h•df" 76 FREE PSA TRIPS FOR 2 """ '" H>tlf1•orll1\l thr fobulou' Golden G111.- TO SAN FRANCISCO Gt'tow.iv ':>wM"p•t~k..-II ' your char>('~ 10 win OOt" al 76 fun flll..i wrtkl'nd tnps to sc enoc ~" f rant •SCO N<1 pur~h"'" " ne<~sMlry Dl!>t&tl~ and l'ntrv blirnk~ M" avoll~bk-al r•vrry V'"" •tc11• '\II winners will t>I' nt11lfl('d by rn111I ~nd post,.tl 1n '\Oil'• VONS WINNERS WIU STAY AT THE ~~ HOTELS OF SAM FRANCISCO ----_._ ----N~tlOnol wlll orw you o frtl' ;=.. _ ·~: _ ~ ._ ~~ • ·== r~ntol cer tor the wed<~nd to -• • . _. ·-• • • •• • • • . itdd 10 yo.ir lun. . . . . . . . . . . T rmzzliWC PfDCl!:S lff'!C'fM ™'*· nMO MO .. OCT. 21 TO OC'T. 27, I H 2. CALI. (l 1 J) ~J FOii L.OCATIOH 0,. ITORE MMUT YOU. llOT AU rr!Jlle N'/O ,_ ... 1'MI AO~ AT ¥Ol'tl, UOOW. PtCO ILW..•'11 W. IOTH tl .. LOl~. IAM Ol[00. l"lltl"°Al't0 I.At vi'.CIM. IAl.LS II! RITM. QC.Wll'ITIU Dm.Y."'°9l aTOM.a Oft!ltl 'MlO 11 M' ~ft A 'Wiik OCEAN SPRAY FOLGER'S Hl·C FRUIT DRINKS BOUNCE I')'> ,!)3 53 INSTANT CRYSTALS ASSORTED FABRIC SOFTENER W1~Ch~••'4lt•ed 1n~-' ,,.., "' 1 4~ WH~ [ (~ .... Ill "llY ••Ill COFFEE FLAVORS UNSCENTED 76 IH17 3.49 460/ HUNTtNOf ON MACH ff22 • ......., • """9«1• COIT/I. flllllA 1U l. 11111 ttr ... and Or.,,.. Aw., HUHTINOTON elACH "NTtNOTOft UACH 21oe2 leectt l hrd. •1 Altenl• IAN JUAN CA,.IT"ANO HOl1 C.mtno Capltlr-I o.t ()blepo .69 l"YIHI cno .. ,,_. "d· llllYIMI ................... 40t.OONT dlllOONl I ,own AIM VALL.IV llt01 ............. CA"IT"ANO llACM MCllt DoMlly ,__ Dr. I VIO*'- 1.24 2.39 o.-,~.,,.SllCll ''" ..._,, '"""~""11 •• ,...c-1ot..,.-, v-'"""""°"" -. •OUNTAIM VALL.IV 11-.... ,.,... • felllef1 '-AOUMAt• .. U MM1 A .... ,_._, I Hon I )'I . ..., f .. ., .. .. ·' ... '1 •. •, .. ·- ·. ,. •' , :r ...... .. .. .. . .. '?' '$ . C l l Or •no (..oual OAll Y 1'11 U 11Wull11ui-thly 01.to ho1 20 iutt:.i Tim -hono r d c hili r c ip i picy with seasonings flavore d with b eer Wh )' nut t o..un t t w fo II weath •r with o truly different v1·111111n o f u d1ih for ull ~·11:.um. ,, pot of chala'! Spicy hot t:hil1 mad1• with beer nnd 1upJJ1.'d with dollops of d(•hdvl.~ \'ornmt>al dumpling:;, put.Sa new fun• on a11 old (an1iltor Crlt!11tJ Jt 'i. a great t•rowd-pJl'ilM'I' unu it's et'<>nomkal too Th1•rl' urt• j :, 111un v ways to makl· 1•h1ll ,;.,, Chere an• folks to l'at 1t. buc many llmt·-honor1•tl recipes. passed down through g('lll'1·at11ms o f western chrh lovers, mix all the t raditional ~sonings with bt'<>r &t:•r has bet•n use<l as a meat mannade and sauce base for l't:'nturit>s. ll tende ri zes l'htl1 m<'at and add:. a unique flavor that you w.on't find tn any spiel' C'an The akohol an the b t>er eva p ora t es during cooking, leaving th<• unmatc·hed . aromatic flavor. General ('Ons1msus hus chili originating around 1850 1n Tl·xas Trail cooks on long. dry l'a ttle drives through barren prairie land w e re responsible for providing grub t o rav e n o u s cowboys. The l'Oo k s threw whatever meal thev had into the s tew pot: and flavored rt with plenty of chile peppers Chickt•n, buffalo, rabbit and rattlesnake all found their way into countless chih rc-c1pes. Many folks today still dry th e ir own c hale peppers by lining them on strings a nd hanging in a dr y place This provacc>S a rl'ady supply of fresh spicy pc-ppers and as an attrac·t 1vc de co rati on f o r thl' kitchen o r p o n ·h Whether you dry your own or u se c ann ed spiel's. you'll find thc1t beer adds a unique taste to the spicy goodnto"SS of ch1h. CHILI P IE WITH CORNMEAL DUMPLINGS AIR FAR E I From Page Cl I I k ee p trac k of your luggage. you may need an l'Xtra boost," she said "Havl' a banana or a gJa~ of freshly squeeZC'd juice or replenish lost body fluids with mineral water." Gold must be doing something right. since in the c•ourse of her cooking career s h e has won praise f rom s u c h n otab les a s Jimmy Carter, Menachem Begin and Sophia Loren. Al present. s he as introducing light new eating concepts as co- din.>ctor of restaurants at New York's Barbizon Hotel. with the s ingle lraveler in mind. "Whe n t r aveling al o n e. eating alone becomes a problem." she said. ''Some hotels. like the Barbazon. have a 'captain's table' where those who wish can eat together. ''Avoid eating alone m your hotel room." she added . "As k a bo u l restaurants wh ich are informal and suited for th ose eating b y themselves. Oµtd oor cafes are perfect for this." H ere's a light vegetabl e soup she re co mmend s for a pickup. 3 quarls homemade stock from fish. chicken or vegetables 1 m inced garlic clove 3 carroes, scraped 10 mushrooms l large leek 4 celery stalks l 'h c ups fr es h tomatoes. diced and drained 1 tablespoon fresh mfnc:ed parsley 1 tablespoon fresh minced basil Julienne all vegetables but the tomatoea into 11.ii -Inch strips. Brin g stock to boll a nd add a•rll c, car r o t s . mu1h room1. leek and e•lery. Simmer 10-15 minutes, till vegetables are jult done. "-dd tomatoes, parsley Md bM!l and atrnmer 6 rnfnutes lon1er. Serve *ith thin alkel of lemon end add a duh of fresh ~.lfdnl~. 11 • p ou111h 111 l1t•1•I 1>l1•\\ 1111•111 1 Id 111111 'I 1111 II l Ul14.'I> l \'Up l hoppc•d 11111011 I I ~1 1 • lllllll I I ·"' t •·d k1d111·v l11•un!>, drrn rwd I I :! 111111l"1' 1 .in h••,•r I II 11 u 11 ,. ,. , " n 111111a1111•,, 1·up llf> ;! I l1 t \'I "t ..:,11 I11 1111111 ··d I 1.dd1·,11111111 , htl1 I"'""''' I l•··"I'""" .... 11 fl •i "poo 11 )(rm md '11111111 'I l' II " v t' I J ti w l Ill llllll'•il I I ('lllJ .i11 purp•l!oP f11111 r ..! t ,, 11 I,.'" II" II ' ''"'hlll~ 1111 I I 1t•u1t·11 1't\H I t t llfl tflllk l'l1u" 11u-.1t 111111111 ,11111 lrn lrll'Y 1>1-.111" 111 hull\1111 111 Ul.11-(1 t'•l~t·d :I qu.11 I '' u s .. l ' ' I j I 1 • I II li u w I n11nh11w l.11·1•1. 1111Jnwwd 11111111t111·~. \01111110 p ;,1:;11•, und1'alrll'd d111t· .... w11 l11·, 1'111 It µow• h-1 , I It ·as pu1111 suit and l u111111 Puu1 111\;t•11 ·d 111 :l.10 d1gll't'"t ov1·11 l111 :! l111u1' I ' \'UP hHll.llP p.11>h' I -I .. ll II I '. I 11 II dlOflfH'd ~I l '\'ll I hllP .!.~J.!.l~.2.::. - I I l t ',1'>1'01111 IJ:i k 11\1( powcl1 I 11 v ,. 1 1111• .1 l A a k ,. l '11111l111w 101111111·,il , ll11u1 l1,1k 111g p11wd1·1 111111 '1 t1·,..,11t1011 '1111 S tar 111ml,1·w>1 .111111111lk J>rnp h y tahh·~1111t111slul t11ll11 Ii 11 t S t t • W , f 111 111111 g II du 111pI111g s H ,1 k1·, lllVl'll'tl . :1(1 lllllllJt1•s 111on· 111 till du111µl111~s II I ,. d (J II t• M J kt•.. H :.t•rv1nl-(s ( :h il i m uth· w ith lw<'r i~ top1w cl with dum plin gi, PlllCES EFFECTIVE 7 DA'l'S 8 AM IHUllS OCT 71 lltllU WED OCT 17 1987 Stvtfed PORK LOIN CHOPS , ,,.,h 8 '" p, ' " PORK SHOULDER ROAST r,,.,h 8 tt Potl1on PORK SHOULDER STEAK r,~,n C.,rncall \., .. PORK SPARERIBS \B It! 18 lB WHOLE FRYER LEGS 1.99 1.49 1.69 1.49 LB •• 69 14 0 1 6o9 ., S1oe~• KRAFT CARAMELS 8 0 1 Bocon Godden 8vllerm1lli SEVEN SEAS DRESSINGS • 01 Docl'd 1 ot Soho 1.19 .85 ORTEGA CHltES, SALSA •• 9 I IPRHIGFllLD APPLE JUICE tM·Ol , 19 BOTHE fllTEllED • STEAK & POTATOES TOP SIRLOIN STEAKS lB 2.29 BONELESS BEEF LOIN IN A BAG .79 (olumboo R •••• Wkole or Holl si1 ... , Solmon Steak• lb 1 791 1.98 FRESH SALMON LB PORK LOIN RIB CHOPS PORI< LOIN ROAST BONELESS PORK CUBES lB 2.49 18 2 .19 18 2 .89 COUNTRY STYLI PORK SPARERIBS FRESH PORK LOIN I 4 9 RIB fND La. e At,.,O t BONELESS TURKEY RO AST I "~ I o IC' 0 1 BURRITOS SMOKED SAUSAGE [, 1.69 I t. .69 tB 2 .29 POINT CUT BRllKIT CORNED BEEF H:~GHES I 59 CUI 1.89 La. • CAMPBELL'S TOMATO SOUP 1 O.Y. -OZ. CANS LIMIT 5 ,, 0 • atO Tomato -:?-.'J Tomato ·•oor~ ~ ......... e,·•o~r·';a.--i.._ ............................................ r-' Ii CORONIT I' -~ TOWELi I 81G ll0ll 59 llMll 3 • 18 oz 80X WHIATlll CEREAL 1.65 2-LITIR SEVIN-UP •llEG 7UP I 29 •DIET 7 UP •LIKE COIA • 2 LITIR DR PIPPER RfG & DIET 1.19 RUSSET POT A TOES U.S. #1 BAKING IMd•r 18 • 12 SPINACH BUNCH .29 CABBAGE Go"Or•\ 17 0 1 CRU NCHY FISHST ICKS [A I tr I''•' A " ... ,.. 8 "' MINUTE BREAKFAST LINKS If. ... I 1 .. BONED TROUT f,(. •• ,, .. c, l l ,. ,, PORK SAUSAGE f t. FRESH BEEF LIVER 1.99 1.29 2.19 1.49 •'•l"<r~f e :>!Vf l"<f • ':>llUlJ. 49 llOCID H C ... 1•1.79) LB. 65 t)I Dl\k,.,mk1n9 CASCADE DETERGENT 2.99 16 0 1 eo. RITZ CRACKERS 19 0 1 (ko(ololl' 10 01 Dovbl .. Stufl iYJfJCS fJf f~ r1~£1'1r 5 9 r. ~ ..... ) 0, "-••· .._0, s.t..•., "•••• 19 01 "'out'""',._, W • I r ... -..,=:::,AllD 1.79 ~~~;.•,,!!.~.. ~·:;o~eo·~~·io us .I ~ ;.: 2~~ ~E~RYLOOK 1.93 ~iLL~TT~~v l':la ~~~~~~-''~·.•s ~~·c~teD1VEG~T~BLES I.IS ,)1),.1 ,.'.~•d•·•••M'°"'"°" so '·••' 1)1) .. 1 ~ )01 ""°"'A•'O"°' , 01 \+.,.ol-'• '~•lo T 01 °'O M(( 11 6 or (o• EARL V SMIRNOFF .t.66 MPRI FACIAL SCRUB 2.•I BREAD MEAL .35 TERIVAKI SAUCE 1.19 TIMES •.99 VODKA •.19 THE ~y LOOK ;\--c:COllYIMllll1' ,.ODN FOODI DILICATllllN TalATI-------.... 17-01. Con low Pulp, Hiott Pulp Florido Co11<e11lrote ~--NATURAL SUN w wr ORANGE JUICE 10 01 Broccoli. Covliflowet .,./Che.'4 Sou<t I 4 S·1 SS or Pudd1n In M1ddl• BIRDSEYE VE GET ABLES • 93 SARA LEE CAKES t9 or leef, Ch-16 or Sli<ed VAN DE KAMP'S ENCHILADAS 1.79 KERNS STRAWBERRIES I I ·OJ lntt•nohonol Vori•t,., Bl•DllYI RICI DllHll COOll• ... YOU.Ml ... '' .98 1.79 .99 .93 . 11-or lndov1duolly Wropped, ChH11 Food HUGHll AMIRICAN llNGLEI 1.29 lto"do"' W••ght Oo~oto Fotml COLBY LONGHORN CHEESE,, 3.19 A111 $11e1 ond Flo.t0n PILLSBURY COOKIES •.• 9 11 or Hormel KOL8ASE SAUSAGE • or lond 0 FtO\I FAMILY PACK CHIPPED MEATS .69 2.19 2.99 $1ic.O 12·01. DAllOLA COOKID HAM Daily Piiat WFONfSOAY. C)l~l ?O, ll)li<' ClASSIFllD ·05 There's only one hand left to play Are lards stacked against Brewers? Sr. Louis ' Willie McGee slide!'i sa ft-1~· into honw Tut>5'dav night as Milwaukee <'atrht•r T f.'d Simmon~ c a n't com~ up with tht" ball. AP Wlrephoto S T (.()LJIS (/\!') Tht• prel1n1111.1111·~:J11•11vt•1 Now, tht• St l.oul' .. l'J1d111.1J:.. ;n1d Milw.11d<1•1• Br1•w1•1:. ;11 (' 11·<td y lot tlw n1a111 1·v1·11t Thi· mlli·n·11,;..,,, ... IYH;t World S1•1w~. wl11d1 has t w1slt·d rnon· 111111·" lh;Jll a lu ·ll y dann·r. •~ tlown 111 ont' d 1•1'ls 1v1., final ga111C' with th1· world ehamf.Jlonsh1p 011 th1• luw Tht· <..'11rd11wl~ l<11t·1·d t1Jn1gh1 '~ '>l'Vv11th gai111• shuwdown with ;1 rn;1ruth1in 1 :~.1 ra111 d1·i:iy1·d Vll'lory Tu1·sd<ty 111ght Ill c;anit· Six. a g<ll1H' dul·111g which 1t •111pt•raturt•s plung1·d rnon· than '.!() tl1·gn•1·~ CLEAR BUT COLO w1·alhl'1 . "'1th lows 111 t h1 · m1d-:Ws. 1s f11n'\.·a~t for (;;mw St·v1•11 with .Joaqu111 Antluj<tr go111g for St Low~ agains t th•· Hn·w1·r~· Pl'll' Vut·kov1l'h 111 a n·m;itth of th1 · Ca111e TJ11·1·1· start1•rs. St. Louts won th;;t ganw Ii-:! but l\nduJar was forec·d tu lt:oVl' 111 thl' ~1·v1•nth 11111111g wht•n ht· was struck 1111 th<' nght h·g l1y a IJa ttC'd li:dl Cardinal Manag1·r Wh1tc·y I krwg ~aid ht· hatl no hl·s1t:.it1on ~about using 1lw frc·ry Dorn1n11·<111 nght-handPr. who wa~ lhl' lwst p1tchl·r on tlw St Loui:. staff for th1• sc·as1111·~ l1n.rl n1unth "JOi.11.jUtn gt·l~ tht· b<ill." ~•••d l h·rz11g "If I dun't g1vt• him thl· lwll. I 'm .;un· I'd lit· •JIH· dt"ad manag1•r." HtKtklt' John Stuµ1•1 had th1· ball lur l;a11w S1'.\ and n·spondc•d with a l1JL1r-h1th•r Ile· w.i:-. ha('k1·d bv <i high 1x1\vvn·d C:1n.linal ;1tt.;wk that indud1·d hrmw run" l1v K1·1 lh I l1·r11andc·z. who drov1• in lciui n .. ns. ;ind Da-rrl'il P ortc·r. \\'hu d1 •li\·11 •·d two. and a St•n1 •s rl'nird thn·•· 1·xtra h:r~t h1b II\ d1 ·.;1gn,1tl'd hlltl'r D:int• lorg. S tupc·r though! 1h1· l'anlin;tl h1 t11·r~ ~t·1·1111'!l .:iwfullv f:.irntlwr "W1· luokt·d ltkl' th1• l\ltlw;iuk1•1• Bn·wt•r..,.' h1· ST. LOl11S CLIM BE D all 11\·1·1 B11 \\l•r !->t;.;rt1·r Don Sutton. lagging 111111 for ..... vc·n run:-and -.i•v1·n h1L-; 111 ·I ' • inning,., Sutton lt'l t .in llbl:111l lx·ton• tlw first r:rn1· dl'lay. :1 :!li-m111u11· ll'a!-.t•r an tlw fifth ann111g Tlwn. 1n tht• sixth, a dt·lugt· hit Bu~d1 Stad1u111. halting pla:-· two h11ur~. 1:3 rrnnutc·s 111 th1· 1111ddl1· 11f a Card1n;tl rally th<Jt prudun·d six run~ and wrnpp1·d up ;1 Vll'torv St Louis hud lOJ h;,;vl' Stupt•r w.i1tt·d out hoth dt•l<1ys •ind l'aml' bal'k w1 t h11ut prribll·m~ t·al'h ltnH· lit• rt·llr<•cl 15 1.·onM·t·utrvt• b;1ttt·r~ U\'l'I' tht· m1ddl1· 11111111g!-. and had a l\\!O-h1t shutout until thl· ninth 111n1ng "Con sideri ng tht' l'trc·um~ta1H·c·!'> and thl• 1mportam·f' of 11 this '" th1• ht•st ga1111· of my ltfc.., .. S<Jld Stu~·r Bl·fo rc· ht· startC"d . ht· h;.od 1>1·1·11 <1 I 1 ll It• 1•ont·l•rnl·d about th1• f.Jllt·h111g pa1nn~. <• rooktt· going -He lives life of an underdog Ex-Sailor l~arnahan surviving tough times at Oregon State By ROGER CARLSON Of llMI D•llY Pllol Steff Joe Carnahan. a 6-5. 270-pound ofh·ns1\'1• line:man. knows the feeling of an undl•rdog As a high sl·hool playN at Newport Ha rbor he was part of thE.' Sailors' two-Umt· C IF Big Five Conference sem1fina lts t squads -teams which thrived on beating the odds . And. for the past four years he has been a part of Oregon State U niversity's tc•ams -w hich have virtually starved trying to bea t the odds. The Beavers, with Carnahan their No. I a sset in th e fron t line. in vade the Los Angeles Coliseum Saturday a fternoon to duel the 12th -ran ked Trojans in Pac-10 footbalJ action And. as you might suspect, the 0-5-1 Beavers are landslide u nderdogs. "I alwa ys kind o f liked to be the under dog." says Carnahan. "But I don't ltkt· to be ,·ailed names. like doormat or patsy "L ast week before the Washington game there was talk that the score was going to be 70-0. but as it turned out it was tied <it 7-7 in the third quarter and we gave thl•m everyth ing they wanted until the last quarter." Washington defeated the Bc-avC"rs. 3.\-17. w hich is about the average result for the Beavers these past four seasons during a span in which the opposition has prevailed to the tune of 35 win:.. 3 IO';ses and a ue During th ose 39 ~ames the Beavers hav(' averaged 12 points a game. but the deft'nse has a llowed 36.3 poin ts a game. turning sometimes blue chip offensive efforLo; 111to just another loss. "I've h ad some fu n here." says Carnahan of his life in Corvallis. "bu t there have been 1 some really toug h t imes. too. I couldn't believe we could get beat like we have. I never fe lt we were that bad. "W e beat S ta nfo rd (33 -31) in my I fl'shm11n y(•<ir and WI' pl.1yl'd 111 Tok:-·o (ag<itn!-.t l.iCLA in UJ!W). l'vt· no n·gn·t~ ..ibout t:x'ing ht•n'. it's a lx•au11ful plan· hul' wmnmg. w1th11u t ll. It mak~·s thc· sc·u~on lnng " c.11·n;Jh<1n , who m1sst•d hts t•nt1rc• c;ophomorL· st•ason bc•l'<tUst· ol surgl•ry un ankll' hgamC"nl~. ~y:. his St'nlor 1•amp<11gn (dl·spttC' '-' winkss 111w) hC:i~ bt·1·11 bt·ttL'r, •f couldn '1 beliel'e wt~ could get b(•al like we han•, I 11eYer felt w(~ were that bad.· simply lx'<.·au~e ht• has ll'<1rn .. d to handh• ~he advers1tv. <i nd lwcaust• tht• n•sulb hav1m't lx•c•n -quite as devast.illng "! fl'C'I I've grown up the· Inst yt·;1r ;ind I'm 1n a tNim leadrrsht p r11lt'." says Carn;ihan. "with a l111e which has thn•t• sophomores and a Junior collt·gC" transft>r "E.'>.s(•1Hially I'm pretty happy with my play a nd wc•'vC' been improving eac·h wt·t·k But m a inly. I'm fet'ling better bN·ausl• we'rt' not getting beat as badly ·t~-0 ~:ores arC' pn•tty humihatin~ ... For the &>avers. d uring the past f11ur· years. there hav<' been few. if ;111y . moral v1etones. "Practice all week 1s long and tht•rt' b nothing that really makes you fed any b<'ttcr.'' admits Carnahan "The• tlnly thtng you ran do 1s go out tht•re and work hard and try to do a gcx>d job." The task at hand Saturday begins with dealing with USC defensive wdde Byron Darby, a cat -quick 240-pound senior. honorable mention All-Pac-10 selC'cllon as a sophomore bcfon• an ankle injury slnwt•d him, too. "It'll be a 11ice contest (betwN.·n h1msf"lf and Darbyl.'' says Carnaha n . "Oarhy JUSt plays hard and physieal. there's no fin<'s.<ie .•l'x>ut 1t He's JUSI g111ng to (1>1nt· ;it you. "Southl·rn C<il dot•sn't h<iw· <.1 tnckv lkfens'" ll's a !-.lr.11ght forw;ird basis Thf'~'·w go111g t<• pl<ty tht•ir gamt• and tlwy arc• b1j;! and st rCJng c·nough to du 1t "Maybe· at tht· start you c~m -4l'I ;i way with some things. bul tlwy JU't kt't·p hammering. "Thc>tr offt•n ... 1vt• lint• 1~ t vp1t·dl of thilt. too YtJu may st11p tht·m ulll'<' 111 <• whllt'. but pretty soon tht•y slelrt rolling " For Carnahan. it's anothl'r ganw wht'l'L' ht' must forget what hl• ean't hdp t·ontrol 10r£1gon StatC''s dl'fr•nst') .ind com·<.>ntratl' on his pa rt 111 d<'Vl'loptng pom t!> nn th<· M'ord:>oarcl ''Last year Wl' sc·on 'll :!2 points on use and we could havP SL'Ol'l'd :i5.'' ht• udrls. "But . our dt:ft·nst· wasn't stopping Ir.cm." USC sped to a 5G-22 victory It's the first appl•aranee 111 the Cohsl'um during Carnahan's carr•c•r w ith tht• &•avt•rs and he says it's obv1<1usly urw of th1• high pomL.o; for him. coming homl' 111 Southt·rn Cal1forn1a He· is maJonng 111 l1bc•r;.il <1rt~ and rs thinking in term:. of broackasting, :.ports photography or tht: bus1nC's.o; l'nd I)( golf as a future. rather th<m with prn football Carnahan wouldn't turn a pro o ffpr dl)wn -but thC'rC' havt' 11<.•en virtually no offers. Carnahan eaust•d ;, st 1r 111 the Or<>gon Su.it(' t·amp in August. slwanng l11s loeks. and just about thl' l'l1llrt• group of o ffC'ns1ve ltnC'men followed suit. "It was a J ohn Ma~l~t·-ty~· thing.'' says Carnahan . "l said lo mysl'lf that this was prob:ibly going to be m y last sC'ason of football and I knew we we re going to b<• lo<:k1:ct up pre tty much for a while. so I ~ot 11 r ut (a very l'lnse t'U I) "After the rest of thc> ltnC' saw what l did. (See CARNAHAN, Page 0 2) Strike clouds Anaheiin financial picture From AP diapatcbes The s trike b y Na tion a l FOO\ball League players has cost the home of tfie Rams al least $430.000 to date and could leave Anahelm more than $1.5 million poorer if the entire season is wiped out.. Ro thsch ild said. "That doc•sn't fndude wha t the s trike is costing local b u •un esses -just the revenue thU the dty-owned Anahe i m S tadium earn s per ga m e i n te rms o f parlt 1n g revenue. concessions a nd gate receipts as well as suite and scoreboard re ntals." The city's lcmi includes rent tht• Rams w ould be pllylng based on a pc rccn tage o ( t ic·ke t sa 1i~~. R.oth*.•hild 8'1id. for the> 58.000 scats in Anaheim Stadium · The dub also 1s losing about $:i5.000 per game from parking revC>nues. Wileox said. T he Rams get h alf o f t'ach $5 pa rkin g charg<' for somc-14,000 cars. Wilcox said the organiiuu on hasn't yet laid off an y s tuffers bul h:1s g iven rdunds on t1ckeL-; for the• two games missed so far apply the monl'y to nt»<t yt•ar. In Los Ange le's. w ht•rl' the former Oa k land R aidt'rs re l o~atc>d this season . Los A ngeles Colls<'u m official Bob White estimated lOSS4..'S at about $90.000 per home game from everything but ren t. .. Tonight's game Milwaukee at St. tou1s. 5,20 p.m. Tonight's pitchers -Pete Vuckovich ( 18-5) of the Brewers vs. Joaquin Andujar ( 15-10) of the Cardinals. TV -Channel 4 at 5. Announcers -Dick Enberg. Joe Garag1ola. Tony Kubek. Tom Seaver and Bob Costas. Radio -KNX ( 1070) at 5 10 p m Announcers -V111ce Scully and Sparky Anderson. Remaining schedule -There's no tomorrow l lJI <1g;1rt1SI ;i 17 \'t'<ll \'l·t1 ·1 :111 With :l.">8 l'i.lfl'l'r \ It'll/I I(•!-, "1 SAID T HAT tli1 11wtthup "' Suttun ciml Stu~·r st·emt•d ltkv <1 hugt· rn1snu.1tt·h ." lw s<11,J "But rn the• g;1nw of b<J~t'ball. ur1yth1ng l'l:tll h;.rµpt·n ." /\nd on Tuc·scf;J:>' nrght JUst i.ibout l'\'l•ryth1ng did Th1·n· Wl'l't• foui· t•rnff!-. bv tht· Brl'wt•rs. two ••p1c·('t• h_\ '>l'l'1Jl1d h.1:.t•rn<1n 'Jim Ganlnt·1· ;.ind ... lrnrt~t op Hubin Y11unt . wh .. t'dl'l'led a :'i:l-1 balling :iv1·rag1· 111111 t lw g;mH· but Wt'nt ll -f<Jr --l Whc·n Y11un1 mat.It• ht~ ~l'l'lm<i l·rrur an tht· ninth inning. 1h1· n·mnant.s 111 th1· crowd uf 5:J.7:l:J huott·d ham. m1m1l'krng tht· MVP vhC:ints ht• h;,~ IH«1rtl so I n·qu1·11tly from Mil w•1uk1·t· fan!-. This 111ghtman· !-.tartl'd t·;,;rly fur Mtlw:.iukt•t• with tht· Cords ::.tnk1ng f11r a pair uf u1warnt·d run~ with two uut Ill tlw St'l'und innmg. lnrg cJuubk'll on a ball that glannod out ut ll'ft fil'ldl'r &·n Oglivu~·~ glovt• Wtlht· l'vkGl'\' tolluwl·d wtth a bouncer that went nght through Yount'~ lt·g:. for ;.in t•rrur and th1·n T11rnmy I h•rr doublt'CI, S<'ortng Ml'G et· In tht• fourth. Gt·orge Ht'ndnck Opl'rtt-d with a ~1nglt• and troltt·cJ homl' on Port1•r's hunwr. making It -1 -U Thl'n l11rg tnpk'<.! Ltnd buzw<l home un <1 ,.u1ndl' squ<'ezt-bunt by tkrr In the fifth , Lonna• Smith ~inglt'd ;rnd Ht·n w ndt•z. who had sn<:1p1x·d out or <tn O-for-15 I See CAR OS. Page 04 1 Ron Rothschlld. Anaheim's prqp-un development and audit ma~ager, offered the gloomie.t spedfks o( any available from officials queried on how much the' players' strike Js hurting NJ'L hornetoWM, '1.n terms of the revenuce due the city proper, It averages uut to U l 5.000 p •r h o me l(&mc.-." ,.. Rams' pub1ic relations d irector Jerry Wilcox 11ald the club is loslng aome $812.000 in t1(•kct . r.evenucs per home gamt• oo!K'd on an evt'ref(c> tlckl't ('O.'tt of S 14 Offlcrnls are w a itmg to sN• how long the playeNI' strikC' IMts before deciding on 1tN1son·tk ket refund1t. One<> that'll clear . Wikox 1toid the club w ill 1.tend lc llcrs ad vising iwason ticket-ho lders they <'.'an obtal1' a refund l'h('(_•k or The ColiSf'um is jointly owm:d by the my. county and RU)tc and operat e11 on r,!venues from spo. rting events. so White said the Raidt•rs don't actually pay rt.>nl . Howc'Vl'r . the facility w ould collect 8 JX'ret•nt o f grOISS ticket 1111 1<'11 if tht• Rllld t•rl' wt•rt• in action Ex-Newport Harbor High Ator Joe Carnahan and hi8 underdog Ore@on tote teemmotes face U C Saturday. --· l1. -01 nri11111tt ( llU!il l>All v l11l l l 11W111l11111'11t11v 01 l11l •1U .'<I 1'111.' ,.,,,,..~------------------------------~~ N., L CUUfl(,11 d rops $1 G bllll<HI oftUt N .1111111.d l•' .. 1.t l,,, 11 I I .q : 111 l\l1111.1g1111111l 1 '111111t1I . Ill I d1.i111.illt ll\llVI' '!'lll'1'd.i\ ,ti I ht• I 1,11 J.!1111111 ti\ \,1111•'. UCI: A new hull's -eye \\tlltd i. w 11~· g11,11.11111 ·P.t II\'<' \1 .. 11 ~I II l1tllt1111 J>.Hklll!I' Jlll'\'hl\I,(\ 111ft111I fiV lllt •,lllklllJ: pJ,1 Vl'I ' U1ult•,. I'''''' '''"'" 1a1·gt~t uf1,.,. N t>. I ru11ki11g Aase has s urgery, • may miss next year t~rom AP dls p11h'hl'!> A11~1'b 11•hl'I p11dw1 l l.111 A.i:-.<" £i !lltkl111l'd dun11g tl\lll h 11f th 1· 1 ~Iii:! se11!lon h1•1·a 11s1• 111 a n lllJlll v l11 h1.., rtJ!hl 1•lhnw. has ur11h·1 gww -.u1 ~··1 \ tha t prnhably w ill suh•l1111• tlw 11ght h.111d .. r 111·>..t st•ason, t ht• d111t :-..11d TUt'M.l.1v Dr Lt•\\'I~ Yon1111, w hw p1•1lor1111·d Mllg••t\ on Aast''s C'lbow c•n Mllnd.1y, ~wd tlw 11p1·r;1111111 .ti Cc-n111wla ll11sµi l11l m lnglt-wund wa:-. 1111111· C'X l l'llSIVI' tllLl ll ;111l1np.1l1•d Wi th l'l'<'ll llSll'Ul'lll>ll 11! l ilt· ltga nwrlt lx·111g 111-.·1 ·~-.a1 v 111 .1dtl1t111n. tltl' u lnar rwn·1· h11d lo lw trtinsf<•rTl'd "1)1111 Wilt l't'lll:lrll Ill llll' ho~p 1 1al th1uugh11u1 1111• n•m;1111d1•r pf t ill' Wl't·I<." s.11d Dr Yrn·um "J (,.'11 s t:ir t h1' n•hahil1t;1t11111 s.1111<'!11111' .ti 11·1 the· lrrst nl thl' \1 •.1 1 1'111 AASE 1>pt11111:-.lt1· .ihctlll ht:-t'\'t'll\11,d rl'l'llVt•ry althnugh I d1111't "'l.>1.'l'I h1111 111 prtdt next year " Quote of the day Andy Coat s . an ,, t t 11r1ll' ~ for t ht Un1ve rs1tv o f O k lah11n1a 1111 t hl' ruling th:it prohtbitt'd th(' ll\'t' tt·lt'<.·ast 11! llw Soorlt'rs' garnt· with USC wit h out NCt\1\ :-.a1w111111. "NC A A s t ands ten 'Nt·v1•r 1·11nq>1'<•m1.;1 • any th ing. <inyt1nw "' Kings' Korab slapped with suspension Ol'fl•nst•m.in J e rn K or a b 111 till' ~ L os Angt>lc>~ Kmg~ ·wus h ancl1·J ,1 ' :;1x-gi:lmt• suspPll!'>lllll by L'Xt.•L'UllV•· VlL'l'-prt>s idPnt Brian U 1'e111 l\H·:-d .. y follow1ng a mateh J.X•nalty ht· rt'l'l'tvt·cJ 111 a g.in11· wnh the Que~· Nu rd14UL's <Jc:t 14 K1or;ib dn·\' th(· pena lly when h1• swung hts st11·k .ii (Ju1 ·t>1 < . center Dale Hunter, l'~1tdrn1g him 1111 th•· J;m The Kings also announn·d l llt':" h.1d t radC'd t't•ntt•r Greg Terrio n to tlw T11rorll11 l\l.1pl" L t•afs for futur e t·1ins1dt'r at1011:-TL·rr11111. :.!"2. "'" a st'<.·und-round Jr<.1ft dH>ttl' 111 tlw Kmgs 111 1!11111 In N H L act11111 Tut·:-.d,I\. ~1ik1· Bo~.;\ snffed hts St.'nmd go;d ol I ht g.inw \\ 1th I I .t rt'ma1111ng lo lift tlw Nt·w York bland1•1"' tu,, :·1 I v1ctorv o\'C'r Vann1uvl'r 111 .i n ·111.d1 h •ii 1,"t _Yl'<1r·s· Stanley C:u~ f1n.1b T lw bl.1nrh·r-. h,,,., no\\ won fl\'l' str:.ught Ttw Boston Br u111' ~m·k1·d up tlwir fuur th \'It tun of tht· :.t·.t:-011 \\1th a :J-1 d t'l'1s11111 m·1·r h11:-.t Calgary C;ilg.11 ~ h:i.., nuw droppt•d f1v1• 111 it:-f1r ... 1 l'1ght g;111w-. 1h1-. Sl'<JSOll lh d11111H '" th1 l\J.111.1~1 111<'111 1 '.,11111 ti lit• 11\\l\l'I \ J1,11~:.11111111: 111111 111,1111 · 1:1•11f 11tt lh 11111 .ti 111 lh I :!, wh1•11 •II l1dd tl11 111111111 II \\ 1111ld "ll'.HIJll"I th 11111 I 111 lt•lln t tl11 11\\llt" J,,,..,,. . ., du1111g tlw .. ink•·" With \\•11ltd1.l\\.il 111 1111 ~:1 1.11.1111• • 1111111\\• d 1h1 · .111111111111·1•11wnt l1v 1111 l1•o114u1· 1li,1t 1t ""' 1,tllt111:1111 1111' ltltl1 lq~11J.11 "d',llll \\'1•1•k1·11.f I )\ I '.'I 2:1 '1' .. 11, ... lt't ........ d '1'111•_,I.,\ 111glit 111.t h .. th -.1111 ·<, .ig1 1·1·d 111 11·-.111111' 1111:1•11.tllllll' t11tl.1\ 'J'J11-. I' 1111 111 -.t \\ 1•dH·l1d 111g,11111·'1111 \\ )111 11 111 .. NfL wall r1 .. ·1·rv1 · '"' 11111111·\ tr111n tlw 1hr1·1· 111.1J1•t 11·l1•\'h1t111 1wl\\ rn k -. 1\H(' <'BS .111d N IH. \\1·11· 111 P·''' 1h1· NFL :t-:i:m 111illi1111 111 !!Ill.!. th1 111-.t \'t'.11 111 ,, II\<' \'<'.11. $:! 1.11111111111·1111tr;1cl '1'111 lt'.tgllt 11'1 l'l\"t'd fldVttH 11 1:> llll''ltrs t \Wt> \\1•l'ft.., 111 11\1• ""1:-1111 'l'h1· 11w 111·1:-. w 1·ri· ;ilM> grv1·11 .. l\\11 Wt•t•I< .1dv;11H'1· till fH•xl \'l•ar':-. p;1v1111•11t:-. .111d \\'1•11 • •:11.1r:111ll't·d th.it tv.11 111 1lt1 11\1• l11'>t "1·1"k1·11d~ n1uld 111 r , .... d11•dul1·d 'f'h,11\\11U(d111\'1·1 -.1'\ 111 tf11 · "'\'1·11 \\1•1·k1 ·11tl), lhrs -.1.,1:-1111 "W1 · 1ia.,1·d th.it H11.ir.1111t·1• 1111 '"''' .v1·;11 .., 1JI lllllllll'ITllJ!tt•d 11'\"l'lllH'1'," ,1 111,111.1g1 llll'ttt ~tHlll t s . II ti (>I 1 I 11 • w I l h d I .1 \\11 II II I' .. Magaz ine says Leonard will retire B11,111g ltlu,tralt'cl .• 1 m1111tltlv • p11hlu .1111111, wr II :111111111111·1· S ugar Huy l.t•on a rd's rl'l1n·1111•111 111 1L.., l>i·n ·11tl1t·1 1:-.,..111• dut• to 1·w11t• 11l1t N"v 11 . two d ,i\:.. • .i 11·r L<•t111:ird h:1-. s<'111 ·du ll'd .1 111·w:-. 11111f1·n·1w1· 111 ;11H1w1111·1' wlwtlt1 ·r ltt· will l1glt1 .ig;.11n L 1·1111.1rd w1d1·1 """111 ... uq.wry l.r ... t M.1v 1111 .1 d1•t;wh1•d n•una Wash111gL011 hl'ld rn1 to t 11 :..t pl.11'1' an T lw Ass1H't<ill'd P 11·ss ndl1•g1· lc"•lh,111 r:it111g~ Tuc•Mlay for lht• srxl h w1•l'k 111 a "' '" 'l'c·ll.a~ Hang1•rs ( ;t•rwrnl M .11wg1·r .Jot• Klein :..;1\'" ht•" di 11111·1 Vl\'W 11111· 111t1n· t~1r1tltd;1l1· b1'11111· 1;1 .. kr11g 1111' LL';tlll':.. Ill'\\' 111;1n:1gt•r 1\1111111g 1 l)tts•· tw111g 1·rn1~1cl1·r1 ·d ;111· Doug R a dt•r . tlw 111a11:1gt·r 111 lllt' S;111 ()1q~11 Patin ·~· AAA f;1rr11 t lllll tn I l111111lulu. ,111d Ila! Lanit•r, .1111.1l h for tht· St L.11111-. ('.11d111.ils Television. radio Follow111g arc• tl11 • lttp -..p1111 -. t•\'1•11i... 1111 T\' t1•111glt1 H.illllgs <in·. vvvv 1·M1·llt-11t vvv \\111 lh \\ .itd1111g. v v l.111 v lrn g1·l 11 ~ 5:2 0 p.m .. C'ha nnl'I 4 V V V V WOHLD SEHIES: Mtl\\.1uk1•1 at St Low-. Anno un1•c·rs: )Jtvk E11l1t·rg. T11n\ Kulwk .J,,, ( •• 11 ,1g111!;1, T11111 S1•;1vt·r :111.t B11t1 ( ""'·"' Tlw Vv'!1rld St-rll':-. lt.1 ... lx•1·11 ..,tr11tlwd 111 llw l11111l .111d \\ill Ix· d1 .. :1dqf th1-. 1•\'1·11111g '~ 1 ... ,, 1'1 ·11· \ lJ {' k fl \' l l I> I I 8 !'l I g ()'. s l 1> ll 11. ll ll • lll HI I II I' l\ltlw.1uk1·1· .. g,111i....l St I .ou,..· .J11;1qtrn1 A11d11Jo1r 1 l:1 Ill) 111 ,, n·m;t11 h 111 ganw 11111·•" "lt1d1 \\ .i:-. "1111 h\ St Louis. ti '..! RAUIO \\'111 Id S1·111':-. l\l tl\\.1t1ht.".' .ti Si I .11111.., 1.!ll p111 KNX!lt17lll Hc1t·k1' Nl'w .lt·r-.1·\' .ti K111g ... 7 '..!ti I' 111 KPHZ '11 ~1tn \\'1!1 11 , 11.,1111 1-. 1.111k• .t N11 I "" 1u .. 11 1·1 wlt.11 tl11 •1•"11 11 111111,, di.ti• h 111·1111111·,, .1 1;11 ':'I Ii .. 1 p11 •d1t .1111•·11l tl111l •flllll'"o \\lll11111'h1111111 v 1•111 llltljt \h,tll .t lllHllll11ttt\\ l!( (l\llH'' \\.olt'I pulu 11 .. 1111 h." 1·ll.pt·11<·111 1·d lit.ti l•Tl111g 111 ,, hu11·.., 1·\1· t·:v1·1 \ g1i.il 1·v1·1 v 1:.11111· h 11l.1 v1·d 111<1 · ,, 11ul11111.tl 1 lw111p11111..,J11p by lll.'I 11111111111•111.-, /\11d . 11'-, 11111 .. a -.v wh1•11 v1111'r1• u 11d1 •ll'.•t1·d t I:! t11.i11d 1:111l11·d N111111·111 111111 !1\ •Ii• N< 'AA 111 g1 ·r 1·1111•t11111;.lh .011d pt.v .... 11 • .!Iv ''""h 1111" 1·\l'I , ·1 .. 111. 1>11 k 111 I 1.111 V lhal want'> lfl k1111d< \'1111 11! I "l•:\'1•r y 11rll' W t • p l.1y K<'L~ up lo play u~ ... "•')" lJ('I gt1<1lll' J11h11 0 '13rwn .. 1 w111111 .111d .1 lh11 J 11·.1111 All A11wrn .111 111 t!llll "Whal w1· Irv 111 dn (,.:-,a h •.1111) IS tu · ('llllSISl!'lll W1 · 1'a11't flO'-'lilly w·• llJ> 1111 l'Vt·r·y ~;11111•, c1th1•r'WISl ' W1'0d !JUI II IJIH .. Th.it pu:-.i.tbly l'XJ>l.1an1> why th1· l\11tl ,Jtl'1 :-.. tk•i.p1t1· t lw1r 11v1·rwh .. ln11n~ ll1ll'lll . .in· JU>;I IH .. t1 111g sllllll' l1•11nis ratht•r t h ;111 dl'stroy1ng t twm ln (;{ g•111ws this s~«Json, 1ndud111g lhl' lt·.1111·, JOHN O'BRIEN JOHN VARGAS PETER CAMPBELL onlv los~ (,j llLJll·l'l't'01U1•d !-I i' 1lt•f1•.it ;II llll' lia11ds 1.1 "(i1·rnliln dub te;i111). Ul'I h;1:.. .1v1•1«1g1•d !I f1-I g11.1I:-. 1w·r 11u11ng T ht· Anlt'<Ht·r:-.' 11pf>11111·11ts :in· -.u11111g .. r a :1 :!:I d i p "Tt11:-. 1:-. by tar 1111' li1•..,t tt•o1111 I \'t. 1 '"' ph1:-1 •d 1111 ." s;•:V' <YBrwn. \\ h11 µl.iy t'll 1111 "'"" pt1•ll\ gtHKI ....ip1o1ds :1t Su11nv II ills l11gh, 1111 111d111g 11111· l'h an1p1111 .... h1p (as ,1 ... !1phon111n•J .111d IW!I 11th1 ·r .1 p 1>t·;1rann·:-. 1n tlw f11i.1b ta ... a JLI1t111r .111d M•11111r I "I thank 1h1), ..;qu;1cl 1s l'tin1p:1r.1hl1· to 1111· S1.111tord t1•;1rn 111 l.t:--1 \'f';1r th:.I W•·nl u11d1 ·f,.;11t·d · U I 1·11ur ... l'. l•I ltt• l'fltllfl.tl l'd Wtth 1111' g11 .. 1h .I H·.1111 t•u 1nclav1d111dl ll-.l1.dlv It,,.., t11 cl11 ·" '"II 111 lwllt•t . than tlu· 11•.i111 (11r 111dl\·1du.t!) 1t'-. !11 1ng 1·11111p1111•d w111t llndc•r ..,u1)1 < r·r11·rw. LI( ·11 rn1ld th1·11 'l'tlll' t111 11ollitng h ·":-. tli.111 .i 111.·rft ... l -.1.1....,111 "I thank n':-. 1n 1·\1·rvu1w'-. rn11HI hut 11·~ 11111 1•:-.s1•11l1.d .. :-.a;.o:-. O'Jkrl'll !II g11111g ur11 l1•t1 .. t11 ·d "l\lo r1 1111 1.>or !~Jilt IS to \\'Ill Wlll'll ll t'OUlll!'> . "t\s long ~'" W (· \\ 111 •lllt l-1:-t 1·1gli1 g.11111 "' I'll lw ..,;1t1sl 11•d .. acid' s1·11111r tt•:i111m,t11· .ll1h11 \';11 g.1·,. • illwl111g lo tltl' µos l ..,1•;1~on lrn1r11;1111t·11t .111d tlw N( 'AA l111;1b V.111-(.1 .... wnh :!:"1 g11.tl:-. 1:-. 'l'<.'1111d 1111 1111· 111 ·1 t•".•111 111 -.1111111g h 1·h111cl All t\1111r11:i11 1'1·t1 ·1 ( ',1111pt,..11, wh11 ha:-'..!\l '"l'lll'll I!'> a lot tol I \pt•llt'lltl •HI llt1-. l\'.1111 .tlltl \\1.'\·1· • .JI µl.1~·1·d t11gl'tlw1 1111 ,, l1111g ltnw." 1•>.pl.1111s \'11q~:t:-"()t'(,1-.111n1tlJ\. \\1 'It lr.t\'t• 11\t Ill.ti l1·td11\\'I\'. l1('<.~1u:-.1· \\'t k1111\\ gotltl' llllt1 t' •llll'' llt.tt w1 .'n . gt1111g to \\'111 " Is th1•11· tla-p11•"1111 • the 11 c•I " 111 .... ..,1tilt · ... tip up Ii~ ll1t• :\11tt•.1t1·1-.·· ·Y11u t ,,n h1 I l.11 11111 1"1\'t•f\ 11111 11 \1111 pl.1\ Barons, Lions breeze; big rematch next weelt: ;; F o u n l <i 1 n '\I ;ii I l· y H 1 g h " n d lf/eslmtn~tC'r-I ltgh l'on t111u1· on thl'lf roHt-sron t"Our~ t~wt.t-r'-ti tt-btg ·~~l ~eaguc· woml·n·s volky ba ll matC'hup tiext WC'C'k aftl•r both teams po:.lt•d tX>n vtnt·1ng \'tt·torws TuC'sday nigh t :: B oth t h t· Barons and th« Lions li·t·r t· 1mprl'ss1vt• in defeating Mann;.i a nd H u n ung ton &•ach. reSJX'('tlVl'l)' ~hl' Laon s. w h o have• a lreadv dl'fl'alt'<I Uie Barons o nl'e. are sch.(.'dulc·d tu }ravel t n F o u nta in Valle>y nc>xl l u esda_v fur a bag r ematc h . ~· Elsewht"re. Est.am·1a n C'l.'dt'd Lhn·t· !mes Lo topple El T oro. Corona dd a r ru11ed lo ii s traight set Vll'lOry Pr l r vm e, Newport H a rbor downl'd 6 a ddleback . L a g u n a Beach had n o cfo uble with Dan a Hills and Nt>wport f h n stian b r eezed pas t H e nt.age .~A t Mari n a, F o unJatn Val lev's K atrina P e te rson recor ded 14 kills ind added fo u r block s. and team mate l' i:ARNAHAN ... trom Page 01 r. l>t·n.-..· Hr.ttmlwh i:11ll1 iii I th1· l)<·n• 11 t11 rt'\ 11rd ..,1:-. krll ... 1111111 th•· 11111....id1 h1t1t't'-p.,~1t111n :t'< t ht· Ha nm-; 1mprnvrd tlw11 n ... 111d 111 I I 111 lt·.1gu1· F ount.1 111 \',1111·\ ••\«·n.1nw .111111 • tc•ugh -.c ·r\ 111g 11\ l\l.11111.1 111 1ak1 th11 • o l the 111111 g.11n1·-. Ttw \'1k1 11g~ It'll 1 .. '..! :i l\l1cldl1 lilo<.k•r 1>1.;r11 \.\'.1t'l•111 .11HI ouL ... 1d1· h1t11•r ( '11111111· W:i1.;i111 d1J th1·11 SISl<·r <Kl Oil llunt1ngton Ht'dl'h Ill spark ing WPstrrnn:-.ll'r tn a 1~-~. I?'>-'..! I;:.. I :i \'IC'l!Jf'\' IJ\'<·r t ht• Ollt'r~ Sophomurl• nrnldl" blc)(:kt·r J itt·k1t· ~lc·ndez also 1urn1'!I 111 ;i strong pt•rfunnanct• a~ th1• Lion~ improvl'd thc•ar l'l't'Ord to :"1-11 111 Sunst:t Lt•agul' play Al Laguna Bt•at·h. the• A 1 t1sL-.; uppc·d thetr overall rt•t·ord lo !J :l wrth ;1 fou r-gam<· v 1tlllr y ovl'r Dana llills But at turned out to bt• a costly mw Coach Bill Ashen. w ho has -alrC';1dv 111..,l ... 1.1t1•·r I .1 ..... ~. \1•1,tf 111 ,1 hn•" lllJUI \ '"\\'\I I .11 .. •llh' ,f,1rl1 •1 J\,, '1,.· 1"1-'l'l hd1tl 111,... ..... 111 l••f ;, k11t-.· lll)lll 'r Tu1·,d;1:-· 111 ght !\lrddlt· hl111 k1 •1 \1111,1 H11 g;tl and l 'l)LL1'.:; /l. t /,/, outs1d1· hit t1·1 l'hri...,,rl \\'1 •ldon turrwd 111 "tn111g 1)1'rf1irm.111vl'~ fo1 lltl' Art1~t~ At E .... 1:111t1.i. th1 1':.;1glt·~ got :t:i kilb Crom K1·ll\ ll1 1rg;111 . unJ sh1· t·:an Iii.ink ....i•ttt·r .for11t·1· T omr for ht•r f1ni· ... t10wr11g J\l1·anwh tlt'. Jant• FC'rda n'<:11t d1 ·d ,.,, hl11<.·k.., f11r tlw E<.1glt·s who 1m1u·11,·1·d lhl'll n1 ord l11 'i'-2 With th1· w1 n 11\'t •r El T qro C1111111.1 de•! l\I.11 llppt•d 1~ St•a Vrt•w Lr11gu1• n~'<1rd 111 !l 0 w ith ,, straight ~l't vc•rdrl'l o\'l'I' ln ·11w a:.. st•ntor sMtc·r l ll•r11• )Jc.,... ;ind ~ophnmon l11llt·r Brook!' I l«rnngttill ~p.1 rk1·d till' S1•.1 Kmg., College football $4 of the 16 came back with th eir head s shavt•d, SATURDAY'S GAMES WHt I uisa JI 01 .tke Cen1r .. 1 M1ch1gnn a1 Ken1 Sr 1•:1:1111 .1 Od1·r1 1u111 .. d 111 ;111 1111pn·''"'' hl1llf..1r1~ ,,. 1 l••n11.1r11'C· 1111 l hr V ;'lfJ"llf'rTI<; Ne'' JJ<ll't l l:1rh111 11rllt·d t11 " tlt11 ·1 g.1111! \'IC 1111 \' (/\'f•I S.1dtllt·h.t1 k ·" l11tt •·r-. l-'t·lic1,1 l'r.,.......,lt, J\lt•ll. Hc •11h .111d 1111ddlt, t1l11t·kl•1 I l111x· Ir w111 \\'C·ri· all 1n:-.lru1111·111.il 111 tho solid JI t' r f II I 111 ;1 II! I' S U !) S l II U I 1' (; I ti ;1 (;a.1ngn·go1 t11 al:..o l ur n1·d 111 .in unpn·s.<.l\'l' 11u11ng lor tht• 'J'.ir.;, Nc·wport Chnstlitn 1:-tH>\\ ·l 0 111 AL·adl•m,\' Lt•agul' at·tum aftt ·r .in '"1" \'ll't11r~ 11\'t•r I h ·nl<JJ(l' I )phl111 · l\ lnh 11 ·r .tnd Stl'l1;1 Bt •r kC'lll 11' ;11 tht• hit11•r p1i....1 t 1e1n::. and All CJF ... 1·111•1 l'hr ,.., Ye .1rl1•\ 'JJ;trkt•d 1lt1 · Nt•\\ pot l ( 'l111.,t1:111 \'lt't11r v th1• 11th .ig,1111 ... 1 11111· dl'f1«1: 1111:-. :..t•as11n In {<•llt•g{· .il lHlll. hosl C.il 8;1pt1i.t sqUl't.•7t·d tJUI .t 11 1.1. l :'i·H. i -1;). 15-0, J;) 11 \'11·1111 v fl\'t•r Suutht·rn C;d1f11rn1.i ! '11111·~" -~~~~~~~~~~ (he n t hey wanted m t· lo get mine t·uL even shorter. lrut 1-dldn't. one cut 1s e noug h ." r Tht· e xploits w ith th e hair c:omc s tra igh t nut ol C a r n a ha n 's high S<'h ool expC'nenc·es at Nt'wport liarbor. which began on the lowcr lt•vel with ~agee a nd finish ed under var!.1ty coat•h Bill P1zz1e<1 Oregon SI a t u~,c 1 1 10 fl rr .11 l A Collseuml UCLA ar Caltlorn•a Lono Beach S1 at San O•eQo St n Nevada-Reno di c.11 Slate I ullet101 No1r11 OamP a! 0• ... 90n £ .1sh-'rn M1c•11gan a1 Noftnern lh1'101$ Nor thPrn Mu;,htgAn 01 NOrtflf"t"l law .. t n M1dm1 O at Ohio u "Ht> (Mag<.'<·) got me started tn football anti t h e re's nobody like h im If anyom • is gomg to start )'OU tn football. he•~ the man !k's a d1sc:1pltnilrn1n e nd to m e he is what football stcmd s for " ; M agee ts now an ass1st:ml w 11h ~tanc:1a . wh1th aneets N ewport Ha r bor tn thl' lattt•r's H om<'l·ommg 1a me F rid ay night. but Carn a h an do u ble; he'll tw a b le to a ttend . "I wist-l could ." he says, "but I don't think Jhey'll le t us leave thL' holl'L~. Ins tead th e Beave rs figu re to be stas hc-d aw ay. f iguring o ut a w ay to deal with the T ro jans -in t h e ir c u stom a r y role as u nderdogs. ~akers tripped up J· INGLE W OOD (AP) -K e n ny Carr srnred 2:i o ints t o lead the P o r t la nd T rail Blazers to n '12-103 N ational Bas ketball Assoc1ntion prt'!lc•ason 'ictory over the Los A n geles Lak ers Tuesday n igh t liliehrum. , : M ych a l Thomp..30n and Jere .Judkins a drlC'd 15 "~ints each a nd J im Paxson con tri bu t<'d 13 a s ,ortland imp rovC'd Its r ecord to 5-1. best In tht• SA. . E: . The t..akers. n ow 2-3 m exhibition piny. we-r t' ~by center K a reem Abdu l-J abbar wrth 28 poin ts , ewport Little League sought ,· Randy H o lliday of Newport Bench is seeking j)enons interested in est.'lblishlng Little League 1'Heball hl the city of Newport Be ach aflt•r JU>plying for a national charter. ~ "The r,,.•a e no ugh populntion h er e for t wo agut-.g," any• Hollida y. "but,.w•· h ttvl' to '1nd JX'l1p ll• .ho are willing to go for lt. H o lliday c.8n be rc3Cht:d by phoning 673-3618. lfo rt'llldcs ot :.?14 Ruby Ave. , f'rrsno St at San JM., Sr n fo;.;1s T'?<.n at Wu~h11191on Sranloro at Was111nq1on St Cal S•are Northndg~ al c .11 lttlhf'r.111 Occ1den1a1 al Wh11l11'1 n Sanla Clara ar Car Poly (Pomo"n' " C101ernont Mudd di Redlands n Ac><~IH Pacific a1 A11zona n Weber St al Bo•sf' S1 n Colorado SI at BYU Montana Sr <11 ldnho n Moninna at Idaho SI n N1>w MeYICO SI al New Mttx•co 11 E Wuh1ngton ar NorlhPr11 A111nn11 " U1ah ar Wyoming So uthwHt Arkansas al Ho1111on (Cnannal 2 al 9 JO am) Oktehoma Sr al Okranrima SMU at Texas (Channel 7 al 12 30 11 m I Air Fo•ce at Te•as-Et Paso n Rtee at Te•as A4M Bnylor al TCU Norlh Te•as SI al WeS! l!'•a~ St McN0998 SI It Arknnsas SI MldwHI M1c111gan at Northwo1te1n On10 SI I I Indiana Purove at Mlehtgan St Iowa al Mlnneao1e. n llltnoit er W1scon11n Kansea 11 Kansas SI M11sou11 el N@b•ASka TexaslArllngton 111 W1Ch1ln St W Mtflu•"' Mlf'~l,,ltr' -.t A'111 C:t •nd1a11a SI at Soulhetn llhno•s Bnwlong G11MOn ;ii Toledo n South Cmc.mrH111 di Alat:>ama T O'"'"~ssi-*P .tt Geor91a Tt!<.t1 Georgia "' Kentucky. n Soulh Caroi.na at LSU n 0•1ke at MMyland /\ubu1 n at M1ss•S!l1pp1 St Clemson a1 Norlh Carolin<' St VMI al Richmond I Ou1svtlle ot Southe1n M1ss1ss1pp1 It Mernptus Sr al Tulane n M1ss1ss1pp1 ar vande11>1lt n Wake l'orest al V1rg1n1a Apperach1an SI al Vtrg1n111 T"rn 1111no1s St el Eesl Ca1oltna W1ll1em 4 M'1ry el James Madison NW Lov1stena al lou1~1ena Tect1 l\~1011 31 Marshell r ennessPe T e<:h ot Morehead St SE Lovts•ane al NE Lov1s1ane 1 umar al SW Lou1s1an11 n EHi Penn S1 ot West Vrrg1n111 P11r Al Syracuse Cotg111e 111 Rutgers HarvarO ar Pnntl.'lon Yate al Penn The Ctladel 01 Navy Boslon Colle9e at Army M&J11achvSllllS al Bo•ton' U t~oly Cross al Brown Buc~noll at Columbia Maine 111 Connec11cv1 OartmCluth at Cornell Onv•dnon nl L11ff1yotte United Offer ll?APJ. LINCOLN MERCU RY 2626 Harbor llvd., Cotta Meta 540-~ ~A,.._ Uecttd ... . 1101 JOllllDI JOHNSON & SON presents .. COLLEGE Ploh ef the WHll Kan1a1 over Kansas State * Nebra1ka over Missouri * SMU over Texa1 * Brigham Young over Colorado State * UCLA over California UL l~WIN[ JOHN SEVANO • 1111,hll Ill 111 ·11 ·11 ,1 \1111 1.111 .!di \\Ill ,,.,,,., V.11g;,., "I d1111 1 11·1·1 tl11 I"''"""'' 1,,, ,,11..,r· I lt.t\'• ..,., rr1.1 11 v ).(1111d pl.1v1•1 •. "''' 111u111l111~: 1111 · · J111lt .. it. I ll'(', -.qu.nl r• .11!-. 111111 1· l1k1 · .111 All '\l»1 It .1111 th,111 II .!111 •., .t 1111r111.tl ,d1rn1l 11111l B""rd1•-.. ('.1111pt ... 11 \';,114.1·, .md ll"B111·11, 11t1·11:., ,i(.,., T11•V•JI' l >.11!..,1111 .. 11'!1 C:1111ptwll (1 11'11·1"-. ltu1tl w1l. (;1 ·1111<1· H11l111 l..,1111 I >iggv l<1tc·'. ,11111 .John ( lll\'ll•r JJ.111....i•rl . ,, 1111l1•d d(·f1 •rhl\'1· ..,t><'< 1,d1 ... 1. i-. thrrd 011 tl w 11 .. 1111 111 -..i•c11111g with 111 ~o;,(, .Jc ·ff C:1111pl>1•ll, onlv" '>11plt111111>1r· r.. 11111· 111 lhl' ll'Hrr1·.., '1•tt1·t ~ .111d ls l11U1 tit 111 St'• 11111~: \\ 1 lit I I 1.illr1 '!-o H11l1vr 1-.1111 .11111 Htl1•\ h1t1li gr.1du;d1·i. u f N .. WJH•l l I l .1r lx11 l l1gh (;, 11·p111hl h11l l11·d ol w;,tt·r p11lu 1..!1·111 J. lt.t\'I' tn ... :-.t·d ir1 11 .111d 10 g•oal..,, 11·.,1w1 l1 v1·I v ( >llvll'r Ii;,., .il!\11 si on·d I 0 11111•·~ Add .ill 1111-. 111 .. It• .1d I II.If h (Ed N1·v. l • .111d) twglllltlllg Jal'> l 7 1lt ''"""II \\'Ith,, jfi!I ,W i ii p1 ·111·11t.1g1 · .111tl \'lllJ.\'•· gol tlu · f,;,,,.., tor wb;1t 1·111Jld 111 .111 1111d1 ·J1 .111·d ''"""11 ;111d .1 g11·.il !1·.1111 lo b1· I I 1111 1111Jc I 1•d ·I ftod ,, l1ttl1 1111 ul 1;r"'"ur1.,· I) B111·11 ;11J1nrh H111 th.11'.., tit• I• 1·l1ng I ]11\1 I pl;1v lu ·111·1 u11d1·r tl1.t1 k1111 I 111 1111·"1111 "l ,111:-.I \\:mt 111 \\Ill ti t.1111 1111 N••\\ l.111d .111<1 11Ur °" ·l\'I'~· '( hl'I I' ,111 o1 lot 111 ..,, 11111r:-. ttll thh ti ,1111 .i11d 1111 tlltt'>I 111 1111 · 1-(lJ\'' lhh I' It "l-'.v1·11 it \\t· t. .• d w1111 .tll 11111' g;1111I'.., l1 .. ul111g IJJI It• th1· I N( 't\:\ 1 lt.1mp11111s l11pl l111al a11d lost I \\f11Jld fl't•l ... 11gl1t1·d )•Ill .r (11l r1f ll ..... 11 '-. llil\\ Ill 111'\'I I * ANTEATER NOTES l tu IJl i "'"'•'' ~1 11 1111 " I 1.,1" ., µ.,1r 1,;f .11·1 ! 1 11 '' 11• "' ...,, •• i.,.,,,t ~' ''' r .,.,,, • 111 '• 14n1H .. ,, c,,,1 fr.1n1,1 1r ,11 •• , Nr. '., ,, tJ' ,1 • fHJ·t)'• fl t1 '• • 'I' ···tJ '11'·'•.UJ • ,, "Jo1, 711P Ai .... ,,,~,., I •"fl I• ti to 11. ,(.,II I"! 111 t11 l • '" ,1 tl1• f A lli 11111•! 1n'1f•ni t•cttl~tr ,., ,. 11 cn1 "''' t1.1·.\q 1t t '' 11 1 1, •· 11 1 ,, 1 • "'' 1 .,. ... , ' r1td 1~1 and .1~1· 1·1, 1 1• ,, BUI Mulllg•n ,,, ,.,.,.,, ,,,91 '" 111t 11ri1J1~,,., N tlt '111 <''JP 111 "•• t• ''•l'ft1Hd M•tk Spinn, 'l t1r'·' ·• ·J...,1M1• n1{~' r;r.er.: ,.,. ~tf1trOuleO " •·11 •• , 111tfrt ,,,1•r111 ,11• p·•' JI ,,I ~f •••• 1r11• ,..,.,.).-·II",. .•• IJ'' H,,1'\I to 1r1~ •it 1 • ,, ~''">nt1.1l••I, t1 11 • "''.... 1 ',.,,, ,, ,t,,,, ,,,.,., Ronnie Gtandlton, •ft1 Uu• If'" ti.,, •1 I• ·~ ,1 H•·•• "'-' H··Jh 1 q1t'H~r1t.1ri9 4 f,,t 1.. Jn !1 I tr•-t .I I,, 1 t ••l Jt f!rl • I) I}' 1,. l!t., '• , 1 1r1 •"•l1lu••1·~ ,..,,, '' 11-. ...... 11,. r1, ,, 1.l•J'''''i ftt'.>'"'J•.i.'' J'~ t.'1ett : , ' •qt I 1' "q tthHI• cJ ,, . , 11 1: '.1Jr .. 111.tdt111t ''" f"•9'' ,,,~ uoo~ '> m .1 , •'•1'"''' ,,,.,,,, J •1t•· J.1 '' 1 1 ... p t .... 1~.t·tJ<11+11•fl1'>''' l'>u!t \l·'•ering tr1u1' ,,.,, 1Ul•1••tv 0 1 ru•, •1u~ \tt•wl and r.e-;i. ~vrttnHH)mq1 Bui wn~H l'1tl , 1 1t 11·fl 11••• 1h·~I "" ,, '11 1.1, t •••1f"111 • l1t1 ~·,, l>t "Aull;9,1n his .,tttH dhd • ,1 J •tJ ~·· ~11 w 'ht ''' ,,., H "' f ! thf 1\1qt .u ,,,_. ••. ,,,"u11al1rJr TtiC"Sdh) ,,.. ,.11 t ,, ' '' • . .,,,,,, ' u• ,. ,, ... •f ''"'''" ,,.,, ,,,.,, 1J1•,,,1, wf1t• hdSn t m1s~e<J o '' .t 11 1 ,, 1 /t 1 .,, • • 1.111·0 1 " 111 • "' ·~ '"1\ H ! ,f UC.• !t uaM~ettJao 11 •I" Nill 1I11 •• 1' ti fl 11 1' tr t• ·I •I A1t•' {J1•( '') 1'"r8:J T"'t' /t! 11 1'1 t 11 • I 1.-1 ! Pl A ft :,1h• pd ( IJ1'' 11 ''• (" ~ .. f'tl • 1 ........ l\ I u 11 i ~a n t o ho I d « I i n j (• UC lrv11w t,."k,.tli;tll l'Ual'h Brll l\l ulltg;.111 ;.incJ hi... -.t;J!I will t 11tHIU1 l ;1 t ltnll f•Jr .Jr"a L'11adws nt•Xl \\"·d111· ... da\ .11 7 p Ill 111 ( ·,;,,....'"rd H • .11 '1'111 · 1"11,t 11f tl11 ( 111111 1 ... $:l l\lullrg:111 wrll d111'1 I tl11· IHk:! k:{ ,\1111 .. 1lt·r ...c111;ul thmugh d1 ills .111d .i ~ 11111111.1g1.· during lilt' t·\ 1·11111g \\ rth .1 :-.•x 1.d l111U1 l1.tl11w111g tht pr;u 111 ·1· '' ,,,,,,, Fw f urtl11·1 11tl11rr11.1t11111. pl11111! u:i:l-liH lll WORLD'S LARGEST INDOOR SAILBOAT SHOW Come aboard great names 1n sail- boats from the U S .. Europe and Pacific/Far East. Shop and com - p are the widest selection ever! Models from 6 to 65 feet to fit your ability. li fe-style and budget See hundreds of booth displays featur- ing every sailing accessory. ...................................................... .-i~"""------........................... ~ ... ~ .... ~----...... ~~~~~---------.-. ....... ~-..~ "' ' Ornngo Cn 11 DAIL V Ptl 0 T /WudnHduy, Oclobtfr 110, '982 03 Just another week? Not for Newport, Eagles Hun1ingto11 B each l e i -Elli 011 • llJ 1981 b • Bl11Jg; ailor By ftOGt:lt l'AHLSON 01 lht Oellr l'llol ltett "II nu1 kltl!i .H1•11'1 t•11111111111.d 1111 1111-. m11•, tlwy'11• 111 lh1• wro11~ 'l;c1 r1 " No•WIJ'll t llnd101 I llgh {uoth.ill l'Olld\ Miki-{;11!<1111~:- "l haVl' llll l'Ulllllll'lll Ull ht!'.I )'1'.11 ':> w11111•," ~:..wncm 1 hgh Cuadl &! Rhu\lun t-'rom 1 tw Ot•I :H Dail y P1k1t t'<.h 111111 »f t lw I Hll I J.::Ulll" ~ltll\l.'1,1 luok tlit• frt"t' k11·k at \Ill' N1•wpofl :1;1 uml pr•X.'t.'t"<l1'tl 111 pound uwuy for th1 · r111:.il TD with fuur i.l'l.'tmds lt•fl , 1·a lh111< 111111· uut:-. 111 ordt·r I<• :;('Ort• ugam (m u 22 7 w111) A..-i1d(• from th1)l;t' 11ub1u.. 11 's JUSI .. motlwr wt•t.'k <JPJ>n>:tl·h111g 111 lht• ~l\'c:t1l' I U82 pn·p footb.ill M'llbOll with SunSt•l, Sc.•l! Vlc.•w , South Coa!'.I and A11~1·lus Ll'nlo(uc· wurf .. 1rt• on tht• b1 1l1n~ lll'I\'' a look m l',1<.•h Estan'°la '~. ·'·.-.. ·port Harbor Eslanna's Eugll·s. who snappl'<l a two-game skid in tht• Sea Vil'w Lt'agut• with a '/.7 0 victory ovt>r U n1 vt>r1>1 ty. an• 1.·oming off a puor l'fr url, ;wc:ord111g to Blunwn "W1· 111adl' t•v1•ry m1st<1kl• m 1lw book (against Un1v<>rs1ty)," ht• say:. ··1 thought wt• wen• progr<'ssmg pretty Wl'll u11til last week, but 11wylx· it was a k•tdown aflt•r tlw El Turo g<11m· "NPwpurt 1s om· uf thl• most phy:.il·al t1..•am~ I've Sl."t'n and IS wt!ll t'Oal'ht·d and thc> smglt-wmg cn•atl·S a lot of problems." Blanton says his two l'('(.'('lvt•rs Hay Urmson (ribs) and S teve Mikulich (d1slcx:atc<l shoulder) an· doubtful participants, but thl' rest of thC' Eagles should be ready Thl' Sailors of NewpcJ1'\ 11;.irbor arc hopl'ful thC'y'll hnve fullback-rover Bill Brown bat:k after a bout w11h ap(X'ndicitis. but othe~ standouts arl'n'f m s uch good shape. Tal·klt•s Bud Cobcrlv (out for good) and Davl' Cadigan IJOgging. hut a doubtful paruc1pant. 3t'(·urJ1ng to Giddings) have k·ft bag holes in th<' hnt• with km•(• inJUrt<-s Ht'<.·t'iver Gal Ward 1s sull out with a shoulder mJury and mrnerback Jeff Conovl'r (ankle) IS questionable. "Estancia c·;m Sl'Ort.• 111 a hurry," says Giddings "Tht>y're big up front wuh a 270-puundt'r (Cast'Y Caman·na) and Paul Sam·hez (21 5) and Pat Wt:osl (195) are solid two-way playl.'rs " The Sailors(~ 1 111 lt•aguc·) are trying to boun<.'e back from a 24 -21 loss <1l Irv1m• and Giddings says. "lrvtne was JUst ~llt•r prt•parro. We d1tl struggle .thead. thc·n we t'Ouldn't hold them We'w got to do somt• gut-l'ht>t•king on thoSt.' things ... As for thl• 1•mo11onal aspel'l o f this onl.', Giddings says. "If I didn't know about last :-'l'ar my st·niors wuuld l:x· sun• to tc·ll ml· anyway. I think lhC' seniors will show up "Estantw luok thn•c.• lime• uuts tu pum·h 11 111 lo makt• ll '1.2-7 I'll nt•Vt•r und1•rstand whv ll•ams do that. I'm happy to fall vn a ball and go hom«" lidl~on '~. lluntlnl(ton B~ac:.•h Edison b&unl'l'd ba('k 1rom a 2-2-1 non-league start 10 topple· Suns..•1 League favorite Manna last week. while lhl· 01lt-rs of Huntington Beach arc on a two-game· skid aft(·r opc•nmg the S('ason w11h four straight VIClOrll'S "&i1son 1s our nval." says HB Coach Greg I knry. "but I'm sure· we'r<' not theirs. l ;ust hope: we t'an tome batk ml•ntally <iftl•r being so ~high Ed Hlanton a~mnst F'ountam Valll'Y Wt· gavt• 1t l'v<:rything Wl' had anti canw up thrt't' yartls short " Fountain Vallt.•y pr1•va1h•d 111 tlw lvagu1.• OJ>t.•ner , 17· 14. and thc.• Otll'rs d1dn'1 at·1.·1..•p1 It 1n ho·hum fashion. Nor 1:-. F'riduy's g<mw <1 h11-hum s11u;1t1011, ~ll't:Ord111g lO I ll'lll')' "Our kids havt• no truubh• g1•ll111g rt·ady for Echson ," he says. "Wt.·'rl' Ill v1·ry dus(' prux11rn1y and Buddy Noble's best frumd is Mall 1 Iombs. Tht·v live prac.·lically nl'Xl c.loor lo l0ad1 ulht•1'." ThC' Oil~rs' b1~ g uns an• qu:.irll'rbat·k Eril.' Lawtun and rullbac.·k Dunny Thompson offt:nsiwly. whil1.• Edison 's forte• (dd1•nsc•) 1s bac.·ked by the play of Hombs an lhl• s1.•l·ondary. Nobll' 1s a backl )J quartl·rb<i<.'k <1nd :.l<ll'll•r in the Oilt•rs' S<.'<·ondary. Edison Coat:h Bill Workman 1s wary of tht• Oilt•rs. saying "llu11t1ngton Beach outgaini.>d Fountain Vallt-y by 120 yards and h as a lot of Wl'apuns with very good 1nd1v1duals m the sk1llt.'C.I pus1t1uns And. Wl•'r1• JUSI n1ming off <1 big w111" Corona dt•I .'1ar •·~. lrt·lnf'" Edeh 1:. 1 2 111 Sl·U V1(•W Lc.•cigut• play. w1th1n <1 g,1me of sC'tund plal't' "lrv1111.