HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-10-22 - Orange Coast Pilot111111 l:UIT Ylll HOMITDll IAllY Ml FRIDAY. OC10 0 ER '2'.! 19RJ ORANGE C OUNTY, CALIFORNIA 25 CENTS AirCal sh if ts flights, but won't • g1v~ up any By STEVE MARBLE Of Ille 0111~ .. llot ll1n N1•wpm·t li..•u<·h -ba~·d A1rt..'ul, whit h Is µr t•parrng lo su:.pt.o nll s 1•rv1l't• lo fou r mark c•ts and lntT<'asc.• runs to t•rght oth<'r... will n o t 1·h .111i.t1• •ts n u m b1·r ul a llo 1 .. 111·c.l flii.thl:. Cr u m J o hn Wayrw Airpurt A1rCul flights o nginoung 111 Orungt.• County that now go tu Las Vl•gds ur Pho<•n1x will b<' po 1nt <'d t o ward u t h l'r dt.•sllnations as of ON.·. l. J.;filng ouLoa a limb T lw u1rh1w prt•M•111ly u v t'l'llt(l'li :.?2 fl1Hhh daily u u l o f John Wuyrw In a m ov1· 1t1 1·u1 1•xp1•11M•i.. AlrCuJ u1111ot.mt.•t.-d T hun.<lJy lh..it ll will .ihm1d1111 :.t•1-v1n· 111 Ft t.'M\O, Montt•r1·y. P hv1•111 x and L as Vt·ga. .. 0 11 llw s:11111· d uh ', th1• t'arr·u·r "'sll 1•x p.111 J s 1•1 v 11·1• to S a u F ran1·1s1·11, Sc111 Jmw, Oukland. Bur bu11k , Loi. l\11~t·lcs and Sul'ranwn lo Sh1·lt11n 81°Sl. the u1rl 11w 's 1•x1·1·1111v1· v11·1· 111'1•s1tl1•111. '<Uld A11 t'11l w ill .tl .. 11 lw1-;111 111ak111g n11n i.lofJ I ltJ<hl:o. h1·t w 1·1·11 I.us A11g1·h·., 11nd Sc111 "'1,1111·1M'fl Uc >i.l ~11d I h 1· d1.111g1•s rullow .1 ll llJllth o l .. 1udy .11111 I l'IJI t•:.t•111 a mov1· by Au l'.11 tu rrun(' 1\b must prnf1t11bl1· nwrk1·b Ill' al·know lt·tf~t·d I hat tlh' I light:. l'hang1•s ;.irt· n ·lult'd In plum. by thl' firm tu lay uff :!Oil l•mploy1·cs 1n1.·lud1ng :.rn of th1· l'illTll•r 's '..!4 7 pilut.s &•st ~11d th1· nt1mbt·r o f daily Just before they would have to sit still for story h our at the Ba lboa Library, these fi rst and second gr aders from Christ Churc h ~t--u)'-the-Sea Day Car-e-(;enler \fflrked eff so~-exeess-ene~ eucalyptus branc h. · 0. W. Price, Laguna vet leader, dies By STEVE MITCHELL Of the OlflJ ftffol 911ft H ts 11fc t1m c· motto was "Servil't· to one's ft-llow man 1s the rent Wl' pay for our place on earth " O .W P rice was a good tenant Th<' Io n g -t 1 m 1· L a g u n a n . whosl' d ecadl's o f work for vete ra ns a nd th l'ir famili es earned him downs of natio nal awards. 1s dead at the age of 87 He died Q :t 10. the result of a fall in the Glenn eyre Street parking lo t m Lag una surrered a month earhC'r Memorial serv1res will be held Saturday for Pnt-e a t 10 a.m. at th e Communuy Presb yteria n Ch urch . .i15 For est Ave. 1n Laguna &>ach Prit-e, who we nt by the initials "0 .W." because he didn't like his firs t n a me . Og l e, was a Legionnaire, Mason, Shr iner and former Vete rans Administration official And his w o rk for the VA didn't sto p in 1961 when he re tired after 42 years of service. h is las t pos t as head o f the Buffalo regional oHice. He remained active in veteran affairs. taking betWN'n t·1gh t lo 10 t·alls a day fro m Vl·tN ans. widows of scrV1cemen a nd others s<·< .. k mg his ad v11.·e on l'Omplex VA fo rms . rc gula t w n s t1 n d l:>C'nPfllS If ht.• d1dn·1 havt' tht' ;inswt•r to tht•ir qul>sl1ons, hC''d call somc'<m(' 1n Wa.shmgtun. D.C who did Pric<' didn't dra w a fodC'rnl payt•ht.--c·k ror the last two d ('('adc·s of his hfC', but hP workc-d full t 1m1· for t h e VA. typing up t'd1torials about disabled vets on a n old typewriter in his Bluebird Canyon home H e w o rk e d with th e Prt's1dcnt 's Comm1ss1o n o n Employment of the Hand1l app<.'d and s p ent hundreds of hours v 1s1ung patients and m<'ml:wrs of thl· stare a t the Long Bt.·ach VA h~p1t.al Pnt·c· used lo joke about his short-livc-d military carN?r Ht:' was a musician for the Navy band at th<' end of World War I After leaving the serv1t'<' in 191 9. he took a JOb with the Army Educational Service , using O .W. Price hrs f1rsl paycht.'t'k to buy a St'l 11£ clothes "I had to wc:ir my old uniform for four m onths until I c·ould scra pe up 1.•nough monc.•y lo buy som C' C'IV 1lt11 n l'l o thcs." h e r('('a lied. lfr s~ud Vt.'terans d1rln 't ha ve mueh in the wav of bc-m•C1ts back then. - Thal prompted the· ex-N avy mus1c1an to JOin the• old V(•tc•rans Bureau. where he h<'ld c•xecutivc p os1t1ons a s d 1v1s 1o n c hief, a ss i s t a n t m a n a g <' r . c h 1 1• f dom1c1hary. chief of vocational rehab1htat1on and c-ducot1on. and. (See PRICE, Page A?> d1·pt.11'IU11•p, IJy A1r<.'al J('lli Ill tlw f1r111'" 1·111111· i<yst1•111 will r1•mu111 111 th1· 1·u11·1•11I li•vl'I uC ll!O "l lJl'lll'Vt' Wt''ll f1n,dly bt.• >1t•1 v111~ 1•v1•ry m111·k1•1 t ht• wuy WI' Wlllll tu bt• M'I VIII(( It," fk~t :stm.I I It· alld1od th.it A1r<.'ul will <·1munu1· t.•h,irll·r st•rvu•c• to Lui. Vt'U'-'' Tilt' N1•wp<irl 1·a1Twr"s f1t•n ·1•st c·t1111p1•lllur . Pae1f1e· S outhw1•st Airlttws. had little to suy on A1rCal':s n ·st:ht.•dulmg moves. "Wt•'ll 1·1·rtu1nly lw pi1.·king up tllt'll l"11·s1111 11.1ss1•11g1•rs hut ll'w 11th1·1 d11.111~1·"' w1111'1 ul h ·t·t us v1•1 y 111ud1,' s;.1111 Hill l lai.t111Ks, ;1 l'SA '>pt1kt·s111c111 11 .... 11n~' pl 1•d ll'lt-tl th.11 A11 l'al will h.1v1· 1L' h;111d .. full wh1•11 ll l1t•g111s lht· 110 11 i.tup Lu .. An~t·ll'l> \11 S.111 F1 lllll'IM'U I Ull "Tht• l'OlllfJl'lllttJll lht·rt· Is v1·1 y. Vt·ry ht•uvy It's unt• of tht• lllf•SI l't1111pt.'l1t1 v1· ruutt•:. In th1• worlll," said I lai.tings Bl·~t d1·1·l111t'<I t o talk <tlw ul 1·uu•11. b<>Y111M A1ri . .'ul would s triv(• l•1 lw < ompt'l1t1v<· bul that 1t w ould lw un unwlM' business 111ov1· to tfotull u11y flgur(o:, Au C.il this yc•nr ti. suff(••mg II.II f u i.l o pt.•ra tin~ lt1S.">('l> smc-t· 1972 111 thl· f1r"l half o f l!Ui2, the l'JI rll'r showt.U .in opt.•raung loss of $9 I m1ll10n Thl· IOl>.\ as lx•ing a ttribute d to th<' s lumping l't'ono m y a nc.J thl· t·a rrat.'r 's ongoing hl'ad-to-h1•ad fi ght wllh P SA ror paSSt•ni.c1·rs New Irvine Co. chief applauded C 11 m m u 11 1 t y l t• a d 1· r !:> 1 n Nt•wpo rl B ea c h and l rvtn l' l'X pn·sst«J enthusiasm today a t tht· appointmt.•nt of T homas C N1C'bcn as president uf tht• Irv in(• Company NH.·b L·n . who has bl·<·n thl• :-.1.•n1 u r v 1c.·1• presid e nt for the.· N <·w po r I Be· a l· h -based I and Clt•vd11pmP11l firm. will t<skt• ovt•r for rt•s1gning pres1d1.·nt Pl•lt·r C Krc.·rn l·r J an I. Tiu· !°>l ·yl·ur-u ld N1·w pun n •s1dt·nl 1ssu<·d a hrll•f pnntt.·d s1.Jll·11w nl but wa!> not av<11labll' llJ l'tm1mcnt on his pronw uon and lt•ft word hl· would not talk with the.• nwd1<1 until the firs t of tht' n ·ar · "This 1i. a signal tha t the lrvmt· Compa ny plans to work m•>rf' do-.t•lv wnh the 1.·<m1mun1lll·i.,'' not1·c.i N<·wport Mayor J al'kH• HeathC'I' .. And I hope It means thL' 1.·ompany wtll c.·um·t·ntraw on its pubhl' relauum •. " Larry Agran. th<.• ma yor o f lrvint'. said tht• a ppomlmr nl uf N1t.•lsen was "an l'Xl't'llC'nl t.·howt..• .. Barbara Young, leadt•r of the Comm1tlt't' of -t.000 and a person w h o h i,ts c rosse d s w ord s frt"que nt ly with thl' l r v 1nt.' Company. ssrd she 1s-t-ncouraged by Nielsen's appointment. "I'm hopeful it's a gOOd sign," said Yo ung "I think the Irvine Compa ny 1s badly rn need of f e n'"l'" m-e-n-fi+n.g-w i--t -h-t h t> l'ommun1t1cs This l'ould be a stc•p tuward that .. T homas C. Nielsen Nie lsen's appo 1ntmt·nt was .m nounced late Thursday by A. Alfred Taubman and Donald L . Bre n, ('O-cha1rmen of th<.• firm's board of dirC<.'tors "H e h as demon s trated an understanding of the important role the Irvine Company plays in the busmess. pol1t1cal and social fabric o f Orange Count y," r l'marked Bre n , the larges t ~t,ockho+d er 1n the Irvine Company. Nielsen previously has been active m real est.ale development 1 n Sa n D 1 ego a n d· w a s a n e.x.ecuu.v e-..w.i.l.b -Ua N.e w ha I Land and Farming Co . w her<' h<' worked with Kremer Pelicans aided; arrest due? B)' JOEL C. DON Of the DlllJ Piiot 8 t1ft A.s na tional a ttt.•nlHm focuSt'd o n thl· plight of the Oran ge' Coast's mulllated pelicans. s till more of the tnJured birds have been captured and thus saved from st.arvat1on On Thurs day . t hre e m o r e brown pelrt·ans we re found and taken to Crown Valll'Y Anima l H osp1tu1 1n Laguna Niguel. bringing its total to eigh t birds. Sea World m San Diego 1s caring for om• pC'l1can Anothe r was dt..-stroy<'d in Carlsbad aft<>r st.ate offi1.·1als d<'C'1d1'CI it could not be S<IVC'd SWll' IA·partmc·nt nf Fish and c.;:iml' 11ff1t•1als said today they have a "firm lead" on the person or p ersons who have bC'<'n ha<'king orr lhc beaks of pelicans How<'VN, o fficials dC<.'hned to d<'SC'ribe any suspects in the casc until the mvC'st1gat1on has bc't'n romplt'tC'd On<' t>f tht> three pclrcans was t•aptured in Dana Point Harbor by an NBC news t.eam,1lmmg a story on the mutilations. State Department of Fish and Game officials suspect angry fishermen cut off the upper beaks of about a dozen pe licans la s t week because the birds ofte n steal anchovy bait and get tangled m fishing lines. The mutilate d birds t h en l'anno t feed themselves a n d would likely s tarve to death. accord ing to Ralph Young. s p okes man for the Fish and Gam e Department. Young said h e doubts anyon e Prime rate reduced ·· 1s continuing to chop or saw off pelican beaks. Extensive n ew s c overage and inc reased surveillance m the harbor area probably have scared off those responsible for the crime. he said. NEW YORK -Chem1<·al Bank, the nation's sixth largC'St bank. cut its prime le nding rate a ha lf percentage point lo 11.5 percent today. the lowest level for the key business borrowing rate since Scptl•mbcr. 1980 The move was the latest in a series or cuts in the rate s mce mid-July. when the prime ratl' stood at 16 5 p e r ce n t. and reflected a rrouced cost of funds fo r banks. The inte rest o n three-mo nth certificates o f d<>p osit in m1111mum oenom1nauons 0 1 $100.000 w as 9 percen t today comparro with 15.25 percent m late June The prime rate 1s the base upon w hich ba nks compute inter<'st charges on s h ort-term business loans. The biggest a nd mos t creditworth y corp orate clients often borrow at below the prime rate. S mall businesses typi cally p ay on e tll two perccmt age points above the prime rate . The prim e rate reached a record 2 1.5 percent in Oeceml:M-r 1980 .. "It looks like they were all done lasL week. otherwise they (the pelicans) would have been spotted sooner," h e added. ln the meantime. the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is offering a $5.000 reward to anyone who has information that may lead to the conviction of those who are hac k i ng off the bea ks. The mutilations are a violation of state and federal Jaw. Anyone with information on !See PELICAN, PaKe At) ..,___---INDEX---- How do police oUicers hone their reac&ions to s plit-second life-and-death confro ntations? Part of the answe r's on Page BI . De Lorean hires criminal lawyer At Your Serviet.• Business Cavukade Classified Comics Cro58w ord A7 82-3 A9 C6-IO &4 84 C6 A8 Dcoth Notices F.ditorial F..ntcnmnmen l Carden.mi Jlor<*-'Of)Cl lnterml.881on Wt"C!k~nder ~ A9 Weebnder ' Ann LandN~ MoviCfl Mutual Funds Notio nal Ne ws Public Notkt.'ll Spor1.1 Dr St<'ln<'rohn Stock MurketS Television Theaters Weather ' I A9 Weekender 82 A3 .86-7.C3.C6 C l -5 A9 8.1 TV LotJ Wt'('kt•nd.-r A2 By LINDA DEUTSCH "-IMM~ Wrttef L OS AN GELES A1i1 tomaker John Z De Lorean, trying to m ake $() million bond on ch arges of drug trafficking. wants to put up his sprawling Q)llfornia hom<' as collateral nnd has turned over his dcfcf\Lle to a high powered criminal low yC'r, J oseph A . &II. With IA> Loreon still In fedt'rDI prl11un Thuf'!'day. ottomey Ball's (lrst c h ore appeared t o be arronglng pledges of cHh ond property totaling S~00.000 to ball OUI lht' (fom bt>yont <'ntreprcncur. }. .. ~ De Lorean was arres t e d T uesday at an airport ho tel , whe r<' authorities allegro he was trying to swing a multlmillion · dollar 1'0C'alne deal in a last-dlleh l'ffort to sove his falling car compnny in Northern Ireland. Di' Loreon , 57, was fi rst N'pre!k'nt'-d by attorney Bernard Minsky. who to ld reporters Thur day. he waa bowing out becau8<' he had never handled a high-publicity case and rarely did criminal lltlaatlon. Minsky uld he h ad represented De Lorean In civll matt.('rt1 for nine ycani. Be fore leavlnl( thQ c-ase. Min s k y said h e h o p ed a \'()mbmation of property a nd cash c:ould bf:. raised. quickly to win De Lorean's release from Terminal Island Prison. lie said De Lorean'a home In the &!rondldo orca In northern S.n Diego County, on the marke t for $4 mllllon, would be offered as part o r the collateral to ralte $500.000 for a $5 mllllon bond. The attorney said De Lorean wo,S "doing very well under the ctn·um~.._r'IC..'eS. He's a tclf·nwde man, a very strong Individual . . . He can ove~me whatevtr adve rse e ffect& this may have had on his lift>." 'T'wo other men charged aJong with De Lorean al.Jo rema.ltied in p rison Thursday. William Morgan Het.rick . 50. owner of a Mojave. Calif .. aircraft service rompany, was being held In Jleu of $20 million ball. Stephen Lee Arrlnato n. 34, o( San Die10. described H an a11oclate o f Metrick , w•• h e ld In lieu of $520,000 ball, reduced from ·~.000 Mlna ky said De Lorean planned to plead ln~t to the drut1 chariea after an lndktmenl la ttturned by • fl'!denl 1rand jury -probably next Wftk. TM fSff A1TOR.NEY, Pap Al> Ii ATTOR NEY HIRED. • • lt\llwt1111•111 would '"P'''"'·d1• d 111t l{I'" u( 1·1111s1111111 y lo po'"'" ;l :.! lJ Jiii \1 11\I-. ll t \'lll'oll 111' I Ill tft,11 tlrnt1nn f• lt·d by ft•dl't .d JH'1h1•1·u t u 1' .1 1 W1·d 111·.,d.1 \ ·, lll'l'lllgfl fl It'll I Bull .... 11ll 111 .11·t11·1ni.: .11 '/W, '" .111 t'l\t•q .(l't I\, 11lol s1 h1111 I ,11l111 Ill'\' With II t 1.11r (11r 1·11l11d11I rlll'ltll 11 111 tlw 1'11w tn1t1111 111• "'"' d1lt'I l' 0 u "" •• I (II I I h .. w .11 I I' II Com1111ss11'11 d11 r111g th1· lll\'t'Sltl-(.1111111 111 l't 1"'ld1•11t .l11h11 F' K1·nn1.J, ':. 1~m:• .1!'..'-''""'Jt11111 ;ind ts ,1 l.1,\• p.1r1111 ·1 '' llh fu111w1 l'::ildor111 .1 (.;o\' J:o:d111und <: "P a t " Bri"' n , 1.11lt1•1 111 lh1• 1 llt1t•11t J.111\ 1'111111 lit·"'" l'l'flf'"•lllltd l .11t11 Hh 1 l11•11ts 1111 l11d111~ tur1111·1· Wlt111· I l11u1<1• l'lllltlSl'I .111d Wut••1 t(Uh• I 1~111 ,. J 11li11 1':111 ltt 11111.1 11 """ S,1ud1 A1 ,11)1:.11 h1ll11111.11n• Ad11a11 Kl1.1sh11j.(j.(I 111 olh 1·r cl1•v 1·l 11 p1111•11l s 'l'hlll 'ld.t\, 111111111 l>t· l.1111•.111 .1-. ... 111.1 11< ..... 1111 ll1•· 1111np.111v 1.111 11110 I r1111hl1· wh1·11 t h1•1r 1i .. ,, 111s1sll•d 1111 11111'1"1'"'~~ 111 11ch11 t11111 i1·v1·I' I.isl I.ill Um• .1s,..11·1.111• .1ls11 :-.11d l.>t.· Lon-.111 1111u · n •,11f'l1·d 111 1.11d111g :-.to1 .1~1· ltl 1'.L' 111 t.1k!' b.wk '111111' or h1,.. \Lil'' lh.11 h.111 l>t.'t'll I l'IJ'''-'>l'~'<'l l PRICE SUCCUMBS . • • fullu w1ng W orld W;11 11. dtri"t·tur u f th1• GI Brll p rngr.1111 1.1r th11't Wl'Slt·rn '>I.Ill'' .111J till' lt•11 1lol \ of I lav •• 111 Pr 11·1'. whu 11111\'t•d to L.1gu11.1 &•:11·h with hrs \\ dt'. 1-;111alldh, folluwmg his 11·1111·1111·111. w.1s nanwd "l'ttl7l'll u l lhl' Y1«J1 " during tlw l'll,V':-. 197\l Patriot's D;iv P11rad1• lll' w;is tilt' 11•1·1p11•111 111 lh1· t\1111 1 w;m Lt·g11111' t11p 111111111 1111 "'\1·1.ol 111· ... 1 .. hlll'> 1111 h1 ... "' d1·1 .11t., ot "'I' 111• .111d ha., ":.!I huur.., .1 d.1\ .. \'11l11111t•1·r "11rk 1111 ""'''' ·•"' .• lid 11w1r i1 •. ,,..11d•·11i.. 11111 ... ,.., ""'''1\'1•d hv h.-. wll1• fo:l11.il11 tit 11! llH• l,111111\' h111111 d.1ugh11·1 E1l1·1·11 Ad.11n!> 111 S1011:. V allt·y . d;1ugh t1·1 111 l:.iw A1·ll,V p (' I l' l '. I) I s .1 II I lt I g 11 • ., I ' gr.111ddaught1·1:. .111d :-.1·v .. 11 gr1·.11 g 1 .111dd11ldn·11 Meese says Reagan to skip California By JEFF ADLER Of tM Defir Piiot Steff Edwin MN•sc· Ill. l'n·:-.Hh ·nl Rt• a g an' s t o p ad\' 1 i.t• r . ., .11 d Thursday h1· rluubtt'll 1h1• pn·..rdt•nt w o uld flv to ('.ii1fornr.1 for can y last·nunut<' t'Jlllp;11ji!n1ng next wet.•k Appt•anng 111 l'usl.1 M(·Sa 1111 bc>half of R<•publtt·dn t·amlrd<Jlt• for allurnt·~ gt·ra•rJI Gt·111 gt· N I l' h u I s II II ' M ('l's l' ., •• l d ht .. d" u b t s.. if H 1· a g a 11 '' 1 II l .impa1g11 ht•rt• for l'tlh1·r H t' p u b I t t· a n U S S 1· 11 .i l t rnml1dat1· PPtc· W1bon or t ;u p g u lwrna tcJrt.ol <·a nd 1da 11• l ;1•11rg1· D1·uknwJ1<1n T h e prt•s1d1•nt1al t·oun:.c:lt>1 ,1ls11 said ht· was unawarl· o f <.rnv pollttl'al dt~·u:.swns l'l'llll•nng •m whether a R t'agan v 1:.11 rl)r W ilson w ould hc•lp or hurt l ht• San Da~go m<J~11r'!> l'll'l twn t·ham'C'S It wu.<. rt•pciru·d rc'('t·nti) that the What\• I lo us.• had ~n advised a pn:s1dc•ntaal v1:-.1t might wurk agarnst W1l::.on "He· (lhl' pr<·.,.ch ·nt) ,., an dc•m::tnd t-vt•rvwht•rt <'bt· tht•n ' no n :asun for hrm not tCJ Ix· in dc .. mand hl•rc.,7:""M C'c•s<• said H t· addNl that Rt•<ig;m 's hl'<l\'Y s<:h eduk. w h 1th 1ncludt'<.I \'t~1~ UV thrf'e hl•ads or '>\.<:II(• this Wt•f'k. r~·!>ultc'CI in l·abrnl'l ll'\'t•I uffic·1.il.., and "lhl' rest of us p1l·k1ng up thl· !"lack" on th t· c;imp:11Rn trail tJUl'SllOlll'd .o hou l Pr 11po" 111111 I.! tlw nut h-.11 fll't'll' m1t1<J ll\'1· l\l t·t·'l' :-.J1d tht· p11• .. o1d1·111 lllHl1•1',lJllll' lht• I <HI< t•l fl 11\'t•r lh1• 11111 ll'<•f lhr t•;ll but pr ,.(,.r, !11 P''" h" .... 1r.1lt'g~ 111 lning lo 1r·d11<1· th1· nurnt11•1 111 nu1 ll .11 \\ 1·.1por.., 1.1lh1'1· th.in I ri•t·11 ng l hl 111 111· \\11111lt ,, .. 1 .il11ud \\ht 1h1•1 lh<' p111p11-.1 •d 111•1'/t' \llUld lw • q", t .1 t. I 1· ,. "1 1 I 1,1hI 1 1• r t•11l• If l t'.tl1lt 1\'k"d .d ;11ut th1• 'Jll'1·1111· \\ , , I 1 I 111 ~ 11 l t I 11' l ... I 1 f I I r n I" 111111.oll\'r·. '' h1d1 urg1· ... " b1l.it1·1.il. \'1·11t1;ilil1 t11't·11· Mt·•·"· s h11l li.11 k "!low dn«i-C.d1 lo1 nt.a pla11 lo 1'11i111u• 111111 th1• Sn\'lt'l Un1011 1 l l.1\·1· th1·y f1gun·<l 1h.1t out y<•t"" Turning t u N1 1 h u l s 11n :-. 1·Jnd1Jarv. Ml'L'~"' s<11d thl· two h.111 work11J lcigl'ltwr so111!· )'• '"' .1g11 111 tht· Alanll'd.1 C o unl\ l>ts trn:t Attu1nt•)0S Ofl1t•c• H L ,i1...,, !><ltd lw i.U1J1J11rt1'tJ 1h1· GUP 1 .Jnd1<l.1H'. ,1 ....i·n111r a .. s ... 1.1111 .1ltCJ1 ""~ gt·11t•1.il u n th1· "4> C'<illl·d \'11 um·:-. 8111 o r R rl.!hts f)lt•cs1• and N..u..:.huhuu. ..illt•mlt•d .1 n·n·pttun al thl· Suuth Co.i-.l p I a 7 J 11 11t1· I f 0 1111 \\ In lo( 1 II I iofll'flllHlll lll'WS 1011 f1•n•111 (' .ind t·unttnu1•J 11n l11r a11 1•\'t•111ng lundr.1tl.-1·r 111 L11i. An~1·lt·~ 1111 Ht·publlcan l'imdrdatl'" spon >o<>rt•d by thC' UnalC'd Ht•publH an Fund AP Wlrepholo \' it·w of t h t· .. wimm ing pool un·a HI Jolrn Ut· l.or·•·•111 • .. l'a11111u \'u llt') •· .. talt·, nt>ar Mt. P a lomar in nor1tu-r11 Sau l>i··~o Coi11~t ~. . . T iu-p ro p c· rt), \a hwd a l 4 million, i .. ot'ft·n ·tl a .. •·olla t1·r:il for h1 .. l>a il . E s tate De Lore an's hail ? J:o:Sl'ON[)llX) (1\P) Tlw $4 1111ll11Jll l':->(,ll<' or l'JI dt•s1gnt•r .J11h11 Z 1>1· l.111 t•an has Ut'l'll 111 r1·n·d a ... n1ll.1lt'r~il l ur bail !>ll that Ill' 1wl Ix· frt·t•d pt·11ding trial w1 1·h arg1·!> of sl'll111g up 11 $:!·1 m11111111 l'lll ;11111 • dt·.il 111 a lmJ to s;1v1• his l.11ltng l'0111p;111y Tht· 1•1.tatt• 1·11 n sist s ul a 7. ()Oii -.qua n · I 1111 l rt· nwd ,, I l'd ,1do lH' h uusi•, wt l h two gu1•:.t h111111•s 1w:.tl1·d a11111 11 ~ l'ltrus ~nivt•:. on " 48 .1tT1· n11rtlt1·n1 S;1n l>tl'$(O l~iunty propt•rty Tiu• 1•,t,llt'. \\'tlh a 41 -1011 1 P E LICAN. • • From Page A 1 th1· l 111111 ' I" l llt'Hllf ,1g1·d Ill I ,Ill t h I ' l' .1 I TI JI ... I ' I \ I ('(• .. l I H1111 \J.>:! .> 11111 111 .1dd11t11n , tht• N.11111n.1l t\uduhun Sot 11·tv hets "l up,, 11 w.11d lund JllU d11110.ll1111i... 111,1\ ht· 111;11lt·d to 555 Auduh1111 l'l.11 t . Sat rJ11lt'nt11 C.'.il1f !l,18:.!,1 l 'ht•tl..' '''Ill to thl' s lat<' [ >1·p.11 tn11 ·11t o l F ish and (.;;.11111• \\Ill 111 11'll11111·d . Young 1·111ph."111·d l 't•1w 11 \'.ill1•v v t·lt·rinanan t:u vl" H olJ1'1 ls. '>Hid :.ht· has rt-t·;·1v1·d t'.tlh lrom throughout l It C' I II U 111 1 )' r I' II n& l'l In l'I' r I\ l ' d pt•oplt· ao,; w1•ll i.1!> !>pl·<·1;.tl1sls tn µrost h1•t1c 'iUrgt•ry A warn of Vl'tC'rtnarr,1ns will try Sunday to '>lffj.Cll'ally allat•h aruf1t·1al lx>aks 111 'omc 11( 1h1· t'i•plUn 'll pt 111·;111' -;}w ,,11<1 D1 H11l><·rt' """"I rt' dllltlltlt 11• 11·ll 1f th<' ba ni.."' n • 1111111l<Jt1·d b\ 1111 pc·r">n ur :.1'1•r.1 I f ""' rm1 11 Srinu· 111 t ht lll'.tk' .1ppt .11 to lt.1\'t· l>C'l'll < hnpj)l•d off \\ llh ,1 111.11 lu H ltk1· 111...ir UOll'lll u..lah.: .o.lh~·r.i.. \H.J.(.:...~" 4il.1. , 1 \\ .t \ \\ I l h ,, 'h ol I fJ k 11 I fl' (I( h .11 k--.1\\ S 111111· 11 1 t ltc· pt-4H,-i11" h.n·1 IH 1·11 C11u11d 111 h.1v1· µ.irt1all~ !i1'Vl'I t·d UIJJ!l'I !Jt•Jk.,, .i nmd1l1un t·o11..id1·n ·d 111011· t11rturou., 111r tht.• htrds. s he !>.11d !'o Wlll)llllllg p1111I .111cl \\ lllllll"' 01wn1ng uut 1111th1·1'.iu111o1 V.ill1 \ 1md Mt l'alumar . h as h1·1·111111 1111· miJrkl'l 1111· -,1x 1111111ths, 'kJld B1•ll \ Vh1h11.,, I)., I .1111-.111'.., l1111k1•1 S lw s<111l tll'r 1·11111p.i11y, V l.1h11' 1'1 11p1·1·111·'· w11u ld l'•Jlltllllll' 111 ,huw lht: p111µ1·r ly to JXlll·nll.ol huv1·1..,, but slw d1d11 '1 knuw wt;,,, 1•1 ft·1·1 Dl· l.11r1•a11's l1•g.ol tr 11ulil1·-, w11uld hav1· 111\ lht· .,,d1· S lw :-..1111 tlw h11u,1· "'"" n• 1l I :>t bor~tt n ·., pnmarv r~ .. 1d t>nc·.- ('oun ty 11•c11rd ' .,how h1· h;,is ~·a ll l r<·Pt scent• 11\\111d 11 ,111u I>.·1 .!h 1!17.1 'l'lll' Ps t.111 w,1, li•a tu11·d 111 lilt' ltlll<! 11.1 1•d1t11111 •11 T lw p,,., 11·\'' c;utdl· lo th .. Wurltl'., 1'1111· Ho ·.ol i'~'>lalt·. "t11d1 t.lt·M·nbt.·t.l 1h 111111 1'•1111ns 111 11<1k. m :11 bit· and 1d1 I l1111n •. p1«1k1·d a nd b1·;,rn1·d l'1 ·1l111g, 111J1bl1 lia11i., ;111d " :.!:.! !11111 f.1 1111lv 11111111 \\1tlt ''" .1v1.11 v wall Thi· p1 •1p1·r1, '' lu1-.1 l1 d 111 J>a11111.1 \'.dl1 v ( '11111111 \ l 'lub f<!c;tatrc;, ;it th<' rnd 11f \\ 111d111~ pnv;11t• 1'11.u.h I .us 1\N<.Fl.t-::-.. IAl'J A II 111111111 111'1 \\!'\II Mt1K~lll'> .Hid h1 ... I !! v1 .11 odd 111,..,11 •1 will lrap1 w11 th1' .,..,., k1•111I tlt:111k' 111 ;111 t1lll f111lt11111: •ii 1 ... 1 p I 111111 ... 11.0111(1 1 ... wl111 l1 ... 1111·d lhl' t •'"''I •••• H k• II IKtV .11111 ht-. d11g Ii.id 111, 11 ., •• 11.11.111 d h v HIJll 111il1·~ 'I 1tl1h \tl1ll"' I'·'' I 111 .. d1111 '1 '~1 -.lt 1111·11l.1111.11111· to 1>1· 1111l1li.l111l ''·" ''flo ll.ll1d 1111111 "' H11ll.1fl'v 'P·•lll• I IWu 1111111tlt' ·'I~" \\ h1 11 111 II ;,v1·l1 ·d 111 l.11' A111•• I• , 1111111 111 Mt dl111d OH , h••llll Ill t111d1 I g11 'fll'\ J,ol111•d l 1 • , ol 1111 111 'I Ii• 11••\ ' ""''Ill ,,1111 tlll''V '•111ld11 l .ol 111111 "·''. I I Xf"'""'' l•·• .'\1111•111 11 1 ..... 111'1 lht v • 111tld11 t ,,1 lord 111 p.1\ ht "·•'t· • .... 1 h.11 1 ,. .. pl.111 '" k·'" h1111 .ol lh• li•11111 111 ,1 1 .. 1,, II\ 1 wh1·rt· th•\ '" l.1\,lllj' H11t .ol 11 I 111 \\ 11 p<i1 l 11! thl "p.11.11 11111 .1 d1 li1g1· uf lwlp With 11.a\• I 111•.11• \, ,,,,d ~µ.11·1· 11.11"'"'1 l,1t11111 .111d 1·v1·11 dog food .,,,, 1oll1·11·d Ii \ ,t1.u1g1·rs wlt11 l1.1d 111 .11d 1.I lht l.11l)i!V0!> plight 1\ 1 1111pl1· wh1''' •11il v d<Jughtt·r d11 ·d •11 l1•uk1·1111,1 v11luntt·1·n ·d 1lw11 li.i1kv.11 d ;111d ;, woman \\'1111,1· g1 ""'°ii :-••11 .• 1 t .111·1'1 Army 11t I 1n·1 who 'W\•1 1 g111 t•1 uwn a d11~', 111.1d1 · .i 111111 riliut11111 l<i l\lugJ.,'.111, upkt t fi J 111 •,1 IJ"'"'"'" \\,js ddfttull on 'J' d11\ \\ hCJ ..,,1111 ~luggin., 1!> "JU!>l ,,1.11111 Ill\ l>1·'>t 1111 rnJ " AP Wlrel)hoto High clouds Tradt•r-. jam floor of th•• :\t•" 'or"' Slot'"' E.xdrnn~·· a -. linw for c:losin~ lwll nl'at.., 011 Thur~da~. Th•· mark•·I doi-<'d ul 1.0 :16. tJ8. it!-1 hi~ht'!-11 t•losi n~ !'linrt_• J an . 12. I 97:t a11cl c·onli111wrl to -.t•t volum•• rN·ords amid !>1pt•t·u lat ion~ pr'imt.• ralt• "ill r·ont inut· fa ll. Co "·" I a I t•ghl v11r1able winds 1nrougri nlQhl oecom1ng sou1nwest 10 west 8 10 16 knou 1n •11ernoon and even•ng Soulhwest swell 2 10 3 1ee1 w11n local brea~ .. 11 10 :. lee1 ma1n1y on south·l•c•ng t>eecnes Otne•"'l•se •a t1abl e n.gri cloudiness U.S. sumrn a ry Cool wea1her domoneteo rne central part ol rne n111on hursday, Wllh reaQ1ngs Only In the 4<n over 1ne m•O and upper MIHIHIPP• Valtey and lhe Oh•O • Valley Cn1Hlet read•ngs In 111e 301 ware reporle<I ICfOU Uppe< Mlef11gan and all but lhe soulhern pan of Wlsconarn In lhe South. 11 few 1101.ied •ho111oers and lhundtrahowar• broke out across no11h cen1ra1 ~d nortneat1ern Texas along a COid front whleh 1110 prO<luce1 a Showefs ov .. lhe Carotlnas F0t IO<ley, 1 •-an-. and thundentorms we<e 1orecas1 over tlla Florida Penlnsule Rain wae f«.catl from IM Pec!flc North· , •HI end n orthern Cellfornfa trnougn 1ne no<lhe<n Plet .. u to !!le norlhern Rocklft SO<.lthern Catofornte will have verlable l1lgh clOud•~• through todey wllh P•lefly Mrly ITl()(nlng •:. low doudl ,_ the IO\llh COHI ~ Ortnge Coun ty can tKPect ·~ hlgt11 7 4 10 12. lows M lo 8:1 "'• Intend v1lley1 will have nfgne •• -eo. 10W11 1n so. ;. Mountelnt can ••peel h!Qh• 1n ..: uwer eo.. lowl In 30t Ind 40• .. : Northern ci--1 h!Qh• 78 10 88. ~ lows 45" to 66 Soutlltttn d•-1 •• T. to to ta. IOwt 65 to 86 ,,,• ,;.: In 1prHdtng tnrovghout Norttlem end Central Celtf«nla, then tapering o ll tonight 1nd 811Uldfl:Y. SOU1hefty Wlnd1 gully tlonO north oout and nor111tttn tn1e1tor . Snow 11 h lghe11 -.VlllOM 'Te mperaturei .. t.e' .. 47 71 '"31 M 3t 2t 21 ... 60 ff 12 lolltnhc City foust•n Ball1morl!' B•lllngs 81rm•ngham B••marck 90•9(' BOSIO<' Brownsville Bullato Burlington Casper Charlnton S C Cnarlt!sron w V Cn1tlo1te N C C~yenne Cnicago C1nc1nnah Cleveland Cotvmboa 3 C Columbus OallH Ft Wor111 Oaylon Denver Des Mo•nes Detroit Oululh El Peso Fa11banks Fargo Flags I alt Great Fills H11tlord He1ana Honolulu HO<.illon tndlenpolls Jeckeon. Miss Jeckeonv111e Junu11 Kenset Coty Kno1vllle lH V1t91U Lltlle Rock lOUllY<lle l ubbocll Memphta M1em1 M11W1vkee Mplt·SI Paul NISllllllle New Orleen• Nh York Norlollc N0t1h Plalle O!<lahOma City Omllh• Orlando PM.OelphiA Phoen11 P1ll1burg1> Porllet>d. Me Porll•nd. Ore PrOYlCI~ 62 50 68 56 58 51 63 37 65 48 58 21 71 39 68 5• 87 61 45 41 57 51 61 22 81 63 44 35 68 60 57 28 52 21 S1 43 •6 42 i'B 53 44 40 49 46 43 38 &r :it so 3(1 45 38 40 29 77 41 22 07 47 21 67 24 62 36 63 52 58 :15 85 70 69 54 52 35 70 48 83 58 0 37 so 25 60 50 76 47 60 41 54 35 63 47 63 38 81 79 43 31 u 28 60 38 74 59 65 55 66 58 llO 20 63 42 53 :111 85 64 60 50 89 58 45 42 66 61 54 49 64 51 R111e1gt1 Rapid C11y Reno R1enmond Sall La~e San Antonio Sea Ille Shrt>~epon S1ou~ Falls S1 Lou11 51 Pe1e-T empa St S1e Marie Spokane Syracuse lOPt!k& Tucson Tulsa Wasn1ngton W1cn110 CALIFORNIA Apple Vallf'y Bal<l!<sheld Barsfow Beaumont BIQ Bear B1sn0p BIY11'oe Celellna Culver C•1v Eure'• Fresno l•nc.srer l ong Be.lei'! los A~es Monrovia Monreb811o Monterey 69 61 60 27 61 J6 61 5:1 61 21 67 58 5S 49 S I 44 42 :>I 4 7 33 83 GC. 39 38 so 32 50 44 54 25 83 48 64 35 61 53 57 33 HI lo 83 )6 110 60 es 56 !12 46 67 26 72 34 88 S:> 74 54 79 57 68 83 17 55 17 42 83 511 79 84' 84 !13 82 60 70 ~8 .• ;; --~URf REPORT • Iliff lurl .... ,,d 4 11 4 11 6 14 ..... AN 2 i .... .... 3 l ..... Dlf aw si 4 14 2 3 WSW ar.g111 1nc1ta" tn tu1f mllnly on tou111 f Ml W11Son Nl)t!(l19' Newpor I Beach Ool<lano Ontario Pelm !::1111nq~ Pasndcno Paso RoblM Red Blulf Redwood C1ly Sac1nmento SallnAs San Bernardmo San OIPQO San Fr1nc1sco Sen Jose Senta Ane Santa Barbar& San111 Crur Sant11 Ma"• San1a Monica SIOCkton Thermal Torr1nc11 Yuma Sm og 67 48 86 53 n 56 73 62 80 52 92 61 81 56 78 so 63 61 73 58 70 54 76 47 82 so 78 60 72 60 75 58 8:1 52 74 53 74 56 78 50 70 61 71 54 94 61 78 57 89 61 Where lo cell (toll free) for leteat ""°II 1nrorm111on Orange County (800) 445-3828 LOI Anl•IH County (1100) 242~022 RlvetalO. 111d Sen e.rn.,dtno countie. (800) 387·47 tO AOMO EpllOde Cen1er CIOO) 2•2·4M6 Exte 11ded weather Sunday Tu111d1y Petchy ••I• ntght end e111y morning low CI011cl • 01 tog nell COUI Otherwt" '''' with va<lable hlQh cloud• In COHlal ...... hlgli• from IOw 70. II t)41llCMI 10 11\icl and u~ IOt 111 Inland val\fyt lowt rnotlly In 60• and IO .... 90t Mountain hight 1'1 10 74 Low• 3e 10 60 Fall Upholstery Sale Super Savings in c ha irs sale priced $269 ea Special features inc lude: * 75 covers to select fro m * 1 O styles to choose from * All 8-way handstitched * Arm covers * A ll skirts lined * Kiln dried hardwood fraries * Excellent styling ' * Quality t ai loring * Large selection fo r immediate delivery Don't miss this fantastic opportunity to own a quality c hair at the unbelievable pnce of $269.00 ·all styles and covers the same price COSTA MESA , &96 f\lewpc)f1 lllvd f7'4)8't2·~ Interior Designs to Scrue You All STORES OPEN MONDAY 'THRU ~ATUROAV -9 A M TO 9 30 PM • • Oro11go Cottbt nAll V Pit 01 t f rlt1 y Ot.IOl>ur 22 1982 s STATE D car • to ga1n value? Lorean ln • Oil di cover d off Point Cone ption My The A11iod11ted PreNN SAN rHANl'ISCO Clll'Vl'llll u ~ A !>.1y::. ll "·'" dt1"ol'OV1•11•d :i µo::.stblt• "~1.1111 utl fwl<l" 111 drtll111.,; tt•!o.h .1hrn1t 1[1 lllllt•-. Wt·i.t 11f 1"11111t C11111·1•pl11111 Oii 1111· 11111'.\ l ''l>l'll"l\'1' oft•.llutt• l1,1t I l'\'1•1 h .. 1wd ')' h t' d I S l' II V \' I ' \\ .1 -. .11111uumNI Thu1sd.1v h\ L W Fu11ld111ui-1•1 v11·1· p~t·s1i°lt·111 ol St.111d.11d Otl l'OlllfJ.lllV c.t t'.dlfcirn1.1 l'h1•vr1111 l!; tht· clu111C'!'.lW uil .11111 gJ'> Ullll 111 Stu11d.11d < >11 l 'tlll\I I \111• 1·11tl1Jll I' .il11111t '..!:10 111111·:. :-Olllllh o l s .. 11 }•' I .i 11 1 • I ' l' 11 • \.\ h I ' I I' I It 1 ( ',di11111lltl I ""'1 lttll' \11•11.I, ,._.,11·1 I\ 111 S.1111;1 H.11 h,1c ,1 F111tlu1 dr ill111g " pl.1ll11l'd 1111 tho 11.11 I Jl•lllth 1111• L1l1 ·d "' 1·1i .. v 11111 .ind l'h1ll1p , l'1·t111h·11111 (.'o \\ 1111 Ii lt""1·d I I I I " Ill t h t• I ,. ti .. I .I I g11\1·1111111·11t 111 M." 1!1111 1111 $.1.U II 111illh111 Ma1·ket strikes 100111i11g LOS ANGELES With tlw pu.<;s1h1hlv of stnkl•:. by :.! I . U II 0 l> u' 11· h L' r !> ;i 11 ii 1'1·am!>lt•rs throughout l'alifor111;1 w1th1n tlw 1w>.t '..! 1. w1•1•ks. Ol'~u11a11uns bt•I\\ 1·1·11 supt•rn1ark1•ts and unaon!> ,11, :1l J v 1rtu;,il stand:.trll. both SIUl'S SJV "It dcx::.n't look rt•cil g11od .'' ..,;i1d Rob V111gt, spokl'sm;111 t111 lh1· m11rk1•ts' Food En1pl11\1·1, l'11unl'll "W1· h,I\ ,. 111.111!• ,.,.,, l1ttl1· µrogll'""'' '11111 111 •g1t1 t.tl lClll' ho g,111 t \\ 11 11111111 h !> ;1).tll '\V1•'1 I ' gl'l t 111g Ill•\\ h1·11-." h111t lwr' -.p11k1•!>111.111 ( i .. 1.ild !\h 1'1• .. gu1· .1dd1·d Tln11,d.1' "I 11 I, T1 ·.mi..tt .,... 11! I" 1.tl H11d S1w1 hng 1 .. 11111 d 1111 ,1111.1111111 ..... 'I lllll ..... 1\ I t I I' I l d It \ t It I lt1 ·g11t1.1ll\ll I' ,ti I' !>UJ>I I Ill.II kl'!:. 11\ .. 1 pl 11\ 1d1· .111 1·-.11111.1t1•d II.> 111'1<1 Ill 111 11!1· 1111111 111 tli• ">l.th '~·1 1111lltttll 11111pl1 Missing f an1ily <.n1y s tery' LOS ANGELES :\ 1111111 I)\ l.1111 .111 , t11111l1li . tli.it 111.1\ "I'' II 1h1 d1•1111,1· 111 t.1 , .1111h1t1111h • .II llt.1k111~ 11111111.111\ 11111ld 11 I ho ,,11111 111111 111111 111' .111 .1111 • .11 111111 ,, 1 11lln 1111 ·, 111111 I~ 1, .. , .......... $.!.1,UOO HUii WlllH l>J\1<' I :1 I It.it \\\·111 1111 ,,.), l,1..,t .111111 11111 11111'. \\ill g11111 •••• o1lll.1 n l 111\ ... t1qu1• I 111111 1h 111.1k1·1 ·, .1 I I 1• ~I ' ti d I \I~ I I' I .• l 1• cl llllllll'll\'i'l lllj.(. 11111 i1Wt11•t '>.,,IV lht 1-.11 p111l1.1lll \' Wiii II"' Ill 111111· 111••·.iu ... 1• 111 th• p.,.,...i11111t v th.11 p111lh1t 111111 111.1\' ""Ill ... 111p "1\11 vt h111g \\1th l11111t1•d lllllllhl'I' (l't"l' 1111111')," t 'J>l.J111t•d 1\ II d ' \4,/ I I '' I II lll I d 1 • I ,1 111 I 1111·'9.!1·111 1d tli1· 1>1· l.11 11·,111 M111111 ( ',11 ('luh 111 S11ull11 111 < ',oltf11111i.1 "Y11u k1111w tltt l.1w' 111 '"""" .111d cl1·111,111d Ill t• g111111-t 111 1.1k1· 11\1·1 .. v1·11tuallv · W1·"' h 11 W1'\'l'I , 1.,11 '1 ,I, I lllll 1'1 llt'd ,d111lll tilt' fU\lll l ' :-OlHll9' 111 tlt1 • 1 ,11, '" CJWl ll'I'_,• ,oluhllt"> Ill k1•1•p ol11v111K t ltt•111 "1'111 111 11 t•i...J1·tlv 'U1'1· how tlw 1'111111i.111.v., gr1111g tn .,,,..,alt·, .,,. 11 II'!> g11111g It• 111wr.1tl' .1t .ill," h1· ,,11d w .. c1111·,1t.1v "Out 111.1111 1~11111·r11 '" vou c·a11 111111g1111-. ,., p.111 ... '1'111 1 1111 1 p11· ... 1d1111 11111t·d thut I>. J.11 11·o111 M111111 l'.11 i. of 1\111 .. 111 ,, tl11 ll S d1:.t11hu1111., "'11lr l'l\.111111\'I 111111 l'' Ill It VIII\' p111l1.ol1lv h.1vt· .ti 1 ...... , .H111t l11'1 I IHlll c ,,, , 111 111v1•111t11 \ "Tiu 1111·111 . .Jlv. llll'Y c1111lcl I.II· ... 1·ll111g 1111 ,1 11111• 111111', .. Ill' '·"" I ll11wt•v1·1. 1111 1111•• •;1•1•111' t11 lu111v. wit.II will 1111111 Till· t1·lc ·pltc11w 11111 •.., lo th1· 111in·,11111111 111 I w1· 111 N1•w Yrn k It.i v•· hc·c ·11 It 111p111 ill t l V dt 'I 11111111·t1·d (Jlllf't,il:. Ill ll \'11 11' ,,1\' tht•\ ,Ill' ''-•llll1g 1111 v.c11cl 110111 N1 ·w0Y111k 11 .. 111n· 1n,1k111g .111v ... u..11•1111•1110, w,.,.., ,,1111 Ill' t•llJO_Y!> Jr l\'1111( AP Wlrepho10 i..., I >Ml '. tJ '°loml1·"'" ~tl't•I l1<i<llt'd 'fllll I~ ('.1 1 Wllh .. '.!It 1111.'f .. ,)( L vl111d1•1 .1lu111111u111 1·nw1111· lhol g1·m ·1.1ll•!o. I .UI h111 '4·pow1·r 0111.I 11111' o ut ••t 1:m 1111111 1"111 1h.1t l t'l.l \llll, h1• lllJIU, lw 1~. 11•!111 t,111t tCI 11111,11f1•1 hi!\ t <Jr d " J 1.111d1do1t• lw ,; L•1ll1'1.·t111 '" 111·111 w 111 ( h ,. II 11 n II t , .. , s I II r I n g tlw vt·hrdc• 1111111 1h valu1· 1 llrn11' I It· did :1d11111 t h.11 lhl' 1·111 could 1·v1'11tuallv 111· 1 o111k1·d with .. 1'.11·k.11 d 111 Tut kt 1 thou~h S:i11l W1·1" "'l'o hllV .i !Jt• LiJl l'.111 " llllt tl11 d11111IM·~t th111g l'jlO Vtlll do ' < : u :N N sc< rn 'Playboy' key to slaying? 8) JODI CA UEl\JIEAO 01 lh• O•ltr Piiot Sl•ff A11 <irgu1111·11l cl\'t.•1 JY~t-Sl>1011 ol M>m1• Plavl111\· m .1gazrnL'!> I'> bt·1ng 1·xpl111t«I a:. .i poM11bl1· mutrvt· 111 lht d 1·1.<1pllal1urt murdt'r 111 a :.!4 vt·ar uld M1!>S1<,n V1l·.Jo 11w11 whosl' ruon1mah.· w;i~ ilrfl'Stc•d 111 l Ill II ll'l.'lllJll Wl\h thL• ( """" l'110\' f.1 ·c1 Sd1n ·1b1·1, 19 ulsu k1111\.\ ,; ,..., B:111' And1·1 .... on wall 111· JI 1.11g111 d W1•<l 11,·sda y 111 \.Onnc1..l1011 \.\llh Lh1.· b rutal ,1.,y111g 11( I>•""" SL huht·rt whost· 111 .. 1cflt·'>" hcr<h wa'> f1;u1HI 1n 1h1· b1ll'k' .11 d 11! tht· homl' till'\ .;h:m '<l at :l.~.HL Via C.:uard1x. H ull!> l<t1h1· ond .tll tltt \',llu.tlil1·s ;n .i lu,u1' h111111 \\'\'rl' ll'f't llllt'-lk1•11 ..... ~ti.·11 "" brat•l 1 1mm1gr.1nt a11d h1 ' l,tllltl\' lllV!>h'l'lllUSIV \',1111:-.lw d , k.l\.;ng. b1•h1nd .i bl1111d -.t.11nt·d room. polin· ~ .. 1y Polit·,. lll\'1•:,t1g<ihJr!> "1 1" .1bh• to l'1111!1rm htllt• ,tl1oul t h l ' Li .i l kg r o u n d 11 I S" I S . .1111111•11 .. I 1 tlu 11p11 .1l111 111 .1 .. 111.tll h1hllll''' \\ h11 \'l11lg1.1t1·d 11 11111 lo.1.ll'l JO''"''' .1g11 S.d111111111. ltt ... \\Ill' .11111 I\\ •l C hi!d rt II dl'dflfJl'.llt'tl 1111111 tlti·1r 'P"' 111u' lt111111 111 'lllH11 l1.111 Nc1c tlt11dg1 "''11 ' llllll alt1•1 II p111 lxt I:.! l )111· t1H 1111 col tlt1 h11u..,1• "·" '1'·1lll'l•·d \\llh l1l11od p••l111 "ml First Ja clit\s a t f une raJ Orang1 l 'uu11tv 'hc·rtff'<, Lt Wy <itl IJ.111 -.;11d 1h;1,1 th1 tw<i 11n•n h.ul c1 ..... 1g11·1·d o\'t•r .,11rn1 n•lltl'rfultJ.. th.ti h;1d .ippa11.:ntl) IH · <' n r ' t 11"' • · d f 1 ii n1 ll1 • 111.ig;171fH Sonw o l lltt· trn 11 tt·11lt·rflllJ 111t·turt•'> \\1•11 l11uml 1n J tr:1!.h dump,ll't Su11d.1\ l1t '>llll' '" o 'lllllJ:o.e'> h1·l1111g111g tu St hul.1t rt Pa~ in~ n·~pt'('h to the· la lt· Ht•._.., Truman art· ( fr-0111 lt·f'1 ) fir ... 1 huh """"~ l<t·af!an a nd formt•r firi-l la dit•i-Bt ·ll~ Fonl a nd Ho ... ~tl ~ 1111 t\ lo1·g1· k11t h111 kn1f1· f11und tn th1· 11111111 IS Ill 111 \'1-c.J Ill be th1· WORLD ( :arlt•r al rnt·nwrial .. t'n it·•·"' in I nd(•pt•1ult•ttt't'. \lo. 1nstru1111·111 U't·d 111 th1 European jobless record 'McCarthy'writhes • again dt•1:ap1t.at1on I l.111 .... 11d Thl' d••.td man's h1 .. 1d \\ .i:. found b llt wd S;11urd<1v ab11ut .1 1.1u;1rll·r 111 ;, mill· frurn t h1• h om1• Thl• lTlllH \\il), d1~U\'l•rt•Ll <l l 5.-1 5 am SJtllr<la\ aftE-r SLhubc·rt'!> fJth1·r .inu· broth~r BHUSSELS. Belg ium Un l' mp I o y mt• n l 1 n t Ii 1• Eurupt•an EC'on om ll Commun11y h11 ~.8 fX'rL'<'nt 111 Scpwmber, anoLher postw.ir n'<:ord and new evtdl•nc:t' of a w orldwide rccess1on. 1h1• EEC <,tattslll'al S<'r\'IL~· 'k:l1d today Th1•n w1•1 t· I I 2 1111II11111 JOblt•!>s. ~n·oµh• n ·gt!>h·r t·d :.i u 1wmpluym1·n1 11((111•" 111 tlll' I U t'1Juntr11.~ uf thl· t'ommon l\hirkel Lradt: blu1 .WU,Ollll mon· thJn tht month l>t·l11r1 "ht•n !:I 5 p1·r1c·nt of th1· "111 kforn "J!> .JUbl1·::..., N otorious sen a tor's 1n111H' revive d i11 politica l rl1t·torit• Israel survives ouster bid NAIHOBI . K enva Baekc•d by th£> musd~· 111 ,, ._ __ ._ __ ,. a.JUf U-S.Jubhywg_ cliun. I s r a t• I t u d a v n a r r o " I ,. surv1vc•d an Arab bad to ou ... 1 II from the t; N -spo n:-.111 1·d I n t c• r n a t 1 o n a 1 T l' I t t o m mun I l' J l 1 on s L' n 111 n c:on f <'rent'(· But Israel allaLkc·d tht I T u . !> f I n a I r l' s 0 I u I I CJ n 1n t·lud1ng tht· W L•stc·111 compr omrst· tha t sa\'c'cl 1i... mt•mbc-r!>hq.J. c:lt>1m1ng th(· dol·Uml'lll ton ta1ns "falst.· "l t· u s d t 10 n :," .i g a 1 n !> t t h P Jcwc.h .s1.a11• _ Tht· !>h owdm,\·n ht·1 t• C'<Jmt• houri. dfter the• Arab bloc· a t U N h(«:1d4Udrll'r' 111 Nt•\.\ York droppt.·d Its tamp.11gn 111 c·xpt I brad from tht· (i,.111•r.1I A''>l·mbl\ Tht·rl' "" 111 Na 1 1 o b 1". l h 1 Ht•,, g .i 11 ,1 cl m I 11 I S l I J t I 11 11 h ,1 d thrPJlt llt d .. pullout .ind ,, I unclrng 1)(1\'L'lltl 1 I l),r<11·I w1·11· I' >qx· 11 l'cf Rebels 'tough' on Soviet ISLAMABAD. Pakis tan Afghan rd>els are putting up a "strong and 1mprcss1\'!'0 fight against a campaign of blanke t bombings and l<trKl' ground o ffe n sives by .in e s t1matc.·d 105.000 Sovtc·t t roop!>. W estern diplomats say "Tht' guNrtllas an · tlu111g very well'' dt•sp1tt.• merPa!>t•d NATION • • SovlC't a t tadt ..... !111" "' "ir ..... 11d thl' ~1Url'l'S, \\ho t.iikt·d \\Ith rc·portl.'r!> ul\ L'1111cl 111011 t h,11 l hl•\ not Ix· 1dt ·nt t 1 ll'tl .. T h l ' s I t II .1 I t II ll I II A f ghan1s la n 1s :i mr I 11.11 v s tanduff." the s11un·1•), !><1 1d. and rdwl rc!>1stani·1• " "!>trong and 1mpr ess1vc· l'On,tdt•nng th<' pounding tlw~ h .1v 1• r(•('(.'I VM " Marine mission limited WASHINGTON De fense Secretary Caspar W einberger. saying hl' d ocl'.> not antieipate sending m orl' U .S Ma rines to ~banon. 1s calling o n other natio n s to share the p eacek eeping burden there w ith the United States. Franc.-e and Italy "There 1s no real r<'ason w h v o n I v t h C's t' t h r 1· <' l'OUntrteS nt'('d 10 ht• lhl• Ont':. involved 1n as~1~11n~ ... We111berger said Thursday "The re are many other countries o f the world. and 1 f the muluna u onal forct• nl'(.'<'ls e xpansion . that's anolht•r possible area to get lhl•m.'' hl• said 8 ) W. DALE NELSOI\ A11ocl•ted P••H Writ•• WASlllN<.;1'0N J ost·ph H MeCJrth\ . .i '(•n<ttur who made 11 into the." d1l·t1on:irv. h as bC'cn dead for a quartl'r of a t-entury. but the word his n a m t-gave• flSl' to ket•ps l'rupping up m the l 982 pohtic'al wars When Sc11. Jl'r<'m1ah Denton . H-Ala . took w tht• Sc•m1k flour to dt•nount•t· an o rgan1z;1llpn t'nllt"d-Pt:~ Links-. ~:ttor-<Jftcr senato r rnvok1•d the• c;p n ·tl'r of MC'Carlh" or "l\k<..'.1rthv1sm .. \\'ht•n Pn•'ldt•nt Ht·.igan ~111 thC' nu' lto>dl I 11 <'ll' mo\•t•m c nl 1' 1nsp1n·d b' 11'·11plr '"ho w;1nt tlw wt•ak1·111ng o f Amt·rit a ." I 1 t•1•z1• ad voe .• 11t·' ~.11d hr!. word:. 'oll1.tl kt•d 11 f 1\11 t'.111h~ :-t yl1· t.oc'llC' Thi· l1hc ·ral org.11111.t11on l-'1•11pl1· fo1 1h1 .\m1·11l'.1n \VJv , 111 a lt•ll•Vl'.11111 pt11gt:11ll o11lill ktng lht• l\lnr<il 1\l.iJ11111v ,1uu .... ·d !ht• right-IA 111g I 1111d;111w111.11t ... t gr11u1> o f ''\\l tlh hunt' ;ind l\kC.Jrtll\ 1''" Tht· 111 .. 11 \\ IJ,,..,. n.tm1 '' l1<·111g ln\'Okt•d \\a' ,1 \\'t..i OllSll\ Rl'publ11.1n "h11 "'"" P lc 'l lt'(l t11 the· St•n .. 11 111 Hllh .111d 'tr n ·d unul his c1,·.1th 011 J\l.1 v '..!. l!J:'l';" At th<· h .. 1ght 11f tho {'11Jd W ,1r. l\kCarthv .11trat·ll·cf o11tc·11l11111 hv l'llndUt'l.lllg 111\'t>Stlg'll t lllllS I~ whn h lw a <T UM·d th1· St.ill· D c·r>.11tmt·n1 :1nd 11th1·r 111 .;t1tu11on' uf h ;1rh11 r1ng Commu111'il'> Hts supp(lrtrr; S<Jtd h <' ~was :i patrtol p11111rmrng .1 publtl' 'c·n ·1c c-11 ,... t r1t 1t' said hl' black1•1wd tht• 1t·putat1011:. of tnnuc:t•1H J.1t"1plt• with g roun<llC'SS l h.11 g{'!> In 1!1:1~. thr· Sc·n.111' rnndt•mn<'<I M<'Cart h x I 111 "1·n11 tP111ptuous" t·oncluc:t tciward a ~ul>c:omm1llt..->e that h;i<l invt·:,t1g<1lt·d h r!> finances 111 l!-1 5:? anrl f11r ;ihust• o f a t'Omm1llc•l• thal rt'<.'ommt•nclf'd hC' l><' t:ensurt'd Th L· tontro\•('rc;v ov er McCarthv\ lat'll(~ J(aVl; htrth to th<' word "~kCanhv10,m .' defrnt'fi in W1•hs t1•r 's Nt•w World We're Listening ••• What d o you ltke about the Daily Pilot" What d on 'I you like" Call the number al le ft and your message will be recorded. transcribed and de livered to the appropriate editor. 642·6086 T he same 24 hour ans wering s er vice may be used to record let· l<>rs to the edito r on a ny topic Ma ilbox contributors must include thl'ir name a nd telephone number for verlftca11o n No cir culation calls . please Tell us what ·son your mind ~ Ill OJ w:lllMI '-'ONl•y ,.,.,., It '""' dO no1 ~•·• you• P•P•• "' !fa ~::'u~:::~~r.r ;. -.0 Saluroey •"4 •vnoay II '""' dO "°' 1-CetY• 1°"' cooy Dy 1 • "' ct• l>efOI• 10 I m -'fO'JI CQD'f ... lie -t<I ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat Thoma•'· Haley P\lbl,,I.., CINI Ch1el f •ttulovf! 0 !11(1" Jane Amafl f •tcut••• fd••or l . Kay Schult1 V<e Prt•-denl Giid IWt<10r o4 Adv.,111.no Raymond Macl•an Con11Q11•• Mkhoel , . Harvey Q,•ttlOt ol Mot, .. "'O •C"<"'°''°"' ·Kenneth N. Goddard Jr. (),;.c,10r QI ()p.foio0111 Cl•H"led adYe'1l11ng 714/142·5UI All other «Mpa'1mant1 642-4321 MAIN OFFlCE :U0 Wot._ St , (O\I• -... t A Mell 8dOl'ftt loll,,.., C.•t• -... CA .,.,. C09yrl91'1t 1.., Or..,.. CN'I P11btl\M'19 ,...,....., "O ftewt \tof'le,, lllU\lt8110tl•, t 0110f'181 rf1tllt.r ...... •trllMtn_,h lwrtl'I tnt y 1M rtpfOdu<ed wlt"°'11 ,,_( 181 permluton OI (OO•rttM Ow"9r VOL~ 75, No. 215 U1 ,t11111o1 1' "" "thl' u ,,. u t Fl.111d11,, \\ho ·,tood up 11n thl' \H•nt l•J hi!> h u1nt Jfll'r being 111clt'4.11m1n.1t1'. ufllm unfnund1'(I. 1111111 of thi.. hrnh .11n l s •• 1d alarmt'd Whl'n h1· f<llll-<l lO show Jl\.U,.ol1011'i, Sl•n !.at111ndl"rn ·1-:nuu~h 1 ~, 1111ugh th•· upfor aplJm lnptht·famtl) w;,c, 111l1u1 s1 t or1al 1nv<.•s t1golt \ 1 J\h<.'.1nli\ 1 r.1 h.1:->:11111 too f.11-'" planning tn Chwago nwt hod'>. t·tt . o:.IC'ns1hl) 111 1 h• FI :ind 1 1' ",,, 1 1 1111. ,, I 11 f l l<in "'11d thal .1ut11p:.y finding,, r .. !\lt{-.,r11r , ·•!> c•.u I\. ,.., 1~511 ;ind show that Sc hub1. 11 m~v hav1• ~uµpn·~11111 0 t'Ommunr:o.m lx>c>n bl'llll'll tu dt•ath with hands Thl' Denton out burst thJt \\J' tlw ~l1th11r of th1.· rc·M1lut11111 brought lht• Mc·Carthy1!>m 111 11.•11,..un· that kd mdtrt'<·tly to and ft·1.-1 prior lO thl'<ft'l'apit.atiu11 t·hargl'S on the Senate floor w..i:. llw W1'>(·1ms111 S<.•nalur'!> duwnfdll Shen<f's tnV(•sllgutors fll'\.\ to Promptcod b.Y Senat~ passairi• 1.if ;1 Sac-ramenlo Saturdav afll·r II P ..... S1•11 (;,,, v ll:.irt, D Colo · rl·u·1v1ng 1nforma11o n that rL•!>nluwm ta ing upon l'l':-.1d1·11t "'1th11ut 111t·11trc11111111 M eCa1 tltv ' u c.,111:111 It> d(•si~nall' Ou I ti ·" " S l' hr c 1 b <' r w a i, h ca cl e d t o n • c.-h\. n.1111~·. wld lh.-St·~w t.h<;l. ".W ......... "'-!f f I TI ~--<.1t111nal Pt'dl'(' av l'Nt('l' Link.... nn rtm·m \...d orn a H.'.• ·J>,'e;an • 'l'ar' ,11•u 11 took p<'O""' of good l..l "' .. h 1., -hi•...tdiod In &•tt\.' Bumrv•1,, \\jfl ..., " 4uc-s omng .;x.' l'l'h.>1..'r at 1 pm . r -\\ 111 11\'1 •1 t \\ 11 ,\'C'iff!> lo build u11 c-d d --• O 11f Sl'n IJ.ih· Bum"'·rs. D-A r k .~atur ay an n •turlllv to range .--tlw11 c 11ur;1gi t•J !>pt.·ak uut " I It c J T J "<1!> nrumutinu "''<Jl'<' ob .... t·rv.illl • o unty car y ut•<;< av morning ,.. "" r-· "1 111 •·II to d1•nounc·1· "gut It h\. M h I h ( ( · 0 11 th<)l <law t• a n w 1 ,. s t• r 1 s ,,,,.,11.1111111 . 1inpl11 ... t11on), 11r k cJ 11 On (.l\.t 1 Dt·nton ('hargi'll tit.it ),pu esmC'n conl1nut• to IL' .r...,11,, . .Jt, .ind u np,1t1rot"m 1111 l t I J\I f h four o f the· 1-l o rg<1n12:.it 111no., n ·por C'rs up un 1 one ay I Jl tht· p.11 1 11! .111\ Anwlt\<tll .. t t t 11 h 1 t•prt'!>l·lltl'<I 011 the• ad\'1!>111' tnvc~ rga ur.. \.\t•n •.., 1 sc.·arc mg tllj.ll·tl 11 f p , .•. 11.1. Lrrik· \'"I l' I> I d k for Schubl:n·~ nx1mmatt• ' ,, 11111•11 l l'lllf' <Jll.tl )Ilg · 1•1th1·1· Sov11•t ll>t1tr11llt·<I 111 J I t Harl <lefc·mkcl lht.• dclav in """•11• ' p.11111111 ... m ant .... 11c w · i'IJ .. 111, '~'nl Jlc'ilht•ltl' '"Ith. ,.,1111 n•lt"<1s1ng 1nform,1l1on. sa' .. Ill" , -. \\ ''" g 11,1rd111 g .igo1tn~I th1· kind of ..., ;id\'1K.1t1·' for. Communi.;t l11rt•1gn .app1 "'' 1111'111 I h.ll ll'li up to that ln\'t'St1gators nt•t.•dl'd mon· polil'V ohJ<'l'll\'l''> " w111 1c1 \V,11 11 lmw W 4ut•sunn &·hrc•rl.x·r B um llt'f'•. r•''l'"ndiug . .,,11.t AulhonllL'l:o Si.lid th.1l Schrt>ibcr Fnlll "·"' l.111•1 lh•:1ua11 .. 11rri'lf .I • ppn rn I frc m a ~'lontan 'Th1 .. llt1d\'.!>M11n1·sth11u1\\,...,111 " uisa ,a,t J 1¥ J 111 '.11 h 19;)0.., \\ h1·n tht•n • "·" tip th1 g hn't ol Md..'.11 th~ ..ig.1111 s tall• mt•nt.al hcr..p1Wl five' yl·.irs "hi 11 he· tuld .in ,1udH•n 1·1· rn h h 1 f th •• 'l'll.1t111 from W1<;l't1ll<;lf1 \\Ito clj{O. w (•rt> (• W.t!> l>t'n or t• <.ulumt11,.. O h111 LhJl lht· f11.·1·11 s h tg nd •"·bb g u d t h.1d mn'>t ul thl ~·m11ur-. rn thh · o un a ,,..., tn m r 1•1 u 11111\'1 n11•nt .,, 1n..,111n•d h,,. a local t·ab dr1vt•r b111h JUmpin•, undC'r tht·1r dl•:-.k -. ..., '"1111· wh11 \\.1111 th(' w1•ak1·ntn11 111 J im C r•~ n MI s Cl M 1 1n ,ihw1. t tc•rror ;ind frar for tht 11 " C' .... 1 · ' t' 1 y. on . " t\1111·111 .1 .111cl \1.h 11 J11· I hf d .::'..h .__ rv1!itw;1I future•!> I will UM' po It'(' C' ll' ' sa1 .,,.. rt'ru~·r Wd!> ,... 111.1n111ul.11111u 111;111,v hom•..,1 .ind ar·rnstt·"' r--...\ " 19"'" two -'-tht· l.1,1 oum·C' of m y st rc·ngth to " ' '-' '-"-' :t. • 111. , ... vi. maki· !>Ul'l ' that this nauun m.,.,.1 '11111 It' J1t"1Pl1•" after the bodv of Don<.1ld M n ver, :Hi. was found · g,·i~.~1•1~ri~·hrough J !'.lmtlar pc·rtnd Hip Edw.1rd J M t1rkt•y, Schrcil.x•rwasscml tua menwl ,,, I> l\l,1:-.' .• 1 s ponsor of a nudt•ar S1•11 P atrick L l'ahv. D· V1 . t11•t 11 n •!>11lutu111 111 tht• lloust•, instalutton .iCti•r pl1.•adrng n o t r l' l .1 I I 1• d l h a l 1 t ~\ d.., h 1 s ,,11d 1 lw pr 1·~1Ll1•n t 's n •ma rks guilty by reason nf tn!>Jllll:V He IS prt·dt·t <'''ur . tnns{rv.ill\'l' .1m11un1t·d 111 "mud -sltngm~ and alll•ged 10 havt• w cilkt'<.I off the \'c·rmont Repu blica n Ralph l\kC,H"lhY :.t)·k i,ml•ar tacUc.." grounds rn Dl·11>h1·1 1977. Certain ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~Id. ~ £EES DOUBLE SAVINGS SALE First .. : we'll give you savings on your favorite Lees Carpets of UL TRON nylon ... The nylon-ffber that controls static and resists soiling. A beautiful selection ... In the latest textures, patterns and colors! Second ... get an extra round of savings with Lees special $1.00 a yard rebate on every yard of Lees Ultron carpet you buy. Come on in, let us give you all the details! Rebate offer good through October 30th. LIVE THE LIFE OF LEES ----------"!',, )1 • 1 .. ) •u•Cf"f16 UfHul '\. .. r ~.j Oru11uu (.;oullt DAil Y I'll 01 11 rtduy. Ch lohur 'l'J, 1082 Want to see a candidate? . Watch TV eommercials th 11/\Hll \' I". ltoSENTllAI. Aa•oot•••o p, ... w111 .. l.l)S I\ N<: J.:Lt·:s lla11d .. I{•• 1111 ,,lt .1k1·11 .111t11g1.1plt:o. 1111,,ll{llt'd , l1 • .t11t· ... u11k1 ...... t•d 111 'olflljlollgll 1'111:!. l.',d1 l111r11.1 't.\)1', tl11• 1.11nltdo1t•'" .11•· k1•1·111r1g tl11 ·11 d1,t.1ll\<' lr11111 llw v11t4'l',, 111,,.,..,111~ 1 .. l1 ·vi...11111 111:.tt •,1d It• :.l.1111 lhv11· 11w".ig1•' 1111111< 111 .IO .'ol't't>llll I 1111-.r, Tlw 1111{ 1".1111p.11g11 t·v1·11t u-.nl to b1• tl11 • 1.tlh \\ho 11• tlH1ll:..1r1tb dwt·t'. 1111\\ 11·,. 1lw lurnl 1.11-.cr \.\ lwH d1111•11-. • 1111•11 d11•1·kl11111k.._ 11 .. 1.111v1·lv 1.111· 1:-. th1· ( ';tl1lrn r11o1 vott·1 w lt11 h.1:0. 111•·1 < ;11,· Jl'l'I'\' Ur u\\ 11 tit S.H1 l>11•go M.n·w l'1•tt \o\'iJ..,1111 111 tlt1•11 qu1•!'ol lor 1111 · l h111nl :-\t,tl1·-. S1•11,tt1· F1 •\\ h .. 1v1• h1•.11d .1 hvt•1•lt·1·1 1111· govt•n1111 'fWl'I h l>Y t, .. , t\11g1·l1·-. Muv111 Th11mas B1·adl1•v or !'o tat1· A1tw 11 .. ~· c;.·1ll·r11I (;, ... , ..:•· D1·ukn11•.11L1n W ht•n • 11111'1' tlw (':111d1datt·s l11r gov1•1'111Jr anJ "l'11.i t111 w1·nt un tlt1· st1111111, 1h1·y 11ow g11 0 11 tlw tlrl"· Tlw &1s11· Sp1•1•1·h ha:. 1>1 °1•11 J'l•dun·d t11 half :1 11\11\Ul<' \'llku. "Tha1's lw1·orn111g an u11 ln r tunatt• trl'lld, nu doubt about tt," !'oay!'o C1·org1· t:ort1111. till' f,1rrmt Ynutlt Im N1i..1111 workL·r who 1s ru1111111g Wtlson !'o •'.ttllp.11gt1 "M y s1·1i-.t· ts th;1t th1!'o may no t l'w <i-. powo·r tu) 111 tlw n·,t 11( tlw l'llUlltry It y11u an· 1·ar11pa1g11111g 1n N1•v;11l;t ur Ukli.1ltom<1. yuu l'an !'ol1ll tlll' 111111 lllolJlll l'.tlld1d.it1 ·~ will ')il'lld • .111>111 :fill:! 111rll11111 twlt111' t1'r-111111v1·1· "II v1111 ... 1t1111k .1.tlOO lt111tdi' ii do1 v lt111111J11111"r v d,1\ 1111 .11111•· II t11 1111' g1·111 ·1.d 1 11·1111111 1111 N11v :.!." t;111 t11r1 ..,,1v-. "y1111 wouldn't 11 .. 11'11 ""'' t1•11tl1 111 •Hll 1wn·1 11t ti! tlll' v11t1·i-." 111:0. .111ll111wt11 · 1-. 111! l111t 1111· uit•.t l'tHIH1!'\ ,u fll't'-1 S11 rlwr1:., 11t1l 111llt 11 11< "'' to • 11v•·1 1111 llw ... 111111p lltt•,t• d.1y:-. "11111 11 1-. tl11•·" wt·1·k.., 1>1 l•Ht rlw • l••t 111111 , .111d 1'111 g11111g lu1t111· 1111 th1• W• 1•)\t'ttd." ,.,IHI •' Vl'll'l otll 1.',d1l111111;1 politll'al w r 1t1 •1 "It 1h1·d t11 1>1· tit\' w1ft· W111iJd11'I °'l 'I' lllt' tit•• );,,.I '"' Wt'I k' Ill I It•• 1·a111p.11g11 " (11 1!1 7 -1 . wh1·11 H111w11 w . .-. 111 ... 1 t·l1 ·1 ll'd gov .. r11111 . r11a.1or t'o111d1dat1 •' .1 v1 ·1 111~··d 11.111 .1 d111t ·11 .q1p1·;.r;111n·:o. .1 d.iy Ill 11n1 · d.1v , .lu:o.t·ph All11t11 .. 1 Br11i...11 I" 1111.H',\' 11pp1 1twnl, tl1·w at !'>:ma Ill tu S1Ul.'kl1111 1111 :t 1..11111 hr~·:1kfast. lo N1•vad;o ('11y tu :.lt.1k1· h;1111b al .1 lu111l>1·1' null gc1l!'. tu anotll!'r llf'l·akl;1-.t 111 11• .11 liv G1·ass V;tllt·v. 111 l'lal'l'l'villt· f11r" r11lt111 r.111 \' 111 tht· town ,qu;1n·. 111 M11tlt·s1t1, to 11111111111 \ 1...rl .. ·1111· 111 H1v1·ruank ;J1 1d h;wk '" Sa111-:1«11'k1-.." 1111 .111 11 J• 111 1111•1•t1ng with l.tllrn k.1d1 ·r-. ' do 111111'11lv -s1yl1" 1111'\'llll't-hy pn•t:uwt .. Ilt·ukt11•·J1<1n '-. tnr1111·r 1·a111p;11g11 111.111.1gl'I Hill H11h1·rt.o.;, ;11·k1111\.\'h·dg1·d that tlt11:-i · d,"'" .111 • 11\'1•1 J f,. s1•1·s n11t l1111g wn111g with tlwt , AP Wlrepl'toto Governor Brown. ir\ orw of tht· c urrent ca mpai~n ·~ rart• in-person sortit>s, hold ... 6-monlh-old bah)· Jo~hua Glenn White and poM':o-for photographers. ·Reagan aide says no 'quick fixes' WAS HINGTON tt\l'r Tho · \\'lt ll• II""'' says it knows uf no µl;,11" tn ,.,t.d ilhh .• ':2 h tlli .. 11 program to put .1ohl1·s.-. t\11111 11·:11i-. t11 '' o11 k 11 p.1111 11g the nation's detL·norL1ung !Jt tdgn • .11n l l11glt\\ ''' "As far as I know . tlll·n :, 1111tll111g I" 111;! ol11111· o n tha t," Whlll' I luu~· dt·µuty pt t''" ... t·1 t • 1.11' I .. 111 v SpE>akC's said "W1· d1111 't go fpr q 1J1, k '"' -, .. Speakt'S'. travl'lrng wtth Pn·-.1c11 111 J\, .ii.:.111 1111 ,, Midwest camµargn trip. m.ult· th• • .. 111t111 n t-. . .t 11 ·1 Labor SecrNary HavmonLI .J lx•1111\".111 ,,11d ,11, h ;, program W3S Undt•r 0 t'Dl1,tdl'ra ltOll th " \\ t•t·k "W e cannot l'Ontmut· to II'\ uur h1ghw;1~-. .ind bridges fall into d1srepa1r:· Donov.111 tllld 'LI group o f Rotarians m Whtppany. NJ "lf, ,1 ct•untrv ,,·1d1· problem that has nut go tt111 till' .1tt1 nt111n •d th1· -nation." -+- Shoo., flea Using a toothbrush, public health biologist Minoc Madon cleans fleas from a squirrel trapped at Anaheim Hills Golf Course where traces of bubo nic plague have turned up in two squirrels. Health officials .say danger to huma ns in the area is ""minimal.'~ L.1do11rw L•·•·. ;J partrwr 111 Eddtc· Mi.ill\' & t\s"l('l.tlt·s. ~1 Wa!!h1ngtnn firm rnast1•rn11nd1ng :-1x e.1rnpa1g n s . :sa ys lhl· typ1• o f d1str11.:l Lind stall· d1·t1·rr111n1•s th1• rmx oC 1·111111111·r-c1;,i)s a nd pt•rsonal .tl lj>l',tl'ant·t•s "It's ltap111•11111g Jt', h;1p1w11111g tw rlw ),....,r,' h1• Si.ltd Hy 1!1711. lht· p;in· ol pul>ltl· t•v1•11I:, o,;l11wt '<I 1<1 thn·t· or folll' a day Mon• and 111•111· t111w \\ ·" d1•\111t1·d tu I und n11sing for tht· TV .id-. AP Wlrephoto 111 1H1t· North l'Llrolrnu l'ongn•ssronal ('atl'lfJi.llj{n. 1tw l1rm's 1·and tdu11· h~1s gom· 11110 virtua lly l'Vl'ry t111y t'•lllHllUtllty and buught TV 111 tw11 m1.1rkl•b 111 ,, T«r1111·;.s1·1· Sl·ll<Jtt• eampa1gn. lht• l'i.llldidaw m1Xt'S "111lt•1b1\'1' nwdw" wllh pt.:rsonal t·ampaign1ng. "In l>olh l'<1mµ:11gns." s hl· sc..ys. "it's not 1..•1 tht•r -or." Hut Caltfornra hns 11 rndlton rl!gt:sh•n·d V•>ll·rs 111 a -;t;1tt-71!0 rrnlt·!'o lung. Tht•rt· an • mon• pi·opl1• of v111rng age 111 Calrfurnta, H :i m1llton, than m lht· :w sm • .ll1·st st.1tt•s nm1birwd 111 ttw gub1:rnatorral and st•natori;tl ra1·t•s ;.tlo1tl' Nt1w tlw d :.1ys wht·n th1·n· .11 .. r11ult1plt · •·\'1•11h Lll'l' tht· 1 ·xt'l'pttnn O n SqJt 15, D1.·uk 1111 •Ji.111 w "'· 111 lh•dd1ng Ill' attt•ndl'd a H o t~ll'Y l'lub lurll'h1·1•rt t<ip<.•d an 1nt1·rvww al K IXE,TV :md att1·1Hll·d " rt'l't·pt1on It was o n t· .,f h1-. l>us 1"'' 1L1 v' td S1..•pt1·mlwr. S:1y!'o Ho bt•rts "TV dom111:1l1 ·" wlw11 v1111 t.tlk 111 11 m1llwn v111t•r' You ~l't to ... 1·•· th1• l':111d11!.11t·,· inflt·l·t1on. whi.lt h1,, t•yt·s ar 1· do111g, h" l1111l v lang uage"" ( :amliclaa.· Pt·H· \\'il~on wan'!"> to •tt·kno\.\ lc·df.,!t• apphrnM· a l a ma ..,~i\c· gathc·rin,.;. Hoth l '. S. Sc•rtettc· t•anclidatc•!-' have· st•(•rrH·d lo pic·k a uclit•n(·e~ for ~izt· in narn·nt t•ampai~n . a1 vert1semenr The Newport Harbor Area Chamber of Commerce Presents THE LAST RENDEZVOUS AT THE Balboa Fun Zone with Les Brown & His Band of Renown and the 0 .C.C. Coast Jou Society WEDNESDAY 6 P.M., OCT. 27, 1982 Dancing • Bvffet • Rides -For Tickets & Information - #ewport Harbor Ar.a Ch•hr of Comm•rt• 1470 Jamboree, N.B., 644-821 I Norm Loats Newport City Council November 2 Committee to Elect Norm Loats, Rudy Baron-Treasurer. 881 Dover Dr . N.B ID:: 822319 IS FOR·-PUNr-ING Bulbs, Color, Trees & Shrubs Fall brings cooler weather: ideal for planting bulbs. color. trees, lawns, and shrubs. The typically cool temperature reduces stress on gardens and gardeners alike. Soil condition could nol be better. Young roo1s of newly planted bulbs, color. shrubs. and lrees eslabhsh themselves before winter, giving these plants a headstart over those planted in the spring. SPECIALS Pick a special gourmet pumpkin that's larger than just big. We have pumpkins galore in all sizes for fun and flavor this Halloween. ·1 to ·& ~,, Cyclamen Reg . $4 .50 NOW '2·99 4"Garden Mums •1.28 Reg. $1 .98 NOW 1 Gal. New Guinea Impatiens Reg. $4.98 NOW ·3.so 2 Gal. Camellias •8 .98 Reg. $11 .98 NOW Slow growing occurs lhru winter months, rools becom.e more established getting ready to put on a beautiful show of spring color Spnng is here. Lush gardens full of mother natures wonderful work So don't wait unltl April to plant or many o f these fall 11.ij\wers may already be gone Garden the way we do here at Roger's. plant now for spring ' • .J' ;~~· , ,,.""':1r. ,. 1·~1 fl j llPt: ,~,11 ,'~~' d .'• ' ii I 1 ' -' ,, ~r•' .. 'f't ,! I ~ ..._<,. ~ ·~ I ' i j 1> ~ '. " (.,i; ,~ .... -~'·I a..t\ ~I . , ''! '· ~ , · f ,, , • \ , • .. I . fl L ? rj·~. '· .. ~ ll ., .. 1 ./1 ···'I JI~· ...... ,...>' ~\ "' :r " ,r f~ •·:·.~ ,1,.1 I 'r.~. ' . '-"'• 1'" ,,, .. • ; -'o , I ' 1 1 I !_.~ I I --< ·~~1 ~_, .... _.._.. • ,. ~~-"-':-\Je. Ii // 1...\..,-' ~......,;. -"'J f~-, ·; ,'/ (\ ·"' -.. --) t ::t( ,1·11 •• • . .A · .t-.ft.. • r ""' ... ,.~ ,-. ff'_-" "'.,,--, \ ?,,_',.l .:~~ r~:,~~ 'L\ri'. I BULBS FULL SELECTION OF PREMIUM BULBS Tulips • Daffodils • Iris • Ranunculus Hyacinths • Narcissus • Crocus Freesias • Anemones and many more! BUY NOW FOR BEST SELECTION • FREE SEMINARS • Dormant Pruning & Spraying Salurday & Sunday. Oct. 23 & 24, 2.00 PM Winter Vegetable Salurday & Sunday, Oct. 30 & 31, 2:00 PM •HANGING BASKET DEMONSTRATIONS• The how-to's of making and marntarning Roger's Famous hanging baskets. 2 Gal. Azaleas '6·98 Reg. $8.98 NOW Easy to get to and always worth me trtp' Each Saturday 11 AM .. 1 PM & 3 PM Each Sunday 1: P.M & 3 P.M SPRING BEGINS NOW AT ROGER'S GARDENS Open 9 to 5 daily Across from Fa shion Island in Newport Beach AMHIUCA'S MOST llHl1 L ''/'11-'l 'I. (;,\JU JI:"/\' CHNTl;'U llft San Joaquin Hills Road at MacArthur Blvd NURSERY • INDOOp PLANTS • FLORIST • ~NDSCAPING • PATIO FU~NITURE • Af HIQUES . •I .. Hispanics new targ t By ~Tt;l'Ht;N l"OX A.~ ewi-. Wtltet 1.0:-; J\N(a:Ll-:S Tiii' ""lt·i-1 u111\.\111g pup11l<it11111 gt 11up 111 S uullll't 11 l 'ulllt111111.1 'l''"1k'> Spm11:-h ,111d ·• tit'\\ c·omJhlllY hupt''> h• l'llpllul111• 1111 lhal With •I I W IS I 1111 pl11 .. 111 m o111·y 111ll1·d 1111· l1111pm111 ('.ml "W,· h.1Vl' .1ht1lll (11l11 11111111111 S p«111s h :.pl•,1k111g JX'oJJll· lwn" uml 1111>:.t 11( tlwm ('\•lll'(.'l llll'11 w .. g,·i. 111 1.:ash Wt• l>c•lu•v1• tlwy l'llll h .. ,1 h1K murkc·t," "'1ul l 11•or1-w 0111111111, 1°M'l.'Ul1v1• Vtl'•• pn·s1d1•111 of I 11:-.p.11111 Card 111l·, .J y1'i11 old '">n1 µun y (ur1111'd hy ·• g111up 111 11 tllJXllll\' bUl\ll lt'o;.'tllll'll ll1spano C.1nl p11hh:-.h 1•:-. a 1110111hly ,1io pp1•1s' mu~uz111l' 111 Sp;1111:-.h w l11d1 p1ov11l1•:-. 11 d111 'l'lt11 v 111 mt'l'l'ha111:-. wh11 g1v,. dtM'\lUnls 111 n.11 dhuldt•" /\I,., inl'ludt•d .111· ,11111 ks of 111ll·n ·i.t tu L.1t1n11' .111d lislln~i. tor l.1wy1•1 :-.. dc•nlt:-.ls , duc:ll11 :-., vc•h•1 ·11.11 1.111,, tll'\'OUl\l,1nt:-. .111d lllSUI ollll'I' .1).(l'lllS wht1 111111111 1111 IWW 1·anl Thl· l'Olllf>.111\' l h.11 ).(l'' I .11 dh11hk1' d $ l.1 .1111111.tl ft'l'. wh1d1 111dud1•:-. .1 ~····" 's :.UIJ:.(·ripl11l11 Ill 1111' magnZll1l' and frt'I.' 1111·111111• ta>. s1•rv1t•1• 111 :uld1111111 l" th<' Ill to 15 pt·11 t•tll d1suiu11 h u ll1•11·d 11\ partu·1p.1t1ng l'<llllf>.11111·, I l1!>p.lllo C.'.1nl tts,·11 d1"'" n ut offt•r tT1·d1t 'I ,111111" h ,t\I 11<111 11 II 11111111 Ill.Ill\ \1111111.111 t111111111111 . .I .1111\lllt 1111 .111.1 1111 \ d1111I 'l"·dc. l"lllo:h'l1 .111d I"•••"" l"1•pl• li1I 11 .. , d 11111 11.1\1 111111 Ii 11111111'\' I )11lo111,1 ·-.11ol 111 ,111 llllo I \ I•\\ .11ld111~ tlrnt ll"ti•'"" ( '.11d ·""' i. .. , .... '" . .1111 1111 1111.1w 111 I .. 1t111rn., ,11111111~ 1\1111 I h ,111 1111•,llll''"lllll II "1'11 1 '111111· 11 ·'"'11 I" 11pl•· 1 l1111k SI'·'"'''• 'IH 'o1k111g jll~tph Ill 1\1111 •111 o1 .111• 11"1 l'l "ll•IH'd 111 d1·,tl With •jll,1llly W1• 111111<· I" 1 lt.illj!t' 111.ot t\llt·t ,tll ''" hkt· It• d11v 1· 111 11 Mt•111•d1 ·' 111 111 .11111 lto1v1 d llllll'I !'. IHll hkt• Hll\' 11\lt1•1 llllllloltl l1<•1t1g " 1\1111111).4 1111' lugH•'I 1 lllllf'Hllll'' "1(11111~ lip ;ti" I lnl1tl.1\ 11111,, l '1n1wt•1 t 'lt11 k1 •11 a111I l\111J1t', B1 •11 v l-'.1 I 111 .. II tlwy ,11 .. w tli1·11 1,11d. 1li1·\ g1•1 ,, $1 d1~1111111 .11 11111 ~alt., .. -,.ud H1 1"·111.11 v 1\1.11111, ,, 'l'"k1·,\\11111o111 1111 K1111tt 's B1•11 v "'.11111 "fl '',, 1,t11od \\,1V 111 J.tl'll111~t tlw \o\111 cl 11111 .11111111 K111111 , ,111ol 1111 11 1,p.11111 101111111 11111 \ I' .1 1.11)..!1 I'" \\0 •1ild l1k1· 111 lt1t l1.11d1 •1 lh.111 \\t ....... ll"l>.11111 (',u d h11ld1" .t1 ~11 g1 I 111 pc 111·111 •11 l Ill\ l\')~lll,1t loll!'' oil 1111 111111 \ \\IMtd ll11lid,I\ 11111 ··W1·'n · 11111•11·,11·.I :'I 1w11pl1 '' h11 ,IJ11\\ "" 1111t·r1·:-.111111u1 h1111·I. ,,11d ll11l11 l,1v l1111 ,11nk1·,\\11111.111 I .111 ' S11.111.·11 O ul1111.1 11111 .. d tli.11 111.111 \ L•" t\11g1 11 , lllt'll h.111t... ollt• pl1 ...... 1·d "' 11 ... l.11' th.11 11111 ... 1 '' "II.Hiil :-.h11p1 It 'I' fl·" I .... 11 ' • \Vhieh way lo FriS(.'()~ AP Wlre photo Oubina s.ml I lisp.mu (.'.1rd h.i:. '1giwd 11p .1hout 600 ('0"1J><llllt'' ollld tllUll' l h,in tl,500 l'Oll dhuld1 'I ' s 1 nn· Fd11 u Jr:-M H I is 111 m1 nt( f o 1 I 110 ,01111 can.l huhkn, by 111•x 1 yl·.H I It· ~1d tht' u1111p;i11\ hopt.•s its l'a111pa1g11 will lwlp bring l11sp.111w' 111111 the rn..11ns111•,1111 11( t'lllllllll'rc.·1• 111 S1111th1·111 C;ihform..i "II I fl·•:> lht• A111t•11l".111 w.1v ""1th pla,t11· 11111111·\. llw t 11·d11 1.11 d 1•111111>.111\' will 1h•du1·1 l1v1· 01 '" p1·n 1·11t .111d tlwv 'r 1· 11111 d 11111g .111v .1dv1·nis111g 1111 th1 111 W1,.11 • 'h11w111g p1·t1ph· ho 1\\ to gt•l 111 1tw1r \\hat a ppc·ar ... lo tw u Su11 Fruuc·i!-14'0 c·u hl4• c•ar ( ltu1 i:-. r4•alh a motor-41riH·n !oohutl lt·) c·arric·-. louri!'>I"' 1h rou~h -.11·4·4·1-. of IC(·~ao, Ne·\. ''""''·. 111 '·"" 'Creative punishHJent' agents offered for hire RIVERSI DE (AP) T1A•11 hrolh1·rs in this n1mmun1l\' r, .•. , t'l'lllllllJls s h ou l d s1·n·t· 1t)c•1r ltllll'. b 1.41 preferably n ol l:x•hincl bars V\'tlham and Hobt·rt Rosie· ..idvot.ih · "tTl'all\'l' purnshmc·nt" .ind l11rml'd Cr t m 1 n uIllg11· .1 I D 1·•gn11 s l 1 l·' Consultants Im· 111 offl'r .ih1·rn..1ll\l':. tu reports prc•pa1 l'd b~ proh.1111111 o ff1<.·Prs for t·on v1t H'l.I f1·l11n.., ..iwating SCl1ll•n 1·1ng Th<.' natun· of lh1· work 1s n ot "''"' to tht·m William. :1-1. w,1s 1 S.m Dwgo probatiun 11ffllt·t for ''x v1·ar ... Jnd RubC'rt. 4-1 . 1s :1 rl'lirt·d S.111 D1l·g11 poh<.'C' off11·t•r R c•ut'llun Ill I ht• Bosi1·S: work h.i' bC't•n m1xeu "Th1•y would n-t·omnwnd .i11y 1 h111g . indud1ng d1gg1ng a l'iJ11al fro m He has s1wn1 fi\·4· m o nrhs lhis VNlr building a w~l~r wdl a t his own f'x f>f'n !"t•. Alas ka, to k c>ep 1hc·1r d tcnt o ut o f prison." says o ne R1 v1•r"dl· Count~ prOSC"Cutur, K l•nnl'lh P1k1· But Rotw rt K r;,1rst. J Supt:rior Coun JUdgl' 1n Rl\'t·r..1dc·. Jdds. "What l ha\"t' S('{'n havC' Ix-en Wc>ll thought o ut. good programs" And G('rald P olis. J c.:rimina l defense auurnl:'V. ll·rms lhe &sll''-"vcr~ conS<.'ll'ntii>u:. and 1maginal1vt• -a nd they hus tll' .. T h(' B u.sics' compJ n y o pl·ratc·s under a scldom-ust-<l se<·twn o f tht• Jaw that pe rmits dC'f Pndants lo countl'r probcition o ff1t·e rs' rc•porLo; w ith tht•1r own b ac k g r ou nd stud1t•s and suggestions for rl•hab1ht;1twn Among the· ix·r~in:. who h avl' go111• to the Bos1<.'S for hc•lp· t\ :~:! Vl'cll"•1ld 1111 rig w11rk1·1 who gut 111111 l r11uhl1· 1111 .1 lllJl'IJU.111.1 c·h;irg1· ,\t thl' n'l.t11n111ui<l.11111111.f 1h1· Ho ... 11-... h1 • ha!> :-.pt.·1H ll\'1• numth' 111 "1•• k1 ·11d' lhl!> H·..ir IJuildtng ,1 "' .11t•1 \\..JI .11 ht:. own t·)>1Y.·n't on tlw S.1111.1 '\'111 / l11d1.111 n ·..,t·rv,1t11111 .\ \\1101:.tll uJll\'lt'h •d 111 .t j<'\\1•l1 \ 111, It .iml !>l'llh·nu·d to v11lu11 lt·l't a s ,, rt t t•pt111111~1 a l .i Lus Angeli·' hu,p11.t1 I"" ,1U~• 'h1· "".is l11 lt11gu.il ,\ H1v1·rs1d1· nm:.11 ull11111 "111 k1 1 "h11 f1·ll ao;l1't.·p IJt •hind 1h1· \\ h1·1·I 111 111-. l';1I hit •• pt.•dt•)>trt.111 .1r11I l11 11kt· 111 ... lq.:. tht•n drov1· ,.1 f Ht· "'·" ,,.1111•111·1«1 t11 'IH'l\d I :!8 d.1ys th" 'u1111111 r 11 ·11.111111g wh1•Pkh.111· I :1111p' .111d "1d1·11111g d1111r-; ;1t t l11· 11111111'' 11' p.11 .iµl1•g1t·s 111 San Bt•r11;11 d111q Al 1h1iugh 1h1·:-· art• h1r1·d "' d1 •ftond;mts. tht· 13.J-;ll~ h.evt· .1 'Im l 1 ulc• th'-lt th1· ueft.·llSl' ;.illornt•\" d111•s 11111 '~'l' 1h1·1r findings Jnd 'llJ..!g;.,11,111' 1111111 thl'Y an· pn·~·ntt·d 111 thc· t 11u1 I and 1h1• µn1l.iat11rn u ff1t't'r Th1o; h ~~s c aus t·d 'omt· ruffl1·cl fratht•r' ·sw1wt1nws 1h1·v d11 nut lwlp mv d I l 111 . .. ... '" s H I ;, 1 • I " d I' .1 ll 111111 ' R on ,tld L111:d1·11 . po 111t1ng o ut 1h,i1 l Wll't' I ht•y hdVl' fl'(.'Ommc•ndt-d fl\1)1 I ' hour~ of 1 ummunlly serv1ee :111d l.1rgl·r f1m ·" lhan tht' probation u ffll'\'1 ·If I don 't agr1'<· w11h tht·1r n •port I ... h uuld n ·">t•r\'l' lht• 11ghl n11l lo u<,<• 11 " But V.'1ll1.1m Bos11· 111::.ist.s. "J\t th1 risk of Tir..l ng rc•f1•rTals , Wl' 'l ll k IW uur gurls .. T o d•J othl'r#o\'1o;1·, hl· 'J\'s n11ght (,IU-.4' tht•m to f)l• Vll''>'t'l.I as 1111th111g m1111· than an t .. \.lt n,111n 111 I h1• dl'll'l1Sl' Tht· Bos1t'S l"h<.trg1.· from $ti!l"i to $1 :ino 111 pn·pan· thl· pn··Sl'lllt·11ung n ·pnrts. wh1t·h Jpt::ils d 1·f1·11d.1111•.' l'at·kgrnunds and problt·m:-. For .111 1•>.tr.1 chcirg1·. tlwy will cond u1·1 lit d1·11·<.·t111· <ind psych1<Jtri1· tcsh .111d hil\"1· l'>.pC'rl tl'sl1rnnny pn·,1·111\•d .11 tht· ~cntl'nt'lng h<"anng .l'i /_~~ {\•~RS-tn\6!-S- EXTENDS PICK-UP & DELIVERY SERVICE Harbor Ridge Spyglass Hill Sea View Westchll Easts1de Newport Heights Harbor View Hills Big Canyon East Blull West Newport Lido Isle Irvine Terrace Bayer est Dover ShCJres Bayshores Balboa Island Balboa Peninsula Point /JJll Ari ol fJ1r1t11nl C.11 1494-4044 1 • DRY CLEANING • HAND FINISH • FINE LAUNDRY ~ ------- Quitting Business Sale!!! 50%-79% OFF Entire Inventory (Gourmet cookware, copper, baskets. X-mas gifts, antiques, tables, display fixtures. etc.) Everything Must Golll Thur1day, Friday, Saturday Oct. 21-23 Doon Clot• Forever Saturday at 5 p.m. • • ---t~HAPPY C OOi< ER 3441 Via Lido (Via Lido Plaza) Newport Beach I 675-1460 = Pier I rolls back prices years and years. For the next 3 days we offer our most popular ite,ns at prices that go back 20 years. Bamboo S"lat -blinds-lrt>m Taiwan. 3xo' 199 1962's p rice f 1966 -, 1963 Bamboo & beads c urtain. 3ox72~ Taiwan I 1964 12 ·· s quares o f ric e (, seagrass , ... 22 ~ ~:1 • Clasc;ic rauan bentwood Tu iwan ~a~boo birdcage~ Ta1v.an ba mboo poles.!!' rocker 4999 l -t1er mobile 99 lo ng\ I ·diam 19 66's price 196 7'5 prlC(' 7 1968 '5 prtCI..' Ca 5 9( --' '------~-----' .--• 1 r ---------... 1970 lapanese v.hile p orcelain lotus bov.I. 4' 1970's price 1974 Philippine burl maharllka chair, lO"H 1999 1974's price Votive candles In assorted colors Reduced to 6 for5 I V1c1or1an rattan t w in headb oard 1499 Philippine burl king chair. 54"H 2999 Reduced to Philippine s m oked b url place mat Reduced to .49~ I 1972 \\'h1te paper lantern IC> 1 From Taiwan J99 ~n ·s price Tulwan soy tub planter. 18" diam 799 19 7f>'s price Our Origins Pier I o pened its hrst store In San Mateo. Cahlorn1a. in November ol 1962 The me r e hand 1se o pened America's eyes to the value. novelty and loveliness of handc ra fted items. imparted fro m exotrc place-. The idea caught on and Pier I o pened additional s tores 10 b y IQoo. 42 by 1969. I JO by 1972 Now there are JOO Pier I Import stores coast to coast Pie.r 1 i1po1•ts 111ap 111 -Plor 1 ~AHEIM 509 Katell a A lenu , 772-24 7 2 1965 ; /; Ta iwan back-scracchers For the 20-year 11c h1 1 9( ~6S's prlce __ ea ____ _, ~e>.1can carrizo hampers 99(-3 99 969's prlcl' 1973 Japanese v.h11e porcelain mugs. h1' 1971's price ea 79( 1977 Hong Kong golden rattan chests 79"-99" 1977's price ---~-----' r-Our Ttave ls Frankly wl:' ve lost track Our wall map Is a hopeless puzzle of cr1ss-cross1ng strands But the number of tlmec; our buyerc; circle the globe Is meaningless Its too easy to go s cale The key 10 our !ravels Is seeking out new friends, develop- ing contaccs. going beyond the fabled p laces to remo te vllla1cs Olten. there. we f1nd craftsmen with pride COSTA MESA -27 10 Harbor Boulevard, 540-7337 . • c .. '. " .. 'I • I • . -~ I .. Orang• c~uu11t UAll ., l'IL LJ 11r nduy Oc 1011111 n . uun ' Are politician uccumhing to PA -man fever? By EVANS WITT A11111 11.111 -.y :.11·111 11.,. 1111111111.i A-IMM f'r-Wrll•f p1·11p1t··, .1l11l11v '" \1111• "'1th 1111•11 WAS liJN(;'t'C)N '1'111· hu1<1' d111lu1 -. l.11 11111( .di 1lw 1111111 , omuunl o f m1111.·y l11i.1 1a·111~ whik 11111111 ,uinl( 111 1, q11111 1h.11 this mu•t t'XJX'lllllVt' lllll"'I I'"'''°"'" 11ll 1'<111111liul11111' 1111d !>IH 'IUhlll( l.c camp lllin In h 1i.111ry il1i.1u1 hi. 111.111•· pulihi ri. 1111'11 :.11lu111111 many pe<>µh'. hul 1lw11 11•:i1·u1111b p u lt 1 1 1· t 1 11 d 11, 1 n K 11 I 111' uh11•1111111• '\Ji/1• hh\ I 1111111 hl•f fl,1l11>1!,d '1'111111,il tlll 0111 h,1111),. llMl.1\ 0 '>,111) "11·d Wt I tllt'lllll'I )JI' ""I Ill 11 1 l '1 11111111111 l 'uU ... l'. ,1 lt'.1111 I 111 1111 flU!'>h flll 1 '11 111)1111~11 l.t\\ I h.1llj.'1'' I 1Hlll/•ll~ll .. Ill I t1lll "' I li,11 111 Ill~., .. I"., I .ii , .. I \\ I I .1111 I '( I' I I I." 11111111 1111 h1 .11ld1 ·tl · W1 .111 · '4'1 1111• 111\111 .111d 1111111' dt't'lhll lll., Ill l 0UllW l''" 111 111.: lll1ll lt lllll IHI I Ii I 1111 I I I " " ll I 11 11 I' I ii II ll .II and proposalb fu1• 11•(01111 vm Y ,,., 1·u111otll'b:.lunul 1 jll'b, ulunl( 1 lw wide ly rui thl•lr pohtwtil v11•wi. hlll'' 111 tlw p111 u • .i t111,1m·1t 11( 111 1'o sornl', thl' l•>bl of 1·l111·11111i.. 1n1·:.1dt•1111 ,d , .111qrn11<1i.i.. a.. and tht' in Clux o( polit11·ul m·t11111 111111 tlH·r 1d1·.1 pul 1111 wu1 d ''\\'c• huvc· unotht•r nn1io11u l M'Ut1tl n l 011 our huutl"' loclu ) .'' comm1itet> m orwy 1·01 ruµti. 1h1· 11•1>t·uu·dly political process anJ pohlll'lllllll, A11d :-.<mw 1·v1·11 :-.ul'(j(l':-.1 111111 addin g up lo a scunda l 1ha1 lht· Hvailalllhlv 111 11111,1111 un111u11h h11 lhl' )1111'>1 dt·1·;11lt• . 'l't.1 .. 11111· h,1:, l>1°l'll lq~lllllll/l 'd 111'1 dllM' !'AC,. .111 · lt•l(•il r l' q u 1 r l's n ~· w I 1 111 I l i. u 11 uf 1·an1p1111{11 111orwy h.11> n1·,11l'd l'ontnbutmns a11d ~pc•11d111.,; 111u1 1• 1 l' 11 I 1"1111 p1· 1 1 t 11111 1 n To otht·r~. t•x1-it1n.: fnlt·r.il u111~1 t·s:.11111al .. J1·c111111' \\ h1•r1· "Wh1•11 11111 pulil11 •1l I 1t·1al:-. .11 t• i1 .. 1w1\d1•111 .111d •ihligawd 111 l11lk" 111 I 1111 I t h 1 • I 11 II ' f 1 II I h t •II' re g ulat101" dam.11(•· th•· 111l umh.·111 , 11 111·1 .,1·1·1111·d Soviet curbs eyed By WALTER R. MEAllS A~ l~l•I CorrH pondent ------ 8 IAI! •'r'CJIJOt N MAU•!Nt W/lrl AVL~~S 6ttJIJ( 15 A (l)l.O/lfl)L /11)t"11\I fr.JI{ fXL'{Jt)(J}l> ll.fafP71vo )l/H /JlAN~ '"'A XAJl'IM}W Of I IAVOR\ Rf fJ t> 'I) lllHllPV lkp Milli11·111 Jo'1 11 wll'IC wh11 1., 11111 t.1kl111-l l'A(.' 11111111 y Ill 111·1 II V 1111 tlw N1•w .l1 •"1·v S1·11all· "'"'l .. 11111 ·"' 1'111111111111!'> g11l l 11p1•111·d .1\ "" lt•1•1" "''lw11 ~tw 111 -.t lw.inl .1 11 ll11v. I 11111.,,· 1111·111! .. ·1 1·ll.pl11111 lw• V'll1 ., .. 11 Iv 111 11 1111" o l I h1· 1.1111p.11~11 111111rll1ul11111 i. lu In 1°l\1·tl I th111k II d11••:-. .111 I 11111 llllJll'> ,111111\1111 1,) d ,1111,q(I' 'Hiid I ht• H1·pulilu .111 1·.111d1d1111 "Y1111 1,111 ~l'I I\ hJfJIX'll l'Vl'rV duy 1111 lh1• tlo .. 111 11 tlll'111111 ... 1·" Hui 11ll11 •1,, '1·1· tlw '>llLl .1111111 d1l l1·11·111 Iv 'l't•11pl1 wli11 .111 • p11llf11 .tllv IJI g.1111/1 d .Ill' ..:01111-( l tl j!l'f 111v1il vt·d .ond l111d W.tV'> to 111tlu1•111·1 1111 polit1t'.1I pit~ 1''"" """" l'"llj.(1 I "'11111,d "l\11Jo11 Mt• 11.11 I M.dl.J111 \\ lit·lh1·1 II " tl1111u~li l 'Al ~ l11l1l1"'"K 111 111lw1 1111·1I11111, 1\1 I U'\,1111111' lll,11 t\1111'1 It .i '\ d1111"r" tl1111u~h tli• l'l\C ' 11111 li'r rh1 /\111t•r1 1.111 M1•d1111I A .. .,111 1.1111111 'l1uy v11l1·," 1111 I I ,. I .. I .• I I 11 " w I I Ii I " I' I ' 1•ua1111l111111111' .111 1 ul1t uhiu!'>, ,,., AMA 11ft1nal '\.'IV' "W1 'v1 1>1·1·11 1<1 v 1111o< PA<: 11111111·v f1 >1 1JVt•1 '..!O v1 .. 11 !>.," -,.11d T111>.1 < 'o h1·11. d11 t'< h11 111 1111lil1t 111l111 111.1111111 for 1111' AM I\. who~ l't\(' '' 11111 111llw1.il~•·'tl , 11ld1•-.l .111d 11 111 ... 1 ""Jlh"'" .1l1·d 1'1\C'-., "f< ... 1·1 vhrnl v g 1v•"• }>J\{' 111111wv. Tl11' l111j~;.t .... o1L1out llll' AMA'$ I '1\l .. IHI\ 111~· \Ult'' .... 111111:.1·1~ I W AS HIN GTON F acing pohl1l·al and diplomatll· problems ovt•r i ts t r ade sa n tttun:-. against the Sovtl'l Unmn. t h e R t>ug~1n administra tion is looking fo r a b c t l c· r w a v l o punis h M oH·o w something that will wu rk without offondmg votl·r~ a t h o m <.' and all1l's abroad_ 0°10 011! C.WWN &JOXLNIJS $/6.B/3 NJt()f,AT1(. CLOWN5 ON WHIT'E AND &.At:.K WW"'K. fJOOJ1.tN05 HOUJ UP 80()f{S Wit/Li. M{S51N6 IJP YOU!f SHLL VfS Rf 6 21 9') T h e go a I 1 s ;ii l 11 • d a g rcemc•nt on .1 fra mework of l'<'Onomtl' measures and rt'Slnl0l1on:. to be appl1C'd to t ht• Soviet Unum "We're tr ying lO study relat1onsh1ps bPlWl•t•n the West and thl· East . as far as et-onom1cs a re cont·ernl'd," said .1 senior adm1111 s tra1wn official. spcakmg on th1• condition that has nanw n o t be u s (•d "Thi :. involves fmannal tl·rrru.. it involves ltl·ms th.11 we're selling to th<:m. It in v o 1 v c· s th<' who It· philosoph1t•al qul·st1on as to whether Wl' should hi• do ing · 1t and , 1f !>u, to what extt'nt <H1d wh.11 produc-ts "And the 1dl'a 1s that 1f you can reach gcnvral agreements on all th1:-.. you wouldn 't have ltJ bother w ith md1v1dual sanctions then," he said "You're n o t trying 10 ease the sa n c·t1 u n b themselves, thcv Sl<I\ pu t. What you're' trying to do 1s establtsh a whoh: n e w l y-p-e o ( relationship " T hal kind of ec·onom1t· framework has becn under d 1sc u ss1on b v w es t ern foreign m i n ister s Th <.' a dm 1 n 1strat1 on acknowledges that ll 1s an elusive goal. given th<.' d i ffe r in g phllosoph1c-s a nd conccrni. of American allies ''At whal point 111 time do you say you don't trade at all. or you have open trade. or you have subsidized I rade or no s ubsidized trade?" th£' official asked. "How do you t rea\. these people? I think that's the question they're addressing rather than the narrow focu!. ... of what we should do about the pipeline " T h e admin1s trat1o n trade sanctions d eal with t e ch n o l ogy a n d e qu ipment r o r th(' 3,700-mile natural gab p i p eli n e the S ov iet Union is building from S ibe ri a to western Euro p e . P resident R eaga n 1mp osrd sanc t ions on A merican expor t of supplies for the pipeline last December. and stiffe ned them 1n J une. ~ THI ~. "~'!:! All CDMDmOl•IO to&.M WATll lllAT- IAfMIOOM ~-1' le )1701 ........ ~ li.1a 11 y-Door fC11111ore -y.,.. w .. 1 cmTA MISA 641-1289 ,,,......,.........,., ..... VIUO 495-0401 1"22 ~ c.,1 •1•• It. .... ._..,, .. A.-y ~.) Super Saturday Sala Huntington Center'• one doy sole with wper JOV•nQ• of 2~o/o to 7.50/o Oct. 23. ) Tri t fOU>llKi MlTALOWllS WfTH !MlO ffl,A>fll ff N!Stl(S ({)frl[ Jl'{Al/MltTY Cf ([)lf)JU RffJ 119f, +/54 9; flUl/Ji.f .MTtSTj .r---.::;;=...> LAMP Of 11tAVY 5fOT OIW ftflKJ LAMP f't.."15TtC. ttAS A ~38 J:l.R. 6L05SY 5ltA« ~ .vv Wffrl A fW'.lJ) mMttL f/N/511 IN WHITE ()'{ f>W.K Mu 5995 fOLOIMJ Mt TAL OIAIR5 STUDIO wcvm 5!ATION $28.M /}J[)()(MJ AlfTiSTJ WILL f1ND tvlP.rTrllf¥J Ttltr N{tD IN Tti/5 {)VIW5Ll fJASTil MWY ft/I! Of CM YON 5 foMll.Kt./1.5 WAT[ll. liXo~51~A ~AJIVT Bfl.UStt MO MUfll. $/QtJfJ EA. +1$+2.ei) R.t(J 8 95 Save 30% On AH Drafting Tables a nd Stools If \,'Oll ll' hl:.'adt'd l)(K k lu thl' dtau.1119l:x 1(.lfd ~It 1p b) AclfcJll Bn;thl:.'r~ first for tncre<libl. lov.-pnc~~ on tud10 fum1sh1ng~ w~ have high quabty drafting tablec, and ~1oob for 30''<• off the regular pnce You'll find an a~sonm~nt o f ad1us1ablc drafnng 1abl1:1 wuh \t.oodcn and KOLORING /<.AN(JAROO /f..ADDr $4:88 MEMO PAD ~2f> ADDflES') IJOOI< 11.38 CHUf'..X Y MEMO fAD $ 3.~ !>lt1el bd~S Regulilrh .. pncl!c.l at 44 l)~ 499 l)[, Aaron Brothers A RKn IJ1..4Cr. S pecial $31.47 -$349. 97. Pack the pl!rl(!C1 ':11<>,>I frc 1m our '*1k>l VYflOfX.N STANO tfrm of :,\A.l\'el and non-SIA Ivel SlooJi;, and pair 11 IA1ih Th(f"1.,..a=-~-,....,)r-1---"'iBH.•Pl~'l'llDW'!R:-f71t vour choic~ Regular!~ pnct?d I'll 7 (JI) 19<J q c> Aaron Brothers IXCOP.ATiVt S nocial $5.57 -$139.97. FANCY 511/N'f .--M4SS Assortment vanes from -,tore tu .,ton.' Rt.u 6 95 (JCt[) ~ 51L V{fi. lJAMfJOO • l.1X»1 ffl.A/v1[ Wtrtf 1 • MOULDINO AND CiJA SS AND /jA(ft.JN(J IN 9 51ll5 5~7" R[(r 695 GTrltft. f.MMP/..t5 BXKJ"flt(r 995 $6."8 111 14 Rf(J 1+95 $9.88 !Jf?.A55 f AN WI frl fTAND $2.98 11/fJNUfJ/'fT A PlJOlltf WfTH A ({)UN()'t fAJNTt.D ORIENTAL WALL fAN ~&XJ~::e ~ $12.88 WIOE RftJ 1995 fflOftSSJOWil M7iS13' 5fflA1'.S f~ flf"511/Nf1 lfW'TS, M()(jf(Tif/(J PlfJTOJ NID VAIW/511/N(J ~INJllJ oz (ilM fl.f6 z f'J- 519 !JAMIJOO ~T IWJ<. $ / 2.88 ~Off STUDIO 'A"AtRQ50L5 $125-$2.60 Ru5TIC C'tAMf'L; 5x;"$B.68 Dt5KJNtR E!AM~ 5Xl"$468 FRAME 6UA/WJil.t If Wl'M. (}(JT OF Trlf fRAloltl ~ll YOU Ntfl) Pl(}'{ A FPolW'{ a= fGUAL ~ (j/l.fATlfi VAJ.L(. A;V) Wtff. (JtVf '(OU Trlt 54/Vtt {)()a.AR DISlOIJNT A5 THt AOVEfmsto FRAME 30% Off fAJ.f. TTt fW/Vt5 $1.81 -H.54 5T/JlJWJU. STDP.A6l OIN Of 5TlllfDY WHfll f'l.A.IT~ C/l.f.41t5 Y'Ail IN YOU!f llD.5lT, CA81/'fl T ~ 5TtJOIO IUIO'n" /l,f(j' J Z9 STACXINU 5TOIWJ[ fJ/N $2.613 WOOO 5TAIN $ J.lJ8 Aaron Brothers Art Marts 1:B=z ,.. HUNTINGTON BEACH 7470 Edinger Ave./Open MON.-FRI . 10·9, SAT. & SUN. 10·6 COSTA MESA 1714 Newport Blvd. /Open MON.-FRI. 9-9, SAT. & SUN. 10·6 SANTA ANA 2911 S. Bristol St./Open MON.-FRI. 10-91 SAT. & SUN. 10·6 No Mo•I 01 'none Ocde" 11911'11 llm1l•d to siock on Hond "" Items h cepl Frames on Sole lhtu lhu" NOY ' Oronge Co 11 DAILY PILOT I f rlday, October 22 1082 A 7 ,~\ '''"'\~ Don't fall .for get-rich-quick distributorship ~ By PAT tlOllOWITZ 01 IM Oattr ftltol Itel! 1>1-: A u H 1-: A n 1·: 1< s 1\1 11 1 1 1 1, , , 1 ltlstribul11r:o.h1p M lwrn1·, 1'>1111111111· 111 p1 ,., Ill"'" lllf'IW llUllll1t•1 :0. o l 11111\ll"llC'l'llllt: 1 lll"Ullll'I' lookinK for 1•i..1rn 1111·01111., .n,·111 d111g 111 11w l1 S l'ostul S1•rv1v1· t 'o11 ... 1·1pw111ly, 111.111v 1t•-.11IP11h of Wl'Nll'"" st.it~·' ,111· 11111 •>11h l1"111g 111111wv. but nlso ar1 • l"M·111..i 1·111·nu1.,11.wd \11 p111 l11 q1:it1· 111 unluw(ul a1·11v1ltt•i. lll1·g11 I d1i.tr1hu1ni-.h1p:-. 11111·1.111· 1111 1111· "p y r11m1d " 11wlh11d . \\ hH h ,., 1111•11·1\ .1 soph1s t1<'al1•d di.1111 11·111·1 Tlw 11111111111 .. 1 s mail -urd1•1 s11l1l 1t.1111111-. "111 111·\\ 'l'·lfH 1 guards due Two laws Ul'S•Knt'<l to prot.ect ch1lct1 t•n rui1ng 111 m otor veh1d1•::. will become eCfe<:llve Jan I . 1983. said Gkn C:r.11~. Hi ghwa y Pat rol c.'Ommissioner One law bars d11ldrt•11 under 13 from ndtng 111 the backs o f ll'Ul'ks. with some extepllons, and the other requ1rt•s young children to b l' sct.•u t'l·d with an approwd 1:htld restraint whl'n nd1n~ 111 a vehicle owned b v thru- parent or guardian Unde r the new law. C raig said. youngsH•ri. under 13 mav nut nd1.• m the bac k of an O IH'll truck. such as a pu:kup. u·nl ess the y ar C' accompanic.'CJ by .;., adult or the c:a r go s p<1l't• I!> enclosed lo a hl'1~ht of ·Hi inches or mo rt'. or tlw chi Id IS Sel'U rc>cl l\J I he· vehicle so hl' 1.:annot b<' thrown out. The c hlld n ·st ra1n1 m easure applies to ' anyon e transpo rt 1ng " youngster who 1s undt>1 four o r weighs lc•s...; than 40 pounds. Parents or guard1.in::. must make ::.un• thl·1r y o u n g s t e r s r 1 d 1· 1 n approved c hild rl'Slrain t devices. whether in their cars or in the cari. uf o t h e r s P C' o p I t' trans p orting ch tlcl 11.·n her than t.b~.r QWJ) al.so must secure them m th(• approved d evices Peace o ffin•rs m a\ stop any vehidt> wh1dl appears lo be carrying a -....-<..-.·-1--n I c; unrestrained. Craig ..a1d Reunion planned The Un1 vers1tv o l Southern Call f orn1<1 Class of ·57 will hold its 25th reunion tonight and Saturday. Oct. 22 and ~:i F estivities will mcludl' a no-host t..'OCktatl party, a pi c n i c I u n 1.· h '' n Saturd ay , US··, Homecoming Day ant.I the USC vs Oregon State h omecoming football game For reservation s or informallo n . C'all Toni Short at (213) 743-298:3 Graduated Airman David D Wright, son of Donavan C . and C harlo tte C Wright of 7702 Everest Circ l e, Huntington Beach, has graduate d from the U.S . Air Force food services course at Lowry Air F orce Base -· -- ~ -- >-· : :3 -~ .ul\ I 111'1 1111 1111' 11111 I 1111~1 1',1111111~: ... 1111 111,11 k1 ll11~ 1h1 ·11 111rnl111 h 1t1111u~h 111ulllph d1,111hut111 -. lo k1-c•p tlu 1'11.1111 1111.11·1 t '1111\lJllll'I" 11111•11 t.111 Ill 11•;d11.1• 1111•11 111 v .. s tnw11 1"' l'a1111111 h1• n ·1·11urw ct f'11:-.1 Iv 1>1•,plll· 1111· hvpl' 111 lht• s11 l1·:-; p1t1'11, 1!)1• p1·udu1·h (ho11k1'. tH.'11i. 111 111u11vat11111al 1·u11."it'lt1· I.If)\''>) lli.u,ilh ,111 • 11111 ll 111,t l'kl•tlll~ MIC'l'l'SS Pn111u111·11. 111111 .. 1 111 1lw n1 u luply111g l'fft'l'l 111 1111· plan 1h.11 wilt r1•11 p luri;:<: profits ll 11Wl'\'1•1, 11 1i. th1-. samt· l'rft•\'I wh1rh 111.ath1•11 1.1111·allv 1·lt111111.111•s 11111i.1 frrn11 n ·nl11ang .111 \' pt Pl 11 Tlw pn 1gn·...,.., 111 u d1a111 ur pyramid "'h 1·nw 1., so rap1tl 1h:1t the• numbPr o t - I~ -- -~ ~1v • I JJ.JI u1·1p.111ts wh11 will 1<J11l11nw 1'11· 1 h.1111 1,~ lwtom111" "dti.11 il1u l111 '" 1., '""" 1•xh.1us l1 ·1l 1 •.• 11·1 lllVt'!lltJli. 11'\'l'IVI' 1111 lllC Olli(' (rw11 11 ... "!Jui.Im·~." 1ni.11·11d tli1·v 1>1'\·111111 · lrn.1 ·1' 1''11rtun11t1·lv. 1114·11· .itt w:11 111111< "~"' ,,, ht· Ip ('ll tlSU llll'I s d1 ,111 1g111 s h 1111 j.t.il d1slrlhutursh1p lll 111•1111·' It 11111 lq~111111.1l1 pl.111s wl11d1 r1•lv 1111 lhl' lt.11 d w111 k .11111 -.alto, v11lwrn of 1nd1 v1duul11 til ull l1·v1•h. Wa1d1 n1i 1 f•11 prorrusr·:o. of ..,11l~o;ta11t111I 1·11111111g:. with Iii 11 .. 111 110 t•Cfort ~111d OVl 'I 1·111ph11'1' •Jll tlll' s11l1·-. Iii d1s trtbuto rslr1p:c l'alh1·1 1h,111 llll' ... ti• ol .1 parl11·ulur pro<lul'l Thl' post.ti M·r v11·1• w.1r11.., 1 un:.111111·1' --~ -- = ------ ... ' r FREE! Doll Show Sale and tree into chnic this Sat. & Sun. Oct 23 & 24. Collectors & unusual dolls. accessories and houses Huntington Center Mall. 405 Fwy & Beach Blvd .. H B Halloween Parade • We've landed another new Aaron Brothers Art Marts at 2911 S Bristol St in Santa Ana. And to help us celebrate, our Orange County stores in. Whittier. Anaheim. Santa A na. Orange. Costa Mesa. Huntington Beach. Laguna Beach, and El Toro are all joining in by reducing prices on selected frames, art supplies. and home decorator items. For the first 3 days of our Grand Opening. beginning Friday. Qc. tober 22nd. our newest Aaron Brothers Art Marts at 291 1 S. Bristol St. will be gjving free LCD penwatches and canvas Aarort Brothers sports bags to the first 100 customers to visit our store each day. (Umlt one free glh per family please.) And no purchase is necessary. Your choice while selection lasts. I ~ l1111Jll1g II• I'•"" 111 1111 .111111h1 I I •"V w,1\ II• 1 I\ II''> ll1.11 'ii 1l •;ou111I' loo Hood tu Ix 11 u1 II pr11IJ.JIJI v I!> • I'm.a.JI l 'UNl<Jllll'I s <;UllJ'4'l'llll•I 111ael 11 .11iu "hc111ld 11v1111 11 111 ttw11 1111 .11 l"'''"'·•l'>t•·t ftl Jlll~!,tl 111:0.fH't lul'-. • (i11t .1 jJllJ/i/1 ·111'' '/'h1·t1 \\/llt• tu •1 J1,1f l/11111w11.-J '.111111/nir11·tl 1.11><· - 1-tc•lf1111: 1h1· ""''~'-''"' .1111/ .w111111 y 1111 -/11•1•1/ I ll !'>11/1•1• l/ll'l/IJl/11•.\ Ill 1(11\11 '/'/l/lll'/ll .1111/ /1(1\l/ll'."' /\l.11/ \'11(1/ l/Ul'\l/1>11.\ 111 f>.11 ll111111111.-, 1\1 }'rn11 S1·11•11·1., <>1.1111-t1 < ""'"' J).11/.., l-'1/01 , JJ <J /Jo., 1:1/ill. C ·,,,,,,, M1-:..1, < 'A !l:!li:.!ti -------- = =- ,-~- - . .: -- ' I ' Z911 S. Bristol St. at Setientrom • ... ck• _ .. , •• ..... 11 c-•• Pl•••· .. ,..... fr•• ... , In .. .... Ane ·: Costu mt' contest at Huntington Center Oct. 25 & 26. Age~ 1 thru 5 ol 31 1 S Mon. and oges 6 thrv 12 at 6 15 un Tul!s Also tnck or tr eot o n the moll Oc 1 79 and Goblin 1~\t1v(ll oil Oct j So take off to the Aaron Brothers Art Marts nearest r2[) Aaron Brothers Art Marts you and join in our Grand Opening Celebration. ~ • '29 & 30 P1f L. up "h1•clultl "' mall I 1\8 Bottle deposit pla11 makes a lot of en ' e It ,.., d 1ft1n1lt lo u11 dl'l'-.t.111d whv lhl· w..t1•n:-.1l>lv 1 \·,1-.1111.thll· ~u~ii ol rl•m11vmg full\ 11111· 1l11rd 111 :di lr111·1 lro111 l'.1lr£orlll.I 111.ulw.1v-. \\ uulcl 1•M'1l1• mass hv:.tl·r 1.1 B111 Proposition 11 ha:-. hrnugh1 11111 1·0 11s 1•rv11tiu111:-.ts :1 11d liottl1ng l 'lllll}Klllll'I-Ill .I p1td11•d h:11ll1· ol l'l\l'lOI It' l'r11pos1t11111 11 would 11·1111111• ,l 11111111nurn !) I'\ ·n 1 d1 ·po...i l WI ht 'I 'I and sui t drink 1·1rnl\J111t•r s . .in 11H·11nt1v1• that would t'11s un· n •tun1 r.1tlwr than drM·ard St.1tt• $1•11 On11.•r Hains lrll'd to gl't tlw brll µ<1ss1•d h y thl' Lq~1slt1lun•. hut lhl' lubbv of bn•wt•r:.. hot t 11 ·1~ .111d gnx·t·rs s tup1.x:d tlw 1111tia11v1• fl;11 So tht· dt•c t srnn n ·st s "' 11h C:.ilrfurrnans Opporwnts o f Pr11pvs11111n 11 ha\'(.• l'rllll'IZt•d lht• Oll'tlSUrt• 1111 •• numbt•r o f grounds . Th1·y da1m Calrfornia aln .. ady has a s u1·n·ssful r 1· l' y L' I 1 n g p r o g r a m . i:I n d Propos1tt011 l l would rl'sull 111 ,, rwt loss o f JObs in tht· s tate <1s J f'l'SU!t of the death of thos1· programs Tht.1 y c.tlso l'la1m l'Un SU llll'I' l'OSl" wrll lnl'f'('i.ISl', and .1 number o f rodio and T V :.id~ h m·t• r aised th<.' s pecl e r of r:.impanl rui:lcht's and r ats in lht• bat'k rooms of gr0t·1·ry stor('s w he•rt• t hl• b<H t lt ., will be ston-d Thl· fat:ts of thl• rnatt1.·r an·. hOWC'Vt!r . l hctl m lhC' SIX s l<ltt·s thill a I r l'<.1 d v h a v c I a w s s 1 m 1 I a r I o Pro pt>sriuin 11 on th1· books. th1•s1• 1.hn· n:sulls havt· n u t prm·1·d out Th I ( ••• I l I II,. II I .. " t ;1 l I' lt-g1s l.1t1 v 1• .111.d vsl ... 111d11·d th1• h11t11t · l.1\\ -.1.111 •:-',111d 111111111 1111 ,11· th.111 !Ill fll'll'l'lll 11 1 11111111 lnr d1•111"1t tu1ltll--. ,111• 11 ·1 vd1·d 111 .. d d 11 111 11 . 1 n 11 t .11111 • 1 I ; 11 v r I 1 .. s dn1ppt'd l1v 110 p1·n·1·111. .1111111v1·r;rll l1tt1·r 11\ .IO 111•11.·1·111 Tlt:ir ·.., a pr I'! I' g•" ~I n '\ 111 d \\'1111!• ll IS ll'lh tlt.11 -.1111w JOii.., \\ tll Ii<' 111 ... 1 111 th1· 1n.11111l:wtun· 111 110 dqm:-.11. 1111 rl'lurn n mt;1111l·rs. ut hl'r' \\ ti I lw g: 11 rwd 111 t lw n • t 11 r11 .111d 1 ll'.•lllllg 111d11sll'v 111 ;1dd1lu111 , lht• llll'l'l'.1..,l'll l'llSI:-. Ill C(lllSUl\ll'rS .111d tl11· 11111.'(·a.-.1 I 1ltlt 111 gmn·ry ..,ton·s h.1v1• 1111l lum1· 111 p;1ss 111 h11ttl1· hrll s t01l1•s A s Wt• s la lt•d ht•l t1 l'I'. th1· 111;1,1or n •sult Ill th11s1· "tale·s has b1·e·n ;1 niark1•d d 1 ... ·1e .. 1si· 111 ltttt·r In .1cld1t11111. savmgs ot mawnab .111d 1·1w1 g~· 111 thl· manufacturt• of n11 d1·posit. no-return C'on ta1nl•rs h: 1 \'1 • a lso bl•t ·11 t'l'l'tll'd1 ·d It wou IJ c.1µp1.•<.1 1 tlt1· h1.·111.·f1t s uf this pro p nsr tl1J1\ f.11 11t1 t "''1·1gh any n11nw· dr;I\\ h.1l ks f t Is 11 ll I 111 l U 11 .. 1 t I.' I h ,ll a nw:1.,.urv .. mh .1s this. wlmh polls -.h o\.\ lt;is till' 11\'1•rwhl·lm111g h ,1 l' k 1 n g 11 I t h 1 • p 1 • n p I l' 11 t l'.illl11rn1<1. mus t lw p;1.,s\·d h y 111111.111v1· It •~ " -. .. d 1·1ur11n1·nt II fl l h I ' \\' I' ;i k JI l' ' ' tJ f 11 U I L1·g1s lallll'l' <11HI lht· q11•11gth u l tlw lobhw-. Al .in~ r.1tt'. thl' Da ily Pilot recomme nds a YES vo te on Proposition 11. Prop. 7 unnecessary l.J11 1H·l'1·-.s.1r\ .111d unta11 Th<Jt 's lhl' w;1y wt'· se·<· P r 111x1s1 tu111 7. w h 1 I' h '' 11 u Id <.1 u l ho r 111 1 lw L c• g 1 ~I~' l u 1 1· I o 1·11 at' I .1 b 1 II c.·xc.•mpltn g ttw 1nstal lat1011 nt I 111 alarms anJ t rn· sprrnklt•r -.y-.t1·111., f r o m t h c· p r o p c.• 1 t \ 1 a ' rC'asses:.mt•nt pro\ 1s111n-. 1if Propos1 u on l :3 The mC'as ure w o uld mod1fv th(' "rww 1·on struc t1on" pro\'tsttm-. of the proix•rty tc.tx law so that t 111 s prinklers a nd :dnrm "YS h ·m-. would n u t bt· l'<>n s rdv r t·tl n1•\\ 1· on s t r u 1: 11 o n and s u I 1J1 l' l 111 r eassessmt•nt unll:'ss thosL· -.y-.l\·rn~ sp<.-c1 f rca ll y an· rl'<.jU 1 rL·tl by l.1 .. , < 11 l<X'al--o«J I RO llt't-- W ht• n an afll-c·tt·d prupl 11 \ w ould bt· sold. howt·vt.•r. rt w11uld be appra1sl'd c.tt its lull mark<'t valu<'. including the valut• add1·d b v e 1 l h (' r th l' f 1 re• .ti a r rn 01 s pnnkler system The meas ure. pmposl'd and writte n by our own As..•wmblyman N o lan Frizw lle. R -Hunt1ngto 11 Beach. rs intc•nded to indu<:L• thost· who re model a building lo m stall a dequate frre safety systt.•m:::. W e think Lhe mt-<.1sun· 1:- unneccssarv bl'c~us<' 11 1s \C'l another excmplton that voters ·a rc· being as ked to pass in ordN tu mak e l978's tax t·uttrng Propos1llon 13 m ore l.'qUllable. While> the goal u t fire safety . m and o f 1L•wlf. is laudable rndl•t'<.I . l1utld111g ..,LH h " sp1·11111 • ,,.e p 111111 111tu Pr upci-.111011 1 :{ d1~·-.11 l 'l't'll1 t11 he tl11• \\;1\ 111 .itldr l''" th1 · fll t1lil1·111 It l'r11pos1111111 I:{ ,.., 11n11t·rll·e·1 .ind I l'ljl.llt't'' :1dju-.11111 111 , 111;1~1><· 11 ..,houltl Ix· I \'\'l'>vcl 1111 .1 \\ lt11l1·-..1h- b.isis I I not lt·t tl -.t.111d An~ d i...l·u:-.s11111 of r"v1s111g Propos1t1 o n 1 :~. 11 M't•ms 111 us. -.hou ld .1dd r 1•-..., till h1 ~t 1J1 1 1· n1l·.isurl'·.., u •rHrLil 11wqu;d1tv That o\\ 1wr:-. ol 1c.il-nt1c.il hum1.·:-. u l cqu.!I v.tlu1· -.11u,1tt·cl 11< i-t cl11111 lo 11n1· .nwtlwr n1uld he· ,,.,,ti .11 \' • ...,t Iv d If I l'I mg r .it' . .., d1 ·111 11d 111g u p1111 whl·n th1• h111111·s \\'t n · pun has('cl _ \\'1· th111k l.Jr11p11"1t11111 i ,also 1s unt.111 h1·<..1u-.1· 11 1-. d1·..,.gn1·d 111 lx•111•I 11 th1 II·\\ .ind llt1l 1111· 111,111\ Th t· 1.1 )1. -.:1\1111-( 1t v.11ui'cl prO\'ld<· IS .111rn ·d ;at . IJU..,11\l'..,~ .elld those· \\'l"lltln 1•nouglt 111 :tllord c11mm1·n1td p1op«rt\ It will h:1v<· l1t1le e•fl1tl Ill\ lht• ,1\\'l;lj.{I' r < stdt•n LI.ti pr111x ·rt\. II\\ rw1 \.\'hv s h11uld hus1111·..,~ la· 'I I f (J I d 0 (. d t h I s .., p I ' l I ,1 I l d x 1•x 1·mµt111 11 " Thi· .in"" 1•1 . w1 · h1·lll'\'l', IS th.al II -.h11uld not . c.·spt't'l,illv \\ h1 •11 Lh1 · .wlu,d -..1\·111gs th e n1t'J°'lllll' v.11uld JHt1\·1 d1· probahlv \\ 11uld 11111 bt l;irgt· C'n o ugh to 1ndun· tlw ow1wrs of <.'Ommc•n ·r.il prop<>rl \ lo install frr 1• so fC'tv dc•vtt·t•s thev du nut hav1• a ln•ady · We ur ge a 7'0 \<Ote on Propos ition 7. Lake Tahoe worth saving I I It's hard to to p Mark Twain s first. impr<.'ssron of La ke Tahoe <•s w r itten m "Roughing It" -"a noble s h eet of blue wate r with tlw s had ows o f t h e mountains brilliantly phutographt•d upon rls urfac:e " It's even harde r tu rmagirw t h is magn1f1cent st.·t•nit• rcsourt(.• being contamin a ted o r ruined. Y et. erosion ra tes have risen lO-fold over n atur al levels m JUSt tht• pas t two years With out s trong s afeguards. the evidence s h o w s Lake T a h OC' will lose rts cla rity rn 40 years. • Proposition 4 is a n $85 mrlho n bond issue to ftnanc.-c aequ1s1tion of 5.000 pa rcels o f private land in the• most fragile ecological areas on thl' California s ide of t ht' la k e . I t s passage would extC'nd fC'der::.il r estrict ions o n res1dt•ntial and t•ommerrial g rowth rn lh<' Taho1• basin. Public purchaS<' of t ht•sc lots. nil in thP watershed art•a, woukl • s low thl' thn·alt·nrng flow o f scd1mC'nl l h <.it 1s rL·s po ns1bk tor the pn>l1fc•r;it1on of algm• that 1s s t•r1 o u s l y d1m1n1 s h1ng watt•r quality In I !-IHll a s1m1la r bond rssul• lost bv onlv 178.0011 volt'S o ut of 7.5 million c:as l Th;1l llll'CISlff(' lost 111 all SouthC'rn Ccilif11rn1a t•ounltC's (•xc·<:>pl Sant.1 Barhnr:i although manv llf the• lake··.., :.!:.! million annual "'"''tor-. lf)ITit' lrom thrs arc•a Thi• pr 11p11 -.1·d protc·c·t1ons w o uld c·os l L•:.id1 C <ilifo r111an :rn l'l'nt~ pPr yl'ar In thr" posl Propos1 lwn I :i-<•r.J. pro lt •1 ·t mn of Lake· T11h()(• rs IX'vond the• ni('ans of loc·:il g ovt•rnment Thi· 1ssut•s t•rnbod11•d 1n Propos1t1on 4 nn· pro t('(·t1on of :1 Sl'C'nt<: rt•sourc.·c· .ind fnrr trl'alml•nt <> f p r· n p c.• r l y o w n l ' r s b y govPrnm<:>n l Wt· ..,up port t hes1· prrnc1p l1•s and l'IH'ourn~1· :1 ye!' vote on Proposition 4. Opinions Hpressed 1n the spate aoove are those of the Oatly Pilot. Other vtews l!X pressed on ttils page are those of their authors and art •Sl '!I Reader comment is 1nv1t ed. Address The Daily Pilot. P 0 . Box ISbO, Costa Mesa. CA 92626 Phonl' \1141 6'2·4'21. ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat •uo11\ftf'd •••~, 6'1t ot ,,,. t••' •' n o w.,, lt•• '\t ,., •• ,,,,,, ... A.didt~\ ,.,,.,~"'· '" "-• IWI c ... 1.Mou CA•1•1- • Thoma• P. Haley p I ihl'• Jan• Amari r ·~· ••• , l l·•t.» lorboro Kr•lbl<h I 11 r Poll" l,f,tUf Thomo1 M<Conn ~ 1()....., l<l·•O< - ~-" \\~IA\ t\\t I ttlt" ,, "" ~· .. ' ft ... I · M bif .. ' • 'Inspection' trips probed WASlllNGTON -Offrl'ials al lhl· Navy Pubhc:rnons and Printing Service• lwadquarl(•rs m W ashington may ~ rn hol waa•r for commissioning paintings of "u l'h c-xolll' unoff1l'1al s ubjec·ll> a s tandsc:a(X•:.. wildlife. a bullf1ghwr and t•ven a tx·ltv darwt·r. It's not JUst this a bust• l)f Navy cirtrsts' time.· am.I lult•nt. whit·h I first d1sd 11sed last July, that has L'aught the allenllon of th1• Nav.11 lnvt·strgallv<· &•rv1l·e Nor ll> rl JllSI tht· n sponsc• of lh1· printmg-scrv11.'t:.· br cis~ th1·Y w 1•111 to t:>xtraordinary l1·ngth:. 111 1d1·n11fy my <;oun·es instead of n 1rn·t.·t1ng tlw abust•s that has lhl· N.1v~ 1nvl•st1gat11rs nosing around THEY 'RE ALSO l ht·l·k1ng int o qu1 .... 11011.1bh .111·ou11lrn$! pral llCl'S lh:tt rnspt.. >t't111 s d 1St'11v1 •r('(f as l'arly as I Y78 N..iv' s11un ·1·s told my assoc·iate~ J ohn Dllh~n antl l>1111:ild lfoldhl·rg that the· It• d g l ' r' J t I II t• pr I n l 1 n g -s (' r v I C l' hl·..idqu;\rt1·1-. Wl•rc• in such hopC.ll'SS d1sarr.1\' th.1l brdnt:h offr t·<•s maintaint>d thc·ir t;,\ n i.l'ts o f books 111 hopes o f kt't·prng thl· JL'l.'ounts s trail(ht Pnnting-sc•rv•<.'<' management d1rl'Ctor Jarnrs Ch e rny and program - m.1n;.ig1 ·ml·rn ho-.~ Hay Vandemark Jr cn' L ~uckin~ a 1 ound Lo r ac-e the-music Th1·y'r1· taking off on wrdC'-ranging ·1n!>pl•t·t1 on" trips that unt·harrtabl<' tJhs.•rvt•r-s m1.:h t n 1 II JUnk<'Ll.. C h l' r n ) · ~ g r a n d Eu r tJ pl' an lo u r 1rn ludl''> ~to~ at sut·h important n:.ivJI f:tcilrt1cs as Franklurt, He11frlbi:rg dnd Munich (when· Oktolwrfrst 1s 1n full swing) The schl·dult· also 111t'lud1·-. Naples . Rome, Madrid and Londo11 G ovPrnm('nt Prsnt1n~ orr1u· t.'hll'I __ G. ~ JICI llDIRSON Danforth Sawyer . rnt·1dl·nLalty, d<'<·l1111•tl an invrwtion tu l.dkl· an c·..irlwr v1·r~1on of the lnp on grounds that 11 wu~ a wasl1· 11f taxpayns' money · · Cost 1:-. c·v1dt·nLl v u l no tvnu•rn lo Ch<.'rny. though lntt·rnal Navv c.ibl1-s show he.· ·~ lravl'lrng rr.-.;t-cabsn· all lht· way Om· cablt• Sl'ts lht· tone .. "l-h·qu1·sl Strand Palat.'C' Hotc·I 1r1 L.mdon H1-qu1•s l Spt.'<'ral s..•rvwc· t·ar und dn vc·r while· 1n Germany All <•rrangc·ml'nL-. .Jr1· fur VIP and D1plomat1c.· pt·rsonnel " And while Chornv ordt·rNI tloubt1· rooms for hrms l.'I ( at t ht· v;1r1ou s s topovers, s t affc•rs from lht• J1J1n1 C o mm1ll£'t• on Pr1nt1ng wh1J .in• accompanying him art· making d1> wnh smglc rooms. Meanwhile, Vandc1mJrk 's st ht-d uh ,.., takrng him to the far rC'al·he·~ 1Jf thl' Pacific LO msp«·t µrintmg fal'llillt·s un board ships. Thl· stopovPrs rnducll· San D1C'go. Honolulu. Tokyo <ind Y•1ko~uka . the Ph1li~r•nt'!> L'llY of San Miguel and Cu ~1m l' tvok :.rmllar JU nkl'lS, 111t·1d1•n1<1I y, 1n l!HW and 1981 In an mlerrual m('mo. VancJc•rmtrk gave <.c. <mt· of the primary purpo:.c.~ of hlS tur rt·nl trip an 1ns pt·1.·11on o f the d1.•tt•n11rat1ng pnnl s hop aboard the.• USS Midway Vande·m<1rk desc·nbl.'d the t·arr11·1 ·, pr1n1111g fat·tlrty a s "1n :-h&mblt...," 8 T HE ALSO nutl'<i, "Unfortunately. thf· Midway will Ix• dc.·ployl'Cl durrng my v1~rt lo Yokosuka." In othc-r words. the ship and its crumbling print shop will be far nut lo Sl'a whl'n Vandemark s wings b~ lit· rt·porlt-dly pl.1rn. to br1l·r another prmtrng ~pt."<·1ah:.t . who will make the m!>pc'<.'ll<>n whc•n thl· Mrdwav rc·turns to port · . I n tlw mr>m11 Juq1fy1ng tht• trip. \ ;1nUl•11iark nol\'<l th:,1 the Midway "has nut bt•1.•11 v1~1l1·d b~ fpnnung st•rvrce uff1e1Jb) for m l'Xt'\':-..'> of c-1ghl yt-ars and 11·~ tinw that Wl· g<·t Jboard " YN other r n l (' r n a I dot' u m t• n t s s h o w r. b a t Vandt•mark was authorized to visit the M1dw.1v for a "dll l't'lor's confr•rcnt't'" m L>.. ... 1·mllf•r 1!:180 W;l...., tlw t•arr 1t·1 11ul to sea that lune too'' Vand1·mark 1s d t•Jrly havrng troubl~ making t•onm' llvrh wrth the Midway. Mayl>t· h1 • :.ho utd II\ lo gC'l the skipper tn h,1ng ..iround by off Pring hun an 011 rorlrall of a lx•lly cfon<.'t·r A president should he presidential r\ pr1· ... 11h:11t o f Thi• United State~ ought 1t1 he pn-srdc•nuat You can't be pn•s1tl1•nt1al 1f you·n · alway$ trying to hu~llL· vutt·:-. for vourM·lf or someone else c.;1'1t1ng 1·lt'('tl'<I ·or hl•lpmg someonl· else 1-(<'I 1•h'(·tc·d 1s d"ml·aning work No one lovks good doing any of 11, and the pn~1dt'nt 'hould stcJy away from 1t unut h1• ••b ... olull·t~ ha:. to do 11 to gC't re- lll't ll'<:l h1ms1·1f Wlwn .i pn•s1de•nl i(O('s on televrsron pn·tl'ndmg lo lx· pr1•s1dl•nl when h C''s aC't ually campaigning. 11 makes him se<>m lt'S.'i important We want an important prl'sldC'nl WhC'n a president goes by hl•hcoptl•r lo TaL·k y town. U.S A. to appc·ar at J rally for a local candidate. ht' rC'du1.·c:. h1ms,·lf to thC' IC'vc.•I nf the local poh m ·1;1 n A POLITI AL t>ndorsc•m<'nl bv thl' prC's1dt•n1 is a bout .is muc·h from thC' hcarL ~ a Sank.a <.'Ommerc1al by Robt.>rt Young Thl.'y both want to tx• paid for tht>rr l'ndorst•mcnts Robert Young gets hi:-in l·ash The president hopes to get his wht•n lhC' l'and1dale wins and then !>Upporl:-his programs rn Congr~ It Just S<'<'ms as though a prC'Srdenl should tw abow all this W e all understand that a lot of l·amp<1ign oratory rs Just balon<'y We• know th<' people running for off1c-e d on 't rc•allv nwai1 1l and we · fur g1vt• them. but w1· 1 an't forg1vl' an e•li'<·lL•<l prC'Sld<'nt who Sil·~ down frum hi:. lortv pos111 on 1n thl• Wh1w H ouse• tu l'llg.1gl• m pelly pollllt'S I~' -IND-Y-RO-ONf-Y -4 None of u s knows or tarC'S what th1· Vlt"(' prc:.rdc•nt dCX's most of lhC' t111w Wl• know he's busy but we· don't know with what Tht• prestdl'nt !>hould appoint his Vtt'l' pn•srde nl to ~o to Tack y t own, U .S A . and make· th thinly VC'llC'd pohl1l'al SfX-t:ChC'S on ll•lt·VISIOl1 and radm for him WC' l'XJX'CI our pr~1dc•nt to bt• a lx·ltl'r man than hl' was as a candldat1• Wl' expC'Cl him lo ris<.' nhove the lrtl·kv half-truths he• had to US(• rn his campaign s peechc>s to get h1mst•lf Pl<'CtC'd Yo u don't hear thl• queen of England getting rnvolvc'CI in party wrangles. She's regal, above tt all The 1-rown sits stcadrly on hPr head. S he isn't bobbing and we~1ving with 1L m a manne r that w ould make it fall off We don't havt• a king or a quN'n Churches need fresh • views Tlw emharras.wd minister of a church in s Wt•stl'rn city wrote lo cancel a forlhl'Omtng lecture I was S<'heduled to l("'" t hl'rr ont' spring It SCC'ms that the hoard tl1•1·1de•d ii wnntl'd no speakers SYDllY HARRIS who wt•re not "Inside" thl' church . Tu paraphrase Groul·ho Marx. 1 would not c11rc to bt.>long ton church that w ould not want an nutsrdl' spcakt>r, and I was Just ac; ~lud 10 l(t'l the cancellation. As tht· m1nist1•r put il, "Apparently the pc.-<>pll· in thll1 d'lurch arc lacking the first word uf the s ign . " What a church . any church o r any denomination . needs mo.1t of alt 111 an C)('C8Slon al. or even frequrnt. outside speaker to IN In 1'0mt' fresh air. Becauae the Caet i11 that you don't know what you thi nk u ntil you hear someon e who thinks dlfforcnlly from you. Th<' only way w clarify and revt~ a nd atrcn then our own bellc-f• 11 by testing th('m and weighing them qai.na\ other tx-lrl'fs A group that l'Ul-" rL.-;t'lr orf from suC'h d1aloguC' cvC'ntually l:x't.'Omcs smug and s t upid and rncapobh• u f defendm~ its own hc>lrC'fs exrcpt by dogma Ideas must t'ompC't<' rn lht• p ubl11: arena. just as athlc•tes must. 1f they arc lo remain v1t.al instead of inert. fl ex1bll• and not rigid This is what St Paul mc:mt when he cnJOinC'<i us lu "h1!ll .ill things. hold fast to that whrch 1s good " You n •:1tly don't know your own n•llgion u11t1) you n in !(ras p both lhl' slm1lnritl«s nnd the d1frert.·n1.'('S bt•tO/Pt•n it and oth<>r cret'ds. just as you do not know your own languag<' fully unlit you al least have the rud1mcnL'i or ll f11rl'tgn tongu<' EVERY CH RCH sh o uld hovl' u half dou•n ouu11t.fe Sp<'nk1•n. u )'\'llr, and as out•lde as It can grt, from Adv«nl1~ts to Zen Buddhists and bock agmn This rs not only a splendid way to wake up the rongrcgallon l\nd promote somc of thc t'CUmtnlsm wt: 1.1\lk 8bou1. but you can alto lcam 10methlnt 1t the ~mt• tlrn('. At the very leut you lt'arn a new M'l or pious platitudes: al best. you get a dcepcr dimt-nslon or the religious 1mpulM' 11nd o broad•r MJMf' or what tJ(>S u~ toaethcr. rn th•· US . but "'"' h.1v1· tht: '>dml' n('f'd for somt'llOl' whu •~ ~upt.•nor toll all The pre!>1de·n t o f lhl· U n1tC'd S tates 1s endow1•d h v all o f us w1lh a t l•rtarn ma.)(>sty thJi 1'Xl'L'l'<h his own l·haractcr cind ability. and W<' want him to use 11. Wt• tJon't want hrm to Ix• JUSl one of the hoys We-wa nt .. 011wone special W e want tu hc·ar ··Hail to the Ch11•f" played w h c• n h e t• n l t> r s l h c r o o m . n o t "Cahfom1<1. Herr I Coml• " L ast week Prt•s1dt•nt R eagan was addrt.•!>srng about 70 Republ ican c·and1dates in tht' Eds l Room of the Wh1tt1 HouStc> It was a poliucal event dC'S1gnc<d lo show tht• l'and1datcs' folks b<Jtk home that thC'V Wl're m touch with th<' Pn•s1dc.•nt. Th~· President had no soonl'r s tarh•u th:-tn o n e mave ric k R l'publ1 c an t·a nd1date s t arted interrupting his :.pN•t h and hecklrng him Tht• Pn-s1dl•n1 .is you r('<'all. told him to "Shut up'" BEING INTERRl'PTED by hecklers 1s what the Pres1dt•n1 has to. expect if he's going to rnak1• polrt1cal s~hes If he's going to grv<' 11. h<''s going to have to take 11 But "Shut up" rsn 't the kind of regal o;t.ale~manlrkc languagl' WC' want to hear from th e Pn·s1d1•nt t•\'t•n though , in th1~ l'aSt'. on that 11•\'l•I, wt• admired him for !>11 :.'mg 1 l Wl' want a prl•-.1dt•nt who speaks hc•tlt'r Jnd mon• C'Hrdully than we do oursclvt>s We want somrone lt>adrng us who opt•rat.es on :i higher levt.•I than a political pla t form provides. Wf' d on 't want him to sound thl' way we sound when we're-b1ck<:'rtnj( with our wives. our husbands nr our fL•llow workers at the offire lf PrinC'<' Andrt'w -;t:irted to explain to his mom why h1· took off to an island parad ise with on Hclrt'ss w h o had appcare<I nud<• in a film. t he queen may have said. "Shut up. Andrt'w," but s he knows what the Rrit1c;h t'Xpt'('t rrorn her S he'd nev<'r ~Y 11 out loud in public the wriv a pol1t1dai1 1n1ght GllllY Cll ltt• the• wr,\l'r worrying about oddlc\.s o f :111 k1nd11 going "bannna1" In lht' l'V<'nt of o d111011tl'r : If they ortt addlctt they already aN! bananll'I, J .C. O'""'y 0.. ~--• .,.. .._,"'4_ W ,....... __ _ _ ..... 11, ... 1ec1 ••••-•sf .... --·~.-"' fff•t .. 0"'-f ~. Ot llf 1'1191 Or1111uo (.,()Ult DAIL v PILOI /Frid y, Oc.lobor 22. 1982 9 • ANN LANO RS • I IOROSCOPE • DR. STEINCROHN /' Don't be driven to the dogs, train the moose 01'~AH ANN LANl>Ji:W.; Thrt't' 111unt l" t1M11 111\' hu.sband m\d lwo go1\li brought h•>nW .1 clot.: 'l'twy !\llld tl WlUi ,\ Dtintsh ll'rrter puppy .ind w11u ld11'1 i.:1•1 lnUl'h '"l!U(l'f /\'1$ II turns UUI , :<ht• 1:-.. <.: n •ut I ),lfH' and now, with ult four'l4 on thl· flut•1 , pl111•1•,, tw1 1 h111 o n the d1111111o( rnom tublt· Th<' l>oy~ :md Tl'<I ~Ill tlw v\J wk1• 1•0111plH1 l'hor~,. 11f Outdws." and I would11'1 t'Vl'll k1111\\ ,11, wns t1ruuntl W<•ll , ~111• 1:m'1 hnW.t.' lll ok1•n ._iml 11lll home ~111t'lls likt• a zoo. DutdW!\.'i ts i-iuppost'll 111 ht• 1•onfuw(I tu mw art•o of th1• hou"'" but sl11• w<ilks uv,·r ull tht• burr wrs and barks until I KIVl' II\ W•>•""-' yc•t, w1• livt• in a small townhou~v with ii 1~1mm1111 patio and lawn sharc-d by 11l'1ghbors Thi· hound st:ares th1•1r diildrt>n, n nd our ne ighbor~ h a vt' pt'llllorwd us tu get n d of hl!r. thn·at1·n111~ l~nart action 1C Wl' fail to at·t w11hm 30 day~ I haVl' bcggl'd m y husb.rnd° to d1 sn1Jl11w Dutt·hl>s:., but then' ht1s lx't.·n no rmp rOVl'llll'lll. I hnally smd, "Yuu'll havl· to 1·hoost• h 's lhl• dog or me" Hl• replied, "l 'rn st1l'king wtth thl' dog " Now l'vt' parntt-d myself into J t't>r111·1 and QUfflllf By PHIL INTERLANDI of. Laquna Beach • .+"-~·,. .... ,., "Who :-.:Jid a nything abuut .... 1in1 t·u1s11w" Shm's the t·ook'::. nanw ·· • HOIOSCOPE BY SIDNEY OMARA Libra: Play • • waiting ga1ne Saturday, October 23 ARIES (March 21-Aprrl I !:!/ lk t 1s 111n 1::. reached concerning businC'ss e ntl·rpn.w ur l'art'\.'I You're ready to l'Ompll•lt• one pha<.<.· of d('tl\lll." a nd to take on added resp<ms1b1lity Fix·us on stn ·ngth, universal themes and S<.'nse of drama Wat(·h L1brc1 TAU R (April 20-M<1 y 21 1} ll 1gh l1ght mdependen<:e. onginal11y, willingness to opt:n lines of communication . Set your o wn pal'e, imprint vour own style and aniuatt-(·orrcspondt•nc·<> with om· who has overseas con nl·<·trons GEMINI (May 2 1 Junt• 20J folio~ thruugh on first impression. be a ware of pNl'l'ntages. interest rates and averages. Associate who 1s 1mp<i\lt'nl, eccentric and envious wall be trapped up -know 1t. le t chips fall whe re tht•y may. Wdt('h Cam·t•r CA-NCER tJunl' 2 1-July 22). Pt•n.'t!IV<' pll'tUrl· in its entirety; get foc i of ct'ntral them(' L~:avt· detaiJs for another llmt'. For now. grasp l's.<;(•nt1als needed for growth. pral·t1cal appl1<:(Jt10n of matt•rral at hand. Gemmi. Sag11tanus natives play kt'y rulc-s LEO (July 23-Aug 22) Con cl•ntrat<· o n ~ssentials; become famrlrar wrth ha!>t(· rl-qu1rt•ml'nls and needed material Focus on chores that have been neglected. broke n prom154.·~ b.)i dl•pendents a nd a change rn employmt·nt pll'Lure VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept 22), Whot se<•m1•d out of reach w ill now become availablt' Imprint yC1ur o wn style, communicate and get idea::. on paJ>C'r Young persons are drawn to you. popularity mcrcascs-and you could wm a contest LIBRA <Sept. 23-0t·t 22) Basic d omcst"· adjustment highlighted check property. protect rights, obtam professional counsel and appraisal Some restrictions arc nC'CC.'SS3 ry and actually work In your favor Play waiting game . SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov 21 ): Element o f confusion 1s present; many peopk have suggestions, 90me are worthy but most are nebulous at best Short trip m ay be featured, rela tive an transit makes special reque1'it. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec 21). Focus o n payments, collec tions. ability to locate needed material. You'll recover what had been lost. missing or stolen. R e lati o ns h ip 1s s trengthE>nf'd . responsibility becomes evident und die ts cast CAPRICORN (l)(>c 22-Jan 19). You'll I,,(> rtd u( burden. people will be ottract.ro to you with their problcm<J. Set your own pace. dance to your own tune . Lunar position highlights lndependen<'e. creativity tmd success through dart>t·t appeals. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Fcb 18). Light Is ahed on ;1reu prev1ouwly obscured by mystery. elusiveness nnd fanlasy. You'll htave d 1rt'c,, clear glimpse tx>hlnd 1eenes. SJ)('Clal aroup. organfUltion invil.(.-s you to join. Another Aquartan figures In .-tnarlo. PISCES (Fob. 19-Ma~h 20); Intuition serve11 3!1 ...-liable guide. Snk-s ability I h lght.cnoo. Suet.oes.ci lndlcat«I in dealing with public. You'll ~goln aenac or d il'fCtlon Individual who previously '311<-d mny be envious and could attempt to feed you f olM' .lnformaUon. L:. ., ~ l dun l know whu1 tu d o My h11 .. li.1111l .md 1 l11ld1l'll d1111't 1·an· whut lhl' hc1u1.t• luok~ or 'nwlb ltk1· Tlwy do11'1 lt'l'I thll.,1\1•111"<1 IJy till' 1w1.chht11" uml t•outdn't 1.111· ll•S.'l how I (1•1•) I :11111m•d uf y1•lll11K ut tlw kldi., .ir~uing w11h my hu1'ha11d, and 11ix1luHl1111K tn my ~!Ut•:o.h ll1•lp llll'. µlt""t' IH>C: CONED IN LEX IN< ;'!'ON IH·:AR t.a::x: 'l'ht' entire burdl'n hllll fallen on you. Accl'pt It. It's not worth o divorce. Enroll the moose In an obcdlt>nn· 11t·hool and kcl her trained und under your c·ontrol. Thl' altcrnut ive is conllnued fighting, ulcers. mll(ruinl' · or lht' loony bin. DEAH ANN L/\Nl>EHS You1 w~sw1 ·r 11> "Old &>fore Mv Tinw" wa~ 11ght 1111 Yuu told h1·1 nu "om.in ~h11uld hvt• wu h u ma11 wh11 lw .1b h1 •1 MY fun• 1:< swoll(•n bl;ll'k ur1u blUl' I h;1v1• a tl'I r1 blt~ hcudtwht• ;111d m y h~ tu 1• spl11 111 1 h1't'l' ploc'Cl:I. I know IH V huslwnd ~·ould go tll Jtiil for w h;lt h(• dad tu 1111•, hlll I ,\m t)ot slrtml( eonriu~h 111 111ak1• ~ANN UNDER$ 1lw c h..ingi•:o. 11 would l:1k1· 111 g1 1 1111 · out 111 tlrn. tt·ri 1l>lt• 111.1111.1g1· K11ow111tt h1' .1wful tt•1111x•1. 11 -.i•t 111~ lidlt'I to"'" k ll 11ltt 1h.111 lo t.1k1 .1 c lh1nu· H tl w l1.it 1111ghl h.tf>JWll lo nw If I tuok Liu· kub .11111 ll'll I havt· 1111 fa1111l v 111 1111:-. l11w11 .111d 1u1 fru·mb c•l11i.1· 1·1111111(h to hl·l1} I huvt• 1w 11ic11u-y und d un't krll•W how I w uulct ll\,111,1g1• 011 111y 11w11 W1· w<•fll ,,)I monlh" ;,go 1111 l'OUlht·hng hut 11 d id 1u11<1.1od 111· Wits h;wk to 111~ oltl 1111 k" w11hm twu "t't·k~ I Ii· ~av ..... "No d1 v11ll't'. I w1111't p:1y l'hild 'llllJIJ<ll l or Jtlythang t•l::il'" I 'vi• ll H•d 111y dar 1wd1•e.I not llJ 1rnt.t11· tum, hut h~· g1·ts m.1d Ill tht -.111allt'!'>l ll1111Jo(i. ,111d ,1,11·L..., hllllng 1111· 0111· u f lh1·" d uv" I v..1 11 11111 ~1·1 m.11 1 I will Ht·I 1·v1·11 SAl.INA . K/\N MJS~;HAHl.1-. IN Oi':AH SALINA: No woman 1hould alluw h\•rself to bt-brutalltt'd. 60 back to the couostdor, alone If you must, and tell hlm or ber thut' ha11 been no prol(reo and you want out. Try the Sulvutlon Army, Family ServicH, your c lergym1rn, your doctor or the nelithbors. Someone wlll hc·lp you. I u rge m y readers to 11upport the abelteri. for hllttned women that are 11prlnglng up all over thl' <·ountry. They save lives. Please be lp to keep their doors open -and le t's open m ore. C.m drng1> ht· ;1 fri~11cl m limt• uf ~cress" II y ou Jwt·11 your lu•ucl toge1h1·r t·11n rht:Y b<• of hc·/p'' Ar1r1 Lu11clc•1., • 1ww bnokl<·t. "'l'llt• Luwduwn un Dul)('." wpornll'li lht• hu·r from Ille· f1t·t1un G t•t II tuduy ,..," 111J<'h l'look/f't ordcr('(J, .-u•111/ $2 00. p/u.'1 a 11>11g • ..,..If mldrt•!>..'it'tl, o;1,11n1x-d c•nvl'lopc• (.'17 ('l'llts post.agt') '" /\1111 Li111cl1•1..,, f' () Bo>. 1 /&95 Ch11·ugo. Ill 60ti/ I The signs, they are a changin' By BOB GH ~EN I~ I l>nng y11u s;1d, di-.h1.,11 tt-111ng rwws l•xlay Yu11 krww th•>::.t' h1g old Holtday Inn signs? T h(• hugl'. tuwc:r111g rwnn m<>ll'>lt't s "11 h the flash m g ,1rr1>w pu11111ng 111w.1nl lh1· rnotd .11)(1 lhl' l>l;111ng ,1,11 (Ill llJp'• Tht•y'n • ct.·,1cl That's n"'.hl. llolitl...iy [nm. l1w h,1" dll nuu111•t-tl thtil 11 ha::. m ad1· tlw 111rµi11 a tl' d1'<·1swn tu µh.1w 11ut th1· sagru. By tl11· 1·11d 11f 1!:185. tht• s1g11s will h.1Vl' ur-.appC"an·d fw m tht• m.1,rmty uf tlw wrn ld'~ 1.750 Holiday I nn~ Tht s1g 11:0. will ht· n ·plm·1·d hy <1 -.mallt-r, sh-1 •k1·r l't'l'lang ular n1mkl cft..,.1g 11t•d 111 prumott• an 1•fl1Lwnl, hustlll':.Sllkt• 1mag1· Jam1•s L &·h111 1 pn ·,1d1·1H of thL• llul1d.1~· Inns d1v1 .. 111n 11·'1111s1bl1 lor 1111· d1'l.'ls11m .... mJ "Wt• .1r1• t hHng111g 11ur :-1g11 rn ord1·r lu JJl'OJl't'I a mur1· 1•01111•mpor<•r:v 1m<1g1· that lwtll ·r n•flt "<.'b our hot..J l'h...111l'i-1·ur n·11l 1 :1ng1.• ul prop1 ·1 t v lv pe-.. 1·uslonwr h..a,1· ..and produtt qu«ltt~" A word about th1• o ld sign.-;. Th1·y "l'11• 1•;id1 ·l:i lt'l'I tall Th1·y w1•n · grt•l•n , )'l'llow , t>r<mgl• .ind wh11t· dw 111g lht· tl~1yt1mt'. at night tlll'y <1dd1·d prnk. blul· .in<.J l'l'<I light!> Tht•y t'ol'h ",., 1· l'ompow d 11f tt:rn ll'l'l 11f 1w11n 1ulm1g ..and -!~ti rm ~tnd(•!>('t'nl bulb~ Th1•y eal·h tost $J5.000 to l'fl'(..l, and approll.1fl).11t•ly Sti.100 a Yl'Jr In t•k'l·tm·1ty dnd rt·plal'l'nwnl µarb tu run Inside I he· lloltday Inn ct1rporatiun, th(• sign w <1s off1l·ially reft·rrw w as tht• "Great Sign " The m•w -..gn. in .1dd1llon to bt.•ang s1mph•r in dt•"gn. w111 l •1'l It'"-' to n ms tru1·t ($23.000 eat h) ;rnd ll''>S l!J 1m11ntam (e:1ppn 1i.1rna1t•ly $:.t,500 a yt·ar) The m;un n •aso n f11r th1• ch;1ngt'. hoWl'Vt·r. hi1'i nothing lo do with h i 1nnm11-s Alas. HfJhd:n Inns h,1, c"t1mm1~'>IOnt'<1 n •<.t•arch th.it :.h ow ' th 1 u~tum1·r-. 1111v.. <or~1der thl· ulu :o.1gns thl• "Grl•at Si~n~" -to br t.:1('ky ~ky and 1 h1·.ip-luoking .rnd old-fa:o.lmmed It seems lhal whr•n the fu"St Hol1dav Inn was but It in 1 ~5:t .• ilrnust all 11f the c·ompany's.l'uslomers ""'l'I' fJm1l11·-. 1r.1\'l•l111g IJ\ automobll<· Thl' purpoSt.• BOB GREENE of lht• hug<· blinking and J l,1,h1ng llutidav Inn '1gn w:i-.. to ,1ltr<1ll tlw Jlt1•11t1on of f)l •lt•1111.1l •"u.,lwlll'"'· a nd lun· tlw rn 111 Th.11 i.:iant Jrl'll\\ p111111111g towdrd tlw niotl'I was no l'0111c·1rl1·nc1., lh•· llul1day Inn ix·oplt• h1>pt•d that I r;1vl·lc•rs would follow lhl' ;11 mw nghl 111 Lu thl• n •g1s1ral1on d l·sk /\lr11ost ,1ll u ( th1• l lolid.1 v 11111 t u~111mc·1 " l1J1·k th l·n Wt•fl • "W;1lk lflS . folks wh11 \\t1Uld M'l' lht· -.1gn s .111J tlnv1· 111111 tht• p.11 k111g ltJl "llhoul a rt'St'r\'<1t11>ll Tex.b y, Jll tha l has d1a11gt•d Eighty· f1 v<· pt·l'l't·nt of thl• I luhday Inn nx1ms sold t1x.l.1y an• sold lo b W.lllt''iS t1·av1·h·r-. o r to loUplt•s tr ;1vl'11ng w ithout d 11ld rt•n Fl•\\1•1 than J pt'll'l llt ol llw 11 n II ti J y l n n t' u :. t om " r " -; h o w u µ w 1 t h o u l n ·-;1·rv<1t1ons Thus. thl· oltl sign wus II•) lu11gl•r m·t·dc·d M1 l'h <i«I Purv r'>. \'1t·1· p r •·,ld l nt 111 S&O C11n ... uhan~ Im thl' f1 rn1 h11l'<.I lei <k s 1gn th1 n"" '>•gn said th1• l't>nsi•nsus of 1r;iv1•lt•1-, <;urvt·vt'll w ...is that the old sign was uutm11dt-rl "The> 1dt•nt1tv oC H oliday l11n nt•1•d1•d 111 Ill' m1l<.llf1l•d." Pur\'1s' s:11d "Th1•v £J1'1· no t ii ro.icb.1dl· ho1t·I l't11tlp<1ny <1n ymo11 No" 1h1•\ n <·ompdrng with th1: bt.'sl hott·ls .. 1-'urvt-'> srnd th<it. halk wh~·n tht• huge, flashing Jfollday Inn '1gn w as tht• main 11)1)1 to pc•rsuadl' peopl1· to st.a y Cur tht• nt~ht. 1t wrvt'll its purpost.• ~ C'll 'T h<· 'Gn·<it S1g11 ",,., 11('1.'l'S..ll y to pull µt'Oplt· off thP"inghway.r\t' SCllU "Whrn It was uni. ll was l"<'rt.'linly unique· No on<' c·an kncx·k tlw '(ireul Sign' for wht1t It has al•h1t·ved Bui from a grupht~-s standpt1111l 11 nu long N C1 t<; intu t<xfa y's sty ll~ .md appc•aJ, "You do11'1 nt•<."l.l Jll tho~· fl :.c.h1 ng llgh~ <Jnd arrows anyn1111·\•" W c• I I 1 h t-H o I 1 d a y I n n Co I k s u r P umloub1edlv rnrrt'l't in their reasoning If you think <i huut IL ra twnally. thl· old sign does look Irk(' s1>1nL·th1ng of a dinosaur in this nE.>w world o f rawr-shar p. ant1scµtic-dcan graphil-s. Perhapi. lht· onlv thing that has savl'Cl 11 for as long as 1t h~ last1•d •~ that wt· wt•rl' a ll so used to 1t, Wl' drdr\'t n •ally set· 1t <inymore But I'm ont· travell•r w h o 1s going to mu;_., rt It was a wekum1ng sight 1t was always so fril·ndly and ;ibsurd, blinking out th(•rt' on the highway II yuu ::.pt•nt a lot of umt-on thl· road going to towru. v. hen · you didn't know any body. that Hobday Inn sign wus lrkf' an old pul. Sure. 11 was corny . tn 11.s p.tzy, hyperkrnt•Ut· way You would c?me upon 1t, and 1t would bt.· hkc a tuUl·h of Vegas in DeKalb or Ch1llwuthl• Fo'ny-thrl'<' feet m tht• :ur. all grt-cn and yellow .rnd nrang1· and white anrl pink and blue and red. you might not have had a nyone e lse to takl:' you 1n Cur thl'"lntght, but that sign told you when: you l'11uld find a warm lx."CI and a dean bathroom I've· fx><'n a Holiday Inn customl·r for years. and I'm <,urE.> I'll rem ain one for m any morC' Hut somc·how it's not going to be quite the same. We'll a ll get ust'd to the new sign; I've S<'Cn pictures of 1t, and it's not a ll that bad. It h as a soft grt>en background. and lhe Hohday Inn name IS wnttc·n out in w hite. an the same script that was featured 011 the old "Great Signs." Probably. before t.oo many yt'ars have passc.'Cl, the new signs will even start to look warm and familiar But n ot as warm and familiar as their _pnodt"l.'t.'SSC>r I h~1 ve onl)' one request for tbe Hohday lnn corporation No one has menuoned yet what they're going to do w ith all the old signs. If they have a spare. and ifs aJJ the same to everyone at headquarters. l sure would like one. It w ould look wondr rful -;1tting outside my home . --~ .:-:=::=====:::::===~=--~==~~~ .~.,., GOREN ON BRIDGE .. ~ ______ ___________ ~ BY CHARLES H GOREN ANO OMAR SHARIF - N1·1tht•r vulnt•rnhlt· Nurlh •frak NOHTll llcn•., ;i hand with a most unu!>u;il po~1t1on It croppt•d up in th1• Trin l~ tu q('f<'rt th1 • llali11n womc·n's rt•pr<"st•n Lat iv1•<, for th1• 1·urr l'nl \' 1·n1rr Trophy C'omp1•l 1l111n, lw1ni.: hl'ld 1n Jll;irri1 1.. Fran Cl· '"'" 1•11mt· to thrt•t trirk,. Ask 1111r r1.,11lt•r' how I ht•) woulc cont 11w1· trump when she lried to get to hrr hand w1lh u rlub. Ralhrr preity dcft'nS•'. n 'u t po~' +3 ;•KR 0 AK 3 2 +QJ9864 w .. :ST t~AST +AQI09 .. +K R76S2 •;1 9 •.:1 At02 O Q 98 O J 6S +7532 +K SOUTH +J 'V QJ 76543 0 10 74 +A 10 T he bidding: Norlh East I + 1 + Pa88 PatM Pa.u Pu1 South WHt 2 ';/ 4 • S : Pass c>p1·111ng l1•acl. 1\1·'" of + llt•ar ('harllf• I hkt• Wt•:ct 's Jump to four 'pad1•s, ht•r11UM' 1t pul ii lot uf prl'ssure on th<' oppont•nb South wisr·ly Ot't'1dl•d lh11t "ht• did not know whus1• h1tncl 11 was. so she bid ont• morr· In fa<"l. rour spades would have almosl surrly madr onr1· South Show'> uµ with th1· an• or duhs, Nort h must hnv1• both high cli.1mond" rur h1'r opl'ning h1rl Wt'ict lt•d tht• IH'<' of :<JJatl t••., .uul 1l 1s up 10 ~:a'll to d1r1•r1 I hl• rl1•frn~(· Evti'n looking al all four hands. it is not easy L11 ,;pot how lht• dl'fcndt>r~ Ea'l play1•d 1h1· l Wh or <;p:t1lt"•" .1 "lull prel1•r1•n1:1• 'l)!n.11 for rluh' IW1th .a <>in1otlc·111n 1n rlummy. ym1 ran shn"' 'u1t prt•ft•r('nl't• in your loni: "Ill: a low rar1I ;1~ks for 11 'hilt lt• th1· luw1•r 'idr suil, a h11:h rnrd .1'k" for l hl' h1)!h1 r 'ldt• c;uit. .ind 11n 1n lnnh•rlrn11• 1·ard a'k~ for con l111ualwn I W1·~1 rlut1full y 'h1tl 1•1l 111 .11•lub. :inrl dt·l·lan•r r:1rtur1·1I Jo:a,,·, kinl( with lh1· .\ t rump lt• tht• k1nl! Wl\l• 1ltll'l.Pd . nnd 1-:a .. 1 won th1• ir111111• 1·1111t111u111111n Now s ht' 1·x1l\:tl w1Lh a dt:imond. a nd d1·1'1arPr "'"' lo('kt:d in rlum ru v !--ht• r11 hn haJ tu run l't·d<' .1 d111mon1I t rwk. ur •·l~t· """"' Jo:.,, t to 'rurt• hn As ev1•r. Omar Rubber brid1e club• througbout t.lie ceut.ry ue the fovr-deal bridse r-at. Do lliey 11.-w -etlaiag you don't? C harin GoTen'e "four·Oeal Bridie" will leach you lite 1trat.ecie1 alld tactiu of t.lai1 (ut-p&ted ac- tion IJame that ,,..videa tlte cure of -eadiag r•bbers. For a copy and • Koreped, 8end Sl.7S t.o ~Goren·Fovr D•al, ·• t are •I Haiti aew1pap4'r. P.O. BH 259, Nor"ood· N.J . 