HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-10-23 - Orange Coast PilotLOCAL FOOTBALL SCORES Edison HB Marina Ocean View 21 16 45 0 Newport Harbor Estancia El Toro Costa Mesa 45 17 29 7 Saddleback University Woodbridge Ontario 41 14 14 7 Corona del Mar Irvine Golden West San Diego Mesa .. 13 0 37 7 DRANGf COAST YOUR HDMfTOWN DAllY PAPfR SATURDAY. OCTOBER 23. 1982 ORANGE COUNTY. CALIFORNIA 25 CENTS Charities hoping to escape. pinch of dump fees U) STE\ E T llll'Ol.I Of the Delly Pllol Slett 011111 .tl" 1d '>t'\'tl.tl 1 .... i1 dt.lf ll,tblt• Ill g.1111/,lllllJI' I i,11111111)' \I) II\· pt I h.11'' lllllll11·t1d1 ·d \ .. 11111, 11 1 1h1· l)1.111g1· ('1111111\ l,!0\'1·1·111111•111 · ... llt'\\ I\ 111,lllll\1°d d ump t.•1·"· 11.1 \'t· .11•111·.d ... I 1 .. l'11u111 y ot l1l'11d' \11 lwlp li·s:o.l'fl 1J1 t•l1111111;111· tilt' l1·t· ... 1111 11!1·111 In µ11 ·11111111.11 ~ 1111·1·1111g ... 1111, W1't0k . 1·11u11t\ nl f111.d ... ha,·•· ;1,k1·d Auto's pedigree disputed By STEVE ~1AKULE Ot'lhe Delly Pllol Slell It lo1ik1·d ltk1· .o l ~·11tl1' h1g hlaek, a1 "'101·1.1111 .11111 •• ~ Br ttt'h a'i S ir Lo1un•111·1· llllvwr But \\,1, ll n .. d1' ,1 l~·11tl1 ·\ ' Bill S.1n:..1m . .i N1·" prn t B1 •.1d1 ri·s1d t·nt .111d .in o1ut1111111h111· fam·11•r. :0.:1111111' th1111gh1II,,,.,111 .. lut·k v dc1v \, h1·n h1· 1;1111!.·d 1111· 196i 81•nll1•\ .it .i C o:.t.o M1 '" a ut·tton hou,t · tJl1 .1 $fi, I 00 l11d .. N on <' of mv lrH·nd' 111uJJ b'2lievv 11 A R.,ntl1•.). A u·..J Bentll•y." h1· .,.iv:. n,.iJltng h is tntttal ft'l·ling, ·I ~'·•:-. 111 ._..v1•11th ht•i:i\'(•n JU'I th1nk1ng .1hllU1 I' • The· u1r \\,c. .1 ht·.iUl\ It\'•",, hmousine modc·l with a llntl'd rear windo w . a sliding d oor sealing o ff the bock ~N.lt a nd e n o ugh roorn 1 n s1de for a part v ··1 was th1nk1ng how 1mprt>SS1Vl· 1t w1•uld bt· tu pull up to a rl'SWur.int 111 m1. &:nth·" I wasn't going tu drtv1· 1t to \\ ork or anything. JU't u~ It lrn "J'.X"-·1.11 occasions" But S<1n!>;1m ..,tar tl'd h.1v1ng st• co n d t ho u g h l s \\ h " n h <· l'Ontactc•d a b;ink Imm nff1<.'\•r and tried to gl·l finan<'tng fot the· rnr which w:is ,.111 1 ~1 111ng .1t thl· au ction hou•w but Sl·<.·u1 c·cl \\ tth ..i $500 clt>po~ll ··1 told the• loan ol fll·1·1 II "''" .1 l!Jol &:ntll'V Printt'"" lit• look1 cl in h1!> l111ll-book anJ rnuldn't find tl He· f1nallv told nw th<·n · wasn't such a t hing a<. J &•ntlt•\ Princess a n d thi:it I t·ouldn't 1w1 financing until I found out what 11 was .. Sansam ..aid ht· Wl•nt ba<:k to the auc:t1on house·. Wins ton'!> N ewport JC'wcle r s iJnd demandt'<i an <.•xpla na tton "The> guy show<.od me the pink s l i p for the• t·ar a nd at said ·vandPnplas · I told ham I wanU'd a B l'ntlcy. not a Vandl•n plas. whatf'ver the ht-11 tht1t I'> .. Winston VPrdult. an ownN of the auctto n houSt.·. said ht: tm.'d to soothe San.<;am but n •achc'Ci the· e nd o f his rnpt· whc·n Sansam !See BENTLEY, Paae A?.) Ill 11JUI11 th.II lltt• I h.111111" I 1111 ,,llll I 111111 I I .11 1•11tfl \ 1"\.0111111111p d1111.1to·d 111 111-. IM 1111 t , 11 I I I' l 111 ).! t I II• I l 1 111 o 11< It I t 11 I I '''I I 1 tlwH du11111111g .11 1 .. 11111111' l\,11 111 1111 111g,11111.1t1111i..., tho· ....,,,1, olll\111 i\1111\' .olld (;111111\\ ill l11du,ll w,, , .. 11J 1111· f1•t·~ \\di t't"l 1111'111 ,dHHll '$:111.t)lltl d \'l'"I 11111111 ·\ lht•\ ,,,\\\Ill 1111111· dlll'I If\ fl!H0ll th1•i1 I h,1l lt.d1l1 11111gra111" I h11-• 1 "" g1111q1-.. plu' tht• I >1-..il .1. d ,\1111 I h .... \I 11 °1.111' .111d St \ 11111 ·111 d1 l '.1111 S111 "'" 111111 '"" .111 lll'lllll j 1111 ... 1d1·11·d 111 1 "'"" 'Ill l 111 ·"''°'t.11111• lt1 11 '"'II tho· 1111p.11 I 111 tl\I' 11·1 ·~. ,\111d1 ''''111 111111 ,., t1·t 1 t I. 1 II l..1111 111111i...1· II.id 111 ·1 ·11 111·1· p11111 111 th.II d.1lo I l.111 l\ldlt·1. I \\'(lilt\ j . ,1:-. ... 1 .. 1:1111 l<J S11p1 I \ 1-.111 l(11g1 ·1 St;111l1111 '·"" Si.0 1111111 ''·" 1~·1·11 11111·11•..,1t•d Deity l'tlo4 ""'to by G•ry AmbfOH Bill a n sam ho ld sign tha t advertised a uto a l \..osta Mei;;a auction. Although tht' sign sa ys "Be ntley Prin<'t'SS," tht'r<' il" a di pule over wht'ther the vintage a uto wa truly a Be ntley. 111 l111.J111~• .1 ,.,(llllllfl 111 111• dil• 111111.0 ''"" h• 111 ,11.t "' 1111 \11.111111 .. 1111)'111 1 ..... 1 "" k Tht I l•lllll \ ... 1111:µ1· .. t •••Ill. 111 Ill lht Ill.Oii• I .... d1.i\\ 111g •• I I• ... 1, d1 1111• ii 11111 · Iii.it "ill .ill11v. 11111\ .1 1111111• d 1111111111 I 111 g1 lll lj••• 11111-.1 111'1 .. I "''1111\ llllfl.Olll ·d 111 qu.illl \ J111 .111 \ 1·,1·111pt11111 1111111 d 1111q1 111 -. th.II 111.oV lw fll llflll,,.,J 111 'llfJi 'I \I""'' l\ltl11 I ,;11tl Newport I ;,.,,ti\\ ill .111d S.11\ 1111111 i\1111' ''I I I j I .. I ' Ill I I " I I Ii \\ ,, ... I. 111.fll,11'' 111• Iii 'i"" 1 . .f1 \ l1 111r1 ll1t 1 1111111 \ ' t:1 Ill I .if S1 I \ I• I t\111 II•\ \\ 1•dt11 ... 1l.1\ 11 1' fill ,~cl lllll 1 ,,..,, .11 I <11 tf111g Ill 1{1111 ( '.111 111 1111 S.d\-..t11111 1\1111\ IL1\ Hh11 .• d ..... 1 c;s,\ ..... 1d I .f I Ii 1, if' • 'fl I • '''t ·cl 1 11111 I I 11 l I>. 1 I fl' <1plo II \ 111)..! ltJ I 11 (\1111\•'lll tf1• d1111q1 111·-. \\all ~I\• tl1111 J.!IHJ<j , 111 <Ill! .. 1th• 1l1.111lll'' ll11>ot1Jd 111 I',, • J 11 j! I 11 d II 111 JI I Ji r Ill 11,. 111 '1\1 .. , Tl11, li.11111•, .Jli• .uh tli1 "" ••Ill ,.111•111 Ii.ill 111 v. I .ot J Iii \ • 11! I"' I '1111 I t h 1 \ qi It II ,111 1 pl lllllh.d1f1· gu•Hb 111 111 dt I 11111 111 111 l1·11d v. 1·11 1111••111111111 d I o •1111 ii Ill I• II '° 10111,111 ........ ,.1 '"'" •• .i-.. .. 11· "t.t11111g 111 Ii"\'• 111 d11 ,, l"t 111 th111k111g· .i1 ... u1 •Ii• 111111111 ·111 1111•11• 1•,111111111·11d111g " ..,.,Ju111111 111 tSee OUMP, Page A21 • race expensive $66.000 ,.;1;,..,ed 111 l/1•utht•r-Gra11t <'0111<• . ..,1 8\ STE\ E ~1AHBU-: Oi'lhe D•llJ Piiot Sl•ll I 11 .1 I 11 I II .1111 I " I 11 I 111.1111 I d l'I 11111 '" lllhl N1•\\ 11111 I B· .II h l\l,1\111 J.Hkll· lft .1111< I 1111111 1111111', Ill\ ltlllllllf 1,111d1d,1t• l>;1v1d < i1.111t It.,... 'fll 111 111 .11 I\ $4 l.llflf> \\ 11li lt11li· 1111111· tli.111 .. \\'l'l'I., 111 1.illl!l·llgt1111g '\Ill .d11'.1d llt•:i lh1·1'' Ill h1·1 bid 1111 •• ;,1·1·1111d It 111 1 r I 'f111tld 1·d l1\ liudd1ng .i $:!~.111111 '"""'''" ""'1 I 111 •'1 :-;1i1 1,,,... 111 l'l\'j•tf "llflfl<il l 11 11111 " ,gr .. 1111 1.dh11g 11" II th•· l•:,1'tUll\1 (.'11u111il Thi· -..p1 ·11d111g .111d 1 0111nhul11111 f1gu11·' \\t'l"I' 11 \t .. dt•d 111 l111.111nal .t1 .... 111,UI I ... 1.111 1111·111, I 11. d l.111 1111' v, 1 t I.. \\II h C'1I \ l'ft 1 h \A.'.11111.1 r\11d1 1"'11 1'111 Ill XI tal111g d . .t1 \\ llf l11lf1m llH I 11 I 111111 'I ht 11 IJlll l' ,,f,11 ... 1111\\1 d •' 1111111. -..t 'fl''lltft11g I 011l1 -.t t11 I\'-• I II 1111 u111l11 ·11l I >on.old St1.1u" .1111! 111,, h.tlli 11g1 1 11n11 L11.1h B11tlt h.1\'1• l:llM•d 11111t1 · lhdll ;S!IJ.0011 011h 11111 I <iUlll'il t o1111lad,1t1 All.111' B1·1·k t.ul1 d 111 1111 • I 'l'hur ... d:1v ... 1d111g d•·,11111111 •• 1111 \\all ht 't11wd d.111\ until h1 .., d111·u11I• 111 -.. .11'1 IUl IH rl Ill i\11d1•1 ... 1·11 ,.;i1d Abo rn1:-.,111i.: \\ t'I 1· I 111.11111.d t»llll'I'' tr11m C'1t111·1i.. Im "f~ 111·1 '\1 \\111111 .1 j.(J11u 11 th.ii lio.1.,,h l11u1 11111111 ti nu 1111.K·t.., .111d thtt 1 .... li1111I l 1 lhll ! ' ..... !11111 1111 ... 111d .... tl1d11.1l1d \11 lllllllllJ.! b.11k ii I t I l I I II d ll 111 l h I 1 •II l o l I 11 B.111111111.( IL 11H h d1'1 l11µn11 111 pl 11 J• ·1 I ,\ l.1 ... 1 111111ut1· It I • g1 .Jiii :\ 11d1 I " 11 ',1 Id , , Ii o \\ I d I h. 1 I dt \1 l11p1 ·1 V\'1ll1o1111 B.i1111111g h:i:-. ).!l\'1 11 ~ 1 111111 111 tll . .t group':-. \\ :.1 1 ht·">I Tlw 11·-..1 111 I ht gr<Jllfl" 1111:111• 1.il d1• '1111 .. 111-, th11uglt .111 1111 ..... 111g B\ 1<1 11l1.o,l . 1h1· l!lllUfJ ... 111ip1111111g tlw 11·11 ·11 ndum tSce "'EWPORT. Page Al I Schafer top CM fund-raiser IJ1-.t [u-..u11 -.1.111 1111 llh 'h""' thi.11 M a\or Ar!t·111• Sc. h.if1·1 "1th almoo;t $7 .llllll tn uint11hut 11111s hl.i:. ra1M'd th1· m• "' 1rn 1nl'' 111 t ht· SIX l'dlld1d.ih..., "t l king nf Ill 1 Ill tht· No\' :.! C:o,t.1 1\11·"" C.:11v Counc ti t•ll"-t111n S t Jlt'mt>111 ... I 1lc ·d Thu1 ,d,1\ with lht• <tl'lo tlt•1i..·, 11flll1' shu\.\'l•cl th.ii ~ h.111'1 h .. d 1.1...,1·cl ~fi.989 thl'IJUJ,!h Ut l I h Co u n l' 1 I w u m .1 n N 11 r m .1 llt•rt111g .• i1~11 -..1 ·1 ·k sng re· 1 ·I~ .. 111111 had r:11..i•d S:.!.1100 t'.1nd1d.t11· Da\'1cl Wlw1·lt•1 h.id c.11~·d $1.l:IO and Lvnn \".111 Ak1·11 . $ J .0;"111 wh1lt· t•111H1·11d1·1:-. l'l.1ud1.1 K1·ll\ W<•V t·r ;111d C'h1" St1·1·I had u11l1'('ll·d 11·"' than .:i1111 B' l.1\\. lilt' f.11l1•t I\\ II 1,111d1d,1ll '' \q 11 ' 1101 n·4u111•d 111 1111· d1:-.1h"ll1• c;ta11•m1·nt-.. Sch,1fc·r t·ountt·cl .1111011g lw1 t'(intnbutors Fn·t·\\ "' I 11clu ... 1n.1I Price e rvu·t•s set for 2 p.nl. Memorial "'r\'1t't" 1111 long time Laguna B1·.11·h 1 t•,1d1·nt 0 W Prtl'l' will ht· ht•ld .11 2 pm tndav .it the· Cum111un1t" Pn•:-.b\·11·n.rn Chu1d1. l l.l F11n•"t Avt• in L.1~una Bt .. 11'11 A s tory th.11 .1pp1·.111·tl 1n ~·11d;iv·~ t•dll11tt11 .. 1ttc.11rri·t t Iv nnlc•d the• tinw • Thi• Datl y Pilut n·g11•t-. t lw t•rror I '.11 t,. bu1ldt 1 H11 lt.11 d Sl \\ • II C J S1g1•r-,t111m /:I..· So11,, 1'.111111 Ft·d1 r.11 Sa\·ing ... S11u1h C'o;1-..t H.mk ch \'t l1Jpc·r I >011.dd 1-\1111 B.1 111 A1111 r11 ,1 ( 'orp .J H.i v (_'It II 'I I U t I 11111 ,1 11 d l IJ \\ I 11 J.: 11101µ.ill\ 11\\111·r Ci W,1\nt l\ltll1·1 S< h.il•·r h." c" .. 1v1·d .$ 1 1 H 111 t .1,h .ind .11111th11 SI. l;i5 1n 11<111 111mwt.1r\' 1·11ntt 1hut11111 ... Shi h .... "f.ll'llt $H:14 "u Ii.tr n'tord, "h11\\ 1>111 .... µl;1nn111g " larg1· 1·.111111.11g11 bltl7 IH'XI \\'l'l'k 11 I I I I j) g . ... $ :.! • It II (I I II \'1111\rthlllltllb l!HlS .... ll•d 11[ ,1 ft1.11l ... 1w mad1· lo h .. 1:st•ll lll•11111g .. 11d ,h1· ti ..... 11°11'1\1•d .111 .11ld1t1•111o1I ... 11111 '"It I (), \ I • Shi t..1,.. 'ill '" ~I 'Ill:! \\'h1·1 11 c 11111tnbult·cf nt .. 11 h S-l 111 lit hi' 11\\.ll c.1mp,11j.!11 \\ 11i1 ulht 1 d c•11Jt111n~ u.1m111g ft 0 1n H11ll\ rt B urkl· a hu,..nt·:-..-..m.H1 111 01.1111-11 l\lllh , .. ·I GJ1t·\ . .in .1tt1111w'lo 111 NI'\\ pnr I & .11 h . ;111d .1;11111•-.. t'.111ln1l'I. ,1 I 1.tft.,m;111 111 l ...... ,.. 1\)1 ..... , \\'111 I'll ( h ........ ,,. Ill '!I ill \' ;1 11 i\ k ,. II ... $ I ti .I II 1·11ntnhu111111' 1111 lud1·" $1i'>ll 111.111 ht m.u li 111 h1, 1,1mp:11'411 ,111d d1111.d 11111... I ro111 J'.1n I H' t'' ·d1 ·t. d S.1,·1ng" 111..:. Ln.on .11111 li1 .111d P1" P1 •1 IDrnw11u· 111 C11:-.ta :\11•,,1 I(, h.1, 'Pt 111 $1 .ll'.! I Loudermilk loses high court appeal A l 11rn11 1 Or.111g1 l'1111111' :-;1,..1111 · ... D1•p.1rtmt·11t 1!. IH"' 1 011\ 1t·11·d .1 ~ 1·ar <1gn 111 t lt1· .ihdul'ttnn$ 11f t wn wnmt•n mu<>t 1,..J.!111 "'rv1ng h1o; on<., 1•;'1r ; 11Ulll\ J.iil '' a1t•nu· n11w 1h,1t th• (';tlll111111.1 :-;uµnm1· ('nurt h.i.. wrn• ti dim n ht" ·•Pl~ .ii rt'l.jUt·o;l :\ 'fll>k1•<,m.m f•1r th1· -,tali• high tlllll I .... 11d l'11st.1 M1 s.1 n •stdl•ll\ (;1·01J,!1 L11udt·1m1lk':.. p...i1111111 {(II .1 lw.1r111g 1111 h1" I !lH I t'tll1\'ll·l111n \\d' lllrtll'd dO\\ 11 l.i'I \\('(•k l.1111d1 1111tlh.. I 11' 1111 ix11I while ,1\\ .0 111 11~ tlt1• 11ut1rn1n• o f has .1ppt·.1I. ""' l11tind guilty by an Or11ngl· l'11unl\ Supt..•n111 Court l'tr\ 111 lw11 t·nu111-, or kidnapping a11d 0111• 1·nu111 u l lt•lon:v falsl" 1mpn~11111111 nt 8attering syndrome seen in Poland It w :1., all1•g1•d durin g his tr1;il th a 1 L 11ud1· t mt I k 111 ega1 1 :v dPt:111wd 1hn·1· lt'malf' mol11r'll>l.5 whtlt• 1111 patrol. 111 orw m stanC'<' taking u M1ssum V1t•Jo woman lo .1 <;<'<:ludl•d ln·1m· 101.:al ton whrrc• lw ~;ml th1· pno;i-1h1ltty t•x1slc<l ~h1· l'ould lw r,1µc•d or murdt•n•d Loudc>rmtlk l'ia11nt'<I lw "'a!oo only JOktng Professor says nation's treatment throughout hi tory imilar By GLENN SCOTT Of the Delly Pilot St•lf UC lrv anl' JX'd1atr1t' prnft'""<Jr K f•nn <•th Dum<i r s. \\ h11 h a~ vistt<'d P oland 1hn•1• 11m1•s un r l'Sl'a n ·h ·o r tt·n t('d lrt p s s tn<'t• 1978. say<; hl· r<'('Ognt7l"' ... om! or the symptom-, thl' «ountrv ~uffc•rs He o ftl'n hr1,!, lfl•;'lt<'<I battert'tl ch1ldn·n and l'Vl'n ~pciusei.. hl• s a 1 d I n P o I <111 d . h l' s l' <.· ~ n ba tlf• rC'<.l ntt l H Ill 8cc-aU'iC' of IL' C't•nlral ~Uroµ<•an location . P ola nd h as comm1111Jy bc-t•n ruh-d by for<.'t' during tht• la11t I .000 y<·ur-; h y ncighbori. from .111 111d1 -s. h e• :wid ThuNKloy duranjt a Unlwrsaly C lub Corum on th<• U<.:1 l·11mµu11. Th e• pr o du ct o C th at dominom"'• h« said. is 11lmi1er to wh91 ''(1tl happ<'n LO a per"m Thc-{•o umry hllB grown 1tubborn and willful hut dt>pendent. Dumars 11t1ld h e f1nd1 ttw lnt<'nsc s pirit to rN•ln Polish values a cornersto n e c.t Ill p <'op I 1•'" 11vc11 h ood Th ~ ' S 11I 1d.1r1 t v mo v t' ml' n t . h 1· 1·xpla11wd, was an t•Xlt•ns111n of tlt.11 lt't•l1n~ wh1eh wa' puslw<.I l)(•luw thl'. urfau• by ~ovl'rnmc•nt .KL" to brt·iJk 1l down Hut o f l'qual t'Ull('t•rn tu htm 1s the• dt'JWndC'm·~· of l he• PolM on 1 lw l)um.11 ..,· \'1s1 Is .iri prot1'l'h'<J l 111m lht• 1n11 •1nal p11l111<·~d .11 \t\'tt11-s in llw 1••1untrv Dum.1r~ s .1111 1 h<1n~1·s an tht• t11unt1 \' lr11m th1·tt f1rq lo la~t \'1~1s .in· n mark.1bh· In I !>7H. lw .... 11d . W.ir~aW WJS ,1 \'thr.1111 , The produc t of tha t dominan<'e is simila r to what can happen to n p •rson: The rountry ha~ grown stubborn and willful but cJ e p endt•nt. OUllllU{• n alton 'I, CSfll'l'Wlly tn l'*wnet· und lt'l.·hnoloKy Dumars and ht)I w1ft•. Gnyll'. i.p1•111 about two summt1r month ,. tn Warsaw m 197tt. 1Y80 a nd I II U I l o h c.• I p l's l a h I I r.. h n l11borutory program for the Notional ll"IJUltUt<' o f Mother ond C hilJ's pr<•· natal dlugnn, 111 .!k•rvlc.•c Th(.• progrnm 111 Joi n tl y odmin lstt•r('d by th~ Un llcd Sl11tt~ and Poland using fund.I IC>ft In that l'Ountry aa po.rt of hs paym nt Cor U.S . wht"at. Thus. ' afllu1•nt 1 llv with s tnr1•s Wl'll - !lt111·k1"I .md ;1 p1.'t1plt· with a ll .1hh· s pit 11;-. ll v 1h1• sun11111•r o f !!IH I . how01•\'t•r. lw ~11d tlw t·•>nd1111111~ hacl dwni.tc'<f St1ir1•s Wt'rl' (•m pty, pl•11pl1.• 11t•••rnt•t.I lo b1• l't1dlt•i1sly stondtn~ In lines Mor<' un1torm1.'<i 11rfi1·1·1·11 w11Jk(•d th<' lltn •1.•ls 11nd th<' thr1•ut o f 11urvl'lllunrt• c'Ou ld t111n11form on 11therwh11• 1wlr nrnftdt•nl l)tclh'!L"lonol 111111 nn l'IJ<ltnttod und h •orful pt.•n;on. h<' !Wld In tlb cJ••pr<'tM-d ('(.'Onomw 'lHh'. .. • to abu ed c hild P11l.111d 1·11uhl n111 1w1llh11·1• 111·1·d1·d l\•t h1111,d l'tjlllfllllt Ill. h1 -...11d /\nd Ill '< .111..,t• ol .111 u111•r l.11 k u l \\I''\( 111 I U I I t'lll \, ilj.!l'lll'll'' t·ould11'1 ,1fl11rd 1·v1·n tlw 11hhu11' t11 k1·1'p '"Jlh .... 111.1t1'tl 1·111npu1t·1 prmt1•r.. n11111111~ M1·.1 nwhtl1 tll\• h.1111•11•d i.v ndro n 11• 1·011lt1Ht1•d 1'1111·' j.t1·11 t•1.dlv \\11n't t1ad" f 111 1•qu1pnwn1 I r1m1 1-:.1~t c:ern111n~ ht't'otll'><' t lwv d1sl1k1· 11nd d1:0.tru11t tht•m , hi' ,,,,;cl 1>111nar!I po11HPcl o ut thul mno;I l'n ll':o. h1· kn•· v d 1Jn'1 hold 1 I I u ~ 1 11 n " 1 h 11 t t h t• y c o .s I d 1 r:ini;t11rm 1lw11 11vi.\r•m lh1 uugh tlw Sol11la1•1t v mnv1•1Tll'tll Into 11 t'.tp1t.1lti.lk •lilt' ln flll'I, hr-pu11d, lhrv nf'V1•r 111tt'ruh•tl ltl .. ·riwx w1·1 t• fully in );upprn t of llwtr ~11\'11111"1 tnn -;titutlun." ht• t•xpla11wd "Th1•y only w111h1•d tht'ir ~lwt•rnnwnt would ndh1•11• to tb t•o n st1tutl1111 " B ll 1 1 h " Jl o v t• r 11 111 ,. n t t'rtll'kdow ns movrd Liil' ~y ll'm into th1• opp!r.ltll• cJ1N'( uon ;·lf"I lSee POLAND. Pal• A!) • (;eorge Loudermilk Dl•p111y ))1.;tra t J\1101111.':v Wilham &•cbworlh sa1J f'ndny that ht' nfftu• 1~ ~llll awaiting offt< i.11 word from thr Supr<'mC' C11url th.II 11 ha!> rt'Jl'l'lC'd the .1ppt'.tf rl'<.JUl''I Onu· that n u11c·l· '' ri•n•1\'C'd , Ikd<>worlh ~ml. a l'OUl'I lll'artnft IStt APPEAL. Page A2 I ----INDEX---- SpN~d up. low down. Our modern lif C' t yle · never ·et'm lo run nt thf' ri~ht ~p .... d. See Page 08. C luss1f1<'d Cunlll'~ Comml•nl Cros..11word O..•o I h Not i<'c·~ Enu•r1:11nnwn1 M ov1Ni <: 1-() C2 B8 C2 c:~ BI0· 11 B IO·ll ·. 1'ul 1J1t N11t11·1·!"0 Rt·ll~ 11111 Spor'I" TPlt•v1~1011 Th<'nll•r!il Wt•111ht•r Youth B4 ·5. C3 8 7 Bl-6 812 BIO· II A3 B9 - \I Orange C OHI DAILY PILOT /Saturday, Otlob•r 23. Ull:n ~------------.-,..--------------------~=-=== ~' ''' Continued stories NEWPORT RACES • • • tlw W e•st Nt•\\ port Lc>~1i.la11v1• Alh,111t'l' hu'\ 1111l1'('\l'<I i.li~htly nwn• thun $7.tltltl Thi· ~111111-J'" 111rt(t'St l'Ont n lnlltoll ha:. 1·111n1· I r om M 11 k l.tr Su I o 111 a . u n 1•ng1m'<'r wh11 hvt·:. in Pusm.h·nu Grant, tlw l.1rMt'Sl s1:it·ndl•r. h.1i1 lm111t-d mlln· th.111 $21!.0tlO tu h1i. own 1·umpaiw1 F.:irly 111 tlw l':tt'\' tw s pt•nt $4,000 nn .1 ~111h's.-.1t11h•I 1..·1tyw1dt' poll l1 1•a t h1·r ha1> a1·\·t-pl1·d l'Ontr1butio n s fl'o m t•ou11ty Sup e r visor H a r ric1 t Wi<'d1·r. Fluor Corp .• Nl•wpor t Bc:a1:h Fm• 1"1ght ers Assoc:1ation, former newepaper publith('r H erb S utto n , and (rvinP Comp any board co-<-ha1rmun Don B n:>n S trauss. who has ra1M'<i $14.- 593, h as rece1vell mont!y from Pacif ic Mutuu l Life Ins u rance and George Argyros. part -owm•r of A1rCal u nd th1..· S eattli· Marine rs bascb;.all franchise'. Loats, who has ae-ceptt'Ci $10.- 7 10 in contributions. has t'\'l't'iwd money from Robt.'rt C lifford. the president of A1rCal. In Corona dl•I M ar, llll'Umbt•nt Paul Hummel h a" raisl•d $8.BYU and h is challcngl'r. 8111 Age<>. has raised $10. 112. AgC'<' ha!> aC'C"<'plt'<I money from Pac:1fo: Mutua l. Thi· l1•t11ct t•)( )ll'lll>I V•· I ih'I• .1pJ>t'<lf' t11 l11.• ht•lWt • 11 11\l lllllht•lll ~.V t lVll ll .1 1 I .111ol h1·t I\\ 11 1h.ilh·11~1·ri. 11 •• 11 1111:-l11ll1·1 11·t1 $ Ii . I :1 0 w h I l ' Ii I ll c I u d I ' M 1 o 1111 I b U l 111 n i-. I r u Ill p UC Ir It' Mutuu l . 11t\ l1 lun 111 ng C11mm1l>:.1or1t•1 P.1ul Bnlul11., llurl1<1r M un1l'1pt1l Court Jud~•· HC1l14·r t Polls. unll l>iarw Cox. th1• w1r1• 111 C 11um·il11wr\ John Cox C Edw.ird \\/11llr. who al11111-( with li<.•ck 1:-. l'lwll1·11g111~ ll:1rt, has rals1..-d $83 l Thl· pohticul m·t1un .H'm .,1 th1· Nl•wpurt Harbur A rea Ch,1111bt•t or Comme rce h as (•ullrt·tt'<l $:i.~75 inl'luding a s~oo nmtributio n from dl'Vtlopt.•r Bar111111g Tht• <'hamlwr"s 1Joht11.d group has 1>pc•nt m ud1 ul it:, 111u111•v with •in a t.lverllsing firm co uwrwd hy Coum·1lmun Cox, who 1:-n11l up for re cll>et1on Thl• Exct.·ut1\'l' l\1ur11 ii ti." SJJt'nt $9,ti\J:L 111ud1 o l 11 n11 m •wi.papt.•r advt·rt1s1ng 111 s upport of lh·ath<'t , ll art. L u.it.... :ind Ag1-t.· Doc.·umC'nts filt'<I ti:-· llw ~· ollJJ. madl' up of bus11wss l1•adl'r.., tn11n NC'wporl 8<"111·h ,ind 11 \'t111 -. d11 not show wh<·n· th<· rn11111 •\ h.1:- l'ome from. BENTLEY BROUHAHA • • • l'ant·ell'd his $500 cht-'<'k later that day. "F o r $6,100 th(• g uy w as a fool." Verdult said "I m ean that was quite a car For the• k rnd ut morwv hi' bid vou'd bt• lul'k\ t o get tht.• grillC' and llrt':> .. . Vt•rdult sa11.J the· l'ar "had Bentley wnttc·n all ov<·r u" but agrees the a utc.,mobllt• may not have been a Btmtlev. a t least not a 100 percent Bentley. "It was a Princess Thait's what it was and that's w hat we• said It was." Ve rdult darmro he sold the c<ir several davs later to a n othPr customer who "was p re tty damn glad to be g<'ttrng 11." A spok t'Sman from tht• Briggs· C u n n 1 n g h J m A u t om o t 1 v 1• J\l uscum ·in Costa Mesa rc>porwcl th a t Bt:>nllcy. now ownt:>d by R o lls-R oyce. nPVt·r made• a P r 1 n c es s m o d c· 1 a n d t h a t Vandenplas I!'> a body designer. not a car maker ao..r nnaher of ~ C.-V.r Rolli~oyce In Newport Beach . said the same thing. "Th1•re wa:-a Pnm·p:.., but It w<Jsn 't mad1· by Bt·ntlc•y . I bl'liev1· 1t Wa!'> m<.id~· by A s ton Marlin." cxplam:. F'k·tt h1·1 "Now Van dl•nplas, a:-I 1 t'\·oll, Lltc..l dl's1gn bod11•-. fur &·ntlcy but c'C·rwinlv not as lah.· as l!ltil" FINdwr said rl ,.., nut unu:.u.tl for othl·r l.:1 rgl' ~:ngll:-h 1·ar-. lo tw nggt>d up to 100!1 llkt· Bt•ntlt•y:-or R o lls' \'C'rdult, thoui.th. 1lt-r111·d that thi... •~ tht.• c·a...c• .ind h..i-. filt'<I ,, smull da1ms :.u1t again:-.t S..insmn. uskin g the N t•wport man f or $1.500 VC'rd ult savs he· lcist u thc·r pot<'ntra l b1rfclt·~·., h1•1,1u .... · nl San:-am "Nobodv." :-<ml \11·rdult, .. ..,It, 111 m' .;ud11·nc·t· l11d ' 1>11 i.om1·thm,I( .md tht•n "JJk.., ·'"""' fr11m It Nolx1c.h · · But Sans<t m ,,11d h1· ha!> " s imple• expl <1n,it11111 fC11 h1.., Jl 1101\:1 "( wJnt.l'Ci a &.·ntlc•\ I l>1d 11n ,, Bc•ntky and I c~1me · J\\ a~ with 909n•t~lftl!r" tha t l d on't. know w h al it wru;, but ii 1>Urt' wa~n't a Bcm1ley" POLAND OBSERVATIONS no lon ger stx:1alis11c." h e said "It's t otalitarian It's J llu.:t.at.orship " Hl· said he dUC'Sn't l'XJX'C't this latest 1mpos1t1o n to chang~ the· P o les' persistent'\.' although 11 hai. causc•d nationall~ttc foellngs tu nurture awav from th<' watchful t•yes o f Commun1.;t Party membt,rs and thc•se who carry thl' gun~ and t •>rllrC1! llw \\,1h·r < iHH1011.' "Tht•v n·ul)\ ,1n· an .1bu:-.•·d nJllOll ·,ind \'f)U ( .111 d cl\.Utnl.:nt that .1husc· from ~1111 AU to th1 pn·-.l·nt." hl• -...i11l "But l'V1·n though that'1> h.1ppt'nl'll. 1h1·) 1>llll J>(•r'if.•\'t..•n• ..ii. c1 l·ultun· and "' .1 nat11111 " "V / --'~ ... , .. (;oocl"' ill worker~ Robin Pheglt•y, lt•fa . u1ul :\lario :\-1artim·z na ovt' t'otu·la iu fronl of junkpil<· at Sunla Ann (;oodwill fiu·ilil y. l>ist•u rded l'urnitun· tha t is beyond rt•puir i~ l a kt•n to lhl' e.·oun ty dump. Goodwill a nd otht•r charilit·~ frar ru·w dump ft•e:-. will brt•uk alu·ir bud~t'ls. Reagan sees 'milestone' Plt•ast•d b y talks with Arab lt•udt•rs on·r ll lideast W :\ S II I N l ; 'I'() N I 1\ P I 1'11· .... dt 111 H1·.1g.111. d1'l ),111ng hi-. 11wt'l111g \\1th t\1,1b lt·.1d1·1:-. ";in 1111p111 ta111 lllill'..,to111•" alon g th1 · 10.111 111 l\l1ddll' ~;;t:-.1 I'"-'"' 1·. :-aul F11el.1\ llt.11 tw l1t1pc · ... 111·g11t1.1l11111:-. 1.111 1t•..,t11111• "'"'n 1111 lht• lu1lar1· ut lht· P .o11,t1111:i11 pt•oph· Bur lw 111d11·.it••d 1h1·1t · w;1:-. 1111 I h .11lj.(( Ill tlw 1\1.ilJ~' rt•IU:-.1) ltt tl1·.il \\ nh b1 .11·l "' 1l:-... 1.1nd th.11 tht · l'.1l .. -.t1111 l.1li1·1.11111n < frg.11111;1l1t1n \\ ..... th1· .. ,olt• and J.·g1l1111,1l1 It p11·-.t ·11l.ill\I ol lht• l'.11\·,11111.111 1)1•(1plt ·Thi 11· w;i-. 11t1 rwgnll.tlllllo( ;it .di." tltt• p1t">td1·11l '-did lalt•r at ,1 11·1 1·p11011 1111 ,, g1oup of 1.11 ... 1111 ..,..,, .. , 11 Thi-. \\ ,,.., .1 11111..,ult.1111111 t•1 pl.111 111 l1nJ 11u1 how .. wo ntuvo torwAr d from twn• 111• .111d1·d. ·-.111 111 ;ill. rt "·" a11 ,.,, 1·111 nl 1111 .. 1111g b r1 l' f t d rt· fl II I II• I :-> \\ I I Ii I h t U1llh·r..,t.111dmg h..., 11.11111 \\ nultl llOt ht· d1">l )l'l'.l•d Kini.t ll;,1),..-.;;11 111 M .. 1 .. <111 111 " t.1r1·Wl'll !>l4tll'n1t·11t 1·;ill1,1 1111 ,, ..,d tlt•n w11t ba:.< ·d w 1 . J >\ell • c11 l'\.ll>ll'nt'I ,llld M'\. IJI It\ tit 111;1111 n o dirt'\ t rl'ft'rt•nt·•· l11 1 ... 1 .11 I. .11111 .. aid 1l wa:-hi-. 111 ·1 ~1111.il lwlil'l that an ;1gn·l·rn1·11l ... ti .. ulil ht haS<'<l un U N St'( w II\ ( '11w11 ii r<•solut11111., :!-!:.! :111d .1:11\ Adoplt•d II\ I \lti7 .111d : 'I, .I I h1 n •solu1111n' 1111pl111tl\ 1•111g1111• lsrat'I ... 11gh1 111 1 "'' .11111 1.111 1 .. 1 Arrest made in U • l•v1u1• 1-)ulH, .... , u lle -.-u •~ f'nd.1v .11 ,,.,14 .d ,, S.1111 .. 1\11,1 111.111 011 ... u ... p11 11111 111 t .11i-.111g .1 -.i·1 ... ., 111 bum h I h 11 •• t h d 111 1 I 1 d .11 I I 1t Unl\'t'r'I\\ ·., llll tl11 • .J t 1'1111 I Ill Or.ing1 during lh1• µ ..... t llttt·t· m1mth:- ,Jo:-q1h Fr .1111 I'>< 0 S<:h1111pf. :!-I '',,.., l111ok1•d 1llt11 Or;ing1· <.'11unt~ J.ill 1111 .,U.,Pll lt1t\ of m.1klll~ homlJ " p1·;1n·ful st-lll<·nil•nt 111 thi· 1 t g 1 11 n 8 u t l ht• y ma k 1 • 11 o 11 •l1·11·11ll' t o a P all'st 1n1<111 lt111m·l.111d. wh1d1 tht• Ar<ih1> hav1· ll I j..(t'd Tlw ,1dn11ni:.lr<illu n '><lid that If thl r\1.11>., "<inti'<I u M1ddlt· E.ai.1 1>1.·an· 1hl'Y would havl· to agr<.,. 111 1wgot1<Jlt· d1rt'\·tly with lsr:.it·I. E\'1·n tlwugh 11.,.,.,,111 -.11 .. ·1 1·d I lt-.11 111 Jll" 'oUl Ii Jll 111111-,.• 1111 l' S 1111111 • .t \\h•• hr1l•l1•d l"Jll•l 11·1'.., ..,,11d 1)11 k111j..(.., U'-4' ut •II•· \\111d "111·1'1'1' 111• .. w.1-. • ,11 n11 1.1g111g threats lh ••••o ••• p••••••••-•" ••t ..,.11 •'"'''"I\ 1· dt·\ 11·1·. ·" """ ,end 1 \.1111111111 l'(.'I ... pok(·:-rn;111 :-.;11d l rl\ 1 ... 11g.i111r ........ rd th1•\ l11u11d h11111h lr.1gnwnl.\. in an ;dlt•\ rw.11 l h l :-, U ., p (' l ( . S h 11 Ill I' I fl ... u1> ... 1.1nl1.1tt• hrs claim thJI 111 h.1d 1 •xplodlod a bomb thl'rl' I>. 1.111-. 11( tht· arrt-st "• t t ' 11111 111111wd1.:1wly a v;11l;1blc• . • iii Delly Piiot Photo b' Oery Ambrooe DUMP • • • From Page A1 -.up'i \I""'' lit ,,11d Ilic tl•Ulll \ ""' 11 .. t """' t•i Iii unS.111 I•• .. q •.1111/,dlHll \\hit h h1 Ip tl\t I llllllilll llll\ hut ,d ... 11 d11t'~ 1111( """' '" fH 11;il111 111h1 ·r du111p II 1 I l1\ lllo1kll1J.! lht Ill p ,J\ t•\11.i 111 .11l1'1d 11· ' ,, 111pl1•111' l I·· ...... d .• c lllllfll111111 .... 111.1:-Ii• 111 .1 pf.111 \\ht r1 I ht· 1·h ;1rilll.., ·•J.!111 ••• 1111111 1l11-.1h ,., .• 1111111 d1111,1llHll ... fH 11111 ,H it flllllJ.! tlit 111 ~I J fH I\'''''' 111.a\ ~l t •• 111 111111110 11.f.t11"11 1111111 !he (;SA ,,, •.111' ,,., li•\.I \\•l'k 1111 i •llt..,1d1 t.t\11•11 tl \lp II ="' "' Ill• I llllf,; Hl1<1.1d .11.t APPEAL • • • From Page A 1 \\ill II• '4 1l••1 .. lod. ·" \\llllh 111111 i lio 1 .. 11111 1 di 1,111\ wdl ... u 11 • 11d1 1 111111-• II ••• '"I Ill 'I\ llll! 11 ... .-• II l' f U t Et I 1ir I .., 1 11 1 1 .01 Ii d t t "n -.<· :111111111 ·' Kt 1111 l\J1111 1t11 ""'' llll..,ll•••....,lul F11d.1\ • .tto 1111"111 L .. ud11111ilh. "h" t..1d h1111 tr 1 1 dw 1111..! 111.., 1111..!hh puhli1111 d 111.d \\,,... l.ih.t·11111l11 c11,l1KI\' .ilt1·r 111' 11111\ 11111111 111 .111111 !'IHI. wh1•11 l'lll ••I I h1 \It 11111' 1 l.111111·d ,IJ, It" I\ t d .1 th1 t 111 lllllL! f1h 1111• l .ii I 1\ "111111 US 1111111,il ..... 1d .dll·r th1· 111111 lt11l11 Wh111· lloli-w "''"lflll llt,11 whd1 !ht It I" ,1 "'11'1 nl lll g 1•111 \ ... 11111111g th•· A r ,, li.., 1 11 cl 1· ,, I " r t h t h ,. 1'.11!· ... 11111.111 p1 nlilt •n1. 1!11 ' ,,, c n11t y('( pc 1·p.t11 ·d 1•1 puhl11 h ,11 n ·pt l .. c .11 I ' 11gh1 111 ,.,..,, .i nd Ill g1111.111 \\1th tilt' J1•\\ .... ti ... t.111• I d1111'1 th111k th1•\ h.J\1· \t·l 11 .. 11 l11 ·d tht· po111t "h1·r1· lh•·\ ,1n· J!'> t•\.µli1 II a ... \\'V bc·lit•\'C• tht·~ 1>l111uld II\ · --.ud tht· off11 1<1l. "ho 'Very good leads' under study in pelican mutilation probe More high clouds lnv1·:.t1gators 'till an· pursuing st·vC'r.t I "vt·r~ ~ood l1-.1d<;" but madt· nu arrest~ b\' l,1t1· Fr11J.i v in tht' mutil<Jtt11n of .11 lt•ast' 10 pt•licani. 111 Dana Prnnt llj rbor L ..i gun :t Ni gut.• I Th t' I II th 111ut1latt>d bird d1ro Th<' upJ>"I beak!> of tht• bird ... h.1d bt·c•n sawed o r ha<'kl'd off, makin g them unable to fl•t•ll themSt•lves. o l 1111' 1>11 d 1·nu Id l1l· puni .. h··d "11h :1 I 1111 11f up 111 SI tllltl .111d .1 \(.II 111 , .. 11 i1 l lOrd1ng Ill .1 l>qJurt1111·111 t1f F1..,h .ind l;.inw ... J>ll k I'!'. Ill ;i II l 'o n .'41 n I Ou1., wattK& Po1nr Conct'1)11on lo San C~le lslano n0<1nwesc winds fl 10 12 knots wtlh I 10 2 1001 wind wives end 2 ro 3 1001 weslefly s-11 through n1gnc OVet inner we1ers hghl and vattable wind• nigrit and mo•n1ng noura bee<>mlng JOUlhwntet'Y a 10 16 mph with 1 to 2 fool w1nd .. ..,.. afternoon Two loot weaL 10 southwtll awell V1rleble clOudlnna through night Petehy log or tow ctouda late n1glll southef'n e>0<1lona V .S. sun1mary Retn a pread ac:rost Ille Nor111we11. while the na11on·a mldeecllon enjoyed clear crisp -lhef Friday Showtra ret clled lr om Ille northern Ptclllc coast 10 norlllwtatern Montena, and cloud• and 1c1ll•••d r11nlall strtli:htd from oenlral Cat1lorn11 t o nor t ller n Utah end soutlleNtem ld1ho. Thef'e _.. clood• ()¥91' ,,,. Aodoet. Ille High Pt11ns. 1nd acrou Southern C1lllorn11 ind Ille Soutllern Plll .. u. F1rtller ee11. It wu sunny acron muell of Ille Pl1ln1 end llOr'V ,,.,. Mllall9ippl end 1o- 0No va1ay11. but Cloud• li"91'ecl In C*llrel end Ntl .. n Tt)fu end Ille 90ulh8HI. wllll 1•olll•d .,_.. In Ille FIOl'ldl penlnMJll. Cloud• 1110 dolle d 1111 "°'1M111t Mellon of Ille 1'18tlon. TM lorecest for loday celled tor en-1 In Florlde end 11onQ Ille Soultl Cerollna COHI. end lrom tlle P1clllc NorH1w111 111ro11011 Ille Gre11 8111n Ind Nortlllt'n PlllNU Pftrtly cloudy llllle _..predicted In Arizone Momlnl tnd Noflll 0111011, wllll tllfltlfline .. NWMt. Cali/om la aou111ern ce111orn11 •>II contlnut 10 111" v1r11~ ,... 010110 l lttle 11mp1 r1111rt Cflenge Or1n9• County cen HPICI lllQll• from 1111 low 701 11 1111 ~ to mid IOI In!~ lOM st toll. ~ ............ 11 • ._. lllOfl• "' ...... ICIW9 ,,., to ~ C8r1 lllplCI l'llgllt In _. IOt to 10W 70I lOWt In 40. Norlfletn °""' llWll 75 to ea. •-• 111 I01 toutliern e111ert 11i1111NtoN .... ln001 •11ower1 d l,,.1n11111no tn Hottfllfn Ind Ceftttll Clllfot'llll Moslly cloudy Sunday wllh Chane. ot snoweu •n no•tnwesr Con11nutd mild Extended weather ~.N)n.aJ ""•'"~ ~--1( t" Monday·Wednesday Patchy lete n1911c and early morning low clouds o• roo neer the coast Och9fwtw 1e11 Wlth vanao1e high clouds In i:oas111 areas h1g1v ranging trom row 701 at lhe beac:lleS to upper 801 If\ 1ntano valleyt L-mostly 1n sos end ~ 60s Mountain n1g111 '' co 74 Lows 38 10 SO ..O•• us 0.0• "' c.,,..,,. .. , .. ·Temperatures Fronts: COid .. Warm _.. Hel11na 71 31 NATION Alb¥iy 46 34 Albuquet'Q.,. 72 •2 AmlrtllO 67 31 Anchorage 29 21 Alhev1tle &l 40 Allen II 65 •• Allen!~ City 53 32 Austin 68 5;: e1111more 5• 33 81Hlng1 10 43 8'rmlngll1m 66 44 Blsm1tcll 12 28 Boise 73 !>fl Boston 47 41 Brown a viii! 93 6a Butta10 43 3fl Burlington 42 39 Cesper es 3'4 Chenttlon. S C 87 65 Charletton. W V 5-4 37 ChlrlOll•. N C 5t 49 Clleyenne 94 32 ClllelgO ... 22 C.nolnnl ll S4 " Cle¥ei•nd •• 40 Co111mb11. SC ST SS Columbus SI 211 01lles·FI WO<lh 6 1 •9 Oayton 411 3S Denver 61 32 Des Moonee sr 30 0..roll 44 3• °"'6th 47 26 er Puo 79 45 ftl•benkt 18 11 f1r90 58 31 Ft-ci1t .. " 27 °'"' Falll 89 50 Hattlord •• 33 HonOl\Jlu 85 73 HOUSIOf' 70 55 lndt1nepo!IS 52 27 JllCkton.Ml!>I 69 53 J at;k tonvOle 82 60 Juneau 42 38 Kanasat City 55 29 KnO•Vllf4I sa •1 LH VIQlll 80 53 Little Rock 61 37 LOUISV1lle 53 32 Lubbock 67 35 Memph" 60 38 Miami &• 78 M1twaukee •6 28 Mpls-St Paul 56 'J7 Nas11v111e !'10 30 New Orteent 69 68 New Y()(lo. 5• 43 Norfolk 56 so Norri! Ptalle 70 29 Oklahoma Cur 67 •1 Oma11e 59 35 Qflando 85 6• Pt>llao.tph1e 51 38 Pllo4tn11 92 61 P1ltsourg11 •• 37 P0t1l1nd.Me •& 30 Ponrend.°'• fl6 so Provlden<it S2 38 R::r 60 47 R City 64 30 Reno 68 ~ RICllmond 58 40 SAIC Lake 68 40 San An1on10 68 541 81•111• ee S1 Sro1e:1:;' 83 so SIO\Ja 1Ha ~ 32 SI LOUii 52-29 IURf llPDRT lwt hrt ... .... .... ..... ...... ... ... '"" ... ... Ott lum• I 3 13 2 2 aw Senti Mona • 3 13 2 a •w ~ • ' 13 2 2 saw ..,, :.. CounLa 2 , 13 2 2 aw tor ,,., uttle ChtnOe • • ~ St Pe1e-Tampo 83 St Ste Ma11t' 44 Spo~an11 61 Syracuse •2 lopeka 60 Tuc,on 87 lul,3 6S Wasn•nglon Sii W1,h•lll 6~ CAl.,ORNIA App1e Valley 79 Bakerst1eld 87 Baralow 89 Beaumonl 86 Big Bear 67 0111\()p 711 Blytn., 119 Cau1Hna 711 Culver C11y 82 Eure~a 7• Fresno &4 Lani:astltf 63 Lono S..ac11 87 LOI An~eles 87 Monrov a 91 Montebello 86 Monterey 7• Ml Wilton 72 Nee<llft 88 Nt!WP<>fl Beach 76 Ookl&nd 7& Onleno 89 Palm SPflnO• 90 Peto Robin IS Riverside 88 Roa B1u11 71 RedwooCI Clly 12 SaCf11men10 7S Sellnu 81 S•n 8einard1no 92 San G1bri.r 89 Sell 01190 •• Sen Franc;IKO 76 San JoM 70 Senti Anti 87 S•ntt II•• bera 86 Sanll Ctul 77 S1n11 M1111 84 StocktOll 70 Tell09 V•Hty flt l"'-mll 90 T0trenc1 85 Yuma 111 CANADA C•1011y 88 loinon1on Sii M011trt1I 44 ~ ' 6e 30 44 36 25 !'2 33 •O 30 52 65 63 51 38 46 54 55 59 81 63 62 eo 66 66 54 58 69 58 69 62 S7 61 68 SS 81 89 51 ~ &4 50 " 63 63 so SS eo 65 eo 41 " 59 83 G1 34 34 Om· uf thl' lllJUrt'{I Cahforrna bruwn 1>4 'lll',in.., " lx•1ng 1.111-d for at St'.1 \ oriel in S.111 Dll'go whtil' 1·1~h1 n111r1• :1r1· .11 tht· Crown Valli•\' An1m;il IJ 1J.;p1tal 1n The Cahfornra bruwn pt•lu·.111 '' hstecl a!> endangc·n'<l h~ hmh slate a n d fl><lt'ral governnwnt.., U nde r state law. the mut1lat111r1 111· .,.ml ll·1h·r.1l 1w::1wlt1t•.., rnuld 1>1 mu1 h ,11111·1 .md th.11 1111 lilt\\ lt'lltill Ill .1 l'I\ ii !>Ult lllUld r1·-.ult 111 ·• S:!ll.111111 I 1111· 11n ''•" h 1'11Ulll 7-K . •UT DlllVEll SET \WW:~~i2sa WllE•OH SET • Op.n/lo•.-.d Standard Lifetime Gvoran'" Reg. $40 '5 IEI 111118111 .t.tl bollbeot"'O w'*i l'I H , Hf A VY OUTV flVordt wllfl o• ..,._., R19. S 119 ' NOW '29 INocl & Decli• 1" llllU/PIUSID r:;:;;54. OIC\AAI llADf • 7•.7 14 • Reg.$17.95 ~~~°'P s49s '°"9<• ,_ be •"'""'~...d ~ Q _F 1-H.P. AIR COMP. 2 CYL {) $259°0 MAKITA -4" 1111111 In .,s.wi,,.;::.·~k'"9 s9900 ,.., & °'"'""'9 Wheel 119. Sl 19 NOW TOP AND eonoM I ~WAY TOOLOMIST ~. i._ ci.." Oftd 3 drowe• r...._, .... =:":n. '159 NATION Used car rule veto rejected by court WASlllN(;'J'ON lAl') A fodl•I al uµpt•lll!> l'OUI t F111l<1y "lrUl'k down l'•mgrl·:..-.' Vl•ln 11f t h l' ~· t• d <' r .1 I T r a d •· t:omrmss10n'i1 W«'d t·;1r rul1•, KI v 111 g n 1• w I 1I1• to th 1• rcqu1rc>m1•1H tht1t v1·h1l'11• U (' r l' (' l S bl' d I I> d II' l ' d I II l'UStOmt'rs Dt'i.p1t1.• 1 lw rul1n~. F'l'l' otlu:iab l>a1d tin· chi.l'lu)>un· rl'l(U l11I1un l 1 k1·I y wou Id 11 '11111111 Ill 111111>11 1111ttl t ht• Sup11•1111• l'm11 t 1ult•i. WI tlw l1•J.(1il11v 111 llH· 'o 1 ul11•d lt•j(1i.(,1lt Vt• V1'l1> Tli1· II o n1l111~ by tht• lJ S l ' I• u I t II I /\ p fJ I ' ,1 I ' I II w ,,,hlll.l(t•>ll w;i, tlw th11d ·lf>Jh'll:ilt• I \1111 l d t•t'll>lllll :.111k111.,: down l '011,.:11•"' 11gh1 tu \'t•lu ,1 f1 •d1 ·1.1 I .1g1·1H"/ n ·gul.1111111 Print r esults awaited C HICAGO lnwsugators Uwaited th e r1.'SU(t i; or fingerprint annlys1s on n n ewly dtSl'OVt'rc•d lmttlt.