• lx•a 1111g N1·wporl Harbor las t wel'k g1v1.•:-. us a s hot," 1>ays CdM Co:J<.'h 011.·k Morns "Wl''rl' l'ncournged 111 that arl.'a" Lt'SS than (•n<.'Ourag mg IS lht· status or ta1ll:x1<.·k Lanl'l' Martm, whoSt' broken lwnd (and El Toro's ddt·ns1•) lt'Cl lo ;ust -12 yards un 19 t·arr11'S Curky Carpc.:ntl•r sufflon·d a possible· brnkt•n rib and st·pan.itl'd :.tc·rnum .iga1nst El Toro und Paul W a t son w 1 11 I a k 1• o v l' r a !. t h c.· St· a K i n gs· quart1.•rback. Also bac.·k I!> off1•ns1vc· t<il·kl1.• and plal·C··kll'kl·r Bn'tl Hugh<·s lrv1rlt' Cuad1 Tl•rry Ht·nigan s;iys his thrt'l' lnJUrt•d s l:.indouti. llnt•bal:kt•r Robb11• Zangl tknl'l'). nost' guard C hris S t;itt•ly (nt'l'k) and dc-fens1v1· tc.it·kll• Brian DcC<-1r (m"<:k and shouldc•n art' all not l'Xpc.~·tc'Cl lO play "That was th1· firs t good game Wl•'ve had. offl•ns1vc·ly uncl d e ft•ns1vt·ly," says H e nigan. alluding lo his tt•am's 24-21 v1c.·tory ovtr Newport Harbor "Wl' did whu1 W<' thought we could do." ff P8tmln!litPr , ..... l''ountaln Y•lle.-.· An l'Xtremc·ly bad muscl<.' tear m sophomore tailback Oavl' Sw1gt'rt's upper le~ has knocked the H.111111'<0 tc111 1 u11111•1 uul 1111 ,11 lt-.1'>1 1w11 wt·1 ks .111d t-'V t '1111d1 M1k1• Mil111 •r ,..,y,, Kut 1 Ihm 1" will f11J 1lw Vtlt'lllll V "W1·-.1111111;,h•1 as v1·1 v gocic.J d1•l1·11s1v1·lv. lJJlo( a11d phyMc.·.il, a li11 h1gg1•1 tli.111 w1• !Ill'," 'HY' Mil111•1 "I dun'1 untu:1p.lll' ,, ll'td11wn .ti h·1 1h1· l lun11ng1011 B1:twh ~111111· t•:vc·rv w1·1·k 1i. ,1 d11 111 du· '1111.1lu111 1111 lJI> " Fou11t11111 V.tll1•y Ii. I II 111 Su11i.l'l Lc•uguP pluv ul 11·r low1111o: t iv .. ,11.111o(hl n1111 '"·•f<U•· g.11111•' Wt·sl111111>.lt'r 1:-. 0 I 111 h·1tl{U•'. l11ll11w1111o1 tlll' I .11 1111>' th1nl lo~'< 111 ( )n•a11 V11·w 111 lhn-.· y1o;11 s Wt•s111111bl1•1 h.11> l>c.•1•11 u11:cl1l1.• tu put 111g1•tllt'1 two l11ltthd11w111> 111 a Mnglt· gi11rn· wh1h· d111pp111g flVl' Slf(lllo(hl ,of lt•I :Ill llJIM lll\j.( 7 () 111111 lt',11-(UO ' Wiii 1)V1·1 La (~u111t:1 .flarlna '·'· Ot"1•u11 ,.,,. .. The doµt• shc.'tc•t had al 11·v1•1:.1·tl. hul ,11 1h1' potnl it's 0 I Mur 1nu Uj{Jllhl I 0 01.·1•J11 Vll'w 111 lht· s1.>t·und salvo of Sun:.N LA .. agu1• µl<1\ • · Ol 1·<1 n V 11· w loo k l'<I g01111cl I 11g ,,111 -. l wl''lll\111,H·r)." say-. MJrlllJ l'u<1lh 1>.1Vl' Th1m11>i.11n .. Th1·v did a KOUc.l ;ulJ 1h1owl111,~ 1t11 · hall (lfU,1r\t•1 h,u·k l'h.u.l Pai 1st.•,1U) ,111d Todd P.11 k1•1 IS ',111 1.·Xl~·llc.•111 runm•1 "Phys1l.'<1lly w1•'r1· OK, 1•x11•pl l11u •l1:wk1·r J),1v1· Abholl 1s qul•sl111nuhl1.• " Abbott Wl•nt llHll the· ~~lt~oll g.imt· lus t \\l't•k with a hq> inJurv .ind al1h1Jugh lw w•·n1 tht• tlistann., lw may Ix· h1·hJ oul :1ga111:,l 01.1·a11 V1t·w Costa .fl,.,.,.,. '·!rt. f..'I Tt•r•# El Torn (:l· l 111 lhl' S1•a Vu•w L1 •;1gu1') 1·nll'rs <1s .i sohd favontt• bt'l·ausc.• of IL'> s1zt• <11\d stn•nglh w1 1h th(: 1·mphas1s on ti powc.·r runn111g g:11111• out 11f th1• I tx·htnd qu:.tl'll'fbat·k M 1k<' Doug la~ Costa Mt'S<I, 1-:l in l1•ugu1., 11pt:ralt•s 111 11p1JO"lll' l<.it'\11.~. featuring .1 shw l pai..,ing ganw out ol .111 01>t1on uttat·k. gl'JI c.•d <11 ound JU1ll111 qu;11 tt•rb<it·k S<.·01 H.1gl·y ( 'nh·f'"r.11tlO '.-. •... addlt•bu<•1' Tht· Trn.J<:ns of Un1vl•r-.11y hJVt.· ht'l'll IJl.ink1'(J 111 1h1·1r IL1sl two S1•a Vll'w L<><1gu1· skirts ;ind an· up aga11hl lht• unht•.111.·11 Ho:idrunnl•I'>, who an· rankc·d Nri ll 1n Or<1ng1• County .Jnd hJ\'1• n111 ht·t n h1.·ltl to lt·s-. than 211 µ01nls by dll Y of :,1 i.. \'1t·t1m:-. S<1ddll'l><1t'k 's qull'k i.t·l of l><.1l ks ind utlc-s I.di ll>c1l'k K1.•\'1n Bradll•y and quarlPI b;,irk Hod Pt•,,ok !tit. P11ul t '.s •. '111tt•r D1•I St P;wl':. SwurJsnll'n an• ra11k1'll No ·I 111 till' CJF Big F'1vt• Conft•r(•nt'l' ant.I .ore.• ~-I tl\'t'rJll H1stor1eally. lh1· Swurdsm<·n htJv1• c.·nJOYl·d this An~l·lus L1.·agu1· Sl'l'll'S. St. Paul hasn't lost to M:-1tt•r D<.•1 stn<:l' l~lili whl'n Bob Woods' Monurc.•h:-; pn•valll'd, :.w 7. Only a 2-1-2-1 111• 111 1974 mars an 01heorw1s1• pt•rft'l'I 14 years for St. P<lUI s1m'l' St Paul's l'Oa1·h1ng staff hc1~ ;1 chfft•n·nt look with 1h1..· ab:wn1.-c• o f Mari;on An1.·1c.·h I now al Northern Anwna Umvl.'rs1tyl. but 1t's stall the.• s pilt back and I offl'nSt• and r<.•ud1ng Okw dt'11•11St• wh1c·h ha:, tx"<.•n lh(• $\~ 1.1rdsn1c.'n ':-, l rild<.•mJI k Among thl' S t Paul s tandouts arl' fi -1. 220-pound JUn1or tackl1• M ark W<ilkl•r and 185-pound dt>kns1vt' batk M1kl' Shepherd un e t ' t<>p gam ~ Thuredey (1111 gornos al 7 301 WH lmln11le1 vi; founlUlll \lelley 81 QCC I nguna Beech 01 M1t.1i1011 VloJO Frldey Edison al Hu111111g1011 Buact1 Marmo >111 Ocean lltew al W1tt11m1n&1er ElllOft(;llJ I.II N9¥tPOrl Hllrhor COSll:I Mu~B VII 'El Toro 1!11 M1ss1on 1111110 Coronu dll4 Mar 111 lr>11ne Un1vu1111ly vs Saddleback el SA Bowl WoCldbrodge 'IS On1ar10 a1 Chatley D11t111 Htllr. al Soro C1emen10 8•turdey SI Paul 'IS M,11e1 Dot 81 SA Bowl Capo llalley vs Lagune Hills 111 Mv The llne ~v by 7 MV by 9 Ed11on by 7 Mnr1n11 by 9 Newport t>y 3 El Toro by 10 E>1en SB by 12 Onlario by I SC by 6 SI Paul by 3 Capo by 15 Laguna B••1u•h , .....• Hl.11tNlon Jllf'"ja 'fht' Arll'>ls of L:.igunu &«:1l'h ( 1-1 m the South l'u.isl L1·agu1~·:l 11vt-r.1ll) art• al M1s.,10n Vlt.-JO ma 111Jk1· 11r hrN1K ganw m 1t•gurd:. to tllll' aspirations M1ss1on 1s I O·l. 4-1·1 Ar11sL•.' l'oJl h D1.·R111i. l lary ung S<lYS c.·ornerback D..u Murphy t uuld bl· b<1t·k lo give his SPCondary till• 1.·11mplt•t1• look "It'-. a tvpH·ttl Mi-.:.1•>11 V1C'J<J team," says H<try ung "Tlwy m<1y not bt· as s trong on defense as last vt.•ar. ant.I Lh t• offt·n:.c· rn:.ivhl· isn't as diversified. t1u1 ih1·n· <in• mun • outsl<lnding p<•opl1•" P<tl·1ng M1 !>:.1on <1 1t.· thr1.·1.· year s tarting 4u:.irtl'rb<il·k Klau!> Ll'llt·nhaul·r and tailback R-Oger Brown. OT HE R SOUTH COAST LEAGUE play finds C<tJHSlrano V<1ll1·y t:! II· I, :1 :l· l l dueling Laguna llllls (2 I 0, 2-4) at M1ss1un V1c•J0 and Dana Hills <O·ti) ut San C:l<'n11.·ntt• (I· I. 4 -~) A non-league game pits W111Klhndgl' ('.I :11 at Chdffc:y High against a w111!1·:-..., Ont;_1n11 unit Los Alam ito m eeting n ear s Thl· sixth 1·d111on of th<: Orangt County F'aU Fair mt•1.•tmg. wh11.·h oflt<rs the only night time thoroughbred rac:ing 1n Cal ifornia, will open J\l1111d;n <1l Lo~ Alamitos r<tl'<' 1.ou rse This year's ml'l.'ting will run 13 nights. Monday 1hrnugh Saturday until 1h1· Nov 8 dosing. There will bC' l'lght thoroughbn'Cl t'al't'S as well as 1wb quartl'rhursc.• 1 cl<.'t.•:-. a nd oQL-<Appaloosa race. Thc-n• will b<· s1.·v1.•n thoroughbred stakes during 1h1· Fall fair ra<.'lng st'ason , with the S50.1100-.Jdd1·d Orang1..· County Handicap Nov. 6 l)l •tng thl· maJ<>r l'Vt'nl First post 1.·al'h night 1~ Ii :Jll King, Warrior at odds SA N FH(\NCISCO (API -Star forward B1·rna rd King and th1· Goldt·n S tate Warriorl :Jpµaa·ntly hav (• not "l'ttl1.•d their contract d1ff1.·rc.·nc·l·s . Thl' W<1rr1ors 1i.sul·d ,1 <,la tc-mf'nl Tuesday, d0:t1m1ng King is "not willing h i sign the contract'' offer{"u bv th<' NBA \(•;101 . Leist 'w1-..·k Warrior:, pr1.-:.1dt.>nl F'ranklm Mie~li said m Nl·W Yc.>rk that ht• would matl'h the repor~ S-1.5 m1lhon offrr shl'<'l thl· Kn1('ks gave the h1gh- smrmg 6-7 play1.•r • Harv Kuenn: The real World Series hero -1 I It would bC' unthink:iblc.· for one• to permit sentiment to mflu1•nce on<·'s composition but 1f on(• did. on<· would applaud the· prngrtsc, o f Harvey Kuenn. Whe n they madt• Harv the manager of the M1lwauk1.'t.' Brt'Wl'N, he did not go out and buy h1mSE•lf a new hat and t'Ommence to takC' himself seriously Some managers buy <1 nc:w hat every week and tell you about thl.•1r tra1Lo; o f baseball genius. Earl Weaver was one Another was Wh1tl'y Hl'r.iog. the mastermind Harv Kuc:nn had to fat'<' m the 1982 World Series "Hell," Harv said. "managers don't w1n many games. The playt.•rs w1n the games. But a manager t·an ,Jell the players to sl.dy loose and ha\ie som<.· fun and some times that can be a help .. Harv<'y Kuenn helped the Brcwt'rs go several lengths furth<.'r than anyone thought puss1bll' last June "I'll tell you this muC'h ." said Milwaukee pitching coach Cal , McL1sh. "these players love Harv but 1t sure wasn 't bet.·ausc· he talk('(! them into 1t." They don't love him because of hts personal probll'ms. either 1 mean. there isn't any pity connl'<'tcd with the admira tion of thC' Milwauk ee players for the Milwaukee manager They know about Harv's health problems. of courSl'. They knew about the kne<! A guy who uS<-d to drink with Harv saw him for the first ume a fter the sur~ery and Harv said, "you c'Ouldn't drink with me now, P odner. Yo u could never keep up. I got a hollow leg." Lifting a few with Harv Kuenn was about as pleasant as that time Wheelchair tourney slated The 1982 National Wheelcha ir Tenn111 t:hamp1onsh1ps will begin Thurs day and continue through Sunday at the Racquel Club of lrvlne. More than l ~O participant• are expected for th'5 year'• loumam nt. i n cluding players from Ji3wc11l, Fronce. Sweden and Auatn11•. Competition will bo held In four men'• categories and two women'• divisions. Tournament m•tch play begin& Thursd•y morning at 11 and <'on"nuts until 6 p .m . Qualllylns rounda are also tchcduled for the IQn'W' houn on Friday. SPORTS COLUMNIST BUD TUCKER hvnored pastime could gN. During a tour of a c1tv's centers of cullurl' and rehnement. -Harv would pauS<' after several hours and lay his head on his arm for three or four minutes and when he awoke. it was a whole new ball game You would havt' hked Harv Kuenn Ln those days Well, you would sllll hke Harv Kue nn He 1s our kind nf guy Another thmg about Harv KuC'nn, he was one of the greatest hitters who ever lived He w as a super batsman and a feared onC' for 15 summers m the American and National Leagues. H arv was not o n e of t hP big sluggers who hurry quickly into the Hall of Fame because of all the home runs they hit and all the walls they banged. Harv only hit 87 out of thC' park in aJJ those years m the majors. H ar v was a ping hiller. H e hit singles, mostly. The thing about Harv was he wasn't aU that electric.'. All he did w as hH those little pin g singles with guys in scoring position. Jn aU, Harv had 2.092 hits and a lifetime average of .303 I'm not so sure Harvey Kuenn didn't wash his mouth o ut with something refreshmg before a game as w e ll as a fter. If h l' did. his managers should have ke pt a case of the stuff m his locke r Harv and his wife Audr y operate and live behind a tavern not too Car from County Stadium in Milwaukee. a beer-and-a -shot joint which is as frie ndly and unassuming as the proprietors. Harv, though. gets the hell out when the cold wc£Athcr {'Qmc<11 from across Lake Michigan and bothers the stump below the right knee. 'l'hc grand old game has its finest hours during the World Serles. The clasalc commotion o f autumn produces memorable moment.~ and records the decda o f young men and mekcs la1ning heroei of them. That Is the way It ah ould bt'. of cour1e. and notbJng 11hould bl' alter~. But some of U11 who hav • known Harv Kuenn for a wupl of df'<'AdH had our own p&rUculor hero In this one. I thought you might Ilk<' to know. J l • .. I ~ :• 'I ., l I • I I" ,iti . i ,,: • t\ !? •, 'I' ~ ' h (. Our S1l1otion la Endl111! I E I D ATHLETIC SHOES 1114 llllLTll•llmllTll IUOI (llTWlll llMUlllT Ill 1111111 Thund1J, Frid1J, S1turd1J ind Su11d1J ~\ W• hlYI th• new t/t-a~e... "Futur1" 11ro•io d11oi11 1ho1 1n•on1d ., J1oki1 S1n1111. IALE HOURI Moft.-Frl. 1M l1turd9J 1M lundar 11-4 f U1 Ull()U (. ou•I DAil v PILOl /Wouno.duy Ocl ohm ~o. IUH2 ~ t I ., " WORLD SERIES Ce1dln1I• 13, lhewe" Oem• • Mii.WAUKEE IT LOUii •b , h bl •b , h bl ...... UhhJf Jlt Youn1 •• cou., ... ll• Swnm,.,,, c YO.I L 4 ('l I 0 l '1m11n If J I t () 4 I) U U C.1 """ II I I 0 0 •00000••"'•11 30 ~100 : o 0 0 u,,.,,,.,n.11 10 ~I.!.• UllllU ""''""'"'' ~111 Oo•""'" lnomu cf 4 0 I 0 1'1>rl•r c 4 I I I JOOO 81utn11tv• • uOOO •-Ecr..t<h '' MO<W) dh MO&u 1t Gan1ntt• }I 0 0 0 0 '"'9 dtl 4 i I 0 JOOO Mt(,..,•' •'I I JI) I 0 ''"" 111 I I l 7 j I I fF-0 Sml\t• u • 0 0 U lol•IO JO• •O IOI••• le •J 1;> Ill Score bf lnnln90 Molwaui...., 000 000 00 I I SI LOV" 070 Jl6 00• I.I E y.,.,.,, / Cutnln"' 1 01><>ri.1•H OP SI lt)U•S l I 118 Mol.,au• ... 4 Sr lo.111 3 28 h><Q I lh!I' Ganin~· Je IO•Q ••R Pott@• t H t<lf'lfldHC,h.•1 l q SB l sm.m 121 s H•11 Mllweukff Sunon 1L 0 11 Slaton Med<:h Berna,d 81. lo.,le IP H A Ell II SO • I I 1 5 0 1 '101)000 2 ~6••0 (I 0 0 0 I Slupet (W 1·01 9 4 I 1 l I WP Mttd•Lh 1 S1up~1 Dali. Sutton T 2 21 A ~3 723 COMPOSITE BOX 8 .. jlng MILWAUKEE MOl•fO' YC\vnl Coop.ii S1mmo,..~ Og11 ... 1~ lhomd' t10'1'1oflll Mone-, M\.>Ott:' G1.ml'1t.*' fO'Sf EcJwJrd!' eb r ti 2b 3b hr r bl ••Q JI 4 •1 0 U ll J JJ) ~~ 6 11 J ll I f, 440 7~ J 1 0 I 1 ,.'ff0 To11w_. lff 4 0 ,, :J ' •. I.I 1 ... ·~ ll ' l) u ij I U Cl 0 I) 4 J I) ]J I d ll i1 1 \ I 0 0 0 0 (1 0 0 0 0 0 I . \) n 0 0 Cl I 0 0 4 0 l 0 0 ..'•'t» JO .., t t I .I • • ST LOUIS .. 't i :• llb ()()Ii •JI .147 HJ uoo 000 , .. t-fpu •b r h 2b l b hr •bl n9 J l 0 0 ~ llb l S,rnllf H~,,ande1 Ht_)nl)t1(_i.. ·~n ... :-e PO,lt"f ;,N-fl Otk~,1o.te11 O Soi11n Br dun ~ ... G,... IUrQ P .. mc..t.'y B'"""'"'"'~' .. J .. (, 1 ·" j ') .' u ' t iJ ' 0 0 0 I I> 0 0 0 0 0 u ~I t U t 4 Ill J l ,, (l .'t•Ttu(I ~0~}()(101 OOOU•lOl , ... ,, ~ ~ 0 ,, .. 14 4 4 I 0 l 0 'J 0 U I UOOVVl•' ,bl 108 J(l• 000 •(14 JOO r I•'~ •'Ut J \ 4i ... 14 t ,_ • •,, Pitching MILWAUKEE ' •• 111 ..... ~·' 5ut101110 11 M(Clu,P tO 11 t •dd fl Ip h r •r bb to e• • 1 11 , l 1 A 4 I b i 08 10 t.) 11 I 11 ,. tS4 j 1 ._ -i .... •"J t 11 • II 0 00 t J ' ' 4 ,.., • l 1 , '~ .,l.tlr1 4 t 01 M,-,11. r BNtlJlll 1 (\ I 0 i -,. r 4 I J~0 I l I 0 0 0 I 000 tot ti t• ~/ '>l 11 6T LOUIS g Ip tt r et bb 10 era f0<S<h tO 2t 2 ll t8 lU • J • • 9l >\ .... I • J ~ ! I } • ) ~Eo t•P°"'I 1 8 10 t. J 7 I I 14 lM11 -: , • i :' 1 1 10 eo Slul>I."• 01 I 3 l l ~ ~ ' ~ l 4f 8d•f 10 1 ~ • 1 ~ ' • 00 Suue• • Ot ~ r, • 4 3 • 6 ·~ And""'' 1.01 I b , 3 0 0 l 3 0 00 f I.tis t.. ".... ~ • 10 2 '-1 Q ~~ ' 1 • St lou1s te4lm ~•l · oo '""' ,.~\ ,,...,, ~.,., ~ ~ Otlt.._..,,-4Ji "'~ ·~ ~.,, lPtJ a11 1f'I ol ru•f' 10 18 1 ~n 9arr.fo ' Sc0<• br Inning• \.4 'IN'•v ... ee tA ) 13 u1 7•!.. JO SI lou•s (NI I SJ J~9 3' ' 33 t-t .. l\Ot•C' rp•cheO ba'e c,n c at~,,~,' ,, u~rt,.1encir '" 91n 1nnm9 Gane 3 E. H~1 nanO•z 2 09t1v1t CoOPf'' Gan1n@r ~ S1mmo111 Yount 3 ldP01n1 F'OIS<l'I Hl!fr Ol>ef>l&ll OP SI LOU•S 9 M•t ... au•ee l LOB Mu ... au•4'e • 1 St Lou1a 36 SB MOl•IOf McGee 3 O~r• IPll l 0 Sm•lh 2 L Smolh 2 S Gontnf't Herr SF Hrrr HBI' Howell 10, Fo'""' WP Stull~· 3 H80l Kaai M&d•Ch 2 Bal~ Sunon S&•f'S Sul!"• McC•u•e 2 A 3:t0 6• 7 World Serie• al a glance TuHda). Oct. 12 Scort Mllwau~ee 10 S1 I.OU•• 0 Wed.....S.y'o Sc0t• SI LOUIS 5 M•lwaultee 4 Frld.y'• ko<• SI LOii" 6 Mllw..,lt .. 2 Selur.S.ft Sc0tt M•l•t1t1Jkff 7 SI LOUii s s .. nes.y·o Seo ... Mt!Wau•~ 6 S1 l011t11 4 TueMl•y"t k0te St L0\11$ 13 M1lwau•tt I 1Se'"'' l•!'d 3. )1 T odafo Genie M•lw&uti:ff 1Vvcko~.C.h '8 '1 JI St "" 1Andu1at 15 •O· 5 20 ~· m Seri.1 feel• and llgurH facts and hgu•H t•om 1ne 79in Wc-110 Se•>M bll•ween ,,,. M11wav•tt B•e-ol"\ '"" ,,,. Sl LOU•I Ca<dona11 Game 1 Alleodanc~ 53 773 Nel reGe•PIS M190 I 58 9 7 Comm1u1ooe< 1 Sna1e $13• 72165 Ptaye<s Po04 ~· 58 056 q9 league end Club S•roe• sha1es S76 34i l)J Geme 2 Allendance 53 723 Nel receipts $898 t 50 97 Comm1Ss1one1 I ShO"! 'I l• 7 n G ~ Play&< poOI S•Se 056 99 league and Club Se•1es th•••• $16 3•2 83 Oam• 3 Atle,,dance 56 S56 Net rf!C411PIS $942 7U '6 Comm ow one< a s'1ere S 14 1 • l 1 1 1 P1aye• POOi S•eo 799 83 L .. gue and Club Se"ea •"•••• S80 t3J JI O•m• I At1endanc;e S6,S60 Nel receipts $9•2 831! •9 Comm•JS1on.< • ~'1a•e St~ I •2S 13 Playet POOi s•eo 8•6 •6 14\~gue end Club Ser1t1 1'1•••• UO o..,,. 5 A1tendal>G9 SI S62 Nel r.CetPll $1112 8 70 •8 CQmmi..-on.. • 1ha1e S tit 430 57 Pleyet POOi HOM 3~.,.,.,.. and Clul> s.,, .. th•••• S200 i o-• AUW-0..-S3.723 Mel r9C411Pll '898 I SO 9 7 eom--s lhere $ 13• 721 6S ,...,., l)OOI HOM t..eaoue eno Club s.r1 .. •h•r" S 100 l!>I OI T.uk Atttndence 330 M7 Hee '-i>" $5.$22 003 S$ C-MIOflllt'• there '821 435 •a ,...,.., p004 s 1,en,1eo 21 LHOue and Club Sef .. t tll•IH $704 177 11 ~I 1•.1 i _., "'''"'''~ 1U· •tin.tu a• i •t•+lt ffltUtf~\ ~-111.t lttift.JJ .. It f J• 'f~jl•:''\'::'::~•fll~ljlt~:tt;I:~~ ',.: Jl'.~f~ I U¥OH W~lh.,.ltu iYM. I• tt•t• 't 'I ti 1 1.-.hUt IMU11 /f\ ll tfl\~ At111 •ht U.tji ftt l~ rt .t I t 11 0 W tlttl fl.tt t" 0 1t1 ""'''• f a •i f\u~ri ... k lH•tt HvrnJ••I f~ Kef \I 1!H·~ V• rl"' 1 ·•Y"''"' ... u,1 '" n 1'.,, ,,., .. l••• W1tl 1\1<1•11111 "rut 1•1w Woi111m lt••fll'f' 1v1"''' ",u .. ,1 lf "• Wtllh011 ""''f\I ~'· H t ljt I 11., .... ' ~ b I 6 Q 10 " I/ IJ ,. 15 16 17 •8 19 10 i • n 23 2• 25 26 ,7 28 29 30 l l 3~ 33 l• 15 LPG.A money leade11 JoAnne C111ll•• U U8 l~IJ S11mh• ttn~llltJ J Ut ... I.' ~Illy ltltle •,'~·.'Joi~,'. Pell~ .,h..,h•n , • Oem Oe111tt1 1041 ti I~ >loll11 St~'Y ''Ii ll~ Atny Al<.<>11 14M un' Ntrl•y l<>P"I I ll• •H K•th) Wn1twnr1h ' In 0 14 Jnn 61.vnenk>tt Lib bV.' Pa• B•t<O"'• un O~ll Sao-Oro Sp.wct1 811 SI.' Jenet Al.. di> 11()1 Ar••o O••motu &J bU Donna C•i><>n• al e 1 l l\othy l'ooll-•11 I• IO• Bar l>AJ a MO.,,.•• 14 10• S•nd• • P •lme< n llO J Donna H Whll• Ii' Olli> Celhy MO<M 7 t 0J9 Janel C-• o9 lN l yun A.iemt C.4 J& 1 Cn11s Jonnaon ~9 ~·~ Jo .Ano wasn••~ ~8 •60 O•le EOQehr>Q M> 781 A•ea.1andtd Retnh.t,dt '>S tiOO UICI.I I al)01 ~1 !>08 Belly Kong •'l 911 l JUd) Cl••• ., 191 Dot G9fma111 •~ 911 Pell• Rto o •• 80 l M";ra Van Hoo•tt •• 1~ 1 Jdne e1a1ock •1 '9~ c .. role Jo Callison • I 081) Susie MtAlh"et •O 172 NHL CAMPJlllL CONFERENCE smrU•• Olvlaton OA Pit Kln90 W1r1n·~ £d"•uf"llOf"I l••11ar1 V..tt\COVore• W L T QF J l 1 2 I 3 t JO J : )~ ~ I J~ t S I 'l'' 18 ~ 20 I w b J9 \ n J Hotrl• Dfwl1Jon Minnt\SOta C~IC&OO St lOV•S T0tonto Of'lfOll ' 0 ' A I J • 0 0 • 1 0 ~ l2 t{I It 19 lS q 1J l • 0 I I ,-2~ 11 JI WALES CONFEllENCI Pehlc-Ohltlon N\' i\ittfl0~'~ 6 t 0 )4 18 '• Pn 1•u1e•P"'• 1 1 o "\O "" tO Ne~ .. ~'St'' "'.! 1 J 1~ ? 1 ·a W••nor>glon '2 J o 18 1~ • N'V Aan9e, ~ ;> !. O 11• 1 t <4 ? 11~0UI gn 1 -' 1'J t 1 A.dem i Dfwlelon Mo111re.t1 5 ' O JI tl1 to 80'!1-fOn • l .:' j .. l tO Ouroe< ; J t ~7 J'l 8ull•I<' < ) I l9 l6 Hittlforo t C' 4-'4:j 70 Tueed11'• 8co1e1 N t 1\IAnfJPt5 S i/an~ouvf"r • B11"on J CBIQ••, l Tonlghfo Game• Ne'A Je•Mh tll King• Mt>nf't4Jetl dl Wasti•nglOr\ Ovel.IK a1 Oetrott Sr Louis at P1tt~Dvrgfi Vdncou .. ~ ., N Y RdMQtH'\ "41nne~t1 11t Toron10 Bvtrato a1 Cn•cac;it1 '11tHOf<l at E<Jmon100 Women'• volleyball COUEGE C.a fl Ht w Oc.·' S"'ul"e' C.; 1tr,,1 , ( I ~~P 11 l~ I!> ll -tS l~ ~ I~ 11 HIGH SCHOOi. Estanc•a \l .. t E lf'llu1 15 '1 1«. 1 t~ J Co1ona oe• Ma' o~t 1,.....,, .. ,..., c. ,.., • IS·9 NeN9(W' ,...arbo• o,.• SadClk!ibK• 15-9 15-10 Laguna 8~ac.t\ def Dana ~111\ tO· tS IS 2 15· II Foun11m vattey Oef M t1r1na 1 'i to 5-tS IS·ll 15·'' 15 10 WP~tm·ri~fer OE'I +-•uo11n91r.io Be1•f h ,., ~ 15 2 lS 1l 15Nt'f'r) C•1nt1•t<n dPt ""'''"9<' t~ 11 High 1choof ranking• CIF ... A l Mora (..osla 2. Coron• d •I Mar. 3. Laguna •••ell; I . Newporl Harbor, S WM1m1nS1.,, t. Et lancle; 7 Sanfa Monoce a Santa Ba•oara 9 San Cremer"• 10. ... ,., o.t. Croa• country ranking• CIF ... A MEN 1 Mat., Oel; 2 El Modena l El Co< ado • f l Toro 5 Palo• Verdes. 6 Newou•y Per' 1 111ne ""'"· I. l4•if1tlftg1on -h, I Unhr.,..lfr~ 10 T'tlOU .. nd Oa1<1 CIF 3·A MtN 1 MonleoellO. 2 Haw1hofnt1 3 B••ttOw • Canyon tSaugut) 5 Sou1n H•lll e Buroani. 1 Sen Manno. 8 Mire CoSle 9 llven• Par' 10 Oana Hill• and le Can.wie CIF ... A WOMEN I ~oolhlll. 2. Unln r•llJ; 3 T u111n 4. (di-; 5 ROlllng H•ll• 6 "''"''•" 7 Buen• 8 Do. P.,.0101. fl Palen lletdes. 10. Coela M9N and Thousand Oeu CIF a.A WOMEN 1 e1anop Amel 2 Hawthorne 3 Mora Coll• • San M•nno. 5 S•uuus. 6 Arllng1on. 7 Rowland. I .... .., Del; fl Dane Hons 10 e.v .. 1y HH•s and LatlYM -h. Superchallent• tournament (al MelboufM, Jl"otralle) Arst 1104Hld Sl.fttllH G""" Maye1 IVS l df't Johan Kr .. ~. 1Sov1n Alncal. S O delault Vila\ G•ruletltt tU S 1 clet Pel., M'Nama•a IA11t1r~l••I 6·3 6·3 Women'• lourNJmenl (al FllcMu t.cll, WM I 0..1t11H1Jt Aral "°"ftcl 11"9 ... Leogn Anne Tnompson IV S I del Ann Smll'1 IU SI &-0 8·2, Cleud•a Ktn04! 1Well Germanyl oe1 Be111na Buno• tVl4!1tl Qermeny) I 6-• 7.g Celhe11ne Ttnvter (Fra.-1 del Zina Gafltton IU S ), 7-8 6·• Iva Budeto•• 1Cz9'hl>t101o•klal def Ma•c•ll• Ml!tk&< (Nl!lhfl1tandt) 1·6 3 6 1 ~ Japen Open (•I Toltro> Finl llound llnt .. • Jimmy A11H IU s ' ., •• Cary LMO\ HJ 5 I 6·3 8·2 I •ljll•I• t•o• 11 11 I •ti""" lllllo I \\ t lh i I ~ht,~t • ' I I t I I H 4 tt •t t I u I i.tlllo!lh t1i I I \MJ fi .., t f It I I I I 111t t lt1"'.,;1 I } t I ' I Uuunl•• ' 'V•0t1• tJet .... , It h'l'IH• .. au'~'•• ii\ I U 1# ~, h lh 111t I t • 110 I M '' h 1 ' hi ' I t '" I' ti-.• I I 11 1 t I llfl l'tl 1- l' ,, I "' ,., f\ If I I It I I 1 I hf 1 t~•' d1 I t 1.:u+111 u• ,1 i • ~1 I''""' II ii I I I I I U It f I fj, ' j ti 11 ~1 I tlu,tJ• H 10,-4 1 I t th M.,, \' 11 1tt11 1 11 f I I I lJHh•f•ltr ti. Cu•t• M••• 1 Ding I .. ,, l .. tl 11'1 d1 I U tffh1 l·t 11 "'' l11dH!I I 1h •f \ 111 ' rh 1 1 1 11!11 01 1111 flif11i1 f I I ' k .... 1 .... 1,111 A •II I I •• i ' Ouuhl•• II I 11 1 f u q 1 t11 11 I 1 1111111 tt1n1h••~ t ,, '"I I II • ' ., I , .. I hl•IH•tlH I II 10 111 I t A111h I 111 ''•'I• t d11 I ft It 1 I t I I ' It tft fkftt (111 I 11 1'f lat•uLI• Ht (I futu J Sing I•• U ut 11 II I I• I' 1 1fl I ' I I I h I l I• • ' ~ It " ''" '' IJ I "'" I I I Ol\'1 1• t 111 ~It I U Ct ii 11 U Ooubr .. l '" ' Ill 'I • ,,, t I' I I"' I • I ,, •• ' ...... ,, ,.,,,.~ u 1 1 '" h·r t uh, •Ill t I 1 I I ,hf '"JI I\,,, l•1t ft I h • t tit, lh 1},1 • 'I I \I Ii. It I I rt I Mii i ~\ t•f Al•lll n I At • h I I 1 f 1 W1lar Polo COMMUNITY COLLEGE Goldtn Weol I°\' Or•nu• Coul 9 th.11 \I''' I I 1 • • 1 'l t 111lih•11 \/<11 ,I 4 1 •' 4 \4 •Jl,llHI• 'u 11! "ct1+1 1 'l1•rt11•n1 h1, 1111" r1t• 1 Ah .. 1'1 1111111011·, • 111hh•11 ~ ..... ,, 1+1111 I 11 .. 1 \ Iii! •.• ~'jt•I l ,,,.,,,..,11. f IHI I f I ti! ·It I'll••!!.,,,, ' r ~ 11J. / HIGtt SCHOOL M•rln• 2• Secldleoech 0 ,, II ti I •I 'llhl I I ,, .. I I " ~ .. lf I ij I " f t1 ti •Y II h' 11" rt t I 'l/i t' h • ,.,,~lo ,, •• ,,, J , ........ t lJtl'\J If ... ' t r ~··•\i ' ~h ,1., , u '' I .. , .. J II 1 , ••• •t l•gun• 8•ach tJ Long Bettch Jo'd•n 6 l 1, J• I ' lit t f•t I I l 1y1tf I t4t 14 I i•I t r1•1 t. 11U.t ,,, • ' .1 f• P. t I t ' ... ' t ,1, I CIF 4-A llen~lne• 1 Co.one d•I M.,, 1 Newport Herbof. l Su,,ny Hiiie. • Et TOfO. $ Cool• Meu, 6 L mg Bn•<.f W 1l\Of\ 1 Unlwer11tf. 8 ''''""''"'" 'i M i,a (..011i1 •O 8vf'fl• P4Hto: CIF >·A llen-•~· t i •• tt1n 1 Jill• P•r• J r (>Oth•li 4 ~• .,,.," ,, I ~, 1• I '"' 1·•.l1 1 Ir lf.. -. Lld•t•mom ,. Mu11 "J l)nr•ltt Aria v .. 11,., 1u l tQUrt4 tf1ll\ CIF 1·A Rtnkln91 1 l d Put••·lt1 1 SNl;1ht " taMtllO 4 l tnt A,...,•Qu\ <i«1n ~arl"" c A•o"~'' 7 htith•f CJAlrl ~ LC.•mtJrh .. ~ ~aflhJ Ft! 10 Uli111 I t •• Deep He ll•hlng Afll S LANDING INewoorl 8eech1 4o It 1 L ,.. f t lot I .. t I t1 ~ f f.' I .. I\, I'. , ...... DANA WHARF 1 • I· •I ,1 ,., u ''''-' SE.Al 8EACt1 •• ; ' I .~. t JI. A ,.-I :I t• r. ~. '. ,, • ' ,,, ' "' • J I SAN OIEGO IH&M l •ndlng ) ... _,,...,.. ·~..-.--.......... , ........... 4¥~.t Thi• week'• trout plant• LOS ANGllEI C •II•" l •• e Cat•••' Lagoon H•nten Dam Pf'1 .., Roao Pa'• ltiO O Py,em•cJ l••fl' VENTUllA l'oru l O• SAN l (llNAllOINO SaNa An1 Rovf'• S•••-OOd l a•e lllYlllllOE ~ulmOI L1•e H•""'' la>.~ S•'"""' Lai.e l([llN Hall Par~ l ••• Kern RtY~t 8or .. l P°"'&<hOUH 10 O<!omoc:rat 011JT1 !(RJ Po-1'ouM 10 Lau 1aa1>e11a1 SAN LUii otlllPO •11..caoe•O l ••• l"QUh8 lAk• TULAllE Kern River IF~orv1ew Oem 10 KR3 Powernouse Jonn1ond•le Brlc!Qe 10 F11,~1ew Dim• MONO Oweos Rover tS Brodoe• Oowntlream lo Stewat1 Lanel Pro bowllng P8A TOUll 111 F•lrvlew Paik, Ohio) Flnalo (,Vl'I I ' ., ,, t J~tl 9.-.,. ia•' tit. f "''• 1110 .... " M s ' 00 84>•••"04'' St; 000• Olher 11 .. u110 B• ' ,. , ~t"' Jim PfPnl. •" '2 t'f 204 U•llt'l<J•' '14't' .,.,,.,. •• r,.n, 1•~ 201! tf,..,o ... "" S5 noo ,.,..,, ,,, S• 0001 NBA exhibition TUHdey'o 8,or .. POHl1'1d I I' Lakert t03 Nt!"' Jrr~"Y 87 NII .. Yor• ,, ... M ol .. aukr" 13 l LlllGolQO q7 Botton 132. Se11 An101110 101 Tonlghfa Gam .. Waah•noton "' Ct1111trtjltntt o A~hlM'<1 On10 Atlanl3 Al OtlllM\ Detroit v.., 11\•n•.1' (.1t.., 111 St t °'"' Oen"•' "~ Gult.lef1 St.Wt At Rf'n11 f' 1rt1•nd U Phtwllf\ll Tueectaz'• tranaacllon• I IKETIALI. Nellon .. IH~•llMlll Aeooclallon All AHIA HAWKS Plt1CC'd Jim Mc;E Ito~ QUl\td Jim /Ofll ,.,,,., •M J04> 1(~~~~~:1~tc0~s w••vl'~~en..A v .. rnon Smith IO<wA•ll Ohl JKUOl'I ou••O Olnd Ml'i O•n,.C '"'""' Mil WAUKCC BUlKS S19r...O Atn10<10 H1tl QuMll 10 • ''"" y~~· C•J"''~" P••c~ J()fll Mtwtttn f(),WAf(J on WAIY~t\ HOCKl'f Nallonat Hoch, Le119ue Ntll '"'ll•rnd•ll Jttlly K 01t1l1 Oftttnte•n•11 of 111• lo• AnQl'le• K1ng1 '"' ••• gomt1t lot e '"~-ow1n91nu 111c11t•11t IQAIMI Inf Ou~IM!C NOfOIQUltl oo Oc!Ob"' ,. L O!I ANOCI rs l(INOS f•Mle-0 GlllQ f11r10r1 cen1tr 10 ,,,. Tn<onlo llA•llll' lt••• lo• tuture c;ollt1de .. 1oon1 NPW Jfl\l[Y OCVtlS Anionfld Or•nt ]ht • rljlllt WlflQ IO W"lllfa OI ,,,. c.n1ral •lOCk~ l allOul P1ll'GBUAGI• PtH(IVINS Nil"*' Joe l •llltl" cooro1n•1<>1 of arn11tur llocll•y J~I IT lOUll 8l UU flK•lt•O Bobby ;;;tl'<tfofO "Ofll W1nQ from IAll l'1<1 Cny OI IM Cen1rll li<K•rr l•~ r I , ' AP Wlrep'1olo1 ( :anl inaf•: l.0 11uit• S mith i .. 1111 .. ut•t·c·:-. .. ful i11 hi .. a ll•·mplt•cl .. 1,·:d o f lw n u-Tuc· ... cla ~ Catdu·r Tc·cl :-ii 111111o n .. a pplit• .. l a~. Brewers' dilemma • IS familiar S'I' 1.<ll'!S (.\111 '1'11.1 111.111 lh• i\l1h\,111k1·•· H11 \\I,.., "'"'kl 111 .i\''l" '""' 1111',\ .... ''·" ,,, \\111"11' 1111·\ \\.tilt It> Ii.· \\llh 1111·11 balk.., 111 1114' "';.II . 'It '"111.111 ,,,·111d 111,.., I \\11t1ld 11 ·1111111111·1ul 1t." , .11t 111 t T1•d S1111111oih ..,,,111 1·.11 h lod;" ··But Wt· h.1\4 h1•1'11 1h11111gh 1111 ... 111•11111 1i11p1111fl,\'. \\'(' h;i\·1· It .tr111·d 1111\\ Ito p tlll II 11UI U l1d1·1 thr·-.i· 'If( llllt'>l.1111'1'' 1'111· H11''1 r.., I .I I 111 ....... 111 I h1 SI L111i1' l".1nl1n • .t-.. 111 ,, 1.1111 d1•l.1\1·d g.111 11 1h.11 1·111lt·d '"'' h 1111 ... 11111111111g ... qu:111 ·d 1111· l!IH.! \\'or ld S111t''> .11 thrt•t• ).!,11111 '~ ,qllt I I' -.Pl \111g llJl •I d1"1 1-..1\ I ''\I 11th ~.lllll t11n1gh I 'S11nwt11111·' II ,., .1 1111 ('d'fl I lo 111 ... 1 ,, g ;tf11t• Ilk .. tlw. th.in t11 l11't t I "' .! I -...id """"ti 1,,,..., 111.111 .11111 (;.1nt11f 1 • Tl11 ·n " 11 ·,tlh 1111 1 'Jtl .. 11.1111111 1111 wh.tl h.tpfwll• d l11111gh1 \\'1• Jll'I j.!111 •IUI 1.111, k11 k.-d . Bu I 11 i-. 1111 h 11111 g.11111 1hrn11~h 1h1-. ht 11111 .111d '" k1111\\ dt1 111 pull 11 tl11 .. ugh 111 .... 11.J \ \ I ho I \ I ht I fl \\h,11 \\I lt.1\1 111 Th·· R11 '",, ""'' .1 t11llr g.111H ''""' 111 th1· .. 1.111d111g-.. 1111 1111 th•\ 111111 h 1•d 1111 .\1111 "' .rf1 Lt'.1gllt ... r: ..... , Ill\ 1'1"11 11111· Ill lht· 1 ..... 1 ~.11111 11t 1h1 11 gul,11 'l ',1"111 Tlwn lht-\ 111 ... 1 1111 l1r ... 1 ''"' g.rn11·-. 111 th•· lt.1gu1· pl.1voff, 111 llH Angtl-. lwl111• \\llllllllg lh• m·xt tl11"1·1· l11r tltt• t.it•nnJnt ·•\A.lb.it ",. ,., ,. drnng pruh.1hly 1sn·1 prl'll.' I "hh tht·n· \\'""' :111 1•ai.11·1 wav lo du th1., But m.ivtx· 1l ""1' 1111 .. 111\ 111 1>1· 1h1~ w:1\'," ..... 1111 third h.1s~·man PJUI Mullt111 ··vV1· h11\'l' umw frnni lx•hmd all Vl'<ff, with 11ur .. b<1cks to 1h1· w.tll. :111d now wt· h11vc• t•> do 1t ilg:.1111" Molitor l><llt...I "M;1\'lll' \'(•art• running out of tum· J\.lavb<.' tht."rt' 1-. rnllv " ~l\'t•n numlwr of 11111c·~ w1· e;rn. do th•~ ·· ··But w1• an hc-n·." ht• 1·1mllllUl'<l. ',1"d I gUl'S.' W<' art' going t11 tind 11Ul \\hat kind of l'h.iractt·r th•~ t1·a111 1s mc1dt· 11f .. Tht• Bn w1•1:-. h'<I "1th"" c11·t· pll1 h1•r Tut•:.ila\'. Don Sutton 111• hJd thro\\ n th1· d1v1wm l'linehing , 11 t11ry .igam't R.'llt1n111rt• .md tlwn 1'14'.ll th1 Am!1•ls .1ftl'r th1· Bn•wt·r' 1r.11l1·d th1•m hv I\\ 11 g.imc.._ Sullun :~7 . 1 .111 out 11f m,1g11· .1ga1n~t thl' Cardmab Th1•\ 1<11.ktd him '''Ith honw run!. h\' K e ith Hf'rnandC'1 .ind f11rmt·r Brf'wt·r c::i tch1·r Darrell Porwr Sulton said h1 cl11l not hav1• th<· ...:1nw qu.tlll~' <;lulPr that h<• USt d .1J.!.t1lll-I lhP Anj.(1·ls J tli11ug h1 I 111:1111 -.111111· l.!t~icl p111 lit -.. 11111 11 • ltw .1111111 \\',..., 11111 ,.,.,' J.!ti.1d . :-,11111111 -..11.t Tl1• .. 1td1 I I h.td Ill Mtl\\.tllk .... 1h.11 d.1\ \\ ..... 1111 111 · ... 1 I It.id .tll \';·,11 I d1d11 t lt.1\'•• ,:,, .... 11111 k111cl 1•! .. 11111 I 11111 I th.,ught I It.rd go1wl 1•11t1UL!h 'llll I 111 '' 111 11 I h.td 111;id1 111\ lot .tlHlll h1•l11•1 •·1 f11,1tl(• -.<Hiil' g1Hf(f IJl\t l1t· ... , 11111 \11(1 lo,1\I Ill 1.(1\1' th1111 11t•d11 ·• lw -...11d Tl"'' 1111 '"rr11 '""'~I pll• 111·" \\lo1·11 I d1d111 \\.0111 It• ptlt h tl11111 S1J1l1111 ,;,1d lt1· 111ultl 11td '"'11d Liii'' Iii• lu111 11 ·1 ptl< 111 ' h1 lltrt V\ f ft .... tld f111tlt \\ t I I 1111t 11dnl ltu1 ill.ii ho · 1'111 Ill th,. d1tn 111111 111 1111 Ill lr•t l11j.!lt CARD ~T A CKED .? From Page 01 h.111 ...... Ill'' .. lump \\Ith 1111 I•' ""' Ill l .. 111H ... , f I tpp•·d 111' h"n11 1 Ull 111,rking II 7 II At th.11 point Stlltoll rtrp~nrd ';J m nmrnt hf-inn" thr r.1111' t-:m11 d't'lnv111~ 1 h• g.1111t I u r I he I 1 r... I I 11111 "I Jl ST ('Ol LO:\ "T put th• 11.rl l 111 1hc 111.!ht ... p11ll-... ,;11d Sutton. '.111d \1111 1,111·1 gi•I ·'" "~ "1th th.11 \\llh .1 g11••I h111111g 1 luh A'k<·d .1ho111 1 h1 h111111 1 ur.... 1114' H1t'\\1 r p1t1 ·ht·r r J'(J\\' rwtl ··Tht•\' \\l'll' 11111 good p1tdll''> b1•1;ius1· go11d pndw-, .ir(·n't 1111 th:.it far ·· 'l'tw ra111' lt•l up and al 11•1 it '..!l'i-mmllt• 1111111 dl'l:ty, pla:-n •:-unwd Hut 111 tlw ''"'h 11111111g lh< 1.1111 lx·g11n 111 Vi1rn .. ~t Comn11~1om•r Ho"""' Kuhn ~.ud Lhl n. \\ .c. nu thought to 1·;1ll1ng thl' gamt• N11 W1wld SN11•s ~.mu· h,1~ t'Vt·r lll'1·n shortt'nt•d by wl'ath1•r a nd 1 Ill' trnd1Uon wasn'l J IX>Ul to bt• dli1llg1-c.I 1111V\ ··W1• k1ww Wl' wt>n' ,g1l1ng w pl.i~ 111n1· 1nn1ng' in L11rnt'~' lo t•vt•rybudy.'" s.11d l l1·r1og l\lllwaukl'<' l\1,m,1gl•r ll ar\'t'~ K ul·n11 \\ ..... n·t ahoul to surn·nd1•r thn't· inn111g.., w11rth 11f '" 1ng:. JU'I h1'<·au"· of d llttlt: nun ·Wt• \\<·n•n't gmn)! lo lc ·avt· unlll 1111' g.11111· \\.I;, ltn l'dwd ·· '<IHI Kut·rm ··Thi· g.1nw '' nu-.1n1 lo lw pl;t,\'t'<I 11\'1•1 mm· 111n1ng' Th.it' 1h1 w,1\ 1t -.houil.I I>• .. That wa:. f11w with tht• Cardinal' Thc·v had "'on.•d o nC' mon• run bt.-fon• t lw btg ram on ·lorg·s dnuhlc• ,1 wild p1td1 by Ooc. l\11'llwh .md a ... mglC' bv l\k<.;t•t• Rustlers top Bucs Huge regatta lures Pirates Ma rina., Lag una Beach topple foe ( ;oldt•n W1·~t l'ultt•j.tt• :-.tartc•d ( ast and nt•vt·1 lookt·d ba<·k 111 dC'fN1tm~ Ornnge Coast Colt('~<· 111 wa11•r polo ;u ·1w11 Tut•sd <ly afternuo11, 14 Y. II\ tht· w1h1wr's pool. On tht• high .,«hool lt•vl'l. M nr1na n1a,tt·d lt> a 24 -0 sht•llacking of ho ... 1 Sadctl<'back with t•ven pl.1vt•1 on thl· squad 'l.·oring ut l1•ast u m • g<1.1I La..:um1 &•<•r h . nw:inwh1h•. pt< kro up 1L" S('t'ont! v 1etorv uf th1· 't'nson with a I :l-fi vE>rd wt 11v1•r \'1s1l1MK Long &sch Jord.111 (;oldc•n Wt'~I 1mprovNI 1t~ South Coast Confc•rt•nt'<' rrcord to 4·0 by srormg four ~o._ils in C'ach of the• hn1t two pt.'nocls to takt• ar1 8-:i l<:od to the d rt'&'llnt-( room ''I was J)lt•a st•d with tht• balant·c in our t-1:or1ng today," Rustlc•r Crklrh Tom I li•rmgtau smcl ··T ht'y ull did ll nkt• job Tht!I was on{' o( uur lx.-st offc•nsiv(' C'fforts this yt•or ilnd till 11( our playl'l"S d Id w 11 11 I n t h I' f I r !1 l ha I r cs p«'<'i I.Illy "Ornnf((' Coo. t Is a prl'tty good tc>om. on" o{ th<' bt'Sl w1• ht1vt- plnyl'<i in tht' l«'olo(ut• this ycnr." F ivt• Colden WC'at ploycra ~orf'<t two l{O.'lls Bnd Corl ·olyrr 1111 thn·t· Brl'\I Dt-1 Vulll" St:oll Lund . Tnm (;rall Art Stt•phl'nson a nd Scott Nady ..,.·urc•d 1wo ap11•r1· w1lh Mark Moreno K<'ttmg tlw otht·r ll 1gh·s(·ormg Sh•\ 1• S1mmrm' h,1d thn'<· ~OSI!. (or tht• BUl'S A I o t <1 I o f I I p I o '! l. r ' t·ontnbutC'd to thl' l\1anna scoring U''A TER POLO .1 ttnck with two f(Oalles. Juy Wmt<'rhal\<.'r .ind Jod Pctzlaff, postmg the t('am's first shutout of tht• year The Viking~ scorro 11 goals in tht.• first pl'nocl to put th1• ~amC' riwav. Laguna Bl'al·h . 11wunwhlll'. was playing it." f&r!<l home gam<' of the' Sl'ason. and Juson Bhret. H1<'hard Yclland nnd Chri11 Daniels poun--d in 11 piur of goals (•nch for the Arusu.. The ArtlslS arc• now 2 · 12 on the S<'ason. Thing. won't get any c•1111IE>r. They have just two more home gamt?S on \ht• rrmaind r of 1 heir scht'Cl u Ir The Artist~ jumped out \o s 4-1 rlrst period lcud nd t'><J"'ndt'Cl that advontogt' tn 7 I l'ht'r twu pc-riod~ Or;111g<' L'u;"I l'ul ll'gl· l'll.1l'h Larr\ Monn am.I 1111w mt·m~·rs 11f 111s 1 r1•w will dt>µ;:1rt fur Cnmbndgt'. M;.is., . Thur,d.1y to rumpt•lt• 111 lht• flt-,1d of th<.• Ch:1rlP' Hl'~.1m1 Somt• 700 ho.it:-<Jrl' t•lltf'rL'<i In the· 18th .111nu,1l 1·vc-nt \\ hl<'h \\ 111 takt• pin• c• O\'t•r a w1nd1ng. :3• ·mile• 1·1111r'" Sundnv Among 11tl11 1 t·rt•w; L'lltl'I 111g shl'lls arc· flan .1nl. Yal<>. Conll'll. Hutgc•rs, Nav\. Roston University ,and Prim·c·wn An·ordinJl tu Moure'. Orang1• l '11;1-.1 m.1y IJt• tlw onl~ :-t'huul from tht· Wl'Sl 1'(1mpN1ng "UCLA .incl ~1m1• of thC' othl•r !>:~·hoo ls don't ..i.11 t µract1cing until law Sc•pt1•mhN," Moore N<pluin1..>d "Thi· 1•t1-.tc•rn schools lx>gm workinj( •lilt .1round Labor Day and ti 11u111h1•r ol o ur rowt·rs hav 1• h c•1•n work in~ out s m cc• n)ld·AUl(U~t." Tht> OCC rowerx w ill s ll1v wl\h mcmoors of two Harvnrd rowing ussoda\ic)fls ond, in frlct. oorrow :i Hurvurd ~h<'ll for the nt<"\' "''h1eh will l11t4t from 18 tn :n mrnu111s M so Me m bl'r11 of thr OCC t•n •w who writ c:mnpet<' are: She'ldon K lrkptatrkk. Pot Evans, St'ott Smith, Erl<' M()('. John Mul't'klc, Dnw Sidnom. ~'rNt Adam. Rob Morsh ond l'OX'4Wllln R rh Curni I P08l IC NOllCI C toU HOtl CI T O 'llUOI .. ... lHHtlD IN fHI HU ti Of' HllclN W f'ARKIR Noll! ,. " tl•r•b~ II'"'"' , 0 •II JJll<50!lt 1111111 •tlntl Wfit\llltll •t C.l•IJllOI o hell I hl\jAle1.. Ill d•111eo•e In 111& vllalt1 111 It[ l I N W PAll.C.CR 1lflt u"'"'' WlllJI• tout aod1 Ha w•A 7 140 l)votr loo~ l\t tv• 8oau• Pn1111 N11w York 140:.r. 1111;1 IOtl••• f MWt 6itm"u'tt'Y o i o f Ad11HOt•h lltlOH hU\lt' Utit.m •••uml lo l 111c;ot11 I '"' Ud"~ N A b y S111•(1Qutt1s Court W11yfw Co1111ty ., cov1 1 ot 1-0111p•h1111 tu•t~1t1;,11u11 "' th• St11h1 ot N11 .. Yo1k 111111 the IOllOWlll\t t)ur Aull 1a llldObltlC1 1(; 01 huhlllllj fltll •UllH1 propo11~ of 11111 •Mitt tl.•1 .,.1 .. 111 I •• Wa~1 s ...... g. II l U4111 4110 I MacArtllw Blvd City 111 N11w1101t Bone n County nf Ornngo Tt14t th" uru.1or1•,1Qnttc1 dft,.utttt lu toC01vu lhe 8ttld fHO~Mu~1I ptuptu ty Of t.1>llvct the c1s1mod {met "' ''m"'"'1 '"-1ull..ct11ll or ·~ 1+1vttel h\1111 11111 Stnt11 01 Ca111urn10 to ll•t' ~t.•t• wn-.r•• letters t.,Nhunuohu y (U nt Adnun11lr•l1on h8\lt! b0'9U •~•v,•o All f.)(lrso115 na•111u lihll'n8 •'0"""1 lllv d~11<1or11 or 1111 "''"""' 111 8.Utl etl8til ftlld w1snmu tu \lblt!(;I 10 S\lt 11 remo•BI must QIVf! written llQllCIJ OI suc;h ob1ec11on to ttlt1 P<H~l)n u1 persons indebted 10 or llc>hllng person3l P•Op.llly OI '"" dUC<ldt'nt Such notice muSI bo given to tho person hotdtrlQ the JO OAYS after first pubhca11on ol lht& no11c:o OATEO Sepll!nlbor 2 t982 ts/ R1ch~1~ G Voun11 By M1i1 thl\ M1Hur California Fedo1111 As E•oeu101 ol tho Estlllll OI ltelen W P111ke1 Oect'RSUO Pubhshod Onif1g11 Cuas1 Oa1ty PllOI, Oct 20 '11 Nov :\ 1982 46 lf,.8} PUBLIC NOTIC£ FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME ST A TE ME NT The tollow1119 persor1 15 001ng buSlnllSS BS ANNETTE s lJNIOUE GI~ rs 1938 Harbor Blvd Costn Mesa. Calllorn1a 92627 Anne t1t1 l 11s Beck , 304 7 Country Club Drive. Costa Mt1su c .. 111ornia 92627 This business 1s conauctud by an 1nd1v1dual Annelle I Beck This slatement was l1ied w11n lhe County Cle1k ol Orange County on September 30 t982 F198890 Published Orange Coast OJllY Pilot, Oct 20, 27 Nov 3 10. 1982 4008-8? PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINSSS NAME STATEMENT The 1011ow1ng person is ll""'\l business as THE COVER-UP DRE&S SHOP 20044 Santa Ana Avenut' S.11•1a Ana. Cahlorma 92707 Judith Ann Triorell 2455 11vult! Costa Mesa Calilorn•a 926:! 7 This business is conaucted by a11 1na1v1du8I Judith Ann I no1tlll This s1111emen1 was hied with tn,. County Clerk ol OraMge C".>w11y on October 18 1982 F19979S PubltshecJ Orange Coast Oath P1to1 Oct 20, 27 No~ 3 10 '982 4600-8<! PUBLIC NOTIC£ STATEMENT OF WITHDRAWAL FROM PARTNERSHIP OPERATING UNDER FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME Tne 1011ow1no per son nas w1lndrawn as a general pa1tner !tom Ille parlnershtp operahng under tne lfct111ous business r111me 01 SPECIAL TY GLASS ANO MIHROH CO at 1109 V1c1011a Co>td Mes.i Calitorri•a 92621 Tne flet111ous b11 s1ne~~ n.ime statement lor the pannersh1p was tiled on February 26. 1982 in 1ne County ot Orange FILE. NO 184000 Person W1thdraw1ng Gary Steven Gt1fl1n 2 t 551 ~roolthurst-:-1-1":!. Hunrrrr91 0 Beac'l, Callfom1a 92646 ISi Gary Grtlhn PuOhsheO Orange Coas1 Da11v PllOI. Oct 20 27 Nov 3 10. 1982 45 75-82 DIATH NOTICES SAYERS B ARBARA SAGE SAYERS. r esiden t of Corona d ef M ar, Ca. P~"<l away 01~ O c to b er 19 , 19112 B o rn D ecem be r Z. 1 9 1 7 1n Cincinna ti. Ohrci Surv1vc>d by her husband Char lc>s. a daughter Sylvia Anderso n, sons J o hn S a yers a n d Neptune ociet) CREMATION BURIAL ~I SU 646-7431 Our li terature tell s th e comple t e st o r y o l our society CeN fer h•• tf•r-tf•fl• 1A ._,.. c .• ,..~ • .. ,. McCOtlMIOC MORTUARIES Laguna Beach 494-9415 Laguna Hills 768-0933 S an Juan Capistrano 495-1776 H.UIOtl LA WK-Ml. OLIVE Mortuary • Cemetery Crematory 1625 G isler Ave Costa Mesa 540-5554 "HCI llOTHHS llU. llOADWAY MOUUAl't 110 Broadway Cos1a Mesa 642·9150 ULn IHGllOH SMm4 & TUTHILL WISTCLIFF CHA'IL 427 e 17th sr Costa Mesa 6 46-9371 f'tllCI llOTMHS SMITHS' MOITUMY 627 Marn St Huntington Beach 53&-6539 ,AC..CVllW ......,llAL,AH Cemtte1y M orluAry Ch1pel-Crem1tory 3600 P1c:1f1c Vtow Orivft r.i.wport 9 HCh t 64'-2700 • POOllC NOflC£ 0,,ICI or ntl '""""'., co"°""'· COUflltY 0' O"ANOI N0 11CI OP IALI UNDlll OICftll OP. fOftlCLOIUlll Jlh;111111! l "t•urclul• Cor111rl1J1Ul1 ll•••l<.llAllllH 1111 n Oql•11U1rnt llOQ••• () I ""II u1 ,11 N11 :I /0'!1' I tno u11<I"' 1111111111 IHIAI) llA 11 t, &r1ut10 l rnuum t.owtly elf Otnuuu 'ttoht "' l .,llfrnHIU 4llJ hf"thJhy '•'"'' 1111lt lty Vl rlllll llt fhll ••II Ill t ot M• luauu .. 1uut ~.,.,., 111 U1v ('.nunl\; Of \ h MHUU '•htle \lt l allh..tf tHtl, (Jt, htHfll)v t Hf llf'y tlir,, hV Yll h it1 ,,f lJ+K ,,~. or t 0 1 ~4..M~'•tt• .,,.u ~,.,,.., 111 01tt !J»r.;•u 10• (..uun ut lh~ LA1w1t~ ol C),,u,ou :1•dh• n• t.ttllfl)1WH ttf1h~tot1 n fJ ~.hJ p 1 "ntt1 ti' ij HJ 81 ''•Ht I C!\.UI llt!U Liii Stt1Jtu1"""' ti Hltl:I Ill thu ull<•11;1 llnhtl~<t m 11011 whm e111 t:ulYt\rtJctlo {·,c,1n\1nw11ty AMPl.h:.•HllOli J (~dhfOflHd HUil µr Ohl \..Ot ~JUI OHUn th11 Hbnvu 1lu1llt.•tl J,•IU!ntfff ulJtutHtfd u 1\.14'\l"''-"'' On ll thtf.100 CJ f to1 tt(IO~u1 l' uHO a,u., U\IOHlllil r•ugm 0 l·•lllj, Vir9111111 l UllQ. M1cnu~I l I lllllJ. I Uli('ld A L<llll) Jule1ndontt . •o• ll>O sun1 ul t 111h1 ttu11!111lll t Ill~ ~out '"'J tv1 UJO Oulitu " lnwlul o)vhuy uf flw tJ1)1t(H.! Sli1h1:. 11mt ny ""1UO Of l. writ v t .... \f(Ht.Wrtl•ul H\ \Otlt 1h.t1uu 1-.:un nl 011 '\oJHmnlhH 16 1~8;' f .Utl 1.UllOllOfh-ltJd fO ~II Oii tlw Oro''"' ty HI lllt• County ot O tnn y o ~11'"' u l < Hllfotn1.t ch 1.,.u1hod 1\1' foltnw4• I ot ~O ot l 1 .1~1 ()9~2. Js r.icou.ieo Ill. ~!oo~ 211J l'uou• Jll to .,.~ 1ru.1u,1vH •ll M1~<;ofl1uu•ou" Moos 111 111•• Ott1._. ut th~ O rHrtQtt t;ounty H\•t md~t CJJhfm rna I ht• J>tOpt•rty1~ m m u t·ommonty known· 11~ :.u1a2 <.;t1J1 t•mont, 1rv111.,, (,.11ilOtrll<J •121 14 I OQUth\\f Wltll 1111 dllll >ln~llldl tht• tunomont5 horediloml•l\t!f a lltJ oppur tenances thereunto b••lw1uu•\J or in anywise dpJ>t!• ta1111ng PUBLIC f.fOTICf IS HEREB~ GI VEN That o n Tnu1»d Oy NovembtH 18 1982 ,,, tO 30 o uoc~ a m 01 that <lay al Main I obby t.:01u t1touse 700 Cn11c Cunt11r D"vll We~•. C11y ot Sant& Anti I Wiii $•111 the UtlO'VV <htSCftbed p roperty \HHh:H s~1d ~ri t end deetee n1 50 much tnereol as may be Hl!<;~ssc.uy ~o satisfy said 1uagmer11 w11tl in1eres1s antl cost>. to lht:' hoghc'st bidder tor casn 1n lnwlul mo""I' 01 the u nn.icJ Stute• Dated at S+Jnld .A,11a c.;,,lihHrnu 01 ll•tlt>• 13, 1\18:.> BHAU C..AIES Shut1ll·C...<>'""l'' Cc•ullly nf 01of'Qc' l A l:ly II Browr. $tl1Qhllll FELOSOTT. LEE ~ VAN GEMERT 1617 WHtclllf Drive, Sult• 204 Newport Beech, CA 92660 Pt1lnlllf'a Al1orney PutJh!>ht•d Ot +lnOt' l Oil Sf o,ul'¥' Pilot Oc I •10 27 Nov J 198? 454J 82 PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Tr1e lullc1w11Hf pt,jr">On tS dorng huS.1ntis~ 1l:i. SUN SF 1 SURVIVAL 1043 1 2!>111 5 1,. ~t SunsP1 Beacn Cohlo11ull 90i42 S.im Aile~ Kenned~ 1673 1 25111 Sh eel SunsPI Beach La111 orn1a 90742 This business is condurled by an llH:lPJld Ual Sa"' K1m npll> Tt11s ~1i1temen1 was l•IP\J with lt>t• C..ounty Cteri. ot Or1111go, Cou111y on 0(.IOber 4 1962 F199780 Publ"h1·1J r)t.H>Qt' Loas1 Daily P1101 Oct ;;>0 21 New J 10 1982 4609-82 PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME ST A TEMENT The rouow11,q person 1• <Jomq ous1nes~ dS CS D ENT [RPRtSES 1000 PArk Newpo1 t Suite 10 I. Newporl Beat.h CA KELLY f HARWELL 2630 Denise Orange CA 92667 T nrs busin~ss is conaucted 011 an 1n<J1v1oua1 Ketty '1arwell Th•s statement ... as flied will'\ the "Coomy-Ctenrot Onmge-Ctmmyu,, Seprembe• 23 t962 f191129 Published Orang" Coa5t Dail~ P1101 Oc1 20 ?1 Nnv 3 10. 1982 4604-82 S t ,. p h ,. ,, S ... v e r s , grandd,w ght«1 ~ l.tnda and N am:v A ndc•rsun. a br other R andolph Sage Mt•mun <1 I st<rVtl't·~ w ill b e h e ld o n Fndav. Ol·tober 22, 1982 at 10.00A M at St Michael and A l l Angels F.p1 sc opal Church. Corona def M ar, Ca In lteu o f flow ers memorial conlr1but1ons may be made tr> t h t' G o r1d S h e pht•rd Luthf'ran Home. ~I T oro. Ca P a c-tf1 , View M ortua r y , Newport Bc•al·h t.J1rectors BISH LOUISE MAY BIS H . passed .iway on O::tober IJ, 1982 Sht· 1s surviv<..od by h er niece R u th R o dge r s o r Cam artllo . Ca G raveside ser v 1tes w c>r e h e ld o n Tuesday. Ot'tober 19, 1982 at 1 1.0()AM a t the Harbo r L a 1A.n M emorial Park Servtt•es under lhe dtrecuon or Harbor L awn-M o unt Oliv e M o rtuary o f Costa M esa 540·5554. MORAN ANNE C . MORAN . resident or Newport Beach. Ca. Passed away on October 18, 1982 She ts survived b y her sons Terran ce M oran. M .D . of NC'wport Beach .,Ca .. Dennis R M oran o r Costa M esa. Ca .• John P. Moran of P o rte r v ille , C a , 1 2 grandchildren and 2 great- grandchlldrcn . Recitation of the Rosary will be held on W ednesday, October 20, 1982 at 7 :30PM at the H abor Lawn M l'm o r ial C hapel. M ass of the Resurrection wiU be hl'ld on Thursday. October 21, 1982 at 10:30AM at St. JoaC'h im's Catholic Chur c h . Fin ni l nt('rme n t servit'es will be held at Hol y Cross Cemet e r y , L os Angeles. Ca. ServfC('S u1,der the direction of H arbor J....11wn -M o un t O l iv e Mortuary of C:c.11ll11 M esa. 540-5554. FLAHERTY MARJ E AL:l C E FLAHERTY. resid ent of &lbOa Island. Ca PsssC'd away on October 18, 1982. S h e la 1urvivc•d b y h c:r dau J(h tN JC>ycc. Privutt• ~l'VI~ will ~ hc•ld under t h o di re c t ion o f Boltz S.rgeron·Sm l th & Tuthlll Wein.clltl Chtpcl M otruar y or C.O.ta Ml'M. 646·9371 . .. .. 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8 D A I L y lJ111n~1u {Alllt>I DAIL V Pll OT /WijiJ11011tJ 'I• Uc;tolJur .10, 1982 ClASSlfllD 642-5678 CLASSIFIED INDEX ro Pt1ce hut Ad, CJll 642·5678 HOUSlS JOR SAl( .... ,. .. , .. tl•ll-.,• l•l•'"j t1.1t..,. , ..... "'"''• ..... ,u .. , ......... ,, f Vl•Mla tltt '4•1 i ·~·· .,.,.,_. ll•ll• ....... . t i l•ltll ••"°o4•m ~.lh lh.11111~-~un th •' I+ 11\llW' t .,., ... '"' •• ft I •f vn .. fl•ll l .tfwne '''"' M1UlhO \ ..... ~,: r,~ :.;~·:...-.· ' '-'j h .. 1t1I <11j1o \1 .. 111 , ..... ~.,. "'-'• ·~· ,, """~lh I •111\1"• Y.t\tlfl•I\''" 'i·J"lh u .. 11" RlAl ESTATE 'I fl •Cl hU ,.,, ''-'•rto .. 111 !n' '"'Ii 11oo .,p..1·, ..... ,,, h it l!t l't••it•lf I '"~ l•f\ I ,,, f' l•I I 1ll1<l1t-fl l•I 1'1•1&'\lf I. •f11l·1lllllOl·lf•t .. '•II l .. ;a1lf'U'' I n,1 11\.0!1 u • ._.. .. ,.._ ,,.1 .. ''"'"I """II• l r•1.,.,,, J1,.1w .tlt•I I '"''" 11 '""\ ..... '··· "ufuh llA o I IH •'•• \\,11i111!11 lfr 111 Hi 11 Of .,~ .. ..-I I I IHI• lt..,t .,t I +~hi 111 l' '""'"'""'•'· 11, .. ,, fto11t• f 1 ~-.I It I .... ,. '"'-t ''' •-'••· k••l i .1 .. 11 ¥i ""I llnw • " I'"''"''" ~1 lt1110 . ., I ''''tu1 "-•I I U 1 .... ~ t •.tit\ I I t•I I ... ,.,, .. ,.,., .. \I,,, •• ,,, j ·~r,.l~•fl· •n+•s!ll ! I , j14' 11'11 .. , I ~ ~ .1t I l•1•llfi1m ... 1 I 1 h1111lft\I• • ol I 1~1-II H I 11 "~ ... ,., "~·· t 111 ,, ' \\~ t Y I+ " j I u ••• 11. t4••111 4 fl··•• I I I••• I' "~·j I I ''"" I 11. 111,1 ~11· It ,., "' ,,, • ,,,.,.,,,, t'•,1•. ~'I+ ti I 'if I ' 1, • .i.t• ., h' 10 II" ' h•hl,.I t••1•1·1• H111I_. lr•l>J•l1 '"' H• 1\1111 ......... kt t 1,.1 IA ,, 11 ~ \t ti•••'•! BUSINESS, INYES I M£NT. fl NANCE ,,,, ,,, ,,,,, .. ,1 · hv•Hll "• "·11111• "''''"''"'''I\ I"'" 111 1111 "''''''' .... , 1•11 11111 '" ... . .. , .. 1 !•ii PHlllSUU HOME Pullll•htr'• lotlct: I Un ·"" & Jl'llY v trwn Murtn1· room, '1 hdrn1, !J All 10111 u~tatu ollvur1t~111I l>11tlt, :rtOO "'I I\ $1.:111:1,llOO 0 1.•1•ar1fru11t 111 tltlt> 11nw5IHlP•• I ~ l>HASTH"A t.t.Y HIWUCED '1'0 Sl•:l.l. STUN NIN<; I Bdrm J'(XJI. ltjJOW w11 Ii v 11·:ws 11 1 t, •• y. 1,._.,k ""111·t .. 11 ,1\:-;S tl MA ISl.I•: i1 n ;c111-1111{ n •1W 1111l v $1!1.1.IHlll C"J\1.1. T Ol>A Y "w l•M '"" •••01111.1 It> ll•t! f 11thH11I f 1tll H11us1r111 Act of 19611 lUIDl ISLE HYFROllT 1>, w1111 h muko~ 11 lllt1g11t lo Ln~•>Ott vh•w lt•JIJI U lx l1111,:, l ><Jlh, pluy 11KJ/t1, : :, ntNottl~C) 'ftny P•ftfttfo" Uut k 1 '"· th •t1 Boul Mllp Now $1,0UU,UOO our AM HOM I ~ 11 / HE ROGERS •" l1n1111111011 01 tllav1n11 ' • n1111on hu!UHI 011 '''"" :.:: c:olur. rl!l1g1011, ~t!K 01 ,.:: 1)1lllilllllf or10111, or ""Y , , 1111 .. 11110 11 to mokll auy "11,h j.lrttltlr(lllLtJ. lttllil•I hon or d1111c.11m1nu11011 ' . " ... i • II'• ... flus ui.wsptsl}tH will not ~11ow1ngly nceopt 1111y .11lv1it11~1uu lor •6ttl tll> t.110 wt11c.n '"' 111 v1otn11on "' lhtt law Housts for Silt ~.. . .................... . :: I RH/ Est1t~ I , •• • •••••• • •• • • •• •••• • • IA YSIDE PUCE S pc<t·t;11·ular huyfront clplx :.! hr, :.! l1a LlJ•. 'J. hr, 'I. hu dn 'I. bout ~JMt't•s lh'<lUt'•'<1 $1 ,f!00.000 FllRHNIS RllCN N1·w•I ht , ·11, ha, l'USlutn Fn·rwh N on1111ncl y 1i:_..u1tt· l :.! prurw JlT«' htlltup $1 ,:!f>O,OOO AYILOll l"l'l ~1111pli· :! li1 .-1111.1){•' vn qureot i>l'S('ll!t!l41 St 1111 Fl.ot.:-1 Ht·clun'<.I Lu $100,11011 •,oo 11uy~ 1111~ :; 1H1 llE/MU t1>11111ty wll\IJArkllltQ f>'lUI r,,..,.nliuu•w windo w a 1THJ1" ()w11t1r ~ m(lvlllU M ak" c1 llu r O k i H11ntin1ton 848 0709 I Bud 1040 COUNTRY FEELllGS •• • ••• ••• ••• •• • •••• ••• I~ Wh1ll you get wh•m you ON THE SAND 5tl<' 1111s 1as1r;1u11y neco l11nk fortolosun cu~n or 11ew 1111 Grei.t " G~n~rll I 00 Coronac.Ju 1.s1,.11<..1 c:wt. bayfror1t l11t. llfi' boat ...........••......••• COROlllDD Cl YS , dl••O 4t>r . 2uR home 'I ,to•y 2 oorm 1 • 011 L111~ ot .vooll. new ~•tell-tJu,ach C..011do c.o op ''" ·•11r1l 1onc 11 s anu P ool 5 UUll(I Wtt11Jh l tr>1111 h•• lops As~ume r oom !>uD put k1rig tO•,•,. l Oun A sk 11111 Oc.1'!Hl 11110 P111r Vt,.,W $ t4!J !100 631-7370 01 L1S111<1 a1 t.160 000 \65 545-7836 I 000 ullldll• market All opp y 101 ~(Jrrwone wllo Con BC.I l dSI Ag11n 1 TRADITIONAL Rf.ALTY I 531-8 100 A ~k lot Jim R1ghe1mer dock. Pluru. JVatl Nuw $a70.000 w /Lerms. Liii HT I - FIXER! ' 1w1 bor V1uw Ito mes 31 Eldr 111 ;> nath nome on BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR ----.....----·I 341 Boy,1de Or1vl' N B bl~ blb l 1 "' fl!t1 1w10• Ow11er must sell ••••••••••••••••-•••-: :: dntJ will carry t1nanc1ng DRUM HOME! $5,000 Diii $115/MO. " Super terms anu 1oca11on for you' Reduced to only $2 14.00 0 ·a c t llOWI • .. 646-717 1 f.j I tRit{\}I '" I • ... II• I i·~ I " LOOK I f v1 o ur new 1egular weekly leature BOAT SHOW - CASE LUCKY SEYHI CONDOS- 1. ;> O< 3 bdrms All lernt~ tnclu01ng VA fllA Ii lease o ptron Prtt<» range lrom $6g 500 tc I S239 .000 C all 979·5370 soon'! I COROH on MAR SUPER FEE IUY SpM l<l 1ng .. English .. eoui1try Style w1v1ew of n1.1•:""" greer1 bel1 L t1.H m111fl 3 B1 11ome Ae111•11<1l1c wood·burruug w•trt lob ol ll•lrll« You "~"'' l:l11Ck l11ep1ace 111 ow11 t11l lam.I Gre.il ta· Q•·•~•m.rs en1ertau1er s 11 mtly h(lme R.,cJuc.ct:J v1119 1oorn Center your S4:.. 000 !k auttlul lg C..flr•slln:i~ tree around c. "'"'' Int Walk 10 ltlf' 11ch wuoQ pan.,hng~ & bc1y l:litlllou 1st and r o 111q11 s1v1t· w111do w cove I 'h1on 1s1a11d Ownor mo r1119~ Amaw1gty Br111sh 1111a1eo coulo be best w •1t ~ ow n separ alt buy In CdM S320 000 p:wlry & laundry roorn I IAYSNOllES $264,500, l-lnar1c1ng .. v111labte l w111 c.lo~ets & mass•v• .lf>ILI 11>..