07~8. Make c:hec:lul p&yable t.o News· paperbool&1. Listening the 'art' of medicine DEAR DR. STEINCROHN: The brldae ta ble Is a favorite site for discussing the good' and bad qua lities of our doc t ors. Yesterday, one club member seem ed very rroud of he r doctor because be haJ tbe reputation o being the "best" in tbe city. He Is we ll known as a lecturer In medical societies and l a often uaed as • consultant. But I disagreed. I w11 his patient for about two year s. Wby dtd I leave? Because I never bad the feeling be really listened to m y comP.lalnts. R e always seemed cold and far away._ I don t expec t to cry on a doc tor's shoulder, bu~ I DO expect there be some degree of communlcatlon. Vaguely, I recall one of your column• I read a few yean ago. It discussed tbe need for a doctor to b e a 1ood lllteaer. Do y ou still tblok It's POT SHOTS ~y ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT l'M Tf'VIN<i To t<E«P VP WIT.M ALL TME CHANGES ... auT T'4a CHAN~·· Allllr WINNING. ~). ~{~ -~· ·'J ,.-, ,,. :-I ~· f \ ' I J 1• 11 important? -MR . V. DEAR MRS. V .. What yuu vagudy r<'Coll I!! true The subJCCt is so important I've written about at frequently. And at dt'Serves repctruon I've snid that doctors should have Big Ears Thu; means tha t your doctor, whatever his reputa11011, should lake time to listen. The poet. Langston Hughes, one<> put It well by using tht' tenn. ··Listen fluently " When you are ill, ymir doctor may be.-the only one you can tum lo with your tro1,1bll"S imagined or real. There arc some anxlNles you won't ronfidc in fnmily m em bers or Crwnds So you visit your d o c tor . 0 n I y t h o s e w h o s u f f e r I n ,. k of r ommunrc atlon kno w thf· fru s tration and h1'lplcssnes5 that result~ AYJ this ls the age of special dlngno:11k machines and !IOph lsUcat<.-d blood tests. som<l doctors do not take the timt' to n"'1lly listen to their patient..,, Why wBSte p recious llm<> wh\•n Jab reports will tell lhl• story? Unfortunately. such diagnostic teslS oft.en fall short of what 111 truly bothe ring th<' patient OpC'n . c&r;y , relaxed doc.·t or ·pallent intercommunication as thu answer. The "aclent.J(ic" doctor should 1tUl be-a practlUontr of the "art" or m~lcine. tUR MR. Q,; I'm glad you uked. The !IOJ'e that ~<>u' had on your penl1 ho. diaappcal't.'d, you uy. Does lha' mean that 1yoh1ll1 (lt p~t) has cleared up without treatment~ No. It doesn'' Such aores wlll dlupl)far even without therapy As you're guessing, r •U,Qf'lt thllt you have \hat blood t~t ,. YOUR HEALTH DR PETER J STEINCROHN you're afraid to take. Only then wall you know IC you have syphilis a nd ne4X:I treatment As for the discharge, it's possible to have syphilis a nd ~onorrhca at the same u me. FOR MR. S .: Yes. tht're's something n ew cropprhg up all the time In the management o( the cholesterol problem. h 's now being IK'Ct'pted that it's not only th(• height uf the <:h olesterol ll•vel th11t's import.ant. Whnt we want to know is the pcrccnU\ge ot low ond high df'nsity hpoprotelns in the blood. If the presence of low-density lipoprote ins p~v•ils. then there is a greau-r chan<'t.' of havrng a heart attack. On the othf'r hand, the presence of lorgcr amount!I of high-density llpoprotelns la promi~ of a protective effect a.ialnst tn attack. Whtt we're trying \0 do la find tome therapy that will ellmlna~ that ptrt of the cholf!lterol that contains lhe low-density Upoproteins. Dr. Srel11crohn wt'lc-omt'a qu<>srions from rNd~rs. H~ mnnor aJUWtr all tnd/vidu•Uy bur Will mclud~ t~ of pner al inCC'l'ftl Ln hit column. Send your qUNtioN to him, In Clll't' of tJw Dally Pilot. P.O. Box ltl60. C'.osui Mt'St. Otlif. 92626. ''10 \ ,. . .. '-11 Orange Coaet DAILY PILOT /Friday, October 22, 1982 OUTSTAllDlllG VALUES 011 FlllE USED CARS 1171 llllE 1111 PLYllUTll 1111 IEllCUllY ISPEI OISTll FlllY SALDI IOICAT llATClllACI Automatic trans . AM/FM stereo Automatic trans . AM/FM stereo Economical 4 cylinder engine. 4 tape. power steering, cruise tape. power s teering & air speed trans . radio. power control. & air cond1t1oning cond111onlng i960ZXTJ steeripg. custom e11terlor & (913SFN) wheels and air cond (860XIF) $1995 $2995 $3395 An aerospace, super-performance Hatchback coupe. Powered by a superb turbocharged 4 -cyl inder engine. Features advanced aerodynamics and technology for ·ultimate road performance. Compare with the Porsche 924. NEW CORDIA: A sleek. stylish mid- size 2-door hatchback. For driving pleasure and fu el economy. Sets new standards for quietness, safety and comfort. Features front-wheel drive and 4-cylinder engine. Compare with Datsun 200SX. A super-dynamic luxury sedan. both spacious and compact. For 5 passengers. Features front-wheel drive. Combines sporty hatchback performance with family-car practicality. Compare with Nissan Stanza and Honda Accord. NEW TRUCK: Available with 2-wheel or 4-wheel drive and a choice of 3 engines, including the turbocharged diesel a first i n its class. Features performance for fuel economy and power. Is the first imported truck II~~~~!:=~~-with double-wall box. 1111 FOllD IUSTAll lllll Economical V6. automatic trans . AM/FM stereo c11sette. power steering. custom exterior & air cond i370UZJI $3695 1111 11011& ICCOlll LX Economical 4 cylinder. automatic 1rans AM/FM stereo casseue. power steering, luggage rack & air cond1t1oning (070144) 1111 FIAT Ul SPIDEii COIYEllTllLE Options include AM/FM stereo luggage rack mag wheels & more' i952XWE) All vehicles sublect to prior sale All prices plus tu. license. documentary tees & smog lees are vahd until 8 pm . Sunday, October 24. t982 MITSUBISHI MOTORS " .... FAIOAY, OCT 2:;>, 1982 BUSINESS 82 COMICS 84 1111:• 111 TRI caum GARDENING 85 ' ()11e millio11 Musco11it es do well (•1Jough Ell pur1-1i11u• gar<le11i11g lo SU/J/Jle11u~nl inco111es. 85. 0 D Special Operat ions Squad member Eric Bianchi uses S&W :157 Magnum t o covt>r f t•ll ow off ict>r at window. P .olice learn maneuvers hard, hut safe, way By GLENN SCOTT Of tM 09Hy '16ot Slaff Dozens o f po!1ce o!f1cers sharpened their SWAT team skills this week on a practice course at the South Coas t Gun Club in the foothills east of Irvine amid all the feedback they might care to handle. Organizers from s ponsoring Irvine Police Department used stopwatches to t ime pairs o f officers from units throughout Orange County who hustltd from station to station in a mock drill. Participants hopped fences. klcked in doors and fired rounds at partly obstructed targets in their make-believe assaults to ca pture crim inal suspec ts. Anothe r -0,Lf ice r carried-a clipboard to scribble notes f<-r written evaluations .. Add i ng s h o ut's o f encour agement were o ther o fficers dressed 1n their dungarees who watched their colleagues from anin field as-the waited for their turns. "This is what tells who's in shape and who isn't", said Irvine Sgt. Ron Flanders, an evaluator. "It's the longest five-.. nd-a-half minutes they'll evl.'r spt•nd " But when 1t rnmes to police work . c•s pec1a lly thl' Special Weapons and Tacti cs Squads, a stopwatch and a clipboard a re not the final measurement That only l'Omes with the real inci dent on the strCl'ts, when practice turns to performance and a wrong mane uvl'r t·an me<>n much more than <:att·:ills from friends .. Station four is a window. Not a house, just a window without glass built on a wooden frame by Irvin e's Publi c W o rk s Department. But even a fake window needs to be approached ::-orrectly. An officer c·an't cross m front of one to lake a position. It takes practice under stress to remember that. "They just blew you away," yelled an evaluator as one young ::>fhcer learned the hard bul safe way Irvine's SWAT team has been training on s1m 1lar courses for thtee years. l earn members are :allowed one day per month away from regular duties to train in ?xchange for being .Dn call two weeks each month forcahout. ·•Wt• go through this training of w hich l'mploy other training ;o oftt•n wt• hope it's prl•tty mUl·h techniqut•s instinct by now with th<' guys," Although 1t was exhausting >a1d Lt Vic Thies, who heads the work. no onl· was romplaming team, called in Irvine tlw Sp<.'Cial Thies said many offtccrs seek the :)peratwns Squad. pro f 1<.·1p nc1es a nd prt•s tige lrvuw rmght not S(.'t.'m a likely assc:x:1att•d with a SWAT team. plate to nl'«I such m1htary-l1kr· Bl•s1d<>s shooting a<.TUracy. maneuvers tx-cauSE' of its image officers in Irvine. for <>xample, JS a qu1l'l. fam1ly-on t•nted city m us t ma1nta1n phy s ic al with r l•lat1 vely littlc v iolent C'ond1tton1ng to run a mile under :n ml· se v e n mi nut es a nd t h e n , , But 1L-; squad has tx.-cn C'alled immt•di a tcl y compl e t e 5 0 ·~ut .tw icc in the past two weeks, pus hups, 50 s itups a nd 10 both umes managing to t'Oax a pulJups, each within a minute. :1us pect from a house without Those who fail are d ropped incident. Before that. the squad from the squad. hadn't been called for a year Orange Police Officer L ynn Oficers. howe ve r . s a y it's Smtth was the only w oman to impo rta nt th ey'r e alwa y s take the course this week . A _p_reparc•d for cases which may medic with the S WAT team, she lnvolw a barricaded gunman or Is required to-pass--the agility similar situations tests and undergo tram ing. S he O bse r ved F l ande r s: "It said she accepts t he challenge happt'ns JUSl as much in a higher because it means improving her social <'lass as in a lower one . skills They JUSt have a different set of "I think part of being a cop out probl<'ms" on the street is etung as much The two-day field training at -specialiwd training as you can," the gun club this week was the she said. "I know it sounds like f 1 r s t in w h i c h I r v 1 n e's the old cliche, but it's just one of depa rtme nt made its course those things. The determination available to other agencies. most is there." Delly "°4 '91otoe by "lcMnl KoeNef Orange Police Office r Lynda Smith and he rifrs SWAT Officer Carl Costello test their agility by negotiating tires and fences. America's Cup yacht crews come io train in Newport By ALMON LOCKABEY Mir,... ..... .,,...., Time wu when the America's Cup campaign was a yachting spectacular put on by indJvidual millionaires suc h as th e V anderbilts and Thomas J . Lipton. In later years It became a sy ndicate affair In which wealthy yachurnen pooled their reeources \0 deal1n. bulJd and campal1n 12-meter yachll off Newport. R.l. The 1983 campal1n wlU be ~ eble .,.in.Would you believe a public endeavor? At a breakfast meeting of the Marine Division of the Newport Harbor Chamber of Commerce Wednesday Kevin J. Summerell, of Huntington Beach, West Coaat d ir ecto r of the Defender- Courageous campaign, said the syndicate la seeking public do nations t o support T o m Blackaller, skipper of the new 12-rneter Defender and It.I trial ho rse, Co urageou s . in the upcoming d e fense trlaJa at Newport, R.I. Defender and Courageous are 1eheduled to arrive In Newport Beach for a winter ca mpaign of crew tra!nlng and sail testing. Cou rageous , th e 19 77 defender. ls now being trucked to Newport Beach and la acheduled to arrive Monda)'. Both yachts will be here by Nov. 18 and will be tied up at the Balboa Bay Club for a fund-ral.stng dlnner. Thereafter. both twelves wlll be berthed at Balboa Yacht Oub until March when they will be shipped back to Newport. R.I., for the summer trials starting with the preliminary trials In June and continuing with the oblervatlona trials In July and conl'luding with lhc selection trials m August. ln the defense trials Defender and Courageou s will be competing against Dennis Conner of San Dfogo, who will have two new l:.?-meters wintering In San Diego. Conne r was the 1080 defender of the America's Cup against an Australian challenger. Summerell said Bill Ficker, defender of the cup ln 1970, was Instrum e ntal In bringing De fe nder and Courageous to Ne wport Beach for winte r traJnJng. Ficker aaid weather and Ma conditlom here were very similar tO those in Newport, R.l., during August and September. The s ummer ca mpaign In Newport, R.I. also will Involve six foreign challengers who will be competing against each othe r for the right to challenge the U.S. defender. The prize? A halloWed trophy which has sat on a pedestal at the New York Yacht Club alnce 1851 after the American schooner. Ame r ica, defeated a fleet of Britlah yachtt In a tac. around the I.ale ot Wight. Millions of dollars have been a pe nt on the d e f~nu and challenge for the "auld mug" during the Intervening 131 years. The United States never has been defeated in the contest. Summerell said the public fund-railing for the Defender· Courageous effort Is b ei ng handle(:t by People to People Sporta of New York. Donations to the syndicate are tax deductible. John Rader. president of the Marine Division, presided over the meeting which alao locluded a promotional slide preeentaUon for the Newport AquatJc Center by em Whidord. I I ,- HI 01 ffll0lt (..ou•t ()All Y fill 0 l tf rlduy, Oc1ohu1 n 1\lli:I State finance s urplus down to $8.9 million SACHAM1':NTU tAl'I 1'111' 1t'\'t'?ib11111 .ind ~11111• 1111l.1v111,11th l'l.>Urt rnlln.ci. h11Vl' 11'1 t l'.111 111111aa with 11 s urrl1" o f •>nlv $11 !I n11ll11111 111 a $:.!.1 hill11111 li11dg1·1, a nd mo1 t' lt•t(nl .111d 1'1°0 111111111 a;c\bul'ks l'uuld lip llw st.1tt• 111t11 t hl• rt•d, i;uy-. 1111' I .q.i1.;l11 tu11•'11 Cisc·al udv1s1•r 1111' 11111111 • \\ill lu s1~11il11 .. 11th h·ss' lh.111 1•11111•11! p11 •d11111111.., till' J11Jly11l s.11d 'l'ht• r1•pnrt .1h11 ,,s,urtH'' I Ill' '>l<ll<' will w111 ,1 l.1\\ Miil I il1•d lfj(lllllS! ll hv 1111111.1j.(1•1s 111 !Ill' l"ubl11· 1':111pl11v1'•"• lk1111·1111·111 Sv1<1t•111 d1.1llc·11g11114 l h1• t1.1wd1•r uf $1 711 11111l111n I rn111 tlw fll'llSlttll lu11d surplus ltt !ht• st.1l1 • <:1 •11••1 .ii Fund •lfll•ltt\t<I $ill 11111111111 Ill Ill w 'I" 11d111g ll.1111111 ,,,1d 'I h1 1.11 g1 • .. 1 111·11" \\ ,., t •• 1 $:11J 11111111111 lull 1111,.fll v111~: th1· 111 ·\\ M1'(l1 ( '111 •lllli.11·k -., 11 ·st111111g 111d1·1 111· 111111pou11di. to th1• 111·11w ,1111, .• 11d u $:.!I 11111111111 1111•.1Mll'•· 11·1111h1t1 slllj.( 1111 i• I g11 v 1·1111111•11 ts I 111 •o111111· SI.tit• I t'll'lltt'd fll'llj.(I ,11111\ Thi· r1·1m1•t by L1•1.psla11 v1• Analyst W11l1.11H 11:1111111 ~ud lht• st.atc"s n •s1·rv1· for tlw f1w.1I Vt•OI' that t>nds rwxt J 11111• :•11. p101-t•1t•d u t $556 million wlw11 ttw ai.•w budget bt•car1u• l.1w July l, had fallen bt•low $!1 m11111111 hv nw.J · U :tobt.>r Ttw st,.t1· c~111:-.t1h1t11111 proh1li11, ;i dc·f11·11 at !Ill' 1·11d 111 tlw l1sc·al Vt•:U' 11 LI tlt•f ll'll IS fort't'•l.Sl, tlll' L1•g1slJtun· would h.1vl· tu 1q1pru\'l' sp1.·11d111g 1·ut.. or lu>- 1111''"t'.1s<•s /\1111ll1t·r :!iii() 1111ll1t111 \\Ill lw ''"' lw1.1us1• 111 .1 tl1 ·l11y ln1111 .11111•· lo .July 111 lht· p.1v1111'.111 111 Ml'd1 ('al da1ms I l111nm :..ml A -.tall• .1pJl4.,ds 1~111r1 d1'(·1s111n Ill fuv111 ol lt11 .,p1t.tl s th.I! I hllllt.•l\j.(t'tl •I lj pt.'111'11! 1111111 tit\ Mc•d1 Cal 11.·11nbu1 s1•1111•11t lllll't•,1st•'> Ill l!Jll I \\Ill 11"1 lht.• .., l lt l t. lllHll ht•' $ I :1 i Ill ii I 11111. That prt>J1•1·11u11 "d111•s 11111 rcfle<.·t any furth1·r shw 11.ill 111 reve11ut>:. th.11 might tll'\'UI .1s tlw r c s u I l 0 r a w l' ,, k I ' I l h •• ll anuc1pat1·d l't·on11111' " li<1n1111 said . "Secaust· th1· :.t>J\i•':-. t'\01111111\ · has proven tu l>t• w1·ak1·r th.iii a ntic1patKJ by tlw l)\•partmt•nl 111 Finance at tlw lln1t• 11 µn·pa1t'<.I llS Jun<· fl'Vt•nut• fort'<.'LISl, ll IS hkely that l'l'Vl'llUl' t'Ollt'\'lll>ll ... Ill H.1111111 s.11d -.tall· r 1•v1•11u1•s .111• $-l:i 11111ltun 11•:., th.in 1•xµt•1.·11.•d b1 •111u-.1· ul tlw l't onumv. and ,1111,th1·r $-10 11111111111 l11w1·1 l11 ·1·au'>•' ol a h1gh1·1 th an t•Xpt't'h'tl 11\fl>JlH>ll I .111• Th.11 I Jlt• llll'lt',IM'd tin· llltllnlt' 111). l Ul 11•qu'1r1·d h,1o Lhl' 111d1·,1ng 1natwt1v1· .1ppr11vul by \'ull'r' 111 ,lurw, \>\'h11·h .1dJUsLs I.ix hrat kl'ls .mnuallv w11h thc· u1sl 111 liv111g 11. II " Ill '>llll I I It· ~Id l\\ I) 111111 I' l'UUI l I ulang.' .uld llJI lo ,1 $·11 milhon1.'t~ ... l s:11 11111111111 !111111 an appl·als t'Ollr\ dt'\ts111n d1•l.1y1ng tht.· l'ffl't'l 111 a I !1'7ti 11·1w.d or ''n 111:.u1 a111.·1.· 111111pa11v t.1x h11.•,1k .• 111<1 $10 11111111111 110111 .1 US U1st1 tt'l Cuurt I lrltllg 11•V1•1,111g Mllllt' Wt'lf;111• gr o1n l 1 t1 tl>.u ks Thi· L1•g1sla I u r 1• a ls11 h.1s DRANll coum BUSINISS PacTe l ann~ounces l ayoffs P al'1f1t· Tt•l1 ·ph11n1• l'u , lr11s t1 .11i'd II\ ,1 slumping l'l'onom) 1h.11 h • .-. ... 1.ill1·cl 111·\\ l·onstruetion. h<1s <J11n11unt·cd 11 "ill I." of I :.!U!I cmplt.>yt·t•s by th<• end of thas Vt'Lll Th<' cutbm·ks, the• ftr,t 111 'l'\'1•11 vt•.ir' 101 1h1· t'Ompany. indud<· pr11v1s11m, f111 clowngrJd111g 9110 l'mploy1.·cs Lo IOWL'r -p.iy1ng JulJs "' t hJt th1 t•ompany won't have to grvt.• thl·m pink :.ltp:. ."When Pat:Tel has to kt) urr l'l"'Plt·. you kno" tht> economy 1s m bad :.hapt"" .... ml And) Ma<.•t.· •• 1 Pacific Tclcphunt.' spokt·sm;.111 Ode ta<:s, lnc, of An.iht•11n. h<1.s <1nnuum 1·t.I th.11 Pamela J . lov in, who ha' st·n·1.·d ;i.., .1d\'•·• 11:.ing C'OOrdinator since .)Otnin~ tht.• ><~>mp.any tn Augu-,1 1981. has be<.'n promolt«.I 111 rn.m.1gt·1 uf 1.111 por .11t c:ommunkal1uns Fa r W est Savings and L1J.1n As:.1H:1.t111111 111 Newport Beach annount.:cd tht· propus<'d publll' o (fcrings Of $75 11111hon fat'l' .1"10llnt 11f Zl'l'U l~lllj)Oll Cash CompoundC!r n•rt1fll'alt''> 111 dt'pos1t Thi·:-will be offe red an multiplt•s of $MIO .1ml $:.!~O "1th a nticipated maturities of Mar<"h lYHY. <md Apl'll 1995, rt'SfX'l'llVl'ly, and will bt.· µ.1y<1bh· .il 111;1tu1 ''' of $].000 for <.'at·h $500 or $l:lll invt•sll·d lta.&R lt•r · Ko robk 1 n C:oqx.11 .1 lt • <. 'ummun 11·a t 1011s nf Newport &•ach hns bt'(•n ~t·lt.'( lt•d as m;_1rk<•t1ng and public relations <'OUnSt·I hy World TrJ\'t·I of Santa Ana. and by W.D B111gha111, Int.·, of Nt-.... P''r-1 Beach. Bell and Howt•ll':. l rv1111·-ba'K'<i Com ProdUl'L" D1v1s1on has annuum·t·d th1• promotion 111 M k bael A. Teague to the newly·trt•c1u-<l J>1r..H111n of manag<·r of marketing Tt.'agu1:•s formtr posllHlll "'.~ produet planning man:tgt.•r Dale T . Rincon of Nl•wport Be.ieh had paned the o ffice of Title lnsuramt· and Tru:.t as c1 res1d<.'ntaal marketang r1.·pn•&·ntat1v<· Rincon v. o rks with area real est.ate brokL•rs. !><llt·ltpt'rsons. l'S<TO\\ companies, lenders and other:. being servf'CI by tht.· Newport Beach offare at :190 I M<1t•Arlhur Blvd Nelson Research ;'Ind Dt.·vt•h>pmC'nt Co. of Irvine announced 1l ha~ reached new agreements with two Japanese ph.irman·ut1tal t·ompanies The m ulti-year research agrec·ments L·all for payments of approximately $600,000 fo r N<•lwn Research <ind additional royalty paymc•n ts on prudu<·ts dc>veloped during the collaborataon Fount.am Vallt.'y rc·s1dt•nl Virginia F. Hale has been promo ted to manager of Security Pac:1f1t· National Bank's City Centre• o ffl('e in Orangr Hc1le joined Sc'<'uraty Pacific in 1!154 as a M"<'ft•tary Valenda Bank announn•d the promotion of Marilyn Padilla to inventor) rontml ofCit·N Shl' operates n ut of ValC'ncia Rank'' oper::it1on~ 1.•1•ntc•r 111 A na heim She p inc'CI Vall'nua Bcink 111 H/7 1 United Savings of Amt•nc-a hJs luw1·n·d its singlc-fam1Jy f1rst-mortgagt• loan r.itl'' 10 11 87 18°/o YIELD an invnunm1 in tho M'<'ond deed o( cnm, J«'ur~d bv che rea.I acate ac tht' w•Hh wt"lc cetnet' of beach blvd., &nd 11atu an . huncingcon bca.h can yleld 18'* ba5ed on the following: you, the invrstor, ~ce1vn 1 \ paymenu o( t .HO and a ba.I l(KH'I paymenc on I t/1/84 11( ,• SJ2.680 for your invt'11mC'n1 o< 129,970 PERSONAL PROFILE INVENTORY S20 ,, ... ""' '1 ~°"' .... w to O\ll"'K• 1)1 a '•'•1~101 Atto I W'l •t T,,_,.. "°°'°' ft~ '" POlllW Pflf~ TMm O.veico,,...,,t For ptlwllt cw Q'Ol>P •l>P ' ""~ ..... "°""' ~··tot '-""""'1"'1ta N,,,._ .. ~I 8*crt (714) 640-1288 IH'fl' Ill. 1.1l1111g It 'llll' ltt\\' 'l ,1\',1ll.ilil1• Ill l ',ti 1 I 11 r 111.' ' T lw f 11 11 1 I '11 1111·1 Iv l 111111 ·d I"' ·d' 1 , ti S,1\·111g' -..11tl th1· 1.1!1 · .11IJu.,tahlt· .. 111·1 t lw l 11 :.I !1111 • :-• .1rs I" .1v,11l.il1I• · ln tfU elt I 11 d l1111111'11u\l ·r~ l•ll lo,111' lip ltt $111'7,ll!HI I l11pk111:. l>t '1 l11p1111 ·11l <.'11111po111:-ol N1·\\ rcu t H1·.Hh fl't.t•nth pu11h.1-.1·d 1\1l111g11111 l'l.12.1 . ., I:: ,,. 1 t :.hopping•• 111t-1 111 H1 \ 1·1 ,1d1· '.dlh·d "' ;).i :·1 11111111111 I lopk.111, pl.111' 11111111·d1.t1 .. h tu h1 g111 < Xlt lhl\'t· rt•mudt l111g .1dd111g n.11011 .tjll.111 ft~ I ol 11•tail ~ix·.iu· tu th1 !lltl,llOU ~1u.111 111111u•111t1 Rod WoodYt o rth ti .... lw1·11 n.1111 .. d ,.,,,. 1111\1· \I<• I' I I' .... d t. II t J 11 d g I' II I I ·" 111 .1 II .. g t I " I \ s I l't1rp111 .1t11111 's lndu,11 1.11 .111d lh 11ld111g l'r ttdll• t-. Ol\'hlt1ll, h1·adqu.11 tt·1 t·d 111 C Ir .111g1· Thi· A1111·111-.111 1\.,s1111.ill\111· 111 <.'r 1111.d < '.111 NL11 ... 1•s tAACN). tit• l.11g1·'1 111g,11111.1111111 111 'IJt.'( 1.olt V llUl"Sl'' Ill I ho• W111 Id, h.t,. l1 ·;o...,·d 1111111· I h,111 Ill Wiii 'lfU:tn• f1•1•1 111 11l l w1 · -;p.111 · 111 ( 01\'ll' l'l.11.1 111 1 wp<i1 l Ht•al'h lor 1111· 11·1111 o1l11111 111 11. ... 11.1111111.il h1.11lqu.1flt•rs. 1'11 ,1•11 tl ' lio1,1d 111 11\1111· tl11 ''""J1.'l,1tl•1n plan-. 111 t1111\ 1· 1111" tho · 11• '' 11 \1111 l'nmp,111 \ 1.·11mpl1·x 111 N"'''P'" t C1·11t1·1 II\ l.111· N11'.'1·111IH't", .Jt0t.·u1d111g tu P a trida Ya te-;, t\1\CN ,1dm1111,l1 ;1l1Vl' ~t'I \ ll't'" dll t'<'llll Pa Irick J. Mitche ll .,f S.111 <'I• m1·111t h .... JtHn1·d 'fit IC' lnsuran('(' and Truc;t m Oran~c· C.'m1111 ,. ;ic; a n·~1d<•ntr.1I m .• rk111n).! 11·p11·'1 nt.l!t\t' (;,CH gt· l...<1\\ t .11111 A .... sc1t 1.111· ... ,, 11--.11lt 1111.11 .t11d t•lllmll'ruJI 11ll1·rt•11 d1·,1g11 111111l11.1dqu.irt111d 111 Full1·rt11n. h.1s r·~ 1 ntl\ "l)t.'lll'd ,, "1.01111 111fw1 111 1.:)~~•l h S1tu.1t1·cl .11 .!1)~111 C,J.u,1tl St lht n.·w fc111ht) huu""' ,, t11t.ol 111 (1\1· 11111 re111 d1·:.1grw1' 1\mc>ng thc· rwv. .1~sciu.111·' .111 Ba rbara Bul'hanan. Faye 8) m e , Chri!. O a nda n, B a rbara Gordon ;ind Mari l~n Gordon Paufrc. t ;J., .Jnd El1•(.'lfll Companv·, tju,1rlt·r profits JUmpt•d -1!-J pl•rn•nt uvt•r thl· 1·u111p<1rablt· period last yc•ar. lht.· t·ompany's irwonw swu·nwnt sh11ws Tht• profits mc.·n •as(• t•amc· with u :i pert•t·nl int n ·ase 1n rc'vt•nue!> a nd was madl· possible through stnng<·nt cosl 1:unlrol:.. lht• company said. f'1rst ln11•rsta1t• Bank o l C:ahfor111a has riam1·u J . M ichae l Cunningham St.•n111r Vll't' pn•s1dc•nt in 1L-; .idm1111strdt1on. op1.·rat1uns .1ncJ f111a11<·1al unit Cunningham, :n . JOint."l First lntt•rstat<'. forme rly Un1tc·cf California Bank. 1n 191ili as a <:omputcr opt'rator Amt•n Wardy. rl'gardc'Ci a~ 11111· 11f tht.· t'Ou111ry's l1·ad1ng rt•t;.1il1•1 s o f woml•n 's high-fah1un1.·u dothtng, pl.ms 111 o pen ::i m•w, mu1.·h laq.(1 r '>lOrl' tn F.is h111n [c;Jand shopping c·omplc·x b~ mid · Nnvc.•mbl'r Ward)·~ nl'w shop will tx-tn the former Pt•nn1•v's ;iuto t't'nll'r . wh1t·h ts prt•st•ntly undt•rgumg rt.'""' ;llmn valuC'd al mon· th:-in $I m1l11on .• 1ti:ordin~ to an annuunt•t.•mc•n1 by Barbara R oppolo, J-~ash1<1n Island g1•nt.·1 al mJnt1gP1 Orange Coun t y Chaptt'r. Assoctatwn uf Business and T ax Con sultants will me<'l Thursdav a t S tr George Restaurant 111 W estminster at 6 p.ni. Speaker She rman Sha bsln, of lnnovat1vc PC'nsaore Group, Tustin, will d1scu~ rcu remcn l and pensiori plans. Cost 1s $10 per person and information m available by calling 8:33-8199 "Your Image• 1s S h owing" will be the topil' addressed by Cynthia Garne r, prcsidt.•nt of Cynthiu Garner Images, at the Oct 27 rn('eting of the Salei; and Marketing Cuum.·11 of the Building Industry As.<;OCralion of Southern Cahfornia. Chis is a seaJooed n11tt', th .. uri1inal ba.J&n<'t', I I /7 /79 '"" t 3S,000 a1 11 ~ 1n1trt'1t. ch" nuttnc bala.n« •J t H. 7<10 and wiU M d1scoun1C'd w fin che I 8'J. yit'ld tht'l't' " ;a subuancial t"quny/iaft'lt fat · 1or bu«! on a rtet'nl ma.le 11( Tht· mcl'tin~ will be held at the Shera ton Nl•wport Hotc.·1 on Birch S trret an N ewport Beach Thoc;c tnt<.'n'Sll•d in attending s hould make· Super r('Sl'fV:tl1o ns tn advnn<.'t' through the association ioo l E Fourth S t .. Sun ta A na, 92705, or call Saturday 5"'7·3042 Sale t-IN_V_E_S_T_M_E_N_T_S_O_U_R_?_ lht'p~). TOii lll>PITIP\AI /.'\IPR \Ill TION ON 1111:. A Nll <>1111 1< ( • INV~TMrNT'ilurt•ll,, •• ,,Jl.'>I"' Hunlenglon enler s Ill.AT CAN RI, l'(IR(llA~T/1 A I d ol th \Ulh r" "1111' rH~Col/\ '' one oy s e w1 (.. INVESTMEN r BROKER~. super savings o f 2 5°0 Puor advtn on tht' p tM nut !>to "1o•in11 up IU prnh!C'tll\ uida) Wt may t.... abl" co htlp (all ( lnnHmt'nu, a l1c-t'n\t'J Rral F .. a1c 8r"""' Bob ( I U•ltn 17141 Ml I 161 ()// r><. OI rRUSI I /MIT/ n f>l\R TN/ R~/111' IN rr RC.ST.:-. 'n ow l RSI Ill'/'()$/ rrcm~ DOll CA StlN (71 4l 66l·ll6l 10750/oOct.23. f\'h•rlot,d«>vtf&>••" ... _1~~-'-~~~~~~~~~~~~~--'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I Norni·-·[oats ' Newport City Councll -November 2 Committee to Elect Norm Loat1. Audy Baron-Treaeurer. 881 Dover Or .• N.B. 1011822319 Sup(•r hot ih•rn AP Wlrepholo \ 111 a u a H ..t' ri µ.t · r a I i o 11 l 11 t" (.hair Ill a 11 :\I 1 ·' \ • \ 1 t • ~ , • r t • :\ p I a in~ th t • 1·oinpa11) • ... llt'\\ E1wr14) ( :0111111a11d 14a~ fur11 a1·•·~ '' hid1 tht• 1·o mpa1t} t'laim ... ,,a ... a.• ... It• ...... 1ha11 ..,j, 1wn ·c·11t u f tlw c·1H·r"' it,..., ...... ...... OVER THE COUNTER NASO LISTINGS MUTUAL FUND M ~Jit t> M·••'' M·" ~ 1, M l•t M~fltt v ~ O Mt.1,1uf l I} 11 Mik·t~t ~ J U ~ MUt\n•n ,. '<I MMC lvfl I 't MY"'' .. , JI'• II N•HV{ ~ \1• Nb•I• 1 • I N,.lw•) II 10 N'Y~1tl 1J It N 1\•0t,, t~ I\"• N1~h.n A 1' /\ N 111l\n H "' If ""''"'' 0 6 '• I • N(•f(•11 I I • Nwt,..(.t\ II. IH, ,,_.W'llllP\ I I • NO•t ti IO ti 't l,..Ul'O Jt Jl '• (}(f'fOiH 1J • I• • ()Q1tvyM n • II • Oliio(f\ l8 • 1''• Ohfe,.o 1'" )''0,.,,,,.. IJ • ,J • PC A lo• J J • P•D\18 1(1 10 hc..q •• "' • " ,, . . . ·' , .. ti I/ ,•. I I I "' • , ,, tt. }~ '" , .. ,, . ., ... " I ' , .. "' .. .,., $·H•Mt ... ,.,.,,, I t·ril t• '""'''ti ..... !• ~ • tJ '" .. .. , ..... , .... J•, .. , ,,.,, . '""'",. r,1 .. '.I Ht• ' " u J1 It J1 I~ • I Ja JI It • U .. • t . .. I\ • •I " • I ,..t 'W YORK /'f· NI 'h\ t I, "11-ftA• Ho t '• N' 10~ ff,o 4 \1 i 1' Htt' loltowu·.; QLO t ... ''" • '1 •fl If f •<>"• ll JJ Nl 10') o .... e. 10 o '" 1•ttom \Ulll>''" Dv C•o•,,. t 10 11 Nl ( .,1 ~ • 1.J flfl o~ t•'' u \) ".,, ttwN•ton.tfA\VMf (fnff'f\t\1..-•(,u .,111(0 •l'f N l. l[JSH4"t .)&6 •01 •hon ot \it<utth~'\ C..•I" t t, IUC'1 tt '\'kJ IOM NI 0~ l"r>fO 'all8 a~ 0.•te-•\ lt'K .,., Equ1I •·'I I ~ l I Mv'\ f h Nl t(.l~ J·roi,a c. ~ 6 ~ ,,_.. PftC..,. •I 'Nt'l1(h l "°'ntf'tt.of '-'tl"'WO l'wt1t~ ti JO f'rfl If\~ Ml 10 )'# 11 '/"-4 l hip>w ~~·"""' t-tt't lO ~Piil~ th1tt 'Ill II.it •lJ''' J .&Al•l COUid ~W bft"'" to Mui\ I)•.) Ii I' f u n<J JO •t Nl lnw ~fl• /1 11 )J II 1010 tHf't tn\#t I NDf'< '• '' 1 1 "' , •'1~1 ''" "()It; "'L '"" ~ 1 6'> an v•lliHI'> or ~' r •-M H \ 1~ ,, 1 •OS•Ht" If n "'' 1 lt1Y v ... ~ &" li" 41 lv•luf' Ohn \4111"' (.r+t \f\\ t1 .'"4f N I I tnftnt.tdl P,.-nQ •n• kr"1 ''*<> 4 Ill <twro-1 1hut\04f c.n.,t .-o ,. JI X• (.Ill Ot "• YO& NL h 1 .. 1 u 11 NL s.u Ivy (.np 0,, t~ifrl "'' ""'It' , ... , Nl "'• fO ,,,. Nl Ablt till Nl (f\oe\I""' 1' 11' N l tn~'°''' 4 bo' Nl JP (.,tth ll ''-t.e 4fl A<o,n f= 1'09 Nl toton1.-f Uf'Ct\ ttwntn "0' NllJ" tn<o '"' "'' AO'V H 11 Nl Fund 11 e.4.1 t1 ft'! t \I '"w'to-n Jd"U\ • •• Nl Aluture IA" NI Grwlll I 10 •II bt>O Ap 14 .. I~ 19 JOM ><•n<Ot • ... ,M Funch ... 'roa • IJ I... Ot\tO 10 II " 11 Bono II II ·~ H C•Yld 11 7• IJ • lncom • ~ I ~ (,twin 8 ~l • Jl C.•wth ti lo I) 18 Gr•nw•v Optn 'JI 10 tt tntc>m 6 61 I n US G•t 8 81 9 I• ll76110. In MQ1t J'l 1JJll HAIRf' •J3••7 lo E• •» 10:16 litYIO • SJ 10 II C.olu Gth 71 0. Nl Opln • IJ • II ....... mn I• NL Alpfl• F 10'3 Nl C.w tlll AO I hi I JI f•• E• ll>O • 111 "•m~• ~-' A 81rtl'IT 11 SI ll•• C.w llll CO I It I <It u ilttlo I~ y 11 lncom 871 1 1• Amtrt(M\ Fund\ C.omp 80 t IJ 10 ,. •• W~ll 1' 11 NL G1ow II IO 17 81 AO•• 100.tOO\ComplCI •t)IOll•o•t•• )•I) .. HIYIO •1•1011 Am(p 101 11: concord 11 IJ Nl l-11<1 C,tl\ ·~ SH I 1n11fo 1012 11 SO A Mutt lJ ll I• J' (Ofl~cllcut c,..,., 1-ound<'" "'""" I M"n 0 1 83 I 77 Bono 11 II IJ 1• F .. nci IJ JI .. •I r.r..-111 • •I Nl I ()pin 11.i tJ It Fa In• ••• tO lo( ln<Ol1' I 00 I II Inion• tJ 10 Nt Summ ... 71 IJ Gtwlh 10 lr'I II W Mun Ila 1 11 111 Mui•• • 16 • 61 loch 17 0 tJ al I ncom t S. 10 '' Co•n In• 11 "1 lJ 1) 51>t'tl 11 OJ NL l ol RI !J &3 " 'iO t(A ti) 10 77 (Ofl\ltl C. 1' II NI 1-r~n•M t>•OVP US Gvt Bo•• JI N """ 7 OI 11• (Ofll Mui • II Hl A(if ) II J &I' "•v••,,,... -.. T .. E t'1 , .. Coplf'y 1 IO Nl ONlC 11t7 , ... , '"'St ti 10 !• 40 1'\1\11 Ml I .. t •I (lry C-.. "ti 11111 C.•wtll q 19 10 11 Cu\ 87 11 .. tt J( Am f't °"1or•I O.l•••rf' (itO<if' Qptoon o OI • ~ (u\ S.. I 13 I '' C•P8o 013 I le 0..•I 1111 ... , Uftl\ IJ1 ~''I Cu1 11.1 IOI II. Entrp IJ 01 I• '4 O•l•w 10 lt 11 ooi ln<om I 00 7 I. (U\ OC7 • 'l 1 I• HI Yid t II 10 It Oolt 11 I U I 11 US Gov r 7, /II (U\ !ti II I• .. 0 Mun8 ll!lll•J hfr• t i• IOI (•Pil I•• tll' Cul~ I ll I~ ol•nll 1' l4 i." 0•1"' 10 0 II 04 f ou•• s •I \ M Cul S.. • 1• • /J Cm\llo. 11,. IJ 4C Olt CIOP I SI Hl C•IT•fr I l"torm •JI 'II Eun ... Nl OodC• 81 )Ill NI ·~· ••> T .. r. , ,.. I" Fd Am " •• ti., Ood(• ~ 11" Hl fund\ In< MH\ 11 I) IJ ,. Gr-ll et Nl Orf'• But t~ .. N1 (mf(o •,.,. t(I \I le•lnqlon C>•P H•rbr t19l If t flt•Y•U'\ (,rp lrt'tl~I (p l.dr 1) ~ I) .. P•to n ... JI I\ A 8"11 1J •J HI 10 j'1 10 14 C>Oldld l /1 Nl Provtd • 1' ) •t Dr•v• t4 11 '• "I P11Dt 10 11 11 1l (;NM.A I t• frr>ll 'I t.11\fd I 18 I"' LOY\11' It 1' 11 IOI \u,..c,tt II )I I) )I C.r-I .. J ,.l A H•••IQ JO/ Hl N Nino ~~ NI (,I r·M .,,.. NI Ron 11 .. NI Atnlll> I IJ •JI !opt '"' • 11 Nl C.•fr ()p II 11 Nl l "'°'" t))) Hl : :~:.~ :~ =t ~~;d\• '!!! ~t '(t•tu~1t-; ·~~ 40 l~;;·,~ S.\'r11 Nl AmM.o ll ll Nl ( ~o· C.•n • I • 10 ,. E "",, 10 I/ Mui II •• NI A NIC.111 •\I 4 .. l •lonl.1-•td !> .. \ JO/\ NI I 0'<1 Aoo;>U A NII"' ti 13 It '17 0•'"" I .. • 01 !> .. !>Iii tO ~ NL Allillcl I /t t ,. Amw•v • 14 t H ftKlf\ IOCM NI vtn Y, 11 }I NI llncl 00 •U IO ~1 ArcnGvt '" Hl ,,,<0.,, ••• 1 cu r,111 1111 NL o .. c,1 10'811• A••"-"'°" •tWno< 8 411 •n Grin 111(1 ••IO NI •nt.em l02 >7• 1'11a 8 •I) ~ •1 \i><tlq (irCIPlo.A u o I• I\ lv111ttr..,, llro In< om • .. I 01 ,, , , /1 ,. H•"' tt UA ~.,.. ) )6 , und IJ " IJ II Slor -IO )I II JO Slotlo. It I~ tl If H•rl viii tO \\ NI lllC.,,.... IQ 111 Blt GI , ... It 1• Ii.,."'""' C,roup .,.,, ·~· 1• II NI Mun• ) u I •• BLC Inc u CM .. u Ct>em 10 II 11 •• H••o•o >01 00 Nl us Gow 9 OI • !\ 8•1>• Inc I \7 NI. IJ119lh • II 9 .. Hor Man IJ -"' NI M•n ,,,...,... 811>• Ill• II 10 NI. ~urvn IJ 91 II ti Hv1181'tll II 01 Nl Ml T ll •I 1111 llH ( Otn 17 •I Nl tnout•t "" Nl HullG!h 11 ., NI MIO "" 13 '7 l)e•• Hitt "!~ Nl flvrorn "II NL tNA HI'!' • " • .. MID •• tO 11 'iO "~'04!f Of'OVP f ,,,., OC. I•?• 11 ~ 1$1 G•OUt> MCO • 4' 10 7J 100 rO II"' HI. J.O.t•lf(J '"""' Orwin .... I )I Ml:O • 1'1 IOOt 101 '" 10'7 NI Am ldr 1011 to .. tnrom Jlt "I MFO 11'-I t1 H 60,1()11 (.o E•Cll tt u Nl 111 dun ....... ,1 MHI !) Ii U II IPltn< ll,.11JI tit lt m 11 ... 17111 lt11SI> 10-0 !tJI MMI\ 811 97\ C•PAll U .IO NI. P•t1l F ""°V•ll ln(l11\lry o JI NI Ml H • U ) 11 IO\I F"° 1111) ,, u h • .. • " NI. •llt•tC"l)lttl tnlrtl II .. ,, " lull ..... , e.11 ui (iv'f • ~ Nl 11\(ec> 10 "' 11" M•IM,. 11., NI. ~•PM 10 n NL I ldttt11 G .... P HIYIG I) I• u ~ Mtrtlll l..'t'll<ll •P'I ~ I~ Ol Nil AU.. II 1J NI ".V•I 11. 11 \1 lh\lt I I I\ ll ti OICll lo .. N ~1111 t It NL Nti.tt / ~ I •t C.ttlt II II ltOI C• Vin nu1100 ....-~ ., '° Nl h•f. • ,. • .. l qv l\O 10., "01 tivtto. " II 1• ,. .,,". 11 .. NI. 1111 ''""' 10 .. ! I 0 11• Ill( I •t I .. t t1 ~ I 1U1 ! '! lll'f 10 U 1,,w ll\fll( 11' ~I tll Oft 10 JI 10 14 0 ... ) ''• .,. 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' '• Vl•Pl 1•10 ti.; '• W•I M t 111' l'1 ''• ... ,,0, -r • ~i.: )ti Ul~I.~'"' ,,, .. :;~r • .:·~ .. n~·I; 1''"" ..... td ".:~\. u1.,1.. ... ''° ~ u. 1»wlleftl'pfC10 (llO JI I U l•C• ,,. • ,, ·~-.. ~:Pt::J~ I :1:; WtlPIP llD t 19'11;. .. , "th•~;.I• ]11•, ... 11 ,_•,, II V WUU I 910. U IJ , 1a •• ._ 191 90'-'• 1, VP Cll i lO • ~I 11, 1' Wfl"'lrl •IO "•, •~ •Ill ,_ 1~ ti It IJ!'o VelttO )> • JOIO "n~: .: WAlr pt ,. ,, ... 1· ~~~.~ I •• , JOOH ,. • '· V• .. •ln JOI 2' IJ t• ,, W(.H,11 1• ) 7(1)1 n. ,. U I , I _, .... Or,111u l..oui.I DAil 'i' PILOt /~11d1.1y Ot.10,bm 22 1982 r-------- THt; t'A" II.\ ('IR('l S \ ,../\ t' -_,, . -;,_ ... ... ~ ·-. ,_ r' (_ ., .. I • by Virgtl Partch (VIP) .. Pt:A~l TS NU 11th, .. M'i 11\ILNI I Ml\K(ll '1lll ., Jll'l T WNNA WATOI "-Ill"' NOT WllAT YOU CALL A1Hll Th. ~ q I) ((@ l~f I ,-------~--. ~u 1 1 PvN' r 1 ALL A'lll n • IN ~C HUUL ;\NP lil l D MINUSb tlTHL" I -, WHA1 A FA1l:: SfUCK IN l H 15 Jf:f{KWA1ER JUt\K7L.E W11}J A JAK.E:Y JUM~E OF JUGHEAt75 . MY 10M 10M OOF-5 "11-lLJf'!") INS1l::AV' OF 111HtJMP!11 / I s H(H: SENAICll. \l?U :.w YaJR ----------+-----------~1Pib~c~HM¥6WA? A 0051N~'' ~p~ "You don't need to help me, Mommy . I con undress it myself." "It beats walking." ,..\R,.,\DtKt~ by Brad A nder son -... ·~·····"· ... ... -£':.}!Il:<x::~. "WOOF!" Jl DGt: P.\RKt:R ·······---· MEANWHIL~T IF YOU'LL P•Cl'o G\R•·n :1.o POOM 5 DB Cl.ARK UP lHE HOUSE AE61STEP.EO IN 7 PHONE . THE OPERA TO~ WILL RIN6 THE ROOM. StP.' ._Jf_M_~_. _______ 10_22_. ~ •fl&lu-.• ..,, •• ,..,.5,.,....,. ,.., ~00' ~l LLl'S ) His IGITTS ARE. QJT " GORDO Pu:.A:!'e 1£: .. l.',).>-I~ ~\AMA! ro.J11 Tf LL ~ 'DUL./ IF-\\ ... "'RO l..~tc:? C\J,. ~ \\" t.•µ-." '\..:>1..1.e:i:..11(1,l.J T" ~ew-:, ~t-JOOP.S V'JJL-1... .:::-,~Ai:;:A.\ l!J 0-~::--- DR:\BBLE DR.SMOCK I LL BE OUT IN A MOMENT, NANCY--!'rvt WAITING FOR MY N A ILS TO DRY /11ifl l)" ~l.u l l I .. ( TAKE-YOUR TIME,\. . l AUNT FRITZI ,... WIT'i-4 -mEi~ ;A<v\f:i;V.-:> .i.>.i(' .l.l.-f:C i E:'I. ~.... ..JC'U.:'"' '-THE \'l.D~i...c;t Y'EAH • Bol ! REALL4> NEEDED fHAI OHOWER, IVll~E I 1 5WO (I WA5~ i GOIN0 10 TAKE A $HOWER UN'Tll 'THE. TEAM W'.)N I 1.,-0{J MEAN Wf<I.) BACY AT 1H£ BE.61NNIN0 OF iH£ SEASON 12 • ''I ''"t'--.l •t ''' by Charl es M Schulz 'IOU D1Dl'·fT HAV( TU ~A'1 lf.IAl MARtl( by Tom K Ryan by Jeff MacNelly by Ernie Bushm1fler by Gus Amela TrlE"/ 1!.. I... N01 HEA.r:::: .'.)F rf ~'\ i~ANA MOM ;:.A ... \.?l' 0:- .: 1.. AM OF Sl-L...ll'JA ..:.r<:...>:t: by Tom Bat1uk NO BACK IN 'bl! by Kevin Fagan by George Lemont DELIVERY ROOM DELIVERY ROOM ACROSS 58 B"d'sciaw THUflSDAY'S S9 V1ndal PUZZlE SOlVED 1 B1ncMg 60 Take s Sonar's •un chances 1 O Delicacy 6 2 SuccOf' 1• Ev&rg•een 65 Upright geous Prefix IS A Muse 67 Spokes 16 ~ Bradley 69 Poet Pou,,d t 7 F Of fear that 70 Molding 18 l<ind of Shoe 71 lyric poem 19 Alas«& Gtly 72 ~oved ?O Most tardy 73 Composer 22 B<e&k Jefome - 24 Born 7• PapvlBOe 2s Aetallve 7S Nontay c.ty 21 Sea llOlly plall1t DOWN ,!i+i. ~~ 29 Ftrsl·eod 1temt t Ct111gt1 ;13 M19Ple 5 t Mede upright 32 AHwmattve 2 Athena 26 Titne pe<i<X.I• S3 OhlO tlty 33 Attngerlle 3 Pllllld IOolo 18 Lolu'a aon S4 Tttmblf!d 3-4 ~~ 'Spttad 29 Twnlng attm 55 Elimln1te 3' Sf110 IC)udly 5 Put• on l!Qlin 30 Ca.di 56 Aegiattf •O I oc1g1ng 6 Mauw 3 t Ct~t 57 CU<tllln ,2 vllJ!tt , 1 r 1sn 35 H«1~ 61 Blblk:ot •• lnd•M tongue 60o1)«11nce 37 Arttt\Oft country •rt Att""""t 9 1Utning 36 Oecttvtf 63 Of I petlOd •7 fhnn!I 10 Wflgfll un1t 39 lmPOtt _. Otmbtlng 4Q QyCllY ~ I I Midtl • t F'8ff'#lll OM'lt so $HtMn 12 lrllf '°" •3 El'llfflgl M Eoo MMce U Cur If~ 13 Atflft, • t ttl CO\lf1 •, 88 Wedding $4 He.poonld ft Strlll• •• WhltnC* worn . -- ONf; S O U N DS l,IK E:. A C L.AR I N e 1"", AND 1'He 01'H f:R A Ft...u,..e .' t'OR BETT~• OR t'OR •o •st; .--~-~,-~-~~-- He U' ME PUSH 1fiE Cf\RRIPGE, rnR1&WPHE:R. _,/ T~ISNT' f?l:Ovl, criRl8- ,,~ by Lynn Johnston llr1111q11C11t1•1I lJAll Y I'll OT/I rl<.J.1y Oc.luli111 l:t. 19tl2 0 5 Part-time gard ning pays for Moscow residents By OAVIU MINTllOH N AHOQi.tect PreH Willer MOSCOW t;.11d1•11t1IH 1 .. llHIH' cli.111 ,1 h11l1l1\ for n111l11ms or S11v11·t-. \\ lu1 UM' t111v '" IV.111 · "'"'' 111 ra11:1t· fruit~. v1·gl'l:ilil1·' ,111d 1·uttlt• 111 tlw1r 'I'•''" lll'l'lt' Tht• µ1•u f1L' '""' 1111:11111· .1 Ill'\\ 1-.11 111 1•\'111 ,, smul l SllllHIWI 11111111• "You \01111 1•111 11 ht I'""' :1.UOO 1·111111·' 1$: 111101111 .• SUfl'llnl'I by wnrk111g p.111 111111• 4111 lht· pltil .111d selhn~ lht• p 1·111h1t·1·, ..... 11d .1 l'vht'l OVI It' \\ ''" m ainlain:,, J f1 lilt 1111 lt.11d ,111d vr•g1·t.il1l1· g.11d1·11 111 the• suburb, "1\ll Ill\ 111•1ghli111!>. p.ud r .. , 1h;·11 1,11' and dJ1·h.1.., ("11111111·1 h11u,1·') lJy St lle11g p111du ... ' P1•nM0111·1~ .111 '-Itel to h1· ,1hlt· 111 111.1k1 ·" 11111d1 as $:.!8.000 tor .1 ''""'111 of lull 111111· 1 • .11111 111 .i garuc<n h 's 1··"" to..,,,. \\h;.• with ,1,,,,,1,..,, ... , Selling for a l 11°.1 .. 1 $8 ·Ill ,1 k1l11i.:1.1111 t.! .! 1><•111111,J 111 new poWtOt•::. fur $~HO .1 kal11 Doc:lnna11 t• l'orl111111111'L.' :...i~ th1 I"" ,111 pl111 ~ arc• a l'Orrupt111g v1·,11g1 o f Hu:-...,.;_1 ·, 1.1p11.i11,1 I'·"' But the Sovtl'I gov1•1nm1·1H1:-. p111111111111g 1111, 11111111 .. 1 type of pnvatt• :igr1n1ltutl· 111 lwlp -..ilv1• th1 d1111111t "food probll.·111." Thret• <'01\.._.,.u11v1• g1.1111 h;H'Vl''I f,111l1i.·'· .111d mdiC'al1ons thut thP lTup wrll ht• f.11 hc •lm\ t.11 i.:• 1 this year. h:tvl' ll'fl th1· Suv11•t l 11111111 It."' 11\ dependent on 1m1x11 ls Sovll't law .illuws 1·111inl1 v .111.I l'll \ d\\ • 1111' alike to farm as mud1 .1:. um·-halr a 111" t.111· I :.!:> acres -of S~lll' land. ,1)1lSllllllllg tl11• pl 11d111 f' .1l home or sdhng 11 f,,,. prnf11 !-\1•\ • 111 \ I" 111•111 111 t Ill' pli1l.., ,111• ull11l1•d 111 0·111pl11v1·1•, 111 '''''' .i11d 1 .. 11t-1 t1v1· f.11 111s .111d .Ill p1•11 1•11I Ill l11J1,1111l1·._ lll 'dl lfi111 11111111•' :\11 •",t1111.1lt'<I I Ill 11111111111 So\111'1 1 lll/(•11~ 1111111 l h .111 11.dl 111•· J1••1111l.it11111 work lh1·,1· ''"'·"' pl11h .• 11111 llu· \1t·ld IH'I ·" 11 l.11 11111:.lllf" th it 111 'lat1· .111d 111l11·c 11\i l.11 '"" Tiii' pl11h I f•lllJ•I "'' .t 111 ·11·1•111 111 1111 l'lrlll\',11t·d l.111.t \c•l .1u111111t !111 111rn1 th.ill .!;1 p1•11·1•11l 11I th1• \Ion• l ha n a 111 i II ion i\lu~c·o, ilc• .... till lht• ~oi l t1111d gr"''" 111 th• So\11 I 111111111 .111111d111g 111 • •111< 1.11 .. 1.111,ll•' 1\ 1h11d Ill 111 .. '"'·" lllllJ•lll "' 1111 .11 , 1111lk, 1·gg::. .11111 '' 1:• 1.t111t . h.tll 1111 111111 .111d 111•11 11•' arrd .il11111,1 l\\11lh11d,ol 1111 p11ti111,., i.:111"11111 t h1· S"""' l 1111111 , """ 1111111 1111 p11\'.1l1· pl111,, S11v1..i 11( I rn,iJ, It pol I 1'1 0111 1110111 '·"''' .il 1.111111 ·1' 111.11 kt·l~ l'Oll1 ,,,. • 1111111111u' ,.,.., ... , 1.i11 ~ "" 1111 .11 'gg .. v1·1 .. wt:11Jl1·'· 111111 .111.td111 \ Jll 01il1h ''·\\hit fl .tll Ill I hlillll\ sh111I '"JIJlh llo l.1 11 lool t'' l ht "''''"II 1:.11 .11·111 1-. 1,111 fll ddlt· 1111·11 p11Hlt..1l'I' ,1 1 .tll\ 1oi .!', l.111111·1, 1t1,11k1·h Ill Mt1st.'OW 1111 pr111 ·, 111.11 .111 111!1·11 11111•1 111 l1>11r 111111·.., l11g lw1 lh.111 ·" ... 1.it1 · ,11111'' Hard clay gardening taught African ,·iolt•I ~/Jo w .~lutt•tl i11 llu111i11µ1011 llt·:H·li Hard day louml 111 ... outh 01.111g .. l'u11111\ 11111·11 m akrs 11 d1frrl'Uh 111 h,I\ t• .1 ~Ult t"'·''"I g.11 d1·11 Dorothv Drun11n11ncl 111 S.in .Ju.in t '.ip1,11.11111 and Brult' ·Ewrng S.1n t'l1·11wn11 , .11 It l1111i,11111t residl.·n~ uf ::.outh 1·11t1111~ .• in· llll11111g ~'.·''"' 11111g dasses tn wh1eh llJ>' 1111 < 1111qu1·1111g 1h1 ,1trl1IH1111 soil will Ix· offl'rt>tf Thl.• first l l<h' h '4 h1>tlUl1·d 1111 ()cl .!ti .it lt11• Drummond hom1 C:osl for 'I" 1 l"''l' , .. ~.!I lnforma111m 1~ av;11l.1hll • h~ It h·ph1111111g l!l:l ltt •H "' o.192-0426 Thl· ;11111u.il !.ill 'h11\.\ .ind ""' u l tht .\fri1·an Violet Counc il ol Soutlwrn C1l1for111;i 1.., ._..tll'duh·d Saturday and Sunda~ .11 1h1· llu111111g11111 J~ ·" h Mall. 7777 Ul1ngt·r Av1·, llu111111gt1111 I~··•< h Thi show 1s slatt·d from Ill ,1 111 111llJJ111 S.t1unl:1\' 11<~111 to 5 pm Suncby Alll•n Syl\ll'Sl<'I \\Ill t.tlk 011 gf'lm 111g un t11d, .il th<' 8 pm Thur ... d.i\ nw1·11n~ nf th1 NC\\ port H arb or Orchid Soc i e t ~. A hl·g.111111 , , 1,,.,, 111 fam1hanzt· n uvrl'I' growt•r.., with t'Jrt· .111d nrllurt· "' Don 't take chances -with mushrooms Mushruom fems \1.hu 'l.1lk "1ld Cun~r pri>1 l.11111 it's an t'X<:1llng. t·hiilh·nging pa,t1m1· Snm•· '11ok' "''' w ild mus hroom ... all' 1·i..1>lll 1.h·l1t.1l1t'' A 11·" budge-t -stret1h1ng <·011,unwr' ll<11111 th1·v s.0\1• l-rln,ftt1rr:t-by ptt.>ktn)l wild Ont"'! n1thM -thttn hu~ mushrooms at thl' m.trkl·t And 'l1m1 p1.-upl1· "ho eat wild mushroom' d1su1w·r lh"Y .111· d1•,1c.llv. t11,th· m istakes. Carlton KO<'hl1·r. l'nto111olof.(1st l.;nivt r'll\ 11f Cahformci Coopl'rallvf· Extt·n..ion. • 'Pl .. 111 ... m.111y wild mushrooms tf t'<•tt n n in 1·aust· rllm·!'.., 11r ,ll-,11h M any Californi:in .... tht• UC &•rkc•lt•v '1x·n.i11.,1 adds. are poisont·d l'al·h y<'<tr bl.0l·ausc· th1•\' 1n1,1.1kl' :i poisonous mushroom fw <10 l0d1bll· •>nl' Cwh1th 1s ea sy to d o). It':. :.till not known wh1·lhl·r ... mnl· particular Spe<'ll'S of mushrooms arc• t·d1bh• Kr""·hl1•r offers more> 111form<•t111n un wild mu,hr110111::-. Never Nit a mui.hroom 1f tht·n· 1!-o any d111il 1t about It being saf<· Commonly pr;u tH 1·d ll':.t:-. :.111 h as dropping a siln·r lmn or par;l1•v into 1·ookrng wild mushrooms. or p<·l'hng rnps an• not n lt.1hh· m e thods for dl•1t·rn11n111g l'd1blt· fr11111 pt11-.c1n11u' species. There isn't " t<·<;t. 11thl'r thJn ,11 tu<il 1·at111g thcit will d1st1ngu1!th all pc>1't>nou:. mushr<Kllll>-f1om all edible ones .• md this It'~\ • .., n<•I limdu<'l\'t 111 longevity . RUFFELL'S UPHOLSTERY ........ t«.-clS..• 1922 H>JllOI ILYD. COSTA MIS.A -541-1156 101t l11d-.. '' ,,.1 fur , I' 111 1'111 llw<·llng::-. .ill' :.t.ht·dull·d o1t l·11,1 l'11111d \l11l11,.f1,tt'h111ch l:!O W IYthSt I 'n,l.1 :\Ii"'·' \ '"'Ill llll t1•111 .11111 I·''" p.111.' IS ,f,ll!•d .it 11 .1 '" (),.I .:•1 I I\ I Ii• Lal!una Ul•a«h c;ardt'n Club. Tht· •" 11• '' rll IH 111 Id .11 N11ghhor h ood (.'ongn•g;1t11m,1I ( 'ln 111 ti •·Jtl '-'' \1111 ' I )1 1\ • L.1gu11.1 Bt·.11 h Pnn· '' :-.~ 111 \\ 111 pr•~•,"' J,. 111 l1t111g 1111 L.1guna lk'.1lh "h11l.11 liq• ll111d .11111 lw.1Ultltlo1lltlll prtJJl'll!> J!,..,, "·'"'''" 111.1\ lit 111.1dt· l1\ 11 l1 ·11h1111111g 4!:14 2Yl:i Hf l'i; ~7 t'_' Indoor plant 1·an• "' l•1p11 111 .1 11111r11111g \\ 111 k ... 111 I'" 11111\111 ti I 111111 !I .Ill .1 111 t11 110011 Nov :i .it Sh1·111 1.111 < :.11d1 ,.., 111 l'1111111;1 !l.·l M .ir PliJnt 1d1111!111 .d10011 ''"""111g pl.111t 111o1t1·n.t1~ for a vant·t~ •ii li 11u ... h1ild 'I 1 u.11 IClllS, pr.1111!',.I WiJll'l'lllJ;: lt1lll111I ul Jlt''h .111 .tMHJll~ lh1· 'llhjl.•'l' 11( dlst'U!-oSllll). P11 ·1t ·ghl1 ,ll111111d $)'..! 1s 11·qurr1d !\Inn· 1nformL1t1on '' .i\ .11l.1hlt · hv It J, ph11tll1tg lii:l :!:.!Ii I FOR ONLY 1 14.99 ~ TURN Fall 1,000 SO. FT. iS OF TIRED GRA SS INTO for NURSERY SPECIAL EXCELLENT WINTER COLOR A BEAUTIFUL. planting GREEN .... • . ... I ANO BULB-COVER PLANTS WINTER "'" ' LAWtt! WINTER RYE GRASS SALE 5 BAGS BANDIN! STEER 10 LBS. OREGON RYE GRASS SEED ONLY 14.99 PONV PAKS REG H • !CELANO POPPY ··~IW1!~ CALENDULAS, PANSY. VIOLAS. STOCKS AND SNAPDRAGON. Ha1lis\tits Nursery -Florist 2640 Harbor Blvd • Costa Mesa Ad good tfvQli9h Oct '8. 1 M 2. w1111e Supply leau 6,, House Plants reg. 79!J Now 5 7 5 (CYCLAMEN, CALLADIUM, IVY, PEACE Lil Y, SILVER QUEEN, SPIDER, BOSTON FERN, PARLOR PALM) If you don't smoke. I can offer important savings on auto insurance Claim yQUr reward from ltA88fTT INStltANCE 4'1 Old Newpof't Blvd. Newport 8Ndl, Ce. a1-n40 Super Saturday Sale Hvntington Center's ont day sole with super so""""' of 25% 'to 1sro Oct:23. rr~ 8" Plants reg. 1895 Now 129 s \.......-I (PTHOS, IVY. BOSTON FERN. SPIDER, PARLOR PALM) Bamboo Palm very full 5-6' Now 1995 EXCELLENT MEDIUM LIGHT UPRIGHT PALM. STOP IN and recister for drawinc for FREE turkey. 5 will be elven away ·on November 14, 1982. I ~ Notllllll\\'ld• 1h111 •II• lil)lltl l.1lllll'I!> 111.11k11' wh1•11· hOll.llOtl I" 11plt• ,,.II 1111•;i1 and p111d1111· ,., 1 1 v doJV · Uut w11h w.11:1·s .1v1•1.1gt111-( $1i0 .e w1·1•I\, 11·\\ S•l\'wh 1.111 ul l11rd t11 11i.1h1· 1t'Mt1lu1. pl11c·l1 . .-.1 ·-. 111 hard 111 g1•I 111·1111-o 111 llll' f1111111 ·1,· 111,11'kl'1' Tlw t11gh p1 11t11 111.11g111 "" 1111· 111 ·1· 111.11kl·t (I I ... II ., I ·11111·1111111s 1111 I '11 l IVI .. , I 111 pr I Vol It. ~:· "" '.,. ... ,111d th1· g11v1·1111111•111 h." d·~ 11 l1 ·d 111 g1·1 111 1111 1111· .11 l A llt'W I t'gl1l.1tw11 1~·ri111I " ''·'"' .111.t I 11111••'11\'t' t.11111 -. lo st·ll 111 ,,.., 1 (•fll 111 lh1·11 1111tp11l 111 th•· f.111111'1 ' 111,11 k1 •h 111,ll'.lll 111 d1·llVl'J 111~: ('Vt'I Ylh111g t11 IJi1 '" .... 'l'o1111t•1.1l1\'1 g.11d1 •1" .111d 1111l1v1du.d pl11h .11 la1111~ 1•1111d1 tlw l"'"J>l1·,· "'' lt.111 · II "'''"·1111.il ''' uo 11u1 hc •,I \11 1·1..,1111· the· d .. v .. J11p11 wnl 111 th•• pl11h " S11v11 ·t l<u::-.!>.1.1 .1 111•\\ 'Jl•lf"'' 1111l1J...,l11 d lo\ th! L'u111111u111'>t Jla1 tv I '1•11t1<il < '111111111111·1· ••>1111111 ·111t·d 111 ,, ll'\'1•111 llf""' 1111 d1tfwu1tw .. l.11 1d hv ''''"·'" pl11t lr11lt.l<•1, Altlt11ug!1 ttwy l.1li111 1111 th1· pl111s 111 111111 111•1 111111., far 111 ww kt r!>. n1111pl.11n lh:1t 111.111.1gt'I' 111 ll'll 11'1 \A'' Ill ,,,, llll'lll 11•111 11.111111 .... uul II U1 k'. lo "'" tlwm foddc·1 111 g1v1• th• 111 t11111 1111 IP t;1k1 tl11·11 proJUl'l' lo tl11• urban rnar kl'L.., Fa11111·1'!>. 111 lht· K.1h1go1 r1·g11111 :-uuth ul Mn""" .. 11d 1l11·v It.iv• 111 h11•· ( :vfl""''· wh" 11" 11 11111 , . ., I•• 1•l11w 1ht11 pr1 vo1tt pl11h. 'l'h1·v <'lr.11~1 11t1 • ruhJ. 1·q111 \ .d• 111 of $1! I 111 pl11w .111 ;rv1·1 o1w· .,1r1·cl 1•1111 •d .1IH1111 11111 .11·11 . Trud, 1hl· t1.1d1 l1 •d11.Jt11 111 d.11Jv ""cl 1:0 ... 1 M.ov V H11111a11;l',h111, wltci l1·11<l1i t.1.., 11w11 .q1pl1 11n l1.11d 111 s ul1u111.111 Mo~~ uw, t·11111pl;11111·d :tlH 1111 thr ...h11rt;1g1• C1I '•ljliillg._ 111 .. t.rll• l'>llJll'!-o "f lllt d !oot Vt f,.J l11111 ·s 111 buy •,:1j1h11g' 111 ,, Mu.,1 ""' ..,1111" 11111 l 111uld11'11 •v1•1111.,wlt tlt1 · C'fl\J11l1·r 111'(';111" lht 11· w1 ·11 ••I rn.111y p1·opl1· ll'Yllll! 111 J(t•l tlt1·111 I lh111k 1111lv 11111 '"''""I Ill Ill"""" '>lllll'"'lll." ht ...... ,.1 .• 1111·d lit 1111 111 \.\ 'Jl•ll" I Tiu g.11 d1 '" .11 • < 11111 • .J 111 f1·1·cl1111! ,, 1 II\. I h• '"'' 111 l\111s.t·11". wl11d1 ha' tt 1111111011 11 ·..rd1·11L Bm" Pop11v d1·pu1y t h<11rma11 •11 1 Ii• 11t:- g.11d1111·,...,· -.c.oc.1!'lV, .... 1ul th!·1t· ••It' '.I J.1,0lllJ ..,111.dl pl1tl:-. .1111u11d till• 1 .ip11.il wh1·n · rnori· th.111 ,, 11orlh11n Mu ... 11v111·' 'lll'IHI tl11 11 '>fJ.111· 111111 11ll111i.: 1111· '"" '"f'lw g.11d1 ·n111g '"""" "lflUlt• urnl1 '''""d 1lil1 · lt1 s;11d "II p111\1cl1·' •• d1vt•r\H11l lr11111•1t v 1111 .111d rt g1Vt•s 11111 lht pit ,J'oUll' 11f M 1'111,1.( f1 , . ._It f I lllh ,1111f v1·g1·t.il1lt ., g 111wn with oni··s own '1:11111-. 1111 tlw t:1bl1 · .. 1 lr11nll' .. I It· d1d11 '1 "JV that 111,111\ 1 I tlt1 product.. g.1 1d1 ·n1·r ' grow w .. uld l1l. l••l.ilh u11.1v;11l.ihlt •m tht· 't:1ll· 111ark1·l LLOYD•!i . . . ., ' , I .J ' . . ., , . I . I ,~ ~ T ( I I I : ~r.i ':1 gard~n 511op GIANT FALL 1 c SALE SAYE UP 10 50% \ (-- luy 1 dozen I Ranunculus BULBS --'--;- Ovy 819 I at reg. price I :"e.' -ind cfozen c 1~ 819 Big - SPECIMEN TREES L1r11 selection of 15 1111011 11td boa trtts 1/2 OFF Marked Price RYE GRASS Green up your Bermuda lawn with winter rye. Cover seed with topper on ,._ -!.J~ ... ~ ~ .... ,, -..-.. ~t ,.._. " .... 1'• ~. .- ~<ir· sale now -Reg. s439 $5.49, now LOFTS GARDEN SEED Buy 1 Pkg. of seed at Reg. price, get 2nd one for 1 ~ ALL HAl&llli COLOR IASIETS ~OFF l llarhd Price ~- NEW SEASON JUST STARTING NEW SHIPMENT JUST IN • A\1 lR Selected Weed Killers Insecticides. FERTILIZERS 40% OFF SELECTED WEED KILLERS, INSECTICIDES I FERTILIZERS 403 OFF J ·, _'J -·-•COUPON•-, ,---•COUPON1• -~, r. ' 'J ( PUMPKINS \ I All I Gal. Shrubs I . { A I I and plants, bUJ 2 . '.> • I r· .· T (J I 203 OFF ®._""· I I at Rec. price, cet :(.~~~:,. I ~: . • J llirhd Price , i " ' I I 3rd plant of .J~:~·~~:.. I I 1 ..., ..-~ I \ -" .r· I I equal or l111or , ~ra-I ~ ,~ ' ) I Exp •0-31-82 . ~ • • Yllue for 1 • • ' . :-\ W/Coupon -'Exp 11·11·82 I --~ ~ ~----------' '--~-------" ~~ J ---•COUPON-• \ 1-••COUPON•_._, {]' ~-\1, • 111 & 111. shrubs · 1 1 All Indoor Pl1nt1 • ~ ·. · .J I!~~.·:~~:~:. '· :~_:'· ... 11 ::r :r:',~::; !f0 ' I ~ · '~ I 31'4 pla•t of ~;i:;s_.. 11111111 or .'A I ~_: --•t1u•I or "'1"'A--11 l111or vllu1 r.; ~ I [ ~ l~. 11111or value I for 1 ~ ' ~ ~·1 . ~ \ ftr 1 ~ EICP 11-t 1-82 WtCOYPo" I \ Exp. 11 -11-82 w 1Coupon • ~' ~ ~ ~----------~----------...... ~ ~ ,.. ...'l'' I ~ 1114'11 •• ,.,,,. .. ftr ,,. ....... ,.,, SI.II ~~ , 12111 ... •20•• . '.J 1114111 l •WIJ ftrttllztr ftr 411llt1wfl rtl• • Al "-~I te elOt' ell -a-tooe llW....,. 11 11 .. J Oft ........... -~ -~(1 , ........ JO ... ""' •• Llovd's Nurs~ and LandscaDe Co •• Inc. 2ds1 I . New,ort ltvd. (at l•y St.) Co1to f!le1a, CA ..._7'41 ' HO I I IAll y I'll u TI J ndi1y Ol 1111.Ji.11 n l'IU. PWLIC HOl ICI It 01091 IUPIRtOll COUR I 0 1 t Hl llAfl! ()I' CALlfOllNIA 00UNTY 0" ORAMOI TOO CMo Cent•1 01lwe WHI l1n1e An• CalllOrnla t 110 I PleffltlH ALICIA LOPlL POllf'llllO AlllUANO Oelendent ALAN IPAff'()RO C RAMER l!LE C TR O N tCI A LfAEO ANTHONY lllMAROINO ROA D llUNMlR CATElllNO and 001!1 1 tllro119h IS lnc:luelwe SUMMONS No 32 37 IS NOTICE! Yeu lleve llHn eued The court mer daelCJ• •11elne1 rou wlllloul YCM4f 1Mln9 llH<d unlH• rou rttponCt wlllltn 30 d•Y• RHd lhe lntotmetlon IHllow II Y\lv wklh h " k ti t I•~· 1 I lir tttlurrht-. 111 lt\I n 11t ..,, ) u lhOulil ''" •u I I' pity ... th II )\ II Wfttl*'' ru-.,l ) ,. t I .. l IY I • 11111<1 01 I ft II AVllOI Ueled h• etdo d•m•ndado II lrlatunel ,.,..e decldlr eontr• Ud •'" eudtencl• • menoa q11• Ud rttponda dentro de 30 dl1&. LH I• tnlotmec:lon qu. etgue S1 U~lt.HJ llfl' >\ I -. ll c. t u t I COn$tlJQ Jt' u o1&.u1111t!U \ I 1<>l1t ••un t u UttlJ\''"' n''" 10 •nmed a1JmtHlh, \Jt "'' a 11 •r ~' u au 1e'l)u4'•ID M< t to > r..iy ulvu• 1 puft<le '"' •o01S1••cJu " I• 1nflo I ro It-IE D£HNOANI A <"I comp1111nt ""' 1 t't' 1 h iJ hv "" ple1n1tll dQll 11•1 you II y " "'"" t deteoo In • luw>u I VO I 11111.i w lhlll 30 <1a1• alli.1 th~ ~ "'" nn, Is se<ve<l on you 11• ,. th th• ul\Jfl J '"' lien rtJspun;,e to 1n., ~..,m~''' n1 UnlH• you <Jo >o 1 ''" l.l~IJull .. I oe 11n1e ed 011 Jflt•• r 11 • t 1 fl• pie n1111 .ino '"" rn1 '1 " 1r "'" ., 1ue1gm11nt 1ga 1 ,1 vnt t ' It < re ~t OomanduiJ 111 11 " u1 n~ 111 111 wr ~" couta 1t•sull • II 1fl t n 111 a l wage> tak 1 u nt m '") "' f vi I' ly 01 Olht1 '1< ~I l'(jVt'Sl1 11 I II I compta' t 1:>11ea Nov I~ 1\1111 Lee A 81111 Cl1 Cit'•~ Elholy WJ ti 01.!ll• •1 01 Merco I AreuJo A P1ofeulonel Lew Corpor•llon 1200 N Main SlrHI Suite 20IS Sent• 1,n• Celllo1nl1 92701 (114) 135 &'90 Put>t gt toll OrJnge t.Od11 D11 I) P1101 Oct 15 22 29 Nov !> 198:> 4!>34 82 PUBLIC NOTICE P\ltl IC NOllCl cu pnn•I u "'I I "'"<I l>ocunlOUI Ill 11180 " ""' Nu 1110!1 I " tmo~ 1 l8il0 p 'II" 14'>0 1 I 011 • "' lhK 01<h 11" \Ill I < I 1"t 11<'•0 Our Of 0 111 \Ill C OlJflly tll () 1.1!>1!0 (JI I u•I iln~•t hH• Ille tvlh.1w1nll p1ovo1 iv I Ml(; Cl I l 01 hi <)I 1 n I N 1 li)J4l> 11 11\o (,lly ul tr•• " Luo• ly ot Oflno<t ;,1111e ol Cahl01n" us 11u "' 1p e•u I.lull 11 hook 4 7? 1• .ill u" 4 8 I" ~ O n c I u "1 •ti M '.><:<lltn 1110 •> M 111s n Ille oll1c.., 01 lhn C\)IJllly ti<(< Hlut OI 5810 tOVllly r >lt.f Pl rHfREFROM "" 01 U•' m ttt1 a1 s ano otn er hy(f<OCd bon• l>fl ow ., <lttP1t1 01 SOO luut .. 1tnou1 tt" 110111 of •u•tace tlntr)' a~ rttse,ved n Ulttrum"'"~ Of rt'COl<I PARCEL '} (<15emo111s 3S set to• Ill n lh11 Se, 1 ons e•ll 1100 (...,11a 1 E .. \eml'nts to Ow""'~ Suppo11 Setttem"' 1 •11<1 E nc<Qilchn1er11 nn;J Common c111ve'"ar f1ueme111 01 tne A1hctt1 ent 11.io [.,\t'ments of lht1 01.'cld• e11on of <;ovendnts Cono 1101 • •<HJ R.ist <.I c' s d<l$C!llH!CI 11 Suli1ec1 10 tlf tow ttnQ 06'. cl• oil 0• I PARCEL '.l Ea•en ents <1& ;,u< h e.i&emen1s "" purl cuta1 f st1I lo•lt l me Art <.It! er I II.id Eas<1m1m1s or 1he Oectarat on or Covor•an1> Cond I ons ano Res111ct ons OeSCI bed n Sub1e<:I tu below Hhe MU ie Oecta1a1 ur I un<lt!I lhO S11t11on heal.I nos n such ArllCle en1 llOCI as lo11ows Ow 1ers Rights .mo Ou! ts Ut hlle• M•<I Cabla Tetev s.on S aeyard Easements Suppor I anti St11tlemen 1 Enttoacr men! anCI Community r BC hi e> Easemeut YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF TRUST OATEO DECEMBER ,2 1910 UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT C P YOUR PROPERTY IT MAY BE ..:. E~:~ SOLO AT A PUBLIC SALE IF YOU IMPORTANT NOTICE NEED AN IEJCPLANATION OF THE IF YOUR PROPERTY IS IN NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING FORECLOSURE BECAUSE YOU AG AINST YOU YOU SH OULD ARE BE Ht N O t N y Ou R CONTACT A LAWYER PAYMENTS IT MAY BE SOLO tO W toorook Irv ne Ca lorn a WITHOUT ANY COURT ACTION Clf a SI eel aOClr.,ss Ot c:ommon •nd you m•y II••• Ille l9Qal •'9M Oes gnat or s shown abo•f' no lo bring your •ccount In good wa,,anl) s 9 •en"' 10 •s •1...cllng by peytnv all of your pH' como1e1eness or corr..c1ness1 due peymenh plue parmllled Tne t>enel crary u1 deJ ~ d Deed coal• end eapenHt within '"'" OI TruSI Dy t:ason o r a breach 01 month• from th• d•I• 81 Ihle Clf'l.,u I n me ontigat ans secu•tod nollc• of d•f•ull WH record.cl '""'fib) rie .. w10 e eaecuteo anc Ths amount •S $411 4S7 r a~ of oet vtt•ecl to tne uncers gned a July 27 l982 ano w 11 1>c•et15e """' .,,, lll'n Ooc1a at on or Oetavtr an<I ~ou account become~ currer 1 You Demand to S<1te anCI "' tten no1 ce may not nave to ~O) ine "'" •t' ot h t<ar" a ll or "'e<' oo to caus<- unpa <I POii on nt y01J1 illCtlu I It '"'" ~gr t'l.I c> 1etl s.irl.I even I hough tu I IJd)m.,nt """~ P u1>e tt to~"' SI) Sd <> oot Qdl ans demanded oul you mu•I l>"Y 11 l' "'I.I "" Pt11te the unoe s1g eo amounl s1a1eo <1bovii l ~us• <J ~ ' d ' 01 ,e ol o eat n "' <l o• At1e1 lh•ee montll• t um 11111 <IBte 1 "'ec1 ll to lW !'CO ll"<l Ju e 29 or eco d.it .,, ot tt1 s tlOL n l!'nl t'l82 o~ '"' Nu 8' n l 190 ot sad twh1Ch elate or reco•d<lt on app .. a•s Oii ti II Re•O "' hereon) un es~ 111 Obi g;t on bl' ng So tl '• " w I OP mace 11111 lo•ectoseo upon u• mis a ton\lt'I w II uul tove11an1 o war1an1y pe1 od you ha•e onty the ll>Qi\ r gl\t t'AIJrt!S~ ~ mpt ea ega•d ng I tie ID SI Op the IOr CIO~u e b~ pay ng 1;0~\ess 0 01 er cumor.1t'ces 10 \he ent re amount Qpm,\nCl~,1 Dy Pd¥ me en a r ng pr nc pa sum or youi creC11tor II'\!' • 01t11 SJ 5-ecu t'cl by sa Cl Dee<I of 10 t nCI out !he amounl yO\I must T uSI v. th nterest as n sa d note pay °' 10 8,,0"9" 10, paymei 1 10 P•ov dl!CI aovances I an~ unClt'• stop 1ne torectotu•e 0, 11 yOv• '"" lt!rms ot sad Oeeo ot Trust property s n IO•Mtosu•I' tor tny lees ct>arges ana e>.i>enses ot the .oJlle.c reason. C00~1-lruslet: ul'O or Lhe trusts eteateo o~ SECURITY PACIFIC NATIONAL s.1d Oeeo ol !rust Sa10 sare w II be BANI< SPECIAL ASSETS OEPT 11 held M Tut>sday NovemDE• 2 1982 13 ~ 333 s I-lope Stteet Los 1111 'J JO P " 111 111e Chapman A n geles Calrlornil 9007! A•l'nueen11ance101h.,CvcCen1e• Telepnone A•l"J c o~.-2 •Jt BJ1lclf>9 300 E Chapman Avenue l'Utll I( H(ll ll.I llC T 11 IOUI IUIUHl 0 NAMl llAHMlNI f I -. '' 11~ I ly ( I ~ OfJI II l\ltl t I H1mler I You Allo•n•r• •I L•• IMOO relrc:hlld Drive Sulle 100 Poet Ollie• Bo• 18917 Ir vine CA 1127 l:J PUBLIC HOTIC[ NOTICE OF TRUSTEE S SALE Loen No MOORE TS No G 15174 I 0 S( HVtl..E <..OM PAN~ "~I.I 111 JlJPO HI• d TrualtHt uruJ 1 '' 11)110"" 11 lh!~l.f bell lhltl<I ur 1111 1 Will SEll Al PUl:lll<.. Allt.llON I 0 I llf rlt<..HE SI 8100[ M t 0 11 l ASH 1, "" tbt~ dt un t ''' ">.th u I twlul mut ~,. ot the Uu tt\O >I 1h I dll 1 gilt I lie J< <l "'<'•lit tun•• 1• <l IO JI I.I I OW llt Id ll ( I Uflll;, ' ltd O .. ud Of lru,t I ft IJ 01 I h ht!H' fldtlttf Uc '-'-'lb~d I r~ u s I () II A l ll r II 1 A WllKINSOtl MO()ll[ BENO ICIAI~~ MAH!<. l I Allf Y 11 d C.lORtA R ~AHO RttCIJ 0<'<1 MJ) t 4 1'161 "' I ~" Nu 82 t6808b ul 0 111< "' Ae<;UI h fl II• ou Ct' 01 II • HoK.mt101 ul 01 • 9" Cou lly ~a <l Ol:'o'<l ol hu~I oltJ~< ""b lh" IOllOwl IQ lltUl/tH ly lot 14 ol TrdLI ~94 Ello•~ I ' It u C ly ul Co&i Ml!~d U6 ll<l fl 11 •l!GorU•HJ 11 Buuk t4 f>age~ i~ l 26 al M stl!t1an ... 1 6 Mov~ fl tt' all te 01 lhu Cc.ur ty Rt!CO•Oti• • II" sad County YOU A~E IN urr AUl I UNOfH A OEEO OF r AUST DA t ED APHll 30 1982 UNLESS YOU T At<E ACTION TO PROrEC I YOUR PAOPERIY ti MAY BE SOllJ AT A PUBLIC SALE If vOU NEED AN EXPLANA llON 01 ••H NATURE or IH( PROCEfOINC. AC.. At NS I YOU YOIJ SHOULD <..ONIAL.l A LAWYER l Plt> S1't"~t dd<Jrt-">~ o t on mun Ot'> gnJI o • ot ~bu•" $ 2 t Fto"'"' Sffe;>t C..c.sl ' t..lt!~d LA 9i.6"Jl Na l'UOllC NOllCI v ". *'"' Of •I ti (I •Oii Al<( IN II{ I A JI I t "1111 ti A I J t I (I 0 I 1 It lJ I fl A I I ti Ot, I IJIJl ll b t 11! I llNI f rill/ I AM At. f ll)N I() I lllJ I I ( I >I JI JI 1 l>lfUHhlY II MA\ h! 'ICll ll Al A flUUl ll ~Al I ti VOll NI f ll Al• rltl't ANA lt()N Ill l tit NA 111111 Of I ttf I llUt I I lllNI Al AIN I YC)lJ YOU '>1101111> I ON I A(.. t A IAWY( fl Sec QI I I ' I I tUll PUBLIC NOTICE I( 020l9 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT I II I c1 '' • lvl J<N r g P'"' ~o ar '" 1 -' .. f'tt'\~ • f e> '> ,t. OV rR I < Nf M cnt:1..,.., Or ..,.,. '" q1110 ~ t • ,, i. .. 613 6587 n tne CI) or Ora119e Cal lorn1a At ite t me o f 1ne n to an o ,,,.,,.,.,m,.. '"'_.,,~,~ 1 II you have v11 quPSl1on\ ,0u snoutCI con1a~1 " 1a ... , ar 01 tflr government eqenrv "' "" •r ha,., ureo )1111' IOllll uuti•>t '' 0 of th s not ce tf\iP 101a es1 ma1Po ~•~ • """:'\P\ dnO h l.. , 0 , i ~ 1mo "' 0111 .. unpa a 11a1a te ot t"" ao•an'!•s ' S!:>9 4 08 ~9 To 1 1 1 t~tl <JO QAI O ,,_Cu t>r! I r !flt! dbove Oet .. rm ,,,. II I' [!'I <;I I I r Jn I) ,M. U Mac;.Nl ........ V-1>9 ~M!..U• Remembt't YOU MAY lOSf l EGAL RIGHTS IF tOU 00 NOi l At<E PROM Pl ACTION O"nTlfi•'IJ c:in.ro l l•usland ~mv.r. O'l'f;6" 3333 Mtcheteon Ori•• Datt OctOt.1'• 14 •«8;;> 11vtne Celllornle H 7JO .,.~c ,. d .,.a c \'5 e•D~ :rzes an "ll•o t'S I $I t4 292 9() NOTICE IS '1ERH1t l'..tVEN •na1 EOUIT ABLE DEED C.OMPAN ( a corpor•I on s dutt appo r 1.-11 l 1ustee uncer a <leeO Of !lust OaleO May 1 t981 maae Dy He1m11n M Cooper as ltustor 10 secure c"rla 11 obi gat ons n lava or Secur 11 Pactl c Nat onar BaM ., Ne! one1 Banking Assoc1a1 on 9'< Bene1tc1a / 1ecor<1eC1 May S 1981 8\ nst1umen1 no 5086 n Boo1< 14045 page 1522 of 011 cal Records " tht; 0 11 er ot lhe Recor<Je< ot Orar g11 County a a as instrument no 81 44 7 198 ol l os A ngeles County Cal torn a descr1b ng P•OPt!<I es thme n That the benet cal 1 le e't u'lcler r '"'~"" ne the CP!' o o , "~ a 1714 937 0<:166 oai .. 01 otol>t'• ' 19e1 Subu•bar Coa<l4• Co<~ a\ sa u Trust~ Bt r 0 Ser• ce Co a9ent by St>a an Nt> ce Ass \tan1 Sec•l'tary One C ty Bouteva10 West O•ange Cal lorn a 92668 1714 I 835 8288 Putt sneo 0 ange Coast Oa oy 01 Oct 8 15 12 t982 4405 82 PUBLIC NOTICE such Cleed QI ''"St an(J qie FICllTtOUS BUStNESS obtogat ans sec:v eel tflfo t>bt NAME STATEMENT 1nctud ng 3 nole lu the S\.lm Ot ' rh~ l >IO,.nq pP ,ons ;ire do rg $750 000 00 a•P presently heta by b 5 n~s\ as lhe und<!rsigned 11>a1 a t><rach Of llENS N(.. l ON GARDENS 3J5 an<J delaull n tilt Obi 1181 ons lor !>oull c St eet T usl n CA 92680 wtlrch &Och Cleed o• tru'1 IS S«ul ty Mar9are1 Cat sta H nn.tr•I has occu"ed n tna1 P•>mtonl has 14722 Bri.(~l n" Way Tustn CA no\ been mace 01 92680 Ttie ent re pr nc pat bal1nce plus ei. .i1;,.11 Ann H nnaflt 1•722 accrued rn1ere5t "''"Ch sum B oo .. ne war Tust n CA 07550 represents tne obt gal o"s or Oavd George Hinnant 1472:1 Herman M Cooppr unOI'• lhll B•ooll '1P wa tust1n <..A 92b80 ce rt an Ge11e1" C o nt l'u1ng Ths DUSn('SS is C<Vldutlt;d b1 a Gua<anly Oale<I July 3' 1971! 8y 1 m teo partneisn p 1ne te1ms of Gene1at Cont nu1ng E 1aoeth Ann Hinn•nt Guaranty Heiman M C.ooper Tn s \lat,.ment wast 1ee1 N•lll me gya1antee<1 a"y ano 111 ob1tg111 ons Cou1>ti Cl"•• 01 o anqe Cou 1 on al lranspawer Toot Co Inc 10 lhe Sept '11 1981 Bank FJ9S321 Tt>al I>\' le<OS-00 QI ~n b<NGh ·~ Pu DI '""<l 0 J11ge COiiSI C'a ly unC1er11gneC1 P•l!SPnl Dl!nehc•a<y P ot Oct h 22 29 NOY S 1982 under sad <leeo or l•usl h•s 44_,3 1!2 9llllCUled anCI dehvered 10 sa o duly 1-------------- ap po1n 1 e<1 Truslet' a w1t1tf'n PUBLIC NOTICE Oeclarat on 01 Oefau and demand t--------------101 sale and has Clepos 100 w th STA TE ME NT OF WITHDRAWAL u td Cluty eppo.n1eo Trus1ee such FROM deed OI !rust and alt documenl5 PAR TNERSHIP OP[RATINO evldenc:1ng 0111tg1111ont '!'ol'Curea UNDER lhe<eby and has declarf'O end does FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME lll!l<lby declare 811 SV'nS secured The fOllOW ng person ha$ thereby mmea atety due ano h8$ wtlhdrawn n a gener;tl pa111er lrom elected and doos t>ereby etec1 10 tile PBllM<Sh p ope<al•"9 11n<1e1 lhe c•uae lh• property deacrobeCI n l1t1 l•Ous business o eme ot said 1ecorded deed OI lruSI lo be WESTPORT ANIMAL CLINIC at J69 solo In acco1<1anc11 with the f I 71h S1ree1 Costa Mesa prov•s on1 lhe•eol to s111 sty lhs Catrfo1nra 92627 obhg111on1 aecurll<l lhereby The llc11tro11~ business namf' Dated July 29 1982 s1e1emen1 101 thf' parlnerlll p wa5 SECURITY P/\CIFIC rle<I on M•rtll 19 1981 1n tile NA llON/\L BANI( ounly or Orange By W A Munsle• Jr Full Name ano AdOreu ol 111e AUi Vice Pres <Jeni •son W1thd1aw "9 RECORDED AUGUST 24 1982 D< Byung 11, Mn 0 V M 2623 AS INSTRUMENT NO 1!2 8484 13 Trllany Place Futlerlon Cat 1orn111 ANO RERECORDED OCl 4 11182 2&33 INSTRUMENT NO 8:1 348 t 15 IN O R /\N GE COU N TY ANO AERECORDEO IN LOS ANGELES OCT 4 11182 AS INSTRUMENT NO 82 1198962 Or 8yung l k Min F15HIO Pubhthed Orange Cont Deily !lot Oct 8 IS 22 :?II 191!2 439 I 82 Put>ttshad 0•1no• Cont Daily Pilot Oct 8 IS 22 211 1982 1------------ NJLIC NOTICE 'ICTITIOVe 8UllNHI NAJll!f ITATIMENT Th• IOllOWtng. P81tonl ••e 00 nQ busonen u j.A VENOER ANO L A C r wEDourn SERV lCe aa w .. tmlnstei Ava Cotta MH• CA 112627 Henry Cloyd l4•ndr ek ton Jr 2029 wu1m1nslt1 Avf! Cnste Mt .. CA 1126e7 Stndr• Lff Het1011Ck,on 4'0211 WMtm1n1tet Ave co,111 M111 CA 92027 Lind• Rice 18116 Monrovia Apt 8 Cotti ~ CA 92827 Thia QYt~ It Conducted Dy e oen-11 C>M1nt<llfl<P ~ c tl~rtC-llOl'I Jt Thtt 1181-1 Wiii flttcl wlll'I tr.. Cour11y ci..11 of 0teng41 COvnty on OCI t) 1912 ,. .... P11bl11h1d 011noe Cou l Delly Pt!Ot Oc1 15 21 ,. Nov S 1982 ·~ t• 82 PUBLIC HOTIC£ FICTITIOUI BUSINESS NAME 8TATIM4!NT Tne lollowln~ ~sons 1111 d011\Q lluSll\flU II GLAZED MEMORIES 10101 220 Stale• Avn F ounta1n Valley CA 92708 Roge• Anthony B Byrne 22121 S•ICedot M•H•On v e10 CA 92691 Gery 0 Andrtrson 3369 1 Shacktelon Ille L gun• Niguel CA 92&77 Don11d 8 l 1pp1ng 18952 MacArthur Irvine CA 927 IS F,.nkly Hop1r<na 18938 San 8tu Ntorunfl liunllngton 8e1ch CA 9'708 r htt Dv••nes• 1t con<1uc1&0 bv • o.,,.ral p1rtne1t111p l'logll' A Byrne lhtt atetemenl wH I i.o wrrn lllt Co.inly Clerk ol Ot•llQ• ~nty on Ot1 13 UIH ,, .... PuDhlllf!CI O•angt CoHt Dally Pt1o1 oc1 1'\ 22 n Nov s 11112 44117 .. , T 0 SERVICE COMPANY .. Mid TruelM RoM A 0.rcte Aul Seer OM Clly Blvd WMI Ora119e CA t'2MI (714) U S-8298 Pub! s11ec 01ang11 P IOI OCI 22 'J~ Nov Coasl Oa ly s 1982 4636 8, PUBLIC NOTICE Sclloot 0 Sii Cl HUNTINGTON B EACH UNION Htr.H c;c11onL DISTRICT e d ~adt roe 2 :m r M Mnndlly Novemb"'• 8 t<i8? P l dCt! nl e J q ' •Ill HUN TING I ON BF At H UNION ><IGH SCH OOL OISrR1(..T EDUCATION C..ENTfR 10 2!>1 'rOrktown Ave "" BOARD ROOM ,.., " n11•01 s~ JC I CA 926•6 PrO!f!CI Iden\ I cat on 8 Cl No S08 '"' Cono I on111g Rt>novo110 1 Hunt1ng1on B!!aCh Ma• n11 & W1nte1Sbu1q H.gh Sclloots P l ace Prans a1 e on I l e MAINTENANCE OPERA HONS ANO CONSTRUCTION noon1 321 t-1unt1ng1on Be.icn t1n1on H qh Scnaol 01str cl E<luc 11ton Centi'• 10251 YO<k ltwn A Vl'OU!' Huntington 8 ,.act> CA 92646 Phone (7141 964 3339 fat 320 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that tne abo•fl nameo Sc'>OOI D st1rc1 or Orange County Cal lnrn a acl "9 oy 31'0 lhrovgn •I'S Oovf'rn1ng eoa•d ht! t' nailer •l'ter<ed 10 as OISTRIC T w II 1 l'Cl'111!' UP IO out not '"'' than tnl' abo•!' st~tl'd t me seared b os tor '"" awo•d or o con ac1 101 lht' above 11101~1 t 8 <IS Jhil I t>e r~CC' ved fl lh(' pace den! I .0 above and Shall oe opentoCI and pubt1Cly <eYd alouCI at me abovt' stale<! hmll ano place Each b Cl muSI conform and bll respons ve t o lhe con ! flCI documenls Each b cl shall b• uccompa eo by lht' secur ly '"'"""cl lo n lllt' cont1ac1 Oocvments anrt fly thn 1111 ol proposed subcontro~l<>•s The OISTRtCI reserves thl' 'gfll to •eiec1 any or all b•<l5 or to wa ve any 1rregutar ues or ntorm111 uet n •ny bids or 1n IM btdCI ng The Oepa11mcn1 01 ln<l1 SI• .it R11la1 ans 1>1u llelt 1m,,.e<1 1n .. general prev.:11 ng <illt' of Pt'!• d em wages n 1n11 toc.11 tv n whrcll Ill 1 work s 10 be pe1lormeC1 lor 88Ch c1al1 or lype of wo1~men nf'e<led 10 t1•ecu1e tne contracl Tl>eH •&ltt a1e on I te •I lh"' OISTR!Cl oll~ loclle<I at •025 I Yorkt~n A.v('nue Hunltngfon B"llCh CA 92646 COP•es mey b,. obu1 nee on requl'SI a copy 01 1hett 1111111 shall be POSle(I .. 1ne 1ob ' It' TM IOt.w,jOtng scl>l'dUlt' or Pl'< d em weg111 •• l>aM!d upon " workt"9 11•¥ ol 110111 tSI nours !he •ate '°' hot oay 11nn ov.il m• wo1i. \hall b8 al 11!11111 hmlll ano 0oe 11011 II shall be m1nc111to1y upon th" CONTRAClOR l o whQm !hi!' con11ac1 •• awa•dttd and upon any subeon1111c1or vnde• htm IO pay no1 IH• th1n lh" Htd 1peclfled rate• to all workmon omploy10 oy 111om n tl'lll exl'Cullon of Iha contract No t>ldO•• m11y w lhdlftW 11•• b 0 for • P•"off or ror1v 11ve (•!II d•v• &lier 11111 dlllfl Alli IQ1 1114'1 Ol>ttfllf'O 01 bid• A Pllym•tt l bond end " perlorm1nc:e bond wlll be •eou •Cid prlOI to Hecullon ot the conlr•cl T lie payment bond •Pl•ll be n lhll form HI lorltl In 1n1 con11ne1 docu~ll no1>er1 c a.11...,, OlrtelOt Mt•l'llen•nct Otle••l14>nt •n<l ContltUC:llOn Publtthtd 011ng1 CoH I 011ly PtlOI Ot1 U ?II 1912 4630 a:> f •l n 0 I) d I 0~1 I F19900e ~E' ( Co I \) I q N ' 9b, p II, PUBLIC HOTIC[ CPP 21674 NOTICE OF TRUSlEE S SALE IS N< > IU NO 11(,E I YOU AR( IN DEFAULT UNDER A OEED m TRUS I OA TEO JUl Y ?ll 1980 UNLESS YOU TAl(E AC lltlN 10 PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY l MAYBESOlO ATAPUBLICSALl I ~ YOU NcED AN EXPL,ANAl lQIJ or !HE NATURE OF IH[ PRO<.EEOtNG AGAINSI VOi.i YOU 'iHOIJI lJ CON CACI A LAWY(R 0 No ... ,, ru •;> 1<>a2 ,, 'OJ t m BU\11.fYE R£<..ONVF•A11c r <..O M PAt•'I' 'c.. I C '<POI at I i" \l" rtP~ I l r 'Y'SI( ~ una... .. 0 PU \UJ 1 ' Of'te ot I rust <lillf>ll "' ''' }8 '"~0 •l'<OICll'<l M I ! II °'4 l~lj 1 I> ~I No 1 U! .l n DOI'• IJQ92 p lQf! 1564 Of 011 ~ JI Rt'CO <l~ r llH o lice ot tnt' CClunty RF<..OROEl'i OF 0•11 Qt' C"" I) St Ill' ot c;el tCl'n l E•ecute<I Oy PROPER I tES WfS r INC ~ C;it tornr> c. •O Will SEU AT PUBLIC AUCTtON 10 titC.rlfSI BIDOfR f OR L.A<;H ~ h~t f' 11 t mtt of ~dlP n t ~wtot m '""'' ot , ' Un le<I SI ~1<'51 at II f I Jnt ""''<I ttntr1nc.fl' c' tne CortntntiJ• H'lfT'f ln11n no !Cl ng "' 4J4 !nutll f ort <1 An lhP m c;A 9280< all Qt I t "' and ntt'ff!15\ c:onveyed to and now n!'IO b~ I un\le sa Cl Oet-o <I l u~t '" 1111' '""'I' ly • lv~tell < • 11 t;ounlv ~oil Stat .. <IP>< fled 1s lot ? B•nc • 3J 01 Nuwp1 I B"llCI "' PO!• map -TeCNCled " Book 3 Paqe 26 01 M scenaneo • M •P~ 111co1d~ nl Ornng" County The str11 I 111<1rPss ~"d oth .. commnn a~, q 1 11 on 1 .rnv ''' lh,. <<'JI prop,. tv tlf <u1be11 ~now ' ou10011eo 10 trn 107 ~ tr<I St t>( 1 N1>wpo<1 8eacn CA I he 1ndP" 11 "" I ru\111 II ~claim< ~ny ""' '' 1~ 101 l l v 111 o""Clnen nl th" 51•<'<'1 ~11<1 , ~$ And nlhPr commnn tle• Qnlll °' I iln)' 'hown Nerf" n S~ cl <Oii' W II ll!' m;HJI' but lhttnout CQVf''ltlnt or wa ranty '"""'h or mpl f'd 1eqa1<1 ''9 hll" rio1~1•ir.' on nr ~, u n1b ancPs tn p ly II " """II n ng pr nc pal sum of lhf> !>Ole\tt •ICuted by sad Dee<! ot Tru.,t w•trl ntf'rf'\I lhPreon "~ p1ov deCI 1n '8 <I not~s ndv~nce~ ti any u•Hltr me 1e1ms ot sa Cl Ot>f'd nl Trull !fl'\ ChA•O"• ~ncl l'!•Of'O!Mt'I 01 the 1 rnstllf' "no nl 11>1> lluSls c<I' 11ec1 hv •• o O"f'CI or I rust t hi' total $mount of tht' unpn " ootn~ ol th,. Otll g11flon tc"Cureo Dy lht' P•Ofll'lly '" be sold ., II 11u•onaott' e<I m 11t1td cntt< oxp,.nll('t 11nd •dvon,es ol t'1<' t mr or 1ne n 1 111 pubt cnt on OI "'" NOi '"' Of Sntn II S71! 516 :11 T "" !Jfl,.,. h<. ~· v ~noer 'II a O"ro nl Tfl .. 111 tt!IOIOIA A•<'{,ulfl(I ttn(f <111hY< rtil II> tnt' 1 <ltlttr\ gmtd WI """ Otte! HRllC'lr> of Ottlftult nno 0 .. mon(I In $1tlt' ftf (j II Wrtllrn Not re or 011••l II ""<I l ll'f"f on 10 Sell Tllo under••ll"f!<I cauH!d '" <1 Nol CCI of Oolnull 11nd Elect nn 10 St ll 10 b• 1ocord11d n IM cou111v wn<'r~ IM ""' P•Oll<l<ly 11 IOClll~ OA!f' 0Cl0fll'I< 5 t98:> llUCt<(Yf AECONVfYANCE L.OMPANY •3• S Euc110 "'n•h"m CA 112802 , .. \714)9?1 7032 Oy Olbl>ll eon n.,,., •l'll<l Ne .. po11 H11bor Ntwa ,,,.,._ tomu ntt 1 w11n 11111 0 •111\Q" C:n• .. Di\rly P.int °'' " )II No• ., ,,,,, PlltJllC HO llCI PUOllC HO llCf NOTICE INVITINC BIOS ON S5 000 000 OE NERIJ. OBLIOATION BONDS OF IRVINE UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT 1 IMI I , ~ I 11 fl ••• r ti 1 1 th I 111, ;I I I 011 1 tm ~ A M t( 1hf11 '" I 'II 11111 "'' 'tfll I l•t Al <111111 ,, 111 (I'" I Ill 1111 (I"' •lllJttlVI Ill 111 111(11 I r1u11ly If 111 I lltl I 1111 '' 1l11u ll1111m 4h!; 10 l tv11 ( • r11t 1 1'1<11 1 •, "''" An 1 < 111111<1 ' Mllll l I) ( lrnll 11 th1 1!11 tfll I ',11fH 1\/IHll lllt) > H '" Ill 111111 '"' ,, 11111 I H on '1h l'I 111 11111Au 1 t tltlrn 1 1 11110 I ()1 II (II ( 11\Hlly 10 c.. v' (,•lflllll Ill $'1 lltlll (tttll 1JJ1""''1111 ,,1 HIOtl l1u 1cJ J11i11tb• ru() I l<J 11100 hllll 1111 hl'JIVI T1I Ith 1Jt11111111111 ii fJJI ul $ 1 (JOU 1 11 I 111 ti 1lo I (h c r 11111.., 1 tltll ' 111 I dt ~1911 lhul f 11 t11111 l't/ tt I I• It MA I llrHlll YI J\11 14IH 1984 1'111' l'Jllb 1•1111 t'IH11 198 f t l'JU l'llft ''''J I r1 Ir IHJ Wiii 111111 lll I f(h t II 1111 JJllllUlll r rt lt"U ( i"IY' tHlh f I(. ti lc11 < lfll (Jr llltJ :.I Vt r 11 v1 ,, 1 lr1ll11w I lllNlt ll'AL AMOUNI S1 ,u ooo lSO 000 l 10 000 hOOOO 2 0 000 2 u 000 l SO 000 2'0 000 110 ouo <''0 000 ¥(Alt 19'JJ 11)94 l'l'J'I 1!1% 191H 1q9a 1999 2000 2001 lOU;.i f'lllNCIPAl AMOUNI SlSO 000 ?SO OUO t'SO 000 t'f.0 000 lSO 000 2!>0 000 ;.t!j0000 l'50 000 l'SO 000 l'50 000 INfFllfSf Tilt ht• (l-. '";II \Jt I! mtt:IOSI did IJte 01 Idles IO h I •l!ll uµo11 1111.1 •,.110 111"reCJf Uul nol 10 f:!AC.et!d 12•. 1 ti• ..11 num p 1ydlJlt' <1nnudlly to r the l11s1 year II() ~utr tlll1U Illy lltf'r1 '""'' PAYM( NI lttt lioul incl 111< 'ti Ill.I '"" tlO I a•ll µayJl)lt! m l11wlul mot 1 y u l 111 .. U11111 ct S1t1tt:'!. or Amtl11Ca at rhe 01111.e ol 111t! r 11 t ollPt to• I r( d!>u1P1 ol 0 1t1rtge C:.ovnty 630 Nort11 E!rcu.Htway f1oom ?Of Sd111, A1H1 Cal110,,11a 92701 RfGISTl~AllON lhl' 00111.t-. w II Li .. ssued as coupon tim1tb 1uq ~w1.1h'e 0111y .i!. llJ IJOll IJ• 11c pdl ilr'td intere st SE CURI I y Tho OOlld'o "'"' 4tllltll •• obi gal ons Of the school d s111tl Jrltl thu Bo Hd ol Sup+,,. visors or Orange Cou11ty has powe1 and s obllgartid 10 levy ad vaior.,m taxes for the pay mer t o l the hono~ ..ir d tht:' 111 1e1e'>t thereon w 11houl ltm tat1on ~., to ra10 01 a111our11 upo" all p1operty with 11 th" D str1t1 !.ub1ert 10 til• "'"" t• xc.Ppt 101 c.e1ta11>-classes ol persc-11at r"operty) TERMS OF SALE INTEREST f.lAlE The m,a1mum r tit' 010 m11y not rxceeo 12 P"t .;nnum E.1th •<1te tJ <I mu'>I be a mulhptc 01 I 20 or I' No tiuno sh<1ll Oedr more tllun one 111teres1 1ate and all bonds of lhe slm., matur ly shall bear lht:' same rate Each bond mu!ot be<11 1nte•e!ol at the r .. 1e spec. frt>Cl 1n me bl(J h orn its Udtt' 10 11:. f1Hd matu111y dale Only on11 coupon will be dlldc.hed 10 eilth uond tor e.icn 1nstullme111 of ote•es t thereon :mo b ds prov 0111y 101 aod1t1ona1 or supplemental cou1.1ons w•ll ll*' •t:tt!tll'O II t •dH on a11y m.,1u111y or group of mdl1111t es '>h 111 101 tie mo re lhdfl 1• h19hm ti " 111e n1e1es1 <dte o• any ot11t>< ma1u ''¥ • group or mdlur ,, .. ., AWAHO I ORM OF BtO Thf IJl.1110:> '>llJll IJ" '>Olll lor cash c111ly All brch mu'>I tw 101 1101 '"'>S ti 11 .;ti of Inf.' bunas hereby OllPred !or '>~" " CT !'"C" btll Sh 111 siille that the b1Clae1 oller~ fl 11 u d K c.•ueo mlt>•t''>I to lltl! cl ilf' o f Oet very the prern um 11 1 ' 1d lht 1 ,,,. or 'dtes not 10 f'1C< eo nose ~rec1f ed h .. 11 n .it w'1 c.11 11 e lJ doer oller9 to lluy '>d <J bonds Each b•Clch • 'ih 11 slut• "' II" bid lhe 101 111 11 111ter,..,1 cost ' dollars mo ,.,,. dV" 111£ "ft r111-1est rat!' dPtermu Pd lhertHJy wh ch ~h 111 l1• c rJ s CT• H•t! 111lorm~1 •C' only ::ino no1 a part of 11 e b <I E JC<I II tJ 1r 9"'lh1 w th 1he bro cnock must be ,,, a seated er1v .. 1c.1H• 11l() 1 .,.,,,.d 10 the D sr •Cl w H• th"' er1vetope a d b a t l1 Jlly m 110 ~r1 µ,OPOStll 101 trv1nt' U 11 !!cl Schotll D >I t( I Anoas HIGHESl BIDDER The I.Jonas will be .iw arde<I to the h 1Jhes1 rpspon~1blt-lJ dde1 or b l.l<lers c.on-;1<1erong 1ne 1111erest '"'e or 1a1es spec•• eo .rnd lht> p1em um o lle111d 11 any The 111ghes1 bod will be <1eterm111ed b'Y ueaucr1n9 the amount ol lhe prem um b•d 11t .inyl h o m the tot.it amount o l n1e1es1 wh ch the D•>t• Cl ... oultl be •eQu •ed to pay from 1he <late ot sad b?n<ls t • '"" '"1Pec11ve mdrur ly c1t11e~ lhereol a1 tne coupon rate or r 1 "s spoc1tiea m tnt: O•<l dnd 1t1e a war Cl will oe maoi> on the I '" s I tht> •owe<,I net n terest co'> to me D•SlffCI The I • r ~" ,.,.,, mu• I 111, Jt er uPd '1teres1 I om thf' dare ol the I nds If) lh d ''" ol <It> ~"'Y cr>m,>u•t>cl on d lh rty 1J01 day " ti jf 0 ddt tl'df l ii\ s l'UBLIL HOllCI <h h~I If "' l!llJ u r t '"•I~ 1J u nol I I I I r • rntf lo"I tlf\ It'll• I I\ lhr llJlll 111 t /ti ' '" td" "°' N II I• I "' ,,, "" ri\1111 l>IVLN 111 1 11hir 11! II • Uoo<d 111 '""' 1v1 rJI nl 0111nu11 11u11ty Ctthlo111111 ;O<IPll o Or.I< "' r I l'lll:i' r'H At I Jl lNI Al! ~ANCJr fl (". •"!t 8 t I l ltf t fl j) .-1 I Lit I~ o l " .. ljr, '"' (11 s •IJll•v•SOI\ of Or 1rtQ!' Cc.uniy fttf:tttf tjt -totf'J,C'TION Tne eo-.. ra-C'I Sul)efWSOfS -., I'/' J '' ue, tt.1 r qht 1n t~ O•\t Ill u11 10 '"teCT any e1n<1 dll t>t<ls iii Cl 10 tilt' l'•ltml nor µroh 0111 o oy taw 10 wave any 11eguta11ty ('I< nformat ty n dll~ b1<1 PROMP 1 AWARD The Bo.irll u l Superv SO•S will lat..e ~Cl 011 aw.;10 r g lht bonds or tewc1 rHJ all b ds nol rate• than 1111 ty s,. hour s alter the e~p11a11c..11 0 1 rhe r.me h"•ein P•t>!Krobed to• lhP '"ce1pt o l proi:osals prov aeo that the 1waro ma) be madP a lter the eAp r ~t1on of the spec•• ed t me 11 Tl e b ddP< .hdll not have given 10 s<11d Roar<! not ce 111 w1111n9 CJI the withdrawal o f such propo al II le n~cted th•t the blda wlll bo referred lo the Boud of Su~rvleora for ectlon •f a meellng to be convened at 9 30 A M N ovember 17 1982 PLACE OF DEL IVEAY Det very ol Sllld bonds Wiii be made ,, lhP SUCCPSSIUI bldOtH ~I lhe nlf1ce OI Ille Counly A1 ct to r Conl•olter ol Ortinge County PROMPf DfltVERY CAN CEll.AflON FOR LATE DELIVER f It is ,.,peered that .,d <I boncJs w111 oe <1eli.e1ed 10 lhf' successful bidder w lhon lh r iv Clays h om trte date of sale lhert 01 The successful bidder shalt havf' !he rrght al his optron 10 canLel the con1rac1 ol purchase I the bonds are not 1e11op1ed 101 det very w11h n sr•ty days !torn the date ot the sale the•eor ano in such event tile successful bidder shall be entttleo to lhe 1e1urn or 1he <1epos11 accompanying his b d BtD CHECK A cent ed O• tasn e• s Cheti. drawn on a respon••ble bani. or trust company 1n lht! amoun1 o f $50 000 00 paya~le 10 th£-o rder 01 the County TaA Coltec 101 Treasure• musr accompany each proposal as a guaranty rna1 lhe bidder 1f successiut will accept and pay for said oonos in accoroance w1lh the terms or his b•d T ne proceeds ot the cnect.. accompanyinq any .:1ccep1ed proposal shalt oe appheCl on the Pu•cllase p11ce or 1r such P•oposat is accep1eo bu t not perlormcd unless such fattu1~ oL performance sh.ill be CJused by any act or om1ss1on ot the D•<ih Cl c;h;ill then be retameo by said T ~A Coltec tor Treasurer lor the ben1 111 01 the District The check accompanying each unaccepted proposal will bt' returned p1omptly CHANGE IN TAX EXEMPT SI A TUS At any ttme before he bon<lll a1e tendered for dehve•y the successful bidder may <11safllrr11 .ind w 111dr.:iw his proposal t the nterest received by private holders 11om bonds o f lhl' same type and cha1acter shalt be deciarecJ 10 be IO•able income unc:ler prosenl federal r1conie tu>. laws e tho• by a rul ng ol lhA Internal Revenue Ser11 ce or by a decls on of any fe<1e1a1 courl 01 shall be declared ta~able or be ,equ11ed to be taken inlo accoun\ 1n compu1tng tederat 1nconw taxes by the terms or any rederal income la• law enacted subsequent to tile Clale o r this noflce CLOSING PAPERS BONO PAINTING Each proposal will be understood lo be cond1ttoned upon 1t1e 01s1rict furnishing to the purchase• without charge concurrently wllh payment for and <leltvery o f the bonds rne following closing pape1s each d ated the <late or de1t1,1ery 101 Lt-9111 Opinion The oprnron 01 Rutan t. Tucker Costa Mesa Ca11rornia Bond Counsel approving lhe valtdlly or the bo'lds and staling that interest on lhe bonds 1s eltempt lrom income taxes or rne Un11eo Slates or America under p1esen1 federn1 income lax raws and that such 1n1e1es1 is also exempt from personal income 1111es o f the State o f Callforma unde1 p1esen1 state income 11u 1aw1 A copy of the Opinion of Rutan t. Tuc ke• cerllf•ed by lhe County Aud1to1 by lacs1m11e s1gna1ute will be p11nted on lhe back of each bond No charge wlll be m11de to lhe purchase for sucn pnntrng 01 ce1t1flcatton tbl A certificate of the 01s111cr cer1tly1ng thllt on the bns1s o f Ille tacts estimates and c.1rcums1oncn 1n existence on the date ol issue II IS not ellpecled that the p1oceOd$ o t the bonds will be used tn n mnnner 1ha1 would cause the bon<ls 10 be arbttrnge bonds (c) A certtllCMe of ttie County ~•on•d by o tt1cers and 1epresentot1vcs or lhe County cerllly1ng th111 the officer• and rep1e!len1a1111es have !l1gned l he bond& wheth•r by 1acs1m1le or monuol s1gnaluro ond 111111 1h11y were respect vely duly authonzed lo execute the samo (di fhft receipt ol the County 1how1no that ,,,_ purch•te price o t the ')Ond• tncludlng 1n11re11 accrued to 1111 01110 o t dtltverv lheteot hllS been received by the County on bthell or the 01:5tnCI tel A cerllflUle executed by 1~1t counael lor the Ol1tr1ct cerlllytl"lg lhll tllera It no known llllgt llon thr911t111ned or P4tndl1"1Q allecllng the v1l1dlly o f th• bond1 •nd Ill A cerlllrcnre ol lht Ol•lrlcl 11gm1<1 by 111n o fllcer o f Ille Ol1t11c1 actmg tn ht1 olllc1111 cepec1ty to Ille elfeel 111a1 af Ille llmfl or tne 1 It of t,,. bono1 ano 111 1111. Umet 1ub~~n1 I PU8llC HOTIC[ PUBLIC NOTICE 1(..()2'°' flCTITfOUS aUllNESS NAME STATIMl!NT tilt' tollowmg ~rso1>s Cl<• Ol'< •<1 busrnttss H BU IL 0 EA S £)(CH AN(, r ASSOCIATES A CAllfOFINtA LIM11EO PARfNFRSHIP 188 f t\I I ,,, M•l'<'t Cotln Mttlft ( "' In ' ' 9?G21 Jumt'< W R11y 18 ~10111w111 Irv 111' (,fthlO<OUI 0'714 M1Cl'll 8I 0 AAv 408 l4~1t1I 0 vo Coru11 1 lllll M111 L.ot tnrn" 9,6,5 Thll l)uA flfl•• •• c:ond ICltHI l•v " hn1 t~ 1;n1tn1t•~h1p Jllmet W ""Y M C114illl 0 R1y Mnnuo no P11tnnrs I" I ~•attU71f'nl ...... filed w tn th" County Cler~ 01 Or•no• Co1 th on °'' 1 1118, Nin• R Cllomettr Al'lflel a a11ff0td M areler llllldlflt '"''-,, loulll "a1rt1.,,0 A...nw ,.._.,,. C°•'"-nla lllOl-tt'2 ''"'" ,111l111nf'C1 Ot 1nge Conti ()111, Prklt ~I I~ '1 Zll Nov ~ lf81 •C.11 ... PUBLIC NOTICE SUPERtOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF OR ANGE In Ill• Meller of 111e Appllc1llon ol GINA LEE Sf'ELTA No A 11531' ORDER TO I HOW CAUSE FOii CHANOf OF NAMI! Vv• "" os 1no pet 11on of G1n1 LM <.1i.~t• llM llffn 1 tea .,, m ,,,. '*' (II '". (OU I IO• on O<<ll!f Cl'l•"9'"9 Pr111 onr1 • n Im!' hom G n11 l "ll S11t llll In 11.lllhl!r nl' E1t.1ll b !llll St~\<PflA 11 IS H(REBY ORDERED lll•t all pe• tnn~ 1n1111t1S111c1 n 111 d ma lier 01/llllOI 111110 9 lh I ~0\111 OI ()opt 3 Nov 1 r 1911:1 1n '"" covnroo"' or 100 Ci. c Center Ortve Senti An• C A ICI snow COVSI! W"Y 1n11 11ppt cnlotrn 101 t h1no11 or nam• •h011ld not t>• granted IT IS I UATHtA ORDERED th•t t l nPY Of '"" Dl'd91 lo •how CIUM M publtthed onto • week tor rour 4UCCetJIWe wHllt J)fiOf 10 lht dl y of u d 11HllllQ 1n Th• O•lly Pilot • new1pap1r of oen11rll e1tCulallon pr 11111<1 111 lht County or Or•noe Oa1ec1 0c1ooe1 s ,en '!Mitt D'"'e..i.111111, ......... ....... c ... Publttll•CI D••noe COHI Daily I> IOI Oct 11 I~ 2J tt '"~ 404"'2 ( j Nil IC NC>tlCE N011CI °' n•uaTH ~ 1 tMo Jtntt l U blHVlt.I t.tlMPAN\ •• ,1 11 •llVOlllletl 1 tu•I•• 1 1 II• 11111 fOllU"''"ll dH llltt41 llot••I 11 llU'1 Will S[ll A 1 PIJlllll AUi.. !iON (l') lltf IHClllf R 1 ftl(llH fl I llll CAllll W•Y•tlle •t llnt11 ul HI• 11 lawllll 111Q11tty nl It•• Un tittl '""'••I flit llQlll 1111<11 111d t '"' .. , 'uuvey•ll 10 AllU /\OW 11...U Oy 11 ult I" telll D••U 01 I 1u•t "' lh• I I •IJ•• ly IHllelllall.., OOM.t I tlol lftUS I OH 1..t1f '>l lli I 8A11SOUll'I' II 8fNll lCIAll \ ll(Y 01 NEWPOIH OLACll " M1 1 1~111111 COtlXH•llon R«:of<l414 Mey • 1 rnllo "' ''''' No 2 1118 t In oooi. 'Jlj I ' '"'U" 4J QI Offlctal Rec:Ot Ill 111 Iha 0111< tt ol 11\e AecOfdAt OI 0 •"II" I <I\ nly u d deed 0 1 '""' 11 ••• tJM• the IOOOwlll(i P•Ol>ll• ly Thtlt l)Ofll()I ol I Ill II' r1 .. l I No 170' Ill "'" I lly Cll N11wptll I e.iw:n COutlly (II On• 'II" S111111 OI CAlll0t11111 •• Viii' "'"II •K<M'U.O n bOOI<. Si lllfOtlt II 11110 10 Mlac.•l•lleo<Jt M1111• 111 mo1 oil c• ut th• county recQfOll' 111 t<1ld county d4Mlc1~ u IUllQwt Beo nn • 11 i.• th• mo11 80<Jthe1ly CO•"" ul LOI OU OI Hld Tt•ct 170 t theuctt Northeu1arty along• cu•ve concave NQ<lhwester1y and h11vino • rad ua 01 "440 '"' th•u • ce1•11111 •noto or 2 ~-311 •O a d111a11Ge ot 20 3 1 IMI thence Norlh 39 d901Ms 38 00 EHi ii distil IU Of 45 00 l<ltll llleflce South !>O dUOl&el 22 ()0 Ea11 along tho Sou1helUhHly protong111ton ol the NO•thc111al8rly IOt llntt OI LOI 88 4 dis ta IC" Of 50 00 ~Mt lhenGe South 39 UltQ•-» 38 -00 wea1 a d1S1&nce 01 45 00 ltltfl to lh• bo01nn1no o l cu1v• co11cev11 Nerlhwosuttly end ha• 1111 " rad us ol 490 '"' thence Soulhwestetly elong Ml d CuNll thru 8 c;1mtral anOIO o~ 2 degrees 38 40 a "stancie ol 21? 62 feet 1t1ence North 4 7 deorees 4 3 20 We st e tong t h e Sou1heas1e11y prolono111 on or 111e S0Ulhwt1Sletly IOI I ne of lot 88 .. distance or 50 00 feel 10 tne po 111 01 beolnn•no Cor11a nmo I I dll 3 324 75 squa1e l&el YOU ARE IN DEF.AULT UNDER A DEED OF TRU ST DATED NOVEMeER 11 1871 UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY IT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE IF YOU NEID AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER The prope•ly abov11 de~c• bed doet not have a sl•eet address o oommon des gna11on D rect1011 tufficlent to locete the properly may be obfelne<t by $Ubm1111no a wn11en reQuell w thin ten de71 from th8 flfll publ1Cet1on or lh s no11e .. to tne oenellc1ary whose nom11 and edd•ess rs cto Rooen H Burnnam AsslSlanl City Attorr ey c ty H~j 3300 New port Blvu Nuwp irt Beach CA 92663 (II a stieet address 01 common deSlgnellon is shown aoove no w arranty 1s 0 1•e n as 10 IS completeness or correc:1neJs1 The oenef c a•y unde• sa o Oee<l Of Trusr by eason ot a bre~ 01 dalaull n me obi g!ll ons secur"d th,reby here10101 e~ecuteo and delivered lo the unders gned ll wnllen Oeclarat on or Oelaull ano Demand tor Sale and WI 114111 notice ol breach and 01 e1ec1 on 10 cause lhe unde1s oned 10 ~ell sa d p•aperly 10 sat sly sa o ob11oa11ons arid lherealte tne undo•s1oned caused sa d no11co or Dr each and of elect ori to be Recorood July 6 1982 as nstr No 82 232405 or Olfic111 Records Saia sale wrll be rnade t>ul WllhOul covenant O• warrant~ exp1ess °' mp1 ea •eoard ng 1 lie po1Jes11on 01 encumbrances 10 pey the rema n no p1 nc pal s...m ot the note(s) secured by said Deed 01 T1ua1 wllh lntetesl •• n sad note ptovldecJ advanus 11 any uoo., the te•ms of sad Deeo ol Trust lees ch••ges and e•penaes ol tne TrullM and of the 1ru111 c•eeteo by aaid 0..0 01 Trusl Said Ule w ll be nato on Tuesday Novemt>e< 9 1982 al 2 00 P M at the Chapman Avenue entrance to tne Crv c Center Bu1ld1no lOO Eest Chapmsl'I Avenue n the C 1y ot O•ange Cl'. At the t ime o l lhe n I al pu1>11ea11on Orth s not.u the Iola amount of lhe unpaid balance ot lhil obi oat1on secured by the above deac;i l t>ed oeed 0 1 trust a nd ell mated costs e•pensu and advances Is S 11 253 42 To deletm ne the opening b d you may call (7141937 0966 Date Oc;tober 7 1982 T D Service Company as tald Trustee Marco Br-t Assistant StlCfetary One City 8outevaro West Oranoe CA 92668 (7 14) 835 8288 Published Oranoe Coast 011 ly Pilot Oct 15 22 29 t982 4541 82 Plm!C NOTICE 8TATEMENT OF ABANDONMENT OF USE OF FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME l he lollowlno persons have abandoned lhe UM of the loCllhOUS bus n ess name AN THO N Y SCHOOLS al 4361 B rcn Street Newpor1 Beach CA 92660 Tna t c1111ous business name 1eletred to above was f led n the County Cletk a olf1Ce on 3 29 79 NEC Resident Scnoo1a Inc 4361 Birch Street Newpo I Beacti Cl'. 92660 Tn s t>usinesl was conaucte<I by a COIPQUll on Jelttey A Brill VP Thrs statemef\t was I led with me COulllY CJecl< ol O••!\Ot C<>linlt 0" Sept 23 1982 F112747 Published Oranoe Coa11 Oa ly Piiot Oct 1 8 15 2J 1982 •341 82 Ml.IC NOTICE FICTITIOUS eUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The IQllowlno persont Are dong 0011""5 BS CORDON MANl'.GE M ENT S ERVICES 209 30th Street Newpon BeKh Calilorn1a 92663 w~llam E G11rre11 Sr 209 30tn St•Mt NewPorl Beacn Cal lorn a 92663 Martha Emmons Garrell 209 30th Street Newpo11 8eact1 C•llforn111 92663 Thll bus nets •• conducted by nutbend ana Wiie W E. Gerrell 'Tn11 •lttement wH hie<! wtth the County Clerk or Otanoe County on September 23 1982 F1Mt•S Publl1hed Orange Cout Dally Pilot Oct 1 8 16 22 1982 4338 82 P'\8.JC NOTICE flCTmOUt MISINEH NAm STATl•NT The 1onowing per.on• ar• <101no l>utl""' ~ le) BUSINESS MARKETING INT(ANATIOHAL lb) 8MI 113 W Murphy A ¥enue S anta A n• CelllMnla 82707 Erle A St8'1f\el0 to~ 8llmdel StrMf S1nta A/WI c.llfornla 92704 Welle• A Pe11on 113 w Murphy A v•nu• Stnll At1• Ctllfornf• 02707 w1n1em kllu•tet 1n A,,.,ld• Adobe Sen Clement• Ceulotnla 9U72 Thia bu"'-la oonduGteCI l>Y a Qenerll plttNflhll) W....,A Pellon Thlt ttet.etrlenl ... llled Wltll 0'11 Couft~ ci.ni ol Of"tl\09 County ()fl &ep1emw 1 tM2 ,..., Publlt~d Orengt co .. 1 O•lly P,io1 Oct I 1& 2:2 29 tN2 ••-40-12 Ornngu Coolt DAil V Pll Ortrrlduy Octob 1 22 1982 81 f>WllC NOllCl NO "i"iCi'(i; "l ... 0 Of A,.'UCA TIONS IN C:ONNICllON Wlfll •RANCH ACQUISITION I I It It II 1 llulll lflo I I 111 II 111 1H11Ja1 be111u1 M l I IJjl I I ' ". JIUtll a lJ flOQ 1111111)111 1(1 I I Ml L• 111 Ac.countt e1111 ''"' t c 11 '>4'1 t•l•I c11 1"41 Rulo• •11•1 1111\julHI '" • I H fl• I • JOll 111 b .. I UI • 11 I u• .. ttlCfffl l'e<. ht I "''"'el ~ .. vu111• 11 11 I<• 1 ~1 ..... 1at1U11 Co.i• MMtM I •I I ><Ill• f tu t t~ a Lt, .. , .. t ... '''" "' md Utt •U~lh Mtto hH lhftU II• J l I<> 4. lfJAI .. IU-' Hi tit Of I ., tt I .. typo hy '"lltllll Of II • 11~1111 11111 I Ill II IJ•Mll(h ,,, I .. or Wt1tlt11 r •<11114'1 S11v1 'ill e1111 I 1>4111 AtlO<.••I 1>11 l 1>• A O• ... C11llU<n1a ltlf•l~hl 1100 Nu 1lh \/e1n10111 Ava11, • lo• Ar~ Ctlllorn11 Ar1y<111t may "'"'• 1n 11vo1 or 1J""''' or tho apphc111 on Y u ~" m~•l• may dllCUH but "'" 1101 1 rt 11011 10 t!WI 11pp11ca111 • recur II or ll*t IQrm11• oe 1e1 11411Pll1Q tn meet tht! (;t t;Olt 11 9101 u l tit IOC'UI cummun 1 " I our .. op"' m 111 ue rac M veo hy .:.Ull"'•llO<y Agt1< I I ederul Hom• lo.in Uen~ ot »n Ft1tll(;llCO tlOO Ci!lllOI '" ''""" Poet 0 111ct1 o o , 711411 :,en F•l!ll(.llCO C11lllo1111a fl~ 120 by Novamllef 1 1982 An alldlllonol 20 UllYJ to submll commMta may ~ obtelnod P•Ovlded llUCh IU\jUetl IS rec•l•ed 1n w 1111no by the Superv1ory Agem lly Novomoer 1 1982 PtlJllC NOllCC HOtlCI Of' Ut\lttll I Ult ... •n•• YOU A-.t IN l>IPAULr UHOIR A 0110 0 , IRUSl O A,1 0 H,llMll" a 1111 UNll 88 YOU UK• ACJ•OH ro ,ROfllCT YOUR .. ltOltlRfY IT M AV H SCX.O Al A ,U.llC SALi "YOU NllD AH U'LANA TION Of THll NAlU"S OP flit l'ltOClllOINO AGAINST YOU YOU SHOUtO COHTAC f A l AWYIR II I N1 • 11 I • I/ 11•11 "l I t 110 .. I 1 .. t ttWI te f ' f n I'"" PUBLIC MOHCC '1"'°' l'UtJllal •U 0 1 • U" Cciaal t>•lly Vllot <><I 8 16 • ~ )II 1\lnJ 4100 112 '.ltt v,"' It •• <lulv 1111 1 11 .. ,1 JI"'"" ll lhl II hi llU I Ill f It Um!d I I 11J•l 18'0 •Im! "•!JI¥ r IHll '\ II.I fll It 1n1\J Nu ~ 111 ll11<1i. I 1ill8 I •U• 46 4 ol U lllOl•I llucortla n••tul•ll hy llAROlO Nl WMAN • 111 GAil Nf WMAN at I ulfOlt Ill 11'41 Ollk.u II 111 • ( WI ly ~oc0td111 or O• 11100 l u 1 •y flt•t11 o.11 c1111011111 Wll I 1 11 Al PUBLIC NOTICE r UULI(.. AUCllON Ill 1111 11r l 1------------ lJIDDlR r o n CASll '" '"""'" •' l'ICTITIOUt BUllNISS 11m. ol Wiiia 11 l•wlul 1 "'"'Y ot II t NAME STATI MI N1 Un tell !>l•ln•I 11 "''" trun1 I I< loll1Jw11 u 11•t•u• 1a llu 1 u "''" "' ,. "' II .. Or I u• ( IMll ly Olrt l>U'lll .,, .... <.uu1 II uu•" I 1tv ul 11 I 1 An.i fltl WORU 61101 lbO I Ouvu S111e ul C•l I 11n 11 .. 1111u1 I I II• ono <>hoot 6u Ill t•!i Nuw11u1I flu 11 I I t•t .. I COmrMyft<! 1(1 ftntl f1f)W 11.,l<J (..Ali!U nlA 02\l6Q llyllu lt!<'41tl0t!<:IO Ol11 11lnt1e ~10011 liP• 40 Wllw11t11 pru1J11•ty 11tuHl11d 11 ••l<l County O vo Coru1 • aal Mu l 1110111111 • d Stale desc• OC<l os 9?626 LOI 3-44 ol ltdCI No 901 " uw Tlllt llut1110 .... I oml .. Incl hy "'" <.;11y of Newport Ut111Ch I ounly of 1 11Jlv1ou111 nrenou Sttlfl 01 Californo • •• per l 11K.111 t ~µ1111 map •ttGordeo 11 Uooi. 28 PllQH 2~ Tn 1 11attm""' wll• I lttd wllh "'" 10 36 1ncluf1v, vi Mllcellartoous Cou 1ly < (Iii< 1 I Orn U" < o mty on Ma11• Ill lti~ OlllCu UI II" l uunty ()<.t ,, I'll\~ Rec;ordH• ot ~II d (;1Ju11ty F1119568 TIH! stroo! uoc111J11 .in J oiner f'1 n11snoo uiangu ~0111 Oo11y POBllC NOllCl f., 1 uf1 I 1111 ~I IC NOflC£ NO 1U tit' IWA rll Ill J\ NI I UAU<.I ll ANll (I .. 111111CI N I ll AUMINISTI ll lrs1 ATl1 NO A 11 ~1111 I 111 )11 .. .. 1 .. II I 11 ''"' ... •• 111 .... I I 111 111.:1111 111<11111 I I )11111 I I I 11 111).!1 I nil I • 1 11-. "' 11 111 , " I 1 I I Ii I"'" lllh I " I Ill t 111 "di " " "' 111 /\1•1111 11 ,1 11111 I llAllf'l 11 UL NI I It IAllY NL l ,l)N 1 • u'" " " A t "' l 111 v 1 .. , u ... 111•1 111 tl11 S1q 1I11 I I 1111 1f ()1 '"M' ll• •II" I I 111 ••ry I I IU"I U 11 •11 Nu 117 1)11~ Ill I hou~ ol 0 111<.111l Ro;.vrot 111 11111 ull •" 111 th• Reco1ll~1 of 011 1111 C..oonty •II o Oe•O H II at IJ8Hllblle 111" lulluwlllij pr OJJ•ll~ PARCEL I l ot 14b ul lrn I Nu 0•23 the <.;11y ol I•• 1111 Co r ly <>I O a ~" 'itetu or Colltornia "' P*' fluµ ttK.u11l1>1J II bnfJI. 4o.I ll•Uet t ~ 1 • b n1.lu• vtl M••c olhtr """' Maµ• 111 llltl Oii tw OI lh• •IN' ly 111tu1 Oo I ... U tQulll)I I X( C PT lliE HLI 110M ell 011 oi.1 m•n•r••• e• II u 11u11 nv1110 c. I """" IJGIOW " 01111111 or 1,00 '°"' wttllout ""' rlQIH or surlaoo entry •• , • ., rvltO on If ~1rumt1nt1 ol 10<.01d P AnCEl 2 An a~c tua lv• ··-""'" IUI jJ ,,~ nu purpu~ o; .. lh•I l)OtllOt• OI LOI ?37 shown Oil I 11111' 1 1111• .1111~ 1 llut 1 1 tt \ I ,, ll1d ~11 111 ti 1111• Ill' I " " '" I""' I 11 p ~c 111 ill\c II 11l111111"lc I th• • '' "' 11! Juut I• u I •• , I • II II I ' I 11 I l11d JI< 11.t Ill 1\d1111111 II 1111 II ,, '""' ,, J\111 It I I" 1111 II I l I I 11 'Ill~ Ill It pl N J 11 tf10 l1\11 < 11t•t 1111\1 \\ '' 111 !11 l "' I Srnl I J\11 ( tl1I I 11 N 11v111 I 1 I 111.! •l a tu I~ \till llUJH I I 'c IUI IH " lj PUBtlC NOllCl ---f lCHTIOUS 9Y ... I. NAMI ITAlUlllNl II" II 1~,..11 U ""''°'" AJ• 1Ju111U i111a1 ttu M• 110 ltlltJ ,1N\1 fAlllNff~ I HI lhrl/4 II I lljljlll I lt~I' I t1 I • I A Ull/UI Alt ft t 'l l d ., " J .. , I I U• lljlJ14 I lul '1.IU"' I 1 I• ( "'"",. (A Ml.IC NOflCl CP~ '9111 NOTICI 0, flllUlf'Ut 8All Novecui-11 108;> al 1 I Ou • 11 I I II h I A M I ft I (; A 14 f I I I I HH 11 II I'. N I ( ( () M P II. N f I l illl!Ort M CO•llO••llU'1 ti It'-'"" C/I 111 Cat1C11 f,.111 .. C/I f UIJSI I 1lecf ft 1•h • of lh•I ~011• 11 (').,.,., c I Tr u•I •A•~ul•CI by r •••m•h M AUOI ~ 1 unm•" •<I """ "' • • I 1(1/(J I «u1 ttrt t t llJCJlll llt~ I H, tu 11Jb8J J" II M • A"' • 0 r 1...-u•ll•d Jflf)tttmll•• 11 Ill/II ., I ' ' I I ' I A IQ14h ' I A I If """' I No 0•~~ 111 ~ t J}l!4 I •U• 1\llJIJ IJll < •I H~Cll<l1l 111 M t • .,1 """' •, 111 ttn U•• u• C..t ur11y C.ot• 101 11~ .,11 t /l.vo " W!O~lrr ,,_,,., I.A r;iurtuynl II ti 11 (II 10 I NUI Ce JI Oel•ull 11 " eu11d., 111corded Juli IJ 1911~ "' •' lnt11umttn1 li<i 1 2401011 • Book of Oll1t1al f' ~'"'" ( tl(l .. YllCldt'I •11' I • ., l llVll I ii ( ""tldlt (,A 9101 I f-llwm A lt111tv "•••• ••• l .d I Aller flly Pl•t• Oteodllll ( "- 1111011 Ww 11111 11 I rt.,1111 1\4' 11\olly t 4 111;.t Jo& < ()I vu t. 1 <ln Or Ovit ~A l~ll~J I 111111111• II MMy • 1walll I 'l lhll II gt hgh1 I Ito< I ' /1.1 UOlff (A lllHl H If •h I ti JI <I lr10 I Ml t.h•y 1111 w " ~ .. ' J ltrrluc l." !J/ltJ;o M y 11 A Ori ' [I.,• ' I c 11 tllt t IJO• tJ Ilia t;.11ny r I Jk1 CA /11"(1 It 1 tu\ ua• tb "'-"' 4.Jvt.I• I by d 1m1110 pnr1n11ra1 p AID111t J fl 1 U• Ill• tulo ttlll wu> lllu\l w ll "" l.vu 1y i. lu I I 0 tn11 (. Iv on Oct 21 11112 McF••l111d a Zinn Alloin•r• at Lew lle<.<>'ll• ul '"'° <;oun1v • 11 un<le .ino puraulint 10 M id ~ ul Tiu•• '"'pvt.II<. luCllOfl !Oft••" lewfu TIO ey ul II• lJn 1ed S1a1111 or murica " L1tni.1 • ch.Ck payetllc! tu a;old l ulh,.1 d lwn on II 1161• Ct •llOntt I '" ~ a ti ute O• lntln ul •.Oil u u Ot • "••• o lno ... •Uvlr y• " \I h un A•lCJL at • tJun '''l•tJ 1t th 1 al;lfft •I u" ",. t "'' lf'9f c.• lh r11al Atr O t 1 t 11 llllu ..,.._,. t.<>lr l"'llY l<t<.utl'<l al I 14 E1111 f 111 ..,, c 111 11 n • c;11y ul !11< ''" A111< c. wl fur 1 ~ 1111 II •• 111n1 t II 11no 1 11 • •• 1.011v1tyti<.1 to """ w 111110 l.ly 1 urulur IA d 0.1ttU ol I •u'' •n ., ,,. U•UPfHly • luitltt<t n " .. ct 1ty 1 ti St •I• lle•c:r IJtMl d\ L ut 3 ul '"''' NO 7099 .. "'" Mlt> •ec0tdt'd m Boo~ 32!1 P11011\ I It> 11 nc.lu' ... o l M oc.tlllant011• Maµs '1 1111 "" 1.e ot 11 e Cour tr Ht>1; th • QI ' 1 d cour IY An yon• aendtnu 1 \ubsl" 111111 prOto•l fl 11y 104u 1~1 1111 0 1 al BfQu nent on II e •tJPI c.111 •>• as ,.,, lorth lrl S.,.;I on S4.l 2t1J 01 11111 Aulll• 81\0 AllQulut 0 •1• 10 Ill& FtHl.,tRI S11V1nQS 11nll L ut11 syshtm f 0• " jJtOlllSI to be ~0111 llt1tt1d •ubat1U1t •I 11 niusl IJt• """""" receivttd ou I mtt tend conta n "' teast !he IOllov. 'II ft) u 1um nu Y 01 lll1t eat()llS IC>< lhC ptl.llllSl ll Hiii sp.;<. I c ma1111rs Ol>jl)l.1110 In n tho 1111p11cat o 1 O• n II <1 llllPI c;nnt > con mun ty serv cu lt!COtd 31 luclb 1 t.lud ng any rulevcmt tteonom•t o• f n•11C el 1nlormat on wnich suppotl Ill!' p1011u1 11110 •1 ~"r allversu !'ll!JCIS on 1ou• 01gen lilt on 01 commu 1117 wnicn me~ 1e1u11 r om i\llProvet or 1110 appl co1 Oil ~ommon dCl51Qflilt Ull II ii IV UI "II p h I 01.1 l!i ~'J 29 Nov !> 1982 re•I property di1SC111Jt1IJ clluv11 I~ •537 82 P\JlPOrtllO 10 DO 8:10 VI• I 100 NC>«I Nowpo11 8Hcn C.i111m11li\ PUBLIC NOTICr 1 he unde1 "II'""' r "~'"" •-----------t,__ __ _ E•n b I A 10 the Deel• o111<>11 ol Reslr 1.t on• IU• the l 1!.e MMllfll Assoc1011on rn~ur ael.l $up1u1n1J~1 19 llJ/1 I lJOOll t:.>.l82 µlll)I! 126~ 0 11 c.• • r1oco1ds as C• 1.10 1 Sp11c.o c I' 14~ Sad 1waem111 I ~ lurthl" d11l11 "tl Cl 10 dHGl htlll I Ari cie II 01 a 1 o O.C:1e11111011 PAR(.;Cl J A non 11>1 lusl.r• eJM,,nt-t '' I< Mt tmJ ttt11nvn ttr t ut lOlb n r " 0 JJ8 ul 5 I <I ( Al.I NO 9423 H d 11nu• ent 1111 ng lurll e oer n.,d o 111111.c• IJ;!O 1Art 1.ll! 11 01 1 O rltt tt l1011 ol Restr c1 Ollb MO Weal 11111 St1HI \ Suite E f « • 111 ull o I ri 1 right~ m no 31, 1 II ijr 11 r ght~ I OIV<lll QU' QI IJ "no o th•• hyorotaruont by wh11l&O..•" 1 ilm, ~nowr lholl mav bl w11n n or 1ndor •••d I ,nd tOQelhl1• w 111 11 ., pt11petuel 11gn1 01 dtllllng rn I r 0 l!J plOI no 8n0 opera1 nu 11 ci cfor ond ~101 1 o n 111d romov r o the Hme lrom so d tond o• n y utl e land rnctud111Q thCJ r onr tri wn p~tQC~ or d rect onally vou may loo• at the •PP ~ 11 un 0111.1 1111 .. ommonu I 1no t •n~ Ft1de111 Ho1 e Lod 1 Bt11111 cf S 1 F•a• c sco unle~~ dny !.ut.h matet111ls are 8Atn1pt Dy Im• h<> 11 Public tl sctoSu es II you nov" un) quses11ons t.1.1nc1J n1n11 tn .. se PtOC81lu•"• c.01 1<111 lh" Sup.irv sor1 AOllllt "' lllll f 1111e • Homt Lollr Bank ol San r. I c St.ti Put>11sheo Or 1ngo C..ons1 Oa ly P IOI 0<.I 15 22 t982 4538 82 PUBLIC NOTICE K 021 86 NOTICE OF DEATll OF BARBARA JANE COX ANO JF PETITIOI\ TO ADM INISTER ESTATL ~O A llf.339 0 SCl•l.n~ .. ny I '"I ly le, I •Y K 1808 1 COlffl(.t h!S• Of "'" ~t ool 1t111r •5 FICTITIOUS BUSINE88 1ntl Otno t.(JmtnUI (lu~ 0 .ii 0 I NAME STATEMENT Ji 'Y ~f ow ' t:t'" 1 SuiU t •I~ w 1 t u t Stale..,lde Foteclo•u•• Service• Inc 5825 Cerrlloa Awe Cypreu C A 90e30 a• .. Id TruelM by Sub•llhrllon Vlrolnle Apero E1ec v p, .. (7141129 32'0 IJ JI shrtl Orang~ (.;CJ 1)1 Daly Plul OL! n 29 N v 'l 1982 4637 8? F187135 I itJI I 1aJ 0 .i 'II" Lud)f o .. ly I' I I 0•1 I B I'> U 191!} 4)JU II? PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME ST A TEMENT ffll! lollnw nQ pet SOI h Ile> ng uus • r~~ as 5UNBEl' PUBlll A !IONS dba WOAlO WES f PUBLILATIONS :lb" HOUSEHOLD MAGAllN[ 3001 Hedn II A•enu<' BlllO I 706 Cosl.J Mewi CA 92626 DEEIORAHL MESNA 8417 Handel 8ueM Par~ CA 9062 1 Th ~ uusines s co• our teo by .in nd •dual Oeootan L Mosna Th ~ su1111mo111 was 1 lud w 11 11 e County Cle•k 1,)1 Oran11e Counl~ o In .111 htin. l>lnl l1l11ru"' llld1t111-. ind <11nlt11g1111 1. n th tor' o l 8 J1 har • J 11H l vx md f.I' r"""'' " h( 111 1 \ 1>4 111h1 n\ '"l 11114 rt 'l' d 111 lht wt II 111d ur 1 st.al• A pt: 11111111 hai. i..~ n (11.'(J PUBLIC NOTICE F 1Nf05 bv M 1th1 w A Cox Ill the YOU ARE IN OEF•Ul T UNDER A PvL Sflell Oi•noe Coa't D~ y S11p1< cnb1ir ~9 1982 ~ >101 Oc.I I 8 IS 22 1982 Superior C OUil 11( Or111ge DEED O F TRUST DATED 430782 C I h t DECEMBER 2!1 1HO UNLESS 1------------oun Y rl'QIH '11 ng 1 a YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT PUBLIC NOTICE M a l he" A c 0 )( b (' YQUR PROPERTY IT M AY BE a p1>0 1n11d ... p e nnnal SdLOAT APUBLICSALE IF'l'OU FICTITIOUS BUSINESS repn"SCnW llVe 14 1tln11mster NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NAME STATEMENT thl l Stal• of R,;rbar I Jan< NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING The lnllow no petsona • e dotno Co Co run a 0~ I Mar AG AINST YOU YOU SHOULD t>usnen as CONTACT A LAWYER CHARlES STEWART DA TA c d I 1 ( 11 1 fl I... ( u II d I r I h ( NOTICE OF TAUS TEE s SALE t 708 HdV"' Place Newpo1 I Bi!.Kh Ind< p. nd1 nl Adm1n1,,lrdl1on TS No 361n CA 9266'.l o( J:ht.Jlt'S All) Tht pellltun NOT CE IS HEREBY GIVEN Iha( Mar' Cn11r1e~ Stevenso• 2093 on Fr 0 1y Novernt>e n 1982 ol Maµle Avl! Costa MtlSB CA 92627 1~ 'let for h..,.irtng Hl De pl 9 00 o c•oc~ arr 01111 o dtty n tt e J11y Stew a t r noyer 1708 N o :l at 700 ( 1vtt C.:c ntl"r ,00m set as de 10 conduc1mo H&•!'n Plactt N!'wPn•t Bench CA Dnvt-Wrs'I S~mt;i Ana t7\ ~t1,"ee 5 Sates-w 11111 '"" oflrt~b 92663 !l:.!702 on N ovemb<>r I 1!:18:.1 REA L ESTATE SECuR TIES Tris llu5ntts $ con(luCled by II a• !:I 30 m SERVICE 1ocatt'o al 2020 North ge~e• part~sr110 • " Broaoway Su te 206 h Hit' Clly or Merli Stevenson IF YOU OBJECT tu lht! s an11 Ana Covnty 01 01a11oe S1a1e Th11 statement was llleO w tn me grantmgofthepeUlll'ln you of C allo1na REAL E'ST ATE CountyCl11111 010ran,eCou111yon should l'tlhC r appear ell lhc SECUR111ES SERVICE II Cal forn a Ocl 13 1982 Fl""''72 h d co1pora1 on a~ ou•v •PP nteo '""' ear 1 n g an 'l 11 1 v\ 0 0 r l•u5t~ unoe1 ano pursuor 1 to tl'e Puo1 ~~ eo Oran gt Coe SI Oa 1Y o bJe( tl1Jns 11r ftl( ""r ll• n pow"' of Hie con1e11"d n "'"' p 101 Oct 15 22 29 Nov-4 1982 ob.Jcctions w11h. Lhc Ul.Ur c.en.w• OMO~ t...a1 ·~"'"°"bl' --4 1-1-82-- befon lhl Ill MIO~ Y <>ur DANIEi. G CABRl'.l. 1d •OlANOA ap..,..aran~ ma~ lie '" Pf'l'YJll C. CABRAL. HustJand .,,,., w le r-eco1oeu f eb•uary • t9S 1 Booi. or b' vour atlurm v 13937 01 011, a Re<.ords or s• o I F y 0 u A R E A Counly ' vao• t028 e1 ,eQ CREDITOR l r 1 l'<>nllngenl Rewrdtl s 11 $1tumen1 No •03• by cred1lor o f 1he dNc ll>t.'<I vnu reason of a O•Bdth or dolaull ri paym .. nt o p!!tlurmAnce ol the musl fill your cl.um Y.llh the 00110.,1 ons secured thereby c:11Url or µrc>st nt tl l 11 t la ncluO ng tndl tJreac;h o• oeraull p e r!.ona I r( pn St n \d t 1 \ e Nol>Ge 01 wn1tn wu reco•de<I July a p po 1 n t ed by 1 h l co u r\ 20 1982 as Re<:o•dl! ' "" ument No 82 251032 Will SELL l'.1 within four months from thl' PUBLIC A UCTIO N 10 THE dalt o f ftrsl ISSUJn< ( u ( HIGHEST BtOOER FOR Cl'SH lett.ers al> prov1d1'\l in ~lion 1awtu1 tTIOney 01 trie Un l'lo S1ote5 7110 11f lhe Probalt C.:cxli .,( o a c&sh e• s chOck drawn on a C Th "'"' o• nal onal ban~ ~ "ale o• al1for n1a e lime for le<le•~• c<edt un•Otl 0t 11 \l•te or P\llllC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Thi! follow ng pe<SOn S 00 no IJus n<iu as f A ) TE D GIESEN & A SSOC l'.TES I NSU Rl'.NC E SERVICES 191 GIESEN & SON INSURANCE SERVICES Oeon Cenlle 1300 Dove St•eel Ste 200 Newport Beath CA 92660 Udo The<>Oore Joseph Giesen 11011 S ms. Hurit ng100 Beech CA 926•9 Th s bus111ess s c;onouctod Dy an nd VldUOI Udo Giesen Tn t s111emon1 was f led w Ill 11111 County Clefk of Oranoe County on Oc;t 6 1982 •1.1fcrred In Pa c;111 2 at>ove YOU ARE IN OEFAUL T UNDER A DEED OF TRUST DATED DEC EMBER 11 1H1 UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY IT MAY BE SOLO AT A PUIU.IC &ALE IF YOU NIED AH EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING AQAIN8T YOU YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER 16 1 P 1 11v ew Irv ne CJlllO• 1 a 111 A ~te.I uooress or r.omn or1 dt'b g1 "' c.n IS Showr d\JOve no wnr anly s g1ve11 llb to cs comPl1Jtencss or cot1ec;1ne~•1 lt 11 l.Jll el c a y unde• 1810 DPllO ot l Ubl by easo or 11 bro 1tfl or detaull II r otll lldl on& ll1C.u• d th!! et>~ 1.,r.,tolo•e t >ecuted ano del velf o lo '"" undl!<S gn~d 1 ""' 11en Oeclil<BI on ol Detaull Jno Dl'on•and tor Sai., and wr lt(lfl not,,. ol l)rearfl ano ot elect on to cau~e tne undto s gned tO s11ll '" ll prop~,,~ 10 '81 sly tad 001 001 011s nr o lher ~lier lhe und~ \191 l!O c.iused s11 u not ce or b1ear.h 11 11 01 e•cct on to oe reto•ded Mdy 11 1982 as 1nst1 No 82 t679'>1 • bOO~ ot Sii U 0 11 cal Reco•lli Sd o sale w 11 1>11 meou uu1 wttr out c..ovendn l O• iwat .;nty e p PSS or mple<l •llgB d u t llt! puSbllSS on O• e cumb•ances to pay tha ema n1ng pro clp~I sum QI troe notl!(11 secu•l!O t>y sa a Oe'lll 01 I rust w th ft1•es1 a$ n u d no1e prov oeo edva~e• 11 any unoe tn• terms or 'ad Dectll ol T1ut1 lee& ch.t•ge• Jnd e~pense• of the Ttullllt' ind ot tne trUll5 cr11at..O by H d Deed ol Ttu5t St o u le w 11 be helo on F' 1d1y November 12 196? et 1 00 p m •t the Chapman Avenue l.'nttl)l\(.0 to 1ne C1v c Cen1.., B1Jlld1110 300 Eos1 Ch•oman Avenue In 1110 C ly OI O •"9t' C ~• lo•n1a At 1hf' t me o t trlO 1n t ar publ cat nn ol 1n s no1ice 1no 1010 aninu t nl 1ne u pa o l'81once ot tne obi gal o secu<ed b• into ooova dll•C lllld deed ot l•uSI and u1 n etod costs 11topen•eb and aavanc!'s ' S t 2 4 77 11 To tlete m ne tl'e opl.'n ng b d you mev car 11 '"' 937 0986 0'1!' 0clODt'I 13 1982 T D~SERVICE COMPl'.Nt as w d T•ostee Bv Pat• c • A R•ndall A~· SIAnl Sl1C•etary One C ty Blvd Well o 11noe CA 92668 11-t.4}83~M Put>t •hed 0 •"II" Coa11 Oa 1, "IOI Oct 22 29 Nov 5 1984' •6J t 82 PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS SUSINE&S NAME STATEMENT T~t! tollow nq pe•sons a " tJoing Dus ne.,.~ .i• 5 cusroM FINISHES 1760 Mon<ov111 Ave Cost • Mese CA 92627 STEVEN <.. F1$(.;H(R 1760 Mor rov a Costa Mesa CA 92627 MARILYN H TORIORICE 1760 MOn•O";J c.o,ta M"sa CA 9262 ln' uus n!''' s condurtf'O I y 1 oene•a t IUtnc•Sh t> Ste"en C f tSChllf PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT TI u IOllOw l rlt-' ~ a do g Du\l f SS II SCOTT (If StC.r~~ 17 1,0 VIS18 De LA l.u J ,rull 1gu u CA 92677 Sally Ar 1 Stoll •7 NO v 11 O" 3 lu .i >O•I' l~t11.111 C.A 926"T 0.,111 r~ r I ii d Sc ~Cl Ir N V ~I 1 0.-1 l 1< l "" Sn llh L a~un 1 CA 92677 1111~ bUJl' e~~ ._ 'l.lfJrJYl.h"' I.Ir ,,; 9t1 e al par tr .. st 1 Sal • l'.nn Swll 1 n • ~tllt'ment w11• I 11!<1 w ti tt • Cuunl) Cit! i. ol O•a QI! Cou '• ,;,, Oc.t 20 1982 F~ f'vDI ~I lld 0 a Q<' c ( 3 ' 0 l ly P 101 Oct 2~ 29 Nov ., '• t98" •603 82 --P!JellC"i.clTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT , , f' IOllOw ng pe iO ~ 11 ) 19 t>ll5 nt'S5 a~ EDISON WAY ASSOC. ATlS l IMITED 27285 la~ Ramblas Su le 200 M H on v "to C 1 ro n1a 92691 A charo R Slenton 2728~ Las Rombta& Su lf, 200 M ~" 01 V•f't< Ca IOflt I <\7691 1 n • bus r>ess s i;u lluett'<I l>y a m led ollrtnersn p A rnard R "'~" tor fl s &181tttenl WUI ' NI "'" lie Cr I\ Cit' k c I Or 1nq!' C 'ut I 1 on Otl '1 198' RhodH Kendall a Merrlnglotl 4291 MacArlhu• Blvd Suite 105 Newpotl B•Kll c.a 81MO 752 2212 (1lmg dauns will not < xptr{ tt!Oera• sa~ nos and 1oa.n anoc at on prior w four monthis Crum darn-clod nth1>ate1e e11paya1>1ea1 lhc da1e of th~ h1..anng tne tll'le of sae a1110111 ttle and bo 1n1e1es1 held by 11 •t T 1ustee n nuttced a ve tnat real 11rope1ty s 1uott1 11 aard YOU MA 'i EXAMINE county ano State oeac be<! as the file kept by the cuurt If 1011ows F1tll038 Publ sheo Oranoe Coast Dally Piiot Oct 8 IS 22 29 1962 4390 82 F20011M> P\Jbl \h!'d 0 " \lt' l u 1~1 OH ly F tllM01 P IOI 0 I 22 29 NO• S t' 1982 Pub! sht'd Or.in11e Cous1 Da11y 4663 82 T n s t101emen1 was I lod "'tn tne County Cle<k of Or1noe County on S!'pttmbe• 2!l 198' you art' 1nteres ll'd 1n the-Lot 1 n 8IOC' 2 or !fie Balboa r I Traci County 01 O•ange Stale ol estate vou may ' ca rc.>quei.l Cal '°'" a as pe1 M1p reco•ded n "1lh lh~ c:ourt tu rl'f't'IVC' aooi. • Paol! 11 M1sre11aneous s p • l t a I n o l 1 c 1 o ( t h e MIU)a n 1ne oll1te 01 the C.ounty inventory o f l St.lll' .ind o( Rec0tder 01 sad County E XCEPT lHEREl"ROM IHE lhc p<: ttllons accounts and FOLLOWING commencing 111 the reports desc:ribed '" &'t u n n no1thw41sterly to•ner ot ~ad lot I I 200 5 o f the C al1(orn 1a runn1nq thence easte•ly "lnno thl! Probalc Codt> southt>•ly 1 ""or Bay Avef\ue 5 •eet 'l''GIJ J RITCtllE t~nce toull'wMtetly 10 1 p0<nt 1n ~ '-' 1two utlc•ly 1 "" 01 Cyprus Srreet 60SS E Washington Bhd • 8 roet \outhwestflrly from the ~10tt norl11we•te•l7 coiner or u1d lot Los Aofeles CA 90040 thence nonneaste11y 111ong sad t 213) 7 5 3900 euter•v llne of Cypress S11eet to tM po1n1 or boO nn1no Published Orang" Coasl A l s 0 E x c E p T T H E Dally Pilot OC'l 21 22 28 FOLLOWING 8e9 nn no a1 me most 1982 ees111rty corner 01 said lot 1 1nence 4632 82 •unn no northwetletly along the Ml.IC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUtlN£88 NAME ITATU.teNT The lotlow1ng persons a1e doono 1>1lsiness es BEACH DESIGN l'.SSOCll'. TES 2114 1 Rl<:hmond C11c1e Huntington Beach Cal l0<nla 92646 L11u1e P Mc;Certhy 9552 Borba Circle Hunt•nolon Seactt Cal tornla 926•6 Diane Hahne 11552 8 ortlll Circle Hvnunoton Beoch Cel1lorn1a 92646 Pamela ... on i on 211 .c 1 Richmond C1tcle Hun11no1on Beech C1llforn11 92646 Thi• OO!llnOSI II c;onducteo by II llmlted partnership Pamela Helen Manton Thi• •l•l•ment WH flied with ,,.. County Clerk Of Oranoe County on Oc101>er s 1982 Fl-I Publtaned Orenge Cout Dally Piiot Oct 8 1~ 22 29 1962 "4-445 ll2 Mt.IC NOTICE PICTITIOUSM.ISMH NA .. STATa•NT The tooow1no perton •• doing ovaiwrs~URCl'S !N l ElfNA TIONAL 21562 PolynH lan Ln H~llngton Beech CA 112648 Chii.iint loulte Wa It ~15~~ Potynetlan ln Hunlll'IQIOh 0tac:11 CA 9?646 Thlt l)vtln ... 1e con<IUCl.cl by an ~Utl Cf\tltllfle W1llt• Thie al814"MOI WM !lied with lhe County Clerk of Ofange COunty on OGl I~ 1982 1'11Nn Publlahed Or•no• co .. 1 Dally PllOt Ocl t5 22 20 Nov S 1H 2 •M• 82 norlheHterty Ines of u1d Loi I to a p0<nl wtoich is 5 feel t(lulhe.tsterly lrom lhe most notlnttity come. ol ae d Lot I tllence weaterry In a d1r ec1 I n11 10 a po1n1 n the no•thwe,lt!•ly I ne or \8 d Lot 1 whlCh p0<n1 1s 4 8 feel southwestfltly ••om 1t>e no<th l'Ot1he•ly corne• ot ,. d Lot t lhonce t ou1hwn11.,1y alono tne .. d n0<1hwt1t1e1ty """ a d stance 01 6 89 ltiel IQ o poml tnenct 110Ytheoa1erty 1n " dire<;! lll'D 10 tne point of beg1nn1~ Th• s11ee1 edd1en 01 o ther common des1on111on or tno re•I Ptooertv nerem•bove deK.rtl>Od It puroo11ed to be • t3 Eut Bay SHMI 8elb0• C8hlotn1• Th• unoe,.1gnad ne1aby d11eta1ma all 1111blf1ty for any ncorrectness 1n se1d IHHI add•"• or otner common de11gn1111on Sa d Ule wllt be mede wllnout war1tnty ••P•••• or 1mpl1td ••o••d•ng true po••••••on o• encumbrance• 10 aalllly the p11nc1pe1 1>atanc• or the Note or olher 01>ho1t1on aecured by U•O Deed or frutt wllh lllle•ell and olhar aumt •• p•ovldtO the•• n plvt 1ovenc11t n t1ny ur•de• lht t••ma thereof eno 1nttrfff on tuc;h tdvencet t nd plua '"' Che•OH •nd •• pen ... ol lhe lru•IM tnd OI th• \rutle t •Hled by Mid Oee<I Of Trutt 1 he totel amount or H id obllgatlon lnctudlno reaton•bly e111meted lo•• chargu end aMpenMt of the TrutlH al 1114 time of 1n 1111 publlcauon or thla NotHlll Is $18 497 59 Dated Ocloti.r 21 1962 REA L E STATE SECURITIES SERVICE 1 CeHlorn•• QOfporellOO .. Tru•IM O J Morger Pr .. 7020 N Broadway • ?06 Santa Ana CA 11'70fl 11 1•1 11&3 ea 10 Publltlltd Ortnoe COHI O•lly ,,lio. Oct 22 Ocl 19 Nov 6J _1J82 4ooe I? Ml.IC NOTICE FICTITIOUS •USINUS NAME 8TATEMEHT I he follow no persons are do no Dusrness as MARKETING SERVICES GROUP 284~ Mesa Verda Orrve E o" Su 11• • Costa Meu Cl'. 92628 Edwi)ld A M II $ Jr t l'.lmnnd lreeLIM lrvne C/1.9271'> Wllll1m B Hiii 2821 Via La g.,lv• Pal0$ Ver<IM CA 9027-4 This business IS conduc;led by an un r1corpor111ed auoc1011on othe1 than a p11rtnersh1p Edward A Mlhls Jr This 11atemen1 was hied wltn Iha Couniv Cieri< of O<•noe Coun1y on Oc;1 12 1982 F1"4a3 Publlar eo Oiange Cont De ly p IOI Oct 15 n 29 NOY 5 1982 4532 82 PUBLIC NOTICE Plot Oct I 8 15 22 1982 4339 82 PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The follow ng per,on s do no bus '"" 31 ET EQUIPMENT 151)11r!OH Lane No t It Hunt OQIOll Bt1 1ct RI lotn ~ 07549 1 "N d o •e 0 To"'" 1418 1ndtpvn ltunt ng1on B"~ 1 •hfo•n a ~i649 I h 1 ous•l'ot~ s conovtll'd uv " 1 ndiv dual Tnoodore O I oote Tn s st.tlf'ment wat 1 led w 111 11 t oun1v Cr1>1i. or Ora11Q9 County on temll"r :>9 1982 F19M03 Put>I sneo Orano" Cou1 Dally 101 Oc;1 1 8 1s 2' 1084' 4340 82 PUBLIC NOTICE K~ FICTITIOUS BUSINESS ..._.... NAME BTAT£Mt!NT NOTICE TO CREDITORS The following pettons art d0<no OF I ULK TIIANSFER buslnetl as (SK 1101 .. 107 UCC) ARTISTIC (M8ROtOERY Nol ce s ne•eby 01ven to 11111 17229 Newnop' sr Un ' r c;111d1to11 of BRYCE V PRIC E Fountain Valley Cl'. 92708 enO JANE H PRICE Tranaletors MlltWI E Colaochoo 9641 8ey whosl! busineH add1eu 111 2 1 I Meadow Huntington &each CA 62nd Street City ol Newport Beach 92846 CA 02660 County of Orange Stale C H MOlllca 10292 Nleger• or C•lll0tn1a 1h1t • bulk tt•ns•t• •• o. Hunhngton S.ach CA 92648 llboUI lo be mad• 10 NORMl'.N 8 T d ....... STACHlER JR Ttanale•ee whose hit butlnen 1• c;on uc;I'"' uY ' gener111 P••lnetthlp bu11neu addrMs " 2184 Cenyon c H MOiiie• 011\le Unit M City ol Co•I• Mnll Thi• t l•lemenl WU llled With the Countv o r 011rnge Stall.' o f counly Clerk of Oranoe Counly on C1Ulornt1 0c;1 13 1082 Tile prope11y 10 l'.)e 1ren11erre<1 ia F1"574 <leSGtll>ed In (lenettl •• All •loci< In Publl•h•d Orange COH I Dally lr•d• fUCIVllU equle>menl and goo<I PllOI Oc;1 Ill 22 211 Nov 5 11182 will 01 lllQt Re11•ur1nl bu11nesa 449S 82 known Al AUN N 8~AAl!ll 8/1.R 8 r------------- OU E •nd •oc••lld al 211 62110 6111111 C11y or Newport au cn C•l1fo1r11a Vi 660 County or Orange St11111 or Ct111forn111 Th• bulk \raneter will be CMtul'lll'lltle<I on or •lier 1ne 9th O•Y 01 Novembe• 1H2 Al 10 00 11 m at Giover Eacrow C0<f)Or1Uor1 who•• 1ddreH I• 23600 Aoc1111e1<1 Boutevud Su111 ?N r1 Toro C11111orn11 th11 the 101 dale '°' llllno c1111m1 11 November 8 1H2 So rar •• ts i.no"'n to the TrensletH •ff l>utlnaff nemee and ad<l<etsed 11Hd by the Tranafer0<e IOr lhl PUI lhrH Y••r• •r• lhe SI'. Mr 0 1111to Oc101>er 211.. t911' Notm1111 • ttaolllet Jr ''"' ...... Publlahed Orang• Coul Dally PllOI Oct 22 I 011, A667 11 \ Nil.IC NOTICE FICTITIOUS 8USIHlll NA• ITATIMINT The IOllOWl"O oweona are dOlng t>ualneN •• THE Al'.N O VA TORS 3 10 VICI Ori a A 20 I Co1la MeH C A 92627 Merk Cherie• 8lewtt11on 2093 MllPle Ave Cotta Mtil CA 92827 K1111 ~ A nn K•oh•rt 310 Vlctorle A 20 I Cot•• Mtea CA 2827 Thia t>ulllntlt 11 COtMluCllO l>Y • e111.nn«tnio Mtrk Sl~ton ,1111 tlllemerll WU flied Wllh lhe ounrr 019111 of Orange County on I 1~ 1912 '19K11 Pubtl1hed Oreno• Co••' Oally Pllol Oc1 15 22 29 Nov s IH1 45,M2 PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT r "" 1011ow n9 pet~nr ~ " P do "9 ~ • 11ss as Al OE VERI'. L 10 18600 Mo n Strr "' S I<' t 10 I ynt nqton 9,., h C.A 97648 Flot 6 I II.I Sm Ill c .... rral P~ tnl'l tlif.00 M~ S r!'!'t Su I!' '10 14 1n1 llQl(I 8'-~ct1 c 6 116•8 J<K.I> a G.cit.!n CiM ul.ll P.lltnlM 7841 H4rhA) Ave M Owlly C ty CA 9,E.~~ Tn ' bu' flf'U s t e IQ Cu ti < t a Oy o pa u1e1 h P J~'~ B Goe RObell M Smrn 'h s l!atemen1 we) hltd w lh thl! County Cltlri. or Otanoe County on °'' 20 11182 F20007l Put>I •n•d Or11n11e Corut Qally P lol Del n ,9 Nov !> 12 1982 •660 82 POOLIC NOTICE SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF OflANOE In th• Mallar of the Appllcatlon of PATRICIA LOUISE Wl!MMl! .. U8 Fo• Chino• ol Nema No A•1154tt ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE 'OR CHANGE 01' NAME ft1e •PPl1ca11on ol PATRICIA LOUISE WEMMERUS tor cnangt ol name nav1ng boon tiled 11'1 Cour1 l\nd " appearing llOm ••Id 11pp1 cal on that PA IRICIA I OUISE W EM M ERUS h1a 111110 •n fppllCllllOn p1opo1 ng lllAI M l 1 Amt! be cll1nq11<1 10 PAl'RICIA LOUISE SCOTT Now ther11lor11 11 11 h•rt"by O•d•••d and OllllCIC'O lh•l all pe1110ns l'ltar11"11d in 111 II lnMltor do eppeA• l)IO IO<tl tnla < CIU•I In 10 thow c11uff why such app11t1111on for ch•no• or nema 1hoold no1 be oran111<1 11 ia •11•ttwt• oroe•ed lhar •copy or lh" O•de• 10 Show Cauu be C>ul>I•~ 1n lhtt Ot•noe Coat1 D1111y P1101 e new1ptp11 or gtl'lll••I ClrClllletk>n printed In Hid COul'lly Ill ..... one;• teen woe' IO• IOUl 1ucoeMIV11 woeks Pl or 10 m11 ff11y or aald hHrlnO Oa1ed 1h1t d•y or OttObt r 20 1982 Milk A 80det'I JuOQt ot aaid Su119tior Coutt ROM.lllT I UKIR, HOUIM LAW O"'ICIS 0, ITaVEN lllOSIMAN 1JOt W •tll St :ard ,. Loe A.,...._ CA I0011 Publlth•d Orange CoA11 Delly Piiot Oct 22 It l«lv 12 1912 4GSl-t2 S•nla Ana Celllotnla 92706 F200178 f I ' ~I "" fl ll (.;o ~· Ou ly 'I I~ Nov S Ii 196? 4667 81 d• II and e 1100 111nds 0111e H ii -------------tho~ "" e 1 .. uove oesc• bed 0c1" PUBLIC NOTICE oa> w&ll• tunt e•:. ,;no ~halls r I< -------------tn1oug11 1 .. tros~ tnl' sub~urlac1< o• tnt' ldnO I <ire r dlJOve d8$Cr IJlld dnd tu l.JCJlll n sucfl wh pSIOCkod or r1 te<:I o ully ti lied wells tunnel~ 0110 shalts 11 11111 and bflnelllfl or btiton<I me u•le1 or In Is tflareol a11d lo red II •elun• el eQu P 1 Mo ma nta1n rl'pau d eepen &no '0 Ot,Je<ale a 1y 'UCh wells or m nes w lhoul howP;er tile t10hl 10 drlll rn ne stor!' ,.,p101e and operate tnrouoh 1he surface 0< the upper ~ It!< 1 <it 11 € ~ub~urlac;e ol ~a d land db r l!>CIVOd n ll'le deed rt.GO I.ltd F'eb va y 28 1974 111 Buo~ t 1084 ( 1 CIM> 01 Or Mn,. < , unty on Page 1169 QI oll c al rec;ord~ '" Y .. lne ~tfl:t:t adores~ o 011ic1 FIMOll c.ommon Iles gnat c.n or \J IJ I' 1 f , II O<" "< L<iol~l OJ ly propt!lly s Pu•POrted 10 tl" JS7 I u ., Nutmeg Irv ne C.at lurn a P It 1 Oct n 79 1.;ov S I~ t9822 Sad ~a1., w 11 oe meoe w lflQul 619 8 cov.,nant o war anty eAp ess c PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 1mp1 ect a" tu I 11e PO!.S..n on u .,n1.um11 anc .. s 10 sat sly lhe un111t o 1>.i1a1 ce on tne note o• no1es StK:u eo by sa o Deed ot T •uSI 10 w t S30 ~92 09 plus lhe lollow1ng ll • ,,,, ""1 g P<>rsnn!. J" <1c•no est mated 1.oslS .,.penses ano 1 ~ *'' d"' l OGI ., L OUOFI!> 4'200 N.,wpo t l!lv1t (.;rs ii M es 1 CA •UtJU OuOluv 8 R I h I 661 BllyllOll W;i, N,. ... , \I ' 8P en CA 92660 ln•r> 11 I~ fl n 1867 Bayporl Nay N "'' vrt Oe ti CA 92660 Tn s u ' •e~~ ' c:onouc1eo t>y 11 soan 1 t. N le Oudloy D A en Tn s ,.1~1 ment wa& I l•d w tn tne I " "'' <;10 ~ of Orange Luu Hy on 0<( ;io t 1,,z 1'200070 p I'll I I or .. noc Coaat 0• ly l'.in1 O< 1 12 ?« Nov S 12 1982 •6" 82 advanc:f!S at Ille 1 me ol tne n I al pubtoeal on 01 th s Not c.e ot Sale $6 072 76 NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF TRUST DATED JUNE 22 1879 UNLUS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY IT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC S A LE IF YOU NEE D AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER FIRST AMERICAN TITlf INSURANCE COMPANY a Cal torn a co1pora1 on Oan Otmeroo author T&O oll1ti: t 14 E F11111 St ___ P_UB_L-IC_H_O_T-IC_E ___ 1Sant.i An• c-. 92702 1·u 1 558 3<'11 ------H-22-111______ Pubhsh'eO O•anoe Coast D• I) A•cordod OcloMr 12 19'2 P 101 Oct 22 29 Nov !i t982 In Peo• t2 357973 46!>7 82 of Offk:lel 1'ecordt of Ot•f199 Countr Calll0tnla Pt.6LIC NOTICE IMPORTANT NOTICE FICmlOUI BUSINESS IF YOUR PROPERTY I S IN NAME STATEMENT FORECLOSURE BECAUSE YOU Tne follow no person s do no ARE 1£HI N D IN YOU R bsneH&S PAYMENTS IT MAY BE SOLO u N,ANA S SPO RT S MA ~S WITHOUT ANY COURT ACTION AES I AU RANT 1131 Bae~ Bay Or vt and you m•y have th• r.Qel right BICIQ o Newport &each CA 92660 to bring your •ccount rn good A-() ._AN .N A-t,t..V R r l E •1•nd1no IJf f)tff~"'lln Ol}OIJf"l)Mf BOTILLER 1909 Edmorl! Ave due P•rmenh plu• permlll•d Aow1at>O He.ghls CA 9t7•8 coe11 and ••l"nM• within thrM Tl'I • ous1ness is conduct@<! by .,, monlh• from lh• date Ihle nollee 1 0 v dual of deteull •H recotdod RoHnna Myrtle Bot lie 111 s amount is SS SSS !>O as 01 Tr s suuemont wn !Ilea with thr Oc101Jer t? 1982 ~rid "' II nc•~ase C.ounty Clerk of Orange County on u1111 your a~coun1 b~ome~ cu en1 SeptembC 29 t982 Vc.u may 101h.ivo10 pay 111e cn1 te Fl9tl04 unp~ <l port u11 ol your account Pubt Sheo Oranoe Coast Oarly eve II OuQI lull p~yml'nl wilt p IOI Oc;t I 8 15 22 1982 oemandeo but you must 1.1•v ine 4308 82 .. mount stall'<! above Alie 1hr<'e monln~ Iron lhl' d•h• ol •ecQ dat on 01 this nocum•H t ____ POOt __ l_C_NO __ T_IC_E ___ _ fwh ch date OI reco dat on •PP418<' FICTITIOUS BUSINESS 11~ oonl unlo's Inti obhydl 011 Ile ng NAME STATEMENT foreclosed upon oe<m ts d IOn9ei Th' tollow1no person s dO no P1)• oo you hove only 1111' legal "0"' bUSlne'JS as to ~top Ille foreclosure bV payino MASTER SERVICE & SALES rh .. t'ntuf' omoun1 dt'm•nOf'O by OF COSTA MESA 2!.76 Newpo1t ~our Cted lor Blvd r8 Cost• Mesa Cl'. 