HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-10-21 - Orange Coast PilotI ) 111111 Cllll Ylll llllllll llllY PIPll f HUH SO A Y OCT O UI II .' 1 1'111.' OflANGf COUN TV C AllfORNIA 25 CENTS ~conomy: No cheers yet Caspar W einberger Official hits NB 'snobs' By STEVE MARBLE Of the 0911)' Piiot Steft A housing official has taken aim al a group of Newport Beach residents. charging their cnucism of a proposed afCordable housing project smacks of bigotry and elitism. Ra lph Kennedy. a projeC'l manager for the Orange County Fair Housing Council, said Newport Beach has a reputation as being a community where people of modest means are not welcome. ''Th e N ewport B eac h homeowners. city officials and businessmen who have been heard from on this issue are so far out of touch wilh basic human needs that lhe most incredible fact is lhal any poor person would wanl lo be their neighbor," Kmnedy said. The fair housing group LS one of the o rganizations sui ng Newport Beach. alleging the city has discriminatory ho using practices. Kennedy said his comments were pro v oked py rece nt disc u ssi o n o f a proposed affordable housing project on Lrvine Company land near the fa s hi o nabl e Ea s tbluf f community. The project was proposed by Newport city planne rs and. if approved, would boost Irvine Company building rights from 120 to 750 units on the 35-acre parcel of land. Several Eastbluff resid e nts have c:omplained that the project (See NEWPORT, Page AZ ) By STEVE TRIPOLI Of lhe 0.Aly Pllol II efl Tht•rc• w3s cautious opum1sm about thl' pros~'<·~ for t"l'Onom1c· r('('OVl•ry bu l no pn•rnu lure n•lebr<1t111g -among thosl' inlcrv1t•wt•d Wl'dn(•sduy ut un Eco11on11c· Outlook Conft.•nm('<' in Anaheim. Oranl(l' County bus inessmen and women who s poke w11h reporll.'rs appeared as t•agc•r lo b a ( k P r t.' s 1 d e n t R t• a g a n 's economic program as mo!.t of those who addrc•sst.•d the approximately 900 pcoph.-in attendum't•. They wt•n• nut 4u11e so rt•ady as lht.• s peakt.·rs t o .dt.-clare !hi.it those policies would brin~ rcht.'f soon. howevt'r Jim Hell. vice president and head of lhe corporal<' banking group al Bank of Amcrit'a 's Anaheim offic.'t'. said tht.• rt..'l~nt ll>Wt•rlrlt( of mll'r1•s1 ru tt•s urul robw.t 1>t·rfurmtmcc• uf thl' slut·k markc!l an· "enc.-ouraging" signs I l e 1 I s a 1 d h e w a s · · I t' s s 1•nc'Ourugt"<J" by what ht• ll'rmc>d the "nominal" growth in the nation's gross n1:1t10nal product rt•porwd lh1 s week, howt.•ver "Thcst• ure turning signs, bu1 they'n • not really signs that we'n• in a full-blown rc't'Ovc•r v." Heil said · Earl T imm o n s, n u w a -l·onsultant lo lht.• Irv1n1• <.:ornpL1ny a ftt>r n-cenlly being laid off as lhl' <:ompany's dirf'c'to r or markc•ting services. prt'Ci1<.'lt'd th<' l-conomy "1s going lo gt•l bt•tlc•r in l 9t!J, but not dramat1<.·ally so . "I t 's going lo be a fairl y sluggish rl'(:ovcry. but at least it's going to be o n the upslopt.• rather than thl' downslope," Timmons said. Decisions, d ecisions . . . l11Clu11on 1 wh1e h T1mm1111 s t·ullt-d "tht· dr1v1ng fort•t• Ill tht• C'<'Onomy," will be: undl•r l'Ontrol for "al ll•ast lhe n<•xt st•v<•ral yl•ars," u 11t.l tht· t·c:un umy t•vl'ntually will prospc•r btoeauM.· uf II, ht• mud But um:mploymenl will rn nu1n high for awhilt-, until changing dt•mographics changt• tht• jobs p1cturl', he prcdkll'd Timmons also said ~t· long-tc·rm l'<.'Onom1e p1t'tUrC' IS ' very rosy" beot:aust:' of at·uons lx·ing taken now. Julie Farber, an mdt.•pc•ndcnt consult<mt and markl't reS(•archcr Crom Mi s.-;1on Vil'jo, pret.lit:tcd "a painful tran~1tion" and n'<.·ovt.'ry punt·tuated by a number of unanswt.•rt.>d qut•st1ons OV<'r tht.· nt.·xt f1•w Yl'<if'S. Borruwmg a tl'rm Crom om• of the confcrencC''s speakers. F'arb1:r said the shift from "a smokestack Choo ing the right pumpkin for a Halloween jack-o-lantern i no easy ta k. First you have to find one that weigh less than you do. T his young man contemplates the selection a t the l nine Ranch Farmers Market o n Myford Road. (1r11111ul :H·turing) t o a high lt-<·hnology t'l'Onomy makes the human fm:tor a big qul'St1on "Will the auto maker be able to s w I t (' h l 0 l' 0 m p u t c r pr·o~ramming?" s he askC'd. "ll will bt· a painrul transition. but in lhl· long run a healthy one." Farlwr s aid she· was not partu:ularly thrillC'd by recent upllrn1slll' ('('Onom1l' md1C'ators "h 's d1rf1 t'ull to g<.'l excned ovc.·r what's happ<-m-d 1n the last lhrl'l' months becaus1· ovC'r the past !wveral yc•ars tht• l'l'Onomy has h<•<•n seesawing up and down , 1·ssl'nt1ally moving sideways h 's difficult to S(•(• that lh1s 1s ·THE turnaround because wc'vl' said that so many limes lx•fon•" · Marvin Hcrschbc:rg, executive d1n'Ctor of the!' Medical Ccnwr of !See ECONOMIC, Pa~e A2) To m Bradley Bradley goofs oc • 1n By JEFF ADLER O( Ille Dell)' Piiot Sl•ft Demot·rallc gubernaturial C'a nd1date Tom Bradley t.'rrt.'d Wednesday when ht' plt.-dgc-d to be the first governor to appoml a memb<>r lo th e Califo rnia Transportallon Comm1ss1on from Orange County. Outlining hi s plans f o r revitalizing the sta te's sagging econ omy to about 900 people allend1ng the 20th annual Orange Count y Chamber o f Commercl' Bus iness Outlook Confere nce at the Anaheim Convent.Ion Cent.er, Bradley said he had a long -s t a nding commitment to make sure• that Orange Co unty would be represented on the important panel t h a l oversees s tate trans portallon p olicy and fund in~ ''One of the things that greatly concerns Orange <Aunty 1s lhal th ey have not had a representative from this great county serving on the s tate Transporta tio n Comm1ss1o n." Bradley said "Obv1ouslv you've nol ha·d a ready and informed voice speaking on behalf of this county" But a s hi s R C'publ1can opponent pointed out when he addressed the t"Onvenuon sevl•ral hours lalC'r. Orange County does indeed .have a rcprcsenlallve s it t ing on the l'omm1ss1on. Orange County Board o f Supervisors Chairman Bruce Nestandc. appointed last J uly by Gov. &lmund G Brown Jr (See BRADLl!:Y, P age A2 I De Lorean found industry doesn't run on charisma By GLENN SCOTT 0( tM O .. ty Piiot 11.tf Colleagues and admirers say John z. De Lorean's charisma, op ti m1sm and s lreng th of character fueled his fmanc1aUy ailing sports car operation when it was ready to run out of gas. And his lawyer said Wednesday that De Lorean still expects to save the Northern Ireland-based business. which now is in receivership and has been set for permanent closing by the British government. The business includes a plant near Belfast, where an estimated 1,300 people s till a re on its payroll. A U .S. s ubsidiary includes executive offices in Irvine employing 35 people and a dealer preparatory shop in Sant.a Ana. just across the city limits from Cost.a Mesa. Abo ut a dozen people stall work there. The challenge has never been greater for De Lorean. lhe silver-gray haired innovator who appeared tired and unshaven Wednesday in federal court .in Los Angeles to plead innocent to charges lhat he conspired to sell 220 pounds of cocaine to raise money to bail out his car-making dream. Assistant U.S. Attorney James Walsh told a courtroom jammed with re porters from throughout lh e United States and Britain thal undercover agents had videotaped several exchanges $5,000 reward offered in pelican mutilation As more mutilated pelicans began turning up from Los Angeles to San Diego. federal wildlife official• announced • $5,000 reward wu belnl offered for Information leadln1 to the con viction o l who e ver ia chopping oU the upper beaka ol the blrda. About • dozen of the lnjurod brown pelicanl were "chted ln Dana Point Harbor lut week. Since t hen, five have been captured and brouQht to Crown V alley Animal lloaplt.11 in l..aaWl• Niguel. One dHd bird I • t waahe d up on the beach In Carlsbad and another rel>C)C1edly had to be d e1tr oyed whe n 1tuthorttJa decided the bea.klea bird could not be NVed. Without the upper beak, the birda h ave no way to f eed thenwelW'I ln the wild. Though the pelicans normally tat live fiah, they are doing well when hand-fed a diet of Ct1h ptl'U and vlt.amJn aupplcmcnta. according to Crown ValJey veterinarian Gayle Robert.a. A IJ'OUP of vetertnariana will (See PELICAN, Pa1e At) with De Lorean over lhe past five months. One of the sessions, he said, was on Tuesday when De Lorean. upon viewing several kilos of cocaine, had remarked: "This 1s better lhan gold. ll came just in the nick of time." De L o r ean was arrest e d moments lat.er. Bernard Minsky, De Lorean's lawyer. did not challenge his client's involvement m the drug- selling scheme but claimed his client's motive was strictly to save the company. He said De Lorean was lured lnlo the scheme. s uggesting that the defense may argue entrapment. "Knowing he would need money. people contacted him," said Minsky . "I think h e fell prey. l think he's more' of a victim" U.S . Magistrate Volney Brown Jr. set bail for De Lorean at $5 miUlon, but a llowed a 5 percent deposit, or $250.000 Minsky said his cash -poor clienl probably would post the $250,000 m "one or two days." WalAh had asked Cor bail set at $20 million, claiming thal De Lorean was a great threat to nee the country. "We are looking at the reall1tlc p<*lblllty of a 67-year-old man •pending the rest of h is life in jail," saJd Walsh, who earlier had etlimat.ed De Lorean'• net worth at $38 million, minua anotht-r $50 million Ucd up In h i• company. An affidavit from FBJ Agent J e rry W est filed with t ht> complaint ..,·r\I that De Lot'fan ,. William He tric k had reached an agreement with an unde rcover agent of the federal Drug Enforcement agency lo trade stock in his company Cor money to finance the drug deal. The agent, John Valeatra, offered to put up $3.2 million to combine with De Lorean's $1.8 million to buy cocaine -and late r her oin -from William M orga n Hetrick, who waa arrosted Monday a long with 8890Clate Stephen Arr1n1ton in connection with the-ume cue. Arter $60 milUon wu railed by ule of the drup, Valettra would own ~ pe~nt of tM t\oCk fn De Lorun Motor Cara Ltd., ••Id West. . tephe n Arrington Minsky defended De Lorean's action as not for personal gain. "He had a dream and a vision. He got this car, but now he wants to save it. I think we kno w what's happened to this pomt," he said. But Walsh scoffed: "One doesn't create an indus try on lhe backs of cocaine users and herom addicts." T h e revelations about De Lorean seem to f it into his remarkable life like a new chapter in a novel. The words of former Newport Beach r esident J Bru ce McW illiams, who earlier this year ran De Lore an 's U .S . operation out o f tHe Irvine offices, ring with co1n,·1dental clarity. Ln this month's issue of Car & Driver Ma.gazine. he wrote: "ll 1s altogether likely that John De Lorean w ill become lhe most written-about person 1n the h istor y of lhe Am e rica n automobile industry. "His career has had a larger· than-Ufe quality that Americans (See CHARISMA, Page A2l ..-----1110------. At V our Service A6 Movieti 84.5 Buaine. C8·9 Mutual Jl'unds C8-9 Cavalcade A9 National News A3 Clu.tfled 05 Public No\kft C7-8,D2-4 C-omia 86 Sporu C l-6 Cl'<*Word 86 Dr. S~lncrohn A9 Oe1th Notlces 02 Stock Marketa C9 F.dltorial A8 Televiaion 8 7 Enterta.lnment ~ ThMten 84-5 HorOICOpe A9 Wulhor A2 Ann Landers A9 ··~ .. • l ' • 6 Or 11nge Coaal OAIL V PILOl /l hurltJ y. OclolHtr 2 1, IOtl:I NEWPOllT ll()US IN(;. • • . r faces! Land proinot a l es fraud trial ··BRADLEY ERROR. • • Nesum dc, tht> attorm.•y gl'rwrul .iso noted, la h ea_.dlng up the Ocukmejian l'ampall(n In Orang<' County. J Anot h er Orange County 19embe r of the p o n td b o th • •ndldates neglected to mention •• ~ the eommisi.1o n's c hairm11n , lva n Hinderakl•r , a long-L11n1• nsldent of Corona del Mar. ~.( Explaining Bradley's error, h lS , .J-P.feSS secr('tary Tom S ullivan said b tfae mayor had "forgotten" about :;;s.Nestande's appointment : S ullivan alS<> took cxc.-e ptlon to ~ Oeukmejian's claim that Bradley ~ had opposed r reating a separate ~-dmin1stra t1ve 'trans porta tion ;· Jl,istrict for Orange County . : ·: Calling the attorney general's : -'assertion "anothe r d istortion," Sul11 va~ s aid Bradley had supported lTl.'ation of the new district for the l'OUnty once "hi.' was assured that the funding was equitable and w ould n o t bt' ra1d1ng Los Ang e l es o f 1ranspor tat1on doUars." Although the two candidall's appeared s epa,ralt•ly a l lhl• confe re nce. the verbal JOUsllng ECONOMIC. • Garden Grovl', said thl' lowering of in terest ralt'S will sur business acti v1ty a nd inLTeast• jobs as a result Herschbt'fg said the Reagan adm 1ni s l ra11on s h o uld n ot abandon plans lo further cul •taxes 1f 11 wan ts to get tht• maximum benefi t f rom 11s economic program. Bob Baldwin, vice president of Cro<'ker Bank. said th<.• recen t surg1• rn lhC' slock market shows that "the m vt.-stmg public.· views the future wrth more optimism. "F'rom that standpoint it's a good sign." Baldwin said. Con ference particip a nt L y nn Marll'r said she 1s unsure whe n or if rCL'Ovc•ry will com1•. "l don't know h ow close to ·around the C'Orner' W C! arc." sh<• said. referring to a phrase used by se veral sp<:·akers Wednesday "You JUSl haVl' 10 be opt1m1stt<: Hopefully 1t wall get belier " The confe renC'e, sponsored by the Orange County Chamber of Commerce. included l e deral. state and private sector o fficials among 1ts speake rs. lhul hu.~ m11rk1 .. I llw l .1111ph1j(11 111 n·1·1•111 d11 y11 t·mH111u1•d d vr1111< th{'tr O rang1.• County sll1povt•r Al a morning n1•w :. 11111fert·m'<'. culled t{> t'(Jlnndt.• with Brt1dlt·y's spc.>t.-ch , Dcuk11ll'Jtt1n pron11St'<l 111· would t'<>nttnut• to fot·us on llw "sharp and t'lL·<H d1fft·r<·n11·' bctwl'<'n Tom Brndlt•y .md nw ·• He wl'nl on lo cttt' 11 d1ffr1 t.•lll areas in which hl' and Bradlt•y e llhcr d isagrc•t' or daspUtl' lh~· othe r's dauns Dl•ukmt•Jtan said, for t•xample, that lht•r<• w en· :1:11 fewl•r p o ltt t• offtl't•rs 0 11 thr s tret.•ts of L os Angt•l1•s lu1>t Decembl'r than tlw n • w1·n · in Dfot.<t•mber 1973 At:l'Ustng his o ppo11t•n t of dis to rung tht• recor d . Bradlt·y f1:-ed back that tht•n • an• :iti5 morl! pohce off1t:ers on 1h1· stn·t'l today than there w1•n • wht·n hi' first took offtc-,.•. "There an.• other da~lortion!>, now I find," Bradley sard "And w here lhl'rt' an• dtslorlluns. r will C'itc thc•m ." Dunng tht.·1r spccd ll's. both candada lL'S n·~ated thl• formula::. for rl'Vtt.ahzmg the et:onomy and pu1t1 ng California n s back to work that they have stressed throughout the: Call campaign. Bradley ple dged to forge a n ew relationship with business a nd la bor. saying if it w orked for Los Angeles while h e was mayor. 1t can work for lht-st.ate He said the s tale needs to mcrease its efforts to de velop foreign trade and international LOu n sm 10 help creal(' JObs Un the 1ssUl' o f housing. tl1e Demcx:ral said housing has to bt• provided that ma tl'ht-s job l'ente r s H e also suggested re ducing th1.• 1;1ze o f h o u se s , tnl'reasing their d ensity and constructing more apartmenls lO encourage sall•s a nd a dd1l1onal developments Turning to trans p o rtation . B r adle y sai d h e supports leg1s la11on that w ould enablt• local government to S4.•ll bonds to finance state hrdhway projeNs the community 1eels :.hould bt• high praorllv pro)t"CIS De ukmej1an said Cal1forn1a n eed s t o be l'Ompe11t1ve with other states. but becau.st' 1t isn't, the economy lS suffertn~ PELICAN REW ARD. • • dllempl lhlS wc-ekend lo fashion ar11f1cial beaks and s urgically attach the prosthetic· devices to the pelicans. Roberts said. State officials believe angered and frus trate d fi s h e r m e n probably arC' rt'Sponsible for thl' mu11la 11ons The bards have liulc f ear o f humans a nd wall s teal anch ovy bait from boats and som e times get t.angled an fis hing lint-s . s aid P a trick M oor t-, i.p o k es m an f o r the sta t <' Department of Fis h and G ame The b1 rds are c u nstdNed a protected Sp<:'('tes by the st.ate and anyone convicted of krllrng o r injuring them rs subJC'l'l 10 a $1.000 fine and/or one year in JaUI. The pelac-.ms also arc on the feder al e ndangered species last, v iolation of whic h carries a S20. 000 fine and one year in ,ail. From Page A1 would hrlllJ.! 111 "1111 u11d1•1>1tulJ'4 · l'l1·n11•111 ·· t 11111 w1111 Id huv1· t r11ulil1· 1111,.111.: w11lt Nl·wp1111 1 ·11111•11, U1h1•1' 1up111•1I Iii• p1t1Jt'll ,1, h1•111 .. 1110 UPllNI' a11d 11 kt·I v 111 Jllt1'1Utt• IOU llllll'h lr.11111 Kl·nn1'\IV 111 u11d1'\J i.c11111• 11C tlw 'llltt•1111·11l:. Ill< 111•111 .. "lll11l.111tl y lllJ<Ult•d " IJUl irUld Ill' II< 1111111' d11;tu1 bt•d by rl•111orki. 11111d1· liy thl· lrv1111· ('omp.111y uml t1 l'llV pl;11111111.-l'Olllllll ll\ll•llt·r 111 d1•f1 •11,1• of tl11• 11111.)l'\ I 111• 'il ld Ill d1•f1·11-.1• 111 l 111• pn1J\•1 t. .. 1.111·1111·11ti. w1•1t• 111..itl1 thtit th1· huu-.111~ wou ld 111>1 at l1 tt1t "111f1 11rr hut '>ol1 d 1·t1tl1•tl'I i.ud1 ui. hw1k t1 ·llt•r' anJ M'httul h •Hd11 ·r:-. " "'l'lll' 111f1•11•111·1• 11> l lhtl 1-{U" ,1a1w11 .1ll1·1Hl.1111:>. h os1L1lal w111·k1•rs und h11us1•kl·t.·µt•ri. du 11111 dt•:-i1•rv1· to 11 v1· in N1•wp11rl Bea1·h ." S<J1tl Kt•ruwdy. t it.· ... ugg1'i.1t•d thf:.l t a mod1·:.l, t'ht•ap ht>USl'. Ill ht!> u p1111011, 1:0. '"for mun· honorahh· 1ha11 S(H)H · uf tlw mansums you h:.iVl• cl11w11 tlll'rC' " · Jpn y K ing, 1.·ha1rm.111 ol tlw ci ty's planmng l'omm1~s1w1 a111 I CHARI SMA. • F~om Page A1 lov<.• mixing bustnt·~s SUl't't·~., with bt•auttful womc•n . a nd lht· ix·rsonal danng and skr II Iv raise.· millions of d1Jllars to purs ue his dreams ·• Later, Mc.:W1l hams added: ··Dt> L orean 1s p r e tt y mu c h bulletpr oof. and. in truth. his cap aci t y to r e main 'up' h as undoubtedly bt.'en o nt• o f the single most important faclors in keeping the eompany afloat." Andy Wt.:iss of Jledondo Beal'h 1s president o f th1· DC' Lorean M o to r Car C lub, w1lh 200 m c mlx'rs rn Southl'rn Cahfurnra Wc1s.'i, too. rl'mcmbt•rs [)(: Lorean as a s uprt•ml'ly c11 nf1den1 busanC"'iSman. "He's so confide nt a n d vNy ant.ellagt•nl And hl''s a salesman. God lS he a salesman. You walk awav from him saying, 'I know he's gorng lo pull it o ff · H e can walk on water, although actually h1·'s JUSt walking on rocks. In this t'<iht'. he must havl' m1~ed lht• ro<k .. Bruc.·l' Vorhaut•r, pn•s1de nt of Costa Mesa-bai.l'd VLI Corp .. 1s a [)(> Lorc•an d r1vt•r who S<11d tL<; First ladies attend funeral INDEPENDENCE. Mo (AP) -Nancy Rl'agan and two other pr~s1dcn11al wavt>s topped the list of d1gmt.anes planning to a ttend the fun('ral today of former first lady Bc-ss Truman. who da~ this Wt'<.'k at age 97 Tht· 1;c•r v1ct· for Presid ent Trum:.i n 's wido w. who d ied Monday of hrart failure a t her home h e r e. w<is SC'l for the Tnnrty Epi5'.:o pal Church. whe re she married Harry S Truman on June 28. l 9 19 She w as to be buried beside her husband H i g h c louds Coa ... tnl ltghl vu1eble winds throuo" ' mg111 beGOm•ng _,1 to -.,1,,.....t 8 t o 16 kno ll 1flernoon Soulhetly swell 1ncirNS>ng to 3 to " feel wtth stlght lncfHse In surt on •~POsed t>eaehes 3 to 5 fool 1111 over '"' ouler w111r1 P•tehy 11rty mom1no tog and low elouda o therwlte f1lr wit" MCree•lnO "oO" cloud• V.S. summary • • An eerty snows10<m continued Its ldvanc:e llCrON the MldwMt : on Wednesdey, wllh 1reveltr1 : ldvllOllet Polled ave< Wl9Conlln • and Mletlig.tl A heevy snow w1rnlng waa pasted along Wlacon11n·1 Lelle Superior 1horellne ... here en eddllloMI 4 to II lndlft of 1now wu expected ctvrlng t "9 night Trl..,.._1 ICMIOriee lllO -e In ellect over northwestern Wt1con11n. bul expired over eoutllern Mlnnet011 and ... 1etn • South OakOll For lod•y. ralnshowera were lorece sl from 1"e northern Allenllc Coast ecrou t"9 upper Ohio Valley, With 1eat1ered rain In the P~~ Nor1~ Cal ifornia Soufhem Celilornle """' be lllr todey with lnCf.-ig hlgtl cloud• and allghll)I warmor dt y•. Fog and low clouds ,..., ttie cout mo<nll>ge. Ora nge County een expecl hlQM In low 70. Ill bMCflN. ,_, eO Inland. Lowt !Se to 83. lnllnd valllyt will hll\19 hlg"• In upper 70. to low IO• l-,_, eo Hight In tri. low 701 In the mountelnl Non.hem"-' hight 78 to 811. N 10 911 In 90Ulhern a-11. R•ln likely In Northern CellfOtnla by ton19"t. wlllt cflence of ,..,.. IC>'eedlnO to Oll'lft ...... . Oec;r~ 10 ~n8'ed lf\OWWI Friday 11t1y IOlltherly wl11d1 oYftf nor~ OOMI 'Temperaturea IJIAnoN • .. ~· 70 .... ... 41 eo ae N 27 11 eo 75 ... .. .. Austin Balttmo<e 80llng1 Bltmonvttam Alsmarek 804M Boston 81owntv1lle Buffalo &u11ng1on Case>e< Ch&rleslon S C Charlealon WV Cha•IOlle, NC Cl'leyenne ChlC:agO Clnc;ilnMtl Qevetand Coklm~S C Cokimbu• Oellu·Ft W0<1h Oeyton Oen....,. Des Moones OelrOO Duluth El Puo Fllrblnkl F!M'go Ft~1t1H Gr••t Fella Hartford H91enl Honolulu Houston lndl-s>OI•• Jackton, MIU Jeckaonvllle JUnNU KanM.t Cily KnoxvHle l .. Vegu Ullle Aoci< lOUltYllle l ublX>ek Mema;>l'I" Mlam4 MllWIUk .. Mplt ·St Peul NltllYllle N9w Or1Nn1 New York Norlolk Nofth Piette Oltlltlotne Ctty ~ PNlldtlPfll• Phoetlilt P1111butgh Por11elllf, Me PortlaNI, ~1. PfcMOerlOe Aelellh 69 60 73 47 ~1 30 711 62 412 30 61 52 70 4' 89 70 :1 52 69 S3 s. 26 711 82 73 418 76 51 53 19 45 40 62 81 &4 57 80 49 ..................... 1., .u..._, - 60 58 ""'' AA ll • (1q • .. M 46 Fronts C1)111 -58 43 5e 29 45 ~ 59 " Rapid Ctly 53 21 38 31 Reno 61 33 71 49 Rtc:hmond 77 64 31 25 Sall Lal<e 55 30 37 27 San Anton.a 69 60 86 29 Seattle 58 39 56 48 SIOOK Fallt 39 27 71 39 $1 loul1 :;~ 42 se 21 SI Pete-Tampa 85 65 " 66 SI Ste Marie 55 4 1 70 59 Spolo"ne 54 30 45 42 SyrecuM 71 417 88 58 Tope ... 51 38 82 80 Tucaon 84 54 " 311 TulN 59 39 49 32 WNhlngton 7' 54 72 49 WicNll S3 30 73 46 111 ., CAllf'OftNIA 53 411 ApPle V11lltty 79 44 59 32 8aker1lleld 78 81 63 47 Bara tow 84 511 82 711 BM;JmOnt 711 47 42 39 . Big S..r 64 30 41 35 Blstlop 73 39 112 52 81y1"e 8& 55 111 63 Cata11n1 74 58 , 1 63 ~CHy 78 Sii 77 58 Eureka 88 113 S3 t9 FrMno 78 SS Sii 32 LJncuter 78 47 ., 211 long Beach 80 511 117 85 lOIAr-79 81 75 411 Mont a 8' 53 118 111 Mont~IO 80 se 10 411 Monlerey 72 511 111 ., Ml WMa<>n 83 48 112 35 N.itdlel 81 54 88 " Newport BMc:h 73 59 711 54 Oaldar>O 75 111 IUlf RIPOii ...... ""1 .......... .... ...... ... -'N ... .... Dir llllM ' • 12 2 1 aw an. MofllOI z ' 11 2 3 aw '"""*1~ 3 11 14 2 3 8 San OlloO Cou11ty 3 4 14 2 a wtw ~ for Fl'ldey: lllOtll lnCtMlfnO ~~ turf and '""· on llOllth-f .,..,,_ • . .. -- R111n &:;] Snow Q Showets illll!ll flurtoesl!!J Onterto Palm Spnnoe i>uo Robles Red Bluft RedWOOcl City Seer 1rnen10 Salinu Sin 8erna101no Sen G1b1lol Sen Otego Sen Fr1nc11eo Sen JOH Sante Ann Sante Barbar a Senla Crui Sent• Marti Sent• MonoGe Stockton Ta"O'I V1lley thfllm•I Torrance Yum• Ae1puleo 81rbados 8ermud11 Curec:ao F1MPQfl .......... .Smog 78 52 92 62 78 44 70 57 74 60 74 52 78 SS 77 50 82 54 74 83 7 t 60 77 58 17 S2 78 53 73 61 78 411 68 81 72 55 59 36 93 82 79 55 119 68 90 78 117 77 78 n 90 80 88 70 W"ere 10 call (toll lree) for tat11t •moci Jnlonne11on Of"W>ge County. (800) 44&-3120 LOI AngelH County (800) 242·4022 AllllrlllM and San 88'nardlno countlll: (800) 387-4710 AOMO !Pftode Center (800) 242 ....... Tides TOOAY S.Colld "io•I I I 411 I m ~ 2 hcolld IOW 7.23 pm 0 7 ~AY Fll'll l'tlgl't 2:30 1.m. 3.3 Flrtl tow 5 47 1 m 3 0 hcond hlgll 12 23 p"' ' • ~lllgh 13epm 09 8un Ml• lod•y 111 I 12 pm . f'llell FrlcNy 11 1 04 1 m MOOll rlMI IOdty 11 I I 27 I m • Mtf tt 137 p m • ' .1 .. 111\11•111 111 huw,111i.c t11't•d,., '\11ld tlw 11ty 1•, •1111 v1 11g 111 p111v11h · li11u,111g f111 .1 '1 ·~:1111•111 11l J.11'<.lph• \\ h11 p11·-.. 11lly 1·1111 I ;if1111d t11 l1U) 111 N1·w1><11 I J\c·.i1 l1 "W1·'11· 11111 1w1111111u tlw 111·ld h·v1•I tluw11," i..1HI K1111o( "W1•'11· Jll/\l ,h1111l111g llll lh1• I.ti ).(I I 't·uni1•11t 111 .. 11111cl 1h.11 ,1-t•111 .. l1k1· a 1.Jl11111.tl .1pp111,11 h " K111g ,a1 !1 1·1tv 111 1•1111 ·11 . pol11·1·11 11·11 .111d 1111111 y 1dt111• WOI kt• .... Ill tlw ltt•,u h IUWll l1111l 1l 1111i.x1i..,.l1h· to lo11·a11• h11u,111g 111 N1·wpon Ill· ... 111d 111.111 ,v I 11111.., li<.1v1• t1 11ulil1• .1l t1 m11ng w111k1·r' ror 1111 !>.Jilli' 11'11'4111 "Um guy I lll'.11 d .11 )(Jlll hv1 •ti • II\ lJ h1lll/\I ' 1111 l1 Vt• oll'I\'' Of luncJ l.>Ul k 1·~1/\l 111' ... old I Ill' l.111d a11d ,till 111l1ltf 11't ,,f f111d lri hllV Ill N1•w 1.1111 l Bt·.11 Ii," ,.ml K1111o( K111g "aid 111· IN .11> d1"turl1t·d "" <1nv1Jn1· 1·b1• h y 11·111ark:-. t h a t :ti for dJl>l1 • huusing would 111 ll)g 111 und1·,11.1hl1·.., A l .111d pf11111 11 11·1 11 11 111 N1 ·w111111 Bt.,1d1 h,,, 111·1·11 •11d1•1t'd lu s la11d tnul 11111· tl11 ... yt•J1 1111 d1.11 u1·1> hi · do•frnudt t.J l ll'>l•lllll'I\ llU t 11f lllllrt· t li,111 $I ~ nll 1111111 1 lirt111j.(h a lund '1tl1·:. :-.d11·1111• lt•d1·1:d au1h11nl11·i. 111.11d . J;1111l·~ M1·(:11w1111 , Ii:.! .111d ,j "'t'llllll lllilll Wt •tt• lllllU lt-tl 1-.11 ly 1111-. 11111111 h hy u f1 ·d1•1 al w .111d Jlll'V 111 Lu:; A1q~c·l1•-. •111 11 11111,pu :tl v l'h<1rg1• a ud 'l I 11111111 ... 111 111,111 fn1111I J\11 111d tl·l11w 111 lb .1 1 h .11 go · 111 uughl ug.1111:.l 11 Jll'l''ttll b y ,, g1,111d Jiii y ;uul d111,.., not 1·'>ll1lil1:.li g111ll Md iuw:in wa:-. arr:ugm •J 1111, wt·1·k 1n tlw U S IJ1:-.tnl't C•1U11 "' L .. o:. Ang1·1l·' :.i11d urdt.•n ·d to -.1<11111 11 1.JI Dt'< :!I Tiu· M.'(.'Ond 111:rn, 71 v1·a1 old Jana·:-. F:111 at :1 or I' ,'i ,. l'.11111 S J1111 1g' 11•p111 t1-dJy ltt In tit: h ,. ,ti 1 Ii ,, n ti Ii u • 11 v t. li11.r n 1 ;111 .11g111«I I M1 (.,.,w,111. wlw <.1u thorlUe1t • .... ud 111<.11111.,111~ u l&nd prl')~tl<m · bwum .... , 111 Nt·wpori U··~• . ua,al1 11111 lw1·11 .1v.1tl.1l1lt· Cm c·ommunt.. • ..... ' Tl11· N1•1A (>CJrl 111!.IO i.)"lti~ hiJl· I• .1 r t II l' r 0 I I' j l' (' u :i ~,(f Q'f ' d1•l 1 aucl111M 111v1:t:.llJr!\ I ro'l' ~4.1. Unth'll St.111..•1>, Euro~ ~nd thft , J',11 J>~ .... l UVl'I U 17 yMtf R<'rll.KJ by llllM'\'I·" •'"4.'rttmg thl• valUl' CJ( fluld~ 111 Anlt.·lt1pc· V.Jlh·y north uf Loli:,, A11j.(1•1l·, . I J\1•1111 d111~ to A::.t:.1~tJnl U.S.J A 1 t1111wy Gary fo't·1·::.~.. lhf' men · 111ld 111Vi·.,l•>rt:. that tlw acn:ag~ m . A 1111 ·lorw Vallt-y n •prt•S(•ntt-<l thc• · l.1-;t a vailJbll· l:.md tn Lob An~~I~· .111d w:i ... l.11>1 lx'<·oming "lh1· ll('Xl San i''nnJ11dr1 V<tlll'V" "Hiil I lh11 1k lh.11 V('I'" 11<11 II/\,\, v11•w 1·>.1!'>ls Ill :111v 1·11 y S11nw IX'O(lh• .oro· JUSt g111111~ lo l.1k1• tht• VII•\•'. I h;ol Mlllll'tl1111g lik1• tl11-. I' 1hn•att•11111g l•1 1lw1r hft•-.1vh·" ColonJ b ian h onored rna kt·1 • .... 11 rug ,1111 n o l t·unf11h·111 att11uJ1· hu1 l h 1-. m11n1·'1-ra1 ~111g .1h1lr111·.., Vorhaul·1-. who swd ht• has dealt w11h manv or tlw samt· groups to seek funds for his unrl'lated bu s1nt·~s. r1•1TH·mbt•r 1; that invl·stors w en · botht.•rt'<.l by Dt· Lon•an·~ atr of -.uperionty · · B v 1 h l' "' l' o n d l 1 m l' h c appr~<i<:hc·d thl·m. he h ad so antagonized his firs t r ound of sophls tkatt-d inv1•stors that th1•y told him lo buv of(." h1.· said. STlX'KHULM, Swt·<..11·11 IAPJ {;,1hr1<•I G ;1n ·1J Marqu.·1 111 l 'o l11ml11a , author of "0111 llu11d11•d Yt·:.irs o f Solitud1• · .111d o1 ~ t I' I' t1 m o f o I h t· I W 11 I' k ' d 1r11111 l·lrng d1•a1h . b1·trJy;tl d 1 • s r .1 1 1 an ti g u v 1· r n rn 1· 11 1 tl'pn·~-.1011. wun th1· l !:IH'.l Nobc ·I l'rm: in ht.era tun• Wt.lay. T h e Swedis h Academy l'll(·d the 54-vcar -old author "for ht!> novcb and short !'>lOrll'S. Ill wl11d1 th1• fan uist1<.· and lhc· reahhlll' a11· cum bim·d rn a rtl'hly ccm1µo-.t•d world of 1magtndl1tm, n •flt'<. turg" 1·onllnl'nl's hft• and t-onlhll'" Gart·HJ Marqut•z . whosc• nov1·I~ h<tvt· sold mort• l'OIJll'S than any 11thl·r l'OnlC'mporar_v Spun1sh- Cell communicating l.111gu.1g1 •Wlhor ll vc·i-111 1•)1.tll• m J\11·xw.. I It· ~v., ht· lwlwvt .. , tht: t '•1l•11 11lu.111 .11 ,;,\ w;J11~ t11 C1rresl I 11111 c: .. 111 .1 M,1111u•·l , whu has '"1•11111 t1;d l1·l 1 .... 1 1 <1U :>l .,, has : 11,1\ 1 Jc.d t 11-<1u1·11tl~ '" Cub .... and 1,,.,, ~1 .11 ll«d 111 MPx1c.11, :..1y1ng 1 li1 · ,11111 \ i.u..,p1·t t1'<l him of .111 .111 g 111g f o r l'ub;1 lo 1r<.11n t'11l1 1111l11.111 g u ... rnlla::. 'I h1 wr111·r . :>Jtd to b e 1111lu1·111·l·d bv Cub..an ll'ad1•r Fidel t "''ti" :1., w'1·ll a i. bv Am1·nc.·a n 1•11v1·h-.~ Walh:m 1 F~ulknn <ind ~.111~:.1 lll·m1ng,\ay. ha:. long l11 ·1"n "l1v1ng 1n t·xtlt: 1n Pans, Spai n and morv rl'cenlly in M1·x1co Dr. Ga r y Lynch uses cutaway mode l of brain to ••xplain hi:-. hy pothesi~ tha t memory torage is a ffe~ted b~ a lilllt•-known e nzymt· ~allt>d Hcalpain.'· More research is dm· at n••w m"urologi<'u l la b a t l 1C Irvine .. t'f' Pa~e RI. Slorekeeper Monica Cottam is wearing our brushed Shetlan d wool sweater in a five color Jacquard design knit on soft subtle shades of la vender, sand, and jade. J j . I ' I ' !. I I· i • WORLD U .N. voting delayed on ouster of I srael • By Th~ Anod11kd t>rcu Ve.Hint( Wiil! dt•luyl·d luduy for n third tinll' 1111 u pro1x~sal to e xpel ls1'a1•l from u \J N ag~QllY m1..·l'ting 1n Kt>n yu, and en Ii1lam1t· diplomat In Ne w York said tht• Arab states were about to abandon an effort to oust lsrncl from the General Assembly nc1'l Wet.'k • The United States has be<m lobbying heavily against the an ti-Israeli moves, dr9"'mg i1uppurt trulll It:-; Eurup1•un ,\llll'!'\ The voll· on lln AlgL·nun n·1rnlut1u11 that would bal' lsriwl from llll'clln~s of tlw ( I) t t.• I' 11 II t I II II H l 'f t• I l' c·o m 111u111t·u t 1ons Un 11111 wus dl•l11y 1·d wh1lt· tht· Kt•ny1111 lilia1rma11 ol' th1· c·on!1·1·1•1wl', Hl·nry Kogst•y, met with dl'IC'gateb behind closro door.; u1 un ath.'mpl lo f o r g e a I a s l -m 1 11 u t 1· compromt~ More Irish violence seen BELFAST. Northl•rn Ireland -Author1t1t>s art> predicting a new :.urg<' uf I r ish H<'pub l 1('an Army v1olem-e now that vottng has l'ndro for a lll'W 78-ml'mber prov1nc1al assembly, centl'rp1ect' of Britain's latest a ttempt to cl('fuse the> l'IVJI war in Northt'rn Ireland. The voting Wednesday was marred by a bomb blast in B c I f a ::. t .a n d l h c :. t' ~· u n cl atlt•mpt in two days on th1• Id l' 11 f P ri>lt'sla n l lt•ad l' r Jam<.·s Molyneaux Tht•r1· Wl'fl' no l'asuallll':O. 111 lht· bombing ;.ind Molynt·a11>. l'Slap<'Cl unharmt-d l n1t1al n •sulls from t ht• balloting v. t·rl' t.·»<p<"'Cll'd latt·r ttxlav. with tht· fmal tallv du1· F'ntl;1y t•vt•nmg. · Gemaye l arrival guarded ROME Hl•lwoptN':-. fll·w overhe>ad and i uards Wl'rl' dt>ployed with submad1tnl' guns as author1t1cs took extraord1nurv s c('ur1tv pretaut1 ons today for th~· arrival of Ll'banese Pn-stdl'nt Amin Gemayel. unl' day ctftl·r the• bombing of thl• Lt•bant-~<· a G-t•mayc•I t:amt• from Pan .... whert· ht· callro for 1mn·as1ng tht• mult1nat1onal pC'an·kel'p1ng furn• in h1:. t•o urHry tu :H>.UOO troop'> nt•ctrl~ 10 llllll'" lb pn·:.1·11t "17(' Riot police at funeral NOW A HUT A, Pulctnd Elit e paratroopers shouldC'nng ... ll'S With r1x1.:d bayonets JC)lnc'Cl rmt pohn• in guarding this stN·I n•nter today aftC'r 10.000 Poll's attended tht.• funt.•ral of a 20-vear-old m1llworkt:r kllll-d m a pro-Sohdanty mclet.• last week Inc reased security 1n the NATION D e ~'s body STAMFORD, Conn A California coll<.•ge dean and Baha1 leader who vanished Friday in New York City was found dead 1n a S tamford parking lot. Stdbbed in th(• neck. authonuec; sav ThC' b o dv or Dan1c·I c Jordan, 511. of E..•.c:.d1rlo was suburb of Krnkow. ltW milt•" :.outh 11f v\'arsaw, bt·t·am1· v1S1b lC' d lAing Wedm·sday·:. funt-ral for B<lgdan Wlos1k The stC't'l mill clectnc1an wa:. mortally wounded by polll'I: gunfire eight days ago m riots protesting tht• govern mt•nt'i. banning of lht.• mdcpl•ndent Sol1danty labor union discovered i identified Wednesday by his wife. Nancy, said Detrt·t1ve Lt Joseph Falzett1. Police believed he had lx><.>n killed somewhere elS(' and h11:> body taken lO the parking 1111 at the r1:ar of a local s tore 111 this Nl'v. York City suburb. T yl enol susp ects hunted NEW YORK Police laid out a dragnet for Jam<'s W Lewis, described in Ilhno1s as a "prime suspect" in the Tylen ol killings. but at the same lime lhl'y questioned whether Lewis was 1n Chicago when the deaths occurred Meanwhile. authorities said a man resembling Lewis wl STATE turned away from a t·hcap mid t own hutel onlv 90 minutes beforl' police c:·losed in More than 100 FB[ agents and 30 city detectives combed the city W ednesday after learning that Lewis and his wife had apparentJy slipped through their fingers. !\finority population up SAN FRANCISCO - California's population will rise to abour 32 m1lhon by the year 2000 -and minorities will co mprise about 45 p e rcent o f the state's r esiden ts , a N orth e rn California research group reported. The study, released Wednesday, said the number of people living in the state will grow from 23.7 mHlion in 1980 to a~ut 29 million by 1990 before leaping anothl'r th ree million b•he end of the century Y 'h ck ·a111 broken N 1': W YU It K I A I' J i\ llll'lll'Ult>ui. 11>t·111 d kt•t•1x•1 11v111J.( 11 d11uhl1 · lilt• With U "fll•H 1111~" I lurlt•111 111w1 l1111•11t 1111d u 1,1 n111111 t•m•· 111 th1• 1·011111ry ITIU!lll'l'lnlllll1·d :t d1t•l'k 1·1111h111g 111'111•1111· that 111•111•d h1111 $Ii 1111llum a11d hit v1rtu.illy 1·v1·ry Nt'w York City honk, puhn• "1<11J An nh·rl hunk mu11agt·r'i. susp11·1111i 111 ,1 $:.!75 t'hl't.'k l'aslwd by tWll WUllll'I\ lt•d tn lht· 1111111'~ urn·st, N\\1111~ whot pol11·t• i.a1d was u st•vl'n yl•ar old 11µt•r:i t11111 that zwllt'<I about $3,500 a clay Jot•l Johnson, 52. wai. :>l'IZl'd Tul•scfay :.l the llarlcm Jddrl·:....,, an apartml'nl 111 a hlutk of c.b:rndo11ed builtl111~~ tukl·n 11vt ·1 uy s4uallt'f1', frolll wh11 h lw ullt.·~t-<lly t«>Ordmull'J th1 · "4.'a111 , pol1t·c· Capt Harold W1sdw1 th ..;_11d Tut•sda v Oolon•s 'Joh11s11n . -1 7. 11111 n ·lat1•u tu J1H'I J11h11M111 , a11d Carul 1':Vdt11>. :n . two N1 •w Y urk City womt•n w h u alll•gt·dly l'ashc·d t·ht-<;ks for John:.on. <ilso wt•n • wkc·n <ind t•harg1•d with pt1S.4'l'S.~lt11l of. f(1f'gl'U 111sll'Ullll'llb. Polltl' :.aid t 19• wonll'll guv(' 111 ( urma t1on that l1•d lo .Jllhnsun ':-. urrt'sl 11n l'harg1•s <1f grand l;111·c·ny, forgl·ry .irnt pnsM·~o;wn ut I urgt·r:v dl'v11·1·~ 01 flu•1 .John l'ld Ion I °""d tht· i.1lh·gl'd M.'••m wa~ l';1111l'd out 1n .di tht· l'lt'.' s mupr h<J11ks "I l';.t n't think uf onP th;it "·"'n't hit.· lw ...._.1t1 John-.<>n, "ho polil'l' 'klld dn1Vl u Jlur"lt'hl· .111d who wa~ w1 ·ll dn·"-""cl and V. l•ll ·'>pok1·n \Vh1•11 .lrr1•:.h-<l. t11ld tht·rn thJt ht• hJd "pt·l>pl1· 111:-.1d1· v;1reous bJnk bram h1·'> who t'oof)t•ratl·d in tlll' :.c.h1·nw .. lit· .1bo .,.11d he· 1r.1111t'd and t·n1ployc-<I fl\'" wonwn 1;1 i.:o into b.1n~ Jnd c·ash tht• phot1\ lhl,ks. µohl't• !>Hiid "Ht· k l'pl 4u11t· l'Xl1·ns1vc· n•t·11rd~ ... W1i.1.:hl·rth said "lit· krww 1·ac·h bank ht· v. ,u\lt•d to hit. hi· k1•pl r•·t·orcb uf whal bctnks w1•1t• htt .ind hl' km·w wh1l'h lllll'" nut 111 hit I k-l'Vt•n km·w t hl' 11111•:. ht• planrwd to hll todav " 11 ~· ab.11 <;!'l'111t·d to h ;1v1• inlt.'rnal bank n •l'urd:. l1:.t1ng namt':!:> on t·ompany payroll ;ind suvings ut·c·ounts, tht' 1·:ipturn :;<ll(f At·cord1ng lo pulll't•. thP womt•n, usinR thl' 1d<'nlllH'., of lt.>gtt1mate bank t'US IOnll'l S . cashro phony c·hc-cks mad<' o~ 111 the• t'U"ltomcrs' namt'S at vaT us bank_.., thn>ughout lht· t'lt) Apart from ht" ;1partm1·nt "off1c·c"" Juhn:mn gave• pol1le ;inoth~·r E.a!.t Harlt•m .1ddn'S." and said lw nwm-0 ,, 11 room hous<· 111 Mon un• 1111. cl n . .,orl a r I':• in Sullivan Count' Bc•:.1dl''> '\•mplo)-lllg tht· f1v< \\ orn1•11 , W1st·hC'rth .... lid, "the 1mliC'at1u11s dri' that John~m touk l.11 t· t1f ,1 Int of othl'r pt.'<>plt· Jl11n~ thl' Wd\' 111 the hanks " .John.<;on told pohc·c• that lw had wurk<·cl <Is <in 1.1ss1stant m anagt•r al a Chl'mll'al Bank bram·h an Brooklyn until hl· w.1::. d1sm1!>-wcl In l!:li5 Bu l W 1 l l 1 ,1 rn I I l' f I t' r I ,. , a Chl'm1C'al .. pokesman. said' tla bank "had no knowll·<..lgt.· <rnd t•an't t'onf1rm" that John..,nn wa" a formt•r l'mplu\'l'I' • Child saved; dad at'reste d A ;i · y t• a r -o l d H u n t in g to n Beach girl who poht'<' !><ltd was held hostage for more than a hall h our by her distraught fathe1 was rc·leascd unharmed Pohce c;a1d that Cruz Sep<'da. 37, fired a <;hot inside his home al 8802 Lauder Circle at 5 pm Tuesday thC'n fled in a car with his daughwr, whos<' name was not releasc·d Sepeda. police said. returned minutes later and refused to leav<' the car for about 30 mmull'S. No o n t> was injured Sepeda was arrested on su!!pk1on of possession of a firearm and coca1 nC' a nd disc harging u weapon We're Listening ••• What do you like about the Daily Pilot" What don't you hke" Call the number at left and your message will be rerorded, transcribed and delivered to the appropriate editor 642·6086 T he same 24-hour a nswenng ser vice may be ust'd to record let te rs to the editor on any topic Mailbox contnbutori; must include their name a nd telephone number !or verification No circulation calls. please Tell us what's on your mind CINM,..,, T1'1pt1UO- ' OAANGE COAST lailyPilat Thomot '· Haloy Pvb11th•• Olld C. E•11tu11v• Olloeet Jona AmCHI f;ll(llll.,. fd<IOf L, Koy Schutt1 Vo<• ,, .. ldetlt GNI D.tKIOf ol Ad>.,111.no loymond MocLean Con1roa., • Mi<hool , • Horvey 01t0Kl0t ol Motke11<111 1C11c.Mllt011I t °KenMth N. Goddard Jf. 01f9(t()t of 0.,..GllOlll Cla11"i.d advar1l1ln9 714,....2·H7t All other depar1ment1 142~321 MAIN OfflC! )JO w .. 1 ... SI , Cotta 1111.-.. CA ¥•11 •.,,_M. &o• IMO, C01t1 -w. Cl' ..,..,. c .. ''""' 1wt 0<....-coat• ~..-.1,,...,. ,_,. HO,. ••• •IOflH, llhlllrtllon•. •dltct<l•I """' .. 'or .. ••rtl••,....,lt Mrtl11 .,.. • ., IN •••rM11< .. wit"*" -1•1 oermr.tloll ot c~.,, ••Ill _.,., VOL. 75, NO. 2IO Vi(•w f .-orn the top AP Wlrepfloto Su~un Pt·tulc·ll , 21 , of St·tJalia , Mo., puts tlw fina l <'oa t of paint on tlw l<n~n'!'I wutt·r I O\H'r . Pt'nddl, a motlwr of two, ~ayi, bhe likes '' orkinµ outdoor!'! a n•l ""tht• mont•y is good .'' Social Security • Ill W 1\ S II I N (:Tl> N < I\ I 'l 1\ 11 l'll.pt·n •Jn S1l(•i;d S11·u1·1ty ~..ivs 1l I'.> hk1•ly the· old ag1• lu11d \\Ill havt· lt1 l..iorruw upv. .11 ib of $11 lul11on bv th1• 1·1HI 111 th1· v1 ·;11 t11 kt't.'P pu):lllg 1 h1,·k.., 1111 1111;1 u1111I nt·xt sumna·r Thl' Tn·a .. u1' Lx•par 1111• 111 ,,1JCI the uld .1gl' I und ""ill h.1vi 111 borrow :Sl IJ1lh11n I•> $:! hllh1 111 ~honh .if11·1 ~:l1·1 111111 l>.n 111 l ci\•c·r t h1· No\ 'I t h1•1·k,· I •11 111',11 (\ ;!:! rlllll11111 II lilt I''> ,111d t h \ I I I .1 Ill I l 1 I .. •• n d .• n U nd t' I l' I 111 lllt'd .1m111111 t 111 Dt't.·t·mh<•t C II n g I l' S' ;111 l h II I I /l d t h l horrow1ng t1 u 111 till' d1-..tl,1l1I\ u n d M t' d 11 •• r l · t u 11 d.. I .1 'l l)t.'t.·t·r11l)l·r 1111 •' tt·111p111.1r;. ha"" tu kl·t ·µ llll' old .igt I und Ir 1>111 runnang drv In April. Srn1,al S1 ·1·1111t''" thn·1..· 11 u,tc·l·'> prt>Jc'C'tl'd that till' old ugl' runcl would IH't'<I to borrow $7 b11l1t111 to $11 hilh1111 hl'fua· 1t:. horr11w1n~ .1uthur1ty 1·xp1n•s o n Dt't.' JI "Rt•ally. I would 1h111k that tu ht· prudt•11t tlwy'd lio1 r111A. 1111 1h1• high std<' to lw sun• lht•y rnuld gt•t 1hr11ui.ch tht· "" month .. tthruugh J lllll' l!IH'.11 .' ,,11d HolH·rt .J Mvc•r '>, 1·x t·1·ut1v1• d 11' 1· t l 11 r o I th l' Na l l t> n .JI C 'or11m1s"v" 1111 S1>1.'1<1 l Sl·t·un l v l<t•l11nr1 •"l don't think Congn·..;,., "'"uld f,1ltlt thl·m d tlwv'1t• a htth· 11n th<' lngh s uit· l\ly1·1s,:.. l 11rm1•1 dt•pUl\ 1 umm1:-.s111n1•r of Socwl Sl' urn v ,,1111 tlw '.>lugg1sh l•1.·11numy h Z1s lll'ld duwn Soual Sl·t:u11ty '> p.1v111ll tax 1 t'\'e1pL'> and v. ill µush tlw borrowing do~· lO tht· upp1·r t·nd of that ran~<· Tn·a .. ury spok{'sman Mar 1111 Jo 1t1v.;1H·r said thP 1ntt.·r funtl b11rr11w111g tht• f1r-;t Ill th1.• program's h1sto1 y 1nvolVl•s 11 11 l h 1 n g m n 1 1.· t h a n · · <• lmokkt'l'JJlllg l'rltr y" ctftl'r thl• 1 lwt k" go out H 1..· i.trl'Ssl'<I, · Tla·n· is no dangl•r of <inyvm·'s nol l'l'\'t'I\ 1ng <i cht'<:k." l\lvc•r:. i'f..llmatl'd that $1 h11l111n to $1 5 billion rcrmunl'd in tht· uld .1gc• fund ciftt•r Septemlxr l'hl~k!> totaling $11.9 b11l1on wen.' mulll-d Oct. 3. That was th<· trust fund':. lowl•st balanc<• in thrt:"C d~·adt-s or mort'. he said. Payroll tax rec·c·1pls wtll rebuild the fund tx•roa• Nov :s. liul 1l ~ttll 1tk1~ fall -;hurt o l tht• $1 l :i l11lhc111 n1•t'Clt-d , Myen. .semi red ink F11zw:itt•r :.aid the 111tcrfund horrow1ng will takt· placl' "prubably tht• f1rSl Wl'ek In Novcmbt.•r b<:l w<>t•n the· third and l h I' r If th I l w ii l be wnH'Wht•n• in tht· rang(• •>f $1 b1lho11 l•> S:l btlhon" "Wt· Just t·an'l say at this unw" prc·t·isl•ly how muth will be borrov.l·d. hl' sc.rd "Wl' don't know until thC' rt'l't.•1pts com<-1n " Tht· 11ld agi• fund has be-en 111 r1n.1nuJI t1ouhll stntt• 11*75. V. hl•n ll "toud at IH:arlV S:!7 blllton It '"'uld havt..'bet:n dc·plt•tl·d Ill l!HW or 1981, hul Congn''>-" lt•mµc 1rar1ly rl'allcx:alt'<i lht• pc.yrull tax rl'l'l..'tpt..., to shift $9 billion from th<.· d1sab1l11v to thc- old :.ig1· fund - lnll·dund borrowing "1s the w«md &.nd Aid" for the sy:.tt·m m ai. muny yt•ar,, ~1d Mycri.. StJ<:wl St-<:urrty opc·rntes tJn a µav -as-yuu-go bus1s. with the trust funds St·rvmg as a reserve tu t.·n:.un· that thl' system has t·nough lo pa) eurn·nt bene{1lS Nt·arlv 12 m1l11on rN1rres and their. f;.imalH·c; gt·t benc:f1ts thrCJugh th1· old agl .-;nd :.un·1v11r!> ru11d Atlantic Monthly turns 125 BOSTON IAP1 It v..1s lx•gun by Holnw., ;mcl Em1•r<.,c111 ~ave: Fro't ht!> r 1r't l harKt· fur n.it1onal l'Xpo:-.ur1· anci m1>r• recl'ntlv madl• hl·adhm·, with tl11 pollut·al a•\'l'latwns ol budgl·t director' David St<x·kman The Atlant11.· Month!\. 11n1 · of the nauon 's oldt•i-l lOn'tmuou:.I v pubh:.he<l m,1~.i11111·s, l.l'll'h1 iJh•d its 12~th birthdav th1:. v. 1•t•k With <i party and a 'gut•st 11..,l thtil 1ndude Author Saul Ht~llow. J<>Urnah:-.t St·ymuLll lll'r:.h .rnd Sen Edw.1rd K1•nm'<IV Pn·.,1ut•nt Rl•agan st•nt a tap1-<l . rn1·s~1~1· 11f l'Ongratulutions The maga11m•'s O\\ 1wr for thr· past two Vl'ar!>. rt·<il P-.lt1lt• developt.•r Mort1mt•1 Zulkl'rman. sec>s th<· ll·lehr;1t1on <1nd hi" dforl!. to r<'JU\'t•ncHt· thl' Atlanlll ru. <m import.ant link t11 th1· p,1-.t "Wt v.ant lu tt1nl111ue 1h1· trad1twn of tx-in..: ii thoulo(htful. C'on sc·1c·n1 111u-. v111t 1 t h.ll 1, mteresting and .11> .. 01 bing' ht> said "That'" what tht•\ tr 11~1 tu d u. .1111.I 11\"l'r 12~ vear'> t hc•n• Wt:r<' llfl11''> whc·n rt work<'<i and thc·n· wc·rc· t1rnl'' It didn't WC"ll, th<·'>t· ;1 rt' t ht• \ e <i rs w h l' n t t 1 .. working ' · Tlw magaz111t> was hl•gun in 1857 by NC'w England's litl'rary g1,rnt~ Ollvl•r Wl'nde ll Holmc'S suggt•Stl-<l 1L<. name. Henry David Thnrcau and Ralph Waldo f.mf'rson agrC'ed to 1.·ontributl' Its firsl t'Clitor was pot·t and author .J.HlW!! Russdl Lowl'll Thl· f1r:.t edition announcl'CI th<• pt1bhcat1on WaS "Dt'Vllted to L11t•rature. Art and Politic~·· and would rank ltsl•lr. with thl' body ol mt•n whil·h 1s in favor ,;f Fn•t>dom . National Progress. and Honor. wht•lher public or private .. Through th,· ~cars the authors and subjel ts prescnted on the pag<>s of thl.' Atlanlll' read like a primer o r Amen<'an arts <ind ll•tt<'rs Mark Twain. along wllh poet Robl.•rt Frost, got his first t•hant'C· fo r national exposure in the m.1g.111n1• \.\'tlhJm James pro- p o u n ti t• d h 1 ., t h t' o r 1 e s o I p:.yl·hulll~Y in .1 I !1lH Kl1t1on and. rn 1897 n.itui.il1i.l John l\lu1r ra1i.t•d 4ul'st1on.., about the managL•mt.·nt o f Amt.·rtl'.d 0 S fort•!>L'i /\II th11i.t• thought s wen• prescntt'tl wtth grc•at l't·onomy. c•ven for thoSC' days Twain's C1,rst art1de C'arned him $60 and Julia Ward l low1.• was paid S.t for her "&ttll• H ymn uf the Rt.>publu.:.'' Tht• At la n ttt"s low -bu~t appr oach carrt<'d tnto molle rn days. Zuckc•rman said magazrne was losing $!:100,000 a yt'ar when he• bought 11 for $4 mtllicm in 1980 "Frankly. the magazine was headed downhill two years agu. hnanc:1allv. in c1rculauon and m advertising," he said Since hl' purchased the Atlantic. Zuckerman has put somt• $5 million 111to 1t. paying $25.000 to $50,000 for md1vld~al p1e<'<'S The mu ·c e(fi'ciem und cost-effective way to huild your warclruhe i co ti'nd ilfl expert you ha ve confidence in " profes.-,ion;1/ clochier who speci;1 Jizes in prol'iJin~ expert krun\ ledµe concerninp che various elemt:nc of qua lic r. sen'ice. va lue and ad\'ice. W1c feel we: ht1ve achieved these objecci\·es anJ in wrn 1m·JCe 1·ou w cake advantat:e of our opti111urn '>elecc10n for rhis season . Gentlemen's Clothing Inspired by tradition 46 Fashion Island. Newport BeAch (7 14) 640·8310 .. A4 Orang• Coaet DAILY PllO T/lt,u11doy, Ootouer 2 1. 1062 They've got their eyes on us ly RICK HAMPSON 't 't'lf "-Wrttet NEW YORK tr yo u have waited for a Manhaltun aubway traln, Wlllkcd down " Miami Beach •tr •ct or bought Extra-Stre nath Tylenol in a OUcqo drug 1torc, yours may oo ~the m.ill1on lmagC'S on fill' ln the monitored 10<.·1ety Tht kind of automatic crul1l ru that photographed c yanide polaonlng victim Paula Prince. and may alao have caught thl· lrnqe of James Lewis, a pr1ml• auape<:t ln the seven Tylenol kllJlnga, la an increas ingl y popular surveillance tool. B y design a nd b y c h antl' Americans are being watched m stores and factories. jails and hoapitals, barnyards and locker roorm. t.ong a fixture in banks. where they aie required by law , surveillance systems now reach from embassies to departm<'nt store mannequins. Sales by the industry, no w about $500 million a year, art' expected to nearly double by the nd of 1984, aa:ording to Kathy Sowder of A OT Se c u ri t y S ys t em s. D e mand f o r surveilla n ce syst e m s has "exploded," she says. because "people are having m o n ey problems," and stealing to solvt' them . "It seems wherever you look you've got a TV came ra stann~ down ut yuur fun·," 111.1y11 J1.1l'k Gn•t•nflt•ld. Sowcl1•r'11 t•ullt>ugul' at AlYr' In tht• 1w xt flow yt•1u s, c:u mt•ru.'4 ut t u c h c d t o rl'l o rd r 11 or munltor<'d by humun t•yt>11 will scan home11, :stun·• 1uid public plo<.'t'I, "wh1:N'ver pt"Ople l'Xpl'(.'l vandu lum o r the ft . Sowdr·r say11. Properly usttd, u tt>lev1s10n came ra might have prcvt"rlll•<l the TylN\ol killings, 8<.'(.'0rctlng tu 8111 Rudd, vice pres1dt-nt of DA GeneraJ m Nt-'t'dham, Mass., onl' II u111pll• l'lll'h 111 h t•I Ne ·w V 111 k l'1ty h.1.1\ tlllllt'l'll.'i II\ M·v1·rul wu bwny 11U1L1111\!I und 11. 11111 wlllng rnorl· ot ~·1 hill' r1dd 1•11 'l'llnl.'fi SqUilfl' 111.Ulltll lli. Cnnwnu 1won Hit· l''lri.t Natlo n ul Bunk o f l'hi1·11t(o'11 public plaui in the L oup On Woll S tr1•1•t, t:umcn111 morutor 11rt''"' where rwgottuhlt- lll'<.'U fl tlt•N ar€> hondlt•d und lrudt.-<l. M11111111g stoek <."t•rtil1caws worth about $I rnllllon were located in 11 diM·urcfod box ofter a review o( video Ulpl' 11how1-d the ~It St'ems wherever you look you've got a TV camera srnring down a t your foce.' of thl' na t10n 's toµ m akt.'rs o f !>Urveillunce cameras "With a well ·c qu1ppc d surve1Uance outfit you can wati:h people pretty closely," he says. "If som e bod y's bee n d oing somt.'thrng runny. 11 's pro bably going to be seen by the trained eye." Deall'rs say the ir dev1tt's ure moving beyond banks and stores and into oome unusual loca tions: -A house on the mtercoastal wat erw ay in Flo rida h as underwa ter cameras to guard agamst aquatic mtruders. -A Midwestern pig farmer uses cameras to make sure his animals. who a rc J><ll'ked ughtly to,llt'lher as they fattt_•n up, do not oox was out of plal't'. -Camerw. allow officials m several (·1ues to keep an cy._. out for highway traff1t· Jams and utt·1denui. -Fean; of street c.·rime 111 M1am1 Beach led a uthorit1ei:. to inst all cameras that monitor a shopping area. Part of surveillance systems' popularity IS attributable tu reusable• vide o tape, which is easier to use and less c•xpensive than film, although the pictures are not as clear. Most t•amerlCI a re chca~r than guards, and they don't faJI asleep or go to the bathroom, salt'.'Smen say. Systems now C'OSt as llllll' as "''V•·111l h 11111li NI d11ll11111 Ill <1S 111\11 h a" $:>11,1100 A uooJ bunk i;ytll4'111 t(lM'I\ flll $fl,()()() tu $10,0()(1 M1111y Ky11ll·nu1 Ull' IH'l1vutt•d m1ly lJy a purlll'ulur cvt•11t 'fhl• c1 . .111wru thut photographl.'<J Prlm•t• buying ttw t·yun1dt: lut·l.J Extn• Strt•nl(U1 Tyltmol that killt'll ht-I' w11l4 llnk(-d to u Nur•tlw rn Tru)it Bonk outomuul· wlkr wh1<:h clil'ked wlw11 u cus t.onwr used u bunk l'Grd to lx·gin u tran111.wuun . Tlw f'Om<•ru f1x·uM.-d un tlw arcu 111 front uf tlw bunk m11d1tnto, but took in the cht'Ckout luw lit! w1•1l Othc.·r rec.:ordmg syi.u:ms bel(in wh1·n so m eon e 1•nu•r s the monitor~ spat-e; sti ll uthcrs come with 1n fran'<J t·am('rllii thut Sl't' m the durk T he survc1 1larn.'t..' fronlll'r 1s thl' home. says Canm ne Pellostc, Vil'<' prl>sident of CCS Commumcatwn Control hC'rc. "You're not 1.alkmg big money and more, and you're g<'ttmg a feeling of security," he says. "It's going t.o ge t so t·hc:ap you'll ~ a camera instead of a fro11t doorbell." Although the tre nd toward a min1tored sot:iN y w orries civil li~rtarians, they nuu · that mul'h of the surveillance 1s in µullhl places. "Som eon e: o n a subway pl a tf o rm rea ll y h as no cxpec:tauon of privacy," says New York Civil Ltbcrtie~ Unum attorney Richard Emery . One for the h eart Aclrt'SS Kim Novuk~ •·ha irman of th<> notional ~~nuncf• for the Heart" evf'nl, Hh!>WS ht·r form during a workout at a <:arm~I gym. Tht· <larwe, s poni,ored b y the Ameri<'an lle arl Asi,o<'iation, !'tN·ks !ot f)OllSOrS lo [)l e tfgp ffiOIH'Y for f'U(•h minute of daucin~. LA 's outlook for 2000 grim NEW SI IORl•TERM ACCOUNT LOS ANGELES (AP) The year 2001 m the City of Angt'ls will be full of crime, smog and unemployment if present trends continue, a $200.000 University of Southern California study has found. The USC Center for Future. Research s tudy. compiled with information from more than 700 city leaders. extended today's trends into the next century. IL came up with as unflattering a picture as the science fiction film "The Blade Runne r." which al.so portrayed a bleak future for Los Ange les. Rush-hour freeway speeds reduced to 5 mph, h igh-crime "combat wnes" and 1.2 million more people may all usher m the next' century. the study said Selw y n Enze r , a ssoc ia t e dire<:tor of the researct-. center . said the s tudy, while not a forecast. may be helpful to city off1 c1als whose prt'st.•nt actions will help dete rmine Los Ange les' future Among the findings o f thl' s tudy, funde d h y the J o hn Randolph a n d Dora Haynes Foundation. Tht' po pulation o f 8 7 mil lion people w ould be 40 percent Latino. compared to 9 percent m 1960 and 28 percent m 1980. The no n -Latino white po pulation within the county would declme from 44 percent in 1980 to 31 percent by the yt'ar 2000 Orientals wou ld al'COUnt for 12 p ercent o f the cou nt y's populat ion 1n that ye a r and b lac k s w ou ld ma k e up 17 pc·rcent -Mass transit would be ust>d for 6 percent of trips taken m the county, compared to 3 percen t n ow Angele n os still w ould de pend on the automobile. P o pula tion and business ac11v1ty wo u ld be C'lustl•red in h1gh-dt'ns1ty <1reas, wht>rl' traffic would crawl at 5 mph to 8 mph, l'OmparNI to today's averages of 15 mph to 18 mph. -Th e re w o uld be a n "unpa ra llcll:'d incr ease 111 the lC'vel of frar and anxiety" am ong those most vulnerable to crime and the city's h1gh-c·r1mt• areas "t·ould dl'te r1oratc into virtual comba t zonc•s ." C rime w o uld continue to 1nflul'nce housing patte rns. leadmg to an tn(·rcased em ph asis o n "wa ll ed l'Ommuni ttt'l> " -T h e demand for wh1te- t'O llar workl•rs, particula rly those s killed 1n th<' use of modern e lectro nic office equipme nt, wou Id 1 ncrt'asc. Much of th is labor pool would be dra wn from outside th<' ra pidly expand mg minority population. leading to u nem ploymen t 9 SO Ol Annualized · • /0 Rate I 0. 113 * ¢:iciaJiz~d •r111 7 to 31 clays, Minimum Balance $20,000. Act today on this high rate account. Stop in at your nearest All state Savi ngs office or call collect (213) 240·5913 and a member of our Bank-by·Mail Department wi ll be happy to help you. This account is full y insured up to $100.000 by the FSLIC. Allstate sav1nos AJlstate S.1vrng.., & Loan,,, n11•rnbt•r11f tht: S<-ar-. family ( )ver $:! b1lh11111n 35.<;(.'t~ < 1CtH2 All!-.Utll• ~vm,11 .. & IJ i<111 • , .. -..... .... .......... 1' • 'I. ... , .. ~ -· • • .... • ... ..,._ .. • •••• ' ' I ''f .... ., • "r :..tl•r ,.... P ... • • ,. • t • .. 0 • ~. • • •#I •••'"' PAID POLITI CAL ADVERTI SE MENT THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL HAS TAKEN A THOUGHTFUL LOOK AT THE CANDIDATES FOR NEWPORT BEACH CITY COUNCIL E LIKE HAT SEE! AGEE & HEATHER Bill demonstrated hi s ability in eight yea rs on the Planning Commission -two as chairman. He has b een president of the Corona del M ar Homeowners' Association and invo lved with many other civic groups. We particularly like Bill's ability to form an independent judgement after hearing all sides of an argument We think his opponent has too many "knee jerk " reacti ons on impo rtant iss ues. Jacki e is the City 's Mayor and w e believe she is th e hardest w o rking, most knowledgeabl e person involved in Newpo rt government today. She has se rved as chairman of th e Planning Commission and many other community and civic o rgani zations. Her opponent is a fine young man, but w ith no experience. W e wo uld like to see him in son1 e volunteer role fo r a few years and then try again for th e Council. .... THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL The Executive Council is a group of 65 business and professional p ople working to assure the best possible local government in our communities. We have b ~en in Pxistence for over 5 years. We are not a front gro up fo r real estate developers or any other special interest Our members contribute time and money to local causes because w love o ur communities and want to s ~ them enhanced. Paid for by The Exccutfve Council P.O . Box 7-472, Newport Beach, CA. 92660 Jerry Parker, President ..\ . .. • Robot cop Its badge number might, a ppro pria tely, be R2D2. This is Snoopy, a r o bot me mber of the Oakland police force, be ing manipula ted he re during a 15-hour siege of a small marke t b y a n armed man. The ro~t can fire tear ga AP Wlr9f>holo County OKs Mesa library work The Orange County Board of Supervisors has agreed to spend $500,000 for the construction and furnishing of a new downtown library in Costa Mesa. The lease agreement bet ween the c ity and the c ounty authorized Tuesday calls for the county to spend $250.000 for furnishings. $250,000 for construction, with the city contributing the balance of the construction cost total estimated al $800,000. In exchange for the county's contribution. the t·1ty wall (·harge lmle or no fee for the lease of the building to the county. Two years ago the city set aside about $1 million for thl' construction of a new library in Lio ns Park. following a s tudy t ha t reco mmended that the 22-year -o ld s truc ture b e d emolished. County l1brar1an Elizabe th Smith said construction of the new 7,500-square-foot building could begin in April. In addition to a pon1on of the construt·taon t·osts. the <'ll v wall pay for design of the buald;ng A team of city and county off1<'1als wtll bt· <'hosen soon lo reval'W arc:hate<-lurol proposals The• m•w library w11l lx• J><irl of tht.· Lions Park redevelopment pr o gr am 1nclud1ng the Ne ighborhood Community Center. a n h1 s toracal society building. the D o wnt own Community Center and the park itself a t the corner of P a rk Avenue and 19th Street. BENSON & HEDGES \ Only 6 mg yet rich enough to be called deluxe. Regular and Menthol. Open a box today. Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. 6 mg "tar:' 0. mg n1co11n1 ev. per c1 1r11. by FTC method Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT /Thur1d1y, October 21 , 1882 ... : •' MERVYN'S starts Friday, 9:30 a.m. many limited quantities .. :not all sizes may be available in each grouping ... colors and styles limited to stock on hand, so shop early for best selection! • 1n our Huntington Beach store women 's sportswear Now 163 JUNIOR SLEEVELESS TOPS 66 JUNIOR SUN TOPS 42 JUNIOR BLOUSES 3e JUNIOR LEVl's« JEANS 33 JUNIOR TEE SHIRTS .. 72 ACTIVE CO.ORDINATES . . . 54 JUNIOR CO.ORDINATES 74 JUNIOR TEE SHIRTS. . . 46 MISSES' LEVI'S-BENDOVER" PANTS . n MISSES' CO.ORDINATES 8eCASUALJACKETS . 27 LARGE SIZE PANT TOPS 43 LARGE SIZE TOPS 71 MISSES' PANTS TOPS 91 JUNIOR TEE SHIRTS 111 JUNIOR VESTS 119 JUNIOR TOPS 153 JUNIOR PULLOVERS 31 LEVl"SC BEHDOVEffS BLOUSES U JUNIOR CASUAL PANTS .. n JUNIOR FASHION PANTS 98c 1.98 1.98 1.98 1.98 1.98 1.98 . 3.98 3.98 3.98 3.98 3.98 . 4.98 . 6.98 6.98 6.98 6.98 6.98 .. 6.98 9.98 9.98 4e MISSES' TOPS ........ . . .. ' ...... ' . 9.98 58 lllSSES' FASHION PANTS 51 JUNIOR CO-ORDINATES . . . . . . .. M LAAOE SIZE LEVI'S-BENDOVERs« 9.98 11.98 15.98 15.98 58 JUNIOR FASHION PANTS women's dresses 33 MATERNrTY TOPS 71 JUNIOR DRESSES 43 JUNIOR DRESSES 57 JUNIOR JUMPERS 53 MISSES' DRESSES 31 JUNIOR DRESSES ling~rie , loungewear ee BRAS I BIKINIS .. SO BIKINIS ..... 45 SHORT LOUNGEWEAR 12 BABY DOLLS . . 210CAMISOLESI HALF SLIPS 21 LONG LOUNGEWEAR 13 HOSTESS LOUNGEWEAR 12 UNIFORM SMOCKS .. 12SHIFTS ....... . 23 SLEEPWEAR .. 97 NOVEL TY SLEEP TEES 39 COORDINATE SLEEPWEAR 9 PEIGNOtRS . . . NOW .. 4.98 9.98 .14.98 14.98 14.98 19.98 NOW 2.98 2.98 2.98 2.98 2.98 4.98 . 5.98 . 5.98 5.98 . 5.98 5.98 9.98 .. 12.98 women's accessories 39 HAIR ACCESSORJES -. . . • . . . 98c 78HATS............... . . . .......... Mc 17 QUEENSIZE HOSIERY . .. . . . . . . .. Mc 17WOllEN8'SUPPERS . . . . . . . • .lie 58 WOOD AND AUGREE FRAMES • . . . . . 1.91 221 LEGWARMERS . 2.98 31 BEL TS . . . . .. . . .. . .. . . .. .. . 2.98 81 VINYL HANDBAGS . . . . . . . . . . . 5.98 97CANVA8HANDBAGS ......... .'. 5.98 53CANVASTAAVELBAGS .... . ......... 7.98 · 41 BALLERINA SHOES • . 4.98 infants and toddlers NOW 21 TOOOLERS' SANDALS. . .. .. . . . . . . .. . .. 48c 11 TOOOLERS' BEL TS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... Mc 21 TODOLERS' TOPS . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . • ... tee 110WATEAPROOFDIAPERCOVERS ....•.... 1.98 'l7 INFANTS' DIAPER SETS . . . . . . . ..•... 2.98 211NFANTS'DRESSES .. . . . .•.... .. . . . . 4.98 buys for girls NOW 13TURTOPS ................... , .......... 48c 218'0 0IRLS' SHOATS ...................... 98c 411CRUN PRINTT.....,.. ................ 1.98 •UTTLEGR.S' SUNOMIHI . . ......... 2.98 2:191GCMRLS' IUNOM•D ............... 3.98 37fAMOUSMAKMIHln9 ................. 4.98 llltOGR.l'WAU<INOIHORTI ............ l.M 118'0QIALS'DRDSU .................... 7.98 23UTTLEOIRL8'UQHTWEGHTJACKITI .11.98 11 ltO CMM.I' UQHTWEQHT JACUTI ..... 13.M buys for boy!I NOW 38 BIG BOYS' UNDERWEAR . • . .. .. . . . . . . . Uc 16 BIG BOYS' CAPS ......................... tee 98TANKTOPS ...............•......... -... tee 89 SHORT SLEEVE SHIRTS ............. -.. 1.98 37 LITTLE BOYS' TEE SHIRTS .............. 1.98 25 HEALTHTEXC SHORT SLEEVE SHIRTS ... 1.98 21 BIG BOYS' WESTERN SHIRTS ........... 2.48 25 UNDEROOSC UNDERWEAR . . . . . . . . . 2.98 23 BIG BOYS' PANTS . . . . . . . . ....... -... 5.98 32 LITTLE BOYS' PANTS . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . • 8.98 buys for men NOW 29 SANDALS (MEN'S DEPT) . .. .. . . . . . . . . 48c 41 INmAL KEY CHAINS . . . . . . .........•.... 48c 313 PRINT TEES . .. . . . . . . . . . . . 98c 133 SHORTS. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.98 115 S. SLY. GENTLEMEN'S SHeRTS ......... 2.98 123S.SLV.POCKETEDSHIRTS ............ 2.98 35 S. SLY. PLAID SHIRTS . . . . . . . . . ........ 2*98 45 TIES _ . . • . . .... 3.98 47FAMOUSMAKERSHORTS ............ 3.98 150tANA• SHIRTS.......... .. . . . . . . . 3.98 29LSLV.PlAIOSHIRTS .................. 3.98 47 SCREEN PRINT TEES . . . .. . .. . .. . . . . . . . 3.91 35 FOOTBALL TEES ....................... 3.98 'rT DRESS SLACKS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.98 23FAMOUSMAKEATEES .. . .......... 3.98 107SCREENPRINT JERSEYS ............ 4.98 93 COLLEGE TEES. . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . .. . . . 4.98 31 POLYEST£ATERRYSHIRTS ......... 5.98 52S.SLV.GENTLEMEN'SSHIRTS ......... 5.98 U SWISS ARMY SHIRTS .. . . . . . . .......... 7.98 88 S. SLY. COLL.ARED SHIRTS .......•..... 7.98 31 BEL TED SLACKS ....................... 9.98 n GENTl£11£N'S PANTS .................. 9.98 55FAMOUSMAKEADRESSSLACKS ..... 13.98 shoes for the family NOW 5 CHILDREN'S TENNIS SH0£S ............. 1.98 5 WOMEN'S ANO MEN'S SUPPERS ......... 2.98 11 WOMEN'S SANDALS ................... 2.98 90 BOYS' SCHOOL SHOES ................. 3.18 22 HIGH FASHION SHOES . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 3.98 It WOMEN'S DRESS SHOES . . . . . . . . . . . ... 3.98 41 WOMEN'S CASUALS ................... 5.98 24HIOHFASHIONSANOALS ............... 5.98 so MUSHROOM'$C SHOES ..... -.. -.. -..... 5.98 I MEN'S CASUALS ........................ 5.98 21 BOYS' 8CHOOLSHOES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5.98 1t WOllEN'S SMCW.S ................... 5.98 23WOMEN'S TEINI SHOD .............. 1.98 38 WOMEN'S DRESSYHIOH HEELS ........ 9.98 30 WOMEN'S SANDALS ................... 9.98 for your home NOW 117 WASHCLOTHS.. . . .. . . .. . .. .. . .. . . . . .. 5lc 31 WASHCLOTHS .......................... 98c 142 HANO TOWE.LS . . .. . .. .. . . .. .. .. . . . . . . tee 2e ACRYLIC IOAP DtSHES .........••...... 98c 120 PLAClllATS .......................... tee 11 ACRYLIC 8ALT AND PEPPER SETS .. 1.48 MPLASTICCUPSETS ....... : ............ 1.48 15 PILLOW CASD . . . .. . .. .. .. . . .. . .. 1.48 37 FUU ICZEIHEETS .................... 1.98 II HANOTOWILS ........................ 1.98 47 BATHTOWB.I ......................... 2.98 418ATHlllATI ........................... 3.98 11 KJ9IO ea...,.. ..................... 3.98 MMACHTOWB.I ....................... &• 41 ACfMJCWAITEBAIKITS ............ 5.98 -~ ..............................•• 98 jewelry buys NOW 141 'AClllAlflt ,_ ....................... lie GPACWJle IAIA•Uaa NICtCLACll .... 1.98 A~TONINKeO..Aea .............. 1 •• llCAll09 NOVILTYWATCHll .......... M• Huntington Beach • 9811 Adams Ave. at Brookhurst St. • 963-9731 . .. •.t • ·.· .. :· ··- .; .. .. . . ·. ~ . . -. ~· . 4e Orange Co11t DAILY PILOlllhuraday, Oc1otrnr :n. 198:1 Many Halloweeners pooked by Tylenol murders Uy OAVU> l .. LANCWOIW AHOGl4t1M .. , ... Will .. T h l ' T y It• II II I Ill u I J l ' I " prompt.'tl urw t•om11111111ty to hm1 lril·k o r ll tc"l.l\11\j.1 lhhc llullowc't'll U U l 0 f f l'IH 11 f "nl p y I ' II l " po1sonmgb ond pohl'l' 111 ru1111 y Cl tlCS url' 111k1n~ t•X tl ll pn'<'llUtioni., but mo't imy y11u l'!An't outlaw u t1.id1t11111 litlllU' 111 k 1111 1>\ll k1·1' pit lUI 1111( Mh k1·v Molli.•· 1111d l:l.11111111 l>l11k tl111l laud bt'('fl lw1 .. 1 with I .SI> Hut tlw dt•uth" 11! 11c•v1•11 l",.'fllt· ill till' l'hH'llj(ll lU't•U :.! 1 i Wt •t•k11 u.cu uftt·r 1h1·v l11uk 1-:x t1·u Stn:>nt(tll Ty lt·11ul sp1k,·d with <'yun1d1· prmnptt'<f wum111~11 thul thlK Y'"" l'UUkJ Li.· Wlll"K4' Uynll' '>llld m11n· th1111 u m il i•ut 111111. f111·rs will go 111 111 hoolic. A Cultcorn11.1 m ottwr CJ ( two llbru1 h·lj and d1u1< lu.•11, uq~lntt l>oya;, lt((l'S 7 ar 14 , 11<ml, "All purt•nl.li t.u uct•ornp1my d11 ldrt.•n on you l'an do 111 kt•t•p L'uu twru111( u11d llulluwt•t•n 11ltlhl u11d to t•xumtnl' l'uut1onmg" - 1·1111•fully t•Vt•r y thlllj( t·h1ldrl'11 "Wt! d on't wunl t o t•uncl'I trn·k or 111•ut111R IJt-c·aww uf thl' rt11k1"' uut thn"'," IMlld P1ttabu1uh l'olll't• Sgt Jformarn Mltc·h• II, Mupt•1 v isor o f t•ommun1ty relutlonJl, "but we're going to be t•x tru c•1m ·ru1 this llal111wt·tm " ~~~~~~~~~~~::;-;-=-=-=-=-=--==-------=========:::; ~·~\ "I wo~ld not allvw my l·h1ldn·n to t ukc• 1·t11HlY, th1i. pnrt1culur llullowt•c•n." l lw·u~o Mayor Jane Ay1 Ill' smd Dlht·r uuthor1t1cs co1H.•urrc•d , 1.1 11d an many plal'e11, p o lH'l' plan1wd stepped up patrols or im·reas<.>O 1nspt"Ct.ion of Hallowt't'll plundl.'r H a 11 ow f' t• n so nil' ti ml' s 11> dan8erous. A Louisiana m:i11 lust yt•ar sho t and killed a 13-yto;.ir-old youth who s h owPd up at his door wearing an Army l'Os tume and carrying a toy subma(·hane gun Polic.e in Munl·1e. lnu . round "Baal 1hl 11~s t·o111t• out ut llulluwt•t•n ,'' i;111 d lll1no1:c Atl11111t•Y (;l'11t·r11I 'l'yr11111• l''ahnt-r, w'tio tw11tls llll' task furn• 1nv1•11t1g ut1ng lht• p111s111llngi; "'I' h l it y t• u r h ;a p Ii 1 tit' u I u r p1 o hlt•1n.s " Fuh111•r 11u1d m.1n y "vt·ry l'Ol)l'CI 1wJ" people' hUVt• l'Ullt·d tht: Tylenol hotllm•, worried about t·opyl·at po1som•rs. lie is wr1t1ng lo PTA groups and chur<:ht•s an tht• statt• suggt.osllng they urganiw HalloWl-'<'n partws an <'hun:hes or neighborhoods lo "control what's g1v(·n to kids," ~t\~ .. ~~ Mail marketing pact told By PAT HOROWITZ Of .... Dell)' Hot llan DEAR R EADERS: The U S Postal Service reports that a consent agreement has been reached between the postal service and S MM Supennarke t Media. S MM Mail Order· Ma rketing Inc., Department EGG Carton, Depar tme nt EGG Carton-Check (all to ue re fe rred to as SMM); at 10850 R1vt'rside Drive, Suite 403. North Ho llywood 91602. 11 828 G lenoaks Blvd .. San Fernando 91340. 11844 Glenoaks Blvd .. San Fernando 91340. P .O. Box 8416. Universal Caty 91608, and P 0 Box 1862, Studio Caty 91604. would result in the issuance of a mull ~tup order dtrec:ting tht.' postmaster to dt•ta1n all mall addressed Lo S MM Poindexter further 1nd1cawd SMM Mail Orde~ M a rketing was t-arl1 t>r fount.I an v1ulat1on or 39 U.S C :i005, anti a mall stop u rdt•r was 1s1>ucd July HI. 191:12. by c.tn adrrnn1strat1VC' law judgt· 'in Washington. DC SM M M ad Order M arkN1ng I nc· as currl•ntly an bankruptc·y c'Ourt. howt•v(•r, and all people with polt•ntJal da1ms agmnst this corporation should wratt• d1ret·tly to Un11cd Swtl-s &nkrupt,·y Court, :i 11 N Sprang. Los Angeles !-10012. Court No. LA-08052-BH * CHRISTMAS SAMPLE AREA NOW OPEN »m1 can no'w preview and nwk£1 11arly select ions from our muny excitiny custom accessories anci Jernratiuns. Center- piecl!s. tneaths. swags and all kinds of dc•corations hm •e been rm.·1wrecl 1l'ith the Nuyer's flair fur rich truditimwl chunn. ) ·uu ll'ill find till' perfect .t.11fls cmd ,fl'mrulions. inspiration for deo1ruli11y um/ the 11'l1nnlh uf the I loliday spirit Cnml' l't:'iit us ·''"m /i1r yreal .,urpri.,t'.'i LJnd special ~) huliclay I/ail fnr .LJuur home. •NEW• ENCHANTED CANDLELIT • SHOPPING ThL-; year. beginning November 5th. you can add a special dimension to your Christmas shopping Fn'day nights. ti/ 9. you can shop amid the enchantment of candles and tiuoli lights throughout the gullery und the gardens and enjoy a magical charm nut /fJ be found elsewhere. He sure lo inspect Noger's custom one-uf. a-kind crealicms and C!laborate selection uf unique hand-crafted umaments from around tlw u•orld. In the consent agreement S MM agreed to provide ord ered merchandise within 30 days of an order and to refund the entire purchase price if th e time limit could not be met or if merchandise was out of stock. Los Angeles P ost al I nspec to r in Charge L arr y 0 Poind exter indicated. as a result of the consent agreement. the postal service suspended p roceed in gs unde r the -Postal F alse Represen tation a nd Lottery S tatute. :i9 U .S .C 3005, but violation of the agreement by SMM • Uot ,J pmblc•m '.' Thc•n wrtrt• to • 1 Pat /fonrn·11z Pat will C'lll n'CI Ulf'H '. - gt'lting tht• :1mm'<'I"'!> .md .11 tum you ~ lll'l•d to 1>01\•p lflt•4UI//(•:, Ill govC'rnmC'nl and bU'>lllt'~'· 1\1,111 .">ur qu<'~lions w Pat Humw1tz. At )"11u1 S1•1\'1t'<'. 01.ingc· Co.1st Dmlv P1Jo1, PU Bo:.. J.5tio. Co.,t.i Mes:J, CA 92fi:.!t{ Fasy 10 qet ro and always wonn me 11101 .____,,._.lu.\11/i/( ! I\ I Ill I/ 111 I I (I II</)/ \ ( I \ II u ,. Super Saturday Sale Huntington Center's one day sole with super savings of 25°/o lo 75% Oct 23. FRESH LOCAL LOBSTER DINNER '8.95 In cludes choice of soup or salad, and p otato or rice pilaf. Call For ReMrvation• -::.-~ 673-7726 'il.f ({t~~~'..~!;> 801 -,_ I Ml 1H1... E. lalboa lld. CAL-MART TRAVEL SERVICE -~ SALE ENDS FRIDAY •AM lervloe .AIR FARE SALE! OnlGMduted AlrtlnM "DEEP DISCOUNTS ROUND-TRIP PRICES" L09 N«MLES REG.COACH CAl·MAllT YOU AMATO FAFIE TRAVEL FARE SAVE .... ~ 129900 142.00 114.00 =,N.Y 790.00 •. oo 4M.OO • Mlctl 72800 •.oo .... oo ir:i.~.Fle 53000 m,oo 211.00 FLY 514.00 •.oo m .oo ,Pe 100.00 •. oo 111.00 SAYE =·~ ~.e• 410.00 Ml.00 1a.oo LATER MOW! NlllMll. Tenn. 63100 ... oo 140.00 Newerll. N.J. 164.00 111.00 m·oo Noftoll, Ve. IMOO ...oo .oo ~.Pe. 710.00 111.00 •n.oo .Ort. M .00 IQ.00 114.C!O itr 712.00 Mf.00 441.00 . Ill 7'000 ... oo 411.00 K.N~ 131.00 == ... 00 ll0.00 114.00 450.00 111.00 Hl.00 Y~.OlllO 90400 •.oo 411.00 CAL-MART TRAVEL SERVICE (714) 957-2590 . '~!!~.~~-10I Every dollar up to $100,000 is Federally Insured. Whatever your savings goals, short-term or long, Gibraltar can help you put together a savings/invest- ment program that will pro- duce substantial, guaranteed results. And it's safe. Let us show you how easy it is to earn a sizeable return on your money. ' • Tmns New! 7to31 da)'S N.wl ~ ('1..;t) ~~ ~ 'CIA~) ==· ~·· Lt.. t~-· ~ ~ (lr-) ' IUllCIOCH ........ AcU1lllll 18 ths r:,, Lths \Syean . -. IM Minimum AnnuaJ Annul ~ Ra~ Yield OdaUs lhoo ... · th• l•·rr1• ln1rrl''I CCll'TlJ'C'UnJ,•J ,!Ji!\ s20,ooo 10.295% 11.000% Rill' ·~ f.-t'd hH * Q1 J.i>~ S1mrl• 7.437% 7.756'° 1nlt'rt'l>I s 7,500 Ralt is h,l'Cf IM * 182 days S1mrle s10,ooo 8.980% 9.313"° mlf'rnl !Ute lli Jn.ed I or JO 11.100% 11.909"° months. ln1rrr;.1 s 500 compoundl'd Jail> Up 10 S2 .000 1n inltrl'~I r;arneJ s 500 7 .215"° 7.480'° otmpt lrom N-der.ll la•t'' lnh'r<''t comrounJt'd daily Choo!lt' tht pl.in and term lhJI s nghl for you F1'<ed Rate * s 500 11.500"• 12.002% Rate 1\ t"td IN term Sl'lt't IP<I ln1rrr\t . CClmp••undrd eVt'IY 182 day~ .Variable Rate Ralt v ariH l'Verv s 100 8.262% 8.736"' 182 day' ln1trts1 compoundf'd darly ·Thl' y1tld on lhtM! .iccounu a&Jumts that prlndpal and mlen•st art rtinvntrJ •I saml' r•lt nch maturity d111t ovtr a Ont yter ptrlod. By law, tarly w11hdr.iw•I from crrt1r1c<1lt accounlS rt1ult1 In substanti1I inttrnl ptnalty. f HUNTINGTON BEAOt: 191 Huntington Ctr. I (714) 898-9666 J LAGUNA HILLS: 24260 El Toro Rd. 1(714 ) 951-8454 j RJLLERTON: 255 W. Ora.ngethorpt Ave. 1(714) 871-6101 ~ NEWPORT BEACH: 2?'00 W. Co.ut Hwy.1(714) 631·26tt SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO: lJJrJ'l Del Obbpo St.1(714) 493-5011 SANTA ANA: 3925 S . Bristol St./(714 ) 9'19-7580 14 Santa Ana PMhion ~I {714) 834-0717 ' u .. ' . . . . ·=-•. :· . .. . • =' .• . , ., .r I "'· . _, f. -:· . . -•· i ) • Oronu (,o Iii DAILY PILOJ/Thur•cltiy, October 21, 1982 7 SA raps blue • movie deci • ion Granai uwurdt·dl..---------------------. to Chopmnn ,~{ {\•ft-S-tfl(t-I upr m e Courl d •clint•s 10 rule on tht•ut ~r t·lo~ua·t• <.:h11pm1u1 C:ullt•gt· hu11 ht'Cln nwurdLod u gru.111 o l $3!>0,000 from 'l'h1• Jun u'tl Irv 111l• 1''11u1nh•'llo11 to p r II v I d t• ( 0 r II \' w t•yu1pment, library u11d lal>uruwry rt'80Urt ~ and the rL·n ovu t lon of rx1 st1 n11 fu el l llll'll, tH'l0ord1ng to C hnp11111n President G 'f. Snuth An attorney for Santa Ana lal• lt'a "Incredible" that th(• U.S. Suprtml' Court wouldn't n.ale on whethn • rlty l'lm ishut down a 1ex.orle ntc.•d m ovlt• theater u a "public nuL<wnt't'" The cour\, without commenl Monday. let at.and a ruling that Santa Ana mey only bar the showing of movies judged to be legally ot:.cene. "To me It's incrt.-dible tha t lhe court ... with knowledge of tht> facts, w ould not answer an important federal question," s.Eud James Clancy, a Los A ngeles 1.1t111rnl'Y who has 61ClA-d u11 ou'-ldt• ••ou1U'f•I for SunU• Atw Kint'\' 197~ The• n ty olr1•1uiy }\l!K bt<t'I\ to ttw ~uprt>nlt' Court on othPr OC'l'M lorui M>ektng to shut down thl• M1u.·he ll Brothers' Sunui Ana Thl'Ull'r ln its lul(>l!t appeol. tht- d ty suit.I 11 should IJe allowed to dvsl' the tllt'nter as a "publit' nuls&nl'\'." "'l'hPy knuw the M1t du•ll Btutlwrs huvl' bt·~n 11lww1n g porn s int·t· IY76 That'11 S\'Vt•n year.; of day-in and day - oul h111d \'c11 c fJ111twl(11.1phy," Clurwy a.oiJ "W" ll"lk\·d lhl· hljh t•o u1 t f u 1 1111 Ull'iW•·r t o o ur qul·i.llon and tlwy wouldn't twur It .. ln Sun Jo'rum'lb(~), Art M1ld11·11 Mud he: and h119 brolher w1•rt•11't 11urprised by lht• high t.·uu1 L's df'C.'lsion, but, "We're not huvlng a victor~ celebration untjl C lam.·y throws to the towt>I As 10116( as h e can s u y, 'I 'm 11 tl ll nppeallng.' hl' h uim't lo!lt. H they (tht.• Suprenw Court) had heard it, he'd haw no t·nst• at all " The! fundll Art> pa1·t u{ Chupm£in'ic Entt•rpr l1>l· '86 program. luurw twd la11 t N ov<• m bc·r 'I' lw program i11 d1•Kll(lwd to nuse $M nlllhon by tht.' <:o ll ege's 1 25th anniversary m 1986. Minisette®-10 by Realistic I EXTENDS PICK-UP & DELIVERY SERVICE H0tbor R1du11 S1Jvglua6 Hill So11 V1t•w W06tClllf r /l'il!lltlo Nowport H111ght ~ Hurllo1 V1ow 1t111., Btq Cd11yu11 E1t~l Blutt WO!-.I Nuwrio1 I L1<Ju l1>IH II Vine f Ctr S<;;H Huy<..rn•.t Dover St101 us Uoyo,11010~ B11l1Jou lslunl.J ~al boa Paninsula Point /JJll Ari ol fJ•11111nl C.11 1494-40441 • ORY CLEANING • HANO FINISH • FINE LAUNDRY Save sss-High-Performance Hi-Fi Speaker System Nova" -10 by Realistic NEW DESIGNS FROM YOUR TIME-WORN TREASURES ... Old diamonds never die but 1hey do get put away Settings become loose and unsafe. or JUSt lembly out-of-style We can create exc1t1ng new settings for diamonds of all ages Start 1hem on a new hie of usetolness a1 a moderate eost. -i ........... ------.. ;.~ ---~ ~--~ REMOUNTING SPECIAL THROUGH MONTH of OCTOBER 1 Solitaire mountings for diamonds up to ' , carat Rings 180 Pendants '25 Pierced ear stucs 140. In 14K w11h comparable bargains 1n settings for larger s1ones too .. and free appraisals for any remounting 1ob that costs over 1 100. CHARLES H. BA RR Me~of ~IMric• Get11 Society Accredited Gl'lft Laboratory STEAK DIANE 17th & lrviM Weostcliff Pina Newport •och SA1.MO'J Fl LIT SEAf{)()D SUPREME COMBINATION VEAL SCALOPPINI MARSALA To inrroduce you m our cooking wheel, our chef will create exciting gourmet sauc~ at a special low price. Each delicious dinner is just $6.95 and comes with a medley of wild and white rice , garden fresh vcgcrnbles and either :l mixed green or orange :llmond salad. If you love crepes, 1hc offer is equally inviting. For $6.QS you can savor our Seafood Supreme Combination -Crepe St. Jacques with P0<age St. Germain and spinach salad. So enjoy this dinner show ;:n a matinee price At the Magic Pan, thcrt's always something new to come back to. South Coost PWa (714} SS6-IU5 Breo M311(714)990·4HJ Offer 1iood :iftcr S PM ' #14-1000 , 33%ott!VariableMonitor Save s30 for listening as you tape off sges radio, bu1lt-ir. mike, Curl! Review. pause, counter, battery/record LED. Auto- Stop works with sleep Reg. 89.95 switch to tum radio off. a.tt.,_ u1•• Reg. 129.95 Each Get two for the regular price of one! Its wood finish and molded lattice- work grille make this speaker a real eye- catcher. Perfect size for noor or shelf-22 x 1211. x 101/•"· #40-4028 Now 29% Off!. 5-Band Stereo Graphic Frequency Equalizer --.. . . ---- 0 ++t-+tf f :+~f + : 49!!5 sa;;i;·;20 69.95 Upgrades any stereo system! Ten controls boosVcut response by up to 12 dB to eliminate hiss and record scratch, accentuate vocals or certain instruments. By- pass button for instant comparison to input. #31-1988 AM/FM Stereo Car Cassette With Time/Frequency Display By Realistic LED display shows time when you play tapes. · frequency when radio is on. 14 watts of power tor thrilling sound. Standard chassis fits in da.~h of most domestic cars. # 12-1889 With mounltng h•rdW11re Cut 20o/o Cut43 31!! 3995 #61-2679 Reg. 69.95 Sends on/off commands at pre-set times to control appliances·. Just plug into AC. 'Appllence moctulee ewtra Pocket Calculator/Clock EC-303 by Radio Shack 39.95 1 Full Watt of "Talk Power" Keep in touch indoors and out! With Ch. 14 crys- tals, carry case. strap. #21-1605 ~~ ....... =1495 AM/FM Pocket Reg.24.95 Portable Bullt·ln 24-hour alarm iii 1495 ~"':.~.=--••••••••• ··::::::: 2-statlon Intercom System : : • • • • •. •. ! A.... 19 ""5 By Archef4I •••••• •-v· .• ••••••••• 2.,..,, Off ••••••••• • 7• ••••••••• ••••••••• 2'/•"Speaker 1~ ••••••••• ••••••••• for Full, Rich Sound Reg.14.H Slc»mounted oontrota for = .= = OM-hand opetation. 112-«>9 b.Wned "off''. With 86' cebtl. f.43..221 llllllry . -: ,Aa Ora11ge CoHt OAll V PILO l ll t1ured1y, OotObOl 21, tea2 School bond nJeas ure • nJ er1ts voter support O m.• or tht• rm111y thm~:-. the out~uinU Lt•gislu1un: fa ilt·d t.11 do wns to provldt' fl Mnnnl{ to t'OVf'r lwtwcen $450 million u11<.i $500 million in upphcations Crom local sch ool di:unct.s rpquesting funds to rehabilitate:> or construct needed classroom spat-e About $500 m1lho11 ongmully mtt!ndt•d for sc:hool l'uns truct1un was rc:muvt·d lo support uthc:r funding rt-qu1rl'm«-nL-.. Attempts to replace thP mone y with l'ithC'r an oil sevc•runt't.' tax or so-<:alled "sin taxes" o n alcoho l and tabat·co failed to win votes. By approving Proposition l on the Nov. 2 ballot, voters w ill h ave an opportunit y to make u p for the lawmakers' laxity. This 1s a $500 m 1lhon bond issue which would provid e $350 million to build new classrooms in districts experiencing enrollmt•nt growth o r severe overcrowding and $1 50 million to remodel o r replace outworn fadhties. A lthough the need for added classrom space may be ques tioned in some districts where whole schools ar e being closed because of d eclining enrollment. t he fact 1s th at 60 percent of California's 1,- 034 school distracts prOJ<.'t't growth ranging from 2 percent to 100 percent in coming years. In the Los Angeles art>a alone there are mor • than 200 o vercrowd e d s<'h oo l:,. Some o p t• r a t l' y t • a 1 1· o u n cl l o ut•c.:ommodnh• stuclc•nt n1 >t•d s. Many st:hools a r... using n<m-l'lussroom s pan·. sud1 as l'Uft•ll'rtu s, f o r S<'Vt·r~il das.st•s u duy T ht· ~ruw t h prujt.'<·twn~ go from H1vt·1~1dl· und San Bt-rnard1nu t·nun ttt•s 1n Southt?rn Caltforn1.l to Sisk1yc1u a nd Nt!vada m the north. Addition ally, on t•-thard o l tht• state's school bu ildings art• murt· than 30 years old and i11 11w<l uf rnaJUr renovation. California alrt-ady is in the ignominious position or ra nking No . 50 1n the natio n an t h t• percentage o f personal 1n<:omc ehanneled into lht• public school s ystem. And school districts no lo nger can count on lot·al tax increases to (1nancl' need"d facili lies. The proposed 40-ycar bond issue will enable tht' state to e nter lease-purchase agrecnw nts with districts needing n ew cons trut·tion, with title to the fadlilles passin g to the dis tricts when the principal and interest have ~n p;:1id to the st.ate. Nervous lc:g1sla tors were unable to face u p lo a tox increase to provide the s orely needed school funds. They d id vote to put this measure on th e ballot. leaving the decision up to the voters. The Daily Pilot recomme nds a YES vote on Proposition 1. ·Law fills county jails A problem s h ared by officials m all u rban California counties 1s the existing lack o f adequate jatl fac11t t1 cs for h ousi n g inmates etthe r awaiting trial or serving sente nces less than on£' vt-ar m length. · Simply, mor~ and more people are being sen t 10 county jails - th e direc t r esu l t of more aggressive law enforcem e nt (the state's n ew drunken driving law 1s a n excellent example) and a tende ncy among judges tow ard incarceration instead of probation. Jails in the state's 58 counties wer e designed to hold 33.000 inmates on any give n day . The aver age figure n ow 1s abo ut 37.000; on w eekends. when <.·nme tends to increase. the total often exceeds 40,000. ln Orange County, the main ;ail in Santa Ana. d esigned to hold . 1,337 in mates. often hou ses l. 700 or more. : Construction of n ew jail : facihties is expe n sive. ln this county, for example, the addition of a 400-bed in take and release u nit at the men's jail is expected to cost $50 million. The unit would be occupied by arrestees spending o nly a s h o rt period o f time in custody. Its addition would free other space m the jail for m mates facing l onge r stays . T h t'y gene ra lly are the inmates facing more serious charges. County government does n 't have $50 million for the necdC'd intake/re lease u n it. W hile th(• county could fund som e portion of the cost, an outside revenue sourt-c is needed. It would come in the form o f Proposition % on the Nov. 2 ballot T he measure w ould permit the issuance of $280 million in bonds for county jail construcuon (This revenue would be separ ate frotn $495 million for state p r ison construction authorized by vo ters in June.) Local o ff1c 1als. of course. would have to compete with other counties for a share of t h e $280 million .. The s t ate B oard o f Correct i o n s would be the dispensing body. California vote rs h ave said they want tougher laws a nd more jail time for criminal offenders. Voters alread y have said the st.ate prison system m ust be e nlarged. Voters should no t forget th e importance of county jails in the c riminal jus tice syst e m . T bey should endorse Proposition t . Hope for small • • citizens In recent w eeks a few small group s of .Ame rasian ch ildren have arrived in California, all the offspr ing o f Ame ricans who fought and worked in Southeast Asia in the '60s and '70s. Al though they had the right to full American citiz.enship. the c h ildren h ad been barred Crom e ntry to this country unl~ their American fathers pressed the issue and were able to pro ve their fatherhood t.o the satisfaction o f the U.S . gove rnment. Some fathe r s did just that and. though it took years in some cases, eventually were able to gain e ntry for their c hildre n and sometimes their mothers and oth er relatives as w ell F ortunately, these may be the vanguard o! a stream of wives and children of Americans who w ere le !t b e hind in S o utheast Asia whe n the fathers le ft for h ome. Congress, at long last, has passed a bill giving pre fe rential immigrat.lon consideration t.o the children of U.S . dti:zen.~ born after 1950 in Korea, Thailand, Vietnam. La<>1 and Cambodia. Before they are admitte d , the r e must be a guarantee o f !lnandal support from a spo1\80r who would be responsible for five -.ORANGE COAST ~DailJ1i~' years, or until the applicant is 21 years old. This will n ot increase the to tal numbe r of immigrants entitled to admission. bu t simply puts the half-American children at the head o! the w a iting list. Estimates put their numbe r at close to 20,000. It is difficult t.o believe that, w h ile tho u sands of Southeast Asians with no ties t.o this country have been welcomed as political r e fugees outs ide immigratio n quot.as, t h e children of Americans have had no such pre fe rred status. And the ir s ta tus in the ir homelands, as fatherless childre n of mixed r ace, often has b een trag ic. In some cases they h ave been denied the right t.o a tte nd school or . whe n they grew olde r, to hold a job. Many have Jived in the s treets as social o utcasts, derided as "dust children." The ne w le gislation , lo n g o verdue . will p e rmit r e lie f organizations t.o seek sponsors for t he Ame r asian childre n whose fathers are n ot a val !a ble t o support them and give them a t least an opportunity to live out the lives that started so unhappily under mor e fortunat e circumstances. ThenNn P. tt.ley 'ubli"* (-.. AIMri I ,d(.,..,,. rc111ot ·lert..·~ I (dolorigj • (411or ~ ....... Mee. .. ~[d!lot .. • . WHO'S \NSlt>t?' Letters to the editor U.N. d eser ves some cr e dit To the Editor. In ask ing "Has United Nations dream t>nded in failure?" Felix McKnight (Q:l 9) should remember that the U N is not a wurld government but rather a n organization of independent sovereign nations which is and can be only as s trong a s the collecuve will o{ the· peoples and governments supporting 1t As Dag Hammarsk,JOld said: "The Umtt-<l Nations reflC<'lS both asp1rauon and a fa lling sh ort o r aspiration , but thC' cons t ant s truggle to close the ga f) betwt·en as p1rat1on and performann• now , as always. makes the citHcrenC{' between C'i v11.Jzat1on and chaos" &•fore continuing to dt·nde the Umu.-d Nations as "useless proslratl' a loser," Mr. McKnight should rt>a <l "Cyµr us Ro le Shows Thal the• U N Works" by Thomas Ehrlich in the Los Angeles Times. May 12. 1981 Noting lhat "if c•vC'nls in Cyprus WC're to tnggl•r n•newro conflict bet W('{'n GrC'C'Ce and Turkl'y, lhC' conseciuem·es to the Un11l'd Statt'S and NATO would be devastating, quite apart Crom the resulting human tragroy." , Ehrlich points o ut that U .N peacekeeping troops s tationed there "e v e r y day . defUSl' scorei. of inc1den\S that could explode into mapr confrontations." and that "talks are under way in earnest . . only becaUSf' o { the active efforts of U N representatives " He concludes "The" s hooting has stopped. and the Grel•k Cy pr io t and Turkish Cypri o t commun1ues seem to be on the path toward a peaceful settlement undt•r d1fht•ult circumstances. And ror that the United Nations deserves much of the l-rt-d1t .. JOHN W OSBORN JR President. Orange County Chapter, United Nations A.ssoc1at1on of the U.S A Teamwork n eeded To the Editor: It seems sad to ml' that the Coast Community College Dtstr1ct, one of the largest in the na tion, 1s now fighting a civil war inside itselC. Not only ts it sad in the sense that the hght lS tearing apart, the once close ties between the faculty and adm1mst.rauon, but also sad in how unnecessary the whole con!hct 1s The problem is centered around the proposed dis t r ict policy f o r communication which I feel has been prematurely reacted to and greatly over-publicized. The proposed policy 1n quesuon was brought before the Board of Trustees as just that: a proposal. SOMEHOW the instructors, conceml'd about some of the policy's inadequacies. mistook it for a pennanent set o( rules aimed at taking away their rights to freedom of speech . This led to an uproar at the schools Involved, and in the community in general, l feel the faculty's response to thts proposed policy has only helped cl0$C the channels of communication even more tightly than even the most restrictive policy could have. The Board o{ Trustees Is o penly asking for input concerning this matter, and is receptive to helpful criticism from the instructors. But the Instructors do not seem to be using the means o! communications open to them. The administration and faculty should constructive ly mend this problem together and become what they used to be: a team working together to educate and enlighten the public. RICH GOODSELL Points to ponder To the Editor: J enjoyed Steve Marble's three-pert stor y on Newpo rt and aom e of its problems. However there did not acem to be suggestlona for thoee who have not become Involved like the SPON Group. Could Steve have mlste.'d a point or two? Maybe. Perhaps the City Coundl and others ahould conaider: l) How many hundreda of oompanJ• or bual~ have located ln our arM beca~ of John Wayne Airport? 2) Row ma.ny lndlvldual1 .elected Newport Beach ae home bf.ceUlt' of J ohn Wayn~ A..lrport'• euy llCCC!ll? MAILBOX :J) How many people think the lrvinl• Company has done a great .)Ob for thl· arc<i"? '1) How many citize ns of Newport &•ac·h cringe each lime new t'Onstrut'l1on 1:. driven from Newporl Beat:h to dOSt· by Costa MPSa, Irvine or Tustin and he lp 111 carry our inc reasing ta x burdt·n 1s shoved over the line" 5J How m<in y or the "anu minority" ~roup ml•mb<.'rs have vacant propt-1 ty they are leaving to the future for art'as of grass and flowers t't.c ·1 If a public opinion poll was prop<•rly l'<mducll"<i [ believe we would hnd then.· 1~ VC'ry little wrong with Newport &·ac·h ThOS<.· who an: ht>rc and want nu otht•n, to t'Uml• a nd .)Otn us and au.l our luc:al t'('onomy, should move on and bt't't.lm e a maJUrit y in whe ri>vcr JOllN T . ISBEHG ch ools o ppose 'N' To lht.• Ed1tnr: This <:ountr y 1s a democracy L1vinlo( m sul·h a l"UUntry abo means that with th1· frt.'<'dum of casung a ballot o{ your chwc1· C'umcs respons1b1f1t y. This respons1b1lity 1s to be sun• that you arl' well 1nformt-d ~1bout all of the.• fal·ts before you l'aSt your baJlot The Newport-Mesa Board of Trustt.'t.'S approved u n animously a resolution supporung a NO vote on Proposllmn N on your local ballot. The tru:.le<'S art rc>s po ns1ble to the taxpayers for t h t• l'ff<'C·tive management of those surplus properues that the dlstnct owns in order lO provide funds for lhe education 11£ the <.'h1ldren 1t serves One such surplus prupt'rty l'Ol\SISlb o{ approx1rrullt•ly 11 acrt.'S rontatnt'<I w1th1n th v Banning -N e wp o rt R a n c·h D eve l o pment (f the o rderl y development of this property 1s stopped. the school d1stnct w ill lose a potential $300,000 annual income tha t could be used to pay thC' salaries o ( 10 teachers or to restore programs much needed to m a1nta1n quality education 1n t his d1slrtct The informauon outlined above is the reason for thl• action of the Newport- Mesa Board of Trustees. I would urge all voters to consider this fact and all others b<.>fort• casting their ballot. A democracy must haVl' informed voters -be-sure that you arC' completely informed b<.>fore you go to thl' polls on Nov 2. JUDITH A. FRANCO Trustee, Newport-Mesa Board of Trust.et'S Di c re pan cy To the• &htor l apprec1a1l'd the front pagP art1d l· 1n your Ol·t 13, edition concerning the Nl•wport Bcac·h candidates' forum al lhl· Man ott Hotel However. I would like to cl<•ar up one discrepancy in the article I did not oppose hugation against the 0:11rport, and am strongly m favor of any lt·~al rl'Clrc~ available to our city to stop fu rther t•xpans1on of the airport I d1<.J strongly cri ticize my opponent for cn•at1ng 111-will and feelings between Newport Beach and our sister cities and thC' cou nty by supporting so-called solutions which would merely reph1t'e th•• airport in somebody else's backyard 'T'his "l·ancer-replacing" theme hos mcrf•ly lost us valuable time and support toward obtaining the only viable alternative -location of a regional airport in a less-populated region of southc•rn Orunge County coupled with o rl-duc·tlon m noise levels at John Wayne Thank you again for the otherwise fmr nrtkh.