•R RtALn & INVESTMtNTS Gu,rftetf gat1< •ornmu , _ 6•4·•910 ma\ter suite t 11ewl) 1 u u ~ ~ 1lec.or<1teo nursery ~ n!ly with a Pl es11g101..1~11 ~I C. H E ERS F 0 R T HE Address Owner w111 Ii PR•CE• ONL y $79 000' Eve1 y Saturday 1n lhe na11ce w•th ?o•., c ;ist> Wit h $8 ooo do wn • , Doily Pilot Classifieds a own Adn1111Jle Cape ----------•! $11 t"itmo pays all Cal ASSUllE UH. POOL NOME Ltg 3 Bel, nr t>crt Frei. f l)r rtl DOOi A b.:aut f huriy call Key Really 96~-7788 lrvint 1044 .•..•••••........•.•.. REDUCED WOODRIDGE 3 B D 2 BA Condo Ac1os~ lrom swim Clul.H park $ t 16 000 By ow· ner 851-1!>86 OECORATOll'S NOME Hg 4 Br lam rm, Donus rm spa Norltlw oo d Simple gorgeous! $365, 000 75 1-3191 C:, SH£CT -...,... PHOPHHIE: <, 131· 1211 HACH WAUll C.11 \10111 2 s101y ho11rn with ~p111 Skyltghl. wvl bar open beam ce111n11s dnd mo1e Super l1nar1 ong Ownor may const d&r exchange• $4?80,000 t,all 979·5270 .\'t:..JLI 111~·11 lltAlTV & 1NVlSTMlN 7~ ) 1Jc1 2 ba lndry room. 11111wtgrn 011, pool Call lqr •WPI 10 see 640·0888 hy OwntH JASMINE CllEEK 1-'t.in 4 3 bdrm 2' • ba ,1GOO ~Q II Sale or l$e option S339.000 10~. on or $2500 per mo on 01Jl1on )flnt fin 85 1 01:!0 Owner/Agt $6000 DOWI LUSE OPTIOI NEWPOR1 BACK BAY Immaculate 2 Bdrm, aen l1ome Asi.umabfe S 120 oo o loan Call RA E RODGERS. 63 1·1266 P ''~··''····· " ........ j ,,j• I "'"'"" '" I ANNOUNCEMENTS, '..'· I ·-------••mi Cod slyle wt1h 3 bdrm f 11~1, •• 2 na u~ed 11"r.~ 11'8 B•lboa lsl•nd l 006 CENTURY 21 •• I * IAYFRONT * place •••••••••••••••••••••• W'L" Ill RE'LTY IOU SLIP ·,. \\ \111(1 l(l"f (,HARMING REM OD 3 .. "" ... I Br+ loll r. -•ae. IS0 01>1 for 8'"8·1010 M ove tn 101 55000 Lt!ase10p11on, Rancho San Joaquin 2 br & den townhouse w/pool. spa view Rent applied to pur cha~e negot 1abte H19n1y upgraded P11n onty please Call L•nda days 640 -9350 eves 964-8957 L C:ASJ·; UPT ION lfAHROH HJJx.;E I I PERSONALS' lOST & FOUND \h1 .. .,th• '111 h i ' ~' ..... I•, .. ~,,.,, • SCRVIC£S 1, ....... 1.f L , ......... . "'" ........ . , .... ,. 0 T s s I F I E D 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8 £MPlOYM£NI 1 PREPARATION .... ht, ... ,,, 1,,,..11 ., J ,,, ~ ····~ • 11 .. 1., ....... I ,, 4 I MERCHANDISE '·· .. ~. , ,. "''"'. . BOATS ' MARIN( EOUIPMENI ,, .. , .. ,.1 ~ ••• \t ., ' .• "'' ,., \t"' 11• ' ·~j . ho ........... , kt;•I kt_ I I ... H• ""··' '·" ~1•1•" ... l•411 , t\u~l ,.,.. .. 1' '• t\r .. • ~ ,, ".,. IRANSPORT A TION \11 , •• , 1 •h ~_.· ......... j/1 IOI t lHflll 1 •• \ttlNlf' fl+!" I '9otllt ( ~""' ............ , • \1'"'"'',, ..... 1. ,, • f1411I•' ft .,,t 1,.,, .. , I 111.1 '\,;l11'w-t ,, ••• , AUTOMOBILE '"'''' .. ' Ho lt,H •"n \ ,,.,, 1 ...... , •<• t , .... , I •t tt l>r •"' I .. ,, \ .,., \y\ 'I ... II \.,,1f1\\4 ,,.,, I AUTOS. IMPORTED iol"fM ! • \tl11 H H\o •• ... \ ,,1 ft It· •h ., ... " 1 •11• ,.,lt ... " '••II H ••·•l'I t ... , • ' '.1 11 .. 1111. J. "' ),,, .... ..... ftn•l'\1 ,,,,' IAmbot'1•"n1 .... .,,. \ol1 I + h h• 11 ,.,, ... ,, .. •~w J#•'+lf'. l'f"•J&.•'"' l'••r. ~· H•ri..1ull koll•j(,,,,,. H1or1 "'"'"'" ....... "4lt•l1 ,, ..... . I r .... m.,,, 'ut•.,•••"" \01111 ........... "'' AUTOS. NEW AUTOS.USED OPEii D'ILY 1-5 r It• 1\11 ... 111. ~ ' " " 1 duple• or un11 67:!-8585 1 1& BALBOA COVES 3 ~-HI '-1 I '•'"II ·-.·:· 'i ~~~~cEJ r'b"~~89~o~~ •,.--~---·· _, • 1 • 1 __ , f!'!!'!'! •• ~~L~!! .. !.~~11 -E•x•c•e•ll•t•n•t •v•A•r•.•,•m•s•! , ART QIOYINETII ADULT TRADE Oeaut•lully a eco•ateo RE 'LTOll OWllER ... 1nrouqho1..11 this 3 be-" I COIOOMllllUM your 0011r19 income oro-t1•oom condo Almos1 PLAN 4 ('u'>\11111 V11·w I I 111rll' S.1u 0110 111JU1111 rrn1111-v I li<<ll ••m" ., l3:.11hl. _,,:, •673-1117 * South Coast Cenft•r 1 1>t'•ty n1 outgrowr. res• 1600 '.>I lloor plan offers in Turtle Rock 4 bdrms ·•· ----------: near as a pin 2 6d1m I denre with large equ11y l Ba d1n•ng r oom . ? , oa one level Pro· ----------1 A Cond own1;1 writ work lor till!. lll:C•I •USllC and ... c1e.111onal lac1fll1es ga· lessronally decorated ., .. ! * 10 sell $88 000 ·, •oom y 4 bdrm 3' r t:la\11 1 1,,,.. Grt•at r<iductton 111 Beaulitutly 1andscapaa 'i • • .... 1 ... honrn with 180 deg IJllC .. m11<1e tor Qu1c.k bae~ yara Palto c;over $1 .!!J\I .11111 '" ...... .. ,. ... ......... ·~· .. ::~I ...... I I :"I .. ... "' .,.., . MESA VERDE II -.,If.I I '• ~ "I 01.e .. 11 v1<1w "'walk toJ' ·;,1IP Call IQ• details on Thi!.•!.&must seebelvrel _________ _ On l he go lf course Realrors 675-6000 be,1ch Coronu tlt!I Mar t111•1nttng $137 750 dec•o111g o n anything LIDO ISLE cu~tnn1 oeaut1lul 3 Bdrm ___ 'I 1oc.1111on REDUCED TO "Mesa Ytrtft" else I '"''"" many many e~----------• $475 000 with 11 75•,, POOL/SP' WITH POOL trns S279 500 with 10'1• interest " Beaut•lul custom built c.Jown owner wtll carry al 644-7211 •,p.Jrkltrig ctean 1ns1de 4 , Odrm 3 oath home t?'•''• cnlt1res1 ~nd outsiae Lovely 4 F1r51 lloor opens onto ~' ... : . Roy llcC1114lt1 Rltr. ~ lwd• nom 3 natn home pool ano patio Secon<1 541 ll2t r ounal d1n111g room Fa· lloo• oper.s onto bal· • 1 nuly rnom w1lh paneling cony v 011 must see This •'YCllEST 00 and c;heery ltreplac.e del1gh1lul dramallc llllftitiCtllf • _ lots ol D"ckwork on the! home We invne compa- t' .• ·• ··, : r ~ •· I t ,' J!.- ChaltlU fsllll Cl•o•ce lhree bedroom I pa1•0 BBO ano rrrep•I rtSOn $595 000 uver 6 ooo sq 11 • 1 1 2 :~::~1a~~r~t~~~r ,!~~~ CDM DUPLEX 1-~~.~~r h~~~ ~~r :i1~~:1; 't573 CAMP\/' Dt· IRVIJIE1 ijlldm Acres o l pt1me tno 1oom with soaring bea· S279 900 Call 979-2390 . ruu11n111ed prope11y ad1 meo ce1l1ng Reduced 1 A CHARMER S2tl,OOO L•'l,UIJI BHtb J 048 to Jae II ~tugmar. Es late $40,000 Now $299,000 ~ lmmac:ulate 3 Bdrm 2 ba V t lleftcf I •• •••••••••••••••••• • rll Fo llll<OO.k E.veq1 t3177300 owners un1f ano spa. "'' ltlt l Ow!fr Tnr-49 Arel\ eiry L'd R rty datzltng amenity Cham·~======~==~ C•OUS 1 Odrm rental both Take aovantage of this Pnv Area Great Vtew I 0 ea p1onsh1p tennis court with lolled beam cei· 1ar9e reduc tio n 1us1 New flnanccng 4 bOrm 673 7300 S850 000 te1 ms Ag t lings Ir pies alld a very maele A real sac11hce at Pvt Pty 499·3144 • 2131275 2031 lt•e pt1ce Lovely 3 be· 1-----------0. * COllllERCllL PROPERTI* 25 Yr. FinHcins 2 h• nouse & studio ZO· 11ed lor art s1ud1:1. gill snops an11ques etc ' Owner will carry tinar> C1Mg tor 25 years Only $ 135 000 Call 759-15011 or 752-7373 ~ Walker B Lee 10-X. IUEllEST!I COLDWeLL BANl(eR'1 . pr1va1e pool Located on droom rancher w1lh h· L•aun• Ni1,u~/ 1052,---------• one ol Corona Oet Mar s d II I ··v',··L·L··E··a·E··c·E··R·,·s··E·· -----pre111es l s lreet s 4 v1ng room an rep ace ----------Healed SPA. 1wo paltO BLUFFS blocks to l 11tle Coronal room s Storage sheds BEAUTIFUL I, ... -...,.., ...._ ,.,.~ .....,,., .. 1 Beach 1H10 much more Com e OtD WORLD &44· 7211 ano take a peek• Now TOWNHOM ES I LIDO ISLE ~ 11s1ed at $112.900 Call By Howard Mark Co $2,4001000 979 2390 horn S 159 000 Loe.med on 11p ol p1est1 .~ tll-2310 495 3244 760-9355 g1ous lido 1ste 1n1s unu-~I 3707 S BRISTOL S•l91 3 story baylront I _ -J SANTA ANA ~'.'!t!!!.~!!f~ ••• J.OJ.? home was custom de- signed & decorated by f!!J~.!!!~ ...... J.~~1 ILUFFS llllHIN Charming 4 bedrm home w brand new gourmet k•tchen & cozy lamlly rm Owners ar e ready 10 m ove S 149 000 L H A 111 1a Sc h a ndel 644-6200 Carole Etehen & roatufes 1 LeasetOpt1or1 ~ br 2'> You own the land 2,000 I ~~~·~~d~te~·.~~5;,2~u~,I ba, Condo 3 level 3 sq fl. JB<. tam rm. 2•., r patios Nwprt Hg ts Ba wide Greenbelt near ovtslanding ouahly th<U· S 8 5 0 t m o + "1 1 Is pool Far below market Sin Cltm111t1 J 016 001 63 1-07 15 $235.000 w 111 lease op-••••••• •••• • •••••••• •• ... ,. • •• 4 bdrm hse with sola1 :'.I 0001 and spa on 2 acre~ ·•· "'" stall barn L1ted A1ena oak trees $2 10 I OJO Call Pat Agt lo< broctiu•e 1·674·3836. '1 l 678·?0 14 644-1060 --1 lion Bkr 644-0 134 I Excep11onal value 3Br l '•Ba home $1 28.000 llARE OPPORTUNITI! I I Ask ror Dennis 493·6628 IPNRTHITT knocks often when you use result-gelling Dally Piiot Classlfled Ads 10 reach the Orange Coast m1rket ''0 '' DOWN SHARE this Eastslde 2 BR ESTATE llOllE or 498-4950 Longo R E SI .. 5001 L p t Ouplex and have low Sack Bay area. 3 Br 2' 1 • ------ . "• ow ymts. payment!. or live 1n on" Ba 2500 sq It Securtty .W.1.s.t.• •• 1.n.s.t.t.1. •••• .l.0 0 9.1. '. .. ' - Phone 642-5678 I' • · 1 Have something lo sell? ::: Classiffed ads do II well. ::-: r._ STAR GAZ ER•-., '" I ,,) .. J ..... , , \ • ,, ,I, ~, 4• .4.•,1n lii-'"''" t>orl, ,., •••••• .r,. ,.. !;j. , .• ~l~~·· t , •• :,.~"''i:,(·~·,~~·'. _,_ "I .... I t ... ~·!1 I .. , ' 'I : :.!I • I '"' . , .. . , .. ., .. 1,. ,,, .. . fAUI U\ .... , ._. ... t ,, )1 H"'V ''""""'"'' " "' ,, .. ... , •' ,, tl•td "ti• .......... : ~~ Iv "" /r•I .,. I ''"' ••r KO•"i0 . .. _ <';.· \J•••I --. . .. . ... ... . ~ . ... .., .. ~ . .. ~: :·~ \1:Jc>V.\J• 11 '•llllllO \i"Ci•~1d:1u"i AQUAllU' 1Alf Ur -"'l ,,, 0 ~­ ) &.191) ' ,., ,. -: •Ott .... N ew · a· s pacio us and •ellt ttle other but Garde" Villas w11100• 10 anyway you look at tt ~ate. prtvate community I BUSINESS LOSS forces ce1hng hreplaces NEAR this property ts an ex 395,000 5•i, Down Will sale 4 bt 2·~ ba, goo<1 BEACH t 2 & 3 Bdrms c e 11 en t b u y New consider trades. etc ne1ghborhooo Assume trom S84 500 Below c arpels/d rapes. new Armitage Realty $88 000 loan Only market int rale allows I copper plum b'"O· 2 large 714•544-:2484 · $105.0tmo Better than to r p ymtS as lo w as yards w1cons1der VA / ROMANTIC IEWPOllT I rent alter tax benelll S 7 9 S / m o I E a s y FHA As~111g $135.000 Dll£'M HOUSE A&H Inv 752-2197 Oualltytngl Pool. ter.n1s O e v 1 n R e a I rs ta 1 e 11 ---- & security gated p1111acy 642 6368 Extra large island kil·I Otb11 Rtll Est1t~ f AKE ADVANTAGE OF Chen 4 luxurious be-.•••••••••••••••••••••• THIS ONCE IN A LIFE SUPER TERMS J! d1ooms w1lh plen1y of TIME OPPORTUNITY w1ird 1obe space Mstr Mobilt Homtl CEN1URY 2 1 lmmac 3 Bdrm home ste has his & her baths fot Silt J 100 W•lk-1• Realty offered with ALL TERMS Owner Will finance below •••••••••••••••••••••• Hl-1080 ~;.~~~krs;~:~ 1~50;'0'1 • ~;6'.2;~' Mullan really 2oi1~~·:,~~:.~!~':01ch I ASK fOA LORI 2 BA, 2 Ba. Corner IOI. NEWPORT IHHIN Huotio1toa light ln1er1ors This ts the ATlllUMS! SKYLHlllTS! 6 • 1040 BEST DEAL IN 8es1 Buy In Town IEAllED CEILIN&S! •••• !~! ............... , HARBOR RIDGE 540-5937 •1•1:0001 •1or D11 l IHCll MAHIHI ~ne;~~e13v~:w~o;;.e6;~h 1 tlliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ~o~:~n de;:cheC h~ lenus r111 + pool! I 760-9307 RHIOHI un1que1y designed by ONLY $150,000! • -Double wide 2 bdrm rne Mnsters of Indoor/ sunwo1sh1ppers dehghtl $ REWARDS $ Cameron with allached outdoor environmen t , n11s 2 story ewtrevagan-"lO'le DOWN" sunroom and carport IO· I lghf and 111<y 1r.te<10<' za I!. uniquely designed lmmec 38r. 2Ba + 3 car celed In 6 Star Greenleaf w11k yl1ghls. 3 garden around high & brlgl\1 gar + putting green' Park Motivate<' seller elnum ~. beamed eel -skylights & customized Won·i 1851 nt only $375, has reduced parlce to llngs king sized bdrm&. stained glus window 000 $33. 175 end wtll flnancel l amily •Oom wt be• & Big bonul room tor kloa. wells ol gleu l o pnllos sparkling blue pool & hot '$16.000 DOWN' Enjoy sun all day on & bubbly spa. Gourmet No quallfytno. lmm1d "Private Root Sundeok" coo1<s super cvstomlieO occupancy. shart East Only $10 .000 d own & kitchen & separate laun-Bluff 3Br. 2Ba + spa $1395/mo pymts II you dry room All this war· Only $229.9951 Call John ore IOOklng tor II UNIQUE I med up by two flaming Zervos (8kr) 780·9069 HOME ~A STEAl 1 fireplaces Massive pie·!~=====~=~= wl!'ve got ti 1ura1que entertainer's Ii CE URY '1 g1 ounds with twin ac· OR.,ST Wilk· RHlty cess S25K on. 111ke O\ler IEWNRT 11 -------- 141·1010 $125K toan pkg wllow. NEW LISTING PLAN '4 3 lffe• ,tlfttlY J3$0 JUST LISTED RANCH CHARMER Mo111 Verde area w/'4 BR. 2bll lrg c;orne1 lot. baautlful l1nd1e11plng. 21 lrptce ana • very 11ro• pool $1 5 0 1 500 f'll 644 7020 I LIHI HAL HTAll llWPORT HIHTS Ch11rm1ng 3 br. 2 be I home w/dtt 2 c•r g11r. Aaron from C111rlea• Heller Pet k 237 l<noic Pl I $14$,000 By owner •••'• ., .. ., ...... .. IY &Pn llU, 926· 1537/eve Q25-6796 ... . low psymentt WHO Bd1ms. or 2 and don. •••••••••*'"•A••••••• COULD ASK FOR MORE Clning room, bretlCIH t Older Duplex near 4611\ 1\. AT ONLY $15-0.000t nook . 3 bath• nnd NB 3 br, 2 ba upataltt. OE•TtRY' 21 muter au11e with office/ 2 bt, ii" bn down1lalr1. W'L.,·I• RE'Ln 111w1ng rooml re1reet Wiii ffll 11 19 tor $700. " " fl\1t 1ov111y condo M s 11 ooo Of 1111111 buno 10 eull 148·80IO llreptace. bvt11-1n bar, 2 tor $875.000 & up. (pllna 1undeck1, double garage &, •pprovala Obtalnlld) $71000 DOWN' will\ Ol)ener eno more A 1m1t11 g e A 1 a1 t y C11ll IO IM Ihle! 71<1·5•<1·2484 Spukllng 2 sto ry , • 141•1100 bdrm, :r ba, family room wtll\ cory llrepJace plu1 huge bOllua room 3000 fl.\ ft of newly redeo Int. I Quiet cul·d•·HC. Taite over high .. eumablt loan1 anCI Owe bll No1·~~~~!'!~~~~ Quelllylng Only 3% dn.r -__ ~ PETE ' BARRETf 1230,000 ACT ~ASTI Haw IOfMtntng to NII? &48..&86~ OwneflAgl I CIUtlfted Ide dO It ... I. Duple• on lht nnd. 30111 ti. NB. NmwtY rtmodele<I In end out 3 br., 2 bL up11e1re 2 br • 1 ba. downatalrt Min 10" down owe b1tenct al 13,fl\ IOI 5 yf .. Or .. I for •ummer ren1a11. 173S, 000. Armitage R•tll~. 11 .. 5'•·2•8•. l ~ I ' , • • l • I , c I I t • • i ' • • ; I c • 08 011111uu eutllll l!All ' I'll 0 I 1Wnd11u~c.J11y 01 IUlll'I .·o 1111\J ,.~,!tf .~~' .. ~·.'! ...... . '!.'.~!!!.V~f~J.•/!~!.~.. '!.'.~!!~. ¥~/,.'!.'!~'!. .. '!.~~!!!. ¥~f 1!!.'!~!.~.. ~!.~'.'.~!~!!. {,.r/.I! ... ~ A1;;1;••;-A ' A';;:;:~:;:,,, 0111t1/ JtOZ C11t1 /llu1 JZZ# /11/uio• V/111 1111 Co11111 ''' 1111 J1U .... ~.!!~.!.! .............................. . A111l•Hll u.1.,.,,.,, A111t•Hl1 111•1••" 1 .. 11/1 '' 1a,,, 4JH ,, u.,,,. ''" ..................... . ... ,., .. •• !.~U!!~ ...... !.~!! llH&lf HW JIWILIY ITHI •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••·· 1····•••••••"··•••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• C I M 1114 C I flt 11t • ••••• 1 , •• ,1, 'hi I I•• •• , .. , .......... '" llllMI I ll14 Ill tH II•••" •l•W ll•11ulllufly .!'!.~ •.• !!~ ...... r ••••• !'.'.! ••• !!! .......... : Ul.lll•llvlllW ltCHn •II 1111• JllOU 1ou Utt""' l•~ l Ull•rt• S7/!.t 1•1111111 '"'" t11w1111uv•• 1t11lt I' IJCl 11, IJ• 8 tuCJIO l)IW ioum• J etbr1 hume , 10DJ S enta An• A\-... ,tJ ' 11•1•11• ""'• A I•"''' & r••llu •1011:>1mu -.....9~9ay 6 0 , 1 ,.,,1111 111, Nu nouH!tomt1t11t1lh lbe 1n,.,1ull8!1tllllll 1••lt.,..11l1c>1ro• '146.'0CIO I.I I 11111 t t111ir11 ft(ll• ~ U .~ ll•I• S"i1 !. !o~I •;,tllll . ...•..•.......••.•... ~!.''!r.! ! . ~!!!~ .. .!.~!! NO f l l 1 A1>t & t..Oll•IU t4Hll•l1 VIII• rl•ttl•lt 11111 40 1:1 OroktH ······••·••••·•··•···• IUWlll YILUll Ntl l ht1•ll•11 1111r11I• N<.1v 1 l••ft 1u9f 4/11 ;;I ,.h noo ""'' 1.1111 1).4\ or91 llWHllT IUOI 11111 Owoet mull "411 9 ac;:11 Ile•. '• p111.e 1n l•~• fo ,... "'" llf'JJ 11 ee or GM 14t 1 lh1Ju11/ u.11. '" s111 11tU ...................... <llOOm• J b1t111 A 'II" •SHO MIMI• Au•r•I "" 1.. '11111 irntl UIJ ln~ gn AP&llT•HTI 641> ltll'lf 11111•• '12!.0tnlu I Ii• , "" '"'" '"' 1rr11. r """' JI IO Nt1'1Wp(lr I ll I, II I I I 1•1•11••11 I •r ... lllt d • lllv 1 I M ••u 1 u Y •111 n•,"'.•1 '/ tid I ha w1g111 $<1 It. PHl•.t Uaflir•. I II I .. I ..... ,'"' I"''"' "" w II I . ~lllthtrl 1tllll Poul & ,.... ..,, ,.,. w•l•r ,,,, llllJlllt lC y I ....... ., 'l•ll ~llhll .. I r• I~ • PARK NEWPORT APARTMENTS I Otllly r4tlllOOtflOO lltJrll• Jetrvl•h .... l\ol• "" 111111 lttfriu W1tll. fl• .. '""''' •• , .. ,.,., •• , .. , No ,..... 7'1• OOlltl Ill II l11r•flJllll pe111r1au111 JHJ ~Ill""" Ill ';I IH TY llt11tl .. r111r lftll 111~11 1111 OAS& DE ORO llillltoth" S41'1 I C.OUNIHY l.lllll llVIN(J lu(;Oll()fl 'i lg b!l•ntt I :J311 e lllU cos I J41or ~lltr\jll. 'lll(J 1•14 t 'd'>O Al I 11111111r 'I t•At(I .'J•10 Vt111guu11t IMSTA•T 1• IN NfWPOf11 Rf A(,H L•11 th1 '• 11li. '" ,,.,, ,.1111.i hotllro• N•wtoit lllcA 3261 '.411 1111~11 '" 114:• 4110'1 I "411li ,,,0 2 liH 1 ·tm A 1C11 .. 1 u11v1trir111Hrn1 New I& 2 1>drrt1 luxuty uplt In 14 pl1t111 1 Dd1m hum 1$40 2 bdrm lrOM $1186 Townhout• l1om JU. Jb• ''"" ll•f.I• lo 11186 • PU()lt l•llnlt tx.n Miii Lath 'IWIAOm.,, wtlt•rlallt pondt l OH l•t tub 'lkyh<Jlol •It f'vl tor lUOk1ng & "••ling 111tt unlrntd prk O WWI pour! r rum b 1111 Otego 1•1111". 11t1m~r S41'llmo I r w y drl"• N(H th C)fl 63 I 711111 lilll LAST S127b1f111•y1ly 1 110,v •tn 1111,11111 111 u11urtm1ml1orruro11r11tyoro JM( I LUFFS r '"'" C ull um do.inn 1 "1 $•111 .. I Uh I " I l'I Ll41 l1lt U.f1tr•. •Ull z Ill NOMI•, ..................... ( """""" '"' '"" yuu llddl(lillt S410 hllro~ ..... 11:,,. r·.1 1 ""' IJ1;tHtr Buy f.111vul1> O•u•Ch 10 Mc.f eddftn to Ammate tu 1111 NI} 111,1 I l> •• w I n d v I I f • g • blk tu Otlll(.h '"'' "'" 1114)1103 !11011 67J e:,JJ RH•• 4000 fem """"'I" 10 "'"'• ' I "'"''"~ '"' a11v11 lHr 01rr111g """' n101)1uu kit " .,, "" ~ Manl.lfj!lmttnl 11.ci 11>().) 1 " U•; t' """' •oll ' ' , h_,, •1ri1 ~•t•oni• 1.,,,1 t lttJrrll ,'t•J •1Jntlt'U 1•Ht 1 '11 ' l'ool h h 'I II; I l tH111 ''"' II '""'"' t u1ort1 1 frj1lt flOW k•f<l••r1 to1mol .,_' .. .. -¥ v • I , I ..... •u II go11ge 8('H Ill TV I s 1,·•.urro.. ttY'" I" •urrou a lA')TC.,IOf IBr !IHI '""''" ~•u~c tubu1111"'" CHANCE :~~~~,,.:right " '"'Y !>30 11190 cosr ll•IU WNlltt 11',"'" 1•111111(..11 [1111~llt1l(J" 410 '1.tdol1ml P•I• o~ ,.,,,,I d''"'"' 'tt~hlflfl l1l11rotl I lllllltt lti.1 ll•!ltutoh1I I""~ "IJt• • t U1tr \•110 11111 1ut foJ I "1:i'O 11(11 (.unv<'roolthf lltOIJ' on WA I u11 HONl tH1M( s * 3 IR PLAT ••oo * ...... 11 """ '12001rn11 I u I furn S'J ,., I I! I IUll• 1)4t. bH lb tlttr IJ11h11mtlt111I 1111<.ltfl 10 buy lhlt hHulllul 3 6 \' '"JO 0 ! II It I I fl till Jtl'• w Wll\1111 h4.1 ''" 1 1:1 hr I 1111 CIPI• •lmp111 I 1 A ) t j "•Ar Ol<I. • urttt Bµer I I lb hi both I\ Ida 11/ok l11Jtrb ,. ri ~ "'" ,. Y !;po1.1<.1ua 'I (tr I Bu $4;>•, ' S 11tJ0' "'o NII 11 fl I ~ I ur ~ II rm «Vil nntl r 1 01 aro::T n1 rv ~.19 6 tO lh!J "" 111 "' "'" 111~1 Hanti'ntton , 11,wr11touM1~ O\f(ll tmu, • .,, Sorn Clu cos r J I 11 r I Ii ti S• t" I ,40 44114 I 1~•tt0 '1000 mento wllh 1K•ll" 111111 11 P1n i111ul• 3201 lllllJXI t Utt C' • bll' Bt•C 3140 lirnrodr~ 11<1 r111 01 rA'H'IUL :t II• 111,,1111,, •111vunil l11Jtnulu•\•ut!.l 1 0011 t •••••••••••••••••••••• D 1 J t 3226 •Iv ltjM ftunt yu1t..1 & •••••••••••••••••••••• •,41j '•'•' .. "i t :1 71'M " COUltill v1t1w• •• " Pttrun p1 '• BH I 01 1111 I• ~0 ' •1111 I '"II" lltu.k vur U1trm urut, !11111111tt llu11 ••.••.............•.•. UHi& IUOI IOTOll Ill w .. 1y r•n1111 19b up Color I v 11110 <.oll.,e, ltt111l11CI µ001 A Al8PI 10 tJ<.uan Kotch • otvall 1>8S N Cn .. t Hwy I 11gun~ S.och 4114-S294 tremenuou1 1tlving1 111 OR lr\J """" s 1100 ,,.11 ........ ••••• ••••• • ••• 111' '> 1 '"' • II d 1111 N" di YOU DESERVE ITI 11.l'Y I IM(l(fl!°> $ "' r, O t t. Cl 'J t ' t """'ll""r tur n11ur13 anll r.CI lrom lhf' owr\lit b1' lt1ft4 ••• MtllltS 1"''11 Ii hf A lllll ll't.u 0 I • • 0 fo to nto Aut blJ !)()(,() "I y s I I OU IJ ur mu """'''U n r1nr11 llkn Wllft ',pul 1\111~ I Flt "pit pr•ol '1•t1 I ., .,, '"""''"'" Ml,.. lfl 1(1 l\ot prrv Chrolllltn H!'lme, l ore be1nu !riled w1tn 011na Point W•lknlQ d11 L 11 '•ltb 1 1utruct10 pool 11 ,,,01u b•H• 4861 I * ,•Ar 20.. N•nr ., l cl11y <;r rt••Nvtt lor lulutl' M .,1, "'Ohl Leg Bell brokers .il<;t NOW•ll Cull l>1.01111lruut I Or t 811 fllnce to BeACll :J 111•1l • • ll11vuft1 P11t111" " ,,1 r A 1 C u~1· :.n111rlly tvr111 .. 11ttd su:. ufll •99·2286 owner Al t7 t4164:> 0 131! trplc SHOO run onrlds t>drms $9!>0 to $ IJ'>U 1 H• •' ,1111~ tuwnnuuw I •Covllrurl Parking lull I llA 010 huu~u "" r niu ., •>"V•y .utt rr1111lt1I\ 011.,,, tluoly -,--p ZllJlll uflls ll7:J l:JO\I pur rnu 66 I ·3 100 11.1111., 11w11or rm Vtiry • ~puciuv~ AµI' lirrll Lnotd UK All 11111 ptl tlu w 1 µout S!.'J!t Nu N 0 NOrt·lmkr lull noute .!!~!'!!..!!ff!!l ••• ".'!': CotOlll 'ti llfll 3222 Houso Conllo Aµt All '' v t "nm m Po o I •01111119 Are.i :~ ~ 0~·(,~"'1"111 S'.t ~ l 11"1~ 633·8974 E•e• I D11 lu111nor110 Ad ut 1w111loges $29!> Wiii trade dbl wide mobtle •••••••• •••••••••• .. •• " v 1J , 1 11 11 I 11 n n w SllOO mo h1.} 88!>6 •Walk 111 l.IUtlil~ • Mesu \lurde 2 Br t flu "ia11 Jo11qvon li•lls 110 631 7215 home & for 3Br nou~u 4 Br. 2' t Bo r n D n. & s 6 5 0 • s 9 ~ 0 Wt<'<f( 11\l '""'' .1¥811 3 BR • IHu110 Ilk" Kitchen• INSTANT IN! I NHwly redec $49~ Nu 844-1100 n 0 () m I 0 r r II n I N 0 Tustin 101 parnal dv.n in voew Comm pool ten-7141493 04117 1 Bu tfbl gar lplc ,925 1 tllk to Hvn11ng1 o n Custsldo ~t;;~~-$6501,110 11u1~ 633 8974 Eveb drinker• or amokera v El r 3232 ll' "'"' lfl(.I Elain e lrwyl "Br I'• An t ownhUU~" 'J Br t aa Wl!St Sidi! <O Prtil work or PIT l 11dy Come Propwr fy (71'4) r11s S 1500 •no Ow111 Ct<rlt111 t11insp0r1a11on & I Block 10 oeac:.n ''"'r 557.9390 759-8006 •••• ~!~••••••••••••••• !1411 t.'J1 645 ~963 E all built 1n~ ln<Jry rfn lucut1011 S500tmO $?!>0 IJttljltl A dory \67o mo 548-4814 C M Huge Quality tluple• Elegant 3 bO tnm rm. prvt HOM E FOR AENl N""'llOrt C.:.rllsl . oC@bll UTILITIES FR f curlJOrl yurdtbalCony ''"'""'" t...ltl Bot I\ yrly 9611 8263 Aoom for rent nr OCC 3 lrplc 3 gar copper community Steos to 3 Bdrm $750 fencllr.J 111.,w u•v• 1.oooo 2 br ~ ~~:;:: From ~~:~ bm11ll 1>!!t OK ·I 6JI 52JO dff 41'M B•·111tolro11t w1r1ter rental S200tmo Male prel Coll plmb ng S12SK. HSU· pool Spe 4 I en111s yard & O•Httge KIO:. & r.Jtln ofllttl 'l bu tu'""' LA OUINfA HERMOSA ISL Mgml 647 t6UJ $4•JO l hllrttl 2 f.llf gur I O~t M.1y 4 409 s e .. I all 5pm 5•5·6024 mable toen at 12v. Int S 1250 Tu tmrned pets "'elcome. 545·2000 tl•n w111 bur ''"""s 162 11 Parkside Ln, 'blk Firephl<.e pool 01,11 Chila o~ nope" 132 E ~''"'" 2 Br $700tmo 3 F " S I 7 5 K I of r Age n I oc.cpncy u75 2740 Agertt, no ffO 0 )( 1 , br $800 Ut1ls paid Cun em non-am"' rm w/hse 642-9666 "" o I~ et r. S I ;,! 0 W o l Beoch 3 blks S w11sl•llr. IJVI pa11u g B11y ~4 '.533 I ' b •' t '! "" ~ II t! Cl 1 prrv C M $225 vnturn . Brano spe1•ku1g roew 11v11· HuntillftOD bl:l ,);i I 'J ol E<11ngor 847-544 1 Ottrl.lttro 1 & :? Br on El t \260 645 !J 59 ATTEN TION 1nves1ors, rywnere 3 bdrm 2'~ba siclu i460 !!>GO IOWNllOUS!:: ;> t>d 1'r 1t4l !i44 0bl4 urn · • 4 u .cenent Easts1de Costo G11rage pat•o t 1 000 •• !.~~!~ ......... J.~~q Npt1ow~1°'\8~r1u,,~~ 3 Z'0• 2P' e'b15 8· LHalll B11c• 3148 ">~1 284 1 bu ""'· gar Ps"'~ 1"'1111 0.,..ithfr1J'1I wut16• rt1rt1<1f Nuwport area For rent M ese 2 Bdrm oupleM mo 607 lros 64 t 4868 ' ••'••••••••••••••••••• I quiet •m.~71~,< 6 ;.;o mr> Cll t May 2914 Oteon v111y large room. l ull 1 0 2 X I 777 2233 673 4399 Sharp 2 BA conao 1 Sly S9b0 n•n 642 3490 LUAuly stua10 r1ee HBO 1 BR nev. p.;1111 CIJ fS ntt pel'> 7 ,, I 5u tronl 3 Br Newly rurno bath separate 4 private g, o s s "e w • • all bllns pool. $550 mo Wotn 40 I.lock tor powe1 pho11e rna10 ser11 spa <1"11J0s Otw no pe1s 3 Br !>ntdll deleO Can oe tu1111~11eo entrance terrot1c loc ~~~~~~'!P;,~,~,e~1~°:n Coro111 d1I Mar Call 540 1156 ask tor bUoll 3 Br 2·, Ba condo S130 wk 499-3015 $400 rno 2265 Mme• St $S2!. mo /"ro !Jilr.1Qe S tOOO" UHt~ pu10 Non smoker S350tmo 1n11cfetou1 GoOd relllctl N1>arlynow3bOrm 3ba Dave on W Newport S\150 N t I 6 3161 851 2 17!> 1 ~48 5707 5!>9 !>b39 714 544-0614 631-4060 area Owner 15 motl'llilfeO 2 lueplaces 2 ca• gar HOMES FOR REN! w o oock S 1350 with •• t."!t~! ••• !!!......... 11R. 21R. 31R. Nt<wer t Br wotlt "atiu & OCEl"FRONT Hottll Jfottll 4100 and woll work wllh you Balcony Gardener wel 3 & 4 Bdrm S700 lo uoclo. 673 1190 • OCEANFRONT DI• 2-4 Br Newly oecor Gas pd " " ••••••'•••••••••••• .. • Asking S 135.000 Devin oar. m1crowa11e Lease S 750 Fenceo yards & By w e o k or m onth encl gar awshr poul g u 1 0 g e N ° P"' 1 ~ J bOr 2 no gar great SEAURl MOTEL Aeal Estate, 642·6368 s 1350 per "'0 oarages K10s & pets NON beacntront home 3 Ci73 7873 $425/rno 645 5577 I loc Wontt'r 1 bO $340 mo ontluOong --E-1-sh-., .. , C.M. 551·4693 alter 6 PM we•corne 54 5 2000 Br 4 Ba. furn S2250/mo. Wint~, rental• bbQ no pets 642-5073 t BR nu paint. sp1s1arps. • Agtlnt no lee unlurn $2000 Call Mrs v ~ Be11ut1tul 2 Br 2 Ba 2 Br 2Ba dramatic split· Long 673-1190 now ovallable Call dlw, no t.1e ts $3751mo lownhou6e lrplc patio, 2265 Mrner SI 851 2175 level park setting lrplc. Ocoan voew volley 01111 Ct Blulls 3 br 2., ba, gr&en· JlCOIS REALTY lndr r rm gooo 1oc; B .. c11e101 g111a1 JOC fl!arly TSl mcmt 142-1&03 House + 3 twllhouses All with Frpl, gar patios OWC tst TO Submll Oil OP 4 Terms Agl 641-0290 ~~ reA"!~\~ ~a1r ~· :;g~ ~~~OH~n~~g~o5~10~ r:~t Dell nur pool S 1000 PRGP MlllHEMUT S560tmo TSL Mgm1 !;J,s·~;5~67~ho"'n by ~;~-~6~2 d:, 't61s 1'6k~ s 3~ro :.~~:·::.~,:-~4-et-co-n--115-8173 642 62:~STSID;42. t60J u tt111te!> 548 9574 01 <ALY oc;eoro v111w 2 BR t 4':19 4451 Ba l c;ir sp.;ces $700 642-1603 FIRESIDE COMFORT f!!!.!~~.~'.~'. .... f.~q~ 2 or 1 ba garage Avail 2 oarm 1 oa hsl' nr bch ao in Nwpt Crest $850 Furn S~!~a~s Tb~R~eek 01 2 Br t Ba 0001 side apt S Lag 25>t 100 vnompro-No• t S650 427'1 Iris yd gar $600 No pets I m~ 835-0558 month Agt 675-8170 lnOry rm bll·•ns No ved property. 180 oegree 730-99991675-86 I 7 836-9629 3Br. 2' rBa plush condo nr ~:jt.$4~g 11 Io r a PP t wl'lltewater view Loma Co1t1 lftu 3224 Spotless 2 Br attacneel water, poss101a boa• sllp TSL Mgmt tra<:lbfl<3,lot 10 Bes••••••••••••••••••••••• dbl gar W10tiookup S1150mo 675-193801 THE otter 493-6704 3 Ir. 2 Ii. ssoo & $500 aep Outet 851-8394 /lloHllill, D~rtrl, Frptc range yara ga nr Fwy & sl'lopp1ng Sml Baytrest cuslom aesogn. 3 I f:ld Ip llw enCl60 lj!H S4t5•mo Call B+iltf 64'i !1161 NEWPORT 1'lRTMUTS mo 64 4 6760 or '14t. J 18':1 S1eps. To Hte B11.itl1 2 Br ;> 0a 3 ''"""' C.IJUr\S across tru; 5tree1 Very clean New Carpet $750 mo Vrly ren1 Call l<ete 675·0 t24 M on-r ro Jo 67J-3596 Sat Sun Wkly ren111t5 now aveol S105 & up Color TV Phones in room 2274 Newport BlvO CM 646·74•5 BEACH AREA $84/wk Ael11gerato1· Ma•O· Pool Nwpt Blvo 4 Wilson Costa Mesa 548-9755 Pone Knot Motel on Coast Hwy N B Steps 10 ocean W"y rate s 645-0440 I rage no pets Provate Pet POSS "" Oep Mc · BA t11n1ng rm tam rm, ''GOOD RtlOlt 2400 1 S750t mo 1111 plus sec Fadden nr Beacn Bl oen 2 at 3200 tt 1 ...................... only 648 w 18th SI 893-4894 :.ard S 1/50 mo ~~mb~e~ FOR RENT' 499-1617 2Br Conllo 1 rBa cpts i'14·9S6-5730 LIFE" , [2 BR 1 Ba avple-o•I drps POOi rac Clbhse 3 Dr duple•, 1 house from Loke nu lge 1 br apts trplc OW gar S475tup Po110 or baleony Pool 4 spa NO Pl'IS 2650 Harta Mesa Pines 549 2447 2 Br Ch1IOrens se<.toOn S320 mo plus ut11s Ill lant only No pets Nu w.;terbeos 2450 N11w port BlvO 2 Br 2 Ba lrom $525 No pets Across lrom New· Dini Point 3826 port Beach Gott Course $465 2. Bdrm refr.g pa • • • •• • • • •••• • • ••• • • • • • 5•!>·4855 110 no pets adults prel OCEAN VIEW Large " Bdrm closeo 1n R!~~~ao~e ~~e~E~ot-1 chenet1es phones. maoa service l channel mo· vies SANOPIPEA MO· TEL 1967 Nowporl Btva. CM 645 9137 E/S1de C M cute bachelur >flCluded scent<. Dlull 1 mm a<. Av a 11 no w VEAR-ROUND FUN: 2 bedroom. 2 baths 4 2 pa110 new 11a1nt S545 no Pet s S 5 5 0 mo beach. near new Frplc. stones In Tw111 Peeks 1n mo 833-8162 768-7633 g1Hage dshw hr W/0 Lake Arrowneild 11rea 4 B 2 6 M 1 M Lg 2Br Twnnst 2 stor nook UP5 S975 yrty Has built-ins & toreu•ace ' a t1sa •le ar Y 613 4889 keep trying 00• m 2 DI O<.e111 lrufll horn• Sn!I I Ulll lllf 4 ltHf to tfl0¥1 tr1 G•t) J6 10 l1nt1l1 w,.,,, 43ZS ...••.........••...•.. Cngl1anm1»11 "'"'"'• rett>p •rnPI Nli w1111t~ l>Dt'1 llhJClll> ilt>I 111 \IHU" roin "'""" 64'; ?/00 Prut wum1111 w !)rnt 1>•t w oshei. 10 ""'' hl)Ulll anOIO• •lPI by Nov l'i or DK I Call ti1'> '\49:? r1at 2prrt Neecl lurnishod 11111 0< hte 111 tho II\'"•' 111 nr en for rnu of Jan locu1 rtf& DY811 Write Mr & Mr!o RE Theel 1S24 Wood liinO Or Rocne!>ter M 111neso1a 5590 1 ~!!!/!.~ !!!. ~.'.".! !.~~~ Garage tor rent $-W mo 2864 l o Salle Co~td M esa Alt 5 9S7 2740 Ea'1s•do garage lor s10- r ag11 $75 645· 7234 01/iet R11111/ 4400 •..................... * DELUlf OFFICES* I MO FREE RENT 1 room 10 ?800 sq 11 From SI 16 a sq 11 A01 A11por ll>r Inn & Frwys Call AM 833·3223 1617 wes1c1ott N e 256 to 4000 SQ II l~I lloor Agent 54 I 5032 *DELUXE OFFICES* From 1 room to 3 rooms From s 1 16 a SQ II NO lease requoroa Adr Aor porter lnr) 2 I 12 Dupont Call AM 633 3223 $1 oer sq ft Many io ras Call !>57-7010 400-900 PLUS 1400 su ft Pen1tiou1t1 Baytront Su•· le parh1nq pat o s 673-1003 DESIC SPACE CDlll A11ract1•e rustic uµ!>taors setting We sui;.pty Oe!>i. space copier You sup. ply pnone 4 $95 pr mo pr Oesk Call 644 1~ 11 First 1351 4 dePOsot r&-clean home QV•at str~I I' 1m1 lrom octi pa too. qu1reo Call 171 411 S800 n1 0 Ownr "ery cltJan S550 mo 7 6 8. 0 2 8 8 Or I 7 I 4 I 759-8006 960-0922 vr1v J no 2 bo a11a11 1mmCl Nwly remoaeled Must r"nl this weekena t74 42nll St 646-5710 or 675J132 Social Actlvl toes D11ec 1or•F ree Sunday Brvnch•BBO s• Par hes•Plus 724 A Jamtis, 673-7787 From Dana Point s most I pa1ro Slops to beach apt s4ooimo +-$300 like new• Only 4 units 2 s12001mo yrly 673·2507 !>eturoty No pets Joye,. B1 w den Xt•a lrg provatf' w 11 6J 1266 I pJllO From S7.?5 r110 Steps To Tne Beacn 2 Br 11 ze 1• agi c.i11 661-644 1 0, M F 2 Ba 3 tennis courts V1e1tioa R111t1l1 425012000 sQ 11 w soo sQ 11 •••••••••••••••••••••• storagP 0 l A1rpor1 667-0657 weel<day eve-2 Br 1 Ba P<>flO enclSll *PRICED Rl&HT * n1ngs alter 6 pm 11 no garage renceo carpels answ er otease keep g arapes No IJ'lls \525 5 rm nome all lenceo lor pet krds Ok S4 25 enclsO garage much more G REAT RECREATIO N . Tenn1s •Free Lessons tpro & p10 ShOPl •2 Health Clubs•Sauna• HyClrom111sage• Swommino•Golf Droving Rdnge B E A UTIFUL APAR T M E NT S : s TUNNING large 1 4 2 Br 9 5 643-0212 Drove by dLross the streel Ver I garden apl 7 10 W 18m 110 S('(! 24581 Santa C1i113 ctean New Carpet S750 St mo Yrly rent Cou Kate < B• Oen 2 DJ trplt new b75-0124 Mon-Fri Jo FOR RENT! ~~1~:928$2000 mo SO LAGUNA 3 Arcn Bay 2 Su•te!> ava11 Go Hwy \11s1D1ltly 49 7 235 1 539-8190 11y1ng' I plus securotv 548 5442 -0 t 1-C t or 770-5629 fl 0 OUIJ 1 Prutrtv 2550 3 Br 2 Ba. S7351rno N? BEST AL 1 v • • * NII" 2 1111911 Br 2'> Ba ocean lftuw large ge· •ag11 S7 50 •mo 557 6689 alt 5PM •••••'-••""i'•••••••••••• I pels 806 Joann St COST GREEN VALLEY LAKE I 644-1836 •'421 •••If. Bi,aut Igo 4Br hm 1n B•g MOUNTAIN HOME jNPt Hgts area 3 Br ;> 1 Ba Koo pet o~ see now call (,anyon -...icu~tom pool Ne•I to natoonat 101est condo lam·•~ rm lrplc B EST OP"" 1 aa,s s Pa L 1 k e n e w skiing boa11n9 etc 3Br 1 au n 0 , rm 0 8 , COST -14 644 580• 8·5 M-F' kitchen 4 '• lndry rm l1v S800•mo YJoyc~ wanze 1539-1190 s e ,1 w 1 n a 5 Br 3 b D rm ret rm 2 lrplc.s agt 631 -1266 ou1s1anoing voe"' Im 1 l'·Be. comptetaly lu1 -3 Br 001bath1acuu1 pool med o t cup an c y nlshed Gooo income Eastsrde conoo 3 br 2 ya r o 1 o, ~, d 5 p e 1 s t600 mo 640·2033 prop9,-1y ,or 2 tam home I ba den. t1p1c 2 car qa· S635· mo multi tamoly 51 1-867-3534 rage $82!1 545-6685 tvatoon BESl 5.39 6t90 6Br 3Bd wlv1ew of bay I COST wal~ to Lido shopping IHI E1t1t1 3 Bdrm 2 t>a condo St800 mo Lse cons1de· E. } 2100 E Sroe 2 car gar Poot Ha11ti111to1J rea AQI 673·3002 • .. !.~. ~!'/.~ •.... •• •. • ~ Jacuzzi I role lge yatd H .. 32,,2 . s 7 0 0 6 3 I 7 9 0 5 11110111 '7 Ne.t• .... e... 3Br 2 tbB M11at11ct01 Har~our 631-0303 2'aR·;~·~a··;;~,:~~~~~: r-..nnrn S<SO Avaotable Waterfro•t •4Br :.>Ba a •·l•I Nov t l•ng & a11 0 w range no,. no ""15 Jonn Agt W1ltlllld.A..IMO§ ll<lully tor I $150 mo 191 & 1e91 teQ tra•" t;omp1' auio 63 1 7900 Orange Co. Income pro-perly Pttn only Owner F~mtly pref 851-1769 open e 1 S 9 0 0 mo JASMINE CREH woll also lease wloptoon T -Plan tavorote wl llOdeO 7 14 • ~ 5 G 2 2 7 3 E Y s Plan 4 J DO rm 2' • ba Singles I & 2 Bedrooms•Furnishe<I 4 Unturn1stiea•No Peta•Models Open dally 9 to 6 Oakwood .. ,~ .. &part•11ts 1 .. ,,rt luoll/lt. 880 Irvine VILLA MEOEAA 2 Br 2oa crpt trg vie"' decks om 67J-3596 Sat-Sun E s1ae 111m1ty comple~ med o"upancy Ayi,nt OIW garage Wtr/gas' $7501mo Ag .. n t vd SS25 mo 6 $300 496-6804 WINTER RUTALS dep 2324 EIOen Mgr Apt I 548-4 14 7 Near t8tn Pomona t Br 1 Ba oownste n; o s carport water pd 1 Chold o~ rhJ pet~ SAOO Agent no let-962-02, 7 Ltlrge 3 Br 2 Bii Town hnusP rn quiet comple• largo pool. garden set tu1g S675 645-J381 675-5949 SPACIOUS 2 Ba 1 Bo Bean ce11tngs serv bor Woo ll Cob no oe1s $4 7~ 2256 Maple 5A8-7.3S6 or-6l3.a80J .IBr o.;rage 1111Jr C1Ce1m v Ct'il' view balcony S480 mo ;> 13 40:.> 2657 Se!' at 24682 Apl A Coroooa Or 3 & 4 Br Close 10 water turn & unlurn rl'!asona ble all amen11res Broker 675·4912 apt ouoet miltu•A aa11 S700 rnGI ulll 67S 820• Hantin9to11 t.31-eooo lt1cb 3840 1 Br bac'1elor blk to .•.....•.••.•.•••.•... DPlv•e poolside •tra 1,1r9e 1 bea;n ttg u~c~ ultl l"JCI <'br 2 ba bltns oswhr s39> 540 '.\, 8 • 1 , rrntes beac11 No pets 1 blk to Ben Lower 2 bd $500 mo 536 8362 oeri 2 oa yrl~ 1>1t11is 2 Borm apr Ava11 1mm11 d•.;tt>l1 $525 Frplt O w 9a•age No pet~ watPr pa10 545 2000 Agll"I l'IO fee refrog $150 675-8839 2 Br t Bu 2248 C&nyon N Beach 3 bd '" 0 Or upstairs no pets r 11 l ge bacr1 ap1 ,r; \lt>r!arll<'s PH 2-ove·tooi.111q COUrl)MCl POOi J8t we rgt1t rm walk 10 b Pach Suh I tu r anedn y~ra91 $600 mo 2 bedroom 2 balhs 4 2 s1or1e!> in Twin Peaks in Lake Arrowhead area Has bu11t-1ru & loreplace !'orst last t. deposit re· ouired Cell (71 4 1 768·0286 or (71 4 1 667-0657 we<>kelay eve n1ngs altf'r 6 p m 11 no I oJnswer p1ease ~eep lrytng' PALM OESERT CC New :.>Br voew home spa ma>.e 1a11 rsv w" wl<nels ">86-6119 For renl Ovt'r c 11ros1mas & New Vear s 3 br 4 oa & 1011 V1c1011an home 1n Aspen Colorado Oe1ty "'il•d SPl\ltC" lC lnl Ice V •e,,. ol Aspen moun- laons Close 10 1own Also nas baby vrand pr11net S4501n1g111 Please call 760-1340 or 760-9466 Co5ta Mesa 1 or 2 coom su11e~ From S75'mo Ut•I!. 1l1Cfd 779 W 19ln 51 8')' 8928 IUUTIFUL NEWPORT CUTER Woth use of receptron coot •oom ~·tell phone secretaroal & word pro· ce5~1ng Ma11 4 message serv avilrl separately 11 desueo Call JuOy i 14 760 0100 2!>00 ~ t Dasie o lc "' ~tora9(' By 0 C A roor1 S 1 5 0 0 n1 0 T p m 6'>1·8~.6 Full !>er. 01111.e $300 uP Br ancn othce SB"O mo Ans serv S50 mo Newµort Bencri ·52 6408 213-592-4905 d1n1ng rm 3 BA 2 Ba 213•291 ·0222· agt Gary 21>00 IQ tr Lse1Qp11011 tam rm lge ,ara S890 OeroDD•o 714•631•1266 S1500 mo plu9 St 000 Ital Eif1tt 1nc1 grdnr 549 866• /r rillt 3244 mo tow i;rds Pllte 0 1 (at 16th) (714) 645-1104 -...,.rt lffdl/Se. 1700 16th St (Dover at 16th) (714) 642-5113 S430/mo Srerra Mgmt crots Clrps bltn' 111:11 64 , 1324 I "'n, g .Jr s 6 so """ 536-09.11 644 0307 2 BR I 63 !pit. Sit'µ~ 10 (lCn $6~0 mo yrly Ref~ 6 4 ? 7005 R111t1l1 to S.11~ 4300 400 1 B B•r<.h St N B 440 • • • • • •• • • • • •• • • • • •• • • • f 5.Q 1 t S i 00 oer SQ u W111tttl z100 --...................... S339 0 0 0 •Int l1n ••••••• •••• ••••• • ••••• ~uxe tonao 2Br 2' >ba RENTALS Owner AQt 851-0130 S535 (Nple.11/S560 House $325 &ti/Opn I0-6pm 1 Del 011ns trot ~ Oros FEELING CRAMPED'> Agent r,4 1 503, X11a l11rge 1 Br steps to ocean w d p11ro rec rm $375 675 323 I Wanted Newport Crest lrptc P68a6tr0 e.1ras $650 2 10 4 bdrms i11r11ng at IACIC llT NEWPORT ~~!'!~. f•A~!'.' •••• tZ~~ 333 E 21st St .:r7Bo•30 ltpl enc gar w Cl h .. p 6A5-8 1031645-6589 r-a1to !>ni yd S4C15 C3ll 536-0'li'l Conao Have substant1a1 837 2 l'~es "'"nos 5850to s1395 cash aown payment CalllQuoet Ctean 2 Del n 2 Bdrm den 2 Da gar after 6 pm Prrns only court New carpets ga-aener s t0001mo IM- 646-5377 rage yro comm POOi no MEDIATE OCCUPANCY pets $575/mo Mgr 2453 Ca 11 R a e Rogers Small attraclove SIVO•O n• och tor pmpty a tem Non smkr Prvt klfche nette prvl et1tr y $32 2 Bt 1 , Ba No pets S•50Jmo 101 2 persons 755 W 18th St 646-9507 incl utt1s pl\one POC' TV tennis 493-3490 lt11t1/1 B Orange A\lenue C M 631 1266 ••••••••••••••••••• • •• 36r. 2· rBe 1rp1c comm Su Cltm1ntt 3216 LUHRT COHOS Bt•Stl F•t11l1A~' pool & spa '2 car oar age ••• •••• •• •••• • ••• • •• •• 2 Br 2 Ba 1nctud1ng 2 •••••••••••••••••••••• w/au10 ors nr So Cst 2 bOrm condo 2 oa lrpc; A11rt•111t1 tlll garage w l opener A•.111 now 1 Br Ba •1ps1aors apt dswsnr prl\/alf' patio single go Hi ga NO pets, water paod $450 1 mo 545 2000 Agent no IN• MARINERS WILIC C110111 ''I lfll 312ZI PI a z a S 7 1 5 mo den wlbar gar Beau U11/a111irllt' woOd Durning frple most 8;;1r~~i·~~:·ci;;;1~ 980-3~6 .1 ~~;~Y:0 s!~s ,1~1r:acl'I j~'jb;;·j,j~~·; .. ·3;;,f 1 ~t','~!,:Sa~o 'l'favt•e~;';,11~1 ~~~s ~n~1~a~017p~~0~e~~ ~~~,:,,So" :r ~tte<o ~oca1 NEW Cl pf C 0 ,-~5 3 CAMN5Dl·IRV!f(E S111t1 Ana 3210 2·9, .. ,;;1·~~;;~;·;.,~·~~; ~62~1';'09\8 o o ca 11 ~~~~re~r~rl< I~~~ 6:~;s sllp •Ira Cati Pe1er Pen· TWNHM. 2 BR 2 Ba cpts drps encl ~:~;·3·9R ·~·;b~·~·;,:· $7001mo 221·, Coral t bd 4 Dlks trom och All no714/771-3909 Decorator perlecl soa· gar, S750 NO pet s S650/mo 3 ,,rsol" Kods 2131395-3511 •1BROUPLEX• 1 207 C C•OUS 2 Bdrm ~'rba 675-6606 , v $415 lncldng utofs 2266 VII & Pd hlcago. L1•.11n1 Btacb 3148 pool. tac. recrutlon ------and pets possible tm-E-Baytront. little Isle. ,., Placentia no pet5 apt 4 $385 plus dep ••'••••••••••••••••••• area, pvt patio balcony. Herllage Park-Ca111orn111 mea octup Ea Watts pier 3 story deluxe trg 645-9494 985-4954 180 deg Ocean voev. 2Br large garage Decorator Homes 3 BR 2 SA dbl 964-6171 2Br trptc S 1800 mo L 1 b 1 0 P 1 2ba. spa S 1200rmo Ph wall paper draperies and garage Patio lrpe OtW 675-3067 Nice Quiet upslaors 2 BA 9e r af: 'ow 00 S~~~ 1 568-4J06 Nwpt Hgts 2 Dr 2 ba SPilC•OuS Avatl no"" S7351mo 645-7400 BALBOA PENIN blk to OCh 2 bd. I Otl. yrly crpr t S S70 mo 552·0853 JBr 2Ba 3 car garage 1 1111 to ocn S850 mo 67~-9174 Spac "1 bO 2', condo type apt rn tne Blvlls F'rpt Stir lg lu" nme wt pror person S285 ISi tasl Cll.'P 966 8479 Shr 1u, hme wll non smkr mature $300 Isl. last oep Refs 640-4999 Newport Bch apt 10 shr F M 2Br 2Ba tncl uhl 4 pa•k1ng $250 mo + dep Pret mature Olfer 35 63t-2010 New Carpet No pets Room wt krl p11v $250 S925 645-6218 1s1 & 1as1 urols onct Nwp1 lrg 2 bd 2 be Apt rn the Bluffs Frpl Super loca tion 4 very p11va1e No oets $875 6•5-6218 Sch 642-6811 Fem wllurn and ca1 loo· kong for apl or hou'e to shr CM Area 687-9207 ~'.'!l!!!.~!!!A .. l.1.~? 499.5304 499·4827 more • 1150 incl PO utol formal drn1ng Av111 om-3 Br 2 Ba convenient 2 ba apt $550 most s8~2' 697•5 • mediately No pelS S850 S700 ISi tast plus S200 1 br yrly apples no pets ulits incl 622 Ham111on " · ~ evs 3Dr 2Da upslaors w t Ammate to sl'lr spacious Call 6 7 :l 23 I ' lrom mo 213·423-4694 re I u r nab I e c Ing avail Oct 2• $500 St 548-0477 wARNl?R VILLA ~ bd 2 sur>deck ocean voew home. N B WI~ to bcn LIDO ISLE • 3 t>arm lam cm 4 Ba $1700 mo 9·5P~ __ 2 Br 1., Ba Woodbrodge 831 2000 _ 673-8293 alt 4pm E Sode nee• 171h SI 2 ba Conao lrpl 0,.. pa Yr I y S 7 5 O Ag t $250 mo 631·7325 2 bdrm 1987 B Cherie Townhouse 30 811ar· ContlomiaiDml ISLAND CHARM EA Lar-Bdrm apt S• 7 51 mo 1 '0 P 0 0 1 S 6 O O 673•3355 LIVE lT THE IHCM OCEANFRONl 2 hdrm No Clogs 8 42•2259 541-5032 •••••••••••••••••••••• hngs launOry, dshwsr II AelMa~ 631·1266 $445 2 BR 2 Ba pool t>d 2 t>a aownsta11s shr Bai Isl home $285, lel1111 Ottic1s Redhill Costa Mesa Subl81 17 76 sq 11 at 7!k Aecept w o rk room SIOtagf' 675 3882 10-5 VIEW OFFICE Ort1cti suite on Pac Coast Hwy ove11ook11lQ New· port Harbor ApptO• 1000 SQ 11 Belo"' mar~el rate 7 14 645-7100 * 111 * EXECUTIVE SUITES Full service Keep your overheaa low S protes- soonal image hrgh Pre· st1g1ou' Wl'SICl11t area ot Newport 9each 881 Do- ver Or Ste 14 631-3651 Olloce space '"' tease N B nr Atrpo11 Secre- tary and Computer avao· labte 1·2 or 3 separate Olhc;es ava1labll' and use of conlerence room (714) 9!">5-2580 $470 per mo 1 ch1IC1 ok ... ood $1 00 Agent Fa1ni1A1' 3400 ge 1 Br trplc beam Cel· $300 sec Joyce Waltz I 213 570-0036 West Newpor1 Duple. 2 Fem rmmte wanted to 1 Ba ,S700 mo B11i ~'6~ lBr Condo ~nd ttoor 38 So Cst P1111 SI Albans 1 •undeck v.oth view , $495 3 BR 3 Ba pool lrplC, Clshwhr p11110 ge-ulil pd 675-9l42 Grund Rllr 675 6161 E t Id I 3B 2B Br on Lake Fully fur· $700/mo Eves & Wknds 2 Br. 1 > ba 323 I? 18th patto kids OK No Pt.'ls I roge. $600 mo Sunoay -DELUXE SUITE ___ v_ 1~~1~ ~o~~ed pa:io ,! Streamwood SSOOtmo r1tstt1JO meny exllas 642 7264 Days St No pe1s Gar S660 646_9666.960.7484 780 7241 w kdays Roommate wanted Prof ~~~TC1~1ii~, · 0~~; 1~~~-modeled kitcl'len $950 ::;;• 5: 1·s:32 _ $645 Mark 957-0222 832 3400 Sierra Mgmt_ 6~1 1324 SUN NY 2B;-ya• d n r 615-1642 ~gt ~ep~ ~~ ~h~ ~s~~1';,;12 :,~ Water Fr11t 114& Sl100 mo 646_8635 mo 5•8·6906 brt g• rbor Lake Con'o•iaiaat lilbOI Mesa Verde 2 br ftp oeach ulll pd no pets I' Br 1 Ba •PIS on Penin 6 Michelle 556•7234 2012 SQ Ft lean drvidel - ---pr1va1e secu,.ty gated • pnct ger No pets S500 u tat • blk 10 bt' Ch S 1 50tSQ It 642-4644 WATERl;AONT tqe 2 t>r2 3 Br SBOO mo Hi ve community 2 mslt su1-U11/ur11i1•H 3425 P#llllllUll 3101 + dePOs1t 979-4383 s53o Cllll 536 · 22 16 ps rs ' a MJF Chrost1an & r~pons•· Oth~r, Newpt. COM •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• f!Ves Close to shops & reS18U· v~ EXEC·Ofllces spaces. ~~er;0,::~~g ~.;~shge;, Fred Tenore A gl ~~~r~m::;,~':':e:~n: EXEC RETREAT in New· 2 bdrm 2 banewet OPI~ 2Bdrm 1 •b& trplc ow I . 3844 ri ~an1~7~ro6m S450 mo ~~9iinC5~8-~~~~ Plus ulll HB S135-S325n10 Sec- BBO. lovely I urn 631-1266. 6J1·2711 644•8067 01 640 7287 port Ben t Br pen1hou-yrly M11ture non-sm~rs pvt pa110 garage no ~t'lllt, •• ••••• •• OI ·I •2 ___ 1y. Xero~ 4 recept avail S975fmo yrty. 1st IHI FRENCH QUARTER after 6 & wknds se Security pool spa. no pets S650 x 3 pets $520/mo 634 Ha· W db,'dg '3 B r 2·:, .. Ba CLIFF HAVEN 2 Br ·, Ba M/F shr beaut Back Bey 891·6991 dtp 680 -1179 Clays. 3 BR 2"r ba tplG, wfO & --I • 32 8 gym. $600/mo (714) 21~;~995",~9;9~~7-9792 m111on. 543-5478 1wnt1se.pat10.yerd 2car lrg pallo d1st1 wesher. condo Pool 1ac. tennis CDll CHlllMUI 673-3909 eve1 retr. Obi gar. tamlly coo-~l.".'!~ •• !.'.'. ••••••• t ~ 1; 6 1orio2 6 7 • ( 2 1 3 I or 4l • Aeelecoreled 1 Br retr1g gar $875 152·5102 I g .a,r5e 9 e 6 n5 o783P6e ts $~OO 64S·S 123 Office on :>no floor ep. OCEANFRONT 3 do, no pell $750 Agt HARBOR OCEAN FRONT S425 utol pd 1B1 Oplx 417 1nc1 19200 W ellace £ I " 31 .. , s., Imo 4 • 2 br 2 oa 1) l>lk from bch. 560 1 s I c O< 2 br, 2 b e !~ly~!~ 6'46-4380 Nu 3200' lu>t hm 00 bluff Nr SC Plaza 1 Br over I E Bay Ave Balboe No $410 760-8376 .!/.".'!! •• !.'.'.-. •••••• "'.. •2 &11. Ba.,., Hoag no NB Close to Svper101 ~·:; ,,., i o~een° ~ree~a:~ 752-9466 or 673-0881 URllE 01110 180 deg vu o t hlrbo• pool park loke Rel. stove pell 547• 1155 Eeslllde house 2 Bam OCEll VIEW peu mature 1dlt1 prel Avatl Nov 1 $310 Mike and sunny pat Io 3 Bdrm 2,._ be. clean, Obi surl mlns 3br 3 ba onct S500 1!46·6~ B~helor, yrty relltlll $340 aen lrg lint don. nu cp1s 1o minutes 90 ol Legun• 1 S 5 2 5 6 3 1 3 8 8 8 o r 642-0~• $560 m o Ave II Nov 1 Liit iSLE gar. 1015 01 em ennies secvrtty sauna. spe NEWPORT BEACH·2Br mo 201 E Balboa Bl lrg lncOyrO petOK S850 on Dana Po1n1s moSI 645-6822 Mature Employed Fe Call91o5 675-2311 3 bdrm, fully furn home 1750,mo 10 mo No 1,. $1600/mo 496-7009 2Ba fresh paint, avall 675·9582 846-13 19 111 & lest sec $400 secluded scenic blull I EASTBLUFF spacious 1 wished 10 s1'11re trge 2 Coaattciil Avall Nov lat S 1600 mo/ F pl c m 1cr0 o 1 w 2 Br r Bo cottage. Cllll 1mmed S7SO mo Agt CorOlll ''I /flt 312Z 642-0857 Ilk~ new 2 Br wi den I Br pool. quiet, pleesant bd . 2 bl lurnllhed du· year-lease Call 0.lorea 549_8368 section. gas range gar. J 11ck1 e Hand I em & ll •••••••••• •••••••••••• 1 BDRM IN DU Pl EX utll .tra 1eroe private pe110 area No pelS $5S51mo pie~ w/ma1ure, emply'd lt11t1/1 4415 TS l PfllPHTIH Santa An• Hts 3Br. big dener. re,rlg Wiii iease 6~1266 I STEPS TO IC(H Included s350 guage S725tmo C•ll A lso nice 2 Br 8 1 MIF East C M $300/mo ;25(j "5';·,;·;;j;,j;~jf~~; IC2-110J yard, no pets $750/mo $850 49 4-0154 On bv1 M11ny omenllles lnclu· call 962-7940 66 I &u t or M F g.5 $670/mo 6H ·4767 + ·~ utlls 548· 1200 space, E 17th St In br~tr View Mills 548-0814 Bkr ~ _ _ ~l.'.'.t!'!!~!!.f!'!!'.'!~!!'. ding views hom deck. 2 0, In nMr trl·plex nr 943·02IO___ 12 BR, 2 be walk to beach. F s'hr-n8w beach condo Costa Me111 great v1st· ----Deluxe 2 Dr 2 be nr I ,., I I ' 310f trptc. etc SC Pleza. gar No pell D11plH 2 ~4rM, 1~a 1 ooot. J ac 1 ec u n t y micro. lrplc. git $265. b If It Y 4 P • r k 'n g 3 BR 2 Ba. loft,,.,~ fem 2 Br 1 Ba lrplc g1rege. beach. vtew. $1200/mo .f ••• t .. !.~~•••••••••• "large 2 Br 2 Ba $800 $5•5 833-9293 Nr t>eacti. Petk> $700 S7001mo C1111 Scott Ao· ISt. 1811 dep Tracy 6•5-3477 rm, 2 lplc'a, tvhy turn rncd Piiio S595/mo Call 49•-51S•levsfwknds 2 Br 1 Be pallo ne'IW "L•roe 3 B r 3 B a -760-2567 49•·6308 I gers 1141-5100 deys 549-3421,631·65•3 Btiboa Pen ~ ;p. Weaher f Oryer Incl Leue Beck1up togotf decor Wlnttr to 'June $1175 EASTSIOE·Lg2Br g1rege 63l·l913••es 600 f 1500 mo. TSL Manag• covrH 710 Jo1nn St Lu1tury3 br 2'• be study, $GOO lncldl utlls Nr Call A ntl'lony d ays +carport & yd ttovet Split Intl 1,11 ----Fem to shr wfM /F, super ~~~. S100~~I :i;,s~~t ment. 6"2·1l503 213-472-6240 view S 1500f mo Cell South Biv 673_3458 642-5757 1wes 4 wltnds r e t r 1 g S 5 5 O mo 2 bdrm. 1 bll Ct~ CO<I IHR lltll llOSP. Cltan, well located Nwpl 675•0120 .• 75•4630 •5 BO, 3 Ba. 2. atory, Fmty 49•·584 1 ev1/wknds ~ -,. 831-6630 eJt..0754 cnermer In town, nr lg 2 bdrm, 3 1>4!1. 1n. i7~.i:.; $ 2 7 5 m 0 " .Hin U•/•1•i1•" o , e 1 v d e n t 1 O K • Clean 2 br l'lovse 1n VII· 11/)11 O If /I A It 2a R 2 Be, avail epprox beach. yd. trpc $750 hOme. 2 c ar gar Fire RENT OR LEASE Newly -;:•••••••••••••••3••0•,~ $ 1100/m o. No Pets lage Frplc. beem cell. ,.,,i•••ll 3101 Hit WJ ao If Nov 1, no pelS s486 760-2567, 494-8308 place W/D $700tmo ROOMMATE WANTED remodeled home with :'f!~'J.••••••••••!•~ Ordnr 641-6885 yard 4 gar Kids/pols Ok •••••••••••••••••••••• The ShorH In beavllfvl 760· 14 18 Or 548-8 675 COzv28d-:-w/lvll kit. "811 831· 1105 M t11relght, non-smkr, large IOI Comm'! ronlng llllill Nr S. C11 Plza 3 Br. 2ba S800 494•2578 w.:,-:.~:n~~::~oPif.v~ ~:.~1:.11~e~1 ~11~1 ~~;~ 8"1/wknds blk to bcti $410 1nctd1 11• C/1aut1 1111 :~~~5 !4:. v,.1;:1 6 Oya ~~J.:g3~·e~~~~a:lvd Yettl)<-Weekly·Wlnter, 2. condo $700.gH/wttpO •Br 28• 2000 tqlt Top RE673·1900 Olb•on 844-2011 2 B R I B • Oph1, new uflll ISi mo PfVI $500 : .... 2···············1 642-5620 PM. ----~~&otme :fs.-~:.·~~.";'81~·1'91l ~:~~~J°'10 SIOOO/mo BAVFRONTAOE, b .. Cl'I, S550 2 br. 1 be. bi1-;;e. cptt/drps ci .. n lnt!Oe/ c~~ilo~~j;.0p~: ~ll9•~%·~ "w~~.,. ~~!~0·~g~-Stv 2bd.•Jtl*'MI F/M o~:~c:·.~:,~~:l'I~~,:~ ~Miil llULn --pier prkg,2bf, S800 lbr P<>OI no pell out No pets 1550 mo or 493.7137 n1ng 4 dtP 53 1·3585 $~75 Cell, br duplex Ill •3 6 '• E 17th , C M .... E/SIOE 3 br. 2 be, 2 Cit EMERALD BAV 3 Br 2 $85011800 Adltl. llh pO Agent 875-6 160 lllllHt & s275 rerun-•v• Balbo• $275 plul viii 1-~48-aJM (~ IWIAIMIT ~~1i'=~~:~~r~~t ::ickl7pOe~t!~~lih"!~~· ~~~1~86~dgtwiter Lg 2Br 2Ba, frplc. 1 par-::,~'1~.~~~-6~~ln RHI Rr~'.~u111~~:~~~:1p~:: 1 Br p11t declt, old WOl'l<1 1e1 & tast 1173-1701 OHT& •tU 11M 1ll c 111 0"44·8088 : : 381oe ~ ~ ~2 ~ s s o, OCEANFRONT -~r-~~g ~~i ~o,:,~T~ :~~ ' bd dupttx. carpts. bl· ,., •tngl• 409· 12 t• ~~=~~ 'v1~'!.~c~·.~~·~; A:~c::" t~~r~ ?~ e;11r. 200 eq n to 2000 eq. tt CIHf'I, l)lUUlll 2 8t, 'ea nlthtcl, winter, $5711 mo retvnOebte clep Ou1111flod 1 tins. drpi , glr No pell Svptr ttudlo w/bonv1 rm. beac h $42!1 Coll1101 760-3073 &Oc pet •Q 11 & up Cell Eu1blulf, enclld g1raqe. ~067 -816·11102 1 p p11o a n «1 on I y 1400 U'O Orange Av• yd. lndry tacll, 1400 mo Mgr at apl c 332 !nclno :11 1~nom ica. Corp private yard No ptt1 WHH IJHll 3ZSZ 1175-1857 493..0878 Avell lr'llmtd 494·1534 Ln F 22-30 lhr 3 bf. 2 t>a apt 75•8 00 To~ your ~ "'86/r'llO 541~M80 ••'•••••••'••••••••••• OCCANfRONT r OELUXI! --3 b d ger tr p l---p;i'jO , • /I.'' / ••sl on t>MCl'I. NB P:-rplC. 25' ,.,.,;;,., --a.tore llll OCl!AN VIEW 4 bf, Mon· Fum quiet, lrg, Winter. 2 2 Br 2 Bt. So ol PCH. • • ....... • •• , -,,.,, Aa1 '"' pallo glfagt t2t5. Ill ....., ,........., 2 bt, 2\t bar Condo 3 le-••en Bay 1.,,.,... •1500 renlel• 075-4188 ll.,.. bldg. lrple. 1795 0 Ntwporl Hetghl• •1•• ••'•••••••'••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• t t & 9 't 'l ltal'1 fS# ,..,".,, ,........., veil, 3 pellot Nwpfl Hgtl -..... • Palh. OWl'lrltOt f'e/Mu M50 lo 1000 551·5001 On Golf Courtt We1t'2 l>d. 2 01 , A I C, St e . .~;-tstll etc ' • n •••••••••••••••••••••• phOne 1150/mo, +utile mo eotl't 4K-69~ lltt 2 Ir .... ,.,., 759.1221 Peoc>iewf\On.tcl~ NlneConcto .28A21>1.21 Pool. Nr So Cat P111 1750 up '190 ft lndu· -~WI 1131.0m Tilt lltltll draw In tht ,:urn Ml50/m0 073-4743 ILn 2 br 2 b1 v-.. n•·· • ., ........... -i...-ys c..__k ll'lt ce1 gar w/opnr Walhf S59<1 213-ffO·t513 Shr 2 8 r 2bt furn ept alriel Offtot 11101 llle-Clelilltled. ...... • _, ......... ,,,,,.., ...... ,..,.. d ryer Lower unll w/ Octen view. IOU ot dondo Clr cle, P a T .~~~~~~~ 81!1.l. IOle ll1me with• Wt1t . •Dilly Piiot H1...,. 1om11'llng to Mll?I c 1rporu , n o pall 81fltloeOlrtc10<y ln 1"-pati o . reotc oret1 d Hew tOMetl!lng to Mll'f imen1111 e 1450 Huntington, leac h Deity Piiot ClaNln.o Ad. C1e1elfltd Ad. &42·M71 C«aNttltd ad• oo 11 welt H 75tmo 6&9·02811 OAll.V PILOT 112s1mo 71"770· 1050 I Ol•.Mlflecl ede do It WWI 975.3905 ' 142~134 ~~~~~~..;;::~-=~ .. OllHIQtl (;0011 DAil v Pll 0 T /Wl'H1flUICIUy Octouor 20 HHI? 07 lessianal Service Di~eclarj (a U}.4A,~e!