92626 lo Ind OUI the amount you must <;1ovaMI Pedoclnl 12 Sea B rd pay or 10 ominoe tor poymMI to Newpo<I Beach CA 92663 stop 1111 lorec•osurn o I vour Th s Dustnes 1s conducted by an pro11u1 ty 1n n 101eclo!.U e 101 any nd vldual o the• 111ason contQCI Bruce W John Peoicinl l noma i. r Aec:u101 3788 Elco fh s statement was r led .., lh the St M!I San D.ego C11110<111" 97 111 County Cte<k ol Otatl(je County on r elepnont> t 11•J 51 t 07!17 Oct 13 1981 II yuu hllve any Qu1ts1ron~ you '"auld r.0111 act a law ye or the q11ve1nmen1 llQBncy wtoich may have ns1ued yo111 home Rememt>ur YOU MAY LOSE LEGAL RIGHTS IF V0U 00 NOT lAKE PROMPT AC flON F1'9SQ Pub! shed 0•11nge Coast Dtlly P IOI Oc;t If, 22 29 NOY 5 1982 4502 82 P\llllC NOTICE NOTICE OF DEFAULT FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NOllCE IS HEREBY GIVEN Tho! NAME STATEMENT f I R s T AM E R I c " N 1 I I l E The IOllOWlng persons are dong I NSlJRAN CE COM PANY • busness1u toroo•ol on 1s duly 11p po1nted 810 Ladles 501 17111 SI Trustee under a Deed ol T ust Hunllnoton Beech CA 921l48 oato<I August 27 1981 executed by Jufla nn Cabef Rosemary Wendy S S t Jean 11 mar11ed Cowell 501 11th s t Hunt no1on woman H Trustor n l1vor of Gust &each CA 92648 O L1nd ma1k a "''d ow er as This 1>us1ness s conducted or• &inef1C1•f'r 1eco1cled Octobe• n general partne<ll'I p 1981 as 1nstrumen1 No 1A679 n Jullllnn Cabe l><>Oll t'2S2 pege 1673 or 0 111e1a1 This 11111emen1 was 1180 w th the Records 1n 11111 Office 01 the Co~mry County Cle•k of Oranoe County on RecotOIH o f O•anoe County Oct 13 1982 Calllorn 11 ,ecu11ng among Olhe F1"545 obl1oa11ons one note 101 the sum ol Publishea O ange Cost Delly SS 605 !>O lhel lhe benet ic t i P11<>t Oct 15 22 29 Nov S 1982 nlt"leSI 1Jnder such Deed ot Tiust 4499-82 and thl' Oblloat ons iecured -------------thereby 11reo 1>1esent1y held by lhe Ml.IC NOTICE undetltQnltd but a ble3Ch ol nnd -------------delaull 111 the obligallont tot whlCh FICTITIOUS BUSINESS such e>.ied ol Trusl Is socurlly hDI NAME STATEMENT occurreo In lh11I oaym11n1 has not The 1ot10"'1no peosons ere do1no bt'On mid• ol lne entire prlnclpol buSlness u balanceof S522057 whlchbflCame ENGLE KNICK CAR PET due Seplembt1 I 1982 wllh CLEANING 16651 Oothald St 1nte<etl thi!<eon from Stt1>temt>er I Huntington Beecti CA 926A7 1982 any and all sum• advanced by Rlchaid A Engle • 17 Surltlde the 1>eneflcl11ry under lhe letm• end Cl Newpor1 Bflaefl CA 92663 orov1 stona ol snld Dileo 01 Trull Jim Kn1ckerbocke1 Jr 23•9 IOQefher wllh nll tf'\JStMI a lee• 11nd Rutgers Cotti! Meu CA 92826 coals • This business la conducted by • Thal by reuon tht,.ol lhe general peflnerthl!> und••• gned present 1>enellc1ery Rlch11rd A Engle under auch Deed ol l•ual hat Thlt stateMenl was filed wnh tile •~ecu1ee1 •nd dell.,...eo ro .. Id duly County Cle<k of Oranoe coun1y on 11ppo1n1od Ttuslet • w111ten Sept 15 1982 0ec111a11on ot Del•ull ano o.m.,.o F187511 lor Sal• • 111 has d•PO•ll•d wllh Publlshtd Orenge Co111t D•lly t •ld Oul~ llC)po nted TrvtlH al.IOh PllOI Oct 15 22 29 Nov 5 1982 Ollfld ot f•1••• •n<1 ell oocumenla 4$:)$ 8' 11v10enc1nu IJl)I QllllOnt H GUtld thet•l'.)y Md t1•• d.ctared end dOM Ml.IC NOTICE ht•tby d•c•••• 1111 tum• tec;ureo the11by •mm•Clltlely Clue end 'ICTITIOUt 9Y ... tt P•Y•ble 1no ho tlee1ed and C10M NAMS 8TATl•NT ht•• 1>y el11ct to ceuH lhe trutl The lollowlhO P••ton la dnln9 prope1ty to be eold 10 Hllaly the 1>1ltlneu u obllOtllont H OU•e<l tllereby 8UZY WITH A Y 10201 Vitto Dated Oc;lob•• 7 1982 Clrcle F0untal11 V•ll~ OA ·~108 l•I Bruce w Llndm1tll Suu nnt JHl'l•ll• Jonnaon Executor of the Ell•I• 10201 V11to circle P011t11a111 Vtlley ol Qu11av Olaf llndmwk O/I 9'706 ake G11a1at Olaf llndlMlk fhlt t>utlnea. It ~onOtieltd by en at.a Gutt O Llndmetll lndlvtduel f:.'J-:=~~M mu '"'' .. !~:.= !.:"~~111 1n. tJ o eo• t08 C0ul'll Cittll or Orange COU!lty on t en Oleto Cellfon1I• 1211t Oct 19 t9H o~,,....._.., ,_ Publlthtd O••no• co .. 1 0 1111)' Pul'.)llehtO Or•nge CoHt D•llr PllOI Ocl " '9 NOY 6 12 IH 2 ,,llot Oct 22 2t ~0¥ 6 111.~en 46tt 12 4ql42 88 011111u11 L:111111I DAii v PH n 11f 11dt1'y Ot tnl1t•1 ~J;J 1~111.· " ew'' • I ow er . . • 1n ven OU " Have you ever tried to lose weight? Then you know that it takes a miracle to really over· come a weight problem. And you've probably tried everything from "starvation programs __ a_n_d painrur exercises lo we1g clinics" with little or no results. If you are tired of the yo-yo effect and con- cerned about your weight you may be in· terested in a new "will power diet tablet" now being offered to the public by The Health Energetic Corporation. This unique tablet was specifically developed by a group of leading nutritionists solely for the purpose of helping people who have tried other methods without success but are very serious about losing weight. It should not be used by people who only need to lose 5 or 6 pounds, or those who are not highly motivated. It contains a blend of in· gredients that, when taken as directed, can supercharge your energy level and, at the .... same time, decrease your hunger. Why can these "willpower diet tablets" help you succeed when so many other systems have failed you? Because, in a ·world full of gimmicks, it's a major breakthrough, a weight loss plan that works ·on your hunger both biologically and psychologically. This powerful combination of tablets is being sold with a weight reduction program that has been protected by U.S. copyright law. Together, these elements are so effec· tlve that the company ref uses to advertise the results! "Why should I?" says Leo Daboub, Presi· dent of The Health Energetic Corp. "If I start telling people how they can lose up to 7 pounds in the first 48 hours and then con- tinue to blast off the ir excess body fat faster. even if they were run- ning 14 miles every day, nobody would believe me anyway!" Therefore, instead of making dramatic claims or empty promises .Jike this, Mr. Oaboub Is offering a legally binding iron- clad guarantee. The guarantee Is simple. Here Is the way It • • works. If you order the product and use it as 'directed for a trial period of 45-days, you ".m us t be 100°/o satisfied with your rapid we;gnt ~oss or yo_u.are entitled to a refJgld of LJOUBLE your entire pure ase price. There are no exceptions. This guarantee is iron- clad -and legally binding, regardless of your current weight level or how long you have been overweight. All that is required is that you follow the simple instructions in our re duc tion program and give 1he product an honest chance to work for the full trial period. However, because of the nature of this special offer, we can only guarantee delivery to the readers of this publication who res· pond within the next 10-days. After that, orders will be filed on a "first come first serv- ed" basis as long as supplies last. Here is something else you should know. Even though The Energetic Weight Redu c- tion tablets are quite powerful and effectiye, they are 100°/o safe. They can be taken over prolonged periods of time. As a matter of fa ct , this is one of the very few diet aids that a U.S. government panel of medical and scientific experts approved as an active ingredient for appetite control and weight loss. Besides, it Is not required to have a warning on the label! But, more• important, Energetic We ig ht Reduction has worked wonders for overweight people ... people who had given up all hope of ever losing weight. And it can work for you too-as you watch the body of your dreams emerge. Now, with our reduction program, you can: • Burn away a maximum amount of fat in record time. • Look f antastlc In clothes you only dreamed of wearing before. • Improve your self-image and self ·Confidence. • Feel more energetic than ever as you dramatically transform your body. • Put ~n end to gnawing hu nger pangs. '' • inn • CAUTION: As your weight begins to plummet down, you should use your good judgment and not let yourself become too lhtn. tt ts Vlfry Important toeat property. Before starting any weight loss program you should consult your physician to be sure you are in normal health. Now then, as you might imagine, this is one diet tablet that does not come cheap. ihe price is $19.95, and California residents mu st add 6°/o ($1 .20) tor a total payment of $21 .15. However, if you are serious about losing weight, you should remember that this is the only diet product on the market that is backed by a DOUBLE your money back guarantee! No one else offers thi s guarantee. Weight Watchers doesn't; Schick doesn't; nor does Gloria Marshall, Lindora, Nutri-Systems, or any other group, plan, book, or program ... But we at The Health Energetic Corporation do, becau se we know our program can work for you! It is easy to order. All you have to do is write your name and address, and the words "Willpower Tablets" on a piece of paper and send It with $21 .15 to: The Health Energetic Corp. Dept. C-84 1011 Brioso Dr. #107 Costa Mesa, CA 92627 That's all there is to it. Your order will be sent promptly by return mail. By the way ... lf you prefer, you ·can dial (714) 548-2271 , between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5, p.m., Mon. thru Fri., and charge your order to your credit card. Just give the girl 'Who answers the number and expiration date of your card and the name of this newspaper. Note: If you live in or near Orange County, you may purchase your tablets direct, right over the counter, at The Diet Store, 600 W. _ Pacific Coast Hwy., In Newport Beach. ' .......... -.. , \ Dilly Piiat FRIOAV 0C1 27. 191!J ClASSlfllD cs Dally Piiot Prloloe by Ch~• Sl9't Cards, Brewers celebrate From AP dispatc hes M 1.1 r e:h1ng bands, floats , grinn ing polttic:aans a nd a blizzard of red cn ·pc• and l'Onfott1. lurnt.-d downtown St Louis tntu a mag1c·al stn-.:t carnival as mon• than 200.000 peopll.' c·elebrated the cit y'~ first bas('ball world champ1onsh1p since IY67. L ed b y the 8J·year,old Cardinals own er Au~ust A Busch and Manager Whitey Herzog. thl· parade inched Its wa y Thursday thro ugh a 15-block r o ute lan<•d up t o 10-dt'<'P with fans "I COULDN'T bl' happier." said Busch. sapping at a bottle of the beer bearing his name "This 1s wonderful.'' S1tung ne xt to BuS<:h in the red t'Onvt·rll blc . Wh1 tc.•y Herzog waved to the· nowd as they r o a rt•d "Whitey' Whitey' Wh1t<•v1" f irs t bas<.'man K e at h Hernandc·z. his hair saltC'd with confott1, w aved to a chan(ing l'rowd as his daughtt•r J C'ss1t" 9. sat nc•xt to him and !>m1 ll'd tn ru.ton1shmt>nt "I didn't know thf'n· would be this many pt.'<>pk·:· shl· said Al S haw did on1e fl y ing (and some running) an the Barons' :JI -7 vic 101·y ove r "' eslrninste r . Nc·stlt•d 1n a corn(•r of the trut·klx-d for prolc'<·t1on wc:rc Sue ll Nnandl·Z and ht-r youngest daugh ter Barons too Craft(y) for Lions., 31-7 "It was great. but It got a little rough." she said. "It was JUSt the exc1temc•nt My little girl and I c·nded up o n the floor of the truck bc>c·ause they pushed so." lnterceptio'! return puts finishing touches to Fountain Valley triumph A ':. the pro«ess1o n nl'ared BuS<:h Stadium. the t·rowds gn'w th1t·ker Motorcyde policemen with screaming sirens escorted the veh1des. bumping fans as they surgt>d forward to shake the hands of their heroes. By ROGER CARLSON Of th• Dally Piiot Statt WC's tmanstC:'r High rootba ll coach Barry Wa tt>rs JUSt shook his head slowlv in thl' aftermath of his tC'am 's 3 i · 7 S urnwt Lt•ague football loss to Fount.am Valley Thursday night, and said, .. That's the story of my St:'ason." alluding to the capper. a 99-yard return with an interception by Fountain Valley's Jamie Craft In what had been a dcfens1\'e strugglC' for three pencxls, the Baro ns of Fountain Valle-y cap1taltU'd on fumble recoveries by Brian Be lc h e r and Kurt Burris to sc-t up Chuck Smoot's 37-yard field goal and a I-yard touchdown pass from Dale Frye to Belcher, then Craft went the d1stan<'C' after Westm1nstC'r's only decent drive of tht.> evl'ntng - The victory at Orange Coast College catapults tht• Barons of Coach Mike Milner to tht• top of the league standings with a 2-0 record and those non-leag ue frustrations (five stra ight losses) seem to be fading For Westminster, it's the other side o f the coin. six straight losses now. two in leagur play and seven straight games in which the Lions have not bt'C'n able to score two touchdowns. Thursday it was simply a case of too much Fountain Valley defense as New Jersey transfer Tamby We nj. Belcher . Steve Martin. Roger Loyo. Bruce Cook. Russ Geck. Pat La('ev and the rest held the Lions i.o JUSt 39 yards on the ground ( 1.4 yards per play) and 38 passing until late in the game The Lions got going in the aerial game with 99 yards on 7 compll'llOns m the fourth quarter once st a ndout rece1vC'r T im Valt>nzue la was allowed to operate one-on-one, but it a ll backfired when Crnft stepped up and intercepted at the FV 1 and raced the distance for the capper. "We got some breaks." said Milner "l'm happy, we played both sides of the game. We broke Don Rowe down on the ont· Wl':.tm1nstt•r touehdown ta 1 :~-yurd k(.'('IX'r by quartNback Tim H<in~on <tftl·r Brad Weaver's fumblc rl'C'Overy at the Barons' 15 C'arly in the gamt') Abrnh:lms' blcX'ktn~ at the· ltnt• of StTtrnmagt• It a ppC'arc•d as af fo'o unla1n Vallt•y was b<'gtnmng tu thank B<1rons wt·1·c· in l'Ommand as ttll' fourth 4uarll'r l:wgan . thunks to &khc•r's fumblt· rCl'OVt·r v Two play!. into the ftn<;I stanza Smoot tot-d has field goal. thc·n tw o pl ays later thP Li o n s cought•d tht• ball up agum and 8 u r r 1 s r c· c· o v l' r c• d <i t t h c• but thc•n Craft st<.'ppc:d forward f'ryt• n>mplNt'<i 10 of 18 for 92 yards (8 of 12 for 88 yards an thl· first half> and playc·d ht~ best gamt• of tht· S<'ason. oc't·ording to his l'Oal'h "But that was a great C'all by Westminster " about IL'> f\t>:Xl. task Ed1S1m a t AnahC'tm Stadium during the• The Barons respond('(! with a 70-yard march in eight plays. tapped by Craft's 10-yard dash with an end around. then went into thl le ad 1n the second quarter by virtue of Al Shaw's 11-'Vard das h . with tlw 1t1d -of R a -n d y S l 1 t t • s a n d R u s s third q uarlt·r as thl· Barons manrig<'d t o losl' 1wu yar ch rushing and rompleted no pASSE>S in th<it span. but Milner didn't buy that throry WestmtnstC'r 25. ' "Our down pc•oplE> reall y playc·d wt•ll tonight, .. 1-ontmuc'CI Milner ''And (Mike) Nc·wton and T amhy . Tamby (WcnJ) 1s going t o be anolht•r M1kt• F reeman 11 978 l before: h<.''s through " "THIS IS the best thing to ever h appen to St. Louis." Mayor Vincen t C Schoemehl Jr said from a rev1C'wang stand at the end of the parade route. "l hope we never get over 1t," S c hoem<'hl said _ "This 1s somC'thtng I'll remember for the rest of my hfe · · W C' w t• r e n · t I o o k 1 n g anvwhl'rC'," said Maln<'r "Wc"rt: Frye· wl'nt to Belcher on fourth do·wn for thl' one -yard payoff with i 09 ldl and it was 24 · 7. JuSt looking for scrap~ of mc•at " CA-spit<' a tacktustC'r offmSlVC' showing in the third quarter. the Thl· Lw ns movt.'d 80 yards with Va ll'nzuela c·at<:hang" four passes for-54-ycrrds and Tom Pat·r~.m nabbing a 28 -yard cat.eh. Nt·wton and thl' n·~t of tht· s.ec-o nda r y '\~ crsp t'c aa 11 y !See BARONS. Page C4 ). "f'or all you do," the mayor told the <.·heenng throng a~ he read from a scroll proclaiming the day Fan Apprec1at1on Day •·this day's for you." Fountain Vall ey High's Al Shaw j ust makes ii across the goal line o n a n I I -yard dash with We tmins te r's lcve Evans holdin~ on. Golden West's Rowe: He A couple of Golden West College football players, curre ntly residing i11 H untm~ton Me morial Hospital with knee injuries. had a surprise visitor th1• other day. It was non e othe r thl1 n Rustlc>r defensive coach Don Rowe, who o ne month earlier was In a hospital bl.'d himself, recuperating from a h eart a t tack suffered d uring the Rustlers' fi rst game of 1982. Rowe as still rccupc>ratang these days nnd will continue to do !IO for some time The likabll.' '47-ycor-old roach's rondltion Ii. ''kind of stalemated," he cxplams. "They (doctor8) want to give me an anglogram. but my blood hus too many platelet.I and there's 11 threat of a blood dot." Row~ continues "They're giving m<· chemotherapy palls to bring down tht' numbfor of pl;Helt-\3 right now." Whllt-d octors w olt ou t Ro wf''a precarious condition, Rowt• Is quietly Utklng lhlnp easy thf't'll• duy1. And he I COMMUNITY COLLEGES CURT SEEDEN dc)t>sn't mind telling you. it's borinf "I've lx'<.•omC' a real TV fon. lc'<'k. therl''s nobody In Lhe neighborhood. C'tlht•r Thc·y all work," Rowe lamt•nts "You know th~y havl' a sign down tht> ictrt•ct that says this neighborhood hns n n<'lghborhood watch. But It mus t lw bc·twecn 6 p.m. and (l 11.m, I'm the only om· hl'rt' the rc•st ot the tlmf'." Despll<' ttw tenuitlve prognosis. Rowe· remain~ his usual optimistic self. "I reel fine t trr to do aome things. I f('('l real good untl I 1lart to exercise too mu<'h l l(uPU I have som e damage tlwrc." h<1 odmlta. Ro w <-ta kt's plenty o t walks In Mil waukee. me anwhile, apprl'ctal ton was s prC'ad all around a!. the Bre wers. who came w 1th1n three runs o f capturing baseball's w o rld champ1onsh1p. we're honored by thousands of fans Th C' B r ew e rs , an tu rn , expn'SSC'd their appreoauon for the fans who supported them through a long season that ended one v1c-tory s hort of a World Series title An "apprl'C1at1on day" crowd of more than 10.000 fans turned out al Coun ty Stadium to salute the Amer1c·an League champions. who lost game seven of the World SC'r1cs Wednesday night in St Louis EARLIER, A 15 -bloc k -long parade an which the Bre wer players rode an antique a utos s upplied by a local car dealer attracted a crowd unofficially estimated by Brewer s V ice Preside nt Dack Hackett a t I 00.- 000 people Gorman Thomas a9d Pete Vuckovich. riding in t~e same car. rec:eivcd a Joud ovation after raising beer cans high over the ir heads. ' "This is something you expect from people in Mi lwaukee b ecause they'r e the best ," Thomas. the center fielder. said "It's nice to come home to people like this." can't stand the quiet sonll'ttmt•s around t he Golden Wes t e:ampus whc•re he makes It a point to ke<•p om• t•ar to the wall of the football met_•ting room. Sunday. for mstanre. whale his ware was at church . Rowe wandered down to th<' st•hool and popped in Cora look at th<' game films of thC' Ru11tlers' contest with G ros."lmon I . "I said I t•a n't get cxcated about watl'htn(( films I only yC'llcd o c.'Oupk• of times thoul(h," he says. "I miKS football a nd I mass ttw kids. Today, I we nt over to the hospital to S<'e TC'd Lourent and Sam Utu. They'vl' both got knet· probkms. h 's funny. jui;t a whlh.• ago. there wt•rt• visltin~ rrw Ot tht• hospital." Rowt• say11 "I'm rNll'f'Ci foe a while," Rowl' adds "l'n'I l(t'tting to be a real big ron .. • • • THE 19tb ANN UAi, Head of tht• 'har'l•·K R~·srittn which will be held S unday in Cambridge, Mass , and has among its entries a crew from Orange Coost Collegc. ts o ne of the most unusual rowing events staged. Unlike most regattas which feature any where from two to six boats racing down a straight 2,000-meter course. the Head of the Charles rac-e wall have no less than 40 boots on the course at the samC' ume And the courst> isn't straight h 's got morl.' c·urvt•s than. well. use your 1m11~motlon. All 40 boats c:an't leave at the same ttmc, slnc.•e a major traffic jam would c nl"Ul'. so th ey lt•uv t' at 15-sccond 1ntc.•rvals. Boots rat'<' against thf' clock 11ml tht• bout wnh the fastest time earns the victory. "The ttgatl.A as quite a spectacle," says OCC cre w ro~d1 Larry Moor •. "The r<'jl1&tta 1nclude1 approxlm•\~l y 20 d1ff<'rcnt cvcn\3. ond mor<' than 100.000 (See ROWE, P•1e ct> ('2 Otull\jU l 1111•1 DAil V I'll 11 1 1 lllloy lklo ll111 N . lllUi' , ' I { ! I Free agency lure Bay lor, 62 o the r From AP dls pakht•:. NEW YOHK 1'11·11 111•1 p 111 l11·rs Ii Phil Nwkt u umJ Fl11)J li.111111:-.h •1 .11ul sluggers Ja,:,u n ThulllfJ!>l-•11. I l.11 M, Hiw n nd Don Bavl11r 11n · .urn111~ lhl• tl:J playt>r-. off ll'lil II y dl•tl111·d 1·lig11111 • 'l'h 111:-.d .1 \' to l'11 I t•t ~ball'!> rrl'l' a~1·nt d1 a ll Tht· pl.1y1•r:. o n 1h1· ltsl I l'h'.1:.1'll by Ma.JUI League.· &::.d >all':. l"l.1)1·1 lkl,1111111:. l'u1ntnllll't•, f' ... J hav1· 111 1111 Nov I 111 cll~lan· th1•11 I 11•1• a g1•11 1·v fur lht> ,,.,·,·11 th .1 1111u.d 11'-t·ntry d r.111. l11 II•· ht'ld N11v 10 S111111· "tll umlou lHt-<l l~ sign lll'ft111• thl'11 w11h lh t·ir o ld ll'<llll 11111' ,l,lf' Ull lhl• h s l, S11•\ t· t :.11 \'1•\ "' .1:-. rt•purtt'll T h u1 ,d,I\ n1 .. 1r ag r1•t•mt•n1 w 11 h I h 1• I. 11 s Ang 1· ll• s 1>vd~w1~ NIEl(RO Ot tlw l11~ namPs 1111 1h1· hst, nu t ;11! an · like !)' to Ix • m 11 ... 1 unmng !ut tlw b1ggc.·sl of tlw mull111111l11>11 d 11ll ,11 t111\tra1•1 offt•rs that annually 1-t11 111 ttw n111:-.l .1llrae 11vt· tn·e agen ts Th1' -1:1 Vt'ar -uld N11•kru. \.\ hu knuckld.>alll>d his way to :i 17 ·-l wo n-lost nwrk as the.· Atlanui Bravt•s c:apturP<l lht• Nauorw l Lt•agut· Wt•st. has played all of ha!> IY big lt·agut• "''.1sons with the Braves 1n Malwau kt•t• .ind Atl<inlLI and 1s expt't.'lt'<i to rl•-s1~n with tht•lll Quote of the day "Sumt'Onl' a!>kl·d 1111• ho\\' Fn•:-.1111 S t<i lt· kt•t•p:-. g t'lltng .Ill nl 1h11:.t• p ldyt•rl> from Ch icago an d I told him 11 wa:-Ut'\.'aU!>(.• tht':" thank tht·y·n· t·om111g lo l'ala fornaa.'' UC lr\'1m· tx1,,kt•th.1ll 1·c1at·h Bill :\1ulligan. Bridgman, McDonald lead Calgary M e l Brid g m a n .. 11t1 L a nn) M cDona ld :-it·url'li t\1.t1 go.ii:-J J.>1t·t·1 ~ Thursday naght ,,,, C.ilg.iry rvn1ix·d to • a 10-:i v1t'Wr\' O\'l'I li,11 tlonl m the· Natio na l Hod~t·v Lt'.1gut• El...t·\' ht·n· an th<' NHL. Bryan l'rollie r i:.t·11n ·d 1 ""1 µ11wt·r p l.1y goals 111 tht• far't µt•11od on ht:-. ".1v lo " th1 t <' goal gaml'. hfung th1· Ne•\\ \'111 k bl.111d1,., 10 the ir seventh straigh t v1t·tory. ,, h :I dt-t'l:o.11111 11\ t't Washang111n In tht• l.1-.1 HI gam1•o; 111 U nwnd~ilt" N \' . ttw C:;a p11 a ls a rt• O-l l:l -1 Doug Wi ckenhciser, "'ho h<iJ l><:o rt·d only I ~ g11,1b an l\\<• pn•v1ous :.c·ason::., l<J II It'd l \\ ac·t· to ll'a d M o ntn·al to a '.?-1 v al'lo r y an Ph1l adl'lph1a . J.)Ul>hl n g tht C.;n.,dn•11o;;' J • 'l urd ll • It I I l h I'll bt., l ., t ,11 l 1 n f I\' 1 \ t • ,, r" BRIDGMAN Bo' I o 11 I h I 1• \\ ., l I g h l dt>fcns1vc t'Urlatn 111 front of g o.dtt ndt r P e te Peete rs and built ,, :"'1 II lc•,,J on tht ''"' to a :;.:1 triumph ovt•r ~~lmontom Tht hu:.t Uait ,., lould manage onl\ om· 'h ut on goal in Ow ... <·1·11ncf pen od ~tarian • tastn~ m ·llt•d th1 e1· guab and assasa ·d on anothl·r wh1k hi'> br uth< r Anton scorl'd Cln<.'t· ,ind as...,.!-lt·d on four t11 IX>"' t.·r Quebrt- 10 an 8-4 v1ttror:o-ov1.•1 P 11L,hurgh NFL strike • lS a tasty topic Negotia to r s r~hash is. ues COCKEYS VlLLE, Md (A P l TablC' for five·" Sealing for 1,500 Sam Kagel a nd four of tht• pranl'lpall> an lhl· National Football Lt'agut· nt•g11l1cJt111ns had dinn e r Thursday night T he four w l•r(' union chtt'f Ed Garvey. u nton e xecuuve romm lllt't' ffi('mtx·r Stan Whitt'. owne rs' c hief ncgo u a to r J at·k Donlan and M anagem e n t ' Council chief couns<.'1 Sarg<'nt Karch WHAT TH EY DISCUS ED may hl'lp bring to a : conclusto n this s trike. now in 1Lo;; 32nd day, becaUSl' ! when labor disputes are scttlc.•d, C'Xperts m the field say they are St'llled by thC' prim·apals. no t by c.'Omm1ttees Asked afte r d inner bv J avnc· Maller of CBS News whe ther the rC' w as a'ny progrf'SS in the talks. \ K agel w axed ph1losophwal ,!_ -''Y'kno w , many. m a n y yc>ars ago 1 loo k a course al the Untvcrs11y of Califo rnia -I w as an unde rgraduate a t &rke ll'y and lhas actually was a course on progress. wha t was progress?" K agel began. "And w e Spt'nl a wholl' sem C'slc•r on reading about Aras lolle and so on and so forth on thl' tdN of progress "Finally. the proft:'SSOr said al the end o r th<.' cou rse. 'I have concluded after s pending m y wholl· lifetime reading about whr1l all o f the great thinkers of the w orld consider 10 Ix> progrl'SS. that progress as a slow , gradual movemt.>nt in a dl"S1rable dm:'Ctao n.' "And one of the stude nts an m y class spoke up and said. 'Well, professor wha t 1s the d esirable d irectio n?' And h e said, ·Ah. tha t's thC' question · " And whe n asked by M1ll<-r whe ther the• owners and players were headed in lhC' d l'S1rabk direct ion. K agel re plie d . "( h ave no w ay o f d etermining what the parllC"S will consider to be a desirable direction. No way Thl'y're going to h avr to decide themselves." ALPHABET SOUP w as on th(• Janne r mc•nu ABC, CBS, NBC.NLRB The I.500 players are seekin g a fix e d percentage of the tclev1s1on rl•venues paid to thl' league by ABC. CBS a nd NBC. , They're also seeking a central salary fund and ' ,. wage acale . The owners fllllly oppose the fixed- • ,percent.age and central-fund portions oC the union 's demands and have offered a wage scale far below i what the union wants. \ • On Thursday, William A. L u bbers, the chleC 1 1 co~I of the National Labor Relatio ns Board, said he would iseue a complaJnt 1<>ugh t by thl' union, one charfjng the league with unroar labor pritc:li('('tl Lu&lx'rs noted thll under the flve-mon NLRB board'• procedurt.'1, tht' league will hove a c haOC(' to 1ettfo the 1trikc and that whtle h c plans to ISSU<' a complaint, It could M averWd by A IM.'ltlcmcnt. Cavultot s r ttpl11<.o llumt ~ouc:.h l 'l I \l•I \NI' l'lh l lt\tl,11111 \,I\ ,tllt I'\ I holllH° d I lloH ht 111111 ,d,1\ m 1111 1111 tll11ol !1 1111• Ill h·-.i. tli,111 11 \t •II F roni P tllltl c; 1 I' • t1111\ 1•11:lit d ...... IH 11111 1la1 .. 1.111 .. , '"' Not111111.il U."k1 11,,,11 1\,,01 i.1111111 ""''"''" Bill l\lu•"1 1111.111 \\ 1111 11 1111111 .t 111 1111 ("I\ ,illt I' ltol ol 'ol 1111111 'llfll ol' lit ''" I lloll la Ill l\l.11t It 11 111111'11 111.t \\ ,,._ I 1 til,11 t tf f.\ J Hiii N1"·'"" "111 1 1,, .. 1 , "·'' 111 .t 1111 I l1.tl1 .l.111 111\\lll~'. ..... 11111 11i .. l 'l1.01lo • . 1ol1 \I ,, 111 \\,1lol1 "" I '" l1<o111 ''·"·111111.0 l•1tll11t1111 '" l'·••••·• 1\-lunu .• 1 I 11111111• tlo.11 I h 1 1 II I l f 1,tl ,, '" ., •• 111 ( >< '( • '"I Y.11 111111~( 111 l'ltfo 11< I la• II 11111 ,lt• d l.'•lt ""' '" I 111 Id "' 10 ••• 11 .. ( lo .11 I 1 II 1 I' .1 II .1 I 11 I lot \1110111• 111• \ 11 IHI It ., IA• I• \<1tl11 1 .. ,.,,., \11l1l111·· \ .• 11., I" I II "'·•I . ' I 1,. 1'11 ... h,1\ I I 1111 .111 d I' .i .. 111.•1 I \ •, .. 111 11 \\, 111.t 1111 11111\1 ' 11"llll'd 1111111 1111 111111• I""" ,1ill\\ lllJ.: illll lllj.! tllt' I \11111111011 ~· ol"lll ,11111 ol 11umlx.·1 111 11101.1lt· 111 111111·1111., ... 1111 IJ011 l.k •l..im•v. w hu h."i.1·1vt•d ,1,1011e h .11111M•·111•1.1l 111.i rlllj.(1•1 lur tht• 11•11111 U111h•1 N1i.-.n lk1', J)i ·l.1111·y writ h1· 1111 ·"sl,,lunl l'tkll 11 llllt 11111 d1.tl1 I 11:lt1 olt \ I .lfll l 111 .. 111•1 ' "I I 1111 1 ... 11. 11 .. 111,.11 I 111• olHI 111.11 k l•lf 1111 f""I I• 111 ',, "" o111ol 11.1\• \\llll 1111lv 111111 111 1111 11 I "1 1•1 s .. u 111 t '11,"1 ( 0H ll I I Ii Ill I go1J11\ ' 111 1!11111 ti('(' tlll ol•ll\\ 111111 l lll' flll 111111 o \I Il l lht 1111 II ... t la111 11p 1•H1'>li q1 1·1~:1a1-. wnl 11,. l•tllj'l1< ,I • 1111111: \.\ .t Ill 1111 II llfit Ill I \\ 111 II tlt1 '; 111 Jd 1111 1111 ·' 1 1 ,, \' 111 "'. , ( ;,,1111·11 \v,.,., l't1'Ht1 •, 11111,ht•al :.!lll lo 11111 ul .1 10 lk1.11 l 11 Id .\1 .111\ t.111-"·"··d• 11.1, \\ 11t. 11. l 111 l\t ( ' ........ , "·'"' ,y ( l1•1t·d 11\'t I 1111 1•·•'•1 11 \11".ll '> .ll'lU.tll y 1>1111111• 111.11 '1'"11 (){'(' h ~" "Ohvtoup,)\•, lu11k1111( .11 till'1•>o.l11l1111t1111••<;Ull:-., tlw n • w11:-. ;1 p1 11hlt•111," 1>1·l:1111·y ,,,11d "1'111 • 1t"11n \\ .1:-. 11u l n •m·t111g It• 1111• n 1.1d1111i.: ... 111wt11111 " White Sox b'rlng tn the fences "'J'la1 I oH'I' 11• l'l'.."11'111 1.tll \' 1111 flf,tl Yo u'11 1o1t·111g till' d1~ k .aflol \1111 d 1111 'I k 1111w l111w w 1 II \1111 '\'• d 111w 1111 111 "" 1\1 l111.1h 11.1\'t• 1 111:-.~1 «1 1111· l11w." M111111· l'>.pl:11 th '"\'1n1 1·:a11 '1 h•l down d111 111j.( tlll' loll't• 'lull h.1V t• t111A11tk h.ttd ful tilt' 1·111111 lh11't' 111tl··'. II 11 ,1,,i-.11111 •1\."'I H.1k11-.l11'1d I' N11 I 'I .ti I (.I 0 ) , .. 'W\ 111111.ti11 I .. Ill t. \ 1t1111 ' 11\ "' 1 .. •Pl~ I~"" Ii t l .01111 S .1111.1 !\111111t .1 < '(. 1-. 1l111d Tl ... (°111 -.. 111;. (I 111 lltpp• d t·l l '.111111111:.:. :.:11 • ""'l"J.·d " .!Ir :111 I 11 1111 d for 11 lllfi \\ 11111111~'. 111111•111.111,1· And 1111 I l1.111q11t t11 liqT. ho1\ ,. 1 llllll' 1111• I '11 • ti I .. w,, y d Ill 11 lg l It.,,,. It ' ' •• 11 ·, C llll.'Al:U '1'111' t 'hH'.11.(11 Whtlt• Sox <•rt· lo(Olll~ la1 111.1k1· ti t·.1-.11·1 t11 Ii 11·m·h tlll' l 'w111:-.k1·v 1':11 k 11•111'1·' 111·'1 \'01 Kl\O\\', Tll EHI·. \.\ ,, . " 111111 \\ l.1 11 ( )( '(' \.\.1-.11 I ,11111111~' ()\1 I 1111 l.1•.t It·\\ V l'oll ., • 1111111 Ilk• !\la s .. 11 J\1111111111 und S.1 11 I 111 g11 1\.11 "1 l1,1V• l'lllllt' up \\1111 "''"" fll• II\ grnt<I "t11,11h "' 1111 1. "" 1.1k111~: ,1\\ ,,, 'ollflll 111 1111 itl111 \ ( )('(. t. .• d. 1111~·~1101 '>II l11rw A11d 1111 11 1h1,. , i''ull1·rt11n ( I llo 1-(• \\ ht1 Ii ta, ... l 1111~1:0.lt ll ll Y II•""'" 111111g llllllth . "'J i.11 n by ... 11u 1 11•1 ;111g t lu·11 0 111I 11: Id d1 1111·n.;11111"> WILL SA IH>LEBAt'K ( ·,,11, 1:• 1\'t t 1-:11li.11k111111 llu N•• I "f"'1 1111 llH !:-i1111tlil,111d ,Jl' 11111111,111 p<•ll" Iii• 11 I 111 ''·"' "f'I'""""'°'· 11111 lltt 1111.tl• lt,1\1 \.\.olk1·d lilt pl.111k 1li1 I., .1 I•\.\ ""ll ' '!'ht· llll lt'ld wall he· 1m1v1·d 1•1gli1 11•1•1 luw.11 d ... th1• llllll11 ·lc.J a11tl tht· 111•\\ d11111·n:.1Uth w ill 1>1: :HI ft'l'l dO\\ 11 t'.ll h luul 11111" :17·1 11·1·1 111 tlw p111A 1·1 ,11ll!y~ II\ ld l l t'llll'I .11 111 right u·11la•r w1Lh 111 1 (1'\·t ll> dl·aJ l'l'llll'l l)( ( ('11,11 It 1111 k I 111 kt I Tlw < ;.1111 ""' h,,,, tll·f<·.1t• d 1111·11 l."l ll11t t "PIM>lll 111:-. (,, ,, 111111 l11 111 d 'lllll '"!ti .i 11111 lllll'ot "Ill•· l•ll 111111111 l'l.111 ,, .. , \\ 1·1·k I "'""'I'd •• !11 Ill :.: ....... d dtll lllj.'. 111 111 I II \t .01 .II l>( 'l fth.1t ,, T hi• old 1i,1t•d cl11111•11.,1111\.., 111 :1:1.! du\\ 11 till' lllll'S, :i7::i Ill tlw JKIWl'I .allt·y' .111d 1112 Ill •h·ad l'l'lllt'I \A t'I t' lt1u111I Ill ht• Il l.It( 111.11!· A1 tu.illv. llW llll'.ll>UI l'llll'lll:-> "'I'll :H~J d uw11 1111' 11111·'· :m:i Ill tht· p11w1·1 .1llt•\'' .111d lllll 11•1•1 tu d1 .ad 1't'11lt•1 1111 \\ llllllllj.! flt 11 t ll1 ,1g1 I ,111d 1111 l'11 ,1lt \\II/I l<1lll I <1111< It Ill\ l I I I 1 ' .1 11 ol I "' " II ,1 I I 11 II •I l I 111111 11111,111 h ft ,1 '1'111 k1·1 S.111 1>11 1••1 !\It'·' !\It S .• 11 A 11111r1111 .111 ol i'uf11111111 111ov1d1· lh1 "1'1""1111111 111 lh111 of tlu llu1.,· lo 111,lllllllj.! 11\t l'.11111' 1111-," o.l'ollll .1i .• 111p1111"lo1p ,\II ul "uld1·11 l It• l.1 I l \I ,11 .If I< •"I • 1\ I I lho 1!111 ' l l ,f11111ld 111 l>tlllllt d 11lll th.II 1111' (;,11111 111-. opp•"1t11111 tl11111wti 1111 l1i-.I ll\1 1:.1111• 'l1o1-.11 I lt.111111 ""'' 1111111 11111111 l1.11d 111111, Tin' \1•,11 tl11· Whtt1· Sox hll :ii 11111111• 1 u11:-. 111 Crn111~k1•\ P.11·k \\hilt· Iii•· "Ill"''"'"" Ital n l )r\ tlw 1u.1d. 1111• Wl11ll' So' 1111 117 hot111· 11 111-. Liebler, Bryant share Pensacola lead S mith unbeat en • S unset ID Stt'Vl'n Lil'blc•r , \\ h11 h." tll'\'L·r h·d LI lllUl'll;J llll'lll, ;111d \'t•l1·1:111 Brad n Hr)·ant bot Ii f1n·d 7 u11d11 p.11· Ii 1" Thu1::.d .1v 111 ,1i,1r1· till' l1.,1d ,ti 11·1 till' r 111111,·r.-. -"'''Orf• ~;,·tori,• . ..; 11p1·11111g 111und o l tlw l't•11:-.o11 •1lo1 O pt·n F'ou1 ollwr~ "'t'l t' 11111• :-.liot Ii.wk Don J anuary f1n·d :1 -I u11d1·1 p.11 till to t.ikt• ;1 onP-s lrokP h•;1d 111 lht· 11 1111111 11 ... 111 S1·111111., lntt•rn a\1011:11 loua n .111w11t Tu d .11 .! 1111tlt•1 p:11 tl!I Wl'I'(' Milll'r Barber, Dan Sikc'i .111d l111 lt k11ow11 1 lull µro Art Silvl'r s lronl' I )f, ·11d1ng < h .1111µ11111 Oa\ id Graham f11 t'll •• ti u111l1 ·1 p.11 lih lu Wk(· tht• l1•.1d a(t<·r tho (11'1 1ou11d ul 1111 l.am·omt• T 1uphv l11ur11.11111 nt 111 St N11111 l .. 1 Htl'h·<:ht . Fr<ml'1' S1·111111 J1111 S1111lh I.II t·d 111 .oil ""' \'II""\' Ill l ;),:11 Ill ~p.11 k M.11111:1 1 l tgh'-.' • ., .. , I' 1111111 \ \l',1111 Ill a :?Ii .Ill Sun~l't l.1'<11-(U•· \'1• 1111 \ 11\ • 1 I" 1 o111 \'11•\.\ .11 l'E-ntrtil P:.i r k Th111 -,d.1' In .11111lh1·r Sw1-1·I d11.ol 11111111111:11111 B1.,11 h !>U.1Y1 d u11l11 ,111•11 '" d "'' 11111g ~.d1..,011 '..!I :Vi J\lt·a11whll1., m .1 S 1·,1 \' ,..,, l.1·.1glH 111•·• 1. l'o-.1a Mt•so.1 ll1ppt·<l 1-:. ... 1.mna, :!.I .lh 111 .1 m1·1·1 in \\ hid1 C11ron.1 dt·l M.11 ""'" d1-.c1u;1h I u·d l rn lt,1\ 111g on(\ fl\·1· ru11111·1:-. l\\11 ft•\\1 1 1h,1n lht It .1gl11· 111111111111111 Lazers announce pre-season game In '""nl'n·, .1llaon. II,, .. ,. CJ\1 .. 111 \'11 \\ 111pptng J\1.111n.•. :!Ii :.!11 J\l.111·1 Ix 1 f.1ll11w 111 1\1 .. 11111• :\111 •• 1 '..!.\.lit .111.t t-:d""ll ,fillllllll-' "' \\11 ll111111111'l .. 11 B•·.tt h I ' -lh l; 1 n t 1 <ii J\l ,, n" g 1 1 Park l' r .\lat'Donald .1111111111111 .. t th.11 th• Lo-. • t\11gt·l1·-. L.111·1 ... h.1\ I' "la1·d 11l1·d .• I\ l.11 111.1 ' I l'l '11 I d I' 1111 \\ i I 111 l ll • s 11 • I • I L• ·•1-:llt ·" Sr1111h 11 111.1111• d 1111111 .111 fl 111 I••''-'" d11.ob .111(111 .\11 lt1l1,old t Ill l!IJ .11 111 l\lil-.1 ltul~ 11 pr• -" J:.1111 g.11111 .ig.111"1 thl' S.111 D11•g11 Soc kt·" ,it th•· F.1111111 1111 'l111 ... d.1\ ,11 7 :Ill p 111 Th" g.m11· ''ill tu 1h1· I .,111•r,' 11111 ~ pr t• "'"'"'II 111.111'11 .ig.1111:-.I J\l <tjlll' l11cl110I' S111 (l'I L1.,1J.!l1t • 11111111 11111111 l1t 11111· 1lu·1 r 11 g11l.1rl\ ..,l la t·du(,·d "''·"'•II f,111111 lljl< 111'1 .ij.(.1111 ... I l'lllll'lll\ 1111 No\' ,, l'r1·1 ,1g1·11t g11.d11•111 l1 r (;ar } Lasko~ki ti ..... ,1a.:111·d .• 11111111 \'1·.11 1111111.111 '' 1tli tht· l.11~ t\11g1•1!·-. K1 11g.;, 1la 1· N il l. 11.1 111 .Ull\llllfll't•d L.1,k11 ... k1. '..!:! h.1 ... IM·1·11 pl.1\'lllg \\1th 1h1 ll'<•Ol ,,, d lq1<ll'l1·d $:111111•11 1•;a( la g.11111· }ll.1\'1·d II( $'..!()(I 1111 t'.tl h g.11111 · Ill \\ h1d1 111 -.u1 t1·d up (17011 "'" .... 1w1d .1rnl 1la11d l••I 011.111 \'11 \\ \\l1tlt· '1'1.w\ l.q1p \\,1, t11lh 111 f, I'..! I Ii• St .1li.1\\I,, dr11p1J<·d 111 I .I 111 l1.,1gt1t· d11.il-. t:11 ~ ILtllj.•lt ' \II l ••I \ Ill I' l '• I'•'" al llu111111g11111 I~ .11 Ii 111 ah l111111lt 11.11i11t1 1 .. .ig111 \\111 wl11l1 · li.111d111~• l•,d,...1111 1h 111 ,1"111 ... 1-. !~11 11:1 1 Ii,, ''"' 11111\ 111 S11111lt 111 du.11 1111," 1111, \''"'' !\J.11 1111 l..\H•\ d 11111!'.ht ti '>l 'l lllld 1111 Liii ( 1111 I ' Ill I" .111 .Jim Lessig. lJ111\ 1•1''" 111 K.111-.."· .1 thl1 lll dtt I '\ llll. IA'.I!> narnt·d ..... 1111· Ill•\\ ( 1•1111111,,111111'1 11! lht· M1d-t\nwnuH1 l'1111 l1·r 1'lll' 11·11l.1l'1ng f'rt'd J acob) D\\ight B ra'\'.ton w1 I dd1·11d "" \Vurld H<1,ang l.'ount1l lii.:ht ht'.l\\'\n•1gh1 111h N 11\ :!II .1g.11n,1 't' 1111d r.111l-.1·d t•:ddtl' D:n i' .it ll1111ttr1~t1111 H1'.11'la ... (;II ... {)1111111111•1 111.11111 d I ,II lt1 •t lhf' ".O"fll. \\11t lo.1 d 11111 \\ llh llo1 JllllltJI \ d I'' I I \ . I 11 tf I '-I ' ' fl 11 11 d I 11 l 1 l II 111 l ll \', l I " I I ~ I01l1f>t'l1ll11ll 111''1 \\l'I k Sopla111111111· l .. 11111 l>111 1 o111d 111 111111 I>.,,, t\11d1 1"111 111 l '1111111.1 1h I :O.l.11 11111•!11 d 111 ,, l1t h•r t 1r,1 ..,1 It. .!.I liu1 1'11 :-,, ,, K111g-. "111 d1-.t111.1hr&1 d 111 lht 11 lri nwt·l \\ 11h ( ·,,...,,, :\.),.,,, Thi 1\1 11 i.1111'' l '1111\ u1lmn II.ill 111 1\tl.111111 l'11' \1111111 J, .1gu1 p1Lt ht 1 Tom Tellma n \\ ,,, 11.1111 .r '" ;\)1f\1. .1Ukt•( Ill I" h.1111!\ l ot 111111"1 11 .1gt11 · µ1tdH ''Weldon S\\ilt .111d Tim ('ool.. th• l'.11h1·' tllllllUIH t·d Television. radio T\: N•1 t 't 111:. "'l11·dul1 d RADIO: f'uothJll Ed 1-.cm .ii I l111111ngt1111 &·.1th. 71:'1 1H11 K WVE llllH Fl\11 College football SATURDAY'S G AMES WHI Oregon 51 .01 use 11 10 pm ,,. 1A Cohsevm1 UCLA al Calol01111a lonQ S.aen St el Sen 0.eQo SI n Ne•ada-Aeno at Cal Slate Fufl;,r1on Noire Dame at 01egon Fre~no St al San JOH SI 'I re,a5 IN:ll al Was111ng1on S•anlord al Wn,,11i9ton Sr Cal State Northndge al C.ll Lulhtt•An Occ1denra1 al wri1111e• n Sant• Clara al Cal Pol) 1Pomona1 n C•a<f'monl·Mudd al Aedlilnds 11 Rock lee PacoltC 81 At1zona n Weber St al Boese Sr n COiorado St at BYU Montana SI at ldario n Monrana at ldehO St n N~ Meuco St 81 NPw MA,.~O " E Washington .11 r~ortrie11' Ar•1onJ n Ut81t-"' Wyom•"Q Sou111wut ...,_'"'u 111 Houston (C"8nnel '1 01 q 30 a mt Ok1a11om& SI at O•tahoma SMU al ru u tCriannel 1 111 I~ 30 pm) Air Force al Taos El Pa5o n Rtef' al Tau. A&M Baylor 11 TCU Norlll Ttu U St al WeSI Teau St McNeese St al Ark&nsu St Mldweat M1ch1g11n at Norlhwestern Ohio Sa al ln<ll&no Purdue 81 Mtch1g~rt SI Iowa 111 Minnesota. n llhnOIS Al Wl,C011$1n Kansss ot Kansas Sl "11550Utl Al Ni>brM>O Te•n -Arhnglon Of W1ch1ta 51 w1"1r>rn M•ch•QM 111 Bnll Sr Tu''" al O'a>e Ce,,lrdl Moch•goro "' Kl'nl SI (dslern M 1c.rugan at N0'1ht~,,, tlllmJt~ Nofthern Michigan at Nontiern 1Vw8 11 M1am1 0 at 01110 U tna1ana St at Soutnern 11111101~ Bowling Green al Tolt'd• " Soulh t.1nc1nnah a1 Al:ibamc1 T oon<1ssee al Georgia T ec '1 C..eorg1a al Kenluc~y n South Carolina at LSU n Ou~e at Maryland Auburn al M•SS•SS•PP St Clem~on <11 NQ<lh Carol•nd St VMI "' R•chmond lou•$w1t1e at Southern M•SS•S5•0P• n M~m11'11s S1 a1 l u•ar>e n M1v~1sS•PP• '' Vande1b11t n wo~P ro1es1 •t V1tg1n1a A1rr:.~•·><h·~n SI a• Vorg1n1G lr<.n '"'"0" St at Easl Carohnt ""•ll1am A. Mary at James Madison NW LOu•s1ana a1 Lovosoana Tech A~ron 111 Ma<51lall Tennes$1'e Tee" al Mo1Phead SI SE Louisiana at NE lou1s•ana Lamar al SW Lou111ana n EHi Penn St at WMI V1ro1n•a P11t al Syracuse Colgate at Rutgers Heoverd at Pnnceton va1e a• Penr1 !he Citadel at Navy Bo11on College at Arm) MD5SOChU5etls al Boston u Holy CroM at Brown Buc~nell nt Cotumb1e Ma•ne at Connect1cu1 OartmO<Jth al Cornell Oavodson at Lalayettf' l imited Offer ll?A.PA LINCOLN MERCURY 2626 Horbor llvd., Co1ta Me1a 540-5630 DICI JOllSOI JOHNSON & SON presents .. COLL.EGE Pich af tlla Wttk Kansa~ over Kansa i Sta te * Nebraska over Mis\ouri * SMU over Texas * Brigha m Young over Colorado State * UCLA over California HIGH SCHOOL ,OOT8All AT IT'S BEST I ' Edison Chargers vs. Huntington Beach LIVE/ TONIGHT 7:15 PM A# ENOLHltlCHT COWAN'f ~OOCJCTION KWVE FM108 tl11·11 1011· \\'•·11 · d1 ·1 l.111·tl 1111 · "'111111·"· d1·sp111· ;, 1h11d plo111 l111"h 1111111 Hill B.wrf!. and,, 'ax lh lrrnn I >.1111·11 l<11lll "' 111 h..J.11111.1 111 \\'ctm1 ·11 , ;11 t111n I .1·,111 Pr.ill "'-'' :1 C'OUr'>t' 11·1111 ol 111 '' 11111111g 111 l •1 .! I ;,.., Ed1-.11n run1w1' 1 .• plu11rl lira f11 ,t 'll' pl.•tl'-. 111 li11·1·zing pa'>l llu111111i.,:11111 l·k.11 Ii l'lu t'h.11 g1 r ... 111 I II an th• S1111 .... I I .• ·~Ill \\ 11111 tl11 ( >111 I ,, II '"II I f11 .111 1\111.;1 ll.1 (,, ,lj_ Ill ,1111\\ d0t\\11 Jllllh•I ( 'l,11 t I• 11 ••I \l.•l• 1 l It 1 "·' .111, 1 ' \\111111 r 111 17 ·,11 hul 11.t \)•lo 111 lo 11111 I• d lho 11 111'1 11 .1~'lll •.1 tl1.1t k 111 It ' '" •1111 '" lllalH .... fl H1·.t.1111 .\111.tl K.111111111 f-'111111 I 111 If" l .,11111 I" \\.o 'ol ll•IHI Ill lfl l.1 '111• < i. • 111 \ 11" \\111111·11•\•111 d 111111 S\Jn,t·I I" .• gw 111.11 I-. .ii .! .• ),, 11q111111g l\.l.11 111,1 Fr, ,11111.111 'Ii"' l.1\l111\\11111111 111I\,11.,tl\1.ol• 111'..!tl 1111"1 "" :-.1.ol1.o\\k 1111 1111 """ l 'i11t1.d 1'.11k '""'" \\lid• l• .011111 1 .. 11 """" .\1111 .. \\.O ll111d Ill .!I Ill w 111:-; a t ()ak Trt·e 1\Ht .\lll.\ 1.\1'1 N11tl> I l.1gg1 d 1 ... , k ,,, lllll l<ol 111" I "I lltt J • 11111• It .tllll • t.111 ,II ...,.0111,1 :\1111.1 1111 '1'11111-.d,1\ l11tl 11111\1.j llj• 1111111 Ill 1111 '1 11 lo h 111 l.11-.• 1111 ~.'.I •HHlp111" '''I 11111:111,11\11 l11w1·r ll11d~ I WORLD'S LARGEST INDOOR SAILBOAT SHOW Come aboard great names 1n sail- boats from the U S . Europe and Paclf1c 1Far East Shop and com- pare the widest selection ever' Models from 6 to 65 feet to fit your ab1l1 ty, li fe-style and budget. See hundreds of booth displays featur- ing every sailing accessory. t ' ()1 ..i11u1• <.110~1 UAll V I'll Ur If 11<Juy. Oc1obur 22. 1984' f 3 ~--------------~~~~-------------------~--------------~~~~--~------_;.---- Will Angels make pitch for Davis? •Wlllt Urn1 Am.1· 1111w 11ff11 wlly blll1·l11wd 111°1\I "'""'""· 1h1· A11t(1•b u11· 1·x11e-c•11•d '" 111\t•lt·ru\t' tlw11 .u1t1•111pt t11 Ht'l 1 l'ltt•I 111·1· H1111 D11v" ,1w11v 11 11111 M111111•1.11t.1 /\ u1upll0 o l 11u1111•!> l1t•111.i 1111·11t11ir11 .. 1 ,,, true.It• 111t1tl'r111I .111· p111 l w1 M 1k" Witt u11d 11u tl1Phh 1 Hobby L'l.i1 k •/1''1h1 N l'AA j>.ISM'' ,,, 1U111·111 111111'""·" .111d ,,. tht• lH' l1 v11w hu)'ok1•th.1ll ""'"' '' druppt·d t111111 U1 v11">11111 I 111 l>1v1s1on II )>\JIU'•, h1e1k lw 11 q1111 11 .11ut hitMy 11\a~"i d1 •part111·1· h~ I ht• 1t•a111 's playt·" .111d 1•11111•h1·'1 •All 1x 11 l11•:-c an• cl1•11y111)( It hllt, ~···., ll dot')> app1•o11 as if tlt1• I >lxlg1•1' uml S 1t•v1· l :.11\1·v h.1v1· 111111 .. 111 un a.irP1·1111•11I t'Vl'll if ll's 011lv 111,11 .11 1111, po1111 U nit''' th1·11• ;11 1• :,1111w I.isl 111111ut1· dl'l.111' to w111 k out. I 1·,111'1 u11d1·1 :,t.111d 1lw Llt.JClg1·1 -.' 11•lu1 l.111n 111 ,llll\Ulll\t\' 'lltll ,111 ,1g1 l't'lll\'111 It'-. IJl llhdlJI\ lhl'll h1·-.1 .111d 1111 .... 1 popuk11 d" 1,11111 -.11111 tlw :.1~11111g l,1:-.I \l'.ll 11f l!IHI 1•l<1~otl h1·1·11 H11 k l\1und.1\ .,evu I !I CCQL lJMNll,o I JOHN SEVANO •W1lh ,ill tilt' pllhlint\ Mlllt1l1111ll11H 1111 li.11 v1·'1- 111·g11l1,1t11111s , t he· l.111 1•'1•111:1111111 V1d1•111'1t 1,, ..., .. 1111 llll"ol~~111·d 11 ..... j.(11111' Vll'lll,dl 111111111 1·.I V.il1 ·111u.•l.i 1.111 """ 1.il\1° 1111-, ....... 1 ... 11'1 1111 .. 111111 .... 11. I' 111 h 11'1l 't 'ojll'lll I lllJll~h 111111 ' Ill l111• lll•l)HI 11 ,1.:111 , \1•1 111 111'II11111 ' ol 111 I ' olgt fl I •It 1111lh1111o: ··I". ~\ l.11111 ... \It 1111 \ t1V1 ·t I\ I 1 )\, .1 ll k 1•1 111 l I 11 • W" 1 Id St 1 n ' 111.1 ' h , , v 1 • 1·11111111 lwd th1 NL' '>l11111gl111ld ,,, Iii• d11111111.1l111~ I• .1~:111· Thi· S 1·111·' "·" tlu 111111 th 111 ,, 111\ol. t111 tlw Weekend sports on .fti11turd11.t TELEVISION !I ,1 m (:.!> NCAA TOOA Y. With Noln· Da1111 C t1ad1 <.;t'l l'V r .1u:-.l Y :io .. m 1:.!i Ark.tn!w:i... .il 1 louston I :.! :m p m 1 i' l S M U al Tl·x,1s NCAA t'001'8ALL COLLEGE FOOTBALL :!::w p.n1 (4 ) WESTEHN Ol'TOOOrtSl\tA!'\ -S tudying gr111.ly bt·ar·., in (.; bt t•·I' Na111111.d P.11 k 1n Montana :1:30 p 111 1-1) S PORTS WORLD 1!-1"7:! Oly mp1(' t hanipw n S ugar H;1y S ,·alt·s t:l:l 7 :!) n J anws Shull·r 11-1 -0) 111 a S(:h 1•dult'<I I:.! r11und NAB~ m1ddlt•wt•1g ht t1tlt• bout tapl'd al t\tl;1nt11 l"11~. NJ -I p 111 (:.!l CBS SPORTS S ATllROA \' - M ar lon S tarling (:.!-1-0) and Dun.ilJ l'urn 11-1 -01 put lhl!1r USBA and NABF wt•ht•1 wt•1gh1tnm11., on lht• line• 1n a S(:ht'<lull'Cl l:l-round bout. t.1J>l·J .it A1l.11ll1t C 1tv , NJ Also Rubt•n l\1u11111 ( 1-1 -1 l tlt·l1·nd .. l11s US.BA hghtwe1gh1 lltlt• in a <;(.'ht'<lult-d !:!-round bout ag:.uns\ Rogt·r Maywt·alh,•1 t I:.! IH .• md" n ·prn t on M ost.•., M alont.> of lht• Phlla1.klph1.1 71i1·1., , -1 : :HI p m ( 7 ) G R E AT E S T S PO R T S LEGENDS t\ prufdt• of NBA g uard W Jlt fra711•1 who hl•l pl!d ll•;,id th1· Nl•\\ \'111 k Knll'k:-. l<• lwn w orld 1.·h;1mp1on!>h1ps 11 pm C'll COLLEGE FOOTBALL UCLA at l';ililurnia T<tJ,Xod l'olflll'1 111 t lw d.1~ RADIO PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME ST A TEMENT Tne following person •s doing business as DAVES MOBILE AUTO REPAIR, 354 Avocado Sr ,, 1 Cosl.i Mesa CA 92627 David A Bass 354 Avocado SI Cos1a Mesa CA 92627 11 :!"l .. "' t KIJ.o:\' 11170 1. N1·vJd.1 tt .. RC :11 <'.ti S t.•t• fullt·1 l1111 . l:.!.IO p111 . KWHl\l O :l71lJ .11111 KWVI\ tlllll F l\l). UC L~ .11 l';1l1lorn1,1. I I' 111 Kl\l l'l' 171111 . S.11ldl1•h.11 k ,11 S.111 I lll'g11 <'I' I p 111 K SBH 11111 .1 ~ 1\11 U11·g1111 Stall .it llS<. I .Ill 11111 K NX 110711 1, S.1111.1 l'l.11.1 ,,, l';d 1'111~ 1'111111111.1 fl 1:1 ,, Ill . lo\WHM t 1:l7111 l.o ng 13.·.11 h St.111· .ii S.111 1>11 i.:11 St.lie· i :!O p Ill KW\'I·: 1 lllll 1-'l\1) H."k1·th.dl l .. 1k1•1' ·'' Se .. 1111• I .tll JI Ill Kl.Al' 1:·11111 11111 k1•\ I I I !10) ~ .Ill ,, 111 I II t.1lk ... TELE\'ISIO~ !\FL '82 t\11 u1xl.111• 1111slr1k1 111 ,, 111 t 11 l\B(.' SPOfiTS S J•ECIAL ThH·• h11u1., of 'IX ·~ 1.il 'fl< II h pa 11gf,1111111111g IO .111.i111 <ii !\E\\ YOHK MAHATll01' l\lm1• lhJn lli,flllO 11111qwlllor-. run lh111u~li tin ... 111•1·h 111 Nt·" '1'111 k, 111ov111i.: 111111ugh ,ti( t 1\, 1.1111ugh., b..t1111· 1·11111pl1·1111g 1111 1u11 T.qH·d de ·l;1\' hv thn·1· hnLll'" l'111111lll'tll,1tlll''> 111dt11lt .11111 l\ld{;I\ .. ;111 D1.111.1 Nv.1d I\,,, k I'\ Ii. il I Kl.Al' t 17111 I lo; k1 •\ I I I ·11>1 HArllO I .. 1k1•1'> .ii I 1111 t l.1111t 11 ,\(I I' Ill 1'1'1<1. $5998: N I .... 1111 Ii .11'" Ii"' w1111 W 111 11 ... 1 .... 1 .'II t\11 .. 1.11 111t•'lll11o(' l1t•IV.1•1•t1 lh•· IW11 •.\11 1111111· .. 1111~ ,,cf1·1111t1· t .. ll11 1111 I llllg' 111 Id " 11.1111 ... 1•.11 k M1111cl •• y v.1111 h Ill• l111l1·d 11\'tll'I , ,, "'~!ltl i'l t•lllt•ll h•I li1t'\li,111d 111 111 111111 ll111 1l11t 111 .. 1111tl1,1ll ( lpt•1.1ll1tll' J111 k J.o ,J1Jlk111 I ( '11,11 Ii lt.o y l\J,il,1\ .1,1 , \'II t· I" ''"11 11·111 Ill t h,11 g1 11( t 111.11111 l11h11 Sia.iv. 1>111-i 1111 111 M.11 k1·l1111( I .1 , 1\1.11 ,11,111 .. 1111 .1 111u ph· ·•I 111lt1·"· w .... lltt• l.11 I .• e rn1plt 11! pl.1\t'IS "'''II' 111Vl tl'd 111 p,11 lllllJJlt' ,JI'> V.t II •Add 1111·1·1 lllj( Tho· I Wtt pl.l\•e•r s WI 11 .f.11 k Y111111)!hluod a11d Hl'l l .10111•1' ,111d ... 11u·1 1111 11111 \\ ,,.,, t,.tk111g ll\ h.11d lll Sfll "l'Ublt· wh,d \\'ot' 'llld •1"111.il .11ld 11wt•ll11g ( )111· 'JH't 11l:il1ve· llH1ltgl11 I' lhut I :1 ·111 g 1.i ;"ko·d tlw pl.1\1'/' lt11w ll11 \ ,111d 1111' "''' 111 1111' ll'.1111 11·1·1 ;illlilll \ol.li,11 ... g11111~: 1111 \ol.llh ll11· '>l11k1· 11·, lx•1•11 1 u11u11 1·d t111 '"1111 ll11w 1111v. lh,1l llll 11\.\llt I .. ,.,,. pl.11 111111g 111 l•lll fl ll11·11 g.11 .... """' lll ..,.., h11\ol. 111,111\ pl,1y1•1' 1111).(hl I Ill'' Ill 11p; II d1•f1,1111 (' 11! tht·11 11 .... 11 l'l.1v1·1' A'"" 1.1111111 <:1111g1;1, p1 1 .... 11111.1hl\ \\,1). l.1k111g .1 l11 ·,1cl 111111H •H.1111' l 'l.1v1·1 Ht llll'!'lt'11t.1t1\1· ( '.11 I t•:k1 111 lwld .i fH 1v;1tl· 11·;1111 nH·l'tmg 111 updalt• tl11• 11l.1v1·1' 1111 tlw Jlf'llj.(l (''>S ('1) Ill 111•g1111;11111ni-.11111 111 h II tlll'lll ll11· All !<>l.11 1{·11111' ... d11·duh•d tor S1111d.1v 111 ( '.111.ida l1:·1d 1Jt I 11·1,111\ 111•1•11 1'.1tl1·d o l l •'1'111· ( >r,111g1 · Hnwl l"11111111tlt•1 h ,1., .i111 .. 11lv li-.t1 ·d I I f"'"1lil1 • e .111d 11l.i11 ·1oo ·" "1>1'11'1111111 111 tl11 H1.g l·:1ght 1 h.1111p11111 111 lhrs v1•;11 ·, 1·v1·111 S111 p11-.111gl \ both \V,"h111gl1111 .1ml i\1111111.1 St.1t1 .11 1 "'" l""'1hd1l11·'· l111t 11111 11< 'I .1\ •JI li.1-.11 I It~ I 1\1·d llllll ii .1111 fll11111 \t I l1lll tlu 1.111 H11l1111 Y11u111 \\ill l1t pl.1\111g111111l11 1111.d ''·'' 1 d "" t 111111.u I Ill I !ll!:s \\ 1lli !\Ill\\ .111k1 I I'--.1111 111 d1.1\\ 1•11f1lh 11\ 111 ll11 1111111ths lo 1111111 •111'. ~" l i1·1u · M:1111 h 111t·-. .... ·d lip .1 111111 1111 lat" pll1 lilllg 1111• l111al IWCI g,11111·:-. 11f tli1• /\1111 1 ll',111 LhogLH· ( 'h,1111p111n-.hq1 -.1·111·' Tli;11 .. 1itl d111·-.11·1 1111·;111 l\J.1lH Ii I.., l'f''fJ1111SilJJ.• 1111 wh;1l h;1p111 •1t1·d lit tlll' t\11g1 •ls < lv1·r llw e ••Ul'I 111 tl11 ..,, ·""11 l\l.11H h d l tf .I g llCld jll I I \\ 11 h h I:"> J t 1 lt It 111 )..\ t tt I p:- t 111l.,ld1·1111g Wh,1l ht• h;id ( ;1 •1 llllg t Id 111 l\J.111\ Ii I!> 11111 1h1· ·•lh\\t'I C1·1t111g .111li.1hh·11 ·111·1 p111 lw1 .ind .1 d1°Jll •lld.1hll· ,t,1111 •1 ·Ill'. t.11 .... 1 \l'I •Tl11 I'<.',\,\ h . .-. .1d111111·d ,1 p.111 111 111 \\ 1 ult·, 1111 tlw I'll!:! H.i l1.1..,k1 th.ill :-t·;""" ·" tlll't • \\ill llt' ;1 .W .,, .. ond 1 111, k .111d llw po,stl>1lll\ 111 llw tl1111 1i.11111 'hol I '1 1!11rtu11.itt•I~ 1111 Ut 'I 11111\ l\\11 p11· "l'olSllll lljlfllHll'lllS PqJIJ<'rd1111 .111d ( 'h.tj1111;111 l1o1\'I' .igl t•1•d lll f1l:1y Urldt•f tll1• t \tl\lt 11 llt't ·.., 111 •\\ "·lllfl. 11w1111111g tli1· Anl1·,1ll·rs \\Ill lt.1\ 1· 111 '' o11t unld th1 · ... 1.11I111•1111f1•1t 111·1· pl.iv lo '1·1· l11m \\1•11 llwv'll .11l.1pl Ill tlw 1111111.it •(1"·"1111'1 t11..i•1 ( · .• 11l111.1l 1.111 l11 •1 IJ.1111·11 1111111·1 \\Ill 1h1· \\'111ld S1·n1·,J\l\'l' ,1\\.11d. ln1t 11\11u11.illv .111,d\ /1 d t h1 -.i•111•-. lli1•11 I ,.,di\ \\."If I 11111 .1.1111111111 J>1·1 l11r m;1n11 I nos Dusmess ·~ conduc100 oy an n'HJ1v1duat I David Bass Tll1s Slalemenl was ltle<I w11h 1t1e Co...nly Cler~ ol Orange Counly 0<1 Oc1 13 1982 Fl995417 Pub1tshed Orange Coast Daily P1101 OC1 1S n 29 Nov 5 1982 4498 82 THAT:S NOT A PENNY MORE THAN LAST YEAR. PUBLIC NOTICE CPf'-21318 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE"S SALE • T.S.No.~ NOTICE YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A D£!D Of' TRUST, DA'nD MARC" 21, 1HO. UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLD AT /4 PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PR OC EEDIN G AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. The 1983 Toyota Standard Bed Truck . ll d oesn't cost a penny more than last year. but.it sti1Ldclivers every dollars worth of value Not one feature has been omitted The 1983 Toyota Standard Bed Tru ck Sarne price same quality! Someb ody did it right And that somebody is Toyota High Mileage. The 1983 Toyota Standard Bed Truck is rated at 31 E~ti­ mated Highway MPG.@ EPA Estimated MPG Remember: Compare th is estimate to the EPA "Estimated MPG" of other trucks with manual transmission. You ma> get different mileage. depending on how fast you drive. weather conditions. and trip length. Actual highway mileage will prob- ably be less than the "Highway Estimate" Hi gh Performance. Th is is Toyota'-; lowest-priced truck. But it still comes standard with a big. rugged 2.4 liter engine It's the biggest engine you can gel in a base-grad e small truck . Hig_h Quality. Quality thats helped make Toyota the best selling truck line in the world •• Quality construction And qual· ity features Like power-assisted lront disc brakes 3-across seating And a 1400· pound payload tincluding occupants. equipment and cargo I The 1983 Toyota Standard Bed Truck Al l the performance and quality you've come to exp ect from Toyota And something }OU wouldn't expect -last year's price' •''·•""'·• ,,.,,.,, v«.:• •<-•I ,,.1 u• , .. , •· tk· ,,,.,, .1 ,.,,, '-'~" f"l'1,t· J ·t"'\i.ut 1 ,IHh t n h,• ,. It, 'f>"''"'•· :~·.-... .,11. •t·qu1u· I t••iu•1•rt•t • 1 '•I t· 11\ h '''If\ 0'• ti I •'• I I'• o~ I \ I lAr / \ FEELI l\.l~ I TOYOTA BUCl\l I l ll'-11 s •\ GOOI) f E.C LIM .• I .. HAPPENINGS IN T ll E UAll,\' Pll.oT·s Al lTO MAHKET ... • ' ,.. \'\I .~ 1 1111~ ...,, It \ltl st<.i ll1111 v.;;go11 w,,., ll'<·1·11tly pn·,1·11\1·d t11 th1· l>.i1111v T li11111:1s Sl .ludt• (.'hild11111 111•:,1 :111 11 Jl110,p1 t.d J.o ou11d~i1 lllll 111 111·1· Ill 1.1)°' A11g1 I•·· Sll11\\ 11 .111<1\'1· ti t•1 r I ".Joh11 Ke·ll1·h1·1, A11 ,, 1>1111 1111 111 lh1 ~t Jud•·< 'hild11'11·, H1·,l'.111·h I l11,..p1l.1I !11l111d.1l1•>11 .1nvpl111g 1111 1.11 lr11m J;i111e-. (" \\11+.11 V1u 1'11• ... dt Ill .1111l l:1•11• ••• l.M<inJgl·I of S11l1.1l ll 11! S1111ll11 111 ( ',1ld111111.1 w •. 1 .. 11 one· of \Ill" ~t .lud1 I' <Hlfld,llllJll' 'ti 1111).(1 '>l 'llfl)1 11 ti I )o lllllj.(111/I'" 1111 t•Xt \litlll \\,lolk IXlll).! dtJlll' hy lht• l11u11d.d11111 111 11111•pH1111g 1.11H•r .111d o lh1•1 * 1t * 1 111 \'I \I\ \\I.I ... , l\11t-.ub1:-.h1 M otor s .. 1\'" .,1 t\rni·rt1(1. Int lud.1v ••llll11Untt•J thol II b 1·:.t;1l>l1sh111g '' 11,1ltc111w1dt· 11~·lW1Jrk •>I 1nd1·1wndent s1·1 Vll'l' t·1·11u.·rs fur 1L-. lll'W linl' 11f l~k:s l"dl'S anti lrul"k,. \~ h1d1 .111· g11111g 1111 -.JI<· .11·11i-..., th1· Unl\to<l St.1ll•s lhl!'I 111•mth 'l'hom:J'> l' H. 11 .... 111 \'1t 1 p11·!>11lt 11\ c orpw ,,1.£.o !>tl\'ll l '>Jiii lh:tl till' ...i1\'1t t n ·nll'I' ;in· tx·1ng '"•lJhh .. 111 d 111 p11.v1d1 1·1111·rg1·111 ~ p.11 L' and :.t.·n•1tJ1• .. u 11p1111 to l\l11 ... u1t1 ... h1 ov.111 '' 111 ,,.,rt' of lht.• 111u11l1 v 11111 ..c·r v td l1y ;iulh111111·d M1tsulJ1sh1 Mot111 I );·<ii•·" Bi·n,.,1Jn n11t1·u thol M1u.ub1sl11 M1,1w·, µl;.ns to ., •. 11 :m.11110 t· .. rs ,111d iJl.1nut I :t,111111 ll Ul'k:. in thl· Hll:l:{ 111111h•I v1·~11 "81·1·:1us1· ,,f lh1· 11 ·l<1\lv1·ly sm<ill \'11lll11H' 11( Vl'hldt .., \\" \ol. ill l;1 • lltlll'JI \Ing. UUt• U-1 1111• \'1•lll11\a1 ~ .hip;1111·! llllJ>tll l ll'.,\rll llllll!'I. Wt• art• 1•-.1.1l1li..,l1111g JU'l 7'!. ti 1 \l'r UPJll'rsh1p., 1h1., y1·or," Ill' .... 11d '"l'h1 1111lt pt•u 1•nt "'r\'ll't u nll" will fill 11111 -..·1\11 • 111·1 d-. 111 llw mark1·l .in"'' whKh a11· 111111 o \'t11·d h\ 11u1 1111\1,11 th<irtt·r u1 Jll'" B1 11'1111 ~.11d thl indt·pt·111l1·111 M1hulJ1'\h1 ,. r \ 111 u 1111·" Jll b1·1ng '-l'lt·tlt·d frum L1mung highly I ,1tt·d us !,(•f"Vlt'(• OJ.X'l'illlllll .... -.ut h J:. those.· w1 tht· appn1n·d Ii:.\ of thl' A11wnt<1n As'\lx.1<1\11JI'\ ··~::._., h wr\·11·1· t't•nlt·r wtll lw pr.,pc·1 ly t•4u1ppt-d to p1t1\'llh-.1uthonzt·d "t·t\'lt'l' <ind g1·nu1nt· J\11t..'>ub1sh1 p:1n-.,'' l~·n .. t1n -;;ud J\u <11d1ng lu &·rL..,011. 1·;1l h M 1 tsub!'h1 buyor will 11"t11v1· .i l1Jll fn·1 "HtHI 11urnh1·r·· in hi'\ n<.·w e.11 11ll11r111.1t11111 fJJlk,1g1 le• 1.111 \\ l\l'n hl' i,.<; tr.1ve ling .ind nt·cd-. J SSl!>lJflU 1n lun1t1ng JUlhnr 111-<I l\llL,ub1<,h1 M otors '>t0 rv1tt .ind parts l\lihub1-.h1 M11tw s tuslonwr n:l,1t1on!> rwr:.onnel w1 II ))(• ,l\'all:ihl1· \11 g1vt• '>!)l"<'IJI .is."sl..tnt· · tu tht• t'UstomPr on an Individual oos1s · Bt.'l aU'I' of lh1• quality of our prudu1·t:.. wt- ,111w·1p.il1• .1 111\\ lt'\'1•1 of tlt'i'l.1 for th1·s1· st•r\'l(l•s.'' B1•11"m .... ud. "hut lr111n lilt' l1t.•lo(1nnmg. \\ llh uu 1 111.iugur.d l~IH:< pr1.11luc1 l11ll'. \~ ,. w.irll \11 ..i..,..,ur1.• uLU' t·11 ... t111111 r~ 1ll.1t \H S\Jlld bt"11111d ••lit µ1 odut·t:. <1s a l'll llll/.111 ) llt.11 11 ul_: b1 •l 1t•\ l :-. Ill I U!<>ltlOH" ,,,1 ... 1.11·111111 <.'11-.1.1 l\!1 ·.,., l\11i...ulll' .. l11 h1t•<1l1 d al ..!tt:~:l H arbor Hlul 111 l'11,l•I l\h,.._1 .md In 1111 l\l1lsub.-.h1. m lht• Ir\ 1111 Ault• l'1 1111 r <tl -12 Au lo C1 •nl; r Ori\'(• art.• 1h• '"" 01;i11~1 C11unt\ 1k,1h "111µ.., 'ol'l'\'lng llw * • * Pl I\\ ... B t'I l " -Tht• team ... ,1n 1u:-1 starling the "lsulu Strongman Truck R.1tl'·· Ill "h1d1 tht•\' had to lift and carry an Isuzu P 'UP -1-.:-1 tht• l<'ngth of tlu l'11ur-..• whilt• <1 ll'amma\t• 1n tlw l·ab slc·ered a11d k 1•pl 1 lw tru<:k Wllhm till' lll<Jrk1•d l;u w It will On Novemoer 12 1982 al 9 15 am IMPERIAL BANCORP a Calllorn1a co1po1a11on llS duly appo1nled Truslee under and purauanl 10 Oetl<l ol Trusr recorded Maren 31, 1980 as 1ns1 No 37797 in book 13556 page 12 01 OH1c1a1 Records 1n 1ne olhce 01 the Coun1y Recorder ol Orange County S1a1e or C1111orn1a E•ecuted by WARC' INVESTMENTS INC a Ca1tlorn1a corporalton Will SELL AT PUaLIC AUCTION TO HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH lpayaDle al t•me ol sale 1n l1wlul mone.,. ot 1ne Un11ed StllMl at 1t1e l1on1 en1rance to lhe Old Orange County C.ounllcuse 1ocated on Sanra Ana B••d belween Sycamore S1ree1 and Bfoadway Sama Ana Cahlorn1a all lhe nglll mle and 1n1e1es1 conveyed 10 and POw 11e10 by 1t unde• said Deed of Tru" 1n lhe P1operly Sltua:ed 1n said Counly and Stale described as PARCEL 1 Loi 1 ol T1ac1 10864 81 per map recorded 1n Book '71 , pages ~7 and 48 o r M11c11llaneous Maps excepting therefrom UntlS , 10 36 tnCluS•Vll as allown on a Condom1n1um Plan recorded '" Book •3868 page 807 or Otfictal Ae1:ords , ;11r 1111 Al3l"'s "Th.it'.; lnt·n'<iihl1•1" l\.11111d<1~· 111gh1. PARCEL 2 Lw1ng Unots 1 thru 6 1nclus1ve 8 12 14 17 20 lhru 23 inclusive end 2 7 tnru 36 1ncl1. SIVil composed of LU 1 lhru 6 onolusove 8 12 , , 17 20 lllru 23 1nclus1ve end 27 1llru 36 1n"us1ve and G 1 thru 6. inclusive. 8 12. 14, 17. 20 thru 23 Inclusive and 27 thru 36 1nclus1ve as shown on sard Condominium Pl8n Tile SfrHI address and olller common de11gna1ion, If any. of lhe real properly described above 11 purporled 10 be 380 w Wilson Street. Cotta Mesa. Ca1tlorn1a The unde1a1gned Trustee d1tcla1m1 any l1abll ty 101 any incorrectness ol Ill• 11ree1 add• and olhtlf common d9S10na11on 1 any atiown the<111n Said sale wlll be made but wllhOul covenanl or warranty a1rpreu or implied regarding ttlle. ponffslon or encumbrances t pay Iha remaining prlnclpal sum o tile no1t(at secured by aeld Deed o Trull wltl't lnterell I hereon. a provided In said note<•>, &dvancH. ii any, unda< Ille la<ml ol Hid Deed or Tru'1, lees, charges and axpenHt OI Iha Trullee end of Iha 11uat1 created by H id Deed or Trual The 101e1 emounl of ltie unpaid belenoe or the oc11geuon MCVred by Ille properly 10 b• told end ree1oneble estima ted coat•. ••P8fl-end ldvanc;ea at the ume of Iha 1nlll1I publloellon of Iha No11ee of Sele It 12,&f'.31 I 41 The t>enellcllll)I under Mid Deed 01 T rual he<atofOfa H&C\lted ind delivered 10 Iha underelgned e wr•llen Oecterellon of Oefe.itt end Oem1nd to1 !J1le, e"d e wrl11en Nollc;e of Oef1u1t end E1ec11on 10 8811 T"8 u~•IO'*' c•11Md H id Notice of Oefeull end E1ectlot't 10 Seti to ~ rec:otded In 1"8 covnty Wiler• 1"8 real property Is loealed oa1e Oclober 11. 1112 IMPEAIAL BANCORP e c.utor"'' COfP<lf•llon M Mid Trutl .. ff20 I ~· ClefteOt llvd loal9w00d. CA 90301 (2131 411·MOO ly WltM!nllne Aemti.rt. Vb Prlllldenl Publlahed Or•no• COHI Delly P11o1, ()(t n. tt. NO't s. 1982 4e3t.12 Nm·1'111h1·1 I 'i1h • • • f \1(..,0'\ . In a drJ11i.1t11· 11111v1• to spur trulk ...... 11·'· Nissan USA annoum·c.•d that ll h ru. slasht•d finannng on all ne\\ p1ckups to a 9.9 annual J>l'rt<t•ntage rah.• The low-m teresl financing will bt• ava1lable through all D atsun dealers nauonwtdc. with N1s."<.111 paying lht' d1fferenc.-c bt•tWl't'll the 9.9 rate anti prc•vmhng mterest charges. c:urn •ntly around 17 pt.>n:cnt 111 m ost art'as of the c.·ountry C.P (Chuck) King. sen ior vtet' prt•s1cll•n1t sales for Nissan. said high tnt<>rest ratl's art• <>nl' o f the b1gRl'St obs t.atles facmg the auto industry, wnh financing ch arges often a rc:uunting for itS much as 40 pert'Cnt of the vehicle s lll'ker pm·1• "W e are c hanging that obstal·lt• into a n advantage• for our dealers by rolling bac.·k mteresl rates to the level of 10 years ago.'' K ing said He est1m akd that consumers will be ablC' to save from $1.1 00 to more• than $1.800 o n finanC'lng 1·harges on a 48-m onlh loan . dC'pendmg o n the pu rchase price. The special fmancmg will be provided by lenders currently usNi by Datsun d<>alC'rs suc h as Bank o f America Tht• program will run thro ugh N ovember 30. F o r the last two months. Nissan has been offcormg 12 7 truc k financing in Califor111a thr o ugh Security Pat•tftc N ational Bank. and th<' suC<.'l'S..C: o f that venture prompted the new pro~ram for the whole country. King said. Datsuh truc ks are availablt• lcx·ally al Dot Oat.sun In Huntingto n Beach . Cosu1 M l'Sl'I Dat.,.un , Quahtv Dats un In Ora nge. Targ<'t Datsun In Garden Grove, Zee Dats un m Brl'a, Barwkk Datsun in San Juan Capistrano, Anahl'lm Datsun in Anaht>im , Santa Ana Datsun 1n Sunta Ana, Dlc:k Barbour Datsun In Cyprc!t." and N t•wport Oat.Sun In Newport Beach , lrvlnt' Dat..'lun m Irvine & 81'\?a Oal!lun tn Brea ••• EE WHAT YO R LO AL AUTO DEALER HAVE TO OFFER YOU IN TODA Y'S PAPER. C"e 01unut1 t;um1I l>All v I'll UI I 11d11~ U 1,1uh111 Jl IOUi' Oilers await Edison • • 1nvas1on By nomrn <'Alli.SON Of ''"' o.u, 1'1101 .,.,, A Sun,1·1 l.t .q.~11· ... 11 ( r 11111 ,, 11 o 11 I" 1 " 1 • • 11 I· d 1 "11 and ll u111111~11111 u • .,,1 11 .111d E.-ilum·rn·, 111\'J,11111 111 N1·\\ 111111 H arbor 1n S,•,1 V11 '' 1,..,,, ... , t·omp<'l1t11111 l11ghhghh ,, 11111 ,1,111 of prt•p fooll>.tll ,11111111 1111111•111 with t'lll'h f.t.11111 h1ll1 ·d 111 lw~•111 .II 7:W Here's u look .11 '"" h Edliion vs. llunlmgton lh·ul·h Edison (I 0, :l-:.!-1 uv1·1.illl d u e ls thl• Oiln~ (ll I . •I :.!> .11 H unt1nglon lk.n·h ll1gh 111 .1 game p1tlmg 1w11 11-.1ms 1d1•11111.ol in s ty ll', bu l 1111111.1-.l111g 111 s trcngh L"> Ed 1~011 ', do., I 11'1 In I by Mall llornb:-.ind •' 111.11<1·..,11111 linebal'king 1·orps. 11111s II ~ h1>Jll'"> up against an t)ll1·1 0111•11" "hr• h in cludes JU nu..-... Er 11 L,,,, 11111 .ii Dodgers still talking with Garvey LOS ANGEL ES (t\l'I .!1 ·1 1 :- K apstem. S11•v1· (;;1rvt ·\ ·.., .11-!1 111 and Los Ang1•l1•:-Dodg1•1, \'u 1 Pres1dL•nt Al Camp.111,,., ,,11d Thursday th<.:t '111> dgn.:1·nw111 It ..... bt.'<•n reat•ht•d that w ould k1·1·p the first b;is1·111.rn w11h l.o~ Angc>les. bu1 ;ilsu ~.11d lh.11 negot1at1011~ an· 1•or11rnu111g I t had bl•(•fl rt•p1Httd lh.ol GarvC'y. who h ..... µbyl'd 11ul tlu final season ol .1''X-\'l•ar1·01111 .ll't w u h the Dodgt·rs. w;ll s1g11 .o 111·\\ four -year l'Onlrnl·t worth 1111111 • than $1 nullmn annuall~ H owC'VPr. K .1psll'tl1. 'l'l .1k111g from his off1t•t• 111 ~;.m lJ11 gn ,,11d "StC've and I h,t\'l' ab~·1lult •h 1111 agrc"<•ment of <lllY kind \\ 1111 lh• Los Angt•l1·s Dodg1·1 ~ 1111 ,, possib)(' 11l'W lClll~ldl'l J tilt I \\tlli the Dodger!> '1·v1·1-.1l d;1~, .1i_:11 .111tl d u r I n g t h J t 11\ l' l' t I 11 g \\ I ccmdut·tN:I a ut'l.11 ll'cl dr~ u-.,11111 111 the s1tUdllOn I will lw n11-1·1111g with thc Dodl(C"rs 111 th1· v .. 1 \ nL'<H futun• tu 1·u11 t111111 1111 ,, d1l'c ussion.., 11·g.1nl11H: ....,,, \ • Carvt'V •• Carnpant!. ..,<11d rn •• 1111 p.ornl statc>ment. "'v\'t• an· t·ttro11nu111~: n (' g 0 t I a l 1 () n ~ w I th s l t \'I' .... rC'presen tallvt•:-. but tlwn• '" "" truth to tht· n.•port ht· bd.., -.1g11 .. d We arC' hopt•ful thc1t S11 \ 1 "tll not leavt• thl· Dodg1·r:-- 'I II 'II 1 I I I I , It k •111 d I I '"' II ' 1'11111111••1111 .11 111111>.wl( ~lur111u " t k1·u11 \'11·~ l\l 11111.0" \'1klt1M' (0 I I :.!I .111 o 111111 llf 1111 .ol 1 1 111111II111.tl .!:\ 7 '"'-' II• !-11111-.1 t 1.1 ·•~Ill I I\ .ti Ed .... 1111, "h111· I li-1·,111 V1o·w t I o. :.! I I lqt'4'1 \\1•,llllll ,...lo·I l.o,I W1•1•k 1111· \ii""•' \'11•1 of 11•11-.1 " •111111 •• 11,.i "" q11 .11t11lt.11·k Bill l\l.11 I• 1 \\ lorl1 t 'h.111 l '.111 ... 1 .111 "IK't ,1lt ' tlw I .I\ 1·.111 \'11•\\ .111.wk Till' g,11111 ·..., :ii W1•,1111111~1t·1 E ... 1:11wrn \'!\ Nc"'port llarbor F ... 1.11111,1 t I :.! :1 :11 dPalt tli1• S.111111, t.' I :1 i) .1 .!:.! I '>l'll1.1"k .1 \o .11 .11:" .11111 the 1.1111 r will Ill- I t \ 1111: 111 g.1111 .o 1111·.1~u11· of 11 •\'1·11g1· 111 thh S1·;o V11·w L1•agu1• ... 11uggl1 · S11•\•1· l it':11:1~ (Ii :1, :.!IJ7 ) '' N1 "p111 1 ·.., h1g "'"'JI"" ,11 t.1111>.11 h. \\ 11111 fo'.,t,1111 1.1 JHlh .1 B'AllON .. WIN From Page C1 1111pt 1•-,,..1\ I Ill 1h1 H.11 llll'o lltl l-.1'1 "111111!.11\ 'oll11.1t11111'o (ll\'1' oil lo 11 ... 1\ I h,ol k .. ) Tho g.11111 .11'11 111.11 k1 ·d 1 lr1• 11 ·111r11111 1.111!1,11 k lit \'.111 l'av;tlk11. \\ hoo li,l'o 1•1 •1 11 111Jlllt cl .111d 1111'"'d ,tit ...,.\I 11 Jlf o•\ lllU'o g,111\I'' I '.1\ .tllo.11 .1\'t 1.1gt·d !I II \ cird ... 011 111111 I .11 111 ... ,1t1d ,1lll1l lll•t \,1tlh,1l lo., "'Jlh11111111 1· l>.1v 1• Sw1g1·rl . .rltlt11u gh 1101 111 u11rf111·111 Thu r,1l.1\ 1-. .1 p1>11·nt1.tl p.11 l1up.1111 ,, \\1·1·k ht•n11· aga1thl r.dt .... Ill ·".Ill d111g t•. l\l 1hwr 1'111 B.111111.., 11til' h111g -d...,t.111u· 111.ot•h tho 711\.ottl1•llq1t Ill tlH- 111 ..,l lllJ.1111 ·1 "'·I",, cl1:-.pbv of J.11 '111.qh 1111 tl\'~I f'·"~111g of th1• ,,.,t.,.111 1111 tlw B.11111" 1-f\o I ,)~) 'oltlllll, \.\t'Jlt Ill l'r . .i 1 1 .. 1 !. \,11 cl'> l'l111' Lung 1111 Ill \,11.i, .1111! ('1,111 .1ga111 for h \,lld' 111 11111 " '"''I'll JJ<ls' \II H• lo lwr 111 tl1•cl .!II \.trd, .it th1 · \\'1· ... 1111111 ... lt I 11 I ho H.ot"ll' q11.11l1I11.ll'k l.1k1-d to 111 1 .• 111 .... " 111 ... 1dt 1111 'l'\lllld d11\\ 11 , 11 1111 111 .111d h.md1·d 1111 Ii.oil 1111 '" l'1 o1l l 1111 th" B.1r1111s' l 11 ,1 11 > • .it1 lo111g \\\·..,lm1nsh'1 ).!111111' l I w \\I 111l~ \\,I\ 'I ho ~11 .i111·.1tl 'ol 111 t \\.is st•l llJ• II\ " I• \o1td 1111.,kllp l1t &•It 111·1 .111d .• I.' \ II d I ttlt1f!lt·t11111 Ill l 0 1.olt 111 l1J11 Sh.o\\ burst o \\r l h1 It· ll ''"' I 111 t ht l11Ul hdu\.' n ,\.,1d1· l1u111 llw 1 :rrly fumble· 1 , , <• \ ,. 1 \ .., • 1 1 1 n g u p \\",.,dlllll'o\I I " utlh lllUthdU\\ II .111d 1 h • 1. ... 1 q11.11 t1·r m<1rl h \\ lo1t h ('1,d I '<••\..I .ii I 111 \.\ llh ht .. 11.d,1111 1·d .111 .11 k .,, •• 1111111111 .,11.1111 •111.111< S 111ll ll.I\" .111d 1.11M1.11 k M.111 S1111 , It .., ,,1 Ni•" pot I I l.111>111 C.'orona dd M ur "· lrvltw l 'tlM', St.,, K11111.., 11 '.! I .1 11v1·1·all) a11• :-.1111 111 tlw 1.111 · Im tlw l 'IF pl.1y11I b . th.111k' 111 11 v111t· 11 :!. ·I :!I. "'h11 h 111 .... 1·1 N1•wp1111 ll.1rhrn 1.1'1 '"'"k :!I ~I l '11111n,,·, ,11l;u-k I~ It'l l liv t,11111.11 lo. I .. 11111• M .11 1111 .11\d 111'\\ Iv 11\'ol'I lt•d qu.1rt1·1 l1 .11 k l'.1111 W.11 ... 1111 lrv 11w':-. 1'1111"1 11l lt·11s1v1· 11!1 u ... 1:-. .1 I' I' ,J 11 h II II V S ,d I 11 d' .I II d 11u.11 t1•1 l1..,1·k M1k1 -Z11111 11 ·, .11 ltVll\t' < 'osta Mc:-.a vs. E l Toro Mt•'oa (I :!. :1 :111v1·1.tll) 11Jll'to1l1 ~ .111 11pt11111 .11t.it·k .1row11I s pt 111111ul qu!lrtc.·rh:ll'k Snit I C.1 g1•v :1 11tl t.itlb .. ,·k W :rllv t:1.r11I , 11111 1h1• Muo;t.111g ... I 1gui ,. 111 Ill' 111w Ii • • 11111·11 ql11011 1111· l.tllll'o lllllld 11111 p1 ·111•\1,1tt• l'·"t tho· l-01•11111.1111 \'.di••\ 17 W1 °'ot111111st1·r ·~ d1•l1•11s1· II\ ;1 11.,1 .. 111ost ot th1· unw lu~·.ot•"'' 11f tho" t1 .n111v1 ·r .... wa~ ll'd II\' 1111' ,t,11ld1JU I pl.1y 111 l111t'l1o11·k••t H1 l hard 131m'11 "F11u11t.1111 \'.1l11·v 111·-.1·1 ,., . .., to Ix· sut'l't'"lul." ..... 1d Watt·t s "!'111 'un· th1·y 1\l't'lli•d th1~ 11111tt11·11tun1 with E<i'1~1111 ,·01111ng 11p Hui 1h1~ 11·.1111. W1·,tn1111:-11 ·1. w1111'1 du·" * Founteln V"lley 31, Wealmlnater 7 Score by Ouerlert Nt")l'Till1Sh.1, 1 0 0 0 I OUllldlft Vullt•y 7 7 Cl 17 ·11 W H(m::.on 1J fut1 Cli~th h1(hJ c-v L.toll 10 ruri tSrnou1 "•1..hf rv Sh.t.-. 1' •ou ,5,,..,~ t "'' 11t1 f v Smool Jl I(, rv Be•<ht~t 1 i c.1~~ h1)m rr .... t· t!itrtr• ,1 "i.1,.,, ~V (.r .Jlt 'i1• nh~'tt--p11<•t it~tun-1•.1r"101 k11,.li..t AllentJ,H•< t• il 100 t~"'>l•rnJ,tt•IJJ Gem• Slallttlct w I, ... t 1r~t down~ RuS,f'le,_;)ct ,lt'1<lo "'oJ~~·"<'l ,._,, J t ,; P,,..,"'tt'~ t 1 £:f~ ._ l'ulllS b J, F umOh·~ I , ,1 Pt>rh.tn.t·~ ,.,qt.. .t 1•. liid!Ylduel Aut hlng W r~t"dn1r1111J ht J#, l drn 1rn~"'"' H11n-.r>r 7 l+Jf rn1n1J'> 19 FV 9 II <il 9. IO ltl-0 b jJ I 1 4 20 f-V Gdn ... t1 d }'> Bun ..,, t, Ii f'J" 1!)o o ~ ib ShJ'llllo "'21 (..,.,., , 'J r,,e t ffJ' m1r1u\ 18 A1t11 •J 1 t lndl•ldu al PeHlng W ~an~on 1 1 ~6-2 I) 7 fV f•y" 10 18 o o:n lndlwldual Aecelwliig w V •lt·1111wlol & 71 5µ001 'l l7 F11'dmond 1 3 Eddy 1-26 Tam&masu1 1 8 <v B<>•c.twr 4 41 C•all 3 2• lun9 1-1ti (J,,,,,\ > ) Momerll.,.ad 1 .J "1111111 ·1 llf• 1111111 o11:.11w.1 l•:I '1'111 11 t:.! I , I :!J ~:I '1'11111'•, l1·11d111~ 1 ii .. 111 1 t'I ,J, 11 y El.tr 1d1:•· The· S 1 .. 1 V11•w l ,1,1g111· g.11111 · '' .1 1 M"''"" V11·1• 1 lrgli l lniH"r,ll y v-.. S111ltll1·hu1·k S.11ldlt·l1.11 k I'> 11 () II\'\ 1.dl t:I II 111 1lw St"• V1o ·\.\ I .1.,1~u1·1 .11111 i.. 1.111k1·d N11 11 '" 1>1 .111w· <'011111\ .111d N11 I Ill 1111 ('IF ( 01•1111.d l '111111 II Ill t • "'lllr till 'fll I ti Il l K1•v111 Br ,11ll1 ·v .111cl 11o1....,1 11g 111 Hod f•,.,,, k .o 1 o1 Jl'•11 l1· 111 l IH 11111·11,1· ll111v1 ·1 ~11 v cl :! :.! II h.1s 11 '1 'ol'llJ1 ·d 111 '''I.isl l\\11 g.11111·' It'" .11 S .111t.1 1\11.1 Htt\\ I WoodbridJt'-' v~ Ontario W1H1db1 ulg1··.., W.11 r1o11 ' t I :! 111 lhc· South ( 'nas l Lt·agu•· .l l 11v1·1·all) 1ak1· .1 lut•ak 11 0111 h '.1g 111 ;ll'llotl Willi tlll'o g.i1111 · .11 ( •t1.1 J It•\ ll1gh W1111dl1111lg1 '' "11li11u1 ,,. , lt'll'l\t·r Hill Hu ... .,.·11 (l1111k1 11 1·11llailiu11t') "1 l h S1 .111 \'\'11g lt t l11llt·d to tak1• 111:. pl.11" Dana llills vo;. San ('h·mt·ntc F11r1111·1 S.111 t'l1·111• 1111~ 1!1gl1 ., .... ..,...,t.mt I >1111 D11ugl.1~.., t.1k1·, 111 "11rl1·'" (II hl I >.111.1 I ldl~ l.lolJ1li111' t II h I ... I 0 I Ill,. I p I .• I t ti I <·111plu y1111·111 '" d111 I llw 11111 h.1ppv T1rt1111' 111 l'11.11li 1\1111 · Sch,111 111 .1 S11u th (.', 1.1~1 l.t .1J.!ll• g;11m cS.111 l 'l.·1111·1111· 1:-I I. I .!I 01 lwr gan11 ., 111 U1 .111gt · < '1111111\ tmught. Cypr":-.' v, K.1t1·ll.1 .11 l .. 1 Pa I 111 a Pa r k . I' :11 ti 11 .o ' , K1•11111 •dv ut \V1·'>11·111. l'.1nv1111 "' Or;1111-w ~l El M11d1·11.1, \'lll.1 1';11 k al Tu~t111. Tniv ;1t Btu n;, l':r1 k So11111 .... 11 Fulli t t•lll Sunn\ lltll ... at L ;.1 11 .. 1>1 a Hr,.,, _()l111d.1 .11 Val1·n 1"1a. B 11 l..,.1 (;1.111d1 .11 Cardt·n <.;n1v1· Los A1111~· .. , "' H.11H·h11 1\l.111111 1" .11 li1.t ,, .. C:r:111d1 · l\1('KaY !"'tt·n st·d l\1artin firing l'llOENJX lt\l'I <>.1kl.111d t\ .., 1nf1ddt 1 I),,, 1 l\ll Kc1\ '·"" Thu r,tf., \' I h .11 ht ·..,, 11 .... ·d ... 11111l'lhrng-111 th1· .11r" d.-n :-li.•1111" 111;.11wgL·r Bill~ l\1.111111 w : .... I 111 d l\lartin w.1~ f1 n·d ..... ( bkl.011d ' m.111.1gt·r Wt'l.ir11 -,d,1\ "E\'1•rv lH><h k111" "111111 tli111g \,,,.,up-.. ,J1d l\l1 K ... ~ 11111 wurk111g out \\Ith O.okl,111d'-. l' 11 I r v l n ' h f • 1\ r I I () II •• l11strul'i1onal Lt•:1gu1• "Bill\ 's 111•t tht· ty~ ~,r guy '~:ho '":-'">ll d own ,Jnd talk. ... aho 111 lhrng' hkt l h.11 with you Lake r s' M cAdoo INGLEWOOD 1AP1 r11t \\.ord till un igned 1\' 1.11 ,,... I kn• w 1111· n111tra1 t 1~ ,,1 .!l 111 tho h.illd'o 11! lhl• ot llOl 111'\'" .... 11d L.o\..o·r-.· 11ul1l1t rl'latltlfl.., d1n,·ti11 .1 ..... 1i llo1 ... 1·nlt•ld B·-Y-DUR - Bob M cAdoo h ... s not \t t 'olJ..11• ti h1' nC'w contrat·l with th•. 1,.,, A11i.:1 ·lh Lakers and was nu t 1n \".11111111\'1·1 Was h . for th1· tt«1111·, N.ol :1111;.t Bas ketball A :-.,ouat1un t 'hil11t11111 game• against St:c1llk· Thur"><l.1\ 111J,.'ltt a Lakers spokN-man s.11d It had bct•n rt'JXlrlt'(! th.11 l\lu\d11u h ad signed the• n mtrnt t ,ind would )0111 the team for the f1r ... 1 tm11 · tlu' season. H11.,. 11 lt·ld ,,11d that h1· l!l'l H·\'L•d 1111 11 """ 1111 d1 ... put1· ov .. r th1· lt•rms of 1111 t 111111.11 1 hut that thl•r<· \.,,,~ .., .. nw pt 111 ti t 111 g• 111 ng t hr agn·l·mc·n t to i\11 :\d111) ''' ...,gn Lakc·rs attornl'Y .11·11' f 1111" "' h11 had tht' eontnil'I. has 1111·11 111 t'h11,1g11 lo attt·nd <1n NBA tnl I tllll.! •now1 •• , ••• 1., I IE friendly parts people . • • • • • • • • RED RYDER (>Ida hoauu -1.ou aul '\1·"'Porl llarltor ll i~h t.a ... ~1·1 lta II ... 1:uulo11I Je w "•·aµc ·r "'"'"' lu-'11 a 11 1·11 d II 11 • I n i ' • · , .... i I ) of C H1 J11 lto111a 111 ·' I \ 1·1u ·. Diablos shut down Laguna B each , 36-0 Bv .J()J•; l>I IH•:\'Ollt Sp•clal 10 thw Dally Pllul '1111 t\111 I "' I II llllol I' .. "' 11 11.111 ,, l.111•1 do ltl 11111 111 !Ito II pLo \ 111 I lt11p1 11111"" 11q• Thur •.d.1\ 111).!hl ·,.II• II 111 ,,1 lloo h.111ol-. 111 l\11 ...... 11 \II I" ll 11:1t So I 111111 St.11 lrrq• lh• 1111111 111 11,. 1111tldl• 111 1 I" ....... 11111 I "·"' l.t o1g111 .. 1.111d111~· llt• 1\111 ... 1 ... \\1 F• l111j1lt1g \q 1,11• I. tho I l1.1l1I•" " htll1· I l.1\ 1111111\\ ll•g \1.-. .. , .. ,, • 11\1111•111.dh dt .11111111: II• l.i .. \\I t•I, Hui -" tlto ..... 11111.011 d 1111\\ol •ii 11\1·1 :1111111 tl ;\1 1"11111 \'11 ~·I lrgh 1.111 Ill•\\ .1111 ,, .... I 11.111111 \\f I• .111\ 1l1111g 11111 t l.ol Tl11 \ htl111g .\111-1 111.1111 01111 11111'1 .ol It I 1111 "I" 111111: lo.11k•·l 1 oll'l\'1111-! 1111111 th«ll 11\\11 l.i 111 1111 l l1.1hlu..,· .!.• 111 l1111d 1h1 1111111111J: 111 IS.·d 1 t\1.1111 "lr11 \\• 111 1111 '" i..:.1111 •1•1 \,11d, Ill I I Lot I I• lll1I .ol 11 •1 ,, I If II I I Ii .• II d I l I' .. '' I. 11 111111111pl1 It• l\J...,,11111 •it111 1-;h t.1111, I 1111lI111, "1111 ll,L! 1111 •I 1\1 j•l.o \ :11 \,1rol ol11\'1 l••1 .oll tit• I"'"''' 11 \\ 1111 Id It ·q II 111 ;\Ir'''"" .. ,, .t 11 1,,, 1ot 1I• \\ I •• I• II II II 11 • I 11 ol I (Jll.111• 111.11 lo. K l id 1 •• II • 1111.1111 I lh1 It .oollllj.! JI.I'"' I Ill 1111 I Hlllll\ ru11111111• 11.11 k H11i.:1·1 11111\\11 11,. I I 11 I d I \ .. d I 111: 111 -I 11 I I II I t. I 11111111\ .111d \\1d1 111•!'.t l ~ .. ,, ( 111.-i \\ 1111 '' lho lo ,1ol111g JI"" 1.111 111-1 Ill lJ1:1111•1 ( lflllll\ But 11 "·'' t1gh1•11d Ho111 K II \ k I 111 t. I 11 \\ h II • II d'. d II I J >,(_'111111).! 1111 11\1' 1)1;il1l11 pL1tl1111: 111 lht! 11,...t 111 {,. llPlll..1tll I " thJ "I '411llllg 111""' 1to.11 111 tlot•\\ "" I ht 111g h1 \\1111 oolol". ,, 111111Ul1 ft :1 Ill lht• 111 ... 1 11.oll I .. 11:1111.i J1111k1d hk1· II \\1111ld ).!" 111111 1111 loK ko I 11111111 1111h ol11\\ 11 !I 11 But "lt.11 '~ 11uld l.o11 1 111111 11111 t11 111 "'h.ol L.1gu11.1 It• .id ''''"lo !>1 11111" II.it v ung I ,oll1·d lht llJI lllllg J!llllll Ill tho ~·.11111 l\l h,11111' IJ,1v1d l-'n 1 tt•1 l1l••1 lo.• d " L.1g11 11.1 11u111 v. rth I >1.ol1l11 I• ,1111111.111 1'1·v111 J\lt·g\ 11111\t"fllll' .11 1111 \111,1 •1111 tJ11 tlit 11...,11111g pl.1\ H1 n\\11 \\•Ill 11p 1111 1111ddl1 t•i '11111 ' .11111 111 11 1111 IJ1,ol 1l11" Up l.o II Minion Viejo 36, Laguna Beech O Seo•• by Ouarlen t ... ~ ,' • ,, f I>'' • I li.t -. .. • ..... , r ·• ,,., • "'••ll•l r.1 . J 1' ti. t ·' " I~·· ,,. 1, , •.it i.. , i. ~ ,, • 1, • .. ,. l r ' I 1 1t1 •1 l•• '•'' r • ,, 1 '}. If 11 •• t to I I 11,11 1 ,. 1'6 J 1• I I t If,,,. lJ Game S1a11111c1 L.8 ,. ' . ' ~ f .... ·' lnd!Vldual Ruahlng M \I •t.1 ,,,. .. ... '. p .. ~ t· f •• ,, • • 1 t. ' t/ r-t ' '1 4 lJ tr t( tlJ t (I I ttt.t ' l Jf ,-.+ f 1l, ;_J ~do.II ' t'. ' •.~ I f f, I• 11 I tit 'I' lnd••lduel Pau lng 't l I ,, t '·'' t ••• l ,• , .., ,, lndlvodu•I Receiving I• H ,, ~~ (Jfqt" • , .. ·· .. ··'. ' ''\/ {..t'l •t , ' J ttg?r1 j ~. (:Jf ...,,. 1 d Ai,~ • 1' I'\. t lt>t• iJ,tl t .... , , • e • • • • • Prteu . .,... th"' IO·M_.Z .. " For Imported or U.S. cars U lleht truc•s . • • Re1ulor t31pe (ltd prlc. Z.IS) lllFI Welcom~s with computer tunfne for a smoother ride. 40% more control than standard I " shocks. I 0 88 • Resistor t31pe • (ll•t price z.sq) ca. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • MICKEY GILLEY /JOHNNY LEE SALEM COUNTRY GOLD TOUR AND THE THRASHER BROS. f RI DA Y NOV ~. 7:W P.M. I.A SPORTS AR l.N A rutltlllFI • • • • • • • 16 os. •Is• • • • • • :z~~~ • • ffl·Temp • Form·A·Gas•et :sealant • J oz. •be • • • • • • ••• • • • • . • Formula J, JI or Ill • I lb. size • #1111 • #IZll • #IJll • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • .., AC Oil Filter rrssce-a. 8UT rT 'MJRKS lJ<E MIGC. (~ PROTECT ANT 4 os. los. •• os. • • • • • • • #Ph, q, 20, M , 2S , JO, JS, 40, 4S, 471 SI. • Armor Alt Prolectant 1s a sc1en11l1c formula that helps keep daShboards. vinyl and leather seals, vinyl tops and 1rres IOOkrng new It penetrates eenealh the surlclC'c lo protect against ozone. oxygen and ultra violel 'flYS lhal cause lading, cracking and peeling J2 OS. Seoftomy .... 'l'rot • thown " an 1-.•••g• 1e1l•"O 0110 llHad upon • rece111 1n0<!pe~n1 au,,..-, ol len ..__ __ ... • A(' Oelco nulltl• 1n lh•t eru t•F•~194 11 ••noom E•c11 AC-Oe1co ou11lt1 1111911 below It •n 1noe11~n<1ent huaonH1 •M rh••o•• wnata•et p11c.111 cnoo .. a tor 11t produelt !'roe:" wlll ••l'Y • 1n<1 "'' •n•11t yov 10 thOt> t•ount! '°' 1ne ll<t•I l)rtC•• Qulllly 81'd ••n11c• you c-an llnd • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Import U U.S. Auto Parts Sp•clallsts COSTA MESA • South Coast Auto Supply NEWPORT BEACH • United Auto Parts 688 W. Baker At Bristol • 2902 W. Coast Highway • 556-2500 646-9363 • Collea• retln91 NAIA "btVlllON I 1 t-Ml~dMhl M•t.ll t 1 u 2 Moo1llt'1AO, Mum (JI J NE 0•1u1tumu I 11 4 No1tt)I" '•1 V<' l •J 5 Carsu11 Nuwn11111 l u1111 ~ Mosu lt•lv 7 S Cohniutv 8 Uordn.,1 Waoo N ( 9 P1tlSbu19 ~t l\1ui tO Woflor.J. S C t 1 W1'a l '-'C'osk 12 Ct1nl Wolt1•,..oto11 13 Concorfl W V• 1• ra"mo•H. w v •• 1 ~ Oreo11n t oc;h \Itel OuucM4 BuµI A•• l7 Cent Okluhom1' 18 SW O•IBhomo 19 l.;t1rn Arka1•sa• W Norlhwoo<I Mich MAIA OIVIStON II 1 W1lllct11' Jewttll (HI 2 NW l(Jwu 111 3 Wtts1nunstttr. Pt1 t 11 4 llnh<JIO. Ort! (II S St John $, MirHt 111.i) Sul RoS!> St 1.,, 7 F mot.iy 01110 8 Hanover, tno 9 Co,..cordra, M11111 10 Cat luthttr a11 11 Au5l•n To~ (he) Pac lulheran w,,-.h 13 St fMmO> M 11111 t4 W1lming1or,, Ot·110 15 Boned1c tine K. • .m t6 01c~u•son St N D 17 Chadron St NMh 18 S•Ou• f dll5 S Cl 19 Yankton S 0 20 SW KoMas bu 0 t 14 h 0 0 .1\) I bl) 0 .'\It '' II II 71? b 1 u .'Jb 'Ill I ?'II ~ I U ~ 1.1 b IO 2U<J .I I 0 184 ~ 2 0 , ,, '>·I 0 169 !'> I 0 14 7 4 I ll 124 '' ' H 114 4 I 0 76 4 '0 ,,, 4 7 0 38 • I U 18 l I 7 jJ 4 .' 0 ..'t> '. V 0 ) Id 1 0 0 ~d\I ~ u 0 ~84 50 0 U8 ~·O 0 247 '0 0 247 , O·O 2J2 S·O·ll 202 !> I 0 190 ~·I 0 179 J l·U 144 4 I 0 ld4 ~) ) \.) . '" H) 109 I 0 86 '"• 1·0 l;J ~II I 79 b 'v 46 6 1·0 40 ~ '0 ·~ HIGH SCHOOL STANDINGS SunHt League LHOU• 0 •••• 11 Fow11a111 Volle\ Edison Ocean View Hun ling ton W lT W LT 2 0 0 .. 0 I 0 0 l 2 I 100 2 4 0 0 I 0 4 I 0 Marina O t O .i .? o w1mm•n>1e• O 2 o 1 C. O P~ PA 94 101 \II 60 114 Y8 •80 11' 10.c , .. 4 I l(l._ Thured1y•a Score Fou11tdll~ V.ttllPy 31 w~slrn1os11•1 I Tonl11hl'a Gemea Edison at Hmit+uoton Be11c1' Marina v~ OcPan V+••w <ll Wc•s.trrur1~lt'' South CoHt League l HQU• Ov•••ll W l T W l T PF l'A 2 0 1 • 2 ' 1 4 \ f\4 Mt$.Ston \/1e10 Laguna Holl~ San Clemen1e Laguna Beacn Woodb11dge Dana ti1Hs 2 0 ' ~ ' 1 ] I 0 I .; 0 1 U A t' 0 2 0 ,I 3 (I 1 ?0 3)0 030 ObO Thuradey'a Score Mission v.e1o 36 l agvn<1 Bt'<1C'1 o Tonight'• GamH Dana Hills a1 San Clemente Woodbndge vs 0111ar.o di Cr1.ille) Saturdey'a Game II" 101 Cap1511ano Valley ""' lctrJuno.1 H 11. ,11 Mission V1e10 Other acore• EMPIRE LEAGUE lOdrd 10 Espe1an1a 7 ORANGE LEAGUE Anane1m 17 Magnof•& 7 Western 28. Savanna 7 CENTURY LEAGUE Et MO<lena 35, Sanla Ana Valley •3 Foothill J. Santa Ana O TONIGHrS SCHEDULE S.e View la99ue Costa Mesa vs El l oro at M1s510n V1e10 CQfona det Mat at Ir vme Estancia at Newpo,1 Harbo1 Un1v01sny vs Saddtebac.i. at 5,,,,,,, Ar t1 .Jia.wt_ ___ _ Angelua l eague Se11a a1 B1s11op Amal Canh"Y l eague Canyon vs Orange al Et MOdl'"a \/Illa Par~ lll TusM Empire l •"11u• C1press vs Ka1e11a 31 La P31m1 Pai" PaG•hC vs Kenned} ai Western Fr .. way leagu• Troy al Bue"a Par• ionora al fuller1on Sunnv Hills a1 La Hat>r d • Orange laague Brea-Olinda al Valencia Garden Grove l eague Bolsa Grande at Garden Grove los Amigos vs Rancno "'""'"°" a1 Bo•sa Grande Non-lug1>• Wt>Odtmdge vs Ontario at Chaflet rl•Qh SA TURDA Y"S SCHEDULE Angeluo l •"11u• SI Paul vs Maler De1 at Santa A~a 8"w' Garden Grove Leegu• La Qu,nta vs Sanl1Ago at Gar<ifln Grov_. Empire league Et Ooraoo vs Los A1am1to' a• Wt'~tern All games a1 7 30 o m Canedlan Football League EASTERN DIVISION W l T PF PA Pia Toronto 7 6 I .157 376 15 Ham•l!on 6 6 1 376 344 13 Ottawa 3 10 0 286 383 6 "4on1rea1 2 11 O 199 •11 WESTERN DIVISION W1nn11>"9 1 I l 0 406 295 ?2 Calgary 8 5 t 359 3 79 17 Edmontoo 8 5 O 451 273 16 Bnllsll Columbia 8 5 O 376 3 14 16 SatJ<atGhewan 5 7 1 344 329 11 Saturday•• QamH Calgary et Ollawa Edmonton al Wonmpeq Women'• volleybell COLLEGE UCLA del Cal Stale Fullerton, 15-8 15 t 15-2 • Soulhern Cat1lo1n1e Coll•ge del Weslmont 7·15 1~-11 9-1!> 15·6 15.9 HIOH SCHOOL Westminster def Ocean View 15 1 I 15-7. 12· 15, 15-7 f'ountam \/alley d@I Hunt1119to11 B~ech 15·8. 15·12. 11-15 15 12 Mat1na de! Edison t5·8 9 15 15·4 4 15, 15-10 Corona d<tf Mer def Coste Mesa 15 ' 15·•· 15-13 N..,por1 H&rbo• del fl f oro 15-9 15-11 15·8 E.atenc•• del Seddlebac• 15·4 15.4 1$-9 Dana Hills del WoodblidQe 16-14 15.3 15·4 San Clemen1e det Laguna Hill• 15·6 15-4. 12· 15 15·6 Mater De• Clel Gahr 7 16 15·12 ll 15 15-10, 17-15 Pen1ec ole Open (al l'eno.cota, Fla ) '1h1"'t"ll l u•lll"r l\t+HI lh, 111i ( lllVltl 111\ll•li tlHI "'•HI•!! I f t•HU"lll f t•/li•t AlhlfJ M1lho I Ult~ ~''"I l u•ulUt lh1H1• H1il •,uuw1 t t1,u It'~ ~ uuU~ J,ut ••~•u••t f'\•~Oh i •'flJH J1111 t olt1t.0 I ',Jti\ltt MHIU~h Uubh'r' M1h.l1t•ll UA W1r1t1nr111 M1._1. "•ull1vl1n lH111 t• (h•Vllh Jo,111 I ouql!I I l. ·,11111lll Jim N11llrnd J1111 ~11111u1-. {>,Uy i'\111 II l1.,1111Woutl+1l1J 81Hth U •. uul fi,,, liJfl lrn_ tJJltt II Hoyt.•t -.~o1IH1w ···If '-'1•llt..h•1. t.. l.11t•11Lt-· f•n•+t• f 1..1111 P111!/1•1 M.u• lh1~1'' )I'll) H1• 1nl r 1mun~ \/ llt•ti111tt' A11tu1111• c ,.,.,,, (,,.,., fu11t:.11 I Bill ftnlttH• PiU I •fnh11., l.l1u••111ttfc,,.,,. lufl\ w .. 1, .. u 8111 S1.11u11·• 01tn Hdfkl tf·,1H1 K1•nnr Km • Wuu1t, lo.1 ~11._111 Tno'"·'"' '>'•'" ft'"' lv1111n.1••\ J,ui., f-1r1H." \1 hot~ H twlit ~ 81100., W.uJi. '' 0Jnfl\ w.111r• 1luutut t..1111-.u lU\.i (,,df1,lffl Pt.•tia Qu,11•11,.,,.., .. , ;ni., (..1H1t1t•I M,,,~ l .,.,, .,..__ Bti.h I( I!~ .... ,,,., ~ii.,t• •,nu!ft W1ilh Ai"' \II ··~1 (l1 Vt•1,,11atw", BOL• £ d~l !Aimut r~ H ~·•tt·, Larr.,. Rin ... 1•r Mdtl-I) "41 ". Jf'll '·~'"·' ,111 llfld) flft,11HI Cu•fl'> C\tr HhJ• Don l._.\'fl John ~J,,,.,. Da .. ,u Sd'''' ci,o ... ~ ... ~1 Botti_, C.ot•1 Gt.11..ugp At '"'' P.i1 M,G ,.,..,,, Man· M ~ ( ·"ll'I" C>ov11 f, . ..,.,.11 1m1 ""4Wt+',, Jl•il ~ $1 ""' M ,111» llt·1t Otu• Pv•1lt1• le.; floe• Mic• !;>nl S lo.rt•h.H HtMU' Re .. l..d!d11rri••ll JH't1 delft>"' M 1i.,t-So ••t.•1 r1m NOr'I\ Boo Mu' '1' 'l M t(.,,;\t'I 81.Ul'l" 8111 Buttn.._., M orns H11L110.; G+ltt>y G1IQ(\1I Tim Sono11ur Tott'f 01t."n1 S'•D Durh1w .. , Rod Curl 81h, Gli\f, ~I .... ~" C.rt~~t Bobo., <;t"f'Y•t.w~t Boo B1mru• Jim Thurttt"> Eo f 1on Boot>)' Pa11ua11 Mi.,t:t Hol 1nd M1111~ Oon..;IJ C.n1c BM"~ ~t0t1 11 ,c.r l fltf)r-1H'll , ... ,,""en~ P"11i HdtlC.OC• MIJte Morie, GeorQe CJrll~ Cha,1e, )o..ren~ o>I fom .,1or.~\ HOt'f'&rd TA 11\ Booe..,,,,.,. Ronf'11e B1ac.J. Jof'lnn1 F1t:lm Och'~ E 1Gnetoe.qi .. Oovg B1,e> Ron c,,. "9 81a1rw Mc( il111ihtt 9,11 Cdll...-. M Bf)o L )I( ·~··' ( •• I l..Y" ... II Jim OeN Boo G+1d1•1 Bec1y 8auqh R•"'-~.:JUe•·uflw Ga''" Le ... 1n""'' Steve t•art rom Jen~' PauJ Alt"4"'' 8arr1 Har<J.OlJ Dan Poril AOd Nvc• ,·,us Gar) T n 115oun. JO"" Ma'1dllev ru~c Cout.1'"'' Sco11 51eq<" V•nc ~ ~Pal"""' Babe H1~'-t!t M1.,,. H,trl'f·C•n 1 amJtPw It \t t1I 11 it ttA It \I W1 t t lJ C•'1 t.' ,, •••• t.' t) ()•, t,,• , .. 111 It ti CU1 t4 ,, 4111 '·' J'\ ti. t \ tA h , .. \' ,,, t'1 I.' t1r \I t•I t1 ; ' U; h \I 14' t1/ ;A ~4 IJK IJ \(I 1 H 14 ,.. l1tl i I t/ btt t. 1t-1 Mt It t'1 f1H '· u~ trU t I t 1 bts I.' ll1 Ltt 111 14 hl'4 1'4 ... t18 t•, H ti~ •I •I hk ) t HJ hit \4 ,., H\f ,., , .. oY t·. {11 ,,,, 11 \f, LH ,,, JI.I h'' lit,., ..... 1•1 t4 hi, I·' '\', ()\f 't H ti'; , •• , •• 11•f J.' ~ ' •)'J t4 ,., filJ y, .... h') 1•1 111 f\1• IH If' /H J11 t"1 IO I', I'_, 'O J t tl /fJ 14 "' /() 1•. t'• .'U , 1 '. 10 ,, •• tt;) /q ''• ,. •o I.I 11 IU " ,. ·n '"> y_. /U ••• 1~. 70 i') \'• /0 t.i u ;o ''* lf, ~' t t _;J tl! ,1 \') ~IJ It. 4 II , ... •"' •4 ' I I 14 j~ JI t' "' ,. H1 p, ,; '"' '"' t , '· J'• ••• t i• •• '. 14 llJ lb ' \J j: Ot 't )4 )/ \J Jb \~ Ito j-.it.· 'b ,. •• l .JJ .J7 H 1~ l4 37 15 '" n lti ~s Jt-_, 1~ 1f, 14 311 3•·.Jij tA J4 j~ j7 ~; ~ 1 •tl \tJ 17 ~~ ~~ ) t ll).\' )""' l':I ~it> lb )b i7 3~ J, )~ ,. 38 1'> J7 >4 )R jj l') In ' .. j~ • lfi lb ,. 14 ]Q 31; Ji Jb-37 17 Jb ,, J6 lSJ8 J4 19 lS· 18 ·,3 40 1(,. 1- j7 Jl JS l!I 16 18 J4 40 ,, J' 18 11> 16·36 l'>·l9 \8 -~() lf) JS J ~ _\i 38 Jb l~ )q ., ., 'I :1 I • 1 ., •1 ., ·" ... 71 "I • t f ; ' ., I ·1 ., .· ·. 1 ·i ·1 . 1'1 1 I ., 'l ., ., ·1 ·; ·3 73 Senlore l~ternellonal (at Hiiton Head laland, S.C.) jon J•'"" 11., 3•·3' 6A Atl S11v .. \HOn" 14-1'J 69 M t11er 0dftlPf JS-14 69 Don Soi.~, J~-3• (,Q .Af 0P5-s.@hfl" )4 )7 7' Jerry Barb<'• 35·36 71 B•"V C.Uf"'' 3• 3 7 1 I Boo c;onltJ1 3S -J6 1' Howie Jolln•on 36-35 7' Gardne• 011 ·~"'><!" 36·3~ r I Ball Weave• 36·35 7 1 Bue~ AO.im4 36·3S , ; I Bob Hamillon 17 .35 71 M1k8 r •ICll•C• J&-36 71 Bob S1one 3•·38 72 Jim Fer"" 38·3' 72 Charlie Sollord JS·38 73 Sam S"ile<I 36-37 71 Gay B<ewt'f 36·37 7J Many Furgo1 .l,·39 12 E Harvie Ward 37-36 73 Mac Main 37·36 73 Guy Wo1t1enh0tm<' 37·36 73 George B•t•• 36·37 73 Willer Bur•emo 38.JS 73 Paul Hernev 37 .Jfi 73 NHL CAMP9EU CONF1i1'ENCIE 8mytM OM1lon VI l T OF OA Pia l(lnga • I 2 28 22 10 EdmonlOf• J 4 2 42 46 8 W•nn1peg l 2 30 20 7 Calgary 3 S •5 •2 7 V1ncou•t1• I 6 1 27 33 3 NOtrl• Olvlalon Ch~IQO 5 I I 33 25 I t M1nneso1a 6 1 I 34 2• I 1 St Louil 4 4 0 28 17 6 Toronto I 4 2 2? 27 OetrOll 0 6 I t& 36 WALll CONFIElllENCE Pelrlell Otvlelon NY 1tl1nders 7 I 0 411 " 1' Ph1llldl!IPh1A S 3 0 31 )5 10 N .... Jt'<Wy 3 1 3 711 30 II NV Rang1nl 3 S 0 30 36 ti wun1ng1on 2 • t 14 3• ~ Pltttlll.rrgh I ti I 'Cl 44 .1 Adaf!'ll OMalon Montrtwl 6 I I JG 22 13 eo11on 5 1 2 28 25 12 Ouebe< 4 3 1 40 36 11 8uf1al0 7 4 I 211 30 6 lia•lloro 1 • 2 2• 34 • ThlHMlef a kOf .. Mlltllt .. I 2 Plullllllj)nla 1 Ou.bee 8. Pltltb\>rgh 4 ~ YO<k latan<1111 0. W•th<nptnn :I Boaion 5. Cdmonlon 3 C11gary 10, Heriford 3 T~t'•O­~"" J91t., 11 Winn~ Oru11ga Coust DAIL V PIL O I /Friday, Ocl obur '/';, 1982 ('tJ I tJH2 World St·ri•·~, t!'i throu~h St. l.ou i.., Uurn ·ll Porlt•r, the MVP of lht• fu.n :--clurin~ (:ur din a l ~· p aratl<' uflc·ruoon. /,!;r4 ·t·1t·<l b) Th11r1'da) Oak Tree (al Santa Anita) THURSDAY'S RESULTS (18111 or 27·d•y tho1oughhred meellng) FIRST RACE 11 lv<IC<"IJ> l(tJ•1vlu_ '',t•rnttf) /IUf1 104:'0 tUl1U ''•JJl1>Mm1t1'.it11lh•i IJ4U 11rso J'U•itTl'¥'t" lf1H ,, 1tt.h~•h')'• tol /II Al-.(.1 t H ... 1 r Al' W11 W 1f10,p\llll, Wmt'J • 1q 1H·h~ .. 1e1 '1!111,ou·, ( 1ltlf1 l ,,,., .i H, •. H1•ll1• A••l11H+1 !trd1t '",11 H i•I; I •HIV lt1-1m 119/i Mu•f ... ,, ... , f11;,, 'l{_I SECOND RACE t1 l1,d1J"•' H"uf,._,H,(j fJr~n 1L.-,1m1.11 1'• d(I ·I •I I · • l) f 'lit 11•1 •f• •r•• ml1r,•I l \OU 10 t,C) Ju .I w. '\I 1Mc H.Jfl4WIJ H 110 Ah11 '~1c.P1! A9..J•·l'w'1tl•l1 /\, ... 11 •• ,, H,('"' lH L 1->11•u1 ltJlJl.b~ U.11 -. M;111 i4d"' • .111 l •llh• WOOll•e-8art•llu '''"'-' 1 011 ,i_ ~ $7 DAIL 'r DOUBLE 1 I 1 • I' 1111 $~()' 1111 U CONSOlA TION DAILY DOUBLE '' . 1 p10U ii IY •lt• THIRD AACE ,, IWIOlltl"\ ~1·11, '.. t.J1 ... •• 1Vl11/1 '1 .. ·p 't+O • hlJ ;i,,,,.,, "-h I ·I 1Mt.11,11q1u11 ·, ~ t ~ f.11 J)i.1 i ,1lt1l1f ••I p,,,, 1~ S ·UJ ~ I ' 11 11,tHI '"'~ •• '\t tj11u ~.1r1.1tt1.1 ,. ''". •-." rft•1 ,. ,..., q r, ""'"'' I t1Y't' i' t •• ~ 1 tto,. ·• )! ; I 4;.1.111• , At1''1111., T '" •• 1 I I i t, FOURTH RACE 1 t 1t~ ,,,,!..," P11us1nn F tBtac"' t t 4'0 '" &O ~ f1tt {..1 ,,.._,d•~r Mt" ln'.!oh 1•f 1w11•y1 H 40 6 bll V1btrlnr1i,. t'-•.J'Lidl 1 t 60 A1~., 'JC'''J tt.,, .. ,t. >t•wt•I ~lu•-.l Oil111 ~>I'' (11 .... t ')I I• f ;f ( Olhl) f f11 fl1• .. '' r11111 I'\ Ri'Q1l A• t t)u•'t''l t t1 1n "' '4,,,, .._ lh• 11 Mr-(.'lf' ':\IU j hill Mt• f.,,., .. t d4 I FIFTH RACE t. h.ultill\1' fru•'"" ~ QylJOh> 1v1"11 ~ 41• 4 l~J J "c'J l'\•HHJt111 C.r1rt Oo 1Pmca,1 ~ oo .\ 40 fnl,~ r, • ....,d 011iiro t'' 1E_.1,~Hlclt 11 lO Also raced Sll.y M•is1on. lr1t1; Ea91 .. Snoo11n9 Wind Tull H".I Bua• M' Mun W,. Hov'-'~ Doc•'>' (htt6JJ .. -' limt• 1 08 1 ~ S5 EXACTA 110 41 ;."d SIO, IHI SIXTH RACE 1 1 '6 ''••h"' o ~appy u.,.,, 1S1b1lit.> t; O<J 11 rx.1 J dO L dU'\e Sne-. ,1t,ith 1Rnn .. t"?ro1 8flH ._ ()(1 l.rint1nt."n'"' h•'' iMt ( l'l*•I'\) 11 1)41 Al\ri r 1<, t! P41rh t t.1t1111t• Mu, hMp11 ,.(f-l"'tf""'illl 111 th .. f'J1·w~ 1 .. 1 t ~ \ ol•1h\, Paulo• ' Uo .Jl.lt f1n11 I 4'1 ( i, SEliENTH RACE t, •v•IO•'?• 011hHt>t11 Wend' 1Rn fl')) 2~ 00 I:> f111 w~nd ,, F1dnr.P 1 '°''" • ~o "'''5 Em G~u00~'"" 481..tt'-1 Al\t ••• ,~~ J (l,._,. o,. p,p f)U''' II e1~"'"11 l•J,,~ 5r1o'A' M1~-. r1.1·•lut~ 1of'IP 1 tf ~ SS EXACT.A .,l 1, P~t•U \il'' 1 fl ~ ''° j ll(J :-..ao ,, 111• U PICK SIX 1 \ J·3· 10·8 51 P••d S 1 J t'l 1 &.0 wilt> h.e ""'"' 111c1 l1c~~I~ '""''' t1ur~1 • ~:' Pu·., '..,,, 1111•. H.111r111 L1.''"-' St 1~ 70 ,...11f f't t ~ummq lit k~t" dou1 t1or~-tt~ ~; Pi,., ~· ~ ,.~t.1 1lt.I '"''' 111U1 JU I 1111 S.S& SO w 11f -. '"> ""'mn+no ltf ,.,,,, 11Mr••• ;11 ''••!. tWH :t( •lit' EIGHTH RACE I md•U Ofl hlff Nor tlel fl1pham1 TONfH Br1~e 1Cc;~11.flh"• P11n(P Ctr,!6'.t 1'111"",."' 'I ,'U '> 60 !JI.LI II 4M Hll<l • 00 wiin n . .t W11011 l1 u1 Al,11 tfH-!!ll A•1• IH ,,,., t1h1lhp1t. Vot1.11;ltH 5 1r9P;rn1 E1u 0'1''lPf lf> Nl')1rl-' 'tt'TlP l 0 I 4 c NINTH RACE. 1 1 16 miles Deau'l1tlP 0,Jwn IS+b1tl•_.I 1, 8t1 '• 60 4 b(I BOhJ O•SPl~1 10l1va1r'1 6 10 ~ 4(1 Blac• Bulle• 1P1eroe1 ~ 10 Al'>O '••(Pt1 Sot11.tt tJ (1tH"Jft 5 OunC•lf rf\1rn) Bt.l-.'"I; FI0)'1tl Sero Ln.•"-1.I' PntJ• J 0 M3snn 01 "" 0~11 D•lf' N Ml\n limp 1 .14 1 ~ S5EXACTA 1? 71 fl••"I $1'l)fl<1 Attt>HdMlCt' l7 !) '1 Hollywood Park THURSbA'r'S RESULTS (49th of 52-nlghl harnHa mHlln9) FIRST RACE. On""""' !'~Ce 'v''JI'+ •1JnOv .. r tPOt4Qtnf1t \ 1 00 r, 00 i' 8ll 1oe.i1 0dbe 1Parlle1 ! J 80 3 40 Lf' }>ul1on N tBn!lf>)rql"r1n1 5 40 Also r JLecl Maple Game Cam1ou O··ucncoven>t1 ff"l('ll1~n f or1un~ Mr c;, tka1t (;Pit H1Qnl8t1(1 C.:h1tmtl CtlltntJI T•me200 t S S3 EXACTA (6 !1 i'•l•d $76 20 SECOND RACE. OnP m•lr l•ul Fr.r•y Mnrllen1o1y !Grundil J 20 J 00 l 40 Fin•I C'11p CMAICMndl ,, 00 • •O P•~tOIOfO P,11 1W1lhams1 • •O Al\r> rttr.ed C"t'AfflJI Moo•u• Anch!. M~t<-tl' Sid' Empoetr01 l emans Pnde 1,m.,201115 THIRD RACE One moll' pac. Jungle law <1 Odd Ill l }0 i 80 7 &O Cond•o• Star I Shem ,,. I 6 40 G 00 C.111lorn1a Surler (C<09nan1 l •O Al•o racf'd Pe1~r 0 G Spm11ng SM L~l'iy S1ss1e Voung T1ade1 Hn1c.y11n tly4\tinth Reel":$t0n Otii ap1 l {lntl't lime 2 oo • S '3 EXACTA 11 ~I Pd•d $38 TO FOUR-,H RACE. One mite lrol R E Toad tO..omer) 9 80 4 00 2 60 Sl<hoot (Wme 11) 4 40 2 40 Canny Mestenoer (Grundy) 1 40 Also rac;ed Mint Prealo, Count Marken1•1. Wo rthy Bulch. I C P Crocl<ell Boy Pompano John OK ·a Devil Time 2 O'·lt!> FIFTH RACE. On" ""'" pA(.;f' V1flCl!•O IPM>!>t t l (i() 3 00 1 Ill> N•11acn1 tl nnqo) !> 20 4 00 thu• Sw•~ 1H1cnmon111 J 00 Al'o taC.fld MdQ"n (.~trH l #O Oceo111 B••l•nOro M1>•lfl• 0 () l ()(.I\ NM< Mnn•1n1 Monr~a o .. -.oy MM 111''41 ~ 0~ II~ '3 U ACT.l !3 71 D~•d $27 ~O llXTH llACI!. Onfl m11r1 pace \lllftw•r" toeke• I · T 40 ~ 60 3 00 1<1!1•wOOO Cn1r1 .. tT 0<.10 Ill 9 lO S 40 Nathan • Hope (leckeyl J 20 Alao r•oed JHnt"11ne. Mllchall Mrt<Clif'/ Mad•oan. RftnHs '-'"•"",. P••s•u crHJ'"" Norll"lll'I FteelOMd l ime 2 00 21~ IS lXACTA !3 51 P•"l S 18• 50 SEVENTH llACE. On• mil" Dot" r ao1on lol>t!ll ll0<1001 6 80 1 80 tt•nH a Ootd f P111<41t1 ' 60 C..•P•••ll Kn1gn1 N (Ol•ll•tgflon) AlllO r•c:ed C•llm1y, r1y1ng llll•c;er Joy A•mbllng Kldo Oame Ron1)<a ·~·1 f1~ I ~6 41~ .. l!UCTA (I 7) 1111d 137 00 l tOHTH llACI. Ooe m11<1 111'" l&O J 00 180 N111v~ P1ncn S!HIC•AI Ov11t11y (Aub<nl 4 20 3 20 2 40 t••n<IOYl!r ll'a1• .. 1 3 •O 3 00 Ari_. (l (ltlOOl 6 40 Alto r•ctd Aed JllOh. llOHlano B•tt' WtOlllrlO kOICI\ OOul>MI llavtu M&o1•t Time 151 11 hlUCfA (l• pt 1dl28 10 NINTH AACE Or+tt miht rt1•t ,. 'H;!H•f •1 1•14At1>1111111 ,' \ ltl I II I S\.Oll 1• c hl\•tl ,1,1111111.,., i I .·11 11 illi f1Jl,Jfl<llii1•1j .!1t-flll'O> II Ill Ah•• t.Jt.1•11 "''••011,1\ 11111111111f)"I1,1 Pt!tlftt•, n .. 11-. A11d ow~I; ,. llh+ll f I 111hll•t Ur u1111.J1 N t 111111•1, li\t 1l)l I f1nu· I ·,n, •, SJ EXACT A 1'• 11 &1111.1 ! ti 11 S2 PICK St",, I I I' ., H11,,.. '11 . H.1 will• n1tef ...,1,11111,, 11l ••·I• • ·•• ""' ·'" Pl<.~ ",1 .. u111·~ttl 111 o t .rnJ '! Hll'\ .\11 Iii·" l fliiU!fllltfj 111 ~ •<t , tf1-.0'1 'It ·I , .. I ~,1 flit I> \ t \Cl,lltl! .t,111••1'IJI• tt Ll••td !,H11i0 t\•U f•10 w~0•.+111) 111 k••t 111 "' tH,+1 '' 1• • 11t I• TENTH RACE t lfu• 1U1h• I 11 '' (rt.111lio tCit>irt<l1t '4 .. ll ·~ ,,1J I ~;,11t)., M~tt 1.,(1'" 1'.lt~1H•·•IH•ltl• l 1CJ 1 'I bit.HU bJ~ c1 1Aut11n1 1 t '1! I• +,j\ 1•1l () '''"" I 11// I ht t I 11p11 i'OH• I' lo ,;I .I, (II. t .1d 11r ,.111 t4 l11•IJ•'' It""' f11111• t 11 I;, SJ EXACTA I· 11111 1 ! '"' .\~t.~1·•1.1lh 1 -; -1'\IJ ... Men'• tournament l•l Melbourne. Aualralla) Ouarlerllnal Slnglea ··'" 1 t"••Jt +( lf!'C,1••0:11·~ 1~11 (Jf-1 '-' J 1 (wt ill"' llJ SI lJ) lmt ... 11 Grand Prix tournament (at Vl•nna) Second Round Sln9I•• h1 ,, 1, •l!fr+t•tf 1U 5 1 t.J1 I !'o J111rn • 11 1n 1 111.11,1 tJ ' ti 4 ~'I.it ,.,,,.,+If+ Ill•, I , •• t V l t•)' ~'f \ (. I' 1! t }!••I• I tJ f l f l41U '"If .,,, If 1IJ .-1*'1 lltt• t'IJ!th1~ ... 1f-1 1f1 .__,IM+ t t t ' t• 4 ,,, .. ,,, l t'C rJrHfi ,; fdt1. '"'' )1•t ,t,,n+t•"lf., "' tri.'10,11 iln<J1.;1 by dt.:f:ttill Jepen Open (al To~yo) Third Round Sln9lt1 l1t1n11, ~, ..... n.> s, (l• I r JI I I '"H'/ ,,,. t 1Jilt1ttfll 6 1 6 t (ublnn1 Ot i .. 11PC •t 1 • fr! P 11 Ouu1~ tu~• '-' 1 t. 1 Grand Prix tournament Ca• Fllderal•dl, Weal Germen~) Second Round Slngl•• ,._,,,011 ,, t,:,-..r~tl+rovd il. S. , IJ• t Lntkt•• ·"'' ! '"·I,•' f lnCPt fJ.J , ' J:'ttm ~''""t'' I J ., ''"' (lif•I h1ult-•I U~d ,c1dC.tl\.•\huo•Hdl I I •' P•tlr•• 'd ._. ... .(11+\_i,.• •8•Al•h 1J .. I (.h•u-t1u KCtl1J1• tWl•l-1 Ge1mM•'r• 6 1 • ~ , ' !,ylYo• 1• rn1~ a 1Wes1 GNm1•nt df'r Jr.M 1t111 Ru\,Ptl 1u <; 1 d 6 6 "'\ f-i; Hflt1°r1,1 ".ii.u •. 1 1C1echt.>,IO\IH~ JIJ d+!I l 1111~rtl "''" •1,tir11p._,,, 1U S' , b 6 4 High achoo< women Edlaon 10, Marin• 8 Sing lea >t•t i.•' ,,,_~, dPI Sm11t-• n h*' , '' 1 (1 1J1•I ,.,.,,.., b 0 Cl.aus 1M1 <A\"'+11 t• . ' 1 at. All.it!"' +M 1 tost l-6 ' f, '1 DoublH Hdlf•\ Sllr1 • .,.1d 1M I dPf ~,II ._., 1• • t • , ,..,, Ir ~nnttll S1mmonc. b : ~h·! , IHt+fl " ft.,,.hc t,.4 t_ottto Nghiem 1M .t ... • j b ' 1 t f1 l ••1'''1 H1llPtH )t'ltl ~M !•1 .. 1 h f """ 11 '· 1 Coron• dtl Met 16. Colla '4eu 2 Single a t•.lf' , 1CM1 !11'$t ,,, "o,,..,. "t ~J••' 1.,,,., •1 1 tlf't ':>H ... t1"s 6·1 0d•n11,11• 1( M 1 11 'I O t •; •f fvt.,('fif"P .. h •1i\1 ,, )t.>Q f, Doub I" ~1mmr11., 1 lf'•tHt 1<.. M• 1, ,1 J,, (""' ., l'\,1um~11 1 f 1. "It IC l uo1uH ntl, l)flt..•.11 c. b IOSI t V1H' S l!!f'llt,+OU!ifl b11rt)• ' l Jonne1 HuO''''' H.M1 111••t J b ' f, t, Ber1ed1t.t 011•.m 1CM• l.l,1 Of. n 4 , '• Unherelty 14. tr•tn• • Slnglea l ••~•·I ,n •' In•,, fo M,111\t 1 dt•I 14{l'ynohJ._, 6 1 ~l~f l OWt-''\ 6 0 B.11o '" ~on 6 1 ti 1 b IJ C.<-u 101,.r H~ Ail•• 1 • 6 0 0 .. DoublH An{jflf~Oll ou.,a,, •Ut IQ~t !r ( h •011'"'' ••,tv<H'!ll•" 2 6 (le-I l .,11n1hfJt'M1• At1(1t";... b 0 f1f"I S 1.in1tk "'h1HHJ t.. 1 [11 t • ,1 M1dd1t1t(1n 1tJ• lll'!t' '1 / Nr r• t 1 t i l ur.i~ l)f'(J.JI 1u1 IO'St 6 1 WC'lt1 ti I b ~ Eotoncla 17. S•ddlebacll 1 Sln11le1 Barbi111no if) <Jfrt Tham f U ch'I Nquym 6·2 def l(lftf'\ B·O 8f'!nn1111 f • ~'''' t> I 7 5 t.·O R1rn,11oson 1E1 lest ~ f '""" ~ • 6 ) Double a CumHt1Qh-Jm L11ncc1Slt'll ir (lpl r,,,,, L 1ln111a11g 6 1 \);c,f Fh()" l h 1(1np-6 ' ,fttl v1.lum,.d10 b·O c..-•• "'v u,,..~.~ 1r1 w,, t, ~ 6 () 6·0 J N(1ri W l'Uj,wf')f'trt ,, i -.'¥1"' ft 0 ,;.o 6· I Laguna 8Hch 12, Dan• Hiiia ti SlnglH 9,nwn (lBI lo~H In t\uo'N I f; lnP\l lo Ols"" 3 6 tlel M1llft1 I; I W1llftlh• 11 Bl 11 '' ()ti ''"'n 6·0 6 0 Stu1m •LB• Intl 0 ~ wcm G ii 6 0 Dout>lu tiocHrw;-Waltace tl0) ltHf 111 ltnm"1ontl Smnn 4-6 <Ill! t<1rkpl!m ~ W~D~ 9 0 0 .. 1 Vell•·L<1wt f1 o Pn'" Suo• 11111 trut ; . ., won 6·0 6 0 N~yt01 C1111•.,v 1l 01 woo 6 l 6 I 6·0 ~ . . ., ., ''" A .. nte Llet fhe "" OI 63 Pl•yO•• lllh<otnlly tit'("lAf.0 "l1Q1n111 tn M in• 1>11 .. l>•ll s Ir .. 118""' rJ1all u re1011•<1 by M•1nr I MOV" H"bllll ' P1av11t Rel•tlOtl' Commtl!Mi Amerlcefl la .. IM ANOl!LI: 0011 aarlof, "°" Jtoeh on, ~Ille Tian!. BAL ttMOAE John I ow""'"''" Jo" Not an BOSlON fom 8urgmt11"1 Ttony P11rei ClEVELANO Al•n 6t1nr\1Altlf Miguel Oltont1 Aito Mannino CH•CAOO 8111 Almon Mate Hill Sl•IVI' K<llnp Au1~10 ,.Qd,,gu.1 OE:TAOll Enot CAbtlll lAffy Ht11ntton Mlk• 1-C~t l- KANSAS CffY OOfl HOQ<I l .. Mty HAI MCAH Jl~le Ouil•. P1ul Sotltlorll MILWAUKEE 801> McC.lurro Oe<: M.Olfil'I NEW YOAK Aroll Cerone OAKLAND o ... Mt K•v Fred S111'118'J' SCA Tfll fl<>yd Oonnleltr Bwc:e Bocllle Al CoW'tnl & I dH1!f , '•, 'I ., ... ' "' ll1••1"1 N1t1onal Le•gue DODGERS Ttrry Fo1>tar. Sion C•rvey Vicente Aomo A'' Aq~ I... f'' 1 r,u •• I )ii\ /41 ,, J I..,,;,, lh,1111 /Jill•. i 1r,r 1qr1A 11 Ii t r.,111 t l11)qdt1fJ A111 Ar.t, 1>1~ 11 11111 H 11111. f.,' .1111 !.AOt.1 ' Hf At IV th I 1 1111 111 t., ... , f1!111l111·~ u ..... J1,11I1 ! • t ,, !;I jl I, il1HAf/$1 l•1u/I, h1! H •t •! 'tt W d)fl,. ~·1·1' , 1 •o• Jt, t l1ub;t• I t v.1i.•nl11u I 11' li11i1r 11t 1111 .1• M ,, N I 11 H'll I 1 .!11 1h tfll I t f.IPI '''" h• 111 t'l1t 11 f1t·•111 '''"•··· '1At1 I Hf' 11 I " ,,, """I 'I,, "ill$ 1·11 .I I , I \ t'f ' f ~ • f ftt1 • 14 l'\fjl !' l t 1'1 ti I llllU J~,.I I 1u1•t Cron country HIGH SCHOOL M•rln1t 76. Oc••n View 30 11'1 !I I~ .. ~ 4 °/ Att,.'i.t 1! J 1( )\/I ., t H1+t•1•t I I IV '•" u' 4 ' 1111·1 .1 Mt '' I t j I' C1./1 1 !1 t tt.1111 IM I I I ,,,. h"·'l\S 1~.A HI ti {Jd11•f:~ ,M; 11 f •,o.11 1fl'vl \1 I HJ (~h'.,'1IJ' 1M tluntlngton Buch 21. Edlaon 3$ ' f4 11J1J' Hf;' I 4'-4 • L-u1· ~ 1 1 Hh1 I' 11 I +I 1l t 1( '• J llJ\,.ll•(j 1 l I lfl C''4 I ,\I jftft 11, JI'' I rt1n. ll(J~ 1til11 IQ 4tt o .. , 11 nft1 1t '.id 11 b~rnnt•lo. t[ 1 lt '•' 11 P ,,,.,, I • 11 lfl I 1o•r1ri H1l11 , ... l l Co•t• Meu 23, Ee1ancla 36 ; 11 •1• )o1 / 11 tM1 A••de'''"' tC ·1M 1 H •' 1 1 ti,w•q 1£ 1 If, lf1 -4 1-.ut1i..11n ll M 1 It ~"' r ,v, it t IA1 !f1 14 t,;i F41 bmh 1E1 !f,41 .~,fl 1 f •1"'-11 IL~~" ( t.ol t 1(M 1 ,., I •• , ~Af f;t•11n II M l 1( a<. t() ~Mvo~ 1fM1 '' 'J lf.f• I· (;t1M w.t lrtr11•(1 tit t1.d1•1I I 1 lJulh L11~W M1•\.; •O•i.J f '\hlflC..111 lH•( Hh,. ,, h.t.1 '-,,.1. li~t· fUt +•1' I '"IQ\l;• l.11, .. , "1111t' I ll1•JH1 1nuo;' t1,1v1• ,,.,,,.n~ WOMEN Edloon IS, Hvnlln9ton B••Ch 441 "'1':f11 lf-'I tH ?11 4." S'nyOY"f"5"'f~ ~ "JZ ~ 1.1111h•tM41IH d l'J ;,._ .i V'lt1tre 1£' HJ•,, '1 ~ .... ,,., 1r 1 ''1 10 h n1tct1nf 1E"1 ;o 1'3 • \lf'!!ll_Sl4'>.,. 1HB1, ;•tt h i " N11 H-tBi i;'(') 41 4 M(t"t~n11 .. 1(, ·n 1{ • fl~·11·\ iltA• ~i .'a Ocun View 26. M•rlna 29 ' 1lt1t•t1!1V t 111•111; !Ml" t 11 A,t.r 0\1 , 1 ·lf ., urtUHl''V'f •M l ,;'Ott 1• t ,n th'"'' ,~_. 1 J I• 6 't•utlt•r 1f>V1 ,,•\I , ,.,,,.,,., t~'\. .'~ 1• 8 (11 .. 4y 1M 1 • \; J "'"'' 11111 I V1, t .;>•: l) (•,1w11!1 Blahop Am•I 23, Maler Oel 36 ' • • 1 t ~· 1 , { tlul1•r 18~1 Id l t M ... n,1n.1nr• hA1 H' '11'1 4 t,1)r•1.1h·"' IAA1 14 /~ 'J M +1l1t·1 1Ml 1 \G U f. l 111f1t•I , (tA 1~ <tt..l ~ ' 111•,111, ~1 •1 11f "'" 8 Unb• 6A ,_•(l '" I l•+ •I t;A1 .'0 1" 1(1 ''"'',,''" ElA1 1( ·~ <. > . NBA exhibition T hunday'e Scot•• H'JJH\I• l)) l.tkert 105 \ lt·<1t l1Ul\.' ',~ 1.-lh 106 l11""t~l11• 1 l(i S,_tn Ante.mil') Ul 1 O•'tf<)tl I.ff l. hit a90 t 17 Water polo HIGH SCHOOL Mlatlon Vi.lo U. L"11una BHch 0 ft.,A"\l(tH V1~10 0 4 3 6 u L.•9uno) a .. ~,h 0 0 (I 0 0 M1~s1on V11110 \( 1f+flQ Ryan t )h1H tiutq" 1 Roqe•s ~ (t<>ekensl"'" ' >l"<•flQOll ? Thur1dey'1 lranHctlon• 8ASEIAlL Am••lcan l eague ( "IC..A(',0 WIOT ( SOX N11n•ed Bill Sm1111 gen•rill mAMCir ot their App1111on torm c.•ub •t'OIAC1no Jr lf {")v.,,trm wlto wilt btteom,. •mt\Of\ ht .... ,, I 0()H1UHH!'f for the Wn•te Sn• Nallonal l eague l)AN DIEGO PADRES ltndeCI Tom Tf'llrn11nn p +IChf'r 10 lhe t-Jillw111uke~ Braw*''~ 101 Tim Cook and Wetdoll Swill 011ch11,. 8AIKET8ALl Natlonal .. akelball AHoctatton ATLllNTA l1AWKS S1g11•1l Kft1lh Eomonaon Qul lll to o multlye&• G0!1H4'1 CLEVHAN(') CAVALIERS Announcttd lhe •~•1gn•t•ll11 01 8111 MuU~lman hHd COI C.h ""d n111Mftd l om N•ltHlktt "' hl1' r111ptm;•nu1nt 1>110ENI~ SUNS Cul Ari 1tn11tt1y, Ctnlt1r l'OOTIALL United 11•1•• Foolblll Le99ve DE N Vl:R OOlO Signal! Ce cil Stoc,<l•'" w•d~ •K"'""' M1't t<1111n1tdy qu~rte•bnek Mike Jtmkint ru11fW>O beck, ona Sem Pr.i~r l1neoac'er l OS ANOE.LES EK PRESS $1(11111<1 M1ku fl•• 0011 Ath• Rob Prn1on Roben llm!>l'r' JO<t Alloltl. q\lertorb&Ckt eocc.-.- N0t1h Am•rlcan Soccer ........ I OAT l .. U0ff10ALf STA1t<tAS S1oneo ltohlo CublllH n11C1h•lder, to • <'"41 yittr oonlract a11<1 Oan Car.1er, d•lendat 10 11 two yea1 tont•ll<'I Cul hind llOIH nbtltn m•<lllll4~ COUl!OI MIO ,t.MCAICAN CON J Cl'lNC I Named Jim l •"' COfllM•H•~ • Barons • post WlllS Wi·.,1111111 ,,11·1 ,11ul 1"1111nl.1111 V .1Jl1·v -.i•I 11p a Su11M•I l.c·;igl11· 'h•1w d11w r1 with V ll'l 1J 1 1•" T ll111 "J,1v 111glt1 111 high '>1 li•11 1I wrnrn·11·, v 11ll1·vl.;dl .w111m ~ho po;.l111g Vll"lUI ll'" Wl'I ,. M.11111..i . 1':i-t.111l·1,1, <.'OJ 1111u d1•l MH1 . N1·w p111 t ll,1rb1r 1. l >u 11.1 I ltll" S.111 Cll·1m•1111· :ind Mut• 1 1>1·1 Wi··.1111111 ... 11·1 ft'ill.J1nt·J ;1t•111 1 hi· Su11,..1·1 b y lu·alln~ O l'f·.111 V11 ·v.. 1 ~1 II l ~i 7. 12 15, 15 7 U1.1111 .111d Cw1111l' Watson w1•1 •· tlw 1·.it.iJ ~ .. 1:-.. n i·•1rd111g 14 and l l kilb. r·c·i.p1·1 liV•·ly. wh1k :.<·111111 011t..1d1· 1111 H·r L v nn F'c.:lantl11 pl.1Yl'd ;1 ;.l1 ·ady nrnt1·h for l ht· ( ,11 111;., 11\IV. Ii() ltl ll'<igUt' play F11w1t.1111 V.ill1·v tun('d up fo1 t h da11· w11h Wt,:.tm1n ;.l1 ·r "l'w ·Mb :V l1y d11w1ung liuntmgtrn1 &·:id1 111 Jo ui g;101L'!'i. Thl• 8<:i(un!'i, :1 .. 11·p l1.11·k '1f W1 •:-.m11ns tc·r <it 5 I. \\t·r1· lt·d l1v ~11llt•rs K a tn n ;1 l't·lt•l'Stlll ( lfi k tl b and SIX bl1K·k;.), HtK'lll·lk S 11 vd1·1· 1111111· kdls J <111<! .... t11·1 K .itll\; I l.11 t y l\lann;1 h1·ld 11fl. Edison in f1 v1· g;11111·;., 15 H !I 15. 15-4, 4 -15, 1:1 10 to pull 11110 a t1r• for third with On·.111 VH·W ;i t :i-:$. The.· V1k1 11gs .Jlld S1·:.i·h a .wk-. art· "du·clull·d to nwl'l Tut.:sd;iy with th1· w1111H·1 h o lding a n 1ns1d1· lr:tt'k to lht• CIF playoff,. Soph1i11111rc· cir .f t·n!-1 vc-spc.. i.'IJ!i't Kim Ht H h1rw. n11ut.l lt· blrn k1·r Al1·111· A11d1•rs1·n a nd the.• <ill· :11 ound pl:1y I rnm Sht•ll:v Thr;,,ll v.t·11· 1n~1rum1·ntal 1n th•· V1k111gi-' Wiil Jn th« S1·~1 V1t·w L eciguc· Corona t.lt·I M :11 l'ontint..11·:-. to n·1gn w11h ;111 11 O rc.-<:onl at tt•1 -.wl·1·p111g J><ii-t ( ·11'.ta Mt·sa. 15-:!. l :i 4 . 1:1 1:1 Thi· Sl·;i K1ngi. 11·c1•1v t'd "l1 1111 g l'ff•>rts from ou b1J1• httH·r Pam Lawn•nn·. ,.1·nuir rrnddl1· bhl(:k1·r IVlarv A nn Mulll'f ;,,n(! ;;ophomort· L1mJ;t Burton Nt•Wport J l.1rhor ... ta:-:1.'Cl tn th•• Lh ,1,,1· w11h JU'L un~ loi.s a ft1·r d 1·fvating El To111, 15-9, 15-11 I :1 Ii Thl' tl•<.im t·ff1Jrt was pon·d by "!'ttc•r Lara i\s i.wr. uuts1tlc· lllllt•rs M:m dv K <'nnv ;;nd Julw t:vans anti middle hitters &:th Pnn• and Annw Mc.<.'r«y i-:.,um e1a swq.it to a 15-8. J 5-•L I;, !I win over Sadd!C'back 111 llllf.JIO\'l' IL' rf'{'Urd to 7.;i £aglt>S l'11~1th Jo•· W1>I f, · w~1s a b lr to u-;;1 ,,.,. 1•11tirt• squ:1d 111 tht• vu:tory I 11 th1• Sou 1 h C oast Lt•agul. 1dl'ntn·;tl t Win:\ Lt~tt-tt-Rd .b..>it Luhrn.1v. and p<>Wl·r hitter Kim 11 ;,implon µl ayt:d w e ll as San CIC'mc•ntt· <lownl.'d Laguna ll11ls. Jf1-li. I:> -1 . 12 15. l :'i-6. [).111,1 I lilb 11,.Jk W vodbndg1.·. I 11 IL I :J.:1. (;).4 to 1mprOVl' IL'; 11·1ord to i -:l Junior middle blot k1·r D ;111:y Tan kard anti JUn111r 11uts 1t.l1.· htttl'r Anna l-:ppt·r :-.011 s1011d o ut for t h<· l.X •I ph111s Matl•r Ik1 took ;,i bn.·ak from t h 1 • A n g l ' I u s L l' a g u e a n d upPndt·d <.:;.ihr in f1Vl' ganws Senior oub1dt• hlltC'r Chris l) u no h u t a n d sen 1 or set ll• r Andrt•a Flll l werl' the swndouts fvr thl' M on.ird1:-. Rustlers play Olympians The d a n gt>rou s San Diego M esa Olympians provide the o ppos1uon tnn1g ht for Gold en Wf'st Collc·gl' as the Rustlers try to makP 1l two stra ight m South Coast Confc n'n<'C' football action. Game.> time• is 7:30 al Orange Coast Collt•gt· The Rustlers a re coming off a 28-0 v1ctorv over Grossmont m their conference opener. whtle San Diego Mesa d rew a bye lasl WC'C'k. Still. thl' Olympians o wn a 4-0 pre-conforence mark and hoast onl' of the top passing offl•n:-.t•s 1n thl' st.ate. Q u a r l e r b a c k T r l' n l Ann1chnrit'O has thrown for 886 yards and <'tght touchdowns this sc·a:mn. making a Joi of people forget about last year's standout QB Paul &>rner (now at Padfk ). T he Rustlers counter with QB Adam Gragnano. who d oesn 't pass tha t lflUC'h , ::ind runn in-g- b uck RKh Ttahlhclwr who dO<'s run Vt•ry muc·h . G o ldt-n Wt'st car ries a :l -:• ovt•nill n x·ord into thr contt•st larte r s s it, Lake r lo e VANCOUVE R . Bri11 s h Columbu1 (AP) • Even if the Lakerll <Jul ust' reserves for thl' c•nurf' fourth quarter, it wa!I still an odd stgh t -a Seattle SuperSon ks rout (lf l.Ais Angch.-s. St•1ll t it• h'IJ I rom nlmOeit the npc'nlnf-t bnsket In registerm~ s 123-105 blowoul of the defending Nationul Buskctbl.lll Assochm on champinn~ Thurscb1y nlllht. Gus Wllllam11 lt'<.l the fireworks with 2A points. .-· '• t . ~ ..... , .. .. .. ('8 Orang Loo111 DAit y f'tl n l/f f tlluy Oc;tolwr 1:1 H)tt :i' Prep grid log IUNllT llAOUl ldl•on (3·2·tl 44 Pun•llOu 10 El Oot••h• 0 Vtala II I 7 8 an11111g JO 7 Mel .. 0.1 f 2' Ma1111a I Ocl '' al Hur•1111gln11 II••" 11 Qcl 2Q I lrt Valh•v tArrn "llticl I Nov 6 at WHll11111118C Nov 11 Ocet111 Vcew 1m .. <..1 Founl•ln V•ll•Y (2·5) 14 Maler 0111 l:l Foothill 12 SI Paul 7 Servile 0 Long 81111Ch POI\ 11 Hunl1no1011 1:11101.rc 31 We11m·lr111er OCI 29 EdllOll \Ano ~11101 Nov S 0CHJI Vtow \UI 1101 Nov I? M111n1 tCcrr1I01I J4 J8 I) Ill b 14 I Hunlfn91on ... oh (4·2) 24 C0ton1 del M 111 7 10 Loa Alan111os o SS LO• Amigos S4 B<>lu Grano11 23 S an Clemenlo 14 Foun1a1n v a11ev Ocl 22 Edison Oct 211 Ocean Vwt1w No• S-Ma11na (al Wm) Nov I<'-Wet1m1nt1or M•rlne (4-2) 14 " J8 17 10 Newpo11 HOll>OI I! 30 S an LUIS Obispo 0 11 Foo111111 1J 27 L• Ou1n111 O 17 M1ll1kan 1~ 7 E011on 23 Ocl 22 Ocean View t~I Wn11 Ocl 29 al We5lm1n11er Uov S Hin Boa~h (al Wm) Nov n Fin Valley (~eHllOJI Oceen View (2_.) 14 ES1anc1a 13 La Ou1n1a 12 Cypren 10 Sunny Hills 14 Wes1ern 7 20 24 12 28 21 wes1m1ns1e1 Oct 22 Mar.na 1a1 Wm1 Oct 29 -oll Hun11ng1 on Beacn Nov 5 Fin Valley \Ill HBI NO• 11 Ed150n 1a1 OCCJ WHlmln•l•r (1-t) 7 I/ tlvth• I J !i••JOlel11t\.O (X.I n r 1 '"' • l•I Miii 0t I Ill C..OM (•I 04,..l;e NI•• ~ NIJI Ila> ho t 1 l)l.l I No• 11 f ah111t.1• tO<.l t El Toto (4·2) 'I ( YIHH • lJ M1a•1un Vt•ltt JI V11I01rtl l1t I Nttw1uut ••ttth(u l J (11 .. ,.~ .. , 'I C0tn11• tll!I M"r Ill I~ 1\1 u 11 Iii 0 O~t n l..ollo Mob" 1~1 MYI Ort 2'1 lj111vutt1ly IUI ltvll .. •I Nov ~ ftl lrvtn6 N11v II :..11tHJhrn~l· loll M \11 Et11nc l1 (3·3) 1 O•H•' Vl"W IA l ugunn 11111, JO Sen <,.1e mun1u T Cu1on11 oa1 Ma• 19 f.I lOtO } 1 UlltvOt S•ly OCI n "I Nuwpurl ll~Jhu• Oc.1 }') ltv1fl41 \Al NHI NOv 5 !>ctCl<lltiOii<.~ 181 Nttj 14 u t:. ~J ~J 0 Nov 12 1..u.1t1 Musu (di {)( < I lrvlne (4·2) 14 L<)g una Hills 15 WOOObr1dge 14 Tuslln 7 Saddlt11>ac• to Cosll MdS8 }4 No .. pot 1 Ha1.1iu1 Ott ?? Co10I'~ <1a1 M"' OCI /') Cs1ant•u 1.ic N" 1 NU• S El T<lr(I NO• ll lJnivdtS1ly N1 wporl Htrbor (3·3) 8 Mann" J Cyp•o>s 10 Wes1m1ns1e1 17 El 1010 41l Un111e1S•ly 21 Irvine Otl 2~ Es1<11,c1a ti I~ II I; ~· Ill ,,, I II )4 OCI 29-SadOleOJO 1SA ll""'" Nov S Cos1a Me;., 1.;1 Ot l;I Nov 1' Co1onil del Ma• S•ddleb1ck (6·0) 20 Se1111a A11a va11e) 11 20 Sania And I! 28 LI Hdllt.J /," 3'1 Irvine f La Ou1nta 11 Pac1hca ?I C0to1111 ae1 Mat o 0 JS Costa Mes.J l'.l 3 Newparl Ha11>01 0 Complon 7 long Beacn Wilson 7 Ocean View 7 Foun1am Valley Ocl 29 -Ma11na Nov 6-Edison 14 10 7 19 ?I 11 Nov 12 a l Hun11ng1on Beach SEA VIEW LEAGUE Coron• del Mer (1·5) 7 Hun11ng1on Beach O San Clemen1e 7 Cap.S11ano Valley 23 Es11nc1a a Saddle1>ack 0 El Toro Ocl 22 a1 Irvine Ocl 29 COSll Mesa (Bl OCCI Nov 4 Untversity tal NH} Nov 12-a1 Ne ... pon Harbo• Cott• Meta (2_.) 12 Sanla Ana 12 Sanuago 22 Los Al1n11tos 6 University l~ 14 10 17 Ocl n Un1ve1s.1y oS A Bvwl Ocl 29 NPI l\dfPO• ISA BO"'" NO• s E 51anC•ol 1a1 NH Nov 12 El lOIV tal M '/ Unlver•llY (2-4 ) 2 WOOdl>t •Ogt' I; tJ Tus11n 10 14 Laguna 11111s 20 17 Cos111 Ml!...i 6 0 Newpo11 H81UL• 48 0 Es 111ncta 2; Ocl 22 Saddl .. llat~ 1SA 81 "'" OCI 28 El Toro"" "'""~I Nov • CdM IOI NH• Nov 12 M hvmt- SOUTH COAST LEAGUE C1pl1lreno V1lley (3·2· 1) b Foo1n111 14 7 Esperanza ~9 27 Corond ae1 Mar 57 Dana 11111s 37 woooo11dge 1 M1SS1011 V1e10 Oc:1 .J Lal)und Hills 1.\1 MVo Oc1 :>9 Cnmo Nuw •, •' l •uunu Ueu1 ft Now< t..' 'h.afl c lm•1e•1I• Oen• Hiiia (0 6) fl ,, .... ,..,.,, •• .,.,.,..,. u f'1ut JI!, •· b !>•11 M d.f\U' I utfl lttt4\,f••I , .. 0 ( u1u•H••lu Vttlhty •,r 11 1.111u1111 ll•n<ll • I th Wllu0lH hJijU t f tJc.I ii itt b11,1 l.tttmu,,ht Ut.1 i ll l "ll""d tl•ll• '"' MV1 Nov ~ 111 M1m11.111u Nuv I I M1aa1u11 V1ci111 I I fl 111 I L•ouna llHch (3-3) JO '••\'fllHll• U I ' 11111UI •• 0 I "II""" tllll• ~O l 1 UHIU• ... 11... ' • (1011110 14 U Mt••.itut Vt41HU H\ Oc t J~ t•I 1H01 (..leHu;11h1 Ne,. " l.0111,1111110 Valluy Nov 17 W0<1Ubt11l\)fl Ltguna Hllt1 (2_.) O h-..me t• u r '""'lid 1• .•o uwve1 "1'.,. ~'4 .·o l 41yunu a,,,,4 ti I , • M1-.-,1ou V1u10 th t•t h'" ( lemunh., Ht o. I lJ (..apu Vulluy \•II MVI 0t c Jq Oalh• Hiii• (.cl MVI Nov • WuOOlJtitJOtJ (Jt hYlllt~I 't'" It 01.unund lJ,u t••I M \lf Mlulon Viejo (5·1· t) .at.. lu~tu1 h HJ fl lutu U • 1 ( lf')UU i'; ~ 1 lt1d1u :li1 Jll ld<JUtkl 11111~ 71 (.,t&Jl~HUlltJ VuUt1y 1 J6 t J\j111td Beatl> 0 01.1 29 Woo<llit1ll1l(' •"""'"I No" "l Sun Ch•rnunh! Nov ' • ll Ottna U1ll~ t l Ct m ~ Sin C lemente {4-2) '0 M<1gnt1l1ic Ii I C.,or.i110 •ll'I Mui 0 I 'I f SIJrlC1J JO (8 Wuuclbfl~\le J llf tt1Jnt1111.1tut1 Ct~tu.;.h J l 10 L·lUull<J thll) 14 '1r I .. 1 Dan .. • tt1lh 0l I l9 I llllUlld Bf'ltt. h Nv" .ti M1~s1on VH11u N .. ,, 'l JI C.1p1)tr .. utn V.tllt•-w Woodbridge (3-3) .. 1; U"h'C'~•I, \4 hv1flr 1:.. ~·1 Or.Jr•vt-j 3 S.m C1ur1••1•1<' ~8 CJP••lr;.&11( Vdlft•y Ji JI Ootnd "'"" llo Ocl l1 .ti Oool<1•1U Ott 7';1 Mr•,,~11111 V1~10 ltty llf I Nov•4 L d~1u•·• H+ll"l lit .,11 ••t /,::>..., , ._ ·•' ' ICJUtlJ U~11L.' OTHERS Maler Del (3·2· 1) <'·' t '"'"''""" Vdllt1y '4 4 I lJO' P11<>UIO$ 0 IO l ''~ Att<••· .. ' t 10 4..••·>I" Id f-1J1\H(I 7 )8 P1u) ~ 7 (11 I I) ~I •• .. u1 r'>A [luw11 Ot.t • ._. di h1~1'op Arn.ti Nu• 4 :,'"'" 1SA 6owt1 ••n• 11 Setv•lo 1SA 00 .... 11 Donahue tips his cap to Kapp, California LOS ANG ELES IAPI UCLA d u.In t h d \"l" <tll :.11b\' 1 1 Coach Terry Donah ul' 1s con\•tni;cd lhal has California counlerpar l. Jut· Kapp. h as m<ide a s1gnafu:ant impact on th e Go ld e n Bt'ars· fo o t lrnll program. The Bruins w all gc·t a cham 't· to hnd out JUSt how s1gn1f1ca nt It has been this week~nd · I d1.n 't·~ll'wv.:. ~ .... tu4 .\\!t•'\it""-JU>-1 playl'<l rt-al \\I'll 1111 tlll' ~;mw J .n-. Wt· hav1 n t µ.11 tit ul.11 h fX•lllll«I f11r Cal. althuuJ,!h th1 ·n· 1-. J r!\',clrv Rut I'm sun h,1pp) a buut 1l etlw '>Utl• ''' Lt•t's hopt· w1• n m u mt1nu1• 1l ThL· B ruin '> .ind 8c.'dr!. ~Udl •· 11(( this Saturda' J ftl'rnlJOll in &·rk1·l1 ·v. whe rl· Cal ha!>n't ht.aten UCLA ;.111t1• IY68 ··1 think that J oe Kapp has don l' an outsta n ding Jo b ." Do nahue said at has weekly ml-et1n g with reportC'rs "He's taken a footba ll tea m that won two game~ last yc·ar and has alread y doubled tha t output 1 do n't think a lot of people cxpct·tc•d thc•m to havc- four win:; at this stagl· o f thC' sensun Dona hut•'s 11•<1111!-. are ti 0 .1g <11n ... t Cal Not onlv th.:.1t. the• Bruins hav•· outscurl'd tlw Bc•t1n. 19 5!80 111 lho!-.t' '>IX gam1·' "Joe has m )CCted a great deal ol emotion into that team. Thev have played with a daffere nl sparat fo r ham. they play real hard. l think more than anything e lse h C''s ad d ~d great leadership to their program .. Actwtl lv, t.:CLA":-111<1'-h·rv ovt•1 l'.il goPS hLi<'k furttwr th<111 iHi h Thi· 8 :-uins h:l\'t• bt•a tt•n llw Rt•a r !'. 10 !>l ra1ght times a nd h·<id lht• -,1•111·-. :n .1a.1. THE LAST v ictor y b y C<il ov1•1 UCLA was in 197 1 whC'n tht• &•ar' too k a 31 -24 d t•c1s 1o n at till' Lu-, Angt'les Cohst•um Donahur ..... ud h1• c•xpetts thl' Bea r s to be up for th>'> yl'ar's gam(• KAPP, WITH no prl'vtou s hC'ad coaching e xperien(•e. was hared earher this year ~o su cceed the d epo sed Roger Theder Donahue as aware that UCLA has enjoyed great success a ga ins t the Bears in his six previous yean; as the Bruins' roach When asked whv. he "J o e K app h.1s mJd t• It v 1•r v apparC'n t and Vl'ry c·IC'ar t ha t thl!'. game has spt•<:1al s1gnif1(·ann· to r Cal, and ll's a criucal con frn•m'(• 1•1w11unt1•r for us.'' said Donahue r McCOltMfCll MOITUAllES 'I Laguna Beach 494·941 5 Laguna Hills 768-0933 San J u an Capcstrano 495·t776 HAalott LAWN-MT, OLIVI Mortuary • Cemetery Crematory 1625 Gisler Ave Costa Mesa 540-5554 .... Cl llOTlflU l&.t. llOADWAY MO«TUAIY t 10 Bro adway Costa Mesa 642·9t50 IAl.T11H•HOM SMITH A TUTHIU WHTCUff CHA'1l 427 E 17th St Costa Mesa 848-9371 ,_~llOTI4HI IMITHI' MOITUAIY 627 Mein St .._,nt1ngton Beach 5~39 DEATH NOTICES MALLOY M A HCiAHE T S M AL LOY . bl•a u ll ! u I ;.nd prt•e1ous .... Ir l' of Dav11 I .J M a lloy. and loving a unt o f M Jrg<'t Easley and Int;•·• M ,1r1<• G raham Mc•mo1 iul !>l'r\'ll'l'S "'Ill b<' ht•ld HI i Oll Pl\t o n Saturdn y O..t•lht•1 23. 198:.! a t Pauf11 Vll'w Ct•m1•lt'ry Chapel In l1l'U of rlo wt•r,, donations m<1 v h e• ma d e t o y o ur f.1v11nti-l'h a rnu."\ Entrustf'<l lo till' t·arc• of MallcJV M1111•n Fu nt'ral Hom<' 1-~~~~~~~~~~~~- If it's got wheels you'll move it faster in a Daily Pilot classified ad. ca11 642·5678 and a friendly ad-visor will help you turn r.our wheels ntocash. • • • • I ' ... Turn your unuubln Into u1abte Clltl. CAii Dally Piiot clastlfled 642·5671. Malibu triathlon sch eduled Apphcal1ons a n · J)ow available for thl• Un1tt-d S tat e s l ra a thl on ch amp1onsh1ps to IX' h1•td Oct. 30 in Malibu w11h e ntries lima ll'd lO 500 perwn~ Regist ration I'> on ;1 fa rst -c·omc·. f irst ;.1•1 v 1• ba:-1:. ror lhl· dc•m1mdtng ~w1Tn'b1cyde ru n <•Vt'nt T he evt'n l w 1li involve a I 5-malc ()('t'an s w im . a 100-kalo m c-t er b 1t·yc.·lc rac*' and a 20-kilomett'r r un in that ordC'r Slart a nd f inis h will be :it Z1.1mA Bc-ach in Malibu N u t 1o nol c h 1J m - p1nn 'l hlps will b e decided in the men's and wo m en's ope n divisio n :i nd In the muste r 's (40-and-over) divisio n f o r both m e n and women F o r further informotlon, write thr U .S Triathlon Champlonshaps. P 0 Box 430 I, Torrance! 90510 or cnll 1i 11) 548-4288 I. 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8 D A I L y p I L 0 T l'U8llC HOllCl PIC ll llOVa a UtlNltt HAMii a fA llMINl Jln1 fqllt-WIHU ... ,.011 llt 1J(.UU" t ue11·• 1• •• l A l II CJf\ll l A l \l\tl1Attl 1 HH IMI It ., UOI 'hf1tfhtftl c htJ• I I <•,I•• Mt•'ht I A HIU .. •t> fUtttl a lt11 tU IJUHUt lt flt' ! 1,1.nt,.u1I ( uu1 I l "''a M ....... t A ..... .i-•. l••u '"''' .... ._ '" t ui1d11t h ut hy •o 11ut•'i'11f11MI ,,.,_..,_,_. ,., .. u ti1u11111 I lu~ 1tl11hltttU•U\ "1'' flitt<t NIU• H ut l ou1ur 1 ••·•.., n t t11uH111• l.tHf••ft m <Ill I I IV/I, '189Ht f'ul1lii,t1•1I 01.a11uu C..uo'' f>1u ly 1•1tu1 01 I 1!1 J'I J!J Nov 'o 1r18J •'•llU HI PU8ltC NOTICE FICTITIOUS IUllNU8 NAME 8T A TI MllNT '"" tollowmu pe1 ~or11 uttt ou1ou tn;~1ne~1 tt~ :..1011x1<..ni;c t!>ll• Sy1v111 111 Ntiwµo• 1 Oum.le C.A 11?1.lb() Dul<> fl l;cuo I ~~~ '1v11111 I,, NOIWIJUll l.htoct " (..A \l~tlbU Kolfu vn !i \.; oe I '"J:i>4' ~yt ... 111 I 11 Ntowf,Utl Ru""" (.,A 'llflttll I 111• t1uttmtn•~ 1~ t..<mllut. ''''-' h~ 11H mUIYHhml Dale A Ct.,., I tu' 'ta1t-mttt11 ....., .. , tuvu wu• UH.! I vwctv Llerk ol Orono• c;,,..,.,, on Ut.1 ll 1982 f llll037 .,utJll!)h~·d O• uuge C.uu~t fh-11ty P1101 Ot.1 ll IS n 19 lfll!J ~J!l!> 82 PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Jrt.,., fotlowiny fH.tr1on 1~ doir1Q bu~tnt1S!. 1i$ CRA1C, t.l £ ANIN(, t.UMPANV 11ll6 Pu111u1101 Nu 10 I Cn\111 M!lsa C.111101111" 9~ti'7 Rian ualloghc1 I ""ll I 8:0b Pomona No 20 I t,n;lu Mu~a CahlOtn18 92627 This business l!ii t.uruJuc.tttd U) ttn 1no1 .... 1C1ua1 F<1aM C1a1g ltt1S SISleme nl WCI> 11111') w11n ll1l' Counly Cle•t. 01 O•artge County on Oclobc• 6 198 2 f 199041 PoJIJlt~rOl•ll Or,;ng" C0<1~I D1.11ly i>11n1 0~1 e 15 n 29 1118.? 44J• 82 PUBLIC HOllCE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME S lATEMENT r nt.> fullo""''"0 Pt"' ~ou 1~ oou1 J l1W~4rW~S IJ!I NUIR1El•t l>HQOULI~, 424 W ( um1t1(f , ........ ..,11n f ufler1on <...A 9.63.2 Jot~", M 1nuu M'"'nu Po¥.f' Jt I •OO Ptac.,nt 11 Ave Fu11e11oc 1..,11 , t I'\ t,u.,1fiE-!.!. 151 cnn11ut1eo IJy df'\ tr1d1\'tOud P••t•'I PO"'-f"t J• 1 hi~ '.>tJH•mt•nt .-..1'. 111etJ w in If,, Lount1 {. ,.,.., or 01,1nq (.., or1ty or U~I I; 1'187 f'•.t tu•ll O'dn')t! (..:.th•)t OJ1I) IJ1IOI IJt I 1~ U 2'1 NO• ~ 1987 4,0 I 81 PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT l'U8llC NOl lCl a 1 A llM"iNi"Or Aal_A_N_D_O_N_M_l_N_l 0, U .. 0' ,.ICTlflOU• avtlNIH NAMI! I,,_. ''' 1n w 1nu 1 .. , ·•• ft•• rill U1lt11flt_u1 tfi• u•f1 r f tl•n f ~. ht1 1 ..... ,, .... N•t1•• • I E It M I• l AlllJt1t.Al'I l.'41 1 u ':.'.1 ••• !!~!!••••••••••• 1tthAl11 Atittl111m <A •1.Htlfr •••• 'H lltlltUI ,,,, flll .. , f4.u•u• l .. f nttHlf tt 1itlC~\t~ .... l fi f 1hH1 ffl 4 h611tij•' C IHlttlr ffll "'1<o1t11t•I 111 I l!IHll .... ,. •• ( M t lJ••fl1HI • , • I l "" ''"'H ,, .. ti,, I ~hlth' ( A .,, ,_. I ftu, htH1ll1t'"'' ""·'"' r 11111)q1 t111t IJ'j illl 1B0+.1hJ1111• Ho111Jy Mt lnu1101 I I hit .. 1.,111111m 1I Wttl• l1lml wlll• ll1u l 1,u11ty I I~'"°' 111 0111nt1• t.u1int, trn 0ll II IU81 I F••rlk Nlcholao A L~w Corpor•llon UOI Cova 8 1<HI, Sulle ~00 I Newpcirl e .. ~h. CA t2MIO I f 148831 ••ulJl1t1it11uJ 4 )1 1111,,. ' ., 1 •' (1.1111 f'1l(JI Ott "I~ t•f '4•1v t.> 11•ttl PUBLIC HO llCC ~.,. .. , tl.'I FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT I hr ICJll01N111u V•it~on • '''" •Jo111gl 1U"fllll'1 ,,._ t !I A'> I '..LI!.~ '•0 I bf>'ll ld~""I " (,.(o>lt Mc•ll l A <i1b?7 f ll1u11 I.. 1.,1<1on lb l •1Uull' <..1 't•wvoo Ett_•••'-" CA '•·'~td t\.11r' l OtiQt.•t•·~• l '-' tstJ lut u~IJ M1t.3t1tJft V1u1t' (4A 1Jlb'1 I , ru: .. lJU"tHtt!~"t I~ L•md.;(.htd tty II ,t:11t,,1•I Jldflftttr\hll> f lhuft (.. r mcltir I fi1 '\ ••11tl1mui1t W+t "-tth•fl ltlth lht C. JUHly l.lt;fk o l O• .. WY•' l.rnmly Ufi 0.1 ) I 1'1111 I F 199570 ''1JlJil\f 1•lj f)f,ifllJI' C l 1tJI f>\Jllf f +It-I U<..t 1 ', '/I 41t; t"'''" 11 1<}8? <1~04 011 PUBLIC HO TIC£ COUAl HOUlllNO O P P O R I UNI I Y Publi1har'1 Motict : All r1H1I ut;luht t-utvort1..,uO 111 0 1111 h t• W\Jj 11 I) tt r Pt t,UhJ••< t tr' tfttt r uO•tto t I 1111 ll<•u•H•IJ l\tl of 1'1&11 I Nhtt h lflUkt~J\ 11 •llA~dl ltJ udv•11 ll:.t' 111y ,,, oror.,n f o llfnllUfilJll fH cJl1f.,flrttl 1111t1u11 tift••hC.J Ora H U 6 (,.f)l(Jf t"'l1QH.1rt 'l:tH · t)I n.11tuuul or1uu' lH ttny 1nhHtf1r~n to m tt .. tt 6hy ,,uc t1 s1r••ft!r+in(.8 l1nut~ 11on '" <h!.c..r1mina11on Ito~ nt1WSpdµu r \llwlll "01 ~ H0Wllltjly JC.COP! d(ty ,1<1v .. 1l •'>1ng to r r"11I .,, tut~ wt11c.h 15 111 ~1uf1ttl()t1 ,,, "'" 1 ..... ERRORS: A dvert i - sers st1ould c heck the11 a d s da11y and report erro rs 1m - m e d 1a1 e ly The D A IL y PILOT a s · FICTITIOUS BUSINESS s umes l1ab1flty lo r NAME STA TE ME NT ~ ,,., 1u11nw11111 f"'"n"' ..... ""'" l he firs t incorrect ll""''"" '" inser t1on o nly . \lo~lll lJ.,,,, (.fJ\101 M"~" C..A 'J?G2·7 AlA1KA111 01\lt.l"IAI •, JI~ I Arnt S !, 1ot,,.. I 100 V151 L.1111<1" 1;""'""'1 U•··•th LA <Jlb60i Housts for Sile A n 1t.1C.t Jov.HH"' '•9 V1St •••••••••••••••••••••• 1 El••yd (.;(J,fU M~')d (A t'f;J(,, 1 ~.t.