• DA VID C. GRANT S hining example To the FAltor: Since last July when J ohn Schmitz revealed that he wo.s the father of the abUM!d child being held In the Albert Sitton Hofne, we have been deprlvt-d of one of our great moral leadenJ. Who now would alert u. to the devil's worlcJt - bulldlkea in the balcony, homoeexuala ln the home. and communists in ou r commttteet? Natu.rally I was thrilled and relieved wh n thf' Dally Pilot announced that MJrv St•hm1t:-. w11uld be l'h<11r1ng the nc•wiy fornwd Caltforniam. for Moral CoV('f'nmc·nt. WllEN THE reporter quf.'St1oned, the prnp11L•ty of Mrs &hm1l7 c:hamng sul'h an u1ga111 z:,it1 on (\l ftc r tht.• recent n·vc•lot1ons concerning her husband's l'Xlra-rn.mwl affair), he overl()()ked the t act th:1t b y this action Mary was prnv1dmg us a htnmg example of how to nSt· abovl' petty famil y problems. Thl• arlld<' statt-d that the group Mary Schmitz 1s t•hairing w ill focus on the defc.it t>f Jc·rrv Brown because he has not l'Omt• Up UJ tht• t•Xpc:'Clal10ns or the Chri:.uan l'0111n1un1ty G od i,.ave J erry Brown h1· has th1 fort"<.~ of both good <inti cv1I agains t him I csw <11 t with dt<t•p 1..·ur\ccrn the• next IJ1z.or r1..• t•1w.1x.h.· nf the· John-Mary-Carla gruup Hy d 1al1ng the· same Schmitz numlxr, you tJn .:l·l :..dv1l'I.." on Al Moral 11..•1..·t1tud1• f1 0111 M.uy a nd BJ Moral tuq >11 ud(· fr11m Jnhn The· mind rt.-'<'IS at th(• J')lt'.Slhiltlll'" h t-rf• SY NTHIA WILLIAMS top~itl,~d reporl T11 lhl· ~:dnor The· 1):11 Iv P1 It,, . ., 1.ovt•ragc· of the Bolsa <'h1l J m<1nna ,rnd mJl"s h restoration plan 1·ont1nue.., 111 be· 111µi.1dl'd Your reporter Sl't oul t<> i:ov .. r a sp<.·eC'h before the prt·~t q,puu.., Or <ingP County Coast Assoc1a t1 11n bv S tate St!n Paul Carpt·n t r . but: l!S ui.ual. turns the t'olumns ($<-pt :iO) 11f your paper over t.o outrag1..'Uu ... ~Wlt'mcnb by members of tlw Am1gu-. d 1..• &Isa Ch1l'a, who oppose thl' m.iri n,1 .ind m,1r..h rl"'lorat1on. Your n ·porll'r -.t'(•med to be able to 1dc·n11 f) thl pn~1clt•nt of th1· Arrugos and lo n>ntJ t·t h1·1 fur 1..·on1rnc·nts on the Carpcm tl·r spt'\'<.'h. 1ndudmg a sc·urrilous .rnli unv. ..irrant<-d p<>rsunal attack on the ~mat.or Hnwt•vc·r. no c•ffort was made to {'Onta1..·1 thl' many orga niz.at1ons and md1v1duals whu s uppo rt tht• county pro)C.'<:t. a numbt.-r of whom were present at th<' mC<'ttng. Your rt•µortC'r <tlso fciilt'<..l to report that the Coast A.ssoc1at1on ll.S('lf 1s a staunch s uppo rlN of the t•ounly plan and o( Carpenter's support for the plan in the L c gis latur1..· and th at C a rpen t er 's legislauon was sponsored by the <:ounty Board or Sup<'f'VISOl"S WAYNE A CLARK Fire safe ty To tht' Editor I w1i.h w publid) thank lhl' reasons why my. and probably several other homes are s till sta nding on the upper l"<ige of Laguna Canyon along Skyline Driv1· 1 A v<>ry t•ffl'<'ll VC, prof PSS1onal and l'uuru'Ous fire and pohce service, 2 About !"10 f('(.•l of healthy ice plant that 1 and my adJOuung neJghbo~ had growing down thl' edge or the canyon; 3 And. at least in the case of my own home. a ratht•r una ttractive rock roof w hich I h<.1v(' dC'<·id<-d not to replace. TIM ADAMS Debt to union To the Editor We owe the unions -teachers. auto and steel workers, RTD drivers, NFL football players et nl, a tremendous debt of gralltude becaUS<' they have shown us h ow to bring lh1s great nation to a screeching. grinding halt. Simply have on<' strike alt.er another, along with the> ~king of their corrupt. umon-SE>rving polH1cal friends Their greed 1s truly a magnificent example of toU1l 1rrespons.ib11i ty for all of us to follow, especially the young genera- tion or Americans I wond<'r when they pion to apply the coup de gral'l'" JAMES D CORCORAN CllllYlll lf the U.S public could be as enthusiastic about improving the country as It is about,spM~ we'd be! helld and shoulders abovt-ony other country In tht-world! RESTRAINED FAN -........ -............. ,, ......... .. ..... ...!£""'"'··-.......... .., _. ....... . '"".. ' °"" o.4ty ... ... ' , Dramuu Loual OAll V PILOllfllut,duy Oc.tobur 21 1982 -'9 • ANN LANDERS • HOROSCOPE • OR STEINCAOHN If the shoe fits, put it on and kick the bum out DEAR HEADERS: The followln(C lc>tter appeared OD Oe&. 1'1 , IHI. It deals wltb The Other Woman, a problem 'bit& b1111 ewcala &od lo &be past 16 ytan. Tbe advice 111 a11 good tud11y H It wa11 tbt-n, and well wor'b repeating. DEAH ANN LAND'EHS Wall you ph·a.'4t· du something for thl• millions of Oth1·1 Wonwn 1n tlw country? Thtjy dl-servc to know th1• truth. Lt.·t nw be Ann Landl'r'S today I want Lo suy somcthi11~ to every female who is involv1-'d with a mal"ral-<l man llt!rt' rs my lettl•r DEAR OTHER WO MAN· My husband h,1sn't asked me for a d1volX't• (in sp1k• of what he ha.s Loki you) because he 1:. afraid l rm~ht grvt• ham urn,.' I( he were free. Ill' would tht>n hJVt· no ex<.·USt-fu1 not marrying you My husband 1s h•ll1118 ynu the truth about ont• thing I am not as attral·llvt-as I om·t· was h 's har·u to keep your looks up when you don't havC' money for clothes and the beauty :.hop Aftl'r Jll entertammg a woman .ts c>ll•gant ,u; you nm mak1· a QUllNll By PHIL INTERLAN DI of Laquna Beach , .... ~, ,~ z ··can I get back to you"' I'm bt.>mg . . you know. brilliant " • HOIOSCOPE BY S IDNEY OMARA -Pisces ~orks I ne~ approach Friday, October 22 ARIES (March 21 -April 19) Longstanding promise will be fulfi lled. Dues are paid, reliability is rewarded and individual capable of pulling strings will be on your side TAURUS (Apral 20-MCly 20). Emphasis on communication. travel poss1bllit1es. lo ng-r ange ·advertising prog ram and pursuit of educat ional project. You'll finish o ne phase of activity and initiate anothe r level. Let go of past. GEMINI (May 21-June 20) You'll be offered a new neal in connection with investmen~ o r financial arrangements. Protect your own interests, refuse to be linked with one who seeks something for n othing . Stand tall, highlight originality. CANCER (June 21 -July 22). lntri<:ate details require further study, be aware of legal nghts. permissions. Family disagreement could create confusion where direction is concerned Air clears if you are patient LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). Accent on special services. a bility to work with matenal at hand. F ocus a lso o n die t , nutrition. health a nd communication with those who rely upon your judgment. Bellicose individual is bluffing. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): You gain greater freedom; some restrictions are removed, green light ia flashed for creative endeavor. Focus on change, travel. variety and romance. It will be ne-::essary to revis e some plans. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0t-t 22): Concern centers on design, structure, analysis and abilit y to discern motives. Protect ideas. apply for copyright, submit suitable format. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 2 1): Major domestic adjustme nt is highlighted ; relatives, visits. sugg~tions. calls and special reports are featured. S hort trip may be necessary to placate a very sensitive individual. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-~. 21): Define t.emis. see places. people as they a~ually are. not merely as you wish they might exist. Someone may try to pull wool over your eyes ln connection with peyme nis. collections. Pi.aces, Virgo natives figure prominently. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22~Jan. 19): Push ahead, drcumstances favor your effona and you'll be at right place at crucial m oment. Relationship intensifies. you'll bf> given more re:1ponslbillty and cbaMie for additional Income. AQUARIUS (J•n. 20·Feb. 18): Yo u'll be taken on a •pedal gu;ded tour. Some pel"IOna, previously Indifferent, wlll curry your favor. Emphasis on communicat.lon, long-range prot1 p ect1 and wil.J.ingn89 to be rid of burden not ri~htCully your own ln fiM place. PISCES (F b. l9·Mateh 20): New approach brlnas desired resuha. Memt.r of opposite MJC It danled. faaclna~ and pmltlw ~t 10'1 are eome k1nd of a ieniua. Emph.uts on ~ hopes. wt.hes and powers ol ~rsuuion. Leo. A.quari\.61 native. f~ ptOminmUy. s.·r·mus d1•nt in u wurk111..: 111u11's "ilal'y But plt·.1M· tlo11'1 h'tll llt)rr:v for nw I do h.1ve J Jc•w tll'W lln·l>:>l·i. W4"11 , nearly 1)1•w My 101>tt·r ch.•anl>d uUt lw1 do.~·l .;1x monlhs ago, u11d iclw 111 ulmois t my siu: Anti now for thl• 11111x11·wnt port I ho,x· my lauslumd h11x l)(>t•n t.o nl•St with yuu about ht." l)llSl 1 ll' had thrc-.• otllt'r so-<·uJlc<.I lovl' aff:.111 :1 l>c•lorc you ('Uml? nlong, .uad Crotn tht• wuy lw whai.lll'S m thl• morninl( whl·n he shavi•s, J :1u11pc'(·L hl· hus alrC'ady found your l"l'pla<:t.>nWrH (( h'-' wasn't with you fmlay and Saturday night, you are already on yuur way out -bt•l'aust• hl· was n't h ome t•ather SINCEHELY YOURS HIS win: DEAR WIFE: Her4:'s your le tter -and a supub one It Is. And now may I udd a word to tbt' Other Woman: DEAR O.W. s: If the 11boe fits, put It on and kick the bum out or your life . , DEAR READERS: Get out the eat-o'nine·tails, Commercials rm wurraed Cobll-ll'll•V1s1on IS now p1one<.>ring eX J.ll.'rim1•nta l s tations in MassathusC'tlS that run nothing but C'onm1crL·1als "We've found. ::istvnashingly. that we had as man y peoplt' tuning to c·omrncn·1als as those wat.c·hing Cable News Nl·twork and ESPN (an all sports l·hanni•I)," repc:>rlt>d an ad agl•m·y l'Xl'<.'Ul1v1· I don't Srt.> what's so astonishing ubvul that M y dear wife, Glynda, and I haVl' bct•n watl'hing nothing but commercials for the past scveraJ years. There's no quesuon that this l'hange an our hfl•styll• has saved our hcoppy hom(• u Wl't noodle won't d o. J told "Mixed lip In Ohio" tu "l>rup th_. cb11rge11 ANO Rodnl'y." (lie luotiencd her bridge work.) I wbuuld have advlwcd, "Urup Rodney and by all meanll pre11s t•hnrgu. No man should get away with beaUng up on a woman." , ANN LAllDEIS DEAR ANN LANl>EHS My frll'nd and I w1·n · d1S<:us.smg tht• rt-sporu.1b1lll1 l" or'lx.•tnK" )(u<lfoX.1rt.•11L Slw iay1> thl· dut1t.•-. mduu•· pur • h.c.1n~ tlw b..iby's dw1swmng gown l111d ..,1.1r1111i.; .1 hank H<'t'Ount for him or hc·r I was not .1w:H 1• of lilt'~· I 111a11nal ollligal1mt.'> jlld s:.i1d M l Stw l.illt•d rill' 1gnw .Jill It w:.is m:v undt•1iill1nd111g Uiot l• ~udpurc·nl 111 HUflf"~.od to bt· M>rl1l'otW lht• {·h 1ld 1·11n turn to 1111· ucJv11-<• and <.'OUnM•I cll1nng ltw ~r(lw111g-u[' y(•urH. And in th<' l'Vl'll\ sonwLhtnJ( huppt•rni UI >oth µ&n·nlll. thl· gcxipiirc•nt b tht'fl' to Wkl• tlw11 plllt't.' J>l~ust• uuv1!tl" l•;AST .. :HN lJILEMMA l>E AR OIL: The godparents bave oo fl.DllnCh&I rei1ponslbllltle~ wbat•ocver. To bt selected 11 an honor -nothing mort!. You are right, bowever, 11bou1 being on band for advict und counsel -al10, stepping I.a, lo ca11c bolh parents, by 1ome terrible misfortune, should die together. 8 4! aware. however, that this 11 not a le gal responsibility unless pa pers have been drawn up so stating. (Planmng a Wt'Clding? What\ right? WhiJI ':. wrung? An11 L.mdc:ri.' c'OmplN1.!ly new "The Brnlt·\ CJu1cle " will relieve your anxl<•ty To re<.'t'1ve a copy, S'!nd a dulh1r, p/u:. .r lu11g, Sf•/( :.iddressed. slJlmpc'<./ t•1w1•/opc• (."17 n •tlt\ µ<>swgC') cu Ann Landers. PO Box I J 99.'i. Chm1g11. JI/ fJOti I I J save happy home ART HOPPE THE INNOCENT BYSTANDER W1·'vl' t11l hl·:.rrtl thl' Jrgumcnt 11dvam·tod in Jl'Sl, of t'OlffM', that tht· t nmnwn·1Jb on.• bl'lu..>r than lhe programs on tt·l1•v1:.1011 thc'S(.• day:. Ac:tuallv. thc.•n•'s a grN1l cl1·al of 11 uth lu this Wh1•11 al l"Unil'S to grt•Jl rn11mt·nts 111 rlr;im;1 , GOREN ON BRIDGE BY CHARLES H GOREN ANO OMAR SHARIF Lavt.>rne and S h1rlt•y may not rank with Tr1st.an and lsoldl' Yt•l no onc.-but a Frenchman would cll·nv that Wl' Amcrn:<im. tcxlay pruducc the most cum.pt'lltng te h·v1s1on t'Ommcrc1ah 1n history. Thl· rl'ason for this is that more timE', effort, muni·y . la lt•nl , and lc•L·hnolog1cal skill 1s t·onl'l·ntrutt'C.1 on u :!0-~'l·ond tl'lcv1s1on spot than on any otht•r :m s<.'<·onds of thC' t(•IC'v1s1on day As with mo!>l art forms. there arc good commerc1ab .md bod onc.-s For cxcomple, I t•connol :1b1dl' dancing cats Let a t·at so mut·h cos put forward and withdraw a single paw and I ~w1tt·h to anolh<'r t·hann<'I East Wt•sl vuln1·r.1hh• Svulh d1•al,,. NORTH thJn .1d1·quJtt· 11111 tht>rt' arc' t hO'>t' 11. hti prd..r J ~urt• thin~ .,.. hll 1 h1· trump ll·ari 1n dum 1111 .111.t ran I ht• Ja••k 11( s pacl••' lo Wt>st's tiueen. Wc!lt ex\tc•d with a trum p. taken on the hoard. Declarer revealed the :ipade rinesse and found I hnt thrs was the one• lime in four that lht' rontract was due to fail ed the entry to the table for another diamond ruff. Now dt'dnn·r ran elaminau.• the dub SUit with 8 rurr in dum nw, and lht.>n draw the lasl tr~mp wiLh dum my's qurl'n . • J 108 Q J 962 ... 85 .. 2 •6 WEST F.A T +K Q62 +7 _.3 ':' H 3 -'AKQlO ,'J 97 •tc.J 8 •QI097H SOUTH +AU <:: AK 1085 {' 6 3 • A5 3 fhe b1dd1ng 'outh Wul ~Orth E ut 1 Obie 3 ~ Pa .. I ht' b1ddinl( hai. •w\'t•ral 1101nts of 1nt1•rrst. Ov1•r· \\' 1• !.t 's ta kt' o u I do u h I 1• "-11r1h·~ JUmp tu thrt•t• hc•ar1 .. llt,1, prt•t•mpllVt• Jt 'lhOWt•tl ,1 rl"r r1buuunal hand. l1ttll' or "'' dt'f1·n~1· and .11 lt'a.,t four l'ar.J trump ~upport :-incl' :"-ort h '"a'i mun• thlln hkc•I) lu hold :1 <oinl(lt'ton for ha" pr1·1·mpl. ~outh rl'.lhn'fl th&I 1 ht· t"' <• hunrt" t'<lUld orrl'f .1 r1•a"1n.1hl1· pl.1y for 11·11 I r1t•k' \\ , . .,l ll·d l h1• kinK of 1h.1mnnri... l h,•n t"a"h"d th•• tt•11·1·n "' .,..,.11 hdor<· i.h1fl10K Ill .1 trump. l>et'larl'r rt•:il111·d lhal. tf E.i't ht•lrl om• v( lh1· I 11t·o m1s"IOI( 'iJl:td1• honor,, h1,. ..:am1· .... a., a<>wn•d Sohl' f:Hn 1r the informatory d ou ble had not alertt>d declarer Lo the possibility that both •pade honors might bt' orfs1de. he should have made his rontracl. An elimination would have guarantrrd tt>n tricks regardlrs or how Chi' spade honors wt>rt' louted. W h" n derla rt'r runs the Jtll'k of spadl'!I to West's 11u1•t'n. West is end played. ltt' muM either rl"lurn .i. 'PJd•· into dt•rlarer's rom b1nt'd 11•naet'. or yield a ruH .. 1uH f-:11 hL•r way. derlarer rs .i oesu rc•d ol t rn tracks. Have you tH-en running I•· to doubl~ trouble? Let t.•harles Goru A.elp you l.iJld our way l.hrougb I.he mau of OOllBU:S for peaalLlea and for t.akeout. for a C'OPY of his OOllBU;s book.Id, llt'Dd SI.KS co "Goreo·Ooublt'I," tar~ of this ne11upaper, P .O. llox 259, Norwood, N.J. 07641t Make checks payable to ~ewspaperbooltlJ. _. • Pau Pau PaH Opening lead: King of ' for some, a 75 percent chancr or surcess as mort' Arter winning the trump 1n dummy al trick three. dt>clarer should have r dred a diamond high. Are or clubs and a rurr would have provid Vasectomy not an easy choice DEAR D.R. STEINCROHN: My wife and I don't want to go &brougb a great part of our lives ta.king contraceptives. We want to limit tbe site of oar family. My wife bas offered to have ber tubes tied or bave a bys&erec&om y. I don'& go along witb that. I feel tb•t tbe aoswer 'o tbe problem is having a vasectomy. I bear It's a simple operation &bat c an be performed la the doctor'• office. Bu' I've been bearh1g sometblag else, too. Js It true that men wbo have vasectomies are more likely to llave heart attacks? That'• llD Important consideration wbeo making tbe decision, don't you &blok? -MR. Y. DEAR MR. Y .: When you consider it, there ar<• pros and cons fo r practically every ty pe of treatment of every type of medical problem. The pro for vasectomy is that it'll a sample, effective contraceptive procedure. But, there has been ".ome evide nce lately, in a nimal studies, that vase<:tomy may produce early atherosclerosis (a precursor of heart attacks). T he evide nce isn't all in, so I can't advise you as being in favor or against the operation. But thousands or vasectomjes performed yearly indicate lba\ most physicians d o not believe that the operation lncreases the rb k or heart attack. l suggest that you a nd your doctor have a full di8cUssion of the pros and cons before you make your decision. Mr Y IPOT SHOTS 9Y ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT 'TM• IMftoSSl.ILIT"'( Otr UVtNG WITM ~U ti ITt&..L. HTTa" TMA.N TMS IMf'OSll .. &.ITV ,. ,,. ,, Ofl LIVt""G Wl~OUT WU. I I DE AR DR. STEINCROHN: I know some men develop a ha ppy philosophy of life after a beart attack. They're so thankful for another c hance, that they &reasure e\'er y day. But my husband Is one of rou1 HEALTH DR PETER J STEINCROHN tbe exceptions. He went Into a severe depression after recovering from b is heart auack. Tbe doctor ordered medicine to combat his depreu lon. But. be • doe~n·t want to take it. Afraid it will affect bis heart. Is there any danger? -MRS. U. DEAR MRS U . His doctor will need to determine if there's any danger Usually. h eart patients can take a nti-depression medication Sometimes there's no choice. A depression can sometimes be as fatal as a heart attack . Suicide may be a potential danger I suggest you try to persuade him to tak<> the medicine Dr Ste1ncr ohn welcomes qu estions from readers Hl' cannot answer all individually but will include those of general interest in his column Send your questions to him. in care of r.he Daily Pilot, P.O. Box 1.560, Cosw Mesa. 01/Jf. 92626 Lunches go ID cycles Mothers everywht'r<' are about to enter the s('('()nd swgt• of th('1r home-packed school lunch experienre • There are thrN• 1·y('les during a sch ool yE'ar. .each rctl«.'tlng o mother's l'are and concern for her young child's nutrllJon and well-being. and you're reduced lo plain b rown on es. By January and continuing through to lhe end of the school year. lunch ts a ch allenge . You're down to cold chicken necks. a wedge of cheese that is late ror il.S own funeral. a cold pork chop with a llMA IOMlfCI AT WIT'S ENO CYCLE I IS A SHORT ONE running from the first day of school to late October. lt is S uper Mom's finest hour. During this period ~very lunch sht' packs contains the seven basic foods for strong bones and bodies. The bread is fresh an d cut into 5hope11 of little duck." wllh raisin eyes and c3rrot mouths. The filling ls chilled tn a M'J'.)ArAl(' container to w ard o ff botulism. Steam pours from th<' ' wide-mouth of thermoecs revealing the promite of frffh vcgetablea In homemade broth. There is a little pla.'ltk spoon. knJfe and Cork. Fruit Is section~ and cut fo r ('MY a<.'tt'SS and d~'ll!lena are peraonaUy monogr~mmed. A napkin wllh a toothpick In It and a mint to leavl' a ~'001 lrun.lng tatt complcw the lunch. Dally. th~re is a no~~na. "Mommy lovct you. Hurry home." It Is all fl.w rapped In a floral bag with the name bite out of It and compreaed equarcs of assorted oate and grain thal'a supposed to hU you up until dinner. but docsn'l. prin In calligraphy. From late October to Ja nuary. the 9C<l0nd cycle begins to emerge. BologM still has the rind on lt, peanut but.tc?r bcromes • 1taplc-and If you had three sandwiches for lunch, you'd get alck h ls. Fruit la Iffy and n o ont hH 1een &ht' thermos alnce Sept.ember. Every day for five w~ka you set the same Chriltmas cookies w1lh an* ln them that no one w111 eat. lnrludln1 you. The c:u\e bell ere tone . IF YOU HAVE AN 11 A.M. luOC'h period. the breod is Atlll frozen . The seven basic& h llve dwindled down to a bunr.h of carrots with the tops atilt on and a jar of maruchlno cherries. The Cried l!Q sandwich that smt'llcd IO l""t at breakfast now hu all thr appeal of an eye lra naplanl. I Tht' brown lunch bag haa given way to • ahopptnc bu tha t al.lo hld8 dlrty gym c:lothcs. No one ltnowt why 11ehool luneh~ follow lht. cycle. but they'N" u i)red.lctabl Q the kid who doesn't eat any of tht'm, but trades them for a bueball card aod a Scratch 'n Sn Cf! ) • ; -. ) l • ' . . . Orungo Coaa1 PAil V l'ILOT /Thuraduy, October 21. 1082 BEACH•GARFIELD CENTER Clothes Titne is expanding and the 'Nhole center is celebrating by offering lo'N, lo'N prices! BECKY 'S *' c;. _,,.< M ' \\«. .J_ SHOP Two Free Lines of Imprinting wh en you buy 2 Boxes of Christ- mas Ca rds Before Nov. 1st 1911 Beach Blvd. 848-0504 Complete and Personalized Travel Services for Business and Pleasure Including Cruises, Air and Tours ~ FUNFEST Travel • I -f "'LI!( "'0111 TrJ•f'/ C.1rf'S Ht' 011rs 19097 Beach Blvd. 847-3730 .. --··········COUPON··-·····-· ··1 ' 253 OFF All Fresh Flowers and Arrangements with this ad through 10-31 ·82 • Balloons • Plants • Antiques • Hand-Crafted Gifts /Ji Ccuqtr)· f l(i\\'Cr~ 848-54.4 1 -------------------------~------- 503 Off ENTIRE STOCK While It Lasts Dress Affair [~) 848-2242 ~ ----couPON-... -~ I FREE ' 3 \ I I I 103 ~ I I I I OFF I I All M ... c ... adlH I I lO'IJldliiq ~ ... I Coupon Expires I I At End of Tent Sale I I Good at Huntington Beach I \ Store Only I ..._ ___ couPON ___ , Selected Rings 50% Off Now through 10-3 1-82 ALAR CON'S JEWELRY GOL D • DIAMONDS • SIL VER • PRECIOUS STONES GIANT SAVINGS 10"x1 0" HIBACHI ................... 3.99 Reg. 19.95 BEACH CHAIR ......... 10.88 14 oz. Pet Food KIL KAN ............... 3 tor $1 Auorted SWIMWEAR .......... 50% OFF ~ l11oh •-' l1rfl1!4, M111ti1ct11 l11ch r···--······ COUPON ··········· Dry Cleaning Special 20% ~· OFF r UNLINED DRAPERY with this coupon expires 11-30-82 llORTOll PORT CLUllERS J 9071 Beach Blvd., Huntington Beach • 847-9611 847-6862 ~-----------------------------·---· A lltJlllY &tJIDMM GIFT CERTIFICATE IS A GIFT IN GOOD TASTE. Our g.tt ur1o1tca1es are a pe•tect way 10 say tr>ank you °' cong<atulltl()(IS They are an easy & t 0f\venien1 way 10 dO ycx.r C1111s1mas Sh<>PP•l'>Q early Give a g.11 1na1 •S epp<ecia1eo by the entire lamily Out 0111 cernt.ca1es are eva•table ano redeemable at any 1.xa11011 WE &if> COAST TO COAST, USA+ ALASKA & HAWA.1 848-8575 ~ A Full Service Salon for I .. Men and Women \\tlTRYRo ~ \\ ANTIQUES 4 ~ Close Out Sala! 50%-75% Off All Merchandise Bakers Racks At Cost! Gift Items 5 0 % rec~~ost \ E"rytlil11 IHtl Brass. Copper Etegerea. trunks, plant 1tanda. Xmas orn a ments . bukets, & much morel '50% Pett-~ Bhb 30%~w~ 30 0'-. Off /f,, louvered Drapes ~"1'11 • ·-· l lw ~ ~fur )'°" and I'"'' murw) : 553MORE I PASSBOOK INTEREST 8.5% I 9.0% ~ Interest Anooal Yield Sl 0 ..... • NO mtM • NO PENAL TY FIH 11n Willi A IEW lOClllT .,.....,.. to CllllonQ rttilllllb d/. VOUt passbook account earns a high 8 5% interest (9 0% annual yield) compounded daily al F11st Thull ot America that's 65% higher than any bank or saVlngs and loan Make the move to First Tf'lrtft today, so your money can earn more tor you everyday First Thrift o(. \ nM·ric:a 19107 Beech Blvd., Huntington Beech a .. ch A Oarfleld Center 1••••••••••••••Coupon•••••••••••••-. -----------i Free Smoothie : WITH PURCHASE or ANY SANDWICH OR SALAD I $ 2 ON ANY PURCHASE I OFF' Of VITAMINS AND I 1 SUPPLEMENTS Good thru 10-31-82 Rays of Health lltinate Ont s 159 5 ltfllnl po(ttref multi "''lllltl$ NOW lltr • mir•tfltls 90 llM SI I S!> Rays of Health Vttami\ C s 1295 ••lh lloi.e Hips piolonced rrtuse NOW R~ 1000 me 1169!> Switch and Save More than a buck-a-bag 1:J11.AY,,~R?i!c!~ALTHI at Ralphs l_ ........... !~?.-!~~-----·······j "'--_8_4_7_-_8_3_9_3 _ __. • CORNER OF BEACH .AND GARFIELD IN HUNTINGTON BEACH • ., Illy Piil THURSDAY. OCT 2 1, 1982 THI CMIT 111 THI CIUITV ENTERTAINMENT COMICS TV LISTINGS 84-5 86 87 Mysteries of brain ' get a home By JOEL C. DON Of I~ Delly l"tlot ll•ft UC lrvtnl' has opt•m•d a nl'W $2 1 malhon research <.-enu.·r a1ml'<i at probing the mysteries uf the brain Callro the Center for the Neurobiology of Learning and Memory. lhl' fac1 hty ts touted as thl' first of its kind m tht• world, ac:t•urdmg to Dr James L Mc.Caugh. who propost.>d and organized the research unit with <'Olleagu<.'S Gary L ym·h and Norman M. Wt•mberger. McGaugh, a psyc.·hob1ologist and international authority in ll'arning and memory rcst•arc.·h. said lht• 18,000-square-foot center 1s uniq ue lx'<'aUSt' of its intl'rd1S<.01plinary approach. ll will bring togethN ncurolog1cal S<·1entists, ph ysicists. pharmacologists, t'Ompull'r spc.'<·1allsts in artificia l intdligence and biologists as well as scholars from the social sc:wnccs. Faculty mt•mbers com e from throughout tht• UC's 111nc-campus system. "We want to b<.• known as thl' international <.-enter for learning and memory," M<.Caugh said at a press confl'rcnc.~ Wednc'Sday. He may get his wish in part when morl' than 200 top scientists in lt'arning and memory <.'OITil' to UC! next wN'k for an mtl'rnauuna l conference on the latest research m the.• field The sc:·ienus~ havt• a w1dl• range of rl'SC'arc.·h pursuits Some arc studying learning and mt•mury with human subjt'<'ts while others have f()(·US<.'d on the ceUu lar act1vlly that triggl·rs th<' learning and memory prO<.'t.'SS m ani mals Still others, mc:lud1ng two UC! sci<'nllsts. believe memor y 1s lmkl'<I to the tht• t'Onnet·t1on. or synapse, between neurons Mc·Gaugh 1s pa rticularly interested 111 hormones th at appt'ar to sum u latl' memory rete ntion m laboratory rats He h as found ·that t'hl•m ll·als such as noradrenaline. adrenaline and dopamine. a lso known as catet·h o lam1nes. te nd to e nhance memory. H l• has also b<.-en abll' LO boost lt'arnmg and memory via otht•r drugs as well as through e lectrical stimulation of the brain But MeGaugh 1s wary of suggestions that such reS<!arch may one day lead to a drug designed to give a normal person super-human learning and memory abilities. Hl· noted his research shows animals can na turally produce hormones and substances to aid in memory re tention. "The hormones are normally released when we get excited," he said. "They play a role in how we'll remember the experience that got us excited in the first place." McGaugh believes his efforts and those of other scientists eventually will lead to drugs that can be used for people who suffer from learning disorders or victims of neurological afflictions such as Alzheimer's d isease ··w e're not interested In a treatment that will help ordinary people learn better because ordinary people w ill learn better 1f they work harder." he I " said. "l have not mt·t muny p<'<>plt• who wouldn't hkc a 11ttlc bt.'tte r mc•mo ry from <·h<'m1cals, but that's not our aim "Wl' don't nt'ed any morl' drug abu* .. lndel•d. rt•scarchL•rs nutt· that the body's memo ry-c·nhant'ing t hcm1t·als ac·t a t s pec1 f1 c conc..-entrat1ons and in a spt."t•1f1c· um1.· framc. The hormonl>S act like printer's ink. lC'lling the brain whu:h info rmation to rt'cord a nd whic·h to disregard. The effect of mjl"<.·ting a human being with these substan('('S probably would cause the brain to suffer from an overload of information, UCI memory specialists say In other words, Nature has its own way of fine tuning our learning and memor y ability. Psychobiologist Gary Lynch said hu; studies show that brain calcium con{'('ntrauon plays a role m memory. He has found. along with UCI colleague Michel Baudry. that calcium encourages the productio n of a little -known enzy me called calpain, which m turn bolsters the number of receptors at the synapse. L ynch believes the Increased numbers of receptors boosts memory. I ' 1~ ~· f ~~~ .,,/ ' , I Dr. Arthur Lange describes fear of failure as wh en you overreact when things don't go the way you want. - Enter discipline, By SANDIE JOY oftMOeltyNot8i.tt With the cos t of gasoline, groceries and interest rates all on the rise. so, too, are personal stress levels. Dr . Arth u r La ng e, a psychologist who teaches a course In stress management at Saddleback College, Indicated the state of t he economy and incidence of stress are related. Lange, who also teaches at UC Irvine Extension and Coattllne College, said It seema like more people are having streu-related or streu-lnduced problems as the natJon'• economy continues In a dee: line. "There are 10 basic Irrational bellefa," said Lange, a practldn~ peychologi1t with offices In Santa Ana who hH conducted more than 700 work1h op1 In the UnJted St.ates ar Europe. ' At the top of the 1rrat1onal beliefs hst, he indicated, is fear of failure. "That's why the economy Is s uch a big deal. The economy isn't a st.ressor. It's the idea that you might fail ... Don't get Into this fear of failure," he advised. "You don't have to live a t the level you're accustomed to," Lange explained "You just want to. People freak out at the Idea that they might have to live with I~ than they had in thl' past." Ironically, h e said, a survey conduc ted by the federal government revealed t hat the highest stress group was people who earned $90,000 and up a year. "They are more uptJght about being able to main tain their st.an<Uird of living," Lange aald. "The hl~her you go. the nuttier Gary Coleman i no pre lenliou actor ... BS D D Dr . Gary Lynch uses appar a tus to check living t issue fro m b ra in of a rat d u ring research at UC Irvine. • exit stress you get ... the more pressure you feel." Fear of failure is when you over-react when things don't go the way you want them to go. ''The part that makes it ecrewy," he said, "is when you demand things go the way you wa.nt them to. "When you demand out on the tennis coUrt and ml8I the ahot, you might throw the racket and get ticked off, 1\resaing youraelf. It's better to say you would have like d to have made that shot ... The ume thing la true in busJnesa and 80dal life. Lange believes that when you can't change a situation such u the s t.ate of the economy. you chan,e the way you reect." "Stre11 mana1ement la very euy to understand ," h e contended. "lt'a very difficult to do becau it requires a lot of ' self-disc1plme and h ard work because people don 't wa nt to work hard anymore "Basicall y," he said, "I'm teaching people how to change the way they think ... Fo r example, I teach them how to change their awfulizing. when they overreact with thoughts such as what if nobody shows up. ~~hts such as that. he said, are c trophizlng. And that, said the psychologist who la forme r direct o r o f peycholOQical aervtces at UCI, Is the way people at.res.1 themselves. "We make ounelves depressed and miserable," he contended. ''You can't teach people to ht> unconcerned but you can ll'ach them not to overreect. "The economy la blad enough. Why be mi~rable about It, too. T he economy didn't make you UJWt. You made your'ICll URl'l"t." ) .... - , .. • , ............ . 0 0 0 'l'•iw•·f!' 11o 111• "1111 111 l Hl-> 1111pul111 111 "' 0 •• 01 ange CotUll l>All V Pll 0 I J I l111111<loy Ot.lolht1 J I IV64' ;TV star schedules 'An Affair with Angels' •'· :! .. Y VIDA DEAN . . '°'-.... 0.-, "°' ..... ::;~ Constunci.• T t1w .. rl\, 311.r 111 -.1uw·. M 11•1·11 und ;:~ll•vlalon. will h1· 111 <>n1111<1• l'11u11ty t )( 1 :Ill lo h.wt· ~':An Atruir with A118l'l11" · :: • No. tht• w.Ct.• uf Juh11 <.:uv1n. US .1111l>w;.._.1d111 lo ~ l1exlc:o. is not t.'Umtng hl'l°l' lo play h.1-..·h.111 : ·: These Angt'ls nr<' 11 support I(• ou p t-om1111M~ of ;: ;700 residen ts of the South OrJl\((t• Cc1u111y a11•J who ;: help bring frofl•si;u11rnl l'l\ll·rtu11111wnt to 1tw ·:·Saddleback Collt.•g<' Cmnpany T twi.h•t :; The "affair" will tx• a saluh· to Mt'>m'o 1111d will ::;begin at 7:30 pm u l El Adubt.• HP1>1J.1uaa111 1n Sun :!:Juan Cap1struno T owt.•rs 1s 1qwn11I ~u1•st and :: .. .. .· ·: =· :: ·: =· •• .. . ~: t · .. . · .· . . . . . hctllUl tll~ 1h,lllllUlll 11I 1111 1111111 llllM'I It'' u M1·i.11.111 il11 "'" 1111111111111 1 v1·111 .11111 v. ill f1 ·11l1111• liv1· .111d :.111•111 .1111 111111' 1111·11 " •••Ill.(•' 111 v.1hw l11u11 $10 111 $111,11011). .1 1111111111·111.11 11111 ftol, h11 .. 11•d hw w11 h d ,11u•1111{ .111d 1•nt1·1·t111111111·111 1\l .. 11 , pr111·., wd l h t• .1w<11 d t·d 1111·lud111g v.11.1111111i. 111 l l11wa11 , 1 ..... V1•g•1". M 1.11111 lil·m Ii .111d 1<1•1111 l>o 11.1llu11-. w1•11• 11t.1d1• h y A11 l'JI, l1,1w.111 J-:\IHl'"• ll1il1d,1y 11111 .11111 1 llllllllllllllV 1111·111b1•1 ~:v1·l v11 ll··11' i\ludi 111 1t11· 1•v1·111111<'i. floi.llVllll'" li.1v1· lw1·11 UIHh I WI 1111•11 by llit• Ml!>Mllll VWJ<I C11111p.111Y 11111111' S:1v111g' 111 A1111•l tl'.1 '" ,,pon1o11n11g tlw 111ui.11 111 1>.111d l••,1d1•1 .ind f)Wllll Vll'lllllSll l>1l'k 1':1111111111' {:onnit• Anclc•rl'!on und Hc•inita (;olt>nor. l'lil'lh'r of Amba ssador John Gavin, g o o vt•r pla ns for tlw Oc·t. 3 0 HA ffair with Ang t>ls: Saludo!'I a Mexico .,, T ht.• portrait i!-i (;a·rin '~ m otht•r Dt•t• Golt>nor of Laguna N i ~ltt·I , who "ill altt•1ul tht• Sa«ltllt·hiwk Coll t>~(· Tht•att·r lwndit a l El Adobt·. ·1 ....... ,., , 1 .. 11,.. .,,,,, "' < ·ns· 111.11ul111 1ww ""'lull<' '\1"111''· "( ".1p1l11I " l'li yll1 .. 1111111111 .11111 ( '1111111t• A111 l1•111rn1 an· 1 o 'h.1111111·11 1111 1111' 11111·111111 .u ld li111l1•1'111 y l11111nl 1111•111111 •1" 1111·lud1• /\11it111ssudu1• (;11v1 11 , (lit•'H 1J1111111,t'(I 111 11ll1•11d it l w. "'-'lll'dUlt· l)(•rn11t:1). S hcttff B1ud c;.1lt•-., 111111 ·'' Bdly l:urrl'lt. M1M11111 Vlt•)O < '11 1111·i.1cl1·11t Pliilq.> lh ·tlly, Su1Jt·rv11>1.11 Thom.ll!J Hil1·v. S.ulclli·h.11 k < "11111111ui11ty < 'nll1·K•· D1::.trit·t ( 'h.11111 •11111 I .. 111 y l' S1t•v1•n!>, uov1•rn111~ bourcJ llll'~1d1•11l .Juh11 t '11111111lly, Au <.'al pn~1d1•111 Ruh1•1·1 ('Ill (111 d .111d ( '11111 d1• t''aw v1n· Jll l'~1d1•11l Hwhard Bou 1 ll t11(h11u:-1 • Af:..11 'l\1111 Blu111, H;indio M1s:.1u11 V11·1• <.'11. Bou Arn111.1. C1111n1 orflcaul, Th1111WJ1 Jluh•y. l>.oly 1'11111 puhlh1ht•1 •• Jt14·k 1'1k1-. f'luor foundut1on pr 1._1J1•11l . All1111wy Alt.1c-r t flt·1 n10W11lo Maldon.11111, Su·vt11•11 Sdrn11d1. Hurrnut(h11 Corr · l''IOM Sd1u11wl'h<'r ,111d Al Thurr\uK u f Sn11th Tuo "Evt-ry yt.'ar, (th111 bi 11 ... thmJ), 11uppor1 for th•· ..iut•t1011 grow11," awad Uoylt-M (•Kannt•y, .1tlVIM:r 111 1h1• A11tet-ls orga01uH1on unJ dean ol 1'f111111lu111ty :.t.•rVtt't.'11 fur Saddll'l>al·k t'oll1.-g<.· "By 11ponsor1ng 11uc:h t•vcnts as thl· aUl'lann th1· Alll(l'l'I .illow thl· Collegt.• to offc·r 1th t·ommu111ly l'om•t·rl ~·ru'll at a p rtl'(.' l'Vt•ryonl· l'<.111 ufford <1nd ~I t ill' K:um· t1 mt• bring lht· best 111 proft·~KlflllOI l•fHt•rt.mnmcnt dOSt.· LO horm· " European Travel -,~. . ""-· ~< "" • ··~.> ' ~~·-··· ,.. ,1 •\ '!!IJ)Jr,,, ~ . , ·. t I,~ ~~'J't~ '\ I\'<·: I I I '(.} ' /;;JI , , I ~ ~~' :, Fair Are you thinking of a trip to Europe? Check out the bargains and information available at the· European Travel Fair 655 Anton Blvd. Saturday, October 23 Matching. Sweater & Pants by Campus Casuals In Taupe & brown 30% off Pants in poly-gabardine reg. 37.00 NOW 25.90 Sweaters 1n acrylic & wool reg. 35.00-49 00 NOW 24.50-34.90 th• /EAEnDIPITY Contemporary Fashions Westcliff Plaza Irvine Blvd. at 17th St. 631-0350 Watch Yourself Orange County! Join •lcolePllroe &D4 Bab 81aarbJ for a loot" DIWI, nema, ua happealJlC• A ...... 1"lklJ UllRJ&t _. mmG~ • 8:30 • KOCE I 80 1V1L11J !1L1V1110Jr IOI owt-OUUifi ....... ....,..,. ...... . ' Ur '!. 111.1 11 00,1 ~ jf;t \ .>' v11<At' tm • tN oH>rr. illr It•-S· l U!t ·?) n--~ y~ i__.:.."_,'t··_,~ __ > ___ ~-~-~---~--~-__ H __ ~~ happy once you get ~ur selection home. just bring it back within 30 days for a full refund or exchange. At 'M:Illpapers To Go. It's Wallpapers To Go Wall-to-Vi.all Sale. These are all first quality wallpapers from the world's leading designers. No left-overs. No seconds. WOllpope,., to ftft Every pattern is on 11 -~ display and in st~k. We make it easy for you. e ready to g o. And tf you're not completely SALE ENDS OctOBIR 24 Analvim 167'4 ~I l111tnln "'"" IA• Eudit.11 991-487l' Araidla nzi;uJ, "'" p.,i. 40(\ Snu1h 0 111J"'" ;..,,. .... (Santa Anna Fa•h1on rul. L..'"C'r lrv«"l-J .C. J> .. n1~ tndl ....... ~(121 f.~(S:~u•h St., Ar1<'•'a (l l:olocl.• ''""of Li,.. CC'N'Ht"' Crn1,·rl ~24-76111 Cln-of !!ld1usry rn PuC"ntr Hiii, Mall (U('Per lrHl-J.C. J>('nnrv roJ) W.~l·~· Cu~-M~ ! ll~" HIV\!. 12 11111• "'"th"' lht' !\an Oiqo Frttwavl 64~~~K . Th l~4l~ .. ,.ru Or. Uu,c ra'lt ofl·~. El Tom ltd. r'lll. IXhlnd \\•n•.) ~~ ... , .... \-:~hlttit>r BIYll. I l hlocb w~I of IXach Dlvd.) /N1.(W4Q t4ro"i~~w H1&hwav tOn CC'n1r11I A~n.-114 "'lie Nonh ofMon1clalr Plua) nll· \047 we make it easy to shop and easy to choose. The Wall-to- Wall Sale makes it even easier to buy! - • • I I I, I t .. Indian sun1me r Or8ngo Col.tit DAILY PILOT /l llureduy, October 2 1, 1982 B3 Entire Inventory (Gourmet cookware, copper, baskets., X-mas gifts, antiques, tables, display fixtures, etc .) · Everything Must Goll! Thuraday, Friday, Saturday Oct. 21-23 Doors Close Forever Saturday at 5 p.m. '-. , ~HAPPY COOi< ER Southern California's beaches still promise warm sand and bright sunshine, although October has brought snow to the Midwest. A _g~oup of beachgo e rs s to p for pictures on the Santa Monica bes.ch. "•f .. ,l'1.1r-. I Ill At ,, 3441 Via Lido (Via Lido Plaza) Newport Beach 675-1460 RUFFELL'S UPHOLSTERY ·~tfflllldS..• 1922 HAJtlOI ILVD. COST4 MfS.4 -541-1156 Super Saturday Sale Hun tington Center's one doy sale with super sovings of 25°0 to 7 5°0 Oc l. 23. Doll Show Sale and free info clinic this Sat. & Sun .. Oct. 23 & 24. Collectors & unusual dolls. accessories and houses. Huntington Center Mall. 405 Fwy. & Beach Blvd .. H. B APPENDICITIS IS STILL A KILLER b~" R. Ph~ ;;~~,:~ i '.'. Anyone's appendix can be.- affected . Thu disease JS common among children and particularly dangerous for the eldl'rly Their appendix tends 10 perforate easily. leading to sen ous infectious complications Cramp-hke pains. nausea. and a slight fever are w a r nings o( a po111ble appendix infection H thl'fiC symptoms persist. it Is wise t o consult a phys1c1an Sell-medicatton may delay t r e atment t oo l o n g , s om ~l 1 m es act ua l ly pe r m ittin g a dangerous a ppendix ruptu rl' O ften appendicitis is difficult to diagnOISI'. for 11.s ~ymptoms m imic ot h er abdom inal ~ YOU OR YOUR DOCTOR CAN PHONE US when you need a delive ry. We will deliver prom ptly without extra charee. A greet many people rely on us for their hetllth needs. We welcome ~ for delivery eervlce and charp account.II Gift Guide Find your best buys for holiday giving In Gift Gulde Coming Nov. 24 In the llllyPllll • I At Glendale Federal, we have a very special feeling fo r Newport Beac h. We plan to be aro und to serve you for a lo ng, I II longtime. - So to encourage you to get a cquainted, we 're offering for a limited time, a free gift. All you d o is come in and pick it up. Whether you work in Newport Beac h o r live here, yo u'll find Glendale Federal one of the most convenient places to transact your financial business. Come in, get acquainted and g et your free gift. Because Glendale Federal •Newport Beach. Get a little Glendale going. You 're going to be all right! Branch Manager: Carol Borzansky (714) 833-3606 o&oCiLENl4LE FE ···~ NEWPORT BEACH: 100 Newport Center Dr . (across from Robinson ·s) 644-5300 •Monday thru Thursday 9 till 4·30. Friday 9 tlll 6. Sa1urday 9 till 1. RAL With over S8.6 bllllon In assets and more than 16.5 offices In Florida and Colifornla. we're one of the largest savings and loons In the world I ' r r -• ;p@ e a a ;a a a a e • • Orange CoHI DAil 'r PIL O I 11 hutatJuy Uolob r ~ 1, 1982 !· I AD ST ARTS THURSDAY NO DEALER SALES G.E. 3-WAY son WHITE UGHT BULBS Pick SO. 100. or 150-wall aetUng for your needs. Yo u get a soft. pleasing light (whic h sure beats a hard. irritating light. eh. Jim?). 119 EA G.E. SOFT WHITE LIGHT BULBS I~~~~ Here's that ever-popular so ft. pleasing light again. this time stuffed into 60. 75. or 100-watt 4-pake. PANASONIC BATTERIES C, DOB Al Gee. I didn"t know these guy1 made bo1terie1. too. Doe1 thi1 mean they'IJ inclllde them withtbelr product a? Probably not. 9 YOLT I • E UllVEBSIL COCO IUTS TWIN REAR 597 TWIN FRONT ..... 9 97 Your cardetert'et lbe good 1tuU at the right price, too. Be nice to it and it won't leqve you at randed. DITERDYIAMICS PORTABLE ELECTRIC AIR COMPRESSOR 115 PSI I 2~~2S Put yow car'• 12 Yoh cigarette lighter to uaei and power thi1 tire and toy ln.flator. fll PSI I 6~tc.11 2IO PSI 2 8 ~~FB-200 QUAKER STATE 20W/50 WT. MOTOR OIL aac QT. Born and raiHd in Pennsylvania. a good. upstanding. respectable type to put in your car. ANNUAL RYEGRASS SEED 10 LB. Like the tax man. it keeps coming back without an invitation. year a ft e r year. Yo u may not be in the green. but at least your yard will be. .,.~ ~ PROMOTIONAL . (,~FLOWER BULB PAKS i\ · .._: ) TULIP 6 PU #382 , : ""-\ DAFFODIL 3 PAK #386 , -Y ~ . RAJfUJICULUS 6 PU #926X \;~ti'·~(;_ c:: 49~K {.l t"Y;:. , I'll take a 6 pack of Ranunculu1. a aide 1 order of da!todila. and a tulip shake to . -"\ ' I go. pleo1e. IDEAL SECURITY HEAVY DUTY DOOR CLOSER 977 Bronze or aluminum finish. an open and shut case if I ever saw one. #17-25 KRACO EMERGENCY TWO-WAY CITIZENS BAND RADIOS MAYDAY I 49~~B-4006 MAYDAY D 69~!B-4009 40 channel CB' 1 have 4 wall transmitting power. lighter adapter and magnetic baie antenna. Mayday n 11 fully portable with built-in recharge circuitry. BLACK Ir DECKER 5Yz" COMPACT CIRCULAR SAW 1997 Good 41~ HP lightwelghJ saw for light duty cutting joba. #7300 ·KELLER nBERGLASS LADDERS '"· STEP LAD DEi l& "· EITEISIDI 6777 11777 "In c:aH of lire In the hotel you c:an take the etaiH or take the elnator." ''I'll talie the latt•r." "No. ju1t atalra or •l•Yator." WEEPDfG nG 2 GAL. 4 97 2CAL. Sorry. I can't (1nUI) write thia copy (1ob). I'm ju1t too b roken up(honlc ) about thia Item . 14" X 24" HONEYCOMB DOORMAT W ipe your feet. Jim-Bob. o r there'• no fritters for yo u . CLASSIC OAK SHELVING r· x 32" ........ 12 77 11" x 32". 15'' 2477 14" x 32" .. 1977 11" x 32" Would you believe me If I told you thi1 ia real nice prellnl1hed aolld ook stuff? My mother would. GLIDDEN SPRED SATDI 7 77 C AL. Yow interior walls will be eternally grateful for their new coat. Wa1hable. and It driea in 30 minute a. . LJ; f 3/a" SANDED SHOP PLYWOOD 6 47 4X8 The government regard• a cltlzen aa one who haa whatlttakea. RAIN GU11ER 10 ft. sectlona. Might as well replace them when you get your roof done. GALYAlflZED ~RAY MOITEREY CRUISERS . WlfB FUU FENDERS ~ YOUR CHOICE 8888 J!'V COi.EMAi PACIBORSE D TRAILER WITH FEIDEBS I 9 7 EA. BROWI EIAMELED LADIES' OB MEI'S -~~R I wouldn't mlod eoalslnO Mont•rey rlOht now on ooeofU....bdglatred two-toa.blkffwlth balloon tS.... ... coae.r ....... • 18997 1'1ll1packhorse11 a ~I workhorse that hcmdlH lOl3 lbe. and you ca lion It on end. Eaar CISMmblf. llllA .. W,OllT llACll OM• WUTMIMSJll M.11111 ti•~• I~•,. I d•410 Ne#jlull c.,.,,.. ~ Ptt1hc: ' 111 WfY 19 ~111 ~J I~ ~4 4 011>0 &H '~~ l IJ1ov11n 191 l6U MllllO• WllJO •HTMt•lru' I 0•41d\ v..,~ J .... 8JO bW!iO I d••ld\ c • .., ..... We\t 8V I 393~ .., MAM-• M.4..•~·•••U"l • .... lJt4.4'10f ..... \(i d ~ . I ~ "~~~ftMarchto a f~ Disneyland Drummer. Christmas is coming soon to the Magic Kingdom. along with our most magical holiday event. Fantasy on Parade. We'll be auditioning for parade performers and participants at Disneyland as follows· Men-October 30, 1982 8:30 AM-5'11" and up 10·30 AM-5'6" 10 5'10" 1 ·00 PM-5'5" and under Women-October 31, 1982 8:30 AM-5'0" and under 10:30AM-5'1" lo 5'6" 1 00 PM-5'7" and up The minimum age requirement is 16 years of age by October 31 . 1982. All applicants must bring a valid Social Security card aJld proof of minimum age requirement and should plan to spend approximately four hours al the Park. Auditions will be held in the Disneyland Rehearsal Hall, which may be entered from West Street. south of Ball Road, at the Disneyland service gate. No appointments necessary. , t .. ~~~~M~~2- , ) l"tlf.l-V• ...... ,.,. *BARGAIN MATINEES* Monday thru Saturday All Perlorm1nces belore S:OO PM 1Ercapt Spaelll Ent191111111ts a11d H.Ways) "'rt* LAl'r A•fll<:NC '11110*" I ,........ (9\ "fAIT T-1 AT lllOGl1lllOWT HIGH" I'll ......... "AN Of'flCP ANO A Of NT\LMAN" iat U::a.llea.tta ....... 8"WA1Tlltll" 1•1 t>:::a. ••• , .. "SOUIUI 11'\.AY" 1•1 t ........ LAKEWOOD CENTER WALi< IN --~lOYO" , .... ,._ .. "LAST AMllllCAN VlfllOIN'" 11 ....... .. "STAii~" 101 ... _ "IT All Tllltt 11- THE WllA nt 0# ttH.uf' '"'' -· .. LAKEWOOD CENTER SOUTH WALM IN locUllV "' Cle< NT>O "THE CHOSEN" , .. , •.tA&.>-.......... ,... •acuity a t ConO•••OOO 213/531·9510 ·awa.io " IOACEMll .. , ....... ·•OllACONILA YVI" , ........ "ftwt!IT" ""'' ""'-MY 'AVC>tMTI VIAii'" , .. , ··- "THE CHOSEN" '"" ................. .. !!!1!~-~!--'l1-,--.-J •l>Ofl"T oo '"'Ti. wooor ,;; -OlltHOU!ll IN TEJIAI '" ,., I ..... -•• •• -"llil Hllll HAVt tVtl" 101 ''LOO«IN' TO on O\lfr• ••• .... ...... .... ,. ... Ollilt ~ ~ ,. ,. -Mn 60 ... U.,OflTAllT NOTICl' CllllOlll• UHUI ll fllU! --·-... OMrt a.-°"' uo ,. °""" -• .... CM -15 OOUll ~ ,.,..,,.CM_ wmo_aca:~...- --Ml_, l•AU ~ -.. Oil,,._ ........ ~. v ANAHEIM ORIVl IN ,,..'"" •• a1 l•"'4>"' ,, 179·9110 ,c....,...c.....,. ~.,. ..... o..~ {1111 1 c........•c..,...---..:.o.-..... 11111 ti ~tC ..... t •J"1MOVW: (tll C"'l ll- !'.ii~-~a.Ii>• BUENA PARK OPIVI IN UM-.... -.. ~ 121...070 9 t ... A "lt."'t LINCOLN OlllVf JN \lf'(:Ok'I A•e Wett Of i nott 121·•070 I ... 'A ... FOUNTAIN VALLE'1 ORIVl JN lo" -.o ,,.., ot "-"""' 110 I "AMITYVIU.l 11: THE l'OllllllON"' 1•11 .. .,. "THI IL-II ~AJITY MAllACM "Pll Cllll lf- "E.T.. ,,.., THE EXTRA· TERRESTRIAL•' •fHf I WOllO AICI nit IOllCllllll" 101 ... u. ... c .....-11r1t11 •WAITMlll" Pll ...... "IOUllZI "-AY" 1111 962·2'11 Clflf '' - "OON'T 00 .. n!ll WOODI" ,_, ..... •TIC l&U MA'n lttll" 1111 c..n- ~ . . . lA HARR/I . • .t " ...... -·--·--.,,. .... ----..... O~ANGE ri1111..t •N MISSION I 1.•.1 tN ..... .· •nt1 IWOlllO AND tHI IOIM: .......... .... -ac.........-.-1 Kid actor just plays himself 'All I do i 1•y tlu• words the w11y I would suy tlu•111.' By 808 THOMAS ..... ,. •• f ,.,_ ...... HOLLYWOOD lnkrv1t•wl11t( llC'tor <.•nri>_' Coleman can be haurdou."' I li• 11d1t'<lult• d t1t'll11 t • allow much time ~IU..llk! *.'hool wol'k must lJt' done t»tween reheanall and ahooung of his k•lcvh11on aeries. And, aomeunw., tht• l4·yt•ilr old t1•l1•vlsicm st.ar doesn't feel like answering qut.'!lllons. After ~ script seesion with the rest of the l'tuil on his television situalion t•om t'dy, "D1ff'n•111 Strokes," Gary was told thut a rC'porlt:r wantt'<I lo Uk him a few questions. "Nobody told me about ~my anterv1l•w ," Gary expJoded. "Gary, 1 mentioned it to you this morning." said his patient father, Willie Coleman. Gary was persuaded to talk about his nC'w feature movie, "Jimmy the Kid," wh1ch New World Pictures Is releasing through most of the United States on Nov. 12. It's the SE<'Ond theatncaJ movie for Coleman. The first was "On The Right Track," a modest IUCCefi3 of two yean. ago. "I've been in the business only nine years, so I figure I can always learn from other actors," hL• said. "Well, the picture has Don Adams, Cll.•:.ivon Uttle, Dee Wallace, Ruth Gordon, Paul Le-Mat." hl· said. "All good actors. No swell heads, all down- to-earth people. That was the basis for casting. Making the picture was a lot of fun, and since most of the actors had been in the b~aness for a long time, I oould learn from them." What did he learn from Ruth Gordon? "Nothln'. But she was fun to be.• with. and she has energy you can burn." Gary added that he'd like to L.'Ontanue domg features during his time off from the series - "good movies, not great movies, but the kind of things that John Belushi and Dan Aykroyd have done." As for playing different roles, he said, "l just play myself. All I do is say the words the way I would say the m. It's just play-acting, and l'U keep on doing it until somebody says different." He can even say the words when he is in a bad mood. "Like right now -this is a terrible script full of bad jokes and a whole sc.'l'ne was le ft out by the secretarial service.'• After Gary left with the "DICC'rent Strokes" Debate slated for TV LOS ANGELES (AP) -Los Angeles public televisfon station KCET. Channel 28, has agreed to broad cas t th e upco ming debate between gube r natorial candidates Mayor Tom Bradley and Attorney Gener a l Geo r ge Deuk.mejian. Gary Colem an script, his father was askt'Cl 1r he had d1sc:1planary problems with has ('l'lcbraty son "Oh.sore." Col(•man S<itd. '"Thb morning, in fact. Gary didn't want to gl•t up and go lo ~·hool. I told him, ·as long a:. l'm an diargt'. you'll go lo school.'" The Coll.'mans still 1uakL· their home in Zion, Ill.. a Chicago suburb. where Gary livt.'s a normal hfe when he isn't making the sent.'s or a movie. But, of c.'OUrs<'. "normal" isn't possible for a boy who 1s both a star and a v1c.·tim of a kidney defe<:t, nephritis. which has limited ha s growth to just under 4 feet and requires solution exchanges four times a day During most of Gary's carl't.'r, Wallie Coleman maintained has own .)Ob 111 llhno1s. but hl' quit last year. Now he and has w1fo, Sue. devote full ume to being the parents of Gary Coleman Forgive 1ne,Father, for I have sinned. The station 's d~ion breaks a b oycott in which Los Angeles-area television stations have r e fused t o carry Jive broadcasts of the League o f W omen V o t e r s-s p o n so red debates in th e major election races. The m atch -up be tween Bradley, the Democratic nominee, and Deukm e jian. hi s Republican rival, will be a i r ed l ive fr o m Sacramento at 8 p.m. Tuesday, a week before Election Day. I have killed for my Country, I have s tolen for my Church, KCET had feared that relaying the p rogram from San Diego would be too expensive for the non..commercial station. Lena Horne cancels g ig · DALLAS (AP) Singer Lena Home will be asked to reconsider her d ecision n ot to perform at the opening of tlie-renovated Majestic Theater in Janua r y . H o rne on M o nday canceled her engagement in a controversy over the prices of the tickets. A City Co un cil membe r , Elsie Faye Heggins, contends the prices. $50 to $600, are a form of discrimination that wi11 keep man y low-income and minority residents from attending the ahow. 1 have loved a woman, and I am a Priest . MONSIGNOR .. FRANK YABLANS ,.,_......, 'mANK rumY .... .... ..,,,. CHRJSTOPHm REEVE in MONSIGNOR GENEVIEVE BU)OLO FERNANDO REY JASON MILU . .R JO£ CORTISE ADOLFO CT.LI with TOMAS MlLlAN •s Francisco "-•• .. --BILLY WIUIAMS, 8.S.C. ~-.... JOHN WILLIAMS --4 .... FRANK YABLANS ""' DA VIO NlVEN, JR. s.-.,i...~ ABRAHAM POLONSKY .,.. WENDELL MAYES Ill r:R=.-a;;-=~==--.....--i .-_.,..._,....,JACK ALAIN LEGER -· '' •::•-FRANK PERRY .... , .._,.._. I IJwflllW~ .............. __ .. ,.,_.., -··-- ~ ORANCE ~· ORIVllN STAllTS FlllDA I' CITY cenTER to~ IN THt CllV Cl NT Ml OAANOI • 634 t711 LOCKED OUT AT UNITED ARTISTS THEATRES We we leC*ed out t>eceuM we refuMd to IOM more than hall of our )Ob• and the<eby double the WOf'k load ot thOM ~· We heW WC>ftced In Unl1ed At1l1t1 tt'IMtrM llnce ltiey °'**'· E.ctl profectlonl1t WOfkl multlple M ii of equtpmerit ... 1, reepoitetie f« IOUnd and ptcture In MW181 auditoriums at once. Tht. l'Mal lncreaMd the actu.i 1mounc of phv-lcel IWOfk and vMCty Ina 1111 ct our reeponelblllty. · FfOfft Ila Inception, we haw cooperated with the UM of aut0m1ted equipment ft HAYI WILUHOLY INCMA81ED PROOUCTMfY. 8ef«e 1Utomatlon, one projectloNlt wu uMd to P<Ofect one pfcturt IOf OM 1udlt0flum. Now. under °"r lut oontrect. one P<O~ prepw•, operatee Ind IU99fVI ... equipment and fllm for u many u lour, llx, 1nd 9V9fl eight ~atonoe. W. .,......,. tMt tflWe ~ be a Nmlt to how m1ny Job• that WOf'kera and the community ahould IOM to 1utom1t1on. We think ...-.,. and "'9 commuNty, 11 well 11 the ~. tteve 1 right to g1ln through the beneflta of 1utom1tlon. Ullfted Atttetl Communlcatlone la 1 ma11y ~mllllon do41• Corpot'lllon. They make handaome proflla trom theal., operllflonl. TMre 18 M •••--,...., to ..... ,.... ...... Robert Nally want1 to lnorMH hl1 prolttt by ellmln1t1ng our Jobi. Ha cloae not Inland to redUce the P<lc9 of yow moYle tlc*et. Mt. Nalty r-...ct to ,.,...... on _, of the UnlOl'l'I propoM.11. The company 11oo<1 p1t on It• orio1n11 u1t1m11um1. II on•ed or-,• per'*"" tor._.. Of.,..... the work load, et the Mme llme 111m1natlng 50-75% of our Jobe. Ttioae of u1 who IOll our tobl .-not ba ..,.. to euppon our temll .... fhf community Ioele the .. 1ar1ee ~ e1rn Ind 8'*'d In the community. " rour ~ folOw9 Mt. Nelfy'1 exllmf)le, wMr9 will your Job be? How Wiii you support your lamuy? With higher .. ,;;pie:~ and ...., ....,.... to ll*ld. our .,._ «>OnOmY 11 bound to eutt.r. We ... ~ to *"'""'to negotiate. but Mr. N"'Y clot9Wflally and errog.,,tly IOCked u1 out, ,..... don't to Into anJ ....... At-... ........ .., ....... ly to doing. you wtll help ut get our Jobe t>eck • • PIKMICTIONllTI LOCAL 504 • ORANQI COUNTY .................... of theetrtoal ......... .., ... end mowtng .... ,. whine .,., ..... . Aftl..ctO. ~· -- 01unge Coaet DAIL v PIL?T /Thuraday, October 21 , 1982 .. r lUIURY THEAT!!S:J~--­W' hi ..... 11 .. t S..l11«•0lllVl2MIWtM0tlMf•-.tt4 S ll3GU4•Iitfl6IM~ 255s/\~::-.::.;:, ) FOR FUOI UCITEmEnTI V111tOvr ••• ARCADE of GAMES• :·, . · ·,- 11-; ~ 7it ff,t, rn •~1r1. wu~ •• io ET. 1111 EXTH1' • • n .HHl .• .,lHIAI ~ "•u• 0••1onuo::r,c"o1 THE LAST AMERICAN VIRGIN r.1 Am Showtntl IU.:I Unllo.t IJ(R ) .JEKYLL ti HYDE . .. t .. ether •1•l• ~o~ 1100 ••jA.J.•U M1:~ cllV'l.:l i.·rrmBl fA!T Tl/lfr! AT •IOC:llM>MT MICM Zooed CR)~ Nlthl S hlll (R) * Dron·lns Open 7: 15 Wfflinightt./7:00 WMkentls Children Undtr 12 f rer Unless Noted STARTS TOMORROW AT TliESE SPECIALLY SELECTED THEATRES AUlltllll fCIUWTAll n un WUTllll .. Tll ~~THE CRITICS' FAVORITE FUNNY FILM S ,IDE-IPUTI1N8LY RJNNYr -........ _...u ......... "'U ll fOIO .-T•YO• llac. OU.. UA Movlft ldWllld> s.cioi.o.cli fdwtlcb Hunl"'OIOll C111tma CIMdomt 990 4011 !>et !>810 848 03H 034 US3 COITA •U tdw111d1 LA MAIM 5()<1m Co'" PtaJ1 .54& n 11 AMC 11s111on SquMe ee 1 0633 I NO ••MC.I ACCll'ltO '°" '"l\..-a•10) P-K 'l • '"• ,...,, I ~~ tOSU MUA llh•" '11'f '• t It ta..01 ldl•.Vf~I "'~"'"'' fOIA•fCb~.t'ftlf t 119 9110 llllA Y,a• fll ,.,, -I '. Q ~ l .. COSTA MUA '•• o•• • ll TOllO J0•4 "i '~""''~· \fl' 'IAAO 119 ·~oc e91 191~ llYllll WH IMIU TUI ffJ•l'O 'N>(J(IV<>Q#'-"•'"'• ~,,t, I"!"'"' lQ '~1 IJl>\'1 U·M·l" O.A•t L ...., •• n, flH l\\l 69i lb'll ·• ,I I• ;:gg:;: F :e '' ..... •-••-•-4 $ • t'• •• Orange CoHt OAIL Y PILOl ITl'lurtcSay, October 2 I, 1982 ·. THI: t'.\~IL' CIRC'l'S by Bil Keane "We 've been in this port already, Mommy. I remember this vent." ".\R ,.:\Dl'kt.: by Brad Anderson 10·2• "And you were worried that he wouldn't like you!'' GARt'lt:LO BHi f;t:ORfit; by Virgil Partch (VIP) ~, ·~~v~ I •' ''Wall ·· are you or aren't you going to Join the party?" by Jim Davis 0 .,,;.lfM~~------------'0-·ll_.()ttm ~.OfMV.~ Ire MOO~ "l"LLl~S ACROSS •8 Make ,oyous I ti• 49 Stitch 6 lend SUPC>Ofl 50 AITl4Wlnda 10 Slnllt · ~ Roman htur· 14 GatfN"ll gy 2 worda 15 Son dfinll S7 Gnome 11 WM1f'Y S8 lJt( tc:llool 17 Metuft S9 Maple genus W'EDNEIOA Y'I flUZZL.l IOl VE> ll:J.U J:.l:J:.J i:rJtJ()U .J.J3:J '.J]il:1 :-:Jl](JIJIJ :.J.J'.JiJ :..11.1:.J :JO~llrJ :J !l J :i ::J !1 :J iJ :.rn :J (] ~ o ,, ~· eo Gtfman .,.. liiiliiiliiF.-1~ 20 Ooltrlbute 6 I Flolltng ic. .JO:lJ.:l~tl :lJD:J '.JJl.I :J ::Ji.l:.J :1.EJLJ J:;J:JJJ 1'.l::J :JCJ:.oJU :.J::JJJ .:J!liJ:J::J :):JIJIJ :.J!l1U ::JJ:J:J .J!Jmm :JJJ JJJ.J J~iJ 2 I Jet -12 T idlnga 22 Ending tOf 63 TrNllM tnd Of VI 2S Ptciper n·rvo- DOWN 21 $11111 I Wllglll unit 30 $....,.,,a 2 Wa& I jOClley ~~ 31 ~. lllMCI 3 AdjO+ll ~1 ~PW~~ L I. y yf .:JOJJ 'JJU!JiJUU JIJ'.JJJJJO~JiJ !JC.rJ 11:.ltl JJ !lJDiJ :Jl!UU OJJJi.I O.:J;:U '.J(JJll 110.:JJJ J::i~u mmu 11 ~ 4 Empower city 5 Adjeellvt 33 .. O'"' tfldlng 3' Wfll'I 1 .. 1 8 H\lfl 37 llrd 7 Yecfll 31 5"'llM • HIOfl prlltl 3t '°""' of,., ... ., "'"" -• ••uNn • ' ...... Pr9fl• 10 Mote~ ar.,11-. 11~ ....... 2.orde ,.,.,. 12 r~ .- .,......,... 11-.1 ICll .... tt "Llell -.. .. , •••• ,. ttOw• • 24 Spanllh cry pity« 25 Ooe1 OK 43 lnclll'te 2& UK rl¥tt 44 SlliP Mtlloll 27 Pley perts 45 VIP 21 Mll41'f cenot 4e Havtno winOI 2t eon.."*'" •7 EYll toollt 30 Anlnlete •• Mell ml•h•• 32 5"ftllr 51 ""°" :M ..... ~ '"'*' H AllM llllnd --37 aioa ~ Loom ,_, HS._. uap...., .,,,..... .... 51~ • 1 Ntt. or NIA If Alfldl • • Pt:ANt TH I OoN'T !>H. HOW YOV couLo ro~~1BL~ w1N • l'l'" 81,t:" Et.:DS <aSS WHlJ"r, SW'!t:1S ! 1 G0'1 M~ A ROACH HAIRCU'f!! suo•: 1ll1' NEXT' "-1~ ~A ~OF M'( F/Jlf. FINVI~ ~ISGlc+J fo nlE ~ Vl51TIN6 ()l Cf ™E l<CY INVVG112JE.? rJ-1UE. l~IAND. '\~{'\ I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO 61VE SUSAN ~OR HER BIRTHDAY ,__........,. 'iOIJIC: RE:"fl~· Mf:NT ~ ~11'.IO °"' THE~E- WAL.L?f ~ .. ;.. Afl'ER WINNIN6 1H£t~ FIR.ST FOOTBALL <:AME IN THE H15it)R(.l OF 1ME 5CHOOl .. BRABBLE 10 JI OR.SMOCK AN 'IF we PIP Ger-ro KNOW ISACH cn"HeR weL-1- AN' 'fHeN eRoKe UP ... SUSAN, DOES YOUR BIG BROTHER STILL SIT IN FRONT OF YOU WHILE YOU'RE TRYING TO WATCH TV? ]/ - ~~ _ .. .,. \) ~@· THE JUBILANT WE.STVIEW TEAM HA!:> JU51 GARRIED 1HEIR COA~ 1Nf01'HE L.OC.KER R()()"f1 WHERE fHE4 NO OOU8T Pl.AN 'TD "TM~ HIM INTO iHE 5HO<>JER I YOJR BAe'I GOT5 NO IE.Ef. AN' HEGOIS NO HAIR , CHRI~. rY-------- I DON1T lA~E IF l WIN OR NOT ' •<& v./.• fr.• I FWSH! <M,1'M 5<>R~~ I 1'~1 I c.A'JE.. 'i()\) MC»JE '(I 6U f f.I05E. ~RE v10£.0 AAc.~OC 'f~N~ ~ by Charles M Schulz I Jl.IST WANT TO BE LOW 8EA6LE I by Tom K Ryan ,, ___ ''° by Jet f Mac Nelly by Gus Arriola ~.cu-ref 1'HA110 L.EP-\JE Me A<Ef: 1'..'.) WOfiUN, FVL-L Tl.\\E:, FOR 1'~ Jt~:,T .;>s:: M" L.11"£.' . by Kevin Fagan by George Lemont by Lynn Johnston 'uzA~H ? ~e.lt-EY LIKE HIM BES\ ? • Oru11uu Cot•at DAILY Pll Or II huraday. October 2 1. 1982 B7 Friday TV fan ta y for young ters 8 y f''IU~O llOTHY.NUt;lt<i Af Televl•loft Will e• N 1-:w YUHK ''Tlw cJut•i.1" 1 .. 1111111111 1 ~mnu· IJ1wk 1 "'P" t•d :wrio·' 11h11u 1 1111 ' lt'l'll!-.V Wt'\'l\JoY I·" olJl1•1m •• do•i.11-tn1·d 111 111.ol..1 v lt'Wl'l'l> l1•111pu1 u 1 II y !m'Ht'l .ihuu I I II 1·'' mjJtll' n 1.11>r p roblems l)u11ng tlw D1·pn•sst0n, S h1r h •y '1't·111pl1· ll llll lht• l'Xt rUVllKlllll mov11• 1111"11'111' pruvtth>tl tll1• h~ht munw111s Now, tt•lt•v1:-.11111 l l'll'h lo do I I With "T lil\.'I! ul tlll' (;old Mo11kPy," "lkmg 't•m J\iwk Altv,·" .11111, 1111' lall'Sl , "ThP Qul•st," 1111 A Ill' st•ri,•-i th.it bl•g111s its nm with <1 lwu hour q l1:.111h · Friday 111gh1 ul I() tln Cht1111wl 7 .0 11u,111g 1•111111~tli 1101 111 I w l11'tl1ll 111i.: Foul u1d111111 \ t\11111 h .111, .ill 1111k1111\\ '"'' '" "' .... 1111' ''""" 111 •• 1111\ 1\1.·dtl• 11 .1111 .111 k11tlo(d11111 ,111• '1111111111111 ii llH It• 1111 II' .1j.(lll • k111~ II K111..: l 'li,111,., 1111111111 111111 ,, ,1111.11 111· l1lt11· hl110.l1·cl '""'''"" l;l1·11d11v.1 111-<'"""' ,, I'•" t 11( Fn11111· Tiu· 1 uh'' th.11111ilv 11111 111 11 "•II :-.1111 1·1·d (1 ht'C'lllllt'' ,1 I lltli f.M'llllllll o l '.tll h , I" t 111 lolll po1t•11t1.1I 1111111.11111, gp 1li11111i.:h v.1111111:-. qu.il1lv111g It''''· .di .11,u1d 11q.( t11 .1 I.I th 'l•tlllll \ I uh•I Ju11k U11 1"11day 111 ~h1 l h 1•v a11· "''Ill lllll 1•11 .. 111111• va~111• 1111,;1111· with .1 ltol'tc'. ... w111d .111d 11111• day'-. 1111 .. I .. u,1ply 1t11 .111111,111~ 111111111111'> Nu.th U.-.. 1 v H 111:ky 11<1111 tlw "!(,,. kln1d F1l1·,," I., ,, 11 t111oel 111p 11.11111 d A1 I I l1 ·11lc \ .11111 f(,,y V11li• 1' •t 111111 I l.1111 111.1n 11.11111 ·d ( 'ocly .l11h11"111 \\ li11 li,1, Jll'tl "'lrl Ille• B1 1111kl v 11 B1 11 l~;t · 1t1 ,1 -.n ;1p 111111 clo •.cl1•1 V11 11· .1 lil.u k ,11°1111 wh" ""''' H11 h .11 d l 't vor h ·.11 .111d I 11·111.v llu111111 ht·11., pl.1yi. "''" 1111 H•·•·rv t hll' g1•K '''"' l'•KI Y pwk1111< Art', IKK'kl'l, JU'tl 1111 ptut·llu· '1'111• lu ~t 111111' lht· f.1s l l11lking ('owly 1111"1•1' K111~ I 'll.11 lt•'t, l l11·v t'1tKa1.w Ill .ill 1·l.1IH111111· 'tlllll 'ih l1k1• killing probe d "Thl· Qut'St" is Crum thl· Ccrllll' 11unJ uf Stt•µhl'n J . Canm•ll, who made SU!>'-'l m .111 .t wounded bird 1n "Gn •u ll 'SI Am<•ri<·un I ll'l't1 " &>for<' tu1•11111g tu l·artoon .,poofs, ( ';11\rll'll had hll> lar~l'l>l :.U<."t•tc>ss w llh J;m1l>:> l ;.11 m ·1 ·~ anti-hero in "Th,• Rockford F'tJ,-s" Friday ~.., <.<t•rtmn ly fantasy mght (111 y11u11g viewl•rs lt b<.•g1n s with "The L>ukt·l> o f Hazzard" on CBS. "Knight H 1dt'r" on NBC, th<-n "Thl' QU\'St ," wh1\·h managl·~ 111 lw 11•1 1 v K111g pl.iv' ph11t•1J11u111aln.1 1>.111 l l11dl'l"\\'1i.kl , "' d .... h111g .111d 1111 1dt·~t th.it tu•', 1111-:.i..11hlc• t o w111111·11 111' )ul1111g J.1\\ .111d d1•,111 h•1k~ .11 1· 1·111 1111111 tho· Supt.·1111.1111 l111lt K.ir1•11 Au .. 11 11 pl.1y" ,1 'h1w l1tP1,·1 1111 .1 dqwr1nw111 i.tur1• C.11111• W 1•lhy', 'p1111k and h ·na1•11y an· v 111k1g' I Alll> L..1111• Tht•sc· art• lht• !>how':-uttra1·t1 V\' !>t:.11·, a11d th1•y I 1gh1 l1k1• b r ullll'I a nd :.1i.l1•r '[!~11th1·1 IWll l01llpd1lm"t lll'O\'ld1· tm1;,t 11I Wh1lt• 1'11· lou1 111 y.ill!>l1> .Jl l ' d1v11ll·d 111 tlw llUl'~l . tlwy .ibo lllU'tl lllllh• \11 d1·!1·11I 1.11111;. l)11rdt1lil)'. ii do.gl'ttrllli·d (;lt•t1do1·a11 lfl l'Kllt•, who will w·t h1:-. l:i11d hm·k ii tl11 r 1•g11l l1111•" 11111•1 r11pt1·d Ua1d111ay p11·y., 1111 tlw11 ltlllllllll w1·ak1w~'tt'S 111 i.:11-.·cl .• 1111111111111. 14·.ilollhV .tnd 11.11v~·1t· If lurUt'JI .1dVt01llUll' IOlllf)I> ,II\' l11 yuu1 l1k111g, "Tht· Q0t_"l>l" ~·1 ·11~ tu h ,1v t• 1·m1u~h 1•11~.Jg&nK l w ll>lS a ntl p .1 ruct ws Ir kt-l hd:.<·., wnµloymi.: hors..~. t·ab~. 1 at s :111d hl'lll 11pll·ri. to bt• lhV<.•rung Tt ... us!.assina tion of Anwur 'udat i!oo !'!lllf llh.•cl toni~ht a t I 0 on KAIJC. Chun1wl 7 on '·'2 0 -20 ." At· tor rcaJ frona tlw as~ubs in"', prt·-triul int.-rrog1Hions~ offt•rin~ dra m u tit• iru.,i~ht into th.-motivation of th•· kil1lt•r s. THllRSUAY EVENING 8:00 I) 0 0 NEWS 9 CHARLIE'S ANGELS 0 EIGHT IS ENOUGH Nicholas 1s having p1ob· lems w1lh a bully (I) M'A•S·H An outbreak 01 inleGhous hepa1111s lhreelens the entire me<hCal stall or lrwt 4077th Q) HAWAII FIVE-4 EI;) OVER EASY Guests Tile Pra&erva11on Hall Jazz Bend o fB HUMANITIES THROUGH THE ARTS Musk: Meaning Through Struc1u1e" J CBSNEWS 1!9) ABC NEWS 0 (f~NBC NEWS C MOVIE * • '> "Any Numbe1 Cun Play" 119491 Crar>. GaDle. AleXIS Smllh An hone11 and carel111t1 gambler s Ille is besel with a se11es ol 1rage01es l,'JMOVIE • • "II Ra1neo All Ntght The Day I Lan ( 1978) Tony Cu111s Sally Keli.rman BumDUng gun &rnuQOlerl wind up In Che desert bickering over _.,., 1:30 (I) ALICE fl[) CAMPAIGN 'U: THE 0£8ATE8 '23rd CongrHSIOnat Di,._ tncl Rep1esen1at1ve An&horiy Be11enson vs David Arm<>< (I!) GROWING YEARS Nu1<1t1on ~NEWS ifO BARNEY MILLER H YESTERYEAR 1933 0 JANE FONDA'S WORKOUT 8:45 l CHARLES CHAMPLIN ~THE FILM SCENE 7:00 i) CBS NEWS 0 NBC NEWS 9 HAPPY D.AYS AGAIN Joanie gets more then she bargalried lor ~n she gelJ a Job as a pho1o01 •· pllet's model 0 ABCNEWSQ 0 SOAP Jesa!Ga '1 lewyer lnteflllews the lam~y mem~s 1n a desperate search for cn•r· ecle< wllnesses (I) THREE'S COMPANY Jenet nas a dale with hflf ntgn sc:hO<>I hear11hrob Q) ~ J()t(£A'S WILD w m BUSINESS REPORT IJ) P M MAGAZINE A IOOk 1nt1de OisneyWO'ld • new EPCOT Ce<iter, th• President's son 1n a p0wer boat race .~ ENTERTAINMENT TONtGHT An lnlervtew wttn Anlh<>ny N.-y 'O'MOVIE • * • '"MOOe•11 Romance ( 1081) Albert Brook• Kathryn He1rotd A him e<lllor 111111 repealedly to win b&Gk the hear1 ot Iha women he loves "R' rZ IMOVIE * • "Solo" ( 19781111noen1 011. Petry Armstron-,i A llerc:.ly independent AUi• trallari woman who WOlkl es e tora•t renger t>ec:omes lnvotved wllh a llra pllOI 7:30 I) 2 OH THE TOWN Faetur•d how •PKlel aHectt wwe done In It.II .. rly days, 1r.a romance and Charm Of soma or l~ Angalel Old·~IO ec>eft· menl cour1y1ud1, a Yitil to "M• Deco." e tho!> whtch apaolalll• "' an ~ clothll\g end lur"'1vra Cl CJ! FAMILY F£UO D LAW~ a 8H-EY a COMPAH'I ~nebteat.•~MIO • William Devane stars in ~·Hed Ale rt:· the sto r y o f how I ·~ technicia ns hf'<·onw tra pp<'d insidt• a nuclt-a r 1mwer pla nt. The mo,·i•• airs a t 8 p.m. on KCt •P. Cha nne l 13. 0 EYEONL.A Featured tnon watchers rale lhe Southland s mn~t handsome men w'"'"' ""' n11• I btg votc:ano ervpl ion rrnQht 1oe place a coole~• '°' cats w11h the be~t ,,,_ 0 MADAME"S PLACE (I) M'A "S'H Khnget t>eeomes a nt'rO when an eaplosion rocks tne operatlnQ room m I nc TAc oouoH ED MACNEll I LEHRER REPORT (I!) WILD AMERICA Swamp Cr.tiers Marty Sloulter 100o.s at lr>e .a .. ed w1ldhle ol Ame.ica s soutl'I ernswamps 10 YOU ASKED FOR IT F'eature<J The M an Whn Ca1cnes Giants and ·t<arate Granny H INSIDE THE NFL Tnfl 101est deve1opmen1s in the NFL strike are exd mined $ AEROBICISE Get 1n Sh&Pf! look good and feel great wilh 11\15 pnys1cal t1tl'e5S program 8:00 0 I MAGNUM. p I TC's chopper """h TC and Htgg1ns aboard is h11aci.. Pd lor use 1n a spec:1ac;u111 pt1&0n Dreai.. by a conv•c 1 wrio wan&s to kill Magnum O ~FAME L ydla •S roma"'e<I by a well·lt'1own and wealthy Broadway s&ar 0 MOVIE a *• Walking Tall Par I :I (19751 Bo Svenson Noah Beery St,.11111 Butord Pu-goes alle< lhe VIGO O()f!latlOns lhel ambush@d him and killed his wile 0 Tb JOANIE LOVES CHACHI Joenoe iaunlS Cnech1 1n10 a g•ma of one-on-ooe bas- lcatball ""th Ile< girlfriend wllO play• on • COiiege team 0 MOVIE •a ·~ ·s1age coacn ( 19U) Ann.Mergret Blng Cro•by The trauma or lndlen at1ack attec:ts the peue ngers of a sta~ gaeoach In var100 ways (I) P.M. MAGAZINE A rook lnSlde Ol•oeyW0<ld s new EPCOT Center, Ille PreSldenl s aon In• po-bOal race Q) MOVIE * * * "'Rltd Alerl" I t9771 w 1111am Devan•. M1cnae1 B1andon When e muler compuler detec;la a radta· 1MW'I leak. II ... 111 ott e nucleat PQW« plenl rr8') P"'O 14 tacllnlc:lans lnSlde fD U.S. CHRONICLE "Lott Youth" A N-YO'k •heller for ruriaw11ya •• aa•mlned '1:) SNEAK PMVIEWS Neal Gtbl<I< end JaltrlrY lyon1 Mlec:t Wh•I IM'I' eonlldel to 1141 tile lunn•· tJ't scattast httst wot~~ nnc1 most ronuuH1<; films C MOVIE • • Road Games I t98 II Slacy Keach Jam111 l ttfl Cu,,1s. An ec.con1nc truc..k er e beau111u1 '"'~''"'''" and ~ P•yCllOPatnl{ •11101 1ta11~ftng I~ ••~ rnut" 01a, gemn or "'" .. nn oeath PG S MOVIE • •'-, Tn~ ,-o,mc.,.ta 119801 Marron Branoo G<K>tge c Scoll WMu on•eJl<Qatir•o tht! mu•der or I\ rot~&gue • -ttt•n cop uncovers • con1plf&C.y 1nvotv1no Che ~uppr~S)tOn ot a synlhf-1•C fua-1 to,,"u1.1 D1 an °'' GftllC'I R l,'J MOVIE Tne F11s1 Time 8 30 0 10 STAR or THE FAMILY Buddy dlSC:Ol>l)I. IMI Ile IS lhe only guest 1n .. 1e11 to a party hosted av .i b<lau11r111 lady he r.sc:ued (D SO YOU THINK YOU GOT TROUBLES all SNEAK PREVIEWS Neal Gabler 11nd Jf'lltf') Lyons select wh,;t lhey cons•<Jer 10 be lhl) runn1 !!SI S(;ariesl bf!st Wl)r,, and most romaritlC hims eI:) INSIDE OAANOE COUNTY H MOVIE • • , Islands In Thi' Stream I 19771 Geo1g11 C Scou Cla1te Broom BHed on tile novl!I by Ernell Hem•ngway An 15nlaled artist is l0<ced 10 reveal his h10dl!n emnhons when "" lhree e111anged •on• c:ome to v1s1t him PG 0-00 0 8 SIMON & SIMON A psychic h1r,.5 A J •nd Rtek to help hf!r wnen s~ nas a v1s1on that tr1t" '' 111e n11•t YICllm ot • murdtwor O ~CHEERS Sam s 1n1&1 .. ew with A rocal sportsGastor 11 bvmped by a morn relo vanl pteCe on John McEn. IOI! 0 110 TOO CLOSE FOR COMFORT H11nry •nd Mutll!I 1eeh1c thil Andrew could soon have a 1111i. brolhl!r 01 Sil· ler unleu Hanry taket • drullc stap to change n11 hie (I) MERV GRIFFIN tt) OEATHFLtGHT901 THE EAE&US DISASTER The 1979 Air NfJW Zeeland crash in Ant111c:t1Ca lhAI cre1med lhe 11vet or all 275 penengera 11 aJ111rn1nad '1:) MASTERPIECE THEA TN! To Serve Th41m All My Days David g<>K on e hOloday and mHtt • youno ""'" ~ 1nv1111s n1m 10 c:Mbtale her blrlhd•y wllh her (P•rl 210 CHANNEL LISTINGS 0 FAAHl<IE VALLI ANO THE FOUA SEA&ONS Many of l'1•n-le Vallfa greti hll• avch .. Shat ry." 'W•Nc. U~• /4 Man,' •nd "Rag DoO' era r .. turltd In 1111• co-1 from Chlc:4lgo"a Parlo. w .. 1 Club rz MOVll! 9 KNXT tCBSl D KNBC CN BCI e KTLA 1 ll'd I .KABC IABCI .• l(l'MB (CBSI f) KHJ·TV (11'\0 I a KCST CABCI a KTTV Cll'ld I •• l((OP TV nno , e KCET IPBSl a 1COCl IPHI .. . 0 On TV Z·TV , .. , liBO 1C ICIMMIU ) (fl tWORI NV i17l IWTBSI 'I • CESPN) •• • • soo111on1 N V * • *a "Allarfld !ltAt"' (t980l Wlfll•m Hutt, Blair Brown A Harv••d .Clan· ...... oanauo 1t111c:tu1a I• •lt"a<J ... ....., ,... conducaa mlnd·•~pendlng Hparl menle Wllh leolalfon lanlia and ~NI h!Mluetno . ~·R' l:IOD ~TAXI WNn ilmll• .... n. lh•t l •llia "-°"" unllllthlul to lier. lradttlon Cllc1•1M llla4 aM recielfocate '""" ori" ol ""' CMbD111a (Pert I) 0 10 IT TAKES TWO Hou,ehulu chores slart to take '"'"' 1011 o" Sam w111re Molly •s ~nt 10 11111 tor cont.,mpt ol coon 10'00 0 8 KNOTS LANDING Valtlne IUPH~ ""' t11>1 IDlk $hOw 1nt111Y1cw promo11r1g . 11111 nook w1111 Mike Doug- lu5 .ir10 l•» I sa Gabor 0 1l9 Hill STREET BLUES C..uµ1,11n F u11llO bHlllOS to 'ove Golllbl11m11 s t>e<lge whttll fl suottnor demands fhHt flt1 hu '"~d Renko turn' 3'> 1m<l LeRue and wash1ng10" have 10 11rtest two police buddies eomm NEWs 0 10 20 /20 ED FAWLTYTOWERS Bas•I apparently forgets n.s Jntl S ybil s a11mvfH ~.,., '1:) ODYSSEY On lhe Cuwbov l1a1I New la1m1ng tec:nn1ques ;ttld ttlr1p mining th,u aten the time hono1e<1 11ad1· hon~ of 1anchmo and tht~ 1,md 1ISt!ll fR) ) C MOVIE • • , tn... M 11ro1 Craci., <.1 11qsor [111aoem T ,1ylnr io.•m NOvd~ B11st!d on " ~tO•y by .Agatha Chost1e A ~t1t1nge m~raer 11wolv1nQ rival HOllyw o0<1 srn1.s t,o,es DJBce "' an E ngl1st> ••llnoe PO 0 MOVIE • • • 6 ooy He111 (19811 Wiiiiam Hun t<Bthleen l u1ne1 A smallhme F1onc1n 1uwyor 15 persuaded Dy "" IOvet 10 murder her hvs· band R S ROMANCE LOVE IN VENICE 1Pert 2) OMOVIE * * * ollrthu• ( 198 t) Du<lley Moor" l 1l8 Mm n1111 Wn1I& h15 ramify anemplS 10 rorce him inlo I pre-arranged merriaoe. a drun~"" hedonistic p1ay- Doy taus 1n 10.e ""''h a poor work•no girl PG 10 1~ H ON LOCATION Catch A R1s.ng Stars 10th Ann1Ve<S8I~ 10 30 Q) INDEPENDENT NETWOflK NEWS tt) FAWLTY TOWERS A pubhc r,,•3111> •nspecto• '" rtves al 'he hot et S MOVIE • • N•t•nsky I 1q1q1 Alan Bale~ George oe la Pona Triumph aM llage· dy punctuate thP srormy 1"13llOM'11p b!'twffn lhe groat Russuin batlel slar ana rue Svengan.ui.e man· Oger R 11000 0 0 " 10 l9 NEWS 0 SATURDAY NIGHT Host f11c 10111 Gu,.st fo(ate Bu•h 0 IN SEARCH OF Tne M1ss1ng link (I) THAT OUIZ SHOW Q) STREETS OF SAN FRANCISCO A mobster 1 w n makes " deal "'''" 1ne law but his latner hires 11 nit man to t1n•Sh n•m off ED BUSINESS ~EPORT (I!) DOCTOR IN THE HOUSE Ounc•n taus 1n love with Annat>et CornlO<d Z MOVIE • a • ·, Journey Among w omen 119171 Jeune Pr11chard Marton Phel"n lrt tM day• or the Ausrra. 11an tronller lhe badly mis· lreatao 1nma1es al a wom- en• prison elllge 11 brea~­ oot and sel up their own society 1n the Oulbac~ 11:30 0 1 I QUINCY Oulncy triea to crear an e•· convict who has bMn un1u1t1y arresl~ ror the murdllr or a nuclear lechnl· Clan (R) 0 1Jli TONtGHT Gu11•1 hOSI Biii Cosby Ouesli Bob Newha1t, Gary Cot.man 0 110 ABC NEWS NIOHTLINE 0 YOU ASKED FOR IT (I) THE JEFFER80N8 Allan IM Whll• r.Moep" ol lhe W~lls lamlly 1atu1n1 nome (Part 7) flil ART OF BEING HUMAN Jani Bec'l ~ PULATENIGHT Hott Danni• WllOllW 11:4S H MOVIE • • • "Flfll Monday In October' pg8 IJ Warr., Ma11h1u, JUI Cl8yburgl) A llb8t 11 Supratne Co'"' Jva· IH:tll CIHl~t With 11'19 MW· HI member 01 tha nation"• hlQh••I COV•I, an ult••· con1111Vall.,. wom•n jvrltl 'R' t1 :IO IC MOVll! • • "Cottltetlont 0 1 A Window CIN,.." (197 .. ) ROl)ln At..,.llth. AnthOny 8ooth A B•lll•h youth worltlng .. a J)f Olfflllonal window clean« 1194Nld• 1111 OH·l,.,._tol> he>ura 1>'1111"0 • t01t•la Into Illa !MM ot tna f'llllty WOif*\ ,.,. ~· dOWl'I KCF:T (~IH 8.00 US Chrunil'I<· "Lo·.;t Youth " A Nc•w York sh<.·l t(•r fur r unaway!> 1~ t ''Wr11111t·d. KNXT (:!) H.tJO "S 11111m & S1mo11 " I\ p sychic.· hin·~ A J .111d Hu:k lu h t•lp lwr Wht•n Shl· h i t!> <-I V ISIOll that 'thl· ll> lht· 1w:<l victim of a niurdt•n•r KNBC (-1) Hoo "'l'hc•c•r s .. Sam's lllll'l'V ll'W With {t Spurl.'i(;ctSlt·r JS bump•.•tl h v a ni ort· n·l1 •\•a1it J>t•·c:<.' 1111 .Jo ltn McEnr0t• K 0 l' E ( 5 0 ) Y 0 0 " M a s t 1._• r µ 11 • t· < • Thl·ater " "Tu Sl'f'\'<.• Thl'm All M v Day!> " David go<·~ on a hultday and r1wei·.; ;1 young nur~t· who mv1tc•!> him 111 l 't·ll'l>1 a l1• tw1 b 1rthuay Wllh hl•I 12 00 0 ENTERTAINMENT TONtGHT An intt!rv1ew w1lh Anlht.>n'I" Newley 0 10 VEGA$ Dan Ines lo p101ec1 .in 010 friend who•P lov•H wa'- slam wh1ltt 1u1ttnuphng dfl assassma11un a11emv1 1H1 0 MOVIE * • ', Ro gue M.th• I 1979) Pele• O l no•e John Sta1101ng A man who madt-ttn ut,it.uccttasfvl nssas.stnai1nn n111~mp1 against Adoll ll•tl1.>1 , beeomes 1ne Quarry ri• NIU• agenl5 (I) MOVIE * * * • • S&turday N1gh1 And Sunday Mo•n.ng t t960) Albert F1n nt1y R•Ch\14 Roberti A ybur>Q work1ng0clau Enghshma11 unhappy In hoa 1ob 1ete1111s n11 lfln!>l()(l 1n • w<td-end (!) LOW. AMERICAN STYl.E love And Who' l'rf>O •akes up .n a mo1f)ot 1oom with a haOQOV1!f and J brand new mer r1age license love And Th"' Fv1 Coal Leroy 111es 10 1mpret11' h•i 9" lh 1ttnd 0 MOVIE Every Which WRY She Can· O MOVIE a • a Tne Hound 0 1 The Baske•v•lles t 1978) Petfll Cook Dudley MonrP Ma~ ter slaulh She•tock HolmP6 •n-esugatl!S mySll'flOUS goings on 01 Bosk<'"•fll! Hall and begin& 10 suspec: evf!"tQfl8 lnctuoing him serr. • ' 12:30 0 1.)9 LATE NIGHT WITH DAVID l ET'nRMAN Guesl com!!d1an A Wh1I ney B1ow11 9 COUPLES Q) LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE Lov11 And The rn11u0<>r Oolo<M h99r5 • burl)IOI •nd wekes up h('• nus band lO•t' And T""' Mtl l•ona1ret John •nd Allee ll~e to P'•IPnd thal they ·~ m1lhona1r~s Z MOVIE • • • 5...,.,., Cha"I~ r 19691 Sh1<1ey MarLa1ne Joon McMartin Tued 01 her tawdry l!•rsl('n(:t' II dance hall hosless with a htla1 t or gold searc:h<H for true love and lhe ~mlll" merriao tlfe 12:40 t) 1 I MCCLOUD McCtoud pursue• • pretty thlel Into thf! mlddta ot New Yori. s crime 'ynd1 ca••. (R) S MOVIE • • • 'Hou•ll Calls (1978) Waller MRllhau, Qi.r>l'le Jackson A Wl<J Ow•d dOC'IOr h•lls h11 Cuenova 1endanc1<111 •orig enough to tall ror a dlvor oea who doatn I bt"l•eve tn phlland911ng PG' 1:00 U MOVlt! • • "The v1i.1no Ou_, .. ( tH71 Don Murrey, Adrl· enne Com An llt·f•led romenca dav•lop• bet-a Romen m11111ry lead91 •nd a beeulllul lllb· al monarch al a ttme - Brll•ln le etryWt1ng under I trullt!Ye polltlcll uphf!AY• al (!)MOVIE * * e 'The Dark At The Top Ot The Stalra ( 1960) Robat1 P1Nlon, Ootolhy McGuire 8aMd on Iha play by Wilhdm lri9e Mem· !><'rs 01 11n 0 "' lah oma larni ly 1n the 19;>0 s struQgle with the problemt of 11•e11day Ille 10 0 MOVIE • • K1lle1 Bt oes I 1974) Gro,.a Swanson. Edward Alb811 " PCIC:ul1ar Old woman can at will release II sworm 01 k1llnr bees 1.25 H MOVIE * • * Orto On One ' t t 9 771 RoDl>v Benson Annelle .o Toor11 A boy wno goes 10 college on a 1>.iske1oat1 schola1sn1p is obused by lhe coach. SCO<ried Dy hos lulO< and v5f!O by lhe l.Chool for ns own purpose• ·PG t 30 0 J 9 NBC NEWS OVERNIGHT C MOVIE • • • • la Strada' 11054) Antnony Oulnn. G1ull•ll• Mttll"6 A wand· &r•"Q slrongman ac:comp•· nieo t>y the simp1e.w111eo g1t1 ne bOughl 10 be h•s crown "g°"'oeo 1n10 k•ll•"Q nn ac10Da1 Who leases n1m 0 MOVIE • • Any Whten way You Can 1 t980J Cllnt ra~tw<>Ud Sonora Locke Be•0<e se1111ng down•wo1n "'~ girt .Jn<I pet Ol&"Qulan, a bare-f1s.ted ltght!!r signs up tor one 1as1. tucratrve ma1cn ·PG OMOVIE * • II R111ned All Night Th., Dav I lelt · t 1978) Tony Cur l•S. Sally Kallerm1111 Bumbling gun smugglers wind ul) In the de5t!ft b1c~111111g over -wa101 :1·00 i) 6 CBS NEWS NtGHTW ATCH (I) NEWS 2 20 S MOl/IE • *' • AmerlGan G1g010 I 19801 ~icnard Gere Lau ren Hu• ron A Beve<l"y Hills 11•go10 beCOITlf!S 1"8 prime s..spec t 1n a murder 1nves llQllllO I R 2 30 (I) Mo:>V1E • • • 1 Tt>ey Won 1 BetitWe Me t q411 Robert Young Susan Hayward A man IAGes r:ha•gM ol mu•de<· ing hi• wtte attar Sile com- m111 s urCH!e J9 Nl:WS 2 40 0 folEWS 3-000 t.40 V1E • • 'Sllvaga Oruma p95 t I S•bu. llll Baron An 1sl11nd nattve return1 to h•• riornetand to aquelc:h rn• wmlara lhal ""' etup1. 1111 Ir cim 1nv•dets tl)'lng 10 -ie power ovet the prln· Clplllly 3:05 H I N810E THE NA. The ll"llMI d8Veloj)m9015 In the NFL atrlke 8ra aMa m1nod 3 15 Z MOVIE • • Savege Harvest" ( 198•)) Tom Slcarrllt, Moch.tlle Phllllp1 An Altl· cen drought d11Yils wild •nlm •I• Info populaled areall ·PG 3·26 C .. tOVlE * II •., Tile Greal Br•ln' (1978) Jimmy Osmond, Leo Birman rn the early tOOOs. • young con en111 ..ind'" ~ In •'Ohl a~ GrHI• _ .. Plob• lamn for htmMll 'G' a:ao o P..OVIE • • 'Tha lnoredlbl• Shrtlllcrng Woman" (1980) Liiy T Ol'lllln, Chatlft Gro- din A hOuMwlla 111\dt It I JOHN DARLING na1d to cope when at>e auouu.1ly bflgt111 lo shrink In 111e PG l,'JMOVIE • • • ,,. Hobaon • Choice c 1g!)4) John M•ll• Char l11s l aughton A t>oot· moke1 allemµts 10 retain '"" chttap sou•ut or lal'.lor hy prevenung h11 1t1rM daughters from marrying •·OS H MOVIE • • ''> ·111anda lro The Stream" t 1977) Goorge C s~ott Claire Bloom Ba&OO or1 1ne novl!t t>y Ernesl Htlnlmgway An 1solaled ort1s1 is forced to reveal tus hidden emo11ons when hia lhree estranged sons come lo v1s11 him PG 4_1s m MOVIE • * Courngeous Or Ch11•tian· t 19•01 Juan ·~('fSl'lOll tom Neal A oeo1c.11te<1 doclor 5 work w•ll1 lhe PQO< 11 complteal ed when an ep1dem1c s1rikes •·20 S MOVIE • • * , Allcu $w~Ot Ahre ( 1!178) l•nd3 Miiiet Paula Sheppa1d Moml:>()rs of an lt ahan-Amef•Gan lam11y ere v1Cllm12ed by .i p1ychOllc murde•e< In lh.,1 midst R •:30 0 ISPY .. :45 l MOVIE ... ~ Wom('t'\ · Pr1t,h&rd Journuy Amo11a I t977f Jt1unl! Morton P11.,1an f 'ridoy'• Daylimr tfo1•ir• I '()() C a * * TIMI Cincltvwtl K id ' I t98S) Steve McO.->. Eaward G Rob tnton A yGung <:aldahatp tl1al to l>aat Ille king Of •tud poll., 1n • 1>41111e tor PfUUQe H * * LegA<"<I Ot The W•ld" t 1980) PG" Z • * FaJhng In l ove Ageln t 1g80I ElllOll Gould Susennan YO'k A men goes 10 hlS high sa>OOt raunlOn 1n tM belief that "8 c:.n raltve the good limes ot the pas& PG 1.30 0 * * * 'Siik S1oe111ngs" ( t9S7) Frltd Asteora. Cyd Charlue An Ameroc:an lllm produc11r become• Involved with a ternale RvSSlan agMI In Parle 9:00 m ••• '"Sll8 0 1 lost Shlpt" t 1953) Jonn Oerak Wenda Hendrix Two Coast Gu1tdamen teud over Iha same glrl ending 1ri one's demotion arid tile Of het' 5 htlar1 bHNl.k 10 * * * "Mlhur' ( 198 t) Dudley M00te. Uze M tn. nelll Whtie hit lamlly allernpts to l<><c• him •nto a l>'•llfftnged ma.rl90", e drunkt1n. hedonlStle pi.y. boy tall• In love wUh a poor -king glrl 'PG' •.30 (I) • * * ' S1rangars When We Meet" ( 1960) Kl1k Oouglat, Kim Novell A SUQC9Ulut erch1l11Ct It tom .,.,_ file aec:unty Of hol'ne and family and his lo,,. tor a mauled women 10:001 Cl "L'1nc:orno•1>1a·· < llHIO) Jean-Paul Balmondo . G"enavleve Butold A paroled con ertlal encount.,.s trouble wt'9ll he r.-is 10 hi• Old wey ot Ille (H) * * • "Arthur" 11981) Dudley Moora, LIH Miii· nelll Whtie hi• lamlly etlwnpta to roroe him tn&o a pr-anged marriage, a drvnllaf'I, hedonlatle l>l•y· boy tlllla In love wllh a POOi worlllng girt. 'PO' ($) * * * "The Tunnel 0 1 Love" ( 1958) Dorla D•y. Rlc:hllld Wldmatll A ChllO· lea CO\Jpfe ..-vy OWl!r nalghbof'a. who heve no trouble ha°"'"O c:Ntdran ( l) * * '-' "On The Nlcllel" ( 1979) Ralph Waite, Oon- eld Moffet Life on lot AnQIMa' akkl row i. c1ep. lc1ad. 'R' 11:00 (0 ) • • ..... "The Gumball Rally" (1178) Mlc:hael Sat· rulll, Tim Mctnlk'a A gvtr\'- bell ~ .. tl'la gtlllld Pftle Ill a New Yortl·to-Loa AnQIMa car •-wHdl bflnge .. _,. of uny ch.,actan onto the natlon'a hlghw•ys •nd Mell roeda., •pa. 11:4t m • • ....... ,.,...,. .. 1. .. llOlll" I 111801 Svtv•• Krttt.i Howa1d Heueman A -ithy man ualgns nit aadvctlve hOu!Mllteeper lhlil jOb Of j)fOY1dlng hi~ 1 S- yNr-old Ion wtlh h11 111•1 Mxual expa•lanc:e "A' 12:00 0 * *''>"Mall Order Bride' (1964) Buddy EblMln, Ke11 Dullea A con· oetne<J party t11t1s lo Mtlll& a wild yooth down by &H ang1ng a matr1age for him Q) • t a ''Tho Pllnce And Tile SllOWglrl' (195 7) L Bu· renca OIMet Marllyn Mon roe A showgirl lrom 1n11 U S IAllS In love w1lh a p11nce atle< rie 1nv11es her 10 a p11vate SUPPi!< C • • • '" Tne Man Who Would Ba King f t975) Sean Connery MIChael Caine Based on the SIO<y by Rudyard K•pl· ing Two Bri11sh Mild1ers se• out 10 r;lllJm 11\f! 11cnu end power ot a remote legendary l""QdOm PG H * • "Tne JRll Smgtw ( 1980) Nell Otamood Lau· renc.e 0tlYl8' AN-YO<k r;an10< l>INks willl family tredlllOn and sets out to hnd auccess a$ a pop music star 'PG S • a * "The Club ( 19801 Jack Thompson G111ham Kenned)' The coach or a has· been Aus- 11a11an loolball team hnds the going rough both on Iha ploying held and on 1he board room where he tec:es an ant90on1s11r; <:lull P'Mi08nl 12:30 0 • • • Inside MO•H ( t0801 John Sa••oe. David Morse A newcom.r to the g1oup or regulars at an OllJand bat may hold &he key 10 making the t>arten· <le< s dream 01 t>ae0m1ng a ptO bUUlb~ player • reality PG' 1:00 0 • a * '"AM Ntghl long" (19811 G-H8clrman Barl>la Slr8'Ulnd Aller '""ng d8fnoled lrom CO<. Pot••e e•ecullve 10 chain· store night manager a modd ... 8QIKI man s hl&- 11yi. and values are &urned upSld&-dOwn R 2 30 ti • • Legend 0 1 Tne Wiid (1980) PG S **'\"Any Which Way You Can I 19801 Ct1n1 Easrwooo Sondra Locke Bf!l<><e setlllng down w11n h11 g111 and pel orangutan, a be1e-l1s1eo hgl11e1 ,.,gns up 101 orie last lucrall•e matr;h PG 0 * * •1 30 Is II Danger-°"' Age, Cynthia ( t968/ Dudley Moore Sv1y Ken· dell A Slly n1gn1club p1a111st Mii II d4ledhne lor h1t1lng Ille btg hme ana llnd1rig 1ne per1.c:t w•I• S:OO 0 Grendel Grendel Granoet S: 16 I l * * * ·~ 'Breeker Morant ( 19801 Edward WOOdward J&<:k Thomp- aon Australian• c:ontcrlpt- ed to light on England s Side 1n the Boer Wer dec;lde to ltghl lhe Boe• gue1111as on the11 own latms PG ,.:00 C • • '' S1IY81 Bears t 19781 M1cnae1 Caine C yD1ll Shepherd An ac;coun11ng genius devtMS_ an 1n111ca1e plan to Increase h•I wealth by mek•"Q tome ot lhe too ex.c:ullvet In the world ot hlQM llnence 1he victims ot •n axt11<>1dlnary swindle "PG' •:SO 0 * • • Royal Wed· ding·· ( 195 t) Fred AS1a11a, Jane P~I /4 aong·end· . danc4 tN m gtY91 a par. lormance In England al lh& Uma that Ovaen Ell11be1h II It l>"lll"Q the llnel louefl· • H on II« metrlmonlar plen1 6:00 * * 1°'1 "KIOQ Kong If• Oodztlla" (1oe3) Mk:hae l(aflh, Hlrl)' Hotcomb Kong and Godzilla 1>a111e 11 • out fo1 eupramecy • destroying ~hlng 11 thell palha 10 1 * * 'The Jau St~" : I 19801 Nell Diamond, L-• r.,_ OIMat A New YOR , c:antor breekt with temtly • tradltlon end Mii oul to find ·-••• pop rnutlc: tlat "PO 1:1S C?I **'"'"On The Nlcllal'" ( t07t ) R.iph Wall•. Oon· 8ld MoH•t Lfta on L~ AnQIMa' lllltd row Is c1ep. IG19d 'R' by Armstrong I Batluk If JOU.fun that~ getting ~onyou.r screen, it means: • . . ~ I ... Ora11uu C..01Hl l>All v Pll L)l t lhu111tluy. 1Jc1obur l 1 IUtlJ College makes computers 'required' ~ 'PITTSBUlU ;i I tAP) llop111~ 111 stvc iw HlUdt'llL"I IJ l'Otnpt•llltVI' 1•dt<'' Ill a compu1er1it•1t w11rlct, <'111111•.ctt· jM~llon Umvl'I slly Is t(t•ur'lrtt( up hi t.,c:omc: lhl• hrbl l'lllll'jtl' 10 t l'qu11 1· ftery i;tudt•n t 10 buy 1 µ'·rwn.d put~·r The UlllVt'ric1ty will unn11u111'l· :;111111 "hich compu11y 11 will htrt• t o t>\plemenl tht> sy!itt-111 By 1h1.· foll of l9S~. lht' uniwnnty plans to 1ni.Wll more than 7 ,500 s tudent bou~ht ~~putt.>rs thut will bt! t'Olllll"l'lt'<I 111 u ~ler t·omputer and c11n lw ust·J ~e. ·'-'Ever ybody would ugr1·1· that America is ~unung nwrl• and 111urt• '8"\puteri:wd Wl• wan t to ~1v1• ou1 STANLEY hMdy, sharp cutting tool Stanley's versatlle utility knife Extra blades atOfe In handle 10-991< • Reg 4.15 our price 3 19 leas rebate 75 net t1rtl1 ••• Turtle Extra Paste extra hard shell car wax Reg 8 29 13 oz 271189 2•1 .· "t11d1•11111 u11 11dv1111111..:1· w lt1·11 t lw v h·11v1• !l('hu11I,' WllV1•t 'illy "l'''k1·i.111,1t1 l>i111 llulC' l'!l1ld M o11d11y "II th1·v li11v1· thut ~1111µu1t·1 1.1pul111t1v. 11 ... 1.111d' 111 l\'H:.(/11 th1•y \.'I. ill 114• 1111111' .1111 ill llVI' tu 1·mvt11y1·1' .. Ttll' l'lll\I 111 llll' t'\llllflllh'I h i ..... It !>llldt•l\t hu ... 11111 IJt~·n 1·..,t1111111totl, hut Hull• 8'Ud II J>P 1h,1htr w ill 114 11° ...... tlw11 $1.000 Tu1t1111, .11 ( 111111'~11· Mc·lh111 1:- $li.:WO H Yl'lif U 111 vt•r s 11 v 11fCll'l1d -. i.a y th l' w 1d1•:.pn•ud pi.1<'l•1Ht·111 of 1•t1111.pu11•1 !> will signlf1<·:1111 ly alll•r t h1• ~1ud1•11t:1' I'd lll'll I tOn "Thi· 1·111npuh •ri. will 1·11ul1h· u !>ludc•nt tu do • 1th._•r thmg:. thau lh1• d r udgt• work th.11 go1·~ wi t~ pu11111g TMI UflUM • 1111 Uf ft •AIU CllAllPlt now$149 only reg. 199.tS ............ l't'W ...... 11t 1n1r1i11d with Energizer long Ille a11tal1ne bit· teries from Eveready Size 0 20104 '119 2 79 Mother• Wu and Superah•m oeo ... Sat .. Oct. 23 t A.M. to 6 P.M. free 1ntr1 lock 111 with the purchase of Kwlkset's toughest dead lock -the 880 Protect your home and lamtl)' 14111 CN•tble l1n11h Re1111s 11 '' b411tera. peeling. mild-136001 reg. I 7 99 LATU GLOSS 139001 reg. 11.H .... _. ........................ 12.H lt•Ul'lll1•1 .1 11°1111 l'"I"'' ·" h1· ,..,td "II 111°1 '> 1111 '>l11d1·111-. 111 tl11 11tl11·r ll1t1tM" ' f"111 I X1 llllf1ft• ... h11h•11l~. 1·;111 I l'Vll'~ I I ii 11 ,, I ' I 11" I '" g I .q i Ii y I 11 I I 11 I I tl1111111t111 v 11111111.., 1•d11 •' l"'1p1•1 ~111111111 1..t vp111~ ti .111d 111111 kh gl'I th1 u1114h 11111111l11.1ll'd I llllljllll.1!11111 .... 111· '><•Ill U p1111 ..:r udu.1111111, ..,t11d1·11t!> 11J11ld l.1k1• lht•lt 1t•11fltrt.1b lit11tll' Ill '>t•IJ 1111•111 lo olll Ill\ llllllllj.( bllld1•11I ·r h , 11 u v. h 1 1· ,. 11 " 11 111 i.t 1, ,, 1 .1 dva111·1•11 11•111 ~. ( 'ar111·~11• M 1·ll1111 1'Xlll'l'IS tu p1 11v1d1• 11!> gr·adu.111•., 1'0llllH ll l•f' 11\'t'l''>" 111 lllll Vl'l 'tl V n·SUIJl't'l'I\ a11d po..;. .. 1l1ly Ill ('(IU I°'''' l1v 1·11111 put1•1 1•v1•11 1r th1•y l1·av1• tho· P1ttsliur~h ,11 '"'· l>u uul<.ii. t:; Va11 l111UWl'l111g , v1t·1· provos t 1111 t;AM[ S GAME'> GAi.AES• Ano 1nal • ,..,..., ~Ou ge1 w•l"'1"'' e• ""'''"9 ottet trom Oo,a.1e,1 f Of '\I" #rie~ )'OU OP41'\ tP,tf bO• tn'H g•mes (On Of"lt! can'·OQ~• •'e paci\~d ...-'" .,ou, Ooysse ... 2 V·O•tJ Game ,..&tlflH unit •no lf'lert you get yOu' cno·'• o• 1wu ""' .c CHAl LENu•NG GAMES maileo "tt:KI ho,,,, tn_. w 11,01 S&e v• ro, yoo (a, ea1 Git,..•e r;,,,~ttway Covpon' A111,. tt;, a OttMt.H' ii't\l•on 01 Q'1~U1t!y1 eno tne nqw 0 0'f'tley? vO•<;.e moOuU!1 T,,11~ orte, 9ood Of' 00\U"Jy2 V•Oeo M j) n un11i ""''''0\0(f ''0"' CX.tc;;bft' 8 ""ougr- Oece,,,Oer 141•• 1981 1t11m h11t Retains the flavor of veggies Ad1ust to flt pot 5 1n diameter ano more Col- lapses for compact storage reg 2 79 Bulletin Boards. Chalk Boards, and "Write-oll Boards 5 49 to 14 99 25% OFF Kerosene heater. Other models available at com arable savings. 1100 kero•••• reg. 291· t5 :.:~.eAO•~P'~ 3'' 22411 111111p111111"' :11111 p lo1111111 1M. 1<111d '1'111' ..,y ... 11·111 will 1 ""I th•· u111v1·no1y .11 11·11 .. 1 $10 11111111111 lo 111 1ph·1111 ·nl, ~aid V.111 I l11ll\\,1·lt11~ ( "" 111 •).lll' M1·ll1111. With 11111' 111 till' 1 11 111111 v·., li1•'t k111 1w11 1·11111pull•r ,, 11 ·1111· d1·11o11 l11w111 ... lt.1'1 ulx1u1 $:.!O 111tllt1111 111 '1JlllpUl1·1 l'l!UIJ'llll'lll n n I o 1111 Jll I!\ '1'111· u111v1·r~1ty . wh1d 1 h us ahout 1.0110 11·1111111.11, (111 it:-. :1,~100 .... 1ud1 ·11u., pl.111!> 111 h .1v1· 11 1m·1· 111111put .. 1·s tli;111 :i1ud 1·11 l., 111 1 t1n~· y1•111 ., '1'1·1111 111aJ., will ht• 111 .. t ,dJ1•d Ill Ir ah'1111 ty h11u~t'!>, ltbt .1rr1·.,, l11Ut1Ht'~ ,111d 111h1·1 .111·.1 .., wh1·11· '>lude·n ts • 1111g11 •gah'. I !;,le· '>.ltd HARDWARE \\'l11•re 1"ru•1ull11 S 1•ri·1,·1• 1"<11111111 Trw/1 111111 ' Save ~ Energy ~.. and ~y SYLVANIA Price Sylvania Ftuorescenr Sun Stick · l ess Sylvan•& Ma1l-1n Refund Your Low Cost • R*~""d C.•'I •<•t•• •I ~wt.an • o •P•a, Remember Mother In Law's Day 11 Sun .. Oct. 24 it'• 1 dirtJ jolt, but S9 99 $2 00 J99 Cal-Flex Poop Scoop p1ck1 up where your dog lelt off 36 Pan and spade Reg 11 49 , .. 30-gallon water l\eatef with energy aavlnt i.m~atA.tr• ahut-off. 11991 40 ....................... tn.• 50 ........................... . ARTI 6 CRAFTS llGN UPI Choo1e Your Place October 23 & 24 10-4 FOR ART BIUI and the Chirttmaa Art Bi'l·R 2230 Fairview Rd., C.M. 675-1564 ORANGE COAST COLLEGE CALENDAR OF EVENTS Oct. 21 ·23 DRAMA LAB -USA Oct. 22 UFO'S & THE CIA Oct. 23 JOAN IDEN BOWIE "A Fall Happening" -Concert *Oct. 23 KATHLEEN ROACH -Pianist Oct. 28·30 DRAMA LAB -USA Oct. 28 MOONCOIN Irish M USIC Oct. 29 SCOTLAND -Biii MedHn Armchatr Adventure Senes Oct. 30** Oct. 31 OAKLAND BALLET Nov. 5/8 THE MERAY WIDOW Nov. 12113 Five Penny Opera 8 P.M. -ROBERT MOORE THEATRE 2701 Fa1rv1ew Road, Costa Mesa 'FINE ARTS LECTURE HALL 119 •• 2 P.M. Matinee Performance TICKETS/Vlae-MC -,558-5527 THE NEWPORT HARBOR AREA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Presents THE LAST RENDEZVOUS AT THE BALBOA FUN ZONE With Les Brown and His Band of Renown and the O.C.C. Coast Jazz Society under the Direction of Dr. Charles Rutherford WEDNESDAY EVENING, OCT. 27, 1982 Beginnnlng at 6 p .m . at the Balboa Fun Zone Hl:'mt!'mbt'r tl>O«' /)t>QulJfuJ 1Ulw-r moon f'Vt>rungs al 1h .. Balboa F\Jn ~r ~ ~ m your bes1 BaJboa Blues and dandfll IM "S.Jbw" wilh yocu lavon ~guy or 1&1 al the Balboa P,vU10n~ Wt' all havt'., many fond ~mones of th<.ttk> gN>at days m &/boil. etp<'<Ully thoite of the 1''\Jn ~ Soon Ow Balboa Flm Zont'. as Wt' know 1c. w1U be no mort>. 1o11> wt• 'vt• dt'<'tdt>d tu throw a lasl rrtKk>zvou.~ pany at the F\Jn Zone w 58} gvodb.v .. All of th<' nd<'fl and lfMTW'S will be uf"'n Dn>ss up m your favontP pt'nod clochai (t'Sp(.'<'fally &JOO. Blut>SJ and a.s Jn llldded surpn!ll!' for a1J of yotJ beg band kl\'ff'S WI' will all wallt owr to thr histonc Balbva PavtlHJn al 9 00 pm Illar t'\'t'nmg and dlUl<"r to Uk> unung SIOUnds of L.t'S 8rol4'n ~d H 1;, 8.md of Renown TIH> CUii IS oroy 125 00 pt>r IK'kN whlC'h .. ,11 mdude .. buffl'I al tlw Fun Zone. ndes. danong IO La Bro .. n and his Bond of JW.nown and tlH.' 0 C.C Coast Jazz. 5«1t'l_v ~ Brown 1.• provided through the n>Urlay of the lrvmt' lo, Pa<"ifl<' Mu1u11/, Fluor Corp and tht' Fashwn Island M err:hanlB ~auon For Tickets and Information - NEWPORT HARBOR ARE.A CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 14 70 Jamboree Rd., Newport Bch. 644 -8211 ARE YOU "GEM WISE"? Te st yourself by iden tify ing twenty-five stones on display throughout the store. There will be a $500 merchandise cert ificate for the person who gets the most correc t, $300 second prize, $200 for third. There will also be a drawing for a consolation prize for th ose who parti cipated in our "Gem Wise" co·ntest. The contest will run through the month of October and prizes will be awarded November 1st. Only one answer sheet to a contestant. i • Dally Piiat 1 HUHSOAY , OC I 2 1, 1962 BUSINESS ca STOCKS C9 • Esttin,·ia grad T"ny Can1p has situ11tio11 in ll and ( s) a t University of Pacific. C4 .. For Cards it was game, set, match Herzog's textbook puts an end to Milwaukee miracles ST. LOUIS CAP) &1~1.lall'~ world champ1oru;h1p Hag flies vwr St Louis, 1:t tribute to the metit·ulous planning a nd execution of Manager Whitey Herwg. The Cardinals ca ptured tht• t1tll' Wednesday nig ht w1th a cume-from- behind 6-3 victory over Milwaukee in. the seventh game of the World St•rirs that was typi«al of their brand of baseball. They won with speed and defel\.S(' and «ustom designed by Herzog for roomy Busch Stadium with its artificial surfat•c Home runs held no fascination for the Cards, who had the puniest homer attack in the majors in 1982 with just 67 of them. They preferred to single and double the opposition to death and if they took a lead into the eighth inning, He rzog handed the ball to Bruce Sutter. perhaps the best reli<'f pikher in_baseball. After that. it was usually game, set, match. That's pr('\:1iM•ly how they finls twd l)f( Mtlwuukee's muscular Br'ewf'r)I, whu lt'<I tlw rnajors wtth 216 homeNI but cfrnw out 1-eclln d bl0llt in this c•humpicrnsh ip showdown . The formula was right out of Herwg's textbook. Hf' got :wvcn strong innings frum starter Joaquin An dujar and w ith a 4-3 lead. 1t was Sutter time "We have the best relief pitcher-in baseball and we pay him a lot of money. so l figured I'd better us(' him," said Ht'rwg. Sutter delivered six straight ouLs and tht' Cards tack ed on a coupll· uf insurance runs in their last swing to dmch their ninth world championship the most for any National Leagut• tt•am. But it wasn't all that easy. St. Louis kept wasting early chancc·s and lt•ft six m('n on base in th<! first thn.'