°"DP~~ ~~.•l.'.!1!!!1 •.....•..•• ft.1r..1.!!!!.'!~ ......•. I f~.·.'·'~·'·'~!~,.~!'!~!~! .. ~!!!.'.".~"A ••••••..•••• ;!':'.~~,~~!' ............ · ~~'!~~!~~~!~1..... .. . ~~~!~r ............... lr!~~'!'..c. ..... ... . .. . ~.-!.'!~1 .............. . TRIES t lulllo l(ntl!Oll " llcipt111 1011•wo•1 *A· I ••••• ,. r . Piii t wullllJYWllllQ Ill liutl•• R()(ihllQ all IYIMI• lot 1 JO tl•y •d Ill thd L lttlll (,Arll mr ttome sn .. mr>00 & att111m cl••n "'" 111rn 1t11111rtdr1't1d "• lun~ll •11"4.l.a 111t1u1111t1 (..11lc11 t111u1t1•11••• '""' I,,.,, ••I Oui.tllly J11u 1u lnroa 'l'••d 11•6 fllJll C.•IJI• 10 mm 1Jl•a1.r. "t"'"' U.i111J•• (,o•••I JI YI r•10 l>ttby11t111r 1.0lh•90 ~tu1tun1 own C.uf 111111 l1v1c1111 '"'*$lb evQ 11< • 111~7(1 '148 •'Jf I 10001 S7 !>O ci>ucl1 SIO I (,111 (>ellll v l'ltlv 1>11t11•• .. " " I up ~u•llty Special ,.,,. ~IHll•tlUll rt11•• IJllG•• ~j-tKOV., OK~• to1•1.1uU rumuv1Jd l luu•t 1J11• i.~ All vuu1 noin.. 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EKpe1 c;orponttH does E•P r1enced Carpemer add•l•Olls remoduls x p1111 tmck A cernent •11tl 11111 K11V1n " I N ' •• •• F u . r L 6 798 ~ ,u Oil ... 111Jt1r•v IUll~ •ee nllfln'I. Ntttttl II Helpful Hand ""' 061 IC. 44-4 Pll1mh111g/Hl11tl "'n 170:1 Eltttric•I 11~1 846•095!1. 968• 74 79 •• ••• • • ••• • • ••• • • •• • • Your home our S!JOClltlly IN f/EXT PAINT ING Gu" 1 1"" 1 w r k A st I T!!!. !!!!}!! •••••.. ••• ;~·Fcr.Ric;;~·.::,;;;c·~ci l1111<1sc.op111<,1 Yd Ctnvps l 24hr ED 141-1125 N 11 a'" e o' l o 1 a & WALLPAPERING comm Trtill t11m/1emoY-Me1nt Furnace pool "'lltur heat 645-8618 <;usiom work Fr~ est '>J7 4378GG I llPHIH RemO<leC/Add·on/Repa1r dec~s Sllyhgllts & 16. worli Nwp ttCM 111\ca 760-2685 548-8654 pa1rs Fiee est Oen 19&9 C1111 now & ~11ve Aa1 .. 11i•f S11vic1 _962-08 t5 -b45 8512 11gt11 l1t1e ws11m111.i on ~ 963 5474H0 1•"fOE luil)tl or small rob5 l11tga11on Jim 851 01?9 Hoastdllllilll Juitoriil Rtii;i Steve 547-4281 I Tll££ I ,.. ·:o·.:·o··F•F•F,·R·s·r··::0•N•T••H• Add11tons. carpentry m11 Cltild Cut J • m d · I •••••••••••••••••••••• Oependubll! 111tordab1e ~nry esign anti tlra Looktl\g tor o1ttn1 cll1ld lie 300621 673·0359 M ow1r1g ~ Eag1ng or •••••••••••:• •••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• HARBOR PAINTING l1in•11ltttl Ttee Woik wll'l a Con· llC O ELECTRICIAN ttrmp mutnt cicun up~ ROBINS CLEANING COMMERCIAL HOME Ou.iltly worl. Fiee 651 ••••'-•••••••••••••••• science Tr1mm1ng & essunttal Answe11ng ~;f.1~~Q !1 ~12'4 Ouvu c.s1e? In my Costa Mesa ser v1c;e. secreta11er & e nome. tulf time only $40 Free E~ 645 !587 St1rv1ce a tn01oughly BUSINESS We do will Call all 6pm 673_5166 AC AAINGUTl lA removal by Howard Ool· Ou.sl wo11i Reas rates \.1.,8" nouse 540 08571 d 0 w 5 1001 R 0 h Bu111Jed "'~ 11c. 8:144764 1011 Po eo~ 34 Coeta ous1ness services ma11 laster Cr1th111•11 I l 11111.n s11ack~ TlC Lin Fr.it< .. sl 63 I 5072 H1ndv1111n . l TIRED OF HASSLES? 67J 8094 HOLIDAY PAINT TIME• F11"1:' u~t t 524-58'4 Mesa Ca 92627 Pn u ECTRICIAN •••••'••••••••••••••••I 23 yrs Also Odd robs & I /' . . 642· 1932 Sml 1ubs/Rt1"a11s L•c Cct1p11111ry Mesoruy Oualny c1aa111ng help '"I Lud1uoi111 reva11s Bruce 972·01 t6 ! I 1n11/t1111, ----------"" Roor1ng Plurnbuig I hure' Rets 960 7452 ••••••••"•• ••••••• •• • •••••••••• ••••••••••• S LOW RA TES S ?3'1 l08·C IO 548 520J Oiywall Slucco Tile 170 YRS EXP Hauling, 1ree PAINTER NEEDS FUANI TURE·Kll CABS Tree tnmtremov clean HESID/COMM LllND Rtmtodel J B 646-9990 E•µe•t•su Housokeef,ling 111mmll\g landscaping WORK' 30 yrs exp inti Cstm lir .. shes repaus l ups mowing 554·70 t 7 20 yr~ Do my own worK We furnish vacuum & Brothers Col\sl ' e•l Acoustic c;e111ngs L•c doors.. Jo.• 673· 1469 Lit 27804 1 Al 646·8 t:.!6 U11rpent1y Cao1n1JIS I supplies K11ty 64 1 4970 I 646·0555 -'!66780 free est • • Tato1ino bo~ rental "'Ord proc;es· ,F1n1sn & rem di crpnt1y tlil 75 I 2J4;> S•ng Tele•·F&cs1m1le. References 499·3 tO!> Lie ramily llay care ror order entry pagers·lease buy desk space rt!ntal FltH ESTIMATES! cn1l1Jren up 10 5 yrs Fil ANSWER NETWORK Reasonable pric;611, last, PIT, S 1 50thi Nulrillov~ 631·9131(esklorAV) prol ess1onal woik rne111s & st1acks Wt1s1 ~!/.~~!~ ...........•.. custom work too• No iob clill N B 646·9028 100 small or 100 big' c.,. b1nets. kitchen tl'lmodel & t1n1st1ed carpel\try erec1 plumb cab1ne1s c;oun1e11ops I do e•ery tn1ng from s1ar1 to hn1sn• Plun1t> · Drain Clear1111g HSKPRS & MAIDS 1 Davis Pa1tihng 947.5186 R1•odtll111,rJ.ltr.111 I•••••••'•••••••••••••• [lt'C S6rv1c" & ConslrnC'.· e1ec;111co1 11te I EVES LANDSCAPING· •••••••••• ••• •••••• Mos1 sub1ec:1s, K-14 Driveways, Parking Loi Aepa1rs Seetcoatlng S&S Asphlt 631-4 199L1c; fl!~!'J!'J..~~~~~~~~ .... 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Muff•H I $11 Lie 306888 Aemoael Add ns Cab•nets 646 85861645-4644 WOOD FENCESIGA TES • Ca1vtin1ry alee 1110 Free Oualily woik wllh 8 per-S8troll Alec 751. 7027 o ... 1~. , i i ~, "• •• PSI Reas 645·28 I I ,,, sonal 1ouch B1tchelorl 110111r, Jo11y c .. c.keieis Pror ~11 1 • 1;,rtrr ··• •. • lntlt:~I A11s1d tcomrn I F1ee e!>t 20''• monthly tl1~c.uunl 644-4798 Ou1 olt1ces handle all 760•2685 548•8654 areas t>I law Prompt. courteous s.erv1ce FREE Ruy1ng and-selling at 11 consultet1on 549-9335 1 rea~onot>le price 1na1 s wttat c1ass1r1ea 15 arr Sell ICJle Items 642·567E about 642·5678 srAN3UR INDUSTRIES Gen I contr Properly 1mprov 997-18 tl 18 51 1n~1a11eo & Aepa11eo ' Fre~ est Gary 499· 1724J Make your shopping ea- sier by using 1t1e De11y P1101 Class1lled Ads 28 YRS EXP DUNHAM Ok CM_ Irv HS Bein BA~C~·~a~ .. S,;,~;,·1~·;5• l Wellpapermg & s1npp1ng I" ''·' HOME IMPROVEMENl 850·0933 Newport, Cosla Mesa Many rer13rentes Paul 11 t , .l'H •' .• • Remoae1 re1.1a1r~·lencmg 8!>7 o 118 erec111c.ul·Plvmll1ng Sttop al nome 11 s eui;y j 1rvi~e ~els 675-3 175 951·6067 ca1peritry 631-8530 w11h cless1l1eo 642-5678 Crass1l1eCJ Aels 642-5678 want Ads Call 642-5678 tor your out-grown bike • DOLLAR DAY DOUGH SAVERS for Merchandise under 11,000. Sell you r no-tonger needed Items for c ash If it d oesn't sell, we'll run it another 3 days FREE. One item per ad, must be priced. Sorry, no real estate o r commercial ads. Call today for full details. (Non-refundable. E•tre llMI $1.00) 1•i~~!1' 4500 :!!!!J.!.O.~'!~ ..•• !.~q~ Sdoo/1 I . ~'.'1.."¥!!'.'.~'. •••• !.'.~~r ~~11.."¥!!'.'.'L •.. !.1.~~ IJ.t}l..tf!!'.'.~'. ..•• !.1.~ '1J.•.1P •• "¥!!.'!!. •••• !.'.~ •••••••••••••••••••••• $200 REWARD tor return •• f!'!.'!~.'!!~'! ..•• !.OfJ.~ DUTAL ASSIST HT llOUSHUPl•li LOSE WEIGHT MAKE I ORIENT Al Rattan tu1n1 WAN TEO garage or blue Ovation guiuir 24K Bell & Howell E1ec1ron1c;s w e a1e looking lor an CHILDCARE SSS lure deS1gner Must nave 1ndus1nel space """ gold luning pegs r326 Course 1nclud1ng 16 e•P' d Clental ass1s1an1 Wf! need h"'P running Neeo 10 people to tosel had? y:s e•pr & exp• 600 sq 11 tor 11 body· 545•6627 att 5 Volumes or e1ec1ron1c;1 w11n a Dt1ght c;heerlul our nome 4 dys week, 8 '28 Ills in a mo Share w 1ra11an & t>amt>oo worli no pa1nl CMIHB Los1 Engl1sn blue c;at t•a11\1ng lrom basic 10 11111tud41 to wori. tn a mu~I be rehable wtown Co prOhls. 55:<>·0775 I malellals tlearbl111y & 964·0332 Rewara Vrc Brookn..rst, aavanced rv tepa1t a prevent ion oriented 11ansp Please call MA•Ali£M£•T color aaaptab•hty For & Ham11te>n 894-6501 Oesogn Consol., lor lat> or.stllvt! 1n C<IM Salary 857·5333 Part time couples llllorma1toncat1Far EBSl l Warenouse space Hrgn I e~pe,,ments a d1g11al Q9en 6••·6<>99 respon51Dle s1nnre1 to '" t e' nation a r In r. 0001 acceu •ooo teet REWARD mult•mete• a solid 91818 HOUS£1HP£1t help managt1 111,.~ family• 71 41754-7501 avail 642·5535, Karen L 1 d 1 ed 11 OENl AL OFFICE MNGR R •po bl " j os1Jewery1n re bro-rigger sweep osc;1 o e~ ns1 e pe1son busmess Work with pu-P&•T/TIME Crallsman wanted lo cade bog Sen1tmenta1 scope aml a 25 coior Elhc1ent Eninus1ast1c & Mon ·Frr 8am·noon bhc. For Interview Call n share shop Pret cera-value Into call TV w11h d1g1tal clock organized. w tbkkpng Starl $5thour Laguna 714-966·6670 1 High income Call Mr rnics S250 mo 499.5501 M1m1 497-3672 d•g•tal channel display & e,;per 4 dy wl\ 546-3000 Niguel Call Mon -Frt Miller 552-6807 Ren1 M G 112!> sq II. Found pet Dlld, call to H h" I • II I ..... - 963 "' "' 6 ea1 "' s 0 a compete Fl'm companion over 60 HOUSEKEEPER • 2 dys ,S<lQO/.atQ 1355 ,,lOQ.@,!'t •Oentlly -.. 4 I .. Bil anit 111£rut ne"' Th1$ 15 & s s 1 . sh 0 p " 6 , c M Tl'M S 1100 value W•ll SeCI 10, ,,, tor unoay-d11vrng wk 8 3 O. 4 J-e -1' 675-5 l t6 JFOUNO -10111 AUST RA· $100 631-9106 5!>7 l?09 I "ansp 752 7~7 - MisttllHI;;;;---; LIAN Shep young male DRIVER UHL S£Cll£TARY Management Utot1111 Markets l&•t. Trainees leci• Your c., .. , Pnone Sol1c11ors needed 1mmed1ately no selling .JJlVOIVel.1.-will -Call from our Newport Beach of· hce. no experience ne-j cessary Will 1ra1n For I nours 3-9 Call belween LINES 3 3DAYS CLASSIFIEDs642-5678 '!.t.'1. .~!.".~'.~ .... !.1.~~:~'.11 •• .Y!!.'.~~ ..•. !.'.~¥ '!.t.'1. ."¥!.".~'.~ •.•• !.~ ~ PUltCHASl•li Sales Challenging & re-SALES J .. iteriil S•,,IJ warding Earn S3000 ADVHTISll& I plus/mo for enthus1as1ic uyer , n d r v , 0 u a 1 E•cellen1 oppt'y '°' e•· Ca11to1n1a corp has an qua1111ca11ons des1red'' oe• advertising pros out<>1and1ng pos111on on Call Mr Hardy 631•2601 Earn $600 S 1000/wk 11 5 11e"' lac11t1y 1n Lagune Mr Levine 53 7 ·3 123 Niguel tor a buyet see· 1•---------1 IPNITllITT kmg a challenging and s11mu1a11ng career growth oppon For im· knoc;ks ollen when you med and conlldenttal use resull-getllng Daily Pllor CIUSllle(J Ads 10 considerallon, please reach Ille Orange Coasl submit your resume ;;1th morkel SAUS CUH, 0"'"' lhe c;ounler & pt>One Orders for dr11t1ng1 gr apn1c supply F 1t1me Mon Fri Apply Master Blueprtnl, 23• Fiscrie1 Ave C M 540·9373 &alary history to Proles-Phone 642.5678 soonal Personnel Dept. Ctassilieo ,l\ds. your one- P 0 Bo• 620 t La~une ~~~~~~~~~~if-:~ ·to~P-S~DOPPlllO ,eeotet Niguel, CA 92677 I· __ e1ectron1c 1uner oll are Desperate Neea .. 0, 493-6480 ~ I I ,.650 1 Vic ol Warner & Bushard E•flo1mtal tor hgnt 1oc;a1 dehve,,es • Newport Boh raw h•m 11111' .. S68·9857 ••• •••••••••••••••••• r time Mon-F11 neal I nl!eds ''"'"business hit· •••••••••••••••••••••• F d Al n H d v Jobs W•11ttd 1015 o1ppea1ance Good drt· I gallon sec; 'I w11r a mtn FOR RENT' I ~~:ial\dgElllSo~~e H I~ y~~~~··,;,~;;,~;;~;~·:.;.~ v1ng record Apply at 01 3 yrs eap Must nave • Please call 8eve1ly do general nanay wo1i. Master Bluep11nt 234 e•c ell lyp1n9 & snor- S1art your new caree1 on our 3rd sn1tt earning S• Up 10 S4 50 as you be· come more e•p d You will be promoted 10 mgmt & supervlSory te- vets Call 7 14 ·537 4840 Interviews held every Wed 6 7 pm at 1 11 Del Mar Cos1a Mesa E 0 E 2·4a1641-0119 , ............................ .. PROGRA M MER / ANALYST 2 t>eOroom, 2 baths & 2 8AM·SPM 8•8-7739 e•I Call eves g wkends rischer Ave C M ttland 0ene111s & salary sto11es in Twin Peaks In 242 972·9525 540-9373 commensurate wte .. p Lake Ariowhead area Los1 2 ci'ts. wtute Fe w1 H I w Ultll UTRA llO•EY No11 ~rnk 1 tronl oll1c.e Has bulll·Jn• &,. fireplace t 'D "•11ttd 7100 appf't1r1J11'e P•el No First. las! &"'""deposit re-blue eyes Male wtgreen •••'•••••••••••••••••• SPll1ng toys al pat11es agencies pis A sl\ 10, quired Cell (7l•) & blue eye GENEROUS Ass1s1an1Manager Call548·8296,even1ngs 'Jan 851·2044 REWARD Call anytime Farmers M a•kel. part '•---------1 768•028 6 °• (7l 4l 631-0849or548-2287 time ORANGE CO £UCTRICALDHll11£R " 667·0667 weekCJay eve-FARM Bureau EXPERIENCED Perma· Legal Secretary n1ngs afler 6 pm II no Found Lg blk long l'la11ed 714•832•5833 nen1 pos111on 25 yr old CORPORATE te $11, answer please keep cal. wnt lace & ches1 e 1 e ct 1 1 c; a r co 200 trying! bobbed tail 675·2223 Babys•lle• lo• Saturday 11•1859·7200 LITICATID• Lost 0 1ac;k Lab Seller n1gnt & oc;c;asoonar aller· 1.,;.,11/tartll/ (female) Losl nr GrlltiarT noon wkdys 848·5801 E (per1enced Cook s nee-te S 11,100 ded ior dinner house Mn•y Hiclt.la Agency fialatl and Heil HS Answers IO Beauty · Estatlhsneo men Ntlt' or day shift avail 6 (v ;·;;;;;;;••••••••••••• ~~:~:,, ~~~Yairg~~~'~o :n;o~~~~g;~~ ~'.~~·~~ ~':fJ ~eot~~I~ 9293000ao~de t97 2 ~~~A~~' e vd M£CIANIC Front wttee1 allgnmel\t Own tools Nf!wport Tire Cen111r 3000 E Coast Hwy Corona del Ma• NEED EXTRA MONEY? Wor~ 81 ttorn,-or P T so•de<•ng erts & c;ralls Gdll C7141 549. 7932 " • Irvine CA 92715 •• .0.fr.!!~~i!t' ..• !."!!f allergy 8<16-2 t~ ~~eras ~aysl 1gs':°°ll ~~n:~ St N B No Fee to Apphcan1 Nu1s1ng South Counl y Arc;a<1e Found Orange & wht long rortowtng High perc;en +~ASHION COUNSELOR --•lliiirmlliliiiiiilliiir--1 LVN tor t>uw oack othce Loca11on end machines 1 haire<l kitten "' w Wil ' t a g e 5 ' 6 . 6 3 7 7 S 12/hr, P1l Ladies Ap· Loan Oltlcer F T 55 7 3742 Ask lor or rocatton only Call son CM 64?·7072 1557-0205 PRrel Business 73 t-4347 Fountlill V•lley Joan Smith T 0 m or SI mo n e Foun(J MANX CAT Mesa B I or 535-0496 u f C NurSll\Q 1 6 269 08 "'" ,.,. ...,, ..... 58 • 5 Verde area OCI 15 FOLLOW TH£ s•• I AN O• l VN neede(J lo• I --5•6 6772 BOAT RENTAL lookll\g 10' •·5 exper FIT aays 111 convalescent ~~~!1.!!.!!!!. .• !.~~f p I~ 53 O MaMger tor Huntington ~P~:~g=n~8~1aJ~~t:~r;; f;,~;:s~~o~:~ p~:grS::::S' Hosp Xlrit S11lary & Be· f011£CLISlll£ .!!!!!!.! ....•..•... !. Harbour Must be e•pe resor1 areas demoristra· • e GMPi ARM GEM ts1 npehts rnd1,l~ding Ina, Sick I Ged r K 1 d & 2 TO ay. an .acauons AP· 11£LPLl•I r1en sa1 or now e • trng &1c111ng new P•O· nd ·s ply BevNty Menor 3•0 l.t S l .. i Ll•IA & YICll'S ge boat & outt>oarCJ en· duct Travel w11n chepe· Cell John Cusack Victona C M • •Ill PHOTO MODELS g1ne reoa" helpful $5/nr rollt'<I group 1ranspo11a-96"-9090 65 t·5995 ESCORTS/DANCERS 10 starl t213) 271-2677 I' 11on lutnrsned, relurn RESIDENTIAL lf1D::/,ll.' fl, full OUTCALL 24 HRS llS IOY gvaranteeo. paid training MORTGAGE SERVICE II. 0207 •nd h•gh earntng.s Musi --- I 5035 • Needed at tne Surt and be welt groomed end Whal a Won<1ertul Worlo •••••••••••••••••••••• Sand Hotel TOY'l!rs Res-siort 1mmed1a1ely For ol Shopping, right at e.11. IATILElt * * * tauranl Day shtfl Con· Interview c;all 6"6-4 167 your fingertips evetydlyl lertc•C• Ce. lie. tact Mark Domen "' the t 1 am to ' pm Parents Dally Pilot Ctau111ed SpeclallZlllQ In 111 & 2nd Atlantis Parlor AM al •97-4411 welcome ACls To place your ad. TO'a elnoe t949 o ----call 842-611711 end let 1 A bl 5 1 NH/CM pen 24 hrs a day Cllilll C1re Worhr Full Time Handyman rob Clllssilted >.d-Vllor tterp Occ bobystller 1n eve· n1ngs Mature person $2 hr own trans Est- sde CM 54&-7136 QFFIC£ llUP PIT Evenings 751·11822 Ask to• Marla Business appl1c;a11ons "' IRIS Basic 2 y•s e•s:>er MICAOT ECH Costa Mesa 55 7 8640 Restaurant E•Pe11enced Bust>ov lull lime apply in pt1rson 619 Sleepy Hollow Le· guna Beach Sales ADVERTISING Full or Pan Time Here s a unique oppor· 1un11y lor one who enroys working w1111 the public on the telepnone and earning money at the same hme Your successlvl soles expenence w ill enable you 10 become a key part or our Class•he<l AClver 11s1"g Oeparimem S1ra1ght c;omm1s"on on 1111 sales II you have sales ability are a sell-starter. and ltke MONEY we will train you •n Crass1tted proc:e- dv•es For an 1ppo1n1. ment 10< 1nter11iew pie&· se call our Personnel Department al 6•2-4321 ext 277 HHH COAST DAILY PILOT 330 W Bay SI Costa Men 0 0 111 91 7 daya • week c;o-educauonal, reslden· 101 large olllce c;omple)(, you RE roker Bd Realtors Jacuzzi, Sauna Locals 1111 1reatment program 1t1qu11es expenence 1n 1..:.------------ 642·217 I 545-0611 as well as Tourists ror aoo~ents Call general building repalra •••••••••••••••••••• An Equal Oppty Emplyr Clantllod Ada. your ono- slop shopping center WIDOW H1'S SU tor TO's BankAmerlcard, Amer-6•6-34119 Set 8em-3 (7 14) 556·6991, 9-11 30 RE Loans. tOK Up No 1can Express. 010er1 All am Only • Credit Check. No Pen· welcome 714/645·3433 COOKS. run & PIT, nrs & GENERAL OFFt-CE F• • arty Qe;in1son & Assoc: 2112 H••bor 81 CM inoney to btl arranged • 1nanc1·a1 Plann1·ng • The Grtnde< Restaurant Above average skltl1 ty· 673-73t I C11te• F11f11y Pit••• 1•00 W PCH Npt Bctt , pmg, l1hng & dealing with ,. • d•••••/l,,cl•u conversation with earb• 6"2-88111 pubt1e 64t-8868 • OppOrfUnl•ty • Ownef 01 2nd Lnd 3rd TO MCIVlsa 24 hra o -!Ge ERA OFFrC_E __ _ • 1138 o 0 ecora11ng Consullant N L · Llvely at No 4 Rocky Poinl wll· • 7 t work w/art & ace tip computer sales & Mrvlce • :Ing to Mtl al a dlKounl. COECS . Would love to lime. no exp nee Wiii oll1ce nee<is reliable, or· If h • fllla proper1y Is In fora-party w/you Call Sue Pt' train 7 141680·4689 g11n1zec1 lndlv to lype, Ille • you ave completed One or more successful cloaure end could be· Kalhy any11me (2 1'31 -& answer phonea year s In the financial fie ld. you are probably ready • come the lnve11ment of 11 6 3 • • 4 s 7 t , ( 1 1 4 ) DELIVERY Person. over CuS1omer service exper • to expand an increase your career. • llfellme Aak for Steve 627-1t86 tB to L. A Times, C.M helpful Hrs. llolble, 714-875·3285 homes 3 AM • 8 AM pert-Oma w/posslbillly of • WI Fii TlllT MEii Clrc: .. HO'M Loans 499-228t Exot ic d1nc era lot Econ car req No collac· lull-time Cosla Mesa With all the Changes that are taking place In • Bachelor/ Bechelore11e Ilona S400·S• 60 mo 7!)4.a84 t • h f Parties 7311·8538 or plua bonu9e9 648-0837 I t e lnanclal Indust ry to day, you need t o have full • 556-85311 Oeniar llLF HIP e financial planning c apabilities to secure all o f • For Compen1on1hlp, maa· Deni er Chairarde Aul Pl t1me 111aa M•lure t hose prospects a nd clients you want. s-oe or a driver call Ken needecl Estab pleet11nt ltdy P•el to w ork In • • 497-5718 lluay Newport Buell tmall golf lhop 2-3 Cleyt At IDS I h••••tt• .. I•/ Group P1ac11c;e needs Pe• week Some UPt • • nve stors Diversified Services, our • r 1 / Leoi.t tor c;ompenlonsorp ROA p 1 pr11 Call b1wn 4-8pm, registered repres entatives are trained in financial :,:•r:.M ~~J~5•;t~o 181~ call Ken :•i:;e;/:.': + .,., d'!y1 7eO·l605 ask •or Sa•• • planning and are equipped to o ffer everyth ing • •••••••••••••••••••••• •v•ry 01f'ler Set AM " • from Investment d t h I I • Wit 1 IMUl4 ''" 1.,,. .. 1 yov'•• looking ror • nep· oovEANMENT JOBS s an ax-s e ters to nsurance •••••••••••••••••••••• ltlTlttl 531 py office 10 be 1r1111ed ~~ny l~b• avet1abreF 1n • IRA's. certificates and annuitie s (and much • •••••••••••••••••••••• r1oh1. c 111 s.0.1122 toi 0 1 1•n o3vt~r1 .. 88•.•,43!'7r m o r el). FOlll> ADS ARE FREE AT YHI lllYIOI •n tntorvw -eK~ee.~r ~ .,. .. • • ~=~~:O'~r~:'~n::, ~; L1t11e MIN Mutt11 ••1 on • l Ha•d_w_o-,11. Low Pey. ero •• atte~fdyoouurwCeanrte~or JSoefnmalnawrlntnolngbetehaemld aatt 10,hse. • Clay I O day errand• Tvlfet, elong oame • FUTURE $ .. king RH· v Shopping doct or'• 1p1e1er enCI tHCI Jn 11'1e ' pon•lble. Cru11ve 1ndlv1-Huntington Beach Library o n Oct. 23. • FORTRAN Programmers Tired of Driving to Los Angeles? Ultrosyste ms. Inc. hos immediate openings for Fortran Programmer s. Senior, Intermediate, Entry-Level For l ong-term DoD programs. * Familiarity with DEC (VAX/VM S] Opera ting Sys tems ond DATATRIEVE or VAX DBMS Software desirable but no t mando tory. * Mus t be able to qualify for DoD Security Clear ance. Send current resume to: T.A. Jenkins ul trasys te1ns , inc . 2400 Michelson Drive 1rvine. CA 92715 • An equal opp o rturury employer apptl. c11u,'e11, 110 All Delly Piiot Cl•HlfleCI d11&I tor young, rut· • nMd• met By hour or ~flOn •boU1 Miu Mui· growrno bull'*• Mu•I • I d1ty 494 .aesr let• Tutfet BM b0u01'1t It fleve neal appearance, • l1t11ters llYtrtifld lenlOH. 110. • ._ _____________________ ..,. -for 1995 You c•n Mii OOOCI PR eblllty ,, '' .. -.t. •'-·· ........................... .. llA&.l lllMTI your 1ut1et and Iott 01 1 (bperrenc. In mantge-• • .. 1 '""" _. lit l ra1· .,, . Ml.atll ~~~~~~~~~~ Cell ,.OCI 720·t1145 olher I hinge through ment end carpet 1ep1lr Equ•I ()pportuftlty Employ« MIF • II•••························· ,;; 1 Oally Piiot Clualfled pr1le1tedl Frank JoM· ••••••••••••••••••• Clttein.d ~I t4t-6671 ualfted Adi &42·5e78 ACIS Cell 8'2-M71 aon, 9&6~9:l ----=====;i:;_~=====-=====-~========~·__:__:_:_::_:_:_.:..__==- . . 08 "-''· .trf ll'.~ .... !.'.OJ !A~U llA!lllWAIH ,/lllTUI POMllOfl Ill I •11111 nar<1w11 • 1tu1 • ••• St-tl w w11vh1 t.o t'8 rlut1'1Mt•1 t,; M UUI lr~Ome up to $I 000 wll '*"'• 10 l'O 0 0 11 8067 Fountain llalt.y 1121011 w.111•1t111 E•rn 10 S 160()11no I'/ I M u1 t ba m1111u1e 550·11043 l o ve M .. ... s.1 .. Mlln MIGlllE 11111 IPlllATOll TO PllGll IUT- TOll 1400 $ t000 I pv1 wk C•ll Joe Jaokaon IH-1112 #1td,."u f•,.Jl•n 11111 fV ''"' 111111111/11/ A11lt1 !"1,t'""' II•" A I I t ' A1111 l•ir._11-" A•I•• la~t'""' A11tt1 U1-" ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ? 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'"' l1tl1 no Olin OLE&I 0&11 llllpllrl• 111• I .. ., " & ()It 6TJ 6043 Sl~O, call IST:J J600 ••11411 111111111• ., 111911a1 11 fl(IO fuel 1111et l11)tt 111u111111111e1 " 'ol1d ~'"'" Ill TllUOll OHIH OOHTr'S •lttf M •W · .... ' lo/11 lo ct '151 101<111<1 40 000 •fl• 1181 I IVY AP,LIA•CES A1111ou11 MullC>Qanv noci. 1r1uu11•1111 •wtt11p 11"•t11v fllolot Ho•11, S1Jri OLD(•T fA(lllfYI ••••••••'1............. k""' """' Ont~ $~Q~~ lll~ 05761J:J d • , 7" •r o11? upllOl1t11r~ " ' tu:op .. urrn " J'.J c0ln1 l••tJ.SIOUfl 160 &• I •ll lllll 1' !01'1~Ill1•1 lll• "1 DlAlLR IN US A I A11111 b "M 0 0 ,,:;>o wrl. $ 5, Ph 1.)73 3000 I II wilt• dlgllnl ~•o~~. ••••• •••••• ••••••••• { 1,1111 uao (,oflVl!t•llDI•. Wn~hftt Oryu1 Rol1111 01tltWl!i littl •Fll\lllOI Xllll COnd 640 1111411 Helr1g• Wnh1111 O•y••• M1111y 10 c11ooso from Ou111 S 1001up 8~9·0682 Brnnd new TWIN UE.O w/ tllg1tal cha1111•I a11ril•y & flunt :16 motor ho11111, f.V~ ( ''A('J\ 'El' I 101 •1 01 l)w11 lllll(ltd lrumtt $t00 C•tl Allll" 11leCHOlllt IU1101, all 11r11, ~··I~" fully IOetl•!U I '"'-··"' 'v ' I II I s••oo ~ p v II ••hkll A II om I I ll4!> 66111 p I ~~1 c ~'"'l '"' '"r "'' ~I 8!11 1033 011v11 •It 6PM '' -" c v 11 " I llu I ""''" ·,wv•< 11 1 011~11111 Nttttd11 l 1n1 f140 Jl ..J 640 O!l 11 , S 1700 v!lluo Will Mill fOr Tr•Jltrl T1'11ll 9110 .,,., ' • .,.,,.. " 111 (ldo1 1ooo B11fl11z R1u11llolfl c--"• 1~s ,,00 63' 9 106 ••••••• "·. •••••• ••• • • • lllN llYEI • N• .. • • • Mill Hua evary1n1ng 1nc,.I ~vu !>48 1428 •md brtu1tl new 11111 II I 1 1~ }( ( j\ INE.I{ 1 '• ••••• • ••• •• •• • • •••• • j 1 yr olll Oulhus & S&lller •••••••••••••••••••••• 1 1 Top doll1111 tor Spo1u l'6 ~ ,, ""'I\ ., roof. •uokt 11tw ~ 1uns .,_ '"' 8;.> I01u1t 3:1 11 lla uvmy u. "J.'-ri. ""l ·1"1\\ I a.. '°"°'"'• '1 1 ---2 Silk 1"11111111 Ruge tor o• 11bo ~lu•110 11y11t""' op11011, hll 1.0111 mu!fl C• o ~ !Ike riew Oay11 ~4~ 11~3 Sal" QftS llUVll b111oe $350 sllll! I runntflg tor 10 K wlln CllU I 11.u llllw s t'J!I \Mii All ., 80 I 1!188 0 ,; ~ A~ll~·, 81111'"' ~ I • ~. :::-·:'.. • ::· ~ ~·:,, You can a no rd to I Sd1r11 J11Z evus 7'> I Q617 IETlllEIT ~ •o• 2\10'> o•tt•• l I< " u11u•esht<l t>•6 78S2 Auto S1111/t1, '"'' A11k 101 u 1c MCA °"" w.+Om ,, , I buy your Mercedes "5;,~:·5;~;.~;·~;~;,~ .. , 80 C11d11t111c E• Dorado Looi.Ing tor eatr• 111• F11g11.t .. 110 0 1y11r works ptec1su cofltot t 12 t31 Jiii IARl•O tit U01 <111 :i •PiJ ~•11•110 Benz from us. SADILllAOI Sal PE NYS '" 1 · 4 8 J 2 7 6 " ••• , ' fl' • ................ •••• ' ""' 6J I ·19u I llRll I 9'"1'91k·06p7~·cbt1lr SOPP~." PP come'? Irv Part·limo pci1l11Clly St~ 4J88•28 l•1t1lll11io1 IAttllHtill/400 "O'"'SWAlll en~ llHwlt"~ $t'J'>C10 1 $0 Sii lihe fl-.lomi Oal • 1 • 11 llE::. att6~h~ PlaNcaflt~a " Sot si:n " fllit~iHll 1011 ••·~'!!f~!!! ......... PAIN! & llte body work 1117 t I 0 Ch Bl II ' v ~ "" v ••••••••• •••••••••••• 6,.,,,1 HIO ul) to !>O•. 011 yuu• uoay HUN llNG:~N B~CH 76 fjMw 100:;> .1111 c.01111 131-2040 415-4141 ~ve. CWohsu1 Musa Aak '°' Sears E1ec Oiyt 1 avoc TABLE SAW 10· Rock· •••••••••••••••••••••• shop est Blft 96•·0332 a•• 2000 I S!.200 01 bust olhtr (;1111 11 Subaru 5 sp<I lronl C1•1t• 11/1 ... rs lie I Hea1 unso1 64~ 8968 ;:,:~e~~ve;,~~;~5:1 S275 12 n•um bot1lll•11ller 1 5 Europ1111011 Mecfle111& ,.,. •u• 711611B5M11Wf1128007~252S90nr1 .. ,, I DOWN wheel ""v" Xh11 Q8' m1 ·,·9·c;;,;;;;·i·;~~··1~~· SE 0 IE TA II Y p / $ISO hp molOf, •v• geStonl. pa11 a Europuen cars• WANTED'. " lttage S2400 964 5847 <1eo auper c1ean S5500 Ti.. Q1DSOfl AIR SWEEP Alf CLARl<E c 500 FOtlilill S900 49•·2905 fr .. nch Spku 991 1229 am/Im cc·~~ m111t 1.Ulld J115 D SI 0 tr 9 60 2 .. 7 I cond no volts St75 60001: cap 2• Might 14 \/t1llt1y boet flet<ls Jo1111 ~~f~~,m~1~:~P~ol~~~~ Must self Sacr1l1c.e lor !!!.~!'................ 67!> 9302 Nllwpori Beach spoils 64S 8968 S8000 7141793·2166 work MMk& olle1 For Sal of wl•e whl covers Call u1 lo"ayl S58!10 C1111 841 0366 LEA E CUICl lOVlltl 79 l :>8 Removable Sufi lltm Stt811 S Gal FrtO.iy I II fl 9•~., 88 " t8+ 101 typtflg & some Recond111oned Rel11gera-/lli1ttll•1tffll 1010 111 o ca Je uv·•4 brand 1111w set 01 4 S 150 Do you really Jove Ce roots "'°''e' auto a1r, dt1v•ng MOdllhflg e•per IO•S W11sh11rs Orye•s •••••••••••••••••••••• IARllr fUEL IOCI 540 70 to 8~1 21!81 M iko 1174 llW 2002 ht.us? 11 ,o y1ve me a elec; lotk & wlf'ldows A helplul but flOI neces I u 11 y g u a ran I e e d REDWOOI 211 •Cl• " • AM/f'M s•e•8o ca~s1111e call R1gh1 now I've gol e 1eal Dlack Deauty• Xlnt $6 •o 540·3 114 8 to 20· loflg 36¢ per ll fOR SALE Au IOI lot Silt silver .<Int cond Best Ion 01 11i111m 1flclud1flg I co11d S8 000 142-8318 ~:r:v8 m~s;'6;~ ~';b'o Fngidalie rlllfl\jfirator 775-1491 aflyl•me 642-464• ••1~PORTA;.;;;;01~ce·· 1 1tu14.-... , rea:;onab111 Oll8• Aller ST GI and fully toadll<l I .ill 6 :rJI white good COnd $80 AnliQue mahogany C8bl• ••• ,,, 11.;,.,, ..... ,, 10 ACAOERS ANO c.......... Gpm 17141645•4782 ~.~i·~t1~dw,'~~a:ie';!'r~v Clt1111tltl llZO Secretary 642-7355 nel with 0119 RCA radio S11vit1 IOZO AOllERTISERS "'40.t JOl er \40.tol ' Ill make small mOfllfily •••••••••••••••••••••• Someone who .doesfl'l jAotll.OJI 101-5 & record playe,.S75, 08· •••••••••••••••••••••• Thu price 01 llem5 ad· C• i 91JSI µ<1ymen1r. No old COfl·1 SEE US FlllSTI throom ·marble type" Mttnna Setv1c111s ven1sea by vehicle <lea· WE IUY •• l/.r•••••••••••••••••• I mind working lo• a IMng •••••••••••••••••••••• 0 /1 ll/R l 'J C 6 C A"'''•• 1<1 ru " '•' 11ac.1 IU assume. no back We have e good selec Relses without asking 11 f s•flk lfl 1 <1oor & 2 drawer esigfl fllta epalr leti. lfl the vehlCle olassl-USED CARS & TRUCKS RIW 11 A 'stereo '11 '11 •cot" "'1 ''''' µay1111mts due ASK FOR 1 11011 ol NEW & USED you're wotlh II 3 g11I OI· AMERICA• A•TIQIE cab1ne1 plus matching 2 Olly wotk 549·2!>20 Ev hed ae1ve1t18u1g columns COME IN OR CALL FDA gooo cono ROSE 646-9303 Ike Chevrolell' flee. Experienced or trBI· AUCTIO• ooor wall cabinet & Mar1nt1 M1llllt Serv Qua· does not rnclude ally FREE A,PRllSll \1296 642 9620 l I di 11ee 642·9237 Sat Oct 23r .. , IPI. 'marble type" waif stlell, Illy work spec1Blll 1flg lfl 81)pl•c~blefta<eS. license. Co1m1e•-OeLlllO 75 Gtua .., ~IJO 011u ow s•i~ DA., I m1P908•11ol -TO' YOTAS COMMllL CHEVROLET • all lo• only $100. tempe-tOlflerv repair, paint, & llafls er 885• liflance CMl"ROLIT r1e1 pi, pb, alt., am/Im p • ~ f I red glass shower doors, vat111st1 C alf Chuch , churges. tees for a11 pol· • $2200 548 7090 ~ ~ ~lldrll<1r 1i1,1J I '-"I A \H .... \ 546-1 200 StcrtflFJ It 111,200 rtvttW IJ • 11 t hke new. Oflly $50 tor 714-846-9 I J4 lullOfl control devl'e 18211 BEACH BLllO T70 learn Lafller Diet Over 300 pcs 01 oak lur· both Call 642·0138 cer1111cations O• deale• HUNTINGTON BEACH D•llfln 9120 1/1() · VtrJ Clean Loves Matti & Eflghsh nR101u,,•,eop1ndce1usdkmg/I 511'i·n· t SJ· -lo•ll '••fl f040 doc.umefltaty prepara-147-1081, 549.3331 • ••• • • ••••• • •• • • • •••• • • r " ., ' I ' •I low MiltlCt Vthlcltl $3988 Appolfllmenl Only 1 w u · Bumper poollprng pong •••••'··•••••••••••••• 11011 tllarges Uflless <ll• •· ·~·• • '"' FROM AS LOW AS Liz Reinders Agy lflc d• eaded bookcase w/ combo $100, Flipper Classie 18' L&Ptl•ake otheiwlse specified by ., &Jiu•. ,, ,,..,~_., 4000 Weslerly ESI 64 Claw feel uflusual ram style pin ball macn $400 Cemury t>•y DOIU, .. Cyl lhe adver1iser Top Dollar For' 1140 •.....•.••............ Newport/833_81901F ee head llbrary tDI. ta"cy Oai. c1 edenu $400 Grey $3500 675-6161 I ~~~~~---•r -~~re:~i c':~~~~:° s~t8:s~ ~;~m6~~~2~:;c organ. TRAOE Beau11ful 22 Cnr1s Anlif.,1/ Paid Secretary Morns Ch•S l1plc manl--.. ----Crall Full option for ••• ~~ .. ~1/f! ••••••• !.~~~ Fo1 You• Car• 8 I 380 SL 7000 m1 W11e wtteels $38 0001000 2 13-832-8979 lill .... , ,,,.,. 11202 luch llv~. M1111ti11ctH leach 112-0121 Tht dtrt tl•~IH' FORD 0 c AlrpOll Area Ad els many dresse•S & hi· Republic K1<1s Fly Free ilUIO Need tr8flSPOrl8· IOllL "A"s! JOM•so• I so• Agency 1ooh1119 tor a bo s Hoose c b 1 + 11cke1s ages 2-16 eAP 11on today 0oal wort!\ FREE TAMOI TRIP mature person to 1111 mi!ctt m0te' 1 8 me s 11115182 2 lot S 110 $3500 Mark 673-3481 5My iephcas. pickups & li1ctl1-ltrc11ry posit•o" as adm1fl1stta· AMERICAN 673-6887 toupes 4 to choose 2626 Harbor Blvd I '11 llZ '50 SLC. llack/~lacli (with purchaset ASK FOR OET AILS' uve secretary Proles· WHOLESALERS - - - 14 11 liborgtass boat lllr fi om• <0067681 (Stk Costa Mesa S40·5630 s1ona1 atltlude appee· & AUCTION COMPANY Rad•o c;ont•ollad Falcon & 2:1 hip motor w/ aJon, A30931 Pr•ces slarllng al 1----_..iiiiiiii.._ __ 77 Torota Corouu 4 spd All eJCll3S 62 000 mo I Owfle1 good COfl<I NEW raflce phone voice a 826 So Magnolia :.~;·~rc:'~~e:a~~P~:~: ~h~~. sS3a;o ~~~~;~;2an-HLY H ,IHI HIGHESl C ASH Imme· must Sharp gefle•al ol · Monrovia Ca S 3 5 0 0 d1ate1y for you• ven1c1e llce slltlfs reQu11ed 70 (2131359-6608 (714)548-2429 e 11 e A Bostol Chos Conf11e domestic 01 l oreign 1981 OATSUNS S28 500 very ltrm Ne" tues D•ue $2995 f v 731-5115 838-4342 494 6926 MUSTHC CT'i 11.t"X, FIHICll& OllER 20 IN STOCK 1mme<11ate Delivery• wpm typing SS6·0460 5 m1 E Pasadena plus shp $SK <Jn payt 551-8285 Ask tor Brollany, 9 JO . I oll 210 Fwy Water~d ktng size Cap OWC Dal (7 14) 840·J646 THEODORE ROBINS YtrJ Clt111 0.1 Of ITS lllD FOR COLUCTOlt OR llVISTOlt!!! r.oJ~!.'!~I!!' •••••• !.~~~ 1 76 7 pass wgn S3650 Sflrl auto att whit tape . 70276 L•C tl•P 83 Olt 64S·2963 PM Boo Hall Aucliofleef ta1ns bed w1m1t1or11<1 or (2t3159t·2384 tteadboar<I S3SO IOOO SECY /Cll OFC 6J 1-1216 Lefld development com· ~f!T!!!! ...•••... !.~~~ Newpott Beach TenfloS pany. heavy pt•ones & SCHWINN p1,.,e little Club membership S600 S1lvenon 34 Convetllbfe. 1980 Elec ltOfl•CS + Xtras + LOfafl C '5 59 500 17141 673-779 I typing Shonhafld or guts w/lraofllh\I ttee1s Can Annelle. 833·9S61 equiv teq'<I Matu•e non SSS 6 5 8968 13 BoSIOfl Wnale1 M1111 smkr Sefld resume & 4 • I Newpor 1 Beach Teflflrs Cond JS HP elec strl salary reQu11emen1 10 SCHWINN 0antam, 11111e Club memDersn1p S900 Many x1 ras $3 800 PO Bo.1 7006, Newporl bo ys w/lr11mmg wheels Call Edie al 833-681 8 645-7673 Lv Message ~ch CA 92660 I S5S 645·8968 Un1verslly A1hle11c Club .,Bstn Whit t7' w/85 hp Service Stalion Allendant 110 spe~d ooys All-Pro, Membership Men Only, Mere Ma11y C•ltll\, DI· P/11me. earfl $150 to $SO whlle 644·2026 gd 't Pt1ce S450 953-6606 mom top, ttlr 6•2·7880 S2SO per wk 646-5781 cone1111on OYNAlltl -C P 1 d or 67S 2307 eves ask to1 Will•e om u e11ze Tan<1em Bike Tra11mate e•e•,1se1 like flew 10111 S•il 1060 Service Stauon ATIHDHT Expe1 necess11ry .. Ho· nest cleafl cut non drinker Must be aole to pass lie <letector 1111 Laguna Beach Area 499-1019 Bet 9·3 SUPER STAR ... Dyflam1t lnveS1mefl1 Co requires a SUPER STAR w111mg 10 team our DtJS1 fless Compensa1100 10 136 000 plus bonus an<I ex· cephonal t>enellls c1sr Olue w/chrome Sact1l 1c e S 14 95 ·····'················ 16 Hobie Cal yellow w/ tenders 2 mos otd $230 759-9320 551·8158 ev 5 Spee<I Cruiser S tOO Call Doug a1 640·5100 UI 19 Ot 160·8801 loildi•1 ll•l11i•l1 1025 •.........••...••••••• IDW He/FT. Redwoo<I 2•6 deck1flg 4·20 lOllQ AJSCI ledWood ltoncmg Ca11 Jim °' Ken an)'11me 77S-1491 REDWOOD DECKING 2•4 & 33c 2X6. 49e per ,, Save" 995 0 122 ATARlllCS S 150 w 11h Pac Man M1ss11e Commefl<I, etc Ask tor Jim al 497.1321 CONSOLE ELECT Air Cleaner One pr Cost over $600 sett IOI S 100 5•5-7215 SCRAM· LETS ANSWERS ZOd1ac -Lusty teQ sunrrse s111s L•ke new $2500 67S·6161 SIH Save 45•r. Ofl flew 14 lluz 40 1408)4 75·962 7 o• see a1 lhe Long Bnctt Boat Show Oc1 22·3 1 Patlfletstt1p in EtcCSOfl 35 oe•lec1 COfld t1gge<1 10 riK:tng cromng access Avon wlmOlO• ~hp 1fl N B Call Leslie av~ 979-7843 Suity • Aerect 8 Sabot mast rud<le• JUST 111 CASE lea board NO Se11 $1!>0 An elflClf!flCY expert IS 963·S272 FORD 2060 HAllOll BLVD COSTA MISA 642·0010 53 StudeDake• Champion 5 pau cpe Nice car $3750 2131592· 1792 Coo4 Nt111H ... ,.~ 1946 Ford w oody We· oon s 13.000 A•tOJ /•1Hrllfl low Milt1c• Vthlcln ·····"···'············ FF'IOM AS LOW AS All• lo••• nos ••.................... '78 01 49M burguf'<ly clnl $!> 900 540·8969 79 Spyder converl•ble )Uni cond Blaupunkl lll· toy whls Atwey9 gara- ged $9500 495·0738 $3988 lill .... , T OJ Of I 11202 IHch llvd. M1111t1111tH IHoh 112-0121 67 Ctassrc 600 75 Bug Sunrool e•Cel COllO RuflS great $2500 ODO 640·9&05 1964 VW new Pttlflt . '1 A•'i 9101 1-------! 192!• Fotd Model A Town •••••••••••••••••••••• 'll D1tsu1 510 Se'' a fl S 1 o O o O I 10 All4i 5000 Turllo 4 ooo• AM/FM \le•eo Cttaulleur par1tt1on w/all po,.sible optroris Metal· l•t bro wn w11tghl I.an plush 11etour int Comp lactOr) rebuill & restored to new car tond Cofl· vetlPd to u S specs 1 Ortg bills tor OM I04 000 orr hand -t a• pre <or1'1v SIO•l!d 1n Germany out •t<<1dy lor 1mmed1a1e shipping AM/FM 1ad10 body Ok runs e•cellenl $1 675 !>36 9469 alter 6 01 all day weekenos 80 RABBIT 28 000 mr i!A cono Sunrl dm· Im c;a~s S4~00 631 ;?017 all 6pm 6 75 b 161 26 000 miles. fully loaded cassetle E •cell""' con Selling P11c.e $75 000 P1ease only qualrtted <;a~h buye• s call SS C11evy Bel Arr wgfl 3!i0 r ebll eng •uns great AM/FM cass GT mog~ $850 548·8898 1eavt1 msg 7 t Mark Ill C1ass1c. I owner lull pwt a c lealh uphof cic supe•b con<I 68 000 m1 ~ mu!>I see ca• Best ol• 83 1 ·9927 t>ef 9om 29 MERC.EOES Rep11ca1 Frofll engcne 500 m• SI S 000 O B O ,,. 793·2166 1954 Bel A11 Cnevy part •es1orf!d A t mechafl1· c a • $1500 17 141240-2086 sunrool g<I cofld Like <11t1on $4 000 new S 13 400 OBO 642 4336 or 687-0686 645 ·8 211 Eves 857-9684 <Jays 7S Audi Foa Needs hllle work $1000 or bMI or. lef 8S7 ·4167 80 4000 sunroof 4 spd I stereo a11 •lflt cofld $6200 63 I ·2991 lllW 9112 •••••••••••••••••••••• l 76 280l S1lv AIC, 1mmac; I rn-out Mech •Int Musi sef! $4 700 963 0858 Eves :113.972.4 t60 da I 1117 210Z AM1fM cassene 4 sp<I A11 COfld Runs lo~e flew $5300 Q t WSI Ollfo <lil 833·8S 11 Fvt .. -.nai. 951 6710 1111 0.hllll 1210 1714) 642-0138 70 Merce<les 280SL 1m· mc1c compt ser" re CO•CIS 2 lops a1110 alf SI 1 ')00 85 I -6226 no 10<10 eve •5 050 St Botn tops .... re whls e .. cel cond w 111 <1ea1 lur casfl S 19 900 wh dys 89•-0S63 .,....n<15/f'Vt!S 846·6481 '70 IU& s 1175 I Xtnt COM 646 !>SOS • 69 VW Sunbug new peonc i:tean 1nt Sl800 675 0758 77 llW Sc11occo runs 91@a1 must ,.ell $4 300 DC-~' o ffer 6•0 ?767 74 SUPER BEE IL[ XLNT MECH CLEAN ~ 1 .?50 011g cono re S2850 548 7004 Gr,.at economy car 1 $1500 OBO 96-4 7Jl7 co•<ls snr oargain 66 BUG very good tond' \4QOO 759·0650 quns great' S 1800/0DO 66 Datsun Wgn w 11 t97J 4 50 SL Derk orown 644 74S3 all 8pm , to11g 4 ~Od Slereo laoe S 14 900 760·8765 ev da 70 \lol~van 5000 miles HED CH llSPOSAL SAU '11 IUSTHC ( 1370491 S2H5 '11 CHHDl f 115497) SHH 'll FllRMOIT 113842'1 SHH '71 FIUTl IA78550) S2H5 '11 T·llltD 11597011 SUH '71 PllTO I t 132951 S24H TllEOIORE ltOllH FOH 2060 HatDOr Blvd COSTA MESA Opporivn1ty to travel for a Drlght highly motrva- 1 e<I sell S1arte1 ReQ Degree &fld ev1deflce ot super star accompl1th· meflts someone w110 aop1tes '°' a marnagf! ltcense en<I al Kue J08 w •trlr '5600 R1t1t1ti0Hl SAUS-SERYICI d e c " > 1 fl 1 t 0 n <I 833 2591 on reOll mlt su~r con<I LIASI.' I $8S01olle• S54·2079 ...., 82 MBZ 380SL silver 1 bit trans S3:100 142-00 10 540·1211 II lhls 1sn t you • pfeue tell your smanesi star quality trlefld •bout this ad Non smoke•s ple•se Please 9efld •esume 10 COLLINS ASSOCIATES S67 San Nicholas Or Newport Beach, 92660 S11,tni1tr CHILD CARE WORKER Co-educalloflal res1defl· llal tre1tment progr•m tor adolesceflll BA an<I supe<vtsory uper 1n lhe field Cell 646-3A89 bet 8am·3 TUIPllll SOLICITIH Work Even111gs In New· pot! Beech Last week our lop person pul rn 24 nou•a afld brought home S39S Cell 83J·374Q •Ile< 1 PM TRAVEL E•ai••HI 1010 Ille same time asks lo• 642-7880 or 675 2307 ••••'•~•••••••••••••• divorce papers -JUST 1n eve' Penta~ K· 1000 complele CASE w11h 50mm, 28mm & ----------1Roads 33 Musi sell• 13Smm tenses S170 llodt1/ S4500 Day 673-3701. 631·9207 l••lt••t•I• IOIJ Eves 831 -7516 F1H ,. ,.,, 1045 ••••••••••••••••••••••••• ,., Sli11 •••••••••••••••••••••• YAMAHA Base Amp Dock1 f010 Bllnd pe11on wishes lo Head with 11 double 15" •••••••••••••••••••••• pltce Alghafl male In PV speaker cablflet All BOAT SLIPS AVAILABLE goOd hom• 557· 1209 '" e•cellent condition Newport Beach 25 26' foniit•r• IOSO S800obo 30 • 35 40'. & 4S Cell •••••••••••••••••••••• 131-0511, 1-IPM 642·4 6 '64 lrom 9.5 Mon·Ftc **'BUY** New accord i an SUPSAllAIL Huflllhgton GoOd used Futnlture & S300/0BO Orea I lor Harb o lJ r B • Y 0 a Applle11Ces-OR I w111 sen luds Heather 646-6705. 840-SS45 846-7766 6-9 0t SELL lor You 752·8383 P M 8 4 0 4 0 9 7 . MlSTEH llCTIH . . 2 13.431.J764 141-1111 IU-1121 Off1tl foz•il.,I ~ Sllp up lo 22 powe< O• L111••1at IOISI loldmg mes1 s 13S mo I llY FIRIRIRI •• ~,.<I\,............. 675·2709 or 673-111• Sact1l1ce Adler typewriter _ Les 957·8 l33 slf-correcllng llke new. WANTED MOORING lot Oek dlfllng room table 6 6 P<I s 7 8S take $395 7S BOAT lfl NEWPORT Vdit/11 JS30 •....•... , •••......... 78 Toyota M1fl1 Motor Home. 19 a•ps 4. setf- c.on ta1neo ~Int cofld 17mpg StO 500 646·7966 4 Wlttol Driv11 9SSO •·•········••••·•····• LARGEST JEEP DEALER In the West <1esperate1y nee<ls yout JEEP H1ghe11 Uollar Pa1<1 Call Gary Ote y OHHE COAST AIC/JllP/RllAULT 2524 Herbor Btv<I CM 549-8023 645.7770 froth 9560 ................•..... Toyota 76 AM/FM Ste- reo c a ssello Small camper 5hell $2175 673 6618 uphOlste<ed chaors Xlfll 546-8392 HARBOR SS7·4073 cond $800 548 2063 ---I 74 F0td XL T. '' IOfl w/ -· Ptll 1011 30 sllp 0 11na Point 3 mo shell air shks g<I con<I 611 b•O"'fl 1>la1<1 so1e nide· ••• •••• • •••• • ••••• •••• sub·lease S2300 646·6502 a-l>e<I S7S Maple dlflelle AKC Cocker 639-41 tJ Paul se t , • ch a 1 rt $ 7 5 I Bull Male - -I y,., JS10 642·8954 559-9607 11••1•, ll#H I ••••••••••••••• ••••••• BABY FURNITURE Oe•u~e Bassel! bedrm, complete 1111 like new Woo<I S275 979·2516 lli IOIO Slllll· TZU PIP,.IS , •••••••••••••••••••••• AKC Champion lifle. all 1811 Sletk C••ll 45S 011 snots 8 wks w m hol<I engine Setkley 1e1. ten· tor Chrostmas 720-0891. dem tr a lier Xlflt cond Oanlln MOdern e· Couch 553-0644 $ 4 2 0 0 A I le' 6 ca 11 and 2 chatts S400 Springer Spaflrel. -;;;ai; 562• .. 3"' _ 8•2·9S69 alter S AKC. aflectronate. needs lo•ll lt•rl•I IOIO Twin bed. ltlflt cond S65 lovlflg ho ma S251obo, •• •••'•••••'-'•••••••• • Alter s =~·3291 646-1509 msg DRY STORAGE I French Pro-v1-nc-1-al_H_u_t_ch-.-4 !!~!'.'.'.~.~!f!!!.l.~~f • Moflthly boat tlora~e, drs. 3 Shelves, 8 d•lwe<s Yemaha Polished Ebofly efly 1tzt , 24 hr secur ty. 7·.e· Xlfll CIOfld S700 • 8 . p I a fl 0 . u 1 R . free llUflChlng F'trm 831·2010 $3509/bst otr 9$6-11677 HWPfRT IHH 1 King sue m attreaa afld Beaull1ul Kewe16 r~I 1111 IH• llJ Ir •• 1 bo• •PrlflgS Fr1me Piano w/walnut cal>tfle1 144-0110 S 1 1 s G 0 0 d c 0 11 d Xfnl con<I tvory k~ A 957·8200 gorgeous pc of luml1ure 1 f1'•INtt•li•• --------• and • top qu11 tna"u· •••••;/'9••••••••••••••• T•ufldle Be<I Contempo· menl $4500, 644·66911 C••l'll, l•lt my dfflgn Xlfl't ClOfl<ll· I ZO tron s 100 &7S·9497 f~f!!I ........... !.~~~ .. J.~!! ........... .J ••• VAii COIVHSIONS FRH TlllOl TltlP (with purchasul ASK FOR OETAtLSI NEW OOlCM MASTER VAIS HUMRH HUOT VAIS RHl·UI, un•A11 ,.OIFIOA USED 'll Hiii VH Cruise. air cond & c e 1132769) 14111 831-20•0 495·4949 F11111i 1121 gray w 1 otack 1111 3000 494 ·2 t 78 eves SAllLEIACI llW • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • m1 Must tell Bes I oller 28402 Marguerite P~wy Oltllll COUITY'S 540-5700 18·4 0111y1 72 llW Bug Eflgone mtnl Mission ll•e10 o•LY lUT•ORIZH 76 MBl 450 SL gold COnd Body '" go cond I.Avery E.il Oii 1-5) FEllllAlll bOlh lops sporty S 18 S2SOO OBO Call Answer Opefl Sundays I IUURSlllP! 000 640•8236 Ad 624 642-4300 24 hrs 7 t FORD Mave11ck Gooo COflO 3 new tires ecofl $850 •9•-32 11 1980 2 d• Fo•<I Fiesta Xlfll Cond 19,SOO mo $5750 495-6803 5-IOPM ' ·~ nmlll•R 11 ~ 5q MBl 6 3. ctterrv clas-1 78 Rabbit 01ese1 •dr ~-n. ~EWmr SIC. Ollo. sunrr cesselle AM/FM 811 sunroof <18• a" a1r 1111 colleclo•s Sa1es-Service-Leas1flg M D'ITS te S l '2 000 640_8236 1 u • e c 1 e o fl S 4 3 O O 1H2 IMW CLHHUT . ~ ' m 494·46A9 I Ntoe s .. ectlonl 6 9 MBZ 77 S11verl bleck ~ J lllZ 7 I Ford LTD Country Squire S1a11ori Wgn Loot.,s & rufls good 9 passenger, a11 power steering & brl<r. 91 ,000 miles on ce1 engine re- b u ti 1 al S5 .000 S8 501D es1 oller 646 3 10A alter 6PM or •II day Sal/Sufi I • 74 3 OCS. 4 spee<I 3 tOO West Coast Hwy I sunr~710 r;i90• ll s a Clas-.!.!!•••••••••••••••••I (960NAC) Newport Beach sic• 3·2 " 1 Vtlvt ltaltr • 77 3201 4 sp<I sun 6A:l·9405 72 MB 280SE 4 5 tm· Ill Orlllf OtHfyl root f2481RRI ft'~t 9125 mac AM/FM a11 $8200. • 79 3201, 4 spd SU" • Call 640·7884 SlUS, SERVICE All LUSIH OVERSEAS OELlllERY EXPERTS roof (8.•9VHZl •••••••••••••••••••••• * 80 J20•. 5 sp<I sun MllSt St tll 18 280 E gas Maple root \659Z0Kt 74 124 sport coupe yt>llow <II. Orwn Snrt al· ._ 80 3201. 5 spd ai• S t800 OBO 498-•038 lovs stereo cass pslpbi cond llASX0481 pw chmate controls l •a •lll IHoa'• 91Z1 Flawless $14 500 OBO •1111·• ••• • •••••• • ••••• • • •• • • pp 5 4 9 . 11s1 d 8 y s EARLi Ill 208 W ISi, Sem• Afla 11011& llHTl•C? •96-8325 eves & wkn<Js VOLVO Close<! Sundiy We can hefp' Belo•e you I 1966 Herbor Blvd CHOICE INllENTORY t>uy Chee!\ ou1 unbelle-80 300SO lo mi sunrool, J8 9111 1.ini. •lflt cond COSTA MESA VOLU&ALES ble selecllofl uvtngs Asl.111g S25 900 PI P I 841·1303 H0-1411 IOI lollllEI ••• Sales·Se•vlce-Lea11ng 850 N Beach Blvd La Heb10 522-6313 Opefl Sufldey end se•v1Ce t0day1 UllYElllTY 9S7-265 l twhdys 9-5 JOI 80 OLE Blue loaded SALES & SERVICE 1115 450 SL ~~go~4~~;~s s 12.000 2850 Harbor Blvd 32 000 mr Anthracltt' COSl A MESA grey/t>leck leall1o• inte· '7S llolvo 24S Wgfl. auto. r101 With Herd lop and AC. PS. PB. stereo 11111 I 140-1140 perlt'Ct soll lop $17.450 S3250 NllCI 548·724S '78 ACCO•<l !>29·3489 ------- ' MUST SUL 80 •so SEL. s1wer-25K A•lfl U1H m1 Beau1Hul SJt.000 •••••1•••••••••••••••• !Estele sale) 499-4721 Otn11•/ IJOI .•....•............... I I ---78 For<I Graflada. 4 door. ve pi s. P'b eu10 1rafls. ra<110 ale luxurious ecor•omy car in •lfll cof'ld S 1900 Cell Stan 833·0070 8-5 I. 79 Fiesta 2 dr. 4 sP<I. •lflt COfld S 1995 I Hm 642·3•90 .. 1972 Pifll O H-Da ck Magr.. looks, tuns. & drives gre111• $990 obo 841·3077 Tom ~!~~~~ ........• !.~~! '82 GRANO MARQUIS Loaded to ml SSOO & lake over pymts 840-33 .. 6 Old1•dil1 1155 ••.•.................. · 79 Cutt ass Supre!T141 Ost S•,000 1111, AIC. auto trefl&, stereo, PS/PB, metl brown w/lawfl lnlt $4660 714/240·2 t 19 I • • • • • • • Daily Pilot classifieds work for you.Call 642-5678 for quick cash sales. In great condition with ~ speed trans AM /FM stereo, clol h lflterlo1 & gre at gas mileage 1100UNOl Jus1 need re liable patty to m•k& small monthly payment~ No old COfllf8CI to IS· sume no beck p•yments //IOI '76 Cullin AIC CIC. lo due ASK FOR ROSE ••••••••••••••••• !.~~!, ~~·fl ~<I I~:! Iv:~~ eg,d 646-9303 Ike tmpo1t1· 1970 MGB teDuilt eflg 445 E Coall Hwy di• on<I carbs . new 1op, N-p0f1 Beach 682·78 t4 1977 HOflde Acco•d.I spoke wheels. roll bar, 873-0900 '8 0 Olds Osf Royal• S1l11e11 Btk 1111. 1/c am/ need1 llghl bO<IY reoa•• AllC llOS Brougham Loede<I w/ Im $3900 873·3172 , $1500 720-0742 •••••••••••••••••••••• e•trea Ask1flg $5600 73 Matedor Xlfll tr•n•-496·4642 110 CIVIC wgfl 33,000 ml 'H•HI f 141 t I R I c I •••A••••••••••••••••• por at on Ufl8 gr eel 7• Cu11esa SUP•~ •c. 18 & OllER Nallonal concerfl has lmmed opefllflgs tor tO sharp girts & guy! who would like to \ravel whlle working lfl major US cl· 11811. Oallae. New Vorll, &IC Mu81 be noel, Slflgle & able 10 travel To IHv& tmme<I . NO EXPERIEN- CE NECESSARY Pre· vloue jobs <1eellflg w / people such u retell, IHI IOOd & wallreu1ng tlefplu 1 but flOt fl8CH· ttry IF YOU ARE LOO· KING FOR of'Ull· TIME EMPLOYMENT & REA· DY TO START TODAY see LORI TUE·FRI 10·5 Trop+c;ane M01el. Harb<>< & K etell•. Ao•helm &35-<t082 Ex1 ljp ~~~~~~J 1••1 IRHSlll TUU 120 673-8887 I 9 8 2 S It I Na u t IQ u e CebOvef Camper for Im· "2001" Oflty 38 hou•• por1 truck. boOt. atebllt- Also have•• 1977 For· lift. corner l•clt• S750 '11 IMC OlMPH H1 b•ck ch•trt & 1111 Wheel (5 105231 If It's got wheels you'll move it faster in a tUflS g•e• . .., •Pd •• c $375 963 4137 ., -·~ " em/Im CHI rOOlbeer 1tl2 HllHT _ -·-__ r 1<11•1 •<II steering b•n s•600 760·2680 HH TtRll llHU l•ltl 1110 wne.1 S9:1S 673-6874 TIHll llm Elq)er'CI pte•1Yre 90ent. S•t>rt tr•I~ pr•lerat>le wllll • followlflg C•ll Wednt1d•y 522·3302 Uk IOI' Merle VIII Driver lor Seolor Cl· unna c.rttlf Mull t>e 11 lcMtl 18. Cleu 2 drtvt<• tic:.ntt. 750·9471 1 ftl IPIUTll Brolltl'-oe firm hH Im· m«1 open fore.per wire °'*''°'· "''• 0-2•30, ... 1.,y commen1urale w/ e11P8f• 'or ep91 cell. H .. ltn M cGtfll •V · 714 ..... 2292 ~!I!.-~~ ••.••.••• mule 110 20 11 llke (7 14) 645-5896 N E W ! C e I I I 7 t 4 I 74 C•mc>e-,-,-,.-p-ec-lt 811 NEW FretlCh Prov bdrm. 6'2•2000 & Hk 1°' Jim· cabovef, hydrtullc 1ac1e1, ermolr• & t>ur .. ua 6 dlfl my. Jr. 11 out PIHU I ahoella 1875 648· 1 too ,.., ...... Wlllf'ltn 150 873·8867 rm Mt. 84 1~239 leave me ... ge! 1 -,.-N-T-IQ_U_E_O_l_fl_lft_g_T-.t>-1-,-.1 lr.,rtl•f. c.H1 lfH '!.~~~rJ!.~.~!~!f..!.'.~~ " .. • •••• •••••••••••••• '11 .., •• 14001 •~· w/4 blue ch•lrL lit new Al l~•l••Hf Oood COfld 131•83411 blu. S326. 833-0148• Olin Mark IV tkle, pOIM, Girt'• ClftNlf'lg tlblt. Dell. •fld Lano• Boot• i 100 MOptd, ·79 Peugeot. Nd• gl•H 109, kidney •ll•pe OoWfl lllMplng OICI 150 wk. Good cond A • II wtmetcll etool. ctr•.., & Schwinn ll•r•lty bllte 1150 Bill 540·3•38 Opefl OUI •rme Pel $65. 1 15. "3·7513 M /---- Hit S45. &33·loot SURFBOARD 5'8" Shtrp. ,.•=:::· fJIO 81r 11oot1. gl•n <11111 Local Motion, •lf'IQle ttn. •••••••••••••••••••••• cupboerd, dl'ftMrll All •I flt o on d , S I 2 6 , 'll YUl&U tT• Mw 845·2355 t'\ltt, _8_'1_3_·3_800 ______ 1 Ntw llttd wo11t, tprock· 1 Clrcuter couel'I, tovt ... t. Golf Clfl, 1981 model, 4 el & cll•ln '850 gOOCI ClltS>e', come -... ,.,,club Cit ClllOCM, 1150·0202 Of'-' 112~121 Cfttm •1111 Fr~h et· c1111111ee1 AO• are lh• ~~If!!!.!'!~~ .... OIAHT..,. a. "401 Tr'lff YoU' off •tvff tor .,......., Cr. H.I OCI n•• ·~odl H with • ..; .. ~t=O=...,...~=°"=~===d:L...c..=:.:·W.:: ... ·=led:.td· .. 2·M71 :r.er: ~~~ •111-10 I I UCctH h1I 010 Mt·O 15& l\IHll garaoe Of yftfd NJtl II'•. Mot).'" ~1,,_ bttt" w•y 10 tell more ~ . .... '11 IOllE MUI F11g, t>•)' wlfldows a air eon<I 1239057) ..... '11 FIH H•PH Sink , lflg, (828819) ..... Daily Pilot classified ad.call 642-5671 and a friendly ad-visor will help you turn your wheels into cash. 77 Accord aulo em/Im I Au1om•ttc 111na sun· .•73•9;~;·(;~~~~;1~~··;;; 'i•I• HS1 r1e w 11111 & b•ekee rool p wr steering · 1 8 1 R•ll bl A •••••••••••••••••••••• $34~ 549.9242 w1ndow11 & door IOCkt, ,.rre~t 5700 ~4:.38~flt ·71 Pinto 4 cyt 200 cc, AM/FM atereo ClHHlle . ...!... _ _ _ __ auto. 11r. rutt• ~If R•· 75 Honda C1vtc 4 11pd, o•u11e COfltrol. alloy C•"ll•t HIS diet wes ~lflt Sll50 or : perfect COfld Must tell wll!Wlll & mor11I (316685) •••••••••••••••••••••• ollor 552 •34_0 ___ _ $1590 836·e889<1ys $13950 'BtEtdOfado ' • IHS 6•5·4058 eves MIST llLL .!~~!! ••.•••••••••••• 1'81 HOfldlCl11tc 13000x 11&011 tl":.••ITI C111m1>•on• ••ttrlOt wllll '87 ftrfbl•d. rt<I CtH•lc 5 •PO. AM/FM •••1•0 • btlg• IHlhU In terior COflll New engllr•n•. c1111 & yr werr1y, S4700 848 Oovt StrMI Complllely •ClulPP•<I xtnl COflO S3850 0 80 Mt11te ofttr 973.g547 I NEWPORT OEACH wltll powtc mOOfltOOf. 851-0431 or 845· 1•Ua. ll2·0t00 window•, cuatom IOl.lfld Rick #u'• 1131 & mortl (810328) Jutt ''16 G11fl<I \AM•fl• o pets '11 FOH Vll l•-------114 •••••••••••••••••••••• 1111cll1 1111 nttd rtll•ble party to .,, 000 1 ~Hiit MIM Mutttt .. , on a •••••••••••••••••••••• make •m•ll m onlllly wgn. • m Wtndow pltg., ttl!lrto 6 iulfel. •long c•me 1 78 M aad• AX•. 