~.J. ~!!~!!. •• •••••••• r111~ ""'"'"'b •\ "'"'"' "'" i11 " C I 10021 ytir, .. r~tl "''''"drSh•i tntt~ I A1111 S Sant it •• • •• • • •• • •• • •• • • • •• • • Afl»(U J<iv tl•L•.il RATES ARE DOWll! 11.,s \t.11t•mun1 w,1 to11•<1 ""'" lhe Per le e I t1m1ng lor tll•S 1 <.nun•• ( 101k ot O"'"'I'' C •1vn1~ on lovely 3 Borm 2 B.iin 6 011 JI 1982 ,ear old hom e ne ar F200237 Soulh Coas1 Plaza • G1ea1 i•~•lili\ti•·d Or•''°'' l ,,,,,, Oi.11•t "'' 1 o, 1 ~~ 1., •. • , 1, ·~•II} a ssumable loan +. seller •&S• 8) "'II tarry Only S 135 000 ~~~~~~~~~~--=-=--~ ac1 now' 646-717 1 PUBLIC NOTICE • 1. ~F1.~.~~!~~r~~~~~!~sl ... , rMLZ§iWiP1 I•• t•f"'' I\ 11 ... IC VA~ f.' •, 11 ·1 • An" C.A ~I 1).a t1J ''> O Sv+u t ,.(, "11tnt t And LA 9. 10.: '~• </I. I JI t '.,.," ,, t "'"-t>U~!I f4 "'1o\ \ lit tl4't hy U • ct11i•c.1u.t1 I ... ~U·) U1t'!t ., j. .,15Jlf/ I ff, ... t tlt'fTlt'f1! "'"' I hid A11H ttu• 2 IDRll FIXER 151,000 Seeing is Delievcng l n1s 1.11 OP*'" y was re d uced IJVt'r $20 000 Clut> 10 101,.r.1nsure Grea1 lor the l11s1 111>1e nome Duye r on <... •, 1, \. h•rli-u• u~.ir~rJ• f 1J• •• m1. °'" J hrn1tt'U budget or great 0< I .._•o 1«iU.! fo r l~\ti investor This f200071 could tie a b•ea~ e ven or f-1.ibl1'.fu 1j l)t,il'IJ• ( fJ.~'' Od I) I ''•• tr.auu..,.mg ,,t'",~On •\ dLm9 P.tc,,t Oit /'._ 41~ ~, • ., ., t. tf+B4' pu~11 1ve casn l o w 1st c '"'' • ,. l 1u~1 Deed of $42 500 ,,, • M ;I;; r•HA5E fljf,ltl(ff~ING M\l, ·Sl Low 1111e1es1 & monlhly .'~4 ' t < ·"' rnm Lit!+'• (1 r, "" CA PUBLIC HOTIC[ IJ il y m e n 1 s C a I I ·~b lU 545.2313 v ,,..i.,u.,uuJ,1 K..11,~.Ht.>~ c>b4l1 ...... -.......... . '.turT1H t 1 ( •t·••~ I I 1 ,,,. ( A < *>'0 r' ,.., f ,., -. ,, •O• 11 h J f , l· 1t"\(Jl.1t 111 •• V o•., m tlht 1 ~1t1•d·U ,,,, rr '> ~r 1h nu r11 .... .,.. 11__..., wilt 1r1t (;r'"''''' r1 ... ,1i. vf ), •"H'' (I 1,1.1, ,,, 14( I l•I '•6f- f19N72 0 .it 1 ,, ••(1 o, '''•J•• C,u '"' Oa 1., l' It t • 2" ti "' 'i 1 / 1qe, 464~ 8 • 110 ,di lt1 II I .. Ill IH 1.1rll'' 'c. cl 1ltol .11111 • 1111111\lo(• 111 •I• tlil"J oof l •l.tcll fl ( 'IH\i)o:h • ,u.t p• 1 011"" \.\ho 1u.i\ tu PIJellC NOTICE 0011111\\1 • 1111! ,,.,,,cl 111 lltc FICTITIOUS BUSINESS \\Ill .111d "' ••I.ti• G NAME STATEMENT \ f• tlll"ll It 1 I,. c II l1lc ti .._.-..:!.!.. ! ... ~ .... '~'-'~ ~ ~~ft~ 'llll~ :\l.t11a.:U tl!.LJ_. ;11;~ PA( I t < Pf 5uPPR£<;S•Oll I t ~·· ~ .... , ,,.., l'fl ll11 '-'up • I a..r l ·ou1 l oJ •, w b ~ , t' ;;,.,. c.0 ,1d. MP' 1 t.A 1 < Jr "" • l 1111111 \ I • qllt '11111: 1,6:! t 1 11 \ cln \ !\l.11 l'Ut 111• L A s s I F I E D 6 4 z • 5 6 7 8 L.CJ '' "'' on ... ~ 2·~6'" L.or•1 l • t. t,. 1 f' pu 1 n t t d ,f' 8 ,.t't l •q1 ·• N1f')1iPI CA Q;?(.".. J•• 1,110,,1 1, p rt" n l.1\t\t t•• ft'jJ,;~r,p•,.,,~C'" lluc.h'"1Jt, '' .utruartl,t•t tfH ,,,I.t it uf e •H,1111doa1 I L Jon~· (:I.ult• H ( 'l11ugh I umh t th 1· l'>•S 1.11~""'"'1 ..... u '"••O "''"' thl' I " ti . p t II cl t 11 1 t\ d fll 1111 , t..oont.,. Cl~rlo 01 n, .. ,,g,. Cnunty nr' 1r11t11H' u l .. ,#,1.111·' \·I> 'l*h•·I Oct 20 1982 F20006t I>< lilillll 1, ,t I 1111 llC'.lf 111~ ill Put>••S••l'C o ... ,,Q~ Co.l~I Oa1ty I l1•p l N11 ,{ .ii i'lllJ C l\ l•I p,1r,1 Oct n 29 NC>• 5 ·~ 1982 ('11111 I lli 1\'1' \\,.,, 111 111 .. ___________ 4_6_1_o_e_2 l' I I\ "I s .• II I .c ,, "·'' PUBLIC NOTICE FtCTlllOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Tt1•· to11ow1ng pttrson is ctoing tJu$1ness dS DIV E RSIFIED DENT A L DES GNS 138 lo"'" II Lo1m1tv Oranqe C.dlotorn1a 92668 Harolo Nl!meu 210. Ne111t ~1oge.,,ooo Santa Ana Cal1to""" Tn1s bv$tn6 $S s ondu<.lt>d bv '"' 1n<'n,;1du•I Ha rold Nemell Thi~ -.hJlem t!nt vwas Mt+d w lh the Covnly Cle•• 01 Orangl! Counlv on Ot1 13 l'l82 F19t571 PuOl•SH•O Orangl! t.oAsl Daily P.101 Oct IS 22 19 Nov s 1982 ·~36·82 PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT ffH: IOUOYllflMQ (lf"',~l,)r'I ... c:Jn•nQ ou~.nes~ ..l~ BA LBO A l AN O MA Ml\S PRESS 1542 V1v1.1n ln N<'""P0" Beach C.A 92660 Ruin f H~nds l'J42 V1v•an l" N<-wpo1 t 8!'1lCh CA 'l2660 l h1\ bu"'"'S~ •S CQ/lduCled uv a11 tr1d••IOuol Ruin E f1yrldt Tr11s s1a1emen1 wM lile<I wllh 1ne Co1mly Clerk ol 011ng~ Counlv on Ocl 20 1982 F200073 Publ1sned Orange Coasl Daily P1101 Ocl 22 29 Nov !r 12 t!l8'1 •606·82 PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS a U81NESS NAME STAlEMIENT Th,. 10110 ... ing pe1,on1 .,,. dn•no bus•neu A~ A O VAN C E O SOL A R APPLICA TIONS 7131 Sl111er Hunhngton Bl!&Gll CA 92S47 R O BER T E ~Ell V 7131 Slaler Hvn11ng1on 81rnch C A 928•1 JAMES 8 S WICK 100 Vttl l110Sl4! NrNPOrl BeKn CA 92663 Tn1a l>usmess •• conducted by a gene1 Al p11<1nersh1p J•mH 8 Swick "'"°' Put>h,lll!d O ra nge Cou l 0111v P1IOI 0'1 I 8 . t$ 22 198~ 009·82 PUBLIC NOTICE FICTtTIOUt 8VllNIH NAMI ITATIMINT The tollow1ng 0•••011 19 doing butlneH 11 I ... 111111·111.1 ,,,, NH\(•1t1h .. 1 I i l'IH.' ,1t 'I .Ill ,, Ill I~· \'( ll I >IU ~.( ''(' •• I I h• J.:1.1111111~! 111 Ilic f'<'lillllll \till ,ft,.uld 11lh1·1 .tp11t·.11 ,11 lho· h1 ,11 111g .i n d '>\.ti t \llU f ""J•·c 11111" ur l 1lc \\1 11!1•11 u lt Jc t t1'1l1' \\ llh lht• •CIUI I IJ, l 11rc th• ht .11111g Y our •fll" ·"·""' 111,C\ 111 111 ., .. , ... If\ "' Ir\ ,.,.,. .itl<>llt,., I I-\' <> L" A H I'" A <:11 rPrrou '" .t , 11n1111..:1 111 C 11 tltllfl 111 l ltt d t'\C'ol'4.'d \OU lllU't Ille \"oolll 1 l,11111 \\llh lh1· ,our I 111 111 1 '"11 tf lo tlH· f11 f'lfll,tl I t Jll '''t'fll it ll\t:' ·•1'1'"111111t It\ 1111 '""" "11h111 l11ur 111011\h' tr11m 1111 d.111 ool 111,t l''U.1111 1 o f I• It•,,·"""" 11tc·cl 111 "~1 111n 71111 11t lltt 11111l1.1lt• <Ollt• oil <'.clllc11111.1 T h <· l ir111• !cu ri1111..: 1 l.11111, "111 11111 c \1111 1·1 fll 1•11 lu ln111 11111111 '1' 11 11111 1111• d.11c 111 lhc· lll'.111111( ''•Hll t•d .1h11\1· ' \'ol' r.I A\' EX;\MINr: t 111 1111 • kq>I II\ lht· 1 11\irt trl \'llll ,111• 11\lt'l t''ll'cl Iii 1ht•1 ,.,.I.ch '. ~·nu 11111\' flit· 11 fl'l!IJ••,..1 \\llh 11)1• t 1111r1 It• r1•c('l\'t'I 'jt t ' I I ,1 I 11 11 t 11· I' t! f t h l' 111\'•'111111 \' "' 1·~l.1(l• ,111tl r>f llt1 1wl1t111t"· ,11 nlUl\li; .end 11 IJ<ll I' d1 ·"'·n lw•d 111 Sc'( tum I .!1111 .; •lf 1h1• <:.iltf1crn1;1 Proh.1h• t"•'tlt Nonr) M Kn l~ht , Esq , I S 3 II !I; o r t h { e n t u r )'' Houlr,ard. San t a Ana . Callfornl& 92703. t 71 4 1 SH ·2Ui0 l'u hlt-.lw cl Or11n~1· l'crn-.1 n.111, 1'11111 <x 1 i :.. '.!:l :!9~ 1 t111~ lliU5 tt· PU8LIC NOTICE '1CTITIOUI IUllNHI NAMI ITATIEMI NT Tnt following P•"o" " 001n11 l>u11nHI II PROGRESSIVE INI( PRIN11NG 10642 Wt1tm111tt•• Ava •29 Garden OrOYt . CA 918•3 JamH Donald l 1nglord 10642 w 111m1natt 1 Ava 29 G1raen Orov• CA 11:1843 Tn11 t>utlntu 11 conduc1ea by on 1n(jhllOut1I cars'bikes· ·skateboards· trucks•baby c arriages· tea c arts•trikes rol lerskates • w alker s·toys ·wagons···· scooters· hot rods· coupes· trailers•hard t ops· convert· ibles·motor homes•iawn mowers· limos ·corporate headquarters •garden cart s M odel A 's .... •typingtables wheelbarrows• r ecreational vehicles·golf carts•model trains"bikes •pianos•cars r efrigerators ·skates······ If it 's got wheels, you'll move it f aster in a Daily Pilot classified ad.Call 642-5678 and a friendly ad- viser w ill help you turn your wheels into c ash . P ROF E SS IO NA L H A I R DESIGN a v HAIR SURGEONS. 2209 &o Br11101, Sant• An1. C A 192704 .Jim Langford fhla t1•19ment wee 11190 wnll ,,,, Jlllll-••••••••-C I Nick A C Plltynama. lllS'1 'l,1n11 W1y, fut1ln, CA 92880 Tlllt OutlnaH It conductltCI by en 1nd1V1du11 ~IC-A c P111yn1m1 fhtl llllllT\enl ..... 11'-d wltl\ '"• County Ciao. 01 Ot•rio• Coun1y on Oct • 1118' .,, ... , P11b"""<1 0••110• cou1 oa uy PllOt Oct 15 " :.>t NOV & ltU ·~·H County C•11• 01 Or•no• County on OGI 27 1082 ,1M41D Puo111na o O"ng• CoH 1 0 •1ly I P1IOI Ocl '2 29. NOY $, 12 1982 •MS 82 C11t 842 • H71. Pul •few worda lo work lor ou. For CltMllled Ad ACTION Ct ll • o.ily PMot A0-1/tlOA 142·&878 H111111 /11 $1/1 ••··········•·••·•·•·· H111111 /11 S1/1 C11t111/ IOOZ C1a111/ IOOZ ·············~'!.!·•··· ··-·········~ ......... . ll1·1111 11lt'l•'ll :i l1tl1 n1. :t l>1clh • llll)(t' l t"'I' rm 111·11111 1•111111(~. lurr11~t11'tl, 1>11ll•111 $'1:W.OUO llllDl ISLE llYFROMT L.tl(!Htll llll'W 1111111 fl bdrm, 5 h,1th, p lu y tUClll), du1k 1111 cit 11 U<J.Jl ~lip N riw $1,1100,0l)(J llYSIDl PUCE S I"' t.u ulm li;,yfninl dpl>., :.i br. 2 lJll uµ 2 b1 , :l li.c cl11 'l lll>Jt 'flilll.,. Ht-<lUlc'<l $1.500.000 FAIRIHIS RHDM Ne " I tu t b .. , l'U!>llJm 1-'rt•mch Nurn1<indy i-:..,t.1lt I :. 1>111111' 01l rt• hillto p $1,4!~111 Ullll AVALON r. I \llllf>lt .! l,1 c 11\t,ll(l <HI 4u1,.l !.>.•\( .1n'>l1 ~I 1111 l'l.cl'I l<c tlu11il t11 !JO(J,111>11 COROHDO DAYS CoronJdu bland tu..'l bu y fronl lot 85' boat dO(·k Pl&ns av:.111 Now $370,000 w l t<:rms BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR 341 Boy,cde Dr•ve NB 67~ 6161 Daily Pilot classifieds work for you.Call 642-5678 for quick cash sa les. For Ad Action Call a Daily Pilot AD-VISOR 642-5678 .. coMIHRCl&l PROPERTY* 25 Yr. Financinc :! B1 h ou-,1 & .,tud111 7<>n< d 10 1 ,11 t 'tud111 ~ii t -,hoµ-,, c111114U(•!., ~ l1 ' <>" r11 r '"II c<• ri ' f111 ,1nung 1111 2:1 ".1r!> Uni\ $1 :1:1 11110 l" .i 11 i :;~ I 50 I '"' ; .• ~ ;:r~:i *$1,279 PER MONTH * TURTLEROCl * I ' •• I I \' fJ u µ .. " "' h I 11 ~ ,, u 1 :1k1·ov1·1 !'Xl'-l1ng ht T I> ~p•1n11u-. ~ Hr 1·>.:l'cLlll\'1• dt·l<ll'ht·d h!Jlllt · Fe 'll lU I 111~ f, 11111.d d 111111g (1 11 )\' 1'111 •111 .111d l111·plc1l l' : :.! l II ti 1111 r t E I" :d I 1. 1111 <11 ; ;,:! . -;-;r;·:i NEWPORT IUCH OFFICE 2870 San Mic11el lriwa (71C) 751-1101 (71') 752-7373 HLIOA PHINSUU $1, 190,000 B.1v fr11nl. rww 1111 tht• m :irkl't' lh·rl' 1-. ilw 4 BH h•111w w1 th p1L·r & :.IIµ p1•1 fl•l.1 fur ycoLlt t .111111~ Assuml' grt•;ct lu.m 1 Ill"., C.111 fo r a p pt t11 St•(• th1~ l'MIU:-1\'l' li~ting IN NEWPORT CENTER 644-90.60 1.••• . ,, .. T4Vt V) 1:\· ~·· :. \... ..... , • t/))\" ~ ll 11 If I' C• ... IHI .. ' . . •. .. . .. ... .,, ' ;...,. . . . !?::~ .. _ •f\(t\ . ' . ) 0 E S E T My IHIH 11 on~ o t l'lOSA ouv• \lltl\O 1run-l liog H• • Irv 1ng II• grow • ••O••v<I l•H 111 ..--H__,,O_W_O_I -:S~-,1 "'~ ... bo• I' I I I' I o ,_._ .. r•· , .... -•• •-d '---·"--'·"--'·"--'·'---'·-~· -.::.:·~1.; ~. ";1 ;:!' 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I,,,,, '""'''"''" App10111~I plllll!'l/jM'l llflh 1111 111111• ( h l'llll BIG CANYON OPEN HOUSE •h•ll H•ally 01!> ~000 Avull N1tv I ow11.11180,.r11 IJ,.HIUll f'ollu hp1. DtW \11l(/(j •TIU I \4t "'"•11J1 f Or our Hew • •outot \ \J W .1lk f(I u ... 11" (I wt. (I ·•"I" 0 M ( ''" h44 liOHll '""""' ''"""O A.,111 1111 ""' A111 67 i \001 W9Mly lnture (11hl4• • • ""''"''"If t~•· '"''• \ll'><J loll SNOW-$1Cll,111)0 $4GS,OQO lluu•" I Jtw1111uu•••I •ll IOlltJ•ir•.tJ Cl"""''""'""'·lh lllu "" ,•tt4/J4t.oU• l 11 I $ff1•11111u AU Nllh t ... , U411' IJUIU)• tlUf 1,.1 u~uttu•• '"'"•lltt ASSUMABLI: 1-'INANt'INt; Ill l ,uj.(llllol OWi ''' 10 'iutor111to11 •Ml~'>ION VII JCJ • y•tol llujJOJI• \<ltl'1·n111 11111""1 '••II"""' Ito CASE {I I' 4 I "' "'" A 111 \f ,., •t'o() 'l411 l,f.ljU '"'''"'•" ''""' U Mu~I • .,., E S NtHtll'I Nm tltv tl'\\ I .111 .1111111 :1 l>1~I :1 11.1 1141 01,10 • ''' ·•l•I•"~ "''" $fiJ'"""' very 11u101y 111 Ill• L ' I / I 11 be V•rle Sal S ,. t t I I ~ 11 u N 1 1 •• <• 1 (I,, .' 111 • h.1 ( 1111011 1 '" u 11 1•, 11J ,,v8a1w•11n~ Dal!): PllOt Ctustl..O• ,. tri•p IU'I \\ l'Oll\' t ,,1111111 1111 1n111.11 lllelJ I w .. , "''' 11 '""~ Nw1••t ""1" ,., • 1••J•1 •J~· " -l"m11l11t1111 H1 ~lun~I 111 $1ti!l,Mlll S&U I Y OW•ER 11rA<..11• iroo \/'.lo \fl •,11 ,1111, , .,1,'j, ' "'' " YETI 12~~11 Beautllul 3 Bdrm :l Oeth B rookview Ct>ndo 1n 1upe1 lociat1on Minutes 10 mate>• ahopµ111g '"'o p11k1 rn11 n1gn1v uPQr11 d•O Ullil •• rt11e (flll.IY poot, •P• and 1on111S Only I 131.g()() -call 11ow1 641 171 * lllU YEHi On lhe golf ciours.i Custom beau11tul 3 Bd•m homo. m1111y, many ex· lrll $279.500 wtth 10•1, Oown owner will carry nt 121 •''• ftll81eSI INV l-'.S'l'OllS 1-'IHS'I' TIMI-: uun:1<s l..1~ur1a 11111!\ (;tl•.11 V11·w, JMK•I .,p,1. h'fllll!\ 11vail11hh 011lv $!1!1,UOll RIOI MALLA •11111• 'ol .. ''"'""'•Ill 1·111 1h• '<ll h.1111 hrn111• RH WILLl&llS H&LTY U1-IUO HHli111tea I Huali111ton I ... ~!~!~ ......... !.~~~ .. ~!~!~ ......... !.~~~ •:-.1d1• V,11 ti (""'-p.111u, .I ,·,11 ~.11.1~1· •:\,,11111.11111· s:.i:1:1K t.1p11111,I .11 11111\ 1:•"11 •l )\\Ill I " 11 •.i\ Ill/.: lut ~.UI ClfM Call Ow11er /lt1hr $107,500 at 213/00-2110 POOL a FAMILY ROOM I -·---------"~~~ SH,000 ill bisti11c LOllll 3 ldtOOlll I 'h hthl 1 ltviu 1044 UHHT •PT HOME ···•1•E·S·T··L··0•0·,·T·l·O· ... ••• 4 Bu1m • b111h. ancmo l••oh I McF1d4111 ll111l1V11lvll 1111 .. 111~1 111 11.11 IJf 1., l'.i U1tll• 11111lllllg111 e YOFHiAllNIJA • \f~~ 1,. 111 1 011 Wu11<1t.i11oue f tt~tlhOU\H SO f:ttOU th11H111g1<J11 Uo111.h <..A l.1111 / 141\160 :14 1 I loo !rtlt)llllMllOfl £011 ,,, $1/1 2200 ••.•.............••••• , ... !~~~~1!e ~0~J•o1.1· I tlOn with lllurty 11 eoa I 2!>3 Fh.1wor ::it 1i1stu11t..ol c,ustom h1>rl••• •IO•I dr1CJ1 $'1!> 000 Submit ull or IOI) J-1~.,.,, lell htalt · ' Autctatu -11141 ~4Hm /llount1in, D*"'''' R•101t 2400 ..........•••......... •!'I Ir. OK * 'tu I t11• tutwt,1-.rwtJ 1n I ~11tHJ \700 Af.J""' 'oltlU if1I)() 11111 1)1 M' liy •,4 I •,o JI Jh'•I '.1ut1t,1 At~r-1 Avo tltrtro 1 .. 111 ll'i I u?;.>I> I 111 I 11111!1; 211\1 111_01 Ill VILLAGE INVESTMENTS (114)545-2001 AvENT, NO I EE * $350 NOii( * ,.lt'U').lf\I tJrt•,t fHC..t, ' I OUtll't lulfy f,01 IU'fl•tl l(tlffl '.j\•JV•' '1tJft• .Jll Ut,lt. pct ~ .. 1 l111u 111 <, r Iii I' •, 19 1, l'JO C.O:,,. )14111 tt•ll1.•I llolhtlt~ *SU& 2 Ill NOME• Ou11uc1 .u 11,. rnodw n ~tt lf1~t1 l-1di, ...... t(.ont(! JHVI u" • ,, u" n E 5 r n L f 'f ~:J!I b 1!111 <.,()•,I P111i uul1/Unf11r11 I Ollltly 1111nt>011lad llorn;• * 3 IR FUT $800 * 111 a tuma:;m. pun111"111ri lll>I 1111111 ~1(1) w/Ok hu•1v IOC•ll1011 ~ I\) f1<l111t'I fH '>I rll f ( 'i:J9 b l't0 JU 1l • b I lo. Io UH y t ()',I S 12751 yrly f 11'.h".h' (,c1111JCJ ] l:lr I VerHilles/l .oh. 11,1 1r"1 <-u ll, u u 11 •,1lr•,uU1WIJOO ,-_,00/NiO A111111I '•41 "t(l I~ Wuutlt111Cl(l11 llrtJll• LJH• i111v11t•~ 'tHI unly CJ••IOcl tHtuuuru1y ? mstr l)Ut ft• 11utnt-u,,ul~h~ Murty t ""I'") rtO 'Jul'\ \8.,0 mo t.o44 801.ol 01 b40 l~AT .1llttt 6 6 wl<11<1:, •EW IRYIME lUIUftY COMOOMl•IUMS llJl'l 16A & 2an ,., BA \700 to SB~O Ot,,.hw1•M,f'1•. r11H1Jldtt1'• I 6 l $f4 '>1tttu Ii••• omn,. r ... o 1., II'' In IJ ) 1 1 l fl f1 loJ I lf 11 111111 vu ltm• J u<l l ti• ltrJ pel• $ 111'>0 l'J' 4 ,,,,. ' l.111r1000 IJ4• 1•0·. l Br I IJu Wu~1~1111 $I t(ll1 Ill l!llt l\ojltV f IOOu11< It c.·11 1,()t> Agl Ottt(U 1 Vl.tW c.onOtJ "'I v .. 11· i Ur c1t111 I rJlltl.e ;.•, Ou trplc wftll.olll 1111 r«c. lut $1,IJO t;/jJ.111 Su Cl1•t1J11 3276 ••..•.•.•............. I' Otlt m C:CJnOU 2 11.J Ir IJ(. 1!011 "'11>1u ')'" lit11tt1 'lvtl Vw '>IUIJI J(J ~Ollth $1',0lmu 41)? 16 1q 3280 •••••...•......•••.... l fl• ~ Ba cnnver11e111 $700 t SI 1851 plul $'200 re 11111111bla tln<j 83 t :.?OOO UECUTIVl NOME NEAR ~OUIH C.0A51 PLAZA 4 OOrm don i R•r lloC•r4le, Ritt. 141-7721 4 h• ·' bil 9•9C nom., Cut do sac bac._s to 9ret!nOtJll 2 d001!. trom c.omm 11001 lmmoc Loe 101 A~sum 8 75~. loan Open Sat 1-5 19 I 1m lkl•illl9 553. 1322 MUST S£( OPEN SAT I SUN 1 4 2227 Wtnd w111d Ltrnu 111 Dove• Shores FOR RENT! 2 bedroom. 2 barns 4 '2 stot1 .. s '" Twin PetJk s '" l<lktt A«ownu.io er11a ttu ou1ll-1ns 4 hreplace F11s1 1c1st & oepos11 '" qu11eo Cdll f7 14 1 768 0286 Or 171 4 1 667 ·0857 we111>.nay eve- rnngs .iller 6 p n1 11 110 a11swe1 please keep 1ry111gl I Ultll~htl<I untl 111 IJUollll $1l'>0 •1110 ,48 356 I 9a1e commumty wlm1my 1~,.,.1 ,,, ltt.ise ni.wly ,.. lloubh· 011e11~ I C f•I~ &. Orar;e~ 1 fl \ ~{' NIOvt 10 Buy ba tamoly trJr,m vowo.,r C.orJt1 11ubhc tra11~ wal~ •uoni Por,1 l•H. a11 IEWI -HUT! IALllA ISUll SUI I SURF REAL ESTATE 963-2322 large 01•plex 111 100 b lock 10 Sou1n Bay Front Sp11c1011s • 5 3 bOtms unlls solo tulty 'CoroH 4•1111'1 IOZ2,Co1t1 /1111• 1024 ~~~~::,~.,,~:r8~~~~a~ ... iitviiitiiiiilact·· "i·i;;;:·v:1:·Loiii .. record An except1011al QUITCUll DEED A•~umal>le 011 1h1s 4 f !I.'!'!~.,! ... '.~ ••• !.~f L uwu1 fhr ee Arch Bay Pnv A1ea Great View Nuw l1nanc111g 4 bdom Pvt Pty 499-3 144 MULLAN nEAL TV 540 2960 ask tor Lo11 LEASE Of'TIONILOW DOWN/VA On this sun11y Back Bay 3Br w1gl9 len· c,.,o yu tam rm new cpts lrplc IS. SIUUIO Qa· 1agtt w/ulec111c skylote Only S 156,000 TIEAAA DEL SOL REAL TV &PPU VALLEY MM. atnernhtts $62!Jtn10 rruuh•h•cJ hOmt! w•lh :.10 Li do lsle/U11fur11. ,.,9,. 6 '"'!!'-hmcttO 101 F .. t1lt15ht 1oco11on. ?81 I C..v""''"" •di """"II d01 lrplt ""w kolthttrt ltum1tl I O N <' w I> 11 r I BI v 11 0111111g 011011t nn11 1111v 1 es 1 '1889 642 1334 SI 1001mo WAfEAF RONI HOMF!> NeoJI ..>U1 I Ba rear 1lpl4 631 1400 q;u.1gt! yd no t\ome Ou I Sii lt!SSf'S r.,f!, r11q $52S B1/bo1 /1/1nd 3206 "' •1 .. s 3 7 5 o e p 11,u<.,1o;1nOsnop~ I Sl200 mo •rte poof 7 t•IH t-5HI m"'"1 641 8~84 Condo111inia1H -------· Vnlarni,.1d 3425 rowntoome 3 bd 3 ba A•Jtl N1111 1 $9001mo v<iol11"< ;> c.o.1r ga• 650 404'6 .•...•••••••••........ NEWPORT BEAC.H 201 2Bil tres11 pa1n1 avail 1mmed $750 mo Ag1 Jd ck1e Ha11dtema11 631-t266 . • ... •. • • • • • • •••. • •. •• 1 'J 79 3227 1 urtlw ot~k C.tlndo 2 Br ? Lrg 3 Br 'l Ba upper 01 Bu :.> car gJruge swim Aeoucell $ 10.000. no llPI• wtlrpc yrly IODS'l Av,111 Nl)v 1 2 Br 1 Ba mmg pout ~Pd 1en111s ii I t F · II d quahlyong 3 Br ?ba, 3 yrs S12501mn Avail 1111 tgt! hmctJO ot!Jt y1110 No r.ouns Utlfurn S900 .lf!.~.'!!'!.! •. ~!!'.1! .. ~. properly at a rea11s11c R d $ oorm nonle w1111 refu1 price. large assumable e UOl4 fO 19,100 IH>heO krtc.f1efl ,tllO low loa111 $397 .000 Pe1101110 lo•eclosure It>• 111,11ni.,na•lll! yard Own CALL 673-6900 ces dras11c ac11011 As Ill ,,,.11 dssrst wim tonan f!l.~~~-~il.".~~ •• !.~~~ VILLE DE CElllJE 497 17 44 - \\\II HI 1111" 1111\ll ' Int RE Al E'llAr[ some 1s1 w1ou1 qudl o..ing 100, See ,, 500111 Corner 101 2 b1 + 0011 Re<Jucell to s, 27 500 pool. spa 770-!>968 c.all 979 !>370 BEAUTIFUL OLD WORLD TOWNHOMES IEWPOllT COTIAIE old La11dsc11peo ', acre, l o , 4 v a n c " f1 t 1 , pe1s Water & Qd•<Jener I f'11ro1 $1100 !>SJ 0662 Bilbo• /ii.ad 3106 18 mos l111a11c1f!O p1ov1 673-4062 110 $450 64G-36V ............ •••••• •••• deO at $500 pe1 mo at ~ too• m ena Ufl•I 011 2 Br 1 Ba pa110 11ew 973-e900 LHSE OITIHll .\"l>ll/ tlJ:tt By Howaro Mart. Co lrom S 159 000 49S-3244 760·9355 BLOCKS TO BEACH• S 165 000 CALL NOW. 12•1. 1111 w1lh $11000 011 l1lbo1 Av,ul now 3 lJI 1 1 •• 1 riu•P1>b"11 ' mile IO I oecor W1111er 10 Ju11e Aslo.ing $58 500 tor quick Ptoiaiull 3207 Dul g.irage 19" tncd yo U (. 1 SS25 mo Agt S600 1nc1os u111s Nr sate 1·247 •288 ...................... S695 64<i J 672 846 28''0 I Sou1to Bay 673 J458 RfAlf'r & 1 .. VE'\l'-tE,_.TS Great tam11y home w nuge le11ceo yd oat. IUISlllE IOM£ French O•> Oulche1 FORMER MODEL 11111. N I I II IH9 '> to 2'> acre res1de1111a1 Pen111 Pt 5 BA 3' ba I ovt' or d farm 3 81 w1 Bro11<1 nPw cnuoo 2 "' 2 SluOoo apt Bdlboa 1s1a110 141-H03 .. t.'!t'!! •.• !~f......... lots w•lh views 6 u1o1111es OR hg pa110 St200 mu ~·"·~tnnuse 4 pool bu lrptc p ool a1c Bay1ron1 S300 mo PLIS AP&RTME•T block cou111ers Jenflll1r Mes .. Veroe bud s1ree1s 3 8 k1tcner1"$300000 J Borm tanHl'r' rm & .LUFFS .'" "Al• only 24 miles nonnedst to mo Agl 673·9060 !"I001n1r, 'J66·0130 A c. r o s s t r um UC t 67 J 609'1 • of Palm Sp1111g~ I e1ms 0Leanlron1 2 Br 1 Au ;> B• 1 6d Higa• 6 /IO $800/mo Kyle 553-1322 You own the land 2.900 to 111 your budget Ciill lrpl~ S8001mo 111clo~ I rw1h?t.1 tor cm ~ml chil<J L B b 3248 Mode"' Spanish JBr 'lba sq II. JBr tam rm. 2'1 7141365-239:> Bk• u111s 673 1309 OK No Vt'•~ S52!> Cali .!l.~'!~ ... t.'.C.......... ctose to bay May ren1 Bu wide G1~nee1t. near O !.40 .1752 HAABOn OCEAN FRONT ut1furt1 aiiltl 1111 Jlrne or drm with sunt1y !<ol· TIERRA Del SOI All Y mor,. Close IO sc11001s che11 & courtyaro Spa-497•1744 1 o Cloos 1 Bdrm ep1 10•1. '•---------1 s 1opp1ng e1c w11cr pool Far below marke1 l,.;;;';O<M;;cfl;';°';'°";;;;-;j;'CM;;;;;;.j Out of County ceal1 frotir vrly 4 IJOron Nu 3200 lu• hm on blutf yrly 673·057 1 $23 .. 000 w 11 1 p 2550 2 car garage ano no1 tub l \ldo• 2 81 111., 1 car gar 8 Iron "Bkr 54~.0 ~;:e op-, •••• ~~!!!?............ 675·7650 stove 15!15 no pets 1 ~u~I d~ln~" ~~:iar31.10o~ B1lb01 loans avallahla with 1• assosteo r111a11c111g See 11 $150,000down Reahsttc Cost• 11*11 1024 now' St7!1500 Call at S449,SOO •• •••••••••••••••••••• 979-5370 lJftttil ()l I l 1f 1~I S Aeallor1. 675-6000 "'RE Oppo"Tu.IT WlTE"FRO.T GREEN VALLEY LAKE PPnin Pt Hugi· S bO ~lllld Oi', CJll 646 9301 H'Cuttly 'IJuna spa P~oi111u/• 3101 "0 " IOW• REDUCED' vac11111 sole tor commer N I I • 0 548 1 tb8 ~ob $ l'JOO mo 496 7009 W1111e1 Re111a1 2Br pool 1 Y! MOUNT AIN HOME I 0 A F A •r1t 'ro11m re.of I r 0 m ro I M ar I J 0 I •••••••••••••••••••••• S • 1 F eK o naltonat rorest deck Y1ly S 1;.>00 ml) ttouse 10 Den $550 Pia> a SU,500! Low Prmts! ·EAVIEW -etega111 a t.talOr 1e1a1 building ee skung bOatiog eic 3Br 675.6915 Oe1u,;.• :> '" 2 oa "' New· 4 si;acious Git• I Ch.irm1119 Hampton lan<J w11ttal\e60 t1b0al. lotchen 4 >.lt10ryrm hv ElSTSIDE bf'"'" ••l'W s12001mo AE673·1900 Oen Villas w 11001 10 ceo IN MESA 4 b<J 2000 sq 11 Moue1 fa1>u1ou!> voews 01 two sm .. uer noats rm. rec rm 2 tr ptcs I Cotoal di/ /lllit 3222 3 t,<111n 1 Ila p111s tam11y C..111 494 !1841 t1•s wk11ds BAY fAOrH AGE tJeacn ~~~d:;e~i~c:s3 ~!.~~1 i,53)"9';;0'~~~5 ~~~. 1 ~ir~~r w~~':ii ~·;;;~.: ~~~ ~:" ~~.11~ ~~t~~~~ ~:~~!o ci~~~1~~~~;:,'~ ,;·9;·;·;5~ .. F·A··;;A··4 ~~ •• L .. ~,~~e a~~~~~n s?~~ l~;:•~Y 3s~·5;0, ~a0 stc~~' ~~~~;~0 2~~.~s8~, ~~r lrom $84 500 Below '"Y 545. 7447 owt1r ta1.1hf1es $450.000 O!Mln I waiet E111r a part11t1g prO!Mjlly 0, 2 lam nome view Comm POOi ten mn 1!.1 la~! <Jep No 494 5841 evs'wllnOs 3 o 3 E. E o g e"' 8 1,., House Sa t1Sut1 t 2· !> available S6SO.OOO Call t-867-3534 nos S 1200 mo Ow t1r Pt'I~ 01no1e by 212 ltlllan 1!871·2866 market 1n1 rate llllows Huntington 19 o 3 ya ch 1 c 01 , n a tor de1a11s 7!>9·8006 t.42·6368 C1ea11 2 br house 1n v11 'so7r9plm, I S as low as ,..... lo~o 64 0 7 1•2 1200 ........ , F I OCEANFRONT OELU.XE. COSTA MESA ., ( E ,. • ., 4' 1 1 • • " • .a .... / •t•I, 2100 Brand spanking new cve· 12A1 11r.use w/garagc pa lage Frplc beam teil. (EAITSll") Quat1!y1ng~ 0Pool 1:n~1~ ............ • ••••••••• ($TAT£ NO .. ( G1ov•1 rywheM.! 3 bdrm 2' ba 110 No veis S475 mo yard I!. gar Kiosi pels ok ;;i~~al~ue~15~~~88'"181 2 " & SljCUrtly gated privacy o• THE S&•D • •••••••••••••••••••••• Garage pa110 $I 000 67!>·0153 $800 494·2576 tntrlgul11g 1rHevel. tnree r KE 0 IS111lt foflclosure B:ick Bay area. 3 Br 2'' FIXER-FARM mo 607 111s 64 1-4868 4 Br 2 011 2000 sq It Too I •ice 2 Ir hse/ 1•t. :~~o:n:~~~~.7:.~~= r~IS OANCvEA7~AAG~IF~r 2 sto•y 2 oorm ,.~ b& Ba 2SOO SQ 11 Securny 9 plus acres Mur11eta 777·2233 673 4399 MEW CAPE COD c.! 111!> .vorld $1000/mo Furn S6501mo 573.'4743 wtln the lavish use 01 I TIME OPPORfUNI f'V boia1 ,, Conoo co-op ~~~~ &;~a~~,.cg~;;,u"~~t 1 mctos 2.000 sq fl I arm C ,. I .. C.M. TOWHOM£ I 661 1fi~J wooo at1d useo bric" CENTURY 21 Poot sauna we1gnt house. large barn gar oro111 •I .ar D<'torato• Pt'rlect spa-Coro111 dtl /1111 3722 Wltllradoo,lj,,a,,ce " Willr-lllRtalty re.om subPlHk •no consodl'l l•adeselc $15.000dow11S1646pe1 Nearlynew3t>Orm 3 ba Liou~?Bdrm 2 ,ba EMERAIOBA'V l Br 2,•••••••••••••••••••••• l•l-1010 L•Sleo at s l60 000 SS5 714-544·2484 Otllll lt1l llllt• 000 702·452-8777 Balcony Gardt>"8• wet area P•t •·auo balcony one• tJ.'l t•O wur• spa lu111 lownnoul.e tr pie 1185 . 000 Oct'afl ano Pie• view Arrnolage Really mo Total price S 175 1 2 loreplaces 2 car gar PCIOI ,ac recrealion Ba 1700 ~Q II lrplc I Otea11 ~1ew beaut•1ully 181·7'"00 ·---------•I 000 110 T C bar micro a"e Le••e "' S 1 6 0 0 m o pool 4 oat10 S 109• 'mo :====·==·===~( under market All M&• I MEWPORT ••··~··••••••••••••••• R I£ I w • u~ !'. tge garage Oeeo wall 2 1 3 8 7 6 • 2 , ">" 01 673 0896 HSTSll( cash o1 new 1111 Great IRUM MOISf 1110•1/1 H••H " I llt S 1350 per mo papeo llrape11~ 6 mo1e c ~ D OPP v lor someone who f S / 1100 LctllHl.t 21001 !>5t-4693 alter 6 PM u111 po Call 575.;>311 675 3ot.7 Bachelor ap1 tor 1 ao11 lllYIRSln PARI OLL MOUSE c.an acl ias1 Agent E•lra large isla11d 1111-• or •• !. t ••••••••• •••••••••••• 2 10 :10' 5 ? B :t B C Walk 10 Beath a11a • am1 oecorate<I 2 Bdrm 2 drooms wnn pte111y ol " ""' W t f t Nov 1 S650 ~27'' Iris D•a• Po1·ot 3226 wouosy pnvate ata-Oelacneo 3 br. 2·~ ba Completely remooe1eo 531-8100 Ask tor Jim Chon 4 luxu11ous be· 1 ..•. "WP•O•R•T··,·;·,•C•M•••• lh1ati1cte1 llerltour I>• 1 oa. g,11age Avdrl o pm ' 4 ii h,ucme• stort>S $300 mo i11c1 uttl home In lrvtf\9 011 greet1· balh home 0,, R·2 101 Rtghe•me• warorobll space M slr Bel Aore Homa ltgtlt I Ir r1a 730·99991675-8617 •••••••••••••••••••••• 11na v1t'w. lrplc. w10 1e· 673-6071 bell near comm 1en111s & I New eor:hione carpets l(lCM MA•SIO•' ste nas his-& her batns 1nter101s. 2 bdrm 1 bath, W1ll traoo t11rge oau11y 101 I d • N hog 110 dogs nr Wo<><ls C M 3124 pool $114,000 '" assu· useo bllCk tueplace 811 ' Owner will tonance below 110111 k1tcne11. e.pa110edl Orange Co Income pro· ~upi1e~ "' bcn 2 b<J(/ bo. t•ll •• ••H Cove 1s1 plus sec .!!!~ ... !!! •.••...••.. m11bte loans 8t1d you I new 1>.11che11 a11d botM lo11us rm + pool' mrkl i 111e• Mullan realty 11v d111111g erea Young perty Prin only Owne1 p'ePts $o8a5r0 s6~P0-7Y7'4.., 110 D11na Point Walking o1s S9001mo 499· 1617 Furn , b<Jrm opts S38! own 1he 111110 $135,000 ONL y $150,000! 540-:;>960 Adults & pels welcome w111 also lease w1op11ot1 I • lance 10 Beacn J ano 4 and uo Enc gMdges 144-.. 10 ~~~~chA~~~::ail~o 1,~~~; Su11worsh1ppers dellgh1' ASK FOR LORI S24 !>00 540.593; 213·592-490S Co1t1 /11111 3224 ~~,"~,~ :l~-~ t~ S 13!>0 f!l.~'!~.~/l.".~L.!.~~? 21 10 Nt'wpon Blvo CM 'fAYLOR CO ., c111g ao1a1lable Owrier will This 2 s1ory ea1ravagan. BEST DEAL IN 24 X 60 2 bdrm . 2 ba. iij. ltt1/ £1l•lt ••••••3•••••••••••••• .. House Condo A"I All OaC1cEhANBa~1;~,r:ce1>rSM1SoO-On-!>48·4968 also consider lease op 1a is ut11Quely OestgneO HARBOR RIDGE m11y room AOult Parle W•lllt' 2900 Ir. 2 la. "' ' " p CASA DE 0110 ~----~---::::3 t1011 Hurry. wont tast a•ouno hogh 4 b11gnt Beaut 3 BR home with Near Soutn Coasl Plaza •••••••••••••••••••••• Frplc range, yard ga I av 1.1 •I a ti I e "o w mo age111 496-5980 askmg $139 900 Call skyl1g111s & cus1om1zeo •ncreo view 5465M Owt1er 556-67l5 wameo Newport Ctest rage 110 pe1s P11vate S 6 5 0 -S 9 !> 0 M • V ALL UTILITIES PAID 540· 115 I ~la•ned gtass wonoow 760·9307 I I II 1 -1350 Conoo Have substan11a1 S7501mo 1s1 plus sec I 714 49J-0467 • .~'!!!!1 ••• ~tjf .... !.~~!I AIHllM •ILLS og bOnus room tor kids ,._ ___________ , .!!.' •••• !~t!!!J........ cast\ down paymt'nt Call o,9"91~. t661478 w 18th SI Huatin1ton 3 Br 2 Ba ram rm lrplc I sparkling blue pool & hOI 1• r 6 p l••li FtrlCIHllfl & bubbf) spa Gourmet I S RlW&RIS S Older Duple• Mar 451n st a ter pm ""' only I B IJ 3240 <ovmeCI petto "u W 0 5 yr olO s & s Home. k 1 NB 3 br 2 ba ups1a11s 646-5377 2 BA I Ba OuPle• pvt •••• ~~~............... •cl11g Wdlk 10 Schools coo 5 super cus omozed 10'1• DOWN 2 br 1 , ba downstairs • patio new pa1t11 $545 IS"J•fl 2 BR condo 1 sty G.i•Oene• "''' La•e pro-I !!~! ~i '~arp~n°'c:~:: 1____ ~~t~h,e.;'0! 58iJ1a',~',: 1!~~: ~':;';"a~ 3B•1/Ba + 3 ca~ 1 w 111 sell as 15 ror S700. lt.allll , mo 833-8162 all 011ns pool S550 mo volt>qei. 586 97•1 $850 $25,000 below market IEWPtRT l&Rli&I• med up by lwo llamong won 1 1!~ a:"!1g';3e,';; 000 or will build IO sutl 11/ .. 1 /f/111, 310614 Br 2 Ba Mesa def M<1r Coll 54o-1158 asi. IOr N t I Ji 3269 20"/o dn. 12 2% 1nteres1 &TRllllSI SIYLllillTS! f11eplaces Ma551ve pie· 000 Y · 1 lor S87S 000 & up (plans ••••••••••••••••••••.. ctea11 home qu1e1 s1ree1 I O.ivp • .'.":f f! ••• !!f ....... .. Agt Jim 531 ·8100 1£AllEI CEILllliS! luresque e111e•ta1ne1 s 4 approvals Oblait1eO) Ou1SlanOit1g No Baylrot1i S 8 O O m o O w n r CLOSF TO BEACH Brano DELUXE J BA 2 ba 2 grounds w11n 1w111 at· $!6 000 DOWN A 1 m 11 age Re at 1 y nome. 4 Bor 2 Ba wl 759·800G I "ew 2 Br beach 11ouse. sl y 10P 1ton1 yard 4 lllllT LllHT SUl,0001 -$101 Di.I cess $25K dt1. lal\e ove1 No qual11y111g tmmed 714 544-2484 trplc, pe110, FA . svatl oil llt•ls paid skylight ups1a11s patto Nea1 •• ' YIEW Mode111. Oelacneo hm S 125K foa11 pkg wllow, occupancy st1a11 ·East OupleA o11 the sand 30th 1"1 $3000/mo yr ly 2 Br f Ba patio. e11clsd ~urt tlecl\ lots ot wood bMch Isl 8 i<lst. sew-un1quely oes1g11ed by lo paymenls WHO lease L Vance 673·4062 ga .. 19e tenceo c:11pe1s 1 1 ,, roly s 1 100 pe1 mo ~HERITAGE REALTORS Compare Delore vou rent Cus1om de5•Qfl leaturf'S Pool Dl>Q cov re garage surroun ded with p•ush lanosc.i pong No pets 1 BA Furn $51~ 365 W WtlSOfl 6'42 197 ! Free bachelorette e•- change lo• bobys111111g ana worlo. S45·0034 As· 1am F1ntasllo pool home Tne Masters ol onooori COULD ASK FOR MORE ~~~~·s~~~.9;~aca°j1 Jg:,, ~~ ~! ~~~1~ '~~~e:' Cot1H ,,111,, 3122 & crapes No Pets S52S ,~~ ~:1ea~\0~ c:; !~1 631-5661 gorgeous tocat1011. u11· oulOoor e11vtro11me111 AT ONLY S150.000' Zarvos (Bkt) 760-9669 11psta11s 2 llr . 1 ba •••••••••••••••••••••• Plus secu11ty 548·54•2 llMlklrd drive by & tnen believable lln11nc;mg Call L1gh1 ano a1r1 1n1eroor C£•TURY 21 oowt1sla1ts Mon io•t. Baytron1 home Oecorator 01 770·5629 c.ili 536-7979 Huntin1ton J Br C> '101y lownnouse 2 l t1tll 3140 ba1hs pwder rm Very J ·••••••••••••••••••••• Tim AhOne. 631-1266 or wl skyltghfs 3 gar Oen 0 I " 5 h 0 I 3 B 2 B $73 .. 720-1263 atnums b••med ce•-WlLl·I• RE&Ln JASMllE CR"EI dowt1 WC balat1ce 111 u r ' e 8 c r a "mn No Sriollf''>S 2 Br 11 che<J ra " 13 9•,0 101 !>yrs Great fOf $2000/mo 01 otter Boal pe1 s 806 Joa11n SI a a ll119s 111119 Siled bdrm!> 141-1010 Ploro 4 3 bdrm. 2'• be summer renfals S735 shp .xtra Call Peter Pan 8U-1!!36 anr gar W •O t>oo~up family room w bar & 2600 sq 11 Sale or 1se 0 no 7141771·3909 SSOO 8 SSOO Oep Ouoet II f I $7 0 0 $ 00 Armitage Really Npt Hg1s a ea 3 Br 2 B "' Fwv 4 snopp1nq Smt ~~~ m~.06';'3~8~6°01 I JOU DESERVE ITI ___ Beautoful & perl\ like with lwes1c1111 area a11a1t 3 BA terraced pool 2 Ba Obi gar lplc $925. • •Spacious Apts ~~.~yo se:s: .. 100~~ .. ~~ , 00 D WN! ~~1~"s25~9 !~0m~o;~ 714·544•2484 -Du• 1oi111 3126 condo l~mlly rm ,;pl: pe1 POJS w Oep Mc Private Roof Sundeck s k l 2 op1tot1 Xlm 1111 111•1·11111 •••••••••••••••••••••• I au n 0 • y rm n a 1 I Faoden n1 Beach Bl gr on r 1 "c I E 1111" e •Prov ale Pa11os par ong Story 4 • Exec 2 br 2 ba COtldO $800 " 893 89 •SPYIUSS Only St0.000 dow11 5 bOrm 2 ba. 1am1ly room 851 0 130 Owner/Ag! 1 1rOHtl• 1400 oceat1 view, pool, tent1is I mo Joyce Walue 4 • 548· t23:1 6•5·S963 •Covered Pariung BAV & OCEAN VIEWSI 4 Si395i mo pymts II you I wolh cozy l1reploc;e plus LIDO SANOS NEAR •••••F.-..'I'.••••••••••• Comp! turn 760-9466 agt 631•1266 2Br Condo 1 •Ba cp1sl bOrm. 2'/i baths. lire-are loolling tor a UNIOUE . huge bonus •oom 3000 I BEACH & POOL EUl&IT IEW (8-5). 240·3201 1at1 61 Easl!oOe co11do 3 bf 2 j drps ooot iac clbhse, place. 3 car garage plus HO M E Al A STE A L sq II or newly redec ml I Petlec1 s1on•r with 3 JEWELRY STORE ba Oe11. lrpli;, 2 car ge tio pets $5 50 mo much morel REDUCED we've 8~~~~AV 21 Quiet cul·Oe·sac Take bedrooms. 2 balhs. 2 Ow"8t muSI selll Sacrl-£11.1101 l11tll 3141 ragtl $825 54!>.G68S 1768·7633 TO S599.SOOI W•llr·ll RHlty ~~~~ :~~nO~~":a,ab~~ patios toreplt.ce a11d be-hce. •, prtce"' lake Fo-~Bo·d~·&~·;,,·~~;..:·;5; Outet Cle.111. 2 bO ,,, Lg ?Br Tw111tse 2 story AIT lllYllETTI l'"l-IOIO quaUlying Ot1ty 3•;. dn low market price o l resi Call 962-7788 or 2ba. spa. $1200/mo Ph 1 cou11 New carpels oa 1•,,..11 ltom bCh pa110 IUlTIR ,. $230.000 ACT FAST• $i59.ooo 644•7020 963·8471 499·530~ 499·•827 I •age rrd.commpoot.oo ve1v cteati S550 mo •IU-1117 * 5 E'SIH IMITS 548-8859 Owner/Agt LIHO RUL ESTATE Co••lltii/ pels $S751mo Mgr 2453 960·0822 --------!'.'!r.!!.~f!~ .•• !.I.~~ B Or~119e Ave11ue C M •PRIC£D Rl"MT* ti'-H -1 h 's rreu SPACIOUS IUCll HM£ lr•Nrl• 1100 • .. , ... 111••4 /OOf Owner will carry II aub 5 BOr 4'' Ba 3·sty 3000 •••••'F-••"'•••••••••••• llOO ISLE -3 bClrm tam 138~ 2''88 lrplc comm 5 rm home all lanced for •••• .. •••••••••••••••• s1an1tal 2n0s on tnese 5Q It + over 900 sq II Can11ery Vtlfage Bldg rm 4 Bo. S 1700 mo pool 4 spa 2 car garage pet k•ds oi. S425 enctsd unu I well ma1111a111eo s111gle to t'•pano Some ocean 1300 sq II for ow11er w/111110 O•s or So Cst g.lrJge •a•u· a i•Ull story 1 5 2 odrm ufllls view 1 blk 10 beach user Reasonably priceo OCEANFRONT 2 bdrm I P 1 a z a ~ 7 7 5 mo 531_5110 -" • Ple11ty ot oll slreet par· $285000FP Seeowft~ Xlnl Terms Realono· 1 Ba $700 mo Biii 980·3296 REDUCED BY Sl .. " 000• ·-· mies 67S·6700 "1'-e Gru11ou Allr 67 .. ·6161 BEST ALT V 111: • 111: Newpon Cresl 3 br 2· oba. poo1 tennis No pets S9!>0 mo 6•:?·3490 W11n 40 <IOCk lor power ooat 3 Br 2'' Ba COfldO in W Newporl $1150 j wl o dock S 1350 w11h j dock 673-1190 New beacn1ro111 Mme 3 j Br 4 Ba !u"' S22501mo u11tum $2000 Call Mrs Long 673· f 190 91ulls 3 br 2 , ba. g1ee11- bet1 11ear pool S 1000 mo Bkr 64•·0134 ""'· 111ng • car oorsge Al· in ao1 nouse at 206 15th .., ~ ' " • E W C & P ( C O O COSl By owner. 111 lime olle-tracttvety priced al SJ2L St c.35.1718 LEAS!•,' OPTION WEST .... LIFF -3B1 . 3Ba Baver est custom Oes g 3 red Ill $S•6.000 Spac. 000 " _.J ____ --NEWPORT BEACH den.''tulty/ 1>lfy turn TW•MM. •U H 119tH• BA Oln1t1g rm tar:i ~m.' ciompl remoeleteo nome IU-l2l l 10 DOWl-10% lit. I HAHBOH RIDGE s1100 mo 6•6-8635 Oecorolor perfect, spa· K•d pet ok. see now call den. 2 sly. 3200 sq 11 lge I & u111t. 3 BA. 2'h BA. 2 COMMERCIAL c•ous 2 Bdrm. 2'tbe BES r Open 7 davs yard $1250 mo Kemble. nlf!O, wel ber, skylights. vu or ocee11. wall\ to I Hom~ ba moblle. wl wuher orea. pvt pa110. balcony 531-5110 714·956·5730 I frp1C1, n...,. kit , torm di-~ Beeulllul custom home, Custom ViE'W WATEAFRONT, lge '2 br 2 pool 1ac. recreation COST Piiio. Sun11v beck unl1 \. • sa11d 213/333·3846, I " PROPERTY dryer relr"' micro 0 s ,..__ Vrly 3 bd 2 ba avalll r • ' . 902-1298 • .... • a large gerage ....,..0111101 hu 1 Bt, 1 Ba. lge new , $!11).IHHI •ipuon m.inev BBQ . Io v e I y I urn wan paper, draperoes and 3 Br dbl bAlh 111cu111 pool tmmO Nwly remodeled kit. & din atea 3 car oar l:miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii It• ·81 I 044 ~ &-d 5 • Premier Coul Highway S975/mo yrly, 1st. 1191, more $I lSO Incl pd utll ya r o 1 0 r I\, o 5 p e 1 Musi t9"1 1t11s weekend apace Cofnetlo1 Cour-,. •••~••••••••••••••••••' "'°""' Rattu toc11llon oppos1111New· dep 880·1179 day1. Call 673 -23 11 loom S83S1momull1 famllyst· 1244211dSI 6•6·5710 1 tHy 10 brkra OPEN IRUM 11•11 Lalrefre•t WH411rl4&• $1,299.500 p0rl Center x1111 ll11an· 673-3909 eves 9.5pm 1u1111on BEST 539-C190 I or 675-3132 s AT -s u N 1 . s pm SI 000 HI SI 11/11 5 bf 3 b """' I ClflO $995.000 Ollloe ocr.. FRO - -COST Beaut toe .a;-nm ,,, Big 127-127 '~ Ab•~one , I . · a."""' ac: space tor le1.M ""N NT 3 bd, 3 bit, 2 bOrm 1987·B Charle 840-<f424 °' 759-0777 I Spar kt111g • E11gt11n Owner/agent 551·6829 NEW P 0 AT BE AC H or 2 br 2 bll wt\ly/mo S47Cfper mo 1 chlld ok 2 Br dpl•. ocean;ie..., Ca11yon wlcusiom pool, Cou111ry s1.,.i. w/vtew OI HllCED WOOIRIHE PROP 752·9•66 or 673..0881 N o Oogs 642-2259 S650 119 Hu1111ngton SI 5 p I LI k e new i C...1 4•/ #11 /OZZ massive greenbelt 3 BO C (71•1667·3978 LIH ISLE -6•6·7017 536-3894. 661·7622 71 4/644·980• 8·5 M-F •••••••••••••••••••••• Aeromaoc wood·burn1no • 2 BA ondo 1------lllliiiiiiiiillll•l---llliiiiiiiiiiiiii. CAMEO SHORES. by ow useo brick flreplece In Across from swim club/ GAMEi llllHS 1• 3 bdrm. rutty turn t>ome EostslOe. pool, 3Br. 2Bll. 01 TllE SAID JASMl"*I c•1(• n«. OC4en view. <I BR. S gracious enrenalner's 11• park $116.000 By ow· OISTA MIU Avall Nov 111 S 1600 mot lrptc. covered pauo. ••· Vu 01 ocn 2Br l '~bll. " n " ba, dan, pool, )llc 2 vino room Centet your ner 851 -1586 JIWIL Strip shopping canter '" year·leHe Call Oelotes moceled kllche11 $875 QVl'•d g&te. pool, 8811118 PIM •. 3 bdrm, 2'~ ba wetb1r1 New root. car-Chrlslmaa Ire• atout1d M o ve 1,, 101 ,5000 Complete ocea11 view prime comer tout1011 on TS L PRIPERTIES m~ 548-6908 0 y m s 8 0 0 1 m 0 2600 aq II LselOpt1011 pet, drtpH. $595,000 rich wood p11nellngs & leese/Op11011, A1111cho trom lhls lmmacu1a111 3 buay Wul 19th Slreet 1•2· 1101 FRENCH QUARTER 2 13,3 3 3. 3 8 4 6 o' I S 1500 mo ptu• S1 ,000 7~%. Oown p1yment 1 A 1 1 B /"""' 1vper l&rge 1e,,11ce lot Mese redavelopment II .__ YI llll 1 d S339.000. itlnt lln Buyer 111um1 111 et high style window cove· 8011 JoeQuln. 2 br & den bOrm, 3 balh nome with near i peclaculu Coale 13 BA 2·~ be. lplC, wl d & 902·1298 mo towarO'!I price of I 1•8.000. owe $400, , no• maz no y rtllth townhouse w ,,.,...... 1pa, I I 00 .,_, •• I •• '· bl gar. !11mlly con H • Ow /A t 851 0130 w /lt ' s o wn tePa•81• vlaw. Aenl applleO lo entettrun "O· ounging or pto1ecl 1 % .leased 3 BA 2 Ba. toll. large lam do. 110 pell 1750 AQI. DOll•,l•n • ner 0 • - 000 •t 12% '°' IO yeira pantry & t11undty room purchlllo 11egollabl• bOlll wl!1Chlt1Q SheUere<I Allreclfve setter llnan. tm, 2 tpfc'a, fully fum 646·4380 H1thar 3Z4Z I l&Cl IAY llW"RT 780-l734 Twin closets 4 massive Highly upg1110e<I Prln pool wllh large dack clng S477,000 L H Wa1her /Oryer 111ct •••••••••••••••••••••• metier 1u1te + newly Oflly please Call llndll 1p1ee for IUl'lfllno FEE $1500 mo TSl. Manage-URIE ct•H 2 bOrm 2 bl HvntltlQlon 2 Bdrm. Oen. 2 01. ger· TR ll'\l' OecoreteO nur1er/ 3 d1y1 640·9350, •vH LANO Owflef llnsl'\Clng •7>-4400 ment. a.2• l603 J Bdrm 2·~ bl. c1e111. Obi H 11 bour Broad moor dener S lOOO/mo IM· NIL '" CHEERS FOR HE 96•·8957 1800.000 HARBOR gar 1011 ot amen111u col'Oo 962-07?0 MEOtATE OCCUPANCY YOUf "°'"'° ll'ICOMe pro-PRICE• ONLV 170.0001 ij 3 8R. 1•. BA 2 car get S7SO/mo 10 mo NO ,.. 538-40, I c 1111 R •• A 0 0 er. petty or OIJlgtown rest• w1111 $8.oon down IDEAL -comm pool w 1111et ot Fptc. m1cto, 0 1w 631 • 1200 def1CM with lar~ equity $8 tS/ 11 C II VffY AQI 875-8170 549-8368 ltriH JZ44 j...1111iiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiii~ for tlllt "-' ruallc and mo pays 1 a lo• Iha '''0•' t1mll~ 4 •••••• ••••• • ••••• ••••• Full roomy 4 bdrm. 3•.t t>t1lll OllTllY 21 bdrm•. plus BONUS M lid lfy •• .,., U•l•r•lli~ San111 Ant H•• 3Bt, llplC llOml wllll 180 dtO 11nd upatell lamlly Q 9Q ·~~~~~~~~~~!•••••••••••••••••••••• btg y1,d , no Pela ocHn view tn walk 10 WAll·ll llALn toom, ao111 AIC 1no elr 1: Ctatr1/ 3101 S750tmo 646·0t14 8kr bHcl\ Corona dal Mat .... IOIO 11t1rallOt1 snd ws11t •of· 6 7 3-7 300 lan•f ,,, .. ,,., ZIOO IOCltlOn REDUCED TO t~~~~~~~~~-i "'"'" N1c11ty toc111ea I 'iiiiii~;;;.;;;~;;;;~ ···········~·········· S475,000 wltll 11 75'Yo I· Ptn11 7 1n T'urlle Rock 1 • Wiii ttede dbl wide mot>llt 1n1.,..,, Leue/Opllon. 2 tir. 2·~ , home &for 38r houH, •••-lf ba. Condo. 3 leval, 3 PlllTIHU Tvtlln tor patllll dwn In· _. 11 palio1 Nwprt Hgll 2 bOrm. 1 tla condo ,. come property l11•l 18 5 0 I mo + 111' I • Open hOuN $un ONLY 557-03~ ~1-0715_ I·& 280 C11qney PH 31°' C-M-H-.--q-u-_,-11-y-O_u_plu-I .IAOlll IULn .... ~•,, . .' .. , ... ,·,':;'i1,L A' f ~ UITllll Hl.UIMll ~6· 1397 3 ftplc. 3 g11. copper I plmo'no SlUI<. IHU· -' Apiumal>lll loan A2 tot Art )'OU plennlng 1 rn()Y9? m•bl• foin al l2% Int. Mort lttnMitt 1r1 O•lltng 1&S'tll r .... -- A f M1rllyn Coomb1, )'OU In Ille tfOhl clJr.ctlon 642•9064 YM1 If )'OU llevt 1 CllTI· IUIUlllllT 111-ena S.NJtet .... * Q111111g Area •Walk '" Closets *Home hke K1tche11s 1 blk to Hu1111nglon CP11te1 t111nspo1 11111on 4 lrwys UTILITIES FREE 1 Bdrm From $51!> 2 Bdrm $61S LA OUIN r A HERMOSA 16211 Pat1<s10e L11 1 blk w of Beacn. 3 blll.s S ot E0111ger 847·5441 f!I!!!~. ~!.'.~~ ... !.~~~ luxury studio free HBO phone ma10 serv spa $130 wk 499·3015 ~t.'!t:!!. !~f!~ ... !.~~? THE "liOOD LIFE" YEA"4'0UN0 FUN: ,Soc1af Ac11v1 11e1 Olt 8 C10t•Free Sunday 9runc:h•890's• Par1le1•Plus mucin mote O"lAT "liCIUA T I O N : Ten n11 •Free Leuon1 (pro & pro 111op)•2 Heel tn Clut>t•Seutla• Hyd1omassagee Swtrnmlno•Goll °'1vlng Range elAU TlfUL All'A"T MINTe : Stngla1, t & a Btdtoomt•Furnltlled & Unfvrnlahed•No P1t1•Mod1t1 Open 0111y t to 8. , ....... .... ......... ............. ! ... 880 trvtne (•t 18th) (714) &46-1104 ...,.,. ..... , ... 1700 10th St. (~"10th) (7 14) &42·5113 .._ __.. .. •o ... , Cl...-i.cf -Oo II ww11 S 110.000 8UNCOA8T 1 Cletllfltcl ad• wtll polnll •I T6K/ofr Agent tn. Hmplng .. bug .. 11111 T u'--'JJa•r.v. &3t·7000 6145-1915 •&1J('-.,Jlt·~ ,. lo find Ille nome "OU Gellwltll!Alll per lhll's not getting 28R?Oa,cg1•.drp1,encl ~ , It'•. IAEUe u..O, ... , "now wt1h I O•'· 176 N o P•I• W111t Adi Call &42-M71 ---I need ~-2·~ -_jJ.:~·fl=M:fted=a-:o:::T0...,.2;.·;,56;.;7.;;;6..J • .:Clueltled;:::;:==:;;Ad;•;;,M:.;.2;..:·5~8~7~11.L:;C;;llHl;;::;;;;,;'*';;,.;;Ad;·.,,... __ ,J_..:.il.:_75:_·.:.0006=-- TOWNHOUSE Xtn\ 1tH Community POOi c ... n. toe> condnlon &eoo mo I Bob, AQI ~4-144~ =======°:! ___ _...___.__~-~-~--~-- • ~~------~·~--~-----~~--.-----=-----:-:-~,....,..----~------.,._----------------------------~----~ t 'II Urnnoo <..ou1»1 DAILY f'IL o 11rr1<1uv Or l f1hw 2:c> 106J lessianal Service Direclary ~ ~,~},4A,~e!..R~i to• c1 10 ll•l~ .. ,, Ill tht' DAILY PILOT SHYIOE DlllEOTOllT OU II N0 W1 bk tor San4r• 'four O~olv Pilot !:>u1v1ce 011tK.t111y AtoprnsentJlc.tt 142·5171, Hf. 322 ~!.~~,!~~! .~!~~~!!~'!f AddCllOllS Ctlll'ltOtry mll 50nry <.1os1gn a11d d• al 11og BBQ s ~IC Otlve 494 1003 ... 1 124 E•perienced 'C11rp~11t11• Remodel' Aad-0111 Re1><111 760 2685 548 865• ~!'.~'!!!!'!I.!!!!!!! •••• 50«, OFF FIRST MON TH Oependuole affordable. essen11a1 A11sw.,1 1ng service seer e11111al 4 ous111ess services md•I bo>. rental word proces- sing Tele:..-Facsim1le oraer enlry pagers.tease ouy desk space 1en1a1 ANSWER NETWORK 63 t 9 13 I (llSk for A v I ~!/~~!~ ............. . Driveways. Par~1ng Loi Repa11 s. Sealcoating S&S Asphll 63 t·4199Llc ~!."1'.!~'!!~r .......... . (llH U l.AHL 111~ 111111111 '"'"fl -11111 kll 1111 llllltlll I olltjU ~·1111 CJt l1 1\lllj ~~!!!~.~~·~.!!!~!~! ... JAY', '!Pl AKI A'•~ Aity ch t ._,,•h" Pu1 I Uru I '1'1 I 1114 t 1171) 7~•,.> ~!!.~~!!ti~t ....•....• c,irtt~uhu11••d huu~l\o~ I 11111n 110111 S!IO mo Al••1 ,nu1I ft 'it I\ S•••V fol I 1111;1 ·'4 IU 11 Cl llONNA!) I 1111 l1Cic>lt.lt.1•up11111 ,.,,J I J • ~~f VI( t~ let" •• ,,.un f HJtlhttq n ote!> '!b8 tbij~ f!!l.t.1'.~'~ ••••••.••••. Remoa & Repaus F1tJt1 esi lo> rat .. ~ Dt!<k) 11..i l•O Stt'Vfl 752-95!.b E•P•H c...11µ.,nter .iut1~ tldd•llon~ 111n10<.1.,1s dec1t.s Si..yltQhb & ro p .iirs Frul! ll51 01111 96:? <.1815 Master Cr1ttsMan F1n1sh & rem di trpr>11y Reterences 49\l J tO!> fllEE ESTllHTESI Aeason.iole prices la~t p1 Olt'S'1ona1 w ork cuMom wo1i.. 1001 No 1ot1 1110 <m.Jll or too tJ1g• C..:o oinc11\ k11c110n remooeo & l11Hsned carpe111ry e1ec1 ptumo cao•nt't~ co1.1r11er rops I Clo every 1111ng ttom ~lall 10 hn1sn• Cdll Brau .:11 (l 14) 971-3250 Dan Hallberg Gr.:id•ng' fa.pe"e11ce<.1 Ca1pe111e1 & Paving Co Res ·com• Demolthon 10 Finish L1c 397804 842 1720 760 2685 548 8654 A • I c"I.'' Snviu ttoraer.J ••••••••••••••••••••• • • • •••• •• ••• • • •••• • • • EXCEL CARPET CARE Our o ll1ces handle a11 areas of 1aw Prompt Jatk Buthngton f !!I!.'. !!!!ff~ ........ 1 '!.'.'!.'!.11~1 ............ 11 9!.'!.'.".~•A •.•••••• • ••• "th1UUp1tu ~ "thtUIH, h+•ttl 10 'dllfN1 IAI IN I Pl 11lltUIHHl01 t hlllhf11111U ( nlt11 IHICJhh,Ut.H._ wfH '1lf1Nr f\ f Ulll 1ttf11t••a•1 'IH \ti'" •jt\Alll I 1UH full , •Pl> Hl nun tih11u h Hll-'n1 t. 1 111• Ii\ t100101'! , itt1u11 ~ 10·1HI Htt1111t tioll h\I 11.tt ''"' S 1•, "'U 1•1••· .'Ut1t1 111 1 11 H \. • I f 11·1~ .,.,., h4h tU1tt' '''"'" s "" ''""'' s HI D II IJl\11111 N WOfll ll I hf ,.. t tUiU 1tl11u pnl •• 'l. .... ' .•.•...•••....... t 111t ~,u1vt\•~ t,,u,,h.,w•u H.loi • 11•1 rnJuw 1'• YI'> UltYWAtl ALCJU'•ll( /1,i tt1u1111I h4h ?U.'l •• ,, ,, .. WHt .. '""''d' lh~ltillf\ ''"' IUh'\tH•t I I t ""l"'"'"ll t .111tl~~jl>lll\I. httr .. '•.t I ft 10' .,, •, ,, ._,, BuO •1:;~ V••UJ )'Of d fHitlHlt'IHUH 0 t.lttu" w .• 11 ht•hUt1' Atuu•.th """ ,, .... hlltl & lltflltl~UI ... .,,,, r 111 u '11hjt1I >llltJ~ I t ro-.t n~111nutt~, lr"Ut .. ,. Nu "',1t1;UH No ~t1t.un1°1111; •-.e.111~ ~P••• l1ilu.t r ,.,, t1•" It ..... , .... IS, •• 1•1tt ' l\CIH I o., ... Afll'l I ~AHi lJ11.1l1ly "'"'" ""'"' , ,,,., •t"4t 4'}4 14."6 C1mt11t Contt•lt ...•...•..•......•.... ( U'1Htflt Mi.l~l)f\fy tjh)(,."' w .1111, t.11" wu1i.. l tl 1A 10~.1 non ~4 / JG!U J)\•11 btilk lj. l ~lfH4f1f work NV!tVl C M "•'''t. u t'Hi<l ( ,111 llOW II \,1,, .. 54c, 5c, 11 Cbild Cue 1 ook '"II lo• •1111 1.111111 c..11«' h1 my C..:o~tu M"''' hunttt lull tuu., uutv S40 LunUI '" IC.k~ 1l L I •11 o .• ,. ' ... • 14;/ I •l 1.111111v <1t1y '""' e lor c.h1ld1t•t1 IJI• 10 '•yr; I I I> I !. t 'JO tu Nulto11ou1 1Hl•.1ls 4 .. 11aci..s Wt1\t , loll N B b46 'JOJl:I f!!~~j~~.~~~~~~~~ .... COMMERCIAL· HOM[ BLJSIN(SS w .. tlt> WUI dow~ coo• Roh 547·J68J f!!'~.t.'~!!, .~!'!!!~! .. R.J. Huttman I Son I 1c. 306888 Rem1>rl\'I AOct "~ C,HJ111111~ 646 1!'>8b 64~ 4to44 Cu'>tom Rt'muO Allll 11~ F1~ l'SI Ou.illly ;.>11t1 lei nun1•' Bu111Jl'I CollM Li<. 4 t8'170 548 4U I f.0•1•1!.°!. ~~!~~~~~~'!f. I 11 lbtl"44 I 'lj;> '"•411 tf4 / 411H'I llllYWAI I IAPINC> I "I"" fwltlnlltH 11 c.lt11111 i\11 lo~lulUb/ACl")UVI•< llP'> Ir"" 1111111111110 I 11111 I ""' ··~· l\UVlll "' !J •tOllll ""' 1'11111 h4 I IOUb Elect1it1l I l[l.1111!.IAN P11c111I """' 1111<' 111111111111~ llll 1.111111 01 ,,,. .. 11 1uns 1 '' J<Jtlu/ 1 6 7't 0:1 .. 11 Lil D El [l. l AICIAN (J11,ll wOl k lluil5 I 1111:!~ ,,,,.,,.,, 63•50n f I f( I HIC IAN :-nil 11111•1t1hw1111~ l •~ 'IJ lll(j C Ill r,4R '1l>O'l rcr ••• u ( OMM l llNU .'O 1• > llu 1111 uwn wur k l AWN M()WINC.. scnv Nt• ... 1t tf1t,HHHI rttu~ f rnu ,.,, ll4t. 011·,., 968 141\• l .111\J~l••l""ll Yd Clnu.-~ '"'" 1t111111,1011.1~ Muonr 1111111111011 J1111 !i5 t 0 fl(! MllWllllJ I\ f CllJIOQ 01 <.omp m1a1nt 1.le<111 ups 1 'ti" r~1 li4~ 1'>87 GARDEIUM& WANTED Mowing edging r11k111g sw .. ep111g r1eu esl• 111dh.•s t.4~ '• 1J7 111 • 11104 1 A1 o4t. o 121> H•adl'.111111 flm •,11tvt~O x t f)UbllUI.. 1 ••••• •...•........... ht111 lo 'ocu; h11., us11 l.atp1111try M11sor11y 111,11.,~ Lit l'J:ll 17 Ro11t111g Pl11m1J111g .,.,1 11 Hi 8,174714 tJ1ywull Slut.to Tile Rt'mu<.l<'I J A 646 9990 [~!'.~;!'~ •••••.....•.•• A~I\ FENC[ wOOCl I\ t.hi111l illlk ne~11ndi<.011t 548 S•l9J ~40 1 f5 I woon I [ NCES 'GA I ES •n~1.1111><.1 II R.ipa11e11 r, .. ., "~' G.lfy 4':19 t 724 ~!!!.'.~~~'············ TREES lc,1111t1<.I •l•movea Clean up l"Wlll bllOV /51 J4 76 THE &RUii SCHE t..1111e111ty t.<11>111ets f'lun11l O• .i111 (,1e.i1111tQ E1 .. cc11COI !tie Aels llon 966·0 t49 HOIH IMPflDYUIHT REPAIR PLUMBING l,,11p.,111ry elec 111e F1ee e"' Re.ts 645 281 t 28 YRS EXP DUNHAM HOME IMPROVEMENI HPmnclel rt'l'hlll~·fenccng t!l1•U11cal plumbing tilllltlllfly 631·8530 ~~~!i.•..c .............. 1 ~~~!~!~~~!~r ........ I ~~!~~!r .............. l !!l.~1!!'1. ........... .. (l\IMI' IOA•, '()II A ~111•1 II(.11 Ari rtfll( KWf>fi~ '1fll1Jll l"b' "'·" l'Al'I llllAN(;INc. A '11111111 M11v111y Johtt ( 1111 Ml~l 114111 t 1{1 1 HAUi INC, I 1flAIJIN(, 1l•rt•uldtt,10 t loan uv ( (llU ttl':ll• ft t fttft UUrlOYitl """ .... ,._ tlll;/ lb'" l'IHll '•I HVll.f 11.,111111u Y'", 101111 "'1 !JUIC k I\ 1.lntlll I •U+< '"' hi I 0°1<18 HOlJt.I (,Al I l,llfU'JI 141•wp1111 I 11~1.1 Muuu I yl, l"l "' "'I' (111~1 ll"ll Ulllf I huwl tnl~ h v111" flul•, f1l'o I ll'o I w1.1 ~ 1•111 "' •1111 I ul ,,,011111 \ll 11111 l\11•1 I'd IOll II yuu w-.1u1 y<Juf huv~•' f HI A l l "( t t t A 1-4 ( •• ti • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • J. !It ,. • • H k ·--h• f ' ., "" 111111,, hhU u 111:1 11 r.uCJ * l · 1 MOVI•& * I W11111 .. 11w1111v 11 \1111 '""II nut fup ttu11llly •,ptttlUI (Uri• M Hl'f , .. , .. ,.tfHt•• P1tul m ti.tntJluu' •''• v•·• o .. µ I H•,7 U t Ut l ,:p1ttltJ1H.•lll houuo-. •*Ol)tJ' ( H wu11h wdrk ftU f '''Viv it1J1•IH't11tv11 dh•'i I .,,,,,I "Nt1ll1 tTv1u1,111 in iJft'•i tttth k-4~ '.a4B!t U~ ''"'''11"~•· / Hl 1 )'d t\l,1lh1l11111 fic•.1 1ou l'*' Afl! MCJVINlJ t •1l1~11fC.J11I l\n1u1111111111 Uwt.11> ( 111•fu1 ,,,.,...,.. •• •,tt 1 tt•.•ro 1 '"'' '·'"" r,.,., 04 10 I P1tio Cov11J 'd AnVtNt .. (..;CH LI <.I •••;•••••••••••••• •••• Mt•111.1 Or.u •• -. < foanmu ICAlll INl, "uOurtt h US I I 110 v.Jc. ... 111 •t•~ 111111111\ IS l~t! fl~l .... ~H.H•Ht luw fOfl)lllttrte.Uk -,so 7J'14 rul"'• 11111111111 /'>0 l\l(li tJIM I hull~ VOU Johll llu1111uc.lnw1111u VOll 1•>h~ NO JOU I (HI <\MAI I I '!.'.~'i!J............... l,111" f14'!> b'!'J I 24ht ED 141-7121 r u111nt u µt)OI Wt1h1r t11111t ~~~!~~!~~~i~t ....... . l~UBIN S Cl(ANING St11v1<.e ·• thoroughly clean ho1.1st1 540-0857 llflE(> OF HASSLES? l)uuloty cleur11ng ne1p is here• Rt>IS 960· 7452 N tuul to1 tt~IJ._JIUI tt111ul Vuur htHH•t our ·.p~·t..:•lllty N U 0 I II U 0 f l U f '' &4!> 8616 1 IUIJSE C,t r ANIN(, Also w1nelowstup1JIC~ l•I!""' 662 :>614 evos ttou~ecl.,.in111g ho11es1 ull1c.1e111 Aetu1.,111.1h Days/ev111> 645 G 16Y ::iutl ',llJll( Ill', MOVINCJ Lii ,f(JM •<11ei(I PJloei ti.I ( (J I 1t 1114 4JL v1•;1\ '''''.,..,. K 1orn •~tii 11,. l1o•,u1t«J t.41 f14,i7 HAllllY (;A I Ol.1." .. WAICtt 11•1 r,l!LJW' Pfllllt/RIJ.•it ~~!!~.~!!!~~! ........ , ·••tc;~·~;A;·.-,·,~;,.;/.••• (lltllM I r ~'>UN'> 1.i1l1Jrn() N••ot fl•lll ht'' 1111/tlAI "' yt>IJI Jhthly M1ku N11I ftt •.tu\.\.IJ.'1 L4!a 8~5ts '"" Ill I ldO(J f'I A'> I( rt PA II.HIN(, P . I . ""'"" "''"' llot l•• I JO .!!!'.!~I••••••••••••••, 'f'"• Nr1•t f'.Jol 1i4'1 '/'J/7 hy ~~~! .. ~~,~~~~~ l 1• !!~!'!~!!'! ............ . l8(tf,44 11 Y'' ut llJl"JPY I A I LAS f.11 UMBINC 4 f •llt!I hS~ ll01.1Sek~ping }•ailOli•I IOI 11 1.u•.CUtlll'I '> ll•o,11 11111 •fJ1'Lt1lh/H1Q tn We._• turm!th vucuuu' & ·co~;;EACtA~···~o;;e· 'n.1r1~ ffJU tJ 11 44 '" ,..,, J•', tJ4~ t(;88 '"111111"'' Killy 64 1-497o BUSINESS w~ oo won IJCJAI 11 v WOHK nea1 24hr ED 141-7125 l~SKPAS 6 MAIDS llf"lw~ luo• Heil> 673 8094 '"''" ltOn,,-.1 11.,1, Lit. 411 4,11 ,.,,1.-1111•"1"1 S225 I IVf IN ~mL v /WKL y • ;>ijf 10/ fl.iv .. %4 1045 V101o Ser~•tus Age11cy L1nd1t~tnf l.USTOM PAINTtNC. ! ::rAVI S 10•, 4\l'·, l•c Olbc.111Cl~O 973-9000 I 20.VRS.fXP• ,.;;~1:,:;·1~;:, IM ,...1 R1,.,1<.1 c.on1111 "~:1,t,111;~~~·~~!~ ,~?,~~OJ c.u~tom IH1m6 cceantng trn11m1119 1 ... 11t1sc.ip1ng , ....... ,1 I tf. (>44 47'll:I I •,)7 4J78 c.c; II Cornpl M1.11C1 Service Brothers C.Q11s1 I %J 5474 11B P1ol BondeO -Ins Cl I 646 0555 IN 11()' r PAIN' 1rHJ I UNICLl;:AN SYSTE~S EVE s l ANDSCAPIN(.i.' "' WAL LP,APf AINC.. R1in1.utttu ot Nwpt 8Ch 850·1200 comril se1v & hSt1<.ln9 l.u~l!Jlll Wlllk ftt:l' e51 ····Ac:·r;Ai~G·uiieR'"' Ouallly work with a pttr comm & 1es1a 646 7556 R••.;s Stcv" 547 4;.lit H•mll••<.1111\ l•c. B344764 sonal touc.n Bac helor 010 Coulll•y t.;ndscapes HARBOR PAIN I ING I 1t1" e~I t 5J4 5824 Ok C M Irv HB Beth Anything OUl!o•de the ou ... hly W(JIO ~, •• ,, t-SI 850·0933 tl orn e 6 4 5 5 s 9 7 c..111 dlt 6p1n t.7J ~ t6b ~!ff~f!~f~I .......... . HOUSEWORK WAITED 1)75·6058 110l IOAY f'AIN1 llM[' f IJflNlf URE Kil CABS f~.".~~!f.~!!Y!~!! ..••• Tired of doing ta1.1nd1y·1 1 llurt & 1010 na11CJ wasn nano 1ron Mer•culaus E•ll Renee 64:1 9787 .?3 Y•l> Al)O ooa 1obs 11 t.~1 111 l1111~11e~ repairs 1..,p<111s 81uC.4' CJ7? 0116 1 tlei1u; JrJ<-Ci73 1469 PAINl ER NEEUS WORK' JO y1s 4'•P 1111 t'•t Atoust1c te111nqs l 1c :J66780 r,., .. .,.,1 D"v" Pa111t1n11 84 7 "t l 86 ~.o.o_lf '!1 ..••••••••••••• ~iul1•·1 Roolong dll lyµes New 10:<.P•1:r·CleCk~ 1 te d 11802 S48 9734 ~.~'!~~ ............. . llOOF PHIUMl f)r"' I Ill IQHI IHl••ll •t tt 4•f f IUll l! t ( t)ltl ""' <'lllft) Jt(HJI INl.J HI l'AIH!> • '"di t••IJ<I OK '""' n'tlllhJtMtt L 1.11t I um CJt ( ""'· k .,. " 6 jlj/ Stre11t1 ·····•···•··•·•••••··· MOl'IU f sr AVICF f11~\C t t•Ufl~/N~IN t(,r~t1• NU t.M only 641, 9!>!.4' ~t!!~~!!!! •.•...•••••• F I LAY N •,.,,..,kle1 s l dllel-'tll>tl '"''"'"'"'"ti ~36 ?737 Ill r INSTALLEO All K1111.h Gua1 an1ee11 HtJI~ JOM 8•0 9217 Tiu S1111i~1 HPEJIOI TllEE llHIOE T1M Won. with a Con- IClence·· Trimming & removal by Howard Ool- loll Po Bo>. 34, Cosla Masa C11 921>27, Ph 642 19:12 -------!.LOW RATES S l ro>l· '""' remov clean ''"~ n1ow1ng '>54 70 17 r !'. 1.0.r j ~ 1. ••••••••••••• Most sub1ecrs. K t4 0Jyi eve $5 & S 10lh1 Mr Morgan 645·5176 ~!~~~!t: .~~i:~~!~r ..... I et the Sunshine In (.,111 Sunshine Window Lleu111ng Ltel 548 8853 t'O' Mo11thly D1scoun1 '"' "''' Res1<1 lcomrn 1 F r1>e es! 20•1. monlhly tMCOunl 644·4798 couneous service FREE Owrwr o~>era101 consullahon 549.9335 Ca1pe1 upnol a•ea iug Sell •die 11ems 642·5678 cleaning Wo•'I< gudr r,ee Esr 645 111 t Kit •l•mod cab1ttets ., ' dwn llllt' SIHub tnst.;11 I ret' 111m111:.moval la"'" M,1t111/Rutut1lhng f" ,. P~t1m.11., S48·606~ 1101n" Hernou Ii Rep1111 Carper.tty PICC. pa11os & det.~ s All vou1 no me ""'""'' nl!od~ r ree es! Ke11n 646 4G7;,> deo t>•·lt•rtJonment un·•~ Have something to sell?' Fi.-.. u•I 642·088 l c1ass111ee1 eds ao 11 well Want Ads Call 642-567& t11gh Ql.l811ty hOU5eWOlk E •Pe11enced depen<la· ble. nonvl>t 1ntelllgent. mtltoculaus lle••ble I am tne oes t Phone 673-7012 aller 6 PM wtiekClays All day Satu1 day and Sunday Keep an eye on prices 1he euy way-be 1 regular c1a1s1lled , eed er 6'2·5678 1; i'. E'•I' 1 m ~moll 111v Makt! your shopptng ea- P"'-''' ,., ., ,.moll' Rn11 ''er by using lhe Da1lyl 67.l 6477 fi61 8849 P1IOI Classlfled Ads Cadillacs ro Go-Carts Whatever the Fad Aotl em oll Ille marker With a CllSSJlied Ad Call Now! 642·5678 DOLLAR DAY DOUGH SAVERS for Merchandise under •1 ,000. Sell your no-longer needed items for cash. If lt doesn't sell. we'll run it another 3 days FREE. One item LINES per ad. must be priced. Sorry. no real estate or commercial ads. Call today for full details. (Non-refundable. Extre llnee 11.00) 3 3DAYS CLASSIFIEDs642-5678 = A•ul•tal1 Farai1i14 1A1'1l•1al1 Ap11t•Hls I Ap11l•Ht1 1Apulmtat1 "A14rl•Hll Apulmtals Ap11lm1al1 I A1.,l•tal1 1 Vac•lioa ltal•l14ZSO .T. •• •••••••••• •• ••••• Valorai1h4 Va/0111i1ll1d Uo/01oi1h4 U11/oroi1it4 Volaroi1iH Valaraishd Ualoraid~d Volo111i1ild • • •• •••••••••••••••••• N•11N1I le1ci 376g •• •••• • • ••• • • •• • • ••• • • • ••• ••. ••••. •• ••.. •• • • •••• ••••. •••. ••• ••• ••• •• ••• •• •••• ••••• •• •••• •••• ••• •• •••••. ••.. ••• •••••••••• •••• •••• •••. • • ••• • • • •••• • •••• • • ••• •• ••••••••• • • • ••••• ••• ,For rent over Ctu1s1mas & ·•••'°; •••• • ••••• •• •• • • I CoroH 4el Mir 3122 Co1t1 #e11 3124 Co1t1 #tll 3124 C 11' 3 N I II 3169 It J i 3169 Ne Year 5 3 b• 4 ba a S795 LO 3 br. newly furn •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••I•••••••••••••••••••••• .!!!~ ... !!~ •...•••• ~~! Ho;tiattoa 3140 f~l.'!'!~.~.~.•.C.t . .J.~~~ .. e.'!t~!! •• !~f ••••.•••..• '.'!r.!! •• !~!......... rot~ Vicror;an home 10 360·5465. 6 17-3585 M any amen1111!s inc u· garaen apt 710 w 1811• cpc~ d•r~ Cle.in 1n51C1e1 quiet $4 10 See mg• er i Avail now 1 Br 1 Ba Nr beacn poho S700 l".lill •O Steps to beach .,001 spa gym s575 m~•d service Xlnt IOC Nr bch 12 l3t 285-3507 STEPS TO DCEl• s TUNNING l&•ge 1 & 2 Br 2 BR l B.; dpl • new RecJPC c br relr.g ctean. • ••• !~~••••••••••••••• D•,IH 2 114rM, llla LargP 4 Bdrm closed en 1 8 , Secuttly Conao. 1 1 As Pl'" Colorado Dally days ding views lrom a eek St Oul No ""'~ S550 mo t9220 WM1 .. ce upslairs ilPI dswsnr 760-2567 49•·6306 Imm ac A" II ti now mo mo Agt 760 86 ,7 V•ew o r Aspen moun- ·E•CN HOUSE frplc t>t' tsc 1as1 & S275 •!'11.111 1 I S 12001mo yrly 67J·2507 latns Close to town Also • .....Large 2 Br 2 Ba S800 VILLA MfDl'RA 2 81 ?ba Oat>le cJep Ot!vlll R!!al I bCl S415 Newly reuec. prtVille pahO sing e ga NO fND preler adults 2 Sin Cl1111tal1 3176 has oaoy grand piano Complete ly lurn spa ..... L Mge 3 B• 3 Ba E S•Cle lamtly c.ompc... Esiate 642 6368 0 w AC qas 6 waler 'aqe No pels wafer bCJ 1 ba ocean ~1ew Wl•TER RE•TllS •••••••••••........... S450/n1grtt Please call c1ous1'1 8r pa1oo.1nc1 SlHS O•W garage Wtr tga:s JJd pa110 C•P•I pool 11 a id S 4 50lmo Ou•et $675 agoc 3 &4Br C10,e to ware1 3tir :>oa.paflo gas& 760t3400f760-9466 ulll Ava ti 1111 $650 Cd 11 A n 1 hon Y 0 a Y s Pd $5:15 mo & SJOO I I.HI rtup1 .. , t JrPts r11 PJlly rm Coll dli tt AM 545-2000 Agent no lee · 494 75 18 lu•n & unlu1n 1e11sottB· w11re1 S600•mo ~ olea- mo No pets 540-8632 642 ~757 e & wknds oep 2324 Elden Mg• ""' .irps gill No pee,. l, ... s d G ' d 0 a Cl a ••1t1MEllS w•L1 Liit' all amenities Broke• nonq & Cleo SJ 1 356!> R1at1ll to s • .,, 4300 0 ' t 2 ... ~ 1 b 63. 5"5~0 ves Apt I 548"147 S400 2ll4 01an9e Ave ~79 ,q 11 • • Super Sll.ldlO w/bonus rm 675 4912 ... ~ •••••••••••••••••••••• cean ron .,.,rm a ·' .i93 OoT6 l•q 2 BA to wnhouse yel lndry 1ac11 S400 mo l'EELING CRAM PED? Wesl Newpor1 Furn , ? 2 v 21Nea• 18th Pomona t b• I t & 2 BA SJ90 S4?0 ap1s encl gar lrplc Nea1 Avail 1mmed 49•-9534 NPI HI~ 2 Br ~paC•ous I £sr pvc <l•'C• l")ICJ worcc1 XH.i large t Br steps to S750 mo 1s1 and lasr l~ a, or 0 , ,0: ne~y ~·~~ s t Ba t1ow,,Sld"5 cl \ J t cl IJ·ll lrpl patio Poo1-9ood ioc "'' Pt'IS Hunt H101 from $545 apt Qu•el mJl1.11e aUlt '"II 11 "' ~P'"'< c ,, cu IQ r O(.t•,Jn wld pa1oo rec rm 548-8809 S67ti 559 9?65 Cd•PClll .. ~IN pc! I child N .. wport Heogh l~ are;1 4.?1 w B ... ) !>•8 9516 Cn1t11ren OK 840·6807 Ckeanv•ew 28' dpb. 'le•y $700 '"'' "''' 67'1 8202 ltCl'~" Vlf'W Wdlk 10 SJ75 675-3231 4 br 2 ba wtsundeck & 1 mo · o• no t>"I' i40~0 AqPrtt S650 to $800 559-SOOt cnarming great bcn ac-6:! r-8000 t11•d01 $425 C,on1ac.1 I Coasc Hw)' & MacArtnu• I ,.0 let' 962 021 2 Bel l B.1 <.flll yrd $450 1 bd 4 t>lks liom och All t ess $750 mo 494. 7553 Mg• at Jµc C 337 C ncino Shr tg llJ• nme w/prot bale 40 10 oeacn lne ._,,01e., •n oeaucilul ' lllSTAllT I• non"'t u111s pa 1207 Cn1cago or 494-3483 Lii oe•~on $285 111 last $980/mo yrly 645·0340 Coron.i cll'I M.i• ~as t & 2 La•q4' J 81 i! Ba Tc;>wn $48'.> mu • BA t .o.. 6J I· 1261 ACJI apt 4 $385 plus dep ocu• VIEW TRAMOUILITY dep ~6·8•79 OCEANFRONT 01 ~ B odrm apts tor 1en1 Call "0u>f' " Qu·t'I c.omn•.-• n.i•' 11" carport all D•nl Poi"nt 3126 985 49!>4 Very p11vare 2 bd ap1s s 1 , • 4 1 G 6,4 2611 large POOi iar<len c.e1 bl1n, t!•h arps TSL tO minutes so ol Laguna I S1at1 An1 3110, 1" lu• nme w non By weel\ or moncn HeCPn •l>!iOrt .., l•ng Sft 7f> b4!.·JJ8t •••••••••••••••••••••• Lge tor Pdl•O pool g11r I on Dana Points mos1 AVAIUILE •OW ••••••••••• .. ••••••••• sm1<1 mature $300 tsl 673·7873 I :.i bO 2 ba ~un terrace 675·5949 M1maqern .. 11t 642· t603 OCEAll VIEW sec. gale ow S4 75 sectuded scentt blulf Large lloor plans gar ? l'.lll :1 na A1C Sec last aep Aers 640·4999 Winter ,en,81• wal~ to och S800 mo *CA<; I S•OE <?B• 1 ba From Dana Pn1nt s most 892·6745 evs 111\e new 2 Br wi den df'ns lane1sc11ped pool Poor N t So Cst Ptza -• YILU CORDOVA s• s ssoo 213 860 9513 Room wl kll priv S250. now available Can da 645 2216 540-2334 K•Os sn11 P••ls oo. J1 sl'Cluc1eel sccn•t otutt WARNER VILLA 2 b<! 2 •t•a large p11va1e patio 1acuzz1 Grea1 location 1~1 4 last utirs 1ncl Nwpt JACOIS REALTY eves Spac•ous E S•de Apts uhl Pel 631 43<'0 agt l•~e """"'Only 4 units 2 ba C.ondo lrpl dw P•· I garage S7?5 mo Call ctose 10 ever ylh1og• RH•I 4000 B{rt 642·6811 Encl \jll• O<lhO osnwhr & 2 8 I ea C IS a apes 81 w den Xtta lrg p11vate I I 0 p 0 0 I s 6 0 0 66 t 644 I or M-F 9.5 Some IOwnhouses ana •••••••••••••••••••••• PllOP MAIACEME•T IBr super sna•o lor 1 1 t.• 1 ' pac10 from S725 mo 643 0210 D o 1 ae>1111menrs with den UCUMA IUCll 175.5173 ~eorsso~,o~:~g1e o&• 'p.i~r,•~ ~~~;e Mos1 Ul•I tree No ~:0~~48".;o N o tie t s Call 661 6 44 1 or M·F. 21315700036 see ar ?4 5~1~esJn1~ avail No Pets Please MOTOll 1•11 SSOO 640 7834 2 BA 1 person $5 10 <l 5 643·0212 D11ve by S445 2 BR 2 Ba. pool Clara F1om S700-S740 2 BA ;,> Pt'•snns ss45 [AST SIDE ? B• qa•<Jen to !>ee 24583 Santa Ctara $495 3 BR 3 Ba poor Mllll•EllS SOUAllE apl L ;11 q;o Clec.k gar paho ko<ls OK No pe1s L11,•H Nit.•tl 3152 Co1t1 #tu 3124 1 BR s1a1ron9 at S•3S S 0 2 B• den 1 ba llplc new 6•6 9666 960 7A8• •• ••••••• ••••••••••• APAllTMHTS !!!'.'~. A'A~~! .... 1.~~~ • J mea occupancy Agenr SUN N V 281 yard nr Nine Condo 2 BR 2ba 2 Wes1c1111 & Ma11ner Or MleSl:iB_, ~~ SPAC•OU'i 2 Bd Bil • 2Br 28.1 Nea• S C S 7 5 0 mo AO en t beach u111 Pd. no pets ca• gar wtopn1 Wash/ t7 141 645-0252 Wkly rentals S95 up Color T v tree coffee nea1e<J pool a 5teps to ocenn 1(1tch s ava11 98!> N Coast Hwy Laquna Beal h 494 5'194 Small a11ract1ve srud•o nr bch l or empty d fem NOO•Smkr Prvt kllChe- nerte. prvt flnlry $325 incl ullls phone pool TV 1enn1s •93-3490 ••••••••••"•• .. •••••• 23?3 E6~Cl~en760A':_e CM I 54~:~J16S 1 6 O 2 1 5 1 c•oc 119 v11>w decks 1m-• -On Goll Course Wes1 t244 hV1ne Ave bf'tween ""'r:!-Beam cetltngs serv bor Plaza SA l•J•ury Con 496·6804 S530 call 536-2216 d•yer Lower unit w t I•---------• lP•RTME•TS 1 Clo "pool SS95 No eves pa110 ree1eco1a t ed $90 & up wotn kllc.hen • Wood cab no Pf'ts 2B• ga•~ge n"ar ocean · l B• bachelor bl• 10 I 8J3 81174 E ~ ~ $725tmo 7 1'1770· 1950 · ~ wrt>kly Ocean110111 Mo-Beaut1tully landscaped ga•Clen apts Poot & Spa Pat•oslelecks No pe15 $ 4 75 22!>6 M dple pets ves ocean view balcony Alll 2t>rfllla enc gar beach trgeleck ""'pd wt 675-8740 548· 7356 o• 673-8801 $4110 mo 2 tJ,402 2657 OW bkyd 1ge walk·1n If, I I i 3169 S395 840·3787 Ap1tl•Hll Uolaroi1ll'4 Bachelor $4 I 5 2 Br t Bo 2248 Canyon 01 11psta1t5 no pets S420 mo Sierra Mgmr 641· 1324 •Mes~ Verne 2 B• t Ba Set! at ~4682 Apl A cisc $505 842-2897 •• '.'!r.! ••• !~! ........ . NPwly recJeC $495 No Cordoh;i Dr WAI K TO BEACH Ba. NO FEE' Apl 4 Condo .........••...••...... l•lbo• /du4 3106 2 Bdrm 2 Balh $590 2250 Vanguarel 540·9626 or 64?-4905 pets 833 8974 Eves rentals V1lltl Rentals 2 Br 2 Bil curport $530 chelor, s1ove & relrlge. 675_4912 Broker ...............•...... 2 Br apt garage No pe1s $700/mo 227') Coral 2 131395-351 ' E-Beylront Ltttle Isle poer 3 story deluxe lrg 28r lrplc $1800 mo 675-3067 I 8CJrm 16t E t8tn S480 642·0856 Bachelors $4 10 t Bdrm S•80 t3t E 18th 646-6816 1 br yr1y aop1cs no pets !Spacious 2 Br 1 Ba S•25 itv111I Ocr 2 4 $500 Dupee .. 3 Br 1 • Ba 673·8293 alt 4pm $4 75 Laundry lac pool ISLAND CHARMER Lar-_:_4s-9555 12•7PM ge 1 Br lrplc. btlam cet· Townhouse 2 Br t' • Be hogs laundry dshwsr a frplc pool spa. attached sunde ck w 11n v i ew garage No pers Avail $700/mo Eves & Wknds now $625/mo 631·•98• 64 2 -72 6• Days 832·3•00 2 BR 1 BA. Old hOUMl no pets. Chlld OK All ulll Pd Large 2 Br I'. Ba trplc. 4 15 Hami lton . SS 7 5 large sundeck wtwarer 641-0763 view au relurb•shed ~ ---- yearly S850tmo '" tast IHTAIT IM! g $300 sec 2 persons. Easts1<1e $625·5650/mo no pet, no garage Avau 2 Br 1', 81 Townhouse. now l 325''> Grand Can-all 1>u11t-1ns. lndry r m al carport. yard/balcony. --small pel OK Yrly. $495/mo 2 bd. 1 ba. TSL Mgmt partly lurn 675-5708 or 979-4 770 ext 233 New 1 81 I Ba unit Wltrplc & cuport Av11n 1 111 yrly $850/mo Incl utn Lore Vance 673-4062 &42-1603 Fireplace pool. dlSrt- wesher, pvt paho X Lg Garden t & 2 Br on Et s ide S•60 , $560 557-28•' SS35 OuplPx S560 House S325 Ben Qpn 10-6pm 333 E 2 tst S1 =78or3D 645 81031645-6589 2 Br , Ba No POIS $450tmo IOr 2 persons 755 W t8th SI 646-95()7 LUXUllY COHOS i Br 2 Ba 1nclud1ng 2 c ar gMage w opene1 wood burning lrplc mosl ulds paid view o f s11eams & wa1erlall' f:rom S8 00 Call 662· 1309 LUIUllY CHDOS F r om S8 00 C 11 11 2 Br I Ba WeSl·S1de 1oca11on S500/mo $250 depo!>lf Call Belh 63 l·52JO olc •PM 3 Br small yard ga•age S525 mo 548·5707 559-5639 New"' 1 Br with pa110 & 1 ga•age N o pe1s S425tnw 645 5577 t Bn nu paint sp1Sid1PS. d/w no pels $37Simo 2265 M111t>r St 851·2175 I Del S340tmo inCluellng u111111e5 54'8 9574 or 499-445' •EWPORT APHTIHTS 2 Br Ch•lelrens secroon S320tmo plus ulils In· lan1 only NO pets No watert>eds 2•50 New· POii Blvd 2 Br 2 Be including ? car garage wtopener wood 1>1.11n1ng lrplc mos! uldS paid view Of str eams & w111erlalls 1 662-1309 Beau11tul & Spatious, 3 • 1 BA DUPLEX• bd 3 b a Condo. W/bllln&. SA05 1nc1C1,,g u111s 2266 4 trpl pool & spa A vAll 11 1 1 S825mo A P1acen111 no peu 631 _3537 645.949• Nice. quiet upsratrs i BA, No dogs g as & w • I er P a 1 d 542 3597 730-7165 $325/mo 536·7979 Haalia1toa WALK TO BEACH 1 Br I 3140 s 1 o v e & r e I r 1 g e •••• !~~~•••• •••••••••• $375/mo 536 7979 Deluxe pools•dc •1•11 large lrviol 3144 2br 2 t>a, bltns. oswhr. '·••••••••••••••••••••• I ' miles beach No pe1s W Cl b rd g J Br 2" 8 a S500tmo 536·8362 twnnse pa110 yard. 2 car I WOODUU gar $875 152.5102 _ Spac r A 2 br lovely L•f.•H I•."•. .314.I pines 8 st,eams. sec •• ••••••• ••• •• •• • gales entry by phone, s,m ''"' ., •• tge rec area incl gym 2 bdrm. 1 be Cape Cod pool & spa 846·6591 charmer In town nr < Bdrm opl Avail 1mme- d1ately S5:>5 Frplc. Cltw, garage No pets. wale• p e1d 545·2000 A11en1 no 1ee want Ad Hetp? 642-5678 beach yd lrpc $750 760-2567 494·6306 SELL idle nema wttn a Oelly Piiot Cfeaalfled Ad Haalio1I•• ''"' 3140 .•.................... Ke nnebunkport? Isn 't that the horse that won The Triple Crown In '72? ro, ?( ~ 2 ba opt $550. most II you're not sure who (or what) utns cnct 822 Hamilton -Kennebunkpon wes, don"t lael bad -you're l•lh.t Ne!~•a!:!· ~·a~· pd St 548•0477 NEW BREED APTS nor alone Kennebunkport Is one ol 1• 1,.;0 ,.1, 3101 encl gar. dwshr. pool. E8s~~~ ~ep~' ~~1~5~~02 1 Br ~ Loft Frptc. rec d lsllnc;llvely dlHetent apartment floorpfans at •••••••• ••••••• ••••• •• bbq no P•ts 6,,.2•5073 room, pool 111cuzz1 gAS Seawind VIiiage In Huntington Beach 2 bdrm, 2 ba n-er dpl• ___ $300 sec Joyce Wa•rz. & watflr pn1d No pert Seaw1nd VIiiage le a result ol totally yrly Marure non·amtcrs. 8 eaullful 2 Br 2 Ba RetMe• 631 1266 393 H11 m111on C M personalfz:ed prolesslonal plannlng The kind no pets S650 x 3 townhouse. lrprc. p11110. e side 2Br t 041 upllaira 645·4• '1 or altenllon you deserve A perlecl blend ol 2 131799-4195, 257·9792 lndry rm goo el loc Fresh peinl Nr schls no ,. •M ESA VERDE•* nature 11nd riving -ne11fed In a loreat wcth Of (71') 873-39&6 Sse<>tmo TSL Mgmt pets $450/mo 631·8155 Lelry rm dl w o Oat babbling brookl and quiet ponds. COOied by ' •2• ulll pd 18r Opr•, 4 1-7 6•2·822 l 642· 1603 i::. 2br 2b• $550tmo nalvral ocean braetea. Add to lhet tennlt "" " ~ 2 Br 1' 1 b11 323 t 11Jlh E Bay Ave .. Balboa No HITSllE SI No ~18 Oar $650 3br 2ba $700/mo courtt, awlmmfng poof .. a ape and a PARK NEWPORT APARTMENTS COUNTRY CLUB LIVING IN NEWPOAl BEACH A to tal env11onmeo t apa•tment communny on the Upper Bay P11va1e clu bllouse end heallh spa 8 renn•S eoun s 7 pools ctose to business. a11por1, Fash1011 lslana Conven1en1 ahops on sire Unlurn1sne<1 bache- lor' 1 & 2 bd•m ap1s and townhouses S560 • StOOO Several bachelor• and I Belrm unlls lealure fine designer l urn11u1 e and accessories Mo~e 111 ro- Clay or rese1ve lot future use Smartly furnished models open e1a11y On Jamboree Rd a1 S11n Joaquin Hiiis Rd 144-1100 • r aiock to beach 2Br brlghl & aory S670 mo yrly 968-8263 Beachlronr winier rencal Oct ·May ••09 Sea- snore 2 Br S700tmo J Br $800 UIUa Plld Can be fur nished 714/544·061• Beechfront winter rental Oc1-M1y 2914 Ocean- front 3 81 Newly 1erno· deteel Can bo lurnlshed $ 1000•• U11l1 pntd 7 "/5U ·0614 ~11 p11v Cnros11an Home t blk 10 B<.n Lower 2 bd M stre1gn1 Lag Ben den ? ba yrly bllons. S:175 ultl 499·2286 retrog $750 675·8839 Nwp t Hgts 2 or 2 ba SPllCIOl.IS Avail now S735 mo 6•5 -7400 8 Al BOA PENIN , tllk to bch 2 bd t oa yrty. C.IP•I $570 mo 55~·085J 3Br 2Ba 3 car garage t blk to ocn $850 mo 67Mt1A Spac 2 bd. 2•,, condo type ap1 10 lhe Bluffs Frpl New Carpet N o pets $925 6•5-6:.> 18 Lr9 2 bd 2 ba API in lhe Bluffs F1pl Super loca- 11on & very p11vate No pets $875 645 6218 Jb1 cba upstairs IN / sundeck . ocean view Yrly $750 A gl 673-3355 1 2 Br 2 Ba, oay ocean view Condo pool. ja· cuz11 secu11ty bldg $875 Call Denny 6•5-20t6 or 5•8·5833 •:>Br I'. Ba or Hoag. no pets. marure lldlls pref $525 6 3 r 3888 or 6•5-6822 EA$TBLUH tPllCIOUS I Br pOOl qu•el. pleasant area No pets S555/mo A lao nice 2 Br at S6701mo 644·"71\7 2 BR 2 ha walk 10 bto11ch. pool 111c stcurlly $7001mo C11ll Scott Ro- gers 64 I -5 100 dllys 63 t 1013 t!vllS Ro:>m 101 renc nr OCC $2001mo Male prel Call aft Spm 54!>·6024 FPm non-smkr rm Wlhse PllV C M $"'15 unlurn turn $260, 645·5459 Newport area Fo1 •enl vP•y large •oom, lull bdlh seperale & p11va1e entrJnce ter11t1c toe Non sn,oi.e• S350tmo 631 4060 8ed•oom1bach with kit· <.hen laundry. POOi pr1· v•IPges $250 In East- 01ut1 759·9302 Room wolh k1rch pr1v Nr Bus 11ne & shopping ce111er 962-75:>0 H1t~J1 /1111/1 4100 ······'··············· SHUH MtTU Wkly ren1a1s now avall S 105 & up Color TV Phones 10 room 2214 Newpott Blvel CM 64'6 74'5 BEACH AREA $84/wk Reh 19er11tQf ·Miid· POOi Nwpt Blvd & Wolaon Cosre Men 548-9755 Pine Knot Mol"' on Coast Hwy . NB S t eps ro oce11n Wkly rares e•~·O••O IHI A PUGEi ReatOMlblll rates 1(11· c.henettos phorittt, m1110 •t1rv1ee. Z chAnnel mo· Fem 10 snr 2 bd 2 oe Promonlory Pc S370 pl11s uhlS/dep 675·3889 Roommate wanted Prof ff'm to shr 2 bdrm 2 be apr Nr So Csl Ptaza All 6 Michelle 556· 7234 M1F Ch11st1an g responsi- ble CM S215 plus ulll Jonn 548-6213 M F snr beaut Sack Bay condo Pool. 1ac 1enois $300 6•5·5 123 2 br 2 oa 1 btk from bch. NB Close lo Superoor Avail Nov 1 $310 M ike 642 0994 M arvre Employeo Fe wished ro share frge 2 bd "J ba furnished du· pie• w/mature. emply"d MiF Easr C M S300tmo + ', uhls 54'8· 1200 f snr new beach condo. micro lrplc gar $265. 1st. last dep Tracy 549 3421. 631·65•3 Fem to Shi WIMIF. super ciean well located Nwpt Condo S275 mo 675-9643 ROOMMATE WANTED M1stra1ghl. non·smlcr. $250 + • 1.1t1ls Oya 642-5446 alt 6PM. 6•2-5620 Shr 2 bd. expenses. FtM. $275 Call. leave mes- sege 960-7874 Aval! now F 22-30 sn1 3 or 2 be 1p1 on beach N B F1plc, 25 paho, garage S265 Isl, 1111 1 & sec Br11n 673·1519 S hr 28r 2ba furn apr Ocean v11w 1011 of amen111 e ' $4 50 675·3605 HWPllT HAO• ltlSf 38r 3ba. trplc . Sleps to bch Mstr balh wtRoman fl'C 1ub Skylight elc Pvt cnl unlmtd prk g. pool, tennis, ntsmllr SA75Jmo. 631 7168 BUI pell 5•7-1155 2 Br 1 88 pool tide apt, Slerrn Mgmt 6, 1.132• S•0-5446 convenient IOCtlllon netr thopplng and &;Chel(J(, yrly rent•• l 3it0 lndry rm, bll·lnt NO w·LUCE Wllll employment and yov·ve got. plee• anyone t C •• I ' 2 Bdrm 1' r b1. trp1c dtw. • would provdly cell home (Even mo 201 E Blfboa Bl P• • • or •PP 7""' w 19th 67S.05e2. S-46-1310 $4'35-$450 pvt P•t•O. g•r•ge no M1nl.i1e:i rom the t>eteh Kennet>unkpo<11) One and two !Mdroom one TSL Mgm1 6-42-11103 P&tt $520/mo 8 4 HIC· LUXURY 1 8R 1 BA (Ind two bath apart~t• rrom $511100 MUIPHIT 3 l>dr. 2 be o•r gre111 loo Wlntet HAil MDII llOSP. LO ' bdrm 3 be tn· home 2 Cll• 0111 F110· ,;i11ce WtD S700t mo 63t 1105 vies SANDPIPER M0 · 1 Ammare to thr NB •pt-;1 TEL 1967 Newport Blvd blk 10 beach $225 mo CM 645 9 137 673 8533 ----.. V•tali,. IHl•/1 4ZS01 rem rmm1te lo $1\lrll 3 For Ad Action Cal a Daly Plot ll11110n. ~•3·5478 Bachelor. 91ea1 roe ''.Ill.I O ..... T Marble Pullman top s f d ytll•ly 3 Br 2 Bii S t41P• 10 • • •• • • • •• •••••••• ••• •• bdrm 2 be OC.an front 1 OOAM IN DUPLEX, utll ,..__ I d Vi~w1n b h $8501 like nu, lge 1 br apr1 Included 1350 """0" 0' r&Ptl Tll ..... 142· 1'0I HC mo lrplc. OW, oar . s475/uf) Ptuttl wl w carpet• 1 PROPERTY HOUSF P1110 Of oak:ony Pool & e•ll 082·7940 Wllll In C•o1e11 I a·n Hgeunt•ngton V1U11Qt' Stto• To The 8ellcll '2 Br 6'2-3850 6'2 1010 2 l>edroom 2 bllthl. 2 If)• Nope11 2850Harlt EASTSlDE·Lg2Br.gar&~ Pt1vS1tPlltlOi,. "~ 3 1tnnla c:ourra Walerl ront 4 Bi 2 811 •torte' 10 Twin Peal\1 111 MeN Pinet 5•11·2••7 + c1rpo11 & yd. 11ove1 Gourmet KllCf'len acroH rhe 11':!', 1v7try ul)elt irt duple• complo· Like Arrowh .. O area FOR RENT! tiome $325. 1"' utll 111 & lut lo move In 848-3810 F • tmnlt IQ ahr tpec; 3 br. 2 '• b e C M condo. S275tmo S<IS-•35f 1---------re ' r 1 o. I !'l 6 O mo C1rport w/llO•&g• 15655 Hunllngton Vfll•r Lane ~lunlfngtor clean. New Car,.._ 50 1 ad 1 d bU 1 HH bull1-1n1 & 11repr1<:e 1,-rmmte ,0 .,,, F v home, ..,.85 ~Bdrm, refrl(I, P•· 631·0754 Sp1t. oordoor bbq 0•"'"h, c• (7 l ) 89·" .. 198 mo Vrl" rent Call Kare t•Y r eeora • · ne. 1 i AD VIS(I ,_ J -" ..... ' dlthwuher fr pie gar fhtl, 11111 6 08PO• t re 10 tnln ro t>Mell, UOO + • l-.110pet1.eclultlpt'ef. -liundry From lheSan~ollre.weydrl-n-,..h e1&-0 12 4 MOll·FrL Jo 112001 • ' I nulred C 1H (~UI utile ~""'·02"7 724·A Jtcntt.873-71'e7 2 8fl 2 Bt. •v~ll ippro• S•40tmo $•&-4830 v •• '"" t73·359tSll·Su~' mo y ea r Y ... ,.1.02 •• 0 , 171 ,1 '"'°--·-H2 5678 Nov I no P•I• $48& a.ech to MG edd«t, then weet on G'5 .. '1H " uv " • E/Slde c M WI• becnelor 780 "19 Or &41Hl875 r 0 w NH 0 us E!. 2 a r . M cFadden to Sffwtnd VIiiage 2 .!,.a ~c·r--~~,,.!! w·n••·~ LIH 667 06~7 ...... d•V ·-8u)'ing and Mlllnt • •Pl, $400/mo + 1300 evtfwt.noe l '-'6• frplc:. pv1 p1110. Furnl1hfnge evalleble •~deity 10 AM · ..... ,.. .,... ...... • -· n1nga ,,,., a Pm 11 no rHaonab•• prlce•tllt1 • MCVrlty NO pet1 Joyeel ga1age. qurttr. lmm1c dulk p0'1 9eecll Goll Cour .. 1 LO 381, 2Be, ytly lt!IOO 1n1wer, Pltatt kHp Wllll CIUlflltcl la ell Wenl Adi Call 842·5878 !!.!.IH. ~1·1He tot I C11u111ec1 ~•2·5878 1850 mo II~.!_ . &•s-..85& I mo 813·6889 lrylngt •t>ou1 842•&871 ~ ~~----==--...--.---'------~·~,_,_,__.. _____________ ....... __ ._....:.;;;:::;....~-. ,_,_,_,_,_,_J_,_,_,_~,_...:::,_--l'----=========---- Orongu Coaiat DAILY PILO rtfrtc.t oy, October 22, 1982 ,!.a.t•.'t.Jf .l~!!!.!l.lj 011111 .,.,,,, 4411 h•I ' , ... , "" "•'• w .. 1" 1100 ~'.'1..vt~ ... l.'!. ••.• !.l.':tfi~!.'l.."!~!'.1.'!. .... l.'.~ ,. -. ... DO ... unl.I .......... "········· ....... : .............. ~;j.~;·.~:;~:·t r:::.·~,~ 'I loAl •11 llll ... ,IY ... I aau• CLlH, 'II! ~l t ......._ IUllNHI tN YOUft ~ ... ~'!!! •........• !.~!! !!!~.'!l!! •••••.•• I.~!' f l•et 11•.n ;law II "'""'' flt ''" yuur t~ll flen NEWPORT BEACH 1111" IJ1 raen a11 llullr .,,,,,,. '""' lt•t11• """' ""' uw1l•1 & r•f,.,11e C a \.( ~ OWN HOMI FOUND ADS t.1111 1111111t l•lla11nu All••llttll•w ll1111 tefllu• ,11 .i111• l t11 tl"'""'ll ' ~ ~-. f'IJOt IC r u RNIT Ull( I AIQ• ••••ell 901.!W w•lf n111111r 160 h a 111 • 111 11 1 ( ,• 1 1 1 COMMERCIAL 9JI , .. .,. •th11tt•'( 111111 I )I <.11111 u111111111 IUIJl•ly I Um• '·--:, ...... :· ;.,1'1':~~ I ~· ,. ;J *AUCTION* l>J t !iO&fl 646 3CIJll N O r '" •Ill 4Ul) '" wl Hma 111 t.=M $2211+-' •viii AR£ FREE ,, ••tJ 111 1.u111u11•h• 1Ju111 Mull I 11 A1Jt1ly M101w1 ,... i ~ ~ .t.I •"' 1 J i'I PROPERTY " Ua llv•1•t•• •~1111 1 •11 11e••l •tt•I H tol•MtJg ll Uhi•i111111 21•t1achu1 .,. t"'"'°'A" IJ~ ''-"Jll , ·r:-I J ~11>.1n~I:• t "'•nda/ nv.. ••I> 11 mu" t:omµ•llllv• A •• (; M 'l•U 1111} , ' ' :,-a• ~ '"7 1 ,, 1 harr frl41r l1JOPI I 0811• 01 bedroom. ttv1n11 rm dlnt11g rm tu1n11ur• •'II 1100111.1 I 1ble ••tend• llJ bO 6 <.h!I all W I wltt lv p eele1 11 l t 1 1001tie11 "'' en 91 n 831 .u~u •'' 8 .lO pm I.Al f 1H11 ') El r J u,. l111tollll•• II• l'OCtl h101 y 132'1 & , Ulll 'l'IJ t~cl6 live• t>1em1e1 Coat tltQhw•v lt.)C.Mll1111 oppoa1111 New po fl L•nl•I Xhtl 1111•11 I'"" 1110!1 000 Ulllt fl Cal: Hl·Hll •l••to lu1 '"••• •--------•I r v111 e •••M l ul11r~ 5 b •tt•ll" C.•11 r l • ''fl ~ll 1 Ill t I Jlfollt 84 t I l'.I I l &lll ' ~. t ~ \ .OAT RE .. TAL "" ""'" "'' ,,, 'I 000 ..... OAllAO• SAU AO$ NOW " ,I""" l)lht "' ••nw WlllM tu 1'0 Uu• 80()1 ClAlllrtlO l't' Cll'fl <JPttt•\Ut to1 ttuut111utuu t ,.,,.,, lft tu .,J u• "" • '"'"twm V•llt4r WI/Utt Ill llLOW thulnu.u Mutl lt• th lHU tUHUtf l~hOt OUU:•' .... , •••••••••••••••••••• boo11.c .. •• """"" 11•11• 11pph1nc.1a Pl US lO I 9 MOllf llYE SAYE SAYE 1<1ng tJed 11~110 w ,, ,.,... gt1IHI 1.httd ''"'')'b•at 01r t.n 1111:1 SllM thtr11 Ut110 1'01111 I Ur 2 B• $}6~ mo '" A 19tl. • uhl• 4llJ 011111 NrW ftl)AI lllA l ll PHOP , , 14) llCll :11118 SCRAM-LETS ANSWERS 111 u 11111u """w""'U" 1111111 """1111111 1111.1111111111 SALIS1 MITUll t111111 IMIH!ff " UlltlHIUl•I I NMA 111•1 "''U"'U l)ltu f m u '" $1'11)()1..,,, I'll 111111111tt 101rn11 ltctlplul liu• 10 llullituy 11111 M u~ 1 h fl m ti t u'" $~1111 111 """ t ti 1 JJ ( 11~t11 Mt<UI II • 30 !)')\I ()041 ! ~ll•v• M ... W e 1to11or Bo l A M C Vl'lA C:ll\1111!1 • Che<;k• 4 (,H h NO PEA~ONAt Cti[C:I(~ Pl [A$( 1 f O<XI llVllllAblo lhlnt' •ul/IV'' to 11r•t11it1 W11llllU Oaak b 1>41Clln .. ooo 'J U••wo•• bl~ 11111 IC>fl CJOll\k l•rn11 A ch1 Aini <.Olld S:l\lblt.9•1 QI Chrt111111) 11111lt1 •n• wt aeme St !I~ $'00 191/IA&I (, M n ngttr llo son.•·• IJOO Ill S000/11111 llllW 11•1111 8 c;arpoltng 318 No Now p or r !llvo (r>c;or11 l owly SIO"CI 01t(iwt1 u , ;•ljn '1110 t.11111 n r 111.@11 ann ~U"•• l.llbC HILL •wgo Su•y """'"' l•1u11111u '"1 v11;u llaud 1rn1 ~()fl who JOU l'lA(..FMrNl A5 ---------•! MUTEH AUOTIH "" "~" 50311 UPC I roomrHvlll• P111;Mn w uotJ 011111111 rm •ot 4!>' t 70 Obi Pllllt•lul 1111 !'•tend• to 110 4 ,,1111 A :> 1rm ~hit M1.11 ch111u 2 l>C c11111u cnb1ne1 w/11111111or l>(lhlll•U 6001.1 conel \2700/but olhu ~'>(I '>0J6 ~· 55 10 2 l)drm 2 1111 h1l1 h 1H•\l, n ewly d eco• u ted 1111 8llH1111t1u8 ullt 111c1 I.I 13!10 Plill in1llUIO p1ol t 964 5325. 116'4·0524 M i i 1mm1lh! non t nll.1 2• 30 Y''· ~ht11t< 2. bOrtn l D• 0111 C tll Oil" 111111 M11r ~ 1111., 1tom 111.h avoi11 """'"o s::ioo ·, viii 6 7~ 1927 Ft1m non ~ml.r w1rnu 10 Shi apt w/911me 111 NwtJI area $?50 I JOO mo 675-0941 Fem roommate to snr w same 28• nse in E Side CM $22!> mo + ' 1 ulll S50 dep 631·2895 Need roommate 10 s111 lovety 3B r 3Bi1 CdM nome. new cpt & pa1n1 1n Ddrm & Oath garage & e"Atras S300 + • u111 644-4965 Ammlu wanted 38r hou se Lag u na B ell $200+dep $200 WI OOP no pets 497-1830 Rt1111/1 W11111d 4325 •..•..•.......••.••••. Engt1snrnan. ma 1u1 e resp , empl , NB, wants Dacn 1s1ud10 apt or share reas rental 645·2700 Prol woman w l sm l pet wishes 10 1e11t house and/or apt b>: Nov 15 01 Dec 1 Call 675·5492 1:1e1 2pm Need furnished apt 01 hse m the general area tor mo ot Jan Local refs avail Write Mr & Mrs A E Theel 1524 Wool! land D• Aoche:s.te1 Minnesota 5590 I Female 25·30 must 11no room m Newpon He gnts Dy Nov I Respons1ole q ui et non smk r 631-3823 ~!!!I.~~ .'!!.~t.a.~ !.~~~ Easts1de garage for sto rage $75 645 7234 SINGLE GARAGE Near Main beach m Laguna Bea c n S6 5 1 mo 494·3044 01/itt Rtal1/ 4400 .....•...••....•...... *DELUXE OFFICES* I MO FREE RENT 1 room 10 2800 SQ It From $1 16 a sq tt A01 A1r porter Inn & Frwys Call AM 833·32?3 161 7 Westc1111 N B 256 10 41000 SQ ft 151 11001 Agent 541·5032 AtrPOrl area • El<et SU•· tes From 225·•50 sq ff $1 per sq It Many i.tras Call 557-7010 4100-900 PLUS 1400 sq It Pentnouse Bay1ront Sui te p 1111t1ng P at•OS 673-1003 DUl SPACE CH Attractive rusttc upsta11s set11ng We supply des~. space copier You sup· ply phone & S95 pr mo pr desk Call 644 7211 SO LAGUNA 3 Arch Bay 2 Suites ava11 Gd Hwy V1stb1llly 497·2351 Costa Mesa I er 2 room suites From S751mo UUIS 1ncld 779 w 191h St 85 1-8928 nu •66~ WINDOW lllku~ u11t111 111111"11 wOlk f.J/f I l !Jt\l"l 0.1 tlj ~lf1T ANC:.( s p o111or Sillll¥ l(u ., tJOcJ "l.lran erll Mtt Hunllnflon l11d 7075' • N11wpor1 Blv(j CM llaJ ti6:ib tl4G I.IMC! luliHll IHllJ 4450 M1 ho"" •• oue 01 11t1>a11 UllYS WftO lhlttks big Ila I irvino 10 orow 0 1edwoo1.1 tl flll Ill 1115 WINUOW bo.< I undlfllJ ( uurctln1&t<H& IOIEY lllGHllE flM-UIVlllJ 1.10111111\1 011ty IEEDS OPE·&TOR thl l.t1fluo 1l1I, µ1nu (•OttU •••• •• • ••• •• •••• •• ••• tbl, Subol wllr tr pwr Gl~NI u alu{JuS"'" 040 t .•••..•••..•.......... (' 111 fllll Wl!<lVUI lhHllJll µ111111111 fOlur 1111111>11111 11011 wuuvu tr 11t morn1 w,,,11 lluv I\ "'II 111>to ~ 011u11111f ruo~• l yr• flAll $'100 11 1 wk ( rl M llfJ ()91!1 <.;ull l u r 1n 1n, (7 141 n f1t111 :iiuo TO PUllGH IUT • r1111wm 111~ 107 'l11111.11>11il flt1111k w1111111 Ct It 0 01.1 llitvt/11 1020 ~1orol1 (111 t P1op11r ty ot ttu1 llo• & Aooma, CM (;1)vl1 tr 111111. 8 parking 11 .. 0 t:J T!>• ..... ·-·--··-· ... OFFICE SPACE •' ~1"'"~ 1o1v111f1bla now 1n I ount11111 Vall11y 1416 sq It 11110 t~J6 sq 11 r or ..... tnOt ,1e1t:t1I~ C1111 ,,., A111ol1t 1<' 1:1) 663 12117 c ••• ,,,;,1 ,,,.,,,, 4415 .......••............. 1250 sq 11 •el111t1of11ce Spece E 171h SI on Co~ta Mesa. great v11•· b1lll y & p a r k ing 645 3477 AfNT OR LEASE Newly remooeled nom11 w11h IJrgo 101 Comm I zorung 1tC11 10 Newport Blvd 642 1334 851·9889 COSTA MESA t O\l 2 t.tlll , wlHl11 r11 W/ bll•U "Y•!S Mnlu w/gra-011 • .\ tJlu.u eY.C GENEAOUS lllWAAD C111i ony11mi. b3 1 0649 or S48·2287 Found l g blk long lu1l111e1 t«l wht t111;u & chest lrnbll<jd lillf 67!>-2223 l o'1 Bloc~ l11b Seth" 11t1m111e1 Lost nr Grt1n11m .111e1 Hett HB Answeri. 10 D111111rie Very gen tle Some loss 01 na11 oue to ullu19y 8'46·2 1416 round Orange & wlll IOrlg 11a11eo k•tten nr W Wll son CM 6412 7072 Founll MANX CA I Mos11 VetOt! 111ea 01.t 15 546-6772 fOIJND 3 wk" ago Welsh Co1g1e? Wht1me111 lo ""'g c.~11 t k ee11 6JT·8l8? 494·4695 200 sq It 10 2600 SQ It 50c per sq It & up Call fh•a lonomics Coop Founo Lat. ordnge s111 b75.6700 11"0 • I ail V1CIOria Ha1001 CM 646·3850 75c so. n. •·• 1:?00 s/I • $9001mo new tJa•nt 6 carpeting 328 N o Ne w p o rt B lvd f ouno Small Dlon<l oog, U•1•verstty High II vme ';51 024 I ketlp h ying /20· 1665 Fo<1nd Wht German Sile pnerel, apx I yr Old 90111 l11du1tri1/ ears brn eves 631·86J 1 Rt11 t1/ 4500 Founl.I White w•Dlac~ cat ....•.•..........•.... $750 up ;> 160 II lndu srnal Office 1810 I Ae- Cl O nl.l o Cucie P & T Hun1tng1on Beach 842 2834 W.irehouse space High C1001 access 4000 feet avo11 642·5535 !(Oren 3 200 sq " Wlfh AIC OI· fices Randotpn SI C M Sprtn kleel wtcomm •rontage 546· 16:-i:l Storage yard lencea no Hai boo .. md Balter 50 X 150 It S225 mo Lurger area also avail mete wn11e 111111 collar very 1ov1ng Ille Warner & G r 8 h a m ti B 840-1693 Found g rey•sl"t blac ~ RABBI T on Newpor1 Shores 63 1-65413 0 1 549 ·3421 Tracy Lo~t orange Dl'bld•I M cal (lye) Woo<lDrodge Irv Reward 544-394 I roond Male Germdn Sheph I yr Olk LaD F Calleo cal Grey 6 white male cat 5 46 6055 548-1949 549·818 I Found blatkl whote KIT St 4550 TEN "' Newport Shores •• ~!~f!••••••••••••••• 63 t 6543 Or 549·34 2 \ Storage Space I? " ~8 Tracy 36 door S70imo 111"~ Pttsoa1/s 5350 $70 se c c.J &oos1t •••••••••••••••••••••• 011114 Cart Wtrktr CO 6dUCOllOlldl tUSllJtm 11a1 treatment 111011""" tor 11<lotescen1s C:.t•ll 646 3489 B•t 8am .I CHMUllTY SERVICE REP. F l tn>t1 l/OtlllOll With M.ir"h ot D1nt11s Snoulel hllVtJ prtOI llMPI Ill Olgll n1zn11onul worl. 5<ltes 11no1or runcJ raising Sell 51.Jrtut llllll lll>h! lo work "'''" young people urt<l 11..tult~ Seno rttsum" 10 Mu• 1.n o f D1mus 66 1 lldtnollOll 650 CO!>lll Mes.i L;i 9:?6'J7 1..001(~ lull A Ptl h1:s. & mu111·y tu tJu "''iln!Jtid Tt1e G111111t•1 ne~tm11t1nt 1400 '{:I PCH Nµt 8th 64~ 8861 DELIVERY Person. o•er Ill 10 t A Time& c M 111111111"' 3 AM 6 AM Eco11 Cdr ltlQ No COllPC· 11011s $400 $4 !i0 noo r1lu~ bo11u~us 646-0ti:l 7 Dt-llvury L A T 1mes to homes in Bi\ll:>OJ J JO em 6 11m S5501mo NO 1.011ec1111g )•8·8441 or 646 14 13 OUTAL ASSISTANT Wt: .1re loollmg 101 oin e • "' tl "'"''"' Jssostant w•lh .i 011gn1 cnee1ful a111tutl., IO wor~ 1n ,1 pr1• ... n 11on oroentl'CI "'"ct•vt-on CCIM Sat,vy open 644 6699 Dental lou11 0 111(,"1 fou11t1h1 Yalltr Mort1•c• c ... , .. , l ()OklllQ IOI 4 6 llAPUI ruol"•Mlt111111~ WtJ ~11•11. llihltl In llt!W IJrO\jl 1l1U" I" ClMPI AllM OEM I Si IS A'rtd IU • C:.1111 .101111 Cu~ut k %4 9090 REStDEN TI AL MORfGAGE S£AVIC:f MHHEMUT 1•1.111 11,,,e couplo~I rl!!>l.IOtl\lflle ""'gfe) IO ht•lfJ manage large lam11y Du!.trltl~~ Work with IJU Ill•< Fo• lnte1v1ow Cnll 114 968 6670 MAJIC URI ST Wllh 1.llentele 397S Buell St N 9 545 7 1 12 MECHHIC I 10111 wneel alignment Own IOOIS N11wport Tire CtHtltH '.'IOOO [ Loast Hwy, Corona dol Mar UIL SCULPTURIST Nt1ed11d for progressive salo11 Some c1ien1ett1 p 1ul Salar y, co"•m . vaca11on Mqr 540 8889 NEED EXTRA MONEY? Work Ill 11011111 01 PI T sotelerong 11115 & er alls t:.lll IT 141 5419 7932 D1.c t1at1ys1tter 1n e1re nongs Muture pe1 sort $2. hr own tr an~ Est· Sele C M 548 7 IJ6 Pan 11me ne.:111n <.luD prel •l'l11eo 10·4 PM luPs rn 644 4664 Tim PART/TlllE High income Call M r Miller 552·6807 Dental Cnairs11Jt< Asst t•---------1 ne,.e1ee1 f'1ab pleasant ousy Nev.11011 Beacn Group Prnc 1tce neert~ eaper pe1son ADA Pref I 4 d il y week + • Oily 11very ulht11 Sa1 AM II you re 1001t1ng 101 a hap Pr 0111c;1• 10 be 1rei11ee1 right L11lt 640 1122 for an 1ntcrv1ew Pon 11mo person wtth depenoao1e transport&· Iron 10 C1eh1rer small Daily Pt101 route 111 Npl Ben <11ea Mon thru Frt a1- 1ernoo11s 13 30 to 5 00 PMI Sat & Sun mornings ~5 30 10 7 00 AMI S300 per mo Call Bob Wells, 642-4321 E 0 E 673 41 54 N ew pon l·--------- Boacn LINH I VICKI'S Desperate Need M or ____ • PHOTO MODELS Fem compamon over 60 I Phone Sollc1tors needed Mi1ctll111to1u Rtnl1/s 4650 ESCORTS/DANCERS yrs for Sunday d11v"'g ommoC:1a1ely no selling' OUTCALL 24 HRS 557 1209 involved woll call l•om ....•.•............... FOR RENT! 111.19 0207 DRIVER 0<1r Newport Beach ol· • • lice no expertence ne· 2 bedroom, 2 baths .\ 2 !lories 1n l win Peaks on l&l<e Arro whe•d area H11s bu•IHns & fireplace F"trSI ta_,, & ClePQS•I re· qu11 e e1 Call \71 4 1 768 0286 or (71 4 J 667-0657 weekday eve· n1ngs alter 6 p m 11 no answer please keep trying' BD1iat11/l11vtsl/ Fi11111tt ...................... *** Atlantis Parlor Open 24 his e doy 7 days a week Jacuzzi Sauna Locats as well 11 s T ou1 osts Ban1tAmenca1C1. Amer· 1c.an E•press O.ners Alt welcome 71•1645·3433 21 12 Harbor 81 CM C111tom FHtHJ Pllo1t Conversahon w>lh BarD• MC Visa 241 hrs 638-0701 l11siae11 COEDS W-oulo love to O•torloailr SOOS party w/you Can Sue 01 ••••~ •••••••~•••••••• Katny anyt ime l:? 131 S1>u1h County A rcade 63 4 . 4 5 7 1 t 7 t •) Localton anti machines 527 ·7186 or toco11on only Call T o m o 1 S 1 "' o n e MODELIH PLUS 586-2695 &45-36416 lor loghl tocat ClohvtH•llS cessery Wiii train For F111me Mon-F11 near hours 3 9 Call oetween appearance Gool.I dro 2·4 al 64 1·01 19 v1ng 1 ecorel Apply 01 Master Blueprint 234 F1~chl"1 A vt1 C M ~40 9373 UH EITRA MONEY Sethn9 toys at parties Call 548-8296. evemngs ELECTRICAL IESIHER EXPERIENCED Perma ne111 pos1t1on 25 yr otel e1ect11c111 co 71 4 859 7200 ELECTRONIC TECH Pleasant ma1u1e woman Oon<l&Dle 1') hrs pr wk to SI art to nandle per· sona1 accounts ano nou· se1101cs· management for Dus1neu couple Must drive No smolttng Re· lerences e1>sen1tat Ptea- se rppty So• 841!> Daily PtlOI PO so~ 1560 Coste Mf'sa Ca 926<'6 PROGR AMMER / ANALYST t Bus111ess a.ppltcattons on J IRIS Basic. 2 yrs e1<pe1 FIELD SERVICE 1 M ICRO TEC H Cost a Oakland Base Telecom· M,. .. a 557•8640 mun1ca11on lirm •5 see king person wl 1 yr d•g· •lat A analog e~pe11ence - PUROHAS!NG J111itarial Sup,IJ MOVING OUT OF STATE C101n1ng Consignment Shop CdM $15,000 675-3589 Exo t •c danc e rs l or Open11111 15 1•1 Orange Bacnelor/ Bacheloretto Coun t y oreo Kf!y Tel Parties 738·8 538 o r P'posure At ... ,., 558-8538 Mo111r. lo Loia 5025 f or Compan1onsh1p. mas· • • • • • • • • • •••• • • ••• • • • sage or a driver cau Ken FORECLDSHE 497.s118 MflPLIH Send resumn & sala•y requ11emen1 to Tl•e Doily Polo! P 0 80• 1560 Costs Mesa CA 926~6 Ad :: 1080 l adies ror compa111onsn1p Sat StllltitllJ 01 Just to talk call l<en Exper1encee1 Cook s need 851·5995 497-5718 ed 101 dinner nouse Niie TOii $4UO S HIOO I 1.1111 wk CJll Ju11 J11c~••J1• Ul·l512 SALIS fl A Pr flSONS Nff l>l U MJIJll l~l,t r>d tt 1ou~111u tn1 ,, t1•w 111111111 gent a11t11tt1vu & smctiro peho11~ to '"'''tt"""' 1n11m 111 thou fJ•I rluD 111 Nwpl fKh l11tmv1t•w '"•l (,.... I 0 I II ,, I• I '0 11 Mon I 11 A1k tor Mr H11IDt1r9 675-0900 Salos Av~ SIS 10 4 'J '0 ~ t"'''tl1nu/Bu .. hnrt.J •••" • •••••• • ••••• • •••• B1lb01 P1ai111u/1 < '"Pu•t ~ .. 111i.. st1vu1111 "" w ~P11"d tir•r 1A11·1'r o •••••••••••••••••••••• involvttU '"'" hOOk1' w t1 t t.,. \ '0 ob o llook S1l1 In All11 klf11.k 1t1111oi. misc. c.414 20?6 •JI.I rnno111011 :iooo htk f 0(1•1111 UlvtJ Rnar.ltv111w Moh•lu f'nrk •, •,,,. .. ,II ( ru'""' S 100 l1t1uu1to10 1.lath111q 112()1 Goth.ird Hl.i 1,.1 <.1111 Uouy .u 640·!>•00 ''"" (VlliYllllN(. !iulll "''' ?I ... I 10·4 .... Ill or /{I() ll801 tiu1• IJ 4 GARAGE SALE ,n .. 11•11'" 10 ''"'"ll me11• Co1on1 d1/ M11 t'.18:? urn v 6001 s1t!1ur1 h•ku MUS 1 t.ELL \55 ••••••••••••••••••••••! fV Hnt1qu_, b~d ,,,., fvtt1UflCJ~ 760 05:.J4 r urrutura clothe• moru, I boot~ dnd muc.n more• I' '/d . IOc S300 5 ,.11 51111 c;,.11<;un 9884> l'.tl~ Dr UI lftf 1m M1ltri1/1 1025 '/.;~•n SI Golutu JJI Or 964.5841 ••••••••••_•••••••••••• • Mov1nu Sdtu uv111yin1110 I IOW llo/FT. w A N I £ D s" u, a I 0 fl '"":>' QO Furn 11ppl At1ClwOOd 2i6 e1eck111g lovest1al g 111m thBll olh1' H111l~ f111Sun 4·:?0 long •ISO reelwooo Cuswm m11ae 1 Couch uerlti<.t GOndrllon coach 111ms 11Clu & tJ<1c~ <.u ,1110111 m .. 1111ped blu1>1 green11:1e1go etc S200 67!> <>:JJ3 Nvw ntt1lllflll 'ets lull S65 queen S 105 ~ ing $125 AMy 750·5832 Hou1do1' ''°'' 1065 . •..•.•......•.•••••.• 2 Sotk Persian Rugs 101 sar11 1 ru11n1ng for 10 K other 7 K II mtore~teo p111e~e contac1 <2 •Jt "38-8428 Sold 1n COM EM111e Sale 848 66311 1~~~::;,00 ~~~ ~·~ ~, Ken "' M11y Rot&t•ve will olter [1111..1111;111 conlrattor wd • V 9e11e1ous CdSll p11r.t1 iehouse !>alt: Sat/Sun AE0W000 DECKING 8 .. 1 7667 01 PO 60) ~482 Bus111ess Dr Ulltf };,4 s ):JC <>X6 49( per 6375 I aguno Nogutil Cn (. H B 846 7000 II Lool.1~:~~~Eo~?ru 111 I come·• fry Pon-ltme !!!!~!'~ ......... !.~~~ Sule~ "' "'" PENNVSA I VER 1660 Placen11.i 92671 :.ave11 91J':.012" G.HU(jt! s .. 1e bOOll.S 6 toys lg<: HO 1ra1n se1, misc Sal only 68i I L11ure111u1 ~' (rn Golden· wesl 6 Ed1ng.,I) Engagemenl ttng yellow gold w/3 d iamonds D11au11lul $150 775· 1875 Avn l..0511• Me~11 Ask llir I Mr" Whole SECRETARY P !Time Nt•wpo• t BtHtl II &pons tlflTI Stlt!k 5 Oal F11 day 18+ tor typ111g 8 some !l11v111y Mu<h!lt11g ~.per helpl ul but 110' nec11s saoy S6 50 111 IO ~tart Leav1c· mesg 6J I 6300 "°JI MARIOR VIEW HILLS NO lovtity $p1;1<,1ous! 4 tld 1 . b,1 w111g bonu" rm I\ wel Dor L•g yl.I w/ !.U• r auntJrng · P<1t 10 Gurelnr pl.I, $I 500 1110 TGO 8708 or 675 2 144 Secretary 0 C Attpor f Ar"a Ad Agenc~ looking tor .i mature per,.on lo 1111 posotrn11 as aC11111111"'"' 11ve secretary Proles smnal a1t1lude appea ranee phone voice .i n1us1 Snarp general 01 flee sit.ills reQu1ree1 70 ""Pm typtn9 5':>6·0460 Ask tor Bnttdny 9 JO I PM SECY/GEii OFC Land development com pany. heavy pnones & t yping Snon nano or eQu1v •eQ d Mature non 1 sml" Send resun•f' 4 salary requ11emen1 10 PO Bo.x 7006 Newport Beach CA 9:?660 SP•v•ce Station ATIHDANT E•per necessar y Ho nest. clean cut, non· Cl"nker M usi tie aOle 10 pass 11e Clel ector 1es1 Laguna Beacn Area 499 10 19 Bet 9-3 Cos11 Me11 .............••....... SWAP MEET E••·t~ Sunday Sam 3pm Or.mge Coast Colleqe f c111 view & A1 111191011 C<1~1.1 Mesa AC1n11ssoon l r11e l o buye1s Sellar A1•sprvdt1ons 11110 556-5880 GARAGE" SALE Sdl Sun Somo new usel.I rree items <'432 College• Dr CM ':157 !1791 llO..i~t!hllHI tlem ~ furn Ch•ICl•en~ clolhmg ano Olhtit mo~<. item,, Sall Sun '3JO Aamon11 Pl FllEAVlHING C.OES' Sal'Sun 9 ., 324 Co11i:e11 P1 < M M tJl Tl t.im1ly garJg1;r furn misc new A u~eel 344 r 161n Sat 9 4 GARAGE SALE Sat only 9 AM lo 3 I.JM Many Kitchen items 905 Jo.11111 Costa Mesa URHE SAU 2:?06 State Ave Costa Mesn Sat only M ISC HOUS EHOLD oooks tools. 10 spd bike w1r skis luggage Sal Only• 12 noon 10 lrvint .•.................... Str11111 Garage Sale LO•· C1111tt1S & .•. ~,~~!!~'! ! ... .!.~~~ PentM K 1000 compl&te w1111 !>Omm ?8m m & 135mm lenses $170 flj I 9207 ~~~~f ~!!T ••••••• !.~H T'ABLE SAW 10 Rock well Nevp1 used S275 delivered 549·3152 CLARKE C 500 Forkl1f1 6000 cap 241 ' ne1ght 1d111e Way Irvine nr Jel· Mag11avo• v1oeo Came111, Ire) !;"I 8·4pm 1 yr Olll $600 ~'.'!t~!! .!!~f ! ...... . Gtdttl Yard Ocl 23rd & 24Hl 12 5 rur1111ure & Mo11• 20:? 4 lst St Sdt!Surt relrig wl d Kt wtr Dt!O Dtkui. nus<; ~461 W Coast Hw y 673 3541 Carport Sale Mut1 family A nl•Ques 1001~ CIOlh1ng lum ap· µhJnce:. Sat 7 30 10 l PM 1700 81~ Westcltll Ion dliey oen1ne1 Sav·ON> ESTATE SILE Ant1Ques 1929 !>IOv" d11• rm lbl & cha11s tge I 01es:..,r many small items Many mis<. nousehotel '""''tur1> & small ttems w om1:11 ~ clothing shoes IS ooots S.lt Sam to 4pm 10 Ima Loa Nwpt Cres t N 8 10 11 Supe11or} 631·80 18 C STREET SILE Sa1123 9 .4 30 Take East u1ut1 Dr to ll•sta Del Oro (see s1gns1 645 5960 01 673·44>56 S8ooo 11411193.2166 nus '" JOINER $ 135 6 75-529:? f1tt to You 104! ........•••....•.••••. Free 1iea1,1111u1 male Ger matt snort 11a11 m11 1111 New Rockwell wood lathe 3G '• hp w /c u111ng t1ed loving companio tools $495 675-5292 can 1 keep 846·•252 _ F ·1 8050 Misct//111tous 1010 111n1 Ult •• • • ••• •••• •••• • ••••• • ••• • •••• • •••••• •. • •. • • REOWOOD 2xl DEClltMi * *' BUY** 8 10 20 tong 36c per It Good used Furmture 8 Apphances·OA I will sell or SELL lor You MASTERS AUCTION &•6-1616 133-1125 I IUY FURNITURE Le~ 957-8133 611 brown plmel sofa hide u · oeo $75 Map1e e11nette set 4 cha11s $75 64:? 8954 775· ••91 anyttme LOVE IALLOOllS Sand someone you love a beaulllul DouQuet or 30 nehum oanoons Perle<:C 101 di! occasions Great e1eco1a11ng 1e1 eas 673-4419 Antique mahogany cab1 net wolh orig RCA 1ae110 & recorll player-$75 ba· lhroom ·ma101e type s1M on I door & 2 drawer Dinette or game set tge caOonP.t plus matching 2 comtQrtaDle cnrs 141 I e1oor wall cao1ne1 & S265 768· 14126 marble type wall shell. Coiortul home off1ce type all 101 only S 100, tempe. swivel c•a" S35 reel glass shower doors. t68· 1426 I h~e new only $50 for both Call 642-0 138 Redw ood Patio Set I -lounge cnr + 2 chrs & lg Dog ~ennet used once I a') I e g I 0 up s 7 0 $4>!1 768 1426 5!:13-1 417 NEW French P1ov oe11m Por llJDle 01ack & while Shopping & Act.eovtng Clerk tor e1ec11on1cs company lull tome vos1 1ton Nr OC A llPOll 540·926'4 I SPM 474 Ogle C M I tlrvone & 171hl 3 Family an11ques. elec e11yer etec lrplc van Cltlle seat alum e xt ladder misc Sat only 9.4 230 Ocean Voew Av 1011 T ust1n Del Cliff & armo11e & oureaus & e11n TV s S20 rm set 84 I ·3239 553-14 17 SUPER STAR ... Dynamic Investment Co reqw es a SUPEA ST AA w111tng to rearn our oust· ness Compensalton to $36 000 plus oonus 11nd ea ceptoonel t>f'nel•ts Oooortun11y 10 11ave1 101 a broght highly mottvo· ted sell starter Aeq Dt!gree and evidence of super star accomphsh ments Glo1he~ Tools 2 Vcne11ng Macn1nes Misc Prrced to move• 3065 Johnson Ave C M Sal 10·23 9 4 YARD SAL( • 724'' West 19th St CM Across the st•e1>1 hom Stater Bros Coast '"1wVI BABY CRIS Simmons fl ti.e n ew w hite w t Man s 1ee1ner coat -size 38 10 •O Zip out hnong $40 6 .. 5·9521 S11111 A1111 CdO<>py ._$125 S..0·6187 ••••i ••••e.•••••••5•i •• ANTIQUE Otning Tabte Newport Beacri Te nnrs Unc e SS state a e w/4 Dlue c/la11s l k new C1uo memt>t1rsn1p $600 1930 s ee0ur9 tul\eDo• Call Annelle. 833·9561 t 7 76 d o wry che s t. tllue $325 833-0146 bearskin cut glass anlQ l•---------t Span1sn Fountain 2 toered tools 1ew etry solver FURNITURE NEW lllle ne"' $100 549-1783 pa1n11ngs lcart e1chmg M ust raise Cash alt 4PM anytime wknel Indian rugs m•htary re P"ces s1e11 at ltcs misc coltec11bles Maltresses & round se1 Fro. Sal/Sun 8-5 335 E I won S77 • Full $97 Be~erly Pt S A Oueen $147 . Ktng $167 Buyer meets seller-with an ellecllve class111ee1 ad 6412·5678 Newport Beach Tennis CluD mem1>e1sh1p $750 Call Edie at 833·6818 Unt1tt'rs11y Alhlel•C CluD Memoe1sn1p Men Only, , Prtce. $450 953·6606 M ultiple F amity Lawn I Sale Start your own gym w1tn 3 e•e1c1se bikes Buy 1 or all 3 t cn11os bt~t! 5 SP Dtke lrg PO• tOble dog kennel 1ovi. books tots of "''SC good stuff Sat only 10 ' 1989 Oran11e CM It 1n1s osn t you please 1----..;;.. ______ ..iiliiiiiiiiiiiilmiiiiil;;.;;.l.I· 1et1 your smanest star auahty tnenel aoou1 lh•s ad Non smokers please Please send resume to COLLINS ASSOCIATES Sota Beds S 197 Sola & Lovesea1 $247 Donette wl 4 cnrs S97 DISCOUNl FURNITURE 1959 Harbor Blvd Costa Mesa 63 I ·6609 DO YOU HID? BIS'n'kets, s<>me new llems suitcase l1sn1ng gear etc 5419· t 765 567 San N•cholas Dr Newport Beach 92660 su,tnisor ~.1'.'iJ!'.~~ .••••••• !.~~~ ~11.11!!'.~~~ •••••• !.~{ ~ 10 beauttlul anhQuo Sta•· Relrigs washers Dryers Coucn 8' tlrown le1Jthe- 11eo glass windows from 1 M any to choose from rctte from Broadway mid west chu1ch Guar S 1001up 859·0682 $150. cllll 6i3·3600 631·0671 675 9144 Antique llal top reed or gan small size tr:1oks Anl1Que Manogany Aock-F rog10 a11 e ref119era101. er 0,.11 <1Pholstery nds white good tond $80 wrl. $75 Pn 673-3600 642-7355 good Out needs work Magt.iq Wasner S:?001000 63 t·22SO ''"' cond $250 1982 Brand new TWIN BED w/ lramd S 100 Call Anne 85 I· 1033. days ah 6PM 548 1428 DOLL SNOW 646-7852 DYNAVI T Computerozeel e•e•C•ser l •ke new Sacril1ce $14 95 759-9320 ATARIVCS $ 150 w•th Pac M11n M1ss11e Command, etc Ast< IOI Jim al •97-1321 ---CONSOLE ELEC T A1 r W-t.lllr .. -Wlttr or Clay SM I ilv811 Apply Morlflffl1 1011 • between 2 30 ana 5 PM. Dtt'I 5035 As ~non 60 minutes II Mon Fri 990 Oova St N Caillor n1a corp ha!! "" ou1~11encllng pos111on 1n 11 s new loc111ty m Laguna Niguel lor a Duyer see· k mg a challenging and sl •mutallng c areer growth opport For 1m . med and cont1den11al cons1der1111on please submit your resume w11n $diary h1t1ory lo Proles· s1onat Personnel Dept, P 0 Boa 620 I Laguna Niguel CA 92677 CHILD CARE WORKER Co-educat1ona1 res•don- toal treatment p1og1am I tor aelotescents BA and ~uperv1sory e1per Ill the lteld Cell 6~6-3489 bet 8am J I Sat end Sun Oct 23·24 Frt>t> AC1m•ss1on EMhlb1t and s•le HUNTINGTON CE NTER MALL 405 Free w ay and B ea ch Blvd H B O o ldl one Wn111poo1 washer 4 drye1 paid S750 sac1111ce S300 10 10 V01enc1a Apt B C M alter 4 30 Maple krlchen !able $75 2 bOoltcases 24 1n X 54 S60 552·31410 Cleaner One pr Cost over $600 sett !or $100 545. 7215 • ••• •• •• ••• •• •• • ••• ••. ¥worlts f ha,.e 11 Dist rt. e G.M. SATTLER Dulorshops atso avatl Fa< mto M1rtc11• Ct. lac. 646·682s Spec11Jhz-1ng tn ISi & 2nd - - TD' since 19"9 Pttso111/ Root Se11te1 NH/CM Strvittl 5360 A E Broker 90 Realtors ••• •••• •••••• ••• •• •••• 642-2 I 7 I 545·0611 AT YOH HRYICE WIDOW HAS $$$ for TD s Personal quahf1ed com RE Loans 101< Up No pan1on drivers lor your Credit Cneclt No Pen· day to oay erran ds ally Dennison & Assoc Shopping doct or 1 673· 73 11 apP.15 churcl'l, e1c ~II needs met By hour or C11stH1/S,rcl111 day 494-5857 Owner of 2nd and 3rd TD --- al No 4 Rocky ?01nt wll· Sdools I 11ng 10 sell 81 a dlscounl Jtulr•tlioa 1005 lhts property ts 1n tor&-••••••• •••• ••••• •• •••• c losure and couro be· Bell & Howell Elec1ronlt11 come the lnveslmen1 of a Course Including 16 111e11me A1k lor Steve Volumes of electronlcs 714-675-32115 !reining frorn bas•c 10 01111 FD-R --advanced TV Yep•lr, a Design Co11so1e for 1110 Tll.ST .EEis expa11ments. e d1gllal · multimeter. a $Olld·state Circle Home Lo1111s lrtggered sweep osclllo- 499·2261 sc;ope and 11 25" color $41,000 16% 3 years Jrd Tl/ wi th d1g1tal crock, T D S 1 r a 1 g h 1 C a 1 t d1g11al channel d11pt11y & 714·778-121? eleclromc tuner, all are GENERAL OFFICE AOove average Skttls ty ping hltng & dealing with l>UbhC 64 1·8868 GOVHHHT JOIS tmmeC11t1e opentngs overseas and domesttc 20 000 IO 50 000 + a year Cell 13121 920-967S ~· 2239 Ha1tdrusa1.s &. Manl(;UrtlJ wanted lor busy be11u1y shop S1a11on1 tor rent or comm1ss1on 95 7 -0800 MAIR snusr Mo11ve1ee1 Styllat needed tor Progressive Salon S alary. Comm . Veta· lion Mgr 540 8889 ----Aeat Estate See Loan Officer T1a1- n1no Semon11r ad Restaurant Experienced Busboy lull rime apply 1n person 6 19 Sleepy Hollow La- guna Beach -----Sales IDYERTISlllG Full or Parl Time M.,• · 5-e un>Qu• 0990' - Vall Dr1ve1 for Senior Ct llzens Center Musi Dt' al le11St 18 Class 2 drove" license 7'>9-9471 WIRE OPH.ATOR Brokerage tum nas 1m med open for ex~r w11e operator hrs 6·2 30 SI· lar f commensut ate w1 e11per For appt call Ht' len M cGontev 7141-644·2292 tunlly 101 one who en)oys Mtrcb111diu work mg wf1h th~ publlc •• •••••• • • ••• • •••• • • •• on tho telepl'lone and AllliJ.atl 1005 earning money 81 the •••• •••• ••••••••••••• 1ome ume Wtlt trade $30 000 In anh· Your succ11ssl ut sales ques lor t1ve-1Jboe11J experience will enable b oat or motor h ome you 10 oecome a key parl 645·9246, Bo~ 113• of our ClaSSllled Adver· N B 92663 ~~~~~Z8~~~~~~!1on on EXQUISITE OlllEIT • ~fly~~ e~ave sales ablllly, AL llTIQUES. AL· are e sell-eterter. and TAii OAllYlllS, t1ke MONE\', we will train I y 011 J • 11 f A, you tn Clesllllod p100&- dures For an "PPOlnt-CHlllll I ' IOLll ment 101 tnlervtew, plea· ' u c all our Per sonnel llOIEWOOD ITA· Match•~ Ct1111try OAK DININ G ROOM SE: T Bet9u1m oak w11n pa•QU('I 1ntey !Ible 4 X 6 e-pond 10 13 II • nano m;ide Amf'11can Windsor cnatr St'! <' arm end 6 side Sco111sn m1,,oree1 s1e1eooar<l S• 000 673~413 WANTED Ame11c11n In· C11an 01ske1s bead work pols 1ext1tes •94·7974 HTIOUf IDRM sn Early 1900 s. •Int COnel $900/oho 640-5143 Bet1ulltul French armoire. French walnut nevelled gtess. mull sen. $1500 P111e boke1·1 rack SJ25 646·8181 2 Rosewood Ch111s & Lovese111 Beau< carved & uphotstered $ t 500 646-0376 Arlrogerator ve1y clean hlte new two door $165 893-906-0 Reino 20 c"'" S1S avo grttn w11cemalcer Lrlte new $250 751·2299 Wh11•0001 washer $125 M aytag C1 1snwagher $ 195 Apt sz washer • Clry~r S29S N ew top moelet Admiral Aelrig S1Cle·by·S•Cle. water & tee dispenser $995 New w n111poo1 elt!C stove Top ,moelefs·l o w c o s t 546-8672 ESTATE SILE Sat>Sun 10·6 Hsnld & misc 2638 San Joequm Hills Rd 1011ec1ty across lrom Gelson s Markell. CdM 644-1582 Orlho 1t.1ng-s1ze m1111ess DO • spnng & lreme SIOO 547.,.347 Rattan 1t1tcnen taDte ror sale $'40 536 8268 ESTATE SIU •:l t Vaqu e ro (Snorechllsl Sen Cte mt1nte Elegant house notel lurn1sh1ngs Ari crySlll. 1ewetry Sat Sun & Mon Oct 23. 24 25 at 12 noon lnforma tton •92· 1065 Custom Clock Shop clo- sing J unique Grlllldl• 1ner Clocks aelllng a co st $2200 e1 637·829 t, Mon-Fri 54 Round Solid Oak l•miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiia t11t11e w/2 le&ls Empire pedestal $400 1179-454• Lrg Chi ne d o ll w / movabto perl s. rea.1 hair. Nice Golden Oak" drawer leather b ody S 12 5 dresser, o val b eveted 775· 1875 mirror $350 979 454• 1-~~~~~~~~~ Ash dining tebte Two 18" Charmglo gas 880. Dual extensions, pads. 6 controls. good shape. chairs $300 548-3259 Priced for quick sale $90 Cash 6•4'·6828 ------5 piece dining room !Ible set $50 Oooo cond11ion. Bathluo w/glHt showe1 MUST SELL 646-7230 enclosure $200/olfer uw 499·2632 2noro.-L,;;oa tale. S55 000 at 13"1. due June 1983. wlff discount 10 realize 20,,. yteld Call SI~ 875·3285 Heethkots & all complete and orand new Th•• IS • $ 1700 v1lue Wiii sell tor 1 700 631·9106 ---- Hard Work, low Pay. BIG FUTURE Seeking Aes- ponslDle Creative lndM· duol lor young f1J1f· grow1ng bualneas Must h•ve neat appe1rance. goo d PA ab ll ll y (Experience 1n mon11ge- men1 and cu pe1 repair preferred) Frenk John· son. 1166-6492 Htgll School Student neo· dod 10 WO<ti pan time 2 hrs de1ly. 4 deya per w1o: Pleut c11t The B eth Mlrt 875-4930 Department et 642·"321, TIE1 SILi TAPI• ext '177 ' GRAHE CHIT ITlllEI. lllT HILY PILIT ITElll TM 1111· 330 W Bey St 11111 Tl Ill• EVERYTHING GOESt Sat llA M Fu rn Vici Sect desl\ l1emH. oooks. supphe' clocks. 1-•lry etc BAC l<DOOA IM· PORTS 1896 Herbor Blvd CM From Model home, uphl French Chllr and 0110· mon " matching uphl e11111ng ch1lr1 Bast oll9f 64 1-.8284 Schw111n 10 spd S50 An11que cnest $50 Wtl4tf t klS, Ill• 1ocke1t, to w lines. 12 gauge shol gun Sec only Noon to 5PM 474 Ogle. C M (nr lrvlne AnUque dresser and din & 17th) 6!'2:~se''so other tum -YW--L-.. -.-,-.-E-H_O_I_ ' ...... MOIHIHPIH HILIHRI ' CO!lta MeSD An Equal Opp1y Empryr Tiii, 141·1000 SALES Ill. IOI. 1-11•• llYHTISIH IFT I II E•c•llent oppl'y for e1t· tr II•• • per edverttslng pros 11111 I I IT 1111 Earn Sl!OO·S 1000/wk I I L y • I 0 I T Mr L•vlM 537-3 123 0111 Piii lllL T ITEll 11000 I ''· . WESTMINSTER ABBEY ANTIQUE MALL OUR 3RO ANNIVEA· SARY 20'9 IFF SAU SAT 11111 .. LY toTOlll tall &:30PM ffl MIDNlOHT 11751 WHlmlnlle< All• QAADEN Oll'OVtl, CA ----Beeuh lul •nlique• Incl roll-top de1k Side· boards ~ over mantel brut & cryllet ll•m• 840·2981 ~II.If!!~~~ •••••• !.~!~ HAABOR AREA A?PLIANC! SERVICE Wt .. u rlC!ond guer. appllanc.t ~0!." 1 IUY APPUIHH l et 957·8 133 WHhe1°0r...-. ·Atlrlg Ot1hwHhflf·Free.Hr >Uni cond 9418·58"8 Ore11d n•w deluxe t appon 30" gH ,.nge, 2 ov1n1 I 11 cone. alHntng). coat I UU. u cr l"Oo 552 3075 Atcond11toned R;111oe1a- 1011. WH htra. Dry1t1, f u l l y g u 1ren 11ed 5"0·:HJ4 AMUHCAI amttl HGTllll lat l ot Ur4, IPM. Prtrit• 41y •f .. ,. 0-300 PCS Of oek lllr• nllure lncludillO 5•" S- AOll top desk w/11111 lnl, 3 dr ltaOed bOOkCIN W/ Glow IHI, on11111at ram hUd llbra1y 11>1. lancy MC1etery wllffded glan dr• , tii. eablneta, 1tl11, Morrie chrs. lrplCI manl• Twtn mllttt u 8 b o x springs 1100 6"5·8"51 l'I LUYI• Fiii FLllllUI WANT TO BUY? My e.ctrOOM Furnl1urt My Lounge Fumllu1a My Hou~d OOOdl 0000 QUALITY, PRICE ANO CONOITION VIEW SAT 23rd OCT Pll 842·8810 for dtlllll I 15 645-MS I Great Cnrlalm H glllal Hand pttnled T -1hll'11 U11lque & peraonallzed C all between 9am & 11em 644·4594 Lg ortglnel Oii pelnll'l w/ gold ,.,, trim• 90 &31·59ee Heavy Oa!I Swt\191 Ch•lr, SIOO 931-5988 •••· many drH"!'t & hi-Antq di rk Pine hutch 39" boys, Hooti.r c1blnt1t1 + wide X 68" hi, xlnt cond much rn0te 128& 5"11·&23" Mink Stol•, Emba PHI.,, nu urat brown mini!, $300 2•0· 1253 EVERYTMINO 001!81 S11 OAM Furn , V iet H CI OUk. l 1tme1. bOOkl, tupplle•, CiOCkl, ~ry ale BAC KDOOA II.A· PORTS IH9 HlrDor AMERICAN Wl10LISALEAS I AUCTION COMPANY 828 So. M1gn<>110 Monrovia, C. (213)359~9 II mt ! P1Mdttl1 on 2 10 Fwy Bob Hell • Auel~ Sofa1tovt1eet, blue, grHn, oll wr111e llorat 1100 tH·1274 You don't r'"4 a gun 10 8hld, CM "draw laet" wl'len you _O_A_K __ F-IR'""e'""w--o""O,..O~""Y..,0-U i>t1101 an Id 11'1 tl'le o.lly c 0.. ,,. ... Pltot Went Adal c .. now Pl K UP " Wri .,..u. I ~2"5819 ..::'.!R "93--.t74t Oiemg.i Cotaat DAIL y PILOT/rrtdov. Octob r n. HHW ••• .i .. !~.'.1!~.111~~.'! ••• l.~l •••t• , • .,.,, tHf A•,. h1•l1t, '"'' :' •••• ,............... • ' Atttl• ,., HH <la•••c.. ti l1tP•lt•li.• ••••••••••if!••••••••• C:etttury b•y llfi11t 4 i.;t l'AIN I • Ill• tin<ly wo111 U1oy 131100 nib ll 11> I up 1u tlO..,. 1111 yuur 11n1lv ~.'.'!! .• r/11.'!i. ••• !.~ff ~ ... ~·.' . .'~r.!!!~ ....... ~.--1.'!1.!~1:'!.1.~ •••••• ~-~'!.'. !~r.!!!~ ....... ,~ ... ~ .... !~r.!!~~ ....... t ~ ... '.'.~ -~~~ ••••••••••• ~ ... ~'.' •• ~~~! ... ~ ..... . WE PIY l ~~~ ..•..•...... 1.~H ~.'!!.~ •••••••••• !.~~~ .. ~~~~!!.~!~1. •• l.~~~l r.·1.~~~ .......... !.~~! f~.~'!!~! ......... l.~H !~!~ ............. "-'.~ YAMAliA Bell Amp Hffd wtth • aoubl• 16 PV IPMl!lll c:ebllltl All II\ t •C•ll•nt condition hOOobo t4 It llLtJ•gl1u hoat 11lr a1111p nl (IOI llO• OJ,:i;> To, DOLLAR IV hMW JOO~ •lt1t ~Ofld 711 :ltO J'f, •1111 tOllil low I I :tbO OllU c.orul • t• 11 fnyu111 \..01 Ila 4 •P<I 111 {lll(J111e111 ft. u11111111J11 4 l.lt>Ot air '111uu 111 11et1 oll•r c 111 mt.Mutt ell m•ll.11 011•• •o•il• ""' 1101 011111 1 uwr1e1 gout.~"'"' MVIT lllL ""'" ll•H• ~lnl '-'"'d 4 'I~ 11111 111ei1u1 wt •l I ur u1111rn M11.ll1n11 111 c:•••oflw• $:>60 P•11• tu1n11e1n rare!' rll 1111 Olll 1111~1.1m tf16 'JJQO 1141 UOt}IOIJ CIJ~I> t4UOO l&U·llGr>O New tu11a bki•l 21106 f v Ch1mpagne HtetlOf wtllt $<'Oii) f11'> ~g77 8 "'10 c; 4114 09211 I IH·Ollt, l ·tfM 063 "117'1 I""" 11 'ipll.g U\11 12'\l I Alli MHIH rn t•MW 100., 'lrul Mf. , .. ,,,,1 11ZJ 1 , o •• M•1.1'• D••oe ••tn•• 1n1t11c.1 • y•lluw/dk tirwn 51111 el Compl•tely equ1upe1t POITIAOl lVIAIU "" 1111 1 ,..,. """' Hnul •••••••••••••••••••••• luv• 11t1reu 1.11u P•IJ.11>/ 1982 TQYQTAS w1111 power moonroof 7fl Mo1tu1y Uub<:.111 .1111 t<"'IJ S 1100 fluoo O•••' M uoi ••II t od ay • b•U 'i l'tU (.all hlw11 'l 10 II . New I CCUldl A n 53001080 Grut lu1 kkll Heelhe1 646 870!> 75~·8383 A U11a101 (,t1r1a C11111110, Jonn I 1)1111 •hit Silk. dr1 P•VI !iet 01 w1111 whl cov"' • OWl.CllJI (l 14) 640 :10411 llrotllll nuw .. ,, ul 4 S 1~0 ur ti tJI 'Ill? :!384 II.Cl 7U Ill ••t Jllll 1 Mti.u I J~llO ••••llUr lllv1I M11•1 •11" ..... "'"" fur I 011111 oo••TY'I IJW ''"llllt• c;o111rola window• Cullom 1ouno <'.OStA Mf ~A •'•11".tll C•ll 1141 o u111 OILY HTMlltHI 11nw1911 $t•.)OO oao Verr OteH & 111111et 1t1 1037til Ju•t 14t·OOO FllllllU v11 6 4 11 17!>1 ll•Y• Lew MllH&e V.hlolH nH<I 111hell1e 1mty 111 Stlvorton J4 C:unverllute t hrome "1>oi.• Cn14lh111go1 IU60 (It< trufllU I XtrH •IYI• MrtQ Wh••I• 61 14t·I01 1tl41 IMW 2002 I IHUHlllPI •Oil eJn) eve& A wi.1101 1 ~HOM AS IOWAS "'11i.1t 11nall mont1ttv AM r M •l1t•otU 'on•tt• ISO JOO"!> lo mt aunrool $ P•vm•nt• No Oii.i "'" r10 IT. W11H 1100 I (1'0 I ""l<tllt• '.)") 1 )(Int IUlllOI urlll tr lrln• C..lea11 lJOl.ly II rttlt ''1t11>0 '>4.t n4H'> LUOWIO ORUM Sfl Hardly VNd. 0 fJC w !> cvmb•I• & C8HI 848-7446 Room 41 °'"" ,.,.,,.,, ' I Lor1tn t. S'IU 1)00 $100 11/U 8Ufl7 tf 141 67:1 170 I ti~ MuNl"ll\I hllt CIOOt t l Boato11 Wh11ler M1111 umitJ cuuct SJ) 1 t.ono J'> ttri 11141<-a11t b4l tltl84 M 1rny X111s SJ800 WE IUY \llv"' •lnl tor•d 01111 I~~~ 111 Ulll IJlnk •1111 1.0110 4988 ""'-' 111 •••11un41 no 1>110c~ 1 ,,.,~111111tilu 1111•• Allor 11avmen1t llue ASK f II OLlll 01111 llpnl ti 141 IJ4b H6C' Alktn~ "~·000 P/I' HOH (j) I !1202 , .. ., HD TIUOll . . 11'>7 n1 I lwkdy1 IJ ~JOI 1111 .... , ,.,... lruporl• 1"J M11101111 6 MW 2001 1tll UO IL 11202 IHoh llw4. TME UllHT "" k 'u" iout 11001.1 J too W11et (,11 .. 1 Hwv H 000 mt A11th1 n<.11 0 ll111tl1(fe1 leech IELEOTIOI COtOUll CHIVIOUT ~~~~~!! ••••••••• !.~~~ 84' CikANU MAAOUIS I t1t1<.ll'<I lo nu $~00 & •• ~~!!f~~~! .... !.~~~ G4b 11111 l • M111-nyfl Autos /Ot S•l• • u r• Cl' 11 u" S I 2 0 0 N-porl lleut h 11rey/b1,.c;a.. 1eu1nor tnttt 112-0121 I (140 !10116 tl4 / 11410'1 1101 Wttn ttOrrl 1011 •nd IBM moc:lel O 1ypew11t11r. newtv r.cond $150 01111 Metal ledger 673·3 111 I B M Memory 75 wlll\ 15.000 char1c1er me mory 9 mos 11111 on IBM Mrvlce wrm S 1400/obu. 955·1101 ,,,. 1011 ...........•.•.•••.... Ull-TH PIPPIH AKC C1111n1pton line, all shot1, 8 wks W111 hOld for Christmas 720·089 I. 553.0644 Springer Spanull m.ite AKC. 8118CllOnale nlffl(IS loving home $251000. 646· 1509 mso Baby Yellow NapecJ Ama- zon Parrol, $600 obo 645-5960 AKC Liesa Apso. tO mos male all shols. $ 150 080. 673-3291 AKC CH I HU AHU A . 8 WEE)(.S, S tOOlup 645-3188 !!~!!.'.~.~!I~~!.!.~~~ OAK UPRIGHT PIANO Refinished. 1ebull1 s1000 645-6056 all 3 Beaulllul Kawa• 6 II Grano Ptano w/walnut cabtnel Xlnt cond Ivory i.eys A gorgeous pc 01 lurnllure and a top qua! onstru· ment $4500. 644·6699 Blond Wurhlzer Uprtght $700 obo. about 15 yr OIO Call 964-9454 O~tn Whir t 1 w/8!1 h II More M1111y 8XllU Ill rn1111 tup 1111 U42 1118'J or 61) ;.n07 evt11 l>o•y·tv110 1111101 t yr ol<I 20 8 bttllrn c1111 t11r conso111 uood 1teebo11rd. 70 hp Ev111rul.le. 10 hp Hondo 1ao10 compnu. auto btlgt1 Muwl ,~111 $6500 673 9003 ,,.,, S•il 9060 ·····'················ 16 Hobie Cal, yellow w1 ltiq 'unrr11t1 sails u i.e lll!W $2500 675-6161 P3rlrlersh•P 111 Eroci.on 35 per le<.t cond rtgge<I lo• racing, cruising 11cct1ss Avon w1mo101 slip In N B Call Leslie evs 979-7843 12 F1oe1glasi. sa1lbo111 w1 access. lk new $425 eves 559 7417 Kite • 308 w lttlr, $600 642-7880 Or 675·2307 eves 75 E11cson 23 4 bags Hondo 9 9 VHF stereo possible Newport shp . $7 .990 644 4594 Roads 33 Must sell• $4500 Oily 673-3701 Eves 8J t-7516 76 44 Ft Marine lraoe• Fully equipped. s11p on Mar rna Dunes N B S 135.000 obo Call 7141521-8430 e•t 250 14 Hothe calamaran & trailer goOd cono must sell SIOOO 557-6395 Steinway "M" 5·7 'Grand, 14 HOBIE CA I 1971 1a11 xlnt cond, walnut llntsh cono 5650 675·4506 $7800 pp 642-9126 PIANO Upri9h1 Cherry· lo1ls1 Sli11 wood Made 1893 xlnt Dodi 9010 cond. StOOO 759·0097 BOAT.SL1Ps-;..vA;LAB~E· Skii11• 8093 Newport Beach 25 , 26' •••••'•••••••••••••••• 30 JS 40 & 45 Ca11 ...•...•.••......•••.• IMPOH I AN t NO ncr 10 nrAOFRS ANO AUV01115CRS 11111 pr 11 " ul 1toms ad Vt'r 11\..0 by VtthtCle dllll ,.,,.Ill 111 .. VMl11Cl1t CllHI 1•1•'1 u11vor11aono cotumr1• IJOn> 1101 ll1C,l11dO uny t1ppl11.11blll Ill •IJI. 11Ctlll81! t• o111sl11• te"" 1tnn11ce ChdrQttS ldOS tor a11 POI tutoon conl•OI <1ev1ce cert•ht:ut1ur1• or dadlttr uoc:urnemory 1.1•e1.111rh 11011 c1111r g es u n le s • Olllt1r wtSft Sf.l6Cllted by tne JOv11r t1s11r Aatifats/ Cl111it1 9520 .....••••.••..••.••... MOGEL "A"sl Stiuy 1 eµl1c11s p1cku1.1s & coupes 4 to choose tro m • 1006768) (Stlo. A3093) Prices starting at HU Slr1151 THI ODORE ROBINS FORD 1060 HAUO• ILVO COSlAMISA 60·0010 53 Studebaker Champion 5 PdSS cpe Nice car S3750 213 592· t792 liood MHtts "Hdd 1946 Ford Woody Wo· gon S 1J 000 1929 f'or<l Mooet A Town S eo.i n s1 0 00 0 675·6161 Aep1tca1 500 m1 080 I.It" lt1tl 11111! IOIJ $ 17 450 .~')(11.Hl•ir H1,,f ' I"' I \ ,, ~ " \ 54•1200 '111 llMW 3i0t 1111. At11u fi•I 9125 !>29 34811 1 JJl'''k 1 uilOty'A nuw Mt ••• •• •••• ••••• •••. •• •• t htlllns 4:JK 1111 11r1111111 l'l t tA 1 $p11J111 rod w/ 80 4150 SH lllVbl 2bK l!l l.OflOLLA \11100 .,, *'"'' u llur 4 tpO c..00<1 c1111 9Gl' 6770 llHIM IUYll $8!!!>0 711 o424!J wt1• wt""''' ,1111 cond m1 Beout1lut S3 t.000 T . • •111 •• • 1000 1 f[atole 18tel 499 4721 llll•f ~ l op 110111111 101 Sporf~l lorl /002 411.1 A(, lu111•t .... 11v•110 • IJe ow •••••• ••••••••••••••• ( • .irs UUU'· C.01111pe1 I (,rt111111A1•1 ult 1111 klnt 1 huui. $7100 160 t996 l•--------•I 1110 T"IUMPll ~, 14 " Audi's 1.w10 $4b00 49:1 !>1162 I Hoo'• g727 'll lllZ •IO ILO TU COUPE A'k tor uit MGH C . ll 15 • •••• •• •. ••• • •• ••••••• Must Sell • lest Ofr, Uµ110111 mcluoe a11 cono JIM MAIUIO .!I.'!................. MOHi MUHIH1 Bhics. on Black Ann AMl~M ( IAPUn4J VOllSWHUI 1'> (;11111, 4 •110 cu10 ow I We r.un l>ll1P1 Balo•• you All EX IRAS. 62K m1 OILY' Sllll 1.;1 t t eenGh Btvo r1111 p-. pt> u1c. um/Im buy • h•'Ck our 1mt>euta 7J1 !'I 115 838·4342 JIM MA•llO ttlJNllNCTON BEACH snoo '>48 10!10 I 11111 selec:iron 111v111os " 142-2000 D 1 9 O uni.I 1e1v1ce 1od1tyt 74 :.>40 0 Orig Jlnl cond VOLUWAllEI .!.!!'.'! •••••••••••• ¥.., UllYEllllTY ~~ "$~~g~ 11:~~'.~~~;-1 4 18111 BeischBB1voh WANTED! Lnte rnodotl Toyotas Votvos. Pickups 4 Va11~ Call us IOCl&yt Earle Ike TOYOTA·YOLWO ltUH.,._lh& SALES I SHVIOE 1tun11ng1on eac //IC 914Z 142-2000 ~ "' 2850 HarbOt 81..,d •••••••••••••••••••••• C:OSTA MESA 1113 M& IT UO-IHO '78 Accord MUST SELL Th11 one '1a5 a svrlroOI & is very c1ea111 ( IEBH094) Y!l~!.'!~I!!' ••••.. !Z!~ tilt VOLUWHEI P21 CAMPER f h•S 0111t 11 1mmacul11e• 19·2221 ""H•·UO> • '40·•4' 1 --------- c.......... I In u•eot cond11ton wllll 5 <jpt'('d 11ans AM/FM Slt>rt'O cloth rntllrtor & vr1.Jot gas mileage OILY 12111 JIM MAlllO VOLUWAliH 187 t 1 Beach Btvo Hunt1nglon Buach OMLY 11111 JIM MJlllO VOLUWA&H 142-2000 WI IUY USED CARS /\ TRUCKS 1981 COME IN OR CALL FOR DATSUNS I IOOUNO) Just need re- tia 01.., part~ to make smoll monthly payments No 011.1 con11oct 10 as sumt! no back payments Clutt ASK FOR ROSE I 63 t 5202 1118 Imports loudt 9150 .......••••..••.....•• FRH APPRAISAL Corm1e1 Delillo CHEVROLET 18211 BEACH BLVO HUNTINGTON BEACH Ul-&Oll, 141-3331 Top Dollar Paid Fo1 You1 Car• JOMISH I SOI lincoln•Mercurr :1626 Haroor Blvd Cos1a Me~a 540-5630 Very Cle111 low MllH&e Vehicles rROM AS LOW AS $3988 I 80 C1v1c wgn 33 000 m1. run~ great 5 Sf.Id a/c, amllm cass roo1oeer 1111 lla11y Toyota ' nrn S4600 760-2680 MEISTER PORSCHE I AUDI 1363 1 H81bOr Blvd Garden Grove Slits-Service leasi11 11202 I h II d 11 Accord 111c aulo, e1c W • o1npm ne.w 11res & 11• 131-2333 Muntin1t•11 IHch t>roies S3450 548·8242 'IO 121 a 112-0121 1982 DATSUNS '71 CIVIC Low miles Lea •nl All 4 spo gOOd cono $2500 po we•. AC. clean must 1 or best oiler 768 8093 sell $28.500 OBO 1 80 CMC. 4 spd, AM/FM 7 14-955·3501 wk <la cos~ cust om rims. 70 91tl Immaculate & 53950 546-5605 de1a11eo s11,000 18711 Beach Blvd Hun11ng1on Beach 142·2000 76 7 p ass wu11. $3650 S111I auto . atr, whls. 1ape a 70276 Lie 8•P 83 Dir 645·2963 1110 VOUSWAHI UlllT IELHE 4 0001 4 speed 1rans . suciroot & extra cteenl 913CE0l OILY U•H JIM MHllO VOLUWAIEI 18711 Beach Blvd Hunhngton Beach 142-2000 29 MEACFO(S Fro nt engine $15 0 0 0 714 793 ? 166 HIGHEST CASH 1mmA 1954 BPt Aor C'.nt-v~ part <1•a1e•v lor your vehicle 1es1011>ll A 1 mechano domest•C or 1o r e1gn I Very Clu11 n tra low Miluce Vehicles r nOM AS LOW AS 79 Accord 60K m•. oeep 646-4924 Olut> greal snape never 68 PORSCHE 912 $4988 I c a I S I 5 0 0 55 1·8285 1714)240 2086 bf' t> n h 1 t S 3 9 5 0 Good cond $4500/obo 63 1 4731 all 3 551 ·6829 842·0 162 1982 Skt Na ut1que 642-4 6 44 lr o m 9-5 ··2001 Only 38 hours Mon-Fri 65 MUSIANG Conv •Int Aato1 lm1,otfttl or 19 cono I owner Reo ••••~'I.•• • • • • • • • • • • • • lill lla11y Toyota ' 11202 IHch llw4. Hunti111tt11 IHch 112-0121 72 600 SEDAN clean. 1 9 S 9 P O R S C H E $550 hrm Roadster Excellent 963-5272 cond $9.000 obo Days t964 VW new pa1n1. AMIFM radio. bOdy Ok runs 8kCellent St 675 536·9169 alter 8 or all <Jay we.,kenos 1115 VOUSWAliH Also have a 1977 For· mule 110 20 II hke NEW I Call (71 4 1 842·2000 & ask lor Jim· my. Jr 11 out please leave message• SLIPS AVAIL Hunttngton Harb our Bay Da 840-5545 846· 7766, 6·9 PM 8 40 -4097 . 2t3-431-3764 w 011. •nter 759·0097 Au'' 9101 ............•.•.•.•.•• Rette1tioul IO Audi 5000 Turbo VeAicl•1 9530126.000 mites. hHly loaded /llu'• 9131 111 t 4J 970·0588 eves, ••• •••• •• ••••••. ••• ••• wknds (7 14) 780· 1019 _ SCllOCCO This one has air cono AM /FM & low mites 133905) Caoer Sk• boots used 3X women s 8'" S50 Karen 673-5454, 673·0164 Stop • up to 22 power or 10101ng mast $135 mo 675·2709 or 673· 1174 S~ew. La Cro1• cost WAlllTEO MOORING tor $550 sell $350 Carbon-7 5· BOA l '" NEWPORT ke111er 552·3519 HARBOR 557·407'.l ~r.!!!~t.P.O!.'!! • .!.~!t Sl..IRFBOARO 5 8 Sharp local Motton. single fin. 30 sltp Dana Pooni 3 mo suo-1ease 639·4 t 13 Paul •••• •••••••• •• ••••.... sunrool gd cond Like l•--------•I 1e Toyo1a M1n1 Mo101 new S 13 400 OBO I '79 l1bu11 5 10 Home 19 51µ5 4 self-6 4 5 8 2 1 t E v es 4 Door AM/FM slereo I conlame(I >Int cono 851-9684 days cassette Excellenl ton· 1 7 m P 9 $ I 0 5 0 0 OrUOn $4 000 646-7966 75 Aud• Fox Nt!ttds little · 642-4336 or 687-0686 wo1k $ tOOO or best 01-l•--------•1 •er 857-4167 till 2IOZ A11 cond Runs 11s.e new '01 YOUI • • ·, S5300 or best ofle• da .<UT M"'1D• •• • 833 8512 Evs wknOs 951.5110 n•" & x lnt cono $1 25 673-3600 Provate 40 sltp avail Sall· boat only 1oea1 1oca11on t n NB Harbor Ttack1 9560 .......•...