<.· innings against Milwaukee starter Pl'te Vuckovich. ··1 was thmk111..i ~1bout ull th1· nwn W(· ldt 0 11 base," s:.11d llt·rzox "Wt· had !WVt•n hits 111 a hur•r·y and Vut·kov1d1 JUst kept pitching uut of Jams." In thl· fourth. i:;t Louis st·rulctwd mil a run wi t h singles by WiJlt,. Mt-<it•t•, Tommy Ht•rr and Lonnu• Smith. It was typ1t'al C1:1rdinal bust.•bull lt took Milwaukee one home run swu)g by Bc·n Oglivic to get 1l back in the top of the fifth. It was typical Brewer baseball. In the sixth, Milwaukee took tht• lend with a rally that came right out of the: St. Louis playbook. Jim Uantnt•r r11:11:neod with a doublt .. Paul Mul1tor l>untt·d for a hit and when Andujar thww tht• ball away for an error, Gantner st·ort.'CI . Then Robin Yount beat out an infield si ngle for his 12th hit of the Series one sh y of the record -but the onl y une he managed in the last two gamC's. Ct.'<.·tl Cooper's satTif1ce fly scorl:'<! Molitor and made it 3-1. Even though they had fallen behind. tht•rt• was 110 phllll' on tht' Cardinal ll(•ll(•h "We· w1·rc·11't afru1d ," said Darrell l'ort1•1-, who was m111wd !ht• Sc•nt:>S' Most Valullblt• Playl•r'. "Wt''Vt' got some peoplt• whu can play and we had four innings left" 81. Luu1s decided not to wan for the frnal thret•. 'l'h<' Card11 w ent right to work. With one out, Ozzie S mith singled to left and st·ooted t.o third on a double by L o nniP Smith . That finished Vut·kov1ch a nd Milwaukee M anager lforwy Kut•nn brought in lc>ft-hander Bob Mc-t'lun> • Hc-rzog, playing the str ategy game, pinch hit right-swinging Gene Tenace tor Ken Obcrk foll and McClure walked h1rn. loading the bases. Tha t broug ht up Keith Hernandez, an O-for-15 bust with two errors in the first four gam es o f the Series. who had snapped out of his slump with three hits (See HERZOG, Page C2) Bruce Sutte r (le ft ) leaps off the mound to touch off a c hampagne cele bration an S t. Louis. NCAA plan could drop UCI By JOHN SEV ANO Of the Deify "'6ot Stefl Is UC Irvine 's Div1s1on l basketball program on borrowed time? Well, if one was to beUeve, on tace value, a report out o{ Kansas City a couple of days ago. the answer would be a resounding yes. But. as with most reports of this magnitude, there's still a lot of writing left to do between the lines. First . h e re 's a b r ief explanation of the report: It's a plan, sponsored by the policy-making NCAA Council, designed to toughen me mbership requirements for the NCAA's top basketball division. playing schools, and this 1s the group the council is actually trying to whittle away at, they wil l n eed to o ff e r 4 2 .5 scholarships t.o rem ain in the top division . Addition ally, basketball programs would need to average more than 3.500 paid attendance per home game the past four years. or average m ore than 110,000 per season for all basketball games -home and away -t he past four years. As a s idenote. aU Division l schools would also be required t.o sponsor a minimum of e ight var sity m e n's s ports a nd be barred from playing more than four basketball games each year against non-Division I opponenlS. If the members hip criteria 1s approved by a majority vote or the 277 Division r members at the NCAA convention in San Diego in January. it would becom e efkctive Sept. 1. 1984. Now, with that out of the way. the question is where does UCI stand in all this? At the moment, UCI meets only one of the requirements as it already has eight varsity men's sports. With the rest o f the conditions. however. the school is sore ly lacking. although it's not anything that can't be remedied. "The proposal would hurt us right now," admits UCI Athletic Director Linda Dempsay. "But we're on the way to meeting the criteria. "I'm not looking at 11 as the end 0£ the program at a ll. We· h ave to do what we've been doing. we just have to do It a little faster." Top p riority on Dempsay's agenda is to get the umvers1ty's n e w events cente r under cons tructio n . Currently, the Anteaters play a majority of their games at Crawford Hall, an on- campus facility with a seating capacity of l ,500. It doesn't take a mathematician to figure out it's hard to average 3,500 that way. On the other hand. despite its tiny facility, UCl drew close to 95,000 in total attendance last notch season, which is just 15,000 short of the NCAA's 110,000 condition. "We've pinpointed where the site is going to be," says Dempsay or the events center, which will be built ad jacent to Crawford Hall. "There Is a committee on campus . recognized by the c h a n cel lor. that h as given approval to proceed with the plans. We just h ave to locate a few significant donors so that we may move ahead.'' The NCAA's final demand - that being a minimum of 42.5 st:holarshlps offered -is a mere formality, according to Oempsay. The only problem might come in financing the scholarships, but (See NCAA, Page C') Darrell Porter Cardinal christens old pal ST. LOUIS (AP) -Whe n the championship of baseball was on the line. K eith H ernande z decided to celebrate a birthday by christening an old friend . ''Even if it wasn't my birthday. I couldn't be happier," said the 29-year-old first baseman after delivering the hit that head ed the S t. Louis Card inals to the World Series title Wednesday night. "It really hasn't sunk in yet. I'm not even sure when 1t will." HERNANDEZ , w h o had started off the postseason classic against the Milwaukee Brewers by going O-for-15. found himself in an unenviable spot near the windup of the 6-3 victory. The pitcher as he stood at home plate with one out a nd runners a t second and third in th e sixth inning was Bob McClure. a former high school rival a n d junior college classmate . Four deliveries later, with St. Louis down by two runs, Herna ndez singled on a 3-1 count. "I jus t said to myself that there's really not that mu«h pressure." said Hernandt'z, whose hit off McClurt' produced a 3-3 tie. ''It's still you against the pitcher." said the manufacturer of the C.ardinals' key Series hit. "I pride myself on being an RBI man. Clutch hitting has been t he story f'or us all season." OTHER CARD S left t o celebrate in a clubhouse which was soon flooded by champagne inc luded Ozzie Smith. whose second single had touched off the winning ra lly. "It's still like a dream, really." Smith said. "It really hasn't hit me yet like it wilJ m a day or two or maybe even in a week." Smith said he had no doubt at the night's start that Joaquin Andujar. t he winning S t. Louis pitcher, would be able to perform well. "When I found out that he hadn't been hit on the knC't'Cap. I felt that he would pitch," Smith said in reference to the injury Andujar suffe red when hit by a batt.ed ball in Game Five. "He's the type of guy who will battle:· (See OLD, Page C2) The council's final pro posal, which will be pr~nted at the association 's annual convention in January, makes seve ral adjustments to a plan discussed last month during a meeting of college presidents in Kansas City. T hat proposal, based primarily o n attenda n ce. would have forced an estimated 40-60 lesser basketball-playing schools into lower divisions. Needless extra points a • point • in wrong direction ? The most notable new wrinkle released this past Monday uses total tcholarship aid as a measure of a school's athletic commitment. In othe r words, for Division 1-A members (the top football wchoo.11), the maximum number of scholarsh ips is 180, so the m inimum requiroment would be 90. For Division l·AA members (\he leMCr football J1Chool3). the mi n imum would b e AO .cholarshlpg. Got that? Of coune, neither deal with UCI'1 ~t of being a non-football .chool. But the "NCAA CouncU'i proposal isn't thru\.\lh yet. ln the cuo of non-football The day's topic is one that is hardly someth ing new -back in 1916 a standard was set that may be one record never to be broken -Georgia Tech's 222-0 football victory over ha pless Cumberland. Cumberland's biggest gain, according to published reports, was a seven-yard loss. / The University of Arizona made a run at that figure four years later with a 167-0 triumph over the Immortal Camp Harry Jones outfit, and even &11 late as 1968 the Houston Cougars laid it on Tulsa, 100-6. rfelding Yost set the standards for rubbin1 It in back at the turn of the century when his 190I-1904 Mlc:higan teams rolled up record8 of 11 ·0, 11-0, 11 -0-l and 10·0. Buffalo fell In 1901, 128-0, Mk hlgan St.ate and Iowa Iott on back-to.back SaturdAyw, 119·0 and 107-0, respectively, and In 1904, Yo.t turned on hit alma mater, West Virginia, to the tune of 130-0. All of th~ vlt.al st.atl1tlca br1np us to PREP SPORTS ROGER CARLSON the current topic on the prep scene - I.e .. ·Ed.Ison High calling time out with four seconds left to enable a S(.'('Ond· string kicke r to boot a 27-yard field goal to up the winning margin to 23-7 last week. And, a year aio, F.atancia High went for' 'the jugular in the fading SC<'Onds, calling time outa in order w punch it over with four seconds rem31nlng tor ~ f103 l 22·7 verdict. Pouring It on? It depends on your point of view. Surely the v lctorle1 we re aasured, additional polnta were not n~ry. But If you're up 2~·0 In th• ninth lnnl.nR do you ask your hitter lO atrlke ,. I out? Or do you play from whistle to gun? To be sure, Newport Harbor faithful were furious a year ago. and the Vikings aren't too thrilled with Edison. but who is anyway? Nobody was shedding any tears for Edison during this year's 2-2-1 non- J eague r ecord. T o my knowledge, nobody's been too concerned with any of Estancia's down momenta, either. Marina High Athletic Director Andy Donegan, who resigned as the Vikings' defensive ('()Ordinator Sunday, it furioua. Donegan says he'll retaliate for Edison'8 "snub" by cooperauna In overy way pouible to help opponent• of Edlt0n. "I'll do t'vorythlna ln my eower to help them (F4llon) loee," 1&ya Donegan. "There'• no excuae, nont' whatloevar (for F..dlton'• lut·moment field aoal). "It he (Edllon COllCh BiU W-orkman) wantlt to get a kid'• name ln \he paper, lf that'• the r eaton. well that'• the reuonin& of a 21.~d ~h. not a ttteran. ''You should have seen our kids on the sideline, I knew how they felt a nd they were being tom up inside." Donegan admits part of his reactions stem from the frustration of always losing to Edison. Marina is 0-9 against Edison, 0-5 during the present era of Coach Dave Thompson. Thompeon was obviously hurt and did not approach and/or shake hands with Workman in the aftermath at CerritOS College. But when asked about It, he said, "lt'a no bij( deal." Workman said he went for three more points ror his place-kicker's sake, but under the surface there was lndf.'<'d some h.ard feelinp on both aides of the line lhat may have led w th«! decision. It's a fact It'• a _physical and t>motional game. Bu\ if Edl.8on'1 decision a week ago or ~tanc:ta' maneuvers a year 6'go can bt considered snut., wcll. think this ont OYel'. In 1966 th• Centennial ~hu invaded Weatmintter HiJ(h Mf a non- f Set POINTS, Pap Ct) . •• ca Ornnuu l.0011 DAILY fllLU 11 111u1t1ct11.,+o ctol>t11 'i 1. ttltt7 A's fire Martin; no successor named From AP dispatches OAK LAND Billy M.H1111. Ii whose Oakland A's slipped lo u fifth ploct' fin111 h just one yt•ar aflt·r winning th<' Amt•ril·an L<'ugul• W1•s1 title, was f1rro .is man ager Wl'Clnt•s<l,1y by lt'am president Roy Eisenhardt Marlin has lx.>t!n fired from managc·r1al Jol1:- four timl·S and resign~ under prc11.-;u1·1· orll't•. ln a statement, Eisenhardt said ht• <ltd not b lame Mar lin for thl· te.im':. poor s howing this season. bu1 Si:lid h e felt a <:hani,w wa:. nt:CeSSary for lhl· good of the A's Martin, who ha:. bl'l'll negotiating with st•vt•ral olhl'I AL teams for manugt•rtal positions. app<'an>d to havt• departed am1t·ably • ~ a swll•ment made by MA"TIH nw; a u orrwy. Edd1t• Sap1r. Martin expressed appreciation to EiSt•nhardt and team owner Walter H aas. ' ,• Marttn lt.td thl' A 's to the WL~st t1tll· in IY8t, ha:. second yl•ar with the club, but wutchl>d as at rnllapsed this season with a ti8-~4 n><:ord. Marlin. 54, has managE'd five mapr lt-a~ut tl•ams, mcludmg two stormy tours with the Nl•w York Yankel'1> and c-ontrovf'rsial owm•r Gl'Orgt· Sll'inbrenner. Quote of the day M . L. Carr of the Boston Ct•llll'S, after visiting the Great Wall of China with the Phllad(•lph1a 7&.•rs' Juhus Erving on a tour by NBA all-star:.. "The only problem l had with th(• wall 1s that l had to chmb 11, Doc JUSt jumped up onto it." Union cancels All-star games CCX.'KEYSVILLE. Md. Union [!] t·h1 e f Ed .CarVl'Y announced 4.t Wednesday mght thC' canl'C'llauun of th1 weeend'~ unwn-sponsort•d All· star games following an appellate court decision granting National Football LC'ague teams the right to sue part1t·1pat111g players in stat<' courts Garvey also indicated 11 1s unlikely any of thl' remaan111g sc·ht.-duh:>d 18 all -st~r gamt.•:. would Ix playc.>d Garvt'y l'llt·d the unio n's inability to match tht· NFL"s et'Unomac dout .md tht· desire of th(' union lO concC'ntrale 1L'i effort:. on a s uit l·halleng1ng tht' s tandard playcr l'Onlract U S District Judge John Garrett Penn had rult-d in favor of,a union requl'Sl that a ll htigauon bv the NFL"s 28 teams had tfl be filed m his court 1n W ashington, D.C But the appellate court overturned his ruling. in efre<.'t fr~ing the NFL to force th<' union to defend its players an courts across the country Ex-King Torrion sparks Toronto l '1•111 .. 1 (orc•ic Tc-rrluo, 1u Cjlllrt•d ~ tla1• 1111·\'Htlllll tl.o v 1111111 lht• l.0111 , AllKf'lo•i-K lllK"· "' 1111·ol tw11 j.(11lil 11 W1 ·d111·i.do1 y 1111-(ltt lt1 h ,ul '1'1111111111 111 u !1 'J. Vll'hll y 11\'1·1 1\1111111 • ... 111.1 , j(l\111~ 11\1 M .1pl1· L .. uti. llw11 l1r~1 \\ 111 ,11111 l11111dl11j.( tlw N11111t Stu1 th1·11 111 .. 1 1 .. , ...... 1 llu N.1t1u1111I ll11c k1·\ l.1°Ul(lll' 'l1•.1-.1111 1-:lw\>.lll'll Ill lh1• Nlli . W1·d1w:-Jc1y l•:.1111111111111 W•I 1h11d 1w1111d ij11Ltl!! r 1 •1111 P1t1 llu1tht•i. .11111 P uul t'uUc•y .111.t H·"''' 1.t1i.1lll·t1tl1·1 G r 11 n t Fu h r 1 h ,. I. 1·,. I pr11l1•1t11111 'Ill'', '!'I'll t la1:. :..·,1'4111 ,1.., tlw Oll1·n. :o.k.1lt-tl to u I :.! w111 ov1·r 11 11 1 Lfu1d Marian Stustny rwltl·t.J two H!t.11:-;11111,1:-,1:-lt•lf111\ IV.ti 111h1•1' liv "" l1111th1 ·1 l't>lt'r , ~1v111g l,lw•ht'< 11 ~, :1 ta 111111ph OVt'I \\'1111!·'' l>1•lrt11I TIERfUON Stc\I\' Shutt's goal .11 II -t:I of till' f1m1l 1>1.·rtud hflt-tl Mu11t11•al 111111 .1 :1 :1 tll' with W.1~hlll!i(lclll Tlw C.111.1d1t•fh huv1· lllll Wiii\ a ..:1um· 111 tht• Capital L'1·nt1 l' 111 i'IRhl 11·11·:-~11w1• l"t•U :.!~>. n.1711 t:ddlt• Johnstonl' l'o11v1•1 tt·d a ft·t'<.l Crum dl'fc•nst.•mun ltcljo lluots ttluinc n with l.:.!8 lt•ft Ill lht· ~-oml l"'ruxl to hdp tlw Nl'W York Hangt•rs mp sk1dd111g V:.111t·ouv1·r. fi-!l, thc· Canut·ki.' ~1xth s tra1J.(lat :.1·tu:wk P er ry Turnbull st'Ol'1'll his St.'l'11nJ gu11l of tht• ~a1111• with 3:08 n·~mm"' tu snap ·• 111• .11111 g1vt• St Louis a 5-:i wan ov£'r P1tL ... bur.:h (;uulw Murray Ba ooerinao p11stnl Clrn .. 1g11:. I 11:.t s hutout 1n n 1•arl v ' a v1·;11· as t tw Bl.wk l l.1w k~ bl;,111kt'll Bufralu. -t:u Mayer upsets Connors again MEL BOU H NE . A ustral1a Gt•nl· Mayer :.(.'Or<'d h1:. ..,.'l·onJ v1etury wan 1n two Wl't'k :-11v1•r J1m111v Connors Wl·drw:.Jay, t.rpsl'l1111g 1hi.· W1mbl1·don ,and U S . Oµt•n l·h:.irnp1011 7 Ii, 7 :) an the Supt·rt:halll·ngt• tl'lllll't' tuurnaml'llt Mayc•r rt'gularly h;:~ slruggll•d tu l.tt•Ht 1h1· playl•rs ranklod ubovl' ham, and s;11d <•ftl·r tlw match that Connors, rankt'<l No. I 111 tht• world, rema1m'<i "th1· 1uugh1·s t guy for me• to play " Earlier Wt•dnt·~dJV , Anwrinin Ellwtt Teh.s<:ht•r lx·at Australiai1 Paul Mt•Na11wl· 7 -6. 7-6. DodQers replace O?ark with Amalfitano The Los Angl'll')> Dodgl·rs • announced Wednesday that they have hired Joey Amalfitano 10 rc·placC' Danny Ozark on their coal·hing staff Amalfitano has been a Nauonal LcaguP tuach and manager for th~ last 16 years, w h all• Owrk, 58. Sl•rved as lht' Dodgt•rs' third bas(• <'Oach during the past three yt•ars after managing the Philadelphia Ph1lhes th<· previous sc.•ven seasons. There was no annoum:ement as to why Ozark would not be back with the Dodgers an 1983 . University of K l•ntul'ky baskt•tball ct•nter Sam Bowie w·as in '"(•xn1.llcnt cond1t1on " Wednesday following bonl' surgcry that will keep him off the court until al lc•ast mid-January •. Jockey C hris M cCarron, last yt·nr's leading rider a t Santa Anita's Oak Tn'<.· mt'(•tmg and currently third in the I Y82 Oak Tree Standings. was suspendLod fur flVl' rat·mg days Wedne,sday by the Board of Stcwards, beginning Saturday and running through Friday. C>t:t. 29 Television, radio TV: No cvenL'i schl>dull'Ci. RADIO: Basketball Lalw~ vi. Sc<tttlt> at Van<.-ouver , 7:50 p.m. KLAC (570) .. ·New look if NFL football returns COCKEYSVl LLE, Md (AP) .--It'll be NFL football or no J ootball. For a whale, at le ast And in a whale, 1f NFL football )foes return. it'll have a slightly ~1Herent look. •• For times and dates of your J.eam's games. don ·l bother j!heck1ng your tickets. The -National Football League may ·).iggle its schedule dramaucallv In a meeting of NFL officials W ednesday m New York, onr .w hich includc.>d Tex Schramm. ~resident of the Dallas Cowboys and chairman of the CompetH1on .~omm1uee. the league w restled ·~ith the problems o f a strike- .· shortened season , spec1f1t·ally one o f 13 or 12 games The e x1sung schedule likely would be junked with teams playing as many games as possible against divisional rivals. The league also is trying to balance the number of road and home games and to deal with the problems o f playing full slates of games even later than usual 111 winter and figuring out how to declare one wild-card e ntry with an unbalanet'<i schedule The NF'L"s striking playcr:.. some of whom had v1s1ons of formin g their own union· sponsored league. were thrown :: College football ... ··= SATURDAY'S GAMES Wfft Oregon St 111 USC (1 30 pm ar LA Coh-..ml Tutsa al 0<11ke Central MIChlQan at 1<411'1 St :• UCLA al California Easla<n Mochogan at Nonhl<n llllno•s Northern M1c1119an at N0<lhern Iowa n M1am1, 0 et 0ht0 U :· -, . . LO<IQ e.ecn SI al SW1 OleoO SI , n Nevada-Reno at Cal S1a1e Fuller'lon Noire Dame II Oregon FrHn<> SI al SM! JON SI . n rexes Tech 11 Washington Stanlord el Washington St Cet S111111 Noohrldge al Cal Lutheran ()c;c;ldenlal al Whittler, n Sanla Clara al Cal Poly (Pomona). n Claremont-Mudd al Redlands. n 9'od!IM Plldflc al Aru:ona. n Webef SI al BoiM SI n Colorado SI. al BYU Monlana SI. al Idaho n Mon1an1 al Idaho St n New Mexico St al New Me11co. n E Wuhlnglon at Norlhefn Amon• n Utah 111 Wyoming lovthwMt Ar1t1n1111 al Hou1ton (Channe4 2 al.JI 30 am) Oklahoma S1 11 Ottlar>oma SMU al TnN (Channel 7 al 12 30 pm ) Air FOl'ce II Ttxu-Et Puo. n RJce al TexH A&M Baylor II TCU No<lh Te•lt SI •I Weal Tex .. SI ~ $1 al ArllaMH SI ....... M~IQan al N0t1nw.1arn Ohio St. a1 1.ic11a"a Putdul at Mich~ SI IOwa at Mlnnaaota. n lllnola al W19contit> 1(-ac Ka-St MIMOtH'I 81 N8t>faaka Te1t1ll•Ar1lngton at Wlehll• SI w .. 1.m MiChlg•n at Bell St 1no1ana St 11 Southern llhn0<s Bowling Green 81 T ole<Jo. n Sovth C1nc1nnat1 et Alabama TennesMe 11 Geo<gla Tech Geo<g•• 11 Kentucky n South Carolina II LSU. n Oulte al Mery1and Auburn al MlllSIU1pp1 St Clemson a1 NOl'lh Car0l1n1 SI VMI al RIC;hmOnd Loul,111 .. el Soulhefn M1111&11pp1, n Memphis SI al Tulane. n MlatiMlppl II Vandatbltl. n Wake Forest at Virginia Appal&Chlan SI 11 Virginie Tech lllln011 SI al Eul Carollna William & Mary al Jamat Mactoson NW Loulliana at Louisiana Tech Akron 11 Marahall TennaHM Tedi al M0<ahl1d SI SE Loultlanl •I NE Loullianl Lamar al SW Louleiana, n hal Penn St 11 Wnt Vlfglnoa Pllf'al SY'ICUM Colgate II AYIQ9f• H.,..,ard al Prlnealon Vala 11 Penn Thi Clledal al Navy Boalon Collage 11 Army MauachuMlla at Boslon U Holy C<oea at Brown Bucllnall 11 COlumbla Maine at Connecucut oanmou1h •1 Cornall OaVl<leon 11 Lalayelle 2626 Harber ltvll., Ce1te M••• ...... for J loss W1•d 1ll·sdav in US Court o r Ap1.1t·.1J., in w ;.1sh111gton It rult'll thl' NFL could -1f at dcs1n•d ~t'nd union l.1wvrrs st amp l' r 1 n g a 11 o v <' r ·th 1• t·ountr ys1d e. fighting lawsu1L' Thl un ion without tht· resourt·t•:. to mount a dt•ft•nst· aga1nc.t that, threw in a sm;all towt'I and cancl'lcd Its all-star kagut• perhaps fon•vt•r It w as thl· maJOr dc·vc·lopmenl m the 30th day of th£' s trike and the 1'1ghth day 111 this round of nego t1at1o ns to l•n d It. Al thl· barga1n1ng table Wedn<.'sday, negotiator s discussed pensions and insurance benef1 t s . 1101 ...... JOHNSON & SON presents ... COLLI GI r1 ......... ... Kan1a1 ov•r Kan1a1 State * Nebra1lca over Mi11ouri * SMU over Texas * •lghom Young over Colorado State * UCLA over California AP Wlr,pholo St. I .oui:o-Curcliual O\\ Ht•r \u~u:-.1 A. Bu ... dl ( ldt ) a11cl \Jan :1~t·r \\'hitt·y ll t•rzo~ di~pla y alw \\ orhl St·rit·l'-troph ) \\ t·clsu···«la~. HERZOG'S TEXTBOOK • • • From Page C1 in Ganw F1 vt• .and l\\11 111111t· tn Game Six lkrnantk7 wa:-n•ld>nH1ng his :.!~th birthday and gav1 l11111M•lf .• lovt Iv g1fl. drilling •• twu 1 u11 s inglt• lh.it lll'd tlw ~un · "S111111• uf thl· guys kt•pt llll' loose· during lht• 'lump." lw -..od "Thl·y gut on nw Th111g,., hk·· 'Did that gold ~lov•· lurn tu slc'cl'.'' or ·01d th:.1t :-alvl'r ll<1t tun1 to Sw1~' l'hc'(•S(·"'" Nuw the• Cai dinc1I:-\\ 1 11• 1•1.t•n But a momt·nt ldlt·r St I .nu" h<1d the lt ·ad whc·n (;1•orli(1• I l1•1"h·1ek rtpp<.-tl ,motht•r ~11 1).!lt• to ni.:ht .1nd n11w wan)>," th<.· m .inagt•r ~•cl "Th<it's h;,alf our· v1ctorat.•)> Any ti mt• Wf.• got to tht• t•1gh th ..ind nt·<·dl.'d h1·l JJ. I -.1·nl f111 Sutt<.·r " Tht· n ·ht•\t•r who look:. lakt• .1 mount.all\ man with his '-t'r;iggly lward. tr,unpl·cJ· llHO th1• ga1111• with hi' '>plit f111gt·rt·d f.1..,tli;dl .ind hh•w t ht· Rrt•\\ tr.. ,1\\ J\ 111 tht' l'lghlh In 1h1 bottu111 h.iif ol tlw 111111ng. tlw Cards ;iddt•cl lo lht·1r lt•,1J with .t clouhlt· l_,v L11nn1,· Smith, ..in llltt•11t11Jn,il w<ilk t1nd HBl·s1nglt•-.. ll\ P11111·1 .end St1 •\'l' Braun Thl• rallv gJv1· th•· C111b .... 11nw bn•ath111g room l t tlt•lc1~ 1 J tlw cl'lebrauun but th.al "'a' Jll right Card1n;1I Cam .. had w.1111·d for thrs 11 V•'<•f'. s1m l IY!i7 wh1·n Bob t;1l ~m lt·d ~t Louii.. U1 1L ... last worl<.I 11tlt• Tht·y c:ould wall one mun• tnmng Sutt1 r didn't k<'t:p th(.•m 1n ... uspl·nM long Ht· mow<'<l d own lht• la:.t thn·c h1tt1•rs. f1111sh1ng "'1th a tl<11r by striking out lhC' (111..il b;it11•1, Gonn<in Thoma~ A.s ht t IUt• ht'<I tht· la:.t i..lrtkl'. Porkr boundc·d out from lx·hmd th1• plau• anti lt•a1wd 111t11 the· IJltl'hl·r's arms. touchrng urr a mad. m;id l'l•lc·brallon. It w ..... tht' ~·t:ond savt• o f tht' Sl·rtes f111 Sulll•r. who also wee. ,l H'<l1lt·d \>oath o m · 1Jf th1· Cards' \'If IOll II .... "It ..., la.1rd t o h1 111 \.t• th1· IJl ll'ht I -..:11d Andu;.ir, nur-.111g .i "'n ' kn1·1· tnJUrt'll Whl'n ht• v.as S\l'UI k h~ .1 batt<·d ball 1n Gam1· Thrt•t.'. rl'tirt•d tht• Rrt.•wpr~ 1n th1· S('\'enlh Commg orr tht• 11111uncl h e l'Xl.hang<'d w urds with Gan ln<>r and S<'<'mt>d n ·ad v 111 t..11 1 hand-tu-hand combat with tht· Brcw(•r second baS<.>man I lo11w plate umpire lAc-W l'yt•r bl•;ar · huggpd thl' an1.trv pall hN and s teert'Cl him toward th1· C;1rrl1nc1I dugout OLD FRIEND DELIVERS • • "Th1•11 w1 ·n· '-'>mt• p11•tt~ bad word-.," s.•td Amlupr .• ind ""h1·11 h l' fL'J>t·al(·d tht m, the· nnlv tw11 usablt· wt n · hot dog ··I thank lw d1d th1:-JU•..t hl'CaU)>t' ( \\ ,..., pl.1~ ang '" h<1rd H 1·'<. .1 ... m.1r1 pl.J y•·r and l thank ht· \\ ;1s JU'>l trvmg lo makt· nw m,1d l>t'l:auSt· he know., wht'n I get m.uJ. l w ·t wild lfo kn<>"-that could gt.•I m i· out of th<· gaml' " But I lt•rzog had dt"< 1d1'<.I that Anduj<.11 was ;1ln·c1dy out 11f tht• gaml'. thl• G;,intnl•r llH 1d1 ·n1 n o tw1th...iand1ng Th .. j.!OSJJt•I according to Wh1Lc•y 1:-with ,, ll•ad 111 tht· t•1ghth 11rn1ng you give 1h1• hasdxtll to Sutll'r 111· takC'S l·an · o f th<· rt'st ··Wt> had 92 v1,·torat•' 111 tht> ::.eason and Sulh•r had :in S<IV<'s From Pa~e C1 Andujar said h1· h lcx k1•d thl pain froni tht• '>l>rt· nghl km ... 11lll ul h1:-rnind. adding th:it "th1' '" '>l>m1.:th111g w1 · can't rorgC'l · Aftc•r r\ndu.J<.lr dt•partt-d .1t 1h1· -.t..irt of tlw t·1ghth. Bru11 S11111·1 l•irnt· on to nail dr1w11 lh1 · ( ';1111...' nmth World St•nr•s llllt• "'tllt t\\11 ,,..rf•'l.'t 111n111g!> ··t t·ould ncv£'r lhmk ul ,, 1,. t:• r t•ncl1ng th,m wt· had 111111ght Bruce-Sut11•r. thl• lx.·sl n •l11•v1•1 111 basd>all fat·111g lhl·1r bt•:.l." s.ml dl's1gn.i11•d h1 ltt•r Dam· lorg, whosC' nan£' hits for .:i :l29 avt•ragc was lht' Ix-st t•vt•r by a S1·ne-; DI I !:iultN. who h.1d t.x~·n rouglwd up by Malwaukc•t• m 1h1• third and fifth ganw:., !.<tad h1• n •l1 ... h1·d 1h1• ch<inl'l' to rc'CIC'<'m htmM•ll "That':. what I wanh'll 111 d11 I \\ antC'd tn gl·l thl' last ou1:· !'aid Sullt•r ··1 w<•nt oul tht·rt.· Irving to ~~~~-----~---~~-----~~-~ kt1.'P mv ... d t t'alm 1ry111g not t.o ~· t tw• • 'ttt<'d I wa)> gt tung allt'ad 11f 1 h1· hat H•1.., Jnd kt'l·pang th• l>.111 d own " Th•· \\'111 lcf S1·r1<.-... t1tl1· wc1s thl· '' ·1 ond 1 n th rt•t v1:a rs for It• Ct {11·ld1•1 L1111nw Smtih, who in I Y H 0 l' ,1 r n t• d h 1 i.. ( 1 rs t 1 hanq>111 11 sh1µ r1n~ while a ml'mbl·r or tht· Phil~1dl·lph1a Pt11II1t.·:-·· r\'l• 1.>t'i.'11 fortu11alt• 10 be on · two wurld champio ns I nt•ver t'>-p<.'l'lt'fi It, but I'm t•npyang at I JUSt hoµt• th<1t I t«in be on Mlme ,,On'." h1• sa ad In h1 ... dubhoti...1· uff1lt'. :\l.1n.1g1 1 Whnc·~ I ll·rwg pal kl'<i .1t a \ 1l111n sn at'k of s p.tn·nbs .md µ. mdl'!Pd t hl· "gm f 1t·anu· of tlw monwnt ··J don't ft•t.>I thc11 c·xc1 tt'<i Jbout 11 .' s.11d Hl•rzog, who perhaps Ilk•· 0771l' Smtth nt'l'Cled urne to _r e1 ·I 1 L-; f u 1_1_1_n_1p'""""a_l_., ______ _ Ma12 410. A giant slalom ski, this World Cup winner is also an excellent cruising ski for the more demanding recreational skier. PACKAGE PRICE . . $391. Includes Tyrolla 3800 bind· Ing and custom btndlfli Installation. PVUUTO• M20 £ Chapman 3 blod!a w ol 57 fwy 1704111 CIUITOS U. t.mtot Ct.ntcr ~rwttn Norcbtrom a su,.. llJ/114-llH This slalom style ski performs in everything from bumps to open terrain; for the intermediate to advanced skier PACKAGE PRICE .. $316. Includes Salomon 637 bind- ing and custom blndJng lnstallatJon. O ... GI 1802 £ Kattl141 I block w ol 55 Fwy Ul·lllO .. BBWPOaT IBACR hth1on bland ~"" IMfurm &. 8ro.dway MWUI I ' .• 0111111111 t.1J111,1 DAit Y fJll 0 l / rt1Ur!:1t.lt1y CJt.lo tJc.r 2 1, H18:.> t 3 sh 0 u I cl.... i II j u •. y ~icle•I int~~ St~ure·r Newport 111i11iali11~ • lriatl1/t)11 et aturday •·w port "1'1 H••ll'l h (" I :hh in lriulhlou l.AWl<i';Nl'K K1111 K.11 1-.." q11111.h •1 li,11 k 1"1.111k SeU11•1, whu ... u l h ·n ·d •• "houldW .,,.1m1u t11111 Ima S11tu1day 111 1111· ,Ju y huwki.' ~(.111\1' With Okl.1110111111. "lti.11 .. 111, ii d uubtl ul p .11 t11·q1.1 11 t lw tt.1, Saturch1y 1i-. 1u11h•:.t with ;iv.ii K 1111:-,." S t.Ill' "Tl11s 1s K..11 i.-.." St.111-w1 .. ·k1·nd .md Vl"lph· h il\'1' •• wuy o l w·ttlfl~· ht•u lthy for :..111wthu1~ ltk1· th1:., hul I d 9-1lit 1f h r·'ll jJIJy," nuti•d l>11·k O 'Cor111111', a i.pok1-smun fu r ttw ll•am "[ k11ow ~·rnnk 11·allv want:. lo play" · S"·un..•1. <i fot 111l'I &h:.un U1gli :.l:i ndou t . 1nJlH1·d h1:c. l1·ft (11on-pass111g1 '" l1h•1 Tlw1o·'ll 1,.. 11 1111111..111111 v 11...,1111 111 1lt1 ll l1lthl1111 11111 Ill N1•v. IJ"l l lk 111'11 S.11111 d w\ K 1111\\ II .1 ... 1111 · 1\111 11•111 M.11111 .. 1 1<11 .. I\ I '1·1111111 ll11m.111 Han', 11 11> i.po11St111 .. l lry 1lw two Nr•w 11111 t lit •lll'h 1•all•f'll•"i .111 .t \\ 111 1111 li1d1· lh11•1· 111'1 Miii lt'ol lW• .1~1 v. 1·11 ,1., lllllllllolll ,11111 11111\WtJlllJll I 11111 1)('11111111 111 S.1tllld.1v', 1·v1·111 , h t• yt'l111g I'> 111 .. 1 1111 tlw ..1g1 ndJ u\ 1·1 ,1 H 7 111111· 111u1 ~·· f11ll11\\'1·d 11\ .1 IOK Iii~ 111111•1lout1.1l·1·and .1 titill v.11d i.w1111 t11 n111dud1• till' m ·t1v 11v '1'1•a111 1·wnpt•l1t11111 ~··ti. u;1d1•1 w,1\ al II 11 111 wtth t h 1· 111d 1v 1dual l'onqw11111111 .. 1.11·1111g .11 10 Hl N1•w p url Dlllll':. S111111· liO atlth•t1•:., both mult• m11l l1•111.il1 li.1v1· l'lllt'l l'd tli1• It or1111..111 purtHJll 111 I 111 · l c1111p1•t1111m .dong with YU thr1·1'-P''' '0111 ll'•lllt'.'> • --- GRAND OPENING - Fine Exercise Equipment For Home or Office • --- • ---.,'!,.,/' -, ' INSTEAD 90% SOLD OUT FINAL PHASE ·~ rr W(IUER 16~1 1t1 .~ ·t 81.1rl>1~I s .. t 6 fl s 11ro11 I'd t ..ir lri l11C1t''> • lumt~·lh fleg S 14Y 95 SALE. OF I MO"JARCH E1gomelP1 r»r>rlJ1k1• RPQ $4d9 95 SALE s29gaa BRUTUS I w• 1qlll t.1Pn<.n 2 111 .,,,.,.t tub- 111q 1()()() ltJ r dlJJl"lly L1fct1mc> QuctrdntPC' Req S 139 95 SALE s114sa GRAVITY Gu1cJ1nq Boot•, GRAVITY Guiding 8dr PLAZA NEWPORT oe"•"<l Jo Jo~ lOO'J BRISTOL.NB (7 14) 752-1105 IN/TIA T/ON FEE OFFER EXPIRES October 31st 1 FEATURING THE LARGEST AEROBIC DANCE STUDIO COME AND EXPERIENCE LOS CABALLEROS RACQUET & SPORTS CLUB OUR FACllTIES INCLOOE: • 44 Tennis Courts • 20 Racquetball Courts• 50 Meter Olyr11'ie Pool • Training.fool • 2 BasketbaN Courts • 2 'j:>lleyball Courts • Nautilus Fitness Center' Aerobic Program • T oumaments •Round Roblll • Chalenge Ladders • Clinics and Lessons• Professional Instructors • Pro Shop • Advanced Reservations • Snack Bar • Social Activities • Ufecycle Program • Outdoor Co -ed Jacuzzi • Jacuzzi Lounge • Sauna • Steam• Spacious Locker Rooms• TV Lounge• Babysitting FOR FREf TRIAL VISIT CALL cabCJLLeROS 546-8560 ----9laRllCU. 17272 NEWHOPE • FOUNTAIN VALLEY 1'1111111..-. Jl.,11~:lwy .1 l11111w1 '\' 111111w1 .111d \\,t111 p11l11 l'l.1\1·1 .it II(' lr v1111., "'''" 1h1· t V< 111 l\\11 VI .11 • ,1g11 .111d wtll 111• l11tt k ~.1111 1d.1 y .1111·1 1111' .. -.1 11g 1111• 1·11111 p1•11111111 lu-.1 Vt .tt 11 1' I 11111po•l1·d 111 I ho• ll.1 \\ .ill.Ill 1'11.111111111 111 .l.11111o1rv .11111 11111:.l ... d 1111111t 11\'I 1.dl 1111\ d11l11't I 11111 1>1'11' l'J I 111•1 tl11 .. 1111111tlt 111 "'tll ,,. .11111111g ,,,.. 1.1\1111\1 • ... Ill llH .. , ... n 1111II 'u11111)(·11t11111C111 :.!!I) t 11111 1 1111·11·, d1v,...11111 ... 1111 l11d1· uml1·1 Ill ;\(I .rn Ill HI ·"rd :10 plw. '1'111•11• .11 1· 111 l'llll illll' Ill l ltt• 111 I I :tt(t' 111 oll'kt•I ...... I It·· W11r I'll, (hr· I 11lll .l1v h1111 .... 1111 lwl1· ur11li·1 I I. Ill :!!I, .IO :1!1, ,111d ·10 pl11 ... \\Illa ",',1 1·1111.1111 tho• laqo11·i.l 111 lh1• l1v1• '1 .11 111-.tw \ 111 l J l u111.111 It.it 1• 1':11 11 "' tlt1 1 ..... 1 tit~, ... 1;1',ll ., till' ... ,,.111 ... 111 ... h .i\ ,. o 1111111lt1111·d $.1.01111 111 tho · Sp1·11.d lll\11qrn ' 1111111 11 11111 •·1111 v 111 ·-. .11 111 t)tt \ .Ill' 1i .. , ... ,,11 "' d11111~~ 1111 .... 11111 •• g.1111 1111 .. y 1·.11 Tt11.11· .111· 1111 l.111· 1·111111·•, 111 tlw h •,111111111q1H1t11111, t it!' l11 i.t 1•1111 .1111 .r,.,., 1111 · l11o vdmg 11 ... 11 111111 .... 111 .11111 f1.111d llVt I 111 1111 11111111'1 1111 1111 lo·,1111 Wltll 111IUl11 j.(IVt• ... 1111 .11 Ill 1.:11111 Ill t he· ... w11111111 I 1111 th•· 1111.il lq: o l lh1• tt1111p1 11111111 'f'lil' 1111 ll'tllll' I l'Jll t '.'>4 Ill IJjX 11 '>ljU,1d'> ft11 l 111t l1 1111 ·11 ,111tl w11n11·11 .. 1 "'""'" d 1v1 ... 11111 w1l l1 1w11 n11·11 a11cl 0 111 · w11rn;1n 1.r t w11 Wflllll'll :tllcl 11111' lltall lttl' 1111 111(1'1', 01 111ai.lt•1 :o, d1111:,11111 l HI 1111d OVt'I ), •I pt1l1l11· ... 1d l'ly dl\'li-11111 ( f'llll< t ', f II o'tlH'll , t'll' ). ,111d J ll''l;tlff ,1111 cltVl'Hlll f111 1111111•11.(l 'l'N, llWlll'I i. v..11t1·1•., v.;11111· ... ,1., .11111citl11•1i.1·11111111\i-cl Ill tltt· hu ... 1111·" •11 tl11· '>JX•ll'o" '1'111•11• .111· I :s lt'.111 .... I llh·11·iJ Ill till' l,1llt'f O olh 'j.(111 V ---- lh11ltlv Ji. l'lt' 111 th1 Nc·'A f"•l I Is I " I It M .1 I I II I ' s J I f I ..,. J)t•parlllll'lll p h 1l't•J t:Htt IJVl'IJlt .111d wo11 hi!, u~t· d1v11;wn 111 tl11• l-'11t111t,1111 M 11t1nta111 I 11u1 ltlo11 lwltl llh•I l'tlo1·111x 11-t1•11tl y Lw 1 I l11t·k1·1, t<11111~·1111~ 111 tlu· V.111111•11 '' dt Vl ~IC>ll l hul \\ 1 111 ..1p11111i..1111ut1•ly holf th•· c1,..1.t1 11 • uf th•· Oll'll, plul't·d th11d 111 lw r 11g1· ~roup I l11<·k1•1, 'J.7 . r1• ... 1d1·; 0 11 Balho.1 1 ... t;111d 'l'h1· 111"11 ·, 1·11n1 11t·t1 111111 111dud1•d :s I in11<·., 1.t -.w1111n1l11~. d u:1 mill· h11 y c·l1· 1 1111· .111d ;, ',!(, 'J. 111!11· 111:11.11h1111 Ht·l ... 111 Wllfl 1)11 l.1 111 ·~·· lir .1t kl'l t1tl1· • We wlll meet any competitor's currently adver11sed price. • Bring In their ad and liquor Barn wlll meet It. •COSTA •MISSION MESA VIEJO ''"'St ' M u11l1ndt N••POtl Bhd 6 L1 Pu lie 10 UOI ,, •• .,~. 14)7 •GARDEN •CANOGA •PASADENA GROVE PARK Coloreoo 6 •••tmlntl•• '•llbtOOk I I~•"• M•d'• & l \ICllO Vi n O••" 11 J JH Ot~J 7U •IJt 410 11J·H•·U~O l J~k D1nlef1 ~~lakey 150·mt Old Crow Bourbon 1 1S·lU s711 •911 Seagram's Crown Royal '1311 Col\O!>Cllon 7.0.ml Seagram's 1-Ctow" •t.IWI •1011 1'H LI• •RANCHO CUCAMONGA C1tnell1n 6 ''"' .,, ... , ...... Q.4 12'1 BRENTWOO Sen Vte-•1\1• & Monl•n• ,,, .,. 1110 Boodles Gin Stinton Oln •THOUSAND •PALM OAKS SPRINGS .. OOIPI'• f'•lm c .n,on 0th'• . ,,., .. & Indian t 05 ell I ll> 714·>15·107' •HEMET •TORRANCE '•<Inc (•ti ,IOt!ill 6 Cou l HIQt'I••• ''" ... ,uuo '..,., .. II• 12\ 1U• 11) JIJ-0101 Gordon's Gin ID-Proof $ 98 1.75 Ltr. '· ... 150·ml 1 .. 1,.. ' ~ ···" .... ,. .. s911 Taylor C.IH. C.ll1n •. _ Cheblle, •wt "l>df· 111>1,,., VI" llOM t ·Llr Charles K~ .. : · .,.,..,...,, Ct.eblle. '" II-Cto1et 1SO·ml •21• •GRANADA HILLS O••Of"leftir• WoOO~•n • wooo10, • c ...... 71l·U 1·52U Jl).UC.7)03 LANCASTER •ANAHEIM Scoresby Scotch .~·, I f!·LU •911 I• Bl~k & White Seo~ 15_:~; s 14 It Q Smirnoff 11-\ Vodka .... fl ' ~r-, $ 1.75 ·~'j.· · Ltr. Kamchatka Vodka IO·'•oot . Nata1hk1 Vodka IO·'•oot 99 1$0·m• s311 1 rs.u, •&" ~ ~~ lt Schlitz ,., it • Beer LA. Wine of the Week ' · ~ Be•lleu Vineyard• Peck $177 ''C1mer01 .. Plnot Nolr-1979 s511 Reguler or light 12-oz. /..... 8.¥.'1 "Showcue" Plnot Nolr 750 ,;~ 8 Cena ..: . ....-:::. Collectors-Don't Miii Thi• One ml. 81200 CALIFORNIA PREMIUM WINES CABERNET SAUVIGNONS CHARDONNAYS ~onl 1878 ................. !!~ •&11 ~= ................................... ~~ •5•• =vi 1878 ..................... 7.!1~ •991 t:-1811 .......................... ',;,~•a•• ::~:'d 1878 ..................... 1.:~1 o•• :~~ ............................... ',;~ •&" ~~71 ............................. !!~ •5•• ~~~ ............................... ',;,~ •5•• Chateau 150 ,721 Ste. Mlchelle 1871 ............... ml. Ch1teeu 1so s711 Ste. Mlchelle 1810 .............. m1. ::,very 1810 .................... 7.!~ '211 ~~~~.~.~ ............................... ~f '7" !:.~ •1 o•• ameretto ............... iso-ml. di 11rol\no ..... •13'' la"•Y'I ............ no-ml. lrl•I\ Cr .. "'....... II """' ~~ ............ no-mi. • 12 ············ • comtort '°""""""' ... ' ............ . ····················· -fit .................... nO•"'I. •12•• ····················· •a•• ........ . ................... TlO-ml. \.\q~uf ........ . \ GAMAY BEAUJOLAIS =78 .............................. 1!~ •371 =r. ..................................... 7~~·3•• ~ia~~ .................................... 7~~ •311 ~ia~~~~ ........................ 7~~ •311 == 1110 ....................... 7~~ •3•• =., 1811 ::~·· . .'~1 '4" ~e-- ,-Keg~ Beer} A 1 velleb1eJ I_ <::......, Ofd Mllwau-• .. ........ ~ •• ,,., 21 •• .......................... ~1'"91 •31•• Coor......... •20• ................ 1, ••"-I I lo--.................. ~ .. ,,., •3511 -.......... .. ' ............ ~ •• ,,., •21•• IGftlti ......... .... u • ' ••• 1t1111tv1 · • · • .... • ~ '""-' You,. H~lLOWUN Kto1 IAltL y Store • Sundlf· ThursdlJ' 10 AM-I PM Hours: • Frld1y-S1tunl1y, I AM-8 NI Liquor Barn .. Orongu Coaat DAIL V Pll 0 I 11 huraduy O<.tobur JI IUttl Canip: A handy guy to have around E ta11 cia grad • £'01·1ng 01ne point .. --lit£•rally--al Pacific 6v JOUN SEV ANO O(th• Dally l"llol ltelf Wht•11 Tony C11111p wa:. u -.1·111111 .11 1-:o;tunt'IJ J llgh f lllll y1•111 !I llt(•I, lh' I i.uf •I tou~h d1,•1-.11111 111 11t.Jk1· l u mp, 11 11 J\11 S 1·11 V1t•w L l•,1..i111• p1•r for1111'1 1n hn th Ll11:1 kt.'th11ll 1111d fuoth.·111. hud lo 1·h11tJM' whll'h :-.pw t lw WUs g Ollll( lll JlUl'SUt• II\ ('Ollt'Kt ' KHlll•'h, l'u111p li.11. 1·u118l1 l .I:.! ,, .. ,...,..:-. 1111 ;\11 I y111 d1> und r11U1' tmll'IHIOW lll'i Pn111 111 111,l S11tu1duy'!I lo ... -. 111 llt.1h Stnlt'. { '11111p 1 ,111k1·d 1wv1•11t h 111 t lw 11.1111111 111 tot.ii ll'l't•ptu11 111 urul h.ul .11'141 11u1v1'1 I h1111sd l 111 l11 tht• No h "'4 •~1l1111 1 1111 tlw 1111 t1111l· UC >I' 1 i·u·rvi11~ Iii.I h.111cl'1, liy -..1y111g, .. , d1111 '1 lh111k lllf'Jt• ·' ar1yl11111g 1.Jpt'\'l1jl IJl 1<1Uf lh1•f11 " /\I 1111• '>111111 • lllllt, tlinUJ.(h, ( \irnp 11)<1 t 't''I 111' .al11l1t v 111 111td1 .1 hall 1" 11111 •.011ll'tl1111g v1111 1 ;o11 d1·v1•lt1p 1,, .. u .. 111, 11·.., -..1111 .. 1h111g 111h11·d wh1·11 th1·y 11 .1v1·l to Tu1·111111 wh1•n· th1• U111vt·rs1ly 111 Ar 11.mla, U!Jl!IN Vl('lOr ov1•r Nnt11 · 1>;11111 !Ji.I WC·<•k1·11<I. will 111· llr1•11 1111'\L' "It g1•t... y1111 d1.wn," ;11l1111L-i 'ump of l11MllH "Hut .Y11ll h;w1· 111 k1•1 µ on 801ng 'l'lw1 1 ··~ ,tlwuy' 1.111111· hopt• lht•rt· "I w11!'. h11p11lg I would )(1•1 .1 hJ skt'lb.111 S('hola111111µ," !><IVS ('amp of h1i. l'l\1111·1· 111 tht• 111111· "I thoul>(h t I hutl .1 dmrn· .. of ~t·tt1ng on1·" l)l•s p1t1• l\1mp')o, pr l'il'n·m·1· 1111 "r111111d h<il l .ind tht• JU111p s hut. lh1· ti :1 '..!:15 p11und1·1 .,..ttl1·cl Im ,111 111111111~ !ih.11'1xl p1gsk111 and ,, lt-w t• •lll'l1tlow11.., Hh: s1·(I w11h ,, K1fh ·d pair .. r lu111d-. ;a11d llw ahrlrty lo n •1ul d1·f1•1\.'4" a11d t111•11 -'''I 11p1•11, t 'amp has ht't'Ollll' .111 111!1·~1 al 11.11 l 11( l'Ul'l lll''I> offt•l\1>IVl' sdll'llll' "'l'hl· ligh t t·nd 1~ olwttyi-g1•11\~ to I)(· .. lJ11 1·at 1n our offl'l1S(·," s.1ys 'l'rw•r h1·111I ,,.,,ll'h Hoh Toli'llo "W1• 11111111111 h1111, :-.l11r1 h1111, try tu g1•t 111111 111 tht• ,,.•11111:-. of ,, 111111· W1 •'1t· llllhlJt1 llv l1111k111g t.11 111111 "M1k1· (hh 11111111 .. 1· wl111 ;1L11·111lt·d l·~,1.1111 1.1 I liJ.(h ( >t;111g1• l'1111 .. 1 l 'oll1·g1· .ind ( '111111.11 111 St.ah} .rnil I 11'<1~1 lu pl.1y 1'ald1 ,1 lul M.1\'IK· tla.1l -. Kiil -..1111Plh111g 111 d11 With It," ">«Y' ( ""ilJ» J.!l<lfllllg f111 1111 1•xpl.11wt11111 1111 lw. M11 1· li.111d1·d111·.._.., "I don't k1111w , I gut''' y1111 h,1v1· 111 h.1 v1• 1\ B11t rf VllU h.1v1• till' 'kal b , Vllll l',l/I 1111111• 111, 111" 111111· 1111 fur th1•1 l1y pr ~•llH'lllj.(" 1•.v1·1 y R11111t• I ll•c•l w1· t1.1v1· 11 1·ha11t't' 11·., .alt1•1 tilt· jo(IUllt' you worry ahout " Wlr1•11 ~•\kt·d :ihout lll'Xl yt•.i1 . C.imp s.•V' 111··., 11111 wrllrrrg tu WI 111• off this ont· Vt·l "W t"v1· h.1d 11u1 d 1ffa·ullu:s Our 1•·10111 ... trow~ th.it." ht· !k.IYS "J\t tlw "'11111· llm<'. w1· htiv1· a lot of talent 1111d J f1·1·l w1· 1•an ~trll .r·ll al tlw right unw lh1i. y1·a1 "I hkl' hasketuull It 's prnl>allly 111y fovonl(• sport." CJm p still s11ys 11.U,1y w ith a srmlt• "But I 1·n..1uy f11ell lk1ll. loo l rs not II kt• I p1l·k1'<.I ,111 1•vll " T h t• II " I y l' v I I (' ;1 Ill fl I tl u y h I . exix·1·11·111·1ng al the Untvt·rs11y •>f l'anlw 1s tht• t•v1I of losrng, .1s th1· Hiii:! T 1g1•r-. <1rl' off 111 a dismal I 6 st.Hrt .. 111d hav1· won unly 10 ganws tht· past thr•T "111 t hat n •g:_i r d 'l'11 11y':. .1 1·lu t<"11 11:t'\0tv1•r lll''s gut a0!1ut I Ill" l.H·st hu11cb w1 Lill' lt•a m illlll holds 1111 tu Lht• bal I wh1•11 lw 's hll " Prt11s1·s JUn1u1 4UJrl<·rba1·k Paul l~·nwr. "tie's U\•twr than almost ull l'v1· ployPd w rth or S<'l'n . 111· d1wsn'L drop p,1ss1•s and t)'o always rn Lh<.• rrght plan • It ''I h,1 rd \II I ITliJ~lfll' (. ';1111p gt•l tlllg lllUi .. ht'lt1·1 HI his ll'oldl'. /\ .... lrt•!>hn1.111 111 1!1110, 111 · 1auglit ~w·n f>a:-.st.·~ ag:11m.1 1111' U11lv1·1·.,11y 11( Armma CN for 1111 !>t'.J..,.1111 111 'Ill lw ha111Pd 111 '>IX ,1g.1111 ... 1 lilt' 1Jnrv• 1..,11v 111 l)11•g1111 1.1 '''•'~'"' 1111.11 of :.! I) "Wt•'v1· h ad a lot ol oppurlunjtat-s an d ltavl'11°t t.·111111• thr ough Wt•'V(· b{•en 111.1k111g durnh nll~lJk(..., .Jt t·nucal llm('l> Ill tlll' g•llltl' .. '"l'ht•n•'i. u 1·1·11.1111 knuL·k fc11 g1•tllng 11µ.•11 .mu c;1U:hm.: llw ball You'vl' L·1tlwr T h i" ~•·aso n , ('a111p', l11gh (St·v1•11 rt'(·1•1H11111') t«lllW wh..r1 lh1· 'l'1g1•r)o, lo'lt 111 Ul' D.t VI!>, :.!:I :!'..! Ca mp adds th.it th1• ttoa1n hasn't q uit. 1•11) 11'1 "t\ 11 vuu l'<tn du •~ k.J1.:p gotng out ..ind drnrig till' tx .... 1 vou can,'' s<.ty~ Cam p "Srx lrn .. ._.., I)> :a lrttlt· dl'prt'ssing, but you JUSt li;1Vl· to l1>11k f•11 ward u1 tht: next game, and th<• 1wxt Manw <tft.er t hat " Tony Camp years · • · · On a pPrsunol s rt.11· t huu~h. thrngs c'(1uldn't l~· lx>tter for till' JU111or ln s.•v1•11 ~111 I' 111 y.,u do11'1 he's gut 11 ·· ('.1111 p 111c11lt·stlv s h ru~s o t f sud1 an 111J d1·s. 1•sp1·n;al I y 1·11m·1•rn111g h1 i. Thi· onlv g;urll' l'.1ul11 """ 111,111.igi .. 1 111 win was .1 '..!H '.!.7 11UL111g aga111 .... 1 N1·vada I .as V1•ga)'o. Arid, th111gi. dorr't look 11111 p1111111"11ng for th1• Trgc•rs 11r1 .. Wl•t•k1•nd GWC, Bucs face potent foes Sa11 Diego Mesa, Mt. SAC invade; Gauchos h ead south By CURT SEEDEN Of the Dally Piiot St•n Two o f the m ost explosive l'Om mu111t) colle g e foo tball \(•am s an Sou th1.•rn California invade Orange Coast College Lhts week beginning Friday njght w ht'n the San Diego Mesa Olymp ians a rnvt.< for a South Coast Confe rence contest with host Golden West. The follo wing night, h1g h -powc rt'd Mt San Antonio w iU tangle• w ith host Orangl' Coast. Meanwhile. u n dcfeat('d $l;lddll•bat k College plays its first day gaml' of tht· season S aturday w h en lht· Gauchos travl'I to San Diego's Balboa Stadium to ffi('<.'l San Diego City College. K1ckoH for bo th night gaml's rs 7.:30 w hile the Gauchos and Knights tangle at 1:30 p.m H_crc's how tht· gamc·s shape• up Sao Diego Mesa a t lioldeo West Coach Len Smonn·~ Olympian:. own J 4 -0 pre-conference re<:ord and had a byt• last week while everyone else was 1nvolvtod in South Coast Confere nce openc·rs "Our players certainly aren't going to lx· intimidated by playing a highly rankt·d team," adm its G olden West Coach Ray ShackJeford. "It's gettmg to be old hat." The Rustlers havf' already played somt.• o f the to p-ra nked teams 1n t he stall', named S addleback. Taft anri Santa Monwa cc. "We're the only team this season to St:ore m ore than one touchdown against Taft and the only team to hold them under -10 pomts." S hackleford points o ut M esa's o ffe nse 1s smoot hly run bv qua rterback Trent Annicharic<) who has comple ted 59 of I 07 passes this season That's the second-best passing percentage· in the confere nce (behrnd Fullerton's Troy Bodine). when tlwy du. n's u:.u:_illy twlll1.1l'k Kt·rry Wallal't.· wrth tht.· ball (til l'Mrtl'S, I H~ vc1rds) · Th(• H ust lers' R rc:ha rc.I S t uhlhPbt·r, m£'anwhtlt.'. has movt'CI into th1• No. :t s1><1l 111 mnft·rNlt'<.' rushing w1Lh 490 yards on Y5 carries thus far The second-yNar runnmg back has four TDs thr~ season Q uarkrback Adam G ragnano t·umplc t<·d FOOTBALL six paSSt-'S li:is t week against Grossmont, <and Clanker J ames McGl't' was un tht• rC'l·c1v111~ e nd C'very lime. Mt. Sa n Antonio a r Or aoge Coast OCC CuaC'h Drck Tut'ker has had pl<mty of umc• tu look at tht.• fi lms and d1S<:ovcr JUSI \\'hat w<.•nt wrong during a 11; mrnutC' slrl'lch last Saturdav 111 lh<' Piralt'S' 41 -19 c;etbat'k to Cernt~ · "I n •ally think rf wt• hadn't had lhJ t two-mr n ute bn·akdown a n d somt· breakdowns m the St'('()ndary. ll t'O ulci havt• been a pretty good gamt• lnslL·ad. 11 was d rout." Tucker notes Now . the Pirates must conwnd with Mt San Antonio wh 1C"h s ta rll•d o ff thl' ronference p lay with a bang stunmn~ favor ed F'ullerlo n 13-10 It was lht• Mounll(•s' first v1c·tur v over th<' HomC'ts smce 1963 · Mt SAC running ba<"k Rich H anson 1s the No I rusher tn the confert·nce ( 108 tarries, 495 yards). and quarterback Mrke Clopton has hat on 63 of 124 passes for 811 yards and four TDs Wide re<:e1vt>r Dan T rejo has caught :J5 passes llops in th(' conferent'<') for -161 yards and two TDs. Still, th e 1-5 P irate:. aren't going to Ix· taken laghtly by Mt San Antonio Coach Mal Eaton. Tht• Pirall·!<., drd rrrdt'4'11, -.111p tho• r u .. lr . hut lht·y·n · hav111K 1111ul1h· dd1·11d111g tht· µassin!o( Jo<unw Al though 1'u1·kl'r r q 1IJt't ·d qu.1r1t·1 but·k Clay Tu1·kn a ftt•r tlw first hi;ilf last Wt.'t•k, ;md his n•pl<il't'lfWnt. ( :n•I( D1·11tra111 hit 15 of 26 paS.\l'S for 167 yarcb, II Wiii Ix• Cl ... y w ho'll swrt Saturday rngla l Tuckt•r h as t'Om plt·lt•d :111 ur :H pa!-...sl's thus Car for ;1w y:irds Saddlebac k a t Sao Oiego CC San Dwgo CC l'<ll rt"s ;1 '.! :~ ovt·rall rt't·11rd into this uf ternoon m;1tl·h und an 0 I M 1ssion Con f C'rt.'IWl' rt't'llr<l <if lt•r drupping ti 10-7 dN·1i.111n to Sanw Ana l;u.1 wc>t•k "I t·ouldn't bcltt•vl' that M'ort• (i;igamsl Santa AnJ l. not with thl· way thl'y pass." admit:. Cnul'ho Coal'h Kl•n Sw1>anngt•n "Thl'Y throw tilt' ball 80 or !10 µnt't•nt of thL• ltmt· · Th..it mL1v Ul' tht· 1.ast.'. hut ldst Wt.•C'k, Knight 4uartt•rba,·k £ht• Jum•" was also mterl•(•µlL•d c·1gh t lllnt·s ag;.11nst S<tnl<l Ana Sull. Jnn1·s 1s tht• Nu. :! pasM·r rn the· eonf£'n·nt't· h1ttrng 80 o f I ii µa~>s for 96Y yards Hl• a lso IC'adi. the con ft.>ren ce rn rn tercc•ptlOns, to no surpn .. 'it". wrth 14. T ht-Gauchos rt.>marn JUSt about per fc<:t m every catt.•gory. beginning wrth their ov<>rall rt.'(•ord (5-01 and lOnfnl'ncc :nark (I 0) Tht· Gaut·hv passing t•onnt't'llon of Cr~ig Mtlll'r to J ohn Marshall umtmut•s to put'c the Saddlcback offense.• Last Wl'<"k against Palomar. Marshall caught IO passc-s for 170 vards to !WI a S<:hool n"t.,Jrcf Annichartco's favonte receiver is Tonv Giles who h as hauled m 15 passes for 2•ft yards and two touch downs. The Olym pians boast the top offense in the confe rence. averaging 358 yards per outing. T hey don't do much runnmiz. but "l t h ank OCC 1s on e o f the m ost u nde rrated teams in the confcrcn('C Thev scare the heck out of m e ." Eaton says "They stopped the rush of Pasadena . El Carruno and Cer ntns .. · T he Gaucho r ushing c!utres an.• handlc-d by a qutntf't of tapable runnt•rs -Jam Gleed Kc·n Alford. Robt•r t Curril'. John Carroll and Miller Each has earned the ball at lea.!>t :i2 limes. with A lford owning a 6 I yard-pcr-<·a rry average. "We'rC' JUSt working on pn't.'ts1on now ," says Swearingen "We still d on't have enough of 1t. We're gt'ltrng better. but W< sull d on't have 11 down the w.iy we like .. Ru ·tier running bac k Rick S ta hlht'bt-r is lht• o . 2 ru her in the ... outh Coast Conf <•r t>n ce. Eyes on weather for 28-nJile race By ALMON LOCKABEY Dally lllttol Boetlftg Wrll9' Sailors will have thC'1r eyes on the weather Saturday as n early 100 boats answer the sta rting s ignal for t h e 3 4 t h a nnual 14-Mile Bank race sponsored by the N ewpor t O cean S ailing Association. 8;;~;;zn •h•jll race h a s been marke d b y weather var iables that ranged from fog, too much wmd or not enough wind. The weather mark w ill be a stake boat anc h o r ed o n the Lausen Seamount off the east e nd of Ca taJina Isla nd and 14 miles from New}'Ort Beach. The race gets under way off the Balboa Pier Sa turday at 11 a.m . a nd It will be a nybody 's guess when or where the race will end. U the w eather cooperates. the race will end Saturday night off the Newport jetty entrance. but the race oommittee hu...,provided tor endlns the race at the 14-Mile Bank if no boat reac~es the mark before 5 p.m . There 1s also a midnight deadline for finrshmg the race at the Newport jetty Southern Cal iforrua Yat•h t Racing Association calendar L.o. Aft9•1"-t.ono llNch Navy Yacht Club -Wome,.·1 Harbor Series. Saturdey Seal Beach YKfll Club Ghostly Galleons (Sabol•) Saturday Lo• A~ Yactil Club H"'"°' Sef1es Sund9'( Santa Monie. h y King Harbor Yacht Club -Fall A8Qalla (Ot>tt-deslgn) Serurday S•nr• Monica YllClll Club -Oc10~1 .. 1 (keel boel•l Saturday Sunday ... °'900 CO<ooado Caya Yacnt Otub -Shlp-Shape Se<IM , Strurday Minion Bay Yacht Club -Snipe Fall tnv1tat1onal, S•lurdey, Sunday Soutnwettern Yacht Club -Pavey Ov9<n1Qhl r-(~} SalUfdAy, Sunday Co<onado Y9Cflt Club -Pert<ln1 1r09hy r-(ln'lllatronal) Sunday Oee•nald• Ytcl'!t Club -Jesaup Serie• (handicap) Sunday. San Di.go YllC!ht Club -Waterman Se<let (IOR), Sundey ....,.. --Mleftcl S9nta S.rbwe Y9Cfll Club -Fall Serlee (PHRF) Saturdty, Fall Se•••• (ona·d••lonl Sunday An•c•P• Yaclll Club .J. Anecapa Island Setlet (PHRF) B•IUrday. Ch•nnel l1tan<11 YllCtlt Club -Capt OINllty preelrcted too ,_, lklnday'\ Ventur• Y•chl Club -lady Sklppara Setlee (PtiAF) Sunday WHllllle Y1cht Club Huveat Race tdlnotii..1 SuM1y OCC tunes up' with 3-0 victory Orange Coaat College tuned u p tor lta confrontation for first pbce In the S o uth Cout Conference whh a 3-0 v ictory aver Fulluton. while UC trvtnc dlJpatche d vi1ltlng L oyola Marymoun:. 3-1. We dnesday : In women'• volley ball Th~ Piratft eully set down Ji\Lller10n In le11 than an hour to l~ c.be1r conterence INl'k to 4-0. 'nwy'll hoet ~rrttos at 7 o'clock Friiay In o crucial mat.ch. Sparkln OCC ott the bench were fres man outside h itte rs O nnalee O u tman • and T ina Crane . A stro ng paAln1 l(•me was the key for \ht' P lratn In their Victory. UC lrvl~ lmprovtd lta overall r«Otd to 15-13 by tumlng beck Loyola. Hitte r Sandy Hafn r recorded 1& kill• to pace the Anteaten, who wUJ h011t Long Beach Sta~ Friday night at 7:30. KUlllT •UftfttS Barons, Lions meet tonight; Artists travel Foun tain Valley High's Barons a re on a new s treak a nd Laguna Beach . m a ny limes a t horn in Misi;ion Viejo's side. are the major ite m s i n to ni g ht's abb r e v iat ed pre p foo t ba l l schedule. each begmning at 1-:rn. Here's a look ol each . Weatmloater vs. Fountain Valley Westminster's Lions (0-l. 1-5 overa ll) tr y to ge t their offe nse in gea r in this S unset League mau:hup against the rejuvenated Barons. who bro k e Into the winning c ol umn las t w eek against Huntington Beach a fte r ffvc non-l eague losses The Barons are witho ut sophomore tailback Dave Swigert (muscle tear) and will have Kurt Burris and AJ Shaw filling the vacancy. The gam e Is a t Ora nge Coast Colleg<" La1una Beach vs . Ml11lon Viejo Lagunn Bea<"h U. 1-1 In South Coast vague plsy. while MlaaUon V iejo. ran~ed 1D th e C JF Sou th ern Co nf.-rencc and In Oranse County (No. 1) 18 1.0.1 following II.I 7-7 at.andolt with Capistrano Valley. MIJ8Jon bout.a three-year 1t.artlng quarterback Klaua Leltenbaucr and tailback Rog r Brown In Its oUtmH. W,una'• No. l player ii Kevin M c D"nn o n . ' lrnbernino keys CdM victory Newport Harbor, Esta nc ia, E l Toro., Marina a l o triumph In what turned rnto a personal duel betwccn Costa Mesa's Aaron Chasen and Dave lmbermno o l Corona dcl Ma r. tbe untx>atcn and top-ran ked ~a Kings posted a hard-fought 12-6 victory over the CIF's fifth -ranked Mu<ita ngs. 12-6. Wednesday afternoon Chasen. w ho scored the first two goals of th<' game to give the v1s1tor.. a tjutck 2-0 lead. frmshed the contest with fi ve goids Meanwhile, lmbcrnino. WATER POLO who answered Chascn's early pmr of goals wtth thrt'e of his own an the first pcn od. had sevC'n to lead all scorers Corona d el Mar. now 5-0 an Sea View Ll'ague play and 18-0 overall. led 10-6 late in the game when Ch~n was disqualified with fouls. The Sea Kings added two more late goals for thE• final ma rgin long paradt.> ol M.'\Jrers with three goals. while Ray Gambem e t and Kol:x'rt tl1elen sh ared the duty rn goal. allowing only one score. El Toro h eld on to beat University, as Craig Popp tallied three goals for the Chargers. Senior David Colw1ck had a p air , while juniors Rob Solomon and Make Schlacter added onl' each for the Tro,ans. now 2-3 111 league play. Wmmng for the fi rst tim e in loop play this season. Estancia b uilt an 11-4 halftime advantage ovPr Irvine and breezed. In t he S u nset L eag ue, a balan ced scoring attack helped Marina to its second win in three outings in leag ue play as the Vikings downed Ocean Vie w, 16-8. Tom Temple scored twice for lhl' winners. w ith both of the goals coming in t he scrond penod Scott Ashby tallied the other goal for Costa Mesa. Both goalies played well. with Tom Kennedy 1,_ __ ~---• o( Costa Mt•sa stopping nine shots and CJM's Joe ~ USA MIDGETS Roh recording 12 saves IARL'S In other Sea Vi<>w L eagu e act ton , 1t was "'' ,.,. Mll'TINO Newport Harbor routing Saddleback . 17 -1. Estancia AM COMDmal .,. downing I rv ine. 16 -7. and E l To ro s h ading =::c,:'=-== University In a dcfonsiv«i> tussle, 5-4 \o 1 .. ww Newport didn't even suit up its varsity in ats ..,_ 1-•1-"' v-o- match with S addle back. using strlclll junior varsity tc.a •1-.._. v..,, AtMl and frosh-aoph players. Junior Je( G ruber led a CIOJTA MnA 641-1219 .,,......,..,. ...... Baron outrun We tmin te r Fountain Va lley High runners flnlshed ln the second through sixth spots to ins u re a 20-38 S unset Le agu e dual cr oss country m eet v ic tor y ove r Wealmlntter Wednesday afternoon. &rons Doug Mann and Ed Could Clnlshed 14.'COnd and thlrd in the race with tim ~ ot 16.32 and 16:~9. reapectlvely. In a ScA View League Ui·mcet, El Toro. with runne rs In the top four posltlon11, used pnst Newport Harbor and &ddleback. 17-38 and 1~·44. t.n th women'• meet, Newrrt Horbor It 5-1 a_f~r outflnlahlng El Toro. 27-3 , and Saddlcback, '5·50. Amy Murrcl tlnlshed first In the race with • llm~ of 1~:~1 , wilh Michelle Buck runnf'r-up at 20:01 t "''"'°" Y1IJO 495..()401 21'22 c-... c ''"'-i-.... ...., .• ~ .....,,, If It's got wheels you'll move It faster In a Dally Piiot classtfltd ad.C:.11 642·5671 and • frttndty 1d·vlsorwm hetpvouturn r.ourwtteelt ntoc11h. NATIONAl {H4MPIONSHIP SU-LAP MAii s.t., Od. 11, I p.a. ,. 0 C 0 0 C l[ •• '· .... ..._ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ _:::'~0~11:uu~:o:u:•~l .:::,:A~IL~Y:...:_P~IL~O~T~/~T~h:u~r1:d~1!v~. ~c:•o:b:•:r~2~1~·~1!98:2:...__:. __ .:::;v: . ,. 17 ing "111(. 1 I 1110 1111.1111111• 111 111·1 1111.11 .. 1111 hv 111 11w1hu1I .. Warning : The Surgeon General Has Determ ined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. • • • •·•"' r' ·- Discover the taste of Camel Filters , now in a Hard Pack. ~.1411· ...... _·· . , , . . . t: •• ·'! . . :: . ·: .- '• I I 1' I I • l ) I ,, ' I l . ··~ ~ . ' ., " WOftLD H ftlU Cerdl"-1• •. arewtr• ~ (Game 71 " lllllWAUl<ll BT. LOUl8 MOlllOI 3D Yo.int ta Coope< lb Simmon• c OglMell Tr.omu er How.II Oh MOO<• rt Oanlne< 2b Mrh bl al>rlllH 4 1 2 0 l Snulll 11 ~ J I I • 0 I 0 Oi;..,~rett lb J 0 0 0 l O t 1 • Tnc• pit 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 D Rmty 3b 1 I 0 0 4 1 1 1 Hernenou •ti 3 I 1 i 4 0 0 0 H..,d,.O of ~ 0 1 I 3 0 0 0 P0t 19f C ~ 0 1 I 3 0 I 0 l0<g di\ l 0 J 0 3 1 I 0 C a,_, 1Jn 0 0 0 0 o Braun dn 1 O I 1 ,,.coee cl ~ 1 1 o Hwu 2b 3 0 I 0 0 Smoln '" • I 7 0 lo1alt n J 1 2 lolel1 .i9 6 I~ 6 •·w•tkfMI fO< 00.tkl~ll •n 61n 1>·1)11\Gl\·ran lor T 11nRCt1 111 61n c·r>'n<:h·hll ror IOIO •n 61h d·P"•Ch-t\ol lo• o._, Ill lllh Bcor• bJ Inning• ,,.,twaut.M 000 011 OOo SI LOUIS 000 10) 07· ,, E -AnOu}lllr LOB M1M.ti11~H J "•t lltU•• 13 ?B-Oan1n"' l Smoll I HA 0 \jh"" Pl SF-C001>9• .............. IP 5 H R tR 88 SO tO J J t Vuct..ovten .... cClvr~L.0·21 Ha•I l 1 'J 1 l I 0 2 7 I t 0 ll t1 v Catow•ll IL LO.Ole Andu)&rjW.l-111 Sull9<IS.2J ' I .I 0 0 ' 0 0 u T-2 SO A-SJ 71J MolflQf Younl c~ Simmons Ogllv>e Thomas '10-1 ... OM) .... °°'" Garuner YOll Edwards Totals Heu L Sm01n Hetn1noez Hef'l<Jrl(a Tenece P0<1 .. or .... Ot>e<UeO OSmoll> Braun ,,.cGee torg RamM!y Brummer lolals COMPOSITE BOX Betting llllLWAUIClE •II r h 211 lb hr rbl 31 S 11 0 0 0 .I 29 1> n J o t 6 28 3 8 I 0 (i n 2 • " o 27 4 b \l 1 1 I 26 0 ) 0 v 0 J 11100000 13 4 J I 0 0 1 dl 3910U 24 ~ 8 4 I 4 o o o o o a o 000\1000 138 J) 6• 12 < .. 2" ST LOUIS •I> r " ?b 3b hr r_bl ••Q 25 2 • ~ 0 0 ~ 1(,() 28 6 9 4 1 \) I 121 1' 4 ' l 0 I 8 ,''>9 28 ~ 9 0 0 0 !> );'' 6000000000 28 I 8 < 0 I S 181> 10 J 2 1 0 0 ':'00 24 4 I 0 0 ;g; 24 3 5 0 0 0 208 701000,-.00 25 1> 6 0 o 7 ~ • •O 1 7 • ~ • 1 0 1 ~1~ 100000000 OOOOOOC.000 2•5 )<; 61 •6 J • 2·1 Pitching lllllWAUKE.E g Cald-k2 013 Sullon 10-11 2 McClure t0·2l~ LeOd I VI.VICI> t0-11 2 H .. s 2 Slaton p-01 2 Meo en &.rnard Ip t\ r •t bb ao era '"', 19 4 • j 6 2 o.a 10 • 1' I I ':I I 5 ~ S4 4 ~ l • l 5 • 1E ., 1 0 2 0 0 00 14 16 9 1 ~ • • so 7·, 8 1 6 3 • 7 J 7 2' ' , 0 0 2 1 0 00 2 5 & • 1 0 18 00 1 0 0 0 0 ' 000 Toi alt 60 61 J9 J? 20 76 • ao IT LOUii D Ip 11 r er t.b eo •re F0ts<:n(O 21 2 I/· & 10 ' 3 -' • ~· KUI 4 2 • 1 t 2 2 3 Ob laPoon1 2 S , 10 6 J 2 3 :. 2• l allll 2 11• 4 2 2 I I 1080 Sluper fl-OJ l 13 10 5 5 5 5 3 46 B•" 10. 11 3 2 2 2 2 2 3 q oo Suller 11·01 • 7'\ 6 3 6 • 69 Ant!u1e1 12--012 13 ' 10 1 • 1 35 Tolals o• JJ 26 19 28 l 8• St Louis team e1rn.e<i r.ms 'ets 'f\an ,..,,,.. of 1ndrvHJu&1 cwtc"'e' s tarneo '"""' Jy~ '_, ac>r>'oc•l•on of rule 10 IS • '" game • Sco<e b J lnnl1>9• ,,.,l,.eukM (Ar ;I 13 15A ··~ ) ' St louos(NI •SJ •5'120333 .10 Hendrick re1ch•d b1ie on C'9tC,.,~r '\ 1n1«19<8f'Oe •n 91" ""'"'II Gaml! 3 E -Hernande1 2 Oghvoe Coope• Gantner 5 Simmons Yount 3 LaP01rlf Forscn, Herr OO.rk1ell Andu11r OP St LOUIS 9 ,,.,,.,.au~ee 3 LOB Mttwau•ee 44 SI Lou1a 49 SB .... ohlor .... cGee 3 Obe<'l<lell 2. 0 Sm11n 1 l Srn11n 2 S - G•nlne<. H9<r SF Heu Coo~ HBP IH-11 by F0tscn WP Slur>fl< 3 HU.S KNI Medocn 2 Balk Su11on Sa•es Sull• 2 "4c:Clv•• 2 A -334 570 World S.rlff et a glenc. T.....S.,, Oct. t2 kore ,,.,lw..,kM 10 S1 LQU!!j 0 W"""4Say, Oct. 13 k0te SI LOUIS 5, Mll'W9UkM 4 ,.....,. •• Boore SI LOUii 6 .................. 2 a.t1Hdar'• "-or• MolwaUllM 1, SI LOU1a 5 8Wftdey'• k0<• .... llw9UkM 6 51 LOU" 4 T-y'a leore S1 Loull 13 ,,.,lwaut.ee 1 WMnMday'e kon SI LOU•• 6 ,,.,,,.aukH 3 1S1 lO\.•s w1r• .... -.•-31 S.l'lff feet• end figure• Fects end ftguret from '"" 791n world S..lff Del-,,.. ,,.,lw•v•ee Br-• and the St Loula Cardtnels ~I All9"C18110e S3 723 -recaopll $890 1S8 91 ~·· ...... $134 72165 Player poOI $.453 0!16 99 Laegua and Club Se11a1 11>ere SHI 342.83 Mvt• t · , ........ ,., ~1t~1 httl ,,_.. '" 1 ••• ••"' • ~"'"""'"'".,. u~m.. t l.HHJ•O• fl•h llt. ~ \I ~ c,1,;it1 tNl I 01 I I' t\UU \lU1 1io1111,J 1010 .. ,, ..... ,. ••ov•• P•'-••nv1•u\lh Wu1h1tt\.)lOO 'Al• Ot I t ._ HIJ~ hi 1nt11t1V A11'1UI MMlh•u~ Nwwi. Yurtii CAI , ',,' " \V• I 6Ht tnnH~ k.•n "u~•· •,1 I"°'. t'41 I ~>.~,: .,,,',!,, 1~1~• 0.1.''u~'";:.'·~ ~;,·:1.~u1::1j~:" Ai,4 ••I l11llflll l.~lhhl H 1111 ofU ottl 11f11 tt fh •' IUfl' t••tr '' •u' 1f'H I Iii HH .. I W1lht\ Mt.l•U• huth Ir 11 Uhl t l//·U '••h•lll 1111111 '"" ,ffHS .1 tit In, •tt·h·• f , • .._, 1 Oh1I 11u1•uu I kt H ·~·--· M,,,, re u• '"I J•J'"'' 11 l·•l ll Vor11t1ll '•t~111•• ' fh.)l•H ""'"' M·•~ hJ•I t ~A' I ··~I I HUtJ Ott 'I ftftf. ~U\f t ill\ t1~ "*"'l\JH .. hUI l1+Ut•1 wt•"*" 'J ~·:~~~~.',)·'''N:;~ ~:',','~., it~,t~ / ,::~':: ~'.;.·, ~'."X~:~· "-f'tt"1" l •It 1At I Ptl;tUI Ctul> 8•tllng, l ••IH f ('IW .. '-1 hH bt i.-•h. I vur hill U •,1 I 6 W• ,.,,, t 11)tl.' jf, .. 1.t .,. 111 ll>t Mt \I 111 J tuh t'ftu luf 1'4 'lt luv1,. 1 lndlvldual li'll<llln~ ,, ,,,,~ "' ,...,111 J• ti. It'\ \It t ~tune• ~' l •1 ,, ,,_. 1 t • t·in. 11~-. M..-tl\h M rlYtfd.i•\•t• A\ thl t• t10.1111 ... ,""'' ult.~~')I Mul\l W•Hl JHh l1t1'\ 1 • 1 ~t•tli'-!I M1l.,,..rt1~~101 1A'i I \•1 I t11 lfllllflij lfh 'I f H1r 11\ht•I M o•d >N••I I Iii,. '11 V~hll I 4 1 tftl ••• t \hi.I~ '''..., flu• ft ····· 11. · ·~ .... 11. I l•I ... •nit ''• ti J .. IHt ~ ,1'\t '\ot t t • ,. t't l I ... I •I l ,, 'J\ 1·t I I ~ ~ 1Wdu•rt-Al 1 '""· ht•ht l1t 111,1 lndlvlduel Fleldltll) h•I .. M r•:i.r ~ ul• ut, •tlflt'!hh 4 \;"'It M1t1~ 111 L••,•1\tNt11'ff' 1111 I"' 11111., el ~ .. ,.,,, ,4,,,,," •• , .. , .... """' 0 I w 1(1ttr Mlf'Ai1h1~tttl I A.t I 11JM. Oen•••' A•coui. '" l 1Hij .. \\ l l '• W hi 111t 1• t ltit'" I oil \4 ... oo •b 'ti ,, I II ,,.H' ... M•lll'llJU~t. 1Al t IQ~ l df 1Jtl\1 t'htl lht, "I I HI •· if• ... I U"4 "• '' •u•i. tfH) ,.. M 1-..1•1•tt tAI 1va. NHL CAMPBELl CONFERENCE Smr•"• Ot.1110<> ..,..,,,,, .... \, l..4a1yrJI ~ V OlrO\u~' tr .tQ" ~"~"''• ')1 . Ou \ 1 .,, ().-1•0 I W l T OF QA Pia J~ ,, •0 ' ' ·~ 4 1 8 '" .o )5 J~ 1 •• I I 1) NOHla Olvlt lOfl ' I" . :' .. 4 • o .. e ~: • • ' 2 .. 0 0 1 •5 l~ ,, ,, College x Wo1h1ng1on 20 ov{lr Texab Tech Pitt 20•-, ovur x·SyrJcusu Goo rgla 22 over x-Kontu<.ky )( r uxos I' I over SMU x Noorusku 26 over M1ssour1 Arkttnstt!\ 3' / over x-Hous ton x Alubam11 vs Clnc11111at1 . no oud::. Punn S ta 1t1 3', over x W est Vlrg1111rr lJCt A 12'-. ovor x-Cal )( USC 30 ovor Orogon State x I SU 18 ovur South Coroltna No tro Oomo 13''t over x Oregon Clumson Ii' ovor x-North Carolina S tate x Oklnhomo 1'0' 1 ovtir Oklah om a State (From H•rr•h'• Sport• Book , Reno) Oell fr•e wau~·~ .~)~~~ .. ~~:t" t • \•Ith uf JI •••r tluuuyhlH••• meello"t fU1• t HA( I f1 h1ll111ty• I 1 t 11111•11t tlllm t I lf4 hll I I 1111 l.i hO 'ti II• .... •"-41 I I t •!ti 1 toll 4 4U I "' , 'h•t I' ... -. .. 1111.tf 11 t t • • ti .... t " •. ,.... 1111111 .. '•11 ..... . \to' J I •1111 ...... ' • I fllll I I ' I .. . M ·••t P•t 1u111•h1 1 U1 • 1•• M1 M• Mui•t" l •h.H I t l~l.UHU "ACf • 1.u .. 1111J11o 1111t.l11u1 ~t .. 11 ... iH .. 11 .. 1111 f nu 4' no 4 in l.t"111wlhow•111tou.1,1 '1tlll -4 HU I 11•1• I 111 I 1llilll•q i j IM) A.hu l .. l thl 1111•\htllO j 1•'1111 I h\ff1lll lltfl I 111 if111 I l11nl l'u 11 I lulh hr VV1•h1'v le 1111 tlltlllM ''••IU ilt U+j•• ii f411jf11 l'1•l1J11 tt ,,, I 1111 II I U DAil Y OOUUI t I It Ii ml\, tll I llllHO RAC( t t •t •t '"' •"""" lhl rf'u 11 •Jfll•lt .ht •V 1M I II, It A I t> tn 1f41t"""'lt•fl , .. ~ 'r .. A1,, rtl thl • 1 II 11 • lttll t t41 11 Ill ... '""''' 111111 1 •• , •1 ... 'OUH fH AAC( l ' It lllllt! IM I 1 ,, ' .. 111 I. U ...... '"""' l1.t1t1d1 1ttt••••tl ... t tj It .to ~ <41 A~,, /;111 •11it Jtl'"''' "J 'U(I t"tf f'•t' It l•I It '-'' t1io• f ... AU1"1 l.Ht1\I fl\,fltlutt I" .1ltlf t Ult• l\• ... f ...... h t1 ~ .... A1 , .. ,., "''''' ,. •' .. I .11 J A J tt•t ~ •• •••, '•" t "'"'" • I If .. t • I flF'TH RACE h t ul ''H '' !utf B"•ulllul Oown 1 lorn1 11 OQ 6 20 4 ~O I lfli y Ii} 11l1l.J1U1•• , I .tl".I I (){! liuy M, Ar1,M111.t 1' ~P Al~O ttti..••tl C.~att.11 L '"' To 1o>t1h11t f 1n-.t, 'l ( •l•ht1"" I unt" A11r,111Mc .tt, M•"' l tth f"-.f 11\\ Mt;, u t • '" f1 d h• '• II It [t t hH,lf t 14 j 1 $5 EXACT A b 11 I HI 1• •. , t SIXTH RACE • t 11 r .~ Mt>ll J-1,,.,\.dl' f ·\ 4 i 11: ... j t!f li·~ " 8uperchellenge tournament (•\ MelbOurne, Aualroll•) lecund Aountl 811\l}IH htttm M•tvm CU •,• Oul .Jurun~ t 111111tu• itJ',• lh 1•, •1110H •••ll••l1n1 u1••I•'"' f euf M1 N 1Hl1t1tl j.o\H,.hodl.lj I h I I lwOI l t•h•ll It It·• t111'\l'I• 4'° tt l rltd l1.,t1·1 ..... I I; • 01•nd P1h1 tournament (•I Vt.nne) ,.rll Round llnglH M.u~ CJu "-'Ufl 1lJ ") d Mf ft11t 111n t-"11tttl t/Unf1,1hw.-J It ) t 0 tltthltttH VII h.t• ''ltl.11 1l'urnuw•tl dol +\1ul Mt":1ltt1 fWtul <•ttlm•rnyt T ,. 11 l h1n11 •,n;u1., 11J1u111t \Jttt ••ovf"ll •.11111+ I\'*" flfl'll•l\'ll~IUf t1 ' h t I ,, ... ,, ,.,,.,, ..... lfH11tqffl• ., ., .. , ,.,,l, .. ,, OUtlU' INilWWO t, t C1, 9econd Roui>d Slnglea th I 1nt I t I •, I \)"I t, • ~l"' Japen Open l•I Tollro) Men'• lecond Round Cllngl•• J111''' r A•11'1 •II'• I Ot·f M1iilr• t u.1c 11 llJ r, f tj 4 f i~ (1h•t111 Mu h1t1.1~1t tt...u Jdltl rh 1f V.u 1 W 1111to6o, 111•,1 t • 1 1 * ~ ',t•·'• M1•,1nt1 !r11J1 1 ,1f•f t 1 11~1! ~ \i I > f ./ 4 I . ' Womo A • S•cond Round Sln9IH l l\•1• t ... , ldl "' Jttl '4._1,, L Jtf••\" ..., ( i ' ... Women'• tournament I•! Flldoflledl, Weal Ge rmenrl F1111 Aound 81,.,glH M1 ,,., ,,,,,, •t ''·' tlJ'; I , .... ,,., i L.,,,,.,,., ,•,,,.. tt•·• u1tJ) 6 o b o J•1 l•·1•1t1 'lt i.t.1q11 1J11' ·~~ " Mn t 011 1o • ~ l. l•ot l•o•l(J1r;0.1,1 h t. 4 M m,1 J .. u· '"" Y It fl 'ilo tr f I t A 1 1• f l f• n11• '\. v ~' t ~ t•.,•t J jl'f I t t-l j 5 .. 1 •.• It tHilt:J f'/•~'I r .......... ' th I f. I Platt ....... ,, (;ft'"'~ ( : l t 7 " • './ ';•"•·' Rut ' f.ifJmer• .1 ,.,., A ""~ •••• t ••• ~i I s t • ...t' .. , • .,•o.u l l•' , ., ·J• ' '"'' Cli,, t~ WA LES CONFEllENCf P•trlck Olvlalon r·• f I"'""''' th IQ lld"'IJflilt ~ ... , iJ .. l. .. f (,; ' t ( ,. 'tf •:? A "t I I,.,, f 1q A1l•J '' I I' ,, .. 11<Jfll!l1h11111 f4fl .... Jer5th t,, Atm0"'"" W1ur 1"1Qtrtt p,l~\~Jyf~f\ 1-114 r~ lhi "•'' L 'l ~ 1 l'l't''w \ ' "'!io• ,_,,,, lf11 1111 w~-<'f" Nn H.-k '""""tu of bo11 'A•"' <•t,.Lu•'' I] '2lt 0 l lb f. ,,,,,,. ' tot'> t , , 26 , .............. SEVE NTH RACE ' t 11 .,,, '" \ I ~. 36 ~ jl t.tr1 lfH•f\' f• •If It It ''41 ... IJ lldomo Olvtalon • "-'O"''t'• 80\10"" Ouer;~ 8Jtt•10 • j . . •1 I( ' 20 :io ' Lt 2'• WednH<l•r • Sc.., .. t( ln9a .. "4~ Jf!I ie1 • MonueaJ J -Na1n1ngtor i Oueoec 5 0.11001 l SI LCXHS 5 p,11,t>u•o" J N.-w V0ta Rangttr1 6 VA'1tou.;e• ~ Toronto~ M1ru'\n o1• 1 C"•CllQO 4 Buttalo> 0 EomoNOI' 4 Hatttoto 1 T ""lglll'• Qameo '-1-r trea 11 Pl'I •Oe'CJ"•• P1tf\C>..,t9t> •I OuflbfK 'lfa.s.n•"'QIO'l 11 tie• rc,n 1\'tn"••'\. Bot•on 01 Ed"'°"'°" 1>1antord •t C.it1QI , Klnga 7, OHlll 4 SGore by Petlodt ,..,.1i1ii Je'~' • \ ,.r>QPIU Fltal Pe<IOd I 2 l -' " 'C'i 1 :. ... 01' Ar g~•ei 0 ,. '"'~ .._ .. a,lot tJ·~~Of" 2 !»• IOP I ,..., .... Jfl"I-.., <·tc.n.eo ~ P ·'"Iii' BtOlf',. 1 ~ ~~ Ptt"3 • t.!1 ../•))fla1.s ~ ... 2 22 ,...C,,OI~ l A • "11 TayKH t A u OJ ~•af ~ "'J mA , ,, •3 Net'' \A ml.PO' '4 43 1J1drq11 ~J 1b jn Second P••lod LOS Ang"'..s ,,,. "'urohy 11&o1!!• 1 3 12 4 lo• •noe1e1 S1mme.-5 tr o111 N1chotts1 6 )8 ~ New Jttf,•10¥ MA11n1 t ctam~llntl 9 ~9 6 Los Ange1e~ Noc1>0lls R 1S1mmero , l 49 Pene11..,., "1on• Third Pe<lod 1 LOS A~~ 0.0<'<"9 3 rlaylOfl I 19 II Ne-.. J•~ "'"aG"-r 2 1B•o•en1 ' •8 •e>r.1 9 Los An.ge'M f:o• l tStmm•' toc~otl" '.l 59 10 Lo• Ang....s IU1'uon 3 1la,•o-1 • •6 · 't ,.,.,...,. Je•'fttty Vadna•.t 2 8 • 7 Penall••• ><atO Vo 2 2~ 0tOM4' LA 10 39 l(enred~ u • ma1•• 11 25 '1utc,,.•on NJ m.no• Cl()uDI~ ma1QI 17 2S Sno1s on goat N4M Jf'•Ml'f 13 8 •3-3• LOI Angeles 9· 16·•·19 Go1lles New Jersey ,,.,clO•f'll•oo• Rescn lo• Ar>g<!IM LH>oat.• A 8 519 Weier polo HIOH SCHool e1 T<><o s, un1 ..... 111 • El To•o 2 2 1 o 5 Hn1 .. er1.1h 1 \ 1 t • El Toro seo<•ng Popo 3 W1100"I t Youno Un••llfslly SCOf '"ii COl•IC• l Soiomon 1 Sc111ac1er 1 Newpot1 Ha1bot 17, Soddlebeck I Newpari Harbor 5 5 ') • 17 S•CldleblC:k 0 0 I 0 I Newf)Otl HatbOr acom09 Gru"-r 3 C.ro• I 01>..-Q 2 Bucklay 1 0.1~ 1 Ounn09an 2 0 Oonneii 2 Spfrte I Ellloll 2 Slan•ey 1 BanedlCI 1 Sll<ldl4!1>ac.~ ~·no Solomon I COf-del ..., 12, Coeloi Mete f Coale M... 2 2 I 1 6 COfon• del ,,,.., 3 • 3 2 12 Cotla ..... .,. acorrno Ch-S At'1by I Corona del Mer tcoronQ lmO~• n1n11 fernple 2. loolbourow 2 Seem 1 hlllftele II, '"'"" 7 Irvine 2 2 3 0 ftlanc;la & 5 • I 16 Irvine KOf"lll!I Wet111I 3 Stal>! 2 Albr1g111 t Beck I 1:4',"'"'J• tc:ouno 1naoonu I t-~•''t' 5 WICU 3 &«9 1 Matin• 1t. 0c .. n View I ~v-1223 -8 Mtrlri• & 3 3 5-llS Ocea11 Vl•w ICOfll\Q Nt<ly I, ,,.ever I ,,,..,...., 3. Brane11man ' C11111no 2 M.,1111 tll-Of•no tipenOll\Clt I. Broti..rton 1. WllO. ~.':foPillnt 4, hketky 3. Smltn I Mallltf I, ..,...ney 2 "Jr . .,,,,,__..,~ ~rime•·~,. I I alt· ~JH ')ol.i •U ·~en 1 w 4 l A ., •·J ,n :' IJ , •.• ti th J'.J r Ju " • t• • t 1 ,..,, ••• > .,. ·~ ... ,,.. ~ ... t J t .. ~ ... \ fl tt' I"'-I 44 2 .. ~EXACT A ,. • r .. , .. s• I 11 PICI( SIX I 1 4 6 II 1 t\1 t·o•O $11 / ... l 4Q¥f,lh fOUf VWtl!HtnQ t1c.•ttl:tl\+t ''Cl'\")! $l l'octo. ... COMO••l•Qn P~·ll 53111 10 .... n 119 #'""'"Q 11c.~e1t 1 ,,\.., "<J'"'".,.' \,' P1(h S·• \(t.tH•· ufH10ti'ittM P•tld '"'" .·o w·lh 161i II f''HriQ t1(lo.t!'IS tf•"VI II 1 t I tU t EIGHTH RACE t If m••• J.H,,r,,,,,.. P1 At • .._ . ' ,..., • .., 14·-i•·'" ·C>' ....... M D-''.\ (.11,..rt•p '-' ( • t , .. /4 1\U •itt.a-J P:CO• •I \ Or ,,.,,1~ ()+,,r, ·-l4'0(Jft J-' r+.1•1• ~J r· t •t..,.• a•• .,.,.,L T1mf' 1-4.} J a. NINTH AACE ' ' H m1 1 I U Stano Pai vu 11.ri ' 'M-1 t M 'ti1i. J~r,.,mt P14',1t1~ tV~t;t1 , t "4 force of RNn(•n 11.J'"' ':!i 00 Alt<.i raceo r ·•t v• "" '""""" 1 '"" •tin H II :Jf.,.f! ~, "'-~·, \l•hJ t.t fJtt• 11 '11 Jg .. 4'.otoerg•Oo v z ..-1 A·•1J •· -. Ei, ,,.1 i.. l 11 T1m.e 1 4 J 1 a. '5 EXACT A l '~ 1 I· I 1 •' '-(I All9'><1&~ .. l'l., •q Hollywood Perl! WEONUOAY'I RUUl TS (41111 of s2 .... 1g111 h•rneH mM llng ) ":lltT !VICE Orte mole p&ce Commodity (HY""'"' "00 ) 00 J •o Ou•anle 1longo} • •O J 20 tilppoumpu1 C (Parto.er) 3 00 Alt o rec:ed Huntett •1un1er And'f s Pep1>41f Rask Co+osso 111co $1'""0• Magoe fO• HOU"<l. ~,. Gun RunMr Tome 2 02 llS a UIACTA 11·51 o•ld ,,. TO IECONO lllACL One m.1,. Hn1 Oi.c>1 Duke <Fttc:ol 1 00 2 llO 2 20 B••I s Bred fAppte1 g 80 3 20 Elk11 COllln1 (,,.a1er} 2 •O Alto r•ced Noble Vic Ir" I N C'11p 0 11 UPP41' Cru•1 N Twice ROtf'\IAd NO Bet lime 2 01 1/S TIWIO "-ACE. One m•I• pace Peaa JeOfy IVlnO"Ql>m• ~ 6Q • &O l l!O Reil Ct>aw tloddl 16 20 9 20 Dante Allegro tDMom•'' • 00 Alto raced One fnr Oa n1 S"PCHH• tn .. ottr H•aven H9fp U, l td, Gam'>I•• Cool N1g1>1 Slavonic Oucl>e u ConoO•I" o. ... Tome 2 03 115 S3 fXACTA (S·21 Pl•d 0511 80 FOURTH llACE. One mue tro1 tiouba•• (Tremblay} S 00 A 20 3 20 Rego! Re11ea1 flOll!IOJ 4 00 3 20 Bue• S1ove 1Ro1r;lllof(ll 3 80 Atao 1 ~c:e<I l(el•moun r Afl!&n Dee• Sor Fro••v Hvntet Captain S1fv.r1 ftr"~fJI Room Oa n1on lom4! 202 1 S FIFTH AACf. One mole pec:e TudOf KtnQ (Pllfegtnel 13 llO • 80 l •O ,,.•pie OelGam r Aubonl l 00 2 •O Try.I tBokerl 3 00 Atao raced •mp<!rtal P••nco N. ,,..,1oss1• ,,.,tcn•el Reys 0111 N King B OutCk II Curll• Bullered PopeQln Time 2 02 315 13 fJIACTA (2·•1 po1d SS< 30 81XTH "ACE. One mo .. PK• Ru•1·c Scon (Orundyl 10 20 ,,.o.int Lob<!M (Todd Ill Fa,,dele 0(1ng (P&rke<J Alto raced Noble R1no vou"O Nev ,,.,,.,.,.r Cap Oune1ne Hemllh R•d Slt<l~•'",.,.r Tacl HftfW!rY Time 1 sa 215 '4 IJIACTA 16·4} pate! S130 00 llVENTH "ACf. One mile peca 1"901• Hano•e< CSPrgg•} 3 20 2 110 2 80 $Hy DOiiy fAndenon1 • 60 • •O OIOty N fBe•k&•I S •O Aleo •aced Tr111 l••t Aita• Hanover. S101e n ,,.omtn11 Vicky Bob Co111na, I(~ Heven. Good Rave<l ,,_ 15t 115 ts U ACTA (1·7) paid $42 00 llOMTH "ACI. One ml .. P•C• Tim I M•l• (Leckey} • '° • 00 ,,..c AClloe A ISPrlQOll 5 00 Tlllltber Olot>e (Longo} Alto r.ced BrOOl<l .. ld N SH M•ll., JOiia. lk" Merine Time I &1 3/5 9* IXACTA 13· 71 Peld Ut 10 NINTH lllACI. One mile P- AM Oo4d 4C1ognan1 2• 90 10 00 6 20 R•ChO\lfn IT<Mldl s IO 4 eo Tact Wev<1 llO<\CIO) t0 20 Al•O r•C•d '•ll1men10 tlCOUltl\ loch, l\lron Chip Norelel frr••. Cru11 .. away (lu,C1111C1 Spu1 Bonnie LUI N TtMe I 51 4/& II lllACTA 10·71p1td 8'12 TO ~ m1t •tX 11·'.$-,.,.t) Pllld U' 160 20 Nllh one wlnnl~ llG'-91 (al-I\~-) U P!Qc !It• col\ao1111on P•ld 1 10 10 -.1111 62 ~·no 11Ct1111• ,,...,. ~-• nNT" IUCI. OM Mt1t p-Andy I M.,MO (Ancltnl 11 00 I 00 4 00 r<tnot NOOll4'I v1ub#\1 12 20 I IO l.,.,,.t l•P<-(0.-) 10 10 AllO laced lot1a lody C-at, H~ Mon, AncJyt Wlnnat, A l W•t MtcnMl'a llQ .... ., ~ TllM t &t ~/6 II UACTA (I-II paid t 1e1 10 AllenG!lnCe &.~, Woman·• Indoor tournemenl 1•1 Johtnne11>urg, Soull\ Alrlc•} U $ •• Soull\ Africa u ,.. 11 ,, !'(;in~ S 1 rJ1•r it11, ''"' Mu11u~1 ''"Ah .f • ' ti 4 ti '• ,, 11 ~llY J•,r· Jrl ~~t"' ~ Jr ~\.t..,,;U1 Att1 I 1 l lt 1 s .. tJ!lt \:l .. Outch lnternetlonel tournemenl Fl,.I Round Slngleo ii\ 1lt• I tt Jo J ·t"0 \lf'; l>v• f' ;n, \; .J A1;i,1 "', • ..-t>' C.11, l ~ '"'h ' Bta./I Lh'' Hr \JI'' 'ti J''"l•'1 1F,i,,1 f t• fj n ,, 4 bdl1t'\/ T 1•ln1 f 1H1,mgary1 <Jt•I '"'' 8AtH1t''"" 1W1•-.t '.)"''' ••')I 3·6 6 J 6 4 CroH country tOOH SCHOOL Men Founteln Yoll•t :!O. Wea1mln1111 31 ' ~ ,, w tf 1~ ·' ,... Id •'V• ,~ j;' ·a V .J'' f" It i., • "'4•Q 1•1 1rv1 1•f1t- (.;itf"ll" '"• .J, "» t,J. ra" fV •: ,., : 0«1alr1•• ·d••d ... , ••• 8 w ••• , ~· ~ ,7 11 Ct -.ftir •·.,.s l'I• t • •b '0 Me.td w ~ '' El TOfo 17, Newporl 11erl>or 31 f.I T0<0 IS. Sec:ldlebeck 4'4 "-•pot! Hotl>o< II S•ddl•beck 43 I ~ur1•11not18m '(T) '6 ? 1 2 Mrit"'*'" •El 1 I) l l l Allen El I 1616 I r411en r T' t( 2<1 ~ ...,,,,,~, jNHt 16 JC) (j EwlO\ 1NH1 16 ~l • ,,.,r•do~• 1fT1 17 O• 8 s 1.,. S1 \ ... (){, 9 R1tb•U 11'1'~• p 10 1('1 h'A\lfllfl .... H1 17 ?• Women We1lmln11., 27, 'ounleln V•ll•Y ll 1 <.. '"'' ,~v. 19 •O 2 C·~~""" 11v1 IV ~I J ••le< !Wt 20 13 • Co"e"I \Wl l(l 78 S BC1nl 1W1 20 30 6 0 ~onro• 1FV1 10 ~-1 ><en$1(1y IW) 20 !>S ff McC'"'"" 1W1 11 oe 9 Mod !WI Jl I< 10 c; ... rOOI 1rv1 21 76 lffwporl H.,l>or 27. El Toro l2 Ne•porl 15, SeddlebK" SO El T0to 11, Sedd'*"eck 45 1 MuH,.1(14HI 19 51 2 Bue-1(T1 2001 J B gge•t 1E I 1 20 22 4 Rom••o 1ET 10 •8 ~ Royce 1N1<1 20 ~<> E , • ..,.., 1NH1 JI O• 7 Set '-''CJ .N .. , '1 09 8 Root ·•I ,,..,., 2 1 11 ') veil fNH 11 ~· •O l aze: •Ntfl 2125 NBA txhlblllona Wedne•d•r'• l c0<H Waal\1n91on 103. Cle•elano 88 0 11tas I 111 All1n11 105 Oeh 011 133 K•nHo C•ly 125 O.n•fW 138. Golden Slate 127 PllO<I<"• 107 P0tt11nd 96 T°"l9ht'1 Oemeo L•k•n .,, S•allle 11 Yancou••• Ula~ v• C1eveiand Bo•lon .,, Sen Anlon•o Cttocago •9 Oe1roo1 el P.o<oa '" Wom•n't woOeybell COLLl!OI UC lht"-ll•I Loyola ,,.,r.mo;1nt 1~.9 l ·IS 1&13 1~·11 COMMUNITY COLLIOI Orang~ Con t d&I FtJllllflon 1&·3 IS·~ IS-1 Wedrwed•Y'• trenHotlone aOUALL A-leen LMtW ClEVCl ANO INOIAN~ AHChad a wnrk1n11 •o•••m•nt wttll tne C•n• AA ,..., .. II LHQua 8ulfeto 81-a IQf '"" IH3 Maton '00T9ALL UnllMll•IM'~la...,e OINVfA 001 0 -SoOMCI SI-Oortt, pu111a1 l\<lllCll Jonnto11 klC.,•r Ton, ltndu y. ru""'"ll lllCk •1111 Rtcn O•l•HI. CIM\181 CO\.LIOI • WUUIAN STATE NIHl"«I 11"4 7..,,_ oailletl*I coach .. et to r ~turB • 1983? an l.t JS AN<; Jo: I. Jo:S (A J•) M11rollh 111 'l"'1·u l.1ll1111 •111 1111 I ut1111 111 111 .. 1 IMt.1·111.111 SlPVI· (;ll l Vl't \.\llJ t•lld Ill lht• .. II '111 ll n I '. ll l I. n t I ... tl h I I' 1 ••lllt nlllj.( 111 tlw Lo:. l\11j..:1•l1•.., I I f 1 rl g ,. r :. w 1 I h a f 1 HI r 'V • "' r 1·111111.ut w111th rn111 1• lh.111 $1 11111111111 .i y1•,11 .111111dr11i1 to ,, p11lil9'h• d '''r>'''' 'I h1• l.n' AnJ.ti 11•" 111•1 alu 1-:x.11111111·1 , whuli 1.11111d \h•· r 1·por l 111 t•al,1 v'.., 1'111111111' ,oho ..,,1\d lh,tl th1· l>11clj.lt>I !> ,1f'f" 11l,11111111g 1111r._.d,·1111tf11·ltl1 •1 M1k1• M:11·..,1wll, :.!:.!, w !11 ... 1 lni:.1•111.111 ( ;11•g H11.11:k. :.!4, 111 P11t:.lmr git for 11Jll'ht•1 Tuny Pcm.1 It ... 11d lhc· D11dj.(1'" w1111 Id ,111111111111 1 t lt1 ,1g11111g lt.cbv With M •• , ........ 11 t!IH I Ji1111k • •11i...1tl1•r1·d tlw h"iri. .1µp.11 l·nr . 'i''"'lll;it11111 had h1.·1·n th.it (i ;11 v t·v, who will IH· :~·I 111 l h ·1·t 111i11•1, 1111ght 11111 n ·m.1111 wnlt th•· tt•,1111 L ,u-v1·v\ ag<·nt h ;1d h1·1·11 t;1tk111g with tht· I) ll d g l' I ' Ill l ,. 11111 It,. II I I \ thrvugltout tlu.• M""''"L but n•> pn1f(rt''' w,1:, 1 cµu1 t1·rl ( ;,,, v1·\ would h,l\'1· b4 .. ·om1· ., ln·t· ag1·1;1 Nov. ·I (;urvl•y, who ma ch· t·ight 1·on<,1·1.·ut 1v1· all -star l1·ams, wo11 four Goll.I Glov1·.., ;ind was tl11· N.1111mal Ll'i1guc··:-. M1i:.t Valu,1bl1 Pl.i\t·r Ill l!.-174. m•vt·r askl'<..1 the I )1Hig1·r ... lo rc·n1•got1.1tt· h1' -.1>. \ '"'' S:lllO,OIJO l'Ontrat l "\Vtlt'n y11u sign,, 1•1111tr.wt. v11l1 It.iv•· t•l ft·1·I you'rl' gHt111g wh.tt v 1111 JUi.tly dl'i.t•f\'t• 11r y 11u · 'IH1uldn·1 !>1gn 1t." ht· -.did 111 ,, t!IHO 111t1•rv1t·W "At th1· t1m1· ti V. J-. ,1 \'l •ry b1g l"Olltl d t l lht 111·:0.t with tlu· DodgC'r:. I d1111'1 kno\.\ 11 Im t·Vt•n 111 tht top ftVl' no v. · (;.,1 Vt'" h owf'vr·r. du.l not 111mpl:11n .1bo11t lht· n •n1•got1at1011 tn·;ilm1·111 t"11rt1µla1111ng 1 ... not h b -.tylt• ··1 r1-<1l1zl" thl• Dmlg1•r., ha\'l' I" 11111111 .. ,," hl• sa1tl 111 Marth "The•\ ft•l'I nw c:on tral't d<X'sn 't i"'<p1n· linlll tht· l.'nd of lht-vear It ., ohv1t1U!> th1·~ hav1· lo ·sign 111111·1 pby1·r~ f''l•rrwndo 'till hai. to lw takc•n can· of. ' ht· '>..ild .1b1n1t thc· s µring holdo ut of pill h•·r F1 ·rmrnd11 Valt·n7Ul'la (ia1 \'l'\' has a t o n-.1·c·utl\ t ~;1mt· ..,,r-l•ak o f I Joi. uni\ JO short of Billy W11l1t.1nh lt•:.igul· r<•c·ord li l' en lt·rt•d l hi· I Yl:l2 't·c1o.;11n with a :w:i ldt'l1mc· lmtlin~ averagl', :,trugglt·d lcn n1Ul'h of tlw sea...on but fm1i.h1 ·d ;11 282 with 16 hom1• runi. and Hn 1 Un!>. ba\lc•d 111 '.\lart•t·I Uicrnrw King win d e pile large rookie c rop <; L ~. \V () () I J ( A I' > St,11 t111g "'1111 1111111 ''"•k11· 111.111 '''" 111tw r t• .1111 111 tit• No.1t111n .. J Hc.c kt·\ L•·<•gut· h,J...,, t hu1 l tht l.w. Angt·lt•:-. King,, "'h11 tl1·:.µ1tl : .111 ,1ch111tt•·dh .. tow n1gh1 an· ~llll : IHI Cop 11! 1h1·1r Ul\'1::.lurl , ·Vv't• \.\t'll·ll I ,J'> ... l!,;r fJ a:-. Wl : h.1v1 l)l 111 r1 t1·11th ." ..,.,1d C11ath · l>11r1 P1·11' ,d 111 L or, Ang1·l1·.., : i I v.11111v11 tht ·, ..... J1,...t\• l.k \ 1b but \.\1 II l<.tkl tho "111 \".r, f• '>1111 Ill fll'I 1>1,ic;·. 1\ll h11ugh thl· Kmg ... h .. ,.1 111111 I 11t•k11·... 1111'1ud111g t 1 pJ._.t t'llH llh 1111 •• It\\ lrlJUI II ''> 1111' \1',lrll "11ff 111 ''" l;i ·.,1 ... t .. r t "' 4 1 ..! .. 1m1· th1 I ~11111 I! I 't'cl"HI \.\ ho 11 I lt1 \ "'t re· ">I I F\ "rvhod v ... 1.11 If d rh1 ,, ... ,,., .. 111.1\lllg tl11 \.\av \\t 11 II •111 l,.,,t \Lii ... 111! 8t 11 111 :-..11 t,1,Jb V. h1 'tfllf•d IJIH' .,f tho · lll~lol" g11._.I, .111d ,1dd1 •rl l Wit "~"""' . I I° ... I• ·<ti 1' gn·.tl 111 lw winning · l\l;11l 1 I D1111 11w l1·d t lo• K111g!> 'llll lllj.! \.\Ith \\\II g11,1!-, .ind l'h.11 h1 S1mnw1 .tl-..1 .11ld1 d " ~r •• ,J .ind l"" ._.,.;1:.t:, •• g .• 111,1 . '1 "' Jt r'-1·\ Tht• K111~., t1H1h. ,, .!·I lt •• d h tl I\ 111 tho ''~·111\d IJ\•f'l11d 1111 ,, go;.i l1:- l\l 1k1· Mui fJh" ;.11J 111 '• 1 I• 11 1)1 ·h111<1 Wini.ti" J1111 F 11>.. .111d l'lt l-..1k>,'>01ll l'..l<"h l'ttl11l11 It cl f11f t}u II lhtnl gu..il 111 tht· '""1 dur 1ng tltt· K11lg' th11-t·-gu<tl th11tl pt 11od Tl11 Ut·\·1 b got g•1J t.. I 111111 d111·11"111.111 l\llk1· Kill hen ancJ l'Jr11I \',1dn;i1<; .ind for w ;:1rds H t' l 1 or Mar 1 n 1 .in u R 1 t k l\11.,11-!h• CAA AND UCI • • • From Page Cl l h ;.it 1.., .1 '" 11 r n ( n 1 I h 1 · L Cl Sporl' Assot'l<l tl•' Tlw NCAA·.., prrlJ"'''d 1 h1·11 although a problt-m duc•,n't ..ipf""'' .i:,. ti it', g111ng 10 Ill' ., 111.1)' 1r <·oncPrn ··1 h<1v1·n ·t rt•ally thought <1houl 1t l)('(·auSt· W(•"vc: b<'t•n buo.;y doing othl•r things."' says lniskt•tball coach Bill Mulligan ··1 don't think anything will t•omt• ol 11 and I'm n1Jt concernt.<.J Jlx>ut n "Wr may havt' to pl<iv in mnr,· big art•na.'> in ord1.•r to gl'l brggl·r nowd~. but th.it's ;ust frm· w11h !Tl(' ''All kn vw t s (PCAA Comm1ss1ont•r L<'W) Cryc•r ts rC'ally good If anyhody co.ri kt•t•p 1l going 1t will IJe Cryt:'r ·· Cryer has bet>n through this bcforc Las t vear. m fact. ht· fought to keep the conforC'nc••s D1v1s1011 l status m football "Tht• C'o nfercncc 1s OK. ' 1·>..plaan~ Cryer. refc·rnng to th,· baskt•lh.111 issue. ··The· problem 1s Irvine and (UC) Santa Barbara. Tht· othl·r schools mt'l'l the fl•quin•mC'nts 1n othl·r wavs bl•c:ausl· thl'Y havl' football •• • Cr~t·r. like OC'mpsay. 1s 1·onv1nt:t'd UCI shouldn"t havt' .1n~ tl'CIUblc meeting the NCAA's 1.·ntrn.1 Nor should UCSB ··You have to rC'ml'mbt·r thc-y'vC' l(Ot until Sept I, l 91M lo make It," Cryer notes In the meantime. Crvl'r said he will l'arcfully evaiuate the NCAA 's proposal before taking an\ a1.·tmn :.wl' won't gl't any ofr1r1al p<1pc•rs from lhl•m (tlw t'Oundl> until the last wet•k 1n Novrmbc-r, 'i(l tht1rt•s ntHhmg we can do until Rannist e r look to leave Seattle SEATTLE (AP) -Floyd Bannlstcr. thc ha rd throwing left-ha nder wh o lrd the American League in strikeou t& this Sf'ason. wants lo leave thl' Seattle Mariners and play for u contender n<'xt season "Anybod y. 1f they get the opportunity. would welcom e that," h t• i1nld In a te lephone 1nt('rvlf'w Crom h is home in Scott~dale, Ariz.., Tul'sdn "J think every player's ~001 ·1~ to play In a World Series ' But &rnnlster. a free agent. refulK'd to confirm reports that he wns leaning toward the ~ Angt lcs Dodgors or \hi" An;cc>I~. "1 haven 't thou~ht 11bout It much ," ht• l\ald. l.>. .. ·1 ml~ r .. (.'1 \'1·1 t 'Pl.1111' ·Th•·n. w1· h.i\ t tu d1'l 1d• \\ hl'thl·r 1 t Ith~· propu,.il l h g111 ng 111 he· p.:1).M'<l It 11 1..,11·1 th1·11 :-11u d 1111 t h<1v1• tu \\orn .1hot1l 11 It "1111\ thm~ 1.::. gt1mg to 111 l.M~~-.i, tlwn ~nu proJ.l'>~· .111 .111wnrlm1·nt 111 th(' t Tltt•rra • Bt• .... dt•:o. ffif't•t ing 1111' fJI lllJl'f n·qu1n•mt•nL'i, ;rnotht•r \\,I'.' Cl'I :ind UC.: Santa 8 ;1rhar,1 1";111 4ualit:-1:. if 811 pt·n1"11t of th1 1 on f <·n •nn: al n ·ad v JU ht•n ., 10 th1: nmd111ons M'l ivu1 th b\' th1. Counnl · With <;t·ven uf thr nint• PCAA m<'mbt•rs havmg Jon(' JU:.I I hcil , tht• p<.:rl't'ntagl· bn•,1k~ dow11 to 77 777 Tht• qu1ckrs t 'vlut1 o n , at'l·ordmg l o Cry1·r. w ould then bt> to g<:'t an amendmt•nt that would knock that figun• down to 75 perCT'nt "Thc thing I'm c'<inet·rnC'd w11h 1s that 11 will ht> u st'd ;i~ an anti· recruiting contl'St." say~ Crycr "Othl•r 0 1v1sion I s<:hools will say lhingi. ltk(', ·uc1 v.on't bl' a 01v1sron I school m lYIH, so vou don't want to go thton•.' which I t hink is totallv unfair Thev're • prOJ<'<'llng soniethtng UUWll . the road imd saymg UCI 1<; not go111g to makt> 1t ·• Wh1l'h, CryPr emphat1t·ally po1nt.s out, will not be th<' case "It will ht> debated intentlv." Cryer agrt>es • But Crv('r is conhd<'nl. at the same tame. that ne1th£>r UCI or UCSB 1s 1n any danger POINTS. • • From Page C1 lcagUl' dud and the qu1t•k v1s1tors , hi-td things going their way -to t tht· tunl' of 53-25. Their fina l up 1 t>f thr hat l.O their oppont>n ts was : fo r oil o f tht• d<'fenders to he • down o n the r1 c l tl us t he t Wl'stmans l l'r bork hega n , running ~ If nothing l'ISt• It'!' JUSl anolhl'r : wny lo provl' Galda R.idm~r right : If 11 isn't onC' thm~. it's anolht•r ~ t I . ' Softball player oup;ht Laguna . In A Laguna Bt'n<'h women's ~ 90Ctb:11l lr8gut> as seeking teams ~ and 1nd1v1Juals for its Sunday ~, l<'ngur It's n B lea f' ond am<' a~ ploy<-<I at Hit~<' Fl.-tf Anyone • I n t t' r t• 111 l' d ll h o u I d p h o n .,• 494 0687 DEATHS ~LSEWHERE Hana S~lve M ONTHJt:AL IAl 'l () r II u 11 " S 1• I v • . Can11clu111 rt'*""'lll'r .md r u \I fl d •• r 0 I l Ii I. lt1h•1 n11llunul ln~Ulull• 111 Strt'SS, died Saturday u l h as homa· 111· wa,. 7~, S te phe n Mutca r B~LMON'l', M 11n (API S t t•ph1•11 I' Mugur, Coundl'I' •I f l lw Stur M.1rk 1•l SUJ)('l'll1Ul'k1•t d mlll, tllt'll Saturd11y l ii· w as Ii I Charil~ Hltwk PlH:NIX CITY , Alu (AP) Charl11· Blul·k .. 1 rc:put lt•t wh11 l'OV1•rt'l.I th o· V1e tn..im W eir r ro111 llw soldll'r'o; µm111 o f vu·~. d H•d Mu11d.1 y u f un appart.•T'\l ht.•tu l ttll.ll'k He w:Js 5!:1 Bl.1<·k WjS a t·olum111~1 and nulu .ary reporlc•r (111 The Co l u m b u s t C.i ) E n 4 u 1 1 t· t II ,. at.'l.'omp<Hltt.'tl lr1>11J.>:. ft rUll F u rt 81·nn1n g. (:<1 • 111 AP WlrophOIO Vll'tn.1m SIX llnW!. Making ripple'? Ella M a lone V IC K S BUHt:. M11>1> tAP> F.lln f'l..tl.'lwt M al11 11 1•, •1111.· o f t w11 half ~l s t1·r s whust· r arher s s 1:rv t•d ()fl o ppostll' s1d1.•:. Jurmg tlw C1v tl W a r . ci11.'<.l Monday S h t• w a:. 1:18 A ~wimming pool in Mont-Sur-Rolle, in Switzt•rlnnd's win!-! country. i!'i c·onvt.•rtc•d to a temporary ,·at to hold young wine afte r a recorJ harvt'"'' has caused the O\'e rflow of all other facilities in ttw a rt>~. James Bousfield SAN DIEGO (Al') ,JJnws B11 usf1"ld , who ' ' U l' S (' r I h I'd ' ' l h l' Tuurn<.1ml·nt 1if HuM·' µ,11 .odl' u\'1 r ,1lm11 ... 1 I 011 r.;d111 :.t.111011:. lh1· l.1!-tl four Yl''-'I" [or s1ghllt•:.., Atlll'rll'ClllN likt· h tm.'><'lf . }i,1., d1t•d at l hc• C1gt· o f :H DlllH NDTICIS MORAN ANNE C MORAN . f'ellident o f Ne wport Beach , Ca. Passed away o n Oc·tobl•r 18, 1982. She 1s survived by her sons Terra nce Moran, M.D. o f N ewport Beac h . Co:i . Dennis R Moran or Costa Mesa. Ca .. John P M o ran or P o rterville , C a .. 12 grandchildren and 2 grC'a t· grandc hildren Rcc1l3l1on o r the Rosary will Ix> held on Wednesday, Ol•tober 20, 1982 at 7 :3 0PM a l the H arbor Lawn M emorial C hapel Maas o r the R esurrecu on will be h eld on Thursday. OcU>ber 21. 1982 at 10:30AM at St. J oachim's Catho lic Chu rch . Final interment services will be held at Holy Cross Cemetery, Los Angeles. Ca. Services under the d i rec tion of Harbor Lawn -M ount Oli ve Mortuary o r Costa M esa M<l·S5S4. ROBERTS JAME S B U TLER ROBERTS, resident or Cuila M esa , Ca Passed away October 20 . 1982 H e ts s urvived by 4 daughters, Berneice Regan or Ne wport Beach, Ca, Evelyn Roberts of Cost.a M esa. Ca. Olive Davis o f Ocala, Flo rida . and Blanc h e Bland o f M iami, Florida; 1 brolhe r Walle r Roberts or Lake lund . F lorida; 1 s is te r Emma Walcott of Sebnng. Flonda; 4 grandchildren and many great -grandc h ildre n . M r Roberts was a boat captain o ul of Miami. Florida for 60 yea r s and has b een a resident of Cost.a M E'Sll. Ca for the las l 14 .v e ars Services will b e he ld on Saturday, October 23, 1982, at 11:00 AM al Pierce Brothers Bell B r o adway Chapel with Pasl.Or G eorge Wood o f Newpo rt-M esa Christian Center o maatrng Interme n t at M e m o r y Garden Memorial Park m Brea, Ca. Friends may call at the M ortuary on Friday, October 22. 1982. 2:00 PM IC 9 :00 PM. P ier ce Brolbers McCoaMfa MOUUAllU Laguna Beach 494·94 15 Laguna Hills 768-0933 San Juan Cap1s1rano 495·1776 "*MOii LAW~MT. OLIVI Monuaty •Cemetery Cre,,_. toiy 1625 Gisler Ave ·Costa Mesa S40-5554 ... c ... o,.....s l&L •OAOWAY MOITUAU 1 I 0 Broadway Costa Mesa 642-9150 MlT'l-.. OH SMT'H I TVTHIU. WISTC&..W CMAP'ft. 427 E 17th S t COtta Mesa 84&-9371 ,_CIMO~I SMITHS' MOlTUAIJ 627 Main St ~nt~ach Bt.>11 Bro.1dv. ,1\ M orluarv cltn'<.'l<lrs · MALLm MAlH..:AtU:T S M AL L () y h l ' .. u I I I u l •• 11 u pn•t·1nu.., "'1fl' •ti D.iv1d J Malloy, and luv111g ,;un t ,,( Ma r g t't E ,1!.ley & l n gt·r Mane Gr.ih am Mt'monal servtt'eS 7 P M S aturday a t Pat•t r tt V Jl'W• Cem l·IC'ry C hapt.'I In lw u uf rto wt•rs , dnn<itll)11!-m,1\' b1.· n•adt> t11 your f avoril1• 1·h arit11.•s Entr u s t t•d lo th t• l'art' u( M al loy Mlltt'll f u n t:ral Hom1· GEER 13uusf tl lt..l , w h o WJS hlmc.l !.ll1ll' ag1· 18 a n J su fl 1.•11•J from cltabl•tt•s. d 1t•J tn .1 ho~µt t.tl h1·11 · f\fo11tl<IY Philip Shutze ATLANTA IA P) Philip Tramme l S hutzc•, o n e of the m 1tton 's m tx:.l r es p e ct e d classl(·a l arc hitects, dwd S und av He was 92 · Shutze d es1gm•d son k of A tlanta's bcst·knn w n landmarks 111 hrs 60-yttur career. Raimondo Bor ea NEW YORK (AP) Raimondo Bore a , 56 , a free-lan ce pho togr a ph1.'r. died M o nday Bore a began pho tographing the NBC TV ne w s s h o w s' cast and celebnly gut'Sts tn 1958 B orea 's o the r c l w n ts dunng a 24-ycar career included The ASS0('1a tt'd Press. The N e w Y u r k T im es, T1mc -L1fc Books . IBM. ITT and P epsiCo RI C HAH D WILSO N GEER. r es1d e n1 of Costa Mes a , Ca P a ssed a way October 19. 1982 S urvived b y h lS lovm g wire ~atm.~. son Richard W Crl>er. Jr or O ntario, Ca, and d aughll:r B et ti e R 1k a1,srud or Anc h o ra ge A l a s k a. 6 grandch ildren , mother Ruth Wilson Geer or Costa M~ Ca M e m o rial S('rvtres w1H be held Fnday. October 22. 198 2 , al Sl Andrews Presbytt>rtan Chun:'h, 600 St A n d r e w s Road New port Beach, Ca In lteu or flow t,trs, don auons mav IX' mad e to Trans · W orld M t!>Stons. PO Box 10. G lendale, Ca 91209 John Robarts o r W o rld V 1s10n s, 919 W TORONTO (AP) liuntmgt.on. Monrovia . Ca John Robarts. p r e mie r C)f S IMPSON Ontario pro vin ce fro m HAROLD E UGENE 1961to1971, was found S IMPSON . rc>s1de nl o r dead Monday of a self. Balb oa ls l;;nd, Ca P assed inflicted gunsh ot w o und a w ay October 18. 1982 H e 1s H w as 6 5 su rvwed bv hlS sons, Jlm o f e · Costa M esa. Ca. W ayne o r R o barts w as a la w y t.•r Pasade na. Ca a nd Sonny of and m e mbe r o f th1• Glendo ra, Ca, daughter s, center·nght Pro gress1v <• T m a Brady nf San Otego. Ca. C onservative Party a nd Connie Word en o r Arizona was first elect.ed to the and HolJy Wooters or Irvine, legis lature o f Ontario in Ca. s1s11 r Sal l y W hil e , 195 1. r a t hH H a l Sim p son . 5 grandc hildren Services will be h eld fnday 11 00 AM al lhe Harbor Lawn M e monal C hapel Services unde r the direction of Baltz Bergeron· Smith and Tuth1U M ortuary 646-937 1 James Riddleberger WOO DSTOCK. Va (AP) -Jame s W Riddleberge r . 78, a former ambassado r t o Yugoslavia, G reece and PRICE . Austria and a lop U .S OGLE W PRICE, reside nt diplomat during the o f Laguna Beach. Ca. Passed posl-W o rld War II e ra, away on Oct.ober 10. 1982 al S t h e VA Hos p rl a l , Long rued u nday . Beach . Ca. H e is survwed by Riddle.berge r J_oine d his wife Eltzabelh and the foreign servic e in daughters M rs Eilee n 1929 and serve d a s a Ada.ms o r Scotts Valley, Ca., career o ffi c er f o r 40 . alao 6 granddaughters Cathy years befor e retiring in Kladiva, Susan Price. Cecily 1968. Walker, Diana W ebber, Erin Blac k ~nd M aria A~ams. Victoria S treet Memorial services will be FA y ETTEV IL LE he ld on Salurday, Ocwber . • 23. 198 2 al 2:00PM at the Tenn. (AP) -V 1c tor1a Community Presby terian Pri ce Str e e t , whos<' C hurch. 415 Foresl, Laguna claims that s h e had been Beach, Ca. ln lieu or flowers rap ed by n i n e black contributions may be made y o uths o n an Ala bama t o l h e C o m m u n i t Y train In 1931 led to t h e Pres by.te rt an C hurc h in ternationally infamous Restoratio n Fund, L11guna "Scottsboro Boys Case·· B each. Ca Pac>1C1c View . • M orluary, Newport Beach died S unday 9 l the ag<' d lrecl.Ors. o f 77 Find your best buys .for holiday giving in Gift Gulde. Coming Nov. 24 in the ..., .... Loren Chandler PALO ALTO (AP) Dr. Lore n R. C handler, dean o f the Stanford U n iversity S c h ool of M edicin e from 1933 l o 1953. d ied Saturday at age 88. Joaepb Lyden LAS VEGAS (AP) Joseph M ic hael Lyde n , lhe man c redite d with converting an ancient Chlne!le game of chance Into the American gam<' o f keno, dll'd Sund&y at the age of 83. " Lyden brought th<' \ ancient game t.o N ~vada from 1 oulno he owned In Mon&AM. 01 u11u11 C.1i.u.1 DAii v Pll o r 1 T111111uh1y. 01.t1JIJ1, ~· 1, 1ua;.i ('7 Ml.IC NOllCL Mt.IC NOTICl ruBl.IC NOJICl NtllC NOT ICC Pt.