2 Or. 5 MEISTER peymtnl• No otd COfl· _S2IOO 153""231 •Ir con<I IA 1116481 •pldt r and reed tn 1ht •Pel. gOo<I cond 1r1Gt 10 Htumt. no 1>ac1t Ultl O elly Pll01 Ctualllt<I 12550 851· 1853 nlll011/ illf peyiMnt• dllt ASK FOR 70 BonlleVllte 9"utllul COflO 78K 1850 910 lltfonkle Dr H.I H Cllon •bout Miii MUI• ROSE 846 9303 Ike TlltMll ft11'1 Tun9' •n<I OOUQflt 11 MO't 11mlltn art ~lllng l3031 Hllbor Bllld lmpc>rte·dlt • .... Piii fe>t Ill 9& You c1n M il Ille c.mplng "t>uO" tlll• G•r<len Orove 2000 HttOOt 8'Yd your tulltt 1no to1e of ~ II you h•Ye 1 am• lelH·ltmH COSTA MESA orlltr llltngt tllrougll per lhal't not geltlflO Ltatllf ·~~~ ....... 111 ~:!'YC::':.:2~7~lllltd c:!'iu:i' !td now wtlll • 1 J14 111•1111 \ ........ ·-·-. ..... 8091 thlnllin~ 01 • new no,,,. ~~~~~=~~~ fOf eprlng? &• 11\t many &u~ ,,_r, -·-m lift Mtllf'lgl tn IO<l•y'• Cl•lei· 1f11ct1vt CIH•lllf4 •O flt<I cOlumn• M2·M11 842-M71 ., l I· 11 \ -~------... ·--" ...... ' ' .,. ..... DRAllil CDAIT IUITllliTll llACH I f IUITAll VAlllY WEDNESDAY. OC TOBER 10. 1982 ORANGE COUNTY , CALIFORNIA 25 CENTS Huntington Ol(s pact to settle jobs scandal ll)' KOHERT BAHKEH 01 the Delly Piiot lt•lf A t\lf) ll Ul\11111-(11111 Bl·.11 h ofr1\·wl 1•111h1nwd 1111 :1._:11 •1·n11·111 with 01·an~t· l'uu111 y .111d l!'dt·r.11 1>ff1\'l,1b t11d11~ Iha\ 1x•1 h.1ps \\Ill bran~ t11 .in 1·11d th1· 1·11y, 1nvul\·1•mt•n1 111 .1 t.•d1·1.d J11l> µrogrnm M·.11111.il "This al(11·1·111,.111 h." w111 k1·d out pr1'll\' \\I'll ht•t,IUM' 111 offi.t>lt 1ng \'ust:.." s.11d H1•n Slaying suspect escapee By J ODI CADENHEAD Of the D•llY Piiot Stett Thl' man ht·ld on ... u:-.p11·1on 111 murder Ill thl• dl'(.'<tp11.111011 dt·,tlh of a M1sston V1~10 m.111 l'M·.1p1•d from a Mun\jn<J ,.,1,111· 1n1·nt.d hosp11.al fl\'l' yl•,1r-. .igo \~ lw11· h1.• was sent for th<: brutal slaym..: of a cab dnvc r . au1hon111.•s said Cody Lt'o Sc:hrc1lx·1 . :!!1, .1bu known as Barrv Anch·r-.on. w,1, arres tt'd cariy Tta·sda~· I>~ 0 r a n g e Co u n t y S h l' r 1 I I · s Department 1nv1.·s11g.tturs. thn•t• days after 0(•1m1 :-. S<·hub<'rt'' headl<'SS bodv wa:-. found 111 tht- ba('k va rd o·f 1h1: horn<• th1•\' shart·d at 2:l3·n Via (;uard1i.. · Sheriff's Sgt L)nn Nc •hring said Schre1bt·r ldt un An<.1h1.•1m bus station at H.·15 .1 m S:1turday a nd was met a t <1 San·anwnl<J bu!. station at 7 p Ill bv lot•cil poht't' Schre ibe r wns r e mt·mbt·rt-d a~ ex lrem e l) intt·llige nt. and sheriff's 1nvc:>sttgator<. from Orange County N e h r 1 n g s a 1 d " h c• r 1 f r · s 1 n v C's l i g a to r:. t· o n i. 1 d l' r c• d S chre iber a SUlipect >.incc the.. death. but wen• rC'lut·tant t o release any 1nforma t1o n until quC'St1 omng him furthl'r Investigators rl'turncd ·tu OranRr County e arly Tue:.day morning with the 29-yl'ar-uld suspect H e was book('d into Orange County Jail when· he· 1s being held on $250,000 bail Miles Cn y, Montana. polll'l' chief J im Certain said Schn•tbt'r was arrested Oct 9. 1976. two days a fte r the body of <i lcx:al t·ab driver Do nald MovL•r. :rn. wa!> found · ' MovC'r had tx'C'n shot to dc•;Hh and s tabb£•d numt·rou<. llm1·s. Certain said Certain said that Sc·hn ilwr pleadl'd guilty tu lht· gnsl~· crtm<· and later chang£-d his plc•a tQ not guilty by reason of insanlly H e was sC'nt to a mc•ntal m st1tut1on at Warm Spring-.. Monwna. when.• h£• wa.-. .ilh•gt'tl to havr walk£-d off the· grounds in Octobt.·r. 1977. Cert.am said Schreiber. who gr1•w up 111 Miles City. was remembc.>red by the chief o f pohcC' as "bordl'rlint> ex tr emel y intelllRC'nt. an accompltshC'd mus 1L·1a n and distant<' runnl'f .. He was adoptt'd by Mr and M rs. Ed Schrc1tx•r who live• on t he o u t s k i r t s o f l h l' s m ;,i 11 M ontana town, the chtl'f said P rior to his arrest (Qr the• murder of thr <·ah drtvt•r. Sch reibcr's only o tht•r run-in w ith the law was [I folony thl'h ch arge In Cottage Grove. Orl•g1Jn in early 1976. th~t was latl·r dropped. Certain s.'i1d INDEX At Your Servll'<' AH Business AB-9 cavalcade All Classified 05-8 Com1t'S BA Crossword BS Death Not1C't>S OS Edi tonal A IO Ent£•rtammcnt 84 Food Cl-12 HorOSl"Op<' A 11 Ann La ndt'rb All Movies 84 Mutua l Fund~ AB Nation al N<'ws A3 Public Notices s:J.B7.Ds Sport.'I 0 1-4 Dr. Stclncrohn All Stock M arket.11 A9 Telttv1sion B6 TheatcNI 84 Wt'aChe r A2 I 1\rgtwll ... d11 1·1·t11r 111 till' 1·11v :-. ad Ill I II I' I I .1 I I\' I ' 't• I \'I I' o•' d1 fl.II 11111•111 "Wl' t1gu11·d .tll .11 1111~ 1ti.11 111-.1:-. would pt I'll\ wo •ll li.d.11111• llU l .. A1gu1•ll11 \\,1:-. 11•,1.1e111d111g 111 .1 '1'1111°1111•111 .igl l'l'llH•Jlt 11•al'f11·cl ""'1·111lv w11h lhl' l)o ·p.11 111w111 111 L.1h111 I 11 t ht· ..ign•1•1111•111 I t·cl1·1 .ii 11ll1l'l.d:-. ~a11I tlw 1·11y \\111ild11'1 Making a s plas h 11.•\'I' 1 .. I'"' h111 k $1 ·11,11 711 Ill 1p11·:-.l 11111.1l>l1· .11111 1111app111v1·d 1•Xpt•111l1t1111•' 111 1111 l1·d1•1,tl g11\'l'l llllH'lll 11\'\'lll"I' tht• l'llV h11d :-.1 ... 111 ,ol.HJlll tlw '""''' .0111111111\ 111 lh II\\ II 11111111 '\ Ill :tdllllll"ll ;t\11111 ,111d '>Ufll I\ 1"11111 111 llll' fll 11g1 ,Jiii F1·d1·1 al .1ud1t111 ~ 111 1\1111 ·"kt•d llun1111g11111 l\o-.11 h tu 11·1u111 $ I ti h . :l I II I I I .1 $ :! ti() . () 0 () (.'111111J11•h1·11-.1v1· E111pluy1111·1111 .111d T1 ,11111ng A1·1 g1.1111 fur 11111111'\' l'l.1111w d I ll lt.1\" 111•111 1111 :-.:-. p• · n t 1 wt " 1·1·11 l h 1 I . l ll , II .111d SP pt :UJ I !l'/!1 Tiii' 1·11\' p1t•\'111u,1v p.11d hat k $1.!,1100 .111d will 111.d11 .111 .11ld1111111.il 11·p.1 v11 11 ·111 11[ 11l11 1ut $1 . llHI .. 111 1>1 d111g 111 111111 i;d, Budclv It.I\ .1,.,.,1,1111 11111'( 1111 ol ll11• ( )1 .111g1 ( '1111111 \ M.111po\.\1 1 L'111111111 ... -.11111 I h.ot 11V1·1.,.·1·-. .111d .1<im 1111,11 ·1' I ht I 1·d1·1.il \\Ill k lll'tlj,p :1111 ,,llcl 1111 • llllllll'V 111 Delly Piiot Photo by G•ry Ambrote Al Kolb swings hi!'! 1.-) t•a r-olcl -;on, Erit·. o ver lht• 1--urf 1war tht• ~ewport Bra<'h Pit•r . Tlw fami ly <·amt· down from Santa Ana for a n t•Yr n in ~ a l l ht• lw;w h. Evicted job firm • Ill SA A Costa Mesa JOLI publtt .111111\ bustntos..' 1 hat was the• targt·I of nu mC'rous com pla111 b t11 pol we· ha~ shut IL'-doors an<l mov1•d lo Santa Ana. authortt1l's S<Jtd. Help Want('<i Publtcauo n. :!110 Harbor Blvd , was l'Vl('lt'd last Wl'l'k by the prop1·rtv ownt•r Jat·k MvC'rs for failurl' to makl' a rental i)aymc·nl. JohannC's "Ht'nry" Vancl1·rr.1 s a 1d 1 n a phonl· 1 n I (•rv ll'W Monday that hl' dt•lilH·ratc·ly w1thhrld a poruon of the· $510 monthly rent payment, daimtng there wen' holes in th<' roof of tht• building. Vandl'rra said I ha I bu!>in1•s<; dropped rrom an avC'rag<' of :m t:ustomers a day to wro las t wN.•k a ft er d1ssat1s fa•d <·u s to ml•r:-. s uccessfullv d1st:ouragPd rll•W Couple on 1 l1t•nt:-from pntC'ring th1• Cos\iJ Mt:''-1 building l\l;iny lompl.111wd thdt th1· h:-.l 111 JOh' for wh1t·h they paid S2:1 "" .i ' m l' r t · l y a t o p y n f .11h :t·rt1'>t'mt·nls f o und 111 thl' t I'"'" f 1t•d !>£•1· 110 n o I 11 I Ol':1 I 111 '\'''P<trwr · · W l' do n ot d 1• n v t h a I , • • V.mdt•rra s;11d Monday' "We JUSI opt•nNI a 1·11uplt• of months ago and must t•mployers arc not a warr of us. WC' go through the nt·ws p11pl'r. Thl'y come m thC' offlcl.' and pay monC')' We don't point a gun at tht•1r heads." StC'Vt' Shulman. a Cost.a McS<I Pohl'I' dt•\N.·t1vt•. S<11d ht-rC<:e1vt•d n1·arl v d doTt·n t·~dls Mondnv from ·J><·opll• who wanwd their mo nc•y baC'k and want1'Ci to know , .. h 1• ·rt• 1 hf' h us 1 n P !. s had n ·loc·at<'d S1nl·c· up1·n1ng 111 1\ugu:--1. \' .111clt-rr.1 -.<11d ht h.1" r<•tu riwd a bout $2,01111 to 1·u-.t11nwr' '" p.irt of <1 \'<'rbal guaranll'c' lo rdund the• $:!5 fl•r to d1s. .... 111sfu·d t lll'nh dftC'r om• month Las l mo nth ttw Sta11· Bun·.1u of Empluyml•111 Ag1•nt·1t·~ ordt•rPd tht• companv to :-.top adv1•rtlsinJ.! s pl'<·tf1c J•1li offt·ri-ft1und in nl•w s papc·rs V.indl'rr.1 !-a1<I hi' mmphf'd Sunday Last wt•t•k Pat Antrim. who opt>rnll'cl AAA H1 .. d1 v :JI tlw same lcx·at1nll. <i1·n1«d n ·ports lh;11 ht• was lt'a!.tng lht• propl•rty or had any l'OIHH'C'\10 11 Ill llPlp Want1'<i Publ1l'lll1nn ll('lp W.rnlt·d Puhlll·a1 111 11 ·~ n P w adclr1·" i-. 21:rn 0.11mll·r Stn'1·1. San1.1 t\11,t trial • Ill absentia Civil uit broug hl by l'or111er bu ine s p~rl11t•r By STEVE TRIPOLI 01 lhe Delly Piiot Steff A civil su t l agains t lol·al rC'stauratcur lrwin Milman and his wife, Francine. 1s prC>C.'l'Ni1ng in Orange County Sup<>rior Courl despite the absen ce o f th<' M ilma ns and any attorneys to argue their side of the ('ase. The unu11u aI circumstances arOS<' becaull(~ of the dlsappcan1ne"' o( the M1lma n 11 from O r ang<' County late• lau month . 11pparently with about $1 milhon in contcstt-d miscts Judgt• Jamcs Judg<' agr('('(J tc1 h ear 11 11ult filt•d bv a for ml·r ( bus1m•ss partner of the• M1lmans d1•s p1t<• thl• d1s appvararH't'. howcv<'r Formt•r partm•r Irving M ar 1c•n su n tl:i1ms h•• was 1111•,:(nll y lndut'l·d 11110 s1g111ng c>Vl'r his intc r<'st in 1 lw Lakvs1dl' lh •staurnnl nrar John Wavnc Airport bv M t llmun . ..;,.ho n·1.·1•11tl y sold 11 for 11bn111 $:! rrn limn ' Two 11 1 1urn1• y s for t h l.' Mort~·n:c111\ CfUt>!ltion(•d tht'ir dwnt 11ntl his w1fr bdur1• Judg<' Tu1'l4Clay Om• of thttm. Rt<.·hard M1·M1llnn ."smd d11r1ng a brN1k 111 tl111 trtol th~•t lawy<'rs would flr<'!'!l'nl only tl'w Martt>nson~· '1d1' ~ Of \h(' I fllW hl'fm I' .flld,1(1• ff'l10l'l'S ll d t'<'l'(lllll IJl 1h1• 111:1111•1' Thi• Milmtll\s. wh11 n •pnrtl'<ily lt•ft th1• ~ir<··• S1·pl :lH, would hav1• tn rt•turn .iritl h1r1• n nC'w nttonwv 1 f 1 lw y wish to pn•sent a d1•f1•n•w in 1lw 1·aH'. Mc·M 11lon s11id Tht• MilmilllS fo lllll'I' attorrwy was rl'movt .. I from the• 1•ssc last w1•«k af11•1· tw told Supt•rtor Court Judgf• Phillip P<'lt~ thot hf' t·ould not dt'Ct.-nd th{' M1 lmnnii in t h l' I r o b s C' n <' l'. n 11 d t h a l 1 hr• Mllm.m~ owl'd h1-. 1~1v. firm .1hout $~0.000 m lt•S(nl ft't'"i ljllt'S\11111 W;ts ll'ot•tl 111 oi'I lljl 1111 W1 · .. 11·111 l11:-.1111H,. 111 I '.111 •1,.. Im 111 p111 v 1d1 · t 'i':TA "'' v11 •'' 111 I lui11111 g 11111 J\.·,01 IJ H.o\ ,,1111 tl11 llllllH'\' \\,1., 'fJl'llt 1111 Siil la U'>I'' .t'> 111 ftt I''> 111 11 Vllll' .111d 1111111· ••quq11111 ·111 w11h11u1 11.-.1 g1•11111g ·'flfllll\'.ol 1111111 1111· I .. 1h111 I >.·p;1111111·11l Allt·j.(.1111111' \\I 'll l11dg1 •d 1h.11 ,,tl,1111'' p.tld 111 l11p ol I 11 I.ii-. \.\Pl I ' 111111-."1111,ol ilv lugh th;ol 11111111·" Vt··~ \\ .. ,,,.d llU I \1 ... '111 1\ • .tfUI llll\t-.1•d 111 1111 'fl•"' .111d lh:il lho h 1·,1d1111 ,11l1·t , 111 l1 v1111 '"I 111111"'' loll 111111 lllOlllh-. H.1\ ,,11d o f I 111.il-. d1tl 11111 ,.,..,,1<111• till' .ol h·~o·d 1ll1 ·wil11 v of llw ,.,,,..,..111u11•., "ht'( ;1w.t· tho' w.111l1·d 111 1111:-.· .111 11pc•11 w11u11d 1'1.11· .. "11111u11d1 '(l lite c1-:l'A I·'" Ion l"'n Vt'•"' "It w11uld lt.1V1· t.1k1 fl \I.II I•• tSt·t· Jons. l'agc A2J Irvine De Lorean workers puzzled on firm's future Bv GLl':Nl\ SCOTT Or' the D•lly Pllol Sl•ll E111iil11v11•-. .11 1111 1>1· l.111 1-.t11 J\)oltJI l't1 (').l'I llll\'I' 111111 1'' Ill ll'\'llll' 11·111111i·d l11 \\OJIK l11d .1) l>ul tht· I ulun· of tli• 11 • • 1111p.111\' 'l'(•m1•cl Ulll"l'I t;1111 .1111•1 1111•\ Wl'rt' rt)(kt•d \\tlh l\\11 ,l,11lh11g .1nnou net·m1·11 1-. Tu 1·,d.1\ .i I 1<·rno11n Th<' Bnush guv1·11rn11·111 '"'' 1ssu1'<1 d s1a1<·nwt1t th.ti 11 pbn-. 111 pt•r·manl·nt ly shtJI do\\ll lht financhilly lroublt·d 'l"•rh 1.-.t1 manula<"tunng pl.111t l''1.ol1h-.h1·d four Vl•ars ag1, 111 N11rth1·rn ln·lar\d bv G1.-1H·r;ol l\101111 ., 1•xpatn ... tt· iohn l>t.· Lun-.on Ont\' hour:-l<ill'r. FBI 111t1u.ol-. e:.1111.•d · ;,i prl'SI' t·1111ft·n·nn· 111 Lo' Angell·s l o a nn11unt·l· 1h.ot und1•n·ov1•r agl'nls had .1rii·-.11·d L.K• Lun•;,111 al ;~ tJ m al a h1111 •I nl·:.ir Los A11gt•ll•s l nlt·rnat11111al A1rpor1 Tht•:o-t l<1111H•d ht• <1pp:.irc·ntly hjd lnt-d lo ftnann· ;o $24 mtlhon l«.o<:a11w clt·:1l lo r;.il-.l' t·ap1tal lo rc·:-.urn·t l h1-. dv111g bus11wss Sup1·rv1sors at th(' lrv1111 11fl11 t· <it.-d111t'<1 <"omnwnl this 11111111111g o n thl· 1mplt('at1ons 111 1h1• 1•\'\•nL-, as thc•y awa1tc'CI word from tht•tr l h1e fs in New York Said o nC' workC'r "Right now \\.c· dtin'l know etnv mon th.111 you do" · De Lort:JJi..'~Lncar...Bcll..c.1 h.1cl bt•t•n Ill n·cc•t\'l'r:-.h1p s11111 1-\·bruarv "11h dt·bts c-st1mawd at Slill m1I°lion. aecording tu Tht· A ssm·1a 11•0 Prl'~S The· Bra llsh i.iovc·rnnwn1 1n111ally \'ll'wing tht· l'lll<'rprtsl ;1:-. a pus.-.1bl1· boon f111 l11l .ii Jttbs, had m\'!•:-.t1·d rn11n· than $14:~ 1111l11on 111 g11\'1 ·1111111·111 gr;1nt~ .ind lu1111:- Bu1 De L•irt•an·~ s1;111ll1·'' s11·1•I. g ull·w1ng s port.., 1·;.r st•ll1ng (111 $:!5.1100 111•v1·r c·nt1u·d t·n ough bu v1•1''! 10 nwk1· th1: hu,1111·,., pn;f1t,1hl1· ;ond 1h1· µlant 1ha1 onn lwd t•mployt•d :!.tilltl workn ... h.u..I b•·<·n gradually k>:-1ng m11111·y R1t'harrl T Bn·121ng. 'fwl 1.ol ,1gl•n1 111 c·hJrg1· of the· FA!', Lo!<. A11gl'l1·' ol f1u· :o.jlcl Dt· L11n·an h.id hc·1·n undt·r -.un·l·tll.11H 1 .. •• r I ' I II I t ~ f Iv I' Ill II n I h . u ndt•r1.·ov1 ·r invc·stlg;.i 111111 h ·,1d 1 ng tu his .1rn-:,t T" u 11th1·r m t•n <1rn• ... 11•d l•tll• l\l11nd.1\ ,tl-;11 ~:J\'l' l:M't'll 1 h.11 go·tl Ill 1h1 1111.1.111• l'""'' Will1.1111 M111g.111 lh·1rnk. 50. O\\nl'r o f .111 ,1\ 1,1\lllll s1•r\'lll' tn 1\111,J<t\ l .1nd S1t·ph1·n Lt•1· Arrm~ton . :14, of S.111 IJ11•g11 jl'l' SU!>pl'\ ll·d uf lx·tng thr pl.1111wd 'upplt1·rs nf almost ..!:!O pournb 11f t'tX'<Hn<' that FRI 1tl f1l'1al:-. s:.11d De· LorL·i'l n had .11 r;111g1•d to lilt\' Hr 1·11111g 11nplll·d during his o1111111u 11t·1·m1 ·n I 1 n a l'llll h ·rC'l1l'<' 11 111111 p ,ll'kl'd with n •por11•rs, (See IRVINE. P age A3 1 John Z. 1).-I .orr<.111 Auto maker capture d in cocaine bus t l:h Ll'()A l>El'T~Cll Aiaocla14HI Preu Wrller I.US t\Nl;Eu·:s .J11hn z I~· L11r<'<•l1. 111wl1m1· C ;, 1w1.1l l\lntm ~ l1ov v.ond1·r wh11 l.1t1 1 m;1rk1 lt·d h" 11w11 I u1111 a..111 st.111111·~ sll'l'I 'P°' h t';or St l up a $:!-I 1111ll1111l 1·11(-.1lll1· d(·al Ill a dc·sµ·ra11· b1J to .., .. ,.,. 111:-0 ll.011k1 uµt <·111npciny. tht• Fnt '·IV' l.>t• i:or1 .111 ,; 'fwnl 1h1• night 111 -""' .ti tt•1 111 .... 1111·'1 Tu1•:-.d,1y c1t ,1n .111p111t h•1t1·I ,.,11h M'\'l·rc1l kl!11g1 .1111' 111 • 111 ,11nt• P.1rk1·r l't·111t·r Jail w.111 h lomma11d1·r Lt l.,11,11· H11mt 1t• ""d 111d.1y. "Iii' l'lllllfJ•lllY I" 111 "'\'l.'I(' I 111.1m 1.11 pr11hlt-ms." H1d1jrd T B11 111nµ. 'l'l '(,'tal ,1g<•11 t 111 t hargt' of lhl• FBI Lo' Ang(•lt•s off1cC' 1ulcl .t nc•w, ton f t•11 11<'t · "And ht' (1 ,1rc•d 1h1• P'"'1htl1t\ 11f his 1·1111lp.1n\ lx·ing l lll~t·d clown b~ t ht· ~u\'t•rnmt·nt wh11 h had 1•Xll'tHll·d 111;111' to h11n "I h \\ ,1, ''"Prt''""g inh·rl'st m f111anl'lng -..mil' typ<· of llpt.'rauon that would prudUl'<'. qu1t'kly . lar~t· !.um-. of monc·~· 111 return for th<' invt·stme•nts " Ttw ;,11-rt·~•s nf l:X.• Lon•an and two o thr•r ml'n takt•n 11110 c·u~tndy 1111 M onda\' l'lltll'CI a f1vc·-munth undt•fl'IJVc•i· prob1• wh1l·h trat·k1.J I he auto l'Xl'l'UllV<' <ll'l'll~S thl' lS<'e OE LOREAl'i. PaJC(' A3l Hong Kong investor buys Valley off ices ,\ llong Kong 1nvPslor ha' pun·hast•cl a four-year-old two hu1lcl1ng o ff1t'<' c·ompl!·x 1n 1-'1111n1ain Valley for S:l Ii million Stc•\'I' Quinn: a VIC'<' prl'S1dc•nl 111 John Burnham and Co of N ,. w p o; r l B P a l' h . w h 1 1· h n •prt'"t'llll.'d th<' original own1•1, s u 1 d t h t' t r a n sac t 1 11 n w ;i " m d it· a 11 v1 • of 1 nc·rN1smg Sou I ht'rn C11J1forn 1a 11\Vl'Ntnwn \s hy llonf( Kon~ bus1nC'&..;nwn 'i h<' o r fi<'l' t•omplt•x . V11ll1·y P luw. l<it·11tt'CI on " U i7-acrl• Sllf' ut Y5f>O Warnl'r Ave·. was built b y Subh1ondo and Assocmtt•s in 1~78 Thr Burnhum 1.·ompuny s.•rvt•d 11... a brokt•r tor Suh blundo. now bruwd m Wt•stmtn!ltc.>r. 11nd tht• ll onR K o n g inVC''itor wai. rl'prt~ntl'd by ("(1unst•ln"' from <'rorkn N&t1o n<1l Bnnk Tht• Ill\ 1·-.111 1 's 11,1mt• was 11 ut d1 .... d1N'tl Vallc•v Pl.17J. a two-.,tory framt• .ind -.1un11 com pl1•x. c11nt:Hn!> '.HUHlti s11uarC' f<'el of off1t~· spat'I' and 1:. tll't'up1l-d by ins urant•f', 11 al t•s1.1tt• .ind otl'lC'r lJusl n1 ·:-..w~ Allhuu~h .1 'urplu" of C1ff11·r :-.puw t'ltrrt•ntly t•x1sts in Or.inge County. ~u1nn sn1d the• Vall1•y l'l;in1 1o; full;v nt'<'up11•tl und Is 1·1111,11lt•r1•d a f(ood 11\Vl'9t ment bt•1·uust• It Will bC' ahll' 10 m.1rn1.11n h>wl•r nmts thnn .;omt• of I h,· n1·\\' <·omplt•xr .; now undt-r (~ 11\:-01 fllt'l lllll II I' ~ ll I cl I h ,. (' h ll n g e I) r 11wrwr-<h 1p will nut offt't'l th<.' 11'.l'I'' c.:urit•r\lly Ill t•frt'('t Wtlh 11·11.1nh H1· -.111tl no maJor 11·m•>d1 ·lin1ot or l'XptlObtOn a1 t• pl.111111~1 H/f oll g ~ policy tabl d A l II II I I II \ I I .. I .a I "l'I) ll\ 111 lllll l ,1 I 11111 p ail 11 \ " g11vt•rn111~ l:.1 ullv I""' a·d111 1·' 1111 SJ)\·11kinu lllJI Clll d1s11 H'I 111.1t1a·1 ... I,., 11ull uncll'I ll'Vl\'W ,111d Wiii 11111 uppc•ar on th1• a~:1·11da 111 t11111Hhl ·, meN111~ o f th•· { ·.,a,1 l '11111mu1111 \ ~11 ... ~t· D1:-.ll'll'I bo,11d 111 1111,11·1•, T h l' pr11po,1·ll fHilH·y ".a,., everl'lv n ·111l'lll•d bv t.andl\ m e mbl..'i·:-. f 1um Or.111i,i1• 1.· ... 1,i. Goldl'll W1°bl .ind <. '0,.-.111111· C.'Olll'gt"l> wh1•11 ll w,1, 1111•:-i•11h•d lo lhe boartl two W •'•'k'> .a1-t11 lns tru1:1ur:. l l:111111•d tlw poltn ,. ~ouJd 11.•::.tn1·1 th1•11 11gh1,., 11! 111·1· s peed1 h~ f o11111g 1h1·111 ''' l'hannl•I l'llll lllU'll l!'. Ill tht• 11 USlt 'I ' thr o ugh till' l'oll1·g1· µn·,11l1·11i-. Th l' pr up u :-. ,. d p o I 11 ' .al", n .-qu1n•d Jll ""•xhJU!>ll\'a' 111t1.a dtSt rll'l rl'Vll'W " la•ftll 1' ,11\\ e m p loyl'l' d 1st·usi.l·d d 1s 11 11·1 ' '1 tnalll'r.i OUlstdt.• tht.• dt,.,lfll l -----· .. ··· .... ' LEG E NO IHllUf (N fM !lfflt tT "OAM Oll&IN d 'lap i11clin1t1• .. lo<·a l io11 of l\\o 1111clc·q.:ro1111cl projc·•·b pla111wcl tu impnnc-llunli11~lo11 B1·a1·h' ... "'t'\\C'r ~y~lc ·m . "ork \\ill 1u•c·c• ...... i1a11· lt·aring up ot' ... 1n•t·t ... J'a111ily ted • I a I t.ll '1\N1\ 1\11 "'" t.\111 t..111111 t .111111\l.iq'.1111.1J'.111.111.111 111 ·" 111 11111h11111 "111·11 tlwv l..tt I 111·11 11111 I 1111111 11111111 111 I lit • \ii f,oj'I <of 'f of 11 lllJI OJ 1111 ,Jill II _! '1'111 \ ''"'' .• ,,,,, 1111 .!. "·''' ... ,., "f'I 111 11111 •1 11 1 lh1· 111 )(I l\\111 fl\11111 It \\ .olf..1111• 11111111""" d , '" \I'll 111111 '"" h1 1111' It• ,ol a·d tw 1.011111 111 .111 tl1.111j.:• 1'1111111\ '11 ... pll.ol t ha Tl1111 .d.1\ tl11 l'.111 ;" .11111 1111 fl H \I oll 11lcl d.1111:ht1 I ~·h 1.1 \\ lfl t I\ lt111111 Ill lho II \ lfl.1g1 11111 lli\\1 ~1 111 1\11 "I" ( 'tt\ ''"" 11~1111 ,ti, lllHI \\Ill I" \\,11111111 1111 1111·111 Ill .1 1111.11 lt;111k \\'11111 '.dtl•11111.111 ' lt1.i1d ·"'""' 1111 l'.111 ..... p1 lg11111.1g1 I ll \l ol l J "j \l oll 11ld .Jl,lh .Ol ( 'hild11 II f111,f1ll.of 111 ()1.111141 '-t The poltt•y also would pn'Vl'lll faculty st•nates from 1·omm1•111111g o n issut.•:. rl·latt·d 111 .11111th1 •1 ~'Ollege. Huntington Beach sewer worl{ slated I hi \ of1111.1I• d '.!I 1hf1 I 111111glt l11 11.a \ 1111 tl11 1 llllf'I• ' .1.1\ .. 1111 I t\lljt ll't .1t1d a 11\ o I tf11 fll It C• Ill 111111 pl.1111· l.111 11111111· \\1tl1 pit Ill\ le ft 11\1 I !111 J'.11 I.I Ill liU\ ,1 I .ot ,111d ,l,11 I ol l.1\1"I\111 ,f,.,u.., 11.111 lo I l h111111 · .11 l ift' .ogo· 111 I 1 ti1 .. 1d111g 11• ( >1.mga· C11un1v 111 (',tfll•11111.1 ''' l11<1k 1111 ""rk :11 \\ '" ,1111 f..o II f1\ ,11,l1•tJl.(1•11t1 '·"' 11111,1 ,)1111 ti \ .1111 I" ,11ol .111d h:ocl )11, 11·1 I lt·g .a111p11l,1l1·d ,, ""'' 11, The trus tt•1•s took 1111 ,1t l11111 1111 the propost•d poh,·y t w o wt•t•k:- ago. but s ud1 d O('Ullll'lllS art· lradit1onally n ·tunwd for bo:11d action a l t~i"' 1wx1 nwt'Llllg ' ' Dis lrll'l s p u kl•sn1:111 H1d1.ll'd ! ' Simon s.:iitl lh•• p r lJJ'llM'd pulley still is undl•rg111ng l'l'\'ll'W ;111d poss 1blt· l'l'VISIOll by cl1:.ll ll'l • adminis trators .ind \\'tit not l~11111• before the truslt'l'S Lu111gh1. 111• " said Chan cl•llor Norma11 Wat,-.011. who h elpl·tl prt·µ.1l'l' 1 h1· document. ha::. lx.'<.·n 11u1 ot lln\ 11 the past ft.ow Wl'l'k io. Nobel award .·to Chicago •• ~prof es or ... '~ STOCKHOLM, S" 1•1h ·11 1AP1 : U n I\' c· r :-. 1 t \ " I l' h 1 t.: .1 g 11 ' Pro ft·!>sor Get1rgt· St 1gl1·1 " ~cqnservatlvt• t't'<lf1t1m1:-1. w11n llll' ~N'obt.'l Ml'l1Htri al Awai cl 111 "7EC'un omtt· St·11·tH 'l' Loda v I 111 ~~research tha t sht•Wl•d 1111• 1n1p;wt • , o f government n ·gula11m1 1111 th t• f~nomv It was thl' 11 lh t1mt' that an· I 9 Americ an h<1s ·won 1 h1· pn7!'. ~ which this yt?<.ir ldt nt.~ <1 'ol1pt•n d • of $157.000 t "Naturnll v l f1·t-I <frlichtl·d. F h ow l'J ll I l t·t·I .1nv u1h1·r 1 way?." said St1gll·r. rh1ch1-d bv teleph o n e an C hrt·ago ..iftt·r th<· award w as announc"t.•d "Certainly I'm 'u' µrr'><'<I · tu· sa id "I h l'ard th.it l \\ 11 11tht·1 l.8d1v1duals were· going lo "'tn 1t a n d thev u·rta1111\ "111 soone r or latt·r-.. Stigler wa' tht· '1·t11nd AmenL·an t<1 w111 d N11l,.·I pn11· this vc·a r Profe~-.or Kl'nrn·th (, \\'II" •n o f CornC'll G n1Vl'l "l' \\1111 thl· pnu.-an phV!>ll"' M11ndJv \V111 k will '>l<1rt -..111111 1111 tw11 l.11 gc· u111h·rg111u 11d f" 11j1·1 l., d1•:-q.~1wd 111 vl111111\.tl•· I lood 111g .011.t 1·,1:-i• tht· liunlt·11 011 t llt' 'o\'\\'l'I :o,\':-ll'm 111 downtown I h1111mgt1111 li.·ad1 H1•:-1d1•11b. unlul'tu11.11t•h'. "tit ( tlld lht•\ l'i.lll'l h,1\'(• I '\ l'I \ llilllg S111·1·t-. ~-ill bt· torn llfl .ind 1111 ·11· "Ill Ix tr.ii 11 .. µr11bl1·111' B1 lll't' (;t1111a•f' flrlljl't'I llhtllil).!t'I tor th1· 1·1t\. >;;11d \\11rk 111.1\ .. 1.11 l J~ l'Jfh '.1~ \\'1•d11t·,d,t\ llll .t 41! llll h ... 111rr11 d1 a111 th.cl "111 Prof. Geurf.!t' St i1-.dt•r ll';1vd und1·1 1:1 1h :-lrt.'t·l lrom th1· h1•.whl111111 to A1·~1l·1a t\vt·n ut· and 0 11 I :!th S1n·1·t from l\cat'la to Pa l111 Av1·11ut· Th<· fllfJ<'lllll' 1:-lht· fll'M ul lollr pl;11111l'd 111 ...i •l'Vl' 111Ul'h 11f 11\t• 11ld1•r 'l'l'llllllS or Hu~1lll\j.(lllll B1·.11·h Thi• () l; Cc11H·11•t1• l'111"1n11 111>11 l'o aif Lo:-An.1!1•l1"; w:i-. ;i wa1 do •d .i '""" l'.tl'I of $1! I :1, - :1:10 I w t lw J<>h l'1111,trut lion t,., l'X JH'l'lt d lo t.1k1• ,.,, , 111011th,., .11 rnost Al .1huu1 tht ,,11111• llnw. th1· U10111gt• l'o11 111 v S,11111 .1111111 01,.,ll'll'l will 1m.t.1ll ;, :1 1 Ill• h St·Wt·r l11H· '" h1111 k llfl Wtlh tlw 1·x1:,,t111g l11 w 1 h:1t ""'' tt•1111111.ola·, .it L~ck1· S111·1·t 'l'ht· B ul111l11 t '1111:-tn11·111111 l'11 ti[ Lo' t\11).!t•ft •., I'> d 11111g tho J11l1 fo r ,)1gh1I~· 1111111• tlt.111 $:1 1111 1111111 Thi· 11111• ,,., '"'JJt'('ta·d 111 t.tk• a _\'l';ll \II llllllfllt·ll Ji11t \\11lk l!'o .t'Xpt·tto•tf 111 Ju • 1111 .... 111 ·.J Ill ll11 do\\ 11111\\'ll .II'"' Ill tl111 t• Ill 111111 111111\ l 11 .. Gll1111·1 -..11d tl11 IJ'"J'" h '"-'fl' Schlllitz antes up for child support St.ell• S 1•11 J ohn Sd1m1t1. f<-t~7fi Tlw1 i'1111 • 111 "ell lt'.l\'I l'111·011.c d1·l M ~1 r . h,1., l1q~1111 nffll't• "lw11 1111 S1•11.1tt .11l11u1 th f'•l\'1 11g d1dd support l•I h1-. m Nm1•111h1 r forrlll'I 1111:.tn'S.-.ofn1111•v1 .. 1rs .111d 1., Sl·t.111111 111111.111 1·1! .al 1~1 ' th1· 11111\ht.•r of l~w1r IWll d11ldrt•n Cunt1I.• d o·I 1\1;11 11111111 d1 ·1 l111a·d o1l'l'11nh11g '"pap•·•,., t1ft ·d 111 US 111 ,01111111.111 1111 Slul'klt 111 tl11· 8 ;111k1 llplt \' l'<1Url h.1111<1 upll'\ 111,1111t.1111111g 111 , l '.11 la \'t•1111· SllH kf1., wli11 l1111g lwld :-lf•·tH • 1111 1111• 111.11111 ,·l.11111 ' Sd1111111 l;1tli1·n·d h1·r Stutklt· .1 U , .. :11 11111 I u'll" 111 lll•>lltli old buy .ind ,,.,1d1·11I liltd !0 111 l1.111k1ll fJl1\ ;{ 11111nt h old i-:1rl n •p1Jt l1•d l'l'-l'llll\' ;111d th1-. "•'• ~ IJ,ll·d lho· l'l t t•l\'fllg •' ;$:!'7 .1 I"'' Oh'lll 1111, $'..!7!i Jl.l\'llll'lll lr1H11 s. 11111111 Ill llilflllh d 1 ol\\:11 !Ill lht· .)Ollll lt,111k l'tlUrt JJ.lJ,lt'f' 111 \\'Ill< It 'Ill .aJ..11 .alt'•llll\\ 11! Sc. hn1111 and his w1ft· pnopost•s to JI"' 111 I $I .!.11.111 111 111 :.!II ""'r' M.or\ dt•f1nqUt•nt d1•li1, 11\.'1 I lhl' n1·'t '1'111· 11"1 J>.1\llll'lll "'.._, ni:.id•· tli1 1·1· \(·,1r' V. llh l"u 1·h1't·k s. a $IL)() JX'l'lol.>11.al l'oun d11t·unwnb 111dtlalt• lwr t ht·l·k .ind " m o nt'v urclc·r f.,, ho um· " m11rtl{<1gt·d 1111 $·HI 0110 Sl7!i . .ind 1,., 111 .art('.11·, !111 :$'..! 454 on Alu1rd1ng 111 thl 1uurt paJ:ll·r,, lhn·i· of 1i.. loui m11rtg,1w·~ Sd1m111 h.1s lornn11ll1'tl h1msd1 lU p..t' mg "iJt l~L S·IUO <> -lllunU~ ,!flu <i' lllUl h mon· "' ht· t·ould" llllt I' hl I ( pl,111·-, I h1· olJIJlfll)dlll:1lt• $.IH,01111 h t· I .11 t11•d .1 ... ,1 -.1.1t1· -.c•11i1lllf t\n u1hu1 l·1~.,1 ul 1.in<l1tl..ill• f11r US S1·n.111· Schm1lz was n·d1s tr1t·11·d out of tht· :olatt· S1•n:111• '>l'al ht· h<ts hc·ld !>Inn· rh~· lvf'U! .,l,lfldllll! I C'l,1llul1'htp 111 t\\1·1·n S1u1 kit .i n cl 1h1· :1:? \'l'<or c1ld Ht·1111hl11 .111 1-.11111 tu l1gh1 111 .Juh "h1 11 S1 h1111t1 .Jlll•lllJ>ll•d lo 11111 I \'I Ill' \\:th ,111 Or;111g1• l't•Ulll' Su1w11111 C 11u1 1 Jud g (. f Cl I I 11" ' "g .• n u n ll <; u." 111Jll r ~ 111 I h1·11 \Cll111g .. on·, g1·111t;il, "lwdulc·cl lht:-l.111 .allcl Wfllll'I II\ •ll'd1·1 111 .1\·111d d1~ruptt11g b rg•· '111111111•rt1 n11 · vrowd:,, Ullll't:tb "'ffll that t1;.ifl1l .011d p11rk1ng p1 t1l1h·111~ .1n· IJl >Und 111 !111ur hut th;ol l't111tractor' h:ov•· la t'll 111:-.l ru1 tt·d llJ work 1111 an·a .. 111 l\\oJ 111 th1a•1• lll111·k~ ;11 :1 111111• llf l u t UO\\ n 1-Jl'uhk-111:- Th t · n1 ·w ,.,1111111 d1 .1111 " \'\ fll'l'lt•d lll l<ik1• l'oll l' ol lht .... ·v1•1" t lu"d111g p1 ohll•rt1' 11i.1t h;l\01· pl.tgU1·d lh t· d ownt11\\'t1 11>1 \t''-lf ' 11g1> \ 'Jl11 l'.111 .... 111ola "l1u., l11J111 I )wit h11111t 111 lf1•111111,fl ilJ, lhPll 'ol't 11\ll 1111 ltHI\, ,1111\ lfl).! ,11 1111• 'I 1111.a11.1 111l1111;ol1t111.ol 1>111 d1·1 I fll'"fl).! llfl \tl~1 .s '1'111 t.111111\ "·" ht 1·11 II\ 111g lfl .in .1p.111111• 111 111 .or 1Ht hr,...pll~il -.1111 l ,\ U).!U'I High clouds due Thi· '111\ "·" t.1k1•11 1111 11 1 ust11d\' ll\'. th•· tl1 .111g1• ('11u1H\ Son; ti S 1•r\ 1u·,., Agc•1wv. hut "'" 11·tu11wd to S l ue kt.• 111 /\ugu .. 1 w lw11 ,, c 11nnn.d 1 11.11 i.:1 111 t htld llqo(lt 'l I \\' ... ,., d hllll''' ·d ,1, . ,. ;,• mid 8ll~ ::.ou1nern oesen n19ns 8S 10 'IS East lo nor11ieas1 winds 1n lower Colorado Rive• Valley aft~rnoon ano ev@n1nQ The Forecast For 8 p.m. EDT Rit1n r.::J SnowQ .. 'l'oa:-1tal Moslty sunny IOdly w1tn n•ons In 1ne 70s Fa1r 1on19nt and 'rnur~ey w11n pa1chy ear l~ onornong IOQ &IOflO lhi! coasl F11" end • h111e warml!f on Tnursday w tlh nooh c louos ano tempeulures rangono from low Os at lhe beaches 10 tow 80• land Overn1on1 lows tonogn1 S3 10 S7 E lsewner e tr om Po on i Conceotoo" 10 1ne Meroc:an Qorder a nd oul 60 mil es NorthweSI winds 10 IO t6 k"OIS end seas 3 to S feel over outer wa1ers locally 11gn1 vat18Ple winds today. B•CllPt wes1 10 southwes1 8 to 1& knots lhls •llernoon and evening w11h souin to aoulhwesi swttll 2 to 4 feet Some morning a,,d ncghl low clOvds and log, 011ierw1se mos11y lair. U.S. sumniary The llrat maior 1nows1orm ol 1"• season swepl across 1ne Corn Belt Wllh Wind • up IO so mph today. miring tralloc on up lo a 1001 of tnow, knoc;kcng out power 10 th0utand1 of nomet end delaytng en •lreedy Ille eulumn har11es1 Aa Ille SIO<m ouahttd eu1w11d out ol norlhetn Net>fnk• where the heev>nt ac:eumulattona -e repo<1.0 TUet<lay, up 10 6 lnChet fell In p1<11 of lowo, Sou1n OekOll, Iowa M•nnHola and Wi9cc>nllfl "We h•v• our fHll winier anowtlorm. lltd h1gnw1y patrol redlo opera1or le1 Muell In M.,.heU, Mtnn where 15 ecc!Oenll -• repof't.O meny lnYOMng ears end 1ruc1i.1 1k1dd1no off Inlet.Cate 90 Nottnern ano Ce11tr31 Cahtorn•a <Niii oe c.1earm9 w•th variabte n.gn clouds trom 1ne southwest c~ancfl' ot ta1n n nortnwes1 Mostt1 l•1r a.nd warm n cen1ra1 &tate Te111pera tu res NATION A1D&ny AlbuQuerq.,n Am~rono AncllODQI! Asheville Allan1a A1lantc C•tv Aus11n 8att1m0te 81t11ng' 811m1ngham 81smern 8o1SP Bo SI on 8rownsvflC! 8ulfalo 8ur11noton Cupeo Cnarlstn SC Charlstn WV Cnerl11e NC cneyenne Cnoceqo C1nc1nnnu C1evl'lctnd Co1umb1il SC. ColumPus Oa1.F1 Win Oaylon OenvC!• ~s Moines ~111)11 Outulh El P11so Fa11ba11~s Fergo Flagstall Gren\ falls H11llord Helefla Honolulu Hf lo Pep 68 32 6~ 4~ &S 46 42 J 1 1f 6~ 30 71 46 • Iii 48 87 68 68 41 46 33 02 76 S3 39 3S 59 29 68 41 90 61 70 50 64 35 40 20 23 75 56 74 46 71 •2 :i6 19 21 S9 47 09 74 49 11 47 77 54 70 44 86 66 69 •S 42 27 17 63 52 03 10 u 41 3S 06 84 48 38 33 49 37 34 59 27 46 n 02 10 31 48 n 02 87 88 Hous1<m INlnaPfl\ Jac•~n MS Jt.lCk,nvlle Juneau 1<.ans Cty !(no~v1lle as v<11a~ •1llP Roc.k lOUISVlflt' Lunooc~ Mempt11~ M1am•· M1lwaukef' Mpls-St Paul Nastwotte New Orlean9 New York Nor lo1• No Ptaltt' Oltlo Clly Om11n~ Orlando Ptllladph13 Pnoenr• P1ll!bu1gn Piiand M~ Pllano O<• P1ov1dence RaletQh Rapid C11y Reno Richmond 83 67 80 1•1 •6 10 70 69 80 n 80 79 80 Sl 50 15 II? G1 Tl •? 78 •3 83 67 9t 70 81 63 66 76 3~ S3 72 ;i 46 S'> 60 • 1 41 HI ~7 ~· 47 54 58 17 so •3 ~ 55 48 45 n 54 41 63 39 6t '.)1 '10 !,() 37 •2 31 34 4S 0 1 l• 0 1 8'> 8:.> 16 :.>8 04 Tiie storm, eccompanttd b~ lnde gulling 10 SO mph 1n eouthern Mlnne10 11. atao trendeO 11un<1red1 of lrevelert nd forc.11 some sen~1 lo c:tote California Southern Celllornte wllf h•~• hig h ctoud1 et ttm••. bul OIMf'WfN wlH be felr CoHlal low clOudt In nlgf'll end morning llour1 with P•IClly ..,1y morning IOQ In lnlllnd vefleoyt 1.hlllt 1ernper11ur1 ._ ___ :, ____ ~u..._ .. R_f R_IP_DR_T cMtlQe. 011no• County ctn t•P•CI f'llgll• riear 70 II th• t> .. Cf'IH todty ll'ld Thurad1y. low tOa llll8nd .,... L.Ow9 &a 10 u tnend .,....,,, can upect 111gn1 Loc.etlofl Hunllngton Blulla Hunllni1on Pllf Sen11 n1 Rover Jelly 401h SI Newt)Of1 22nd 91 N9W1>0<t' 81lb0• weoge San C1-11 P19r Trellllg•r (f·9trfflt Toclefe Aw9/M1J 2 '3 1·3 1·3 I ' ,., 1·2 w ..... Awer ... lh•pe Temp. l!Mr && tall &e ,.,, 116 fair eel POO< ee POO< &e telr 84 .. ,, 04 1n .... YPP9I' 10.. towt -eo t.lo.#lt..,. _.!WW fllOllt In the '-•ow High Tide t I 4411 m Low Tide 1 n pm lwell l)lflKllO" mid llOI 10 70 w .. 1 Showers 11!1 Flume sl!i] Safi Lak" so 28 Sen Anlonio 84 b7 Se1m1e 59 311 Stu~v .. port 82 ~8 StOU• rails 40 3:1 81 SI Loui• 1~ 58 SI P·Tampil 84 65 'lt Ste Mari• 60 48 04 SpokMI" 34 27 Syrawsl' 70 36 lopekJ 73 44 Tucson 8'> ~!l 1 ulSa 81 S• wa,11no1n 70 4q Wtc;h1I01 68 •l CALIFORNIA ApPll' \/81fl'y 80 48 Ba•eralonld 75 65 Bar"ow 80 60 81'aumonl 81 •fl B•o Bl'ar 67 30 81,nop 72 43 a1ytne 89 61 c11011nn 72 58 Eureka 11 49 Frf'tnO 79 60 LanCAlll'< 77 SI lor>g 811ac.n 16 62 Los Anqe1e1 73 63 Monrov11 112 S9 MonlePtlllO 78 60 Monterey 69 58 Ml Wotr.1>11 65 54 NIH!dlts 77 Ml Newp"o I 888('.h 71 60 01klK11d 74 60 Onumo 11 57 Polm Sp11ng1 92 59 PA11d1na 78 59 PHO Robfflt 81 ~8 A1vertcd1 111 .. ~ Smog Where to cell 11011 lrH ) lor tel"I :og ~n1orn.1tton 0.•"941 ounly (8001 44!1·3829 Lo• AngelH County (900) 242·4022 RIWf.ide and 81111 Bernlfdlno countlel (IOO) 397·4710 AOMO fpl.ode C41ntet llOOI 242 ...... Hot'tfttttl dffeft ~·~70t:_~IO~-·------------..;..----------------..;..----------------------------·---------- JOB • • • From Page A 1 d1-..1cl1 lt·l!.tlh · he .... ud Th l' l h 11 l 1 ,, 'u ,ii l ' 1 n 1 ht sc .1ml::il ""' Hnl>t·rl l'unnmgh.1111 \\ h11 "'·" t nn\'ll tt·cl 111 I !Hi I 111 l'mlH"nling Sib 111111 111 lt-dt·1.il fund:-for h" l>l'r'-<.111.11 ll'l Bill urgery du(~ Delly Pllol Pholo by Cherlu Sl•rr \ t•tc·rinarian Ga, It· Hoht•rt .. c'\.ami1w ... a fH'lic·an \\ ith muiilalt•d ht'a ". rnw of W\t"ral lo hP fi11t•d \\ilh pro ... 1he•lit· flt•,ic·t• ... afh•r lwinl-! injurt•d In fi ~lwrnwu in llw Uana Poinl <1n·u . 25% OFF SALE 2 DAYS ONLY Saturday & Sunday, Oct. 23rd & 24th Includes all; • OPEN STOCK • OAK BLOCKS • BLOCK AND KNIFE SETS <:::::::--~ KNIFE SHARPENING CLINIC • L•mJled ro Supply On H•no Sat..J Oct. 23rd 11 a.m.-3 p.m. At Coron• del Mer & Weatcllff storea Sun., Oct. 24th 11 a.m.-3 p.m . At Herbor View & Anehelm Hiii• sforea Three Knives Per Customet Sharpened FREE ... Additional kniv•• 69' Each. more thsn you expect in a hsrdwsre store CROWN HARDWARE El VISA' Wntclfff 17th St at lrvtne, Nftl>Of'I Beectl, 042· 1 t33 Herw View S•n Mt;uet DI et Sen J1oquln, NttWPoft Beach, 044·8570 CotOM def Met 3 107 E eo.,1 ~lwy , 473·2800 An .... m "ltle Santi Ana canyon Ad .. 11 lm'*tal Hwy , 9919-15282 • • '1 I STATE Nar •()lie , ()fficer • • r ap mar11uana crop Uy Th\' All>,11t·h1tl'd 1'1 t'"' tiullt· V111111t' 'ltt•1111 ·, dt•flllltt·~ It.I\•' 1.11dt•d h·I lllJI IJUjll,t g,1nl1·1h '""I' Julv ,111d St'l/1 •d 11•'.ll h :j.111 1111111011 worth 11 1 1111• dr Li i{, :a>ilV:- Sh1•1lll', Sgt H1111 l 'h,1ph11 ILilf 11f tlw 1,11d, \q•11· h11,1n11'<I h) .1 $ I0,01111 gr.1111 I 111111 tlw U S f111 ,.,, S1·n·11 t Chaplin s.11tl in a1\ 11111•n•1t•w Tut.•,d .1-. I h · -,.11d tht· l.11 g'''t r.11d 1w111·d J ,lltHl plan~ 111 .. 11 l'11r.1d1st• l\lo'.111\\ lult ,1,111· 11.111 llllt·, 11llll'l'I' '•I\ 1111•\ 11 II \lllM tu d1,111pt tlll' a1111u.t1 h.11 Vt"\l 111 11 ll Ill 11 ti Id I ( ... ll II I \ . s 111ul111111llit111 d oll.11 111.111Jli.111.1 11 11p .J1 11 v S 1111th, lw.111 111 t h1· ,1,111· Ju,1111· 1>1•1>.11 t11n·111 's 14 II I I '. I 11 (l I N .• I I .. t I t' s l-:11f1ll I 1•1111 Ill ,,11d '1'111•Ml.1 y th.11 11111' 111 po t h.iv t• ht•t•n 1t1flfl .... •.ttl'd 111 th•· npt•1,1ttt111 h v .... 1.11 • lrn .d .111d I "dl'r.d o lla1•" Illegal alien ruid OK 'd SAN FHANl'ISCO 1'111· u s . l m m I gr <I l I" II ·' II ti N a turahzat1o n St•rv1t·t· t·.111 n•sumc• snnw ol iL' J<>b sw1·1·p~ fur illegal alwns, tlll' ~Ith LIS l'1rl'Ull Court of Aµpt•<1ls ,;,.'s Tht· ,·nurt rul1•d Tu1·-;cl,I\ th.it th1• INS 111uld 1.1111 pnvat1• busllll'""'' 11llll'1 th.in tho'' that brought ,, 11vil 1•1ghts suit t".tl'ht·r this Y•'<ll Thi 'tut. h11111gli t bv thl' :!.11011 1111•111bt•1 l11tt•111al11111al l\l11ld1·r~· .ind All11•J Wurkt•rs' L111:o1I U1111111 I :14 .1ml growt'rs N1·v1· llo-;1·, and P 1•arl M1.,1d11w-; l\lus hn10111 Farm 1n l'l't.1111111.1 .• dl1.·gt·d th1· I NS 1.11dt d pl.11·1·s 1·mploy1 ng \\t>l l-.1•1, ... l\lt•'1l',lll 11rig111. 1 q.~.11 dJi·,s 11 1 \\ lwtlwr tlw 1·111plo\t t'"' \\I'll' lt•g.tl .1ht•lls Cost of living tops poll S:\N fl<ANl'ISl'll ~I'"' l '.tlll 111 111.1 \'1>h'I' pll 1 l ht o o "l 111 h\'111g .1tnp tlw11 11,1 ••I t1>llt1•nb, lht· l ',ol11oi 111.1 l'oll I l'l'ltll \l•d toda\ T lw cust 111 l1\'111g . 111'. 111 11tht•1· W11rtb. 111l l.11lt11l . \\ .1-. \ 11tt•d 11\ot~I 1111pot1 t,111t ll\ 7!1 1.wn:1·11t u l llio-.1· qu1·,1111111·d 1111 llt'I p111111t11 •, \\t•f't• I 111111 ,!ltd l,J\\ I llltJI l l'llll'll\, 711 p• I• .. 111 11111·mpl11v 1111•111 .olld joth:-.. 1h flt 'l l t'lll. l<IXl'~ .111d J.,:ll\1 '111111"111 'f'l'1ld111g. 71i 111·11·1·nt. 'llf'ph 111 1•1wrgy, 71 f'l'l 11 Ill .ind '111 l.d 'l'l'Ul'll V """ "I \'II I" 1111 "'111111 .... ltH flUltlll Starnp old for $85.,000 LOS AN<.iELES :\,111.tll t\n1t•rin111 po~to1g1· st.11 n p l'ol l'l'\'tng I h1· ll P'ldO' di>\\' II fJll IUrt· ol .o \\'111 Id \\'.11 I ,., ,, •Ill plotlll' \\ '" olllt lllllll d IHI $HS 01111 Tut•'><l·" Thi· :!4·,.t·nt .111 nh1il .... 1.1111p 1-. lllH' of ;1 'h1·1·t uf 11111 1nad\'l·rt1·11tl.' µ1111t1·d \\1th tl11· Curtis." .J N Ill ,11n-rc1lt 1·0 111m11nl \ k llCI\\ II olS l hi' WORLD ".lt•l111\ II\\ l'l lt•d Thi· ' l.llll p' \\ \' I t ' I ' .... ll I'd t 0 111111111• l\lt1l'.llt I ht· l1r'I a11 d1·ll\ 11\ ot 111.111 111 l'll H I,,"\ \l ,II ,Ill I ,111\ llllt'- llf .1 k111~l ... 1.1mp f111111 Hntl'h (;u1.i11.o -.old 111 Ni·\\ Y11rk tor ,, 1t·t1>1d :!\HH.1 .t)lltl Thi• po ... 1.1g1· -.1;1111p 1·;i11 11•d a fa1·1• \"1lu1· 111 11111• 1.11·1111\ Cuban 1n Afghan raid? lSLAMABAD. l'ak1~wn Atgh<in gu1•rr1lla' Inda~ l'la1mc·d t hat Cub.rn truop .... Wl"'l'l' t.lepluyl'll with So\'ll•l ground fo rt't"'> rn a maso.,1v1· but unsucc.·l·sst ul mlllt.ir\ 11fIt:•n~1 \' e I a' l v. l <· k 1 11 Paghman. If> milt·~ nurth of lh1· Afghan c.qut.tl H(>s1st • .nn.· !>l1unt·s l'lilmll'J lll hJ\'C' 1nfll• l 1·d ht•;l\'V I dSUJllll'' Ill th1 Ot·t t'.! comhinc·d '"'·•ult north u l Kabul. but "1 t.11 havl· 1 d I t n· d n 11 d 11l'1 1m1 • n t a r v pr n 11 f . 'u d1 "s <·apt u rt· d 1d1·11t1 t' 1 ;a1 d' o l C:uhan 111\'t11\ t·mt·nt in tht· 111nfli1 t Troop g ua"rd Irish polls BELFAST . N t•rth1·r n 11 c·land With morl' th.in :15.llllfl sold1<'r 'l and p11ll1·1· ~u.ird1ng pul1t1c.·1 .. 1H .tnd polling plan..,, thl· 1x •oµle 111 Nurtht•rn [n ·l.ind \'llll'd lodov tor" m•\\ prov1m 1.il '''"l'mhl~ th.it Bnta1n hopt·' will bnng P r 11 1 c· s ta n t ., ,, n cl H o m a n C:athoht'S togt·tlwr. NATION Dc•,pltl' B rit:-1 1n 's high hnpt''· ht1Wl•v1•r. the.• c.•lt'{'lJOn i... not 1·xpt'<:tl'd tu prudu('e a hlUt•prtnt for ~·,11·1• <1hC'r J:i 't•.ir:. o f I 1ght1ng b<·twPC•n Nurthl'rn lrt lant.I'' «!>t1mattod I nulhon Pr11ll'st.111t ,111d tht· ;'>011.111111 -st rong H oman Cdthoh1· minoratv Watt warned to 'pay up' WASlllNCTON A I l o u st• A µ p 1 o p r 1 a t 1 u n ' -;ulxomm1th'<' 1·h a1rman sa,·, that 1f IntPnor Scc.·retar\ .J a m t• -; W .1 l t d o e s n o t 11•1mburM· thl· T rt•asury $Ii. H-1 2 b\ Nov I. hi' w1 II ask tht> p;1nd to 11 rd1·r tt dcduc:lt'd lrom Watt'~ p<t yl·hc.'(;ks Hl•p S1dm·v Yates, D -111 . w:irnc'Ci W;att 111 a letter that he• would pre ss f o r gar n 1 s h nic· n l u n I es s l h c· Cabinet m('mb<'r re pay!> tax mom·y h<' a nd h1 !> wife s pe nt t or pr 1 vat c.· p .i r t 1 t• s a t a I c•d e ra 11' """ 1wd ma n !>ton clurmg tiw I !Ill I Ch n s tmas "'il'><)n SulJl'omm1tt<·c· <.(JUrl'<'!> said Tu c· s d ci v t h ;1 t W a t t had iHl('tnly cumpla1m•d to \'atc•s that thr ll•tter Ytill'S0 third .... 1•l•kmg r epaymC'nt b<'l.'aml' pubhl· lx>fon· he• saw 1l T h<' -;oun•es md1catt'Ci that depart- ment off1e1als wc·rc• s till rC'VlC'wmg how muc h should IX' n•pa1d l'yl I" • nol uspect • NY? Ill lh 'l'ht· A "ol'iu tt•cl l'rt'" l 'nlllt' .111d VIII .1~:• 111-. t.1111" d 11111 tl111111g ll N1 \\ \'111 k l•,,1h1111: 1111 ,1 "p1111w 'll'l"'' I '' 111 tl1• ('1l11.1g1 1 'J\l1•1tt1l lllllld1·1 ... ,oflt I II \\,1., l1 "o1ltu~l tll.t1 h1 • ,111d Ill" \\If• ''·'''"'Ill •• M.111li.itt~111 lt<1l1·l 1111trl I.it. lo1 ... t \ll'•·k. 11 \\," 1q11111t-cl t11d.1\ .),111,.., I. L1·y. '' .111d Ith \\Ill· J,0.,111 11 , l'li 1•1 k1·d 1111" tho H11tlt·d g1· llut1•I 1111 S 1·11t :!II 111111 da v' lwlo11· 111,. l1r~1 111 "'\'>·11 l'hll ago-art.·a d1 ·.1th~ f 111111 1o;, ti,, Stn·ni,tth Tyh•1111I t·.1p .... ull·, ltll1·d \\ 11 h l'Y .1111d1 ·. I h" l'lrn .1gu St 111 T 11111· .... rq 1 .. 1 h ·d tutl.,, Tlt1· l'hH 11g11 T1 illlllll' ""'d '4"11 t•s 111 N1 ·w Yrn k l'1ly p11l11·1· .111.J FHI :ig1•11t !> l.1111wd 11111 1hr11t1gll N1•w Y111 k lo1t1k111g 1<11 1111 111l1plt· "" Tu1•,d.1\' ll11\\l'\'t •1 . N1•\.\ Y ork ('1 t \ p11l111 Sgt Ed Bur 11 ........ 11d tud,I\ tlll' pul11 1· t1 .. p.11t1111 •11t '''" 11111 th• "lllll'l' for 1111 11 I'"' h tlo.o1 L1·\\" \\a, 111 N1•\\ \'111 k Ht '·"" h1 · had 110 k1111w l1•dgi 1 if 1., .,, 1-. h1·111J,! Ill tilt' l'll \' l\lt•o111whilt'. l 'hh'.•g••', p11lu 1· "-llf>t'l llll1·11d1·11t d i-.p11t1 d •• f>I "" • 111111 '-, t·h.11 .11 II 111,1111111 ;,j I .o ·\\ a.... .is .1 µr11111· "'ll'f>l't I .111d poltn tur 111·d tll .. llllllflUl1·1 1111 lwl11 111 d1 11·r111111111g ti L1·\\ '' ",,.., d1·111t·tl'd 111 a drug st111 1· St'l.Ulll\ ph11t11g1 aph th.11 ab11 ... 1111\\ 1·.I ,, ·r, 1,. n" 1 "1e· 11111 11 u y 1 11 g 1 ti •. f'"""n J.11,.d 111 .. d11·.1t1011 I n .11 Jdll hill p11l11 I' 111 "'lll h\\'l·'lt 111 1\11 ....... 11111 1 \.\ht·n· l .•·\\1' g11•\\ up. ,,11d 11 \\.o~ lw111g th1~11 l/1·d th.ti ht 11\.1\. lt.1\ I ' hl.11111·d T\ 11 11111'' 111.1k1•1 f11r tho • l!li' I d1•,1lh t.t lw, \otllllg d,1ught1·1 L1•\\'r-., 1·h.1rg1·d 1n ,, $I 11 111111111 1 '111rt111n ~l'h1·n11· l111k1·d 111 11i. 111111 d1·r' l1<'tw,.1·11 Sq 11 :!!I .11111 < >. t I '' \\ a11ll'd t11r qU1 •-.t11111111g Ill I h1 .,1,1\ 111g:-I ht•fll"'Jv1• .... ..,,11d 111111111' Atturnt•\ ( ;t'lll'l'o•I T\ 1 t1111 F.ol111t·1 \\ h u h·,.,,d .... .i t."k 0 l111u ••• lll\'l' ... ll~;t1 1ir' I .1·w1., al11·g1•dl:-thr 1·.1t1•11t•d ,, "'11111d wav1• 111 JJ<•l'1111l11J..!' u11lo ·" th1 11111111•y \\'iis p.11d Th" Mt•mphi.. C'111111111·11 1.d 1\pp1•:tl 11·p11rt1·d tod.J\ tli.11 ·' p11l111•n1o1n rn t'.11 I Jum tu111. 1\111 "ho•r <· Lt·\\ 1' g r t·\\ up -. .. 1d L • \\ I ... h l.1111\ d J II h II 'II II ,,. J11l111 ... 1111, , ••• 11 ·111 111111 p.111:-111 tht , 11111pa11 v 111.11 111.1k1·' Tvl1•1111I. '"' I h l ' ti I' :J t h 1 If h I ' ;) . \' ('.I I' ll I If d.1ugh1tor. T11111. 111 1!17 1. Tlw JJ<Jliu.•man. Sgt J .. ,ki· I J~ • 1 of (.'.11 I .Jurwllnn. M 11 'w:llU L1·v. i...' d.111g lH1·r t.lll'd uf ht·.1rl cl1-;1•.t" llo\\l v1•r . lh t·r -. .. ud tut.I.I\ 111 01 II I II l l' r \' I l ' W W I l h 'f h t • A'-"01.'1<1ll'U Pr"'-' that lw had n•1 f1r~t-h,111d k1111\\ l1•dg1• o l I .1'" '' ;1 I II llld1 ., Janet Gay11or • • 1mprov1ng i11 hospital SAN FRANCISCO 1Al'1 J..1n1·l G a\nor·, ht•.i lth h.1 ... 1111pron-d gn •ath "m·1· ... h1· was St'Vt•fl•ly lnJUrt·d 111 olrl illllU (l{'('ldC'nl SIX W(•t•k:-.1go. hut tit .. aC'trc ss mus t sta\' ;1t l1o;1s t t\~11 mor e Wt•eks 111 th1· hu ... µ1tal . o fr1C'1als sav Tht.> 76-vl'ar·old rilm ,tar "'·" all'rt and · talking on Tu1•scl<.1\ when h e r cond111on """ 1 h.ingt.·d fro m serious to :.iltl'f.11 t111·v hv doc:tors at San Fram h(.'1> G1·;wr;;I Hospital. Miss Gaynor was mnvt•d fnnn thl' intens1vt• t'an· wan.I to J private room. s;11d L111cb Dl' La Y~la. a hospiwl !>pok<•"\11man . The OsC'ar-w1nn1ng a1·tn·s~ !>uffe rl'd l 1 b rokt•n rib!>. fral·lures o f collar bom• am.I pt•h ·" ;.ind internal in jUl'IC'!. wht•n a van r <1mm c d a taxi t ak1111< h1•r , husband Paul Gregurv, at·trl'Ss Mary Martin and hl'r managt-r Ben W ashC"r, to dinn<'r Was h er. 76. was krllt>d Gregory. 62. a nd Mis.-; Marlin. fi8. s tar o f B roadwav .ind nwv1t• musicals. h avt• b·l·t•n n ·lt-ased from th e h ospital We're Listening ••• What do you hkt• about the Daily Pilot'> What don't you hke'l Call the number at le ft a nd your m essage will be recorded, transcribed a nd delivered to the appropriate editor. Th<' same 24 hour answering service may be used to record let tl'rs to the editor on any topic Mailbox contributors must include their name and telephone number for verification No c1rculat1on <'alls. please 642·6086 Tell us wha t 's on your mind ~ .. 0. •-'-4 M_, f1~ II fQ<, 1i'1 ;~ ~·;" ,~cr'.;.:,·:1-~ end you1 copy w11f O• ....,tel St1••0•f •n<t !iu,,oay 11 ~OU 00 Mt ,,,.,..,. ,iw, Cl:!Pl' O)' 1 • "' , .... btt!<l'• 10 • "' •"<I ,.,,.,. ~·'O't ..... .,._eel ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat Thoma• P. Ho .. y Pvht1\tltt, nrwt (h,.ef ( •ecv11"'e Oft1r•' Jane Amari [•~CU',.~ (t!IOt l . Kay Schult1 v.,,. p, .. .o .... °"" O"fl<'"' 01 Adlot<"' "9 Raymond Maclean C0<>11olet Michael P. Hon1ey O..e<•or of M0t•_."'O •( ~cuk)l>MI • f(e,.,neth N. Goddard Jr. Ot••ltw of 0 11f!IUt1on' CIH1Hl4td 1dv1rtl1lng 7141142·5e11 All other departmantl 142..,.321 MAIN OfflCE JJll W•ll I • St Cotle -... CA Mall alkl,..M k• I MO (Mi.-.. CA 9't1' , .. ,,'9M "'' Or-,., .. , ""°'''"' ... ,_, Ho ntwt ,.., .. ,_ utyttr1t1on•, tOhoo•• m•tt r o, •O nttlff,.,..,I, ,_.,,,In may .,_ t eprOOv<eCI wllllOoil -••• ,.,,.,1nl0fl 01 '°"''19111 _,., T.,. Of-tee•I 0.117 Piiot w1111 WM<ll h <- 11'1\H .... -"'"" ., ...... 1.-...... °' ..... ,.... .. ............ ,...,,...., s. ...... --••• ....,,,_ .....,. "'......,. .,, ... , ,., , .. ,. - Newjl0f1 h«ll,_H~ll,,.iOfl l .. <11, '-'""'Veli9y l••IM , l-..,_ -II. SWiii C•tt A,..,._,........ Nltl.., I\ ..,..,_ S..11tHY\ .... ~t'l't T ... jlflft(l"l ...... ~lllt ,. ...... ,•I no WHI •• , ,,_, P.O lo~ tllO, (•I•,_ .. , c e11-111e .,.,_ VOL. 75, NO. 290 '~ Oel1 ll'tlol II•" ..... C>to Jot11rn ~ C :ar-.011 la"t·-. dc·li,c•r ) of hi ... l>c· l.on·an ~ports c ur in June , I '>BI. i11 In i1w. Tlw a ulo c·ompan ) '.., fomult·r ha been arr este d in H ~2 1 111ill io11 c·rn·ai11 c• , ... ..,,., Ill~ l"'OREAN HELD ON COCAINE CHARGE From Page A; 1 ''·'"'"' ,,,1d H1, 11111g ll1 1t1111g.ollq.'td 111 1. ....... .. t .11111 111 l .o" t\11go 11 ' '" hu\ :.!:!II p11lll11I' "' 11w;11111· 1111 111~.1111111111111 Ill S1111tho 111 ( '.dal111111;1 .it .1 ,,,.,.,I fll'll 1· 111 ::::.! I 11111111111 Otl11•1 ... 111\tlf\t•d Ill th• ""( \\I I t o II II 'lo'< I I\ J H 11 o f.1 \ 111 g It I B1111111g ..... 1d ··1~1 ·11h .... 111d 1111 IJ<•lllld .. 111 l'llt .11111 • "1111 •• 'lll 1 I \',ol\lt• "' ,., ' 111rlh"11 l'h.11 g1 ti \\Ith I It l.1111 .111 \.\ l'll' W1ll1o1111 i\l11rg.111 It. 111 1 k .. 10 II\\ 1\0 I 111 f\.iotl g.11\ 1\Vl.0\11111 ;111 • 11111.dt "''l\1t1· 1•1111p.111v 111 M11J.•\" ;111d St1 pht·11 ·1,,.,. 1\n111gt111 1 :~·I 111 S.111 l>wgu, dt•SI I il11·d .1 ~ :111 ;i..,111•1;111• ol 111 vwk T iil' th11·1· \\'t·11 · oll'C'llM'll .. 1 '""'1•11 lllg '" d "t111l11t1 · ('l!l'il llll' .111d f>t'"''"''11111 ol 1111.11111• v. llh 1111 .. 111 I<• tl1,t1 il1u11 ll t•t111k \\, ... ,,,,,,, •. cf Ill ll11ll\\\111ul .11111 1\11111gt1111 v..1s p11 J..1·d U fJ 11t·.i1 \',,,, Nu v, ,\11 port, Bn•t1111g~""d 'l'hl' nwn. '•I t·unv11.·tl'd. I an· rn..ix1rrlum M'lllt'llt:l'l> or 15 yt•<tr~ tn prtson ;,.1)(1 a $25.000 fml .. ll1•trll'k .11111 /\rnnguon Wf'l't• urr~11g1wd l<ite Tut•scfov by U ::i. Magl!>ll'att· J <tnll'S P l'nl;l., wh11 St:l $:!0 mill1011 bail for H t•tn1.·k cind $:1110.110~ fur Arrington H t·trit·k's <illurnt·v S tq.1ht·n Wll!>(lll, l'Omµlcitnl'l.l th.it the bcid w ;1 ' • • u n n l' t' c-~ !> a r 1 I .' h 1 g h . 1·1111s1d1•nn~ that Mr l l1·t1wk h <t<; 1111 pn11r n "<:ord " 0 ... ll'tlol l tafl ..,.. Thi-. •~ th•· l>c· Lon·an ~lolor Co. pla nt o n :\lain S lrN 'I al Gillt>lt~ \\t'. in In int~. l .S. lwa dqua rlt•r s for tlw lroublt>d auto m a kt•r . IRVIN E DE LOREAN PLA T. • • From Page A 1 11h11111g1 .oplll I" .t11d o .lllh 1,11111 •11 I h, 1 I ll 111 lo ' I o CI\' I ' I , I g l ' 11 \'.. Ji, 1 d 111ld11.11od th1 d r ug 1111g o111d \\ I I I • I \\ •• I I. I. I I ) I I " I It .111 ... 11111 11111111, I J 1, " •11If>,11 l \ \\ • " 111 "' \ I I I• 1111.tlH 1.tf l>IHhli 111' ,11td flo !1 ,1!1'd lh1 l"1..,..,1hol1t \ n l hi' l lllll jlolll\' ho I 11 /..! \ I 11" d d fl \\ II Ii \ I Ji 1 ~"''"1 1 1111•·111 \\ 1\11 h ho1d ,.,,,;,.11dc"l I""'" 111 h1111 -..11d B1 l'l11ng 111 \\ ,,, c 'I" t ''lllP 1nt1·1 v-.t 111 flllolllt lllJ.! ..,.111\t t\jH ttf llf'I lolllllll 1h,1t \\111dol Jllt>d\111 q1111kh l.ifj.(l Gem Talk lh I(' Hl'MPHR/r.'\ ( 'Nt1(11•d (.",•n1t1"1"'·'' . I 1;s TANZANITE II tit'" flf'/lllf I T.1111.1n1tt• doc•<; n ot h a\'l' .1 long, lurul, fabl1'CI histo ry among l-(t•n .... 111111•:-T lwrl'0S n Vl'l'Y 1!(111><1 1 1·:1:-.on th is gt•m wu' d "lovc•rt.•d Jll:O.t 14 yN1rs ago . M 11wr!.-work mg 111 tht• M erahm Jl1lls o f Tanzan ia m.1de the cl1:-.<0<>Vt·n on Julv 2. l\Jtii' Th1•v .... t 'l't' ;1....;f'Strm ·k bv the· bt'.1ut1ful tr .in'lpnrent blue-vmh•t lT:'o'Stals Tit f11nv and Co or th<' U S m·qUlll~I some of tht· gt•ms and dt'<'td{'Ci to nam1• tlwm fur th<•1r l·11u11try o f ortg,n Tann1nit<> r<'HC'bl'l> us in two woyv through tlll' rC"gular export 'l('fVI<'<' of the• T .1m.mian govC'rnml'nl ncl from bmugglt•rs who !m<"ak 11 acros.-; tht bordN to Ken va Tunwn itc• has 11111 bN.•n foui1d anv whl'rc· t'lst• 111 tlw \\orld. It has t>et-n found 111 l r;.ri;t1tls os large as >0t•v1·rnl h\11'Hlrl-.I car uL'i. Bv h eat t11•1111n~ tlw l'r~·iHah. to ohOul 700 d1.01{r1°t'!i f.1hrt•nh1•1t, some Tan1.;ulll«' l'l'ln bt• tronsformed to a bt-.1u11ru1 pun• blue.• s hodc-. but m '' n y fl r" { <' r t h ,. n a tu r a I blu1• v1oll'l Then• urt-also 50mc noturo l blue l'f)('<'lnwn!\ which loc>k wry mut•h Ilk<' 1t1pphlt c . \1111' 111 11111110 \ In 11'111111 1111 tho• Ill\ 1•,11111·111' 811·t1111g "11d l>t • I .nrl';111 was .ol I•,,, d Ill •• h .. 1 .. 1 Ill .11 lht· 1llj••ll o1fll1 lw h.111.111 1\td lrnm :-\1 \\ y,., h. ,, 11·\\ h11u1-.. t .11 h1·1 1\ 11111~l•lll. d1" rd11•ci .. is .on ·'""' 1;1lt' or 111 ti ll'k , h a d bt•t•n .1110 . ..,.,.d l\l1111• lo1\ t .11·1 v111g about 1it1 f!"lrnds 11! n11" 1111" B1 1·t7111g -..11tl .. 1ddint.: 1hat l>t· 1.nr\·an was ·""' t .111'111g "'''1·r.1l kll11:-o f lhl' 11.11• 11th \\ht II ht• \.\,1, oll n •,t1 "CJ .\lthttllJ.!h lht• rn1 ofln 1.Jls . t:/· .. ·:, '"1 ll I ti n" t l ' I ab"' r a I l' ~1, sl.it<·m1·nt ... uggl's tt•d th.it >n und1•n·ovt•r <1gt•nt hiltl b r f n 111\'ulvc·tl 1n a tr<.ms:11·t11111 l'dJ frl·r Tttl''4.l,1\ He ~1d Dt• Lorl'iln ,,nd H1:tri('k had mad1· an arrang1·nwnt [or thl· auto makt'r t o I 1nah <'l' d1slribu11on of tht· 2'10 pt>unds 111t1' Southern Cahfom1a De• Lorean was to be a rra1g11ed 111 fNkral court today on c:harc es o f c·o n sp1ring t o dist rib4te ('{)('31n(' 0 I OMEGA! I I I . • t 11 • i l Tht• time ly -gift for always from th.-Omega Gold Collection. Supnhly rrafted. richly textured 14 K gold hra celet timcpicres. Created to mak<' the.' most out of your ever y m~ment. Onw~a. One Classie' is all one needs. \tun' ; 12900. Woman's: S 1700. J. C..JJ_,,,J.,.;,,6 J.-4r~ MEM8EA AMERICAN GEM ~ @ 1809 NEWPORT BLVO.. 008TA MESA ~ SINCE 11Me . • -, ' •I I I I ~ B1nkAm111c1rd-MHttr Ctl•rgt PHONE $41•3401 I . ! ,J ,. -----··-·· .... ' ....... ,, ... .. 111.111 p • I u11~1 l >All 'r 1•111>1 W 1•1.Jr1ttbduy O c l utJur ti<1 111tii' "'' N 4 ~ t ) I\'11, t.> ~ I 'I , t~ U\IU I "'' 10 .. , '"(I uoa I .... o. \ o .. !Ml """ •U•' ... ,11 .... " ............. •IH 10 .. IH ' • ..,,I ... o (l .. tt•ou 11 H O(. tll(HANIH \AND IUl'OllllO lt IHl N•ll>A .. ul"\11Nt I I' .. . .. .. U(l, down I llN l 1U N 1 \l'1 1111 llS .t .. 