• ul l'yanide -ta1nt.cd Tvll·nul on Friday whilt> st·c;k1ng tht· l'USLOm l'r who had rt.'lUl'lll'd II to a Ch1l·ago storL• Meanwhllr. J ohnson & Johnson. pan•nt l'<>mpany uf Tyll'nol's rnakt·r Jnnoum·l·d that the fc•dL·ral Food and D rug Admin1s trat1un hau l'Ondus1vt•ly dete1 in1111.J tlll' cyanidt• tvnt.ammat11m did 11u1 ot.'l'Ur at lht• t•ompany'i. plant:. St•Vl'll p<.'Opll' in lhl' Ch1t•<1go il !'I.. ii w I' rt' k ii It. cl b v t h I' t;1111tt'<I l'apsuk•s. · JoS(•ph ChtL·sa, pn•1>1d1·11l 111 Me Nell Con).11mer Pt mlut·11> C11 . -..11d tlw t·omp<1ny wai. "gr:it1f1t'd " that lht· "'l>A ', l111d11li., t't1nf1rm1·d 1t' nw11 111 v1 •,11g,1 t tt>n Money stoc k expands N E '(V Y 0 R K T h t· nation's basic mont•y supply rose $3 2 billion in thC' St.'l'Ond week of October, an increase well above Wall S treet's expectations. Analysts said the r ise reflectod unusual m ovements or money among d1 tlerent t1nanl'1al accounts At the :>ame time. the Federal Reserve Board did n ot reduce its dis('ount r..11• Friday. ,although ma n y crt'Cl1t spN·1altsts had cxpt><:tt'<i a <:ut Tht• ralt'. which appl1t's tu Fed l oan s to f1nanl't<tl 1nst1tut1ons. was l'Ul lo ~ 5 pcn·C'nl from JO pl'rl't•nl t>arlll'r tht)) month as markt•l tntl'rt•'t ratt•s tumblt-d I n l ht' c red 1 l mark t' t )). mtcrt-sl r<1lc-s re>St' and bond pnl'£'l> fl'll followmg thl· f\.J's rC'll•:t:o:.t• uf thC' monl'Y r1gun-s law Fndav Refugee bill signe d WA SHINGTON President Reagan s1gnc•d lcg1slat1on Friday to makt• 11 easier for Amerasian c·h1ldrt•n in Korea, V1Mno:im. Laos. Thailand and Cambodia to emigrate tu the Urnttod Swtt•s The c hildren mu:H lrnvt· American sponsors who will be legally and finam·1ally responsible for them for five years or until they reat·h 21 \'l'Jr' 1J f agl'. wh11 l11•v1•1 " inngt•r "A lot o f pt•vplt• want to <1dvpt Vl•r y young l'h tld n·11 . but fom1liC's ;mu gruupe-will bC' l'SPl'C'lally n(•Pdl'd tu s ponsor o ldt·r c htldrt.·n and young adults." said Oi;rnt· Rrm·kl•t t. an aldl· to Hl'p Stewa rt B McK1nn p y H-Conn . whu sponson'CI t hl' l<·R•sla 11on Right to die granted MLNEOLA. N.Y A sl.dte judge ruled Friday lhitl a hospital must remove a painfully 1U man from kidney dialysis and other treatment and allow him 10 d1C', as he had requested befort· lapsing into a coma. The man died shortly after the ruling. WORLD Tht' ruling came a weC'k after Pewr Cinque'. 41 , s1~ned a refu s al -of -treatment statemC'nt askmg Lydia Hall Hosp1t.al in Freeport on Long Island 10 ('nd his rc•gular d1alvs1o; In a dd1t1o n 10 h1 !> non- rum·uoning k1dncvs. C anqu1• 1s a long-term d1al>t.>l1t· Anti-Israel push off UNITED NATIONS - Arab nations dropped plans Friday to expel lsrael from the General Assembly. but they vowed lo try again next yea r 1£ Israel refuse s to withdraw from Lebanon or ignores what they call Palestinian rights In for mally announcing STATE postponl'rne nt of the' ous~l·r drive "unul another lime" thL· 21 -mcmbn bloc of nations which calls itself the Arab Group insisted it was heeding Arab mtt•rests and appeals from friends -not bowing to Secretary or Stat(' George P Shultz' threat or a US pullout. Burnett separates LOS ANGELFS -Actress Carol Burnett. who recently said h er daughter's drug pr oblem s were "driving a wedge into my marriage," has separated from her husband, televi s i o n producer Joe Hamilton. her publicist said Friday. No reason was g1v<'n for the st•paralion. said puhhct!lt Hick Ingersoll "Tht'y have just dC<'tdt'd on a tempo rary or trial separation ," lngcrsoll said He said the dedsion was made on Thursday Bradley Hy UOll(i WU.I.IS Auoolal•d P1Ho Wiii•• I.< lS AN<; 1': I. l·:S '1'.1111 Ur11olll·Y s 1111lt'<I ,1114htly .1, I 1 • I 1 •VI" I 1111 p 1 • I''° 111.d It V I. 1 II I V MI ('II , Ill I I' k I II I" I h ,. p11 ·tl11111111u111ly bl," k .1111111·111 • thut 1•h-111n14 h1 mlh·v ~1•vt·1111 11 wnuld h1· "11 lui.111111 1·\1·111 1111 th•· 11:1111111 .11111 1111 , .11 h 111 1111•111 P"' :.111111 II v M1111wnts lall'I , 1111• Ii l111•l •I. ti I v1·.11 old '011 11f " hi.it k T1·1<.1i. ' h ,1 I I' l I 11 p I> I' I I 11 11 k t h t' 11111111ph11111· to th.111k tlll' :IUll J.tlil'''' who h.111 p;ud $11111 l'.ll'h lu m1·1·I 1>1111 11\'1·1 hor' d'111·11vn ·1> .111d l'111·k1,11 b 1n th1· i.:anl1 ·11 ul 1·1111wd1.1n Hill l 'oshy's P1H·ll11· l';tl11>ad1•s hrn111• "Wt• hav1· 1alkl'(I 11h11u1 1111~ lw1ng ,1 ht'>ltln t· ot:l'as11111 W1•ll. l h I ' r I' I s g () I n ~ t II b l ' h1,111n• m.1k111g." Bradl1·y i.;JHI "()11 No v 2. the pP11pl1· u! ( 'al.Crn 111.i 111"1· gm11g to t•lt"<'l 'l'ulll Hl':u.Jl1•v, tlwfi< guv1•1 rn11 in tlw history ol :wu· .. Bradl1•y'·s won upruanous laughtl'I f th1• aft lu1•nt ~ <I t h 1 • r 1 11 g s J> 11 r t s :.. n d t•llh'l't ,11111111'11 t' l'l'UtlV('I> ,111d l'1·lt'l1nt11•' But th1· thrl't'·lt•1m L o' Ang1·l1·.., 111,1yor. who won till' l>i•m1K·r:at11· no1n1na11on with l'<1s1· l;1s1 Ju1w anti IS lt-;1d111g 111 th1• p o ll.., ov1·1 his H1•publ1 n 1n 11µpo1wnt. t 1mt111u1•d w11h m11r1· "'r111 u .., r1·111arks al)11u1 tho· 1inpo1t a 111·1· 111 1u1•1· 111 h11> 1.1mp.11g11 to II(' 1h1· f11 ,t bla1·k 1·l1'l'lt•d goVl'rnur of .111 v 111 till' !iO ,l;th'' "I\ will lw h1stmy mak111g 111 1>tlwr wavs JI> w1•ll." Bradlt·y s;11d nl11;g till' rolf' mud1•I hi• eould ht• lll g<·1wr.;llons of hh11 ks .ind 111 h 1·r m111ot11 v 1ncJ d11>.1d\'.11ll.igl'd l'hildrl·n · ··w" ;on.> going lo prodUl'l' tlw kind 111 .itmo).pht•r<· in whtl'h tlwv \\ 111 fl·<· I the s uniul;Jt11111. thl· 1111>i",1l'LI11011 . tht• ('lll'OUragl'n1l'll l lll know tlwv ean havt• fu1th in tht• lutun• -th;;t whatC'vt•r lht•y want tu rlo in lift' 11> po1>s1hl1-." Br ,ull1·v -.,11d ··And th1•v w 11l bt. ,11)14 · lo do 1t ht"t:au-.t• tlll'V II bt.· .ibl1 • 111 look al Tom ArnJl;·v ;iml sa v, 'If that guv t·an 1·onll' all thf' · W<JY Crom th<' Tl·xa1> 1·ottnn f1('lds to tht' go\'l•rn11r·.., ('h<11r in Ca II f nrnia. h;1v1n).( ov1•rn m1t· all tht· ob~t<1dt·s in his lift·. th1•n whatc•vt•r I want to l>N·oml' 1s puss1hl<' for mt-'." Bradlt•v l'tmd udt-<I Tht• · approat·h wai. 1yp1t:a1 t>f Brndlt·y low -kl·yi.-d. ri'assuring and cautious S1m11.11 lv 1h1 • l'Vl'nt 1n tht· Cosbv honlt' JU~I four bln<:ki. from tht• homt· wh<•re Prcs1dL·nt Rcal(an l1vf'd nC'arlv hair his Laguna r estaurant gets OK 0 p l' r a I o r s o f l h t.' n t· w llt·mingw.1v'o; Hcsta urant haVl' n •t't•1 Vl'U LJgu na 's blt·ss1 ng for 1>1•ating of up w 130 p..1troni. m lht• "T<.1\'t•rn bv tht' S"'' " Aul <·llv l'Ouncll mt•mbt'rs 1mp11st"<l 15 t•ond1tion.c; on a use 1x·rmll th1.i. week and said they wtll r<•VIC'"'-' the restaurant's rC'lat1onsh1p with n(!arby nt'1ghbor.. in thret! months At that t1mC'. the council ruk·d. lilt• rt·staurant might apply fnr 11 I () l JI 11 I I 4 5 s eats Ill I ht· rt•nuvah'<.I building But o nl y d rC's 1d1·nt'> 11 n .iclJ.tlt'nt 0 °1<1moncl Strt•l•t .111u {X'<"'" Wav a re sausf ll'd 1ht•1r n1•w 1 o mml'ru al n1.11ghh11r 1s liv111g up to prom1sc-s The.• council dec1s1on t•nds months of battling bt'tWt'en oix-rators of tl.¥' new food and drink l'Stablishment and nearby homt'OWnt'rs. Thi· n •-.taura nt. wh1< h h ,1s l h.in~t'Cl hands S<•veral l1m1-s in tht· p.11>t d c'<.:adt'. 1s locatt'd at :.!007 S11ulh Coast Highway. but •~ w1th1n l•11rshot or dozens 01 homv~ Amon).( t hl' condi 11o ns agn'<'CI t <> b y hoth o p e rator s and rt•s 1d<·1Hl> wc>re that an air t•onrl1t111n1ng system be installed w1tl11n thrC'C' month!! m order for thl' rt1-.tauranl to be able to kc-ep thC' huilding n111~·ttght We're Listening ••• What do you hke about the Daily Pilot? What don't you like" Call the number al le ft and your m essage will be recorded. traNCribed and delivered to the appropriate editor. 642·6086 The same 24·hour answenng service may be used to record let· ters to the editor on any topic Ma1lbo1t contributors must indude their name and telephone number for verification No circulation calls. please. Tell us what's on your mind ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat ThomcH ". Hot.y. l'llbl1'11« ond ( h .. 4 ( •9CVh•a Olto<., L ll8y Schutt1 Va ,, .. odellf lay~ MacL.an Co\ftolet .., o.-ol A.dwih\JflO MkheelP. Horwy 0.. ec IOr ol MoltttlllO 1Cor~'°"1 "IC•nnetft N. Onl~•rtl .If. Ow«tor ol Oper11110!J1 • Cl•H"led edYertlMftil 7141142·5171 All othet cMt>•ttmeftt1 &42-4321 MAIN OfflCE • WHt ... M , C•I• •w. CA. llUll ...,.... lo•,,_, Cotte IMM. CA "6>' C•Yt ......... Or ..... COHI ~ ... l\lllf't (-Ne_ .._.. .. t, lllv.lr"lell•, adil.,lel m41tl9r., .. •t•tlw"'°"'' ,.,,111 mev • ,._._ ... .....,. _ .. 1,..rl'llltt'-'tl< ..... , ..... _,., S.C-.,._ ct-~-4W ..... al C..ta ~ t.ilftnlle (Ull't U4 ... I ~ti ...... llt ,.,, .. , 9' •J-y .., "''" .. ,. """'"'' VOL. 71, 2M Oro"Oh Cou11 DAILY f'ILU I /Saturday, October 23. 1982 'tallest governor?' otl11l1 1111 • w 11s t v p11·.t1 111 Bradl1 ·~··, 1 .1111p111g11 , w li wh I" la I '.I \I V II 11 I ll 11 d I ll I h I II Jo( f fl I ll'l1·v1s11111 ,u1u 1 uu111 1111111111•H·1.il11 w111i 11•l.t11 v1·l y ll'w puhltt 'Jll'<'t ho·' Tiu· ii.iv ... 1.11 t1•d .11 .1 1 l.1!<.'\1t·.d llllll\11 !>l.1!1 1111 Ill l.111> /\11g1•lt•s Wiiii U ll \'1' 111111Ul1• )'Hid 1>111ud1·1"l at L1t·k111g l\ratllt•y's H1·puhlll'a11 ofJfJWW nt, Att111·111·y C ;1·111·ral (i1-01 f<<' i>c·uk1111•jlJ11, Wl 1•11Vllllllll11'1ll,1I IM~Ul'~ 11rnJ 11nk111g l>t•uk11lt'Jlllll to lntt•n•H S1'( n ·t:iry J,inw-. Watt Tht• h1 tM<kao;t was folluwt'<.l by "1 , • J k r ,, ., 1 w 1 1 ti i. 1 11 l k ,, <' tor S11Jnt·y l'111tll'r and 8111 ry (ionly. du11r111a11 ol thf' Mot11w11 111U!llt', v1d1•11 111ld I aim l'nll'I pr1s1•s, .al Goruy'i; Bel Air honw Twl'lity ijUl'Sl.' paul $5.000 t'iwh. r;11s111g $I ()(). 000 Nt•xt <«.1nu• a $IO µ1.•1 µe1 l>11n rl'l't•ptu1n 1n a m1ddl1· lo lf)w - 1m·om1 · art•a on lh1· south suit • 111 Los /\11gt•IL·s. raising about $I. 000. follo wt·d hy tht• $:Hl.OOO rK"t·ptton 11L C111>by '!! posh 1'11tific Pahsmlt·s la11nH• A flight b y LI privatt• JL'l. suppltt•d hy a bus1111•s' ~uppurll'r. t o Santa Barliar.1. Ch.n;;rll , V1·11tura and Santo Mai 1a , took Bradl1·y t11 I 1v1· rnon • 4·;101p<11gn app<·ar;.11w1•1>. rounding nut a 15 1 i -hour day and rais ing al IC'<tSI $80.000 rfltll'l' 3 I ] Tht· 1·111µha1>t). 1111 fund· ra1s111g. wnh univ 1n1·1rll'nt;il attt•nllon paid to d1i l'l'l 1111W1l·t w11h v111t·r:. or th1· prt'I>' " n 111 1111111w· tu Brad I<•\ Dallr Pllol Photo br a.,, AmbtoM • f, l.o .... \n~t·lt·-, \fo)ot' Tom Bradlc•y auto~ru ph.., a pi .. tun• for a supportc•r tlurin ~ n ·c·t•ut ea mpai~n s to1> in ••w Orangt• Co a..,t arc•a. Exn·pt for a It·\\ tl'lt·VIM 'd Jt>t rll app1-;1rat1l't•s and ch•b,1tt·1>. tht· rival L'all1p<11g111> havt• l1t·1·n battlt•s 11f :w M'l·ond tl•h·v11>w11 spot!-. ·•l> bo th h ... vL· t ru·d t11 prOJl'<'t "mtlar t·ri m1111111 .,,.11 ... 1· modt·rall' 1mag1•s Hoth prom1st• lo U lt unn1-.•d1'<I govl·rnmt·nt n ·gulal 11111s , both promist• to build pan1wr~h1p~ b (' t wt• t• n govern ml' n I an cl businc-ss to l"rl•ate mon· Jlll>i., both proJN't c rinw-f1ghtl·r 1m<1J(l'S. both sav thl·v lx'ltt•v(' tht•\ <·an balann.'th1· slatt· budgl·I w ithout new taxi·~. although BrJdlt•\ h<tl> been leetnmg mon · tow.1nJ tht• poss1btl1ty o f n c·w tax1•s fin edut·at1on Bradlt•y spc·nt :ll y<·ars <is a polil' offu:t•r bcfon• his l'lt'l'llon first as l'OUnt·1 I ml•mlx-r and then as may or 1n L os Angt•IC's Deukme11an has bc'l•n th~ sUllt.·'s l'hwf law enfort'l•mt'nt orf1l«'r lht• past four yt•ars The key thing Brartll•y t:1ll's in ht). rt'<'Ord . wh1t·h he· prom1!-.l'l> to bring to stale governm1•n1 . 1s an ab1hty to work behind th e scenes t o build "partnt•rsh1p!1" or govl'r111111•11l. busllll'Sl> .incl l.1l w11 tu 'u mula 11· thl· sl<tlt··, l'l'o1111rn\. l"r<"Clll' Jl>I~ .111d llllTl'LISt' 'l.i lt l,1, n •vt·nuL•). But Bradlt>y\, rl'Sl'I v•·d. almost St'i:n ·llVt· 1x·r~111al sty li· 111ak1·' 11 h;1rd lo ('ht't k his ri 'l11rd 111 L•is r\ngt•lf', Hradlt•\ ·, slo1gan. w h1l h lw 1' fond ul n·pl',1t1ng hini-.t·lf ts "Tom Brm llt•v docsn't m akt· a lot of nu1st· lit· fust gc·t.:-a lot Jmll'.'' T h a I I m a g (' () r q II I l' I t•ompt·lc·rn·c· b Bradlt·y·s b1gg1•st asst.-t 1t <1lso g1x~ ;:i long w ay Ill easing lhP p<.l\C'ntlal t·fff>i't nf an anu-hlac k votl' Po ll:.tl·r Ml·rv m F11·ld citn-<·tor o f the• · ... 1irn rn1a P11 l l. s.iv ~ Bradley muy actually gai·n . ra th<•r 1 han lns1', vo tl'1> among ral'lally prt•Jud11•1•<I wh1tt•' F1t•lt.l s&1d that L'ould hJµpt•n b«·au!W many voters fet•I guilty aliout l hl 1r r;1t 1.il pn·JuJ1c ., .inti 111 1 g h l " f <• c• I g 1111 u a h 11 u I th1·m ..,1·l\•t·,· by voting lw iJ b l.ilk :-. u l h a:. Br :J d I t· y w h 1 • 11> nu t th11•at1·n111g t11 thl;lll At 1h1· .,amt· 11m1., Fll•ld r 1·p111 lt·d blal k v11 t1•r s art "UJJJ.J<trlln~ B1<tdlt•y h;v YI J.Xrll•nl lo 1 pt•rtt·rll For mut·h of thl:' ve<11 , rntt• "'a' tht· uns p o kt·n ISb Ut• vf tht l ' a m p a 1 g 11 T h ._. •J n 1.: t 1 m " Dt.•ukmt•Ji a n 's <<1mpa1gn manag1.·r. 8111 Rulx-rL'>. ra1M·d t ht· ques11 o n , prcd1c·t1ng th a t a h1ddt·n an11-bl<tl'k volt· could lwlp D t· u km l' J 1 Jn . r cs u I ti. wt-r c l' x p I C) I> I \' l' D c u k ITI l ' J I J II u 11>avowt'<I thl L'11mnw 1H'>. <.111d Hobl·r L' n ·..it.tm-d Bradlt•v duc.-sn't like to be deS(:nh1'<1 a' a blal'k cand1dat" for gm·Prnor ln str ad. ht· says he· 1s " c·and 1cla 1e • for governor w hu 1s blaek County sets housing hearing Art•a rt•s1dt'nl'> who wish w testify on what thC'y Sl'<' a s lol'al tn•ndl> 1n po pulation transportation. housing .md <·mploymc•nl <'<tn d o so Monday at a ht·aring sp<.mson'Ci b: Ora11g1 • C o u n t y g o v 1 · r n m t· n t · s E n v 1 r o 11 m l' n t a I Managcml'nt Age ncy Thl' EMA will ust• tht• input in its effort t<i amc•nd th(• housing l'll•m1·nl of the t·ounty's Gcnc·ral 1-'l.tn . RC'prc•sl•ntilt1 ve s of housing organ11..a11ons. lhr hutld111g industry, real 1-sta4'. rcntt•rs' as.'i<x:1a t1ons, l1x:al go\'t•rnment and tht• Leagut• of Wumt•n Vo ll'r1> ha vf' testified at past ht·arm~s. The hcarmg will !>lJrt at fl :m pm m tht· Planning Comm1ss1on rnt•t>linl'!. room, 10 C 1v1t· Centt':' Dn·Je. Santa Ana **** /\ wt>rkshop tha t will frx·us on ways fo r senior <'lltzt·ns to bruadt·n tht• n1•twork of S<'rvtl'l'S avatlabll" lo them will t.1kl' plat·c· Wc'Clm'Sday m Garden Grovt' The> w orkshop. callt'CI "Bui ldmg Bkx·ki. Ill " will run from 9::m a m to :J pm at tht.• If Louis Lake ~nior Cc·ntt•r. 11 30() Stanford Avt• SJX'('t'hes and worki.hop topics will mcludt' rinding commun11y funding sources for seniors' programs, ways that bus1nc-ss. industry and gn''"' nnwnl l'cin suppnri ..,•·n111r sl'rVll'<'S. tht• ust· of volunU•t•r rc-suun·c·s Jnd ;1dvoc:.1~' rolf.'I> * * *. . Count v VC'll·ran1> and tht•ir farml1t.'S t·u rn•nth: rc'l'e1\'111g a pensio n 1. hcc·k from the Vetcra n-s Admm1strat1on for a non-s<'rv1ce disab1hty will r<'C<'IVC an income qul'Sl1o nna1re with their Novc>mber L'hN:ks . Off 1na Is of the· ('OU n t v Veteran Scrvi<•cs Offict• havt• rL•t:ommcndc·d that the questionnaire be• C'Omplt•lt'd JS soon as poss1bll' despite the DC'c. 3 1 d C'adhn1 for l'Omplt•t1on Early complt>llOn or lhC' form will assure a s mooth conunu1tv o f pension t'hl'<'iu.. uff tl'lab :..11d. · Anvunc> who w o u ld like a ss1 slann' 111 compll't01ng the· qul•st111nnairC' can contact the office at s:M-2020 Wes t County residents can call the• Hunt111~ton Beach 11frlct• a t 536-5206 **** O ff1t·1a ls prl'panng th(• 1983-84 plan for county M'ntor c1t1wns' st•rvtl't'!> will St>t•k input o n S<'n1or t'llt7C'ns' nec.'<b a t a pubhl' hearing Nuv 12 Thi.-hearing will start 111 I p.m. m tht• But•na Park City Council Chambers. 6650 Beach Blvd For rurther information 1·;ilJ Mark Mathews at 834-7522 PRE SEASON SALE CORONA PORT ABLE KEROSENE HEATERS The Numb.r One Way To Stay Warm & Save CORONA SALE SX-3 ...... $28999 ••••••• s23997 SX-2 ...... 24999 •••••••• 209" 17-DK .... 24999 •••••••• 209" 12-DK .... 20999 ••••••.• 189" 22-DK .... 28999 ........ 239" J • . d I I I ' • t ' • ' ' ' "" 'i I ! ' • i • t • l ~·.,'' .~ @ID ,i Offer good thru 10126 L Limited to supply on hand IX·I -usTIQ_ more than you expect In a hardware store ••••• HARDWARE MM" " .,.. - --~ ~ _, -.,J: • ~. • . ._ -- - - J\·I Wallace campaigning as racial moderate • l\H IN'l't :o~n:u \'' A 1.1 11\ I ' I (;l•o1g1· W111l.111 • 11111111'1 .1111111t 'lll hox1•1. t11111w1 g11\1 111111 t111n11·1 S4'1-(l'l'g,1t111111'l I 111·l11.111d 111 ', Ii.I v1·;1ri. uld 1\11\\ .111d '1111l1111'd 111 .1 \,·l11•1•l1 klll' P 1ol 1t 1n 1llv . t 111•11··, 1111 ,.,., 11 l)lt(t(t'r d1f11•1:1•1111· In tlw •• W<1ll.111·' 1.11111>.11~11 111 li1•1·unw g11v1•111111 lot .1 fourth 111111• ul tlw ;.t,111• th<11 1·.1lb 1t ... 1·l l th1· Cr:idl1• uf tlw l'o11frdl•ri1111·v. h1· bll b h11nwl I ,,, tlw nw1111~..,, 1'0111p.1~ ... 11111a11· 1·01111ftdalt• on 1\11·1~11 IS..'iUI'' Watery g rave 111.., "l'I""" 111 Iii• IC. 111 il•l1• ·'" 111,1\IJI 11 1 l\l 1111lj'llltll I \ I dl41\\ lllg 'il'lllll I 111111 lol.11 I, lo ult I """ d.11111 111 "111'111 ,fll\1 1 .. 1111 Ill I 41, 111 hl.11 I~~ 1'11 p11ll o l I ,111 Ill''•' I \II ltll \ 1•:111111 \ 1"11f111o11 11\tl 11111\ 11111-.I II\ I '11111111' I li1 \'o Ill' fll 111111~ p11\\ t I 111 lh1 \\'.ill.111• 11.11111 11111 .• 11 111111 \ 111 I>. 11111; 1.1111 d11111111.11u 1 111 1111 -.t.111 ""'"' Thi l.1;t 111111 .1 lt1·p1ilol1 1 ,111 l•I. 11p11•d lit • 1-:11\ 1'11111(, Ill 111 t· 111 i\l.1lo,11t1,1 \\'.1' lll7:! d111111g HHt111 ... 11111t11111 ~'01!11,11 o1 ... t.tlllll ft -..11 (1(1<11 ht 111 I '11 1.f• Ill It· 11•.111 ii • ""I 11111.I .. 1. 1.11 11 11,. 1.111 ~·l•I• I 1 I' I . .i .. "'' I I I" I I ' 11 I ·• • • tul "''' I tit llu 11 1111111 \111 1'11 '"'"' 1 .... q•1 1111.11 11111 11111111 I J'11 1d1 Ill l.1 I ,old "'"" 11.1\1 l""''ol 1•111111.11 '"' I 11111 1•1'1'11 t \1111 1\11 1 1 \111 ll11111~·1t \l.ol ........ \\1111 1111 1<1 ,q • Ill Ill 1·1,111 ''" \,(}(' 11111.1111 1111 1111d11d111• p.oll \ Ill 1•111 · '11.111111.ol , ... 11111 .. 11t ,p111 """'""I 1111111 .. 1111 "' lol.ttl-. l1.,d11 111• 1.111.ol '"' "I" Ill d 1h 11111~· llt• I "'" \,\ .111.111 AP Wuephotoo The ;J;~H-fool ~hi1• \1-lucl-E .. ~-\ ~•·a cli-.appc·a1· ... inlo Ille' \Htln ... of E\'l'rt'll llarlmr. \\ a ... h .. a f1t·r h11n1i11µ a111I "a ll cm inµ. a l a 1u·h or 1'01· 'thrN' cla y~. T lw fin· a ppa1·t·111l ~ \\a-. loudwd off In a c·1111inµ. lordt. • Woinan WlllS Slllol~y work suit SAN FH/\Nl'ISC:U (Al'l A " o m ,, n w h 11 w c1 n l t d h 1 1 t-mµlo\l•r lo pr11\'11lt· h1·r \\ 11h ,, work pl:tt'l' f n·c· ,,r l'lg.1r1·l t1· smoke• has won wh::tl ma' lw .1 pr<·<:1·<h•nt-:.c·t ling rlt'l'l' .. 1011 It• •Ill the· Yth lJ S C1n u11 l'11ui t 11f App<•al T hl• t·ourl s~11d that l r..ru· l' Parodi, 47. of Frt•monl, mui.t lx.· p111\ tdt d \\Ith .. ~·I·,,, I ,., ... i-. It• I 111\ II •111111 !ti \\ lll1111 ii •Ill loll '"''' I•' 111.1 11 'lt1:1tol· l•lf cf1'>.thil 1t\ J•.t\ tol .ol.,1111 'otlll ,, n 11111th I Ill ,j, Ji..,lo•· d ,q,,j • ,. 111 d \\1111 1111 t:1\,, l olld I• t .oll 11, 11th1 I p• tlf1l1 J•,, 1•dt 1hf Ill .0/1 11111 f\ ll'\\ .otlt I 11 ,11 llllll! to( l ht d1'l ,.,tu n I ""'l' 1 l1111k "• lo11uld t.,,, 1 111h,tl• "•lllt t•t1t f J,, ·, -..111okt I•' 1111lt1 .dtli\. ... 1,. '·''" llo I .ollt I It•\ .Jo,1111 I< Ht••\\ ltt 111 o1 :-. .. 11 I 1.111• 1 ..... , '·'" lilt 111!111.' ·~ ,, l.111ol111.11 I.. I II· I""' 1 ,, ' '11t1,1ll\ l••••L!fltlttll.! 11 1.ol "'' 11d ft.1 11.t '\ltll•"-• ' '" 1 .. lt.1111 11111 '" ""' lw.oltlo Hr ••\\''' -..11.f l'.1111d1 11 ... 1 ""' k1 ·d '"' 1 ltt I It t• "'' 1. .. J.!1,111, .\i.:o 111 ' I.! "' •• r ... 1 .. l"'' I>< 111i.: 11 '"''' 11t·d 111 lh• 111111, 111 S.1n Br 111111 \\ho ·t 1 111.111~ 111 1 ft, 1111 111 ;o \\ ·11·k1 ,... ,11111k1·1 I lni m• d1 .1t1·1' :-h1 b1 J.!.111 ..,ul II nni.: , hi . .,, P·""' 1 1111g1·,11011 .111d h.111 d1l111 ult~ hn .11h111g Lind 'l><';okini.: J>.,1. t11r-. 11u11 lud1-.I lwr 11tlmt·nh w1·r1 " 11 ,11 111111 111 I I J.! ;1 I' I f I I ' " It 1 11 k I' ll 11 cf I 1'<'1111)11\t 'lltft d 'ht 11111 It t ll I 11 111 \\Ork Shi· .1ppli1-<I for d1;..1b1hl' P•'' hut "a' d1·n11•d 111111 i.:111t1111b .. that '111' w.1 .. 11'1 1111,ollv d1'>.1lilt·tl Out th•· 111urt h,ul ,, d1ff1·11 nt \If'\\ 'Unl1k1· .t JH'l "•11 \\1th .1 pll\ ... 11'.tl 1111111.1111111 .. JI<'"'"'\\ 1th .111 t•nv1r11n11w111al ltm11o1t1on c.111 phv ... w<ilh 1><·rlo1 m 1h1· "''1gn1•d "1irl< 1n .i propc·r C'n\·1rnnmm1." tht l011url ... 11d "111 11· P ;1ro1d1 l llU Id 11' ·rt 1 irm t hP "111 I.. .1:..i.1grwd lll ht I' d ... tw \\'I'll' pl.ll'l•d 111 ii 'm11k1· I r1·1· 1·11v1ronm1•nt 'Sht· 1:.. <li..,.1hlt·d 1111 lwr jtth .11 ht I .i-.:..1g1H·<f Wiii kpl.tU .I:.. 'ht• \\11t1ld ht• h;id o;ht· .111ua11 .. 'ul l1·n ·d p1·r 111:11w11t ;11111 s1•v1·r~· l'hl 111111 lir111tt h11" 111 .111111 hc•r ph' ... 11 .JI dt'11hl111g tfi:-1•,,...1·.'· thl· 111lll I ..,,11d Aro\\ 111• "<lld lwr d1-..1b1lit,v pa) \\ 111ild umount 111 .1hou1 $500 a 11111111 h . pill' .. alrnut $:!11.0llll 111 hatk pa~ ... 11w1• sh1· \\1·n1 on lt•<Wl' \1.1thoul p.1v in .Jum• l!l7Y P.1r11d1 '"1d 'h' would bi· h.1ppy t11 n•turn lo work "blll ti l11t:.. to lx· smokC'-frl'l'. not just ll's." smok v Who l';:tll dt·tl•rmuw w lu\l ,1muu 0 nl of i.mokt> 1s ll•!-.s"" Th£' un:i111mous 11p11110n was Cl When the smo ke cleared, l rNH' Parocli of Fremont had won . 20,5 00 in disability " r 1~t l' b v J u d g c• 11 a r r y Pre• t•nw ;, nd JOllH•d in h ~· .J u d g l'' t ci I F. I' o o IC' a n ct I l1·r bt.•n Y C Chov • A govl•rnml•nt ,;ttorncy said ht• muld not comment until he hud S<'t•n tlw d1.'<:ls1u n. and back pay because of working i n a n area polluted with cigare tte smokt". Norm -Loats· Newp,ort City Council November 2 Rud Beron-Treaaurer, 881 Dover Or., N.B. 10 11822319 • I • \' "' ,.. 11111 I "I It' " "" "I f,., I (I I ·d .. I 'I." 1, fl" I 1111 I .t 11 " I 111 I '11.111111.111 •ti 1111 111.11 k "' ,,.,,,, d 1\l.111.1111.1 I '4 1 111~ I .ollt \ '111111 II 111 t .. 1\ 111 , ~'llll'J I I •lllJf'••l 11111' \.\',tll.tt I 11111 1111(\ 111 1 .tll I f-1tllliolf 1-. Ill 11111•.., \\111 ··• f(, 1·d '·' \.., 1111 IJ1 t1 d1 ·11 111 fll oHd h ltll •Ill \\,',ifJ,tt t Ill ,ftll\\ 111 \\ 111 11 I 111 llt1 IM ,1 11111II ,1,111 l1l.11 "' \\' .ol l,11 • \\I 1111111~: .1 I 11t h I I ,, 1111 " ' • " I• I' I It 11 ol ' \ I 1111 I " I I 11 k1 1·p ,d1v1 111 '> p11l1111 .d 11 li11 Iii ,of\1 I 111111 \"II ' 11UI 11f 11f 1111 I' I ' ol ,. t " I " I " I Ill ·' II .11f1111111 :11.1l11111 'tlt.11 ,, I'"'"'"' lht "'''"'!' "'"'' ·'"" \\11111.111 ltl.11 k """ \\ ""' l\l.111\ 111.111-. 111111\•d "'"'f lt I .. Ill••'·''" I"'"" I "l'fl'"'' "' 1.1 t ;,,, t ,, "' , •• 1\11 f\1111.111 \\ ....... II: \l'olf odd \o\ 1111 N1 ·\\' S 111tllo ' J1l ll~'f I , I\ I I It dt ttlJ,ol 1 .Ofllf ,ill flt1 ko \ l1l,11 k I ft1 f1Jt " lfll tth 11111 \\.ol l.111 .1111 d 11 \\ p11l1.1p ... ,, 1111111 "' '"' ltl.,. k \'11 11 p.11111111.111\ Ill llll .d d1 ,,lt11 h '' 111" ltt 111111 ''·" •• \'tll.1111 111 1111 I I\ I I '1gl1h "'' t\ I 1111·111 \\<1th 111.11 \I• 1111 \ 1111111 I ltl" lwll. w .• 11 ... ' to .... l11lt.·tl 111111 ... 1·11 '" .. 111111·tl1111i: '" •• flltf11tl1"l .t.olt •,111,111 .1111f ft,,, .tll1•111pt1 ·d to ft, .q i Ufllllf l-111 111 .11 .di tit• I I I llfllllltlt 1111"' I \ 111•1.A. l1t•" I lllt)( 11 ..... 1.111 • ., ...... 11 ,j I , ...... \'... h 1"' It 11 p I ' .. 1'11 ""'Ill l<1 oll-(olll .. I I IJllllfllll 11111\1•1\ 111111'1 ,1111 \\olk' But lw 'tllll kl\ .odd' 111 lht d111" 111 hi.. "'flfllll It r" .ol 1.tlfw..,, I 1 lo•1k' lu tit• f1k1 · 1111' I 11 h .tJ 1· j.(t l\111g r 11 ""' 11 ... p11111 .111 · gt·lllng Lost family puzzles police i LOS ANt:J-:Lt•:S 1t\l'l 1-'o111I pf .,,'' ,u ... p1·111·d 111 1h1· dl'"llf""'' "'H'l• 111 ,1 N111 ll111tl~:·· 111t1pft .11td llll 11 l\\IJ l ltiltf1 o II 11111 fJ<1l11t \\ 1111 l11U111I l1lo""'-l.11t h Ill .t ho d11 111111 ,;1\ lltt \ Ii.I\• 1111 fl ·ad ... Ill lltt• 1'.tSI' "\\f, .. 1t 1 ,1pp111o1d1111g tlth I .t'I ,,.., th11uglt 1111· '""'"'!.: ti<·11pl1 t ttllld lu tfH" \'II ll!ll'o 111 ,1 \I I \ "l'l lllll' I I 11111' .... lltl J'11ilt I l>qi.1111111 ·111 'fl»Kt ..,111.111 l'111d1 W 1II1. 1111 Ho<1t It "\\, ·,, .1sk111g 1111 tl11 pul1l11 ' lwlp .1dd1·d l>1l1 l lf\t L.111 \ Bini 11! tlw m.1)'1t 111111t·' d1·t.1d P11l11"1 l•1u11d 1111 '1g 11 111 loru•d l'11trv .11 tht· h111111 • \\ho·tl' S11I S.ol111111111 .~.1 a l111111t·r t...r.11 It h1 ... \\Il l El.11111· .l!I lltlll '"" l\l111h1ll H .• 111d ddugh11·1 f\l1di;tllt-. l.1, Witt 1.1'1 -.1 ·1•11 (),; l I'.!. H11d .... 11d 111· .... 11d 11 w;1s lht• 1.Jl'k ol .111\ 1 IUt·' 1·" 1·pl bltK1d 'fl.tltl·n ·d 11\ ,, h ... k ht dt 111im tlt.tl lt·d lo I hi' 1.1'1 lw111g l1;i11,lt·r-r1·d l111nt ""''111g 1-Jl'l'Sllfl' 111\'1•;.ttg.ollll' \II 111hl1t•I\' hoi 1111 11 f1 • dl'\1-t;l l\'I '' ··Tlw11 \\ ... ~ 1111 md11.1tt1111 t 111 ' ll'ft v11lu111,111h · B11d .... 1d "Tht \ lo 11 .1 larg1 .11111111111 11 1 1 ..... h ill ,1 -..ol1 • di•JJ<"ll f>11x . 11111 \\ ft.11 \11u'd 1·)t.p1'l'I ti 1111'\' d1·111!1 ·d lo d1 .... 1J1fl4 ·'' .. 111 .... 11tf 111\ 1· ... 11g.o1111 ... \\ 111 I ht•( k '"' P'"'"''' l111k, 111 ,, ...in11l.1r 1 ""' 111 N111 tltridg1 tht' \.t.'dl U11 !\I.11th 1-;-.l f ,, .• 11 told 1'1 ll r f),,, '" .ind h1.., "111 .lt1.111 1\11d11 \ l>.1\1,, 47 \\\'fl 11po 11td 111 ...... 111g '' ""' I h1 ·11 N111th11dgt h 11 ll 1 I ll fl d I' t 111 \ ' I 1• I I 11 ll ' Ill I llll"t.•IH ,., Thi\ 11.0\' 11111 IJI. l II ...,, I II hlllll "\\1 ,, g11111g l11111 l1 •1k111g 1111 .. tit.it 1.1:-1• B1td .... 11d Hut 111111 :Jl'l' 1111 l111k' V1 ·t .. Thl· SJl!~lll11111' WL'f•• l."t k1111\\ 11 111 111 ;it h111111· .11 11 I' 111 '•II o. I I.! ,, T111 · ... d ,1\ \\ht 11 •• t r1t nd tt•lt·ph11111 ;1 El.11111 S . .!111111•11 .it h111tll'. :-...11d p11lt1 (' ,pok1·-.111,1n \.Vlll11· \\'d,1111 Tlw IH·'d d ,1\ .1 Ill 1ghl1<11 l111111of tf11 s . .1 .. 1111111 "" 11111111ng P''"1 1i ... t1 11\t 1 ll11\\l·tl 111t11 th1· \,1rd .11 lltt 1111ddh l I·"'· .. 111gl1· 1.11111h lt•11111 :'<11 11ti11dg1 "111 th1 S.111 l-1 r11.1r1d11 \".1111•\ .1l~H1I '.!fl 111111 .., 11111 t f1\\ • I ot dtt\\ 11\11\\ 11 l.11.., .\!IJ.!• 1. Bud -..11d tlw qu.111ttt\' 111 blood f11u11d 111 th1 h1·dr1111m wa .., AP Wlrephoto I .c .... \u µt•lt·~ Polit·•· (:hid l>aq I (;alt·~ holcl .. photo of a '\or thritl,..w fa m i l ~ 111i .. -.i11 ~ .. iun· \lard1 I 7. From lt•ft an· \lidiallt· llodrnm n. Elaint• anti Sol ~alo111011 a ucl .. 011 \litc·lwll. I . I I I I' I I\ ''" .• 11 J ll 'I 'l"•l lt 1111g" }1111111• C:lt1• I l>.11,I ( ;.,,, .... 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' "' 'I 1111p.11 "' 'd .1111 1 tlu 1 • \\ 1 11 1111 ''~II ••I ·' '' r llJ.!gh ·'' 1111 h••lll• .\, l.11 ..... \\1 '.111 11 11 11"1 h111g \\ ..... l.1k1·n B11 d .... 11tl II• "'"' 111\l·..,l1ga1111 ... \\,1111 111 t.olk w11h .1n\111J1 who knu~ ... th< l,1n1tly. anJ ;in• c·hl-<·k1ng bank .1n11unt:.. and t'n·d11 l'<irds rn .1111 mpL" In tr.11 < tlw S:ilomuns 111 dt·:-.;. ril"·d s .. lomun J~ Ii fl--t'l 1 •• 11 .!:.!5 poumk with hla1·k hair .inti liruwn 1·v1·.., H t:-. wife• 1;. <i ;, l11<)l·H, t:i:-1 pound hlondt· M11·h.ilh· h,,.., bro\\ n hair '' ·"'" ). {11111 8 .md "l'lgh ... lll:i p11u111f, l\lih h1 II ... 1.11uh 4 f11(1t~H '" 1gh' 911 pnuntf.., .inti h.1:. In o\\ n It.oil .111d ,., .•. ,, Thi· t.1111 11\ "'"', d 111 th1 L'11111 .. I St.tit·' fr om J..rJt I ,,1.J,,ut Ill \t ·,,,..., .igu .ind S.1l11mPn " ;, n.1tu1 .d1z1·d L'S t 1t17l·n. \\'iii.on :uld1'<.I -~ THE EARL'S Baldwin ~ o RGANs !IlI1 PI ANOS MAtnnlOnD "UMllHO·HtAflHO All CX>MDITIOHIHO SOU.I WAta .-lAllNO ... , .. ()OM .~ S..""• ,..,.. Ste'1• et v,,... OoO< tC1 .. C\10te ~"' Y~ ., .. , conumA 641·l289 U2& New-9 llvd MIUIOH VllJO 495-0401 21927 Como.,. Cop<ttr•n• rs-Diooeo ~ .. ,....., "'°" Doll Show Sale ;:ind free info clinic lhrs S at & Sun Oct ?3 & ?4 Colle c to rs & Baldwin Mdl 600 $ OO 3 B~ldwin .hct~y 40" Console Pianos 19 9 5 12 Direct frnancrni Dmticdy Reduced lo· and 0 A.P.R. On al Baldwin Oller limned lo Includes Bench -free Delivery Pianos & Orians Stoc.lt On Hand tklli Oct. 31. l 9l2 ORGAN AND PIANO CENTER 217 E. 17th ST. COSTA MESA 645-2471 PAI() POC.trlCAl AOVf.lfflSE,,,ENT Paid for by "A.I/an Beek for the Residents · 2007 Highland. Newport Beach. CA 92660 Allan Beek For City Council he asks • • • he listens! unusual dolls a ccessories ===============================~~ ;ind houses Huntington C enter Mall. 405 Fwy & Beach Blvd • H B Spec/al Oct. 20. 1982·0ct. 26, 1982 Paniu~s sulchi. 2.99 My d•\l'•"•loQ• ·~ pta. tlul I 1111 ~ ~r"rlut w1mm" JM 1M\ldnll1 on lht l!lij¥• I 1111 mott comlotldlllt 11 .iccomp4n11'd by Ml' or 1 .. 0 of my btolhtl\ 01 ~•Slfr\ s,, mt 11 Aquil~ frll()ll 11\ wh~•t I 1111 on '~If undt1 lht ••~ llliit Wll~lt fOf only 199 t f it'is got whff ls you'll move It faster in• Delly Pilot classified ad .can 642-5678 t Discotier an c1w changing treasure chest of exciti11µ gifts and accessor- ies in Roger's Gallery. rou will find unique and dc/(qhtful surprises in China. Gluss11 1ar<', ( 'ry;stal. Placemats, Figurines. Cache pots. Candles. Brass and much more. ,.I/I are arranged in settings to create o hmm/ palatte of looks and certain to stimulate your Im- agination. Roger's Gallery has every- thing to add sp<Jrlcle "nd elegance I<> your entertaining. Come see us soon. ~------- The 'other' Burger King battle HIRllCIPI Sun1l11), lkt. i 4 . =: :· ,• ,• :: •' ·: :: :· :: ~= •.. ~-.. ;: ::.. ... :~ Altlfo;s 11\1.111" .! I t\plll IHI H11·.1l-1l1111ugll 111dll.1l1·d. 11111111 p111 ,., I.ill 111111 pl.111 N•" .1pp111.wlt 11111~.., tl1·-.111d t•,11lh ~1111.1t111 ht.ihltJ.:111' I 11111.11111·, 11 .. ,h t .i111 •·1.t' .111tl SUl0l't• ... sf11I llM' 111 jlllWl'IS 111 1w1-.u.11>ohlll l.111. A4u.1nui. 111·r1><111i-. I 1Ht111 11111111111•·1111\ TAllJH IS (l\p1 d :!II l\l.1\ :.!Ill Urn1°t 1 u,1111110 d1·t'l'l1Ull' 11111·1 1t·•1•tv1·d II\ t1•l1 •1-tt .1111 111 h •lt•µl\11111• I ' 'lllijl'I I \I> I h,11tl-{l' t t \ l'tllll I h..:hllght p.1111·1u·1· t .t1111 .111.t .... -11 1· ... 11 t 111 1-'11 -.1 ll1'llrt'S1><IOllS .q>I Ito b .. · 111111 •• I l11llt1\\ thr1111Hh 1111 yuur 11w 11 ln•l1t1J4'" d1 .... p1t• UI g111gs I 111111 n •lat1vt•s wl111 1n:1\ 11,. s11w1•11• GEMINI I M,I\' .! I .Ju1w :!Ill l·.111plt.1-.1-. 1111 dus1 ng d1:0.l.t111 l' g.q,, 111w11t11g 1111•·, t1I l"Un1111un11·a111111. 111.1krng It .1vt·I .111 .111g1·m•·11ts .111d pl~1nn1n~ l11n.i.t 1.111gt• p111J1'<"ts !'i1·•· h1•\1111d 1h1 imml't.llall' Ym1 ,1n• gw11g pl.111'' .111d '1111 1111gh1 .1s Wt.·ll ).(Pt UM'd lo llh' """'' l';\NCEH 1.h11w :! I .lul~ :!:!J \'11u"ll "' 1•1\"t d t.•ta11.., u f 1ill1·r \A.h1d1 11•\\dld ... yuu 1111 1•xJ>t•n1.·1w 1•. l..nowlt'tlg1 µt•r-.i,ti·1w1· .11111 luyJll\ lfav1· r\'11·r1•111 •· matvt a;tl .1vi1.l,1hlt-. lo11g d1st.1111 •· 1'.lll will Ix· 11·l.11t•d 111 r1·qu1·-.1 lor SfJl't.01;1! d,11.1 W.tl!"h Snirp111' LEO (July :!:l Aug :!:!) l'l.1y w.111111g g:im1· AnJl\'ll' matt·n.d .11 hand ~"'"'oil 1x1r11wr.-.h1p. publil· n•la11ut1 .... wtll111g11t·"' 111 h1-.t1 v.1nous Vll'Wpollll'\. l'l.1,..h uf 1dt-.1:0. -.twuld l11· rc·g.ud1•1!-.1s n>nslrUl'll\'l". 11111 l.ll"'' for ltr1111d111g t;1•m11l1. V 1rgu. S:.igtllarnr-. p1·1-.t111s pl.iv lwy 1 olt•-. VIRGO (1\ug :!:i St·pl :!:!I. Dqil1111t:wv brings cl1•s1n-tl n·sul1 \'11u"ll 111 • 111' 111·cl tu d1111• with ind1v1du.1I "ho 1111·v111u ... h 1 h.al h 11g1•d . uppost•d .111 d b adg1·11·d M .1k1 11111 llq.~1·111 t·on t•c•ssums .111ll don"t huld g1 udg1·' l >111 wh11 s ho.lt'l'S basil· t·unt·l·rn-. "IJ'"'k" up. ht•\111111•;. valuablt· :div LIBRA. (S1·p1 :!:1 -Ckt :!:!I l>lll1'1 l·onlu-.i· rom,1nt1c 11111.•rludl· \\1th ··,, .d 1h111g ·• l\k.111s t·n.J<>~· yourst•lf. but Ix· n ·.oli...111 .. \ppltt·-. 111 \,11111u-. art>as. 111duuing lTl'.tCl\01• 1 ml, ,l\·u r ... l\Jt.-.., .. g1 "ill bc'i.:um1• mcrca:.ingly t'll .. 11 1'1-.1·1·' 11 •• u,·1 l1gut1·:. "' st:l'nar io. SCORPIO tC.kt :!.I Nov :! 11 1-'111 th 1111 prop<'rty. '\t•t·un1v. ri·-.1n1 t11m-.. "1l1111giw-.-. to t rl'all' a nt·v. lnr111.1t H1•l.1L1111i...l11p g111\\' stru ngt•r. rt•:.µt111,..1btl11\ 111l 1t .,...t•, .11111 \OU ttiuld n't:l'l\'l' a ""surµnsc ;,.,,1g111111·111 · Sµ1ntu.tl \ .olu1·-. will com e 1nt11 ... harµ. dt•aL 101.:u-. S AG ITTARIL1S t N11\ :!:! Dl·t :! 11 F1111;.h ratht•r than 111111a11· p111.11'l"I Ex<im11H· ,·annus Vl<'Wp<>inL .... gl\'t' lull 1111\ 111 11\lt·llt"<.'IU.tl-CLll II"''~ V1s 111ng rt•la11vt· m.1~ ·"" 1111tat1ng yu1•-.111111s Mamtain b:.ilamt• "'''"'' 111 ht1111111 L1l11,1 11.111\01· plays import.ml n1l1· CAPRICORr\ < l h ~:.! .J.111 011 l>1111°t gt' t • up sum l'lhing tor noth111g .. 11111t·11111· 111;1y l)I.· ::t lll•mpting Lo wll ~t1L1 111 11\'t•1 l11;tl 11111 111 g11rnl, Ht•t·d vou1 uwn lou11:-.c•I Lun.1r t•r11ph,1"" on p..iymt~nh. l11lkttion-. . .1111111' 111 lm·.11t· lu ... 1 art1des. Lt·o pl;iys s1gn1f1l.11\I 1.11i AQl'ARl t tS (Jan :!II-Ft Ii IHI \\ h.11 h.1d tx•1•n hl•lcl in .1bt•\ .1m·1• \\ill ht 11'11·,1:-.t•d ·· 1110 111 Will bt• fl'i1lt11·d. l'lfl'U111 ... l .illtl'' Will l.t\'111 \11\ll' eff(lrLS and \our 'It'\\, will 1>1 ''111d11.11i-d T1m1ng. JUdgm1·11l ,111• 1111 1.11 g•·t C:.1111 t•r Capnl"urn ilnd anolht r ,\,,u,1r1:1n t 1gu11· 111 sc:cnano. P ISCES (rl'b rn-MJr(h :!II). 1>1g l><:n1«1th s u perficial ind1n .1t1ons -you an.-''" brink of important dlSC'OVt'ry, Elt'ments of llmtnjl and lul·k ndl· wt th vuu Pn·,·1ou ... 'l'IUdl k .i1 tu.oil\ p r ovided n «(·dt-<l 1·xpt.·rtt IHl' Yuu """' ,1n· on road to Vll."lor y W<it<:h S.ig1tt.1rtui.1 He's never in driver's seat Ll::XINGTON K\ tt\1'1 Boll"""" 111.0\ l~ thl' dl"l\'l'f'. hut ht ·, llt",\.l't Ill lh1· drt\'l I ''l'ol\ H ts unusu;1l 1111><!1· of lt.m-.porl.tl11111 h ..... \)l.·t n t·;1us111g douhh· 1.ikt·" .1rllu111l L1·"ngt11n 1111 \\ t·l ks ll\ FllANt INI•: Klt:Ft·:n fh0 • Ch1tellen l e>lenc:e Monllo• 11111 g1 I l-.111g ft,,... 11lh1 I 11111111, t1 ll II lllllHI I""""', ,, 11.1,1.' .11lv1 •111·.111~: lo.ttth 11\1 1 """ 111.1IH .., tlit· 111 .... 1 l1.1111l1111g1•1, 'l'h1-. \\1·t'k .111t1lht•1 'h1111w 111 1lw \t\'hi•Jll"'t 'l11.111g ltjl tlll 1111 111.111 U111 th" llllt h.q1111•11• 111 lu Ill 1111 N.I\\ ~:>.1h.111g1·.1111t ·LIS N .1,,tl H.t .. , .it 111.111 ll.11l1<1t 11,1\\.111 tltt 111-.1 ""· '"'"' pl.111 .ol ·''" 1111ltt.11 \ 111-.1.111.1111111 'l'lt1· 11· ... t.tlll .1111 ,, llo•l I 111 .Ill ··~g11 "''". 1.1111p.11g11 It\' llt11 g1·11'111g1111•1111'1 llll' '111 ... 