•.......... Toyota 76 AM/FM Ste· reo cassf'tte Small camper snell $2175 673 6618 AMlf'M cassette 4 SPd Sii us r-1· I 80 280Z H op Sspc:I low •INT OUI ll'W ' ...... I m1 mag wheels GL fACIUTll Golt cart 1981 model 4 seate1 ctub car caroche. cream with French ca· nopy 4 wt1ee1. rncludtng battery cnarger S 1600 OBO 549 O 155 Susan Mon-fro 8-5PM Pool hbte oar size slale top, leather pockets, ro- s ewo o d rarls SSOO 759-8936 all 6PM Wei 11u1t FL w11acket la- dies med Wg1s fins cap lace maslo. snorkle Total $95 546-020 t ~~! ........... !.~!f L&H Enterp11ses sells to Flea Mkt & Swap Meet Vendors Llhr goods I• welry, brassware. porce· laln. k•lchenwares home & 91ft products Whole· sale prices Call (714) 857-8606 any11me 675·0068 Dock ren1at 28 It ma~ No ltve aooaro Wesl New· por1 S 195 mo 673-3074 DRY STOR~GE- Monthly ooat stbl"age, any size 24 hr secunly tree launching IEWNRT HIES 1131 lack b y Ir II U4-0510 T!~~·~!t'.11!~ ...... . AittHll 1110 ••.........•.......•.. FOR LEASE • M ooney 23 1 0 C $60 per hr wet Eves 832-3322 or 760-8835 C••,-11, Sile ••• , 9120 SPECIAL PURCHASE New 82 Jeep CJ s 10 to choose lrom Includes ... rnch 1amboree packagtt and ,...,uch mo1e SAllE THOUSANDS OUl&E COAST AMC/JEEP/"EIAULT 2524 Harbor Blvd . CM 549-8023 645-7770 80 Plymoulh Arrow Prclo. up Gd con(! •Int me· chanical AIC, 1•11 Oh 1ntr Musi sacntiee be· low tow blueb~ $3300 firm 968-3442 alt 6 or Sunday Opportunoty proced 10 set 8 1 Chev El Camino 2 tone beige Conqu1s1a Al options S 1200 Stereo Must see dil 536-2547 ev 644-175 I EO Will trade S30 000 in anti· ques for lrve-11board boat or motor home 645·9246 . Box 1134. N.B 92663 •.....•••.....•....... Cabo11e1 Camper 1or tm· 80 Datsun P U Liile new porl truck ooot. stabth· e1cet cond Ask S5000 zers,corner1acks S7SO dys 6 31 •2161 e• rv, ,,,;,, (714) 6'5·5898 71 t-5299 BiFi St•tto IH• ...... ~ •.•.....•....•• 74 Camper srx pack 8tt 76 Toy Longbed P U l < cabo11er. hydrauhc 1acks m1 Auto lrans $1895 BEAUTIFUL 2S" RCA Color TV 2 yr wrnty S148 Free Oettvery Open Sun shocks $875 848· 1100 wi.dy 848· 7739 ask 101 Hart wknds 675·6868 TV Johns 646-1786 6 Pak Camper Shell, 6' t 4'8' like new 631-0754 MAGNAVOX stereo 8 ll•l•ti6H 1ikt1 fJ40 Hack turntable Am/Fm ••• •• •••• • •• ••••• •• • • • llke new $80 548-4308 '11 MINI 1400/e~. Motorola 23" consol• Good cond 631-6349 good cond $75 Motobecane 50V 650 m1. 549· 1255 black & silver ea11as Bell & Howell Eleetronoca 1500 548-5263 Course Including IE I-W Al_T_(_I __ Volumes of eteclronlcs !raining lrorn basic IC advanced TV repair, 1 Oesrgn Conaote tor tat experiments. • digit• multimeter, a sottd-llal• lrlljgerld sweep OIClllO scope and a 25" colo• TV w ith digtl•I clock dig11at channel di1ptev & electrontc tuner. all art Heathklts & 111 comptet« and b<and n-Thi• 11 r S 1700 velue. Wiii sell 101 $700 631·9106 To1hlb1 stereo syllerT wllh cast Uken-S 195 6'8-7852 TRAYNOR 6 Channel ml xer 200 watts. Orea• Older Vespa or lam· bratll motor scoo1er Please c e ll M i ke 759-1550 lfolort1tl••I Stoote11 IJSO ...................... ·79 Honda XL500. xlnt cond, S850 or beSt oller 640-8353 80 390 HUSKY )Ont co nd S 1100 New Motorcycle trh $450 831-1526 '81 CSR KAWASAKI 250 Low mti.ege $700 720-0572 Cond S300 964·340' VESPA 200. 108 1, 3 mo1 ... Oeve old, wl'lllt 6'6-8285 ,.,,, ' ,,,,,., ·75 Hondl XL250. run• & ~ lookt good, great tor •l••••I •round town. mutt .. 11. •••• ·~•••••••••••••• $475/obo 645-2585 7 I Chev '• Ion PU w camper shell au10, 35< eng $2000 962-8770 74 CHEV Custom Oetuu •, Ion. long bed. reg gas lumber rack aulo. AC •In t cond $2500 495-5862 ------v.111 9570 .....•...............• YAN COIVEHIOll F"EE THOE TRIP (w1tll purchDM) ASK FOR OETAILSI NEW CHCll MHTH VAIS 11u•m• HUOT YllS REii· UMP UllMAH PACIFICA USED 'll IOHl YAll Cruise. atr cond & C B ( 1327691 14111 'll 1110 WINI H1 blCk Chllte & ltlt wheel (510523) ..... "'""' HJ •••••••••••••••••••••• KAWASKI Kl•OO I 'll ""' Ull llAI• FlfL 1M1 eiooe11ent conc1tt1on FOA SAl.E $750 0 80 979 9621 FrlQ. bey wlnclow• & •Ir ... • cond (239052) 2·4844, M-F. g..5 •• ,., ••• ,,, l•l•I ..... ... ,,, •• ,.,...... .,.,1,,,,,,. ,,,, J.mt. Hll •••••"•'••••• ••••••••• •11 flll OUIPll •••••••••••••••••••••• R•l'\I 28' motor home. Sink frig 1 sleeper Mttl~ ~ ili>e 8, fully IOld.O .... I ' o.IQnllnttlll/Repeit 845·8819 (Paul) <82vv 1 I Olty WOttl. 54t-2620 Ev ft1/#n ft1Hl II tll Hffl MttlM Metnt Serv. Ou•· •••••••"•••••••••••••• '11 flll V•• Illy •ortl ~Iring tn ·eo WllOerneu Trevetl - fO!Mt)t, ftPlll, ptlnf, J Treltet, llQlll WelQhl, ell "i'~~ r~ll.:.!51•1reo & vt1nf1h Cell 0 11uc1t. l•bttcrWM M0-51112 • 1 ""'"' ,,. ,..., .. 7t ....... ttM i Uni f1 lltll .... , ... ••• ~.l!!!!! •••• IY.f 'I 1 Mero11ry 40 Hfft lr91'\d new. 10 1n tot• time MIO, P'I ..... Ut7 • !! •••• ., •• !!1!'1..1.'.!! Utlll!Y Trllllw 8117' w/llcle l>Oefde .... f""'· OOOd tlftl. Uf6, 1 1•221t Tll ... 1 ...... 20tO Hllfbor 11\1(1 COITA MllA Nl .. 11 Ml-1111 p11nage 559 4806 1111 1.1111 1· 1:1•1~u1 10111' HUS·SHVICE 117& l1hun 1210 LHSllli Greal economy ca1 8J 1·2040 495.4949 S 1500 OBO 964 73 17 SAODLHACI IMW 66 Datsun won w t 11 76 Malda RX4, ? Or, 5 spd good cond $2!)50 851 1853 2840~~:,r:~,'!~oPkwy ~n~Jc : sP:1 n$:l'•~~ ~a~, ~!tc~~:o:c G1~~ s!8~; 1Averv E~11 oll 1-51 $8501011e1 554 7079 494-4920 Open Suno~s-· -Fi•I 9725 '/ll•tt1dt1 l toi 9140 ~ ~"~ ..........................••.•........•••••• ~YI *FANTASTIC* Sates-Serv1ce·Leas1ng * fl•TS * 1112 IMW CLOSEOUT " Nice Selecllon' tlJGC SELECTI°" * 74 3 OCS. • speed PtlE-OWfE> t960NACl * 11 3201, 4 spd sun FIAT SPORT root f248TRRt SEDANS • 79 3201 4 spa sun root 1849,YHZl many to choose lrom • 80 3201, 5 spo . sun For EAample rool 1659ZOK) I • 80 3201. s spd a11 cond t 1ASX0481 835-3111 208 W 1st Santa Ana Closed Sunday CHOICE INVENTORY llO~U$LES '78 FIAT RALLY 128 2 Or 4 spd Stereo Mags 323 wov '79 FIAT BRAVA WAGON You can afford to buy your Mercedes Benz from us. $0 DOWN LEA E IOI lloLlREI lllW Sales-Serv1ce-laaS1ng 8.50 N Be<1ch Blvd La Habra 5 spd A/C. St ereo I "()CL Oo aoprov.o ,,..,,,,, 118 XVA s3495 I !~ 522-1333 Open Sunday 78 320• MUST SEU Wh11e with ien saddle 1n1er1or F1ctory sliding sunroof air cono coco mats etc Driven wl1h care 1949ZRT) Ju11 1 need rehable part)' 10 I mal<e small monlhly p11yments No 010 con . 1 tract to assume, no bee~ payments due ASK FOR ROSE 63 1·5202 Ike lmfJO'IS GRAHE c11m•s OllHT & Sa1es-Sen11ee-leu 1ng RJYCARVER ~lli ~li("E·~1W ~ ...... ~·~ ~'IA:11N"~ A4"""'~1!1A.•~ "''Iii MM -"-'on "·• For Ad Action Cal a Daiy Plot AD· VISOR 642-5671 Fot Claatlled Ao ACTION C•ll • Oelly Pl!Ot AO-~ISOA 8d·H78 '78 FIAT 128 I 1))10... SI ii...-~ 2 Or 4 SPd. A & H 1 114 IJUlOO 1IJ '73 !rOOO owner =409 '74 FIAT 124 SPORT Cru>E 5 spd. stereo. Mags. 1 ownr. Sharp, 620 LPT '78 FIAT SlftR BRAVA 4 dr . S apd , A /C , Stereo. 407 VOS s3295 FIAT SPORTS CARS Spiders ' x l 9's Many to choose hom. Thi Best of Condition The Best of Prkt. Al VlhlclH Giilr Mlttd CJaMll COlllfl1 ' ou1m racroay Ml11CJllm> FIAf-lMCIA .... DI CK Mii l ER MOTOll". " fr . • ... . ~ ' 81 380 SL. 7000 mt Wire wheels $38.000/0 BO 2 13·832·8979 011 OF IT1 ltll FOR COLUCTH 11 llVHTHlll 67 c1au1c '600 " Chaulleur p1rt1t1on wl all possible opuont Metal- lic brown w/llghl tin plush velour lnl Comp l&ctory rebullt & rettored to new car cond Con- vtfl•d to U S 1pec1 Orig bills lor OM 104, 000 on hand • cer pre· sently 1tor.O In Germany but ready lor Immediate Shipping I Selling Price $75.000 Pl•H•· only quelllled cath buyers, cell (714) 842·0138 I '75 460 SL Both Iopa, wire whls. .xcel cond Wiii oeal tor c11h $19, 900 wkdv• 894-0583. wknCfS/IYl!t 848-8487 1973 '5o-SL01rk brown I 14.900, 760-8785 ev, d• 833·2591 --------'82 M9Z 380Sl, 1llver gray w/bl1clc 1n1 3000 ml Mull Mfl S.•I Ollltt 5•0·5700 (8·• only) ____ , '78 MBZ 450 SI.. QOld, bOl,l'I to91 eporty, I 18. 000 M0-.823& 1•1 MBZ 8 3, Cllftry c11 .. tie, blll., l\lntl CHMtlt . etr. atr 1111, colltctcre I II~ 112.000 840.823& !========-==== Tru. ~ otd ''"" fOf 8 • Maz ·77 &IMH/l>IMll. H•~ l«MlhlnQ to .... , lllW tOOdlU with ·1 tunff. to mt, II'• • ci ... C!Mtflled edl do tt ... Cl...itted lld t41·M7t lie! 873-2790 --- 66912,5sp allorog Very clean Must see• $6000 640 ·7912. 544.9455 ••••• ,, 1155 .•..................•. 25 IEW "HHLTS to choose lrorn A s low as $4989 (se1 53t91 . The all new '83 Atltance is nere• Fuego~ Imme- diate deltvery HAll&E COAST AMC/JEEP/"EIAULT 2524 Harbor Blvd C M OILY SHH JIM MAlllO VOLISWHH 187 11 Beach Blvd Huntington Beach 142-2000 '70 IUI $1171 x1111 cono 646-5505 I 69 VW Sunoug, new I pa1nl ciean int $1800 675-0758 549-8023 645-7770 77 v w Scirocco runs ireat must self ~!J!!.'!~f.'.t. ..•. .!Z~~ 64~3~7~; best o tt er "1 DE'~lER IN U.S.A ~.Jf. CARVER rOJ.S-~ vw Pop Top '68. beaut cond S250010BO ..... , ...... ,,,.. ., .,~ ~" ... " ... 4\.( o.e. WOG.t.n ,,., Sul> 9160 ..••...........•.••••• 1112 SUI 100 720-1848 66 B\JG ,.,.,. 9000 cond' Run& great• S t8001obo 644 7453 all 8pm 70 Vols,,an. 5000 miles on 1eo1t mtr. super cond. rbll 11ans $3200 494·2178 eves 4 DOOR SHH 72 VW Bug Engine mint Equipment includes 5 cond Body m gd C0'1d speed transmission PO· 1 $2500 080 Call Answer wer steering & AM/f M Ao 624 6•2-4300 24 hrs stereo cassette 1190081 78 Roob1t 01ase1 4dr AMIFM a11 sunroot, de lu•e. clean $4300 494 4649 66 REO CONVERT Stack top comp• 1esto- red $4700 646 3620 752 0900 65 SQ Back 4 $Pd, new ~ , ttres good body $999 Sa .. ta 9162 ob o 6 4 6 1 5 7 9 or •••••••••••••••••••••• 645 1275 S1te1-Serv1Ga-Le11S1ng SAllLHACI SHAH 74 Dasher. auto 1m/lm mech •Int new paint & brakes $1895 968·5632 U 1-2040 411·4141 80 vw Aebbll Ost L. mint 77 Subaru. S -;pd front cond AM/FM snrf, wheel drive Xlnl gas mt-$6900 720-1721 leage S2400 964 5847 VolH 111Z --f 1 1······················ '!_01.~t~ ••••••••••• ZJ :: 1 Velo IHter CELICA LOVEH 111 Ora111e Ctu11tyl Op you really love Ce· I fleas? II so give me • call Right now Ive got a ton or tllem onctudtng ST OT, and lully loaded I Supr a's with T-Tops Just need rehable party I 10 m11<e small monlhly I p•yments No 010 con· 1r1ct lo nsume no back peyments due ASK FOR ROSE 631·5202 Ike lmporls ttll TOYOTA CIHLU IEIAI Opllons lnc:lud• •n IUtO· mellc tt1n1 & 1n AM/ FM (50822) OILY 11•11 JIM .... YlllSW&lll 1871 t S.ach Blvd HunttngtOf\ 8Hch H2·2000 ltll '""' UUS1 IHVICE HI U&llH OVERSEAS DELIVERY EXPERTS EHLE Ill VOLVO 1966 Harbor Blvd COSTA MESA 141-UOJ 140-Hll '75 Volvo 245 Wgn, aulo. AC, PS PB stereo, xlnt, S3250 Ned 548-7245 'll W11H HI Lellhe1 1n1e1to1. 3rd roe1 sePt 50.000 ml, $4,800 673 1397 Rellable '69 while, 4 dr, 128 000 miles Stick shift S900 552·0579 ·73 Volv0l42. 80,000 ml. tlllllO, PB, PS. $2,000 Of· fer 646-1275 CIUO& IT A•lfl U•H LlnUOI ••••·"········•••••••• A ulom1t1c l rtne 11r ¥!~~~~t ........ !.~~! cond • p wr, 1turtng. Come tn & eat Newl)Ort AM/FM ater.o & I n-Beach'• llnesl tel90110n eml atlons 1y11em of pr •vlouety owntd (UJV766) Prl p t y Poreche't , Audi'• eod $4399 Cell 837-4148 or Volttawl!Qen&. 759•4560 -m...r 1981 TOYOTAS I 445 E. COiet Hwy YerJ Olt11 Newport leech Lew 11r.111 , ..... 1.. 6~3.otOO FROM AS LOW AS AJIC ---·-,,,--, $3988 ..................... . '73 Mat1dof. )(Int trena- , porittlon Rune gru1. 1111 ••• , '=· I 1376, ff3_ ... _1_3f __ _ 11111 hH• • 1~!!!!•••••••••••"-!f • . .,...... .. H. ,·u Al!OAL 4 dr. •" .l(tree. Hl-1111 1 s uoo. 6 1oe over p•ymnu '302. Atl Clusllled Adi, Yollf one-j..!!!9187 el~ ~ cienter ~fled Adi i4'f.ii7i , ul lalc mudt1I low '"''"" O'I t,1111illw.~ 111 Soutllmn (;df1lo11•tu' Sut! uw 1oony• IAIEllS OlDILUO 416()() H11tl)(11 8MI COSIA MlSA &40-1880 Eldor aou Conv111 t1tJh• 197!> llr u wn londeo 1eo111er 1011 $5 100 646·0917 78 l l1Jo111<10 0111rr1t1 Ha• uve• 11111110 on~I sun roof looks nt-w ll runb llke 11ew Oayi. 545 I I SJ ttVtll> 751 9817 80 Cadillac El Ooraoo hke 11l'w, 10 mt. dsl, •Ira tank Proce open PP 979-0614 blr 8PM le sunrools spooler auto a11 etec toe" & w1110ows A real 1>1ac11. beJUIY' J<1n1 COf10 642-83 18 t)ll G '''~" ei vrr Prmtt 840 J 14(1 /'} Munturey Al(., P/!> ooo•J ~1111() fl;,•t ufl•u 04'1 14!.'> Alter Jpm ~~!!~~I ......... !.~~~ 11 MUS t ANG OH1A I oC1 I 1111\I Alklfl9 '2'.)00 \lbb 7'>9? f!I M1"ldlUJ 4 spd lully IOJO<tl.I S3500 or lll:!JI 0111:!1 1168 8 126 Old1mol>llt 9155 .••.•................. 76 <..utla~s AIC CIC lo m o 11<.1 l11t1~ very go c:ouCI Btl!>t o r rer 662 7814 80 Otdi. Ost Rovale B1ougham Loade<l wl e~t•a!> Ask11111 $5600 496 464i' 75 Cutll:!SS Suprume AC r .io1al ao1 r.teering wheel 1925 673-6874 Cllevrolt t 9920 10 Olds 118 good 1ra11s •••••••••••••••••••••• porlctl•On car S550 IEE US FIRST! 491 .3749 631 -9 t88 We n11ve a good aele<:· tron ot NEW & USED Chevro1e1s1 C~MRL CHEVROLET ~lldrt'"'' 11, 1 '•t-.J .\ ~H." \ 54'>·1200 1982 Chevy Cavalter. par · tect cond 4 dr a11 10 000 m 1 $6950 548 0•38 'H El C1•i11t $1250 Ctean Chevy, Kint tT•Olo• and 11 ans Excel 1n11 good trres & brakes 543-6485 ~!l!'!!~!~ •...•... !.~!~ 82 Plymoult• Rehance pert conc.t 7000 motes $5600 645 5997 Pooli•t 9965 ........•..........•.. 70 Bonneville Beau11ful cono 78K S650 91 42 Verontea Or H B 964 8095 '71 FIHllH $1500 Pontiac •Int cond molor & tr ans perl Clean body & 1ntr new llres & raoro 543-6 485 'H FIRHIH 400 76 Monza Towne Coupe Rebll 400 Turoo trans 4 cyl 4 spo d/C, ps pb new velour & naugahyOe Kint cono s 1995 1 •nt e•trilS Looks good 752-6331 runs xlnt Musi sell now s 1200/obo 964 -0332 Cli.n1lt1 1125 . ... , •••••••••••••••••• Tlia11,t1li11' 9910 ·1e ·wooo1e LA B ARON •••••••••••••••••••••• Twn & Cntry Aulo. AC This is Mrs Ray s perso AM/~M. lk new $4,695 nal T 811d Be tne 2nd 953.1220 owner o f this claSSIC 6o4S-8730 f !!! ••••••.••••• .!~~, A•IOI U•t' Tllettlert lelti111' • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • FORD II N 1\BERS FIH TANDE TlllP (w•th ~·u•cha'>et I ( :, \I )I I J ~' \{: ASK FOR OEl AILS' NEW MUSTAI& &T'1 11.1~ FllHCIH OVER 20 IN STOCK tmmed1a1e C>ehveryr USED CH OISPOSAL SALE '71 MISTH& 11 37049) $21H 'll &RAUH 111~971 $2115 'll FAllMOIT t 138422) $2115 'll FIESTA IA785501 $2115 'll T-llH (15970 ti 121H 'll PllTI 1113295) SHH TIEOHIE HlllS FHI 2060 Harbo1 Blvd COSTA MESA 142-0010 540-1211 71 FORO Mave,,ck GOO<l cond 3 new 11res econ $850 494-3211 7 1 Ford L TO Counlry Squire S tation Wgr1 looks & runs good 9 pesseng., .air pow•• s1eer1ng & brks 9t.OOO miles on e&r. engine re Ou ll l a t SS 000 $8 50/be~t o !ler 646-3104 aller 6PM or all day Sal/Sun 79 Fiesta 2 dr ' spd •lnl c ono S t995 111rn 642-3490 • 1972 Pinto H-Oack M egs. looks. runs & drives greall $990 obo 841-3077 Torn CLEARANCE SALE! 1979 CADILLAC COUPE DE VILLE (915XUF) s7995 1982 CADILLAC FLEETWOOD HOUGHAM ( tEAL545) 515,995 198 1 CADILLAC COUPE DE VILLE DIESEL 11ENB512) s9g95 1978 CADILLAC COUPE Dl VILLE (782TZW) S6995 --I 1977 CADILLAC ELDORADO COUPE (622SZGI S6995 1981 CADILLAC COUPE Dl Villi D'EUGANCE (18GC305) s12,995 Oller GOOd Thru Monday. 10-25·82 .NABERS « ~,,\ 1)1 LL1\C 2600 HARBOR BL VO. COSTA MESA 540-1860 Stll kite Items 6"'2·567llJ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ •October 22, 1982• ')(JI I\ ( ( l\ 11 11 I 11 . (,I 11 ll I ( l ( ll\.\'\( .I ( ( l.\~ I I JI\ I l\'-111 J'\S Performing fo r the Festival of Learning and Performing are (from left) Sha nnon Lopez, Flora Sussely-House, Ric hard Kone, Alice Flores, Ste phe n Hewko, Carolf' Dray-Sihilling, Charles Sihilling, Connie Cairo, Barbara Warren a nd Maril yn Macy. Passing-the torch ... Opening doors for young artists Susan Brenner believes in the tradition of artists handing down their vision and experience to younger generations. She compares the process to the passing of the Olympic flame at the start of the athletic games: "The torch of creativity in artistic e xpression is handed down. The master artist knows he might live through some magic he's passed on to another person. That's an experience you'll never forget. It will change you." Bre nner's eyes flash and s parkle wi\h enthusiasm, veiled thinly by cultured restraint, when she talks about art and learning. She has been practicing the artistic tradition she preaches for years -and providing others with the opportunity to practice it. Hands-on learning is the most important part of Brenner's Festival of Leaming and Perfonning (FOLAP). which she has been producing since 1979. The upcoming Fall Festival, to be held Oct. 30 and Nov. 4, 5, 6 and 7, at Chapman College and Loyola Marymount College. Orange Campus, will feature nine master sessions in opera. art song. musical theater. art of vocal stage preaentation and, body coordination. Master teachers will Include Mona Paulee, Giorgio Tozzi, Dorothy Warenskjold, Henrietta Pelta and Martial Singher. Virginia Welker, now the festival's costumer, has ~iclpat.ed in several festivals. .iWhere el.lie can you pay $35 and get a lesson from a Metropolitan (Opera) star?" she asked. By KAREN E. KLEIN Of the Daily Pilot Sta« "Nowhere. Everything you learn is valuable." Welker said she has found both watching the sessions, which arc open to performers under 35, and actually performing in them to be beneficial. Three opportunities to watch and perform will be offered this season, Brenner said. Each year has seen the festival's growth and expansion, she said. She has made sure her festivals were "always in a beautiful atmosphere, always in a professional way," she said, and she could be describing her personal philosophy as welJ as her work standards. She is meticulous, from her matching skirts and blazers to her neatly-coiffed dark hair. She got the inspiration for the festival when she coached voice students out of her studio in Santa Ana. In her long association with the arts as a singer and director, Brenner had developed friendships with stars from the worlds of opera, drama and musical theater. Occasionally, she said , those friends would drop by her' studio and give pointers to her students. When she saw what a thrill It was for her students to work with the artists, she decided it would bt something other aspiring singers and dramatists would enjoy. "I wanted to gjve them a broader outlook," she said, "to let them know what a professional was like." Too often, she said. young artists studying in a university or college aren't exposed to professionals. And tragicall y. she said. they become opinionated because they are encouraged to follow only the narrow philosophy of their own d irectors. Not that FOLAP is a s ubstitute for formal education, Brenner hastily pointed out, but it is a supplement to that education. "We seek to augment. to enrich: to open up more doors for the young artists," she said. After some years spent with the festival at Bowers Museum in Santa Ana and then at Santa Ana College, Brenner began s ponsoring thl' festival independently. along with her Board or Directors and her Artists Board. Since 1979, she has put on six festival series . provirung 550 young artists with the opportunity to study in master sessions with well-known artists. The upcoming festival will be dedicated to the memory of the late Calvin Simmons. Simmons was to have played a major role in the festival this 8elUOn, Brenner said. His recent death (he drowned last month at the age of 32) was "one of the greatest tragedies the arts have had to go through." she said. Simmons, the director of the Oakland Symphony, was world-famous for his perfonnances with such groups as the New York City Opera Co .• the MetropoJltan Opera Co. and the Los Angeles See Young Artists, Page 8 • J) i5 0 u 0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-\~-~~-'h~e~C-la~ss_l_c_s~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I Carlo Maria G iulini direct s Los Angeles Philharmo n ic Orchestra in abstract , a ton a l pieces. ltzhak Perlman stea ls the s how ltzhak Perl111an l1 1hak Perlman, the master v io li ni1it w ho has c.l t·li ~h ted lCIC'vision audil·ncc.:. holh with his t.i lc n t and h is w it, lacked n o n C' o f t h <.' f o r m c r cJ u r i n g a n 1mpr('Ssive perforn1an< C' with the Lo s A n gr'lcs Phi lhMrnonic Orc h estra IJst C:,.Hu rday in .rnta Ana. ThC' o rcht"stra, under the d ir ection of Carlo M,m a G iulini d evoted itsel f mainly to <ibstra ct , atonal niusic during t h l' 0 r ,, n g e Count y Ph i Iha rm on i ( ')ocietv's S(•cond tonccr t of the 1982-83 season P(•r lman 's <''<quisllc and livel y p r C's C'n t a t ion o l A l bJn Be r g 's "Co nrC'rto to r 1olin and Ort hcstra" tra n sf 1xC'c.l the Jud1encc that seC'med h ungry for something to savor. I ikc> a train wh1c;c ling, romJntically in thC' distancC', the ciUdien ce hopped • • • Charms audience with his talent B v ,JQO I CAOENIJ E AO . or t he D11 i l~· Pilot Starr on th<' tune that slid away w ith ten sion ,rnd tc·nderness, fo llowing c v<!ry turn .ind c.ou ncl. Th (• San t a An a H i g h Sc h o o l dUdi to rium w as ho t and stuffy, but the virtuoso violinist re turned smiling for three rounds o t hearty applause -the only e n t h usiasm that was displayed during an o thNwise nic(' evening. Anton W e bcrn's "Six Pieces for Ort hestrc'I , Op. 6" d id not seem like 11 was likely to climb to the top of th(' Saturday nigh t rowd's favori te c hart. The atonal music, first popularized in th e ea rl y 2 0 t h ce ntur y , i s ch a rac te ri1cd by slow, jagged and agitated sounds t hat seem to fly out of nowhere. Although da r k, fJ scinating and exert ing to the rC'viPwer t he audience seem ed as if it coulcJ do without 1 he 10 m in ute sclN 1 ion. ~C'm arkcd o n e w hit e h air e d gentleman , "That music is out of this world and 1t should sta y there.'' An to n Bru c k n e r 's u nf i n ish e d " ymp+io ny No. 9 in D min o r" written between 1887 and 1894, was stirring cit times, bu t uninspiring. Indeed, so me au di~ncc mem bers did n ot return after Perlman left thC' stage. All in all it was a very nice evening and ca n on ly leave o ne m o re anxio us for the con struc tion of the O ra n ge Cou nt y P rform ing A rt s Cen ter in Costa M esa t ha1 is <. h eduled t o be fini hC'd in 1985. Playing vvith style • • • PacLf ic S y mphony com es to life The• u1x·n1ng t·o nc·i.•rt of th<.· Orangt• County Pal·1f1l' Symphony <X·t 17 was a delightful s urpr1S4.'. fk llf(hlf u l ht•t:JUSt' t he• group of 85 local profl'ssional musll'l<ins playNI thl' program of I.>vorak. Tl·hn1kovsky and Shostakovich with style, f('{'lmg and lechm<:al experllS<' And surprising ~·ausc thl'Y sounded hke a l'om plewly d ifrt.'r<'n t group from the one th at opened the Pops &n ffi at the Knott's Berry Farm Good Ttme T heater a couple of weeks ago. The exc1wment and energy that rad iated from the orchestra. under the baton of Keith Clark, musil· dtr<.•t:tor, filled the Santa Ana High School Aud11or1um with hfe and emotion. And the loving bow of guest v1olmtst Glenn Otctcrow. winging its way thro~h Tchaikovsky's "Concerto in D Ma pr," topped o~( the thoroughly enjoyable evening. · The ac:ousucs in the auditorium wurked to tht• orC'hL-stra's advantage -bringing out the tones of 01<-~l'Qw's violin as well as the boom-booming ol th<' bass drums during the milita r y march In Shostakovich's Sym phon_y No. 5. Antonin Dvorak'& ''Carnival Overture" led oC! By K A RE N E. K LEIN Of thl' Oa ily P ilot Stuff • The excitement and energy that radiated from the orches tra, under the baton of Keith Clark, filled the Santa Ana Hi1h School auditorium with life and emotion. the evening with a high t!nergy level and enough volume cha nge lO provlde variety. I only hope Clari< will abandon his habit at launching the symphony In to the openina notes at 1 tw l'cJmc.•rt h<'fon· till' tiucl wm·t•'s 1rn1ial appluww h.1:. d 1lo<l down. Wh1ll• lhl' prat•11t·1• may gt't thP shm.\ 1111 tht• ro;1d with a bung, tht• all -important opening b<'<.'\lllll'S lo~t 111 tht· l'X plo:>tOn. Th<.' evt•n111g's htghltg h t was provided b~ D1l'll•row's Tc.:haikovsky solo. an emotiona l display of technical <'Xl-C lll'n<.'t.'. He handled the intricacies of the score with mastery and drama. He held the poignant silver high notes not too long. but JUSt long enough to capture the audience's tmaginaUon. The orchestra's participation was soli d -belt.er perhaps in the sweeping cre5<.-endos than the piano sc.-cuons. wh~rc ll bordered on becoming complacent. ~ T he a fler-intcrm1ss1on fare. S hos takovich. included some lovc•ly flute solos and nice, well- t11ned ending&. In shar p contrast to th~ pops performance, Clark got a ready, quick responSt.• from his group. ln fact, the delicacy and tlghincss displayed at the first classical concert of the season put th e Orange County P acltlc S ymphony on a par .. w ith any symphony around, · • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~---'~-~~'-n_t_•_r_nr_l_•_•_lo_n~~J~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-3 -0 0 - .......... The a udic•n ct-is virtua ll y invisible as the-actors pe r·form in the· "'f~~1 <:oasl pre·mi<·n · of HIJodit,s:· from left are Lawre nce Pressm a n, "Malthew Fa ison, Tancl~· Cron~·n a nd Ch ris tina Pic·kt(~s. ··We're aiming for a differenc kind of audience ac the Second Step. This theatf'r will be the proving ground for new plays by younger playwrights -and WC' plan to do as many productions never done on the West Coast as we possibly ca n ." -Daily Pilot, Dec. 16. 1967 What a d1ffc·renc:t-15 years makt-s South Coast Repertory embarks next month on an ambitious and infinitt•ly laudabll' ptOJt.'t'l -an entire season or world premieres on the S1•1.:und Stage of its Costa Mesci theatt-r t·omplex. And. if you substitute· thi! word "Stage" for "Step" in the 1967 words or former SCR swlwarl J o hn Arthur Davis, you'li probably hove an ac:cunite assumption of the company's goal. The chanl'es of a<:hlC'ving it. howewr, haw inl·reased fifteenfold. Back in thl' wunang months or 1967, South Coast Repertory had JUSt completed a major transition. the move from its tiny, 75-seat "starter•· theater, thl' Sec:.'Ond Step. in Newport Beach, to the larger. 200-seat Third Step T heater in downtown Co&t.a Mesa. SCR hadn't let go of the &'<:ond Step, opting instead to use it as :an t•uxlliary swgc for newer, Innovative work~. . But. aClC'r tht• Third Step open<'d, only riv<' • By TOM T I TUS Of the Daily Pilot Staff shows were mountl'<l on the smaller Newporl s tag1 "Entl•rtaaning Mr S luarw." "Hail Sc·rawo,1k1., .. "Pal'lUrc>s From thl' Walls of Pompt•11 ." "Tht• Knack " and a far<'WC'll happening ca llt·l.I "Advc>ntun•s in a P;ipN Bng." Aftt•r that. SCR d os<'d up shop al the' St'C'ond Stt•p a nti fo<:USl'd ats t•ncrgit•s on thf' largPr rww house.• -;md pl<1ns for tht> futur..•. "We• wc·rl! sprt·H<I t•H1 thin ." SCR art1s t H' dirt-ctor D&vtd ~rnml':. udmiltt'<I ma 1975 inlc•rv1C'w "We simply didn't havt: l'nough artistic rt-wurcE's for E'Vt'rything wt• wanlt'<i to do." Three years latt•r, howc•ver, th<' c:ompany's picture changed dramatically with the opening of the· new Fourth Step Theater in Costa Meisa's South Coast Town Center. And. after the 1978-79 shak<.'<iown season, tht• Second StagP -a smaller ( 161 seats). horSt•Nht1<•-shapt'Cl intimate thl'atl'r in the "basement" or lht• Fourth Step openc'CI With Onvid Mamf'l's "A Lrfc• In the• Th1·at<'r." Now, with thrN' scason111n tlw books on the Sc•i:ond Stage, SCR is poised to fulfill that commitment made somewhat rashly in 1967 The c'Om pany will produ'-e five new American plnys, st.arting Nov. 3 with Gl'Orge Sibbald's "Brothcr.i." The rest of the Second Stage season is SJ)('Culatlvc a~ thi11 poinJ., since Emmcs an(l feJIQw arti~tlc director Marlin Scn$0n na<ic y •t to !!elE.'<.·t th1• nth1•r four world prrmwrPs. Bui tlw carJ shoulJ ht• t11l1'<I by tht· Pnd of thl· yt•a r Actua lly. tht· Se«onJ S1agf' hasn't <lor11.• lot• badly an thf' pn•m1t•n • dt•partmrnt oVl'I' 1L-.. first thn't' seasons. During thal lime, 110 p<>rn•nl of IL<> al traetaon s ha\·c• IH•1·n W1·s 1 Coast or wnrld prc·m1 e rC's Arn11ng the lattc-r. "C'ht"1:a 'if'rt-," "S<:rC'wball.'' "Timt• W~1s" and "Points an Tmw .. ln flwl. from a critical standpoint. tht• l\.Jlll ·82 l!<'ason •Jn the Sec-one! Stagl· dt•arly outshom• tlw upstairs a llraetums Sam Shc·pard':. "True• W.-s t.'' d11·t't.'led by Lt~· Shallal. w :i!" lht· most stimula ting production of lht· Yl'ar with Paul Rudd's staging nf ')'(>(,( Tallv's "Coming Allral'tions" a dose sl'cor)d Tht'0 past season alS(> andudl'd "Bodic.>s," "Tlw Blood Knot" and "Th<' Ma n Who Could St·t> Through Time." All we-re new lo )o(•al audit>nt'Cs und all carrit.>d a varying dt>grt'l" of cerebral impac-1 The cc>ntrlbution of tht' SC'cond St:1g<' was pubHcly recognized Nlrlier this yC'ar w hl'n ii was hnnorf'd by the Los Angdt.'S Ornmu Critil-s <:ird1• for "fost<•rang nt·w plays and 11clv1•nturou..-; pl11ys nc•w to the West Coast " Now, as South Const R<'JX'rtory l'mbnrks 1\n its 4!tllh st>nsun (the• company woi; "born" in Long Beach in the summer of HllN bdorl' i;t•lling up iihnp in Nt•wport thl' n(•xt year), the stc.1gt• ill ~·t for whut l'OU ld be.• the Ct)l'Y\P,'Hly's most important SC'O$C>n to dill<' -the> birth of five nl'W Amcri<:nn pluys. The goal8 of the Sixties are still in pllll.'C'. and being' n:.-aU1.cd in the folghtil'S I\) I\) t.C CX> I\) --' ~ --------------------1( Coming Attractions) ... ------------------- "" Ol N N Qi .0 0 u 0 ... u. ( : •. 1.· .. 1t· Ta' c·ra ancl 'lan·o St•hind t•lma aw ar•• fc·aturt·cl in tht• F iH· Pt>nn~· O pc·n.a •:o m pan ) ·=-- pn· .. c·ntalion of "'Tlw \lt·rr~ \\'iclo" •• in Oranf.,!•· ( oa .. t ( .ollt·~··· .. Hofwrl H. 'loon· T lwalrt•. 'The Merry Widovv' Schedu led to open at OCC ••• Ttw n111lh !M'<-t!Mlfl ol Or.lllgt <:11.1:-.I ('11llq~1·«; F1vr' Pl•nn~ Uµt·1,1 t'omµ.111)' \\Ill opt•n with Fr.in L L1 h .11 ·., ''I"' rt·t ta. · 'Tht• M1 ·r r v W 1d11 w. · nmnmg Nov ;>-ti ;.iml I :.! 1:1 111 <)('(."., Hnlx·fl B Moon• Thl'<ttt•1 Cc·lc•sll' T.1v1•r<J. rt.•11pw11t ol llw !\lc•tr11pol11.i11 Opc·r;o Aud1l111n Sau11cl1·rs1111 i\\\'.1rd. will pl.iv th1 11ol1 111 lht· nt.h Wldt)W, /\1111.1 <.:1.1w.11'I M;on·o Seh1rn..h•ln1.11111 will pt1rtl':1\ ( '11u111 U:.111111 D~lllil11v1td1 "Tiu· f\.11•11 \ W11l11w" 1:-. w1dP1 1111 d11 l't. l11in ol ( ·.1rolt· Ch:.ird111111.i\ . .111 OCl' pr11l1·-.. ... oi 111 mu!-.11· "'1111 lt>linclt•d t lw Fl\'1• l't•11n~ Up1•1,1 ( .,1mpat1~ 111 l!-17.J Curt.1111 i-. '"t 1111 Hp 111 ,\II .,..ah .11 t• I "'l 'f\'1 •tf T1t·kl'I" .111· llll :-.<ill 1111 $10 Ill lht lll'C T11k1t ()1111·1'. l1 w.1t1•d 111 lht• < •1llt•gt•., Adrnrn1-..11 .11111n Butld111g Thi· 111I11·1· ..., 11pc·n M u 11d:1\ lhr 11ugli Fr 1d.1\ Ir 11111 8 .1 111 111 ti p m S.alurd.iv., 1111111 K a 111 to nuun T 11 pu 11 11...... t 11·k1 I'> hv ph11111 · (';1 I l :i:1ti .l:0l'.!.7 Twkt·I:-. "ill Iii· 011 ..,;de· at th1 d11111 UC/ teachers schedule recital N111:1 St t1l111k .111d Stq 1ht.·11 Ercl•Hh 1111•1111>1 ·1., 111 1lt1· 111lh1t l:11·ull\ ,ti 11t. l'111\'1•1.,.l \ 111 l".d1lon11a .11 lr\' 0 1111· \\ill p•1l1J11l1-.1Jll.111111'1'111111111.d thh 1·v1·11111g .ol H 111 llw F1111 t\r h \'ill.1g1 Th1·.i11·1 Tlw p111g1 .om '' 111 111l lwlt Sutt• !';11 I 111 (., !\1.11111 II\ J11h.011r1 S1 1,,,.,11.111 ltu la • So11,1t.1 111 (.; :'\1111111 ti~ Ludwig \'all Hi o·t h11v i·n . .111d ,, nurnlwr 111 u1hc1 pll"\'l':-O JAU CONCEllT All SEATS lllSlllVlD 71H4Hllt ---------·-----------------------~---------, II f 2 BIG TREATS ~:t· a~_ CLARE FISCHER MARK DAVIDSON FOR HALLOWEEN ~ ~ 1 -10,000 POUNDS OF PUMPKINS, GHORDS, INDIAN CORN AND MUCH MORE. 2 -JUST ARRIVED OUR FIRST LOAD OF NEW CROP FRUIT GIFT PACKS AND BASKETS. OUR SHIPPING DEPT. IS NOW OPEN. SHIP ONE TODAY! ONE I \ li~-·. , CALL DOES IT ALL 645-0032. . . .. ..Jo' ........ r ---·r,•1•1:.M1l-----1 r-----C{i1Tf ;lif1l----,r-----{!l.lU;l!Il1----, : 49' IN SOME STORES I: LAST CHANCE FOR :: 49' IN SOME STORES I I ICEBERG 11 PUMPKINS II BIG BAGS : I LETTUCE 11 " CELLO I : :: 1oe ll CARROTS : I 10 e 11 Lb. II I I H eh I I Limit 3 II 1 0 e I ' I Ll,,.lt 6 H e.ad• I I Putnpkin• II 8a1 I , _______________ , , ______________ ..,JL, ______________ _, r---·1~·1•r:.J1Ttt-----, r-----ITT1T;Nir---,r----1<•1'lil•,., --- 1 LOWEST PRICE YET 11 NEW CROP LOCAL II LOWEST PRICE YET I No. 1 Large 11 CHERRY It FrHh Picked I RUSSETT II Ii SWEET CORN l POTATOES :: TOMATOES :I I II 191> II 1oe I e 11 " II H , I 1 0 lb. 11 Bo• II urge Ear f I limit 5 Iba. 11 4 ..... II Limit e I •---------------' •--------------...JL---------------' ....,, ... ·-'. ..... ••v .. . . .. oONOEO 'llUIT StllPPEll ,011 •O 'l'fAlll 111011[ P"°NU "'""°" "'"°°" ••J.OOt> . ....... • 40 ~-- : t1P"'411&• 1601 Newport B v . ~·~ I ic-tiow i--..........i 645·0032 1 '"~'''"1"'h" """'-.I . ~---,---------------------------------------t GARY FOSTER AND WOODWIND CHOIR "'" .: 11 On ,oe• 24 1982 • 3 prri & 7 30 pm • Sou111 C0.1s1 Plald ":lie .... t ~ TIC KET PRICE& HOURS HOFBRAU HAUS ·t " I , .. ,.. ,_,_,._, ·' •"' .t r t 1\ I ••••' r. 1-.J•~-·· 1ol"< 1 J'•) (I lflV A 1 I ioi,t \ CAR NIVAL ' HI'\ •l.4 .. '.... .,. , .......... J ·~ r ,,.. 'A 'I I , J.1' f> ~ 1 , .. ~\ A•,. ~·~'"Q "•"'f ~\~flt,_. 1 _., r-, I••\\. I 4. ~Mf "'J a.no-,;: t'<H" B•llROARDllN JUB 'T' LllCll MUNICH! •A _.I 1f''"q •()(h1 ' ·• , • I • ' ..,. "Vii • • ..a. . ,,, LTU PRIZll DRAWINGS • ff ·' "' t ,,,, • '~ "' '. • '' " r ·• -~ • ' • ' ,· .. a f ··~ ~ " ,• r 'it . t f ' " • r • t -~ , ·• ••• -# .... ::~---: Jl!ll!I r ---- DOING BUSINESS UNDER A FICTITIOUS NAME? All new businesses uS1ng a fictitious name. must by law be registered with the County Clerk The DAILY PILOT provides the forms and filing services for our customers. II you are starting a new business call the DAILY PILOT for information and forms 642·4321 EXT 332 Forgive 111e, Fa tl1er, for I have si1111ed. I have killed for 111y Country, I have stolen for 111y Church, I have loved a H 'o1111111, tjnd I a111 n Priest. MONSIGNOR , FRANK YABLANS 1· .. ~ ••••·~ \ FRANK PERRY I olm CHRISTOPHER REEVE in MONSIGNOR ..tarring GENEVIEVE BU]OLD FERNANOO REY JASON MILLER JOE CORTESE ADOLFO CELI '"'ith TOMAS MILIAN ac; Francisco n ....... ~ .• , ........... ,,i., BILLY WllUAMS, 8.5.C. ,,.,_ "' IOHN WllLlAMS •~t-.1 ... ..ii.. FRANK YABLANS • ...i DAVID NIVEN, JR. '""'""'"'ABRAHAM POLONSKY • ..J WENDELL MAYES K.-1 .. ""''"' "'"''"'JACK ALAIN LEGER Ill fRI .. ::~.~;::,•_~, ... i ,,.,.,,,~si.. FRANK PERRY • -, ... ,, .. ._~ ,...., • ..._.__ c~,,__,,..,,_..,,,.._ -. CITY cenTeR f) 11'. h-4f t•t~ r, ,.., .. l 11tlA~1,t • t.•4 -.]8J TH E BE ST in reading enjoyment comes to your ...... home 1 days a week in the ' Daily Pilat 642-4321 -s }l 2 ~ co co ,,. co ::i a. co ~ ,, ~ ii Cl> ':' 0 0 0 CT co ~ I'\) !'J <O CD I'\) ............ .._ ............... ._. ________________________________________ .., ______________ _.. ______ ~~----~~...-~~-~ 6 N N (j) .0 0 u 0 ARTS & CRAFTS SIGN UP! Choose Your Place October 23 & 24 10-4 FOR ART BIZ-R and the Chirstmas Art Biz-R 2230 Fairview Rd ., C.M. 675-1564 "IT IS THAT RARITY OF RARITIES, A SEQUEL THAT READILY SURPASSES THE ORIGINAL ' .... • .i\i/,I), • ... "11' "''llW"Cll Ht( fiAFUJ~f tt11 )i,f TIM£ MAGAJINl ~·' ..... U'111'.t1!'1 11M,1 I. •I ~ ,.,...,"" .............. ,. PG __ , .. ~ !IMlsno <> c. - LOCKED OUT AT UNITED ARTISTS THEATRES • We are locked out because we refused to lose more than hair' of our jobs and thereby double lhe work load of thOH rema1111ng We have worked on United Artists lheatres since they opened Each projecttomst works multiple sets of eq-uipment. He Is responsible tor sound and picture in several auditoriums al once This hu Increased the actual amount of physical wOfk anct vastly increased our respons1bltily. . · From rts 1ncep11on. we have cooperated with the uae of ilutomatad equipment WE HAVE WILLINGLY INCAEAH D PRODUCTIVITY. Before 1utom111on. one projectionist was uted to project one picture for one auditorium Now, under our IHI contract. one p101ec11onist prepares. operates and supen11ses equipment end fllm for 11 many as lour, six, and even eight auditoriums at once · · We beheve that there Should be a llmll to how many jobs that workers and the community Should lose to automation W•tl'tlnk wOfkets and the community. u well as the emple>yer$, have 1 right to gain thr~h the benefits of automation. United Artists Communications Is a many muttl•mltllon dollar cOfp«ltlon. They make handsome profits lrom theater aperatrons There Is no economic need to eftmlnete )otM. Robert Nally wants lo lncreaM his prolrts by ehminatlng our joba fie does not Intend to redUC41 the prlee of your movie ticket . Mr Naily retused 10 negotiate on enr of 1he Union's proposals. The company stood pat on 111 orlgtnal ultimatums. It offered only 2k per hour IOf doubt9 or trlple the WOf'k load, 11 the 111me time eliminating 50.75•14 ot our jobs Those of us Wl\O ION our 1obs will not be able to support our famlllea. The community loses the salaries we earn and spend In the communt1Y. II your employer lollows Mr. Nally'• example, wl)ere wm your job be? How wtlt you support y~ur famlly? With higher . unemployment Ind tewer 1a1ar1ee to spend. our area eoonomy Is bound to suffer. • We were witting to continue ~egollate, but Mr Nally dl<:tatorlatty end arr0garitty locked ul oul Pie-don't eo Into enr Unlled Artl1t1 theatre 1n1w t.By 10' doing. you wllt he!P us get our jobs back. --'""'( The Entertainer• )== Jazzy lady M cRae kno ws ho w • .. . to present a song Bv .JERKY ll E H TE~STE I :" · or lh•· l>a ih P1to1 ~1 .. rr Pwk .1 -.ong . .111~ ~ing No". don'l 11·11 S1111ph g1\ t 1l tu .1 111.1-.u•1 ~•ngstn~ Carnwn Mdl.w What sht• du•·s with 11 will n1<Jkt• 11 like · rw\·11 ht><1rd l>t•fun· Whut .J 1r. .. 11 111 111'<.JI Only :-.unH·ont· ot Md{;w':-. swtun· n1uld bnrig rn.1g1(· \11 such lavonlt·-. as "(;t•11rg1.1." "All b l-'<111 In Li.Vt'. .. "S1•nt.l In Tht• Clowns .. Bul Md{uc· 1s not using h1x.·us-p<.1c:us t>r nwrt abran1dabra What sht' brings to a :.cmg 1:. l'XperllS(• McRae shart'<.l sul·h w1lh an <1ud1t:nce of Y:'>IJ ..it a rt'i.'C'nl lx•m•frl for FM r.Jd11) st.allon K SBK. "' 1111 h spc_x·1alrz~ 111 pl;,iying JJ77 ThC' audll'nt'l'. manv huddlt'Cl Ill blankt•ts 1111 .1 l'hrllt·d Cx·tuhl'r 1·\'t•n111g: h1•J n l ;r hrll'I JJ<•rtorrn.11111 h\ Mt·H<1t· al the• lrv11w Row I on lh1 Fc•sllvJI nt Ar h gi·ounds 1n L agu11 .. &o:wh K SBH. HH.5. 1s J11('.J\t•d 1111 lh1 · M1:-.-;1on V1c•.111 1·amµus u t Saddld><.1ck C'111l1-gi 'J'ht> l'hrll was ""<irch ·d off soml·what In tilt' warmnl-:.S ol Ml'H<tt•s w1dt·-rang111g \'Oll't' A.s 11111· apprN:1at1v1· lrsl<.'nl·r -.aid afu·rwards, "I was 1·nld h ul llstl•mng lo C<irnwn took ,1way tht· d1!'ol.i1mfu1 t MeR;.iP. ru~t nut1l't'<I wh1·n s inging for th .. big bands in their hl'vda\-.• md m<>:>l oft<·n 1J1·nt1f11·d ,,, a JilZZ s111gc•r. l'<1n '1 Ix· p1gc'<>nhnll'd Sht· 1s original Ml·Raf' oftc•n 1.1lks " "ong morl' than <,ing-. 11 Sh{• makes th<' tran~1t1on from l'oars1· ha.,., l11 soprano without a w;ivc•r ll1•r pausc•s ;;n· w11hout nn«-d1•n t HC'r vmcc• 1s as n l·h as f11w silk whc·thf'r h11ld111g out for JUSl lht' right momt•nt u f 1·mpha~1s on ;,i ~mg of romancl' or mov1n · lo a rhvthmll· .. Heal Wa\'t' · The one fault or McR-~1c"s presentation Ill Laguna was d1s tanct.• from stage front to first rt•\' seats It appeared she was singing m ore.> to tht· t>mpty orchestra pit than the aud1enl-e She told he r hstcnt.·rs ... I can hear you (lhl•rt• were apprec1al.Jve shouts of 'all right Carmen') but I t·•m 't ,!;(,'('you." Why th£' house.• ligh ts weren't lUrnl'CI on -at least bnl'fly -1s a rnyst.ery . Trumpctecr Bobby S hew. who helped S(.:oru Barbra Streisand's hit movie ... A Star ls Born." playc'Cl solo early in the evening. accompanit'Cl by the Saddleback Colll•gt• Big Band. Shew. a bearded man who likes to ply his trumpets ana ffoegelhorn for octave cnangcs mort• than double or triple• tongue his way through chords. delighted in s howing off his "shew horn " The horn has two belle; and valves that allow Shew to chang<' rapidly from the shrill sound~ or the top horn to the muted tones of the lower. The rontrapllon. Shew said, is an invention of a friend, Dave Monet. Snew used the horn to play an original composition. "The Parking Lot Bluc.-s." S hew explaml'd that he wrote the piece a:. a tribute to a studio musician, bass player Ra'y Brown He said that Brown. one<' asked what was the most d1Cf1cuh thing about being a studio musk.an, replied, "finding a parking spa('(! ... The piece was lively. AJI it took was closing onc•s eyes to envision blanng horns. scr~hing UN'S. maybe some angry fis t haking in an imaginL-d scenario of battling for a J>a:rking place. Shew also honored StreiSlAnd with a trumpet r e ndition of the Grammy award-w1nn1ng "Evergreen." F.arlier, he made his conventional trumpet as well as the fluegelhorn "talk." Th(! band. cilrected by pianist Bill Kirk. pre«><jed Shew with jau renditions thal Ceatured solos on the saxophone. dru ms. tn.&mpet, trombone PROJECTIONISTS LOCAL 504 -OAAMGE COUNTY and ~ophonlltt.a were Paul Curman. Lemoyne tnten.etlonal efflence of t .... trtcel ,,.,. empfo1... Taylor. Don Harvey. Mike DeBellis and Larry • and moving ploture mechlne ·operetot• Coasld. Ron Cr-..wtord played trombon~. P a ul Aftl·CIO. • i Kurokawa trumpet 10lo. John Hewitt baa and l ........................................... llllillilliliiil .................. 1111!!~~~~~~~~··~111!1!!"-!!'--'l '<fhria. Stevenadnuna.., ·" • • • ~~ ••• "'IJ!l""•'·---~ .. '11!'...........-1111-~--c:;;:··-···-·-r-~ -. / .. • -PLAYS------ "CAM ELOT." the King Arthur musical, closes out its run for the Newport Beach Parks, Beaches and Recreation Departmc·nt at Lmc:o ln School on Pacific Vie w Drive, Corona del Mar (640-2271 ). Final performances a rt' tonight and Saturday a t 7:30 and Sunday at I :30 "DEATHTRAP." a murde r mystery, IS the fare al the Huntingu>n Beach Playhouse. 3503 S. Harbor Blvd . jus t n orth o f Cos ta Mesa (979-5511 ). Performance:; are Tuesdays through Sundays a t varying curtain times until Nov. 14. "THE FIRST BILLBOARD ON THE MOON." a new musical comedy on tour in Orange County. will be presented tonight through Sunday at 8 p.m. at Huntington Beach High School (535-8548). The s how also will play a t Irvin<> High &·hool Nov. 11-14. (83 1 46 56) PNformances are' Fridays and Saturdays at 8 p m., through Oc·t. 31 "T H E MIND WITH THE DIRT Y MAN." an a dul t comedy a bout small town l'cn s orsh1p, com plett>s its run for the• Irvine Community Theater at TurtlC' Rock Community Park. Sunnyhill Road off Turtle Rock DrivC', Irvine (557-7297). Closing performances are tonu?ht a nd Saturday at 8 p.m. "MO RNINGS A7 SEVEN ," a comedy about se nior citize ns, ope ns ton ight a t the Newport Harbor Actors Theater. 390 Monte Vista S t., Costa Mesa <631 -5 11 0) Perfor man<:es are T hursdays through Sa turdays at 8 pm., S u ndays a t 2:30, through Nov 14. "OLD T l MES." a Harold Pinte r drama , cont inues at the Playbox Theater at Golden West Colle ge 1n Hun u ngto n Be ach (894 -607 0 ) Pc rformanet·s a re Fridays and Saturdays at 8 pm. MOVIE RATINGS FOR PARENTS AND YOUNG PEOPLE through Oct 30 with a dosing matinee at 2:30 on Oc·t 31 ~ co a> .,,.. "USA," a h1s turacal d ra ma about the early ai century, o pe ns this WC'(.>kc nd at Ora ng£' Coast g__ College m Cosw MC'sa (834-565 1). Performances ~ will be given Thursdays through Saturdays at 8 ,, p.m. until Q :t. 30 w11h a d osing matinee Oct 31 at ~ 2 p.m. 11> '< -ART-------0 ~ ARTS CONFERENCE. "Arts in Action ," is aU o da y Oct. 29 at South Coast Plaza Hotel. Costa Mesa. g- .Des1gned for individuals and organizatior1S to share ;:, 1de~s. programs and projects. Information a nd "' r('S(•rvat1ons: 836-1600. .... (J;) a> WATERCOLORS BY KEITH CROWN go on I\) See Diversions. Page l..J ''T H E FO URPOSTER," a two -c h a racter comedy about a life time of togetherness, oper1S this weekend at the Newport Theater Arts Center. 2501 C li f f Drive , Newpo rt Be a ch (675-3 143). Performances will be given Thursdays through Saturdays at 8 pm unul Nov. 13 "GOD'S FA VORITF.," a black t'Omedy by Nei l Simon . opens to nigh t for t he Mission Vie jo Plavhouse in the Forum Theater on the Festival of Arts Grounds on Laguna Canyon Road in Laiuna Beach (770-0381) Pe rformances will be given Fndays and Saturdays at 8:30 pm th rough Nov. 6 "WHAT BETTE MIDLER DID FOR LAST SPRINGS ACADEMY AWARDS SHOW SHE DOES FOR JINXED~.~, "KENNEDY'S C HI LDREN." a drama about young people growing up in the' 1960s. o pens tonigh t at Saddleback College in Mission V1eJ0 "'Tragedy of a Ridiculous Man' haunts the memory. It's Bertolucci's most rewarding, most invigorating film since 'Last Tango in Paris:" v.rcen1Canb• N } r.m .. ~ _ "'Tragedy of a Ridiculous Man' is the best Bertoluccl movie I have seen in a long time and the best treatment of the generational barrier between father and son that I have seen yet:' "'"''( .. SJ''·' w'""• 11t>ort- "TRAGEDY OF A RIDICULOUS MAN" LAURA MORANTE VICTOR CAVALLO OLIMPIA CARLISI end wtth VITTORIO CAPRIOLI end RENATO SALVATORI Music competed and conducted by ENNIO MORRICONE Eowono Mueical 8000 <:€MS~ Photography by CARLO DI PALMA Produced by GIOVANNI BERTOLUCCI tor ~ICTIOH CIKEMATOOAMICA s P" Written and directed by BERNARDO BERTOLUCCI IN rTAUAN WITH ENOUSH SUBTll\..ES u:~Oll" • - ~--AIMlOC.ctMNNIKllASl ·---:!.:----~;:;:o ..._.._.,. FRIDAY 7:00. 1:15 Oav>d Ar\sen, NEWSWEEK STARTS TODAY AT 11ESE SPEaALL Y SELECTED llEATIES .... helM's ~OtWlll .,. .... -·· MiWI lh• Pia/a stt m• ..... ............ eo... UIOHS -~ IU US> ....,.."" ~C.-Wl:ll "' )t)~ WH.,..T8 ""9C'a ... ,,, >• °""' ... .. 13'0 • :----------------,( 81g Doing• )1-----------------:::'.".~~~ Q) --~~~ ...... ~~~~~~~~~-0> C\I C\I .... Q) .0 0 u 0 >. -111 "O ;: u.. .... Q) "O c Q) ~ al ~ From Page I Philharmon1l". Those who wish lo participatl' 1n the festivals must be adjudicated and must meet enrollment requireme nts . They s hould have teachers or s ponsors w ho will verify their performance ability. T he master <.·lasses are not for beginners. but for artists. Brenne r said -professional, semi- profession al and gifted young people. Most are stiU on the thresholds of the ir careers. she said , a nd some have JUSt crossed that threshold. For the $35 regastrataon fee. the part1c1pant is signed up for one master class in his or her specific area (singer , singer-at-tor or dan(•er) and attends two other classes o pen lo au participants Additio nal sessio ns may be added, s pace permitting. for $10. and each partu:1pant may observe a ll other sessions. Br•!nncr said she ts especially excited about the inclusion of a body coordination class. m the Pilates (pronounced Pill-ah-tees) Method. which wall be oHered for the first ume on the Fall Festival Romana Kryzanowska. the main teacher of the method. will be <.'Oming from her New Yor k studios to teach the classes Ballet s tars, like Natalia E Thia time he'a fighting for hie 1"9. Young artists touched by masters Makarova. and other artists, such as Ka tharine He pburn a nd J ill Clayburgh, have practiced the method w hich concentrates on stretching to achieve understanding o f the body. energy and breathing - all important fine points for any perfonner . Observers can attend aJJ the sessions for $15 or watch any single session for a cost of $3. "It's a performance experience like going backstage" for observers, Brenner said. The audience gets the rare opportunity to watc h a we ll-known artist teach a g roup of students. "His character Is revealed more and more as the session goes on," Brenner said. Giorgio Tozzi will he on e of the masters a t the fes tival. ANAHE IM [ 11 1\o! IN --"•'-• 119MIO -~... ~-·--... -~----· '"' ......................... ~-... -·"--·"- ---·-UMCnO LI NCOLN '" .1 N ~----llMOJO HJUNTAIN VALLE'I ur. -i ,,. H I N A I I'~ · .. " ... ....,.._ "~"' .. .,,_.. ... __ ,,_ ... ,_ ..... ~~-­-_..,...".,...._ ~aoo.-1111 -............ ........ 1·-· ...... "" .,.. Wft'CW'"" -....... ,_.. ... -.. -........... .. _._,,_ .... Jffl 190111 II llr 1111 -..,,,,..._ -"-111C1 I l IM 11111 -"",,..._ --·"" •-c-.. ... 1 •a119an "' """""'"' "°' 11.M.,•MIA• ___ .. _,_ "'The Chosen' ... One of the year's best!" Jf..,..,, •·"' ~.Jr~"l• ono "'°'' r.,, , EXCLU E edwards LIDO CINEMA NIWrOlrT llYO. AT VIA U00 MfWPORT IUCH 673-USO *BARGAIN MATIN•••* Monday """ Salurd1y All PerlormancH before 5:00 PM (~ I ... (llllfl TI b IN HtliNysl ...,,. LAIT ,...__ .......... ---1111 ... ..,.,_.AT Ml>QlllOMT -... --- "JINXID" 1111 .............. "MONatGNOR" t11 -·--- LAt<EWOOD C ENTER WAll( IN ~ ......... _ -----•IOI --...,.,_. n11wunewa.ur---l AlllW<l<>P ,-INl(IJ \()lJ TH .--.. •· • ..,. •AH OfflCSll AMO " Ql'WT\ftlMf" "" .. ........ ,bit "THE CHOHN" "'' -----·- "~IT 9l000" "'' ----·- •oc1111y 01 C:oftd•o- 111/H1·fHO "TM9 C:HOMN" "" -----............. -----·- McCormick's Landing. • .Mesquite wood and fish mix well M cCORMICK 'S LANDING. 3180 Airway Ave .. Costa Mesa 546-9880. Lunch served from 11 a.m. ro 2:30 p.m . Monday through Friday. Dinner served from 5 to JO p.m . M ond ay t hrough Thursday, 5 to J 1 p.m. Friday and Saturday and 4 to 9 p.m. Sunday. Sunday brunch served from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m . Lunch from $3.95 to $6.95. Dinner from $7.25 to $13.95. Sunday brunch from $4.95 to $6.25. Reservations recommended. How do you show off Southern California food to someone fresh off the boat from Chicago? After all. the Windy Caty as home of true deep-dish pizza as well as a host of ethnic delights. And Chicagoans are among the few people who know the meaning of restaurant wars. h was decided that fresh fish was in order, although the Orange Coast area certainly isn't lacking for Cine French, Italian. Chinese and Mexi· <:an food. (I was appreciative that my guest had somehow even managed to develop a palate for Mexican food. But then I've had much worse luck with New York City nauves, who seem to believe such cuisine was pioneered by Taco Bell.) There's just about no bette r way to prepare seafood than on a broiler grill fi red up with mesquite wood from Mexico. and McCormick's Landing as among the few o ffering such a marvelous way to cook ftSh The special wood lends a hearty flavor to alJ meats and, when properly prepared. allows fish to make its own culinary statement without sacriJicin~ the delicate texture or flavor of the seafood. McCormick's as a relative newcomer lo the Orange Coast restaurant scene. It opened in July of 1980, taking over the site that had housed an ailing dining house of the 94th Aerosquadron chain. The proprietor of this much -welcomed seafood saloon is Jeff Reuter, who at 29 is one of Orange C.Ounty'• young restaurant lions. Reuter is a coastal native, who attended C.Orona del Mar High Sch ool and then worked for Far West Services. He started a small sandwich shop in Newport and later served as general manager of El Paso Cant.ina m Long Beach. Reuter jumped at the chance to run his own restaurant when he heard of the financially ailing 94th Aerosquadron . The site was completely remodeled but the expansive view of takeoffs and landings at J ohn Wayne Airport remains one of the featured attractions. Under the conviction that the area could stand another good seafood house, Reuter assembled the splendid combination of mesquite wood cookery. friendly service and a casual Southern California almo6phere. The restaurant has been done in subtle earth tones accented by wood beam ceilings and the recent arrival of a forest of indoor plants. Elegance comes by way of white napery, candles and fresh- cut flowers. McCormick's recently underwent a $220,000 remodeling, including new carpeting. the addition of a downstairs oyster bar m the saloon area and baby grand in the dmmg room for Friday and Saturday evening ente rtainment with Donny Singer at the piano. However, we found the upstairs piano player had to compete with the thunderm~ bass and drums from the downstairs rock 'n' roll music. Reuter. though. already is aware of the problem and plans to sound proof the floor of the dining room (or ceiling of t he bar) to prevent the co-mingling of musical entertainment. We hope the restaurant doesn 't have lo sacrifice the piano. since It's a wonderful accompan ime nt to an alread y pleasurable ambience. The menu offers few s urprises; standard fare to be expected in most seafood establishments. In Jd,dit.ion to the regular menu , whJch ofrers one stak and one chicken entree, our nil(ht Included specials au.ch as salmon ($9.96), swordfish ($9.95), halibut ($9.95) and thresher s hark ($6.95). Alto of note arc children's or dieters' dinners including {iah on a skewe r ($5.95) and a broiled ham b urger ($4.25). Dinners are eerved with hot bread and • choice from two of the following: baked potato, rice pl.11 (, fruit plaUn. cole 11-w or ~table of the day. w. ~with • shrimp and crab eodctall By J OEL C. DON Or the Dally Pilot Starr combination ($4.25). which was appropriately c hilled a nd fresh , as a re t h e majority of McCormick's seafood offerings. Soup or salad does not come with dinner, but is an extra for only $1. T he Boston clam chowder was IA• JUU C"llTMJIO Pacific's Mission Dove In 493 O•~ I NO l'AIKSACClrflO'OA THISf~I ( LUXURY THEATRES ) ~ lat .... Slle9iticsMYS2.lilWtuttWwiwlltH ~ S 114GH4•111il6I~ 25s11~~.) S FOR FUOI EXCITEmEITTI VtsrtOur ••• ARCADE of GAMES• ,: '. . · '.' truly prepar<"d an homestyle fashion. with good- sazed clams and hefty chunks of potato In a thick, creamy base. My guest opted for an item not listed on the men u and, curiously. no t prepared over the mesquite wood broiler The special was a roquille of fresh scallops baked an a creamy mushroom sauce See McCormick's Landing. Page 11 g 3! ~ ~ :E "" co ::> a. CD ~ ~ a. II> ':< 0 (') 0 a CD .... ,,., I\) <D Q) I\) : ' ' .. r \ ' ~ .. 1 '! ., lO N CX) O> N N ... Q) .0 0 t> 0 >.. Ill 'O ·;: u. .: Q) 'O c: Q) ~ ~ ?; § ii .. , ..... - The Oakland Ba llet Compan y will appear a t Orange Coast College Oct. 30 a nd 31. 1' ~f . •;.. 13TH SMASH WEEK! ISN'T IT TIME TO'SEE WHAT 25 MILLION PEOPLE HAVE BEEN RAVING ABOUT? •eoy, did I have a good tJmel A laugh-one-minute, cry-t-.,.xt, love story. Richard Gere Is powerful. Debra Winger Is excellent. Lou Gossett Is Incredible.• -Joel 1M9e1. 0000 M09'NIMO AMERICA "One of the season's happiest surprtses." -4:--C,,_,...n, LOS AltOB.D TifllU G PARANOUPrT PCTIJttlS PRUEl'tTS A LOlllMAR~l'I t&IAl'IO IWXlUCTllN I\ T/\YLOll HACKratD '11.M RICHARD OP.JIB ·....VO WllCZR AN °"1CBR 111'10 II ODl'nJ!MAJ'f 111*l .. mnc ONID ICIUMt and t.Oll1S ~.JR.•• "'*Y' ()riClMI lllUelc b)' .w:K IOTtSCHll • Wr-llt.m lly DOUOlAS Q\Y ~ltT l'r'OdluttO by MllllT11'1 a.l11"1H)lrttted t17TAYl.al HAalPOIO "~ f'IC'Nll& R -u."la,_. -' .. .U ..,_f IUCll .._ WllTMmfUI ~Ila f'l.u1 EctwalOS Ne"90f1 ~ c.n.oom. P1e1flc's HI Wrt 31 S29 S33t 6U 0760 . 634 2$~3 Ortvt 111 991 3113 Mt ... ftUO WllTM•ITd [llwalOS VllfO Tw111 130 6990 ~--Clrleml West 891 3t3S ------ Oakland Ballet atOCC The 39 -m embcr Oa kland Ball e t Company. featuring a diverse blend of dance s ty les, will perform Saturday and Sunday, Oct. 30 and 31, at Orange Coast College. The performance will i n c lude "Dv o rak Dances," "Waterways," "Billy the Kid," "Amis" and "Bolero," under the direction o f Artistic Director Ronn Guidi. 'Festival Mexico' set to go A tribute to the a rt a nd culture of Me?Cico w ill be featured at Disneyland Sa turday and Sunday, Oct. 23 and 24, when the park hosts "Festival Mexwo." L atin entertainers. dancers and singers will appear on Disneyla n d stages and a "fiesta Parade" wilJ take place on Main S treet. U.S.A. at 7 p.m . both days . La In dia Maria . Advan ce ti c k e t s, priced at $7, are on sale in the OCC Ticket office Monday through Friday Crom 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Saturday from 8 a.m. to noon. To purchase uckets over fhe phone. call 556-5527. Tickets will be sold at the door for $8. Mariachi ensembles and folkloric.o dancers will be on hand for the "Fie ta Mexico" weekend at Disneyland . Fernando Allende, Chis Chas a n d several mariachi ensembles and fol kJorico dance troupes will be among those performing. The park w1U be open from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Demonstrations of Mexican craftsmanship will be on display . ;<iTHt CRITICS' FAVORITE FUNNY FILM -...... lnmlCATU ,.._ ClllT1C * "FUll OF SNAP AND wrr.· -Oevtd ANc:n. N£WSWUJ< * VTOOu: 11 •ou Tll&Jf GOOD -ID'I •1n. .. A IDJfG or COllD1'." -Mlc:boel Sragow. ftOLUMG STONE * "GOES BEYOND lAUOHTER . :: -ftkMnl.$dlkMI. TIME MAQZJN£- ..... _,.. ......... _. .... llD01*.!·tm .... .,.._. __ l-..O·•-U ~·--·---···--..... ..,._ ,_. _ _. .... __ .~_·;~ ... UA.._ tf040l1 cetH•IA f ..... INllC...P'lllta '4t "" I:,• -' ·.~·~-·---'.I @% ~ Gra mmy winner Clare Fischer Fischer schedules two OC jazz concerts Grammy a w a rd winner Clare Fischer will team with Orange County pianist Mark Davidson and saxophonist Gary Foster for two ja%2 concerts Sunday. Oct. 24 at the South Coast Plaza Hotel in Costa Mesa. Fischer. also a pianist, won a 1981 Grammy for best Latin recording with his album. "Salsa Picante." Joining the trio will be woodwind players Gene Cipriano. Jack Nimitz, Bob Tricarico and Joe Soldo, drummer Ron Dunn and bassist J ohn PaUcuccl. The concerts will be staged at 3 p.m. and 7:30 P:m. All .eatl are reserved. Prices are $18, $12.50, $1UO and $5 tor the evening show and $10 for the matinee. Student tickets for the matinee are $5. Tickets are available at Krlewall Music Swre. 126 ~ S. Glaaell Ave., In Orange or by mail Crom Sweet Alice Muaic, P .O. Box 11463, Costa Mesa 9~27. . ==={: Coming A ttroctlon• ),_ __ Johnny Van-Zant Band set at Golden Bear Tht• J11h11 n y V;an-:Z~tnt 8Jnd will pl0l l11rm d1 l\'lllg Southt·rr; ... 1ylt· rock ·11· roll Monday. <.A·t 15. 1n two .,how!> sdwdult'CJ .1t the (.;ult.lt·n Bt·i.lr. :iOti Pal'lllt C11;,i:,t I lighwet). H untington Bt·ac.·h Thi· µ1:rlormant'C'i-tx·~111 .it Ii :m and 11 µ m The h;1ml, whwh fc•atun•:; vucallst Van-i'..<_1nt .md du.ti lt•.Jd gu1wn:,t... Erlt' Lundgrc:n .mu Hobhll' ( ;,,y 1:-toui 1ng 1n :;Upport 111 1L~ 1h1nJ n-t·urd <.ii bum. .. L .1s1 "' 1h1· Wild Om•'" V.in Z.1111 1 ... a mt·ml>c:r •>I .t w1·ll kn11wn fi.lm1lv 111 South1·1 n n1c; kt·r-H1 ... lat1· l>rotlwr Honnu· Van 7 .. 1111 wa:. lront-m:in fCJr l.\llV1d Skvnvrd. and .moth1•1 lmnht•1. 1>01111w V.m· Zoant . 1i-l~·a<in u l :.18 Spt'l01:.il McCormicks Landing From Pagt> Y cs~ !I~, Thi:. lldll\'I' M1dw1•,H•rr11·r h··••JX-tl µra1~· un I h" 1·n11·1·1· thnugh Wl' lx11h ;1gf1.'\'(I lw; t'Vlt 'l<iw WCI!> .i 1111 too clrv M\ loli:;t..r t.Jal' 1s1:11:1:i1 Wt'lt' n ·m .11 k.1hly t1•nder ,1nd flavodul. uw111g lo the• skill ul lh(· hro1h.·r cht·I:. Tht \'r·gMe1blt: ol tlw t.lay, Cn·~h brt!(.'{'Olt ant.I n 1ul1flowr•r toppl•d "'rlh holl;.indal!>t' "-'Ul't'. W<1i-<1ppr l'< iawd ll ll IL!> g1·n<·ruu" por Wiii l-'1na ll y Kl·utt·r nntl'd that iHl<'l'S :.d MtCormick's hm:t• rt·m .. unC'd fro7l'n unllkt• thl· fish for a _vear .md ..i h<1ll Mo~t pt.-oplt• llk1· tu kn11w that <1 n -st.auranl ••fft•r.. t'f1n'1"1t·111 ~u;1ltly J.' w1·ll J~ pric·r s tC1h1l1t) Luc·k1 lv Mt{'nnnat·k·, ha' both Pianist R egnat to p lay Beethoven 's 'Cho ral Fantasj · P ran1:.t F ranl'01-;c· Hc•gnc.t will bl• ft•::itun'ti 1n thl· Saturday ix·rlom1;_inc·1• hy tlw HO v111n· Pdt'till' Choralt· Shi · w ill pl<iy cluran~ tht' 1·h11r~1h•'s pn·St·nw11on •11 Ludwig \'an R«·thovt·n'c; "Choral F.inl.L\~'. Opus 80" a nd will pl rfurm un 1nl1•r prt·l.illon of &-c-thoven's "Choral r.mta'Y " T he evC'n l tx•g1ns at 8 :30 pm at tht' Santa Ana High &:hool Auditorium. 520 W Walnut St .. San ta Ana. Tickets a t $5. $7 and $10 will Ix> available a t the door. ----------------------- Mt ~ ..... MIO GAA.AOI •II f 'O c,--..1 IA• IOWMOI .,.,.. YAUOAR At 801 Off'ICI • c_,_,. llf.lyt "MON- SIGNOR" FRI. 1:00 1:20, 10:40 SAT/SUN. 1:30 3:.45, I'°°-1:15. 10,40 (R) t OIACll DOUY PETER O'TOOlE aflMO "My 'fl r::. FAVORITE P'* :i?, YEAR" '"°' J;;"~ FRI. 1:15, 1:15, 10:15 SAT/SUN. 2:15. 4:1111 FRI.1:30, 1:30, 10:30 1:15. 1:15, 10:15 1 SAT/SUN.. 2:15, 4:15 1:30, 1:30. 10:30 (RI ''"' Alil ll't\11 W 0 (!I J!:;;t:-•' fHf PQ&U5.t()N Frt.1:45 S•t/Sun. 1:15, 5:00, 1:45 CLASS OF '84" IRl Fri. 7:00, 10:45 S•t/Sun. 3:15, 7:00, 10-M FRI. 1:.30, 1:30, 10'.lO SAT /SUN. 2:00, 4:00 1:00. 1:00. 10:00 tf'l ''"''' "111 ,, SEASllN<W THt: WITCll C!J • ~ f"I ·~ •I I • o4 FRI. 7:00, t:OO, 10-;SO SAT/IUN. 1:00, 3:00, 5:00 7:00, 9:00. 10-.$0 "CLASS OF '14" 1111 ''"· 1:00 ""'· 1:10 AT/aUN. t:IC), 1:00 SAT/IUM. 4:30, 1:10 T9'0t 4 "WAITRE88119 ,:.. '1•15 1tY.lOrmJ FRI. l :H: 10:00 SAT/SUN. 2:00 SAT/IUN. 2145 1:15 10'.20 1:2S. 10:00 flt• •n•h' .,'-> OM n.oo•' .. .,...,. c ""'" Of'ttl9' MRW 0 MON- 81GNOR" ,._I, l:tO, l:JO, 10'.41 I AT/SUN, 1ltl. ~ 1:10, e:-. to.&I (Rl 8( Tl l - "MY FAVORITE YEAR",,., E.T. TabTllA· TaJlaunlAL ""'· 7!00, t:t5 aAT/SUN. 1!GO, a:at ... l:tl, .. (~) FRI. 1:00, 1:15, 10:20 I AT/8UN. 1:00, 3:30 1:00, 1:15, 10:20 ·~::.~·· TIMPIST 11": FRI. 1:05 H I aun. 3:l5, 1:05 dfa,G~ww FRI. 1:00, 10:35 I ATllUN. 1:1& 1:00. 10::l5 FRI. 7:00. 9':00, 10:4S SAT/SUN. 1:00, 3:00, 5:00 7:00. t:OO, 10:45 "WAITRESS!" ci.1 FRI. 9:00 SAT /SUN. 2:00, S:35, 9':00 "FAST TIMES AT ~HICH"1A1 FRI. 7:15, tO-AS I AT/SUN. 3:45, 7:15, 10-.45 .... WfVI,.,,.. TP-C:"-.l. -NoW1 (T•., FRI, 1:25, 10:25 SAT/SUN. 2:25. 1:25, 10:2S T.~Ot~~. FRI. 1:30 SAT /IUN. 4:30, 1~30 "THE BOAT" (RI (Formerly "DH Boot") Fri, 7:15, 10:00 S•llSun. 1, 4, 7:15, 10.00 SYLVESTER STALLONE "FIRST BLOOD",,., FRI. 7:00. 9r00, 10o4S S AT/SUN. 1c45, 3·30, S.1S 7:00, 9:00, 10'45 FRI. 1:30, 1:30, 10:30 SAT/SUN. 2:00, 4:00, 1:00 1:00, 10:00 ·. -T.~Ot •1· ffll. 1:.30. 10:15 SAT/SUN. 2;50. 1:30. 10:15 MROCKY ur 1PC• FRI. 1:20 SAT/SUN. 1:00.4.:>5,1:20 ,.....~ ....... <_..,._,,_ 'SUPEltMAN 2' 1~1 FRI. 1:05 SAT/SUN. 3:35, 1:05 POLTERGEIST_~ FRI. 1:00, 10:30 SAT/SUN. 1:30. 1:00, 10:30 n;,e.,~,·~:1 SYLVUTU B ET TE -comn hnm~ STALLONE Jt'"'"'11'lll "FIRST st:ASON o~ BLOOD" TIO: WITCH Ff". 1:15, 1:15, 10:15 411(.w u• C!J "'· 1:00. t:eo, 10:45 I AT/IUN. 2:15, 4:15 IAT/IUN. 1-J-5 1:15, 1:15, 10:15 1+ 10!45 (R) (R) M'l""" f 'llJl ' ~ftASON OP' THgWIT(;H 8 .. ···~· .. '''-' '"'· 7:00 • ..oo. 10:45 SAT/SUM. 1:CIO. S:OO 1:00, 1:00. t:eo. ~•5 POLTERGEIST~. ....... ... ,,_.__ 0 8T AR TREK II" -. .... -._, ____ _ 'UCluaM-~~ ••TRAGEDY O~ A RIDICULOUS MAN'' , .... 7:00. 1:15 IAT taUM. 1:00, 1:15, 5i>O 7:45, 10:00 (PO) TflE ANC> SWORO The SOllee~fl ,...... t:JO, 10:35 (R) SAT/SUN. 2:_,, 1:30, 10:SS AMITtYIUE 0: THl ~ ""· .. .21 (R) aAT/SUN. It 0 n C• 0 ~ I\) I\) \0 Cl) I\) I ' I I I I I I I I I t 12 N <I) Ol C\i N .._ CV .D 0 u 0 >. 111 0 ;: u.. Q; 'O c CV .)C CV CV ~ :g Cl. ' - ~----------------------------------~~Currently Screening~~----------------------------------~ CLOCKWORK ORANGE: Rated R, Stanlt-y Kubrick's film garnered cr itll'Ol ac<:la1m when originally released in the early 70s E.T. THE EXTRA-TERRESTRIAL: Rated PG, s tars H e nry Thomas. Dee Wallace. Robert MacNaugh ton and Drew Barrymore This highly acclaimed sc1enee-fantasy film deals with a young boy who befr1l·11ds a little lost ahen from outer space. This family film has been touted as om: of the best an yean.. Commi ttee fo r Arts Presents CARLOS MONTOYA, FLAMENCO GUITARIST Friday, October 22. 1982 - 8 pm -Crawford Hall Flamenco wizardry by a great master of our time Floor -$7 .5 0 , Balcony -$5 , Bleachers -$4 UGI Students -$1 off regular pnce LES BALLETS TROCKADERO de MONTE CARLO ••. -- Sunday. November 21, 1982 - 7 pm -Crawford Hall Ballet classics and modern works satirized by men dancing thP. women's as well as the men's roles. Hilarious! Floor -$10. Balcony -$7.50, Bleachers -$5. UCI Students $8, $6 or $4. Tickets available at the ASUCI Box Office. for further info rmation, call 833-6379. ~ lJNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, IRVINE I ' \ Movies now showing along Orange Co ast I, Tll E J UHY· fuitl'c.I I{ for (•Xcl'ss1ve v1oh•ncf', sli.lrs Armand Assanll', &rb<ira CarrC'ra. Alan K111g and Paul Sorvino The rl•surrt•c:tron of M1 t kev Sp1Llant''s private-eye Mike llammcr. · In 1973 a young American writer mysteriously disappe ared in Chile during a military coup and was later found executed. Who ordered his death? UC Irvine Campus Lectures presents TOM HAUSER author of the book, "MISSING " the story ol the execution ot Charles Horman Wednesday, October 27, 1982 8 p .m . Science Lecture Hall Tickets at ASUCI Box Office: $4 general admission; $3 faculty, st aff, senior citizens, UCI Alumni Assoc. members. and o ther students; $2 students. Information, Call (7 14) 833-6379. ~ lJ~IVERSITY or CALIFORNIA. IRVINE Sweater Classics at Al's Garage. Two oreot styles from Boston Troders. Crewneck and 5naNI cOllOt rog WOOi FunctlOnOt Ond ruOQGd that toke IO the ou1doors 8~~~~ 56 F/\SHION ISLAND · NEWPORT BEACH · (714) 644 -7030 AM ITYVILLE II: THE POSSE SION: More· h11rror 1n that hand:mml>, h:rnnlL'd Long bl:md homl'. What ..,tarL-; out as laughahl£> turn~ S<.<.try .rnd u11pn·d1c·ta hlt'. thanks to Twnmy Lt·t· Walh1c1·'c; !>hn•wcJ ..C.'1 lpt and thl· bravura dlfl't'llUn of lwJy'!> D.11111ano D.1m1ani m his Aml•n can film dc•but Burt Young. Hut.mya AldJ <ind othN chtldn·n, J;1l'k Magm·r and Diani· f'rnnklsn, an• the· nf'w resicknL., JJml·~ 01..,.m 1s 1lw1r l<x:al pnt•st AN OFFICER AND A GENTLEMAN: Rat.cd R, stars R1c:l"-ard Gere. David Keith. Debra W inger and Louis Gossett Jr There arl' very fow surprises but somt: beaut1fully drawn pcrformam:e~ in th1~ talc or boot t·amp and romanc:t! It's rau.'<.I R because of languagl'. S<'X and adult ~ltUalloru. FAST TIMES AT RIDGEMONT HIGH: Rawe.I H. stan. St•;,n Pt•nn. Jenn1f<-r Jason Lc.·1gh. Judgt· Kl•anhold . and R1t·h:.ird Rum;mus Thi~ film dl•Jb with tl-t'n -agers pur.,umg drugs and s<•x and murl· ~x It orrganally wa., rnted X but WCI!> <-<l1tt.'<l down to an R rating Sc'vt·raJ imprl'SS1ve nl•wromers in this tale or tht• l';jrnal -;1dc or high S<.hool It's ratl'l. R be<:aus..• uf 1t.s l"frlph<tSlS on sex and MJme nude M:enl'S Tllf'; C'HALLE;'\C.E: B1·-.t Anu 11l Jn m .1d1 111.1rl1<1l ,or h llln1 \1·1 plu~ .i VH•\\ .,f J,1p;1n1" 1·ulll1r1· 1;in• 111 Anw11l·an lllm ..... Sl'ntl t:lc·11n 1:. .1 l11•1t·h..cJ...i• t1ghtt•r \\ hu gl'l:-. 1111'-l'd up 111 :i bn111 t.1m1lv f1·ud m K\11111 c1nd f;ilb. und1•r thl !>pl II uf m ..... tt:r ol I h1• -.w;11 d To-;h1ro M1 I urn• D11·1'('t('CI h\ .John Frank1•nh1•1nwr tn 111p fur111 H r<ill.'d for \1111!-111 1· THE LAST AMEHICAN VIRGIN Ratl'<l H. ~tars Lawrenl't' Monosun A mus1e -flllt•d C'xplo1tat1on film wht('h telb the story of three !ugh M:hcx>I boys and tht>rr sexual l'nl'OUnters POLTERGEIST: Rated PG. stars Jobeth Williams a nd Beatrice Straight in a tale of the supernatural. The story is by St.even Spielberg. the direction by Tobe Hooper. The PG rating is for suspense See Currently Screening. Page 13 DANCE. M USIC &. SONG OF IRELAND AND Io r11rr 6 11111e~u11/ 111 u~irn/ rnsl ru mmh 8PM. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 28 OAKLAND BALLET ..... ,, rrsistrbly right ... Gu1J1 swrtps Iris six 1011plrs tlrrt>u,q lr so mr itt ftrl io u ~ ro mbi11nt1 ons.· 2 P.M. -SATUADA Y. OCTOBER 30 8 P.M. -SUNDAY, OCTOIEA 31 Admission: $ 7. 00 l\dvanu: $8. 0 0 t1I tire Door ORANGE COAST COLLEGE ROBaRT MOORa TH•ATR• 2701 Fairview Road. Colla Mab TICK•TS/Vlaa·MC -558·5527 ..... '. ------------------~(~~~$~~~)~------------------: Fmm Pag1 • I:! YES. CIUH<.ao. H;11t•J Pt;_ ... t .. r-.. ll)>t'l';J gn·.il Lul·1anu P~1v;.ir11111 111 l11s lilm dt·but. \\1th K:1lhrv11 I l<1rruld and 1-:ddu· /\llw rt A um11'lh .d111u1 ~11\ 11 p(•f'l1 s t.ti' I 11.illir:tll_\') ''ho l 'OUI ls hrs I hrn.11 "f>t·uah"l SPLIT IMAl;E R11t'll H. "tar ... K<111•n Allt•n, l'1•lt•1' Forul:i .• 1:11111·-.. \.\'ix.els . 1''.l11aht•lh /\,..hit•\ .md Bl'l.ill l>v n1ll'h .' T iu )>Io n 111 .i yollll~ .tlhlt•lt'. w ho g1·1,.. 111v.,Jv1·d 111 ,, n ·l1g111u,.. "u lt STAR TREK II: Ratl'd PG . !>tars Wtll1a m Shatner and Leonard N1 moy in the c·onttnu1ng q uest to SC'<'k out <1nd explore strange new worlds The PG rating is for a\.'llOn. D1rt:'C·tl'Cl by Nicholas M eyer. This extraordinary perfonne.r deserves a speclal beginning. Start at 5 PM on Dec. 1st with a fabulous dinner at Maxwell's by the Sea on the Huntington Beach Pier. You will then be chauffered to the Pantages Theatre in a deluxe custom coach, with a hostess serving you complimentary cocktails, after which your reserved orchestra seats will put you in the best possible position to enjoy this great entertainer ... Space Is limited. Call Today! Pacific coast Box Office At Maxwell's on the Huntington Beach Pier 714/536·8826 714/540·3669 I I\; ' .. \,. .,.,. Monclt.y thru f'rlday lO lo 6 ... S•lurd•y & Sul\d1y 10 lo 2 ... ~,. I" ~t~ WI \I l'Vl\l'lUN~ ~ ""'1fNc; A~\k.HMI N1' t•M NIN <>ll()f, VI H \ ... 11'~1 ... , ""' 11•11111 MA~'' nuin ~II\ Pll(l!I' ANll 'Mil Ollfl.,., 0 JEKYLL & llYIJE T<X;E'fHl':H ACAIN t'llAN IS MISSJN(; St;1r-.. W111 1d M"' ,111d H.it•·d H. stc1rs M;1rk Hl.111kt11•ld. "13t•s!-. /\rmst1ung , l\l.111· lfav;1s h1 .as '"" San F1 a m·1:o.(·11 t'h111.1t11\q1, .iii ~ Kn-..ta Erril'kso11 and T1111 Tl11mwrs11r1 A d1t•1111s 1 dn\'1·r-. v. li11 );1U11d1 a s1·:wch l11r .i 1111s:-.111g 11:111111·1 ~ l.okl's tlll <I W(•lf'U "ol1.llnd fWl'SllJHilll~ .if tvl 1fl.Ji ''ll111: :\ l1ng ltt. 1111g111.al ('l)f11t•d y ~ 111:. •J\\'11 pot111n t 'L/\SS UV I !111 1 fl.1t1·d It . .,1;1 n . H11dd • c. l'INK FLOY!> TlllO: WA LL. H.111·d I<. .,1;,,..., M1 f)ow ;tll ,,.;.i T11111 11 l1\ V.111Jl.it t•11 111.1 p1 11\1K'11t1\1 111<·k s ing1•1 Ho h t;t•ltlo rt l'111k Floyd ':-. .dl111111 'Tiu· :111d l1 1ght1·11111g lllok .ii lilt· dar k l11l111 t· 111 /\11 w1 11.111 -n 'v\;d l," 111.,p111•d this 111ght111;1rt)>h (1)111 , '' lltl'h high ""h•111b ~ d1111111• ),.., .i f't •·h .,l,1 1 .., t1\'l'f'clt1st· llll l\1()!\J(;( )I 'S H.>l1·d H st.tr .J .. 11 .. 1 .lul1.111 _;.- !\I Y FA VUH l'l'I·: \'EA H · Hau·d l'l;. s t;irs P l'tt·1 (>Tm ill' .. Jt·-..-;11 ;1 11.u•ix 1 .• JoS\.'Ph Bologna and !\fork 1.11111 rbk1·r A l>n g l11 1·11nwdy rn tht· tr:1d1ttu n 111 ).;st 't·.1r s "Arthur." :1h11u 1 a lovahlt· d1 unk ;1111! h1 ' 1·,p l111ts S1•1 111 l !l:J·I dunng lht• t:oldt•n Agt• nf tc ·l1 ·v 1::.1cHl. POOL AND SPA OWNERS SAVE UP TO 75% OF YOUR HEATING COSTS . NEW SYSTEM MAINTAINS TEMPERATURE 24 HOURS WIT HOU T THE SUN OR BACK-UP HEA TER CALL 631-6360 ADVANCID SOLAR APPLICATIONS FRESH LOCAL LOBSTER DINNER sa .95 Includes c hoice o f soup or salad, and potato or rice pilaf. Call F or Reservations --...--,,. .,._ 7 673-7726 ' "--r"'ll) • f \, ld),/!JJ1~1 ;1.) .. ·~~~ £;1,f tlt ,.,,..,,,,,,,,t 801 ~~-j 11"1110" E. Balboa Blvd. DIXIELAND JAZZ FRIDAYS 5:30 to 9 P.M. Dancing & Entertainment For The Whole Family FUMING 10 lrnMATIOMl ltESTMllMTS .ua1 BIRCH NEWPORT BEACH 955-2484 Corner of Von Karman @'iiiit~lit ' FINAL 2 DAYS!! Magnificent pageantry, unforgett•ble music and a theme that has fascinated mankind tor ages. The wonderous tale of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. FRIDAY & SATURDAY OCT. 22 a 23 7:30 p.m. Lincoln School, 3101 Pacific View Or., Corona dtl Mar ,,.......,. ,., • Cll, .. ......,, ... uo.2211 .011d J).l\'ld \\',.f l;11•1· Il l .1 )~l'l ll '""ll l• f J,dlt1\\l•t•ll 1111\1 • h1111 111 ''"' \' 0 ("\ I.\ >OK IN' 'f'() t; ET < ll'T H.i11 ·d H ..,1,,,., J,.,, g \'01glit. t\1111 M.irg n ·I .1 11d B111 ( Y11w1g 111 I I.ii "t' ,\,.)111\ ·~ s l11t \ a h1111l IWo ).!.11111111-r' lik1IOt1J.!, '" 11111 u l11g ,If thl' Lil"\',.).!, .... h lo1tkj>H'k l,1f1l1 :--i1t ll 1 .... ll1tlll 1 tv \\'l'.1k S<TIJll ,111d 1111)11.,.1!.ll' 1 lt.11 .it ll•,... Thursday. November 4 ~I ~, ~ ~ I, fl~! ".'-'I I FOUR FRESHMAN Plus THE Sunoay RICK NELSON DIAMONDS No. T•~ Sunday, Nov. 21 Roasted to a aolden brown and stu~d with a delicious druslnQ. our tender new Stuffed Comish Game Hen dlnner ls serwcd will> msh Broccoli topped with Hollandaise Sauce.. yow choice. of a M.lxe.d Cifeen Salad. Soup of the Day Of SteamJna Clam Chowder and a half'•loaf of Wann Bread & Butter! ~:fl19,r_ . ... BIU!AICfAST • LUNCH · DJNNEJt Coddaaa "JoUy How" daUy from 4pm to ?pm ...._ tlll'.a.ad • 203 Marine Avenue !Beer and Wlne ~M<.c Only> Co• •• • Hnrbor ShoPJ')lng Ccntc1 .. 2300 liorbor l3M:I Lde lloft9C • Of!' I 5 111 Lake f.or.•51 DiiW 22873 l.4k« FottSI Dtfw ....,._ • Ntwport frvewoy 01 f;j"' Dv<r Rd 1727 f.11u l.)ytr Rd •0 OJ I\.) " • .. I -I I l l J i - ~========================================:~-~~-D_l_v_•_r_•_l_o_n_•~~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Cl) m From Page i N N l·xh1b1t Monda:; for iJ month a t C hapm;tn Colll·g<• ~ Guggl•nhl•1m Art GJllerv. :j:JJ N. Glc1sst•ll St {5 Orang<· H1>un. 1-:} pm w('C'kdays Adm1s:;ion fn •c.' u 0 FACULTY AHT S HOW up1•11s Mnndav al >-l'hc1prmcn l'ullt•gt• UiJ:>t.11r, GLllll't v. :i:i:i N Gl<iS."4.·ll ~ SI . Or:ingt• !lours I ;, pm wt1•kduy., i\dnus.-;11111 U:: fn•t· ~ SEASCAPES b~ .Jarwl Brv.m1 ol Nl·Wport -g B1•J t0 h on c·xhrb1t al Brt•ntwoocl Sav111gs. lfi40 ~ Adams A\• .. Costa Mt•s<.i. !:I <i m .4 p.m . W<'t.'kd<iys :ii .ind 10 am ·I pm S<iturdays thruughuul ()(:tnbf·~ ~ "LA t\HTISTS FOUH.' pa1n11ngs bv 0 l'11nst.11K'l' F11z1mons . .Johannes L,u·h1•r, Hon Lindt.•;, 0: and Brut•t• Mwhat•I Mt•isnt'r. ar(' to be s huw11 Nov 17 l)c'(· 15 In Orangl' Coast Collt•gl' Ari Gallt·ry. 2701 Fa1rv1t·" Hood. Co<;l<t Mt•sa. Adm1:.swn 511 1·1·n1.-. Hours lo J m ;i p m w1·c·kd;,iys and t'V<'nmgs by .1pprnnt111r•n1 Opo·nmg n>t'PJH1nn 7-H pm Nov 17 LANUSCr\PES AND SEASCAPES hy Eugt'nt' G<cnn 1111 t•xh1h1t fwg111111ng S;,1tu1dt1y through Nuv 2:~ JI P•Jml•rov Gallt•r\ :lti:l l Lm('oln A\·1•, Sulit• A . C\pn·-.s Ar1 ... ,1·s re ·• 1·p1111n I Ill pm S.i1urcl<I\ lnform ... uun H:.!7 1010 PRECOLUMBIAN Alff fru111 CfJsta H1t·<1 opt•ns Nov l dl Lo-. A11g1·lc•-. County Mu:-(•um of Art. :J9fl:) Wil-.h1n • Blvd . Los Angt•lt-s lndudt-s mon• than .mo pdc-. gold. L't•r.111111 and v"k.i1111· stonl' ub.Jt~·L-. r;rn~1ng fron1 '1110 H c· F'or t•xhdut ch·t,11b .111d n ·l.Jtt•d l1'( tun·.,. l'.jlJ t1 U) H;,7 "1:m ~t.:IL TMAKIN(; dt·1nrmstn1t1un :ind d1,..ph1y Jl I :io p.m Tu1•sciay ;11 Laguna &•ilt'h Art Mwwum. :llli Cliff DnVI' Infm ma tum ..J94-!if>51l UI LS bv f ,I\' Hol'gt•rman-<.ind Arll'nt' lluscby anti "'au.•rrnlurs by V1rg1 ma lluf£man Jnd .Ja ni• London on display al Quorum Gall1.•ry, 374 N Coast Hwy. Laguna Beach. through Novemlwr Hours 10 a m.--t.30 p.m lnformau un 494-·1422 What's happening along Orange Coast .. l.o .. \n~t·lf• .. Uodf!t•ri-pilc:hin~ -.far F••rnanclo \ a lt>nZuf'la "ill ht• lht· ~rund mar-.hal of lht• Fi .. -.1a Paraclt•. a h i~hli~ht of Oi .. nf'yla ucr .. •Ft•.,t iHil \J 1·~in1' ('t·lc·liration "t'l for (kt. 2:l and 21. ' HOCK AHT OF WESTf':HN AMERICA." :W 1 ulur ph11to-. "' Jit•trogl,1o ph ... ;.md p11.·togr<1µh-. found llll 1·,111yun il!ld I.ii\'(• WJIJ.., lhrought>Ut lh1.• W1·-.t. Ufl tl1spl.1 v through Nov :!lo .ii Bo\\'t•r-s MuM•urll, :.!00:.? N J\1.;1n St . Sanw An;, "Pr'c• H1span1l· i\rt 111 l\l1·'tlt1 Cua1<1111al.1 and l'1·11tr;il i\mt·nca" c,11H1nut·'> 1h1uugh J,m :w Hours IO am .1 pm Tu1,...J.1v S.1turtla\ .ind nuon-5 J.> m Su11d;o~ J\dn11s.'\1on t)y donatuin lntc1rm.1t1un !'l4i' H:lo4 WAT E RCOLOHS, O ILS. P RI NTS b v Southt'rn Cal1fornw artists 1ndud1ng K <Jrl B<>n,Jamin. Jamt·s Strombotnt.' and Phil D1kt• go on exhibit Nov. :1 al Pinl' ArL<i Gall..-ry. Lumber Yard Plaza. :uN Forest Aw . Suite 17. Laguna &-a<.·h Hours 11 a.m.-5 pm. daily Information ..J94-:l633 -DANCE------ .. CONT HACHOST I PUNCTUS" w1 II h1. pl'rlormc·d as 1.·ollaborat1vc• <·rc·<1t1un of dam•1·r C'hort'<1granhc•r J;.mws Pt•nrod <tnd ,ind \'l!.u;il .11·11sl lrma1m· EJrnshaw al 8 pm S<.11urda\ in L.Jgu11;1 Ek:.Kh Art MuM•um. :W7 Chi f Dn\·1· Non-11wn1hl•1 ;cdrn1:.."1un $5 -ETC.------ SAILBOAT S HOW op,·ns today thri1ugh < )l:t :11 ;it Lonj.\ &•ac·h Convc·nuon C1·nttor I lours until Ill pm 1•vl·rv night c·M·c·pl Sunda~ wh1•n hour-. ar1 11 am i pm Adult ;idm1s..s11m :s:1 7:l FEST I VAL.. MEX ICO n·l1·l1r,it111n ,ot D1snc·vland Satunlav and Sundav lc•.1lun-s p:.rad•· with · Lu' Angt·IP~ Oodg<'r p1'11 h1·r F1 1 n.111d11 Val<·nzut•l,1 as grJnd man.hal SCI F l CONVI-.:NTION 1-; <kt ~!I :11 .ot L;n-.wuld'.., Inn, I :;oo S Havmond ,\\·1·. full1·1 tu11 HALLOWEEN HAUNT ~1 Knoll.., H .. rr~ Farm. But•na Park. b<•gins Lomght \.\1th T\' h•1.,tt'" 1'.:lv1ra st..irnng 1n Goud T1mt· Tht·a1t·r PLATF: COL..LEC..i'OH'S CLL.:B mt•l't.-. JI :! JI m Sundav 1n Brookhursl Cummun1tv l \·nt1.·r. ~:!71 W CrL·sc:c·nl Am1ht•1m Art1sL-. Hustv 'Morn·v anrf Ada111 S h1l'ld.., t11 ht· ft•<1tun'<.i lnformat111n about fun11 • Jl'll\'1t1t•-. wntC'. P 0 Box 8188. An.ih1·1m !-121W:! H ALLOWEEN PAHA ~)E AND l'ONTEST -;ponsorc•d by llunlln).tlon 8t•ad1 l'hambt>1 o l Comml'rl'l' Woman·., D1v1s1on 1s Jl ·I p.m. Mont..l.1~ !or ag1.~ I ·5 and at 7 p m Tm-sd:iy for agC'S I). I:! .. 1 Huntington C1.·ntt·r M;11l Information 897 :!!'l:n SOUTH OHANGE COUNTY COMMUNITY FORUM opening event 1s at 7.:w pm. Nov 14 with the Rt•v Cecil Williams. past.or uf Glidl' Mt•rnonal Chun:h. San F rancisco. Others 1n sen ps mdud{· Rabbi Harold Kushner. au thor of "Wlwn Bad See Di versions. Page 15 . r' ,;J ~DINING & ENTERTAINMENT GUIDE ~lbWorlb ~ ctoberf est One Year A~uriverjaty Ce~~fion Sunday, Oct. 24 thru Sun .• Oct. 31 •1.00 Well Drinks s1.oo Off All Dinner Entrees Hawaii Trip for Two Drawing Sun. 10-31 (Winner mus t be present for drawing) 759-1854 3901 E. Coeet Hwy., Corona del Mar -------------------------------------------------~-------------------------------------'·~~------D_l_v_e_r_•_l_o_n_• ______ ~~--------------------------------------~ From P<1ge I .J Things 1 lapp..•n tu t;ood Pt«1ph-." I >1 1.1•0 HuSt·aglia. authur o f "Living. Loving ;.111d Lt·:irn1ng " and -.nprnno ShJron D:rnll'b of lhl· Nl·\.\ York Ctl,\ Opc•ra Compunv Sl'rll'!> l1c·k1•b Slfi lndt\'tdual lll'kl•t.s S5 lntorm,1t1un Commun1l~ For um S.·m~. :lOl:! I N1gul'I lfoad. La~un<• N1gul·I ~:!lfi7 -MUSIC------ OHGAN HECITAL hy c;n·go1 y Norton 1n Chapman Collc•gl· l\lt-mon.il II.ill t\wlit11num al H pm OC't :30 Adnw ... -.um ln't· ~J OINING & GIGI ,.-, .. oofM£ l'llOHAL SYM POS I UM :11 l'.tl S1:i11· Fulkrton opPn:-. a t 7 :rn pm M1tnda'.'1' \\1th t·11ndu1·111r II ow a rd Swan l1·clur1ng 1 ·11 "( 'h111.tl l\Ju..,1t ul Rrah111..," lnl111111;1l1oin 'i:tl-:!ti 11 l'AHMEN DHA{;()N 01wn:-. :i9th 11111..,1·1·utl\·1· ..,..,,:-.on 111 c.;Jt•nd.ih· Sv111phony On h1·:-.tr<1 .11 K :so p 111 No\' !"> 111 Dwotll\ ('h.indll•r Pavtlum ol Lo., Ang1•lt•.., l\lus1c· t'c•nti•r lnfurrn;ollon C.!J:q :!11 H 11:1 .JAZZ CUNCEHT 1:-. c1t :l Jlld 7.:m p 111 Sunda~ 111 Snuth C11.1-.l Pl.11;1 llutl.'I , {_',,..,t,1 Ml '>il 1111111111,11101. f>-18-:.!lltl I l 'J\HLO {;tUl.INl will 111ndui·1 Lo:-. Ang1•l1·:-. l'l\ilh.11'111111111 111 .)oh.111r11•:-. Br;1hrn..,· "(;1·1111.111 Ht•t1ull'111" a1 H:m µ111 <>t1 :!tt :rn .111d .ot :!'Ill pm t>t·1 .SI 111 th1· Lo., A11g1·(p.., l\.lu ... 11 C'1 ·11t1·1 l'.iv1hon T11 k1·t... C:! I ;q ~·~ 'i:! 1 I HLUEt;HASS MUS((' FESTl\'AI. 11 .. o1un11g Bill MonnK· ;111d tlw Blu1•g1 ;1:-..-. Bo~ ... 1 ... U\'I :m .111d :it at S1ht•r L.ik1· P.11k. N1>n·•1. 111 Hl\·1•1·..,uf1· ('rn111I\, ll\'t• 1ntl1·.., north 111 ('1111111:1 {',1111p111g a\o1d.ihl1· 1111111111 .. 111111 -1-t:s 1~1:1:.! St<t • 1J1 "'•rswns. Pa 't • Jfi JOI! ENTERTAINMENT GUIDE --· Jan.9 £ \$ HOTn4 sH i DIRECTED BY ALLAN HUNT rrw l)lA~E . i\LM<. )t\ FI ITT ~E.Af0Jl1 .l 'PREME CL)MBIJ\ATIO!\ VEAL SCALl)PPlt\I MARSALA 1(1 intmdurl' VllU tu our nioltng wlwd. our lhl'f w1ll <.-rl';lll' l'Xn1tng i:nurrrll't .... 1utl'.·.., .u a 'r1.·u.1I k1w j'rtlt' f::.1ch Jd1nou' d111n1.•r .... 1u ... 1 $695 :md cnm1.·-. wnh a medley of wild .ind wh11c nee. gnrdt'n fre.,h vegctt1hlc ... nnJ l'ithcr n mixed grel'll nr 1.1rang1.• nlmond sal.1d If you luw rn·pc". tlw offer j., l'qunll~1 mvmng For ~ ~5 you 1..111 "-'\\'Or our Sl·nfood ~upn:rnc Comhm.mon Crept• St J,1cqUl'' wnh Ptitngc t Gt.-rrnntn and .,pmach ...:1bJ So eniO't' this dinner hllW at a m.11mcc pnCl'. At the M..1g1c Pan. there\ alw:ly~ !\Omt•thin~ nl·w tll come bt1ck to. South Co.1st Pinto 171'4155<>-1225 Brea M:1ll (71'41 990·43'4 3 Off er wood ofior 5 PM 15 }l £ ~ ro ro r ro = 0 ro .., "TI .., a. (I) .... 0 (") 0 CJ ro .., r-> I\.) u:- OJ r.) - - ------------------------------------~~-------------~~~----~~~~~~~---- - • - ~------------------------------------t~'~---0_1_~_,_•_s_1o_N~s~~-~~~~------------------------------~ O> From Page 15 CONCERT BY THIRD MARINE AIRCRAFT C RYSTAL CATHEDRAL S YMPHONY ORCHESTRA performs at 8 p.m. Nov. 6 in the WING BAND is 2-3 p.m. Sunday during art.s and cathedral. Chapman and Lewis streets, Garden N N CHAPMAN COLLEGE C HAMBER ~ ORCHESTRA. CONCERT CHOIR and College .g Singers perform at 4 p.m. Sunday in Bertea Ha11, ti 333 N. Glassell St., Orange. Admission free. 0 >-PIANO-CELLO RECITAL UC Irvine music ~ faculty Nina Scolnik and Stephen Erdody is 8 ~ o'clock tonight in Fine Arts Village Theater at UCI. LL. Admission $4. Information 833-6617. .... Cl> -g UC IRVINE m usic faculty members Marianne ! Whatmyer and Eiki Paik, will perform with UCI ~ music chotr and guest soprano K yung Lee at 8 p.m. 3: Saturday an UCl Fine Arts Concert Hall. Adm1ss1on $4. Information 833-6617. :Q crafts festival in the Ram:h Park, Irvine Cent.er Grove. Admission free. lnformauon 971-4150. Drive and Fontaine, Irvine . F estiva l, including puppet shows, is 10 a.m.-4 p.m. PACIFIC CHORALE pertorms at 8:30 p.m Saturday m Santa Ana High School Auditorium, 520 W. Wa lnut St., Santa Ana. Musicologis t1 organist Dr. Burton K arson will gave concert preview al 7!30 p.m. Tickets 542-1790 . LONG BEACH GRAND OPERA performs Rossini's "The Barber or Sev1Ue" in English at 8 p.m. Nov. 6. 11 and 13 an Center Theater, Long Beach Convention Cent<'r . Tickets (213) 436-9611 IRVINE SY MPHONY O RCHESTRA pe r forms at 2 p .m . Oc t. 31 an Turtle Rock Community Park, l Sunnyhall, lrvme. Adm1ss1on free. CELTIC MUSIC will be performed by the Mooncoin duo at 8 p.m. Thursday in Orange Coast College's Moore Theater. Advance ticke ts $4 available at Administration Building 8 a.m.-6 p m. weekdays and 8 a.m.-noon Saturday. Program to include Irish Jigs. reels for dancing. love ballads. instrumentals, poetry. s tones and a ncien t lore Information 556-5527. ~p;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- Real . Cantonese -Food! e•t here or take hom. STAG CHINESE CASINO STEAK & AlAsDN KING CRAB LEGS D1mnl"twc Waterfront Dmmg • Oyster Bar ·Cocktail' H \l \l' Paofic Coast H1ghW11)'. Newpon lkkh ~alloru ~'ttfllcd • 642-2295 WI 'ICMllSI JOI HOD ClllfSf 'OOD WNC .. S • ._H • TtoPICAl COCITAAS . ~ , . IUIUn fACIUTIU ... CATlllNO * FOOO TO GO b °"" 1 Datt I srmM ... •,.." .. All you can eat each day of the week for oDly $5.50 Bnng this crn1p11n 111 tlw B1y Yellow I l11uw. anv <lav of the week. and everv adult m emhl!r nf vour partv clmc..., for onlv '!iS •,o Th.it<; a full dollar off 11u1 reguldr dmrwr pncl'1 A11cl whrtt ,, dinner 11 I!> all you can tJat of two delteaou!) l'ntrees. our famou'!I f ned d1ickl'n. plu!> another that vcmes daily beef ribs w11h barhecul:.' ~uc"'. roa:.t beef. tn tip !>leak c1nd !>O on Therc·s l'llso a tureen uf stcamtng :.oup. cnsp garden solilcl, VL'tjetc1ble!:t. ma .... hed rx>tat~s and grnw and plenty <>f hot cornbread with h1mL•1,,huttt•r. Kids Save a dollar, too! Kid:. c'llwavs eat for l"'s" at The Big Yellov.; House. accorclang to their weight 011 our old l..-1!)h1onc<l .,calc. and with this coupon. they save clfl add1 t1onal dollar. too '>o bnng thl' wholl? family everyonl! .;ave!> a dollar on cJl nnl!r' ·~!M~!"~~~~~.~~use Saturday. 4-10 pm: Sunday. 3-9 pm, Sunday Brunch, 10 am·2 pm . In Mission Viejo at 28381 Marguertte Pkwy. In Cerrttos at ~ll05 E. 183rd St. (714) 495 3340 (213) 924-8120 In Garden Grove at 9100 Trask Ave. In Costa Mesa at 3010 Harbor Blvd. (714) 891-2tm (7141549·0310 Daily Pilat MAIN OFFICE S. W. Bey It., Coela Mffe, Ce. Mall addre .. : Box 15e0, C09l• M ... , Ca., 1212' T ... phone: 142-4321 l'rogram information is provided by the networks Ind stations and i.s subject to change wirhout notice. -lnclax TV Antenna .................................................... Page 4 Daytime Drama ............................................. Page 5 Sports ..... ..... .. .. .. .. .. ........... ..... .. ......... ........ .... ... Page 7 Inside TV ......................................................... Page B Daytime Schedule ...... ....... ....... ... ..... ............... Page 9 Evening Schedule .................. ..... ............ .... .. Page 12 TV Puzzle ....................................................... Page 39 Letters ............................................................. Page 39 -CW.--ls On the cover . . . Dann y Ka ye will play host to a musical tou r through the magical kingdom of BPCOT Center. the new addition to the Disney W o rld e ntertainment romplex in Orlando. Fla o n "EPCOT Cent er ... The Opening Celebration," Saturday from 8 to 9 p .m . on KNXT , Channel 2. (2) KNXT, CBS, 6121 W. Sunset 8'vd., Los Angefel, Ca. (4) KNBC, NBC, 3000 W. Alameda Ave., Burbank Ca. (7) KABC, ABC, 4151 Prospect Ave., Los Angeles Ca. (8) KFMB. CBS, 76n Engineer Road, San Diego, Ca. (10) KGTV, ABC, Highway 94 and 47th St., San Diego, Ca. (39) KCST, NBC, 8330 Engineer Road, San Otego, Ca. -&······· .. (5) KTLA 5800 W. Suneet Blvd., LOI Angelel, Ca. (9) KHJ-fV, 5515 MelrOM Ave., Loa AngelM, Ca. (11) KTTV. 5748 W. SuntMtt Btvd., Loa AnQelee, Ca. (13) KCOP-TV, 915 N. La Brea Ave., Loa Angetes, Ca. _ ... 1 28} KCET, 4'401 SunMt Btvd., Loa Angelee, Ca. 50 KOCE, 157« Golden Weet St., Huntlng!on Beach, Ca. 58 KOOC· TV, 1730 ctementlne, Anahetm, Ca. _..,TV 24) CBS Cabte 0) On-TV, 1139 Grand Central Ave., Ga.ndale, Ca. Z) Z· TV 2939 NebrUka Ave., Santa Monica, ca. H) HorM Box Office, Time-Life Bulldlng, Rockef9tler Center, N.Y., N.Y. C) etnemu, Tam.Life Bulldlng, Rockefeller Center, N.Y •• N.Y. I) ESPN, Br18tol, Ct. L) a.ctV, Marina Del Rey, ca. 'IShowtlme g :io:.w. Network. Atlanta, Oa. ..... Cl) WOR, New York City ( 17) WT88, Atlanta, Ga. 2 Friday, October 22. 1982 VIDEO MOVIES · SPOKEN HERE ALL THE MARBLES *NICE DREAMS *AUTHOR AUTHOR *BEACH GIRLS *HANKY PANKY *SWORD a THE SORCERER *DEAD MEN DON'T WEAR PLAID *WRONG IS RIGHT •s.o.B. *CONAN THE BARBARIAN No club to join No membership fees All ratings 1,000's of movies available 1,000 of mori•• for ••I• or renl S•• lh• Video experll •I Video IJ•111H1 ,,.,.,, , ••• *""" 8lwl. c.,. ..... tUB-8128 B The New Piiot T •Woman's role on TV TV Antenna, 4 •Pair reunite Soaps, 5 •·'Beaver' sequel • Oct. 22 -Oct. 28 • Letters, 39 Danny Kaye at EPCOT Cente r in Florida. (See Page 2). . • . . . . . . _" ......... Women on TV: a long way to go By PHIL SNEIDERMAN O(ttM Detty ""°' ···" It's 1982. and women have come a "long way, baby" But you'd never kno w it rrom so me o r t he new televtsion senes introduced this Call. Women in recurnng television roles used lo be housewives or sec·retartt'S almost e xclus ive l y. T h ese days, they've been elevated to the status of sidekick or research assista nt, but they're seldom shown as being more capable than the man they're working with. The 1982 telev1s1on woman may be spunkier than in past years, but she still seems to get in the kind of ,ams that requLre a traditional male hero rescue. Worse. the women characters ofte n are defined only by their rela t1onsh1p to the male hero. You could hardly envision them stand ing alone in a &eries. Consider this season's two dismal "Raiders of the Lost Ark" rip-offs. "Tales or the Gold Monkey" features Caitlin O'Heaney as Sarah White, a nightclub singer who's really an American sp y . "Bring 'Em Back Alive" has Cindy Morgan as Gloria Marlowe. a U.S. Consulate official who alao engages in spy activities. O'Meaney speaks with an Engftsh accent, but otherwise, the two women are practically indistinguishable. Once each episode, you can count on a scene in whlch the hero ls about to leave on a dangerous mission, and the woman insists on coming along. The hero refuses to take her. The woman then keeps the pressure on and uses gullt- trtpe or blackmail to get herself on the miMion. And you can always depend on a Jealousy scene, in which O'Heaney or 'Morgan find the hero ln the embrace of IOrTle South Pacific floo~y. The "t\.alders'' rSp--0f b are set in the 1Yao1, but moving to the preaent doean't alwaya help matters. On last Sunday'• eplaode o( "Matt Houston," the talented Pamela Hensley was forced to play errand girl for Houston (Lee Horsley), while the boss fooled around with a beauUfuJ model who just happened to be an old flame. Network mAterlal says Hensley's character Is a lawyer. but she didn't appear to be much more than a atoritled teereUlry. Then there'• NBC'• "Remington Stieele." There'• an Interesting at rong-woman prt m I t to thl ~ procram that teems to be.> getting lost ~ Friday, October 22. 1982 Stepha n ie Zimba li~t: I she o ne of te levi ion' miscast wo m en ? in the execution. The idea is that a compelC'nt private detective (Stephanie Zlmbalist) was having trouble getting clients because of he r 11c x . So s he c re ate d on imaginary boss named Remington Steele. who took the credit while Zlmbalist and h N s t11 lf did the legwork. ln the pilot episode, thl~ ruse to0k a new twist when an lnt.crnallonal con rt1an (Pierce Brosnan) took on Steele's Identity. lt might have bel•n a refreshing twiat to have a suave but nont·too- brlgh t front man paired with An lnte1ligcnt, resourceful woman. But In the first episodes, th produce-rs of "Remingt.On Steele" med unable to settle on a consistent tone. Som<'tlm<"t Steele? can'lt' ac ross u a el vcr dctccUve, M>melimea as o bumbltng Idiot. (lie picked lhl' wrong murder 1utpect In the aecond ept.ode.) Sometimes, Zimball1t'1 character wu • atrong, Independent woman; other umes she was putty u nder the handsome Brosnan's spell. And yes, there was the trad1uonal hero's rescuf' w he n s he w a s a ttac ke d w hil e searching a suspect's room. The r e is t a lk t h a t n e two r k executives have tampered wit h the fo rmu la of "Remington S tee le " bl'cause they are uncomfortable with the idea or a woman dominating the show. The early s hows indicate such meddling is spoil ing what might have been a refreshing break from th e usual macho fonnulas. Several months ago, CBS insisted on a casting changing in the "Cagney a nd Lacey" program because the women police officers were just too tough. Sharon ~ (last ~n in "House Calls") was selected to replal'e Meg Foster and presumably add a bit more femininity to the show. Thus. the new season hasn't offered many healthy role models for girls in the au d ience to look up to. The pickings are slim among returning series. too. ln the nasty but strong- willed older w om an d epartme nt, there arc J ane Wyman a nd J oan Collin s o f "Falcon C rest" and "Dynasty." For girls who hope to b ecom e w ealth y s nobs, the re's Stephanie Powers of ''Hart to Hart." One of the best female role models, Nancy Marchand's Mrs. Pynchon. the feisty publisher on "Lou Grant." took the last train lo Cancellation City. Two of the best , most realis tic women's roles are on "Hill Street Blues": Veronica Hamel's publlc defender, Joyce Davenport, nnd Betty Thomas· t o ugh but se nsitive policewoman. Lucy Bates. Women now make up more than half of the population in the United States. So far, the new K>ason has s h o rtc hAnge d th e majo rity of Am<mcans. * * * THIS WEEK'S p~mlere eplsodc o( KOCE Channel 50's new Ufestyle ma gazin e aeries "Inside Orange C ounty" conta ined a brie f but omulng Inter vie w with Carla Stucklc. the woman who rondu<:tcd 8 lonR·lime extra-marital romance wlth si.te Sen. John Schmitz and bore him two children. At one point Stuckle lnaist.s th&t h r off air with the oonll'Ovcrsial l~glslator should remain a private matter. So why did she agree to talk about lt on televlaion, whl'n thousands of vt Wfft ml1ht ~ tuned In? If you mbled tht broadcut. the 1bow wlll be terun et 8 p.m. Saturday. AUTHORIZED BALES BERVICE/BATIBFACTION AMC-JEEP ORANGE COAST AMC-JEEP-UNAULT 2524 Harbor Blvd Costa Mesa -549·8023 SADDLEIACK BMW /SUBARU 28402 Marguerite Parkway Mission Viejo 831 -2040 -49>4949 ROY CARVER BMW 1540 Jamboree Road Newport Beach -640-6444 CREVIER MOTORS 208 W. 1st St Santa Ana -83>3171 CADILLAC MAIERS CADILLAC 2600 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -540.91 oo CHEVROLET CONNELL CHEVROLET 2800 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -546·1200 c9:1;a194;e;s1:t.11;1:1 ATLAS CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH 2929 Harbor Blvd Costa Mesa -546· 1934 DATSUN NEWPORT DATSUN 888 Dove Street Newport Beach -833-1300 FORD THEODORE ROBIMS FORD 2060 Harbor Blvd Cost~ Mesa 642-00 I 0 -· 540-821 I LINCOLN-MERCURY JOHMSOM & SOM LINCOLN-MERCURY 2626 H arbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -540.5630 SANTA AHA LINCOLN-MERCURY 1301 N Tustin Avenue Santa Ana -547-0511 MAZDA MIRACLE MAZDA 1425 Baker Street Costa Mesa -54>3334 PEUGEOT BEACH IMPORTS 848 Dove Street Newport Beach -752·0900 PONTIAC IOI LOHGPU ftOKTIAC 13600 Beach Blvd Westminster 892-6651 -636·2500 PORSCHE-AUDI CHICK IYERSON. INC. 445 E Coast Hwy. Newport Beach -6 73·0900 MEISTER PORSCHE-AUDI 13631 Harbor Blvd. Garden Grove-636-2333 SAAB BEACH IMPORTS 848 Dove Street Newport Beach -752-0900 TOYOTA EARLE IKE TOYOTA 1966 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -646-9303 MAXEY TOY OT A 18881 Beach Blvd. Huntington Beach 847-855! VOLKSWAGEN JIM MARINO VOLKSWAGEN 18711 Beach Blvd., Huntington ~each 842-2000 VOLVO EARLE IKE VOLVO 1966 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -646-9303 Friday, October 22, 1982 3 'General Hospital's' Luke in coma (From Page S > evidence against him, Stephano dec:·1des to use M1ckt>y in his master plan. When Mickey 1 not heard from, Don contacts government officials in Caracas and is told Mickey was killed in plane crash . David a nd Renee's engagement dampened by news of Mickey's death Getting a second note threatening Carne, Anna nees through window at Body Connection. Danny spots Nikki exiting a limousine, making him believe she's not a struggling working girl Roman and Abe hold the yacht capt.am at gunpoint. Chns 1s hnauy able to track down the woman who held the patent he needs to complete robot and is stunned when he learns that the dead woman's husband Is Eugene. "rxx:TORS:" Mike takes a young accident victim to s urgery against advice and is shattered when the patient dies. Adrienne gets call from someone claiming to be Miss Hunt. Danny tells H illary he's totally inexperienced and she invites him back to her apartment. Frankie is shot down. Natalie agrees to return to Luke on. a friends-only basis. BUly refuses Steve and Carolee's money offer. "EDGE OF NIGHT:" Raven gets Sky into bed but he later changes hia mind about her. Mitzi fearw Gunther. Spencer haunted by memory of Ml.a Bowie. Mites com forts a patient. Nicole Is concerned about Jodie's moodiness. Raven upset when Sky brings Val to party. "GENERAL HOSPITAL:" As Luke and H olly try to eacape amuaement park, Holly manaaee to but Luke is knocked unc:onadoua and ls In a coma. Holly runs off. The Conoe thrMWm to klll Charles unleu Holly wr1\el check for $2 million on RaJnbow account. Meanwhile, angry investors in the oU lt'am are out for blood. Hand meets Suaan and la attracted to her. ROM 1 lllll hH serloua doubts about a relatlonahlp with Mark Dante, Al\houch he lit ~ positive that he w1n\I their frlend•hlp to turn to romeno.. Blaide a. neerly thrown out of colJett. Alan havtnl ll'OUble nilina mllltOft dollar• for Jaaon'• court- ..... tl'\llt fund. • 'rtdmy, October 22, 1912 "GUIDING LIGHT:" Spauldtng Enterprises crisis escalates as Mark decides to join one of the rescue teams attempting to aid survivors of the storm off the Spanish coast As Amanda stays on beach with the women and children of the workers, Mark's boat goes under and he may be dead. Morgan, Josh and Jenrufer head for Spain. Henry hires Mike as his attorney and gains support from Quint for a takeover o f th e corporation. Meanwhile, Alan is backing Amanda. With Mark missing. Bryan heads to Springfield to recover the ransom money. Justin is stunned when he receives a present on his birthday which Jackie had ordered months before her death. Ross devastated when Carrie writes asking for a divorce. Tay moves into Bea Reardon'a along with Tony and Floyd. A trailer carrying a house swerves to avoid a collision and plows into Bea's kitchen. "ONE LIFE TO LIVE:" Feeling the pre11ure of being editors of rival newspapers, Clint and Vicki hope for merger of the papers after they marry, although it does not seem likely. Dorian stunned when Vicki says she wants to live in Llanfair once she and Clint wed. Hurt becau.ae Gary says she'• too young for him, Cuate trys to look older. Fearing Mimi will become 1 star, AM blocks dlalributlon of movie. A furious Marco teams up with Steve, who's been let out of jail, In an Illegal movie dialribution ICalll. Marcq, halta Je nny from taking Mary, bul Kat reallies what alm08t happened and decides the child cannot aee Jenny. "RYAN'S HOPE:" Realizing she wu wrong about J oe, Siobhan wanta to go blCk to hlm, but feeling betrayed, he pushes her aalde. Kirk offers to buy waterfront property from Joe 10 he can come up with the $10 miUlon, but they may mia the deadline. K.lm pretendt to RM lhlt. ahe will help her pt Jolnt ciuttody of Arley, when actu11ly 1he and Klrk are woricirw IO that KJm hat IOle cuatody ol the Chnd. Della wants Utt.le John to do COIOl'Ml'dall f« Kirll'I ~. Ox and Della 1hare • paulonate mnbnce. ''S&ARCH POR TOMORROW:" Afllr'.a m hwi IUJW) uill to~ J(.>nny. Rusty r{'Vl\'C'S her Brian is poking around lhl' cargo section of Warren's plane when he 1s a lmost discovered . I n the baggage t.'Ompartment of Warren's plane. Brian watches Suzi come on board but discovers he's trapped as a stowaway when Warren starts t:1e engine and takes off for South Amenca Discovering Brian in the storage compartment, Warren calls Ringo to take care of him. but the plane hits an air pocket and two engines are lost. The producer o f Dane's musical convinN's Sunny that Dane is really a composer and not secret agent. Dane and Sunn!' reconcile . "TEXAS ," T .J. believes Mildred ts involve d in the problems with Gregory's birth certificate . Ruby adopts a businesslike image to keep Mark Wheeler away from Allison. Stella Stanton has PhyUls Diller as guest on her talk show, "Tall Texas Tales." Judith upset when she discovers Rena huddling with Grant. Justin feels Ashley's baby kicking and just at that point a divorce court summons from As hley's lawyer arrives. Joe and Lurlene plan to llve in Rena's hunting cabin. "YOUNG AND THE RESTLESS:" Police investigators believe Cindy Intentionally caused car crash. Kaye wants Douglas to form a friendship with Allison and pays him $10,000 to get her into bed. but Doug feels that Allison ls going to be hard to get. Paul refu.<ieS Cindy't pleas that he leave town. She says she can't ri•k her Ufe for him again. Ashley agrees with Jack that Jibot s hould be Involved in fragrances. Claire ar,rlvet home and Robert tells Leslie about that arrival. Paul admil3 to Cindy that he used her but that he rtally hu grown to ca~ for her. Paul and his lather-In-law have it out over PatU being 90 lonely. Kevin telll AllilOn he cann ot be-II vc her attitude toward men. -Daytl111e Drama 1 All My Children' pair reunite • By LYNUA lllRSl 'll "ALL MY C ll I LIHO:N " Al Daisy's 111s1sw111't'. Pali111·r t'11nsad,•1 s lrans f t•rr1111< S t 1•v1• lo a nut h1•r dcpartnw111 . but N111a fiHhl«I to kt-t•p Stl've .,, lwr .,rrat•t· Wlw11 SilvPr forgl'ls tu p11·k 1';rl(',1 up ut llw .11rp11rl , K e nt al(r1•1•s 10 k··•·p th1· :.11.d u 11 secrt'l Erica bolki. ut S ilv1·r J>.(('ttlll~ 'oap opera role. so K1•11t prom1,t·s tu buy Sllvt•r 1•iqwns1v1• wa1 tlroht· Wh,·11 Eraca ath•mpts tu vt•lu 1h;11, K1•nt reful!es to hi;tt·n tu IWI' S1 •1•111K Lnn. und Elll.'n at thl• dH1l1•1.1u, Mark ~wt.., drunk. Lnll•r, h t· ai.ks Pam lo 'it;i y with ham but shl· d1'\ lmei. · J enny and Gr1•g rl·unitt• with Jt·1H1y deciding to stay 1n Pirw Val li•y Palmer paying l1lllt· utll·ntaon to Donn a Ray trie:i lo ~··t ma111tt·nann• j8b at school J~y ,1\l1•nds "ANOTHElt WO HLD " lbdwl surpriSt'Cl as Stt·Vt· rnns1tl1•r' working with Jason. Cbrn•1• i:1v1~ brrth to a h ealthv baby girl Janw:-M'l:. up 11uh•1)l·nd1·1H .. tud11·' p111w .1111 1111 .luh.1 .1t ttll' <'Olh·i·!t' wlwll ""' ·, ll•.1d1111H llachn~ pu11111ni.: und1•1 11111 :.1111 t , Louis tll·llv1·rs rl l1> 1LS rww 11w111·1·, Wl11 •11 H .J lurni. li11wn Jul> "" hu,tlt·1 Th11ma.,11111 lt•lh h1 i. d.cd M.11 d 1splt•a11t•d w lll'n ht· 11·.il11~·' huw 1'111-.t• Briun and 1':l1•cia :11 c• "AS 1'111'~ WOHLD TlJHNS " .fotm and Jun)t•s hc·:id C11r Sw1•dc·11 M'p:1r.i1t•ly tu I 11111 clol'U1111•11t i-lha l pr11v1· J.11111'1> is nut a St1·nlx>t·k .l11lin f111d 1 tll'm r1rst, lll:tkt·' l'OpH•s 1111d t l'pl:11·1·:-. lhl· 1111~111.lls Wlwn J..in11•s luh•r d1sc·11v1•ri. th<' clt.N'llllll'nh, ht• 1:. unow.11·1· that John h.1:. l'op11 ·d lhl·tn and Janw:. l11·lll'v1·i. his h1•111:agc· wrll rt •mt1lll U M't'l't•t rorl'Vt·r In Pnris, M1ra11d;1 '·' frt•t•d, and ,1w am.I llob dt'<'I01 • lo marry Ill F n 1111·1· Working al tht• hui.p1t.al. Brian rs hornfwd whC'n :.lw "l't ':. th(' druggt•d Barbar:.. Showing up ril B t·lsy':. apurlm1•r1t , ;1 drunkt•n S 11•vc· hnli .1 f1slf1~ht w11li (.'rarg ''l't\1-'ITC>L " W .ill v .admit:. 10 HARBOR AREAS FIRST AND FINEST 16 YEARS OF COLOR FILM PROCESSING EXPERIENCE. WE PROCESS ............................................. . Ektachrome and Fuiichrome, 2x3 black and white posters, old picture copies , B& W enlargements, color film developing as fast as you need it. I I I I I I I I ~------------------,--------------------. • 2 HR. DEVELOPMENT I ave's ;::·.~ meRR , ....... 60-IOll f 474 E. 17th ST. •NIOtt:• COST A WSA l·-•c-.. I COLOR SLIDES • 8& w l.D. PHOTOS I • COLOR PASSPORT PHOTOS I • ONE HOUR SERVICE I • CUSTOM B&W • HUNTING LICENSE PHOTOS I • TRAINED PERSONNEL I < '1011,:..1 tu· ww. Ing 1054.•r rn A tlunuc ('Hy and must l'<Jllllnu1· lO f<l.lnlble ln orcil·r to pny off hlK IOU11 . .(_ud11on wlls .Jdt that Myrna, who wor"kt'<l at h1s 11Cf 1t·1· Yl'Unl .igo, typtod und ttu·n had h1111 'l~n p;ipt•ni whH:h rrnph('CJ tw wa.s 1n v11lv1•d 1r1 1'l'Vl•rnl rommunlty 111 gL11H7.ul11111A Jud11on rmvatl•ly rt'<·alb night he rood<· r om1111tk nvt·turc>11 to Myrna. W11h Julw unabh· to r .. m1 ·mbcr s he 1·v1·r madto< up w11h T y lt•r, Myrna pla11i-. 111 nmkC' h1·1· twli1•v<· th<•y'rc still on the • oul8 u11d lhat Larry is lhe man m ht·r Id<· ~·rank tt·lls Kl•ll y she can kt•1:1 11 hL•r arfrntity u s a former pro:.lllul.e a sc-t•r t-l an t'Xchange for ~exu~.t f:avon. Wllh Trey nt..>t.-ding her, s h1• 11g.rc·<•s lo ... rank's demands. In I r () n t I) r s a m • T r (! y s u r r e r II t·xl·ruC'1ating hC'ad pains nnd bl ind -,pt'lb Trt•y n<> longer wants to block Juh1· a nd Tylt·r's romanct• "UAYS OF OU R LIVES·" Adm 1 t ll ng Evan had dam ning I ee 'GENERAL,' Page 6) WEEKLY COUPON SPECIAL FREE COLOR 5x7 and a free 135-12 exposure film with every roll brought in. TOTAL VALUE s49s WITH THIS COUPON EXPIRES 10-25-82 Friday. October 22, 1982 5 -Tube Toppers --•rriday ......... s: w •8 Oii lllE ITaT1: Yount MD~ -....., °'*-A.eln ....... ... •• c•••••r Ill out,_.,...... who ...... c:Mwl ,, ........... -,,...... ...... (11w.) t:9 @ tmull~----..-. ..... 111 .. v...... ........ .... .. v....... ..,.. CMlr ... .... ................. ..,,.. ... ...... -D•utn• Md ..,..._ ffORl The View···~ lw.) .. G 1llE IM M ~ ·--~1"'t .... C.., dhHllll ......... 9' L.-A1111l11'• .... .... ........ ........................ .. o ......... ·-·· c..... ..... Dr. .......,Farr,.....,C••• ...... ._. .... -Saturday ,,,, __ .. , DCWT ~ Oii •AA 11ia1ll•••• c ... ,,. .• ~._... ......... r1111 ..... ,......._.,.._..._ ....._, ........... , ...... .. ... -.1:1 t1At~11H1 ,,._ ... ............ ,. ··-........ --.. a--.YM •llAMAl A -....... .......................... ........... -..-~ .. .................... (11w.) - -1unc1ay ......... »IWWW 1::9(11)-eou'nCI...., ·~ .... ..,,_ L9f ... -...... OMPI* ... ........... ,.... ...... . 1:118 ,_,. CUl9C TAUi • .._, To The c..... Of The .,..... Anlli'tiltld. nw. ........ , ll1ca•• • MONt ,, .......................... .. ..... ..tloe. (Jt) (1 lw.) ..._ NI@ kOO IS I alllCI 111111 .... , .... ........................ .............................. •••lfllMIR 9' Ma__. In .. .._. • ... ,.., .............. O'D ...... (t lw.) .. 8 ¥ll1W 1llE 1BI TMOUIMD DAY WM •A•1rtM .. ~" A•1r1oll .. 1Nft· ... ........................ "' Viet· _ ..... loa&(11w.) -Monclav----• Eva.G I:» II (J) HEM co.I QAllAll.D AMw.-. ad. a.ft.rd .,... low ....... ....... lidall.k:ll:Oc91 ......... ~ ... .. ....... of. Caplf end .... lo .. .. DCMllld. -Tuesday 1::9 IJ c:aa L9IAIY "ftallll... .... Ip I And ........ 0 . .....,,....,,.. c......,.. reil Pnllce,., 9or'daft Oa.r'a "'A 111 u • Md...,...._,.. "Qi1r'1a1 ..,.. .. dr...ebed. (R) (1 IW.) -wec1nesclay ...... #llMOOll ... AllEMCHOOl. lllECIAL ........ Two Lowe"AWeMad ............ ..... .................... ,....., .... .. ................. ...., ...... . MU11coomp1 ...... 0(1 IW.) -'ftmrsday • llodi & White 1 l" dio9enol T.V. • Solid Stole •1100 -lporls -•rrlda Saturday -Monday ___ _ U:il CD CR. FOOTUU Ediwtoft &ldlnoe .. wtlM\lpeg -...... (") (2 ....... tNft.) -Tuesday -Thursday Friday, October 22, 1982 7 -Dayti11ae Conl . .. .. ,,. 1t:ll tw -- 10 Buddy Eb:,en, n re ide nt of Newport Beach, can still b" seen us Ba rna by Jones Mondays through Fridays at 3 p.m . on KNXT , Channe l 2. ... ... ... .. .. J a n e Fond a c-ond uct e xe rcises ea('h T hursda y a t 8 u .m . on O n-TV. • WllTWG FOii A 8IOM ('NE. THU) =-IAA~HIP(WB>) llPL~ =-~Y(lt)(lUE) 9IOIT1fOIUI (It) {TMU) TM.OQY: TllU CUISIC TAUi (MON) ==) . NIY = ~WID·I ·=y 0 IOCIO ..-..0 AIBICA TMEPMOZLEI MOWll THE PUITtTC.U WOODY WOOllfllCUR (ffl) ICOOIY DOO C--TMU) •111111.-r ill&llMDmTa9'0~ DIU•lll..,.•IC-.WID) ,_..CA· THE llCOM> caNrt ('NE. L IMMA lflUTI Ill MOCUI POOUI ,,...:=la --lft (Fii) MOWll (Ml) =-~"'> • DllMQQIM I ma VB.MA 7:11 • ,_..AWAY IATn.E Off THE~ ,_ PAlfTHEll C--TMU) YOU FOii HUI.TM llAGIC Off OL PAM'IMG ~Ill THE KITCHDI wmt JAm (WID) .. ... ... .. .. .. - -l'riclay .. ''Body Heal 11981 Suspense! W11 ham Hurt Kathleen Turner ( 1 hr 55 rn1n I g "30 Is A D.i11uerou!. Age Cyn1h1a·· I 1968 C-Omedy) Duoley Mooie Suzy Kendall ( 1 hr 40 min ) .. "Talloo 11981 Orama) Bruce Dern Maud Adams I 1 hr 45 rnin I .. @ "The Lonely Profession • ( 1969 Mys- tety) Harry Cu.ird1no Oin.1 Merrill (2 hrs) l:ll(C) "The Greal Bank Hoax ( t97Y Mys 1e1y) Neo Bea11y R1cnaro Baseharl ( 1 hr . 27 min I 7:tl (!) "Magn111cent Ob-;ess1on" ( 1954 Ora- ma) Jane Wyman. Rock Huuson (2 hrs J ©)"Lei The Balloon Go" ( 1978. Drama I Robert Bettles. Jan Kingsbury ( 1 hr , 22 rn1n.) g "The Hound Of Tt1e Basker111iles" ( 1978. Comedy) Pe1er Cook. Dudley Moore (I hr 16 min) .. CC) 'The C1nc1nnato Kid" ( 1965. Drama) Sieve McOueen. Fctwmd G Robinson ( I hr . 45 min) "Legend Of The Wild ( 1980 AClven- IUfe} 'PG' ( 1 hr. 40 rn1n) (Z) "Falling In love Again" 11980. Ora ma) Elliott Gould Susannah Y0<k (I hr . 30mln l 1:11 g "Silk Stock1nqs ( 1957 Musical) Fred Asta1re Cyd Charic;se ( 1 hr 55 min) .. ©) "Arthur" (198 I Comedy) Dudley MOOfe. Liza M1nnell1 ( I ht . 53 min ) 6D "Sea 01 Losl Ships" ( 1953. Orama) John Derek. Wanda Hendrix (2 nrs ) • e "Strangers When We Meet" ( 1960, Orama) KHk Douglas. Kim Novnk (2 hrs) -CC) "L'lncor11g1ble" ( 1960, Comedy) Jean-Paul Betmondo, Genevieve Buf(>fd t hr . 40 min) "Arthur" (1961 Comedy) Ouoley MOOfe. Liza Mlnnelll ( I hr . 53 min ) CS) "The Tunnel Of Love" ( 1958. Come· dy) Doris Day. Richard Widmark (I hr . 40 min.) (%) "On The Nickol" I 1979. Drama) Ralph Walle. Donald Molfnt ( 1 hr • 35 min.) -(Ill "Montana Belle" ( 1952, Western) Jane Russell. Scon Brady (?hrs) tW (0) "The Gumball Rally" ( 1976. Come· (frl Michael Sarrazln, Tim Mcintire tw(Z) "Pn11ate Lessons" (1980, Comedy) Sylvia Krlstel. Howard Hesseman. _.,, ___ Movies- -· "Mail Order Bride" ( 1964, ComeOy) Buddy Ebsen. Keir Dulle& (I hr . 30 min / e "The Prince And fhe Sh<>WQlrl • ( 1957. Comedy) Lauienoe Olfvlef, Maw-~ MO!Vot (2 hrs ) (C) "Th6 Man Wt'to WOUid Bo 1(1ng" ( 1975. Adven1u1e) Sean Connery, MICt'IHI C111ne (2 hrs • 9 min ) (ff) "The Jau S1ngor" t 1980, M~el) Neil Olftrnond. Lnuronco OIMer ( 1 hr • S5 min) (I ) "fht CIUb" ( 1980, Drema) Jack ThOmptOfl. Orehllm Kenne<ly ( t hr • 311 -1' ).lnSlae MOVO$" ( 1980. Drema) Jol'ln ~v•9!· Oe"'d MorN ( 1 hr • 63 min ) -~~~~.L~;. ~t~~ln9dy) •CB) "LtQttld Of The Wikl" (1980. A~· IUl't ) 'PO' I 1 hr .. 40 min) 12 Friday, October 22. 1982 La rry H agm a n as J.R. Ewing a nd Linda G ray as ue Elle n Ewing e njoy a n evening' Nllt>rta inme nl o n to nig hf s e pi o d e of '"Dallas,~ a t 9 o n K NXT , Cha nnel 2. lSJ "Any Which Way You Can" ( 1980, Comedy) Chnt Eastwood. Sondra Locke 0 "30 Is A Dangerous Age. Cynthia" ( 1968. Cornecly) Dudley Moore, Suzy Kendall (I hr .. 40 rnln.) Ml "Cannonball Run" ( 1981, Comedy) Burt Reynolos, Dom Deluise (Q) "Grendel GrenOel Grenoet" (2 hrs ) ~1S (%) "Breaker Morant" (1980. Oramal Edward Woooward. Jock Ttlompson. •CC) "Sltver Bears" ( 1978, Adventure) Michael Caine, Cvom Shepherd WCt "Royal Wedding" (1951, Musical) Fred Astaire. Jane Powell. .. (!) "K11l9 l<Ong Vr. Godzilla" ( 1963, Sci· ence-FlctlOl'I) Mlohael Keith, Harry HOI· comb 12 hrs I CD "Fast Company" (2 hrs) (Q) "The Jau Singer" ( t980. Musical) Neil Diamond. Laurence Okvier t11<l) "On The Nic:kel" (1979, Orama) Ralph Walt•. Donald Mottai --llilvenlng .. W':.. .... ~·-­... Q ., .... ....... == Gunt Malcolm Cowley Q ... "L'll'Corrlglble" (1980. ~ Cfy) Jten-Paut a.tmondo, ~ 8u)old. A prarOltd con ar11tt encounttrt trouble when ht reverfl to hit Old w*y of ure. (1 l'lt., ~o min.) Wll.O IAml This documen1ary catches many wild animals as lhey grow up and team to surv111e 1n lhetr natural habttat. CS) llCME "Sunoay In New York ( 1964. Comedy) Clift Robertson Jane F'on<Ja Altet being 11lled by her b0y1riend and travehng to New YO<k to vrsit he! blolher a young woman cooS1ders her pos111on on ~1n1ty ( I hr • 45 mm ) g llCME "Siik Stockings" ( 1957. Mus•· cal) Fred Asta11e. Cyo Charisse An American lllm producer becomes 1n11olved with a female RuSSlan aQenl in Pans ( 1 hr. 55m1n) .., 1MI .... MQKT .. @ mA IAIKITMJ. "Pre-Season Game" A11anta Hawks vs New Jersey Nels ·1·--u..YlaLEll =...,,., LOft A nine part series of Napoleon and his rising fame In Palls {Part 9) ( 1 hr.) • CA9MM 'It 1M1 DllATll "32nd Congressional Oistrk:t" Congressman Gtenn Anderson. Brian Lungren. Eugene Ruyle . CEJ Pl.A RAJ. CGfTACT lMATI Coverage of the. W0<IO Super Middleweight Chtim· pionsti1p trom Lake Charles. La -~OfPIOfU • 1 Cll ... .c ... *"" "'" AUii = :& A vtSll with the stars of "Falcon Crest": an auttStlC man with amazing muslC81 and mathematical tal· en ts. • ICW ... --~.,...., .,_..ot9,., ...... 1•11••wr [ .. W "The Bottle lnit1a11va" _,. llll CD _.. "Arthur" ( 1981. Comedy) Dudley Moore. Liza Mlnnelll. While his famlly attempts to foroe him Into a pre- arranged marriage, e drunken. hedonistic playboy falls In love with a poor w0<lllng I I 'PG' ( 1 hr . 53 min ) llON "The Gumball Rally" ( 1976. ) Michael Sarrazln. Tim Mcintire. A gumbell machine Is the grand prize In a New York-to-Los Angeles car race which brings aM sorts of zany characters onto tht netiOn's highways and bacll roedt . ~· ( 1 hr .. 47 min ) CJ) llOWI "Faffing In L<Mt Again" ( 1980, Drema) Elliott Goulet Susannah York. A man goes to his high sehOOl 111Yni0n In the belief that he can relrve the Oooc:l time. ot th9 =· 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 30 min} •~c-. NI• I • W to. F .. 1urect a prolile of AMn the chlpmunlc, a ranch Wheft dis· •bled young people learn to deYelof) new COtll~ and sklll, I behiod-the-<SClene9 IOOlt et the teltvlslon ahow ~·Square p .. ,.., ... a-.na,..,,,, LA F•1ured: 1 cemp Where OY9fWllgM women are fighting to loM ttloll tXtfl poundl: how LOI Anotltt ••· = reel •bOUt New Y'ork: how tn. .. ~=.•hewn In ... ,,,, I -Daytlaw+ Cont • .. .. l>t·1ani!-. \V<•uvt•r i!'\ "-Qen in HGt-nllt· Hc•n " on K TT\'. Chunrwl I I . t:iwh wt•t·kclay al tJ.::HJ p.m. l THE .vmtlOMI ,.OfU'I COUM' Gllm.llEN .,.......,. llGNAn. : ~ l11llfT (R)O ( ) IA.A IA.A IUCKNO {WED) NI. ( J THE NOTONOUI NilPltG F1'0G .,.. CALAYOAI COUNTY (lMI) ) ll'OA'TICDfTO (lllOM. ftD.f'll) l E 19A IAIUTIALL (TUE) (_!.., COJ llOVE (TUE) ("S"J 11llU TALES DAM AMO DANQOOUI ~hti CROW Of IOGO (lllON) Q llOVEfRI) 4M ( L) llOVIE lllON) NEW JAPANE. E RESTAllR ANT 7.~i~r;i/ A~//~/I .7h111/.-J f !l/X I II\ "I IC II \II ' -.1•1.n \I t-111'" It r1't ulir..1• l t'tt1IH•fi• 't.u .. h• twr 1•r•·1u.rt·•I f, \ uur fuul"u' J1'p.uw ... •· I h• I •Ut •t•t •\\ H••' •'u~t· Now Open For Lunch Mon.-Fri. 11·30 to 1.30 Dinner from 5 p m Sunday from 4 p m. Closed Wednesday ~g<sit J..tP,t NESE RE. T , t l/ 11.'1 NT 3840 £. Coast Hwy. Corona del Mar 673-3933 "Club of Champiom" Membenh1p\ Avail: • Corporate • Family & Single • Junior hecutive • Swim • Junior Tenni' • Annual Instruction ' ... For More Information Call 644-0050 2601 Eostbluff Drive. Newport Beach Friday. October 22. 1982 11 -l'rlcl!Y Coal. (E) TW M* IOa. OI) CD .,_ "King 01 The Moun1a1n" ( 1981. Actventure) Harry Hamlin, Joseph Bot· toms Three yOUf'lg L A bachetOfs devote 1helr energies 10 the sport ol drag racing (0) .,_ "'Ar1hur" ( 1981. Comedy) Dudley MOOfe, Liia M1nnelh Wh1kt his tam1ty attempts to torce him into a pre· arranged marriage. a drunken hedon1shc playboy falls 1n love with a poor working ll!!.f 'PG' ( I hr . 53 min ) Li) .,_ "Any Whicn Way You Can" ( 1980. Comedy) Chnt EastwOOd. Sondra Locke Before saltling down with his g111 and pet Ofangutan a bare-frsted fighter ~ns up tor one last. tucrat1ve match. 'PG' (Z)llC>ft "Private Lessons" ( 1980. Com· edy) Sylvia K11ste4. Howard HessemM A wealthy man assigns hos seelucllve house keeper the 1ob ol providing hrs 15-year·old son with h•S l1rst sexual e~penence 'R' G!l IOLD 09IU .. D TME UU. A FAIT mM FOii A DftlAITY Lynn Shackleford takes a look at basketballs Los Angetes Lallers (!) IAT\llJA y _,. @ Ul'OUOle MD LOVE A nme part se11es of Napoleon and his rising lame 1n Pa11s. (fart 9) ( I hr I •@ 110¥W "The Thtng ' l 195 t, Scieoce- Fiction) James Arness. Dewey Maritn A U S research statlOfl 1n the Arct1C is haunted bY an eerie being -· ()) FAl.COll a.IT Cole is 1he Oflly sos· peel when Carlo Agreltl 1s murdered end Riehard Channing goes after Melissa to ~t her father's land ( 1 hr ) U ID ~°" llllU Remington and Laura ere hired to k>cate a Video game genius who has disappeared w11h SS mil hOfl and the plans to hrs company's llf?W est creatlOfl ( I hr I 1 ....... CM9'MQll 'R TME DOAlU .. fhe Ra1.P For Lieu1enant Governor·· Assemblyworn an Carol Hallett. Assembtynian I co McCarlhy. Clyde Kuhn Houstu11 Myer<. John Vernon ( I hr I CC) llOft "Ordinary People' ( 1980. Ora ma) Mary Tyler Moore. Donald Suther land A gu111-1relden teen-ager trying to put his hie back together attor his brotner s death and his own su1c1ae a11emp1 1each es out to his complacent lather ano tors cold. reserved mother 'R' (? hrs . 3 min ) .,_"The Jau Singer" t 1980 Musi cal) Neil Diamond. Laurence 01rv1e1 A New York cantor breaks with lam11y 1tad1 tlOfl ano sets out to Ima success JS a roi. muSIC star ·po· ( 1 hr .. 55 min J DllOYI! "Inside Moves" ( 1980 D•ilm<11 John Savage. David MOfse A newcom111 10 the group ol r119ula1s a1 an Oaktanel uar may hold the key to making the barten der"s dream of becoming a pro basketball [!layer a realny 'PG' ( 1 hr . 53 min ) mTMEVllQllM -11M..lllHJ za. •• BllllllT •IWOM .-n ~tw. Guest A 0 Lain .,_"Mrs. BarringtOfl" ( 1~78. Com edy) Kim Pope. David Kirk A wrdow lutes wealthy men rnto marrying her and rhen collects their bank accounts alter they ~erl<>usty die 'A' ( I hr . 25 min ) (Z) m¥IE "L.sz1omama" ( 1975. MuSff:al) Roger Daltry Sa•a Kesrelman A modern· aay roci.. s1;u s aa~e111ures bizarrely paraf· tel tile file 01 '11s idol. 19th-century com- poser frarrz l•~I ·A I 1 hr 44 m1rt) *'-(Q1IOU.rt DIER 11•1 DU @) 6:> NEWS IA TUM>AY '9QHT . • IUllCH Of_ ntA T QUIZ IHOW ITMlT1 Of SM FRMalCO lllXE> IAG Inside. Outs1Cle · a look to ~· who'~ ruak1ny If with the closed mar· kPtS .1n<1 d•stritJ11t1on methocb on flfmmak· 1n9 (Pan 2J a;) LOI AMQEllt WED • llEVEW <:i CffAME.. Z!RO ( hevy Chase. Laraine Newman ( 1 hr ) S'llOV'E Body And :>oul" (1981 Ora· ma) Leon Isaac Kennedy J.))'11e Kenne <JV A younq black 111rns to p111el1gh11ng to 1.11s.e If•+-' rnorn•y he neeos tor rnedteal '•ChO<>I R I 1 t.1 45 min J tt:a U llOV'E "Who ts K1lhng The Great Chets ()t furvµe? ( 1978. Come()y) George Segal. J.iLQuehnr B1S!>et A tast·lood c;ha1n king tfles to keep his e~·w1te from be•nq then,..,, 1111.tnn ot il lt.1tler who IS mur· tlAr1ng well known chef<, 1n the same way lhey prep.ire the11 most 1.,mous drshes iflJ 17 hrs :20 min ) U GJ TOllQM'T Guest host· 81tt C<m>y Gues1c; Randall "Te~" Cobb. Juhet Prowse 1azz musician F"1edel1e Huobard ~hr) ®)AIC.-n~ llOVIE 'Who le; Kllftng The G1ea1 Chefs OJ furopf'?" ( 1978. Cnmeely) George Seoat Jacqueh11e Bisset A tas1·tood 'tt""''I TltAl>t'flO'l\I Wt. \ll t·ot I h4"' .. • tMt '°1hhl' DISCOVER MOST ADVANCED CARPET CLEANING METHOD •n1MO .l.'16) t:•'I C'n••I lh1h1u1 1·.,,.,.,. 111>1 Mat 14 Friday, October 22, 1982 rm 11uulth Pat Marley 1 unparetteted trad111ona11 wear on tore11er1 We have the correct ht hendsomely detatted. auccesafut tool\ that sets you out front 1n the best·dressed realm Come aee ud111 1radtt1onala too • Immediate Use • Totally Dry • No Shrinking or Stretching Engle-Knick Dry Carpet Cleaning S•rvlng All of Orang• County 841-0181 .. - -l'rWay Cont. I .. , ... " -.tn.. lluo-.1 11 " 111111u ~,..-~ WAU ~ ... "V•~i A•lh• llu~ Now?" 000111 M111y111111 N K11llw 111·,1 •111• pr 1:1utd1t11I 1'11Hlt1 W1•1t11.,1 M11t 111 II Hu1c;tun11, Im I COUIOI YOU.IYIAL.L I •,lJI v•1 I JI I 11 ... t lMI IMICH OI KAZZAllD I uy ,11111 V11111.u havu lo •.uvu f lt~ ... I h'OU"• l11•h whon ho:io;~ lrnrn 111u1H11l1 county 11y 111 lilkll Ov()t (I h1) 0 GD TMI POWUI OI llAmtlW IT All Mullhuw 1110•. ltl holp 11 da.,!.lllUlt• wl11• •,ulft111> l11qhln1111111 11111111r111111<111•, ul 1.l1•11th 8 llOVll I 111111 U111ph11 W1llk1tl{J I 0111' f 19/7 O!,Jlflil ) fl,1 '"ll'll'ollil r11H\l'ol l U<.lo.l!r 1'1101 IC\ lw, 1J•'<llf1 111 11 lot•ty t .11 ''tt<:Ctt11•111," T 1•1111, ·,•.1•1• l11w11~111 fl1Jlt11tl PU'>~l:lt 11111.h h1·1 own h1wn lurrnnq ll!lollll'ol rum J? hrr.} a QJJ llMION 1::. .......... "'"""'"'') """ sun guti> 111volvud 111 k11lv11111 ,1 1111u 1l111 when ht! and Im, 1:u w11rk1•1~ l1lkt• .1 wml.. ~n vu<.011011 .11>uwt1 ,1 yrn.ohl D (I lu J OM THE rn&Tt: Youn4 All) flROITnU. Pillly Oulu• A•,1111 n.111.111•" ltll'. ltoc u me11hl1y .10001 y1•1111q p••opl1• wlh• "'''' <.hosen l)tu!.lllu t1u11 ,,. "" ''''""'n"" 11 hr) hill ~;1~i (/ lir11) r1f llMI 'lni.1111'1 Uul11UJu" 0 kmk IU Wil who'" 11111lo.1111' 11 w11h lhrt tiluluO ni111 kttlt1 wit.I t.IMtllJUll1111 ,.,,.lltnd!i •1 lt1m11111k WUtMTOlt ... W MVWW i1 (P1111 ?) WAL&. tTmf -'Y111.1 Aulu Huy Nvw 1 (;tl<•'>I Miuy.11111 N Kttll 1 lilt.I VK,t• prUblUtllll "'''"" Wohlltll Miit holl ltu11..l1t11'i, hi(. IC) llOVll "[ht• (,1111.111111111 Kid ( 100~· l'lt1111111) Stnvu Mt CJUUtJll. I ownrd lt llob 11111011 A yo1111y f:llld?,h1t1p 111or1 lt1 bu111 lht• k11'1.) ot bh•U p okut In II lmtll!I IOI flllt1111Ht' t l..