11.11 11"4 1111 •• 11\ 1111 11•11 I "• It 11 11'• II 1.t1n g to d .1\ .11 111d p1td111 11111 -"' 11t1111 '' 1 11. d 1 1 11 111 ' 111 Fur ''II' 1111 1 J ,q 1 111 (.odd 111 111•11.,I l11ll11\\1t1g 1\1,1\\ .... 11111,1.( 11 1 N1v. Vw k l 1l1 I \II '" , , I I h1 d 11ll.11 ',11111g tli w .1 .... 1lt11bu tt-tl b\ l:t1111111 111 d1 .ol1 ·1-. '"'I" 1 ulo1 t11111 .1liuu1 J."'~'rl1l1 1111t r• '' 1.111., 1 "'' 11• t t11 l 1111h.' 111 w, .,, ! ;, 111 1 "'',,rut J.1p.111 Sw h 1 ub '' 111dd on .i,, 111v1 '' '"' nh d 1 111111 1111.ati•d 111 t lt1"1 11111• Ill II .., It '' .oltf,11 ll\t th,111 d oll,11 llt )111111111.111 al 111\1 ... llllt Ill 1 :111d IH ).!.111 1111 111111~ K 1111•• 111 d1N 1r.1dtt1,I.( d IV h\ I llllfl,I.( :SB l'I Ill l l $1.!'j hi I ll tl\ 11Ullll ln1p••rl c lain1s nix e d WAS lll Nl,'ION (A l'I 'I ht Su1111 1111 l ourt 11yot1d 1lo1 1111' 1i1d .1\ th.11 1111 f1 d 1•1,1I gciv1 1111111111 ill1 gill\ fu1 f1 111 d Up 11, $~1)0 1111 1111111 111 JI"'' 1111 ii 1111p111 I cl11t1c • ''' 1111111 11g f10111 1hc ,,ol1 .,j I 'I' i111 " 11 11 ,, .... , ........ ,, '1111 • 11111 I \\ 1th 11ut t lllllllll Ill lt•I ,t,11111 ,1 dt•t.1.,11111 lh.11 1h1 g"'' 111111• Ill 1n 1'180 11 lt tl p111p1•rlv 111 "'lll111g I II 11g1 ' llr II 1111 J.1p,lfll ... I W I I• "ll 111g "t' fl1I 111111111\ '"" J•lll t .... 1111 }.ip.1111 ._. Ii.id ht.• 11 .Ill U~ d !JI d 11111p111g 111 ... , ll111g 1li1 p r•t1lu1.1-. 111 1h 1 U n 111d S t 1tt•' (111 llt 11l 1)11 II It• 11 I" I jll 11 1 Il l ) 'fl 111 Trade urplus told > \\ r\S ll I Nl ,·1 UN I Al'I 1 ht· U nitt-<I St.it•., lrold ,, '' I 1111111111 -.u r p lu' 111 11 dd c· "1th l'11111111u111-..1 1nu111 111 ., 111 1111 'Ill mg ~u .. r ll'r ldrgc h bt~Ju..,, 11! l•H1d I•, d 11111 f1 111l11t 1 -.;d1...., lu t h1 s.,, 11 t l!n11111 .1 j.(0\1 I llllH 111 It pol I ''"' I Ir • I !-'l 11111 111.1tw11.d I 1.1d 1 l 11111 11 11 -.-.11111 ,,,,1h.i1 lt1IY.1111Ap11l 111d fun• •11 tlil'\V<ll lh• S "ll 1 f .J ll.., 111 11 .Id t \\ , I h C 11111 11H ll1 "t 11 ii 11•11 , ,1111•1111111 d 111 $1 I lull1u 11 tlt1ll.1r' r r.11 11 "1th till' S l!Vll l U 1111111 Jl'l.!IU/lll d ,,,, It.! )" "• 111 11f 1'11 ... urp lu., In .Ill mlt rn.1t11111.1l t1.1J1 h11\q •\• t tit• l 111tt d S t 111 ::. ..,uff1 n-d a tr.1d1 ti• (11 11 .111111l1111111g 111 ~ 1 I 1111111111 1111 1h 1. SJmc q u.1111 r tlr• 11 purl -..11d STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT '•lw 'urot 1Ar't S•I•• ,..,,. "' C• ., IJ •w I l t\ •'lO' I ' Ir• I I u ' n O\I ft4 t 'tt' N ,.. 'Ot • \too .. I • I 111v ''~' l'ot0 1(,1 ' 11 ''""'' r ti fl OH 1' .11 \I ., ,., 1 uo ~ 'J t !IM Ill\ h b l t • •CJI I Obi fti.IJ JI ,. HAii t f 161 'U/.,\IUJ MJ ~-'\Ut,,1 b ,01"'~ JI AMkCt •I ~WJ lti•• f U\(h lj(,j1 1($) J"i • • t• \J\ \h 1 btil U(k ·~ I !IV 1' n• (. r1' b,.., J 0 I • Jvhn\. tr a/\I 4,(1 •• t "0'•t.\I JiWA_ bOU u M ftlt 'rr / 4'A1 41 1 .,, •• ,,.,, •• , 111 /(J ·~ ' M 1 C,, Y IW I l""'"" 11\ht( ..... AMERICAN LEADER S tffW o'l)S\~ !AP1 S•t11t 1 ••t 1Jf1i-rt ~ IJ 1.rl '""'n"' I . lo It I "O\t 11.t( 11111 4 n ,., c ..n ''& ~ l .. ""' u• '''"' ' lt ddtOQ OctlH.10.0lh .. -"-' (]_1(.irt \rtdrl \ t \"'-tfl(~ b JtA_ ~ H (-#ftfl t f'1fl JM()~ '"' ,,,. t "~"" UtJ JI\ CA .... f.l.111n~ tf ti /UI JCX,I O f.•utl(dn q t(;,, M'KI t t • fJ1'\I111 I A 'oo "1$) I/• Ht In W1-l\lri 'ti!Ai I "1rn-.t--.. 1 •n )(J(J I(; An !J f t .. , ttll 1' 1 ( fM (It ~ A '1• I I UPS AND DOWNS ~(Yo. ft;~I( A P lhf liJllOw tl\\I I \I -.t ....,, ""' ,,_.,,... "o•li> trn ~ f•<hW'QI ''"' ~ .. 1rw> w11rr oflt tnAt t ,.., Qvn vi. lrit n n l ""<f OoYlil" ttw f'YIO\t t.M\110 on 1>•' t 01 r:t \P\Ar'IQI rt-QdHllf>\• ot wo1un1it1 It , IV" W t'( N u -<\H vtth....._ rraio1nq Of"•nw U ,., .. l'\l t uO• c:t N t tna Ot>r lt ,,l•Q• c. N nQit"\ "'" tht '111it Jf•IW. IX''""""..,.. '"" Urt .. ,(,)U\ 'IO\•"Q r••u • .,,,g toeldy ' • v n , ...... .. .,_ t M•tt iOOf' n I Mobol .._,.. l IO"-n"°"Ef 4 t ••Ml MfQ \ J(4n(Oll'M. • I"""' 4 Jlp I Ron"C)n t C,uf)f'r.,_, Dt • r mpOt ptl t AM f( (o,.p ~I t' f •l fll l nlrp 11 l ~l(J> "'"' IJ Un' 1., ... 1 " O•mon (p 1' l WI l !Jf •• J.lh IVAr\H ., f'Stno • lw f If I ''°' 1 f th 1q C-I tip< JO AnM,.ou r 1' J'utftlAIOI \ 11 ~ Ov 1111,.. ll ~~j· ~! ~~:. ~~. N<11I W" ''" •'' , ""'' 1 (f\ft\ltf I t, T ~I ,_ llt,pf 'w,......_u \ \OllAu(.(J f'I (••'°"'"Wld I Nf""!llili•O~h • O•llGM c D 9 V'9H O tO Vlf"1M.\f t 1 C,lttA\,., W• \ '1 "• C>\•lu I) UM W fru1 u c "'out o•u 1~ 1n1M)1t1l(1 I• I( ubol .. Lld ti ,, •• ,."" Iii ENSIAll 14> M ill 8r.Olv 10 P-lnd 11 SI'S l och ""-"" 1l _1..,Erwi 1• DMI ,.t ;..n 1\ l "'".,''"' UPS I 4'\.f I • J •• I " 10 I I '" \ . , . \ . •• q • ••• •& ~ • I\ /(I • )II , " ft .. I \ •1 DOWN~ t ht Upf_., It)~ Vt.• •• • • Up IJ} I Uo 17 • • t Uv ti ' I UO If I VO ff I UO II 1 Up 10 I 110 10 I " VP 10 I w 10) • 110 If" "• tJp ~ 0 1' UL> ff 0 I -.\Jp •If '• Up I' '• UO I J I • UP I I I VO 1 0 ' • uo , 1 • I 1 UP I I .. VP I / I • Up I • 4 '' UO I) l '"' ( hq I• " P<I Oii 110 Otl 10 . 0 11 10 ) B • I ~ . • , OH 1 1 • 0 11 I) • ~. Oft I t • 0 11 11 10 " 0 11 I 0 •" 0 11 10 10'· "" Ott • I 8 • ~. Ott • • u 1 • J Ott • J I • 0 11 & 1 l Oii l I 11 H. Ott • 0 H 1•, 0 11 l O 9 o "" 0 11 t O 11 l OH S• 1• • OU S t • 0 11 ) • 14 • • O tl ~ 1 10~• .._ 011 SI 11"• t.. Ott \• I\ o Ott B _10,;_· • __ ... _ 0 11 ) ~ GOLD COINS .. c VI VORK IAP) "'" .. ~ IAI~ Ju1t'l<l•y or \)Ill<' c.01 ,, t on'IOA'ft-0 w HI Mono.-y s prtt"• ICrugerrend 1 1<0• u 1 \UO I~ ull S•l Oll Mepl• l eel ' '"'> " \U 1 7~ nll \ 10 ~() llilea 50 Pe.o • l irn~ "' S\ 11 2~ 011 ilb ?~ Au• 100 CtOwl\ 18n~ 11nv n1 $4 IQ '~ '" s 1111() '"tfto"• U• ,., fi•f"• • .-... DOW JONES AVERA GES Nt""' vou~,A~' .. "~' Oo"' "'"" ..,~ fQf '\,#\.Ot:t y Oct , " STOCKS O.-n H,.i. L.ow C.loM Chol JU I 0 IO'il Qt 10l\ QQ tOIJt Of\ " J !flJ \ •1 JfJ 111\ '\ ~J II O) ~I• tnou' ,,.,. 4f4 }I •'If \.t 6')1 ti, H I .fl I 11,i 1n 8i ''l e.1 11• ., ,,, '~ 1.1 1!f A 11 )'f'j )) 48"" l"J ,~' .,.,~.; 1 U 111\ ·~ '>O· WHAT STOC KS DID "• t "'° l tJ ... "' A i #I t A01i1•'''"' 0.< ''"""° Unc.n,.,~ I 014tl \W. N •w '' O'°'' Nt11i1t IOW\ A .., i4'111 H AOw"r.c ,., V t>,l1n.ocj Un< t\4lf'IQrO futa '""""" Nttw n Q"I\ N.,.,. '°""" MHALS NEW VQRI\ 1AP1 mt!l&I pr ce s •~Oa) '•"'f '" 14, Iii\ •\I .. 1 .... f>fAI 0 ) XJ. l\~~t ..,, ... " .,., . IJ.k..• .... Mo' IW Ill r ' .... ,,, . .. > •81' l•O ~~ " I Cop.,., 7 . ,.., ~'' •• 1 t S dPS11na1101u. L••d ,1 19 (t\t'1t.. I Of i ht Zinc 40 42 Cf>•1b , '" un\J • • ~' t1 Tin ~6 178 MPl 1' W•, • , ,, 1 • 11 Ill Ah1mlnum b l.t'-f '' 1 1 '· ., Mercury SJ"'OOO t-'' t 1 • Plallnum S'.IJ8 00 $JU 1 " ""'• N Y SILVER llAnOy .. no Hat n II S11 •to l 1 l<Q, ounce GOLD QUOTATIONS By The AHOCl•t..S Pru • Sete<INI ,.,o•ld go•n IJ"t"~ 1M a, I London 1no1n1ng ,,. ong $4,•0 7'> 411 St 1 7S London alle•noon ln 1n9 S•:n 00 Olt $19 50 Perle oJtP•noon I .,no S•2~ 6S Ofl $12 S7 Fr•nkfurl c. .. ng $•79 00 oll Sa 96 , Zurich tale ,11!PH1oon """9 S•2J 00 otl S 17 00 D•d l-1:?4 00 (l\~~<l Hendy & H.,men ICH•I> d ' 'l Quult't S422 00 oll S 19 50 Engelhard 1ori1y oa1ly Qu• t>t S422 ~ oll Sl!l SO Engelhatd (only dt111y qucw•11 .. 1,,oca1.,1 SH J 10 oll S20 48 SYMBOLS tt Nt'¥i Vft;'Htv t ~ Nfftw ,, t • -U' l \If"'~ otri-rr'fllo \f'I no ted ' U• ' :I \ 11•" t\ "'" ~·I tAI '1•j('hffVI ,.., n1 r ....... 1 l" u. ti' J ,.,, If •t.-nr "m '4• r"' ''ct t• t lH'tf'I St>f'lf I c:n ,.. h A a vu1t f' ,, .,, ' h t ... .," 'Ji' (I~ '\lfl tlM:J t• f~tl tr tH &Jt Jll1 '., f fe'MIO• nQ t Hu t• t • A"O ,. •tr• t f t 'h t\.. I A t 1 ti I , I • ~Inf ti. IJ " dl"fH1 • l t) J• It! '0 I • d"''"'~ OM' I ttfl>U 1 ' (I~ (1 n ptt-4 t'" t i-q '• no ,,. • ()f-tl uctO '" u t1\J _.,,,., ''' ~ 1 "t1•• ~· ~ S(>ht up I Pa '1 HU\ ,..... ct "' th•H\1 °'" "'"' d~h.trtNi or "n ""'''"" 14'•fln tU 11'' rtt~tdtt'\fl mu-t nQ " 0~1a1rn m p..1 ti '''' v• ll 11 l\C\..tJMVlff\IYll ll\ilt w1tn (.11¥ 1cin,,, n Aftfll HI ,, Nt-w 1\)Utl ' ~l,ftt<S m pillu,t 11 JJ ft(f0 ~ t~ mnn1h\ ~uti \IN'' Cl v """~ t 1'110 I \fe>t.~ " rhL""Cfl'd4"0 ll mnrHh• .,11rn•t-1 1..16n "·'~on f11'1t d1-.10M'hJ 01 f\• O JU nut q d•t., • E. 0 v.o.nd' Ot ., UQhtt ... r. n 'l't0fll'ftil, •n<' \.I._, ,, tutt t CJIW't n lull (t(J C,.ltf'() .it'd Wnttn th\lt1l'U1_.,., "" """• 1\\1.lfltt WW W1U\ ••Hant' ~Wit' W1(t\fl•' •AHttlll~ •O•ti l • rt1\tr1l ulu.10 p ,. "'"' ,,,. "'o(~ "' .. '""'lo .,, • muthf)f• OI Of4 '"•' • .-""' ~' ,t•t "f'<J t " O v•d•nt) 1t'Ht ••tfl\t '' MOf"lt M•n na• '~ ,,. tnlO 11\I \die (IU((I ' ••••• t\• 1'···' u•. , .. ,. '· ,., ' . , 1•. >''• '• J'• . . -· '"-. ~ . ..... -. ··""l ' • II t llH Or u11uu Lou•t DAil Y 1•11 o 1 W••ll11w1llw, Ol 1<1lw1 :in l'ltt.• • World r1 • w1n11 Four µ.u 1nt•!"I pul N IU : on lop of Nic•l!-it·n ru lin µ.~ l.llS \Nlil'l.1-.S (1\111 I"· \i\.11 Id s. II• .. "''"th• lt1 ~l l11u1 pl.1l1'" 111 tlu It 11 '""'" 1.1t111~" .111d "\'t ·pt NIK' to IL-. lll "t \\1•1•1..1\ t1111111ph 111 111 .. 11 lh.111 .1 \ •·••• ' 'l'h·· lt,,,,·11.111 g.11111·' li.·t\\1·1·11 tlu !\Iii\\ .111!..1, Bt 1•\.\ ,., , .11111 th•· St Lrnus < ',11 d111.1I" gJ\'t NIH · ,, hti.: Wiil I 111 l lh' W1•1•k • 'Ill h •d ().. 1 I I Tht 1 lt'I \\Ill I.. w,,,.. 11111•1• l ull 1.1t111i.t' 1i.•t111, .1llt'.ul 111 I 'HS. 1111 ll~U.d ft •llll I llllllt'I l'BS' "till M111u11•,," \\ h1d1 t •·i.:ul.11 I\ I 1111 ... ht .. , h1._:h Ill llll' r.11111~"· "·'' 'h11v1~I t11 Nt1 ·\,1 II\ tltt ~11111l,1v g.11111 Tl,.. 1111lv ... 1111 111111· 1111 NHl' "·" 111.11 111 1111 111 I ls r q ,:u l.11 'h''"' 111.i.h· l h1· l'op I 0 .111d 1 li1 111~1\\''\l 1 .1h~I 'l'llt'S W:t!> "('I Ill',' Ill ,1 lit 1111 .!llllt plat'<' M.m\ 111 1h1· .... 111>''" NHl' \\,.., 11111111111•: ''" to1 hfl 1l 11 11111 tlw 1,111n~' u ·ll.11 11111!.lll'd 1.11 h..t1111d "F,111w' \\,"No till. "T.11'1" "''" N11 tol, <.'lt1•1•1' w." No rU .• 11111 "T lw l>t·vl111 ( 'rn1111·1111111" "'·" N11 H·I NIH.' w1111 l lw w1·1·k Wllh a 1.111111.: ol .!O I. a1'(.·11r d 1ni.: 111 11~·orcl:-. 111111p1l1·d 11\' l ltt• t\ (.' Nlt'l:.<'11 ('u CBS wu:-. s1~·1111d w11h 17 :1 .111d 1\Bl' w.1,.. 11111,1 with !fl ti T h i· rwtwurk:-. <;•I\ th" 1111·.111' 1n ;111 .1v1•r:1g1• 11111111• llllll' n11null'. :!ll I J>l'fl1•111 111 1h1• n.111on'-; h'•nw~ with TV \\1'l'l' 1unvd to NBl' NBl"s las1 win t·aml' Ill lh•· "''l'k t•nJ,,I S1·1->t 1:~. Hllil . wh,·n !ht• nl'lwork ,1!!.<1 l11t1k r11!ool pl.it I' With llll' M1,.., Allll'rlLJ P.1g1'.llll Tiit' Nu I 'h11\\ 1if tlw '"'t'k "·" Su111l.1v', l11tli gJnll' ul lh1• World S1•t 11·s. p1t•Llt1l>h IH·1·.1lht' ll sl;1rtcJ 1n 1h1• aflL•rtu111n ,111d :.p1ll1·d 1111 11 itw l'Vl·111 ng &1th CBS .11111 NBC t·oun11•d Ca1111· N11 'i huwl'Vl'r, lx'l.'llUM' murl' 1hu11 hall ul ll was p l.1y1•d 111 pr111w ttnll' 1n 11!1• East T hl' 1w tworks rL'l.'l'IVt• 1d1·1H11.d I .I'' do1t.1 l111m tlw Nwls1:n Co a11d ar,· fr«'l' 111 1nt1·rprt·t 11 •" ttw:-· <'h•X>M· Thl• 1w1works rar<'I;.· ntll1r111 1lw1r l"1111g ul ~ht• shuws. huw,•v,·r. and 1h ff1•11•11t•1•" u:-.u.tll\ 111'\·u1 onlv und1•r a l'lrtumsta1wt• -.u1 h ,,, tilt' 11111 111\0111\ 111~ " l!•1mt• that 1.in into µnnw unw bt· .. :.111 11111 111 d ". """ 1111111 1111 1 .. .i 11 Ill S11111111 ,\; "\11111111 ·rnr-t-t~1 •1 I\ alt • \I .. 1111\\ 'It.it I 1111 .. 111 d I" 't 1 .... 1 \\II" \\ 1111 .1 I 1.11 k ht h.11 k "'"" '11111· "11 It M .1111111111 I' I ".1-. N" I .I 1'111 1111(1~''' '·"u.tll\ ut tit•""'-,,,, ,\Jn·, •[(1pl1 ' ' u. 111 \'I II ( >1 N 1il II \\.h "" .1g.1i11,l S1111d.1\ , Wor lcl s, 111 ·' g ,11111 .111.J !1111 ... 111 ti d 1·.11I 1,,,1 Ill ltf.1 It pl,11 I l lttt .111 · Iii• t11p '1'111 • 111 ,1"'" \-\'111ld S1 ·111·' ( .. 11111 N1 1 .. 1.it111g 111 .I~ ll Ill ':.I 11111111111 ""'"" l111ld-. NII<' \\ .. 11 Id ::-.1·111·' < :.1111t N11 .! .!!I I 111 .!l .!1111 lla.111 NII<' \i\111t1dS1111 ... C,1111• N11 I :!7!1111 :!.l .!11111111•11 Nl\l' \V11ildS1111 ,(;,11111 N11 .l .'..!.1 !1111 .!1111 1111111<111 Niil'. "Tho t '111111 t1\ 1\111"' 1\\\,11d..," .! I I 111 .'II .I 11111111111 l 'HS 'M,1g1111111. I' I , · .!:I ·, 111 1·1 . 11111111111 <·us l\t "s 11 .. '..!:.' 1 ... 1111111111111111, t 'Hs . '1'111 t, '< '11111p.111\. ~I 7 111 Ill II 111tll111n, AB<.'. "Tit• .Jdll t"'H". '..!I .I 111 Ii' 7 i11tll11111, l 'HS. "Ont· J)," .11 ,, '1'11111·." :!I ti'" 17 1111111011. l"HS A"ful Sophi1t l.o.1·c·11 . 1-(lH'"'l OU l he• .. Tculu) •• -.lun' llei-. wc·c·k , d t·io.c·r i lwd lwr irn1,ri:-.onnw111 .. u~ hc•ll :· ONE WILL THRILL YOU! TWO WILL TRANSPORT YOU! TOGETHER THEY'RE LIGHT YEARS OEYOND ANY OTHER ADVENTURE! STARTS TODAY 00 DllUl'f ~. ... l tl 11 ,,., ••• "" Tht· only \\'11rlc.J Sl'rlt'!> ganw tlt,11 c.Jul 11111 m.1kt tlw Toµ 10 wa ... Suturday·:. g.inw, "ltu·h w.1 ... µl.1~1·d t•nt1n•lv 111 tlw .tftL·rnoon N&"" pr1• ~.11111· "huw ... l;,1s1 T ut":-.tl:t) and W1·d11t•sd•1y 111ghh f1rn .. h1 d 111 tltt• St'<.'tllltl l11gh1·--1 1 ll .. ht1W!oo ORANGE Stadium Drive In 639 8770 NO PASSES ACCEPfEO FOR lHIS ENGAGEMENl T lw h1gh1•..,t ralt'd s how al l•·r till' l11ur Wm Id :::>~·nt•s gam1·,.. ,,._ .. ._ "T ht• Count r;. Mu•at "'" ;1nl," 1111 CBS. Tht• mu~l popul<1r :-.1·1w:-. 11{ tht· w1·1·k w ,1:-. CBS' "Magnum. PI ... s t.1rnng To111 St·l l1·1 k ,,, .- Hawa11.111 pn\',1l1· d1•lt•l:ll\'t'. wh11 h "'·" "'"h At 1t·r th<il. ll "'·" .. ul'h pt.·n·nm.il lrunl 1 w11w1 .. ,,., lltt· l'Omt'Clll ..... "M ,\ S-H." "Thn "'" C11111n.in' ... ·Ttw Jl'ffl·r:-.011-.. · .tnd "Om· I>;1\ .11 ,, T1nw · .. WAITRESS" is totally off the wall ... friendly and playful." -lfot,,. lfrlh•. WNlf< IV Tht· 1ww CBS St•m ·-. "Tut'kt·r ·, W1td1." '~Im h hJd Ulldl'I g1Jlll' l'Xlt•n:-.1\'l ' dll1•r11l>:( ht•lw t• lht· ""'"Oil .,THE CRITICS' FAVORITE FUNNY FILM,-. "SIDE-SPLITTINGLY FUNNY!" s ; 4 ~ ........... SY•DICATID FILM came .. ,. v y .. llllA fl TORO UA Mo•·~" I OwJ<O '•oJOOl~t;,,1 • 990 402? 58 I 5880 COSTA MESA f dwara•. Sourh Cod\! l'l.ua ~46 1711 ~lGM UA , .............. , !9 MUIHlllGTOll IUCM ORANGE £ d..,aro, HJnt,nr)fnf1 ( '*''" t C•nttJIYtlP 848 0388 0 ,4 7~~3 LA MlBllA AMC~ • • "" 1_, i,. t.Q 1 Ot '' LU XURY THEATRES _, Jli.<Y• a#}. Y.;•f _..._ ,w>• ,., ..... """ • ·~Jtl'1» aw,x,..,,...,_n ·>· ~-tSC>o ••• ....,,...IW> , • . ""'.,...,. "'" ... '-' ,. ·~ J119fW )ll~"'-#\\R~\-4~ ._.,,_., •• '"''"'•C""'t.>•1 ... ,. I f 0¥-"'"-l>7>-s --· -· -· -........ --~-.... --... suPt •c INf "Sovno Dirfl I To Te>vt Cor lt(l(lo<'O• .. •"Cl "'41••. ">-•IX>k> Don't Go In The ..., ,-·~~ [3 Woods (R) V~ W""~- Plu1 T hi H 1lh Hn• Eye1 (R) E-r Ti ii EXTRA •I. n HNI-STRIA/ r;n, Plu• Dra9on11ayer(PQ) LilL1' No .... T,. WOt1d AoxJr'Cllr>I To C..,. f RI fA!T TIMr1 AT •IDGIMOllT MIQM ~ zaoo•d (A I .. Nit ht Shi If IR) aSADOUBACll '9' 'LAZA f 'o•o•• •'•"•'•• I '• • ~81 ~80 a lDWAllDS \9' WISTlllDD• ····-.1 ... 1 ......... , u·..,.O·""• • \lO 4401 -a.ii. fOWAllOS 'Sii' C1'4IMA Cl~lf P THE LAST AMERICAN VIRGIN m ~00 =1t. s:f .TJ: II: 1'>!) /? C' n rl fl w Daily Pilat Ori.,..lns Open 7: TS WHlcnlghts/7:00 w .. kencb Children Under 12 F rer U.less Noted LOCKED OUT AT UNITED ARTISTS THEATRES We are locked out because -refused 10 lose more than hall ol our 101>1 and thereby double thP work lond or t11oae remaining we llave worked In United Ar11sta theatres elnoe they opened Each proJPct1onas1 works m111t1ple sets or oqu1pmen1 He 11 responsible for sound end plctUl'e In Mveral eudltortums e t once T111s has increased the actuar amoun1 or phy,1ca1 work and vastly 1noreased OYr responsibility From 111 Inception, we have cooperated wllll the use ol automated equipment WE HAVE WILLIHOL Y IHCIUAIED PROOUCTIVfTY. Before automation. one pr0Jec:t1on1st was used to project one picture for one auditorium Now under OYr lest contract. one projectionist prepares. operates and su~rv1se1 equipment and lllm lo• as many as lour 1111 and even eight 1udlt0<lum1 11 once We beltev. that there etlOYld be a limit to how many IObs lhBt wC>fkers and lhe community shOYld lose to automation We think worketl and the community. as weU as the employers, have a right to gain through the benefits ol nutomallon United Artllll Communications 11 a many mulll-mllllon dollar corporallon They m111te handsome profits lrom thMter operatton1. There 11 no .conomlc need to allm lnal• Jobe. Aoberl Nolly wonts lo Increase hts proflll by ellm1n1111ng our 101:>1 11e does no t Intend 10 reduce the prtoe ol your movie ticket Mr Nally refuNd to n~otlate on eny or the Un1on·1 propo1a11 The company 11ood pat on Its orlglnal u1tlm11tum8 It olltn ed only 2a. per hour tor double or trlpte the work losd, 11 Ole aeme lime ellm1n1t1ng 50· 75% of our jobs Those or ua who lose our toba wlll not be able to twpport our 11m1tte1 The community 1011oa the salaries we earn and spend 1n the communlly If yOYr employer lollowt Mr Nelly'• e u mpte . where wlll your tob be? How will you support your lomtly? With higher unemployment al\d fewer 111arte1 to IPl!fld . our area economy Is bOYnd to suller we were wlllll'IQ to continue to negotiate. bul Mr Nllty dlctatort11lly Md t1rrooe\llly locked us out Ple11• don't go Into any United Artlata !Metre en,whefe.By to dOlf'IO, yOY will help us get our 1ob1 back • PROJECTIONISTS LOCAL 504 -OAANOE COUNTY lntern•tfonal •lllance of the1trlc1I 11191 employ ... •nd moving picture machine oper1tore AFofl·CIO. *BARGAIN MATINEES• Monday thru Saturday All Pe rformances before S 00 PM 1Eacep1 Sp.c111 Eng1gements 1no Hol1d1ys1 UI MllAOA MAH l o ... jfaao 01 l o,•c•ont LA MIRADA WALK·IN 994·2400 "THE LAIT AMflllCAN Vll'IOIN" , ••• ·-\fll "FAIT TIMEI AT RIOOEMONf HIGH" 1•1 ... , ..... ;t··WAITAISS~ 1•1 .,,..,..'° souun PLAY ,., ,,. ..... TH( SWOllD ANO TH( SOllCfll[ll •• ,, ........ OllAOONILAYEll '"" ......... LAKEWOOD CENTER WALIC·IN PIN1C 'LOYD THC WALL 1•1 ........ "fHl LAil AM(lllCAH YlllOIN ' 1•1 ....... 'ITAll TREK' ,a, \4) .... 'STAR TllEK II· "AN O~ffClll ANO A OliNTl(MAN'" 1•1 ,. .. , ..... ,. .... "THE CHOSEN" 1••1 tJ•i ... ·~ ........ ~ ... ·~· CHONQ TlllPl t COMBO ' f--.Qt a.at tOUOft AU 0 0 Ill 1•J , .. •» ) -Cl 0-t••• •1 ,,. .,. 1 ... ,, wow• 1•+ ...... ..__ ,oc1o1 ry-ot Conate•oocs 213/531-9510 _, "THE I WOllO ANO TH( SOllCl llfll" ••1 ....... 'DAAOONSLA Yfll" 1•1 . ..... TlMPtST'" ,.01 •It .... •Ml' 'AVOlllT[ YEAll' 1•01 JtLU!I THI WllATH Of KHAN" t~ -,.,. ..,., ------ LAKEWOOD CENTER SOUTH WALK IN '°' ...... A I Ce! Ar'() 211/614·9211 "THE HIT LITTLE WHOllEHOUIE IN TEXAS • ... ,,. .... LOOICIN' TO Q(T OUT' 01 JU ,_. "THE CHOSEN" '"' O<*'T 00 IN fHl WOOOS •1 '. ''" .. ·TH( HILLS HAY[ EYll •1 )M rte .... ... Ot~· ~ o .. , '°''~SM. \l•f\ 60 ,. ... IMPOllUMT NOT1 Cf1 CHllOllfll UllOlll 17 flllf ' tt-• ..-. ".,.. It-• oo", c.-o,n ' .. , .. ,.., ' .... ,g,. ,., w lllAOC) 1$ '°"" $1'Urilfl •li(JAW .1,1~~-~AC(~"OSIT'OI -... IOl1'llll ·•ll -... -&JI°" w - ANA .. l lM ANAHEIM ORIVl·IH f••••Ot ti OI \e~Or't )J •79·HSO 1 ,,,...11. ,..,..... ,,,_,.. ••• ••-.~av O••• t•~ J f.""'"H'. ( ....... I .. ,... Of ...... 1• 1 c ..... .._. • c~ • _,,, Mnwtt ., IUt NA PA~J BUENA PARK OAIVt IN ''"C°'" .... *•U ot l "Oft 121·4070 I UtJliilA •A.ti. LINCOLN DRIVE·IH ltn<'01f\ Aw• W•t1 Of ,,,O" 121·4070 f (JUNIA1N FOUNTAIN VALLEY DlllVl·IH so" D••oo ,,.,. ot ••oo•~'" tso, 962·2'11 -Nt','U 1t_,•,1f g I Hl·WAY 39 OlllVl IN •AN Off"ICIPI ANO A Ol MTLIMAN 1•1 ...... a•....-;-u 0t000 •1 __.£!!''~ DON'T 00 IN TNf 'fWOOOI' 1•1 •w• "T'HS HILLI HAVE I VIS" 1~1 C"°I II Mlu•ll I /Ii. I< ilJilll.i A LA HABRA UlllVI IN ....... ...... ,. """' .... . ....... """ 17Mh2 ... ,. CLAH,:?!.'-1•1 t,:-~p ·ftCA"'f '110 M /Et NE• YOllU("C-•• •/~"'';"'t 0 ... ',• ..... fl\, --A<;.~~~~tllE II _.,._ TH( POIUSSION" '"' fH( SLUMa (ll PAllO MASIACll(" 1•1 C•lllf II~ 0 E.T.. I .. , THE EXTRA· TERRESTRIAL" 1\1/t f H( $WOllD AND THE SOllCfll(ll ,., ""' ·wAITllElll'" 1•1 "LVt SOUIEZI l'LAY 1•1 .. "'" ai.o So ., '°'°'" G-crtt ........ 191·3693 I C-..c.•a C ..... n.oa Ult t~ •u O•.-• 1•1 IC""--"" 6 ( .... t -Ct 0-.atlt• 1•1 I (...,._ • C ...... • •st MOY• \I I C•"l tl '°"""'° "J TO<HTH(ll AOA•" 101 "-"• "THI LAIT AME"~'f. l!:,~"" ,., •THE I WOllO ANO fltl IOflCUllll" '"' .... "I CA""41111 " 101 OllANGf OlllVI IH . . . .. . ~ ... MISSION l11l1V I IH . . _ .... _ .... _ WAJlN('1 ' •. I·~ -· .. --...... - "CLAH Of .... 1111 ~ ... "'AIT TIMH AT lllOOllllONT ....... ftll llNllMflAM Lot '109illel J• •• •rcNn llACN OllAIMll W&ltMIMIHll M.u111 tltt•,t 1111 I t fJ'iJi>Ald" H,.t1tpi,tt l 11o•md rtl'tr-OiuWr ••ti ilif ti 'lw 1 _., ·., •• , •, 1 ,,, •·• • 01..,0 '' ,. r1••' " .t , "'•' o , · MllllOM VllJO WUIMllll llll I •t'fV lld Vw1•• l~tu 9 JU bfHIU I dtt,1111• C1u,.u1.1 Wt· • H'•1 f'f I' • ·-----·· .. -- llAICI CIAIT lAUIA IUCl/mll 1:1111 WEDNESDAY. OC TOUU! 10 198;.> ORANGE COUNTY . C ALIFORNIA 25 CENTS Leisure World annexation bid set for study Koll Co olt11·1:.lll u1•1• s11ltnt111g 'Propo&ili. from p1 avutt• plonnmg llrms for :.in 111-dt.>plh rt•p...>rl to h1•lp tht•n1 tlt•i·ldt• wht•tht•r 111 support the> propocw<l anm•xat1un of Leasun• World So far . ~om pany u ff11·1uls havt•n 't buckt·d thl· rt•llrt•mt•nt t·ommunlly 's plans Lo bt'l'omt' Orange County's fi rst nt•w <.·11 y \ Slaying suspect escapee By J ODI CADENHEAD Of Ille D~ Ptlol lleft The man held on susp1<.·1on of murder in the decap1tauon death of a Mission Viejo man escaped from a Mo ntana s ta te mental hospital five years ago w here he was sent !or the bru tal slayang of a cab drive r, authonues said . Cody Leo Schre iber, 29. also known as Bar ry Anderson. was arres t e d early T u esday by Orange Co unty S h eri ff 's Department invesugators. three days afte r De nnis Schube rt's headless body was found in t he bac kyard of th e h om e t hey shared at 23342 Via Guard 1x. Sheriff's Sgt. Ly nn Nehring said Schreiber left an Anaheim bus station at 9:45 a.m. Saturday a nd was met a t a Sacramento bus station at 7 p.m. by local police Schre iber was reme mbe r ed as extre m e ly inte lligent. and she riff's investigators Crom Orange County. N e h r ing s a id s h e rif f 's inves t ig ator s con s idered Schre iber a suspect smce th e death. but we re re luctant to re ease any informa tion un til questioning hun further . Investiga tors re turned to Orange County early Tuesday morning w ith the 29-year-o ld s us pect. H e was booked into Orange County Jail whe re he ts being held on $250,000 bail. Sc hre iber 's a rra ig nme nt was co nti nu e d t o d ay t o n ex t Wednesday. Miles City, M ont., police chief Jim Certain said Schreiber was arrested Oct. 9, 1976. two days after the body of a local cab driver Donald Moyer, 36, was found. Moyer had been shot to death and stabbed numerous times, Certain said. Certain said that Schreiber pleaded guilty lO the grisly crime and later changed his plea to not guilty by reason of insan ity H e w as sent t o a m e n ta l institution at Warm S prings. Montana. where he was alleged to have walked off the grounds in October. 1977, Certain said Schreiber, who grew u p in Miles City, w as remembered by the chief of police as "borderline extre m e ly intelliRe nt, an a ccomplis h ed m u sician a n d distance runner." He was ad opted b y Mr a nd Mrs. Ed Schreiber who live on the outs k irts o f th e s m a ll Montana town, the chie f said. Prior t o h is a rrest fo r the murde r of t h e cab d r iver , Schreiber's only othe r run-in with the law was a felony theft charge In Cottage Grove, Oregon in early 1976. that was later dropped. Certain said -IJIDEX-• I At Your Service Business Cavalcade Classified Comics Croaword Death Notices Editorial Entertainment Food Horoacope Ann Landers Movies Mutual Funds NatioMI News Public NotlceA Spon. Dr. Stelncrohn 1 Stock Marke\I TelevWion Theal<'ra Weather A6 A8-9 All 0 5-8 88 B5 0 5 AlO B4 C l -12 All Al 1 B4 AB A3 83,87,0 5 DJ-4 All A~ 86 84 A2 •0 1111• lrv11w 1n1·11rp11rul1·d m111'1• tlla11 ,1 d1'1°atl1• a)<u l11~11·ad, Kull hJ i. i.uugh t 111 otllh'X 11H11 lrv11w 11 !l6!l-ul·ft• !>oolnp 111 l.111d that d1v1d<.·s thl' llUI th anti '>OU lh Wllll<S of lA-1:.urt• Wo1 lt.i That land Is uwrwd hy Hu ...... ,muur L14u1dating Trust arid t lw Kul I Cu. hds an o ption to dt·qu1n· about 170 :.ines for ;_1 Making a s plash 1 ·111111111'1\ ·1.1 I 11111<.'t· µu rk. ul 't'11t <11111-1 Ill K nl l'., V111· l'rt'bllh·n l ror lx·v1"l11p1111•11t, M1d11ll'I l.1•w1s lluw1•v 1•1, thut 170 <Jl'lt•i. IS 111l'lud1-<t within th•· b11umluril's o f Ll•ti.un· World'!! propost•d 111l·o1 pur.1t l•d tl•1111or y. That nll'arn. 1tw 1ww l'lty. 1f :.ipprovl'<.l. would ~am puwl•r to zo nt· th1· l,ind l111w1•v1•r IL'> OC'W n ty l'llUlll'il plt•aSt.J In .1 11·1·1•111 IHt1·1 lo plb1111111g l1r111i., Ll•WI!> s.11d Koll ol l ll'H1ls a11• M•t•k111~ .111 ... w1•rs tu s1•vt·rol qu1·st11111i. ,1houl llk lt·g:.iltty of l ll r 11 I 11 ~ t h (' r ,. I I I t• OI (•I) t , 0111111u1111 v 111 :.n .ooo n ·s1d1·1111i 11110 .1 nty "Wt• .1.ll' Ullt t'l l.irn Js to 1~11' t• f I t• l t o f t h 1 • fJ r o p o b t · d int•orporat11111 ul th1· l'rty on our a lultty tu 111.1k1• Stm11• rt•a.-.urutblt• Delly Piiot Photo by Gery Ambroee Al Ko lb swings his 4-year-o ld so n, Eric, ov<'r the surf near the. Newport Beach P ier. T he fam il y came down fro m Santa Ana for a n even ing a l th e b.-ach . Evicted job firm A Costa Mesa job pubUcation business that was the target of numerous complaints to polace has shut its doors and moved to Santa Ana, a uthonties said. Help Wan led Publicauon. 2110 Ha rbor Blvd .. was evicted last week by the proper ty owner Jack Myers for failure to make a re ntal payment. Johannes "Henry" Vanderra s a id in a phon e i n terview Monday th at he d e libe ratt•ly withheld a portion of the $5 10 monthly rent payment. claiming there w ere holes in the roof of the building. Vanderra said t h at business d ropped from an average of 30 customers a day lo zero last week a fte r d issa t isfied customer s successfully d iscouraged ne w clien ts from entering the• Costa Mes.a building. Many t'Omplaaned that the list of jobs for w hich they paid $25 was m e rely a co py o r ad vertisements fou nd 1n the class1f1 cd sectaon o f a local nC'WSpapcr "W e do not dc•n y th at," Vanderra said Monday. "We just opened a t'Ouplc of months ago -a nd most e mployers are n ot aware of us. We go th rough the newspape r. They come in t he office and pay money. We don't point a gun a t their heads." S teve S hulman. a Costa Mesa Police de tective. said he rereived nearly a dozen calls Monday from people who wanted their money back and wan ted to know wherl' the bus1 n css h ad relocated • Ill SA Sance opening 1n Augus t. Vandcrra said he h as returm-d about $2,000 to l'Ustomt.>rs as part of a V<'rba l guarantN• lo refund the $25 fee to d1s...at1sf1ed clients after one month Las t month the State Bur<>au of Employmt•nt Agcnt'l<.'S ordcrt'Cl the com pan y to stop adverllsing s p ecific job o ffe rs fou nd in ne w spapers Vandcrra said he complied Sunday Last week P at Antrim , w ho oper ated AAA Rt.-'alty a t t h e same location. denied repor ts that he was lensing the property or had any connN·t1on lo H 1•lp Wanted Publlcauon He l p Wanted Publtca t1on's new add ress 1s 2 138 Oo1mlt>r Street. Santa Ana. absentia Couple on trial • Ill Ci Yi I s ui t broug ht b y former business partner By STEVE TRIPOLI Of IM D.ity "'°4 lleff A c iv il s uit ag ai ns t local restaurateur Irwin Milman and his wife, Franclne. Is proceeding In Orange County Superior Court despite the abse n c e of the Mllmana and any auorney8 to argue their 1ld~ of the rue. The unusual circumstances arotM? beceu.e of the diAappcaranc.-e of the 'Mllmans f r om Orange County l ate Jail month . apparently with about $1 mllllon In contested ~ti. Judge Jamet Judge agreed to hear a au h filed b y a former ' busines.'I partner of the Milmans d espite the dluppe ara n ce. however Forme r partner Irving Mar te n son c la imR h e was illegally Induced Into signing over hls interest In the Lakeside Restauront nea r J o hn Way ne Airpo rt b y M i ll ma n , who recently 1told It for a bout $3 million. Tw o a ttorneys r o r t h e Mortcn1on ques tio n e d the ir rllc nt and his wlft• before Judge Tuetday. One o f them. Richard McMillan. 8bld durlna a break In the trlo l th~t la w yers would p~nl only 4he Marten$0M' •Ide of the case before Judge renders a decision in the matter. The Milmans. who reportc<lly lef t th<.• area Sep t 29, wo uld have to return and hire a new attorrwy Ir they w ish to present a defonRf' tn th(' case. McMillan said . The Mllmans' fo rmer attorney wu removed from the cue lut wock after he told Superior 0>1.1rt JudRc Phl!Jlp Petty that he could not Clef nd th Mllman1 ln tht>lr abs ence, a nd th•t the MllmaM owed hla law flnn about $50.000 Jn If-Pl fees UM' 111 1111· 170 (II n:i. Wt• Jll' urnl1•1 l'llllll'Ul'l tu purdwM· 11110 111•1·d fJ1 •1H•s:-.11111;.al ht•lp 111 11siwss111i.; wlwtlwr Wt• .. houlu i-u µporl rn uppust· s urh 11H•orp11rul1u11," L1•w1:-. saul 111 tlw h•tt1 ·1 01W IS.'>Ul' 1.11St•d Ill lilt' h•tlt•I 11111·.,111111 '' w lwth1·r st.iii· law would .illow 1111' n1·w 11 1v to 11•!.1111 t lt1· l't1111ur11ly·., µn·;t•nt h11111,1t111n thJt ,111 n .. ,1d1•n t.-. 111uS1 Ix• JI lt'.tsl !1'..! vc•,u !> 11ld l\'>kl'd Lt:W, .. "('.111 lli• f>lt1fl0.;1·tf fll•W t llV 11'>4' th l.111tl llM' "'HUl.1tory flllWl'I''> ,,, ,,,, 1·11d o l t'Xdud111~ all fll'ISllllS u111h I lht• J){I' 111 ~):l fltllll tJ11 t'llY"" A 11111 lwr t'>i.u1· ,., w l11·1 lw1 L1 1~11n· World 1·11uld 11·1.1111 11 gu.11111-d 1<·1h'!> Jlld s1). l1 1ol 111 1• k IA..111'> l11ppt·U lJy lw rlH·d \\II• CS1·(· l.EISllRE, Pa~e A21 Irvine De Lorean workers puzzled on firm's future By GLENN SCOTT 01 lhe Delly Piiot Sleft Emplovl'<:s at the De Lun:c.n Motor Co. execut1v1· off1t•t•s 1n Irvine rt•portcd to work tu1fo y but thl' futun.· of thl'rr <.-ompany sc·eml•d unn:rtain after lhl'Y were r<x:ked with two startling l:!n n o un ce mcnl s Tu<.'sday afternoon. Th<.· Br1t1sh gov('rnmPnl first issued a statement that 11 plans to perma nently shut d o wn thl' rinancu.tlly troubled sports <.·ar manufactu ring plant established fo u r year s ago in Nurthern I re la n d by G e nera I M o tor s t·xpatnatl' John De Lorean Only hours later. FBI officials called a press con ference• rn Los An gel es t o a nnounce t ha t under<:over agents had arreslt'd De Lorean at :3 p.m a t a hot.el near Los Angeles International Airpo r t. Th ey dai m e d h e apparently h ad tried to finance a $24 million cocaine deal to ra1Sl' capita l to resurrect his d ying business S u pervisors at t he Irvine o ff Koe declined comment this morning on tht> implications of the events as they awailed word from their chiefs m New York. Said one worker: '\Right now . we don't know any more than vou do.." De Lorean's plant near &-lfast had been in rece1vcrsh1 p smce February with debts estimated at $68 million, a<.·cordin g to The Asso~1at<'d Prl'SS Tht• British govPrnmt•nt 1n111ally viewing the cntl'rpn s<.· as a possible boon for lu<.·al Jobs. had invested more than $143 million in government grants :.ind loans · But De Lort>an·~ stainlC'SS stl•1..•l. gull-w ing sports car sc•lling for $25,000 nf'vf'r e ntic<.'d f'nough buyf'rs lo make the businl'S!-. prof1t.abll..' and the plant that om:e head C'mployc-d 2.600 workers had bC'cn graduall y losing monl'y. Richard T . Brctzm g. spe<.'1al agt•n t m cha rge of the FBl's Los Angl'k•s office, said De Lorean had been under surveillann· c· a r I y 1 n 1 t s f 1 v c· -m o n t h . undert"Ovcr mvest1ga11on leading to his arrest. Two other men arrt'Sted late Monday also h ave bt'<.'n charged 1n thl· l'Oca1ne l'ase W11l1am Morgan Hetrick. 50, owne r of an JVWllon sc-rvke m Mojave, and StC'phen Le<' Arrin gton. 34. of San Diego are suspected of being t h1• planned suppliers of almost 220 pounds of cocaine that FBI o ff1c1als said De Lorean had nrranged lo buy. Bretzing implied during his announceme nt 1n a conference room packed w ith r eporters. (Se e IRVINE, Page Al ) John Z. De Lorean A uto m ak er capture d i n cocaine bust By LINDA DEl'TSCH A•eoc:le14'd Pt•H Wtll•t • LOS ANGELES John Z IJt> Lon•<1n. un1•t1ml' Gl•neral M oll11 '> bov wondt•r who li1ll'f markt.•tt ·d his own futurislll' stamlc·ss sh'(·I sp(lrts car. ""' up a $:!4 rmllmn c~>1.·;11nl' d<•al in a dt>spcral<' bid 111 savl· his lJ:1nkrup1 t·omp•m:-.. tlw FBI !'<IVS Dl: Lorean. 57. si.x·nt the• mght in Ji:lll aflt.'r his arrf'st TuC'sd<1y at an a irpo rt hotl.'I w11h sc•vc•ral kilogra ms or COC'JllH'. P a r kl r Cf'ntc•r Jail wa l<.'h command1·r Lt Lant'<' Honwro s;ml toclay "ll1s c·ompany '" an scvcrt• f I nanl'IOl I probll'ms... Rll hard T Breiling. Spl'<'tal agl't1t in <.·hargl' o f thl' F'BI Los Angf'lc·~ offan•. told a m•ws t'On ferc•m't' "And h£• f(>ared th<' poss1b1h1y o f his company being dos<'d down by t h e g ovt•rnment whic h had cxtcndro loans to him "He was expressing mterest m fmam·mg some type of operation that wo uld produce. quickly, large sums of money 1n retu1·n for lht.• investments." The arrests of De Lorf'an and two other ml'n taken into l'ustody on Monday endt'd a five-month undef('Ovcr probe w hich tracked the a u to executive across the• (See DE LOREAN, Page Al) . Californians aitl faIDily in Mexico T IJUANA. Mexico (AP) - Gabrie l and Margarita Pa rra had next to nothing when they left t he ir on e-room hom e in th r village of Tarimo ro on June 2. They rode a bus for 2 'h days and s pe nt m ost o f the n ext two months wa lking northward, to vlsJt their son. being treated for cancer in an Orange County hospital. On Thursday the Parras and their 8-year-old daughter Silvia, will fly home to the ir village northwttt of Mexico City, and •bou t $18.000 will be waiting for them In a local bank. When Californians heard abou\ the Parras' pilgrimage to visit 17-yur·o1d J esus at Chlldr~n·s-ttoepital in Orange. they donated $23,$66. t"OO'-'&h to pay for _the couplt"'s tttay since Au1u1t '1'd cover the prl~ of i . t heir plan e fare home. with plenty left over for Parra to buy a car and st.art a taxi scrv1f'e J esus had left hom<' at th1• ilge of 15. heading to Orange County in California to look for work He w as s tric ke n b y ostt•1lg1•nic sarcoma sh ortly afterward and had his left leg ampuUltlod a year ago. The P arras rode u bu:s from their home to Ht>rmoslllo, lhf'n set out on foot. arriving al the Tijuana lntcrnatlona I bord e r crossing on AuR. 3. They had arrived w ithout proper pa pcrl'. but otclclnl$ a t Ch1.1la Vis ta's Bay Ot'n e r u l Hos p i t a l Inte r ve n e d a n d arranged for thf' family to ~ n-unltcd with Jmus. The-family hu ~n livllll In ti n •parlMCnl n~r th~ haiPllJll ah\CG A Ul{Ult I l .................................. ~ ...................................... ._ ......................... ~ .... --............ --..... _.... ~ -~ "' L 01 IUl()U Coull DAIL y PIL 01 IW•dntmJny 0Ltoueu W , 1082 -" Schmitz paying for child support SU.th.' Sl'n Joh11 Sd11111t1, H Coro1111 lh d Mlir, lw bq(u11 paying dliltl "upp 111 t 111 1111~ former m 1stn.•"-' of n11w v1·<11 i. .11111 the mothl!r of tht.>11 two d111lh1·11. liaX>rciln.i lO j)Qpcl Ii ftll'd Ill U S Bankrupk·y Court Carlo Vf'rnt' Stul·kl1•, wh11 claim• St•h m112 fot h1·n ·u lt1·1 1 6 -m o nth -old buv .1 11d 3 -m o nth o ld girl, r1 ·purt1•d receiving u $275 poynw111 1h1s month drawn un thl' JWlll bunk unt of Schn11tz and h1:. w1flo 28 Yt'ani. Mary The tu'St puynwm w.1:. m.1d1· w ith two chttks. a $1UO f)4'""""'1 1 h1•1 k ,11111 11 lllllllt'V 11rtl1·1 lot $1 7~ An'<11 u111M tu llw 1'l111rt p 1p4'1 "· S1 h111111 hoi. 1'<11111111tt1•d h1111'l1•ll tu p.1VlllJ( "ut lt•uHI $400 u 111011111 111111 t~ much mor1• ·"' lw 1'0uld" 111w1• h1· rt•plat>t·11 th•· llJJproxunuh' $:Ul,l)ll0 ht• l'llrlll'd llH U KlUl1• .... 1111\rn An Ull8U('('{'!'>SIU1 l'Und1dat1• for lJ S S1·11ut1" Schn 11lx w 11:. 11·d1..,1111•t1·d 'uut 11( th1· lilllt1· S1•11al1· Mo;1t Ill' lws h1•hl s11w1· IU7ti Tlwrt•lw't•, lw wsll l1·11v1• uff 11·1• wh1•n th1· S1•11.1h• .1tl.)ou1 11s 111 Nuv1•111tx•r Sl'hrn1 lt. 1·11ntlll't1•ll u t 111 ~ ('nrona d1•I Mai hu11\1•, d1'(·l1111·d '" I llllllllt•llt llll SHll k It• Ill till· h,111k1 UP It\' 1111.1111tu1n1tl t( h h hlltH h,.ll) Ktlt•111 t' 1111 tho• 1111.1th•r :-;llh kh'. •• ·I.I \l'oll olel I lhllll 11•i.11l1·111 . ltlc•d ft11 ln.111k 111/1tt·y 11'1 t•11 t ly 11111 I l h tl!> Wt't'k llHll'f till' $:.!7:1 JJU)'llll'llt 11 1)111 Sd11111t1 Ill 1•11url pupl'l 11 111 wh1d1 11lw uli.o pr-0 1.>0111•11 to p.iv o(f $12.1_\.'ltl 111 1.h•llt14u1•11t Jd1tic llVl 'I' lht• fll'Xl tlln·t• Vt'lll'li ('uur t d111.·unw11t11 111d11'llt1· lw1 h1mw 1, 11111rtHu~wd for MH.OtlO ,1 11d ·~ In 11rr1•111·:0. lur $:!,4~>·1 011 tl111•1• of IL'I four OIOl'IW11(t'll Tiu• 111111( 11tu11!111 1..: n·lutt1111i.l11p h1·tw1•1•11 Stu1 kl •· .in d th1· ;,:.! v1·.1r 1>ld lkpuhht.111 1';11111· 111 ltl(ht 111 .lulv Y.111·11 :·h 11111111 ••tlt•ll\)Jll'(I tu 11111'1 Vl'llt' Wllh bl\ < h IHlHt' t '11u111 .v Su111·11111 ( 'uurt J LI ti Rt• f II IJ 11W111 g oil I ll 11 U °' U ,j I lllJUry tu lh1•11 VOUl ll.( 'HJll01t Ht'ttrltil!! 'l'~t•· lw\ w.1 .. l11k1•11 111111 tuMltt.tv hv th1• 01a11w· C'1111111 v Sul'wl S1•1 vw1·i. A81•m·v. liu1 wm. 11·t111·rn·d tu S11wkl1· 111 l\ugu't wh1·11 11 1 rlr11111:il l'liarw· 11! 1 hlld 111•gli'(·t wa:o. d1,11111<1~1·d SI 11 1' t ' I l ' l ll I' II 111 J< f I ti Ill S,J( I Ullll'l\111 , St·h1111l1. 1111\ 1·1111t111u1•d 11•;1111111~ .11 S.111tu A11o1 ( '11Jlq(l'. Whl'f t• ht• hol'> t,1ught Mlll't' l!Jfill Sd1111ll/ .111d St111 kl1 · nwt wl11h· ,tw w.1:. .1 'tud1·111 111 01w of 1 m. d,1,,, . ., .~.~' · \\.• Continued stories UAW leader keeps rnurn on strike vote r·~,...--------~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ._.LEISURE WORLD. • • pl Yf hlCh rt•Slrlt'l Ut't'l'SS lll llS IJl'l\'all• slrC'l'lS. Whal wou Id ha µ1.11•11 , •''h y po thesized Ll'was. 1f th1..· 1 ~'9unty or state rt>quan'd the· JW\\' ,, city to make uva1lablt• mun• low or m oderate-anc.·om« hous ing l • • . ., 1 011pn1ts. . . One poss1bl11ty. ht• suggl·Stl'd. I Is th a t the H o!>smuur '~hdevelopt•d strip might he• ' obligated to satisfy sul·h huusmg 1 ~uiremenls. But hl' also ask:. wlwtlll'1 th1· 1ww l'll\ n1ulJ ht· tu1n-J 111 buy tlw prn1~·1 ty u11tl1•r 1 n v l' r :. t' 1· u.n d l' tn n a t 1 u n pr CH' l' l' d I n gs I f It ti l' II I l ' ti d l' v l' I v pm l' n t w t t h 1 n s 1111h· r 1•asu11o..1bll· lln1l' hmll I ho nutl'<l that K oll ~ilrc.idv has spc•nt $40,LlOO in e 11v1ronm.e•ntal 1m1x11·t n·ports during dforts lo win <1µpro\'Jls for th1• bus1m•ss µ.irk frum l'lllllll\' ~0Vl'n1nwnl -By Glen11 Sc.vii DETHOIT (.AP) United Auto Workl•rs Prt•s1dl·nt Douglas rrast•f' IS rl'fUstng lO lip hi!> hand on wlwtht•r he'll rt-comnwnd a :.tnkl' a~a1nst l'hrysll'r Corp at Thursd:.iy's ml"l'Ltng of tht' UAW bargaining t·ounc:al. Fra•wr was to nWl't pnvutdy todav with m l'mbers of the u n ion's 10-rnt•mbl'r C hrysler 11cgouut111g t:ornmaltcc and weigh t lw m •xl stt•p tn lhe impasse t:rl'atl•d wht•n th e UA W rank -and-falt• n •jloewd a ll'nl<ttivt• l'Ontrul't rciK·hecl Sept. 16. F' r a st• r s pt• n l T u 1• s d a y "t·onlUl'llng most of the c•1ght UAW offll'l.'I'!>, JUl<ll f1lh1IH tht•l\1111 on what's bt-c•11 going on ,1nc..I asking tht·tr 0µ1n11111:.," UA W spokt>sman Bub Barbi·•· said Appl' a ri n g on bl' h n If 11 I po I 1 t 1 t· a I <.'a n d 1 d a t <.' !> 1 n lndia11upolai<1 un Tul·sd<iy night. Frust'r sa1tl h1· would k1·1·p h1i- recommt·ndat111n <• Sl'l'l'l't 1111lil Thursday Th<' mt· 1· t 1 n g wt th l h ,, barga1n1ng t•omm1tt 1•t• wa:. d1·s1gnl'd to form a l'IHl~l·ni-u~ bl'forl' tltt• llll'l'llng of th1• bargaintn!o( t·11un1·1l. which 1:. compost•d of 150 olf1t'1.1b fro111 U A W C h r v ~ I c· r I 11 l' a I s na11onw1d1•, al't•<ir<.l111g t11 &1rlx'l· Nobel a 'ward to Chicago Pelicans to have . professor surgery on beaks f STOCKHOLM. Swl'<l<'n (AP) ~ -University of Ch1l'ago <Professor George S tigler, a .·conservative ec'Onom1st, w on the & N obe l M e m o r ial Award in ~Economic Science t oday for •research that show<'d thl' impact ~~of government regulatwn on 1he ~economy. ~ It was the 11th tim(• that an· 1 Ame rican h as won the pri:z.e, :Which this year carries a stipend ot $157,000. I "Naturally I feel deh~hted. : how ca n I f eel a n y ot h e r ' way?," said St1glC'r, reached by • ~lephone in Chicago after the 1 award was announced. :... "CertajnJy I'm surprised." he said. "I h ear d that two oth e r · individuals w ere going to win at :., ... and they certainly will 30<>ner or later .. " Stigler was t h e SC'l'Ond Alffel'ican to wm a Nobel pnre this year. By JOEL C. DON 01 "" Delly Piiot tleH A team of vctcnnanan::. will try 1h1 s W<'l"kcnd t o mold ar t if1t·1al upper beaks and surgic:ully a ttat•h the pros thetic dl•Va<:t•s to a group of mul11la tt-d brown p('hcans, al·turdmg to a Laguna Nagul•I animal dcx.·tor. Gayle Robt•rt!> o f Crown Valll':V Animal Hospita l said a t·olleaguc• agn•ed to treat tht· birds a ftN c•xam1111ng t ~em Tul•sday F ount.am Valley vetennanan Robt•rt Rooks volunteerC'd to h elp the inJured pelicans a h er hearing about the mutilations d1srovered in Dana Point Harbor last w eek In add1t1o n, two Los An geles v e t e r1n ar t a n s spcc1al121ng in non-d o mestic- anamals a nd a veterinary den tist have offered to donate their se r vices f or t he :.urg1cal prcx:edure Professor K e n nt'lh G Wilson of Cornell University won tht• priz.e in physics Mond.av Winner o f this year's final prize, 1n literature. is to bt.• announ1·cd Thursday Prof. George Stigler F o llowing newspaper and ll'IC'vaslon at·coun t s o f the mutiluuons, Dr. Roberts said the animal hospital r ec-e1ved several tails fro m peoplt' who wished to Coast<ll 1 Mostly k!nny I001y Wllh hign1 ~, 111 the 701 "•Ir ton1gh1 ano thuradey with patchy early l'llOrnlng tog llong Ille CO&SI F llr and a Ume warmer on Tnursc:tay w it h hi g h clouos •nd remoer11urH renglng from 1ow II the l>eachea to low 801 eno av.r ... ghl IOws tonight S3 10 57 Elaew,,era, from Point Concepflon 10 lhe M exican JS-or der e nd out 60 m11e1 ~ort"-t winds 10 10 16 kno11 and ... s 3 10 5 feet over out11 w11er1 Locelly light var11ble 'lllllnd1 today except weal to I OUl,,Wllt 8 10 16 knoll lhla lft•noon end evening with eouth to eouthweit 1w111 2 10 ' teet Some morning end nlghl lo.., cloud• and tog, Olh«wiM mostly fair. U.S. sunimary The 11r11 m11or snowstorm of Ille Meaon swept across the Corn !kit with wind• up to SO mph today, miring traffic In up to 1 1001 of 8'IOW, knocillng oul p0W9r 10 th0uaand1 of homee and delaying an alr.ady late eutumn harvftl M the llOfm puthed MllWatd OU1 of northern N9bta•• wnete Ille hNvte.1 ac:cumulalion1 -• r~ Tuaday, up 10 I lnchet letl In patll ol lowe. South Dakota. Iowa. Mlnneaol• and Wlecon91n "We h••• our llrtl winter 1now11orm," H id highway petrol redlo operator L•• Muell In Maraha". Minn .. where 15 ~-. flC)Ofled, many . c;era and truck• llllddlng entem•• to. Tiie ''°'"'· ac:c:ompenl•d by ll'ldt guetlng lo 50 mp h In outllerl'I M ll'ln•ao te 1110 ~ hundred• of 1r1v1let1 lotced 901111 ~· 10 CIOM High clouds due moO 80s !>OUlne<n Cese<l noons 8S to 95 East 10 norlheut winds 1n lower CoioraOo River Valley allernOQ<'I eno even1119 N0<tnern ano Centr•I Cet11orn11 wlll lie c1e1r1ng with var1a~ nion clouos from lhe southweS1 Cnance 01 rain 1n nortnwest Mostly laor enO warm 1n cenrrat 1181• Tetnperatures NATION Alllany Alt>uque•Qllt! Amarillo Ancnortge AlheV!lle Alltnla Atlante Cny Austin 8a1t1mo<e 81tllngs 8lrml119"8m 811/'118'Ck BolM Boston 8rownsvlle Butt110 Burllnolon Casper etiarlatn. SC Cnarlatn. wv Charltll, NC Cheyenne Chocaao c1nc1nn111 Cleveland Columl>le SC Columllus Ot l·Ft Wth Dayton °'""" Oft MQines OelrOlt Duluth El Paso FaJrt>1111<s flfQO flaotllll 0<H I Fiiis Hartlord Helen• Honolulu HI Lo Pep 68 32 69 .. 65 •6 •2 31 16 65 30 7 t •6 61 •8 87 68 68 4t •6 33 02 76 S3 39 35 S9 29 66 41 90 67 10 so 6• 35 40 20 23 75 56 7' 46 71 •2 36 19 21 59 •7 09 7• •9 71 •7 77 54 70 " 88 66 69 46 •2 27 17 63 S2 03 70 " 41 3S 06 I • 46 38 33 '9 37 3• 59 27 •6 22 02 70 31 ,, 22 02 87 ea ,4..,,.. ~.~,., ...... S.··<• .. ou u !. c"'' "'c_..-.. ,. Fronts COid ,... Wa1m .-. Houston lndneohs Jacksn. MS Jacksnvlle Juneau Kens Cly Kno•vllle _ u veoaa 63 71 67 •6 80 SS 79 60 01 46 4, " 10 41 01 70 311 69 57 80 S4 72 •7 80 54 79 68 R11n~ SnowC} Showersll!I Flurries~ Sall Lake Sen Ar>IOmO SH ti le ShrevOPorl SIOU• Falls St Louis SI P·Tompe St Ste Marie Spokene Syracuse TopeO lucton Tulst 50 28 6' 67 59 39 82 56 40 32 81 75 58 8• 86 60 •6 04 3• 27 70 36 73 '" es •9 81 S4 ntle Rock LOUllVlllt! LubbOCll Memphis Miami Miiwaukee Mplt-SI Paul NHIWille New Orleans New York Norfolk 80 77 57 so so •3 1S 50 8i SS es w11nnotn 82 Wochlla 70 ,g 68 •7 No P18lle Okla City Omaha OrlanOo Ptllledphta Phoen•• P1tt1burgh P11an<I Me Piiand. Ore Pro~ RalelOh Aap+d C11y Reno Atchmond 67 •II CALIFORNIA 71 •S 42 33 76 5• Apple Valley 16 81ke<1lleld 43 • , 21 83 83 67 39 9t 61 70 37 6t 30 63 so $6 37 71 42 35 31 O• S3 3' 72 45 8atll0W 811umon1 819 8Hr 8111\0P 81ylhe Ca1aHn11 Eurell• Fretn<> Lencaale< long e.ach LOI .t.ngelel Monrovi• Montet>ello Mont•r•y Ml Wltaon Neeell .. N-port Beech Oallllnd Onterlo send mmwy to h1·lp 11 .. ·d ,md 1·ar1· for th<.· birds W11 h11ut ,m u pp<•1 beak. th1• pc:·lt1·..in~ a11 unalill• tn fet-d on th1.•1r nor mul dll't of ll\•1· fish Off1 c:1als wl\h tlw Stat1· Fish a nd Gi:lml• Dt•partnwnt twlit•vc- angry f 1shcrnwn an· rt•spo11s1 bl1 for thl· mut1lut1on ... T hi:y SHY tlw pelicans stc<.11 anl'hov:v ba1 t I rum boat!> and wall t•vt•n MWtt·h fish ;1 .. tht•y arl' rt'C'l ed in by fo.h1•rnwn Three of th1• <'lotamawd down or so pl'llt'ans that had 1h1•11 upper bcak1<1 t·hop!Jt.·d or !>aWl'<J off wcrt-takt'n by state· off1u;1ls to the C rown v ·alley h ospita l Tht· 0CC1r1als are trying to l'aptun· the othc·r IOJUrc·d bard!> bl'fon· thcv dal' of ::.larvot1on. said Ftsh and Game· 'po k1 .,m..in P..itt 1<. k Moo rt· H owc·vt•r . that Joh rt'mains d1ff1cul1 becaust• most o f thl' mutilated bards apparently have• flown awav from thl· Dana Point area, he S<J;d The vt-tl'nnar1ans t1rst µl<in to make an uppcr-bt.•ak cast from a bird that d1l'd an Newport Beach o f cau ses unn•la t rd t o the• muulallons Thl' mold will be· USE'd t o t'dS t bL•aks llUt of f tlwrglass "The· bc:a k~ will h ave• to bt• t·ustorn-rnoldc•d bl•caust• of thC' different lt'ngths nnd s hapl'S n<'cded " Robc>rts said The art1f1c·1al beaks will be· surgat·ally att<1t·h1•d to tht• pl'llcans with a spt'l'lal dc•ntal bo nding matc•ri.il and metal plates and :.<.n·w:.. sht• t•xplamc•d The animal dcx.·tor.. will know 1f the prustht·t1c· .. urgc•ry 1s SUl'CeSSful ont'<' thc•v nbst·rvt• the· pelicans Cec>dmg an ·lht• wild. sh1• added Limited To Supply On Hand Estate planning topic of 'l'w11 l111a1111o1I "P''' i;d1,ti. will d1:0.n1~s t·stalt· pl;11111111)( 111 ,1 "'111111;11 'J'u1•sclav, Nov !I, .at S11uth c .. 11,t Ml"li1·1il t'1,111 .. 1 • l'll11lug1 aph1·1 Jaml'i. Arion 111 L.1gu11.a B.•Jd1 "ill d1~t u'" l111w ln 1l1u .. trat1• ,.11 Ill h·~ .11 ,, "l'~"tun ol tli1· CJp1:.l1anu Adult S1'111111I wnlln~ lw puhh1· pul1hl·at11111 das..' M11nd;1v at 10 .i 111 •Thi· S1·11101 l'1t1w11:. t'lub of L;1guna B1'ad1 pl:.an~ :rn Ol't :ns t·i.1·urs1on to t lw Norton S1m1111 Mu~1·u111 • UC Jrvuw's innovut1v1· Saturday~ lor Sctl'l1t't:· cours1•:, f11r fourth. l 1fth and s ixth grudC'rs lwgins a nt'W s..•as<irr swrt1nJ,! CX·t :w Thi' wll I 111• 1h1· t h11 d • sein1nar 111 ·1 ,, n1 11•:11111·•·· Uo111tlt11> M y t•ric 111 (.'011pc·1 ~ a1111 l .vl11 .111d amt John Meagher 111 I >.·;111 W111 .. 1· H1·yn11kb F11r 1111111' 11il111111o1l1011 1111 1h1· frt·t· 1·v1·111. 1 .111 HJ!I 1:111 . c·xt ~7Wi 'J')ll' IJl l'Sl'l\l.1111111 Wiii bt· l11·ld 111 H110111 lliA ..it :H·lt~ CJ111111u l'ap1,tra1111 1n San .111.111 ( 'apl~lr:.11111 ..ind I~ r11-c.• .11111 11p1·11 lo tlw pubhl· f'11r 111 11 11· 111f11rrn.it111n l'all 1•1:1 lll1!"1H T h t' $ I ·I I 1•1 · r n 1 I u d 1 • s t' .111 .. J.111rt.Jll11n. box luneh and ;1d 1111,s111n t 1c-k 1•l Jo',,, more 11il11rrnut11m. c.·all 497-2 44 I S.itunJa ys for Sc1t•nt·1· series. which 111 <.lt•:,ignc·d Ill anvolvt.' 'tud1,nts in d1•n1on::.trutions ;ind t•xpt•nnwn~ rntht·r than I 11 rt· 1 n g t h c• m t cJ I 1 i-t l · n pu:.s1vt·ly to dt•mons lnstrons, 111 I ll'la b nOll' 011111 Piiot Photo by Cheflft 11.,.r \'t~te-rinarian Ga,·I<' Roberts examin<'~ a p<'lil'an with mutila tt>d bt•ak. It'~ on<' of ~<'\'C'ra l to be fitted "ith prosth<'tic de,·ice 25-cyG OFF SALE 2 DAYS ONLY Saturday & Sunday, Oct. 23rd & 24th Includes all: • OPEN STOCK • OAK BLOCKS • BLOCK AND KNIFE SETS KNIFE SHARPENING CLINIC Sat., Oct. 23rd 11 a.m.-3 p.m. At Coron• d•I M., a Wettcllff atorH Sun., Oct. 24th 11 a.m.-3 p.m. At H•rbor View a An•helm Hiiie tforea ThrH l<nlvet ,., Cuttom9f Sharpen.ct fRH ... Additional Knlvet 69' Each. California Ptlm SPflno• PaHd•n• Puo Aoole1I Alvereioe so 75 80 81 67 72 119 72 71 79 77 76 73 82 78 69 6S 77 71 7' 77 92 76 111 76 •6 65 60 •a 30 •3 61 se •9 60 SI 62 63 59 60 511 54 58 eo 60 S7 S9 S9 58 &!> more than you expect In a hardware store Souttl«n c.tilornle wtll have 111011 otovd• ti ttmu, but °"*"""' Wiii lie tlir. COMtal tow olOUde 111 nllflt and mornll'IO houf• w11tt pe1e11y -tv mornlnO too 1n ll'lllftd ~ J,Jttle temf)tl'etur• .......... Oren .. Co11t11y cen expect IWtfl• l'IMf 70 ti tll• uac:ll" tOC1•1 end fllurtd•~· lo"" t Ot INmtld -l -.. tO., lnlerld ..... Gen ""*' NQM Ill ........ -IOW9 -'°" ........... .,.NQM lfltfle ....... I0-10 LMMlen Huntington 811111• Huntington Piii' Santa Ana Rtvw Jell~ 40!1181 ~I 22nd St.