11111!11111 .. 1 111.11 k 1'l'0 1111lt1d1111{1 oll1·w"'· 1111111.11 ' h.1w•. 11 rn k ''IJfl' .111d .11t 11111 h I IH 1111fu,11 \ ·, No '..! I 1u1 g1 1111.11-1·1 h." ht 1•11 .. ~~·I ....... ,. tlll 11tht•1 I 11111t' ...... 'l'.11 1111 llll di\' I ,,, tl .1111111 .111d ·"" 1•111 ... 1111: 111 S1•plt lttlll I II l.1lll11 hl'tl ,1 ''I It'' Il l 'li.·'t fl1tl j\t I l,,...lt• t1 ·,I .111' 1111 l I 11 II 11 I.,. 111.1 J" I 11 I 1 \'I ... 1111 t 11 1 · t \\ 111' ,, ' Th t. ·'"'' 1 lhlllg l111111ght ti .1 J,1\\ ... 1111 ltOlll l\kl)1111.dd' .... \d11d1 tl.11111 ... 1l11 ·'"' ,11 t• '"l.1b1 .11111 1111 ... 11.1d111g • Ahltough tis Ill'\\ 1'1 -.11IIl.1111111 upt.·1,11111111, Jll>-1 11111 11 ·-.1,1u1,11l l .1111111• 1111111.11~ lt.1:-.t·, H111gt•1 K111g d111· ... 11°I l'Xjll'l I II Ill bi· 1111 .d11111• for l1111g "Tlw .1111 11·d l111n·-.· l1111d .... .-vt1·1· 111:11 k1·1 1 .... 111 .1n·.i "' 1·11P111111us pv1t·1111.il tor. th1• 1. .... 1 l1•J1l 111du~t1 v.00 '·"' T11111,1tli\ .)111111-.1111 tlu 1·1 1111 111 H111 g1·1 K111i.:·, 111,11111111111.tl dt·\·1•111111111111 di\ 1~11111 T1·11 111•111 dt·,1b \\ 11h th1• N,I\'\ ,1111-.111\ •'"' 11111h·1 wav. lw .11lcl-. .1111111 -.1111 '·''' h 1• ,, 11111 11111 ""~;111111'11 .tl11•11t \llllljll 11111111 Ill 111 •. 1111l.!•·•6.':~U\,11k1J.~ ('11lltg1 > hn\\t'\11 .111 .1 d1llt•11•111 ··,(r;I\ lloll~ l\kl>1111.old -. ,11111 ll.11d11.", h.t\ 1 i.:11L11 ·11 111111 ~1ud1•11t l.1Jlt1111-. .1lw,11! "' B111 g• I K111g l 11 I 1fi I l l.11 d•·t ··, lx·'t k1111\\ n ,,.., a 111 . .-.t 111-. I l."I 1110111 1·11111p.oll) 11111\ 1·d 111110 tht• \\11•slt t 11 l ll111111 ... l l111\1·1'11' t•:1111p11-. 111111\\0 ha" t1 •-.1,n11.111h.01 """"' :.!(I 1·11lli•g1·-. ·'"" 11111\'l'l"llll·-. .111d lllil .ill 111 1 lt1 ·t11 o111 · 1.i-.1 l1111d U11t ,, ~ ·1111t· d111111g"' 11·:.1aur..1n 1 111\t· ,1 c'.1 I l'l1·n.1 .11HI a1111t lt1 1 .1 I.II lt.,j.., 111•1 I \ jll ln-..ltlllllt1ll,d 11\Jl"kl'llllg 0010111--. lik1 .111111111 I gt11\\th <111·.11111 lh ··-..1y.,(;1•11t t\111111.1 . p11·,1d1·11l 11I 1111 ... , ... 1 1;tlt~ l1111d ..... , \'11·1· di\ 1 ... 11111 .ii I l.11dl'l'0 ' ··t 111 11111 d1'< l.11111g \\ .01 1111 .1nyh11dv, hut 1111, wtll lll'lf' 111111111 tllll lllll llllllf'.11\\' hll .... 111''' Ill ltM1d -.\-.\l Ill' 00 l\h I >1111.tld, h.1-. 1h11·1· 11111• g1, 1111 '" 11 ... 1 .111d i.. 1.ill-111g t11-.t11111 11tlwr' Hut 11 h.,... IH."l"ll :iggtt·-..,1\t tll 11ll1til'I .111 ,l, ,1 11111" lllll /t"I· II\ 1•tl111;ol t11lf 111,111' FRESH LOCAL LOBSTER DINNER $8.95 Includes ch oice of soup or sdldd, and potato or ri ce pilaf Call For Reservations ~ _( .. _ 673-7726 -~r Jf ) ·// , ' ~~~,,~ ~.~~.~~~/~) 801 -:} llAL llUA E. l1lbo1 ..... To Encourage Pet Care Animal Hospital of Fountain Valley An noun ces 50% Reduction On Spaying, Neutering, and Vaccination Dixon. :rn lr;l\·1·l-. 111 .1 -.r1·t 1;d "111 1 11 h ... 1r- ;. adaptl-d s1dt'C."Jf <1ltal h1"<I 111 .1 l londa 011111111 '' '' ,•\ t P f1rsl gl;tnl.'1'. 11 ,1ppc·<Jri> tu 111· .1 11d1•rh·s.-. m11l1JI\ \I le ~ with :1 man :-.1tllnK 111 ;1 w lw t •ll h.11r .. 11<11 lwd Oct. 25 to Oct. 30. 1982 For Details Call ~ ·· 1 gl·l a lot of 1wopl1• -.1.1nng .11 mt··· Dixon -.:.11rl ~ '"EvNywhcn• I go. I l·,1n·1 g.·1 .. rr 1h1· thing w11hout • i.oml-one l'Orntn~ up to mt· .md ..... king .1h11ut ll •· 962-6621 . l; ORIENTAL RUGS Anniversary Sale 50.J% To 70% Off We are celebrating our anniversary this month and would like to share it with you by reducing our prices 50% to 70%. These rugs are all handmade from rug weaving centers of Persia, India, Pakistan. Romania, and China. THESE IRE OllLY I FEW EUMPLES OF THIS FllULOUS SILE! Size Reg. Sele Reg. Sale NAME Price Price Name Size Price Price lndo Henz Jx2' $150 $ 59 Princess Bokhar a 9'x6' $1950 s 899 lndo Chinese 4'x2' 200 75 Chinese Super 10'x8' 3400 1350 Chinese 4'x2' 280 99 Super Rekha IO"x8' 1800 540 Chinese 5'xJ 650 250 Dhume 10'x8' 1200 450 lndo TABA Tabriz 6"x4' 800 299 Chinese l 2'x9' 2500 750 Chinese 6'x4· 550 199 Rounds J x3'·6"x6 " 200·900 75-350 lndo Henz 6'x4 ' 550 199 All Silk Chinese 2'xJ 600 250 Shahza deh 9'x6 ' 1250 499 All Silk Chinese 2'x4 ' 800 299 9'x6'3" 3200 1250 All Silk Chinese 5'x3' 1500 699 8'6'"x5'5" 900 350 . All Silk Chinese 6'x4 ' 2400 950 SALE STARTS SAT., OCT. 23 Corona del Mar 2421 E. Coa t Hwy. (714) 673-222 ' ,111.I .111 111111, ·111,11tut11111;tl 111.11 '-"1111g '' ,1 ... 1·~·111t n1 "' ".1111 '" p.1, ,, g11 .11 c1,.,o1 111 .1111·11111111 111 ···'' l\lt I 11111.dtl' 'P"l,1·,111.011 Sli•\'1•11 1 .. 111\ H111 g• I K111g .. \\ ""'" ""Ill ti '"""'"'·II\ 111 1 IH I 'ill 11111 \ t '1111111.lll\ 11111111 d '" lll'llllll11111.d "'' ''11111 ,1 \.-.11 .111.t .t h.t ll .1~•11 :-.1111 • 1111 II II 11.0 j•lll 11, \1 1111\\ .11111 111,t11).!1 11 ,l.•lll ·•llh Ill lllll • ulJ. ).\• .111d Ollt' 11 lll" 'l"jl I' I 1 '° I I ti 1 1-. .., l 11 j1 I t 'II I 11 ti I I •II 11 .o I 1•11' I I I ··1~1 ·I"" Ill \\ 1lh T1 Ill"''""' "' .\1111•111.1 !111 111 "'\I 11111 B111 gt I 'K111g-. Jllllilf\ .•• 11111" -.111p ... "''' tl11 t '1111111 St.111 ' l1111g1 I K111)..! ·"'" h." .• l1.11h 111 ... t 111 Ill• ''"'"'\\Ith 1\11 "!"11111111.il S11\lt1 1111 111 H11i l.tl11 I\ y .\ !':-. .... Ill\ I 11~ .. 111111· Ill """'' "' "111111 "" H111g1 I K1111• 111 Iii• .0111••1 l 111,0l h• I ~!11-.1 111 1111 I I 111 .!II Hllll!' I l-.1111•, .• \1.11 1h.1t .111 Jtl.111111 ·d .• 111 ... tilllll"ll·" \\ill I .. 11.111t , .. ,, .. l'li• 'f'llllJ.!h11.11tl 1111 1111 111 -..11111111111,d 111.11 "' lillt' d1 I\' \\ •• H111 ~·t I K111i.: lll 11 ' I 111 .1th 1111•• l11 put 1h 11 -.1.1u1 ,111h 111 l.it \h111111d liu-. ,t,d 1111i-. .\I 1 • .-.t lt1lllll <.11 \h11t111d \\.1 1111 l1o1111111 .11 1 .. 1 111 H1111•11 l-.1111" I 1 1\ 1d ( .. d.1111.111 111 111 d\ I \\ l1o1 l11f11•\\ l '111 .11111 \ !111 :0--111tll~ U.11111 \ I l.1111 I t1l1 111• "' I • 111 .. h.11.•r• , .. , .. 11t1 1:,, \111 11111.t 11 .. q:• t t-.11•r lt.i\1 l111•l1t I lw,11 111111111' ol ,ol11111 I ,ill 11111 t I ollllll1 II\ I .. -.11111.., J1d111 .1111 \,1\11> tlit• t.qd1 '11111111• 111 111 .. ,.1. 1111 \ lllj' .11 l ;,. 'li111111o l 11111 j'< I K11111 h 1111• I• .1.1111 1111 111,l1l11l11.11.ol 111.11k1 I I""" .1ll1 ,1ol1<• \\1 ,1\fl 0 lj.'t 't 1tllHlll jl<I \1011 Ill I l\t1q'll hllll I• l.illl,1111 .11111 1111 111 ltli11i1111.d l\11q_11 1\111) ,1\1 1,1J'• 1111111 Ill 1111 11111111111 d1tfl.11 l.Ollj.:• 111 ,o11tf ,Jlllll .... 1111 I .oll'J(lll 1/1'" 111.,11111111111,ol 111,11 k1 llllj( ,I Jtl-.1 11111· 111 ,, -.111111: 111 1111111\ .ll1Ht1 ,' li.111 lwd 11•, B111 q1·1 1'1111: :-.111111• .111.ol \-.h l1t1\\l'\l I .... I 1111 11111\1 .1-•. 111111111 I o1l I• 11q11 II\ th1 11111q1.11\h'' '" ol\'llld 1-!t 111111: • .111gl11 111 ,, ... 11u1 .11' d 1 ..... 1 t11od 111o11 k1 1 l1i-111u111111,1I 11t.1t l\l·l111g "'l'I" .it 1111111 111 .111 .tlli lllj1I 111 1'.t I ,1\\.1V l111111,..,ot111o1l11111 i11.1t1 .111\1111111 • l,..1 .111.11\ ... t (:11ld111.111 ..... , ... 11, "·'' ... 1h.11 1111 llt11g1·1 K111g .1 111111p.111\ "1111 1 11 illl I 111.111• 1.d 1w1l11t111.11111 Ill 1111 Jl.1-.I 11 \\ '• o11 lh• "'"' 1 '"·•'-t·-. '""II " II" Tiu \ \\ 111 11.1\1 ,1 1 .1pll\ • .111tl11 •111t 111 -.111 t~ .111d ,ft1111ld I~' I lo llt I •. .11 ., lt1I ,111 Ill\\ lllllh Ill Ill).'. j1l,11 I if ()11 1111 111111'1 l1.11ld . llit• llllJ\1 lllUltl 111 • \II \\Id ·" ,111.1 ,1 -..l1ulll111i.: u t 1·u -.tn11111 :-1111 .•• ...,, .. 1 111:111.11 H111g•1 K111g n ·,t.1111.1111 1s hk1·h 111 111 la11 h 111 .11 • Ill\\ 111-.llllllltllt.tl 11111 111 ,1 "''" (,.1ltf111,11l ,.1\ 1111 \ .111 pu\111\g 111111\1·\ 111 ""' II'"~· I .11111 t.1!-.1111: 11 •1111 "' .11111!111 I "The lllt k h1 11 \\Ill 111 111 111.1k1 lit• 111 \\ 111111 l11tll1 jllllllt,olili-111.111 llH •111• Ill .1il1\ ll1o1t I I 11 11lj1 I .111111I1, dt /1 " ' 1'111 lhh ''"""" .111d l111o1l1»1 tlw11 '" 1111111 I•• 111-.1 l1t1\\ 111.111 \ t11111·-. •• "', .... 111 •. 111 t .. 1 ,11 \l1ll1111.old '.,. lh11 g11 K1111• th• ""111u111111.J 111.11 l..1 I j1l•1IJ.1l11\ \\1111 I 11< 1111 dih 11111-.. qtu 1111.ol ·''' ~111 li.11·1 Ctilp .1 .,.,1.1u1.1111 .011.11\-.1 .11 H.11 h• lt.ol -.1, :-.111.11 1 Sl111 Id-. o11111tl111 l1111k1·1.1g• '1'11 "' .ol \\lllt lilt .... 11111.0111111 11111lol1 ·111 ( '1 11,. ,,,, 1111 l.1-.1 l1111d 111dt1'll\ "·'' 111111 11.1 11 .il11111.lll\"I' • f\11 llll dt\ • I ·.1 I11 .ti11111 I .. 11 ~···" ·" 111• \I d ·"'' ·"" "' '·"' • l·:-..p.111'11111 111111 1111111 l-11111 -111 , .... 1.1111.1111- 111 1111 ·-.. \.\'1·11dv'' tl1 ·11..,11111 111 I'" 11.tl Hlll\\ 1111 \\1th 11 S1-.11r-. <"hu k111 f\' H1" 1111-. t 11.1111 ·" .111 ,.,,,111111< • 111 \I llljllll~' .Oii 11Ut ,1d1• 1111,1111 11 ,1 11111-.-.,111h 11 l.i11d '" 1 ..... 111ul ttll ••11111l1d 111\\.11d II"'' I l.11111111 .. 1111 1111 l•1.1d o111d It ''lilt DAVIS-a•OWN WANTS YOU• T•ADl·IN NOW. Wl'LL ALLOW YOU TOP DOLLA• ON YOUI OLD TV -WOIKING 01 NOT. TRADE IN SAVINGS GOOD SAT., SUN., MONDAY OHL YI .. t .... , ..... • RCA 19" Diagonal COLOR TY RCA XL-100 19" ~ • XL 100 • ELECTRONIC TUNING • XTENOEO LIFE CHASSIS RCA 25" Diagonal REMOTE COllTROL • REMOTE CONTROL • COLORTRAC • CABLE READY NOW ONLY SOIY 19" TRINITRON W/REMOTE KV 1952 Z • INFRARED REMOTE • TRINITRON PICTURE TUBE • ELECTRONIC TUNING SPECIAL UYlllS llW II ILL SllY'I GE 25" Diagonal REMOTE COllSOLE Tllllf II SHlllS • COLOR MONITOR • QUARTZ TUNING • CABLE READY PLll '50 ::un 0 f ---------~ llOA 10" llqeHI PHJECTIH TY • HMOTE CONTIOl • CAIU HADY 'v-NM.f'' ... : ......... .. ' ' ... II PHJICTlll TY MHMIARTHI Fiii ALL lllTI llAllf ONm -WI ITIOI ::, ALL •llLI If •tlllTHltH '1898 ~I II&, .. , I II Ill/ llTSlllllll • HIGHTlSl ..-CTUH • SHAIKST l'tCTUH • All MOOElS HOW IN STOCK • SH THE NEW HAI NOJfCllON IHI IP Tl '80000 .. 0 Shop and comparel I . J , ~ ~ l'j v • . I ~ -, ,,.. ~ ... -A. Teak Mirrors from Denmark / I I ' 8. I 0 . Our new line of mirrors from Denmark are ava1IJOle 1n a stunn,ng variC'tv of snaoeo; ana sizes A. 28 X45 $189 C. 51 s109 $265 val S 149 val ~6~~a1x 24 545 ~i /58va~ 45 5 89 S55val s3 Basic concept Lamp Collection ~ I ~:~~l _ L.1mo ----s11av:11 s79 I: :~ Plummer s oas1c cone Pot is to c;JvP 1ou monev on our spectacular 11n° of Basic conceot floor ana oes1< 1amos at warenouse iow PflC'PS' Avaitao1P 1n a varierv of stvles tnev rnrow a lor of liqnr on Plummer s value• The one and Only ! ortalnal 55" Loveseat S399value stressless Leather Chair from Norway e1e9;>nt cnrome & learner with ottoman Ava11ao1e 1n various colors 5795 value Sofa bed Queen s2ss $675 value Chair cnot showni $ 479 S275 value 5195 ,- cushioned canvas Chair Tnt-srurov srPPI frame is cn;Hen in oro wn 1acouer its uono1stPrPd 1n naturill co1orPn canvas S 105 vat Teak or Rosewood wall Unit A fantastic w all unit value 1n e1mer teak or rosewoOd' You can mix an<.J match be creative. ana sttll save a ton of money on the most stvllSh wall system ava11ab1e1 39'/," wide x 76' h19h Bottom cabinet 19 aeep Top cabinet 12'1. deep A. •. In teak: A. S405 val S 289 8. $375 val S 269 c. $515 val S 369 BUY ALL THREE FOR $795 Stereo aench c. In rosewoOd: A. S629Val s475 I . S589val S449 c. $751 val S575 BUY ALL THREE FOR $1395 Teal<$ 79 5125 val wa1nutS89 S139 val Hanncraftra ana ruooc•n to .1 $ 995 d<>eo <,at1n f1n1sn 1n tPilk or Braz1111an rosewol'lt1 N1qnrsrana ann nE>;ic100.ir11 Teak Dressers .111 l)nr· o•r·rr rPc1k auPPn s•zP o,,a u'11t E1')t1t nrAwf·r or.uo1pr1r1"''1 s1159val C,1J 01 ,lWH htC}l11fP<,\f" S8"39 val Four or awf'I n1q11 011·\\t>I S609 vat Gf'nttPmPn \ Orl'\SPr <r"'" 1 S1509 vat Director's Chair Director s chairs are perft>ct tor enrerta1n1ng indoors ana out Natural wooo frames w1tn a vanetv of onqnt canvas colors S39 va1ue ~ Features full cabinet compartments ana 4 arawers Durable mar resistant - • • laminate too 67 i< 23', x 26"· H 5315 val solldTeak Dining Chair These dtning chairs are a solta deal solid teak that 1s1 Thev re covered in easv to·clean aurable taonc ana at these prices you can attord as many as you need• S99 val Beechwood Dining Table The flne aes1qn of Denmark meets me classic srv1e of rne Breuer cna1r 1n tn1s d1n1ng set• Tne table is craf'tea of 1 beautiful oeecn and measures 62 x 51 x 28 n1gn S:>09 value 1reuer StVte Chairs ..-om tblV Hanocratted m w alnut or natural wooo finish w genuine ,,eavv dutv cane backs & seats on sturdv cnrome frames c n.1ir cn.1ir $ 29 S1nr $ 39 Arm S79 v.11 SAQ v.11 OuC'f'" a1<.o ava11ao1r s 799 1n rosewoon 5 1369 for IU\I s579 1<1nq a1<,o .111a11ao11 111 teak 5 1 139 s 419 for JU\I 1<1ng atc;o ava11.101r s 1039 tn roc;ewl"lOO 5 1539 fOr IUSI Swedish White Lacquer Wall system ( s499 Fu11 w a11 wstem as snown S.I~ any one of tMse slnQle options & de-sign your own Basic narrow unit 19•, x 1s·, x 79'. S129val 199 51ng1e door narrow unit S31 val 24 Recora d1v1der set narrow unit S4 5 va1 33 Baste wide unit 51 '·, x 15 ·, ~ 79'. S 175 vat $135 Drop 110 547 vat j36 Double aoor set wide unit S46 vat 35 Drawers eacn narrow unit S25 vat 19 Drawers eacn w1ae unit S31 val 24 Double glass aoor set wide unit 564 vat 52 Amlaochalr srress1e'!s en91neenng in a warm rosewooo finish frame Ottoman included Choice of leather colors S895 va1 INTERNATIONAL CONTEMPORARY FURNITURE t Wl lTLOS ANGILH • 8876 Venice Blvd.• 12131837·0138 12t>1ocks east ot Rooernont SANTA ANA• 1540 E. warner . 17141557·0611 l&etween Grano' NewPOrt FWY Exit on Oyer RO ) SP VALLIY • 12240 Sherman Way, No. Hollvwooo • 12131765·0401 1aetwffn HollywOOd FWY & uurel canvon1 'AIADINA 180 S. Lake Avenue • (2131 449·6741 fl'wo blockssoum Of coloradol SOUTM UY• 23855 Hawthorne Blvo .. Torrance • 12131378·94731ont 01ock north of coast HWVt MISSION YllJO • Marc;iuerlte Plaza • 17141495·3252 1aerwHn crown vanev1' Averv PICWVt SG VAL&.IY • 15711 E. Valley Blvd., City Of Industry • 12131961·9809 12 01oc1cs em of Hac1enoae1vo 1 f OPEN 10 to I -SUNDAY NOON to 5 All f\Jmttvr,. crifted of me flntst veneers manv Items are unassemDled 1n cartons fOr ~asy 01ck uo Prices ano merthancltse subtect to stock on hand • Daily Pilat * ........ . .. , ... .. * •a ... * • * 'iA I lJlllJAV OL 1 2J IU6l IJl 1·11i11tor H ""'"" to witlulr11w ENTERTAINMENT TELEVISIO N 8 10 812 fro111 l u l"·"'· IJ2 . Mauch gets an offer he can ref use Angel ma11ager resign u11der fi1~e aJ.ter playoff failure By CURT SEEDEN 01 IM Oallr Piiot Stall 'rht• m:in wh11 -.µ.•111 tlh· 1•11l1n· ,,.,,,1111 n •fus111i,: tu 1;ik1· l'rt •d1t l11r ttw -,111"t·1•" 111 t hl• l!HI:.! An~t·b ha' appan•ntl~ 1.11'1 ·11 ont' sH•p forward to a1n•p1 tlw bla11w Man.11w r G1·1w M.1u1 h. whu gu11h•d lht• Ang t·b tu tlw An wn1 .111 L.·a gllt Wt'!>lt'l 11 01\'1:>10 11 1 h.1111p11111-.h1p ,111d w11h1n on1.· ganw of .1 t11p to th1· 1..Vc11 Id ~fll's. will not Ix· b.1t·k ·wi th tlw duh 111 H>H:l Maul'h . whus1• µo,11u111 a;. t lw d11l1 ., fi~lcl managl'r had b1•1•11 on ,hak~ grnu11d l'Vl'r s1nn · thC' Ang1+, bit•\\ ,, 1" o g.11111 advantagt• lo th1· M tl\\ .iuk1-t· R11·w1 •1-.. 111 tht•ir lx•!>l-uf-f1n· '\t'l ll',, 1u11wd do\\ 11th• d ub':. Offl'r tor a l'Ol1 l1.1d f111 Hitt:\ ''Thl' manag1·ri:il pt1Mt1on was 11fl1•11 ·d to Maut•h on W1.:cl1wMl.1\> Altt·r .JI! hmll'' of d l•l1b.•ra11on . MJurh '111111f1l'd tlw dul1 this n1orn111g 1Fnday) of ht!> prd 1·n·1w1· not to r l'turn a nd 1h1· Ang, 1, "·'' 1· 1c·h11 l.111lh .1111 l'l1 •d .1 tc·1-..· ,1,111 llH'lll I 111111 tho 1\11g1·l l 111111 11(1 tl'•' 11·.1cl Ei..1·; 1111 \'I \' 11 I' pl t·:i1d1•11 1 B1111 11· B.1\';"1 wli11 •'l'l"'••r1·d l h1 · 11111,1 p1•1 llJI li1'll .11111111..: lilt· A11g1·l 1111·1.11 t "' \\1th llw 1 luh'-.. 111al11 l11v 111 11·.tl'h 11:-. 111-..1 1·\1 ·1 \.\'w Id St•111•-... ~\.1:-out ul 111-. 111I111· l-'1111 •• , .11111 \\',!!> 11111 l'\llt'l'lt'tl 111 ht• Ill Ill \I \\1•1·k .• 1 ,µ.1!..1·-..111;111 ... 11d B.1\ .1:-1 .111d l\1Jud1 h.111 lwld h•11gth\ 1.1111\'1·1-,.1\1uu -. u n \.\11.•dnt·"l.1\ . .ind .dt1·1\\a1d, Bav.1'1 :-11u11tl•·d 11·;:-lha11 l1f1llllll'\l11· .d11 1UI tht· A11g1•I -,k1pp1.·1":- 1lt.11111 •:-1w\I 'I"""" "I( W t· h.1d l11111.1k1 • .I d1'l 1-..11111 l11tl.1\. 11 \\11Uld11'1 lu .1 goud 11m•" B.1\',l!-.I -,,11d \\'t·d111 •-..i l.I\ Jh th.it I 1111·.111 11!1 .1111111:-pl11 11· i...11 1 nght E\'1•1' 111111 ,..,.. pit. k up 1h1· pJf"'" a n d ..,,.1• II 11lw 111 1·\\1·1!. 111 lht· \\1111 hi S1·111·'1 .111d 1·v1·1\' \11111' \\t' llt11 1k ,il10Lll till' 111111 11·\ Wt •'n · lll-..ing i,, 11111 lwr ng th1·1 1• "' 1• ·111·1·111111· 111011 dt!..1pp111111t•d .. S till 11\1 J\11..:1 1.., .1pp.1111111, h.1d ..:1\111 l\l,111d1 '\1111 11111111l1d1·1111 \\l11•11 lh1 \ 111.tdt tho 11111'1 W1·cl111 ·"l." H1•d I '.1111·1,1111. ·"""'"'"' 111 < 'h.111 111.111 ol 1111· l\11,11 cl (;, ... , J\llt1\, -,.11d f1 1d.1 v 'It nlwpll1·1) w.i:-111.1111· IM'I .&llM' 1 ... "'.1:-. th1· 111.d( \\ h11 gut u-.. Ill 111 1111 pl.1\111 h I 11'.dh d1111't \\,1111 111 I (,1(1411 ,111 • 0 1111· l\1.111d1 g111 1111' 1\11g1·l, 11111. 1111 p(;&\\11 i:i, l'\'l'I) \h111g 'l'I 1111 d lo ht g11111g -,11111111hh t'l\llllgh \\ h1·11 lilt t\11g··'' ,wt·pt till· Br 1•w1·1 :-. 111 tlw I 1r-,t I wn g.11111 .... 111 A11.1h1·1111 Th·· -..1·1 tt•!. th • II 'Wlll'ht d \It Milwa11k1 ·1·. wl111 • 11111 · '111111' '' p.11.111 ·cl lfll' 1\l\g1•b 1111111 tho II 111 '1 1'\I I \.\1111ld S1·111·' ·•l'i.><·:..1.11111 T lwn h,1d 111•1•11 pl• 111\ 111 111111111' 1h.1t IMllh B.1\',1'1 .111d 1\Llll \' \\I'l l' di-.pl• ........ d 11v1•1 Maud1'!> h.111dl 111g 111 1h1 dut. 111 th1 I 111.d thn·t· g:.11111·-. T lw 11111~1 1·11111r11v1·r:-111l pla~· 11n·111 1 •·d 111 I 111· I 11i;d g,11111' 111 I ht· -.i•r11•:-. \\ 111'11 M.n1o 11 -,1111 k '' 11(, 111:h1 h .111111 d r •Ii•\• 1 I .111 ... S.1111 ... I .11:·""'' I• It I 1.111d 111111111~ ( '1•1 ii (.'11of1t'I \\Ith llio· 1\11g1·b l111ld111g 1111 t11 ,, :~ :.! 1 ... ,1111 1 tlw lu11t11111111 tl11 °"'"''llllr lltlllllg ;111 d l\.\11 l llllltll ' 111 'l•lll llg fJO!'.-o t ll ill I IL.tlw1 th.111 11 ·pl.w1· S.1111111 / \\lilt 1 .. 1 t il.111d1·1 /\111h I l.1-..,ll·r. M.1w h ,, .. v .. d \\ 1111 tl11· pllt 111 ·1 who h:1d 1111111111 th1· lo •.1111., .II t• 1t·lt1·\'1•1 11\t•I lh1 (111,r( ( 1111111th!:-o of Lill' !..l'll'-llll ('111qwr·-. 1·11 -.11111g I\\ II I llll ~.i11gl1· lUl'l lt'd 11111 Ill h1· lh1• W11111111g hll whwh ·;11.qntll1•d 1111• H11•\\1·1-. 111111 1h1 · Wm Id S•·111·-.. M ,1111 h ·""' t.111 ·d 111tw1-.111 1•11 Iii.. d t'l t:-11111 to u.,. '1'11111111 \ .J11h11 .111d B1u11 K i-.011 ·" 111-.. -..1.111111g pt11 h1·1-, l1111h ''1th 1111h th1• 1· d;i v, 11·-.1 Thi· .'ill \1 ·.i1 11ld l\lau1 h 1·11uld 11111 11•· I l'ill'ht•d f;ll ('tlltlllll'lll ;II h i:-li1tll ll' 111 l~1·t• MAl'CJI . l'agt• 821 Graham's 54-yard hoot sparks Edison Dally "''°' Pt>oloe by Chaftee Starr Gerry Graham of Edi on boots a :i-t -yard fi e ld goal a nd jun1p into the arm of holde r Matt Hon1b .. A turnaround to end all turnarounds Sailors, down 17-0, whip Eagles, 45-1 7 8~ JOHN SEV ANO Of th• D•llY Piiot ~tall Newport Ha rbor H igh ht·ad football coach M1kl' G1 dclrngs -.al s lu mped on h is team ·., bt•nch from e xhaustion Hl• had a sm1lt• on hlS face. but ll was a smile' of d i.belief. "I look up th t•r c .... ~a i d Giddings as he g:l7.<'d a t the· sc0reboard. "and I say to m ysC'lf. •Naw . it can't be · But it ts·· Giddings w as just as much in s~ock as ever yone e lst" F rid ay n~hl a t Newport Ha rbor Hig h as the Sailors scored 45 unanswered ~inls to overcome a 17-0 def1c1t a d b eat the visiting Es tancia gles. 45-17, in a SC'a V1l'W ague a ffair. "I k now we're not 45 pornts b ller t han them ." G1dd1ngs a d <'d "I c e r t a in l y d o n 'l u derstand the ups and downs or tliis club . But I'd pay money to us. There would al lea.st be a swprise every week ... NO ONE WAS more surpri&.od F lday nigh t th an the Eagles. w o seeme d to be coasting lo v lory only to h av<' thl' bottom d p out "I didn't think I was that bad ~ dC'fen sive coach ," Estancia h ad t·oach Ed Blanton 1m1d of h se lf "W e h av(•n 't h ad 45 ints scored against us In o long .. .. u e. ~or the r~rd. Bl•n ton has vt•r had ;in opponent IK'Ore as ch 1n h it ftvl' rears as lhe IMI' fit"ld genero . In fact. one lo go oil \hll woy buck to 5, the school'• first y•·nr of opcrntton. to find the Ju t lim<> an 11ppun l'n l an:ompl 1::.h1•d 'lit h :1 f1 ·at <Trov High w11n . 1:1-i) \.\'h.il m.icic-F rtdav·., n ml1•-.1 so h.ird to bt•lu·vr· w·a., lht• \\ J\' thrng., '-<) quick!~· turrwd Jround Thi· f1r~t t hrt•<· lllllt'' thE· E.ai(h•-. tomhrd th,. btill tht•\ put point:-. on th t• board It .,tartl'd whr·n Phil San<IPr<; d 1mnxNI an 11 pluv. HO-yard man·h w1lh a 1 1-\<ircl J<lUnt up the· m1ddl1· for th1• scorp G c•riJr<.lo Barrilgan fol11)\\t.<J with lhl' pom l aftt•r to m.ik<• II i -0 BARRAGAN th1'n adcfrd a 44 y a r d fiel d g oo l w ith •D Sl'<'t>nds le ft lo play rn thl' first qu.irtc·r a nt.I 1l was 10-0 Eagles Fmall\'. Ma u 'A'olf wt•nt ovC'r fr om a· vard uut wi t h 7 :lH rc·m111nrng in thl' !>~·ond qu,1rtt·r and th .. F.1glc>s ran tlw c·nunt 10 17 to-11p But that's whL•n thi n g-.. my!>tC'rwusly began to d1a11~t· In the.• s pan 1Jf f ive• Sl'l·onds midway throu g h t hl· set•ond quan C'r . tht• Sailor!. canw back WI\ h 14 porn ts o f thl•Jr OWll First. N<'wpor t quartt•r b:wk 1\11k1· Wells h it l<'ammntl• S tc•v1• B r H 1 a i. l' o m 1 n R o u l o f l h l' buck field with a :J I yord pass and I h l' d l'f 1t•11 w as <.· u l to I 7 -7 ( c1 I I n w 1 n g K u r t I. n h s t• ' s t:onvt•rs1on And th<.•n ramC' thi• turning J')Cli 11 l. Following the Saito~· kickoff. th <' EoglC's h ad th £> b a ll first -and 10 a t t hc•l r o wn. 20 1.-Ai.nt:lo q unrwrb.'lck &'(Jlt Da vis wt•ni bnck to pn1111 nnd flnolly thrf'w a little fl are to hh1 right to Wolf. T lw hall boum·1•t..l JllSl IK'fnrt• 11 r• ·adwd I ht· h a If back how1 '\'C'r ;ind Wolf. thinking 11 was a n 1momplN{· pass. <;\artt'Cl to walk b,1<·k to the huddle· Nl'Wport dd1·11s1\'(' t•nd F rank Hw.1 alC'rtlv p1ek1•d u p thC' ball :i n d r;i n lil vard' in to the encl zont• Th(• i·l•ft·re1.• rult•d t h e· ball w <1s a h;wkwnrd latC'ral. nut a pass. and t lw Sailors sl·url'd. c·utl111g the ni.Jrgrn to 17 -J .J Frnm tht•rC'. th f• E.tgl.-s' w1><·s 1111 Iv got wurst• What follow<'<I was a :i:i y<ird p as!. p l:1v ff'nm Wt•lls to Brnzas (21 171 :1 :.!-v<J rd run h v R r a 1as (:!ll 17 ) . . a I . v :1 rd run h ;v Br a 1 a s 1:ifl I ii . n 41 -yard flC'kl goal hv Sean Fnnk 1:18-17 ) /\nJ ft nall v. a li-v.1rd n m hy .lt·l l Nugt•nt. H !1 1 i ). ALL THIS occurrC'd , too. from th<' 6:30 m a rk of thf' St'l'o n d q uortc•1 u ntil JUSt unde r one m111uh• to go rn lht' l(nmc• "l'vt• nt'Vl'r St'<'n .1 h1~h St·hool ~am(' turn a rnund Ilk'• this om· did." odm 1llC'd U1dd in({s. as ht' wutt·hed h111 Sotlnrs stuy in lhl• &-a V1t•W L<'agul' rhai«• 1:i-l in lt•Uj(Ut'. 4.:\ OVPr.ill) Wi th the v ic tor y "You know. I d on 't know hnw )(11od WC' ort'. but I'll 1w ver q ueslton our c·hnnwll'r " "You hove In j(iVt• t hc>m o lot of c rvd1 L" odtlNf B lon t on. w ho wul<.'h <.•<I hl11 tl'om fu 11 fr(lrn pltiyott oontc-nt1011 ( 1 :i, a '1 I w11h fSee SAILORS, f'aae 8•, • • \ WicJl' r~ct"iver gothl'r in po °""',... ...... ..,.., ....... Pat Gu y~•• o( Estancia reception f riduy night. Chargers outlast HB, 21-16 8 \ HOGER CARL 01' Ol°th• Dallr Pllol Stall T .1d h.uk lh·11k l ;111111h-.. 1.1mlill·d ten a c:..n l·r -h1gh 118 v.i 1 d .., 1111 :!7 l';1r n1·'· Gt·11 v Gr;1h;Hn l>'>11t1.·J ;.i 5.J -y:.ird l1l'ld g1.:.il . J11n N11wo1nv ;lJ-.ht·d in from l w o v a n l., u u l I 11 r l ht• c l1 n th1·r .ind Edison ll 1gh ·~ dc·lt.-11-.1· h1·ld or·, Frtd;1\ night lo P'"' a :.! I I h Sun:-t·l Lt•.i)(Ut..• root ha II \' 1l.lorv ,1 t II u n 11 ng tun &•;Jth Thl· ups1.<.1rt 0 11l·r... "'ho m <ide .. 11,11111· rm 11!1111-...·l\'l'""1th four s11·.11g h l 111111 11·.,gut· v >l'lortC's. g<i11wd -.om1· trut• n·~ix~·t d t•sp1te thl•11 -..c•c ond straight 11..· .. gue !><·tb..11 k bt•fon· <Jn ovl·rflow t rnwd of fl.100 A mor.11 \'lllnr\" "Nol .ifll'r l\\O 1n ,1 ru\\ ... ·n ·.,pon dt·d a d1·J<·1 tt·d U1 h ·r-. C11.1t h c.;n ·g l lc•n 1y. '~h•• :-..:1w h1:> ll·ani JUmp to ;i Ill II l1 ·,1d 111 tht• f11·'1 quart1.·r :ind lUI ;1 :.!I Ill dt•f1t·11 111 ;i (1ve- pu1n1 m.i1gm \\Ith 7 :!.J lt·fl Thi Otlc r ... "1·n · tn po ..... -.c·~1cin at 1h1· Ed1 M>r~ :$:'! "'1th 2 -1 5 n mJ111111g .ind qudrtt·rb.Jc k Enc Lawton 1 .in I 7 ' •• nh 1 o 1 h l' Ed1 ... on 18. but c1 fla.~ wa-.. s<.11l111g a!. lw 11111k 111 I around the· l..ft side .incl tlw holding pc·n;1lt\', ;.ton g w11h l\J.11 k \'111t·mbhl', t•vt•ntual -..;it k v1rtuJI h -..11uff1·d uut tht• last glimnw1 111 hupl· fo r tht OtlC'~ ·\\,\ t11t1ldn'1 ha\'l dorw morl· 10 11ur,1 l\'t''· :'10 v;ird:-,11 ,1 lTat·k." 1 o·m.11 k1·d Ed""n Coal'h Bill \\'111klll.t ll "1'111 JUSl gl.1d W(' l~tlrlll ' h.H'k .. It ".1:-. a gunw full 111 big plays .i 77 \arcl n ·lurn with a n 111u·n1•ptton for a lout hdown by tht• Otl1·r,· H1c.·hard Mt·ndow and thl· ey1. .. popping 54-yard f1c·l d goal hy Grah am. both rommg m a "1lcl f1r..t half Ed1;,1m "Jl<lllt.>d thl' Otl1•rs thl' IU-pmnt t·11sh um . but n punishing 111:-.1d1· ru nn i n g gcinH.'. w it h Gntl1th!' t.1k111g full ,1d\'antagl' o( tht• blo1:k' hl' was gl'lttng from gu,1nJ, Dt•nnis l\kG1.1w,in and M1k1.· W .tllat·e ll'11lt•r M i ke K ulp.1 ,rnd fullli,otk Ll•on ard S1mp;,1111. lt~th ,.< toll Tlw Orlt-r!' w<'rl' up 10 ·0 by ,.,,·tut· <>I Znrnn Katz':-; ~H~vard fwld ..:••<ii .ind l\fondoza's 77-yard dash w ht•n th1• Chargers lrtl'Cl to pass u n d1.·riH·ath t he· 01krs' S('('(>Ocl:&r\' Gra h ,1m c u l m1na t P cl a n tlO-~·arcl snmng march for &:11:;on w ith a :N-.vard f1l'ld gonl. thc·n thP Chnrgt•rs narrowt'cl th<' c·ount to to ti ;i f t1'r G rnham ·s long d istant·t• boot. a S umw t Lt•.1guc• rl'corcl f'Hort ThC' ball h1 1 the t' r o s s h ,1 r d I' ;i cl l'I' n I t' r. a n d boun<'<'<l h1~h :111d 11vN thl' Pnd zonr Edison tn1,k tlw l1•;ul f111 good a ftl'r Jo!t•tlln~ the ltn •ak of lht• nigh\ nn 11 hod cC'ntc·r "HIP on an Otlc>r pu11li11i.: s1 1uat111n. wh ll'h gavl' th t• t'h.1rgt·r-. J'l("'-"1'°'5ttJl1 ot th1• 118 1H Griffiths puundt'<I 1 ;~ yards up th1· mtddh· tu st t thP !..lilJtt.• for thr g n -uh1•ud 111ut•hdown. a th rr e - yord to~" from Nowutnv 111 Oun Gibbs tlWr his shoultlt•r 1n th <' l<'h l'OrnN 111 lh<' l'nd w nc• w ith 1.12 lt•f 1 111 t ht' first ha If &luarn took th~ st'<'mHI half k1t koff a nd pl'O('('(.'(:f1xl tu n'larc:h ll7 yard~. w11h Gr1ff11hi.' running to :\<! yard c•rtort rnmt' on lhc> f1 r 111 plo v ) ond N o w o tn v·a t Ii v 11 r c I fl t• r 1 n I t o J ,: f f W11,h1111o(l11rt 't'llin)l the• !IUIJtt• for (See EDISON. P•1e 84• f .. Or.1111Ju l 1111•11 l>All Y Pll 01 tSttlutdJy Ch..111lw 1 ~1;1 Pitt~· ~-----------------------------------------------------------------y------------------------------- I.I ... . a 1nl Are "'onie r ead y to def "Cl"! Ft 11111 .\I' d1,pult'twi. NE\\' t >ltl.1-:..\NS l\lo"I No •\\ l 11 k,111, S,11111:-pl.1\'1 .... \\ 111 II\ 1111 'l"tl" Ill lht• 111·\\ U1111 1·d St.111•' 1'11oth.1ll Ll'.1i.t111· 111·1..i "l11111g 11 tl11 N.111v11.1I 1-'11011>.ill L1•.i1otlll' ,,.,1"111 ., , .om I'll. d , ..;111d S 11111h \\ 1111· l ('\'l'IVl'I U1d1 l\l:o11t1 "I'd ,,1\ .ol .. 1111 1111 l>l'l l'l'lll \\111tld,' J\1,11111 io..11d • Sinu.• 1lw s ll 1k1• lwg.111 ,1 11l1111th .1~11 11 "·" IX'1•11 .wk1111wh,lgnl th.1t 1lw1·1· 1·rnild n11111• .1 JIHllll hl.'V1111d wh1d1 11 IA 11uld lw 1111p1.1l'lll\tl 111 11·,111111 · tlll' NFL M'JMlll, but 11ulxxh 111 .iu1h1111t\ h,1:-. ,,11d "hl•sv 1h.u Jll11111 nught bt: l\h1L1t1 ,,1111 Ill' lwh1•\t'' t:1m1 ·ll111g tlu• M'.1,1111 w1111ld \'111d :ill pl.1v1•r «ontrm·t!'i '' slh N FI. 1t •:11rn., 111,1k111g ttw pl.1y1·1' ln·t• ag1·11t:-.d 1l1· 111 dwk1•1 \\ 1111 1111' Ill'\\ ),•,1gu1· 1111 )lib' 1111\\ 1•\'1 I l\l,1l1t1', h\'111·1 1111ght h,1\'l ho IH' 11·,11•d 111 1·11u11 hd1111 · thl' l1·,1g111• w11uld \\l•lo 111111' ,lld1 .1pplH.11lllf1,, ,,11d ;1 :-p11k1 ·:-ni.111 h11 lh1• l 'SFI. "Uur l""1t11>r11•o11 h 1111 "·" tll.111·\1111l11111gh lt11·11 I" ,J ... t11k1•. lhUM' gll\'' .111 Ulldl I lllll\l ,11 I .111d .111\111\1' \\hll I' llllllt•r ('01111,11·1, \'•Ill d1111'1 gt•I 111vol\·1d\\1111,'' s.11d l ;l'<ffJ.;1• l\h F.1dd1·11 publ111I\ d 111'\ 1111 ol th1· USFL "You 111 •\'1•r '" nt•\'1•1 11111 1'111 '1111· \\ 1· d \\',II( lllilll th1•(t' \\',I, .I lt•g.d jkl'ltlllll l''\,1ld1,l11•d ," ho• ,,11d Quote of the day Georitr Mrlnt) re, .. 1.11 t111g 111:-l11ur1h s1•JSllll '" lll1•lb.dl I llJ\ h .it V.111olc•1 l>1ll . ..1ddrl'"'111g .1 1111•d1,1 g.llhc•r111g f1 t1 South1 .1:.\1'111 t't•lllt·1<1u·1 ui.1d)1' "1'111 \'\'I'." g l.td 111 h1.• h1•11• Tlw1•:, 1111t ,· .. 1y 111.111.' llllW!> \llU gl'I to l h1 '.1I .I \'.11uJ1•1 bdt l'\1,1dl K111qo.., ctr op Nuc..tmov lr o m uctlvo rostur \'Ii lut "l'l'htU'\, .1 ~l\'11 I l11111111 ~ 11.t11\I 111.11111 1 1111111 tlw "'""'" , 111111111 11 o11•u1 .1111111111 ,,, N1 ·"A tluv .. 11 1 ..... 1 \\11•k ti,,, 1 .. 1·11 d111111"·ol 11•1111 llw oll I I\ I I ll~lt I I ht I 11111 ollllllllll" 1•d ~I Id .. \ N1·1 ti.u \ \\ h" lo.1, lu 111 111 tlw I l11111•ol :-i1.ot1 ,ol1tHll ... I \t'll 111111111\' 1t•l11"•d Ill II IUlll 111 lf11 ''Ill~,· N1•\\ I I.I\ t II l.11111I11111 111 lho 111111 N.1t11111,1l 11,,. k1' l.1 .ii:111· u.11111 pl.1\ 111 h 1d," 111i.:h1 \\'111111111 ~ lu·ld N1" .11·1"' 111 11111\ I' ,h11h .11 g11,ilt1·nol1·1 Ed ~lunio"'kl .111d '"'" d 111 ., .I I 111u111ph II "'"' 1111 ,lo•I•, 111 '\ \\ll1 .11 l111111t 111 tlw \'1·~11 1.11 ~l'.1'11111 11 11' \1'.ll l.1 II \\ 111g nu' 1• "Tlitt•r" Willlu 11" 111 V.11111111\11·1 Ii." IM·1·11 'll'l"'IHlo ti lo1' ..,.., 1·11 ~:.11111 '' ·" .1 11 '1111 tol ,1 111.olo lo jl\'11,di\ ht ll'l 1'1\'t ol olill 111~! ,, 1:.11111 ,og.1111 .. 1 lh1 N1·\1. \'111 k bl.111ol1·" l l. t I :I Top ratings for seventh Serles game 'l'ho· "\'1'11111 g.11111 111 tho· v\1111 Id Ii s . Ill'' bt•l\\•'t'll tht St l.11111:- ('.11d111.1b ,111.t l\lil\\o111l-.11 B11 ·1.1.•·1' \I.'" '1'1'11 P ll lo•h •\'"11111 II\ .1111·,11111,1(1 •.I 110 11111111 .11 p1•11plt-111,1k111g ii 1111• 11111-.I \\ Hh•I\ w.111 ho·d ll'lt•1-.1:.l 111 'v\!111 Id S1•111•-. 111,1111 '" N H(. ,,lid ~·11d,1\ 'f'lll' p1I'\1111 1 ... lllgli \\ '" 77 fi 11111111111 \ 11''"'" 1111 1h1 · ,1,tli .11111 1111.ol g,11111 · 111 lht nJHI W111•ld So Ill'' bt•IV.11 •11 tho• l)11dgt'I' .111d N t•\\ Y11rl< Ya11k1 •1•:-V1·\c •1,111 'ohort:.11111 Mark Ul•l:1ng e r h." 111·1·11 '' .11\'t•d 11\ tlw I )11dg1·1' 1111• 11•.1111 .11111t1u 1w1·d ~·11d,I\ Hd.111).(1·1, :m h.11l '.'>1g111•d \\ 1\fi tilt' ().,dg1 I' ,1, .I I to •1· .1g1•11I 1 ..... 1 1)1~ l llllH'I ,ofl• 1' 'po11d111).( Ii "'""" 111 tht• H.11111111111· corg.11111,11 11111 l•1rt'<l ('luin'. llw 1>111lg1•1 -.· \ ll 1 jJll 'lolo·lll Ill <il,111-!I' 11f p11hl1t 11 •J.t111111' ,lllol jJlllllllllltlll" tl11• l,...,l l'lJ.:hl \'o'.11 ' h,1., b1•111 11.1n11•d I'll"'< lll1v1· \'It t prt·:-.1111·111 ol \ht 1 luli. l>-l(lg1·r-.· 11\\'t1o·r Peter O 'M a lle) .111111n1111·1·cl Liebler's 66 keeps him in front Ht1ok11 · Sll'H ' l.i1·hkr, l1"1k 111g 1111 lw, 111 ... l pro.to·,..,.1111;11 \'11·111r\', l111·d ;i '111li11g .1 1111d1 1 jJ.11 toto Fnd.1\ 111 1.1k•· .1 11111 '''""' lo -.11 1 .o11 .. 1 l\\n 111u11d' 111 n 1111 1'1·11, ... 111.1 Opt II g11ll l11UI 11,11111•111 l.11 111<-1 \\ """' IM·"I 11111:-h ~II l,11 1111 tht• l'{;J\ 111\ll \\'.I!'> :I 111· l11r '''\t'lllh 111 tlw l.o1.l1·1 l'l,1"'" two \>l.'t•1•k., .11-(11 l111d11·d lh111• '11 .11glo1 h11l1 •,. to 11\'1•11.1k1· Cal\1n 1'1·1·1«. \\h11 .• 1.,., ,11111 .11o1o Millt·r B arhl•r .ind U a n S ik1·, p11,11·cl 1111·11 "'' 1111d l'llll't '\'Ull\t· IHf!'o lo m•iv1· 111111 :1 111• 101 1111' IPad al I.Iii .illt•r l\\11r11umf,111 th1· 11 1111111 l h-.ool S1·111111 ... f 11 h I 11.t ll 111,ol Knlcks obtain King from Warriors N I \\ \111<1, H1111.i1oll\111}: 1111 l1qil1 .11111111• 1111\1..irol 1111 .... (:11lol111 S\,oto \\,1111111 " ''·'• 11.11 l1d 111 lht N1 \\ \'11111 I 1111 I-.·, 1111 )(II.II ol l'vl1t l1.11 I J<.,, 1111 lio11d , 1111 ~ 111!.1., 1111 N.1111111.11 H.o ,i.,, 11 1,111 ,\,,11, 1.1111111 11 .1111" .111111111111 o·d 1\111~1 \\ h11 1111 1111\ "lj..1lll'd .111 11111 I ..,1111·1 \\tllo 1111 k.1111 I-.-. .1\1'l ,11(1tl .'.I~ 1~1111h p11 g"ll" l."1 .,, ... 1111 I 11d1•l1 11 .... 1 Ill ll•t NH1\ ((11 l1.11ol ... 111 • llll 111w 111' lilllo ,, .1-.1111 111 1111' lo ,1g111 ,1\11.11•1d ,1 h .1111 .111d •.Ill' I l11~li I 1 'I I"'"''', .. I i.;.01111 1 ••. 1 \I '. II "\V1 • di 1· \'I I \ plo .o-.o·d 111 h.i\'I' ,1 'Ill ll''l'ol itl ,, . ..,.,1u111111 11111111 11111 •,1111111 I~1 11.11.l l\1111· 1.\.1111..., 11lll 111 I ho fll 1 lllh I pl.oVI I' Ill lho lo .11:111 '\,old I ).o \ I I ), lill'\'ll 111 11 1111 K Ill\ k' d111 I 1111 111 11.1'1" tlr.dl 11111 ·1.1111111" W1 .111 -.1111\ 111 111"' ,, pl.1\'1 I 11J f\l1d1.11·I ' l .dtl11 1. lotll lloo 11pp111 \111111 \ 111 ot.1.1111 l\1•111 .11 d p1 ''"'11t1·d ih( II o111d v. 1 t 1111lol11 t ''·"' ,, lll' l'\1111 k:-. l '11,11 h 11111111· B1 IJ\\ II .... 11.I K111 ).( I .111 W'I :.!:1 Ill ;j,\ jHollll ... Ill l11g Jll ''"'llll• )!•11111''" 'I I 1 ·'' , , '' 1 le 111111 ·"Id 1111111 .1111 I I I 1 1 I I 11 " ii I pl,1\ \\lfh lllll \\I ol I 111111 .... 1, .... 111 llf/1111 Ill ... 11111111 h111111· 11111 \\ II '·''" 111 K 111g .... IA 1111 I B1rn1kI\11 11111 11 Landsberger signs pact with Lakers Mark Lant"ha~1·r. ,, ''II t111-....i1d II l'lllo•l ill ).( l.i' ,i,l h "'.1-.1Jll Ill lho· N;111011.il H ..... l..1 ·tl1.oll 1\.....,,ll.1.0111111 11." ").(11\•t l ,1 11111111 \l'oll 1111111.11 I \\ ilh lht· L.1k1 ·1' 1111' \1 ollll .Ollllll\1111 I'll J•11d,I\ l'ho lo ·1111" tol lht· o1g 11·1·1111·11t \\1•11• 11111 .1i .... l11"·d A I ht· r Io S u I a z a r t Ii• 1 '' " 111111 d .. 1 1·11 d 111 g d1.1111p11111 .111d l >ic·k B t•urdi.le~ h1 .. 1d ,, 111 Id 111 '>Ollll ' 111,00\) 1\111111 '1' Ill l11d.1 \' No\\ '1'1111.. <'ti\ 1\1:11·o1th1111 Tit• \\111111 ·11 , 1·1111 ;111h 111• h11l1 · <irl'l1· Wait7 111 N111 "·'' \\ 111111 1 111 1h1 No ·\\ y,,, k l'11v f\L1r.1thcm 1·:11 h \\'.II 1111111 l !l'ill l!Jllll .111d \.\',.,, (;1•1111.111\ ~ C harlott•· Tl·'kl', "111111 1 111 1111 I !Ill:.! H11:-.1t111 l\1;11.11111111 I>\. '111111' lo I lllllllll•'' Kyh' l'l·ll~. d 11\·111g .1 1'1111\1;11 ti1 ;1111I l'r 1,, l1·d 'l'11111d ti.I\ qt1.ol1I \Ill).