&IC NOTICE YOU AAI IN Da'AULf UHOIA A 'ICTITIOUI ltUIMll YOU Altll IN 0.'AUl.t UMC>t!A OHO 0# T"UIT DATID AUOU~Tl The toltowlftt ... ef "Noftoe," IC O'JOI! OHO Of TAUIT DATIO .IULY II, NAtff lfATlllftNT •. nu UNl t•• YOU fAK .... ~ ........... NM... "CllftOUI I UltNli88 1•1 UMllll YOU TAltl ACTION th• lutlow111u t••••u11 11 '"'''ti TO 'AOTICt YOUfl 'ftOflt ATY, boi•111 .... ,.1 ACTION TO '110Tf Cl Y(IU r• Ofd Of\ .. a.a Ill IN..,.._ of NAM lfATCMt·•f " MAY •• IOU) A' A ~•uc I ' II I "' I IN I 1 111 • "flt I A l I I P Y 0 U N I I 0 A N tiC 11111( I 11.18 foA1111 •,1, ,,_1 1 O•l11 lll,LANAllON 0' THI ffAfUlll NI••~ L•llh"•"• llllUI '"OftlATY,ITMAYNIOl.UAT llt• ....,., .. 01...-c ... n1r. ,,,. 1•.it-1w11iu , .......... ~ lkrilllj PUILIC IAU, IP YOU NllO A Celltouda 11 -· IO reu lllMM~ l>uat•""' o fX,lANATION 0 .. '" NATUftl M <Nt HamlftaUOll .. ttlA Ude to HAlltltJlt WI .. '~ r,, 11 11 O' TH l'ftOClllOINO AOAINIT tald Tr1111 flrop.tlf th•••, • ., A!i lltH !A lf'> 11 l •l•O•nle YOU, YOU IHOVl.O CONTACT A ltlaJ h••• e n lnlet•tlo In 1111 fllartt W•t• 7Cx1 "•"''"''' 1w._.11 Of fHt l'fl0CICDIN0 AOAINIT \/•"""'I •••II""" 11111 l•1A11n YOU. YOU IHOULO CONfACf A l..u•I• M11" t •11111111111 IUll'J/ l AWV... n .... hu1U1H• •• t.ourhi' ..... 11.,. IHI NOTtCl OP ff'IUllll'I I Al.ol 111Utv11Ju1u LAW'\11" frvol-la6oe p1n11• .... Tltll L•lll<,r111 1121.flO NOTICI O• TllUITll'I 8All lft•w-And 1'11111 C_...,.,,.. ',llJJll•n I '"'!•••"• ll T I . No >IJM llM1111111 I 11,,., NO I 1(. I I'\ Ill ltLLIY 011/lN. !11111 1111 ""to1111t11t wn 11~11 wiln lll<t I . No MMt 1'tv•IM. l.u111u1 ••• F'l•1~ ....... JOIJ NU nu l"l 11rRERY Ul\/(N ln•I ... , No a ... ,. N-1"''' fj •• ," ( ttliluH"• 'ri'OOCJ 011 W..01t••ll•v. Nuv.,ntJ., 10, lllliJ. 1.u.mry t.1.,h "' 1!1111111" 1,.111111r un ., II 00 0I10(~ • '" ot lllld Ootv. hi 0..1t1hfll 'I Ill"' Qll W1><11111w•1. N<>vt•ml;or J 1118:1 Tl 471-G HU\jwr '''•''"' 1114 I MucArll•u• ut 11 Ill) 111 loot! e m ot u 1J Oii) 1n NOTICI M l>«'AUl T Otvll 6ull• i80. N•"'"ort 8 H t h ll•tt llJ!llYI H I Uldlt 101 t:t'll1duCll'lg ANO l!Ult flON TO Gill l •• loltrttt• •t2flt>() the tonm • .,, Hid• 101 con<1uct11111 ,.111810 l tUllllU. 'i•kl•. Within Ill<• Othl•• of f'ublllllf!ll 111 '"'U" ( ., .... Cl11lly l1u11111t, So1.,1. w111 .. 11 111e 1111<.•• ol UNOfA Of!l!O M '"UST ''"• ,,.,.,,..,_. •• • w"' •~•··•J IJy 11 J1 EA l I l.d A 1 l g l CU 11111 1 ~ f%11 O<I f 14 :.t I 2n 1111!2 SEAlllCC 10~111•J 1111 20?0 rlOllh1 43118 l!J ll11>1&Uwdy ';ull• ~06 IH ""' Clly 111 l------------- fl£ A l t !1 I A T I bl(. I Ill I I If S tMflOftT ANT NOTICI li"""••I 1110llr1 .. ,.111µ Ill Riii< I 1,,~111110 "' IUJO Nullh If YOUR '"OPl .. T'I II IN 'lt1111J1><111 f 111111~111• IJ1u1oJwuy '>ullo /(Ill 111 111,. Liiy 01 fOftlCLOIUMI! llCAUll '\IOU flua a1etllfnltfll ,..,. 111,..1 ''""' ""' l>un111 Auo t.ow1rv ol Orn11q11. 'l1a1u A R IE 9 IHI N 0 IN 'I 0 U ft LO<mty C.1 .. 1~ <>I 0'""11" • ""'''V ,,,, ot (,Hllf011118. AMI fltL M' Cl lY PAYMl!N1'1, IT MAY al IOLO Ocrol.1111 t 1\18;1 81U1I" An .. i u1u11y 01 OIMll\j• S teh1 PUBLIC NOTICC ol l 1illl11111l1J, Ml!>!->ION 111r 10 -------------nrt UNVL Y ANCl t 0 1 (;11111011110 f •Mtt UANK ,, C11lllurrnu •.lJ1µ1.11a.11u11 11.11 WITHOUT ANY COUftT AC TION, l'l ... 54 Uuly 11Muu11htd ftut.hH-. undm uio nnlJ you m uy httv• the l~ttJ tlQl1t lO flubl11hed Q'u"U" < t1.11t.t Dally ~'""'""""" o~ <July "lllJ111!1t•ll PICTITIOU8 IU81Nl88 T1u11,.., 11111)111 111111 µw11111111 tu 111'1 NAME 8TATIJMINT '"" •11n11 1 '" "'" I>""'"' o r "''" lulng yow 01.coonl Ill (1(>110 •l•UQlll(I Pil(JI O<.t 14 11 JIJ N<ll 4 111112 pnwm "' ••In ~""'"""'' "' ""'' '"" IOllOWlll\j """'°"' ""' Jt•lllO t.unfttr1utJ "' ttutl , .., h1u1 U•ttt<I "' t>y t~ay111g uu o f yovr ,.,.,, ri v" 4'd t 82 tfulAlrt D.ntt (Jf lruot tu ne H1 .. 0 r>y hwontt•• •• OONt. MYUNlt KIM "'"' Ill :.ONO I (.Alt ON IJRl!> 1 OL l> I llLL I KIM llu•IJ•1tlll .11ul wolu, wl1u 101111 '• J111110I '11111411 <.111111 Mu111 11(.quu,,Y 1111" 11• IJtJN(I M KIM timl ( 1llto,,,1n ll?U~6 I 1u•I "'"' ulnll hy lllANI>. [ P"ym11nla plu• Pt11mllltKI <-Diii #IHI . WAI Kl ~1 " -'"U'H """' •t11.<.1tUlt(J •as-Ollaea within tntM moolhl ttom PU8UC NOTI C[ UIS KIM 1tfH1t(l1•1IAV\jllll ll 10U1 llNV NAY! Oil~. IN( I In Rooh 14170 nl 01111.1111 n11t-m<h ul t,.i11101111,1 111111m1tl1n11. I 10 I I F 18HJ Co''"'f tf """" 1fit0 M 1lt~tw .... ,,~. 'u11f4t r .. '1JlflOU' notordto 'h\lltum••nl NQ •,Jt.J/ hy ( nllfOfnlO ~fl/0 A111111•1 n 111110 "' book IJ611l or 1n11 o aro 1n11 no1ic. 01 oereun wu VIII•'"' ""' 1111h or 11110 t;ourlly at •OCOl<l<>d Thtt •moun• I• $3,:1<>2 32 11"11" J ljll llflc.o•th11 ' 111•t•umon1 H ol Soptombor 2S, 19112. •nd will Nu 11111~ tlY reWIO" ul 1 D•uac11 OI 1n cre11 to unlll vout ec.c ourtl tlttl1tull 111 11•ym11n1 01 f,ltlfl0tm•nce bec;omH cut1ont ,,, "'" ''""O•ll<ll•• IOC\JlttO lhl'l<!l>y. You l'fldY no1 ...... 10 P•Y 1110 111< 111<.11t1g 1nur 111""'" 01 ootoull, unttt• unpo 10 P<>rt•<>n ot your Nu111 " ut """'~' """~ ro<.Olduo July ..ccwni oven lhOUQll lull 1>•rmvn1 II 1!1114' dS ftUI !llOCll a IMllUIY•tlnl WI&) Ooo111n<Joo tlul tOu mu .. pay No 81 ~Jll 1 11 Will SE l l AT the "tnount SIAlOd ObO•O NOTICE 01: l>t:ATll C>F CAMILLO 8 . Zll'PI ANO OF PETITIO N TO AOMINll\Tlm F.STATt-: NO A l lS3H6 rtta1on o t •• tu~~.u h ''' Ot~tiiult u 1 fh1" bu..,m~-.., '" tmulw.ttid hy H payme ut 01 vo• to ' 1ne1u u o l lh•• t.Htp114'4'hfJ'ft '!'CJ .ill h111-... IJl111 ft• ,.,,tt...,, lrt•dlt or'> .1nd ""'''"1(1•11 1 trNiltot"\ of <.'(1m1llo H Lippi und pt·r,oni. wh<1 rn.1v 111• otlll'l V.-t~· 11111I1·!-tl«•i Ill tht• .... 111 .md1 ur l''IL.1 It Ol>llQAll011• ... , U•"D '"'""OY ''''Y Navh>• ~Int 1nclud111u 11101 t;r.,aLh o• IJctl;tull Ml4<1loul W C..uorr111111 PUBllC Au( llON 10 f lfE Aller three montht hom1111td11e HIC.11[ 51 HllJCH R r on C ASH or r&coio .. 11011 or 11111 documeni l•wlul n•vt>t•y r,t 11,., Urult><I Sldtni. lwhk.11 dllht OI rOCOIOOllOtl oppo111• or " • .n nio1 s '""d or~''"' on • n•r 00111 u111eat 1h1 0011g111on lh1t'i CJf u .. uutu.i tJonh us Slwtu "' Lt111u11 fUtt•t.totttHl upoo p.,,nuta u toootat , 10011 u1l10H u1 , ~•atflt 0, tor1gtt1 5-)tHttHJ yuv hAve o"'" um feOttfAI tuvmO' .. ruJ lodn •t.$0Cuiflou 'HU••l ughl to stov mu fOfUC:.losurtt l>)I dCttmC.lltj(J 111 ltu) )ldltl 11ll 1>uy1il>I" "' l>llf'llU ""' tJrlll"' .imour1l Ot1rn1trldtl(J lhtl '"'"' ot ••le. ell t1gn1 tllle and by your cutelllor Nolie. or w111ch wn reco•O~ Jvru• Presld<1111 t!> 19112 u noco•<.16' 1 '"""'"'\"'' fllt• 11.itf'fllonl w111 111 .. 0 w1111 "'" N<> 82·l02blt WILL S lll Al f1,..111y (;lo•h or Orn11ge c 01111ty on PUBLIC'.' A UCllON lO lllt s .. ,.1 .. muu1 /1 1982 lllGlll'>I BIOOCR roR (,A!;lt l11wlul 1t\u11ey ol-mu Ullllll<l St•lt>1> Or ta c..w .. h1t!r ~ C.hO\.'-. tJ1 AWfl On a SIAlll UI 111111011111 1>1rni. d SUl!tl or htelurnl CruOll un1011. or 11 state or f&dtnut tu.1v1ng~ ono lui;t1 8l)0t.1a1tOf1 Cl0 fT11( lhtd In "''' >h•ht, ttitl p&yulll~ UI 1ht1 11n11• or salu Jll rtQhl 1111., 1111<1 mteto~t ""hJ bv 11 as I 1u~ltHt H• HUii •llal PtOIJt>lly 911Uil1~ Ill Sd•ll Cou11ty unrl SI dl11 ch•H< 11b111l "" lollows PAR(;[l I l OI II or TluLl No 10 I lb 111 lht• <.11y or lrvmn. Counly of Ord•'('J''· :.>tM'-'. at ( a1Hor1oa as per m111• h.tcor 0 1•11 "' aoo~ 4 31 p1111u> 4 7 d 1 .;no 44 0 1 Mlt<OlhJnuous Mui' . m ln•1 t>ll!Cl' t11 the Courlly Rl'turdt•r o t ~u1d County PAR<..FI J A11 o>a>erne11I lor Stdt(yor'I LJUfCtO'l!lt 0 Y6f •he Nor lh11ust"' 1y '> 00 I""' ot :.a111 lano 81 bhOwn 011 ii IOUCJ #M(.Ofdt'ftl to Book 43? pages ·I~ 43 111111 44 o r M1sc111to1neous M1111s • eco111s ot O• u1101• Cuunly l..J1tlo11ua FIM;M.4 l'ullh•luttl flt•11g11 Cna~I llally r11u1 0<.I 14 ,• 1 76 N(Jv 4 1982 4!>?(> 112 PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 11•9 lollow111g pe"etn 1~ <.1u111y IJusmet.~ a~ SlEAOMllN AS'.>OC.1A I ES. 1278 Clu1111eyre Nn 18 luguno B11,1c.h. CA J~GS t SHERRI M ~ 111\llMAN, t:U8 Glt111ne1re No 18 t ngu11o1 U1111ch. CA IJ21J51 lhl~ lhl'•ll1QN·, h '<l"tlUtl<•ll I.Jr 1111 111d1v10ua1 5 fltUtl ~'UUIJtthUl I lllt •la11:n1e1 I wll• hlell w1111 Int> County <.-tetk "' CJranut1 l.1Uuflly on Oc.1une1 12 1981 FUl94$11 Puul1!.lltHl 011111u~ C.ous1 0:.111y P1lol Ocl I~ ~ I 28 Nciv •I 1'182 4!112 8l ll•leiu~t 11100 Dy 11 as rrustee 1n To llnd ou1 tne &mount you mutl 1h.i1 ,.,.,1 11ropo1ty ~11u111e .,, smo pay. O• tu arrange ror pbym""' to Covu•v "'"J Stull• oescnbt10 8~ s1op lhl> lorec;losu1e 01 It ynur lnllow6 P•OPClrty Is In fotecloaure ror •"Y · l••' 1•, cir hoct Nn 6'11~ "' ""' other tooson, contaC1 L•ty 01 Cnatu Musu. <.ounty ol Main a 8atn1a At1oclelH, 01angu Slo.1111 or r:.1111lo•n•B. as µer American Natlon•I Pr~lo• mop rtl\.urdod Ill Boo~ 380 Page~ s Atln: AuOroy Tweodl t1r1d G MttlCOllunooua Maps 1n IM 210 W. Cotrlto1 An. Oll1co or the C<>uuty FltJ,1.11llu1 ol An•h•lm, CA sa1t1 Coun1y (714) "11·1440 CXCEPI all u1I A•JS hyar0<.<1rhOll II you nave ony Que1110111, Y<•u \uhslMC.ftS aml 111111t11Ulb lying an() snould conrun a 1owyer 01 tne t•emg at o llt11Jlh or niori; t1uin 500 governmen1 auency wn1ch may nuvu 1001 Detow ""' 11lllU1 .ii sorlace or 1118 Insured tl1tl loon v•ound Dul WlllHlUI ""Y flQhl Aemem1>e1 . vou MA Y LOSE w1111150t<ve1 10 e11ror upon.., U'\6 1n LEGAL RIGHI ~ II YOU 00 NOl u11y ma~mo1 sotd ~ullac" ru .111y purl TAKE PROMPT ACTION A IJl'll llvn "·" t .. • 11 f 1lo'IJ h y T,, n y /. IJ'I" ir1 1111· Su1wr111r Court u r (J, Mljo(I" (.'ounly rt<(jUt."'>llng lhut 'fony ZtJJIJI lH' ;ipp1111111 ti ,,.,. IJM ,11n,o l 11·pr1 .. ~1·nt.1t1v1 tu ,1dm1n 1:.t1·r thl· l' ... t<itt• o r l';im1llu B Ztppt (u11d• r the I ndt•1.;1..ndt·nt Adnt1111,lr.1111111 u f F.liwt~ A t:ll Th• JK.'t1t11u1 t!. ~t'l for hcarrng "' !,.·p l. Nu :i a l 7U(l CtvH <"«nlf'f JJ11v•·. w l"!t , in 1h1 C1ly tJf S .intti Ar. .... (',,l1forn1.1 ''° N !JVl'fl 1hN I u Hill:.! •• I !I '.Ill ;,m T'1ti "'Ot<l .Jd<I"·•• 01 other PUBtlC NOllC[ common d"•1gn1111nn or th" '"d' 1------------- ut s"•d lancJ ly1110 tlt•t"''ll"' sa•d NOTlt.E IS ~tEHEBY vii/EN ~uolnc;e a11d ""ove soo lo ll't'I O<'to .. 'HA l 111 l E IN5URANLE and \a•d surrac,. .;1 1osc•ved •n u,e IRUSl LOMPANY a corporattrJn """(! •• '-"'dt"1 t11 Ur>O~ 10826 Puge is Ouly 11ppomroo Trustoo under o ~lb nfl•C•JI 1u<;o1ds Oe<-o or Trus1 da1ec1 Maten 3 1 1982 l11e llreet adt1ress O• 011 ... 1 9JIC>Cute<l Oy KENNElH SKJERVEM common de.,•gnat1Q" 01 1111> ,,.al and DELORES St<JE RVENI 01up.•11y ,.,,,e,,.al}(,w <.1eK1tl>«l 1~ II u s o an LI J •• .i w ii;; Cf SA A llUll)'>tlr'l.I 10 Of' l 113 R10gec<esl OCTAVIO SANIOS 8110 MARY ANN Ctr(lt' 1.<>)la Mt•S.t C<111lorn1a S ANTOS lruste" ol tne Cetar I~ YOU OBJt::c.:'J t11 rlw ~1 .i11t1111o( ul ll11• IJt'trl1111 1 y,,u ~hould • llhl'r .iµp t .... 1 .. 1 the h1· .. ri11g <inti ~l.;l• ·.11ur 11bJl't t1•in'l o r ri l• \\ 11lh-n llOJl't'lt<tn., \O. tlh th1 llJUI I b 1·rnr« 1h c· h1·<1r111R Your .1ppt·an•O('<• m;;v bf· 111 I" r .... 111 llr by your d Llornt·\ P•Ol>""Y 11or1>111ut11)ve 1lttS<.t1t>fl<J 15 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS purp(lllflll to b" 24 (;,11lmJ llv11>" NAME STATEMENT Cdltlorr••t1 '"" 10Uow11111 porsons are 001ng d ' YOU AIU A CHElJITOH or ,, 1.,111t111J,t••111 ut-dttor of tlll' d'"-'"',_.-<I \"l' mw,l rtll' )'OUr ll<1tm ""llh tho· niun or prt•M·nl 11 t., thr· pi t"uual 11 prt "' ntJltvt· dlJIJllllllt•d hy lht <1>tr1t wtth111 four numth.., I f<t111 tlw d .. tt o f r1r'1 l:'>l>U<lll< I 11r lt•ll• r. .._., prnv1d1'<.I an s,, 111m 71JO 11! !ht l'r11fxilc· c·•t1ll· o f l'.d1lur n1a Ttw 111111 fu1 r11tn1i d.11m .... will nu\ «>-p1r1· prwr to ruur 111onth .. from th1 d J tl •ii lht ht•Jr 1n.i; nollct.'<.I itUOVt• T 11"' 1 ti" 1 \ • 111" <l he 1 "o v '"'~"~>s •s fr.e u11t1 ,.,.,,g,,ed he•eby Oc1av1oand Ma1yAnnSan1os Trust urs~l1101> o.111 uh •l•ly ror any dllllel.I J11unary 15 1981 and DAN 1n1.0•111<.l1 • ,, '" SJ •d me<>t address 0 CALLAGHAN end ROSANNE "' "'""' t"l)mmon ""' l)nlll•on 0 CALLAGHAN husbond and wire 0 1Hla1u1> All hab.t11y IO• o1ny ECKIS ANO ASSOC IA TES Ul<'.Olltll I•-~"' 'Hl•O ~llOt•I t1ddl(l>> AOVERTISING i DESIGN 17748 or omeor CJmMClfl CJP'ttgnatiori Sky Pait-. 8tva •?1'• ''"'"" <"'A S1110 ~Jiii will De moue w•tnnul 977 1~ "'O" llnl~ t!•P• t!>\ 01 rur I "' H 0 R T 0 N \ f C. i, I $ •llgurd1nq ffllt1 t•o:.sess1on nr ASSOC IA I ES AO\/E n1 ISlllC, encumora11ru~ 10 ~ull>I) II•" 17148 Sky P~r~ BlvcJ ?l"t Irvine prmr11H•1 Dul.1r C" u t the Nnte u• CA 'J;,>714 S.1><1 s~h• ..,,11 t'" m8o,. "'""O<Jt and LAW RENCE ARMAN ano ........ nl) ••• , ... ,s 01 mpl•eO CLAUDETTE ARMAN husoano •.nd ,,. Jd•o•no 111le possession or wile and SINCLAIR WEN a no oncumor.inces 10 ~1111y tne prtn· !RENE WEN flusbAnd a.no wile au <oµal balance o r 1rie Noe or Olh· as tenan15 •n Common IS Tru1101 tit Obllgat•on secured Dy ,aid ().ed to secure Certain Ol>ligatron• tn 01 r111S1 w11ri 1n1eres1 and otnttr favor o r NI .in and Ba 1av1• '"''" .,, I 1vv1<.lt'd tht!•t'nl plus Associate~ A c. .. neral l'&rtne1 ·•Ovul'ct!~ '' tiny u11ll"' tl1e terms ship a s ttenet1t101y rn~orrlt>d trtt'fl•OI 111<1 •lllt'•e11 on >UCh 4 :.> 81 a5 l'lSt•umtlll l 01) u<IV1u1<.11~ uni! phi> let!s cnarg;,s 81 116:>04 in rhe Oll•ct> o t the .1nu u•Pun>O' ol tht• f1ustt>e ano 01 Re<.01 ue• or Orange Co1.1M y '"" l11>'t> createo by said Deed or Ca1tlorn1a 11 ... sc.r101ng lano !herein I rust fh., lotul amount o r sa10 a~ Pact.el 19 111 1tie Cllt ol Oronge 01>1101111011 •'>cluorng roaso nabl) Counl y o r 01ange Stele 0 1 11st1matHO leHs c ha•oes and C.a11ro1nio as snown 011 a mop Ille<! e•pen111s .-.r me Trust~e. at me time 1n DOOi< 161 p11ges 44 10 46 ol ot m11idl putllic1111011 ''' 1n1~ No11co 1s Parcel Maps 1n 1he orr1oe or tnd :i1ne1 ODlll).il•on "'~o1rtld DJ' said Nd"tY Ee~" I :?4 :> J 1 A•-.11 ::>eed ol Tru't wllh "''lllt!SI 11no olhe' I.lion Row s .. n O•egn CA 9? I 11 sums "' wov1d,.d rnere•n 1>lus ''"' 1>us1ne~s •> tO"ll"'l••O t>y a 1dvanCt*>, 11 imy undp1 lhe IPttn::. ltr-uted pannet~h•V lheruol ,1no 1nt1Hll~• on 'uc•1 Nancy En.- odvancu~. 1t1tU r•hJ!t let•S, Chdtg .. -~ Tn1s 11a1~m.:nt WiH filed w ith ·~tf JnO eapun~es or 111~ Trustee dnlJ or Cou11ty Cle•' or Or1111Qe County on 11111 tru~ts c1001u<.1 t y •>11d O<~d ol Sep1emn11r ;<9 1982 I 11151 T ht1 totul e1r1n.,nt nl ~a10 Jbltgn11on 1n't.ludt•"l ,., .. 5on .. b1y uttmatelJ ''°o' cnarg&i> &no lAPOnStlh OI Ille f IUMOO al me '"n" >I 1n111nl pub11cor1on ol ""~ No11ce 1~ i40 219 47 Oo1ud OCIOIW• I!• 1981' IAISSION VIEJO RECONVCVANC.E ::o .t. Cehlorn1a co1pot11toon u Ttullee REAl rSTAIE 'CCUl"\ITIES SERVICE 1 Ca"'orn1a 'orP<>•dhOn Its Agen1 OJ MOlgor Pru 2020 N 9roe(lwey ;t()f, S•nle Ane CA 9271 6 7141 9!13-6810 Puo1tsn10 Orano• Coail 0.111) P•IOI Ocl 21 28 N<>v 4 1982 4!'i)J-ll? PU8LIC NOTICE F"ICTl'llOU& BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT fhe lollow1ng IH!•son1 arf' 00tng bu"nes~ RON(;IN CONSTRUCTION 91 •3 l •• Ca51r~ f ?v111a•11 lla11,., Ce11torn1a 92708 Ronald JO'ICOn Geoglc• "I IJ Ld <..a,1 1~ f Oul'll.l•n Va l~y Ca11ro1n1d 9?708 Cyt11n11l tee Gengter 9 t tJ l 1 Ciu110 Four1latn Vall11y Cal1l<>rn1a lh1t nu11ness is co11ouc1t.>d Dy &•1 1no1v10u111 Ron111d J 011n11l1>1 Ttus st111emllnl "'a~ 1110<1 w11~ tne Countv Clerk ol Or nnye County on October 13 1982 F1119535 Publ•snecJ O• angt> Coa~I Dally P1101 Oc1 14 2 I 28 Nov .. 1982 45'3 8? PU8LIC NOTICE FICmtous BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Tht follo•m1g ger1on is doing bustnese H CREAllVE PlANT DESIGN 2080 Fede1111 Avenue Costa Niese. CA 112627 RHONDA LEE OBEOOZA 7300 Fet"'IOw· No O 104 Coste "48'4 CA 92826 Thia l>UllineU It conouc1od Dy an lndlvtdu•l Rllond a tee Ol>e<IOlll ,., ..... , l h11 s1a1emen• w1S ltlod wtth the Coun1y Clark ot O.enge County on Oci 12. 1982 Put>llsheO Ora nge Cont Oe •ly Pllor. Oct 14 7 t 28 Nov 4, 1982 4491·82 PUBLIC NOTICE ,-ICTtTIOUS eU&tNESS NAME STATEMENT TM rollowfng persona 8re do1110 b11a111eu u FALL RlllER FIREWOOD COMPANY. J2 P1newooo 011ve Irvine. Cel1lom11 92714 Oovglaa nn<I N1111cy Jones. 32 Ptnowooo 011110, llvlno, C11tlnrn111 92714 Th11 bustneH 11 conOucted t>y an ln<ll\lkluel 0 c JOlll!• Thll ata1emen1 wn lllod with the Coun1y Clerk ol Orange County on Octol>Oc t8 1982 ,, .... , PuDlltl'l•O Ore nge Coatt Dally P1lo1 Oct 21 211. Nov 4, 11. 198;> 4623·82 P\alC NOTICE Ftcnnou• eu&tH1•• NA• ITATI•NT Tho 1011ow1ng P•r•on •• oorno )Utll\IU a• NEWPORT INTEATRAOE, 2Q 15 ;eroo NltWPOf1 BolCfl, CA 12MO John w 81tdt1d9a ?9 t 5 ;.,oo Newporl Beach. CA 12&eo Thia Ou"n ... It COtldvcltd by I lmtlod P•rlnorthlO • JOl'ln W h~rl<lgtl lhla t lll8"'onl w•• lllod wllh lhe ::ounty Clerll ol Orengo Cou111y on Jac>tembef 28. 1982 """" Publl•ll•d Ot•no• Co111 0•11~ l>llOI, S.pt 30, Ool 7, t4, 21, 1982 4291 82 For Ad Action Daly Plo.t AD-YISCI 642-5678 I • F1HS44 Puohsheo Orange (.;o~sl Dooly P•IOI Sept 30 0~1 7 H 21 1982 43 1~ 1:12 PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME 9TATEMENl Int! IQllOw1ng penons are O<Jt11Q buamess at VALLE VISTA EAST 3060Java Roao Cost• Mesa Co11rorni.1 92628 TAISHIN S l~O l<US A N KABUSHIKI KAISHA 1Ta1•1l•n 1 Shokuso n K I( ) & Jtp11n•1e :;n.por•llon 3060 Java Rood Coil& M"H Ce11torn1a 92S26 lh11 ooaineu ,. cont1ucte<1 by a CO< po< 81100 T111n111 S11oi..us •n K•l>u~1k1 Kt1bu!lhll11 t<d,.ho Ser~ M d'Ell•, pe< powor of •llorMJ This st11emen1 wlS hleil with thll County Cieri.. ot Orange Counry on Oc;1ooar 5 t 982 FRANK L. SCHMEHR A Prolo1tlonal Law Cotporelloo Moredllh Flnanclel Centtt f'ofth 8ulldlno 17772 EH i SevonlMnlh SI .. lualln, C•lllotnl• t2elO F19Hll PuDllshe<I Orange Co11s1 Oe1ly P1IOI <Jct I 14 <' l l b 1\lbJ 4'25·82 PUBLIC NOTICE $~6 2n 23 Coun11 RecorOe• or sa10 County Oaled Octolle• I< 198~ said 01>11ga11ons '"'ludlng <>no note AMERICAN CIT'\I BANK, lor 1he Pr1nc1pa1 sum Ill S304 86!1 00 A C•lltotnle corpor•llon 11111 me l>t(lvhG1at 1n1ereS1 unde1 A• Ttu11.. s uch DI.led 01 Tru" eno 1he 81: "EAL E 8 TA TE SECURITIES Obhgal•ons ~etureO t11ettDY ere SERVICE, presently llOld Dy the undf!l5tgl'e<l • C•tlf0tnl• cotpotetlon, 1not a breach ot 1no deteull in. the It• Aoenl 00•1gauon1 '°' which SUGh Deed or O.J Mof9e1, II• Proeldonl T1u11 •s ~ecur11y hH oc:curtec 1n 2020 N. Broodw1y, No. 20t thal pe yrnont hes not "-1 me<le or S•n11 Ana CA 'il706 lhl' 1n11allmen1 ul 1ntere5I which 17 141 9!"13·6810 became due August 2 t982 and au Puo11111eo 01ange Coast Oa11y 111bMQuant 1n&1a11men11 of m1eres1 P11<>1 Oc• 14 4't 78 198:7 that oy teeson 11111reol th8 4!>37·82 onoers1gneo pre~8nt Denel1cr••Y -------------unOet such Deed ol Ttutl nat PU8LIC NOTICE OflANGE COUNTY MUNICtl'Al COUl'fT HARBOR JUDICIAL DISTRICT 44IOI JtmbO<ff atvd. eaecuted AnO dt!ttvered to said Ouly a ppo1nl•d Trulle• a written Oectarall<>tl ol Default and Demand lor Sale and hes OeposilAO with UJd duty appotnled Trustee sucn Oeeo or Trust and all documents YOU M A V EXAM IN I-: tht' r tit· k1•p l hv llw i.:t1Url II you •H" rnl• ''''l•·d tn tht i·NWI• you nl••)I fll1 ,, I •~!Ut~I Wtl h tht· lUUrt Ill ti (l'IV\' ~ 111· 1 1 .ti not I l c· " I 1 ht rnv~ntury CJf 1•\IJ\(' .ii.st•\'. ,md 11r lh•• I" 11111m .... "''"uni.,, ot n d r •·1mr1 .. d t••\\ rth1 rt rn s e ( l l (J n I <! 0 0 I• I I h ( l"alirom1<1 Prob.at<' Cc.de JA CKSON , KIDDER & SUCKLING 660 Newport Catr Dr. uhe 1414 Nt-"' port Beac-b, CA 92660 l'ubli,h1·d Or • .ngc Coa~t IJJll) PrM . Oll H 15 . .!I. I !:Ill:! '153S H:.! Pt.&IC NOTICC Newpo11 Batch, CA t2MO PLAINTIFF CITY NATIONA L BANK , • nlllonel b1nlolng Haocl1llon, •• OEFENOANT MAURICE MALIN •lao known ••OR. MAURICE MALIN. ev1denc1no 0 Dllqa11ons •ecureo YOU ARE IN OEF"AULT UNDER A thereby and has oec1ared and DOflS DEED OF" TRUST OAT£0 AUGUST herel>y oectare all suin• s11cured 11. 1H2 UNLESS YOU TAKE thereby 1mmaOtately due ono ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR payable and haa elected anO 00('5 PROPERTY. IT MAY BE SOLD AT A ht'reby elect lo cause 111e ltOSI PU9LIC SALE If YOU NEEO AN p10petty to be solO to aausty Ille El<PlAMATION OF THE NAlURE SUMMONS obligations 60Core<l thereby OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST c ... No. 40l83 Mein •nd 8•1HI• At110Cl•tH. YOU, vou SHOULD CONTACT II. NOTICE! You h1n l>Hn 1u•d A GoneJef P•rlnorthplp LAWVER. The court mey ct.cl<M 991lnet JOU Publtshed Orange Cont 011ly NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE K·C2174 wllhout rour t>olno h .. rd untH• Piiot Ocr 7. 14. 21. 28. 1982 T.8. No. 31463 MUNICIPAL COURT OF you rH pond within 30 de)'1. Reed 4430-82 NOTIC( IS HER£BY GIVEN 11181 CALIF"ORNIA lh• lntorm1llon below. on W~rtf'lday, November .l, 1982 COUNTY OF ORANQE 11 vciv wish 10 ff'(!k 111e advtoe or Pt.6LIC NOTIC[ 11 9 00 o'clock tt m 01 s&•O day in No Ot•no• Judlcl1I Dt1. on Ollornty •n 11115 m&Het. you FICTITIOUS BUSINESS lhll room Ml n•dt! 101 conduclmg 1275 N. e.rkeloy An. should dO S(I promptly'° 1het tour NAM E STATEMENT Trustee s SllHts wt1h1M 111e olllces ol Fullarlon. CA t2S35 w11t1en ll'Sl/OllSI' ti nny may b<! Tne 1ollow1ng peri>on II doing RE AL ES T AT E SEC U A I JI ES PLAINTIFF; UNION BANK, 1 11~ on lime business as SERVICE. located at ?020 Norlh C111fornle c0<po;Allon. ~ A lllSOl U•hd he e ldo NAILS NATURALLY, 2075 BrOa<lway Sullfl206 intheC•tyor OEF£NOANT: JOAH T'ILEI d1m1ndedo. El lrlbunol pued• Irvine 8tvO Soll& 2A4 Coste MeS3 Santa An• Counly ot Otang<1 Slate SOLLY; OOES t through 10 dKldlr conlre Ud.eln•udloncle1 CA 92627 ol C al1lornt8 REAL EST ATE lnctuotH monoe qu• Ud •Hpond• dontro JU O 11 11 HILTON JO 3 SECURITIES SERVICE a Ca1tro1n1a SUMMONS de JO dlH Loe If lntoflnec:fon qve E59ta.nade Irvine CA 9:171!1 corporation II duly IPOOlnleO C•M No A-41512 olgu. Th•s bus-....s I$ t.onducted oy •n lruslM un<1e1 and pvrs..1t11 lo the NOTICE! You hlYO been IUOd s lJtte>d des•• SOllCllAr Pl lnd•lndual P0 .. 01 OI ••le conterrecl '" lhll Tho court m e)' docl<M lt9•tn•I JO~ tontl'IO oe un ebogAdO on Hie Judith Hlll0t1 c~a•n ~ or l1ust e•l!(uted by without yovt botr19 h•«d unio.1 • , .., n I 0 d. b II, • h. c II r I 0 Thts stelement WU 11141<1 wllll Ille NAM VAN NGUYEN ano ll'llNH 01 yov rH pond within JO d•Y• ft..0 ''"n~1a1nmen1e Oe 11511 m-• "' Counry Clerk 01 O<enge County on LUO NO , h u 11 Dano an o w II a th• lnfont1etlon ~-. •Hpu .. 11 H Cetta s1 hav 1lgun• Oc;t~ n 1982 recoidod Avoust 12 1981 111 Book II )OU W"h •o sec9 tho IDYICI! ol puede !M!• reg111raO• • lll!fnpo f1'"'51 14177 OI OlllClll Aec0tds or 1810 an e11orney 1n lh•S mAllt• you 1 TO THE DEFENDANT A CIYll Publlsllod Orange Coasl DAiiy County, al Peo8 1761 RecOldot s, snoukl <IO so promplly so tllal your complaint hH OH n tuao l>y 1118 Piiot, Ocl 14 71 28, NOY •. 1982 lnatrument No 13796 by •N$0n ot wrmen response 11 •ny may De pld •,1nt1dtt heoa,•nst YoU 11 you wl~"11° 4400-82 • Ocaaoll or <1eta1111 in P•vmen1 0< ltled °"time e en I 1, awsu11 you mutt ..,, n 1 __________ ....;..-___ 1 pertorm•nca o l tile obllgationr. A y 1 9 o I u 1 1 • d h • 1 1 d 0 30 O•Y• •tie• Ihle s ummon• 11 flt.alC NOTICE HCu ra<I the1e1>y, 1nclud1ng th•I d•m1nd•do El trlbunel pv•d• ~ on you 11111 with lhls COUt1 1 l><MCll ot or Ofll•ull Notice ol which dec:ldlr conlra Ud. eln •udlenGll a wrltton •et1oonse lo 11141 c~nt 8TATI:MENT Of A•~ was recorded July 7 19S2. •s m-q..,. Ud, rH ponda dentro Unlen yov oo so your defaull wiu Of' USE Of R • c 0 1 o • t ·a 1 n st, um en 1 No do JO dlaL Loe •• lnlO<mKlon qve De an1e1ed on nppllGAllOn on the FICTITIOUS IUllN€SI NA• 82·23A!l57. WILL SELL A I PUBLIC ••ou•. pla1n11tt. end lhll C011r1 m«)' ltrlle<. The lollowtng petaon• lllVO AUCTION TO THE HIGHEST' SI Usteo <Iese• SOllCll81 81 ruttgn1et11 IQllnsl yO\I lo• Ille re1i.1 lbandoneO th• UN ol Ille ·~111001 BIDDER FOR CASH law1ul m~ con1e10 de un abog ado en este d•mHnde<l in tllfl comp1e1n1 Which business name ot lho united St•tea. °' • caa11ier'1, 1110 n 10 , 0 eb.,,1 8 11 •c11 , 1 a coulo •Hull in 01rnitllm<1nl OI VALLE VISTA ESTATES. 3080 ctlecl. drown on a 11a1e at na11onaJ1 1mmedla1amenie de 9518 m~n1118, wages tt•••na ol money or P•090'1V J ava Road, Coste MMa. Ca~lomla Dank. 11 Jlate or federal cr11<111 tu respuesta escr11a, 11 hay alguno 0• Olller rellef '&Qu<11steO In Iha 92«126 union, Of • state or tede<al savings puede "' t9i1ISlraoe 11 uempo compteinl Th• Ftct1t1ou1 Buslnou N•me end loan 1uoo1011on dom•ctted rn 1 TO THE OEFEN()ANT A civtl Oa•e<I June 2 l980 referred to above waa llled In th•• 1111e, •II payable 81 l"e time or! c;omplelnl has been lll•d by the J Pelereon, Clark Or•nge COi.iniy on Juno 11 19112 N ie, all tight, !Ille end interest heldt plelntlU agetnst you 11 you wish 10 11 Tin• Lone. Deputy Taishin Shokuun Kebuahlkl b y II, es Trustel'I. 1n 111111 •H I aelenO lhts lewsull, you mufl. within JAMEi P. Ol!L 0U£ACIO K•lsh1 (Taishin ShOkuaan, K K.), e Pf09tl"I)' alluat• In ~Id CO\lnly and 30 deys at1111 this summon• ta MARC 1· TE'l.ITZ Jepenese corpoHllon, 3060 Jave Stale. de9cetbed at follows t ..,. II"" Ith hi (211) 560-5516 Roed.Cos11 M.s1,C0Hfomle928.26 LO I 9 lnclualve ol l11Gt NO =;;;=ff ";0w1ha ',!:;'~," 2404 "'· fllo•buf)' Of, No. 400 Tnls bualnoss wH oondUC1ed by a 10370. 1n Ille City ol lrvlno AS P9fl un1e" you do JO. ~our deflUll wtll .. wort)' "Ille. CA 90810 corpot1tion mnp tiled In Book 472, Pages 16 to De enterod on a ppllc11lon ot thll PutlllSlled Orange Cont Dally Telthln Shalluaan 20 tnclu"ve or MltcetlAntOUI Map1, plalnlitl. and thtt c.oun mey enter 8 Piiot Socii 30 Oct 7• 14. 2t. l982 Klbulfllkl KalSl\e ta oord• o l O r•nge Coun •y .~ judgment aga1n11 you '°' rhe rltio1 -----------•-J2_1..a_2 By Serge M O'Efl•. C1t1101nl• Th• llrMt l ddtQI ot, demendld In Ille comptllnl, which DID• C Pet POWi!t of Allorney o•het common OHlgnahon of Iha coulo 1esu11 In garnlahment ol ruod NOTICE ThlS tt•l-1 Wat lllod wtlh the t ell propa rt y heretnabove• waoee Hiking ol mor>0y or propetty flCmtOUI aUSINEIS County Ck-flt of Orange Count) on Oatct11>410 II purporlod to be 18 or oth91 teliaf requHled 1n lhe NAlff aTAT'll•NT Oclober S, 1982 R11tn11er !Nino. Celilom1a j comc>tatnt PARTS INTERNATIONAL. 2801 "...,. Th• undor1 1g ned h tH e l>y Oatod $411>tembef 21 1991 Dow A"°~· Tulhn, CA 112eao fl'A* L ·~ 011ct11ma 111 lloblllty tor eny, Robot! R R1Q, Clerk JIM SLENIONS IMPORTS. INC , A Pi;fualeNI Uw c...,.. lncooect-lo Mid ll•eet •O<lreas1 C"8rl01t• FAlll. Oopuly a C1lll01nla corporation, 1301 Ou•ll ~ ~ C""'8r, °' Olhot common dMIONlion I l>ONOYAN;i:=:'l • .,...,. s1 Nf!WP0<1 Boech, CA 928(1() Mof1'I ......._. S•I• Hie wm 1>41 meoo w11novt, 445 a. t. •S.WO Th bu 17112 I. .._._ttl It.. w1rr1n1y, optHI or 1mplloO.• Loe A""°'"' CA IOCJ11 cor,,:.,ro!, ....... 1•1 conoue1e0 by • Tvetfft. 0.....,_ a.. reg•rdlno 11111 , poue111on orl Publlahed Or•ng• coaa1 o111y Jim Slemons lmporu, Publl1hed Or•ngo Co111 O•lty .a ncumt>tancaa, 10 U lltly lho PltOI. Oct 21 28, N'ov 4, 1 I, 1992 Inc; Piiot, OGt. 7, 14. 21 21. 1"2 principal l>•••nc• OI Ill• Not• Of ,.642·8:1 JOl'lri NI Bet~, $«: ' «14-12 olho• 01>llg1t1on tecurld I>) n tdl -------------· t ---------====-I Oftd or rru11, with ln1ores1 and PU8UC H()JICE fhll 8111""*'1 WH wtlh lht t· othe r tum• •• ptov1oea •h•rotn. ------------COcoun~~-c,r.119 1~~20r•ngo County on P\8JC NOTICt plu• ldVenc••· II 1ny under th• "CTITIOUI ''°...... 10""' . ... lel'ml thereot •nd '"'" .. ' on llUCltl H.Allfti Ill fw•NT ,,..... '1CTITIOU9 .,.._,. adv•-. ano ptue Itta cher~• The fotlowtng penon It OOlng C.D. DALY LAW C~ATION NAm ITA~ end •111*1-ol thO ltytllt Ind Of bu1lno111 •• 11 c.,,.., ... flteu Df. Thi tollOwlng l*'tont ire <IOlng tht lrutll crNleO by .. ,o !>Md of (A) REG ENT REAL TV (0 ) ... .,._. leeefl, CA -t>utiftMI at: Trull, The lolal emounl ot Hid REGENT ASS OCIATES ' (C)' PuDll•htd Otl':fct COHI Oelly EVE CATCHER, a 486 hvlnt ObllQl llOn, Including roeo nAbly REGENT INVESTMENTS'. ID) Pllol. Oc1 21, a&. ov t , It, IH2 .4vtnu•. No. 4, Coatt Mtll, OA Mllmllod dw099 end lllPtl'I-ol REOFNl SCHOOi , 2405 1 C11arlna .. 643·81 02U7. Iha TrUllM, 11 tho limo OI lnl!IAI fl" L i... C .. llllCHAlllO JOSIPH l<ASPtA ... ,...... I ..... .,,, aouna N<vuol, A 92v7T JA .. 2416 11vlno -Avenue. No 4, pubtlelllon ot tllll ~1-. I • .,,,,. l RO"Bf:RT JOUN DO NOHUE, Cotti ....... CA HU?. 79110. 31601 Tt.t1tt1ro1;k Drive, No. 4 II, • ll .. D• J •N• .. Ol-"""', 24•• Datod OGtol>« 11. IH2 South L•oun•. CA 112an Turn your ... "' "' "'" ,...."" ""' ftlAL llTATI 1cu .. 1tt11 fh11 bullll4lh Is conducted by 1n • ll'YIM AY'8nue, No. 4, Ooet1 .,._, MllVICI, 1ndMOuet. • UftUUbfet CA 0~7. t C1tlfer11la oerporatten, n Ao1>er1 J 0onon... 1 nto Tflltt 1>uw.. 1a oonduclod by • rr.-. Thia 1tal~I WH I~ wltll lhO • UU....... general par1.:::: ..... K .... ..Ir 0,.,, ....,...,, 1111 ~ COunty ~ ol Otanga County 0'1 ...,... Tlllt tlll11'11411\I ... Ntd wttfl ~ -N. .,.,.....,, ..., '°' OCIObat 19, 11102 • C•ilt. (all Coull.,. C"9ttl of Or-,. __ ,.. -.... AM. CA ... , ...... ., -...... ...,.,,..., -· (1t4) ..... ,. Publl•ll•d Or•nga co .. 1 Deny • D•llY Piiot OCtooar "· •"2 ~ .. '•"" Oranr CoHt O•tty Ptlot. OCt 21. H. Nov • t~ • clallifled Pu1>t11n.cs Oranoa co!~ '*"'· OGt "• 2t, 2 , 'Mt AJOl.&2 642·5'71. Piiot. Ocl 21 21, NoY 4, tt, 1N 2 • 4807-tt WANT ACTION? _ I CIMWf9d Adi e.a-&e11 ; . • I A • :. • ( • • Orange COHl O~IL V PILOT /Thur.day, OOlober 21 , 1982 r------------------------------....,....---------------------------------------------------0 ILi • N!W INU! INVI NTOl.V 110 ::;~~~J.:': ;:.,~.!·~.""~,: ~-= I'"' 11 1101 a11 ull&• 10 ~ell 11111 " 11olu.1r..1tun u l 011 uttllf lo buy Iii.tit I ht1 ullullfty •• •nadu nnly tty lhO O llttring Cm:ulat 11..,._ -H ~ut-4~• f •klrlf• 1MIR U•"•" I U·•M t ,,. 1..-11tele U1 W''"°'t ... ' ..... ~ ........... , .......... .. 'I •.1' .... 19#•!1 , .. , •• ,, ........ t t-.....n (714) 140-12A 150,000 to 187,500 Shares Common Stock Price $10.00 per share PUBl.IC N011CE YOU Afll IN D.,AVL T UNOlfl A 0110 0, TflUIT OAflO OC10Mfl 1', IMI UNLIH YOU TAICI AC TION TO "flOTICT YOUR '"O'lflTV, IT MAY H a n . 0 ' '· R>1 an Ollorong C11cu1ar and a S tock Subsc11ptt0n App1tc111ton please COl,19CI lhe Organ1za1to11111 Oll1ce by m ail o r telephone 303 Crescent Avenue • P 0 0 0 11 2400 • A11alO<I Ca1tlorn1a 90704 • (213) SIC>-2265 IOLO Al A ..uauc tAU . ., y~ NllO AN 111"-AHATIOH Of' THI NATUfll Ofl THI 'flOCllOINQ AOAINIT YOU. YOU IHOULD CONTACT A l AWYlfl. NOTICI Of' TflUITll'I IALI T.l .Ho,_,.,, NOllC[ IS HER[OY OiVI N, m111 011 W.011oad1y, Novom~• 10, 1<111,, •' Ii 00 u <.lock • m ol .. ,1.1 d11y, tn the r oorn "' etl<l• tor conduc:ttno T•u11 .. 1 s ..... within Ill• orric .. or At:Al f!ISIAH: t!ECUAITIE6 SERVICE. IO<.llit<l •• 2020 Notln 810.0wey Sulle :106 In the Clly ol S1111a Ana. Cou11ty 01 Orango 511111 of Colilorril•. AMff\tCAN CITY BANK. a Cet1lorr1h1 1<>r11oi111100 1U Ouly appOlnloO I rustll'! urooer '"'" pu11uan1 to tho pow11r 01 alllo COl\hltrOO "' thot c<1rt111n 011<10 ol Truat tuecuted ov J AMES l LI VINGSTON wnd JOAN C LIVINGSTON, ttutUllnd and wilo H join ten•ntt, 1eco1oed o-ml>o• 10, 198 t In Bonk 1•J111 ol Olloc1at Recorda ot u1d County 111 pogo 327, Aecorder a 11111tutHilOI No 13139, l>y rea1on OI 11 oreech or ld•laull 10 payment 01 1)4>rlormence •-------1-------------------------------_. ol the oollga11on1 aocure<I th111elly, 1nctu<11no lhll b•ouch 01 0111ault, Nollce ol wnoch wn rucorded Junn ------------------------------------------J29. 198:1, 11 Reco1001'a tnStrurnon1 Nl.IC NOTICE Pla.IC *>TICE CONSOLIDATED REPORT OF CONDITION Consolidated Report of Condition of "TllE BANK OF ORANGE COUNTY" of Fount."Jm Vull<•y. Orange. and Domestic (None) Subsu.hartl'S at 1hc d ose of busme;s on September 30, 1982 Sute Bank No. 1%7& Dollar Amounts In Thousands ASSETS Cash and duf' from banks Federal funds sold and secunuc:. purchased und('r agra-ments to resell In domesuc offices Loans, Total (excluding unearned income) b Less: Allowance for pawble loan losses Loans, net 'Bank prermses. F F & E . ew Real estate owned o the r than bank prem1ses Other as.sets TOT AL ASSETS , LIABILITIES TOTAL DEPOSrTS IN DOMESTIC OFF1CES Total demand deposits Total time and savings depos1L'i TOTAL DEPOSITS IN DOMFSTIC AND FOREIGN OfFlCE.5 Other hab1llties TOTAL LlABILITIE.5 (excluding subord1natc.>d not.t~ and debentures) 34,72\l 3511 43.0311 14,771 W.26i SHAREHOLDERS EQL'ITV Common stock a. No. shares author1wd 2,000.000 b. No. shares outstanding !140.32:.l :1.147 TOT AL CONTRIBUTED CAPlT AL Retained earnings . TOTAL SHAREHOLDERS EX,lUITY TOTAL LlABILmES AND 4.346 5.~00 34.371 1.900 201 ll07 47.1;25 43.o:rn H O <13."'48 3.1-17 1.030 4,177 SHAREHOLDERS ~urrv 47,fi2~ The undemgned. James E.. M!tcheU, Chamnan of the Board and Edward H Downer. Exl:<'ultve Vtc.-e President or the above-named bank, each declares. for himself alont• and not for the other· I have per<IOnal knowledge of th,• matters contained in thlS re port and I belteve that each rtatement in said report IS lrUe Each or the undersigned, for himself alone and not for the other. reruhes under penalty of perjury that the foregomg i.s t.rUe and rorre<:t Executed o n September 30, 1982, at Founwn Valley, Callforrua. James E Mrtchell Pubhlhed Or•OQe Coest Dally Ptlot. Ociooer 21, 19112 '4113-82 l'tlll.IC NOTICE Pla.IC NOTICE NOTICE Of DtHOLUTIOM '1CTITlOVI BUllNH8 CW "AflTNE"SHll' ANO NA• ITATE...o' CONTINUANCE OF BUllNEIS The fOllOwlng P«IOOS 11e dolt19 NOTICE 11 gtn n pur1uant to ous1ness es Slc:llon 1b0355 o1 tM C1Jllorn1a THE FLURTS 124 Sunset Corpora tlont Code 11111 the ferrece L911una Beacll C!l11lorn1& P1'1,.,.,Sh1P compoMd of MARION 92651 HAWE. BRIAN M MAHOOD. and ThOmU Joe Bun, 124 Sunset KATHY MAHOOD, he<llofore doing Terrace Laguna Beach, Clllllornt1 business under the fitm name or 926S 1 AMERICAN INSTANT PRINTERS. at Steven J Burl, 12' Sun11t 3901 Westerly Pt1ce, Suite 11•. TeHac:e. l..agune Beech C'ltllornl• IWwpor1 8Nch Calllomll g2660. 11 92651 dlnotved es ol Sep1em1>11 27. Jessa c.N1n Bun 12• Sunset 1982. by mulull con_,t TMrace. Legune 9each. Clllforni• BAIAN M. MAHOOD, retld1ng 11 4 921154 Eerh1rt. INfne. C1t110<n11, 927 14, Mary Lav w "uams. 124 Sunee1 nae wtthdrewn from and hal c.aMd Te<race uioun• Beach. Celllatnl• 10 be INOCl11ed In lhe carrying on 92654 or bull,_, Thi• bulinoM 11 con0ucte<1 1>y • KATHY MAHOOO, r9lkltng 11 • llmtte<l p1fln«Nllp Earhen , Irvine . Catllornle, 92714, Tom Bun hu w!tlldflwn rrom end h11 ce.aeo Thtt 111temenl wu hied with the to be uaocllated In the carrying on County Cterk of Orange County on of 1111 busl,_. Oc1ot>er 19, 1982 MAAION HAWE. rnkll"O at 806 FtllU7 S W•lnut Streel. An1hetm. Pu1>111ned Or1no• Co111 01lly Clllfornll 92802. °""" heleelter carry Pllol. Oc:1 21, 28. Mov 4, 11, 1982 on the °""""'· Is er1lltled 10 allot 4513-82 PUBLIC NOTICE I.he UMts of lhe l>ull-and l\U a1a um1d i nd w lll P•Y aft oullt•ndlng ll1 blllllea or the bullnlN hltetolore lltld lllrNll« ln<iurred. NOTICE CW U?UCAT'IOft TO SILL ALCOHOLIC 011ed· Septemb« 27, 1982. Marlon 11•- Brlln M Mahood K11lly MIN>Od MVlflAQll 10.1142 J.- To Wham II M•y Concern: Ml.IC NOTICE YOU AM IN l>«'AULT UNOlfl A O«IEO Of' TIIUST OATID JUNE 1', Ila. UHL.Ill YOU TAKI ACTION TO "'10TaCT YOUR '1t°"flTY, IT MAY BE IOU> AT A ..UBUC I AL I . "YOU NE I D AN IEX .. LANATION 0' THIE NATUfll 0, THI '1tOCHOINQ AGAIHIT No 8 2-223993 . Will SELL AT P UBLIC A UCTIO N T 0 THE HIGHEST BIOOER FOR CAS tl, taw1ul money ot !he Unlled States or a cashier t c.neck drawn on a elate °' a n11111ooal bant... a sl8111 or ledere1 credtl union. or o st&te or federal savings and loon 11aoc1a1ton domocoteo In this a111te, oil payable at the ttme 01 salil, Bii 11gn1. title and lnlereal nelcJ by It es T rnstl!il on YOU, YOU SHOVlO CONTACT A tllal real properly 11tuo1e "' n td LAWYlfl. County a n<l Stal6 descr1bod as NOTICE OF TMIS'Ql'I IALIE lollowa T.•. Ho.,..,. Loi n OI !reel NO 9!>57. 1n "'" NOTICE t~HEREBY GIVEN. lhlll C11y of lrvme Co...nly ol Orange on Wednesday, No...wnbet 10, t9112. S111e of Cetllotnla as 1110wn on • ar 9 00 o clock a m of satd d•y. 1n map 1nereot rec0td..O 1n Boot.. 410. 1he room toet •~de for conduc1109 Paga a 9 1 o 1 2 1 n c I u ~ 111 ti . Tru1111<11'1 Seies, within lhe olllce1 ol Mtscelleneous Map• records o r REAL EST ATE s EC u RI TIES laid 01anoe Co...nly SERVICE. tocered et 2020 North EXCEPflNG from 11 portion or Broedway, Sulla 206. In the Ctly or said 1ent1 111 o<I, gas, monorata and Sant• An•. Co...nly of Orange. S tate 01nor hy<Jrocaroon 1ub1tan~s ty1ng- ol C1tllornte. STEWART TITLE OF below 1 daplh or ~ leel from Iha C A l t F 0 RN I A. a C •II r or n 1 a sorlai;e or said II.nil but wlth0<.11 the corporation, ea duly appointed rtghl ol entry upon My portion 01 Tru1111<11 undet and purso101 10 the tno sort~ aoova o depth or 500 power ::l sere conle11ed on thel '"'· 10 lake market mine OJlPIOte cert9ln Deed of Tru11 •~.cuted by or drrll lor same -ts reserved 1n WI LLIAM E JOHNSON. racotded deeds rrom Marvin L Bosf) ano June IS. t982, 1n 1h4 olftee or 1ne Wanda L Bose, u co-tru'9eos ol County Racoroe< of Slid C.o...nly. as tne Boso Family lrusl detOd May Racord111 s Instru men t No 21. 1976, recorded in Book 11962, 82·204335 by reuon or e breach Page 21, end 1n Book 11962. Paga or d e faull 't" paymenl or 22. bOlh ot Off1c101 Rec:ord1 pe•formance ol 1ne obllga 11on1 ALSO EXCEPTING from a por11on secured thereby 1ncludtng thll of H•d teno ~II 041 gH, minerals and oreach or dalaull Notoce or whleh other hyd•OCArOOn aubatances lying was reco•dad July 16 t9112. u l>elow a depth 01 500 lee1 lrom t1u1 Recorde1 • s 1 n s t rum en t No aurtace ol se•d land,.i>ut wolh<>ut tne 112-247555. WILL SELL AT PUBLIC •-0111 of ontry upon any portion ol AUCTION TO THE HIGHEST tne •urlace 8b0\/a. depth ol !>00 BIOOER FOR CASH lawlut money fell 10 take market mono e•plo1e ol :ne United S1att1J or a ceahMlr's or 01111 lor s&me 16 •eserveo tn cneck c:rewn on 11 state or nattonal deeds from V1rg1n1a fl!ppen ~1ndet oank a Stele o• federal creo11 reco1oad Novemoot 16, t976 '" union. or a state or lederat 1avmga Book 11961 Page 1919 and Book and toan assoc1a11on domtclled tn 119111, P1190 1920 oottt ot Ollte;•OI tht1 sl•le all payeDle at lhe 11me or Rec.0tds Mio all rtgh1, title and 1"1M .. l llo4d The street addr11s~ Or o ther by II as Truslae 1n thlt real common de11gn11t1on ot the real Pf09«1Y 111u11e •n aaio C.ounly ond prQ9efly he•etnabove dosctt:>e<l 1s Slate delc<tbed as loltowS pU1por1ed 10 be l Choate t1v1ne PARCEL 1 LOI 59 ol Trac:l 5692 CahfOfnll 1n Iha City of Newport Baecn Tna undersigned hereby County ol Orange S late of d1sc1a1m1 ell t111b1Jrly lo• 1ny C.llf01n1a. u pe< map recorded In 1ncooectness 1n H•d str11<11t addres~ 1>0011 206, pages 24 thru 26 of or othM common dostgnatoon Mltc;eflaneous Maps, on the olllGa ol -.-Seid seto w11t bO me<Ja wltnout 1ne County Rocoroe r r!t said w1rranty e •pren or implied County rego1•d1ng 1111• POlll!ISSIOn QI PARCEL 2 An appUnenanl tlot\· ancun.orances 10 satosly 1110 8 •Ck.t11Ye .._,I IOI rng1ua anCl pt1nc1pa1 Ollance OI lho Note 01 901-. tnroughou1 Lot 70 or Trlci othe r ootog•llon secured by U•O 5692. In Iha City of N-port Beacll Oeed or fruit wtth onte1est and County ol Orang•. Sta10 o l otlle• sum• as prov•ded lnereon Cautornoa aa per map recordt!d on plua advance• 11 an / under lho 00011 206. pages 24 75 i nd 26 or terms lha•aol and 1nt11res1 on such Mlsc.ll•neou1 Maps, 1n tile 01!1«1 ot 1ovances. end plus 1;,es. cnargas the County Record•• o r utd and expenses or tr.e Trustee and ot County, and e.-nontt IOI wl)po(I Ille llUl1t CIOl!llecl by SAIO Deed ol And Mlllemenl -•Lo" I to 69 Truat The 101e1 emounl ot said tnclusive of H id tract ed101n said o bt19111on 1nctud1ng reason1bly LOI 70 1oge11\er wtlh e&M~" for a s1om1110 lees cna•ges e n d 11ve1 or ove1h1n9a w111r1 aucll e•pen ... ol the Trustee at th~ time •• ., • t • r . c 0 n 11 r u c t • d In OI onohal pubhGallO" or 11\IS Notice IS 1 ccord1 nce with 1pp1tcaOle $62.•27.76 mun1c;1p1I ord inance• 1nd tn Dated Oc1ot>at 19 1982 appurtenant, non .. x~llve •lglll 10 AMERICAN CITY BANI<. use the rac11111n loc:ated on &1id Lot a Caolltomla eotpoflllon 70 • Truet" The Slreet addreu or other fllEAl ESTATE SE C URITIES common des1gn1t1on of the reet N11VIC£ ptQOerly herein•~ d11c;rll>ed la • Celltomla c0fpor1llon purPQ11ed 10 be 2124 VIJii Laredo. lta Aeent Newoort Beach, Calllomte 0 ..1. ~.PY••· Th• undersig n e d hereby 2020 N. BfCIMwey, •20t dlSClatma •II t1abtllty IOI ltl)' ....... AM. CA '2'10I 1ncotrecl.-s tn Aki ltreet eddr ... (114) _...,O °' other common dellgn111on Pu1>t11ned Or•nge Cont Oa1ly Seid ule will l>e m•d• Without Piiot. Oct 2,. 28, NOY •. 1982 warrenty, oapreu or lmplled. 4634·82 regarding 11111 , poue11lon. or encumoranco1, 10 u1l1ly the prtnctpet b1tance of Iha Note o• other ol>ltgetlon MC:ured by Hid Oee<I ol Trual with 1n1ere11 1nd other 1um1 es provided tlle retn, plus advencas 11 any, under 1111 t«ma theteOI 1nd 1nl«est on IUCh 1dv111"9. 1nd ptua lees, charges 1nc:t expenMS of 11'141 TrultM end or the tru111 created by lllkl o.ed ol Trust The to1at emount ol H id 01>llg1t1on. tncludlng reu onal>fy eattmeted le••. charge• 1nd IX~ ot ll>e Trustee, It the lime ol 101181 pu1>11ea11on or this Notl<le, 11 $37,54& 99 0.led Ocl<>l>et 19, 1g112 STEWAAT TI TLE OF CALIFORNIA • Cellfornl• corpor1tton It TrvllM, By REAL ESTATE SECURITIES SERI/ICE, a Catllornla corporation Ill AQll'll 0 J. MorOfJ". Pree. 2020 N Broedway. •206 Santi Ana. CA 92706 (7 t4) 963-611 to Publllhad Or1nge CoHt O<tllV Pllol, Oc1 21, 28. Nov. 4, 1982 4635-82 Ml.IC NOTICE FICTITIOUI BUSIHE88 NAME IT A TEMENT The lollo•tng oerton ts doing bullntSI It BAJA TFiEKS. 17382 09ll"fV- Ctrcle •O. Huntington Beach Callfornl• 926AT Hat1ill Clere Tomauaw1k1, 173112 Oarryvtew Ctrcle •0. Huntington Be1c;h. C11tllornl1 92647 Th11 1>u1lness ts conducted by on tndMdusl H1me1 C Tomuz...io1 tlll• &181-1 WH nled wt1h lhe County Clerk of Or1nga County on Octol>er 19, 19112 f111t)8 Pul>ll1hed Orenge Cout Delly PtlOI. Oct 21 28 Nov 4, 1 t, 1982 •572·112 Ml.IC NOTICE flCTTTlOUI BUllNH8 NAMI aTATIMINT The tallowing pert10111 110 doing l>vtlnfta •• ....... ...,11aee. A"""°' .. u. MaOl..C-..-A- Or-...CA-(714) aMlt1 GREGORY 8 HOWELL 11 applying to 11>1 Oepattmenl of Alcotlol1c Beverage Conlrol fOf "4 I' On Sele a-& Wiltl (Public Eating Piece). 10 Mii llcol'()lk: t>everagea 11 1700 Pl1cen111. Coal• M1ta 1------------- Cllllornla P\8.IC NOTICE COMMERCIAL HOME ANO HEALTH PRODUCTS, 2S381-G AllCI• Perl!wey, Sutt• 318, Lltg11n1 Hih. CA 92653 Pul>llahed 011nge CoHI Dally PllOI, Oct. 21, t82 rta.IC NOTICE ACTTnOUa llU ... U ....... STATlmNT Tiie lollowlng ~r.on la doing llu91n1M -MICRO DISCOUNTS, 148511 Ov .. Rold, 11\11ne, CA 11271 4 JAMSHED A. FAAOOO UEE, 14'5t a.Ill Aolld. !Nine, (;A 112714 Tiiie ~ Is ConcNeled by Ill\ lncllv10u91 Jernth41d A. F.,ooqUM Thlt ltliWmerrt -fled wltll Ille County Cieri! of OfllllOI County on Publlah•d Orange Cou t O•lly 1---,-lC-m--tOU--1-.U-... --1-1-- Pllot, OC1 21, 1982 NAME ITATl•NT 45911-92 Thi! tottowlng pereon 11 dotng P\alC NOTICE ic.-1 .. NOTICI OP IMeeoLU'TION Of .. All'TMO .... bulllllN ... DESIREE JEWELERS, 230 E 17th St .. Coell Meea. CA 92821 AYOI N IPEI<. 24101 Via Sin F•nando. MllllOO Vlei<>. CA 92692 Thie buei-19 c;on(t\/Cted by en lndlvldtHtl Aydin tpel( Tiiie 1tatement wu llled with ,,.. Covn1r C*1I of Or•~ Covntr on Ootow 18, tN2 ,., ... Publlthtd Orange COHI Ollly Piiot Oot 21, 28, Nov 4, 11, 1982 • 4&28-82 October 12. 1"2 Puollc nottc. II '*'9bY glwn 11111 Ronald J Guyer, AllT9d A Her1men, G1oro• P v 1 11. 1 nd 1<0111 Properties, Inc , llefllolore doing butlneM urvStt IM fk:tlllou• firm n a me and etyle or PENSION INVES tMENT RESEAACH..C!OAR INOU8TRIAL. LTD II 901 Dove Slreel, Suite 2IO, City of Newport BMcll, County of Orenoe. s111e or I'~ Cll'lfomla, did on the 3111 d11Y of 1------------ 0 ,._ AuOUtt, 1M2. by mutut1 con-t P\atC NOTICE 1 Publlatt.d ranQt ....,u1 01lly di•~ The Hid P•'1n«alllp llld I---..;.~,;;.;.;~~-------' Piiot. Oct. 14, 21. 21, Nov 4• It~ 1.etmlntll ll'lelf rlltrtlon1 u Pttlnere PICTTTIOU9 .UtMal I 447M 2 llllreln NAm •T•TW•NT : ·-.,. --Furtller notlct 11 hereby given Tiit lollowtno Ptreon 11 doing 1 ~ ""'~ 11111 tri. un~•!Gnld will not l>e ~ .. : ' ---rMPQllllbll. "°'" thll d8)' on, IOI 1£ x E cu T I v E s u p p L t E s f ......,. :',::.:::;,......, a ny 01>llg111on ltt0urred by the COMPANY, 24331 Ool\M f Court, I ---·. Olhell In ll\lk' OWll narnee Ol 11'1 tn. L119U11& NIQWI, Celllomle 82877 I Nottee Ii li«t"Y QIWl'I th•I the name of Ille firm. Vlrolnf• Wong, 24331 Donner .,,,.,...,.. wtl no« 119 reepo11•bll OATEO AT lefltl Me. c.tlfornia, Court, L•ouna lilgue4. Calllornl• J for •nr dtbU or 11011111 .. 1Ne ,~ d"f of~. 1H2 t2t77 I conttlcild by ~ OtfW tllan ~ J. Ou)'W TMt ~la ~ed Dr an ,.,,.,...., Oii Of lft-' tNI ~ ~ O.O.• ,.,,,.., lndMduel • 1>tted ttt111 "''' d4ft al Octow. LAZOP MID tw~ Vlf'OWll Wont I 1Ma ~ fhle et..,_,l -l1l9d wtth Int ..,.,.,. I.. ~ -........ ar.......... County Oletti Of Oflfl08 County Oft 211 l "'" .... ... ... ...... Octobef , •• 1H2 I Coltl ...... CA .. , ..... AN. c .......... .,.. ,,,_ , Pul>llehed Orange Ooe•• Delly Pullll•lled Ore n .. Co••• O•lly Publlahed Orenoe CoHI D•lly Plot, Oct. to, 21. 27, IM2 '""°'· Oo1. 21. 1"2 PllOt. Oct. 21, H , No¥. 4, 1 t, 1H2 .. tW2 .... , .. 2 •61 ... 12 GERAlOO FLORES . IS 123 BrOOlchurtt. API 1211, Westmtnller, CA 926113 CARMEN S CUEVAS. 110211 Bellllower 8111d , L1k11wooo , C A 907t3. LOIS M COBURN, 3245-0 Sen Amadto. Lagun1 Hlll1. CA 92853 Tlllt l>ullneu 11 condUC'led by a ~II p.,lnerll!llp Geraldo FIOl9a Thie •l•l-1 wH llled with lhl County CWk ol Or•~ Co...nty on Oc:1obe< 111, 1982 ,,, ..... Pul>ll1h1d 011nge Cont 01lly Pltol. Oct. 21. 211. Nov.•. 11, 1982 4645-112 PUBl.JC NOTICE l'ICTmOUa tuelNIH M,._ ITATl•NT The following par1on I• doing ~ .. HALLMARK CONSTAUCTION COMPANY' INC., • C11tlotnll corpot•tlon, 5482 B111lnAI Ori.,. Unit D, Hur111noron Beech, C11110rn111 926411 Ao 11nd 111 ry. 1141 J11mtn1 Street. Cotta Mnt. C1llforn11 t2t2t Thie ~ 11 ciondueted by an 11nlncotpor11ed aa1C>Clallon 011\ef 11\en • pertfttl'alllp ~8erry T'Nt •l•t..,...t ... ftlld wtth ,,... County Clerlt Of Oftnoe counir on Oolotier 1t, lllH ,, .... Publl•h•d 011n9e Coeer Dilly P"°', Ocl 21, 21. Nov 4, 11, "t:l .. ,. .. , Woodford Spindler Caldone Walker Baldwln Evan• Retired Newport bank founder named advisory board UJernber George L. Woodford Jr., rt•t1n·d foumh·r and prcstdl'n or Nl·Wpot'l Nutwnal Bunk und Anu·rll'OI Samoa &mk, now ~• VL'li a1> t1dvisory bourd nll·111ht•1 ror Na111111ul Aunk o f Southe rn C<1 l1for111a Un oq~antt:.tllon) JI (' has ser vl•d Ill ,,.v 1·ral adn111\lslrau vc· po'it.s al sl~·unty pj(.'lfll' NJLJOnal Bank for 25 ycan> A N1•wport Beach n·st~ll·nt, ht· 1~ a graduate of thl' C:rnduat<• ~·hool of B:111k111g al Hutgl•r-s Univt01'l>1ty Ccmt1nu1og Edu1·at11m l11w1 n.itwnol. :in Orang1· County -bast.-d I arm spet•1ullz1ng 1n c.unl111u111g education for nu111Jgc•nwm 11{ all levvls, u11noun<.'t!:o. thl' appointml·nt of ttetb Spindler <r:o. dtr<'<.'tur or markNmg Domenic M. Caldone has lx·t•n promutt"1 to Vll't.' pres1dl'nt uf cl1.>mes llt' sale!> fur KwtkSt•t 01 v1swn, Emhart Hardware C roup, Anaht·lm Culdcmt· wtll ~ n-sponsrble for salt•s managt•mc-nl nf Kw1ksd S\'<.'unty produc.:b in th(: U S d o mL'Slll' markt•t Ellen Walker or &·al &·ach h<e> JOIOl>d Ut:11111s Klann. Ac'{'Ounwnl.S, Im·. u f Newport 84.-ac.:h as daui prnn·ssrng managc·r S he was furmt•rly aSS<J1.01all'<I wllh M l'dtcal Assm·1at1 on Managc·nw nt Co., of Carson . and rad1u station KlK-F'M of Orangt• C1•u11ly. Dick Baldwin has bt'Cn appointed dirt'l.'tur of markC'ltng of th(• h ydr<iuhcs d1v1s1o n of tht• Park£•r Bcrtt't' Aerospat'<' Group. Parker Hanmfrn Curp , OVER THE COUNTER NASO LISTINGS Nt:W YORI( IAf'I ComtlH "" 1 b••• ln8W \#\ 8'• 8 ... Ph•••nn NA~OAQ QUOt-hon' (n11Sf\t 'fl,,, hllfaSoVt ""• Ji Ptontt• " "'OWi~ ,,,~, D•Ch (.m,.tel 1\ •• , J•"~'ov II II • Pte)ll,.. •t\O l()ilrlllf\t offH \ b'( C<>'IP•P >•·· ,. . J•t•(.() ,, . a .. PO\\I\ nt•t •el ""*'Pf\ •\ ~ (OfO" Jo'. ~ ..... ¥JJ1tty l 1• ' p, .. ..,c,w Wed P,,,., oo no1 (rO\l , .. t9 • ,."" JO\lyn " /h .. 18 • 1 Pr\Stevn 1nc.ludtr-' .. fm4'••VO '""'' 0 ~. ' . K•"!.I DI 1• • '' • Pr09ro "'•'"'00""" OT con1m '''""'" • • • K•I••' t• • I • Pb.S"Nt t\\lon 10' WNJ 01.0 .. ' , ........ .C•m•n ,. •• H I Purl- SIO< • B>d 4\k O•YIM ., . .,~ tlf'ff~V \ 1' , 11 Put Ottf! K.1n10.11 4E ~tnct t\.11 08tt• I•• \ 1l JI ·;~~.,I ~~:.cp Af-APrOI ~. ll • g:~~~~· U'• H 1(1n91nt oc,ooJ't. )\ • )I I R•ymno AVM (p •'• ~· • t04. ,,. A( •dlti\ t9~ 19 , 0.,.•yEI I•· I • kn•P.-11 ·~ ·~ :1 ~~~~~ A t(Ufoill'p ,, •• fl+. o •• , .. ,, , ... 10 "'"'"' AOOt\f"IW .,. 1) 01,-'n(tu ,.. l~ Kul•,•e 7., H RobbMr A0¥~C°1'~ ... ••• Oo<<lOI• '•'• Ut'• l•nc~ ' 2c. • , .... Aov\f Allll>ll 1a• •••• Oollr(,n )J'. ,, • L•ndA"' . . ... ~C:U••' Afl(Oln(. n Jo • °"~ lllll •• ti L•,,..Co ... ',, S.ft'(:O ,.,.,., .. ~ .. ~ Lttnw\ lt ,. . S!Heo<i<I Ottel(n " . , .. AF-urn ... .... o..,nirlO , .... ,, t l.ln8ro" J)4, )J • StP•ul II ,.J. 5'tf1pH •c:,, • .,, ... )& OurtrO'\ 104 .. 11 ~?r':n AtnGp ,. ••• JI .. )I S.O•o••~ t.•tn\'nc. II I"• • ,...\II"\ ••••• Econl-•O 2• • >•"' M(;f Oot I ' )•• S..n~" .°"." , ... "· EtP••EI 11 11-.. -•(;( ,. . ,, S"cMc-r ARt>M\i n 1 1•' Elek• t:W S S4..1 ==~:"' >·· • I S.v<m" Atw01tf' ''· • El•Nu<r ,. .. ·~ • .. I SnMHI •nos.• ., .... '1'. EtMoo ~ n n. Nl<ort011 l 1 • • I S.hwmul Al\QAC.0 .. .... EnrO.v n •. n , M4tu1LP :: .. ~;:.1 ri~.~~: :gr~~ II'-1) .. EntMtt 71102· M•rPI 10' I >l Enfh1• ) )\• ::!:l:'r!! .... ·--1 SC•IWlf AreknC.1> ~ . I'' Entwl•tl 1)'. " U ' • 2141 ~wEISiw AllC:.•ll l•O. ..... ~~I~(' ....... Mt f .,1 •• • • ._ S\•ndwn AUM\A \ n ))1. •• 1 l1 =~:o 11 11'. Std M•UO ~vntrl 11'• lV • f'.rm(,O )9\,_ ,.~ h • U l ... StdR~ 8800 s.1. ,. •• fu:tltor 1•'· , .... M•ouw '° ' ,, S.•nhm. :::::~& I • I • flB•S.-1' ' Jt' I MdlO(.w> • .. Sttt1$1 I I' fl80\ln .. •• Midi Re' ••• .. Str•wt t B•noHE ,, .. ,, ' rn.~f~n )I ' II Mtdl8> \ ,. , ... W o..ttu 8•"< A 0 11 .. I . ... ' . ~:~1~e'1v l• • 10· 5.wl>t'' E• B•utF-t ll ' lJ•· Ft~•• n u-. ,, • l/.l, B•Yr•M• •l~ ••• ~It( ,, w . " _, ... )QI . )()'.. 9..,11,. >"' ~--f t•N I• l'I 79•· -nl(OI •• . ' 8•ntPI I\ ~ .. .. F turoco I , I , =~;G l'04t ..o~. 8fl'U L ' loo . l~ f otf'\tO ''"'• "10 1'I 1'1' llrvM01 n .. u r?~~~t'· \ &'' Mot\l)ln .. ..... 8100Co •• ••• I/ tJ -l(llA> ., .... 10+. 8110~ ,, .• t1 • F••nHf tJ•' 1)4. Mu•••tr .... " ' 81f"l (hf \ .. , .. f ..... ~" .., ... ,, N•rtQ( rt " JI BlyY-1) tl\o f 'f''"°H" 1 • I~ NO•I• ....... 8on•nt I I) .. 1 FullrH8 11 . n ... N~1 .. i.S ,. • 111-.. Orw rom ... -.. GnAvtm 1•. .. NY ~1rl 1, r• 1 .. l1·v1n1· l311lrlw111 t111d lx•1 11 ,, ll'j{ll>n<ol nwr1agt·r for Park<•r lil·rll·:1, IMM d 111 S(•vlll<·. W ;1sh }J I Jc.rn·r.1 .ind A''oc 1;1!1·-.. Nt·wpm l Bt>ach - 1,.1:0.l'd pu b l H ri·l.1111111' 111111 •• 1nn11unic·s the Jppv 111lnll'nl of P utriciu A. Evans .ts ol'count ,1dm1111!>lrnl111 Au 11 v11w l!">tc.Ji-nt. Jo:v:1m. graduated with homu s ( 1<1111 U( ', S:i11 l>u·go rn L;, .Jolla ( '11 rl Ka r chcr. lo iu11d1 ·1 .. nd , h.111·111.1 11 uf thl' bH<1rd 111 l':Jrl K.111 lr•·r 1-:1111·11111"·:-. <JI An.Jhl'1m, wh1d1 "l"'tJll'' '.l:!.1 11lu-. t·,,, 1· .. Jr f1•:-.wur:.inls m Cal1f111 ntJ, Ar 11011.1 .11111 Nt V<t<.J.1 h,L, lx-.·n 1nv1ted lo :-.t•r v t· on .111 .1dv1s•1r' 111mrrHl l1·1 to 1 out o ut 1ndf11°1l'ltt) 1n H·cll r:il ft·Nling prug1<111b The t·orn1111lll.'t' will rl'\'Ort1nw11d wav:. to n •d u1 ·t• costs of rooc.J Sl'r VI(.'('' Ill ~·hoob., 11\llltal y b<JM•<;, prisons, Vl'tt•ran's hosp11A1b .ind W(•lfc1rt· (1)od programs Para~utt Wt•1.,1 Kn1t1111J.! Mills. In1 . 5'120 E La Paltt)a. AnahL·tm, Jt1t11JUl111·c.J th.1l tL' l'f,rporatc stock h.c. 1,. .... n dt·4u1n-<I IJ) l'ow1d11n lnrlu~tnt-s, (m:., a wholly uwtw<i sul"1dra1' uf n1 w llS lndu~tr1es, I 11t ' Nt•Wµort 1\4.·<il h Mark L. Wright. !JI• ~1dt·11t 111 llunu11gton S;,vtngs .111d Lo,1n ;\'"" 1.1u1m, h.c. <mni1un<.'t:d that his ftrm h.J' wll,. lt'(l 1111 Cux and Jlun·h Advertising C1Jmp.mv 111 N, .. ,, p111 I B1.•a1.·h for .1dvt r11s1ng a nd µubltt n•lat1uns n ·:.p1111 ... 1htl1ttt·' •I o• s • ..,,.\ , .. I IUPS AND I• • I• • l iMl O<. DOWNS . 1 ;:~~~,·, f l •• , It• ... t} II ft•· .0 f f'cun1P ., IA; Nl'h f(JR;t; ,. .... lnt tO.IO'A1nQ II\.\ jl' )lj 1•1(m~ 11 IJ \h-V•\ ""' l.hf"f thr Counter ,., 1 .. l~~nl •• \tOC •\ itNJ •ct•t•M-. '""' htt•t -UC> " . ,,....,, 1 IJ>t•t' I ht rr•O\I MWJ CXI""'' .... tltY'\I ... \Kon .... ,, 100110,1 pitttenl ~ \."'ltnQll'-t~tOlt'\\ ot YOium< •o•. II lO'f(il4'1 ~ f •Wf!'t t· ''' IU lO • fW\I~• ) . • I I• fft<.oPa " It N O ""'""h,. .. ftll'IQ1~ a.10-. U •t• •Ml -0 ,_,.~, t>tne) "rt "''''•Ut \ n..••\ •t• thr .. .. T y\onf o Xi • J UnM ((.11 •• II Q1ffll"tfl'f"e,t tel ... ,." """ 5'••. °""' .. lo'WnQ )I) • )I) U~ En• I \ I \fl I t g• Ir-1w, .. 1 " 4 • 1 J ~,f ... (!t ~ ~. US Sur I! 18 9•. 10• US Tr<.• 11 • " ll'· 13 U11•8"' ,, ... UP~ 31, • ~~F-~'1 ' • 0. •l"• " ••• lif. • ,....,". ., 110 ..... v ..,1R ~ ff{ ' I t '' .. , \(t\. )4iil 1'-\1 \J '< Ut> t4•. "' • V•lf'lil•fl .. ' b •tf'QI • .. ... VP .. o v..,Ou\ .. . u. t\•• lrnv.' . ' '. UP WS VfUfO , tr I\•• » V•ctr•)>I \•o I • (Jin \ I • . Up lb. n 17.., VtO.oCp \ .. I AW(J #'tt I ' VP JOI ....... V•N ii\/\ 11 • II • A1ot\f•O' I ' UP JOI .... ,~ ... W•rnEt r7 I/ • I .-MSl"i0 ' . Up 19• l1 ll'-W~hl.nt " .. • 'tbr1••• I\ ' Up 111 II ,, woe~o '" ". • •MOS• I I Up 11 > II 1\. WHoia .. " 10 .A~M ...,,,..,, 10 -I Up us 171, 1]+. wmorC tk 1• II ~v Jolt-; •0 1 Up u s •• II • Wettr•Y •• •• I) En'~' ) ) ,, ... Up 10.I JO JO W 1Wf0 ' Ii oe tl Q•Pt"'' • . UP 11),0 I) U • ~OIYAlu r '. .. ()plo< l<O ,1 .. UC> 1•. l~ ~ 1 :::~01 '· ' IJ I\ "'-Ml'oO ~·· ) .. .. uo ... ,, " ,. Ami(~ •• . J VP 1' 1 l ' l"-' WtlQtttv-i l • . . r 1••~" . . ... UP II I )l ' )l L•onUt • "'' •• (Jt(,._,..., ,, Up 11 • .. ., r· .. ~ ..... ,. 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I "" r· . l'-, p ' .. 0 1•111ou <..oHI DAILY PI LO f /lhuredily, CJGIC>bor ?1, 1118~ ('8 Dollar up; gold down LONIX>N (AP) T hi· lJ ~ d u l1J1 1tlt>l' 1n 1·~irly f1111·IKll l')H li,Jll~I· lr.1d1t11-t ti1tlay oU111lJ pl t'(ft( llCJn' ur 111tl'f l"1>l r.it•· dP' lllll"' 111 Eu1.,1w .ind J.1pa11 (;111d dro pµt·d follo w111g l11 .. 1vy ..,.1Jtn1< 111 N1 ·w Y111 k lult• 'J\tc•MJay Tlw <l111l111 's :.tn·n1otlh wa11 alll 1hutt.J by Eum1>1··•n J 1 Jh•1-. 111 :.1>1.'( ulatmn about µu~'llJI<· intt•re-.t rnlc")l t"\JL.., uy :.U.1lt· lxmk ... Ill W t"l>l Lll'l lllany <md J~1pa11 Sud1 l0ULI> w 1111ld 111.1k1• 1nv1•i.l11Wn l' d1 ·111,m1nal1•J Ill thr1 t· L'Urt1•111·tl'1> lt·i.i. ,11lr,wt1 v1· lh.111 dullJr <.h..norr11nal<·d 111v(•i.tmcnu. ( :nld b«·u :1n Llw lt ,uJing d<ly hy r11 ll111g $H H.I Ill I long Kung U1 d LJM• Ul $4:l7 o:i .1 lroy llUnt"l' Import claims nixed WAS lllN(:TON (AP) Th<.· Suprc.•m1· Cc1urt h.i' rc•J1·c•t1·d 1 la 1111' th.at th1· fl·dt·raJ gov1·r nmt·n1 r ll(·g~tlly fm (1·1l1·d up tu ~500 rntll1on an po lt..nl1;il 1mp111 t dultl'!> !>tl•111111111g from the sail· or Jap<Jnt-w It' lf'Vl!'lll)I) !.d is The C()urt. w ithout c.rnnm1·11t, l1•t :.Land a dc-<:ib1on that lhl· ~ovl·rnnll·n1 in llJIW al·l~ pwµcrly m settling l.'h ;1rg c·s th<i t thl• J a p<J11t•s<.· W£'rt~ selling sets for unl<J1rlv low pnn~ Trade surplus told WASHINGTON !AP) -The Unitl-d States h eld a $I 1 blll1on s urplus 1n trade w ith C ommunis t t·ounln«s in the s pring quarter. largc·ly because of food. rt'l-d, and fertahwr sak-s l(I Lhl· Soviet Union . a ~overnment n .•port ~vs Thl• U S ln tcrna t 11m al T r au l· Comm1:. .... <Jn SCJyS that b<·tw<.•(:n April and Jurn· uf th1i. ye<tr, lhe U S surplus 1n trad t· with Communist nations amounll>d lo $1.1 bilhon dollars STOC KS IN THE SPOTLIGHT N(W VOR .. 1AP1 S•I•• W•<ll ... l<l•y P'o<.41 """ ,_1tl c.nahqtt of tl'\f! hhM'111 '"°'' .c.t1v• New ~:,:~1.~~0~~·Mi~~ttt~:~\~ ISIY"S t• •dt"\J p,,,,., ISM E:••on 8'"''"•' ,, ' ~d,\Roet; AM R C.Otp l •noy us s1...,1 W•tnfCum JOnn~n Pep~IC.0 M~rf'tfl l •' l'hlllP\l'l!I Mot111 (hr \'\If'# I HO 9()() I nl,)00 I ()ti llOO I 011 000 l~.9()() '181,000 'IOl.100 601 000 81'1,700 820,400 ll00.600 111,400 110 700 114 100 Ill 000 IJ'• .,., JP • 00 11 I•~ l"'• 19 • _., .. •l • .... ~·· )) . 11 ... .. . . " ·I~ I'• • l'. . .. j . '• ... AMERICAN LEADERS t•[W fOR~ tAP; ,_..., WedtMt»<J•v OO<.• 1no net c~ an94 o! tf'le I•' mo1t •ct•-.• Am@t•C•n Stoel\> C ''han;e .-tu•• h a01ng Aft()ftelif •I ~· U •n i I w. "9 11 lMl llOO Oom~Plrl HO oOll , ... _ Ho 211,JOO ~~;:f;,<>'' ~ ~ Rt\1tln1 i , .. ..00 HtlmRtr.C " ,,. )QC> I( trbvE•u UI )()0 .. ,.,.,.,,. )0 JOO C.on01I C..• 1111 700 UPS ANO DOWNS .... , , ... )'> ... •l • 11'-,, I •O ,,,.., ,., ' 1 •• " I .. NE W YOR"-t.Af.'I 'hf-IOllOW1nQ 11\I \fl.OW\ ..,.., "'""' 'Y0t• Sto<• ( •(f\fo"O"' ti.tock' •no w,.,,•nh ,,,Al n.. .... ~ up I ... n>Otl -OO•rl I... M~I IN~ on oercent of <twnqe-tf'q1ttOff"\\. ot "'01\#f'nf' '"" ,,.~ .. u!: ~f~!:~ r!,'~'7.:~0~n'J..:•;;~ d1Urr.,-,c.1t t.-tw ... ,, lhrr pr•••nQu\ ('CJ\'AQ (>f.Ce: AM W.Ol'\ofl'MJ~~t Cl m Ofte• Nd mo Lnl (l>Q Pt I I Cona<:,p CJ4A 10 • I) Up n. l CitW\l~p fl 10 , 1"-UP II I J Ci~n A~lr¥ • ._ UP 18 I • G•rbt.'rSc: I tl•• • l; • Uu 11 l S 0 •1• c..nt :i.• • •' • Up II I • C•MI R-•I I'. UP IJI , C-4tttf• C~t • I • 1•. Up u. I Cl'>t yslt'r WI J • .. VP I )• • E\19rlnt 10 , • 1.. Up IJ 1 10 Mebf .. totne .. "-• • f uo '1 • 11 Mat ... I WI 1l • I" VP I) l g i1:~r~~~ ~. ~: ~~ :: : '' AmSt.-,d ~1 ; .. J•, Up tt I U W flltn,(I n U'• • It / UO t1 ) ll Okl•C.E f:' 1 ~ Up 11 1 :~ ~~·x~p ~ ~.! ~= :g : ~ !f:.':'.'t'2u> ~~ • : !~ ~= :g: 11 EIO<I "-UO< 10'> I UP 10 • n Eou•-k Cp ... ' Up 10 J ll M•llel I"< )I) • I'• UP 10 j 14 M:trr GI•\\ 11 • • p,. Up t01 71 11mero 1 70c>I .. ' • • • Vo •O • DOWNS GOLD COINS l••\., Ch\_ l't "' ,,.. "• ·~ ~ 14 I Pit OH 11 l Ot• • l OU I I Off 1 • 011 •I )'o • Ott •I )'• • lO'• 1 .. ' "I· ).lo, .... 1' 1'' ""' )1'~ ~ ,,.,, ••• , .. 11 ) J JO'- .. 0 11 t O ., I ... ] ' I • ... '• I ... "' ,,,, .. 1. .. .,. 011 1 • 0 1• 11 Otl I I 011 10 Oii •• Otl •• Ott •• 011 •• Otl •I Oii • 1 Ott 4 I Otl •• Ott •• Off • l Ott • ) Otl • 0 Ott • 0 Ott • 0 t • Off 4 0 Due to late transmission today's list ing wlll no t appear In the Dally Piiot. DOW JONES AVERAGES NEW VORICIAPI Ftrw> Oow J~\ ••G' tor w.., 0<1 10 UOC.ICS Opef\ Hlell Low CIOw Oltl >O lno 2'0 1,n 15 VII •S SI .. In.du\ Tr•n Ullh 1ou 1~ 103> n 100> <ie 1ol0 11 • 10 n •II " •13 II •II 11 411 .. • I .., 1n ~I IJJ II<> 110 to 17? 00 0 1• )'9'.116 .01 .. l"lO .. 400 °'. • " o s" WHAT STOCKS DID N EIN V(Jl<K t AP) 0<1 1~ AO"•n<.ed 0.<l•nt<I UnchMIQO(l Tol•f ·~~\ Nf'W hlgf\\ New 'OW\ .......... ..,., ' T.- 9)1 140 m '°" ll4 , NEW Y()RI( !A P) ()(1 >O Aov•n<eo 0.<h..O uncn._ 1 ot et l\i.u-' "'•"" njgh\ Ntw IOW\ METALS Too., 1n 1 <.» l " ..,. )OJ 1 •.:iot.JOO M U.000 I tCit,QI IJ,110,JDO p,...., ~ri. •SO ~ ,,., 111 I ~· ~ , .. 11' 1011 m ' NEW YORK (API Spot 'IOl'lleaou~ melal P•>OeS We<JneSda> Copper 72•• 7!> cefllS a PO<Jnd, US des1111al>0n• lb Leed 23.29 c:enLS a oouna ZI~ 40-42 cents a pc>und dehveied Tin $6 :?178 Metals weei. compos•le -'lumlnum 76 c;ents a pc>uno N Y Mercurr $370 00 per llasi. Plallnum $338 00·5344 00 1roy ounce NY SIL VER f1ano1 eno f<Mrnan $9 78 per troy OYoce GOLD QUOTATIONS I J Tiie AHOC:lal.cl p,... S e le ct e d w orl d gold CH>ce• WeOnesoay London morning tmng $4?9 75 otl SI I 75 London atlernoon h~•no $422 00 011 SIS 50 Perla allernoon r1A1no $4 25 65. 011 $t2 57 Frankfurt """V $429 00 o ll S8 96 Zurich let!' allernoon fi~lng S•23 00 ott S 17 00 b•d $4 24 00 aSl\eO HanOJ 6 Harman tonly Oaoly Quote) S422 00 011 S 19 SO Eno-lhard 1on1y dl'•ly Quotel $422 00 oltS19SO Engelhard 1011ly da•ly quota) l1b,,ca1eo $443 10 Oii $20 48 SYM BOLS J Nto"A -.rt•rto, IO"A i N.-W yf'•''" hlQh 1 ,, .. ~ tlhft•""'1~1 notf!i'C , .. 1.-, 0 1 '3•Y•0Cti\Jt •"' ••fl 1.,,, nt\tlUrlf!menli. ou"~'l on ,,,., l.111\I ]\H•r11•• 1 01 t em1 l\nnuel dtt\:11'•1•0n ~ur•r1.; " ~•IUll t11°'1dend) ()f O•ym~nt~ f\nt d,., o• AtNI .n it*gvt•f .,,. tO«tf'\hf1.0 ~n tt\t.ol t •v.-. "·v h•n•nnte~ , A1,n "'''• • .. , .. ,.~ b A nn\lai '•'~Cius I It. 0 vtOr' t1 < Uqu1oa1ino 01"Wt0~0 :J«.ta1M C>' J> .. •d '" Qtf"(~•"O ,, mOlltP'IS ON:l••eo °' D••O 1llP• stoc~ O••o0..-o .,. 'Ohl uo f PA1d th•1 ye•" 0•'1•0end om1t1ed l)f'I•"'"" (II "° tCl•()n "~~" •I I.SI Otvl(J~no ""'" .. ~'''0 ., {')t('IAlt'd Of P••d thlf v••r l rt tCl \IM"'Ul.1t1v.-•tilu(t w1H'I dtYfdttnd5 1n .,,.., .. f Nt•vrr I''" .. t C)ecl•t&O Ot o••O .n ptKedH'\9 ll """'!~• 1•lu• 11«• 0Md9"0 I Pt oO '" 'Irk. .. ,ft (ttrc ... cN''tig 1,l mott"11 (li•hmAtttd <•Sf' ..... kw ~ fU OIV•d•nc> Of •• 01strit>uhon ,, ... , E. OH;t0end1 Of ~· tighte y Ea Cit~ and \,Hie• ''' lu>I I S•~ on IUll C•O c;,,,,,., wll wn .... Ol~lribvl&d WI Wn•n ''""'" ww Wdh ~Mt1tnU •• WUhOul warr•n1.I. •O•I (,, t11•lr10"t1on PE '•hO l~ 'lf<ft Of 41 >t OCh _.. • ,,,uftlPlf> ot ()f't ah•1e •tfn1ngA dfft1veG D\o O••oO•<>o 11>1! lt lH I 11 ~ti\ "tll'l•"Ot llQ\lf• tnto '''' u•• ouce USLI' pfl.U ltO JHt • .. Utllel'll \.~ . 11 '"-UltPl 2.lt t •" 21 ... • ,,, Wll~lll•t11 ~ n IS"' ,#Wh"lfllO•JlS i211\,1 .. WalCSw .. Ii >O uoll .. • '~• WMIF e!• 12 » "'i"-t 1"4 •llJm , Ill >1111 utt • , .. :i:::~1r ,~ 1J~. '~ UIPL pf 100 10 ll .. UIPl pf J.«I 4J Jl \o., ... UIPL pf JM " It .. UIPl pf 00 I II ... -v -v - VF (II J 10 10 ))I """' • '" Velt ro J1 6 U1 JH11 • .. V•ltJI" 10140 Ill )... 14 v..,g,,. I 11 I .. ..... \11 VMCO tt 1 tn lh .. .,...... )2,, 121 ., • "' I~:~. ~~ '~ 1::: ~ .,..... " "" .. VntS. 1.. .. U l~:r,:;. 2 ti 1I ~ ,J;1,,: I \11 V•IPw I SI 11141 lfl• "" Vel!"llf J !fi "°"\~•l\11 ~=1~," ""-5 :. ', 0 ""1"~~;;\11 • I 1 ... 110 .... 1\11 • ~,. uoo ~ ... ~a -'°· u \11 + ... •€ J 1.n 1100 st • I •• , "". tlltO ~~ ... Verfted 41 11\11 VIII< Ill< 40 . 21 10~ • ~t Vtll(ftlltl 261 I • -'" "---·-WtCOlt l I• ' .. , ... • I• WK~W IA '" >4 '-WK -' t 2IO • l " ., ••• WK Ill .. 11 •1 l•h 14 ::,:r,r. ·~ti = J."'. = Weterfl ti 20 1J .. •II"' \11 WelU (JI 1 .0 130 ~1 • J> I WllPll Ill l rJIO »'-• '-•t M( I )0 I :IOI •••' h WllPrl I fllO JO WrnCm l 11 ..., >1"' • J.. I = 1• ·-··-• .. WuntL I .., 14,,.. 191.. ,, WI\ fl , • ~· -, • WA .... ,... 2 ,. • .. 11\11 "' Whit I IJ 101 10 •• ~ WllllNt 1' ~...,_ •I .. ,. .. I •• II 1•1 Jll">' ~ Wllllta IAO • 1029 U •I ... etH lll't 1iO I 1'-. Wlelll.. 1' 4 ·~ tllW1 t,• I l.. '°~' w1111...,, I.JO 1t llU 1e • .. '"'' .Jl '° •m ....... I w Im( " •• JIJlt 14••' '"' alllln ... II JIJ .ia ••• Wli.t1rO "' 10 ti . WaJOot 10 6 6 t '" WlllOM t -cl IO tM~r \11 Way0 111 t0 II .. • '" Wlnflbt •1 41 ulllo. • I 61111 Qtj Ill 2vt .. Wlfli~J IJj ,,,_ -aft .. '" J 11 w1· p •1 ~ ~ H I\ • W.MO UO I ll\• "' w, .. 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"'- Q_range CoHt DAILY PILOT /Tllureday, Ootober :Z t, 1982 Surfaced four ~ ~ thK kHn llr1l'<I Pine for prolt'm arounll home or shOO REG ~10 49 won't abSOrb moisture so they won t blister. curl or buckle Awallable In Desert ran Autumn Brown Or Sh~t.l White u l approved j·~~;liiSi~;:::---'2"""----~--~~--~--~------------~ MANO' WAR ~~~_....L,__-,.orlne •11or llornl•lt SG'!! REG 16 99 Clear ~s Of ~tin finish buutlf~ ' prot.rn .... Dtlt:lalr. Your Choice 112 PINT TUNCSEAL wood S~oln llEG 12 99 Stains ancl seals Jn one step Stt999 ~111 ~sand saw or B'' Fable flaw REG 110 99 Pr~~~ I Prottcn crioice Of solkl or semwa~ent COion 33" K 22" STAINLESS STEEL REG '149 99 Cu1' intricate ~ns. ~r~ anll str~ht cu~ Double Insulated for sate OPtration #9411 ooullle •owl Sink llEG '149 99 Hanclle'S lar9l' cutting ~ With ease. QulCltlY and accurately All· ~ t31>1t r10 tence # 9419 s29ss GOS t11ocer~~ 118,.ce~, . . ~ •••••• ~i~ ~. It(,. 11109. !Qtur:, ~ '~'~%->·. f5·'° \MSl All.A l\OM AV A\\.AB\.£ ANTIQUE OR POLISHED BRASS FINISH Enerv1.ock OR SINGLE CYLINDER oeadbole llEG. 19.99 Fotur~ full 1" t11row wttll stttl case ll¥OenfCI Pin. uncornc>ar*e qu•tv ancl Konom'f #ll160llJ660/ll1100lll1600 THERE'S AN ... ANG£LS IN YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD SHOP MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY 9 TO 9. OPEN SATURDAY AND SUNDAY 9 TO 6. .......... I QUALITY CONSTRUCTION CEDAR ROUCH SAWN 1"K4"X 6 ' 0011 Sor Picket's Our~ mracttvt c~r 9° Illa makt5 an amactive fence 7 ... c"..~~~E 79e ... ,.. .,,,,..., ~H9_,,,,,, l.OCkS Locks Slldlng glass OOM and •In· oows on llOr1zontal or Vfftleal tracts. ISW 521/Pl 1970 ROUCH SAWN 8 FT. LONC Cedar l=enclng 2 " x 4 " ..... adm Rolls St•• ;;,~,.. $.99 Du~ Qua11tv cedar ~ fO< tenc1ng IJOOter boat5 parlO framing and more 1613 SO FOOT ••r.,,.lon Cord -··· Grounllfd outOoor eatemton cord 10516·50. ...... .. UNO l GIMy 6~~ Notti\ Miis 394 ()fange Sl\Ow 1093~ f. f11es1one 12662 Cll191Nn 2317 l Sovlll SI 7800 Ed1n~r Avt '1940 V"IOfY 3309 S 811s1ol SI 10331 MfOnol" 13999 S Wtsttfn 977~ 8'Mtlftt lie! P314 S ._ni..n 21849 S WllWll .,,,, f41·"" (7141624·1693 (714J N9'9661 (2131868-9991 (1141 7~ 3441 (~131 01-7~1 (7141 847·6066 "131348 88~ tt1 4) 9t9 9191 171416811034 12131 ~2'2833 (7 141980·0212 17141983 3444 12131 !147-1122 llHyPtlat ClASSlfllD Looking for a car eer in sales? ~ Thurtdey, October 2 1. n>82 See today 's llelp Want ed ads, classification 7100. ,j ~ ---- How , lo Get Rich This Year Starting I rom Zero I Don't wait for success. Make it happen! You are not only what you are today, .but also what you choose to become tomorrow! Sure -tlm•• •r• tough •nd m•klng money le h•rder th•n ever -but th• peopl• ll•t•d below •r• r•klng In th• doll•r• •ft•r h•vlng ••nt for my m•t•rl•L You c•n do the ••m• If you h•v• • elncere d••lr• for extr• Income. T•k• • minute to read thl• •d with •n open mind. It could really change your Hf• and make your eecret dream• come truel • 17 ,000 In 2 montha-J•m•• •••t, Levlttown, PA • 130,000 In 1 month-Jiii White, Loa Ant••••• CA • 18,230 In 1 month-Thom•• Clol•, Utlo•, NY • 140,000 In 1 month-George 8owm•n, C•nton, Ml • 118,000 In 3 week•-Viator w., C•rplnterl•, CA • 193,000 In 28 d•Y•-lteve H. Nowlln, lndl•n•polla, IN • 120,000 In I montha-lteve Murphy, M•nh•tt•n •••oh, CA • 1100,000 In 4 month•-••rrl• Konloov, Gr•nd R•plda, Ml ABSOLUTE PROOF Here are the figures of my actual bank deposits for the months of May, June, and July 1982.1 reveal these confidential figures not only to prove to you the prac- ticality of what I'm doing but, mainly to encourage you to do the same. With the material l am going to send you, these could be your bank deposits. There:s no mystery to It-I tell you exactly what to do. Mey4 .................................. 1,212.44 Mey7 .•••.•••...•..................... 24,I0"6.74 Mey 11 O • • • • o • • t • • t t • t I I I t f f f I f I f I f f f I f f l ,lao.17 Mey 1 1 .............................•.. 14,000.00 Mey14 •.....••.•....•.•.•.•.•......... J2,N7.M May 11 ..........•.••...•.. , ,, .. , .. , , .10,111.11 May 21 .......................••••.••• , . 1,'°7.42 Mey 25 ..••.......•..........•......... 17,007.13 Mey27 .•............................. 1,111.M Mey 27 . . • • . . ...........•............. 1,702.IO TOTAL 1130, f f 1.05 June3 ...•................•......... , .. 12.141 .12 June 4 . . • . • . . . . . • . . . .................. 2,4n.37 June.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . • . . 1 s.000.00 June I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44,424.20 June I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.551.00 JurM 11 ... -.••....•.....••............ 15,Ht,15 June15 ... , .. ,, . .. •. . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . 5,M7.12 JurM 11 .•...•...•.•.••.••.••.•.......... 4,000.00 June 11 . . • . . . . • . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . 5, 149.34 June22 •.•••.••..•.••••.••••••.••..... 10,474.111 June 25....... . . . . . . • . • . . . . ..... 19,754.51 June 21 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . • . • . . . . . . . .. 18,791. 14 TOTAL 11S7.oH.3t July2 ............................... 4,152.00 JUI"/ 2 ..........•....................... 4,'29.17 Juty 7 .•..••.••••••••.....•............ 13,285.59 July t . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . • , , •.......... 1,757.M July •.••••........•.......•...•..•..... 3.M0.00 Juty 13 ............................•... 15,518.03 Juty 1a ................................ 11.000.00 Juty 11 ................•................ t,135. 15 Juty 11 ....................••• , .•. , . , .. , 2,N3.IO Juty 20 ................................. t,540.55 July 23 ••••••••••••••••.•••..•.......... t ,371 .11 JulyJO .........••. , ••. , . , ................ IM.00 Juty'° ...........................•••.•• 7.113.21 TOTAL 11 U,t11 .B Three months' total: $422, 151 .59 "/ certify the bank deposits listed above are correct and are on file as required by the United States Federal Trade Commission." Melvin Powers MY PERSONAL STORY Twenty-five years ago, I was having a rough time making it with the various jobs I had. I was so bogged down making· a llvlng that I didn't have time for any- thing else. At times, I even worked two Jobs. Everything was going up except my earnings. Since I dkJn't have a college educatlon. a trade, or any special traf n- lng. I took whatever Jobs I could get try- ing to "find myseH." Like you, I worked hard and felt that I deserved a break. My mistake was In hoping and waiting for someone to give It to me. It never happened. Out of desperation. I accidentally dis- covered a way of making extra money In my apare time. It wu the beginning of a wonderful new dlrectlon to my llfe. The retultt were better than I hid antici- pated, even In my wHde1t dreama. Soon I wu abte to quit my dead-end Jobe and devote full time to t)ejng my own bo11. It wu the end of my financial worrtea. At last I had the money, peace of mind, and time neceaary to really enjoy life and my Javed on... I had the freedom to ftlh, loat vacation where and when I wanted. play QOff and t.nntl frequently, purau• my ho&btea. and do all the things I alwayl wanted to do. It wa1 my dream come true. The bottom line to Ihle true peraonat Story It that l'v. made ~Hlon1 of dotlart with my IUCC4tM plan. hlM taught otn. .,.. hoW to do tt. and am wtlllng to lhar• with you my money-making knowledge. Ate you wtltlng to lpend one IV9nlng to Judge What I h9V9 to tay? I hope to. • 11,000,000 In e montha-Qeor1• C•mplon, Loa Angelea, CA YOU CAN TRUST ME CERTIFIED Why? Because I've accomplished the SUCCESS STORIES personal and monetaryJoals that I've Here 11 1uthentlc1ted proof my 1y1tem set for myself. I have the material wortc1. You c1n duP-llc1te th• 1ucce11 of things one could reasonably wish for, th••• peraon1. It• been affective for Including ownership of property, good them-why not for you? Te1tlmonl1l1 are Investments, and even Arabian horses. on flle II required by th• United St1tH I want to share my success plan for mak· Federal nide Comml11lon. Ing money with those who are ambitious and wllllng to follow my Instructions. It can make you rich. ROOM FOR EVERYONE Why would I invite competition? The fact Is, I don't look at It as competition. The money-making opportunities are so tremendous that there's plenty of room for all who are motivated to Improve their situations. Do you have the motivation? YOUR SECRET DREAMS COME TRUE My program for riches has nothing to do with franchising, real estate, the stock market, precious metals, diamonds, pyr- amid schemes. oil wells, energy conser- vation, salesmanship, multi-level selling, positive thinking, door-to-door sellin~. telephone sales. or calling on busi- nesses, neighbors. family or friends. It's perfectly legal and requires no pre- vious business experience. It is equally good for both men and women of any age. and you can begin just as soon as you receive my material Now is the time to do someth111g about your future. Everyone h as -.:;ec ret dreams -and yours are about to come true. Use my know-how for making money. FOLLOW MY SUCCESS You may be wondering if you can really believe what I'm saying. M y answer is, .. Absolutely yes." I've even revealed my confidential business de- posits. Those figures are factual. My in- formation for you is not based on ab· stract theories -it's based on cold, hard facts which have been successfully proven and tested over many years. PICK MY BRAINS Give me the opportunity to show that I can help you achieve financial security. My material clearly explains my money-making technique with easy·to- follow, step-by-step Instructions. To con- vince you that ft works, you get a one- year, 100%-money-back guarantee. Do you know any other offer to match that? Here Is your golden opportunity to Invest In your success. MONEY-MAKING FORMULA My material reveals In detail my sue· cesa-money formula and how I keep hit- ting the jackp()t again and aaaln, making ·minion• of dollars. You can, Toot In fact, l give you a practice~ proven. teated guide that will help you realize your financial goala. 11 It euy? Yea. once you have the fnformatlon I give~ In my enlightening guide on how to achieve rlchH. You wlfl ream to duplcate my technique for your own.UCC.a. You may wonder why I am lhar1ng my technlQue for rlc~ If my bu1inna J1 eo profitable. To make more money, of courN. That'1 jutt part of my bu1lne .. - 1hartng knowledge that wlll make money for you and at the 1ame time make money for me. Read the happy tUCCell ltoMt of people IUCh U yourteH who took my miteri• eertou1ly. $ 17,000 In 2 MONTHS "Made over $7,000 In two months uslnQ your advice.· James F. Best 6 Hiiitop Road, Levlttown, PA 19056 $ ' 18.230 In 1 MONTH "You have whet my appetite for success. Fol/owlnQ your suogestlons, I did $8,230 worth of business In /ust one month." Thomaa Clo/a 2617 Genesee Street, Utica. NY 13501 $ 118,000 In 3 WEEKS ..... changed my llfe. I followed your In· structions. The results -$18, 000 In the firs t three weeks! I know that I am on my wsy to richest Those checks look so beautiful. Thank you. Mr. Powers .. Victor W. Carpintefla, Callforn!a 930 13 $ $20,000 In 6 MONTHS "By using only a couple of your sugges- tions. I personally made $20,000 in a six- month peflod. Melvin . . priceless and I highly recommend it to anyone." Steve Murphy 1142 Manhattan Avenue Manhattan Beach. CA 90266 $ $30,000 In 1 MONTH "Following your advice, I did $30.000 worth of business in one month Many thanks: Jill White Los Angeles. California 90019 $ S40,00 th~ FIRST MONTH FROM A LAID OFF DETROIT AUTO WORKER "The tips and instructions grossed me $40,000 the first month and the money is still rolling In." George Bowman 43726 Simsbury. Canton. Ml 48 187 $ $93,000 In 28 DAYS HI earned over $93,000 In one 28-day pe- riod using your techniques. Never before have I made so much money with so llttle effort. Thanks for your good advice.· Steve H. Now/In 501 9 Derby Lane. lndlanapolls, IN 46226 $ 1100,000 In 4 MONTHS • Ualng your techniques and expertise, I made over $100, 000 In four months. Keep up the good work." Bllrrl• Konlcov 4808 Bro1dmoor, Grand Rapids, Ml 49508 s 11,000,000 In I MONTHS ·1 wH completely broke and In th• depths of depre11/on when /read your mater/i f. B•· //eve It or not, In five month• I did $1,000,000 worth of bu1fne11, and I am now In th• proc· •11 of purchHlng 1 bulldlng worth cloa• to 1600.000 . My wholt lift hH bffn chenged du• to you. How can I ever thank you?" G.a~ Campion 5314 Santa Monie• Blvd., LA .• CA 90038 PRAISE FROM EXPERTS "A comprehensive guide on now to make It big by an outstanding entrepre· neur. Melvin Powers, who did starting from zero. How he did It Is clearly ex· plained. He shares with you his know/· edge and successful experience In making money ... could repay' Its cost a thousandfold." Wash ington Newsletter June 1980 TAKE THE FIRST STEP This Is the moment of truth. Do you really want to be rich? If your answer Is "Yes," follow your Impulse now and order my material. Remember; It Is sold on a 100%-money-back guarantee basis. You can Improve the quality of your life. It's really up to you. It's an exciting pros- pect that can come true for you. Give It priority. Take the first step on the exciting road to riches. You'll be pleasantly surprised and de· lighted with your newly-found knowl· edge, especially when those beautiful, green dollars start rolling In as they have for others. STILL SKEPTICAL? BE MY GUEST I guarantee you'll be completely satis- fied and excited with the illustrated ma- terial that I send you. Furthermore, I wlll not even cash your check or money or- der for 30 days. If, for any reason, you feel the material will not bring you riches, I'll return your uncashed check or money order immediately. No questions asked. I'll go even one step further. I realize you don't know me and you may still be skeptical about my offer. Put your mind at ease and postdate your check 30 days from today. You have everything to gain by cashing in on my unique know-how for making money. Good luck as you take the first step on the road to riches. O 1982 by Melvin Powers _c;?!t _____ ORDER FORM--------- 365-Day, Money-Back Guarantee! Dear Melvin: Yes. I want to invest in my future. Please send me your material with the absolute understanding you will not cash my c heck or money order for 30 days. Even though rt all sounds too good to be true, please ru sh me How To Get Rich for twelve dollars postpaid. Enclosed is my ( ) check ( ) money order for $12 00 Date: __ Name (Pit8't Print) Address CitY ----------~ State ----------- 'Zip _________ _ Please send your order to: Melvln Powera aune 11 12015 lhennen Rd. North Hollywood. Callfornla 91805 --------------------~------~~ - DI Orunge Coaat UAll y J>ILOT /TllUlliclOy OW>lHJI 'J 1, lt>tll PVIUC llOOCl NOTICl' 16 ti AIDY 01\ll!N lr\el tL.''~ 0.14H9l (llQ1klot 10 IHI lu•lll """"1ber :t. WU. the POil• win 1 .. °'*' from uwi nour 01 t 00 A M 11> Ill• llour or 8 00 P M , ana 111•1 Ourlng thoH !lour• 111• po111n11 pl-IOf 11Wt l .. l)<IClllv• p1~l1ic;t1 lllell be 1111 pl1cea het •llUller o .. 111n11e0, ano Ill•• ,,,. P•" •0111 lle1elnalle1 11em110 a1 e •1>po1n1eu 01110.,. or Ill• tle1;t1011 rur 1111111 111pec1lvt vo1t11g p1111c111ctt. ano they 1n111 no1e1 ,.1<1 11ec11on 11nd mlllia 1etuin lhe•eol 111 rf\e mennet PfOVlOeO by lew The tOllowlng I• a 1111 of the preelnc11 in th• general a1 .. o r· MUN' IN010N BEACH, SEAL BEACH. SUNSET BEACH. COSTA MESA ANO NEWPOR1 HUNTINGTON BEACH "'IUC MOOCl •'olllH\) f/111( e t.lu11nouM lrill~ll UlllMlUIJI 11 \11-1 1n.p 1 f' n,. ..... ~ .... u..n Jv1tu• J l s ........ •lop c 1.,-i. J O ll•m•t1~"' • 1\9'1 Cteti. HJ Oov111. l\,;11 PHLCINC.' J1 I ru ' l'u lli llg P l •t • M11u11•1" H1tt.ll.lt1JIC4t. 11812 C111w110 l 11 !111p J A M111Jitl1e [l111n Judgo 1 l Shimnoo Nu p1111y C:lell1 M l l>unCHn. O,;m Cle1 ~ p A Shorn, ROii PRECINCT 3? 1' I 1 POll1ng Piooo Ph14JU111t \ll11w SOOl)c)f 16602 ~ A11d4u L11 tn1p BJ uoooao11, 11110 Ju•1110 B J Hugflt1t, A.ip Ct•t k J Solll•, A111J PRECINCT 32 1'14·1 C:ttuk Q M Orlll, O..o Polling Piao• M c A011n1 PHFCINCT 3,·172 1 RMklenoe P0t111111 P111011 01111 R11•1th11ic• 18291 Walru:t Ln 8012 V•l••'ICI• Ot lnll). -M.J. ~tou, R111> lnap 0 J Ore. ~llP Judoe -J A McAcJAfnt Rep Judo,; A L wuuema, O..m Chltk -H S Pa•io•. Ae1> Ciurk L B NODle 0.1111 Chltt. -M M Skarln. Rep Clerk C A Si.lh• Rtt11 PRECINCT -32· 10 I PRECINCT 32· 113 1 POiiing Pla<ie -Adttma A11s101111c11 Po111110 Pl11c10 Comm B1blt1 5782 Bellfl .. d Ln Chu1ch. ln11>. -S A, Adema. A8P 401 6th SI Judge -B.M BeU. Rop ln1p \I L Broootng, Rep Ci.ril -H.E. Pr•llo. R4tP Judgt1 -FL Klmb1tH. Oum Clerk -K.J. Adami. Rep Clork M R Clyde, o..m PRECINC1 -32-146-1 Clork N L PeeDlos. Rep Polling Place -1110\1 Reeldonco PRECINCT 32-174-1 8661 Palermo Of. Polling Place LOS Am1001 MPK lMQ· -J. Sanford, Aop Ctubnouae. Judge -M.C. Sig.ala, Dem 18601 Newland St Clerk -G.E Corbot, Rop 1nsp 0 R SchOll, Rop Cl«!< -A M Slg11la, No Party Judge K A 0..11011. Ri;p PRECINCT -32· 148· I Clerk LI Weggom11 Dem Polling Pt•oe -Scnool 0111 Olllce Clerk M R Cerecc10. Dem 16940 0 St PRECINCT 32 17:;. I lnap. -B W Whitney, Dem Potting PleCtl O u omo 1e Judge -M P Whitney, Dem Restdonc;e Clerk -l,H Barket. Rep 19441 Summoc Breeze Ln Clerk -w.s Bunard. 0-• tnsp -J L Ouomore, Aep PRECINCT -32· 149· I Judge S A Jonnson Rop Polling Place -James Resldence Clerk -M E FrenGh, Rep 1993 I Lee<;re1n Ln Clerk -F J Boufwlir11. Oem lnsp. - J R James. Dem PRECINCT -32-176-1 _ Judge -R 0 James. Rep Potlo~ Place -Brett ReatOtmct1 Clerk -L.A. Tllornos, Dem 17731 Arnt>e-rt()(I Ln Clerk -C.L. Gelger, Rep. lnsp W J, P191one, Dem PRECINCT -32· 150· 1 Judge Et(, Plstooe, Oem Po 111 n o PI a ce Fa I' c t o Ill Clerk C J Hood, Rt1p Realdence Cte1 k J A Davis, Rep 17552 De Long C11 PRECINCT 32-177 1 lnsp. -M R Falrclolh. Oolm Polling Place La Ouust1< Judge -$,M Lucas. flep CluDl'louse, Clerk -B.M Sllvorth<>rn. Rep 614 Alondra Or Clerk -J.F. Garrett. Rop lnsp 1 A Long, Rep PRECINCT -32-151·1 Judge E. McCet>e. Dem Polling Place -Hunl Landmat~ Clerk H M CtuO<lo, Rep Clubhouse Cletk M C $1\ong. Rop 20880 Oal\rtdge Ln PRECINCT -32· 118· I tnsp. -T. Olson. Rep Polling Plac11 Sun View School Judge -O.F Black. No Party 7721 Jul1611e Low Or Clefk -P L Siik, Rep lnsp w C T1molhy Rep Clerk -L.A. Malley, Dem Judge -B.l Oevl<Json, Rop PRECINCT -32·151·2 Clerk Q De Corsey, Dem Polling Place -Hunt landma1k Cle1k M J Brown, Rep Clubhouse PRECINCT 32-179-1 20880 Oakrldgo Ln Potung Place Glen ll1ew SchnOI lnsp. -G R. Aker5, Rep 6621 Glen Or Judge -H.M Hellwig, Rep tp5p E F Kenned) Rep Clerk -G C 1_,ogle. Rop Judgo BB B••Dy Dem Clerk -M E. Wendt, Dem C1or~ J M Kennedy, Rep PRECINCT -32· 152· I Clef~ A A V11s1a1 O;,m Polling Place -Hun1no1on Beach PRECINCT 32 180 I G111dens Rec Center Polltng Ptaoe Me11na H•on 16900 Algonquin St Scf\OOI '"SI>· -A.\/. Remy. Rep 15871 SprlngOale SI Judge -C.M. Corrigan, Dem lnsp -B T k:orkosh Dem Clerk -C.F WalSh. Rep Judge -NB Ca1111non. Rt!P Clerk -K.T Manonoy, Dem Cieri. -OE Korkosiu, Dern PRECINCT -32·153·1 Cterk M Taylor Dem PolUng Place -Drake AeSl<lenu PRECINCT 32 181 1 402 W Springfield Av Polling Place -ROD•nwoud Scnool ·tnsp. -GE Ofake, Dem 5172 McFadden Av Judge -0 .0 Perry, Rep 1nsp R M Numbe•s Dem Clerll -R R Ballard, Rep JUdge H M Braun Dem Cterll -P.V Alley. Dem Cieri\ ME Sc111thaD, Rep PRECINCT -32·15"·1 Cle<k -SA Z1mmt1r. Dem Potting Pleee -Olevsky Residence PRECINCT -32· 182-1 8692 Gatfleld Av •Polling Place -Farmers Ins Ot!tce lnsp. -M.E Prtoo, Dem 1•696 Springdale &. Bolsa Judge -O.S Olevsky Oem lns.p \I H LawMaO Rep Clef'k -S.R. Mangan, Dem JuOQ8 -I C lle1ot110 Dem Clerk -R.M. \lltatema, Dem Clerk -A M LOl\il Rep PRECINCT -32-1:;s-1 Clefk -0 I Ellner Dem Polling Place -Sobel Resldence PRECINCT -32-183-1 8702 Adams Av. Polling Place -Palll s Pre SGhool. lntl). -II E. Sol*, Dem 815 Knoxville Av .J\Jdge -G.e. Peul, Rep. 1nap -G M Leun~s Dem Clerlc -N.J Balley, Dem Judge -W L Bye<. Rep Clerk -E M Wedlelgl\, Aep Clefk -G F Mullins. ReQ PRECINCT -32·1S6-1 'Cle<k -R KoDbe. Dem Polling Place Carpente r PAECINCT -32.1ac.1 Restdenet! POiiing Place -Gill Och ~!loot 6311 Newbury Or 15252 V1c1or1a Ln lnap -M,A Cempbefl. OetTt lnsp -H 11 Une4phe< No Party .iudQe -A S. Geray. Rep JuOge -E S Sow1nsk1 Rep Cieri< -M.K. McCauley, Rep 'Cle<k -MS Rem11ez. Dem Clerl< -S.T. Ganoung, Dem Clerk -JP Anselmo. Dem PRECINCT -32-157·1 PRECINCT -32-185-1 Polllng Place -Richardson POiiing Plaee -Circle V•ew Scnoo "-ldenc:e 6 26 1 Hook er Or , 16375 Ardsley Cir !nap -v K. Quinn. Rep Jnsp, -H B. Linn, Aep Judge -A Lan~. Dern J\.ldge - L V Horne. Rep Clerk -F L L~e. Dem Clef!< -M.M Pa119h, Rep Clerk -R.A. Bullet Reo Clerlt -C.A. Norlng. Rep PRECINCT -32-186-1 PRECINCT -32-158-1 Polling Plau -Schroeder Senoo1. Polling Place -Art Images 15151 Columbia Ln 1&400 Peti Pete« Landing 1n1p -BA. Maree<. Oem lnsp. -M G Heller. Rep Judge, -0 L Mefce< Rep Judge -M M. Morrison, Rep Clerk -O F Jockson. Dem Cte<k -O.M ROdlno, Oem. Clerk -EJ Scnaele!t, Dem Clerk -A Olson, Rep. PRECINCT -32-1117-1 PRECINCT -32-158-2 Polling Plau -Mauceli Residence Potllng Piece -Ar1 tmeges 3816 Mistral Or 1&400 Pel\ PetatS Landing lnsp -L L Alvarez. Rep l119P, -I F. Me<rttle40 , Rop Judge -K.E Pooples. Rep Judge -J W Ood. Rep Clerk -K L Oe Jardon, Reo Clet'k -C.M. Hubbard, Rep Clefk -N.J Masley. Rep Clerk -W.S Farrell. Rep PRECINCT -32-188-1 PRECINCT -32-159-1 POiiing Placie -Clark Aes~dence. Polling Place :_ Sllll Residence 1638 I Baysnore Ln 16732 Edgewalet Ln tnse>. -S.M Clark, Dern tnsp. -A.P Cardenas. Rep Judge -A. Quoan, Dem Jud1141 -H S Kavaacn. Rop C18'k -P J Met18tley. Oem Cl«k -P R Sllll. Rep Clerk -M 0 KuH. Com Clerk -J.P Matson. Rep PRECINCT -32-189-1 PRECINCT -32·160-1 Polling Pl--Seo Alrn Mobile Polling Ple,ce -Red Cerpe1 RE Perk Office 6301 Warn&r Av 234 E. Adams Av lnsp. -E.M Walte<a. Rep 'ln-c>. -M.G. Olson, Oem Judge -E M Swigart Aep Ju<19e -G.H. Olson, Oem Clef'k -H.0 Squeglla, Rep Clerk -M.G. LoVQron, Dem Clerk -0 A Glf10<d, Dem Cl«!< -M.M Parrish, Oem PRECINCT -32-190-1 PRECINCT -32· 161·1 Polling Piece -Meadow \llew Potltng Piece -Knutson Resldenoa Scl'IOOI. 612 Hml0<d Av 5702 Ctark Ot lnap -K.H MecLeod. Rep lnsp. -0 M G<>Odman, Rep Ju<19e -N.N. Kimmy, Oem Judge -0 J. Sllllwag()(I, Oem Ckwtl -O.H. Holden. Dem Cletk -J L Richardson, Dem Ckwtl -A.K Fort>ea. Oem Cletk -J M Rot>etta. Rep PRECINCT -32·162·1 PRECINCT -32·191·1 P o lling Place -Peermaln Potllng Place -Vlllege lllew ~ ' SchOOI, 7892 Rlllrwi Of. 6381 SiMOn Of lnep. -L.M. Pearm&ln. Dem lnep -M A Jenkin•. Dem JUCSga -N.L Pearmaln, Dem Judge R L Jenkins Jr . No Party Cieri& -B.J. O'Bryont. Oem Clerk K J Aklnt. Oem Clefll -A.M. Eoger1. Rep. Clerk -S M R<>QBrl, 0om PRECl~T -32-163-1 PRECINC1 -32-1ga.1 Polllng Place -Coll•o• view Potllng Place -Hylek Re1tdence. 8dlOOI 1666 f Mat1e Ln •582 Leone• Or. lnap -T.K. Ayers, Aop lnep. -O.A. P•uenon, Dem Judge -J A Oe Bat.,, Dem JudOe -M.B. Bradley, Oem Cieri< -LH Monaon, Rep Clerit -B. At;tgereld, Rep Clefk -M Hyjell, Rep Clettl -S.A. Shannon, Dem PRECINCT -32-194· 1 PRECINCT -32· 164-1 Polling P1808 -1a1 Metl\odlet Polli ng Piece -Orlllwood CIMJrch. CtubflOuM 272 I 17th St 21412 Pacific Cout Hwy. lnsc>. -f B Psflll"M>f), 0em in.p. -\I.A. Turrell. Rep Judge -L 8oyt1re. No Par1y Judge -T.N. Turrell, Aep Ctetlc -G.O Titteny. Rep C1erit -.A.E. Centn, "41p. Ctetk -C.J. OOl~r. 0em Cltftl -C.M. OroakNQef. Dem PRECINCT -32· 195-1 PRECINCT -32· 18&· 1 Polling Pl--Senior Ree <Ante•. Poltlng P l a c a -Sira cusa 1706 Orenge Av AM!C*tce tn19. -M.L Mungart. Oem 835 MMI S1. Ju~ -R. Tania. Aop. 'fneC>, -V. FIOl#M, Rep. Cteril -f. M Miiier, Oem. JudOI -L.J. l!iurnette, Rep C!e<lt -0 G. Fl~ge. Com 01eftt -0.8. Oeppt. o.M PRECINCT -32· 106-I Cltftl -M.E. ~. Dem Potting Pi.o. -Luth ol R11tur PRECINCT -32· le&-1 Ch\Jrcn. ,ollna Pleet -Cr-1vi..8ohool 11812 HamlltOl'l Av , 1I05fUN Ln. lntp -P.A. SerleQO, 0em -E.M. 8ecktf, ~ Judge -F A Senl>Orn. Rep -J.L ~ • .-.. Cietll -O.E ShellOM . Oem -M.J. A!Cfl#~. Dem. Clenl -G 81lua. Rep ·e1ert1 -A.O.~ Dem. PRECINCT 32·197-1 PRECINCT -32•117·1 POiiing Pt--C.rPMten Pollna Pleet -Of81MY RM!donce llullOlng t101 Die Av ~ At1411111 AY ' lneC>< -J. C;.,..y, Alnfit, Ind tnep. -J,A e.Mlty, Dem. JUdOt -O.I . ,ltlcer. Dem JUdQe -C.A. wtbtf. Rep. Cle!\ -a. w~. Dem. a.\ -11.11 Knight, o.m CW11 -M.L. W~, "-P Clef1I -J.E. -....ntn. Dem p~f -2·fa.1 llAECINCT -32·1'8·1 • f'ollnO flleOe _ ~-Pollng PWe -Aydet "-ll1tnee. ~. 10 1·Hlctve0r. ..a11J Alftl'/O Or. =r-M.A. f.tOfllOf'I, Aep ·=-w.H. wlMt*n. "-· -J R. F'r1n11, Aep. •11t .. -Oen\. C -R.R. A/Nb!llJ, Rec> -.. ' -·· CliWll -l(.Q, AyW. o.m. -A.A. """""" Olm. PAICINOT -»· , ... 1 ~ -L,. Wt!M!1 "-· ,.........., Pleet _ p.,11 vi... SCllOCM. PMCIHCT -at,t-1 """"' ~ f --------- PUlllC MOIKl l11lt111t r11111l•ll l n 11••1• I' I\ !Swoot1, t111 1'0111 Ju11u111 J M Jal.~11111 l)ltn• U,;1~ w o •••11.,m•n 111111 Lhttk J W fllatt<ell [\un• f'All:INI I JI! 200 I l'oltmu l'ta~• llu11111u1" I """• 111&111 tl<1•l• h Ulv\l 1111µ M J W1la<l11 IJo<11 Juogn v f O••fJ<I• Nu f'••lf I lutf• 11 M11hy l>u111 l.k>t.. M A l "'"'"" !lnj.1 PHC l:INC T .I~ ?00 1 PolllhU Pim.• 11.,11111ut11 l "'"'• 10bll? OO!•~h BMl h"fl A P A<ltllllllla l1'1fll Juou" () A t101111.. °""' Ch1tk f r 1•11111, ~m (;11.,h H IJ ll•1n11tv11 lt~p PHI (,;INC I ,1' 20 I I l'olltng 1'111<-• tle•ch Mntnr• 0 1111;4!, II ;J:) 1 Hett<: ti BIVIJ lnap \I M M t11Mn, A111J J11llg11 K L 911yd111 Af!p C111tk M J 9ut111r 0-m t;le<k WM Ot!nl Ot;ni PHECINC I :12 202 I Polling Plncc. :iprh\Q v11>w Sc!IOOI. lti6'12 T ru<Jy Ln ln•JI C M OQllVIO R<JP Judgu N McClu1111, R@P Cle11l. F C Coll.iv. A11p C1011o. P A R(lenosler. A.,µ PRECINCT 32·203· 1 P o ll111g Pl11 c t1 Do ugl,.s• A&~l\li;11c.., 6112 Lurcf\wOOd Ot 111sp o J Oouglu11. Ot!m J.uOo~ KA Bro11son. Rep Ct111k J N Jordon, Aep Ctu•k M E Crowell Dom PRECINCT 32 204 I Polling P111c" Samuo1 r atbert Sa11001. 9101 Brt;tlllMm Or 1nsp M I BordlOQ, Dem Judgo A J Tice, Aep Clurk G K1plon Dem Clork C K Kaplan, Dem PRECINCT 32-205· 1 Polling Place Oldmen Aos1<Je11ce. 9092 Ve1om,., 01 tnsp -E C Hart, Dem Judge N J Smtih, 08111 Cte<k -S J l1elk11s, Rep Clerk A M Ol<lme11. Di1111 PRECINCT 32·206· I Po111ng Piece Huntto•gton Bey CluD!louse. 10199 Holburn Or 1nsp S R Rvsoetta. Ot!m Judge J R Rusct1t1a. Rep C1t11~ E P Guell. Rep t.l11rk r E Slmbro, Dem PRECINC r 32·J01 1 Polling Plu"' -Hunl Conlt Clubhouse. llJ80 1 Brookhurst St 1nsp M J Hughu. Dem Judge E Rt!dwlne. No Party Clerk N M Henkle, Dem Clerk S C Jones, Rep. Pl{ECINCI -32-232 I Polling Pi e c e -G a u stod Re,•Oonce tr 10 1 Non 1111etd Ln tn&p K J Gaustad Rop Judge A ~ Sttsruel, Rop Cl1trll S A Thompson Oem Cieri! P M 1jerrof Rep PRECINCI 32·:iH I Polling Plo.:e -C<1bar1a CtuD ClubhOUM . 8 1 •I Atlan10 Av 1nsp FA Cnrtstopherson R1>p Judge B E Budfit, Oem Clerk R E Stovall. Dem Cler., J l Wl\tle Rep PRE Cl NC t _ •. .32.:2!)5-1 Polling PlllGO-. -Oron Res•donce. 'l69J \/olar do Or lnsp C B Orin Otim Judoe T L ll•nlue Rep Clerk MB Van Ctoave Rep Cterk J M Van Thiel Dem PRECINCT 32·266·1 Po11tng P1ace Moflell Sc11001, 8800 Burlcrest D• 1n1p -C B Taravella.. R11p Judge -H L Blell Rep Clerk R A Atperl. Dem Cler., -0 L Miller, Rep PRECINCT -32-267-1 Polltng Piece -Wall Res1oence. 9382 Nau1llus Or tnsp C A WoU, Dem Jvdge B B Wtllte. Rep Cler._ -C A Wall. Dem Clerk M R Sln<llair Aft() PRECINCT 32-269· 1 l'VIUC llOOCl "'Ille ..OOCf l.I"'~ '( .l Wllk1, ll•t11 ltt•IJ r II Mogll No l'elly l,l,.,h I Ii llt011111111hu, ll•ll h1<1un MI Oay, R"p "'\ 1'111 l .INl I YI )<Ji) I Cl11111. 14 II WllHtnb••U H•tl l'Olll11u l'la~• 'i11,..lt11 fl,.llil•r1t n t.lel~ II M fill<"tlOe H<oi• 1'11\12 l\u•l111111111 I" 1 Pftrl.INC.. I 1:1 l4~ I 11111' , " 00<•0m1111 111111 l•t;lll11u Plac." Pnt•llHJll '\1,fl•11•t Juduw v 'J Mt;t)IJlll.11 H•p IOUIJ I ~Al 11•w0< Ill I " l lt!fio I 14 [ oatliutn Oum 111111 M (.. I rvu111A11, HolJ ~ la1i. t 0 :Jh1aldt. Huµ JutlU" M It !fl1•11•IJ•uul1, IJw111 f'HlLINl. I J2 30 I I l.111111. U U l>•tllllM, 0.m f'ull111u l"hocn 61 S1111u11 Ju<l11 t,lt11k K J tr"""'""· Umn bUICK>I, 11ntt,INC I 1:.> ·:.14;1 I 10400 M11u11olt11 &1 POOlllQ f'IM.11 K01t1it01 81.hool. map M C I 1111101 0.01 61!)0 IXI• ••II D• Ju<lu• r P t ... A11p 1111p O J Jot111to11. """ Cletl. b 0 \11111 R1uyuel, Rot• JucJ1111 0 th11•11111. n1111 Cletk P M A111l•1.00, 0..111 (;tlltl. I> E $"4tt. Http PRfCINC1 !I:/ :lO:.> I Ct11<lo. M J U11u•1. 0..111 P1111111g 11111<;11 \/lllll fi•o;lllc. l'RLCIN(:I :'2 :144 1 C•u1Jh<1<•1141. l'olllrlQ l'l1tc11 O'Urli: fl11lldeni;e, Oi133 VIII• fl.,.;111<; Or IXICl2 Cerroillow11 1.