~ e111>oe w.ooe Sen Ctilmtl'lte Pitt Traleloar (T·("treet) TedQ'e A._,... 2 1-3 1-3 1·3 1 ~ 1·2 l•I ..... .... tall ,.,, fllf ,.,, pool POOt t•lr ·-· '""'· 85 6e 6e .. M 6e ... ... l 0tn0trow HJOll r1e1t 11 4f 1 m low Tide 7'13 p m. lwell Olltotlon WMI Smog Where 10 oall (toll free) 101 111111 llTIOll lnlormellon: Otanoe County. (IOO) 44&-atH ~ot At19elaa County: (800) 242-40U 111M1tt6oe end Ian lemetdlno c:ouni"'' llOOl H1·4710 AOMO ~ c.Mtr (IOO) 141 ..... 1•~---...---=d~11~·~·1 ~2'!°'~10~----.... ------------------... ---------------------------t~---­" . ' •• • •••• HARDWARE EJ VIS4' w ...... 17th St et 1Nln9, ~ hecta, 142· t 133 ......, vtew Sen Miguel Or et Sen Jaoquln, Newport hadl, 144·1570 c ....... .., 3107 ! COUt Hwy . 173'-2800 ~ Hiiie Sent• .Ane Canyon Ad .. at ,,,,perlal Hwy • ttt-5282 • f 01u11gu ~OUIJI DA fl Y PILO f /Wed11uad11y, 0<.tobur '10 1\182 LB 03 Just another week? Not for Newport, Eagles 1981 b eati11g; Hunting ton B each E diS()IJ • Ill -, UIJ e t ' · l O/J g arne l e I By ROGF.R ('ARI.SON O(lhe Dellr Piiot llelf "If lllll ku.b 111·1·11·1 1·111t1t11111.d l11r th11> 111w, thcy'n,. m lhe wrong i.poi l" N••w pol'l I l.1rh111 High fuothull t'oUdl M1k1· <:uld111~:. "I huvt• r111 1•m11n11•n\ 1111 1lust y1-.1r'i-g.11111"" &lt:Ull'lu l ll~h Co11d1 F.d Hla11to11 fo'rom tht· Ol.·t :11 nu1l y Pilot 1•d11w11 ol tlw 11111 I ~llfnt" l!:.«ti:u\l'rn look dw lr1·1· kwk at tll1· N1•wport :t:i und prcx:eed1'CI tu puu11d away fur tlw l111al TD with four S<"-'Onds lt·ft. ,•ul1111~ lllll\' out:. 111 ord1•r tu M'1Jn· 1tgt1111 \Ill <I :!:1-7 Wiii) As1dt• from 1hos1• udb1ts, n 's Jll!\l :111ulllt'r Wt'\•k t1pproad1ing in tlw h1-<.'tK· 1!:1112 µreµ f11oth11ll ~1-.1:.•>n wsth SunS<.•l, St•u Vu·w. South l\.w:-.1 ;111d Ang1·lu~ League w<irfan• 1111 tlw btllt11g Ht'r<''s a look ..il l'ach. E~tant.-la ,.~ .. \'••n port II arbor &;tanda's &1gl1.•s, who ~mapµt•d a two -ganw skid in the Sea Vit•w Lt•ague with .l 27·0 v1t·tory over UniVL•rs1.1y. ;1rl' t•oming off <i pour ('{fort, uccordm~ to Blanton. "We made ~VC'l'Y m1st;ik1• II\ tlw book (against Univers ity)." ht' says ") thought Wl' w1.·rt· progressing pn·tty well ur1til last Wt'l·k. but rnaybt· it w as a letdown aftt'r the El Toro gaml' "Newport is one of tht• 11111sl physit·al h'<lllls l'Vt• seen a nd 1s well t'Oat·ht·d and th{· s1ngh' wrng crt•att's a lot of problems." Blanton says his two re<:e1vers Hay Urmson (ribs) and Steve Miku lich (cilsllll·a tl'd shoulder) are doubtful participants. but tht• rC'st of the F..<iglt•s should be ready The Sailors of Newport Harbor are hopt'ful they'll have fullbat·k-rovl•r Bill Brown bal'k artl.'r a bout with appendicitis, but o th1.·r standouts aren't 1n suc h good shape. Tackles Bud Coberly lOUt for good) and Dave Cadigan (jogging. but a doubtful participant, aCL·ordsng to Giddings) ha\'e lef1 big holes m the lin1• wllh knre inJuril'S. R1n•ivL•r Gd W ard 1s still out w tth a should<•r tlljury anti cornerback Jeff Conover (ankle) is qucsuonable "Estancia c·an St'Ort· m a hurry." say:_. G1dding:_.. "They're big up front with a :l70-puundt•r tCasc·y Camarena) and Paul Santhez (215) and Pat Wt•st (195 ) are solid two-way players " The Sailors !2·1 in leagul') an• trying to bounce back from a 24-:l 1 loss al lrvinl' and G1dd1ngs sa;.s. "I rvine was JUSt bl'lt1•r pn•pan .. 'CI. Wl• did s trugglt• ahead. then we couldn't h old tht>m. Wt•'v(.• got tt> do some gut-t•ht'<:king on those things." As for the emot ional aspect or 1h1s o m ., Giddings says: "If I didn't know about last yt·ar my seniors would be s..irc• tu ll'll me anyway I think tht· seniors will s how up "Estancia took thn•t• lime outs lo pur1th 11 in co make It 22-7 I'll m•ver undersl.:rnd whv ll•ams do that. I'm ha ppy to fall on a ball and g0 honw " Edis on ,.s . Huntlnl{ton Beaeh Ed Blauto n ag.un~t 1-'uunuun Valky Wt· gav1• 1t c.·v"'rythmg Wt• had .md l'lillll' up th r'l't' yards short " F ountain Vallt•y pn·vailt·d in th1· lt·agU<' operll'r, 17-14. and tht' Oi11·r·s du.Jn't acn•p t 1l in ho-hum fashi11n Nor 1s F'nd ;1y 's g;jfllc· a ho-hum situation. at'COrdmK tu Ht•nr·y "Our kids h:iVt.' no trouhlt• gt•umg ready fur Edison." he say.; "W"''rt· in.very dose prux1m11y and Buddy Nobk's b .. st frwnd 1:. Matt Hombs. They ltvc-prat·t1t'<1lly nex1 d our to each other." Tht• 01lt•rs' big guns arl' 4uartcrback Ent· Lawton and fullba~·k Danny Thompson offensrvcly, wh1ll' Edison's forte (ddc nst•) 1s bat·kC'd by thw play 11f l lo nibs in thl' se<:cmdary Noble 1s a backl )J quarlerbark ;jfld s t<.1rlt•r 111 the Oilers' secondary Edison CucH'h Bill Workman is wary of tht• 011t•rs, saying. "llunungton Beaeh outgarnc d F'i1unta1n Valky by 120 yards an d has a lrJt of wc•i1por1s with very good individuals in the sk illed pos1t1u11s And, w1•rt• JUSl l'oming off a big win" ('orona d••I .liar \'N. lr,·ln_. E.al'h ts 1-2 1n Sc•a View League play. wilhtn a game of ,,l't'tJlld pla(l· ··1rv111t· bc•attng Nt•wµor1 Harbor last w et•k g1v1•s us a shut." says CdM Coach Dwk Morns. "W1 .. r1.• t•nl·ourag1.«l 111 tha t an·a" L<'SS than 1"11t'lJUraging 1s tht· st<itus of tatlb;ic:k L,mc·1· Marl111. whosl' brokt·11 hand (and El Turo's <ll'il .. nsl') ll-<-1 lo JUst -12 yards on 111 carnl'S. Cork y C<1rpt•nll·r suffen'<.I a possible brok<'n nli .ind sl•parawd stt•rnum against l::l Toro and Paul Wa tson will tak1• cJvc·r as tht· Sea Kings' quartt·ru<.1ck Also b:ll·k is oflt•ns1Vl' laekl<· and pl:.ll'L' k1l'kt•r Bn·ll Hugh<•s lrvme Coal'h Tt•r ry llcn1gan says lus thn.•t• 1nJured standouts· linl'bat·ker Robbil' Zangl (km•c•l. nose .guard C hris Stately (n ec:k) and defrns1vc• tal'kle Brian Dc•Cair (nl-'l'k and shouldl.'r) are all nut 1•xpt-t·1t·d lo play "That was tht• first g1.>od game we've! had. offens1vt'ly and dt•fen s1v1'ly," says Henigan, a lluuing to his tt•am's 2.\-2 1 vic·tory ov1!r Newport Harbor ''Wl· did wh,ct Wt· thought Wl· could do." U111111111' t11p runm·r 11\lt tnr al 11•111-1 1w11 w1·1•ki-o1nd FV l 'tt,1d1 M1k1· Miln .. 1 '"Y' K111·1 U11t11!> will rt111 1w Vbl'llltt y "Wt•NtllllllNh'l 111 V\'I Y g11ud d1•l1 ·11s 1v1•ly. lllg 1111d phyim·al. h 1111 hl~M•·r 1111111 W<· 111·c·." lifl:V:> Milt11•r "I du11't a11 ti11p.11t· a h·1 dow11 ;dh•r 1111· ll1111l111Kll111 &·at h ijolllil' 1':v1•1·y Wl'l'k Is a do 1>1 clit• "llr.1111111 l11r llll .. F11u11tw11 V.11l1·y 111 1 11 111 !-;u111>1·1 l .1·,1gt11 · pl.1y u l tt•t' l1J1>tng f1v1· s1r·:11 glat 111111 l 1·a~111· ga11w' W1 ·1>1m11111tc•r 111 () I 111 h•aglll-. ful low111H llll' L1011s' th1nl lo!'-.' to (}.·1•:.n V11•w 111 lhn·1· y1·.11·~ W1·~t1111n11l•·1 h,1s l>c•1·11 L11111blt· l11 put 1ug1•ll11·1· two tuu1•hdow11i. 111 ;1 s111j.(l1· j.(:11111· whd1· drn11p111g f1Vl' str:11gh1 al lt•r an 01x•1111114 7 0 11011 l1 ·ag111· w111 ovt'r La Qw11 1a .Uarlna t .-.. fl<•••1111 ... ,,." Tlw J op1• slw..t h:1d 1t ll'V('f!><'d, hut .11 1h111 po111l 11·s O·l Mannu agamst 1-0 CX·,w1 Vww 111 llw S('(wld sulvv of ~unsl'l Lt·agu1· plt.iy "01•t·;111 V1 t•w l1111k1·d good (ag;1111 .. t Wt•strrnni.t1•1 I." "'-1Y.!< Munn;.1 ( 'o:i1'11 l>:1vc· Tt.11mpsc111 " T Ill' v d 1 ti a g u" d ju b t h 1 11 w 1 II 'g t Ii t h. 1 1 I (quarlt·r·hack Clwd Par IM.'.lLI I ,111d Tudd 1' .. .11 kvr 1s .111 1•xl'1•ll1•11l 1 unrwr "Physic;.illy w1 .. l'I' OK, t'Xl't·pt l1111'h;wkv1 l>;1\'1· Al>lx>ll 1s 4u1•suon11blt·" Abbott went into th(· l•:.d1S(lll garrw l.i:.t Wt•t·k with ;.i hip inJury and although h1· w1·nt th•· d1_;;wnt'l'. lw rn<.iy bl' ht•lcl out agwn:.t On·a11 Vic ·w -4..'o!ttta .'1e!ita ··~. ,.,., 'l '••r'' El Torn (2· 1 tn thl• Sl•:.t V1L•W L1•ugUl') 1•11ters <.1s a solid favonll' lx'<'aust· uf its :.1zt · ,111d :-.t1 t•11gth with thl· t·mphas1s on a powt·r running g;111w 11ut •>f lht· I bdiind quarterbat·k Mrkl• Dougl•1ss Costa Mt•S<J. 1-2 in lt•agul', upt•rall'S 1n 11ppos1lt· Wl'l1es. featuring a short passing g.1nw 11ut of :.11 option at1~1t·k . geared :1round JUnHJI' qu:ir·tl·rb.il·k Scot HagE·y l 'nln•r.ttlt • '""· .~addl(•b1u•h Thl' TrnJ.:ns of Univc·rs1ty havl' l!l ·c·n bl;1nkl'd 111 1h1•1r l<is t two Sl•<t Vil•w Leagu1· starls and ;,n· up <1g:.11ns1 tht• unlx•att•n Hoadrunrwr s. "'ho :1n • ra11k1·d No. H in Orangl· County and h av1.· 11ut h<-l·n lll·ld to less than 10 point s by any 1Jf six v1<'t1m-. Saddlebal'k's 4u1ck Sl>l of b<.1cks mdudt·s tatlh;11•k Kt•vm Rratll1•y and quart1•rba<"k Hod P1•s;1k Fiii gnmol al 7 30) Thureday Westmtnslor "~ f ou11t11m Vallwy 81 OCC Lnguna Beach ut M1~a1011 Viejo Friday Edtson at Hurllrngtori Beai;ll Marina v5 Ocean View al Wes1m1111ter Estancia at Newport Harbor Costa Mesa vs El foro at M1ss1on V1e10 C.:orona del Mer e1t Irvine Un1ver111ty v1 SucJdleback al SA Bowl Woodbridge vs Ontario al Chaltey Dana Hills a1 San Clemente S•lurday St Paul vs Mater De1 al SA Bowl Capo Valley vs Laguna Hiii& a1 MV The llne rv by 7 MV t>y9 Ed1ao11 by 7 Mnnnu by 9 Newporl by 3 El roro by 10 Even !iB by 12 On1a110 by 1 SC by 6 SI Paul by 3 Capo t>y 15 l,a g u n a B••at•h ,.~ .. tll.tt!tlon lllejo Thl· Artist,:, t>f Lagun<.1 &·m:h ( I · I in the So.u t.h <..'1111:.t L1·agu1" :s 2 ovl'r<.ill) a.re al Missmn V1eJ0 in a m:ik" or br 1·ak g;.m1t• in n·gards to u tl<-aspirations M1ss1111i 1s I lJ I. -l ·I I. Arll::.b' Couth l.)(•11111~ I hiryung says cornerback 1J1 u Murphv t'ol1ld bl' U<.iL·k to g1vl' his st'C.'Ondary lite • tUJ.Jlpl t•lt· look "h 's a 1y p1t·al Ml!>!.1011 Viejo team," says l laryu11g "Th(·y rn;.iy n<Jl be a!> strong on ?efe~~ as l.1!>t Vl'ilr .• rnd th<· f1ffc·nse maylx· isn't as d1vers1hed, t 1ul i tll'r'l' <in· mon• ouL'>tanding people." P at1ng M1~sion arc· thrc·l'·year starting qt1a-1'lerb;Jl'k Klau!> Ll'ltt-nbauer and tailback Roger B111wn. OTHER SOllTll COAST LEAGUE play finds C11p1str<.111u Vall1.·y (:l -0 -1. 3-2-1) dueling Laguna lllih <2·1 u. 2·'1) <•t M1ss1on V1eJO and Dana Hills (fl ti) ;1t S;1n Cl1·m1•11tl· (l.J , 4 -~) A non·league game Jiil!> Woodlmdg1· (:3-:3) c..t Chc..f(ey High against a w111lt•..,.., O r\lJl'lo Unit Los Alamitos m eeting n ears Ttw -;1x1h t·d1t1on of the Orange C.Ounty Fall J-';11r 111c·c•t111g. which offrrs the only night time lhorciughbn·d rnnng in California. will o pen 1\11111dav .it Los Al<tm1 tus ri:lce course. This yt·dr's meeting wlil run 13 mghts, Monday 1 hrough Saturday until the Nov 8 dosing. There wi ll lw e1gh1 1horoughbred ral·es as well as tWD qual'tl•rhors1· r<.1t'l'S <ind ont' appaloosa race. Tht·r<· will bl.' sc•ven thurnughbred stakes .... p I '1 t D I dLir111g thl.' Fall F'a1r racmg season , with the ·""'· au 1·s . · " e r (• s· 1 1 1 o c H d . N 6 S t. Paul's Swortlsmen are r<inkc'<.I No ·I 1t1 thl' ZJO, ll)O-adt l'C r<tngt• ounty an icap ov CIF Big F'1vt· Confrn·n t'l' and arl· 5-l ov1·r:ill lx•ulg lht• rnaJOr l'Vt•nt. ll1s torically. 1111' Swordsmen h;.ivt· 1·11Joy1•d this F1r't JNSt t·ac·h night Is 6.'.JO An!:wlus League sent..'S. K. w . s at odds St. Paul hasn't lost to Mawr 1Jl·1 Sllll't' )%Ii 1ng, a rr1o r when Bob Woods' Monarchs pn·va1l1·d. 20-7 Only <.i SAN F'HANCJSCO 1AP) Star forwarQ :l4-~·I tie m 1974 mars an othnw1sl' pt·rft>t.'t H Yl'al~ BC"rnard Kmg and tlw GuldE'n State Warriors for St Paul sint·e app<.i rl·ntly hovl' not settled their co ntract St. Paul's coal·hing st.al I h;.is a dil lt•n •nl look diffNt·m·i·::. with lhl· absE'nce. of Ma nJon Anc·1t•h (rHiw at Thl' W<irrrur!> l!>sucd a ::.tatement Tuesday, Northc-rn Anwn<i Un1v~rs1ty), but it's slill lht· spill d.uming King 1i, "nc1t willmg tu sign the contract" back and 1 offenSC' a nd read mg Oki•· ddt•nS<• whil·h 0 1 fi•n•d bv the NBA tt•am Ec11son bounced back from a 2-2· l non-leugut• start to topple Sunset League favorite Manna last week. while the Oilers of Huntington &ach are on a two-game skid after opcmng the :wason with four straigh t victories ''Eclison is our rival." says HB Coach Greg Hen ry, "but I'm sure WL•'n • not tht•irs. I just ho()(.• we can come back mentally aftc.•r lx'mg so sk y high ha<> been the Swordsmen's trademark L;.i~t ·\,•t·<·k. Warrior~ pl'<•s1dL·nl F rankhn M1euh ff'estmlns tPr ,·s. "'ountaln l 'allP.t' Among the St Paul s tandouts an• ti -I , said m N1·w York tha1 ht· would matt·h the reported An extremc·lv bad muscle tear m sophomore 110-pound junio r taL·klt• Ma rk Walker a nd $-t 5 million 11fl1.•r sht·1·l the Knacks gave the hign- tailback Davt· Swigt:'rt's upper le~ has knoc·ked the IH5-pt?und dt'fens1v~ bclck Mike Sht'µht·rd. S<:urmg t.i-7 playl·r. ~--------------------~------~~ Harv Kuenn: The real World Series hero h would be unthinkable for on e to permit sentiment to influence o ne's composition but 1f one did, one would a ppla ud the progress of Harvey Kuenn. When they made Harv the manager of the Milwaukee Brewers. he did not go out and buy himself a new hat and commence to take h imself seriously Some managers buy a new hat every week and tell you about their traits of baseball genius. Earl Weaver was om· Anoth er was Whitey He rzo g . the mastermind Harv Kuenn had to fat-t· in the 1982 World Series. "Hell." Harv said. "managers don't win many games. The players win the games. But a manager can tell the players to s:.ay loose a nd have some fun and sometimes that can be a help." Harvey Kuenn helped the Brewers go sever a l lengths further than anyone thought possible last June. "I'll tell you this muc h ." said Milwaukee pitching coac h Cal McLish, "these players love Harv but 1t sure wasn 't be<:ause he-talked them into it." The~ don't love h im because of his personal proble ms. either I mean. there isn't any p ity ,connected with the admiratio n of the Milwaukee players for the Milwaukee manager. They know about Ha rv's henlth proble ms. of course. They knew about the knee. A guy who used to drink with Harv saw h im for the first time after the surgery and Harv said. "you <'ouldn't drink with me no w . Podne r. Yc.iu could never k eep up I got a hollow Jeg." Lifting a few with Harv Kuenn was about as pleasant as that timt' Wheelchair tourney s late d Th<.' 1982 Nationa l Wheelchair Ten11l11 l:hamp1o ns h1ps w1J! begin Thu rsdoy and conilnue thro ugh Sunday at the Ra<..-'quet Club of Irvine. More than 150 participants are expl'Ctcd for thl~ year's tournament. Including players fro m Jluwall, France. Sweden and Austc&lia . Competition wlll be held In four men'a categorlu8 ~nd two women'• dl\'Wions. Tourn•ment match p lay be gins Thu rsday morn ing at 1 1 and continue• until 6 p.m . Quollfying rounds are a lso K ht."dulcd for th\" t.'lmeohoura ~n 1''ridey SPORTS COLUMNIST BUD TUCKER honon.>d pastime could get. During a tour of a city's t-enters of ('ulturt• and refinement. Harv would paus...· after several hours and lay his hcad •m his arm !or three or four minutes and w hen he awoke, 1t was a w hul1• new ball gam1' You would havl· liked Harv Kuenn m those davs. We ll. vou woulo s till hke Harv Kuenn. H e' 1s our kind of guy Another thing about Harv Kuenn. hl' was one of the greatest hitters who cv~ lived He was a super ba.._tsm~n and a feared one for 15 summers in the American and National Leagues. Harv w as n ot one o f th<> big sluggers who hurry quickly into the HaJI of Fame because of all the hcJme runs thev hit and all the walls they banged 'Harv only hit 87 out of the park in a.II thooe__years 1n the ma.J<>rs Harv was a ping hitter He hit singles. mostly The thing about Harv was he wasn't all that elc'<.'tnc. All he did was hit those liltlt;! ping singles with guys in s<:oring positron In a ll. Harv had 2.092 hits a nd a hfc11me average of .303. I'm not so sure Harvey Kue nn didn't wash his mouth out with something re freshing bc!fore a game as well as a fte r . If h <' did. his managers should have ke pt u l'aSC of the stuff in his lock er Harv and his wife Audrey operatt• itnd live behind a tavern not too far Crom C.Ounty Stadium in Milwaukee, a beer-and-a -shot joint w hich is as friendly a nd unassum in g as tht• proprieto rs. Harv, though, gets the hell out when the cold weather comes Crom across L a ke M it'h iga n a nd bothers thl' s tump below t1w right knee. The grond old game has its rinf'St hours during the World Series. 'fhl' claA.."lc commotion of aulumn producc-'S memorable moml•nts und rl'<.'ords the deeds o f young m1•11 t\nd m a kes lasting h eroes ot tht•m. That Is the way rt s hould be, of COUl'll('. O)nd nothing should be ahert>d , But M>mc o f us who have known Harv Kuenn for a couple of de<.~dt~ had our own particular horo in this one_ I thoufhl you might likt.' 10 know. I l < ~ .. .. I 1' ; ;· r I I I I I ! l 1~: ' !\• . f ; ~' I •, i ' . , I " I I I (, Our S1l1otion 11 Endless! I E I D ATHLETIC SHOES Ill• lllllLTOl•llmllTll IUOI (llTWDI 11-lmT Ill lllllU) ThurstlaJ, Frid1J, Saturday and Sunday Wt h1v1 the new #~a~6J» "Futur1" 11ro•io d1noln1 1ho1 1n•on1d llJ J1okl1 Sor11101. IALI HOURI Mon.-Frt 1CM 8aturdey 1CM aundey 11-c I llllCI l:lllT 10111 IDITlll WE ONE SDA Y. OC f OHl n 70, 1982 ORANGE COUNTY. CALIFORNIA 25 CENTS Leisure World annexation hid set for s tudy K111l L'11 off11'1,11:. ,111• ~ultnt111K µ1 0~1ls (1 11111 privatt' µlu1111111~ firms for .111 111 d1•p1h n •po1 t to h l·lp t lwm dl'l'IUt' wlw1lw1 lo suµµort llw µrt>poM'lJ W\n1•x,1t1u11 of L1•1:-.un· World So fur, l'Ornµu r1 y .ufr1l·1al!> havt·n't backt•d the-r1•t1rl'nll'1H l'Ot11r11u111ty's plans to bl'l'llllW Oran~w Cuu11t y':. farst n1•w l'llV Sla y ing suspect escapee By JODI CADENHEAD Of tlM Dally Pllol Stan The man held on s usp1l·1on of murder in the d(oeap1tat1on dt.•ath o r a Mission Viejo man escapc'CI from a Montana s tate mental hospital five years ago where ht.• was sent for th e brutal slaying of a C'ab driver. authorities said Cody Leo Schreiber, 29. also known as Barry Anderson, was a rrested early Tuesd ay b y O r ange Co unt y S h e rif f 's Department. investigators, thret> days after Dennis Schubert's headless body was found in the bac k yard o f the hom t:' they shared at 23342 Via Guardix Sheriff's Sgt L y nn Ne hring said Schreiber left an Anahl•tm bus station at 9:45 a m. Saturday and was met at a Sacramento bus station at 7 p.m. by loca l poht't' c hreiber was rem e mber ed a extre mely in te lligent. and sh eriff's investigators from Orange County. N e hring sai d s h e r iff 's inves tigato r s con sid e red Schreiber a suspect s inl't: the death. but w e re relu c tant to re le ase a n y inforl'l\atio n until questioning him further. Investigators re turned to Orange County early Tuesday morning with the 29-year-old s u s pect. He was booked into Or~nge County Jail where he 1s bem~ held on $250.000 bail. Schreiber's arraignment today wa s co ntinu ed t o n ext Wcdnesdjly. Miles Ci t y. M o nt., police chie f Jim Certain said Schreiber was arrested Oct. 9, 1976. two days a fter the body of a local cab driver Donald Moyer. 36. was found. Moyer had been shot to death a nd stabbed nume rous times. Certain said. Certain said that Schreiber pleaded guilty lO the grisly crime and later changed his plea to not guilty by reason of insanity H e was sent to a m e ntal institution a t W arm Springs. Montana. where he was a lJegcd lO have walked orr the grounds in October. 1977, Certain said Schreiber. who gre w up in Miles City, was remembered by the chief of police as "borderline ex tre mely inte lligent, an acco mplished musician a nd distance runner " He was adopted by Mr a nd Mrs. Ed Schreiber who liw on t he outs k irts or the s mall Montana town, the chief said Prio r to has a rrest fo r the murder o f the cab drtvl·r . Schre1ber's o nly other run-in with the law was a felony the ft charge in Cottage G rove, Oregon in e arly 1976. that was late r dropped. Certain said lllDEX At Your Service A6 Business A8-9 Cavalcade All Classified 05-8 Comics 88 Crossword 8 5 Death Notkes 0 5 Editorial AIO Entertainme nt 84 Food Ct-12 Horoscope All Ann Landers All Movies 84 Mutual Funds AS National News A3 Public Notitta B3.B7,D5 Sports 01·4 Dr. Steincroh n Al I Stock M•rk.-i. A9 TeleviAlon 86 Theateni 84 Weather A2 • . • • ;.111t·1• l1v1111 111111rp11rah•d n11111· I h,111 ,1 d ., .1111 · .1J.t11 111'1'"'" Ko ll h .1, '"lli(hl to ;111111·>-111111 Ir V llH' j r1ti 5 J\.'l l' ;.t11p 111 l.111d thut d1v1d1•:. th1· 11111 th ,11111 '"11th win~:. 111 L1•1sun· Wor Id Th.11 land 1..; ow1wd hv Ho"""'"' L.1qu1d.11111g '1'1 u::.t ut1;1 tlw K11ll l'u ha' ,111 llplaon 111 .1tqu1r1· .1b11ut 170 .1t-r1·:-. fol' .1 Making a sp lash t ·01111111 •11 1.ll 111111 ·t • par k .. •l 1·1111h11i.t Ill K 11ll 'i-v Ill' Prt0 '>1 d1·11\ f111 l>.·v1·l11p1111·n1. M1d1.t1•I L1 °\o\I'> I l11w1•\'l'I I ha I 170 Jl'I , .. , ,, llll'lud1'1.I Wit 11111 I h1· li111111th1r11·I, 111 l .1·1.;ur1· World';. prupo,1·d 1111·11 1 pora 11·d l1·rl'1l111 y Th.11 11110,111:. 1111• 111'°"' I'll Y. 11 tl!Jl>I 11V1•d "'11uld ~Jll) po.,., 1•r lo 111111· t lw land IHI\\• ·Vt•1 11:. rww n Iv n1u11n I pl1•a.,.'<I 111 .1 11'1.t011t ll'lt1•1 to pl111111111H 111111'> L1·\\1' -..11d Kull 11f1111.il' .•••. "·1·k111~ .111,w1·1 I> \II !>!'VI r.ol q111·,111111' .1hrn1l 1111· 11•1(,illly 111 l 11 I II I II /.( l II I' r I' l I I' I' nl (• II l 11 1111111un11 v uf '.!l.llOO tt•s1d1·ni.. 111111 ,, 1'11\ "W1 · .111· Ulh t 1 llllll .1:. lll tlll' l' I I l' ,. l II I l Ii l' I' I II r> 0' l ' d 111t"1 µw.11111n 111 th1· 1.·rty 1111 our ,1hil1ty t1J m .. kt· -..mw I l'J"111a1>1 .. Dally Piiot Photo by Gaty AmbtoM Al Kolb wing his 1--)car-old .,on, Erfr. O\'t'r tht> ·urf near tht.· ewport Beach Pier. The family cam t:' down from Santa Ana for a n evening at tht• beal·h . E v icted job firm A Costa Mesa JOb publication business that was th<' target o f numerous complaints to po lin• has shut its doors and movl'CI to Sant.a Ana, authorities said . Help Wanted Pubhl·auon. 21 10 Harbor Blvd .. was evicted last week b y the propc•rty o wnN Jack Myers for failure lo makt' a r ental payment. J ohann£>s "H C'nry" VandL•rra sa id 1n a pho ne 1ntc r v 1c·w Mo n day tha t he dcl!herat<'I Y withheld a portion of the $510 monthly rent paym t•nt. daimmg there Wl'rC' h oles tn lhl• roof Of the building. Vandcr ra said that buslnt'ss dropped from an average of 30 customers a day to zero last w tc>ek afte r d1 ssat1 sf1e>d l'Usto mers s uccessfully discourag ed nc·w chents from c·ntt•nng tht· Cosl<i Mesa building Many t'Omplaant.'Cl that thl' hsl o f )Obs ror which lhe>y paid $2~ was ml•rl·l y a 1.·o py or advc•rllsements found in th1• l'lass1f1ed st•ctwn of a lol'BI newspaper ··w e d o n o t den\ that," Vanderra said Monday: "W<' JUSt opened a m uplC' o f months ago a nd m ost t.•mployers a r e not aware or us We go thro ug h the newspaper. They come in the o ffice and pay money. We don't point a gun at their heads" Steve Shulman , a Cost.a Mesa Police dNC'CtlVt.'. said ht• n '<.'t•1ved m•arly a dozen calls Monday from peo ple• who want<'d tht•1r m oney back and wantt-d to know w h er l' t ht• h u s i n c• !>" h ,1 <i r<'locate<i • ID SA Si n n · o p ening in August, VandNra said he has returnro about $2.000 to l'U!'otomC'rs as part o f a V<'rbal guarantN: to rl'fund th<' $25 ft"E' to <i1s.<;at1sfaed cl1enLc; aftl'r onl.' m onth Las t month thl· Staw Bun•au of Employment Agem·1cs ord L•rcd thl• rompany to stop advl•rttsang s pN ·1f1c Job offt•r s rou nd an nl•wspapers . Vun dC'rra said hi' l'Ornplie>d Sunday Last wee k Pat A ntrim. who o peratl'd AAA Ht•ally at tht• samt• lcx:at1on. dcni<.-d reports that he was leasmg th<:' property or had <lny C'o nnt•t·t ion to l-l t'l p W::intc•d Public:at1on. H l•lp Wa nted Pub1Jcat1on'c; m •w address 1s 2 1 :rn Da1ml1•r S trN't, Santa Ana Couple on trial • Ill absentia Civil uit brought b y f or111cr b u.sine s partner By STEVE TRIPOLI O(llle Dally ~lot Steff A cavil s uit a gains t locul restaurateur Irwin Milman and has wife, Francm e, 1s proceeding in Orange County S uperior Court despite the a b sence of thC' Milmans and any attorney!! to argue their aide of the t•ase. The un\.I ual clrcum.11Ant>t'il M<isc ~Ulle Of the dlaapp<>arant•e Of t h e M i lmana from Orange County late l aat month , apparently with about $1 million In conlesll-'CI asseta. Judge James Judgt' ugrt't.'d to hc>:lr o "ult lilf'd by ti formtf' ' busint•ss 1>artner o f thl' M1lmans dl'S plt<' tht• d isapp(•aranc<'. however Former partner Irving M a rtenson c laims ht• was 11legally induced into sig ning over his lnt<.>rest in th<' La kes1d(• Restaurnnt nenr J ohn W ayne A i r p 1> rt by M I 11 m a n , w h o recentl y sold 1t for about $3 milhon .- T w o a t 111 r n l' y 11 I o r 1 h C' Martc n t1on quC'sttone J thi'1r clie nt and hl11 w ife \x>fore> Judf(<' 'T'ut'Sdny One of them . Richard Me Mlll;m, sold during a break tn th<• 1rl11I thot lttwyl'fs would pr<)j(•nt t)n)y 'tlw Mar14•ni.ons' side of tlw case before• Judge r<>nders a dcds1on in the matter The M1lmans. who reportedly le ft the area S<'pt. 29. w o uld havt> to return and h ire a new attornt>y 1f thl'y w ish Lo present a deft•nsC' in thl' c•ase. Mc M illon smd The..• M 1lmnns' form<'r a ttorney wall n •moved from the case last wc-l'k arter h e told S upe rior Cou rt Ju<igc..· Phillip Petty that he could not dt'fl'nd the Milmans in thei r ob~e>nC't'. ond that the M llmons owC'd h111 low flnn about $50.0011 vi kJ(ttl, h't.~ "°''' t1I llH J'ltl oil II'' W1• ,111 • Ulldt•I 1111111••t1 111 JIUll lt,1.,1· .111tl 111•1•d p1 11 l1·'""r1,1I 111 Ip 111 a'"''""~ \\lll'th11 ....,,. ,1i11uld -.upprnl 111 oppo,1• 1,u1 Ii 1111111 p11ra t1 011 ," I .t·wi.. ,,11d 111 I ht• lt•l 11·1 0111 · 1:.,\11 · 1.11,1·d Ill lltt• h•t11·1 lj\ll'~t11111 t!'< w h1·1lw1 .. 1.111· l,1...., \\ ould 1ill11\\ 1111 Ill'\\ I II v 111 11·1.1111 I hl llllllllllll v ... Pll'M 'lll l11111t.1l1tlll th.ti .di fl•,ldt llh lllU'I I H .11 11 '.1~1 '•'..! " .11 ' 11ld 1\ 'k I ti I ...... " (.' .• It I I 11 I""'"'"'" Ill \\ 111\ '"' lh 1 .. 11.t II" It g11l,1llll Y j >11\\ 1'1''> 111 ••II I 11d 11( f'\( lud111g all Jll'I M ii" llt11lt·1 1lw .1g1· 11f !1:.! l1•n11 tlit ntv'" 1\1111lh1·1 "'lit• I'> \\11111111 L• """' Wot Id 11111lcl 11 1.1111 11, J!ll·lld1•d g.111•:. Jlld 'II\''"'' 1.1 11k \\,ill, t111>1wd hy h.11h1d "'"' ISl'l ' l.EISllRF:, Page Al I Irvine D e Lorean worke r s puzzle d __. on firm's future By GLENN SCOTT Of the Dellr Piiot Stell E111plov1·1·' <ti th1• I _)j . L11n·a11 Mo tor Cu 1·x1.·1.·ut1v1· 11Cf1n·s m Irvine· rl·portt'd tu w ork today but lht· fu1un· of th1·11 t«1mpany s£>c•ml'd unn•rt:.i11l ~dtc·r th<.•y were nx:kl•d with two :-.tartlmg a n n o un 1· t• m 1· n l ' Tu 1·' d a v aftt•rnoon • Tht• Bnt1'ih guv1·rnm1·nt far!>l 1:-.sul-c.I a l>l<.ttt•mt•nl that 11 plJn:-. tu pt·rm<i nt·ntl_\ !>hu t d o wn th1· finanna ll y troublt•d 'port~ car manufat·t u1·111g plcin t c•:.wblt shc'<J four yt•ar s ;igu 1 n North1·rn Irt>land b v Gt.·nt•r,il Motor:. l'Xp<.ilnall' J ohn Dt· Lon•an Onlv hours l,Jll'f. FRI uffi<.·1;.b. callee( a prt•s:. conft·n ·m·t· in Lui. Angl'll'~ t o a nnounc·1· th at under<.'OVl'r &g<'nt~ h;.id :arrl'Sll·d De Lon ·an :it :~ pm at a hutc•I near Lo:. Angeles lntt·rnat1onal A 1 r p o r l Th c• y l'I <1 1 m <' d h l' apparently had trwd tu f1nanl'e J $24 m1lhon coc·ainc· dt·al to ra1S<o" capital lo resu r rl'l'I his d ying busines.., Supc.•rv1!-ors a t thl• lrv1m· uffit•t• ded1nc-'CI l'Omment th1:. morning on thC' 1mplt('<1t10ns of tht• evenLc; as they awa1l('CI word Crum thear t•h1efs an N ('W York Said one work<'r. "Hight no\\, we don't know anv mun· tha11 you do.. · De Lon•.m'!> plant nl'ar &·lfast had bet:n in rc·ce1vt·r~h1p '>llll't' Februarv with dl·bts 1.·sl1mattod al $68 m1fl1on. an·ording to Tht· Assm·1a1t·d P ress . Thr• Britis h governm<.·nt 111it1ally vwwmg thl' <'nterpns1· d!> a pos.o.1bh• l)U(.)n for lul·al Jo bs, had mve~l<'d more~ than $14:.S m1 1l1on an govl'fnmenl grnnll> and l11ans But Dt· Lorean ·s stwnlC'ss stt•t•I. gull -wtnK s ports t·ar st>ll1ng for $:.!5.000 m ·ver e nttC'l•d e nough OU\l'rS to makt• thl• hus111rss pr~f1tal>lt· and th l' pl<tnt that onl'e had e>mpl1>yl'<.l 2,liOO workers had ix'<'n gradually losing mom•y Richard T Bn'lztng . spec·1al age>nl m "hargc of tht• F'Bl's Los Angrlcs offll'<'. said l.>t.• Lorean had bN•n under sur vl·1llanc·t• t ' a r I v 1 n 1 t s f 1 v l' m v n l h , undt•rc'Ov<'r mvl'st1ga11on lt•admg to his arrest Two olht•r mrn arn•.,tt'll late Mund:ly Jlso have IX't·n t•hargt'CI 1n th(• l'tH'<llnl' t'aM' W1l l1am !\Jorgan H<'lrtck . 50. uwm·r or an a\'lallon M.•rVtt'l' 111 Moj<•Vt'. and Stt:"plwn Let' Arrington. 34 , of San D1l'!(O ar<.' suSJ>t'('tC'd of being the planm'Cl supplwrs or almost 2:!0 pound:-. of cuc.·a1m• tha t FBI off1c·1als said De L u re>a n had arrangt'<.I lo buy. Brt'IZtnJ.l 1mpl1t•d du nng his .11111oun1.·t•mcnt 1n a t·onferc•nce room pm·k t.•d wit h r<·porters, (See IRVINE, Page All J hhn Z. I)(• Lorean Aut o maker captured in cocaine bu t H} Ll!l\DA DEl 'TSCH AHOCl•l•d Preu Wrller LOS ANGELES John Z I>, Lort·.m. orw111m· G1 •nl'1al l\lo1t111, ho\ wonder who l.itl·r m.irkt•lt·d h1~ o wn futurt!>lll' 'wmlc·:-.:-. 't\'<•I sports e:.ir. sl'l uµ .J $:24 mtll11111 l't)(:a11w dt·al 111 ;1 dt·s ix·r:.1lt but 111 s;l\'t• hi-. bankrupt 1·omp.111~, th• FAI S.t YS Di· Lcm•an. :'>'i, 'l>l'll\ tlw night in ;ml aflt•r his <1rt t'!>I Tut·'>d.-1~ ,11 an airport h o t!'! with sc·\·1·ral kilograms or l'Ol'Hlrll'. Pil! k1•1 C<•ntc r ;atl w a td1 t·c1mm.1ntJ1•1 Lt Lance Ronwm "-••cl tud,1\' "H is compan~ 1:-. 1n Sl'\l'fl f1n.in1.·1al probll•rns," R1l'hJrd T Bn•tzmg. special agtm l 111 l hargt of the FBI Lns Angl'lt·s n rrtt'l'. told a news t't>nlt•r('lll'l' .. And ht· ft·arl'd thl' p oss1b1li l _\ •>f has l'Ompan:; bl•mg d<N'<:I do\\ n b~ the• govf.'rnmt•nt IA h1 l h h,1cl t•xt\•nded loons to him "lie was expn•s.o;ing mtl·rt•st 111 ftnancmg some• ty pe of Opt•ratton that would produl'l', qu1c·kly. largf.' s ums o r murwy in rl'turn for the• m vc-stmc-nL' .. Thf' arres t5 of Dt• Lon•an a nd two otht•r ml•n ta kf.'n into cuslcxh on Monday endl'<l <1 five-month underc'Over probe.• which traC'kC'd the auto eXl'<'UllVt' across th1 · lSee OE LOREAN. Page All Californians aid family • Ill TIJUANA. M exirn (AP) - Gabriel and Margarita Parra had next to nothing when they left thl'tr o ne-room h o nH' in thl' v11lagt: of Tarimoro on June 2. Thc>y rodt' a bus for 2 1 : days and s pent most of tht• n t'xt two months walking northward. to visit their son. being trl'alcd for C'a n cer In a n Ora ngl' County ht)Spital On Thursday the Parras and their 8-ycar·old daughter Silvia, will Cl y h ome to tht-lr v illage northwest of Mexl<'o C ity, and about $18.000 will be woltmg for them 1n n IOC'lll bank Wht>n Col1Cornrnns heard about the Parras' pilgrimage t o visit l 7·:Vl'llr·u ld Jes uit at C hildrl'n's Hospital in Orange. they donatc.>d $23.~66. enough lo pay for th<' couple's st&y since Au11ust and cuvrr lht• J>rll't• or ' M exico their pla ne f<1n· h omt'. w11 h plenty left over for Parra to huy a car and starl a taxi scrv1t-e J l'Sus had h•rt home at tht• ng<> of 15. h eadmg to Orangt• Cnunt~· in California to look for work Ht• WllS s lric .k C'O b y OS tl'ORl'nll' s1.1rcoma shortly a fterward nnct had h is !e h lt•I( amput.aH'<I 11 w;1r ogo Thc-Parras rode 11 buf. from their homt• to Hermo.•ullo. thl'n set out on foot, arriving nt thl' Tijuana lntN1H1t1onnl bordl'r cr058inJ( on Aul{ 3 Th1•v had rraved w ithout vropt"r0 pop<>r . but 0H k1oh. at C hul n Vista'!> Bay G,•nt•rol lt o 11p1tal l nt ervc n e>d and orrangt'd for lh<' fltmaly tu lw n•unit<.'<1 with Jftlus. The fri mlly hu bttn living In un apDrt.m('nt near the h0llp1tal slm't' Au~t , __ .... Schmitz paying for child Statt· S t·11 .J11h11 S.11111111 I< Co1111w rl1·I Mur h ,,, h1·..:1111 poyln..i d11ld "'JIPOl I tu hr:. fornwr 11\INll't'S-'• 111 111 111• vt•111 s 111111 the niOllWr of th1·11 twu' d11ld11•t1 , IMX'Ording to (>Ul't'l'll ftlt><I 111 U ~ Bankn .Jptt•y < o urC 'aria V1•r1h' Stu1kl1· w h 11 clnuns Sd\ll11ll futlwn·d 111·1 1 6 -mon t h vld buy .111d 3 ·mon1h old ~1rl . 1•·1,.,r11•d rcc•c1v1nl( 11 $'.!7~1 1rny n11 •111 th1!> onth drnwn 1111 1111• J11111t bunk ~nt of &·hm1t1 .111d 111' w1f•· f8 Yl'ars. Marv Thl' 1arst pay1111 •11t \\ ·•' 111,1d1· with two cht'\.'k!>, .1 $1 00 1>c·N.11.1l 1111•1 k .111d ,, 1111111 .. v 111th·1 lu1 $11' l\n·111 J111i.< h> ttw 1'111111 p11p1•1,, S1 l11111t1 h11i. 11111111111 t1•d 1111111"11·1 t ll> llll\'lllH "11t h •ttsl $·100 a 111111\lh und Ul'l much murt• '"' lw 1-vuld" Wll't' hl' 11•plUt'1'' tlw .1pp111x 1111,1h' $.Ill lltHl Ill' 1•a1 rlt'd ,,, ,, s tutt• ,1•11.11nr 1\11 LlllbUl'('('l>l>flll 1·;11ultd1111• tor l l S S1•11at1', Sl'11 1111 t1 Wll1- 11·d1:.tr11·t1•d ou l 11 1 tltt• 'talt• S1•1i.1 11· ,,•,1t h1· lt.1:. h1•lrl ,,1nu• 111711 Tlwn•fori·. lw will l1•t1v1· 11flu 1· wlll'11 th1• S1•11.1h• .11l.11111r11:. 111 N11v1•111h1•1 Sd1m111. 1••nt.11t1•d Jt "" Cnn111.1 d1•I Mar 11111111•, dt't li111·d tu < 111111111•11! 1111 ~hll k~t 411 1111 l11111k111111<'\ llHllllllllllllll.( h h l1111u l11·hl t.lll'ttu· 1111 tht• 1111111t•1 S t111 kit., .1 I.I v1·o11 oltl I 11'.1111 11•\ltlt•11t lll1•d 1111 l11111k1up1t·y ll'H'flllV ut1d 111111 Wt'l•k l1stt•d tht• '.!7.1 IM\1111'111 1111111 S1 11111111 Ill I 11111 l JlolJll'I., Ill v.1111 h 'Ill ,11:0.11 J>l lllJO!W~ lu JJll y ult $I :t,l1M1 111 1h•ltnqu{·11t dt•hti. 11v1·1 th1· 11<·>.1 1h1 t•t• vc·ari. l '111111 do<·t11111·111~ 1111lll'all· lil'I l11i1111• I!> 11111rtgag1•d lot $ IH.IJIHI .111d 111 1n urn ·urs !111 $:.!A:1·I 1111 11t1·1·t• or 11\ to ur n1nrllo(lllo(l'l\ Tlw l11111o< 'lt;111d1t1H 1t•l.1t1•111'li1p h 1• l \\ l ' t' 11 SIU l k h· ,, II d I h 1· :>:! Vt·:ir old lh·puhlt1 .111 1 .11111· lo I 1 H h I 11\ .l 11 h v. I h II l'ld11111l1 .1tlt•111plt'll Ill llllt I Vt•llt Wllh 1111 1111rngt• l '11u111 v S 11p1 ·1101 < 'uw t Jlldlo(t' f 1ol l11v. 1111( •Ill 111111\lllil lllJUI V lo 1111·11 VllUlll( :-11111 °!> l(l'lllt.11 .. 'J'lt1 1111\ V.ol , l,1k1 11 1111 0 1 \hl•i<I\ 11\ 1111 I J1.111g• I '111111tv :--i.il11il S1·t\l~t.':o. Ag1·111v. liu 1 "•.c. 11•1111 lll'd 111 Stll\ kh· Ill i\lllo(ll .. t Wiii II ,1 111111111,il I la,11 ~!I Ill ( lttld 1wgl1·1 I \\," d1 ... 1111"1·ol SI 11 1 1• I 1· I II I 11 I 11 g I I 11 111 S ,(l I .1 1111 II l II , SI Ii 111 I I I It ;i !> 11111t111111'd 1t•;wli111..: .11 S.11 11 .1 1\11.1 ( '11tl1•g 1', \\ lt• It 111 h." l,1Ulo(ltl '1111 1 1!11111 So 11111111 .11111 St111 kl1· 1111•1 \\ l11lt ,111· \\ .... ·' ''""'Ill Ill 11111 111 l11 ... 1l,t\'>I'\ • Author to speak at coastal nieet 1\111 h 11r W1•,l1·v M.11 i.. o t l1 v1 111· wtll ht· f1.,1lu11•d 'IJl'llk••r S1111dav 1h11111g tlw •' II II \I ,fl 111 I' I ' I 111 ~ II I I h 1 • F111·11d, 111 till' 11 v1111• L'11,"l (' ;1 II I h 1 · I I V I II l ' (' 11 ,, "' I S111 v 1v <0"' 111· ali-11 will tw ,1v.1d.d il1• Ill .tUlllHI .qih h i\ l.1tt·i-1 book. "'1'111• { ll·1•a1" Ou1 I .. "I Ht·" 1ur< c· " ;t~' \\.' Continued stories UAW l ead er l<eeps rnunI on stril{e vote Tl11· 1111 ·1·t111..: \.\ill l>t•..:111 JI I fl Ill ,11 ,J JlllV;1!1· h11fl11· ,1( 177 Sla111 1·1·lttt H11.ul 111 < '011111,1 di'! M.i1 M" I \ w I 11 '" t• •• k 1111 "S ludge'. Slwk,.. .. net S 1·w.1g1 • • l'h ololo(1.1ph1·r Jaml's Arion 111 L.Jgu11.1 I ~·.•< h 1.1.111 d1::.c·u .. , lt1Jw to 1llust1 at1• art1l'11· .. ,11 ,1 'l'!'l"'•ill •If 1111• Cap1s l1ano l\dult Sdiou l wnt1ng 1111 µuhl1'· puhltt·atum das:. MC1nday al 1 () a 111. '1'111' 111g<1111Utt11111 '" ,, 1111 al j.(111up for nu•d tu l11l1liy (111 • 0 llVll1Jllllll'lllt.1l)y M'll'>ltlVI 11.imllml( of u11d1·v1·l•1t>t·d li1nd lwtw1•1.•n l'or1111a ch•I Mar a11d I .alo(u1aa lx•;u ·h T ia-p a ·:.t·nlat11111 "'tit lw lwld 111 Huorn lliA <•t :U 4 :.!'..! C".tmll1CI (.\q,ll'>tl'.Jllll Ill S.tn Ju.in Cap1~tr:.i110 .11ul 1!> rrt'l' ,111d upt•n to tht· publw F1Jr Ill 111' l' 111 ( 11 1 rn u 11 CJ n ' (';ii I rn:1 Oli58 EISURE WORLD. • • , whtl·h rl'slrwl ·•l~t·~ ll1 II:-. pr l\".ttt· ,, sll'l'<.'ls Wh.1l wuuld hapµ1 ·11 . hypotht0SILt0 d Lt•w1 ~. 1( thy 1 ~·uunty o r :.talt l'l'tjUtn-d Jht• m •w , ''llY tu m.1k1· a\'Jtlablt· mun· fow or nwd1•ratt··llll'O llll' huus 1ng units'! Om• p11:.s1h1h1 y. lw ~ll~!,Wl>lt·d 1 :. l h ;.i 1 t h 1• H 11 !> s m 11 11 1 vndt•vPlopl'd 'l11p m 1gh t Ill' 'obhgJtt.'d tu s..111-.l y 'Ul'h hou:.111g r\.'qVlfC'tnt•nts But ht• Jlso a s ks L1·1,lll l' \.\'urld':. (.'11111m1tlt·1· 011 l1w<11 po1.ll1n11. wh1< h ltlt'<I µ.Jµt'I'!> 111 lo(" ,1hl·.i<l with prU{'t'1.'d1ng' \\1th tlw t·ounty's L<X·:rl Agl·m ·:v 1•'111111.11 wn Con1m1:.:.1un , h;.i:. pu lilt!>llt•J a rt· po rt u f 1 l:. 11w 11 l'1.11111111g that 1·1ty lmod " po~:.1ul1· u nd1•1 ('Urrt•nt t•ond1111111!> 111 th rt·porl 101111111lll l' lilt rnlit·r:. 11111dud1•tl th.rt 1 h• gu,11 tll•d g.1ll' ,l,1IU' l ,1n 111· pl ''"'l'\'t•d D~THUIT (AP) U 111ll'd . Auto Workl•rs Prt-s1d1·nt Douglui. Frast•r 1s n •fusing to tip his hand on wh1•tht•I' hl"ll l'l>t'Ommt·nd a ... tnkl· ..igamst Chrysll•r Curµ a l Thursday's mt'<'lmg of thl• U AW b.1rgJ1ning l'OUl1l'll F1·a:.t•1 was to met•t pnvatl'ly tuda y with ml•mbt·rs of Lh1• un1on'l> 10-memlwr Chrysl<·r rwgouuting comm1tlt't' und wt>1gh thl' fll'Xl s tt-p in tlw 1mpassl' l' r t• a t l' d w h <' n I h l' U A W rnnk-irnd-fill' rc•Jl•(:tl'<I a ll'l1li1t1vt· l'tllltracr rt'ad1ed SC' pl I ti F1·a s i.·r s p e nt Tut·l>da y "l'u11t<1t'ttng must uf lhl• P1ght UAW oft11·1·n., JU!>l l1ll1ng lhl·111111 l>ll whu t's b<'t·n going 011 and a15k111g tlw1r op1nw n!>," Ul\W s1X>k1·s11wn Bob Barl.Jt·t• l>:.t td. App<·ur1ng un b<'httl l ol µ o I r t 1 t <i I l' :.ind 1 d ;1 t ,;-:.,-1 n Jnd1:1nupuh:-. on Tul'!>dJy 111gh1 Fra'l"I ~aid lw would kl'l'P hi:. r1•t·111111111·nd.1t1tin c. ... 1·1·n ·1 until Thur.,.l,1y Th t ' m 1· 1· 1 1 11 g w 1 t h I 11 t• hc.irga1111ng t·ci1111111tt1•1• was Ul0!>1gn1•J 111 1111111 ti l'llll!>l'lll>U'o h 1•f un· the m1·1·t111g 11 1 th1· harg:11 111ng lou1111I, v. h11 h I!> l'Ulllpll\l'll 111 150 111 f ll't,d~ fruni U A W (.' h r v ' I 1· 1 I u 1· " I :-. nat1on\\'ld1" m·t·ord111g to AarlX't' •'1'111 S1·111111 L'1t111 ·n., l'luh 111 J,.1gu11a B1 ·ad1 pl.tu '> .111 ()1 t :.!II l'X('Ur:-.11Hl lll the· Nor lull Sim on M U::.t•Ultl • U<..' lrv1m··~ 1nm.v~1 t1vl' S;11urd;1vs fur &·ll'nn· l't1urs1 ·~ fo1 f11u;·th. I tfth and ~1>.th gr.11h·r ., bt·gm!> a nl·W :.t'ttMlll ,1..in111j..\ <x 1 :m T h I l> w ii I IH' t h l ' t h I I d Tho· $14 f1 ·1· 111< lu dt·' tr<1n:sport.L1l1un, ho>-lum h <Jnd .idm1i.:.ru n t1l'kt!t. Fu r mor•' 1nfonnat11in. 1·all 497 ·2 14 I Saturd;1y:,; fur S<.·1t·m ·1· M'rtt-:., wh1t·h 1s dl•signed tu involvt• !>tUdt·nti. in dC'monstrat111n~ .ind t·XP<'l'l m t•nll> r<Jtht•r th<1n I 11 1 1 1 n g t h e m lo I 1 ' t l' n pt1!>!>1vl'ly Lo dc·monstrawm:.. o l flt·1..ib note . wht•tht•r thC' Ill'\\' ('It\' l'OUld be fort·ed to buy tlw PnJVt•rty undt•r 1 n v C' r s t· l' o n d t' m n .i t 1 u n " r 0 l' l' l' d I n g .; I I I I d l' n I l' d d t' v ('Io pm l' n t \\ 1 t h 1 n so 111 t · n•ason abk· llmt· l11rnt S.11d lilt• 1·01111111llt •1• "i-:\'l'l'V !>111gl1• p11 ·l'1• ol 1°\'tdt•lll't ' un thi!> ... u l•Jt'l I 111d1t.1tt·:. thJl Lt.·1:.un· \\',11 Id \\'tthm tht• w~111, and gait'!> < .111 I llllllllUt' l'l<:Jl'lh a~ II I!> 110 \\ .it ll 1 llll'UI µoration ou ur-. .t!> lung ·" 1111 f'Ubh1 m1111tl'' ,111· 'pt·nt for p11\'.1l1 puq.ll.~·:." Pelicans to have Ht• no ttod th;,it Koll ,1l1 t·~1dv ha~ SJX'nt $40.000 111 1·11\'110 11mt•nt;,il 1mpal·t n ·porL' dun11g l'rforls 111 win appro\'<1ls l11r th1• hu:.1111·~ park from n>unt \ i.(11\'l•rnm<•n1 lfr (;ft•1111 S<ntt s urgery on beaks :l ' Nohel award • >to Chicago ~professor '• ~. STOCKHOLM. Swt'<k·n tAP) -U niversi t y o f Ch1l·ago 'Pro f essor George• Stigler, a f conservative e<.·onom1st. w on tht• • N obel M emoria I Awa rd 1 n E conomic S c 1ent·1· toda .,. for research that sh owl·d thl· 1n1pan of government regulauon on the economy. It was the 11th time that an' A meric·an has w o n the prize. which this year carru .. 'l> a sllpend of $157.000 "Naturallv I fl't·I del11zhted. "h ow can I f et•I any o ther way?." said St1gl<'r. reaC"hro by telephone in Ch11.:ago aftl'r the award was announced "Certainly I'm <;UrpnM:d,.. ht· said. "I h eard tha t two o ther ind1v1duals were going to win It and Lhev C'C'rla1nl \' will sooner or later'" • P rof. George Stig le r By JOEL C. DON Of the Delly Piiot Slaff A lt'am of Vl'll'rtn<anans will l r v l h 1 s w c c· k e n d t u m o I d " r 'tar 1 C'I a I u pp t.• r lH· a k s and ~urg1t·ally attal·h lhl· pro~lhl'llC dt•Vt(·C'S to a grnup of mult1latc'Ci hrl>wn pt·lic:ans, an·ord1111!( to a Luguna N1guc•I a nimal dt;K:tur Ga v ll· R o bert!> o f Crown V,11lc•\• Animal Ho<>p1tal said a l'Ollt•a~ue agn·cd Lu tn·al thl' birds aftl·r c x am1n1ng thc·m Tut·sdav Fuun'tam Vallc-v vc-tennanan R1>bert Hook s volunteered to hl·lp the injured pelicans afte r hl•ar1ng about the mutilalions d1sc-ovcred m Dana Po int Harbor last week In addition. two Los Ang eles veter1nar1ans s p£>c·1alizing 1n non -domt>!>t1t· animals and a Vt'lt•rinarv d1•n11s1 have off<'rt•d to d o n c.;tt· their H' r v i c e s f o r t h <' s u r g 1 c a I prQ('C'dure f ollowing n e wsp:'l IJl'r and ll·lev1s1on acco unts of the mutilations. Dr Roberts said the animal hospital r eceived several l·alls fro m people who w1s hc-d to High clouds due Coastal '• Mottly sunny 1ooey N1lh highs I In tile 70s Fair 1on1ght and "Thurtdey with petchy early ln0tn1ng log along lhe COHI Fair end e hllle warmer on T hUrSdey w•lll h i gh clouds and • lemperetures ranging lrom tow s al the beeches 10 low 80s lnlen<I Ovetnighl lows ton~hl 53 to 57 Elsewhere, l rom Po1n1 <;oncept1on lo the Mea1can •l>rder e nd our 60 miles North-91 winds 10 10 1ll hnots .no -3 to 5 feel OYer outer waters Locally l1ghl variable wtnda today, except wesl lo SOUlhwell 8 10 16 knoll 11111 aflwnoon and evening With sou111 lo aouthwesi swell 2 10 4 1ee1 I I Some morning and night low cloud• and log, oth-•M mo1t1y laff' I I U.S. sumniary ~ I I The l1tJ1 ma1or snowst orm ol lhe -ton swept ecroas the Corn Bell with w1nd1 up 10 50 mph lodiy. miring traffic In vP to 111001 of snow. knociclng OU1 power 10 lhoutand1 of homes ind delaying an alfeedy 111e autumn harve11 .... lhe atorm PUShe<I HStWl'd out of n0t1hern Nebreska where the *vlelt accumul11lon1 wtte rec>Orted Tuudey, up 10 6 lnchft fell In parts of Iowa, Soulh Dakota. 1ow1, M1nne101a and WllCOnttn "W1 h1ve our llrtt w1n1e• 1now11orm, · Said highway patrol radio operllor Le• Muck tn Marthall. Minn . where t5 80Cldenll -e rep0<led , many lnvolvlng car• and INCkl tkiddlng oft lnter1111e llO. The 11orm. accompanied by Inda gulltng 10 50 mph In 1ou1hern Minnesota. 1110 tranoed hundred• of trtveler1 lotced -~ 10 c:loM California Southe1n C•llfornl• wlll hav1 111911 clouds at 11me1, bul 01....,,.... Wiii ti. felr Coaalat low ctouO• 11'1 night Ind morning hourt wltll pelelly 8M'ly rnofnlng log 11'1 lnlllnd velleyt Uttle 1empera1ure cNl'08 Otenge Co11nty can upect lllfllt Mat 70 et lht b81Chet today tttd Tll11re0.•1 . low 101 1n111rMt .... Lowt N to '2 ~ ye11tyt een ~· nlOn• In the vpper 70., IOM ,,.., 96" ~..,,. wlll 11.w h'9fl• 111 ll'lt IMI toe to 70. mid 8<ls ::.ovtne1n oeseri h•OhS 85 10 95 East 10 northeast winos 1n lower Coloredo Ri.-er Valley alternoon and 9'en1ng Northern •nd Central California w111 be cleartng wlln v1r111bl• hign clouds lrom the southwest Chance 01 r11n 1n northwest Mostly lair &nd warm •n cen1ral stale T ernpe ratures NATION HI Lo Pep Albany 68 32 69 44 AlbuQuerQue Amar1110 65 •6 Anchora9e 42 31 •6 AShe'oltlle 65 30 i\llanta 7 I •6 At11ntc; Coty 61 •B Auslln 117 68 B1111mo<e 68 41 B1t11ngs •6 33 02 Bitm1ngnam 16 53 Slsmatci. 39 35 Boose 59 29 Boston 68 i; Brownsvlle 90 Bul!alo 70 50 Burlington 64 35 Cesper •O 20 23 Char111n SC 75 56 Cherlsln WV 74 •6 Ch1r1t1e NC 71 42 Cheyenne 36 t9 21 Chicaoo S9 47 09 C1ne1nna11 74 49 Cleveland 71 47 Columbia SC 17 54 Columbus 70 44 Oal·Ft Wth 86 66 69 45 Dayton 42 27 17 Denver 63 5:1 03 Del MOIMI OelrOtl 70 .. Duluth 41 35 06 Et Paso 84 48 Fairbenlls 38 33 49 Fargo 37 34 5g 27 Flagsllll 46 22 02 Greet Falls 70 31 Hartford Helef'le <18 22 02 HonOlulu 87 68 Fronts Cold 9"P Hoo st on tndnapht Jacksn MS Jacl<srwllt> JU1\H U Kans Cay Kno1v1lle .as veoaa .11111 Roe .. Loo1sv•lle LuDbOCk Memphis M1am1 M1lwaukM MC>ls·SI Paul Nuhv111e New Orleans New YO•k Norlolk No Plalte O~la C•ly Omahl Orlando Pniladph19 Phoenix P11tsbu1gh Ptland Me Piiand Ore ProvtdenGe Rale~h Rapo C11y Reno R1cnmond EDT Sno..Q warm W"W OcclucJed ~ so 28 83 7t Sell lake 67 46 Sen Antonio 8• 67 ao SS Seattle S9 39 79 60 Ot Shreveport 82 S8 46 4 1 14 S100• l'alls 40 32 81 70 • t 01 SI LOUIS 75 58 70 38 St P·Tampa 84 65 69 S7 SI Ste Marte 60 46 04 80 54 Spokane 34 27 72 47 Syracuse 70 36 80 54 Topelca 73 .... 79 58 Tucson 85 49 80 77 Tutti 81 54 57 so 85 WHhngln 70 49 so 4J 82 W1Ch1ll 68 47 75 so 82 55 67 48 CALIFOllNIA •8 71 •5 Appre \/alley 80 42 33 16 Bakeralleld 75 65 78 5<1 Bers low 80 60 43 41 28 Beaumont St 48 30 83 83 Big Bear 67 72 43 67 39 B1anop 119 61 9t 61 Blythe n 58 70 37 Callh"a 7 I 49 8 1 JO Eur ell a 79 60 63 so FrHno 86 37 l,.anc:ester 77 51 76 •2 Long Beach 78 6:1 73 63 35 31 04 Lo• Anoe•ea 82 59 S3 34 Monrov11 78 60 72 45 Monltbello 89 68 Mon111ey Mt WllllOf1 66 S<I Needlff 77 58 • SU Rf RI PORT Nf'Wl>Otl Beacn 11 60 Oakland 74 80 Ontario 77 57 Palm Spring• 92 59 . PaHdetla 78 59 ?i: D Paso Robles 81 Sil n Rlverllde 711 n T~• we ... . .., ... l out Ion A119/ I ....... Temp, Hunllngton Bii.iiie 2 l1lr 85 Smog Hunllngton Pier •·3 llllr 88 S1nl1 Anl Alv8' Jiiiy 1·3 fall 88 olOlh 61 NewPO<t 1·3 fa11 .. Where lo Cl ll (1011 lreel IOI 2211d St N9w1>0t1 t POOf 88 .. 1811 ~malton Bett>oe Wedge 2 POOf Ml Of11191 ty· (IOOI 445·3'28 San Cltmenll Plat .. , fair 84 Lot Angelet Counly (100) Tralaltllf 242~22 CT treetl I·:> , .. , 84 "'-tlci. and Ian 9errllll'dtno Tomonow High Ttde 11 •8 1 m L°'" floe 7 :>3 pm hell Olrecuon Wat I oountlM. (IOOl 3417-47'0 AOMO lplao<tt c.tlllf 241<4 ... (IOO) Non "'""~~!7~0t~f0!_,._. ________________________ ... ______________________ -:-----r---..... I S(:nd moi11·y tu h1 ·lp l1·1·d ;ind \.ill' for thl· bird~ W11h11u1 ''" up1w 1 lx•ak. tlw 1x•lit·<1n' .111 u 11.1hh· 111 ft't.od on t hl•tr nor111.1I dll't 111 ll\t f1~h 01 lin ;.il wtth llw Stull• F"lt and C.mw D1•1i.;rtnw11t hl'111 ·v1· <mgr' l1:-.h1·n1wn ,1rt· n·'J.>1111:.1hli• tur th1· mutilt1llon1-Tlwv -..1\ tlll' pl'ltlJlll-:.teal <indiovy 1),111 'rru111 bo;1L>o. <ind w ill l'\lt•n ,n,1tl h ft'oh <•!> lht·:V an· rl'l.•h.J 111 IJ, f1,h1•rm1·n Thn·t• of th1· 1·'illll1.1lt•d do7.l'll o r "" pt•lil'Clll'o that h,1d tht·tr uppt·r lx-ak~ l hu ppt·d or .;;,wed (iff Wl'rC' takt>n hv ... tatt• offtl'iab to thl· C rown v·all1·v h ospital Tht· offtl'tals a rt> trying to t•aptun· tht• o thl'I' lllJUred btrtft.. bduri· tht•v d11· ol st;..rvatlnn , -.a1<l F1~h Jlld c.;,,nw 'Jwk1 \111.an Pa tr ll'k l\l11on· Howl•vt·r . th.it Job n·111a111 o; dtfftl'Ull bt·t·ausl• mo:.l o f thl' muttliilt•d birds appan·ntly havl' flown away Crum thl· Uan<i Po mt art>:1. hl· sa01d Thl' \'t•lt·nnan<1ns 111 !>l plan to m akl• an uppt·r -beak 1·a!>t from a bird that died rn N(•wport &·ath o f C'tlU'il'S unrc·la tt•d t o thl' muttlatllln!. Tht· mold will bt• U'>l'd lo t·a i;t bt•J k' OU I llf f1 lx·r~IJ!>'o "Thl' lw;.ik!> \.\ill ht1\'t' t11 tw lU,tom-molt.lt·d b(•<·.iu,t• of lh1• d1ffcn'nt h•ngth\ and 'h..ipt'' 11C'<'<h-d." HolX'rh ~ud ThP art1ft('liJI l>t·:1k-. will bt· s ur~1t·<tlly dtl;Hht·d to th1· pt.'11 can'o with ;1 s p1•ual dl·nwl b1111d111g matC:•r 1al ;ind mlt:.il plat<•s and ~·n·w~. slw t•xplarnl'd Tht• .1mmal d0<·tor' will know 1 ( t h l' pro' t h e l 1 c-., u 1 j:? e r~ 1.., SUCH.'!-.\fUI llflll• tht•\ 11b~t·1Vt• t ill' pt•hrnn., ft't'<.11ng 1n tht· "1ld. 'ht· addt-d Ltnl•led To Supply On Hand O_.., Piiot Photo by Cllafle1 Stan \'t•lt•ri na ria n Ga \ It· Roberts t'xamines a pf'li t·an with mui ila tt•d beak . h~$ o ne o f ~4'\'t•ra l to be fillt·d w ith pro the ti<' de,·ice~. 25% OFF SAtE 1., 2 DAYS ONLY Saturday & Sunday, Oct. 23rd & 24th Includes all: • OPEN STOCK • OAK BLOCKS • BLOCK AND KNIFE SETS KNIFE SHARPENING CLINIC Sat., Oct. 23rd 11 a.m.-3 p.m. At Corone del Mer a Weatollff etorH Sun., Oct. 24th 11 a.m.-3 p.m. At Herbor View a Anehelm Hiiia tforH Three Knive. Per Cuatomer Sharpened FREE ... Additional Knives 69< !oth. more than you expect In a hardware store •• ••••• HARDWARE w .. tcMff 17111 St et trvtne, Newpor1 IMCn. "42· 1133 ...,_ vt.w Sin Miguel Dr II hn J1oquln. N.wport le.ch. &44·8510 CONN del -3 107 e. Coaal l'fwy .• U l-2100 AMMlm .r'h Sant• An• Canyon Ao .• 11 lmJ*lll Hwy • 898·$282 ,. • :) -- , DIAICI CIAIT ' COSTA MIU f DITIDN WEDNE SDAY. OCTOOI A JO. l't82 ORANGE COUNTY , CALIFORNIA 2~ CENTS CdM tenants threaten rent strike over hikes By STEVE MARBLE Of Ille D.ilr l'llot lt•ff A r ent s 1r1k 1• 1i. lt 1·111 g c-ons a h •r c d by t1•11a11 th o f ,, Co ru11 a d c•I Ma r apart m1•11 l c.'Omplcx that ii. h1•1nlo( .l(ruon wd for luxury living Tenants at tht• S hurl'~ . ., 120-umt l'omplC'x that ovl•rlook,, nearb y East Coa st I la.l(hw.\y, arc• being adv 11wd u f rt>11 l 11wn.·aM'h that will h 1k1• m onthly p;1y nw n t...; Slaying suspect escapee T he man held on susp1C·1on of murder in the decap1w11on dl'lllh of a Mission Vic.JO man l'Sl'ap<.'<i from a Mo nta n a sta ll• m1•ntal hospital five years ago whl•n · ht' w as sent for the bruta l sla ymg of a t'ab d r ive r. authon tws said Cody Leo Schrc1bt·r . 2Y. a lso know n as Barry Andt•rson. was a rreste d e arly Tuesda y by Orang <' C o unt y S h t•r1ff 's Department invl'sllgators. thrt'l' days a fter Denni!