( 1111 tl11 · \\',111111 I l11dgd1111 t\1111 111 .111 .11111 l :1·:11111 N.111111 1.11 ''"' k 1.11 I dU Ill Hut k111g ho111 1. NC ' Tc•d Turner 's d1•11,.1<111 111 .bn •• u.k.1:-l 1111· l\\" All :-1.11 l1111th.oll g.11111·' ,1;1gl'd liy th•· ... 111k111g No1t1•111.d F1111tl1all I .1•agu1· l'f,1\'1•1, A"u 1;il 11>11 I •"I I ho 'l'llt lll'I Bs 11.11 lo ..... 1111g S\ ,11 Ill I 111 111111 1 t h.111 $81111 111111 .1 o 11l11f1.lll\. "P"k1•,111o111 -..11.I Landalul'l', l1111ft·k.itt d ;ind un\1·,tn l thu:-. l:u , trlt''> 111 run h1·r string ol \'lt'IOl 11'' Ill t I\,. \11dJ\ Ill lh1 0.1k L1 .. 1I St.1k1·' ••• th1· U.1k Tn·t· 11w1•11ng .11 S ,1111;, A1111.1 flOrls on TV 11-:1.1.\ l~IO~ ""Ill 1.'1 /\('AA TOUA\' W1tlo N11111 f),11111 ( '11:1111 (it 11 \ l•,olhl 'I Ill ,1 111 I ,: I 1\1 k ....... , .11 111111,11111 l ' Ill fl 111 I • I '\( \ \ 1"1101 U A I.I. ('Ill.I I'.( :I•; Jo'OO'I UA I.I. !'-. l\11 ' . " . J '. ,.. ..... .! it I p 111 I I I \\'t·:s·11 .. 1tl\ ot TIHHJHS\lA ~ :-,111ol \llll.! ~1111)\ 1...... Ill ( d,1t II I N.11l111i.ol f '.11 k 111 J\11111t.111,1 .l.W p111 Ill S l 'O ll 'J'~WOHl.f> ltl1 :.! ( >l v11 1p11 • li.11111111111 S11~i.i1 H.1\ St ale ·' I 1,I 1 <1 ,., .l.1111"" ~t.11!1 I t I I Ill 111,,-..(111 dul• of I :! rt11 111ol N1\IU· 1111ddl1 "'' 11•t.1 11111 h11111 '·'I" ot ,11 1\11.111111 < '11" N .I I 11111 1.•1 ('US S l'Oll'J'S SATl'HUAY l\l.11 1!111 ~1.11111111. (;.!I 111 .11111 110 11.ild ( '1111v 111 111 p111 111111 ,l'SH \ ,111d NAH~· "'Ito l \\111:h1111•\\11,m1 tl11 11111 111 ·' "111 d11lc d I.' 111u11ol 1;11111 1.q11 ol .11 t\1l.11111t ( 11' N .J 1\1"1 1<11111 ·11 1\11111111 111 I 1 dt Ii 111!-. lu-. I 'SB1\ l1~:ti 1v.1 ·1glt1 1111 .. 111 .. ._. 111 duh ti t ~ 111u 11d l11111t .o~:.0111 ... 1 H111•11 !\l.1\.\\1,1\!11·1 11 .! 111 .111d •• 11 fH>I I 1111 l\I•"' , i\l.1ln111 o l tl11 l'liil.1111 lpl11.1 i tu 1, 1 111 "111 1 ,, <;n..:ATEST SPOHT~ l.l·:c;E 1"\US 1\ 11111lil• 111 NB1\ g11.11d w . .11 1•1.11111 -.1.1111 lwlpod l1 ;1d tit• No\\ Y111k K1111k ' to IW•i '' 111 Id 'h.1111p11111,h1J1' 1 1 I' 111 1.11 ('Ol.l.ECi t-: FOOTHALL l '( 'f .i\ ,,, ( • • .111111111.1 T.q ... d (·.11 lit I Ill llot d.i\ RAJ>IO hM1ll1.oll l\J1 ...... 1H111 .ot N· 111,"h..1 11 :! I •• II• Kl I':\' 111~11) N1 \·;111.i H• 1111 ,ot I '.11 !'>t.111 ~ ull11 l•J11 I.! lo I' 111 K \\ l<l\I 1 t.1701 .11 1d K \\\'I" 111111 Fl\l 1 l ' (' l.1\ .. I l "ol 1 I II I 111 . I I , • 111 K f\ I p (' I j 111 ) S.11ldl1·l1.11 k ... So111 D11·1411 ( 'l ' I fl Ill KSBI< om;; F l\l 1 C >11 i.;1111 S1.11t· .11 USI ' I .111 11111 KNX 1 lt1i01 S.1111 •• ( ·1 •• 1 .... 1 t '.ol l 111h 1'111111111.1 •• , , I' Ill K\\'HM c 1:1io1 I .1111~ Ho·" 11 St.111· .ot S.111 l>wg11 St,111 1 '.!O 11111 . KW\'t•: 11 1111 FM1 H,1,k1 t li,111 l..1k1 l ' .it So .ol I lo i ill f> 111 Kl.t\(' 11711 1 11 ... kl\ ll.orll111d ,ol k.111g ... 'i .'11p111 c I I :tll 1 MAUCll From Page B 1 Q IT .. , • • H.1111 h11 !\l11,1g1 t'111l.1\ Kl'l<Z • l\l.1uc h (111111nu;oll\. 11 l u-. .. d 111 l.ok• 11t·d11 1111 tlll' Angt•b ' 1~8:t :-.utL'l.::-...., H:.olhl·I , ht• 1.x.1111u·d It> 1h1 li.111d 11f v1·t1·1 u11:-on h1.., ball dub like· lh·ggrt· .l.11 kMm, Duug J)\{.'1m·h Huh Bour1t'. T1111 Full Jnd H111I C.:.11 L·W <among 11th1·" o..1ml ..,..,d l>UI h wlc·nt w.1!'> 1 lw kt·v lo :-Ul'l.'t"'·' Beavers next for ~. John Doe & Co. Std I. MCJUl'h wa:-. o l tt.:11 • p1J!.1utlt·cJ f1Jr hll> b rand o t "L111lt· B all" ur "l\1.111t h B,ill " wh1l'h wa'.'> di.Hdtlo·rl"Ll'CI b~ '>(jllt·1·11 pl.'"" ,,,usf111· bu11L'> •. snt.l JU'I pl.11n :-.cr,olt h111g lor 1 u11' ;,t t1n11" Tho· Ang1•b l1111,h1 ·d th1 l~H:! ""'""11 \I.Ith a 'I.I 11!1 11·1 ord .111d .1 I h1 ,.,. g.onw ,1d\';in1<1g1• <l\'l'r "'"11d pl.wt' K.in,,,, <:11 ' 111 tlw \\'c·,1t·rn u,, . ...,,.,n l\l.1lll h J<11111·d lht t..dl dulo 111 f, hru;on 11f IYHI ,1, d11u·111r ol pl.1\l·r 1i. f-.(1111H I 11'· n ·µl.011 ti Jun 1' 11·g1"1 ,., ma11.ig1·1 111 l\J." 111 tht· '"llll' vt·.11 :{Trojans listed as 30-point :. favorites today at ~' HOGER l'ARL...;o ;\ I Ot" ti•• O•llr Pllol Slelf l LOS ANl:ELES s .. tl11 111 ... 1 tl11u 1.11111.11 1.,, ? h,1\ 1· lu •1 11 'Ill• hn ... I \\ 1lh lllJlll 11' .irnl the •1111 1!111 1 ~ 1111111 II k' ,o JI J.!11111 111•1 ii \llll ii the : I Ill\ I,,,,\ 111 S1111l h1 Ill l'.1111111111,1 ftl(111 •• 111 ('11,H h t '11u '1111p l' dig o1111u11d '11111 11"tt·1 .111d I 111d ~ -.111111·11111· ""''' I Th.it':-. \\ h ,1\ J.1h11 H11l1111-."n h.i~ cJmH· lnr ,\11d .I\ ' !'... Ill< l.1:-.h \\ 1\h '' 1nlt·"' l>r'"·gun S t.1\1 .111d 'tll"fllll llll'll '" 1.1llo·t.l 'horll't1nl11'~~ in 1h1· rum11n~ 1lt-p.11lm1111 tlw T•i•Jolll' .0 11 !ht• cl ;i, 111 1••1111t t l.1\ Ill ii •. , I • Kit k11l I 1, -..Ill dult d t"I I .Ill .111.t II 1h1 '1'1 •'!·••" Cll h •ll'l\'l 11111 ",,,. ,h,11 p •" .1 \\ t t k .ogu J\ S1.111l1•1 d c Erodd s1 .. ·1111, ·, ... 1.1111, ·" ·' l"lll lh ,,, 111g 1.11111.11 h ••• ; 5'·:1:.1111', -.1.111 \\Ill11111 1 o1J,!.1111 IM· to1g11111•11 t ' '; l\l.ot1·1 I>• 1 I l1gh prnohu t K1 ·111w1h 11111.1 .i ; (n·,hm.111 l11wl1.11 kt 1 "·" 1,.., 11 m-.. r tt'tl .11 111llt.." k il'h ht Ip 1111 tlw g.1p. 11111 111 \\ h.ol 111u,• l.it· 1h1· l11g~1 .... 1 1 l.'"11'11\\111'k J11h 111 .i S11u tlw1 n (';ii 11.11 kltl·lol 111 ''"1'' Hui 1111111.1tlt r 11111,11111 th• r1l1 drnll'. l''I"' 1.1lh •..._1th th• 11111 n,.,,. l111t , 11l,\111ll' ... 111 ngth ~ ll111 1.11 kit,, l.>t111 f\I"'"""' •• ml Kdl.' Thom." '\1·11 11.11t11Lslo1rl\ t1u1,1.011d111g .ig.111bl St.1nlt11d lttol1111.1111 ,,,, t\nd Ur l111 f\l.o1th1 "' "' gu.11ol lo." pl.1\1d \I I\ \\1 II .di , .... I li,11 111111l1111,1l1rn1 .ol1111g \\1th th• 11 '' 111 lh1 1o(j1 11'.l\'I fl11lll h lll:tkillg 1111 ' 1'.I ... \ Ill( 1111' l'l11J.lll' 1. ,, 1-111 Id It g.11dl1" 111 \\ho', ( .111 \111g Ill•· h.ill \11d 1111111 '11 11 ' 111.1k111g lif o '""' 1111 "'f1h111111111 qu ... 1o·1h.11I-St.111 s,,1r.,h111\ who Ii." On radio today KNX(1070)at 1:30 t 111111 •I• tt d to I 111 11 l , .. ,.,.,, ., 1111 111 11 \ .11 d' ,111d -I Tl>-. ,, 111il1jllt•t 11111 l'.1111111 111 ,')'j'j \\ 11 h 11111\ I 1111 1 11111 11 lJlll• llh 1\ \\ l 'I k ,11411 il \\ '°' !'-..ol1• lill1 \ ,l,olllllllg 11111 "II I 111 Id "111, h 1111 ludc·d 111 1,111.111 T111ph~ 1.111d1d.o1 • .l11h11 El"·". tlw L'.11d111.1h •1u.11 li'1 l>.11 k d..lls" S.ol1,l1ur' h)I I 'i 111 Ill f111 LO I ',11 cf, .01111 111, • ., 1· 1111 lht 1h1111p 11\1 I tlH 11111ftll1 ., IM ·g111111111-! 111\\1111 II hr' lwld · S1,1nl111tl '' ,,... .l•·l I ';. 1 ...... 1 ~.11111 l'\'l'I ...... 1 Tr .. 1 •• 11 ..... ii.I H11l1111'1111 ... 11al 11111· ol tht 111·,1 .oll ,11111111.t 11111111111.1111 1·' I\\ 'l•'ll 1111111.1 \\ult lt~C l\'\ I 111 tho l.1'1 11111 I \'< oll ' 1 .Olllt 1111111 11111 'flhl I lid ,Jr ·lf S11111111•11' ' lucLA invades Bears' den I Bruin~ put I 0-~a nu.· winnin~ • I R~~HKELEY 1:\1'1 It wa,n·1 -.(1 111ud1 \\h.1t Jo« K,1pp --<JUI liu1 h11\\ ho· .... 1111 11 Thl• C.d1l1tr n1.i H1 .1r,· r1111k11 111.11h .,..,,, ! n ·m1n dl'd 11111 • .1g.11n 111 tht· um·-~1d1-<I h1,l•>r.' 11! ) tht UCLA l '.11 11,·.,ti' It ' ~011lt'lhing. ht '••1<1 tt1.11 I "!>l ll k' Ill Vll\11 I I.I\\ • Bu t ·1h1 n Kapp \\111 1 un 111 'ugglsl d1plom.1tw;;tlh. Wllh 1h1 l•Hll nf h1!-> \11111· r.1th1 1 lthan ;1 fla1-11u1 thn·at, th..11 th1· 13<-.irs ma:. be rt•ady to poum1• 11n tlw un~u,pt·\ling I lth-rank1.-d Bru111.,; wlwn th<·' nut 1 toicla' K Jpp t•\1 n 'U~W"lt·d th.11 L:CLA Cuat·h Tl'I r:. f l)onahuc· -... a~ u.;1ng tlw Bruin:-.' In ganw winning • n ·ak and :!i 4 rc'<:nrd in th<· "<'rt''' as ti rallyinj.( int for h1' own troop' "I h ear that M r I>i1n,1huc> 1:-. m.1km~ 1t hkc> C.tl'' 'd a bsg t'ru:-:•dC' b•-t«111._.• of thl' h1Mory." Kapp • n radio today MPC (710) at 1 ·id "HowC'vc•r. vou l., ... ;111 JU'' mak<' a lt1tli· n11t1· at the &·a il> '-'·ill 'ho\\ up Ju..,t U'll '1•111 w1.:11 ow. We'll bt· tht•!'t' .. The tro ubll' with C.il ror mrl!'it of th<' lai.t :H an; ss that tlw & .. 1r:-dsd VNY 11\lk more than ow up. This linu• 1h1· B<•ilr' an• t•un11ng in with a 4·2 cord. DL'l>pl\t• big lossl's ag:..11nst to p -rankt'd ash ington and Arizona Sl<ilt'. llw Hears have o n<' their 1.x>st teams 1n v1·ars UCLA has a 5-0 i rt't'Ord and m'Cds a victory st.a y in lh<• running fo r the· HO!>C &wl : For a ll tht• fuss ov1·r thl• history of this SCrtC's. app ins ists thf're an' morP important reasons for e Bears to tx-pump<'<l up for th•~ gamt' t ··We don't play for n •vc•n gl' ... Kapp sau l ..:'fh<'rl" arc f'nough 1m"l·nl1Vc'l-o m this gaml'. H 1l'Ot•iry 11 part ot 1t tiut 1t 's 1.•('r\;.lmly no l the w holl•. Wc>'rC' not play ing 1h1s gaml' for th(• Ll'ams that lost bc'forl' We'rCJ playin~ ll for oursl'lvt•s" The obvious focus o f Cal's d Pfe nsc, which has • ~trt•ak a~ainst Cal on lint• 11111J)l•rtorm1•t.l l h1· ot l1•11s1· th1.., v'"" IA 111 ht· tlt1· p.1,,1ng ga11H· ol UC.:Lt\ quJs 11·1 h.st k T11m H.1111'1, H.1n1"" ,1 "111111 1o .. 1d' 1lw 11.1111111 111 p.1-..,111g 1•tftlll'I\\ \' ,111111 .1nk:-111111 lh lll to l,il 11111 ll't \\'llh :.!~:! 5 prnnt:-l"'r g.inw. "Th1·v ha\·1· l>•Hlll' 11uts t.1nd1ng :1't'l'l\'t I'" K;1pp '>did. refl-rnng 10 st·n1or Corm.i{ l';1rnt•\, .l11Jt1 Tu\\ nl!l·ll and Paul B<•s gmann Kagel threatens to leave talks <.:CX..'K EYS VILLE. Md. (AP) San1 Kag<.'I. tlw m1•dsator brought m to hl.'lp rl'!'iolvl' thl• N:Htonal F1.1111b.ill Lt·,1gue players' ,lnkl' wants to withdraw from 1h1· b.irJ(ainsng talks, ll was lt'.irm'd frrct:.~ lll~hl "We· arr spmnmg our wht>rls,'' Kagf'I told source.., mon11onng tlw I I-day -old n<'gotiations m t his stnk1• The 7 :J -ye a r -o I c.J Sa n F ran n s l' n lf1 w y l' r ind1ca1t'<J lw had to rNurn to business 1nwn·sL~ 111 his hom1• to w n "I plan 111 l(t•l rm a pl;inC' tomorrow (tociuyl 1'111 lln·<l. 1 want lO go hunw I gave• It my bt~t s hut.'' sourt'C'S 4uo t1·d Kagc·I ai. saying But he a lso st·h l·dulf'd ont' last n c•go111111011 M'S:'l1oti bet w1•c>n th<' players' a. scx·iation und 1h1· ownt•r1' ManaRl'mt'nt Council. wht<·h was tu n>Sunw u1 ~ :m a m toduv It w;.is bt•lu:ved K ogt•l plamwd to s uggest ~11 S.11urduy's S(•ss1on tha t a ml'Cl1nto r·arbitr11tor be · brought sn to atli'mpl lo rrsolvC' th<' dsspuw 111 "ml•d -arb," al! 11 1s known, both sides rPltn4ui11h som e or thl'tr ncgotiat111R power to thl' middle man giving him far grC'a\t'r nuthorlly to establish the gro und r uh'l< of m •gnt1utron s :ind l hC' terms of th<' settlement. Norm -·Loats Newport City Councll November 2 Committee to Elect r-.torm Loats, Aud Baron· Treaaurer 881 Dover Dr., N.B. IO :r822319 ' Coliseum Tl11 Tr "J"ll' h.1 \ • 1.11 "d I•• 111111 '" ·•11-!hl \IC l"i 11' ,of It I tli.ot 11f1< 1111114 .f11d ti f· 1111111.1 ,111d ,11 • 1:.!tlt 1.111k1 ·d 111 1111 11.1111111 \\hllo (l11g1111 :-.1,111· r... 11. '.1-I \\,,...hlli~llfll ('11,11 h !)toll .J.11111 llllloilk1d \II 1\l1h11ugh h• 1.1111-., n1111h 1111 tho· .di 11n11· 111.011.0).!1 I .., 11-.t 1111 \II 111111·, I 1t llo h• .obo 1.1111-.., l1flh 1111 th1 -..11111 1i.,1 1111 """', I hm: d111111g 111, lo·ngth\ lo-111111 "" ,1 l11i• 1t .. ,g u1· 111.111.1gv1 l)!'-.l ('11,11lo .J,H \\1//,11111 ,11111 lob lt .1111' ,\I J, \ltl"I ' "'''I ll1 tg1111 ~t.1to ),,,1 \\111.. lf1.ol 1111• l~·.1\'< "h.111 :\1111 1 l'.11 Ill pl.I\•'' th.111 \11l1·,, , ,.,., h.1d ' t\iilllllJ.; I h11'\I 111 lllJ.: c lllhlllt I Id d Jll1"'1blc• , .1111hd.1t•·' 1111 th• ,\11g1 1, 111.1n;1ging J<•I• ·''' l11rmu ;\Id\' .1ukc" !\l.111.1~• r But k H1.1dg1·r' r •'< • 1111' fsrc'Ci ( l.1kl.111cl l\l~111ag1 1 Bllh !\l.11 1111 .md Ang< I l'11ath 1'11 ·:-.ton (;111111·1 /\\'1•11,11111 .1g1 "'"I !Jut :1dd1 d Tl11 d .111111 I• 1g111 \\ .. 11 1 " •• rr 1 .. 1 '" 11 i..• 11111v 1 .. "' 1 •·•· Ti. .• I ., I '·" '" \\II\ I ht II· ,1\ I I ...... t 'Ill lo P:.11tl'r-.(lll 011 l'nd;;v d1 •111l't..I ·' 1t·J.)(1rt 1,, UPI tlo.ot 1 .. 11111 r l '1111 111n.1ll l\l,1n.1g1 1 J11h11 ;\kl\.1mara -...nulol lli· Mau1·h·., r~·plaC'l·mt·nt d 1l 111111 ur1tlt1ol11g ... '1'111· Ts•'I·'"' .111 k1111 "'"' 111 lllJlll (I' "I -.1111 "·''' •h• IH .. I"'' ''l'lw UPI '111rv ..., pun 11111)"' tu11· .. l'.11\C'rl>On ..... 1d :-.111 1111 I I 11111 ti l'I lllll• .. 1111 l.'O \.11ol th I .1\t·1.1g1 I .ol-!.0111'1 St.111l,,1d .011d l1gu11 :-. lo 1 .. 111~1 "~ , \' f 11 I \\ h I 11 I h I of I t I' I 0 II I) 11 f\.1.1 U l h , S llllJlll ''"' lj.!.1111"1 •Ii· B1 .. 1\l'I' \\ "'' ""'' 11'1 ''"Jlllt ti ,111\ 11111 \ t I 11 pl.111 nwnt '"" 111 111.11lt P.111t•1"111 -..11d "I thtnk tlio ''II 11M >l ll11111-!' 1111 a" hslt N11 n,11111·.., h.1\1· l1t't·11 llll'lll t1111t•tl l'S<'' It th.ol ••II• 11'1 h."11'1l w1 II h1 Id ""''lo·" Ill 17 1 '(r.11ghl ~:o11111' tho· 11,1111111 ' lo .1d1111• 'II• .ok .111d Jlhl Ill l1t•h111d llkl.ol111111 ..... N(',.\,\ ,, .• 11111 Ill IHI T he l,1,I 11nu 1111 I 111j.tll' "' 11 ,11111 0111 1111\\I \l'I . "'" Ill l!lt1'i 1111 .1 \\I I 111 Id ... U11 g1111 St.11\· ,\~.1111 l '.1111 1,•111 11 1u,1·d 111 'l.11,.11,11• 1111 ,an \ 111011 111ltJ111,1.11111 -. ... u1n11111d111g l.o u(h·, tl1•par'll111 • lu111 111 o1 1w1.,11n:il 11oto h1 .1dol1 ·tl "I lo\t tlh ).(U\' 1'111 .11\1.'.I\' '1111' 111 "1· .111\ both l1 ·..1v1• I 1.1w1>.1ll · Martin to Cleveland? U11·g1111 S1o1t1 , 111!1 II" whs( h 1111 l11dc ' N1·\1.flllll ll.1rb111 ll11!h p1111lu11 .1111 l'.1111.1h.111 .11 t.ooklt . li.i:-. .1 ltlllph ul '1ll,1lll'lh.11k' \I.ht! l1gu11 t11 "''' dUI\ .J1·l I '-'• •'' .. 1 ... oph11n1111 1· .11ul 'I 1)1111 Ed S111gl1 I CLE\'ELANI> CA PJ Tho· C:lo·\'t•land Indians So ·" h.", 11111pl .. 11 d •.! 111 Ill.! 1111 11 Ill \.11d ... 111tf S 111gl1 1 l11lh d '" I ht• ,1,1111 •1 h,.., 1111 .'.I 111 Ill 1111 .''II '\,11.f, '1'111 1111-: d1llt•11·n~1 hl'l'\\11 II tho · l\\11 S o ,I\ II.I' I .. 1 II llllt 111 plc •d Ill \11111''· S111~l1 ·1 1>111 11111 1• h.1ve utft•n•d Btll\' l\l.111111 ,1 1hn •1 \1•.ir u>nlrall worth .it IL'<l~I $I nl1l11on th11I \\ 11uld .ii'luw tht• f1esl v ... kq>fX'I' lo kl'<'IJ hi.. ~tatu:-as l>a:-t·hctll":-. h 1glw~t-pa1d 111;in.1g1•1 Thi• <.:l1·Vl'l.md PIJ1n f:>t·alt•r reportl'<i f\l.J11111. f1n<tl W1'1J1w:-.da~ a<; manager of th(· 0.1kl.111d A's. n •1111r11•dl.' 1•:1rrwd $'..U•O.llOtl lt1r th1· I !JH:! ,1 -.1..,1111 Tl11 1 t11111 111g i.:.11111 .1 pp• ·'"' ,1oJ11 l 1111 tlw ... u1l.11• \\1th lullh.uh Hr'" u i.:11 .. , .o\t 1.1i.:111i.: •.I ~ ,IJ ti-. ol I .II I\ lnd1.1 n:-.' P rt·,1tlt·111 l~alw P .1ul \\ ould n ot 11111111111 1h1· 111 •w ,p.1p1•r -. l1gurt'' hut ,.11d \\'" h•l\'t• 111.ult· Bill'\ nm· h1·ll 11f an 1olli•1 · College football Oregc>n C:Oh•t>um/ TOOAT'S OAMfl W•al 5< .. 1 use 11 '" ", UCLA at C11hlorno11 I 0"9 O.Kti St 11 San 01f!Qo S1 " Nt>Vada ~no al Cai i>IAll' ~u""'"" Nolie Dame el 01t19on f resno Sr al San JOM> $1 , Tea as T l'Cn at Wash•nQIOn Stanford al Wash1n91on $1 Cal Slale NO<lhFfdQe al Ca• Lutheran Occode01a• 01 Wh•llf41• n Sanla Cla•• a1 C•I POiy 1Pomona1 n CIMemonl·Mudd al Redland~ n RocklH Pec•hc a1 A111ona n Weber SI al Boose SI n COIO<ddO SI •• BYV Montana SI al Idaho " Mor11ono al 11111110 St n Ne" Me••c:o St 111 NI'"" Mtt'« n " C Wasl1•noron 01 Nor lh1<1 n A""'"" ,, U1on 11 Wyom1no IOlllhWHI II l " Alk1n11s al ~ou11on CChennel i 11 9 JO am 1 Oklar.omo S1 •t OklAhom11 SMV at l e.11.1 IChannel 7 11 12 JO Om I AH Force 81 '"••~·El Pa•n n R~e al 18•115 A6M Baylo• .ii TCU Nor lh r .. ,H SI Al Wtosl 1,.,.,, St McN~se St .11 A•~<J•is11s St MldwHI M1ch•gan at Notthwt'l1Nn 011•0 SI al lndoc1na Pu•d!H! ,)I Mocn1gan Sc Iowa et Monnesorn 11 1111no11 ot W11cont1n K1n1H Ill Kenl!as SI M•HOUll Ill Nl!b••lkll fhH Arlington al Wo<n•ln St W~'\t~n '41r,,10"" "'' Q)lf St 1115.e .it Ot.\to.r C.• nttdl Mt<:h•Q1on al -.t'nl St [,•St@fn M1Ch+Q.lU at NOflhefn llhn!l•"'- N()r\ht'rf'\ M1ctugan al Northt>'n 10""'' 11 Mo.1mo 0 Ill 0h•O lJ lf\J111Jf"1 51 .u Southe•n 1111no•" Bow nq G•l't'" ll lo•l'CO I" Soulh C.•ntmnatt ~u Alabama I ennasseo JI Geo191a T l'r.11 Goora•a at l(enruckv n Soutn Lerohna dt LSV n Oukl' al Maryland Auburn 81 M1S••SS•pp1 St Cll.'mson al Nonn Carohno St VMI at Richmond tou1sv1lle al $0\Jlhern M"s•SS•PI'• n Mempnos St 01 Tulane n """~1ss1pp1 01 V.>nderboll n Wake FOll'SI DI v .. g1n1A Aooaiacnonn St a1 v .. 01n1a I l'Ch 1111110•~ S1 111 E .111 C.J•Ohna W••ham II Mai~ .ti Jame• Mod1son NW Lou1s1ana al lou1soana Tl'Cn Akron al Ma1sn:ill Tennessff lt'Cn 111 Me>•f'htoad SI Sf lou .. rnno at NE lo1.11s1t1na lama• at SW lou•t•an11 n EHi P!'nn SI 11 WeSI V11g•noa P11r 111 Svr11c11se Co1Qd11' ill Ru1gers Hllrvll•O al P10nCPIOn Va1e al PC'nn The C1t11del RI Navy Bo,1()(1 CoHegi!' er Aomy M11ssacnu$('tl8 •• Boston u Holv Crou at Brown Bucknflll 111 Co111mbu1 Meone •t Connttt;hcul Oa11mou1n 11 Cornell 011v10sM1 Al l lll•yelle Unttd Offer LINCOLN MERCURY 2626 Harbor llvd., Cotto M••• 540-56*> • 1101 ...... . JOHNSON & SON presents .. COLLEGE Pith ......... . Kansas over Kansas State * Nebraska over Minouri * SMU over Texas * Brigham Young over Colorado State * uaA .,,., CalKwnta 01 u1111e. t;uiusl DAILY PILOl /Soturduy, Octoh r 23 1982 11!1 0 Moun ti tonight Vikings take it out on Seahawks, 45-0 l >1 u11g1· ( \,,,..1 l. 'o1ll<·1.tt · 1.11 , • ., llll' '''"'JI'''' 111 111 ... 11g '" rlflh ,11.1111h1 ltk1th.cll ~.11111 111111~h l \\ht 11 tlw l'11.1h'' ho"' I 11gg1•d Mt S.11 I • \1111111111 \\ I 1111 s .. dd lt•lm,·k ~ 'ull1·g1· \\ tll 111• 11111 hi 111.1k1• II M>. \'ll'ltll'l1'" 111 o1 111\\ \.\'111•11 I ht• ( :o111d111:. 11 av1·I t" S.111 I )1q.(O ( '( • Uy EU llN1'1".l. tpecl-4 10 the O•llW Pllol Murlnu ll 1~h h.ul 111 1.olu 11 11111 1111 '«lllll'tlfl'' 1>11 tlk "d11 clllli t..ut 11 u .. ()(-.•1111 V11•w H1·huumhn.: fr11111 ,1 ~.I 7 lcr"'' 111 ~'.d 1,1111 Ill the S111i-1 I ) ,1 Wll• 11111•111·1 I h 1· \ 1k1111 • 111 ,111 .I °'-'••hn \ ... ....,, I 1 II I 11cl.1\ 1111-:lit Jl \V1•,1111111.,\1 ·1 "Wt• thllUJ,thl lo\ I \\ 1 11' I .1p,il1l1 ol .,111v1111i( l1 k1 thi... \\ ,. 111..,1 h,1d1l0 \ 111111! tlllllj.!hl . -..11cl ,t plo 11 .o of 1\1 11 lllol 1 ... ,11J Clhtl h 1),1\ I l't.1111111 .. ••lt l11.l1 1·.I tli1 · \'1k111w• P ' I I 1 1.11Cl1 l111:1lh11 111 l\t'I \ W,,, I· I I ct • ' ' II t ..: Ii I I " I I " w ""~ .1 '>(Oii• h ,, 111-.t q11.1111 ·1 I .1 d Ii\ 1111111111).' 11,11 k l•'.111 1,,,1111.111 111d 1111 .1111 1 l •• 11 k Hill l\l,11 lo I l\l,ll lll.1 '4111111111111 tllll•''i 111 th1 ,,., 1111d q11.11 tt'I 111,1k111g 1111 h.011111111 ' l (ellll\'\CtllllllJ.: f1•,lf\'lllf •~ ,1 111111• lo •-..-. 1•11)11\.ololc· l1i1 Ono,111 \ 11 '\\ K .11111.111 \\""II""''" 1111 I:.!:! y,11 1h e111 1:11.tll'll'' le11 11!1 lll~hl Wiii\ tltt' Wiii kh111 1w 111'1 11111 .. t 111 tlw ol11v1·1> .111d .11ld1·d 11 :I'/ yu1cl r.,.1c1 go.ii th.it ~.1v1· Mut 111.1 .1 17 ti 11'.td 11111 lw11v 111111111.ih tlu q11,11 ll•r t.lt'.111\\ l11li M .11 It I .... 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Mt!;eu 11; '""~ 111)('1 G1aynd110 It,, t•ttf I li! i(. ~ ) t.W( Mc (,1u. f I p11"•'• hum G11HJIH .. lllCJ , ... I( flt., lo.1tel Merine 4S, Oceen View 0 Score by O"atl••• ,(1 h ·1t111•' ,,, ,,.,,~ rum H•••·lJ «tto\''''U' M1uu1 a 0 2• t4 I • 4~ • u .. , 1Wt '•"·••n, 1 •l• (11 1•.11 y,..,, 0 0 0 0 I 0 (1Wl. Jl~t1l•••'tHO 1 IUll 4C.,1m.•rt ir.1(,h / tiWt Wt nt"'' HU mt1ln.1•J1tu1u '"'"''" PA Mttdt_•f ~ fUfl r oJHfu.tfl .. It It. f M Mutter t 1u11 t~o,m.afl tut.~ f M K.dff•ldU Jl • G j(jflll'fl ~ •• ", 1,w1 We,1/lt1tl i run (l111•t.!•• liuUd M V1t~1ru 1 ~ t,.iJ~' ff orn Milth11 tKll1fn.1u ~IC II I l\t1,•111foH\.~' 1 ~OU (tJ~t1111«.1hUJj M K,1111~1H• J8 run It' mrnu11 k1C.kl O~m• Sl•tl•tlce so M Mntte!.o• 47 1.M ... ':t ltc;m MtHltH 1K.Hl"l1'11 owe .,. kl I t I ~Juwn"l ftu\I P~ f 1UI~ l',1\!:t•t H yittlJ~ ... ., ,, ll '" 20 10• ,o \1 . n M r•l"'-'"' •, 1 "" ,. drrlldl• ~1'"' 4& 167 Allt'llll•ll•l" I 'JOO 1.,~11rnultrOJ l l·'l10~ G•"l• Sl•llallce M 4•1 4 -39 r1r')10(1""'h '21 1 0 3-1 Au!>ht'\ fulll\ !,/ l'> 7 I mihh·~ Pt·h.UllP· ) 11 lh '> JO 8 68 PJ~\'"'l fJf(J\ 'j~ lndl vlduel Ruehlng P .. >S•·~ I I 0 'stJ f'1•·••tl t 48 C.,ott•r /1 •, (ult·~ J ~ PU111\ 1 l'J lh 11111, •• n 1 4 •1Jl1ildC.f' 1 tor lfllfllJ"Jo J fufl1tJh•!r lrJ~l 1 1 C '"""'"''' 1 10 1 ·rntt1u~ •> M1luc.cc., 1 tor trnnu~ PtHlfJlhu!t yiJrd'> S 4~ • ,.,u t•1.m1 'i tur·m1nu~ 24 tndlvldu•I Ruthlng ov ' ~· ~6 ,, ' 1•, 0 l If; :>-2 4.44 ,'/tJC '•tonlhetJt!r 29 1 HS Jt1nn?aon <4 47 M fh~t.tu, f, 7'-l<Drrt1dn 1 J 12' MJ.rte~ t 1 "'' l, t l._1mtu•t1C.m 1 2 Wc111l.tlf 1 I HJ bJ P ttltt"r',(d 11 4 t firy,11'1 J .. 1J j. '••'ft I d tor 1111nu' 2 Pmcut,, 1 1~ r I·~ l t.. Jn.t j .. i• Hi lndlvldu•I Pnelng P.1culb,1 T lo• moou~ :l Pa""' :;. '> Mr.t ra • M·•·•LtO 16 18 4 :n~ P1l9o>1olm I J .. Io J8 H11s11ngs 1·0 6. RIHl<I 1·1·0 35 ov r Pariseau 7-lor minus 17 Tom (J'/'lf r,1,u111.1110 17-'l3·0 302 Parke• 18 56 Mounl 5•· 17 lndlvldu•I Receiving lndlvlduel Pn1lng (J 11.-vcflo<Jll 4 98 G1itt'> (, ~9 a .. 1119~ M MMlt't l 3-0 ~\I •l / l I ,,,.,11 I :?2 Thornrt'> I 10 f IOyCI I 16 0V l'~"seau 7 15 0 17 1•11 .. tS • <i (.,..ult"' 1 ~ lndlvldual Receiving "'" '"'r,,,1• H 197 Dull.I>{'• 1-45 M y,. ..... I 12 Molles• I 4/ I 1• I .... r .. , .. ,,,,. l I( l' uq 1 ~ P1\,.i11t ov Hdtf•(-"ld 1 7 s Pdt••·• " t ~ ")\t ,, 1 I( 11 ti I f-#!·t•r ' n '} 10 t Pt11kPt 1 4 w,.t~f· ' J -~~~~~~~~--~~~~ VIDEO BLOWOUT!·!! ZENITH VIDEO SPECTACULAR _,._ .. _ Low Profile Top-O f- T h e Line Beta-VR9775 .-~~~~~~~~-- BET A IS BETTER That's Why S~Y Gave VHS Away -Al ABC TV Wt Have Bela Recorders from 1399 VIDEO SPECIAL OF THE YEAR!! • VHS STEREO R£COft0£R • WIRELESS. 16 FlmCTIOH ZENITH COLOR TV s299oo l- o ~J ,11· .. ________ _ ADO H£CTRONIC TUfU 4xlxY2" SALE SHOP PLYWOOD Reg $999 12.99 ' ... *41t. .••. ~ r-;y \.·~ , R£MOT£ C~TROl • CABLE READY • 14 DAY PROGRAMMABLE • 8 HOUR R£COftD • FULL SP£CIAL HHCTS ADO K£YBROAD TUHCR ADO KEYBOARD REMOTE s349 5389 5489 25" °"'~ 1983 MODEL RCA REMOTE CONTROL ~ICED s14ooo LESS THAN Sanded Exterior Glue 4x4x8 SALE REDWOOD POSTS Reg. $499 6.99 Fresh Stock 10 LIGHT SALE FRENCH DOORS Reg. $8995 Douglas Fir 131.00 3~" -32" -36" x 80" x 1 ltt" COUITERTOPS SALE Formica Re g. 5.00 $3~~. Assorted Colors Lin./Ft. 4-6-8-1 0 Ft. 4181" .,I Reg. SALE "CDX" PLYWOOD 14.49 $1199 Sheathing Grade with Exterior Glue 4111iA SALE MIHOGlllY Reg. $3749 PLYWOOD 48 .95 lumber C.. PRICFS GOOD SATURDAY & SUNDAY ONLY! • OH£ TOUCH R£COftD I Same As VGT6SO) PRICE THE 1982 WAS AT CLEARAHCC. YES· THIS IS THE "SWIVH BAS[" WITH CANE SIO£S-PtUC£0 WITH 0£LIV(RY & umuD SCRVIC[ l lMllD SIWl'l T Oft THIS Sl'£CIAI I l«JRRT" M1i1t TlltJ Int THIS PRICE IS POSSIBLE BY A Sf>E CIAL l'tJICHASC BY ABC· WE PROMISED NOT TO PRINT Ttt: MAIU. NAK l I t - SUPER SAVINGS ON RCA VIDEO ""'-' SAVE H t " A ,....... • I • l''' 8 l ~..:--'l--I COMPLETF I ,' I I I• -. -,.~ , • • YOUR VCR •·•' ·~.er-""} • oru ONC or SCVERAl CABKl STYLES '-_ _ ......... Cl ..-S VSTEM t "'' "'(.;.. -..,_ WITH RCA'S ,. "11111r1<1ri<· .,_ 'Ja....VHS au:oao.z.i 00 .. VIDEO 1•1, I •111•t• l'IOG CA8ll . 4 tU.OS All ~ COLOR SrlCW HrtCTS BY RCMOTl' CAMERA , ,,,, , .. tNJUST•Ys em u ,.. PRICE REoucm FOR lOMSI l'llCt £YUi OH!Rt:O MOOll VGt l10 CAU fOll PlllC(' THIS SALE . tUtRY! LMT£D. ''3' I flJRRY FOft Tll: • tJ!fl SUPCR Sf>CCIAl -RCA's ·~ RCA's VCRY BEST BEST -VIDEO CAMERA ~T A GRCAT !'RIC[ , R£DUC£0 ' REDUCll~ ·BUT S}2600 HURRY · Tll:Y WON'T ., \ LAST LONG AT THIS PRIC£1 WE STOCK All MOOO.S Of RCA Vll£0 R£CORDERS API> CAKRAS • API> WE Will BUT ANY ADVVt TISfD PRICE! SlllCI AIC for Al Yidee Ace rs. RKordt! Cawt·C-1 Ctsti· fh/SMI A4-!tn·ltnS £attnd · V-.0 flltn· T ~·licfttllc ltlh -~ T.,n 111 n (Cm ltl) A breakthrough In television. SUPER CASH SPECIALS!! NOW ... A 2S' dh19on1t Plctu,.. In the 11me width •• • conventional t9 dlaqo nel Video Camera-Auto Focus-Auto Fade-Auto lris-1.4 Lens Zenith 4S" .Giant Screen Zenith 13" c• '239: S699°?.= Al ABC W£ STOCK All MOOHS Of RCA COlOlrntAK 9" AC-DC Color Ma1navo1 or Hitachi 14'1 (JPf 1 ~ ,,,,_ ti IClC "ill (>H h,,fl \I\ f' ; '<ll 1 • tiirr t11hu . .,1, '" I 2000 -SC( THEM All IN JUST ONE STOP -WE Sill no ontN Afl> Video Disc Playtr " •t'Qltl tQllllOI C,lll • •• I 1.,. (\<·I' I P•1K ··~ .. )I • ~I ,_h I , ""'''" CALL 111-3329 FOR OUR LOW PRICES!! HOURS. lllON r RI 10·7 SAT 10·5 )0 M 11·4 SCRvtCC llUI SELDOM WllY llY AT 1107 • ,., .... lfllUIU l.U. • ftl& • • HllPTB ••11•11•muusw . ...,.,...,.. ...... • 14' ..... "' .. 1111 1101-ZHRl-SYLYAlll-ll•IYll-llTllll CALL M1·332t FOR PRICES 1ICMI BROOKHU9'8T (AT GARFIELD) HUNTINGTON BEACH • ' Orange Coaat OAILV PIL01/811urd11y, Octobur 23. 198:;> tancia t ight a n d Sl'Oll (:ovey come~ clo" n wit h pu~~ rt'l't'(Jtion rin~ second q uarter F r iday night. to ISO N DEFEAT S HB ... "om Page 61 UH· wmning mar~1n 'On third and inl'ht•). al lht• tlt>r:.' 2-yard lint> Nowot ny k~ to h is b•1ck going 1ns1dt· d sprinted around tht· n~ht de Place-k 1l'k h o lder Matt ~bs passed to Courtn<•y Clark tor the two-point <.-onv<.•n.1on ;J~·ff H1pp's rumblt• n•<.'O\'C'ry ~ad Edison in <.'Ontrol again. but ,ht). time tht· Oiltrs' dC'f<·ns<.· ttifll•rwd and 118 man·h<:d tlO y ards in 1:\ plays. c·appt'd by P anny Thompson's halfbat·k pass l o J<·fr Lopez r rom seven yards ~l on fourth down w ith 7:24 rft t• Tht• Otll'rs got the ball l>al'k l'<' more. bc•g1nning at thl' 1son 45 a ftc•r a 15-yard penally .,n the ChargPrs. but dl'ft>nsl', l>enaltt(•s, a 4 2-yar d out-o r i>ounds pass to Buddy Noble and )In, !8-yard dash by Jeff Lope1 on Jou rth-and-21 t>ndt-d it ;-.. Wt" re· s t ti I a It t t I l• v.-.1 v" :ltwav." said Ht>nrv. 111 his M-<:'Ond ~dr at H un 11 ngton Bt·a <.·h ~·We've come " long way. but tw£-'vt> still got a ways to go" I c"J'he victory puts Edison 111 a lie· \flt'h Founta m Val ley for t he l~d 111 league play with the by Gnffths. prvv1dt'<I lhl· margin for EdtM>ll "We JUSI got off the lmt• a nd bkx:kl'Cl .;orm• pt'l.1plt-." d <plu1ni·d Workm,111 Edlaon 21. Hunting ton 8H<:h 16 Score b1 Ou•rlen Eoison Hun11n91°" Be11cr. o 1:i a u i 1 10 0 II 6 11, HB K.ilt '.II FOG H8 Menc.JOZJ. 11 •f1h0l~t 1 ,, ... ,, I l a NI Oil ~tCk J E Graham ;>4 FG E Granam !.4 FG E G1bot. J pa!lt from Nuwoh\'f' '"""' 1nJ"' k>Ck I E Nowo1n, 2run1~1omos pas' lu c1~••1 HB Lopez 7 pus lrom Tnompton ''"" 1a11ed1 At1enoanc:oJ S,200 IMhmaledl G•m• Sl•llellc• E Firs! OO>On~ Hi Rusnes-y•rO\ 47.2:µ PaSS>ng yaro~ 52 Passes 3· 10 I Punls 2-39 FumDl~s lost 2 0 Pene111es-yards 9-80 lndlvldu•I Auelllft9 HB 16 J• 11" 10~ 9 •6·0 ' lb I I 6-Sj E GrtllothS '27 1!>8 BandurJ'-4 ::.>3 Simpson 4 21 Wallenc:n 3-for m1nu~ 1 Nowolny e 18 Homb$ 1·!> 11B T11ompson 1$ SI S.i11•rl Plc1 9 '>1 Lopez 1 18 Noo1e 1 ror m.nu~ 1 L 1Nton 7 12 Bao ecenter snap m•nus •6 11\dMdual Paul~ E No,.Olny J . 10 1 52 HB Law1on 8· 15·0 98 Tt10m11son I 1·0 ln<tlvidvlll RK•IYl"9 E -G•obs 3 36 wasn1ng1on 1 16 HB T11om1>son 2-30 Noble 2 ;>4 M Ra, 1-14 B Rav 1-11 Ounri 1·24 Lopez 1 : Sa1e1hekl 1 lor-m•nu' 5 SA ILORS • • • From Page 61 lht· 111-:-. "Thi·\' pH k1·d .d 11ur Wl'..ik :-.p o l l> I t wn .. '111;1rt ,,1.1d11ng un ht). (<.;1Ju111J.:''> p.1rt ·Still. l'vl' 111..'Vl•r .;(·r·11 :i g.mw ... w11d1 l1k1• th.it l)l •l11n• " Newport 45, Eelancla 17 Score by Ou•rter• f\IM!LO.I 10 7 0 0 17 Nt•woon H.111JO• 0 ?I IC 10 ~!> E Sand•·•"> 14 '"" t~1UfJCJU'1 ~·c.• t E 8Jtr ~•QJO 4 4 f: c. ( W oll 1 'Un tfS,_.,,,,..qtt,, 1>1t ti..1 NH a,""' J' pre-.-.. ttt•'" w ... , ~Od 16 tumtllt> 11•1urn 1l uh~t! htCli', ~,,,,,,._ 13 pi"\ 1,(.,1n WAil'> (l ohs*' It 1tlt Nti 9,ucl~ ? run tl c>t\\.t ••C.i> t NH Bru.u 1 run ILOl'tH ~.c ... , NH F11nk 4 1 FG NH Nuq,•nl 17 '"" ll<>l1W ••ckl Ath•ttd t' Ct" 3 300 t'')1un.t1t.HH r.,.,1 lt .-. r~, .. .,, e~, t•d·. p h \lnfJ " ''th Pt1\~••' ""'"'' r ,,mb ''' ,., G•m• Slallellca E lb Sb I J;' 108 II I 7 IJ 4 2<+ t I r~n.-.·1 ,. '"'"' 12.10• lndlvldu•I Auelllng NH 19 14 19 168 " 16 0 I 43 1 I IJ 1/5 ( Wt'" 'l 80 Sp•PS !t ?4 Q.t;!\ 4 '"' m•nu"i '1 ';1'UH1Pr, 7 44 ~ GuyQt 1 / C.c.it"a"' 1 tor """U'j, 1 ,.4H btt'll1'!'0 t.f S() ljr JI.I~ t4 'l' \Ntt l\ \ t ,. tUOhQ 1 ) ~u9,.nt f. Jt;f C-,,..,~,,. t <4 S••lfle• 2 1• lndlvldu•I Puelng E Oih•~ 8°17-0 108 NH Well~ 9· 16 0 168 lndlv.dv•I Receiving E Urm~on 2 32 P Gu~o• , 3 1 R.c;ne•dson I 6 s.inoers 1·6 Co•t'Y ~ J) NH Go~' 3 -52 L0'1se 1 1J B•a11l• ' ;~ p,.we• 2 zq Eoowdown at Anaheim Stadium n day mght. Each 1s 2-0 Thl' • lers are 0-2. ) OCC wins • ID volleyball "Hunttngton Beach 1s every bit ,s good as we thought they Id be. I hope they keep their s up." said Workman. "They ft r ve the respect. They can ~y with JUSl about anvbody." ~s Some thought the difference this one might be turnovers, or ison's her alded d efonse. but he e mergence of a solid inside unning game. those 158 yards Orange Coast Collfoge w on its showdown with Cerritos. 3-1. Friday mght on the Pirates' floor to movC' into sole posse~1on of f1rsl place in the South Coast Con ference womt•n 's volll·ybaU standmgs. Afll'r sphlltng the fi rst two games. OCC had to rally from a 12-6 deficit in the third game· to take control of the match. Tht> Ptratt'S thl•n held onto ;1 12-li lt•ad tn tht> final gamP to win. lli-14. and 1mprovl' thl'tr ('(rnr1·n·nc·l· mark tu 5-0. CC'rr1los is 4-1 ln a not h1·r ~outh Coast Confcrl'nl'f.' mat<.·h. G oldl'll W1'St l>We pt Cypress, 3-U. as m1ddlP blockl·r s Phyll is L angl• anJ Dehb1l' Spangll'r sparkc·d the· Rustlt•rs. Gold<.·n WC'St 1s 4-2 tn l'Onfc:rc•m.'C play and 5-3 overall • o.llJ Net "'9te W OerJ Al\lllW-n Sanden of Eatancia High tries to shed New port Harbor len, Friday nl1ht. , NIGHT THOROUGHBRED RACING l ' :__--....... ~· Joi11 Chico tbe Chicken I His Fi111-Feathered R1llbird a Nl1ht Owl Fri11~1 1t ORANGE COUNTY FALL FAIR Post Time 6:30 • Monday-Saturday Racing $25 .000 Added October 25-• Orange Coast November 8 Handicap Monday Night • Exactas Pick Six Early Bird Betting 11 a.m. 4:45 p.m. Las Alamitos A.-.m.,· PUBLIC NOTIC£ -i--PU8~1C HOTICC --1 P\J8LIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS FICTITIOUS BU94NESS FICTITIOUS IUSIHESS NAME STAfEMENT NAM£ STATEMENT NAMl STATEMENT TPtP IOll0>01ng 1>4lrsons are aoing The ro11ow1rig ~sons are doing '" l<>llowir.g pe.s.ons are dOtng nusi~l ~s ~s E 1 t B 1 P UB l 1 C: ovs•:-;:~sR~~ CONS T~UC T ION (Bl nus11~bG13~ COASl ASSOCIA I ES INFO RMAT ION ICI VAllEV R&G ROOM AOOIT•ONS !Ct R&G 17701 M•ttht>ll No1lh Irvin<' Ca FINANCIAL REAL ESTATE 10 1 LANDSCAPE S 10061 hlbert Suite 927 U PUBLIC INSURANCE 10061 ;>()() roun1a.n Valley CaM 92708 Dnnald l. McHone 1409 Eesl Tatbi!rl Su•lll 200 Founla•n Valley 0 on a Io G 11 cone 2 0 2:) 1 B.1, Avf'nue BallJOd Ca C11111 9270e J Giacone 2023 I S New B111a1n lonnie M Ounn Jr !>Collins Rede En 1erp11ses 111c a lane Hun1tng1on Beacn Calif B~lboa Island c .. 92063 C11htornt11 corp0ra11on 9'646 . Donald Ra,.aaJI 1132 Duryea Tnos business 1~ conductl'd Dy 'I Al~erl Reda 946::.> A•bury lrv•ne c., c:orp01a11on Wes1m1nster Cahl 9268'.l • T "'' Oustnt'SI IS c:onduclC'd o~ II Reda Enterpr•IMIS Inc: lh•5 busmen •• conduCfe<I by a ~f'neral p3r1nersn1p Aloert Reda I gene1a11>ar1ne1sn1p Donald C McHone Pres1aen1 Alber! Reda Pa1tnPr Th11 1ta1emen1 was hied w1111 ine Th11 sletemen1 .,., Ille<! w1111 tile this s1a1ement w111 filed wttl't 1ne Couniv Cle,. ot Orange County onl Counly Clef'k ol O.a119e Coonly on ounty Clerk ol Orange County on Seot 17 198:.> Sep• 11 1982 eo1emoer 30 1982 F 11n 04 '1tnos F , ..... Pvbtrshad Orange Coas1 D111lyl Puollshed Orang• Coast Oa11y Pubhsl1ed Ora nge Coas1 O•tly Pilot Oct 16 23 30 No• 6. 1982 Pilot Ocl 16 23 30 No• 6, 1982 P1101 Ocl 2 9 16. 23, 1982 4S6'1·82 .c555.e2 4340-82 I Pt.El.IC NOTICE Pla.IC NOTIC£ t------------FICTITIOUS BUSINESS FICTlllOUS aUSIN£18 NAME STATEMENT FICTITIOUI 8U91NEla NAME STATEMENT I Tn .. 10110w1,,0 p,.,5005 11.,, oomg NAMI: aTA~NT Tne f011owing pe•sOlls are oo•ng bu• "C'S as The lotlow1ng persona •r• doing business·~ Ml'.li TRAX 10221 S101er Su•t!' ht•4'1>9Y u REl•ABlE COM P U TER IOJ r ounlmnVr1ll!') Ca 92708 OR AN GE COAST ASS- SERVICES CO 27312 C1aiib1 e>0ke MJ•vin O r ewPll 18 IOA OCIAlES 9902 Moote Ctrcle . Or El Toro. Ca 92630 vosemite Cl Founiaon Vall1ty Cn Hun11no1on Beech. Ca 926-46 NO!'I Wang 27312 Cr anbroo~r 92 708 Wiiiiam W RoM. 9902 Moore O< E1 To<o Ca 92630 Belly J F-t'll l8 IO.C vosemiie Circle. Hunttnglon Beacl1 , C• Ann Hwu Wan9 2731? Cl Foun1a1nValle) Ca 92708 94'&46 Crent><ooke O<. Et Toro Ce 92630 Tl1is busitt"~• ,, conducte<I by an Linda A Rote. 0902 Moore Tn1e business •s conduclftd by an •ttdMduat Circ le. Huntington Beach, Ca •ndlYldual MaN•n Fewell 926'16 Noet Wlt"lr lh•s flltlemenl was It~ w1111 the Tl'tlt b\J.Slnets Is condu<:led by an Ann Wang Covnlv Clefk OI Oranoe Cnonly on lnd1Vldufl (Hutbel\d & Wife} This steltmef\I was !tied With tl1<' Seri .. mt>er 28 •982 Wilham W Rose Coonty Cieri. ol Orange Coun1y °" Ft114S7 lhtS s1a1emen1 was filed wtlh Ille Sep1emt>er 30 1982 Pvblisnetl Orang!' Co•\r Doily Coonly Clerk ol Orange County Otl '111171 P•lof Oct 2 9 16 ?3 1982 Septemt>e< 10, 1982 Pvbhs11ed Orange Coa81 Oe11y ~:>80·8? Pt.El.IC NOTICE N!l.IC NCJllCC --- 1 K-0?143 NOTICE 01' Dl':ATll CW 'ETHEL Bl'.:LL~ TlJU ,OSS ANO CH' f>ETITJON TO AflMINISTER F.STA'ft; NO. A·llUIJI. Tu oll h 1·1111, ht•1wf1<•1u1 U'li, lt·r 1•<l 11111~ u11tl 111nl111~t•11t ('rt•d1tt11i. of l-!t hc-1 f\1•111· T ullm•t> u11d lll'l 1><111~ wh11 1111.1)' l>t• ullwrWIJ>(• IOIA•rt'1flto;I In 1h1· will 1m i.J/1J1 t•i.U.lr• A pt·11111111 hiu. tx-c.•11 fil1;I by l>.11 lt't'O !-';11th Lloy.J rn tht· Sup1·r 1111 C'ourl rd Ornn1w C11un1y n·4ut•1>11n.I( that Om ll't'll ... ullh Llr1ytl lie· u µI> u 1 n l t· d 111> p •· r ~ 11 "" I r••1Jrt"4·ntat1v1· lu ;.dm1111,lu tlw t·i.tL1tt· uf Etht·I Bt•ll•· T u I I u ~ i. ( u 11 t.l 1· r 1 h 1· h 1Jt•1J•-'r1dt·n t AtJ11)in1strL1tu111 of ~\Jilt-:. /\l't l The JX•l1t1011 1~ "' t frir h•·llnnK in l>t•pl Nu :1 ,11 700 C1v1t· CPnh·r Dr1v1· W t·1>I, ~""'" Anu. Caltfornlu !l'J.70'J. 011 Nuwmlx•r Ill, 19112 ul II :w .1 rn It' YOU U.BJ !:A. I ur tl11· gr:mun~ u f th1• f.J(.'llllon. y•iu !>hould l'llht•r uppl•ar ul 1rw ht•n r1ng and s tall' vour UhJt'l llflOlt Or rill• Wrtllt•n ObJt'('llUO!'> Wllh lht' l'l/Ull bc·fu1 r• lh <' hc·unng Your appt•uran<.-<.