-rlCllfTU !HJ lllO¥I! • A1lh111" ( 1911 t. {,(j(fll!d'() I >uotoy Moor11. I l/U MllllH;!lh Whlkt ht!I lt11r11ly 011ur11ph 111 lor<.u 111111 11110 n t>W •ttr11niJOl.l 111mllll(IO. u <J111nkv11. no-0<1111~11c pl,1yl>oy lull:; 111 lovo with 11 poo1 w<Jrktr~J U"' 'PC' ( t 111 , 53 1111n ) ($) FAllm TAU THl.Al'M "Hu1111~1u11ll1> k111" Ho1vo Vlllocl1u11u slllrb 85 11 i.tranuu 111110 man who helµ•, 11 tntllet'"o cJIHJUhlo1 ~11 SflOw lrlln 1;10111 (I hr) g llOVll 'Thi':> I irne roruvl:!I" ( 191!0, Ro111u11Ct!J C:IO••l• f'1rnparo, \111•<.t!•" Vn11 Pallan A f 1u111..t1 <.;1111adrd11 11111 hill» in love with u brJi.lt /111t-0rican co'lt~lt' btu de111 stu<ly1119 111 Mo11t1ea1 'PG' ' • WAU nmT ._ ··vuu Auto llvy Now I" Ouu'll M111y111111 N Ktrllllf lutil VIC.II pi ullhJunt. 1'11111u W111ll11 1 M1lcholl Hutchtni., 1111, ID YOTlll't ~ I "flk1toll1J1y I 1111111 l!lij ( (llllUI ' fllll (.(Kljli•I ltAllllllllll'o lhtll ~1111111 A.1111 tt•11lu1 wll111n • l11lt1to11 yol II 1111111,h C>fl 11ndur'.l•111w1111 111 1h1 m1v11on 11101 r ea~.,.. .. Cl9llAICOM ... Cf) DALLAS 11111 I w111u•• o111111111 lhu 0 11 Ourn11'1. 01111, I u1..y 1Wt "'"" 111 11111 un with run lilo 111111 t;uu I 111111 '""" 111111 l>ti.,ty nt lt11 ~;oulhorn Cw"" ( I tu I Q GD IUIQHT M>lll M11.11.m11<.11111111 ~ ulltu 1111 1111k1t<1wn 1.11111111 wh11 '" frVlllfJ I<> IN I 11111111111 ·,1u111 •,how 11111 ol l1u'.11111•.•1 (I 111 ) a ~ THE au11r 1ri'"""t'"'' ••IV• <J1<1• 11.iry Amc11c1111•, lrr1l.I ll1um'ot•lvu'o rr1v11lvt11.l tn A 1.:iny, wo rlct w1ct111..h11'.1t Im Ille 111..he6 ot a 1\111001,111 11r.u 1111! k111u'!> crown that u_QeS with thttl11 (:> ltl'>) U THE IAQ LAOlll: AM llMl9U meoMf'Y G1rioe1 Crt•;11y dt'.<.u'o!A''> thl' µllgl11 ot Los Anoelo•.-:. IJJy 1ut..11u .. lluouuh 1111 .. 1v1ows with Jtll H.wt"r:.<>11 Ulll'< tor ol rJ<Jw111owr1 Women'!. Ct;ntt'I ,Jrttl 1)1 Hudoor rarr Scn101 C,,011sult111y Scm1111•,1 (!)IOU Q) PJl. llAGAZJNE A Vl'oll Wtlh lht• ~l.H' t 11 'Talcon Cre-;1" .111 11111t~.111 111.ir1 w1H1 llflldlmg !llu..,11.il o111d 1t1.11t11•111.t11c·,11 1.11 en ts t:IO i ctWIUl'a AMGlla IO YOU .,..._ YOU GOT TROla.lt lmUU Vl!JleA W1t11 Ooskov~ky 1:w1 uucl!> tho Vtoruia Phllh1111no n1<. rmd lht• V1onna Buy's Chou on ti 1oui temuntty "'11c;1c ~uch 11:. · fhe Be~u1tlul Oluo t>.muoo' a11Cl '1.1le!> r rom I hl' Vienna WUV<1s • I I hr ) Q) mRV QNffWI Gue~r·, Mf1indy ltmmas, Ga1y Numan. Ana /lltu11. f)r ,,no Mis Robe rt Dul men1u (I 111 ) fJl) IOOY II QUESTION "lly /I l 11111.l Tend crne!>s" Dt Ju1111tt1arr M1llw "1vl•bltg111es 1ho µos!>1lllf· c.ou!.O!. of .1 "tummyache" u111.l V.Kpl.un-, 111n 1<11111 co111µh1.1lle<J rC1ule IU ,, Im.ii d1o1u11u:.•'> IRI Q t 1 hr ) m lllOVIE "Thi> rm 'linty' I l'l!i'I fJt I ma) Jame., '>fl'>\""' V1•1,1 M "'" I h• WOfktngS ul llW I nt olll•·d one• .1111•111 •• , .. 1 HEADACHES? l..L\ YOU DESERVE TO FEEL GOOD CALL 645-5300 For Complimentary Consultation WESTCLIFF CHIROPRACTIC OFFICE Dr. Robert A. lodger 1043 Westcllff Dr., Suite 108 Newport leach (near Coco's on 17th and Irvine) Most Insurances Accepted ( ) .. Allied Lighting is Southern California's Most Complete Selection of Lighting At Competitive Prices. * Over JOO Lines In Stock * We Repair All M akes of Lamps * Installations * Se~ Our Complete Selection of * Over 10 Years Serv ing Southern California's Lighting Needs. Celling Fans (Free Installation) * Energy saving fluorescent fhctures COME IN AND BROWSE Y o u won 't beli e ve our selection. you'll love o ur prices. Htllll\ f\lf'\ FI A I> \,11 ti ~ !O ( IOWtl \\In f. M on 222 Victoria St., Costa Mesa iftT\\ fff n 1 f\lut\,.,.,.i ,,,d ''h1rt.,...,.,, 646-3737/646-8194 Frtday, October 22. 1982 13 -l'ricla Cont. ·m•tm • ... llAtufT .,_ "Funnous.e· ( 1981 HoirorJ Elizabe1h Berridge. Sylvia M11es Four 1een-age1s spend a frightful mgh1 1n a car nlval funhouse rnhabtte<l by a demenlM barker and his monstrous son n ( 1 hr 3Smrn l •9 .oVll "Pillow Of Death" ( 1945, Mys· tery) Lon Chaney Jr . Brenda Joyce A lawyer murders his wife and family after falling 1n love with another woman ( 1 hr 30 ~ (!) ... ,.,., • .oVll "Blowing Wild" ( 1953. Adven lure) Gary Cooper. Barbara Stanwyck A wildcatter and hrs power·hungry wile attempt to strike 11 11ch 1n the 011 fields ( t hr. 30 min.) (!) .... Pl.JI (II) CH)MCMI "The Jazz Singer' ( 1980. Musi· cal) Nell Diamond. Laurence Olivier A New Y0<k cant0< breaks with .. m1ly trad1 lion and sets out to hnd success as a pop music star 'PG' I 1 hr , SS min ) •Cl) MCMI "Emily" ( 1976. Ofama) Koo Stark. ViCIO< Spinetti tn t920s England a teen-age g111 comes of age through an allalr with an American schoolteacher ( 1 hr . 25 min) Mii.,_ "A Clockwork Orange" (t971 Science·FiCllOn) Malcolm McDowell. Patrick Magee Directed by Stanley Kubrick When pOlic;e capture the leader of a teen-age gang ot rapists and murder era. 1he me1hod ot rehab1htatlng him proves even more 1hrea1enlng to society 'A' (2 hrs. t7 min.) -· .,_ "T~I The End Of Time" ( 1946 Ofama) Oo<o1hy McGuire. Guy Madison A war widow comes 10 1he aid of a confused and embittered man who has just re1urned 10 cMhan Ille (2 hrs . 10 min.I .. (!).,,..,.. (!)mTOlllOmO.-POOTUU. "USC · '77" (R) (1 tw) •(t7)AIUUMLW Mel Brooks a nd Gene Wilde r team up in HBlazing Saddle ," at 9 p.m . a turday on K NXT, Channel 2 . 4:1t ~ llOYIE "Ordinary People" ( 1980. Ofa- ma) Mery Tyler M00<e. Donald Su1her- lend A gu1IH1dden teen-ager trying 10 pu1 his hie back 1ogelher after his bro1her's death and his own suicide a11emp1 reach· es out 10 his complacent father and his cold. reserved mother 'A' (2 hra., 3 min ) .. (!) CMTOC*I 4r:9 (!) .,_ ICOM ICCWllTTCAI _.,. CZ) llOWil "Prive1e Lessons" ( 1980. Com- edy) Sylvia K11stet. t-joward Hesseman. A wealthy man aSSigns his seductive house- keeper 1he JOb ol prov1dlng his 15-year-old son with his tirs1 sexual experience. 'R' ( 1 hr., 30m1n ) 4r:9 !Ill VIGITAILI IOUP .. (!) CMTOC*I Davis:·~Brown S/NCt l'l·l. RCA llLICTAVlllON VIDIO DllC • Pressure Clean • Lubricate and Minor • IPTIJ .... tl AllllLIW. .... MllllTTin.11 • Chemlcally Clean Type Adjustments • Clean All Rubber Parts• Check Out Entire Machine • ITIRll ... LI AYAIUILI l•INO THll AO ,0. , ••• •lllON WITH CLIANINO -l'rW.y Cont. (;half\ king Irie. IU lt.oet) hll fA wife lttim CIAybUrgh A liberal $upterM Coutl Jue- belllg lhe ll4hl v1e111n ol • 111t1a1 wllu •• 1001 lice cla~ wllh lh• newMI INlll1b91 of doflng wVft loiown \.flel• 111 11141 i..11110 w1ty the ~lion'• hlghHt COi.iii, an ullre con lhty pi..,a1a theu motl l.:imuu• 1J1•Ji.ie wi111t111a woman tu11t1 'n' I I hr . •6 YOUAmr•POl rr ~ J.., 1-.=rn-:. m•~llOVll ~on Who Wuuld Ile K111u" _.,. "C!,\.; Or• exx.w1 1 IOI? 11016 Adventure) Soon Connery, y) r111nk11t tluwtmJ Kllflllllth Wtl Ml(;NJtt C11l1111 DlllMKI on lho •IOfy b)' Uamt ;. hoep11o1 " 01dilrly 1001111e '" Rudyard Klpllf'll,I Two B1111ah IOld141r• Ml lhtown lfllo Ch Ot wh n n uruup ul mist.I Oul 10 Cleitn lho 1i<;htt11 and powClf ol o ~ tl\41dleos toke ovei (? 1111 1 remote. 1eQ9nOAry k111Qdof11 ·po· CB ,,_, .. vml'A w1111 Boa1.ov1oky cuo D1t (J)C 11a1:11CCN duo•• 1ho Vlt1n1111 P1111r•wn1on1c onu th(I 11111 D e ecn MhiW Cuot11 Bill "'4urruy Vl()OM 0n)'0!1 Chou u11 11 h tu1 lonHJ11ng j hr. 30 min.) musk: such nu 'I hu Oullulllul Olva CCIWUI Denube" or \tl lrtlor. r wrn Thu Vll!M& TC* com.I:"' Cl.Oii Ollftl J11mle wooos" ( 1 hr ) r111 e DAW> M8llm l op l 11n1 luwy111:. ,LM. ... llCMlnU Oimon~trlllu Tht1 Art 0 1 Jury SOl4'<;1i1J11" ~All» LOW1 A nlno parl Mlle& ; hr I o Nopoloon end hla tiling tome In Paris. IPOITICIM1'IJI ~art 9) (I hr ) mfT GAUDY COU.POOTUU.,...(W) -1BfTDT~ToelalfT llCMI "lattoo" (1981, Drama) B1uce 9 .-AYI Guest Mil I nb I tu11hJ1 Coin, "'4aud Ad&mt An obseHed 181100 uests KISS (n) ( I tu 30 nun ) artist kidnaps a laShlOn model and pro-G 1110¥11 "Psych1c K1tr.!1" ( t975. Horror) ceeds to cover her bOdy wnh his hand1· Jim Hu11on. Julio Ada111& Pohco uoci. work 'A' ( 1 ht • 45 min.) down e mon who 11ppuro111ly M s the pow ,.{{)llCMI "Ta1100" ( 198 t. Drnmo) Bruce er to murdtH lllhers mo1e1y by ll1t1 power Dern, Maud Adams. An ob&e~d lattoo of concentra11011 (I hrs ) ar11s1 kidnaps a lai;tiron mOdel and pro· I ~ ,.Mmlle_M ITYll ceeds 10 cover her body with his handl· --· WO<k. 'R' (I hi . 45 min) LCM. 1• 8 AmilCA'I TOP Ta _,. "P11v11te I asS<ms" 11980. Com· (J) llCMI "Guns Al Batasl" ( 1964, Ora· edy) Sylvia Kr•stol. How.m l Hosse111wl A ma) Richard AllenbOrough. Jack Haw wealthy man assigns tus seduc11ve house· kins.A protocol·mlnded British ollicer keeper lhe jOb of µrovru111g h•s 15 yo.ir old relvses lo cooperate with tebels rn an Afri· son wllh his hrsl sexual exµ11r1ence R' 11 ca11 nation (2 hrs ) hr . 30 mm l m lllO¥ll "Young Billy Young" I 1969, lllO¥ll .. The N1gh1 I he Lights Went Oul Western) Robe11 Mitchum. Angle Olcktn In Geoig1a ( 198 t Drnma) K11sty M1;N1 son When hlS son Is killed, a depuly mar· chot. Mark Hmnill A 0101rni1 and sister Shel comes our ol 1et11emen1 (2 hrs) songw11t1ng duo have many adventures «I) lllO¥ll "The "'4an Behind The Gun" while 11y1ng to ci.e 0111 a Irvin~ u11 the ( 1953. Western) Randolph Scoll, Patrrce country·wester11 c11cv11 'PG ( t hr 50 Wymore. The city ol Los Angeles IS lound· min.) ed through lhe elforts of one determined (O)llOVIE "A01dello • ( 1978) An aging hb man ( t hr . 30 mm.) ertrne hves out hrs lasl days happily ~ MCllQ Coverage of the engaged 1n 1ovem<1k111y ac1rvrt1es "R' ( t Cncvs Rega11a from San Diego, Calif IA) hr., 30 mrn) LI hr.) g llOVIE "Fir!ll Monday Ir• October" 1:119 lllO¥ll "Frve Mllhon Years To Earth" And1aw Kell An 1111111:111000 Omo c.11paiJl9 con111n1 cluoe 10 o ,,..11111t0tlt. M•fl~en v111 11 to &1th JU:.. !Clla.l1 " .,. "Oioodle'• UIQ CJt11d" ( t9411, OOd)') Pormy Sh1uleton. Arthur l oko ood de<:ldttll IO llr11p10f1I h111 0061'1 with dlMHllO\JD IOllUllll .,_ "The Blw I ugoon" ( 1980. Romance) BtOOk• Shwtda Ch11s1ophot Aikin• Two GHllwny cMdrun grow to oclOl4ftM;ene• oo o 1omoto. South Pac1t1c; 1tl11nd 11nd ct11l)OrltiOCO lhll punu~ of lf111t IOve 'A' ( t hr • 41> roJn ) (Q) lllO¥ll .. All N1u111 I 011g" I t C)ij 1 Come dy) Oene Hockm1111, Ba1bro StrtltVnd Aflt>r ~Ing demotud lro111 G0tl)()l11ln oxocuuve to ch111n 11010 111uh1 manager. n mlddkt"tlgud mm1'1> lllObfYlfl 1ind v11lu0& aro IUlll~';llldtl dOWll 'ff ( I '" :>8 mm ) we "$1111111.111 Behal/I()(" ( 1981. Suspense) M1ch1101 Mu1µlly, I uursu F161cher A pouco ot1l1Je1 1nv11s11oute' a ee11ea 01 b1ulal mu1de111 1n a '1111811 Mid westem coll&1111 town ·~· ( t hr • 35 1111n ) W8 llCMI "The De8dlles1 Season" I 1971 Oramo) Moch1101 Morrany. Kevin Conway A prolesSIOMI hockey µluyOr'6 augr~ve drive fO< aucceas ends 111 tr~O<Jy (2 hrs I tr9 ~lm19CMW1°'91111 iiiOTOCROll MCllQ , .. , lllO¥ll "firs! "'4onooy In Oc10~1" ( 1981 ComMy) Walter Mallhau Jtll Clayt>urgh A liberal Sup10111ll Court Ju!. uce Clas~ Wllh lhe l'\6W0St IJ~lllbt:r ul lhe oa11on's highest cour1. an u11r,1-con servalive wornan 11111s1 ·n· ~11(%) 1110¥11 "This Spo1t1119 Life" ( 1963. Dtama) Richard Hams. R.achel RolJorts A successlul rugby playe1 lose& lhe love ol a gOOd woman alle1 1ak111g advantage ol her (2 hrs. 15 mm J 1:11 (C) lllO¥ll "Escal)f' rru111 New V0<k" ( 198 t. Science F1c11on1 Kurl Russell. Adrienne Barbeau In 1997 o hardened c11m1na1 is offered a pardon 1t he can re& cue the president ol the U S 1rc1m the prison c11y that Manhattan M s t>ecome 1:11 D PCMmWT Of A LEGBm 1:11 (!) WMAT'I "' MmlCAI Featured a look at lhe grallrlr scene 1n New Yo1k Ctty, a "'4ard1 Cras celebralion w11h lhe Ca1uns. some of America's 1avo11te skr11ny drpp1ng ( 1981. Comedy) Walter Matlhau. Jill ( 1968, Sclence·Frcllon) James Donald. ~~~~~.;.._~~~~~..--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ hnlAA SENIORS Corona del Mar Medical Is A Medical Office In Your Own Backyard That Will Take Medicare Assignments As Payment In Full For Information & Appointments Call 720-1339 Corona del Mar Medical 2700 E. Coast Hwy., #6r Corona del Mor Friday, October 22. 1982 15 ............. ~--------------------~~ -Saturday Cont. l lCM1Ult llOYll "The lwo Mrs Carrolls" ( 1947 Drama) Humphrey Bogart. Barbara Stanwyck (2 hrs.) l mAYECOOIDY 90WlllftMI 90¥ll "Take Thrs Job Ano Sho~e 11· ( 1981. Come<ly) Robert Hays. Barbara Hershey ( 1 hr • 40 min ) CHl -TltE 9ft. The latest develop ments rn the NFL strike are examined ( 1 hr) (D) flUUE Melba MOOfe. Robert Gu11 laume and Sherman Hemsley are featured in a perl()(mance of the h11 Broadway musteal based on Osste Davis's play "Pur he V1e10<1ous ·• (2 hrs. 20 min) ll't 90¥ll "Slahon Sr~ Sahara" ( 1964. Drama) Carroll Baker, Pele• Van Eyck (I hf. 30 min.) tW 1 • RMMGOllM*o liMm .... Of AU..fTMI 9 MmlCAM uml'TAMD 90¥ll "Pardon My Sarong" ( 1942 Comecly) Bud Abboll. Lou Cos1eoo ( 1 hr , 30 min) !Ill 90¥ll "A Otstant Trumpet" ( 1964 Western) Troy Donahue. Suzanne Pleshetle (2 hrs . 35 min ) l llMICOf-OL'AIRM .,...ftMI 90¥ll "Three Warr'°'s" ( 1977. Ora· ma) Randy OualCI, Charles White Eagle ( 1 hr . 49 min ) -· 90¥ll "Autumn Leaves" (1956. Ola· ma) Joan Crawford, Clrll Robertson (2 hrs ) I ,_ ... rroooa_. 90¥ll "Wild In The SHeels" (1968, Drama) Christopher Jones. Shelley Winters (2 hrs.) e 90¥ll "Shaolln Hand Lock" (1981. AOYenture) Da\lld Chiang. Chen Ping ( t hf ' 39 min.) • WODG ... n W "Gelling A Grip On 11" Roy Undefhffl demonstrates hOw 10 lhe~~'(;",:.~es to saws •Ulmt-llM .,,. "Spirit 0 1 The Wind" ( 1979, Ora~hlel Dan 080fge (2 hrs ) Cl) "House Cells" ( 1978. Come· dy) Waller Matlhau. Glenda Jackson (I -1™·· ~ ;'.i.u:11a::·--=~ iflrM9'"1~i ..,_ OflMWM-llM .,,. "Mad81Tl9 Rosa" ( 1978, Dra- meJ Simone Slgn0tel. Claude Dauphin l! hr , 45 min.) •.,,. "Oevlt 881'8 Daughter" ( 1946, Mytle<y) AoNmary LaPlanche, Molly L•mont. (1 hi .• 30 min.) tMt. SAA POOTULL (Note· S111111ng time '°' ABC's CO'Ytf•Qe Of NCAA FootbaN la tub~l tO ~) (t ht ,29min) 0 SAA flOO'llM.&. (Nolt' Stntllng llme !of ABC'• co.tflge or NCAA Football It IUbi to chlnot.) -1 -· ... W 8'0ITl IAnmA• Sche<lvltd: llvo coYtfflQe of the Donald Curry (U.S.) I Mat1on Starling (U.S.) 12-tound W.i· tetWttaht Unification b0u1 (from Atlantic City, Jit.J.)' llve covefagt Of the Roger ~thtr I Rubert Muno& 12•round U89A llgtltW91ght ~ bout. (2 i"r•=-'' ,,....,. OoeObet 22, 1982 Ill llO¥ll 'C11y Ueneath fhf' SPd ' ( 19&3. Ad11en1ure) Robell Ryan Anthuny Ou1M {2 hrs) fm NOYA "Tile rrag1IP Mountmn' A reµotJ on the severe c;orl e•o<,1011 rn the H1malJyn~ that is threa1en1r1Q the •.urv111al ot !hf> Nepalese ··~lll'<l o I 1 hr 1 01) 8'0lllT SchOOuled live covt:r age ol the Sugar" Ray Seales I Jam('!> Shuler t? round NABr M1(ldlewe1gh1 Champ1onsh1p bout. lrOrtl Ailantoc C11y NJ . coverage ot lhe u S China 1rw11s t1onal Gymnashcs rn1·el (lrom Peking) $hr . 30m1n) OClAMll; MMlllE ~ llO¥ll "T ht' Lrea1 train Aohbl>r) ( 1979 Advenluret Sean Con11er 1 Dl,)11 aid Su1he1land t I hr !) 1 min 1 fE1 CR. FOOT9ALL (dmont0<1 fsk11110-1t W1nnipeQ Blue Bomoers <3 hrs I t:tsOJ) 110V1E "funny Girl" ( t9fl8 Mur,1ca11 Barbra Streisand. Omar Sha11t (?hrs. 4•, min) IOUL 1Mll 1•;'·"'°°' • OCUMlll: MMlllE EJUW)ff MOVE "The Night The Lights We11t Out In Georgia' ( 1981 Dram;i) Kr1!'.ty McN1 ChOI, Mark Hamill ( I hr 'lO min J ~ llO¥ll "011 fl\e Nick.el ( 1979. Dtll ma) Ralph Wa11e, Donald Moliat t t hr 35m1n) tM I MAIMYUE '* TltE MIAO GIWQAWlaMD llO¥ll "Vanishing P01f11'. ( I!) T I, 1)1 •I ma) Barry Newman Ctcavon l rllle 11 hr .. 30 min) 0 AQKT fOfl IURVIYAL m llO¥ll "Devil's Canyon" ( 1953 We-;t ern) V11g1n1a Mayo Dale Rooor1r.on (;> hrs.) @ 9'QNATUM Guest R 0 Laing • .,ICIAL ltOOltT Ame11c.1n Responses To The CrtSIS In Thti M1(Jdle East" A locus on o lltctal and unulhc1a1 U S 1eac1ions 10 recent events In the Mid die East 1s presented m> MmlCA: 11tl •COM> CIJfMY CID llO¥ll "House Call!J' ( 1978. Com1> dy) Waller Mellhau Glerida Jockson ( I hr . 38 min) ()) llO¥ll "Th(l I lllifl Hui" ( 1957 Come dy) Ava Gardner. Stew.ir1 (lranger ( t hr , 20 min) ll't llO¥W "Ghost Diver" ( 1057, A<J11cn ture) James Craiu. Audrey Totter ( 1 ht , 30 min ~ *IMT ATIU a. WllW OUTDOOR If Ulf t&UIM"ll&MD THI..,.,.. -IAO "Inside, Outside" 11 took 10 see who's maklflQ 11 with lhfl cio,;ed mm kets and dlstrlbUllon methods In lllmmok 1·9'T~, WOMW . lltGOA .-CA: THI •coee Cllf1'\MY _,. "Thieves" ( 1977. C()fll('<fy) Maflo Thomo!I. Cl'lftrles OrocM (2 hr& ) •all mTOIS• UUITMTID •9 .,. "No W8y_ To lrnnt A I 11t1y" ( 1968, Swpeote) Rod Steiger, 0t'Ofgo r:a)i2 hrt) ii ULL .,,. "It'• Only Monoy" ( 196,, Com l~L~octmry Scolt (2 hrs ) IOMI _,_ .,,. "Captain Horn110 Hornblow9f" 951, Advtntu1eJ Otegoty Peck. Vltgtn ~,,..yo r2 '"' I Ml ... "F•lllng In Love Ageln" ( 198(), 1me) Ellloll Gould, Susanflah Y()ft( ( 1 hr . 30 min) '=" D 8'0RT1WOM.D Scheduled' coverage ol lht-"Sus;iar" Ray Seales I James Shuler 12 •ou11d NABF Mrodlewe•ghr Champion· 5h•~ lloUI horn Atlantic City NJ., cover· .ige ot tn,. U ~ China lnv11a11ona1 Gym- na!>tu rtif"N prom Peking) ( I hr 30 im1n~=~TltE~ wo.D Of IOO«I IOlllEWHMT IEWllQ flOWBI ) TltE WAY rT WAI llOVE "Dinner Al The R111" ( 1937. Mystery) Annabella. DJv10 Niven ( 1 hr . JOmon) ._I NR. llAGAZINE fTAll TlU · llOVE Two !Jfayons fogh1 Against The T•yer' I Adventute) Bruce Lo (2 hr5) @J TltE ftOCtCFON> RH CD llOVE 'The War Between Men And Women ( 1972. Comedy) Jack Lem- mor Bart>arn Har11s (2 hrs ) @ NUOUC* AMO LOYE A nine Parl ser;es ot Napoleon :ind n1s rising tame 1n Paus i arr !:II l 1 hr 1 C~QltCIMCW MOVE Th{> L1qu1dat0f" ( 1966, Adventure) Rod Taylor. Trevor Howard I? tirs) 0llOVE 'This T1111e Forever" 12 hrs) 4:56 (l'1) llEDMAN FOOTULL IB'ORT HllFE..;. ••A•t•M llOYll "100 R1lles" ( 1969. Western) Jim Brown. Raquel Welch (2 hrs ) 11l =IOLO § C*E • A TMOUIAM> A docudrama abOUI .i r.h1ld wtlO sotleis from Spina Bifl- da and Hydrocephalos and the !amity's etro11s 10 bl1ng him up lhrough a lilellme 01 challt'ngos ( 1 nr ) '1l) WOODIMGIJT'I 8tlOW "The Plane Trulli Version I" Roy Unoorhtll tOOlls at 1h1• n.uny t.tlllcrefll woodworking planes ll )llOYll "The Jau Singer" ( f980, Mu&l- c1111 Ne11 Oiarnoncl, Laurence Olivier ( 1 hr . !>Sm1n) ($) IOllY Yim* Bobby Vinion per1orms some ol hrs ~est hlls. including "Blue On Blue" and 'Red Roses FOf A Blue Lndy." tr om the Sanos Hotel In Les VJ!QaS ( I hr ) (Z.l llOYll "Three WarrlOfs" ( 1977. Dra- ma) nandy OYnld, Charles While Eoglt. ~'llc:it~ • 1ftl NCAA ll001W1 Kansas J11yh11wks va. Kansns State Wildcats (3 hrs ) .. ,i;.-:.·=lCOll'MY ........ .-n DCWf "9 • • An lnvetllOltlon ot Calltomln'• crillot1I .,ndflff t11ua11on, tocut- lng on Fresno. Sen JOM end 8tn Oltgo, wlllch 11re apptoechlng their watt• man- ngornent PfOl>IOmS from dilf«enl l*IP"' llve1 i. ahown e --POOTtl JllYll (I) -LN9 COYeregt of tht JoMny ~I Pet Halacy 1Ckound junior wtl18fW910flt bout, and lht 8eb9 Moeer· thy I Ociboy .,_ Young IC>-found .... ~· bOul. f.tn., 30 "*' ) ...... 1- -lahuclay .. ,t:',.l9ClllT .....,,._. IMITIC9ft"8' llO¥W • T11u Jou ~"l\ll' 11•1110 M11~• Clll) Noll l)t;1111uc11J l uuru~u Ohv~lf (I l'lr . bb 1111t1) .. a!l ... ROOll (1) •~ TALI TillATlll 'llumµoh.lllli. kin" l1111vo VilltK.h1111e s111111 n11 11 t.lrur"'u lrtlla mo11 wtl() huli:>t. a rrnllur·i. 11.wu11tttr i n !llrOW Into gold (I"' ) .. 1M1 WOIU TOMOMOW lfllMOUT ( ) 116 OM OUT! M DllOUI GROW UP fhis 11uquuf IO 11"10 popular speclnl "'Whu /\re ltHJ OoBoltB AncJ Wherll Did Thuy Get 19 K1(j:;?" 11µ<.lotos tho story of thu eirnoordlnmy lurnllv which riow 1nch1dttt. .. 20 ~~'= tu111dlcllPIJllCI Chlldrnn .. Cllf• UMlllOO W9'T'Y RATPATWOl PW&JCAlfAMI 18TAU ·-ruthtir!> Ano Sons" ...... ....... QOODDAYU. aANl)AY llOll9IG GIWflM MTSIUCnC)MAl ... "Football nu11 nr~ Back Techniques" 0 lllO¥tE "Royal WedClrr~· ( I% 1. Mu~t cal) rroo Asca11e Jane Powell ( I h1 J!i min) (%') llOVll "Woman 111 The Ou11es' ( 1964) f111 Otada Kyoko K1!.h1da (2 hrs 7mrfl ) .. rn CM.MATIOll CS) lllO¥tE "The Ctub" ( 1980 Orama) Jack Thompso11. Gr.ihom Keonedy (I hr. 39 min) a11 COUHI POOTUU PMVll1' (II) ..... .. TMAT'ICAT 'AClatSIM .aWllll YUM VOICI <'* ~n.. YOY.-_. Ul&MTID IT'IYOUR.,_U aamnMY ... ... lllO¥tE "The Amazing Mr Blunde11· c 1972. rantasy) l aurence Na1sm11h, ~..r_nne Frederick ( I hi . JO min ) UiJ llOVll "The Sea Wolves" ( 1980. Adventure) Gregory Peck. Roger Moore ~hrs) M CE) lllTSIUCTIOUl IEMI Basketbdll lnd1v1dual Defense" NI DUl1Y't 11lllHOUll fm lllE PUfTITO.AMllll ... llAMl.l 9 M&i&M lnw.ATIOUL NCMM • DAWY All> OOUATM CMMl.MDO LA•TB90 NITP'IMC* YOGA FOi NiM. TM F1t011 THE 15-YA.SID LM Ac tion h1ghhghts from the Canadian Foo1bafl League (A) CO) MOVIE "Grendel Grendel Grendel" (2 hrs) NII':. "Pursuit Of The Gral Spee" ( 1957, Adventure) Anthony Quayle, Jotlrl 1'.:11.Gr~s .. 25 min) eM.-TTAUI Suz) Chaff•·•·, u(·t rc·~>­ and Olympit· l"lki•·r. i ... u ,:u t•i-.l on tlw ••(;rn1ul Prix i\11-Stur Sho\' '' tmlay a t I I ::\0 a.m. 011 ~TL\. Chamwl :>. B Dll~I ®J 'AC4AM I UTTU MICALI / llCtlE $1()4 l oam ANDOOUAnt MUNI TWICE A WOllWe CONTDIPOIWIY HEAL llt IUUH Nfl. Ga. O* lllE WHX Hrl)hloghr!. ol .111 Nfl game plnyeO 0011 irP ltlP pl.wer., •,rr1ke began 0 llOYll "My~ll•ry l•,l,tnd" ( 11)10. Adventure) ( 1 hr , 30 111111 ) .. 1 "'°'~,_,AD IUltElt m--• llOVIE "M,111 r r11111 M11.,1L M11u111,1111·· ( 1938. Wes1e111) r.1•111' Autry ~1111h•y Ill•' lnetlE Y I DMAlil <'* £\NllE IA "Miil Y llOSllltO 01W'£V1NE AmJICAN STORY ) M\JRE UORT A !>C1en11lo<; eAplo1.111u11 ol athlehc pedormanu• wh1c.t1 can a1<l ath 1e1es on 1mprov111g then g.1me (R) lSJ WAC«Y WOMD <'* JOllAlltlN WlfTEJtl Guest Huwd•d C~ell (Z) llOVll 'Break1'r MUI.ml t 1980 {)1,J ma) Edward Woodwari.J J.1ck I homp'>un t_1 hr . 46 min ) m llOVll 'The Se11aror Was lnd1\.CICCI' ( t947., Comedy) W1lho1n1 Powell flla .. l""!fo~ii=~- ttOGAN't HEJIOH lllO¥tE '"The Elephant Man" ( 1980. ()(arna) John Hurl An1ho11y Hopl11ns (/> hrs 3 min.) ([) •• ICMOOL Trps tor 1.ie11e1 skllnlJ trllmAd at K11t1naton. Vt I tHIMOWll ''"'"""·' 11981 AtJ110111ur I ny1111 CJ' Nuul Ar 1n1 Arr hur t I Ill bb r111n& .. ) NCAA POOTIAU. YI " TO llAYlll 1..--·-Y/LA~A--.l'f TAU "On Aocon111111 11'' --.a••• .uTAll&IY MILUl.u..i POCUI C* toarn ..-recena llO¥W "Houoo < .. 111•1 · ( 1976. C,omo dy) Wnlll'r M1111hll11. lllonr111 Jut.!\i.on ( I hr :Jamin l t Sl ICmY VllTOll OulJl.Jy Vinton pm10m16 'IOlllU ul hi•• t>liJlll'tll hit'>. 111<.ludllllJ "BIW 0 11 Oluu" n110 "fh1d no?:iU8 f 0t A Blw 11111y " 110111 1110 '"lrrnch Hotul In l nu ~m. (lhr) u llOYll "W1111.Js o r c 11a11ue" ( 1978. f 011111&y) A111111Atutl Based on themes 1111111 OVICl'!. "Mu1>1n1orphoses '" 'PC' ( 1 hr . :n:i 111111 I M1 D (IQ) MCM FOOTIAU. (Noto S1a111ng 111r111 fm AOC'•, cov11ro11c' of NCAA root .. 1t>nlli:':~_,. WLD, WLD WllT lllO¥tE "~orornrno" ( t'l39. Western) Prei;ton rost('I, r11w1 Drtiw (?hrs I ([Z) llOVll "l r1umph Of Ille r11n Gladle· 101!>·· ( 19611 AtJvonture) Da11 Vild•S. Het· ~L11111 (?hr!> l W llQH FUntEJI A NOt>e For News" Leo volunteers the groul) lu work un the camp newsµoper stafl ~ fOCUI Oii IOCtETY (f l •n "* lllE fi Hrq11hyht!> ot the ·74 wOtld r.ha111µ1on P11tsb\1111h SteelefS (A) m 1110¥tE 'P1111ate Hell 3f1'" t 1954, Ota· ma) ltlu l up1no SlevP Cochran ( 1 hr • J Om111 J -a m llCMl*.E HUUC / A11AZ1tG ..-. IMAM~~ & ICUPPY 000' """'Q llX -.uoN DOU.All MAM IOl,_I nit OlD HOUSE Boh Vila considers the many 1e111odehng poss1b1htres tor lhe house with archolec1 Jock G1flord and landscape arch11ec1 Tom W1rlh ~ El.ECTION '12 (f) ~ RACMQ Coverage of the Tt1unde1boll World Unhm1ted Champion· ~hop horn Houston. Tex (RJ \3 hrs ) SJ lllO¥tE '"Arthur"' (1981 Comedy) Dudley Moore. L•!a M1nnell1 ( 1 hr . 53 nllll) I Z1llOVll P11va1e lessons" (1980, Com· e<lyJ Sylvia K11stet Howard Ht*>wman ( 1. hr 30 min) -slMAMAMA · lllO¥tE 'Run 0 1 The Arrow' ( 1956. w es1ern) Roo Steoge1 ~r1an Keith ( 1 hr . JO min I d) TO• AlelCMINCB fJl) ~y cooueG wmt ~CQUEI""' Jacques Pepin suggests how 10 buy and use inexpensive cuts ot lamb when he pre- l es stulled t>1eas1 ot lamb Alt IMOWCAIE Vl)(OMDOX lllO¥tE "Hearlland" ( 198 I Drama) Rip Tom. Conchata Ferrell ( 1 hr 35 m1n l_ 11• 1 w lllE aT10M AmJICA'I TOP TUI @) WUDJI) 8'IQll "The Puppy s aves The Crrcus" A hvelr 1r111e puppy saves 1he tortunes ot a smal family circus. (RI (') Friday. October 22. 1982 17 -Saturday Cont. Pat11Ck Magee Dtrected by Stanley Kubnck When pohce capture lhe leaoer of a teen-age gang of rap.sis and murder- ers, lhe method ol rehabthtaling hun proves even more threatening to society 'R' ~;as , t 7 min.) = i e ava IPOONI Edward gives Ricky some "fatherly" advice that turns the baSh=-w110 a smooth-talking Romeo Cl!) "D 0 A .. ( t9•9. Mystery) Edmond O'Brlan, Pamela Britton When a man reahzes that he has been given a dose of time-released P<J'SOl1, he sets oul to locate his killer betore his Ille ends ( 1 hr , 30 min) •8 Cl) MO¥ll "Blazing Saddles" ( 1974. Comedy) Cteavon Little, Gene Wiider A black railroad worker IS appa4nted sheriff and learns up with an ex-gun fighter to save Rock Ridge. a town plnP<J4nled for destruction by a business 1ycoon (R) (2 hrs.) 8 m -A .-M Grandpa Kan1sky drives the wtiole family crazy when he comes for a visit. 19"9f.-T1111-9 LM IOAT A mlndreader torsees ptOMCll tor Mure happlnns wllh a hand- tome man. a competitive friend of the C.ptaln's expects100 much from his son, and an older couple create havoc for Julie. D ( t hr.) (fl ...,.. "Red Rlvef" ( t9•8. Western) John Wayne. Montgomery CUit A young man and his s1epfather quarrel over lhe roule of fhelf cattle drrve (2 hrs , 30 min.) a ""C1RCMD--""TM •11JMAL A lllm using the Indefinite boundaries ol mUSIC as a me1a- ph0r for lhe currenl polillca1 chaos ol Westem cMlll8tlon. ( 1 hr ) e lftil&f "Dying Day" A man's (tan McKellan) amusement wtth a 1ape left on his train by a fellow commuter turns to ter- ror when he plays II and hears lwo people ~tllng fO kill him. (Pan I) o ( 1 hr) (I) Cfl f001ULl £dmontoif E'.sklmos at Winnipeg Blue Bombers (R) (2 hrs . 30 min.) CID (%) MO¥ll "Talloo" ( 1981 Drama) Bruoe Dern. Maud Adams An obsessed tattoo ar(ls1 kidnaps a feshlon model and proceeds 10 cover her body with his hend· lwork 'R' (1 hr., •S rnln.) ([) llOVll "Bod Heel " (1981. Suspense) Wiiiiam :rurt, Kalhleen Turner A smalltime FIOrlde lawyer Is persuaded by his lover to rnorde< her hUsb8nd 'A' ( 1 hr .• 56 min.) (I) MCMI "Arthur" ( 196 t, Comedy) Dudley M00<e. Liza Minnettt. While his family attempls 10 f0<oe him Into a pre· arranged marriage. a drunken, hedonistic playboy lalls In love with a POOt working &!!.' ·PQ· ( 1 hr., S3 mtn ) • _,."Fat Spy" (t965, Comedy) Pl'tyllia Olllef, Jack E Leonard Two bull· neu rivals compete to llfl(j Pono• de Leon's "fountain ol youlh " ( t hr .. 30 min,) •@ --"The Hound Of TM Basket• vlllel" ( 19$9. Myslery) Patar CUlhlng. Andie Mc.ell. A mystarloua curM haunts .. ch genar111on ol •noble Engli5h family i1'!w.6& min.) -· -LCM,.., Sldnty't rouno coo. In lhowl ut> •t the apanmen t>Htlng an Uf~~I contalnt Iha nhat ol Sidney'• -----M-.c1 ICl•Btienand a eotPM In Iha lfUflk of Btlan'I C*. f1 tw.) 20 Friday, Octot>et 22, 1982 ' • .. f . ~ J The late H enry Fonda tars in the Home Box Off ice movie~ H . ummer Sol sti('t·~'' a t 2:30 p.m. today. His co tar is Myrna Loy in th(' story of a murrit·d eou1>le who reflect on their 50 yf'ar~ to~ether. I r,MTAIY -.Mm A young woman dreams ol dancing Uke Ginger Rogers, and a bo~lng manager thinks he's finally found a champion c:::i (1 hr.) II MCMI "Nevada-Smith" ( t966, West· ern) Steve McOveen. Kart Malden. Inspired by Harotd AobblnS' novel, "The Carpetbagger• " A young man Mt• out to avenge the brut&I murdef's of hl9 perents l hrS) ... -.0 -°' THI ~ An opera acted out by various cheracle1s singing to lhe music of Bizet, Mozan. verdl and oth· ers. (1h1) • .,,. "The Third Man" ( t9•9. Suspense) Josef)h Cotten. OrlOn Welle& A writer of pulp Westerns Investigates the "accidental de&lh" of his profiteering t>OyhoOd ltlend In the dark, corrupt world of olvlded poe1·W0<1d War II Vienna. ( t hr . •Omln !.~ • mwm 'The Student Prince" ( 195•. MUlk:al) Ann Olylh. Edmund Purdom While 11udylng el Hoidelbefg Unlv9r1ity, a prince 11nt In lovt with a common btr· maid. (21\rs.) (C) MCMI "The Great Tr1ln Robbery" {1979. Aoventure) S..n Conntfy. Don- ald Suth«land Two axpen turn-of•t"'-" century eon 11r11111 •tt-"'Pt 10 pull off the Mtmlngty tmpoeal~ robbery of • tocked .. ,. a60erd • laat-movtng IQootnotllle, (&?~~":.. -0 MO¥ll "Nlghl SchOOI" (1981, Mys- lery) Leonard Mann, Rachel Ward. An anthropology professor with a penchanl tor co-eds is suspected of the brutal mur ders ot some ol hos former bed partners 'R' (1 hr , 28 min.) m COLUGI F001U&.L llGltUQNTI Noire Dame Fighting Irish vs. Oregon Ducks ( t hr ) ... ; Ul\IDAY .cMIT1 PAm Claa.ICOM 1W 118())9•• .... COLUGI F001U&.L Cat1fornta vs. UCLA (? hrs .. 30 min ) II) MO¥ll "Red Alert" ( t977, Suspense) Wilham Devane, Mlchael Brandon When a masler computer detects a radiation leak, 11 sears oll a nuclear power plant trapping 14technicians1nSlde (2 hrs.) @ M0¥11 "The Last Chance" ( 1968. Dra- ma) Michael Rennie, Damelte Bianchi An Amencan newsman who possesses tnlor· mallon Incriminating to an 1nternat1onal gang ol m<>bSters finds himself marked for execution ( 2 hrs.) a -• A 11G•W A docudrama about a child Who suffers from Spina Blft- d8 and Hydrooepl'lalus and the family's atlorts to bring him up lhrough 1 lifetime ol challeflli1". ( 1 hr.) <B) MCMI "House Call9" ( 1978, eom.- dy) Walter Matthau. Glenda Jackson. A WldOwed doc1or hells his Casanova tend- encies ~ enough to tall tor a divorcee Who doesn t belleYe in philandering. 'PG' U hr . 38 min) (IJ MO¥ll "Laura" ( 1980, Drama) Dawn Dunlop. Maud Adams A woman tries to prevent a relationship between a sculptO< wllh whom she hed had an allalr and her teen-age ballerina daughter 'R' ( t hr . 25 min.) aD llOCK•n CS) 11ZAm John Byner snows you things stranger than 1ruth. larqer 11\an life, and zanle< than anything you ve ever see(I. (Z)M0¥11 "Private Lessons" ( 1980. Com- edy) Sytvia Kristel. Howard Heseernan. A wealthy man assigns his seductive houSe- keeper the )Ob of providing his IS.year-old soo with his first seAual exP9(18nce 'R' 1tlllTMl~fUI • M~ WT Lift Host· HOW· ard Hel8eman, Guests: Men Al Work. Andy Kaufman. mime Biii Irwin. ( t hr . 30 min.) . .... (J) mwm "Flight From Alhlya" ( 1~. AOVtnture) YUi Brynner. Richard Wld- ma1k. Thr" avlalors recaN their varied paste while lnvotved In rescue e>pefatlonl dur~orld War II In the Pacific. (2 hf9,) &i MCMI "The Last PlellJfa Show" ( 1971. Drama) Timothy Bo1tom•. Jett 9r1dQH As the only movie theatar 1n • smaA Teua town of Ille 19SOI pr19tret to Close, the ll\'9t Of the town'I rMidlnll om. lntfftwined. (2 h1'9.. t8 min.) MCMI "Blrclrnan Of Aleatrai" I 1962. ephy) 8urt Ul'Cltter. Karl Malden. hit 63 YMrt of lmp(laon"'91'tt. Aot>-lf1 Slroud becomee • WOf1d authOtlty on birds. (3~ ~ .. , .. ... "The "10" Glrlt" (1 hr,. 30 ,) Cl) ... "Beyohd E'Yll" ( 1980. Hoffor) l.ynda Day George, John S.11on. A young bride It ltrt0f1nd bV M fOfctl lurking In • troolcal ~ 'R' ( 1 tw., 34 min.) .... "Bowtry Al Mtdnlght" ( 19'2. Myttery) 8ela Lugoel. Tom Neel A dlltln- gullfltd collge prC)ftaaOr .... cMI .... tvrnlng Into • craied kllllf •1 rotgt11. ' -!~ ... .... "Mv N11111t• c 11lk1il rlrtH..n 11)18, Actv1111turti) Oru1" l u, Clu1"11111 heVf: A mur Oul um1 t1.11f>t1t t 11111.t u ~t11.11H 11~n1 0111 fo1c.u!I tu brm1k UI) n IJHl!U u t ll111UOlJ r• ~ II •IT Clf rY WICIA&. ~,..,., ,_ PAime ""1VM. WlftA ~A lllftl U5111U th<I lndolh1lte boU11dor1u, ol rounic 1111 u molu phCll tor the CUflflrll µ()1111(.Uf t.h&Ob C>I Wei;t41111 c1v1U1t1t1on ( t ltr ) • WLDMmllc:A "SwllnttJ Cr11t11rr." Murty Sroulfor took:. 111 the vu11t1cl wllcJlltu ut A111e11cn'1; SO\Jthc11111w1t1np~ G WOMJ) Clf IOOll CC) llOVll ·r1o1tho1 Ot l ho 8r11.11l'' ( 1950, Comeuy} spencor T111cy fll1nbeth Toy f()f A lather U.llp{llll)llt;t!!I Oii ot llltl tO)'S and heo<Ja1.ho~. 111volved with the p1upo10 tl()nS IOI his OllUi,jhtor'<; UfJCOIOlflg Wucl Cling ( I hr . 30 lllltl ) (tOllOVll 'Greun Ice ' t 198 t AuvenwreJ Ryan O'Nonf A11no Arche1 Art er191neor and e s0<.1ttflte attempt to rob a South Arne11Can omer.1t<J <.rnuygler of a tortuno 1n gemi. ·pc· ( t hr . !>!>min ) (OJ($) llllOVIE 'Hou~ Colts" ( 1971!. Com edy) Watter M1ltlh11u, Cilenda Juckson A wtCIOwed doct0t halls his Casa11ova tt1110 enc1es tong enough In tall tor a d1vorcoo • whO C1oesrt'1 beftevo 1n ptutanoeriny 'PG' lhr . 38 r111n) AUAIMntMD~a .. 8 (1)8) .... llMY ma 1100M WCI WHY II ntE WotlJ> ~ PMVIEWI Neat Gabler and Jel trey Lyons !>elect what 1hey consrue1 10 IJe 1he funniest, <;cane~•. uest, worst anel mos1 romanlt<; hlrns g llOVIE 'lmprop._,, ChaMels" t 198 I. Comedy) Alan A1k111 Mauette Hartley A sc11es of rn1&undPrs1ancJ111ys cause!. <1 social w01ker 10 suspect the 5·year·old daughtilr ot a separated couple is 1he vte- trm ot chrld abuse 'PG' ( 1 hr . 32 min ) .. -~~--,.LOCA .... MC1JM1•1111t~ N U.. IOYI I UllCY ... llfY .. i ~--YOUIOY 1'11CMUa 1••1wmtuwt-.a -Clf N ~· Ar> OJltll1f 1e;te<1 out bv vllrtou11 ct1nro1.1e111 "''IU"'U tu the rnuaic ot Bllet, MoL11rt, vur1h 1mti 0111 1111 (lhr) I ~COtl•NIOllAL ""°"1 NIUfllTI AU CMAnma QM.AT MD IMAU. llOVll "JQ111lth11n t 1v1nustc10 S<•nvu11 ( 19/3, fantei,y) VolC.m. Of Jnmtito I mrt CISCUll. JuHe1 Miit!! A • ()lttJUll'S pur!llJll ul J)tlrlootion lt!ac:J:. 111111 to 11 hlghor 11wu1 u n1'~· ()' ( 1 hr , !J!J min ) (lJ llOVll "Breekor Morant" ( t900 011r ma) [dwnrd WOO<lwnr<J. Jnck lhoin1)!)()t1 AustraHans C011sc11p t8U 10 ttyt" on En1,1 land's s1d1J In lhu Doer War doctoo to ltyht the Boer guer11f11s uo theft own 1orrn~ ·pc G llOVll "Laughiny Anne" ( 19~4. Dr,1 ma) Wendell Coll!y. Me1yaret Lockwood A young girl tells Cleeµly tn love with a e;11µ led ex-boxer (2 hrs ) 1:11 DAllCI P1V11t .. CAI• 31 m • LA. reatu1e<.1 a reporl 011 Chlrop1ac t0fs. !hose e;ontrover~ral 1110011..11 1>1act1oncrs. an Iron Man c.ontebl o t11µ 10 l·~~-=- All~ .. (J) WM.T ~ 'EPCOT Center The Opening Cetobratton" Dar111y Kaye leads a musical tour thr<>vgh the magrcJI world ot 01sneyworld's new EPCOT Cert tar. gues1s include Marie Osmond. Drew Barrymore, Roy Clark. Ale~ Matey, Alan She~ard and Erte Sevarerd t 1 hr J D m DIFF'MJfT ITWll ArnOIO Illes to cure a new classmate's loneftness by get ting Willrs 10 be tile boy's "big brother " .. (!) LAUQH TRAX - e di T.J. NDOl9 Setgo«rll lioak•I per i.1111dot n OOOllllhil, bllO(I Wttneot lo tl4tlp lllm Cllh.h llOlllU roorLIOrOVI 11tl4tllllil (I llr) G llOVll "Misuhuuw" t 1011, Hcmor) l/ir1<.ont Prl(,,u, Ptitor <Alt.htrtg A retlte<I horru1 111111 •lur mnkull a ctiniel:l4c:k 001 ltrH.lb th1t1 nMJrde<e hflpPen nit 1.11ound twm !tt111) CMllatli MD 1MI w.t runo1hy o-it und J0'."411)11 Cotton 11nr 111 thlt revon11ng portrull ol ~ nylt1t1<fli lonlOUG World Wur If pflm11 1111r11stor (3 1110 ) m llOVW .. I ho l 1111 Honooa Gun" 11958. Wusturn) Ptiul Nuwr1111n 11111 Mllnn A v<>ulhlUI Hilly the Kie! llVtlOO~ hi!> employ- or'!it l.loolh u11u ttion mic:upe!I w M&dOlo t? hrt.) @ -.. A TMOUeAND A docud1am3 JUou1 " llhlfO who sulfon. trorr1 Sp1r1a Biii cJll onn Hvc:JroctipMlu& and the hmllly'a olforts to brtno him uµ through a llletlnltl ol <:hall0rlfl6S (I hr ) fD ODYlllY "On rt1e Cowboy Trail" New 1orm111g toch111Ques utto f.lllJ.1 mlnlny 111ro;itt111 tho l1111u honore\J trad111ons ol 11111c111r1y and lhe tnnel H!itllf (R) Q ( t hr I '1!) _,. OMllQI CCMfTY f eutu1ed P8f tornmr fif!n Vereen, (.aria S ruckfe \Jr'.<.U'>SU~ htlr .11ta11 w11h Se11 John S1.h1111t1, Ch11!!t1111lS 111crchnnd1se w11h an r I themti. ;i lturnan c:h11111 lor Un11eo Way !Cl lillOW "Take 1111~ JotJ Ano Shove It" ( t98 1 Comedy) Rober! Hays. Barbara He1!>/'lcy A you11g c01l)Orate executive runs 1ntu resistance when hu 1e1urn& to his 11orne1own to 1ev11e1t1e a company hrewe1y 'PG' ( 1 hr , 40 nun ) ~~ l alYIT Al GA YLf ) llOVll "Halloween II ( 198 I H OtrOI) Jamie Lee Curtis Donald Pleasence. A hopefesSly rn:.ane rnu1derer conunoos hrs reign ot 1er1or ir1 a small town 'R' ( l hr . JOm1nJ !SJ GALUGHDt TOTALLY .W Tl1e iany. unpred1ctdble Gallegher is back 1n a com· ecJy spec1t1f taped live at the Mayta11 Music Hall m Santa Monica. Cahlornra ( t hr ) g llllOVIE "A Clockwork Orange" ( 197t, Sc1ence·F1ctrun) Malcolm McDowell, OPPORTUNITIES!!! IN ELECTRON/CS & COMMUN/CATIONS How Would You Lik• to • • • • Learn a new •kl/I • Develop Leader•hlp • Make New Frl•nd• • Enjoy Regular CM/Ian Life cm_, NATIONAL GUARD The Guod belcrQ!>. 2651 Newport Blvd . Costa Mesa W• OHer ••• • Excellent C•rHr OpportunltlH For H.S. Graduate or Equivalent • Training For People With No Mllltary Experience • Age 17 or prior to 35th birthday • Opening• tor Prior Servic e Individual• SOUND INTERESTING ??? CALL TODAY 979-7363 !between 8·30 a m -4.30 p m ) CINDY GEHRING SSGT Friday. October 22, 1982 19 -Sunday ·1=:u .. CMToc. " WllAT'IMI? • ICllrf VlfJOM Bobby Vinton performs some ot his biggest hits 1nclu<l1ng "Blue On Blue" an<l "Ae<l Roses FOi A Blue Lad';." tr om the Sands Hotel In Las V~as (1 hr) 19 8 fCMI OUll 1'ml "M1n1stry And M1SS1on The Southwestern Bap11s1 Theological Seminary" The 11aroed aspects of sermnary life IOI future ministers and m1ss1onaries at the FOil Worth school are e-plored Cf)~ ICHULLllt D MO¥ll "Night School" ( 198 1. Mys· tery) Leonard Mann, Rachel Ward ( 1 hr . 28mln .. .. , QINTOPtB Cloea. -Cl#TMtlWMOO .. ,,., ntl ~ WotlD CW ...U: N*"*"f OM llUnl-'TICll "PhyS4C81 Therapy" Guests. Don Newcombe ot the L A Dodgers; actress Patricia Harty, Juan T Van Putten, M D . ialtSt 1n pain controt therapy ~'-'°"'",,., lME _. "What's Going IOnE::?" ~nmu.u .,. "High Ice" ( 1980, AdVeoture) David Janssen. Tony Musante (I hr . 40 min.) Cl)CaualfOOTUU. Noire Dame Fight· ~ lrl!h al Oregon Ducks (3 hrs ) (J2! .,_ "Lei The Balloon Go" ( 1978, Drama) Robert Bellles. Jan Kingsbury ( 1 hr .• 22 mtn.) (%).,,. "Pri11a1e Le$50ns" ( 1980. Com- edy) Sylvia Kristel. Howard Hesseman ( 1 ti< •. 30mln.) -LOIT•.,ACI -BUWl'ln ~ ICMll.Llll --TIMI --CllC ... UD a.llCM MOUit RM OUT ... • .,. "The Private Eyes" ( 1980. ) Oon Knotts, Tim Conway ( 1 hf .. 31 min) Cl).,. "The S~n WarrlOfs· Orandlz· .1~ .. i,:f ~nlmaled ,, . ..,. ••1111t~ , ... rmct-"Interfaith Marrl&ge" The ptobttmt •nd ch•llenoes creeled by the merrlegt of ~ ol dtlltrenl rtllgtoul lelttlt .,. •=ed IMT•=t•t _.,waa11z:w•we ""' ........ _., ... .. "Sllwf SltHk" (111715, ~ l)c:::=gh. (lhr .. 63 = =--·---~--_, -... Cft'Y --~ LIY9 Covet'· eQI of the t31h r~ of thil ~t from 22 Friday. October 22, 1982 Henry Winkle r, although having branche d out in recent years, can still be een in the role that made him famous, The Fonz, in 44ffappy Days" a t 5 p.m. Sundays o n KTLA, Channel 5. New York City. (3 his:} TN LOOICIAY w••11 'M*ILllWltmlm TOUOM ,,., .. AIUllT ..,..,_.., m-..1'GllOMOW .,. "The Private Eyee" ( 1980, "-·--"""·' Oon Knotts. Tim Conway. CJ) "Three WarrlOft" ( 1977. Ora· ma) Randy Quaid. CharleS White Eagle ,.@ ... "The Glenn Milter Story" ( 195.t. BloQfaohy) Jamet Stewart. June Altyeon -llmAY-='=-'=-..... -·~ &&.-oa• --,.,,, .. ml CMHllll ..-c .... .., ...... .. "Aoed GamN" (1981. Mys t.y) SllOY l<MOh, Jemie LM Cunll. ( 1 rw., 40 min.) Cllj .. "()ne 0n One" ( 1977, °'Amil) ~Benion. Annette O'Toole • .. ..,. .... -· .. .., •• Communion .. Guette· Rev. Vidltnlr Mtvtcf*I arid Atv. Gttetlm Mc>Nro. 11 s~·· e.11m °'''1odo~ Calhe<lral, Alhambra. Rev Thaddeus Shubsca St JOhn's Seminary Camarillo ITMELMAYEI mETllG Tm AT CALYMY PMrllNat It ..cl IUC11IC COWIM (It) DOW YOUll -.E TII& TALU DAM ,_ DAllQOOUI Christopher Plurnme1 s1ars as Sherlock Holmes 1n "Silver Blaze": a Nean<lerthal child 1s brought back through lime in "The Ugly L11tle Boy". a young bOy has an unu- sual ability to pick racetrack winners 1n "The Roc~ong Horse Winner .. (I hr . 25 min) ·;r~.::. CllC()ll) ". WllTTllt .=:=~a... . AUTO MC8IQ Love coverage ol the NASCAR American 500 trom Aock1~­ ham. N C (This event will be blacke<l in the Rockingham area) (4 hrs) 0 llOVIE "Ad11en1ures 01 The Wilderness Family" ( 1975. Adventure) Robert LQgan. Susan Oamante ( 1 hr • 40 min ) mWOllJ).-- .. B ll) lfi TODAY 0. CAl9IUI Featured. Dr Fred Berge- son of Whittier College cites the power of mohtary t>ureaucracies. Sue Mansfield of Claremont McKenna College looks at the myth or the supetpower as a cause of conflict. Rus5'8n diplomat Vl8d1m11 Kula· gin and tournahst Hamson Salisbury drs· c;uss the underlying differences between the rwo countries. I =:,,.~ M--.DT-.OW ~-ntl UWllAllM llCMI "Patterns" ( 1956. Drama) van Hellln, Ed Begley. ( 1 hr.) Cl) llCMI "Falling In Love Again" ( t980. Drama) EHioll Gould. Susannah York. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) e llCMI "It's Only Money" ( 1962. Com· edy) Jerry Lewis. Zachary Scoff. (2 hrs.) II tmW.D Of TIIUTM (!).,,."The Jade Mask" ( t9'45. Mys- tery) Sidney TOier. Mantan M01el8nd, ( 1 hr.,30ml~ 1 ....... ~ Correspondenl9 Lin· da Wertheimer and Cokte Roberts join Paul Duke lot an up-to-the-minute sum- ma~l actlvltlet • .,. "l• Strada" ( 195", Orama) ~~thooy Quinn, Glutiotta Mesina ( 1 hr • SO mln ) (Ji) MC.CO•-•a•• DDll•••. CClllC9!1 "Easy ... ;;fhreo Tlmff A Lady" 11'<1 "Wondef· lend" ore •mono the hits performed In er~ Tha Commodot .. "Improper Chennets" ( f98 I. ) Alan Atkin. Marlette Hartley ( 1 hi . 32 min ) -~WUif -Ql) .. "The Benny Goooman Story" ( 19SS. Biography) Steve Alltn, Donni R.-d (2 !\,._, 30 min.) -· mT fJl1 ma• .-&I TOO Guetta: rock 1ter Leif Garren. trteturt hunltf Mtl Flthtr. comic Pat t4uftey, °'·Tom Cott ... bike •~t John Marino (A) ( t hf ) -·l!lnlay Cont. tW• .. "NOtlh To AIHlo.4" ( 1900, Aavtnture) John Woyne, t)tow1t1I Ot41lg41t A 1111111 llnde o 14JUOllllJtci IOI h1r. lri.nd'1 llal\CM111101 ht dlllCOvora i;M ho~ 1T11t111ed anothe1 (? h•• ) tW(C) .. "lhe fleJ)tMtnt Mun" ( l\IUO O.ama) JoM ltu1t, Anthony t101>k1111i A •!odtcAted phy111Cmn tllkut un<Jttt n111 w111<,1 • h<>ltlllly dofomteJ mnn wh0t.n 11111 u111ll then l\ad boen lij,. nt In oho p lronk .,xtu bltlono 'PO' ~min J .. Cl) ... _ •• t8CllCMUTM•WAL A 111111 uSlnlJ 11111 lndelinl1e boundnril'IU ol m11111e 11~ e 111eh1 phOI for the cu1111n1 polt11C11I chuuli ol Wes10111 CIVlllLClllon I I hi ) e .,_ "Thieves" ( t97 I. Comedy) M•rlO ltiomaa. Cha1tttt. C1001n A dultv couple try to rucuii1u1u thell 1n11oooncr amrd the co11upt1on ol Mn11ho11an ( t nr 45 '=* -1 OIMUIS M0¥9 "Dead EM" ( 1937. Ortuno) ylvla Sidney. Joel McC1ea Youngsters 111 an East River slum light 10 overcome their t nvlronmenl ( \ hr , 15 min ) (I) IOlllQ Coverage ot the Johnny Bumphus I Pat Hallacy tO-round junior welterweight bout, and the Babs Mc'Car· thy I Bobby Joe Young IO·round wel tetWelght bout (A) (2 hrs .. 30 min.) CD llCMI "De Sade" ( 1969, Biography) Keir Dullea, John Huston The bizarre sex· ual appetites ot the Infamous madman, the Marquis de Sade, result 1n tragedy ( I hr . 45 min) (Z)llCMI "Falling In Love Again" ( t980 Orama) Ellroll Goul<:I. Su!>Qnnah YOik A man goes 10 his high school reunion 111 mo belief that he can relive the gOOd times ot the past 'PG' ( t hr , 30 min ) .,.(8) MO¥ll "The Sea Wolves" (1980. Adventure) Gregory Peck. Roger Moore Du11ng World War II. o group ot B1111sh businessmen form a volunteer 1eg1111en1 10 destroy a German spy nest 111 the lnd1a11 Ocean 'PG' (2 hrs ) w I namGATntf-..OV mTOl~Rcw. ... --~ MIG OI ntl PITIUCCIEI An opera acted ool by va11ous characters singing 10 the music ot Bizet, Mo4ar1, ve1d1 and oth- ers. e MO¥ll "Al The Earth's Core" ( 1976. Science-Fiction) Doug McClure, Peter Cusn1ng A group ot e11pl0te1s penetrates Earth to us cenlei where they discover a regl()(l inhabited by preh1stOflC creatures (2hrs l (01 llON "Anno ObMlfl110<f' f I hr IU min ) t•(IJ ..,_ "ftrsl Mu11rj11y 111 01 tohor" {1981, C(Jllledy) W11l1ttt M1111t11111 Jiii <;1nyw111h A llbfl1111 Su11111111u (,111J11 .1w. t1C11 1.luihtit w1lh tho nowo:.I 1111•rttl><•' •I If~ 111111011'>1 hl\)hO~I c;uu11. 1111 1111111 1 "" l!efVPllVCI WOftM)n IUll,I 'fl' (I lu 40 10111 ) t11e110W11 "Hou'ltJ rn l 11110• 11•111 tt1" 101) Jennilat f11•1l1up, A111ll 111111111111 fl 11urau oocomei. 111vulv11d 111 111u1t1111 wt11t•• llh" 111 hltecl by 11 wonllhy """' (? llfi. I • MIMI "rl 100" ( 11163, ur.111111) (.hll Hobo/15011, Ty Hurl1111 Jahn Ku11m1tly ,,,.41 l\IS crew. sl11111dt1tl 111 the Purtllc. ctu111111 WOlld Wnr II, 11111 rttb<.Ul'tl w11h thn 1~•111 111 two ootlvM ( I hr ) W1TO·~ AIC ... llOWll "Alten" ( 191•1. ttu11tJ1/ lo1r1 Ske11111. Ynphttl Ko110 t nu <.row 01 11 WJ cegolpg scrap cur11e1 lollow n mtt.11111u11i. signal to a suppOliel.lly tJeac:J l)lnno1 •tnll alte1 landing. dlSCOVfll lhll l lht:I 1110SSIJlj0 was a warning 10 stay ew11y 'R' (? hrs , 4 min) .. •. lilCMI "Hellt1 In Pink Ttghls" I 1960 Comedy) Anthony Quinn. Sophia L01en A lheetrlcal company toYrs the unsellled West dodging blll collectors as well !IS Indians. ( 1 hrs ) I ... llA1'A TROl. a. lllOVll "Candy" I t966. Co111ody) r .... ., Aulln. Marlon Brando A lusi.101•~ yrnm<J nymphet heads tor New YOik iilll.'r l.J1•1111J raped by a poet arid a Sparn:.11 11urcJ1•11"1 { I hr , ~5 min ) 1:11(L)lllOVll "Talloo" ( 1()81. Ornm.i) flru• 1 Dern. Maud Adarr1s An obs.•sseu 1.111m artist h1dnaps o lash1u11 r11u<Jtl .ttuJ pru ceeos to cov<"t ner booy w11h tu-. n1111d1 work 'R' ( t ht . 45 m111 l (l) MOW "Woma11 In I h<' D1111t" ( t964) [111 Olac1:i. Kyoko K1st11rt.1 I?"" 7 min) t:ll«D MOYIE "Spy In Your fy•• 11%1, Suspense) Breu Halsey Pier Anyrlt /111 Ame11can svy ch1e1 hal. a ~mall pliv1c1 graphic device implanted 1n h•~ eye fu q.1111 valuable 1nfo1ma1ton aya1ns1 the n u'..!.i.1110, ~hr , 40mln) MMICUl. MW U.U. MOYIE "Swing Time'' I 1936, Mu-.•i..dl) Fred Astaire. Ginger Rogers A gamblir1!J dancer has a hard time savtng mo11ey 10 marry hts sweetheart bul comphca11or1•, anse when he falls toe ano1he1 (2 hrs) M (8)M0¥11 "Green Ice" ( 1981. Adventure) Ryan O'Neal. Anne Archer An eng1nc('1 Costa M esa 's Only Complete Pu11era/ facilrt1e~ ,,., '111c \II I .111 I" ""'' " 1>1X.ltiUl11 01tumpt to rob • t:IOUth Amor1 1111 11111t1r111u 1muggte1 of • tonuno 111 ~011111 'Pl l' ( 1 tu . bl.! rnln J a.rsi MON "Pltublu" (IB80, BuspetlM) ruul M1c.tt11ol Oluwr. Suaan Hogan ;.. or•1u1• ut rr1(111tri1 polMt11t1 are motc»!ed .11.1.0tcJlroU 111 ttw11 111dlvldu11I IH rt 'A' ·M~ ..... fllOOTliM.I. fltlroy v~ H11wtho1r1i. 1n1 ( I hr , 30 min l .ae llOYll "W1mu w oman" (1944, HOI 101) l 11n (.hnr"'Y Brofldll Joyce ( t hr • io 111111 1 (!) MOlM DAm fOOTIAU. ...ullfY1 ... --''Cyl!Wih16"" ( 1901, Mytlltly) <:;1uornn11y W1111va1. Willi m Hurl A tolevl· '>•N1 11iprntnr boco1110& 11wotveo with 11 jan 1l0t wt)() rn11y know mOl8 about o murdt1 lh.11 t1u w•lno"58d than he ts say1og 'R' ( t hr 43 mlrl I -~TOOAY'IMLIQKIN .. .wml~ MOYIE "f other 0 1 The Bricle" ( 1950. <.;on1ocly) Spencer Tr3Cy. Elllabeth Tay· lw A 1011101 expe11ences 1111 ot the joys 11110 htiatlaches Involved wllh 1he prepare· uonti tor hi!> daugh1e1's upeomlng wed· (Jing (1 hr 30mln) 4c1tCD ltOV8 "Night Tide" ( 1963, Oremt) Denni' Hopper. Luana Andt11. A y<>Yng sallor &ncoun1ers a strange cetnlval girl who believes she carries 1 mermekl'• curse ( t hr , 30 min ) 4:11 (ZJ MOVIE "On The Nickel" ( 1979, Ora· mu) Ralph Wa11e. Donald Mollet. Life on I u'I Angelo~· ~kid row 1s depleted 'A' ( 1 hi 3!1 rtttn) 425 SJ GAU.AGHD: TOTAi.LY ... The zany, 11npred1ctable Callagher is back 1n a com· t'dY spec.1t1I taped hve at the Mayfair Musle Hdll 111 Santa Monica. Caltlorma (I hr ) dm2wmtYOU QEMYFAUIT ( l ltl1'11UCTIOeW. MMI "Football Ollon•.1ve I 1ne and Delenstve Back Drills" (RI (ti.MOYE la1100" (1981,0rama) Bruce Oer11 Maud Adams. An obsessed talloo '"""' k11lnilps a tash1on model and pro-1.ee<J~ 10 cover her !>Ody with his handt· Nud1 R' I I tu . 45 min l OJ MOYE •Halloween II" ( t98 I. Horror) Jd•rne Lee Cu111s. Donald P1easence A hopelessly 1risane murderer continues his reign ol lerror in a small town. 'A' ( 1 hr .. 30m1n ) d @ IT II WllTTIJI .. " MOYE "The Mad Ghoul'' ( 1943. Hor· 101) f velyn Ankeis, David Bruce A SClen· trsl discovers a way lo preserve the dead 111 a sta!P or :>11speoded animation I larho1· La\rH · 'lount < )lin~ \kmorial P~11·k · \l<H'lllc:ll~" \lrn1 ~olc ums Runal Jn At11; f 'emetery --Sl11µrfl(!11/ --C1e11u1twt1 /'/1J11., \1;111/11hfr 1625 Gisler Ave. Costa Mesa <G••••r Ave. •• Harbor e 1vo t Ph 540-5554 Friday. October 22. 1982 21 -luncl --llilvening .. , ...... mWll "Fists Ot Bruce Lee" ( 1979. Adventure) Bruce L•. Lo L1eh W111l lhe aid of a Hong Kong b1ll1ona11e. an adven 11.1rttt obtains a list of 1n1erna11ona1 smuu glers and drug-tralhcking gangs and se1s loul~!=~hrs) 8MT. IMIUQtt mWll "Houd1n1·· ( 1953 Biography) Tony Curtis, Janet Letgh The !tie 01 the world's grea1es1 escape ar11s1 is 1.c1oona1 lzed~~) 1--.0 WM I .VA "The Fragile Mounlatn ' A reporl on the severe soil erosion 1n the Himalayas that Is threatening the survMil ol l hfl Nepalese ls presenled o ( 1 hr I CC) mWll "High Ice" ( f980. Ad11en1ureJ Oavld Janssen, Tony Musanle Three stranded chmbers challenge lhe resources of a skilled rescue team (I hr . 40 min) Cl) mWll "Sptrit 01 The Wind" { 1979, Orama) Ctuel Dan George A young boy O\'efcomes his handiC8P 10 become the World Champion Dog Sleddet 'PG' (I hr,'<l mln) • .,. "Acfllenlures 0 1 The Wilderness Family" ( 1975. Adven1ure) Robe11 Logan. Susan Damante A cons1ruc11on worker, drslllus1oned with city lite, attampls 10 support his tam1ty by hv1ng off =ithe=~==-1:m1n) falLl'I CCMtT &:.~PION 9' • .,. "°""° ... "The Pr1va1e Cyff<>" ( 1980. Comedy) Doo Knotts, Tim Conway Two bumbling Ame<IC8n dele<:l1ves are called In 10 lnveshgate a serleS of murdefs 1n an ~castle. 'PG' (I hr . 31 min ) (gJ C• 9J&ll tlAMI The propensity tor winning of SUCh teams as the San Francis- co ·•Sert. the Cincinnati Bengals and Now York's Jets and Giants Is examined. • 1 Cl). mllTll • WOY~ Phineas end ,Jeffrey travel to the Old West of t880 to save TaddY Roosevelt from th& deadly hands of ~ the Kid (I hr } e 9 .u'rl ~" OR 9IOT1 Fea-tlftd. lhe rHl-tifa eoumetpart of Robin tOn Crusoe: spidefs that can calch ll::h and jump through the air. Joponese hOly men wtlO walk on red.fl<>! coals: the my&- terlout Nfe and death ot the mod King L~ of Bavaria. some IOUChif\O and fi cus marriages. ( 1 hr ) ...... PUCI .. ...,,. UCCI 11.-:1 lntorvtewt wllh pelnfef Edw8rd HoPper at varlOYt pojnt1 In hie Nfe 1ta coupled wllh an Hemlnatloo of hie work In this Oocumentar; by hit lr!fnd &Ian O'Ooherry ( 1 hr.) ' M&.c:mA,,.. .ut • ...u. .. ,_ "The Flight Of The Condof' Donald Jol\antOn takal lriewert on a r•a jouf nay through the Andet Moun telnl. (, hr ) (I) .. "Any Whleh Way Yoo C.n" (fllO. Comt<IYI Clint Eettwood. Sondra LocM. 8afora Miiiing down With hit ofrl 24 Friday. October 22. 1982 Lorne Green stars in 44Battlestar Gulactica •• , see n Sunday a t 3 p.m. on Kll.t, Cha nnd 9. and pe1 Ofangu1an. a bare-hsled ftghler signs up IOf one las1. 1ucra11ve march 'PG' i_!hr. 4Smin l CZ) llO¥ll "Three Wamors" ( t977. Dra- ma) Randy Quaid. Charle$ While Eagle. A 13-year-Old Indian boy. ashamed or beng recognized as a wamor. learns 10 apprec1- a1e his helila~ aller visiting his slek l~~~ml· 7:tl .. 19 ... MOCUY Boston Bruins vs Los Angetes Klfl11' (3 hlS.) G lllM ICMOOl llOOTULl. CSUF vs. Rer'IO {3 hrs,.) ... Cl) AIQll ..._.. PUCI Archie becomes a coo~9e\Jf of lhe ar1s when Jose's "garbage PAlnllngs" 6Uddenty t>ocome lhe tocal roge 8 e alPI A troubled t2-yeer-Old trleS to convince Pooch and Bobby that an alien It respontlbte for hel crlme aptee. ( 1 hr.) l ..-~1111-0 IMn NDUl1'0I Mott tries to clear a pro foofbolt quort8fbacl\ accuaed of mut· derlng hla team's ownltf wtth an unusual f otlvt. ( 1 ht.) ., . ....,. ~-... "fhe W1t Between Men And Women" ( 1972, Comedy) Jack Lem- mon, Barbeta Hauls An ecctnlrlc CN toonltt mAtriot a CSNol'c.e WhO hes 1t1tee chll01en .no 1 pregnan1 dog (2 hrt.) .... "Ttrr11ory 01 Ofhett" (1970) Docu,,..,tary The daMr1 wlldllft of Amer- ica'• vut Soulhwetl region remelns lto- lalad from man'1 lntrutlon. (2 iv. ) Qt ... "Thrta Ptnny Opef1" ( 1965. Mutlcel) Curt JUrgana, HlldegarOt Knell. Att1t overoomlng many ot>t11e1et. a man •S pardoned for pasl sons and eleva11>11 to nob1hly (2 hrs ) 8) llAl\IE "The Fitghl 01 Th(' Con<Jor'' Dr Donald Jonanson lakes 111ewt'r.., on a rare 1ourney lhrough the Andes Moun· ta1ns ( 1 hr) '1!) llAITBIPECl THEATIIE I o Serve Them All My Days · Oav10 marnes Belh. and raises 1he hackles ol !tie War Memori- al Comm111ee when he 1ns1s1s they build a gym ins1ead ot a s1a111t> (Part 3) Q ( 1 hr) CC) llOVll The Pur~uil Of D B Cooper" ( 1981 Adventure) Treal W1ll1ams Robert Duvall A thtef sky1ack!:> a plane ;ind para chules 10 safety over Oreqon w111t tl lor lune 1n stOlen money PC. 1 1 "' 40 nun) ™= Tuesda> Weld t ommy Lee Jones and Wilham Kall ... 1.11 '" 1tw N Richard Nash play a00u1 an 11onerur11 con men who rull1ll's a lonely woman·s yearn- ~~ IOf love (2 hrs . 10 fllrn J lSJ llOVll · All Noghl Long • ( 198 1. Come dy) Gene Hackman Ba11lra Slre1sand Alier being demoted trom corporate executive to cha1n-s101e n1gh1 manager a middle aged man·s llleslyle and values are turned upsi~n 1R' ( 1 hr 28 mm ) U llOVll "S1lve< Streak ( 1976 Come- dy) Gene Wilde! Jill Clayt>uogh A mild mannered book ed11or Jcc1dentally becomes tnvotved 1n a s1ms1er art lh1er·s bl1a11e p101 curong a cross-counlry train ride 'PG' ( 1 hr • 53 rrnn ) -all llMY PALWEl.l a:a 8 (I) QlOMA Joey·s plan lo regain his mo1her's a11en11on endangers thE> lite or a hnle piglet left 1n Glor1a·s care I MWO&D TOllOMOW IA'ftll)AY MCllfT .. (I) M &ilAiCWi Alter re1e<;1tng an oll8f to invest 1n Charhe's bar George comes up with an Idea 1ha1 1ur11s lhe boSI· ness into a goldmtne D e MIME "L1111e Glotta Happy Al Last" (Perl t) (Premiere. Orama) Ange- la Lansbury, Lucy Gulleridge Al1111 Reg1· nald Vanderbilt's de31h. his widow Gloria Morgan moves to Europe wtlh their young daughter. bol Is later ordered 10 return to Ametlea where she entrusts Little Gloria to the care of her slstef-ln·low. Gertrude Vanderbilt Whitney (2 hrs ) e .,...... M TIM 11tOUIMD DAY WM "America tn Vietnam" America's shifting mollvalloos ond priotlllos In Vlotnam are e11.am1ned ( 1 hr.) • aJ m¥ll "The Big Red One" C t980. AOventuro) Loo Marvin. Mark Hamil A tough Army wgeant leads lour young, inexperienced recruus 1n10 me \llolenc .. tllltd fray of W0<1d War II eombal. c:;i (2 hr1.~mln.) I :.aaCI MATM "To Serve Thefft "II My Oeys" David marrlet Both, and rtlieet the hackles of tho Wat Momor1 ol Committee when he Insists th 1y build 11 gym lntle.td of a st11tue (Port 3) Q ( 1 f\r.) e llYl19IY "Dying Doy" A man'• (Ian ~l(tllen) amuaement with a tapo ltft on hit lraln by a fellow eomrnuttt turns to ltr '°' wt*\ he plays II nd heArt two people ~lllnQ 10 kltl~r1 I) D { t hr l Cl)COU. Notri'Oftmo l"ight· Ina frlth at Dragon Ducks (A) (2 tvl . 30 mW\ l (C llCMI "Body And Soul" ( 198 t, Dr•· ml) Lton llHO Ktnfltdy, Jftyna t<anne- tJy A young b~~ turns to p1liellgh11nQ 10 r•IM the money he netdt tor tnt<flcal llChoot 'R' (I ht, ~min) t -lanclay Cont. ._,IC'll&• (JI .... CfnlUAAneoll (,111111111111' 1>1 the I Jiil rui11111ig ol 1111 11v11111 h u111 N11w VOf~~.~~ I OMl-•ALL n-T ._ '1'1111 A111" 1 111~ Now?" Outt.,I Mu1y,11111 N l\1•111•1 111~1 ~11 • p10•1tlnnl , P.i11111 W1<bht11 M1l l ltrtll liul<;llln-t, Ill(. i )Mlm POllDA'I WO.OUt CALVM't QWll. ua .,_ 'C.iµ1<11n ~flt1u1111 11 ... 11l~11w111 ( IU!>I Ad\111111111 .. ) llltljllllY l't·l~ v.iu1n la Moyo (? ll11t) • llAITIMWCI MJ1111 I.., !w1v11 rt1t1111 All My 1l.1y"" (l11v1d y111•" 1111 11 111111 Olly 1111d 111t1••h 11 y1>111111 n"'"'' who 111111tu•. hull lo Ct!IUblllltl ht•r t11tlh!IHy with ht•f i nti :>) 0 (I tu I MUMAm111 THllOUCllH 1'MI MT1 ) llOVll "Sllunc:u Of I hu Nw Ill" ( l!Jtl I AOven1u10) ~ llcm l11m.1yn, I um ~t..11111tt (I h1 ,:l!lm1n) DllOVll "Svndny 11111 I .11 Awny'' (111.1 Ima)~~ (Ill• .lU111111) 11• 1111 MAIM Oii LMllll 11:• c•l•ICOM 11:11 nll WID wmt DAV'ID-LEY TIMY CCU.WMtTTMlll .,. "A Doy A1 lhu nalt"·"' ( 1'1:1/ Comedy) Mai~ £11ulht<1 .... M.1V1Ll\.'n O'Sul l111an (?his J I a«MCtt • 1111 MOfllm ......,.. THllOUCllH M MT1 ) llOVll 'OanS}er0\1<, 0.1v11>s·· ( I <JU I Conie<Jy) Ot!rn.110 C11l>l1111~ 0111 MJynJHl u hi !>Onml) (l ) MOVtl 'The Learninq lrPe·· ( 1969 Otama) Kyle Johnson Ah» Clarke ( t h1 . 45m1n) Afternoon lltl t1 T1I& ITOOGll • ~Don I Raise ThP fl11dgc l uwer The River" ( 1968 CumrOyl Jt!rry l ew1s Te11y· Thomas (2 hr•, ) 81) llvumt NiMUAL FH11VAL Of MAUI PMADI The Crall tlfld ! Olk All Mui.evm's annual p11111e1e live l!on1 W1l~hiro Bovie 11ard. is shown 11 hr ) 61) UMDIJllT A...o tulAN IBtAYIOll ("CJ llOVIE "The Pv1su1t ()I D n Cooper" ( 198 1. Aovenlvre) Tr(lat Wlll1nms. nobe1I Duvall ( I hr 40 m111 ) l.SJ ftU • lllQHT IAC« Avery Schreiber and Ch11s11n11 re11111e hosl d look di TV's mosl memornbtc comrne1cra1s lrom the 01rth ol rhe medium 10 the presenl day (I hr 301111n) m llOVIE T11e lw.111\le In GO<l s [ye' ( 1955. Comeoy) M"key Rooney C•Jteer• Gray ( I h1 30 mm ) tt:lll WA&.1 ITMIT ~ IUO«T • WLD, WLD WOll.J> Of AlmALI I wmalTAll*Q tulMI llHAYIOfl llOVll .. AC1ven1ures 01 The W1IC1erne5!. Family" ( 1975 Aoven1u1e) Robell LQgan Susan Oaman1e ( I hr 40 m111 ) tt:ll@ MOVtl ·rrie frve Pennies (t9!>9 Biography) Danny K:iye Barbara Bel Geddes 12 hrs . 30 n11n I W IJ CCllilQl fOOTW.L Oregon State vs use (2 hrs 30 min' O MR. fOOTW.L lnf' •<>gula1ly schf'dvle\J games may be pie C>mp1cc1 11 Hip NFL owner I player C11!>p111e 1ema1ns unie solved. w11h allC>rnarn p1091amm1ng schecJuled on ;i weel..-10 wct>k oasis 13 hrs) 1 1111 ... TOI MOVtl "TencJer Is The N1gh1" I 196? l.Hlml) J111111UOI Jtlflflt, JHtlfl llt11>1t0t Jr Ii*'~~ I:= , .. ., 111\Jhl rn llKJ co11<J111· JP Oon11ld Jollu11~111 lul<u~ 11iuwt1111 1H1 u 11111~ 111111111•y 11111o11uh 1111• Ar1•h"• Moun l11111w ( I l\t ) GD 99\ fOOTW.L ',1111 1111'\Ju r horuur" 111 &ttJltl•J ~tJIJflUWk•o (I 011t11l1Vf I (,I"" I ID WM OCMJllllDT (() IOlltO ( UvlllUl.Jtl ,,, tfH, Joh1111y (l11111pl111•, I fl,11 I IUllUI y Ill 10111111 jUllllll w11llt11w1111.1r11 IM11ll .11111 11111 fl,111'. M1 < 111 thy I Bobby 101• Y11UlllJ Ill 1tl\1r11J w11I hllWttl"hl l.HtUI tit) (('I"') JO lllHI ) 8 llOVW "I 1.1•, l 1111!, ( 19!>/ Mw111.11I) <Tono Klrll)I. M1111 t.11y11w (I hr !>'• 111111 ) 1:11 m '4"'°°' 1DC11MT ,,.no. "" ntl """°" llOVW ''Jou111uy l o t h;; C•Jfll<11 QI lllo furth" ( 1959, Suuru .. u I 1i;11u11) f',11 IBu°fMI =·~~·~~LEY AD•tt WAMG0¥81~ ~MOVtl "Pu1tt1111•f' I l'l!>f>. ll•11111u) Vun Hallin, fd Ougluy ( t t11 t (SJ IHORT Pte«I (?l MOVtl "P,1111" lll n1wy' ( 19!1/ 1)1.1 rnn) Kirk 1)011yln•, J'.folptt Mroko1 ( t h1 :?!>min J m llOVIE "Cholf11Jt• Of Ht•<l•I" ( 1'Jil;J Co11111dy) Su!..tn lf11yw.11d Juh11 Cunull t91t~lllMD WOMDEll WOMAN llOVll 'Sote11c11 Al110· ( 11)70 We<.1 ein) Peler S1rau1>1>. c;,,,1011.e Bl!lyt!n 12 n1s) Ga MOVtl ·1 ovo !> S.t11age rury" ( 1979 OtarnaJ Jenr11ll:'r O'Neill Pc11y K111g (? hrs) (I) MOVIE On Muonllynr Oay" ( 1951. Mv"l•Cill) [)011'> Dily Cnr<Jon Ma~nuc (7 hr!.) ® ONE • A ntOUIAll> A Clocueliam.J about a la1111ly'!:> ellmls lo tmng a hand1 capped child 1h1ou911 ,1 hlcl1me L>I chal le0{les ,., p1esonte<l ( 1 hr ) m llll>f IUIMll TOOAY m lfTllOOUCIMQ llOlOQY ~) lllOVIE "The Brolhtir!. Kc.1amazo11" ( 1956. Diama) Ma11a Schell. Yul BrynM• (2 hrs. 30 m111) (~ llOVIE "Suflday In New 'Yn•k" ( 1964 Cornedy) Chi! Aohertsun Jane Fonda ( 1 2:111"'.· 5:~11lMD I lfT1M>OUC8IQ llOlOQY ._.. IOU1lCE Hronry Fonda an<J Myrna Loy sta1 as a rnarrn1d couple who 1ellec1 on t11e11 ~O year .. ICKJ<'ll\<•1 (0 llOVIE Tolluw lhl:' no~r· ( 193!> Music.ii) Fro<l A'.IJ111· (, nye1 Ruge1s (7 his) 0llOVIE 'Tht> (,real Bani\ Hoa~ ( 1979 Mystery) Neel Beally nicha1C1 OaSl't'larl l1 hr . 27 min I .. u MOVIE 0AI w.11 W1U1 Tnc A1my ( t 95 1. ComeOy J IH>an Martin Jerry l Pw is (2 hrs J ~r.:=o ~ OllCMEITU llEHEMIAl &l) CAL.F<INIA WED • MVEW m "'1IOOUC*G llOlOQY l l lllOYIE "Ttic l11Sltf11.u1" ( 11176 U1,1rn.1) Michael Craig nvou• Nt'vt1• t I 111. 4'J min) (t , llOVIE ' On Tile Nickel' ( 1979 Or;i mat Ralph Wa11e OonalcJ Mollal Ml@ LAIT Of ll4E WIJI .... PMIOUI CU111C TAUi "Jou111uy 111 fJici Cu11tur OI I llu f •. 11th" Anl11111t9d I llllk• t1Mµlt111•lt. dl•ll U\/Uf u loft< 11,I llfOhill lurk world 1111l1•1o 1,1•111•11111 111411!4111111'• 110r illll,~~-l'Ml"'Alm 1111 IOCOCMI> Pu.I -WAllmOTI* ~DIMl•llMOm.,M..,IW-- *-RACM WllKLY .,. "Oritt 011 011u ( l'J/ I. 01111118) llOl1hy ru111 wn A111wlll1 (J I U<Jlu ( I hr , 38111111 I QI llOVW 'So 1111:, I•. N11w Ymh" ( 194tl. Cot11utJy) tl1u11y M111u.111 ll111if Vnllofj (I ht 301111n) =1=::.:u CMDOORllWt AT1111MOVtll Wll.CC>m IACll, ltOTTP llO¥ll 'MuOh1>11',f'" ( 10//, Horror) Vlne;unt Prll.;t!, l'olur Cu~llllllJ (? 111:;) ... llOVW "l ltu Wm i.WIWOIJl1 Mon Ano Womon · ( 197? CornoOyJ Jack Lem 111011. Bo1t>r11111111111•. (2 hr~ I e MOVW "<.tty Honmun lhe Sen" ( 1963. AtJvtmlurt!) fl11tmr I Hy11n. Amhony U111nn (1 h1i; I ® MtQ Of M RTTUCCMI f.I!) WALL l11IEfT WED m .,.. "0111111ge1" ( 1973 0•81118) Wa11en Oa1e~. lien Jc>r111•,011 (2 hr!> ) ~ DUIQNMQ HOii( iNTallOM IPOllTICDfTlll ( MOVtl "1111µ11111111 (,h.1n11uls" ( 198 t . Comedy) AIJll A1•1111 M.111ctto HO•lloy (I ht . 32 nun) @MOVIE Sh:opu19 txx)':· (Drarna) Sam Neill. Wi11ten 0410s ( I he 45 min J 4t:tl@ MOVtl "Sar;i Dane· (Pall t) (Orama) Jul1e1 Jo10011. Harolo Hopkins (2 hrs I di IJ ~ Gueslf, Guberna10<1al c0nd1C1atP.s Brauley ..i110 Daukme11an (I ht) O tumAY I IJt..111011 five horn the Sec· ond Annuol I ong fle.1c.t1 PuOhc Safely l~,§~~-- .-.0 WITH cal>Y llOVIE "Thi:: (11ea1 Bank Hoax" ( 1979, Myslery) NecJ Really. f11cha10 Baseherl {1 hr , 77 rn1n 1 (0) llOVIE .. Tiit· P11v:i1e fyes" ( 1980. Comedy) ()on Krwlh . Trm Conway ( 1 hr .31 m 111) W (Z) llOVIE ·11w; orm111ng Liie" I 1963. Orama) f'11l.lla10 Homs. Aachel Roberts lhrc;, l!>m111) .. HAPPY DAYUGAlll A8C .... ll'A'l'H WALL m&T .IOUNW.. llEPO«T = T111,.P P1•1111y Oµt'ra" ( 1965, Musical) (..url l1114i,11•, H11degarde Knell ~hrs) WF-.o~ ~ DOWT °'9 <* llf EI COLl.EGI fOOTW.L Clemson Tigers at NO•lh Ca1of1na S1a1e Wollpack (3 hrs) (L MOVtl 'Marco Polo. Jr" ( 1973. Aelven1ure) A"'ru.m~d V()f(;e ot Bobby ~dell ( I hr !>O llU/1 ' w MOVtl ·noc.i.. P1e11y Baby" ( 1957. Mu-,1c.al) J<1lm 5.1 .. m I uana Patten lea I~ lt9UY I COMPANY ~ .IAC« AMDEJllOM COMRDElfTW. Friday, October 22. 1982 23 _....... ........ ---------------~ -lunclay Conl. youog man from 1he country l1ncls lhar his job as a dooHo-dool salesman 1n London has some unexpecled bo(luses 'R' 11 hr 20 min.) .. (H)MRYmAID Tuesday Weld. Tommy Lee Jones anct W1tt1am Kall s1ar on lhe N Richard Nasti play aboot an 111neran1 con man who fult11f's a lonely woman's yearn I fa< love (2 hrs 10 min ) .. .,,. 1111 FAITM• 110Y1E "The Pursu11 Of DB Cooper' (1981. Advenlure) Treal W1thams. Robert Duvall A lh1ef sky1acks a plane and para- chures 10 safely over Orpgon w11tt a 101 tune 1n srolen money 'PG' 11 tor 40 min) (£) HOftll RACING WHXL Y (R) 0llOYIE "Sunday Too fat Awa)· ·Dra ma) Jack Thompson An unc< rnrnon c.orn· radery developor; among rP.belflous st18"lp shearers in Ausrraha when lhcy t1nd them- selves trapped 1n a gruelrng and rhankless worlung ntghlmare ( 1 hr 30 min I ._CD TO#O'TME~ ([) lfl()MICefml Lll llOYIE "This Sporr1ng Life" ( 1963, Drama) Richard Hams Rachel Roberl5 A successful rugby pldyer loses rne love ot a good woman alter 1a1>.1r1g advantage of her (2 hrs. 15 min) ttl@ RMTM 4:10 ~ llOYIE "All N1ghl Long 1 I 98 t Come- dy) Gene Hackman. Barbra S11e1sand Airer being demoled from c0fpora1e e11ecut111e 10 cha1n·s101e night manager a m1ddle-age<l man's htesryle and values are rumed upsicJe-down A' ( 1 hr 28 min ) ~Cl) IUUMNKU Teachers call a truce with the tube By JACK CURRY Al fu-sl. educators SC.'Oml>d prrme- lim£' te levision. With their endless sitcoms and varrl'ty hours. schedules seemed to provide· little more tha n evening d1stracuon from humework and readini;( That c h a ngC'd howt>ve r when teachers decided to use telev1s1on fare lO their advantage rather than fight its appeal. Now t•anny profs a rc d i r ec ting s tude nts to watch ever ything from "Marco Polo" to "Three's Compa n y" with a n eye towards how tclev1s1on's best a nd w o r s t can s t1 mu la lt> c lassroom learning. In order to Cac11atatc that process, many producers supply faculties with instruc t ion al guides spet·1£ic·ally designed for an individual s h ow . .Discussion topics, suggested readings. vocabulary lasts and related activities are included as well as synopses of the s h ow's info rmation . Na t u r a l ly enough. considering the quality and content of its program, WGBH. the PBS affillatc that produccs "Nova," has developed one or the m09t popular of these supplements According to Mic hele Korf, the director of the s tation educational actlvlUes. good teacher guides must be general enough for adaptation to a broad spectrum of settings. without submitting to the lowest common denominator. "What Is oppropriate for a standard 10· 1 lth grade class. might be just right for a precocious 7-8th grade cl .. .'' she says. The teacher's guide for ''Nova" is designed to be right for both. The "Nova" episode to be aired Tueed ay Invol ves utlflcl•I ln&.elU,enco and the guide'• commen\3 (')n lt exemplify what Ml11 Korf 21 Friday, OCtober 22. 1982 The suggcstt.•d <H:llv1t1l•S run tht• gamut f.rom s1mpll• d1sc.•u:.s1ons ahoul thl· roll· ur computers to l'hallc·ng1 nR projl'l'ts 1nvo lv rng al·tual softwarc dt•s1gn. Considering how popul;ir l·lw g uides arco, ll 1i. hkc·ly sc.hoolchtldn•n all across the countrv '"'111 be• c>t>m- pll'tmg hom1•work ass'ignmc11Lo.; along tht·si.· hm•:-. St:vNal Wt'<•k:-. down tht' road. th" :O.l'fll'" ;11r::. Jll c•p1sude on "Tht• Tt•lcv1:-1on Explo:-.run." a nd latC'r, "The Making of a Natural History F'tlm." Ac:c:ord rng tu Miss Korf. with the guide'" hl•lp. things lcarned watching thYS<• shuws will makt• th<' students lx•tter able to profit from thl' series. and wll•v1s1on v1cwrng. ns a whole Machine that could outpace their creators are explored on "The Mind Machines" on the Public Broadca11in1 y1tem network. -lunclay Cont. (%) .,_ "Un I hit Ntt i..,r ( 111/U 111.1 fllA) llalph WR11t1 fl, "wlll M11ll111 11111 ,,., l o Angciletl ~klU IUW I okt1••1 to.1 H (I ht , 36 flllfl I .. (Ill .. "' ... Cl) •DAY Af A Tm IHllllllll• 1•111. Ann tnlo 10t11111u he1 lu1 11 t;1rn1tu•tt" t111 • 10 Ports I MCIVAN ... .. ''01111lry HhJO' Au11111 ( 1•1111. OOlttrnl J'1111di. Stf'wnll M111l1t111• () lrlCh An UllllllTIOl.I rfopuly 1.l11411lllJ Ill II cttmo 1>IAUU<ld ww11 1111t.1 l 11ptu1ui. H>t• OllOCllOnS OI 11 lovely 1Jl11t1bhllij hull ho·.t au (21111 l (I) .,.,. "H11Uuwoo11 II" ( t 90 I 11011 "" Jamie Liff.! Curltfj D<.>t•ttld l'tuw .. u1C.1• I\ l'\Ol)tllH!lly 1n!ll100 111u1du1111 c:m11111um hu. reign OI turrOI In 11 ~m.1111own n ( I tu 30mln I .. 8 ()) 'l'lt#fllt J0MN. IU). I ~Ulilt\) 11u '" .o p1011on folluro. Dr Jilcl-µut Jn1.l\.,v10 reatgno tr om lho t1o"!plli1I &IJll, 1111\J ~11111 I 118811. () senou&ly Ill UYPllY ( I hi ) u~OOAY ...... WI l11tor111(•w•1 Wllh painter l"dword Hopper 111 v.111oub po111t" In his hie a1e coupled wllh ,in t>k1lr11rnat1011 ot hos wOtlo. Ill th1~ oocu111ti111111v uy 111 hiend 011a11 O'Dohe11y It 111 ) • ICMDMITEM I WOM> INTO llAQl "[leRnOI Pe11y" The late ftean111 l-'u11y dlSCUSSOS hor 1nte1os1 In ttlO llO(J•l fl\HllUll cond11tons ano her rule db •) wv111J11 111 lllmmaklfly ID ...,... llOIT ENGU8H · Cluuoi. ()t Witness" The aci.:ub(ICI warn!. I t11(I Pcte1 Wlmsey to stay out ot the alt.i11 (l'nol Jl ~ hl.lw. "Root.I Ga111ei. . I 196 I My~ 1e1y) Stacy Keach. Ja11110 Lee Cu1hi, An eccentric t1ucker a beaut1lu1 Mthn111er end o psychopathoc l-1lle1 tr<1vt>ll111J 1n11 same route ptay games ot hit: ,1n1J do.itt1 'PG' ( 1 hr . 40 min ) 0 MOVIE Thu l 11'>1 T1111e· I 196? Romance) To!n Choate K11s1a rrn;ks<m A college lreshrnan w110 l\as t.>een taught many schemes to capt1Jre d wom,in s 11111 cy. d1sco11e1s 1hat love is mo1e 11111)01 tdnl than :::J' th11lls 'R' ( 1 111 35 111111 1 -ltll "Bad Man's Rover " ( 197:> Western) Lee Van Cleel Gina Lollobr1g1 da. A Mexican re1101u11onary hires the IOU• most wanted men on ltle West 10 t.1est10y •l gQvernment arsenal I t ht 55 m111 J ta11CH)llOVll "P1111ate Lessons· ( 1960 Com edy) Sylvia K11stel Howard Hesseman A wealthy man assigns hos seductive house keeper the 1ob of prov1d1ng hos t 5 yt>:11 oil.I son with his hrst se•ual e•pe11eru;e n I 1 hr .• 30m1n J -, ,Amt mllAGIE 5 CM? U'OllTI ~ ...., .. AOQART TOWY .owM'I ~ 'NAACP What Olrectlon" Plagued by problems. the NAACP looks for a new d11ec11on ©) MOVll "Body Hea I ' I t 96 I Suspense) Wolllarn Hurl, Kathleen Turner A smalltime rtonda lawyer 1s persuaded by his lover to m1Jrder her husband R' I t hi. 55 mrn) 6D llO¥ll "Battie 0 1 The C0tr1mandos" ( 1971, Adventure) Jack Palance Tnom as Hunter A small team ot commandos is a551gned to dest1oy a powerful German cannon betore 11 can De IJSe<l aQB1ns1 the Allt"'3 (I tH 111 mof" I 1ti411 IUtlOAY "°"1S PAGE Cl&Jltco. tW D Cll GD ... ...-~ UMYPAMllt ~fAUllU 0 llO¥ll 'lht~ l'1.11111y Upura" I IOOb. Mu ·ll ull C.u11 Jui UUllM I lllt.lttgt1rl.la Knl'lll Altl'I UVl'H IHlllfl\J lllllllY ut"lucloO, II ITI/111 " I •111111111od 1111 pu~t Llrw 11110 et11v11100 lo 11111,1111r (;> ""' ) fl!) INIM ...V.WI Nuul C .. 1l1lt!1 11111J Jill '" i I Ylll 1" •,11l11U whut thuy < 0111,lrl~r IO I.Ht ll1t• 1111111111"1 •.t.1111111il l)(ttjl, wor11t nnt.t llliO';l lllllllJllll( 111111!> ID COUJQI POOllAU. HIQllJQHf1 "M159 111111 11 N!!bl 11r.k.1 . ( I Ill ) f L. 1 llOVll c l11"•11y A11~rMm. U 5 Novy" ( I' 110 I 1 •tt11•1lyl 'ih1lll I utlUfll\ A furi luv1111,1 vo•11111 .v11111.111 t111t.110 1.1~tllt1111ttnl on lhtf t111,1h "t"J'> fl It h1 JO 111111 J Zl llOVll f.1thJO ( 106 t Oritmu) Bruco Ut.:111 MuwJ AiJum'> An ot>WUM!CI Wlloo .1111•11 1111111.111" •I l,10,hk.111 modul und pro c:1•11d•, Ill '0\1111 llrll bOlly Wllh hl!J llOndl wurl-If ( t ht 4!'> min ) 11•1$) AFTlt Of MY lllChllld I hOlllOS rej)tlat& 1111> 13rCJullwoy 1010 a& 11 porapateglc Viet· 111111111t1111w11 humu, ltJt o lorr11ly 10011100 on h1doµ-011t.11111vu Duy (2 hru 10 111111 ) 11:tl CllNIWI 11:11 U'OllTI PIUL 'ACl.-nat a ... IAMYfAMIJI AT TMI llOVlll TA.Lii Of M ~CTID : TV OU~I "WO!tl V11~111i.1" llOVll "Mr•, n·s DRughter . ( t97~. Or.1mi1) Ctnrt'o I oucl1mon Seu:.on Hub h•y r hu 11111thu1 nl u 1u1~ 11ic11m embarks 011 •l 11.1u111a111 .. 11nll flu&1ra1t11y battle to t.11111y l1w !l.1uyhro1 •, r11µ1st 11> trial (R) (i Ill~. ) ( £ ) llORT1COl1"a UM 0 llOVIE 'MIS R's Daughter" ( 1979. !1111mo) Ctu11~ louct1man. Season Hub· loy The 111u1t1cr nt c1 1ape v1cum embarks 1111 o lrJu111tllll. dnd hustratong battle to b11110 her d.1ugllt~r's rapist to t11a1 CR) (2 111·.1 .c llOVlf lhl' 11.w1 Pr·opte" ( 1969. Ota rni1) J.111tt1'> c..i.in. Sh11ley Knight A young wc1nl.111 St!t'o uul 011 d <.10SS·COu11try t11p to uu,11)1! tht' 1u~µons1b1ht1es o l he1 mamage .111d 111tl)e11u1r1q rnotherhOOd 'R' (H) ON LOCATION "Catch A R1s1ng Star's 10th A1111111ersary" nlchard Belzer, Pal 13enatar. Oa111d Bronner, Billy Crystal, Gabe Kaplan and nob•n Wllhams are arnnny the stats salu11ng the New York showcase club which gave thern 1he11 start ( I hr . 30 min ) 11:191) FACE THE NATION 12:91 l'W cu• MIC .... • WOMJ) YlllON -.:'Vlf ~ ir.11 ·h 1 l'11anha ( 1972. At1vonturo/ l-'1'11'1 [3rown. William Smtih A 1ulhtc~·· hunter st:tlerne!. 10 stalk a 1110 ot 1ungte woldlote ph01og1upners (2 tus) I OUTPLMTI THE "°°9CIH llOYIE "Vouny Rebel" ( 1970, Adven- ture) Horst Ouchholz, Gina Lollobrtg1da. Based on a novel by Druno Franck A sen- s1h11e youog 1deat1s1 is sent to Spain by Pope Pius V to ya1n suppoit against the Moors (?hrs . t5 rnon) 0llOV1f "fl1111a1e lessons" I 1980. Com- edy) Sylvia K11stel Howa1d Hesseman A wealthy man ass.gm. his seducltve house- ~Pepe• lhf' 100 o t pro111r.11ng his 15-year-otd ' ' ....... ' 111<.t <;.e11J.1I .... rN•enCP 'R' It 1~u tr.41 llOVlf ·••·•du·,, l" 11Jlt Lv111t: dy) Wairen Beatty Susannah York A member ot the 1e1 sel de111ses a scheme to beat the casinos ol Europe (2 hrs } 12;31 IJ MOYE "The Deadly Bees" ( 1967. 11011(.)1) ~111Dnnu I rtlijh f I Urik r lnl11y A r'°P einoor "11tt0f1ng 11om ft•h1u1tl()I' nn(j lhtt ullttrtHOlh o l d v111tt 01eskt.lown t11rt1111ti 111 u tioo lm111 lr>r 111111. only ro !Ifill hi.II Ill• 11ncJ1111gtJIUd by thu lll!Wlll• l>tl• keoWil ~ 40 lfllll ) -~ llO'IW "SotnO()fllt At lt10 l tJp 0 1 11111 S.:Jlru" ( 1913, 1101101) 0011116 Mllh1. Jut.Iv C11111u lwo yOUt!y won•r•111e111 11 rooru at 11 lorbl(Jdlr~ VICIOrt1111 mtlllfllOrl t1nd dlll covo1 thnt thotr ftollow 1111111nt11 1110 ncll who~1~h11'>11 ( 1111 :Stl 111111) ffi ~ fOOT9ALL (,lu1111'0f1 llQt.<1'! ut N0tlh Cu10l11111 Stole Wullµi!<.lo. 13 hr~ ) (0)110¥11 "fl11v11ltl I Ul>SUh'> 11960. Com· l}dyl Syllltu Km.tu! Howa1d lht!l!.Unum A WOllllhy 1111111 1u.'llijllll htti !.OdU<:ll\16 hOO!iO koopor tho 1ob of prn111d1ng htt. 15-yeoi olct 0011 with hll> llt')I :.QJ<Ullf OllPOllonce 'ff ( I hi . 301111n) tM (lJ llO¥ll "Po11111 0 1 Glory" ( 19!>7. Ora mo) Kirk Oouulm. nlllµt1 Mtitlker During World WAr I all OlhClll Order~ hill m1111 Oil a &UICICll! m1sruon nt Verdun and then a11en1p1s 10 concour hit> lolly t>y demand •n{J tht< ei10<;u11on 01 1n100 sotn1ors by whvm hu loot~ t1110Jtunod t• (%1 "°"9rl 1&.£JICE llll"1Vt0W'> with pa1n1u1 { t.lwllld fi(•IJµt.o' .ii 11.u11>U!. points 111 h11> hlu 1111: l.Wµlud w1lh an 1•i.a111111a11on ol ho~ worlc. 111 th•~ UOl.unw11ta1y by his h1uod Bmm O'Oohu1ty ( t hr ) 1:11 lH) llOVIE "One ()11 One' ( HJ77. Drama) Robby Benson Annette U' I oote A boy who goes 10 college 011 a basketball ~ChOID1sh1p 1& oousu\J by the coach, :><.orne<l liy 111!! 1u1ur and used by lhe schOOI fo1 ti!> ow11 purposes 'PG' (I h1 • 36 nun) 1•(S)llOYll "P1111ate t essons" ( 1960, Com edy) Syt1110 Kris101. Howard HEISbernan A wealthy m.rn •l&SllJ"' hr<. S4..•t.lul.ltve house k&el)Cr th(l jUU ()I f)•• • Joto J /11<;, I !J year Old son with tu:. h•'•I ,,••uJt ~1pcrou11<.t1 R (I hr , 30 tn111) t:llG) .... 0 llOVIE [iooy H1•lt (196 1 Suspenw/ W1lharn Hurl l\.ill1ltit111 Tu111er A smallt1111u I lor1da luwyer 18 persuaded by his lo11er 10 mu1de1 her husband 'A' (I hr 55 mm) t:ll CC) llOVll "The Ollence" ( 1973 Orama) Sean Connery. i1evor Howa1d While tracking down a child molester. a London delect111e slowly edges h1msell roward a nervous breal\down 'R' ( I hr • 54 min ) 1M D AT OMI Guest actress Joan Hackett HI J.l. '(Jj Cll MEWS MICtmmcH ~ llOYIE f dy) Bir/;• ·r y l 1 , 1 1 , 1 1 " ti< / > 111hern an old snac.11 arn1 • ...,,111 1t a tong stdnd1n= I 1 t1r 30 n11n ) ~ =.. VAW ,,_, TltE FOUR IEAIOMI Many ot Valli's hits. such as "Sherry," "Walk Like A Man" and "Rag Doll," are featured 1n 1111s concert lrom Chlcago·s Park West Club ( 1 hr ) n m ~ t:11 rrtYOUR• HEii llO¥ll "P1111ate Lessons" I 1980 Com- edy) Sylvia Kristel Howa1d Hesseman A wealthy man assigns hos ~duc1111e house keeC"'' 1" •• nr r ' • • '<. "'ll ·nlrj MU NEWS HI CS) MOYE "Na11ghly Wives · ( t97 4. Com Ody) Brendon Proce. Jacqueline Logan A Friday, October 22. 1982 25 -Monday Cont. I=~:~ 1 r Store IMC:m.. I L8IB llU'OR'T .-M......in llO¥IE "The Big Beat" ( 1958. Mus.- cal) Wilham Reynolds Gog• Grant The stuffy and dtgnthed p1es1den1 of a claSStCal rec0<dlng company de<:1des 10 lel his sazr loving son into the bUsmess I 1 nr 30 min) .. 8 CJ) IT'I TMI CRAT ~ aw1.JE ..,.. Animated Linus chooses 10 wa111n a pumpl<tn patch tor a magical 1ack-o' lantern to appear rather than go t!lck-or· treah"Q with his tnends (R) a &> unu NOUlf: A NEW •.-ca A loaner circus dwarf s hopes tor settling down m Walnut Grove are shattered by the prejudice and Mtre<l ot Mis Oleson O (lhr) a VEUM: TMI TD 1ltOUIMO DAY WU "Dten Bien Phu'' The de teal of French l0<ces el Olen Bien Phu !riggers 20 years ol direct American 1nvolvemcn1 t I hr ) l l1)1MA1'1___.E llO¥IE "The Sailor Who Fell From Grace With The Sea" ( 1976. Orama) Kus KtlStotterson. Sarah Mites Ba:ied on a story by Vuk10 M1sh1ma After discarding his ca reer ta< an EllQhShwoman's love. a sea captain tails to meet her son's insane- ly jealous demands 101 pertectt0n (2 hrs~ i 'JI. llAQoUINl ComtC strip ca1 "Gar ftetd" becomes a TV star, a look at the TV sl10W called "Thal Ou11 Show' e llCMI "Mayday At 40,000 Feel ( 1976, Suspense) Oa111d Janssen Don Meredilh In a struggle tor a gun, a killer dlsables en airliner (2 hrs ) tB mlD IAG "Chfisto's Valley Curtain" The ar11S11C process and reactlOns ot resr dents ot artist Christo's hanging an orange nylon curtain between two Cotora dO mountal~= e mAT "The Charter- house Of Parma" Gina Countess P1e1ran- era (Marthe Keller) influences her neph ew F'abrice (Andrea Occh1p1n11), son ot an aristocrat dGvoted to lhe Austrians. 10 embrac;e the revotullonary ideas of lhe Napoleontcero. (Part 1) (1 hr.) It Ul\lm "The night Qt The Condor" Or. Donald Johanson lakes viewers oo a rare journey through tho Andes Moun- tains (1 hr) CC) llCMI "Escape From New YOfk" ( 1981, Science Fiction) Kurt Russell, Adrienne Barbeau tn 1997. a hardened crlmlnBI iS offered a pardOn If he can r9$-cue the pt'esl<lent ot the U.S from lhe ~ clly that Manhattan hos become R' (1hr.40m~ (I)..,. .. CID llCMI "House Catts" ( 1978, Come dy) Welter Ma1th11u, Glenda JackSOfl A widOWed dOCtOI halts his Ctisanovt1 tend· enc:les l()("'l enough to 1011 fOf n divorcee Who dOest\ 1 believe 1n pt11t8ndefrfl{I ·pa· 1! hr. 38 min) Cl) iiiij "Salem's Lot" I 1979. Horror) Oevld Soul. Jamee MaflOfl A noveli 1 relUl'nt 10 hie bOyhood homo to pvl an end to troubled memoriot but find• that • llnlel., myttety 11\rovdt hit town 'PG' (I "'· 60 min) it llCMI ''.MY cn.mp1on" ( 1981, Ofa· IN) Yoko ~. Chrlt Mitchum. The true 1tory ot 1 female J1peneee running mlt told. ( t l\r •• 45 min.) -Wlnll --~at& Al Anlmlttd. II 'ttdmy, October 22, 1982 Be tte Davi · is Alice Gwy nne Van<l~rbilt , ma triar<-h of ont• of t•w York's m ost wealthy families. in the t•onclu!->ion of HLittlc Gloria . . 1-tuppy a t I.a -1," tonig ht ut 9 on K N HC, Chonrwl 4-. Uarlteld tries to tescue his aim·w11ted s1dek1Ck Oche when he Is caught 1r1 the lm1~~. of o caper and sent 10 the dog QWUE'I .... IO YOU T.-YOU GOT lMW&.11 VICTOR AIAmlNlllM A new version ot the clnss1c story, adhering closely to the orlglnol novel "Frankenstein." (I hr , 30 min) MOYIE Tho Lost Tycoon" I 1976, Om· ma) Robe<t DeNlro. Jeanne Moreou Based oo the s101y by F Scott Fltzgereld A 1930s movie producer becomes !he friend ot stars. the envy ot powe•·hungry execulives and the rnoel ellgibl<l bnchelor In 1~2 hrs .. 30 min ) CI> "Palhs 01 Glory" ( 1957. Ote- ma) Kirk Douglas. Rnlph MeekCf DurinQ World Wor I. an ottlcor ordors hit men on a sulelde mlsslOn 01 Verdun and then attempts to conceal his lolly by demand Ing tho executlOfl of three soldiers by wtiom he feels th1eatened I I hf • '5 mm.) .. t11) llO¥IE "The Ovyona TraoedY The Sto ry OI Jun Jones" (Patt t) 0980. Ota ma) Powors Boothe, Ned Bo11tty The Nie ot People's Temple teadGr Jim Jones Is traced from hiS call to the ministry to the mt1S!l 11Ulc1do et Jones1own (2 hfl.) .. 9 Cl) rA"t ... (Season Premiere) A big c.ltbtatlon da~ at the 4077th It le<>P- erOl.tt<I when M•roere1 ttam• 11\at a not~ rloully 1trlel tonlor Olfietr It •rrlvlng IOOn f()f 11\ lntpeel_lon. 8 .... "Llltlt Glofle .. HIPPY At L••l'' (Pan 2) (Pfemi9f•. Crimi) Ange- ,. L..tMy, L~ Outtlltldge. Ultie Qlcirle remains wllh her aunt <lurnig the lerlgthy, sensational 111al tor cus1ooy ol her between Gertrude anel her mother Glor..:i who is 011ven to the bnnk ot a nervous breal\down before lhe 1uoge issues his <lec1s1011 (2 hrs I 8 WtfTIWt M TDC THOUIAll> DAY W~ "Days 01 Decision·· President Johnson sends Ameocan combat troops 1n10 South Vietnam anel orders me Inst bomb111y raids on 1ne North (I hr I fJ @) MOYIE Moonraker" ( 1979 Adventure) Roger Moo1e L0<s Chiles Secret agent James BunrJ and a beau111u1 CIA agent are assigned 10 hnd oul who h11acked a revolultonary new space ~hullle and why 11 was taken (n) (2 hrs 30 min) G)lmtY~ fln M MAGIC Of DANCE (Prern1ere) T 11e Scene Changl'S·· Dame Margot Fonteyn charts the rise •n lhe 20th century ol the male dancer. Fred Astaire, Rud<>ll Nureyev and Sammy Davis Jr are among those featured 11 hr ) ~ MA TIOMAl GEOGRAPHIC lfllCW. ' l •v1ng Treasures 01 Japan" Nine Japanese artisans and performing arl•sts who keep an ancient culture altve 1n a con1empora1y society ere prohle<.I (RI ( I hr ) IOllNO Coverage ot lhe Johnny Bumphus I Pal Hallacy IQ-round runlOf welterweight boUI. and the Babs McCer thy I Bobby Joe Yoong IO·round wel-1erweigh1 OOUI (R) (2 hrs 30 min ) ©) llOV'IE "(yewnness' ( 1981. Mystery) Sigourney Weaver Wilham Hurl A 1etev1- sion reP01ler be<:omes involved w11h a ian· !tor who may know more about a murder that he w11nessed than ne is saying 'A' (I hr 43m1n) m COUHl fOOTUU llCKJQHT1 Okla homa Sooners vs Oktanome State Cowboys ( t hr l •8 (I) .wtWIT (Premiere) An aulhol ol "how to" books and h1s wile leave 1he btg cit)' and set up housekeeping 1n an old Vermont tnn Cf) MOVIE "SNenade" ( 1956. Orama) Mnrio t an1a. Joan Fontaine A singer rises from w01kln~ 111 the vineyards 10 suc-cess 1n the opera but has romantic trouble when he becomes 1nvotved with two differ- ent women 12 hrs . 30 min ) -8 CJ) CAGNIY a UClY (Season Pt em· lere) A young policeman's career hangs In the balance when Chris and Mary Beth can't ogree on the cwcumstoncos svr rounding lhe fatal shooting of e cMllon ( I hr) I &fr!! =ruchoo 01 n Vl()ja by a H~rlon c18ftsmon is presented e m mAT IDIAI (Premiete) "Ttulh" Bill Moy8fa end Or Mortuner J Adler are joined by en 1n1em1rnonat panel ol leadefs fOf nn Inquiry Into Objeelrve end sobteclrve truth ~I hr) G r_,1w1• / wam "'° llAGI "Eleanor Perry" Th(t Iulo Oeanor Perry ~vsses het lnt()(tlll In lho lrttglc hum11n cOndltlons and her role es 8 woman In Mm~. "F•lhor 01 The Brkte" ( 1950. ) $pencef Tr8cy. EllLabeth Tny· IOI. A alhet ttkpeftences aM OI the JOYI and hoadacheS Involved wllh the prepare· llont f()I hit <111ught8f't upeOMlng wed- dltlQ ( 1 hr , 30 min ) Cllr MOYll "Bod y Hut" (IHI, Sl.ilptnN) Willlam Huft. t<1thletn 'J'Ul'nef A ttnall11rM Flofl<Sa lawyer It ~ded by Ne IOvtf 10 mutd« "* hUabetld. ~· ( 1 it ~tAlicf. 8wMt Ab" ( 117&. -Monday -Morning Movlu- •11lCl "lfw l11mJ1 ll,1HI-H11.1• t t'll'I Myt lt<lyJ Nud ll;1,1fly 1111 luud lt.1 '"'""I t I tu ?/ 111111) 11119 "llilllUWl'tllt II t 111111 llu11111) )1111111• loo C111tr'I, llm111hl Ph111•.1111c tt t I 111 , Ill lltlll) .. IU) "M1~hJt C.111y' t 111'1/ 111.111111) l1111v Curll!! Murtha lly111 (;/ '"" J •• CSl "Sp1111 OI llM1 Wt111I ( l1ll~I 01.1111,1) ClltOI I >.111 l.OUl\J • ( I "' 40 111111 ) a11(2J "Pnlh•, 0 1 Clury" t l'l!•/ 1Jr.1111u) Kttk Oou11l11•1. llrtlph M1ttJk1tt ( t tu . ;•!1111111 I M "11111 llhu• U11hllu' ( l'l4b. M y.,1t11yJ Al1111 l tic.Ill Vt•ro111111 I .11>.1• (i' Iii'< I (0 ) 'Tltt• N1yh1 I ho t 'Uhl~ Wu111 Out In GOOl(lut" ( 196 I 1>111111.1) K11'>ly M~No chOI. M.uf\ ltu1111ll ( I 1\1 110 111111 ) 0 "II fl11111ud All N111111 11.,. f),1y I I 11ft ( 1978. Con11•lly) h1ny <.11111" ~ully KelltlrrOllfl ( 1 hr 40 111111 ) .. (C) "A''Y N11m1>"1 C1111 f'l11y' ( 1114'1 l>r.1 ma) CIJrlo. (;ilhln 1\lr!ll•> ~11ttlll (I ho 4!1 m111) (H) "l'>lllmh h1 fh(t Sll1•ollll (HI/ I. l>lol ma) C.idUIY!l (, S1..ot1. (.1.1111· flh>Oltt (I hr • 4!:> 111111 l lZJ ' Th1ee w .1111u1 ... · ( 19// ()1.1111.11 Randy Oua1d Ch.11lcl> Whrll' I J ylv ( 1 hr 49m111 J .. (0) "Tw o W11t1ki. lt1 A11ulhl'1 l uw11" ( 196? 01,111111) Kut-D1111qt,1:., f llw.11d G Rob1nso11 (::>hr~ J 0 "Blue rue L.1oy \ l'l/H. IJf.1111.11 Cathryn Harrison M r11t.. I tuh.Jt!ll I I '" :l I mini m "P,11,11101..i ' 119uV r>r.1m.11 C..1111ull Boker Lou Caslt:'I V tu·, I .. .., "Oe!>iree" ( l<l!l4 l)1am11) M,ulcm Btando. Jeun Sunman., 1.~ 111'> ) -ct) "The M1lho11 ()()ll,11 I .1t.e ( t98 t Or.1 ma) Tony t;urlis Pully ~ergen (l' hr~ I {j1) "The !:iea Wotve•.' ( t980 Ad11e11lure) G1egory Peet... R<XJer Muo1t1 (i' h1~ I (SJ "Alla1rs 0 1 DotJ1!' <.Mii•," ( 19!:>3, Corn eay) Debbie Reynoill'> 81JlJby V1111 t t hr . t 5nun) (Z) "Tauoo" I 1981 ()r,1maJ Awn• ()E'111 Maud Adams ( 1 hr 4'' min) .. ® "01ango" ( 1957 Or.111111) Jell (..1ta11 dler, Joanne Dru (:? t11~) 11•(0) "Eyew11ness· ( 1'!8 t M y•,1ery) Sigourney Weaver W1lh..im Hurl ( 1 111 43 min) 11:11 0 Sleeping Dcx;s 11>r.1111a) !i.tm NPoll ~arren Oarei. I I hr 4', 1111n ) 11itl(Z) "Pa111s 0 1 Glory" ( t957. ()1un1,1) Kiri<. Dovulas. Ralph Meeker ( 1 hr :>'i 111111) -JUternoon Movies- 12:110 "Wa1us1" ( 1959. AOventure) George Mon1gomery Taina Elg ( 1 hr . 30 mon) (I) "You're A Big Boy Now" ( 1967 Comedy) Elizabelh Harlm<in Grr.ild1nl:' Page ll' hrs 1 (S) 'Salem·s Lot" ( 19/9 Horrol) Oa111d Soul. James Mason ( 1 hr . 50 mm ) tl::Jl(t) "Paper Tiger" ( 19/6. Comeav) Oi1V1(! Niven. Tosniro M1fune ( 1 '" 39 min I Hl{H) "Bear Island ' ( 1980. Susµenl>t') Don aid Su1heilana Vanec.·~1 Rt'dqrave 1 1 hr 43 min I ©l •·cannonball Ru11' 1198 t C..um1.>uy1 Burt Reynolds. Dom Del uose ( 1 hr . 35 min) 1:15 (1) On lhe N1cf\e1 (1979 ()rJrn.iJ Ralph W;ute Donald Motlal 11 nr 35 min I 1:11@ "Three Penny Op;>ra ( 1965 Mus•· cal) Curr Jurgens. Hildegarde Knell (l' hrs I Hoh Nc·wharl a~ Di(·k 1.ouclcm lc•('lltrc•.., on I he· h i .... tory of h ii-. "''"I y 1mrc·ha.;NI V c·r111ofll inn 011 loniµht'!'I pn·u1i1·rc· t•pi!oooclc· of "'Nc•wlrnrl:· at CJ::\o 011 ~NXT. (:hamlC'I 2 . l:'J 'f yl'w1l111·"" I l!.161 My•.lf'fyl S1youm<'y W1·11Yl'I W1llo.1r1t I lurl 11 hr 4 '! rrun ) ~(Cl '/\111111.11" Art• il1•.)1illl11I fJ1•uph•" ( 197'1) l><H tlllll'lll.uy (I hr :l~ 111111) 1$ "All11•11.1 . ( IY!.14 l.tlllll'UY) .l.1111" Powell l>t•lJlJ11• flpynnhl'> \ 1 111 J!:> 111111 ) MIO (HI 'ltmr.t• C.1lls ( 1'110 Cometly) Wal 1~• Mn11h;iu, Clt>111l.i ).)( hol1 f I hr 38 111111) 10 l r '"' 111111· r .1q'"'" · r 1•14•1 flo111,Jn1,1•I )1•.111 S11111111111•, [l1>11.11tJ Holl', 1011 1;> 111• I l l "llHl'I' W,1111r11 •. I I'll/ Or.lllt>i) n.inuy 011.1111 r.11,,111•. w1111,. r ·•U"' 11 tir 49 min ) J:300 II !1.111111rl /\II N1qid fltt· llo1y I I 1•1t' r t!:l78 < "'""l'f' 1 •• ,,y c.11111· s .111, Kellerr11 111 I 1 rir 40 """ 1 UIO CC Any N11111U.•1 C .• 111 Pl,1( ( 1!:14!:1. l)r,1 mal Clark (1.tlih'. Alt•" <;1111111 ( 1 111 4f, """) tol@ "S,ir.i 0<111e 11'.111 ') 1ll1.1111.11 J11l11•1 Jordan Harolcl Hi pk11'' (£' 111•. I tl651l H.1rry • W.11 { 1rit:11 C:on1t>dyl (dwart.l HC'1t1t1o1r11 (11'1 1f J.11• f'.1111 (I hr 40n1111 J *10 1 'Ttll' l 1u111lt.1ll n.111y ( t•J/o ru'"" lly) M1dt.1l'I '>oill.1/111 I 1111 Mt l11l1r(' I I hr 4 7 n1111 I !Z) ·r.11111111 In I U\11' Aq.1111' r t9RO 01.1 rna) flht•ll c:· ulcJ ~"""''"'''' 1 ,,k f 1 hr '30m111) --•Evening l ~.er.r o HAWAIPIVl.f :r =.· Ouu'.lf fllll~ I )OnlOlli Q &llmlTMl*O MUMM mlAVIOll > m¥ll '"" Mlll1011 Dollar rece' ( H1t11 , nru111u1 1u11r \.1.1111~. Po11y &Hoen rlMJ rull1ltt!I'• IH.llld u H CC•'!lll(lll(;lo COtnt)a 11y l101.v11101. c;111Ju1t1 up 111 o b111U11 lur !.UIJIUlllllC,Y Wiiii II ri1111l 1;0111pony tun by • .. ,'""i'S-J.e~ UI ., ... UllNIYl&LD ~ CAVITT (ium.I D11r11t1 Mntgot rib''~~ t'RI TME COP All> TME MmlDI Aobe<t Mur•..e "'nr" 111 lhri. 110111c comedy basec 011 Ci i11Jnry'·· r;101y aboul 11 bum who tdet 10 1101 1111l••,1c11J so 111a1 tie c.u11 spend the lll!JI 11 Ill J WUI (II fJll cell Il l lllOV. "Spa11ttt.l Lhild1e11" (1977. < ,omedyl M1c.hel Poe.coli, Ch11s11ne Pas· 1;111 A lilrn d11ec.lor finds his lam11y 100 dis 1u11;1tng ancJ lakes an apartment 111 order tu w111e a sc11p1 (2 hrs ) ($) IAl90Mf II THE tll.ll I "Supe1 Bowl OI Counlly Mui.re" Ttus unique coonrry 11111•ac lestrval leatures Jerry Lee Lewlfi. Jlonrue M1l'.dJJ, Carl Perkins, The Kendall& '"'<l Helen Comohus ( I hr , 30 min J 0 lllOVIE "Alue r11e LAIJy" ( 1978, Dre· rr1a) Cathryn Hamson. M ark Holden A yuung u111 111es 10 !.ave a can1aketoos rm1se from being sold to a wOlk farm ( 1 Ml ihr ':::re>PU 1• CllNEWI ..CNEWI HUPY DAYI AGMI ~'::"~Comic s111p cal "Gar l1eld" becomes a TV stat. a man who i blo= bu1ld1nys . EJfTOTAIMlfT TOMQHT T1IU'I CCi9MY maortwu YIOlA The cons1ruc11011 OI a viola by a Hun~rian craftsman 1s presented Elll W IUIMll MPORT Fil YHTEJt'tUIL 1111 Dick Cavett looks al 111c end of Pruh1lJ111on. baseball's l11st all· -,1.11 game un<l America's 1eco11ery from 1111! G<t!lll Depression 0 ) lllOVIE Two Weel\s In Ano1he1 Town" I 196::> Dramd) Kirk Douglas, Edwa1d G not>1nson A m1~uoaed aclOI hnds happ1· 11,:.ss "' an il'>'>rstanr p1oauce1's JOb (2 111',) (l )lllOVIE 'P11w11etessons" (1980,Com· f'dy) Sylvia K11s1e1 Howard Hesseman A w1>allhy ma11 i1'.>S1gns nrs seductive hoose- t-.eepe1 lhP 1ob ul prov1d1ng hrs 15·year-old ~on w11n his f11s1 sexual expe11ence 'R' f 1 llf 30 rrnn) I ORAMoE COUNTY TODAY 1• MEWi 7:11 2 ON THE TOWN Fea1ureo a v151t to West Hollywood IOI the gran<l opening ol Reg111e "" 1n1erv1ew with Phil Silvers. rather John Pryor talks abOIJl 1he monas· lie hie 16) FAl&YFtUD LAYEJllE a --.n a CO.MY mONU (I) T1C TAC DOUGH 11.AD...afllACI Friday, October 22, 1982 27 -Taesclay -•Morning Movies- "11(%) "Ta1too' f 1981 Orama) Bruce Dern. Maud Adams ( 1 hr 45 min ) l:ll©J "The Gumball Rally"" ( 1976. Come dy) Michdef Sariaz1n Tim Mcintire f 1 hr 47 mtn) .. (C) "'High Ice ( 1980 Adventure) Da111(l Janssen Tony Musante ( 1 hr 40 min) "WhO Has Seen The Wind?" 11977 Drama) Gordon P1n~n1. Jose Ferrer (I hr , 40 min) 0 "First Monday In October" ( 1981 Comedy) Walter Malthau. Jill Clayburgh gh1s) .. @ A Lovely Way ro o.e·· ( 1968. Ora· ma/ Ktrl-Douglas Sylva Kosc1na (2 hrs ) 1•(!) ··The Big CIOck" ( 1948, Myste1y) Ray M1nane1 Maureen O'Sullivan 12 his ) "This Sportmg t 11e·· ( 1963. Orama} Rteharel Hams. Rachel Roberts (2 hrs . 15mon) 1:11 "Black Beauly" ( 1971, Orama) 'Mark Lester Waller Slezak ( 1 ht , 45 mm ) .. ~ "The E1ephan1 Man" ( 1980. Orama) John Hurt. Anthony Hopl11ns (2 hrs , 3 min) OD "Legend 01 The Wild" ( 1980, Drama) Dan Haggerty. Denvei Pyle ( I hr . 40 min.) CO) "N1cllola.S Nlcide.by"' ( 1947~ Drama) Derek Bond. Cedric Hardwlcke ( 1 hr .. 35 min) 0 ··s11ver Streak" ( 1976. Comedy) Gene W11de1 Jilt Clayburgh ( 1 hr . 53 min) .. m "The Wold Blue Yonoe1" ( 1952. Adventure) Wendell Corey Vera Ralston . (g hrs) "(%) ··Three Wa111ors·· I 1977. Orama) Randy Quaid. Charles White Eagle ( 1 hr , 49m1n) • a:11m "Liiith" ( 1964, Dramal Wa11en Beat· ri, Jean Sebefg (2 hrs ) .. (CJ "The MlllOI Crack'd"" ( 1980. Mys tery) Elizabeth Taylor Kim Novak ( 1 hr . 46 min) (0) "Cloud Dancer ' ( 1980 AC!Venture) David Ca11ad1ne, Jennifei O'Neill (I hr 48 min) CS) ··Fo1ever Dar11ng·· ( 1956. Comedy) Lucille Ban. Desi Arnaz ( 1 hr . 35 min ) O "Invitation To The Dance" ( 1957. Muslcal) lgo1 Yooskevllch. Gene Kelly t 1 hr. 35mln.) -t1IJ "The Sp1111 Is Wilting" ( 1967, Come· dy) Sid Caesar. Vera Miles (2 hrs ) 11111(11) "Stlenoe 01 The NOl1h" (1981. Adventure) Ellen Burstyn, Tom Skerrlll 11 hr . 35 min ) 1t11(Z) "Woman In The Dunes" (1964. Ota· ma) Eljt Okada. Kyo+io Krshlda (2 hrs • 5 min\ -Afternoon llovl•- -• "Honeymoon Hoter· (i~. Come- dy) RObert Ooulet. Nancy Kwan. ( 1 hr . 30 min) • "The Hasty Heart" ( 1950. Orama) Ronald Reagan, Petrlcla.Ne81 (2 In.) CCl "Tho Man Who Woold Be King" H976. Adventure) Sean Connery. M~heef Celno. ('hrs., 9 min.) CQ) "Le Voynge En Douet" ( 1980. Of a- mt) Dominique Sanda, Geraldine CMp· Mn (11'11 . •Om1n) (l'l "Any Wl'lich Way You Cen" ( 1980. eornedyl Clint Eastwood, Sondra Locke L .•5mlf'I) "Thlt l imo Forever" ( 1980. nee) C181ft Pimpero. Vincent Vtn 30 Friday. October 22, 1982 ton e. center, star as Samuel Clemens who observes the antics of Will, le ft, played b y Timothy Gibbs, and Ephram~ played by colt Me llini in tonight' e pisode of HFa ther Murphy'' a l H p .m . on KNIU :, Channel 4 . Pallan ( I hr . 35 mon ) tt:aCID "Sp;lll Of Tho Wnld" I 1979. Orama) Ctiiet Dan George ( 1 hr • 40 mtn J 1:19(%) '"Breaker Moranr· ( 1980. Orama) Edward Woodwerd. Jack Thornpson ( t hr .• •8mln) •Ct '"First Monday In Oclober" (1981, Comedy) Watter Mallhau, Jill Clayburgh i! hr . 30 min ) 1::11 (II) "The Jau Singer" ( 1980. MuslCal) Nell Diamond, LaurerlC{! OIMet ( I hr . 55 min) (1J) '"Cloud Dencer'' ( 1980, AdvMlure) Del/Id Carradine. Jennifer O'Neill (1 hr . 48mln) MICIJ "All Night long" (1981, Comedy) Gene Hackm11n, Barbra Strel&and ( 1 hr . 28 rnln.) "(%) ··on The Nicker· ( 1979. Drema) Ralph Wolle. Donald Moffat. (I hr • 35 min) a:9 (t) "The Brothers Karamazov" ( 1958. Ofemt) M1rie Schell, Yul Brynllef (2 tva . 30 min) •Cl) "Bi.ck Beauty" (1971, Ofama) Maril Letltt. Walltt Si.zak ( 1 ht . ~6 min ) e "Wlndl 01 Change" ( 1978. l=tmtneyl Animated. Narrated by Potor Ualln<rv ( I hr .• 20mln.) • tm "Sara Dane" (Ptrt 3) (Ofama) J\Jllel JordAn. Herold H®'<lns (2 hrs.) -"Agency" (1981, Su$t)enle) Robe<1 Mitchum. LM M•~ ( 1 hf . 35 min ) CO) "La V0y1ge En Douce" ( 1080. Ofa- ma) C>ornln'Qvt Sand&. Oefaldln. Chap· "1 11 hr • 40 min. l .. (!) "Bend Of Tht Rlvtr" ( 1952. AdVen· lllft) ,Jamtt Stewart, Mhuf Ktnotdy. (2 tlf$,) CZ) ·'Three Wamo1s" ( 1977. Drama) Randy Quaid, Charles Whole Eagle (I hr 49m1n) S::a (ft) "Who Has Seen The Wind?" ( 1977. Orama) Gordon P1nsent Jose Feirer ( 1 hr . 40m1n) --it;Evening .. DG ... CtWILn MGB.I Cll ... BMT•INOUGH ~.i:.:'Q NAWAIAVM ~WY Guest JoanFontaone Q .... tUWl1'1Et TIMUQH 1MI Mn llO¥IE "'The Mirror Crack'd" ( 1980. Mystery) Eltzabeth Taylot, Kim Novell Based on a story by Agatha Christle A strange murder 1nv01vtng rival HOiiywood stars tal<es ptace ln an Enghsh village 'PG' (I hr, 46 min.) llO¥IE '"Three Guys Named Mike·· ( 1951 Comedy) Jane Wyman. van Johnson A ptlol. a businessman and a sclenllll woo a prelly stewardeSs at lhe same time ( 1 hr , 30 min.) D llCMI ··This Time fOfever" l 1980. Romance) Clalre Pimpare. Vincent Van Patten A French-Canadian glrl falls In love w11h a brash Amencan college stu- dent s1udy1ng in Montreal 'PG' (I f'lr . 35 min,i. .. 1-=o:.:"' -.... ...,a.a.a Afi: CAVITT Guesl choreographer Dame Ninette Oevalo1s (R) ID GROWllO YUM ([)IOI u.rt a 1MI WAIUM In lf'lis con- cer1 laPed at Iha Santa Barbara Bowl. Bob Marley & The Wailers play such clas· SICS as ··1 Shot The Sheriff."' "Jammln" and the poetic "Ztmbabwie ( 1 hr ) (Q) llCMI "Beyond Death's Door" ( 1979) Documentary. Di Harold Free- man the "after Cleath" experiences ol three people are recoonled 'PG' ( t tir . 35 ~ 791=1= =~ An 1nterv1ew wtth Jot· dan's Amerk;lln•bom Queen. biking tQf the 1-~J..~- • H •II l9CllT MAm "Best Runners EvN" ( I hr.) ,. Cl)llCMI "Woman In Tho bunes" ( 196'. Of1tmo) EIJI Okada, KYoko Kish~ An entomOIOglst tlttllng a holld8y In J8pen'1 deter! region speodl lhe nlOhl w1th a strange womtn he meeta on lht dunes. lh~.5 m1n..) ... COW'l"fl'CllAY ,. .. ,_ I• M Toa f etlUfed. 1 Com1C bOOk eonvtnllon. how IOOl~kt att mtdt: emtrQtnCY ttMc;-. on lht lrt9W•Yt: a iilw ltOfY ldtl to lht air 1 .... lllD•MT LA F•tured: tllOlell kif !tie -Monclay Cont • lh>tlUf) I 1111111 Mlllo1 . 1',111111 'ih11f1111111J M11111uu1" u f 111111.1111111 A1111•11111111111111 v <111· YK t1111vo11 11r II J)loyt huh(. lfllllll111Uf Ill lh1111 1111\.1•1 n I tu _.6 111111 I 0 lllOVll l yuwlllh1';!1 1111111 My111u1v1 SIQl>YllllJY W1mv111 Wllh11111 llu11 A h•l1•vt •,IOfl ICll)UllGI ~lll'li."' 111vulYt'd Yollh 11 full 1101 who nu•y h1n>w n111•tt lll111111 11 111111ut11 11\lll Ill! wlll tllll'lfliJ lhllll hi• I" '•HYll 11.J It I I 111 43 n1111 I l2l ll0¥9 f uttuo t l'JU I U1w11u) fJ1rn. 1• ()(1111. Muuu At.Jdttt" An 111l»u'>1>ttd 111111111 llflltl kttltlllµ., o 1u .. 111un 11111d•ll 111111 111 11 (;~!> IU 1.UYI I hl!I h<li.Jy Wllh Ill~ h,1111)1 WOfk ·n· 11 hr • 4t1 "'"' I 111t1Wl•UM -••mWMITWOMNIWI -.nm o~ ... , 1 r ::110110 WOM.D Oii IOO«I .. llOVll 'Mus1u1 01 11111 World ( l~lt I SCI ~ rll.ltUll) V1111;0111 f'11<.u l.11.1111. .. , Broni;on A 111ur1 'll11v1r1u lu1 wmltt pc•.t(,tJ lrte& 10 e11n11n11111 1111' .11111.11111•nh ''' 1111 ,._na"fla·: 111 llMCM ""-TMAT QUIZ IHOW ITMITI Oii UM AlMCllCO llllllD MO "Chrtr.11>''> V,1ll1•y ( w11111t ' The tllhshc process .1no 11.'ut:11u11~ ut rl''>• du1\ls ol arltst Ch11:.1v·!. 11.1ny111y ''" 0111111,1e nylon cu11a1n 1Jc1weo11 1wn Culur.1 do moun1Qins~~~mte11 ~..., ..... DOCTOl 11 THI ttOUll llO¥ll "Beau Pere" ( 19!11 I lo111.111ett) Pa111ck Dewaere. A11el Besse A lorl.111JtJi.11 love altau dovelup~ be1wec11 11 yvonu 1:1111 and her 1eten1ly widowed s1epl1lH1or (2 hrs) (0 ) llOVll fh(l Joy Ot fooling A101111d'" I 1978. Comedy) Moniq ue De P11>1. Ko111n Raymond ·x· I 1 hr • 30 1111n ) U::M ti (I) TIIAPPIJt JOtel. 111.D. Go111v I ur f\S Ill!. back on a Vretn11m budOy who c111ce savtid ti1s Ille an!J 1i, now try111u 1t1 rolll'Ct insurance benelits Oy tak1119 ·"' inJ11ry (A) l_!hr . 10m1n) U GI) THI •n Of CAltl<* H11<.1 Ju111111y Carson Guests Natalie Coll.' Jim S1.11 llOtd,~) ( t nr I vtCTOfl ~A new v11r1,1u11 ol the classic story Jdhe11ng clv~ofy to 1t1e 01191na1 novel ·-rranken!.lo111 ·· 11 hr :10 min) fll) fOCUI OM IOCIETY Gi) ,.. LATIJIQHT Host Denno-; Wnofey &=== 11:11 ! llOVll "Ordinary Pevµll.' ' ( 19!10 Or,, ma) Mary Tyler Moore Donald SuthtJr land A guilt ridden teen ager try1t1\) lu µul t11s Hie baci.. t<>yetner af1er h•'> lJrotller's death ant.J his own surcioe ,11te111µ1 reJch es out to nis complacent lather and 111~ cold. reserved mother 'A' (;>hrs J rmn l 11M (Z') CINEMAICOM 119 I EJfTBTAMEfT TONIGHT OJ MC .... llOHT'l.M · llO¥ll "All The Brothe•s Were V,;i1t.in1' { 1953. Adventure) Robert Tay101 Stew an Granger Two New fnuland whaling captains, who are brothers. µOrf ways when they disagree over searching IOI a treasure ( 2 hrs ) W ":'YIE "The Purple Heart" 11944 A dventure) Farley Cr anger. Dana Andrews The Japanese hold tnat tor e1gh1 Ame11can liters charoed w11h murder ., L~ AmMCMITYU (ff) • ~ "llKll1lwl'tlll II' { IUU I ll11r ltH) Jamlo I 1 Cuti~ ri.H1uld r•it•u· 111.u A 11up11l1•~••IY 1rnm11r1 m1111Jur.11 L1H1 tu11H!11 11111 flliUll 111 IUllUI Ill II "1111111 IOWll 'fl' ( 1 111 JO 111111 J fl l •OYll fl,Hly 11.,ul I lllU I $11~1iu11t.n) Wllh11m llut I. Kuthlm•n I 111 nur A • 11111111111111 I l11t1d11 lawyt•f l'I JJ!U Pllllldllt.I liy llllo IOVt'f hi 111Ulllt'r flt'I l1111.1i.1111l rr 11 111 ·~11m111 I (2J MOYll ·1,111111u 11111;v11 Auo111" 110ttu 0.11111111 I lhull (.;ould Swu1111111h Voit. A ""'" u•x.•~1 hJ '"" h11Jh -.choul 11iuc11u11 m "'" 1>u11.,1lh1JI1111 <1111rulMt 11111 youd llllllJ& •)I lhu IJll'll 'f'l)' (I 111 10 r11111) Gf!IMVllWC* ttaG GI) LATlllOHTwmtDAYID~ (;UtrM hlM l urrr "011<J" Molrnun Ciun·.1" Jut II ond (1.11111• .11 .1nr1t1. hln11111ik111 t tnw •lld S11111h lollrry w11111er Tony Cr11111ly ~)~ • llOVll "l M v•••t.!> Huue.tt ( 1•11;> o,.. nut) Vic Morrow Ahrn Af(ln A 111•11 otltmdor n1 1:1 111J•t111u111 sn1:11111y p111>u11 1· v1<.t111u1od lJy u yruup ol h11rt1u11t<t1 c;on 111c.I'. who 01xrn1111lu lho ro•.1111 lhu populo 11011 I t ht . 30 111111 ) (!) TOii COTTlE: ll' C'-OM (!) llO¥ll l'<tft 11 Sh<.X.kt11~'>" ( l'J/3. M y'>lety) Alflll AI011. I uu1t.t' I .1~1.01 A11 1n1:x1>e11enc.od '>1tlllll 1uw11 ~.hnr1ll 1-, c.un hu111eu w11h Jra 111geruot1s k1llor whcrt clO er ly c1111on11 Ot!y111 to !Jae 111y,,1ti11uu .. 1y I t 111 . 451111n.) ~ LOVl, MmlCM ITYU ......... AL.l.(111 ADOllCtll . 12:9 (UJ MOYIE "PllntC In I 11u G1ly t 191..ttl l)fcJ mo) How.m1 Dull. L1111.Ja C11staf A 1i<iv t1111111ent .190111 1uhmllessly '""l> tu !>11111• 111e c11y ul L u~. Angele'> Imm .1101111c d~trul.1•011 ( 1 hr !>O mm ) ttie06 (j) COU.O An 1nyer11uu" ;ic;1,ow1i.in1 carries OUI what he con!.IUCIS In UC lhe perlocl ho1111c1de (R) I t t11 :>O min I l:GO = ODE AuntY IAMY fAlllEJI llOYIE "Tnt> Bat1I<' 0 1 rno Villa f1u111.1 ( 1965. Comedy) Maureen O'Hara. n1ct1 ard To<.Jo I he children ot .in es1r.1nr1<'d couple cu1111111e 10 r1'11111t11 tl1l•11 parem•, t 1 '". 30 r11111) ® ¥IOlA The cu11~.1ruc11ur1 <If r1 v1vtu by .1 Hunga11an crat1s111J111~. prese111Pd (El Cf\ FOOTIAU. fdmon1n11 f~trn11us .u W111n1pey Blue Bumbers tfl) (2 ltr'> 30 min) 1:u ~) llOV'E ~earch And 04·-..troy t 1q81 A<Jventure) f'c11y K11t!J. Orm ~troud A tor 111ur Sou111 V1elnam1:!.l• otl1c1af M!Ck!> revenge dg.11nsr 1111• luur A1ne11c.;m!. who abandun•'d 111111 111 ''" amlJu:.h duronl) 1111: war 'PG' I I 111 . :l!:t 111111 I 1::M §m .c ... OYEM1GHT OE.-AUTllY ( MOYIE "Cannunuall nun' I 1981 Come<ly) Bull Reynulds Dom Deluise Various OOdlJall character!> comt')etC 1n a coa!>I 10 coast autu rnce 'PG' ( I hr 35 min) 0 MOYIE lnv1ta1ton To Tne Oar\C.e ( t957 Musical) lyor Youskev1tch Gene Kelly Threi> R1msky·Korsato.011 danc.e sequences dre presented Circus' A clown lalls to ti1s death from a ltghtrope "Ring Around Tl"le Rosy" Ari annt11ers11ry gilt changes hand!. many 1tmes "S1nbaO The Sa11or·· A seaman expe11ences e~C•t ~ adventures ( 1 hr • 35 111111 I 1:11 CH) llOVll "Le Cape Aux Foiles" 11979 .. 1.11111111ty) IJl)u ht01111111, Mlclllol 6e111u11 A 11111hh.IUIJ OWIM•I lfl(l!I lo prepe1• hit 111111 lltl'>llln l11v1tr 1 .. 1 u Yft.111 l>Y hi• IW)fl'• ltU11L1•11 '• lultmr 11111 111u111l1 c.ornr11ltak'ln<t1 1111111111 1• II ( I hr 11 111111 I t•<Cl MOWW Arty Num!)t--t <.1:111 l'tay• ( 11140 fJcillllU) Clark OllUltt, AIUlt '1m111t 1\11 11111111 .. 1 111111 r 1irulrt1tJ gnmt>htr'• tth• 11, oo•AJ1 w111t 11 •-t111ut. or 1111o-ciie. ( 1 '" 4!> fllUI ) I Zl MOV'm · 1 h1111J Wu111mtf' ( 1~77. Dr•· mu) Hnrn1y UtJtJtd. Churln:j While £ttgl4t A l.l y1•111 old lno1u11 l>oy 11wiom&d of being 1111.cl\}11111111 ,,., "w.u11or toornli lo nppr&e:I· 1111• h1., 11w11.1\lo 1111ii1 v1•ll1tnu his tick Uf1H1<fllllllt't (. I',., 4911110 I t• ($J MOVIE /0111 Sutl" ( 1'.lll l Orumll) ll,1111111 V11ld••1. f 1tw.1t1I lnrnu'l OllrlOil In l!J41h I u· A111.wi.··· ,, i;uu<,u colebre 1111Jph uvur II 11• It .11111110 IJI 11w111t>ert1 01 a C.t11r,,1110 •.1rnu1 U•lnll llJr rnurdlll •R' ( 1 hr , 43111111) ltl I ~CM ... MIOHTWATat ft.LIAll TIU 1:21 llATPA TllOl 1:21 llOOIWNY ... M t l 1 llAICAl DAZZU I 1111 l •lllu llascals are lt'Jlut1•1t 111him 1,.hp:. 1111t.J 'lllOtlS (I hf . 25 111111) Mt~IUIUfT t!i'::. 'My Cht1111p1011 ' (1981, Ora- •na) Yuko Shn!lrJ•la Ch11s Mitchum The 1we !.IClry ol u fe111a10 Japanese running r.t1omr11or1 '" 1010 11 "' 45 min ) t11 (H' llOVIE Ttie 13>o~ Lagoon" (1980, nwnarn e) llrn<Jke Shields. Christopher Aikin•. lwu <:.t'>faw;iy children grow to :idolt•'iG1•11i;e 1111 a remo1e. SOYth Pacific ,.,1m10 il111J 1·Ape11cnc(• Ille µengs of 11rs1 tove ·n 11 111 , 4~ n1u1 ) 1::M l.D FAITIUI (f } •TIIUCTIOMAL IENll "Football. IJlle11r.1vo I 1n" ,111cJ Oele11s1ve Back Drills" (A) (~))MOYIE . The Night The L1gh1s Went Out In veory1a t 1981, Drama) K11s1y McNl- r:hur. Mark H11m1ll A t>rolher·and·slste< •,011ywr11ony cJuv ttave many adventu1es wh•IP try1ny to eke •JUI a 1tv1ng on the i;•>ufllry w1",IC'rtt 1:11cw1 'PG' I I hr • 50 111111 I d CJ llOVll r-,cape from New York" ( 1981 Sctc11c.e-F1crnin) Kurt Russell. AOr1i>n111• Barbeau Irr t997 a hardened c11m111JI •S ollered a paruon 11 he can res- wu ll1l' pros11.1on1 ul lhe US lrom the p11so11 city 111a1 Manhallan has become. R' l t ht 40 t111n I M C$ MOVIE Al11.e. Sweet Allee" ( 1978, Ho11or) Linda Miller. Paula Sheppard Mernl!ers ul a11 Italian Arnencan family are vic111111led by a psycttot•<.. murderer in their rrndsl ·rr ( 1 h1 48 min ) Ml I Z MOYIE P1111a1e Le~ons'" I t980, Com- edy) Sylvia K11stcl. Howard Hesseman A weaflhy man a!>s1gns his seouc1111e house- keeper the 1ob of p1ov1d1ng hos 15·year-otd son with his hrs1 sexual e•pe11ence 'R' ( 1 hr. 30 min) -1 T~ O' TIE ltlOlllltO "'°"11C01U .. FUMTm d IUUWMJ.E d I DMM Of .IEAMIE Friday. October 22. 1982 29 ............... --------------------~~- -Tuesclay Cont. Qt wcw I .... llAYEllUNQ A two-hour documentary on Kenneth MacM1llan·s Acclaimed Royal Balle! p1oduc11on with eictended eiccerpts from a perro1mance a1 the Royal Opera House Covent Garden ~hrs.) • """" IEllQ Ml.wt I~= Host Dennis Wholey llQNf UUlllY -BnBT.-wTTOMGHT 0 TM1 lAIT W011D .,. "Par And Mike" ( t952. Come cJy) Spencer Tracy Kathenni> Hepburn A New York City spoils promoter turns an ex-pttys;cat ans1ruc11on teacher into the =of the alhlellc world (2 hrs 1 W ': "The Bar banan And The Gei- sha" ( 1958, Orama) John Wayne. Sam Jaffe. The first American ambassador 10 Japan recerves cold rebulfs from the emperor and devotion trom a geisha (2 ;·low, AIBICM mu ([) llO¥ll "Outland" ( 1981 Science-Ft<:· lion) Sean Connery, Peter Boyte A space matsl\al Investigates a 1ash o mysletlOU$ deaths within a m1n1ng cOlony on one ol ~tar's moons. 'A' (I hr . 49 man ) (OJ llO¥ll "The Budding Of Brie" ( 1980, Orama) Hillary Summers. Nicky Rococco ·x· (t hr .. 25min I e llOWll "S11vef Streak" I 1976. Come- dy) Geoe Wiider. Jill Clayburgh A mild· mannered book ed11or acc1dentall)' becomes involved 1n a sm1Ster art thief s bizarre plOI du11ng a cross-country train ride 'PG' ~ 53 min ) -! = "The Mirror Crack'd" ( 1980, Mystery) Elizabeth Taylor. Kim Novak Based on a story by Agatha Chrlslle A strange murder Involving nval Hollywood Stets takes place In an EngllSh village 'PG'_{1 hr., 46 min) -ru • LATI ...i' WIT'H DAYID ~ ;":~) dOg trainer Barbara Woodhouse CCUUI Tall com.I: .. a.Oil LCM, ~CM Im.I M'Um '"*'A scientific eicptorallon of athletie performance which can aid ath letes In Improving their game (A) -QI).,,. "The Jazz Singer" ( 1980. MUSI· cal) Nell Diamond. Laurence Ollvier. A New York cantOI breaks with family tredl tlon and sets out 10 hnd success as a pop muelc star. 'PG' l 1 hr., 55 min.) ... CJ) w:w• MI WI Mac inves1lua1es thit mysterious clrcumstanoes behind tho IOC>C>Oted suicide ot a business tycoon ~)' (1 hr .. 20 min) GZ)llOWll "The Vlolenl Ones" ( 1967. Ole ma) Fernanda Lamas. Aid<> A3y Murder IUIP8(:ts In danger of being lyflChed are ~by the lheflff (2 hrs ) .. (%) .,._ "This Sporting Life" (1963. OfarN) Richard Harris. Rachel Aot>erts. A IUCCellfvl rugby player loses the tove ot n ;.: woman eftor Inking advltfltago of (2 hra., 15 min) W .,,. "The Mad Doctor" ( 19' 1. Ora· ma) BeaJI Aathbone, Ellto °'"' A dis- turbed PIYChlatrltl me111o8 women and ~ kllli tflem for thelf mooey 12 his) • .. "Can Ellen Be Saved?" (197'. ~) ~thy c.nnon. Mlchaef Parke The parent• ol 1 rvnew1y INn-•oet del- l*•lely atlempl lo tree tier lrom lhe pty· cNo grlp of a rtllglout aect. 32 Friday, October 22. 1982 J ack Webb plays the role o f a news pa perm on no t a cop in H-30-" in a n ea rly mo rning m ovie on KCOP , Cha nnel I :J a l I u.m . min) (I) llO¥W "The Cowboy And The L11dy" ( t938. Western) Gary Coopor, Marte Obefon A romancing ranch hand sweeps an heiress from the city off her teet. (2 hrs.) I lln'lllT~T__,. llCMI "·30-" ( t959, Oram&) Jnck Webb. Wiiiiam Conrad A managing editor puns an departmenls together 10 get the ~rout (1hr,30mln) W • U111TUU. "Hall Ot Fame Game" Loe Angeles LAktHS V$ New Jet· sey Nots trom Sprlngtiold, MeM . (A) (2 hrs .. 30 min.) (J)llCMl "To1100" (1981,0rlllTlll) Bruce Dern, Maud Adams. An obaeued tattoo arllSI kidnap• o taahlOI'\ model and pro- cetdt 10 ~ hef body with hlt handi-wonc 'A' (I hr., '6 mtn~ w~•.c ... oaw1arr ._ "P•Y<SeY" ( 1973, Drama) Alp 01n, Ann11 C:.Pfl A country and Mtttfn llflQ8f Mhlotaly mall" hie wey 10 11.W· OOm by me~tallnQ and dllcarding n·~ound him .i.;·> .......... '-"* l MOVIE "Agency" f 1981, Suspense) Robert M11chum. Lee Ma1ors The new head nt a ma101 Ame11can ad11er1151ng firm uses a ch1ta1en·s bfeaktast drink cam- paign to transmit subl1m1nal political mes· ~es 'R ( I hr 35 min J 1:1 MOVIE "Come Have Coffee With Us' ( 1972 Comedy) Ugo Tognaw. Valen line A middle-aged ta:. consultant IOf the llahan government relocates to a small country town where he has been made head or the department ( 1 hr . 30 min ) n ct) MOVIE "The Brothers Karamazov" ( 1958, Orama) Mana Schell. Yul Brynner A man 1s un1uslly convtCted or muroer1ng his lather (2 hrs 30 min ) .. ,a> ... MOVIE "Baby Takes A Bow' ( 1934 Comedy) Shirley Temple. James Dunn A dimple laced child s1ar becomes Amen ca's sweetheart ( 1 hr . 30 min ) ~ llOVIE "Death Valley" ( 1982. Mys- tery) Paul LeMat. Peter B1lhngsley A New York yoYngster is sent to A11zona to v151t his mother and stumbles across a series ol ~1~de!s 'A' ( 1 hr . 25 mtn ) M ATLMQI M MOVIE "Any Which Way You Can" ( 1980. Comed·yt Ctm1 Eastwood. Sondra Locke Bef°'e settling down w11h his girt and pe1 orangutan. a bare-listed fighter signs up for one last. tucrattve match 'PG' i! hr • 45 min ) •IJ MOVIE "Man From Cairo" (1954, Adventure) George Rall. Gianna Carla Canale A l()llune 1n gold hidden 1n the oesert ot North Atr;ca proves to be a 1em~t~ many ( 1 hr . 30 min) ~="Tattoo" (1981, Drama) Bruce Dern, Maud Adams. An obsessed talloo ar11st kidnaps a fashion model and pro- ceeds to cover her body with his handl· work 'A' ( t hr • 45 mm ) a:ll i famt• IFCMl.,_.(R) llO¥ll "Body And Soul" ( t981, Ora· ma) Leon Isaac Kennedy. Jayne Kenne- dy A young black turns to pmelightlng to raise the money he needs IOI medlcat school. 'A' ( t hr • 45 min./ OllCMl "l=trst Famffy" 1980. Comedy) Gilda Redner. Bob Newhar1 The sexually 1epiessed daughter ot the country's welrdeSt piesldeotial tamuy complicates hef lathef's atlempts to condu<:t the aflalra of atete 'A' ( 1 hr .. '' min.) 4111 (1) TOP'1M- • .,. "Susannah Of The Mounties" ( t939, Drema) Shirley Temple, Randolph Scott. A young Orphan given 11 home by the mounties repays them tor their kind· ness when they are atlacked by Indians. l hr .. JO min Ir. .all ... -...... .,_ "SPlrit Ot The Wind" ( 1979. Orama) Chief Oan George A young boy overcomes his handlcap to t>ecome the WOlld Champ.on Dog Sledder 'PG' (1 .. 1hr.1~ln) Ml..U -, ...... .. Wl'U • -' MCI A*Y Schfelbor and Chflatlne F:tttatt ho91 1 tool< el TV'1 most memofable commorclalt lrom the birth ot the medlUm to the pr...,-.1 day. ( 1 hf .30mln~ ~~---.. "High a " (1980. A<Mnlut•) ivld .-neaen. Ton~Mvttntt. Thttt •trended cllmbert cha the rMCM of • llctled ,..,.111m. ( . tw., 40 m1n.r' J -TaellClgCont. 91111fe tiody At.llun AurlU/11111 B1111>t11111 1•1111 lbclUI loCH rt;ltl 111 ltll• ( il""Uff fllNllHIU lllm. Cl410flt.l1Uw' 1111 lll(ltlVIHW Wiiii l11uco flt11)hl)h, h'f• '"°''" """' 111t 111 w111 8 ~CIOI ln..W:=" 10UAll9POllT .A .. 'M -.nm 00011 Oftv10 l 111llH111u11 llAam,/~.alll IMllC °' OI. , ... _,Ill~ Thi• la~t pacud tlox.u 1ntn11ry ofter• way1 t<7 uva monuy on telephone bill•, • tool! •l tag "'" ono aom. tneuranoe Pointe11 ([) M _.,All OP ~ ''The Comtdl1n" Mickey Rooney 111rt 11 an 9g0!11t1c11 cornlc who th1lvot 111 a 111r by dtvourtng everyono around him ( t hr • 30 min.) Cll ~Of MY R1c1111rd ThomH repea11 hlii B101dw1y role aa e parapaleglc Viet· nam veteran home. lor 11 lan1ily reunion on Independence Day (2 hr:i , 10 rnln ) G llO¥ll "The Unknown Tetror" (1951. H0110t') John Howard. Moro Powe1s A strange sc1en11s1 develops 11 man 11u11ng fungus In South America ( t ltr , 30 rnu1 ) ... Cl) -• uac AlM r1ank Buck laces a Samurai werlOfd who 1s te11or11ing 1ung1e villages and 1ak1ng oeadly mea !lllres to confiscate a1111s and 11lly himself with lhe Japanese t 1 hr ) D fATMD _...., YotmCJ Samuel Clemens arrrves m .trtck:;on 10 Sidi! a newspaper ( l h1 ) 8 WITUlt TMI ta TitOUIAMD DAY WAii "Uneasy Allies" The 1ncreasutg Ameucan military presence 1n Vie1nam leads 10 a clash ol cultures and cormpt1on 1n the cir ies i! hr) 8 (!I) HAWY DAYI f'on11e 111es 10 cha•rn little Healhe1 by takutg her 10 lhe cucu!>. and Howard's teen age niece unexl)CCI edly shows up al 111e Cunrnnyham's o 1J llO¥ll "R1de1 On The Rain" ( ffi70. Suspense) Charles Bronson. Jill l•elanu A rep1s1 Is repaid w11h a shotgun blast lr0m his 11lct1m (2 hrs.) ~ '°r... MAQAZINI ITAR·IPAMQUD ~Robert Guillaume 11os1s this celebration ot some 01 Ame11ca's heroe::. s1ars and legends ( 1 hr J ti) -. THI WOlNAM Ale• A lem1n1s1 pholographer's precocious young daugh· ler conspires to change her mother's sin gle status Patty Duke Astin. David Birney and Oamelle Br1sebo1s star (2 hrs ) I CMZOll NOYA "The Mino Machines" The con troversy over lhe poss1b1l11y 1ha1 compu1 ers may have lhe cepacny to m1m1c lhe human mind 1s examined (A) o ( t hr ) GD DlllATt Bradley I Oeukmel'lfn ( 1 hr ) G ll'nTBl'Y 'Dying Day" Anlhony Sk1pl ong {Ian McKellen) p1esents the evidence of the PIOt 10 murder him 10 the police bur they retuse 10 believe h1rn (Parl 21 Q (C) MOVIE "The flepham Man' ( 1980 Orama) JOhn Hull Anthony Hopkins A dedicaled phyS1c1an lakes unde1 his win<J a horribly deformeo man whose hie un111 then had been spenl 1n cneap lreai. exh1 b1t10t'ls 'PG' (2 hrs 3 min ) ([) IPOWTICBITD CID MOVIE "Dea1h Valley" ( 1982 Mys tery) Paul LeMa1. Peier B1ll1ngs1ey A New Vork yoongs1e1 is sen1 10 Arizona 10 v1511 his mother and Slumbles across a series ol \&!!.sly murders 'R' ( I hr 25 min ) IDMOVIE "Fusi Family" ( t980. Comedy) Gilda Redner, Bob Newhan The ~xually repressed daughter of lhe country's _,,H~I p1etJdon11111 h1mMr c;nmpllc111tl'I h•1 llllhtti I Oll8ftll)tl 10 C.Ull<.lott tho ulfa1t1 ul 11t1ie ·n· 11 hr .t• 111111 ) •all ML II 1111 'M&Y 1c11 • u u~ a -.n L•varne c.rn nlas hav(ll; 11 hm l'MlW jOh wt1C111 11111'1 lk>atb ltunugll tho t111.hHY Wl'llll"U on 111111 grnv1 :'1~ ~ llM'W, -=-::,,__ A two hoor doL"llmcmlmy un Kenr1t th Muc.M1H11n Ii Acclo1moo Roynl B11llo1 production, with ••htnded o•ce1p11 l1om n ~101monce nt the ~11 Opera Houee. Covent 01t1den 1l hll (aJ "Body And Soul" (198 1, Dtli· n11) Loon l1H c Kennedy, Jayn1 Konno dy A young block rurn• to prlztllghflng to 11IM lhe money he need• for medlcel IChOOI. 'R' ( 1 hi ' •6 min,) • ® lllCml "fhe Ouy11na T' agedy The 810· ry 01 Jim Jonet" (Part 2) ( t980, Orama) Powere Boothe, Ned Bea11y. Th1 11!11 ol Petaple's Tomple lender Jim Jones '' t1nced from hla call 10 the ministry lo tho moss suicide 111 Jonestown (2 hrs ) .. 8 ()) llO¥ll "Nol In f1pnt 0 1 The Cnll dran" (P1en11eru. Orama) L 1ntJ11 Crny, John Gell /\ dtvo•ced rnothnr h!Jhl~ tor the 11ght 10 retain cus1ooy of he1 clllldren after she docrdes to live with a yoonge1 man _i2 hrs) D CJD QAftM aav1lan 1s marked IOI death by a Japanese t.la11 wllen 111s gul lnend gives hun a coremornal sw01d they nave been seekmg fOf generollons (I nr) 8 ¥IETIWt 1111 mt lltOUIAMD DAY WAii "Guet1lla Society" Al lhe hel\jht ol the b0mb1n1,1. the peoµle of Nonh Vietnam take sheller 1n caves and funnels ( I h1 J G crJ) TtlE!'I CO.Nl'f A newspaper ar11c1e on 1nlla1ton fighting pa1n1s a 1a1n1e<.1 picture ot lhe lhroe roomma1es' lrv1nsi a11a.1:¥'~ I lllYITlllY "Dy111g Day" Anthony Sk1pl 1119 (Ian McKellen) presenls the evidence of 1he plot 10 murder him 10 the pohce. bul they 1eluse 10 believe h1rn (Part 2) Q ( I hr) ~MOYA 'The Mine! Machines" Tho con troversy ove1 the poss1b1hly 1ha1 cornpu1 ers may have lhe capacity 10 m1m1c lhe human mind 1s examined (R) o (I hr ) CE) COUEQE FOOTIAU Clemson T1ge1s a1 No1th Carolina Slate Wollpack (R) (2 nrs. 30m1n) U.)lllOVIE · The Bank Dick" ( 1940. Come dy) W.C Fields. Una Merkel A man mad verlenlly lools a robbery and is awarded the fob ol bank guard, fo1c1ng hirn to tace a real holdup ( t hr , 30 min ) (2) MOVIE "Breaker M0tanl'' ( t980. Ora ma) Edward Woodwa1d. Jack ThOmpson Aus1ratians consc11p1ed to ltgh1 on Eng land's side 1n lhe Boer War deC•de 10 light the Boer guerillas on lhetr own lerms PG' '1)IOU>O.I .. G 0 I TO S Judy's overbea11ng ell.·huc; band moves 1n10 her apartment with ho<; new girlfriend Cil MOVIE "A Coon1ess F1om Hong Kung" ( 1967 Comedy) Ma11on B1anoo Sophia Lo1en A beautiful young 1mrn1g1an1 slows away '" the staleroom ol an American r;!lploma1 (2 hrs. 30 min ) Uf' ML.-n' llADeO The Lany gomgs·on .11 an \!:E=ad10 sta11on are sa11r11ed M 0 CHOeCl YOTWO 1Ml D ti) IT.~ Dr Momson must treal a 1emorse1ess lerronsl. and Or Craig browbeats an 1noec1s1ve pa11en1 1n10 hav· lj ;';.f;a0 gery ( 1 hr ) • 01 MAlllTTOMMT 011u ol Jonr~IOt • h.i 111111 c.111 .. w11u1u-. 1U ltt" 11111000 1t•11111u11 Jlh>lll .Jl11111lh1111 0111111!1<1 111 110110-. 111 lulhll ll'IJ hi!! l1111~•·f11r111ing 111111w1111. o lMiC•,'>11111 wllh Jon1111111 U I 1 hr J e &iJl DAY CGNC8IT /11t1111 Mtrhlu Ll!i1 flur t,. tlm Now VOik l'h1lhn111"•"'L 111 1>1·1 IU11t1WIC.4''> of ~t11ova1i'" Voohn (.on<;Ot to thil wmlfl p1a1111ttrn ol Jc11.111 row1.,·~ "SO(llJOIO" <JO{I MOU'l!.l>IQ'Ji<y'" PK..llllt<!I Al A11 f 11hlblll()(l .. I I hi 3CJ nun I GD 100Y • QWll10M riv A 11111" 1011(,1 trnot1if' DI J01l8lhall Millar 1nve<JOgote• tht po11•lbto ciiueas or a "lummyocho" and exp1111no Iha long, compl1cau10 roo1e to a llnal dlegnotls IA> Ll ( 1 111 ) (C)llOVll "The Man WhO'Woulc::t Bo King" { 1\)76, Ac::tven1u1e) Sean Connery, M1choel Calno BHed on the 11ory by Rudyard Klpllng. Two B1lllah eoldlers se1 ou1 10 c1111m tho rlche1 ond pow111 ol e remote, legendary klngoom. ·Po· (:> hrs . 9mln) c.Hl l'fMDllG 110011 O&Y "Crys101 G11y1e In Conceit" The Grammy Awafd·wlnnlng star sings many of her b1ggoii1 llllb, 1nclud 1ng "Don't II Moko My 11rawn ryes Alue" und "Talkmg In V0\.11 ~· ( l h1) IMllUMCl:LOYE• (P1111 J) VllWDl'C**:I ..... ·TMI~ .. ME IJllaT .,.NE'Tl"""'WOM-_... IMIMAn. Gues1 David l euerman ) MOVIE "lanya's l!>laM" ( 1980, Ola ma) D 0 Winier'>. R11..hard ~a1geriJ Alle1 a t>eau111u1 model .:. dumped IJY hEll 1001sh bOylriend . .,110 1;in1as1ze:c. ahoul hie un o 1rav1ca1 t<Jlctnd 'A ( I hr 1:1 nun J {OJlllOVIE · Ru11. ft;lbbiJ. Rur1 ' ( 191~ Ora ma) A111ho11y Sret>I r 1an<.0tsn 1'1ov1J'.t /\ conduc101 s11nw'> le!.s 11111•11-st 111 his m1'.; 11e!>l> than he doe-; 1n her rJ.1uyh1er (I h1 30f1Ufl) ($) llZARRE JtJhn Ay11t>r •,hows you lh1111J'> s11a11ge1 1tia11 t•ulll. l<1ryt!• lhan Ille and zanier lhan anylh1ny yw've ever :.een 1t:a@ MOVIE "81k1111 Beach'' ( 1964, Corne dy) rrank1e Avalon. A11ne11e Funicello A B11t1sh pon singer y111.,s an American bOy compe1111011 when they tall lor lhe ~m& ul t2 hrs . 5 rn1n ) '1:'9 DfJ CIJ(Jl)EmMEWI IATUllDAY 9IQHT lllfMCHOf_ TMAT CUZ IHOW ITIUT1 Of SAM FMNCISCO CMZU>I I DOCTOft .. THE HOUSE llOVIE "Silence 0 1 The Norlh" ( 198 1 Adventure) Ellen Burs1yn, Tom Skernll In 1919 a young woman's marriage to a Happer leads her 10 a hie of hardsn1p in the wilderness ol northern Canadd ·PG' _ll hr . 35 rnin ) CS> lllOVIE "The rormula' f 1980 D1arna) Marlon Brando Geo•ge C Sco11 While 1nves119a11ng the •nurder ot a colleague a vele1an cop uncl)vers a conspiracy 1n11olv• 1ng lhe suppression of a syn1he11c tuel for· mul~n 011 caner n ( 1 hr 57 min) (l) 'L1sttoman1a t 1975 Musical) Roge• Oallry. Sara Kes1elma11 A mode•n day 1ocl\ sla•'S a1Jven111re> b11arre1y pa•JI lel lhe hie ul 1t1s 11Jnl t CJ1h-centur)' com ~ser Fran: l 1~11 'R t 1 11r 44 mm) 11:11 IJ Cl) Qt91:Y A prie~I whu MO been <.ruS11din9 aga1ns1 pornuq•aphy •S 1oun1J dead 1n J compronll!.1ng s1tuahon (RJ . (I h1 10m1n) U Q TOllQHT Host J<>hnny Carson f 1 hr) · I crJ) MC NEWl llOHn.M YOU AIUD FOIUT 1111.vRMOMI Friday, October 22, 1982 3 1 -Weclnesclay Cont. ( 1981. Comedy) Waller Mallhau, Jill Clayburgh. A liberal Sup1eme Court Ju& lice clashes with the newest membef 01 the nation's highest court. an ultra-con seNahve woman 1u11st 'R (2 hrs ) e 90¥ll "A 6'11 0 1 Divorcement' I 193<' Orama) John BarrymOfe Kalharme Hep burn Recenlly released ltom a mefllal 1nsUtution. a man ltnds his daughre1 to be very sympalhellC and supPOfhve ( I hr 30m1n.) .. 