> St·hub1•r1 ·s headless body w as found tn tht· ba cky a r d o f the h orn<' tht•y shared at 23342 Via G uard1x S heriff's Sgt L ynn NL•l11·111g said Schre iber It-ft an Anah1•1m bus station at 9:45 a m . Saturday and w as met at a S aC'ram<•nto bus station al 7 pm. by lrx.:ul polict- Schre ibt-r was remembe red as extre me ly intelligenl. and sher iffs 1nvesug.n on. rrom Orange County N ehr i ng s a id s h C'rtf t 's 1n ves t 1g a t o r s co n s ide r e d Schreibe r a s uspet·t Sllll'C' the: d ea th. but we n • reluc ta n t to r e lease a n y tn formalao n u ntil questioning-him further Inv estig ators reo turnc•d tu Orange County early Tucsd&y m orning with the 29-year -old s uspect. H e w as book l"d into Orange Count y J ail wh<.•rt• he• 1s beinR held on $250,000 bail . Schre1ber's arraignment toda y wa s co nt1nu t'd t o n c·x t Wednesday M iles C11 y, M o nt .. po l ice chief .Jim Certain said Schreiber was arrested Oct 9. 1976. two days a fter the body or a lcx·al cab drive r Don ald Moyer. 36, w as found. Moyer had be<>n shot to death and s tabbed numer ous t1 mC's. Certain said. Certa in sa id that Schrl'1bc r pleaded guilty to the grisly cn m<" and late r changed his pica to not guilty by reason of msamty H e w as sen t t o a m l'nta l ins tit ution a t W a rm S prings. Montana. w here he was alleged to have walked off the grounds in October. 1977, Ccrtam said Sc hre iber . who grew u p in Miles City, was remembered by the chie f of police as "borderline e x trem e l y 1ntelltRe n t , a n accomplis h ed musician a nd distance runner." He w as ad opted b y Mr a nd Mrs. Ed Schreiber who ltvc on the ou ts k irts of t h e s m all Montana town. the chie f said Prior to his a rre st fo r t he murde r o f th e c ab driv<.'r , Sch reiber 's only othe r run -111 with the law was a felony theft charge in Cott.age Grove, Oregon in early 1976. tha t was later dropped. Cer tain said . -INDEX-- At Your Service Busin~ Cavalcade Classified Comics c~word Death Nouces Editorial Entertainment Food Horoscope Ann Landers Movies Mutual Funds National Ne ws Publk Notk-es Sports Dr. Stelnc1'0hn Stock Marketa Television Theaters Weather ·. A6 A8-9 All 0 5-8 88 85 0 5 AlO 84 C l -12 Al I All 84 A8 A3 8.1,8 7.05 Dl-4 All AQ 96 84 A2 fur sonw by 111·,erty $~WO St•vt"rnl 11•11;111111 ~culd 11 muss 1•xudus 111 u11tl1•1 WJY ~nd that a t lt>J!>l Ul\t' ft(lh 1)( tht.• rt•llll01'h have· lt·ft 11r .11·1· ph111111n~ to 11111v1• out Ut.•for1· 1h1• d 11M• 11f tht· month Thi• 11w1wr' d id nut v1•rtf)' till~ n ·porl .l11h11 Mo11:.t•11, ..1 f n•1•la111'1 ' film lll:tkl'I a11 d !.pll kl'!>lllbll (111 tht• up~·t n •nlt'rs, s..11d tht• 11w 111•1 ~ of th1• apartrnt-rll:. hav1· ag11•t•d tu Making a splash llll't•t with u•111111t11 'l'hu rsd 11y 11 l• s IJ Id h 1• 1 ., h u p 1 • t u I a 1·11111prom11'1t' 1°1111 bi· n ·udwd on l ht• 11•111 l11k1·~ 1111d t hal mon · d1 .1:-.llt' !ill'fJ'> :.ud 1 .1:. ,1 11•11t :Hl'lkt• l'lln l)C• 11V\'flo 'U Tht• 11w111·r~. I houlo(h, S<J1<J th1·v dun't ht•li1•v1• l h1•11• 1:. a11y th1111( 10 lll'lo(OllJl\' Tht· (;lll'Ut·n L'o, <.1n Ir v111t• I 11·111 that l'l't't•11tly pun:hu.'>t•d tht• 1·omµlt•x. n •purlt'<.l that l'X ll•n.\tVt> rnnovauon 111 undc·r w.1y 111 th1· Shon·N u111 I 111111 11•111-. 111u11t "u up "W t> c..lon 't llkl' t h ul Wl)rd '1wgot1 ott.· . wl' pun ·h.aiwd tlll' prorwrty, wc•'n · lht• ownt·r1> untl they ( tht• h•111111 lb) al't· .wlm~ ltk1• this 1:. "><111 11· !>IJrt ul l'u11tl01111111u111 Sl'lUp ," i..11d Brul't.· f"111d tl1d1 .. 1 G<>t'dt.•11 Co 1•Xl'C'Ullv1• Frul'l1l1d1 h;.ttd wh1•11 t h 1• uwnt.>r h bought tlw p111p1·rt y , D•llY Pllol Photo bJ G•rJ AmbroH Al Ko lb wing hi~ J.-year-old son, Eric, over the urf near th<• ~ewport Beach Pier. The family came down from Santa Ann for an evening a t tht• bea<•h. Evicted job firm A Costa Mc>Sa )Ob pubhcauon business that was the targe t of n umerous complaints to pol1n• has shut its doors and movC'd to San ta Ana. authorities said. Help WantC'd Publica tion. 2110 Harbor Blvd . w as evicted last W<'ck by the p rope~ly owner Jack M yers for failure to makt• a rental payment. Johannes "He nry" Vand l•rra said 1n a phon e 1n terv 1t.>w Mo n day that he d e llbNat<.'ly with held a portion of the $5 10 monthly rent payment. claimmg there were holes in the roof of the bu ilding. Vander ra sa id tha t bus iness dropped from a n average of 30 cus tomers a day to zero las t wC'ek af ter d issalisf1<.'d c us tom<.'rs successfu lly d iscou raged new C'h<.'nt!> rrom ('nt('ring the Cosla Mt's.a building Man y compla inC'd tha t th<' list of )Obs for whtt'h they paid $25 w a s m c r c I y a l ' o p y o C advl•rl1s1•mt'nls fo und 1n tht' c lass1 f1ed sectio n o f a local n('wspa per "W e d o n o t den y t h a t ," Vandl•rra said Mon day. "We JUSt opened a t•ouple of m on th s ago a n d m ost employers a re n ot aware o f us. We go through theo n l'w s pa per . They come in the office and pay money. We don't point a gun at their heads." St<.'ve S hulman. a Costa Mesa Polle.'<.' dl'll"Ct1vc-. said he received n early a d ozen t'alls Mo n day from peo ple w ho wanted their money ba<.'k and wanlc<d to k now wht.•reo thl• b u s in ess h a d reloc:a tC'd • ID SA S 1nc·e open ing 1n Aug u st. Va nderra said he has returnC'd about $2.000 to customcn. as part of a verbal guaranll~ to rerund the $25 fee to d1s.'Ultt!>f1c'<i d it>nts after onc mon th La st month th<' State' Bun.•au of Employm(•nt Ag<'nc1e:. ordered the <'Ompany to :.top advC'rt1s1ng s pecific JO b o ffe r s fo u n d in news paper s. Vandl'rra !lll trl hi' com plied S unday Las t week Put Antrim . who ope ra ted AAA Hea ll y u t the same location . deml<d rt'ports that he w as leas ing theo properly or had an y con n N ·t1 o n t1> H C'l p Wanted Pubh<'atlC)n Ht"l p Wan tt'd Publtcalto n's n e w address 1s 2 1:lH Oiumler Stre<>t. S anta Ana Couple on trial ID • absentia Civil suit brought b y forme r business partner By STEVE TRIPOLI Of the Delly l'Mot 119" A civil s u i t again s t local restaurateur Irwin Milma n a nd his w ife, Francine, is proc'CCdlng In Orange County Superior Court despite the abse n ce of tht> Mllmana and any auornPys 10 argu e their side of the ca11t•. The unusual circumstances al'(>:sc• becaWM? of the dlaappeatanc.'t' of the M i lmans fro m Ora nge County late lut m o nth . appAN'ntly with about $1 million In con tested asseta. Judge James Judge agrc«t lO h ear a su it fi lc-d b y a formtor j business partne r of the Milmans d esp i te the disa ppear ant•c . however. Former partner lrving M ar t e n so n c laims h e w a s illegally Induce d into sig ning over h is interest In the Lakeside Restaurant near J o hn Way ne Airpo rt b y Millman, who rec·c·n tly 11old il for o bo ut $:} million, Tw o a tto rn eys f or t h e Marten son que s tio n e d the ir c llc•nt and h is wife bc.•fore Judge Tuesdoy. One o( the m, Richa rd Mc M1119n, said during a break In t h tria l tha t lawyers w o uld present only l h<' Martenaons' side of the case before' Ju<.lgt• rl'ndl'rs a dC"Cision in the mattf'r. The Mllmans. who reportedly le ft th<' a re a Sep t. 29. wo uld have to re turn and hire a new attorney if they wi11h to p ri?sent a de fense In the case. McM illan said The Mllmam' former attorney was re moved from the case laat wee k after he: to ld Supe rior Court Judg<' Phillip Pf"tty that he could not defend the Mllmana In their absence, a nd that the Mllmam owed h1a law Clrm 1bout $:>0.000 Ip lega l ( lht•y 111mlt· ol 1u·o1111 .. 1· ,,, •• li ·11d1·1 I h:it I h t• rq rn 1111u•11 l c·orrq i lc •\ WOil Id Ill• 'fll'lll'\'d U p I fl ~hOl'l Ill d1•1 Mu11:-.1•11 -.;11cl ll·1ia11l~ f , ... 1 I ho· f l 'llf ht kt•:. ,cf(• Ill! 111111 t l h;111 ;I f.uu v way ur l(•·t11 ng 11°11ll•" 111 '' l t fl ,111( t•'' I lo C• fl I II flll ,1•of llllJll •1Vt•Jl11•nt' "Tl11· llWlll'I ' :ti c· 11 pgrdcl111g l l'w n •nto. lw fc11t• llu v 11 pg 1:1cJ,. lh" l1v111~ .111 .11 111 1°1111 111, M1111i.i·11 ,;111J 11 ...... 1111 1111' 11•11,1111. w.1111 1111 ""lit'" tu jlll'lh h.11 k lh1• Nov I dl'.Hlfllll' 1111 I ••Ill 1111'11"1'>1"' IJl1lil ,, C CllllJllCllllll'I ' I~ f f •lll lw(! "I 'Uflpo•.t• ti lh1·y {tlll' o" 11;·1·,1 \\,1111, WI 1·;111 Ii. l'lll 'lllll'h .111ct 11'1 1·\•l \'11111 lt1'l , .... 111 l\lllfl'>lll ''l'h1·11 · ..... ,.,11, 111 11 .. '"""' "''' 111 1111 l I II II 11 t' I I' t h ,1 l IJ I I II I( I S1·1· IU-:NT. Pagt-A2 J Irvine· De Lorean workers puzzled on firm's future By GLEN~ SCOTT 01 1"9 O•llr Piiot Sl•fl Emplovt·1·:. at tht• l>t· I .111 t·<.111 Motor Co c·xec·ut1v1• oft 1u·:. 111 I rvinC' rt•portc•d lu ww k tod.Jy but thl0 future of thl·tr l'ump~1ny s t·C'mc•d u nt·l'rlatn afll·r th<'V W<.'rt' nx:kl·d w tth two ~tartltng a n n o u n l' l' m l' n 1 ~ T u t' " d a v a ftt·rnoon · ThC> British guv1·rnmt·nt l1r.;1 issued a statc.·mt•nt that ll plan~ to pf'rma n e ntly s h ut down tht• ftnanl'ially t roubll'd sport~ <':.tr manufacturing plant t-swbltsh1'tl fo ur yea rs ago 1n North t·rn lrc•land by Gl'nl·ral M otors C'Xpatnalt• John D<· Lo rt•a n Onlv hours later. FBI off1 l·1als c.·a llect"a press con fer('nl'C.' in Le~ A n g e I es l o a n n 11 u n 1· t· t h ... l underc·ovcr agents had arn~stcotl De Lorean at 3 p.m at a hotC'l near Los Angeles lntt-rnatumal Airport. The y c la1mt•d h e apparently had trit'<i lo hnanl'C' a $24 million cocaim.' deal to ra ise· capita l to rcsurr<'ct his d yin~ bu sin~ S upc·rvasors at the lrv m <' off1u· d eclined comment this mormn~ on the 1mpbcations of t he 1:vt·nt~ as they awaited word fro m thl'1r chiefs in New York Said one worker: "R ight now we don't k now a n v more· th,m you do " · Dt• Lorean·s plant nt>ar & .. !fast had bt•en 111 rt'<.'t'I versh 1 p Sll1l'I' F\•b ruary w ith de b ts t'St1 m<.1tP<l at $68 m1llw n . ac-l'Ordtng to T h l• Assucia tc·d Press. The Bn t1sh government 1n1t1ally \'1t•w111g tlw t•nwrpnse as a poss1bk· boon for lul'a l JOb~. h<ul inVl'Stt•d nwrt· than $143 m1lhon in govt•rnnw.11 granls and loans But Dt.• Lorean's statnl<'ss slt~·l. g ull-wtng spo rts 1:ar w lltng f111 $25.000 never c'r1liC't·d l'nough huyPrs to ma k e the husillt'h!o pn;fttable a nd th<' planl that cim·1• had employt'CI 2,600 work1•rs had bc'<'n gradually lostng m11m·y Richard T BrNzing. spN·1a l agl•nt 111 l.'harge of tht• FB l's Le"' Ang<•l1•s offtl'e, said IX• Lnn•an h nd bet•n unde r surv<•tlla nu · ea rl y 111 11s f 1v1"munlh , underc·ovcr anvestigat11m ltoadmg to his arrest. T wo t)lhC'r mc•n arn•:.lt•d lall' Monday a lso have• bt.'l'll t hargt•d 111 lht• lOtalllt.' l'aSl' \.\.'tlll.1111 MorgJn Ht.'trtc:k. 50. ownC'r of an a \01at1on :.t•rvtt'f" in Mopvc'. and S t<'phl•n Ll'e Arrington. 34. u( San Dil'go arl' susp<'('tC'd of bl'rng tht· plannC'd supphers of almost 220 pounds or ccx·ainr that F'BI of(1(·1a ls s a id De Lo rean h ad arra11..:1'CI tn buy. Bn•1z111g 1mpl1ed during his nnnnum·eme nt in ;1 ('onfercn t·1· r onm pal'k t-d w ith n •pol'lt•n.. <See IRVINE, Page A3 ) John Z. f)t' Lort·an Auto maker ca11ture d in cocaine bus t lh Ll~DA UEl 'TSCll Ai aoclaled Pru t Wrller LOS ANCELES .Juhn Z l.>t! I .rn 1•;m . rnwl11n1 · ( ;1·11c•r.;J Motors l>o\' wo11d1•r v .. tw l.111·1 markt•lt•d his •>Wll futu11 ... t1t !ot;11nlP~ !oll•1•I 'port.; r·~1r ,t·I up a $2·1 mtlltun l~>l.ttnt• dc•::il 111 a d t'Sp<.'rt\lt' Ind \I) -.:J\'l' h1~ ba11k1 upt C'ompan y, tlw FBI "'"' I)( l:oH '<111. ~1i "fJt'l\I lhL· 111gh1 111 ptl a rt1•r lw. an1•,,1 Tue-;d,1y .il J n dtrporl holl'I w1lh 't.'\'t•ral kilogram ... ot < 01·a11w. P arkl•r C1·nll·r J<11I \\,1ll'h tumm«ndt•r Lt Lann· Hon11·111 -...ml toda~ lits 1omp.111~ 1s 1n st•ve11· finanual problt•m .... · R11 hard T Bn·tz1n~. SJ>l'< ial .1gt·n1 in c hargt• of lht• F BI L os Angd1·s uff1c·<·. told .1 nt·Ws l'Ollfl'rt•m't' 'And he ft·an·d t hl· po..,~1btl1t~ of has l'nmpan~· bt•rng l'11ist'<l d own by lhl· gov<.'rnmt•n t wh1t'h had t•xt1•ndc'CI loans to h im "H(· was <'"-Prl'"-"111g tnll'f'l•St in financ111g M)ll1l• ty pl• or operatlol'\ that would prndUC'C'. qutl·kly. 1 .. rg1• sums of munt'Y 111 re turn for t ht.• lllVl'Stnwn t..' .. Tht' arrt'SL" of Dt.• Lon ·an and two othe r ml•n tak1•n into l'Ustod\ 011 Monday t•m·kd oi five-m onth u11dt•rl'Ov1•i· prob<· w h1t·h tracked thl' auto e xt'l'Uli Vl' a t'ross thl' tSee OE LOREAN, Page All Prize boat mystery solved in Newport By JODI CADENHEAD 01 Ille o.it, l'ltot St•ff T h e m yste r y of t h e lloh11• ca ta maran that d 1sa pp<'a r<.'c..l minutes before 1t w a s t o b C' a ucuoned a t a gala charity event in New port Benrh Sunday has b een solved fo llo wing som e 1leu1hlng and a fow ca relessly tossed S h Hk<.'SP<.'urea n linC'S "It was a comedy o f e rrors," said Bruce Hazen. "M u t•h ud o abo ut n othing," h e ndded, pulling h is t o ngue out or his cheek long e n ough to e x pl11111 wha t happened. The l<'amily Crisis Center. of which Hazen is directo r. w111s h o lding i l!I ti nnual auc tio n S unday o n the 11ho r<• n<'tlr the Balboa Pavilion . Tht> sallboot donatc..-d by Hobie Newport wrlS cons del't'd th ' premier pri~t' 1 Con<'C'rnt.'CI about ttw dcltv€'ry nf tht• l'll t.amnran, Ha zen t·alled Hobie S unday and was told the craft wou ld tX-there by dusk S uN:' e nough. a sparkling new hont wos w11 1t111~ 111 the• spacC' that h ad ™'<'n rcserv1'<.l 1w111 tht> Fun Zo1w Wh l'n Hawn and th<' aUC'tlOO('('f C'h('('k('d. But unknown to lln;r.c•n und the I HO guests was lhut It wa111n 't tht• right boat. A w ind! night kept th<' real auction lxw.t and its crew stalled a• d 1stMlC(' •way 111 16th S tr<'<'t. M Pn n w htlP. bock at tht• pavilion , the• cr owd watc h~d from ti\(' "horc as thrt't~ JX'Oplc hOpl>\'CI Into the' cAwmara n and u lled a w'4y Th<' cr owd w as ccnvtn«-d It was an out and out thC'fl. cSet llOBfK P••t l) -· Al CIN OrU1lUt' Cou11 1 OAll 'f' I'll n I /Wuc.J1101duv. Octul.101 JO 1082 Schmitz paying for child s upport Stall' S t·n Juhn Sd1111111, H Coron.1 di·I Mur . h .1,, l11·KUll paying d1lld -.upport tu h11o former m tstr\'!W> u ( nuw v1•u1 s und the m o thl•r of th1·ir two'• h1ldh·11. ICl'Or<Jlnw IO l>ilPl'l'l'I I il1•d Ill ll s Bankrui,>h:y Cuu1•t Carlu Vt•rn1• St111•kil'. who claimi; Sd1111111 la1h1•11•d 111•1 l 6 -m u 11 1 h 11 l d b u v ,, n d ·mon th ·uld ..:11'1 . r ,·µ11rt1 •11 ~ivrng o $:.!75 p.1vrn1·11l rim. n th <lrnw11 1111 1111• 101111 h.mk RENT. • • From Page A1 .11t11llnl of Schmlt1 1111d 111-. "11t 111 ;.!II Yt'UI s, Mw y Tht· t 1ntt pay rtll'11t w 11" 11111111· With two l'hl>t'ki., .1 $toll pt•1-.11111rl I 1\1•1 k .111d :.t 11111111'\' 111 d1•1 1111 $ l'i':i . A1-t"ttrd111.c to t lw t'mtrt J'><IPC.'r", Sd111lltl ha:. 1·111111111ttt•d h1mi;1•lt 111 f>HV111K "••t h•Wlt $·1llll ,, 111U11th 111u l as 11111"·h 1111•n· •Is tit' 1•11uld" VIII'\• Ill• l'l'pllll't'S llll' llflj)l'O)Ulllllll' $:11UJOIJ lw t•u 111t•tl u1; a s tall• M '1111 tl>I .. ,,,g~operat 1 vt• and 1rv111g 111 com promise 1-. urwthrl·al " 1\11 u11s111~·1·s.-.t 1.il n 111d1d,1h• tor lJ S S 1•11at1'. Sd1111111 \'·" I l'dt,tl'll t1•d o ut 111 th1· s tat1• S 1•11,1ll• :11•.11 Ill' lras lwld -..11n • lH iti Th1•1 .. t1111•, ht• wrll lt·avt 111 f Ill \\ lwn tlw S1·11.1l1• .rdjolll lh 111 N11\'t·111l>1:1 Sd1011t1.. t·1111tat'lt•d .II hrs l'11ron,1 dl'I l\1<11 h11flll". d1·d111l'd lu t t111111w11l 011 Stu1•klt• 111 tlw bi111k1 upt1·v m.1111la1n1ng hi s hmg·h1·lcl -.rh·rwt· 1111 th1· nr,11tt•1 M u n sl'n said hl· fl•,1rs th;it u nless t ht•rt• 1:. so m1• h,1rd n ego tiat111g by both parlll'S, tlw S h ores will :.oon bt· .i v. .1sh•l.111d o f vacant apartrnl•nL-. r F roehh<:h said hts r1 n11 Is nut I ae,t On a COUrM• of l'Vl<'llng lt•n,m ls .. !ild is w1lhng to dl'ul 111d1v1c.Ju.1lly w i l h · · h a rd s h 1 p '' t· <1s1• s, part icularly w ith s1•n1or <.'llllt~ ,HOBIE. Stut·klt• .1 -t:l·\l·.1r old I u st111 res1d1•111. ftlecl for ba11knq>ll'Y rt'l'l'nll\ a nd t his Wt.'l·k ltstt·d lht· $275 p:1~·mt•11t I rum St·h1111 t1 111 l'llUrl J'•IJJl'IS II) V. hldl 'ihl .1ls11 propm.1 ·..; to p~1 v 111 t $12 .H:ili 111 d1·l111qu1 ·111 d1 ·bt::. • • From Page A 1 ,, . ~., •• T o add to lht• 1.·on I u s1<111 New por I I l o b1 C' was d osl .. j Monday. rnakmg 1t 11r1poss1hlt• fur Crisis Cente r offtl't<1ls tu lt•;H·n tlw \r u e story until Tul•&l.iy Tlw lu11g-s t:.111c.J1ng rl'l.1t1011sh1p ht·t\\'t•t·n Stul klt· a11d tht• .1:!-yl'ar·old Hc·publiv.111 l'Hlllt' lll light 111 July wht•11 Sl'IH111tl attl•n1µtl'll tu 1ntt•rvt·1w wtth an Orangl' County Supo·nor Co urt judg1· foll1>w111g an u1111 s ual lllJUI \ tu th1•1r ,v11u 11 g '"" I • The Crisis CC'nll'r managt.'ll In make $12.000 from lhl• aul'l1on Hazen says h t"s grnng to rnrgt·t the other t:a t l'Xtstt.-d AJl's well that Pncb Wl·ll wt• say. Tht· l>o\ WJS tJkt.•n 1nt11 l'Ustndy uy' thl' Orangl' Cuunty S111:1.il St•r\'rt'l'S Agl•m ·y. but was n ·tunwc.J to S tul'kll· 1n Augu:.t '' ht•n a t·nmmal l'h<1r~t· uf l'hilcl n cglt".:t WJS d1sm1s.51.'ll Nobel award ~ to'" Chicago f" :~ professor ~ STOCKHOLM. Swt'<ll'n (AP) :~ -U n 1 v e r s 1 l y o f C h 1 t' :i ~ n 1~?1-Jirofessor Gt·~rgt• St1glt'r, a con.serva u vc e1.·omirn1st. w un lht• Nobe l M e m orial Award 1n .... ~onom ic St·it•r,l'e today Cor ' ~arch tha t :.howl'd the impact rot governmen t r1.'gulat1un on tht' econom y It was th e I I th ttme th at a n· A m erican has w o n the prize, ~hich th is year carm -s a s up<>nd _,,, $157,000. I .. "Naturallv I rt.•cl deltl!h led. b o w c a n I f 1.• 1.• I a n y o t h e r w ay?." said S tigler. reathe<l by , telep hone m Chicago "Certamly I'm suq :inst_•<L" ht' !aid. "I h ear d that t wo otht-r i'nd1viduals werl' go ing lo wm It . a n d t he v n• rt a 1 n I v w ti I so0ner o r latt'r ••. · S t 1 g I e r w a s t h t: -.<• 1.· o n d Amencan lo win a No bel pnu· this year , P rofessor K l'nnNh G WilMm of Cornell U m vl'rs1tv w un thr prize in physics Mond.av Prof. George Stigler t:~' ~ ..• \'+-'" Fair and .. Con~tal '·" ... ... ostty sunny tOOay w11h h•ghs 10 the 70s f' au 1on1gt11 end 1 , ;rhursd•y w1lh palchy early m0<n1ng 109 alOng lhe coasr Fair Ind • 11111• warmttt on ThurSd•y with h 1Qh clouds ano mperarures r1ng•no from low • et lhe be11ehes 10 low 80s inland Ovtttnoghl lows 1onogr11 53 10 S7 Elsewher e from Po 1n1 (i,o ncept1on to the Mt •1tan li<>rder a no out 60 m11es N0<1hwes1 winos 10 10 16 hnors ano .... 3 10 6 I.et over outttt waters locelly llghl var11ble winos today. e~cepl well 10 aoulhwell 8 to 16 knots 1h1s •lt•noon end evening with south to 1oul11we11 swell 2 10 • ree1 Some morning and n1ghl low clouas and 109. 01herw114!1 moslly fair. V.S. Sllmniary The flrsl m•jor ar1ow11orm of the sea.on swept ecron lhe Corn B•lt with w1n<11 up ro 50 mph t0d8)'. miring lrelllc on up 10 e 1001 ol 81\0W. knoclllng out powe< 10 ll'IOU~ of l>Om .. and dll•y1ng an lllr•Mtr ••te aurumn li•rv•SI A• the ltOfm pushed H tlWlfO out ol nonhern Nebratll• wtlete the '-1rifft ac.c:umul111<>n1 were rec>orled Tuet<ley, up 10 6 inches fell In pull ol lowe. South Oekote, low•, Mlnnesore eno wi-11n "We heve our •1111 w1n1e1 enowatorm,' ••Id h.ghway patrol radio operelor les Mtie• In Merlh•ll Minn where 15 ~ta -" reported meny ..,,IOl\llnocat• and 1ructo1 tk•od1ng lnt•t1•tt 00 mid 8115 ::.outn"'" oese<I nighs 85 10 9S Eas1 10 n0<lheas1 winds 1n lower Colorado River Valley allernoon and evening No1the1n eno Cen1111 Cahlorn11 will De c1ea11n9 w1lh v111ao1e l'ugh clouds from 1he south..,esr Cnenc.e ol nun in norr11wes1 Moslly ••·• and warm trt cen1ral •llt@ , T e111pe ra I ures NATION ll\lb•11y lllDuQu.-QUI< .a.mar~llo Ancno••Q~ Asheville All1n11 Allanrc C•tr Auatin B1111m0<e e1111ngs 81rm1ngnam 81ama1c~ BolMi Botton 8rowr>1v11e 8ulfalo 8urlt11g1on Caspe1 Ch1t1w1. SC Charllln WV Che1l11e NC Cheyenn• ChlCIQO Cmc1nna11 Cleveland Co1umD1a SC COiumbus Oal·FI Wlh 01y•()(I Denver Des Mo•nes Oelro•I Oululh El Peso rairbenks F••go Ft1oa1a11 GIHI ralll H&rrlO<d Helene HonOl<lfu HI Lo Pep 68 32 69 .. 65 46 42 31 16 6S 30 71 46 81 48 87 68 68 ., •6 33 02 16 53 39 35 so 29 68 41 90 67 70 50 64 35 40 20 23 75 S6 1• 46 1 I 42 36 19 21 59 47 09 74 •9 71 47 77 5• 70 •4 86 66 69 45 42 27 17 63 52 03 70 H • t 35 06 84 •8 38 33 •9 37 3• S9 27 •6 22 02 70 31 •8 22 07 87 68 Housron lndnaolls Jacitsn MS Jacllarwlle Juneau Kans Cty Kno•v•lle .es Vf!QIS ... ua Ro<.~ Lou1sv1lle lubbOCk Mempn1s 11111am• llll•lwaukee Mpll·SI Paul NHhYtlle N-O•~ans N-YOlk Norfolk No P11111e Cilia City Omaha Orl1ndo Ph1laoph1a PhMn<A P11tsburgh Pt11no Me Piiand Of• ProYtoence R11e1gh Rap+d Ctly Reno Richmond 83 67 80 79 46 70 70 69 80 n 80 79 80 57 so 15 82 67 71 ,, 78 •3 63 87 Ill 10 61 63 Sf 76 35 53 72 D•llr Pllo1 Pholo br l .. P•rn• oil g policy tabled A ' " II I I II \' I I ' I •• I ' ( I I 111111 11 fl II •• I I 1111 I>" I II v .. •:uv1•111l11J.: l.11 u lly pr'" l•clu11·-. 1111 'f>4'.1k111~ llUI •Ill dl"lll 11 t 111.1ttt•h I& ... 1111 1111111·1 r1·v11 w ""d w tll 110 1 ·'ilf'l'ill 1111 lht .1g1 1111.1 "' l•1111~ht'io. 1111·1·11111-( nl 1111• ( "oast t '111111oun11y \ 11111 jJ.t f >1 ... t11t I 11<1.11 d 111 ti Ut-tl·t•'- 'I It 1· 111111111...,·d 11• ol 11 v "';1,. ,, v1·11·h 11111111 .. d l1v l.11 ultv 1111 111111 r ... I 1 <>111 ( >1 .111J(1• l'oas t. (;11111111 Wo '' .111tf LllJ StlllH' t 11l11•g1·.., \,\ 111 ·11 II I.Ao ,,., fll t'1'1'flll0d \It 1t11 l111.11d l\\11 1.A.1·1·k' .ig11 K u n •u Stt•wurt. :J6 . o f' (:o~lu Mt•.,u i-.ho\\., lao \' u11w h ii , . ., ... 1 lwr lo hil u 2h 7 .000 juc·kpol i11 L ui-Vt·~u .... l11io.t1111 t111' 1 t.111111 d the· 1>11ll1·v "1111hl II ">ti 11 l tl1111 11gliL-. 111 r1 1:1• 'II'•• h l1 v 1 .. rt0t 11g tht:rn 10 1l1o111111 ·I1111111111·111-. lo 1111 tr u'tt·1·:. lh1•111~·h 1111 ••1ll1J.(t p11•-..d1 11ts . Sevens really lucky for Mesan 11 .. , .... ,,1 .... 1d '"""' ·""'" 11·1111111 d "" "• i..h.1u-.11v1· 1ntr•1 d1 ,111< 1 11·v11·v. · 111 11111· .111v 1•11q1l11v1 1• dist IJ''''d c.J 1::.t1 H l 111.1llt r ... ouL..,11..h tilt• U1'tnl'l '1'111 lrvt• 7s o n tlH• L;1~ Vt•g.1s -.lot 111.11·h11w loukl·J 1nnut·t:r11 1•1111ugh .it first tu K a rl'll Swwt1rt "I h1·.inl somt• ringing," the· l'ost,1 Mt•s,1 w111n;in rl'l'uu11l1 ·d tod ,1v, "a11d 1h1•11 n o th111g h.1pp1•111·d No nrurwy , nu tlrishrng lights 1111th1ng. I tnld m y tiusb .1nd I'd l.><•1·11 ri p~'U uff " Th.it'-. w tw:i 1t daw11l'd or1 hl·I' 1h.1l :-.tw 'd JUSt hrt ... $'.Hi7,tJOO p«kpo t S ill' d1.ll·s n 't n·nwmb.·1 111ud1 rnon · "I still t·a11't b1·li1·v1• rt It sl't·ms .,,, 1mpos -.ihl1•," sa id th1• :rn ~Par u lJ plumbt·r who'd puppt·t.I 111t11 Vl·gas fur a qu1t·k 11111' d,1y va l'allon S ht• says sht•s l lH 111\I\ t't•rt1fll'd fl'lll<tlt· plumlx-r ;n O rang1• County ·Tht· "'"" I luok .1t 1l " th.1l .illl'r Ill' v1·a~ of huld W•ll K Ill 111 V h11s llll'''" tht• g1111d l ,111d f 1n;il I\.' d1•t·11h·d 111 h-i11cl 1111 · ...,11111•tt;111g. -.lw -.ugg1·sl1·d Lui d t 111,1llv d t'('ldt•d tu h .111d 1111· SWlll'l 111 llj.(, :. "ilit• ... ugg('-.l"d St1·w;11·1 :ind hl'I hus h ;111d .John. wo ·n · 111 tlw MliM l;r a111l llotd 'J\a·-.d:iv ;dtl'r11t1011. klll111g llllll' l w l11rc: l11•;1d111g 111 I 111 ,lll'f10l'I lt1 tdll'li .i tltghl h111111 • Siii' -.;11d ht•I l11t.ol lll\'l''lt111 •11I Ill 1h1· :SJ p1111411· ...... 1\'1 ..,,,,, Ill.It h1111 \\,,... $1;1 Slit ..... ,o1 -.Iii· d1d11'I l'lo.fH'l'l lllUt h ,111d \\',..., p11·pa1111g t11 1.oll 11 q111h "h1•n lht ,., 111llt·d lljl ·I 11 1111· 111h1 r I '1.1 rt" d stn .. 1111111g .ind I r t•11w11il,. r •• 111 .. 1, Pelicans to have surgery on beaks By JOE L C. DON 01 lh• Dally Piiot Statt A wam of v1•H·rina nans will t r v t h 1 s w t' l' k l' n d t o m o I ti •• r -t1f1t·1a l upp1·r bt'<1ks and surg1rnlly allac h thl· prusthl'lll' dt'Vll't.'S tu a gr11U(J o f multrla H•d brown (Jl'ltt·:H1s. an ·ording to a LCl~llno N1gul'I ammdl dUl·to r G<ivlt• R o bt:rls o f Crown Vallt·~ Animal Ho~prtal said a l'oill'agut· ctgrt·l•d ttJ tn·<1t lh<' birds afll•r exam1111n~ them T ul'Sdav Fo un°tam Valley vete rmanan R obert Rooks voluntl'N l'd to h elp thl' mJurro pc·hcan s a (tt:r h earing about the mut1l<i11on::. d1scovt•rt-d in Dana P oint Harbor last wcvk In add1t1on. two Los A n g l' I t· ' v c• t l' r 1 n cl r I a n s i>pt•<.·1aliz1ng 1n n o n -dum£•s11C· ammul'> and a v1•tc•nnary dent1st have ofren.•d to d o na.le the rr !>erv1C'c'S (or thl' s ur gical prtx't-dure t"ol low1ng n ewspape r a nd IC'll'VIS IOn 3l'l'OUll tS Of th (; warmer 7 I '6 55 60 Ot c I t• 41 0 I 38 S7 54 47 S• 69 17 so es 43 82 50 SS 48 •5 33 54 . ' 83 39 81 37 30 50 37 •2 31 34 4S 16 28 O• Rilin f.51 Snow(!] Showers 11111 f lum.sE:!J Sall L•~e !>() Son An1vn10 8• Sea111e 59 Shreveport 82 S•ou• Foils co SI LOU•I 75 St P·Tamp11 8• St Sitt M arie 60 Spokane 3• Syracuse 10 Topeka 73 TuCIOi'I 85 Tul111 81 1111asnng1n 70 W1Chll" 68 CALIFOANlll Apple Valltr'f B1l<1•tafield Bers tow eeaumonr Big Bear e11nop Bly11'e c a1a1tn• Eureka F1esno Lancasle• long ee1en LOI llngtllet MonrOYlll l\ll()(lltl>ellO Monllftr'f 28 67 39 58 32 58 t\S C6 27 36 44 49 5C 49 47 80 75 80 81 67 72 89 72 , , 81 04 muttlat1ons. Dr Hulx·r I' ..... 1d tt11 antm:.il Ji11io.µ1l;il rt.'l't•rvt•d ..,.., ,., .ii t•alls rnim Dl'<>plt· "h11 w1s h1·d 111 st•ncl m 111wv to ht·lp ft•1•d and t.111· f111 ttw h1rd s 'v\'1th11ut .111 1111fll'I b1.«1k. tlw 1x•llC'an!-,11 1· L11lal1li· In f1 •1·cl •>n th1•1r n o rmal drl't 111 '" ,. lrsh Off1c·1<1I!. with the· St.1t1 1-'1-.h anti G<imt• Dt:partrrn nt h1·l11 ·v1• angry f 1shl'r m1.·n .irv 1t ·-.po11-.1 lil1· for the· mutilat11111s Tht•\' '•'" tlw )'.X'htans Stt·dl .inl·ho\'\ bull fr11111 boa~ a nd w11i 1·vt•n -.n.Jtl h 11-.h ,is the\ ;,r rt• fl'(_•ll?d tn bv f l'>h<•rrrwn "fhn·1· uf the• t"!.t1.matt'il d117( 11 or 'u pt•lll"lll~ that h..id thc·r r uppt'1 ht«1k ... «h11ppt•d vr s.1\\ l'd oft \\ 1·11· t.1k1·n i,, -.1.1tt• o t I 1t 1.11' to tht• Cro" n \';dl1·y h osprt,al Tlw urf1nab an lrving tnt:1ptUrt· the· uth1·r tnJUrnl b 11 ds b1 Ion· the\' d11• ut sl.irvau on, -..11d f'1sh and Ganw -.p<1kl'-.m.c11 P.11nt·k Moo rt• H o w t'Vl'r. th.it J"b n ·rn;.crn-; d1ff1t·ul1 bt.·t·a u s c· m ost 111 th1• muulatc•d birds apparcntlv hav1· flown awav from thl' 1Jan<1 P1>1nl <.trt•a, ht· .,a.id The· \'t'll'rlll,1rlJll~ I 1rs t pl.111 l• 1 mctkt· a 11 upp1·r ·l.x .. 1k t'Jsl I 111111 .1 bird that dll'cl in N1 ·wpc11 t Rt·.1d1 ot t'l.I U~l'S unrt•l.1t1•d to th o rn11til..ill1111-. Thl' 1l1o ld \\ill tu u s I'd t I) ' ii q h l'.I k ... II u l "I f1U.·rgl.1~ Tht .1rtd 11 1.il h1 .. 1k.., \\ill ht· :.urgllJll\ <1tt.1du•d to tl11 pt•lt{',•ll' with .1 -.p1•11.il d t·rH.il b o nding m..itt•11.d .ind m1 tat pl.1tt•s a nd i.<"rt·w .... slw 1•lo.µla11wd The a nimal d cx·tor-will kno\li rf t hl· pruc;th1·t11 -.urgt•rv '' SUl'l:(·s.-.tul Olllt ' tht•\ 11b-.( rv1 tho· pc•ltt·i.ll1S ft'l•dtll~ Ill lht• wild, '\IW addt-d 111 '" UI It\' gu.11 d s Hv t Ill' ll 11 II' I , .ol 1111·d duw11 w1·'d 1111s:-1 d 11u1 1 lighl . '1'111 11111tt11·1 111th11·1·11•1"11.1g1 ,..., :-\ I I \\ .i I I -. ,1 Id ., ht' ;1 II d Ir I I' t 111,ll.111d h.1v1· .ig11·1·d 111 Ii.ink ti,,. \\ 11111111gs .of 1 .. 1· th1• talo. 111.111 h.1-. 1.1k1 •11 hi ... li1t 1· Tho• 111111wv will Iii' tor qut "'1llr1 l\ '" 11ui d1dd1t·11 u 111 g11 t•• , 11ll1 ·g•'. .111d "'" \-1.'1· d1111't h ;1v1· 10 "1111 ,. Th.it "·1·111-. Iii<" 1111 · h1 ·,1 Ill\ ,.,11111 •111 !->111 -..11d th1 11111111•\ w1111 t 1 li.111gt Ill'• 1.111111\ ·., llll·sl_)>l•· 'l'\1· \\orkt·d t.>11 hart! lo go l \\ lwr 1· l am 1'111 n o t g11111g 111 th11m .ill th;1t ,1" ay JUSt Ix'<"'"' I 1111 " J.il kµol .. Tlw pohl·Y <il:.t1 w 11uld prl'V(·nl l.1111lt v 'l·nal1·-. fr 0 111 111mm1·nl111g 1111 ..,,u1·' n •l;it1·d l o .11111lh1•1 ( 11lh·i.t•· '1'111 lJ u ... tt·1.·i, l•iuk 11•1 ,l('lllJll on t 111' fll l>l)(J-.(.'d p<iltl'y l Wll Wl•('kS ,1gi1, t,u1 s ul'h d o1 ·un11•nts ;.n· tr;11 l1111111;dly rt'turrwd l•if board 111·111111 ;it tti•· n1·xt nl!'t·llng Ur ... trrl'I .~p11k1·,m<J11 H1t·h ard S1 1111111 ,;rrd Lh1· pr<>J>l'1s<·d polwy ... ull 1 ... und1·1 g11111g 11•v11·\\' :J11U p11-.-.ilJlf· n ·v.-.111n 11\ d 1s tr H·t .11trn111"'' a tor·-. u11d v. ill not t'l.Jrnt· bt•l•111 tht• II U'li't'S tonrght 111· ,,1111 Ch.int 1·ll11r N111111.1n WJt!'>ort. \\ h 11 h t • I JJ 1 • d JI r • p " r t • l h t· tl•.11 u1111·11t h.1-. IM·1·11 out 111 town l lit p.1 ... l It \\ \\ t. k ... Writer's Illeeting tonight in Mesa The· pubh<· ts 111v1t1·d to " s p e l'ial wr1tt·r's 1\1 111ng t o n 1 g h t a l 7 . f <' a t u r 1 n g publts h<'<i authors r rom Co:.t.• M(•s;,1 Thl· F nt·nds uf tht· l \1-.1,1 J\lc•-..1 Libraries <1nd thl c ..... 1.1 ~)po;a I I 1s ton cal S1x·1pl' ;u 1 ... punsorrng thl• (n•1· t~v1·11t at t ht· Co~t.i Mt•sa II 1-.t1111l .d SoctC'l\' bu1ldm_g a t lht• <'ornc·r • Fn·:.h prudun·. l·gg .... lrsh h111wy •md houst.' µl.ints will bt.· sold ThuM<•Y c.Junn g th1· Fall H arvest f'f'St1va l a t thl' Ora~gl' County Fairgrounds tn Costa Meso. T he· foll ha1·v1·sl f(·-.u v;tl •Thl' publrl '' 111v1tl'd to .1 Cost a Mt•sa ('It y l'llUIH'il l'andrclatrs forum Thur'\d.ov .11 'i .:Ill p,m 111 t hr· C'ost<.1 rvi, ..... , 11 rg h St·h1.1ul t',J f l'l..r1a, :.!li:111 F'.11n ·1c•\\' Road • "I h>w lo USl' \'OUr mind to t1 1plt· you .-m roml' without \\ 11) kmg hard:· IS lht• t1>plt Of d c· h., 11· a t Thurs d av · s lunc·h t·on al the' W uml:n ·s C'ourn:tl of Realtor.. Tht 11 :JO .1 m St·::...-.1011 will h1 ht• Id .it th<' N t• '' po r I 11 I J\ II ,1 h I I 111 ,\ \ I' II U <" .1 II d l'lu11w1 Str c·t•l J\11111• th,in J d1111 11 l.'11 ... ta J\11 s.1 \' 1111 r-. "ill .ill• nd tlu· 1111 .d .1ulh111' tt l1 b1 .it1u 11 To m ~1 u r r a ' . B a r b a r a Conklin . Ra) m·o nd O b st f e ld. E dritk ~t i ller .ind Ja)n e Ak!>in "111 -.p1-.1k brll'fh on th111 \\lltlllJ.(1.tft'll ... .,.,, 1111111 1nl11rm.1l111n 1 ,cll I It. "1:!';' I "' !Hfi RR-I i 11 11111 11111111 111 ,) p flt \\ill I• .111111 mU..,ll .111d g.11111·, fur , hild1111 T l11· U1.ing1 · Count~ r .11111 Hu11•.1u s µo11s111-. th1 -..tit 11 1 pt 11d Ul'l' I Vl•ry 'I hl11..,.l,1\ Ill (.'11,t.c J\h·-..1 l ltt•r•• .in· six 1";1nd1d;~H·s .ind two 11p1•n sl·,1h 0 11 thl' 1'1111111·11 Cub &~>UI troop :IOI trnm & .. 11 S tn·1·t El1•rnl•nt..1ry !<d luol '' s pon soring the· f1r~t night l tnH • c-.1ncltd.1tt•' I 11rum I l.11 h111 l'<>st,1 J\11·:.<i Board of H1 .. d111r' ·to I Old NPwporl Rini Thl'n' "a $4 c harge for 11wmh1 r s .Jnd $5 fu r n o n nwmlwr' F111 mon rnltlrm.ttton. call n Hi ;)onli 25% OFF SALE f If 2 DAYS ONLY Saturday & Sunday, Oct. 23rd & 24th In cludes all: • OPEN STOCK • OAK BLOCKS • BLOCK AND KNIFE SETS KNIFE SHARPENING CLINIC Sat., Oct. 23rd 11 a.m ~3 p.m. At Coron• del Mu I WHtcllff storea Sun., Oct. 24th 11 a.m.-3 p.m. At Harbor View I An•h•lm Hiiia tfore• Thr•• Kn lv•• Per Cuttomtt I Tiie alorm. 1ccomp•n1ed by Inoa gu11fng to 50 mph 1n oulllttn Mlnneaole . •It o randed hundred• of lr1v11fe11 toroid aome Kh~s lucloM California .. -...;;?-...... -~U~Rf_R_IP_DR_T Ml Wllaon NH<llH NewpOll BellC.h Oekle/\d On1a110 P111r11 Sp11ng1 Puadene PHO Rol>lel River aid• 79 71 78 73 82 78 69 6S 77 71 74 71 92 78 81 78 C8 6S 60 •8 30 43 61 58 49 60 S I 62 63 59 60 58 54 !>8 60 60 57 59 59 58 55 Shorpen•d FREE • . Addltlonol Knlv•• 69• Eoch. Limited To Supply On Hend more than you expect In a hardware store I I 1 1 I Todaf l Loullon ... , .... Hun11no1on 81urr1 2 Huntl:11()(1 Pier 1·3 Sanla na River Jelly 1·3 40th St N...,port 1.3 22nd Gt N8WJ>Of1 1 Balboa Wedge 2 San CletMnl• Plet 1·2 Ttl l,.er IT· rreetl 1·2 .. " ... , ... •• ,_,, fair H 111r 68 fltlr 68 1111 ee poor ee OOOf Ml , .. , 84 fall ~ Smog Where 10 c;all (toll f•H ) for tat.., iimoa-Aiiltmeu~· °'~ Ccllfty. ceoo1 .. a.n2e l.o• Angelee County (100) J42~22 ••• • •••• HARDWARE El VISA. T Oll'\OHOW High T I04I 1t c8 I m LOW T IOt 1 ~~ O 111 lwtil OittcllOn w ... ~elcM Ind San hmatdtno ~tlel: (IOOI MT-4710 AOMO lplaoci. c.tllet (IOO) 242· ..... W"tolf" 17th St. 11 lt""'9. NftpOft BMch, M2· 1133 "-tMw Y .. w St n Mlgu.I Of et San JIOQUln, Newpon S..ch. ~··8570 COfOM det Mer 3 10'1 E Coatl Hwy . 873-2800 AMMtm ~ Santi Ana canyon Ad , 11 lmpetl .. Hwy , 9H ·S29' ,.. /, ' ,----- 011111 caan lllPlll IUCH f flUl RICO WE UNf SOAY. OCTODI n IU l'JU:.' ORANGE COUNTY . C ALIFORNIA 25 CENTS CdM tenants threaten rent strike over hikes By STEVE MARBLE 01 ,.,. Oellr ~llot llelf A r l:' 11 t s t r 1 k t· 1 i. l> l' 1 11 ~ t' on s 1 d l' red by t t• nu n t:; ll f a Corona cJel Mur uµur t mt•nt romplex that IS b<•11\g ~ruonwd for luxury hv111~ Tenants a t thl0 S hor<•s. a 120-umt c'Om pll.'x that ovc•rlooki. nearby East Coost Highway. an: being adv1st.>d of rtm t lnlTt•ast•1> . that will hike• monthly paymen ts Slaying suspect escapee The man he ld on susp1l·1on of murder m the de<:ap1tallon dt•ath of a Mission Vie.JO man ('Sc:apl'd from a Montana s t ate· ml'nral hospital five years ago whc•rl' hi.' was sent for the brutal slaying of a cab driver, authorit1t'S said Cody Leo SchrC'1bt.•r . 29. also known as Barry Andt•rson. was arrest ed e arly Tuesday by Orange County S h eriff's Department m vesugators, thn-e days after De nnis Sc·hubC'rt's headless bodv was found in the back yard o.f the ho mt-th<.'y shared at 23342 Via Guard1x Sheriff's Sgt. Lynn Nt.?hring said Schre1b<!r l<.'ft an Anaheim bus station a t 9:45 a.m Saturday and was met at a Sat-ramC'nto bus station at 7 p.m bv local pol1C·c• Schre ibe r wa r emember e d as extrem e ly intelligent. and sheriff's 1nvest1gatur.. from Orange County Nehrin g said s hC'rdf 's investigato rs con s1dt•r ed Schreiber a suspect s ince th(• death. but were reluctant t<> release anv inCormation until questioning.h im further Investigators returned to Orange County early Tuesday morning with the 29-year -old susp ect. He was bookl'd into Orange C,ounty Jail where hl' 1s beinR held on $250.000 bail. Schre1ber's arraignment today w as co nt inue d to next Wednesday. M iles C ity, Mon t , po l1c C' chief Jim Certain said Schreiber was arrested Oct 9. 1976. two days after the body or a local cab driver Donald MoyC'r, 36, was found. Moyer had been shot to death a nd stabbed n umerous times. Certajn said Certain said that Sch reiber pleaded guilty to the grisly crime and later changed his plea to not guilty by reason of insanity H e was sen t to a mental institution at Warm S prings. Montana, w here hc was alleged to have walked off the grounds in October. 1977. Cer tain said. S chreiber . who gre w up m Miles City, was remembered by the chief of police as "borderlin<' extreme ly int e lli,li?e nt , an a ccomplis h e d mus1c1an and distance runne r." He was adopted by Mr and Mrs. Ed Schreiber who hve on t h e o utskirts o f the s m all Montana town. the chil!f said. Prior to his a rrest for the murd er o f th e cab driver, Schreiber's only other run-in with the law was a felony theft charge in Cottage Grove, Oregon in early 1976. that was la ter dropped. Certain said. -INDEX- At Your Servi<.'C Bus mess Cavalcade Oassified Comics Crossword Death Nollces Editorial Entertainment Food Horosropc Ann Landen Movies Mutual Funds Na tional News Public Notl<."CS Sporta Or. Sielncrohn Stock Marketa Televla£on Theaters Weath•r A6 A8-9 All 05-8 88 85 0 5 AlO B4 C l-12 All All B4 AS A3 83.87.~ Di-4 All A9 86 84 A2 fur i.omc· hv rwurly $:.WO. St•vt•ral · h'na11ls said ti mu1111 l'Xudus 1s u11dl'r way and th:1l at h•ast urw lllth u f -thl· 1'1•ntl·I'~ huvt• left ur an.• µtanning tt• rnuvt• o ut bt.·fon· tlw d~t· of th1· 111111Hh Thi· ow11l•rs did 11ut vt•1'il y 1 l11s I l'JX>rl J ohn M1mSl't1, i.I frt."1.'lam-..· I 1lm makl·r and ~pokC"sman ror lhl· UIJSl'l n•ntl'f'S, S<HJ Lill' OWlll'f"S or tht• apartnwnts h..ivt.• agrt't'i l tu Making a splash nwt'l With h•n:int~ T hllf'ilday 11 "' :.t11 tt h l ' 1 N h 111w r u 1 u l'o111prom111t· t•nn bt• n •utht.'d o n lilt' 1°1'11L 111k1•i; and thut rnorc· druSlll' '>ll•pi; sud1 as J n•nt 11tr1kt.• t'Ull Ix • UVl'l'\t•d Thi• uw111·r:-., though. said tlwy <11111't h1•li1•v1• tlll'l l' 1:-. a11vth111K lu l\l'j.{Olllltt.• Tht• (:ot•dt·n C.:11 . JI\ Ir v11w f 1r111 that fl'(.'t.'ntly purc:h:.is~ .. d th<.· l'OmJ'IPx, n •JX1l'tt.'<i that t•xtens1vc· rt•novnt1on 111 untlt•r way 11t ltw ~hun•1' und 1h111 n •nl:. 111ui;1 ~u uµ "Wt.• don't l1kt• thut wurd ·rwgot1oll•' Wt· pun haiwd tht.• JlnlJ)l•rLy. W(''n • till' OWlll'rS ond tlwy I tlw ll•nunl1') tll t ' Jl'llllR hk1• th1:-. Ii. l><lllll' l>llrt 11( t•1111tlom1n1u111 setup." s;11d BnJ1°1· l'nH ·hlu h. J G 0t'Clt•n Co t•xt>t'ullv1• Frut'11 l1l'h i.a lll w h l•11· 1h1· UWIWl's lJOUl(ht tht• J'I OJ.14.'lty , Defir Piiot Photo br Gery AmlHOH Al Kolb s wing!" hi~ ·i -yt·ar-old ~on , Eric, O\'t>r the surf n ear the.· ~ewport Bt>ac h Pier. Tlw family t•ame down from Santa Ana for an evenitig a t the bt'at·h. Evicted job firm A Costa Mesa JOb pubht·at1on business that was the target of numerous complaints to pollt.'t' has shut Its doors and moved to Sant.a Ana. authorities said. Help Wanted Publicat1 on. 2 110 Ha rbor Blvd .. was evicted last week by the property ownc r Jack Myers for failure to make' a rental payment. Johannes "Henry" Vanderra said 1n a pho ne 1n terv1ew Monday that h e d eliberately withheld a portion of the $5 JO monthly rent payme nt, claimlng there were holes in the roof of the building. Vanderra said that business dropped from an average of 30 customers a day to zero last week after dissat isfied c ustomers successfull y discouraged ne w clrents from entt•ring the Costa Mesa building Many romplamcd that the· list o r JObs for which they paid $25 wa s merely a co py of adverusc•mc nts found 1n tht' class1f1e d sl•ction o f a local n<'wspaper "W e do n ot d e n y that ." Vanderra said Monday. "We JUst opened a rouple of months ago a nd mos t e mployers a re n ot aware or us. We go through the newspaper. They come In tht' office and pay money. We don't point a gun at their heads." Steve S hulman, a C06ta Mesa Police det~uve. said he received nearly a d ozen calls Monday from people who wanted their money back and wanted to know wh crc th <' b u s 1n1•s s had relocatl'd • Ill SA S1nl·c· o prn1ng 1n Augus t, Vanderra said hC' has rNurnt-d about $2.000 to custom1•rs as part of a Vl'rbal guarantt't' Ill refund the $25 f~ to d1ssausfwd clients after one month Last month lhC' S tall.' Burc•au of Employment Agc•ncws ordered the company to stop advertising s peci fie job offers fo und in newspapers. Vandc•rra said he complied Sunday Las t week Pat Antrim. w ho operated AAA Hc•a lty a t the same location. dem('Cl reporL'I that he was leasing the prop<>rty or h ad anv connection to th'lp Wantt.'d ·Pubhcat1on Help WantC'd Publlca t1on 's new address 1s 21 :rn Oa1mlN Street . San t.a Ana Couple on trial in absentia Ci vil suit broug ht by forme r busines partner ' of the case before Judgl' r<.'nders By STEVE TRIPOLI Oft ... Delly flffot Steff A civil s uit against local re11taurateur Irwin Milman and his wife, Francine. is proceeding in Orange County Superior Court despite the abse nce o f the Milmans and any attorneys to argue their side of the case. The unusuaJ circumstances al"()S(• ~Ule of the disappearance or the M ilman& from Orange County late last month . apparently with about $ l million In contested BSIM?ta Judge Jam<'S Judg<' agreed to hear a suit filNI by a formPfl business partner of the Milmans d es pite the disa ppearance. however. Former partner Irving Martenson c la ims he was illegally Induced Into signing over his Interest in the Lakeside Res taurant near J<>hn Wayne A i rport by Millman , who recently 11old It for about $3 million. Tw o attorne ys fu r th e Marte n son qucstlonC'd their client and hl1t wife before Judge Tuesday Onf' of them. Richard McMillan, Mid during a break in the trial that lawyers w ou ld prMCnt only the Muru:-nsons' 1dc • a dec·ls1o n in .the matter. The Milmans. who reportedly left the area S ept. 29. would have to return and hire a nt.'w ' attorney if th<.'y wish LO present a dcf Prl!le In thl' case. McMiiian said. The Mllmans' former auornt>y was r~movcd from the Cast' lut wcl'k after h • told Superior Court J udge Phllllp Petty that hl' could not dt-tend tht' Mllmans In their nbaencr-. and that \ht• M1lmans owed his low firm about $50.000 l,f\ legal ~ct.~ th1•y 111ad1' II Jll'Olllll>l' Ill .1 lt •11dt•1 th;it th1• ap11r1111i-nt l11111pl .. x W11Uld 111• 'IJll lH't•d Ufi Ill '>111111 111 dt·r Mv111-ot·11 ...._.,d ll•n.111b ll>t•I till' 11•11t l11k1•s ,111• 1111 fllult• tlhlll ,1 furlt.'V w.1 y uf gt•t1111g n ·n lf·r' tu ' 'f I n 11 11 l l''' t h l' JI I II JI 11 S I' d 1111111 ov1·1111 ·11 L.., "Tht• owrwr:-. an• upgrntlin~ tlu· rl'nt' l:wfort· 1twy upgracl1• I h I' 11 v 111 g a I I a II u t. 1111· n t s ... M ur\M'll said I I•· i;.11d 1 lll' l•·nunls wunt till' 11wr11 ·1' lt1 1111,..h h<tt'k thl· Ne.iv I dt•.11111111• 1111 r'l•llt 1m-rt•iJst"S until a l'lllllJll llll\ll"-' 111 I t'.lt'h t.-d "I '>UfJ J.IO'>l' 1f thl·y (thl· ownt'n.) wa11t, w1· tan Ix· c·m·m1t~ and lt'l l'Vl'I ~unl• lu~l',00 :-.;.11d Munsl'n "Tlit:r<. st"\·m~ t.o bt.• :.c.11m: !>Ort ol 11 o t 1 o n h c· r e t h <t t b t· 1 n J( fSee RENT, Page A21 Irvine De Lorean workers puzzled on firm's ·future By GLENN SCOTT Of the Delly Pllol Slelf EmpluVl'l'' at thl· f)(· Lurl'an Motor Co . t'Xt't'UllVl' offtn·i. rn I rvint• reportt•d to work today but thl' ruturc.• of thcrr mmpany !>l'4.'ml·<l unn·rtain ::i fa·r thl•V wen· rcx:kcd with two startling announeC'm C'n l s Tu t's d av aflt.'rlllXlll • Tht• Bnt11>h got-l'rnmt•nt first 1:.suc-d a slall·mt'nt that 1t plan!> to pl'rmanentl ~ shut do wn thl· financially troubk·d s ports t•ar manufat."turing plant l'stabhshl"Cl fo ur y l•ars ago 1n Nurthl•r11 Ireland by G l'nl·ral M o t or!> l'Xpatri<11l' John De Lorean Ontv hours la ter, f'BI offil'lals l'Hllcd ·a pn•s.<; confcn·m·e 1n Lps Angeles to annount·e that undcrC'ove r agcn ts had arn•s tcd De.• Lorean a l 3 pm at a hotc·I near Los Angeles lntl•rnatio nal Airport. They cJa1med h e apparently had tried w finance a $24 million t•ocaine deal to raise capital to rcsurre('l his dying busi ncs.'I Supervisors at the Irvine offu:e declined romment thLS morning on the implications o f the events as they awaited word from their chiefs in New York. Said one worker. •·Right nuw, we don't know a ny more than vou do" [)(> Lorei.ln's plant near Belfast had bc·C'n in rc'<:e1versh 1p Sin<'(' f't·bruary with debts esllmat<:'<l at $68 million. according to The Assoeiated Press. Thl' Britis h govC'rnmc•nt initie11l y viewing tht· t·ntL·r pnsc as a possible l..JOn for lot·al Jo bs. had invested morl' than $143 million m governme.ll grants a nd loans. But De-Lorean's stainless Sll't'I. gull-wing sports ear selling for $:l!'>.OOO rwver C'nllced enough buyl•rs tu make tht· businC'i.s prof1tablC' and thc> plant that Ont'<' had employt.'d 2,tiOO worke rs had lx>t'n gradually )using money Richard T Bretzing. s pecial agent in charg<' of the FBl's ~ Angeles o ff1t•c. said De L orl'an had bet•n under su rvt•ilhinn• l' J I I V I n I t S f I \' e · m 0 n I h . undC'n:over invest1gat1on lt·admg IC> his arrest Two uthc>r ml'.'n arn·stl-d tall' l\londav alsu havl' lx>t•n chargN:I 1n thC' c0ti.11nt> t·asC" W1lli:tm l\forgan Hetrick, 50. ownPr of un av1a11on s<'rv1cc m Mojave. and S tephen Let.' Arringto n, 34, of San D1t•go are suspectN:I of being thl· plannN:I suppliers of almost 220 pounds of cocaine that FBI off1 C'1als said De Lorean h ad ,1rran~C'd to buy. Brc•1:r.1ng 1mplwd during his annount'l'mC'nt in a c•onfe renc·C' roorn pal'ked with repor ters, (See IRVINE, Page A31 John Z. Dt> Lo rean Auto maker captured in cocaine bust Hy LJ~DA DEllT CH AHocleled p, ... Wtll•t LOS ANGELES -John Z. De Lort>un. onellmt' G C'ncral Motors bov wondc>r who later marke ted his own futunsti(' stainless steel sporLs car. St't up a $24 m1JUon t·c11.·amt• dt•al in a desperate bid to savt' l11s bankrupt eompany, the FBI l><iYS Dt.· LorC'an. 57. spent the night in J<lll afu•r his arrest Tuesday at an airport hotel with several kilograms o f l'Ocainc. Parke r Ct•nter Jail watc h commande r Lt Lant'<' Homt.•ro said today. "His c·ompany 1s in severe f1nanc1al problems," Richard T . Bretzmg. spt-c1al agent m charge of th<' FBI Los Angeles office. told a nt"WS l'Onrerence. "And he fC'art>d tht• poss1bil1ty o f his company b<•ing cloSC'd down by the go\'C'rnmt.•nt which had extcnded Joans to him "He was c·xprcssmg interest in financing some type of operation that wnutd produce. quickly. large sums of money in ret urn fo r the mvt.-stmcnts ·• Tht• arrests of De Lorean and two other m<'n takt•n into custody on Monday ended a five-month undercover probe which tracked the auto executive across the 1See DE LOREAN, Page A3) Prize boat mystery solved in Newport By JODI CADENHEAD Of, ... Delly f'llet atett The mystery of the H obie catama ran that d isappeared minutl'S before it was to be aucllonf'd at a gala charity event in Newport Beach Sunday has been solved follow i ng some sleuthing and a few carelessly tossed Shakespearean lines. "ll was a comedy of errors," soid 8rut·e H aZ(•n. "Much ado obout n othinR .'. he added, pulllng his to n gu1• uut of his cheek long e nough to explnin whtH hapJX'ned. The ft'amlly Crlslll Ccn wr. ot which H aicn is d irector. wa~ holdi ng its o nnual a u c tio n Sundoy ~,n tht• shore nC'or the Balboa Pavilion. Thf' snilboa\ donated by Hobie Newport was consldcrt."41 the premier pritt' • Conc-crned about the d<.•livery of the catamaran. Hai.en called Hobie Sunday and was told the croft would be there by dusk. Surc enough. a sparkling new boat was waiting m the s pace that had been rcst>rved near the Fun Zone when Hawn and the auctioneer che<:kcd But unknown to Hawn and the 180 guests was that It wasn't the right boot. A w indless night kept the rcal auction boat and Its crew . s talled a distance Rwny Qt 16th S tr('('t Mtnnwhllf', back at the pavilion, the cr owd watched from the 1horc u thl'(-e people hoP.pt'd uno th e catamaran and sfl,lcd away. The crowd was conv1nttd it w1 1n out. and out th<:' ft. fStt HOBIE. Pa1e !t> ' • Ot•flQ C,01111 DAILY PILOl IW•dn id y Oetob r 20 1982 NB I N Y ,.~ t :<>MPO 'l 'rE 1'R OUOl<lllON\IN(lUOI 1114110•\0" '"' "IW ~Oii• MIDWl\f l'Al,IP I( •lw 1 0\fON OUIOll &NO CINCl""All HO<W ~ a c1u.11ot \ 411110 •ll"Oll lo••'"' 11uo ""0"'"'"'1 Dow Jones Final UP 20.33 CLOSING 1,034 12 ~\\\ '''''" Dollar up, g old down I ONIX)N (/\I') I tu US d 111l,u n"' 111 1 1rlv 1111 1 1g11 'M h.u1g1 11 1d111g lod.1y t1111rl pr t d11 tru n .., 111 llllt ti '' I oto tit l lll)O ... lfl ~~UlllfJl ,Jlld JJfJLlll l111ld dr1111p1d f11ll11w111g 111 ivy ''lling tn N1w Yrnk loll 1 IH ... d t\ 'I IH 11111111 'o.,t1 111Ath w.i ... 1t111but1-<I hy 1-:ur up1 111 1 It "',., '" ... ,,. t ul.0111111 Jl.lllUI J.Xl'-'>ll>h· lllh 11 .,, I 1\t ... l ul ... ,,, ,, tll I> 111k .. Ill W1 .... ( rl, fl\ lllV o:JOd J 'IAlll Sui h. Uh v. 111dd 111 tlo 1111.t ... 11111 llh do 11eor111 n .t11 rl 111 t h11.,t• l lllfOflllO ' "'' ,11\f,Hll\l th 111 d ull,lf dtllClllllllolld 111\ l '>11111 Ill'. ( tlild IH g Ill 1111 tr.1drng d ,1\ IJv r.11l111g $U l'J Ill I lt111g K t111g Ill ( ltM oil $-1~7 bi,, troy tlUllU l1npor t c la ims nixed \t\t\SllJN{,(ON (Al') The Sup n1111 C:.<1U1l rt J• 1 11 d 1 I 11111'.'. t11c.l<1'! th;.H the• lult•t 11 gov1 r nme nt 11!1 i.: ill\ te11It111 d up 111 $~OU n111l1011 1n po t1 1111..il 111111111 I d11111 .., ... 11 11m11ng from the "'h 111 J 111<1111-.1 I• 11 \ l'>1t•t1 't 1-. I Ii• 1 ttlll I '' llhuut l\11111111111 It I o.,t;ond •' d1-< 1-.111n th 11 llit ,1.(11\11111111 nt Ill l~IHO .1ll1'll 111uJJtrlv 1n -.11tli11~ 1h o1 ~1 ' thll lhr J,1p,llHM \\.ttc Mll111g '.'.th Im urd .. 11 I\ le1\\ plltt' Tra d e s urplus told WASlllN<. I ON tAl'I 1'11t Unllld St.11f-. htld V. 11 Ii ( Ufl\r11 U IHl> I ldl ~I )\! b1 l 1U-.1 ul I h1 !::>t>VJI \ U llloll d 1 $I J IHll111n o.,ur plu-. 111 11 J Clt tlollf11flt '-Ill t h l 'J>rtng lJU,lrt11 lttotl It I d ,111d ft 1 ltllll I ~II' 111 ).!II\ I fllllll Ill It IJOl I , ... y-. f ht l !"> l11t11nt111111.J l1.1tl1 t 11mm1 .. ,111n ,J\., th ii '" 1\\11 n J\p11I 111d J une ul thi... \1<11 t h 1 t,; S -.ur plu-. 111 1r.1d1 \\.1th Con11nun ... 1 111111111-. u n• 1u 11 lt d to $1 I I u ll 11111 doll.irs STOCK S IN THE SPOTLIGHT AMERICAN LEADERS ,, f'trf EW V0kK At 41'\(J (11('1 \"4fiQ(" ul If Nt• -. oo ''°" • ~ .... , J p ' p ., .. t n .. n n o\t 1t<t ••• l • Oi10Q1 t\-.Vlf'\ t\Ott H\tf\ \I N EW Y0f1"-A,-, ~" •' J u n t:H .. \ ftnd rw-1 < MnQt-tJt tn.. t~r ~'' • hvr .f Amer <.ltn ~t<Y i. f ,,.,. 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GOLD QUOTATIONS By The A11ocl1te-d PrH1 s~•eclPd VwO!lf) Qf'l(J P •t.PS t -d.l, London tu 111 1 i 1 , 1 q $4~ ~ ;~ of' $11 7~ London IOt•rmu , ' ... Q S•?c 00 or $19 50 Pe•I• """' nnn 1 , '<1 $41; tis olt $ t2 ~7 Fran~lurt ,,, nq S41<> 00 a ll Se 96 _J Zurich lalt' Jltl'•n•>t t • ng $423 oo Oii $17 00 b.O $4?4 0(1 t• ~Id H1ndy 6 H1rm1n '"'"1 d ~ Iv QUOle t ~·2200011$19 50 • Engelherd 1only Oot ly QvOI! 1 S4.?2 od o11S t9!'>0 • Engelh1rd to111y <1Altv 1.1uul<'i taot ca1eii $443 tO ott S20 48 1 SYMBOLS GOLD COINS NEW VORK t l'I P) Pt C"t late N .. aoesaov ol ootr1 coins como••ecl wtlh I t.,.ICl•I s C><ICOIS lltllf .. <•nd t lroy QI 1•50 00 UP $9 75 Mtople l .. I I l•Oy 01 ,45 1 50 up $9 75 .... so PHo, 1 1 t•O't' 01 SS28 60 up S 11 75 Awe 100 erown 911()7 lrny nr 1•28 25 VP $9 00 I ?$'•. •• , ... 7)'• )f \,. ...... 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