· may bl-in pt•l'l>(Jll or by your <Jltorney II-' YOU AHE A C KEIJITOR or a w n ungt•nt l'fl'<J1t.or ur thl• dC-'l'Cal>(."11, Yl1U multi file· your claim w11h 0 llw court or prt•lt<·nt 11 to th• p Prl>unal r<·present1Jt1 v1· appointed by t h e <·<JU rl w 1th1n four months from lhl d;.lc· of f1rltl 1ssuanl'I· IJI lettl'f'!t as provided in M<·t111n 700 of th{· prol>;Jtt: c•odt· 11f Califo rnia The ttmc· fo r filing da1ms will nol t·xµ1rt• p run to four monlhi. frum t ht• dale of the ht·aran~ nohu•d abovl· YOU M AY E X A M INE tlw fill· ke pt b y tht-mun If you arl' inkrt·i.tc·d 1n lht· wnh tht-c·oun to n·n 1v1· s p {' 1 1 <i I n " t 1 c· e o f l h c· 1n v1•ntory of estate <Jnd <if lhl' pN1u on.'i, aC'\:o u nu. .-ind reports dt-St·rtbc-d in Sc.<lll>n 1200 o f th e Cal1forn1a Pr<JIAJ ll· Code· CARMA1' & MANSFI ELD E . DAY CARMA!'\ 2721 E. Coast Hwy. Corona del Mar, CA 92625 17 14 ) 175-8200 Puhlishl.'d Orang•· l'11;i-.t Oatly Pilot. CA·t 16. I i :t:s. IYH2 Pt.llLIC NOTICl ~OTICE Of OEATll Of GLAl>IS R. f LOL Cll A!\D ClF PET I T J O!'\ T O Af>l\11~1STER ESTATE :"\O, A-11 $496. To a II ht ·1 r.. b<'nef 1t·1.i rl•""· t·n·d 11ors .1nd t·onun~C'"t t 11-.111 .. ..., uf l il.1d1' H l'lo11gh .u1d 111•1 'o'" wh11 m,1\ h1 · 11th1 n""' 11111 ,,.,11-<.I 111 lhl \\Ill .111d 111 l ... Wll /\ J'l'lllll•ll h,-1, bo't II f1Jt~j It\ N.tlll y M ,1rgul'nll ( ;, ,,,_,, 111 lht• Sup1·rior Co urt 11f Or.111g1• Countv requt·-.11111-? 1h.1t N.1n1 v M .. rgut·r 11 1 c; r "'' tn ,, µ p 0 1 n I,. cl ,, ' fl<' "'"·ti t 1·p1 , . ..,..nWll\ • lo .1d111111"11•1 t ht• , . .,,,,,,. 11 1 < ;1.1111, B l 'l11ui.:h tundt·r 1h1• Ind. I" nd1111 Adm1n1, ti .1111111 of ~:,1,111~ At t I Tht 1>< 11111111 '' ..,.., for hl'ann~ 111 l>t•pt Nu .I JI 700 C.:1\'tl' C.:1•nt• r Dn\I . W~t in 1h1 Cot\ u f SJnlJ An.1 L'.tl1l1•1111a on Novemhf•t 17. l~H:! .11 ~ :m ,, m IF YOU O BJECT to 11,.. i.:r.111hnK u f thC' pPltllon, you 'hnuld 1·llht·r J p pt•ar at tht h1 .. 11111R .1nd qa1r your ohJt'I t111n). or ftll• wrtllt·n ohJt't'll11nl> w11h the· court bl•f1ir1· th<' ht'Jnng Your app1.•.mJ1l<'t' may bC' in pc'Nm or by vour attomf'v I ~-Y 0 U AH E A C.:H El)JTOH or ..1 c'Ontin).{Nll , r1'ilat111 o f lhl' dc-....,,1sed. 'ou mu't 1111· v11ur d:um wt1h -th<· {0ou1 t ur · pn•st•nl 1f 10 tht· p 1·r.;onal r 1•prt.,.en 1a11vP app111111t•d by t he lOUI I wit hin fou1 mont hs from tht' d ah' nf f1r~1 l'<sua~r o f IC'l lt'f'!t as prov1dL>d in S(.'C'llon 700 of the• prob;1te cudt> ol Cnlafornw Tht• lime for f1hn1ot l'la1rns will no1 <'Xp1rt• rrtnr to four mon ths from tht• 1l.11c• o f the• hN11111K nolll'l'<I abovt· Plto1 Oct 2 9 16 23 1982 •3S3-82 M LIC NOTICE Pt.El.IC NOTIC£ K-02119 FICTITIOUI a UllNEH F1t7'54 Publrshed Or•nge Cou1 Dally PtlOI Oc1 9, 16 23 30 1982 u sa.112 YOU M AY EXAMINE th1• fllr kepi by the rourt If -------------'you .1rt• rn tC'rC'Sll•d in lht> FICTITIOU• au11.-1a NAME STATEMENT NAM& aTAT'EMENT Tiie IOll0.,1ng persons aro dOlno Tiie fOllOW1nQ pet'$0nl are dOtng t>u•m•ss .. ou11nees es VR BUSINESS BROKERS. 7-43 SHIELDS ANO COMPANY Well Baker Str9111 Sutte E. Costa 1107 Jambore e Rd . Newpotl Meaa, CA ll:i'626 Beacll. Ca 9:?660 NewPOfl BvSJness Group, Inc • S11teld1 H KrulUCll 2-4701 • Calilor11111 corporation 743 w Santa Cl111a Ave . Dana Poan1 c 1 S.ller S1ree1 Sulle E Coale Mese 1126211 CA 92626 Delores R Krutucn, 24701 Tn11 businen 11 condu<:leo by 11 Santa Clora Ave . Oan11 Potnt Ca corp()(allon 92629 N-port Bu~1ness lh•• business is c:onducteo by ~n Group Inc 1nd1vieua1 Edw81d Wallace S111etd1 H Krutzsc11 P.-e91den1 lll1s 11atemen1 was hied wttl't 1110 Tl\ls statement was hied wtth Ille County Clerk ol O.anoe Counly on Coun1y Clerk ol Ori:inge Coonty on MUC J«>TICE <-s1u1r. ~mu may ftl<' a rt'qU<'Sl ---,-IC-T_l_T_1ou_a_•_u_a_IN_E_a_a_~ ..... 11h 1lw t·11ur1 to r C'ct·tVl' NAMESTA~NT !i p i•o1al no l ll'l' of t h1• Tne following pe<S<>nl are invt•n11.1r y of esta te and of bueln9$S6S h d GRAHAM s OISTAIBUTING. l t' pl'llllons. aC'C'OunlS an 1129A Lomb11rd Pl11ce. Ana11elm, rt·pnrL<; dC'SCnl:x'C! an Sec·11m1 CA 92801 1200 ;) l•f 1h1· Californ111 Gary Mtc11ael G<ahem 1129 Pr ohatt• Codi' tombard Pl11ce Ana 11a1m, CA N u K I bt E 92801 1 nry "''· n 1g • sq .. Sl'tlr'-V GH n Graham. I 129A 1 5 l 8 N 0 rt b Ct' D t U•r 'f Lomberd P1 .Ane.11e1m,CA 92801 Boul t'vard, San ta Ana , Tiiie buaonHs 11 condvcled b California 9!703, 17 14 1 1ndtv1dual1 (11uet>and & wite) 5'4-21 &O. Gery Mtel1Ht Graham C Tll•• etelement ..,., tiled .,.11,.. the Publlsh~d Orengc oast Counly Clerk or Otano• Coonly on Dn1ly P ilot. Ort 22, 23. 29. 0c1 Hi. t982 Hllt:l Septernber 30 1982 Oct 7 1982 FllM1' ,lttt75 Fttt120 PuOllshed Orenge cou1 oaity Pubf11hed Orang!' Cou t Oa11y Published Orange Coas1 b elly -166~·82 Pilot Ocl 2 9 16, 23 t98::.> Pllol Ocl 16 23 30 Nov 6 1982 P110t Oct t6 23 30 Nov 8 1982 ------------ •352·82 H55 82 -4557-82 ___ ,.~...;'...;tC_ll>...;.;..T_IC£__,,,..,...,..-- Pt.El.IC NOTICE NOTICI Of IALI Of PIAIOMAL "'ONATY AICLAtMED UNDEA u .c .c .1. Notice 11 hereby given that on Oc100.r 29 1982. •• 11 am at 2787 8111101 St 1n Coale Mesa. Orengt County. ll'te undart1gnad will ttll ll'te pe11onal properly 11c1•1med ul\de• U C C I flla d 8 3.91 aga1n11 IMl\e Avlo P t1fll, Inc S e id proot tt1 cone••U o l 1nwn1ory of mite INIO pe111 l lld Nie wlM ot 11119 oor-nl 10 1111 provlalone 01 Govt Codt IOM 0.ltd tO• tfl U Q,..oryN ~ J717 8r•tOI St Cotta Maea. CA '2616 AllOI~ IOI Steurtcl Creditor Publlalleo Or•not Co111 0•11y Pttol Oct ,. 23 '"' 4&&9t~ ---PIJBllC NOTICE '~A;:• Pla.IC NOTIC( The lolloWlng petlOftt .,. dOlng 1e.-t4' 'ICTITIOUS au ..... H N ... aTATIMSNT T lie lollowlng p1111on II dotl\g 0u11net1 H OOUlO INC 8 E l COM· PUTER SVSTCMS OtVISIOfll, Pav• 1811no Center ISO Pautarlno AYA . 810g B. Suite 1•6. Cos1a ~ •• Calllorn11 92626 Gould S E L Computer Syatem• Inc e Florid• COtl>Of•· \Ion Fon L•VOerdale. FL »3t3 Thia buslMM '' c:onoueted l)y a eo<p0tallon Qoukl 8 E L ComPUter Sv11emt lrtC 8 L Oll\lt• Ilic. Preeldent·F~ Tlllll tltltlMlll .,., .. 1119d wlllt Ille CounlY Clerll ot Oflt1Q9 County Oii Oct. 12. 1H2 ,, .. ' PubltllleO Ot-. Cottt Da11Y Ptlol. Ott ,. u. 30. No'1 •1 , .. ,.. 4a5t .. U K-a140 butlnMI aa '9CTITIOUI MMINll l PACIFIC LIMOUS INE. f -4082 NAMI 8TATl•NT VII Meclrvg41d•. MIMiOn Vl_elo. C.. Tiit IOllOwlng peraone t rt 9*$ A C 1 F I C M E O I C A L doing bualMH II C COS TA MESA MITSU81SHI, ENTERPRISES I• e lllorl\la 2833 Harbof ..... ~ . Cotti ••--. corl)Of•tton). 2-4082 via Madrugada. _,,.. ,.,... MlllllOn Viejo, Ce 92612 CA 92829 Thie butiM11 11 conducted bf e C.M,M.S Cotp., a Cet1fornl1 corPo<tlton. aorpor111on . 3141 e. 8 roactway. PACIFIC MEDICAL LOiii) S..Ch, C~ 90803. ENTERPAISES f hl1 but1neM 11 condUCltd by Cteyton E LfNWeN, I COfl)Otll~ Ptaldent C.M M.8 Corp. Thia 1111.-nen1 wtt llled ""'" Ille ,,.nit C AlOrlCll County cieni of 0.etlQe County on lntOl'J>OfllOf ~tember 21. 1N2 fhfl .... .,,..,, ... thd -'"' ,,_ tnt Covn•r Cltrlt o f Orano• :=,.. ~ ~" County on Oct ti, ttlt ... .._.,._ ••""" ,,_ ..... .,. -f>ublllhecl °'ante CoMI o.ity *""" ...-. c.. 1111 -Piiot, Ocl tt. 21. '°· Noy i. Put>lltlltd OflflM Coatl DMy 1Na Hll4 ~ 1. ,., u.ao. ,_ 4$fl0.11 ....... • ~__;_------!.:~----------------------------------.. -......... Coronu dt•l Mnr· .. l .unt·•• Murt iu ru!'iht-d for 206 yunli, lo M'l u M'ltool r•·<·ortl. El Toro tops Mustangs, 29-7 B} RAl':ll\' TIFT S~clal to the Dellr Piiot El T11r11 :.1o1~1·d 11>~111 111 th• 1111. k .. 1 th•· s,.,, Vil'\\ L1•Jgllt' 111lt· 1 "·"" Ft 11l,1\ 111ght l1\ lu,, 11111-: p<i:.t \'1s1t111g l'11,,1o1 1\1• '·' .!!I , 111·11111 ,, Ho>1111••:0111111g c rnwd 111 11•'.ol h ,\ •1111 ·" 1\11,.,11111 \'1•·111 High Thi· <.'harg1·1" 1 t•t•lo ·d 1111 ,oil .!!I puillh 1 ... 10110 Cns t.i 1\11•>..1 1'\"t·ll lat up tlu .. 111n·l111.11d ·'' El '1'11111 r(•m.11111.J ll1'll w 1th Nt•\\ pol I I I.ii l1uc C11"11 um! pl.11, w ith .i :1 I r1'l·rnd. " g,111w 1,. 11111.t lt•.ig111' (,.,,.11111-: Saddh•l.J;wk (-I -Ill Thl' l\lust.lllg' I I ,I 111 lo ,1i.:uo I h.111clo d El Tt11 t1 its tarsi :-eonng 11pp111 tw111\ 1 .11 h 111 tl11 111 .. 1 4ua1·tl'r wh1·11 " h.1d ... 11.ip .11111\\ t•d < 'h.11 i.:1·1 tlt'f1•n:.Pnw11 P.1ul s,·11t·11k11 .111d Ed l 'ltn,11.111 111 ,,,, k Mu:.t,111g pu11ll·1 l'r;11g J\ll\-11 . .t tu, "''11 :.!!I \.11d hnt• ~'our plH:-0'' hit1•1 t.11lh ... k J1·11' Eld11dg1 w111 I'll Crum thl· orw I\ St1•\ 1· \\'d1.1111-. p.o" 1111 th• l ' . .\'I' fod1·d . mak111g 11 •1-11 AftPr Co.,l.1 J\h·..,,1 ''"'' 1 ''lull\ 1111111o·d 1111 tlw 1wxl :.t·nt·:.. thl' <.'h.1q.(11 ' d11 1\• ti-; \.int-. 1111 Ill 1•1·''' to st·on" th1.; 111111· 1111 ,, l\l1k1 ' I 1 .. 11gJ • .-. ... t11 H1 1.111 H urg.111 l :.!-\,1n l p ,1,, pl.1\ 11 """ '11 11p •111 Duu~la:.,· :JI \ .11d 111111plt t 1u11 l11 11 11 I\ o 1 ( '1 11 1 Wnods un tht• IH'<·\·1011-, 111.1\ I ),111gl.1'' l h1 11 1111 (. "''' P1!t-1 trom H yard, 1111 tho '"'' pt11111 1•111\11,11111 Down 1-1 -ll. th1 l\lu ... 1.111g' ... 1111\\t'<I -.1g11-. 111 lilt· by dnv111g 111101 th1·11 ti\\ 11 1 1 \.inl 11111· 111 t•:J '1'11111, :HJ 111 th1· '1·t·1111d q u.1rt11 l;1 1t1\ l\lti-.t.111g 4u.1rt1·rb;wk Slot ll.ig1 \ to111plt l• d 1 11111.tl '""' t yardag1· p;l',.,t•:. a11d ru1111111g b.wl. \\',dh <.:1.i11l k 1 pl thl'drl\'t·gn111go111111dl1tld \\lth.1 l\\1t \.11d 11111111 1 d(J\\' 11 hu I "t llow1•\'t•r 1111· l\tu ... 1.111g' '' .1 ... 11·d th1 d11\'o' Hag1·v h.1d tht· h.tll 1.111 1·d """' h\ th1 l 'h,1rg11 ... John l\l1111t11y;1 1111 .1 li11,k1·11 I"'" pl.1\ r:I 1"111 11 r1'<·1n«·r('d th<· l u111bll' .i11d l.oti·1 '41111·d •• g .. 111"1111 .1.1 st-tonds li·ft Ill tlw 11r ... 1 half Cost;1 l\lt·s.1 ':-d1·ti-11 ... 1v1 • l 1,11 k I 1t Id \\ •" 1.nig h1 sh.'t.'ping a ... Dougl.i.;,. 1·011111'1 ti·d \\1th 11111 g.111 1111111 -IY \drtb out f11r th1 l11lll hdu\\ 11 I 1111 g.111 111.ul1 th1 l'<t tC'h a ll .tlorw .il th1· .!II v<11d 11111· .111111 \,11!1 d l\\11 dPf1•11dt·r' ii!'. h1· t t1111µt ·d 111111 lh1 1 .. d 1 .. 111· El '!'11111 t•>ll\'t•r 1t·d t\\11 µ.11n b .1g,1111 '" J\llh• l\.ltL.1111 1.111 11 In Cost<i Mt•:.a'!. lurH• 'l'on· n 1rn1· o n a l11urth qua r ter m&rC'h atdro bv 1 wo 1-;1 T or11 penaJtws Jinn Hav1•!. sc:on'<.l on a Ill ,,,rel µ.i .... .., fr .. ni l!a~1·\ * El Toro 2t, Coel1 MIH 7 Sec><• br Ouartere C051a Mesa O O O 1 1 El lO<O 14 8 1 0 29 EI EIOt100~ I run IP861 1'1•1£'01 El Hor gan 12 pan flom Douglass (Do..g&ass pass 10 P•fl!f 1 ET Horgan 49 PoHS tr m OouglO!oS IMCL.;m HJnl ET ir1c ktatt ' rvr W1tl1,tni-, k lCk) CM Hayes 10 ""~' Ir "' ...... q ... 1Schu1b ~·c~ I Allf',,dancp '.1500 o~,,,ma1,.<11 Gem• Stall•llC• CM l'otSI d0w"5 12 RusheS• /lltOS 2'< 58 P_a_s_!>l_n..:.q...:.y_ar_o...;.s ___ 1~ • "-·----·---, ~• DOING j .·· BUSINESS I : UNDER A I -. FICTITIOUS I NAME? l r'U~~ If, , S I Pu"'' l \8 f umbl.e'S ln11 1 1 P,,-.,,tllhe-5 1arcls "' 46 e •e 1 2 43 10 ~ '.lj lndMdual Au•hl"9 C.M Gtdnl ?0-44 HdQl'y ft 28 Pt,•t• '·2 flCltne , tor mu· "' 2 AHf'lr t.t t m•nu~ 14 ET r,,,~etl " E•J• !.• !O 11 J r #f•f'1-.11 f.i 4; Cunm ''";~ f \ , .4{ l dtO l 4 'I t b ~ t , lndlvldual Puafng t Y H"9"• 1€ ?>I •')• f 1 M Onuq•a.s 8 18 ' "'~ Individual R•c•lvln9 1 CM Hayl!S 5-•2 Eng1t1f\ • 31 Coo k 3 27 G1an1 1 e Trotecnano 2·'.JO Miison 1. 13 ET -w ooos 3 67 Horgan 3· 75 Fennell 2-3 ------·~~--~--~-------.-------- Or nut C<.i••t DAILY Pll 0 T /Sotu1duy October i 3. 1982 .. It's Sea l{ings' turn for a shutouf Marti11 (21'6 yard ) ru11 ~ild in 13-0 win OYer Irvine tl) t 'HA it; IWSSt-:1.l. lfMH;lal to the Dall~ .. llot It h.111 111·1•11 ,, 111111~ Vt'.11 1111 l.'11.11 h 011 k M111 ...... .1ml 111' l 'i11rn1,1 d1 I 1\1.11 I l1gh l•Mllh.111 ll .1111 N1 1t 11111\ \\1·11 · l it• So·u K111~1o I :1 11\'1'1.111 .111.I I :.! 111 S 1·11 V11 ·~\ f.,.,,~111· pl.iv . liul ttw ~ "' 10· 1J11t"'11111I tu.I ,J, 111 tlw11 111 ... 1 ,j,., ~111111 ..... 11id111l111g lltto·1 ... 1&11t1111l' 1\, .i 111.1111•1 111 1.111 . t \11\1 w.11> t'•ll•'"'lo: u l t t\\11 -.t1 .11gl1t -.h11ti111h "' S.utdh·h.11 k .ind t·:I '1'11111 11\ 1d1•11111 .1l ..!I II""'''' 111l1 1111g 11' j.t.11111 \.\llh l1 v1111 1-'11d.1\' 111g ltl t\11d 111 111· ··~:.1111 tho ·11· "·" .1 ,h11tm11 But~' 111111• till' S 1-.1 "'"g' did llll' ~IHllllllj.( o ut, wh1p11111g th1· V.1q11t•11"'. 1:1 ll, lo "lfJ01l ll111111'l·1111u11g .u•11v i111· ... :11 ll\1111 T l1.1 t ' 0111 111 -.1 -.ltutuut th1:. v 1•a1 " ,,,1d 1\10111 1' 'li11t tit.it (tlw :.hull•Ul) isn 't ui1ui<l111I t rn a l 0111u11.1 dt I 1\),11 l1 ·.1111 hut 11 ., tht!. Yt·ur "Our 11111 ·11"· lll'ld 01110 thl• t.,..ij and u:-t•d ,, 1111 11t tin· 1·1,., k .1111111u1 d1·l1·11w d1 I a gn·at JOii " Th• ol It 11-.1 "''" L .. 111"· l\1art111 Thi· "111111 l.iltll.tlf-g.ll&ll'd :.!llh \,111 b 1111 '.!i l'ollrll'' lO 'l'l ,1 Ill\\ '4h11.1i ll'l'lltd 11111111 ,111~ 1111 111.11'k h1• l1111k1 · wa:. J lliti-v.11d p1 •1t111n1,1111·1· l\\o '' ·''' .1gn liy Biil Brtgltl 1111 llu• v1·1 v ... 11111 t , .. 1t1 111111 .11o(.1hu.t tlw vt!ry io,.1n11· 11•11111 ( ,.11111 • I' Vt•f''\' 1•Xplr181Vt• II uoud lit tic li,11 k " 'utd l\1rn rli-"lit· l.t1ltl me· IX'fort· th1• 1-:blllt· 111111 I w ""·" ui M11.I f111 :WO yurd~ t11n 1gh l " M.111111 ~.&lll\'d ao y111d1 Oh t•lghl 1.1nw ... "" th1· S1'.1 K111.I.(:. 111,1 d11 \lt'. h» yurd toud1d11w11 11111rch 111li11111.1t1·d liv M.111111'11 tnut ·:t11 rd run Thi· 'J11 •1•dstt•1 ul<co M:Ored th t• M·~c11HI CdM 1uud1d11wn. th1' 111111' 1wc•d 111~ 1111ly 11111• 111rrv 111 1.1111hl1· ,)fi \,111h 1111 tlw '411r1• thut put llw 1!111111: o ut 111 """ h 111 th•· !11u1 th qU11rtc•r ( 111 tlw do ·l1•11s1v1· s 1ct1· uf till' l1•d.l.(1•1. tl11· s,.,, K 111g' \.\111 h-d II\ 11111'1~1 k• r .J11<· l'11lu1 k .111tl now 1.(11.11 ti 1'1111\' N1•:-1· Palul·k . ,, "'111111 . n11d Nt•M'. .1 Jllllllll Wt·1 o• I f'1•d1tt'd W1lh l lt1 l't' 1111;1-.:..1-.H•tl q11.11 t1 111.11 k .,.., k~ .qJ11·1•1 .1~ C'nro11;i d1·I M .11 ;1111.1:...,1•d 10 1111 Liil' llt.l.(hl M.11 ttn, l';1lul·k . N1"li(• 1.1nd tl11• r1•.,1 ot th1• 81·11 K111g:-. -.1)(11l1•d '\ hr1lh.1nt n ight for lrv1n1•'s John Salin;111 Tlw Jllnlllf r'Unr11ng b:u:lt g;111wd 141J y.inlk on 111 carrw-1. indudtng 1 unt. l)f 40 and 42 yanb. But S.il11i;i, dul 11111s l o f h1!> d;impg<' ht•lWl't'll tht• :.!II vanl l11ws a!. tlu' d1 •1•p<'H\ thL' V;iqul'rO~ l'nuld 1x·111·1r.1t1 "'·"till' S 1•;1 Kingw' t:J l•arly tn thc• ltl'"Ct f)(•r1od UC Irvine's defense keys win over Cal Saddleback runs '" to 41-14 triumph Hut a qu111It1 h.11.lc 11ad<. o h11ld111g J>l'nully 1t11·wul p1 011'llU1•· pM1 .. tl\ .mrl i11ul thl·r iw1·k brn th1· b,111 out to llw .H yurd l11w. 1·ndinK I 1 vuw 'i. 'll'Orlll•' llllt'.11 . Wl111 .. llH V.HJlll·ro.., lt•ll 111 I :i .ivt·n.11 und 111 lt><.1Jotlll'. tlil• St•u K111~N ~uclrl1•nly l111d tlwmbd 111 po1<1t&011 tn r .1 µl:•yut t ipol "Tlihl' krd' lt.1\ t•n'1 l(lven up." t· J>la Morr IN "Th11o Wl'"k Wt' h..td thrt•I.' of •>Ur µrnt·tlt 1·~ ul th« v•·:11 Wr Wt't1· M> 1mv11:.1'lll•n y 1·,11 IM-<:aui.1· 01( 11wx 11t 11('n<'1' un ufff"n."14.'. hut 1111 t·Vl'l'Vthllll( jui.t d1t·k1·cl "Wtth th1.., w111 ""'n • now :l :l and huv1· g \.\ 1lh Costa M1·~a. Uni nnil Nl•wport 11:11 nor W Jlli.I ~11111g lo lUk<' 1•111 h g.im1· 111w .ti,, 111111•" Murl'ls d id m1tk1• 11111 d1Jn~1· ot 11 •11 '1 - .Jw11or P aul W •llM>ll 1>\111 h •d .1t q11;1111•1 b.•t k: i.t·ntor C u rky Caqwnt l't 11 ntl l'l''IHllHlt'<'· t'l•llll'l1•1111g fnur o ( t1v1' p.1s.'4 ·<;, two of whwh ' 011 1Tllt·1.il th1nl duwn i.1111;1l1CJll' * Coron• del MIH 13, trvlne O Seo•• bJ Oua•l•rt Co«Jllo df'I M•• 7 n 0 (. ' I lrl<lfll' 0 0 II 0 0 (.<JM Mur ''" A 11111 Hlu(lhe• ~'"' (;OM IJilt1d1 A&tPllO<mC11 2 1100 \t1$llln,1l,.t1) Game Sla li.llc• t 1r•t 1lown) Rush•~ yardl Pa~tng y&•Oet. P11uu~ Pun1t ~un•b•es-1ns1 CdM I 1~ 4~ :>O<J •O JI II 140 6. .. !.-0 4 n9 I· I S IJ· I l Ill 0-0 PN1ult1t1 , 'f11Ud• J l~ S·• lndlvldutl Au•hln9 I C:dM P.1d1hn l7 iOI &10 S 1 1 M111onaru ; o W.tlt 1 rt••nu• ?4 I . 541hr1u\ 18 146 ..1«ttl1¥, M.111Cl,.••llt' •·J Otevon I I. Zorn 11 rn•nu~ 1!> lndlYldual Peulng C.OM Walson 4 S·O t 1 I /n• n 5 I I 1 62 Ii•~'"' 11 II 1-0 0 Individual Aec•lvlng C.dM PtecJWI '.I 2 I IJ• " 'I I 10 I Hbu•gdn a 49 5,, • 1-ll ni-:HK ..:1 .EY T1 ,., .. ,. txHt...011 l1111k1 · Lill' 11 ·1· "1th" third IM'f'lml i.:11.d .111.t .l11lt11 \',11 A·" .1dd"'I "h.11 p11 1\c•d It• IH· tl11· d1'11tlt·1 111 th1· lrn11 lh q11:11 l1 ·1 "' th1 · top 1.111k1•d l't' ln1111 \\,111·r p ol11 lt'.1111 ... h.id1•d I h11 tf . r ,tlf'd l'111\1 ·r -.1l\ 111 l '.illlc11111.i. :.! I , Fr 1d.1\ .ct lo 1 "'"'" 111 t h1 H1·.1r~' I"~ 11 8} ROBB ~tl'N. ON Speclal lo Iha D•llr Pllol Th I ' s :t d cl I 1· h ll (' k l I I g h Roa(li unnt·r!. 111<.'rallv ra11 .tll 11v1•1 thl' ,.1,1tini.: U n1v1·r:.11y T111J.111:. f11d11y 111ght at S 111lla t\1111 Bowl. ,,.., S;iddl1·l>uek t r o unn·d Un1,·1·1!.llY. II I~."' u S 1·a Vww And tlwn w 11h :l·~:! h·tl tn th1• third quart1·r . tht· RoadrU1ll1L'&' r------------------------~ I >11.t , .. 11 ·, J.!11.i I "ltt·r11•d th<· :OI Ul lll L! ·" 11 I I .11 h 11 .1111 '" d1 ·1t 11'1 , h.1d l1l.111k1·d tho · n lht r Ill lht• Jll,I il:iJI It "·" 1111 ..,,.\1111.t 111111 th.11 lhl t\1111-.'11·1 :-Ii.id l11·;t11 n l'JI. the· 11th1 I 111111 I 11111111g 111 lh1• l'l'I l\1111 11.11111111 II -, 11 ' 1111 1~ 1111\o\ t :i II "'''" .1 1 .......... 1g.1111'1 a (.;1·rrn.111 It .&Ill 11111 I lllllllt•d IHI It., ....... 1 l.:t'I 111nt 111u1·-. 11:-t11p through l It l ' B ic ' A 1 1 ,, ;1 11 J l h 1• 111m1M·lll11111 \\1111'1 g1 •l '"" l'a 'Ht·r It will h.· d11ublt• dUl\ todav for th1· Anti .tl1·1 ... "1&11 \'hit ,1~ 1111.t 1.1111-.o ·d St.1nt11rd .it II th1:. 111rn 11111g ,111d Fr 1•,no St.ill' .11 7 l11111gh1 N1•i..t honw g.iml· for UC ! 1s Nt1\' 7 ..iga1n>.t UC San D1t"gn H u ~t lt•r!-1 !-If op ( :t""rritos .. 9 -6 NOHWALK G o ltlt•n West Lt•agu1 · t·;m ll'sl S.1dd h·h;wk . """ 7 ti 1 I 0 111 l!'<ljo.(Ut·), UM•cl lht• l'I f1·t'll\'t• 1 un11111g abtlity o l running lo,u 1-. K <'\'lll An 1dlt·v ;1s till' M·11111r 1111 t .1 p;1rt tht> Tn;J.in dl'lt·n"· to th1• turn· 111 :.!:'>:i \.trct... 1111 '.!I 1.111 1t·, a long" 1th thn·t· t11ulhdo\\ 11., "vV1•'n• l"H·~1nn1ng 111 d 11 thing' right " 'a1J Saddlt•h;1l k Coadi .l1·rr-~ W1tt1· "Wt· .ir1· running 111..id1· bPlll'f'. Jl1d tht· p<tS<;tng ~om•· h.1s rc•itlh. 1mprov1'<I " On S <1ddlvha l'k , !11 ,1 pc is.-;1 ·ss1nn of thC' go m l" Brad I• ·y b I' o k 1• of( I 1· ft ta c k It· a nd "l 1· C' I 1• r .1 lf•d 3 5 y J rd, for " l ( IUl'hl Ill\\' II Hur L'nl\1 r'ltv c·arrn h.11 k •lfl 1h n1·xl l'"":-.o·,:.11111 to111· thl· g;1nw with:.! 58 l1 ·lt 111 th1· flr~t quart1·r. a' qua rtt•rh.1t·k Will Wat:.011 lofted a shor t pass lo M ikt· Zaldiv;.ir a nd thl· runntng ba<:k wok lhC' ball the res\ of the way l o r ,, :!7 w1rd TD t1111k to th1· 1111' II!. quur 11·1 ha1·k Hod P 1"S<1k hit Todd C.1g1• o n ll 111 y.1rd st•oring stnkr Pt·~<ik was 5 for ti pus~mg lcit II:.! .'••rd~. Whitt· Cllgl' l'itUght ti fl·""''" for 9tl vards Cagl' caught .ltlllth t·r lOUt'h d(J~ II p ;_1s:. f tV(' 111111ut1·.., lall•1 .• t '> J ohn Coo k h I ICl k I'd Up \II l th l' ,1 g (' ( 0 r 11 :1 ti y 11 r u s c·,, re t h <1 t g <i v l' S.1ddlt•lw(·k a 35 7 ll•ad Lut1·r S addkbat'k's .,lt•lldv d1·li-m.l'. lt·d bv Blake· Smith H;1~· l'c•r1•7 •• nd Il l ht·r--r 11r1·1·d U111vPr ... 11y lo t'O Ugh Up lht· uall. .111ct Mike <..:o ok l'l'l'll\'l'l'l'd a tumhll" .11 th1• n l\'Ur.-.1ty 42-yaid l1n1• S1•v 1·n play~ l<it1•r Alt•x Pit k«nng ran tn frnm lht• M:'Vt•n to tnlTt·a~· tlw Roadrunnc·r..' k«1d lo 41 ·7 with just 25 sec·onds le(t leddlebeck •1. Ufttveralty t4 toefe bf Ouatlet1 Un•wr~11y 7 0 0 7 14 <, 1t.1cJIPDack 7 i " 13 4 t S 81.iOley J~ un !Pu'>oJ• k r> 1 J ljtld1,ar 27 pass lrom Wol'\Of' tPtt '100 • 1C• l S B•MOley •O run (Pesdk >t<:•l s -Bradltl~ 64 run tPP..,k klC'I S -C1199 10 pass 1rom P-1Pes.lk k•Ck) S Cagtl 30 put from Coo• 1PPs ... ~•C1fl S Piclcer•ng 1 r\lll (Mlea lalleOI U SIW'ed 35 OHS lrOtn Cox IP .. rano klC'I Auenda~ce 2 000 11~~'"'"111~0 And lhl'n with JUSt I .:i7 Id\ 111 u Firt1 oowns 11 I 20 51 372 12• 7· 12 I O·O 1 1 11· 1•5 lhl· h;,lf, Brad le\ rotltoe:I in from Au.nes·yan:h 31.e!> 10 yards oul lo give• Saddh·ba1·k <.& Pa-ng voros 1011 1-1-7 halfttnll' ll·ad Pesses 9" 1 Punts 3·38 "I was \'<'r\ 1mnr1~<;(.·d with tht· Fumblf"s tos1 1 1 way U n1vc>n.1ly play rd tn tht• h n.t p,.,,..111,,.s·v&•Os 10 79 half." said Wille· "Th1•v w1·n• lnclMcluel A'9111ng U Zdldtvar 22·11• H11mt>+•1ger. 3 10 SHARPEN YOUR SKILLS FOR THE S.A.T .!!! PARTICIPATE IN A S.A.T. WORKSHOP Date: Saturdays, 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. October 30. throuch November 20. 1982. Place: Newport Christian High School 883 W. 15th St . Ne~port Beac h, Cellfornla Phone: 645-9282 COST $30 plus S 10 mater1ats lee •'f'I ,,.~I·'' ii tl!I H'(~Ut ft'd dUf' lo "" ., .. d ,.nH1IH,., ... r• \Ill Nl1N.,1,1,J1l1le df'\l<\11 r!'fJU"'1 Oualif1ed teachers & training experience which could Increase your score up to 30% CALL TODAYU 633C-Sl's LAST OF THE '82s • • • 7 TO CHOOSE FROM! C11llq.:1 11'4 d ,, h.1l;111n-<l !'i< unn~ .Jlla< k and .1 1>1~ chi\ hv goalil· Jim ){ .. .,,,., 111 tlc·f1•;1t h11.,l t'1•1 nws Coll<·g1 · lw 11 Fr11l,l\ .ti lt•rn<H•n. ~-11 111 S11uth l.'o.i'l t'nn(1•1l'11t1 · \\ .1l1 , p11l11 .ll'llllll prt•µ:1rt•d , <tnd r1·alh pl a~·t•d watso" S lor-mW'llJs <>O Mprn 1 11 tough footlwll s 8•10111~ 21-?&3 Ha'"'"" q S• L.,•Sf Ol IU.>.. W1tl1t1m• 5 J9, FIO!es. l-1. Pesak 5·10r·m1nus '""' J ! H1i-..-. h .1d 111 ..... 1v1·' ag;,m_..,t th .. 1'.dr•1111..;, lt1' h1gh1 ·'t c;1n~l1· ~amt• t.1t.tl cit th" ''"" · \\'1 \\ .. 11ld I" 1 lt 1 lw \\ ou l<1n't h.1\ I ' IU 111ak1· th.II 111.tn\ ... l'o<'lt'h Brad It·~ 1•1H·nt·d t Ill' <;c•t·ond '> Cooi.. 2·2 PlcU rinC 1·7 Slac~ 5·8 R c h;11f I,\ 1th h i' third lOUl hdc1w11 ..... r::tO\lnQutl 1·,!:c.,1c19 .. ~ ... inv oy a rver BM w ht• h rok<· nff right lrll'kll'. t'Ul, l1·1l u WdlSOn 1 I~ I 63 co. 2 2 0 4!> • J nd ran dm' n the· -.1d1·l11w for a s Pll~k. 5.9 1 82. Cook 2·3-0 42 1540 JAMBOREli RO .. NE.,PORT CE:'liTt:R Ii 4 -v a rd t o u < h d 0 " 11 Th 1• lltdwlctu•I Aecelwtnv :-p<'t>ds h •r ,il<,o had <t ltiuchdown 2 ~~ Sne .. ci. 5.se. K!!rn 2·21 la•d•••• ~EWPORT BEACH. CA. 92660 Tom I It rm,u1d ,,11<1 lallc•d l'Xll'k ht'l';]U<;(• o f .. rx ·n:ilty s Cage 6-98.Smllh 1-19 So•omon, 1·7 7 14-64-0-6444 OPE:\ t.::\0 .\' __________ ___;__ _________ !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ti you have 1ust filed your new Fict itious 1. Business N1me end hive nol yet submitted j it for publlc.1tlon. ple11e 1- do n 't forget thet the , Now run with safety, wear a !iPORT!i !iAFETY !il6N'v vest. ! llm1tation Is 30 days I i i from dete of filing. The j ! DAILY PILOT w ill : publish your stetement I i f or S 31 ,50 Ou r l. i e1rc~leUon lndudff. th• entire Orange Coest ] j ere• and legel notices j j eppear in ell editions. In 1. 1 order to submit your . ! st•temen t fo r f i publ ica tion s end I. approprlete copy end • chec k to THE DAILY j PILOT. P.O. Bo1 1560. , Cott• M111, CA 92626. ' We 'ti do IM rut. For .. . ..... ~ -I . I ~-r / " ( , 1..auu lJi •\ :' ~ .J- IW Jt(INI Order today! Not available in stores! i Information about legal i 1d111rtlsl"9 pl1a11 cell -542·4321 £111. 332. §"'!"' f "I §ti f I r ) llOIC,!\o • . . LOST OUR LEASE OUR WESTMINSTER STORE WILL CLOSE ITS DOOR ON NOV. 15. You'll find huge savings on everything In the store. Including fans, plants. pictures. demo fans and more. Hurry to either store for best selection. •Top quettty u.t. mede fine • ~' vettMle IPMd• • Choice of wooden lblldet l lttht kit• Victorian .. e 5 yr. guet1ntM • Loc•f MNlce 1 1 • "' F AN c F AN S NI .~~·.~··" '' 'loll 11i111 >i 111 ."IH't . . . . ~ . ..... . ... . ' • ( I ! ' • I I I ' ' • ' • • ! ) f\ I I ,. ' l ~ I I I '· ~ ' • ' ' I\ ' $300 OFF WALLHIDE ' latex flit Will P1,nt uelrtfl ,,,. 1Mt•nt.O l//llcrolfo ~,.,..,. OUR REGULAR PRICE PIR GALLON Sl•lns. 9')01& •nd n0f'm11 noullel\ofd dttt cl911n uo Hiiiy £ •e•nen1 cov11r1no PQWOr in motl COIOrl Crown Hardware 1614 San Miguel Dr. Newport -Beach 644-8570 Crown Hardware 310 7 E. Coast Hwy . Corona def Mar 673 p2800 SATIMHIOE' lo-lustre llt11 tn1mel Fo1 kllch.,,• bMlllrooms wOOOwort -11r1d moS1 1n111r1or sur1-Eneme4 11\lrllbillty • Ea•y 10 oootr , " ' .... 0 1 ungtt (;on•I DAILY Pll 0 I !Sotu1 duy l h. lul.Hlf JJ HHJ:I COMMUNITY COLLEGE South Co111 Conferenc• Conference Overall W L W l Gotd"'' We•I 11 I M1 S•n A t1l(J•1i,, 0 C«nttos t ,, San °'6,>c> M~• 1 u 1 Fu1i...10t1 0 1 O•~no• CoJ~' o 1 p ross.mont 0 , f"tldar'• kor• .· I I I I) '• • \..toldtttt Wt-.ttt l 7 5.Jn 01~gt ~'t''\1t Tonlghl't Cameo • Mt San An1on10 at O<~ C:O.l• • G,oismQnl di C~t,.tu~ Tonlghl'• Sctt.dule Mltelon Conl•r•flC• Saaalebaci. a1 San Otego CC 1 .1u 11 "' • C11rus at Palomar. 1 3Q D m ~ Santa Ana al Southweste•n Soulhern Cel Conla••ne• l RIO HonOO •• LA Southwest 1 p "' Wast LOS A~ 11 LA HA11>0t Compton at lOt A•IQ<tlet CC ; Maltopolllan Conl•••nc• • Santa.Monica CC at lono Bt>.ten C.t 1 Bakershetd •t El Cammo : Tall al LA Pierce , 1 W"•••n Ital• Conl•r•nce • Santa Ba•be111 CC a1 Gl&ndBle : V&nlu•. II LA Volley , Hoft .. COf'l .. tenc-e • Rtverst04I CC al M110Costa 1 JO p m • Hancock 111 Ml San J11an10 7 pm lmperJal Valley 11 UN l•• VOQ•5 JV I pm • San 8emerd1no •• Easl Los AngelH All gem•• al 7:30 p,m. unl•H otherwlH noted. HIGH SCHOOL STANDINGS SunMt Leegue Founttiin Val~t·., fd•son «ean v ..... Manna )iun1Jqg10tt Ben We.stmmste. l e119ue Ovarell W lT WlT .. 0 p 2 ~ fJ 100 •21 I I 0 2 5 0 I I 0 5 ? 0 oio 520 02 0 1 6 0 Frldar'• kor•• Ed•M>n 2 t t-tunttr~t<•n Beatn •t, Ma<ona CS 0cf'd" VlfJw 0 Frldar o Clamff Pf PA '14 101 112 Tb a• 1•3 1.r S!I 196 98 ., •02 Foun1a1n V •lle, .,. £a, .. n1· " 4, tt,. ,,. Slad•um M4!•1n3 di1 'he\tm1t1~l,.t Oc.eari Vie~ df •1yn11no1m1 St.i .. e' Sea View Leegue L•1111ue O••Ull W l W L S~"9cJlt't41t• ~woort HartlO• E• Toro Corona dt>I M•• Costa Me~" Estanc•a Uruv~'s1t" ftY4ntt A (I 7 0 2 1 J ' 1 I 1 3 s 2 2 s 1 4 ) ' 7 ~ F rid•r 1 Seo••• N~b'-·'' Hjl\I I • E -1.ln<. .) C..OIO••.a dt'• M.,• t t"' "of' 0 Sddd't'.'bac~ "t uruve•\Aly U El r ,.,,Ci ~9 LO\t • Mes.; 1 Thuradoy'o Gam• £1 l t>to ~5 \,/n1-..t'r~1., at lrv1n.i Frlday'o 0•..,.• PF PA l'lf 81 ... 113 so 89 '"' 70 I J . ; 60 103 IC.0 100 ll'l "' Newpof\ HOH\()f "' Sfldd~bACk at Santa An• 8ow4 tnttne on E'tano• •' ~ HatbOt Cosie Mesa .,., c,,.,on• df'f M!I' at Ch l"''I' Con t COl•ege South Co11t League ~t, ... <;r;" Captslrano M11~1on Vte10 La9uria Holls San C1em•nu.• L911una Beacn Woodbt1~ OaN H10s 2 0 I J 2 1 2 0 l S I I 110 2 4 0 2 I 0 5 2 0 I 1 0 J J I) 1 20 330 O •O 010 Frldey'o $c0f" ~pn C1~mente 1• O•n• Hit s 1 'fOOdbnOge 1• Ontar10 1 Tonlghl'1 Ga me PF PA 14 I 64 •87 9~ n 10' 118 83 ~ 8Q 101 10' S• , ,, Capistrano Valltr •• Lagun.1 Hollo •I M•ssoO<l v-e10 Frlcley't G-•• Miss.on v,~to ..,, Woodbr~ ., 11..-~ Laguna Be.Kii at San C-tf' Dana HtllS \ !t l3(Juna Hill~ •I M~S\ on vie10 Chino al CaP••H.,,o Valley An9el111 Leegue LHgue ~verall W LT W LT PF PA 54'h•le I 0 0 3 I ll 108 OJ Maler °"' 1 0 0 3 2 1 110 63 St Paul I 0 0 5 I 0 107 6e P1Vsll 010 3 30 66 90 s.snop Amal 1 1 O 6 1 o 12' 90 Serra O 2 0 I 5 • 40 126 Friday'• Seo•• S•st>OP Amal 19 S4!"8 0 Tonlghl'o Ga..,.1 St Paui ..-s Malet Oe1 a1 Sant• An• 01 .,,. PtUS )( VS S~fvt't "1 l a Pa1mi1 P4r~ Other aeorn IMPN LIAGUe Ka1e11a 2• Cyprus 13 Kenr>edy 42 Pocohu 28 CENTURY lEAOUE O•ange 15 Canyon 13 V•lla Pari. JS I usl1n 15 FRHWAY LEAGUE Troy 3C B"""• P .. ~ 0 Fune11on •8 S°"°'a 0 L• Habta 35 Sunny H•Ns 1 OfllAMOI L&ACWI B•ea·0hn08 20 Valencia 0 QAllDIN GllOYE LEAGUE Ga1Clen Gro vo 27 Botu G•ande JS Los Am.gos '6 Aanc:no Al.m1101 23 NON4.IAGVE WIOdb"d9" 14 Ont•uO 7 T onlahl'• games QAROINOllOVl LEAGUE la 0.11nta ~ Santoego II Garden Grove EMPIRE lUOUE £1 ()()redo .. l o. Alllmlt09 11 W•lern W1t9f ooto Cou.iGI UClrvtN t.C~aT UC lrvtne 0 0 I 2 c.i,1orr,.. 0 0 0 1 uc IMne OoCI..,,, 1 Varon 1 C04111MUNITY COl&.aOE ~Wffll,CettllCMI ()olden Wetl 3 2 2 2 0 C¥rllOI 2 2 1 T-1 Oold4ln Wffl te0<'"11 Oel Vell9 2 Sa1y« 2 MOtano 1, lu<ld 2. Ne<h 2 ttlOt4 I CHOOl ~ HafMf 10. 0.WMJ f Oown<ry 1 3 1 1 4 NewPC)rl Harl>Of 3 2 2 3 10 HewpOrl H.,bOt teOtl!IQ Jeppe 1 Stanley 2 O Oonnell 3 Oellrl4lt 7 lulloslir 1 '"'ii"" , O•k lrH HllOAY I llUVl fl ~ 1t1h of 71 .,,, lhor.,...ghl>recl """""UI ''All RACl tt h111tu10 thn 1it.l~lt•11t r Hut1t1~ 0'•11 y-t H ·11 • itfl \ .·u n.-nu rn.uk ll~tu'mH•t 11 u<> '4 •10 t 1t'9f11.it1 1'.U1·-.tfl'I'•'' (V.tlt t•/U• l•t • f,t, Ou te \. .tl1lh f ''''"'"••llfllt u II n~ l,111 lf'!C1111rt111y I h o Afl,, "", t t1 .,,,. H·th ~·-.1junu1 tf1,)I' t1mu I t 111 tECONO RACE '' ""'''"II Mmrv ft•U\' iM f t ;HrHJll h MO ., JO I t ) \lulhit t.1 Cl 0)1ur1,111.1• • "o t 41J ',~, Hu,,011 11 •IJh111n1 '• Ml "''H' , ''"t"'1 n,, .. ,, .. "·• ,\~ •~11 .,. 1 ""'', t4tth ;1111 Jo t. u .-1 u ' ..t iou) tr••' hn~ ~-i .ot.h· 111·•0 t 1 ,,. t 111 t , , t M.u~ 81ttelf" lleptogt..trnn t•t funt 1 HJ t ~ U DAil Y DOUBLE 14 t' I••• IJ S, ~ <~• THIRD ~E. b liHh•"~' P 111(" fwlr. i91.ki\I ~ W-1 All l .w .. A .. 11hm~h•' (01 h·u~o • ''" i no lHV jf~ 'lt'tf S•')hl 1'-l1tllllt't • 40 Al"n lol\.Htl t111·i•1•tl l •1•• 1r1J••' I htl ,. '''" At11f1•l1lfh In pul".... tit II uh IU•..i l 11~ l11Ut•f'«nc,J1•11t Mt"1Lt.t1~ l 1\14 Ito t 'l wf \ 1~1f t !',n" \ A 0.,11 t1mu 1110 FOURTH RACE 1 I U,,1 ''"'•' 5k09'1l' IL 1p•1um1 t I fifl Ii o41J I ·•U l ·•ullll •Ot11i.tt1ous.~1•~·" ~ 40 .a ijU S11luh.• lht-p, •ou~ 8•·•'-t.. 1 1 .'(1 Al!t•J ld(.t•t1 flo15h Hit l'fllh I • ···"'" "I ~ilo\o:Ord M, !;>Zdl '°' Ct.tit t ~•'" ,, W nutJ Ckxll)f J.f(JO(J,1., Otw-•·1 l ll' J c,.,,11u1 M•'-''"'" {,,t•f t"hl (tr1 J M) r,,11 \ll't•'111 t.m'" 14' .. I'• llFlH RACE (.Jn,· 111d•• M•··lt't W1hJtlf 1McL •• 11un1 l1 1,v ! t;O j 10 Son ut a Oocto 1r~in1i r1•o1 -, en ,. oo Olm,' (Uuc 1(. .t~tdn.,. .. Uill ,. '•()('I Al\O fdC..fAd P Vt• Jl, n\~Mitt~tn (d(W'ltHO An ••u Bruit 1 • ._.•'ti f " ''""' 1.1~0 u EXACTA ~.,I . I ~·uv SIXTH AlCfT. r;,11 ' I• tmQttl t011>ldh<>u~'la.,,q '' h 1 t\O J 00 U1c.t.u t auk 4C1ulttn~ 11 ' 41) t1Cl (rui~ I 1 .. ._, I tuuu a., 1)(1 Al•o '"'l'"'" r-.u !)t ,.~ ~•.n-.'"'' f '"'f' Ouo\l-. Wit ''"'' ''lt" 4 ~ SEY(NlH RACE '• " 1 A ~I'\~ t , l 11c . • s ''" i! a \fl " 00 E' tu t~•ll· ,,, ; .. l• 'l t1' Ovt"''u .f ( ""'.-. '' ' ·1 4 4 AIJO r 1\.*"J (11dll•r ••·llt·, L .1 P'•11tot t l\1PPJ '"'' •• Mi~·.. ,, I• ""j ~ ·Ht111,1 r 1IOt'f\t•n t G ,tlf"3 Tmw 1 O". "' SS EXACTA "·1~, 1 .41 I <> "PtCK s1a • 1 •• • ' ' , , 1 \~o•·· ~,_, .... " \J ... fl 1 '"'~--• f, •ti ~. j " .. • C.Ot ti I l 1 J I•, I 4n A •t • l"t .... 11(1t1'f)t1.._1.,.1 1•·vl.'"' t ,.,., EtQHlH RACE t • 1't11 ' .. ,, I•'' M.ti.µor1 tMC.llUJQu61 al,) t hl t 8tl J .Jlt1 \ l11~;1t1LJ!1.t11 t•t ,.,,..,,,~, 1 .. ti \ fU fi .... h l.dll, .. ··~·"·"' .... ,. J l.0 .... \ IJC~t1 I •t ~-dt J '•••11 (.,•••\ • f ~ J.I • •• '~ ,, 9tit l. .. 4,,, .. '""''" t 46 t \ NINTH llACE ' ' " .,,, 1.lUll.f'I "' $'A'1nq. I J I'/ Ul • 0 ~ •1(i t ~ f'lolU P1.t•C.tt l~JN"'-1-.· 111·1 • 4(1 t t}\l 1''"-'''''"" 1Pm1i ,,,, / ~h A \I I ... , [ ,,, '' ... , h•I·• 11 I \I I •1 f , :O• I 1'-.& 1 ·" t I i l SS EXACT A ' •• ,, 'S ~,, . .,, "''' '' ~· Hollywood Park "llllDA ra Maut. T6 ,...., .. a__, _ _.,.., FlfllT llAC£. One mlle pace Art"'°an"'8tl M ntty IVllnoQhml J3 80 lA 80 6 60 Full ~ IH.manl 11 80 5 llO Ou~en O~ 1McCartv1 5 00 AIM> 'aced A11dy s Y ;tn; f 'f'•w• • Hunt•' Anaya Sc1rnper "••cvon Herl Sh•lle• p.,n1ar Bully F'0t You Junt1 "'"•" 1 '""' 201 •15 A IXACTA 110.21 D••d SUI 60 .. , .. "' SECOND RACE J• ~ s1, ~· '°"""'9~n T "'w1111~' 1R.,1ctif0tO Wp,10¥ftt AQ"\f' 1St,.pfr\'' 1 • eo • ?o : tlD ) •O J •O J 60 Al'n rJ t.Pd Rao•11 (,; 1,,, 011 Seng& Row p~'•o)MI R Tomt> I Sii 3 S THIRD RACE O"" ,., "Loll ~ ........ ntM e, HIN ~Bllr~t"' l .. o ' 80 } ~o C.OQflllet' Jc;,f'ln Va. d"0 "•Jh t"' I ~ 40 'S 80 M·\' 1n,1n 1, Pan•e'' 7 80 Al'O 1at"d ,..uf'\t"'" ~.,. td """ M ~rt Amt ~a.,.ioc. Lady l1ttll,. 0Jr.ng Jc •~ Du"''"' Andy$ CtUHQe'' NdnCy An(J .. r\t•'1 Tom~ 2 01 A 5 S3 EXACT A 15 •1 l>•"l Sf,, '0 fOUATH RACE. Qr• ,, 1 • r •·,.. Dent• Endeavo< CO.-! R911&• Gazelle IPa•I<~ •OO 300 260 620 500 1 m Ce<1a·n 1Ba·~a•geo"' ~ISO rdCf'd 8r@.a\.w1no AnQN.I "-•~ ~..,,, Sour B.a,one-,, Chr•\ T1mP I 58 0 FIFTH RACE. O,.tt Ml ,. '-'·1 f' 3 '° W I U> longo1 'I tlll -I)) ~ •O Par~"9 1P~•o•ne1 1 40 J •O Son BIUf' •M•·c~•"<l' 6 ao Al~O ,.,,,.CS lo\1lli G•~tmovr 8 01 T 1mft fr~ Waitai-. SuOl~f' Kf'"d.lHa Bo,. T1mt< t 59 2 S S3 EXAC TA 17 81 P••O \'!() 10 SlllTH RACE On• m.1~ IM<tt Soplllsl!Caled Leay (Cfgl\nl coo 290 260 1120 "'° J 60 Bl•cl< 1"091.1~ 1M~11am Ao<IQ.-mat• f40~s.etl At'IO racf'd ~ .Uflf • "'''•mMh·"" Oud~ Wondertui Stt1U• Purn1t•v.- Tci<fdl\h Ocs..gn Amb1.lt'I•,. 11mt' '59 215 IS UIACTA 1S·lll pA•O SJ.I~ 0(/ SEVENTH llAC£. Ont' m•I•• LMI' '~o E •CuSI' ILOtW]OI 8 •o ) •O '•o Jc• )nn.-. Al•""'""'ll lll<lr'fl•• l 60 7 10 ()rum '""~ 1AnOll'110nl 2 20 Altt' •Kf'd 1..,ana S~•P 0'"'9.,~ l)nt1 K11 .. na 01~ 6y•d Conna A<J•O' l ime 2 00 3/S U EXACT A CS·Jl pa10 $AQ 00 EIGHTH RACE On" mile rac<> Sp1n11er Anna (Shefr"nl IA AO 6 60 J 60 AP<Jlio MltQQ,. t6&•"61QO<>nl 10 60 6 20 Ceiablue 1.t.r•d•non1 6 60 AlllO •eced Bun• H•roo-Ha1>9y Btod .. Nad• Hanov..- y...,. I SI 415 13 UACTA 12 ll Pftot!'1100 '0 NIN~H flACE. OM ""I" UIK~ T1•1amO<l IRO-'I 5 00 HO.,Oy S1a1 tMar<;h .. n<ll El~I Aoy S tP••""'' ,,,.,. 157 3•5 S3 Ill ACT A 12 61 paid S91 ~o 3 60 3 60 10 60 6 10 5 60 S2 PICI< SIX (3·1·5 \ 2 'I Dl•O sn 810 w11n one w1nn1ng hC~91 I•" h0•5"SI S2 Pici. 511 conto1111on o••d S118 60 with 68 w1nn1no t•t•tll (l<Ve hO•Hll " Pie• S•• SG•31~h eono<>ialoon o•od S•O eo w•lh 139 w"'"~ lldlelt (lour l\OI-. ON OCtlldll TENTH llACE Onoo mi•• p IC" Gozo SI•• IAod,..sonl ) 80 H4'nrv I O<eam N ( f • .,..,,. A'hl"Y l 0<d IPf'f1N1•ne1 ,,,.,. 2 00 t3 IXACTA (6 I) uo1d S67 '.a Allwndenc:e 7 &19 '80 '80 710 160 J 40 PenH col• Open (ol Pe,.ulCll• , la I th•<i1MI t !t~l1h11 h ' 1't1 'UI l .11\1111 t' .. l'ttit t1'1 tlH ''' lltf '•11ll11H •·"'• M111 ( llJlh ...... , IJ A. Wt. I I'"" ,,, .. ,,. ,,.,, .. 1t11., ........ , ''"' "'llil•·•f l1111t ult111• lohu ~ IHHJ''' '' '•flt .ul flltl '\IHHttl•!I I,,,,, .. 1 • '''"I r '" Wtf>'" h 0 11-. Ul1 !o.H1111 '"""'"I •·•v•• tu M-1 IHli•o t 'd•'Y" Mt~•u1 .. M1._.t, ~u1lh ... u11 A.llto1 M111u, Ii• IH1'f' M1,ch1111 , ••• , linc.l'tt''f '''" Nt•t!Hf\t (, u ... h " ( •• Uulltn I ~1 l 1,,1h1to '11•Jll tt111 f1 ,,.,,,. ... ,,,, • ,011\,, { Ulhlt·I 101 th•Qtlf f\l.11111) ~HI!• lt•fl\i U1ttlll fh'\ll'I MttlU 'I U11i ( iflh't ''')" H111.._,, tA ""' Md ;111c •" ..... ··~,. u..