9 11'VD -· FOlt IEVBt IROTMElll Brian's behavlOI creates a "" 1n the lamily when he goes on a bender and ends up 111 @!! alter ~ng w11h Adam ( I hr I U GD fllOft.E Featured a she11ll who lives with his lam~y 1n the county 1a11 a hotel with tour resident ducks a house b\Jlld1ng competouon. a Br1tish Columbm animal shelter ( 1 hr ) e vmlUlt TtlE TIM 11tOUIMD DAY WAii "Firepower" U S m1hlary strategy and operations dur.ng the period al rnax1mum involvement a1e e11.am1ned ( t hr ) 8 O TAUi Of T1tl GOLD ~ Ja~e and Gorky are incarce<aled 1n a French prison when they try to help a desperate lather smuggle hts dying son lrom the IS!aoo penal = ( t hr ) (I) ... I TM Featued nuclear bomb storage s11e 1n San Francisco. a report on San Francisco High School Per forming Arts, the Mayor's Race. the Guardian Angels tn San O,ego. a man who hunlS~lS (I hr I D "Russian Rou1e11e" ( 1975 Advemure) Georoe Segal, Denholm Elliott A Royal Canadian Mounlie llteS to head olf an assaSS1natton plot against RUSStan Premier Kooyg1n w tO 00 News (3 hrs.~ i llOW'a "Shocktrauma" ( 1982. Ora· ma) William Conrad, Chrts W1gg1ns The work ol Ot. R Adams Cowley leads to the creation ol the l11sr medleal shock trauma unit (2 tws ) e -, M WOlMM Ne• A fem1n1s1 photographer's precOCtOUS young daugh· let conspires to change her mother's sin gle status. Patty Dvke Astlf'I. David Birney and Danielle Buset>oos s1a1 (2 tirs,) Qj lnU Featured: new designs In Chll· clfen's zoos: Paloma Picasso designs lewelry as wearable sculpture, leathet 1s hot. • tO MUI Joel Grey host& an lnforma tlYe lootc at the wondefs ol 80\Jnd and heating D ( I hr J CC> .,.,..-"Sllvef Bears" ( t978, Adven ture) Mlcilael Colne, Cybill Shephefd Ao ecaounting genius OOlllSG3 an Intricate plan to Increase his wealth by making soma of t~ top 011ecu11ves In lhe world of high flnal'l()8 the victims of an eictraoidl n1~ swindle. 'PG' (I hr .. 63 min.) (() .. ,...,. (Jf).,.. "One On Ooe" ( 1977. ()ramn) Robby Benson. AMelle O'TOOle A boy wno Q091 to colltuO on a baaketball echolatlhlp l.s abuMd by the coach. ec:omed by hl8 tulor end used by tho ICtiool for lta ()WO purposes 'PO' (I tlr , 38 min.) Cl) mum John Byll9r Ghowa you things tltengtr then truth. lerqer than llfo. nd zenler l"-6\ •nythlng you ve ev8f eeen • .. "Night SchOOI" (1981. MYl· ltr)') Leot'llrd Mann. Rachtl Ward An anttvoPOIOOY PfOf8180f Wllh 11 penchant lof co-M fl 10SPtCttd ot the brutal mur· dttt of IOm9 of hi• fOfmelt bed pertnet1 '1'' {1 Iv ' 28 ml~ •dl).U•MP Y 34' Friday, October 22, 1982 ~ti L / llOVIE 'Cannonball Run' (198 I Comedy) Burt Reynolds. Dom Del u1se Vanous Oddball characters compete 111 a coast 10 coast auto race 'PG ( 1 hr 15 min I a. CD CtWl.E'I AMGE..t @ lltE WOT RCIAI. ~ GUOll> WI· aAL Antla G1llelle l(ltns Jack G1ll01c1 lor an hOu• ol !>Ollgs sluts and 1ende1 rend1hons of 011trageous characte1s (I hr ) '1!> EUCT10et • f"S) ADOllCatE Get 111 st.ape, look good and feel g1ea1 with this 11ttys1cal lttnPss program t:a@ llOVIE Tall Man R1d1ng" ( 1%!1. WMI ernJ RFtndolph Scou Do101hy Mak>ne A Monranan rtdt>s into a town whefe a gam bier t<; plot11119 a double c1oss 11 hr 4!:> min J M l?)~ .. f) Cl) AUCI The new staye show I Mt Alice ts set to star 1n seems des1rned 10 be a total disaster (Part 1) D m TitE FACTI Of LR T OOlte s person· ahty undergoes a dramahc change as she ~iences a loss of he~og o II VllTIWI: T1t1 Ta TMOUIAID DAY WAii "Tell" The Tel Ollensrve becomes a tum 1ng po1111 as the Viet Cong strtke lorce auacks the South's maior cities I t hr I D 0 TitE FALL GUY (Season P1emtere) Coll travels to Rio de Janiero 10 bMO back a man wtlo embezzled m1lhons l1om an Ame11can company ( 1 hr J SI MAM UIB.l Wesh1ngton stop pot1h cal sattrrst ool<es tun at ma'°' tSsues enc1 news slOflt'S ot the day I&\ IAIU1WJ. "Hall Ot Fame Game· Los Angeles Lakeis vs New Jer sey Nets trom Spr1ngheld Mass (RI (:? hrr.. 30 min) ($) QAUAQIB TOTALLY .. Tho lany unpredictable Gallagher 1s back tn a com· ody spoc1a1 taped live at tho Mayfair Music Hall rn Santo Monica. Cal1f0tnla \ 1 hr ) Cl) llOW "The Learning Tree' ( 1969 Orama) Kyle Johnson. AleA Clarke A black teen·age1 learns about ltfe while Irv 1ng In l<<1nsas durtng lhe 1920s ( 1 hr 45 min) m~c.a MI Cl) ... TH'l lllCM GD fAl&Y 1111 Alex hes his llfst Intl mate relationship when ho tails 101 n col ~student (}) m¥ll "The Sevtlnlh Cross" ( t944, Dmhla) Spencer Trecy. Hume Cronyrt A group ot concentr111ton camp inmates are reunited eltef splltllng up fOflOWtng thetr escape (? his . 30 mtn I @ OAfT ~HALL "An Evening With Alan JlJy Lerner" The llbrelllst ot "Brlga doon." "My Fnlr Lady," "G1111." "Carne- 101" and 01hcr& looks hack and forward i'.lt his coreer with lhCI aid ot Bobbl 0ntrd, Onvld Ctmney and Lil Robertson ( t hr ) e ... Of Lal A lighthearted look 18 tole en al 90'1'l8 of the mOfo cololtul fana ot l OUtSlone Stoic UnlvorS1ty'$ TIQOI football !Mm 19 IUM MMl&l Waahtngton'e top po11t1 cal sa11r111 pck;;i tun nl major IMYM and newa storle& of tho cloy. (0) llCMI "Holloween II" ( 1981, Horror) Jomlo l co Curtis, Donald F>loasonce A hoPeles ly IMnne murdotet continues his t940n or teHor 111 • sm•lt town 'R' ( I ht . 30min I -· Cl) lucaR'I wnat Amanda eoo Riek ttumblo upon• .Cherne to supply .vroedy collector• with prleetoss but ~My obl.olned 1nlfact1 ( 1 hr ) II• (Se11soo Premleft) Tn. k1Cf1app1ng of Fallon and Jetl's son trigger.-. mcmo11es of Alexis and Blake's 101go11c11 child while Blake hes uncOfl· sciovs on .:i mountain chit and Ale.111s scnemec; •m Cecil Colby D ( 1 hr I EE) TitE ,A ~ The'i"mpact of the Reagan Adm1n1stra1ton s economic potic1es on lhe average Amerocan are e•a· mined 1n a locus on four fam1hes l1v1ng 1n Patmson New Jersey ( 1 hr ) '1!) TitE MAGIC Of DANC€ (P1cm1e1e) "The Scene Changes" Dame Margot Fonteyn charts the 11se 1n the 20th cenrury of ~ male dancer Fred Astaue. Hudolf Nu1eyev and Sammy Davis Jr are among those featured 11 ht l llOft Tile C1nc1nna11 Kid ( 1965, Otama) Steve McOveen. Edwa1d G Rob- inson A young cardsha1p 11.es to beat lhe lung of stud poke1 rn a baffle IOI prestoge ( 1 hr. 45 min) (H) TitE RumAm TueSday Welo, Tommy Lee Jones and Wilham Kau sta1 1n the N. Richa1d Nash play abOU1 an 1t1neran1 con man who lulllll's a lonely woman·s yearn- 1r:ig IOf tove 12 his 10 nun ) Cl:> llOft LOOket" ( 1981 Sctenc&-FIC· tton) Albell Finney. James Coblirn The mysterious deaths ot a se1ies of beaut1fuf models involved 1n a new advert151ng p101ecl are blamed on the plastic surgeon who opetAted on them 'PG' ( t hr , 34 m111) g llOft "Body And Soul" I t98 t, OtamaJ Leon Isaac Kennedy, Jayne Ken· nedy A young black 1ums 10 pnzellgh1tng 10 r111se the money he needs 101 mechcal schOOI R' l 1 hr 45 min J '9ntl~ -tll) m¥ll "The Losl World Of S1nbad" ( t965. Adventure) Tosh110 Mltune. Meko- to Satoh A pirate leads a band of ISiand rebels 1n rovoo against a wicked tyrant (2 hrs) -.... ...,..,"'* ... 1W mu~uehneB1sset ...... _ lMATGUR..,._ .,_,..Of 1M PllllUICllCO ITYLI Featured: new designs tn chil· dten's zoos. Patom9 Pleasso designs ~elry os wearable scvlpture. teothor Is I IUll •U 19G111' DOCTOR• ntl...,. ~Tattoo" ( 1981. Orama) Brvce Oen'I, Maud Adams. An obsessed 101100 artlSt kidnaps e tashioo model aoo pro- ceeds to c:over twit bOdy wtlh his hand1· work 'A' I 1 hr • 45 min.) 11:119 (I) AllClm....,. '1UCI Archie's plaf'\s to add • restaurant to his bar are thwarted r1i::,r111ge ot money (Fl) Pu e Hott: Johnny Carson. ~~;;;:.:~·~s1a1~ ~--.. " •• , &• ,__.,.._MCI.,._ ... Anna Otlltlltt Jolf'IS Jack Giiford fOf an "°'" of eonQI. llclte and lender renc1ltlon1 OI OUlrlgeout chat9Cleft, ( 1 hf ) I NCUl• IOCm'f ,. u..-r HOst: OeM1t WhoMtV ~~, .. ,. ~ am1a -Chevy Chat. L•r•lnt ;=• 1W(C) .. "C.ndy" f1"8. Comedy) £w. Autin, Mitton Brendo. A llMIOut YOOf\O _.._nlng llov1u-- .. 11 1 I 1•.t11u111111111 1 l'H'• Mu 1. 1111 1111\ll'' U11llry !1111 1 1\411,1111110.111 11 h1 4 41111111 I •• • <,1lk ShH k1111J'• 111111/ Mu ,u al) I 11'41 A .. 1.111u Cy1J I h.111• • 11 ( I ho ~,'i 111111 I .. (01 lhn KICI f 111111 Nill '11• 11111 11')/tl Co1111•1lyl h•11111ftt1 M1 Alll".1411 fh•L1t11I V1l1111u (I 111 111111111 I ... 117> 'lht0 J.itt :.111u111 ( l'l'• I flrum11) D111111l lho11111 ... f'otOUY I,,,. (:•hr'> I .. I Sl ... 1p1111 Ill ""' W111d ( 1'1111 I )r 11111.1) Ch1<1I D.111I1t•mut• (I 111 40 """ ) M (Zl r111111• W1111111r'>' ( l'H I 1111111111) 110111.ly 1)1111111 I 11111111., Wh11t• I 1111111 \ I 111 49111111) NII (j) M y I 111111 .. 11 H1111r1 ' I I 9'>0 n om1m1 4') ().111.1 Ar11J1 .. w·. ~U'.W1 t111y wnrd (.'tu") 1:IO LOl " A lt11pp1111111~ 111 t la111111111·· (I'll!•. Allvo111ur<•I (I h1 ,I) 111111 ) 0 "(;wr111 ltav1• (.1111"" W1lh lh' ( 1111'.' Co1111•tJy) Uw1 I n11n11111 v.1111111111u l 1 hr , :IOnun I .. tCl 'I Im e1111111t>h•' I l!.lllO. C.01110<.lyl J(••lfl f',1111 ll1llfl1lllldO IJt•lll!\llU\111 (IUjnl\J { 1 Ii• 40 111111 I IHI "011u 011 l)11i •" I I'll I , 01.1111.11 nouuy Ben~o11 AllllL'llL• ff 11,.111' 11 hr 38 1rm1 I .. 0 "Mystery 1!.1.md' ( l'Jltl Adventure) { I ho Ill 111111 I 21 "l h•~ ~11orl>1ll) l 11•• ( 1'163 Orama) Rrt.hu1ll 11,,,,.._ n .1d1cl rlutiurl'. (? hr~ 15 111111) m t Jlly h1 A J,1111 ( 11J4;> t,omcdy) lrt1nc U.111111• R,llph Clcll,1111y (7 Ill!. I .. at ·r1111 t 19/:' Or.111ml Our1 ney nolds Jt1t k W1>s1u11 (:>hr~ I (()) "fu-.1 Mnnu,1y 11> \X.h>tl<'I ( 1981. Come;ly) W.ilh•• M.)1111.IU Jill c1.1ybu1yh t2 hrs) -tCl 'Hell " Alll;JHt!. ( 19Jl) AdvMlure) Ben l yon. J11.111 t 1.11111w (;' l11s !:>min ) CS) "T ht• l vv11<1 on.. ( 1 '}G"I, Comedy) Rooe11 Mw·•• A111o1111•llt.> Corner (I hr 55m111) ,.. tr!) · 11111'11111 1111 ( 1qJ9. nomanc..el lnyrod Ut'rym.111 I """" How1HO ( t hr . 30 m111) 11:1110 "W111d.,111 L1111111w" (1978 Fa11tasy) Arurn.tlPd N,1rr.11t1tl l•~ PPICI Usllnc>v ( I nr . ;>O n1111) 11:11 (ZJ "011 Thi.' N11 ~,,,.. ( t979 Drama) Ralph W.111t-llm1.1lll Multnl (I hr , 35 min J 11:11 (Q) "Mo1ll.'111 n11111.ir11..c!' ( 1'l81 Comtic.JYI Albcrl Arm.1k., K.t1hry11 H.w otd ( t hr 33 min) -Afternoon Movies- U.0 II" A Big C1111111ry ( 195?. Druma) Gary Co• r~·• · JJ11pl Le1yt1 (I hr 30 mrn I G) Vou11y Al Ht•iul' ( 1954 MtJ~1call F1.1nk S111.wa 0011:. l>ay (:?hr~ J $ HOV* C.111'> ( 1978. Comedy) Wal ler Mallfllu Gl£>nd.1 Jack•.011 I 1 hr 38 min) 0 ·s11.1nyer 111 11 ... H<>u'>e ( 1975 Hor rort KPll Oullht Ohv1,1 HU'>'>ey I 1 h1 40 min I 12:11 Cr The C1r1t.11111.m K1c.J ' ( 1965. Drama) Steve MtO<Jl't·fl ldw.ird G Rob1fl!.Ofl ( 1 hr 45 rrun) (H 'Por1ra11 Q t A Rebel Ma1yare1 San9er' ( 1'180 Biography) Bonnie frank1111 0.lV•d (hikes ( 1 hr 45 min ) ,.,i "ThrPe w.imors. ( 1977. Orama) Randy Oua•d. Ctiorte" While Fagle ( 1 hr 9m1n I ~"Road Games" ( 1981. Mystery) Sta· Keach. Ji1n11e Lee Curlis .lot•I Gr<'y lis tt•ns to original 11honoµraph pla yin~ tht> f i1·s1 rt•(.•ordt~tl !'!OUnd~ in ""To llear;" u !'ifH'<'ia l toni~ht at 7 ::~O on KO(:E, Channt•I :>O. PIN1s urt·~ aucl hu:tanl.., of toclav's :-.0111adsc·ap•· a rt• t•x plorc•cl. 2:Gl0 "Silk S10ck1J1Ub' ( 1%/ M11•.1t:flll Fred As1a11e Cyd Chi!r1'.'oP ( I hr 55 min I 2:il!CJ .. lilt> Ama1111g M1 ntu>1l11•11 (I'll? Fa111asy) L.w1em.c N.11:..1111111 l y1111t• I 1ct1 enck ( 1 lir 30 1111n ) !$) "The L•!llo 01<1!J1lfl•; ( 191i l At1ve11 tUle) Sally Bo ydllll. Ct111•. f"el('f'>Ufl ( l h1 . JO min l J:tO IZJ 'The I earning T1w l 1't69 Dr;irn,1) Kyte Jnhn•.on. Alt>x C:.l.11k" (I hr 4., lllltl ) 1:11 01 .. A Happenir1g Ill HJffll•l111 ( 197':> AdvenlureJ (;>hr'> I 4M 1. 'World'> ApJll . 11980 noni,mi;c) Alll~ Kollek Shetoy I P•CllllOl<J(I 1 I hi 35 nuto I 1SI "Sp1111 0 1 Tht• W11111 ( 1Y79 Dra111,1) Chief Dan GP01yt• (I 111 40 nun I 0 "l es \;111s·· 1 •'J~I l..4°1• '' alJ (1l'Oe Kelly M1111 C:.ay111>1 ( l I 11 '>!> lnofl I d @ "Sara O.me !Pilrt 41 (Or,1111a> J11lt('I Jordan tlJrolt.l Hup,.,111• (;>hr•, ) HO(!) "Shock1rauiu,1 ( 1982 Dran1J) W1I ham Conrad Chrl', W1gq1n~ (?hrs) (Z) "PalhS Of Glory' ( 1957 Orama) Ktr~ Douglas Ralph M PPkcr ( 1 hr 2!> 1111n ) tca!U:J "Heirs Angels" ( 1930. AC1ve111urA) Ben l yon. Jean Harlo w (:> hro; 5 rrun ) (01 "House Calls' ( 1978 Comedy) Wal ter Mallhau, Glenda Jnckson ( 1 hr , 38 mrn) .. mw'awu C81 ... ..,, . .,.. MC ... ,.... ........ ...,, MAWMPM.f O¥Wt IAIY Lu11111 Allu r uy11 Q 19C ... UllllMT.-0 MUIWI llMAWIOI IOllllQ "World Bantamwol<Jhl ChOm llllHl~ (? f lf!J . lb rrun I SJ "Arlhw ' ( t98 f, Comedy) Oudloy Monro. I 1111 Mtnnulll Whlle hl11 h.1rr11ty .111tm1pl'.> In tor<.o him into a pre· 1111 .111gud r1111rr 1000. >l O• unlrnn. hedonist IC pl11yt.l(J~ 11111'> 111 lovu wllh >i poot working Q!!.!~l hr ,!13 111111 ) U "llntmun't. Ch()ICIJ" (19b4, Curr1u<.l~I J<Jtm Mill:-.. Chmles I aughton A 1Joutr11aker 11l11;J111f)lb 10 rem1n hi& cheap ~.ource of h1bu1 l>y prova1111ng his three :i'§:"'" llh•.4&'"'"' I :, lllUllC HAU .. An Evening With Alan Jay l orner" Thi: llOretll&I o t "Boga· doon," "My f"au lady," "G1g1," "Came- 101•· and other-. looks back · and forward ul '''s ciueer with the aid of Bobbi Baird, David Chan~Cl lit Roberlsoo (I hr ) 8i) DeCI CA Gueo;t balle9na Ale11an- dra Dan1lova (RI , llWWQPOWEI · WORLD CW PIOft.E M CIEIAICOM , .. Cal .... 19C .... tWPY DAYa AGAIN AICNEWIO 'JI. lllA~ An eitpert tells how women can dres& tor wccess 1n business. the publisher of the Penny S1ock News . ION' .... DITERTANErr TOllGHT 11RE'I COlll'ANY G) .H)l(EJl'I Wl.D : m> .,.. .. llEJIOtll ( ) HIO lllAGAZM ) MOYIE "011 The N11.kel" ( 1979, Ora· rntJ) Ralph w .111e. Donald Moflat Lile on l os Angoier.· • ~•d row is depicted ·n· ( 1 hr J5mu11 I OIWIQf COUNTY TOOAY , ..... 7:11 Z oel TME TOW Fealured a group o l women cons11uc11on workers. a look al Los Angeles radio s1a11ons. an 1nterv1ew with lormer Oakland Raider Jim 0 110 I a;) FAa.YFtUD LAWME l IHIUY l CC.ANY ma.LA. Fea11.1red Whal women lond a11rac1ive 1n older men an underwater concerl lhe ta1es1 advances 1n blornc l1rnbs I ~~= llQMAT\lllf Guest JacQuel1ne Bisset 11ACME1. I LEHllD llEJIOtlT TME 'AYDtlC* fWMECT The impact o f 1he Reagan Adm1n1strat1on's economic rohc1es on lhe average Amencan are 011a- rr1111ed 1n a 10<;.us on lour lamtlles llv1ng in ~ler~on New Jersey ( 1 hr ) COJ MOVIE "f11s1 Monday In Oclober" Friday, October 22. 1982 33 -Morning Movies:-• ... D "A ClockwOlk Orange" (1!:17 1. Set· ence-Flct1on1 Malcolm McDowell, Pa1r1ck Magee O.rec1ed by S1anley Kub11ck (2 hrs . 17 min ) 1:11~ "'l'lncorng1ble" (1980, Comedy) Jean-Paul Belmondo. Gene11ie11e Bu1old 1 hr . 40 min) .. "The L111le Dragons·· ( 1981. Adven lure) Sally Boyden Ch11s Peterson ( 1 hr 30mm J 'Return Of A Man Called HOlse" ( 1976. Adventure) Richard Harns. Gale Sondergaard (2 hrs • 9 mm ) .. QZ) "MISSlSSIPP• Gambler" ( 1953, Orama) !t!one Power. Juhe Adams (2 hrs) .. lOJ "Jonathan LMngslon Seagull" ( 1973, Fantasy) Voices of James Franciscus. Juliet Mills ( 1 hr . 55 min ) NI Cl) "The Ghost Breakers" ( 1940, Come- dy) Bob Hope. Paulette Goddard (2 hrs) "House Calls" ( 1978 Comedy) Wal· tef Matthau. Glenda Jackson ( 1 hr , 38 min) 7:11 (I) "The ShOgun WarrtOls Grandizer" (1981. Fantasy) A1\1rna1ed (1 hr . 40 mm) D "Les G1r1s·· ( 1957, MUSteal) Gene Ketty, M1t21 Gaynor ( 1 hr • 55 min ) .. ct) "Paper Tiger" ( t976. Comedy) Dal/Id N111en. Toshtro Mtlune ( 1 hr. 39 min ) Cil "Private Lessons" ( 1980. Comedy) Syl11la Kristel, Howard Hesseman ( t nr • 30mln.) .. cm "Dangerous Davies" ( 1981, Comedy) Bernard Crtbblns. 8111 Maynard ( 1 hr , 50 min ) .. G "Manhattan Merry-Go-Round" ( 1937. Comedy) Ph1t Regan. Leo Carrillo {?hrs) ... "'Arrowhead" ( 1953. Western) Charl- ton Heston, Jack Palanoe (2 hrs ) e "Thieves" ( 1977. ComedY) Marlo ThOmas. Charles Grodin ( 1 hr . 30 min ) CZ) "Falling In Love Again" ( 1980. Ora· ma) EHioll Gould. Susannah YOfk. ( 1 hr .• 30 min.) -CC) "The Great Train Robbery" ( 1979, Adventure) Sean Connery. Donald Sutherland ( 1 hr., 51 min.) CB> "Bear ISiand" ( 1980, Suspense) Don· aid Sutherland. Vanessa Redgrave ( 1 hr., 43mln) (I) "Athena" ( 1954. Comedy) Jane i'>owelt. Debbie ReynoldS ( 1 hr . 35 min ) -(fl) "Dusi Be My Destiny" ( 1939. Drama) John Garfield. Pr1Sc1Na Lane (2 hrs ) -(Q) "Follow The Fleet" ( 1936, Musieal) Fred Astaire, Ginger AOQefS (2 hrs ) n:w(%) "Three Wamcxs" (1977. Orama) Randy Ovald. Charles White Eagle ( I hr . 49 mfn.) _ tw• "Hobson's Choice" ( 1954, ~) John Mills. Charles Laughton ( 1 hr , 4S min.) _.,, ___ Movle8~ -· ''Glory Alley" ( 1952, Oreme) Leelle Oiroo, Ra~h Moeller. ( 1 hr . 30 min ) The Man WhO Talk• To Whllet" Adventure) VictOI J<J<y (2 hrt ) alee Thia Job And ShoYt It" (1981, y) Aobeft Haya. Berblra Herlhey [ ,,Omln.) , "Ar1hUt" ( t 98 1, eom.dy) Dudley e, Ltza Mlnnelll ( 1 Iv., 53 min) Cll "Zoot Sult" ( Ul81J.., Otama) Daniel Valdez. Edward Jamet vimot. (1 ht., 43 min.) 38 Friday, October 22. 1982 - A disbelieving LI. Calletano, played by Rene Enriquez, holds basket of fruit ~i v"n to him by police de pa rtment honorin~ him as His pa niC' Officer o f the Year on "Hill Street Blue .•• ul I 0 p.m. on K NBC, Channel 4. Lt. Goldblume, ployed hy Joe Spano, is at left . -cm "Mhur" (1981. ComodyJ Dudley Moore. Liza Mlnnell1 ( 1 hr . !>3 min ) 1:tl(%) "Return Of A Man Called Horse" ( t976, Adventure) Richard Harr1s. Gale Soodefgaard (2 hrs , 9 min ) we "The First Tune" ( 1982. Romance) Tim Choate, Kusta Erk:l(son ( 1 hr . 35 ~I .) W "The Club" ( t980. Otama) Jacl< ttompson, Graham Kennody ( 1 hf • 39 min.) •(C) "The Gree! Bank H08>c'' (1979, My5· tery) Ned Bea11y, Rlcl\11rd Ba&&har1 ( 1 hr. 27 min.) , CB> "House C811t" (1978. Comedy) Wal· ter M111hau, Glenda Jeckton. ( 1 hf., 38 min.) •CD) ''The Kid From Not·SO-Blg" ( 1978, Comed'f/ Jennifer McAlllsltf, Robert Vlharo 1 hf • 30 min ) •CC "The Jau Slnget" (1980. Musical) Hell Diamond. yurenco Ollllter ( 1 ht .. 55 min) .. (%) ·n11ino In L0\19 Ag&ln" (1980. Ch · ma) Elllo11 Gould. StJUnMh YOtk ( 1 hr • -~~·fh11 Time Forever" (1960, ~net) C'altt P~re. Vincent Van Patten, (;ht .. 35 min.) .. (II) "Dll•OUI Oe'llll" (198 I, CC>medy) Bernard \,;r1bt>tns. 8111 Maynara ( t hr • 50 min ) d <Hl "Legend 0 1 The Wild" I 1980, Orama) Dan Haggerty. Denver Pyle ( I hr 40 min ) W (f) "Beachhead" ( 1954. Adventure) Tony Curtis. rrank Love1oy (2 hrs J CC) "Ralntree County" ( 1957. Orama) Eltzabeth Taylor. Montgomery Chit (2 hrs 50m1n) (f ) ''P11vate Lessons" ( 1980. Comedy) Sylvia Kristel. Howard Hesseman ( 1 hr . 30m1n ) 1:11@ "Ballad 0 1 A Sold1er" ( 1959, Romance) Vladimir lvashow. Shanna Pro- kh01enko (2 hrs I "ChOtees" (1981. Orama) Paul Caro- lates. Vietor French ( t hr .. 30 mm ) --11:1venlng .. ~AWLS Cll ... 8MJ. lllOUQM .... Q ........ MAWAlfWl.4 Gm IAIY Guest-Jan Clayton Q me ... tu1A111'1111"'°'*'MAllTI .,_ "Follow The Flee1" ( 1936, Muslcal) Fred Astaire, Ginger Roger$ A dancer In the Navy tries to help his former ~Iner and her sls1er (2 hrs J l5J llCMI "Alfaits Of Dobie Gillis" ( 1953, -Gomedy) Debbie Reynolds. Bobby Van. Two COiiege kids experience a series of lig_hthearted escapades, ( 1 hr .. 15 min.) la llCMI "Thieves" ( 1977, Comedy) Marlo ThOmas. Charles Grodin. A daffy couple try to rec8p1ure their lnnocenoe amid lhe coouplioo ot Manh811an. (2 hrs.hm .. 11.F= = CAwrrr CueS1 ba11erlna Merla ,. Tallchief. ..... YUM CID RD U.I This documentary catcheS many wltd animals as they grow up and learn to survive In their nal ur1I .. 1har=:=u NI .... me .. ....,D&TIMMI ::-& An Interview with "Oel-lls" atar Victoria Principe!. 1 super sales• i~! ..... IUH•H-.T "Tht Nloht The Llgl\11 Wtnt Oot In GeorC111t" (1981. Drama) l<rllty McNl- chOI, Mark Hamill. A brOthtf-~« toOgWTitk'IQ dUo haw menp;;dvtnturee wtlile trying 10 ~e OUI I on the country·wetle<n cifoui1 'PO' ( tv.. ISO min.) (%) ... "Return Of A Man Cdec:I HorN" ( 1976, Adllenture) Richard Hatfll, Oelit Sondefgurct. An Engliltl lord rttUf,.. to Am«ICI wtlfn ht IMml INt lht lndltnt *91() lnlti9'9d him Into their tribe heY9 !Ott ltitlr ~ ~ to ~~rilL'Y*") 11y111f1l1e1 l1it.1ll 101 Now Vu1l. 11h•1 t•l'llllJ 101 cJ IJy II jlH!I Cllltl u ~IHJllio,li uur1lt1Hl'I (I hi f•b 111111 I CLI ...,_ 1111'1 i-.11111.uouto Nur • ( 11Jfu CurflO(Jyj llrtmlu Allllll"•" 1Jut1111 f>ul P1t110 (•Ill 1iJy 101011110• tllllt I l.4tl1t1 111I "I lornnt u Ntut11111y.110" "' 1111111 1 .. ,., ,,, .1t1 U\jlrlij COUlll 6Ulllill1111hum "1111111 tllt h•l1tll 1=ondtl1011 "R' ( t h1 20111111 I -, .,...,~TOllQNT a.I MWTWGe llON "llntll• (.111.U\ ( l!.l'> J Ror111J11{.o) t h1111f"11oy Ur)\11111 Ju1111 Ally 80!1 A 1JI)( Ill• 11nd m111.11 1111• <II uw11 10fl"ll11!1 by lliu 1.0lldill()n(> HI 11 fll<lhiht hC>$=w111y wurtlrtltl (? 111 ~) ; llO¥ti IM l)w.o111I Io~ ( t!J~ 1 [)1.1 ma) Jamt!11 Mt1&0n. J~s1<:11 T u11dy rUlltJ Marshal R0111111-01 emeruos u., a 11111qu1:1 11111 11a1y liyu111 llu11ng his. World W~• II Alric1111 cam5 (2hr11) L: AMIMCAM ITYll ! "Hou1.e C:alls" ( 1916. Como dy) Walle• Mo11ho11 Glenda Ja1.l\su11 A widowed dOl.fOf hall,; his Casanuv11 lt!n<l enc1es long enough 10 lall l<H a divo1ctN who doesn't ooheve 1n ph1lander1ng PC. L! hr • 38 min ) g llOVll "The r11s1 !Imo" ( 198;>, Romance) Tim Choa1e, K11s1a ltickson A college ltesnman who hos been 1augh1 many schemes 10 cap1ure a woman's Ian cy, discovers lhtll love 1s m0te 1mpor1an1 Iha=~ R" (lhr 35mlf1) .. 1 (() llOVll ·ooc101s Pri111)1e Lives" ( 1978. Drama) Johll G11v1n. [IJ Nelson Two famed heall surgeo11s 1111<1 11\ell live:; In 1u1mo1I when personal pasi.1011s clt1sh w11h medical e1t11c~ ( 1 hr 55 rr11n ) e11 llO¥tl .. Fusi M()(lday In 0c1ober (198 1, Comedy! Waite• Mallhau J111 ClaybUrgh A liberal Supreme Coor! Jus tlce clashes with lhe newes1 member 01 the na1ion·s htghos1 cour1, an ultra-con· servahve wornan 1ur1s1 'R" (tl his . 39 min) -Ill> llO¥tl '"Fanlare For A Death Scene· ( 1964. M ysrery) Richard Egan. V1veca Lindfors An American agent embarks on a franhc search to locale a 1op scien11~1 who has a v11a1 secre1 lormul;i menially s1ored away ( 1 hr . 30 min ) -• CE) LAT! NIGHT wmt DAVI> lETTIJIWI Gues1s pres1den1tal speech writers Bou Orben ano Vic Gold Edie Adams w•dow ; ol c==~ Ernie Kovaks I 1 hr J TOii COTTU: UP Cl.OIE LOVE. AmJICAN ITYU lJIAfT lalllC HALL "An fvt-n111y W11h Alan Jay Lerner" The 11orell1SI ol "l311ya doon.' .. My Fau Lady·· "<.3~1 ' ·carnl' 101"' ano 0111e1s looks back and fw ward a1 h•s career with lhe a•d of Bobo• Ba11d David Cha~d L11 Rooer1son ( I hr I AUTO Coverage ol 1he NAS CAR Amc11can 500 lrom Rockingham N C !RI (3 hrs I (OJ llO¥tl '"Pin~ Chamriagne · ( 1980 Orama) Johfl S1eele '( 11 n1 15 min J *I (Z)cemlAIC.O. W 8 llO¥tl Jf"Sse James Ml'i'I!> r1dnkr•n s1e1n"s Daughler· ( 1966 ::>1.1t.•nc!' r IC hOnl John Luplon. Cal floldPr The daughle• ot Dr F1ankeno;1e1n 1urn!. Jessc James· friend 1n10 a homble rc.>001 ( I hr 50m1n J U MOVE The V11g1n Sold•ers 111'170 Drama) Lynn Redg1ave N~el P;i111c~ A yroup of 5eAually naive Or11osn 11•cru1I!> learn lhe li\CIS 01 lite and war when lhey are sent 10 t>;i11le 1n Malaysia ( t ht 30 min l Jiwk K•·ll y. of lluntin~lon Bc•at·h. ... ,a,.)\ in rtw mo\'ic·. ''l>ou hlc• .ft>op urd y;· ul I· p .m. 0 11 "TT\. ( :trnmH'I I I . Cil llOVW I awless Range' ( 1()3!>. wesr ern) John Wnyne She1l11 Manno1s A11 undercover ayenl 111VOS1tga1e~ the cause ot seemingly senseless ra1Cl~ occ.u111ng 1n It @m~~~~) Q) llOVW "We Jo111ed The Navy' ( 196? Comedy) Kenno1n More. Joan O'B11en A wacky Navy 01t1ce1 gets 1n10 rnme trouble ttmn he can h,1ndle before E>me1gmu as a ""'I tiP.10 11 hr 10 min ) l lllOVW JulP'> AM Jun ( I 'lb 1 n o111,111t 1>) Jl'a11r1E> Mm e.1u O"k•l• Wct11r•1 111 pit WorhJ Wat II rr;mce ,, c.11t·l1t•1• y11u11q woman lnveo;. 1wo 1111·11 Who ,111• rln•,1• h11'nrJS a11d ll'ht•,pc, lo q1v1· up CllhPI Cll1C ( I hr ' 4!> min ) - 2 llOVE f .111i11y 111 1 ove Aga111 ( 1980 O•<tmilJ r11111ll < 1nult1 Su!.anntth York A 111J11 g()(><, I< tu• ruqh !;ChOOI 1eur11on 111 lh~ behef !hill hi' \.a" relive rhe good 111111!'> ol me uas1 ·pa· ( 1 ti• JO m1r. J 1~ em l9C ... oVEIMQKJ 1:te0f'SJ lllOVW 'Arthur (1901 C..111nPdyJ 1• 'C MOVE Tti1> 1 rencti Wo111a11 1 1~6 t n1am11) F1,1nc111sP rab111r1 Dayle HarJClcm 0 llOVE H.1t1nw1Aen II ( 1981 Hu11u1) Jamie l ce Lut11<. Donalrt Pl<:il!>t'•1c.e A hvp+<le<.'>ly 111<..tnP 111urc)l'11•1 • nnl11ttJt!\ 111' reign OI ll'll<lr 1n ii o;rnall IOwll n 1:SO@ MllllON: 90l8elE 1:511,' HIO llAQAZM 19 (I) Cll NfWI MtOHTWATCH TO•A~ MEWi MOVIE nn:id ( 1a1T11"-I t IJB I Myc, 1e1y) S1acy K1•.ich. Jam1c I et> Cuti•~ Ul06')NEWI e llO¥ll "UOn'I 0011101 Tu Knock" (1%? Su!>1~1111.111 Mo11lyn Mon1no Rieh u11I W1drnt11k A 11iu11t11tty unoiabkt g11t WlllklllO .... II hutul bUl>y ~111111 1ttempt1 10 111ku htlf own lllu 1md 111111 of h61 young 1.1hur1,10 (1111 '.10111111 l M tHJ llO• "l11111u1u t m.i.cirn1" 1 1~80, Com Ody) Syl111u K1Mol. ltowmd ~ O!IMllTlllll. A WODl11ty mun U-!JIOntJ hlf, 'J(l0Ut11Vn hou1141 kOOf><Jt 1hu 1u1J ut p1011icllfl\J hl11 t!> yeor old '-Oft Wllh hi'• flr~1 !.ttXlllll t!•l)OllOl\CG 'R' (I ht . 30m111) M (LJ llON . W~ld'> l\µ1111' ( 1080. Ro11111111.o) A.1110" Kollok, fihull>v l livering· 1011 /\ ycxinu 1111111111 tnll11 111 lovu wilh an Ar111111t;un \tlrl wl\1) 1s 11111nu 1n IN1c1ot ( 1 hr . 3!>m1n) CZ> llOVll P11111~ Ot Glu•y' I 19!>7 0 111· 1m1) Kuk f>ouyl11' nulµh MOuk9' Dunng WurlrJ Wor I on o1hc;m urduri. h1!.1 111en on IJ SUll.•dt• rntG'Mlll oll Verdun 1100 !hen n1ltlmp1' w t.onconl 1111. folly by demand· Ing lhtt mwt;ution ot three uold1er11 Dy whom ho tool•, 1t11unl0ned ( 1 tir 25 rr\ln J HI 8 llOVll "I he Cirea1 Jes'i6 Jarnes Raid"' ( 1954. W ~tern) Wlll111d Parker Barbara Payton Ttie las1 days ot lh-0 1nlomous 001 law ftnd rum &tag1ng dnrm1,1 raids on Colo· rad~111111es ( 1 hr , ?S min ) Ml~llA~WGI t11~= 'BOdy And Soul" ( t981. Ota· ma) Leor1 Isaac Kennedy Joyne Kenne- dy /\ young black turns 10 p11zeft"h11ng 10 raise the rnoney he needs tor medlcal school "A' ( 1 hr • 45 min ) l:ll(~llOVll ··N111nsky" ( 1919. Orama) Alan Ba1es. George de la Pena Tllumph and lragedy punc1Ua1e rho s101my relat1onShlp belween 1hn great Russian ballet s1ar and his Svenya11 hke 1Mnage1 ·R (2 hrs. 5 min) 1:9(C) llOVW "The C1ncrnna11 Kid" ( 1965. Orama) S1e11e M cOueen Edward G Rob· 1nson A young cardsharp 111es 10 bea1 lhe king ot s1ud poker 1n a uallle for prestige ~hr . 45m1n ) 1:11 ,Amt. .. ICMOOL Tips 101 belier sknng ~llmedal K111=~1~1 ) (R) tM TCWO'TMI llOVW "Double Jeopardy" ( 1955, Mys1ery) Aod Cameron Jack Kelly A weallhy real estate man auemprs 10 11ind1- ca1e h1mset1 from 1.ha1yes ot having mur· dered an l!•to111on1s1 I 1 ht 30 min ) 'l) IPORTICDTD ('O) llOYIE "'H,1lloween II" I 1981 Ho11or) Jamie I ee Curl1!; Donaln Pteasence A hopeh1ss1y 1t1'>ane murderer continues his reign 01 h>11t11 1n a ~mall 1own 'R' ( 1 hr, 30m1n) t:M@ Nfrm tt11 (R)llOVE · 011l· On One" ( 1977 Drama) Robby Benson AnJ'\t!lle 0·1001e A boy who goec; In college on a baskelball scnola1sh1p 1s abused by lhe coach. scorned by t11~ Iulo• and useo by lhe school for 11s own purposes "PG' ( 1 hr , 38 mm J 4:11 O llOVW I Sho1 Jesse James'" ( 1949. Wes1ern) John ltl'land Barbara Brillon Jesse Jam~-;· cowardly hrlle• PAperiences a strong ot baiJ luck (I trr 15 mm) (ZJ llOVIE "Ta11no'" (1981 Orama) Bruce Dern, Maud Adarnl; An obsessed 1a1100~ ar11s1 k1dna1ic; .:i fashion model and pro- ceeds 10 cover her body w11h t11s hand1· worll A" I 1 111 45 min I d (!)ML...U d @ IDllEAll Of~ Friday. October 22. 1982 35 ~ ... -------------------~ -Thursday Coat. @ _, IAG "The Bu-;1ness 01 Books" The marllet1ng nnd hyping ol authors. or how pubhShl~Oll'S ~•llEll DOCTIM It TltE IQJtl llOWIE "The N1ghtco111e1s" ( t972 Suspense) Marton Brando Stephanie Beacham Two orpht1ne<J ch1IOren and their governess tall onde1 t11P influence ot a cruel mys11ty1ng gar rle11e1 'A' I I hr 35 min) CS) lltlOv. ·loot Suit" ( 1981. Orama) Daniel Vatoe1 Edward .James Olmos In t940s Los Angetes ,J G11use ceiebre el\Jpls over rhp frarn1t1i:i ot me>mt>ers ol a Chicano str~t qang •nr rnurder R' ( I hr 43m1n) tt11 Cl) CIEIMICOM ttt18 (I) QUllCY Quincy suspects that a mercy loller 1s resPoOs1bt1> lor lhe deaths of two pahents 111 a s;in1t.:1r111m (A) ( 1 hr.10mm ) .., G G> TOllGHT HC><..t .lohm1y Carson Guest swimmer Jason P1poly ( 1 hr ) I 0 MC ... NIQHT\M YOU A.a Foa IT 1111.tlfflRIQM llOWIE "Ballad 0 1 A Sold1er" ( 1959 Romance) Viad1m11 fv;iv1ow Shanna Pro- 1\horenko A young Rus.;1a11 soldier home on leave tor four days destroys two Ger man tanks. ends a ma11tal split and finds a love for himself (2 hrs 1 I MTOFIEllGHWIA" NI LATlllQHT Host Dennis Wholey i! hr.) CZ) llO¥IE "Turkish Oehght" ( 1974, Ora· ma) Rutge1 Hauer Mon1qUI' Van De Ver Have you entered your favorite recipe in the Orange Coast Cookbook Contest? You could win a trip for 2 or a '200 gift certificate For details watch for our ad In the Wednesday ·Food Section. A young sculptor marries a woman whose appe111e for fun matche!> n1s own 'A' ( 1 hr . 40 mm) m 9IQKT cw.a..srt 11M(H) llOW "La Cage Au1< runes" ( 1979 Comedy) Ugo Toqnaw. Michel Serrault A nightclub owner t11es 10 prepare his 11ansves111e lover tor a v151t by hrs son's f1ancee's lather, the morals commissioner of France 'A' ( 1 hr 3 t rrun l 1191 Bna'T~TOllQHT ®) 11tE LU1' WON> · llOW "Anything Goes" ( 1956. Mus•· cal) Bing Crost:>y Oonalo O'Connor Comphca11ons a11se wnen a comedy team travels to furope to (1NJ a leading lady (2 hrs) a5 = "Phone Call rrom A Stranger" ( 1952. Drama) Gary Memll. Shelley Winters The lone survivor of a piano craSh unoertakes lhe task ot not1lying the v1c- 11ms' fam•hes. (2 hrs ) I LOVI, MEICAN mu IPOITICBl1'ER MCM( "Tinsel Town· ( 1980) Danielle Raye. Loni Henderson ( I hr . 30 min I e PIMY IMIOM 11:11(t) llOWIE "The Great Train Robbery" ( 1979, Adventure) Sean Connery, Don aid Sutherland Two expert turn-ol the- cenlury con ar11s1s attempt to pull oll the seemingly tmposstt:>le robbery ol a IOcked sale abOard a last·movtng 1ocomo11ve 'PG'_j 1 hr . 51 min) tta 11 Oi) LATl 91GKT wmt DAVI> LETTEMAN Guests comedian Richard Morns, Ted Qjannoutas. the San Otogo Chicken. base- lbail=:t'tator Bob ueci..er ( 1 hr ) TC* coma: UP Cl.Oil UM. .... CANl'T'fU llOWIE "My Champion" ( 198 t. Ola· ma) YOko Shimada. Chris Mllchum Tiie true story of a female Jepenese l\Jnn1ng cha'!!P!On ts IOld ( 1 hr • <15 min ) tlltl II CIJ llCCLOW The guest ot a wealthy Amerlc8n beeomes the unwilling witness 10 a murder whlie trying to steal lt\e family Jewels (R) ( 1 hr . 20 min) tll9 •OYll "Body Heat" (198t, Suspense) Wlfllam Hun. Kathleen Turner A smalltime Florida lawyer Is persuaded by his iovet 10 murder hOI husb&nd 'R' ( 1 ht . 55mln) Cl)..,_ "The Club" (1980, Orama) Jack Thompson. Grahl.Im Kennedy The coach ol a has-been Australian football taom finds the gOlng rough both on the ptaylng field and In the board room where he lac" an an1age>n1111c club prOSldeflt ( 1 hr • 39 min. I we m¥ll "Biiiy Tho Kid Va Dracula" ( 1966, Horror) Chliclc Counney. John Carradine. A reformed outlaw makes the awfvf dltcovery IMt hll glrtfrlOfld's uncle 18 roell~~e (2 hra.J 8 · The Horror 01 Ft&nl<enmoln" ( 1971, Horror) Ralph Bt11aa. Kate O'Mare A scientist creates o loathtome crtl!llure compo&ed ot var10U1 p11rt11 or dil· terent ~dfl~ ( 1 hr . 30 min.) (!) .._ "Cnctiantment" ( 19A9. Or• me) David Niven, Tetea& Wright An eld· erly men II lllmlnOed ot f'lls peal romtnee when hit gtandlon conlront1 him with hit iovea,J::W~t w I .. ''W .. tt>Ound" ( 1959. W•twn) ndolpfl Scott. Virginia Mayo. A Yank .. officer It ~ In cherge of 111rtlng • •tageCoectl_ -10 INp gOld °"' Of Cellb· ~·:r• ... "nit ~ °" ""' 1:r· I 1949. Orama) Laraine Day. JOhn Agar A communist decides 10 change his ways white involved w11t1 parry ac11v111es 1n lhe United States ( I hr 30 min ) 1:ts'?)MCM[ 'Ta1100" (1981, Drama) Bruce Dern. Mauo Adams An ot>sesseo tattoo arllst kidnaps a tasn1on model and pro- ceeds to cover he• body wllh hlS hand•· work 'R' ( t hr 45 min ) 1:1100 ftttOYIE "Bear lslano" ( t980. Suspense) Donald Sutherland, Vanessa Redgrave An Arctic weather-research team's members are t01ced 1nto a tight IOI lhelr very StJrvtval 'PG' { 1 hr 43 min ) ta II G) e9C ... OYBUIQHT (ID MCM( "Arthur" ( 1981, Comedy) Dudley Moo1e. Ltza M1nnet11. While his 1am1fy attempts 10 force him 1n10 a pre- arrange<l marriage. a drunken. hedonistic playboy lafts 1n love with a p00r working I ·pa· (thr ,53mln) HI CJ) Cal ... llGHTWATQt HI = "The Otteooe" ( t973, Dlama) Sean Connery, Trevor Howard While tracking down a cMd molester. a London detectrve slowly edges himself toward a nervous breakdown 'R' ( 1 hr , 54 min.) n 0 llO¥W "This Time Foiever" ( t~80. Romance) Claire Pimpare. Vincent Van Patten A french·Canad1an g11t falls in love with a brash Ameocan college stu- dent s1Udy1ng 1n Montreat 'PG' ( 1 hr • 35 min) 1:11 CS) llOWIE "Can You Keep II Up For A Week?" (Comedy) Jeremy Bullock. Rich· ard o·suurvan A young woman agrees to marry he1 boyfriend on the condition that he remain ga1nluUy employed for seven days ( I h1 . 35 min ) t:al~n "Anchors Aweigh" (1945. Musical) Gene Ketty Frank Sinatra Two sailors en1oy tf'leir leave tn glam<)fous Hol· ~~3hrs) M ATLMm M llOYW "Disappearance" ( 1977, Suspense) Donald Sutherland, Francine Racelle An 1nterna11onat hit men t>ecomes obsessed with finding his mls&- l!!ij wife. 'A' ( I hr • 40 min ) 1119. llCMI "I Shot Billy The Kid" (1950, Western) Don "Rod" Barry, Tom Neal The 18mous ouuaw 1s captured a number of time$ before eventually being kUled ~-lllff {!)-=-"Return 01 A Man Called Horse" ( 1976, Adventure) Richard Harns. Gale Soodergoard An English lo(d returns to Ame<lc8 when he leerns thll the lndlall9 whO lnltlflled Nm Into their tribe have lost their modest Pfe6eMt 10 tra~ 'PG' (2 hrs . 9 min ) 111900 -1111 M The lalott develop-menta In the NfL strike ftre ek.amlned. ~lOUQIM990 .. , ....... NOii TW .. ,. U. Action hlgtlllglltt from the Canedlen Footblll ~~.!... (g)_,. "All Night Long" ( 198t. Come- dy) ~ H11<:kman. S.rbfa Slrels8nd. Att8f being demOttd from eo<poratt e11ecut1v. to chfltln..,1oro night mMag«. 1 ~man's 111 .. tyle Ind veluet 11• !.l!!_ntd ~. 'R' (I ht., 28 min) M (.IJ ... "84tyond Evil" ( 1980, HoffOf) Lynde Dey a.otoe. John S.•on . A P'OQ twiOe II terrortt.d bY evil fotcet ~In it?'meneion. 'A' (1 l'lf., S4 min.) .. ..._ 8ter" (1165, Wee*em) ~. fdgilt 8uidww\ A._,. "°"' °"""' "*"' • ~ --............... Cttw .. •lfth.>- ,. e 1 oee M TOW r .. 1.11wet1 11 1, ... ,.. 11t 11 t 41it" U•lltlU t;1i11w Whlllll l-tt11IUl1iHnh1 Hlllll)lltl 1111 •11111 lu 111 \hlltllll\J IOI uvtt1y WllMltl 1111•.wt'r 1111111lt•1v11•w ljljltlt ttllllttdhUt < .. 11111 M11t.ht!11111 ,, 111 .. 11 I•• tw•• tk.111tol 1.1ot1 IOUi YOWIO fllOfU'I ..CW. All Alluot 11 Altl'.,on Srnllh (''A1111~1I' I lw-,t.., thl!J lllX.UlllUfllury 1toi.1unotl lu (,llVtl yl)unu f 1p1t11111110111u11 1101111ng the11 uw11 doy1 u~ a ...uY a CO.AllY mCJleU. ru1tlu1tKJ l A 4 wumcm 111 u11lfa11n. u p10lil11 ol f'dlttt M01>SOy, II :i&O P\)111111 pu11k tlllliJtll knowll 0!1 "rho f UU lo<Jy" ,, look 61 llllJ lw.tury ol lhu Olym • AUdllOllUnl • nc TAC DOUGH llADAm'I PUCI YOUAIUD*IT WA .. 'tt -.nm Oves1 1 .my_ Adlo1 lllCMIL I ~ !llmlmT Fll&Y,_., ftJ) MmlCA "Wil<J Cogs" Mally Stoulfer IOOkll ul 11\o 1otes and liUCllll SllUCIUl(l OI the c:to11lefitl1; dog's Wiid C:Bll 1110 cou~t\'> tho wolf COyOIO end lox CH) -ntE II'\. The lutest ()ellotop mems 111 tllu Nfl st11ke aro exarntnod I t hi) l$) AD091C• Cur 111 shape look llOOd. and toot grear with th11, physical fitness Rrog1a111 ID llOVIE "N•M:r fol mm" ( t940. Ora ma) Mau10011 O Ha1a AOOll)he Men1ou A hither recenlly rvlcilWd 110111 a mental 1nst1tu11on t111ds n1s dt'.lughle1 10 be ve1y syrnpath(lt1c .inti !lu~po111vo ( 1 h1 • 30 m111) .. IJ CIJ UQMJll, '.L Magnum ano Hick lry 10 keep H1gg1ns from tee1n1ng lhat he 1s on the 1111 ltst ot some African wa11101s seek 1ng 1eve119e on flll ex-8111istl SOlcllers in ':i!gQ!!!S' ufd 1ey11ne"I ( t hr l U W Flm Oolh Oruno's lather .ind Mr ShotOISky 11y 10 lmce thetr plans lot htS lutu1e 011 ll1m. and l ye11a ano Coco lly 10 take uver ar1 e•e1c1se e~pe11's class ( 1 hi J 8 VIETIWI: ntE TD lltOUllM> DAY WAii "Fron1hne Ame11c11" Ame11can society becomes se11ous1y d1v10ed as d1ssen1 becomes w1desp1eao and v101en1 ( 1 hr ) 0 @) IO~ LOWI CMACHI Chach1 ends up as the model tor Joanie's arr class unaware rhat he has to pose 1n the nude ~ TO LDlNOM wtTH LOVE ~ ~ llAQ~ An 1nrerv•ew w1lh "Oat· las" srar V1c1011a Principal. a super sales man sha1es his !>e1.1C!IS a» llOVIE lhe Gossip Colummsr· ( t980. Drama) Bobby Vinton. Robert Vaughn A young reporrer t1cc1.1mes Hollywood's mosr mtamoos new gossip columrusr (2 hrs) @ llXED IAQ I he Business 01 Books" The ma1ke1111g and hyping ot au1t101s, or how publi™101es fm U.1. 'The Littlest lmm1 granls" An 1 t·yeai old Korean orphar1 ad1usrs 10 hfe w•th tus aoo1.H1ve parents 111 the United Stares 01) .-AK "'IVIEWS Neal Cabler and Jel· frey Lyons hosl an 1nlorma1tve look at what's new at the movies CC) llOVIE "Take This Job And Shove 11" ( 198 t. Comedy) Rot>en Hays Barbara Hershey A young corporate execullve runs •nto resistance when he returns lo his homelown 10 rev11al1ze a company brewef~G· (I t11 40 min) (£)~ (ID llON "Swing Time" l t936, Musical) Fred Asta1re, Glfl08! Rogers. A gambling 1 hir11 ur hlJ" •t 1111111 llmu •IVlflU 111uriuy 111 1111111y hi• i.wuollicmrl, hut 1.(Jl11pht 11111111~ 11r1•w whun hu tuth 1111111111111111 1? t111>) t 11 MOVll I 1r11t Mv111loy 111 C>c t11l>w · t t'lll 1 l,.11t11111ly) Wullu1 Mutth1JU Jill l t11yllt111Jlt A 1ib11111I ~11ptt1111u Curnt J1111 11~11 dw.ho• wnh 11111 11t,w111,ol 111t11ut1111 111 t11t1 n.1llu1o'1, 111\}lltl•I 1.u111t olll ullru t.Oll 1iu1v111iv1 w1J1111111 lllll'>t ll' (I ht 40 tlllll) 9 llOVll 'Ho<Jy Hm 11" I 1% t S1111~nt.o) W1Uu11n ~tu11 Kuthit!t.111 l11111rn A ~nttlllllllO I lomlu luwyor l!l IJUl'>ll111Jrtd by hi~ tuvur 10 1m11dur l\4.l1 lllmh11ml ff 11 hr :iam111) .. QZ) ... a. 8 @) ITAll Of M Fll&Y Al 1111w1t 1.11t1J Omo. Jonnie i;ch{l1r1~1 ru 01tund 11 1.rn1cmt dnd L>ooggll.l Ii UOl'>d utadOll :>fHlln lu 11111001 hlll pnrl01100ncn on lhC loott1o1ll f1old. i CMAll.m'I AMQl1.I IO YOU nN YOU QOT TROWUI llOVll "Ballad 01 A SoldlOI" ( t9~!>. nomonco) Vlae11m1r tvu~how, SMnnu Pio khOtenko A young Auss1an so10101 hornu on leave tor lout days r10•:11uys two < w1 man 1oolo.s. end:. u marnol 'JIJlll E111C1 lln<:l:; 11 love lot himself ('hrs ~ 8D mM ...... NuHI C..ablm n11d JOI Irey Lyons tiost an 111101mat1ve look M whal's new 01 lhe movies 81) OMMQE COUlfTY IMQ~ Foatwe<J St f1anc1s by the sea. a twk tll Md11ot1 Knoll trom Knotts Berry r arm d VISll lo lhe Radio City M usic Night Clul>, L11guno Beach's neon s111n con11ovnrsy O:f) llOVIE "Arthu1" ( 1981, Cometly) Dudley Moore, l•to M1nnelh While 111., family artempts 10 t01ce him into a pru arranged mamoge, a drun1<e11, 1'100on1s111 playboy tolls 1n love with d poor woti\11)g Q11I 'PG' I t tu • b3 min l wa oo-·-GD QIEIM The coach hat. 10 1011 h1~ daughte1 thal the s1ea1y guy she want& to marry 1sn'1 exactly what ho had 1n mind fo1 her 8 Vln'MAM: ntE T!N THOUIAM> DAY WAii "Soldiering On" Ame11ca11 troop morale ou11ng the wa111ng Clays ot the war is e-a mined (I hr) D @) TOO ClOlf fOft COllFOll'T Baby And1ew 1s e.11R058d to ch1tllen pox for<.. 1ng Henry to move in with hrs combahvl' mother·in·law O A CtllD'I atY Hus docume11ia1y pre sents a close-up look at ch1ld1e11 strug g1111g with lhe daily threat nt 11iotence 1tun ger. oppression and sp1111ua1 ClarknPs~ ( t hi) G)IBV_,. &I~ TELEV'9IOle "l1ouu1e On Fashion Avenue" Filmmakers Stet;111 Moo1e a11d Claude Belle1 docu111c111 lhe role ol lhe New Yo1k C11y garment 1ndu:. 11y. its present economic struggles and lhc 1mphcat1ons 01 lhe!.e problems l<>r o ther businesses ( t hr J 01) llAITUWWCI ntEATllE "To Serve Them All My Days" Oav•O marrtes Beth and raises lhe har.kles 0 1111e War Memorr al Comrnrllee when he 1ns1sts they t.1u1lcl a gym 1ns1eao ol a statue (Pan 31 O I I hr) l£) AUTO llACleQ Coverage "' the NAS CAR American 500 lrom Rock1t1yham, N C (A) (3 hrs ) llOVIE "Tattoo" ( 1981 Drama) Bruce Dern, Maud Aelams. An obsessed 1a1100 artist kidnaps a lastuon mOdel and i>ru ceeds 10 cover hef body w•th his hafld• work 'R' ( 1 hr , 45 min ) (I) llOVIE "This Sporting Life" ( t963, Orama) Rtchard Hams. Rachel Roberts A .. Ill I.I .~1111 lll{jlJY I ~oy11t kl'.ol:lll Ult lovo Cll 8 LJPUll WtJ•llllll 1111111 luhlllO lldVdlllll(IU OI h111 1:1 hi'• 111 111111 ) m10Uom.a .. (fl)llON '1'111\J UI lho M<Hl(J<>li.' (19fM, AcJvt1t11lJ1n1 1111 .. 11111> Okawa. YoehlO vu .1111111 A lf!mlw•'> y01.1t1g .,..mura l llUG to rhe dulun~ ul hli. llnµCit1 I lwocs.i •O&lntl 111v1101nu 1ubul 1t11cm. ( 1 111 • bb min J t:ll O GD TUI l 1Jlkl) •Jnu S1111k11 throw D pat· 1y 111 uu1u1111111u wt11c.11 of tUK lullow cnbblet w1ll 11l<111u Im ht» 111he1ol11y lo bln1k11 by h•v '.!!iJ .m 11lh111 with hU1 (Parr ?) u OOJ IT TAHl TWO Mully' • n11vo to pr06 U(,;l)IO •• 1;11µ11111 jlUlll'ol\lllUlll Cll:.O dollve1a a blow 1n 11nr vuluH'• nmJ lo Sam'3 rotoronc:e ol lltir 1ub (f) lll0¥1I. w11.11uvu1 lf(1prm11ea lo Bnby Jori<!?" t l!)ij;• Suupuni.o) Bull& Davie, Jt>-111 <..rnwlorll I wu '>l'>lers. bOth for met 111111 'illll!•. hvu ii l>llollltl U.JO&IOl\00 In D If/I· 11J1 11C10011 houl)(' c:> hr" 30 min) ,.. IJ Cl) KtK>TI LNl*Q Kme11 Ille& ro lure h1•1 hur.t»lnif" k1llu1<, 1n10 a 11ap, Ond Oury 111111111p1s .1 11'<.011c1hation with Valene ootorc; 111~ lorhor·~ will 1i. t08C1 (I hr.) 0 6? HU l1M!T &.UU Cafletano ~1rn1'. oll 111 o b11nquet hoo011ng him 85 1 lti.purn< Olh<.ut •>I the Yem. Ca pr Fu11I IO'b ~1)11 (Jl!Jlpl)IJUI>. >l11C1 nenkO itnpresse& law~l(l,';1=. (I nr ) 1m>•1• ATfOlllEY QPBW..'I MCI A taped Oebaln between all tour candidates tor the olli<:f' ol State A11omey Oene101 George N1<.hulson. Joh11 Van De Kamp. Dan Siegel .inu Bait I oo 1!> p1esenled. ( 1 hr ~ 01) OOYUEY · l u<.y A11d The First Family" Tiie discovery ot a 3 I /? m1111on·yea1-old '>keleton a11d 1111• loss11tzed 1ema1ns of 13 ol hor c.011tr111111J11J11es have sparked a tndfOr c<J1111011msy <iver humarl evolutlon (R) 0 (1111 I !Cl IMMl Q1u1nary People" ( t980, Dfa rna/ Mwy lyle1 Moore. Donald Suther· land A guilt ricJ<Jcn teen a9e1 1ry1ng lo pul hi!. Ille buclo. IO!lelhor alter his brother's oeath dnd ht" C1wn suicide a11emp1 1each· e!. 011t tu hr!. r.omplacent lather and his c;uld. 1e•.01vcd 111oltle1 'R' (2 hrs , 3 min l <OJ llOVIE Top Hat" ( 1935, Musical) f 1ee1 Asi.we G111yPr nogers A man has 1roub1e wnh h1'l g1tltnond because she thinks he's marned 10 he1 t:>esl friend (2 hlS ) lSJ ROMANCE; LOYf II YOICE (Conclu- sion) 0 llOVIE 'A C..lockwork Orange" ( t971, Sc1ent.l' r 1ct10111 Malcolm McDowell. Pat11<.k Mtt!,JC+' 0110<.;led by Sranley Ku1>11ck When pullce capture lhe leader ul a 1i>e11 aye g.Jng or 1an1s1s and murder· rw, tne 111i>lhod of 1eha0ihta11ng him p1ovt!'> even rnwe 1h1eate111ng to society ·n· 12 hr-> 11011111 m•~ *15 ('RI llOVIE Death Vat~y" ( t982. Mys· tery) Paul I eMal, Perer Biiiingsiey A New York yo11nyste1 is sent to Art.zono to visll his mother and stumbles across a se11es of ris~R' (thr .25m1n) 1UI IT 9ElWOM ... WAT\llE Guest ~ Adle1 n• ODCil®la> ll1\lmlY MIGHT lllENICMOf- 114AT QUIZ IHOW ITMET1 Of IM AIANalCO llOVIE "The Hasty Heart" ( 1950, Ora· ma) Ronald Reagan. Pat11c1a Neal A tef· m1nally •II so1d1e1 finds peace when he tS oetr1endeo by ltve wC1onded sold;ers In a hospital 1? hrs tO min I Friday, Oct0ber 22. 1982 37 I I I 1·. , . • I I . ACROSS I 6 ::.11own 111.1y•, Hf'rt1 on WK~P 12 Ch ,lllo.•y llll H OWol' lutll'o 14 SIJr 111 M,1 '..icl,1 1'> Preli~ w1111 11"""'"" 16 Big wt11•1•I 17 · Mr CilPSJf 18 Ml'>S Ekhe>rq , 'olljll "" 19 S tuelm unit 2 t Gue:. 11 dlo111 23 MIS'> Ullflldllfl 24 -Boruut1t1 H11c1q1 25 Pldy.., MdQrl11r11 26 Lile to L11•• 27 0dn/o <; ':th<>w 30 G111 32 -rf' 33 E.nU1nQ w1ltl ArJIJ 34 0Ht•ctur Ko1.111 lb Sl.irrutJ 111 Fdmtly )!) flll1n tJI 0.111,1•, 40 Fill 111 up 4J Ou11 "''"' JJllll''> ol'> M<Jll<. M111cly 46 C t1'>Sll' Wl H.H(lllf V,lll11y 41:1 I <Jr &6 119 Nu1qhbo1 <J I Mo'>'• ')Cl lnlPI '11 111 Ouuoh ') J PIJy'> 0.1rrwy M1ll1•r 11111 54 fllC'>CllJfl'> '>6 Sco11 011 T raµper Johll MO '>8 Src 2 Down ~t) 011 player DOWN I P1otJ111.1•r 0,1v1d 2. SB AcroS'> Pldye<l Eps1e1n 3 Silver Symt1 4 Ne1ghoor ul 111.1 5 An Anqe1 6 -Budd1f'~ 7 8 9 10 Cornelld -51--11111"' Ger d1owsy N egative Miss St11tcn 11 Played Supettlld•I 13 Make o ul 20 22 23 28 29 30 31 34 35 37 38 39 40 -Juan<1 Behold Role tor Ac;111..:1 Clock numerah Miss Balin ol thel::' TV p1011ee1 co Role tor Carol Burnell I -Tnre<> Lives Pa1rt0l1c org Abbr Played Maude Purcell on Real People Harris on Barney Miller 41 MASH •,1,11 ln11 42 B1lku dllO Ymk, c tJ 44 l':tabellf! on Bosom Buddies 46 D1sc ha1Qe 47 -Gordon 'l-0 Rogers t)f Clark '>2 Played Mr Peepers '>5 Miss Grimes handbag 10 57 Miss Tyson s sign oft SOLUTION 19117 Unllec! FM ture Syndlcele, Inc -Leiter• 'Beaver' sequel slated On CBS MATHE RS MATTERS -l'v.-heard that tbere'1 gotn11 to be a 11equel to "Luve It to Beaver." JI 10, wlll J erry Mathers and Ton~ Dow play Beaver and Wally? How old are Ibey now? Finally, I believe Harrison Ford once appeared on tbe 1bow. Am I correct'~ "8ttll lht• Beaver" lit lhc· npl lltll CJ( cas· .. µlannecl two-hour movw that will rl'untl Mulh•·r,, !)ow, Barbara Balhnustey, K en Osmond und us many "' tht• uriu1nnl Nist rn1•mbcni as possible. UnCortunoll.'ly, llu~h B<:uumonl, who played Ward Cleaver, pai1.'wd away m Mny Muthers Ltl 34 tht•St• dayis, whilt• Tony Dow 1t1 :rn . A-s for l l11rriM>n Ford, tw did mdet'<.l put in about a do•tt•11 11p1)1·t1rann· on the iwril'S as one of Wally's classrnall·i., < 'h1·-.tl·r But don't t'XJX'<.'I lo S(.'e him tn tht' r1•un11m WILD ABOUT WILDER -Where c·an I write Actor Gene Wiider? The actor-dtFector ha'> Im, own produ<'llon l'Ompany. Pal-Mc•I Produ..i;tions, 9350 Wilsh111· Rlv d , Surtl' 400, &·wrly Hills. CA 90212. (St•nd your it.'tters 10 P1•pJJf.'I' O'Brn·11. Unllt'fl F't•aturC' SyndkatC'. 200 Purk A vc>ll UI', H"om IW2. NC'w \'m ·k , N. Y. IVJ66. EMERGENCY DOCTORS OFFICE THE ATTENTION YOU NEED -WHEN YOU NEED I TMOST A conlfenient elt•tn•tl"• to ho•o•t•I •m•rgency room• lof. ILLNESS INJURIES FRACTURES Thorough Proles~1onal & Pe1sonul11e<l Care AOUUS ANO CHILOR[ N No Appe1n1men1 NeedeCI • 1mme111ate A11.-n11on Given WORKMAN'S COMPENSATION ACCEPTED 7 DAYS A WEEK 3t S DAYS A YEAR tA..M.-11 PM. (714) 752·8300 •ll•RG•NCY DOCTORS OFFICE 4030 811ch SI , Su11e 107 Newpert Beach I N = 5 15oFF = = T your first visit = ---w•lh •h•• coupon -• See what we have lo offer • - -:11111111111~ouro11111111111r: Friday, October 22. 1982 39 DIAICf CIAIT lllTllCTll llACI I I 1111111 llllll FRIDAY. OCTOBER 'n. 1'JIJ7 ORANGE COUNTY C ALIFORNIA :;>!> CENTS Will residents face NB trash fees? By ROBE RT BARKE R Of , ... 01111, "''°' "•" Jlunt1ilt(tn11 lkiH·h 1'l'!>td1•ni... soon muy ht• pay ing tn11>h a11d si•w,•r f Pt•i. ou t of t h1·1 r 'wn µitt·k1•ts Ctty Ad1111111str11t11r (.'h.1r 11•, 'l'hompsun is propos ing that l'l'Stdent.s pay $'1 :J5 a month for t1•ash coll1•1·t1on and ti:! 1·1·1Hs .i m onth for thl' mamt1·n;11w 1· of till' S<'Wt•r system. In .addition. l'llY stul r mc·mbt•rs arc' s1•t•kmg <l pproval to studv <i Going out on a limb 1 haqi1· lur i.ln•c·l dhtlllll~ 11111•1-.1l1orn. All lht'!'>l' l')'fWlll'ol'!'> ur1· llllW p;11d •>lit 11f tlw 1•1ty's g1•111•r:il I und 'l'h .. l'll V l'O Ultl'tl I'> sdwdul<'d to ;.ll'l oi1 tlw pr11po1-.tli. M11ndav 111 7.:lll p 111 111 th1· l'OUncd d1;1mh1·n., '.WOii Ma111 St. D11·1·1·tur u l Adttlllll!>tl'llllV•· S1·•·v11·t·s B1·11 Ar~Lwlle1 s;1ul th .. 1·11 y t u1l t•X P('l'l to pay $•1...J m1i'hon nt>xt y1'<H' for trash , Sl'Wl'r m;iintl'riam·1· and strl'('l l'lt·arnng Trash 1·ullet·t1on and dtsµosal 1·11;.t:. .11·,. 1·i..1"~·11·d t11 d1111b lo $:J :> 11111111111 Hlo111• l11'('HUl>l' of tlw IWW gitt1• 11·1·~ 11111msi'!I al Or;u1g1 · ( °c11111t y 11w1wd du111p ~11t•s < '11sts 1)1'1' h11usl'l111ld w11uld 1·111111 • lo .11111111 $Ii :1~1 hut th" 1·1tv '' p1·1•p11!>111~ 111 pay $i 11r th;;t tottil 11'1 llll llll' g1•111•1•al furul Argw•llo s<•Y"> 11 1:-lll\IX'I ollVI' Ill I 111d 11\'W so11rn·s of llll'IJlnt' b1·1-.1l1St' 111 t•si·alatl11g costs. D1r1•t'l l1"1:->h n1llt•t'l10n ft•1•s w1•n· drop(Jt'd 111 1970 wh1•11 till' nly impost d a ~ ix•n•t•nt tux cm Just before they would have to s it still for story hour at the Ba lboa Library, these first and second graders from Christ Churc h by the Sea Day Care Center worke d off some excess energy on a e ucal yptus branch. Price, veteran leader, Laguna o.w. dies By STEVE MITCHELL Of IM Dell1 Pllol SI•" H is lifetime motto was : ''ServieC' to one's fe llow man is the rent w e pay for our place on earth " O .W. Pric'e was a good tenant Th1' tong-time Lagunan . w h ose di>cadC's o r w o rk fo r veter<ins and their families earned him dozens of national awards. 1s dl'ad at the age of 87 He diE'<i Oct. 10. the result of a fall in the Gle nnevre Stree t parking lot in Laguna suffered a month earlier. Memorial services will be held Saturday for Price al I 0 a.m at the Community Presbyterian C hurch, 41 5 F o rest Ave .. in Laguna Beach. Price. who we nt by the initials "0 .W." because he didn't like his firs t n ame . Ogle , was a Legionnaire , Mason, Shriner and former Veterans Administration official. And hts work for the VA didn't stop in 1961 when h e retired after 42 years of service. his las t pos t as head of the Buffalo regional officl'. He remained active in veteran afrairs. wking bNwt•cn t•1ght to 10 c:a lls a day from veterans. widows of S<'rv1ccmen and others sC'l·king his advice on compl<'X VA forms. reg ulations and bcnC'flL'i. If he didn 't hav<' tht• a nswer lo thC'1r questions. he'd call someone in Washington , D C . who did Price• didn't draw a fedt•ral payc·hc'<·k for the last two dt•cadcs of his life. but he• worked full- t tnH' for the VA , t yJ.11ng up editorials about disablf'<l VC'ts on an old type.writer m his Bluebird Canyon home. He workl.'d with tht• Prt•sident 's Co mmi ssion on Employment of the Handicapped and spent hundreds o f hours v1s1ting patients and members of the staff at the Long Bcat·h VA h ospital Price used to 1oke about his short-lived military career. H e was a mus idan for the Navy band at the end o f World War I. After leaving the service an 1919, he look a job with the Army Educational Service, using O .W. Price his first pay<:h1'<:k to buy a SC'l of dc1lhc.·s "I hud to wear my old uniform for four months unttl I could s1.:raix· up c•nough monC'y lo buy s" m c 1· 1 v 1 11 a n d o t h l's . " h C' rt'<.':.tll!"d. lit· said VC'terans didn't have muc·h in th<' way of lx·nef1ts back tht:n. Thal prompted the ex-Navy mus1d11n tn join the old Veterans Bureau, where' he held executive pos itions a s d ivision c hid. assistant manage r , c hi ef domidliary. chief of vocational rehabilitation and education, a nd . (See PRICE, Page AZ J 11 ·:0.1d1·11t.-. util11 v lulli. tn onll-1 t11 111 11 k1· p :1y 1111•11l s for lht· 1·1111stn11't11111 111 tlll' l'1vw (.'1•11t1·1· a11d l .1111,tl'V H1•,11lt·111' t '.1th1·n111· Meun·r I"> a111ong 11 1111111lwr o f 1·1·s1d1·11ti:. w ho say:. that nly uft u·tals 111 I !J70 pr111111s1•d n11t tu 1111pos1• 11 tl'Jsh ft·•· Jb l1lllg as th•· utility f1•t• IS Ill l'flt'i'I "'l'h1·.v prom1st•u 111•v1•1· tu d11 this ur1d it's wrong," sh£• sn1d. "Tht'y l'ould look Jl tlw1r own high pay us a W<Jy to l'llt l'llSL'> Sci1111• .,j 11 Ii. 11111·rly r 1du uli11.h " M1•u1 1·r, ,, i1(·1·11M•d v11t'al111n1d nu1 -.1•. 1>.1 ys s h e· l'.111'1 work lw1 ,1l1M· sl11: has 1t•n1111111I ('J lll't'I "I 1·a11 't loWl S1x·1al S1•111nty vt·t .11111 111y ... Olll'C'I' 11( ll1l'tlllll' IS from 1nti·n •i..l 1111 111y ~av111gi-ill'l'•JUlll ·•I 11t1·rl'i.I 1 .itt"• an· 1·0111111~ d11w11 :111d 1·V (·ryth1111:{ 1·l1>1· Ii> g.11111-( up "l va11 '1 allord lo p:1y lu1 llll' 11 ..... h a 11d !>l'Wl'I f1·1•s I'll h;1V(• l•> d11 \V1lh11ul '>llt1lMl1111g l'IM· and thmg!> an· gl'lt111g prl'lty du!>!·" Ht'n Arguello Nielsen's rating high along Coast By STEVE MARBLE 01 the D•llJ Piiot II•" Thomas C N1t•bt·n. s1•l1·1·t<:d as 1h1· l rv1n 1· Company's nt·w p11•s 1lll•n1. IS Vl {'Wt·d b y t'(lmmu111ty IN1d<•rs as a strong publ1e n·luwms f1gun·. <.o man who will work quit'kly to polish the· firm's tarn1sh<.'d 1magl' "This 1s a signa l that th1· lrv1111• Company will work m<ll'<' do!>t•Jy with the <.'omrnun1llt·s." said Nt·wporl Bl·<H:h Mayor Jot'kll' lh•athc·r. "Th<.' l rvuw Company 1s badly 1n nt•t·d of ft·nc·t· mending with tht· t·11mmunit1l·s this t'Ould be a st1·p toward that," ohsc-rveci Barb:.ira Young. h·ad1•r of th1• Cc1mm1tt1·c• o l ..J ,000 and a frt·yut·nl tTllll' of I hl' Nt·wporl- ltasl'<.l dt•vt·lo pml'nl firm "This IS ;in l'Xn•llt.'nl l'hOll'l'. ;us t a n t'Xt'l'llc·nt choil't'," said lrvtnt' M~1yor Larry Agran At 51. N1l'lsen is a vctl•ran of lht· dt•v(•lo pml'nt business and has lx·c·n an Irvine Company Vtl'l' pn·s1dent s ince 1978. He was brought to the Irvin<' Company by tht· man he will rcplact• - PN1.•r C. KremN. KremC'r announcc>d he would n•s1gn from tht• firm t•fft•t·t1Vl' Jan I and h<is tx•t•n unava1labl1• for com mc·n t si ncf' h 1s Oct I I announc·emc>nt dcspit.C' a swirl of rumors that hl' was forct•d out. fed up or simply not rt'htrcd C'Qmpany s po ke~m C'n havt• denied thl' rumors. Irv ine Company off1e1<1ls vow t·d that Ntl'lS<'n w ill bl• /' ~ /' I •ijt ,, ' I t I /' - Thomas C. Nielsen hig hly at'l't:ss1ble. will ta lk d1n-<·tly with tht· mc•d1a bul has <k1:1d1:d n111 to l·omm<•nl on his proo;,io11on until he takes the h<•lm. Nie lsen 's appointment was annoum·C'Cl late Thursday by A. Alfn·d Taubman and Donald L. Bren. t·o-cha1rm1.·n of thl• lrvinl' Comp;my bo<Jrd of c.h n'<:tors "T om N1 t·l s cn h1's dt•monstr<ill'J an undt•rstanding of the.· important role the Irvine Company plays m lh1.• business, political and soc.·1al fa brtl' of Orange County," Bren said in a prc·par('d statC'mC'nt. Bren, th(· company's larg£•st ISee NIELSEN, Page A2) FV to secure school wing· By P HIL SNEIDE RMAN 01 th• D•llr Piiot Steff Fountain Valll'V St'huo l Distric t trustt:es ha\:P orde rl'd that a burned out wing o r Harper School be shored up and secured. and said they would decide in two wt't'ks whether to demolish or rebuild the structure'. S eve ral Harpe r parents attending Thursday's school board meeting urged the trustees to act swiftly o n the matter, contending that th<> damaged building. in its presl.'nt condition. 1s a Sl'l'IOUs health and saft>ty hazard. ThC' HarJX'r wing h ns IX'C'n tht' targt•l of two arsim fires Tht• c 1ght-dassroorn building was firs t burned in J anuary. 1977. S tudents were moved to p ortable classrooms o n tht· Harper grounds. More.· recently. the damaged wing was uSt·d for storag<' o f district furnitur<· and supplies. Las t Sunday aftl'rn uon . a sel'Ond blaH', whi c h f1r l' invcsli~ators say was 1gn1t('CJ m Priine rate reduced NEW YORK -Ch<'mtcal Bank. the nation's sixth largest bank, cut its prime lending rate a half percentage point to I 1.5 percent today, the lowest level for the key business borrowing rate since ScptC'mber. 1980. The move was the latest m a series o( cuts in the rate sint·e mid-July. w hen the prime rate stood at 16.5 pe r cent. and reflected a reduced cost of funds for banks. The Interest on three-month cer tificates o f depos i1 in m1n1mum denom1nat1o ns o l $100.000 was 9 percent today comparC'd with 15.25 percent m late Jum• The prime rate is the base upon which banks computC' interest charges on s ho rt-term business loans. The biggest and most creditworthy corporate clients often borrow at below the prime rate. Small businesses t y p ically pay o n e tn two p ercentage points above the prime rate. The prime rate reac-hed a record 21.5 pe1Tent in ~mbcr 1980. 1wo lot·atwns. did additional damage to the building Midge Treadway. president of tht' H arpt<r PTA. t o ld board m1•mbers thl' wing poses a safety hai.ard to kx:al youngsters. "Th e f enc e.• around th e building only acts as a ladder:'• sht• said "As long as the fence is there. the kids will d1mb over it." She urged the board to decide quickly to demolish or rebuild the wing b<>fo re someon e is mJured at the s1tC'. Devon Dahl. chairm an of the Committee Advo C'a tin g Responsible Education . which is at tempting t o r ecall th.r.ee trustees. t•harged that the board has n eg lec te d the damaged Harpe r wing in recent year s w h ile spending more than $1 million o n a n e w dis tric t headquarters. Assistant !:iuperintendent Jack Mahnke n s aid t h e d ist rict recen tly r eceived a $117,000 insurance settlement for the 1977 Harper fire and is seeking an addition a l $85,000 for that damage. He said a settlement on the more recen t fire should provide funds to e ithe r demolish o r (See HARPER. Page AZI ----INDEX-----. How do police officers hone their reactions to split-second life-and-death confrontations? Port of thf' 1mswer's on Page 81 . De Lorean hires criminal lawyer ' 1.- At Your St'rvk-t: A7 82-3 A9 Business Cavalcade Classified Comics Crossw ord Death NOtices Editorial Entertainment Gardening Horoecope Jntermi•ion ' ' C6-10 84 84 C6 A8 WeckC'ndctr 8 5 A9 Wc-ck<-nder Ann Landers Movies Mutual Funds National News Public Noti('('S Sports Or. Steincrohn S tock Markctll Telt~vl11ion Th<'ntN·~ Weather AY Wet"kender B2 A3 B6-7.C3.C6 <.: l-5 A9 B:t TV Log Weekender A2 By LINDA DEUTSCH A•-18t8CI l"r9" Wrtt9f LOS AN GE L ES - Automaker John Z. De-Lotean, tr y ing to make $5 million bond on charges of d rug tra fficking. wanls to put up his sprawling Callfomia home as collateral a nd has turnc:od over his defense to a high·powered crimin al lawyer. J ost•ph A. Bat!. With [)(> Lort·on still In rc'<'h-rol prl~m Thul'l\d3y, Attorney 8(111'11 first c hore appeared t o be arranging pledgel' of t•ash and property totaling $500,000 to bail out t ht• f l omboynn l ~n t rt•prnncu) Ot• Lorean was arrested Tuesday a t a n airport ho tel. whort" a uthorities alleged he was trying to swing a multimillion· doJlar cocaine deal in a last-d itch e ffort to save h is failing car company in Northern lreland. De L ort'an , ()7, was firs t repre~nted by attorney 8C'm3rd M insky, who to ld rf'portcrll Thursday he was bowing out OC"(.'ausc h e had never handled a ~i gh-publkity <·ase ·a nd rarely did cr imlnul lit(gation , Minsky said he h 11d r<'pt t8l'hted Dl' LorC':in In civil mQtl('tS for nlnt years. BC'fore lt>a v lnl( the case. t Mi nsky said h e h o ped a <.'Ombination of pro perty und cash t'Ould be raised quickly to win De Lorean's release Crom T erminal Island Prison. He said De Lorenn's home in the Es<'Ondldo nrC'a in northern San Diego County. on the market for $4 million, would be;-offered a11 p&rt of th4' COlllll~r3l to rl!'lte $500.000 ror n $5 million bond. T ht• a ttorney said De Lorean Wll~ "doing ver y well under the clr"Cumstanccs. He's a SC?lf-made man. a ver y strong individual ... He can ovt'r<'<>mt' whMC'V< r adverse cff :<:t8 this m ay have hod on hf llf('." t Two other me n cha rged along with De Lorean a lso remalt'led in pril!on Thursd11y. Wi llifam Morgan Hetrick, 50. owner of a Mojave. Calif.. aircr aft service company. was being held in lieu of $20 milllon bail. S teph,en ~ Arrington. 34, of San Die go. describe d aa a n aaaocfate of He tric k . was h<'ld In lieu of $~20.000 bail. r c-duced from •~00.000. Mins k y said De Lorea n planned to plead innocent to the drug charges after an tndlCUTM"nt 11 rl'turnt.-d by a fedMaJ a.rand jory probably nc-xt wftk. TM (Stt A1TORNEV, P ... ~) 'ii \ WF Ornnuu C...uu111 DAil Y Pll 0 I If 111luy 01..tohm 2ti. 100? --~'-\' ''' Continued stories Pelicans aided; ., susp e ct targeted ATTORNEY HIRED. • • tr1d1t·tm1.•n1 would s up1.•1 :>l'dt• t'horgl'S of t'Otl!tpu ,11·y lo pob.'>1-S.'t 220 J>OUnrf :; 11f l'Ul'.Jll\1• f 11t dturlbution filt·d h)'...[1•Jpral prOS(l('Ulor~ HI W1·dnt"•duy ·~ urraignnwm Ball. s till pt\.11·t1l·111~ ut 7~. 111 .1n f'n<'rget11.·. uld-... d wol .1lh1rn1·v with u floir for m lo rful rlwumi: In lhl' t'Ourt111rn11 H 1• wu:. 1·h11•I l' o u n s" I f o 1 t h 1• W a r r 1• 11 Comm 1s:.111 n du r 1 n g t h 1· lnveslil!lallun o f Pr,·s1dent Juhn F Kennedy'1' I YtiJ assas.-.rna tron a nd 1s a law p<Jrtrwr w nh furnwr California Gov Edmund v . "P a t " B rown, father of lhl' I 11111'111 1(11\'1'111111 111• li,1, I l•pl l'M 11l1•d t.111\lllh 1 Ill llh llll IUd111i.: 11111111·1 Wh111• 11 11 11 .. 1· l lllJllM'I .111d W.1l1•t g.111• r11!11n· Juh11 1-:111 t11·h111:111 1111d S.111d1 Ar t1ln.111 t11ll11111.11r" /\d11.111 Kh.1,h11gJ.t1 ~ f 11 11 I ht' t d 1• \ t• I 11 111111• 11 I' 'l'h111'1l.1 y , (1111111 •1 1>1· 1.1111•.111 • 1~:-.tll l.1lt·~ i..11d till' 111111p.111y 1.111 11110 tr11ulJl1· wh1·11 lh1•11 ht1,:o. 111-.1:-H·d m 1 11uT1•;1."11~ pr11dl11't11111 lt•v1•b l;1~l I all Uri\' ..... -.uc·1;111· ·""' .... 11d D1• l.u 11-.111 11111 1• 11·"11 lt•d l11 1 olldltlg '(Ill ~1g1• .11 l'OI!> lll l.1k1• IJ,11 I., "11111 · 111 111:-. l'.11 !> l h.ll h,1d hc•1•11 n •poSM':O.!>l'U PRICE SUCCUMBS. • • Collowing Worlu War II, dan'('llll of lhl· GI 8111 µrogram 1111 thrc•c· Wl'St l'rn stat1•s 1c1nd tht.• ll'I r1 1111 'v uf H awaii Pnl't'. \\ hu 111uvlo<l tu L.1gu11.1 Ekad1 \\ llh hi:-w1fl·. Eh~1l14.•th fo llo wing his n·trrt•mPnl, wJi. lHlflll•d "t'1t1zt•n o f lht• Yt•ar·· during thl· l'l ly's 1979 Pat n u r ·, Day Paro1d1· H t• was thl' n·1·1ptl'lll 11f llh' 1\ 1111 ·1 11 .111 I .1•g11111 ·., top h1111111 1111 -..•v1•1,JI t!lT,l'llllh 1111· hi' !>I I\ d1•1'o1d 1•:. ut :-.1·rv1t•1· ,111d h1" ":.!I h11\tr'\ .1 dav" vol111111·1·1· work 1111 v .. 11 ·1.011-. .1r"1d th1•11 d1•1,..•nd1·11h 1•1111• ,, '>Uf\l\t•d "' 111 ... \\ 111· El1h1bc th. ul tlw l.111111\ 11111111', t.l.1ugh11·1 1::1!1·1•11 At.lain~ ol St·utl!> V.dh·y. daught1•1 111 l.rn B Ptly I' I I l ' I • 0 f s .1 II I> I l ' g II .. I ' g1 c111dd.1ugh11·1 ... .ind !>t'\1'11 gro·.11 g r .1mkh1ld11·11 HARPER SCHOOL • • • re build tht· w111g. T r u s l t' I' J a m C' :-. W o 1• s t questaon<.'d t lw rwt.'CJ w rc•buald the wing wlwn I larpt:'r aln:ady 1s schedul<.'d to bt· dosed an IYIH becauSt' o f ck dmmg enrnllnwnt tu 1nu11.ill· wh1.'lh1·r ll;1rp1·r might t·,·1·r ,,.. upt·n1·u Jgum Oy JCH<:L C'. l>ON 01 lhe D•llr PllOI l tall /\,.. ll.tllt111.1l .11 11·11111111 l•ll ll'•• d 1> II t h I' µI 1 g h l 11 I t 111' lJ I ti II WI' l '11,1!>l0 \ 11111til.1tt·d 1wl11 .111., ... till 111oi 1• 111 th1· lllJllll'd h11 ds la:w1• lw 1·n 111pll111•d 1111d lhu-. .,,1\'l'd I 111111 ~l;tl Vhll1111 011 'l'h11r .. d,1\, 11!1 1·1· 111011· l11uw11 pc·l11.111~ \\1·11· lou11d ;11111 1.1k1•11 111 l'111w11 V.illt•\ A111111.tl llo,..p1t.d 111 l..1g1111.1 N1g111·I . lll'l11g111g 11, 1111111 111 1·1ght l11rd~ s,.,, W o rld 111 S a11 I llt'/~11 1s l'ann•: 1111' "'"' 1wl11 .. 111 1\1111th1•1 Wa !> d 1·-.1mv1·d 111 l ';11 l!!>had .it 11•1 i.tatt· o l f1c 1.1i-. d1,·1d1•d 11 11111ld 11111 Ix• ... 1v1•d Stall• I >t ·p:11 trtll'11l 111 ~'i-.h ;111d 1..:.11111· 1tl l111.1b !>.11d \1ul.1v tlwy h.1v1• l • "I 1r111 lt·,1d" 011 llH' p1•rso11 11r JH·1-.01i-. who h.tVl' h1·1'11 h,wkmg 111 I the· lx-.1ko., 111 114·lt1 .111:0. lluwt•Vl'I , ol f1,·1;1J, dt"< 11111-.I tu tl1•"4.'lllJ\• ,111v su:.pt"<·t:. 111 ttw t\1!>t' ur111I tlw 1tlVl'!>l1~alw11 ha!> b1.'l'l1 1·11111pll·ll·d ~ )1w ol th1· th n•t· f.>4 'lt<·ar1::. was C';.tplur1·d 111 Dana Puint I lurbor ln illl N Bl' rwws 11.·am filming <i :.lllrv 1m lh1· 111utilatumi. Sl<:ltl' D<·partnll'nt 111 fish .tnd Ganw off1t·1ab !>Usp1•1·t .111gry h i.lwrnwn l'Ul ufr th(• Upp1:r lwaks of about ,1 d o11·n Jh·l1l«.1n:. I.1st w1•l'k bt•l'<JUSt• lh1· birds o l 11·11 Sll'JI ,11 1d111vv h,111 und gl'l t.111gll"<..I 111 f1,..h111g hnt.·s Thi· mutilall·d b1nb l lH·n l-;.1n nul ft•1•d th1·mi.1·l v1·~ ;.ind wuuld likl'ly :-.l<irvc"· to d1·ath. ,H'l"•ll din~ to Ha lph YtJung. :-.p okl''>llliln f111 tht· F1-.h and t;.mw I >.·p.11 t1H1·111 \' 11UllH l'!1111I tu• duuht.' a11v11111• I:.. l'lllllllllllll..: 111 d111p Ill :..,1\,\ 1111 p1'111.111 twak' J•:,11 11-..v1 111 \\' I II\' I ' I' ,1 I( I ' •I II d I II\ I I ol ... t d "'" 1·111.11111• Ill tlll' li.1 1l.H1f ..... .. prol>ahh h.1V•·.,. 111 ·d 11JI tho-.. 11''l""'"il1I• 1111 tlll' t 111111 ., h1 · -.a11I "(1 loi11k-. l1k1· tl11 ·y Wt·11· .di dlllll' l."l \\'t•1·k , 11lhl•I'\\ 1!>1· lht•'y Cll11· p1·l11 ,1110.,) \\,llllld li.i\'C hi I 11 \llllllt d -...141111 I ' Ill ,ulth d 111 1111 11w.1ll\llll•". th1· lJ S ft'th a11d Wildl1t.-S 1·1 v 11·1· '" o l 11•1111~ .1 $:l,llllll 1 c·w;inl lo .111y11n1· wh11 11.i:.. 1111111111.1111111 111111 111.1v 11·:111 11. 1111 · Cllll\11111111 11( lh11 .... Wlill ,111 h.ll lung 11fl lh1· IH'.1k' 'I Ii" 111ut1l,11111n!> a1 ~· .1 v111l.11 11111 111 "l<1lt· .11111 lt•d1•rnl l;1w I\ 11 von1 • w II h 111I11ri na l 11111 1111 lh1· 1·111111• I' 1•n1•011r;1g.•d lo !'.di 1 ti l' (.' ·' I TI I' 't• I v 11 •. .1 I I 1100 !.15:?·5•IOIJ 111 Jdd1t11i11 1111 Nat111nal Audubon So1.1l'l'r h;" st·C up a 11•ward fund .111d d11rn.1t1ons rn,1v l1t• matlt•d l11 ;,~>=• Audubon l'l.111•. S.11·1.11111·11111 , C:ullf Y51l'.!5 C:ht·l k !> )>(•fll lll th1· -.1.111• Ut•par·t11u•nt 11f ft'>h •• ml (;.inw w 1 I I b 1· r t· tu r 111• J , Y ,, u n g 1•111ph.is1z1·u l'r uwn Vul lt>V Vl'l1·r11i;.11 w11 L;avl1• Hubl•r·l!>· said s h1· h.1!> r•'l.;'IV•·d l;.ill.., from thr oughout th1· Lounlrv fr urn «onu·1·111 d l><'llph· as wdl ""' <;pt·c1<1l1 ... 1 ... Ill pr osl ht·llt' s urgt·r y .A t1 ;1111 11 1 Vl'll·rtrwnans w ill try Sund.iv tu -.u1 g11o;1llv a1t;,1dl <iri1f1nal l>c 0•01k.-. tu !>llllll 11( lht• 1·aptun·u r.x·ht'illl'> .. 1w 'w.11tl lluntington adult school ope ning '1'111 11111111111•1 .. 11 IS1 .11 h .1111111 .... lllH1f \\Ill 111!1 I I l,o:'>'I 'o "" 1111 '>l 'lf)fld .11111 11 1111111 So11111tl.1v-. 111 Iii• 1111>11lh 1111111 t• .1 Ill l•I I:! '""'II .. 1.111111).t 1111-. S.11 UI d .... fS, ..:11111111i: .111tl .11h.,11111·d I 11111 I ., \\ill Ill ,1\olll,il1J1 Ill l \p111g liu11lt.111d lil111g ,11111Ut1l111g .11111 W111d ltl ... t·-...·,11•1• • r:.1d1·1 r:h ·1111 ·11t.11 'r Sd1uol 111 llun1111g11111 H1 .it Ii "'Ill hold a ll;oll11w1•1•11 (.',11 n1v;d fr11111 10 a 111 to 11 11 111 S aturda'r at 1h1· -.(•h1111I Sp•lllsori·d hv 1 h 1· 1';111·111 'l°t'.IC h1•1 A ~!>llll<J l lOll , th1• 1•vc·nl will l':llM' rnur\l \ (111 d a 'o" I IHJlll 0 la l t• rl ,ti'. I 11 ·Id • 11 u n l 1 n g t o n B t· a t· h n ·-.1d .. 11t H a r vey Levitt 1s " 1' 111g 1m fhc adv<mt·t.U g1fL'> < .1111p.11gn o f tht· Sportsnl(·n·, l'lllh. ,, ... upf'll>rl grouµ lor tt11 ·11~ ol l lo pt'. Thi ('1tv nf llo p• M1·d1l«•I l'1•11pl1 I 111 I I '~' I 'II I ,1 I I' I .1 I I ' I \ I· .I I II.! I I '\•I I kl11 \\ II t\v , .11 tli 1 l11ll1t\\ll1g 11"111 . S.11111d.1\-.. 'I .i 111 \11 I :! 11111111 M .. 111l.1 y rl111111gh l"t11l.1\ 11 .1111 111 :t I• 111 l\l 11 11d,1 \ tlt1 11 ugh Tt.111-.t l.1\ "'I I> Ill 1\ ::0 I 11'1 I'> I h,1111< tf !11r 111, tlt I I .t I" trip' a11d 1111111 1 dtu a~1u11.1l p1ogram:. Spc·l·1a l .o111,1c•t 11•n -. will 11wluJP ritk' 1111 an 1·l1·p'.lant, 11 ft!>h toi.s, ;, 111 ·.1 111a1·kt t. fa1.·t> p:111111ng. a hau111t.U huui.t• a11d o ther al'l1v1t11•)> Tht• 'ol huul I!> loca tcd at ~l<!H I Banning Avt.· l't·nll'r and Hc•St·ureh InslllUlt· provide:. fn'l' l'itrt• to p<ill«nls w ith t·a nt'1..·r . lw,1rl, bluod and lung d1st·asl'"· d1abct1.·' and 11th1·r ht·n ·d 11.1n rl1s<irdt·ri.. ;ll"nn u1ng lo• a -.pok1·!'.man But board prc•s1d<'nt Ch,·r yl Norton said i.hl' w(lntl•d som t' long range t'n rollmt'nl t.~t1mat1.-:. Tru.,11·1 H ug1·r 81·lgt•n nuH·d that 1·l1111111Jt1ng mw 1 lai p<.•r v. 1ng through dt'mohllun might mak1• tht· l":.impus les~ .illrnelivc for k·<is111g .ilt1•r 11 1~ dus1•d . Ht· alsu said n•bulld1ng costs an futun · yc•ar, rntght ht.• mul'h higher County teen s aved • A IO ·k1lou wt1·1 run '' ~ lu•dulc·d 111 Sl·ul &·,11·h Nov Ii 11 is i.ponsorl'<.l by lhL· S1•al l:X•,ll'h Cn111munity C1m11111l lt'l' ul lhl· AmPrit·:.in l'.11H·t·r Soc 11·1" 1 l's l' a n· h •• 11 d l' d u ca ll on programs It will :.l.4rt Cit First Strt.'1.'l bc·tWt'l'll Manna Dnvt.· Jnd ()l:<.'an I\ Vl·nul' fJnd finis h .11 tht' Si·al Bc·;Jl'h P w r Fur 1nf11rmat ion , 1.dll i~>l-HtiOO Ill I:.! I :1 J H9-ll!l75 Correctio n A s tory o n last Satunfay's .•::religion pagC' said Doug Sm1.th. ·-.Los Ange les R<ims 1.·1.•nter. was .. x-hcduled to Spl'ak al H am a t .:.1 ·i>rC'akfas t thrs Salurd"" at South ·Sho r<'S Baptis t Church ·in Laguna Niguel. ThL• t1 mt• s h ould hJvt· rea d 7 a.m. for th1· 1.•vent. oµt•n to ·all mc•n a nd l>ovs Tht· D<uh Pilot ... regrets t ht' l'rr;Jr • . . N n r t o n ;i , k 1· d d 1 s t r 1 1 l .it.lm1111~trat111~ 111 pr<·p,111· d1wUml·nh Sl'«k111~ bid s un d t•m o lillun .:.1nd n·buildtng. :.o t>1th1.•r Ont' may bt.· 1mpl1•1n1.>nt1.·d 1mml'dtat1.•lv afl1•1 tht• trusll•t •s dt'l IUt• on a· t·nur.-.t· 11v 4 Bu.1rd nwml>t:r-. .11"4> .1:-.kc·<l th.1l 11.irpc·r «11111111un11~ 1111·111lx.·r-. ,md uthl•r d1:.tt 1l l p<Jn•nto., he• n11l1l 1l'd a b 0 u l l h l' l "' ll II p I I II n .., l'onfrunttng tlll' t1 u ... tt'('' JI 1h.1t llll'<'l 111 f.( A I !I v •·.01 old <>1.111g1• 111.111 n·M.'Ul'd 1111111 1lw t11p 111 S.11 1t1.1g11 Pt•ak .ti'"' lw111~ p111111 ·d n1111 1 tl1.111 111111 h11urs h1·111 .. 11h ,, l1'(rt .. i111111.d \d111lt· h.1 ... d11·d L.111" B 11\d \'·" 1tlJ1t1 1«l TUt ·-.d.1~ ,11 ~1 :m pm w lwn tl11 · I uu1 \\I II'• I 1 ruek 111 w h 1d1 ht.• \\J' 11ding 11«1slwd .111d 111111.•d 11\ll'r Oil t11p l>I 111111, J 'tf)<>k1·-.111;111 f 1t1 lhi (.'.tl1 t 111111.1 ll1 ~ll\\.1 \ •'.111 111 !><.lid Thi· drivc·r 111 th1 v \'11 1111 . Wtlh.1111 ll.1g1•1ty. l!cl. 11f U1.011g1 l1·fl ti" l1 H111f 111 Wl'k h··Iµ B11"d \\,,... .011lit11d 110111 1111 1 ugg1·d hil b1d1• 111 ••fl 1-:1 Tci1 u l\l.111n1· h1·IH up11·1 .d :? .1 111 W1·d1wsdav 11 1· d 11·d 1:111·1 th.it dav M 2 ~fi p Ill .11 M1!>s11111 \'11·,111 I lt>'>fJll.il Tiu rat·c 1:-. d c·,1gn1·d to tw 111·111 tht: t'ann•1 S•• ll'ty',. • Sh11p1 ... ·rs l.111 tnl\'t ·I f;ir " 11 of \\ I cl• l h " \\ I ·1 •kl II tl l 11 11 ... " .!'11 g.i1.1g1 .... oil'' 01 1h1\ '""go 111 lh1 \'ili a f>al'ilil· .ol l1111oklHJ1 !>I St1t·1 t .111d J l.1111 .t 11111 /\ \'\'llU1 111 llu11t111gt11n Jk.11 ti M1·111h1•1., tJ I th•· Villa I' ,1 l ' I f I ~ (' 11 m l1l U II I t 'I. "'"":1at11111 11 .. ,., c ulh 'll th1•i1 :!!II 11111h 1111 tl11 -..t'l·onJ.h,1nd 1111•11 h.111d1'1 that w ill bt· 11111 1 c·d I 111 .... i11 frum !J a rn lo I 1• 111 S.it l11dav and Sund.iy ~NIEL S E N CHOICE WINS F AVOR O N COAST. • • A irCal shifting routes, hut won 't c ut flig hts stockholder who has stavt•d out of the publit· h m d1ght 1ri n ... ·1•nt years. pred1<·tc-d that Nwl~·n will p a y do~l' .:.1tll'nt1un lo thl· :-"C'ommunit ''s nt"l>dS " •• Krem<'r: who workC'd with ~ Nielsen at the NC'wh all L.and and farmin g Co . s aid Nrt>ls <·n ·._ !' pro mouo n will p rov1d<' lht' Irvmt• .:, Company with "great t'On ll11u1ty ,-Qf m a nagemt•nt .. Kreml'r se11d he will w ork with ~ 'N 1C'lsen 111 the nt'X l two m on l hs ~ ltO insure a sm ooth trans tllo n Thi· ·.:.putgoing pres1dc•nt h as not ~id ,.what h C' will be doing a fll'r ht· .., leaves the firm Adding to lhc thinktng t h<it Ntl'lscn's appmnlmc-nl n·prt'SC'nts a t akulatt•d pubht· r(."lat1o ns m<w(• 1~ tlw fc1l t that Bn:n ha:-. t<ikc·n an .1t l1v1· rolt• 111 promot mg tht• gl11H.I \\all o l th1 1.·umµ.111\ in rt·11"1H Wt•l'k-.. Br 1·n tlw ror111t·r o" nl·r or tlw M.-.!>1on V1t •Jo (.'111l1pany. wh11 o\\ "' ht:-. nwn d 1·\'1·l11pm1·11t f1rn1 1 11 N 1• ._, p" r t B 1· •• c h h .1., 11 p1111t·dl~ mJdt· ,1 "h1rlw111d t11ur 111 Or<ong<' Cuu11t~ v1.,1t1ng \\ 1th t ' om mun 1 t \ I 10,1 d t· r .... 1 n '''''"r .11 l 1t11·i. lrvuw Cll v C11un11lrn,1n l>,1\'1.I Salb .... ml Brin <iJX•nl llnw t...ilk111g w11h him s l·vt.•ral d.1v~ h1 Ion• K r 1 m t· r <1 n n 11 u n t 1 d h 1 ' n~1gn.1t111n S ills <..11d Bren wai. tn t1·rl•!>lt·d m dl•ll·rm111111g tht· nt•l'CIS <ind cl1•strl'S 1n lr·v111t· J\gran .... m l Brt'n ha:-. n-qu1•:.tl-d .1 rrn·1•tm~ \\'Ith h im • .-. h1· ha' "1th 11th11 t.i(.ol luunul n11·111bc 1., .111d 1·11un t' ... u rx ,_., ... , ,, !> • I tl1111k 111 ·, JU'>I ll \, 111).t 111 lo(t l 111 k1111W 1111· ;111 .I l1t ·tl1 I . Sill'> :-..1111 lk \\,1, ..... k11;g 111•"' 111 th• • tll' ''"""' l h 1 lt \1111 1..'11 111 p.1 t1\ h .... 'lll fl 11 d -.t \I I .11 p1thl11 11 l.1111111' -.1·111.11 k-. 111 I h1 11.1-.l ~ 1•,11 llh 11111111~ lht• \'11l,1td1· light 11\'l'I lt·,1..,1·h11ld I.ind .111d t 1\1 d1•1111-.1· 111 tlw 111111', 11111111 1111ll111n d11ll.11 pl.111 111 1·\.p.111d N1•\\ port C1·n11 r l:-:\'rll long t1r.w .. upporlt•" 111 thl' I irm h,l\'1• 111>c:11lv v111t·t·d <Tilt• '''n High clouds Coa!(/n / V•rleble n1gn cloudiness 10 prev•ll rnrough 1on1g111 •nd Saturday Overntghl lows 1n mid 50• Hlgna S111urd1y mostly 1n 10-80s Elsewhere , trom P o1n1 Concep11on 10 1ne Me••c•n t>otdef ano oul 60 m11ea ugni variable winds lon1ghl and Slll.lfdlb' metnlng wtlh sournwesr to -t Winds 8 lo 16 llnots 1n19 __..ing lltld kl Iha ellarnoon and evenfng hours Saturday Sou1hwa1t 1we111 t 10 3 reet • Jwlable high cloudiness tnrougt> : a.turday sutnmary Frost 1111 the Mtdweal early •t oday, whlla rain 1111 In the ,SOl.lt'-t and Iha Pacific Coall • : Froat or rr .. za warnings want .,frlto elfac1 ecro11 most or the ' ·Ofllo Vtlfw;. Illinois and pert• or , ___ Rain fall over the eu1arn Cerollne1, with a law lhowart over aoutharn Georgia end •nort"-n F1ortd• Rein al10 lell lllOfl9 1he northatn and cenrrel ,.ec:lflc CoNt, end In Lovltlen• •9fld '°"''*" and Nttarn r .... Soettered 111owar1 a nd llunderttormt -• forecast fOf ,.t., todey In Florida end -• •oectlKI to ~tlnue In northern Oal1forn11 end the Pacific Not1"-I. Cloud• -• predicted eeroaa tfte upper Ohio Valley and cen1ra1 lltld Mtt«n Taxu Sunny llclea -·'°'_........., •. Temper,.urat e round the nation et midnight POT renged lfOf\"I 25 In L.,emle, Wyo .. to 78 tn Key W•t. Fie California Southern Cellfortll• wlll have Vlfleble hlQll doUdtneet 111roupn IOdey wl1h l)ltClly ..,1y l'llOfnlng tow CIC>Ud• ,,.., lhe IOllth tc)Hf Or•n11• Co11n1~ cen eapecr 11!Q11t 74 to 82. iowt H to 62 lnlet\d ltMleyt will lla'tl hight ,_ IO. !Owl In 60e Mount.int c.n ~ l'light In ~ IOe. IOowl In 309 end 40t Morth«n OM«tE'' 10 ea. lowt 45 to IS . n HMff ~· to to H , U to 96. 1"1111 •PtHdlnt tl'lroughout "°"'*" end c.ntrel Ctllfqmia, 1,_.., tapertno off tonight and telufd.., loUt'*'1 wlndl JllliY llOl'8 "°"" r.ol9I end not1'*" 1111e r1or Snow et lltg llut •"'*111 Te111pera tures NATION "t>any "t>uaueraue .,marollo .,ncno1age .,snev111e .,llanra .,1l1nl1C Ctl) 'us Un 9at1tm0<e 9111tngs e1rmingnam Bismarck Boise HI 56 11 58 29 64 69 6<' 68 58 63 65 58 71 lo' 47 38 39 2' 50 52 so 56 51 37 48 21 39 70 -W-S..-70 HOM. US o.ot OI eom.-u 90SIOn Brownsville But1a10 Burltngton Cuper Cha•leslon S C Cllarteston W V Charlotte,N C Cheyenne Ch•Cago C1nc1nna11 Cleve11n0 Cokim1>11.S C Columbus Dallas-Fl Wetln Dayton 68 87 54 61 FfOftt11: C<*' .. WlWTTI 99 Occluded..-StabOnlfy•• Denver Des Moor1es 0.Holl Oululh El Puo Feorbanllt Fargo F19911all Great Falls Hartford H .. .,.., Hon04ulu Hou11on Indian Polls Jec;kton, Miu JKll ton villa Ju,_u K1n111 0ty Kno•villa LH Vegaa Little Aock Loul1vllte .. ' ' •5 41 57 51 61 22 Lubt>ock 63 47 81 63 Mempnos 63 38 " 35 Miem1 81 79 68 60 Mllwau~ee 43 31 57 28 Mplt·St Paul " 28 52 27 Nuhvllle 60 38 51 •3 New Orleans 7• 59 •8 42 New York 6!'> 55 78 53 NetlOlk 66 56 '4 •O Norin Ptelle 60 20 49 46 Olllahom• City 63 •2 •3 38 Omaha 53 28 61 31 Orlando 85 64 50 30 Pnt11delphl11 60 50 45 38 Phoenix 89 58 40 29 P11111>urgn 45 42 17 41 Petlland. Me 65 61 22 07 P0<11an0 Ore 54 49 41 21 Provld9"09 64 51 67 24 Aal&19h 69 61 62 38 Rapid C11y 60 27 63 52 Reno 61 36 58 25 Rlehmond 61 52 65 10 Sall Lake 61 27 69 54 Sen Antonio 61 58 52 35 SH Ille 55 49 10 48 Sl1r evt1por1 51 44 83 S8 SIOu~ Flllts 42 21 44 37 St Louis 47 33 so 25 SI Pet .. Tampo 93 se 60 50 SI Ste Mana 39 38 78 47 SPOkane 50 32 60 41 Syr11cuae 50 .. 5' 35 Tol)Clll8 54 25 SURf Rf PORT :Ii.~ .... llil~'i'ttcSiilil ... ~~ .............................. . ' ,.., .. .... ,... .. 1·2 ,., 1·2 1·2 0 1•2 2·3 , .. 1 11 o "' "'°'* T10t 10 • "' . e""'41 dlrtcuon Tuc~n 83 •8 Tul11 84 35 Wasn1ngton 61 53 WIChlll 57 33 CALIFORNIA HI Lo Appia valley 83 36 Ba~CtSlteld 80 60 Barstow 85 56 Beaumont 82 46 Big Beer 67 26 81&11op 12 34 Blythe 88 5:1 C11a11ne 74 54 Culver City 79 57 Eure1t11 68 63 Fresno 71 55 Lancat.le! 71 42 Long Beach 83 58 LOI Angeles 79 62 Monrovia 84 53 Montet>ello 82 60 Monterey 70 56 Ml Wiison 67 48 Neodle1 86 53 Nawporl BenCll 72 se Oaklat\d 73 82 Ontario 80 52 Plllm Sprn•Q• 9:1 61 P11aden11 81 58 P110 Robl!'S 78 50 Rid Blull 63 81 Redwood Clly 73 ~8 Scicramento 70 54 S1HnH 76 47 Tides TOOAY Second high t2 23 pm 4.ll Second low 8·38 pm 0 9 I ATU .. OAY Am lllQh I 18 p m 4 4 F1r11 IOw TO 00 p m 1 0 I UNOAY ~"'' 11to1t e 40 1 m 3 7 Flrtl low t 38 • m 3 8 8ec;ond hlOh 3·01 p.m 4 2 8-nd low 11 13 pm 0.9 fun Nit todly II I T t p m , rt ... on l•tvrdl'f et 7 04 a m Moon fllM today II I' '° PM. Nit et 10 24 pm . nt 1h1 · l·un1p.111v 111 lt'<'l'IH month!> Nll'l,1·n 1:-. a Nl·wporl li1·.it·h 11 -.1d1 111 lt.1 .. thrc·c 1hdd11 11 ,111d ,, ,, 11.111\1' of l h.111g1 <"1111111'1. gr "" 111~ up 111 Full1·rt11n "'ht 11 111' ti.I \1·.11 -11lcl l<1th1•1 -.111l h\1 ·-. lie '"" .1 htgh "4 h•"1I !1111lh.dl 11l.1\I 1. k11 king ,1 l.1-;t M'< 11ml I 11•ld µ11.i l .,g ,111i-.1 S.1111.1 ,\n.1 1111.!ll Sd111n l 111 14 IH t11 \\ 111 I he "iu 11•.t I l.1 .. 1g111 1 h.1mp1111i-.h1p 111 1.111 r p l.1\1 d 11111\IJ,111 ·" 1111 Liii\ I,...,,,, 111 \\.',...,h1ngt1111 Nll'l-.l'11 "·'" :-.1·111 111 1tw i\11 l-'1111 l' 'l'l n ·IHI v·, lll f111· Ill tho l>t·lt ""' D1·µ..rtnwn1 111 l!llii 1,, tit• 11 P1 1·-..d1·n1 1,, 11d11n B J11h11 .... 111 .ind l1·r1 "'lll'n N"on 1,. '( .11111· prt· .... t11·nt I [1• ..,..,,... <1l't1 v1· 111 11•s 1d1·n11al dl·Vt·lopmc·nt 111 San Dwg1 • lwfon· c•11111111i; tv th1· Ir vin1· Con1p;11\) a, STE\ E :\lARRLE O( the Dally Pllol Stell N•·" 1~111 Bt'Jl h 1o,,...1·d t\1r\.';il \\ t.11 h '' p1 «p.1nng to '-U!..l"'"d .., 1 I \ Ill I 11 ( U ll f' 111 a I k I' h d ll d 1111I•·"''I1111'> It• 11ght t1lh1 r' \\ tll 11111 I h,1fll.!I I(' fl(lfll}H f llf .11 ....... d l l 11~h1 .. ll'lltll .1 .. 1111 \\',1\ Ill i\11 fXll l /\11 ( "" ll1ghh 1111g111.11111g Ill U1.111g• · ( '1111111 ~ 1 h.11 1111\\ g11 111 1,,,... \'1·1-!·" Ill 1'h11t 111\ \\ 111 111 p 11 I II I I d l \J \\ .i I d II I h I I d1•s1111,1t11111" d!> of ))\-< I Thi .11rl11w µn..,1·nth .1vi•1,1g1 •., .!!. t l1gh" d<1ily out 11 1 J ohn V\ .. 1\'IH' li1 <• 111\t\'I' Ill t UI l'Xflt'llSl'h, t\1rC.1I .11111ourwc•d Th111"l.(jav that 11 \\11l ,1h.1111hin '>tf\"lt• !11 f11·,110 l\111111111 ' Ph111111\. .ind I.a-. \ I ~!•" U11 1h1 "'"H' d.1lt'. ltw l"Jl'rll r \\ 1 I I ,., p.11111 "'I\ li'I• It! ~.111 ~1 .111<1"" :-..111 .111"· 0.1klJ1HI H111 h .111J.. l.11 t\11~1 11 ..., .ind S .111.11111 11111 Sh .. 11 1111 Iii -.1 tho .111 l11w'-. ,.,, c 1111\·1· "'"' prt•s1d1·nt. -..11<1 .\11 l · . .i \\ill .1lo.11 lwg1n making 111111 -.111p 1 ltg hh b 1·tw1·1·11 l.11 ... .\11g1 It·' .111d S.111 1-·r.111c1st11 11 1 .Hkl11t\\11•dJ..!t•d th .. 1 lh1 I l1ghb , h.111g1·" .1n· n ·l,1t1·d 111 1•1.111!> h_, 11w 11n11 to l.1 y 1111 :1w1 1•mployl'1·:-. 11wlud111g :rn 11f thi· 1 ·.1rrll'r·~ :.!-17 pdoL-. Fall Upholstery Sale Super Savings in chairs sale priced $269 ea. Special features include: * 75 covers to select from • 1 O styles to choose from * All B·w ay handstitched • Arm covers • All skirts lined *Kiln dried hardwood f rar"es * Excellent styling • • Quality tailoring • Large selection for Immediate delivery Don't miss this fantastic opportunity to own a quality chair at the unbelievable price of $269.00-all styles and covers the same price. COSTA MESA , ~06 '"""'°" l lvd 1714)842-2060 Interior Desfgns to Serue You ALL STORES OPEN MONDAY THAU SATURDAY -9 AM TO & 30 PM .. a STATE Oil discov doff ·Point Conception• r U) The AliNOdutt'd Prt's SAN F HANt'ISt'O t 'lwvrn11 U S A sa vs 11 h.1 ... d1,1·ov1•rt·d .1 po:-sal)lt· "Hllllll ull I 11·ltl " 111 dnll1n..: 11•l6b ,d111ut l:i 111111·:-w1 • ... 1 of l'rn111 ( '11t\l't'JH 1011 011 I h1• 11111:-I l'll.l>l'lhlV1· offsliol't• 11 .11 l t•\'t,•J l1'il!>e•d 1' h I ' d I ~ e· 0 \'I' I \ \\ ,I ... .mnoum'"' ThU1,d.1v h\ L W FunkhuU!>t'I . \ ll'I' p1 , • ..,,;f,·n t ol ::-it.111tlar<l Oil t'nmp.1nv .ar l'..ilifo1111a Ch1·vr1111 '' thl· ' d111111•,111 1111 .111d ~·" 111111 111 S1,111d.11 d t >al 1101n1 l '1111n·pt11111 1s .tl1rnH :.!.ttl 111rl1 ·.., s11111h •II S.111 F I .1 II I' I s I' II • \\ I 1 I' I I . I h • ' l'.d1l111111.1 "'""111111· l1t·11d , 1 .. 1,11•1 I" to S.1111.1 11.1111.11 .1 1"u11.li1•1 dr 111111~ 1:-pl.11111\'d Oil tilt' tl..lll Jtllllll\ 1ll1<l,11<'tf h \ t 'h1•vr1111 ,111d l'l11llq1' 1'1 t111lt 111n l'o . wl111 h 1t .. 1-.1·d I I I I 11 111 I Ii t • I l' d t • I .1 I ~11\ t I flllll'llt 111 1\11,1\ I 11U I 1111 $:1:1.11i 11111111111 Market s trikes looming LUS ANUI<:LES W 11h tlw µoss1bal1tv 1>f stnkt•s b" :! ..j 1 0 Q lJ l> U t l ' h l' f ~ II I\ tf T t• n rn st l' rs th r u ugh u 11 1 Cnlifurnia within tht· rwxl :.! 1 Wt•t•ks. nq~o11a11011s bt•t \\ l't'll su1x•rmarkl'lS and union::. .111 · Lil " virtual swnd::.1111. b111h ~1<.ftos !><.IV "lt d~•sn'1 luok fl«il good," 'i<lld Bob Voigt. spokt .. ,m.111 £111 llw rn.irkl·ts' Food E111plo~·1•1, l'ount·al "\\11• h;l\'1• 111ad1• \'1•1'\' l1tth· µrog11•ss" -.1111·, 11 1•g1111.1 l lllll1' 111·~··" t \\' 0 1111111th:-. ago "W1···~· g1•tt1ni.: 1111\\ lw11 · h111d1l•rs ~11vk1•,rn.011 t ;1•1.1ld l\l1T1'<1gut· .1dd1•d Thur ... d.1\ "h1l1 T1·.1n1'tt'1:-. 1111111.d H11d Sp1·1 l111g tt•1111l'd th•· ,11u.1111111 .. .,. I IOll'' t\ l I 1· t I " d Ii \ I h 1 l\f . .'g11ti.1t11111s .111• -.up1•1111.11 i._, t-. 11'1.11 p• o\·1d1 · .111 t•:-111n.1t1·d 11:1 p1 ·1t 1•1tt 111 1 liv f11111I 111 I Ill' .. 1.1t1 ·', :.!.I 11111111111 IH 0<1pl1 · Missing famil y 'mystery' L 0 S A N c..; E L E S 1\ Holls H 11\'l t.• ,. nd .ii I l ht '.olu.1hlt.•' in ,, luxun hHlllt \\ t.•n • lt·ft lllllJkl'11 \o\0hl'll .111 " lsri.it.·lt 11111111g r..i n t "nd h 1 s t ,1mal v mvsll•nou-.lv \',1111 ... ltt·d. I 1 ·a" i 11 g Ii l' h 1 n ct" ,1 h l 1111 d ... 1a11wd ruorn. puht.'t• s.1~· Pol1t•t• 111vt.•s t1gator-. \\ 1•n · ,tl;l1· tu nmfarm htllt.• al>11u1 t h t• I> ,1 e kg r o u n d o f S., I WORLD S • .1111111111 .i:'l, 1111' "IX 1.11or 111 ·' ... 111.all hu"lllf'<;" who 1 m1gr.11t•d 11 11111 1,r,11·1 I O \1<11-. .1g11 S.ol11mt.i11 , h" \\ 111· ,11111 I\\ 11 l'l1 ildn·11 d1s.q1pt-.1r1 ·d I 111111 tho II 'f1.1l lllU' 11111111 · 111 -.1d1urh,111 N11rthndg1 "11111 111111· ,1ftt•r 11 p 111 < ).·t. I:! 01w nw1111 ot 1111' l)lllls•· \\',,.. 'l•.Oltt•n ·cl w11h hl11od , polu 1 ..... JCI European jobless record BHUSSELS Bl'lg1un1 Un t.' mp I u y m c· n t 1 n 1 ht· Europt-an Et.·onum1t. Community hit 9 H pt.·1T1..·n1 in September. another po:.tw;:1r rf.'<'Ord and new ev1dt.·nt.•t• of a wor ldwide n'<:ess1on. th(' EEC statis11cal <:c:>r\'tcc· sa1rl tocfav • Thl·rt· wt.·11 · 11 '2 1111111011 J11bkss pt.·11pl1· n·g"tt.·1 t•d .11 unt.·mploynwnt offau• ... 111 th1· 10 t.•oun tnco:-. of lht• Commun Market tradt· blot'. :rnu.ooo mon· than tht.• month lx•lmt'. \.\ ht.·n 9 5 pC'tct.•nl of th1· \t'Orkforn· """" JOblt•s..' Is rael survives ouster hid NAIROBI . Kenva Batkl'd bv tht.· musc·li.· of ;i major U S lohby1ng t·I £01 1. l s rac·I todav narr11wl\ surv1vl·d an Arob bid '" ou.,1 11 from lhC' lJ N -spon ... 011·d I n t l' r n Cl t 1 o n "' I T 1· I t· lOmmunllat1on' L'n11111 lOnf<•ren<.·l· But Israel attackt·d 1h1 ITU 's final r esolution. 1 n c I u d 1 n g t h c· W (' s t c· r n lomprom1s<: that sav1·d its membNsh1p. clo1ming 1h1 dol·umt.•nt contain:-"l,1lsc• ac c usauons" ag<1111't thl· J1·w1sh state• t Thi· -.huwdown hc:re· l.1m(• nour::. oflc.·r th<' Arab blcJ( .11 C N ht'adquJrtl'r.., 111 Nt•\\ \'wk droppt.•d ·~ t'.imp.11g11 t•i t '~·I G.rad from th(· {.;<.·1wr.1I ..\ ... -.c·mbh Tht•rc ,,., 1n N<11r o b1. thl Re .. qian ,1 d m 1. n 1 :-t r a t 1 u n h ·a d thrc"<llt'lll'd Cl pullout .ind c1 funding boyc·utt 1r lsr,ll'I \o\l'fl' PlqX·ll1•d R ebels 'toug h ' on Sovi e ts !SLAMABAD. Pakistan Afghan r<"bels are pulling up a "strong and 1mpress1ve' fight against a campaign ot blanket bombings a nd lar~l· ground offen s1vc·s bv an C'Sllmat<:d 10:>.0UO Sn\'H•l troops. W<.·stern <l1plomo:1h S<:I v • .. Th<.· gueornlla:-. are clr)1nR ver~ well" desp1 tc· mcrc•as<.•d NATION • • Sov1t.·t attack" this \c•,1r "-lid thr ..ourc·c::.. who t.1ik<'d "1th rt porters on c·ond111on th.it th1·v nut be 1dC'nt1f1<.'<I ··Tht.' s 1tuat1on 111 Alghani:.lan 1s a mil1t.an. st.rndofl.' the l>OUrt'l'" .,;11d. ,md n ·bel res1stanc·1• 1:-"strong ,ind 1mpress1ve t11ns11ll•1111g the pounding th<.•v h,1\'t• rt'CeJVC'd " Marine m1 ss1on limited W ASHINGTON Defense Secret ary Caspar Wein berger. saying he d oes not a n ticipa te sending more U.S. M a rines to Lebanon. is call ing on oth e r n ations to share t h e peacek eeping burden there with the Unated States, France and ltalv "There IS no real rPason • whv o n lv these thrt.'C' countg es need to IX' Ow one's In V 0 rv (' d in a SS IS 11 n Ii(,' ' Weinberger said Thursday "There are many oth<.•r countries of th(' world . and 1f the multmauonal force• net-els t.•xpans1on. that's annthc·r pvss1ble area to get tht.•m ." he said Reagan to sl{ip state B\ J l::FF ADI.E H Of. t11e Oall1 Pllol Staff ~:d\\111 !\1,,,, Ill. 1•,,,,.1,·111 )(1 ,1g,111 ' l11p ,111\ '"'I '>.1 1d r l\\11 "1.1 , 1i ,. .i" 11 1 .i , c1 1 1i, pi 1 ·-.1t l1·111 \\ .,1fld I h '" l'.tld111111.o !111 .OJI\ J, ... t llllJlll\t' I ,IJllf',oJgfllllJ.: IH'" \\It!- 1\pjH'.1ll1tg Ill ( ·11,t.1 1\11·:-.1 1111 lwh . .tt nl Ht pllbl1i.:o111 , .r11d1d.itt· 101 .111111111·\ g1 ·111·1.ol Ct .. 1rg1· N11 11 111,11 11 1\111·,e· ..,,,,.1 h1· d 11uhb it l{,.,,g,111 will I ,lfllJ>.Olgll ht•l t fol I lthl'I ){I jl ll IJ I 1 I ,1 Jl lJ S SI 11 •' I 1• ';111d1d .. tl l'\'ll' \.\'d.,1111 or G< )J' guber11,1t11n11I 1111ut11l;1lt· ( ;,,.,r!o(t• i)t·uknu Jl.111 Thi· pn '1111 1111.il 111un..,1 1111 .ol-.11 :-.11d ht· \\ .1!-lJn,1wo1rt.· uf any pollut al d1sc·u"-!.m11., c·<·ntenng on whl'lh1·1 J Jh.,1g.in v1~1t for \A'11"11n wuuld lwlp 111 hurt 1h1· S.111 l>11·go 111.1y11r·., t0 lt•t. t111n l'h.11ll't''< It \\',.., 1<·p11r1t·d n'l·t·ntly th.o t t lw Wh1t1 · l lou~c· h.1d bl-0l'll ... h i..1·d ,1 p1e ·'lcl1•n11.ol ,.,,11 11\lght \\ ork ,,g,1111,t \\'ii" 111 'lit 11h1 p11·,1d1ntJ1-.111 d1·m.1ncl IVt l\\\IH 11· 1 l,1 t•\11•' 1111 It '""ii 1111 hull 1101 111 114 111 tft 111.llld !it I('' l\ft•e•"' .... 11cl I I• .11 ld1 ·tl th.it He .. 1g.111·.., lw.o\' ,, twdule• \\hit h 1111 luclnl \'1 ... 1t... Ii\ thl I I' ht'.tcl ... Ill 'Jatt• t hi' Wl •t•k r~·..,ult1•d in 1ool111w1h·\'t·l1ill1n.d~ .n1d tl\I' 11 ·,1111 '" pwk111i.: t1J11111 '''" k" "'' th· I .1111p.11g11 11 ••• 1 Qu .. -.1 111111 ·d .ol111111 P1 "1""'111111 I:!. tho· IHll lt'.11 111 •1•/t lllllldll\'I' i\ I (' l' ~I .... 11 d l h I I' I ( ,. , <l I II l undl·r ... 1.ind-. tht 11111t11 n 11\'1 r th1 nul'lt•J( t lll toil l1l1 I pl I I 1 r' Ill pn•:-i. Ill' 'II ,tll•).(\ 111 II\ 111g ltl J('(fU{t lh1 llllllllll'I Ill llUI lto,11 \\'l'.1f)Olh 1,1lh1•1 lh,111 frt•1 :Zlllj.( t I 11 111 }(,. \\'1111d1>11'd .1l1111d wh1·tlwr lh1· p111111 1s1·cl fr1•1·11· 1111dd h1• I ' 4 ll I l .1 h I I' \' c' I I I I •• Ii I e • 11 I 1•n for 1·1.,1 hl1 • f\,k1·d .1h11u1 th1 "p1•11ftt \~ 'Ir d I n ~ fl r I h I' (' •• I 1f0 rfl1.1 111111.ill\ t• "'h11 h u1 ji?l'" ,1 b1lat(·r<1l. \'l·nf1.1hlt ft 1·P/l'. l\l c>e:o.e shot h.u k. "l111w cl1>1·:-. l',tl1forma plan 111 t nt11n1 11 1111 tht Sovu•t Union" ll.1\'1• tht•\ f1gun•t• th.11 out yl't"" T u r n 1 n g I u N 1 l' h u I s 11 n ' s t un<l1d.1t v. M1·t.>~c· said thc> two had workl'd tog<'thPr soml' yrars ago 111 the· Alamt•da County IJ1sll'll'l A1111r111•v's Offit.'f.' Ht• .ilsn said ht· ... up1~1r1t·d the· GOP t and1d<1t1•. ,1 '<·n1111 assistant attor&W) ~1·1w1.1I. un the• so-l'alll'd \'11·t1m'" Bill nf R11o!hls We're Listening •.•• What do you like about the Daily P ilot" What don't you hke .. Call the number at ICC?!t and your message will be record ed . lrarucribed and delivered to the appro pria te editor. '642·6086 The same 24-hour answering service may be used to record let· ters to the editor on any topic. Mailbox contributors must include their name and telepho ne number for ver1ftcat1on No cir culation rails. please Tell us what '$n your mrnd .,..... ,... hhwy ... ...... MOl'de'r' roOey H JOU dO n01 II••• yout papa• by 6 :IO p "' cell o.to<• 7 p "' •"O you• copy w111 b• _.., l tlllfO.y "-o SunO•y 11 yOU 00 not IKlllYI yOU1 ~" ::r:..: ~o::: be....,.., -. ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat • Thoma•'· Haley r11bh!he1 °"° Ch1tf (•Mu•··" Ot•oe ... Jane Amorl f •II< ull¥1 hli•Ot l. Kay Schuha Vo<e ,,.,~1 Otld 0..tKtO' °' M>ot11.,w.g Roymond Mact.an Co•"'ol!•• Mlchoel , . Horny 0.•.c!Ot o4 Mot\ltlll\O 1C ~cllblt\'I• ·Kenneth N. Ooddcwd Jf. 0..tK '°' 0( 0p..Oll()lll Cleulfled edvertlalng 7U/142-st71 All other dep•rtment1 642~321 MAIN OFFICE »0 WHI e-. $e , C°"la ~ ... CA Nltll e<NIWM lo• llieO, Coote MtM CA '1Ut C ... yfltM I.., 0 .. "lt (OHi l'ubll•lll"I C-y No ..... llOfWt, 111~•••llor1•. aOllOfl•I ,.,, ...... , .... wetllHm ... h ,_rtlPI m ay 0. rlll"O•ll•<I" •llllO\ll •IMC la t petmln lon 01 <OOi1tltlll _,,., VOL. 5, No. 2H Oro11u COUbl OAll y Pll 0 l /f rllhty October 22 1084' Wf a AP Wl1ephOIO t ~ • .., ur111 i,. ull ~11i Huri twt-d,. to p•·•·I u t11111uuu, ,. .. lwr 11rl ific·iul urm "'II"' rt•muvt•cl. One-armed ape rejects help H) KATll\' M d 'AHTll\ Auocl•l•d P•••• Wtll•• ... q ., A' I I I • I· l Ji" , , , 111 " 1.1 \ 11111 I,. ,,.. 1\"'"I .i . l\.\11 11111 11 ·, .di \ 11ll 11••1 d '" 111 ·1·1 .. 11.tllolllol .. \111111,: S111111.1111• ·'I" 11." .,Ji11w11 ''"' .. 1111 1.11 .. :--i.11 H111 1 ''Ii•• 111,1 h1·1 l..tt .11111 ,cl11 1\ I lh1 t llK•\\ ol'> olll lllf:1lll olf><' \,,, .. f1ll1 ·tl \\llli .111 .11t1l111.d .11111 \\ 111 II ,111 \\," tj 1t1t11tlli., 11ld lllll I \I .11 t.11t·1 ·.lu '''" \.\1111 l 11'1 II '" ,,,., 1111111.ol ... h,1\'t d1 ·1 1d1 •d 111 lo I IJ1 I d11\\1tl111Ul 11 ·~ti. 1S:111 """ .11l.1p1111g 1 '1111111 I\ "''II w11hrn1l 11 .11ltl .Ito '•I 1111 d 1111111' I tllltllll t.11ll1• \\lll11>l1I 11 . "'" 1lw d1 •1·1:-11111 w.1:-. 111.1d1 · !11 d"11111t111111· II " /Ill• ·.p11h.1 ,111.111 I l.111k Kl1 ·111 ,,1111 tlm. \.\ t I h S.11 f11,1 1111 .11111 V. 111 ·11 tw1 1.11111 I 111 1 II 1111 .111d /IKI 111f1t 1.d-. \\lll l11d ,1IM111l l111\\ '111 \\IHJldgtl .1111u11d ""1.1111.111g .1p•' 11.1\ •I 111o1111h ,,, '''"1g111g 1111111 t.1,1111 h '" I 11.1111 Ii ~" ,t11 \\ ""' I 1tt1·d \\ 11 h .111 .11l1t111.ol f1111h. \\ l11 t h 'hi Wlllt ,1 "'I 11 11g11i 111 l11111• d.11lv \\ 11111• /1111 11l11 -.1·1'\ h.1·1·111 ·1 ll .011111>11\ 1•1.11111 ·1 .. ,111r 1111·d 111 ... 1111\.\ tu 1 1111\\ t11 II·, .. 11 Thi· di Ill "'·" 'ljUllJfJl d \\ llli •I I 111 Vl'cl 1·lbow It ll~th IHN>k .111d .111:11 lu cJ liy ,, 'lt11uld1·1 11.11111·-.-. Hut tilt' v111111g •II", wt.11 w11l l.w :! ~, .. ,,.~ ulcl 111 .J.11nwry h:i.., ~~·11 Jll'1·l111~ 111·1 1 •.• 11 :111a' .a11d '" 111g111g I n1111 l11 .111d1 111 IJrcirwh "'1111 J'"' 11111 .01111 l11r ,1lac11J1 i11 x 1111111111, 111>\\ Kl1·111 '''"' Stu· ha~ ,11f,1pl1•d V.t JI ICI lift 111 tlJt <lpi.' 11 .. ,1 .. 1 \o\llh h11 llllll fJ.llllt>ll S11111111 ,1 \01111g !'-ii.1111:i11K fr11rn 1h1· C111t 11111.111 ;1,.,., Kl1111 '><lid "I :-.,1\.\ S;11 lwo wt•ck:. JgCJ ul t 11• 1111>.' .,artl Sh.11 e111 Crl'<.·11lx:1 g. o1 U111v 1·1-.1t,v 111 W.1~h1ngtun 1" • 11p11t11111.ol tlw1o1py 111:.trucl<Jr "h11 lwl1wd tckl of f111ab <lcvelup tlic .11111 "I 1 uultl -.1-t· how llmh<'d ''It' \\ ,,, 111 11111111)11 V l':.JJl'Ually n111111.1n·d 111 111 .. 1 rn.1tt.· but in h1 ·1 ""' 111·11\1ninnw111 ... tw'l> mon• lu111111111,ol \\Jthuut the· arm" ~.11 u ,1 .., 111·1 ft·t·t lo ptll b.111.111,,., lr11·1 ·nl.11·r~ "'"<l Tlw ,JI m w," d1·!>1gm•d by Dr (;.,, \ Uk.111111111 1)f ('hlldn:n's 01 th•qwd11 l111sµ1tul and Al IJ1 ,dl1· 11f 1h1· Un1vc•r..,11v 1>f 'v\'.1:-.l1111j'lllll 111 11-.lht•lil'' 1:.b 1i1 th(· I l1·po11 t1111 111 111 H1·lwhalllat11111al 1\11 ·d11 1111 AP Wlrephoeo Si lho ut·ll•·~ of touri!»b' IH·a•I~ ( fon·~round ) indic-ale s izf' of a nwdt·I that !ii ho~~ llw finnl form tht• late ~c:ulptor Korczak Ziolkow!»ki hop('d l o hla~t oul of hi~ South Oukola mounta in ( l.1wkµrouncf ) \\ ht·n · a i•·•·p c·an lw ~•·Pn on horizon. . ·. Sculptor dies, but work will go on (.' l' ST ~: H S D It\ I' I K111 11.ok Z111lk11w,k1. \\ hu 1111 :~.) ~ 1·,1r' p.11n:-t<1k111~ly tan t'd ,, n111u111.11n -monunH·n1 111 L'hll'f Cr;11v I lor't" said wllh ha:-dyrng brt'i1th that lw w.1ntt"<l h1~ hug1· s1 ulp1un· 11f th1· S1uui. lncl1.1n f1n1-.h1·d. "hut i.lnwlv. so \oU do 11 nghl · It \, "' \\ 1 ·II 111.1 v t.akt• Vl'ar,, t.111 ,, 1 ,111111~ spokt.•,m,Jtl :-aid •' I I 1· I /. 11> I k II \\' s k I .... d l'" th \\'1 ·d111,do1\ th.it work on t hC' 'iH:l f11nt 1i1gh. fil 4 -foot w1d(• 11111111111wnt would go on ·11 dt>ll111tt·lv will lw l'afr&l'd 1111 -..11d .;pokt·sman Hobb I>. \\.di "Ht.• ll'fl l'Vl~r;.•thmg so h1:. w1ft• Huth :md tlw1r cfoldrt-n l'ttuld 1·arn 011 And o;11l the momentum he· h~•., given tbe pro.)('1.·t. 11 wall 1on1111uC' ::and his f._1m1h IS dt•d1t·at1•d Ill th.it c•nd:" Z1~l kowsk1 . 7 4 . d1t.•d at; a Sturgis h11..,p1tul 11f tumpltC'allOfl!> from rt·t.•1•1\l ht.•a1 I s urgery ,ije will bl· burll'd Sunday £EES DOUBLE SAVINGS SALE First .... we'll give you savings on your favorite Lees Carpets of UL TRON nylon ... The nylon fiber that controls static and resists soiling. A beautiful selection In the latest textures, patterns and colors! / Second ... get an extra round .of savings with Lees special $1 .00 a yard rebate on every yard of Lees Ultron carpet you buy. Come on In, let us give you all the details! Rebate offer good through October 30th . LIVE THE LIFE OF LEES ------------------~,liJ • .. • Orungu Coa2't DAIL V PILOT /Frt<.luy Octobur 22 1U82 H/F H:J NY t :t)MPO 'l 'l'E rrKANSAt:'l'l()N OUOf AflOllf\IHClVD• f llAOl\ON , ....... ~<>•• .-iowa\I ... (,,.( .... 1 0\tO .. Ot 11101 1 ANO,, .. , ....... ,, \•0<• laCMANOl lAMO lll l'O•llO I • IMI HA'.f ANOIN\flNlf ' '. .. .. .. Gold decline / • ' dollar weakens l.()NIJ()N (1\1'' 'I ltt d11ll.11 "'' 1k1 Ill d 4111 11111 1g11 11111 k1 lb t 11 Iv l•lll •v 111.1pp111 111 11.11111111 lo 111 1 XI"" l"l d11111 111 l J S 11111 t t '' 1 ot1.., ( 111ld !Jllll " il">o ditl1111d 1:11111pt 111 It 111! 1 'i '>.t1d lllVl 'il1tl 'i I lo.)11 I fl ti Ill 11n1111u111• 1111 111 I"' 1 twlc1 v "' ,, 1u .... :-.al1l1 11111 h .ir IK "t llf lj.(1 11111111 d11111 '" 11111' pt II (Ill Ill lht us d1'4 rn111l 1 111 th1• 1111111\I till h dt 1.il Ht "4'1\t lltm1tJ d1 II g1 ... "" 1111 •1111!1 I b.111k;. lo bw I llW 11111111' SlH It 1 d1" 11111 lt1l•ld :.11<n~il 1 '" w "'' h r.1111-< 111 gt II! I ii llllt 11 '>I ' 111 'i V. ht\ h Wllllld 111,1k1 1111 d11ll,11 It ''>-' 1111 ll ll\l hi Ill\ I ... 1111-... Gasoline usage down S,\( HAM EN I u t API (.: 1:.1111111 I <ll1"Ulllpl1011 cl1-< 11111 cl .11 .1 l,1;.h 1 p.11 • Ill Augu ... 1 ·•PP·" t 111ly bt 1.1ll"I ol 111111 l I lh I t rr11 II Ill IV.II '> Tht '>t,111 Bo.11 cl 111 1'A.1lt.d11A1l11111 -..11d ·r hut Ml.iv th 11 g 1i.11l1111 d1:-.1nbut111n "'''" th• l11w1 '>I lu1 Jll'\i 1\ugu:-.1 111 "'" 'Ii\ "" ! \ 1 n though th1 11u111bc 1 ~ uf l••r' dll\11" .ind n111t ... dtl\111 l.'tll' ull up 'I 111 II 1111111111111 g dlrnb t11 ... 111hu11 din Augui.l ~·'" I lh 111111111 l1t lo"' Augu-,1 llJlll 111d .! 11 p1 n11ll 111 111\\ h1lv lHll:l SP earnings down S,\N I HANl Isl() (1\1 11 Suulhu n 1',11 d11 ( tJ h ,.., 11 p11111 d <1 ,Jrghl dr up 111 1h11 d qu 1111 r t .irn1ng" 1h1:-. \t 11 <!, !'1 'J 11 1dl11111 du\\ 11 lllHll $ Jl1 7 11Hl11111\ f,1'>\ \I ,If 1111 lit 1 111• 11111( fJ4 I 'h Ill \\ •'-$1 ~lj Ill thl \hard qu 11 11 I d11\\ 11 I I 11111 $I ih pt I '>h 11 t Ill 1111 11111 cJ qu 1rh 1 ol I 'JH I • Edison earnings up HOSfl\H.AD IAPI S1111lh1 rn C..1hforn1, E.<.11i.un ln h.1, 11p111t1d th11d 4u.1rt1·1 tH'I 1ruorrn ol $1fifi!-I 11111111111111 :->) 1 • • ,IJ,1fl UfJ ... hghth llum $l·W l n11ll1on Ill .i; I " I -.h.11 t ,1 " ... 1g11 H1\111ua -. lw 1h1 qu.111u 1ndul S1pl Ill v.11t ~I 11 111111011 111mp.ir1u tu :SI l:i! 1111111111 ... v1.11 c1gu l:-d1-.1111 ('It 111111.111 Willi 1111 (,ould ~uJ fhur:-.<liJ\ STOCKS IN TH£ SPOTLIGHT N(W VORI'. I""' .,a•o• lnv•J Pio<.., ~'~ '~\.~n:,,~.,::. !'w : '.'"~;,, ~. °'' ~~~": "Ad ""' no:t1 un1tlt) dt nc r • tM.tn '1 t •:a.on 1 ~~ )1 • Anrtl4f l.llbV.0 bO • Pt'0\1(.0 I )llf 000 0 t ll!M IX••'<();) 8). O.tldun1 I '°1 'J(N If.I C.tt torp 1 /()t ~ >• M4t\t:'I l1oC \ ot7 ;oo 1 • ''"'1up,'11 , on 10u ..., • f l>ON•I Mtu I 00. .cJ() t• • T •tlOV 917 Mk> 4) • t°::~ao-C> ~ ~ ~: ......... ,. ..... 400 ,. J<>hn\Jn 1"1 400 44 Sul><' O• l!llJ 1<XJ 11 AM£RICAN l£AD£RS ' . " .. 1 ·' ... NEW YOR" 1AP1 Se•H Tl'<"• l>'OC.• :: .. ~'..;. tv''r.cx ~ '"£ .:·~;n:;.,~ .. , .~!:;:: ttfllOt"O "-thO'"lll~ •I mo•r u •" \1 (r\4mp HO •le \(IC) 4 1 • Oomfl't-'t•I 608 ~ I I •• 1 t 1• E: I\ N>ft-JO) S00 I • ._. W•n11 II 1"'< )IJO •• :~~ .. ~." ~~ r: ~ Q_.\tflnl A 1ffro ~ 11 • Ul~ti. A I I&~~ h , •• °h.Unfl~ fltt I01CA.t flt l•t h >v' 111. "()(> u. "· ~~~ ~o~P ,P,,QW~~ •ot1ow no 1" '"°*' the' Nt w Yori\ St0<• E •ft1AflQll' \IOC:llr!\ 6ncl wttrr•nt\ ltl,.t '1•~., uonr up lt'lf!' m~t "nc:s oown It, t o't t/4'\ d IJI ~"""' t>f Chdr\Qt r~uat• \\ ut ~'m"'"' !Ot l t\ur\,O~h No \IHUrtflfl' HftdlnQ Of IOV't \/ M f'tt I ~c:J Ntf M\Cl Pt1trol•O-'-"•O@t'\ •rr ln.- d•tf•'•A(• Of'l\llrf'f'M In..,. PfltvtOV\ 1 10' rlQ oncfli and Tn~nde~~f'K:e I 8f'41:t~~4ot L~~~ \n;t t u:' 17\ \ 1 f1't ~f'\f\.o-\ 4 '• VP 111 JU~...,.,~ 1> I•• tip 110 4 Cir-n\tar y U ''• Uo 1J I ! 1,m""'" H 1. Up 17 • t 0•1-1 14 1 o \IP 170 I U Al "" 10 1 V O II I I OrionP ct pt fl • VP 10"' 'P"rttr'I I A\h 17 t • Up tOi :~ ~:re~"'"' ': • : ~~ :g ~ 11 Ge., ~,;,,I( •'• '• Uu • 4 I) Ron-. J VP t I '4 US (;yp\ITI •~ l'• Up • 1 I! N•t!wm. 7• • 1 VP t 0 i. L•mV>!w\n l • • Up t J II ThMl <•A• J • VI> I) II Nw"Poll" pl 1J I" VP I 1 " Wn#ur 7Clf 11 • • Vo I o 10 Atw,comp n 14 t ' Up I, 11 Ton-.• (.ot-p 1• ''• Uo 1 I n c1.,11r1; E-o ,,. 1 ,_.. UP / • lJ IC •l\CAml )J • t '-UP It 14 L••'<l'VI \ 11&.. 1 • Up I • 7\ C.AF («p I) • UP I ~ DOWNS L .. I t (h~ 01.""'i-0 0 • I OH 10 0 _) • ..... Otl •• ,. , 0 11 •l • .... 0 11 •• I '• Ott I• 10 • 0 11 1 0 10 • 011 11 I... \~ 0 11 1 t 14>'• 1 • 011 I S J t.. 1 I 0 11 I J ~ '• 0 11 I J 6 ; 1 011 It 11• 1 •• Olt •I .~~ ... 8:1 : ~ " •• 011 •• s " 0 11 •• 14'-.... 0 11 •> U •• Ott • l s... •• 011 • J II • t • 011 • 1 ) • ._ Otl 'I 16 I OH S• • 0 11 I • GOLD COINS NEW 'l'ORI( (AP) -P11cu .... Tllurlday ot gOld coons compared wlln We<lnn<!ay • pr1Ce1 Krupneftd 1 11oy or $442 75 011 S775 Maple leef, t troy 01 $443 75 olf S7 75 Mel 90 Peeo, I~ troy 01 SSlll 00 oft $10 50 ""' 100 o rown 9102 lfoy oz soo oo 011 S8 2s DOW JONES AV£RAG£S NL V'I V()l·h .. t AP ~ tn•I Do-. JOnP11i. •vO~ tOt rnur\Od, (}(1 >t ~TOCKS .IO Ind >O 1 tu •I Ull ol ')I> lndu' ,,.,. o..n Hlql\ Lo.. C:IO•• c: ... II)</ •• IOA• 11 1Ut8 4(i IOJ<. Yb• 1 90 0 !.4J 4,l4 4J 00\tt 0~"8 •O'i 111 )/ I)) ti II•.~ l:H) 81 Ill 40) 11 401 4ll l~I JO 407 40 l l1 VI t\ O St• 11 7).o llDO ) .. •00 ) 011 «)O II 4>1" lOO WHAT STOCKS DID froil(W vu q• ..... VII,, •O\o'•N t'(] Ot<l nr<! Unt n11tnQ1PO r ••• '"""' ~·\!It "•Qn\ N P• IOW"I!. AO•.tn.i rO U•tl r"'l"d unr n•nor-o 10•·-.,.'""" ,,. ... n.on, Nt"'llllt IOW°' METALS f PkJrM)•y QO) '• JJ1 /())/ ·~ t &J (Jil. I I t '""'''°•t )Al )It 100 8~1 no t p,,.. ""' 1111 •JO >•~ n;t• :kl J N(W YORI< IAPI ml'ltal puce~ Toda1 SPOI non,errous COf>~• 12'• 7S cents a pound u S ocs11na1 on~ lb lHd 23 29 cenl~ a POund Zinc 40 •2 cents a POVnd del•veted Tin S6 257 I Met111~ Wee!( compos11e Aluminum 76 cen1s 8 pouno N v Sliver S 10 340 ~· troy ounce Mandy & Ha1men only daily Quote ... ,cu•r $370 00 Pe• flesh Plellnum $342 ~ $349 00 l•oV ounce N \' SILVER H~1td) & HJ•m.)" $10 34 oe• 11oy ounce GOLD QUOTATIONS It}' The AHoci.led PreH Se1ec1e<1 .. arid goio o<!Ct'S todar London mo1n1ng l•Atng S426 2.5 olt $6 25 l ondoft •lier noon llaong $428 00 otl $4 so Perla afternoon lta1ng $426 87 olt S4 4 8 f•anltlu•t l1a1ng $425 911 oH S9 02 Zu•lch leh! •"ernoon n-1ng $425 00 oll SS ~ bod $426 00 uked Hendy a Harmen fonly dally Qvolel $428 00 oil $4 ~ Enoetherd 1001y d11 ly Quote) $428 00 Oii $4 ~ ln9etherd fonly dally Quo1e1 tat111ca1e<1 $449 40 Olt $4 73 SYMBOLS \1 Nf'¥> 'f~ "'" u .,,, Nf''Ao '""''IY h~t t 1 u~,._ nUH fWl\tt nOtfltl t H_., OI 0•~ *'l('t' ot 4t ' ,_., O '0ut~f'm'tntl\ r "\f'lod <it thtf 14'\I li I t f, '\tOtt At ,,UA Cl•l "I If fU "t\ 1 \ ,, ., I·~ " a,. otnt,J\ "4 O••~"'' nnt I~' 'J' u .. 11 .. ~ '•'QulAr Uft t1t'nt I f"llO tht" I I 0 1' q I If !t ' • A1~;, _..,, ~ v ,.,,, t\ t Arm\,' 'l•I• p•vt .10<. u ... rhmd t l ~u \l ,, no \1 .. (Spn(J {"'t'<.1 • l'\J (l flt t n ['r,.,-.. c>uQ ti tnof\11'15 I (~ llltl'C1 ll' ' ttd 11Ulflf \ft.tt• tl .. l(Jt"f'd tw ~s>t t UU 1 P l '-1 I" \ Vf'if' ('f .. dMd O""":tUPt.1 C)f'ff'U,.11 nt n('\ Af hf n ,., .. t\ t1 r\'t 0 ..,~4'f"O mflfllf OQ ~ ~·••~1 \ • tht n tn' y••r •"' '' H•Mt11AI "'" \Wt"' "" If\ d W'Kl•l\d' f .,, •• f\ t N• .-. 1\•u• r (~'4 I'd ~ O• 0 1n rr«.IH'.t ~ 11 1 ~ tn' pi,, ~•nc-'-d w dttntl t P••O " \10flrrt n prKttdtt~ '• MOntht '''*rft.ll't~ t a•f'\ Vrt U_. M f • (1 VHf,.1"1(1 Of flt d ~It OUttoQn 0111' • ( I 0 "'<M°''"' ('U "' h Qf'\l\ tf E. d """"~~ tn<I ';"tlfli\ n tuU t '••~' n tu•• c1d l •"•<> •O W11•n o ""bu'"" w w""" ''vt'"O .... w W th ..... ,,ant~ •wr. W llhC\ut -. .. ,, .,,,. Ht•• E. O•t1"t1'vtt<>f' Pf ;1t1,n Ttu11 ptte.fl OI • \IOC'lii ., e mt1U 1 ,.,, uf c.>9' \tt3fft "•'n•nQ' df"ttv..a 0) <J" o oa thfl '"•'' 11 mont" tA•t\•"0' •t11~ttfl tntO h0 1 ,_. .. DtK« W"E pl I .0 100 It Wl\0 pl t >S t U • WI•< PL 114 IM ?610 • w .. cPS , " I .. Mt•·· WllO 1111 I 10 7t~'• • WOIYfW ... II t~ 11'0:• ==~ ~ lt ,u fl1 ·•; INOIWVI 1111 .. ti 10 U ••,r \1 .,.. ..... "' • to n ,. ... Wrkl.~r th. Wtlaly I 4'11 IO , W111lt11 ff 4-\ w,11el 11 101 ... et,..,. 1., Wy y .. I 10~1 • ""'""' .. I U II "1 JI Y-l -~t'9! ) t ttlt • • ,.flt• i' M It• ~t<i• t t M U .~ '• ... ,. • ah "'-,,. j U II SI .I II\ 91\ltlltl I t61t ,,._ 1 -=·~ . 'f I; t--~· Dilly Piiat Ha FRIDAY, OCT 22, 108~ ClASSlfllD C6 Dally Piiot Photo. by Cllartaa Starr Cards, Brewers celebrate Frum AP dispatc hes March ing b11nd ~. riua t ~. g ri n n 1 n g po I 1 t u· 1 a n i. a n d & blizzard of red c:n·pc· and l'1Jnfott1, turned downt<>wn St Loui!> into a magu:al str<:l'l c·arn1viil a.t> more than :.W0,000 pt:uplt· n·ll•bratcd thl' city's first baseball world l'hamp1onsh1 p since 1967 Ll'd by th1· H:i -yc•ar -ol<l Cardinals uwnL·r August A Busch and Managl·r Whitey He·rzug. tht· parade inched its way Thur~d;,a y through a 15-blo{'k route 11nt•d up to 10-dt'C'p With fani. "I COULDN'T bt.• happier," said Busc:h, sipping at a bottle of thl' bt.·er lx·aring h1i. name. "This 1s wonderful." S1tt1ng next to Busch in the rt.'CI converublc·. Whitey Herzog waved to the l'rowd as they r uarc·d "Wh itey' Whitey! Wh1ll·v'" F 1 i s t b a s t· m a n K e 1 l h Hl•rnandt·z. his hair salted with c·unfetll, waved lo a c hanting cTowd as has daughwr Jci.stt·. 9. sat m•xt to him a nd smiled in aston1shnwnt "I didn't know thL·n· would be this many pc>0plc." she S<;11d. Al S haw did some flying (and some running) 1n the Barons' 31-7 vic tory over W e trnins t e r. Nl'stled an a eorn<.•r of t he truckbed fur protec·t1on were Sue l lt•rruinde·z and ht•r youngest Jaughtcr Barons too Craft(y) for Lions., 31-7 "It was great. but 1t got a Jillie rough." she said "It was JU!>l the cxntemcnl My httlt• girl and I 1•ndc.·d up on Lht• floor of the truck because thc·y pushL·d so." , Interception return puts finishing touch es to Fountain Valley triumph As the proc·essaon neared Busch Stadium. thl' l'rowds grew thicker. Moton·yc:lc· polic·cmen wt th scream ing sircns l'scorted the veh1des. bumping fans as thc·y surged forward to shake the hands of their heroes By ROGE R CARLSON Of the Dally Piiot Stan W estminster High football coach Barry Waters JUSl shook his head slowly in the a ftermath of his team's 31-7 Sunset League football loss to Fount.am Valley Thursday night. and said, ··That's the story of my season." alluding to the capper, a 99-yard return with an inter('('ption by Fountain Valley's Jamie Craft. ln w hat had been a defensive struggle for three per iods, the· Barons of Fountain Valley capitaliz.t'd on fumble rec.-over1es by Brian Belcher and Kurt Burris to set up Chuck Smoot's 37-yard field goal and a I-yard touchdown pass from Dale Frye to Belcher. then Craft went the distance after Westminster's only dec-ent driv(' of the evening. The victory at Orangl' CDast College catapults the Barons of Coach Mike Milner to the top of the league standings with a 2-0 record and those non-league frustrations (f 1ve straight losses) geem to be fading. For Westminster, it's the other ~ide of the com. six straight losses now , two in league play and seven s traight games in which the Lions have not been able to score two touchdo wns. Thursday it was simply a case of too much Fountain Va lley defense as New Jersey transfer Tamby Wenj. Belch e r, Steve Martin. Roger Loyo. Bruce Cook, Russ Geck. Pat Lacey and the rest held the Lions to just 39 yards on the ground (l.4 yards per play) and 38 passing until late in the game The Lions got going m the aerial game with 99 yards on 7 compleuons m the fourth quarter o nce s ta ndout receiver T im Valenzue la was allowed to oper ate one-on -one. but 1t a ll backfired when Croft steAJ)eCI up ind intercepted at the FV 1 and raced the distance for the capper. ''We got some breaks." said Milner. "I'm happy. we played both sides of the game. We broke down on the one Wcstm111stt•r touchdown (a IJ-yard keeper by quarte rbat·k Tim Hanson after Brad Weaver's fumble recover y at the Barons· 15 C'arly an the game) A brah~·· blc.x:king at tht· linl' of st·nm c . It ap eared as 1f Fount ain Valley was bt.•ginnang to thank Barons wt.•re m <.'ommand as tht.• fourth quarter began. thanks to Bckher's fumble re<:overy. but tht:n Craft stepped forward. F'ryt.• <.'Ompleted I 0 of 11:1 for !n yards (8 of 12 for l:lli yards in the first half) and played his bt.•!.t gam1: of the season. <i('cordmg to his C'O<.ICh about its next LaSk Echson at "But that was a ~reat call by W<'Slmmslt.•r " The Barons rt•s pondc.cJ wnh a 70-yar d march in eigh t plays, capped by Craft's IO·yard dash with an end around, thl'n wt.·nt into the lead 1n the second quart<'r by virtue o( Al Shaw's 11 -yard dash. with thC' aid of Rdnd y St1tl's and Ru ss Anaheim Stadium during the third quartc>r a!> the• Barons managt.•d to 10-.1· tw11 yards rushing and ('omplt.•tl'Cl no passes an that span, but Mllm•r didn't buy that tht.'<>ry ''We· wc•rcn 't looking anywherp," said Milm•r. "We're JUSt looking for sc·rap:5 of meal " Despite a lackluster offensive• showing in the· third qu<irter, the Two plays into the final stanza Smoot t<X'Ci his field goal, then two pla ys later tht.• Lions coughed the ball up again and Surr a ~ rc covt.•rcd at th<' Wl'stmmster 25 Frye wcnt to .Bl'lch<.•r on fourth down for the ont.·-yard payoff with 7:09 lt•ft and 11 was 24-7. The Lion s moved BO yards w11h Valcnzut.•la catt·hing four pass1·s for 5-4 yards and M iki' Eddy nabbing .1 28-yard catch, "Our down people rea 11 y played well tonight," l'Onttnul'Cl Milner "And (M1k<') Newton a nd Tamhy Tamby (Wt'n j) 1s goi n g to be a n o thcr M1k l· F'rN'rnan ( 1978) beforl' h L•'s through." "THIS IS the best thing to ever happen to St. Lou1~." Mayor Vincent C Schoemt-hl Jr said from a n ·vwwmg stand at the l·nd of tht: paradl• route "J hope we never get over at,'' Sl'hoemeh l said "Th is is something I'll rC'mernl:x-r for the r<'St of my life. "For all you do." tht.• mayor told the cheering throng as he rl'ad from a scroll proclaiming the· day fan Apprc'(•1at1on Day "thlS day's for you .. Fountain Valley High's Al Shaw just m a ke it across the goal line on an I I-yard da h with We tminster' te ve Evans holding on. Golden West's Rowe: He A couple of Goldt'n West College football playeri1, currently rl'siding in Huntl n1$ton M emorial H0!1pital with knee Injuries. had a surprise visitor the other day. It was no n e o the r than Rustler de (cnslve coach Don Rowe. who one m o nth earlier was In o hospital bed h lmaelf, recupe ra ting from a heart att.aek suffered during the Rustlers' first game of 1982. Rowe is still t'«'upcrating thl'Se days a nd will continue to do llO for some time. The likable 47-yeor-old c.'00ch'11 rondltion Is "kind of at.alemated," he cxplolna. "They (doctors) wont to give mt• on angiogram, but my blood hu too many platclei. •nd th<'te'• o threat of a blood dot," Rowe conllnul'I "They're giving me: chemotherapy pills to brlnfl down the number of platcl<'tlJ right l'IOW." Whtie d octors w11lt o u t Rowe's p~arioua condition. Rowe' I• quietly t.akJn1 thlnp tNy th<'Se dayt. And he ~I COMMUNltY COLLEGES CURT SEEDEN d<X'Sn'l mlnel telling you, it's boring. "l'w bl"COm<' a real T V fan. Heck. ther.-·s n<1body in the neighborhood. t•lthc•r, They a ll work," Rowe lamentB. "You know thtY have a sign down tht· 11trc-.•t tha t says thh1 neighborhood has a n<'lghborhood watch. But it must bl' bctwecn 6 p.rn. and 6 a.m. I'm the only on<' here ttw rest o( the ume." Dcaplw th<' tentative prognosis. m-..we rt•maln~ his usual opllmlstk self. "f fN'l fin<' I try to do some thinp I ftit'l r~al good until I start to cxt'rdlK' too mu<'h I gu<':tll l have some damagt- th<'rc," he edmlt.a. R~wc tukea plt'nt y o f wolks Newton and thC. rest of tht• Sf'L'onda r y was espc·<"i all y I See BARONS, Page C4 I In Mtlwaukt·l'. m(•anwhlle. apprcc·1ation was ~prN1d a 11 around as Lht.• Brt.·WC'rs. who came w1th1n three runs of <.·apturi n g basc·bal l'!> w orld championship, wt.•n· honorc-d by thousands of fans. T h c B r e w <• r s . 1 n t u r n , t•xpressed their apprt..,wt1on for the fans who supported them through a long st'ason that'endC'd om· victory short o f a World &>nes title." An "apprl'<:1allon day" crowd or more than 10.000 rans turned out at County Stadium to salute the American League ('hampions. who lost game seven o f the World &>rws Wl'<lnc'Sday night m St. Louis EARLIER. A 15-blol'k -long parade in w hit.·h the Brew e r players rode 1n antique autos supplied by a local car dealer atlracted a crowd unofhclaHy es timated by Brewl.'rs Vice President D1t·k Hackctt at 100.- 000 people. Gorman Thomas and Pete Vuckovich. ndmg. in the same car. received a loud ovauon after raising beer cans high over their heads. "This is something you expect fro m p eople in M ilwaukee b<!cause they 'r e the best." Thomas. the center fielder. said. "It's nice to come home to people like this." can't stand the quiet some timt.•s aro und thr Golde n West campus wher<' he makes it a point to k<'t'p one ear to the wa ll of the foothall m~ting room. Sunday. for Instance, wh ile his wife was at church. Rowe wandered down to the school and popped in for a look at th<' game films of the Rustlers· contest with Grossmont. "I said I can't ge t c.>>ec1ted about watching films. I only yelled a t.'OUplc of times though ," he says. •·J miss football and I ml~ the kids. Today, I went over to the hospital to sec Ted Laurl"nt nnd Sam Utu. They've both ~ot knc<' probl<'m!I. It's funny, jus t n whilt' ago. ttwre were visiting mt• nt th<' hospital." Rowe 1ays "l'm l"C'llred for o while," Rowe adds. "I'm getting to ht' a ~•l bis tan." • • • THE J 8U1 ANNUAL Head o f the Charles Regatta which will bl' held Sundny in Cambridge. Mass., and has among ats entries a crew fro m Orange Coast College. is one of the mosl unusual n.lwing events sta.ged. Unlike most regattas which fl'atun? any where from two to six boats racing down a straight 2,000-meter course. the Hcud o f the Charles race will have no l<'SS than 40 boats on the cou rse at the sam lime And tht• <.'OUl"S4.' Isn't straight h 's got more c urves tha n , well. use your ima~ination. All 40 boats can't leave Ol the same ttrnt'. 1dncc 1 major traffic jam would 1.-n11u<'. so t hey leave at l 5°1econd lntl'rvals. Boats ra<'e 1galn&t lhe clock end th<' boait with the flllwtt tlmc.l cema th<' vlct0ry. "Tht> reg,..._ •~ qu1tt-a 1pt'C~ ... Mya OCC cr~w coach Lury Moere. ..The rl'"a tta Include• a pproxlm•t•ly 20 dlfft'rent eventl. and more than 100.000 (8" ROWE, Patt Cl• ' 2 ,.r. lllllil CIAIT llllll llKl/•TI mlT FRIDAY. oc To or n .''/ l'*H.' ORAN GE COUNT Y. CALIFORNIA 25 CENTS AirCal shifts flights, but won't ft p any By STEVE MARBLE O(' .... o ... , ll!llot ..... Ne w port &>Jt'fl based A1rC11l, whk h is prl'purang tu sus1wml st:rv1ce lo fo ur markl.'ls an J int:l'\.•as<.• runs to eight olh<.'rs. wall n o t t·h u n ge i ts number u l a llot·u t(•d flights f rom J o hn Wayne Airport A1 rCal flig hts originating 111 Orange County that now go tu Las Vegas or P hoenix wall bl' p o 1 n t l' d t o w a r d o t h l' r destana ttons us tlf Dt.x· I Going out on a limb Tlw ulr l11w pn·:wntly a Vl'l'llW·i-n fllghtb dally out uf J ohn Wuynt• In 11 rnov1• to cut t'Xpt•1t1>l'S, Air< .. .'a l unnoum:t'd Thursday th.11 •l will abandon Sl'rv1t•1• to Frt•:.iw. Monlt>rl'Y· P huC'n1x and I.a:< V,•gas On thl' sam1.: d11tt'. lhl• l':.trrll'1 wtll t·x1.w n d Sl't v1t'l' to Sa11 Jo'nim·tst·o, S;rn J u:-t•, Oakland, Burbank, L u:. A ngl· I <·s .nic.J Sat:ram1·11tu. S h l·ltu n Bt•s t , tht• a1rlt1w's 1·)\1·11111 \•1· v1n · pn•:<1d1•11t . .,,11tl A II ('.ti \\ 111 .ili.11 bq~lll Ill·• k Ill~ IHJll i.t11p I ll~ht:o. lll·!Wt •t•ll I ,11:-, Ang.·lt•' 11111! S1111 fr:1111·1sc.·o lit•:O.I loo.IHI till' dlolll~t'!j f111l!1W It 111011th of "llldy uml rt•prt''>\'l\t a 11111v1· IJy t\rr {';ii 111 m1111 · 1t~ mo:.t pt ol 1tahh• 111,11 kt•L<; I It• .11 k1111wlt•J..:l·d q1 .11 th•· I ltl-(hls d11111"'l'1' are r•·l,111·d tu plans by tlw firm tu l;1y olf :101-1 1·mpl11yl·t·s 111dudang :!0!1 111 tht• l'<1rru •r'i. :!..J 7 pilots &·st s..i1d tlll' nu1nb1.·r of tl:11 ly Just before they would have to sit still for sto r y hour al the Ba lbo.a Library, the e first a nd second g rader · fro m Chri t <:hurch by the Sea Day Care Center wor ked off o m e excess energy o n a eucalyptus branch. 0. W. Price, Laguna veteran leader, dies By STEVE MITCHELL Of 1M Delly Piiot Stan H as lifetime· m o t to w as: "Service• to one's fellow man is the rent Wf' pay for our place on earth " 0 . W Price was a good tenant The long-time L agunan. w h ose dl•{·a dc•s o r w or k for ve teran~ and their ra m rl1es earned him dozens of na tional awards. rs dead at the age of 87. He died Oct. 10. the result of a fall in tht" Glenneyre S treu parking lot in Laguna suffered a month earlier. Memorial services will be held Saturday for Price at 10 a.m at th<' Community Pr esbyterian C h urch , 4 15 Forest Ave .. in Laguna Beach Pnce, who went by the initials "O.w:· because he didn't like his firs t n ame . Ogle , was a Leg1onna1 re, Mason. Shriner and former Vete rans Administra tion official. And his work for the VA didn't stop in 1961 when he retired aft.er 42 years of service, his last post as head o r the Buffalo regjona l office. He remained active in veteran .iffarrs. taking betwc•t.'n l'lght to 10 calb a day from vcwrans. widows of scrvrl·emen and others st•t•krng has ad vice on complex VA fo rms . regulations a nd tx>nef1ts If he didn't have thC' answ1.•r to their quC'SUons. he'd call somt'One an Washington. O.C who dad Pnn• didn't draw a federal paycheck for lhC' last two decadc-s of his hfC', but he worked full- lime for thC' VA . typing up l'dttor1al3 about d1sablod vets on an old typewriter an has Blul'btrd Can yon home H e w o rkE·d with th e Presiden t 's Commission o n Employment of the Ha nd1ca ppt-d and s pen t hundre ds o f hours v1s1tmg patients and members of the staff at the Long Beach VA hospital. Prn:l' used to joke about has short-lived military c·arccr. He was a musicia n for th e Navy band at the e nd of World War I. Aftt'r leaving the ser vice m 19 19, he took a JOb with the Army Educational Service, using 0.W. Price hrs ftr:.t payc•het:k to buy a sc•t or c loth<.'S ·•J h.ad to wt•ar my old uniform fur fo ur mon ths until I could 84.'rap<• up <'nough money to buy s onH• t'tVtltan <'lo thes," h c r1.oea lll•d Hl· smd vt•tC'ra ns chdn't have much 111 thC' way or bt•1wfiL., back tht'n - That prompted the ex-Navy musician to join the old Vclt'rnns Bureau, where he ht•ld cxC<.·uuve position s as d 1v 1s1on c·h1ef , a ss i s ta nt manage r . c h1c·f dom1c1lia ry. chief of vcx·at1onal rehabili tation and t'<.lul·ation. and. (See PRICE, Page A2 ) d•·11.1rtu11•:-. hy A1r<..'ul Jl'L" lh tht· t 11111·, 1·11111 t• '>Yllll·m will rc111u1n al tltt• l 'UI I l'llt h·vl•I of Hiii "I IH·l1t·vt• Wt•'ll f111a lly 111· .,,.rvin~ 1·v1.•1 y murk1·1 tlw wuy WI' WOllll Ill 1>1: 1Sl'l'Vll\g It." f3coi.t ~11tl 1 h· addlil thul A1r<.'al will l'UIHllHH' drat h •r '>(•rvrn· to L.1:. V1·g;" Tht· N1•wpnr1 1·ai 111.•r'i. ftt·l'!'~·st 1'11ntpt'l1lor . P:waf11.· Suuthw1.•s l A1rl1nl':-., h;ul 11ttll· lo suy <Jll All'Cal'i. n·~·hl'duhn..: mtWl':. "Wt•ll l'N t;unly Ix· 1m·k1ng up D.ity l'tlot ""°'o .,, llllchetd ICoef\* tlw11 l''rt•MIO pa:O.hl'll~l'I'" hut llW 11lht·t 1li:111i;:1·s won't t1ff1·ct lJ'I v1·1 v 111111 h.' -..11d Bil l I l<•sllng ... ., I'S/\ -.pok1·.,111;111 I l.1sllll~'I fJrt•d11 tt.J thilt Air( 'al wtll li.JV1· "' ha11ds full wh1 •11 It l~·i.:1ns t lw 111J11 ·1>t•11J Los An~<·l1·i. lo S.111 f1 ar\l'lt.<.'O run "Thi• ti1111pt.'ltllt11) th1.•r1.• rs vc·ry, vt•ry h1·:.ivy It's om• of th1• most l1JmJ)(•tll1vt· routtos in thl· world," ~Id I la!-.ltllK:. llt•s t c.J1•l'l11wd to talk about rat1-s, s;1y111~ Arr(..':il would :111 llll.' to Ill' t•v mp1•t1ltVl' but that ll would tw :.in unw1s1> bu:.rnt•i.s muvt· to dl•t.u1 l any f1gun·i; A1rCal tht:. yt<t11 11> :.urfl•rmg ·~ ( 11 st oix·rating los:K-s sant·l.' 1972 In Lht• f1r:.t half o f 1982. tht• t·:.irr 1t•r :.howt.'<i an uperatmg los:. o f $Y I m1lltun The· loss 1s bt:1ng altribut1.•d Lo l h e s lu m p 1n ~ t'l'onomy and the t·arr1t·r 's onKuing ht•ad-tu-ht•ad fight with PSA for pas:;engt•r'S. Nielsen's rating high along Coast . By STEVE MARBLt: 01 lhe Delly Piiot Sten Thunias C. NwlM·n. st•lt'l'lt-<I .1s th•· lrv1n1.• Company's nt•w p I l ' ~ I J (• ll t • I -. V I l' W l ' U b 'j l·1m1mu111ty ll'<.1Ut•r s us a stronn publrt rl'latwn:. f1gurt'. ;i m:.i11 \\ h11 '.\'tll work qutt kly to polish 1lw firm's t;irnr:..ht·d rmagt• "Thts 1:-. .1 -;1gn:.il 1hal tht· lrv1m· Company wtll work mon· dast•ly with tlw l'1Jmmun1l1t•s," said N!·wpurl Bl-.~Jeh Mayur J aekll' I ll·alht•r "Tht· lrv11w Company as badly 111 tH'!:d o! fl'nl'I.' ml'ndrng with th,· t·omnaunit11.'!. this t·ould be• :i ''''P toward that," obst•rvt·cf Barbara Young, lt•adc·r of tht• C om m 1 l t t• t• u f ·I . 