>t lr••P r M C1111Jl•M. O.m 'ln•P t> L noaln. Rep Jooge HK JM;k10t1. Map Judgo P L Ml~on. Rep Ctork C J l:rt11Jtrt1t1, C>.01 Cl0tk 0 E Murrey, Am11r 111<1 C14Hk E J tllcllm11n. Dem Clt11k K A O'BrlC, Rep PAECINCI 32 303• I PRECINCT 32·341i I Polling Place Colt! Ai;sld11111ce Polltno Pila• lua .. Sowatt 19072 Etma•oro Ln School, tnsp 0 S Creaal11r. A"P 0300 h1a1ariapolf• Av Judo• B A Holly, Rap 111ap E M Nlcnotr;on Oet11 Cieri. O Bolloy. Rap Judge I C Q11dlon1, Rop ·c 101k II M Rivara, 0..m Cterli SS Qo1111ob Alli) PRECINCT 32·306 I Cte1k M B Cat1111an Oonl Polling Pince Hopo \II-Sctiool, PREC:INCT 3,·346· 1 I 7622 Fllntatooe Ln Polling Plitoe E H Gllli;r ~cnool, tnap -A L Macca1on•. Dem 211<11 !}1rethmoo1e Ln Judu11 C M L4141, Dern tnalJ J V Ow1111a, R111.1 Cl&rk E T H11111, Oer11 • Juooe M,J Gon11Slt1•. Ot!n1 Clork -Z 0 Davit, 0.1m Clerk N l B•ttJll'lwoflt!, Rt1p PRECINCT 32-306-1 Clerk C J Boualleld, Rep Merine Vl11w School, PRECINC I -32-3H· I 5682 Tltbt"O Or Polling Place Benntng Ltbr11ry.' lnsp PA Cr ell. No p11rly 928 I Banning Av Judg" M C Head. R11p 1n1p \I S Taylor. Dem Clark -H H LarStln. Dem Judg<t G H Taylor. Rop Clerk -A M Plummor. Dem Cktrk B C Borum, Rop PRECINCT -32-:107-1 Cklrk S A Bortow. Rop Polllng Place -Mlll.50Y Re1tdt1nce. PRECINCT 32·3'18· 1 1732 I Gtb1on Ctr Polling Place Mortin Residence lnap 0 O Musoy, Rap 10072 c1111 01 Judo• F Blackburn, Dom lnsp 0 M Morehouse, O&m Cletl. N.J S11101 Rop Judge P K Rainey. Rop Cler k 0 A Smith, Rep Cletlc CE Fese1, Rep PRECINCT 32-308· I Cltl1~ AM Pellkoleo R"p Polling Piece Barnes Ros111ence. PRECINCT 32·3~9 t 6281 Myrlle 01 Polling Piece Relph E Hawes lnsp -J.A. Unonan. Rep School. Judge -EE Wall&r. R"p 9682 Yellowtilll"e Or Clerk RC Diiion, Oem lnsp M J GerOls. Rep Cle1k A J Jonnson, Rep Judge M F Shanor, Rop PRECINCT 32·309· 1 Clerk M,E Cotacch10. No Pa1ty Polling Place Ade E Clegg Clerk J B Watkins No Party School, PRECINCT 32·350· 1 631 I Larchwood Or Potllng Place Hu111 Twnhou,e lnsp E M Van Bu1en. Rep Clubhouse. 'J1,1dge H 0 VutOugo, Dem 963:; CO•l'wall Or 'Cte1k J J Garcia, Rllp Insµ -E Levell. Dom Clerk -A A Gom1ttd, Rep Judge -C 0 T&ylo< -Dem PRECINCT 32·312· 1 Ctork -W S Ctowtlll. Dem Potting Place Hunl By Sea Rec Clorl. -PC Hunt, Dem Center. PRECINCT 32.3:; 1 · I 218:; 1 NewtanCI St Polling Place Busnard Ftre lnsp -O O G•ose. Dem. S1a11on. Judge -LC Ferrier, Arnet Ind 1971 I Bush111d St Clerk -J B Fett111<. Oen• tnsp -0 F Rumbley. Rep Clork -CL Bennell. Dem Judge -E 0 Te<nuna, Rep PRECINCT 32-'l 19-1 ' Clork -J 0 C0$6)'. No Pony Polling Place Zonln1a1111 Clorll -M F Cenenza. Rep Rcsldenee. PRECINC1 32-352· I 10302 l(ull.u• Or Pot11ng Pttce -Rancho Hunt lnsp -O E Lucas. Rep Mobile Park. Judge P R Phillips, Dem 19361 Brcokl'lurst St Clork -J B Smith. Rep lntp 0 E Ree. A11p Clerk -0 K Ounhtp , Rt1p Judge -E F Hey, Rep PRECINC1 -32·320-I Clerk -R A Zul'dlll. Rep Poll111g Place Hoov11r Res1de11ce Clerk -G A Wtnens. Rep 10062 BISmarll. Or PRECINCT -32.3:;3.1 ln•P -0 J Hoover. Dem Polling Place -School 01st Ott1ce. Judge -RC Scruggs. Rep 102~ I Yortoown Av Ci8(k A M Renz>. Rep lnsp T L Lll\ilSCheld, Dem Clerk P J Ronz1. Rep Junge E J Yates. Dem PRECINCT 32·32 I· I Clerk MR Wide Dem Polling Ptece In A Out Pno10 Cte1k F L wnue Dem Building. PRECINCT 32·354· 1 100:;2 AdamsAve t Polllng Place li1rnt1 111d tnsp AC Conrad, Rep Rtt•to11nce . JuOge -PT Vergt110. Dem 21942 HerDorbreeze Ln Clerk -M Redabaugh. Rep tnsp -BJ S1mt1nse1n. No P11rtv Clefk -J G Radabaugh. Rep Judge E M Scnreck OC!m PRECINCT -32-323-1 Clerk -W H Schr«ll. Rep Polling Place -Calvary Baptis1 Clerk -S M Brooks Rep Church PRECINCT -32.35:;.1 828 I Garfield Ave Polling Place Rogers Aes•del'\<le. !nap -D J Ander&en, Rop 2206 t Jonesport Ln Judge -J l 84111ey. R•P lnap -A l ROQers. -.~p Clerk -A E Howard, Dem Judge -P.A Cot11nor· Amor Inc Clerk -H Tav!o•, Rep Clerk -C.E 1ommtng. ReQ PRECINCT -32·324· 1 Clork -M Potapov R•P Polling Place La'e View Par~ PRECINCT 32-356-1 CluDhOuse, Polling Place -Murdy F;ro S1a11on. 11•51 Zetder Ln 16221 Gotl\8ro St 1nap -0.L Snort. Rep lnap "' L Jasperson Ot'tm Polhf\9 PIACe. Aooert H Burke Judge J M 018illl. f1olJ Juoge ., •~ i;iollo. ~m Cl11tk EC H811lngt<lfl tJorn Clerk •' " -.y&r RllP School 11100 Levee Or IMP C A Bla"'r Rep JudQt! B v 01aler Rep C111r1 O E Silkenson, Dem c 111rl. M J Socnot, Rep PRECINCT 32·270· 1 P ott100 Ptoce Josepli P;itty Scnoo1 19231 Harding Ln 111sQ E L Bounds. Rep Juoqe B J Sklllum Dem Clerk E F Jouoori. Dem Clerh R M Smlln. Rep PRECINCT -32-276 1 Polling Piece -Petraull Realdt!nce. t66•2 LUCI& l.n IMP N F Pem1ult. Oem Judge II L Appe4, Rep Clerk S A Oovis. Dem C11e11o. E C Beatdon. Dem PRECINCT -32-276-1 Polling Pl ace -S an Ang1110 CluDflouH, 6131 Sen "nooto Or lnsp A M T albou. Rop Judge P A Shields. Reo Clefk R Neil, Oem Clerk J I Lowe. Dem PRECINCT -32-280-1 Pothng Place -Rat'lcho Del Rey Mobile Park 16222 Monterey Ln lnsp M C Peterson. Rep Juoge -C B McCallum. Rep Clerk l M Richey Dem Clerk o F Ricney, Dem PRECINCT 32-282-1 Potllng Place Fernhlll Homes Clubnouse, :;• 72 Diamond 0< tnsp E K Ca1ey Rep Judge ER Mahony. Rep Cte11< J 0 WOOd, Rep Cl~rl< P A Ca1ey, Rep PRECINCT 32-283-1 Polling P18Cl6 -Myers Residence, 16791 Greenview Ln lnsp -A M Myers, Dem Judge -C E Pl'lelp•. Dem Clefk -H Boulter. Dem Clefk -M A. Jacllson. Reo PRECINCT -32·264· 1 Polllng Place -Whlllletree Apa11men11, 6200 Edlnge• Ava !nap. -N T Flanagan, Rop JuOoe E C Cronin, Dem Clerk M S Jerman. Dem Cterlt B 0 Jerman. Oem PRECINCT 32·286-1 Potllllp Piece -Kow alakl Re111<1ence. r 152 BIUffall• 01 lnep L L Kowal11<1, Dem. Judge -M.H. Smith, Rep. Cletk -A R Tuttord. Rep Cletk -M L OlllOM, Rep PRECINCT -32-286-1 Polling Ptacie -Trade Bu• MllCh Otllce. 17951 Beeah Blvd lnap B E. Sohllier. Rep Judge o .E. Sahlllef. flev Clerk -1.C 8<-. Rep Clerk -M.8 Stock1lud. Rep PRECINCT -3:1-268· I Polling PIAC4 -<:.i1t11 AMldencie. 11051 St Andrtwe Lii. lnlj> S A AMC!, Rte> Judge $.A. Sunoo, Rep. •'Clerk -G L <:.irtla. Rep. Clerk N J. Kene41>9. Rep PRECINCT -32-289· 1 Po!llng P iao• -E•ICll•o n Attldence, 10781 B11run1 Ln. lnep. -R.C. Bend«. Rep. Judoe -C.R. {letry, "41p. Ct.ill -F' ~Olen. o.m. Clerk -M ll NICl'IOllOll, Altp. PIU!CINCl -32-293-1 P olllng Iliac• -John •1 o n Ateldenoe. 8001 H1mt1'1"9 Of lnep -MA Thyr, Dem. JuOot -C L WOii, ()em, Cterll -V Low1nci., Rte>. Clerk -0 LOW"*' Dem. PAEOINOT -32·2"-1 Polllng Pl1oe -li1v•n \llew SohOOI, 1804l 1 Wlllllkl Lii lf119 -8 I. Wetd, Dem JudOI -J,A JoMtol\, A8P, 'Clerk ME EspatLn r '" Cletk " Gallo, Dem PRECINCT 32·325-t PREGINCT 32-357-1 P o 111 no PI & c e Sc nu s 1e1 Polling Ptoce S11tt1ng R.ssldonc.e R11Sidance. 16391 Rt!dtends Ln 83 I 1 Lambert Or 1nsp -S O Sanoree. Rep lntp -E M Bolding. Dem Judge -S R Sltrhng. Dem Judge -BM Sc• •5le• Ot!m Cle<k -S BU<Q. Rep Clerk W M Bearu Hop Cieri\ -E E Cornelius. Dem Cterlo. 0 T Royall Rop PRECINCT -32-358-1 PRECINCT -32-327-1 Polling Ptaoe -SI Bonevonlure Polhng Place -Breen Rott011nce. Cnurch 19712 Phoenl• Ln 16-400 Springdale S1 lnap -IR Patton, Rep lnsp -CG. Meurer, Rop Judge -C.I Rowe. Dem Judge -L.Z. RoM, Rep Clerk -BJ Shirley. Rei> Clerk -C E"IOll, Dem Clerk -EC Pelle, Dem Clerk -E T Frltt, Dem PRE Ct NC T -32-326-1 PRECINCT -32-359-1 Polllng Place --G olOon View Polling Place -Sea B1oe.ze Mobile School, P111k, 1725 1 Golden View Ln 5200 Hett Av lnsp -H.E PlerGe. Dem tnap R.M Morris. Dem Judge R C Pierce. Oem Judge H M Kinley, Dem Clerk 0 H Cole. Rep Cieri< -LE OulCll. Rep Clerk M M Menke. Rep Clef~ -S W Gleftn. Rep PRECINCT 32·329-I PRECINCT -32-360-1 POlllng Place -Sarna R11s1denoe POiiing Place -Hell Fite Slat1on. 6922 \Ill Angelina Or 5891 Hett Av 1nsp -S A Glore, Rep tnsp -O R. Sp~r. Rop Judge -S.A. Sarna, Rop Judge -R L Lindsey. Dem Clerk -S L Ortman. No porty Cle<"k -N Olbbetn Rop Cletk S A Hengler. Dem Cla<I\ L T HIOQ6'ly. Dem PRECINCT 32..330· I PRECINCT -32-361-1 Polling Place City Yd Adm1n Pol!lng Plac e -U11 Brtsas Building, Apartments, 17371 Gothard St 16552 Seti Cir 1n1p EM Haskins. Rop lnsp -M.L TurnOf. Rep Judge -M L Hagan. Rop Judge -M SalOQub, Orn 'Clerk -A Ramlr112. Dom Clofk -E.K Gocfdard. Dem Clerk -M A Riegel, Rep Clerk -0 R Kauer, O.im. PRECINCT -32-331· l • PRECINCT -32-362· 1 Polltng Plac e L oc ~ 1ir d Polllng Pier.a Wnllehead Rosldence. Residence. 5731 W o001;>oto Ot 15960 Matlner Or lnsp -R A MCC..llough, 0em lntp -S A Devis, Rep 'Judge M McCullough, No Pllfly Judge -A R Barre. Oem Clerk -J F Nilsson. Dem Clerk -B. Galtyon. No party Cla<k -s G Kallal, Rep. Clerll -M.J. Whllonead. Com PRECINC1 -32·332· 1 PRECINCT -32-363-1 POiiing Plaoe -Goroon Rostdence. Po 111 n g PI e c ft -Co u Is on 6162 Sonoma Or Resldenee, ln1p. R L. Cole. Dem 4882 Hiio Cir. Judge O.A. Giimour, Rop. ln!JP -J.A. Mol1'89, No pall'f Cler._ -O L MaMallon. Rep Judgo -M.A Coulson, Dem. Clerk -M A. Gordon. Com Clerk -R.C. lngland, Rep PRECINCT 32-333· 1 Clerk -R.E Lestlo. Rep Polling Place -Bofthm Resldenoe, PRECINCT -32·3S.-I 16821 Busby Ln. Polling Piece -Harbor View 1n1p • .o.L eo.hm, Dem. Clubnouae. Judr -B.B, Endo. Oem 16600 Saybrook Ln Cler -A.E Meye<' Rep. lnap. -I( y ElllD11. Rop Clerk -M L Saller. RIP Judo• -R.O. Fenn. Rep PRECINCT -32-334-1 Clel'lt -o.c Weltet. Amer tno Polling P !8Ct! -C At bone Clerk -PA C11ughey, Rep Ao.sldenoe. PRECINCT -32·365-1 17122 Twatn Ln. POiiing PlllCt -Hunt. Harbor RE lnap -J.T Snow. ~m Ottic•. JudQe -E.J. C11tbone. Dem 424 1 W1tnt< A..,. Clerk -L.W Clerk, Dem ln91>. -M. Stengtt, Dem. Clefk -P J Pli nk. Rep Judge -V,L. Whipple, Dern PRECINCT -32·335-1 Clerk -F.A. Wecll!tr. Dem Polling Pl--Hunt Terrace Club Clerk -W.J. Clerk. Dem. hOUH , PRECINCT -32·386-1 18&00 FIO<lda SI Potflng Piece -Mar11n RMl(1tr>Ce, lntp. -H.M. G•btleiM)ll. Rep. 8032 Wlnalow Of. Judgt -o.s Mc Dowell, Rep '"IP -B.A. Marlln. Dem Cleflt -E C. WHllam1, Oem Judge -M.A. Smhh. Aep Clerk -E v Et>ertteln, Rep. Clerk -A.J. Wllllon, "-P PRECINCT -32·S38-1 Clttk -K.M. 8erlt•, 0em Potllnp P'--L•k• Fite SUlllOll, PAECINCT -32•387• 1 630 Lake SI POiiing Pl--FrankNn Sohool, 1n1p. -H.J Krepe, Rep 14ti:l Hammon Ln. Judge -M.L Krep1, Rep lf\11), -A.J, NtMll, Dem. Clerl< -8 . l<ollnchak. Dem. • JudQt -P t.. N4Mtll. Dem Clttk -S.F. Klllglland. Aep CW~ -L.C. St/ldtrt, Rep. PRECINCT -32-339-1 C:....11 -N. hN90!'.'i.J>tm. P°"lng Place -Cell. 2, Sri Rty PREOINC't -H~, Otftct. Polllno ~ -,:em ~ ... _..,..>ct.,., 1120 JteotflC Co.et Hwy M 62 fialHu Of. lntP. -A. COY«1, Dem 1n19. -l .J Fem, Dem gee -O.M MOOft, o.m JlldOt -0 .J. Engle, Al9 -M.P. Moaol•. o.m. c..nc -O.G. 8tnlttl, Dem -C.U. ,.,,Ill, Ate> Clerk -M.L AoM, Dem. PRECINCT -32·340-1 PACCIHOT -32-*-1 Polllng Pl•c• -Paclltc Tr Pk Potting Pleoe -Old Wl'ld FIM. CM1t1ovt1. Hall, IO Huntlllaton 8t. 7&81 Center A-. 2r-HJ Dtlllce, Dem. '2r' -M.0. Ander'tO!\, ""' -C.R. QoochWI, Aep, -l.C. Pull.I. Dem -1<.M &town, "41p, -1..V. Wtee, Oetn • Clefll -M It. eom.11, o.m. Clttll -l.IS. ~and. 0etn PAEOtNCT -,2441·1 PAtCINCT -32470·1 Polli ng Pl•ee -City Gym P(llllrlg Piece -O• Vw &cl!OOI. ClubflouM.. 1114f Oak Ln. teoc> Palm •t WO -M,E.. llll'ldMt;ra.,.,. PUIUC llOOCI Juuu• '! M Ou• •lll<l. Dem C.A•rk M A Orr!• llem "CterM II Al111t101 0•1m PltECINl.1 J? Jll I Pollt11g PIA~• Poww11 I 1 Ctr 01111011111 11130 ' l\OlllAI tJ Bt 111011 J A Cl1ubt>, Ile() JtJl'lg• r. J t e11<1ry1,h, lle11 Clerk A Gct1l11vQf,., No l)a1ly t;terk M Ci.1u11<.I•. l~m l'lil CIN(..' 37 '173 ' 1>0111ng Piece Lark View t1ct1001. 11:/00 l'tr•uhulll ln llitp P J l<uowakl, Hep Jul.lo• l l Hlll dy. Dem CIMk U M C...nrt11r, A11p Cittfk B M M•tlllloll, ABIJ PRECINC1 3, 37• I Polling Pl1te Ha1 uour V1ow 6cnool, 4343 Pickwick Cu t111p A 8 . GoGOll, 011m Judge E R OwQ111, Bap Cto1k M B Ham.on, 0..m Clerk EL Kaplow, Rap PRECINCT J, 375. I Polllng Pla t.ft Clutt)U ll~ RuldQllCft, 9902 S11ve1 St1a11CJ 01 lntp A E McNay Rep Judl)I! s A c 111me11a Pono Cturl\ M L l oomlre, Rt!ll Cieri<. J K C111ve11. Dem PRECINC) 32·316· 1 Polling Ph1ce 0111 Graphics Building, 226 Main SI ln6P M J Oown11y, A11p Judge A M 9.,tlell, Rep C111rl. r W Bonlett. flop ·c1erk A. ee11110, Rep PRECINCT 32 377 I Polling Ptac.e Womont Ctut. CluDhouae 420 10t1> St ·111ap GT fl.silly, Oem Judge F J Mordaon, De1n Ctel~ TL Bf!llrloll, No parly Clerk I( K Key, No pwly PRECINCT 32..J78· 1 Pollll\g Piece Se111018 Rec Center 1706 Orange Ave lnsp -H O Scoll. Rt1p Judge -C.G Leonard, Rop Cie1k -0 F lrwln, Dem 'Clerk -Cl Ce Bow. Rep PRECINCT -32-379 1 Polling Placo -Gordo" R"sooence, 8216 Pennington Or lnsp -\I J Gordon. Dem Judge -AC Bray. Dem Clerk -C A Nowotny. R11p Clerk J P Gordon. Dem PRECINCT -32-380· 1 Polling Pince -Hlme1 Res1<l1111~t1. 6031 Modlord Or lnap G M Hime. nop Judge -CE Bowen. RlllJ Clark 0 J Hell. Rep Clerk P L Neumann. Rep PRECINCT 32·382-1 POlltl\il Pl11ae -Canada Res1de11ce 7!>61 Atnambra Or lnsp 0 E C1m1da. Dem Juctge T G Shau1. Rep 'Clerk R M Laro, Oem Clerk M J Oe1ry. Rep J>om110 Pl-w1111119111 P<xtge Oull<llng, 18b5& BelGh 61v!1 tntp A M Pey1,., Dern ·Judge M I Pet•I, Oem c 1e11i J •• 011v111<:r.. No "••tv C1e11i A te011, HltfJ Plltt,.INl.1 J :,O 409 I flo11t11u 1•1nce [Oltol'l Com111u1111v C11 :11'111 Mngnot111 .SI '""II l U Oa1ttng1on. 0..11 Judge A L $oarbo10ugn, A111:1 Cl.,\o 0 M MllQllOOGO, 0.m Cletk LE Wet net,""" PRECINC T 32·4 10 I Polling Plo<A 811>(1kll"'<l Mnt CtuDnovH, 98b0 GDrlilflll A.v lnap I p GMl(ltltO, H11p Judgn 0 M Berry. Aftll Ctfllk N r Se•monu. Rep Cu,11< E M Ba1.1111. Oet!1 PnfCINCT 32·4 I I 1 Pl)lll11u Pl8C41 Sil@ Olle Clut>Mv1t1. 10011 Oonalte Ctr 11181' T A Koy~. °""1 Ju<J1111 M U Young. Aup c.;1"1k <,; I Ontv Rep Ctork fl I B1y1rna, Roe> l'J.ll(;INC... I J2 412 I l'Olllf\fj PloGe BeJMlllwolk I Clubhouse. 197~ I OotlP H11t101 Or ln•p M A. Bedto<n, O&m Judge R L Hovland, R1111 C1ork HA Bockat1<lllu1 0..m Cl;;r~ E J 'Ware, Dem PRECINCT -32·412-2 Po111ng Pt11co -Beaanwalk I Clt:JllnoVH, 1075 t c...,p HalDo• 01 tn111 J O Ka" Oem Judg" C K Schmidt, Raf) Ctt1rk II A fates Atlp Clerk S J Scoll, Rep PRECINCT -32·413· 1 Po111nu Pl11<..e Jon11s Residence, 2004~ Cape Cottage L11 1nsp EA Hyla11d. Rep JuOgu J M Jubak Rep Clerk F L Wullace. Dem Ctork J A Pul~1ngf'lorn, No Patty PRECINCT -32·4 14-1 Poll111g Pla<.e -Pack Ros•tl1111c11. 994 1 Hot Springs O< 111s11 L R Colley. Uem Judge -G F Cotfey. Dem Clor>. J F Cumpegne. Rep Clerk • L Pack Dem PRECINCT J2·415-1 P o 111 ng P lace M ccourt Reoioence. 22 tZ? Cap1s11ano Ln lnsp c j MCCtJUrl Oom Juaoo l A Tru11110. Dem C1ork S Hall, Dem. C1111k J c Simpson. Rev SEAL BEACH PRECINCT -36-105-1 Polhng Place -Benatead Res10enc11, 132 Yale ln 1nsp C L Ben&le4d. Dem Judg11 A I( Harding. Dem Clerk P M Deming, Dem Clerk J A Meadow6, Ovm PRECINCT -32-363-1 Polling Ptace -Cenl ury 2 I I-IE PRECINCT 36.248 1 Polllng Place Audttortum El Olhce, 6761 Warner Ave lnsp 0 J Van Burun Dom Judg" J Wol1atll Dem Cte1k A Paul Om Cle•k L S Blaney Rep PRECINCT 32-38:;. I Potl111g P1aoe Murdy Commul\1ty Cir 7000 Norma Or tnsp t O Fluha11. Rep Dorado, 13681 El Dorado 01 lnsp E E Ll!W•n Oe1n JuOg~ G 0 Keene A.,p Clerk 0 A 1aylor Rep Clerk S Trtefl Oen; PRECINCT 36 249 I Polling Place AUdllOflUlh Et Dorado. I 368 I El Dorado Or tn•c T A L1ndDIOm. Rep Judg~ B H Fluhart ~"' Cler~ P O F11end Ot!m Juoge L K Clerk C A F"en<I Dem :1er~ E M McClain, Rep Ro5CI Dem l •ndblom . Rep PRECINCT -32-366· I :1e1k G M Po111r1g Plate -Casa Del Sol PRECINCT Clubhouse Polling Place ?1<;t. 1 Broolo.nurSI St Dorado 36-2!>0· I LObD> El -.sp M L Reason Dem 13681 El Ooraoo 01 Juoge L K Mccraney Rep 1nsp -O L Stepnens Re~ Cte•k M B Dubose, No party Judge " A WllCO• Rep Clt!rll M H Notson, Rep c1111k C C Anderson Otlm PRECINCT 32·387·' C1111k M L Russell Rep P0111ng Place -1901110 Oka Senool PRECINCT -36-261·1 9800 Yorktown Ave Polling Pl&C41 LODby El 1nsp -HE Pound, Dem Dorado, JuOge PA Cu1ren. Dem 13681 El Dorado Or Clerk CL Priest, No party tnsp FA Margaretten Dem Cletk -LL Fe1dloend Dem Judge MB Pet0tson Rep PRECINCT 32-366·1 Cletk F Youn9 Dem Polling Plac11 -Anore Areva1ot C1etk T Bernnardt Dom School. PRECINCT 36·252 1 1!>692 Le•t•1oton Ln Poll111g Place Auditorium tnap -GK Wtieaty, Rep Burnlr>g Trttt1, Judge -G H Gttsham. No pa,1y 1880 Co1oen Rain Rd Clerk -B M Lee. Rep IMp -M N Haw~1ns, Oem Clerk A M Wallen. Oem Juage -N M Ballu. 0..m PRECINCT 32·390·1 Ciel~ -E J Scl'lm•dl. Rep Polling Piece -Arnold Resldenca Cieri>. L Sauto< Dem 17371 Mtre Loma Cir PRECINCT -36-2!>3· I tnap -E J Burdine. Dem Pot1tng Place -Lobby El Judge PE Arnold, ReQ Oo1ado. Cletk -M J 1 ate. Dem 13681 El Oorodo Or Clerk -K S Buxon, Rep IMP -S E Palm. Rep PRECINCT -32·391· 1 Judge M J Reid, Dem Polllnp Place -seaman c1..,k -M H Lacey, Rep Residence. Clerk -J A L•«!Y. Rep 1:;()82 Susse~ Cit PRECINCT -36-254-1 1nsp -C.E Seeman, Rep Polling PIM:e Room 4 Judge -R R Grosaman, Rep Northwood, Cieri< -AB McW!lllamt. Oem 1<121 Northwood Rd Cle•k M B Ro~enzwelQ Dem 1nsp -H.M Benosund, Amer Ind PRECINCT 32·392-1 Judge M s Chr11tlanson. Rep Polling Pl&Ci! Tayne Aealdence. Cle<k E w Hadley, Dem 6852 Nyenza Or Clerk H S Preston, Rep lnsp -M A Tayne. Dem PRECINCT 36·255·1 Judge -\I M Teyne, Dem Potting Place Auditorium Burning Clerk -1 A Langne<. Rep Tree Cieri< JS Keen, Oem 1880 Gotoen R111n Rd PRECINC1 -32-393· 1 t119p J F Necessary, Rop. POiiing Place -Hunt $h0<ecllll Judge -W W Nec:osaary, Rep Ctubl'IOUM, Clerk G J Plldas, No Pany 20701 Beech Blvd Cl61k J C Wiiiiams, Rep lnsp -J C Brummell, Rep PRECINCT -36-258-I Judge -F l OabOfne, Rep Pothng Place AudllorlUm Burning Cte1k E.F Murcnlaon. Dem Tree. Clerk -RE WaJtf\, Rep 1880 Golden Ratn Ad. PRECINCT -32-396-I lnsp J c Nevin. Dem. POllll'IO Ptace -Boys Club 11B Judge -M F Ttrnauer. Dem. ClubhOuH. Cieri< -M w Bt!l•n<l. Oem 319 YO<klown Av Cieri! -G.L Hood Rep 1n1p -F J S!tlaon. Rep PRECINCT -36-256· 1 Judge -R A Sanford. RBQ POIUniJ Piece -# I Fire S1atlon, Cle1k -F P Sl•l'llberg. Dem 81" St -Cen11a1 Av Clerk -H W Tents. Dem lnsp G M Kn1gn1on. Dem PRECINCT -32-395-2 Judge -LL Costantino, R119 POlllng Pleoe -Boya Club 11B Cletk -0 E Howerd. Dem Clubl'IOUM, Clerk V I Pyron. 0em 319 Yorktown lw PRECINCT -36·259-1 tnap -LR. Allaire. Rep Polling Piece D e venport Judge -M C Pa•on. R09. Ro11oence, Clerk -A A Matthatt. Rop 1120 Fathom Av Clerk -M E Wof!I, Dem lnsp. -s L Devenport, Dem. PRECINCT -32·39S.. I Judge -G.M. Knapp, Rep. P01lln9 Place -HB/FV Reaflou Clerk -S.J. Appfeglll. Oem. Office. Cl8(k -G.M Haro, Rep 8101 Slalet Av PRECINCT -36-262-1 lnep -K.F Plate, Rop Polling Place -Old Town Riiy Judge -P A 80f'Um. flep Office, Cietll -M A Plato. Rep 1400 Ocean Av Cle<k• M \/. Lawf811()1, No Par1y tnsp. -M c Hanzlik, Rep PRECINCT -32-'100· 1 Judge -B J Rountree. Re() POllll\g PlaOe -HerbOf Hit Vig Clefk -O.H. Gleaves. Oem. ClubhOuM. Clerk -\I Gecola. o.m 4G.49 Visit B•"'' Or PRECINCT -36-ll83· I tnap -M L Plel7, Rop Pollll"Q Pl--Beelef' 6 A••oc Judge -R K King, Dem Bulldlng, Clllfk -MM Sm11n. Dem 200 Matin• Of. #A Cler'k -c E. Hennetty. Aep fntp. -R.A. Carey, Dem. PRECINCT -32.,.01-1 Judge -E.O. Carey, Dem Polllno Plaoe -O\lgan Resio.t'lce. Clerk -F .o. 8-'•. Dem 9U 1 Plat Or Clerk -\/.Wray, Dem. lntp. -B.C. Dugan. Rep PRECINCT -311-.284-1 Jud(141 -E.J Weldenbener. Dem POlllnQ Pl--Mary E loet• Oltrlc -C.L. Simona, Rep. SCllOOI; Cttrll -S.A. Tate, Rep, 12111 8 Coaat Hwy. PRECINCT -32•402·1 1n19. -N.E Pttnttt, "41p. POllll\Q Piii« -EUMY Aetldenoe. Jud(141 -A M 8odtnll&u"'1, Altp, 201&1 8iQ a.nct Ln. c ..-li -A, Ltvl~. Dem lnll). -(L. Muelter. OeoTI Cleok -E.A. ROC>Oltte. "41p. Judge -S.D. Jtnlcln1, Altp. PREO!~T -H-2*1 Clertt -R L Falfehfld, "41p. POiiing Pleet -1.0CIOy &urnlflO Clerk -E.J. Mutptly, flee>. Tr• PRECINCT -32-"03· 1 1890 Ooldtn Aeln l'W. PolllnQ. "--Tu"* Atlic*IOt. ln:r-E.I(. Sup.nttci..o.n• 20682 Troon Ln. J -A.L. MIUll. Uet'TI. I~-P.J T-. Own. C -B.J. Polttf. o.m. J -S.K. Paul. Aep. Clerk -J,l. Kendell, '-· 0 -O.E. Wall-, Oem. PFIECINC't -MooHl-1 Cletk -o.o. 8~~1 Own. Polllng Pl--8'own ... AeeicJel_.. ... "'!09-. PRECINCT -42._.1 212 ntll 81. Polling P-. ..... Vlll9 Wllf'Mf '":f-G. llfown, Dem, Ctu~. J -F.I. Oedbttl, Olm. eeoc> Wllf* lt.11. C -N.C. Ptltlua. llleo. -T.C, UW\rip, Aep. Cletk -M.C. JotwllOll! Olm -I.I< Yoe. l'ep. PAIEOINCT -,...,.,., -O. ~tin. Dem. P<*lllO 11'*9 -~fl Cletll -1-H• ~. 0etn. ~I PAICl~T -U~1·1 1106 gofW fll. PQllnl ft'--Oreoa Lutherlll ..,.. -IA~. A.cl. ~. JlldO&-M.L ~ Aetp. IN1 tdlllDe AY. a.\ -LM. ~ ..... ln:r-AM. Whelen, o.m. CWk -E.C. Klttlltua, Allp. J -1,A. WOOd, llleo. PAICINOT -Ho .... t Clef -LI.. Meraotte. Cent. PO!llng fll--011nyoft IWldenoe. °'" -M..C. Moitlene. -· »JO~ ()Ir, PMOINCT -si.-.1 ... -A.T ...... Dtll\, JuOcle -M K llflfl, °""' c1 .. 1. u L Du11y4'•. ~ C1et11 n o Yeh. °"'" Pfl(CtNC r )O·H~· I Pothng P1ec41 AudltOfium Au1111"11 Ir ... '8!0 Ooldltll RaJn 'Id lrtlp c l "'"""'· °"'"' Judge 0 R An1111~. li•JJ Clef\. L M Klave.. ~ CIOiii M P \lallCOnOftll•• l)fjrr. PRECINCT 30 210 1 Polllng l•ta<>e Room 2 NO<lllwOO<I t4n NJ)(thWOOO Rd. h1tp 0 B Munford Hep JUO\je 11 Tttl)al11Jl, ~ Ctetl. A M Born, Dem Ci.tk C I\ ff P•uf\O, Dom PRECINCT 36-27 I· 1 Pomno Pitc. Room ' NO<lllwOOd. 111119. -P G T •YIOt, Dem JuOO. -e M NOfdlleA,R•P Clerk M O feylOt, ~m CIOlk -M H Mll1Qllv8, fllec> 1'11ECINCT 36·272· 1 Potting Plooe Au<l1t0<1um But11tng T1eo. 1880 Goldt!n Ro111 R<l lnap I M Bennet!. Rep Judgo M \I 8enn1111. Rep Clerk S E. 9artifrll. R111J Cletk M.E Sonee. No P1111y PRECINCT -38-273-I Polling PIACe -Room 3 Northwood, 1<121 NormwOOCJ Ad tnap -W A Wood, Rep Judge -w C M11Chtlll, Rep Clttrk J Mllenetl, Rep Clerk L N11Jm&11t, OQm PRECINCT 36-27'1· 1 Po111ng PttK;e Room 6 NO<lhwood. 1.421 NO<lhwoOd Rd tnap F Metzga•. Rep Judge -M C Hou!l8r ~ep Ckllk -B R Wells. Rep Clelk -K I Johnson, Aep PRECINCT -36-275· 1 Polling Place -Audt1011um El Oo•ado, 1388 t El Dorado Or tnap H L Ulllg, Rep Judge H M Swanson. Rep Clerk E A. Swanson, Rep Cle<k -0.0 Leonaod, Rap PRECINCT -36-276· 1 Potting Place -Hermatad Resldonce, 121:; Catalina Av lnap -L A Hermstao. Rep Judge -L M Henson, Reo Clenc -\I A Becker. Oem Cte<k C L Kniglll, Rep PRECINCT 36·276· I Potllng Pleoe -Rwnetll FIMiden<:e 4181 Blrc"wOOd Ave !nap -E C Randolpn, R119 Judgo -A L Procter, Dem Clork -B J Hay No Party Cietk -A O Reulershan. Rep PRECINCT 36-279· 1 Polling Ptooe -Tnomeu Residence •781 Candteb9rry.Ave lnsp -P n1omeu. Rep Judge -E R Devis. Rep Clerk -S K SChOllnlet>er Dem Clerk -B J S1ugar1. Dem PRECINCT -36-313· 1 Polling Piece -Room :; Northwood 1421 No11t1wOOCJ Rd lnsp J S Gray Dem Judge M Ha.ssetbrtng. Rep Cle•k A 0 Ewing Ot!m Cletk B E Boehman. Rec> PRECINCT 36-316-I P()lllng Pla<.'tl WOOd R~Ot1nc.e 4516 Guave Ave lnsp -K Y Townsend Rep Judo~ R J 0 1\enst•oe• Rt1P Cte<I>. BE WOOd. Dem Clef). J A Stagnaro Rep PRECINC1 36-317-1 Po111ng Place Commun1l1r Ce11le1 CIUDl'IOU~ 3333 St Cloud Of 111sp R E Sc1>n111der, Oem JudQt! L C Jackson. Ree> Cieri< -J M AIPGn Rep C1611< E Ca1r Dem PRECINCT 36-318·1 Po111ng Place -Robertson RM1deno8 3671 Bluebell St lf\SP M Grundv1g Rop Judge N M Mlllell, Rep Cl61k J.P Done Re.p Cte•k B l Allen Rep PRECINCT 36-3 19.1 Palling Ptaco GalDreain Re&1dence '424 Elder Ave 1n1p -N M Ceughlm Deni Judge C C Yeti. Dem Clerk B A Gat1>1ea1n. Aeo Cte11t B Y Ort Dem PRECINCT 36-J22-1 Polling Plooe Room 7 No•lhwOOO u21 Nortnwood Ro Ins M M Kreinbring Rep JuClge -H L AeynOfdS Rep, Clerk F E Ooton, Rep Clef'k R Rogow, Dem PRECINCT -36-323· 1 Polling Place Room 8 Norlhwood 142 t Northw<>Od RO lnsp 0 S Ward, Dem Judge -0 L Garvey, Dem Clerll -M E Hube<, Dem Clerk -M C SchrOder. Rop PRECINCT -36-324· 1 POiiing Place -Lobby Burning Tree 1eao GOiden Rain Rd lnsp -J.R Penfield, Oem Judge -I R Cllernoff Dem Cte<lt -C R. Kett1n, No Party C1&r11 -M Keatln. No Pmy PRECINCT -36-321-1 POiiing P1Ml8 -Mary E Zoeter ScnoOI 121h St6 Pac Cat Hwy lnsp LL LOhrke, Rep Judge -LE WlllhOlle, 0em Cle<k I Crosby, Dem Cieri< -J.M Dennis, Dem PRECINCT -36-328· 1 Polllnp Place -Suf'fstde Cotony Ott!Qe 89 Surlllde Ave NO B lnsp. -L.L Pf'IMllps. Dem. JudOe -O.M. Pntlllps. Rep Cletk -E A. Gustelson. Rep Clerk -J.B. Kloklll Rep, PRECINCT -3&-329· 1 Potting Place -McGaugh 1111. SohOOI 1698 8o1$8 Ave lntp. -M F Ide. Dem. Judge -9 S. McGrath. Oem Clerk -P.L. Jey, Rep Clerk -L Hemn. R119, PRECINCT -36-33"· I Po411ng Place -Krogn Aest<lonOI .4900 Ironwood Ave tnsp. -l.M Ktogn. Dem. Judga -P.A. Nordttrom, Rep Clellt -M.O. ~eellan. Dem Ci.tk -S P. Rtchard. Rep PRECINCT -36-335-1 Polling Pl--Senior Cllllons Clul>houte 707 Electrlo Ave. Intl). -M.M. While. Dem Judge -L. Berme11, Oem C*lc -I< C. Annino.. OeM. Cletll -M.H. Colmar. Rep PRECINCT -36-336-1 Polling pt--Mary Wlleon Ubtaty 101 Eleottlo AYI 1~-P.A. lkx:hanen. Oem J -R. 8town. Oem Cltt -t.M. Perko, OM1. Clerk -A.C BllOf\al\111, Dem PRECINCT -3&-33M Potlklg Pteoe -lat Untd. MelllOOlel Ctl<woh 141 IOtll S~. ..,._,, -O.M, Cunningham, 09f1'I J\idOI -N.M, Slater, No Perty Olelfc -,,.,, c..on. o.m. Clel'll -Q "' $1MmoM, o.m, PMOIMOT -~.._, ~ PlltOe -s.et 8-dl Trllller Ptl. O!lil>hoult 311 W*'°'1'll UM -LM. ,,....,, Dem. -1.1..~0wtl C -t,ii.L. ~. 0etn Cllttll -J.I!. Y:::Jo.. Olm. P"IOINCT -1 P011f10 ,__ -LuklncMotl ~-101 MIN!ltla A'te -l.J. l.uk'"°'*"', ...... . _ ..... ~ .... . -l',I(, ..,.,... °""· Clerk -MA. Ogle. .... • ~ , '"lCINCT 0 J4 I I POillog _,.lie. Plpat ~IC<I «64 81rd1WOOCJ A•e In M M Ptpel, 0..11 b A WYU\Kih, fies> V C We1d Dem ci.11. w o w.,a o.m IUNln llACH PRECINCT lf lfl8 I POIUno Pleot Wom11111 Cluli ClulltlOuM 18' 1? 6ty View Or -C R Aoo.t.. Oett1 -C K OoolM>n, Dern Cler ('. r Ku-.ionaul, Roop Ciert< -S J MllM Deni PRECINCT )7-~)-1 Polllng Pl-11111\lnl- Flte Steuon 161181 12111 St lnlll) -A B Tly\Uf H-V JudQe -W H Teyto<. ~ ci.t\; C H., rtno I on. Oem Cletlo. -C A f•Y4CM . ~ IAY vtmW PRECINCl POiling Ptaoe R..io.nc. St--O!!o8-1 M11Hory 2633 Redl111d1 °' lnllj). -R Mell()(y. ()em Juooe -J Moffett. Rep Cler\ -K T Ad•m •. Rep Cliertl -R 0 Bol~ln Jr . Dem PRECINCT -51·060· 1 POiiing Pl-L&ud4'tb•ugh i~s1 lnep, -L V l•Ud.,~11. Rep JudQe ·-C C Rollmt.M. Rep Cl«k -E I P•i.ttef. R.p Cl«lt -0. T WN I. Rep PRECINCT -51-081 I POiiing Place -The Apa11men11 Clubhouse 324 E 20th 81 lnl{> -L o Oo""tV, Rep JUdge M I( Ru1Mtl Rep C ... 11 -J A He<m•n. R8C> Clerk -S 0 Outiy Rec> PRECINCT 51·2 IS-1 POlllng Place -Smith Resoo.,nce 163 I Pogasus St 1n1p -L I Johnson. °""' Judr -F s o ·shea. 0em Cler -J. LilVlll. Dem Clerk -M L H•nle~. Dem PRECINCT 51-218-1 Polling Pl-L yO\Ch Resoden<:e. 20062 Bir~ SI lnsp -C C Lynch Dem JUdge -M.J Hulse Dem Clerk -EJ Lynch, Dem Clerk M L Millage Rep COSTA MESA PRECINCT -52--001.1 POiiing Place -Hatding Reso~nce 2136 Sterling Av lnsp -CE Tweroowi..), Rep JUdge -R.W. F~t&r, Rep Cler~ -E Fodor. Dem Clerk -J C. lyneh, Rep PRECINCT -52-002-1 Potlong Place -•2 Ftre S1a1100 800 Baker S1 lntp -R 0 Humphrey Dem Judge -M M Humphrey Dem Clerk -C F Ephfom. nep Clerk -A P Morales. Dem PRECINCT 52 003 1 Polling Piece Johnsor Residence. 231 Rochestflf St lnsp -P S JO/lnson Dem Judge -T H Jonnson. Oem Clerlt -o o ward Rep Clerk -H W Ward, Rep PRECINCT -52-004· t Polling Plac11 wash•ngtor Residence, 1817 Atlto Av tnsp -A F wu111ng1on Rep JUdge -B B loog Rep Clerk -o Downs Rep Ci«i< -C F BllkHHle Rep PRECINCT 52-00S-I Polltng Pl •c• Redoule) Retldenc:e, 280 Kno1> Pl lnlCI. -R W R.Oouley, Dem Judge -K I Rende. Rep Cletll -M M Momaon Oem Clefk -RM M0<1on. Rep PRECINCT -52-006-1 Polll n g P l ace -B"ecrteo Retl<SeNle. 200 M110fl()118 SI lnsp. -B.J Beecher, Rep Judge -R G Srw>atheo, Rep Cletk -A.B WHth-aa, Rep Cletl< -C A ~ Jr Rep PRECINCT -52-007-1 Potllng Pt•ce Ataoe rc Residence. 264S Santa Ana A• •7 lnsp -M J. YatNll, Dem Judge -R R w ooo, Rep Clerk -F E. ChUOa Rep Clerk -M J McCe!'lhy, Dem PRECINCT -52-008 t Potting Pi.c.e -Hl1P8f Communoty Ctr., 425 E. t81h St ln*P -Y w Medina. Dem Judge -C M E•an5. Rep Clerlc -A.M Koenig, Dem Cte<k -R l . Jones, Rep PRECINCT 52--009-t Potttng Pi ece K uhl""'" Res.denoe 358 Eathef St lnsp -J W l(uhtmen Rep •Judge -M 0 l(uhlmen Rep Cieri( -E S Brew Dem Ci.tit -J.A Haynes Rep PRECINCT -52-0 tO· t Polllng Place -Coast Col Oosl ~. 1370 Adema Av lnsp -M M Kr-. Dem Judge -W T AtklnlOtl. No P•rly Cieri( -R M. S•ndera, Rep Clet1I -O.N. Engen, Dem PRECINCT -52·0'1·t Polling Pleoe -Celllotnla School. 3232 Catllomle St ln19 -F.S. Sherrtcll Dem Judge -L E Schmok, Rep Ci.tic -HR Sorbet. Dem Ci.til -H J G•mt>er Rep. PRECINCT -52-012-t POINng Piece -Hermon Rest3ence, 1859 llUnol• SI, lnsp -J 0 Hermon. Rep Judge -l F Slebels. Rep C*11 -M V Sigmond. Rep Clet1I -0 L GY1t•f110t1. Rec> PRECINCT -52-013• 1 Pollln11 Pl•c. -Unl1ar11n Univ Cllureh, 1259 VlctO<ll SI lnap -BE Fllllef, R-s> Judge -E.C. l(noy, Dem Cleril -H 0 ~I.,, Rep Ct.rk -M V Betn .. I, Rep PRECINCT 52-014-1 POiiing Pl•c. -M•rlon P•,.on1 School. 2350 Canyon Or ln1C1. -E.C ~ley. Rec> Judge -E P. Sh•nnallan, No P•ny Clefk -A T Perry. Dern Clt<11 -T L Phegley. Rep PRECINCT -52~ 1&-I Polling Ptaoa -Leon ~ 643 W 17tll SI lnep -M.N. I(~ Rep, JudQe -8.E. AM9n, Rep, Cler\; -M.E. TuOof, Rep. Clerll -J.V. Llnglon, Dem. PRECINCT -62-017·1 Polllng Pl•c:• -Lo1an1lnl ~. ~58 Valley Ad lntp -M L. Lofenzlnl, Dem ~ -E.. Y. ~Jno. "9p, Cler\; -FL. Mettln, ~ Pa-ty ~ -0 T. Coif~. Rep. PRECINCT -&l--Ola.1 Polllng P11c;1 -D•VVl•w M11nor ClubhouM, 350 "N. ~81 !nip -C.J M;::.:-"· Judge -T V • "9P Qer\ -A.. VBMll, Aet>. Cieri! -E. O. Trtml>fi, Ale> PRlCINCT -52-01 .. 1 '~C-.cnwdl POl!lllt Pleoe -nu ,.rv._ Rd - 0 J IC"'9C1, "90, -c 0 ""* ... Dem -EJ ~o.Aep Qin -l.1 l llMlllwl. Dem. PMCIHC1 -t:-.oao-1 floMne ,._. -Pemn ,_._ __ "'NIB,., 21172 QfeenlJ(ler l..n. 2r-L.V Pwrtn, ,,...., -Ma JGM•tan, "-' -0.A 010ty, Dem. Oletll -0 L (tlf9t. ,_ PA(OIHCT -U:.OU•1 Polllnt Place -College Pertr lchool, MIC •fkf 2380 NOif• 0.on• 1\11 h111p A M 01111>0111. 11911 Judoe II l l ew1111. Uwn f 1Mh I l\IPl)<ll, l>.111 l.ltHh A II AU•l111 11•11 l'llf I.IN(. I !I) 0:111 I 1•u11111u f'I•• • Cut<.01 •n 11..io .. _ •II:> '""" ~" 111"1 J w flot01o1u f1<11> Juflo• t. t 1 t11h1 ""11 ( ••11. 1111 l tt)fllllfllt•. fln1> c.1...... t ' (,l111nlngh•11• n.~ PnLCINCl ~l 0~1 I POiiing Pl1011 011t•ll~ naa11i.oce 1 TO fho M•1ler1 (,If ln19 V l t lift) """' Judge II l Lund .. I 111111 Cle<h E :> B41t!Oey. O..n Ctert. J l Vllloi , Htl(J Pl\FCINCT !12-03 1 t Polling Place Oowl.I R1111td&n(" '531 Ot llllO• A• Apt A t11ap N Oo*O 09ln Jue;to. C S Oow<I O.m Cle<!. J I CtOUM Rep ·c 1.... (; g FIKnllf °""' PRECINCT ~J 03~ I Polllog Ptactt NmghDOthOOO 11 .. c .. •h1r 184~ Pert. Av 1r1~p M f 1.lrow11 O..n Judo• E K E!rown O..m Ct .. l. E F Aulr9C/11 ()M) Ctl!fl( H H Moor R11p PRECINCT -S2 033· 1 Po111ng P11ce -u111e1on AHld'8n<i8. 2303 EIOen Av lnap -S A t.1111e1or1. Rtop Judoe -1.L Shuw. Ottm Cieri. -S L Haggerty. Doro Clerk AL Lawrence. No Party PRECINCT -52·03•· I P0111r'g Pl--Henson Retldctnee 2034 Monro••• Av lnap L J Howatd, Rap Judo11 B l l(ing, Rep Cl&<k M J Hanson, Dom Clerk P I McConnell Dern PRECINCT 52 035 1 Pot11ng Pl.oe Sm11n Rea1oenc• 121 22nd SI lnsp l L Looge. R;;p Judge AL CaSIOfl, No Party Cieri.. M J Smith. Rep Cieri\ -G P Botts. Oilm PRECINCT -52-037·1 Pollmg PIOGc Ardl!ll Ae61dt1nce. 2760 Menaoza 01 lnap S I Otllon. Rep Juoge 0 E Brthllny Rep CMltlo. M L Michel, Rep Cleo. E A Hall Rep PRECINCT S2-0l9· 1 Polling Ptac11 Co1umo1a S L P trtce. 2252 Hart>or Blvd l111p T J Brelly, Rip Judge A.0 Koc• Dem Clerk RT E1ler1. Dem Clerk P w P~son Rep PRECINCT 52·040 I Polling Place SI Joachim Chr Hall, 196• Orange Av lrlSP M A Voooru Rep Juoge w L Forbess. Dem Gittrk A E Armout Rep Clerk C B Oll•et Oom PRECINCT 52·04 I I POlhng Phtc" DeR111' Res•dence 934 Cheyenne St 1n1p J A Tomlin. Oem JUOge v DeRlllS Rep t;terk M H Hlij&k Rap Cterk M R MOtlO Oem PRECINCT 52 042 1 Polling Pla<;e Kollybroolo.e Schoot 3 155 K1:1yorooke L n lnsp L M German Dem Judge v l Petersen. Oem Clerk -0 L Gayn0t Rep Cler~ -M L Tera1gn1. Dem PRECINCT 52·0•3 I Potllng PIKe Bear Street School 3100 Beat St lo1Sp M J fhatcher Rep Judge _,,. E M 0..ler Rep Clerk -T M oeuape o..n Cler~ S R Manus Ltt>n PRECINCT -52--0••· 1 Polling Piece Pomon• Schoot, 205 I Pomona Av 1n1p E M. ButDy Rep Judge -L.C sawltz. Rep Cletk Lo< TalDOU RBI) Clerk C E ~Sing Reo PRECINCT -52-045 I POiiing Pt--Mot11n Rellaonc. 2924 Aeawooo A• 1nso 11 S Mlffet, Rllp JuOge B J Mcl<tm, Oem Cieri< -H R ROO•nlOtl. Rep Clerk -P F Hom•tt•ad ~P PRECINCT -52-0•6-1 Polling P l a ce M c0011e10 n.s.oence 22 16 Meyer pt lnap -0 M Cr1111111. Rep, Judge -B Boordmen. Rep Ciert. M A Williams. Rep Cterlo. I M Blrtnger Dem PRECINCT S2-0S I· 1 Poll•ng Piec e Heyman Rln'dence 3160 Be<muda Or lnap R Heyman R-s> Judge M Heyman, No Pany Clerk L J Feenstra 04!m Clerk -J A FeenSlrA Rep PRECINCT 52-053 1 POlhr\11 Piece Ptelltl Resooence IMO OoOle Or 1"90 -A T Cemeh•n Rep Judge -M R r..ur11s Rep Ct«k -SK &rl!e. Rep Ctert -p "' Peeraon. R«!O PRECINCT -52-054-1 Polling Pl•ce -Bateeric Cntr . 197S Baleanc Or "lnap -J L 08fmon. Rep Jud911 -J M Bun Rec> ci.,1o; -S l ~n• Rop Ct•k -H E Redoing Rep PRECINCT -52-056 I POlllOQ Pi.ce J~ Residence. 2449 0<•~ Av •A INSP -B J Fur•n Rep Judge -K E Rupu, Rep Cte.-k -LB Troy. Rep CleOI -0 K Adrien. Rep PREClNCT -52-059· 1 Polling Piece -M onlocello Clubhouse, 150 \lelley Forge Ln tnsp -LB. MUM)', Oem JudOt -L E Four ... Dem Ctetk -E.M Godwin. Rep Clerk -B G Maloney. Amer Ind PRECINCT -52--060· 1 Polltng Pl•ct Regal Mo Pk Clubh<lvM, 18•5 Monrovt• Av lnsp -M J L•ntdowne. Rep Judge -I L Beldwtn, Rep Clorll -V M Ciutchfield. Rep. Cieri! -9 .J 8eentng1, Dem PRECINCT -52-061-1 Potltng Piece -v1111 Del L•go Clubhou .. 2775 Meet Verde Or East lnsp -H Chatal, Dem Judge -o o. Bredi.y. Rao Cletk -H. H.,•h. Rep Cltt" -A.S. W•ter1. Dern PRECINCT -52-t&e-1 Polling Place -Presbytert•n Cllurcll, 2050F .......... Rd llltp -z 0 Mcl(lt>bon, Dem .Judot -c J Cro6.lt. Rep Cletk -1' M Cemc>ti.11, Dem Clerk -T .A Srnllll Dem PRECINC'T -52· 1~7-I POiiing Piece -Coted Rnldenoe, i 104 \/en &Hen lw llltc> -TL Coad, Rtp ~:: Bc ~-Pr:.o~rf:' Cltrti -$,Ono, No Pafl)' PRECINCT -52• 188-1 Polling Ptaot -Wr'9fll ~. 1992 'fltllll Ot. lnep -M L Slfollmeler, l'ltP. ~ -J I, Elllton, Rep. Oerll P.A. WrlQllt, AtMt Ind Clerlc -C.J oevl'..on, Rep PRECINCT -82-17)-1 POiiing Pllloe -Hl>f Ar• 8oy9 Clut>nOuH. 2131 Tutlln Av tntp -L.J. Brown, Rep Jvdge -A.K Eou-. bem. C'9flt -H.O Brown. Rep, Clefk -M H ICutM, Dem PRECINCT -52-174-t POIMnQ Pi-H.iofll ~. MO 81 CIM St I -l .J. HelgM. Otfft -PW.~.Atp. -I Kubik, Oli!n. Cllt1i -M.I. 81daw4 Olfn PA(CtNCT -42.111.t POIMnQ Pleoe -CMtBon ... Aeeldel--IQl- ltlO Conict Pl. !nip -A. W Cetttoft, Atp Judge -T Alt~ Rep ' Ml.IC •Ill \.le< o ll A 811••Y, l\et.I Clef" A II Alle1111ge, II .. , rAl'C:INC.. 1 fl~ I/ft I l•ullh•ll Plil< fl • I Ho• 1Jla11on 111111 AtJ1t1 11•1rn llo lr1•11 M I l v111& l)ern Jv"'r v 'l' .. "" 11ep t.ltot "I. tl<>lllilfg A•v l.1411~ V ti U11111u1 llnCJ l•lll f'.INC I ~1 I fll I l'Qlh1111 l'ltK• Al.l91 ll• l><.Ooul i fll'IO C•uu "°"" "a li11p 5 M M.illfm 11•1> Judge I( M Clllhln IH>m Cie<k 6 l 011 an•r f\•11 c1.,, e N Hupi.111• 11 .. 11 PJllC..INCl !>t 18 1 I Polllf\Q Ptac;e C.av.,, ""•"'""' • 281f Dr •i.e Av lhl ll M t C.•IM!H ll1J11 Juaoo 9 1.1114111, Hot> 'Clark 0 Ale••• 1~1'111 C.100 k K f Alcal11, Hep Pnr<.:1N\, I ~2 l(ll ' Put1111g Ptei." ll1rbo1 Oap1111 C.hvrcn 1:>30 a .... i;1 ln1p 0 L N1-on, No Party Juuge J A P11g" O.m C1111 I; B J t uvlo•, Oeno Cl19rk A J 1101111, Dent PRECINCT ~2 183 1 Polllng Pl8C41 F11a1 Church J •SI ""' B M Benoio Rec Judge S Beck, Aep Cieri. F J o<lmm.,1. Rl!ll Clclt k p H Whlh1, Rv11 PRECINCT -!>2 18.S· I Po11tng Pl•C• C oru1.,lle Ae¥108flC•. 340 E 16th SI lrtlp A M CNUIMlll• No Pally Judg• H C Walke1 Rep Cte<lt G C Walllor, Rep Cle<k M C Po11er Rop PRECINCl 52· 185· 1 Polling Ploco Lutlo.llutdl Resldonce, 248 E 20th S I lnsp 0 M luc•n•rdt Hop Judg• M T Conoe1. o.tm Cieri. M M Adamt Rep CMlrt. M T Arndt Oom PRECtNCT S2· 186 I Polling Piece Nwpt n1v1<1111 CtuDhouse. 3SO Rovtera Or tnsp A B Hall Rep JuOge 0 A Ohver 1\811 Clerk R M Sonohv O..m Clerk K v K11ue Rep PRECINCT 52 188· I Polll"O PlaG" Pene R1$1d.,11Cll 1056 San Pablo Cu lnsp M G Pene, Rep Judge E B Bundy R.,p Clllfk C M Schut>o<;i.. No Perly Ctert. -JR C•r•ten. R"ll PRECINCT 52-188·2 P0111ng Piece Pano Res•oence 1056 San !>abto Cir lntp -SS Graham, Rep Juoge -B J Lana, Rep c .. rk -I(, T Plccolo, Dom Clert. -VS Nuecnteolem, Rep PRECINCl 5? 189 1 Pot11ng P1aca Broo1 .. ,e ... Cono Ctu l>llOuae 630 P.sulanno Av lnsp E M S1•nlt1y Rt1p Juage H E Navarra Rep Clttrk PO Navarra, Oem Clerk K B Castro Rep PRECINCT 52· 190 I Pollrng Place Sprague Residence 3021 Baoo S1 tnsp 0 J Spragut' Dem Judge V E Cunnongrtam Rep Clerk M 0 Ravmer Dem Cl9'k C A Matei ro, NO Pany PRECINCT 52-19 t I Polling P141CO Smith Residence. 304 1 OonnyOrOOk Ln 1nsp C P Maroon Rep Jurtoe II M No•on. Dem Clerk -H M Lull<, R99 Cletk A E Rhod.. Dem PRECINCT 52-192-t Polllng Place Cou1 College Office. 1370 Adams A• lntc> 0 A Natll1n, ArMJ< Ind Judge N E. Manou•. Rrsi Ci.ri. P E McOlash Dem CW~ LS Nelson l\eo PRECINCT 52· 193·1 POllll\O Pl--en-Ruodence, 2283 Ce><<lelll Or ln&c> -l B Chuen. Dem Judge -EA Appl9Q81e Rep Clftr i. -G C Sarldef 1 Rep Clerk R S App~lle Rep PRECINCT ~2 194· 1 Polltr\g Pl11ce Tr ••ler 1 own Clubhouse 327 W Wiison St tnap -G B Fellbaum Rep Judge -M F Burget! 'le? Cl-'k -0 l Or-'"· Rep Clerk -R l ~~evln Reg PRECINCl -52· 195 I Potltng Place Rea Commu111ty Ctr 661 Heml11on SI tnap G P Souwe Dem Judge S A Clati.. Dem Cl.,rk 0 9 AndottJ)n ~m Clf!fk -A Wonte< Oem PRECINCT 5:1 197 1 Polling Pl11ce Ptaypor 1 Mo Plr Clubl\QU.se 903 w 17th St lnsp -R M M•mmano. Rep JucJ9e -O \I Ponksllll Rep Cl~ -L L Brown Dem Cle111 M J Hams. Rep PRECINCT -~2 198· 1 Polling Ploce . Hey R8$1dence 274G AIOatrou Or lnse> J B s111re Rep Juoge J A K~ne Dem Cle<ll -M S Conti Oem Clerk -E M Conard Reo PRECINCT -52 199 I POiiing Ptaoe Ireland Res•dance. 1934 f lamingo Or ln11p -A l Bergan, Rep Judge S W Grall Dem Clerll -M M Sptnner Rep Clef1( -J M Orey o.ni PRECINCT 52 200 I Polttng Ptac. Wilson Sch001 801 W Wiison St lnap -0 I Loving Dem Judge -L T Kowa1s111. Dem Cler\ -o Rowts. Rec> Clertc -B I< Wright. Rep PRECINCT -52-20 1. I Polttng .-1ace -Hertlle Restdence 3234 O<~on Av 1n99 -V E Henke, Rep Jud99 -A P Hufltne, Rep C'9fk -0 L McCullough, Rep ·c1e<1r -p A Huffine, Rep PRECINCT -62-203· t Potttng Ptac. -Arm~trono ~- 2989 Ceylor\ °' lnep C.S Frtec*ldOtf, Rep JudQe A J ThOmU. Rep Cler'it -0 Armtlrong, Rec> Clttk -B.C Ot•on. Rep PRECINCT -52-209· 1 POiiing PlllC!e -Kreutzer ~ .. 2524 Colby Pl tnac> -A F $preg141, No Pet1y .JlldOt -A E Kreul%«. Rep Cll<li -E I. RoMl>rOOll, Rep Ci.rk -E.M MHney, A-s> PRECINCT -52°2 10· I POiiing Pt--Elit•ncl• HI Sctlool. 2323 Pt~ll• Av !nap -O.S Cradll, Otm Judge -J.A BvfOfd, Dem CMlil -0.J Hoff. Rtp C.1' -v.c SenOovet. Dem PRECINCT -52·2'2·1 POiiing Pl-.;e -Nu••-Chvtcll, 11185 J.naMlm Av ln'f). -B.L. Cromer. Oem Jvc!Ot -M B. MC1Klbbln1. Rep ci.r\ -P.A Mcf'arlan<I, Dem ~ -M J Sciarm•n, OM\ PRECINCT -62-21~1 PolllnQ Ple()I -81 JOMI Cllutcll, 113 f[ley SI •tnec> -L.E Co41n. Dem Juctoe -A.J. cou11. 0em CMwlt A S l°""'. Olm Clefk L M Jel"loml>, Dem PRECINCT &2·214 I POlllno Pi.oe -C.n., ~. I 779 New ~ampehlre Ot inep -c.a Welti.,, ~ Ju<101 -V I BtfWll\t, ~ Cieri! -W.P Ctrt.,, ~ CMfll -ll.M G•1comb, Aep PRECINCT -'2·210.1 POlllnf Plac;e f ermotllen ~. ~ 17 ~ Oltlt Bit., Av ln9'> -J A 8dvoedef, No P•1Y Jud9I -C I T•rnonllll. ~ t.lttt~ Al l 1'4.!Wfl, fleit Cle<h MM tl•111l11f.u<I No 1'a111 J'IH \:IN(, I 111 ~ 1T I i•rnnno 1'1•"4 U•ll\91 1 ow•r • OvlllJlng. Mew 111111b1 lna11 M A bCl .. tUel ti..1 Jullu• H U••"'-~ Oett> <.i..l. [ V lliiM f\ep 1.1 .. i.. I 0 M•ll•r 0.nt l'HCCIN(,1 'l/71fl I Polling l'IAG• R•mo1 llHidl!'l(,tl, 7 t:J banta 1Hb•I IW hltp R A W .. bOUtn J1 , Hep Ju11ge T I. Mcln1ot11. AllP 'GI..... 0 8 R11mo., Hep Ciel t. E 8 l ocey Hep PRFCINCl 52 2 Ill I Pollhl\j Place GOii• M••• Clly 11•11 11 F.1r Oo lna11 M S ltvw•, Rei. J1111ua M N Ounc•n, O..n C111rl. V H Puwetl °"'" <.:!erk fl A 011119'1, Dem PAEC'tNCT S~-:12 I I Po1ttno Pt-Kuti Healclen<.• JO 1:; Or ant Av lr•IP 0 M E01on, R11_p • Juoge I M Jonat . Q4m Cle1k E R Kutt Reµ <.:let~ A I O'C.:onnor. NO Pftrly Pf1ECINC 1 52 222· I POiiing Piece Ctu 01 Chrlal Cllurch. 2117 W WllM>n St ln1p -J Mff•>n•. Rep Judge M S romt1t1. Rep C11rk -E M Knl<ikrehm, Rep C1e1k -A. Me11tn•, Rep PRECINCT 62·226· 1 Polling PltGn WOOO Retldenc;o, 873 Begonia Av. lntp P M Fowt&f. Rep JuClge J L Wood, Rep Clerk AG Pala, Rep Clerk M J 1<111n1oc Rep NEWPORT BEACH PRECINCT 53 080 1 Polltng Place Barlow Restoer1co 51 Mon1ec110 Or lnap J w Merrlll, Reg Judge M P Co•. Rep Cle!k M J Legrand, Rep Clerk -A I O'Kelly, Rep PRECINCT -53,062-1 Polling PIAO• Elhell ReslOonc11. I Twin l aket Cir lntp H M Elllell, Rep Juog11 L 0 Camor . Aop Clerk J F Scnun" Rep Clerk B G Me111er, Rep PRECINCT 53-063-1 Polling Pleet! • Nelson Residence. 20 Pono;hursl Ln lnap M K Heroell, Rep • Juoge M M Gtau Rep Clork -R I Doell Rep Cle<k M W GOOOwyn. NO Par1y PRECINCT 53 064-1 Polling Place Bluffs Ctubrtouae 24 14 Vista del Oro lnsp A E Cales. Oem Judge B F >1elpbrlnget, Rep Clerk F S Edmundson. Rep Clerk R S Helpbrlnger. R&p PRECINCT ~3-0CIS· I Polllng Ptace YMCA Buold•ng 2300 unovers11y Or "lnsp M M BercovlU Dem • Judg<t M E Cooper Dem "Clerlo EN Pannell, Dem Clerk EH Archambeault, No P8ny PRECINCT S3 066 1 Polling Pl&Cll Newpor1 Crest Clubhouse 20 I Intrepid St 1n1p BJ Stemm Rep JuOge B J Scllwartr Dem Clerk M E C11rnahan, Rep Clerk J S Hanten, Dem PRECINCT 53-068· 1 Polling Place Promonto,..,. P1 CluDrtouse 200 Promontor) Or W••• lnap H F Wot1ph91 Rep Judge C J Boltm•n Rep C~k -S R LIOyd, Rep Clerk -M Pinello, Rep PRECINCT 53OC9·1 Potllng Place RuD1nt Roatoa11oe. •5 Beacon Bay 1n611 -L H. Ya.d. Rep Judge M M Tnomu . Oem Cle<'lo L M Au01n1 Reo Cl11t1< TR Rubina. Rao PRECINCT 53-07 1-1 Potllng P1Ke -Hald R8tldonc•, 2306 l aurel Pl l11ap -J I Sandt. Dem Judge 0 A Hudson, Dem Cleric I! M O'An>O<"e Aep Clllft. E R Glenn Rep PRECINCT -53-072-I P011111g Ptece Akerman R4MldenGo 802 South Bay Front lnap M Y lorrey. Rep Judoe -J P AUrmen, Rep Cteik -SS E,iley Rep Cl•rlo. -0 S Schwe1uer Rep PRECINCT -53-073· 1 Potting Piece RMJ Elil SIO<O. :1000 W Bell>Oe Rtvd lnap P M Scon, No P•ny • Jud90 CA Morr•UI. Rep Clerk J B Oawaon, No Perty Cll!fk L S Baker Dem PRECINCT S3.074· 1 Potllng Piece Community Church. 611 Heliotrope Av lnsp J C Moms, Rep JuClg• -F C Lo F...,.. Rep Cterl< J R B1ekem0t• R8P Clerk -G H Stein. Dem PRECINCT -53-075-1 Poning Piece Bonnet Res1aonce 2 12 \111 Olfon 1n14> J F Bonnet. Rep Judge v J Me•nv Rtp r.1er1t F S Preston, Rep Clerll p A Hollender. Rep PRECINCT 53-078-1 Pclllng Ptaoe Newi>0<1 Elem Sen not, t•th t\ BalbOI lnsp B L McCarthy, Dem JUCIO• c J M•rtllAll, No Peny Ci.tk MM Wegner, Dem •c1erk BA Ptume. Rep PRECINCT 53-071·1 Potting PltGB Beicor Residence, 1515 Anita Ln lnap -KM Boer, RllP Juor -RM 1mho11. Rep Cler -R.M Rullln. Dem Clefll -A I< Smith. AllP PRECINCT -53-078· I POlltng Place -Smllh Aealoence. 1827 e...nonsn.11 L11 lnse> -0 W Smtih, Rep Jvdgt -M A Macln~. Rep Cieri< -0 L ~ete'*, Rep 'Ck!rk -JC Swedlund, Rep PRECINCT -53--078-t PolHng Place -w11.,. Reeldtn<:e. 2721 WlndoYer Or lntP -L L W•tera. Rep • JudQe -C c McAdem. Rep Cl«k -M H An4eraon. Oem ClerlC -J Carpenter. Rep PRECINCT -53-080· t Polling PllC!t -NWpl 8elbot SL Community Ctr W"1Clllt Pl&H lnap T R Meodellh•M. Dem Ju~ -J V McA!Mr, Rec> Cterir -L S Murrey, Rep C'9fk -J 0 McAI-, Rep PflECINCT -53-08 I· 1 POiiing Pleoe -~f)Oll SllOf• ClubhOuM, 511 Cenat St lntP -I Mine<. Rep JUOO--A C Aem.itow. Rep Cler\; -0 E Menaon. Rep Clertl -J M Seb911, Dem PRECINCT -53-082·t PotNno Place -OO<kln Ae11<1enae. ~o Al>Qlena Av 1n1p -l A Dorkin, Dem. Judge -M A Sweln, Rep Ci.rii -l M 91.ttlon, Rep C.11. -0 E WOOiiey, o.m P!\EOtNCT -U-08'· I P otting Pl t C• -Co mp • 1 RMI~. 1219 POleri. Or lnep. C R. Unver1. Rep JU(IOll H.W Owo1~1. Rec> Ci.tic J.M HOfmw. "'9. CWlc -W C HOll'Mll. Rep PRECINCT ~.()414• I Potllllg Pt~ A~ .... lcHlfloe t36 ~r099Ave l~. -~.J. A\IMt, Aep. • ~ -c.o . ..,.,, Rep. Clerii -I I. Pwenl Oem.. Cwll -O.l . Cttl. ~. PRECINCT 113-0ta• I ~"'-.._._, leed'i ~HBI "°° Ntowport 8Nd t 111av M R LNM I~ Jutlu• C c; •~41dmontJ. l'-11 Cte1J. PI' WOIXI. flem Glefk 0 Cl Mc.ltllllth. Nu l>erty f•llf( IN(.. I tlJ Ofltl t 1'1141111111'1 .... !llKk lle.li)A<I(;• IU I l'<>111>y Ave Oil Alley 111111 w l 8PllllCA' ""' IU•lg• M c H•li.,men ....., 1.lwr l. fl M C:.llatlOUdt l\"J) <,terk ll J Fll•l>uudt lltp Piil (;IN(, I 113 087 I P(llllnll Pl-N9wj;O!I Ho•• S1.t11>0t JOO t\lh ~t t.tww ~ P Hemlilet Hep JudQ8 8 C <..•r• O.m Clerk ~ U No.rn•n Hap Clerk E M HOOO O..n PREC.INC 1 '13 0811 1 Po111no l'l•G• NO II Fir• Sletton 4 10 Mangold A•• hllll J A Pelhlll•I Rep JuO(la M E Nitllt>tt Rep C1a<I. LR 118(.lt.elf, R9'l C11<1< S 1:1 Yeo. R"l.I PnECINC f s:i 0811 1 Po111r1u Place Mun1011 R11JIO•oce ~38 Fullunon Avo 1n111 P L Mtrdu1c;11, """' •Judge G 0 Mun.on A•p Cieri\ MM 8re014ry Aep Cltlfl\ JC Fo1>e1 Oem PRECINCT 53-090 I Polling Pt..ce M1nell Re1tde11ce 20~7 HIOhlenl.I Or lnap l W Forbes, R111.1 Juooe -A Z Menen. Dem Clt11k K J Frtnk. Rep Clef'k L L J1c;ob1. Reo PRE:::1NCT 53-091. t Polling Place Jones Re11oence 308 Poppy Ave tn•p 8 H Oev1e1, Rep Judge P B Jono1 Rop Clerk C Silmon No P11rty Ctetk ti M Salmon NO PAii~ PRECINCT 53 092 1 POiiing Piece Filfguson Res•de~e t l S No Bay Front 1n1p -Y H Ooo111y Oem Judg11 R S B11rden. Rep Clerk LB Har1te1n. Oem CHlrk -L Lew11. Rep PRECINCT -63·093 1 Pothng Ptac:e Lido llltnll Clubnouse 70 I vie Lodo Soud lnsp H S H&rdagv. Rep JuOge B H Morris Rop Clt1rk A M l~ney R11p Clerk 0 K Oe.,,uyCll, Aop PRECINCl 53-094 1 Polling Piece Haroor 0•51 Ottoce 190 I Bey Side Or lnsp OJ Cornell Rep Judge J M Behvr. Rep Cl8rk -L A Morgan, Rep C1e1k -l R Prell. Rep PRE Cl NC T · 63 095 I Pollln:i Ptoce TMy11r Re.idllll('.e 106 Vie Lorca 1n1p -M J 01ngh' R11p Judge S H O•ngle Rep Cterk J L Tnave• Dem Clerk P A CrOSIOO. Oilm PRECINCT 53·096· 1 Polling Piece Truo Re11denco 2610 Sea•teW Ave lnsp A L Trull Rep Judge 0 0 T rlmbk! Rep Cll!fk A D Bo.Oen Rep Clerk E I Copten Rep PRECINCT 53·097· 1 Po111ng Place Ebell Clubhouse SIS w Balt>oa Btvo tntp R Remley Rep JuOQa H H COlllN 0em Clerk L v Belcher Rep Cleric BR Dooley R•p PRECINCT 53 098 I POiiing Place Scllm101 Retlde<>U 1805 E BelbOI Bl~d 1n1p -M Ltac:hmen Rep uooe R M Sehm1dt. .Reg Cle<k J M Sperr•. Rep Clerk J 0 Wood Rep PRECINCT -53-o99· 1 PolllnO Piece G11ru Rllldence 2562 Waverly Or lnso -EM Ooner, Rop Judge -B l 01Yen1, R~ Cle<'k -M L 01 .. e, Rep Cterk -P w Teuoe, Rep PRECINCT -53-100 1 POiiing Pl~ -Swango ~tldenoe 112 Balboe Coves 1n11p B E F0<1e.1lle, Rep Judge -G P For1eville, Rep Clerk -T H Orlarldo Rep Ci.tk -K M Hoy, Rao PRECINCT -53-101· I POiiing Pl--S..Clltl Mo Pk ClubhOUN 890 W 1Slh St lntP -L E Fltllet. Rep Judge v 0 Moooy, Rep Clerk -M E. O.Oton O.m \ Clerk -l.K. Dougall Dem PRECINCT 53-102· 1 POiiing Place MOMS RMldenoe '<>25 E Balboe Blvd lnsp G G Atlen, Rep Judge CJ Ou Chu me. Rep Cle< k G A JO/lnlOll Rep Clerk A M Mau . Rep PRECINCT 53-t03· 1 POiiing Place c 1ee1y Retldence 301 The Gr•rld Can•I 'lnt0 -P J Cla&ry. Rep Judge -J A Croile<. Rep Clerk -I( 8 Felllnge. Rep Clerk -H C Bern.,d. Rep PRECINT -53· 105· 1 POiiing Pl--Lowe Reeld8<1Ce 214 33rd SI lntp -B F Young Rep Jud911 M RotDltg, Rep Clerll E P Lowe Rep Ci.tk C H Plncker1 Dem PRECINCT 53 108· 1 POiiing Pt-Endsley ~ 3300 OoNn Blvd lnap -s c MGNel141y. Rao Judge -E S Wen••· Rep Cltnl -C C EncNle<y Rep Clerk V A Hunuk.,, Rep PRECINCT 53 307 I Potllng PIM:e SlmPM>ll R .. ldenoe 2008 Galaxy 0. lntp -C A O<u, R411> Judge -B.J Cetl, Oem Ctetll -RP Meravteh. ~ Cle<ll. -S M StmplOtl, R.c> PRECINCT -5:1·308· 1 Polllnil Pl-Skinner AHldenoe 172-4 Hlghlllld Or lnsp -J M Butg•. Rep Juoge -\l,H Br•ley, Rep Cler\; -G J PrHlkl. Rep Clerk -l V Pra.ttk•. flee> PRECINCT 53.309. 1 POlltno Pt--KNIHIQ ~ 2807 Alta Vl11• O< lnl{> -M.C 81e1n111u1, Oem J1>dge -E.w K ... nno. Rep Clerk -M 8 MerlM!vOln, Rep c ... 11 -B J c.one. Rep PRECINCT -"-310-1 • :=~-~Of ChlKert 2049 Mer Vlei• Or lnap -£ R ROH. Rep JudOe -N.E. 0.001. Oem Cleric -I. Bell•my, Rep Clefk -8. Ktulz, Aep PRECINCT ~34 11 I POllftO Pt-Ooel!IJ ~NIB 100 8leon Ave -v c Ooellt:t. Oerft -H.0 MoC1tmrnon, Rep -s J 111\nlll, o.m Olefll -MA. Cotlma11, Aep PAECINCT -U ·312· 1 Polllno ~ -CllaMll Aeeldllll09 2tM Alli Vlei• °' In -O.P. OlllMtl, Aep -P.A.~. Rep, Oltr -IA.C..1.~ Ct.,11 -Ml . W~. fltc> • P~H¢T -~-3~0.-1 , ,.,.,. -....,. =Hoeclll~ • .,,.., -1.8 ....... Oel'll Judge ' ~. o..i Urnngo C..0111 1 DAIL V F'ILO 111 huradny, Octob r :! 1, 1982 03 l.teo• M A Cn11B11 Deni ........ ( J llKtll•tll °"'" f>flf!CINC..1 ~ 1 l~tl 1 11ulllH[j l'ilo(,OI I nlJIMllll AeelOeooe 4l!l St1ulj HM1l10• l'\d hllll M l <.MIM1 Cl•m 1111.Jg• M w (OV•l•ll, He( t.l•r~ l Mille< ~ t.1 .. lo. C A f n11ta11cl Ae1J l•rtr C.1NC I !13 317 1 l•etlhoHJ f'IMt.• M11<1 l1e•tol•11l • Mi IH flu1t1urv RrJ 111•11 J U Hlk.lley I~ lv••u• \I V Bevly O.n1 <...... A !I Mt"' A"'1 Cltofh C.. J"'ohlMMI Re11 Pllf(,IN(. I !>:! ):.>8 1 Pol1tng Pl•t.11 All•l•I• :, l <.c.monumlly Cir I t.or1Jor11111 1•1.u• Or l••llJ M I Ouk" fl1111 Juag., M For•man Reµ Cterk MB Kr.,dol H111, t.1er ~ J I 84111. R4J(J Pl1£<..tNC.. I '11 3'l0 1 Polling Pl.Ce M~Artrtur l"IHodellG., 086 S1r1oca.'llle Or lr'9P 0 A K11rn11. Nu 1'8rty Judue A Mt Ao"'"'. Ht!JI Ct<tfk 0 M Edw11rd1 Jl1111 Gt.,rk M C Bowm•n R"P PREC..INC T 53 '35 1 t POiiing PIM;e Nwtll OollWll Bulld1ng :10:1 1 E Coast Hwy lroa11 L G Lopplll O;un Jullg11 r A Oetuth• nop Cleok PM Wall, Aup C11111\ S L Rud• Onm P'RECtNCT 5-3 3~2 1 Polling P1act1 NH Lewnbowling (.;lublU'IU$CI 15!',() Crown Or Norlh 1r11p J H McOonell. R4'(> Judge J s c11 .. on Ollm Clork N M Moore Rup Clurk B Wt111rton. RQ.P PAl:CINC.1 53 353· 1 Polltng PltK.e Newpa• 1 •~Ills Cluonou$CI 1900 Port Cotlow Pl '"'" B B SmHll Rep JuOgll W HOiioway Rep Clt1rk £ G Nelson Rep Clerk J Van Sinden, Rci11 PnEC1NCT S3 3!!•·1 Po111nu P1uce Newport Sho•o5 Clutinou~ SI 1 Canal SI tnsp W M JohniOn Rop JuClgt1 J J FOiey Dem Cle•• N J Foley Oem Clerk 0 J Bor1hwtek Dem PR(l.INC I !>3 355 1 Poll111g Pl&cu B1cke1 R\!A1aence J80 1 SHbhO<" Or "ln5p S E Bl<:kel Rep Jul.Igo W J Wood Dem Cler• c F Eoal No P••ly C.1er• R M Ou1nn, Rep PRECINCl 53·356 1 Po111ng P16ce Boara DI Aa1111 Ottoce 401 N Newport lil•O 1nsp R T Burns Rep Judge l Wh8'llt!r Rep Clflrk 11 R Snyovr Rep C•e•k F <. Love Rep PRECtNCT 53 357 1 Polling Ptace Ens1gro StllOOI 2000 Chit Or ln•p p K RI!«!, Rep Judge H H R.,m • .,y Rep Clo!r k A M Reed Rep Cteo L A Mul•entiy R.,p PRECINCT SJ 358 1 Pollrr\g P1aco1 OekwO<>d Apl5 CluNIOu5e 1700 16th SI IMP C E Pohltor Oem Judge C M Helrong, Oem Cler. e E Ell15 Rep Cieri. F E Oevos Rop PRECINCT -53 359 I Polling Piece L~une F'eooral Commun11y Cir 800 E Balboa BlvO h11p o J Sell Rep JudQl't L K liey<lort! Rep Clerk CS Newell Rep Cl1<r• M H Snayne Oem PRE<:1t.CT -53--360-• Polllng Ptec;e Hemmono Oat ago Resioenoo 210 Opel A"" 1nsp P J C0<c0<on R-s> Jurtge M 0 Hammond Rep Cl•"' v S Snow. Rep Clerk E J Grot111n nep PREC1~CT -}3·J61 I Polltng Place -lng1111 Resoden«i 12S E Bey FrMt ln~D A E Farmer Rt1r 'Juoge -F W left, Dem Cleo M J Ingle. Oem Clerk E 8 l ewta Rep PRECINC f -53-362· I POfli"U P1eoe -B11ys1ae South Ctuohous.e 300 E Coast Hwy lnsp J We.IOroolo. Rep Judge C B 011><><n& Rep Clerk L L Snousn. 0.m Clerk v A Madoen Rep PRECINCT 53·363 1 Polllng P1ec'l Fell er Residence 1712 Pek>ma Or , 'lntP N A Remley Rep • Jvo~ -A B Pa<klnt Dern Cler• M A Jert>oe Rt p Cterk S ., Wall' Rep PRECINCl S3 364 I Polling Pl11c;e Gayne< Residence 1732 C•ndlMllc~ Ln 1nsp K T L•"'ille Rop JuOge '1 A OolMl1 Rep CIOlll 0 l MCKM . Rep Cl•rk E w Mulroy Rep PRECINCT 53-38!> 1 Potling Pt1G41 Lulh.,Al'I Churcn 798 Oovl!f Or lnap N A Fulton Rec> Juflge R G Snya.r R-c> Cl.-k E M Guerra Rep Clerk A l .-gue Rep PRECINCT 53 366-1 P~Pi--~~ Conference Room 5000 Ptrk Newpo<I tnsp R G Well• Rep Judge R SGfl«hler Dem CIO<lo: F Groves Rep c1.... K A Peter"°" Rep PRE Ct NC T -SJ-387-1 Pomng Pl~ -W1ei\hem Aelld-200!> 111111 Caudal 1111p E A Wlcilnam, No Pi ny Judge E R WICkll•m Rao c ..,ri. L v fhOmpson, Rep Clerk M A Retcher'I Rep PRECINCf -S3-388·1 Polling P1108 -Wl"9 Raat<lenc• •!120 Cor1Mtn<1 Or lntp -P N Mlellllelll. Dem Juoge J A Wiiia. R•p Clarli J s YHgvr. Aep Cterlo. J 0 GC>Sherl. Rep PRECINCT -53 369 I POlllng Place -PHH Rtt10enot 447 M0tnlng Cenyon RO lnlC> -P P PMM. Rep Jvoge -J 8 Gey.,, Dem Clerk -BM Fen, Rep Cieri< -0 J. Wooda, Rep PRECINCT -53-370.1 Potllng PtACe -LN rnfKI ReeldllnQe 807 Begonjt Ave. tntp -VE MOflltl, Rtp JudQe -M V l M<Md, Rec> Clel'k LS P•11 .. IOn, Dern Clefk -EH l(r...,.,., OeM PRECINCT ~ $3·311-1 POlllng Pt-Harbor View Clul>NluM 18s.t PO.I WNll>ol>rne lnep -F' J Stec>tien, Rep JvdOe -J A Snyder' Rep Cl•rk I> J Murphy. De m 'Cieri!. -P' M Pftff, Ate) P"!CTN'CT -53-37"2 Polllng Piece -H11t>ot vi.w ClubhO'JW 1854 P011 Wtt1tl0ut'M 2r M Htt~OMI A. Kutla. C -M l!Dl..tt. Cletll -8 K ,..,._Rep PAtCINCT -~ft.t 'Oltlllt "--Ho ' Nitwp0t1 Qin. Flf• 8 t1tl0rl ... &#Ill llerbenl Or. lrlep -• c. Mdoclt. Rep Judge -8 M w ...... Dem Cleric -AS Fn , Dwn ()wt. M C 'lay, Dem l'IH I 1~4(, I l'o11111g 1>1.c11 n.,.1118f1te 1 1(1() 11orl Oum• .. ,., 1rot11 u 1 Uoou• o •• n Judge J ll tJmlltl Rep Cl•O J M e,.rke ,,_, f.le1 • 0 A Selle< I f\et.f Plt[CINCT •,'))91 I 11on1ro11 Pt•IA C•l•ltJtt ••••hl•uu .. e 111 !iutlairJo Ct 'lr•'ll M CalalrJO f>om Ju1111w M Plllullt f1•P ci..i. oc ftllllllfget J\ap <.1 .. k r> (,at•ICIO O.m f>HI (.IN(.. t !):I J83 I l>1tllmo l'lllc.w Ou1'k He"o"'~" 1r,U Uh•,. K11y 111~11 E !; Ou•c.k fl•P Jui lg• , II J Cl(l(IQ11e1 lle1> Gtw l< r I fllHlll R11p "t;le<h 8 A B•Hlnoton. RIO(l P!'l[CINC T ~3 384 1 Pr,thng PlllG• ()r on A.1108'1Gol 1, Golett Po1n1 01 11110 G II C.rv•t A1111 Ju1lge E A Schnepol•. Re<> Ot1r~ E F BVtler R11P c• .. rk J E StHtelf!lc;k1011. Rep PrlEC..tNCT Pr~l1rog Place "oom 5J 388 , B811l61 1840 P•rk NeWl)Ofl tn11.1 E M1ul1i11& O;im .1111.1ge C S AnsctlOI, Oom Ch"~ S W Mi.oCCHI Ofl<n Cl.,rk S I ebrlU.y Oem PREC..IN<.; l S3 J88-I POiiing Place SI Moc;11eet1 Churcn 3233 P1c11oc lloew 01 lntp N C Wolaoro Rep Juoge 0 E Maloue Rep Ctvri.. R H w 11soro, R•P Cllltlo. B M Freemuro. Rer> PRECINCT -53-389· I Polling Ploce NOr1t1 l:ltulls Re<. Center 240\I Vista Del Oro 1nsp v A Houaerman Rei.; JuOQe M A f 1mmon1 Roi> 'Ck!rk F B fnomH. R•p Clerk M P Cochr•n Rep PRECINC. l -53-391 1 Polling Place Vol Ac;l•on Ctr Buotelong 17 14 W BDIDOtt Bl•O tn~p H M Oalby Rep Juaoo P E 011lby Rep Cler~ B II S11nger Rep Ctorh M J S~•Y· 0.m PRt.CtNCl 5~<192· I Polli11g Pl&oe LIOO Por k Rae CluDllouse 7 tO l 100 Pori\ Or 1n~1J M S McOut11a Oom ,.,,.,,,.. H F Moonev Dem C..ter• M l Arnot<! R80 Cler~ AM Ancell Dom PRECINCT -53·393· 1 Poll.Tfl Ploce -Fldelny fed 1516 W11slct1tt Or tnsp EK Gtoso. Rep Judge C T Capella Dem Cter ~ M F Ingalls Rep Cieri. F Feder No Pally PAE Cl NC I SJ-39• 1 Pnll.ng Piece las Bros .. ~ Apartme"" 55 t5 Rlvef Ave 1nsp B "' Oooro Oem Judge F M Golonu Rep Cleric M A l1ndrOlh Dem Clerk J A Whote Rep PAECINC T 53-396-I Pot~ng Pi•clil Anoer.on School 1900 Port Seabourne Wv l11sp B L Kazella, Rep Judge C E Beckley Llem Clerk M B Campbell Oem 'Clef>. B A Horne, Ree> PRECINCT 53 .397 I Polling Place -Schmoesong R.!11oenc11 17 11 Pon M1n1e1gn CH tr1S11 J A Sc11m111Slf'IQ R-c> Juooe P G Galhvari ~m Cieri\ K A 1.111•011. Dem Cle1~ C S McOantel, RllP PAECINC T 53· )99 t POiiing Plaee -Soeng.18( Re110~ 1000 W Ocean Front lnap E M Snortey Rep Ju<lge E H Miller Rep Clerk A Casal• Dem Clerk AB Pete1$0n Rep PRECINCl 53«100· 1 Polling PlaQ• Udo Room 5000 P•rk Newport lnsp L 0 KrUM Atp Ju<lgf.' A L Belson Dem Clerk E R Crouch Rtp Cieri\ E Golub Dem PRECINCT 53 •02 1 Polllng Place -Fitz·Gtobon Aesioence 2615 Reoueta lnsp M M Hogl>«g, Rec> Judge L A Montooth, R-s> CM!<" H G Bonnell A-s> Clerk A M LOllUt 08tn Tl'e1e wtll ~ no potting places ror 111e 1011ow1ng prec1nc11 on the e1ec11on ana tho ouallhed voters stlall votto l>y aosenl voter bellot or vote a1 the Ol!lce ol the Rog111r11r ot voters 1300 S Grnnd Ave S•nl• Ana CA 36.:131 36 l •:? 37 202 !>1·063 51-064 51 163 51 16~ 51 202 5 1 213 51-21• 52-015 52-180 52-187 53·061 S3·067 53-070 53.373 53.37 .. 53-382 53·385 • 1no1c11es 11e c11on ooe10 member 11 Djlfnou•• Un& coP1• de 1111a no11c111 1ega1 e.ie dt1p0ntble en eap•n<>l cuanoo se lollctte P.,a 001-una c;opla. f1vor a oonerM en con1ac10 con· et negi1ll1dor de Vol•nla1 e 71•·83•·220 O a ted thl9 2 •1 h d •Y OI SepternlMf, 19&2 A E Ol9on Reglslrer ol Volers By Anne Lou Llvlngalon Pul>llthed Orengo Con t Dally Piiot Oc1 2t. 1982 Pla.IC NOTIC£ '1CTITIOUI •UllNIH NA• ITATl•N'T file lollowlng per1on 111 doing bustneu u PRO KAR KLEEN, Unit •3. 7652 Sl•ttr Ave HUntlng1on Beech, CA 82947 Fren11 A 010.IO, 19501 Aragon Clrc;te, Hunungton BHoh, C A 1128'17 Thlt Dut l""4 It conduc111C1 by an lndMdul l Fr•nll A OIO<lo 1 hl1 1111emen1 w .. filed wtlh t!WI Counly Clattc ot Oranoe Coutuy on Sep1emw 28. t9112 ,1 .... Pu1>ll1h1d Or•nge Co11t Oally PtlOI. Sept 30, Oct 1. 14. 21. 19112 •287-82 Ml.IC NOTIC£ PlCTITIOUIM.l ... H NA• ITAT'IWN'T Hot IOllowlng per•on I• e101no ov.atnete ae INfCACULTURAL OAOUP FOA StNOl.18. &28 17th Street •8. Hu11t1ng1on e.KI\, C•llloml• 112f48 OogM M. ~-SH t11h SlrHt •B. H1>nllng1on 8 H C:h. Celllornl• 92'48 ™• bvtlnlM I• oondllcted by .,., llldMd\1111 Tnla 11':.:n~ llWlll'l tl'le cov111y ci.r11 of O<•noe County on Oc'lobtr 19, 19112 ,,.... Pu1>ll•h~ Orenge Coeat Olllll Piiot. Oc1 11, 21, ~ 4 11, llU 4HM1 .. NlllC NC>JICC K-OU H NOTICE 01' Dt:ATll Ot UArttUkA JA NE OX ANU '>ff P ETITION TO ADMINISTER ESTAT~ NO A l l UU 'ft1 ,1IJ ht-I", l.wnt•flllMlt'I • r.·dll,rr• otnd (;CJnlln~t·nl 11 t tl1ll>r" of HotrlJUt • Ji.nr I '111< uml "''""''" wh11 m11y 1.,. 11ll11•rw1N•· 1n l1·n ·11l4-.J rn ttw will 1111dlur t'tllult.• A Jll•lltlrm hu11 htlf"n fllrd by M 1.11t11'W /\ C'11x In 1h1· SuJwfl11r Court 11f O r .. n1t1· County 11·yul·1111n .c t h11l M u l h 1• w A <: v x IJ ,. ll IJ 11 u 111 I l' d v 8 p 1· r •" n rrl ft'Jlf••M•flUtlJVC• Ill utlm1111111.t·1 1h1· 1·t1U.L<' of &rburn Juru l'ux , C:uru11 .. !>1•1 MJ r, l' .. I t r IJ I II '.. ( u n d I' r l h ,. l111! .. ix·r1d1•n1 Admm1•tratw11 of 1--:..t.11A11 At•I) ·nw µt-U lHIO ii. sc·t frJr ht•ur111t( In Oep1 Nu ;j c1l 700 C1v 1t Cc·nter r )t I Ve Wt-:51, Sun la Ana. C.:.A !l:.!702 rin Nuvt-rnU..•r :J, 1118~ ;rt 1130 "·"' If YOU OBJECT t.o tht· wa11ung of the petJL1on, you "hould t-1t~1.·r appt"ar al the h c·a ring 11 nd t a 11· tu1.1r ubJccl1u111> ur file wr\111'11 ObJl'l'llOfl'i with lht' c(),µrt lwforr thc-hearing Y0u1 a J.lpcaran1-e may bt! In person or by your attorney If Y OU ARE A C.:.kEDlTOH or a cunungent c rt"dt lur of the dtteefl.S(..od, you must f1h.• your claim w11h the ('CJUrl ur µrest'n t II to thf: personal r e pres ntal1ve a ppu1 nLt'd by the court w1 th1n four months Crom the uc1 tt tJf first issuance of ll'll~·n· as provided 1Jl St.«:llon 700 11f tht• Probate Qxie-of l'al1forn1a The ume for f1lmg d .. u~ will n ol expire pnnr 10 four months from tht' dt1te o f the hearing nol11'l-d abCJve YOU MAY EXAMINE th<.• ftlc kept by the rourl. U )'tJU art-inte res ted in the ~late you may file a requefl. with thl' court to receive '>P •·1·1 • .tl notice o ( 1he 1nvt·ntury or estale and o f the pl'l1tw ns. a1.:1:ounts and ''-'Pl" lS d('S(:nbed m Se<'tton 1:wo 5 o f tpe C a ltforn1a ProbaLe Code II L'GH J. RITCHIE 60SS E . WasbiDglon Blvd. :: I 032 Los Angeles, CA 90040 1213 t 71S·3900 Publis hed Orang~ Coast D;,1ly P1tu1. Oct 21. 22. 28, 1!:11!2 4632-82 Ml.IC NOTICC FICTITIOUS IUllNlll NAME STATEMENT 1 ne tollowong per son 11 doong busonen H DOUBLE CHECK OET AIL. 3975 Btrcn Suote F Newl>Of'I S..ech CA 92660 ANDRES ALOY CALVO 5851 Bellloela Hun1ong1on Beach. CA 926'8 1 ho~ bu&ono:u " conduct.a Dy an 1"1011/ldU&I Alldfes Calvo This a111emen1 wN ToleO wnn Ille County Ctori. ol Orange County Of' Octooer 19 1982 ,., .... , Pu1>11sneo Oranae Co111 Oath Pilot Ocl 21 28 NO• 4. 11, 1982 •605~2 PWUC NOTIC£ FICTITIOUS •UllNEl l NAME STATEMEN'T 1 ne to1tow1"11 person• ere 00<ng Du~•ness 11 STRO N G MAN BELTS.&. GLOVES 3857 Birch St , Suite 291 N8Wf)Of1 86ach. CA 92660 ARNOLD L JACl(SON, 1101 w Stevens A•e No 1• Sen1' Ana. CA 92707 MONICA. OE LA ROSA 2 113 Westperl Ot Anane.m. CA 88205 t rtos ou11neu os conouc1e<1 b) e gener111 partn81Sh1p Arn<>ld L Jac~aon Thos •lalemenl was MIKI w'11l lhe County Cte<k ot Orange County Oii Octo~r 18 1982 F11115t PuOllSht'd Orange Coeat Oally P1101 Oct 21 28, Nov •. 11, 1982 •563·82 PUBLIC NOTICE FIC TITIOUI •USMll N1'ME STATEMENT fha 101tow1ng person 11 doing 1>us1neu es THE TACO FACTORY 18120 B100~11ur1t St Founll ln Valley. CA 92708 Margaret Ann Ad1m1. 1156 GtenuglH Terrace Co••• Mesa. CA 926:n Th11 but•neu is conoucted by an onOMOu•I M•rgaret A Adams Thoe st•l-1 WH llltd W11h the County Clerk of 0111199 Coun1v on Seplemt:>er 28. 1982 ,, ... Publl1t1ea Orenge Cou t Dally Piiot. SIDI 30. Oct 7 1•. 2 t, t882 -•289~ Nil.IC NOTICE l'ICTtTIOUI ....... NA• ITATl!MIWT Th• lollowlng peraon I• dol11g t:>uslnon e• PS GRAPHICS. 808 17111 Street. No F, Hun11ng1on BHCh, CA 81848 POLLY T SMITH 808 17th S1r .. 1, No F. Hunllnglon Beectl. CA 92948 This butlnffl It ~ucted by an lndlvldull. POLLY 1 SMITH This 11•1ement WH ftled wltll I~ Couniy Cler' ot O.•noe County on Sopt 28, 1118' ,, ... Publl1llad Orenge CoUI O•lly Piiot. Sepl 30 OG1 1 t4, :l 1, 1982 431H2 P\BJC NOTICC ,ICT1110UI ........ NAMllTA'R-..T The IOl'owtnO SMWIOt'll are dOln9 t>utlneet N H I w AS80CtA.rE8, c /, BHu:ll1mp EnterprlHI. •000 MeoAr1tlur Boui.verd, Svl1e No 700 fell, Ne•port 8Hcll, 0 •111orr\l• e2eeo THE PROSPECT COMPANY, e Connecticut :oroorallon, One Towtt Squ•r 1 . Hu lford. Connec11eu1 oe 1 tS. HAA80 A ISi.ANO W !8f f,AARINA , 4000 M•CA rlll111 801>lt v•1d, Svlle No, 700 IHI, ~· a..cm. ClllllO<nlt t2tl0 fhla~la ~bya gBf*al ptl1Mnl\lp. ....,.. lllMnd WMt Metfl'• "6cNtd L. ..... INmP OIMrtll Pwmw Thie ICtlfl'llCWlt -ll9d wtt1' IM CounlY CWll Of Ofwl9e 0ouMr en Stpteml>tt 29. 1MI. ,,..,, P11bll1lled OftllOI Coatt Ody ~.~ ao.Oct 1. 14, 1 1, 111t ..,,, ... ,. f'talC f«>tlCC ,IOTtTlOUl IUl•ll NAMl ITAllMINT fllit 10l1o wlrru 0e11on 11 1111111g ~ .. PAINTIHO tO ftl( MA>-111 14 Altun1 l -. Hvnungton 0-'1 C'A t20.U Mll(E A XANfltAK16 IV 14 Altu11• Lane, 11un11110100 O..cn. t.A U MI Thia ~tlUllet 11 COOll"'led by •11 Nil IC f«JllCl • v p I " I 0 " 0 0 u Ill T 0, PICTni oua ........ GA~NIA ....... ITATIMIN'T COVHl't Ofl ~ANOI I I\• IOllO•lng petlon le t10111g 100 CIYIG Cefllef Ortft WMI bullt-a1 P O .... I» OAANOr t.OUNI Y M rDtA a.r.1a Alla, Ceitlof~ ttrol All80(.tA lt()N 21110 A•!lhlll l'IAINllfl Av-. Ull• ti :>ill (.;u.11 MIU 8011 TH OAANl.l( Ol \IU Ul'MlN I C.:eHloHMI It/Cl;/& COIWOllAllON a i.0tpo1•t1011 Juy M1 l1~. (boe c r•l•rr,/ 0 ffNOANI 1t .. 1ur"I "0 II Ont 11111<1. Irv 111 KAN[ 8JllllNU& JOJOOA, INC e.11111rnl1 11<'7 U 11001 "' A llAMMAC.K IOIJ OOCl.l ltli• l•v•lr•• .. ,, 1;0ml~l•d by Ill Mii<• )(1111tutl.11 I thtovgh II lu~lvti•• u111111 u11111r•t•!I auo<.111100 l)lh11 lllle 1tat-I w11 111"'1 with Ill• IUMMONI "''" • 1111111.,111111 ln<IMllv•t ~nly C ... 11 01 Orat~ County oo CAi i NV .... 111 U -'3·M Juy Mite!< ~lol>et 12, 10&2 NOllCfl Yev flew• be.n eued. ~lltaty/111a...,., P1""57 TM C-1 _, fMcldia ........ ,... 11111 ... ,_, Wll lilaO .. 1111 lhe Publl•h•<I Oranoo CoHI 0111y •lt~I yovr Mint ~ u-., t.ou11ty L""'" or Or••iv• <.wniy Ofl ,_IC NC>llCC ,tCftftOUI •UIMll NAMI ITATaMlllfl I t>e I011owl1>U I* e(jh• era 01111.g llUaff-1 N \llllAOl llUM!I 111;.tl MHe 'tllfO• Ome lltoi• 113 Coi t• M .. 11 t •lllo11t1• 11~&?8 P•em•k•n h1<o • (,11ttorn1a • u1 i;u1111on UO I ll•11Ju1 IJlv<I •.m t• M.,.• C111l orn10 lt2tl18 I hia Du•",." I• 1.onuuc1 oKt uy 11 LUrpotlllOf\ P1-nak1111 In' llOyd Otlf)f\el Pr11at0 .. 11 I lu1 ttalen1111\1 w•• lli..J will\ Ille t.;ounty Clerk 01 0111111111 County on O\,.tobe< 6 IQln ,1 ... 1:1 "1101, Ocl 14. 21 211. Nov 4 1982 YW re~ •llhln )0 dey• lllMCI Octol>et "> •902 _.488 111 the lnf0tm1llon belOW ,1 ... 11 IJut>llll\•11 Orang• Coeat Delly r ublllll•d 011ng1J C,oeat Delly l't101. Oct 1 14. 2 t. 111. 1982 ----------__.;.-ti yl)U With II) -k Ille llelVIOI OI POOLIC NOTICE '"' 1110111ey 111 1111• miller. you •houlll dc. ,o ptomplly ~u th111 you• P111.11 Oc1 1 14, 2 I 26. 108' 4423·82 ITATl•NT Of' AaANOON ... NT WllllOll fHll""'"· 11 llllY rn•v be Of' Ull Of' tiled on 11111• 'IC1'1'10UI aUMNlll NAME A V t IO I V •I • d ha 1 Id o file lollowtng por1on1 havo d•mandado II trlbun•I puade •ben<loned lhe UM OI '"-lit llllOUI ct.c:lcU• contra Ud. •In •udMnct• • ~ name meno• que Ud. reeponda dentro 88NO PARTNERSHIP. 4350 de 30 di•• LH 11 lnlormac:lof'I q111 \/on Kumen A~onue Sull• 365. •'911e ~ e..ch, CelifOfnl• 1>2860 S1 V11tn!I 1l11lull 1u1tc.1111 al 'l'h• Fk!tltlou• Butln•H Nam• conHJO .,. Liii lbOl)11cJO an HIO rAlerre<I 10 abo~• w•• llled In a1u1110 tlttbHrto t10G11r lo 01arl4;1e County Oil Nov 30. 11>7' mm..Crnl"tn8111(1, Chi UIA ffilllMrl, c w HOg0•• 11 835 AmlQOI IU respuelllli tlllCttln, SI hay ••our\A, Way, •S Newport Bo.ich C11111oin11 puoott ~· 11;g1et•11do " t1<tmpo 82860 1 I 0 111E OEFENOANl A CIVIi N•ncv Ch&11e1 J720 Btuo Key. compl•1n1 hH been Ille<' by the COtona <let M11r, Caltlorl'M1a 9<'625 pl1un1111 ega1n11 you 11 you wish 10 4.181 6' P\Bl.IC NOTICE FICTITIOVI aUllHEll NAlllU! I TATDMNT lhtl lflfl(>Wlrw;j petlOt\I 111e dOlllQ uut1n1n •• (IA V llllE CEN TFR, 881 R1111dotpt1 ( QS18 Meaa, C•lltOrnl• 821>11> P"rlo1m1111~• Mo1111\1tlr'11, Inc.• c a111orn10 co1por 111on. SQ I Roll'lotph Co1111 M11H, C1lltu'rnl11 92626 T h11 1>u1111111a1 11 conducted by e "" por 11 ion Rlcnarci 0 fr1ra e 136 dal61\<lllllllnw111111 you must.within 111<. Partormanco M11ke11ng. Monarch Ba). South l oouoot 30 Cloys •llur 11111 tummon1 11 Calll0tn1e 92617 $8tve<l oo you hie "'"" thta court 1 fllla buslno$S was conauc.1o<1 by 8 wr11111n r85ponr.e 10 the complaint 0-•I petl.-shrp Ur\~SS ~OU do 11), your delaull will Rlctwtrci 0 Fra.oe Do 11nterea 011 •PPllLellon or 1111 Thia atatoment w11s llloo wllh tho Ph•lnllll, ancl tnLs court may enter o County Cler~ 01 Orsngu County on 1uogrnunl HgA1ne1 you 101 me rellel Octobef 4, 1982 dt1ms11cieci Ir• me comp1e1n1 which UW Omc:.a of COUid r11sull In g•1111shnt1tn l of lltCHAllO 0. FRAZEE w&g• l1tl<nig of money Of propurty A ll'ro,...lonat Corporellon o• Olht'r '"11111 1eque1>teci "' the >0131 Town C•nter ~Ive, compto•nt lulte 2'0 DA TEO Aprtl ?II 1118~ Lat!llN Nttuet. Ca.lll0tnle t2tTI lCE A BRAN(.H FMZ11 Cieri. Pubhsh110 Or enge CotUI Daily By Helon M Olton Pilot. Oct 14, 21, 28 Nov 4, 1982 Deputy 4524·82 CHARLES W. PARRU ------------OAUMMY GAAREn KING POOLIC NOTICE • HARRISON ------------4(M1 MacArthur l tvd., 1'1CTTTIOUI auatNEll Suite 2so. NAME STAT£MENT New~t lluch, CA t2MO TIMI IOllOWlng 1)411~5 •re <lgjng (714) 133_.151 Dul lness H Put:>lt!>hed 011rng11 C.oasl Daily ADELANTO PROPERTIES. 4 Piiot Oct 7 14, 21 JS 1982 St11tde Clrcle Ne...,pon B11cn. 442 1 8:? ::elllornia 92663 Raylene Miraclo, 4 Seu1<10 Circle, Newpon Beach, California }2883 Charles Olson. ll8<'1 l<llo Drive. >iuntlngton Beac'1. Calllomto 92~6 f'1ta bualneu Is con<1ucte<1 by a PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUI IUSINE8 8 NAME Sf A TEMENT Tiie tollowmg pr.,son is cJ01ng Du~mess as 111 Preal<lonl This 11a1111ne111 wil• 111...i wun 11\t Coun1y Cl4!r~ ul 01enoo County Oft Oclo°"r !> 11182 F111t72 Publlthuel 011111011 Coast Oally Pnot. Oct I. 14, ~ 1. 28. 1882 4426-112 POOLIC NOTICC FIC TITIOOS aUllNEH NAME STATEMENT T ne 1011ow111g person 11 <101ng :ivs1ness as LAMB ENTERPRISES. 124 Topu Balboa ISlanci. Calllornlo 92662 w Lamb 124 fopai, Bolboo l1l1n!I, Calllorn1a 92682 I 1111 business •• c~nducte<I Dy en IOdM<lual W Ldmb Tl\tS stalamenl was rueo Wiii\ lhO County Cl<11k or Orange County oo Octot><tr !>. 1982 F1 ... 74 PubllSh"d 01ango Coast Diiiy PtlOI Oct 7 14 21 28 1982 4387·82 PUBLIC NOTICE l(.020IC) FICTITIOUS eualNEl8 NAME STATEMENT ~erll per1nor111tp R•vt-MlrlCle Th11 s1a1emen1 wu filed Wllh Ille ;ou'lty Cleril OI Orango COUl11)t °" PMIA MEDICAL SER\ltCES INC 9778 ~alella SltMI, Su1ta 101 Aruine.m Calilorma 92804 Ille 1011ow1ng perton 11 doing ;ep1ember 28, 1982 Brenda Goines 28 1 1 San Juan Dus1neu •~ L11ne Costa Mes11 C&hl0fnta92626 ESCONDIDO BOULEVARD PIJJLIC NOTICC flCTITIOUI au ....... NAMI ITATIUMNT I he IOllQwl119 pe< tori• .,, dOlng bu••-.. WESTERLY CONSIAUCTION. 20llO N Tueun Avt1<1oe, 81111• Ana C•lllOfnle 9270 I Wosiorty Oev•tu11fl'\4l11t 2080 N 1 ua1111 "'••nu;i, Senlu A n•, C111rorn10 9270 1 Surco 011vulop m 41n 1, u c a111orn11 corpo1at1on. t0044 \/tctorla, Rtv0111<1•. C11lilorn1a 92603 Thi• butlnon It c;on<luctoO by • Qef* llJ pattl\¥ltltp Wettllfly O.Velopment NlcholH P1ppu PatlnOI Surco 0.v&lopmenl Cr•IQ BllC .. ltrom, Prealoont 1111s s1eiemen1 w111 Iliad wlln Ille Counly Clerk ot Orenge County on Sep1embu1 30. 1982 F1Ml64 Pub1ti11110 Orange Co1111 O•llV PilOt. Oct 7. 14, 2 I, 28, 1982 442:.>.82 MUC NOTICE FtCTmOUI 8U81NEH NAME ST A TEMENT Tile following persons are ciotng bus111ess es (8) SHORELINE POOLS (b) Sl10RELINE POOLS ANO SPAS (ct SHORELINE SPAS AND POOLS (d) SHORELINE SPAS (el SHORELINE CONSTRUCTION (I) SHORELINE ENTERPRISES t;> I P1omonlory Olive We11. Newport Be&ch ~1111rorn1a 92660 Natl L Ma y lie to 12 t Promontory Drive Well, Newport Beach C1111rorn111 9892660 Tn1s business IS con<lucte<I by on htdlv1dual " Ned L Moy11e1<1 This sts1emon1 was llle<I with the County Clerk or Ort11Qe County on Saplemt:>er IS 1982 F1t7490 Publtshed O•Ange Coas1 Dally PtlOI OC1 14 21 28 Nov 4 1082 4524·82 F11M72 Put:>lis'1oci Orongo Cou t 011ty l>llN. Sapl 30. Oc1 7 14, 21, 1982 4294·82 Tn1s ou5mus is conducteo Dy a CEN IER t'.l Corporate Pts111 coipotatton Suite 200 Newport Be•ch PUBLIC NOTICE Para Med'Cel Se1vrces Inc C111t1urn1a 92660 BODDY R Gainus Stephen C 110Pk•ns ,, 13 FICTITIOUI aUllHEll lltc.e P1o1tdent Co1po1010 Plan Sutte 200 NAME ITATl!Ml!NT POOLIC NOTICE Tno• •lltemeni wn hlt'O wiln 11111 Newport Beaell. C111torn11 92660 tile following persons ore do1ni Counly Clet., ol 0111nge Ceunty on Tl111 business tS con<luctoO Dy a Du11ness H FIC TITIOUS BUSINESS Oclobt!r 12 ,982 1tm11e<1 po11nersn1p C A 0 I L L A C O R I v I I NAME STATEMENT F11MS4 Steph8'\ C HoPk•nt "' S S 0 C I A I E S L f O The lo1tow1n9 person is doing Put:>hslll!d O•ange C.o;,st Oa•ty• This slaternenl .. as hied will\ the PARTNERSHIP 3520-B Cad1lle• I busi;~~~ETTE SALES 18873 Pilot Oct 1' 21 28 NO• 4 1982 County Cterk 01 Orange County on A.venJ~S~~~·~e~C~AR~~62~02· San Antonio Street Foun1111n ----------4-4-9-4·-8-2J OctoDe• 4 1982 F111149 Baleenc D11vt1 Co1111 Mesa C/ Valley. Ce1tlo101a 92708 MLIC NOTICE Pubhshf'd 011tngo Coast 0111y 92626 H~rolel Salvedor Pamp1nella Pt101 Oct 14 21 28 Nov 4 1982 JOHN R IATUM 7806 E 18873 San Antonio Street Fountain FICTITIOUS 8UllNES8 4530-82 Lakeview Trail, Orarig•. CA 92667 valley Calllornta 92708 NAME STAnMENT -------------1 r111s ovsiness is conoucled by 11 This business IS con<lucltlO by an Tiie 101tow1ng person is cio1ng PUBLIC NOTICE 11m11eo pertne1sh1p no1v><1ual Du5•ne-.s es Joaeph OoCerto Gen HatOl<I S P11mp1neo11 B1ll'S FLOWERS J0622 So FICTITIOUI llUSINEll Pa/Iner Tn1s s1a1ement was hied with Ille C~asl Hwy Laguna Beach CA NAME STATEMENT This statem81\t •H llle<I will\ Ille County Cler' ol Orange County Oii ll26S 1 f 1te ro11ow1nO person 11 doing County Clef~ ol Ore11ge County Of\ Octobef 12 1982 W11t1atT1 t.ew•• VOlr Jr 30l!02 busmess ms Octot:>et 12 1982 F119ob3 11<·4 ll s COUI ""' L•o ... ne ORANGE NUTRITION '130 F19M51 PuDllsheel Orango Coast O•lly Beach CA 926S1 New ,.amps1>11e Coste Mesa Pub1t5heo Orange coasl Daily P1lo1. Oc1 14. 21 28 Nov 4, 1982 ThlS Du11neu cs COl\OUGIOO Dy an Cahlorn•u 92626 Pilot. Ocl 14, 21, 28 Nov • l982 U 93·82 1n<J1v1ouat Gary Suutfor, 1730 New •470•82 ------------W1lhem L Volr Jr H1mpsh11e. Cos111 Mesa C1t1l0tna flt&.IC NOTICE Thrs ~talemant .. -IJlecl will\ Ille 921120 --------------· County Clefk ot Oranoe Coun1y on Thll Duatneu is conductoo oy •n FIC TITIOUS llU81NE81 Sept 28 1982 1n<11vlclua1 NAME STATEMENT F'_.... Gary l>tau"e' The lol1ow1ng parson 11 cio1ng Put:>l1Sn•O Or•noe Coe'1 Deily Thlt 11eten'*11 wat lllOO #Ith 1111 l'l.Slnesa 85 P1101 Sept 30 Oct 7 1• 21 1982 County Cterk or Orange CO\Jftly on lliE TICKET SHACK 1820 •320-42 Oct S 1982 /liew port BtYd Costa M "s• 1-------------F1•1t C•hlorn1a 92627 PUBllC NOTICE Puohshed Orange CoiUt Da•ty Kennell1 Joy Obe•t•n 790 West 1-------------Pil01, 0c1 "· 21 28 Nov •. 1982 1Stn Street. Newpora Beach FICTmOVS llUSINE88 4525·82 Cahlornla 92660 NAME STATEMENT T111s bu1.11ass 1s conductl!<l Dy an lhe 1011ow1no pe1sons are dOlng ·~dlllt<IUlll bU!tl\85$ M POOLIC NOTICE Kennem J Oberll., CROWN PACIFIC MAXIM 3194 FICTITIOUS aUSIHEH No\ME STATEMENT F1"412 A11po<1 LOOO On•e. CO'lla Mesa c .. Pub11s11ec Orange Coast Daily 92626 P,1ot Oct 14 2t 28 Nov 4 1982 EVANS~INE C.O MPANIES Tiie IOltow•ng oe<sons at• doong OUtlnMS U 447,.11~ INC a Ca11forn11 corporation JARP,\l CO TE.X.ACO 2 t 7 !> POOLIC NOTICE 3194·A Alfpc>fl LOOO 0r111e Costa Mesa CA 92626 Th•s Du$inut 1s c:onouc1e<1 by • coroora11on Evans1111e Companies. Ne w port Blvel Costa Mesa CaltlOfnll 92627 Guatevo Pelaclo, 3490 S•n Marino Ctrelo Coste M ••• Ca1tlorn1a 112626 l(..Q2019 FlCllTIOU8 llUMNElll NAME STATEMENT The l<>Uow1ng pa1sons era dorno Inc business as Pres Fer11an<10 J8!Bmrllo. 3490 San H Hut:>erts Sr Vice M errno C11c1e. Co111 Maia. Calll0tnia 92626 EL NORT E /BROADWAY o\SSOCIATES. = 13 Corporate Plaza, Suite 200. N&W?Of1 Beach. Celllornle 92G60 Stephen C Hop .. 1ns • t3 Corporate Plaza. Suit e 200 Nowpot1 Beactl. Caltl 0<n•• John O Hop1<1ns. 2442 C· 1 Elden Avenue. Cotta Ma11. C1lllornl• 82827 (Par1nlfl Frederick J, Stemmler 31102 Santa Meroertta Place. Sen Juen C1pl1trano. CA 92875 (perlne<l 08Ylel e G1tr1son. 2332 t .... Ronci1. Mlsston \11e10 C1111nrn11 ll289 1 (pertf>ef I This business rs cOl'<IUCle<I Dy "' general pert'*Sl'ttp Slepf\erl C Hopll•ns T'1t1 1111emen1 was llle<I with 1111 County Clerk of Orange County on October A, 1982 F191171 Publlahe<I Orange Coast O•lly Piiot, Oct 1', 21. 28, NOii 4, 1982 4529-82 NlllC NOTICE FICTITIOUS llUSINl!H NAME STATEMENT Tiie IOllOwlng p&ftonl e11 <lotng DusJMSSU. WARNER AE LTD . a llmlled partnartlllp, 936 Elev1n111 St Huntlngtoo Buch. CA 92648 NICHOLAS C AM ES, 938 Elev9ntl1 SI • Huntlng1on Bffcl'I. CA 1>2848 STEPHEN A ERICKSON. 13{1() Oxford. No 8, Cleremont. CA 9 1711 Thia t>ut1MN :a con0ucl9d by a limllld ptt1n&Bh'9 NletlOIM C AmM. Oen P811 Thi• 1111ement was li!eo w1t'1 the Count)' Clerk of Ore~ County on Oc:1ot>et 18, 1982 Fl .... Put>llahed Oren~• Coell Dally Piiot. OC't 21, 28. Nov 4, 11, 1982 455&-e1 Th•s statement wu ltlllO ..,,,, tne County Cieri< of o,.nge Couo1y on Octobef 6 198~ Tb11 bua1nou t5 coociucte<I by a g1tn.,•I pennerllltp Fernando JaramlflO F19'021 Tiits lllletnont wu fllOO With lhe Put:>hshe<I 0111no• Coast Deity County Cler .. or Orengci County on P11ot Oct 7 14 21 28 1982 Oc1ot>e< s 1982 ~389-82 1 F1"'7S ----M--ll-C_NO_T_IC_E __ ___, P•~~.111~~·7~ ~'.e2n1~~8~~=:~ Delly -----------'! 4U6-82. Nol!ce •• 1tereby given thll l'lB.IC f«>TICE COMMONWEALTH BANK 3900 W ------------· El $8.Junoo Boulevard HtwU'>Ofl\8 FICTITIOUI llUSINell Ce11101n1a 902SO nu hied wllh 1~ NAME I TAT1!111ENT Feder al Oepos• 1 trisuranc1 The lollowlng oeraons ere oolng Corporet1on en •PPflCelron IC bu"n-as establish • Br en ch .. n1cr OERMACULTURE. 2400 W ll>Plteatfon wts accegled 10< hi~ Coilt1 Highway, Solte O. Newport on September 29. 1982 Beach, Calll0<nla Tiie perm•nenl 1oca11on ol the Otene l Beck with. 16810 proposed brench is 18862 Algonquin, Hunllng1on Beech, M ecA rahur Bovlevsrci lrvuie CelllOfnla 92849 Celilornla 92715 Crtlg B 8ackwllh. t6810 Any petson w11111no to comment Algonquin. Hun1lng1on Besc'1, on 1'11s app1tcat1on mey Ille 111 C•lllOfn•a 92649 com menu 1n w1111ng with th Thll bu11ness 1s con<lucled by an Regional 011ec101 ot lhe Fede<a 1n<1iv1<1uet 0ec>os11 1nsur~o C0<PO<•t1on et 11 Oi-Beckwith Regional Olhc• u Mon1gom Thll 11a1..,_,1 was llled '"1th 1111 Street Su11e 3600 San Franciaco. County Clerk of Or1nge County on Calrlorn1a 9• 10• Oclobet ~ 11>82 11 any person d~rH 10 pro1es1 f1~ Ille grentitlg of lhll appltUtlon Publl1'11<1 Orange Cou 1 Di iiy nas a right 10 do 110 ii he lllM 11 P1to1, Oct 7, 14. 21. 28. 1982 wr111en nollQI of hil Intent with th 4389-82 Regional Oi•eclor w;1111n 15 de~ orl------------- the ciete of Ille tasi e>ubltca11on of P\JBUC f«>TIC[ t'11s nottc,e The nonconll<lenu•I ___ FtC__;TITIOV~:.....-1-au....., .... -=~ .. ~:--- l)Or'ltons or Ille tpp1ic.11on 1re on NAME ITAT1!•NT ,,.. 1n the A4lglonet Ortlee u pat1 1'10 pubtte Ille malntelneci t.y 11>• Th• l ollowlng person la <lolno Corpgratton Thia Ille ti ev111a1>1e tor bus!'*' u public 1nape1::ton during regular C A T'S M E 0 W . 4011 3 2 n <I business hou11 Stteel. N-pon Beech. Celllorn,. Pu1:>U1'1e<I purauant to Section 92863 303 14(b)l 11 or tll• Rules and fltchar<I LMIMf. 955 W. 1\lth Rflgulellona or the Fedar•I Deposit SllH I. Cotta Man. C•lllornta 1naur3f1CI Corporellon 112827 Common-111'1 Bani. lllta bual,,... It conducted ny •n By James O McCoot tn<IMdvat na \I~ Presla.nt Rlch.,<I l•aner Cashi.< Tlllt 1111.,....,t WM l'lled with the •-II' N()ltc[ Publlaha<I Orenge CoH1 D•lly County CMr1' ol ~ange Coun1y on ____ ,.._UULl't-~=:------Pilot. Oct 11 21 1982 Oclot>et 5. 1982. I(...,, 4509-82 , ,...,. ACTITtOUI _.... Pul)llt'1ed Orang e CoHt Oally 111.-ar1.T1•NT °'.,'IC NOTICE Ptiot. oe1 1, 14. 21 28, 11>82 TM lolioWlnQ pertont are dotng 1 ____ r_U01.________ '43ee-U bvll,_ ... IC·21N HA A 8 0 R I I M PE R I A l ITATHll!NT OF AIANOOHMlrNT A880CIATE8, 1113 Cor;>ora11 Of' Ull OI' Plua. II'" 200. N9wp0t1 l!IMcfl, ncm10U1 auefNIH NA• CeflfornM '2980.. The l ollow lng perao11 "•• O."'d 8 Ottrtaon. 23321 \II• 8~ tl'lt UM ol the llcllltov• Rond• Mltalon Vl•IO, C1lllornl• buain.at l\ll'M BAKER FROM THE 02tt1 ~) FOREST 11 27001 LA Pu. MINIOn 8t•""•n C Ho~kln1, '13 VleJo. Cefllornl• O~t Corporal• Plue, 8 ull• 200. f lle :ic1111ou1 1>uetnau n•m• ~e..oti.OAt~.(pltt,...,1 ro1.,r1d to above wn llled In F'r~ J. SI""""*, 31102 ounty on Jvn<t t~. 1082 8111"111 Mar0-111• Pl~. 81n Ju1n Anthony 8 \lontu1e, 20031 C•pl tHlllO, C1lllornl 1 IU75 11•rw'1ffl Pl•ct, L1gun1 ~Ille. (pel1Mt1 ilorn4a g10A 11119 .,._,.... ~ b)' • Su11n.,. M Ventura. 28031 ...,w• ~-at•f'Wflffl Prtc•. Laguna HUI•, .,_,,.,. C HfOllll'll ttornll t21$3 f llll .... , 11et11! ... fl.s "'th Ille TNa bu.itlelt Wit COftdue1ad by eouney ~ of °".,... County on tt1ony 8 Vtr1111t1 OctoW 4, tte2. ,_,, Mll'IOny I . 11.ntvr~191• ,ubllllfM"I OrlnQe Coe•t D•ll Put>tltheo Orange Coul Oally -... l)d, I~ at. U . Nol/ .... 188 , Ool 2 1, 2•. N'ov •. II. 10t2' .. _., • • • 462742 ........ t2 • • PUllllC NOTICC 'ICTTTIOUI llUIMH NAMl ITAnwNT The followll'IO petllOntl -dOlnQ buelMM .. I.EHMAN FISHFR COMPANY, 333 ~t 17th SlrMt, Coeta ~. Celttornta 92621 Hel Lehman. 73• 1111 Lido Sou<I, Newport e .. ch. C1lllornla 9,683 l teanor Fltner O'll"(Ofl, 473DO Amir Dflw. Petm OeMr1. Ctllfornla t22t0 Thia bu*-' II ConducleCI by • ~~ Thia 111*"*"1 -flled wMl'I tM County ()etll Of Orlll109 COunlY on OclotMr 1t. IN 2 ,_ Publlal'l•d Or•no• Coa~O•llY PllOI, Oot. 21. 28. Nov. 4, w; 4.92 l't&IC NOTICE FICmlOUI aUllHEIS NAME STATEMENT The IOllOWlng ~sons ere do<ng bu""8SS H 1•1 THE ROUSE SCHOOL. 121 THE ROUSE CO 34 IO·G W MacArthur, Senta Ana, CA 92626 ARTHUR WARNER KASSEL Ill 42 I Fa11 Or No 208 Colla Mesa CA 82826 SUSAN MARIE KASSEL. 421 Fa11 Or No 208 Cotta Mesa. CA 92626 Th11 busmesa •• COllCluCIOO Oy .,. •n<ltvtdual Susan Met1e Kassel Thll 1181emerll WU hle<I Wtlh ow County CIOl1o. 01 Orenge Counly on October 12 1982 F1 ... Published Orenge Cou1 Dally PllOI, Oct 14, 21, 28, Nov 4, 1982 4476-12 PlllllC NOTICC K-421Da FICTITIOUI aUllNEaS NAME ITATEMENT The 1oiiow1ng r>e<aona 1111 oo.ng Du~8S OX N ARD B OULE\IAR O CENTER. • 13 Corporal8 Pl12a, Suite 200. Newport Beach Calllornl• 92660 S1ephen C Hopt<lna. 11, 13 Corporate Pllu. Sulla 200, N-ix>r1 Beech. Ca11fo1n1e 926e0 Oanar<I At•oclatea. 1113 Corporate Ptez•. Suite 200 N.,.pot1 Beech. CatllOfnla 92660 Thi' bu11nou I• eonouc1e<1 bv • ~a.I pert"8flh1p Stephen C HQ91<1na Thll ltlternonl was tiled with Ille County Cle1k of O••noe County on Oc1ot>er 4, 1982 F1*57 Publlsne<I Orange Cont Dally Pilot. Oct 14 21 <'8. Nov 4. 1982 l't&IC NOTIC[ 4532·82 I FICTITIOUI av ..... NAMEITATU(INT Th• lollowlng 1>er1on 11 <101ng busJMll u M IRA CLE YEARS PRE- SCHOOL. 320 E. 18th SllM I. Cotta .,,..eae. Calllornl• 92827 Loll E Sll•lfe r, 318 E. 18111 Street. Coate MeH . Calllornl• 92627 H•rOl<I 0 Shelfet, 31S E. 18th Slr•et. Co•I• MUI Callfornt• t2S27 Thlll buslnws Is COOOUC1ed by an indlvldu•I LOia E. Shalflf H1r01<1 0 Sheller Thlt ltllln'lertl WH flied wlt'1 Ille County Clafk oJ Of•~ County on October 5, 11l82 f111tn Publla1110 Orange Co111 01lly PllOl. Oct 7, t4, 21. 28. IN 2 43&4-12 NJ.IC NC>Tta 1(401I ftCTmOUI llU ... U NAMI IT A TIMINT The IOllowtng 11«eon• are doing t>u•l-M. OX NARO ASSOC IA TES. " 13 COtPOflt• Plan . Suite 200. NewOO<I BNcll. CitNlomle 02MO Stephen C Hopllln •. • 13 Co<pot•t• Plue. Suite too. Ntow- pot1 8Moefl. c. l2MO ~) Fredttlek J Stemmer, 31102 1 111111 Maro•rll• Pl8Cle, 8111"1 Juan C1p1a1reno, C•lltornla tH'6 (partner) OIYld I O•trlllOll, 23321 \111 Ronda, Mlaa1011 Viejo, Ca11torn11 t2tt I (C*tn«) ™' ~ .. conduc:t9d bY • oen«al PttlnenHI> lt~C HOfll<IM Thie 1t81tfM1'11 •• litN wltll , .... Collt\ty a.. of On1no• COllMY on OCtOO. 4. 1"2 . ,~ '"blltl'l•d Or•~• Coe" Olllty Pilot. Oct. 14, 21, • N0w !i;:a 6 4 2 • $ 6 7 8 D A I L y p I L 0 T C - . L A s s I F I E D 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8 CLASSIFIED INDEX ,.,, ,,,,,, .....................• H,.,,, 111 1~11 llH•n lt1 1411 ....•.••...•••....••.• ......•....•...•.•.... D1H1.J IOI Gl•111J /HZ .......•.......••••••. ···············•·••··· I Prlmf' Lld11 ~u., Ja~'f!in~-&~ blllh rt Place ,..,, •-.Call 4W LR . •Ir m nll 2 liuit~\.al~~.000 642-5678 NOIJSfS FOi SAlC I ~=~~:11.1.;w1 I '-h•t• t',Au,•wlt f • ., •• ,, •• .,. "-'•' • Utltf\• 4•• ... , .......... 11 ......... "4 '. ,.,., -._..,..Jn\ .JI• t H411Ml"f'""M.•t"' .,,, .. I··~· .... _,. .............. •IWo"'• -.,IC\l•t .. , •• .,. .... \'1•tf• ~:n::u~:;~ ~'' JwaH• '"""•n•• ~ .... ""· .... , ...... 1 ""-";Ul I •CWH• "r•IO,lfOI•• "41htltt Uo1t1• ••'• UAL mm "' u ••r h .. '•'• I A~tl,.W'Mlo ,.,., , .. 1 .. :.::::.:·:~· t ',' -'•Htlhf• t:T. I''"'" ! :::,·.:.·,~:~·,,~.:~:t\ lt\,l1lr"'" t 1'1hh.tlfl lhN-"" t11 I• ""~•ti 'f1o;l.ffftf'" t'r•,1.1t·tH lo-htlitrt•l l1ffJ~t\­ l.11A• IVf '•hi \4ul~,J• llftw I tit l•f~ Mw.-"A lkrutt """ott fllf • .._, •• ,. ,,, • .., :: :, \:::~ i.,~·&1 ,,, "•IM'"•• •• , .. ,_ t .... .. ................ h .. ft .. . ........... tt "'•fth•J REHIALS 111141\f'\ t \[llht\hrlJ Uw\r\ I 11lu1 n,,h.,d """'"' t "''" "'' I Hf I f •lftdut'11,11\ltt1• • "''" I •"'4i.,fluht11HI\ t nt r1,..ftN-."'' ho~ l•n.Nlil-.•n t hi ·~··"'"'''-" I U\it>1ur\ I"' '"'' •\ftn A"°'\t "'""' A~ t vtn,,. I t1f kl•~\ kuot1t1 4 ~"•''' U1,111,.1,\i1111flrl' '·""' ... ,""" "'1n\nW>t H•tt! .1\ \ •l'•W>n H•Ahl• thot.h ,., Vt .. , •• 1(,,.#•lf••llfl lhAl lHlnt krt1>l•I t.w\f~•Hrt1l41I IMw\ht•I Hutt,..I "'"'·•· H.-m••~ ._ ••'f..;J "40· 9'•'ll•h eusouss. 1Mm1 MCMf. FINANCE l ........... i,. ..... . Kt.1••M\\ \l 4111!•'1 10,••ln..-r~ •• ... .-.~•• > I""'''~'"~•"•"''' -.. ..... , '"' '"'•" "'"'""' IA•ntf'"d• ""'''•·•·\ 'h AMNOIJllCEMCN rs. 'llSONALS l lOSl l FOUND 41\f'llA;l'I~•,.·""' •• , l'•<VI lt'.:•l '11t1if ''°'t 4 f 1NM ••• ,~.A·h· ........ f .... ,~· Tt., .... SERVICES 04'LOYM£Nl & mmAHON Joli"•"'" t • ...... .... 1w, um ..... llOJJAl HOUllHO Ol'f'OA fUNI TY lu·mocM~ l bdrm, :t bf.\h 1 tarae n.~ nn lot·1m 1 l't•lll11~. h .11 nl1tll'<l, pall.Oii $-420,000 ::!: h~ll•l1tr'• ..... .. ''"''"'u I• OL-..!an & JOllY view• ti'~~ room, 4 hdnn, 3 l(•t. llAI' -. .... I"" '""' lw'I. .... .... 11•11 tulf '"' .... .... .... "'' IA> ... 1n ... ·~· U•.J '"' "" I'•• ... "" ,,.,, ,., '"' ·~· I ., ~ ,.,.. ., ,.., AU 11a1 allate ed1111tlteil In 11'11• new•P•P•• 11 IVl>J•(.I 10 Ille I l!d8tll ~IJI Houalng ACI of t9!18 w1t14.11 make• It lllog11I 10 odvort1111 "11ny 11r1ltr on c1. 11"11111100 or dtacrlml n ation baaed on r•C•. colur. •ello100. sex or 11nt1on111 origin or 1ny 1nten11011 to ")11ke any •u'" prele11nc;o. llmll11· uon 01 dl&ertmln4111on " Tt111 ,,_.paper WIN not 1r now1ngly e cc11pt 81\y odvor11elng 101 1a11 H · IU18 whlCll IS In vlotatlon ol t'1e law bill!\, l 700 1q h $1,385,000. OoHn.front LllU llLE llYFIHT L..iigoo11 vlt'w from 6 bdnn, 5 bat.h, playroom . durk n n, dt'I\. Boat 11ip Now $1,000,000 llYlllE PUOE Sl)l~·~ul.ar blayfrunt dphc 2 br, 2 bll up; :l br, i bll dn 2 Uoiat •piM.~• Reduced-Sl .~.ooo FlllUlll URll . Nt'W <1 br, -1 itf bi, ~·Wit.om Fr'{·nch Nurrnandy EAuiu• I 2 pramt' a('.I'\'! tuUt.op $1,250.000 . IYALOI ---------•! 1-'l'<' 111m.,1t• ~ br 1'C')tll1g1• un quiet DetcaNlO S t UllHSt A dverll· (m 1''lislll) keduted ll1 $100,000 .. sers· should check Olllllll UYI their ads dally and C.Oronado Uima cwt. bayfront lot. a5· boat report errors Im-dock. Plans avaH. Now $370,000 w/1erma. medla tely The DAILY PILOT as- sumes liability tor lhe first incorrect Insertion only. BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR 341 Boy\•d• D• " ~ B '' ', ' 1• Every Saturday In the Oail Piiot Clessllleda •UYHHT• ltll SLIP •11•tff•• .. Cll.tHI bt.t• over 6,000 1q It . I I 2 A c.res o r ptlm • tho· roughbred propeny ad) to Ja~ 1<1ugman Eatele nr F e llbrooll Every dau1111g amenity, ch•m- ptonshlp tennll court $8SO.OOO terme. Agt 2131275-2031 ~ .. IUlll llllLllll Highly motivated seller Will consider any reaso- nable oller Tastefully deGOfated lour bedroom home Upstairs muter t:>edroom retreet Excel· lenl buy. $270.000 lt•I• 'tlt•l\>lrl 'fl. 4 • 1'11 IPH HILY 1-i I 38 BALBOA COVES. 3 I bdrm • 2 bath N OW REDUCED TO $489,000! &RT lllYllmt llEJLTOl/OWllll •113-1117• 111-1100 MERCHANDISE ... " """ ",_. ltoi•• "'lit .~ • ,,, .. ,,., ........ •wi.o • .-, \t•frt • ' ........... ' .. ,,,. " 111• .,_,.,, ... •vH1Ut..,fr ttor•,., ltot;\.,l\ohlf11 ... 1, J ..... h, u,,.11 ... -. ..... ~ ..... , ... , ..... u., .... .., Ml\! f'UalW•N'"' "•"f•fl ~1it\u•l lfht1w,_.,.,u 1 Mht •• o11fn . f fWI~ ..... tt. ....... 4 ht~·" !§.~'.~.~ .. ::: 1om & MARINE COUlrMENr 1,.,.., ••. .... h "•IW 'WH • .... ~h , .. ,."' .. ' \f'liM .. ~..ah ···-·· f\1-•-· Hf"4 t ~. , .. , ~ •" '• ~ a.o..h """'"" lH;• ,..., ........ ..... ,_ ""'"••· IHNSPOIT A HON "'"'•"' ( •m~r• '•'• H•"' . ,..,...,., .. ,, ~=• ~·:r*'-VOGtf'fll' ~Off.-.. ,, ... ,.1,. " ... ,.. "••""'' tt ..... !:.-:,~.!,~!~~"( .• ,. AVTOMOlllE '-"•twf 411 ,,.-..,..,.., 11.u • H•• '"•1·1•" \ •"'' ._., ~-•"'h Jif••• H·•h • "••" l•ro ,._ fl..,,. •• '"" '"'" l.••''"~ 'lol4"" "'411'11f.t AUTOS. IMPORTED , ..... n-•• \I•"''"" I '"'" \.ttt•'-H •, ,~:;:, '·:r.-1!.~own tf'U•f1 , ,, 14~. , ...... h•llhtn ""'Mo.ti\• •of\• t...m.MittJkN ....... ........ tt.11, "" .. ., .. ...... , ..... "" •••w,Jlll'lllf ...... \ tw H,..,t•t.1ll "4'tl•ft·1-·• ftM.•f ..... 'lwu ......,.._.," , ... -..... "'"'"'"' , .. h•••t,, \~)hV t.'""'•' , .. , AUTOS, llEW auros. usco ...... '•d•ll•1 ( 4 "'•· ~ . ,.,,,..,.,. \lw' ., .. , 1.-1 ,_. ... ," .. , .. " .. .. ...... ., l':'J' lmP11t•I l.H"vl• ... ,.,,,, '"'"'-" "••••11111• ~~tw ... r11-• -.... nv..,..,.,.,., ~, ... '"''~""Mo -··· ''" -· '"'" ..,. ..... "'"' ., .... .... ~ ,. ""' ..,, .. •Y O n tne goll course Cus1om beaulllut 3 B<lrm l'lome. many, ma"y Ilk· lllS $279,500 With 10% down owner will CMfV at 12•..,.,.. Interest "'' McC1r.ie, llltr. i41-ll2t HMl 1211,000 YlfW flH Eanhtones lhrvovt. • bf. 2') ba .. family rm, 2,378 sq It View or P1v1hon. mght hghts 6 Ca1aJ1na 144-4110 --' TAY L OH CO --=---- WlllMll.U I•• hrHlaHr• I llUlll YI 2672 sq It Pool w111'1 1 5 yr old S & S Home HllTIFlll swim up bar In cave . New on marketl Two· $25 000 below market. s10.ry with soaring ce1-120'1. dn 12 2% lnleres1 ""gs. lemlly room and 3 Agt Jim 531-8100 bdrms THE" popular li/llH II/Hi IOOf model w ith unt in11hed •••••••••••••••••••••• room ott garage Lovely LfTilE 1enoscap1ng S265 000 Ullll ISLlll car s"bikes · ·sk ateboards· trucks"baby carriages•tea carts •trikes rot lerskates • walkers•toys ·wagons···· scooter s ·hot rods"coupes• trailers·hard tops•convert- ibles•motor homes"lawn mowers•limos ·corporate headquarters •garden carts Model A 's0000 •typingtables wheelbarrows· recreational vehicles•golf carts•mooe1 trains0 bikes •pianos•cars refriger ators ·skates•····· - \\,\II HI Hll'I 1111-.1 ' ·-I REAL ESIATE I 611 14 . IWllll WAITS llTI REDUCED 8Y $150.0001 By ~. lat time ott• tad et $545,000 Spec. compl. remodeled hOme & uni!. 3 BR, 2'~ BA. 2 lrptcs. ,_ kll . form di· ning. -1 b•r, llly11ghta • petlo Sunny b1ck unit has 1 Br 1 a.. toe new kil & din. arM 3 ur gar 8')aoe. Corner lot. Cour- t esy to t>rkr l O P EN 2 B• condo, lmmeo erld I Unit, brlek petlo. lolt of prlv•cy 5 112,000 761-311>1 c::. ',f t ( -t-" I)''( Ji 't ,JI • I S AT ·SUN 1 -5pm . 127·127'" A b •lon• 640...4424 0< 75M 777 1--------liC HARMING REMO O. 3 .. ,,. •• u ,·u· .1,, •lt .. •.I) ,,,, <I I •.. ~ •1.:J .... . : . . •I ... ,,.. ' . I •• .. •dt .... .. 1 'j"' fl)o.t •·l.> .1 .... •I\: ' ... ... , "'"' ··~ w~• •11'1 ···' ... If it's got wheels, you'll move it faster in a Daily Pilot c lassif ied ad.Call 642-5678 and a friendly ad- viser will "Kelp you turn your wheels into cash. .. ,,!,_ ~==== .. .,,Iii ::~ I "'" . ., .. lllQ1 ~. ..... ... 'Q • ,.,, =. IMl • .... 1 -= • Dally Pilot classifieds work for you.call 642-5678 for quick cash sales. -· . =~ii==~ .... ,..,, •UUI & '"""* 8r+toft Tr10tlllM 091. IO< duplex or unit 87U 5S5 23 unllS In prime Tustin. C..ll #.U IOU locallon Tremendoua •••••••••••••••••••••• polentlal IO< IUrlher de-·-::::-======· velopment Call ror de-l&ll IPPllTlllTTI 18lla 759-1501 or """ ... 752-7373 v IM,llll l" ,.,..., "N4w" a 9'>10ioua Gw- den Vlllu w/floor 10 oel- 11 ng flreplecH N EAR BEACH. 1. 2 & 3 eorma ....... Walker & Lee For Ad Action Cal a Daly Pilot AD· VISOR 642·5678 lrom $84 ,SOO . Balow market Int 1a1e ello ws ror pymta 11 low •a $79S t mo (E 1 1y Oualltytng) Pool, ter1nla & security gated !>flv~ TAKE AO\/ANTAGE OF THIS ONCE IN A LIFE· TIME OPPORTUNITY CENTURY 21 141-IOM I Will-la •• ..., l!{SIOUUIAI RI Al rSIAlf $fRVICfS For Ad Action knoct11 often -'*' Yoll UM rMUlt-oettlno o.lt~ Pllol CIHtTfle4 AO• lo ~ IM Or""Ot CoMt mark ... I• AllUY .. ,._. Litten to the 11eals. Walk alon1 your private sandy beach. CAreful ot the sandpipers. t"ish the durfllne! Sal l 1un1eu & som e time• thunderlna surf. W e have a channlng 4 BR home that delivers It all! Cal a Dlly Plot AD-VISOt 642-5671 ~142-6'71 MOti ™ .. ""'"' tile ~ "bug" tNt 'tMI. " you l'IAl"9 • C#n" per tt1•t'1 not o•ttlno UMCI .... " now -"" 1 ClMtllled Ad • \ I Ill llRPORTC•NRll 644-9060 1. Orange Coatt DAILY PILOl /lhuraday, October 2 t, 1982 DI ~!!!.~~' ......... ~~~!!!,('.1.l~' ......... ~~~!~!.~'.'.!~'.' ....... ~~!!f!.~'.·.l~'! . .., ... 9!~!.1.!.'.~L'!.'!.'! ..... ~'.~!!!.!~!~!!~d. .... '!.'.~!!!.¥!'!~.'~!!~!~ ... ~!.~!!t.¥~9!!'.'!!-1. .. C•;~:i~-1~·· 1411 ..,..,:h,~~hl a... llM &.,,, -.rN. }114 ll1w ... f ._.. Jiii 11-.MJI ..... lift l11IHH 111• .. t! '-••• Jiil 1!•1/• l/f11&1 J•J4 "•la1 · · ,U4 •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••!':;:-;z;. ••••••• nm.,,,,,; ... m ... 1 ·!::.:,•··.·.·1·.··.,·:·· ;-............... _.n_n •••• , •• •••••••••••••• .. ··.·.,· ... ··.··.··.·.·.·.··.·.·.·.·.··.·.: ,, ... ,,., J4H ..................... rr ................ Tr. •• r .•.••..••..•.•••••••• Nr 8 c Plet.l" 1 Br. over c.,.., ,., .,, Jiff llTllf&lllll ,._ • •••••~••V.•••••• •••• 3 OR 1•• BA '1 1.•1 uer 2 01 1 lll f1plo. ge190e, pOOI. p11tk llke Ref, etove •••••••••••••••uoeTI' C'num1ng 3 Ill, ' Cl• NEWPORT VIEW IU l&IT llW QOmm l\OUI Wlrtl•t or ln<id P•llo l &Hl mo Incl 1000 l.44H1258 m"" llUI •LlllT home wld•t 2 ca1 o•r JIWllllY I Tllll yrly AiJI 01~·111'0 LHH e~· uo In QOll ... 11¥111 NCWPOlll 8fACH·28r, Meny a1t1enlll•• l11olu· •U ¥1111 Acrou lrom <.;t1Mr lt1• ttHHll 110 Joenrt Sr llllllY ding vl•w• from deoll, Heller l'aill 237 Knoa Pl SAVE fl>'l JQ QOO l twrtftr in1.11I '"'" <J101 2 IJ 412 &2•0 28• hHI\ paint, avail lrplC. eic '-'11fully remodelecl 6 $146000 8 .,... lk • •• prlC. trt l•lla ~ti H ..... u.1.,.,,." Otllttlllllll lmmed 1100 mo Agl "°° l dill'I Plue lluge famlly he;t _.lata"t~w;~ .. leltt 1 ,.,., l.1111 IHJ2 '1011 or •••••••••••••••••••••• II Oel i A• 2 tlory l mly IBA tnA & 'BR l\l'r BA J •Ck l• H1ndleman ~~~:~ ~r&a3 l e . room, featuring l'ranCll W • ll"J 1147 I Q,..,., 1101 o 1 . 1 I u U ¥ n I I '0 I( , 1100 IO 1•""' •31 12•• J 7 d wld II y•-TllLY l)l1 A ~'l'l('Al .l.v l>l:.',J )(IL'1..'l•'J"'~1.:1 ,J ," 0"" """ 11 6 n:''k,:~•n. ".,.r:r:i.~-I ....... • ,,.L-, • ' r..u ~ .,, .. _ C••••ttl•I ······;.·1·1··,·;·L•I••••••• a'r'd'noro~~'1o~llll"'.o P••• J!!.~b':".....,_o~. Ca ll A n111ony d a y • .. 02e-10311ev102&-01oe STUNNIN<: ·I Bth111 POOL. h111m· \\llh n • .,.. ., u """... .... A••rl•••l•l•t•liiH a..2•6701,,v .. &wtinoe ~y~~d=~p::t~::ii---------•I Vl~;WS u { b,1y . p .11k & lll'lull ft~t9: Jf00 Veittly WMt<lyWlnt., 2 NrS C:.1tPl111 381 2ba fllepl~ •"•••••••••••••••••••• 031-0430 UM OlbflGk 0ua111yo.. llUlllllt ASSUMAJlL.Jo: r 111 .. 111·111 u 1ww 11nl y ······lll•O·.·.··,··L·I··,···· 3 •Bdrm• • c<>lldo $700 g111w1r p0 Cpt1&Dr11PN l•/)oa/du' J10I E .. ~ • J&Olll llEAL n MC dllV & ltnt 11\0 Karen I Yr l .. w/Opt 10 Buy •••••••••••••••••••••• '0 ' t>r ' I>• Vtf)' nic.. 2 GOraUno thruout. T RRI· 11,000 Ill 1111/•t. $•Hl!>.UUU l'Al..L 'l\ >l>A Y A1.11ac.e1•110 Tri <.;Uy w .. 1 p•op 0"'"' 2033, 7"'9 1011 Oooo pybllc trane. walk ~ Or 1 6• patio. new <.,port'· no P•11 FIC Fl~ANCING AVAi· Splrkllng 'Eogllel\ llll•IJHlll 01.e•r1tlOe n ""' " 10 UCI an<J it.ope oec:or Winier to Ju"' 1075t mo &50·9205 I.ABLE. A•klng 1239. Country Style o#IVlllW (II 111000 111) MAIAlll!IT EISIOI:. 3 br. 2 ua. 2 Cllr l 1•/H ,..... seoo lnCld• Ullll Nr Coat! Hwy & MM!~ 000. F0< 111'1 tPPI 10... mutlve oreonbelt llAE llOIEll $00!1000 S•I• oor. tnco yt1rd, S750/mo South Bay 873-3458 The ShorH In bH ullful Aeromatlc wood burning RE/MO U 1· 1211 i 140 Ill Metllcal condo 111-1111 4vall Nov 1 owner1o011HI ---------•IModarri Spanl1h 3Br 2ba. Corona Clel Miit haa 1 & 2 used brick llrepl•ce 111 $1 2S ail ltllH op1 Cllll 1144·8088 clote to blY Mey ren1 bdrm apt1 for rent. Call gracious 1111tert11ln11r'1 II Hanullful Ocean Vlow Oest• •111/lef11r1 Cklen, plu10nt 2 Br 1 Ba L•1,••• J,.rt 3141 unfum, 1vell 1111 JuN! or 1te1or1 OlbtO" 0••-201 1 vlng room C11r11er your ti rwy 15 Acce1111 RE TIRE.Ml NT •Pl. 26r. (oolblull. encltd geraoe. •• ••••••••••••••••••• yrly 673·0571 .,, • HERllAGE REAL TORS c •• ,. ..... Jllf Cl\rlSlmu tree etound f!!}!.!!!!~ .....• !.~~1 f~lf!~~.~jf.~!L.!~~~ Ownarl BuKdor i.lean & Qultt4 loc11t1011 prlvni..1 yard No pelt lfARBOA OCEAN rRONl I JL---------1 rlcll wood 11•n•1lng• " F.". AL •• IE L YILLE IE o-1s1 111•1 1211 1129 $400/mo $.48tJJmo 6•8·6680 Nu 3200' lull hm Ori 1>11111 • _, ..... , lllUll nigh etyte window cove· ~n llHtel/YHrlr 180 deg vu of 111rbor. 11•l•••I• J101 A~l UYllllTll ring• Amtulngly Br•tl•h HM B~AU llFUL D•1l1x11/ <JOO<I 1111,.01 come In 31 :I hr, 2'" t>• Condo 3 lo iurl mlr••. 3br, 31>•. •••••••••••••••••••••• ...................... wlll t own nparare • • 0 10 WORID Vaill /II $.Ji JIOO Oe., .. nvtaw lro rn 1 11 vol, 3 p1111oe Nwprl Hglt aueullly uunl epe W1n1et R•ntal 2B1, pool, 1 11AM11 Olflmll pen try & laundry room M..a V11rd11 btrd •lreets r OWNHOMES • ••• •••• •••••• •••• • ••• room a 3 tllOry llome S 8 5 0 I m o + u 11 I• s l800fmo •06-7009 l\ouee to bch $560 Playa S111-l -$1N le.I Twin clo .. 11 6 n'Aaslve 4 Borm lamely rm 4 Uy llow"rtl M~lo Co 0 110 hou" fiom I lle 631-0715 R E 673-1000 BH ulllully landteap.cl gatdell apta Pool & &.,. p atlOe/ dectl I No pell , Moder11, detaclled llm. m uler tulle ~ nowi3y =~P·P~'0°~.:~ ~h,:i:; ..... 12r~•.n S1597~0.,LL LAST Ot111cll J tx1r1na. 3 Dalli• 3 or 1 o•. relurbl11\ed In-o:~~~e. ?.e~.' $~2~~m~ BAY FRONTAGE, t>Hcn. Unlqu.ly det~ned by decor •led nur ••ry ~"' " ~~ "" """ * 3 O'•rAO••S12"''/mo d S600 ""'t b •4 • 2b *•"" lb c HEER s FOR r HE ass111ed fln1nc1no Sea II 0 ' vv 11 8 mo ..,.. ve Y C111 49•-5841 evs/wknda p..,r, pr .. g. r. ~ r The Maet..-1 Indoor I PRIC•t ONLY 17".000I now' s 179 500 C all le1trHt Oede 2652 Sant• An• Ava. -----$850/$600 Adlta, ult pd Bacne!Of $4 1& outdoor environment Wltll"' s•,ooo d"own · NtWNll IHd JOll Unturn on Lldv Perk Dr . !hen call 851-41228 luxury 3 br 2•.; ba. etudy. 303 E Edgew aler llgllt and airy Interior 1816/mo"' pay• 811 Ct1ll 979-~70· ••••10•••••••••••••••• CHANCE 1.,rge 2 bdrm & den. view $1500/mo Cell 1187 1-2866 2 Bdrm 2 Ba111 S500 2250 Vang\Jatd 5.40-9820 or &.42~905 w/1kyllg11ta, 3 gard en Fastl I llUfFI IAlllAI• i.ecurlly bldg $2000/rno •UIO lllMI* 494·5841 e11alwl.nd1 OCEANF_R_O_N_T_-2-B-r_f_u_r _-1 atrium•. beamed eel-ERFAONl HOMES Ple88Jnt arn. nice <1 11119,, king •la d bdrm•. Cl•Tlllf 21 You own lhe l&nd i.000 lu buy 11111 t>eau111ul 3 WAI rooms,'lully c1rpeted, Cleon ~ br house In VII ntalled, winter. 1575 mo 1 lldrm $480 llll'llly rOOft\ w/ber & WALl·I• llULn sq II, 3Br, tam rm, 21, voar 010. 4 uni! apart-631· 1•00. relrglatove here all utlls laytl Frpl1.. oeam cell, 675 5 102 161 E 1811\ 842-0860 -wlllt 01 glaas 10 patios. • -011. w1d11 Greenbelt. n11ar ment houae In San Cle----------•I pd kid flri;i BEST Rl TY yard & ger Kld~lpela ok I 2 ... I Entoy •un 111 d•y on , ... --'•'•'•"•'•'•'•0--•IBHli•JI•• I "'001 r1;r below merke1 monte wllll ocean. hltts & HOMES FOR RENT 539•6190 COST 2•hr $800 •94-2576 • H It •H .... Bacllelora $410 "Private Roof Sundeck". 1• J i lHO $135,000 Wiii lease op-gall course vlew1 at a re"lal holllnit 4 Br 2 Bo 2000 11<1 11 Top Furf\ $650tmo 673·•743 1 Bdrm $480 ~~:~~'.°!~!~~,tT l~=~·~~~~~~,321:;etJ •••• ~~!.•••••••••••••• uon Bier 6•4-0134 :::.':'~,~~~~,~~~: ,!!: •Ult 2-1-11-llOMf* ~~:~;6~0tld $!000/mo f!!~!.~.~!!.'!!!.}.~~~ ~P:~.~8: ~~1:6 CENTURY 21 p•1101 N prt H 1 H Tiii SHI llOMAllTIC-11-EW_P_D_llT fore being llsted wl111 •EL TORO•.,.,. O•nlng e1ea mOdem kit-Ocean view beeutllully v w g • I L f I "ro•ers •ct NOWlll Call • "" E··ER6 l 0 BAY 3 Br 2 • Duplex 3 Br 1 ~ B•. Well·I• RHlty $ 8 5 O t mo + u t 11 s Ila erto t s11rt o"' wr,"nr at "171416•2-o 136 chen kids welcome prv1 B..,e ", 700 sq 11 frplc furn townhouse. frplc. $475 Laundry lac., pool . • ••·IOIO 631-07 15 2 story. 2 bdrm 1'• ba llUAM MOUSE v •MISSION VIEJO • gerage BEST RL TV pool & pello $1095/mo s..e-95se 12.fPM -oeac.11 -Condo co op E•lra large Island k11-1725_,750 539-6190 COST brtcll patio. with spa 673-0896 · TRIPLEX NEAR Pool. saun1:1 wt1 1gri1 Chen 4 luxurlous be !'!!!~!.!!!t!!!!.!.~ S I 8 0 0 I mo 4 2 BR 1 BA. old llOUM . no SHARE lhla Easlllde 2 BR duple• and l\eve low peyman11, or llve In one end renl Ille otller, but anyw1y you rook et 11, !hi• property 11 an ax- c e 11 e n t buy New car pett /drepea, new copper plumbl119, 2 large yards. w/conslder VA/ FHA Asking S 135.000 D a vin Reel Es t ele 4142·8368 BEACH & SHOPS roo m sub p11rll1ng cJrooms wtfh plenty ol Will trade dbl w•de mobile * H U N T 1 N 0 1 0 N •l Ill FUT 1100* 2 1 3 / 8 7 6 · 2 2 5 5 o r Coll• /11111 31"'4 pell, Clllld OK All u111 pd. Coun1ry llouse w/3 Ocean and Pter View wardro oe space Mstr DOI bath klda alok nurry 675-3067 •••••••••••••••••••••• 4 15 Hamilton. $675. Bdrms and 2 Bdrm b8Clo. listed ai $160,000 $65 s1e l\illl 1111 & he• 1>a1hs home M or JBr house. BEACH• S700-$/SO BEST ALTY 539·6 190 2 Br 2 Ba Cl\a-rm_e_r-. Fau11rnd 1upbdrEmnc•P0'a'ras83e8 1 5 _6_4_1_-0_7_6_3 _____ _ units eecl\ wllll laundry 000 under markel All Owner wlll llnance below rualln 10' parllel dwn in-COST room Shows true pride cash or new fin Oreo1 mrk1 r111e• MuUM really come p roperly (714) •'l'ORBA LINDA• $725 ----woodsy & private. Ca1a-2 110 Newport Blvd M lllTAIT Ill 01 ownerahtp with fire· opp·y for someone wllo !'>40 2960 S57·9390 Eas1s1de Condo 2 Br 1',,_ line view. lrplc, w/d, re· 548-•968 Eas1Slde 1625•1650/mo. pla~. sundecks and oa· can act tasr Agent ASK FOR LORI C M Huge quell1y duplex •CHILDREN• B a lrplc garage, fr ig, no dogs."' Woods CASA IE 110 2 Br 1•;, Ba Townl\OuM . rages 15'1. down or 3 o 3 1 1 3 S660/mo 548-356! C ove 151 plus sec all bulll·ln1, lndry rm, lrade for T o·s S245, ~ 1·81 0 A~k tor Jim 3 bd. 2 011 lndry room pl~~ ~g S~;~·K~o~~~: •PETS 0K1'! Aen1 or lease newly ,.. $900/mo 499-1617 ALL UTILITIES PAID ca1por1. yerd/belcony. 000 S.•-7020 lgllelmer viewi grn °11 pool Call m11ble toan at 12% int modeled home wUh sto-L 11.· J 32S2 small pe1 01<. u••• llUl ESTATE UH .. OFFiii lor clPll110 see 640-0888 s 17 SK /of r Agen t rage & large fenced 101 .!l.~!~ .. !l.~! ....•... I Compare before you TSl Mgml 6.42-1603 Lrg 3 Br 2 ea end condo by owner 642·9666 YILUGE Commercial zoning adl OCEAN VIEW 4 or. Mon-r enl Cusiom design 1----------SIPEll TERMS n Oreal Hun11ng1on Beach BEST DEAL IN A l"ENTION tnveslo rs 10 Ne wp o fl Blvd arch Bay Terrace $1500 fealuret Pool, bbq, F,::=~~Vtp:.~~ d~·~; lmmac 3 Bdrm home roceltOt'I Frptc 2 car o•· HARBOR RIDGE e•ce11en1 Cosrs1de Costa INVESTMENTS 85 1-9889 6•2· 1334 mo agent •96-5980 covrd garage. surroun-Garden 1 & 2 Br on El DREAM HOME $117. 500 buys 11111 3 BR beauly wtsparkll119 pool. Gre•nllouse window & more Owners moving Ma ke oiler Bkr 8.40-0709 oHered wllhAlLTERMS rage.~ AIC am:"O its Beau1 3 BR home wlin Mtlu 2 Bdrm duple. Neal 2Br. 1Ba rear dplll. /111-.,-.,-.0-.--v,-.,-,·o-J 261 ~~ w~~::::111andsca-si de $480 . $580 . 198,000 Seller Is moll-~anb:~•~r~sF 1fu';'e tncred view. S455M 10 2 X gross n ew garage,yd.nol\omebu •••••••••••'•••••••••• 1 BR Furn $515 557-28•1. valadl Bkt 75•-1202 SI. n u Pl Ce 760-9307 /d I 5525 3 Br 2 Be. lam rm. lrplc, 36S W Wll•A~ ,,.2_ 1971 1----------S l 24 .000 631_7370 C.clr11<tt rapes.new cop-slnesses. res req ~·~ lll 211 •11 5•9 .3546 per plum b ing , ctean (l 14)545 200 m 0 + s 3 7 5 d a p covered pallo nu W/D. , , • , I E'llH lllTI USTSIH CUHEi Extenslvely remOdeled 3 Br home 1ea1ur1ng lge ms1r suit & ball\ gou1I met kitchen and added rumpus rm, arusrs be· hind garage Cul-de--sac st Asking S 175,000 For appt 10 see c a ll 5•0-1151 11'-11· 1 h's 1r•11 Owner wlll cerry a eub- a tan llt l 2nds on tllese well malnt11ned llngle 11()()' 1 & 2 bdrm units. Plenty of oH atreet par- 11tng. • car garega. At-lllll••rrT'!-Ti7.T~i lracllvely prk:ed at S325. 000 1'4-1211 TRADITIONAL REALTY ASSlll UH. POOL HIE Lrg 3 BO. nr OCll Fre;, form pool A beau ly hurry call Key Really 962-7788 $ REWARDS $ 1ns1C1elou1 Good ren1a1 • 919-32:.>7 relrtg Walk to scl\00111 Haati111I•• Newly decor Oat pd, 10.,,, DOWN uren Ownor 15 mo••valed AGENT. NO FEE Gardener Incl lake prl-lllt.. 3140 encl gar. dwsllr, pool. lmmac 3Br 2Ba + 3 cor an(! w111 work w11h you ---------mj Avall now 3 br, 1'1J be vlleges 586-9741 $850 •••••••~•••••••••••••• bbq. no pell 6.42-5073. e;;n·t1ts~·~;n~nt:3"11'. ~!~:"ts1!1':.56~~~63~~v•n 11/l>oa ~~~'sg~£~·e~: inc:d yd ~'!!l!!!.!!~!~ .•• !.~~! YOU IEIEllYE 111 000 L I 3 B / DELUXE 3 BR 2,,_, ba. 2 Beaullful & park llke wltll h stsl4t C.11. P1ai111al• 3201 •ve on a arm, r w terraced pool Beautiful 2 Br. 2 B e 1ownl\ouse. lrplc. patio. lndry rm, g ood loc $560/mo TSl Mgmt $16000 DOWN" No qua111y1ng tmmed occupancy Sl\ar 1 Eas1 Blull 3Br 288 + spa Only $229.9951 Call Jolin Zervos (Bkr) 760-9669 JASll•E CllHI House + 3 lwnl\ouses •••••••••••••••••••••• g uesl hou se & p ool sty lge front yard & •Pnvate Pa11os Pen1n Pl, 5 BR, 3'• 011, $900/mo 966-0130 upstairs pa110 Near •Covered Parking All Wiii\ Frpl gar. patios DR lrg palto. s 1200 mo 2 Br 1 Ba wtgar-& yrd 1>eoct. 1s1 & la.st secu· •Spacl~·a Apls OWC 191 TO Submll on A 673 9060 11 S 1 1 00 p ~ 0 p & T e r m S A 0 t 10 mo gl . perfect IQr cpl, sml Child 6r 3 r 5661 er m 0 !wOlanllknglnACreloa•AIS 641 0:?90 Oce;infronl 2 Br 1 Bo 01< No pets S525 Call ,. ~ 2 Br 1 Ba pool Ilda 8'>I, trplc $800/mo 1nclda 540-4752 3 Br 2 story townllouse 2 •Home llke Kitchens lndry rm. blt·lnt No SAU IY OW•Ell ulll!> 673-1309 baths. pwder rm. Very 1 Olk 10 Hunllng1on pera Call for •PPI Undivided '• lnter~st 1n E side 2 Br 108· 1 car gar, p v 1 comm po o I Center tr1nspor1anon & "435-S.50 Coto•• ''' llf•t 3222 stove $595 no pell, 1 $900 673 6856 1 TSl Mgmt 642-1903 15 unlls apl bl<l g In •••••••••••••••••••••• cll•ld 01< Call 646-9301 /mo. -rwys 642-6221 8.42-1903 WTSIH 1~% Y.A. LOH Assumable on this 4 IUCll MHSIOll Plan 4 3 bdrm. 2''> ba 2600 sq 11 Sale or lse op11on S339.000 10•;. dn or $2500 per mo on Huntrngion Bee cf\ CA 4 Br. 2• ... Ba. F R D R . & T o m or M ar 1 a or Westcllll area. avail . 3 BR UTILITIES fllH flREllll ctmFHl Call 7 I 4/960-24 1 l for view Comm pool, ten-548· 1168 Bob 2 Ba, dbl gar. lplc $925. 1 Bdrm From S515 like nu, lge 1 br apt•. bdrm llOme wHll relur-le1111 r• + pooll blalled kllcllan and row ONLY $150 0001 •nformauo_n _____ 1 nll. $1500 mo Ownr grd"r Incl El ain e , 2 Bdrm S61S frple. OW, gar . $475/up. maln1en1noe yard Own-• · er wlll assist wllh flnan-Sunwor5hlppers dellgl\11 optton )Cini ltn 851-0130 Owner/Agt 759-6006 D••• 1oial 3226 5•8-1232, 645-5963 LA OUINTA HERMOSA Palla or balcony. Pool & flloaot•i•, 0#1111, ---•••••••••••••••••••••• 16211 Parkstde Ln. 1 blk spa No pers 2050 Hana. R11orl 2400 Elegan1 3 bd, lam rm. prvl lr114 lew lle•H Nowpor t Crest ocean w ol Beach. 3 blks s Mesa Pines 5.49-2447 •••••••••••••••••••••• communlly S1epa 10 Dana Point. Welklng dis· vtew eaec condo. 2 br, or Edinger 8•7-5•41 ···~ clng tool See 11 soonl Thts 2 s1ory e••ravagan· __ _ · knocka often wti.rl YOU' Reduced 10 $127.500. za '5 unlqueCy deStgned IUIEYE IT OR IOT pool Spa 4 Tennis . tance to Beacll 3 and • Oen olllce. 2 oa formal ----S465 2 Bdrm. refrlg, P•· S 1250 mo Im med odrms $950 10 $1350 d in wet-bar tennis. L•1.••• ltae• 3141 llo, no pets, edul11 l>fef, occpncv 675-27•0 per mo 66l·3IOO poois. e1c $1200 •• ••••••••••••••••••• 72•-A James. 673-7787 673-3313 Luaury 11udlo tree HBO EtS• .. e C •• cu1e b __ ...._._ •uM reeutt-Q«tlng Delly calt 979.5370, around high & Ot1ghl FOR RENT' Piiot Cla11Tfl.ct Ad• 10 1kyhgl\1s & cusiomlzed you can own a home In rMC!fl Ille Of'ange Coaat stalneo gless window Newport Beach 10< only • mark... Big bOnus room tor llldl S 116,000 w1111 an es.au-2 bedroom. 2 beths 8 2 ~ 842-5878 sp1r111tng o1ue P<>OI & l\OI maole 30 yr loan Owner aiorje& flreplece F1rs1, Brano spanking n-eve-House -Condo -A.pl All pllone maid serv. apa. "' "" _,__,., rywllere 3 bdrm ,.,., ba av a , 1ab1 e n 0 w Newport Crest 3 Dr 2'>ba, $130 wi. •99-3015 apt, S•OOtmo + S300 ~~~~~~~~~!l -~---------1 & bubbl'/ spa Gourmet ts motrvaled lle•lbte and IHI & Oec>otO raquored .: Have aomett\lng you wan! COOlts toper customlieo open 10 ollets SpaclOu.a Call 17 t4) 768-0286 or to Mii? Claaalflecl ad• do krlchen & separate llut1-2 Br. 2·~ be condo with 17141 667-0e57 -'<day It well 8'2-5878 dry room An tllls wer· gar10• and car poll. ev~ •fltt 6 p.m If Want Ad Help? 842-5171 Garage. pa110 $1.000 $ 6 5 o . s 9 5 o pool ten"ls No pets security No pe11 Jo-;oe mo 807 '"' 641-•868. 7W493-0467 $950mo 642-3•90 ~'.'!r.!!.!!~!~ .•. !J.~~ Waltze 631-12Mag1 777·2'233 8J3-•309 Willl 40' docl< roe powet OCEANFRONT Qt,. 2-• Bf STUNNING lat~ ' & 2 Bt ...... '~-· 111i11,,.. ..... ··-, .... . .. . .. .. ..... ; .. .... ·-,,. "'C ) -.. ... '"'-.... . , ... _ ...... .. ... .,,. SM=~~"" "°' U A~.,.. IJ • • , .... " ltliillf11 ... I ..... J"""""-"=--1 ,, "'• • ,.~,. ..... ''"" )1 l-• •• -.. J.10-., • ...._.,,.. u -.. ,._ ...~ ... ~ ~........... .._,. . ·~,,_. ................. . . -· .. .. .. . ~ ... . "-· . ..., u• t• ..., ..,- •' •<# • . ... ..,. ... "'f. < '-''-•• .... ~ "' ~'-· , ........ , ... -...... _ ,. __ ... .. .... ... ... ... .... .. v. .... . 'tKU ,,, It '" ""' I ~ ~· ioa .. ,. l, .. ,, WOtt .... • "INI NUMlltfO tfllfU t~• 1!1(St }9'/AIU 1· r r r r 1 • UNSCIA14U Al()Vf tlllftS 10 Gfl ANSWU I I I I I I ••• un.....,. "' .............. 11• Classified works for you when you want to .. "'~ meo up oy 1wo flaming communtly pool end spa no answer. pteue i.eep nreplaces Massive pie· 1•4-121 1 trytng• __ _ CerH• 4el let H••ti•fl•• boat 3 Br 2'" Ba condo By we ell or month ~arden apt 710 W 18th. Nearly new 3 bdrm, 3 ba .••• ~~!!. ........ !.~~~ rn W Newp 1 or 3 1 Sl 150 873-787_3 ______ 1_1 __________ _ \uresque an1enalner • M.lm O•t of CIHIT 2 llrep11cea. 2 car gar Sharp 2 BR condo, 1 aty, "'10 dock 1 50 wlll\ Wlnte< rent.is VILLA MEDER.A 2 Br 2ba. Bak:ony OerOener. wet all bltns. pool. $6&0 mo doci. 1173-l !90 now avallable Call E'••de, family complex . grounds wtlh lwlri ac· oess $25K dn, lake o,,,.. ' • lt?.!I~ ZSSO $126K loan pkn w/low, ~ ..... • .. •• ......... • oar. m1croweva Lease Call S40·1158, Hk for New t>eachfron1 ho~ 3 JACIU llULn Dt w , garage Wtrtgae $1350 per mo Dave Br 4 Ba. furn. S2250trno. PlllP llWlllEIT Pd $525/mo & S300 551-4693 efter_6_P_M_ Spolless 2 Br ouaclled unlurn $2000 Cell Mrs Ill-I 1• dep 232• Elden. Mgr 2 br, 1 be. garage Avail dbl gar, WID hookup, Long. 673-1190 1 • A.pl 1, 5.48-41A7 " ___:______:___ GREEN VALLEY LAKE low payments WHO MOUNTAIN HOME COULD ASK FOA MORE •---.-.-000--11-W_I __ Nexl 10 nallonal forest. AT ONLY $150.0001 •LUii IPTlt• skiing. boaling etc 3Br CEmllY 21 kitchen & • '· lndry rm. hv Nov 1 $650 427'., lrts. S500 & $500 dep Oulel. Bluffs 3 t>r. 21.., oe. green-Near t8tl\/Pomon1. 1 Br. 730-99991675·8617 nr Fwy & Sllopplng Smll bell, near pool s 1000 .----.T="'H-E=-· 1 Ba. downs11lrs, di •. pie• nr t>cl\ 2 bd. 2 ba. per pou w/dap Mc-mo Bkr 6•4-0134 carport, weter pO, 1 Clllld I I d Fadden nr Beech Bl OI<. no pelS $.400 Agent • W&Ll·fll llUln NEWPORT BACK BAY rm. rec rm. 2 lrplcs •••IOIO Immaculate 2 Bdrm, den l "Ba completely fur- --llome Assumable $120 n1shed Good income 000 •oen Call RAE property or 2 ram home rp 9ar. sep yr • no 893 489• 3Br 2 )Ba plush condo nr no lea 962-0217 pets $850 6.a-77<2 -w11er posslble boat Slip ''liOOD $7,000 DOWN! RODGERS 631-1266 1·867·3534 -2Br Condo. l '1Be. cptsl $1150 mo 675-1938 or Coll• /1111• 3224 drps. pool Jae. clol\se I 851-8394 large 3 Br 2 Ba Town- 1\ouM rn quiet complex, large pool. g11den Ml· long $675 &•5-3381, 67!>-5949 •••••••••••••••••••••• no pets SSSO mo -------LIFE" a Ir. 2 ••• 768-7633 BaycreSI cuslom desJgn 3 f rplc range yerd o•· 1 BA, dining rm, lam rm. Sparkling 2 s1ory. • J u/ £it•lt l)drm 2 ba. family room E i ZIOO w1111 cozy trreplace plus •••• '!~.~!'I.~•••••••.•• huge bQr\us room 3000 N ti ..t M "" sq ft or newly redec int. 1111 ••·•• erweur rage · no pets Pri~ate lg 2Br Twnllae, 2 11ory, den. 2 sty. 3200 sq ft lge YEU.ftOUNO FUN: S750tmo 181 plus MC 1 •~m1 from bell. pallo. yerd S12SO mo Kamble, .Soclel Actlvltlet SPACIOUS 2 Bd. 1 Be, Beam c.em119s. MrV. bar, Wood cab . no p ell . $475 2258 Maple. 5•6-7356 or 673-0803 only 6•8 w 18111 St very clean $550 mo 714 ·956·5730 o 1re c 1 or •Fr ee 499 1617 960-0822 t -sun day Oui11 cul-de-sac Take W1terfre1t over h1g11 assumable Wiii trade large equity for -, Yrly 3 bd, 2 be. ~all Bruncll•BBO's• 2 BR 1 Ba duple., pvt •PlllCll 11'811T* immd Nwly remod d Partlea•Plue pallo new paint. $545 5 rm home all renced f0t Must rent thla week d mucll more loans end OWC bal No Orange Co Income pro- quallfy1ng Only 3% dn porly Prtrt only Owner $230 000 AC T FAS T! will alto raaae w/opllon 5•8-8859 Ownert Agl 213·592·•905 mo 833-8 t62 per kids ok '425 enclld 12• 42nd St 646-5710 0 ,. 1 A T garage or 675·3132 "E C "E AT I 0 N : 2 Br 1 Ba 2248 Canyon Dr ups I elrs, no pelt . S•20tmo Sierra Mgm1 &4 1-1324 SPACIHS IUCI HIE LEASE OPTION RH/ E1l•t1 5 Bc:lr. 4'~ Ba. 3-Sly. 3000 HARBOR Hl[X;E WH IH sqN+over900sqf1 •••••••••••••••••••••• to eic.pand Some oc:aa" Custom View Wanted Newporl Crest view 1 blk to beach Condo Have sub11an11a1 $285.000 F P See owne< Home cesh down peymen1 Call 1n adt llouse al 206 15111 •lier 6 pm Prins only St 536-17 t8 SS4l,llOO upuon rTIQnf'y 646-5377 1 ~fmnms [/&th.ti ZHO 4 Br 2 Ba Mesa del Mer. clean no~ quiet atrMt $80 0 mo Ownr 759-8006 2 Br 1 Ba pallo enclld garage. r~. carpets & drapes No ~· $525 plus security S48·5••2 °' 770-5629 lll·t 110 New 2 largo Br 2·~ Ba T e " n I • • F r e e 8 EST Al T V .,, * • ocean view. large ge-Leaaons (PfO & ptO COST r a g e S 7 5 0 I m o I hop)• 2 He a Ith 557·6689 all SPM Clubs•Saune• •SUI 11111• Kid pel oil sea now cell BEST O pen 7 deyt COST Ht-11H Beaut lge •Br llm In Big Canyon wtcuS1om pool, ape L i ke n ew 7 t•t&.4•-0804 6-5 M-F Hydrom~ Swtmml~•GoH 0.Mng~ e E AU T l f'Ul A,A,.TMINTa : $535 Duplex/S560 HOUM $325 Bc:ll/Opn 10-Gpm 333 E 2111 St •78of30 ~~·8103/645-6589 !W.~•••••••••••!.'?!1 Sl.:!W.~ ,,.,.,, ......•...•....••.•••• 38r2Ba, S735/mo No 3 Br dbl betll jeeuut poo11 6B;-3Ba wlvlew ol bey. SI n 0 I a•• 1 & 2 pets. 806 Joenn St y 8 rd 10 r k 1 d • p 11 welk to Lido sl\Opplng. :.O~=:~~~J~ 2 Br 1't Be No pate. $450/mo fc>t 2 pereone 755 W 18tll St S.6-9507 llHICEI WODlllllH 3 BO. 2 BA Condo Across from 1w1m club/ per II. S 116.000 By ow- ner 851-1588 71 C/ll .. 11tl Ho.111 F11•i1htl ...................... 644-1836 $635/mo. mulll !amity sl· St800 mo. l" constd• Pell•Model• Open tuallon BEST 539-6190 red. A.gt 673•3002 dairy 9 to o. lHHfCllNS 2 Br 2 Be lncludl'lg 2 car garage w/opener. wood bumlng frplC. m4* u t lla paid . view o f stream• & wet•r lalle . From $800 C a ll 662-1309 Cot1•1 ''' ll•t 3122 Npl Hg11 aree. 3 Br 2'~ Ba •••••••••••••••••••••• condo . family rm. frplc, iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilB•ylronl lloma, decorelor I a u n d r y r m , g 1 r , iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii SECllITT I v r n 1 • " a d . • / c S800tmo Joyce wa11te. HPfl F1IUJlllll $2000'mo or oHet Boat agt 631·1266 lJYIH sllp ic.tra Call Peter Pan·•----------'LAKES" end u""· 1 Newport Beach condo no 7l•l77t-3909 Eastslde condo 3 br. 2 block 10 Norlllwood Isl floor 1 bdrm, t beth, ___ ba den. lrplc. 2 car ga- tl\opping, dellghllul llke new beautllul pool Duo 1•1•1 31ZI rage U25 MS-66115 1ree .. sh1deO area Fir•· and &pl are.as As.sum•· •••••••••••••••••••••• 1----------pl1ce open beam1. ell ble loan l owest price In Exec 2 br, 2 bl condo. T -Plan tavorlle wt edded Ille comforte Now priced Versallktl S 114 000 oceen vi-. pool, tennis dtntng rm, 3 BR 2 Ba, at $09,000 Call to see -.:__ Campi furn 780-9468 tam rm, lge yard S890 t42•12 ~Ye! (8-5). 2•0-32011a11 6) Incl grdnt 5•9-8~ WH•• J.ati JJ41 Quiet, Clean , 2 bd In , • '••••• •• •••• •••••••• court. New carpet a. g• 180 deg, Ocean view. 2Br rege. yrd. c.omm pool, no Lido eolty 2b•. ap1, $1200/mo Pll f>t!ll. S5761mo Mgr 2•53 499·530•. •99·4827 B Orange Avenue C M ~~~;;;;;;~ 673-7300 l•WMtl J.1et 3111 3Br, 2'"B•. frplc , comm ~ !~~==::::::::::::::: .. •·. ·•~•·. ••••••••••. ••• poo4 a •P•. 2 ctr gereoe M ova In l or soooo UDO ISLE . :I bdtll'I. lam w/IUIO dll, nr So Cll leaee/Optlon, Rancno rm, 4 Ba, S 1700 mo P I 1 z a S 7 7 5 mo s.n Joaqulf'I 2 b< & den RAT.... 980-3296 ~=~:,w~:::ed11P1•0 II lmtl ~c.;:N:f~~Tm2o~c:;~i _l _E_W_C_A_P_l _O_l _I_ purclla11 negot11ble 2 IPICI . 3 BA & 'Cata· Orundy, Rl1r, e75·016t. TWl•I P llne view. lovely lg lot·----------• Dec ' HIQllly upgreded rl" beeutlfut loeatlon • CIOM WESTCLIFF • 3Br. 3Ba. Of•IOf ~eel, IP•- only pleHe Call Linde 10 10110019 & Fuhlon dtn. fully/ ptly furn. clout 2 Bdrm . 2'~b•. day• 040·9360, ev .. l•l•nd 124•.SOO. lea ... Sl100 mo. a.e-8935 pool, l•c. rec1H1lon """8957• hold Berbara Aune •rH, pvt P•11o~ony, ,.200 WATERFRONT. lge 2 br, 2 large garege_ ator TDWOllE 84-4-v · ba moblla, w/wu ller, wall paper, dr.,:MHIM and dryer. refrlg. mlcfo. 9u more S 1150 1nc1 Pd 11111 UYJll B B 0 • I o v • I y I u r n . C 1 II 6 7 3 • 2 3 11 f com ti 11, beet. 3 bOfll'I, 2,,. S0761mo yrty. 111, IHI, 1_9_·5_P_""------- ba. Dublin Model In Univ. ~:£,3:,:0;..,!.! 79 day•: 2 bdrm 1987·8 Charle Perle VIII. Loo1ted on l~~~~~~~~~~l~~~~~;;-;::;;-:;-;::-1 1•70 per mo. 1 cMd ok qu ... gr~beff. Auocla· ,. CJ ft 1111 OCEANFRONT 3 bd. 3 be. No dog•. e•2·2209. tlon poor and t e11nl• •• !. •• !!'!l!.u••••••• Of 2 br, 2 bl. wllly/mo 846-7017 CloM by 1129,!500. hc•p1lona1 vetue 3Br. 752·94&8 or 013-0681 1•1-.. -,alde--.-pool--.-3-81-. -2-s.-. (. H48e lloma. lt28.000 UM Ill.I frple:, cc>vefed patio, ,.. Alli for Detinl• ••~u 3 !>Orm tuny fut11 hOIM m0da1ec:1 kite~ st50 or •9a....9&0 Ungo A!. A11a11 Nov '" s teoo rno1 mo S4Mtoe '!!~!!.'9~!11!!.'! ••••• llnll• ... •• ,., ,.,. 110I •••••••••••••••••••••• UHU 11&.U ..,.,.. "·-~ ........... , 8MullfUI 24~00 [I Oran· 'RU~ "'.,,.. <le 2 BA. 2 llA, CofMr lot. ne w carpeu & i-.. .._. I~ 011pee l•lend ~llch•n :;-p.-;::.:.:.., •••• ;e;J F A l.ower Thrff Arch Bay. am "'· i.!.9"' lnt•lor. PrN. Arn Or•• vi.w ~ 64CJ.lla7 H9W ft'*'Cl"t 4 bdfm H ll Idle 11emt wltfi a ""· Pty 4"4 144 Delly Piiot CIMllllecl Ad. .. yHr·leatt. Cell Delct• •--F-R_E_NC_H_O_U_A_R_'T_E_A_ T I l PlllPllTIU 3 8R 2"' 1>1, fplc, w/d & 142-1111 raft, dbl o•r. famlly ClOO• do, no pet•. S750. Aot. 18'Mr YI•• -._., ... 300 3 BR 2 Ba, loft, llqe l•m •--Ul-11------- rm. 2 IP'C'•· MIY furn. 3 Bdrm 2._. be.°*"' dbl Waell•r/Dry•r Incl ,.,. 1011 ol amen1i1 ... S 11~00 mo Tll MtNga-ment, 841· t903 750/rno to rno No .... Ara you planning• ~'1 :.f~~~rc r o. O I W . Cl•Mlfi.d tdl wlll polnt i---------~ ~ In the rtgh1 dlreotlotl 8lf'llal Ana Hte 38'. bit to fl"d th• home )'OU ylfd, "° P9fa. I H O/mo. Med ... 2·6171 54f,.()114 .. , . I COST Neer New 3B~. 2'~be DlltWee~ twnllm S750 Avallable w llHtiaflH 1 now. no pelt Jolin, A.gt .... B11lif•1 JZ4Z 831-1000 • •• •••••• ••••• ••• ••••• t ---------.,.,. .... 2 bdrM. 2 bt Hunllngton I JAllllE OllHI ....,.. ..... / .. H1rbour Bro1dmoor1 P11n 4 3 bdrm. 2'" ba 880 lnltne ~;6':.~~ 1 9 o 2 -o 7 2 o 'I 2800 sq ft Lse/Optton (•t 16th) . $1500 mo plua $1,000 (7 14) 6'45-t 104 lrri•t Jl 44 mo 1owerd1 price of • 1 BR DUPLEX• S.405 lncldng utHs, 22M A Pt1cantla. no pell. 645-9•~ •••••••••••••••••••••• S339 000. xlnt fin ....,.. ..... , ... llllTALI Owner/A.gt 851-0130 1700 18th St. Nice, quiet up1lelr1 2 BA • 2 to 4 b<trma. a1art1119 " 1•c1 1•y 1~11 (Do\ter •t 16 th) 2 t>•. epr $500. moet $850 $1395 • • ""'"• (7 1.4) 842-5113 utll1 Incl 622 Hamllton 10 _ 2 Bdrm, den. 2 be, ger-St. M8-0477 dener $1000t mo lM· E.slde. near 17tll St, 2 MEDIATE OCCUPANCY. c 111 R•• Rogere . ••••M -•• Bdrm apt. S475t m o 631· 1266 --$300 HO. JO~ Wattz, ----------1 Completely furn. •P•· Re/Mu 631-1266 S.eeleat J l4rt1 CIOus 1'h Br, ~llo. lncL 2 Br. 1'.\ ba. 323 E. lath TOWNHOUSE. Xlnl 111aa utll Avell. I 111 $650 St No pell Gar. M50. Community POOi Clean, mo No pell 540-8632. Sien• Mgmt 8'4 1·132-4. top condition $800 mo "---1 t 2 bd Bob, A.gt 5«-tUO ..,.,...., roo rm, 1 ba. 2 Bc:lrm. 1'1\ ba, frptc, dlw, ----"-------• We11 Newport Furn. pvt pello, gerege. 110 3 & 2. 1795/mo S750 mo 111 end last pell $520/mo. 83-4 Ha- 2 & 2, $745/mo 6•8-8800 mll1on, 5.43-M78 2 BR 2 Ba. cpte, drpi, encl Have othere. Ficed T•· S. ft ~ JT• gar. S750 No peu ~01~2~;1831 •1280 · •• ~ •••• -;-JSP..~ •••••• ~t R1~~~~~oti ~-~~: e75-eeo& Small 111rect1ve etudlo nt $4 tO 780_8370 Heritage Perk·Calllornla II• Cl••••t. Ufl ~~~.!~11:7r~r.'t1::11r;: 1 BD~M IN DUPLEX. utM 3 BR 2 BA dbl •••••••••••••••••••••• . Hornee. • • 2 bdrm aondo 2 bl lrpc: neue. prvt entry. $325 Included. $350 g111•· Patio, frpc. DIW, den wlber 'ger 'B••~ Incl ut111. phon•. pool, call M 2-7040 formal dining. Av ell Im· Sufi° vv. St.Pa 10 8Mctt TV. 1enni. . .4a34490. .. ....... medlltely No pet1 U50 · 2 br In ~ t • .._~ rll mo 213 .. 23-48114 1750/mo .492·1019 SC Plau, ger. No pets. B lull Aa1 11# A,.,,._11 15',, 833-t~ ~::i~:.· ~ u~ r:u:. ..; ••••••••••••••••• ••••• 11.Jusl--EASTSIDE·L 2tk oer• · ·..... 3 Ir. 2 81. convenient. •••••• ••••••••••• ••••• + carport i yd eto..,.,, 10 ~··· -~'""°· •100, 1e1. 1u1 p1ue S200 •UN hMa' 1"' , , a a a o o 833·7519 ev•el wk11de. r • 1u r 11 1 b1 e c 1 n g . •••••••••••••••••••••• .! I 71 g • I" • 702·,IOO ctys 831-2000 2 Br. -.>t 119''99-Nopeta.1_ .... _1_-4_54 ____ _ 2 er t'A s. WOOdbf1dQe _ .. •1001mo. 227~ Corel. 2 8R 2 s., a\11111 ~°" Tow11hOuH 30 8 tlt l · ID-1nii; 213/3t W511. Nov. I , no pell .... IS. wood . S700 Ag•nt NEAR SOUTH COAST E·Bayl ront, Llttle lela, 780· 1411 or 841·H 10 5'41·0032 :.~ • r=· ~ plef, 3 llOfY dllUICa 1r9, 1_evalwtl __ nd_e. ____ _ 1er.Condo.an<1.floof.38 room.~ool , Jao, a ir . 8a7e r. tr~to, •1eoo mo. 2 BA .t e a ctpl•, new StrHmwood . IOOO/mo t 1200 m o. l11c p ool wotJ et>tt/ctrpe. CtMn IMAdel AQ41nt &.4 1·6032 melnt. 841·'2._. 1 bt. yny. ~.no SMtt-. ~:; .. ': pt'~1f:'°,.::: WOOdbtldoe At* Laite, C.I l I ••t"· O c•. U . H OO. dabl• •• Devi" ,_.., private aecurlty goted ,.;,:,: Jfll 11 ens aft, ~ lite-. .... ...._ c.~ltY 2 lftltr IUI-•••••••••••••••••• .. •• ISL.ANO CHI.AMP: lar-1 bet .... _...... ~ 1111-tet, l..,m11011lata. MMy Dl.C AITAlAT tn ...... gt 1 9'. fl1ltO, tlMfft °"" w.... ::::-'' r. Mo 1 ..na. "° f*9. Mao mo. ~ left 1 If """'°"" llflOI. ...-y, -... a ,~.., --... .,... t44·t011 or 140·1111 •· ~. poe(, .._ aundeok """ •I••· !:?c;.~~" °'Mlll A-. -"*• a ""'* lym'. ttoo1"'0. (1t4) t'POO/mo. twe & Wllndtl lu;::;-":;;;;;;;'~=t:"':::lit •1 ·4111, (tU) •••• ,. ••• D•y • RM .......... ... t1i.tOOO. ~ -CSH mod ..... It W11. I I I ' I I J 08 Orango CoHI DAIL y PILOT /Tt\uraday, Oc1obtt1 ;> '· l\Jtl? u~.~A!e~Do~ lor a 30 dty au In 11141 UILY "LIT UIVIOIE llllOTOllY 00 IT NOWI lat •• , •••4t• Your Dally PllOI SeMct OtrectOf)' Repr.-itatlye ICl·Hll, 1rt. JU M~'!!~!"!l.~!~~!!!11;t Addlllone. carpentry, mt· tonry. dNlgn and drat- 1lng, BBO"a etc OaYe 494· 1003, HI 724 ----E•peri.tnced Carpenter Remodel/ Add-on/ Repalr 760-2885 548-6854 lessianal Senice Direct ~.~!'!!~r .......... . CHILO CARf my ham. l1111Ch/ll\-Ckl Included L81Q4t ya1d e48· 703{1 21 yr, rHp Otbyallltr, coti.oe atudant, own car Sue 841 1033 f!.'1!!.~!!!!! •••••••. NO St .. m /No Shampoo S1a111 Si>eetalltt f .. , Bulllnglon Ow~IOl)ef•IOt Ce1pe1. uPhOI atH rug c1 .. at11no Wotk ouar Free let 0411· f77 I ~f!!!"!l]IJ..~!!!~~••• KURT'S KAAPET KA~L JAYS "SPEAKEASY"" Oualily wotk Rtl• Any occuion Port Iler Free ••I 494· 1429 1-52~·8141, 979.111112 c •••• ,1,,.f,.,. ..... H I• ·······'·············· •••• •••• 't •• I.......... Cemont .. Me1onry·Btoc:tt Comput.,litd bookkH ·i W•ll•·Cutl worh l-lc ping from $50 mo AlllO •3810!>7 Rob 50·2883 mall 1111 & p ayroll X·pe11 brlch & cement M2·2430 _ work Nwpt/CM t1nct C11r..•ttr 1989 Call now & th• ••• ••••'••••••••••••• 645·8S12 Remod & Repair• FreelC'L//' C "' lo tatn Oeck1. pa· .~ ••••• !.'!. •••••• ••••• llo Sieve 752·9556 Looking for xlnt chlld· Exper carpenter does cate? In my Co11a Meaa addlllone. remodels. home. full time only S40 decke Sl\yllghll & re· Lunch snacks. TLC Lin· pairs Free eat Dan. d& 751·2342 962·0815 lie lamlly d;y cere tor ~.'.~'.'!~1. •.•.•...... Rrs 10rNTIAl INI Dl SIONl H I UI n •11 •11u• m•11I Cvl01 •1 n•1t1•a 911!1 200t9 Of 1f>J OJl'I !'.'1!!!!! ••••••.••••.•• OAYWAl l tACOusrn: Rep11111, sml Job •PK t I yr a ••P fluo 552 0662 w1111 111x1urt1a·Acoua110 1 faflg· f ape.Steel •tud• I u: :189944 Mi3:i' !>!1411 DRYWALL I APINO AH Te•turts/A,011atl<. l'rM ••I Kellln 61!1 901111 ll.etriea/ •••.•••••.......•..... ~~!!.-.~{".f ••••••.•••.. '•llflrnona Oa11Je11111g C..111 Ulll l"Wll ( llr • full • unuo A • eatll '"atnt I'"""" 846·688• OAROfN WORLD I ull S11rv1ce Chtde1111111 lni. tt111r"•' 648-2922 Crnrd4!n1ng, Land1cap111g. vurd mslr11 .. 111nce. clarm up1 1100 trim & removal H041 "'""'111"11 l111urU(J 64' 4880 r Ar>Ot Gort111nftr 4 Cl1t8ll UPI l •~ lrlmrnlng FrM ••I Paur 64 I 10{16 l AWN MOWING 'lERV Null! d11pnnd 1nu freo .,, 1146 0115'>. 968-7479 ELECTRICIAN Pncud right he& es111na1e on taro• or 1m111 Jobs L1:111osc:11ping Yd Clnup1 LI'" 39662 t 873 0359 1 I roe trlm/remov·MUllll UC 0 ELECTRICIAN 1rr1g1111u11 Jim 851-012~ Oual wo•k/Rl!Ba rates Mowing & Edging, or Free eat 631·5072 comp m111n1 cle11n·upa, ELECrAICtAN Ftee Es1 645 1587 Sml 1oba/Repalra lie 233 IQ8·C-10 548·520:1 !'!.'!~(!!~!' ••.•.••...•. ~~~!(•.-............. . OllMf> JOBS & l:im•H MUYll!g Job• t 1111 Mll<f 6411 1391 HAULING C..f\AOING Oemo1111un. c•••O·ur> t.,011,rt ln A llH removal Ou1c. .. MIY e42 71136 rnoF SFRlllCE lluullng yrd clf!lln up Ou1c11 A Chn1n f roe t•I 073 0~411 !~'!!~!~~!!!r ....... · 1 f~.·.~~!t.!!!!!~!! ..... !~r..~'!A ............. 1 ' ~.-!.'!~I. .•............ 11 ••• lw."l I lllK1 nl dOlrlQ laundry? I A$(~ PAP(RHANOING lllll1 !lull II ltJld h•no whll 1 ,.,. 1oca1 -.p Guu •Hf P11 WAITED 11111111 11on M•11culou1 wotk l'rtce• 11811 al L>on I ••rout r•o•1t •I l•P H111ttMJll•:?9161 $11troll Al41G7SI 7027 , .r.,,11on OI CC.ti 8!>1 21100 tllgh quallly llOUffwvr"-llll••t• Jou., Cr ltll•t.,1 Prof f•JI•"""'•" depend• ·······'·············· W1lll1>1tP•r•11g & 11r1op•no ROOl""INO RFPAIRS Die hOnHI 111t11lllge11I BRICKWOAK Sm1tll 1<.11>• llhny r•lotenc .. Paul Sm11ll IObt OK ft•" m1;t1cu•w• lhulllla I am Nuwr>nrt, C.otl• MnH 8e.I Ol l8 e111m111 .. Ctll lom 01 I" II D fl. I p h 0 n II ltvln«t Hftll 1:116 3175 Chuck !147 83\n t> 1:1 10 1 :1 1111~r O PM I E•vert wt1ll<.u vtr1ng 111 w~k•lll'fl All dov S111ur· !lovi•t 11n111111on ~1... prltOI St1U•• d•" ttnd Sund a" • • • ••• ••• • •••• • •• •• • • Con1ultlf\' A•••onm(tnt •• •••••• • ••• • •••••• ••• ' ' • A· I MDVIII* '18 I 8!100 MOBIL!! ~ERVICE Haulin9 & yd cte1111 up I Or4 A SUPFR CLFAN I op qullllly Sptelol care Retctffl'•INew llCtMnl f1eu 111m1111ng J"rago HOUSE CALL CHR1S1 I '" tiAndllng 25 Y" exp t l•llo Cov.11 NB1CM only ~2-9552 cloan up Bob II' 98H 831 0893 OC>OO 1111 Com!>4'llllv11 RtlH .cusioM·~~;j~~~,~-~~· 1 Sr.rid/.,I tlAlJllNC. . 11uden1 11111 11 vov want your hOUlll No ov11<11me 730· 1353 deck a 4 11 ices b • •••• ••••• • •••• • • •••• tge 11uc k Sam11 low R C.LE c· 1 I "11''· · r Y I! l LAY'N EAL LY AN .11 I ABC MOVING · 1 RANDY 641-0622 Spri•k._., , ~nd~ .. ..., rat111 Prompt 759 1976 l ·• 669 03 18 Good " "'" '• ......,... 111ua • Ou•t.I< CGrwlul Se•lliee Pl 1 , 11 . Guarani__,. 6"'" "7., 7 COM Ttionh you John Refs Low rates 552·0410 •• ~!.!~ . .'~~'•••••••• _, ,,,.,.., ., '!.'.~~!/. ••••••.••••••• e~~~;~·:~r~ ~'e~~~~; s~~ri~~~sc~~L.Ji~~ ;;>.,s :.~:,,~E~.~2., !'!!!;,L_e7~$;;:;i:eo .... Uhr H 141-1121 111n Rel• 842 5485 co Lie T 124·438 R111tucco1 645·8258 All Kinds GuaranleOO Furnace-poof.waler heat Mllmit Della's Cleaning Insured 64 1·8427 PLASTER PATCHING Roll John 840·9217 1 do .-aunc1es. rentaia & WATCH US OROWI Res1ucco1 lnl/ut 30 , ¥.~'!!!~!~~'!!~I ....•. :. ROBIN"S CLEANING Service • a thoroughly cleArt house !>40-085 7 resrd1:1nces 530·7324 p l · yrs Neal Paul 545·2977 , Ttet htl'Jtt , .,,.,. ' ..................... . HOu!IOCleaning, odO IOb• NO JOB TOO SMALL Chris 645·6993 • .................... 1l•••i•1. llPlllll •••ttr 01•th••• clltlOren up lo 5 yra. FIT. Aa • S • Finish & rem"dl crpnlry PIT $I 50/hr Nutritious •• .'.'!!!!~I •• !!!!!!.... References 499-3105 meal• & snac111 Weal· RESIDtCOMM'L /IND 20 yrs Do mv own work Lie 278041 Al 646·8126 Cnrpentry -Masonry Hbollng Plumbing Oryw111 Stucco · Tiie flomodol J 8 646·9990 TIRED OF HASSl ES? Oual~ty c111enlng help rs here! Rets 980·7•52 Need a Helpful Hano Your home our spe<.l&lly l~ad ln e or Lora 845·8618 by ~~~~a~!1~~~~~ uc • ._,.rL.i:s P'i:u;;ei"~a·& .. l THI lllVIOI 280644 13 yrs of nappy Healing, speclallztng In "Tree Work with • Con· IOCOI customets repairs 645-1688 1c111nce" Trimming & 50% OFF FIRST MONTH 1----------Cllll. N 8 646-9028 Oec>endabtt, •1tordab1e. FHE HTIIATHI Etec Service & Construe· uon Lo 1atu Freo .all· m11e1 Uc 3332 17 lhank you 631·44 10 •emoval by Howard Oof. 24hr H 141-1121 1011 P o Bo• 34. Coate eutntlal Answering Reasonable prlets, last. tervlce, 1ecretar1a1 & proftsslonal work bu1lne11 aerylc... mall custom work 1001 No !Ob box rental. word prooes· 100 small or loo blgl C•· sing. Ttlex-Facalmlle. b1ne1s. kitchen remodel orde< entry. pagers-lease & finished carpentry buy, desk apace rental elect.I plumb I cabinets/ f !!~!9..~~r;t.~t!.~ .... COMMERCIAL • HOME BUSINESS We do win· dows 1001 Rob 547·2883 Coot11el•11 '-.,,,, ..... , ..... , ......... . 557-1738 847 "7,. !!~.~;~~ .............• A& K FENCE wood & chllln link Resllnd/eom 548·5493 540-7751 Carpentry Cao1nets Plumb Drain Clean111g Elf:IGl11G8I • Tiie Rel• Don 966-0 149 JACI< OF ALL TRADES Call Jack anvi1me. day 01 n1gh1 675·30 14 Exper11•e Houae«eeplng We lurnlah vacuum & _supplies Kiiiy 6'41·4970 1 HSKPRS & MAIDS LIVE-IN HRLY/WKLY HOUSECLEANING AlllO wlndowstapptcs Reas 662-2674 eves Viejo Servteel Agency !Housecleaning honest Llc"d/bonded 973.9000 efllctent Rererencea QUALITY WORK nea1, 40 gal wate•heater $225 Mesa. C e 92827, Ph rea~ honest Refs Ltc 6 932 287107 Dave 964· 1045 s SAVE $ 20% • 40•1e _4_2_·_1 ______ _ CUSTOM PAINTING Plumbing/Heat 4271703 S LOW RATES S Guer laSI Ree/comm 1 Int/ext ReslO/comm 537•4378 GG Tree 1r1mtremov, c ean rrae es1 Lie 644-4798_ 963•5474 HB ups mowrno 55•-7017 INT /EXT PAINTING • • f11tori•1. -----ANSWER NETWORK counl&rtops I do eYery· 11.J. l•ff••• I SN Lie 306888 Remodel, Add'na. Ceblnets 848-85861~5·4844 llOlllE llllPROVElllEIT --Days/eves 645·6189 Sue Custom Home Cleaning & WALLPAPERING .!.'~J.~!t'.~'••••••••••• ••••••• •••••••••••••• Custom work Free eat AC RAINGUTIER Mosl aub1ects. K· 1.ol 631·9131 (ask for A.V.) thing from start to finish• Call Brad at WOOD FENCES/GA TES REPAIR · PLUMBING Cnrponlr'y, elee, Ille Free est ReAs 645·281 1 & Comp! Meld Service Juitotl•I Aoas Steve 547-4281 Bonded·lns-llc 8344764 Day/eve $5 & StO/hr ~!/.~~!~ ............. . Driveways, Perking Lot Re,>alrs. SeAlcoatlng S&S Asphll 631-4 199Uc Dan Hallbetg Grading & Ptvlng Co Res/coml Lie 397804 842-1720 (714) ll1-12IO Experienced Carpenter ST AN BUR INDUSTRIES Demollllon to Finish Gen'I contr Propert) 760·2685 548·8654 lmprov 997-1811 (8·51 lnalalled & Repaired Free esl Gary 499· 172• 28 YRS EXP DUNHAM ~!!!.e.".!•.J ••• ••••••••• HOME IMPROllEMENl T"EEI Rt1model·1epa1rs-lenctng ---.--. Custom RemOd/Add'ns e1ee111ca•·Plumb1ng f!!l.'.'.~!!r!!!........ Free es1 Ouallly 2nd to loppe<Jtremoveo Clean curpentry 631-8530 P(of • Bonded .. lns'd ••••••••••• •• ••• • • ••• • UNICLEAN SYSTEMS I COMMERCIAL HOME or Nwp1 Sch 850·1:?00 BUSINESS We do win· --dows 1001 RoD 673·8094 Ouallly work wllh a per· --, sonal touch Bachelor W041'1•1•f ok C M 1 v HB Beth •••••••~•• •••••••••• 850·0933 r ' 20 YRS EXP Hauling, 1ree _ _ _ _ tr1mm1ng. landscaping HARBOR PAINTING Ouallly work Free ell Coll all 6pm. 673·5166 HOLIDAY PAINT'T'iMEI 23 vrs Also odd 1ob1 & repaora Bruce 972--0118 Free est 1·524·582• Mr Morgan 645·5176 l•lioi1iio1, ...••..•..........•.. FURNllURE-~IT CABS Cstm llnlshes repairs, doors Joe 873· 1469 ~{J?~!~ .~~~-?~!~r ....• Lei lhe Sunsh11le in·· Call Sunshine Window Cleaning Lid 548-8853 20'1. Monthly 01ac.oun1 & none• Bandel Const up lawn renov 751-3476 Shtmpoo Sleam cle111 Home Remod & Repair ---------Color brighteners. whl ltc 418570 548-427 l TM( lllH• SCIE•E C11rpe111ry 0111<. pauos & ~.'!!!~!!!............. crpls 10 min bleach CHI•• WIH.,.tki•f lawn-tr-shrub 1ns1all decks All your home For Clatsllled Ad ACTION Brothers Const 648·0555 PAINTER NEEDS WORKr 30 yrs e11p, Int/ e .. 1 Acous11e celhngs Lie 366780 Free est ~!'!.l!~I............... lntle•t Restdl comm t Huber Rooling·all types Free eSI 20•1. monthly New-recover-decks I discount 644·•798 Our o rtlc es handle all Hall, hv/dlli rms S 15. •llO •••••••••••••••••••• • Tree 1rlm/romova1 owner needs Free eSI Lie a• I 1802 !>'46·9734 areas of ltw Prompt. room $7 50, c0uch $ 10, Kil remod. ceblnels. v•· lawn Mi11n11Ro1011111ng Kellh 646-4672 c:oor1eous serv~ FREE crit $5 Guar ellm pet deo ll"lter1a1nmen1 un11s F 548 6065 conaullallon. 549.9335, odor Crpl repair 15 yrs Free est 642-088 1 ree ffllmate · Buyer meets seller·wlth an exp Do work my tell -----Ctass•llll<l Ms. your one ellect1ve class1f1ed ad CtaNl!t9d Ada 842-5678 Rets. 531.0101 Want Ada Can 8-42-5678 stop shopping center 642-5678 Cell a Dally Piiot AD· VISOR 8•2·5678 EVES LANDSCAPING• compl serv & hseclng. comm & res1d 6•6-7556 Davis Pa1n11no 847·5186 Buyer meets seller·wlll\ an 15 yrs exp rm small. my ellec11ve classllled Id prices are small! Ron 842·5678 673·6477. 881-8849 --Buying and selling at a Make your shopping ea -1 rusonable p11ce·that's 11er by using the Dally whal classllled IS all Pllol Cla.tsllled Ads. about 642·5678 DOLLAR DAY DOUGH SAVERS for Merchandise under •1,000. Sell your nc-longer needed Items for cash. II it doesn't sell, we'll run it another 3 days FREE. One Item per ad. must be priced. Sorry, no real estate or commercial ads. Call today for full details. (Non-retundeb6e. E1lr• llM• 11.00) 3 3DAYS LINES CLASSIFIEDs642-5678 A'U~i!::;,H IA~:::::;,H . Apv':i!~:;;,,, A'u~i!;:;;.H A'U':::~::;.,, ¥!.'.'.'!!!.~'.'!!!!~!.~~~I ¥!.et.'!!~.~~'!!!!~!.~~~ 9!!!~'..~!~!~!. ... !i~I '•;:.~~i~'' o1sl "'''o'::J."' ,,.,, so35 •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• FOR RENT' N~ .~~'~','!." :;;~~~. ~~v IE.lUTIFUl •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• f!!!~.!!!!~ ...... !.~~1 ,!'.'.'!~l~!~! ...... !.~~~ f!l!.~~.~.•.e.t . .J.~~~ ~'.'!r.!!.~!!f~ ... !.~~~I ~'.'!r.!!.~!!f~ .•• !.~~~ 2 bedroom. 2 belhs & 2 S300 incts u111 645·6797 w1~!~~!~~ ~!c~~~!n l o~:~cee. •~o~r:g:h~5~1~~·1 TllCUASSMT IFOEElllS 3 bd. oar, lrpl patio, 2 Br. den. 2 ba, trptc, new ICW VIEW ·~Block 10 Deacri 2Br. 3 Br 2 Ba Steps 10 sto11es in Twin Peaks'" Rmmate lo sht NB a111 I cont room. illlch. phone 4136 '> E 171h. C M Newport Heights aree crpt, lrg Yiflw decks. Im· 10 minutes so ol Lagune brrght & airy s97o mo neach S8501mo Lake Arrowhead area Diii to oeacri S225 mo secreta11a1 & word pro· 1 1·3•6·6366 tcOllecll C11cle Home Loans $650 lo $800 559·5001 med occupancy Agent on Dena Points most ytty 968•8263 PROPERTY HOUSE Has burlHnt & hreplace 673-8533 cessing Mail g message •99-2261 2 bd. l'h ba, SludlO. O/W !~ m o A g e n I secluded scenic Dlull ICUIFllOIT 642·3850 642-1010 Forst latt & deposit re-Fem rmmate to snare 3 serv aveJI separately '' CISTA If SA 2nd TO Linda Isle S55 & 811 , Pallo. gar. No • like new. 2 Etr wi den. 3 bdr. 2 be oar grnal s Cl , 3116 ~ ~ ~r eo~ 8 ~ 811 Ii t 4 I bdrm 2 ba Ocean front desired Call Judy, 200 sq II IO 2600 SQ 11 000 41 13°. due June pets $575 548-4291, B•al1•1I•• •Ira large pmate P•llO. 1oc Winter .!! ..•• '.'!!! •• '......... 0 r I 1 4 1 nome S325 1 ulll ISi & 11•1180·0100 50' pet sq 11 & up Can 1983 will d1scoun1 10 6-45-9857 •ui 3140 garage $72Sl moF. C9•s'' 3 br 2 bll pello. gas & ~~g·~6;1~erw:e~d~y ii: tnt tom<rn!ln 848·31SIO 2500 st t basic otc: w/ ;7e5~~~~m1cs Corp rs"1ev11ez.•. 627o5··:1ol"y815tld Call ----------•••••••••••••••••••••• 68l·644 t or M· • Bacrieio r greet loc water $800tmo + clea· 1 B OC Al po11 ' 2 bd. 1 ba, w/gar. $A75 Deluxe poolSJde xtra large 54:;.0210 yearly nino 4 dep 531.3565 answ•• Please k 11ep F rmrnte 10 shr spac 3 br 'or age Y ' l'"' SO n I I ------No peta. wale< pd 2br. 2 be. Dltns. dswhr trying• 2 •, b 8 c M c 0" d 0 . S 1 5 0 0 I m o T o m uO • , , 75• ""•" l111le1 2 L .. r•r 1L• TIL •1•t 142· llOl evs •275/mo 545.•356 851 ·8928 1200 sll . $900/mo new Aooo••n•Hll/ .,...,.,.... 1'-' miles btach No pets •• • For rent over Chr1s1mes & • " I $500/mo 536-9362 Nr beach. p1110 $700 Steps To The Beach 2 Br I Br '"'' oee~ old worlo New Year's, 3 br 4 ba & F ieachertstew '.l2 wants Full setv oll1c:e '300fup P81nl & carpe11ng 328 Pe11001 1/ lllTllT II 760-2567. •94-6308 2 Ba 3 1e11n1s court• Gharni spectecular loft Vttlotter1 home 1n I h NB p 8ra11cl1 ot11ce S801mo NO Newp ort BlvO Loll ,I foaotJ $485 mo 2 BR 1''•ba. WOOIUIE -----th 1 1 II oc een view walk to C 0 o s ' your en Ans serv $50/mo 720· 1665 I •••••••••••••••••••••• lndry rm. oarpO<I , all • s,m .... , 11111 11Ct0$S e s ree ery be' Ch S425 Contacl ASP'ln. o•orado a1ly h 0 ,,, e I a p' '2 I 3 I A I 5100 bltna, cpts, drps TSL Spac 1 .. 2 bt. tovety clean New Carpet S750 a maid service Xtnt 1oc ~5·3626 Newpor-1 Beach 752·8408 l•d•ittill ~ .!'.~!!!.C.'.'!!.".! •• ••••• Manaoemenl642·1603 gates anlry Dy prione charmer In 1o wn nr 875•0 12• Mon.f ro Jo Ln 181115 Ctose to lown Also MIF 18·30 10 shr 3bd 4~\~B~rtc~0S•P~~Q4i~ .... !!!~!. ....... ~.... SCRAM-LETS pines & streams sec 2 bdrm. 1 ba. Cape Cod I mo Yrly rent Call i<e1e Mgr 81 apt C 3J2 Encino View ol Aspen moun-I ~s •EASTSIOE 28r 1ba ~r:C ,;~•~41~59g,Ym. oo;~./t8j'~f8~6 673 3:96 Sat-Sun Sul• Au 3110 has DaDy grand piano ~~a ;:~h'a~dw& 2G:~~~~ Agent 5•1.5032 1 $750 up 2160 It tnou-' Klds/sml pell oil. $575. __ 2 8 , 2 Ba lroM $52s No!•••••••••••••••••••••• S4501ntghl Pteese cell $225 4 11 8 2 2 strral • Oll1ce 16101 Re-ANSWERS _u_1_r1_p0 __ 63_1_·_4_32_o_eo_1 __ 2 Bdrm apt AYlll 1mme· NO ENO prate< •dulls 2 pet5 Ac.rou from New·i2 bd 2 1>1 AtC Sec 760·1340 or 760·9•66 J 11 1 ut 4 ·141 lelHI tffiots d onoo Circle P & T 2 Br 1 Be crpls. drapes d1etely $525 Frple dl w. bd 1 ba. ocean view port Beach GOit Course ;~ 2~~.8~-~5s113 Ptza le;l.Ii I• SAIH 43001_e_ Redh•ll. Costa Mesa Hun11ng1on Beacn Ollsel . Brass s4ooi mo No pets garage No pets water' Ou•el $675 agnt 545-48!>5 •••••••••••••••••••••• M /F resp 2 Br 2 Ba SuDfet 1776SQllat79c 842·2834 Wal1z .L1mt>er ~().4484 pa10 5•5·2000 Agent. 494·75t8 FEELING CRAMPED? lwnhae Irv Pool, lndry Recept . worl< room. WANTED garage or WATER no lee Rent kJ 1BR apt incl ga-Large • Bdrm, closed '" A,ul•••ll f•r•iliH .Xtra 1arge 1 Br 11eps 10 $325 & t ulll 552·3586 st0tege 675-3882 10-5 lnduslrlal space m in Hus paSI summer was so EASTSIDE 2 Br garden rage. u111 $525,,,0 Pr• p11ro Sieps 10 beach n I 3100 ocean w/d pello. rec; rm eves vi~ OFFICE --600 sq 11 10, 11 'Dod"·I hot that even the town apt. Lergt deck. oar. Nr Beach 3 bd, 1"'• ba. 9 Imm a c Av a 11 now •t v• a1• s375 675 323 I • uw k · CMIHB' drunk was calling tor ice $450 160 21st crpts, drps. bllns. ltpl. lersingko 4 9'1214 S1200trnoyrly 873·2507 •••••••••••••••••••••• __ • --Reotlll Wiot.tJ 43ZS 011icesu11eonPacCoaat wor ·no paint c'oldWATER 548--0185 enc g11. $650 Call Super sluOiO wtbonus rm. I IUWlll Shr lg IVx hme wl prol •••••••••••••••••••••• Hwy overlooklng New. 964·0332 - 536--0921. yd. 1nory facll, $400 mo WllTUl llHTALS YILUIE person. S285 111. las1. 1 Eng11shman, mature. port Harbor Approx w11rehouae space High LHI ii F•••' 5300 *p28t ~~a L Near ~· 1 bd. bllnl. crpll. drpi, Avail Imme<! 494·9534 3 & 4 Br Close to water, dep 966-8-479 resp empt NB. wants 1000 SQ fl Below mancet door access 4000 1ee1 •••••••••••••••••••••• d~.;.J pool $~2'5 N~ frpl, anc ger w/d hkp .• -11· J 11SZ furn & unlurn, reetona· New ''1~ b,drm 1'ue1tury sh,"" lu. hma w/f' non rb8Ch /Sludl,o •f' or7shere rate 7 14/645·7100 1va11 842-5535. Keren •• 95 C 11 w•••• 1•81 bM!, all amen111e1 Broker apt• in • Pans drm sm~, mature .... "" ltl. eas rent a 6·5·2 oo pets. 833-897• Eves patio. sm yd .., a ••'•••••••'••••••••••• 675--4912 from $540, 2 Odrm from " .....,., * 111 * 3200 eq II with A/C ol· •Mesa Verde 2 Br. 1 Ba 536-0921. On Goll Couru WeSI $59~. Townhouse trom IHI dep Reis 640·4999 Prof woman w lSml pe1 EIECITIVE SllTtS fleet Randolph st, c M FOUND ADS ARE FREE Newly redee $495. No 'Avail now I Br I Ba Nine Condo 2 BR 2b•. 2 Npl Hts 2 Br, spactodus $865 + pools, tennis Room wlkll ptlv S250. w1sties to ient house . Full service Keep "Our SprlnkleO w/comm -t• 833-8974 Evet upstairs apt. dswshr. car gar w/Of>nr W~h/ :P100'· q,u1e1 mllal6u7r5e8a20121 w11erf1ll1 ponds' Gas 1st & lest ullls incl Nwpt and/or Capt 8Dy5No•915 or I , frontage 546-1653 ,..... private patio. lingle ga· dryer Lower unll wt • net ut • for cooking g healing Bch 6":.>·6811 Dec 1 all 7 54 2 t>ef overhead tow 4 pr oles· rage No pell, water patio. redecorattd 631·8000 paid From San Otego 2pm !Iona• image high Pre-!!!!!f! ....•••... !.~~. 2 Br 1 Ba We•l·alde toullon $500/mo. '250 depo11t C all Beth 631·5230 an 4PM $490 2 bdrm, 2 car gar ctllfd <>ti. no pell 132 E Bay 541-5331 Call: 142-1111 Pa I d S 4 5 0 I mo $725/mo 7141770-1950 I Br btchelor. blk lo Frwy drive Norin on Rmmate to srir 1pec1ous Need l1Jrn1sh~ apt or rise ~ug1ous ~1c~ll8~~~ Storage Spac;e 12· • 18' 5•5-2000 Agent. no lee. • • .,..,, ••ei Jiff t>Neh. trg Oeck. ut•I p0 Btech to McFadden 10 h5om250e N B63'f~32105 bch 1n 111e general area tor .,!~ta.~. 631•3651 38 • d00< $70/mo ptus ••""••••••••••••••••• S395 840-3787 I Ses w l nO V ill age mo • mo ol Jan Local refs $70 sec deposit IUIJlllll W&U NO FEEi Apl & Condo 1 blk 10 Bch. L-r 2 bO. 1714)893·5198 LIVE AT Tl( IUCll avail Wrote Mt & Mrs Orflce space tor lease. 673 ·4 154 Newpon ~~~~~~~~~ ;~~s. !,!,~.~~;'7;:,0~ ... ~ rentals Villa Rentals den. 2 ba. y;;;~ blllns, IH•I 4000 Fem rmmte wanted to RE The.ii 152• WOOd· ~r~ 8~~ ~~opr~te~~C.:.t Beach Lost Engllati blue cal Hunl. l•rbr. lrom sc45 6754912 Broker ttlrlg. $750 875-8839 •••••••••••••••••••••• shr Bal Ill riome $285, l a no Or · Roche SI et · '# --.--,-,-------; Reward VIC Brookhur91 ' " lllll• IUC:I Mlnne•~1a 55901 table t-2 or 3 sepatate ,, .... ••H•I Children OK 8•0-"''"07 • ulll pd 675-9142 ~ ... & Hamlllon 894 8501 3 Br. small yard. garage • "° 2 0R 1 Ba. lptc. steps to lllOTOll II• r; t R 4350 0111c:es avtllable &nd use lt•llll 46S · :~:~~~~ 559-5639 'ui:::~ 4p~,k~~r'c~chag-;:~ ~~111 :656°;r;.0, cl~'r Wl<ly renlal• $95 up Rl~~m~·~~r 1·~~~. :r~~ E;;rtd;~!;;~~"-,~;·:1~: ~r'14%~~~~;~· room •••••••••••••••••••••• Lost J!!'!.;'~1,ed b•O· N..-I Br with patio & epl 4 $385 plu• d ep COUNTRY CLUB Lii/iNG 1·568-4306 Color TV, free coffee, •Pl Nr So Cal Plaza .e.11 rage $765•5.723• DELUXE SUITE FOR RENTI, ~aa1~.! blnaloo ~5..eMntlmenlal ~.re g e N 0 p e 11 . 986-4954 IN NEWPORT 8"' .. CH healed pool & steps to 6 MIChelle 558-7234 • • • ~ -~ Nwpt Hgts 2 Or, 2 ba, ~·n Kitch'• avail ----2 ....... 2 & 2 25/mo '""5577 A 1 1 1 1 • 1 A """'" 0 •• F c g ••/F ... W f II~ .,,,.,room. baths Mimi 4n7.3572 ...,.,.. Lge 1 br, patio. pool. gar . o a env ronm.n spac1ou1 11a11 now 985 N Coatl Hwy. ""' hr1s11an ... .,,, Off1·,.. l••t•I ~~oo 1fer re.t 1111 stories '" Twin Peal<s In • _t_B_R_,_nu_p_a-ln-1-.-19-1t_1_/d_rp_s. H t f'"· OW $475 ='0':'rc:.:';u;::~.~~ $735/mo 645-7400 Laguna Betl<:h 494-5294 beaut Back Bay condo ...... ~ •• : •••••••• :'.":... 2012 Sq Fl (can dlv10el Laite Arrowhead area Found pet tllrd c1111 to ~~:5 ~oir!'~t. ~~~~~6 892-8 45 ew clubhouse and health BAUiOA PENIN ., Olk 10 $90 & up with krlchen, :..~~5l~· tenn11 $300 *',E.~IOIEFRIEFEFIRCEENST* St 50/sq II fS.42·4644 ~~s'1.~a'1';1n,• &de~tl•~!_ ~~nury 963-5415 all 6 ---------WARNER VILLA 2 bd. 2 spa, 8 1enn11 courlt. 7 bch 2 bd 1 ba. yrly weekly Oceanfronl Mo-"" E><EC·Olllces/spaces. .....~ ~ 1 bd, SJ.40/mo Including be. Condo lrpl dw, PA· p()Ofs. CIOIMI 10 bull,_., c 1 Pr I SS 7 0 m O tel 675·8740 2 bl. 2 ba. ~ t>lh lrom bdl, I room 10 2800 sq II HS $135.1325 mo Sec· q u Ired Ca II ( 7 1 4 ) FOUND 10111 AUSTRA· utllltlH 549.9574 or tlo pool S 600 alrpon. FHhlon ltland 552·0853 Kil priv C-hrlslian Home. NB CIOH 10.~upertor From S116asq It Adj ty,Xerox&recept avail 768-0286 Ot (71 4) llANShel> young.mate 499-USI 2131570.0038 c I h Avail Nov I ...,10 Mrllt Airporter Inn & Frwya 89 6991 667-0657 weekday e,,.. VIC of Warner & Bushard onvenien • ops on 3Br. 2Ba. 3 car garage, 1 M 11re1ght Leg Sch 642-0994 I Cell AM 833·3223 l · nlng1 alter 8 p.m If no 968·9857 1 80 Ip. ctw. encled ....... $445. 2 BR 2 Ba. pool site Unlurnlal\ed bache-bllt IO ocn. $850 mo S275 ulll •99·2286 CIM cu•1111• answer pl•tse '"eep -----$4 f 5/mo Call Betty "495 3 BR. 3 Ba pool tors, l & 2 bdrm ap11 end 675·9174 Mature, Employed Fe 1617 WNICllll, N 8 256 1 n ' a " Found Algh Hound Ille 8<45-9 181 patio. kids OK. NO pets. townhouMI , Roo m I o r r e n I No wished 10 ahert lrga 2 110 4000 sq 11 111. floor Olllce on 2nd floor, BP· trying! Newlend, Ellll Al/fJ H a . .... .............. ,,.,,._7484 $560 • S1000 Spec 2 bd, 2 ~condo type drink er s or smokers bd 2 b t 1 h d d '""32 I prox 560 slf So of CoH1 .,..,,.."""" '""' epl In the Bluffs F1pl I . 8 urn' e U· Agent 541·"" H I b laid' n1/la-1I/ Please cell Beverly llWP'tlT Several bachelors 1no I Pref work or PIT Ledy. plllk wfmature. empty"d wy w ocean reuu r• 8 M 5PM 8 8 7739 &PAIMm SIJ.NNY 2Br . yard. nr Bdrm unl11 feature tine' New Carpel. No peisl 548-4814 M/F EaSICM.$300/mo •IELHE OFFIOH• and sunny patio fiaHtt 2:2 • 4 • ext betc:h, ulll pd, no pell. deelgner furnllurt and $925 845-6218 Room lor renl nr OCC + 'Jt u1111 548-1200 From 1 room 10 3 rooms $580/mo. Av ell Nov 1 •••••••••••• •• ••••• ••• t ---- 2 Br Children• Mellon. $530. cell 538·2218 &c<:esa<>rles. Mi>Ye In to-Lrg 2 bd, 2 bt A.pl Ill the 1200/mo Mlle pref Call From s1 16 •sq It No C.11 9 to 5. 675-2.311 lell••11 ~Lost 2 cats, while Ft ""' 1320/mo. plus ut111. In· .,,... d I lul e F ahr new t>eaen condo. .di A b"-• eyes Male tgr~ lent only No ptte. No ay or reserve or ur Bluff• Frpl Supe< loca. ell 5pm 545-6024 micro. frplc, gar S265. le4se required " Ir· lh .. tleaitT SOO •va w A ~· walttbed• 2~50 New-On Sand & ex.an 2 Br use Smartly lurnlal'lad llon & very prlYlle No lal . 1811 dep Tracy pone1 Inn. 2172 Ouponl n•tll Ill 11&1 ••• -,,{1;•••••°'•••••••• & blvt eye GENE OUS port BIYd. 1 lba w tpool. uunt, models open dilly pets $375 845-8218 Fem non.smkr. tm w/hSe 549•3421• 8Jt.8543 Call AM 833·3223 1 1050 Ml 11 pertttlont<S Soulh County Arcadt. ~!W0A8RD9 c;~8~~;"9 security, to moa lelM, prtv C M $225 unlurn . Air"""' trea • E•te Sul· office• air conditioned location end machines ....,,. 4 or • 1t,.,,. ·-· Jll~ ••""tmo CtH ...... •""!' On Jtmbor .. Ad at 3br. 2Da. upitalrs w/ lurn $260 645-5459 Fem to lht wt••tF .... ...,r """' or localton only C111 .. , -~ ·-" ~ ...,.,.....,.,., d k 1 "' -..... Its From 225-450 sq II Localed ne.r MacArthur Found Lg .... k IOng halre<I •••••••••••••• •••••••• 8 .. c.~ San Jo•""'" Ht111 Rd sun ac • ooean v aw c''ln. w-'I local..,. Nwpl C T o m o ' S I m o n •1 h 1 & h """'" 1.-.-1100 Yrly $750 Ag1 ,Newpor111ea Forrent "" "' ...,, $1per1qltMenyxtru on East 0 11a1Hwy ca1,w1 see cest. Beeulltul l Specious, 3 I ....-673-3355 very terne room. full CO n d O $ 2 1 5 m ° Call 557-7010 $1050 per mo 586•2695 bobbed tall 675-2223 bd, 3 be COndo, w/bltlne. /mH Jiff " 675-9643 & ffpl; pool & tpe AYell ••••••••••• • •••••••••• Self Idle ltema 1142-6871 CLIFF HAVEN 2 Br 1 B• bAlh 1epara1e & private ----------14-00.900 PLUS 1400 eq II #N!r, I• I.Ha SIZ loll Blaci;"° Lab Seller 1 1 1 1 $ 8 2 5 m 0 . Wdbrdg 3 Br 2.,. 81 1, patio dlahwHher enlrance. le•rlffc loc ROOMMATE WANTED Penltlouse Baytront Sul· ••••• ••••••••••••••••t (lom•ltl Loat nr Graham 831•3637. lwntlte.patl0,yatd,2cer ,_,_ -••~~ i~rag•' no pet•' Non amoker S350/mo M/11ralght, non-eml\r, te, parillng. pit loa ftlllEOLlllll endHeOHB An•-r1to glll', S878. 762·5102 '""'. ~ 5' 5 783• 831·4060 $250 + '" u•ll• Ov1 673-1003 llLPLlll I Oapl'lnt Very oenlle Nr 8C Pleza. 1 bdrm, •••••• • •••••• 575tmo. 4 • v ~ u 1 I ., I l ~100 !4422_;652404 8. •II 8 PM . ltt lel•tf••• Some 1011 ot hair due ro pool, 1ennl1. security. 2 a 2 B b -nl I•,,.. I I " ., ., $475 714 &4e..llfl40 ~ .a -a· E~ r, a, ay. ocean •••••• ••••••••••••••• •Sim t•••s• 851 :5995 energy 8•8·21 48 mo. • ."Ir'" " "-·"'I '::!I view. Condo. pool. Jll· lllll•I •IRL Sh 2 bd e•---~• Ft.. ~ l o • hi 1 I II bid r • ....... -' "'· o c a1rpo .. arM. Prof # Foun<l· range ow ong NEW BREED APTS '10., tE·s~ Cun . ••cur 'I 0 w ... c ,. .. • I • , 1 8' & Loft. Ftplc, r.c ,"I n ft .. ,... ,875. Call Denny. kly renlal• now •viii .-76 all, leavt mH· tnlllronment.fullwYloe. ;,:,2••, 11•1 haired kitten nr w Wit· \Vl:..~.-JL....J , \ !.~ 645•2018 Of 548•5833 $105 6 up Color TV uge 980-7874 Avall ex no frllle, lndMdual 01• 1 S03S '°"·CM 642-7072 &OC:,·,::~.r.::':. ~'l.J~ VI •2 8t 1V. Ba. nr Hoeg, no ~:=~ ~,~o~ 2274 now fieM ex desk 8')tct 150 ·····i.:a.·unui ...... Found MANX° CAT Mest 393 Hemll1on, O.M . Ar•t1ut.-;,...,. • U P'1•. mature a<lll• pret a.e-1445 Rmmtt lht 3BR duple• In 1q tt • 3500 aq II 1 MO lit H n, U ~ •-I Verdt "" Oct 15, ...._..11 ~.~'-:::"~ S US 631 •3888 or Balboa S275 plu• urn FREE 7&9·1911 1200811 .\llOO/mo,new •-·ff, 54&-6772 Offlcto,t.110.aj e.t&-8622 8 EI CH IRE I 111 & IHI 873·1701 paint & carpttlng 328 Spect ,:. \~~2nd FOUND 3 wt11_ego __ w_e1_th ... hUI Jllf l 0 S "d It & f•m"I 1· . II n n n F 22 '""•ht 3 br, 2 ba apt HSI ••a--N o Newport b lvd "obt Sett'--NH/CM Corglt? Wht/male, ,.,_ •••••••••••-••• ... •••• uxur1 u ., u ,, 1 y 1111ng in an a EASTBLUFF •P•clou• t "<JV • .,.._ -7.,,. 18•5 " ..... ~ . -•• -$84/ k on ti.ectl, N B Frple. 25' Altrec:tl\09 1uttlc us>11tlra I "v· v At 1, ............ ""-•ltOfll v 1 n i , c an • t k et p --.... ..-.. country c.ttm0 • I, 2. & J Bdrm•. er. pool, quiet, pletNnl w r••IO .......... •2•5 tat w ..... d-~ ""-.... ..... • .. , "8" ... 4'"'5 From Dene Point'• mo.t ,,..... .... " • •r8-No P'1• 1655/mo · • r..., .. • " • • Nlllng • 1up..,, -· C.•••n/11 842·2111 845-0el t ..., • .. ~ 4••· "" · 1ec:l11d.O 1eenle bluff. •mtnlli~ Include: A 110 n 1 c • 2 e r 11 Rtfrtgerator·M•ld·POOI • • 1 a • • 0 • B r 1 •" •oac-• copier YOU aup· 2 '' N 1 Bl d •Wit 873-t8t9 ply ............. & $95 pr mo lt•llll Hfl WIDOW HA8 SH tor TO'a l'ound: Cat, CHange llrl· Ult• newt Only 4 vnns. •Ret IG.-i~ Ran~e * To1 lo11wpenbehs '670/mo 644·4787 Coa::PM .. ~ • 84~&& Shr 2Br 2b• turn apt. pr ~·c1111 844·7211 •••••••••••••••••••••• Ae l.01na tOK up No P•d. '• 1111 Vtotorl•, "w/6«1, Xtr• tro prillete 0 h h di I .... !'> I O/ ndAck 2 BA. 2 b•. wallf to "'8Ctl.' 1280 eq It retalll olflce Cttdlt Cheok NO Ptn· H•bor CM. 1464850 i>•tlo, fl'rom t 125t mo. '* 1~ \\Iii~ f!f/ spoSd ... a1 SU " pool, I ACI, aecurtly Plnel<notMottlon Cout Oc een view. Iota of 2000 sq It w/500 eq 11 spec t . ( 11th St. In tlty Otnnla~ & Al!IOC ;--8 .. ........, d Calf H1·&.441 or M·'· I f ·1 · 1 H NB s t 1m•n11 I e •. f 4 5 O . 11oraoe. O c. Airport Coat• ~es• greel viii· 873· · round· m 1 ....,.... OQ, M. ~12. Offve' by '* DrapestcarJ)t'llng *Laun< IV i!CI 111e, 700/mo. Cell Scott Ro-wy · Wk 1 ••P~9 o 875-39Clt a,•• '2 0 0 0 f m 0 . b 111 1 Y & P •, 11 1"0 • ·1311 Unlvtrally High, Irvine. 10 .............. •-te"•-·• . ... .... _, .. 11 g11a. 841•5100, days ocean. Y ra •· 8•1 •t"f ..... .,.11 ._, ... 1 •• _...., 5&1·024t kM9 trying ··--· ...... * Recrt3110n room ... nlr l'Oll\ll onmp. 131· ID 13 ev.. 845-0440 ...... " -.. ............ -... ,.-•• 21t. 0-IOI• nw ~. COft't tee "' now for bftt tdtction. lib W. UWNIT-SO. l.AOUNA. 3 Arch 8ey RENT Ofll l.EASE: Nftty OwMf of 2nd end Srd TO round wti1 O.-mtn Sht-ocHtl vi•"'• betcot1y. IUI 1111 ... 1111 I PUOll II 2 Sult• evelt Od Hwy rtmodettd hOl'll• wlth •I No 4 Aoctly Point w11-ptletd. liP11 1 Y' OIO, 0040 ....,,,,._ 2111<t02-2t17. Y•Loopto 10 ~au. in lrvinf. Gii: Lo. 2 oorm. s o•i.. in· Re .. on1t1•• r•t ... t<H· :ier :iti., 1rp1o, ••tPe to v1a1b1Nty. 4g1.us1 1 1•r iot. 0omm·1 r.on1no. 11ne to ... •t • dlaOount ..,,, brn 91" 1314e31 ... et 24H 2 API A. ""1S., • ' ~=: ~:0~ 1;oor~:·1 ~:-z ::. ~ :'tu~·~=~~~ Coeta Meell 1 ex 2 IOOft\ :: .:~~H~~:lvcJ ~:.r,.~ c'!~oic::: IC-. lr\ ... Oft .... ltle ~~~~~d~-~~~~·~~~~~~~,~~~~l~~~;~~~~~~~~~U~1~-1~1~~~i~~~dl"~~~·~a~A~NOPl"RM~ ~u~~~~~. ~·~~"'·~~~ ~~~~d• ~~~·~ .._.,...,,..... .. to...., ,. t ff!L. 1M7 Newpor1 IMS. t9'\nle, n/l!Mr 147llrno, I utlla lncJd 771 W 1tlh}Heve IOIMlhlnQ to Mii' 11'9Unte. A.,. tor ltev• olualfled reeier. Cl• p ftdldOll..._ ... ldle lt«na '42-5Uli CM_845·9~7 --&St·~~----' SI Hl·IH~--·· . ~edldoltwell. 7'4.t?W218 ........n .... -~ . 01ango Coo.al DAILY tJILOl/lt1urod1iV October 21, 1982 01 ~!.~. !!.~ .... !!.ff ~11. !!.•.".'.~ ...•. ~{~ ~!.'I. .'11.a.1.~ •••• 1.1.ff !'.11Jll~~~ •••. !.{ff ~~1!1-.~~ ........ I~! !~! ... '.'~!! ........ ~.~!! "·,~::,~ ••• ,, IOIJI ~!.•!!,.~!!. ..... ~~ A·g~:::r. llZO ~!.1.'!d~r..1.'!.( •••.• found Wllll• w/bl~ ctt. bll mu llllY PUT /Tiii s•IDER ST·R 10 DMulllul anll~U· •lai Mlllg .,,. mallr••• •lld ••••••••••••••••. •••••• 1 1111 ...................... All• •••H 1111 male, whll• .... eouar, Salling IC>yl I I PlttlH ur " ... 119\.1 yte .. Wlrldow• hom l>UlC •Pr l•1u • r '•m• I A b•v• 4!1'Y. l)fl new 14 II .. 3 l:JIUd•l>•k .. (,llAmplOO •••••••••••••••••••••• V9fy IOltll\O lilt W•n.t Cett 6'11·HM -11ng1 111u11 111'om• Cell Mt Dynamic. lllV .. h1*\I Co rnto ..... "'U•Cll ' I I 6 Q n n d I u n d y AM A .. A ... "'f H llbOll denw• ~ put «P• ........ "' ,. CH 49M burounOy & ti r ah a m H 8 Millar. 662·6to7 •llqllllH • 8UPUI 8 f An ft.l 1 Ofll I CIT!> II 10 I tlllT 8100 ll .. cJ wllll 1 dOUOI• 1 ~&9~930 43b J 474 13760 'l t)/692 11112 •lnl I "> 000 140 169!1 ILIOl'ltO&L Hlltllll .111 l'V ·~1111•1 1.•0irl9I All M O 8VCIU 1111111111 10 !Min Ou• n1.rt1 Anuq1111 1111 1op reed Ot· lrunlll• 111<1 ccml•rnoo 1n 1•c:allen1 c;ondillon • IAITA 0•1z •o ltt• •••H ltt••• , f)(PfAlfNCCO Pe,,nl P•r 1 llm• l)etton wlln 11•n U"" 1111•11 11,. lonll• '"'V CJH•U•I Xh1 I 1.oodl '800obo ft ,. 1048 f ord WouOy Wa Ill Sµydltf 'On• .. llOle .!f?~ .. {'••••••••!.~!f nent poalllOll ,6 yr old 1Jepe111J•ble 1r111•rt)Ofll yuul.I out llHdt wurk 11011 I100 11711 9411/ lll~Olll l •IPll (408)476 06?7 or uun I l'l 000 i1111 ,01\<I BllltipUll~I ti • I . c: I ' I c . I Ci 0 llc>n 10 011111•91 am•I ally l,;om111111ut1011 IU I Jll 11001111111 II'.\ I n50 ·-ut lhll Lung Oe•th IOy Nhlt Alw•~· 11•1• Lllll I Mll'I PHOTO MOOflS ESCORTS/DANCERfl 71 4/&&9-7200 Pllol IOUll Ill Nl)t Oen 000 11lu• 11\111111 .,.,, •• ..~, IRfllllll TAIL( Uoel SllOw °'' n 3 ' l'"'{I f Ill" M ......... A I C110lrt "'"' so~ 4D~ Of'.11 ( C •1•• Moo lllou 111 •1 ""''"""•' ll•nalll• DOLL SNOW tJO 673 8887 N • w •' c. o 1 0 I• 11 "' " ""'"' .ll~flenc;ed oolu "" ternoont (:I 30 10 5 00 '>•I •nil Sun Oc;t 23 '' 13001olj0 OrHI for Pu11ne11n1p in tr1C1M>n 3b. ~ 11 Cl u n ' I 11 0 0 0 Aa'1 1101 <Jed for e11nn11 nouH l'M) Sat llo Sun 111ornlng1 Oupo1tun11y lo travel IOf I''"' A(lttllaaton F•hlDll PORT·A·Ollll klcJt ,,.,..,,,.,, 646 670~. 1J•rh1c1 t ooo r•C>Qtltl lor II/~ 1110 I ··a·o··,·.:~1··1·6oo••••T•1t•,-;.•,•• ~~11• 0!.._dl)' ·n~"3o•v•ll t~ 30 to , 00 Ar.A) 1300 II hllljhl l11ulo1y rnullva ••Ill .... ,. ltUN llNO' ON Wlllllttro $!)() 117.I 8811( f~'1 8383 ll4C:lllg GIUlllng ~Ob !>'I Ch••y Bal All ""gn •• • ~)' ..,,,twHll 6 •lld Piii mo c.u SOD Woll• loll .. 11 ""'"'' Req l rNI rn •••t t 40.. AYOll wlmotur •111> '" J~O rabll MflU ru11• 211000mll••. lullyto.de<t b M, Mon f 11 t1IO Oov11 841 432 I L O [ rw.·riw 11,10 avlU.ttU OI """ "' NfW Ftur1'11 Prov our111 01/Jtt f11111i lllll ' N E\ CQll LHll• ava ur~irl ... 1F;. '"ca•a (JI •u11111ol, 110 'Ofld Lill• St N 8 ·~ I 1 oawey and Oeach •rm'""rM • 1~·1t111u• 6 Oln r I 101111 II/'• f"•'• "v ..... .., • O OUTCALL 24 HRS Ml·021T *** ltl11ti1 Parler IUPftl tllll OCCOf11pllal\ lllv(.I It O n '" v ~ •v .. •11111•1•1 J " """ moga $8!10 tl•8 88{18 llOW 'I '.I .\00 Off Fll.LIW Tiii Siii Phono So11e1to11 ON<llCJ n1ent1 1111 1111 841 J2:.lll ••••'•il\• .. h ......... 8 8t1001 mu11. rucJ001 . luovu m•u I.I 4 'J 8? 1 1 r v 18 • Work ind pl1~ In Palm lmnl8dlately, no telling ••t•h•• Otu•trr ANTIOUL 01n111u hble, s~~flliC• Adler typewriter len bOllrd No $1111, $1~ ,,. MrRC.[0('-HMpllc.111 8~7 01184 d•v• Sprlngi, lH VegH •roc:t 1n1101vod, .. 111 call lrom 11 thl• ''" t yuu pl11Ho l)AK OI NINO ~OOM .. 14 Olue Ll11111a Lk 11uw 1 e,orrac.tlng, Ilk• "'w 963 ~27'1 ~wronl 0118"'; ~OO mi ,., Audi I o• N...+Ot 1111111 Open 24 hrt • day 1 dlyt I w .. k J1euu1, Sauna Locale •• w•tl •• Toutlttt BankAmerlcerd, Amer. lean E11pres1. 04"41t8 All welcome 714/645·3433 2 t 12 Herbor Bl CM , .. 0,1 •reoa demonllrn our N<1wpor1 B••Cll or tell yu111 111111111i.t e1a1 .SU th1lguh11 011~ .. 1111 Dluo 1320 633·01411 P6d6 '18 ~ tuke S:I06 0 woik s1000 01 bell ol ting •xcllhig new pro I oco. no o~p11114111c11 1111 qu11l1ty trlond nboul th19 p111q11111 1r1lay lnl)lo 4 x 8 G 1 1 4 631n Kitt• 1 3080 w11161t \llOO S I 'i 0 0 LI 0 1111 11.,, 4 II•/ duel Tt•Vtl with ch•PO· cenary Will ltflln For IU;J Non •mOkfirt PIH•• tlxp1111d Ill 1a II llond 111'9 lhttHIOQ tall ti. )UV IBM I v IH:/ 7Ull ur l b·l30l / 14/T!lJ 2 Hi6 P14111Atl Hiid 1oeume 10 1 w c1 QI•» top kltl1111y atuopo moon ~powr1tur t•vON 110 4000 \u111ool 4 •r>d. ronecl group, tran•poila 11ou11 3.9 Call betw11H1n COlt INS ASSOCIATE S 11101 e A11111111.1111 111 1061 w/m1tu.ri aiool drnwer 4 nuwfy r•C<>•1tl 160 olll!• 1!!:>4 ltul A1r Ct111vy, pofl .. ,11110 irn •fr•t c.on·• 1lon lurnl•ll•d. r1r11urn 2 4<.11641-01111 " ch111r ~111:I11rrn 1110 opeu out urms I'd $!i5 Mo111llot111111 67'lJlll HoutJs :IJ Mui.I 11<1111 ,.,,l<itlld A 1 mochnrll "' " ou•ranttted, paid 1r111n1ng p n 0 0 R AMM c R I ~87 San NlcholH Or sltlu S<;ollleh rtll110111d $ 633 000 ' I $4!>00 Ouy 671·110 I 'II t $ 1 i; 0 0 "''00 631 }(1()1 •nd lligh NrnillQt Musi ANALYST Nuwporl 8eoeh 92660 01 Clebo 111CI $4 000 Hk 4b 1 !!!! •••.. 0 ...... !.~~! Evtt118:11 f!>IG t714):140 7086 JlfW flJZ ba wall groom•d and Bus1rie111 11ppl1ca11on• In lu~tnlHr 873 6423 811' sioola, glen dltll Slllw P 'U PUPPIES I 14· 11 b 4 • J I ••••••••••••• .. ••••••• 0111t•• fHfaty ,.. .. ConverNtlon with Barbi MC/VIII 24 llrt 638.()701 COEDS -"°Wo~ve to party wtyou Call Sue or Ka1hy an)lt1m a (2 13) 63 4 ·4 571 . (7 14 ) 527.7 186 lllELlll PLH 645-3646 Exotic danc ers t or Bachelor/ Bachelorette Parties 738·8538 or 558-8538 ttarl lmmedilllely For IRIS Basic, ., yrs ~vu.a. .11 IJ IOIO c:upD011rO. tl•1!¥Hrt All 11• c. 0 '" c.ut11m1111rn l"'fttt•t °'" I 1 le II 646 4 67 < v•,.-· Cttll 0 ARF WORKCR n•• ••ttl nuw 645.2J!>!) llVH AKC Chompton Una all 1 ttullllr, good c;ond, mul(t "t'"/"/tl 1111530 n .,..., w ca 1 MICRO TECH . Cos111 Co ocluGtllonol, 111slden· .,,.................... •hOla 6 .. k, w 111 11010 ""· $1000 S57 6395 ••• ~'.'!.~ ••••••••• !' •••• ~~o 4 pm P1!r1tnta Mesa 557 8640 li4t1I 1r1111t111Hrol pru11r111n HARBOR AREA , C11cular couch love a.eat 101 LhtUllmna 720 0891 I t SJ' 18 I CJyo ta M1n1 Motor ,MRCMlSllll tor oooluconll SA and APPLIANCE SERVICE good cD11a1, come Slltl 55J 0644 O• 11 111 110m\t 19 •lp8 4 &ell Full Time Handyman JClb • " su1><:1rv11o•v 11•11•• 1n lhe WI! 5611 re<.ond · guar 0 11111 892 :17~ I D«k1 9010 con101ned ~Int c;ond lor 111ge olllce compl11a J11ittrial S1tpplJ hllltl Call appltancos !>49·3077 Sµnnger Sp1n1el, mt1lll ••• •••••• ••••• • • •••••• I 1 mpg $ I 0 5 0 0 requlrH axper1enc:e in IUJtr 646 :l4tlY bet llam·3 I IUY lPPLIAllOEI FURNITURE NEW AKC 1llCKllOnnt11 noeo1 BOA l SllPS AVAILABLE 648 7966 119"8'81 bulldlno rep111rs C1lllorn11 .:orp hit an Lea 957 8133 Mull ralH Ce~ll ~04v~11g5~~ome S25IOIJO N30ewp3~" aooac~ !55' ~6,j ~ W'&. D . asso (714) 556-6991, 9· t t 30 d 1 • P11ces s111.rt 01 · 1 msg I ·. " ' · " • ' •HI tlrtl Jt 0 ouistan 1ng poa11 on 111 TRAVEL w 0 R 1 642 4644 from 9 5 •••••••••••••••••••••• em nly u'-. new facllily in Laguna &sller ryer· e rig Ma11r11,,!>lll & tound 8111 Booy Yellow N81Jt!d A111& Mon Ft1 LARGEST JEEP DEALER N I I bu 18 & OVER D11hwesller·Ftffzer Twtn $77 Full $97 t Ofl Parrot $600 obo In the Well A~;:::~g~F:~~~ IY· ... 1~;'11 ~~.~engrn~ ~d Nello1tal concern has >c1r11 r;ond 646-5648 Oueo11 $147 King $167' 6~5 5960 SLIPS AVAIL Hunttngton rJe1tl)tlt1lteiy nee<Jb ping, llllng $ dealing .. 11h s 11mit•a1 1 n g c are e' 1mmed op41n1ngt 101 10 Relrtgs. Washll<S, Dryers Sofa Bods $ l97 AKC uasn Apso 10 mo6 11 4 r b 0 u ' B 11 Y D" your JEEP P<lblk: 641-8868 growth oppott Fo1 Im· sharp g1rla & l,juya wno Mllny 10 cnoose lrom Sola & Lovesell $247 I male all •hoit S 150 640·5545. 846.7766 (j.9 Hlghesl C1ullar Pb1d med and confldenllal would like lo 1r11vel wlllle Guer S 100/up 859·0682 Dine11e w/ 4 ctira $97 OBO 1373 3291 P M 8 4 0 4 0 9 I Call Gary Gray GENERAL OFFICE · lively consider all on. pie au US DISCOUNT FURNITURE · 2 13·431 -3764 ORlll"'E COAST SlUS·IERYIOE LUllH 83 I 2040 495-4949 SllllHACI lllW 211402 Marguerite Pkwy Mission vre10 (Avt!ry Eall Oii 1·51 Open Sundaya For Compenlonshlp, mas· sage or 1 drlvll< Clll Ken 497-5718 comP<11ar tales & ser111ce submit your resume with working '" m11101 Cl· I yr old Gaiters & Sattler 1959 H.irbor Blvd l i1111i: I 011••1 1090 Slop up to 22' Power o• llllC JEE.P/RElllUL olflce need• reliable or· salary history to Proles· lies Oallos, New York, go• atove. Delge $350 Cost11 Mesa 631-6609 ....... ••••• ••••••••• I T tlf'".r ~Jlmft ganllecl lndlv to type Ille sion&I Personnel Oepl, ere Musi be nt13t. single •94·2905 OAK UPRIGHT PIANO lolOang mass $ l35 mo 2524 Harbor Blvd CM ~YI'-"' Ladles lor companionship or just to talk call Ken 497-5718 & 8 n s w 8 r Ph 0 n es 4 <1ble 10 travel lo leave RellnlShed, rebuilt 675-2709 or 673· 1174 549.80n 645.7770 C P 0 Bo1t 6201, Laguna 1mmt1d , NO EXPER1EN· Fr1g1d&tre Dryer, works Coucn. 8' bro .. n leothe· • S111es-Sero/1ce-Le1111ng ustomer service eaper Niguel CA 92677 CE NECESSARY Pf"· perfecllv 575 reue lrom Broadway ,.1000 646-6056 all 3 WANTED MOORING lur T k 9560 helpful. Hrs llo1ble, ' v ' 75 BOAT 111 NEWPORl tut I 1112 llllW OLOSHIT ParHlme wlpoaslbllitv 01 Restauranl vlous 1ob11 dea1111g wl 5 4 8 • 3 2 7 6 a I I er 5 • $150 cell 673-3600 lj.,aulllul Kawe1 6 II Grana •••••••••• •••••••••••• N S full-lime. Costa Mi:sa E~penenct1d Busboy, lull people Suen 6$ rern11. S11,Su~ I Anl1quu Mahogany Ruel\ P1an{1 w1wa1nu1 Cabinet HARBOR 557-4073 Toyolli 76 AMtrM 5••· • 74"; o~~~~~~eed 754.594 1 lime, apply in person 11111 rood 11 waitressing Seers Eltic Dryer, avoc er or1g upllolStery nels Xln1 c.ond Ivory keys A 30 sllp,Oa~Po1nt, 3 mo r eo c essett e Sma" I 1960NAC) IOLF Siio, 619 SIMPY Hollow, la· ht1l1>tu I but not neces· Heat sens•lr wrk $75, Pl\ 673·360-0 goig,,ous pc or 111rnll1.rre sut>-leese ca"'P1J' 511811 s2 175 • '77 3201. 4 'Pel sun guna Beacn sory 11 YOU ARE LOO· $ISO 645 8968 and .i 1op qual lnslru· 639·4113 Peul 673·6618 rool 1248IRR) Willarlf Water As seen on 60 minutes. It works. I havo It. Dlatrl· bulorshlps also ev1ll For Plllme sales Mature ----KING FOR FULL·TIME -·--Brand new TWIN BED wl men\ S4500. 644·6699 74 F v T , 79 320 S81As G s EEP $ 00 c 11 A P11va1e 40 slip eva1f Soll· ord "L '> ton wt • 1. • 'Pd , sun lady prer 10 w ork In " EMPLOYMENT & REA· tbson AIR W Air lrame I a nne 1 lnlo $ 75 85 033 d I 6p•• Blond Wurlitzer Up11gh1 boat only Ideal location she I. a11 shks (Id cond rool 1849YHZJ Small golf shop 2·3 days ADVERTISING DY TO START TODAY cond 220 volts. 1 1.1 , oys. at "" • $ 0 •6-6825 8 28 I $700 obo about 15 vr 1 n N B Harb o 1 2300 646-6502 '* '80 320r. 5 5p0 , sun .... per .. eek Some expr SEE LORI TUE FRI 10 5 645-968 548· 14 ' ' Full or Part Ttmo • • _ old Call 964·9454 675·0068 80 0 p U l k rOol 1Ci59ZOK1 1111•••1 pref Call blwn 4-8pm. Heres a unique oppor-Tropicane Motel. Harbor Reconditioned Relrlgere· Ortho kmg-s1ze mallress. •• ---atsun 1 8 new • 80 3201 5 spd air StlYl."'11 53601 760-1505 Hk for Sara tunny for one who enjoys & Ketetle Anaheim lots, washers, Dryers, box sprin~ & Ira ma, Skwa, 1093 Bo.ti, s,,~, I e•Cel 6C03nd 2Ask6 Sl>OOO. GontJ (IASX0481 . .. 635-4082 Ext 163 I 11 I d $100 9•7.4 4 7 • ••• • • •••• •• ••••• • • •• 5a.,· 9010 d7 yls '299 I I 1 ll v 83,.·31l1 •••••••••••••••••••••• llYEllllE•T JllS working wolh the put>llc I u Y guaren ee ~ _ 1ge 2 S ii i Nau11qull • 7 ,, " AT'"" SEIYIOE Immediate openings on the telephone and Van Dr1"ef lot s-101 C• 540•3114 Ra11an kllchen 18Dle tor 20-01 Only 38 hours •••••••••••••••••••••• ,08 w ISi Santa Ana Pe•sonal q allfl-" eom earn• one al lh • ~· $ 0 Al 1977 F 1811 Sleek Crall 455 Ols 76 loy Longbed P U lo Cios"d Sunday · u ""' · over541as and domes1lc I ng "' Y e lozans Center ••ual b-•1 Fng10alre relrlgerator sate 4 so have • or· B kl 1 Cl 1 1 v "" v a l!ngine er ey 1e1, tan m• Auto Hans $1895 - -pdaanyon10 dr "a8.,,'5e1°,'anydou9r 20,000 to 50,000 + a ume lime I 1eas1 18 Class 2 drivers while good cond $80 536-8268 mula l/O 20 11 li~e dem 11aUer Xln1 cond wkdy 848-7739 a5k tor CHOICE INVENTORY Year Cell (3t2I 920.9575 Your successlul seies 1 licens-759•9471 642-7355 N r w 1 C a 11 ( 7 1 4 I · VOLu••E s ES Shopping , d octor's Ext 2239 expenence will enable v ---__ Ash dining table Two 18 84~ 2000 & esk 10, Jim $4200 Alter 6 cell Hart wknds 875·6868 "" AL appls, church, etc All ~outobeGome a keypart WIRE OPERATOR Gote11one Whlrlpool1 ea1ens1ons pad• 6 m"y Jr II out please 552-4344 V•.al 95101 &"•. needs met By hour or GOVERNMENT JOBS ol our Classllled Aover· B k I h washer & dryer, paid I CM1rs $300 548·3259 lei.ve message• lo•t1· Stot••• 9090 •••••••••••••••••••••• . day 494-5857 Many jObS available In using Department ,::de,;::: .~:~x..!,s ~:!1~ $750 sacrifice $300 s piece d•n1;;Q-;oom 18Dla • -••••• c ••••• A:........ v111 I 0 I • c L l RE. IALE ESCORTS US 1nd overseas For SlrBJghl commission on ope•a•o• 1115 6.{3o H · 1010 Valencia Apt B. set 550 Good conoiuon St,atll•f C.1 1094 n D1rec1ory 3121888-43'7 all sales 18,y commensurate wt C M alle• 4 30 , MUST SELL 646-7230 • .. ii.i i .. j.......... DRY STORAGE COllYHSIOllS I • . llW Call Rod 720-1645 ~~1 11 you have sales abolily e•pe1 For appl call. He· Relflgera1or, very clean. A 1 e d e•se d d 01 M kllllllVP•klHt 1 Mo nthly Doat storage Sales·Se·voce Leasing are a sell·Sl arter and hko new 1.,.0 door 5165 n oqu r ~ r an in m ar s s, po es. • llAIR snusT like MONEY, we Wiii tram I e n M c G I n I e y 893·9060 rm sel. also Ollle• lurn and Lange BOOIS $100 any size. 24 hr socur1ly FRH TAHOE TRIP 850 N Beach Blvd SdHI• I I Motivated Stylist needed you in Classiloed proc&-71 4 644 2292 ___ -----642·8668 Df1wn sleeping bag SSO I fro;e launching tw1lh purchase) La Hab•a 1 .. ,,.,,;.. 100S tor Progressive Salon dures For an appo1nl· ,.,,., s.1,, A•ttiH IOl!i Twin mattress & DO• S•.hw1nn Varslly b•~e llEWPORT IUllES ASI( FOR DETAILS' 522·5333 •••••••••••••••••••••• ~alar~, c~~";i&e~eca-menl lor 1nlerv111w, plea· ····'················· •••••••••••••••••••••• spr1ngs. $100 $15 963-7513 1131 lack •• , Dr.. Open Sunday Bell & Howell Electronles I on gr • se call our Personnel ,,,,. ,,,,,, llEll a T 0 E 645·8•5' SURFBOARD 5'8 Sharp 144-0510 COlCMNElllWlSTIR 78 3201 Volumes ol electronlcs FUTURE Seeking Res· B•I 277 llCTIOll l'I LUYlllll I I d S 1 2 5 VHS Ulllllllllll lllUST SELL Course Including 16 Hard Work. Low Pay, BIG Department at 642-4321 ••••••••••• ••••••••••• ICll II I I I Local Mollon single 11n, training from Dasie to P<>n¥lble, Creative lndM· Ollll&E COAST SWAP lllHT I " • n c 0 n ' T1••111111t•tio• While w1lh ten saddltJ advanced TV rep11r, a dual 101 young. last · llJLY PILOT Every Sunday. 8am-3pm Sat Oct 21r•, Pl. FOi FLOllDAI £.73·3500 ·c·•••'•0 ••;•1•••••••••• • SELECT UllS interior Factory sttdmG Design Console for laD "growing business Musi Orange Coast College Prnltw •ar of salt J WANT TO BUY? Gou-c;;I,° 1981 model, 4• ••1111, d I I REDl-IAlllP sunroot air cond coco experiments a digital have neat appearance 33C005W1a BMeeysaSI Fairview & Arlington, Over 300 pcs of oak fur· My Bedroom Furniture •;eater. club car earache, Re.at 9/ZO UllDllllRI mt11s e1c Dflven with mulllmeter. a sollCl·state d p R b 11 · Cosla Mesa Admission n•ture 1ncludlng 54' S· My Lounge Furniture c reom wllh French OI· •••••••••••••••••••••• t are (949Z RT1 Just triggered sweep osclllo-Pe~:er1ence 1~ ma~a'g~· An Equol Oppty Emplyr tree 10 Lu1ers Seller Roll lop desk w/full int. 3 My Householo Goods nopy o4 wheel. inc•udong Cab~v~r ~am:er1 to; ~~-PACIFICA need rehable party 1~ scope ind a 25" color menl and cerpe• repair SALES Reserva11ons1 lnlo dr leaded bool\case w/ GOOD QUALITY PRICE banery ch1rger $1600 por rue · 00 · 5 a 11· mak e small monlhly TV with dlg11a1 clock, 1 d) F lDYERTISllll 556·5860 clew feet, unusual ram AN O CONDITION OBO 549-0155 Susan zers, corner 1ac1ts $750 USED ruivments Ne. old t on- dlgllal channel dlspley & pre·~ 649~ank John· ' head library l bl, lancy VIEW SAT 23rd OCT Mon-Fri 8-5PM (7l 4) 645•5898 'll DOD&£ va• tract 10 assume. no DllCk el~tronlc tuner. all are son. • Excellent oppl'y lor e>.· -~1e1e /leaded glass d ASK FOR ~ d &IRAIE SALE """' 'Y w Ph 642-8610 lor details Pool Table bar Size slate '74 Camper six pack 81t Cruise, air cond 4 CB paymenis ue Healhkll1 & all complete HllEIEIPlll per a verllsing pros drs Ille cabinets, $Illes, · · cabover, hydraulic jacks. (132769) ROSE 631-5202 Ille and brand new Thia Is • 1 Oii• -••f Earn $600·$ 1000/wk 2206 Stale Ave. CoSla Morris chra, frplc mant·, 1 1op, leather pocket•. ahocks $875. 848•1100 ••ttl lmpor" $1700 value. Wiii Mii for ....-Mr Levine 537-3123 Mesa. Sal only els. many dressers & hl·1BH1do/d C.11065 roeewood rails $500 •~ -------$700. 631·9 l<>e We ne1d help running s boys, Hoosier cabinets+ ••••••• ••••••••••••• •• 759-8936 lft 6PM llolorfrH lik11 1140 ORAlllE cou11n•s JUI home, 4 C1v1 week. ales Challengrng & re-H11•ti••I•• lt•ti h 2 Silk Pe 11an R I ••• •••• • ••••••••••••• • 1ll .. lllC C" .. PER OLI ' werdlng Earn $3000 ••••••.,.•••••• • muc more 1 ugs or Wei suol FL wljackel, It -• -EST mull b8 reliable w/own GIANT G s';: 91 4 1 0°'1 AMERICAN 1 sale 1 running IOf 10 K di _ .. w t 11 '11 IOPID •4QO/tllt HI b1ck cha11s & 1111 f!tt.r!~!!! ......... . Jui w .. 1# 111S ...................... Young married man will do Q8"8nl hlf\dy W()(k C1ll aves & wkends, 972-9525 tr•ntp Pie••• call plus/mo lor enthuslullc I 11ege '"' • es m..... o 1. ns cap. • & I n d 1 11 i d u 1 I . B1eak.w1ter Cr H B Oel WHOLESALERS ' Olher, 7 K II 1n1ere1lld. teoe masl<, snorkle Total Good c;ond 631•6349 wheel 15 10523) 857·$333 qualillcatlons Cleslrecll 9· 10 H1mllton/Bu1hud I & AUCTION COMPANY please contact 12 13) $115 546--0201 _ Moped, .79 Peuoeot Nds Sllll IHSllEUU I Call Mr Hardy. 631-2601 ,C..l)OM ..... _.. ... 82~!~o!i4:g~~·a '38·6'28 rv • ,. wk Good cond As IS Responsible perton, 1 •nvolved lurn, books ll•tii•ttT. I011 {., ~ 111 $150 8111 540-3•38 'll IOHE •&II Mon F11 8am noon k k 11 1; 121313511-6808 ••••••••• •••••••••••• ll1f1 lt1rH 1011 ----------I' IO CIOw & S • 151h L S11es nic nae 1• mile 5 mi E Pasadena TABLE SAW 10 Rocle· • •••••:/••••••••••••••• Molobecane 50V, 650 ml c~nd ~;~~~21 s 1'1 sa1es-SeMCe-L.P11ng ruYCARVER Nurse In CdM av1ll lor c;ere. hMwork, 8frands Very exp Many refs Clll 1t1Y1 lme, 720--0996' tan C ~Uf 1guna Beachvlew MOblll Par~ oil 210 Fwy well Never used 1275 EIEAUTIFUL 25' RCA black & silver extras ~~~80 e I Mon -Frr OUM PAii l&ILY I ~:~.6;2 ~~lh11~~4 HB Fri/ Bob Hall -Aucll~ deOvereCI 549·3152 r.oior TV 2 yr ""'nly $500 548-5263 Siii& 'i 148 Free e1et1 .. ery lll&l SEC.ET••y M--s 1 thl -.--CLARKE C 500 Forkllll , OP4!1n Sun /lolOttTtlH/ 'll FORD c• .. pir• -Electrical 1i&H wlttl 0"'"g 1 e evttty no l1t1t111 IOZO 6000.ir cap 24 ne1ght TV JOhn' 6•6· 1786 S"Hl"'tl -"" Newport Bch ''"" llrm I mus I go Furn appl . •• • ••• • •••• • • ••• ".!••• $8000 7141793·21''"'" ' --• ,. 9150 ft ID R..11U ·I\\ M ........ _J "~ ""'· .,~., .. v-'4 .......... Of90 WHOAO 11.s needs cMllt>uSlnat 1111. oha•&ta~lt lttftU, I oCld5. enda F11/Sun SCHWINN P1•le. flllle ""-'Motorola 23 console, •••••••••••••••••••••• ~!.'l..'!!~'.'!. .... !.l.f!! I gallon aec;·y with 1 min retail price frt• SH, 1 848-6638 g111s w/1111n1ng heels ltiit11lHIHI IOIO I good cond S7S 'll Yllllllll IT400 Assistant Minaoer or 3 )'f• eap Musi have wlti. 10~ c•••il• livi•e $55 645-8968 •••••••••••••••••••··· 1 549.1255 New head work 5prock· Farmer $ Markel, part exc;ell I yplng & Shor· 1it1. 1 100-1200 casi. •••••••••••••••••••••• SCHWINN Bantam little I ~ hi llCllllG Bell 4 Howell Elec:1ron1cs I el & cha~~o~a6~2 time ORANGE ~O thand Benefits & $8llf'/ I .... II W I Street Guaoe Sile Lor· boys "''tr11n1ng wheels 1 8 10 20 long. 36c per,, Course including 16 FARM Bureau commensurete w/exp pa• .a J• t lltpp J re1ne Way lr111ne nr Jel-$55 645-8968 775.1491 anyllme j Volumes 01 electronics Yamaha 250 1980 2 mo5 714·832-5833 Non-smkr. lron1 olllce •••• Irey Sat 8-4pm -----old s11ll under warr Lo appear ance pre I No 122 1 • • 12 ( 2 .. .. ) -j Tandem Bike Trallmate LOVE IALLOOllS I raining lrom basic to ml. 5750,obo, 642•4861 Babysitter Wanted agencies pis Ask tor • • • 11t1trs lltw~tt l1•ti crsr Dlue wl chrome Send someone you love ' tdvanced TV repa1t 11 Wknltesl wkends/ over· Jan, 851 -2044 • •••• ••••••••••••••••• renders, 2 mos old $230. 8 beaullful 1><>uque1 ol 30 Dellgn Console lor lab 78 SR 500 Yamaha 5550 rrltes . Irvine area I ESTATE SAL( 551 8158 ev nehum balloon• Perlect e•Peromenta. 8 dlgitel firm R uns great S•nl<. frig & sleepe1 81 3201 ;i,, 5 r.pd stereo 1611!619) c;ess Flewless 512 500 , 76 BMW 2002. alnl ~ SHH 1 631.299 1 11 FOllO YH $5200 or 1>es1 oiler Call Window pkg • Slereo & all ~ pm 675·5290 iltr cond IA 166•5) SltH TMEODOlll ROii MS F 0 RD 76 BMW 2002 Snrl Ate arnl1m cass mint co,,d Musi sell Sacnllce lor S5850 Call 84 1 ·0368 551· 1611 LEGAl SECRET ARY SALES CURI, Antiques, 1929 stove, lor all occasions Greu1 mu111me1er a solld·state 546 0318 San1a Ana-lr11lne over the counter & phone din rm lbl & cha.Ira. lge 5 Speed C:urser $100 de c 0 , a 11 n g 1 de a !J triggered sweep osc1llo· 1 ----2060 Harbor Blvd 1114 l•W 2002 BOAT REllTAL AV reted law llrm. se111or orders for draf11ng1 dress&r m&ny •mall Call Doug at 6•0·5100 673,...419 scope and a 25' color '73 Suzuk i 100 runs COSTA MESA AMIFM stereo casselle e11orney. min 1 yr Calif. graphic supply F/Ume nerns e•I 19 or 760-8801 __ _ T v with digit al clock, good. i ood transporta 142·0010 540·1211 silver alnt cond Best Operator lor Huntington e•P In corporate, bull· Mon·Frt Apply Master Many misc household JgJ/dillf Anllque mahogany caDI· d1g11al channel display & 1 toon 225. Dst o rr reasonable olfer. Alie• HarbOUr Must be e•per nHs 4 real estate Mag II B1uepr1n• 234 Fischer lurn1ture a small Items net with ong RCA 1ad10 eloc1ron1c tunet, all ue 662-0683 all 5.30PM A a IOI W••IH l!ilO 6pm 17141 6•5_..782 In selllng Knowledge ••P a mua1 Competltl¥e Ave c M 540-9373 w omens clothing, shoes ll1t11i•l1 1025 : & record player-$7 5. Da· He81hklls & an complete ---iiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii •••••••••••••••••••••• ----------boat repair 6 ou1board 1alary 4 benefits Can 4 boo ts Sil aem 10 •••••••••••••••••••••• lhroom ·marDte type · end Drand new Thlt IS 1 '81 CSR KAWASAKI 250 WE PAY engine repelr helplul Jean ~I· t33 I SALES 4pm 10 Ima Loa, Nwpl IOW Slc/n • sink In 1 door & l t111wer $1700 va•uu w111 5811 lor Low mileage $700 $5/hr to 11111 (213) LoanOlll~ lncomeuplo$1000wk. Crest N B (O ii Redwood 2•6 decking. cab1ne1 plus matching 2 5700 631·9t06 720-0572 TOP DOLUR 271·2677 F t I Y II wnle 10 PO Box 8067, Su"-"llOrl 63l·8018 4·20' long. 11110 redwood door Wiil c1b1n•t & I '. • llY 0111 I I a •r Fwntam Valley 92708 "v lenconn Call Jim or Ken "marble type ' wall $1\ell Toshiba stereo system FD• UIEI 0••1 • I .. c • st•EET I " w11n cess like new s 195 I VESPA 200 1981 3 mos " -Needed II lhe Surt Ind ... , ..... , .. , saU,S/llllTllll n ALE anyllme. 775·1'91 all tor only SlOO tompe-646-7852 Old white au• lllHIH ~aau~den~.otDel8_}~1 .. s Con~ professionals We spec-Earn to $1500/mo PIT Eastblulf Dr 10 VIit• De• 2R;Dw3o3oo2D6ECK91NG 111ie new only $50 lor TRAYNOR 6 Channel m1• 75 .... onda XL250_ runs & PHTIAO/SHllll Looking for 4-6 exper Sal/23, 9.4 30 T1ke red glass Showe< doors I 646·8285 , ... " li llze In new programs, M ust be mature • I C X · 4 c per bolh Call 642-0138 11:er 200 w&IU Great n 2•80 Harbor Bl\ICI 11<:1 Mark Doman In the G''P/ R G ... 559·90•3 Leave Mes· Oro ISM signs) II -----C S300 96 3 O I k d t COSTA MESA AM at 497~477 I e .., A M. tr ... Isl Sa ve11 995-0122 Bumper poollplng pong ond '· 4 1 oo s goo . oreal or & 2nd TD's sage l••I• A•• combo $ 100 Flipper aee Dave around town must 5ell. 141-4300 Carpel weaver. dulgn pattern, color combine· lion, -•ve crpt mend, wash Buy & Mii anlq & oriental ruge 2 )'ft exp S500 pr wk COM . 673·6981 C1H John Cusack •••••••••••••••••••••• C•••t•• I st"'e pin ball 1r1tcn, s.too ... ti I 11•11"•• $475tobo 645-2585 Hl-14,.l 964 9090 Sales !uncle s Estat e Sale ,. ,. -----v • 1930'1 Seet>urg I kat>u r..,•i••Ht 1030 Oak credenza S•OO r .. J #1111 Bo•el S•le l RESIDENTIAL lllEY IAOlllE u • .••• ~.ii\.............. Hammono Plec org•n ~•!f•Ht ' I WE llY MORTGAGE SERVICE 1776 dowry c nesl, Pan1ax K-1000 c;c.mplet• $750 644-2f"9 . ;;_··,· ,·········~,·o· l1ntl$t1,.,, f/60 IEEll IPEUTOI bearskin. cut glus, entq 50 28 & -· ,. JfV ••••• :1...... ......... CLW OARS LOSE WEIGHT-MAKE 1ools jewelry, ellver. with mm, mm o~·bltG Ktds Fly Free' •••••••••••••••••••••• Rent 26 motor home. ••• Tl PllOI Ill I 35mm lenses S 170. ,_..., 1' •·· '-·tit lie 7.. 1 8 r 11 All T•IOIS ... -paintings lctr1 etching. 631.9207 tickets ege9 2 ·16, HP AIUm """ ra r. " s ps . u 'J loaded n Need 10 people lo lose TOIS Indian rugs mlllllry re-__ 11115182 2 for $I IO hp motor. eua ga5 tank 645·8616 (Paull ~sl~1i~ s C~~s~1t::'n~s $400-$ 1000 ~ par wit ~~1~' S~::~uri'~'.'tc:~g~·: Mlagy~~~~" $=o Camefa, 873·6887 S900 494·290~ f1'ilfll ft1ttl f/10 eo-educatlon1J, r891den· Needed Cell Joe Jacktorl Beverly Pl SA 645·5960 or 673-4256 Radio controlled F1lcon 14 V1llay boat needs •••••••~•••••••••••••• tlal treatment progr1m 1----------I lll-lll2 _ Senior moclel a1rplane work Make oiler For 80 Wolderneu Travel lo~i~~~: ~!!-3 IWIMltltlT ~~~~~~~~~ Ttlltiudill ftH lo 1•• 1045 plus 5 ch RS radio gear 1nro ca!!_Joll 963~ trailer, llQhl weight, all Part lime. eoup•est •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• $ 3 5 o G e ne llRl•I FIEL 1001 flt>erglus. 960·5182 coo~. 1u11 & PIT, hr• & money to be arranged Thi Grinder Rea1aur1111 1400 W. PCH, Npt 8ct1 642·8681 r11pon1lble •lng111 to Sales Aiti••fl IOOS Blind person wlthH to (71415•8·24~9 FOR SAlE A•t• Sfmtl, l•tll l'lelp manage large family IETllEl1 ••••'••••••••••••••••• place Alghan mele '" ----,. .ii •~oo butlnett. Work with pu. URUlllTE O•IEIT good home 557·1209 Waler bed king size Cap-642·"4644 • nCCIUOtill TW le F Looking tor Hire In· • ft • -talns bed w/mlrrored ---•••••••••••••••••••••• bf , or Interview. C1ll come? Try Par!· Time IL AITl•IEI AL f.,•itlrt 1050 headboard S350/obo IHll, lt'1•t••Hn PAINT & llte body work, 714-968-11670 Sale9 11 the PENNYS A· • , • •••••••••••••••••••••• 831.t276 Stmtf 1020 up to soy, off your body D~8Ll~E~~A.p;:~:: ~v~r l&llOlllST x;e~C:;.~:~:~·~~~'.'! TER 011¥1111, **' BUY** Newport Be11c;;-Tennl• 1 ····;;;r~~;·s;,~~;···· shop es• 8111 ~·0332 hom11 3 AM • 6 AM s:~hNci:"~:.·7~~~5 Biren Mrs White I Y 0 I Y • 11 FI, Good used Furniture & Club membership, $600 Deslgn/lnslall/Repalr E~~~fseaEnur~:;~ann'~a~!i Econ car req. No c:Ollee----------' SECRnARY P/TI•• OllAIRI, I' ULll Appllancet·OR I will setl Call Annette. 833-9581 Olly work 549-2520 Ev French Spkg 991.122g tlone S400·S450 mo llOWIC Newport BHoh sports I ROIEWOll ITA or SEll lor You Newpon Beach Tennl• IM•tlne Malnt Sarv Qua· John plus bonuses 646-0637 Fron1 Whffl 1llgnment firm seeks Gal Frldey • lllTtRS AIOTIOI Club meml>erthlp $900 Illy work spech1ll11ng In S 1 Dellvery g:'t!~;o~TdoT~~~ 18+ 101 typing & tome TIEJ llLI TAPE· Ht-HH IH·HH Call Edie 111 833•8818 101nery, rept lr, P•lnt. & :),;;0 ::V':,.~~1 !~s:~· L.A. TlmH to~ In H-. Corona def Mar drllring. Modellno uper ST•IEI IAIY . University A1hl1t1e Club I var n11n Call Chuck . 540-'TOIO ext 2881 Mike B•lbol 3:30 ""' • 6 Im. -· helplul but 1\01 neCH· " • I I .. , FIRllTIRl Membenhlp, Men Only, 71•·846-9134 =~~~7,· :064~~· UIL """"""' ~·ry Sll.50 hr6~~ ~·;~~ m•• TOI 1111· -~ 957·8133 ~1\Ce, S450 953·660e ... ,. ''"'' IHOI ~ ... '!!.!!!.!~!! •••••••• Needed for progr .. slve H¥e mug • II I 11 TI IE I. 811 brown pleld sofa hide-H Yll IHI? ••• ••'•••••••• • • •••••• IMPORT ANT NOTICE l[ITU. ISllSTAlf Hlon Some cllanlele _,,_3_1·--------: a-bed $75 M11pl8 dinette Bl k 1 CIU•1C 18 Lap1tr1ke TO READERS AND We are rooking f~ in prtl S1l11y, comm . Secretary Tiii. 141•1000 .. 1. 4 ch1 l rt $75 lie~. 8911~ic!:.~I•~~; g~iui= m~e~6?'1 ADVERTISERS expr'd dental •Hlttant Vteatlon. Mgr 54(),.8889 O.C Airport Area Ad m. IOI. I · 11•• 642·8954 gHr, ate 549-1785 IY Th• price of Items ad· with • brlgnt en11rlul NEED EXTRA MONEY? Agency looking 101 11 1 1 tr a1rT I••• IE· BABY FURNITURE DYNAVIT C 1 14 It n1>erglu1 boat. 1rrr ¥1rtiMd by vehtcle clea· 1111tud1 10 work In • Work et home or PI T, mature per ton to I ar r Ollu11e 8aHett bedrm. omputer zed 6 22 hip motor w/ I C· llrt In lhe veil~ Cleul-prevantlon oriented IOlderlnQ. ll'tt & crtl1•. position as 1dmlnl1tra· •IOll llYEI exerclHr Like n ew 1 S550 fled advertlllng column1 CONN EU CHEVIOUT :'\.,.II.HI•·· Ii . 1 ''"1\\1~'\ !'14~1200 1111 llYH Top Oollara for Sporta Cars. Bugs, C1mper1. 914's, Audi's Ask for UIC MGR JtllllHIH YOLISWllH 18711 Beach Blvd. HUNTINGTON BEACH IU-2000 WAllTED! L11a modal Toyotu, V01vo1. PIOkuP• & Van• Cllf UI lodl)'I ............... c ........ .. "' .... .,.,., ...... ., pracltve In CdM Sllety cell 1714) 549•7932 tlve 11cr1t1ry ProlH· " I complete set Like new Sac r 1 f Ic e S I 4 9 5 . ~· 512~; 11 aoea 1101 Include •ny open 644..eete 11on11 attllud•. •PPH· I IL y 1 I I IT Wood '275 979-2518 759-9320 _.:_ -•PC>lk:able laxes. ltoenM , ---------Nuf9lng 11nc1. phone vole:• 1 Danlth Mocarn 8' COVCh 1 t It 11lumlnum Seer'• 1r1n1ter l•H. 11n1nce l~========::::::=:::::~I o.n111 AN or L \IN needed IOI mull Sh•rp 09'*11 Of· IT E 11 • 1I0 0 • Ind 2 chalfl $400 AT ARI vcs Jon, 3 hp S.•rt. jlCkflltl ChlfQtS, f-for air P<>I· WI llY Olnttl Ch1lrtlde AH1. FIT d~ In COfW~ flee 1klll1 required 10 IP. 842·9569 1f1111 5 ~::.~,. wb'o"m~!~d~!1~· anc:hOrt 13$0 9e3·S272 lutlon conlrOI device USED CARS & TRUCKS nMded. &tab. plMMll1, Heep. Int SIUlty & wpm typing ~56·0480.1-iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilTwln bed. lllnt cond US Alli for Jim 11 497•1321 A Brlatol Chrli Connie. c•rtll1c1t1on1 or dt11ler COME IN OR CALL FOR bu1y Nawpott 8 .. Ch neflta, lncludlng Ins, Sick Ask for Brittany, 9:30 • 111 ptu• lip •aK dn "IYI documantuy ~rlpnra• f•fl •-.llW. Orou" Pr ti J• P ·-.. V-011·-• pu 6 NTIOUE o •k Aller 6 PM CONSOLE ELECT Air 1 • ., " " "'"'"" .. ac ce n.. ey, ..... ... ""''· .. p-... ... ... upright I e1s 329t owe b•I (714) 840 3646 1101\ Charo•• unltU 811P8f, pereon, ADA,.,..., olY eev.tty Man«. ~O H-/••• lfO Arcnltecta '"41. S2$0. • CIHner One pr Cott or C213) 502·2364.. otherw11e apeclfled by C=~~IO • d•Y Wiik + ... Clay VIG1orla, c M. -·· -676·6609 Olnellt or oamc1 NI, lge o~ seoo. ""for S100 ---------1he advet11Mt -· .. --· every o1he< 811 AM. If Occ b•byeltl•r In •v•· und ~t com. 1 eomlort1t>ta Chrt 141• 545.1215 511.,.,,on 34' Conwrllbt•. 18211 BEACH Bl.VO. you'r• lootclng fOt • hep-pany, hllvy phonH & 1205. 788-1426 --------1980, l!lectronlc• + XlrH A.11, ... ; HUNl'INOTON BEAOH py olllce to be lrH180 nln~I, Miture perton, 1VPln9 8horth1nd or WESTMINSTER ABBEY lstln W.I + Loran C 169.500 C/•uln fflf Hl-IOll, M .. IJJ1 rlgh1, Cell '40·1122 '°' 121 '· own lrll\t . Ell· tqUIV. (ICfd Mature. non ANTIQUE MALL Colorful nolfWI ofltce IYPtt • 3 1 v. Q u. r 0 (714) 673-7791 •••••••••••••••••••••• en lntarvlew. ade C.M. a.t&-7136 •mkr S•nd rHumt & OUR 3RO ANNIVl!'.R· •wlvel en11r. 135 (Shor1clllft). Sin Cl•· .. ,3-·_e_o_1_t_on_W_h_1_1e-,-.