~.1lh fU1l1t1'fwn-.u1 --~,\-~ llttf\ II l'I •• ,." l' f (t• ,., .. ' At•tornn ( '~''-'·• 1,,.,J••;•' r .. h11-t M u -. t Mfl .. !t M ... , II l.11 I 1 •• u M -hfell (\.I IJOt.Qht111, Mou lit, L al\ JtV•'• t11.t 1!1111, .. t.'I uu .. 1111 U.1t1 l11.1v1t•) ~·;)~\;,:~'rSX' 01t• t'oht '•'J•ti> Ph ... 1 M.ulot \,.t> M1ti>I' -C,mtth J,11 l..uthl J1tn lt.un•·1 l1,uJ1 Mith• f4r,r, M11q••1 '''" C,1rnL1 1111 In fl Cl' I U tt J-i..,n.1 U.tr tt 1f'4I '•"'l •'vljlio•·• h•h•1 M•ri.1tlt; Mio"" Jt.11•• Jut U••tU M•._. .. 80fl'-.••t t..l ut•f11 1• n "'' \.1 ..... ,, f ;d ••• t i( ,,, M t1~ I l-4 OI UI t 11 hi tt/ I 1<t htl ''" t 14 ''\f ,, .• , ... h' ... ~ • ,., hi ,,,; ',., "'' .. , ,,., Hit f!fl t U1 •·ft nn 1th 11•, I I t U1 .,., "' t "' 11'1 t1K I ti r.I tu '11 hA f i t t/ 11/ 'II 11/ tlt4 f..t'I I II .,., , , I lh bl t I I IM fib l1'f I Ut t.H l<I 1111 f,t4 : I t It• "" It I 1•1 10 f1'l ''" II bl 11!1 11 Mt \.J1J IU bll 1111 t>/ I 1 "10 b'J I I 14() 11 11~ ICO tits 1.1 140 11 t.1 140 II) /<I 1•11 11 n•J t40 I I 11!1 l•O IU /II 14U /Cl 111 IAO b'• 1 t 140 711 711 "" I>~ 7 I t•O II Ila 1•(\ 10 11 1• 1 I, ~·J 111 /0 II I• I /II 71 1• I 11 6~ ,. ' I>~ IJ 1•1 II 10 14 I /' 1(1 141 ; I 70 14' 14 (,1 14 I I TU U I l1 11 t• I /I) " t• 1 ,~ ,,,, 14 1 I I 70 t• I 70 fJ "' I' 11 111;t /I II 14, ~. 70 14, 1, /0 14. t.i~i -: 1 td, 11 ,. , t4i' '\ (;7 IA? /4 (;ft 14 , ... t.l'f , , I 1J t I b1J 141: 1 I I I 14:" hq :1 11, 11 n 142 Senlore lnlern1tlon1I (•I Hlllon H•ad ltland SC I •'4 ' ~ ,,, , ' &9 ..,,, ll11r\ <"ulo.i \ bQ o'; C l11n JJ lh1 II , b8 ; } JuJH,~ buOJ' lit f•Pi f\ l '• 1l, j\ ,, ,_, "' /h . •, U " AJ.tlf'llo 1 t .' t l •lt /. f)!t ,,1 'J'tl I , , 1u r, itdh•·t ()ti'tot•hU t' 1 7:" M ,,.,,. ' 'l'tO'I / I l I !om l ~ttt•t• /i..IH,•4-'\hn• ~.U Jt")t'U'' !N'I I 1\lt• I l 1 I Htl 1 r A ,11 I•,, I"! •• f tt ', " r. 11 l 1 l I .. 70 •4 ll• NHL CAMPB(ll CONFERENCE Smythe OM1lon 1111 11~ <A(J .~. 14, I~ I 11. "' , .... 14 . 14 ·' ·~I ,,, '14 'll 'II :1 •• ll1n90 It "'tn.•"-t.-..t r 1n't nt 11') W l T ' OF OA Ph Jft 11., H I 'I "'*' •t i , ... I t No,,•• 01-1e1on • ;' D ... ( ,,, "'' M•1 •o•-ht ',1 I ftt'" I,,, •• ,,. ' )' ,•1 4 ~l 2'R 16 1 • n n , .. t101t f ,.. ~b WAl ES CONFERENCE Petrie~ OiYltlon tf* • ,,., ~·t •i.H:tot; 11 i N .. ,_, J, .. -.,., N r ~.m.,t•f Wa•.fu•1l~1t•r< P1rt\nurqn ( J] • I b Ad•m• Otwl1lon ' 10 10 •) l< ..... , ... 2u 44 " 1 1 lG tJr f•Hf'11 B• ''"'' Q.,e~ ~ I 19 l~ Suttalo 4 1 40 J6 1 ••29 30 I ' 2 1A lA Frld•r'• Score v'lmn•p.'9 3 N-Ow J~•~y I Tonight'• O•m•• •• 1tllr>td a1 King• &ult.tlu ;u o.~,, '.)11 01,f'\f~C df "" nt•t•.tl 90-,10'' at venct>•t\tf!' Pn.•dOf'lpn a :\t "'"'°"'0' M1nn.,.sota 01 ~.umn9tc>f• C.dlQd'"'f "' lotontu •• Y Rangeft di N Y t'\.htn,, .. , 1..n1,a110 at S1 l w•t Croe1 country COMMUHITY COll.OE Ml. Sall 4111.,.... lnvl!Mlonel II " • ,. •O ., fo ., 1 •1 I/ <.! ) • 1 O.Conl• CGtendalej, 19 55 2 S1>1lm•n 1MOOtl>•rk1 20 08 3 Bernal cwes1 vo1i.y1 20 15 • Know~• ,,.,.,..,can R•verl 20 17 5 Go11ba101 tSan B•t11erd•no va11ey1 20 '3 6 Robbll\S 1G1os1mon11 20 27. 7. Rubio (We111 V111ter1 20J1 8 "''" (Pima. Ant I 20 JA q Sewell 1San Be<nard1no \lat1ey1 20 3~ 10 SCOtt CAmertean R1-1 20 3~ Olht•n n l aC•otM tO••no• Coas11 20 58 71 Oo·•y IO<ang<t CoHll 21 04 Team 11;0<., 1 Pim• Aru 79 pointt 2 G lend•I• 85 3 MOO•P••k 101, • G•OHmonl 123 ~ Ame<IC&n RIYlll 12S. 6 W!!ll Velley 130 1 Or•nge COHI 167 8 Fuller1or1 190 Q SM Bo•"a1Cl1no VAll~r 217 10 Pato<l~n• 226 No•lc:e Team llCO-f't 1 P1me Anz 14 "°'"" Gronmont ,, 3 Moo•park 10 • 4 Glen<l•lf' 101 !> Or 3ngtl Cout I 8 I w-n 1 11111 ($an1• Mon•C•I I I SI 2 OtVtl•t tO••nQI' C.ouH 18 OS 3 [111011 1P•ndena1, 18 1', 4 Shnoe<l•"d CAm•"ican A•v••I 18 l& 5 Mc:H•~ ,,,.mer1G11n RMwl 18 A2 6 Pttaiou !EHi LAI 18 '3 1 ltuscoll 1Gro,•monll 18 •4 8 Tam11yo 1P1ma Ar11 I 18 !>O 9 Miller (CemlO•I 19 07 10 H.,na,,dez 1Groumont1 10 Ot 01,..., 12 Out>e 10t11no• Coull 1g 1,1 11 Hnw.. 10<a0Q9 Co1t11 19 31 19 OuM J t0rAllOe COHll 10 32 Tttt m ec0<et I Oteng9 Co311 90 p(>lnl• 2 01ottmon1 Q~, 3 Am<encori Rive• 99 • P1m1 A111 120 ~ C•1t1101 •~• II r "'""ion 190 1 l'•••a~n• 192 e Saadl•b•'k 'OS • c .. 1 LA '10 10 OQl~Wffl 263 luo•1Ch•ll•no• 1ourn1n1en1 (et llNll>Ourne, Awoll•ll•I Semlllnal t1"ulet \11f I f 1111 1 llh ... Ill I 11~1 lu f1(• M.tyfU IU •I I • 1 •. 111 l tuUJI jl /1 •It .lu.t1tll1•ti 1h t I 11 I lt•ll lw1 1t I t I h Orend Prh1 lournemenl t•I \lleonol o ....... 11nal 11n111 .. M1lo1• llt P11ltHt• Pl'' t 1t .. t I••• tit 1IH1t/1l1 If+ f, I ' lh flf I • 111 h 11 t.i11• ••t tlo l Mutt 11 ••••l ••••J' 1t•1 l/•H 1 Ouarlerllnal Ooul!I•• jl f4'1 f ti 1/11 d /(I fll 1lt1V I~ Iii! I I lfllft 1j4 f '>I•" ~m1tt1 (.tH*' Ouu" CU,, f \ I ft "'J b 'I '''"'" •• 111i11 lt1h 11i1 ,,. .... 1tu.1111 t•• J t ••••• ti ,, •• ••• I ... ~ f I •" I •• I • • ... Women'• 1ourn1menl (•I 'lld•ntedt, W•et O.rmenrl Ouetl•rfln•I llnple1 •,,,.,. •. , f1.1f1 .. I·"-'~~· '•'""'·•!l'f'f di I '"'" Shn•-• 111::, I b 1 1 b b i M•ll•H• ,,..,.,., .. ,fi .. I -~ I ....... ti I I Mt•••! Hit (81a1111 ti I 8 I ""'Y Auol•n IU s I Oel H1•l~u 1 '111kf,.,,1 l It 1 l1t•~tuw..at1t1 O 4 • h I •· 1 M''", ~ '" ,,, ,v11v11 '''" ., ,,. 1 1 °""'" flhlleln) 6 I 6 A Jepen Open I•• To krol Ouarterflnel lln9lao JIU •W Al ' Ill r-I IJ14f 11 t lil1o 11 f ... l Cll•lr1 II 4 b 4 Oomln>qu• Be<l•I tf ran1.n1 oel C.t~nn M1ch•Oeta CC•n•O•I 6-;> 0 ' Sun1 M•non (India) dal Cn•1IH S1100~ IU SI 8 4 4 C Ro11lgnol-Oledora tournament Teechlno Pro Ch1mplon1hlp1 C•I l euuna Nluu•I Recouet Club) Flrol Round 61119le1 {.at II 1 t·y t'>~'~ p,.\Jt ll (h·I Afl ,,11 t 1A1c.JU 1 t I t. B• M' Ov..t•O 1•turit•"V'' • r .. ~,~~~··~.~·';Vn~;:,~l ~~~~; ~~1;\•H:,~ U""''' 1I11t111~1H10 P 1tln1,.J ll J b • PJvl 8 \.un'\h11H t th~ u th1t 8111 f 1llt1•1 t~o11 Uutgot ,, 0 j ' Mi~•· N1·l~H" tNt+..,l'tll t rlt111ctl1 cwt Miu • t'•" h 11>1 tf111I01 Ot1"»/\•I) h \ (1 t\ !;1c1o1• Yellu1 CSolona Buen) O•I W•ll Meyers 1t1.twlh111".-f ~ U 1 ftr r <I u i>. tSdtll.t 9tUt tf;' '"I It•'< 1 ' A.rt ft ~' Olt-"1 ., 1 b 1•ur.01 11 l t. I Lht•• ..,, ... ,.,. t'-4 .. ,,,.,.,,.,,, b.-,,u.,111 tJ~I D••• Au•M tSolen• Beacnt 1 6 8 3 rom Olrn\tr.1ll ''u" Ju1m t-np1•,f1 ''"''• tl'-"' t.-lll'f Hv..J..-.vv•• 1l 11') Ai•iJ•ill•\• t t. h (1 O A"" 8 00.ucl t• till1•rf''"' ,,, I t;,. 111 141•11'1•''"" IBllftJ '"'"' t ' 4 t1 h 'I (1hOI I uo1•u111 ·~''" l)lrn.1\f Chif V-t ,.,, 1• H o101cilt1•• 1 ,..,, lht"IH fj 0 tJ t IJ.,.. 11lh•Hf'•'1N• ftl 1•t lh 1 1. •1•J1 Phil h•11 h.~· 1(. It,, ' ' t '•'•h ~,ft 1Cos1a MeHI del V1rice Beam tl>a4 Matt 6-3 t, j l Hl\ t· f_. •t.1 ,1, ,,,,.,,. •h•I t"• (..,uq • l !>unt,~ h11t r,,, •• u t t •. • Et• 1 t 1 ·H•1 .. I fh0\1\ 111\t t) .... '·1••1 Mtttt " Htt, t1•, 1th•1mn .. 11 Ucjtrt 1 b -' 6 t M1t>t• l.hw~1h·~ lt.1,1•fJ1•11 f,•c1v•11 'h t tMw• S hr'lfr'h • • 11 ·• J11"·' l\• 1r 1,, 1 ii t1 1 Jurt 511t1..tQf•t • ''''"-' (4.111 u •I 111 I t, •r t 1 tt ~ .1 Cu\1..U f lt . Jul, Oht·• fl ' •• 1• ,,. 11t•f ti I"~ • '''' l /ti. flt• I \,, t, ";' f' I f t.)h"( f l • t.f I \ I I L-\,'f h 1l I M~h•clC> •C••M>n> 6 ;> I ~ ""'' H.,nanoer t~u• • "' • .It• c,..,, ii ;•II·, 1.1' ro..-1.,•14.J• ~;.,u h t 1 lt ' ~•( h.,,.,, 11 J\t Ut•I•• (J11f '·•f H11!Yl1iltfl 1•1 t''t' ,, ·~I,,,,,, ,. "' t " (iiu t>• I ,,,, •• , '"" 1 h·' l u M,,,m It t J I 9' I J \ I f, 1 '•' I t t '''' I I r, Ai ,,.,,. tf 1 '' h' ,,,._, .,, f t '' " • 0 I fi11 "°'' • I ,f 9t•• 1t trt 1,1..,,, -. ,,,. ••\ I .. , . ., tf•11f 6 • f \ Second Round ••,on· t.-41' ·~ P.-.u•\ \fru h• 1i r 10,••" .Amii "h V'••• 1111• ., ; t •ft•' '" ' t ~. t1 I .. , . .\ ...... ' I t 'o ~ ' ' •t ft· t 1 ~I llf'll t-41 't lt ,1 ..... , It' !J. •• ... f J • ' ~~11n11• ,JI ht t t 'I I) Jrn t• ''''' ,,, .. .,,,,, cJ1•f r..tt••I fh•\•.f•f 1 IV'~ 11•"1 t· J (, • ·.,h•vft' I ulC h•o f~1111t1"~"'• h•t ,.,,..,, Sn,d""' t 1 utlu'• O; 4 J 6 6 ] Mttrlio. Ht•llf'",H+tn tl O' At'\l~t) (Jt11f K1tk Or•"oc:td 1lrvm•u ti l ft 1 h ? t4q"lf't P"'"",, It ,"l'JU"" ~4t{JV•'4• ,,,~, c;1 H1 r , 1R•d • t f•• 1ft • • f • •i • ..,, •• ' ,,,., ··-} .,.t ' J • • • l•f' t ._.,., 41. • r.1.-, I h•' N~"O" 7 6 C 6 7 6 Sylva n <lei tH-t r J ) "+,,I 11) h I ..-n;••'•I ... t; £ w 11, ,,,., ti,,,,,, ' ' , IJ• 1 Mt·lt· •• r / l• t ;vit L' u ~ t· 1lt t (I"' \11t ~ f I 11 f .,, 1 •'l''' ch•' t 11 1 ,, t • ' 1i1·•f 11•1•1 l!• t hr f( lo ... 1 t I C~ ,,,, 1t I 1' U 1JO f U 11 1 I .11 I t4 .. I ,_ ' . ...,, ... ,,.,, ....... ll•4 ~.,., •• , '·~··· A· "11L1t,, ' ( ,., •• ~~. \. , ... I • D·t ,. d•')-,,. tlMd V1 °Wf ~ 1lrt "'I It •Jc(>""114 f ~uf"'I n Jt• · O• t h1 I ~,,,, .-11•\'>l·I' .. !l'>f'!Q ff,.,.,. I (1'•' Bt t (' ... I,.,,. """ "'"' Cap11trano1 6·3 6 3 G•n• M•hn tBevetl• ..,.,,,,, 1h'I 0r .1'1 l. l c;,l,;ttJ 11'> tlf1\ VM'1f'I• 1 6-0 6 2 M•"o Pat•f" 1HunllnQlon t1ee<n1 .)•I ~,.,,. I t t' l Ar•Q•• P 1 , • ( 1 4 n S1 1 t l. ' &•1 jt .. ,, I ~ ' , J ·"·t"' b 7 t.. ' li ,., , 14,.,,. f5an Pedro• def Aoo Wh••tley 1Patm o ........ , ( . r. 6 .. Mi~ .. c.. ... ~l ..... If {>f'IS"tf th f A • ...,, f'n• t· I\ '\ An )Plf•..,_ l.lr Jt •,\l•Jll Cit•'' ~f· ~\~I( It''' 1n4,..t i IJt•I l t••1 'IV•"l It n 1N1°\l\l H1 8 e.ur1 r f <l~•f.t~l1 T()l•I l ••f111 lf0 t'"'•PUUI P;t•H<lf'"f••t ct.it r~,,,, M11tr 1tt 1Auo1f 1 " t 1 (-0 DffP Ha flehlng AR T S LANDING (Newpo<l kKh) -• c eno~n ,., o..11u -49 b<>t'WI<• b1 moc.,,,..,.,.1 ,. 10lt1t f1\t"i .t 1t1eepst'teact DAVEY'S LOCKER CNewporl B•achl T34 ,n91111, , t, oon1'0 •fl c ,1hr.n h.u , t tO'N tod )It(' Ml1C._.,., ... , 167 "'' .. ccwt ' Sia"O l"iS ' bf..C., cH1•••• DANA WMA,_f -'· -ftl"t<~i>fo'' ' lta ) R'• C>On•IO C.C. m,.c,.,_.., f, t •err i.. 1 od • •oc• h~h '1 M:u'f'4" 1J sr ....,.." ... .,.~ .. a SEAL IEACH -'3 l"!I""' I. <0 .. «>I 14? rnd , l'1<1 (larg•I -100 '"ll'"'' 1~ tltlsc. 1 ~o ''""''O L hahbvl '.00 mJO· .-, .. , 600 q1;~11 t1 ... h '00 wn11t1 t11\tl 1 aculptn Friday'• trenHctlone IA SHALL Arnarle•n LHtue CAllrORNIA ANGELS "'"'"-""""" lrw> •8SIQl'llhOt 01 Gen• Mauc:n ""'"ti!"' NallOflal l •"t"' LOS ANGflES OOOOtRS W111v.,d Ma1i. Bl'l•ng~• sho1i.1op S111n~a A1cli Monll•r ovllle4de• 10 • one yM• ('Qnu orl PronHjl•d ft~d Cl1we 'ltC:4' rtt•a1dftnt tn cn••OI' nl l)Ublte •~Ahont ~"o p•omnt~nt to r •fllC.Uh¥'9 't'K°.9 pt~StdNlt CHl(.AGO CUBS N•~ Ruoan A""'10 Oulll 0\-4'< •"d F •e<I °'°"'"'ll 'olldW• N w VO RK ME 1 s R•ht Vl'd s .. a ._."''"''Qn and Bin M onn(lQUfltlfJ 01 tMif co~1.111ng Clul•U •n<I •nnounctd '""' Hnrrl!l1nn will worli u ft cabl11 letev•••Ofl MnOufi<.•• •no Mon1>oque1111 '"" IM'Com" • •Pt<•I( •Jt•11nmen1 acnol IAIKITIAlL ...................... ••toelellOn OCTR0 11 PISTONS SOQned J•m loel center 10 ~ mulll·rA• COl'lllftCI GOLOCN &TAT WARAIOAS lraaad 8'!rne1a ""'0 la•w•rn 10 tne N•w Ve>rli Knteli• 101 MIChHt Rfty RICllA•<laon guard INDIANA PACERS T1M~ loo11 0 11 tc1twaHI 10 tne N"w Yn•li Kn1,i.o 101 1 1f't.OnO •ovnd t98'.l 1uc• .. na tututfl con'""""''°"' 'OOTIALL United tlatff , ....... , L ...... SOS TON BRCAKEAS Signed OM WUIO•nok WAyl•~d O•y •nd Ft1n~ Loe~"" will• 1tce1v"'' R•Cll••O Crvrnp A1vu1 lew•• entl Kan Samoaon runn1n(j llACk• fn(I UlylMt Cc>h<!n ••l•ly HOCKEY IUlleMI "8cli., Lff9W NHL 811ape 11C11 d O••• T •Oii W...._t .. 11 Miia VlllC_, C-U tor """' o-•• • '"'°'' 01 11 rn*1\ !*'Ill" lie r-..cl IO< '"""Cl"'il M tl!C-11 N ... V0<k 1t1•no-oo.i.e 11111y e1111111 on 0<;1 10 IOCCllf Nerlh A-IO"' leccet L ...... MONTl'll!AL MAN IC Cul lob lllioOy, ooet~ Ch111 Chu410en ,_.,el llllO A,..,,._ .. Para1neon 9 oD Vo•"'•., and M11111110 • Dtl Al 1111 lflidloel(l#t I Def en differenc ... 14-7 for Warrior, ' Hv Ttmnv Wlll1'E IP•<.lal 10 lhe Dell~ Piiot C)NTi\lt l<> K• \Ill llu1k• ,111d f<ll k J .1 I '4 Ill t•d 11111( !11111'>' l h .i11cl lltt \.\11111llr11tl1:1 ll1glt l1111th.dl ''""" lt.111tl1 d ( 1111.11111 ll1glt .1 I I ·, 111111 lt'.1g111 · d1·l1"<1 l"11d;1v 111glt1 .11 < 'h,d 1 .. , I lw.11 I ll'' I II ''·'' .1 1:.11111• 111 d1 •l«11" 1 .. 1 tl11 \V11111ll11111~·1 W.1111111 ' "ft,, l11flll'>'I d llt1 11 g,11111 pl.<11 .ill 11 11 ""av tu 111111• I l 11J11 111 l1111d 1111 th< \ ,, l•ll v Wh1·11 C>111o11111 '' 1111 ·d ;, ll11ll lufci\\ 11 111 tit< f11 ,I 1•1 1111<1 II 111!1111 d " l,f \..11 ti ('·"' I lfllll A11tlt1111 \ M111111· 1•1 1\1.111' 'l\,1111 1h.11 p11t 11t 1 II.i l l 1111 th" W11oclh11dg1· 21• v.11d 11111· Tlt111• plav~ l.111•r M•,,•l't· lrnrnd l.111d\' ( ;1 ·rl11L.! Ill 1111' l'lld /<Ill< 1111 1h1• I 11 ll I 11 cf o W 11 .t 11 d ~ I ,f 11 d 11 '. I II ,, II d I I k I I k (' ii I Ii I l'Oll\ I I '11111 (1 ••1111 ,iflV lilt M ' \\111 1111 11111\ 1w11 11 • ...,...,., 111111plt·tt ti du1111g 1tw 1•111111• g .. 1111• l1v t >111,11111 .. g;111 ht tl11· 1 ugg1·d W11odhrnlg1• tit 1!•11-.1 "l>«f t·11"''1•I\ \\t ,,1.1 v 1·d .1 11'i1llv -.11u111l g.11111 l '11.11 l1 t ;,.,11 No JI ,,,,ti ·c h11 d .. 1. ·11-.i • 111 Id t It• 1«;1111 l11g1 1111·1 11111111 ~h1Jlll 1111 g:11rll' "W1· knt·W WI' had 111-.111p tll1•11 11;1~11 l'lllllllllg µlay:-. ,111d Wt kit th,JI If Wt ' lllllld llHIL;Jlll tlw111 Wt• \\ utild <1>1111111 I ht· g.11111• "Wt• hdd tno lllilll" 1w 11.1ll11•,, ho\11t•Vt'1 . .inti 1h,11 ''''f>ll<·d ,, 1 .. 1 "' 11111 til t1·11~1\'t • ITll!llll'llhllll ' W o11db11dg•· ~·1111·d tlw l\'111~ t11udnlu\\ 11 1111 .1 i I ""' d d1 l\'1· th.11 lt1<1k I.I 111.1 v-. 1 u l111111.it111g 111 Tri tons with 0:15 8 \ RICHARD Dl'r\~ Sp•clal 10 th• O•llr Pllol u •. n.1 Jldh ll1gh 111.1 \ h.1\'1 pla\HI 11' i,,.,1 g.11111' 1111' l1N1tli.,)I 'I·"'"' F11d.1 ~ 111ght • 1111' 111 111n11· up -.hnrl 111 h11-.,1 Sa11 l.'l1·11 11•nt1• l 1 7 111 11 111.1111 '' 11111·,.., 111 I HH:! '!'It'd .tt 77\'11h I 1"'~1 111d' lt•ll Ill t l11 g .1 1111 s .. 11 l 'lr Ill<"'' 1Jll•ll l1I11.11 k ,J11 h11 \\'1 I'' I -.<JUll t1 ·d 111 1111111 th• I I \,11d 11111 M 11nng tht• '' 11111111g 111111Iulo\\11, and l'l1111,11..i11 g ;i 1111111 1111111 b<'h1 nd \'ll'\111 v l11r 11-w Tntuns (~ 21 The l>11lph11 1-. 11111·111 ~1 tht· g .. 111• In r.111\lll)ol 7 1 v.1rd~or1 lllt'1r f1r-.1 P""'t•-.-.io ll 111 1 1h1 1r n nlv lOUlhdn\\ll 11f lht l'\'t•n111g St•111q1 111ni1111g l1,1l'k Sll.im 1'1..il\ dr I\< 11\'t •I I 111111 t ht• I \ .11 d I 11\1' I 11 141\'(• f>.111.1 11111 ... " f (I ,11h.1111.1g1• ,J (1·,111 II \\<Jultl k1 <'fl 1111t il 7 :!.1 11 11 111 the 1t111d q \1,11 I< I Sailors roll past Downey Nl'wpur1 I l.1rhor·~ No :! ralt"<l S.11 lon. dl'ft·:11t'CI Dow1wv in non- lra gut' wah•r poln <it'tlll·n l"riday afternoon with Fount,11n VallC'y, Un1v1.·nntv a n o El T oro also posting non lt·J~U" v1t·tt1r1M. T lw T ;t1' lll•l\'1-<l 111 front l'.lrlv 111 tht>tr li(JOlt' with tht• Downt'y V1k1ngs and po~tt'd ,, 10-fi dc•t'l!.tun \\1th D ave O 'Dunnt?ll !.<.'Orin~ thn't' goals to bring the tc~a m rt·t·ord to I fi -1 G rant Stanlt•v and Ia n DeVril'" C'ach S<:orc'CI ·a p..11 r o ( goa Is F ount arn Valley's Ba r o ns ~·r>n-d w ith IO St.'<·onds rl'mammg to dcft•at ho~l Los Alamitos. 8-7 "Th<':V Wl'rC' a ble lo JUmp out m front. :i. I. and thPn wt• startl'<i play in~ tough er d t'ft•ns1.· and tarrw back at them." Fo untain Val!Pv Ccli1l·h Rav Bray smd "M.ill-s Nomur::i and Mark Wan d id ;m t•x1·ept1onal Job Cor us Nomura was ou ts tanding o n dC'knsr and Wan was our leading scort'r wtth four goals 111dud1ng th\• final ont• to win the game'." Los Alamitos had ti<'CI thC' scorl' with 37 S<'COnds remaining m a w ild fourth q uartl'r that saw c·~1ch tl'am St'Orc thr<.oe timt.'S . Fount:.i m Valley goalie Mik<.· Toland hud 11 sav<'s and lhe Borons hl.'ld off Los Alumitos whe n th<'V Wl"rC' a m 11n short on two occasinns 111 th<' hnnl period ThC' &irons .ire• now 11·7 for the Y<.'ar · &•1m Woshbournc• SL'tll <'d four guals nnd hrollwr K t'lly hit a J>8ir as U n lv1•rs1 1y's No 7 ronkc•d T rojtin!4 llh>ppl'd Ln1<ur1;1 Hiii!!, 1'.l-10 Th'-' gum(• wus a final 1un1•up for the· Trojans bt•forf' mC'cllng Nv I ranked <:orono dt•I Mar W Nhw!!d Hy 1n Rfln V lt'w U 'Ot(U\' plov Michal'I Barth•tt. Hob &lomon and Mick &·hluctcr coC'h :-;(.'Ortod l WO gC\Dh1 for Lhe Umvc•ndty leam ngainst thl• No. 10 Sl1und In 3·A r1aling-. ln nn othcr ho t:lt• of r ntrd t •1.uM. El Toro's Charg ·nt (No. 4 In 4·A) acorpcd Storvlt<' I No. 2 In 2·A). 14 ·1 with Jt•rry WlMiom hht~ng four f(OBls • H111 k1 ' '"" "'''" 11111 '>'!Iii Ill '1.I 1h1 Ii.ill '1'1111 L1•u L Ii I 1• I I t II k11 l<1·d l fi t• I I I -, I 11 ( I W •I 11111\1 '''""' .11111 I ht• ....._ "'" w." I It (I Tiu "111111111< '4 111 t· l'Ollllt' 111 tht 1h11d pt·11<1<I . .-. v.,,,.,.f1111dgt d111vr· .II \!ll tl' 111 l•rlll pl.iv-. f11r th1• "•II•' H111 IH· 11111k 1111· -.11.1 fJ p111111 d li.1• k In l<11tlv 1"11.(lJ• 111.1 ""lt11 Ill llll 11 I'·''" ·d ltr I .1 • f1r1 I :1 \.ii tb ,11111 I ht lt1 UI ltd11\\ ll With .! 111) 11'1 t Ill tlll 111 I llld Wn11dil1 1 tl~~·· Ii.id two t1l lw1 ,( 111 111 1.( ll(Jjlnl'I 11111l 11''· 111)('1• 11\llVlllg 111 lltt ''\'I'll 111 flllt' Jll 1111 < IU'l1lll1ll I 11dt·d lltt· lhH".fl 'I h1· W.1111"'' .1J....11 1111~-.1 ti t"" flt'ltl 1-(11.11 .il\l 1111r1-. * Woodbridge t4, Ontario 1 Score by Ouarl••• WO<tdlJt•c.JOI! 0 7 1 () ... r J111.1t1, 1 (J (J fl I • ) VeflJt~ i'L µ.1\'!1 ft Jn '.AOOtt• IHt•rlf ,,,,, •• , . ' W f:J\.Jt;.1-... fUt1 ll•.,•ff ~lf llo..t "" l f•t 1j ""'•' '''''" f1fJUt•f411i I\ •• ,, ft.,..,"' A l IOCJ '"''t1tn.1ti•Jt f 1f f dtJ'lt'I Hu\h+'' r·H•h P.1'\t,lf ,, .,. H•J\; .... , ...... .. Htl'!:i, Game Sl•llollca w 14 H Its 146 II 1\1 1 3 1& f Ult h1t" 111· t 4 1 i1f•11,,ll11 y UtJ 1 SQ lndMduel flu1hlng 0 j ~" l l, SJ ''J 7 ' ;>t, J l 10 103 'IJ t Hil'' ''"' 1 s it". Sc.tutJ~dt-'f C, J8 '1,,, .. , 11 1·l bu1lof .. b l(Jt mmu~ 12 (,r,dde f(.•' llhflU' } f) f y"ll11 14 /~t '1m"1> t 1 7 t~l'L"· h,t n11tiu' ~ St ill , tot m11,u~ 1 lnd lvldu.al P•H lng N bun\t1 10 1f; t 1 rt F IQUt''Cnl ' ' 0 11 "'' 0 1·0 0 u Mo<HI' t·L ~ In 1 (~Oii (J ·1.(1 11 lndlvldu•I Rec•lvlng W l t'., '• 4 1 W•tQht l 49 Wr-11r._1rJP 1 \ f l~Ut..11 UJ l I .,. f •f•!••f l 7 o r 1-.'J" ' t ' r •t:' t ) • '/ / 14-7 ' to go S a n l'lc mc•1111· wa ... 11111 •·d 111 punt all ll\'1 · 111111·-. 11 hc1d lht· h.111 Ill lilt' f If';\ h,1)1 S.1n Ch•nwnt1· took 11\ t t th1 i>.1fl <Ill lh l>Wll 41 \l.lfd ltn1· \\Ith 7 1.1 l..ft in tit• thtrd 4u;11 t1 r 'I"'" pl;t.v-; la11·1 Tnl•111 ru 11111n~ l1.11k H11~11t11k l 111g 1 .. 111lil1d 11, \,t1d-.1111 .1 dl.i\\ 111.1\ '" """'' 1111' '11111111-. 111 ,1 lt•ud 1dn\\11 l \lllj.! t 111 g,tnlt 4' l i - S~1n Cl1·n1111 t l' '"'"cl tlll tt 1ntt·r('t•pt1uns, 1101· l'oth by Paul Wonkn, Dt•an Ames and Tom K l11-;11•rman. two ~.it:ks. and ,1 dt·fltl tt•d p.t.,, Ii\ Tim l\lu\ tu p.1v1 th•· ""' 111 \'ll tury Thi· Tr111111•: ""inn mg dn\'t• 1n th1· l1111rtlt quarte r '-ldl t• cl ,11 111111 own H Eight µ\,,,~ l.111•1 \\till :!'.I s1·1oi1th 111) t h1· l'l<1lk \\.'1 1-.1·1 hit Fu kl111g o n ii P·''' goucl for :b \,1rd, putting S.m ( ·1i·m1•11t1 in 111 Id goJI r<m g1 0 11 11t1 I >olph111 1·1 Tht· tit''' pl.I\ µ1 U\'l'd to Ii. ttll d1ffl't'1·1111 •, "~ \.\'<•1 .... 1·1 found h 1-. \\,t\I 111111 tlll' l'IHI 111111• 1>.111.t ll11l-. h.ul Ix t•n 111 (111111111 of thl' g,1n11· u1111l thJl po111t 011 lh1rd .incl fourth d o\\ n c 11n\'1•rs111n .... 11~ clt•fl•nM' ""1·111 h • work. stupp1 ng San Clt·m1•111t from eon\'t•rt1ng fir:>l down~ 1111\l· llml'S K<'v ~wk' bv Kurt Knaut'I a nd Bob i·fr111 anrl a handful 111 bro k t•n up p:isS l'!> by th1• SC'C'Ondary. wh1dl C'nablc-d Wc.'ISc.•1 tn romplt'H' only 3 of h1~ I 0 cltlemp~. sparkNI an 1mpn·s..,1v1· Dolphin dc·fC'nSt· Prall h-ad all ooll c.·arri('r::. With 1111 vord!> for tht· Dulphms * San Clemente t•. Dene Hiii• 1 Score bJ Ou•rlers Udn.i Hills 7 0 0 0 $an Clflmente 0 0 IA OH -Prell 1 run tBoiem.n k1ckl SC Fte~h'lg 46 •un (McCormack i.1ci.1 SC Weiser 14 run IMcCormac" •<•I A11enoanoe-2.ooo c .. 11me1edl r ir:.l oown< Ru5ne)·ya1ds Pau mg yoros PasM"S Punts Fumbtes·IOSI Penahes-yords G•m• Sl•1l11lc:a OH 12 39.1$2 4 1 J .11.J 5.34 O·O •-40 lnd1v1duat Rusn•ng IC 10 3•·169 75 3·10·0 5.37 J.() 5·25 OH Prall 26 10 1 Germain lO 45 DeC1110. 2·17. Coopt'• I l<>r·m1nus 11 SC Flc:ltllng. t2-8A. WelMt, 15-42 Arno. ) 3$ Ames 1 4 Henry I·' lnd•••dual Poss•r>Q Oft Cooper 3 11 .3 4 I SC Wei-3· 10-0 75 OH I II SC lndMduGI Receiving Gt'rma1n, 1 16 OeC•llo. 1 14, Francis MD, St. Paul play to.night Molc•r Dc•1 lligh's Monarc.·hs ( 1-11 111 IC'a guc.•. :J -2-l overa ll ) 1· n t t' r l3 1 n S t P il u I H I g h 'I< Swordsmen (I ·0. 5-1) tonight al San ta An11 Bowl (7·ao) in a kc•y Ant(<'lus L<'ugut' football lest. Tailbal·k H1drnrd Agu1rn .. IN1d.'l MJtt•r Dt•1'1oo o ffC'nsive thru~t b<' h 1 net 11 u :i rt•• r h;u ·k R o gt•r H1•ync~1. w h ilt• S t Paul 1·011nt1•n1 wi th a i.nlid formnt. flonturlnl( t11t•klC' Mnrk Walker (220) and dt•ft•nNiw bock Mlkf' Sh('phcrd. St P.1ul hn1m'1 lost to a Mot~r IA•• tt•Jm sim-.• 1006 A lso ton1gh1. Cl•plurano Volley 12 0-1) lmd µ.guna Hill (~· l 1 hook up l'lf 8'South Coat l-A:natu" ({Um<' M Miulon Viejo. EIM'Wht•f'C' In Or•n~ Count)'; El Dorndo vs. 1..o8 Alamuoe •t Wt'fttn11, Lu Quinta vs. SanU.,U "' (.'l11rtl1•n Grove f>runoo \nlJ'1I DAil Y Pll 0 f/SutuicJuv C>c1obu1 £13 1982 Churches nilme adminis trators , s eminars slated ROB1':H'r 11 W I 1.sc >N li11' 1,., 11 n.11111·d , 11111 l'h Jlilnu11,tr,1101 al South ( '11,1sl l .. 111111H11lll \ ( ·11111' h Nl'W~ll I Rt•ad1, ·'"·111d111~ 111 ,111 .111111111111l1111·111 Ii\ T 1111 f11111rn11h, 111.1:.t111 W ilson 11111s1 11'i·1•111lv w.1-. dar1'i 1•11 ul 1w1 -..1111u•l for [)(>I Tm11 .111d .ilso w111 k1 •d 111 .1d1111 111s11 .1111111 .11 M(•Ounn1·ll l>uu~l.1' l '111 p ll11111111g11111 I\\"'' h W1l~11 hvl's 111 N1•\\ pnr 1 1\4.,u h T HE Hl·:v .JIM VON TUNl:1·:1.N .JH 1s 11 1!' Ol'W m1111s h ·1· 111 l'h11 .. 11.m 1·du1 ,1t 11111 .11 l'u1111rn11111 v (.~hun:h. Co11g11·g.i1111n~1I, C ·rn .111.1 d1 •I l\l.1r 111· "'' v1-c l In a s1nul.11 p..1:-1 .11 Ar1·;11h.1 t'o11gn·~o1111ui;il l'li111d1 lie IS a gr,11i11a1c• 111 t':tl St,111' N11r l h1•1d~1· .ind l'lare1111111t Sd11111l 111 Th1·11l111o(;. B UHTUN I. KAHSON h." '"'"" :1pp111111l'd org.imst .ind 1·h1111·111astt·r .ii ~:p1sn1pal l'hur di 111 St M ichad ;ind All A11g1·I, 111 l'ororw d1•l M .11 K.11 ,.111 p rofr•ssor of lllll'll ,11 < ·.11 S t.111 Full• 111111, 1'111111h·d a n<l d1rl'\'l:-< th1· B:11 1K1111 1\111'11 fo',·,11\ .ii ol l 't111111.1 d"I M.1r DAVID STt\NLI-.:\' :\I.KINS . tl111' 1 .. 1 111 1111· educa111111 l'l'n11·1 .11 1>1\'1111 &·wn11 l111i·111.1111111.11. De n v1.'r . 1" c 011d111·1111g ,1 "111 k~h11p 111d.1~ .it Communttv l'hul'dl h y lh1· B:i•. Co,1.1 M··,.1 Thi· worlu;hop 0 1s sl.11vcl from !I .1 111 ·to 11111•11 :\ polha·I.. d inner 1s plan1wd .11 ti :m µ 111 . 1t1ll11\\ 1·d II\ ,1 h'i tu1 ,. by D r . Alk111" .1l H A lkins wi ll 1•1111l1·r an 111111111.11 v d1 11 lor ut d 1vtnity dl•grc>L' on 1h1· Ht•v fn•1l (l,1\'IS. pa-.1u1 of 1111' dt111'1 h .11 Ill .1 m !-\1111d.iv 111 1lw 'w1t11 l1111rv I Ill I" :! :.! II d SI I '.ii 1111' I C h I 11111 I .t1 I \'I II I 1111 I pl111111g1.q1lll'f v.ill 1111·"111 ... 11.i.,111l11s 11.w1I' .11 "i .IO p 111 Su11d.1v .11 1h, , hu11'11 :\ l-'IL,1\1 SEHi l•:S. · V.~ 11' 1111 1111· F.11111ly.' '' .... ·dulnl (1\1 W 1111111 i 'IO lo 10 p111 .111110.1 .Ill. !I REllGIOUS NOTES .1 111 111 ·I p 111 di Sdllll J11111<·~ 1':p 1'>(·11pal ( 'liu1d1. .l:!llY V1.1 L.1<l11 N1·\\ po11 Hh11 Ii Th, 'l'I H'' '' 11111 ·11 111 llll' puhlt• "t\ll\'l·:NTUH!o:S IN .JtlY' ;in· :o.d11'dul1·d '"1th J-'11dJ\ 1•\•·111111.: 1li1<1llgl1 N11v l!I llv llw llu111111glu11 lk·..ilh l 'hwd1 t•I H1·ltg111u ... Sc w1111• T lw si·~1111i... hq{11111111g .1l 7 1:; .11 S1·.wlil I \'1ll.1g1· :!.1:1:1 M.1111 St . llu111111g11111 B1·:ivh .111• 1•o11 h ... 1·ll -1·1111l.11111·d p111g1.111h .l1·11v E"''" '"" 'f><·;1k 011 "1111111· pbv11ll .1dv1·11lu11·,· .11 11!1 • I I\ l :!!I ..,1·-;."1111 '1'11 k•·h .11'1· $ 1 1111 • ·" h "''s11111 Willi 11·gi-.l1.1111111 lx•g11111111g al 7 .lll\I F\' llHl1': WILL pr 1·"·111 1nu,w:il si·l1•1:111111" 1111 tlu duh 11111·1 .11 tlw 111 .111.1111 S1111d.1\ si·1v1u·111 ll111t.111,111 U111\'1·r .... 11t ... 1 J-'1 •llu~ .,hip. -l l!l Cyp1 l'S' Uriv1.·. Laguna B1·.il·h . 'l'h1• to11grc·g.1t11111 has "l11·cl111t·d .1 d1~·u,s11111 111 \\ hl<'h 1111' p111ll11 "111\'1\l'd Women Catholic priests likely By Thl' Associa tt'd Press An an.il vst d f Hw11w1 l '.1th11l11 111·r11b pt 1·d11 h tht• l'hllr1·h 1:\'1•ntuall\ "tll hav1 IK1lh "111111·11 .11111 marrtc>d nwn .1~ prll'si.-.. emu 1111 µ11. .... , .111 ,111 111k.1g1 · of ccltball' m.!11· pr11'l.t.-. l'c1111pt•I' 11 h could t~1k1· '..!O .vc·;1r-. 111 l1111g1·r hut ll '11•1 t.1111 to hap1wn undc•r prl~-:ur1•' 111 111\l'ni-11 y 111g m ·1·d f111 prwsL-.. su;>'' lh1· Ht•\' H1l h.11 d P M1 Hri.·11 h1'.1d 111 lh1· lhl·Ology clqMrlm1·nl oil lh1· lJlll\'l 'l .. tl\ 111 N1111 .. Dam l' I ll· .ilsf• i-<·t· ... 1t't'1•n1 -;1g11-. lh.il l'o p1 · J11h11 P.iLil 11 r:-. hc.,·11n1111g 1111111 fill"" 111 d1.111g1 111 11m11."t l11 l'otl 111 I llllfll I''''""' 111• 11,•t\ 1 11 1 l111l.J1•1Hl111g l'IHl'l 'I \ .11 1\ l"li l '111tl th• ··1111111 1,,..,, ""11 l\h U111·11 "1"" 111· """ 11111\11111.I 1111 p11p1 \\,1-. • 1111111\ ltx l'd '" d 11111,1 1 \,Ill\< p11p1 . 11111 \\ h11 1 ~ not g1•111g 111 1ll•11l11.1g1• cl1.il11guv. "111 \.\ 111• w11uld 11111 l1t• 111l .. 1«111l "' d1 .. -..1•111 Hui ht .odd' th,11 1 \'1 Ill' till''' .11 h,1\'1· .1lt1 ·11"<I 111.11 11·'1'·" 1111.ig• JI·'' 111 ul;11 h th• 11111w' 1111>1ltf11•d 111111 · .ind 1111'"'·•g1· 1111 111, \'1 ... 11 111 ( ;,,.,,, lk1t:1111 ,111d Iii' !Ul 11 111 1111\t llt.illll \ tft .dlllJ(' With 1111 ,Ji•,lllh 1u111~l11 .11 I .1l t lw f\11,s1u11 V11•.10 h111111· 111 V11111 K11li.1 v,1,111 l '('I 1)1\/.J•:. ,, c-.11 1•1•1 111111..,1·l1t•K '1·111111.11 , 1-. .. l.111 ·d 111111 1 11 .:w 1e1.1 p111 Su11d.1v .it t'h1"1 l'ulltgi-. Ir Vllll rtllo. 1' HIS('(} Kil>," ,t.111111K (i1·111 · W1hh r w ill h• sli11wn S1J111l.1y 1.11 movu· llll{ht by 1 lw Tc·111ph• ls.11.1h ol N1•Wp<11 I l~·ad1 Tiil' lil m will ,, rc•1•11 ,11 i :w .11 0 <1kw11wl C1.1rJ1·11' ,11J<11 l11w11 h Mormon Bible set NEW YUHK U\I') M1111111111s h.1 v1• put.ti .. l11·d llh•ll 11w11 ll"W •«1111011111 ll11• K111g .J.111\"S v .. r,11111 ul 1111 B1blt·. • 111q1l1·d wllh .i l11g ,,., 111m of .1dd1•d 111.111·11,it ..... 11111 II Ii.is 11·u·1v1·d tlw ..,;dull•' 111 .111 11111·rla1lh g111uµ A11 ·•uutst.111d111g Sl'I Vtl.l' to th1• B11Jh-• "''"'" Lhl' L.1' 11u·n' Na111111.il fl1bl1· C'11111n111t 1·1• ,;1111 111 ,, 111.1111111 In llu Ch111d1 o f J1·,11s Chr1s1 ul LJlll•1 d.1y S.1111h 1111 till Ill'\\ \\Ill k St'\l 11 Vt'o •fi-111 111t•pa1.1twn by ~ hol,irs <111d n •,c•.11dH ,.,, lh•· h1111k h," 2.14H po.1g1·-.. I.JIM pag~·s f111 1lw Old T1•.,1a1111·11t lllfl 1111 llw N1•w T1•!>t1.11111·n1 .111d 11 1:! p.1g1·s uf .1p1w111l1i. 111.1\t•n.ils. 111dud111g 111o1ps. lTt1:-..' rl'f1•n •11t't•\ a nd to µ&LJI gu1d1·' f3<1yd K P<1d<vr. r11t•1nl_11·r 11( th1• d1urd1's rul111g <.'1111111 rl ol I:.!, o;a1d llil' 1·x1r;i clala µn1v1dc•' tlw "11l•>S1 ( 11111 pn·hl·ll"Vl' lUt11p1 I.it io n uf -.1·r1ptur ~1 I 111 t111111:1111111 .. ..ihou l Jl•sus l'Vl•r asst•mbl(•d d11l1h111Js1·, 1 ·100 lfl llt .St ' Nl·W~Jlll I lit .. ll'h Ccl'.I l:C s:1 l<1·::.t·1VOlllCl/lSl1111 Ix· 111.1d1• liy h •lt·ph•llllll~ ~1111 mwo HESllH:NTS 01-J.A<iUNA 11 1-:ACll .1ri· lll Vl l (·d lo p.11 Ill ljJ.111• 111 th1· C11111nll1tll l ,V l'n•sby t1•11~11 1 l 'ltu11 la , 1Jr•·,1·11la t11111 11( llund1·I"~ M1•-.i.1.1h l'r,1< 111 1·' wall 1>1· lt1•ld 1m Thur'ldJY 1·v1·n1n~' d111 111~ th .. 1111111th 111 N11vt•mh1•1 with th1 • 11111 1·11 sd1l'dul1•d IJ1·1 5 M1t1.1 lnll'rh111J1, c•h o11 d 111't·Lr11 . w ill 1·111111L1t·1 1tw M1·ssu1h l11furmaL11111 1-. o1v.11l<i lil1· hy tc·l1·ph1m1n..i ·HN 410:! 11r 4~4 7555 COMMUNITY CHURCH BY THE BAY I w1tc1~ dn a1mosphere 011ove 1oy drlO lreedom p1eva1I~ 1n wt11C'1 each per~on can leel salt 10 oe n1mse1f ancl oevelop '11~ own Orvme po1enllal \, It you are seekmg J Church larn1ly hke this welcome home' Sunday Celtbrahon of life I Speake'' Workshops I Clas5es I Book Shop Youlh Group I Nursery Care liollstlc Health Center S UNDAY AT 10 A.M. Dr. David Aikin•, o .... 11p .. h • 7 P.M. UNIQUE AUDIO/ VISUAL LECTURE - Palmer Oabourn Dr. Fred D•vla 645-7650 148 £AST 22ff> STRE£T /COSTA K SA/CA 92627 ~ So uth Coas t Com m unity Church Servic es 8:30 A.M . & 10: 15 A.M. Corona del M.ot H10~ S<hool, 2101 Eo11blull 01 . Corono del Mo• •' ff'hrn GOD B~t-ome!i God•• Tim Timmons. S peak ing L.--_o_. r_an_g_e_G~o_as_t _R_E _L_I _G _I --=--O _U_S-----:-=D======I R======E :-:-::=C====T====O====R=======Y =======_J N9W Tf\Ought Chrt11l•n £..,•ngifMttl NEW THOUGHT CHRISTIAN CHURCH Sundey SeNioe & Jun!« Churcto 1S1n & lrvlne, Newport Beach "Get Acquainted With Yourself" Dlel·A· .... "9• Me U 14 h t CUCH of RELIGIOUS SCIENCE I Of NEWPORT BEACH Member Church Untied Church ol Reh1JOU$ Sc:ieoce CELEBRATION OF LIFE SERVICE 10:00 A.M. Sunday School-Child Co•• "Beauty is in the Beholding of it" 1*"'· Jvdy Go&. "Diol-An-lnspiratlon" -760-0504 1011 Comelback, Ne wport Beach (.ff Jami--load) Mualc Ow.ctor -Morie English 760-9474 Church of St. Matthew by the Sea (Tradltlonal Eplacopel) HOLY COMMUNIO N -Eac h Sund ay -9 :00 AM (Book or Common Prayer -1928) MERTZ HALL of Community Congregational Church 611 Heliotrope, Corona del Mar The Rev. J•mH Hohteld -532-2201 ST. JOHN'S THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH IN COSTA MESA 8aJ ltrMt et Orange Annue 8:00 Holy Communion 10:00 Holy Eucharist 10:00 Sunday School NurMfY Care Ille Re•. Conred Nordquist. Vicar 548-2237 ST. JAMES EPI SCOPAL WELCOMES YOU 3209 Vii lido, Newport 811ch l:OO A.M. ~ BoM, Hofr CommUfttoft t:OO A.M. Ctwuct\ loMol end Adutt lducatlon 10:00 A.M. n.t 8und9y, Prarw 80M ...,, Communloft Sunder- .......... ...,, luoet1el. llttte • t:OO • tO:OO A.II. NurMf'Y Care CHAN8MATtC MAii Ftm luftdey of ttle Month -7:00 P.M. TueecllrJ -10lOO A.M. HotJ luofwtet ................... LeJM9 °"Of ... The Rew. 4'°"" P. ~I, Rectcw -PNM f71.0110· Acc.6f,. .. ttH..-fll~~- 18M2 Bushard, Fountain Volley 963-JlM>l llY. ,,..... w.,..,., llCTOa HOlY COt•tUNIOM .......................... 1:00 A.M. Mot .... NAYll.CHUICH SCNOC>l .......• t :tl A.M. MOI ..... NATO. & SllMOM ..... , • , • • • • • I ! .e A.M. . ttelfC1 tu ...... ,ftW._., I I A.M. ~ ..... ....,t:llA.M. EIPORT HM80R LUTIDM CUCH M ..,_·..,, •WORT •Ac.t .... , .-... ............. GNtWe A. me-. ......, . WORSHf P SERVtCE ....................... 8:00 A.M. CHRISTfAN EDUCATION ............... 9:15 A.M. WORSHIP SERV1CE ..................... 10:30 A.M. _,,OMSAY-....a wac.o• CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCHES 8RANCHES Of THE MOn<EA CHUACH, THE FIAST CHUACH ~CHRIST. SOENTIST IN llOSTOH, MA8SACHU8£TTS "Probation After Death" Svndoy, October 2 ... 1982 Coat• Mesa -First Churc h of Chris t, Scientist 29IO Meea Verde~ .. Coet. Meaa ChWctl 6 SuftdeJ ~ -~A.Iii. "-8dlng R-. 2llO MeM V•de Dr. t A.M.-4:*1 P.M. Mon. ttvu a.t. Wed. 7·7:90 P.M. -.. t:JO P.M. lrvlne -Flrat Church of Christ, Scientist Rancho San Joequln lntetm.dlat• School 4111 Mlchaetaon (NMr Yale) Church a Sunder lchool -10:00 A.M. Re.ctlng Room. 4330 Barranca Pkwy .. Sult• 14.S Stonehurat Plaza 10 A.M. -4 P.M. TuH . thru Sat. 10 A.M, -7 P.M. Thuraday t ,,1!.11 C.tre S~nOh A Wftd"-•~ •)I Huntington Beach -Flrat C h u rch of Ch rlat, Scle ntla t Ith a Ollve, Huntington Beech Church & Sunday School -10:00 A.M. Reeding Room -229 Main It. Ne wport Be ec h -First C h urch of C h rist, Scle ntlat 3303 Via Lido. Newport BH ch Church & Sunday School -g:oo a 10:30 A.M. Reading Room. 3315 Via Lido Mon. lhru Sat. -9 A.M.-5 P.M. TuH . -7~ P.M. t.n••d c .. ,. P,ov~ l~.)'~ g 30 t t JO AM fOf Stud .. ,,,,,. Newport Beach -Second Church of Christ, Sclentlat 310o Pacific View Dr., Corona del M« Ctwrch a Sunder 8cftool -10:00 A.M. Reeding Room -llOO "8" I . Coat Hwy .. CdM WED. EVENING TESTIMONY MEETINGS - I P.M. ALL CHURCHES Alt are c0<dlelly 1nv1tetl 10 111tend the Chureh se<V~S l!n<l enioy tne prov1~s ol the Audlno Aoom1 Child Care Provltle<I Al .Al L SERVICES ChKd Cere Prowlded AT AU HRVICIS SERMON TOPIC: Oct. 17 9:00 & 10:30 A.M. "Abundance in the linctlom" CtUtCH Of RlllGIOUS SCIENCE Member of the United Church of Rellglous ScienCe SE.ACLIFF VILLAGE SUITE 45. 2223 MAIN STREET HUNTI NGTON BEACH. CA 92948 Adult• & Jr. Church For Information 10 & 10:30 536·5150, 536-9338 South Co11t Sci11101 of lind South Coa1t Plaza Hotel 2nd Floor Cotta Me1a, off Rn. Ernie Nylandtf Brl1tol St. on Anton Service•: 9:00 & 10:15 EKh Sund•y Reverand Ernie Nylander -Minister Reveren d C hristian S ore n se n-Associa te · (213) 431-8595 Parking Is FREE and Easy Thi• Sunday, Rev. Ernie Nyl•nder wlU talk on Inner ••lance •t 1:00 Service S•ndJ Scott, He8d Practitioner tor Terry Cote Whltt•k•r wlU apeek at 10:15 Service. Come ind e x perience th••• dyn •mfc •nd lllumlnatlng apeakera. • ,.~='=--Utlw Y. T.,,.., ,....,._ •1.,.t1 ..... ..... , .. ., WOMH91 lmMCI -•11 I 11• A.II • .....,......,.M!* ... c.._ ....... a.M. °"''' ............. , ....... -•• 1111 r A CORDIAL WELCOME HARBOR CHRISTIAN FROM TtE CHURCH lJITED CUCH OF CtlUST (Dlectptee of Christ) 2401 ltYlne at a.nu lubet ~SJ't1 COfilUITY CUCH MorrWI& CONGREGA TIOftAL y Wontip 10 AM t11 Heflotrope A••· Sunday Corona del Mer School 9 AM 144-7400 ca.... l wanaon, Oon.ed W. Kutz. Mlntllt• lllne.ter 10 A.M. -luftdeJ Worship ~ CIVdl SCt>ool encl ~ CM• NEJCaORHOOO I ~J CONGREGATIONAL I CtUCH 340 SL AM't ri.e 11 QMwyre, LICllll lltldl 494-8061 ,1()111 ... ll(YIQ.DS Attend The MAIGMO Ull ll(Til)lOS I C hurch of lllNltn I 0 Ul -S-.y ""1lllp I Your C hoice Cluett Sclloel & lbMrJ I ST. MARK PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH !ntbtutt Dr. a Jamb« ... Newpott 9Mctl Rev. win .. m McQ\IOld Rew. Tonr Wolfe PHtor Aaaoc .. te Paator Rodger Whitten, M usic DirectOf Church School & Adult Cla .... -9·00 e.m Worship Sef'vlce -10·00 a.m NurMry Care at Both Hour• -For Info: Call IM4-1341 A Cordial Welcome from The UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Cotta M ... FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 19th St. & Hart>or Blvd. Chu.rel\ lohool t:aO WonNp*41 Char1ee D. Clertc. Minister eo.ta M..a Norttr MESA VERDE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Wonhlp a °'"""" 8cftoof l:iO -10:00 A.II. Dr.WU..ml.I'"' CHRIST CHURCH Huntington Beach FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 2721 17th St. 53&-3537 Wonftlp kYtoe 10:15 a.m. ...._,c-u-..... C~ khoof-t:OO Lm. Huntington BMc:h North COMMUNITY UNITED METHODIST CHURCH BY THE HA Fountain Valley Newport 8"ctl t400 w. Balboe Blvd. FIRST UNITeD 673-3805 METHODIST CHURCH Rev. Robert Sheperd Jr. 18225 BUltlard St. Worship a CfMftft lcbool 111-191 t:M A.M. Dr. Carroll E. Word, Mlnlater Mtdey Pra'8clhool WoreMp a C""'11tt lcMot DltJ C.,. t:M A.II. 7!.IO A.MA P.11. A..,,_.UOltUM:M NEWPOftT CINTER UNITID METHODIST 1'01 ............ A .... C... del Mer '44-07• Worship & Church School -9:30 A.M. Rtw. Ken McMiiian You Wiii le WeloofMd -And Hetpedl "RIT CHRISTIAN CHURCH ........ MMla, ............. 9Mott IUMDAY: etaeMa-61111 .. A. .. . ....... _... ............ ~. TOlll °"""" AotM Yeutft Gfw-~ ... "°9e ..,_..,..... OTMM\tiNllTDW ea., .... T.W. ~. 0.-.......,. •Ted.._ O™"" .... Tll'll Mill•,_....., T W. o.iw-, °"" ........ I T•....,_ DW..-A-DIYOTIOM -.. 1111 OMoe ----1.,., ...... Ctwtet .......... ~ t"'\ This S unday Wo rs hip In \.. l..IST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 800 SI. Andrews Road • Newport 8eeoh • 631·2880 or.-.. -.•.- Worship Services-7 :30 -8 :45 & 10: 15 AM "Plugged In" Ot John A. Huffman, pt-<hing PROGRAMS 7 30 a m -Infants Hiru Klndef&arten. Child Care 8 45 a m -Infants Thru Adull lasses 10 15 a m -lnfanll Thru 6th Grade & Adult Classes A8C Hetpllne-MS-2222 Community Preabyterlan Church 415 Foreet A•• .. Lajune 9Mcft .._7SM Rev Arthur J. Tankersley Rev Craig Wltllams Chrlsllan Educauon 9·00-10 00 A.M Worship -10· 15 A M NURSERY CARE PRO\llOEO DUl'llNG SEf.VI(.[ r------------- PRESBYTERIAN CJUCH OF THE COVENANT 2ISO F..,.._ M~ Coat. Meea -117-JMO INce A. Kunie, P•tor Terry McCanne. Director of Youth Mlnlstlea Howard Kllllon. Director of Adult Mlnlstrlea Don Maddox. Director of Slnglea Mlnl9trlea ~ Wcnftlp -l:ao 6 10:00 A.II. Churc:f\ khool -CMldfen lttru Adutta 10:00 A.Ill. Nunery care .,,....,. -l."30 a 10:00 A.Ill. v...,_..-7:00P.M. CHURCH OF CHRIST 211 W. Wltaon, Coetat MeM Mf.31t1 We're A Going -GIOWlng -Growing Church SUNOAY NRVICll 8'9l..E ITUDY t A.Ill. WOR9tW 10 A.M. 6 t P.M. 10 A.M. -"Your Commission" . 6 P.M. -Silcinc and Felowship 1 __ ... w Thom-, Ml~ -~ Youtft liltnlalef S~!~~.~~l_,:A..!&T Frtder l wentftg 9:1' P.M. ,...,.., a....toe • n en • M Flnt FrtdaJ of IM -ttl 1:19 P.M. Rabbi Bernard P. King JamborM & Eutbluff Or. Muakl: Arie Shlklef Newport 8-ch. Cellf. Eduealor: Nancy Levin Fot lfttcw1Mtton Olll ..._nos "" Vleotor9 W9colN TEMPLE SHARON ~ (Conservative) ¥ Pre-School -H9brew & Sunday School Bar/Mltzvah Training Youth Group-Sls1ertlood serw:.: Fr1day. 8: 15 p.m. Set. 9:15 a.m, SUn. 9:30 a.m. 817 Wnt Hemllton, Coet• M ... a1..aa T£ITlPlE t:J~ n:i BRT RITT (6 ..... ( ..... ) ••MMKS.-.LB Farntty hMoea -1at l'rlday of Month -1:30 IWlgloue Schoot. Adutt ~d .. Vouttt Oroupe. Singlet 1011 Camelbeoll, Newport IMOh , ... ..,._., .. > ....... Can._ ......... I.,___ ......... ...,... Y• ....._ FREEDOM OF WORSIDP ~ t if I . I t I l 1 l I I I . l I t J ' l ' ......-....... ... 2 .......................... --------------·~··---------r• r ' ( . ' I ·I .. 0 11111oe Coust ll AILV PILOT /SaturcJay, Octobetr 23, 1082 Tough smog rule hits industries By THOMAS 0 . ELIAS Cullfurnw's bus11\l"Ss 1'1111111tl• ulr~aliy a l'am pa1g11 1s.,ut· t·)(pl111tt·d to Ltw h ilt by Rt'pu bl1t·~111 l'.11tJ1datt·s r11r guvl'rnor and thl· U S St•nall· hm. taken a lil'l'ldl'<i turn for lht· wurst•. tlllflllll IDCUI ·But this tmw. Gov Brown h;.id htth• or nothing to do with tht· dt•vl'lopn11•11t. It was a lm:~d smog l'Ontrol board wh1t·h dealt tndustrv ttw latest· klt'k 111 the pants in a movt• that may !'>(>on ht· imitated m other µ;11·L-; of Cali fornia and across tht• nation The moVl' l'Umt• Ill th(' form or .. ··m·w source review" rul1· aduplt.•d by t ht· South Coast Air Quality Managl·m1·11t D istrict, c·haq.{t·d with pol1t'111g air pollution tn Los Angl·l1·s and Orangt· countit•s, us wi•ll a::. I lw wf'stt'rn. most populous parts •>I Hl\'t·rs1d<· a nd San &>rnardino l1>Unl1t•s The rult• forbid:-; tlw opt•mng ot any new polluuon s.1urcc unless lhc new polluter al lht• s;11m• ttnw s huts down an old facility that was emitting at lt·as1 I U percent mort• srno~ than tht: m·w 111w It also requires the US<• of tht· must n11cJt>rn smog contr.ol tN·hnology. reg11rdl1·ss ttl cost. -THE NEW rq~ul:it1on Is mue h stronger than tht' ont• ll n •plat't·s, whll'h called for an evl·n ext·hangt• or sm11g between a ny new suurt·• "> and 1·x1st111~ polluters. The old rull' also didn't n-qu1n• businesses to USC' tht· most motkrn <inti pollu t io n mach1n1·r_v unless th1·1r emissions pass1•d ;.i l'l'I 1<1111 tlar•·sho ld level Undt•r tht· old rult'. 111 l'frt·l'l sint·1· 1976, dail;v smog from swt1onary sourt't~ grew by 60 tons 1J da\ Thal lt•vt·I w a:. u n at'<: e pt ab I 1· l 11 1 ht· rt' d t· r a l Envaror1mL•ntal Pr1Jll•1 tw n Ag1·ncy. which thn·ate n1'd t11 h..in ,111 111 •\\ industrial c·onstrul"tum unl1·s., :i toughl'I new rule w a:; madt.· Other hN1vy smog .irt•.a:. •>f Cahforn1.i a re like ly tu ran' similar t hrc·ats of sanctions, now that a tough rul1.-1s 111 place in the Southt>m Californ1<1 art'a w h ich has lH•en t lw p1oneN 111 must anti-smog n 'gulaticms for :.W yt·an; t•qu1µ11 11·nl IH\l..i n ·sult an l ht• l11i.s of thousands 11f pott•11t1a l m·w Jiii>-'> But t lw t prf'<ill·llon Wlil'I l'hllllt.·11M1'll by a11 ll ·s111"j( al·t1v11as whu N<Jlll th•' sunw l'l·on11mw f1•urs wt•rt' t•Xprt-ssc'll m 1 !17fi, wlw11 th1· old l'Ulf' w;1s adupu.-d. lnstt.",1(1, tht·y lllllt', growt h sn t hl' ;m •a's 1111lustry and Jobs has t•Xt't.'t.'<.it'll :.ill )lf'1Jjc-'l0l IOl\S. T ha t sort of rt·assurunn '. hoWl'Vt·i;, will lw smull nimfurt to busmt•ssnll'n Clt'l.'1ci111g wtwn· to l<>l'lltl' nt•W fol'1hlll's Kathl!r th;.in l'OJ.M' v11lunwnly with tlw n1·w rull'. th1-y'll b.· for rnort· likely tu l11ok to o t h t·I' a reas w it h 110 sut·h rL·~ulatsuns w h11·h l'an du n11 ~<}(Id for C.1la£orn111·::. rl'l't•ss1on problt·ms t'Vt•n if it dc11·s 11wa11 slightly d1•1ml0r a ir WASlllNGTU N Conf1d1•ntial word h<Js bc.•1•1\ p:.iss .. ·d from 1:unservalivc Chnn('('llor Hd mut Kohl tu SaTetory of S1;.1ll' G1•orgt· Shultz that his nt•w Wc•st G1•rmun J.(ovt•rnml·nt no longt·r will pluy 0111.JdlL· man lx·twt·{·n Washmgton <tnd M us1:ow. as allC'mp tt•d by ous t('d Chan1·1.•llor llt·lmut St·h m1d t ancl h as lt•f1 _.1.,·1n~ polilll'OI adv1sc.·rs Commu111t·a11ng outs1dt· d1plumat1<: l'hannl'I:-., st·rw'lr 11ff1C'1:.ils in lht' new Kuhl guvt·rnnwn t a ls11 have stgfia leli St"hultz to t·X pt·1·t "s1gnif1t·ant and sp1·<·if1c t>fforts" dram atizing l'hanges now m thl· wt>rks Thi• aim 1s to d1•anst• the relallonsh1p OC>twl't.'n the U.S. and its most important European partnt·r that turn<'d ranl'ld during th1· last few uf Sc:hm11.ll"s H ~·t·ar' an puwt·l'. TH AT LAYS THE founda tiun rur r1·ston ng health to the found l·rrng Atlant1<· All1anct• Sume ro rmidablt· 1ssu1-s. sul'h a:-. p1p•·lant• S<lnl't1ons. w all not find 1mm1·dialc• solutiuns. But thl' nH·ssa ~t· :.<.·111 tu Shult z through AmL'fll"<tn spt'l'1altSL'> an German a ffairs "'"as C' l l' a r . The· p s y t· ho Io g y a n d atmospht•f'll'S o f tht• U .S .-German partnPrs h1p will bt· trnnsformt'<f. Q uitf' apart fr om poli1·y t•h a ngt•s. purifying the· mood o f susp1don an Washington about St.'Crt'.'t West Germ<in rm1l"h tnatums in M~·ow would dear the ~AYlJE CClJR;. f • ~~! \ L ·-~ ). regime seeks U.S. • ties poht1cal ;ur. Sd1m1dt htm.:i(·lt was m·vt•r the prime targl'l of suspu·wn. It was Egon Bahr and oth <·r S0t·ial Ot·muc:ratit" Party ($PD) OJ>l.!rat1vcs with d us..• tit ·!> lo I -,A-11-/1-RA-I -~ SPD lt·adt'r a nd formt·r Cham·t·llur W1llv Brandt w ho arous<·d de1·p susp1t"1on.s hc•rc• with prav;.ite visits to MoS<.·ow But &hm1dt himst•lr was pr1ivot•,1t1v1· Squ cezC'd b e tw c·cn has 11w11 pro A nw r i t' <i n p (> 1 ll' y a n d h 1 s pa rt y · s runaway IC'ft w ing I fu1•l1·d by tht· explosive a n t1 -nucll.'ar pt•at'l' movt:mcn t), Schmidt sought politkal :-.a lvat1on by portraying himS<·lf as brok('r or middle man betwec·n We1shangtun and MOS<.'uw Th<it undl·n·ut U.S. plans for nud1·a r rt'armamt:nt of thl' North Atlant11· ll't•aty alhant'l' (NATO) ;.ind Prc-s1d1•nt Hea~an·~-; STA RT proposa l ror r t•dunng U.S.-Sovwt nudcar wt•upons Last week 's mc·SS<.1ge· to Shultz was specific·: Under Kohl. Wc•st Gl·rmany w ill insist on full partnt·rsh1p with tht: U.S .. but will not make private· deals w ith the Russians that damage the "partnership" or undl'n·ut Amt•rat·an fllllal·lt'S Bonn 's s utld t•n l'11;111gt· fl'oin ::.u - nalis1 to l"t111s~·rv<1t1Vl' has n111 prodUn'<I umvf'nml JOY an t ht• U.8 gov1·rn11wnt Sunw· 1111ddh-·ll'vt•I J\mt·nl·~in Fon·1g11 St·rv1n· offu·t·rs, lung altunl·d 111 tht· dl'lt·nlls l pvl1111-s of S<·hm11Jt , an• h •arful tlHc1 th1· rightward swing 111 Honn wall Sll'L'nl.(th1·11 H1·ag;rn's hard liru· on ;crrns t·cmtr11l A Ht·agan adman1strntwn offa·1al told us that 1s tht· un ly plaus1bl1· 1·x11l:.i11<.1t11111 tor a l":.ihlt· s1•nt rrom tht• U S Embassv 1n Bonn 111 th1· SWll-Ot•p<.1rtm1·nt la;t wt·t·k 1t 4 uowd an uff1l'1<1l m tht· rww Kohl govc·rnml·nl a!> praising Eugl·nt· Rostow , US arms l1>11trol d1rl'<'l11r, and t·xconatmg "ul tra-1·ons1•rv:.it1v1· lTllirs" or Rostuw "in thl· u s Wh:1t made th<al mt•ssagt· unaqu1· was 11.!. tnmsm1ss1un as an "opc .. n" u1bll·. not dassihl'Ci. That mc·anl the scndc·r wantt·d 1t IC'ak1;;-d h('n· as 1·v1denn • that c·vt·n th1· 1•onS4.·rvallVt' Kuhl j(O\'t·rnnwnt wornt·s about hard-li nl' H1·aganauL-;, T hi· t"ablt· mcidt· n•i 11nJJilt't ht·n · Tht· scnwr 11fl1taals who ::.l•nl J1rt'C. t word abou t K o hl's p lans to Shultz · rc•rtc·l'll-d no tonn·rn about Hc•aganitt· 1n t rans1 gl'nt:e . T" thE> l'Ontrary. thc•y str~'>Cd thre<.• targe ts for qu1t•k aL·tmn by K o h l. al l o r whiC'h the· H1·;1gan admm1strauon rcpl'atedly presst·d on Schmidt \\"ithCIUt N'SUh: Poant N1, I. Tht• Kuhl govt·rnml'nt will sp1m d up to half a b1llwn dollan; on lon g ·Ql'lay<'d 1mprovcmt•nts to U.S · military mstallat1ons an West G ermany.' !TI<>vmg barracks and mili tary stores dust•r to the• fron t Poant Nu. 4!: &·hm1dt's huckhng undt r to unu -T urkt·y h uman riKh ts prc-ssurL-s from his h·ft wing will bt' rc·vl·rSt'Ci and G1·rman ht•lp an the modernruatum of Turk<'y's arm y will be· r1;>sumcd Tht· H l' a ~ a n a d m i n 1 s l r a t 1 o n w a n t s t o ::.tn ngtht•n Turkl•y's easll·rn appr<)Cl('hl"S lCJ Iran to blol:k any Sovll't mov1.· tuw;,rd the Pt•rs1an G utr. POI NT NO. 3: Tht· ant1-U S propc.gan- da l11w pn·a1·ht'<.I by the ll'ft wing <>f the SPD will bt· trans formed bv th1 • Kuhl gov1·rnment from "Why dfx.·~in·t the· G.S cl11 something for pean.'.'" to ··Whv doesn't the Sov1t'l Linton do sonw1hang for pca1.·c·T' Tnfhnj( though 11 S('(·nis. this changt· l'OUld C'Xt•rt profound 1mp<.11·t in a l'OUntry that. hkt• Wt-st Gt·rmunv. ltvL·s. on te le•v1s1on and radio. · T his t·ha ngt' from s kt·p l1l·ul ;.ally to full partnN of the U.S an tht• East-WtSl · struggle is not rcvoh,ll1onary But an 1ts evolution. both Kohl and the Reaga n· administration se" new streng th for perst'wring against left-w ing ag1tat1on next year ovl'r dt•pluymc-nt of nut'lear m1ssill'S to prott'l.·t thl' We-st The new rull' was passed on a ti :i vote• of the l l -m1·mb1•r ;:i1r quality d1strwt board. with unly om · apprnnte<· 1.r (;o\' Brown 1n :.u µport Ot h1·r ""t•ll·s t JOit' { r om a m o n ~ t h 1• v «H 1 CJ u s c· o u n t y supervisors <ind t•ity m unt 1lnwn on th1· board So 11 will bl· tou~h to hang this one on Brown. And Lns Angell·s Mttyor Tom BradlC'v, tht.· l:>t·mU(n 1llt' r-andidatt· for govern.o r . d nf;'sn 't l'\"1:'11 ha ve• :1 represent.allVl' on the· board Speed up, slow down lifesty le • JS confusing BUT THAT WON'T ease the way for industry. w hich will be forced to look to de5ert areas 50 or more milt.>S from urban centers if it wants to build new plants m Southern California. Business grou ps like th e Cal1forn1a Council for Economic and Environmen tal Balance and the Los Angeles County Labor F ed er ation. the state's largest labor group. predicted the new rule w ill cost hundre d s of m illions of dollars a nnua lly f or n e w s m og contr o l By MELVIN MADDOCKS Wt· hdvt· <tt last t·omt· to t ht· end of the hast·bC11l st·ason. As c•vt>rybody know s, baSl'ball lingers on -and on -like a sopra no with her l.ast-act aria Onn·. w hr n the pc•nnan t r acl' was ov1.·r. the na t11m mad1· straight ror lhl' World &·m .'S with Cl headlong dash Now we: havt• those· intra-league East -West playoffs to df'C'1de w ho w ill compel(.' an thl' World St!nc::. -1f. m fac t, the re are no f1rst-plac'l' t1t•s to be resolved as a prl'limmary to t hr preliminaries. You can watch your sugar maple tum from gn'<'n to gold to red before the last bClseball files riff. while-on-white amid the first snowrt;.ikcs. WHO SAYS life is speedm~ u p - moving at an evt•r more franuc pace? Ye t In Indonesia's econoIDy By KENNETH L. WHITING .... • .. .... P'reM ...... JAKARTA. Indonesia -The rest of Indonesia 's eronom y 1s sliding into recession but the rice crop 1s OK And that means to many people here that all is well. As the nation's basic food , r ice Is known as "the political crop," providing abou t half the dietary food value for 150 million people. "S ome worry abou t slumping oil exports, balance of payments problems and possible devalua tion of the rupiah, but as long as there is enough rk e there is a general feeling that other things will take care of themselves." said a U.S. banker w ho h as lived in J akarta for three years. LESSON S LEARNE D during a d r ough t 10 ye a rs a10 •re e nabling Indonesia to survive a rurrent dry spell relatJveJy uNCathed. In 1972 there was 'near panic as scan t rains and inse<.·t :damage d evastated the domestic rice .crop at the same tJme supplies on the ,International market were scarce a nd ,costly. . Since then the Southeast ~Ian nation ;hu changed from the perennial la rgest •l.mport.tt of ri~ In the world to near •aelf-au fflclency. Offlcla la c r e dit '.Improved crop forecaaia. "'(Ide d istribution of fe rtilize r and tht .lnuoduc:Uon of h11h-yleld and dl.INlle· .nalatant 1traina of lice. , Add~d acrHae. better Irr igation iechniqu" and a n elaborate 1tora1e ,.,.wn a11o helped. A 1tock~ of thl'ft miUJon metric tona ii on hand. J'ore:l1n 1raln tradera e.tlmate the 1982 crop at 22.3 million~. the fourth 1trataht r.eont year. Lut ywtr'1tc:ropwa1 22 nilllion tons compared to 20.2 mJlllon • tons in 1980 11nd 18 million tons in 197.9_ "Marginal areas are hurling -the d rought crippled some non -irrigated ar eas a nd p revented th ird-cropping elsewhe re." said one agronomist. The main or wet season crop is planted 1n November a nd Decembe r a nd harvested four months lat.er to acc.'Ount for two-thirds or the l'OUntry's output. This y<'ar's b umper crop was mostly in before dry weathl'r hit the Island of Java in April. About 14 million farmers grow riCl' a nd 60 pert't'nt of it comes from Java. Economic indicato rs in the world 's -.. ' ' , '' I • O•UV M ,lf)t~ftt • • 111 ~'t()tlllt.A' or lW,,.,,,., •• iC' • .ac.., • t ,.., ) . .r-r, C this 1s t'<•rtainly the• popular pt.·rt·t·pt1on We quote to ourselves. rather proudly. the lanes of Lt•wis Carroll's Queen. as 1r thc·y Wl·rl' written just for us: "Now h1·rc. you SC'<', 11 tak~ 'all thl' running you can do tu keep 111 the sam<' plat-e_.. Speaking of running. Wt' invite you to t·o nsider for anothl'r examp le h ow slowed down -how snail's pace the journey to elc-clivl' off1l"<? can IX'<.'Omc. We havl' s p e n t h a lf a yl'ar a l rC'ady. nominating the contest.ants who are now just begmning to contl'Sl. A Ja panese tea et.•remon y SN'mS like a fast· rood com'eSSion by ('omparason wllh Amen t"<in political ritual And speak ing of fast food. yes. we do eat at those franc·h1se> rountl'rs with a time-and-motion e ffic1c•ncy that rivals an astronaut swallowm~ a prott.•m tabkt. But t hl'I\. on w1•t•k1·nds. wt• haul out our woks and fan· up our brit·k ovt•ns and prl'IXJrt• h;cntl-C"rafttod ~ourml'l mt•als at thr slclWt'St stmnwr It's as 1f WC''rt· s p1·t•d1ng u p and slowmfo( down s1multanf'OUsly. We• rty so f<ist Wt· gt•l Jf'l-lag T ht•n, when WC' arnvt' at our dt"stinatinn. Wt• JUmp mto a swPal ::.u11 and )Og. murl' or lt~'I m circles. in urdl'r to unwintl We• are the fastest pc'Oplt• in the world, as we· know But we muy also bt.• the slowC'st -something W<' are for less aware· of THINK OF the patl('nt·t• -all that slow-dripping tim t' -we-d evote to playing Pac-Man or twisting a Rubik's t·utx> Wt.• wau:h tC'lev1sion an average of 27 • rice outweighs oil Cifth most populous nation are less bright away from th<' rke padcfics. C rude oil ex po rts, which a ccount for more than 70 percent of government revenue, are at their lowest level in two years. Exports have decreased to fewer than 900,000 barrels a day from a high of 1.2 million barrels 111 May 1981. In cash terms the annual loss is about 15 percent, more than a billion dollars. accord i ng to o n e diplo m a t who specializes in economic ma ttt'rs. • Part of lhc declin<' is attributable to ... ""' ' cutbat·ks decreed by the Organization of P t·troleum Expon ll\g Countries. -Bu t sluggish world demand has preven ted Indonesia from producing even a t thl' level per mitted by OPEC in recent months. Other commodities have fared worse tha n oil. Exports of timber , coffee, rubber, lea, copra and other goods are expected to be worth $3.5 billion to $3.6 billion t his year compared to $6 billion in 1979. O tr ic'ia l ro re ig n r eserves h a ve dropped to the equivalent of $4.7 billion agains t $6 billion last Dec. 31. One banker said this does not Include an estima t e d $3.6 billion in foreign exchangC' held by state banks. funds thC' government t'Ould draw on If necessary. OVERSEAS DEBT amounts to $1 5 billion. the highest level since the near coll apse of the s t a t e oil compa ny P('rtamina in 1976 The rupiah w as last de va lued in November 1978 by a massive 33 pe~nl from -1 15 to 625 to'the U.S dollar . One dollar fe tc:hed 644 rupiahs last 0e<.'tlmber and now get.'I 675 or more. The economic picture ls not a ll gloom . The <.'Onsumer prl<.'t' inde >e incl't'Ued only 2.4 pel"('ent In the last si>e montha, thanks lar1e ly to the re\:o rd rice cr up and aovemment pri~ controla. OHlciala hope for no more th•n l O percent Infl ation t h is yea r . But Independent lorecuta proJl'c't at let11t 12 percent compared to 7 .3 percent last year. Whatever lta flnanclal tr oublea. lndOnHla 1eem1 to l'njo y a 1ood re p1.Uatlon amon1 fo,.lan bankl a nd tueh bod1ft • ltw World Bank and the lnwm.Uonal Monetary Fund • a at.ble place With solid lont·term proapecta. t hours a w1•1.•k. an·ording to the la tc•st rl·port of those who watl'h us wau:hing And 1f that isn't 27 slnwc'Ci-down hours. wt• don't know our lotus-land. we don't know our soap opera. T his country that still thinks of il.S(>lf as a mad sprintc·r has become fascinatc'Ci w ith the mara thon. B icycling cross- country, sa1lmg the Atlantic, swimming the English channe l -sut·h patient feats of enduranc-c a ppeal to our imagination as seldom before. For an ult im at e symbo l. ta ke the tria thlon. More than 200 triathlons were stagl'd in the Unitl'd States last summer, with a s m an y as 1.000 a thletes compe ting. The triathlon in Ha wa ii consisted of a 2.4-mile sw im sn the Pacific. a 112-milt• bicycle race around Oahu. and finally a 26.2-mile ma rathon. "A winner requires about nine hours and 20 minutes. F o r th e tria th lon -fo r t h e minimalist-marathon music of Steve Reich. repeating patterns like the aural . t-quivalent of the design in a Persian car pet -we have time. "quantity" time. It is for people that we have less time -compicuously less time. THE SLOW MINUET of rourtship has · been replaced m etaphorically by the frantic hustle of the singles bar. .. T he leisurely conversation that should taKe place between friends more often.: occurs between strangers, strapped into1 juxtaposition on an airplane at 30,000 feel. In the case of our ch ildren. we speak of "qua lity" time -a sus pect phrase~ which all too regularly transla tes as ''not much ." ''Where does all the time go?" we ask -very selectively. _, Without quite realizing it, we arct: learning how to lead \Wo-speed liv But at the mome nt , we tend to hw,y up w hen w e ought to slow down, and vice versa -unle., of course. you happen ~ Uke your people In fragments and you bueball with earmuffs. ..... led from IN Chrl9'1en SderlW MoNtlr ... 0"ANOlCOA IT Th•· r11mnwnt l•·•llt' 111 lht•01ul~ 11111>1 't't'k' '" 1nlnr m 11nd ,11mul1.11t· 11•mkr' h,\ pr~nt 1n11 11 'arll'h of l.'nmmt11••r\" • on lt1Jlll'' ''' •nh'rt•tt 11nd '111n1l1e11nt•t· lrom mrormed ntl ~t'I'' l'l'll irn1t •1M1kt•,mtin Thomaic P Uolt>JI P11f>11iclte•r ........ o.. .... YOUTH Loving thought · LOV E FO R Atyl M f\ J S Luvl' dtll'' 111 1111· 111 11\.111' furm:. ~ Ut1l°ll' Ll'll d 1M'O\ll•n ·tl that whim lw 1>p..·1wd his l>undlt• of nuul tu find lht> 111any rt•spon~ws to this wt•t•k's drawm~ thl·nw whal tlcx•!> luvl' nwan lo vou'? Far and ;1way th1• mo:-.t-popular luvt· among you youngs tl'f!> seems tu lit• fur ii pl't. Jt•nny Brown. ll hp~·i.irs, lovt·s rwurlv all an1m..ils llt•r winning dr.iwing shows hl'I' lwarl going out ll> n ut only a 1nun· traditional pt't. tht• t·at. but tu <I s11:.11l Nit't.' Jt•nny \'our ability lo t•xpress your h •l·lmg. t·o11t·1•rn for thl' a n1m.ll k ingdom .111tl dra\v111g skill win:. you $:'! ~· Fir!'>l pla('(•: Jt•nn y Hrown, Bullma S l' v l' r i.1° I o I t h t.' d r a w 1 n g s dt•pu:tl•d h.>vt.• bt·t Wl'l'll animals, soml' t1f lo\'{' l:~:l wt•c•n i.I llog and .----------------- l'tl l. ln.1d1twnallv two animals -fl-~·• -J•-A ~~,, that don't alw<1y; gt•l along ~Ir-.--_'""'"- A draY:tng by Hyan Rl"s n1l'k H. uf Santa Ana . shows two eats ~, ~ walkmg on a dog's ll'g:-. and bat.·k Tht• sanw skt·1<·h has a row uf ... •-•<w-..-• ~~,;~'.rL" spn·adtng from a g irl tu a cJ ( 1 •••. rrf""'.,.. A urnwmg hy wl'!.lllltnSll'r's ~ '--/ Josh Ka tee ( t•nt1tll•d Puppy ""'-4 r-y Lovt'. shows boy. girl. dad. and 0 mom dugi. St'<.·ond place• this Wl'l.'k goes tu Dan·1 Dutton. IL o l 'Nt•wport Beach. who S<JY~ l<>Vl' 1~ .. trading i<.·C' tTt.•am." Nice thought. Darc1. HalloWl'<'ll il> Jlll>t around th e· c·urrwr Ont'l' again tlw i.ln'l·lS will hf- f1llt:d with goblin" .ind ghost:. ET 1:. c·xpcl'tt•d lo lw a \'l•rv popular t·ostumL· th1!> )'l'Jr The l'onlt•st thc·mt· for nt'xt Wt><'k 1s Ha llow ec·n lh•membN to do your drawings in blat·k ink un wh1tt• paix•r fo u r 1nl'ht·s squarP Sl·nd tht·m tw Wt'thwsdav nuon to und1· L1·11:01.in~.w Cn,1~1 0 ;11l v Pilot. P 0 Bo>. l 5fi0. Costa Mt'SCI. C:tltl ~1:!11:!11 St't'ond place: Darci Dutton~ cwporl Beach Child's concern .saves day READFIELD, Matnl' (AP) -Jant"Dn1kc·. llrt-d o r nagging from hC'r 5-year-old daughter about buying a fire extinguisher. finally plunkl'd down $16 fo r one Four davs later. lwr husband u sed fl to qut•m·h a fire in the famtl v·., kitche n. Fire o ff1c1als said that witho ut the t'l<ll~gh1shcr. the home might have s uffen>d maJUr da magt• or possible dC's truC'lftm "Wt.· a lways said we were gomg to g<.'l one, but it's onl' of thOS<· thing!. you never get to," Timothy Dra k t• said 1n a tele phone• mte rv1c'"" from tht· family's t·ommert·1al a pple orchar~ Has daughte r. Amy. began demanding that hc·r parents buy an cxunghasher a fter her kindergarten teach~r ta ught a k·sson fire safety during Fare Prevcnuon We("k. Drake' said . "ShEc· saw ll in a store and wouldn't le t h('r mother out wtthout buy ing 11." Drake S<Jld . .iddmg that the fam1lv had n ever had a fire an their home before Ck·t H : "It as incredible. mcrl'd1ble" that one broke out so soon after the purchase. he said Assistant 1:'1rc Ch1 l'f Larry DeBloas said lhe fire would C'ither have destroyed the homt' or badly damaged 1t. "dC'~ndmg o n how qult'kly wt• got there.'' . Drake's wafc said Amy !11-st camt• home from school "telling us we had to tt'l\t the smoke alanns Then she said w e had 10 buy a fire extinguisher " Amy's mother ignored the request'for awhile, but last wc"'<'k motht•r and daughter wcrt• shopping an nc·arby Livermon· whl•n Am v spotted somt• fin• extmgu1shl·rs and l'OllVtnt·ccl lwr 'rnotht•r tu buy om·. ··1 told hl'r. hkt-mm.t p;.in·nl!> woulcl. th at wt· d idn't havl· $ lti.'' Mr-. 1>1.1kt· i.:11cl "Shi• ~11d Wl' hart tu h.ivl! that Fan.illy. JU.-.t to 'hut h1·1 up. I <>Jad ,...,.·d bu} II " Amy and ht·r ''"tl'f Ang1·l.1 J. wt•n· playing in tlw ltving room CA:t 1-1 w~wn rnl in ;i lrying pan 111 1h1• k1tt•hcn c·aught lart· Mr~ Drakt• hdd ldt th1• kll('ht·n for a fpw m1m1tt·s. "( hl•ard Amy sc:n •:1m wllh u hornhll-S(Tl':.11n." ht•r m ntht·r said. "Shi' S<.·r1•;im1•cl a lot soum•r than thf' :-.mokt' dl'lt:'t'lOr Wht•n I tfot tl11•1t.•. yuu l'IJUld only St't' thc bottom of tht• :.Wvt., t•vcrythang else.• was c ngulfl'd in flaml'S ·• A local newspap..r ran a front-page story about Amy':-wor k. Her teal'ht•r, Carol H(•pfnt•r, !'>.'.lld onr of thl• studt"nts brought the art1dt• into the Ht•adf1l'ld Elcm<'n\ary School and he r class d1S(·ussc'Cl 1t "Shc seemed to take· ll all in stridt'." lh•pfnt•r sit1<l of Amv's reaction to the puhlit':ty Tripper, a 14-monaht-old Terrier mix, gets Around fine de pile having only three lep. The male do~ would lik •a home to roam in. He'• available at the Laguna Beach Animal he .. her, 20612 La1una Canyon Road. The shelter, telephone 497-3552, open each day frc•m 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Oruno~ (,011 ,, OAIL v PILO T /S11lw Jiiiy ()( IOhlll n 108l HD liJ'e an education U) l'A'l'HH'I\ t'ONNOl.l.Y AttOCl•l•d P1eu Wtller S E ATTLE t1111 , ... 111· 11 .11p ... 1·d 1111 011.,.11 l1l1ntl1ng 'lll•llt~li U, tO l'.IVIJI l Ill l\'1114'1 I lllU, 111'1 11 d \\ IJ.! W,1 \'l ll~ ollllf h t•I '""'It li11lg111)( 1'110(" W1ll1.1111:-.. " l11g 11111111· 111 1'11l11" d11w111 11g. llllW h1lllllL\ !111· h1j4 lo p -.11,11l11w,, d1 t ''IM·d 111 -.rn11lx•1 lil,11 k tux1·do 111i.tl'.11I 111 gawlv :.li11wt111w tog, Shi"' l'ha11g,·d ( 11ri·1·1 i. 111 H111~lt111.t B1 11:. 11nd Uar11u111 & B:1il1•v <.'111 u:.. I r11111 1 luw11 111 tht• 11ng t11 ,..,!-.1:-1:1111 111•1 t•1rn1;1111·1· d111'< 1111 1111 th1· 1•u11w,1y S lw t11•I p:. llgo·r I rlll 111'1 illltl p1 •1'l1111n11n1 1· 1111 .. 1·101 l 'h111 l y Haw11111111 k1 ·1·p 111111..:~ 111 gunt7A·d 1 lw11 111.1k1 · 'lll'I· tlw dog a1·1 doc .. m't run 11v1•r th1• u11wvd1st~. th:.it tlw mu'u I!. ;ipprupi tah•ly rnmkap 111 mah•voll'nl .111<.1 that h't'll'r ho.11 d' .111J tr .11x·1.1·:-. <ill' in l>l ... .t· &•lu11• th•· :-.how, W1l11arm1, :1:t, 11iak1·-. ,urc· lhal l:lfl !Jl.'l'fornwr:. hav t· dn·ss1ng rooms Evt•r y night, slw f1k·:. n ·am:. ol n•1x1rl.:> with thl· honH· of f11·1• 1n W;"hingt1 Ill, I) c .. You 1 a11 '1 gr:.idu;it1· (111111 l'111wn1ng. l>ut ynu t'an 11111v1· I a l c· 1 ..i 11 v a 11 vwht·r1·. ·' :. h ,. l;iugh<·ll. ·patting a 1·.1nwl that amhlt·d b y <luring ;1 n•t·t•nl 1nt1·r v 11·w wh11l-lh1· l'll'l'US stop1>1·d 1n S1·c.it1ll· E v <· ,. s 1 n c· l' a n I 1 w a r 1kmonslra1111ns at 1h1· Urnv1:r:-.11v of W1<;<·onsin haltc>d h t"r C'olleg(. t·tlUl'Ullo11. !>hi' has tried a n umbt•r ol l'lft'U!> JOb!>. t•n vt•lop1ng hl·r 111 a Ifft· o l gn·a:-.1· parnt . t1g1·1-.. t•lt·ph:1111 ... ancl lilT Ohl:IL' Shi• wm. a vt·cir awav fro111 a ma<1t1·1"~ d1:grPl' 1n !.p1•1•l·h p a th<1logv in 1970 whl·n th1· Mad1•;on t·..impu:-. l'l'U pll·d an a nll V1t·tn;11n turmoil That vt•ar. a :I:!· \1 .. 1r old rt.'""..ireh1·1 · wa:. k11lt'll in n homhing of S tl·rlrng Hall. 11 frl·qu<'nt anu war wr~(l'l "Thi·n· Wl'rt' r111b. t1 ·ar gas. Nallonal Guarclsnwn," Williams S<lld "Tht• VIOll'rll'l' mad1· II almo-;1 1mpo~..,.blt• 111 :.tudv " Sht• dropptod out :md t•nrollt·d 1n H1ngling':. Clo\\ n Colll·gt· 1n Flontla for a t·hang1· of piit't• and lo s tudy pantom1m<· Aflc-r lhl· WVl'll·Wl't.'k ('CJUr.-.t·. shl' l<x>k a fullunw )Oh with tlw t·1n·u:. "I didn't want lo n ·turn tu ,tudv 111 Mad1::.on ~I\ honwtown wa .... ·bur n1ng down.''-sht• !'><!Id For nmt· Vl'ars. W1ll1am.' wa' a top down an the· big top. t<:ikmg pratfalls and SC..'OOlmg a round an a n outs1wd Mother GOOS<' ou1f1t. Wnh hc·r trademark big. blul' pa1ntt·d-on tears. sht· IHt wwns befurt> the rest of thC' nrcus, v1s1tang hospitals and S(:hoob. All the· while. she 'lpt'l.'1ahwd in n.1rrat1ng show s for the· bland and v1s1lln1ot schools for tht• dc·af AP Wl1epholu Pt·µ,µ,) \\ illium!'I, U!-J i:,tanl JU-rformu m ·c· clin·•·lor. (l i !'>t'U!'>~c·~ f'ir<'U!'> sdwclult• ~ilia \\'a ) 11•· Sicll•·y. ac·tinµ, c ·lown~ ho!'>~. 111 I !-11111 ... h1 · µal'kt·d .Jw;1y h1·1 fl•d \\'IJ.! ;ind lwad1•d for tlw l'lrtU' fr11111 111111·1· 111 W;l',h111g1rn1. lt> ti·1· Ip 1· r <' n t r C' rt u 1· a t r o n ;i I pr111nu11111i.... 'ud1 aJo. :.t·hool 1·..,.,;1,\ 11111\l·~ts .1houl lhl· nnu~ J\ v1·.11 ;111d ,, twit :1g11. :.h1· tnok tht• Jllh w1ttl Ba un1.i1111 An<l what'!. rwi..1·• Sl11· 111.i\' 1 un away I r11111 th< u I( ll" "I'd likl· to adopt Ill k11l.., :111d ha\'t• .1c.1111µ111 the nl1JUlll.1an:. for 11 oublt·J l htldrt•n:· .,;11d W1ll1am">. ""h11 1~ ... ingh· ··1 don't .,dV I'm g111ng to d o that nght 11ow But 11 I ho1d tl.1· mont·v ;i nd th1· muu111<111l. 1\1 build ~ camµ on 11 Id Ilk•· t11 w11rk w11 h trouhh•tl ,lfllf 'h.111d1 l0<Jp.1hll'' kid .. ·111 i\1111111.1 unu . ni·.ir a ln1l1· to\\11 1.dlnl P 1nl·toµ I .,,1\\ .1 \ .11111> 1111 h.111dll'<.•fJ!A d k11t... .ind It l1111kt·d l1k1· :1 plact· I d11 .11111·ol ,ol)41Ul ' 'h1 -.;11tJ "} Wrllll llH Ill ,11111 tlH "\ o l ll'n·d rn1· .1 1•1> \\'111 11 1111 tlllll' l'Ollll". f'IJ pr11h,ol11\ t IHI Up 111 llll llllJUllt,111l~ "I'd hkt to paSJo, ">Ill• 111 tho )!11'. th1 .dl!'t'tltHl. tht f.111111\ f1·<·l111g of tli•· < 1n·u~ th.11 I '1 1'>\IWl'll'f111•d 1111 Ill d11lcfn•11 , )p -..o1d "( )tht·r d11ldr1 •11 k.1111 11"1 I• lou• h h11l .,111\'1 .... · '"' ,,,,it "C11, u ... t hildn·n h·.1rr1 11111 111 .... m·.ir t h1 11g1·1 1 .1gi•Jo. ,\ nd 1 ., , " it .vuu ti,,,.,. :111 un ... ktlll·d Jl•l1 01 ,, II St10 <:11nt·., \ou li,1\'t 111 I• .1111 111:1lh .. But • .1111\1 .di th1 11nu' 1,,,, t;1ugh1 h1·1 · to m,1k1 d11 "11 h wh..it \11u h.1\1 S•>11l1't1111•, ", \\ 11rk 111 '>LI ll'l 11111 "''If 111 l 11111 111 tlll' 1,11fl Mickey's comeback delayed llOLl.\'WOOI> 11\1'1 Mtl k1·\ l\111u:.1··:. umll Ii.it k "'ill '" .1 hlth• l.111· lulk:. \V.ol1 1>1..rH·v Studrn-. h :.ic.J pl.111111 d ,, ( ·hnslmd:. rt·h·.1:-.t· for .1 Ill \\ I .0 I l 11 II n S I <ll I I II g 'I h I \'l'l1t·1.ol1l1 n111U'il". who h;1<, nut 111.1d1• ii 1 lwalrin1I <1ppl·ar:tnll· :-.111n• l!-l.1.~ l it· waJo. to ~tar 111 "l\IH k1·''' Chrr-.tma:-. C.trol." ,1 ''""'I 1111 I he· l'h;1 rlt-, Dll kl'll' 1.!11 · l\luh.1' lt11\\1\ll Ii,,, 11<1•11111 .• \1111111111 tit•;"" 1111111th '\11h• II\ (.'.11 tu .. 111 .. i.. 1.01 .ol K.l4 Tito 't11k1 h." pit \1 nlt·d 1111upl1 ''"I\ 111 tho 111111 1'111 l1-.1l llrt·ll·· "·" ,,, li.1\'1 ti, t II 11 ·)1 '.1\l'd Ill ,1 d 11uhl1 l11(f "1th .111·1 .... u1·111 ·Tho :-.,,, .. ,.i .111d 1h1· S t11111 .. ln:.11•.id l>i..111 , \\ ii I '4 nd 1111 t .1 11 •1"Ul ut J•, !1 1 P.111 THE QUIZ world scope 110 poonU lor ••ch quuhon enawued correCllyl 1 Tt)e rate ol unemptoymenr ro)e to 10 l percent on September TRUE OR r ALSE II WtH the first time unemployl'Tlent h;id retlched double d1g11s )once 1940. considered the l•st yu r ol the Deprt>ss1on 2 Analysis a1tnbute a re ct>nl rally on the stock market to .l decline 1n the prime 1n1e1est rail' to . l .. percent, the lowest level in two years. <1-9 b-U c-18 ) Fresldent Reagan met recently wnh Mexican Pres1dent-ele<:t (CHOOSE ONE: Mjguel de la Madrid, Jo~ Lopez Port1!lo) to discuss thaa nation's recent economic dilliculties. 4 The National Center for Disease Control announced that the U.S. 1s on thl' brink ol ehmlnating .. l .. as a domestic diseasto a~ules b-tuberculos1s c-ch1cken po• 5 Brush fires drivt'n by high winds riced through more than 74,000 acres 1n the state ot . l .. , c.1using millions ol dollars in property damage. newsname (10 polnlt If you can Identity 11111 P41rton In ll'tt ntwt) As the Primate of tht' Roman Catholic Church In Poland, I recently accused mt1 11ioil law au1horltle1 of "em- bittering the nation" with their decision to outlaw the Solidarity labor un· Ion. Who am ll matchwords (4 !IOI"'' for 11ch corr.Cl metcll) 1·dln ldent a-leave without consent 2-dltp1r11e b·bellttle, d lmlnl5h l-dl1ptr1e c-one who dl119rH• 4-detr1C1 tl•dlurlbute widely Mefea ... ntlrely dlNlmllar THE WEEKLY QUIZ IS PAltT or THIS NEWSPAPUl'S SCHOOL PROGRAM • news picture (10 point• II you en1w., lhl1 queallon corr.ctly) Poland'' ruler General Wojc1ech laru1elsk1 delended the Parliamentary law wh1c abolished the labor union Solidarol) u the only f.'ay to resolve the nrnon's economic and poli11cal cr1m Meanwhile, lug111ve Soliduny leaders t'.alled tor a lour-hou1 nationwide protest strike on November 10. TRUE OR FALSE Under the new law. all labor unions in Poland are outlawed peoplewatch/spordight (2 polnt1 lor tKh quHllon •n1w•rtd corrt ctly) tohn Vant' ol England and Bengt Samuelsson and Su ne ' Bergstrom ol Sweden shared the 1982 Nobel Prize tor (CHOOSE ONC: Medicrne, Physics, l Fernando Lamas. the Argenllne-born !CHOOSE ONE actor pianist). died ol cancer ;u UCLA Medical Center in Calrlorn•a He was 67 ) Judy Goldsmith was elected to succeed Eleanor Smeal as president ot NOW al tht orgal'liutlon's convention in lndlanapolis NOW nands for .. l .. 4 A racing accident cost the Ille of thoroughbred Timely Writer. winner of later year's (CHOOSE ONE: l<ent\Jcky Derby, Belmont Champagne Stakes). S The MllwaukH Brewers and the St. Louis Cudlnals met in 1he World Serles 10 decide the 1982 <itiamplonshlps. Overall, the .. r .. have won more Wo rld Serles tltles than any other tom. a•V1nkn1 b·Dod1en c·Braves roundtable ,l"llllf flMllHIO" I"• ... ,., Whom would you have nominated for the 1912 Nobel Pt1c• Prluf hplaln the reaton• for your choice. YOU" ICOttl: ti .. HO"'"'' -TOI' ICO"ll 11 11 IO IN!fttt -lattll'"I ?1 11 M jNlfl• -o .... 11 to 70 IN!ftll -'*'' •¥IC. IM .. 