0 0 0 a n d ,, fn-c1ut·nl cr1t1c 11( lht• Nt•wporl buM·<l dt·v1·lt>pnwnt firm "T his 1s an t•xn•lll'nl t·ho1ct•, JU~t an c·xt·l'llC'nt chotl'L'. .. said lrv11w Mayor Larry Agran At 5 1. N ll'lsen rs a vetc·ran of tht• dt>vl'lopmt•nl business and h a:.. bc-cn an Irvine Company vt<'l.' presid ent since 1978. He w as brought to the Irvine Company by the man he wall replace PN1.·r C Krt'mer Krc•m1.·r announc'Cd he would n ·s1gn from thc-firm effective Jan I and has bc'<'n unavailable for commt•nt smc:e h is Oct. 11 a nnouncement despite a swirl of rumors that ht' was fort't'd ou t, fed up or simply not reh11"t'd Company spokesmen havt' denaC'd the· rumori. l rv1n<' Company o f f1 l'ials vowt•J t hat N11•lsc•n wil l b t> Thomas C. Nielsen highly acn·ssrble, wtll tal k dtrt'('tly with the media but has dt't·tded not to C'Omment on his promo tio n unlit he tak es t he helm. Nie lsen 's appointment was announc't'd late Thursday by A Alfrro Taubman and Donald L. Bre n. t.-o-chairmen of the lrvmc Company board of directors. "T om N1 t'l se n h a s dt·monstratc.'CI an understanding of the important role the Irvine Company plays an Lhe business, poll t1t:a l a nd social fa bric of Orange County.'' Br~·n said in a pn:•paN'd statement. Brc-n . t he company's largest ISee NIELSEN, Page A!) Pelicans aided; arrest due? By JOEL C. DOI\' Of lhe Delly Piiot Sren As n<.1ll<>nal atlt•ntton fuc.'USt'Ci o n thl· plight o f tht' OrangP Coa).l's muulated pelicans. still mon • of th<• tnjUrf'<I bard~ havt• bl'l'n captured and thus saved from sta rvation. On Thursday . thr et• more' brown pelicans W<'r<' found and taken to Crown Valley Animal Hospital in L aguna Niguel. bnngrng its total to eight bards Sea World an San Diego 1s caring for one· pelican. Anothe r was J cstroyC'd in Carlsbad afl.l•r slalt' offtC'lais dt't'tded it could not Ix• <;(l\'t•d St<t h· Dt·purtnwnt ur Fish and Garn<· 0H1nals said today t hey havt> a ··firm lead" on th(• person o r p e r son s who have bee n haC'kang off the bc>aks of pelicans. However. officials decltned lo describe any suspc'<'ts in the case until thC' investigation has b«>n completed One of th<' three pelicans was captured m Dana Pomt Ha rbor Printe rate reduced NEW YORK C he mic·a l Bank. the nation'). sixth largest bank. cut its pnmc> lend ing rate <t half pl'rccn tage point to 11 5 percent today. the lowest levC'I for the key busi m'SS borrowing rate since September. 1980 The move was the latest in a series of cuts tn the rate sinc•e mid -July, w hen th<' prime• rate Stood al 16 .5 pNcenl . a n d reflected a reduced cost of funds for banks. The interest on three-month l'e rttf1ca tes o f deposi t in m1111mum denom1na u on s o t $1 00.000 was 9 percent today compared with 15.25 percent tn late J une•. T he prime rate is the base upo n w h ich ba nks com p u te mtcr<'st charges on short-term business loans. The biggest and most credit w or t h y corporate clien ts often borrow at below the prime rate Small b usinesses t y p ic ally pay o n e to t wo percentage poin ts above the prime ra te The p rim e rate reached a record 21.5 pel"C'ent in December 1980. by an NBC news team fil ming a story on the mutilations. State J)('partmcnt of Fish a nd Game offtc1als suspect angry flshennen cut off th<' upper beaks of about a dozen pelica n s las t week because the bird s of te n s teal a nchovy bait and get tan gled an fishing lines. The mutilated b irds t h en cannot feed themselves a nd would likl'ly starve to death. according to Ra lph Young. s pokesman fol' the Fish and Game Department. Young said he doubts anyone 1s continuing to chop or saw o ff pelican beaks. Extensive news coverage a nd inc r e a se d surveillance in the harbor area probably have scared off those responsible for the crime, he said . "It looks like they w ere a ll done last week, otherwise they (the pelicans) would have been spotted sooner." he added. ln the meantime, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is offering a $5,000 reward to anyone who has infonnation that may lead to the convic t ion of tho·se who are h ack ing ort the b e aks. The mutilations are a violation of state and federal law. Anyone w ith information on f See PELJCAN, Paie At 1 · ----lllDEX---- How do police officers hone the ir reactions to split-second life-and-death confronta tions? Part of the answer's on Page B 1 . De Lorean hires criminal lawyer Al Your ServiOl' A7 Ann Landers Business B2-3 Movies Cavalcade A9 Mutual Funds Cla•Uifd C6-10 Na tlon1tl News Comics 84 Public Notices CrOMWord 84 Sporta Death Notices C6 Dr. S td ncrohn Edii.orial A8 Stock Market.3 Entertainment Wt.'CkendM Television ' Gardenin1 ~ Thcat<'l'8 Kocmcopc /\9 Weatht•r lntemUltion Weekt'nd r , ' , . A9 W('('kendcr B2 A3 86-7,Ca.CG C l-5 A9 T V il- Wt>Ckcndt"r A2 By LINDA DEUTSCH A•-letect l'r-WtH« LOS AN GELES Automaker John Z De Lorean. trylnH to mokf' $~ million bond on charges or drug traffkklng, w;ants lo put up has sprawling Cnll fornia home a!I ('Ollatcrnl a nd ha.~ turned ovt•r hill d<!fontK' to n h igh-pownt-d criminal hiwyt•r, Joseph A. Ball. With De l..ort'M #till In foderal pr1~>n Thunl(.it\y, attorney 8all'11 tlrst c h o rt• a ppeared to be Mrranglng plc.>dfic• o r <"ash und property tot.allng $500,000 to ball o u t t h <' fl a mb oyA n t entrepreneur. f De:! Lo r <.'an was arr es te d Tuesday at a n airport hot<'I. where author1Ucs alleged he WM trying to swing a multlm111ion- dollnr "'ocainc deal In a last-ditch dC01't to save h is failing cnr (•ompnny In Northern Ireland, De> Lorean . 57 , wu ClrtH repr<.'SCnlc..-d by attorney &mard Mtn!'lk y , who told r e porte rs 'Thu r~<lay h t! w as bowing out bt-cnu~ he had never handled a high -publicity c•se and rare ly d id crim inal litigation. Mtruky 11ud h e had rcprcsonte d De Lorr on in dvO mallera for nine )'t'3rM BC' f o r e M i n s k y said h e ho p e d a comblnotlon of property a nd cash could be raised quickly to w in De Lorcon's release from T<'rminal lsltmd Pnson. He said De Loreen's home in the Escundldo area Jn northern San Diego County. on the market tor $4 million, would be offered as port of the colletl'rol lO ra~ $500.000 ror a $5 mllllon bond. The Attorney ~Id De Lorean wu "doing very well under tht drcumnam.'\'t. He'a a arjf·rnade mAn. a vt•r y strong lndlvlduaJ He t•on ovcl'('Ofne whatever ndversr effects this may hovr had Ofl hls lifo.'' Two othe r me n charged alona with De Lorean aleo remained In prison Th urs d•Y. Wll llam Morsa n Hetrick, 50, ow~r or a Mojave. Calif., alrcr1ft aervlce company, was belnl held In Ueu or $20 mllllon baJI. Stephen LM Arrington. 34. of San Dle10. deac:r ib d as an aaaoclat c of He trick , was held In He-u of $520.000 ball. reduced from -~.000. Minsky uld De Lorean planncod t.o plffd ln~nt '° the drug chargc'I arw an lndlc:tmtnt 18 l'\.lturncd b~ ....,.., llwd JUry ht not *MIL 'Die. (See OR Y, hP At> l 01 Ull u Co1u11 OAI~ V fJILOT tr mt1v, Ot.IOlwt 2~'. li82 . ""'\' \\.\t. Continued stories ATTORNEY HIRED. • • 1n dll"lllll'llr w1111l.t .. up1•1 ... 1•d1· d1.1rg1•i. 11( L'1111s1111.al v tu w:..w ....... 220 JHllllllh. 11( l"llL (alllt' f111 d ls lr1but11111 (1ltod h'' l1·clt·r.d t prosl'l"llt\11'"' ut W1•J111•,d ;1v's , . arruignc11t•11l •' &11, still pri1('t1c1n~ lll 7ll. '' .111 11 • ~nt'rgt•llt', old :whn1>l Ul\1111H•\ w it h u flu1r f111 l'ul11rh1l l'hl'lrn 11 • ''' the· l'OUrtroom I It· wa ... d111•I • • (' o u 11 s1· I I u r 1 h 1· W Jr 1 1 11 "Comm .... s 1u11 during tha· "a lnvest1gauo11 of Pn•s1dt•11l J11h11 •lit t 1'111 gu\'1'111• II l(t• h,a.., I l'IJl l"Wll\l•d IOtnllll"o d11 ·nli. 1111·1l11la11fo: l ur 11w1 Wh111· I l11u,..1· 111u111<t·I ,a11d W ,al1•1 i.(ult• fl~lll 1' ,J1olll) l•:hrlll°lllll,all Utlll S.aud1 At .al11.111 l11lho114111·1• Aah1u11 Kh.1.,lt11gg1 Laurance South, 86, dies l.11111~ 111111 1':11a1·1ald n.1 y 11· ... 1111·111 l .. a111.a11 1·t· c;<1rd1n1t·1 South, wli11 w.a!> ;u l1vt· w1lh till' p11 v.at1 1·11111111u1111 y·-. vriluntl•t•r f11t· d1 ·p,11'!11 w11I f111 Vl•IJl'I>, I'> dt·iuJ .11 /Hi Soulli Wlill lllllVl'd 11111 ran11Jy 111 1-:1111'1 aid l:la v 111 l!l ~H. dtt•d 1·111111 •1 th1' 11111ntli Jt S11uth Cc,111o1 M1·rl11 .ol t 'c 1111·1 rJ'. Kc-nm-d v 's I Yti3 as.'ka~in.a 111111 and is a la,~· partm•r w11h fu11111·1 Cal1fornru Gov EdmuntJ (; ·''Pat" Brown. fath1•1 uf Iha· l 11 II l h \'I d ,. v l' I u (J Ill I' II t "' 'l'hllt 'll.I\. 11111\1\'I 1>1• L11n•a11 .t~'IM't,11t•, ,,1111 llll' 1·1111atMll)' 1.a11 111111 1111ul>lt• wh1·11 th1·11· 1111,i. lll'ol!>lt•d 1111 lll('J't •,1 ... 111~ p111d111 l11111 11•\ •+• la,,l I.all ( )111' assonult• ,al:.o s.11tl I>..· L11r.•a11 11n1·1• n·-.orlt•d to 1 ;11d111g "1m .1g1· ,111·.1-. tu t..ik1· Ii.al k ~)1.\1' nr his , ,.r ... th.11 h.111 l>1·1 ·n rt'plll>:>t ':...'l 'd \it''' of tilt' !'!Wi mming pool un•u ut John l>t· l.on·1111 '!oo Puumu \'ullt·v t'1'1uh·. rwur Mt. P a lomur in nortlwr11 ~u 11 Uit·,:o County. T lw 1~ro pt•rl y, ''ulm·tl a l $4 million, i!'o off•·r•·•I II!'! •·ollut••ral for hail. I It· "',,,.. " I !J:!:I ~1';1clu;at1· 111 llw l' ,J I I I I) I II I •• I /\ ... l I l u l l' OJ f .,.,., li1111l11g v Ill J'.a-.<1dl'llJ ..ind WU!> ,, ''' 111 t111.1I .. 11g1111·1·1 ,ind builch·r 111 I It.at 11 t y .1r11f l.ah•r', 111 LJgu1w IX-.1d1 \ II• "·" ,, \'olunll•t•r f1n•man <ii l•:11w1 .. trl B.ov .ond lat1·r lrt-it.!>Urt'r la11 th1· ...,11.ill d1·1Mrtnw nl unul hi'> dt'.1lh Ou H . .. ·:PRICE SUCCUMBS. • • I' Collowang World \:Var 11 . drn, 101 or the GI 8111 program fur lh1 l'I ' Wt-stern swtt•s and tlw lt•rr1t111 v o r Hawa11 • Prtct'. wh1> muvl-d tu L..i!o(1111.1 Beal·h with t11s w1ft.'. Eh1al)\:th. following hrs n•l1rt•m1•n1 . w,,,. n aml'd "C1t1zt.•n of t ht• V1•ar" '•during th(' t'lly's 197Y Pat1'1111':-. Day Paradl' .. He was lhl• n •1·1p1t•n1 o f tht• Anw111.111 L1•gan11·, 111p h111101 111\ Sl'\'1•1,al 111'1 .a::.11111 ::. for h1i. 'oil\ d1•1 .iJ1•:, ol s1•1 v1t·1• ;_at1d l11i. ":!·l h11u~ ,a dJv·· volunh•1!1 w ork 1111 \'t·lt·r.an:. and th1·11· dl'pt·ndt·11t:-. Pnt·1· 1" 'iUl'\'1\'l-<l bv hr!> Wilt'. El11;,ibl•1h, u f lht· l.11i11ly hunw. d.aughl1·r Ellt•t•n Adam:. of S< 111l,.. \'.all1•)'. daughll'r-111 -law flt·lly P r11·1" u f San D11•g11 "1" g 1 a11ddaugh1t•rs and s1•v 1·n gi·1 ·;at ·g1·.andch1ldren _PELICAN ARREST DUE?. • • l.>t:partnwnt of F'1:.h .a11d U:.nw w 1 I I b t' rt• I u r n •• <l . Y u u n g 1•mphas1wd Estate De ESl't)NJ)ll>O 1J\P) Tht.· $4 rntl111111 1•-11.111· 111 l':1r d e~1g1wr .John Z D1• Lon·un ha:. bcE'n 11111•11'11 a!\ t•11ll.al1·ral for ball so 1 li.11 he• t·u n l.x· I l'l'l'd pi:11dmg lrn1l 011 t h<1rge:-. of ::.l'l ll ng up a $24 n11ll11111 n.ll·aint· dl·ial in :.i bid to s;1v1• l11i. lallrng 1·11111pany. Th•· r>s tatL· cun s as l s o l a 7 .noo square• fool rL·mo dl'led ,1d11ht• l111USt', Wllh two gu1;·SI hollll'!> 1h·'ol l1·d amu11 L( l'l I ru:-. grovc•s np a -lH m·n · 11orlht•111 Sall Dll'go n1unty JJlllf>t'rl)' Tl l' l'~Hat1:. with ,, 41 lclt1 t !>W1mnun~ pool, ;ind w111duw::. Lorean's bail? ( r>JX'r1rng out 1111 llw Puum.1 Vallt·v and Mt P.ilw11:11 , Ii.is l,.•1•111111 1h1• markL•l tor :.1:0. 111111llh:-.. -..1111 134.•u v Vlahm .. D1.· Lon·t1n':. bruk1·1 · Shl' -.;.aid h1•r t·w11p<rn.v, Vlaho" Prop1•1 llP!>, \Vould t·unt11IUl' l11 s how tlw prt>µl•rty tu tx1kn11al buyers, but slw didn't know what 1·1 f1.•t'l Ot• L un·,1r1 ':s lq;tal tr1Jubll•' would hLIVl' 1111 thl• sal1• Shl' -.aid lht• hoUSl' was nol D1• L o rt«a11 ':. µrimar y n •s1dt.·nL·t· (.' ou 111 \ fl'l'ortb ... how he· h:a:. own1·tl 11 :.1nl't' lk1.· :m. t!-175 Tht· 1·-.tall• wa:. ft·~1tun•tl Ill tlw HIH:l-tl:f 1·d1lloll or Th<· l'rc·Vll'W!'> t:u1<l1• tu 1h1• Wurld':. 1''11w Hc·i1I 1': ... 1.111., wh1d1 dt·s<:nlx'Cl 1Lo; 111111 mum !> "' oak. marbk and lilt f I ours. peak t:d and bl·<i nu.•d 1·1·iling. marblt.· baths Lind .a 22-fuut fomily room with a11 aviary wall. ThP property 1s lot«1lt:d 1n Paurrna Vall(•y Country Club EstaH·:., at the end of winding pnval1· mads. S11uth " -.ur v1v(·d b )' his w1ft· of .1h vc·J...,, Gntrud{• W South, d .aug ti t1•r" Barb:.arn Stt:er, o f t:rrwrtaltl Bu y. M<irgut•r1tc Adam:.. Palo!> Vcrd..!s and V1rg1ma Furlunl', Balboa 111• 1:. abo survived by s1swr Pt.·ggy M South of EmNald Bay, 1·1gh1 gri.lndl·hildrcn and four gn:at ~randL·hildrt•n . Tlwn• wt•rt· no serv1c·t-s for tht· Sw1 1''rand:o.c11 born builder. The 1<1 m ii y s ul(gt.·St!> dona lions be nH1 d l ' lo t h l' Em c r a I d Ba y Volunlt·t•r Fin• l)(·pi.1rtmcn l. the cnml' 1s L'm ·ouragt•d to t:all t h e C a 1 -T 1 p s t' r v 1 l" t• a l l -800-952-5400. I n add1uun. tlw National Audubo n Soul'ly ha!> set up a rt•ward fund .and donations may be• ma1h.-d to 555 Audubon Plan'. Sat-raml.'ntn. Calif. 95825 Checks sent to l ht• s tall' L'ro\\ n Vallt•v Vl•lt.·rin ar1an t;a, Ir Robt.•rts· !>aid s he ha!. l'l't.'l'l\'t>d l'alls Crom throughout the <·ountry from {'Unc·e rnt.•d peo plt> as W<'ll ai. sp<.'t.·1al1sts 111 pros thetic· surgt.·ry A tt.•am of \'(•\crmarians will try Sunday to surg1c<slly attaeh arl1f1l'lal beak:. 10 somf> of the <.·aptured f)f'lican:.. :.hl• :.aid Cancer-stricken boy will get his dog back A story on las t Saturday's ligion page said Doug Smith. ~ s Angeles Rams ct.•ntt.>r. was heduled to speak a t 9 a m at a eakfast this Saturday al South ~hores Baptis t Chun·h 'm Lagum1 .:Niguel. T he llml' s hould h aVl' • tead 7 a .m . for th1• <'Vt•nt, uix·n tea ,11 m en and boys. Tht.• Daily Prlol grelS the l'rror Dr Ro bc·rts no ted 11'!> d1ff1l·ull to l(:ll 1f the birds wt.•rt.> mutilall·d b:'i' o ne· pC'rso n o r s t•v <·1-.1l f1:.hl·rml'n S onll' of lht• IJl'ak!. "Pf>l'i.lr to hd\'1' bt.'<·11 c-h<>ppl'<.I nfr w1 th a macht>t1.:· Ii ke ans t runwrll \\hilt· o tht>rs w t.•rl' n1•allv l'Ul aw..iy with a sharµ kn1i1· or hack s.aw LOS ANCa:u :s (AP) A rt· union b1.·t wPc·n M uggin:-. and ht:. 14! v1•a1 old mas tc•r will happ<•n ih1s Wt•1 .. k1.•nd thanks tu a n outpou1 ing o f ht•lp from 'l1 ang1·1' who ll'arnl'd lht• l':a m·c·r ~ll 1l·k1·n hoy ,and his d og h.ac.I lwt·n 'l'J.l.ll':&ll'<.l by YOO mtl1•:-. Tt·ddv, whos<· pan·nt!o dnn't w1 ... h lht•11 last no.amt· lo ht.· publi:-.h1·d . Walt st•pi:lr.atl'd f ro111 his Br11trn1y :-.p<anil'I two months Jgo wh1·n h1· tr;av1·l1·d lo Lt>-. A11~1 ·h·:-. f10111 h" l\11•df1nd, 011 111111\t' lt1 U IHft. rg11 'f'l'l'l,al 111•d I 11'.t ll\11•111 Thi• l111v':-. p.ar c·nt' ,,,id tl11·\ t'IJUldn'l .allrnd ll.a\'t•I l'XJ>l 'lh l·" f111 l\lugg111' l11•l .t U:-.1• 1h1•v 1ouldn'1 afr11rd l11 I"" h1 ... w:a ~· :and had no µlal't• to kc·1·p him .al tht· h111111• of ,a r1·l.111 vc· wh1·rl' th1•y .ir1· )>\;ay111g Laguna to hold shoplift • seminar Laguna &·al'h Nt·1ghburhood W a l c· h <i n d l h <' p o I i c f' dt·partnwnt IELSEN CHOICE WINS FAVOR ON COAST. • • 1\n •'Vl'n1ng s1•111111:ar 10 111::.truc·t La gun.1 Bc .. 11'11 llll·n·hants how to r t·dut·•· losses due to s hopl1flt·1-s \\-Ill bl' held Wednesdav al 1h1· American Legion Cornmu1111y C<'nter. 384 Legum St l.ot:al mN'<'h ant.s w ill hear m1•lh1xh. 11f shopl1 fling, ant1- !.hupltft1ng mt.·asun-s and how 10 :J\'Old takang a bad l'hl'C'k .. • •. Jlockholder who has sl.<lyed out :' { the publll.: ltmeltght m rl'<.'t.ml ~ears. prt>dlcted that Nielsen will :!'i> a y c Io s e a t t l' n ll o n 111 t ht.• ~~mmunity'!> m•t•cb " Kremer. who v.orkl·d w11h ~ielsen at the Nl'whall Land and l r m1ng Co . s aid N1t·ls cn'::. o mouon v.. 111 provide· th<' I rvm<' mJXlny w ith "grt·at t.'tmltnu11y manageml•nt .. I K.remer said ht• will work v. 11h elsen m the next two monlh!o insure a smooth transll1on Tht· tgoing president has not said hat he will be doing after hL• aves the firm. Adding lo the thinking that Nie lsen's appomtmt'nt n ·prt.•st.·nt:. a l'akulatt>d pubill' relat1uru. m ove 1~ 1h1• focl that Bren has lakr n an dl'llVt.' role m promoting the> good will vf lhl• l'Ompany m rt'(•t•nl \\ l't·k:-. Bn·n. lht• forml'r ownvr of tlw l\l1,,.1t1n Vll'JO l'o mpany. \\ho uwn:-his own dt.'V1•h1pm1•n1 I 1rrn 1 n N l' w p o r t B t• a l' h h .a ., 11·porlt.•dly mad1· ,a "h 1rh~ 111d tour of Orangt· Counl). ,.,,Jltn~ \\llh 1·ommuntl\ lt .. ad1·r' 111 '('\ 1·r<il Ull{'l; . I r\'Jn<:' Cit' l'ounulm.an O.t\ 1d Sills ..ard Bren s ix·nt um<· tJlktn~ v.1th hrm :.l•\'t•r.al da\:-. bt'lon· K r l m 1· r a n n u u n ~ l' d h 1 :-. n-srgn.1ll1Jll Stll!-. ~1d Bri·n wa' inl<·rt.·)>lt·d in deu·rmining lht· nc·l•ds anal dt•!>1n·:. in Irvine. Agran !>Hid Brc•n ha!. rcquL-sled a meetrng with him as he has \\ 11h 11llw1 111< .ii c 11tml'il m•·11atwr ... illlaf a llllf\l \ 'ol lfl<'I \ l'olll'' I I l1111k 111 ' JU'I ll \ 111g Ill ge I 111 l..1111\\ I ht ,111 .1 lwt l1·r .. Salb ,,11\I ( fe \\ ..... ,1'1-lllg 11\1>'1 Ill lht lflfl ,11111\ ... Thi 11, 1111 l'11111 p.1n ~ hc1' 'ul 11 1 n l "'' 1•1.11 puhla1 11·l.-11111n~ "tl1.11 k' II\ lh1 I'"'' ~t'.11 1111 l11d111g llw \11l.1llh• light CJ\1•1 h•.a.,. h11ld J.11111 .and llw d{•ll\1'{ of till• I 11111' mul11 mill111n doll..ir pl.111 111 1·,p .. m l Nt·wporl l'1·nli-r ~=\l·n la1ng·l1nw "UJ>J)(>rt1·r~ o f tlw 111Illh.1v1•1>fx•nlv \'Oll'l'li {'1'11111!'-m ·~\\ High clouds Coa ... ta l Vulabla lllgn c1ouo.ne11 10 '1 pr•vau 1nroug11 1on1ght ano 1 'SaturOay Ovatnlghl tows an m10 1 501 Hlglla S .. urOay mot1ly In lower 80s Elsewhere lrom Po1n 1 Concaollon 10 th• M•a1can .. , borOe< ano ou1 60 mllas Lighl ....,..bit w1n01 1on1g111 ano : : SarurOey morning wtlll tout,,.._, 10 ...,t w1o01 8 to HI llnota 1h11 evencng and In the elternoon ano even injl hourt Sa1u1day. Southwest awella t 10 3 lael enable high Cloudiness througn 1urd1y. .S. summary Frotl hit Ill• MldwHI early today. wl\Ha rain fall In the 8outhffat and tile Pllcilic Cou1 Fro.I °' lr-.e werntnga -.1 nto eflec;t acrou mo11 of Iha '°"'° Valley, llllnola end peru of -· Rain fall over Iha aularn ~arollnea, with a law allowara over aoutharn Ge orgia end flOrthern Florlda Aeln alto fell ong the nortlle<n I nd c.nlral ecfflc Coatt. end In Loutllene aouthem and -lam T1xu. S c ertered ahoware end ttKindettl6ttN -· '°'-' '°' er tOCI.., In F'lofldl Md -· pec1ed io continua In not1hem Calllornl1 and the Pac ific Nort'-1 Cloudt wete predle1ed cterOlt Ille upper Ohio Vtlley 111\d cenu al 111\d _,.,.,, Te.at. Sunny 1kle9 -a lot-I etMWl\ere Tamper1ture1 •round 1111 nation 11 mldn!Qhl POT r1ngec1 from 29 In 1.aram+e. Wyo , 10 71 In ~w .. 1,Aa California Southern C111tornla will ,, ... verteblt NQtt Clou41"-9 thrOUOh t04ey with S)tlChy -ly mOtnlng tow ctoud• ""' Ille eou111 cout Orano• County c•n upec1 MGM 74 to 82, IOWI 6f to 82 lnlend vtlleYI will h•~• higna -'°· lowt In so.. Mounttlnt ctn .. peat hioM In UQP9f IOI, tow _, OOI tlld "°9, Honhern ...., l'IWlt 71 to II. tow• 41 to ff loufMrl'I "'9rt lllON 90 10 ... ._ •• 10 15 ~··" • .,, •• .,,.. lllrouOl'IOUI Nonl'ler!I tlld ~-C*fofn!t1 •~ 11oer1110 on to11tol'll 1110 ... urCSty 9°""'*"'Y _. IUltY ~ "°""' ... "'6t.llOfhm 111t11lor .._ 'ltll,fU9l'lt1I •••llc<ie. Te111pera tu res NATION "bany 0,ll><JQUl!fQUI! e,manllO e,ncnora99 e,snevrlle e,nanta "11an1ac C11, "us11n BathMOll! B1111ngs Bor,,,,ngnam B1sm11c.&o; 8o1H Boston 8rownsvolle Bulla10 Bu111ng1on CHPftf Ch•rleslon,S C Charlellon.W V Charlotte N C Cneyen,,. ChiC890 Cl11Clnnat1 Cleve111nd Columbta,SC Columbus 01Hu·FI Worth Dayton OenvBf Dell Moinet Detroit Oull>lll El Puo Fa1tbank1 FafgO Flegetafl Oteat Fiiia Har1IOIO Hllen1 HOtW>lulu Houston lndllltlpoll• Jtellaon. M ill Jecll aonvllle Juneau Kanaaa City Knoavllle LH V9911 little Rock Loutav1fle , . . .. HI 1.0· 56 47 71 38 58 39 29 2t 6• 50 69 52 62 50 68 56 58 51 63 37 65 48 70 58 2t ._... -;lW s-.oc. 10 1 t )9 JiOM..U,S Olllt ol C--Qa. 68 54 87 6t Fronts: COid ~ w~ w. 45 4 t 57 51 61 22 1.ubbocl< 63 '1 81 63 Mempn1• 63 38 .... 35 Ml1m1 81 79 68 60 Molwau•ee 0 31 57 28 Mpl1-s1 Paul 44 28 52 27 NHhvllle 60 38 51 43 New Orieana 74 59 46 42 New Vork 65 55 78 53 Norfolk 66 58 44 40 Nor1n Plalle 60 20 49 46 Ol<lahOma C•ly 63 42 43 38 Omaha 53 28 61 31 Orlando 85 64 50 30 Pllllac:lelph1a 60 50 45 38 Phoen1• 89 58 40 29 Pittsburgh 45 42 n 4 t Port11no. Mt 65 61 22 07 Portland Ore 54 49 47 21 Pr0111c:lenci. 64 51 67 24 Rt:fh 69 Ill 62 ~ Rap Cny 60 27 63 52 Reno 61 36 511 25 Rich mono 5t 52 115 70 S1J1 I.al<• 81 27 69 ~ Sen Antonio 87 58 52 35 S.•111• 55 49 70 46 Snreveporl S I 44 83 58 S1oua Falla 42 2t .... 37 St l.OUIS 47 33 60 25 St Pet•Ttmo• 83 66 60 50 St Sle Maria 39 38 76 47 Spnk1ne so 32 ISO 41 Syrtcuae 50 .. 64 35 Topell1 54 26 SURf RIPORT •••• ••• -..siiiim-•a-. ... ____________ ___ Waff ....... ,,,, poor poof poor na1 poor QOO<I QOO<I ""'• ,_,, 115 H 115 116 I& e6 ae ee 1.18 0 m . I.Ow flOt 10 I m, IWlll dlrctetlOll Tucson 83 TutH 64 Wtsh1ngton 61 Woe:nita 57 CAl.IFOflNIA HI Applfl VAiiey 83 Ballersfleld 80 Bara tow 85 8e11umon1 82 81g Bur 67 811nop 72 Blythe aa C11a11n1 74 Culvef Cny 79 Eurl!kl 58 Fr&~ 17 Ll llCISIBf 77 1.ong eeacn 83 1.08 Angllaa 79 MonrOYla 84 Monlet>ello 82 Montltfey 70 Ml Wiison 67 NMdlOS 86 Nawpotl Beacn 72 Oakland 73 On1a110 60 Palm Spring• 92 Pua<111n1 81 Puo Robtea 78 Red Bluff 63 At<lwOOO Cny 73 S.c11men10 70 S•llna• 71! Tides TODAY second hlgn 12 23 p m 8econd low 1:311 p m. 8ATUROAY 48 35 53 33 Lo 36 60 56 46 26 34 52 54 57 63 55 42 58 82 53 60 56 48 53 58 62 52 61 56 50 111 511 54 ., .. O.t Fltal high 1•16 p.m 4 4 Ftt11 tow 10 00 p m 1 O a.UNOAY Fitfl hlOf\ 8 40 I tn 3 1 Flttl IOW 9 38 t m t I SICOllO l'llOl'I t 0 t 0 m 0 lecond to.or 11 1 t p m o t tun .. ,. tOO•y It • 11 0 m • ,,_on a.1~oey 11 704 am Moon ,_ locf1y al 12 20 p m • ...... 10 24 p"' ul 1h1• 1•HllpWl\ 111 lt'l."Pnt month:- N11 ·lst•I\ a' .a N1 •wp11rt 81 .. al'h 1t•~1d1 Ill. h.1, I hfl'l' l h1ld11•11 ,11111 '"' .1 11,111\'C 111 ()1,111g1 l'11l11ll\ g11o\\ll11! up 111 F ullu11111 \\lwrt hi-llJ \l'.11 old l.1llH·1 ... 1111 lt\e·' 111 \I ,a.., " htgh -... h1111I 11111\h,all pl.1H I ktl k111g •• 1 ..... 1 ..... ~ 1111d "'Id gt1,ol .1g,111,...1 S.a11l.1 A11.t I lag h S.h1"1l 111l !l lll 111 \\111 1tw Su11 ... ·1 La ,1gw 1 h.amp111n ... t11 p I h· 1.111•1 pl.1 \1·d looth.111 .11 1lw l '111\'1 !'"oil\ 111 V\J..,hl11gt1H\ N u I" 11 \\ ,,, "''" 1 .. th• Au F on1• -.t.·u 1•\,11\ ·, u t f11·1· in tht• f)1 ·ft·1N · DqMr inwnl m l~ll7 h\ tht-41 P11•s1d1•11l L\ndon B .John,o n :.incl l(·ft wh1•11 N 1xo11 l11•1 ,1nw prt·-.1d1·nt lh· was al'll\'l' 1n 11•s1dL•nt1al Ul'VC'lopnwnl Ill s.111 D1l·g11 bt•furt· eommg to tlw lrv11w Cnmp;m y The seminar. whit.·h run~ from 7:30 to 9.30 p m • 1' '>J>()O<;tJrt'd b y lht· l'l\V '<, Ch.1rnbc·r o f C1m1mf'r<'t'. lht· •Thi· fr·stt\-.tl of Art'> 11"1rdmal111~ l'OUlll'll \\Ill mc·1·I Tu,,,dd~ tu h t«•r 1 l·port:. 0 11 ho\\ the• fl·,.llval fJrt'll du1 in;.: tht l~H~ ~umm1·1 ~wa:.1m Tlw l·onrd1nJllfll.! 1><1111'1 I' •~1arla ts1rd hw. ht:1·11 n · 1·ll·l tC'CI pre:.1ch•nl ul lh1• L<1guna Be<1{'h Mu ... t•um ,,f Art bo ard. and thrN• 111·w board nwmbcrs wert:' name'(! Ell'<·lt'd w three> vvar tc·rm!> o n the museum bOard wt:n· Pat Atha, Miriam Smith and Dr Ronald Waters. For more informatwn. call l'1Jmmun1 l v 5{·rvl('C'S a l the polru· ... 1c.111(m .al 497 J'.H I. c·xt 28:! n>mpr...,l'd o l City C uunul 1111•111h"'" .ind rTll'mlx•rs of th1· F1•,ll\ al 111 Art!> bo..ird Thi 11wd1ng lwgrn:-. JI Ill .1 m tn th1· fl·,ll\'dl of .tr\l> bo<onl m a·l'lmg rrMim Kt·lur rung fur <inotht.•r wrm wt·n· nwmbt·n. Janet Eggers. Ruth Boyle and Catherine Kieste r. J ohn Parke r dnd Bovh· wc•n • 11aml-d Vil'<.' pn·s1dt.•1it\.. James Croul, tn .. ·a!'un·r. and Marie Peizlo. s<.'(-retary Fall Upholstery Sale Super Savings in chairs ( sale priced $269 ea. Special features include: * 75 covers to select from * 1 o styles to choose from * All 8-way handstitched *Arm c overs * All skirts lined *Kiln dried hardwood frares * Excellent styling • * Quality tailoring • Large selection fo r immediate delivery Do n't miss this fantastic opportunity to own a quality chair at the unbelievable price of $269.00 -all styles and covers the same price. C:OSTAMlSA 1615 NewpQf1 IMS 171•lMM090 Interior CA.signs to &.rue You ALI. STORES OPEN MONDAY THAU SATUAOAV -t AM TO 6 30 PM l 2 2 t 2 •• • lllllll:UIT IDHH 1111111 FRIDAY, oc romn n 1!.18.' ORANGE COUNTY . CALIFOnNIA 25 CENTS AirCal sh if ts flights, but won't • give up any By STEVE MARBLE OftM De111 .......... New port Bt-at·h -bast.J AarCul, Whll·h is prl•para ng lo suspt•nJ SC'r Vtl't-l o four mar kt•t11 a n d Increase runs to l'tght othl·r11. wall n o t c· h a n gt• 1 ts n u m h l' r o f a llo l·nt ed flights f ro rn John Wayne Airport. A1rCal rl1 ghts or1 g1nut1ng in Orange County that now gu to Las Vegas or Phoenix will be p o int ed t o wa r d o th c•r dC'Stlllallons as of 0..x-. I Going out on a limb Thi• 1url11w pn •,,·ntly a vt•ruto:t•11 2:! f1 1gh ti. dolly o ut u l J o h n Wuym• In a rnuv1• tu l'Ut t·x1wnsPs, AarCal a1111uum t·d ThurMlay thJt 11 wall al>Jndun :.erv1t'I' tu Jo'n 'l>no. Mo n h ·rl·V, P hm•111x und I.as Vt•gas - O n thl' S<Jnw dull·, the• u ira 11·1 w 111 l'X p .111d M·r v 1t·1• to Su 11 F rant'ISl'U. San Just', Oakland, Burb11 n k . L os Angc•ll'S amJ S acramt•n to. S hl•ltu n Bt•:.t. tlw ;11 rl11H·', ,.,,., 1111 v•· v111· prt·,1tl,·n1 . .,;11d A1tt'.il will .al)4o h1·u1n 111.ek111.i 1111 11 '>lUIJ I lights lw 1 w1•t n Lo:. A11g1·l1·s .111d S 1111 l"ram·1&·u &·:.l s<11d t lw c h1111~11' (ollow a numth ol 'ol11dy .111d r1•pn •:.t•111 ::i 111ov1• hy Au Cal tu mint• ll1> mo:.l p111fll.1hl1• ll la l'kl·t:. I k ,ll'k1111w ll0U!(t·d t bal t lw fl1j.lht:. t·ha11gl'S :in• rc•lut1•d tu pi.u1s by tht• firm to lay of( :10~ t•111pluyL't':> 1nd uding :w of tlw earrwr's 247 pilots Bt·~t scud till' n um bt·r uf daily Just before they would have to ii s1ill for lory hour ut the Ba lboa Library~ the e first and econd grader from Christ Church by the , ea Day Care Center worked off some excess enf'rgy on a e m:a lyptus branch . o.w. Price, veteran leader, Laguna dies By STEVE MITCHELL Of the Olllty Piiot Steff Hi s l1fC't 1me m o tto was : "Service to one's fellow man 1s the rent we pay for our place on ea rth " O.W. Pm ·c was a good tenant. The lo ng -t1m<' Lagun a n , whose decades o f work fo r vetC'rans and th ei r families earned him dozens of na tional awards. 1s dead at the age of 87. He died Oct. 10, the result of a fall 1n the Glenneyr e Street parking 101 in Laguna suffered a month earlier. Me morial services will be held Saturday for Pr ice at 10 a.m . a t the Communit y Prcsb y t l'r ian Ch urch . 41 5 For est Av e .. in Laguna Beach . Price, who went by the 1mt1als "0 .W." because he didn't like his first nam e. O gl e , w as a Legionnai re. Mason, Shriner and former Veterans Administration official. And his wo rk for th<' VA didn't stop in 1961 whe n he retired after 42 years o f servke. his last pos t as h ead o f the Buffalo reg1onal office. He remained ac tive in veteran affairs. taking bt!tW(·en t>1ght to 10 calb a duv from VC'tcran!.. widows of seni1<.'t'm<'n and othc n. seeking h ts advice on <.'OmplPx VA fo r m s. regulatio ns a nd benefits. tr ht> didn't havl' lhl' answe r to their qut•staons, hl•'d call someone 1n Washington. D.C who did Pnc·e didn't draw a federal paych{'{'k for lhP last two decad<'s of his life. but he workl>d full- t ame for th(' VA . ty ping up ed1tonal.s about disabled velS on an old typt•w ntcr 1n his Bluebird Canyon home H e w o r k ed w it h th <• President's Commissi o n o n Employment of the H and1ca p pc·d a nd s pent hundre d s or hours v1s1tmg patients and members of the staff nt the Long &•u<·h VA hospital P rice used to joke about his short-lived military earner. He w a s a musician for the Navy band at the end of World War I A ftC'r leaving the service in 19 19, h e took a JOb with the Army Educational Servt<-c. u sing O.W: Price his first paycheck to buy a s1.·t of dothc·s "I had to wear my old uni form ro.-fo ur months unul I could scrap<' up <.•nough money to buy som t· c 1v 1l1 a n clot hc>s ," h e r<'<:alll'd tfr said vt'tcrans didn't have mul'h 1n tht.' way of benefi ts back then T hu l prompted the ex-Navy m usician to join the old Veterans Bureau. where hC' held executive positi o n s as d 1v 1s io n ch ief . ass i s t a nt man aMt.'r . 1:h 1c f domiciliary. <.'hi('( or vocational rchabilitauon and education. and. (See PRICE, Page A!) d1·1111r tu11 •14 by Air-<.:ul Jl'lli in th 1· 111 111'" 1•11t1 n · i,yto.h•m will r •main ul lh1· 'ltrrl·nt lt•vl'I of IHO "I lwl11•v1• wt"ll (anally bt· :o.1 ·rv111K l'Vl•r y mar kC't the w ay Wl' Wlll\l tu hi• M'fVIOM II," S.•st !Wld I h· add1.J thut A1r<.:al will ('011 1i11u1• d1:iru•1 '\t•rv1l·1· to L 11i; V1·ga:- Thl' N1·wpo rt 1·Jrrwr·~ (11•r1·1-st t·umµ1·11 1or, Pau f i<: Sou thw1•:.t A1rl11w :.. had lillll· to sa y on AarC;,il's rt'S(·ht•dulang moves "Wt•'ll l't•rla inly bl· pat·kang up 1lw11 Jo'n·•mu pw.s1·11g1·11> but thl· 111l11·r t ha11~t·:. wun'I Jrf1·1·t u:. v1•1 y IHU< h.' 1><Hd 8111 I lai.tang:., ,, PSA spok1·:.mnn llu:.u ng:. !JfL·d wlt•d that A11 l'al wa II h.iv1· 1 L' h;111tl:. full w twn 11 IJ<·g111i> th1· no11 ~tuµ Lrn, A11gt·h·' to San Fr.1m·1N<•11 run "Tht• l·t1111pt•t1l11111 t}11:1t• 1:. vl'ry, vt·ry ht•avy It's 11m • •>f tht· must t:ompt•t alivt· roult·11 an tlw world," !.<11tl Ha:.t1ng11 Bt•)o l d e·1·l11wd to ta lk ;,ilJuu t 1 ••I<':>, ..UVllll( All'Cul would strlVl' to lw u 1mp1·t1 t1v1.· but that 1t w .. 111d lw ;,in un wllw bus1n1·ss n1riv1• 111 dt·w al an y ligurl-8. Au< '.11 th1:. yt·ur 1:. :.uff1,·rmg at.s fll :.l opt•iutang lflSS(.~ l>lll('C J 972. In tt1t· f irs t half uf 1982, th<.• l urnl•r :.how1'll an Opl'raung loss uf $~ I 1111llaun The I~ as being .i t t r ahut <.•d lu t h t• slu m ping l'l'111H11ny antJ th« t•a rr it•r 's 11ng11111g hc·ad-to-ht'ad fight with PS A for pa~-;(.'ngt·rs Nielsen's rating high along Coast By STEVE MARBLE Of the D•lty Piiot lt8ff Thumas C Nal'lscm , st·lt'l'lt-cl ca:-. t h1 · l r v 1nt• C ompan y'i. 111·w p r l'" I d l' n t • I !-.. v I I: w ,. d by l·ommunaty lc•ad1'r~ a!. a :.tn m g publ11· n ·laltons figure., u man who will work 4u1t·kly L1, polis h tht· firm's tarn1sh<·d 1ma~1· "Thi:. 1s :.a :.1gnal th11t thl• lrvmt• C:CJmpany will work mun· d oscly \\1th tht t'ommunat11·:.," :.aid N1·w purt BPJt·h Mayor J 11ck11• I h·alhl•r "T h<· l rvint· Company 1:-badly 1n m·l-<l 01 ft'lll'l' m<.'nclmg with the · n>m munallt'S th1~ l'ould bt• a !>tt•p toward t ha t ... ob:.t•r ved 8;irban1 Yo ung , h•adt·r of lht• C o mm1t tC'<' o f 4 .000 a nd a frl'<jUt·nt l nt1c uf th1· Nt·wpurt· ba~t·d dt·vt•lt>pml·nt farm ··T his 1:. an t•xt·l'lle nt 1.·hmt't'. JU:>t a n 1·x<·elll'nt c·ho1n'." said lrv11w Mayor L11r ry Agran At 5 1, N1C'ISC'n 1s a VC'l<.•ran uf t ht• devt·lop mc n l busllll'S:. and has been an Irvine Company VIC'l' pn•s1den t since 1978. He was brought to the Irvine Company by the man h e will replal'<' Pt•tcr C Krt•me r Krem<>r annoum·c'CI he would n ·s1gn from tht· firm e ff1•c l1vt• Jan 1 and has bc>t·n u nava1labl1• for <.:ommt'nt SlnCt' his Oc;·t I I announc't·mrnt dC>sp1te a swirl of rumors that he was forcc'<i out, fed up or :.amply not reh1rt>d Compa ny s po k{·SmC'n ha\'{' dl•n1t'd tht• rumors I r vin e' Compa n y offH·ials \'ow r d tha t N 1C'lscn wil l be• I - T homas C. Nielsen h 1 g h I y <HT t• s ~ 1 b I c . w 1 II ta I k dan·c·tl y with t hl• mecha but has dt'<'ld1·d not lo comment on h is pro mo taon until h<' takes the h elm NH•lscn's u ppointment w as Jnnount•1..-d lall' Thu rsday by A. Alfrc.<.J Taubman an d Donald L Rn·n. c·o-eha1rm.cn of the Irvine ComJJ,m y bourd of d1rc'<·tors "T u m Ntl•l s t·n ha s 1.Jt.mon..,lratC'd an und erstilndang of thC> important role the Irvine? Company plays an the business, p11li t1l't1l and sot·1al fabric o r Orang<> County." Bnm said in a prt·parc-d stateml.'n t. Bn •n , thv «ompa ny's largest !See NIELSEN. Page A!) Pelicans aided; arrest due? By JOEL C. DON 01 the D•lly Piiot Sl•ll As 11at1011al altt·nt111n focu S<-d on t h 1· plight o f th<• Ora ngl' Coast's mutilated pt•hcans. stal l mon · o f the tnJUn.-d bards h av<' bc•r•n t·aptun•d an d thus saved from starvation O n T hurs day , three m o r<' brown pelicans were found and ta ken to Crown Vallev Animal H os pita l in L aguna-N1guc•I. br ingmg its total lo eight birds Sea Wo rld in San Dit•go is caring for one pelican Anothe r w as dc•stroved 1n Carlsbad afwr st.alt.' 0Cf1nais d1•<:1ded 11 could not l>C' sav1od S tate Dt•partment of Fish and GamC' uff1c1als said today they ha ve a "fa rm lead" on the person o r pers onl> w h o ha v1.• b een hal'kmg oCf tht• tx.>aks o f p<'11<.·ans HowevN . officials d C'ClinC'd to d C'SCnbe a ny sUSJX'<'ls Ill tht• case until t he mvestigataon has bt>c-n completC'd One of the three peht·ans was ca ptured in Dana Point Harbor by an NBC news team ft I m ing a storv on the mu tilations. State Dep°artme nt of Fish a nd Game officials suspect a ngry fishe rmen cut off the upper beaks of about a d o zt•n pelic a n s last w eek because the birds o fle n steal anchovy ball and get tangled m fish ing hnC'S T h £' m utilated bird s t h e n l·annot feed th e mse lves and would ltke ly starve to death, acco rding to Ralph Young, s pokesma n for the Fis h a nd Game Department. Priine rate reduced Young said he doub ts anyone is continuing to chop or saw off pelican beaks E xtensive news <.:ove rage a nd inc reas e d surveillance in the harbor area probably have scared of{ those responsible for the crime. he said. NEW YOR K -C he m ica l Bank, the nation's sixth largest bank. cut its prime le nding rale a half percentagt' poin t to 11 5 percent today. the lowest level for tht• key business borrowing rate sancl' Scpt<'rnber . 1980 The movC' was the la test an a se ries of cuts in the rate since mid-July, when the prime rate s t ood a t 16 .5 p e r ce nt. a nd reflected a reduel'd cost of funds for banks. The interest on three-mo nth e crt1'1c a tes o f d e p osi t 1n m1 n 1mum den om1n at1o ns 0 1 $1 00.000 w as 9 pe rcent today compared with 15.25 percen t 1n late June. T he pr ime ra te 1s thl' base upo n w hic h b a nks compute Interest cha rges on short-te rm business Joans. The biggest and m os t cr editwo rthy corpo rate clients ofte n borrow at below the prime rat<'. Small bus inesses t y pic all y p ay o n e t o two percentage points above the prime rate . The prime rate reac hed a record 21.5 percent in December 1980. "It looks like they w ere all done last week. otherwise they (the pelicans) would have been spotted soon er ." he added. ln the meantime. the U.S. F ish and Wildlife Service is offering a $5.000 re ward to a nyone who has information that may lead to the convic t ion oC those who are h ack ing o ff the be aks . The mutilations are a violation of state and federal law. Anyone with in formation on ISee PELICAN, Pal(e A!> ~----lllDEX---- How do police officers bo ne their reactions to split-second life-and-death confrontation ? Part of the answer's on Page 81. De Lorean hires criniinal lawyer At Your Suvice Buslnete Cavalcade Cluaffied Cotnlal Croeeword A7 82-3 A9 cs.10 84 B4 ce A8 Death Notices Editorial £nwrulnrnent Oardt-nl"IJ Horoecope lntermillion Wtekender 8.'> A9 Wttkerder I. Ann Lande rs Movies Mutu91 Fund!! National News Public Nollet'S Sports Dr. St.ein<'rohn Stock M•rket." Te levls on Theatera Wcath<'r A9 Weekender 82 A:l 86-7,C3.C6 Cl·O A9 83 TV~ WN•kender A2 By LINDA DEUTSCH •-iet.cl ~ .,..., L O S AN C E LES Automakcr John z. De Lorean. trying to mokt• $5 million bond on charges of drug trafficking. w&nts to put up his sprawling Qillfornla home as collateral nnd has turnl'd over his defense to " hlgh-powc.•rcd criminal law yC'r, Joecph A. Bell. With De Lorenn 1tlll In (C<foral prl~>n Thunldny. ottom ey Boll's f ir s t c h o r e appeare d t o bc.- arranging plcdaea of cash {and property lot.allng $500.000 to ball out tht' flambo ya nt c-n tr J)t'f'neur f ~ D e L orean was arrested 'rue sday a t a n a irport ho te l. w hl'N' authorities allegt'd he was trying to swing a mul\imllllon - doll:ir <"<X·nine d al In a last·dltch e !Cort to save his foiling car com pany In Northern Ireland. Dc L o rean . 57. was firs t represented by attorney Bernard M insk y . who to ld re po rte r• T hursd ay h e was bow ing out ~ause ht' hod never h3ndloo a hlgh-publklty caM' and rarely did c:raminol l111gatlon. Minsky sa id ht hAd rt•pr<>tentc d O.- Lortun In clvll mattt'ra for nine y ~ 8t"fo re lea v i ni:r 1 ht" caae, ~ M i n s k y sa id h t• hope d a combination of property ond cash could be rau1ed quickly to win De L<>re3n's release from Terminal lalond Prl10n. He said De Lorean'!! home In thl' F.arondldo area tn northern Son Diego County. on the market for $4 million, would be offered ll~ part of the collatrral lO ral~ $~.ooo for a $0 mlllio-n bond. Thc nttomcy Mid De Lorean w ot "doing very well undtor the C1rcumstancc.'t. Hc'a a at"lf-made mon, a v('ry s trong individual . . . H\• can ov rcome whatever advcr.e eff~ta thl• may have had on h .. lit ." Two other me n charged elong with De Lorean •190 remained In prison Thursday. William Morgan Hetrick. 50. owner of a Mojavt>, Calif .. aircraft service company. was being h~ld tn lieu of $20 milUon ball. Stephen Lee Arrington, 34, of San Dleao. described u •n a11oclate o( Hetric k , wH held In lieu of $520,000 ball. rf'duced from $000,000. Minaky uld D• Lorean plannf'd to pldd lnncant 10 the dru1 chariee •her an Indictment ta ttturntd by • federal ar•nd jury -probably ntxt WHk. The (Stt A'tTOftNEY. Pqe .dt ' ~I I Or ngt Co .i DAil Y PILOT 1rr1doy, Octobttr 22, 1082 -~, ..,,.-----....------------------------L-a_u,,r ___ a_n_c_e •' Continued stories South, ATTORNEY HIRED. e • , 1nd1t·t11h•11 t wuu Id su1wri.1·lk i:h nrgl'i. of lVll.!IPll Ut'Y tu IXl!'>,1'1'' 220 p ou1td !1 Of l·Ol.'Ulflt• f111 t11!(trahut11111 fllt.·d b y f<>d t•r'.d "' p rui11•t·u111rl'1 111 Weil nt·11d u1y', arru1~nn1t•11 t ( lll l't 'lll J(llV1·r11or Ill' h,1 ,. rt•pr1•:.1•11l1•tl l:111111ui. d ll'nh 111dudmg fornwr Wh111• ll111Ji11· 1·11u111wl 1111d Wutt•rl(Utt• f 1 ~ u n · ,J 11h 11 Eh rl 1l'l111w 11 a ntl Souc.lt A1•o.1bwn b11l1u1w11 t• Ad11.rn Klu1sho~j.(I 86, dies Lo11t( 111111· E1111·r.ilcJ H,1v 1 t•1»l d t•11l L.iu1 .i1w 1• (:urdrn11•1 Houth, who w.1, .1( 11v1· with ttw Jll'lv11ll• 111111n1ur11ly\ volunt1·1·r fll I' d!'fKll lllll'lll f111 . v1•;1r ,, IS d1·11d at 1111 South, wl111 11111v1-<I Im. f;unily lo E1111'1ald B11 y 111 IH511. u1t·d t·tar·lwr 1 lw. r11or1lh ,11 South <..'11Jsl M1·d11·al (.'1·1111•1 Bull, ~Hill 111·m·t1l·l11g nt 7U. as an ··~nl'rg<'lH.'. old -.. dHJol uttornt·y .. w ith " fl<ur for mlorful rht•to11l· 111 th1· 1·ourtroom I IP wus t'hll'f t'o unii t•I f or tht• Wurr1·n " Co m an 1::. s 1 u t\ cJ u r 1 n M t h 1• • ~ invesuguuvn or Prl~Sldt.•n t John F . Kt>nnl'Cly'i. I 96J assassmataon and 1s a law p<1rt1wr w ath fornwr , Cal1forn1a Gov Edmun d G "Pat" Brown. fa thl'r o f tht· I n utht·r d .. v c·l11p1111•11l s Thursd ay. for1111•r U1• L o n ·.111 '11SS<x·1att•s ?>Ult.I tlll' n•rnµ.iny l'tlll 1n 1u troubk wht·11 their hosi'i 111:.l!>ll-tl 0 11 lll('l'l 'U,'\ll Iii: Jll'O<lUt'llllll lt•vd s lust fall. Om· a~x:ratt• .ilso ">alc.l [),. Lort·an ont't' rt•surll'd l11 rc11<.lang slonigt· an·<.11' tu t<ikt· h.wk M.>mt• of has l"ll'S that hai.J ht•t•ll rt• J>OS.'>l 'SSt '(I \'it•w of tht· i,w imming pool ur+>u u l John I)(• LorNm,~ Pu umu \'ullt·~· t'hlttlt• n cur Mt. Pa lomar in norlht·rn Snu l>it·~o (:ounty. T lw prorwray'. \•a lu(•d a t $·1-million, i~ offt.n·d ui-t•olla l<-ru l for hail. I h• was ;1 1!1;1:1 Kradutttt· <11 tlw (.' •• I 1 I fl I "I .1 I fl s l I I u ' I' u I T1-<:h111Jl111o<y 111 l'.1,,1cJ1·nJ .111d w.i-. a .. 1ru1 lur al 1·11g111t•1•1 .111d liuild1·1 Ill th.JI l llY .1rul kll1•r, 111 I .. 1j.(UllJ Bl'tit•h f It· "a ... 1 vulu1111•1·r f1rt·nian ,,, 1-:nw1 .ild B.Jy .md l.111•1 ll t'd::.ur1 ·1 lt>r th1· sm.111 d1·1><•rtrm·nl unul his 1lt·.1th•0.1 !:I :~· PRICE SUCCUMBS. • • 'I ·'· following World War It. dart'l·tur • • o f the GI Bill program for thrl'\' westt•rn slall'S and.-rlht• tt•rntorv o f Hawa11 Amt•ran in Lt·~111n's lop h1111111 1111 St'Vt•ral Ul'l'JSIUll~ for hr!-> !>IX det·adt·s of st:rvat·t· <1nd his ":!4 huury; a day" vuluntt"'Cr work fur vt•tt•rnns and thc>ar tleJ.M-•ndt·rlls Estate De Lorean's hail? South I!'> SUI VIVt'<.I hv hi'> w1l1· ol 5b v1·ar s, Gt·nrud1· ·w South dJugll tt•rs 8.11 lwra Stt'l'r, of r:rnL·rald 8Jy Mar'gut•r111· A ti a m ::. . P a I o ' V t• r d .• & a n d V1q;:1111.i Fot tum·. &lbo<.t Price. who movt-cl to Lagunil Beach wllh has w1ft'. Elaui~·th, Pnn· as su1·v1 vi:d by h1 ?> w1 f L'. t-:Sl'ONDIOO \Al'l Tht· $-1 01x .. nang oul rn1 tht· P..ouma Vullc-v and Ml Palomar . h a' ht·t•n 1111 tlw markl•t for :.ax inu11llh, !>.llcJ Ut:ll v Vlahos. IA> Lurt·Jn '!> lJrokt.•1 · • following his rt.>llrenwnt, wa?> • n amed "C111zcn of the Yt•a1 " , ·.during th e e1ty's l!J79 Patriot's ,D ay Parndc. Eh.wbt•lh, of tht· fa1111ly homl', daughwr E1lt•t'n Adams uf &·utts Valll•y, daughll'r-111 -k1w Bt•tty Pr1t·e . of San Diego . !>I' gr an <l d aught l' rs ;.in cJ st' v "n grt·at-gnindchrldn:n. 11111111111 t·stJll-11( ear dl•sagnL•I' J11h11 Z Dt· Lor1.•an h<is bet•n llfft•r1.'<I u~ l'ullatt·ral for b<ul so that Ill' 1.·an bt· fn•l·<.l pc..•11ding trial on thar~l'::. 1>f M'lltng up a $;14 million l'OC..'<t1111• dt•a l tn a btd to ... avl' has la1hn1'( 1·w111.n1ny Thi• t•s t ut(• ('011s 1s 1s 11 1 a 7 ,000 s qua rt•-fout n•11111dl'lt>d .idolw ho ww. w1tl1 two gu<'sl h11rnl's nt•i.tlt-d .-111011g citrus gn•Vt'S on a 48-atTl' norlhl'rn San 01l'g<1 m unly prnpc..·rt~ Shl' s;,iacl her l'Ompany, Vl;.ihu!-> P r opl'rlll"i, wou Id l.'On tin Ul' ttJ show tht· prnpNLY tu poll•ntr:.il buyt·rs. bul s ht· didn't know what l'ffl·t·t Dt• Lun·an's lt·g~il lroublt•s woulu havt• 1111 tht· suit· He was tht: rt•1:1pll'nt of thl' .. PELICAN ARREST DUE?. • • Shl· sa1c.l tht.' hous(' wa!> not Dt· Lu n ·u11 'i. pr1111ary n •sl(frnt·t· C'ou111 v rt•t·urcb. 'huw ht· h<i::. ow m ·d 1 t ~II Wt• Del' '..!Ii , I \J 7;, the crime is em·ouragc..<d to (·al l th e Cal -Tip sc rv1<'l.' at 1-800-952-5400. In add1tton. the· National Audubon S0t·1cty has set up a r eward fund and donations may be mailed 10 555 Audubon Placc>. Sacramt•nto, Calif. 95825. Chec k s sent t o th£> s tat e .{:orrection " A story on last Saturday's gion page said Doug Smath, Ange les Rams cente r. was ecluled to speak at 9 a m. at a Department of Fish Jnd Gaml' wall bc> returnc·d . Young emphas1wd. Crown Valley veteranartan Gaylc> Robe rts said s h e has received calls from throughout the country fro m cont·crned people as we ll as spe<.·1ahsts 1n prostheuc..· surgery A ll•am of vetennanans wall try Sunday to surgically a ttach art1hc1al tx>ak!. to some of the captured pelicans. she said. Tl1t• 1•.,lalt·. with a -11 f11o t swin1m1n~ pool a nd w111d11w ::. Tht· t·,t.11t· wu~ fl•alurt-<.I 111 tht· Hll:l:.!-IU 1·1hlrun of Tht· l-'n·\•11·w' County teen saved on • Inounta1n for th1 l ".d 1l11111 1.• ll 1i.:hu,1\ Patrol .... 11d :.... akfast this Saturday at South -.; • :bore~ Baptist Church rn Laguna Dr Robt-rts nolt'Cf it's d1ff1l·ult to tell 1f the birds were muttl<tted by o n e perso11 or seve r<.11 fishermen. Some of lht' bt•aks a ppear to have be<,n choppc·d off wath a machete-like instrume nt while o thers were neatly c·ut away wi lh a s h arp km ft' or hacksaw A I~ :-t'.11 old Orange• man lt"..C.'Ut'l.I lrorn till' lup of Santiago P(·.1k . .<11·1 l>1 'tl\g p1nrwd mnrl' lha11 l 11u 1 h our ' h1 •nf'<1lh" r 1'l.·11'.t111111,d \'t•h1d1· ha' d1t'<I Th< d n v 1·1 1 II t lw \'I• h ll It• Wdlia111 I l.11.:i-rty. l'I. ol Ur .c11ge. h·ft 111, 1111·11d 111 ... ~·k lwlp Bu\ d '' ·" .11rl1f11·d from I h1 rugg1·d hiJl.,1tk 111 a11 El Tor o M:.u·11H' h l·l11·01Hl'I .11 :! a 111 Wt•dtwsdav Ill· d1t•tl l1Ht·1 thul diJy ;.it :!.45 µ 111 at M1:..w111 Vr«Jll Huspat:1l N'iguel. The time sh ould havt• d 7 a .m. for thl' event, opcn to ~ me n and boys. The Dally Pilot grets the error L.11 r \ B11:-•d W,1' l llJ UI t•d Tul·"d"y .11 !> :m p rn whl·n tlw f11u1 wh1•1·I 1ru1·k 111 wh11 h h•· "'·•~ ncl1ng l'r«1~lwd :111cl l'ollt·d uvc·r or1 top of ham. H sµok1•sman • ~ :..~IEL SEN CHOICE WINS FAVOR ON COAST ... ~kholder w~o has stayed out a cukulatl'd public rC'lallons move> nl•eds and cJt:san·s an Irvin(•. or tht· n mapany 111 rt'l't•JH nmnthi. $: °t>f the public limelight an rece nt as the fal·t t.hat Bre n ~as takc>n an Agran said Bren has requested Nit•lSl'n ai. a Ni•wp•H 1 Ht•at·h ?£~ears, predicted that Nielsen wall aC'tave role in promoting the good ;:i mt>i:'lln~ wath him as hr hoc; n..,101.111 , h.as thn•t· d 1ilclr1'n arid ~J>ay c lose attention t o the will of the company in n.•ct·nt w 11h 111h1·1 l0t-.d l'ounnl nwml><'r' is ,, 11,,11,.,. 111 0 1,111g1· (.'ou11t\ ~·~mmunity's needs" Wl't.'ks and n1u111 ' '>UJ><'I \'l,or:. g11 '" ing u I' 1n ~·ull1·r tc111 "h• r •· ~ -K remN. who workt'd with Bren. the forml'r owner of thl· 1 thmk tw, JU't 11 \Ing 10 gt.·t hi-II.\ ,1.,.1.0 1cJ (Jthi 1 ,llll hv1·s ~lfielsen at the Newhall Land an.d M1ss1on Vie JO Company. v. ho 111 kll"" th• .in·,a 1,. llt 1 5 111, I Ii "·" ,1 high 'l h11ol (1M1th.ill l arming Co , said N1 elsc>n s own!. has own devclopmt'nl firm ,,ud lie "'" ,.,kuig """' .,1 1111 111.,,11 kil king ·• l.i .. t ,1'1.1111d lat•ld ~omo11onw1llprov1dethe lrv1nc 1n Nt•wport Bt <tc h h;1-. 111,,11 ,,L,,1111,1 s .. nt.i ,\11,1 l(iufi di d h I I tjlJt• .. 111111, ,.., '"' " mpany with "greal continuity n ·pr1rte Y ma ~ a " ir "int Si luoul in 1!1-HI 10 "111 th1 Surht t ;.t management " luur of Orange County. \'1::.111ng T ti, In 111 1· l' 11111 p.111' h ·" Li·,•gll• 1 h,11npton-.lllp I lt-"\].1tc 1 _,;Kremer said he wall work walh with t:ommunaty ll'ad1·r' 111 ,11fl1·11·d 'c·\l·r.ol puhlu' 11·1.111111" pl.i\t·d looth . .tl .Jt th• l 'nl\l'"ll\ l elsen m the next two months ~·\·t•ral c1t1es. , 1 1 lo .11 k' 111 th• p ,, 't ~ 1· .i 1 111 \\',,..huigt1111 ins ure a smooth trans111on The lrvml' Caty Counnlm;.in Da\ 1d llll lmling 1h1 , ... J.,1 ill· fight m·<'r tgoing president has not said Sills said Bren spt·nt t1m1..· t<tlkmg lt'J'•·hold I.incl a nd thr lkm1S(• ol N11 b 1•11 "J!> 'l'lll 111 lh1• A11 hat he wall be doing a ftc·r he with ham severnl d..oy~ bc.fon· th1 · f11m·, 111ul11 rnallron doll.ir i-·urn · ~l·t11•tJn"~ 11ff1u· 111 tlh· ~aves the f1nn Kr t• rn c r an n o un l' I.' d h 1 c; plJ11 10 ,.,1.,.nd Nl·w1>nrt C(•nt<·r Ut.•ft·nM· Dt.>parinw111 an 1\:167 b~ _Adding to the thanking that res1gnat1on. Sills said Brt•n wa:. E\l•u long t11.w ~upporll·r!. nf tlw 1h1·n Prt·~adt•nt L vnd o n B Nielsen 's a ppointment represents interested in determman~ the firm huvt· opc..·nlv vmt·1'<.1 tnl1t'1~m J uh11:-.on and lt•ft wht>n Nixon ----------·-lic'l..·anw prt·~1dt•n1 • tr Ile was <1t'l1Vl' 1n rt"•ldc•nllal ~~· t•om1ng lo thr Jrvim• Company Guide to the World's Fam· Ht·<•I 1'.:sl<itt•, wh1t·h dc~·ralx.'CI r~ nrm rooms of oak, mar bh• and lilt· 1 luors. peaked ..ind b e amed <'l·al1ng. marblt> baths and a 2:!-foot famil y room w ith an .1v1ory wall. The• propt·rty rs lot.·atN.l Ill P auma Valley Country Club Estal1•s, al t he end o f winding p1·1v11tl' roads 111· I!> abo survav~d by s1st1·r l't.·ggy M South o r Emc·rald &v 1•1ghl grand t.·halc.ln•n and fou1 gn•at-granc.lt.·h1ldn·n Tht.•rt• Wl·rt· no Sl.'rVtt·<·s for lht· San F rant·1St•11-born builder The· fa111ily suggt·sts donations bi: rn u cJ t.· to I h t• Em t• r a Id Bo y Volunlt-t•r Fan· Ot.•partmt'nt Stricken boy, 1<J 2, to get dog back LOS ANGELES lAP> A r1·unron between Mugg1ni. and ha., I 2-vC'ar-old ma!>ter will happt•n ihas wet•kf'nd thank!> lo <Ill ou tpouring of hc·lp from .,trang<·rs who learned the• cant't•r-stnckcn boy <1nd has d og h.cd lx•t·n st•p<.1rated by ~II() m11l'S T1·ddy. whus\• pan•nts don't wr '\h tht>tr l<r s l n amt• tu bl• publas ht•d, w;.a s st·parall·d from hes Brittany sp:mael two months a~11 when ht• travt·lt•d l1 1 L os Angl'lt:s frum his Medford, On·. h o mt· tu undC'rgo SfH'l'l.il1z1·d t11•alml'nt The boy's parents s;ud they m uldn't afford lravc>I expenses t o r Muggi n s beC'ause they 1.'0uldn't afford to pay has way ;md had no place to keep ham al th1• h umt· o f a re lallVI' whC'rt' t lll'y an· sLay\ng. But aftc·r nc>ws n ·poru. uf th<: 'l'paratron. a delugl· of help w11h 1r;ivl'I monc-v. vard s pal'<', tran~port:1t1un an d ~·ven dug food ".ts o ff l·rl•c.l by !>lrangl•rs w hn h.1LI h t·ard of thl' famrlv's plight A t'uupll' whOS<• only d a ughtt•r d1t•d of leukl'mia volunte1•rl'd lht 1.-UiH:k vard and a woman whoM· grm~;n son , a c..·an't•r Anny of f1n·r who nC'ver got tu uwn a dog. made a l'Ontrabuuon to Mu~ms' upkeep . Thi.• sc•parataon was daffkult on Tc'<.ldy, who said Muggins is "Just about m v best frie nd." WhC'n Teddy was thin a nd balding. too 111 to move. Muggins ~t in ha!. lap for h ou n. as thl· boy n ·ad bookl> un gNtang Wl'll Tht· rt•unmn ll> being hand!{-<.! bv lhl' Pt·t Orphans Fund 11( sOuthl'm Cahforni<i M ugg1n.' 15. t u a r r 1 v t • 1 n L 11 s A n g t · I <· s S1Jtu1 dav. s~ud L vnm· Drain. d spokC'swoman for·thC' fund Tl•ddy brags about the dug a family frlt'nd bought al a bard - hunl(.r·s aul·taun "ll e 's whlll' with bro wn patdws." 1'1-ddy "<lys. "Ht~ llOS(' 1s pun· whtt<' with frt'<.·klt•s he loo k:. Ilk<' hc •s l:>N>n an the sun too l11ng." Whf:n hl· barks. hl1 sounds lr kt• a Dolx>rman or sonwthtng, H<''d M«.1r e a burglar away. but lw'd n\•vt•r hurt anybody "I dam·l' with ham somc•timt-s. And I thank somellml's I can m<akt• him ~hakt• hands -I t:an't n ·mcmbc.•1 " Cyclt• ride r kille d on ()rtl·ga Highway A :lY 'l'JI -o ld m o to rcyl'last 1r;1v1•hng. 111 1·x1't-s.o; of tht• 0Spt'<'<l l1n111 \\J ~ killt·d 1nstanth Thurl>da~ night wh1•n ht• C'ra::.ht~J on Orwgn l l1ghway east· of San Ju..in Capistrano, a Calafrn1a l laghwuy P;.itrol s pokl'Sman said. Thoma!. Tak1·uch1 of Yorba Linc.la wa!> prnnount·t•d dead a l the sc·t•nc· following thl' 5:45 p.m ;wdck:nt <ibou t 12 miles eas t of thl• San DIC'go F'rc·cway . -~~~~,... H •. gh clouds d('Vl·lopml'nl Ill Sim [)111g<> lx•fort• .~---------------------------------------------~ .-mm11ammr.ama:a:1mai:aa:aaaamm11mai.._ ... _. ............... ... Co a!~tal Vuleble high c1oudtne11 10 prnell through tonight •rod Te11iperatures -NATION HI lo' "lbeny 56 H "lbuQuerQue 7 I 38 "ma11llO S8 39 Fall Upholstery Sale Super Savings in chairs Setutd'Y Overnigna ioww 1n mid "nchorege 29 21 501 Highs Selurdey moally In "•heVllle ~ so lower SOt "Ilene a 69 ~ E lsewhere from Po1n 1 t.Uentic C•1y 62 50 Concepllon 10 the Mexican 90fder end oul 60 miles Ught t.usun 68 56 varlable winds 1on1ghl and B1mmore 58 SI '' Selurtlay l'TIOf"nlng wtlll toulll*'SI 81111ngs 63 37 lo -• Wlnda 8 10 18 knoca 11111 Birmingham 65 •8 _..ing and In the ef'lcwnoon and 811marc11 S6 21 e venln-o lloure S eturdey 8olM 71 J.Q SouthwHt 1well1 1 IO 3 reel Boston 68 S4 artable high doudlnees lhrough 8rownsv111e 87 61 turdey ' ::r,1110 45 •1 rlington 57 61 CUPer 81 2Z Lubbock 83 H Charletlon.S C 81 6J Memphtl 63 38 CherleSton.W I/ 44 JS M1am1 81 79 CherlOlle.N C 68 60 Mllweokoe •3 31 ',I Frost hit the MldwHI Hrly CMyenM 57 28 Mpla-SI Paul "" 28 today. whtle ••In fell In Ill• Chk;ego S2 27 Nashv1lle 60 38 1'-•t 11nd the Pacific Coul Clnclnn10 51 '3 New Orleans 7-4 59 ~ Froat or freeta w"nlngt _, Cle\lel1rld 46 •2 New York 65 55 'lnfo efleot aerou moll of the Columb1e,S C 78 53 Norto•k 66 56 ~IO VelMy. llllnoll and P•rll Of Columbut ... 40 Notti\ Plelle 60 20 -O.es-Ft Worlh 49 46 Oklatiom1 Cuy 63 42 A11n fell over the eaatern Oa~on 43 38 Omahe \3 28 erollnH, wltll a few ahowere OenvtH 61 31 Orlenclo 85 84 ver aoutllern Georgie and Dea Momu 50 30 Phll•delphl• 60 50 thern Florlda. fl•ln el10 fell OelrOll 45 38 Phoefllx 89 68 lhe Mlrllletn end oenlral Oututh 40 29 P1111o.i~n 45 42 eo..1, end In Loulliana EIPuo 77 41 Portlan • Mo 65 81 eouttwn end Melern Texae Fllrban111 22 07 ,Por11and, Ore 54 49 Sc attered 111ower1 and Fargo 47 21 Provldene• 8• 51 orme _. lorecut for flaotl•tf 87 24 =~Uy 811 81 ..... toelay In f'lof'lda •ncl --Gr .. I Fella ~ 82 38 60 27 ~Ill to contlnw an nor1hern Het110fd 63 52 Reno 81 3e Celll ornle end tne Pacific Helena 68 25 Atdlmon<I 61 52 ~I Hon;>Mu 85 70 Salt Laite 61 27 Cloude -· IHWdlctec:I llC(()M Hou1ton 69 54 Sen Anlon•o 67 58 tM upper Ohio VIMfty and c.ntrel lndlanpolil 52 35 S..llle 55 •9 encl _,em Texa1 Sunn., ..,._ JecklOI\, Mita 70 •e Shr....-pott 51 44 -e foracMt elMwtlete. JKlllOl\Yllle 83 68 Slo\i• Falls •2 21 Temperature• around Ille JunMU « 37 SI l.O<b 47 33 nation al midnight POT r~ Kan-coy 50 25 SI Pe11-Tampa 83 6e from 26 In llnlmle. Wyo • to 7 1n KnolfYille eo 50 St Sii Marie 39 38 Key W•t. Fla. ua veou 76 47 Spokane so 32 Lillie Roell .~ 41 SyracuM so .. Loult~llcl 35 TQ991ta 64 26 California aoufnarn Ct11f0tnl1 WIN hive IURf REPORT· .. at!Mlle lllgll CIOudlneu lllfougll todey with petcmy _.iy morning 10W CIOudt ,_ llle toulh GOMt. Or1n1• County cen expect ~ 10 12. IOwl M to U . .... ~ will h1-. lltoha -IO. tow1 IOe. T~ .... A-... Moulltalnl can :t hlthl 1n ~ A.. •· ~ ,....,, ~!Owe In llllCI '°' =~~ 1·2 96 ltlllr1_: fl to N. ... =Jee1y 1·2 POOf .. 10w1 41 to II. n o.etl 1•2 pOOf es "'C'°'°"·._. ....... I:. ·'-"" 1·2 poet H aln epr•= 111=out IL Htwpoft 0 flat .. ~_. • '*· ... w .... "2 POOr .. ,...., ,.,_,1ne on •:a 111d lerl Qefllente Iller 2-3 OOod .. lteurdly .....,_., fl*Y Tr9f...., (T-ltrwl) a-4 OOOCI .. .... l'Of1l'I .... ""' "°""*" aoJ.. «YtOnO'fr Hltfl Tide Interior l n ow al lllfl'letl t·te pm , LOw no. to a m • a... 01rec110n lllliwMICnl • 11' .. j Tuc1on 83 •e Tulsa &• 3S wesn1ng1on 61 S3 WIG11118 S7 33 CALIFORNIA HI lo Apple Valley 83 36 Bakeralleld 80 60 Bersrow 85 56 8eaumon1 82 46 B•Q Bear 67 26 811hop 72 34 81yt11a 88 52 Ce1e11n1 74 5A Culver City 79 57 Eurelta 68 63 F1Hno 77 SS l.•ncu1er 77 42 Long eeaen 83 58 LOS A!r.lea 711 82 Monr • 84 53 Montebello 82 80 Monrerey 10 58 Ml WlltOn 67 48 Nffdles 86 53 Newpor1 9e11<:h 72 58 Oakl•nd 73 62 On1ar10 80 52 Palm 8p11ngs 92 ~~-Puadon• 81 Puo Roblfll 78 50 l\l<l Bluff 83 61 AadWOOd City 73 58 Saeramenlo 70 s• S-1ln11 78 47 Tides TOOAY Second High 111.23 pm 4.8 Second low 8 39 pm 0.9 IATUflDAY Flral hlQh 1 18 pm 4.4 Ft,.1 low 10 00 pm 1,0 IUMOAY ,lflt lllOfl e•o am i.1 '1rtl low ll)t am 38 9acOftf hlOll 30t pm 4.2 ~'°'" 11 t3 pm O.t IUft "'' IO<ll y 11 t· 11 p m • tleae on 111\lt~ at t 04 a m Moon'"" t ff'/ et 12·20 p m •• Mii al 10 24 p.m ~ ( sale priced $269 ea. Special features include:.. * 75 covers to select from * 1 o styles to choose from * All 8-way handstitched *Arm covers * All skirts lined *Kiln dried hardwood fravies * Excellent styling • * Quality tailoring • Large selection for immediate delivery Don't miss this fantastic opportunity to own a quality chair at the unbelievable price of $269.00-all styles and covers the same price. Interior Designs to Serve You ALL STORES O~EN MONDAY THAU SATURDAY -t AM TO 5 30 PM -_. ~ . -...:~ .--.. ' 111111 CIAIT CllTI MIU 1111111 FRIDAY. OC T OU~ H n 1 •1t1;,> ORANGE COUNTY. CALIFORNIA 25 CENTS Schools mapping tougher dress, conduct rules By J ODI CAD~NHl!:A() Of IM Dellf ~llot llaH N£'wport-Ml'SU U111f1l'<.I s~:hwl Distnct 0Cf1cwls have· relt-ust•t.l proposals aimt-d at tij.1hlt•1un~ up acadt>m1c, bt•hav1or and drl'ss t·ode standards and,rnak1ng ll'SCht•rs. parents and :.tudt•nb rcn;pons1ble for mc•t•ting tht• m•w ~oals. T he draft n•port of "Lc•arning, A Shared Responsib1li ty," has been distributed to lcx·al parcnl- t ea<.· h 1, r groups will bt' Going o u t o n a limb lltSCUSSl'd by tru&h<t•s N<J dote· hus llt'en :.ct A I th o ugh to 11m1· u I th 1• proposals arc· now bt•ln" l'UITte<l out u t soml' uf tht• sdlernh•. officials lW.ltd thu, ti. lhl· fu-st tinw that lht•y have• becm Spt'l·1f1cally Wrtlll'l'I us a uniform d1:-t r1<.'l w1d1• pohl·y Jn t•ffl'l'l, lhl• proposals shift tht-rc>s pons1btl1ty of s t udent behavior, atll.'ndan1..'\.•, drl·~ mdt• and homework n•qu1n•mt•nls from the• schools to the lt•o.1chcrs, pur1·11t-; .md -.1ud1·11t1> "W1•'1t• try1n~ t11 gl'l de ru~ tu 1~·opll· 1 hut you don't JUSl Jroµ your k 1<1:1 al till' door 1111d let us worry ubout 1•v1•1 ything." s;,i1d J11Hr11 I i-JJO kc·swoman .It-an 1 larmon If aJoptt·d, p1.1r1•n b would Ix• n·qu1n•d to c•rwourogc· s tull!-11t attc•ntlann•, purc·hasl' elut h1ng that ts su itable• for :.c·huol, l' n co u rug t ' c· ump I c· t i on of home•work assignm en ts and Jus t be fore they wo uld have to s it st ill for &ory hour a t the Ba lboa Librar y, these fir t a nd econd gr ad e rs fro m Christ Church b y the ea Day Care Cente r worked off so m e e xces ener g y o n a e ucalyptus bra nch . Price, ve teran l e ade r , Lag una o.w. dies By STEVE MITCHELL Of the Dally Piiot llaff H ts ltfc ttme m o tt o was "Servll'(' to ont•'s Cellow man 1s the n·nt we pay for our place on earth" 0 W Prtl'e was a good tenant Th<.· long -ume L agunan . whose· decadc·s of wo rk for veter ans and t heir fam ilies earned him dozens of national awardi.. 1s dead at the a~e of 87 H(' dtl.'<i Oct. I 0. the result of a tall in the Glenn eyre Street parking lot m Laguna suffered a month earlier Memorial services will be held Saturday for Price at 10 a.m. al the Communily Presbyterian Church. 415 Forest Ave , in Laguna Beach Prl{'C, who went by the Initials "0 .W." because he did n't like his fir s t name , Og l e. was a Legionnaire. Mason, S hriner and formcr Veterans Administration official. And his w o r k for the VA didn't stop in 1961 whe n he retired after 42 years of service. his las t post as head of the Buffalo regional office. He remained active in veteran aff<11rs. taking b<·tween t•tght to 10 calls a day from Vl'lerans. widows of servll'Cmcn and others seeking his adv1C'c on c·omplex VA forms, rt•gulat1ons and bencf1L'l If he· d1dn 'l have• the answer to their qut'Sllons. he'd call someone• in Wa.shington. DC who dtd Pnc·f• d id n 't draw a fcderal paychc'<.·k for the last two dC<'ades of his hfo. but he worked full- t 1 mc• for the VA. typing up ed1tor1als about disabled vets on an old typewriter in his Blut•b1rd Canyon home H e workt•d with the Prt•s1dent's Comm ission on Employment of the Handtl·app<'d and spen t h undreds of hours v1s1ung patients and memtx-rs or the· staff at the Long Beach VA hospital. Prict• used to JOke about his short-lived military care<'r lie was a musician for the Navy band al the end of World War I After leaving the service in 1919. h e took a job with the Army Educational Service, using O.W. Price h is first paychc-'<'k to buy a St't of dothl'S "I had to wear my old uniform for four months until I could scrapt' up e•nough money tn buy somt' l'tvl11an clothl's," h£' rC<'a llC'd • He s;Hd veterans didn 9havc.• much 1n the• way nf twnl'fits back lhl'tl. T hat prompt<'d the ex-Navy musicia n to join the• old VC'lerans Bureau. where hr hPld executive position s as d1v1s1on ch ief, assis t ant manager . chief domiciliary, chief of vocational rchabi11talion and cduC'ation, and, (See PRICE, Page A2) provul1• u µIncl' at homt• for stucly111g lt would lit• the studt•1Hs' rl'spons1b1hty lo be pun<:tuul , drl'liS In good taste'. know what Ullstgnmc:nts arc rcquirt•d and exhibit r1.'Sponslbk• behav1ur on l'ampui. Tcut'hcr:. and district off1t•wh; would bt• n;quired t.o dress we·ll. offer programs that enc·ourage attcndan e1:, provide study hall ureas and supply pa r<.•n ts wilh an annual hst of classroom gouls In udd1111111. l'lll'h "il'hool w11uld clr:.d l t i :-llW ll cltt•'li. l'llcll'. rt'l'Ol(m1.1• i.tud1•nt u<.·hu·v1·nw11L'4, 11otify p:.trl'nls ur cle·C'l1n111g or 1• Xl't• ptiona I pt·rf urnH.int'l' 11 nd .,turt a demi c·l:lmpui. prnJ.(rttm Sl:hool hoard pn·i.1dc•nl B J S k 1 I I 1 n g i. u 1 d l h c· n 1• w n ·4 u1 n •ml'n ls will rl'sult 1n stronger d1!K·1phnary ac..·t1on and stnl'l.er cnfcH'C·e·mt·nl of smoking pruh1b1l1oni. on high :>l'huul <.·;.impuSt'i. Sk illing 1w 1d thul informal i.rnok1ng al 1: • .ut hav'• sprung up on 1>11mt• h igh 5e:hool l'ampuse11 as a r<'l!Ult of lt'11i8 slrrngPntly c·nfore't-d ruh-s ~ u r I 1 c• r t h 1 s y t' a r t h t• Educ·ationul Hesourl'('S Advisory Coan m1ttt·e rl'lc•ased a l"lltteni> n·port calling for among other things mon· homework an d tougher a<.·adt'mtl' rc-quiremcnlS. Copws of the draft report are available at the distract office. 160 1 16th S t , New port Beach Niels en 's rating . high along Coast By STEVE MA RBLE 0 1 the D•llr l'llot Sten Thom;1i. C.: NwlS..·n. :-.l'lt'<.'l1'll .:.ts th1• Irv1n1· Company's n1•w Jll'l'~IJ 1·nt. IS Vll'Wl'd by l'tH11mun11y lt·ac.lt•r!> .1:-. J strung public ri·l.111on:. f1gun'. a man wh1i will work' 4U1l·kly to poltsh tht· firm'-. 1.;.11·n1shc·d image> "Thi::. t!> J !>tgnal that lht· lrv1m· C11mp;my will work mun· du:-.dy with tht• n1mmun1t1 t•s." said Nl·wport B1·al'h M<i yor J a1·k1l' llt·<ittwr "The· lrv11w Conipan~ 1:. badlv 111 nt'l·d ol f1•n1·1· m<.·nding wtlh th1· commun1t11:!> this t'oulc.J be• a :.h •p towJrcJ th<il ," obst·rvt•d BJrbara Young, l1·c1dl·r uf the Co m m 11 1 c• e o f -I • 0 0 0 a n d a fn-qut'nt l'l'lll1· of lll<' Nl•wpurt- l>ast•d dt•V<'lopnwnl ftrm "Thi'> 1:. ;,in t:>xn•lll•nt t·hoice, JU:.l an l.·xn·lll•nt 1 ho1n•." i.a 1d Irvtnl' Mayor Larry Agran At 5 1, N1clSt'n 1:. a vetera11 of 1h1• dl•Vt·lopmc·nt bui.tnl'SS and h;,i:, been an Irvine· Company v1t-e president since 1978. Hl· was brought lo the Irvine Company by the man ht• will replace Peter C Krl'mE'r. Krt>mcr annoum"<'d ht:' would rt'sign from the firm effl'<"llv1• Jan I and has lx'<•n unavailable• for 1.:omment s mn• his Oct 11 announc'l•mc•nt dt>Splle a s wirl o f rumors that hl' was forced out. fro up or simply not rehired Company spok<'smcn havt• d1•nted the rumors Irvin<· Company off1nals vowl'd that Ntt·bt·n will be T ho mas C. Nielsen highly alT1·ss1ble. will talk din'(·tly wtth th1· mco'Cl1a but has dt'(·1dl·d not ll• l'Ommcnl on his promotion until he takes the he lm N1 e lst•n's appointment was announced late Thursday by A Alfn'CI Taubman and Donald L Br<•n. t'O-t'ha1rmen of the lrvme Company bourd of d1rE'l'lors "Tom N1('l se n has c.le•monstrall'd an understanding of the important role· the lrvmc Company plays m the business, p11l1ttl·al and so('1al fabric or Ornnge County." Bren said rn a prt>pared statement · Brt:>n. tht• t·ompany's largc·st ISe-e-NIELSEN. Pagt' A2 ) Pelicans aided; arrest due? By J OEL C. DON 01 Iha Dally Piiot Staff As national attc•nt1on focuSt>d on the plight of the Orange Coast's mutilated pelicans, o.;t1ll more· of thc inJUrt>d birds have bt•en captured and t hus saved from starvallon. On Thursday. three more brown pelicans Wl're found and taken to C rown Valley An1mul llosp1t al 1n Laguna Nigue l. brmgmg tlS total to eight birds. Sea World m San Diego is caring for one pelican Anothrr was d('Stroyl•d in Carlsbad after :.talc' off1,·1ais dt't'td<.'CJ 1t t'•Juld no• l:w S.'IVl'd State Dc•partmt·nt of Fis h and (:anw off1t·1als said today lh<'y haw a "firm lead" on the person o r pe r sons who have bee n hal·kang off the tx-ak!. of pehc·ans. HoweVl'r, officials declined to dc'SCrilx-any suspct·{.o( m thC' l.'ast' until the investigatton has been e·omplNed One of the th rC<' pt•hcans was l'Clptured in Dana Poinl Harbor by an NBC newii team filming a story on the rnutilat1ons. State Dt.•parlmC'nl of Fash and Game off1c1als SUSJX'Cl angry fishermen cut off the uppt.'r beaks of about a dozen pelicans last week because the birds often steal anchovy bait and get tangled m fishing lin<'S T h e mutilated bi rds t hen t'ann ot feed themselves and would likely starvt> to death , according to Ral ph You ng, spok esman for t h e F ish and Game Departmen t Prime rate r e duce d Young said he doubts anyone ts rontioumg to c·hop or saw o(f pelican beaks . Extensive news cov~rage a n d i n c r eased surveillan ce in the harbor area probably have scarC'd ofC those responsible for the crime. he said. NEW YORK Chemtl'al Bank. thC' nation's sixth larg<.'St bank. cut its prime lending rate a half percentage point to 11 5 percent today. the lowest leve l for the key business borrowing rate sinct' Septem ber, 1980. The move was the latest in a sent>S of cuts m the rate since mad-July, when the prime rate s tood a t 16 .5 percent. a n d reflected a reduced cost of funds for banks. T he Interest on three-month cert ificates o f d e p osit In m1111mum dt.-n om1nat1o n s 01 $100,000 was 9 percent today c..·ompared with 15 25 percent in late June The prime rate 1s the base upon w hich banks com p ute mtC'rest cha rges on sh orl-lNm business loans. The biggest and most creditworthy cor por ate clients o ften borrow at below the prime rate. S ma ll bu sinl'sses typica ll y p ay o n e to two percentage poin ts above the pn me rate . The pri m e rate reached a record 2 l.5 percent m Dec-emtx-r 1980. "It looks like they were a ll done last week. otherwise they (the pelicans) would h ave been spotted sooner." he add ed. Jn the meantime. the U.S. Fish and Wildli{e Service is ofCering a $5,000 reward to a nyone who has information that may lead to the con victio n of those who a re hack in g off t h e beak s . The m utila tions are a viola tion o f state and federal law. Anyone w ith information on !See PE LICAN, Paie A2l lllDEX How do police ofricers ho l\e De Lorean hires criminal lawyer their re actions to plit-second life-and-d eat h confronta tion ? Part of the answer's on Page B I . At Your SerY1ce A7 Ann Landers Business B2-3 Movl<"S Ca valcade A9 Mutual Funds CIUlifled C6-10 National News Comics 84 Public Notices Croaword 84 SPort.t Death Notices ce Or. Stclncrohn Edltorl.al A8 Stock Market.a Entertainment Weeke nder Television Ga.rdenll'\fJ & Thea ters Horoecope A9 Weather Intennluton Wook.-nder 'lo A9 We<!kt"nder 82 A3 86·7.C3,C6 C l-5 A9 B3 TV Log W('(•k<"ndt•r A2 By LINDA DEUTSCH A-114M~-Wr1"r LOS A NGEL E S Automokcr John Z. [)(> LorC'an. trying to make $~ million bond on charges of drug trafficking. wonts to put up h is sprnwllng ci>Jlfornla h orn<' os collatera l and h ns turned ovl•r hi11 defenMl to a hlgh-powNcd criminal lawyer, _J O!ICph A. Boll. With [)(> Lort>on still In fodcral pri!'l<>n Thuniday. tm orncy Ball's tlr1u c h or e opp<'ared to b t• arronging pledacs of caah a nd propcrty ·touilln11 S~00.000 to hnll ou t th t' t l a mb oyn n t e ntN'prorwu7 • Dt• L orean w as arrest ed 'l'u<•sday a t an airpor t hotel. w hertl outhorilies olleged he was trying tc1 sw ing a multimil lion· dollar ~'fx.·nine deal In a last-ditch C'ffort to save his fa l ling car ct1mpnny In Northe rn Ireland. De Lorea n . 57, w as firs t 1·«prescmted by Att0rney Bcm3rd M insk y. who to ld re p o r ters Thursdny h <' waa bowing out bc..-cauSC' hf.' had never handled a h igh-publicity caH a nd rare ly did crim inal litiga tion. Minsky uid h e h&d r r presente d o.- Lorcan in ctvtl matters for nine yt.tars. B t.•forl' leavlnl( t h t cu e . \ M insky said h e h oped n combination or prop«>rty and cash could tx-raised quickly to w m De Lorean's releaM' from Terminal Island Prison. Hl' said De Lore1m 's h<>l'TK' in the Escondido areo In northern Snn Diego Coun ty. on the market for $4 million. would ~ ortt'rt"d AA part of thf' rollater91 to ralae S~00.000 for a $5 million bond . The 1m orney said De ~an wo8 "dolna very wf'll under thci dN:umst:uX'd. He'• a M!lf·rnMle m an. a very atro ng Individual . . . Ht.• ®n ovl'rcomC' what~r adverse e tfe<:ta thl• may h ave had on hja li fe." I p Two othe r men charged along with De Lorean also remained In priso n T hursday . W ill iam Morgan He trick . 50. owner or a Mojave, Calif .. aircraft service company. wu beint he ld In lieu of $20 million ball. Stephen LN Arringto n. 34, of San Oie10, d escribed lUI an aasoclat~ o f He trick . w as h e-Id In lieu ot $520.000 ball. re duced from $600.000. M I n s k y said De L orean planned to plead l"'*""'t to the drug c:h•l'lt" after an lnc:hctnwont Is ~turned by a f..,._l srand jury -probtbly next week. The (See ATTORNEY, Pap jl) r a ac euce ;;sc CIN Co&aal DAIL V PILOT lfrldly, October 22. 1982 ~,\, \t.\'t. Continued' stories ATTORNEY H IRED. • • indH'lllH'rH w o uld SlJjJl'I Sl•dt• du1r~l'l> uf l'01c.p1rul v to 1l0:..~·~ 220 pou11Js of <'Ol'llllll' (111 dls tr1but10 11 r11t·d hy l 1'1h ·ru l prusl'l'Uturs 111 Wl•d111•sd.1.) ·, urr1:11~11 nwrH I 11111•111 1(11Vt'I 1\cll 111· ho' ••'Jlrl''l'llh·d la11111u~ 1 l11·11h 11w ludl11g fo1 nwr Whitt• llous1• 1·ou11•wl ond Wuh·1jotlll<' f1~u11· John t-:l11 lwh111u11 .md S.1ud1 Ar;.1l11.111 h1ll11111.1111 · Ad11a11 Khashugg1 0 a O ld M • I ue s u rfa ce Uy JOl)I ('AIH•;N llt;AI) Ot ,.,. Dally l'llot ltatt Maen 111 tht 11ld l.1n 11ll.11 1'1'\fl.., 111 l1vg11111 • 11\ 1111111nl l'h; 11111" 'l1t.111g 1111 Irk• gh•"h 'J'lou1'>tl.1v tllghl tllll lllj\ .1 I ,111d1d,d1' 1111 Ulll 111 l. II ... t.1 M I ... •• I It(' 'I g II 111d111.11111 th• ('e"t;1 M1·-..1 f111\o\.1\ .1111l l11!11t 1pllr 11111 ... 8&11, still pr11l'lll'lll~ ut 7Y. l!'I un e n ('rgt..•lll'. old ·1'l'hool at ll•rrwv with ti flu1r fur l't>lorful rhl'tu1·w In tho• t•ourlruom l ll• was d11t'f <' o u 11 s l' I for t ht• Wu r rt' n c 0 m m I s s I 0 n d u r I II g I h I ' lnvest1g:.itiun of Pr~s1<.knl J ohn F Kl'nm-dy's l!Hi3 assassinut1ur1 an d 1s .;i law partne r with furmN Cnltforn1a Gov Edmund G "Pat" Brown, fath<.'r o f tht• 111 ()I h l' r tit•\' l' I 11 J1 ml' II Is Thurs day. Curnw1 1>1· Lui l'l'1" Jl>:M)l'IJt<.•s SJld lhl' llllllfJ.lllY l'Jll 111 111 troublt• wh1•11 th1•11 busi. trblslt'<.I on 1m·t l•u:;111t( prl)(hll'l1u11 l1•v1•ls last fall. Orw u:..-«lt'UJll• .il:-111 s<J 1d Dt• Lon•an on<.·t· n•M1rt1.•d tu n udtnl;( stun1g<.· an·as lo t ukt· lmt•k somt• of his l'ar:. thut hud l>1't•11 rt• l)Oli-'ll 'SSt.-'<l Vit•w of tht-swimm in t( pool Urt'U a t John n •. Lort•u u' ... Puumu Vo llt·y e lute, 1wur Ma. Pulomur in northt·rn Sun Uit·~o Counly. T lw propt•rl~. vultwcl ul $·1. million, j.., offt•n •cl u ... <·o ll ut•·rul for b a il. ,. .. , 1111 111-.1 111111 dw 111,,; cl11s I ·""l'·"g" ( '1111111 ll\~11111.111 Ni1f Ill.I 111 et1111• ll1<1k ,, 111111,1.1nd 1111 tho· tli11t 11\ ..,11.:r1 111d111.11111" ..,,1v111H II ~t.1 h.1cl 111d1·11d1 1111v. ''"'would \ '' t j •• g ·' I II ... I ... 11 I ,, I It d g1.111 dl:1tlt1·1111g ' of ..,on11· ftl'li\'ISlllll' 111 tfit lalo\ "l 'I .111 d f.1 l h,., 111 g ' w Cl u I ti .oll11\\ 111111 111111111111111g ,1gn.., th.ti \\i II log.ii Jll 1111 to Jl•'''·•gt• Ill th1• '1g11 111cl111a1111 111 l~J7 I Ill 11'111...,111 ~t.11ul111g ~d tt•1 I !:IH.J ·! PRICE SUCCUM BS. • • , following World War II. dire<:lor • of th t> GI Bill program for thret' wt•stl'rn states and tht· 1t•rr1torv of Hawaii · Prn't'. who m ovt<d to Lagunc1 Bcut'h with his w1fo. Ehzalx·th. following his rcllrcmt•nt, wa:. name d "Citizen o r thl' YC>a r " during thl• city's IY79 Patriot's D ay Parad<.>. He w as the rt>l'ipil'nl of the Anwrtl'an Li·gmn', !Op hu11or 1111 M'Vt•ral IJ('l'USIUllS fur his SIX d<•,·ad<.·s uf St'rv1c·<.· .ind his ":!.J hours a day" volunlt't•r work ttJ1 \'t•lt•ra ns .1mJ their d<.•p<•ndl•nts Pnn: IS sur\'IV{•U uy his wilt'. Eltwbl.'th. uf thl· f<Jlllll) honw. d.1ughtt'r E1h.'<·n Adam:. of S<:ow. V.illt•y. daughtl'r-m -law Bl>1lY p,. I l' ('. 0 f s an I) 11' g u. s I x granddaughtt•rs a nd :.t•vt•n lo(n•ctt-grandch1ldn•n P ELICAN ARREST DUE?. • • the crime is enl'ouraged to t·all the Cal-Tip s£•rv1e<> at 1-800-952-5400 In a ddition, the National Audubon Scx:wcy has se t u p a reward fund and dona t ions may tx.· mailed to 555 Audubo n Place. Sa<Tamento. Calif. 95825. C h ecks sent to the sta te Correction A s tory on last Saturday's .,.:;religio n page said Doug Smith, • hos Ange les Rams ce nt('r, was • tcheduled to speak at 9 a.m . at a •" reakfast this Saturday at South .Shores Baptist C hurt'h m Laguna Niguel The time s h ould have ~..,)ead 7 a m . for the l'Vl'nt. open to =~all men and boys. Tht> Daily Pilot .:·regrets thl• error Dt..•partmt•rH of F ish ,mJ Garn<" will lH· rl'turnl'd , Y oung t•mphas1zl'd Crown Vallev VL·tl·nnanan t_;ayl(' R o berts· sa 1d s he has r<.'<.'t..•1ved l·alls from throughout the c·ountrv from t·ont·erned pt..'OpJe as weJI as Spt..'t.'lah!>tS Jn prosthetic surgery A team of vNermarians w ill try Sunday to s urg1('ally attac·h art1f1l'1a l beaks to som(' of the "aptured peh('ans, she• said. Dr Hotx>rts notro 11 's diffa·ult to te ll 1( the birds w en• mutilated by o n e p e r son ur :>l'Vt•ral f1shC'rmt'n Some o f the· beaks appc•ar to have bet•n ch oppc>d o ff with a machete-like ins trument while o thers were nt'atlv t'ut away with a sharp kn1ft> or hat·ksaw De Lorean's estate put up for bail ESl"ONOIDO (AP) Thl' $4 million (•stalt· o>I 1 ur dl•s1g11l·r .Jllht1 Z Dl· L111 l·a11 h;is IJl'l'll 11fl1•rc·d .is t111la c1•ral l ur bail so chut ht• nm Ix• fn•t•d 1x•nd1ng trwl on t-h:1rg<.•' u l 1>(·tt1ng up a $:!4 rn11l111n lt.Jl'Lltnt• dc·.il 111 a l11d tu ..,,l\'I' h1' failing UllllJJ'-lll:'>° Thi• l':.tatt• t·ons1:.l!> of Li 7.0llO ... quare-foot rt•modt·l1·d adobe> houst'. with two gut·st h onw-. rH•st ll'll among t•1trus grovt·s on ._. .JH atTl' non lu.•rn San Dll'f.CU ('OUl\t :V PH•f.>\'l'I~' T h(• t·stalt.'. with a 41 -fuut ..,wtnirnrng pool , Jnd w indows c1µt.•mng out on thl· Paum.1 V .ille\ and Mc P;ilomar, h.1:-. bl'<.·11 on th~· markl•t fur six months, sa1tl &•tt v Vlahu:.. Ot:· Lun•an·, brokt•r · S h<• ~ud hl'r t'ompany. Vlah1J:. Propc-rtll''· would torll111u e cu s how th1.· µropt•rty to pott•nual huve·r:. hut s ht· didn't know lo\hut dlt•t·t Dl' Lt111.,in's lt·gul troublt·' would ha\'I' 1111 thl' 'M:llt• Slw ~11d tht• ll1Ju-..t· w,1s not IX• L o n ·;1n 's I" 1m,1ry rt•s 1dt•lll'L' Coun ty n•t·urds show ht· has •1w111·1f 1t s1m·t· IA. ... · i 11. rn7:i •\'' ' 1· N e wport po ice awards f e t e set T h t• l:tth .innu.il pul1t•1· aw.111b lunl'ht•on 111 Nt•wporl &·m·h will b<> h1·ld Nov ~ <tl t h 1• Marr 1 o t t 11 o u · I 1 n Nt·wport Ct•nt1•1 Thl· uwardi. lund11•un IS ,pur1'on·d h~ t ht· N<.•w purl 11 .irhor An·a Ch.imbt·r 111 • t\ d.is.' •Ill h.mdwnt111g ;:malyi.I!> will lw ht•ld bt'lWl't'I\ Mondav and Nov 17 at Our L<Jdy Qu<.'t•n of Angt•ls St·huol 111 Newport &•<Jch Thi· t·ost of tlw 1·1ght. ~II n1111utt ~ . .,._, .. m, 1:-. $40 To •Thi· A111t·11t<1n H1'(l l'11"' bl1Jodmob1le "di lw parkt"d ouL<;tdt• St Mark Pr<.·,hvwrwn C hun· h . 2 I 0 0 Mar · V 1st .1. Nc•wport &·ach frnm rnxm 111 Comm 1·ru· and the 10-.J l'luh "bus1rH•ss group th.it s upports the police. The gu«st speake r will lw St<J tt· S<.•natc minority l1 .. 1dt•1 William Campbe ll. T11·k1·ts a r t· S 2 5 F u r m o r 1• 111form<.it1on. l'all 6-14 -8211 1 t·g1stl'r. l>t'nd na.mt·. adtlrt•!>:>, µhonl· numtx.·r and h;.ilf th1· 11·1• to S1stl'r Linda Nic holson. 7fl() Domingo Dnvl'. Nc•wport Rl':tl'h 92()60 For furthl'r 111form<.it1on . call S1s tL•r Lmda <.it li4.J -Otili0 or G·H 1 lfifi I p n1 Sundav Tht· l'hun·h is .11lplt•11t ll• Coron a dl·I Mar l11gh S< hool Cn 11 liH-1 :~4 l. L .. d ll'r <.'11lrn1·rl111.in J>cmn lfall, tlw 1'1tL11i1·il dt1·1dt'll last month to p1i..l J>1r111· l'l'Vtl·W ol till' sign 11rd111a111·1• ur1til N11v 15 ( · h 1 1 .., S t t· t ' I . a ' m ., I I IJu,1111••,...,n,111 who tw1u· ha:. run 1111' tht• ('llUlll'rl b1·l11rt', S<.lld ht· l,1v11r1·d ;1 gr;.indf.itht•r1ng pe fl\'ISIClll 111· S'-llU busin<.•:.st•s :-.litHdd VCJlunt.HllV take.· down l.11g1· sign -. 1Jn ti s uggt·s t e d 1111·n h.111t s who don't b l' I w 1' 1 ·11 ttM I i>.1 v1· Wh1·t lc•r ;.,n attornt•v ", k111g pu1i111 '"'•<• f11r 11w first llllll ~.ild ht· '" 111•\'t-d tht· :.1g11 111d111.inc1 · 1s..,u1· -.h11uld bt· put to a l 11 ' w1dt· volt· L~ 1w V.in Akt·n . .i ,,tanning 11 1111n11~s111n1·r and -.tru n g -..upporll•r uf tht• sign ordin<in<.·<'. -..11tl ht• \\1Julci bl· <1ga1nst a f.tl '-llld f.1tht•n ng prov1s1on l\l.1yw Ar ll'nt· &:haf<.·r . i.t't.•king 11· 1·li·<.t11111 and lJnd1t.l<Jt<• ('l,1udia K1·lh · W <.·VM . d1<l not ,1111•11<.l th1· l11rum spon'ol1rt·d bv a ('ub Sc·out troop l roni R i:::.ir Str 1·1·1 Sc lt11t1I Wlwt·h·r cln·w ,1n111g t nllu:-.m 11 .. 111 ll1·rt111g and \',1n Akl·n "'111 11 ht 'J1c..I th.11 pol1t1<.·1;,n:. ~h11ulcl 111 ·\1 1 ·'l" •pt l11n1nbut1<>n s f111111 d1 ·\'1·l111.x·r' m the 11tv ;i:.NI ELSEN CHOICE W I NS FAVOR ON COA§T. • • County t een su ccumbs after rescue Whl't·lc 1 targt·lt·d both St:hnft>r .111d 111·1 t111g lo1r t·nt1n:.n~ •in thl' l' 11 II l J ii I ll t I It n I S S U l' J' <1 <; t 111J1l1d1tlllt1l1 eqJCJrt s. hi' S(tllf. ..,,.,,o1 l1k1 .1 who's \\ho 1n tlt•\d.,111111111 111 Co:.ta M1·~ .. 111 1 t1t1g 1 J llt'CI the• rt•mdrks "a thl'JP :.hot" a nd :.«Id h<'r <11'(·1-.111n ... o n d1·vc•lopmc nt 1n tht• l'll \ 11:1\'l 1lt'Vt•1 ht-c•n 111flut'nn.>t.I 11\ · 1 .1111p.01gr1 111r11nliut111n,, :. :iatockholder who has stayed out • 'Of the public limelight m ret.-ent '!•)'ears. predicted that Nielsen w all ••pa y close atte nti o n t o the :::•"c.'Ommun11y's needs." ;:·. Kremer , who w o rked with .:! Nielsen at the Newh a ll Land a nd .. F arming Co . said Nie lsen's ,•i>c-omot1on will provid e the Irvinl' · C.Ompany wllh "great contmully (>f manageme nt " ·Kremer said h e will work with ~Nielsen in the next two m onths 10 insure a s mooth transit ion . The outgoing president has not said .;what he will be doing after he leaves the firm. Adding to the t hinking that Nielsen's appointment represenL'> a cakulalc'd publtt' relations move is the Cal'l that Bren has ta ken a n active role in promoting the good will of tht• t·umpany 111 n•t·1•1H \\'l'l·ks. 81<.·n . the formt>r own('r of tht· Mission Viejo Company. who owns h is own de\'t.•lopmenl r1rm 1 n N <' w po r t B t• a < h h '' .., n ·portcdly madt• J wh11 lw1nd to ur of Orange Countv. v1s1t111g .,.,·1ch t·ommun1 tv lt•OJd t•r!> 1n Sl'Vl•ra l tlllCS . lrv1m· City Coum·1lm,in Da,·1d Sills .,..,d Bren spc·nt llm<' talking with him sc·ver al davs l>l'fl>r<.' K r t• m e r a n n o u n ~ t· d h 1 ., rt-s1g nauon. Sills said Bn•n wa:. mtt•re'>ted m detl•rmining tht· nl'<.'<is and dt-stn'!> 1n Irvine Agran !>dtd Bren has n-questt-d ~' 111t•C't1ni;: w1 th him ::is hl' has \\ llh ntht•r 1111.•<ol c11unnl mt·mlx·rs .flld C'OUnt v :>lfµ<•n·1:.11rlo ·J 1h111k ht.':-Jll'I tr~ 1ng to gt•I 111 kno\\ lht· .11'l"' h1Ill1 .. Stlb ,,,111 · I I• ".1 .. ,i..k111µ 1110 ... 1 111 th1 Thi· 11 \11\l < • .'111r1 11.111y h .1.., -.ulh·11'll -..·v11.d pulilt1 11l.111Ct11' ' 1 • t Ii ,Jl k ' I 11 I h l' fl , 1 '> 1 y (' ;1 r llH lud111g the· \'11l.1t1h• light 11\'e·r l<""'·hold l.111d .inti thl' rlt•mPw 111 the· 111 m 's mulu million doll.ir pl.111 to 1 XpJnd Nt·w1>01 t C<.·ntt·r r:, t n Innµ -t 11.1t· su pporlt ·rs uf tt\l' firn1 h,1\'t· up<'nl.v \'Ull l'tl u 1t1t·1sm High c louds l 'oaslal Varl1ble hlgll cloudln•u 10 pr •vall lllrough tonight and SatUfday Overr .. ght io-In mid 501 Hight S1turday mo1tly In ro-eo. El1ewhere . lrom Point Conception to th• M1111ca n border and 001 60 mllM Llghl varlabl• wind• tonlghl and Saturdrt morning wtth touth-1 to WMI Wlnd1 8 to UI knoi. lhil -Ing and In tll• aflernoon and av•nlng hourt Saturdey uthwul 1wall1 1 10 3 feel l•b .. high cloudlneu lhrough turday • Fro11 hit Iha Mldwall early 'today. wl'llla r ain 1•11 In Iha • Soo111a .. 1 and the Pacific Coa11 Froat or Ir-warning• ...,,, fn10 allact acro11 moll of th• ONo Valley, llllnola and pa111 of T-.. Rain fall ov•r lh• aaal••n • Carollna1. with • law 111ow•ra o ver aouth•rn G eorgia and northlm Flo<lda. Rain alao 1911 Alona Ille nor1hern and c.ntral ftaclftc Coaat, and In l01.1lalaru1 8ncl aouthern and eMtern r.1eu laattarad ahowara and ttlunderatorma -• lo<9Gut for lllt« lodey in l'loflda Ind' WWI ' eicpeat.O to c;ontfnw In northern Cattfornla and Iha Pacific Nor"'-1 Cloudt -· Predtct.0 acrost 1"9 """* Otlk> Vallay Ind cen1ra1 end _,.,.n Ta.a•. Sunny lltlaa -. lor-1 .._._. Tamparatura1 around Iha natlol'I at mldnlghl POT ranged from 25 In Latam ... Wyo,, 10 78 In • ~Waet. Fla Califor nia I0\/19'1t"n California will hawa ¥IWllllla l'llCl'I cfoudltleM ll1tOUOfl today """ -~ ewty rnOtlllng low douda ,,.., the IOlllh COMl Orange County can t•Pt Ot NQflt 7' to ti. IOwl &e to 82 lftlend ¥~ wlll haW lllOflt rtNt IO, lowll WI tot Moutl1..,. Gerl fllC*1 hlgll_t In ..,.,., '°" IOWll In * .... 40a Nof1'lem ~ ....... "to ... 1ow1 "6 to ff towtNrn d9W"1 NllflalOtoM. ro..16 to•· llaln apreedlnt fllroutllOtll ..... n and C:..Wtl c.llfWnla .,._n tapetint off tonlQlll and lelwo.y. loutlllrt)' .itNlt tua'Y ~ ,.,,. -and llOl'ffterfl lnltrlor tnow 11 l!lfl!Ht ........ T eniper a l u r es -NATION t.lbany t.lbuque<que t.manllo t..ncl'IO< ege t..Shevolle t..Uan1e "tlanltc Coty "u111n Baltimore Bttt1ngs Birmingham Bismarck Botse Botton Brownmlle Buffalo &tlington CUI* Charteslon SC c11anes1on.w v Charlone,N C ClleyenM Ch IC ago Cincinnati Cleveland COlvmb•a.S C COlvmt>ut Danas-Fl Worlh Olly!on OenV« On MOlnH 0.lrott OuWlh El Paso Fairbank• Fargo Flags I alt Orul Fall• Hat1ford Hallna Hooolutu Houaton lndlenpOlta JICUOM. Mitt Jad!aon~ .k.1-KanNI City Kno1111ll .. LH V91111 Little Aoclt lOUllYtlla HI lo' S6 47 7t 38 S8 39 29 ;?1 64 !>() 69 52 62 !>() 68 56 58 51 63 37 65 48 58 21 71 39 68 54 87 61 4.S 41 57 51 61 22 81 63 « 35 68 60 57 28 52 27 51 43 46 42 78 53 44 40 49 46 43 38 61 31 50 30 45 38 40 29 17 41 22 07 47 21 67 24 62 36 63 52 58 25 85 70 69 S-4 52 35 70 46 83 58 « 37 50 25 60 50 76 47 60 41 54 35 70 -W-S-W:. 70 NOAA.US Olol ol ~ Fronb:Cold.-. Wann .. lubt>octc 63 47 Mempll•• 63 38 Miami 81 79 Mllwaui.M 43 31 Mpls·SI Poul u 28 NHl'lllllle 60 38 New Orleans 74 59 New York 65 55 Norfolk 68 58 North Plalle 60 20 Oklahe>ma Cny 63 42.. Omaha 53 ~· ()<lln<IO 85 64 Phtladalpl'ua 60 50 Phoenla 89 58 Plt11burgh 45 4~ POftlend. Me 65 81 POftland. O•t s• 49 Provldanc• 6• 51 Ra .. ~h 59 81 Rap Clly 60 27 Reno 61 38 RICl\mond 61 52 Sall Lake 61 27 Sa,, Anlonto 67 58 s..ui. 65 0 Shrevepotl 51 u s~11 Fan• • 42 21 SI Louie 47 :J3 SI Pate· Tama• 83 66 SI S1t Merit 39 38 Spok1ne 50 32 SyracuM 50 ... Topeka 54 25 BOif RIPORT A-... , ..... t5 .. es 16 M .. .. .. OccludedW.-Statlonety •• lUCllOfl 83 48 Tulsa 64 35 Wnhlngton 61 53 W1ch119 57 33 CALIFORNIA HI lo Apple Valley 83 36 Be1<e1s11eed 80 60 Barstow 85 56 Beaumont 82 46 .819 Bear 67 26 B•ShOP 72 34 Blylhe 88 52 Calahna 74 S-4 Cu1¥ar C•ly 79 57 Eureka 68 63 Fresno 71 55 lancast•• 71 42 long Beech 83 58 Loa Angelee 79 62 Monrovia 84 53 Mon1abell0 82 60 Monl•rey 70 56 Ml WllSOl'I 61 48 NaedlH 86 53 Newport Beac11 72 56 Oakland 73 62 Ontario 80 52 Palm SprlnQ• g2 81 PAHden• 81 66 Peso Robtet 78 so Red Bluff 63 61 ~woad Clly 73 58 S.Ctamen10 70 54 SallnH 76 47 :fides TODAY Second high 12 23 pm 4 I Second !Ow 8 38 p m 0.1 IATIMOA'Y FIUI high 1 18 p m 4 4 Flr11 low 10 oo p m 1 o auNDAY ,.lrll hlOf! I 40 I m 3 1 flnttow 1311m It Iacono hfO'I 301 p m 42 hcOt'd tow 11 1' p m O t lun N1t lodly a1 8 t 1 p m • ,,_ on Saturday 11 7 04 a m. Moon,,_ 1oday at 12.20 pm .. Mii II 1024 pm I ' 1Jf till <.11mp.1ny m l•'<'t'lll month~ Ntt·l,l·n 1s a Nc>w port 8N1t·h n·s1cll'11t. h.1s thrl't· l'hlldn·n a nd , ... ,, 11.1tt\'•· 11r < >r,1ngt· C:11unt;o.. g1t•\\111g llfl 111 Fllllt·rton wht•rt lih tt:~., ... ,r-olJ l.ilhl'I sllll ll\·t·~ 111· ... ~ .. , ;1 high •..c:h1111I l1H1tb.oll pl.1\t r kll k111g .I )J..,I '>t'(·1111cf fu·ltl g11,d ··~·"n't S.1n1,1 r\n.1 l l1~lt ~lt···l 111 l!l.JH Ill Wiil 1111' Sun">t·t 1,,.,,gl11 1 h.1111µ11111,h1p lie• l<1t1 r pl.1\'1•cl l1111tl1.ill .11 till' l'n1\·1·r-..11\ 111 \\',9"hll\gllHI N11•l..,1•n \\J~ se·nt co tlw 1\11 l'1ir1 1 ""'trt•IUr\''s o l lltt' 111 thl' D1 It ""'" Dc·parimt•nc 1n 19ti7 b~ tl\t'n Prt·~1dl•nt L\ ndon B J11hn-..on Jnd lt•fl "iwn Nixon 111'< .1nw proo:,1dc·nt lit• WHS <ll'llVl' 111 u ·sl(knlial dl•vl'lopm<.·nt m Sun 011.•gr-b<>forl' t•o1111ng ~o tht· ln•ml' Company 1\ I \I :;.1•:11 11ld O r ;1ng1• m.111 11 ...c u1 ti f111m tht• Cup c•f S.1nt1.ig11 l't·.1k ,ol 11'1 lw1ng p1111wd mon th.11\ l 11ur hr1u1" he 11t•Jlh ,1 r1111.,1111111al vt·h1d1· h ..... tlu·d l..111\ R n~·d w • .-. lllj\IJ'lcl 'l\11 ·-..d.1:-"' !-I :w p Ill \\ l\l'll lht luu1 \\ h 1•1·I trut'k 111 wh11 h ht ",,, 11d1ng tTash1·d ;111d rulh•d n\ 1·1 1111 t11p of him. ,1 'IJC1kc•-.111.1n 1111 th• ll1 gh" .i:;. P.1t111I ,,11cl TIH drivl'r o f thl· v 1·h11 11· \\'1lh.in\ I lagert:;.. 1 Y. of O r c111g1• lt·ft 1)1, fnt·nd to Sl't.1k h1•lp &1HJ \.\.1:-. airhftC'd f rom thl' ruggt•d hills1dt' 111 an El T oro Marinl' ht•l1coplt•r :it 2 am \\'t•drwsday A I 1 h 11 ugh "h (• h J s ... II t I' 1·111 11 e t1·cl ..,om1 11ut-.1d t t 1111\r 1liuc11111 ... hc•1 11111'1 n ·tTlll 1 .11 11JI·''g11 't ,• t l· 111t· n t t ti 1 d 'I hu1 ..,i1,,, -.hu\\" emh J S:!.OOll I""" -.111 111 •• d1 teo ht r-.. II 11 I I I I II g \\ •• ... I h t • II II I \ , .111d11l.1h \\ ht1l,1n11•11ut ,1g.1111't ,1 11111p11..,1·d 1111hn.111u· th.it '"''uld h.111 lil'i1111pt1·r:-lrom l.111dini.t 111 tli1 t 11\ l h• t It\ \\'11uld 111ntr11l thC' h••UI' ,flld p.1th._ llf hl'ltlllflll'rs 1h.11 l.111d 1111 ut:-huildmgi.. hut \\ ou Id h,I\ t no 1nflut•n<.t' on ht l1t11ptt ,.., 1h,1t fly ovt·r thl· t·1ty .111tl l<1nd at J11h11 Waynt· Airport. .; t' '.lid Fall Upholstery Sale Super Savings in chairs sale priced $269 ea. Special features include: * 75 covers to select from * 10 styles to choose from * All 8-way handstitched * Arm covers * All skirts lined * Kiln dried hardwood traries * Excellent styling • * Quality tailoring * Large se lection for Immediate delivery Don't miss th is fantastic opportunity to own a quality chair at the unbelievable price of $269.00 ·all styles and covers the same price. Interior Designs to Serue You ALL STORES OPEN MONOAY THAU SA'TUAOAY-9 AM TO 6 30 PM • l DIAICI CIAIT lflPllT llACll I flUl lllCU FRIDAY OC TOOt: R 'n. l <JUl ORANGE COUNTY. CALIFORNIA 25 CENl S Schools m3pping tougher dress, conduct rules By JODI <.:AOt:Nllt:AO Ofth• Delly ~1101 II•" Newport-Ml•sa Uni I wJ Si:huul Dlst rtl'l 0H1c·1als havl' n ·l,·asc·tl proposal'> amwJ :.il ughlc.•nm)( up acadl•mH'. b <'havior and dn·ss ~·odl' s tandards and making lcach1.•rs. parl•nts a nd slU<ll•nls respons1blt· for nw•'ltng lhl' 1ww goals Th e druft rC'porl of "Lt•arnm).(, A Shan•d Hl'spunsib1hty," h;is been drslnbutt'd lo local par1.·nt- l c• a l' h 1· I' g I' o u p s w i I I b t' Goin g o u t o n a li mb J1~·U~l·d by trustet.•s. Nco dah· hm. hc.•t.•n ~t. A I t h o u g h s 111111• o I t h 1• proposals an· now IJt•tng t'.111 lt~I o ut at sonH' uf tht· sc.·h ooli., o ff1t·iab sau.J tt11:. 1!. th1• first llrn1· lhul tht'Y havt• bt.~·n :.pt~·1f1mlly Wrtllt•n as a u111fu1 m d1::.lfll·t w1dt> pollt·y . 111 l'ff~·t , tht• proposals '>111(1 lht• rt•spons1bt111 y of s lud1•nt behavior, all1.•nd um·t'. drl'S.'> 1·1.l(ll• and humt.·work n ·tiurn•mt·nti. from Lht.· sd10ols lo the· tt•ut·h1•ri.. purtmL' a11d 'it UUl'llls "Wc·'n· trvmg l11 j(t•t m 1 t1s1, tu pt'(1plt• lh;ot vou don't JUlll drop voui k1t.b Jl tlw durn a11d ll'l us worry .tho lll t'Vl'I yth111g," s•ud d1~tr11·t 'f111 k1·,wo111<1n Jt•un I l.1r 1111111 It .uloptt'(I. 1J.J11•11Ls would h•· 1'1•qu11 t•d lo 1·rH •>Urugl' slud1•11t alt1•ndanl'l'. µurd1u "S1· 1•l11lh111~ tho.it IS SU ll:.ibl<· fur Sl'hlJOI , t•ncourug1· l'Cllllpl1•l 11111 11( hum1• wor k ass1 g n nll•n t::. 11 nd Just before t hey would have to sit till for sto ry ho ur at the Dalboa Libra r y, these fi rst a nd second grader~ fro m <:hrist Chur<'h by the ea Day Care Cen te r worked off so m e excess e ne rgy on a eucaly ptus bra nch. 0. W. Price, Laguna ve t eran l e ader , dies By STEVE MITCHELL Of the DallJ F'Kol Sl•ff His llfe11ml' motto was "Sc·rv1c C' to onc•'s fe llow man 1s the renl we· pay for our place on earth .. () W Prsn• was a good t..enanl Thl• long -lime Lagunan . whosC' dl•t:ades o f w o rk for vete rans and their families earm•d him dozens of nau onal awards. 1s dead al the age of 87 He· drc-d O!:t. 10. the result of a fall 1n the Glenneyre Street parking lot in Laguna suffered a month c>ar her Memorial services will be held Saturdav for PriC'l' a t 10 a.m al the• Communi ty Presby terian C hun·h . 41 5 F o rest Ave .. in Laguna Beach Prit.'l', who wcnl by thE' m1t1als "O.W " lx.'<.'ause he didn't like his fir s t n ame. Og l e, w a s a Legion naire, Mason. Shriner and former Veterans Adminis trallon official And his work fo r l h e VA didn't s lop in 1961 whe n h e retired aher 42 years or service. h is last post as h ead of the Buffalo regional office. He remained acllve in veteran .cffo1 ri.. taking lx•lwl'<'n Prghl lo JO tails a dav from v<'lNan:.. \l.1dows of St'n.;1«emC'n and others :w1·kmg hrs ;idv1ce on complt.•ll. VA form s . regulatronc; and l.>4mef1ts Ir ht> d1dn'l hav1.· lht' answl'r lo lhl•rr quc·stsons, he'd call someont• in Washington. DC. who did Price didn't draw a fC'dt.•ral paychcck for th<' last two dc<:·adc•s or his life'. bul he worked full- llmt• for tht• VA. l )' p1 ng up cdttonals about d1sabll-cl vets on .in old typl'wnler m his Bluebird Canyon home>. H <' worked w1lh lhl' Prt•s1dent's Comm1ss1on o n Employment of the Hand1N1pp<'d and spcnl hundreds or h ours v1s1tmg patients a nd memlx'rs of the• staff a t the Long &•al'h VA hospital. Prn:e used lo JOke uboul his short-lived military i:aret>r. Hf' was a musician fo r lhc• Navv band at the end of World War' I Afte r leaving the servk<> m 1919, he took a job w1lh the Army Educational Scrvl{·t'. using O .W. Pric·e his ftrsl paych('('k lO buy a SC.'t of clolh<'S "I had tu wear my old uniform for four months until 1 c.·ould S('rap<• up l'nough monc>y to buy some c1vrl1<i n l'lo th<•s ," h e n'C.·allc'CI Ht• su1d v<'l<>ran:. d1d11't huvt• mul'h 111 the• way of bt·npfiLc; bat·k then. That promptl'd lht• l'x -Navy musician lo JOln th<' old Veterans Bureau. where· he· lwld <'xe<:ut1ve pos1t1o n s as d1v1s1on c hief. a s s 1 s l a n t m a n ;i g <' r . l' h 1 <' r dom1c1ha ry. c hlf'f of voc·a11onal rchab1lltalion nnd C'duc-at1on. a nd. (See PRICE, Page A21 pruv1tl1• a plut'l' at h11m1· 1111 sludy111g It would lw llil• s t udt•nti.' n·i.puni.J111l1ty tu bt· pum·t u~il . dress Ill guo<l lai.te. know what assagnnwnti. urc· n·qu1n•d 1111d c·xh1b1t n~pcm~1hlt· behavior on (';1mp11' T1 .. 1l 111•1' .ind d1'trwt 11ff1nals wuul<l 1)1· rl"JlHl'l'd 111 Ult~'> w1·1l, ufft·r prol.(ralll~ tho.it t•ncourug1· ullt:ndulll'l'. µrov1dt.· :.tudy hall ;;in •a::. ;rnd supµly p~1n·nt.s with an annual list of das::.romn gouls In adtl1111111, !'ad1 sc:hool w11uld dr,dl II:. •IWll dr1·s' ••• 11 ... 11-<'••1(1111<· '-lud1·11t ad111•v1 •1111'f1t~. 1111ltl y 1i.111 ·11t~ 111 tlt•t'l111111g Ill 1•xl·1•µt1 1111ul pt•1 formanu· ,111d '>tJI \ d ( h·un ('(llllpU:> JJl l1j.(l illll Sd111ol ho:11d prt•'1dt•nl B .I s k I I I I II g :. .1 I d t h I II I ' w 11•qu11t•11H•nl'> will l(·,ult 111 ::.trong<·1 dl'>(.'lplrn~1ry 111·111111 .11111 strwh'r <•11f11n'l'tr1t •n l 111 ::.11111k111g proh1b1L1011 ~ 1111 h1gli ... d 11111I t·ampu:.c·i. S klll111i.: :.,11d th;ol inforn1al \J111Jk1nj( <&l't'<1s huvt• sµrung up un ~w•w hi~h school campu!it•s l:lll a r t•suh 11f lci-s slran~1·nlly t•nfor<.'t'd I Ull'S E :i r I r 1· r t h 1 s y 1· .i r t h 1• ~:Clut·at1unal H1..-i.uurn-s Adv1SOry C'ommlltl·t· rt·ll•Jst·d .i t·1t1zt-ni; 11•µurt t·allrng fur among otht·r l h rngs mon· h1JmL•w ork and t11ught·r at«:1dE'rrnc rt'Cjurrcm<:nt.s Coptl':-0 or t hl· drnfl 1·1·port CA re .1vad;,ibk at lht· d1 strrcl o ff1<:e. ltlOI ltilh St . Nt•Wf>Ort &:ach Nielsen 's rating high along Coast By STEVE MARBLE 0 1 the 0•111 Piiot St•lf T hom,1s (' N1dsun. wlti.'ll'<I u~ 1h1 • l r\'1n1· Company's nt·w JJ I I''> Id l' n l , I S V 1 l' Wt• d by l'1J111111u1111y lt·odt·ri. ... s ,, 'lrung publtl rl'1Jl111ns ligur 1·. ,1 m •• n whn will work qul('kly lu polti.h lht• frrm's l<1rn1!.h1'Ci 1magt· "Th.., 1s J i.1gnal thcil th1· lrv11w ~·ur11p.111~ will work m1JfC· l l•,,l·ly Wtth lh1· t·ommunilH•s." ... ;.i11I Nc ·wport [3'-at·h M::iyor Jal·ku• I lt•allwr "Tht· lrv11w Com1xiny 1s badly in nt·<·d of ft·rn.·t• mending with thl· tommu111l11.·' lhr'> t•uuld bl• " \tl•IJ lo~ ,1n..I lh;.it," obst"rv1•d BarlMrJ Young. lt•adt·r of lh<· Commiltt>t• ul 4 .UOU .Jnd .i f11 ·quPnl utlll' of tht· N1·w porl· ba::.c·d dt•\'t·lupnwnl firm "This 1s an 1.•xcellt•nl 1·h1m·t•. JUs\ an t•xn·llPnt 1.·h1,1n•." ., ... 1d lrv11w Mayor Ll!rry Agran Al 5 1. N1dM;·n 1s a Vl'll'r::in of lht• dt·vt•lopnwnl busrll(·::.s and has bt.'i'n :m lrvrnc· Comp<my Vll'l' prc•s1d ent s im·t· 1978. I l<' was brought lo the Irvine· Company by tht.· man he· will rc>plat.•t• Pt•t1.•r C Krl'mN Kn•mrr announ{'c"CI ht.• would fl'stgn from the firm t•H1·1.·11v1.· J,111 I .md ha::. hc.'t·n unav:ulablt• for 1.·omml'nt smt·c· h1~ ON 11 unnnunc·t'ml'nl despll(• a swirl of rumor~ lhal ht• was forc·<'<f oul. ll'd uµ or simpl y not rc•h1rt•d Company spokc•smc•n haVl' d1•1l1<'C.I lht· rumor.. Irvi n <· C omp a n y u ff1n als \'t1Wl'd th.it Ntl'l-.1 n will Ill' -/. // I -~, ~ __ .., 1( I !t .... ( - Thomas C. Nit-lse n highly a t·t·L·ss1bll'. will ta lk d1r1•t·tly with lh1.· m1...Y1a but has d1•1·1dt·d n11t to t•nmml·nl on h is promul1on until ht• takes the h1·lm. N11·Ji.pn's appo111lmenl w as ... nnoum·1.>CI late Thursday by A. Alfn-d Taubman and Donald L Brt.·n l'O·C'hdtrmen of the Irvine Cnmp;iny board of d1rt'<:·tors Tom N1c•lsl'n ha s t.ll•mon~lralt-d an undl·rstandmg of tht• 1mpor1.1nl role the Irvine CQmp<m y plays in the business. polil1cal and social fabrrC' or Orangl' County," Bren said in a pn·parc·d statc•m<.•nt RrC'n. the company 's larges t (See NIELSEN. Page A2) Pelicans aided; ·arrest due? By JOEL C. DON Of the 0•111 Piiot Si•tt As nal1unul allt.·ntton focust•d on lh1• p light o f the· O rang1• CN1::.t'~ mutilated p1..•hc·ans. still more of tht' mjun'CI birds havt• been l'apturt'd and thus savt'd from starvauon O n Thur sd;iy. three· more brown pl'hCans Wt.'rC found and taken to Crown Valley Ammal H ospital 1n Laguna Niguel, bringing rt.<; total lo c•1ght birds St'a World in San Diego 1s caring for one pC'ltt'an Another was ck•stroyt.'Cl 1n Carlsbad after 't::lll' offrt·ials dt'<.'tdl'CI 1t c•ould nol b1.· -;avNI Stull' IJl.·partmt>nl uf F1~h .md lianw nff1nals said today th<'Y h,J\'(' a "firm lead" on tht.· pt•Non o r persons who h a Vt' bt'<'n ht.1cking off the beaks of pcltl·am, Howc·v<>r. 0H1c1als dt'Cl11wd lo dt•!.Cr1be any sUSp<'<'t.'i m thl· c·ast· unlll lhC' mvesugauon has llC<'n ('OmplN<'<i On(• of the three pt•ltcans was n1 plurC'd m Da na Purnl Harbor Priine rate r e duce d NEW YORK Chemica l Bank. thl' natmn's sixth largest bank. cut sls prim<' lending rate a half p<.>r({'nlage point to 11 5 p1..•rc.·cnt today, th e lowest level for lh<• kt•y business borrowing ratt' s1m·c· Septt•mlx•r. 1980 The mov<' was the latest m a series of l'Ut..c; m the rate Stn('(' mid-July. wht-n the prime rate s t ood a l Iii 5 pe rcent. and rt>flC'<'tt'CI a red uc.'NI rosl of funds for banks ThL· 1nlt•re:.t on three-month ce rllf1c a tC'S o f d eposit 1n 1111111mum tJenom1na11on:. 0 1 SI00.000 was 9 pc rcC'nl today ('f>mparl'<l with 15.25 pl'rl'ent m latl' Junt.• ThC' prime rate rs th<• bast> upon which banks c·omputc- tnlNl·st l'harges on shorl-lt.'rm bus1m•ss loans . T he biggest and most cn•d1twonhy corpor a tt• d1ents often borrow at lx'low tht> prim(' ra te . Small busincsst•s typ1t.'ally pay o n t' llJ two pert·l'ntage p oints above tht• prt me ra le The pri mt• rat(' rC'achro a rerord 2 1 5 pt>n.'<•n t in Dl>c't.•mlx•r 1980. by an NBC ne ws team fi lming a stor y on the mutilat ion:.. State l){>parlml'nt of Fish and Game off1c1als sus~l angry fishermen l'Ut off the> upper beaks of about a dozen pe lica n s las t w eek bec·ause lhc birds ofte n s teal anchovy bait and get tangled in fishing lines The mutilated birds the n l'anno t Ceed lhem selvt-s and would likely starve to death. accor ding lo Ralph Young. spokesm an for the F ish and Game Department Young said he doubts anyone is continumg to chop or saw off p<'hcan beaks Exten sive news cove r age a nd 1ne r eased :.urve1llance in the harbor area probably have scared off those responsible for lhe crime. he said. "lt looks like they were a ll done last week. other wise they llhe pelicans) would have been spotted sooner," he added In lhe mean time. the U.S . Fish and Wildlife &-rv ice is offer ing a $5,000 reward to anyone w ho has infonnation that may lead to the conv1c t1on o f those w ho a re hacking off th\' beak s. T he mutilations a rc a vtolatton o( state and fede ral law. Anyon e with information on cSee PELICAN, Pai e A!) ·----INDEX---- How do police officers hone the ir reactions to split-second life-and-dea th confro ntation '? Part of the a nswer's on Page BI . De Lorean hires criminal lawyer At Your Service Busan CM Cavalcade Classified Comics Cros..word A7 8 2-3 AO C6· IO 84 84 C6 A8 ~ath Nottee11 EdltorlaJ Enlt'rwlnm4'nt Garden Ina Hol'<*Ope Jnterml•ion Wttkcndcr ~ A9 Wttkf'ndcr J Ann Landers Movies M\.ltual Funds Nationa l N f'Wll Public NotlCf>fl Sporta Or Stdncrohn StOt'k Markets Tt'l~vbuon Theaters Weather , A9 Weekl'ndcr 82 A:\ 86-7.C3,C6 C l-0 J\9 B:J TV~ Wt'<'kt'ndt't A2 By LINDA DEUTSCH ·~ "'"' .,..., LOS ANGE L ES Automaker Joh n Z Dt• Lorean, trying to make $5 million bond on chnrg<>s of drug trafficking, wontR to put up h is s prawling California home as t.-olloten1I und ht1s turnt'CI over his d C'fcnsc to a hlgh-powt•r('d crimin al lawyer, Josc•ph A. Ball. With De Lorean still 1n federal prison Thur'l4da y, uuornt>y &ll's f irst chore app eared to be urr:anf(ing pl<'d1tc•s o f cash a nd prftpt•rty touillng $500.000 lO bail out t h e f lom b oyn n1 en tre prenc'j. - Ot.' Loreon was a r res ted Tu<'Sday 01 an airport ho tel, whcr<' aut hontit'S alleged he was 1ry1ng to swing a mu ltimilllon- d ollur l'fX:alnl' deol In a last-d itch c•Cfon to save h is failing car rompon y In Northern lrd and. Dl· Lor eon . 1'17, w ns first n ·prl•i;cmwd by 11llornf'y Bernnrd MiMky, w h Cl told rf.'porters T hursday he> wns bowing ou t bt'<.'aU.'IC.' he had ncvt'r handll'd fi high-publicity ca1e and r3tc>ly did m mlnal llt1e•Uon . Minsk y soid he.· ht1d t pr<'sented Ot' Lort'nn In civil matters for nmt.' Y<'llN Be!ore l cav njt the cest'. • Mins k y s aid he h o ped o rombmntton of property and cash could h4:• raised quickly to win Dc Lorean's relcDSC' from Terminal Island Prison. He iwld ~ Lore1rn's home in the E.."!COndldo area in northe m Snn Diego County. on the markN for $4 million, would Ix-uffcN'd as part of th<' collnteral to ralse $500.000 for 11 $5 million bond., Tht• nttorney said De Lorean Wllll "doing very well undt'r the et rcunu t.'lnccs HC' 's " lt'lt ·made man. a very stron1 lnd1vldu1l I le c.nn overoome whatever advt'rse f.'ffttt.s thl1 mey have had on ~11 life." 1 . Two other men charged along with De Lorean abo re mained in priso n Thu rsd ay . Wil liam Morgan He trick, 50, owner o f a Mojave, Calif .. aircraft H rvlcc company, was belf\8 held ln lieu of $20 million bail. Steph~ Lee Arri ngton, 34, of San Diego, d(•scri bcd as a n ea1ocl1 t e of He trick . waa h eld i n lleu of $~20.000 bail. rf.'d uced from $500,000. M in s k y uld D• L or~•n elftn~ to plead ln~nt &o the drug char&" e fwr U'I lndlct..menl la rctum C'd by • federe l srand jury -problbly nnt w~. in.. (Sff A1TORNEY, Pace l ) ( .. • ATTORNEY HIRED. • • 1ndlt'lll1l'll l would 11uµ1•r111•1h • chargt.> of l'Ol'\liPlrUl'V It> r.x~·x:1 2io pou "dii of c:oc.·o 11w !u1 d1:strihu1l1111 ll11•d hy l1•cl1•rnl prust•t'UltHs ul W1•d111•sdJ:i"' arrn1~11nwnt l'lll 1 l'll l l(UVl'l l\111" I h• has I t'lll l'"('lllt•d hllllllllh d11·nti. 111dud1111( funr11•1 Wh111· ll mt~l' <·11u11~wl aruJ Wa11·q~at1• I 114u11• John ~ht lleh111,111 aml Saudi Arahrun blllw11111n· Ao..1111111 Khui;hug~i 111' WlrephOIO U) JODI ('J\l>fo:Mll':AU 01 th• 0.11, 1'1101 lt•ll M.111 v 111 1111 11hl l.11111'1.11 ,,.,lh'' 11 l 1v~•llil •II\ 1111111111 t•lf'ltlClll\ "Ill ·•"I.! 11p lik• •~"""'" 'l'llur -.d .av 111.1111 11111111..: " 1,1111licl.111·>. lair ui11 Ill ('11 ,t .1 J\.11 "" lltl' -.1u 11 111 ti I Cl" fl I I I It I (.II ... t.1 M ...... ~ 11·1·'""\ .11111 111lu1q111·1 rH•l'>t' Ball. still prunll'mg ut 7ll, 1s ,Ill encrgl:'llt'. old -st'hol1l allnriwv with a rta1r for 1·01111 ful l'lll'tor 11· h1 tht• l'OUrlroun1 Hl· wus 1·h1d c o u n s t• I f o r l h c.· W o r r '-' n c 0 m m I s s I () 11 d u I I II g l h c.· l11ves11gn11on of P1 t's1d1•11t John F. Kl'tmlody's 1 llti:J d:.s:.lS.'\lnUllon and 1s a lu'" partm·r wuh form1·1 California Gov Edmund (; "Pat" B rC1w11 , fath1•r of th1• I n u th 1• I' d ,. v 1• I u µ 1111• 11 t s Thurs tluy, 101 nll'I' De L o n •u11 J!>MX."llllt•s :.<11t.l tht· c.·rnnponv r.111 11110 troubll" wht•n th1·11· boi.~ lllSls h•<l on llllTt.'USlng JJI uduellUI I lt·vl•ls lai;t fall. 01w ill>.SOt'lilh' ,1li-o ~J1d lA• Lorc.·an om ·1· n•sortt>cl to ra1d111g stora~w ar1•as lu wkt• lJ;1l·k sum1.• of his c.·ars that hud bt.•(•11 rc.•poS.."l'SSt..'d Vit•w of th•· ~wimming pool area at John l>t' Lort•trn\, Poumu 1•111 1111 111 ..,1 111111 tlu1111g 1t.1 ... 1 .11 11p.11~:11 ( '1111111 ilv.11111.111 N•ir 111.1 l111 l/11g lt>t•h ,1 111111 ,l,11td 1111 tit• 1li11111\ ,11:11 111d111.111• 1 :..1v111~ 11 .t 11 h.ul I•• d1 11111 1111\.\ '>h\• w11uld \ " I t .. ~· ,I I 11 I ... " I .1 I I ' d 1:r.111tll.11l11 11111: 111 ''''"' \' ullt•y t•stu tc, near Mr. Pulomur in northt·ru Su11 Uit•µ;o C:ouu l )'. Th<· pro1wrty, vulucd a t $'1 mi ll ion, ii-offrn·tl u~ <·olla tc·rnl for hail. P'"' 1 ... 1111" 111 1111 1.,,, t;r.111cf 1.1lh1 r111g 1o1.11liltl PRICE SUCCUM B S. • • following World War 11. dtn'<.'tor of thl' GI Bill program for lhn~· western stall's a nd tlw ll•rntorv oC .Hawa11 · -J Pnt'l'. whu movt-<l lo Lagu11.1 Beac.·h wuh his w1fto. Eliuibt.>tll, following his r e t1rl•mt•n1. w.1s named "C:1t1zc•n of t ht• Yt•ar" during th(' dty's l!:l7!:1 Patnut's Day Parad1· H e was the rt•1•1 p11•n t uf t ht· A11wnlan Lt•g1un's ltJp honor 1111 St'Vl'f ,al Ul'l".1SIOn S f111 hi'> Sl1' dt•t·adc•s of St'rvic:t' and his ":!-I h11un. a day" volunll't'r work lor v1•h •rans Jnu 1ht•1r dt·pt•nd1..·n ts Pn1·1· 1s s urv1vC'd by his wift'. ~lrzabc•th. uf th(' famrlv ho1111" <lau~htcr E1let>n Ac.ldms ;,r St·uus Val11•y. daughter-111 -law Bt'lty }'I I l' l' , ll f Sa 11 l) I l' g Cl , SI ). gr.111tldaughtc.:rs and s t•vt•n gn·a t -grandc.·htldren. P E LICAN ARREST DUE?. • • the c·nme 1s C'm·ouragt·d to t·all t h e C a I -T 1 p s c.' r v 1 c.· <.' a t l -800-952-5400. In adu1t1on. thl' National Audubon Soc1l'l y hJs set u p a reward fund. a nd donations mav be mailed tu 555 A udubon Place.'. Sac·r am1•nto, Calif. 95825. Checks senl to tht· '\l a t1 • Correction A story on las t Saturday'!> religion page said Doug Sm1°lh, 1.os Angeles Rams center. was scheduled to speak at 9 a m al a brea k fast lhis Saturday at Sou1h Shores Bapust Churdi ·,n Laguna Niguel. The timl' should have• read 7 a .m . for tht• C'VC'nt, o pc.•n to aJI m e n and boys Thl· Dally Pilot • regrets the error Departnwnt of Fish and Gam1• w 1 l l b (· re tu riH' ti . Y ou n~ c•rnphas1wd. Crown Valley vetl'nnanan (.;a y IC' Robe rts· sat d s h c hds received C'a lls from throughout th(• t'ountry from c.·o n c.·ernc.•d µ<'Opie as we ll a s spec1ahsts m prosthetic surge ry. A team of Vl'Wnnanans will trv Sund<Av to surgically a ttac h art1f1l•tal bt!dks to som e o f the capturc>d p<.'hcan!>. s he• said Dr Rotx·r~ noted u 's d1fflt'ult to tell 1f the birds w e re mulllatC'd by o n e person or SC'Vl'ra l f1s hermc>n. Some o f th(• bt•aks <App<.·ar to havE.• bc<..n ch oppc.'<.l o ff with a machete-like m strum!'nt while o thers were n eatly 1.·ut <A wa y wi th a s harp kn1h· o r hac·ksaw t ock market ends mixed after urge N fo:W YOHK (AP) Thl' slcx:k markl'l was m1xC'u t<x luy. v1t'lding to :-.l'll111g 111 thl• last hour aft1:r u11 early udvant·•· Priel's rost• in the t•arly going a l tt·r Nl'W York's Chl·m1rnl Ba nk cut IL'• pnnw lending rate.• from 12 to l l 1 pt:rec·nt, putting the.· lw rwhmark rutl' at 1b l11w1•s1 ll'Vt·l Ill ntClfl' than twu Vl'Ol"S. But analvsb said 0 tradt•rs bt'l·an1l' 1m·n :ai.mgly prt'Ol"l"Up1t>d with a ~UN.sing garnl' ovl'r whc.•tht•r tht· 1'\·dl•ral Rl•st·r vt• migh t anno um·l· .. 1 n ·du cllo n 111 t he.• d1sc.oun1 r.ill' aflC'r the m.1rkt•t's dust• HC>p<.·s fur ..,ul·h a m ovl' :-.l'<-'ml-<l tu fude :.I bit JS thl' day pai...<;~'{f Brukt·rs <Jl:-.o '><lid rumors that somt• h .. irm had bdalll·n Pnmc.· M1n1::.ll•r Mt•n:it·hl·m Begin of b ra<•I urn.t·tlll•d thc• m:.irkC'l loll' 111 tht• -;1·l>.-.111n &·gin atcll•s 1n Tc>l Aviv said thc·rt· wa~ no truth to tlw rum111· Ttw l>ow Jo1w~ av1..·ragl' of :50 111du ... tr1:1 ls. up mur1· than 9 pomL-; ut rrnd -day. dllst•d with o 5 5:.! loss at 1.o:H 41i Tlil' l:!th annu.il poln·1· awards lum·h1-011 111 N t•wport S.·at·h will bl" lll'lci Nu\' 5 .it t h 1• M :i r r 111 t t 11 11 l l' I 1 n Nl•\\'j>Orl Cl·ntt•r Tht· awards lu11t h1 Pll 1s sµon~1111«l bv t Ill· Nt·WJJOrl H arbor Art".1 Ch.imh1·r uf • A d<1s.' 1111 h,1nilw1 r1111~ ;1na lv:-.1s will Ix· ht•lcl lwlwt1·11 l\lm1dav and Nov 17 .1t Ou1 L ad y QUt"l'n uf Angt·I' Sd111ol 111 Nc."1,\'port B<• .. 1< h Thc· l"US t or th1· l'q~hl !.IO-rn1nutt· "' • ..._,1111ls 1:-. $411 T11 • Tht· Artll'rll .. 111 H··" l '1 OS.'\ bluo<lmolitlt• v. ill 111' pa1 k1•tJ ouL-;rdt• St Mark Pn·l>liy1t·r1.1n Churl'h . :?JOO Mar V1 s 1.1, Nt·wport B<•a1·h from ni11m to l"omnwrn· and lht· llJ--1 t 'lull. a bus llH''S group tl1.1t ~upport:. thl' polrcl· Thl' gul'sl s pc.•akN \\Ill lw St.ill· St•natt• minontv 11·:1clt·r William Campbe l l. T11 k1 a... ,1 f I' $ i 5 f ti I Ill 11 I I 111form ,,ilH1n, rnll IH4 Ii:! 11 1 t g1sll'r. l>t•nd name. addn• .... ,, phunl' nurnlx:r and h.tl t tht t1·1· tu S1~•t•r Linda l'\i<'ho lson, i.111 l>unungo Dnvt" Nt·w 1>1111 H1 ·.il"h ~:!f)liO Fo r I urth<'r 111lrn m.1t11111, call S1:-ll·r Lmcla ;it h·l-1 -IUi•iO or fi·l I 11 Wi I p r 11 Sw 1d.1 \ Tht· ehurd1 1-. adJ.H 1•111 111 Cornna dt•I Mar ll1gh Sdwnl Call t.i-1-1-1:1-11 .1lh1\.\ 11•111 1•11111111111111• '\lg11 111.11 ""1 re Ii g.1 I 1 •11111 I 11 fl·'''•'/.:' 111 t t,.. ,1g11 111cf111,1lll I Ill 1117 1 111 11 111,1111 ... 1.1111h11g ,1111 r 11111-1 Lc d II\ { '11u111 11111.111 I )im11 I I.all 1)11 I tllllll rl .ft'I l.f1·d I,"{ lllCl/llh 111 ll"'IJIC1fl1• r • \ 11 \.\ cit 1111" '>1).;11 111d111.m 11· 1111111 Nuv l.1 (. h r I ... s I I I I .• ... 111 ., I I l1l1'\llll'"lll<tll \\ h11 (Wlt'I' ha .. 11111 l"I th1· 111ur11 ii l11·fl11l'. '>illd h1· 1.1vor1·d ,, g 1 .. 11cll.dhl'r1ng prCl\'l'\11111 lit -..1 1d 1Jusin1·'st'' ... i..,uld v11lu111.11 llv 1<1k1· duw11 l.1rg1· ... 1g1i-. .ind s ugg1·~t1 ·d 1111 r ' It ;i II t .. \\' h 0 d (I n . I h •. l1ovn1lh•d l).i\'t• Wli1•1·lt r •• 111 Jttw nc·v wl'k1ng pul1l11 111 Ill•· l11r 1111 f1r-;1 t11111 ... 11d hi· lu·ltc \'I'd th• '>1g1t 111 d111.1111 t• 1~ ... u1 'ltould I>< pul 1 .. .i 111\ \\ 1d1· \'lllt L\ 1111 \'Jn t\k1 n . ,, JJl<>nning c 11111111 1-,:-.111111 r ;111d '\If tJllg 'llJIP••I tt·1 111 th1 "gr' ordmant l ,,,rd ht \.\ nuld 111• ,1g.1111•.t .1 g1,111tll.1tlll llllg JJlllVISl•Jll !\l.1~111 1\1 l1·n1 SI h,,f .. r ...,.,.kr11g I 1 1·lt t 111111 .111d l.111 d1cl.111 ("l.1ud1.1 Kc"' W1•\1 r dul n .. r ,11111111 llll l11r Ulll "IJ"lhlllt·d Ii\ ,, l'u l1 S\1tlll t1•n1p 1111111 H1 .. r ~t11 c·I S1 h1w1I \\'lw1•li r drt•\\ .. t1 1111g 1rIll•1,111 I 111111 111 I l/11).! .111d \'.111 Aki II \.\li•ll 111 '·""th.it p11l1llllJlh ... 111111).t 111 ,,., ,1111·p111111111hut111n::. l1e1111 d1·\·1·l"I".,.' 111tlw11t.\ . NIELSEN CHOICE W I NS FAVOR ON CO AS T . • • County teen su ccumbs after rescue \\'l11·1•l1·1 l.11 gH1·cl t101th Sc haf1·1 o1111I 111 r t111g 1111 u 1t11 i...n1 un tht· t"11111l1u11"11 !~sue P .n.i 11111t1il.1111 .. r1 11·p11rt .... 1i, .... 11d , · 11.id 111,, .1 \\h11 ', wh11 111 cit,., l11p1111 •111 111 t'11.;tJ Mc·s,1 ·· J 11 1 t111g < .dli·d tht• n·m.1rks "d I h' ·'I' ... h II t • J II cl ~a I d h l' r d1-< 1 ... 1w" 1111 d1·v1·lt1pnwnr in thl• I II\ 11.1\ I Ill \'t'I hc•t•n 1nflu1'11n'CI 1,, • ,1111p.11g11 •1111tnliut111n ... stockholder who has stayed out of the public· hmehght m ra-c11t ' years. predicted that Nielsen will ,,,. p ay c lose attC'ntaon t o th~ "community":. needs " Kremer. who w o rked w11h Nie lsen at the Newhall La nd and F arming Co. sa id N1e lsl•n 's promouon will prov1dt• the lrv1nt- ·Company with "gr<'al contmuuy of management" Kremer said he will w ork w11h N ielsen m th(' nex t two month~ lo insure a smooth trans1t1on Tht· outgoing president has no t said what h e will be doing afh'r hc> leaves the firm. Adding to the thmk111g lhat Nielsen's a ppointment reprc'Sents a ~·akula1C'O publil' relatio ns m ovL· is the fact th~t Bre n has taken can dl'llve role m promo ting tht? good will of the company 111 n ·<·1·rH Wl'l'k!'. Bren. thC' former own1•r uf till' .M 1ss1on VieJO Company. who owns hrs own devt•lopment f1rrn 1 n N e w p o r t B t' d l h h J ~ n·portc>dly mad1..· a wh1r:hA.1nd tour of Orange Coun1y. v1s1llng with communit\ l1•.-1tlt·rs 1n s1.-v1•rcil n t1es • Irvine C11v Counl·1lmdn Oavul Salb said Brc·n spent 11mt• talk1n~ with him Sl'Veral davs bC'forC' K r l' m c· r ;, n n o u n c <' u h 1 s r<·s1gnat1on . Sills said Bnm was 1ntt•rcst~d in d ett·rminmg the nc•C'ds und dt·s1res in Irvine. Agnm ~11d Brt>n has rcqul•stL'd a nwc t1ng with him as he has \.\ llh "th1·1 J.11:~tl t·ounnl mt·mbt·r' a11d tount\ .. u1x·rv1S(1r, • I thinh. hl'·, JU:-.t trying 111 gl·t 111 know tht• .1rt•.1 l.wtwr." Sill .. ..,.,111 "I It-\\ .1~ ,,...king mo ... t t1I th1 Thi I 1 v1nt· C11111p.in~ h,,.,. 'ullt rt·d wv1•1.d puhlr1· n•l<11111n-. "' tli,1tk ... 111 lhc· P·"t ~t'J t llh lutl111g llll' \'CJl,1t1lt l1j.(hl l>\'l'I ltw.1•holcl I.ind ,1111J llH' ch •nw;<· of th<' 111 ni·-. mulu m rll1on doll .. r plan 111 t·1'pand Nl•wport Ct•ntt•r Evt•n long tu.ll' -;upporwrs uf tht• (1rm h,l\ll' OpC'lllY VOlt'{'Ci <'rllll'ISl11 High clouds Constn I Ver1eble high clouo1ne11 ro prevell lhrough 1on1gnr eno SeturOey Overnight lowl 1n mid 601. High• Seturoey moslly In io-90s El1ewhere lrom Po1n1 Conceprlon to the Me•lce n bOfdet end OUI 60 mllea light vu le ble wlnOa tonight eno SeturOey m«n1ng with .outhweet to _, wlnOt 8 10 18 knot• lhls ~Ing 8'IO Jn Ille eneroooo end e ve ntno houri Setu•O•y l outhwHI 1well1 1 to 3 IHt Vatlable high CIOuOlneta lhto.igh telurcley · U.S. sum mary Frolt hll the MIOWHI H rly toO•y, while rein fell In the 8outhMtt •nO the Peclflc Cout. Frost Of lreeze wernlngt ~I Into eflec:I ecron moll or the Ohio Veltey, llllno .. enO perta ol r-"•'n lell over the ••llern CerollnH. wllh • lew thowert over 1outhern Georgie •no 110rl1141tn FIOflOe Rein ello lell' ltOt'9 the northern eno cenrr•I ,eclflc: CON!. l.nd In Loulllen• eroc:t .outtletn and Mtlern T-Sc111ered 1hower1 ind 1'1unders10fm1 -• lorecul tor IMer lodey In FloflOe •nd -• 9Jll)Kted lo conrlnue In noohem C1lllornl1 i nd Ille P1clflc NofffMMt Ctoudl -· predlCted ICrOM the ~ Ohio Vlli.y •nO centrll Md eM1•n Teue Sunny llllM ... fOfKMI etMwtle<e Temper•lur•• 1rounO the nation •I midn19h1 POT tinged lfOl'll 25 In t.ariwni., Wyo . 10 78 lf'I K..-W•t, Al Te11iperalures NATION 'lb any 'lbu<luerQue 'mattllO 'nchorage '•hev•lle 'tlanta 411antoc C11y 4uahn Bell1more Bllltngs Birmingham Blam••ck Bo.se HI 56 71 58 29 6" 69 62 68 58 63 65 S8 TI lo' 47 38 39 2t 50 52 50 5ti SI 37 48 21 "311 10 -.-s---10 NOM. US 01PC ol C--ce 8o11on Bro•n1v1lle Buffllo Burltngton C•ll* Ch•rleston S C Charlesron.W V Char1011e,N C Chey9"ne Chicago Clnctnn•ll Cteve11nd Columbla,S.C ColumbUI oe11e1-F1 worm Oeyton 68 87 ~ 6 t Ff'OMs: Cold.-. WWm W. Ooduded W'P StabOIWy •• 0..-Dn MOlnes Oetro!I Duluth El PMO Fllrbenkl FMgo Flageteff Gt•I FClllt Her11ord Helenl Honokllu Hou II on lndlenPollt JllCllaon. Miu Jfdlaonvllle Ju,_ K1t11MCtty Knoa~le Lu Vegu Ullle Roell Loulavllle 45 57 6t 8t 44 68 57 52 51 46 78 " 49 43 61 50 45 40 77 22 47 87 82 63 S8 85 69 52 70 63 " 50 60 78 80 6-4 4t 51 22 63 35 60 28 27 43 42 53 40 46 38 31 30 38 29 41 07 21 24 36 62 25 70 54 35 48 58 37 25 50 47 41 35 Lubbock 63 47 Memph.s 63 38 Ml1mt 81 7g Miiwaukee 43 31 Mpls-St Paul " 28 N1Shv1lle 60 38 New Orleena 74 59 New York 65 55 Nori Olk 88 56 North Platte 60 20 OklahOma City 63 42 Omeha 53 28 Orl•ndo 85 84 Phlladllphl1 60 50 Phoenl• 89 58 Plll1ti..~h 45 4~ P0ttl1n . Mt 65 61 Portland Ort 54 •9 Prov1oence 84 51 Rt=h 89 8r Re Clly eo 27 Reno 81 38 R1'/lmond 8t 52 Sell l eke 6t 27 San .-.ntonlO 87 58 Seattle 55 411 Shreveport 51 " Siou• fells 42 2t 81 LOUlt 47 33 St P•te-Tllfl'IPI 83 66 St Sit Mlrle 39 38 Spo1t1ne 50 32 SyrecuM 50 " Top.lit s• 2r> li ... 95 ~2~U~R_f R_IP_DR_T .,..., .. .... ,..... 1·2 1-2 1·2 t-a 0 1·2 t4 ,... A..r ... ,..,.,, 88 ee 18 18 85 IS .. .. ~~-Hlflt lldt.; I II '-"'" Low Tide 10 1 lft , .... ctlrecllon Tucton 83 48 Tulsa 64 35 WHhtf'l(llOn 61 53 WICMI 57 33 CALIFORNIA "' lo .-.pp1e venev 83 36 81kerahe10 80 60 Baratow 86 56 Beaumont 82 46 Big Bear 67 26 811hop 72 34 BIY1he 88 52 C111llnn 74 S• Culve1 City 79 57 Eureka 68 83 Fresno 17 55 Lancallef 77 42 Long Beach 83 58 l ot .-.ng11e1 711 62 Monro...C• 84 53 Montebello 82 60 Monttfey 70 66 Mt Wllaon 87 48 Neecllet 86 53 NewPQft Be.ch 72 58 01lllllld 73 62 Ont81IO 90 52 Pllm SpfltlQI 92 81 PH•dene 81 Sti PllO Aoblet 78 50 Rid Blurt 83 81 Redwood Clly 73 58 S11er •men to 70 54 S1lln11 78 47 Tides -TOOAY SecooCI high 1~·U p m 4.1 Seciond tow 8'3t pm 0.9 IATUflDAY Flttl high I 18 p m 4.4 Fltll low 10 00 p m. I O IUNOAY Flftl lllgtl 1'40 1 m 3 7 Flrt1 low u e • m. 3 t hc;Ol>d lllgll 3-01 p m 4, 2 Second low 11·t3 pm Ot lun NII tod1y al 8 11 p m , rl-on l eturoey •I 7 04 • m Moon rlMe tod1Y at 12 20 p m. NCI II 10 24 p m ' of till' l·rn11µ;111y 1n n"lt•nl month" N11 ·l,1·n 1~ d N l•Wpur l B1·at·h rt-s1dPnt. hi.ts thrt•c.· l'htldn·n and 1-. ,1 11.111\'1 11r Or,ing1· <."11u11t\ gt••" 111g up 111 Fullt·rt1111 \'-ht·rt hi. H.l \'t•Jr -old l.ithl'r ... 1111 lrvt•, ll1· \~'"' a high '>< h11ol ft111ll>.1ll pl.t \I I k ll h. rng ,1 1 .... t Sl"l onu t II Id g11.al .. g.11n .. 1 Sant.1 An.1 I 11gh Sc h11ol in I !l 18 Ill \\ rn I hl Su11'\t'I L1 .. 1gu1 t h.11)lp1<111,h1p I le· l"h'r pl.1\l•d ""'tb,111 .11 1ht L'111\l r ... 1t\ ol \.\',1!>hington N11•I" n '' .i-. <.1.·nl 111 tht A11 F 1•111· ~c·C"retarv·~ 111 1111 111 lh•· [)\:ft·n-.c.· Dl·p;_1 rim1•nt 111 l\lh7 hy th1·n -Prl's1 d1.•n t Lvnuon B J ohnscin .ind IC'(l wiwn N1)1.oll l.x'C·am<· pr,. ... d1•nt Ht· w as a1.·t1Vl' 111 rt•s 1ch •nt1al de\'l'lo pmc.•nt m San Dt(•g(' lw fon· C'Om1pg tc> lht· lr\'llH' Comp~my .\ I~ \ 1 .11 nld ()r.111g1 111.111 r 1 ~ w d Ir• •Ill 1h1· l11p 11t S.1111i.1g1 • !>1 ,tk .ti lt•f l>l'rllg pl II I Ill( lltllf I 11t.111 11111r hour ... h1111.11h .1 11, 11 ,11u111.il \l lrn II · h." d11'tl I. ,111 \ Hu\ d \\ ·" 111 J II r' ti T\11 ,tf.t\ ,11 !I '.Ill p r11 \\ha I I 1111 tour \\IW1·l l1u1k 111 ''huh h1 "·" 11d111g 1 r ..... h1•d ,inti 111ll1·d , ,, , r IJll tc•p 111 hnn .. 1 s1J<1k1·,111.111 1111 1h1· ll1ghw;1\ l '.111111 "11d Tlw dn,·1·r o f 1h1· v 1•h11 l1 . \\'dh.1111 llagt·rty, HJ. of Or.111g1· Id t ht ... I r ll'nd tq st•t•k h1·lp Hnvd \\'.ls ;11 r It ( tt·d I rom t lw r 11g~;·d h1lls1dt· 111 ;111 El Torti Mannl' h l•lrc.·optl'r a t 2 a m Wt•dnl·sd;iy .\ltlt11ugh -.h1 h.i-.. ..,llH t I " l I l • I ' ti ... Cl 111 • II ll I ... I d. lll1illd1tll1011' h t•I lltU'\l Clllllt • .111q1.11~11 -.1.111·1111 n t Illa d 'l hu1 -d.1\ 1111\\, 11111\ .1 $:.! 111111 l•o.111 ,h, 11i.111< 111 h1 "''It 11 , 1 1 / 1 i.: \\ ,1 ' t h ' c • n I \ I 111.f1d .. l1 \\ hu I .11111' 11111 olj.(ollll!'ot ,j l''"l""'nl 11rd111.111c 1 lh.11 \\ould 11.111 lwl11nf•I• r 1111111 l.111d111~ Ill 1111 I 11 \ Ill• <II\ \\t1tlld to11tr1d tlu l111u1:-. .111d fl.lllt" 111 hl·lrn1ptt•r' 11t.11 l.11ul 1111 '1l~ hutld1ng~. hut '' 11uld h,1\ t 1111 1nflut·nu· m1 lwlu 111111•r-.. th.it rt~ CJ\'(•r 1lw l'll'.' .111d l.11111 .1t ,John \.\'avm · Airport. ~ht ... Jld Fall Upholstery Sale Super Savings in chairs ( sale priced $ 2 6 9 ea. Special features include: • 75 covers to select from • 1 O styles to choose from • All 8-way handstitched • Arm covers • All skirts lined • Kiln dried hardwood frames * Excellent styling • • Quality tailoring * Large selection for immediate delivery . Don't miss this fantastic opportunity to own a quality chair at th e unbelievable price of $269.00 ·all styles and covers the same price. Interior Designs to Serue You ALL STORES OPEN MONOAV THAU SATURDAY-t AM TO S 30 PM -=-------··· ---------.----------r- • ,. Or 1111yu Cooi.I DAIL y PILOT /Frid y Octob r 22 1982 NB 83 .. .. ... • .. .. I • '• ... .. .. Dow Jones Final OFF 5.52 CLOSING 1,031 .45 ~\\\ ,,,,,'{; Gold d e clines; dollar weakens l.<>N l>ON It\ l 'I liin ·~:11 Ill II k1 "I II " lod •Y Ill lfJJl•lrt'lll II ••• 111111 h i .111 I Xfil I h ti ifl UJI Ill t: S tlllll t .... t I ,th '> C:oltl Jll 11 • .... d ... t1 d t I 11111 d ) Ill IJ fJI .ill I 1,1111 1-. ..., lid 111\ 1•...,!111 .... l Xfll I I t d 1•tl 11111111 111' 1 ltll 111 l,1!1 I Ind 1\ 11( I p11..., .... d1J1 11111 h.olf pt'" 111 1g1 1111111 1 d 111p lo 111111 fM 11 1 nt 111 tlH L' !-' i1 1...,..,u111 1.111 1111 11 11111 ..,t tlu hd1 1.ol 1<1 ...,1\1 Bouol I lo 11 g 1 ..., lh 1111 llllH I 11 tllk..., \II 1>111 111\\ llHllll \ S111 l1 1 tf1 I11111 1111ild ...,gll ii 1 Ill IA ...,.,, It lllllg 111 1•1 lh I of 11111 I•..,, 1,1(1.., \\ 1111 Ii \\ 11t1fd 111,11-.1 tho d11f1.11 11 -.-.,1111 11 11\t !11 lll\1 ... 1111-. Ga soline usage down S1\t I<,\ M r.N I() I 1\ l' I (.,,1...,01!111 1 on ...,umpt111n d11 l1111d 11 .1 t.i,111 JIH • 111 t\ugu ... 1 .1pp.11111tf\ I>< (lll"-1 11l1t111j1 IU1ltfflllllll l 1I ' I J,. -.1 ot1 I ~. 11d 11f l~1u d 111111111 """ I ltu1-,d ,1\ th ti g ...,111 1111 d1 .... 111h 11l11111 \\ ,1, tl11 111""1 'l f111 •HI\ 1\ugu ... 1 111 ...,;.. \l 11 ' 1 '• 11 t h o ug h t h1 nur11lit•1' 111 t.1r-. di I\ I I°' tlld 1111!1 ... tll t\ I 11 IA I II ,ill llfl J ho 11 !.! 11111111111 ).( olJ1J11' tlr-.L111>1111 d Ill ,\11gu-.1 \\ .,., I 111 I" 1u 111 111 I"" 1\11gu-.1 l'IHI .1111 1 .!. Ii p11 u nr l1t '"'' Jul\ 1'111.! S P earnings down S\N ~H1\Nl 'J:--L'I) (1\!'1 S11uth1 111 P 111!1t t u Ii I II Jlllfl<tl i .. 11g lit d1 1111 ill thrrd qu.1111 I 1.11 ning .. 11i1-. ,, 11 I, 'I 1111111•111 d 1•\.\ 11 1111111 S lfi I 1111111•>11 l<1s t \I II I h1 qt1.11 It I 1j lJ o I I< I 111 I 1111 "lilt p t I ,)i,u t \\.ill ::, I .!11 111 th1 d11\ I 11 11111 SI ill Jiii ... ti.111 Ill LIH th ird th ll d , o1 l'IH I STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT r,.t tif t •JM• At 'ltt ' i • ' f I It • u If t I r\iH" ' ,, I th , u U\t ft I Wfr ''' w iVt 1> \tue • l-, 1 r •hQ• '~"'°' fr1tO n~ ""'II ~jj ,, "CJr I '''"'' ,, c.,ulllr'\l\\t Ht._J Ut.11 1 ~ l I f O'f l 1/ /llJ 18 C>~litQlll dt. llAI II tUM #Hf lut; 64•• Mt9tt•1 inc '" •w n•, A"ttl&l ;,ti#fH.Ai bl f( ,, dfl )bJJ 8(:fl }) L "•O" l)"t /(I._ '' \ J.'n1llp')Pt-I ,,,,_, 'KA; 14 • h..-0<.Hll n P:U .1(AJ 't \IU01ll• WfJ CIOO UI ft"n"An"t• \'* fl(A. Jj • ~I~~.{~. t:~ :~ :;· ~to19c T~ti S.) ~ 11 UPS AND DOWNS •I • . , .. .. ... ,..EW VOQ ... 1.AP ••~ 1c 10..i.i•no ht \r\Ow' thi N"'w ·~I · \1+.tf .. l •<"•' ~ \tOt •'Ii 1tnd """"ftnh Ui .. I l'MW QOnt "" ,,... n fl'\I hMl ()i1w OW • 1 I ()"'""'0 tJ#"i °"' .. nt I t , HQ< Pt-QltfOlt ,, v' y("I" Hf_ I f •• tM)-,...,, '\of\ L.tl lit H ll01f \f '" lulft \I ... ~, int I uekd Nt'! ~ OJ 'H''''"Vt I, IH\'J'"\ HI ft'wt O•''t''r-nti-t• I.,.,••., 1r-w P' •nu' tn\1nq P' c .. ,.,.., roo~v \ ics I u• f . 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