-M-1_n_t, IHIL ''l "tl Top Dollar 0 N d M If Piii •LP p /T Hlary requirement to., SARY 7116· 142tl ment• El•o•nt hou••· C d ... HP 1 1 1 Shay rt911Cae: ptc1<1.191 & ;=~=~ ~ ~ Evenlnga. 76 1•8822. Alk PO Bo.11 1006, N1wpor1 20% IPf llU ,R1owood Patio 811 t hOld furnl1h1no• Art, M°:ny ic"t re~ ette'oo' coup11. • to choo11 yr• lor Sunday driving. for Men• e..c:n. CA 92980 UT llllT MY lounf• c:hr + 2 cl'lro & 01>'11'1• l•welry. hi • 0411·1073. 1.v MOSHQe lroml C0087Hl C8Ui. Paid 657·1m •·,-.-,-,.-tl-m-,-.-11-,-.-lt-h_c_l_u_b_,. s.tvic.Statlon IOTllll 2111 tab• 1roup S1'0 . =~n.i'1-:onn0on~~~~~!: Bttn Whir 17' w/H llP A30t3~Prleelt1•1tlng11 ForYOUfCatl f II -· 10 p•· ITIUI".., 7et-1•2 tlon 4"2·1""'5 bl •Y .... II -111 I Ill •-pre rt r.... ·• ""• -• •030pu 111 ••rONIOHT • vv Mere. Meny e1ttt.., • ,.. .,... .. _ T'*"Ft'l .. ,--AMA, Tim h per n10H11ry MO· u. ... ... F,-.,,Cll P1ov1nc111 Hulc'll-:7 2 7190 u ........ ,..,, ~/tl~t. tocMo"'n·_.flrl.'"n .. t-.11 .....,_ r-----neat. clean cut. no11• 1ot~6Al,!N"o'~o'v'1., ~'!!'-drs, 3 lhcllYel, 9 dr•wen. Chco•rmo, o'o, o•• lldBOhDull :1~1~3d7'~ • I 2826 Harl'>Or BIYcf. " '" -· -.--· _. ... ,. dt1nker. Muet be able 10 .,.. " ·""' 1',8' x 1111 con• 1700 n ' •· ooo • •i>e. I aPPMr•noe Good dfl-N ~ "but" 1t111 e::nll• detector tHt. Firm 831·2010 u Priced lorqulell .... MO. IHtt WI W Cott• Mtlt l~H30 vlng record. Apply 11 .... tf Y'O'I "9W 1 ~ 1 lelooh Ar... Thinking ol 1 n.-. nome Cun 6"4·M21 •••••'••••••••••••••••:' HIGHEST CASH Imme• Mutet ll111prlnt. 2U ,., tfl•t'• not "tlllnt •"" 1019 •~ .. .. f0t ... ,,l,no"' •-....._ _ .. _, T .... _ 1e• Hobie C.t ~ w/ .......... tor ......... ..-....... , fll h A C .. ·--" Ill It • .... ...., • ..., 1 ....... ' .... .,,. ··~·• ,.._ your old •1u" fOf -L ..... •.1.-..., aunrlM ·,,,,,. LI'"• "' ... , '"""' ............. . 10 er ve ., ·• -· -· now wfttl 1 N1t1ng1 In lodl)''I ........ _. , n di •w -. .., " dome1t10 or t ore Inn .~13 O••lflM M . • C'-'"led Ad• 842·1678 ~ OOlumna. f42-M1'i' ~_.-_1:..0 ad.·:..2~~.. I t$, ~54411 I ~ UIOO. 111-t~~-15142e& .. THEO DORE ROBINS ,ORO t HAI•,\. ri v[' ( ( I~. O .. "'"I 1• A • l ~ I ) 61 --------- I ' 72 Meroon BMW 2002 sl ick su11 root good cond1 11on S3200 6•0·5096 f!l.'i ............ !.~!~ '73 Capr1 V6 AC stereo. oo<>d,conCI S1 29., 642-9620 75 Ghia ' spd orio o ..... 11er ps Pb a c aml fm. $2200 548· 7090 o., ... f 1ZO . .•...........•.•••••• ... to••" ... ''" , ......... .,.. ........... ,~ 1981 DATSUNS Very Oita• Ltw lllll111t Yti.lolH FROM AS lOW AS $3988 11111 ... , T111t1 11102 ····" .... . l11tt1ctt1 .... i. 112·0121 1982 DATSUNS Ytry CltH extra Low llflt .. t Yti.loltt FROM AS LOW AS $4988 1111 llutJ T tret1 11202 ...... llw.t. ........ " .... .. Ml-0111 'lt ..... 110 4 000!', ~M/FM tl....O catfftt•. tx'*'-"t con· dttlon 14.000. 6"2·433& 01 087-0816 .. FOf Cllllllltled AO ACTION Cell . ~= W·MD . ..,.. 88 Orangu Cc.U•ll DA ILY PILOT /1 hu,.d1y, 0 tollor 'JI. 1982 ~!.'.~ . .'!!r.!!~ ....... ~ ... ~~· . .'!!r.!!!~ ....... ~1.~1.!ttr.!!.'!. .•••• , ~!·.~~'./!'!r.!!~ ....... ~.-.'1!1.!~l."!.1.'!. •...•. ~.~W . .'!!r.!!~ ....... ~ ... ~' . .'.!!!r.!!~ ...... . '1.'11.-. •••••••••• !.~~ ,. .... ~~ ........... !.~~! !!!~~!!. !!!'!. .• !.~~I !!!~~~!!.ft!'.~ •• 11.t (.'!!!~! .......••. !.~!~ Y!l~!.-;~· t!' •••••• l.~?f Y!!!! ....•••••••• 1.~?1 ~,_1 ... 11.V!fl..... •••••. ~.-.~'.~ .~!~ ........... ~!.~'.' .. ~~~ .......... . •JeHOl811v AIC,lmmMl 1877 HonO• Acc;o1d, 111IPIJl1111 '72 MU ~806( Hl Im tulOlll,lllP1 •ll o•llJ Very '/ti I fJHI wu11, 13800 1b Volvo :146 WQll, auto, f!!.'!!~ ......... !.~!~ !~!~ ............. !!:'.! !f!f ..•••........ 1!:!~ In OUI, MKll alut Muat Sllvet/ 0111 Int .,, •ttlf ••• llLlfOTll m~ .t.MIFM •ti H200. c;l<ean Mutt tffl l rlO()(J 8111 t outo , att wtilt AC J>ft PU, tl.,lf\I, •Int, '77 C•ll 8av111e. aln'I T•e•rtleMet' 1•1vl' ... 1a,?dr,•apo.~t111 condlt11111 n-llru, ~ fllll 1 c 0 n d t 1 V v & I 11 m Ht 14700 lleJ·OUll Im. 1'800 076 1611 Call 1140 11184 1140 Ii 1:1 1>44 1141>6 tape I 10~16 lic; •1•11 '3WO N.O 1148 7:140 l!wi. 2t3•972 •tOOcJa '110 CMc •on. 33,000 mt, 11 1 1~1~~~~~T~l~IO '711 illO f, 11 .. Ma11t• ••IJI lire. 1111 111 Oii t1.i1>.:;tUGJ 'l'l Wai•• HI tow & yellow, betow 842 3490 w!IO!Qele 646-30411 11,, 2.01 IUllf "ltot, II •0<1. t ic, r.ollClllfl dlt blllfll 61111. •' ········'············· '1'.11 IJuv UUllllJ(ll, ••lil!ll l1111thMf 1ruer101, 31(1 , .. , 17 EldO flual lnjlHlllon, v (.t11•ullou1 1•••1111011 w/oJI 1 suoo ~ •M/fM ... u .... te, 4 •"" .,nllrn C••• 1001bao1 uya t lO•ltU ..... 11•/rJhl #J Df AllR IN US A 1.0111 t1111• U""'' ;,~ ..oel 60.000 1111 $4,800 loadod, 40.000 ml, Qtr All COl\d";. Ilk•,;'; llrn S4000 1&0 ~eeo riouu'te opllona Motal pw .. um .. 10 Lont1 n1 1 """ t140 1100'1 61'1 1107 kopl, m1n1 Only 16991'> 111. t11ow11 wlllglll Ion ftewle•• S 14,600 0 80 !«..}( ( 'AIN&.:[> Ill~ 72"n 16300 Of .,._, Ollet, dt 17 AUOlll. OUIO, am/Im, p1111h v•luur Ill! Comp r: '\ tUll4 VW 11nw 11a1111 rtehNUlo llil, wltlll•. 4 Ot Allot 6 l'M • n 1133·8111:1, Eve. •llnd• .... Ill•• & brake•. l1ctory ••bu111 & •Ht0•.0 PP !1 49 I f07 1Jay1, , • AMllM o11Cllo body uk I '"I> 000 rnllu Stick lldo1•dO Co11va11lble, 9&t.t7l0 S34C>O 6411112•:1 t(I "•w r.ao c;ond Con •Oil 8321> ave• I\ willl(ta l{°l.J S l~M1 IUlll IHl.•lltllll tt.8HI 111111 sooo t16l' 01>10 1075. hrown, loaded. -,-,,-1-I a.. 1210 vttted to US •P•C• 80 'IOOSD kl ml lllnrool .... .,,,. , • ,,,. , , ')'Jfl 0460 ot1a1 II or 1111 le•th•t lntr $5700 lnll 7$ Hone1• C1v1c 4 •Pd. 011o blll• tu• ()M 10 4 Jll g•I Ian!<. ,11,1 1.ut10 ,,,.. ... .. .. .-ll•y weeke11d1 U ~4600 11 Cheu economy c a1 pe1te<;t cond llAuat Hll ooo 00 hand ce1 pre A•k lii~ S"."."00 PI P oo.o ~u it 1 A•t••'I 1'4 .1.,.,. oeo n84 7317 s 16no "38 •eel) d ~.. 80 llA06tt ?8 000 ""·Ok ••••• ................ 78 Eldora"o Ollttlll >IV'./ .. • • y .... \II , ••11t1y llU••O ,,, 011t1111111y 967 28 1 ~Wlllly• 0 6 301 • lll1(1, Su111I, lltn/h11 '"'' a •• ,,,, ••01 .. ---64& 406e evH but 1aody I<" 1mmelll•I• · la'-tt• f11Z v v ~~ 11111 ev•rythlng Incl aun ·~~:t~. ~:;'eow~~~ 111 HOncl• Clvi(; l:IOODX th!pp1ng 1tll 4IO IL .. 5·.;.·-s-··~··l....... ~~;,00 O'J I ?O I 7 •fl c~~~;·in··;·;::·N;~·;;r~ •l>Of, look• ntw & IU'11 d. c k . Jo. In I c 0 n d 5 •Pd AM/ .. M tltltlO S4111111Q Pt1L• 17!i 000 :n 000 ntt A111t11ac1111 • • • arv 0 01111110 ~ .. ,,,' """" ••lectlon llko new O•y• 545· t lb3, $860/oflet 11154·2079 caas 5 y1 w11r1y. $4700 Ploue, only quallfted gray/black loalhe1 1111• IAllUIACI '10 IUI 11111 ot n1ov1ou1ly ow1111cJ tfv1u 7!'lt·9817 Mitkll Oll@t 673 0647 CH'1 buy1111, C"otll "II' With liartJ IOP Mnd SllARI Xhll c;ond 646 !'l~r. f>o11th•'1, Au(ll * rrnd '80 Cadlll8c El Dorado, f•11ul ITJJ (714) 64:.0 0138 ~29rf.ec3~8a901t top S 17,.i:>O 1•1_2040 491•4949 Volk1wAgen1 llktt 11.,w to ml, 011, Klrll ... _ .. ,~~&·ITilll~·.·~··1,".1••• 171 DIYIG " ~ • IJ(/ VW Sunhuo. n ow ..._ 111ni. µ111;11 upon pp " ..,. • 4 tpd gOOd cond "1600 1973 450 Sl Dark b1own 60 4~ SH, lllVOf 2111( 77 Subaru. b 111d h ()nt pa1n1 c:.l11Un 1111 $ 11\00 llfll 0674 lllr 8PM or be•I Offer 768 8093 S 14,900, 760 8765 ev. d• ml Beautllul, 13 t,OOO wht111I Otlv• Xlnt o•• ml 675 01!>8 n.•a•1 II 833·2591 •"ataf4 ••'•' •n9 •• 721 luooo S2•00 964 5647 . 7 7 vw S "45 E CoHt Hwy C•••to Ill 1 11A11 H'f f1JI '"' • ' .. ., " cttoi;cu. 111119 Nnwpofl Beach 1 .'7Q"i"28°Fi:i:i~~;bj;·.:i~~ · 1~2 ~iuu'lllP~I •••••••••••••••••••••• ~-~;J.o~~'~:~!,·~~~f '11 MIZ 410 ILO !'!l~ilica'Liiviitf~!~ t~j~1~:~·~1~~t 0~~~: A#C &no900 nos ~:'.'\~~~·,~,~~~~.11~1 540·5700 t8 4 only) llMlf Sell • lest Ofr. c ••••••• ............... 1ea1 black beaulyl Xlm '76 MBZ 450 SL gold, Black on Bhtck ~~a:?0~t r:~:'Yo1~0ev6me ea v<~n:0~ .. ~Qg1~~6 huut ~30,~:i·,~~.ar n~~1~1 ~:!:~ co1,Cl $8,000 642-6318 both topa, sporty. $18, ALL EXTRAS, 62K ml call Righi now I've '101 11 120.1848 I $.JJ'> 963.,. I Jf illt 6 000 6•0·8236 .!_31 5 t t5_ 8.)~4342 tun 01 111enl. Including Cllntolit flZO 3100 w .. t Coaat Hwy '89 ;-;Bl 6 3, Ch4rry Cl8S· '••r•HI ·1~1 ST. GT, ond fully loaded 60 BUG, vurv QOOCI C01tdl laick 9910 •••••••••••••••••••••• Newpor1 ee h ... v "" ~ .. Supra's with T·Tops Run• g1ci11tl $18001000 ,...................... I E II Fllllll ~2-9405ec sic, blk. sunrl, casselle, ••• ••••••••••••••••• Just neoel fellable pa11v &44-7453 alt 8pm '73 Sulek Cenlurion. new E . -------air au 1111, collectors 1112 PHIEOT 10 mak• small nionthl• trnn1 Roll11blt1 Run5 We have a good se•ec· lols • a. v , 70 Volsvan 5000 mth!t> tilt 11ZS m US rt 11em Sl2000 840-8236 Tl II •IEIEL paymen11o No olc:t con· 011 rebll mtr, super cond greot S700 646·3856 l oon 01 NEW & USED •••••··.·,·,·,·· .. ·•1•11••••••• 'oa YOU• • ' 6 9 MBZ ·77 Sliver/block. Automatic Hans.• sun· Hac110 uaumt1. no b11cl\ , b 11 tr en a S 3 2 0 0 '62 REGAL 4 dr. all a11as, Chevrolell! "41TM.t.1D• sunrl, lo ml, ll's a Claa-rool, pwr lleorlng· payments due ASK FOR 494·2178 eves s2!>oo 4 l8ka ovor 'H 124 sport coupo '"'If & li,ticit 6i7i3i·2l7l901iiiifll windows & door locks, ROSE 631-5202 Ike paymnl s S302 Ar 1 $1800 0 80 498·4038 AM/FM 1te1eo Cl!!setll. lmpo•I• ... --------673 9187 •t5 FIAT Spider, rec:t w/ •lln • .W crul511 contr ol, 8110Y '72 llW Bug Engine mint wlr• whe41ls, •Int cond rAaun'I wheels & moral (3l6665) 1981 JQYQTAS concl Body In gd cond C•tlill1t 99/S You can afford to $lJ,9SO s2500 OBO co11 Aniwer ...................... . CONNELL CHfVIOUT ""-" 11.rl••< h . I """"'~'' -=1nl21~ o~~ ~;~w 1111 IWI11 cnu •111111 u11 buy your Mercedes Yerr GleH Ad 624 642·4300 24 rirs 8' E•dol8do Benz from us. IHOM IMPORTS Lew lil111• Yalllclts MUST SUL ••• ,, f1Z1 '16 Mazda RX4, 2 dr. 5 FROM AS LOW AS 78 Rabbit Olesel 4dr Champagn11 exte11or with 1111& lllT111f $2550 851·1853 NEWPORT BEACH IUJCe. clean 54300 Completely equipped su.1200 1982 Chevy Cavalier, pet· 1ec1 cond. <11 e11. a11, 10. ooo m1 $8 950 5'46-0438 fHI TU. TllP (With l)Ulcha.M) ASK f'OR OET AIL81 NliW MllT&ll 1111 11.144 ....... OVER 20 IN STOCK lmtn.aleta Otllvetyt 1111 OU lllNUl.UU 'll •llT&ll ( 137049) Uffl 'll IUl&IA (11114971 SHH 'll Flll•IT ( 13e•:n1 12111 'll "HT& (A70550) Uffl 'll , ..... (159701) 12111 'll Pllll (113295) SHH TIHIHE 1111111 FIH 2060 Harbor Blvd W• can hetpl Before yoo -.8-,-M-azd_a_G-LC 4 dr, 112-0IOO 494•4549 w11h power moonrool buy, check our unbeata· w1nOow1, cuatom sound 'H El Ca•iH SUH COST A MESA I 'TO IT. Wact1 1100 F0td r air lane 361 Xlm moto1 ano 1tan1 Clean I' body A tntr ''""PO 643 8486 i#•tHrr llf0 I ·~e;·o~NO·M·AROu1s·· lo•dad, 10 rnl, S500 a t•k• over pymt a 840·334e '72 Mont.,ey AfC, PIS good cond 8Ht ouar 842·34155 alle1 3pm I!~!!~~'···· ..... !.~~! '77 It.AUST ANG GHIA Gd cond Atklng $2500 N8·71197 '01'1adll1 HSS ......••.............•. 1 '79 eu11a11 Supieme D" 54,000 ml, AIC t UtO I Irena, 11ereo, PS/PB. mall b1own wllawn Intl $41150 714/240·2119 :;5 c u11U.'-1c. c1c. 1o ml, gd t11e a very gd co nd Beat o fter 662·7814 80 0101 Dal Royate Brougham Lo1C1ed wl exlrta Asking $5600, 498·4642 · 75 Cullen Su1><eme AC. radial, adj s•11e11ng WhMI S925 673-6874 ri•t• 19S1 ! ..................... . ·71 P1n10 4 cyl 200 cc. aulo, air, runs well. Ra· c:tlll Urea ltlnl $9150 or otter 552-4340 •••••••••••••••••••••• spd, good conCI $0 846 Dove Street $ 3988 AMIF'M 81,, sunroof. de·I beige leather 1n1er1or bta telecllon, savlnga ~~~~~~~0 AC, "1nt, 54895 1111 llHJ TeJOfl 66 RED CONVERl & more! (610326) Just lllld tervlca todayl ------1011c•1 9.1SO lU02 IHoh llv4 I Block lop, compl reslo· need reliable. perry 10 Clean Chevy. xlnt motor 142-0010 M0-1211 r/niHI. 1110 ond trans Excel 1n1r., --.. '"••••••••••••••••• gooo !ires & brakes 71 FORD Maverick Good '82 Plymouth Rallance, lllYERlln lf11ct4t1 J.u 9140 DOWN ••••••••••••••••••• ••• ' red $4700 646·3620 make small mon1hly • •••••••••••••••••• ••• MEISTER Mll•tl•&IH 111011 ~ I --•11z pt1ym11n1s No old con· S&US I SHYICE '81 380 SL, 7000 ml Wire LEA E 112-0121 .!.!.' ............ !. ••• ttact 10 assume no back 543·6•85 cond 3 n-llres, econ perf cond 7000 miles. _ __ S850 494·3211 $5600 645-5997 21150 Harbor Blvd. wl1eels $38,000IOBO POllSOME/AUDI l y I D payments due ASK FOR COSTA MESA 213·832·8979 ·77 Toyot11 Corolla, 4 spd, # I VI ealer ROSE 631·5202 Ike [!!~•••••••••••••!.~~~ 1960 2 Cir Ford F1u1a ,,.lilt f9fS 76 Mercury Bobcat, xlnt Xlnl Cond. 19.500 mo. •••••••••••••••••••••• cond s 1200 Good dHll S 5 7 5 0 4 9 15 -6 8 0 3. '67 Flreblrd, red classic M 1 1 5· tOPM conv New engttrans l ... "·1140 t363 l Harbor Blvd 1 owner. good cond 11 Or••&• Couatrl tmporll .., 70 Me.rcedH 280SL, rm· Garden Grove New tlrea blue S2995 Ev ---- '78 ACCOld MIST SELL m ac compl serv re-Sal11-S1nice 494-6926 SALES, SUIYICE TllE UlllEIT cords 2 tops. auto, alt L111i•C HD LUSIH SELECTIDll u 5 I 5 e 1 1 o d a Y --------1 xtnt cond. $3850 060 640·51SO Call blwn '71 Ford LTD Country 851.043 1 or 545.1442 In great condlllon with 5 spted Ilana . AM/FM ate1ao, cloth lntenor & greet gas mlleage ~;;..·,~~ av! 5 1 " 6226 114 131-2333 1982 TQYQTAS I OVERSEAS DELIVERY ollate model, low m11ee· 5 30·9 Squire Stallon Wgn Rick * 1972 Ponlo H·b•ck LOOltS & runs good, 9 Mag~. 1oo1cs. runs. & passenger. air. power Clrrves greatl S990 000 •t-•ng & brks 91,000 84 1·3017 Tom mlles on car. engine ,.. ----y Cf EXPERTS ge Cadlllecs on Southern 75 450 SL Botl1 l ops, '10 121 .,, ... CalilOtnlal See us IOOay• wtte whls, u cel cond Appl•ff 10 n~w u .. ,,. L 11 L 1 1 "" Lew llleac• Yehlolts EARLE llE IAIEllS Wiii Cleal lor CtSh S 19, Jlot• 0<1 •PP•1t••<I c•v11<1 ow m AeCs el 8 n 1 FROM AS LOW AS . '76 Grind LeMans 9 paH wgn, 7 1,000 m1 S2100 953·9231 ... ( 100UND>. Just need re· Ila bl• parly to male e smell monthly P•yments No old contract to &a· sume. no back payments du• ASK FOR ROSE 631·5202. Ike lmpor1s 900 wkdys 894·0563. Power • c aan. mus YOLYO OADILUC sell S28.500 OBO $ 988 Little llAIH Muttet u1 on a wkndstevas 846·6487 7 t4-955·350 I wlc oa 4 19~~~b~rE~~d 2600 HB1bor Blvd Tullel. along came • '7 t 250. ortg cond. re-··~ 1 g 5 9 _P_O_R S _C_H_ E l4l-'30a l40-l 41J COSTA MESA spider and read In the cords snrt, t>argaln s Roads ter E•cellent 1111 llleJ ToJefl &40-1860 Dally Pllol Claullled b u l ll et 55,000 S8 50l best o ll e1 648-3104 alter 6PM 01 all day Sal/Sun '70 Bonneville Beaut1lul cond 7 8K S650 9142 118'on1Ce Dr H B People who need Paopta Thel's whal the DAILY PILOT SERI/ICE DIRECTORY Is all abooll conc:t S9.000 obo Daya 11202 leacll llv~. More famllles are ge111ng let's Tuttet and bought 11 $4900 759-0650 ~t'1 Mellon about Mias It.Aul· • ._,,.., ~.-flJhr.) r 17 1'4) 970·0588. eves tluafla_.el leac.. I the camping "bug" lhlS Ctaaalloed Ada 1re the for $& 95 You cen sell Y'~r~!"'fta~w~•~u~~u ... ~ 7 ·" / wknds 17141 780· IO l9 • •• " year II you have a cam· answer 10 a successlul your 1uflet and Iola of '78 F0<d Granada, 4 c:too1, 118, pi s, pit>. aulo 11an1, radio. al e Luxurious economy ctr In alnl cond S 1900 Call Sl an 833-0070 8-5 9&4·6095 'l 1 F11Hlll I llOO place an id In the Dalty 112-0121 1 par !hat's not ge111ng ger•oe O• yarCI selel It's a otner tl11nga through Piiot want Adal Call now - -I used, sell II now wllh a belier way to !ell rT101e Dally Piiot Ctualfled Pontoec alnt cond molor & trans perl Clean body & 1n1r, n-tires & radio 543-8465 1 842.se78 . is.Iii ildileiuami•iii84 i 2-i6i6i1 i( 1 1icji_aiasljjf_liedjjA_d _____ 1ipeo~pilieil jiiiiiiiiliAidisi. Cialil i~i2i·iSai1i8iiiii • ATLAS CHRYSLSl-l'lYMOUTH 2929 Harbor B lvd Costa Mesa Tel 5'16·1934 3 OIOCkS \outh ol San Diego Freeway off Harbor B lvd Complete .J>ody shop Sates. Service Parts Service Dept OP41n Monday thru Fnday 7 30 AM to 5 30 PM and 8 AM 10 5 P.M on Saturday HACH l~S 148 Dove Street. Newporl Beach. Tel 752-0900 Call us. w•'re the speclallsts for Alla Romeo. Peugeot. Saab & Maset'atl. THEODOREROllHSFOID ~Modern HI••· aervlce. pans. body, paint & hre dePta Competitive rates on lease & deity reni.1s 2060 H1rbor Blvd .. Costa Me11 642·0010or 54().8211 JOHNSON & SOM UNCOOi MHCUlY ~628 litrbor B lvd . Costa Mesa Tel ~5630 57 Year1 of friendly lam11y service -Orange County s Oldes1 Ltn· coin-Mercury dealership DAVID J. PHILLl'S lutea-POHT1AC·MAIOA Sales • Service • Leaalno 24888 Aheie Parkway 837-2400 HIWPOIT IMPORTS ~JOO w Coaat Highway. N ewport Buc h Tel f.C2·9"°5/540• t 764 T ne F ,,,.,, HladQu1'1era ·• MATCH THE NUMBERS ON THE WITH THE NUMBERS IM THE BOXES NEWPORT DATSUN 888 Dove Streel. Newport Beach Tel 833-1300 At the trrangle ol Jamboree MacArthur & Br1s1ol behind Vlctona Station Sales S4!rv1Ce, Leasing & Parts We make 9rea1 deals' • HAllERS CADILLAC 2600 Harbor Blvd Costa Mesa Tel 540-9100 01ar,g1 County s Larqest Cadillac Cleale1 Sales S4!rvrce Leas· 1ng SADDLHACIC IMW /SUIAJlU 28402 M arguerite Pkwy . AvefY Pkwy e1111 We ofter what no bank or lease company can 1 Expertly staffed most modern service & parts dept . 2 One ol the Southland s most experienced sales & leasing stafl. 3 Ehm1nat1on of the middleman by leasing dealer drrec1 831·2040 Mission Viejo 495·4949 • CHICIC IVHSOM ,ORSCHE-AUDl·VW 415 E CoHt Hwy Newport Beach 673-0900 The only dealership 1n Orange County with lhese three great malles under one roof! • ALAN MAG NON rONTIAC-SUIAlU 2480 H1rbor B lv<l Costa ~ Tel 549-4300 Salta, Service, LIH1ng M r Gooawrench • CLAlllC AUTOMOllLH 785 Newlon Way, Colle M .... Tel. 831·1393 "JAGUARS OUA SPECIALTY" XK 120'11 140'1/150'1/XJ'll!· TYJ*I' 8• ... -~ -Ae!MOfaUona Oft ~tie between 11th ' 11th In Coell Mela 108 LONGPRE PONTIAC 13600 Beach B lvd Westminster Tel 892·6651 Orange Counly s Oldest and laroe'it Ponttac dea1e1sh1p Safes. Service Parts G> DICK MILLH FIAT/LANCIA "Probably the lowes1 pnced Frats 1n Southern Cahlorn1a" (Local!Kl 1 mile nonh of South Coasl P•aza near Main SI and Warner Ave 1n Santa Ana J 120 W Warner, Santa Ana 557·2132 • SANTA AHA DATSUN 2001 E 17th Street Snnta Ana Tel 558 7811 Your Or1g1na1 Dedicated Datsun Dealer 0 MIRACLI MAIDA We've movedt Ou1 new toc1t1on is t425 Beker Street, Colla Mesa. Tel 545-3334 StOI) by & 111111 our modem ahoWroom and see why we re !he If I Mazda dealer 1n Southern Calllornla Sales, Service, Parts and Lees1ng. • COltMlllt DeLILLO CNIVltOLIT (Formerly Groth Chellfolet) 18211 BNCh 81vd., Huntington a.ectt Nft • UMd • Se ... • LMllng • Partt • s.t-vtoe Oorne by and ... our Huge lnfttltOl'YI 847·8087 54~1 COSTA MESA DATSUN 2845 Hart>o r Blvd . Costa Mesa Tel 540·6410 Ser..ong Orange County 101 16 years 1 Mtle So 405 • SUNSET FORD. INC. (Home of W1lhe tile Whale~ 5440 Garden Grove Blvd Weetm1nster Tel ~10. • ORANGI COUNn VOLVO . 10120 Garden Grove Blvd., Garden Giove Tel. 530-9190. Excluel11ety Volvo to cover all you1 Volvo requlrementa. NeweUMd•S1lel•Leatlng•Part1•Se<vloe•Body Shop Freeway cloM In the hNr1 of Orange County al Gerdan Grove Blvd. & Brookhurtl. 0 COMMILL CHIVIOUT 2828 HarbOf Blvd., Coet• Mesa. Oll9< 22 years aervlng Orange COu.f'IYI Se .... IMtlno. wvlce Cell 546·1200, speclal pens line, S4e·9400. body shop line. 754-0400 0 IOY CAIVR IOU.S lOYCNMW 1640 JamborM Aoed, Newpon Beech IM0-&444 Sain . $efvlee, Perl• And LeNlng FOR FURTHER INFORMATION,642-5678 OR TO BE PLACED ON THIS AD , CONTACT YOUR DAILY PILO REP. , I . UIAllil CIAIT IUITlllTll llACI I f llllTAll Villi I THURSDAY. OCTOUt:.H 21 1 98~ ORANGE COUNTY. CALIFORNIA 25 CENTS ~conomy: No cheers yet School future mulled By PHIL SNEIDERMAN 01 the Dally Piiot Stalf F o u n t a t n Va 11 e v S l ' ho o 1 Dts lric t trui.lt•t·s (at'l' some dtffa<·ult d<'<.•ts1ons regarding thl' fall' o f an t•1ght-room Harpt·r School win~ that has burnvd tw1ct• in tht• pa~t five years . Police ;md fan• o fficials Wl're con tinuing thl·1r inves tigation today of tht• must r('(:ent blaze.\ whic h oc<·u r rcd Sundav aftt>rnoon. · F ou nt ain Va l l ey Fir e Department Battalion Chief Paul S ummers said mvesugators have found evide nce the fire was cauS<'d by arson. but he declined to give more specific de tail&. No arrests have ~n made. Fire officials initially estimated damage to the structure and contents (the wing was being u sed to sto re furniturt-and d istrict supplies) at $225,000, but school off1c1als said Wedm:sd ay the las:. may bl' greater Cla!-.s t•s at H a rpt•r arl· contanuuig as usual In t hC' wakC' o f lhC' r N·enl blaze. a l<Js t-m1nute addition wao; madl' to th<• agenda for tonight'!> dtstnct board of trustees me<'ling Assistant Supcrintl·ndC'nt Jack Mahnken said the trustees w all receive a rl'porl on the firt· and will b<• askc'<l to allocatl' funds lo shore up the roof of thC' Harper wing. which was w eakenC'd by the fire He said thC' pro.JC'C'l would cost $880 to $1.200 and could be accompllshc•d Saturday 1f the board approvc-s He said a distract !See CHOOL. Page AZ I By STEVI•~ TfUl'OLI 01 the Dallr Pllol St•ll Tlwn• w.1~ n 1ut111u' opl lllll"<lll .ihout th<· prospc>t·ts fol' t'<·1111n1111e· rt'l'OVt'rV but 1111 p11 •111.1lurt· C't'lt•bra ting <im1111g thost• 1ntt•r vll'Wl·d W1 •dnt·'>dJV .at ,111 1-~·unumll' Outlook l'o11ft•rl·nt•1· 111 An.1ht>1m Orani.tt· County businl'SSllll'll t1111.J wom1•n whu spukt• with r1•purtt·rs appt·an•u as t·agt•1· 111 b a <·k Pn·s 1dl•nt Hl':ii.tan 's l'tun om1t· progr:.11n as most o f I h 11 s c• w h o a d d rt' s s" d t h t • app111x1rnatl'ly 9110 peopl1• 1n Jttl•nd;inn· Tht•y w1•rt· not 4u11t· ">O n •;,,d v J ;. tht• "Pl':Jkt•r::. to llt-<.·lari:·l1mnhuSt.· JXlhl'll's wnuld lmn~ n·h~·f soon. howt•vt•r Jam lh-11. Vll'l' prt•:.1d1·nt and h<·ad of tht· t·ur porall' bank111g gro up a t Bank of Atnl'l tt·:t'!-. Anah1•1m off1te, s;:i1d th1 • l'l'l'<'nl l11w1•1111g 111 11111•11• ... 1 r;.11•,.. und rohusl 1~·rf11111111fll't• ol tla1· sltM 'k 111arkc·t an· "1•1u·ol11"1g111~( s1grn. ll1•al ::.ai d h 1· w ;,, "It'">' l 0mourng1-d " l1v what h1· t.·1 m1·cl tht· "n11m111,d " j.(I OW th Ill th•· 11al11111 's gruss 11a t111n,1I prudu1·t ll'JJCJf'lt•d this wt•t•k. how1·v1·t '"l'ht'St' ate· 1urn111g sl~ll.">, hut ttwy'rl' not r1•ully s1gni. that wt•'rc· 111 a full-blown rt'l•ov1·ry." He al s.11d E;,,rl T11111111111 s, 11 11w a t•onsultant lei tlll' lrv1111' Cm11p;iny afll'r ren·ntiy ht·111g l:llll off as tht· l'UOlpan y'' cl1r1•l't t1r uf markl•tang st·rv1l't''-, µn·d1l'tt·d thl' l'l'Ollumy "1s gomK tu j.(l't ht·tlt·r an 198:1. but not drJlll<Htl·allv "' .. I t • :. g 01 11 g t o IH · <1. f ;.11 r I y sluggish rt'l'tl\'t•r y. hut at lt•a::.t 11:':-. J.!oing to bt· un tht• up;,lo pl' r i.lthl•r than thl· d11wnslutx'." T1mmoni. s:.i1d. Decis ions., dec isions . l11fl111 11111 wlatt·h '1'1111111•111 "> r:tlh•d "!lat• dnv 111g t11n•1· 111 tho· 1'\'111111111 y," will hi · u11d1·r 1·011trul !111 ",11. 11 .. 1:-I tl11• llt•XI St'Vl r.al Vt'.JI'." .111d th1• l'lllllOlll V l'\'l'lllu.tlt ~ will l>fl>'>P•'I l)j'('LIU...;,. Ill 11, hl• -.:1td 13ut um•111pluyn w11t will r1·rna111 high lur awhalt'. Utllll dumgang th·mugraphll'S t·hangt· th(• Jobs p1t'tUrt'. ht· pr1,d1etl·d T1111111uni. abo S:Jlcl till' l1111~·lt·rm l'l'ClllCllllll' ptt·t un· 11> "v1 •ry rosy" bt'l'CiUSl' of 1wl111n.s lw111g tcJkt •n now Julw Farl:wr. :m 1ndl'llt:ndl·111 nm ... ulta11t'<1111t 111,Jrkt•t n -scarl'ht•r frq[ll M1~1on Vll')O. pn·d1t·t<'d "<• painful tran:-.1t1un" and rt'l'OVl·ry punt·tu;J t1·d l1v J 11uanbt•r uf unan ... v. 1·n ·d tjUt•::.ttum. oV(•r th1· nc•xt f1·w Yl'<ll'S Burro wing a tt•rm lrum onl' 111 tlw t'onft•rl'll<'l,.l> ::.p.·akl·rs. Farbt•r s<11d thl' :.h1ft from "<i smukl·stat·k Choosing lht> rig ht pumpkin for a lla llo wf•t>n jac k-o-lantern is no ea y ta k . First. you ha ,·e to find one that wc-i g h. les tha n you do. Thi!'\ young m a n co!~lt>mpl a tes tht-sel.-ction a l the In inf> Ranch Farmer Marke t on Myford Road . (111a111Jla1·tu1111g) In .1 l11 g h 1t·1·h11ol11gy 1·(•u1111n1v 11h 1k1·0, Iii•· h11rn,1n f:lf'tnr .• lug tiu1·,t11111 "Wall 1111 · auto 111:ik1·1 be• abl1• lo ' W I t I' la I 11 l' 11 Ill f) U t t• t p111g1 .11111111111.('" o,l1t· ,1,k1·d "It v. 111 lw <• pa111ful tran::.1111111. hut an lh1· l1111g run o1 lwalthy unf'" Fa r I> l' r s a r d s h l' w a ' n 11 t p.1rt11·ularly thnll(•d by n ·c·<•nt upllant!>lll' 1'l'11nom1<· 111d1t·ulors ")l's d1ff1cull tu g1 •t t•x1·11.-d 11vl'1 what·, huppt•rat•d m th1: lu ... t t hrt·t• lllllllths bt•t'l.IUSl' OVt•f' th(• past i.t·Vt·ral y1·w·, lht• 1-<:onmny has IJ1·t•11 s1·1·saw111g up and dow11, 1·,s1•nt1ally mo v ing ... 1d1•w,1ys It's d1ff1<·ult to St'l· thal this as 0TI IE turnaround ht'l':tU">l' v.1.'vl· "11d that so mLiny 111111•s l1t•f11n· .. Marvin Ht·rsc.:hbcrg. ('Xl'l'UllV(' dtl'l'l't"r of llw Mcd1t:Lil Ct•nlt•r of tScc ECONOMIC, Page A2 ) Tom Hradlt•y Bradley goofs oc • 1n 8) JEFF ADLER Of Iha D•llY Pllol Slalt UemtH·ra t1 1· guh1·1 nJt•Jrtill l'Li nd1da tt· Tom Br;,,dl<·" c:rn·d Wlodnc-sd<t~ v. h1·n hl• plt:dgt'll tu bt• th<· f1r~t gov1·1 nor to J pp<ilnt a membt-r to tht· C.ilrf1Jrn1<i T ransporta lion Con inw ... -;11m from Orangt· County Outl1n1ng ha' plans for rl'v1lallzang thl· :-.t;itt.'::. ::.aggang l'l'on omy to about YOO pt•oplt• a tte n ding tht· 20th annual Orange C o unty Che1ml)l'r o f Comnwr1·<· Bu<;1111·~:-Outlook C o nft-r£·nl'l· at tht• An<Jhc:1m Convl·ntmn Cl·nwr. Bre1dl<'V said h t· had cl long loot and1ng t'omm1tnwnt to m.ikt· -;un: th<Jt Orange C o unt~ wou l d be- rt'presented on tht· importan t pan l' I t h a t o v t • rs t' t• s s la t c t r a n s p u r t a t 1 o n p o I H ' y a n d funding "Om• pf thP things th:1t grl·a tly 1·1ml'-'rns Orangt· Count v 1s tha t l h '-' ,. h ;,, \' 1 n o t h a d a n ·pn·s1·ntatl\'1• from tl11 ... gn•<tt count y st•rv1n~ u n tlw ">tat<.· Transpurtatwn Cumm1:.i.1on ... Bradlt•\' said "Oh\'1ou.,1v vou'vc nut h a.cl a rl'acl\ and 1i1fornwd voll'C' s pe<1 k1ng ,;n lx•haH of this t'(IUntv " B u·t a s h 1-; Ht' pub 1 rt' a n nppont:nt poanu·d out wlwn hl' uddn•ssl'd lhl· l'Onvt•11t1on st·vt•retl hours latt·r. Onangt• County dcx·s andt•ed havt· ::i n·prt·M·ntatavc- i. 11 t Ing () n th I' ('\)mm I l>S I 0 n . Orange C ou nt:-8 11,1rd of Supl•rv1sori. Cha1rm.an Bruc(> Nl"!-.ldndl•. appcllntt'CI la't Julv by Gov. Edmund (; Brown J r (St>e BRADLEY. Page A21 De Lorean found industry doesn't run on charisma By GLENN COTT (){"the Delly Pllol Staff Colleagues and admirers say J ohn Z De Lorean's charisma. o ptimis m ar.d st r e ngth o f character fueled his fmanc1ally ailing sports car operation whe n it was ready to run out of gas. And hi s l a wyer sa id Wednesday that De Lorean still expects to save the No rthe rn Ireland-based business. which now is in receivershjp and has been set for pennanent closing b y the Bnlish gove rnment. The business includes a plant near Belfast, where an estimated l.300 people sti ll are o n its payro ll A U S . s ubsidiar y Includes e xecutive offices an Irvine employ ing 35 people and a deale r preparatory shop an Santa Ana. just across the city hm1L'i from Costa Mesa About a d ozen p eopll' s tall work there The challenge has nC'ver b<•t•n grea ter for De L o rean. the silver-g ray haired innovator who appeared tired and uns haven W ednesd ay in feder al court m Los Angeles to plead mnOCt'nt to charges that he consp ired to scll 220 pounds of cocaine to raise money to bail out his car -making dream. Assistant U .S Attorney James Walsh told a courtroom J3mmed with reporters Crom throughout the Umted States and Britain that undercover agents h ad videotaped sever al e xchanges Plains harvest periled by early snowstorm By The A11~lated Prell A laU stonn that dumped up to 14 i nches of s n ow on the no rthern Plains left farmers' fields too muddy to work in, but the harvest of 110me crops might 1'e11Ume as early u this weekend. The storm marched through the Corn Bell on Tuetlday and Wedneeday. mapping tree llmbl. d owning powe r l inea and anarllng traftlc: from Nebraska to Michigan. Two men were killed In 1eparate auto llC.'Cid n\8 due to the atorm, which h l&d > w inds gusting to 50 mph Snow depths In Nebras ka ranged from 12 inches In the northwest to about 6 Inches In the northeast. Tem peratures f<'ll Into the teens In m(.\ny areas. with the Wt'8tem city of Alllancl' rcp0rcJng 9 d egrees. Much o r the> 8 inches o f snow that fe ll In southweuern M i nneso ta hod m<.>ltcd by Wedn esday night . when temperature plunged below freezJng. with De Lorean over the past f1vt• month~ One of tht• -;esswns, he• said, was o n TuP ~da y whc•n De L orean. upon va('wmg sever al kilos of cocatnl'. had remarked: "This 1s bellc•r than gold It l'amc JUSl an the nil'k of llmC'." De L o r ea n wa s arn·s tc>d momentc; latt•r. Bernard Minsky, D<• Lorean's lawyer. dad nut C'hallengt' his clien t's anvo lvl'm<'nt an the drug. selling sc:hcme but claimed his c lient's mo t1 vt• was s trictly to save the company He sa id De L o r ean was lured into the schem e. suggcst1ng that the defense may argue entrapme nt. "Knowing h t• w ould need money, people l'ontactt•d h im," said Mins k y . "[ think he fell prey. I thi°nk he's m or e of a victim " U.S . Mag1st.ratC' Volney Brown Jr. set ball for De Lorean at $5 m11l1on. but allowed a 5 percent deposit. or $250.000. M insk y said his cash -poor clie nt probably would post the $250,000 m "o ne or two days." Walsh had asked for bail set at $20 million. claiming lhal Dl' Lorean was a great threat to flt'<' lhe country. · "We are looking al the reali11tic pos.11lblllty o f a 57-year -old man spending thl' rest of bis life in jail.'' said Wttl1h. who earlier h8d estimated De Lorean's ncl worih at $38 million, mlnua another $50 million tied up In hi• company. An affidavit from FBI Agent J('rry Weit riled wit h the t·omplalnt 8.!'i8!.'rts that De Lorean William llelrid< had reached an agrel'ment with an unde rcover agen o f th<' f ederal Drug En forcem<'nt age ncy lo trade s tock in h1li company fo r money to financt• th!' drug deal. Th!' agent. John Valestrn. o ffe red to put up $3.2 million to <.'Ombln<' wllh Dc Lorean's $1.8 m11lion to buy t•oculnt! -a nd lat!'r he roin -from William Mo rgan Hetri<:k , who wu arrested M o nday nlong wilh associtttt• S tephe n Arrington in conn~·llon with the aeme Ca5(' Aftf'r $60 million was raised by sale of the drup. Vil tra would own 50 pt'l"l'l'nt of t he stock In De Lor r on Motor Cara Ltd .• said WH t Stt•pht•n Arrington Minsk v defendt'd De Lol'C'an's 1tctton as' no t for pc>rsonal gnm "He had a dream and a v1s1on lie· got this ('Cir, hut now hl• wants to s ave at I think w1• kno w what's happt•ntod to th1!. poant." hr said But W alsh st·offt·d "One d Ot'Sn't n eate an mdustrv on the backs o f cocaine UM'rs an~I heroin addicts." The• revC'lataons about De L orean st•em to fat into his re markable lafC' l1kl• a new chapter in a novt•l The words of fnrmer NC'wport B each rC'sadl•nt J Bruc e Mt'W il11ams. w ho 1•arlaer this year r a n De Lo rc>a n ·s U .S . ope r a tion out o f th<> Irv ine o ffices. ring with t•o1m·1dental clarity. In lhis month's 1s.<;UC' of Car & Driver Magazine. h e wn1tC'. "It is altoge ther likC'ly thut John De L o rean will becomf' the mos t written-about pc•rson in the h i s t o r y of thl' Am e r ic·sn outomobile industry "Hts career has 0had .:1 larger- than-hfe quality that Americans ( ee CHARISMA, Page A2l ----INDEX---- At Your Scrvtl'<' Businl'M Cnvolcade Classified Comics CrOMword Ot•uth Notil~'ll F.dltorlAl Entertafhment Horoeropt> Ann Landcrs A6 CR-9 A9 D~ B6 B6 02 A8 ~ A9 A9 Movies Mutual Funds National News Public Notiros Sports Or Sll'incro hn Stock M:arkc .. l-c Telev~lon Tht'oters Wl'ntht'r 84-5 C8-9 A3 C7 -8.D2-4 ' C l -6 A9 C9 87 &1-~ A2 ' . . S<:l l()()L D MAGI~. • • HB re id nt to u BRADl ,EY ERROR. • • N1•!-l1m ch '. I ht• .1tll11 rwy g1•1w1.1l lllso 1111lnl . '' lwml1 11~ up tlw Dcuknw Jiun 1·ompii11o1n 111 Orun1.w Coun ty A n u tlwr 01 .111g1• C o u n t y m l'rn b t•r of th1· fJ•llll'l h cJth rond1dutt·s rll'gl1-.•t1·d 111 n wn111111 IS tht• l.'Olll11lll\Slll11°l\ d1a1r1111111, Ivan H 111d1•1'11k1•1, 11 lt111g t11111· l'l'Sid t•nt o( Cn r u 11.1 dd Mor Expla1111111.( Hr;1dl1•y 's 1·rrnr, his prE'ss SC'<'rt'lary Tom Sulhv un sntd th<' maynr h ad "lo rw Jth•11" .abo ut Nt'SUimll-'s •'PIJ'.lllltn l<'11 t S ul11 v11 n al~1 loo k l'Xt'1•pl11111 tu Deuk m t'Jmn ':. du1m thnt Bradlt•y had opposed t'n ·.tlmlt a S<'pullltt· ad min 1s tra t1 \'t• tra n s purta l1q11 district rur Oran~w C ounty. Calling tht• alto nwy g1.·rwral's assert10n "an o th1.·r d 1s h1r t r.m." Sulhvan s u1d Br;idl1.•y had -'~pportt•d l'rl'UtlOll u£ t ht• lll'W : distric t for tht• 1.·ountv u m •t· "ht• :•:was aSSUl'l'CJ that thl' £u ndrng \\,IS ;;.~uitab lt• a n d would 11111 lw -;•ra 1d1 ng L os A n .i1•l1•-. o f -~transporU1t1011 tlo l la rs " • A lth o ugh th1.• tw o 1.·and1d~11l'l> •• a ppeart•d s 1•µant11•l y at th1· ·;conf<·n ·m ·1.·. t lw v 1•rhal J11u-.1111g .:ECONOMIC. • ·: G ard1.•n Grovt', sa id tht• lnw1·rn1g ·; Qf inll'l l'Sl ratl'l\ Wiii Stir bUSllll'S.' • O<.'ll VllY and llWfl'ilSl' JUh:. a s •• r c>sult H c rschbcrg :.<m l the tlt.·aga11 adm1n1s trat1 o n s h uuld n ut a bando n plttn s t o furth1.·r l'Ut laXC'S 1( 11 wan ts lo ~l·t th1.• m ax rm um bl•1H•£1 t f rom 1 b • economrl· progr .1111 •• • Bob Ba ldwin. Vll'l' pn •sid t:nt of ··crcx:kcr Ba nk. said th1.· rt'lt·nt surge rn th1• ~t{l(·k mar k l'l 'h o w -; tha t "thl· IOVl'Sllll~ pubht• Vll'\\S thr futUl'l' wrth m o rl' 11pt1m1sm "From tha t l>lJndpornt 11·, ,, good sign ," Baldwin !><ltd Confl·n ·nt·1.• p.1rtu·1p.1nt Lvn n M a rt1•r <;<11<.l :.hl• ts un,un· w 'hc·n or 1f rl't'OVl'r v w 1l l t'Ol1H' "I d o n 't k1111\\ h o w l'loM· tn ·around th1.· l'Orm ·r· w1• a n •," s lw S<t1d. r dc·rnng t1.1 .i phrast· Ul>l'd b~· sc•vt·ral spt•<1k1·rl> Wl'<.ltw-.d.1\ :1mon g 11 :. .;1.ll·;1k<•f'l>. 11w lud111g 0 l' fl' n s l' S t· 1.· r I' t a r y l '<1' p a 1 We1n~X'rgt·r T h<' t'On fl·rl'm·1-. :.ponl>ort'(I by the Orangl' County Chaml1t•1 of Comm1.·rn•. 1ndu1.h ·cl fl·llt·n il. state· and p rtvJll' :-.t'l.'t•11 11ff 1l·t.1b amo ng i t:. -.pt•a k N1' tl\111 h ,1, Ill.II ko ol tlll' l .1111p.1tgl1 Ill 11·11•111 "·"'' I tlllll lllll'd dltl lllH tht'll ( )111llM" ( '111111lv -.111poVl'I /\l 11 11111111111g 111•\\' 11 111t.•11•11u -. 1.ill1•d Ill l 'Ollll tdt• Wtlh fir ,111!1'\'0:» 'll<'l'l'lt I lt•uk1111·J1a11 pr 111111,t•d 111· \\t1uld 1·1111t111ttl' 111 l1ic.·11s 1111 1111' "~h .11 p .1ri.l 1k.1r dr I ll-1 •·111'•'' 1,.., w1·1·11 '1'11111 Hi .1.11 .. v a11d "'"" 111• Wt'lll 1111 l111·11t• 0 11 dd 11•11•111 .111•,1loo 111 w h w h lw .rnd B1 .1dl1•\' i'tlh<'f' dt~a).(l't'l' 11r d1,1n111· t lw 0 1111·1"" l·l.11111' I ><·uk1111·J1.111 ..,,11d . 1111 l'X;lltlplt-. lh:tl lht•tt• \\l'lt' :t:\l (,.,, 1·1 p11l1n· 111 I ll .-r ' 1111 1 h .. :.lrt•t •ls o l L os A r1j.(1·l1·, l.1,l D1.·t·1.·111lll'r th .111 t h 1·11· \\'1•11• 111 l>l'l'l'llllw r Hl7'.l Al·1·u:.111 g h is u µp u nt·n l 111 J1loot11rt111g tlw t l'tord . Br .11111·\ f1n•tl l>at·k thJt tlw 11· .11 1· lti 1 m un · f)'.Jhu· uff1u·r-s 1111 lilt' stt t'l't ltKla v tha n thl'n ' \\1•11· "h1•11 ltt• (11-:,t. tuok u f£11.·1• "'l'h1.•n · an • v t lwr d1,1111 t 111rn .. n ow I £111d." Brndlt•\ :-.11d "A nd \'.'lw r1• thc·rt· .11·t· d1i.t111 t11111l\, I will l'ltl' t hr·rn " Durrn g t hl'1r -.pt't'l'h1·'· 11111 h 1·.md1~.1t1.•::. n ·1k·a1t•d tht· fur111ula' tor rt•v1tahz111g lhl• t'l'01111m y a 11d µutlln g C al1fo rn1a11l\ ba1.·k t11 w o rk tha t lhl'Y ha\'t' ::.tri·:-.so·d throughout the ·rail l'amp111g 11 Brad lt'y p ll'd g1:d lo f urg1· a nt•\\' n •lt-1 l11Jns h1 p w llh b u srnt'S'> ;md labor. say ing 1£ 1l w ork1._-d for Los Angeles w h ill' ht· was rn.ivo r . 1t l'an work fur the s idle He• said t hl' s ta tt• m ·l'd s l•' in crease its l'ffo rls t o dl'Vt'lo p fun ·ig n trad e and mt<'rna t to na l tou rism tu hl·lp cn ·a ll' )Obs On thl• rssm · o l housing. 1h1• Dcm 1ocra t said housing ha:. to bt• p r o v 1 d l' d t h a l m a t l· h 1•.., J" b lt•ntt•r s . H t· also :.uggl''>tt·d rc·dul·tng t h e s lZt· o l h o uM·'>. 1nc r C'a s tng t h1.•1r dt•n :.rt;. and .._,ms tructin g mon· ap;irtnw ntl> to t•ncouragt· !>a ll·::. <tnd <11Jd 11111n..il de·v1•lopmc·n~ Turning to t ran..,portal11111 . Br ;.id I 1.• y s <i 1 d h l' s u p p o r t ~ l1•g rs la t1 o n that w o uld l'n abl(· loc:al govPrnm1•nl tu sci I lx m cb lo f111 a n c·1.· SWll' highway p roJl't't..; the· c:ommunity ff't'b 'huuld I><· h ig h pnonlv prOJl'l"t." D l•ukmCJia n said Callfo rnw 111.•t:'d s to be com p l'l 1 lt\ c· w 1th uthl•r stales, but tx>t·a u:-.t· 11 isn't, the· l:'(.'On o m v 1s sufh.•rrng First ladies at Bess' I NDEPEND ENCE. M o tAPI N ant·y f<t·<1gan a n d t1A 11 oth t·r prt'Sld l•n tr<il Wl\'l'' wppt'<I the• Jr,t o f d1gmt.ane:-s plt:tn 11111g lo attt'fld the· funl'r a l todav 11£ fomwr rm.l l<idv Be!,..c; Trum ;;n , who Jwd th" week a l ag<' 97 The St'r v1t'l' I •1r P rt'l>ldl·n l Truman's w idow . w h o d1C'cJ M on d ay o f ht'iJrt fdrlun· a t h1•r homl· ht·n ·. was l>t'l £or the· T rr:11t y F.p1scop:1l C'hu n ·h. whc•n · :.he· marnl>d Harn : S Truman o n J u n e· :!H. 1 9 1~ Sh<' w as to 1,.. buned ~1de h 1•r hus band m thC' t'Ourt51'lird of t ht· T r u m an L 1bran. hPrl' M a rgarl.'l Truma n Da111l'l, l h1 • m uple 's onJy child. to ld n·portt-1' a t the Truman m an :.1o n W ednesda y t hat s hl· lf'a rm'fl uf ht>r m o the r 's d e ath M o n da v while travc•h n g 111 Europt> as :, • From Page A 1 1·111pl11'1'1·1· w rit 111• -.1.111u111·tl 111 tho \\ 111g dur 111.i 111 tt•r '' l111ul 1111111 ' 1111 ttl 1111 ,, l•·•ll 1 .. 111.1111 111 11,,tll • 1111 \Ullll•'~l l'I ' I 1111 I 1111 l11 t1lcl11w ..... \1 t .ol l l.111111 1111111 11111 111 \ 1111 1ttl1t I , .111 I \Ill t It d 111 ·'fl!JI '.II .it i..1111g l>r ' 1111·1'l 1111{ wh11 It l1e •j.lll1' .ol I .Ul '" \lllH flllll\'11" 111.11 1111 1lt.1111 d \.\t1 1g I' .1 ,,tl1•1\ 1i •• 1.11d 1\11111 cllllj.I 111 l\1.d111k1•11 d "ll ll'I (~llARISMA. • From Page A 1 (11\t' 1111\111..: l•ll"lll ''" '>111 11', ... \\ 11)1 lll',1llllllll Wtlllll'll, ,111d lhl' I"'' '""''I d .1n 11•: .111tl 'krll t11 1.11M· 11111111111 ... 111 tl111l.11 ' t11 11ul,lll' ltll\ ol11 ·.1111' .. l..11t·1. 1\11 V.'1111.1111, .11ld1·d "l)t· 1. 11 I 1· .I 11 I " p I I I I V 111 ti I h hullo·tpr 0111 , .irrd. 111 t1 uth. h t:. 1 ,q t.II t t \ l11 I o'tll.11 II 'ti p ' h." 11111l11u lot1·dlv lw 1·11 11111· 111 rh .. ,111gh 1111"1 lllllKll l,1111 f.11'1111 ~ Ill Kl'I p lllg I Ill I llll lfl•lll\ ,ii 111.11 " ,\11d' W1·"' 111 lk d1111d11 ll••.11 lt '' p1t·,1dt •t1t 111 t h1 1'1· l.nt 1':111 1\111 1111 t'.11 ('111 11 \.\It h :.!llll 1111111l1e ·r' 111 ~11~lw1 11 ( ',1lilo1 111.1 \V1·1-..-.. 1110, 11•1:11 •111lit•1-. l.k• l.1111•,111 •" .i 'll JHt'llll'f\ lllllfttf t•ll l l 111" Ill '"ll 1, II I 'llt.'s '" 11111tid1·11I ;i11d vc·r v 111ll'lltg1·11I /\11d hi'' a sah•-.111.111, ( :11d " Ill' a s.tl1•s111.111 Yo u walk ,1w ,1v ln1111 111111 l>:tY111g , ·t know h1.'.., go111g 111 plill 11 o>ff ' I ii-l'<t11 walk 111\ w u tc·r . alt h ough ::ictually hi.':. JUSI walking o n rtX'ks . In this t':IM'. lw mus t h avt · m1ss1.•d the· r'•l\.'k .. Or'Ul't' V1irh:1ut•r . pn·s1d t•11 t uf Co:.LLI Mt·'·' b,1scd V Ll l 'oru .. lS a Dc• L11rt·.111 d nv1•1 who s~ird rts 111 .1 k t • r ' ' ;1 r r 11 g .1 11 t n o l lt1rt l1dl•n t J llltuch h u r t h is II\ II I\ 1 • \ I .1 I ' I II g .1 h I I I t I I. s Cultural site d e dicated T IJ UAN1\. l\tt•X1t'f1 (Al'I P 11·..,1d 1•11l .low Lo pt·1 P o rullo a ml h " Wtfto t.',Jrl)t(•ll h <t\'l• cf<'llll'all'd th1· n1ul11n lt ll111n d ollar T ijua n a l'ultur.il l'c•1llt•r t lw drc:am of Mr-. I .111w1 Portillo .111d Hos<tlvnn (. 'ar ll'r · T he· 1·1·1111•1 l1K .1tl'Cl a nuli· I rum tilt' U S bor d1•1 gn·w from 1.1lks h"t\\ 1·1·n th•· l w u w u rn1·n wh1.·n t lll·v w c·11• thl·rr nat10 11 ·-. firs t ludw-. 111 IY?Y It w a s dl•s<:nlx·d as M1.•xll'<>0'i most !:>pc.'<·tat·ular pub lit· huilclrn~ ou tstd <' M<"xko Crty . Lop•·l P1Jrlll111 d l·d 1catc'<i o:h1·r ll•dt r .tll v f ina n t'l!d prOJN 'lS dur rn g tlw 1r v1l\tt Wt•tlncsdnv rites m<'mbt·r o t the U S d t'lcgat1on c.·om m1·m u1 a t 1 n~ the I OOt h .111111 \'f•t ,,,r , o f I h1• h t r 1 h o f F'rnnkhn D Hc"-H·lt J\ 11111ng t ht guo.., L-. hC'rt' tocl;i;. '"·n· h•rnwr f irst l.11lll~ Hosolvnn C.1rtc·r ..ind Bt.·tt \ FurcJ. Barbara B u,h . wd1· u r ·van· Pres ide n t B ul>h, .111d Mun t•I H umphrey Brown. w idow 11£ former Vice• Pn•s 1d 1:nl I l u h<•rt II H umphrey ID 80s (.'oa.'it<1/ Fetr and warmer 1oday w11n highs on mid 70s at the t1eachf's ro low 80s inland Van&tlle htgh cloud1eess lorught and Frtday °"ernighl lo"'' 57 to 73 H>gh5 on Friday 72 to 80 Eosewher e lrom P o1n1 Concep11on 10 the Me•ocer brnder 1nd out 60 miles Logrt vatoatlle WV>ds ron>gnt and Fr.C.iy momong w•th SOUlhwesl ro west winds 8 to t6 i.not~ d •Jt1ng afternoon and evening nour s tOOey ano FroOey Wond wa•·es 1 lo J leer rhos •fleonoon ~rhwest swells •ncreas1r19 10 2 to 3 leer woth local tlreokers to 5 ·1eet on south lac•··o tleacnes Parchv late n1gnt and early morning low clouds orherw1se high cto..drness U.S. sununary Up to 14 in c hes ol snow accumuleted on some parts or M1cntgan as a storm 1y11em beerlng gutry Winds •nd lreezono remperatures cut across lhe upper M1u 1n1pp1 Vetley and northe<n Gre•I L•ket The he1vle1t s now lell 1n MIC'1<gen'1 Upper Penln1<1la W11h snow 1110 on the ground In Wlscon1m. M1nne!:OI•. Nebtaalt11 •ow• and South Oekor• Hecl1ly wtnd1 111ound Ille Graal Lakes helped push rampataluras below lreauno Freeze warnings ware also on allecl lor llllno11 IOwa. motl ol Mlstour1 mUCh or canttal and 1outh11rn tnd>811• eaararn t<1nn1 and norlnarn Afllanus California SoutMtn Cllllornla Wiii be latr today With lncrH.llng high c;IOUdl and ahgnlly warmer daya Fog and low clouds near Iha c;out mornlr191 Or1n11• Counry c11n ••P•CI lliOh• In IOW 70. .. b88C'-. nH r 90 Inland. LO'IQ 5e 10 113 Inland vlllaya wlll have hight In llPI* 70. 10 low llOa. Lowt !'H r 11() Highs 1n the row 70• '" the mountlfl'la North«n "-1 hlQh• 71 10 aa. M 10 H In aou1Mtn o.Ml'H Aal11 llkely tn Norl he rll c.tlfor.-b'f 1onlght. with ~ °'"~~ 10 CM'llrel 1t1t• °"°' 10 ecttt«ed .,_, ft1C101. ut1r tOVlhet1Y wind• illtfll llOtlflweel CO.I Tentperatures NATiON Albany AlbuquerQu• Ama111ro Aocnc.rage Asheville All•nta A11an1oc City Ausron Ball1more B1lll1'9S B11m1ngnam R1smerc11 eo.se Boston Brownsville Burtaro Burhr19ton Casper Chartnron S C Charleston w v Chartolle NC Cheyenne Chicago Clnconnato Cleveland Columb•a. S C Columbus Oallas·Ft WOflh Oa'(lon Denver De• Moines Derron Ovlulh El Paso Feorbenks F"rgo F1ag11111 GrHI Fells Har1:ora Helena HonoCutu Houston lnd1M1apolt1 Jacllaon Mou Jackaonv~lll Jun811U KanM11 City Kno•volle LU Vegas L11119 Rock HI l o 70 44 64 •1 6J 26 33 27 7 t SO 75 46 AA 59 69 60 73 47 57 30 78 62 42 JO 61 52 70 « 89 70 71 52 69 53 5• 26 78 62 73 •8 76 51 S3 t9 •5 •o 62 6t 64 57 80 49 60 56 65 46 58 •3 56 29 45 34 S9 44 36 31 71 •9 3 t 25 37 27 65 29 56 •6 7 1 39 S6 21 86 66 70 59 •S 42 68 58 82 60 •4 38 49 32 72 49 73 45 61 41 ·' Fronts I •I•' ...,.. Lou11v111e Lubboek M1tmph1s M1am1 M11waul\ee Mpls·St Paul Nashville New Orleans New York Norlolk North Plane Oklanomo C11y OQ"aha Orlao.C'o Phllade.pnoe Phoenla P11111>v19h Portland. Ml! PorllaNI. O•e ProvldeN;e Rllalgh Rapid Cor~ Reno Rithmond Sall L•ka Sen Antonio Seatlle SIOU• Falla St lOUlt St Pe1&-T11mpa St Ste Mane SPOll•ne 53 46 !>9 32 63 ., 82 78 42 39 4 t 35 62 52 81 6:l 71 53 77 58 53 19 59 32 41 29 87 65 75 46 88 6t 10 48 61 41 62 JS 68 41 79 .,. 53 21 61 33 11 64 55 30 69 60 S6 39 39 27 52 42 es 6s 55 41 s• JO • ·z-~~Rf RIPORT Looetlon Huntlnglon Pt111 S1n11 Ana R1v111 Jany .0th SI Newporl Un<I 81 Newport 8alb0e Wedge Aoetfplla, L119une Touf a Aw9./MH. l·' 2·3 M 11111 2·4 1·2 .... ttiapa l•lr p00r·l•or Po<>"'''' Po<>• poor poor Awat ... Tamp. 87 81 117 117 117 118 Tomorrow Hlllh Tide 12 :13 p m Low Tide I 38 pm 8well Olfectlon Soutll Raon D SnowQ S howeo sm!llll· Flurr•esG::!J Sy•ACUS@ lOl>(lk& Iveson Tulsa Wesh1n91on w1cn11a CALIFORNIA Apple Volley Bak e1111eld Bao stow B11i1umon1 Bio Bea• Bishop Blythe Ca1a11n11 Culve• Colv Eureka F111Sl\O Lancaster Long Beach LOI Angeles Monrovia MonrabellO Monterey Mt Wilson NefldM!I mog 71 47 5 1 36 84 54 59 39 74 54 53 30 79 44 78 6 1 84 58 78 •7 64 30 13 39 86 55 74 58 78 58 68 63 78 5S 76 ., 80 S6 79 61 84 SJ 80 S6 72 58 63 48 81 54 w11ara to c111 (1011 lrear tor latetl amog lnlQr'mattoro Orar19a County (IOOI 446-38211 LOI Anga lH Counly (11001 242·4022 AIY111'91da end San 8arnardlno c;ountlN tl001387·4710 AOMO EpllOde Ca11ter. (800) 242·48118 Tide , TODAY Soc;ond hlg:-t t I 48 11 m 6 2 S.Cond low 7 :13 p rn O 1 "llOAY Forst rugh 2 30 • m 3 3 Flrar IOw 5 47 • m 3 0 S&eon<1 111g11 12 23 pm 4 8 S&eond 1111111 11 311 p m O g 8 un .. 11 IOde~ at 11 12 p m": ,, ... '"day at 7 04 1 m Moon rlHI 1ooay at 11 27 am M ii II 9 37 p m '' "''''"' 11111111.11• I\ 11111.1 d1 t ll h \\Ii.ti f., tl11 \\tth 1111 t1ui 1111 1 11 ,11111 II tl111111lr ,l1ti 111 '1111pl y ·~·ti 11 1t ll .111d 11•1 11 I 1•111.1111 111111 ,1·d over guard railing? \ 0 1tt1qd11.1l11q : 11 .. llll''''' dl'hlllll "1111 l.11t 1lt.1t ll.11111 1, \\ lt11 Ii l 11 ~ .ill .1 ·'' 11111111 "'·'"'" \'tu I :-;1 I' >l h • d1i11 d 1111 ol11 ... ttli d u. 111g 1111' 1•111 1 11.1 .. 111>111 "''"" '"' p.11 I 111 .o l1111H 1 .111~1· p l.111 l n r I' 11 p I 11 ~· \\ I I I 1 cf I' 1 I I II I 11 g ··111 1111111• Ill T iu· I !.111 11·1 \\ 1111• 11"1 l11111wd Ill .J.11111.11 \', j~(1 '1'. \\ht II .Ill .tl ... 1111 1111 l'olll"•" .t l111lll $111111,000 ol .1111.11:• '1'1 11 1p111 ,11 v. p 1111 .i111 .. I""''"""" \.\>1•11· p t11 I h.i'>t'd Ill httll'>I' the• '11111"111-. tl1'p i.11 t·d 11\ 1111• t 111• Tl11 por 1 • .t1h .., .111 '''II ll"'tl .11 I I.ii 11"1 1\lt1 ·1 th• l ~Ji. lltt· 1111 l1<1.11tl 111 ti 11'11 .... d1'.1g 11·1·tl •Ill \\"h,.t 111 d u \\1th tho 1h.1111d \'-1111' 1\1 111 111tl1.ilh d " 1d111g l11 'IJI 1111 ;:.!I.!, l)llt) 111 d 1•11111la,h lh1 :-.II 111 ttll t llll' l t ll'.lt ,., l.1t1 I 11pl1 d 111 11 l I ho -.till! \Ult t.111d .11111 II" II 1111 '11•1 .ig1 IJlll I'"" ' lh HOUl-:UT UAftK tm UI the O•llJ Piiot 11•11 1\11k1· M1 N11 llv '·'Y" lw •• .11111 d 111, l.1111il v w.1-.11'1 -..d•· IH"l11111 I ht . • 11 11lo I Iii•• k W.11! IA 111 II .I 111111 \\ 111 1 I dr IV• v1·h 11 l1· t1 .. 111ol1.l11 ti 1>111lll>ll'111 lhr• "llX 111<11 l:tll h.11111'1 MI N II I ' \ !> •• I cl I Ii(' \\ .1 I I t•'\IJl11d1•d Up1111 1111 p.11 I ,111d "Ill , 11111111, 111 111111 11•11· 11\ 1111: JI, ,.1111 IH' ,111tl llllt'I' I latld1 1·t1 \\I II 111 1111 • y,11d llVI• 111111111••' 111'1111' lho ,11111 11·111 .11111 W1•11• 1111 I<\ 111 ''"·'I " .,. I lllll'• lllJlll \ l-:\1 1 ,.I 111 , · t ht· 1 r;1,1i M1 N 11 It \ I .lh \ l',11 old 1111111111I1 1 • .i ll"flf,1111 1· l1111k1 I la." I 11.11,11 k o ol .,,. .1 tlflt1 111 .tll c r ll '·tdt· l o I" 1,u .1d 1 ll u 11 1111 g t1111 111 .11 f1 1111 11 1.1 1' 111 p 11I " •:11:11 d r .111 111 11 .. 111 111 1111 · \\.ill .11 11 .... I 1'111 •" ""'"' 1\11 Null\ -..11d .il111ul :W tlllll ,, 111111 ... I"'" d .111\ v.1th111 .1 It '' 11 I I 111 "'' 11111111 1111 l\L1g 1111l1.1 '"'""' lwl\\1111 \'111kt11\\11 .111ol ,\d.111" .1\ l lllll'' l\luli 1h.111 ltkl'I\ '"'"' 1h111g Id• 1111 1 t'"'"•' Ito lt.11't" 11 ·•J:·•ll• 111 .. 11ol 1 .. d .1\ I lo ,11111 ti ' •ti 111 1,11" h .iv•· 111111 \11111.tl lu 111 11111 111 h ,o,111 ~!Hiii II 111 , \\ f11 I • ,1 II cl I h ,ti ·'' ·' I "fl'.( I llll Ill I ho ,, 'lt111klltj.( oi l .. .1111 .. , ... 1111 '>I t I 11 I 11 \' 111 ... 1.t 111 . l.111d l111 ti '' w11l111g I" /'.I• .tl•1llJ: 11 ti d11e•"i°I • O/>I .illy II II •Ill \ w .. ,, 11 111 l•111l<111g f1 11 .111 v I" II 11 I \ 1\ II \\ , . w .. II t I ' d• ·1 l.11 .11111 \ 11•'11 I W1 w a nt tlit I II \ lt 1 p11l "" 1111 11.11 111 .ulc· .. J\11 N•tlt1 '·"" 11• ,, 1o ... k111g 1111 .111 .111 111111 \ \\111 1 v.1111lcl t.1k1 tllt' 1 "'' ••II ll11 IJ,1"'• Iii.ti tlll' lllV \\111tlol ,,.., Ii g.d 11 ,., II No N 11l1 y \\ 111' 1(11 h .11 ti llo1l II.ti cl .111 Ul>Ml\tJ llt 111 ( 11 \ /\d111t111't1 .11m Chui le·-, I h••lllll'"ll ,,11d l11d,i\ It W1111 ld 1 "'' 1111111111\' 111 d 11lla"" t1> pu t 1111 ••11 o11d1.1il-. 1l11 1111gl111ul th• 1 II\ I lo ,,i.,., ... 1d tltt \\,oil'. w l11d1 ••" "'\ 111 d II\ 1lw • ''" \\ l 11 p ut Ill' 1111 .01 ·,tlll l it ll'Ol''lll' 111 1~1110 .I I h.1111 l111k 11111 1 \\,I' •'It\ ltd .11•1llltd llH d.1t11.1g1d \.\lllJ 111 k1 ·1 I' "1u11g,11 " 11111 But 1111 111\ •. ,. ,g.11 111, '·"" 't11 11 .. k1 ·d le 11c 1· 1111 S 1111d .1\ .ipp.111 11ll \' lt1 11d1•11·d I 111 •l 1gl1t1 I ' lllUl I ' th,111 11 d11 I 1111 .11,11111,h 1>'111·l 1g llt1·1, h:ul 1<1 1 tll t l1111111:h lho· 11·111 1· 111 Ii .1 I I f 1 • I h 1 • Id, 1 /1 , \\ h I I 1 • I h 1 · :11 ... 11111,h .q 1p.11 ('111 1\ I l1111l1<·d l)\'l'I tl Colombian honored 'l'r u s t1 ·1· H11g1•1 Bt·lg1·11. w ho liv1•s 111•.11 l la q .1<:1. s.11d lht.· board wil l l1.1 v 1· to "t·1g h M'\l'l •tl lm ·tnr:.. 1111 lud1 11g t h1· ~.il 1 ·t :---111 tlll' 't rui·llJt t' ltw n-.111g 1·0-.ll> o l n·pa11ing 111 11·hurldmg thc• wing. a nd 1 lw d 1'lllt'l.' long ll ·1111 plan' 1111 ll.11p1·1. \\hrt·h 111ul d lw c t • P p 1 • n 1 • d a s a ' l' Ii 11 11 I 1 t 1•nr11llnw nt tn•n d s d1,ing1· S'l'l X.'K llO LM. Sw<·d1·n 1A l'1 ( ;a1>1 ti.·I (;<11 cw M.• rq u 1•1 111 l' " I II 111 b 1<1 • " u I h II r u r .. 0 111' I lu11dn·d Yt·a rs of S oilitudt·" a 11d .i ~ l I' I ' a Ill 0 ( Ii l h l ' r W U r k ::, c hr11n1e ling dc•ath, b1·tr ;1ya l , d t• :-. pa 1 r and gov 1• r nm t · n t 11•p n •ss 11m. won tlw Hl!l:t Nolit·I P n .w 1n lit1.·nitun· t1.xfoy Tlw Swt•J 1:.h A cadl'mY l'ltt·d 1h1· :l-l -vl·;,1·-old a utho r ,;for hll> 11uvl'ls .;nd sh o rt s to r ws. 111 w h 1eh tlw fan tastic a nd the· rl•<Jli~lll an· c omhrmd in a richly l'Offipul->1•d "orkl nf 1maginal1nn . rl'rll'l'tlllg a Cell communicating I lllllllll•lll ' 1111• .Ifill I 11111 he·l.'>" l ;;11 c 1:1 l\l.114t11·1. "h1N · nuvt·ls h.1 \'1 'old 1111111 · c·opw~ tha n <m y II' It I' I I" 1111 ( 111 p111 a l ,\' s p;1 n I:. h - l:111g u:1g1· ;1ut h w , l1vc•s tn 1·x d1· rn M1·\ll Cl 111· "''\" ht' l11·lll'Vl'l\ th (· ( 'qf11111l11a 11 .iflll\ \\'.ttoL' lo :11 fl ''' la 1111 l :.1111a 1\1.11 4u1•1 , v. h o h<.i :. 'upp111 l1 ·d 11·11 1'\ l o•lJSI ''>. has ll<i\'1 I• d l 11 ·4u1·n 1I~· 111 Cu ba. a nd l.i-.l \1·.tl llt·d to 1\11•XllO. '>uytng lhl' •• 1111 .,. sUl>pt•l'tl•d him of a11 a11,g1ng f11r C u b;1 to trai n l'11l11111l11;.in gut·r nllas 01llr Piiot Photo bf Rlch•rd l<o.hlet Dr. (;an · 1,, nt•h u M·~ ('Ula w ay modt•I of hrai11 '"•·,plain Iii ... h) 1w1lw ·..,j .. tha t m t·nttff) s lo r agt> i!' a ffN ·tt•d I.~ :t l i1tl1•-kncrn11 <'llZ \'llW (':tll•·d ••t·u lpnin:· ~lore rl'~ear('h i~ dw· a l 111''' m•u.rolo~i(•nl la h at l iC lni1u~. S•·c· Pa~P Bl . Storekeeper Monica Cot tarn is wearing our brushed Shetland H'OOI s weater in a jive color Jacq uard design knit on soft subtle shades of la vende1; sand, and jade. WORLD U.N. voting delay on ouster of I ra d I By Tht' Auoelatt d Prru Youn~ w.i:. J l•l..iy1'Cl lud • .v fur a third tum· un u µrupu"'11 to expel l!!.1 a1•I fr11111 u U N agt'nl'Y nw ... 1111~ tn Kt·nya, and an lslamll' d1pl11rr1111 1n New Y urk said th t· Ara h sta It-:. wen • about tu a bll ndun an l'ffort to oust bral'I rrom th P Gerwrul A~l·mlJlv rw>-l w e<>k • The Uniw d Statt.'1> ha1>'1t•1•n lobbying hC'av1ly against the ant1-Israe l1 muvl'~" d rawing 'CU Jlpurt t r11m 11'1 Eur11p1·un .ill11•' Tiil' vult• 1111 a11 Al~l·11a 11 rl'1>1alu1111n 1 li.1t would lia1 lsral'I fr(llll m1·1•unus or till' I II ' I ' I II u I I II ll u I T l ' I I ' l'U 111 111III\11' 11l 1 0 I\ I> lJ ll 11111 wu:. d1•luVt'CI whilt· till• K1·11v.111 1 hJ1 r1na11 o l thl· 1·ua1f1•1 1•1111·. ll1·nrv Kugs1·\. llll'l wit h d1•l1•g,1t1·s lwh111d l'IO:>t'll d11\1I''> Ill .m .1ll1•111p1 lo I n 1 g •· ,1 I u ' I rh 1 11 u I 1• llllllJH llllllSt' More lri h violence seen BEL 1" A ST. N o l'I h 1· r n Ireland Auth111 1111•::. "'' <· pn•d1l'ttn~ .1 n1•\\ 'lll gt of Irish H ·µuhl1lan t\1111\ \'ll)(l'nll' IHI\\ thJt \'Cllllll.( h ;;:, t•ndc•<l tor .1 11c•\\' 7H 11wmlwr p r u v 1 n 1· 1 a I <.1s~1· na Ii Iv l't'n lerp1,~·t· of Bnt.1111 '-. l.111::-.1 a u empl lo dt•fu::.t• 1h1· l 1vtl war in Nort hc·rn l11·la11d Th<.• vuung W('(inl·-.cl;1 \ ",,,. marrl·J b\ a b11mu hl.1 ... 1 111 Al•lf;1"l and tht• '''lulld <llll•rnpl 111 lwu d;1v' un tho · lilt 111 1'111l1•,t.11ll 11· .. d··· J.111H, l\1111' ll•·.1ux Th1·11· \\ o•l 1' 1111 I ~l·,l1:1 It t1•~ II) llit II 11 m II 111 g ;1 11 d M II [\ II •. ·' ll \ o')o.l';qJl'd u11h.1r11 11·d l111t1al 11• ... ul1' I ru111 t h1 b.11l11l111g \\t It' l'\JJl'I ll·d f.1t1·1 tud.i\ "1111 tl.1• f1n.1l t..ilh d111 Frnt:,, 1 \'1·n111g Gemayel arrival g uarde d HOME lh ·hwp11 ·1-. 111•\\ ovC'r ht>::id ::ind guar ds w1•n· <l l'ploypd w1 1h su lJrn.11 hin1· g u ns a ... au l hOl'llll'' too k l' x t r a or cl 1 n .1 r' ::. l' l' u 1 1 1 ' prl'C.IUlll)lh t11;1<1\ l11r th~· arrival 111 Ll'11.J1\l'Sl: P11•.,1d1·111 Amin G1·m.1H·l um · d,1\ .dlt r lhl' bombing nf lhl· L1 b,11w-,1 ( ;1 ·mu~'l·I 1·a111t• Ir 11111 P,111 -.. "h1·11• h1· call1·d 1111 11111 l':1-.111g I Is I 111 u I I I " •• I I 0) II •• I pl.Ill k 1•1•p111g 11111 I' 111 111' lOUl1ll\ lot .~1111011 l11111p-. lh'.tlh 111 111111-. lh p11·-..111 ... , .. Riot police at fun e ral NOW A llUTA. P oland El111• parc11r1111p1·r .-. shuuld1•r111g nfle-. "11h t1x1 ·d bciyont:I~ JUtnl'd n ut p• tl111 111 guarding thr, .,ll•t I tt•ntt·1 lod.1' .1I11·1 I II 011 11 l'olc--, alll'ridl'll llH' furwr.d of a 20-yi•ar-old millworkt·r kilh·d in a pru-Solida n t ' 1m•k•1 • l,11>1 Wl'Pk • I n<.Tt'J:.<.•d ... 1·1.:u n '" 1 n 1 he NATION ... ubu1 h 111 Kr.il..11\\. Jhtl 1111h ·:-. -.outh 111 \\'.1r ... ;1\\. 111•1<1 1111 '''I bl1 du1111g \\'1·d1w-.cl;,,", lurwr.ol 1111 H"gd.111 \\'t1 .... 1k Thl· '>lt·l I 111111 l'll l tr rt·r,111 \\ .1, mur1.1lly woundt•d h\ pnlt11• gunt 1n· l'IJ;hl d,I\' .1~11 Ill 11111., prott·'t 1 ng t ht· g11v1•rn ·111 ·111 '' uann111g 11! t ht• 11ldl•pt•11d1•11t ~olid.in ty labw un11m Dean ~s body di cove r e d STA MFOHD. Conn t\ Caltfor n1..1 col kg~· dl·etn .md Baha1 lb1d1·r who ve1n1:>hr-cl Frida\ tn Nt·w York Ctt\ \\ •• ~ round dt.,•d in " St.trl\1111 d pdrkrng 1111 'tcclibt d 111 1lu· 111-ck . <1u1h11rtt11·' '><•" Thi' hndv 11 1 IJ.1n1 1·l C Jor1fan. :'iO ot E...,. ond 1dn 1,1, ,1., 1dt·1ll1l11 d \V1·d1w-.d.1-. hv h1-. \\ lfr. N.iOLV .... 11d 1)1•ll:l 'll\'t' Lt J u-.1·ph F<1l11't11 1'11111 I IJ('7Jn<\t'<I ht· h.cd l.H.·1•11 k1lh·d 'unwwh1·rt· ,.1.,c· .ind h1, bod\ takf'n to tl11· p.erk111g l11t ;et lh1· rhir 111 .1 lol':d 't1ir1· II\ th1' N1•\\ Yo1 k l'1l\ .. uburb T y le nol ' u pee l hunte d NEW YORK Pollt'l' l.tld out a dragnN for J <t1rn·-. \V Lewis. dt•sc 11l>t:d in lllmm1> as a "pram<· .... u!>pt•C't .. 1n thl' Tyknol k illings. but a1 tht• saml• ttmt• th"." qu<.'l-lionL•d whet h c· r L 1•..,.. 1 s ,.,. a i. 1 n Chicago wh1•n thl' dL•aths cx.'C'urrc-d Ml·anwhilt• ;tUt h11nt1L·~ s.11d a mun n·,c·n1bling L(•w1s was STATE turrwd awa~ 1111111 .1 d11·.1p rn 1clt11 \\ n h <1 It• l ,, n I' !Io m1riuu·., Ix fort µohtt du~ .. t "' !\Ion· than IOU FHI .i~w111., and :w n l v dl'tc'l·t1 vc·o.; mmbt.'d lht' t•rtv \Vf'dnl·~dav aftC'r l1·,1rrnn~ that L(•wt., °,ind h1-. " >fl' h;id app«r(•nth :-.hppt"tl throuJ{h their fingt·r.. Minority population up S A N F RANCISCO - California 's popula11on w ill rise to about 32 m1ll1on bv th e year 2000 -and m1nor1t1es will compr ise aboul 4 5 perC'e n t of the state's r es 1d en l s. <.t Northc>r n Ca li forn 1a rt-seart·h group reportt'd T h c· s l u d ' . r l' I ea s c• d Wedn<'Sday. said the numbl•r of p<.-Qple lrvmg in the st.ate• will grow from 23 7 m1Uion 111 1980 lo about 21:1 mtlhon hv 1990 bt>fore ll'ap1ng anothl;, thrN• mtlhon by thl.' e nd 11( lhc «'ntu ry D Lor .1111111 I It l.1111.,111·" 1111ul1h·' 111.ol 111.1\ 'I" II 1111 d1·1111" 111 h1' 0111lolll01ll"\ I ofl lllolKlll~j 1 lllllJ'olll \ • 111tlol .11 lfe1 '•11111 111111 llll )I 111 , d11 ,1111 I .11 111111 .ooodlt11011 '111'111 I k I .1110 .... ·, :j,:.!.1,(llHI 1.(1111 "111g l>Ml . 1~· 1h111 Wl'lll 1111 ,,ill' h"' .h111t· 11111 1111lv \\Ill ~.1111 .111 .1111.1 111 Ill\ 'lllflll 1111111 II' llt.lk• I ' •• I I I' g I'd d I II I.( I .. I .• I •• d 111.i111•uv1·1111g hut 11..,.. 111·1' '''' tho· o·.11 p 111l111hlv will 1 "1' 111 p111·1· h1·1·<1lhl' 111 1'11· l'''''1l1tl1tv lli.el p 111d111111>11 111.1\ ... 111111 ''"" 'Ail\ 1h11q: with 11111111 .. 1 llllllllk·" (11,...ts 1111111'). 1·>-111.11111'11 Reward set for pelican mutilators A :. 111111 ;. 111u11lat1'll p1 ·l1t·.i11~ bq~;111 t111·11111g up l r11111 l.<J:-. An~l·l1•' to San Dll'g11, I l'd1·1 al wtldJ11t 1>l I lt'1i1b .illlllllllll'I d iJ $fl 11011 '''" .11 d Wtl), l.x·111g 11ff1•1HI 1111 1111111111.1111)11 ll'ad111g lo tho· 1·11n\'11·t111n o l wh111•v1·r 1:-. 1 h11pp1ng 1111 1tw upp•·r l11'11k:-. 111 1h1· h1nh About ;, d1JZl'll 111 till' 1111un·d 1>111\\11 JJl•li1.11i.... Wl'rt "gli11·tl 111 (),11),1 1'111111 ll.11 b111 b :-.1 \\('I k S1111 l' 111111. t1vt· h.l\o· h1·1·11 c.1p1111·1·d .ind b1 ought ll1 Crn\\'11 \'al l1·y t\11 1mul llo1,p1 t al 111 1..1gu11.e N1guc·I <>n1• h11d \\ ..... he d up 1111 lhc IH ;1c It 111 l'.111'b.1d .ind had lei Ix d1• ... 1r11' 1·d ..,.. hc·n ,llll h1111111·~ dt·l lclt-d t 111 lll'akl1 ·" lurd 111uld 11111 l•c · '•'''t•d W1th11u1 tlw uppt•r lll'ak. t lw 1>1 nh h ,1 ,.,. 1111 '' J v to lt•1·d 1 lw111'0 I \'l'" 1r1 1 li1 · " ild Th11u~h the· µ• 111"1" 11111111.tll \' 1-.11 ll\1· li....h th1•\ .•H' dc1111g \\I II \\'h1·11 h.1111l-l1·d .1 d1t·t 111 f1-,lt JMl'h ,111d \'1\,1111111 -.uppl1·1111·11I:-.. tll'< t11cl1t1g 111 C'r 11\~ II \'.ti It•\' \'t'I 1·1lllilI1;111 < i;1\'h· Hol)(·t 1' ,\ group 111 v1·t1·n11.111.11i.... will ,1lll ITIJll lilt' \\('I kl'llll 111 l ..... h1111l ,1r11f11 1.il h,.,,k, .rncl "" g11 .olh .Iliac It lh• pr11 ... 1h1111 d1 •\'t1 o·-. '" the· 111·lw;111 .... H11lwr I:-... ,1111 St.111• 11l l1l·1..ib lwl11·v1· .i11g1·1 .. d .. n d f "I ' tr " l (• d f .... h I I 111 (•II pr11b.11JI\' .ell fl•SJ.>Ull~lhh· 1111 tho muul,1111>11' Tlw bud' h,1\'1• little fl·Clr of hum.in., ;ind will ,11·;d <1nl'h11v' Ii.ell frr1ni h11,1h ;.ind ... Offil'lll111'), gt•t l.t11glt·d Ill f l:O.htng lint·., .,,11.t P :111 11 ~ 1\11111 10· :. p u k \: :-. 111 ... 11 I u r t ht• !> t ..i. l 1. [)(:p.inn11 111 111 F1:-.h ,1nd C.i.mw Tht· b11 ti,. <irl' l'o11"d1•1 i_•d ,, prnH'l'\.c<rl ... ,.)('('If"> b\ I h1 ..... h' .Hld ;i11v11n1· 111nv111t'<I 111 killing 111 1n1u11ng th(•n1 ,., ~ub.11·1 t tn u S.LOOU I till ..ind. or one v1:;...r in J<1UI Thl JX ht .in~ :11~1 .11 Ill\ thl ff'dl'riel 1•1ic l.111).(o n ·t.J -.p1•1 11'' Ii.,\ \ 111l:el11JI\ 111 \\ h11 h c .11111 ·-. ,o $'.!II (Ill() lllll .111d 11111· \l'.11 Ill pd U11111yu C...ou t !>All Y Pll Ollf huradov. U1.1<>bu1 ,,, HJli? 11/f an car to gain ln • J\ 11 d \' v; I I '., l 11 II II d I I .e 11 d fll 1 "dt 11 1 111 I h e• l 11 l.011 .. 111 1\1111111 (',11 ('lul1 111 :O·w111li1111 l '..111111 111.1 '\'1111 k1111\\ 1111 1.1\\, 111 ~l}'lth ,111d de 111;11111 .111· ~~11111g 111 1.11<1' nv1·1 1·v1·11t11.ilh .. W1 "'· fi11\\ I\ t'I . l'il l I ,.., I 11111 1 I !It'd .11111111 llt1 11111111' ,l,ltll' 11f 1111 I ,II, ,,, 11 ..... 1111 ' ,f11il1l 11·' 111 ko 1 I' dr l\111g llw111 I 111 1111\ 1·xo11 tlv "11 1· ll11w 1111· I llllljl.ill\., g11111g \II lljlt 1.11t• 11/ If II ' 1'111111( 111 "l"'l,1lc .11 .di . Ill' .... 11d W1d111 "l.1\ Our 111.1111 1111111 '1 II. ·" \llll 1·;111 1111.eg1111 .... , ..... 1, I 111 10 1nillion Th· I hil1 p11 ·,1d1 Ill 11111• d Iii.or l JI I. II I I .. II l\.l 111111 ( ... I ., ll I /\1111111,1 1h1 I'S ol1 .,11iln11"1 " ll I 1 0 ... I ·o 11l1 \ 0 II 1111 0 ' 11 l I 1 \ fl II 1011111.tld\ h.oV• .. , 11 .... 1 .11111tl11 I I ,(l(l(J I oll :>Ill 111\'I IJloll \ "1'111·c11..i11.ilh . 1111·\ 111uld lw '"11111µ 1111 '111111 111111 ' he ,.,111 1111 ..... I'\ 0 I 1111 OlllC' "'I Ill' lt1 k 11•1\\ \\It .II IA ii I •ll l 111 'I he II l1·pli11111 11111·' Ill lli1 111111 ' 111.0111 "I 1111 111 N1 .. , 'I'"• I< h.1v1· 111·1 11 11·11111111 .111l v dl"o1111111 .. 1 t 1·d (lttu1.i1, 111 (1\1111 '''" lht\ .011 v..111111J.' 1111 \\111cl 1111111 N1 w"r'wk lwl1111 111.1k111i: .inv .;lat1•m1·nt., W1·1'" ,;11d he · 1·11JllV' d11 v111g value? 111\ l>MI ' ,, ,1.111il1 ,, ,t, •I l111d11·d "11111 I 1 .11 V.1lh .o 1 II )111 I 111>. O \ lilllft•f ,1lllllllllU/ll I 11.(1111 \)loll 1(1 111 1.t11 -. I.Ill h111 "'J111V. t I fu1d 1111•' 11111 ·II I.HI 111pl1 11111 Ill.ii 11 '•""11 he ,,,111 he 1. re Ill! lulll 111 c 1111-.1dl·1 It" li•I ,1~ ,1 I ,111d1tf.1l1 ·" ,f 101111 I !Ill '> llt 111 \\ 1111 h C 111111111 1•\ 'l 11 1111g 1111 vd111 It 1111111 "' v.tl u1 1 l1111t.., lie did .11111111 lli.il tlw 1,11 111uld t•\'1·11111.oflv 111 1.on k,·d IA 1lh ,, 1';11 k;11d Ill 'J'111 k1 I ll11Hl~h :--..11tl \\/1 "' T 11 1111 v ,, 1>1 l.1111·.111 " 11011 th•· du111lw-.t 1h111i.i I dll \111 1 cl11 AP Wlrepl\olo In a u t•ffo rt to ..... , lwn .. t·lf apart. a..; orw of llw I 0 mill ion 1 11wmpl o~·c·d in \11w ril·a. Liza Cal111t of San Fnrnc·j ... c·o ha" 1wr-.11 a clc ·d a n ach t•rti~inµ firm to donate· tht-u.., •. of a hillh(la rd <·a rr~ lwr nu•..,..,a~•·· ~lw \\4.rnl-. to lw a puhli('i:-t. t II Land fraud trial slated Newport promote r h eld . In $15 million scam 1\ l.111 cf JH II fl) II t 1• I r I 11 Ill N1•\.\ pt1rt R<•.1d1 ha<., bt·t·11 01 d1·1 t ·cl t11 sland ln.il I.Ill' thr~ Vl'iff 1111 1 h.1rg('s ht clt•fr.iuclt·d c·u .. 101111 " 11Ul of m"" 1ht111 $!;) millt11n thr11ugh a l.111d .,,d1·s 'l'h1·1111· fl'dc·r.il .1uth1111t11 ·' '""' 1\11 111d11 llllt'lll •~ ,1 1 lt.11 i.:• l1111u~h1 ;1g;1111'1 .e 111·1 .... 111 ll\ .e g 1 Jilli JlH \ .inti d•H'' 1111t t•Sloblbh ~lllll l\ld. ;.," .. 11 \\ J., .11 r;11gnl·d 1h1-. \\l•t·k m 1h1 · L'S f11,1r11 t C11ur1 111 L11., Ang1•l1·' .111d 111dc·r1•d lo -.t.111d Ir 1 . .I n. 'I '..11 Tl II ,, ·t ri11d Ind II -; I \I .11 <1ld .l.11111 ' F.111.11 ,, •II !1.11111Sp1111g .... 11 pn1 tnll\ I' 111 ill 111·.tllh .. nd h,1, 11111 l>1•1•11 JI I .tli.!lll d ..s 1unn1 1 "·" In 111~ ct1 il l1·d through tht· San G<1li111'I l\lounr ... n .. t11 l'(•nnc'<·t thl' a11 p1111 \\ 11 It J';e-.,1d1 '11<1 F<•1 .,._ ,,,111 hulh ~1at1·1111·nh ..ire· 1111 11111 ·1 I Thi· 1111'11 .111 .111 u" ·d I•• " llrn~ 1•0\11,!hh -, '11111.ll 11'' lo m1111 l!idn .lllllll J"llJ>le Trace of bubonic l\ldi11\\,lll. \\Ito .1111hont11·, ..... d ni.11111.1111 ... d l.111d pl llllH>lllll) li1h1111·.,... 111 NP\\ Jit•l I lk.11 h h .... llllt llt I II ,1\'.t1l.1bl1 1111 HllJ)ll\t llt J.11111' 1\11 (;11w,111 Ii.! .• 111d ,, .... ·11111d 11i.111 \1.t•11· 1nd1u1·d o "" h tli1' 11111111'1 1,, .. ll•tlt·r<il gr.ind Jlll \ Ill l.1" .-\ng1 11 '-1111 ,1 1 ""'I"'·••' 1 h.H)~t ,ind .! I 111tl11t-. 111 m,111 IC.illcl plague • ln l-1>1 tht I 11 :-,l tlllll' 111 .!ti \'t'ol'' .. ,·1dc·m·1· 111 hubon11· pl.1~u~· h.1~ b1·1·n d1-.1·11vc.•rcd 111 Or .. ng1• l'o11111y. ,ll'n1rd1ng l11 .,1<1t1 · .ind 101:..il ht•allh 11rf11·1ab county l-'0·11plt .ire lx•ang w ... r111·d 11111 h• tow h ll\'l• or d1•0.1d rodt·nt-. l>oi.!'· 1.a h ,1 mJ 111 ht ·r hou:.t· iwt.., ..,h11u Id ht• protc"tt1·d lr11m rl1•,,... \\llh 111·.1 po\\ 1lt 1 111 ('1111.ir' T 11 ii 1n1 , .,. ' h ,l\'I h 1 1 11 wo .:round squ1rn·b tr .q1pc .. J al the Anah1•1m I Iilb c.;olf Cour·,1 n·pnrtl·d 111 hum.11i.. A µ1 ·1 -..in were• found It> lw l':irrving tht· ,uffp11ng from tlw plagut• m.1;. d1scas£' hactc•num lh..il h.1s bt.·l'll h.1\'1• l1·1·l111g ~ ,,f m;il.11'1" the ~courgt• of tlw .ig <•:. Tht• ht'.•U.il'hc•. high 11 •\'1·1', nw.;c I( rodl'nl.., Wl'rt' l'i.iptun•d ,., part 0 ,f J1 lw~. nau-.1·.1 or :-.woll1·11 h mph ,lo(l,mtf, ht«1Jth 11fl It 1 • .J, ..... 1\ rout1111 • m11n1t11nng nµ.·r;111ons h' _ l'ount\' \'t« lor l'ont111I D1~tn11 workc:rs f 111 I \\ Jllll l 111.t 11 ,111d 111-, fJ d I t 11 t• I .o I \ .i ( I U '1· d ti I cft.tr.eud111g >llVl'~tor)o. l111n• rlw l'11111·d St.111·'· Europ1• .111d th•· F.ir l-~,...1 11v1·1 ;, 17 '1·,11 1x•1111d II\ flll'll l'''"'t 11t111g th1 \,dlh' ul I.met Ill t\111t l11p~ \ ,dlt \ 11111 lh of Lo"' A 11 ~«le·-. t\11111 d111g tu "'"1:-.l.inl L'S Altor111•v { ;;,rv Fl'l'':O., the· 1111'11 told 111\ t•,1111·, lh<tt th1· .1cT1·ag1• 111 ,\11t1 111111 \',illt•\ rt'J>rl''l'lll1•d 1h1 • I.isl .1v;11l.il1l1 land in L•'~ Angl·h·~ ,111d \\,,... f.1~t IX't'Ullll lll-{ "th<· nt'\I S.m F1 1 nando \'.tile •\'" F1•1•.,., .,;11d lt11•r,1tttrt• u 1>e•d 111 wll I hi I.ind als11 't at1•d that \\ 11rk h.1d bt·gun on ttw Palmdall l111t n 1111 1uwntal All JK>r I .ind th.it Los A n ~(~les crin1~ . tn creast~~ tn 1982 LOS AN(;ELES t API \\'h11P u 11111· 1n Anwnld .ind m o:.I ol Cal1I1 irnw dnippt·d during th1 first hulf 11f HIH:!. thl numb1•r of maJU• l'rltn•·' 1n Lo~ Antwlt-s rc~l I)\ 7 ~ p<.'n1111 th1 FBI -...iv., Ht s 1 d 1 ' L 11 s A n g ·t· l <' s . <:al1l111 n1 .1 1 ll1l's ... how1 n g inc rl'aM·:-. \\'1·11• S<1C'ra1111•n to a l :t5 1wn:1·11l. Frt·..,1111 .11 II;) p<'n en t and p,..,.1d1•1H1 .11 1 .J pt·rTl•n t, tbt• FBI -.<ml Tu1•"l.1' in W."hing11111. DC Tht• d1M'<IM'. w hich 1s t·urablP w h 1• n cl t • t t· t· led c• a r I v . is tran.,m1tlt·d from :1n1rn.a l t11 animal o r from anim.JI to human via flt·as H e.ti th 1>l f1l·1als rou nd tlw rodenls wt·re c·arr:vmg sylvatl<. plagU1• which refrrs to 1ypl' of baC'tl'r rum lound in squ1rn·b ;md other wrkl animals It t·an t·:tuS{· bubonic· a nd nth1•r form' of th1• p lagut• rn humans. The mo c d iincnc .111cl CO!!it-e(/ecri,·e wa1 ro bwltl 1 our n ,1rdrohe 1s co find .w t·xp<.:rt .nw h<n ·e conti'cle:n u: 111 .1 p rofr.,"on.li dorl11er \\'h o .... pt:ciJ l1>e., 111 p n n lll//l,L: experr knu"'l~dpe l t >ncernin,L: rhe ',uiou.-, <:lemenc.., o( lJ11.llin . '>t'ff1ce. value ilnd 11c/,·1ce. We're Listening ••• What do you ltke about the Dail) Pilot" What don 't you hke" C all lhe number at le ft and your m essage will be recorded. tra nscribed and dehvered to the appropriate editor. \~'e fe d we ha ,•e .iclne,·etl chc:se objectt\'(:s and m w m 111\ Ht' 1 nu co (.Ike ,1("·.1nwge o f ow u pt111111111 selccuon (or rhis 5e;ison. 642•6086 The same 24·hour answenng ser vice may be used to record let ters to the editor on a ny topic Mailbox contnbutors must include their name and telephone number for verification No circu lation calls. please Tell us what's on your mind ~ ... •••-' Mone1ey-Frt0ey tt '°" 00 ~ ~·:: Jri;.:::r ~ ono yo11r 'ODr •olf Ot _.., S11111CM1r 11\(1 lu!IG•r II rov 00 t\01 I K t!Wt yovr ~:': !' :J ~g':; De_.., °' ...... . T1I , .... .... -Or"'09 Coutlly AIMt M~I --~lllQ!eft lltlOCI\ "w ... ,.,.,,. ... M0>1t• L.llQMNI~ ........ ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat Thomo• '· Hoa.y 'llhj"~' onc1 c~ ••• C·ec:~"·• Ott<•• Jon• Amorl f.t<~•·v• Ed•tl'lt L. Koy Schult1 VI(.• ,1e1od..,. 1W1C1 0.1 ectot of Ad--9fl•lol\O Roymond Mocloon Conhe>ller Mkhoel ,. • Horvoy 0..tc:•Ot ol Mo<le1.ng l(oft.lohOlll "Konnoth N. Ooddord Jr. Oo<tc:IO' ol ~Ol>Ollt Ctau"i.d adverUalng 714,.42-5e71 All other departmen11 &42-4321 MAIN OFFICE Ult Wt tl ... St . Coote Mt ... CA M•ll •clo,.u lo•'*· Coot• llMM. CA .,.,. (•yr'9M 1t1n Or-Coetl Plllllltlll"f C-y Ho fttWi •IO<ltt lllt1tlrtll'"'· ... llo<'lef m -r ..... ........................ .., •• De ••P<odw<ed wlllo\M '419<1•11111rmlttlllfl 01 <OO••lfllll ow,., Gentlemen·s Clothing inspired by trad1t1on 46 Fashion Isla nd. Newport Beach (71 4) 640·8310 . I Diiiy Plllt MB THURSDAY.CCI 'J I, 1982 THI CUil AND THI COUNTY EN TEAT AINMENT COMICS TV LISTINGS 84-5 86 8 7 Myster~es of brain get a home By JOEL C. OON Of llte Dally "lol SI•" UC lrv1n1• h.1s opt.'nl•d a nL'W $:! I nulhon rl~an·h t'l'nlt.•r a inwd at prolJang the· myst1.•n1.~ of the brain Called thl' Ct•nter for lhP Ncurobaology of Learning and Ml·rno ry. tht' fo1.·1hty is touted as ttw first of 1 ts kind an th1· world. a1.•eonitng tu Dr. Jnmes L M1.{;nu gh. who proprn;t.'<i a nd organized the researt·h untt with t.'Ollto>agu1.>:. Gary Lyrwh :rnd Norman M WPtnbt.·rgc•r. MeGaugh . .i psy1.·hob1ulug1sl a nd tnh.'rm1l1<>na l authority in ll•arn111g and memor y n•s1.•an ·h. said tht• 18,000-Sttuan' foot n.•ntt·r 1s u111qw· bt'l"1us1.• of its interdtS(:tpltnJ ry ap proach It w all bring togt.•tht•r m•urolog11.·al sc.w nllsts. ph ys1t·1sts. pharmacolog1s~. 1.v mpute r s p<'<-'tJltsl.l. in a rufic1a l antl'll1g1.·n ee und btolug1sts ns w1.·ll as scholars from th1.• SOl'lal sc.·wm'l'S Faculty m1.·m h<'rs come from throug hout tht· UC's n111t•·t·umpus system. "W1.· want lo bt· known as the 11111.•rnu11onal center for lc•arnang and ml'niory:· Mt{;<1ugh ~1d a t a press con forl'lll'<' Wt.'tim•:.c..lay He may g1.•t has wish 1n pc.1rt w hen mor1.• than 200 to p sdi>nllsts 111 learning and memory c:oml' to UCI next Wl'i.'k for an mwr nat1onal cunfl•rt•nc1.· on the latest r('scart.·h in thl' f11.•ld The s<:wnlt'-l.1. havl" a w1dt· rangl' of l'l'S4.'<.1rc:h pursuits. Somt• an• :.tudy1ng k•arntng and nwmury With human sUb)l'l'ts wh1k• othl'rs have• fo1.·u:-.t'Cl on the C'<'llular act1v1ty that tnggt•rs the lt:ilrnang and memory pron-ss in ummab. Still o thc•rs. rnd ucl1ng two UCI Sl'H•nt1sts. believe mt•mory ts linkl'cl to thl• the cunm'l·t1on. or synapse. betWl'<.'11 neurons McGaugh 1s part1cul:irly tntt•rt•s ll'd 1n h ormon es that ap pl'ar to st1mu lat1.• mc•m o ry retention an laboratory raL., He h'as fo und ·that t•hc•m 1ca ls s ut·h as noradre naltnC'. adrena linL' a nd dopamtm'. a lso known as t·a tC'chola mrnl'S, tC'nd t o l'nhant·t' memory. Ht~ ha!> al!>O bt't.•n able· to ~t lt·urn111g a nd memory via othe r d rugs <t!i well as through c>lectncal sumult1llo11 of t ht• bram. But McGaugh 1s wary o f suggesllons that sut·h researc·h may ont-day lt·ad to a drug dt•s1gned to gw(• a normal ix·rson supc.·r-h uman IC'arn111g and memory ab1ltt11.•s He notl.'d has research shows animals can na tur ally produce hormo nc>s and substances to ::ud m mC'mory retention "The hormones are normally released when we get exdted, .. he said. "They play a role m how we'll remem ber the experil:'nct• that got us c>xc1ted m the ftrSl plac:e .. McGaugh believes h is C'fforts and th06e of other scientists eventually will lead to drugs that can be used for people who suffe r from learning disorders or v1cums of nl'urolog1cal aHlict1ons such as Alzheimer's disease. "We're not mtei:ested an a trl'atment that will help ordina ry people learn better because ordmary people will learn better 1f tht•y work harder." h£• -..... said "I havl• not nwt man y pt:oµlt• who wouldn't lt kt.• a httl<· lx•ttl•r rnt•mury from eh{·m1euls. but thut 's nut our wm · "We• don't 1w1--<l a n y mon· drug abuse·" lndc·l'd. n •st•archers nott· that tlw IJou y·s m1•mo r y -t>nhanl·1ng l'ht-m1c·ab at·t a l sp1.•t•tf1l' t'Onn·ntrat1om. and m a spc.,·tf1l t1m1.· rrnmt· The• hormont'S al·t lt kl• µnntt'r 's ink, tc•l11ng the brain which 1nformat1on to n·c·ord and w h1l'h to d1src·ga rd. The eff<.'l't or 111)C.'Cttng a human being With these substanc:es probably would cause the> brain to suffer from an overload or rnformallon, UCI memory spcc1altst.:. say In othl'r words. Na ture has its o wn way o f fine tumng our lea rning and memory ability. Psychobiologist Gary Lynl·h said his studies show tha t bram cah.:ium conccntratton plays a role 111 memory He has found. along w ith UCI colleague Mic hel Baudry. that calcium encourages the produc tion o f a little -known enzyme c alled calpam , which5 in turn bolsters the number of r('('('ptors at the synapse. L v nch believes the increased numbers o f receptors boosts memory ·-- ' / , .. .,, f .' ,, ' ·n I (_,'11ry ( :olt•1111111 i !'t 110 1>rt•lt•111 iou . .; 11clor ••• IJ.5 0 0 ~ Dr. Cary Lync h u !>lt'S appa ratus lo c·h t"rk li v in~ lii-.sut' from brain of a rat durin ~ n ·searc h a t l 'C ln·int-. Dr. Norman Weinbe rger shows computers for tracking auditory r esponses while Dr. James McGauJZ;h checks lab rat. Dally Pllol l't\olv• OJ Alchatd Koehler l Dr. Arthur Lange describes fear of failure a when you overreact when things don't go the way you want. Enter discipline, By SANDIE JOY Of tfle OllllJ Not Staff W ith the cost o f gasoline. groceries and interest raleS a ll on the rise. so. too. are pe rsonal stress levels. Dr . Arthur Lang e. a psychologist who teach es a course in stress management at Saddleback College. Indicated the state of the economy a nd incidence of stress are related. Lange. who also teachca at UC lrvine Extension and Coastline College. said It seems like more people are having stress-related or s~·lnduced problems u the nalion's economy continues In a decline. "There are 10 basic Irrational beliefs." said Lange, a practlcinf( psychologist wilh offices In Santa Ana who has conducted more than 700 w orks ho p s In th e United States and Europe. At the top of the 1rrat1onal beliefs list. he indicated. is foar of failure. "That's why the economy 1s such a big deal The economy isn't a stressor It's the idea that you might rail ... Don't get mto this fear of fa ilure," he advised. "You don't have to live at the level you're accustomed to ," Lange explained "You just want to. People freak out et the idea that they might h ave to hve with less than they hod in the past." Ironically, he said, a survey conduc t ed b y the federal government r evealed that the h ighest stress group was peopll' who earned $90.000 and up a year. "They are more uptight alx>ut being able to maintain their atandard of llvlne.'' Lange said. "The hlf(her you go, the nutt.ler • exit stress you gN ... the more pressure you feel." Fear or failure is Whl•n you over-rl'aCt when thmgs don't go the way you want them to go. "The part t h a t makes i t screwy," he said, "is when you demand things go the way you want them to. "When you demand out on the tennis court and miss the shot . you might throw the racke t and get ticked off. stresslng yourself. Tt's better to say you would have Ii k e d to have ma d't• that shot ... The same thing ts true In business and 110Cial life. · Longe believes that when you can't change a situation such as the s late or the economy, you change the way you react." "Streaa management ls very easy t o undt'rst ond ," he cont.ended "It's very dlrflcult to do becau ft requires a lot or sclf-dist'iplint.' nnd hard wo rk because peo ple d on't want to work hard anymore "Bas ically ." h e said . "I 'm teaching people how to change the way they thank For example, l teach the m how to change their awfuhzing. whl'n they over react with tho'ughts such as what if nobody shows up. Thoughts such as that. he said. are catastrophtxing And that. said the psychologist who I s forme r director o f psychological serviC('S at UCI. is the way people stress themselves. "We make OUl"S<'lves depressed and miserable." he contendf'd. "You can't teach peopll' to lX' unconcerned but you ean teach them not to overreact. "The economy Is bad t'nough. Why be miserable about It, too. The ('("()nomy didn't make you upeet. You made youraelf upmet •• l. Oru11gu <..C.111111 OAIL. V PILO Ill tiursday, Octob r 2 t 1982 H/f {'8 NY ~14"' .(:t)MPO ITE TRAN 'ACTION ~UOIAllON\ IN(l UOt. •••ua\ON , ....... VO•• ... IOWl\f l'A(O,I( .... 10 .. 0lf o• ••Olf ... o (Olf(lflllfAfl UO<• I HNANOl\ANO all'OattO I V IMI NA\0Alf01N\lllfll l>u1• l11 p1 uhh·nu. In u 1rns1l1IN~11111 , 111duy !I &t11d._ quuli1l11111!\ w 1•1 l ' 11111 uvmlulJh· tui puhlllJllu11 Y1·~ll01tfov i.. 1 l11s111~ prlu"1 ,111· 4uolld lwll .. Dollar up; gold down l.ONl)IJN 1A l'1 Ttw US dull.11 rm-. 111 1•,11tv f1111.'lg11 1•xd1.011~1 tr mhnu uiduy <llllld JJll:Utll1cJ11:. c1f tllllrt '' r .111· dccl1111 s 111 Eu1op1• ,md J,1p;in (;01IJ dropp• d lc 1ll11w111i.c ht•IJVV :..111111~ 111 Nt•w Y urk l.111 'l\1t•Ml,JV 'I h• d o11l.1r '-.11 t•111o(lh Wa.'I .1llr1lJulc'<.l by Euroµ. ~n dl•.1lc·r-10 i.1,.,·ulut111n .1bou1 p<~1ble snlen-st rail~ lUL' h\. '>ltllt• h.111k-. 111 Wc•sl <•t'tm.iny .md Japan Sut h l Ul:> w 11uld m ,1k1• lllVl·-.tmt'nl!> Jc•no1111n:itc•d 111 thm.1· OUll'l'IHIUI lt .. i. .1111 .HllVI rh,1n d ol111r -t.l<•norn111i.1ll'd 1nvu;t1111 nl.'i (.old hc•..:,on 1h1 u ,1dmg day l>y fall111g $Ii IY m llong K1111g 111 dcr.w a t $4:.!7 fj:J a troy ounct Import claims nixed WASlllNt,'ION tAP) Thl' Supr't:ml' Court h.1~ 11 JC t ic d t i.om' lhal the ft'c.Jeral government lll~·g<1ll y lur It tlld up to $500 m1ll1on in potl'nllal 1111po rl dull• b !>lt•11tn1111g (1 om lhc sale of Jap;PWS<· lt'lt•V1i.11111 M. L' Tht l~iurl. ~•lhout t omm(•nl, IN stand a dt.<1saon th.al lhc gtl\'{'l llnll•nl 1n l!:IHO at ll"1 pro perly in M>llllng c.;ho1 ~··~ Lhc11 th1 JHµ,Jnl'SI' WC'l I st·lling Sl'l b (<Jr unfo1rlv lo w pnu·s Trade surplus told WASlllNGTON (AP) Thl' United Stall's hc:ld a $1 I billion surplus in lriJdt w1lh Communl!>l Lciunlnes 1n the· s pring quarlL·r . largelv bl-<:aUM 11f fuod fo<.'Cl, i.111<.l ft•rl1hwr salC'S LO the Sovll'l Unum a govcrnnwnl t l'port says Thi• U S Intl rndt1u 11.il Tra dl C o mmtb,11/0 ~vs that l>C.'lwc-.·n April and Jun1· of this vt•ar. the U S s u1 plu!> Ill tradt• with Communis t n a t11rni> .1mounlt'U le> $1 I b11l1on clo1l.1n, STOCKS IN TH£ SPOTLIGHT r.( A I()~ ... tA,l•t '1• ., '/inJr tJMf4t "'t(..~ " •tJ •' (I~· Vo uf th" f UM• mt at lrllt.1 ~• N~,... Yl ti &tu(.• f t (f'Hlt O• "Yt-a h Ad r g ' .. , l '"" "' t'!tbtfl '"'" '' ,,. "' • 7.0 'KA) 0\jM I )" 'l40 ();On I Ol1 800 9,..,, tf' I 6. I I 011 000 \to•"~°' 0 • 01"t lf()O AMA (.o<p 'ill 000 I •nO> '-Cl 100 \J\ \!"'' 9"100.. W•'"'(.on ~ lOCi J(..nr \)n l10 400 f.i~P\•tO IOU 6(JQ M .. rttlf l yf' 111 ~ Phlf!U'\I t1I 110 100 Mobol '"' 'Uo <n'""'"' l l)OOCI /) . I) • )I • Ml 11 .... )'I, ... .~ <I ... !.o. n. ,, ••• 4. '• ... ., ... I • ) J .. '- AMERICAN LEADERS ttEitt •0 "4r. •" ">lir\ t....i """''••''""'., • ll ,..,, "'•"a• • ,,., ~ "" rno\t •ct ... •" •' er S• •l• C • • •" ,. '' r ''•0 nQ • fht • • .,,. •' m ... O • i t ""•"VII )Ml eoo Do,,.,,~, I JIO Q(XJ (n•mp Ho )I~ >00 ~~~t-:;,,0•1 fr. ~ R"v u nt ! 1&6 tOO HtlmRe-..c '' '~ >00 ll llOYE •O tU \00 •motrw t.IO >Ou (0"011 C..\ ,,. 100 UPS AND DOWNS .. 1'-J ... ... I) • n•. 1 ' on II , .. I l 1• NE V. YOR.._. IA~f ,,..,.. touo ... "'Q li\t '"0•\ U'lif' N~w Yotti. \tCK' E •r~~ \ICX Iii \ ""° tltAH •r'l1 lnflt "-"" Qonr UO trw m0tt1 .no O)wl\ '"-UIU'\f tMM'd on otrt ""' o• t "-"uit-tf"Qdf di•\\ nt •Oh.1fH4' '"' 'if'-0"4'•0•-No W'<.Vf ft4">\ lt(ll(Jtn9 bot> ow u .,,, •Ml uek'O N•• M'4 °'"'~rnt•O"' ''W"-0-' ~,.tht 01rtt'Untt" Ott.....,n trw-0""~·ou~ UO\H\Q f ' # .no ~ed,.4"J•• • • • ,... r' • u ... ,.,.,..... l 41\f l nq PU 0(11"1(PDf'°' 10 0) VP 71 1 I C,fW\tHO"\U n tO \ ..._ VP II I J C,l'n A'etrN 4 --. Up ti ) • V••~St::· t)'• ) • VO 111 \ O•t• C..n1 '6 • •' • Vp I~ 1 • C•n.o Jl.ona 0 \ UI> •>• I toll~('• '• I • UP Ill l (hf'J'\l_.,.,w, l • ••Up tl& <r [\ft<ll"I!' /0 1•11 Up 111 10 Mo0-1 Ho,,..... 4-. • UP 11 ~ t l M•1t•t W1 t& t •. UP '1 l g ~0:~r~~~ ri ~ • ~~ :: : t 4 &mSt#'ICJ 14' J • Uo 11 I t\ W llm~[I n U t Uo It 1 tt O•l•V E pf t '• VP t1 I :~ ~'c"It~~ /'; t,. ~~ :g: ~ l't;':,':•l ul U . ~ ~ ~~ :g: ,, (IH t .,~ Ill~ I ' Up 10• I) (:Qu1m1• CD )•• ''" IOJ lJ Mt'tt.-6 "" JO • 1 • VO 10 l )t tir. ,,, (;t•'\ tJ I lip 10 1 I\ At.llrd I /Ool ·~ 110 00 1 DOWNS l •>I) • (."t P(I oo "J GOLD COINS J .. Oii 4 I 1 • ... .. J • ) . • )0 • I • ... ]A • .. ' 1' J'. .... JI I ~ .. )1 ' ... )~ I\ J ) JO Ou 1 1 ' Ott I t I 0 11 •I OH 6 I •" OU 4 0 OH S o o... OH ) I .. OH ) I 0 11 )0 0 Oft • 9 1 ... Oii • ' J , OU • • '• Ott 4 a • ()ft •• • OU .f S ' • Oii • s • Off • • ' , Oft • ' .. Oii • J .: g:: : ~ ' OH • 0 • °'' • 0 I • OU • 0 NEW YOAIC ('°'Pl P1 1c aa fal• Wto....Oly of gold cotne compa1to will\ '""4ey • I>' lwtl l(r.,.llftd I lroy OJ $450 00 up n 75 ,.._.. -· I troy or $451 50 up SO 75 .... IO ,._ I ' llO'f 01 su e 60 VP S11 '~ Aue. 100 efOWft, 9804' lroy ot $421 25 llP $9 00 Sour~ O..~ P9<«1 DOW JONES AV£RAG£S NE.W YOAK(APt f-1twl Do-. J ONt\ ••O\ IOf Woel Oc t )() UOCKS L.Do; (IO .. )() 1n<1 lO 11n os Ull ·~ ~I• lnCh .t\ 101' I• OOH 1l 1001 'II 101'1 11 XI n .... 19 d l" ... ,, "' •• t • " on SI I))°" 110 IO on 00 0 o• :rtJ .. <00 ., m •• .oo ot. •" "•" Uhl\ u ~01. WHAT STOCKS OIO AOV"M~ O.co ""° Unt_t\.,..a tot•t 1\\Wlt\ Hr • h Qn\ Hr • IOW\ A • t V A PJ 0..1 h , ..... •31 , .. )J'l XIII ).).< ' NlllO. VOR" API O<t XI Ao .. anua Ot<••""° UMll..._ -tottl ••-• Ne_.,"'~' Nttw IOW'\. MHALS 100.y 1111 ~ JI' .. J. .kl J N(W YOR~ 1AP0 O O'i JlO l II> 000 ' '°' 'iQCj O) '10 )QO ,.,._ ... ~I. 00 lO'i 1"9/ )II 0 p, •• ~)i ... m 1011 m I Cop~• 71" ;s Gtonu a oourod u S dest1not1on 5 ID L•IKI ?3 29 Ce<\IS a POund Zinc 40 42 cents a pound oeh•er.,o Tin $6 2 t 78 M~1a1s wee~ Gompot•it Alumlnum 76 cenls a P<>UnO N • M•rc .. ry SJ70 00 Pf!' Ha.s~ Pl•llnYm S338 00 SJ 4' 00 llo y ouncto "'' SILVER Hartoy ano Harman $9 78 Pt'• I«» ounce GOLD QUOTATIONS Br T ... AHOC:lal..:I Pt .. I S e i e c lt'O w orl O 9 old p11t e s WPOnHOer London mn111 "9 '" 1n9 S• 29 15 oll SI I 7~ London o1!1t>mOOn 1o .. ng S•n 00 olf $19 50 Parle ol1P1noon '"'"0 $42~ f>S oil s 12 57 f renltfl1ll """9 S•29 00 oil SS 96 Zurlcl\ 1a1e aflem oon '"'"Cl S•2l 00 oil $11 00 l>•O S•2• 00 u •PO H•ndy 6 Herm•n 1on1, OA•I, <lUOl8J $422 00 oil S 19 50 Eng•lherd 1onc) oa•ly quote I S• 22 00 oil $19 SO E.ngel.,etd 1only oe11y qvolel fet>,.ca1eo $U3 10 oil S?O 48 SYMBOL S • "-'"""" .,,..,.,, Cl't 1 "'r-... ,t ••' O' ,.'\ t ,, I 'A "'" nC)IM) "U,.\ ftl U •"""'""' ,..,. t• , ' ,l .,, ... ,,,.,.,,t\ b.J'"''' on ,,, .. )\I .JI t h • , f'-rT\ '""•A df'C' ••At ' l f I 11'•'' • "V'~\ (H (<lyf"f'lf'f\., \,,.. ~ ''"0 ,.. toqolf 0 .... ,,.....,, • ~<1 • ., ,- ' II ._.. \(J I • t h '- .At A.1"" ,. .. , • , '''" t ""'' .. I .~ .. P'"'• ._, ". U•Y'Olft ,, • L \JV (Jfl Q ''" ""'"'1 l>H tttt.-d ,,, tJA<1. 1n ort"Cf'Oil'\O '· rt'H,:ri(f\) Ch t "'•'0 "' VI d 4'1_., 'HX I>. t11w10-end Q• ti,11 I up I P \ d lht\. i;••f t1 'tl•d• ~d om 11t<J ..,,,~, ~o ( l\u it(' on I'"· ,.n " t "'' d 1ttc1fH"IC) m~I no ,_ ()ff(;litrf'ld (W' Ptttd th1t. ytlH ff\ «< u,.-v•~t .,,. \t\Jlf' ~th r1 -.1c1f't\Cii m •"••n " Nflw •"'" , Ot'tlt-'•'~ Uf 0.t•O n Olt<if"4'1"'0 •, "'->run,. ('Uu\ ''<'C"" d •t<ffl'nd t Pa 0 o 'It'<.• 1" l~f"\ 1"0 lf"I~ 1} f'f\Of'lt\\ ftthmAl.0 ~,.~,, ..,,.h,.., ,..,, ,., n .~ .. ,,a 0t e• o '" buttOf"I O•!• E, 1 ., ,111"J" ot "' oghh .-( • O•v Of'l\O l f•O tll(t\ 111 h;U ' S•ttto n rull c1d CAiien vi.c1 w" .. " \h,,t11hut .. d w1 Wr+4'f' '"hJftO •w W tn ~"'"'"I' •'If W tnoul ~·"""" •d ' £, <hth outu.~n p [ lf110 ,,,,. pue• OI • •tOC• .-~ • f''UUt'-"• Of .,Wt t~atfl' ••'r\""Vl '1fl' "'"' by Qttt•O•no 1~ l•t••l 1' m0t'11P'I ••'"'f\O• 'tOv'• ttllO OU I ._ .. O<•O I Dllllil ClllT IMUll llACH I lllTll ClllT THURSDAY. O<.:TOUlH ;n . 19tJJ OH ANGE COUNT V. C ALI FOR NIA 25 CENTS Economy: No cheers yet Caspar Weinbt•rgt•r Figures set for park By STEVE MITCHELL 01 the Delly Piiot St•n Visitors to Nita C<irman Park m Laguna Beach soon will be sharing th<' grassy environment with two hfe-silt'd, paintl'<.I ste<>I figures. And thl' l'lty's arts c-omm1ss1on hopes to havC' the $6.000 work tn place by late Dc<.·c•mber -a sort of Christmas present for Laguna Beach. Council members accepted a commission recommendation Tuesday that will see L os Angeles artist and animator Leonard Classer's sculpture gracing ihe small park, located just behind the high school playmj;( field. The swimsuit-clad figures. one seated and one prone, will be constructed o f painted and welde d steel, al:cord1 ng to Glasser. an Acadc'my Award - wmnmg antmator The seated figure of a man, Glasser s ays. though 1n a ··relaxed pose" 1s madt' up of many complex planes and contains treme ndous visual e n ergy s ugges ting an 1 nner tension Perhaps that 1s because· the seated figure 1s gazing at a sunbathing woman. which Glasser says "suggests female fo rm throug h much morl' s1mplific•d treatment of the figure. at llmc·s melting into suggestion of realistic form " Arts comm1ss1oner s describe C l asser 's work as having (See F IG URES, Page A2) By STEVE TRIPOLI 01 the D•lly Piiot l t•n Thl'l'i.' wa1> l'tlUttuus opt11111:-.111 about tht• prosJX-'<'ts for e<.-ononlll' rt'l'OVt•ry IJut no prematun· l'ekbrut1ng among tho:.l" intt•rv1t•wl•d Wednl'sduy a t a u &'Unom1t· Outlook Confc•rt!lll't' m Anah1•1m Orange Coun ty busrnessml•n and women who spoke with reportl•rs appt•ared as eagt•r to bark Pr ('s1dt•nt Reagan 's l'conum 1c program as m ost u( t h 0 s t• w h 0 a d d r " s s e d t h t' approx1matl'ly 900 peoplt• 111 attl•ndanC(' Th('y wcrl· not qu1tl' so n •udy as the spt>a k ers tn declan• that those pol1l'1es would bring rl'ltcf '>oon, however Jim lletl, v1rt• prt•s1dt'nt and head of tht• l'Or poralc' banking group at Bank of Ame riea's Anah(•am offtt-e, said the ret-cnt lowt•a'ttlf.t of 111h'1 t•i.t 1.11t·~ uncl robust pc:rformunt'\' of tht• ::.lo1·k ma,rkct arc "cm•ouragmH" s11-!11s . llt•il sulll ht• wa:. "l t•ss t•m·oural{t-<l" by what ht· tt•rmc-<l tlh· "nominal" growth 111 tht· n:.it1on 's grostt" 11u t1unal prmJUl'l n •ported this Wl't•k. howt•vt•r "Tht~· arl• turning signs. but tht·y'rt• nut n·ally :.1gns that Wt'°re in 11 full-blown rt'l'ovt·r·y," I lt•tl said . F.arl Timm o n s. 11ow a l'unsultunt to thl' lrv11w Company aftc•r rec<'nlly ~wing laid off as t b t· cu m p ,J n y ':-. d 1 rt'<' t o r o f marketing servll't':., prt'<ht·tt·d tht• l't'tmomy "1s going to gc•t bt•tter in 198:1. but nut dranwtkally so. "It's going to bl' a fairly sluggish n'C.:ovt•ry, but at least it's going to tx• l)n thl' upslopt• rathe•r than tht• downslupt"" Timmons !klld Decisions., decisions . I 11t lut1011, wh1d1 '1'11111111111!< 1·oillt.J "lh1· tli1v111g (111t't' 111 till' toeonorny," wall l.>t• u11dt•1 l'Ontrnl for "al h•ast thl· nt·)(I M'Vt·ral v e ·a rs , " LI n d t h l ' e • t' o n 11 m y t•vt•rllually w1 II pr0!.pt•1 ht'l'UUM' o f ll, ht• S<lld But um·mµluymcnt will n.·nw111 high fur <iwh ilt'. until c·h<1ng1n1< dt'mograph1l':-. <:hangt• the· JUh!> picture" hl· pn•d1etl'd. Timmons also said thl• lo11g -ll·rm l'l'Unomll· pll'tUr<' I!> "Vl•ry rosy" lx'<:aU!,(• 0£ Lil' lion::. lx•mg takl·n now. Julie• Farlwr. an indl'pt•ndc•nl l'Orn>Ul!Amt ciml markt'l n·Sl'ardwr from M1ss1on Vll'JO. pr<•d1t'tl-<l "a pamful trani.111on" anli l'l'l'llVl·ry punc·t uatl'd by a number of un<lnswt·rt'd 4ul•s11on:-. ovc·r thP next (t•w Yl'ar~ Borrowing t1 tt•rm from one· of the mnferem·e's sp<•ak1 •rs. Farbt•r said the shift from "<l smcJkt•slill'k Choo ing the right pumpkin for a Ha lloween jack-o-lantcrn is no easy ta k. First, you have to find o ne that weighs le s than you do. T his young m an contemplates the selection at the Irvine Ran<'h Farmers Market on Myford Road. (111anuf,utu1e111<J tu t1 high tl'l·hntJJogy t'111hw11y 111.1ke~ tlw human fal'tt11 .1 1,.g qul':-111111 "Will the· uuto rnakn Ix· ubl<' !(1 ., w I t (' h t II e· II m p u t (' r pt ugrammmg''" :-he· a~kt·d "I 1 will bt· u pamful trnns 1t1011, but Ill the• long ru11 u ht·althy urll'." Farbt•t :.aid :-he was not p..iruc·ularly thrillc•d hy rel'enl upum1:-.llc t'l·onum1t: indit·at.ors. "It's d1ff1C'ult to g t:'t t•Xtlled ovc•r what's happt:tll'd 111 the· la.-;l thn•t• month~ hc•t:aust• ovt'r the• past sc•vt•ral )'rol'lt-lhc· <'l'IJnomy ha-. bt·t·n s1.·1.·,aw1ng up <.tnd down. l'S!>('n t1 ally moving ~tdt·wayi,, It's d1fflculr to st'l' that this 1s ·TllE turnaround bc'<·au~· Wt'0Vt:' s:J1<J that '" many ttnwi. lx•fon• " Marvin HerSt·hht.'rg, 1.·x1't·ut1vt• dll'l't'tor uf thl' Mt.·d tt.•al Ct:ntl'r uf !See ECONOMIC, Pa~c A21 Tom llralllt•y Bradley( goofs oc • in 8) J EFF ADLER Of lhe Dally Pllol Sien D1·m •)<.T<i t1 <.· gulit·t n;.,turial c:and ufa It• Tom Brad lt·V (·rrPd Wt'<.l1wsda:v wht·n ht· µk:cJgt•d to l:x· tht• first govt•rnrn to appoint a mL·mbl'r 111 th1· California Tr::in:,portalllm Comm1s:.11m from Or.m~<' Count~ Outl1n1ng ht:-plan~ for r<.·v1tal1Z1ng tht• stat(··., sagg'ing t:conomy tn about 900 pC'ople a tt e n d 1 n g l h t• 1 0 t h a n n u a I Orange· County C h<imbc·r o f CommC'rc£· Busint•!>s Outlook Conf<.•re n 1·c• at the· Anaht>tm Convt•nllon C~·nll'r, Bradley said h t• h u d .i I o n g -., t a n d 1 n g tomm1tmt>nt to makt• sure that Or;,nge Count :v wou Id be- repn·scna·d on the important panl•I th.d ov£>r:-.t•t·s sta 1e transporta 11on pul1c:v and funding "01w of the• things that gn•atly tom'l'rns Orang<> C<1unty 1~ that t h e v h a \' e n o t h a d a repn·~l·nt<1tl\'t• from this grPat l'O Unty sc'n·1nl<{ un the state Transpor tation Comm1ss1on. ·• Bradle-.· said "Obv1ouslv vou've not h..i-d c1 rc·adv and 1nformt•d \'QI('(• six•a kmg <;n lx·half or this ('UUl1t\'" B u t a ~ h 1 s R t· p u b I 1 t ' a n oppoawnt pointC"d out whC'n he atldrl's.'i<'CI tlw <.'Onvent111n several hour!> la tc•r, Orangt• County docs rndt•l'd ha\'l' a rc·prc·sentat1ve s 1 t t111g on t ht· <. o mm1ss1on , Orangl' County Board of Sup<.•rv1sors Chairman Bruce Nl'Stande. apprnnted last July by Gov Edmuntl (; Brown Jr (See BRADLEY. Page A2 1 De Lorean found industry doesn't run on charisma i' •.r By GLENN SCOTT 01 the D811y Piiot 9t•n Colleagues and admirers say John Z . De Lorean's charisma. o pt1m1 sm and s trength o f character fueled his financially ailing sports car operation when it was ready to run out of gas. And h is la wye r said Wednesday that De Lorean still expects to save the Northern Ireland-based business, which now is in receivership and has been set for permanent closjng h y the British government. The business includes a pl.ant near Belfast. where an estimated l,300 p eople still a re on Its pa y r oll. A U .S . s u bsidiary inc ludes executive offices in Irvine employing 35 people and a dealer preparatory shop in Santa Ana, just across the city hmtL<; from Costa Mesa. About a dozen people s till work there. The challenge has never been greater for De L o r ean . the silver-gray haired innovator who appear ed tired a nd unshaven Wednesday in federal court in Los Angeles to plead innocent to charges that he conspired to sell 220 pounds of cocaine to raise money to ball out his car-making dream. Assistant U.S . Attorney James Walsh told a courtroom jammed with reporters from throughout the United States a nd Britain that unde r cover age nts had videota ped several exchanges Plains harvest periled by early snowstorm By The A11ociated Preas A fall storm that dumped up to 14 i n c h es of 1n o w o n the northern Plains le ft farmera' fields too muddy co work In, but the harvest of t0roe crops m ight resume u early u thla weekend. The storm marched through the Com Belt on TueAday and Wednnday, anappl°' t:ree limbe, down ing p ower linee and 1narUng traffic frQm Nebraska to Mlchlaan. Two men were killed In 1eparat.e auto a«(den\I du«> to the storm, which had ' . • ' 1 w inds gusling lo 50 mph. Snow d e pths In Nebraska ranged from 12 Inches in the northwest co about 6 inches in the northeast. Temperatures feU Into the teens In many areas. with the west.em city or Alllance reporting 9 degrees. Much of the 8 lnchea of snow that fell In southwestern M i n nesota had me lted b y W ednesda y nigh t , wh e n te mperatures p l unged below (reezll\g. with De Lorean over the past five months. One of the sessions. he said. was on Tuesday when De Lorean. upon viewing several kilos of C'ocain<', had remarked: "This is better than gold. It came JUSt in the nick of time ." De L orean was arrested moment<; later. Bernard Minsky. De Lorean's lawyer, did not challenge his client's involvement in the drug- selling scheme but claimed his client's motive was strictly to save the company He said De Lo rea n was lure d into the sche m e. s u ggei;ting that the defense may a rgue e ntrapment. "Knowing he would need money. peo ple contacted him ," said Mmsky. "I think he fe ll p'rey. I think he's more o f a victim." U.S. Magistrale Volney Brown Jr. set bail for De Lorean at $5 million, but allowed a 5 percent deposit, or $250,000. Minsky said his cash-poor d lent probably would post the $250,000 in "one or two days." Walsh had uked fo r ball set at $20 million, claiming t hat De Lorean wu a great threat lo fleoe the ~untry. "We are looking at the realisllc possibility of a 57·year-old man spending the rest of h is li fe In jail," said Walsh, who curlier had estimated De Lorean's net worth at $38 million, minus another $50 million tied up In hla company. An affld•vlt from FBJ Agent Jerry We-a t filed with the romplalnt ai rta that ~ Lorean \ William lletrick had reached a n agre<:ment with an unde rcover agent o f th<' fede r a l Drug Enfo r ceme nt agency to trade stock in his company for money to finance the dn.ig deal. The agent. John Valcst ro', offered to put up $3.2 million to combine with De Lorean's $1.8 mllllon to buy cocain e -and late r he roin -from William M o rgan H<""t rick , who w as arrested Mond ay a long with associate Stephen Arrington In connection with the aame cue After $60 million wa1 ra.IM.-d by s-le of the drt.1p. Vale9tra would own 50 pcre('nt of the 1t.ock In Do Lorf'a n Motor C•r• Ltd .. aald Wt"lt . ter)ht'n Arrington Minsky defended De Lorean's action as not for personal gam. "He had a dream and a vision. Ht• got this l'ar. but now he wants to save' it I think we know what's happtmL'CI to this point," he S<ltd But Wals h scoffed : "On e dOC'Sn't creatl' an industry on the backs o f C'Q('aine users and heroin addicts .. The revelations about De L orean seem to fi t into his remarkable life ltkl' a n e w chapter in a novel. The words of formt•r Newport B each r esident J . Bruc e McWilliam s. w ho t'arh er this year r an De Lorc>an 's U S . o p e r a tion o ut of the I rvine offices. ring with t·oincidC'n tal clarity In lh1s month's 1~ue of Car & Driver Magazine. he wrote: "It is altogether like ly that John De Lore an will become the most writte n -about pe rson in the h istory of th e America n automobile industry. "H IS career has had a larger- than -hf e q ualtty that Americans <See CHARISMA, Page A2l .....-----llDEX---....... At Your Servace Busfnesa Cavalcade Classified Comics Croeaword Death NDtJ~'ll Editorial Enttrt.alnment Horoecope Ann Landcra A6 C8-9 A9 D~ 86 86 02 A8 & A9 A9 \ Movies Mutual Funds N1ttJonal News Publk Notices Sports Or. $t.('lncrohn Stock Ma rkets Television Th~k'rs Wrttheor 84-5 C8-9 A3 C7-~.D2-4 C l-8 A9 C9 B7 84-5 A2 .. , • 198? >: "2 l Orungo Cootl DAii V Pll OT 11 huradisy Octob4'r 2 1. ·-~\ ,,,,,---------f .,l_G_UR-E-., .. -. -.. -ll _____ f _f __ ~1~C ,. ed _ ~'..~"~.:~:.~~""'"'"· .......... · ousing o icial '•. . ' on 1nu stories lht lll ll'll 1'1 l'ft•ri. l4J "11n111114• h lK h . NB 'h . ' ,, .. u ... u. 111th•·r 1h11n uw1· th1·111 .. ItS igotry '• • ------------------------------I 1 :;~1:'i'·l~n~:11i,1:~,.~h1; 1\~:: l~t· ~1:1·:~ ''BRADLEY ERROR. • • t'u1111:111, sw1 of till' wm111111 lur wh11111 till' purk 1:; marrn·tl By s·n~v·~ MARBLE p I a n 111 111( c rim 1111 11H 11111 t· r 1 n rl1'!1·11"' 11! 1111· p1 u.rs·t •I • Nl'ltandc. tht• atturrll'y l(t'rwrul _lfl8o noted. 111 h l•odmg up thi.· Deukml'Jltm <'umpmgn m Orungl' '1 County A n o t h er 01111q(t• County 11 rrtembcr of tht• µJ11t•l both l'bndid alt.>s ntiglt'\'ll"d tu mc.>nt1011 is the c·ommiss10n's l'huirman , , Ivan H tnderakt'r, n lung-unw rtsldent of Corona dc•l Mar. Explaining Brndll.•y'a. l'rror. hts · press ~>cretary Tom Sulhvun said the mayor had "forgotten" about Nestande's appomtmc.>nt r-••S u llivan also took l'XN.'ptlon to : Ooukmejian's da1n:i that Bradlt~y !~ opposed creiHmg a sc)>aratc • m inistralivc transportation : !strict for Orang£' County. : Calling the altornt'Y genc.>ral's :' •-.Sertion "another d1:>tm·t1on," : '~llivan said Brudley had • )ioppor ted creation of tht• new • trict for the county onl't' "he ~assured that thl' funding was : ~uitabl e and w o uld nut b1• : 1• id i n g Los A n g l' I t•:. o f .s transportation dollars " : ... Although the ~wo candidates • ~_p peared separatl'l y at the ~· nft'renct', tht• vt·rl>al JOU.sling .g: .. ~CONOMIC .. :: .tarden Grove. sauJ tht• lowt•rang :•'°J int<'l est rates will s tir business :: act1v 1ty and 1m·rt•asl• Joi~ as a • •• r~ulL ·• H b "' • erst'h {'rg said thl· Rl·dgan adm1n1s trat1 o n s h ou ld n o t aj:>ando n plans to furth1.·r cut ::io-{f-X es if it wants to gt•t the ~~x1mum benefit fro m its ~nomic prograw ! ~'Bob Baldwm. \'t('C• pr1.~1d1.•nt of : Crocker Ba nk, sa10 thl· rc·n'nt surge m the s tock mark1.•t shows th;n "th£> mvcsung public views the future with m or1.· opum1sm "From that standpo int it's <i good sign ." Baldwin said Confl•rent·C' part1t·1pant L vnn Marter said she 1s unsurt• when or 1f r~'Overv wall l'Offil' "I d on 't kno \\ how dose to ·around tht· turm•r' "l' .Jrt•." sh1· said. refC'rrmg t•1 a phra!>t• ust•d by scvt•ral SP<·akt·r-.. W1.-<ln1.•Mluv among 1ts s peakt·r-... 1m:ludmg ~1.•fen se Sct'rc·tary Cas p ar ,:Weinberger _ ;1 The t-onfcrC'nCt'. spoll.<,()rt-<l by thl' Orangt: County C hambt.·r of Commerce. andudl·d fc•d<.•ral. > ~tat.c and private Sft·tur uff1l'1als • ah'long its speakPrs thut h,1., nwrkt'tl thl' • .1111p.11w1 111 11.·1·1·111 d .1y:. 10111irn11·d dunn.c lh1•11 011111j.(1• ( '11u11tv 'lopov1·r At u m1w111ng 1wwio 1.·unh•1t•ll1.'\'. 1 .dlt'\I lo t'tllnt ldl' with Hrudl,·y's :.pt't't·la, IX•uknu•Jian prtm11i;1'<I lw would l'llllll11u1• tu to1.·us u11 tlw "'hurp und l'lt·;1r d1fll'rt'IH'l·i. lwt Wt't'll 'l\im Bradll'y ,11111 1111· " llt• wt•nt 1111 tu e1lt• 11 d1f11•n •11t ctrl•Ui. Ill Whll'h ht• und Brndll'Y t•1th1•r d1sagn_,,. ur d1:.pull· the o llll'r':. da1ms Dl.·ukm1.•Jia11 S<!td , fur 1•xamplt'. that 1hn1• Wl'l't' :i:H ft•W\•r pol1ec o ff1l·1•rs on tilt' s tr1.•1.•ts o f Los Ang1 .. h·s l~1 s t Ot'Cl'lllbl'r than tht•rt• wc•n• 111 Dt.-<:t.•mbt·r 1!17:.i. An·u s 111g his uµpunt.•nt of t.l1:.tort1ng tht.• n·l·ord. Bradley ftrt•d back that th1.•rt• .in· :.165 mun• pohl't' off1<.'t.'r,; on the· s tr1.-et tudav than thl•r1.• wt•r.1• when lw f1rst 0 took office. "Tht.·n • an• olhl·r d1s tort1ons. now I find." Bradlt•y said "And wht.•rr-tht'rt-an.· d1st;1rt1ons, I will t'llt.• lhl'nl .. During their "Pl't•<.·hL·::.. huth t•;md1daH•s n•peat<.>d thl• Cormullb for r1.•v1tahz1ng thl· t'<.·onomy a nd µult1ng Californians bul'k to work th<Jl they havL· s t rl'sScd throughout tht.' fall t•ampa1gn. Bradley pledged to forge a new rclat10nship wrth business and labor. saying 1f 1t worked for Los Angeles while he was mayor. It can work fur the stale. He said the s tate needs t o 1ncrC'asc its efforts to develop fore ign trade and international tounsm to help c reate jobs. On the issue of housing. the Democrat said h ousing has to be prov1dC'd t h a t matt:hes job <.·c ntc·rs H e also s ugges ted rC'ducmg the s 1u• o f h o u ses. 1nl'rt'a s ing 1hc•1r dL•ns lly and t·onstructing mort' apartment.s to l'n<'ouragt.• sales a nd additional dt>vt•lopments Turning to tra n sportatio n . Br a dley sa id h e s uppo rts leg1s lat1o n that would enable loc·al govl.'rnmc nt to S(•ll bonds tu fanann· s tat£• highway proj<'<-·ts thl• t·om mun1t y feds should ~ high priont v prO.)C'<.'ls Dt.•ukmeJian said Cal1fo rn1a nt>l'ds to be compt•t1t1ve \\1th o ther slatl"S. but because 1t isn't. the econo mv is suffering E. l>u y <:urmt·11 CHARISMA. • From Page A 1 l1>Vt. ll\IX 1ng husllll'!>l> SUl'(.'l'SS with lJt.·aut1ful wonwn. and Lht· pt•r:.onal danng and skill to rn1sc.· 1111l11ons .. of d ollars w pursue his dr<·;11ns L .1tt·r. Mt'W11l1anis addl-d. "Ot_. Lu11•an 1s µr 1·tl y mu c h bullt-tp111of. and. 111 truth, his l.1pat·1t y tu n ·mL1111 'up' has undoubtt•dly bt'l'll un1.· uf tht• sinltlt· must import.ant fm·wrs m kt•t•pm>( th1.· tompany afloat." Andy Weiss of RC'dundo &ach 1s president of the De L orean Moto r C ar C lub. with 200 members 1n Southern California. Wt.•iss, too. remC'mbers De Lorean as a supremC'ly conf ident businessman. "lk's so t:onftdcnt and very intelligent. And he's a salesman, God 1s he a salesman . You walk away from him suymg. 'I know he's gomg to pull it o ff.' He can walk on water. although actually he'i> JUSt walking on rocks. ln this <.'aSl'. hl' must have· m1SSNI the roc:k." Bru<.'l' Vorhaucr. presiden t of Cosw Mesa-based VLI Corp .. is a Ut.• Lo rean drive r who said its maker's arroga nt not c·onf1d<.•nt -attitude hurt his mont·y -ra1s1ng ab1lit1es . Vurhaut-r. who said hl• has dealt with many o f thl· sam1.' groups to St'l'k fu nds for h1i> unrelated bus1nt·ss. rcm c mbt•rs t hat 111v1.•sto rs were botht•rt•d bv De ' Lorean's air of sup<.•nonty. · ··av the sel'ond t1m l' h e a pproac he d the m . he had so antagonized his firs t r ound o f soph1st1cated investors that they told him to buzz off.·· he said First ladies at Bess' rites INDEPENDENCE. Mo (AP) -Naney Reagan a nd two othc•r presidt'ntial wives topp<.>cf thl' lis t of d1gn1lanes who attC'nded the funeral today of formt•r r11-sl ladv Bess Truman . who d1l'd th1.s week at age 97 Th ~ serv1c·l' to r Prt·~1d~nt Truman's widow. who died M onday of ht•art failure· at her h o m e here, was st•t for the Tr1a1ty F.plSCOpai Chun:h . whe re s he• m.irned Ha rry S Truman on June 28. 1919 She was buried beside h er husband in th<' courtyard of the Truman Library hl·rc· Margare t Truman Danie·!. the l'OUpl<''s only child. told rt>porters a t the Truman man sion Wednesday that she ll'amed of her m o ther's dl'ath M o nday wh1IC' traveling m Europe as a Highs • Ill member of lht· U !:i dele gation com mt'm o r a t 1 ng the 1 OOth anniversary o f the b irth o f F'r:inklin D ROOS(•vclt Among the gu~ts her<' today WNl' former first ladl('s Rosa.lynn Cartl'r and Betty Ford, Barbara Bush , wife· o f V1 C'l' President Bu~h . and Muriel Humphrey Brown. widow of former Vice Preside nt Hubert H. H~hrey. 80s T en1pe ra I 11 re s Huir i>ll·•Y 0 1one1 ! 1 •H.qt ft'"'',., ,r.,,. . .._ Rain CJ SnowQ Showe•s mJ Flurr1e:1o!I:!J Fat1 and warmer today w1lh rnghs In mid 70s 11 trie beeches 10 Cow 80s 1n1and Variable high cloudiness 1on1ghl ano Friday OY9rntghl tows 57 10 7J HIQhS on F1'Clay 72 10 80 " Elsewhere . lrom Poinl ,. Concep11on 10 the Mexic an 1><>1der and oul 80 mires Light varlal>le winds tonoghl and F11day morning With SOUlhwesl to wett wlnd1 8 lo 16 kn ots d•Jrlng alternoon and evening hours IQ(lay and Froday Wind wa1191 I to J leat this a ll ernoon Southwest •-.tis 1ncrea.s1no 10 2 10 3 lael wilh local 1>1eaken 10 S Ifft on south lacing beaches Pllchy late noghl and e11 ty mo•ntng tow clouds. oth11w1H hlgll Gloudln- U.S. summary Up to t~ inches ol snow accumulaled 1n 1om1 par11 ol Michigan 11 a 11orm 1y11em l>Mrlng gu11y winds and freezing 11mper11urea Cul ac1oss Iha upper Ml111111pp1 V11tey end nortllatn G1eat lakaa Tile heaviest enow lell In Mlchlg9"'1 Upl)e'" Peninsula. wHh enow 1110 on the ground In Wleconlin. Mln...0011. Ne1>ratk1 1ow1 end Sou111 0 ... 011 HMYy winds eround Iha Graal L.Mt .. llllpad push tempetalUfff b8IOw trWZ!no Freua warn1no1 -• lllO In etfact tor llllnols iowe, moet of Mlnourl much ol canlrel end southern tndlana, alllarrr Kan1a1 and rrorlnern ArillnMS California Soul'*" Celolcwnla will be 1141 lodll)' with lncfauino high Clouds 11\d .Ughll)' wa.rmat dly• F~ and low cloud• n••• 1118 COHt morning• Or1nga County carr aapacl tllgtl• In -low 10. •t bale:l'lae. l'lllr IO ln4lfld, I.OM 6e 10 413. lnllnd vllle)'I wl" 111118 111gt1a In U9C* 10. to tow IOI I.OM ,_ tO H10111 In Iha low 70• 1n Iha mount lllW Hortlltrft ~ "'Ohl 71 10 11. M to ti N'I '°""*" deMrt.I A1fn llllaly In Hottharn OallfOl'nl• by IOfllOM, with ~ of rlln~ to oantref 11a11 to teaft.,ad lhowat"• lday utty eoutll~ly wind• over nclf1tlwttl COM! NATiON eo HI lo' All>ariy 70 44 Albuquerque 64 41 Amarillo 6J 26 Anc.h"'age JJ 27 Ashevtlle 71 so Allenla 75 •6 Allanuc Coty AA 59 Au.slln 69 ~ ea111more 7J •7 Bllltngs 57 30 811m1ngham 78 62 FUsmarck •2 30 Boose 61 52 Boston 70 '' Brownsville 89 70 Buttato 71 S2 Burltngton 69 53 Casper ~ 26 Ctiarteslon S C 78 62 LOUl"'llle 5J 46 Chlf1Hton w v 73 •8 tul>l>OCk 59 32 Cllar1011•. N C 16 51 Cheyenne 53 19 Clltcl(IO •5 40 C1nc.1nn111 62 61 Cleveland tM 57 Memph1t 63 47 M1am1 82 16 Mrtwaukae •2 J9' Mplt-SI Paul " 35 Nulwtlta 62 !>2 COiumbia. SC 80 49 -New OtlHnt 81 63 COiumbus 60 56 New York 71 S3 Oallu-Ft Worth es 46 Nor1olk 17 58 Dayton S8 4J Oen-se 29 Oii Moines 45 3• Oet•Oll 59 " Nonto Platte SJ 19 OklahOml Coty 59 J2 ~·"· 41 29 ();ai.tio 87 8S Duluth le 31 El Peso 71 49 Ph1lad11Phll 75 46 Phoanl1t 88 61 Fai<banks 31 25 Fs1go 37 27 Fl191llH 6S 29 Great Fella 56 46 Plltel>u~f\ 70 ~8 Portie . Ma 61 41 Pol'ltand. Or• 82 JS P1ovldenoe 68 " Har1:ord 71 39 Halana 56 21 Honolulu 88 66 Hout Ion 70 59 lndl•rrac>olt• 45 42 Jack90h. MrH 68 sa Jack90h\o~le 82 60 Juneau •4 38 Kanse~ Clly 49 32 KnOl(Vllle 72 49 LuVagaa 73 45 ltltle Rock 61 41 Ralelgll 79 54 Rapkl Coty SJ 21 Reno 81 33 Richmond 77 tM Salt Lake 55 30 San Antonio 69 60 S..11141 S6 J9 Stou• Falla 39 27 St Louis S2 42 S1 Pete-Tampa es 85 SI Sia MArla SS 41 Spokane 64 30 • • , , I > .... llli~?'iill•'~-........................... __ _ SURf Rf PORT Syracuw Topel<e Tucaon TulH waan1no1on WIGhlll CALIFORNIA Apple Valley B1kar1lleld Barstow Beaumonl Btg Be.ar Bitf\OP e1y1ne Catarina Culver C11y Eureke Fresno L1rieae1er Long Baacto Los Angeles MonroVla Monlat>e!IO Monlerey Ml Wiiton Naa<llff .Smog 71 47 51 J6 84 54 59 39 74 5• 53 30 79 " 78 61 84 58 78 47 6-\ 30 73 39 86 SS 74 58 78 S8 68 63 78 55 76 ,, 80 S6 79 61 84 $3 80 56 12 58 83 46 81 54 Wllare to call (toll lfH ) lor 111 .. 1 amog lnlormatlOn· Orange County: (800) 44&·3126 Loe AngelH County (800) 242-'6022 AIYettlde and San 9emltdlno counllaa: (800) 3t 7-'710 AQMD f plaoo. C.Otet (IOO) 242-.4Me Tide TOOAY Second hlgfl 11 46 • m S 2 Second low 7 Up m 0.1 l'AIOAY F1111 hlgll 2 30 a m 3 3 Flttl low 6 47 I m 3 0 hcond hlOh 12 23 p"' ' • l8coMI hlO'I • ,. p "' 0 • Sun "" lod•Y II • ,, pm . rl'" l'rldey ti 7 O• 1 ,,, MoOn r1M1 lodly II 11 27 am., "''at 137 pm. N 1 l u { ll r 111 a 11 w u 'I I h 1· "u1111l I 11111I la11slt•i.1• •1( I ... l{u11.1 f\t'.tdl" Ill th<• d<'<'lldt•' S!>allllillf.( till' w :sus until lu·r d1 .. 1tli 111 till' t·url v I !171h. S ilt' 111 ll'll m v 1tt•d up In ti() 111•1ghb•1l 1> u11d fr11·111lh lti JIHll 111·1 fur ,1 harlwt·111· hl'IJ11d1 .1l li1•1 two "tory l111ni.:..al11w A111.l dUl'llll{ I h t• w.11 Yt•c1 r :., h1111cl11 ·d -; o f 'l 'I VII l'lllt'll l 'llJO Vl'd ht•f' 111)',µ11.il1ty :11111 K1111tl l'tiokmg 1111 w 1·1·kl'11tl1> .m d ll'tiVt·i. '1'111 · p.11k . lix.·utt.·d 011 a ltlth 111 !111 :ll'll' p( hind Cll'l'O!->.' f 111111 lll't llH'llll'I hrnlll', W:.11> l1.111H•d .1(11·1 tht· w11111:111 an 11n:~ L,1,t yt·•ll , Nu.a ,JI 111..an':. ~n ,1fh·n'<I $h,OIJO t11 thl' l llY for iJ '<. UlplUI I' Ill tht· purk. s;1ymg lw'd ltkt• to M't' thl' park "lw~:onw a littlt• 11111n-,s1grnf1l'a1.1L than JU~t iJ pit'l't' of l;111d." Thi• .1rb t•or11m1s.'-ac111 got 1n tht' ,1l't, ._olil'lllllg a rt1SL'> who n11ghl bt· 111t1·rc .. ;11•d 111 ... u1i111111111g propo!-wil::. 'l'ht·y t·mployL·d .1 JUdgL' using $500 of D<iy Carman's mo n l ' y an cl (; I ,1ss1· 1 · s s tinbath1ng duo got tlw nod from morl' than u dozen S<:ulptl>rs. Th<• artist says the figures will e ncourage people to sit and c npy the p.trk's s urroundings. "Onlv tht•n Will tht• Vll.'Wl-TS reahw that they thcmsc1Vl'8 h ave bccom1.• a n integral part of a <.·ontinually changing S(:Ulptural er1v1ronment," Gla.'i&'r says. 01 lhe Oelty flllot ltelf A huu ... 1111( of I w1..al 11." t.1kl't1 Jilli .1t 111oi1 uupuf Nt•WIJIJl l lk·,1l'h 1 t•i11dt·1Hi.. drnr gm~ ttw11 t·11t11·1sm or a pro1..IUl:i4.•d 11Hordalih• 1111u1o1n~ prnJ1•1 l i.n11tl'k' of 1J1uu1ry ..ind 1•llt1 .. 111 l<ulph K1·1111l·<ly. ,1 111't1Jt•1·1 111a11ag1•1 f1,,-th1.· Orur11.t1· Cuu111y F.11r ll11us1n1oe C'ount·il , """ N<-wpurt fll.·al·h has a n ·put.1t11111 ,.., lw 1 Ill( iJ 1.·onimu IH 1 y w h1•11• . I I • I ,.. • • Trw f.Jll nuusmg g111up 11> tllll' ol tht· organ17.at 10 11 s su ing N1•WJ)(1rl Bl·u1:h , <illl'lo(111K th1· l"lly hll '> dtsl·r1m1natory hou:.1n~ •1r:w111·t•:. · Kt•nm·dy si.11d his cc1111mt·n t-. wt•rt.· provokl'd b y rl•t·t·nl d 1,l·u ss 1o r1 u f a pr•>post·d JflOI dahll· hou:.1ng pro Jc" t 11n lrv11w Company land rwa1 tlw f11sh-1o nabl e E.i s tbl uff n1mmu111 l v Tiii' p1·;1.Jl-<:t wa:. prnpt>:o.l'd by N1·wpo1 t nty plannl'r:. ;.111d. it 1µpr11v1•d . would boo::.t l rv11w Comµan y building rights fnm1 1:w to 750 uniL' 1111 tlw :i5-Jnt· µarn·l of land S1•v1·rul Eastbluff n ·s1dt•nts h<rvt• l'Omplainl'd that lhl· µrujt'\'l would bring m "<.tn und1.•s1rabll' c It• m t• n t " t h a t w o u I d h <.t v c· trouble mixing with Newport ('lllZ('nS OthC'rs rapped the p rOJl't'l ai. bl•irtg tou dense and likc•ly tu produce too much traffic. KennP<.lv branded soml' of thr· statt•m ent; as being ··bt;:itantly bigutl•d" but said ht• 1s more d1sturbt>d by re marks madt• by the Irvine Co mpany und a c·1ty Cells communicating lft• .. 11d 111 dt•f l'll'll c)( lht• p 111 Jt-C. l . ..1u w 1ne11 ts w1 rl' m11cJ1• th.it th1· h11u:.1n1< wuulcl uo t ,1 II r :i 1 I .. 11 I I 1 ..a ff h u l !SI> I 1 d , 111i1·11)> M u Ii ..... li1111k tt•lh·1 !l und 'd111ol ll'.Jdll'I '> • "Tht• 111f1 ·n ·rw1· 1., that gas 'tutwn tl llc-11d ;1111', h 111ip1tal w11rkt·1 i; and hou1>1•k1•1•1>4.'r:o. du not d 1•:.1•rv1· to l1vt· 111 Nl·wport Hi•:tch ," <>aid K1·nm-dy lfl' 'UJ<l(t'::.ll·d that 11 m odl'.:o.t , c tw;1p hou:.t-. rn his up111 111tl , 11> "f:a1 n1or1• lwnorablt· th:.in somt' 11( t hi:. 111ll11M11n:. you havt· dow11 1h1·n · Ji'rry K ing. l'ha1rman of tlie n 1v'i. planning 1·omm1i..qion and ,, ... twft·nt uf hoLI!>mg lll't.cf!>, i:.a1d 1h1• ntv " s triv mg to provide hou-..1ng 11>1 a segmt·nt o f p<.-.1ple \.\ht> J>rl'M·nLly can 't afford to buy 111 N1·wport &•ac·h "W1·'11· not ignoring th1· n<'Xt h·v1•I d own ,'' Si.ltd King "Wt•'re JW .. I .. h1111t1 ng for thl· larger 't·gn11•nt first and that ... ,.{•mi. like .1 ra t111nJ I J ppn1c1t·h " K 1 n g :. a 1 d l 1 t y ( 1 r l' m e n , 111ol1u·111l'l1 a n d man" 11ff1t·1· \\ork1·1., 111 the lx-aL·h town l1mJ 1t 1111µ1>si.1blt· tu lcK·<Jtc· hu us111g m Nl•WµCJrt "U1w i.:uy I ht•ard Jboul livl'd 111 ..i hou.,1· on UVl· atrt·'> of la nd batk EJst !ft. sold lhl• land .md -..t1l l u iuldn't afford to huv in Nl•wport 8'•<•<·h ... said Kmp, · King :x11d h1.· 1s a:. d1sturbl'<.i ..ts ;,an y111H· L·ISt· by rl·marks that <1ffonlabl1· housing wCJuld bring 111 undt.·~irahlc·s Delly Piiot Pholo by Rlcherd Koehler Or. Gar y L ync h uses cuta way mode l of bra in lo t>x pluin hi~ h ypothesis tha l memory lorage i a ffected b y a lilll<·-kno wn f'nzyme calle d "calpa in:' More research i du(· a l 1ww rwurolol(i<'a l la h a l l lC Irvine. Sec P ag e Bl . Storek eeper M onica Cottam is wearing our brushed Shetland wool sweater in a five color Jacquard design knit on soft subtle shades of lavender, sand, and j ade. 17111 end lr•lnt, Nt•llOrl fk1,h Wfllrlllf Pl•11 ' llAlllCIAIT IRlll lllTlll H iUJI SOAY. OC TOUI t~ .'1 1'HIJ' ORANGE COUNTY . CALIFORNIA 2!:> Cl:.NT S E;conomy: No cheers yet Caspar "''e inbt•rgc·r AirCal 'action' hared By FREDERICK SCHOEMEHL Of th• D•llY Piiot St•n AirCal will 1n <·n·o::.1· flight st-rvicl' in eigh t markt·ts and s uspcmd service 111 four othl'rs as part of what compan) offu.:1als are calling an "acl1on plan" 10 keep the Newport &•och-based <:arner prof1tablt· this y<'a r A1rCal officials said the• l'arrtl'r will suspend serv1t.·t• tu Fresno, Mo nte rey, Phot'n1x a nd Las Vegas, effective OC'c. I. On the same datl', A1rCal wall "boldly e xpand our CIJght service in eight of the strongest mos t productive California markets," said Shelton Best. the airline's exe<:ulive vice president Those markets were 1denufted as Orange County. San Francisco, San J ose. Oakland. Ont ario, Burbank, L os Angeles and Sacramento. The acLion program. &"St saJd. as designed t.o rede ploy assets and personnel to "max1m1ze profit pote ntial and customer service. "With price and sch e dule le a d ershi p A1 r C al ca n significantly s umulute the marke tplace and solidify o ur pos111on an 1t," Best said. A1rCal this year 1s suffering its h rsl operaung losses since 1972. In the firs t half of 1982. the earner showed an operattng loss of $9. l million. Air line o ff ll·1a l s h ave attributed much of the loss to an escalaung war for passenge rs w11h San Diego-based Pac1f1c Southwest Airlines A1rCal officials also have pointed to the (See AIR CAL, Page A2) By STt;VE TRIPOLI Of the Oell, Pllol lten Thl•fl' was cau11uus optimism uboul tht.• prOSp<'t'lS for l'COnomu: n><.·ovcry but no prt>malurc t.•c.>ll:'bra t1ng among lhost' intcrvwwed Wc>dnt.'sday al an Ec:onom1c Outlook Conforem-e 111 Anaht.•1m. Orange County busint>ssmen a nd women who spoke wilh reporters appt.•<ired as t.•agl·r lu b a l' k P r C's 1 d l' n l R t' a g a n ' s 1.•1.·on11m1c program as most of t h o s l' w h o a d d r l' s s 1.• d t h <' approximately YOO peopll· in altt•ndance . Th1.•y w1.•n • nol qu1t1.• so read y as the spl•akt."'rs to dl't:lart.• that thost.• poltdt•s would brin~ rl'hl'f c;oon, however Jim Ill-ti. Vll'l' pn•stdl'nt ;rnd hc·ad of lhl· l'Orporalt.' banking group at Bank o f America 's Anaht'lm office. said the rt.'t:enl lowt•rlng uf lnlt•rl'st ruh•s und robusl performurw1• of the• i>tock markcl are "1.•nt.'<>Ufal(1111(' i;1gn. ... H l' 1 I s a Id ht.• w u ~ ··I 1· s s l'll<:ouragf'd" by whul h1· trrmt'd lhe "nominal" gro wth tn lhe nullon's gross nallunal pro<lul.'l n •porlt.'<.I this Wl"t.'k, howt•vt•r "Tlwst• arc.• turning s1~ns, but lhl'y'rt> no t n •ally s 11-t11i. thu t wc·'rt.• m a full -blown n'<.·ovc•r y ," lk 1I S<ltd 1'~a rl Timmons . n uw a l'Onsultunl to th1• lrv1m· <.:omp<my <lfh'r n•n•nlly bt.'tng laid orf as th<• l'Ompa r)y's d1r1•ctor of markl'ling S(•rvtL'c•s, pn·d1L·tc'<..l thL· l'<:ono111y "is going to Rl'l tx•ttc·r m 1!183, but not dramatat.·ully so. "It's going to bt• a fairly i.lugg1sh rt.~·ovc·ry. but at least ti's going to tx.• on tht• upi.lop<• ralht•r than tht• downslopt.•." Timmons said Decis ions., d ecisions . • • lnrlut1011 . wh1l'l1 T 1 mm11n~ c·ttlll'tl ''tht• drlvanu rm·1·1· in thl1 t"-'011on1y," wall tx.• u1u..l1•1• 1·11111rol for "al lt•ui.l tht.• nt'>Cl :wv1•1 al y 1· u r !. • " u n <l t h <' 1 • c o n "111 y {'Vl'tllually will JlfOl>J>l'I ht't'UUM' of 11, ht• suuJ But u111·111pluy nll'nt will n·main h11>:h for awhile. unlll t·hanging dt•111u~ruph1es ehang1· th1· jobs p11·tur1., ht• pn•J1l'tt·d Timmons ;,ilso mud th1· long-te rm t'\'cmom1t· p11·1un· I!:> "vt·ry rosy" l)('t'UUSl' uf at.·l1oni. lx•mg takc•n now Julie• F'artx.•r, an indt•p<•ntlt•nl t•unsultant and n1arkt•t n ·st•art·h1•r fruni Mis.-;1on V1t•JU. µn:d1 t·l<'tl ··:1 painful trans1t1on" and n'l'ov1•ry punl'lu<itt·d b y o numlwr o f unan~wt·rl'd qut·slaons ovt•r thP m·xt fc•w yc·ars Borrowing a wrm from on<· uf the· t'<>nff'n•nce's SpC'akt•rl>. F;,irlx·r said tht.• shift from "u smok1·st.al'k Choosing the righl pumpkin for a lla lloween jac k-o-lante rn i~ no easy lask . Firsl, you have to find one that weigh less tha n you do. This young man contemplate ' lhe selection a l lhe Irvine Ranc h Farmers Market o n Myford Road. (mo nu I u t · l u 1'1 111{) 111 u h igh l•·l·h11olc1gy l'l'1Jt11Jn1y 1111:1kt·~ tlw human f ut'IOI' a big qUt'Kll0 11. "Will the· au lo mJkt•r Ix• able· to ., w 1 t 1· h l o c o m p u I e r p1ogrumm1ng'1" l>ht• askt.•d "ll will lw u puinful trons111on, hul tn tht• long run u healthy ont•" Fa r IJ c r s ;1 1 d s h t' w a s n o t µarti<:ulurly thrtlh•d by n ·t·t'nt opl11111sl1t· t.'<.·onomic tn<.ltt:ators. "It's d1rr1eult to gl't exl·ttc·d ovt·r wh<al's happt_•m-d 111 lhl' last thn•1• months bN·auSt· ovt>r thC' µai.t sc•vl·rnl yt·ars tht• l'<-'Onomy h.J~ ht·1·n st•1:s<iw1ng up a nd dow n . 1·sst•nt1 u ll y movi ng s1cll·ways It':. diffll'ult to St~· that this is TllE turnuround OC'\:aUSl' wt•'vt• said that so muny l1m06 lw fon ·" Marv111 Ht•rsl'htx·rg. 1.•Xt>t.·u11ve d1rt>t'tor of th<' Mt'<l1c·al Ct·ntt·r of ISee ECONOMIC. Pa1te A21 Tom Bradley Bradley goofs • in oc By J E FF ADLER Of the 0•11~ Pllol SI•" Dt·mut.•ra t 1l' g u bt:r rw t•Jl'la I eand1cl<atl' Tom Bradlt•Y l·rrc·d Wt'<:lrwsduy whl•n hl' p1t.'.dgc•d to bt· tht• first guvt·rnor to c.ippotnt a mt• m be• r to t h t• C a I 1 f or n 1 a Tran~porl<it1on Comm1:,,.-,1on from Orang1· County 0 u t I 1 n 1 n g h 1 s p'I a n s r u r rC'vi tahzing thl' stall''::. so:igging economy to about YOO p<'o ple attendin g t h e 20th annual Orangl' County Chamber o f CommPrcC' Bus1nt·ss Outlook Conf1.•re nce at the Anahei m Convention Centt:r. Bradley said he had a lon g -s tandin g .commttment to make surt-thal Orange County would l>e represented on the important p a n e I t h a l o v e r s e t• s s t a l e tra n s portallon pol1c·y a nd fund in~ "Om• of the things that greatly c'Onccrns Orange County t::. tbaJ th ev h ave n ot had a repr<.•sN1ta1ivl• from this great count y Sl•rving on thl' state T ra n sporta tion Comm1ss1un, .. Bradlt'v said. "Obviouslv vou've not ha·d a readv and informed vo1ct• spt_•aking c.in behalf of this l'OUnly .. Bu't a s his R(•publ1l'a n oppom•nt pointc·d out whl•n he addrc'SSC'd the• l'Onvcnlion St.'VC•ral hours l<1ter. Orang<' County doe:" indeed havl' a rl'prt•sentallve s 1 t t 1 n g o n t h <' l' o m m 1 s s 1 o n . Orang~ County B oa rd o f Sup1.•rv1sors Chairman Bruce Nestande. appotnted last July by Gov. Edmund G Brown J r ISee BRADLEY. Page A21 De Lorean found industry doesn't run on charisma By GLENN SCOTT 01 the Delly Piiot Sten Collt•agues and admirers say John Z. De Lorean's charisma. op l1 m1 s m ar.d s tre n gth o f character fueled his financially ailing sports car operation when il was read y to run out of gas. And h is lawyer sai d Wednesday that De Lorean still expects to save the Northern Ire land-based busi n ess. which now is in receivership and has been sel for permanent closing by the British government. The business includes a plant near Belfast, where an estimated 1.300 people still a r e o n ils payroll. A U .S. s ubsidiar y includes executive offices in Irvine employing 35 people and a dealer pre paratory shop in Santa Ana. just across the city limits from Costa Mesa. About a dozen people s till work there. The challenge has never been great er for De Lorean, the silver-gray haired innovator who appeared tired and unshaven Wednesday in feder al court in Los Angeles to plead innocent to charges that he conspired lo sell 220 pounds of cocain e lo raise money to bail out his car-making dream. ~istanl U.S. Attorney James Walsh told a courtroom jammed with reporters from throughout the United States a nd Bri tain that unde rcover agen ts had videotaped several exchanges Six Irvine employees felled by gas fumes Six employees of an Irvine ma nufac turing plant were stricken I.ate this momJng when gas fumes from a malfunctioning machine spread through the buitdlnJ(. The e mployees. five women and a man. suffered nau.ea and headachel and were transported to Tustin Community HOlpl\81 followinR the incident. Orange County firemen 1111ld a small fire erupted at American ' Edwards Lab, 1402 East Alton Ave. m Irvine at about 10 a.m. Firemen ext.lnguished the fire in an ejection molding machine, but fumes from a plastic material Ln the machine was picked up by the vent ilation system and dlslrbuted thro ughout the bulldlnj{. Firemen lt('ated the six Victims and evacuated three n earby buildings in the complex for sevt"ral hours ' with De Lorean over the past five months. One of the sessions. he said, wa s o n Tuesda y when De Lorean. upon viewtng several kilos of c'<X'aine. had remarked: "This 1s better than gold It came JUSl m the nick of time." De Lorean was arr l'sted moments later. Bernard Minsky. ~ Lorean's lawyer, did nol challC'nge his clien t's involvement m lhc d rug- selling scheme but claimed his client's motive was strictly to save lhc company. He said De Lo r ean was lured into the sch eme. suggesting lhat the defense may argue entrapment. "Knowing h e would need money, people contacted him," said Minsky . "I think he fell prey I think he's more of a VIClim " U.S. Magistrale Volney Brown Jr. set bail for De Lorean ala$5 million. but allowed a 5 percent deposit, or $250,000. M insk y said hie cash-poor client probab ly would post the $250,000 in "one or two days." Walsh had asked for ball set at $20 million , claiming that De Lorean was a great threat to flee the country. "We are looking al the realistic possibility of a 57-year-old man spending the r~t of his life in jail," s.ald Walsh. who earlier had estimated [)(' Lorcan's net worth at $38 million, minus another $50 million tied up in hls company. An affidavit from FBI Agent Jury West filed with the ''<>mplnlnt aMert." that De Lorean ' William Hetric k had reached an agreement with an undercover ogc nt o f the fed e r a,I Drug Enforceme nt agency to trade s tock In h is company for money to finance the drug deal. T he agent. J o hn V3lestra, offered to pul up $3.2 million tO c'Omblne with De Lorean's $1.8 million to buy cocaine -and later heroin -from William Mo rgo n H e trick, who was arrcste d Monday along with as!IOCmtc Stephen Arrington in connt'<'tlon with the aame cue. After $60 million wu ralsC!d by sale of the drugs. VaJcstra would own ~O percent of the atock in De J..orf'an Moto r Cars l..td .. Hid W<'itt. Ste phen Arrington Minsky defended De Loroan's action as not for personal gain. "He had a dream and a vision. He got this car. but now ht' wants to save tl. I think w e know what's happened to this point," he said. But Walsh scoffed "One doesn't create an industry on the backs of cocaine users a nd herotn addicts " The r evelatio ns about De Lorean seem to fit into h is r e m a rkable l if e ltkt' a ne w chapter in a novel. T he words of former Newport B eac h r esident J Bruce McWilhams, who earhe r lhis yea r r a n De L o rean's U.S . ope ration oul of the Irvine offices, r ing with coindde ntal clarity. ln this month's issue of Car & Driver Magazine. he wrote: "ll is altogether like ly thal John De Lorean will become the most w ritte n -abou t person an t he his t o r y o f th e American automobile industry. -"His career has had a larger- than-llte quality lha l Americans (See CHARISMA, Page At) lllDEI I At Your Service A6 Moviee 84-~ Busln~ • C8-9 Mutual Funds C8-9 Cavalcade A9 Natlonal News A3 Classified 0 5 Public Notices C7·8,D2-4 Comics 86 Sport" C l -6 I Crossword 86 Dr Stclnc.rohn A9 Oe&th Notices 02 Stock Markets C9 F.dltor1•1 A8 Tf'lcvl!!lon 87 Entertainment m Theaters 84-~ Horo8COpe A9 Weatht'r A2 Ann Landers A9 c DAii Y PILOf/ft1u1»doy. October 1 1, 198~ "~\\ \\\t. Continued stoTies " 1BR ADLE Y ERR OR . • • 1Nt'llttind1" tht· 111tmrwy ~1·n1•rul ~ -.!~ 1wh.'d . 11; hl•udin~ up th1• 11 ~uk1rwj1nn t•:i111p~1IW' In Ornngt• :~ •Oounty . .d•••'A n o t h<• r Or.1 rq~t· < 'ou n' y .·1sPWmb c r of rht• µ11111'1 hulh .. \PQdidutes 111•J(l1-t·t1.J lo 11wnt11m 1s th<' comm1ssh>n'-. di.11rmun, Ivan H indl•1•.1kl·1. ~• lvn~ t11 m • •1 ~l'8idcnt of Cnronu dd Mar'. Sil' 1Explaming Bradle·y·~ t•rror , lrn> .. .e~ SE'C'r<'Wry Tom Sulhvan stud 1 \~mayor haJ "forgottl•n " about Nest.ande'1> aµpc.11ntml•111 ~ullivan also look vxl'l'pUon t11 t qtlukmeJian's da11n tha t Bradll·y ~oppo6e'd l'rt·~1llng a St.'paraw rninistralt\'e transp o rtation ict for Orangt• County. • · Calling the allorney g1•n •ntl'b ~ auertton "another d1::.torl1o n," • 1 h v a n s a 1 d 8 r a d I t• v h a d ported creation o f th.t• nC'w ict for the t-ountv onc·t• "ht• assured that the• funding wa~ itable and w o u ld not bt· d i n g L 11 s A n g c· I t · s o f port<Jtion dollurs" ~ ··;f.lthough thl• two t·and1datl'S ea red s(•pa ra t t• l y at t ht· fcrcnct•, tht• v1•rbal J<>u:.1111g O NOMIC . • ardl•n Grovl', sate.I tlw ltl\\'1:r111g .tntt•rest ratl'S will :.11r businl'SS , ~1v1t:v a nd mc·rl•,1st· JOh!> .1s a result ~ ..... iierschbC'rg said thl· Ht•:ig,1n : ad011n1stra11on :.h uuld not ~ abandon plans to furtht·r l'Ul I s 1f tt want:. to gt•t the• x1mum bt•n eC1 t from its om1c program b Baldwin. Vil'(' pn•:.1dt•nl Of : Crocke r Ba nk. said the· rt.'<.'t•nt :. surge in the stlX:k mark<•t "hows : that "the in\ <.'~ling puhlat Vtt'\\ ~ : the futun· with mun· 11p11m1:-m • "l'rom that s t .. ndpo1nt tL'-. a : good sign, .. &ldw1n scud . . Confl'l't'lll'l' parllC'lfJ:Jn l L vnn ; Marter S<11d s ht• 1:. unsurC' whc·n ~ or tC rt'<.'fJVt•rv will <.'0111\' i . . t_ __ ::J dnn t know how t'lost· lo ·around lht· t·orm ·r· Wt· .in'." :-ht· lid. ref('rrtn~ t<• a phra:-t• u:.l•d l,Y..._ sC'vera l sp..•ak1·r-. W1•drwsdav ~n~ tt!> spl·a kl'I'~. 1nl'lud111g '1 ens t' St• c· r ,. t" r v Ca s JJ a r Weinlx-rger 1hu1 Ith:> m urk1•d lht• 1·a 111p111j.t11 111 t t•t't•nt du ys l'o1H111u t•J tlut "'K tlw1r Ort111t(1· <. 'mml v "t11povt·1 At u 111c>rnir1K rww~ t•1mlt•rt•lll''" , •• llt'<I I•• l'OllU'ldl· with Bradlt·y's "IM't'<.'h , I >c·uk11wJ11.m prnn11S«I ht• would t·11111111ut• tu lt1t'Us on tilt' ":.harp .ind dt•ar d 1ffc•rt•nr1·~ li..11wt-.•n '1'11111 Hrud ll'Y und nw." 111· wt•nt 1111 lo t'tlt• 11 dlllt•1'1•11 t an •us 11) wh1d1 ht• and Brndll'V t•itlwr d1s <1gn•l' or d1:.putt• th~· 11th1•r':. du1m:. Ot.•ukmt•Jmll said. f11r t•>rnmplt'. tlu1l thc•t'l' Wl'rt' :i:i I ft·wt•r pul1t·t· u fC1t·t·rs un tht• ~l rt•l't s uf L ui. Angt•lt•s l.i-.t Ot·t·c1nbl'r th.in thl'rt' ~ 1·rt• 111 I lt.'<·t•mbc•r I !)7:l. Ac:cu!>1ng his 11pp onl•nt u l dtsturllng tht.• n ·t·orJ. Bracllt•y lln•d ba1·k that tht•ft• an · :iti5 mun· polit'l' uCftl'l'rs on tht· ::.lrl•t:t tod.w tha11 thl·rt-w t•n · wht'rl ht- ftrst' 1uok off1l't' "Tht·n· are o tht•r t11~turllum,, no"" I find," Bradll•y :.aid ''And '" hl•n · thl're are d1s1on1un!>. I will t'llt· tht·m." Dunng tlwtr spl't't'hl·~. bo th l'ahd1d..ttl'S repcalc'<l tht• tun11ul.ts tor l'l'V1l<:.ll1Z1n g th(• c":onumy ,ind pu tting Californ ians back tu work tha t they have sln•ssl'd throughout the faU campa18n . Bradley pledge d to forge a nt.•w re lationship with business and labor. saying if it worked for Los Angeles while he was mayor, 11 can w ork for the state . He s aid the s tate nf>eds to increase its efforts to d<.'velo p foreign trade and inte rna tio na l to urism to help create jobs. On the issue of h ousing. the Democrat said hou-;ing has to ~ provided that matc h es JOb t•t•n tt•r s H e also s uggest e d reducin g lhe s ize o f h o u s<'s. 1nereas1ng the ir dt·ns1ty and tonstrut·ting morl' a partmt.>nt:. to t·ncourage sales and a dd1t10nal dt•Vt•lopmenlS. Turning t o trans p ort .. twn. Bradl ey s a id h l· su ppo rts leg1slat1o n tha t w ould t•nablc• ltx:al government to S(>JI bond:. to finam·C' state highway proJt·t'l!> the· eommunity ft'Cls should bt• l11gh pnont;.i projL'<·ts. Oe ukme j1an said Callfornw net•ds to b e compct1t1 ve wit h olhN states, but because 1L isn't. tht• ec-onomv is s uffering. Ce ll c-01nmu11i cat in g O•lly Pllot Photo by Rlchatd Koehl9t U r . (;ury t ytH'h ust·~ t'UIUWH} 111otlt·I or hruiu lo t•x phtin h i!!! h y polh(•Sil-> 1ha1 m e m ory !-lora~t' i~ afft•t•lt•tl h} a littlt•-known t•nzynw <·ullt>Ci "'<·alpa in." Mo n· rt·~t·urd1 i"' dtu· HI n t·w 1wurologit·ul lah a l l lC l r vint:>. St•t• P ugt• HI . Figures to grace new Laguna Park By STEVE MITCHELL Of It.. D•llr Piiot Stall V1s11ur:. to Nita Carman Park 111 Laguna B<.•ach soon will be sharing thl· grassy environme nt with two hft'-Sl7.t.'<:I. pa1nlt:d steel f1gun-s And thc• t.•atv's art!. lomm1 ss1on hop<"s to havt• tht• $6.000 work in plan · by late Dc.'('('mbcr -a sor t uf Christmas prc-'!>Cnl Cor Laguna &•ac·h Count'tl mc•mbers a ccepted a l'umm1Sltl1Jn r C'l'Ommenda t ion Tut.•sdav that w ill see L os A ngt• lt·s· iJ rll~t and anim a tor Ll•u1wrd Glass<.•r 's st·ulpture J.(fJ1·1ng thC' ~mall park, lo('all'd JU:>t IH'htnd I ht• high sch ool playing flt'ld Tht· sw1msu1t-dad ftg u rt.•s. u rn: sc•atcd a nd um • prone, w ill be t•on s truc:tt•d of pa1ntt>d and wcldl•d ~tl'l·I, <H't·ord1ng to Glas:><.•r. an AC'a d t•my Award- w1nning animator The· :watt•d f1gun· o f a m.in Gla:.st·r SJy:.. though 1n a "rl'iai..t•d po!>t•" ·~ m..idt• up or m a n y t' ll m µ I l' ll. p I .o n l' ' ..i n d contu1ns tn·na·nd ou~ v1:.ual c-nergy o.,ug~t·:.t111g ..tn 1 nnt•1 tension P(.•rhi.ip!> lhJI I!> bt.•l'<tU!>l' tht· sl'att.·d f1gun• 1-. ga11ng .11 J s u n b a t h 1 n g w o m a n . w h ll' h Classer says "suggt·!>t~ fc:m~tl l· f o r m through much mor1· :,1 mpl1f1t.·d tn·<.1tm1·nt or th1· figure·. at limes nwltang into s uggl'st1un u f reahs tt<· Corm " Art~ t·omm1sswnt•r:. dl'~t·rtbt· Gl<.isst•r 's w ork a !> h aving Thurbc·rS<'!>qUC qualitll'S, auding the artis t prl'fcrs to "amust• hai. E. Uay (~arnwn ~atrons rather than awt· them." Funding for the two llfe·stwd t 1 gu r C's t·om es from E Da :v C.irman. son o f tht' w oman fur w hom the park 1s namt>d N 1 ta Ca r m a n w a s t ht· "unufftl'tal hos tess o f Laguna &·:.11.-h" in tht• dL'l:ades spannmg the IY30s until hc·r dt.'ath in the• t•arl v l 97fls Allt <:AL • • • Fr om Page A 1 1lt II" ''I'd ''''"''""Y ,,., ,, l.1t 1411 I <lll'>lll ... "'11111•11111 h.11 d>1l11µ 1'4·-.1 "'"I A11( '.ii will 1•>.p.md '11'1 VII I ' l>1•l WI I II ()I llllKi' filllll Y ,111tl S.Jll J-1 ,111! l'>lll 0 1,1111(1' l'11u It 1 y J 11d <JJ k l,111tl , 011 t.11 I•> ·••HI Sun Jo'rurw1" 11, 011w11(1 und S.111 .111-.1" 0111.1r111 11nrl S,11·1 J1111•11111, Hue bunk und Sun Jo:.c und IJurbunk und Oukla11d 1'~x1w1 rnu11· rnod1ftl'Ot1ons w en· ""' lfllt't'ifll' 'l'h t• 1·arr1t·1 also 1:. d1anging tht• iwulln~ ('<11lf1~u1·11t11111 an both 11B IS4 11·1ng 1:11 tond DC ii S upc.•r 80 :11rn11ft, &'Ht swd T hi• '/J7s will lmw 111 s 1•u t:1 bringing their t'l1pl1('1ty l(J 100, 12 M:lllS are ~ing n ·muvL'<.i from th1· S upc.·r HOs lo 111 111~ thc•ir 1.·apat·1ty Lo I riO Ht·dul·llun an st•..it:. will p<!rmat lht• c:urrwr to n .'<.iut'l· th<.· numbc:r 11' flight uttt-ndant~ needed to -.1·rv1• passc•ngc•rs At lhc sam e 111111., 11 will µrov1d1.· more leg t •1111n for µ<1SM.·ng1•ri. A1rCal ""Yi. It 1nt1.•nd!> to Jay oH :IOY 1·mployt'E.'l> Oct. :J I after two 1.•tnµlo:Vt'l' groups reject t-d a llUtnJgc•1m•nt proposal tu at1:ept a I:! pt·n-.·n t !><tlury redue uon . The 11·tJut'l1CJn propc.>!><11 Wi.1!> ..tl't.'epted l1v two 11tht·r groups A1rCal, h11w1•vt·r . ~•J th1· l'UI.!> would not l)j• 1n1plt·inl·nt(-d unll~ f:ndorsecl l>v .ill t•mpluyl't·i. CH ARISMA. • From Page A 1 l11v1· m1x1ng bu:.1nl·S!> sUt'l'l'S.'> wnh lx·uuuful wunwn. and tht• 11<·r-.11nal d i1nng and s kill tu rwS<.· millltm'> ol dollar~ to pur..Ul' hr~ d11•.irrn." L._it<•r. Ml W1ll1am!> <Jddt.-d "Dt..· L o 1 t• a n 1 s p r l' I 1 y m u t: h bulll'lproof. anu. In truth. has tapat·11~ to rl•ma1 n 'up ' ha" unduuhtt·dh bt•('n one· or thl· -;ingl1 rn1>'>l important factor.-111 kl't'P•llJc: tht· c:ompany a float " Anuv Wt·1~-. o f }frdundo &«.tt h .-. 111 (•-.1<.lt·nt 11f the· De· Lort·dn M 11 tor l' ;, r CI u b . ~ 11 h i 0 0 1111•mht·1.., in Southt•r n California Wt''''· l1w1. n ·mc•mbt·rs J)p Lon:an , , -. a 'u p rt· in<· I y t on f 1 d <.' n t bu-.1 nt ·,~1~;111 "I k ':. ~o c·unl ttll·nt iind \'l'I v 111tt•ll1gt·nl t\nd hl''~ a :.1ollo:-md1'1. ( ;11d 1i. tw a !><J lt•l.111dn Ynu walk aw:r\ t1om h im ..,ay1ng, ·1 know lw':. grnng 111 pull 11 off ' lh· l·tin w.tlk 1111 w:11t·r. ,1lthough <i<.:tually lw'-. JUSt w.tlkmg on nx:ks In th1:. l'a~• . ht· mu-.t h;n·1.· rn1si.t·d the nx.k .. \ ~ '.Housing official hits Newport citizens' 'bigotry' •'1\.11 By STEVE MARBLE as being a communitv w h e r<.' The· fair housing group 1s one The pro)el'l was prop.lSE'd hy state me nts as being "blat<i ntl~ &:.1th ~mt Kt·nm'll\ P••t..OallrPllotS1a1t peopl<.' of modest m<.'anS are not o f the• organ1za t1 o n s s uing Newport city planm•rs and. 1C b igoted" b ut said h e ts more Ht -.ug~t-.ll'd thai '1 mocll'-.t. A hou:.mg off1t·1<1I ha~ tak1·n w<.'lrom e Newport &>u1.·h . allcgmg the <:lly ;_ipprovt'd, w o uld boost lrvuw disturbed b y rt>marks made by 1 h1 ·•I' hou~t 111 h1~ opmwn. 1s .rtfl!.fJl ata_groupuf N t•wpvrt B<:och ··The N~i:-t ~~h hds di s~:nmanaw ry-~-tompany building rights frem .th•• J01anc Company and a Cll)' 'l.1r m1111· h11n11r<iblc· th<in somt· /t"Sidents. charg1ng Lh<.·1r<·n11u!>m homeowners. citv o ff1c 1als and nr;wttt'NI 120 to 750 u nits on the ~i5-a<.-rt• p lann1ne cumm 1ss1oner an nl th1 mt1ns1on-. , . .,u hd\'t·cfo~n of a proP<>st>d afforcfabh: huu~ing bu sincssmC'n who have b een · K c nnt·d:v ·"aid his comme nts pa~'<·I of land. deft-nSt· of the pro.)('l·t tlwt i .. projec t smal'kl> or b1gutr) and heard from a n this assu<.' a re so WC'r e pruvo k l•d by recent Several Eas t bluff resadt>nt:. Ill' ~aid i n defe n se of th<' .J1·11 ~ K ing tha1r111.in of th<' elltism fa r o u t o f to u ch with bas il' d1H·u s~1 on of a proposed havcl'omplamedth attheprO}C'l't prOJ("<.t. s tatements w ere madt· "1'·., pl.mnm~ t·ommi-..-..on and d Ralph K ennt•dy. a pro JN I human n eed s that the m os t affordablc• hous ing project on would bring in "an undesirable that thC' h o using would not ·• -.1udt·n1 Ill h11u~mg nt't.-d~. '<lid '''Manager for the Orangt· County incredible fact 15 tha t an y poor lrvinl' Comp<my land n ear the l.'lement" that wou ld havt· a ttrac t "riffraff but sol id 11>1· u tv ,., striving tu provide· "F air H ousi n g Coun <·tl , s<1 1rl person would w a nt to be the ir cas h 10 n ab It· Ea s t b 1 u ff tro u ble mixmg with Nc•wport c1t1z.ens such as bani< tellers and hou-.mg Cora -.t•gnwnt ,,f p..•ople '·ff~'wport 8<.>al'h h<J!> a n·putallon neighbor," Kenn edy said. <.·ommuntty . citiw ns. school tC'achers." wh11 prt•wntlv l'an 't <Jffurd 10 buv ' ~ Highs • Ill 80s .-------------------------------, O thers rapped the prOJC't.'t as "The infe r e nce is that gas 1n Nt•\\'J)<Jl't &al'h · d I k I s tatio n a tte nda nts. lwsp1tal Kin" ~a id l'll .v I 1rc·mcn . bt>ing too d ens<> an 1 e y to " produl't' 100 muc h l r<1ffic workc•rs and housc•keepers do not µul1n• a nd offtl't•worker!> t·an ·t Kl•nm'<iy brandl•d somt· llf tht• Ul'"l'l'\'l' to.)ivr 111 Nc•wport fmcl lwusmg m N c•w po rt ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ T e tupera I ures Thwstl.ty O• lllllt'I .'I •H•qh ft•,1tpt•r ,,.,,.,, Ra on CJ Snow Q Showtrs E!l!ll!I Flur11es([B Storekeeper Monica Cottam is wearing our brushed Shetland wool s weater in a five color Jacquard design (•: () (l ·"' <t I Fair ano warmer today wolh Jlr~hs on moo 70s at lhe b41aenes 10 Ip., 80s rnland va1111ble nigh 'cl.oudrness tonight and Frodly Olle<ntghl lows 57 to 73 HtghS on f•J11•y 72 lo 80 , Elsewhere lr om Pooni Cdnc•pt1on h> thtt M••ocar 1)~11r and out 60 moles L•gllt variable wrnds lontght &nd Froda)I ll)Ofnong wrlh soutllwesl to "'°'' wonds 8 lo 16 knoU d•Jrrng alternoon and evening hours 100.y and Froday Wino wl\es 1 ~ 3 tttel tn11 alle1noon outhwesl swells 1ncreaa1ng 10 2 to 3 feel wllh toc;at breall11<s to 5 teal on south lac•·.g beac11es Petthy late nrghl 11no e11rly rnor11lng low clouds other wise high ctoudlnes. v.s. sumni.ary Up 10 1" 1ncne1 of snow 1ccumul1led In some pans ot Mlcnlgan as a t1orm system bearing gusry winds and freezing 1emp1rllut11 cut acrou the upper M1ssourpp1 Velley 41nd nortlllfn Gr111 Lakes Tne 11aa111e11 snow fell on Mictlig1n·a Upper Peninsula. wllh snow also on the ground 1n Wl!IGOflstn. Mlnne,ola. Nebreska Iowa end Souln Dakota HN V)' winds around lhe Grell Likes l'lelped push letnpetllUtttS below lreezlng Freoze w1rn1t1g1 were 1lao In effect for lllrno11 •owe. mosl :)f MIMOurl much or cenlrll eno 1ou1ntrn Indiana e11tern K1n111 i nd nortnern ArltentH California Southern Ce111ornl1 wtll be felt 1od1y With lnerHling nlgn clOUdt end 1llghlly wermer deye Fog end low cloud• nHr tnt co111 mo<ntng•. Orenge Counly Gin UPICI 111gM In low 70I el l>e!IGhet. Mer 80' 1n11na. Lows 5e 10 83 Intend ¥elteva will heve nigh• In U9Pt' 10. to 1ow eoa. 1.ows ,,.,, eo HIOh• In In• low 70• In lhl ltlOIKll jltt\I Hoff'*'" cleMfl lltOtll 78 tO &I. .. 10 .. It\ eoutMln ~1• Pein 111111y In Nortntrn Celillornl9 Dy •Of!IOht. with Gllenc. tlA rlifl eprMdltlO 10 ottllf II •late ..int 10 tcttlered ~ .,. OUll)' 1outherly wind• "°''~ cote1 • NATION HI Lo' Albany 70 114 AlbuqUl!rque 64 41 Amat1llo 6J 26 AncllOfage 33 27 Ashev1ll11 71 50 Allan ta 75 46 Allan1rc C11y "'"' 59 Au11on 69 60 Banrmore 73 47 80111ngs 57 30 Brrm1nqnam 78 62 Ro\mlllC~ 42 30 ·. .-.. •• 4/11. •• Boose 61 52 Boston 70 '4 Tronrs C111 -w, .. ,..., 0.ohrtto~•-e....t 11i.•u.uv•• B<own1v•lll 89 11) Suttak> 71 52 Burlington Cas~• Cnetleston, S C Cllar1e11on. w v c11111oue. N c Cn11yenne Chicago C1nc:inna11 Cleveland Co1umb1a. SC Columbus Dollat·FI Worth Dayton O.,nv111 Des Moone• Detroit OukJlh El Pew F111b1nk$ fStQO Flag11all GrHI Fells Han:Ofd Walen• Wonotulu Houeton lndoanapohs J1ekaon Moss Jackaonvllle Jun Nu Kan .. s Crty KnoK11111e LU Vlg81 lrllle Rock LOMt1-n Wuntlnglon Pter Sent• An1 A•Vlf Jelly 40th SI Newoon 12nd SI NllWl>Ofl Bllboe Wedge Aocltplle, l.IQune 69 53 5"' 26 LOUISVIiie 53 46 Lubbock 59 32 Memphis 63 ., Miami 82 76 Milwaukee 42 39. Mpt1-SI Paul 41 35 Naslwllle e2 52 New Orleens 81 63 New York 71 53 Nori Olk 17 58 North Plane 53 19 Okl•noma Cny 59 32 OO"•h• 41 29 Orla11:'0 87 85 Phrlade.phle 75 48 Pnoen1x 88 81 P11tst>urgn 70 48 P0<tland, Me 6t 4' Pa<tland, Ore 62 35 Prov1dtnee 88 41 Alllelilh 79 54 Aepld Clly 53 21 ~ 61 33 AIChmond 11 8" Sell Lake 55 30 San Antonro 89 60 Seallle 56 39 SIOux Falla 39 27 SI Louis 52 42 SI Pete-Tamoa 85 85 SI Sii Marttt 55 41 SpoUne 5• 30 78 62 73 "8 76 51 53 19 45 40 82 61 64 57 80 .. 9 60 56 65 46 58 "3 56 29 45 3" 59 u 36 31 71 •9 31 25 37 27 65 29 56 46 7 I 39 56 21 86 e6 70 59 "5 "2 68 58 82 60 ..... 38 ,9 32 n ,9 73 .. 5 61 ... SURf RIPORT TodQ'e Aw9,111J ... 1·2 2·3 23 ll•t 2·4 1·2 Wave lh• l•lr poO•·••lr poot•lelf poor poor poor TomOffO'# W'Oh fide t2 23 om . I.ow Tldt 8 36 pm . 8wtll ()jrtctlon Soutn SyrlCUH Touel<• Tucson Tulsa Wath1ng1on W1chlla CALIFORNIA Appl111 V8118y Bakertlleld 88r9'0W Beaumonl Big SHI 81ShOP Blylnt c11a11na Culver Coty Eur11k1 Fretno L1nc•1llr Long e .. cn Lot Af191491 Monrovll Monltti.110 MOflllftl'f Ml Wiison Ntlldln Sm og 71 •7 SI 36 8• 54 59 39 74 54 53 30 79 44 78 61 84 58 78 47 6• 30 73 39 86 55 74 58 78 56 68 63 78 55 78 47 80 58 79 81 8"' 53 80 58 72 58 63 .. 6 81 5" Where to call (toll frff) lor let8'1 tmOQ lnformallon ('11nge County: (800) ""6-3828 LOI Ange111 County: (800) 11424022 Alvtlllda 1nd San Bernerdlno ooun11M. (800) 367-4710 AOMO !pllOde Center· (800) 242"'4866 Tides TODAY Seoond nigh • 11 48 1.m !I 2 Second low 7.23 pm O 7 fltlDAY Fl•ll hlOh 2 30 a m 3 3 Aret IOw 11 "7 • m 3 0 S«:ond 111011 12 23 p rn " e 8acond high 9 38 O m 0 9 Gun Mii lodt y et 8 12 p M rl-Frlelrf II 1 0" • m Moon""' todey al I I 27 • m .. Mf111937 p m knit on soft subtle shades of lavender, sand, and jade. tllh enll h vlnt, twpcm S...-11 "hltttrr ""' l 011111 CIAIT COSTA Miii IDITIDI THURS DAY. OCTOBt ll .•1 l'ltl,' ORANGE COUNTY . C ALIFORNIA 2!> CENTS ~conomy: No cheers yet Caspar Weinbt·r~t'r AirCal 'action' hared By FREDERICK SCllOEMEllL Ot the Delly Piiot Stell A1rCal will 11w n •:tM' flight sc-rv1ce in l'1ght m..irkl·l:-. and suspt'nd ~wrv1l'l' in four othl'I"!> a!. part of what rnmpuny offll·1ah. are calling an "atllon plun" to keep thl' Nl•wpvrt &'al·h -baM•d carrier profltabll· t his yt>:ir AirCal off1c1als s.11d tht• c.·arrl<'r will suspend servwc to Fr·t•s no. M onterey. _PhOl'n1x nnd. Las Vegas. cffC'<.'t1vl' ~· l On the same date. A1rCal will "boldly expand uur flight SC'rVICt.' m eight o( thl• s trungC'st mus t productive California rnarkC'ts," said Sht'llon &•st. the a1rllnl•'s exccullvl' v1c.·c prt.>S1dcnt Those markets were 1denuhcd as Orange County. San Franc1sc:o, San Jose" Oakla nd. O nta rio. Burbank. L os Ange les and Sacramento The action program. &st said. i:s-·designl'd-tcr rcdt•p-loy asset." and pe rsonnC'l to "max1m1zc• profit potential and custbml•r S<•rv1<.X'. "Wi th prttl' and sc:h<>dul e l ea d ers hip A1rCal <.·an s 1gn1f1ca ntl y s t1mulatt• th C' mar ketplacC.· and sol1d1fy our position m 1t." Best said. AirCal this year is suffering its fi rst operating IOSSt·~ smre 1972 In the first half o f 1982. the carrier showed an operating loss of $9.1 mi llion Airline o fr1 c 1als havt• attributed much of the loss to <m 'escalating war for passengers with San D1C'go-based Pacific S o uthwest A1rl1nes AirCal officials also havt• pointed to the ISee AIR CAL. Page A2 > By STEVE TIUPOLJ 01 the D•lir l'llot ttelf Tht'l'l' W<1S l'LIUtluus optlllll!Jlll about thl• prospet·ts for t.'(;Onom1t· rl><:ove ry -but no prematurt• l'elebraung -among thosl' antcrv1ewl'd Wcdnl•sday at an &'Onom1c Outlook Con fl'rent'l' m AnuhP1m Orange County businessmen and womt•n who spok e with reporters a ppeared as <'ager tu bal·k President Reag<.1n'11 l'l'onom1l· program as most c1f th ost· wh o addrt·ss cd t hl· approx1m;itt•ly 1100 pcopll• Ill attendanl't' Tlwy were not qu11t• so rl·ady a~ the s peakers to dt'\:lart· that those pohcws wuuld bring rc-lid <;00n . howt•vt·r Jun lkil. Vll'l' prl'stdt•nt umJ h1:ad of tht• rnrporatl' banking gro up .it Bank of Aml•rtca's Anaheim off1t't'. S<11d tht• n-t·t•nt l11WL•rln~ of intl'rt·st rull•s und robust pt•rfm·manl'\' ol the· sttx:k murkct arc• "N1c·ouragm•f' signs H1•1I su 1<.1 he was "lt:ss t•l\t'tJUrn"t'<J'' by what ht• wrmt'Cl thl• "n11n11 nal" g ruwth an tht' nation's gross national product n•portt'<.I thl!> Wt't•k. hOWl•Vl'r. "Tht'St' an• turnmK signs. but thc•y'rt> not n·ally signs that we're In a full-blown n-t·11vt'ry," Ht·il said Eurl T1mtnon s. now a nm~ult.inl to tht· lrv1m· Company aftl·r n-t·t·ntly bc111g latd off as thl· lOmpun y's d1n·l·to r of markl't111g St.•rvlt'l'~. prl'<.11<.·t1'Cl thl' l't'tmumy "as going to j.;(t•l better m HJH:J. but not dr;m1at1<·allv so "lt 'i.. going to bt· ,; fairl y !>lu10~1sh n-t·ov1•ry, but at least Jl:s ~u1ng lo bt.• on lh<' upslupe rather tlwn lhl• duwns lopt'." T1mmom. s;ud Decisions, d ecisions . lnllu llt>ll , wh1l·h T1111 mo11 :> culh.'Ci "thl' dr1vi111o( Cun·c· 111 tht· (.>conomy," will bt• um.l1•r 1~mtrnl for "at loai..t thl' 1wx1 lil'V••ral ye u r :-. . ' ' u n d t h t· l' l' on o m y l'ventually wall prosp1 ·1 lx-t·uu!.l' vf 1t, he suad But u1wmploynwnt will n ·mam high for awhtll·, until l'ht1ng111i,t dt,mographacs t'hangt· the· Job~ pt<.·tun·. hl' pn-c.J1t kd T1mmo11-. also said th<' long wrm lot:onomtl' pil·turt• 1s "vl·ry rosy" bl'<·auw o f actions being takl•n now Julll' Farlx•r, an 1ndl•pt•nd1·nt t•unsullant and m:irkt·t rt•M•;.11dw1 . from M1ss1un Vtt•Jo. pl't'<lt<·tt-d .. ._. painful tran..;1t1on" und rt't'UVt·ry punt·tuatl·d by a numtwr or unansWl't t•J qut·~uun-; OVl'I 1h1· m•xt f<'w v1·:ir!> &>rrowing <• t1•rm f11 >m om· 11f thl' l'Onft•rt·m·t•'!> spt•akl·rs, ~'arl>l:r said the shaft frum "a smokl•!>ta!'k Choosing the right pumpkin for a Halloween j ack-o-lantt"rn i!' no easy task. first~ you ha,·e to find one tha t weighs less than you do. This young m a n cont<'mplates the selection at the Irvine Ra nch Farmer Mar&<et o n Myford Road. (111unufH<'lUri11g) tu a h11<h ll'c:hnology 1·c onomy muk<·:-. lhl• human fo!'lor a IJJg qw";tion "Will tht• auto m<ikt>r Ix• 11blP t.o :-. w I t (' h t II l' I) m JI u t l' r pr ogramnu ng'.'" i.hl' asked. "It wall Ix• a pmnful transition, but m tht· Ion~ run a healthy unt'" t'urlwr said s ht· was no t partll·ularly thrillt:d by r('{·cnt opt1m1st1c t'(:onomac 1nd1C'al<>rs "It's d1ff1cult to gC'l l'Xt'll<'d CJVt·r what's happ<'nl'Cl m tht-last thrt•t· months bc..-"l'<tU St· ovt·r thC' pa!>t SC'Vl'ral yC'ars thl· l'(;Onorny h.1 ... bl'l'll sl•t•s;,i w1ng up and down . (•:.sl•nt1:ill y movi ng -.1d1·ways. It's d1ff1t·ull 10 sc.-c· that th1!> 1!> THE turnaround bN:ausc· Wt•'Vl' '>illU th:.it l>I/ m:JnV tlOll'!. lwf1•n·" . Marvm lh·r~·hlwrg. t·xt't'UllVt' d1n-t·tor of tht• M1·d1c;il Centl'r of !See ECONOMIC, Pa~l' A2 1 Daltr ~I Plloto by Cheri•• Sterr Tom Hradlt•y Bradley goofs oc • 1n B} JEFF ADLER 01 the Delly Pllol Slelf Dt·llHHratH' guht·rnd l u r1 al t'and1dalt· T o m Bradlt•Y t'rrt.:d W1 •dnc·s<fo y wht·n he· plt'.cigt<d to bt· thl· farst guvt·rnor to appumt a ml' m IJ l' r t o t h l' Ca I 1 f o r n 1 a Transportation Comm1s-.1on from OrunJ-ll' County Outl1n1 ng h1 ~ plans f o r r1.:v1t:ilmng tht· statt·'s sagging t·t·onomy to <1bout 900 people a t t e n d 1 n g t h t• :l 0 t h a n n u a I Orange· County Chamber of Commt•rt'l' Bus 1nl•ss Outlook Conf Prc•nce at the Anaheim C-Onvt•nllon Centt·r. Bradley said hl' had a l o ng-lit and1ng t·omm1tment to make sure t hat Ora-ngc Cu unly ~·au Id b~ rcprC'sentNJ on the impor tant p a n (• I t h a t '' v c r s e c· s s t a t e tran '>p<1r t at111n policy and fundm~ ··om• of th1 · thing'> tha t gr<'atl l'OnC'l•rn.'> Orung<' Cuunty as lfiat t h l' v h a v c· n o t h a d a n.•prt•!>f•nta tl\'t• from th is great C'ou nty Sl'rv1ng on tht> s tate Tran!>porta llun Comm1ss1on." Bradlev said. "Obv111uslv vou've not h<id a rt•;idv and informed vmc-c:· sp<•akang cin tJf:htilf o f this countv .. Bu' t o !> h 1 i. H t• pub l 1 ca n opporwnt potnll.'d out whl'n he addrt'SSt'<I tht• eonvenuon Sl'V<.'ral hours latt•r . Orangt• County dc:>e!' 1ndt•t•d havt• ~• rt>prt.'SC'ntat1ve s 1t11ng o n thl· l0 omm1 ss1on . Orang~ County B oard o f Sup<'rv1:-.ors Ch,11rman Bruce Nt•standt'. ;,ipprnntl'd last July by Gov FAlmund G Brown Jr 1. ee BRADLEY. Page A2, De Lorean found industry doesn't run on charisma By GLENN SCOTT Of the Dallr Pilot ll•lf Colleagues a nd admirers say John Z De Lorean's charisma, optimism and s tren gth of character fueled his financially ailing sports car operation when it was ready to run out of gas. A nd hi s lawyer sai d Wednesday that De Lorean still expects to save the Northern Ireland -based business. which now is in receivership and has been set for permanent closing by the British government. The busjnep includes a plant near Belfast, where a n estimated 1.300 people stall are on its payroll. A U .S . subsidia r y includes executive offices tn Irvine employing 35 people a nd a dealer preparatory shop m Santa Ana. just across the cit y h m1ts from Costa Mesa. About a dozen people· still work there. The challenge has never been greater fo r De Lorean. the silver-gray haired innovator who appeared tired and uns haven Wednesd ay in federa l court m Los Angeles to plead innocent to charges that he conspired to sell 220 pounds of cocaine to raise money to bail out his car-makjng dream. Assistant U.S . Attorney J ames Walsh told a courtroom jammed with reporters from throughout the United Stat.es and Britain that unde rcover agents had videotaped several exchanges Six Irvine employees felled by gas fumes S ix employees of an Irvine manufacturing plant we r e stricken late this morning when gas fumes Crom a malfunctioning mac h ine spread through the build Ina. The employees, five women a nd a man, auff en.'d nawea and headachet and were transported to Tustin Community Hospital folJowlna the Incident. Orange County firemen a.aid a small fire erupted at American Edwards Lab. 1402 East Alton Ave. In Irvine at. about JO a .m. Firemen extinguished the fire In an ejection molding machine, but fumes from a plastic materiul In the machine was picked up by the ventilation system and d lllrbut.ed througho ut the building. Firemen treated the "Ix victlm8 and evacuate d th ree nearby buildinRll In the complex fur ~vrrol hours with De Lorean over the past five months One of the sessions. he said, was o n Tuesday whe n De LorNin. upon viC'wmg several kilos of cocaine , had remarked: "This 1s better than gold. It came just in the nit'k of lime." D<' L orean was arrested moments latf'r. Bernard Minsky. De Lorean's lawyer . did not challenge his client's mvolveml'nt in the drug- sellmg scheme but claimed his client's motive was strictly to save thC' company. He said De Lorean was lured i nto the scht'mc, suggl•sting that the defen...e may argue entrapmen t. "Knowing he w ould need money. people con tacted him," said Mmsky "I thank he fell prey. I think h e's more of a victim" U.S . Magistrate Volney Brown Jr. set bail for De Lort'an lH $5 million, but allowed a 5 percent deposit. or $250,000. Minsky said hit cas h -poor client probably would post the $250.000 in "one or two days." Walsh had asked for ooiJ set at $20 million, claiming that De. Lorean was 8 great threat to nee the country. "We are looking at the realistic possibility of a 57-year-old mun spending the rest of his life In jail," said Walsh. who earlier had t'Slimated De LoreAn's net worth ' at $38 m1lllon. m inus another s~o million tied up In his company. An tafCldavlt from t"BI Agent J('rry W est fil ed with the complnlnt (&$,\ •rts that De Lorean Williom llctrir k had reach ed an agr(.'('ment with an undercover agent of th<' federal Drug Enforccm t•nt agency to trade stock In his company for money to finance the drug deal. The agent. J o hn Volcstra, offered to put up $3.2 million to combine with Dt• Lorean's $1 .8 million to buy t'ocalne -and later heroin -from Williom Mo rgan H e tri<.•k . who w u arrested Mondoy alo ng with auodbtc Stephen Arrington In conn~tlon with th~ same ca.'le. Aft('r $60 million wa raised by sale of tht> drugs. ValMtra would own ~O percent of the s tock in [)(' Lor an Mo tor Cara Ltd .. sold Wl"St ' ' Stt•ph~n Arrinp;ton Minsky defended De Lorean's action as not for personal gain. "He had a dream and a vision He got this t·ar. but now he wants to save 1t I think W<' k now what's hapJ)('nt•d to this point," h<' said But Wals h SC'O fll'd : "One doesn't crealt' an 1ndustn.• on the backs of cocainl' usc·rs and h<'roin addicts." The• rC'vc lation!> about De L o rean sct'm to fit into his r e m a rkable life like a new chapter an a novl'l The words of formPr Ne wport B eac h rC's 1dcn t J Bruce McW11liams. w ho t•arlier this year ran De L o r ean's U S . op eration o ut o f the Irvine offices. ring with C'otnc1dental clanty In this month's tssuc of Car & Driver Magarine. he wrote: "It LS nl together likely that John De Lorean will bccomc the most written -about person in the hi s t ory of th e Am erican automobile industry ''His c·arrer has had a larger- than-lafe quality that Americans (See CHARISMA, Page Atl lllDEI At Your ~rvict' A6 Movlc-s 84-5 Busin~ <.:8-9 Mutual Funds <.'8·9 Cavalcndc A9 National News A3 Cla.'ISltled 05 Public Notices C7-8,D2·4 Comics B6 Sporta Cl-6 Crossword 86 Dr. S teincrohn 1\9 ' Death Notices 02 S tock Markf't• C9 F.ditorlal J\8 Tclt'VL'llon 8 7 Entertainment B5 Theaters 84-5 Hor09C0pe A9 Wcath"r A2 Ann Landers A9 ... .. (,JN Oc.tobo1 'i 1. 1118._, .. 1\\\\ •' Continued stories BR ADLEY E RR OR. • • Nt'll!Jlndc'. thl• utlonwy Ul'lll'ral also nuh•d, 1:. h'•ud111g up tl11• ~ukmeJl011 t•mnpt11lo(n m Orong<' • County. · Anothl'r Orani.:1• <:1n1111 y •m ember or tlw pllnl•I bu th can didates m·~lt'i.'h•d to nw 1111un ls the t.•omn11ss11111':. 1·h111rmu11 , )van Hmderak1..•r , :i lor1u-1111w 'resident or Corona tll.'I Mui t• Explammg Brudlcy'i. l'rrur, hts. press S('Cretury Tom Sullivan said the mayor had "forgottl•n" .1bout Nesta{lde 's appomtnwnt -Sullivan ubo took l'X<.'C'pl1on to Oeukmejian's da1m that Bradley = opposed cn•µ11ng a separate ~-dministrative tra ns po rtatio n .,. · trict for Orangt.· County. l Calling the atton wy gt'nl'rul's ! assertion "anotht•r dis tort ion," ~ulli van said Bra dlt·y had ~ported creallon o f tht.· new ~kl for thl' l'OUntv onct.· "he ~assured that tht• rund111g was ~t;titabl e and would nut Ill' ~Cidin g L os Angt·ll·:--11 r i('~ansportallon dollars " ~ .. A,lthough the two c:a n d1daa·s ~_iyeared Sl'pa ratl•ly at tlw w.11£eren l'l'. tlw vl'rbiil JllU~ting ~CO NOM I C .. • •y arde n Grovl'. s.ud tlw lowl·1·111g ~i intl'rC'st ratt•s will s tir bus11WS.'> •,;activity and 1mTl'LISI' Jobs as a ' r~sull . • • 1iersl·hbl'r~ su1d thl· Rc•agan : adm in1s trat1 0 11 s h o uld nut • Jlj>irndon plans lo furlht•r l'Ul ·~taxes if 11 wanb to g l'I th1• :-maximum bent'f11 from 1ls =~om1c program •••• Bob Baldwin. \'ll'I' pn •s1dt•nt ur Cr ocker Bank. said t hl· n.•u •nt • surge m the s toc:k markl·I -,huws that "the 1nv{•'>t1ng publrt· Vil'\\'~ the future· with !Jli.lfl' op1111w .. m "fo'rom that s1andpo1nt 11's a good sign." Bdldwin s.11d Con ft-n·m·c· part1L·1pant Lvnn Marter said sht· 1s unsun· w 0h1•11 or 1f rc•<.:ovt•rv will t·1mw · -"I don t know how t'lo:-.t· Ill 'around lhC' corn1·r' wt• ;.1r1"" sh1· p 1d. refrrnng to a phraM· uM·J 'by sc-veral spt.•a kt•r:-. W(.Jm·~dt1 Y :jntong ils spN1kNs. 11wlud1nl'{ Defenst.· Sl•t·r t•1;.1r v C:.1<..par Weinberger tlrnt li,1)1 111.11 kt·d 1lw l•llllj•olj.(11 II\ I l'l'l'lll Utl)')> l'lllllllH lt·d d111 t11j.( their Ornngl' t.'ou111 y stopov.-1 Al a 111111'11111H lll'WS n 111f1•11•11t'l'. 1\1llc'(I tu l'111111·1dt! w11h Brudh·v'i. ">Jll'l'<. h, l)\•uk1111•Jl;111 (ll'llllllSt'tl .Ill' Wllllld ('0111111\W lo 1 111 ·11~ tlll !Ill' "sharp :111d dt•at' d1fl1·11•11tT~ bt•lWl't'll '1'0111 Ur.1dlt·v .ind in•·" I It• Wl 'lll 0 11 lo nit• 1 l dd 11•11·111 ..Hl'i.IS 111 wlm·h lw .ind H1Jdlt·v t•1thl'r d1.;agn·c• tJf' d11>1Jllh' th~· otlw r's da1tt1)> I ~·uk1111·J1a11 ..:11d . for 1•xa111pll'. th.11 tlll'11· "'1·11· :u I lt.•wer pulll'l' ult ll'l'I s 11 11 th1• ,;tn•t'li, vf Lo:. Atq.wlt·s l.1~1 DN'l'mlwr th<111 tlwr.· w 1·rl· 111 Dt'i.'\.'mbt•r I !17:! Al'l'Ul>tng has 11 pp11111•11t o f d1i;tvrung th1• 11'l'1•1 J . 81 Jdh·y f 1 n·d l><.1t·k th<1 t 1 lwrt· .11 ,. :Hi~> more poht'<' ofr1t•t•1 s 11n t ht· s ll t'l'l tudav th;m 1h1·n· 1.1.1•11• wlwn lw f1n.t. tuuk uff1t'l' "Tlwrl' an• vt h1·r d1~turt11111~. now I frnd." Bra Jin ~11d ·A 1ld ,., hl't 1· tht•n • an· d1stC:wtrc>1t.,, I will l'lle th1·m " Dunng th1•1r )>p1•1·t·h1·~. both t·;.mdu..lolt·s n:pt.•tllt'U thl· lorr11u lJs for revlla lizing lht• l-<.·0111m1y and pu tting C altfurnli:111 s b~al'k lo ·work that th1•y h<.1vt• s tn·-.s1·d throughout tht· fall t·ampa1gn. Bradley pledgecJ to forg1• a nl'W relationship with busirw ss and labor. saying 1f it work<'d for Los Angeles while h<' was mayor, tl can work for -i:hestate . H e said the state nt.'eds to increase 1ts e fforL-; to develop lo rl'ign tradl• and international tourism to help create pbs. O.n the tSSuc of housing. tht.' Dcml5c?rat said housing has to be· pro \'tdt•d that m a tt·h C's Job n·n1e r s H e· a lso suggest ed rc•dut·1ng the Sill' o ( hOUSl'S, 111 c:re as 1ng their dt•n s1ty and l'Onstructing mort• ap.c1rtm£>n~ to l•nc·ou rage sales a nd add111 unal clt.'VC'lopmt•nts Turning lo 1ranspor1 .. 11on , R r a d I t• y s a 1 d h e ~ u p p u r l s l1•g1 s latio11 tha t would l'l1~1ld1• local govt.'rnmt'Tll to sell bonds to finance state highway proJt•t·ts thf' c'Ommunity fods should bt· high priority pro.)('<·ts. Deukmt·j1an said Cal1forntu nt.'c·ds tu be com pet1t1ve with o ther stalC'S, but i:>N.'aUst' 11 isn't the C'COnOmV IS suHermg Cells r ornrnunicat ing D•llr P1101 Photo I>~ Rlc11 .. o KHhler l>r . (;ar y L y1u·t1 u~C:'~ t'UIH\.\U) m odc•I of hrain l o t:xpluiu hii, h) potlwi-i.., tha l rnt•mor) -.t ora~t· il>I afft•t•tt•d I)) a littl(•-know11 t'llZ) nw c·a llc·d '"c·a lµain ." Mo rt' rc·~t·urt·h "ii-dtu• at 1ww nt·u rolog ic:al la h a t UC l niaw. Sc•t• Pal-!e H I . Figures to .grace new Laguna Park By STEVE MITCHELL 01 Ille O•llJ PllOI Stitt V1s1turs lo Nita Carman P:irk in LJguna &·at·h soc.in will be sharing tht.· grassy environme nt with two hft.-:-.1:u'Cl. paml<'d sll'C·I f1gurl·s And tht· l'ltv's arts cumm1ss1on hupt.·s tu hav1: the $6.000 work in plal'l' by late l)(x-embcr a sort uf Christmas present for Laguna &·ad1 Co unnl mt·mbers acc:epted a l'omm1sswn re(·ommen dat1o n Tul'.;dav that will SC'C' L os i\ngt·les· lHltst and animator L t•o narc.J c.;1 a~:-.t.·r 's sculptun• J.tr:Jl'lllg th1· ,;rn;ill park. ILK:al<·d JUst b1·h1nd tlw hig h st·h ool plav1n,I.! f1l·ld Thf• sw1msu11 -dad f1gun•s, om· '>t·a tcd anc.J one prone. wtll bl• l'O n~tfUl'tt•d Of p ai nted a nd weldt•d st1·t·I . alTurd1ng t o Glasser. an An1dt•m y Award- wmning dntmatur Thi:' S(';.ll(·tf figure· ur a man. Gla ss<'r ~<1ys. th o ugh 111 a "rt·lax<·d post•" 1s mad<' up of m an) <.'om p It.• x p I <.1 n t• s a n cl l'On la 1 nl> tr<· nn·ndou~ v1 ... u .i I en1·rgy suggl·.;11ng an 1nnl·r l<'ns1on Pt•rhap~ th:.it is bf·(·iJU '>l' thl· st•at1•d f1gurt• ,.., ga7.tng JI a s unbathing w o man . wh1eh Glassl·r says "suggt·~l)> fl·malc· f or m through mut·h m or•· ~•mpl1f1<·d tn·at mt·nt of thr· figure'. a t times nwlt1ng 111111 suggc·sllun or rc:ahslll' form .. Arts n1mm1ssioners dt•s1·r1hc· G I <.1 s s l' r · s w o r k a s h a v 1 n g Thurbt•rS(.>squt:' qualllll's. a dding th<' artist prefers to "1.1muS<.• his E. Hay Carme n J>.tlrons rathl'r th an awt· thl'm " Funding for the two hfe-sizro f1gurc·s l'Omt•s rrum E . Day C.irm~in. son or the woman for whom thl park 1s mmwd. Nit a Ca rm an was thl' "UnCJf r1n:.il hostess of Laguna Beach" m the cJe<·ades spanning the· 1930s until her d eath in tht· c•arly 1970s . AI R CAL • • • From Page A 1 tf1·11r 1•i.111 ii 1·1 111111111 y Ji. .1 l.11 1111 l .JUMllj.( l't 11111•11111 h;J1th1l11p H.'111 ... 11u Au< '111 will ••x p.md ~1·rv1u• ho·t w1•t•11 Ora11~ .. 11u111y .111d S.111 Jo'r u 111 111l·11. ( >1 .. nj.(1· <.'uu111 J111I Oltkl111H.l. 0 11t;i1 111 and S:111 r rnnn"4'0, Ontm HJ 1md Sa 11 .Ju ..,1·. 011 111r111 and SIH'I a11w11to, Bur l.>Jllk u111J S;1n Jtim• 11nd Bur hunk and Oakland I-:~urt routt• mochf1cations Wt•rt· ll(Jl tl~'('lfl(' The c·orrwr al!io 111 ch;inging the i.t•11tin~ <'11nf1i.:urution In both 11.S Bol'ln..: 7:17 .111J IX . U SuJ)l•r 1:10 u11wurt. &•111 S<lld. 'f'hl• ·1:11:. will 10111< l!I llt.•l.l lK bringing tht·1r t'Upllc1ty lo IOU, 12 st·uts ur(• l.Hc"tn~ n·movl'<i from 1ht• SuJ><.•r 80s to lir1111< their capae11y to Ifill Ht'<.luc11on m st·<.1~ will J><.•nn1t I ht.' earner to w du<.'l· tht• numbc'r 11( fhl(ht a ttt·ndants nt!C'd<.·d lo s1•rvt· J>asst.•nMt·r~ At the sam<· t1n11., ·,, will provide mo n · leg rt>oJll) for pru;s<·ngc>rs A1rL'al says 11 mll'nc.Js Lu ldy ofl .IUl:I l·mployl'(c'S Oc.·t :JI aft.er. two 1·mployel' group& fl•Jtclt:d a 1111.1n<.1gl•mt'nl proposal to al'C.'t•pt a 12 ix·r(•1•nt salary r<.odu<.·twn The n·dut·t1on proposal was .J<.t:epted l>v two oth<·r grouµs A1rCal. howt•vt·r. smcl th1· c·uL'> would not IJ1.• 1mplt•nwnll•d unlt·s..., «ndursed hv all t•mµlovl·l·s CH ARISMA. • From Page A1 l11v1· m1x1ng lius111(·:-.s sucu::..'> w11h h1·<.1 uurut womt.·n .• mc.J tht· l.if•J"!>onal daring and skill to ra1S<.• 1111ll11ms ''' Joll:.rs to pu1 ... w · h1:-. tit ('<1111"> .. L<1tc•r Ml·W11lwm'> <.1tlJl•d. "l.>t• L 11 1 <· a n 1 s p r c· t t y m u l' h bulll·tprrnJr. and. 1n 11 uth. h1<; c·.Jpa u l\ to rPma1n ·uµ ha!> untlouhwdlv bt•l•n 11n1· u f th1· -.1ngl<' m11't import.ml tac·tors in kt'(•prng tht· l'ompanv afloat .. Andv Wc·1s.. ... 111 lkdondo &:<tt h 1.; pn·~1dt·nt or tht· 01· L ort·dn M o t •> r C ... r C I u b . w 1 t h 2 II II mC"ml)(•r.., in Southt•rn Cal1furn1a Wl•1s..o;, too. n •nwmli.·r' 0...· Lor1..•an ;1s a ~up r1·m1·I~ 1·11nf1 d tnt bU.,11\l ''>'>lllall ··111·\ "" umf1d1·nt :.nd \'l'I v 1111t·ll1 g1·nt And hi.'~ .., solt·~mari. l ;od is ht· ;1 ~ah•sm<1n You \Wilk ,,w,I\ from hirn ~1y1ng. ·1 know lw's g111ng 111 putt 1t uff · lie l'an '" alk 11n wawr. <ill hough at·tually 111:., JUSI w<1lk1ng on nxks In this t':t"l" lw must h.l\'l m1sM·d llw n11.k .. Hous ing ~£ficial hits Newport citizens' 'bigotry' By STE\'E MARBLE 01 the D•lly Pllol Staff _ A housm~ "rr11·wl ~ l.:ikc11 aim at a group of Nl·wpor t &·at h rcs1d~nts. charging thl·1r enuu~m <1( a proposed ofrord1.1bll hou ... ing projec t smat·ks of b1gotr y dnd l'Lilism. Ralph K c·nn1·d y, ;J p roJ••t·t manager for the Orangl· Count\ Fair H ous ing Count1l . said Newport Beach hos a rc:put.atwn as being a community whl·rC' peopl<' of modest m <'a ns art• not w~l·eom1E"------ " Th C' N e wport B eat.·h homeowne rs. l'l t v off1l·1ab and bustnessmen who h ave bt·c·n heard from on this issue are so far o ut o f touch with bas1<. human need s that t he m ost rncrcd1ble fact 1s that a n y poor person would want to be thl'1r neighbor, .. Ke nnedy said. • Ill Thi• fair housing group 1s one Tht.• pro,JeCt was pro~ b y o f t h<.· o rgan1zat1on s s uing New rt city p~nners and, 1( Nirwp<rrrBcadr:-atk~·-1=n~...,,,.e=-=c"'1 "'y,__11"'"p..:....p~roL-v-c-,.-. -w-"'-o ulO ooost Irv mt• has d1sn1m1 natory housi n g Compa ny building rights from l)rt1t·t1t't·~ 120 lo 750 um ts on thl' 35-acrc · Kt•nm•d,, ·said his comml'nts part-el or land WC'rl' p r ovokt>d by rl'c e nl Severa l E astbluff rvs1dcnts dl SC U::.S IOn Of a proposed have<.'Ompla mecf thut thl' pro,)t'Cl affordablt.• h ou sing project o n would bring m "an undc.>s1rable lrv1m· Company land near thC' elem ent" th at would h avc fa s h 1 o n ab It' Ea s t b I u f C troubll' mixing with Newpor t tommumty citizens. Othe rs rapJX•d the projN·t as bc>ing too d en se and likvly to produce too mut·h tra ffic K l•nm'Cly brcindPcl .,onw of the• st.atements a s being "blawntly bigoted " but said he 1s mo rt> distUrlX'Ooy remar s macfeby thl' lrvtnl' Company and a ctty plan n1ne comm1!.s 1o n e r 1n de fl:'nM· o f the pro_)(.'{·t H e 4'a1 d 111 d e fense o r tlw projft·t. stateme n ts w ere' madt• that the h o u si n g w ou ld n ot attrac t "riffraff but solid citizens s uch as bank tC'ller.; and school teach ers." "Tht· i nference 1s that gas stat io n atte ndants. h ospital work<.•rs and housekC'cJ)l•rs do not dt•..,t.·rv<· lo livl' tn Nt'WPOrl I~ 'ill h · ...... ml Kt·ntw<l \ 111· 'ugg1•-.tt•d lh.:tl d modl'sl. l h1·.tp T1ouM·. 111 h.., 11p11111ln. 1!> '!Jr mon· honur<1hl1• th.in '>'Jml' r1f tht• mani.iom. 'nu ha\'t• down 1 t.1 ·n " Jl'rt ~ K 111g. l ha1rm.in of th1..· nl~ ·.., pl.inninK eumm1"""'° and ... stud1•n t of huusmg 11l'l'd~. said lht· l'll~ 1~ ~trivrng to pr<1v1dC' hull),111J,! for ,J ~wgmt·nt or p<.'Oplt• who prt.•st·ntlv can't afford to buv in Nc:wp.Jrt Bt·ach · K 1 n g s a 1 d Cl t y I 1 n · nH.· n . p o l ll'l' and o rf1n •w urkl•rs t· .. rn ·t find housing in Nt•wpurl Jiighs 80s ------------------------------ · Con~tn l . ,I Fa11 and warmer lod•y wllh 111g11s 1n mod 70s at the t>ea<:ll9$ 10 io.. 801 inland V811Bble high t:Aoud1neu lont~hl •nd Fttday 0Vltfn1gnt Iowa S to 73 Htghs on ~•td•y 72 10 80 Elsew here llom Point Conception to 1ne Me••c•~ l>Orde• and oul 60 m11ea L1gM vatt•ble winds tontglll and F11d•y "'°"'"ng w11h SOUlllwest to west winds 8 to 16 kno1s d•,11n g aflernoon and evening flours toelay ano Fttday Wind waves 1 ni 3 laat 1n1s afternoon 'Soulh-t 1wet11 1nc;1ee11ng 10 2 10 3 leet wilh local b•eakers 10 5 laet on south lac1•,g t>eacnea Palchy late night and early morning low clouds. 01harw11e 111gn cloudiness U.S. sununary Up to 14 1nche1 ol 1now accumu111ed tn some parts 01 Michigan II a 11orm syslem ti.eflng gusly wtnds and lreew1g tempar1tures cu l •cross lhe upper Ml11lsatpp1 Valley and northern Qraal Laket The heaviest snow lell en Mlchlgan'a Ul>Plf Pen1nwl1 wllh tnow 1110 on the ground tn WlaconSln. Mtf\0990t I Nel>f llh, tow• and Sou111 Dakota Heavy w1ncSs around the Qraal Lall .. lielped push lempef sturn below tr.vng Freeze w11n1ng1 ware a110 In altac:I for lll1no11. Iowa. ~t of MIMOufl. muc11 or cantrtl and soulharn Indian• eastern Kan••• and norlnern At1canau California Southern Ca.Hrorn11 wlll l>a lt111 today with lncrHSlng high c10001 and sllOl'lllY warmer daya. Fog and low c1oud1 near Iha cont '"orn•ne• Ot1nga County can Hpeot higrlt In low 709 11 betchal, near 80 1nlend Lowe M 10 03 Inland v~ wlll Miii lllgllt In r 70. 10 IOW IOL lowt M•r HIOll• In th• tow 70• In th• mounteme Nor1Mtn Heal1 hight 71 to II, .. 10 .. "' tOUllMlm IMMtte . Aeln 1111111 In Hor111arn ~ by t~. with c:11ance rlltl IPl-..dlnO 10 oantral •"" Qlcr..-0 to ICll*ld ~• ntdty (J"u.ety eo11tlltf1Y wlndl a.-~COMt. T e111p e ratu res NATION HI lo Albany • 70 44 Albuquerque 64 41 Amar1110 60 26 Anchor1ge 33 27 A~v1He 71 so Allan1a 75 46 Allanoc C•ty AA 59 Aus11n 69 60 BaJ11mo•e 73 47 B1lhng1 57 30 Btrm1ngllam 78 62 R1smarck 42 30 Boise 61 52 Bo••on 70 44 B1own1v11te 89 70 Buffalo 71 S2 Bur1tng1on 69 S3 Casper 5-4 26 Ch•r•es•on SC 78 82 Charleston w v 73 48 Charlotle, N C 76 St Cheyenne 53 19 Clltc•go 45 40 Cmc:1nn1111 62 61 Clevel1nd 6.4 57 Columbia. S C 80 49 Columbus eo 56 Onllat·FI Worlll 65 46 Dayton 58 •3 Denver 56 29 Des Moines 45 34 Oetro11 59 44 Outulh 36 31 E• Peso 71 49 F11r1>enk1 31 25 Fsrgo 37 27 Fl•g1l•tt 65 29 Gre•I F1111 56 46 Harllord 71 39 Helena 56 21 Honolulu 86 66 Houtton 70 59 lndi•n1pol11 45 42 Jacll~. Mitt 68 58 Jacl\aonvllla 82 60 Juneau 44 38 l<ensuCoy 49 32 l(no.vllla 72 49 LH Vagas 73 45 ltllle Rock 6t 41 Thlll'><l.ty (J. 1<1t11•1 ,1 I e H11;'1 lt•tHCJ•·t ,tl1,,, •• , .. •• lOUIS\ltlle 53 Lubbock 59 Memphis 63 Miami 82 Milwaukee 42 MPlt·SI Paul 4t Nasnvllle 62 New Orleana 8t New York 71 Norfolk 77 North Platle 53 Okl1homa City 59 Ooiah1 4t Orl&toi:'O 87 Pn11ade1pn11 75 Phoen11 88 P•l ISl>urgn 70 Porll•nd Me 61 Porlland Ore 62 P1ov1den<;e 68 RalelOfl 79 Rmpld City 53 R«10 tit RICllmond 77 San Lake 55 Slll'I Antonio 69 Sat Ille 56 S•oua Fens 39 St Lou•s 52 St Pet• 1-mpa 85 St Ste Mirta SS Spolcar>e 54 46 32 ., 76 39 ' 35 52 63 53 58 t9 32 29 85 46 61 48 41 35 41 54 2t 33 tl4 30 60 39 27 =~ .. , 30 SURF RIPORT ..... ll\atle fa tr poof lair poof ,,,, PoO< PoO< ooor ""' ... T-p. 17 87 87 87 87 N Tomorr-High TICle 12 23 pm , low TIOa • 36 pm . lwall °""'Ion 8outn Ra1n CJ Snow[] Showe1sE1l/llll FlurrtesE!J Syracuse rope1ta Tucson Tutu Wash1ng1on Wtchill CALIFORNIA Apple Valley Be~ersl1e1d Bar Slow Beaumont Blq Bear BlthOP Blylhe C11111n11 Culver City Eur•~• F1etno L1nca11er Long Bncn Loe Angeles Monrovia Montel>atlO Moole•ey Ml Wt19()n NHdles Smog 7t 0 St 36 84 54 59 39 74 54 53 30 79 44 78 61 8-4 58 78 47 64 30 73 3g 86 55 74 58 78 58 68 63 18 SS 78 47 80 5tl 79 81 84 53 80 5tl 72 58 63 48 81 s. Where lo call (toll lreal lor l1t1tt amog 1nrorm1t1on Ot•noa County 1eoo1 445-3828 Loe AngelH Count y· (8001 242~22 R'-•10. ancl San BarnarOlno countlaa· (800) 3CIT·4T10 AOMO lpllOda Center. 1800) 242-49" T ides TOOAY Saco11c1 lllgh I I 4tl • rn 5. 2 Second low 7 23 p m o 7 "tlOAY Flral high 2 30 • m 3 3 F1111 •-5 41 a m 3 O SacotlCI lllQh I 2 23 p m ' I sacono 111g11 e 3e p m o o Sun Mle. IOday al 8 ,, pm . r~ ... '"day 11 7 04 • m Moon rl'" tOday 11 t t ~' 1 m Mis at t 37 pm Storekeeper Monica Cottam is wearing our brushed Shetland wool sweater in a jive color Jacquard design knU on soft subtle shades of la vende1; sand, and jade. W.•tcllff rtau ' ' .. DRllGI COAST llWPllT lllCI I 11111 ITICU TlllHIS OAY . OC TOlll 11 /I 1'Hil ORANGE COUNTY. C ALIFORNIA 25 CENTS ~conomy: No cheers yet AirCal 'action' bared By FREDERICK SCllOEMEllL 01 the Dally Piiot Stall A1rC;.i l will 1m·ri·asl' flight st•rvtl"{' tn t·1ght mark«h .ind suspend scrvtl'I' in four othf•rs ..is part of what company ol I 1uab an• cal11ng an "Jl'tJon pl.111" to kl•cp the· Nc•wport &•aeh lx,1:-;1•d rnrrier prof1t<1blt· this :n·ar A1rCal off1l·1als said tht• t.1rrw1 will su spc•nd sc·rvtl't' tu Fn·:o.no. Mo nterl'V, Pho('ntx ~ncl Las Vegas. l'ffe'C'tl\'I' De<.· I On th£' sanw elate'. A1rCal will "boldly c•xpand our flig ht M·1·vK'C' in e ight of the strongest most product1v1• Cali fornia markets." said Shl'lton &·st. thl' e11rltne's l'XCCUtlVC· \'ll'l' pres1c.lt•nt Those markt>Ls were 1dcnt1h<'<i as Orangt' County. San Franc1sc:o. San J ose. Oakland, O nta rio. Burbank. Los Angc•ll·.., a nd Sacramt"nto The m:l1on program. Bc!.L said. is dcs1gn1•d to n ·clepl01, 3)..-.t•L.., and pt•rsunnt'I lCJ "ma,1m1zt· µruf11 potcntwl .ind c·ustOnll'r i-c·rv1c·t· "Wi th price• and Sl'h<·dult• I t• a d e r s h 1 p A 1 r C a I < a n s1gnif1c·antl y st1mult1te tht: marketplac·t• <rnd sol1d1fv our position sn 1t." Best said AirCal this yc·ar 1s suffl'rsng its first op<:raung lus..o.;e·s o.;1mi.• 1972 In the first hJlf of 1~8:.!. the· carr1N showed an 01x·rat1n~ Jos.' of $9.1 m1lhon A 1 r I 1 n e o f f 1 c 1 d I ., h a v c· attnbuwd mut·h of t~l' ICJS.'> to an escalating war for passE-ngers with San D1C>go-based Pac1f1l· Southwest A1rlint·s AirCal officials also huve po1ntN:I to th<' (See AIR CAL. Page A2 I Hy STEVE TRIPOLI Of the Dally Pilot llett Tlwrt• was t·a ut111u1> up t11111s111 .1bout tht• prospt'<"L'! for C't'o11o m 1t rt'l'UVt·rv but n u p1t•111.1turt· l"t•ll'bt'Ullng illllllllg tltOS l' 11\lt•rvlt.'Wt•t.l Wl'<lnt•sday a l <111 Et·onomtt Outlook C1111fl'rt•1wt· in Anaht·un Orangt• L'uunty l>us1m·ss11wn .ind woml'n ""ho ·spokt• with rt•porlt•rs appc·an•tl as 1•agt•r tu b <1 t k Pr t• s 1 d t' n l H t• a g ,1 n ·., "-'t0011nm1l· program .is m us\ ul thoH· w h o .1ddn·i;st•d tht• approx1111all"h !Hiil pt'o µlt· 111 .1tt1·nll.1rn·1• Tlw\ wt•n · not q uilt' so rt·ud:-;i.., th•· sµt·ak t•r:. to dt't l;1n· lh.11 tho'" µuht·tt•s wuulll hring n ·l11 ·f ''Kiii, how1·vt•r. Jm1 l lt·tl. \ lt't' µn'...,1dt·n1 .md ht-.1d o l tlw l'tJrpoi .11t bank111g group i.ll Bank vf AnH·rtl':.i's AnJhr1m off1n·. said tht• rt'<'l'llt Deci aon ., d eci ion luwt•11n~ u l 111tc·11•s l 1.1h'' .111d 111hu1>t p1 ·rft11111.11u c· 111 tlw ..,tfll k markt·t un· "'t•11t·uu1t1g1111(' .. 1g1" II 1• ti .., .11 tl 111• \\ .1.., •• 1 ..... .., t•nt·11ur<1g1•d " by wlwt lw tt•11111 ·d I lw "ntJllllll<l I" g1«1w I h Ill l ht· na llllll ':. gl'o'!<. 11.1111111.11 pnithll"l n •pt11"lt ·<l tl11s Wt•t•k, hll\\l'Vt'I "Tht·sl' an· tur11111g ..,1g11s, lull t lwy'n · 1101 n·,illy ... 1grl!oo th•ll wc"n · 1n a full blown rt'l·ov1·1 y." lll'll 'iii 1d Earl T1n11111>11..,, 1\11\\ .c n~r1sultarll 111 tlw 11 v 1111· l'un1p.111 y ;ii ll•r l"l'l"1•11tl y lw111g l.11d oft as th1· t11111 p.1n y·, d111·1to1 11f lllal k1·t1ng S\•fVll"l'S, pn•dJl'tt•d 1111" J.'l'Ollomy .. ,.., gt1111g to g1•t lwttt•r 111 l!l>l:I. but not dr a111.1t11 .1llv so "It 's go1 11g to IH· ,.· l.111'I V ... 1ugg1 ... 1t rt'l"tl\'t•rv. but .11 ll'a:.l 1l:!oo gw11g lob•: un tlw upsl11p1 · r:11h1•r tlwn tlw d1Jwnsl11µt ·." '!'11111111111' ... aid I 11IJ.1111111. w Ii 11 h T11111111111' l'otll1 •tl "th1 · dnv111g 10111 111 tlw 1•1'0lltJlllV.'0 Will bt• llllllt·t ('111111111 for "•11 lt·,...,l tilt' 111•)1.l "'\11•1,tl y 1•;11 s," Hild tlt1· l'lOllttlllV 1•v1•11111allv will l""'l"'I lit-t .111 .... · 111 II, Ji1· ~.11d Hut 11111·111pl11y111 .. 111 will 11·111;1111 l11gh I 111 .1wl11 I... lll 11 ti d 1;111g111g d1•11111gn1ph11·.., d1o111g1· tht• J11hs Jill tL111·. lw pn•dwtr ·d '1'11n111wls ·"'" ,,11d !ht· l1111g ll'l 111 l"tlllllllllll fJll"llJfl• I' • \'1•1 '.°' l tt'V bt'C :tUl>I' ttl a«ti1ms lw111g t~1k1 ·n now J11l11· f ;11 l1t•1 .• 111 1111l1·11t 11d1'11l lOllSUlt.111t .11111111.11 kl"l 11·-.t'(1rdw1 I r11111 M1;..,11111 V1t·111. 1111·d11·tt·d ";1 p.11111 ul t1 .• 11 ... 11111n" Hml rt'l11v1·1:- ))U 111tu;ll1«l In ,1 nun1h11 ot Ull<1lls\\'1•f'(•d ql11•,t11111 ... O\',.I' lht• lll'Xl 11•\\' \1·;11 s Bt11t O\\'lllg .. lt•1111 ltlHll lllll' Ill tit<' l"t1t1lt·n •11n•'s s p1 '<1kt•r..,, J-«11 l1t·r ~ml till' shit l I 10111 ..... '11111kl'sf,1l·k Ch oo!'ing the ri~ht pumpkin for n lla lltnH•en jo<·k-o-lant<•rn j., no ea!'y task. First, you havt• l o find onf' that wt•i,:ths l<·~s than ~·ou do. This young m an conh•mpl ah·~ tlw ~c·lt·<·tiou ul the I n irw Ra nc·h Farme r~ :\larkt•l on M yfortl Road. (111..11111);11 t111111g) ltt ,, ht~h 11 ·.-ltn11l11gy .. ,·111111111y nli.lkl01> th1• 1111111.111 r .• 11111 .1 Ing ljUl'Slton ··W11l tli1 · .111111111o1k1•r tw al.>11· to ' W I I I It t 11 l" 11 111 J} U l t• r 111 11g1 a111111111g"1" ..,Jw ask<·d "IL w11l t .... 1 p;1111lul trans111u11, but 111 tfw long run a lwalthy 11111• ·· 1·«111>1·1 ..,.11d ..,h,: w.,as no t Jlcll lll'UIJJ"l y lhl illt•d hy r<•t•(•ttt 11pt1111t'>ltt• 1'<·11n 11rn11· 1mJ1l·ators .. It'-; dtl f11·ult lit gt•l l'Xl"ll l•d 11Vp1 wh.11 .., hap11t·m<CI 111 thl' last lhn•t• 1111111 l hs IJt't'itUS(• ovt·r tht• 11.1 ... 1 ..,1·vt•r ..11 yt·w-s -url' t't.•c.momy h.Js hn·n st·t·s:.1w 1ng up and d ow n , t•ss1·nt1ally moving ..,1d1·w;,ty-; It\, d1 tf11·ult to st'<' that th1' 1-, THE tu rnaround bt'<«IUSl' wt.'v1· ... aid that ..,., manv llntl'!> Ix Ion··· · M:u v in I lt·rst·hl>t·rg, 1•x1'<·ut1v1· d1n·t·t11r of tlw MC'dteal <.'l'nll·r of tScc ECONOMI C. P aRe A21 Dally Piiot Photo br C"-•'" Stan Tom Bra d lt·} Bradley goofs oc • 1n By JEFF ADLER 01 lh• Delly Pilot Statt Dt· m oc r at 11 g u IH· ri1" t 11 rt a I c;,ind1datl· Tom B n 1d lt>V t:rred Wl'dnt·sday whim h1 pll~dged to I><· tht• f1n.t g<iV<:rnw t1J app1J1nt J ml' m b t' r lo th 1· l' a I if or 111 <• Tre1n:.portat10n Comn11s. ... 11111 f 1 om Orang1· County Outl1n1ng ht!> plan" t11r rl·v1t;ihzrng lhl· :.tJtt•'s '>aggmg f'l"l>llOlllY lo dhUUI !JUO pPoplt· attending tht• ~0th ann u JI Oranj.(t' \.,'oun t:-Chamber o f Commt·rc·1· Bus11w~:. Outl<JOk Confl'rent·t· a t tht· Anaht•1m C1mve•nt1on Ccntc·r. BrC:1d h. v :.aid h t· h a d <i I on ~ s t a n d 1 n g t·omm itment 10 mJkt· ~Ufl' tha t Orange' C'nu n ty would be r c prescntC'd on th<· 1mpurlC:1nt pan C' I t h :11 o v l' r SC' t•.., -; t <all' 1ransport,1t1un policy and funding "Ont· of the thing!-that grt•Jtly t·onn·rn:. Orange Count:-ts that I h (' V h <l V c· n o -t · h .;) d d n·pn·~1·ntall\"L· fn>m th"' gn•.it lount~ ... 1•rv1ng on tht· !-late• Trans port;1t1t1n Commt">">lon. ·· Bradlt•v -;a1d "Ob\'IOU!o.IV vou'vt• not h,,1.d a n·.id\' .ind 1.nf;1rnwd vmt'C' six•a k111g 1in O.•h;ilf of this t"OUlll\.' B u·t a!. l11s H 1puhl1t.1n oppo1wn1 potnH•tl out wht·n hl· addrf"..-.t'tf th<' 1onvt•nt1011 '-l'\"C'r.tl huun. l.1ll'r. Orang1· Cnunty dl.)(•<., 111d <'cd ha\'(• a r1·pn·st·ntat1vl· s1 lt1n~ on tht• comm1~s1o n . 0 r a n g 1• <.:nu n t \ Bo a rd u f Supc•rv1sors Ch.11r111c1n Br uu.' Nc-standc·. Jpposntc'<I l.lst .Jul:-· b:. Gov Edmund G B rown Jr (See BRADLEY. Page A21 De Lorean found indus try doesn 't run on charisma By GLENN SCOTT Ofihe Delly Pllol Staff ColleaguC's and adm ire rs say John z. De Lorean's charisma, optimism an d s trength o f ch a racter rut'lro hi!> hndnC1alJy ailing sports car opera tion when it was ready to run out of gas. And hi s l a w ye r said Wednesday that I:k> Lorean still expects to save the Norther n Ire land-based business. whic:h now 1s in rece1versh1p and h as been set for permanent d osing by the British government. The business includes a plant near Belfast. where an estimated 1.300 people s till are on Its pay ro ll. A U .S s ubs idiary inc ludes e xet·utivc o ffices in Irvine employing 35 people and a dea ler preparatory shop 1n Santa Ana. just across thl.' t·1ty limits from Costa Ml>sa Abo ut a d oz(·n pt•opl1• '!ttll work lhl•re The (•h alleng1· has nevl•r bt.<t•n greater fo r Dt• L orPa n . lht· silver-gray haired innovator w ho appeared tired and u n s h aven Wednesd ay in federal court 1n Los Angeles to plead innoc't'nt to charges that h e conspired to S«.'11 220 pounds of cocaine to raise money to bail out his car-making dream. Assistant U.S. Attorney James Walsh told a courtroom jammed with re porters from throughout the United S tates and Britain tha t undercover agents had v ideotaped sev<.'ral exchanges S ix Irvine e mployees f e lle d b y gas fumes Six employees of an Irvine manufac turing plant were stricken !Ate this morning when gas fumes liom a malfunctioning m ach i ne spread through the bulldin~. The employee!\, fi ve women and a mun, suffered nausea and headaches and were transported to Tustin Community Hospital following thr Incident. Orange County firemen lMtid a amalJ rlre e rupted at Amrrkan • • ( Edwards Lab. 1402 East Alton Av<>. in Irvine at about 10 a.m . Fire me n extinguished the fire In an ejection molding machine. but fumes from a plastic mater ial an the machine was picked up by the ventilation system and dlstrbute d t hrough o ut the building Firemen treated the six victim• a nd rvacuated thr<.'e nearby buildinl{11 In th<' romplc»< for !l<'Verol hnurs ' • w ith Dt· Lor1.·a11 ov1•r th<' p.rst f1v£• months On(• o f t hl' 't's.,10ns. ht· ... ;11d . was o n Tursclav when I)(• Lon •an. upon Vll'"'1ng s1•v1 ral kilo:. nf c•n<.«Hnl'. had n·mark<-<l "This 1s lwttN than gold It c·anw JUSt in tht• rnek of llmt• " De· L111<'an was ,1rrl',tt·d momrnt.s lntC'r B<•rnard M111skv. 1.>t• U>rt·an·s lawyt·r . did not .challt•nge· his clll'nt·s mvolvc•mt·nl in thr drug- sel11ng sc·hc•m c• but (')aimed his clie nt's mnt1v1• was slrtl'11Y to save the• l'Ompany 11<' said Dt, L o rt"an was lurc•d into the sch e me. suggc•s11ng that the dcfrnse may argur C'ntrapmc•nt "Kno wing h <' would nt"e d m oney. pc•oplc• <·onlac·tcd him," said Minsk y "I thmk he· ft'll prey . 1 think hl''s mure of a Vl('tim." U S Magistrate Volnt•y Arown Jr. S<'l bail jor Dc.• LorC'an nt. $:l million, but allowC'd o 5 JX'f'l'rnt deposit. or $250,000 Minsk y said his cash-poor client probAbly would post the• $250,000 in "on<' or two dnys" Wals h had askt-d for ball St.'t at $20 million. c lo1ming thot De Lorran wa.~ a great thrC'a t to flt'<' the country. "We arC' looking at th<' rcults t1c pcl6S1bility of l'I 57-y<'ar-old mun sp<•nding th<.' rc•st of his lift~ in jail." said Walsh , who c•urhN h:id c'St1mated Ot• Lorean'!\ n<'t worth ut $38 mill1on, minus anoth c.>r $~0 million tiro up In hi1' ''Ompany An a!fldnvlt from FBI Agent J ('rry W C'st fill'd with the m mplaint o!ll •rL'I that Dt• Lor1•o n J "'i llium lle t rit·k had n·achc•cl an ai;(rN•nwnt with a n undrrc·ovt>r ogl'nt o f thl• f ederal Drug Enforcement agC'nc·y to lrntlc• s t o(•k 111 his c:ompony for m unc•y to flnnnce the dru~ dNll The ugrnt. John Valestra. orferccl to put up $3.2 milliun w rombinf' with De.· Lorean's $1 .8 millio n to buy t·cx·oin <' -nnd latc•r h<.'ro in from William Morf(an H e trlt·k . who was nrr<'s le d M onday olong with associate• Stt•phcn Arrington in ronn('('tlOn wllh the• same c1"('. After $00 million was raiK"d by ~le of th<' drugs. Vnl~tro would own !lO J)('~nt o f the sux·k in De Lort•nn M otor Cars Lld .. said Wf':'t S tt>phen Arrington M insky defended Qe Lorean's acuon as not for personal gain "He had a dream and a vildon. I I<.' got this t·ar. but now h1• wanlS lo save 1t I think we kno w what's happened to this point," h<' said But Wals h stoffed '"One doesn't create an 111rlus1rv on the backs of cocaine uS<•rs anti heroin addicts" The r c vC'latio n s about De L o r ean seem t o fit into his remarkable life likt• a lll'W chapter in a novel The w ords of former Newport Be a c h r esident J . Bru e e McWilliams. who earlier this year r a n D e L orea n 's U S o peration o ut o f th<' Irv ine o ffices, ring with coincidental clarity ln this month's issue ur Car & Driver Magazine. he wrote: "It is altogether like ly that J o hn Dt.• Lor ean will bet·ome tht• most written-about person in the h is t ory o f the Ameri c:a n automobile industry "His career has had " larger· than-life quality that Amt!ncans (Stt CHARISMA, Page A2) INDEX At Yo ur Service A6 Movies 84-5 Busin~ C8-9 Mutual Funds C8-9 Cavalcade A9 National Nt!ws A3 Classified D~ Public Notl<'t>s C7-8,D2-4 Comics 86 Sports Cl-6 Crossword B6 Dr. Ste1ncrohn A9 Death Nollce!i 02 Stock Markets C9 Editorial A8 Television 87 Ent~rummcnt 85 Theat£'rs &I-~ • Hol"MC'QJX• A9 Weathcr A2 Ann L.Hndcni A9 . ~ ' .-~ ....................................... ..._ ............................... __________ .,_._.._._... ____________ ...... ________ ~~~~~~-~--- t Orungu C.v •I DAILY PILOflT1tu1eOuy Otlobur 21 1982 NB ,., N Y '14: <:OMPO 'l ,.fE rfKA N 'At.:TION OUOl A 11011\INU.uoa '•Ao • ~o .. ' ....... YO••. MIOWl\t "'•C.1"( .... 10"0" o • t•Olf ANO (llO(INN•ll \IOC• t ll{MANOU AllO •tll'O•U 0 I Y IMI NOD a NO lll"INI I Dow Jones\f inal UP 2.86 CLOSING 11038.98 ~\\\ '''''" Dollar firme r; Gold r e bounds LONDON IAP) Tht US dollur < dg< d h1gh1 r JgJlll:.l 11111~l Fllrl•f>t•111 tUl lllllHs in 1.11ly lr.1drng toduY li1l l111g J lll'W l11gh .1g,1111~l lh1· h .111.111 hr ,; (;11td J11rr1 p1 d 111111 1· tli.111 $h .111 ou111 1• D1•.tl1·r:. "Jld th• d11ll<11 g.11nu l ground on t h1 'li t n~lh of "lightly h1gh1 r h,1nk rc1ll'S for doll.ar d ' po~rts .111d 1•xp1 t l 1lru11!'1 that th1• West Ger rnan <1 nt1.1I l>.mk \.\Ould lu\Hr 11lt1•11•sl 1 atc~ fur thl• mark l.1tt I II\ !ht• d.1V L11ncl1111 ... r1v1 11111111111 th <th n. f1x1 <.l ,m 1nd1tal1Vt p1It 1 111 :S-t i:.1 25 .1 J'rov uuru 1 w1111x1n'tl wrth $4:!h 50 11111• V..'1 dru -.d.1~ .,, F irm's • income d eclines SAN FRANCISCO I AP) Transamcr 1c:a Corp h 1-.. n por ll·d lowl r l rir111ngs <H1U nl l inuJml rn 1 ~ lh1ru qu.;rlc r tomparl'(J lo tht sam1• 1wriod <i Yt•,Jr agCI l'ht umglo11wr .Jlt• said thud qu.1rlt;1 nt l intwm \.\ .1~ $ rn 7 mil l111n Lust Vl'JI .... th11 d quorll•r -..iw 1111111111 uf $7~ H m1ll1on L 1le!>l thrr c.l-4uartl'I ix·r sh.;rl 1 <1rn1ng!> "t•rt· ti-4 11•11Ls a lillh· mun than h<11f th.11 n•pcirtl•(I during tht.• lla1111• ix·r 1ud l<.tlll Vt•ar F<ir tht t1r-.t nuw month!> 11f lhl f1s«d yt;.ir tnding St•j)I rn T r <Jnsamt I I( a s rll'l 1ntumc was $1 32 6 11111111111 or $2 10 a shan~ rnmpan:d to $171 Y m11l1on or S2 o5 pu :.h,1n for the· first nrnt: months 1Jf 1981 STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT AMERICAN LEADERS Nf:W Y(JMfll. •A ... f ~-t"' J p tH Of,. and Mt t Noqit" "'' " .. hlh I ti n 0 .. 1 .. u .... Nt • VO-.. ')IC)(:io.. lach•'l01" "~""""' lt•d1n9 NhUfWllf di f11utt' lf\dt'I ., 1::.-.-on 1 1'9J80U lt• A.~rl•f t1)())0U .O•• PtO\• (<> I 11~ 000 0 Oat•pnt tot\~ •~· 18M 100\100 U" F~ON-tt M1U It~/ JW ll'• Pn111p,P,,I '<H .IOO )) • C1l•tO• U 8"'i 100 l• • !~1'1~? '"' ::l ~ ~~ .. Al<o• tµ/ .00 I~ • l •n<Jy UJ 800 '1 , John\Jn HU 100 •J .. Suo--r-011 81)900 Jt, C.ou101n< 10,, 111> lO • I • I•. ·"·· 1 • , .. I • 1-. I I• I I METALS NEW /QR-. 1AP ,, • Iii "'' t .:S 10<11' I St 01 1 "'()•r uu" UPS AND DOWNS Copper ... 6 • ;c. C• h -. i.cu"'d U ~ ~l:W VOfHf I AP fnf' 1uuo ... 1nQ 11\t \l\OW' ~ ,... .. .,_ .,Of. -.toe..• f 11f,.f\~ \10C:k~ M'CS lllHltfal\l\ 11\A' ~ ... 'Qon. "Ii l"f' "'°"' ~ OO•n tht ntO\I 0.'°"0 on r:,r<.~,,~~~~nQf'l' ••O•t1ll~\ ot ¥Oh.tn~ No M'tut1l•f'\ 11.0 nq o. 10 .... U •re 1ntt UOtd N •t MWJ P"'ri.,•nleoP C "41'\Qlt\ •tf' lhe ditfertnt_• ~·-~ tn.r ,,,tV,OU\ llO\.lnq ,,,,,~ •rc:J too~.,) i~sm CH•<f' 1 8•.t~~~W'4gf Ld,~~ 11"ft • 'JPP1 1:a I 1 c;,.n,l•r Q I)• H. 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II I ,. ••• II • COLD COINS "" V II I) 1 0 11 110 0 11 100 0 11 100 0 11 t I -. Ot1 •1 I • 0 11 t l I 0 11 9 l •• 011 •• • 011 • I • 011 It I 0 11 I I • )•, •• .. 011 I • 011 I 4 0 11 I I 0 11 I 0 1~ .. OH 6 I "'• OH • f I , 0 11 6 I '• 0 11 •• •, Oft • 4 •• ou •• t' • OU & J .. 0 11 • ) '• Ott • J NEW YORK (A P J P ncea lale WtOnetoey ot gOl<I ~o.nt como••.O w11h T """•v • 0t1Clea ••...-.•-I l•PY n1 $•50 00 up H 7S .,...,.. IHI 1 t•or or l •S 1 so up se 75 Mea 50 P-I 2 l•OV 01 $528 SO up St I 25 Aue.. 100 crow" 9&02 11oy 01 S•28 25 uo S9 00 0"''' n•t Jf\) l ead 'I )Q " la t • (Nr d ZIM-•O •t ptc i-. ,. ~o"no df'f .. ~f"O Tift ~ < lAr "'t"llt's w-r°"'°°' t~ tb Alumlnwm 16 t t' '' J OOu"d '" t M•tcuty l >70 00 ""' r •" Pl•llnum ~;•2 ~O S.1•" 00 1101 cun<c ,, . SILVER GOLD QUOTATIONS a, Th• A••oc••••d p, .. , S .. ,.. ff'O w l) I\' Qr <I C ''< t"S Ind th• s1t~~don .... ,,. 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