1°'1·11 rt·~ :).;HjlllS .M1W1'tl111114,) \1101Ut•l(] t 'U.lWOM JOJ llnllfr'Z!llllM.1() fflUOt\11N ·t: :Jo\,')o·;: "'lllf.lfP"W•t :11tl11tJodS/H:>J.VM~1d03d 3S'1V.of :3\ltl.L'>ld, "'3N -~ :q • ., 'P·•: ·.1 (. '..'l· I :smfOMll;)J. Vl~ du•a1:J p111r (fo4111q~p.ay :3wYNS1\\3N 11JU ICllllll:')·C 'll·f ')>l.lfl111''1 01 •'P l·'"~!W·t: :q-r. '30lU.·t !:fd0:>S01\IOA\ I I I~ t ••• f l1 unuu Coual P AIL V Pit 0 I 1•i.•l111 Joi\ n, tc11lt•r '> SF yrnphony ha wide app al lS)' KAHi·.:\ K l\LEI"\ o r lh• O•llr 1>1101 81a11 'I' h I' " " II I· I ·' II I I ' I " :-iy111ph1111~· .. pt11J.:1.1111 .11 tit\ Sat11.1 t\11.1 1111.:li S1·h111d Alllht .. 1111111 1111 111111 d .,1111w1l1111g t h <l l \\ 1111ld .ippt'.il 111 .d11111't P\'t'l \(•IU' Thi \\1ll l1.il.111<1d .w1t111 I 'lllOlllJI•"" ·ti \\ <11 k \\ I I I It II I I "II I IHI:.! tu 1 •1.:, 11, .111 I 1.d1.111 1111µ11·'"11'""' ,, H11 .,1.111 1111xh•11H:-t .t11d tht l :1•1111.111 h11111 111:1:-11·1 hllll~·ll Bc•t·I h1 1\ 1•11 Thi· ordw:-ll .1, \\ l11d1 u 11\\ll1·d th1• ~lllilll ~tag1'. 11µ1•111•d I h1· W1'll111':-d.1v 111gh1 c11111•1·n ut1d1·1 Edu di' \\',1,111 ·, pt1\\'1•rl1d d1n•1·11t111 w11h K1•:-.µ1gh1's ·"l'h1 . Bml:-.. Thi· ,u1t1 fll'I l111 ll\1·d h~ ·' :-m.dl 1J1 d11·:-t1" h." .1 "111111g on~111.d tl11 1111'· "huh gl\ ··~ \\ "' to .1 cl1'11ght 1 ul 1.1111.i'' 11111•1 pl.i\ 111 th1• \\ 1111d\\ 1111b .111d '11111g' llllllllt l..111),.! lh• '"111111-. 111 ,1 do\ I' .I lw11 ,1 111gh1111g,il• .11111.11111 l\1w1 H1•,111gl11 1 ... p1•1 li.1p' 111· ... 1 know 11 I 111 I 11~ 111rn· 1'"1·111:-"Tl''· P11H·:-111 1(111111"' .itlCI ·Thi· i 'ou11ta111:-ul H111111· .. ·"t'h1• H11d:-" 19::!i ~ I!'> lh1• tlill\I 111 lull! r<'h1·~1 ra I :-ui 11 ·:-lw pn ·p.1 t 1 ·d }Superman ' . a mo11 1g 11or llll l.1.Y\\'(H>I> 1 .\l'1 ('hrt...l11ph1•1 l<1 ·1 \l' dt)ll' ,1 1 "I" Ill hi., Ill'\\ 11111\ II' J\l11thll,:llltl • dlld ~'w' I I\ 1t1g "' ,., 1h1 · \'.1111.in Hu1 nut·" Sup.1111.i11 1l1 I\ t' pl.t \' ~'.II h•·I .Jod111 Fl.1ht I,, .1 \tollllt.: .\111< 111.0ll .ti 111\ I h,1pl,1lll \\ "" 11'• Ill 1111 l'.11h11l11 ( '111111 It lo• I,., 111111 .1 !, .. , ll).!1111 Ill lh1 \',11 11.111 Tl11:-111111 l<1·t ', "h1• .. 1.111 • d ~t,... 1 ho 1\1.111 t1I Slt 1 I Ill I\\" ~·Supt 1 n1.111 11111\ ,,., d111 ·' J11, ~l;.•111g Ill" lwli111p1t·1 ~ ~Tht• ll}ll\ I• 11p•·111•d ~ 11d.1\ 111 U1.t11g(• l't•lllll\ th1·,il1 , .... 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Till' 111d11· ... 11.1. w l111 h 11wlud• d ,, l.1r.i..:1· 1111111h11 111 "111111·11 .ind youn g p1•11ph . 1111111\\o ·d ol1· \\1.1:111 \\ 1 l h 1•111 Ii ll,l.1 ,111 'l'h1·11 :IJIJll ,U ,1111 I \\ ·" p.111 Ill .t \.\'t ''I l'""'' ltllll 1111 \ '"'" 1111 ·d ... 11n1l.11 11111111h ,11 tit• l>.1111111\ ( 'h,111dl1 I I '.1\llt1111 l\)111111.1\ ,11111 Ju1 -.d,1\ 111ghh Ill J .i1' ,\11~1 It ' I 11 1\ pn I th, I! 11111 p " ti I g11 1111 llllll .. 1g;1111 .1pp1 .i1111g 111 t ·.11111 g11· II.ill 111 Nt\\ Y11il, ('11' .ind .11 K .. n1H·11\ t ·, 1111·1 111 \\',,..l1111g11111 J) l' . Dolly Parton s lates s hows Jl<tl.l.Y\\'1)<1(111\)11 I loll' l'.0111111 Ill ht I 111 '1 11\l 111·11111111,.1111 '1111 l ht I 11 l l'lll ... II I g' I \ \\ I 11 Ill·' k I I \\ II .qi p• "' ""' 1 .., Ito N11\ 1·11dw1 .II 1<1· ... 111 h l11lo ·111.t111111.il Ill 1\ll.111111 C '11' N .I 1\11 ...... l'.11 '"" "·'" ... 11111<1 ·11\\111. ,, I!""' 11l11g11.tl d1,1111h·1 \\hilt .... .111111<1 11 1"111 Ill l11d1.111.q1uli' 1.,..1 :\ll ~ll 'I ,\I 111 I ol111 111 1 ·, 111 '1'1' 1111 ht t .1llt l lo·d .di 11111 lu I ·•l'I'' ,11 11111 ' .1111 I I lo \\ It• [\, \\ '\ "'" fttl I \It 11'1\ t lilt tilt . .J '''"" Sli1 1111d1 l\\t 111 ... l lll'• I \ 1111 Iii• I• 11111\'.il "' h• 111 g 11 ,tlid11111111.1 I 1~1hp• dllll tlll\\ , ... ti I \lj1 .. l.ollllt.: .11 1111111• "1111 lwt 1111,11.11111. l'.01 I I >• ,, ,. THE CR ITICS' FAVORITE FUNNY FILM:,. l//T.411111••-~,..-lU XUllY TMERTllES • lit lwo Sht•111uOMl.Y$2~Utlltn0thtr•1stMoltd S 1113t.U•X•111tl6l61~ 25s1 /<.-;;;::~.) s FOR FUO I EXCITEffiEnT I V1s1tOur ••• J "tf ARCAOEo PE TER O'T OOl.E Mv~~~f!!~R a;:E 7:~ ''" ...._Boal Afr T!Mt1 I 1m ., ••oc.•-o-• •• , ... C"':"l 1220 4 407~Thol..Mt im~ l .lO ________ Ame-bn __ _,S._.~;;.;;_;t'°":lS;:;..;(;...R_) 2_1 o_ 111111 1~~ "1 101 • M <!Jf!~um AN OFFICER ANDA Ill GENTLEMAN 12;05 2:05 4:00 i :OO 1:0010:00 12:.SO J:1$ ~:AO 1:05 10:2$ "' ''D41\ 14 ;12165~ 928'2/ rio~~x-) ~?~~~~~.?.~:!VI ~·\~fat:.;,~;~l fl f;) Q (iJt I f.1§1§ 6 t639 8770/ ~~) l'K1i11D""""'°"-' '°"°"'<ortooo0<>~~rPor1oooe 11PRU =s~s~ [A_rr_/Jl'!{! m1 l • d R A. Nlt llt Sn11l (RI T,_ u.t A....,.,.... V..,.., IA) Tne Sword c..Tne Sorcerer ( R) R T. 1111 £.XTRA • • n RRf.STRIAL [ill! Or-.o'*yer {l'Q) No .._ ~~ rD Sur TrelC II Tne Wr•th W Of Kh•" (PG) Ori••""' Open 7:00 Wuke"d•/7 .1 s WH lc"lthll Children Underl2 Fret Unless Meted ''WHAT BEl!E MIOLER OIO FOR LA.)T SPRING fifAOEM't' AWARDS SHOW SHE OOfS FOR JINXED' .. llHA JA Y ,1,. 9Q0 .tn] I COSTA MISA frt-. . .,1) It ( • I H• t.4• ) (l TOllO t":••'d 1.J"JO'll>l>-t: • \~t 'S!O llU•fUICTOll IUCll t ., .... (!· M ... ~ / ••e oie~ lAGUllA llACll • 1-. .. •. ,. .14• 1._U \A MUii& .) ~.' I I ~ t I "0 •AUi\ •CC£"lD ro• '"'' UoQAOlWI'" I r I COST A MESA OllHCl J ldw,,•d, Soum Ct13,1 l'IM1 ~46 ?111 C1ntt111mt b14 ?'>~J SAN J UAN CAPISTllANO f'M,fir M1<\10n 1111v• In 41l3 454" r NO ,AS_Sf~CCf"l(D ro;'i111s eNOAO[ltlll•l I Luc·~ C1111•·1·iclg•·. l•·l't. \ ngi•la I .a 11 ~lu11·~ a n ti .I t·1111 if •·t· U11 11 c la-.. p 1 a~ i 11 .. l.illl•· c;111r ia ... ll a pp ~ :ti l.a .. t. .. Vanderbilt TV focus (.()S 1\N(:l·:1.t·:S (,\111 1'111 NH<' 1111111.,t 111 ' "l.1ttl1 l.!1Jlj,1 ll.11111\ .ot ""'' tttll.&lt ».tll lld \\ 111 II h1rl1 '111 11 I \ \\ ,,, l11g 111 \\ • .111.I II' • '111 I tl11111111 I• 1 "'" •11lw11111,1 < 'li11ll' K1111'"11 .. 11 k11 II•"·" 1111111 th.111 .11111•>1tt1 111"·"1111 ·'' 11111 I 111 1\1 \\ Y 111 I.. ... Ill I• I \ '·'' ... 1111 .l.11111 111111 1111.111 \\ h 11 111·"' K111t l-.1I1 .... l-.1 I II• did 111 d1 .. .t n1.1k1 (ol1111.i \ 111d• 1 111 11 l.11111111 ... 111 d11l1l1t•d 1111 ''1'111 (;1111111(1 1:11111 ... 1'111 111111 h11111 ,1111\\ S1111d.1\ .t11d l\l11111I,,, 1111 i.1 , •• 1 ~I 1111 ( 'li.111111 I I. l•H ll .I "" •Ii· 111111 I 111 .1dl1111 111.0Klllj..! t'lhlt ~\ l1.11tl1 11\1 I ,\111t•111,1', 'f"K•I 111111 t II h j..!ttl .. lll'1: I " (jft11i,1 \'.011d1 !11111 111 f'l \ j '"' 1111 .&1111 111\111\1" Ill .I 11 lll!lli\ I llllf ll<Mttll 1111,: 1>1 \\.ol I" t\\11 II 1111 111IH I 111 No\\ 'l'••I I,' 11"''' \\ t .dlh\ '"I 11 I\ l.1111d1t ' (•I I II l1tl1 \',111.f1 I ltd! \\I, 1111 \ ,11111 """' 11111 .11111! 'h.1llt 111•• d lh• t11•1ll11 I ( d1111,1 :\1111 j..!.tll \'.111d1I11111 11111 p1 111111•, "11111\\ 111 H1 ~111 • .td l.Ol'>t th1 I l1tld ( ; l\•I 1,1 " I It I 1 I l.J' It I 111 1I11 1111 1 ... 1111 11111 \ .111dt 11 .. 11 111 \ I I• I ....... 111''' l;\\\lltl \.111111111111 ,\Ill,• l.1 I .. 111 ,11111 \ \\'1111111 \ H1tt1• (J,,,1, ''"'' ..... ,\l1t• 1li1 1.111111\ 111.tll 1.tl l" .111d 1•l.1\ ... tl1t .11111 1 (;11lt11dt ifil> I O"A A 01 ~( -.1vA ll','J1o1 l ............... , Y-•• • •••1 f - LOCKED OUT AT UNITED ARTISTS THEATRES Allllfft.m llUMIOUR .. .s;.~JA.':IX(IJ"anM 111• :lllMUJlllY .-:mJ•RIS"•ISGm .:::.:~umllQl ASC -:IRJ llSSK•IMIMIM ":lftlllSSll -:Hfll8JNll "-:IPISIQI a ·..;:-.,."='-1 ,.. .... --M:w .,.....-..-..:..,_--NOW PLAYlli ----_, .... ... *. 'Wtd' ' • ._ H I lift ~,-1-~· 'ttn>t ,., _ · ., .................. UtlU4 1-H•H UU Wlll-fll .... , ........ .... . .. ,,.. ~ ., .. IJt IMO HI JtU ....... ...,_,,. ............... 1...-1 PM,. "'#*t H ,,, ·"' p, ••• -~·lf11\I··· '"' ... ..-..t..:1u,,.,, .. ..._,_...., .. ,.. We are locked o ut because we refused 10 lose more ltian hall ot O\lr fObS und thqrel'>y double the work toad or lhose remaining We have worked in United Artists lheatrns since they opened Each p1otoc 11on1s1 works multiple se1~ ol equipment He is responsible lor sound and picture in several oudllortums at once. This has increased lhe ac1u;11 ~mount ol physical work and vaslly Increased our responsibility From Ila rncepllon. we have cooperaled wl1h lhe use of automated equipment WE HAVE WILLINGL V INCRIEASEO P"OOUCTl\llTV. Belore au1om111on one project1on111 w119 used to project one p1c1u1e lor one n11c11tor1um Now. under our last contract one pro1ect1ol"llst prepares operales and supervises equ1pmcn1 and lilm tor os many 11s loor. Sile. and even eight 1t\Jdilorlum1 at once We believe thal there shoold be a hmtt 10 how many jobs 1hal worker• and the community should lose to automation We thin!! work91'S and the c:ommunily as well as the employer•. have a right to gain through the benef111 of aulomallon Unllf'd Ar11sl9 Communtcallons 1s a mal"ly mul11·m1lllon dollar cOfPorallon They make handsome profits from 1neater opera11on1 There is no economic: need to eliminate Jobe, Robert Nelfy wont1 to increase h11 profits by ellmtnat1ng our 1obs He doea not 11"1\end 10 reduce the price of your movie ticket Mr N11ly refused 10 nego11a11 on eny ot the Union's proposals Tile company stOOd pat o n 111 Of•g1net ultimatums 11 otrered ·only 2k per hour for double or triple the wo rk load. at the same llme e11m1natlng 50.rsv. 01 our101>s Thoao of us wno loH our Jobs w111 nol be able to suppo rt our lamillea The community IOMI the Hlafles we •arn a nd spend 1n the community. II your employer follows Mr , Na1fy's u11mple where will your job be? How wilt you supporl vour !11mlly? With higher unemptoymenl and fewer aalariea 10 spend. our area economy 11 bound to sufler We were w1111ng to conlinlle 10 negotiate. but Mr Nally dlctato11ally nnd rmoganllv IOClll!d u& out Pl•H • don't g o Into any United Artl•t• theetre en,wheH.By so doing. you will help us get 0111 job• gack PROJECTIONISTS LOCAL 504 • ORANGE COUNTY lnternettonal 11Henc• of theetrlcel atege employH• end movln9 picture mechlne operetote Afofl-00. I .. ·It's Bertolucc1's most rewarding ftlm ·" \JU(J fr)(,t~/4.//1 • '°NCJ\lt' AIJ,.-11 TRAGEDY OF A RIDICULOUS MAN .. ........ 0 r edwards CINEMA CENTER LHUl~T· :~:~~· U O 9 7 9·4141 SAT/SUN. 1:00, 3:15, 5:30 7:45. 10:00 _ COH 4 .. u ... • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Monday thru Saturday All Ptrlormances befo1e S 00 PM IE•ctPI Special Engagements and Hol101ys1 I.A MllAOA MAU LA MIRADA WALK·IN TH[ l Alt U ll[lllCA" VIRQIN ,, .. •W; •• '"'"" .. ''"' lllOCMO"' HICH • Jtil I Wt •eM "JINXED' • 190 111:11~ I OC !G~ "M ONSIGNOR' ,. 11..0 ~IO \Ml I W 1e)ll ,o u.·~,,~o·" ,. 994·2400 AN Of"JIC.llll AHO A G(N TL(MAN • oj( • l"I( t "", THE CHOSEN \11( .)' ......... ·FIRST BLOOD .. LAKEWOOD CENTER WALK·IN I IJ o# ... l "M ONSIGNOR" •••,.,. -.,,. •• ,. •« ...... ., ..... Tl'lll. •1 ,, .. ••-' ,. .. llAll Tll(ll II TH( WRUM 0' KHA.. ""' t•." LAKIWOOD CINTIR SOUTH WAl• '" '°'"'" "'0. "'" 21J/6M·t :UI THE swOllO ANO lHC SOllCIRElll • , ........ . OA•COHSL 4 YCA OG t)M •M I -*. 2 13/531·9 580 PINI( f"LO't'O fH( WAll • , ........ ... lHf LAST •WfRICAN YIAGIM • ., •..... ,. IC,.I'( SI •·· '., \1\ .... M V F AVOtlllf( Y[ AAS •. ,,., . ...., THE CH OSEN ,., JI( ... ll1•fS D' ,, 'Stir.&• ¥ff. ' ., .. • • l • • •tlli •• • • --·~1 " O• •I ~ •uao• h •O c• •I • • •1•:.1 1 • , ' I"" 'u J '" \t • " •• & ,.,.., '' '.,, ,. .. "'' ........ , ...... ,. . ., ... °' ... ' °"""'' Ot#t '00 , _ She• ''"'' ' ... I ... ...,.--1MPORTINT 1110 tlCI 1 CHILORIN UNOf R 12 f Rll' Ki»W " ""'"" 8-1 Otte• Oo.-n O,t1h 6 "10 D,. (lttfHSOUICl•YQU•t"t.Aa~ )ff\.Jfjill\N•• ti t.t11 W ~ ..,..,.,_, ("JrrrllT°O' •tCU\O'll• M\~ fMil(..t.Jill~)IUAIU •AU, ~O'W(-"l tltl~ ... ~ AHA.Hf I ... ANAHllM OlltVE·IN h ee •OT It Of le mo,. •t t4.&ll.0WfE H •tt SE ASOH OF THl WITCH ...... fH( Tt1tH G • 17'·9110 • w JIHUO 1•• ...... TAllZ,.H TH( Al'f .. AN •• AUi ~--PAih- BUENA PARK Ol!IVI IN \tt\COlf\ A•• W•t1 Ot (ftO" 12t·.070 8Ut ~A PAii• LINCOLN 0111\/I IN l•"'<O "It•• ...,.,, OI ,f>tOI• 121-4070 t( 111flillA.lflill FOUNTAIN VALLE Y DlllVl·IN '-" Ot•oo trwy o• ttoo•"'"'''' (So J H2·2411 WI ,'!\,4""' Jtll HI-WAY 39 OAIV! "' "llN OfflC:lll llNO A OINTllMAH" 1A1 •w• "W llllllt II t•I CIOlf l•IOu'<_!!__ C"'4 h- A 11 • l\Q A LA HABRA rt111v1 1N ............. " ... " ............ ... 11Mlt2 ~~"''' IM.000" ..... .... 0 ........ . .. .. , ... M ISSION (>IJl\,'f IN -· W AUNUl l•IJIVJ IN • " ' ~··· ..... ,,.,,ll. , .... P"Ot••••.o-• l Ct•tl Of, ... • .... , .... , . f T. THE lllTllA· Tfllllf tTlllAL "'"' "011ACOHSLllV(ll ,..,, ·rtllST •LOOO • "'"" .. 110 MAJ •• HAllOWllH Ill SEASON OF THI WITCH • ...... THf fHIHO a1 .... ,~ t.10." I •0 SO O' ~"' Gto .. • •1 .. -0~ 191·3693 •JIHUO 101 ...... T AllZAN, THI AP( ..... 1•1 r "'•IOlJOIO MONSIONOll ••I "'"" .. , .... , ... , COtf , , '°""° llONl,!_\':011 '°' .,., ....... 1 ••f'INll f\ OYO TM[ W llll" '"' ...... 11 .. IT'fVlt.ll M fHf ~OlllHK* · 1•1 ~LA l lt.LA VAClll" COtl "IL Cl41111110 otl. .... Tllll!O" , 'Be-Bop-A-Lula' singer's one shot NASllVILU :. 'l'l'nn IAP) I I w .1 i. I !l !HI I> w qp1 t I) ~:1 \'1lhow1·1 w;1.-. p11~l1h•11t Jui.I .1ho111 1•v1•1 v11 1H • dr ov1• .in J\111t•1 w.111 1 ,,, 1\ vounj( i.ln~1·1 n.m H•d Ehn-. I '11•:.lt·y wu:. 1111· lh'Jrlth1 oil ot '.Pt•n ••iw g1rb Bill "'1'1•, .. l>.1v1~ waii work1nu 111 ,1 radio -.1.11111n in N nrfvlk, Vu lit• g11t ,1 \.d i from H l'11p1tul H1,.irJ-. 1·'1" 11\1\'<' louk1n~ fur ,, I 11 ,.,11•\ :.<11111d Jlik1• lll'.had JU'I lh1• fH'IO,U n '.!I ·yl'ar n ld V1111·1•n1 J:o:u..:1·111· l'r adduck w h 11 :.11on wuuld .1:-su1111• lht• ~1.1gt• numc-c:1·1w V 1nn·111 and l'l ,·unw fomnu s (111' I IH· llH' k . II . I o 11 l'I n s !>' l . ''&· Bop·A l.ulJ " Da\'ls Jilli Vrnn·nt h..id JU!>l \\'l'ltlt'll th1· ""'i-t· Sl'IZ111g o n 1111' 1h1•11 -l:.in111lt-. word "bop" and µ11·k1ng tlw gu l's nanw "Lulu" lwl'.IUSI' I h.11 n.1me h::id Ol'Vl'f IWl'll USl'd Ill J l,11l\OUS 1111<' \\11thin .1 kw days, V111n·nt and Im. luur Jlll'l'I' band, "Thi· Blu1· Cap:.." tr;iv ... lt•d Crum N11dolk to Nas hvillt• w rl'l'!Jrd tlw :-ong And in JUSt a l1•w Wt.'t•ks. V111u·nt Jllllll'd P reslt-y JI 1h1· v.mgu.1nl of the flashy mu:.1l -.\\1'1 jllllg lh1· I 11111111 \ lfll k 'fl 1'1111 V11111·1l1 . -.11111·11111-: 1'111111 -.trn11,11 h ,1111f ll\1 I .1111111•111'>, .f11·d "llh l1ttf1 lllllll I oll ,1g1· :lh Ill 111 .1 Ill N1\\h.tll (',d1I '"'"''· \\ hu \\ .i-. \'11111 ·1it '111,111,1g1 I 1111 ,I ~I.ii Ill ..... dl1•1 1111 · '1 11g1•1 h1 I olllll l.11111111 ' I ' llllW olll t'\1'11111\1 1111 l\l1111lt11w111 H1 'l111 d-. Ill N.i-.h\ "" 'ft \\ ·" .111 I 1.1 \\Ii• 11 Ill• 11111' h,1d llllh h lllPlll'\ ,Hid l'\'t•I \\1111 ' Ii.id I llll,' l>,1\ ''· 1111\\ ~1 I I l'l.\1flt·d • .1~11 11 1111' 111u-.11 h11:.111t''' 11f that d.iv "N11 11111 · 1;111·d .ilH•llt " No I 11 \11111 l'\l'I \11111' Jll-.I Wolll\t•d \11 h.1\'1 I 1111 1),1\'I' llll'l \'1111 1 111 \\lll'll lh1• \'Ollllg -.111g1•1 ,1pp1•.it 1·d 11 11 ol t.d1·11t -.ho\\ I>."''' r .111 ror 1h1• N111 t11lk """" ,t.1111111 'l'lw two l'll \\1111! "Bo · B11p A Lul.1" 1111<' d;i\ 111 ~ll 1111111111 ·-. Jll'' lwton· ll.I\ I' \\ .. 111 "" tht .111 1111 '"' d.11h 1.111111 '"II\\ "II \\,I' 1111' h11p t'lol. l>av1:. :-..1111 "1':v 1·1\th1ng \\,..,hop or '"' l'K1p ·I 1h111k tlll' 11·1·1 ol Lhl• gu11ar .111d llH' d1 Ulll g.1\'\ II .1 d1ffl•rc•n1 ;.ound.' D.1v1:--...ul S ut•s Elizalwth Tuylor t.u" ~tH'cl A BC-TV in un t•fforl lo pn•vt•nl broucfru~l o f u do<·u-clruma pur portt·dly ba~t-<I on h(•r I if e . TH I ADYEHTUll CONTINUlS 13TH SMASH WEEK! ISN'T IT TIME TO SEE WHAT 25 MILLION PEOPLE HAVE BEEN RAVING ABOUT? Pt/It tt(t,......,IT ...... Ill Gregory~ Girl K'~.%1 .:i..o• COSTA MHA UAOnemo 714/540-059~ '\" Cotl 1t1eo11e FOi Show111Ne "l'ftMAWI N J,. nr•• '. •lf6N""'7r ,..,.. ¥+ f •. , I I ... •• •l"rlrtlll'_(..#, ... ...... .... , ............... ~~. BIUA ll(W,OllT ICACN OtlHG( WUllltani. \1J<. li•r. p ,, ' I a .... o ...... ()<.. •Hn.J C.11~1e PitC•hc' Iii W•1 30 '·"' 'JJ'l 644 OTbO 634 1~~3 D!•tt I~ 891 3693 MISSION VIEJO WUTMINSHll ld .. ••d· V•t10 '"''" 830 ~IJ90 lowa•d' Cinema Wt\I 891 393~ Forgive me. Filtl1rr, for I have si1111cd. I lrat1e killed for "'.'I Cou"~ I hmlt' stolen for "'If Church, I lr1wf' lm1t•d 11 11•omn11, 1111d I am 11 f>rfrst. j MONSIGNOR ........... ,~, .... ~ ,. FRANK YARLANS .,_ " FRANK Pt:RRY 1.., CHRISTOPHER Rttvt In MONSICNOR ' .... .. Ornnu11 C..n 11 UAILY PILO T /Solurduy October '3 19ts? Hf I Schrnerler till out • 1n front 1)1•1l•lldtl\~I I'll I lilllllflltlll l•:tl So 111111 111•1 1u11ll11U1'\I to k1 "P '"' d1111,11w1• 11 •ml illl' 11· .. 1 111 1h1• lh•hl lhti. w1•1 k \\llh Ill t'•ll fl'<'I tHlKWl'l'I '1'1 11' ()v1 I l ht• 11111 (t,lllf.!1ll'ot1 M11rt'<I Ill 1111d 1·u1111'tJ .1111•1111 ,1 p111111 tl11.1t ''•1" 1•111111P11\11>l v \\llhlll'ld lo'>I \\1•t·k !>1111 I lt1l ijl'l Ill "\ F1 11lay'11 l11V1,1 pltll\ ,it tllt• .tl u•d1· '" M.111 v Fw 11-. 111 \\/1·-.1111111 ... 11·1 11 v 1'u 11.1\1·11·1 1<SVJl'd \1·1., •• 11111111.111rn:•oit1 1li111111 1111 11.1.! 1.10 1 '"111k1 ( 111 111 tho 111 i..t II•" k.1..:1 11 1 111• 1111" 11111 1111,d 11111·1f1~1II\1 \V1 li,1d 1111 t.1k1•.-. 1111 l,1..,I \\1•1 k'-. 11111\'ll 11dcll•. hut 1111, 11111• ,11.,uld h1 · 1111111· 111 '"'" hl\111).( s" I 1111H111 H' I g I h .. II).( " I I I \\ 11 ll Id 1 ... 11111''"'""" 111 'lit I t'I d \\ 11 h t li.11 11,1111< "' ht· 1011\ 1 1 tt~I 11 111 '' lt,11 ' .!. 111 1111 ('.q 1t.1111 l\l.11\1•11•1111111 -., \\h,1l 111•\\'l';'lll'I did Btllv B.it..1111 ..,,.JI• .I 1111\\ ;tl111ut th• 11.11111• 111 1111' 111'1 1111111!-1·\' 1111 1111 -.t.11• 111 th• 11111:111 • .t 111ov11 K111g K 11111• , .. N.11111· th1 111 -.~ cl111g1hh 111 If\ .111111 11.i tht "111 Id .1 "Do A11d1111d-. 1>11 .. 1111 u l Eh 1'1111 Sl111·1• '" w.1~ •Ii· 11th· 111 ,I :-!Iii y th;ol lll'IJIH ·d .. p11p11l.11 111112 11111,·11 N .111 11· tlw lli1k ti "It'~ 1,.111 l 'lllHIJ::h tli.11 I ''"I 111'1 I 11111\ lt.111·d Ill"'"' 111111 llM• • l.11111·n11·d .1 -.111gi I \\ho~\ ).(111 1.111 1111 \\ 11h "" 111 ·-.1 11 wnd 111 °" h.11 -..111).( • 7 Tlw t1·n11 "~.ll'k ." 11w.i11111g 1111 ll.11t1·11111g 111 tlw qu.irll·rlJ;wk. WJh 11111wd I i~ wli.1t 11111111 1· NFL d1·l1·11:.1v1• st;1nd11ut'' 11 Ll·:.lw Hr11111l11•ad 1':111 h1 · l11u11d 111 "h • .t :.tJgt 1·111111d~" I fllACI( 001.AY CH•1aro"'o IWnt "ETER O'TOOLE lflllfO 0 MON- SIGNOR" FAI. 1:00 1:20, 10:40 9ATl lUN. UO 1:45, 1:00, 1:11. 10:40 (II) "MY FAVORITE 1r'« (,rl', YEAR" ,,.o, J; U{&- FRt. 1,:1$, 1:15, 10:15 SATISUN. 2:15, 4:1!11 FRI.1:30. 1:30, 10:30 1:15, 1:15, 10:15 -1 SATllUN. 2:15, 4:15 1:30, l'*I, 1tUO (R) !1!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!11!!!!!! T"!__ AMfMllLUI:. ..,...,~fHl~ -·-P'rt.tM - a.t/fUft, l~11, 5:00, 1:45 CLA81 OF '14" <RI ,,.. , .... tet/9-. l:tl, ':00. to>AI FRI. l:30. 9:301 10--'° BAT/8UN. 2:fl0, .:eo ..... 1:00, 10:98 tf"tnWl. I Niii -SEASONdF w , '!..1!~~!1:~~ • IS ""· 7:00, t:IO. 10:50 BAT ftUM. 1:00. 1:00, 5.'GO NS, HO, '4tl0 " LASS OF '14" Ill) FRI. 1:00 ,,_t. 1:10 ATftlJN .• J:to, t:eo IAl'IBUN. 4:30, 1:10 T1~0t 4!!m "WAITRE88l" ""· 1(1$, 10-.20 FRI. 1:21, 10:00 SATISUN. 2:00 S ATISUN. 2!45 ·1 10-.20 1:25. 10:00 ,,_. "'•"' ~ ....... ~ ..... ~ tfl I"~' II 'I Ill SEASON or THE WTTC'H . ...,,,,. .... , , ... CHNSTOt'ttlR •1v1 "MON· SIONOA" ""· 1:10, l:JO, 10:41 UT/IUN. 1:IO, t:U 1:'°-l:JO, 10:46 IR) BE: TT E - "MY FAVORITE YEAR" 1-01 E.T. TftbTtlA· TsllR~ FRI. 7:t01 I: 1$ HTftUM. 1:IO, l:al 1:00, I:, .. , .. (N) ITLfttTIR ITM.L- """IT ROOD'' lilt ,., .... .. IAT/IUll. , ... a• .. ,....._ ..... TRIVIA BY T.T. .· THI VIA HOWL XXV lll STA1'DINGS I f 11 '•t.llltlfttlOI 1101 3 1 ;• Ihm Ill" Htll 0 0lfl(I ( 10) :> 1 1 1,.,.,,,." 1..1apt&om .. 1&1 ;u I loll Ulf,11µ 1111 ti tHutt t J.~, 1tJt •I J I II • ""'""''"' 14'1 II W•ll.,1 W11i.y Ill • iltl 12 10 ll1tlh•IUl11<.h1/1 '~ ' •" •,ti ti''"' I h J() !I 111 lh1· 11111\ 11 · 'J'..t h~ 111 lil111 \, 1d1 lllll V (•t) 1111 1111111 t 1•11 • .ti lt· ( ;1•n11;.,11 111111 "'°' .111d Iii) llw 1111111111 1 111 K11 k ll11ui.:1 .... · 11 ·J,!11111·n1 Ill 111· "·" 111 .illy tin V1tt111 111 111, \\,11 ,1j.!.1lll'I l.1"4 hlll liut 111-. 1111111; "till 111-. Wilt \\," -.11lf 11p Ill tl11 ,111 Ill \\ 11,11 llH•Vll'. La-;t W t0\'k'" Ani.\o\t'rl• I 11.111.1 I .y1111 11111111« l'h:tn~l'I ·• I >i.111.1 l '.il1111•1 (l'h.1n111n1'-. g11 ll111·11d1 "'I h1 Ou11·1 Lin11t,." ITV .,..t ~1111t11ilJ ( i1 •11tol (t111•d lil11od) 1 Sh111l1t1111 ("l.1bu ty V • .t.11111·' l Ii "Stnk1• Up 1lw B:t;1k" f H111>111 ·v "lu111IJ I l >.dl.1~ (·.,\A. t.>u'f' ("'HU ung dt•i·adt· J ll "'I'll! W111nt·n " tC11unt1·'' dt• Lag1•J 'I f.11 TAii TEAM (lit T11f1·d11 f "All t l11 !\l.11 l1lt .;·I 111 W1..,1 Suh· St111 v" I 11111v11· 11ddlt• I 1S1•111I \'11111 .111~w1 ·rs /IJ 7'H/ \'IA, 1· 11 th1· /J,11/y J 11/111. /Jo>. i!ilill. ( '"·''·' Mt'.<;;1 Y:1ti:!li 1\// 1•111r·1"' mu,1 /11 1111·11•1·d IH W1•1/11t·!>d;i~. 11th1·twhr· h,11/ tli1· f J/,111 ·1 \ l.1:.1";",.111/I I~· ,,i1;11d1'tlJ OYll """"' .. TRACK OOIAY ITt:REO E 'T': TII& EJlTaA· • '· "naaUTIUAL •UN vl"'"' tJt •u.,I FRI. 1:00, 1:15, 10:20 SATISUN. 1:00, J:30 1:00, 1:1$, 10:20 "THE BOAT" tRI (Formerly "0•• Boot") Fri. 7:15, 10:00 lelflun. 1, 4. 7:15. 10.00 SYLVESTER STALLONE "FIRST BLOOD"'"' FRI. 7:00, •oo. 10-A5 8ATISUN. 1:45, 3:30, 5:15 7:00. l:OO, 10:4$ f .... ~ :1~~ ~ 1 11 CJ !.c~U C!l F"l. 1:30, 1:30, 10-.30 SAT ISUN. 2:00, 4:00, 1:00 1:00, 10:00 "":7. ·-T~Ot 4m ""'· 1• 10:15 SAT IBUN. 2:50. l:lO. 10: 1$ "ROCKY .... tf'OI t ""'· 8:20 1:00. t:a. e:3ll • BETTE Th• n11hl no one comes hnm• SYLVHTIR ITAUOM • It" lllWI I~ Ill "FIRST SEASON Of' BLOOD" nn: WITCH FRI. 1:15, 1:1S, 10:15 •GM 111• (!l L 7:00, l':tO, 10:45 SAT/IUM. 2:15, 4:15 BAT /SUM. 1-J..S 1:15, 1:15, 10:15 7 .... 1M6 (R) (RI FRI. 7:001 t:OO, 10'A5 BATllUN. 1:00, 3:00 1:00, 7:00, t:OO, 10:45 POLT£RGEIST_l'f<, ,. t:IS U fl __ _ llClUMW PIGAG«MPIT "TRAGEDY OF A RIDICULOUS MAN' FRI. 7:00, 1:15 S ATISUN. 1:00, 1:15, 5:30 7!45, 10:00 (PO) Ttir A Nb • SWORO ThF sonn;:~~ FM. l:JO, 10:SS (R) • SAT f auN. 2':30, l:JO, 10:SS "STAR-TMK II" AMllWIUE.D.:_ tHl ~ '°"'· '1'.21 (R) HTllUN. • -- ' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'..-.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~_..~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ....... ~~~- I t I -· II 0 1 t1nyu t!uuttl llAll Y IJILO I tS 111l11 ll11y 01 tulJu1 t1:1 l'Hli' .., \ 11 t{Ut\ 't' M<>ftNING t-008 laPY it ) U I. FARM f'EPORT GI HOGAN'S HEROES 0 MO\llE • • ·rhe J 1&11 S"'ll'f' 1111801 N .. I Ouunond l m1 reoc• Otov1t11 A N""" Vrnh c:a11101 b•ellk» with ll1n11ly lradll1on ano ~"" uul lu ltr><J succ•n II• " pop mu11c SI•• ·po . 6:06 $ FAIEIUE TALE THEATRE "Rumpela1111sh1n ~••vt1 V1llecha1ze s1111 ~ us a air •ngtt 111110 man who helpl a moll .. s 11augh1e1 spin sir aw onto gold 1:30 If I THE WORLD TOMORROW GI SPEAKOOT H STEPPING OUT: THE DEIOL TS GROW UP 1hll sequel lo lho populllt specuoJ .. Wiie · Arn Th• DeBolls Ana Where 0111 They Gel 19 K111s? updal6s Ille story ot tht! 1i.1r10<111nary famoly whoch now Includes 20 physoc"I ly·handlcappe<I children 1:00 II CAPTAIN ICAHOAAOO 0 SEMNOIPITY 8 RAT PATROL II TEEHTALI< "Fathefs And Sons· (!) AD HUM8ARO GI OOOODAY L.A. g) IATUAOAY MOANIHO GAA.~ Cl) PUeUC AFFAIRS @) NEWSMAKEA8 (i)MOlllE • • • "Royal Wedding (1951) Fr.a Ast11re Jane Po-ti A song-•nd·ll•nce leam g111t1s a perform•nce on England al lhe l•me that Queen Ettza1>eth II 1s put· ting Ille Iona/ touches on • her ma1romon1al plans Z MOVIE • • "Woma n In Tile OuMS" t 1964~ E111 01a1111 Kyoko l<11h1da 1:06 s M0\11£ * • * ·Tr.e Ctul> t 19801 Jack Thompson Graham Kenn.cly Tile coach ol .. haa--Australian fool· tNlll tHm finds Hie going rough both on Ille ptay1ng fleld and on lhe board room .....,e he fac:as an anta· gon1sloc ctub pres•llenl 1:20 iJt NEWS 8:300 THAT'SCAT D PAC£SETTEA8 8 OAOWING YEARS 0 llOYA0£ CJ) IUUU UNLIMITED • a.aerf Arf'f NEWS (I) VOICE OF AOftlCUlTUAE 1@) rra YOUR BUSINESS !1fHew8 C MOVIE * • ''> 1'The Amazmg Mr Blunden j 197:.'t Laurence Nal$IY'lllh Lynne Fr801tftC~ Chrrstmas prornrses 10 t>e ve<y grim IC>f two Ch••d•en 1n lheor dongy London 11111 unlot a kondty_ mog•ca1 o•d gttntteman comH 10 c.all 'G' H M0\11£ * • The Sea WOives j 19801 Gregory Pec;k AOQ· *' Moore Otm ng Wortll War II. a group 01 Brohsh busmeumen l0tm a vOlun· I-reg.men• to deslroy • German 5PY nell 1n tne Indian 0uan PG 1:00 II DUSTY"S TMEHOUSE 0 Q! THE FUNTllTO..E FUNNE8 I 9IO llLIJE MARBLE 9 IUP£AFMH08 G DAVEY AHDOOLIATH (f) CHAAl.AHDO • LATIHTEWO • l'1MT P£MON &i) YOGA FOR HEAL TH CJ) IHTEAHA T'°"-'l HOUR m FlMY 0 MOVIE "Grendel Grendel Gr&n· Oel" 7:ao II l<IOSWOAlD G ~THE SHIRT TALES 9 DA. 8HUOGLES 93 PAC-MAH I UTTl.E RAaCAL.a I NCHIENCH D DAW\' AHO OOUATH (!) JOeUHE I l'MCE A WOMAN COHTEM~AY HUL TH 188UU 8MOlllf • • ' Mystery Island j 1g78) Four childr en slrllnd4KI on an 1atand are chaaed by a ~mll and Oi9CO\ref a ceM ol coun- lerleil money t;ef ~ 9UNNY I ..CAO ·~ • • "Man From Mullc Moun1 .. n· I 19311 Geoe Alllry. Smlley 8urnecte Oeirle Autry encl his aidell· lck Ml out to frap a 08"ll Of MOCll ~ oe>et• l'~S'lno'°"""'· ·~(#~ AA~Y MOflllll GMNVIHI I ~l•UCANtTC>f'Y ~8UQOY MOV9 • * •\t "The Senacor WM ......,... •• (1947) w-.- • KHXT tCBS> e l\:HBC IHBC.I e KTLA ftnct I .IC.ABC (ABC I e.C:F~B ICAS1 c • l>unny f\u ~ t• will lukt· vit'\H·r~ on a mu~ic·al lour of lht· E1u.·01 Lt•nlt·r al l>i:-.nt·~ \\orltl loni~hl HI H on f\~\T. (:tumnt·I 2 ., Pnwelt, Fiia RQonos A m'ss1ng polle1r.u1 d~,., 'I 11,rns up at a ve,y ftmb ar f(lSS1ny and cruCU•I pOH)I "' a senoloo s campaign S WACKY WORLD Of' JONA THAN WINTERS Gut»I ~towa111 Cos"" Z MOVIE • • • 1 r Brea"e' M orant I 1980) Eawa•d W00<1wa10 J&co Thompson Auslrah- ons co11scrophtd to t1gh1 u11 Englilfld s sode 1n t11e 8<>t1r Wilu d~1de I.:> hghl Ille Boer guerlltas on lheor own lerms 'PG 1!30 II (!Qi PAC-MAH 0 WILD, WILD WORLD OF ANIMALS 1t 1 llOYAGETOTHE BOTTOM OF THE SEA GI HOOAH·S HEROES If\ ISUOSBUHHY t ..OAD RUNNER C MOVIE • * * • • T 1141 E1ephan1 M an" ( 1980> Jonn Hurt, Anlhony Hopk.ns A d80•· calell phys1c1an takes under n11 ••n.o ,. hOrffbly llelormeo man whose hla until lhen had been spenl fn cheap freak ed,1b1llons PG H MOVIE * • 'Gree" ice j 198 I) Ryan O'Neat Anne Archer An eng1n..i• and a •oc1alile anemp! 10 rob a Soutll Ame11can emet' all! •mug- g,., of a fortune 1n gem t PG 9:00 II I NCAA FOOT8All No i re Ua m e 1001v11 11 co.te n Ger•, ~etu'>' 15 m lPfVl@<lfifll(J IJ LEAVE IT TO BEAi/ER CD Ml&8ION: IMPOSSlkE g) £AHUT ANGLEY EID BIO 81..UE MAMl.E '1i) Foa. ON SOCl«TY 0 MOVIE * * • Ho use C alls 11978> Wellar M11llllau, G1enda Jackson A wid- owed 11oc1or halls htl Caunova 18'\den<:tM toog t;nougn 10 fall for ii divor- cee wtlO doesn·1 bal,..,ve In pll1tanc>er•ng PG s aoeeY lllHTOH Bobby Vonton performs some of hos l>>Q<le" nits 1nclud1ng Btue On Blue ana A80 Roses For A Blue Lady, from the Sar><Jt Hotel '" Las Vegas (i)MOlllE Winds 01 Change j 1978) Antm a1ad B iue d on themes from Ovod s Metamo<phoM!s PG 9:30 0 i39 THE GARY COUMAHSHOW (2) NCAA FOOlttALL Arkansas al Hou"on 8 OZZIE AND HARRIET 0 Wll.D. WtlD WEST (f,.. MO\llE * • · Geronimo ' 11939) Presron Foster. Ellen Or-A graal Apache w•r to<d balllas the wh•le man ti) HIGH FEA THEA "A NOMI fa< News ' Le<> vOluntM<s the group to work on 11\e camp newspa· per statt ei) FOCUS Off SOCIETY C3 MO\lllE * * • ·Pr1vate Hett 36" f19~J Ida luJ)lno. Steve Cochran Wiien "*o delK· ltves conliscata a cache ol stoten money gread prompts them 10 keep Ille money 10:00 G fJJ IHCMOlel.l HULK I AMAZJNO IPIOE.R-MAN 8 IHANANA D i!J acooev a ICAAPPY 000 I PUPPY it SOC MIU.ION DOI.LAA MAN ., lloeJONU • TMtl OlD HOUM Bot> Vita con~• the many remodeling poaslt>lll· lleS IOf the houM Wllh erchrlecl Jock Glttord and land.cape erc:Ntect Tom Wtrth 81> lllCTION ·u tS MOW! • •• .. Arlllur" (11111) Dudley M oore. l lH Min· neffi While hi• family attempt• to fOfc:e him tnto a P'••~angec:J marriage. a Orvnlo.en. hedonl9tle play- boy fella"' lo"* with a poor wortong girl ·PQ' rz 1MOY11 • •'At ··Prtveta l eHone .. ( tNOl 8yMe l(rlttel, How,_ 81'd HeeMmen A -ittiy tC1rwm, .. 1 IWORI N Y , N Y nttln US)l{,llh hi$ btJChH tt~o t1ouseto.t1ep"' 1110 101> ot prnvr<lu•u Pl•~ 1 !> yu~• 0111 &on With "'~ fH liil $U1'U._1I tt•J)tJllOnCu A 10;30 IJ SHA HA NA 0 MOVIE * *" Aur1 0 1 Ina Arrow I 1956> Rod Sleogtlr Broar1 KH•lh An tUttbtltOfvd 89'. Conted&tllte sotd181 1ou1s .t S•OU• uµ11smg but e-.peri onces a Chang" or 11eitr1 when hit reauuis m u1 hrs 11ue loyalties "" .,,,,. lh" white man llller all Q) -TO BE ANNOUNCED 6l) E'IEADAY COOKING WITH JACOU£S PEPIN Jacques Pepin sug09srs how to buy and UH 1r1ea pens!¥• cuts ol la'l\b when he prepares stulted b1easl or tamt> C AFI SHOWCASE H lltDEO JUKEBOJC (i)MOlllE • • •'• He a r lla n d ( 198 I I A1p Torn Co11c1oa1u r e1reO A r anche• a"a h•s housekeep er lac a rhe r1go1s or lronltet tole rn 111 tO Wyoming ·po 11:00 0 IJ1) THE JETSOHS 8 AMENCA·STOPTEH 0 10 WEEKENO SP£CIAL The Puppy Savi!~ '"" c.,cus A ltvtlly hnte puppy saves the torlunos or a small family corcu5 (Rt ; GI SOUL TRAIN Q) MOVIE • ••, Tne l~o Mr~ Car· •tools f 19471 HumC>IHt1~ Bogar'! Barbara Starowyc~ A derangf!<I 3•11sl mell\0<11 c•ll)' ma,ues and "'wdet~ ll•s w1vea aftttt de<ng & btLarre por11a1i 01 rrnim &I MICAOWAllE COOKERY '1i) GAOWIHO YEARS '1)MOW * • * "Statoon S.a S&ha- •a ( 19641 Carroll Bak Pr P111e1 Van Eyck Tt'ns•ons so•• among ,..,, oe~n 011 worke•s whan a plant c:on- fa1ning a seay tJ•ono•-. :.no n,,, emh1thtte<1 e-. thJ' D11f'd crashes nearby C MO\llE • * Ta•e I nos -Jnb And Sttove 11 1 •<18 11 Rooolf Hay• Ba1ba•a Ho•,llo• A fOU"Q c0tpo•a1e e•KUh•t1 tuns into res1stan ctP when he 1e1u1na 10 nos hOme· town to t evtlah1e a compa ..- ny br-v PG H INSIOE THE NFL r11e latHI llevetopments on the NFL strike '"II e .... min.cl 0 PUN.IE Melba Moore. Robed Ou1t- l • ume and She• man Hemsley are lea1u180 1n a performance of the hol Broaaway musical bllS811 on Ossoe Davos's ptay PUiiie VfCIOtlOUS 11:30 0 r~ FLASH G~ 0 0AAH0 PRIX OF ALL· STAM D ill AMERICAN llAHOITANO •l MOVIE **''> 'Pardon M y Sarong' f 194:11 Bud Abbott. Lou Co31ello A pair of ......., ruin lhl! plans of a group ol J9W8I 111teves fD MAGIC OF Oil PAINTING ~ GAOWING YEARS z M()\11( * * ', ' Thtl!fl Wa1110<s ( 19771 Randy Oua111 Charles While Eagle A 13- yaai-old Indian b o y. •Sll•meO or l>efng r eco0- n11ed u a warro0t, tearns to appreciate hos llerllage alle< vlaltlng his ••c:k grendfat11et ·o AFTEANOOH 12:00 0 MOVIE ••·~ .. Autum.;' l eaves .. ( 1956) Joan C1awf0<d Ctttt RoO.tson ·=8TOOOE8 • • • -·w 11d In th• Streets·· I 111NI Chrtato· pher Jon••· Shetley Wint ... • MOYIE • • "Sha011n Hand Lock ( 1H ti David Chiang, Chen Ping fl> WOOOWNOHT'S SHOP .. Getflng A Grip On It .. Roy unde<hffl demona11alH hOw to handle anyTIHng lrorn llroed ••• fO -8t Of IAATH ANO MAH "Mountain• He<mlt King. dorn, Toorlet PeradtM • CH um.1 HOtM OH THlll'MIM H MOYll * * "Spirit Of Tiie Wtnd" ( 1971) Chief Den George A YO""ll boy o....~ Ille~ to~ the World Cflamplon 0ot lledd8t ·~· • • Kt4J• TV ( lrtd l e 1ecST CABC.> • " IWlOSI Ct lMCMI *** "HOuH Cella" ( 11711 War.et Matthau. Olandll Jeektof\. A .icl• owed ~Of "•"• Ill• C-••~tono ~ to , .. for • dMW· • ICTTV (INS.I • ICCOP TV llnd I • IC(ET tP8SI e iccxf •PB•> .... • • • • fESPNI 1 ShoW'tlmM SoothQhl f(llt>lf' Nf'W\ Nl'lwm~ J • ·~· ..... t1tth• ,,,_ ... ,. hwttllilf" Ut 111tll1U•,l~th•lJ t.>1 , ,, )()a 10 COLLl Of •OOTIAH • ...... J tl f,., I OD OllllAM Wtlll JRtl>ERICll NOAO 1tu.t ''IJll't(_Uft '•hit U!) O .. lAfHll ANIJ MAN l t11lu 11ttu l lt.IUthhl i'\HIU Aw t t th"''' .U MOVIE • ll••vlt ltot ,., I hn•u••h•' j 10 .. IJI h OUtl HtH y I nPtrtl)Ctl~ MOii\! t iUtttml /it hhfueht Im" h Ilk•• t•uf ,, .. ._"" ho1t '"Uh, hmuh uf lhua'1 *ltll UIO '"'f"fl1d uu" •• , Hll( lhlHlttl fh1r (:)MOVIE • • • M•ulumu Uot.o t tU781 !\lmtmtt !>t\)ll•)f ttl 'l,uuh~ Uw1pl1111 A WUU\ .. ,. , fhttMHUelity urutmQOUlt HI\ "•lrftfntl ftu1 ... f()flflfth()fi wt1uu "" .. 111~ulvu" tuu "'"" ''' .. 1om.antu 11Uuu wt11( fl 11udgtts two w1d 1Jly tUlfo' mq t..11flur,tl lt"'Vt1IS fl(1 t:OO U 8 SPORTS SATURDAY ~t~hudUIC'(J h\ttt C.OVttt...tgO 111 "'" Oor1uloJ Cutt~ tu s J / Mml1l11 Slu1il11g (U $I ll tc)oHd WullutWtt•Qhl Urnh r,tllUtt lk~Ul (from Atlru tlir. l.;11\j.. N J J '"" r.ov"'"tlO nt ""' Aogui Maywoathe• I l~ut>en Mm HJ/ 1 :/ f t>und \ISBA 11gn1we111111 ch.,m p 1{lO$h1p bOUI 0 THE MUNSTERS (i, c1nd pa mt.u J!I. u .,1ooµmy pOf11;1rl tor Manly'1 9 AMERICA'S TOP TEN W MOVIE * *', Cott 9.,,..,~tn r he 'leu t t!1531 Aobllrl AVJ" Ar11t1vr1y Ouoron l wo OllttP !HJH 01vu1.. s1u1'Ch for u trtfasure 10 gold b"ll1ou oft '"" Jamaoc11n coast fD NOVA fhA Frag11., Mourita111" A r1•port-on the ,.;-• scw o•osron 1n lhe Himalayas• thllt 1b t1trea1en1ng the sur '°vat 01 tho Nepelttlti os pr11w n11H1 :J (Ii) OCEANUS MARINE ENVIRONMENT Jf\ SPORTSWOALD Schf'duted h•e cov.,raoe 01 lhe Sug11• Ray SealttS 1 Jomes Shulttr t? round N A8F M 1lldlew 111ghl Champ•onShtp l>oul ltom At1an1tc C11y. N J cover- age of lh01 US -China lnv1- 11111onal Gymnas11c.5 me111 1f1omPel11ngl C MOVIE • • '""Creal T1a1n Rob· onry t 1<1rn1 Smttl Con. "~' y Oor1alct Suthtttlano I wo .,,.,.,,I turn·Of.lh&- cunh,,y co,, mtts l!. .. tttttrnpt 1u pvll 011 '"" s...im1ng1y 1mn,1~s·bln •obb"'Y of a tCi<• Pd '\RfP .thn a ro • fd $1- '"uving 1r-,comt1t1v•t PG 1· 15 10 MOVIE • • * • fun uy O ul t 191i8t Ba•tr•a S1te1um <1 Omar Sllarol 1:30 D F-TROOP 0 Rout~• lritts 10 ct.,ar Agarn of a robbl!fy ch••ge 1 • SOUL TRAIN ~ OCEANUS• MAAIHE ~ 0 MOVIE • * Tile Ntglll file l igMs Went Out In GHO•gia 1198 II Krt\ly MtN•t llOI Mar~ Ham1H A OtOtner- ond a..1stm Mongwt1t•no duo hf've man,.-Hdvun1u'"' ._n1IP H~m9 to e'e OUI a 11v1ng ,,.., tn-tt country west~ .1,n t1r(.01t PG l MOVIE • * • On lh+! N1Ch"I I 19791 Aalpn Wa.t11 Don· MIO Molla1 Lile on Los Angelf!s s~ •Cl ro,., '' dep oc:led A 2 00 0 HASH\llLL£ Off THE ROAD 0 GILLIGAN'S ISL.AHO 0 -MOVIE • • Va n1stung Point 1197 11 Betty Newman Cteavon L1111e 0 FIOHTFOR SUA\111/Al CD MOVIE * • Devit 1 Canyon ( 111!>3) Virg1n1a Mayo Dale Rot>e<tson fJll SPECIAL REPORT American Rose<>n'4l1 t o The Cp11s tn ll>e M111111e East A locus on 01tic1a1 onll unofhc1&I U S 1eac- 11ons to recent events. tn Ille Middle Eut IS present- ed ~ AMERICA: THE SECOND CEHTIH'Y C3 MOVIE * 'r · GhoSI Dover ( 195 71 James Craig Audrey Tolle• An undf!rWaler Maren IQ• burl8d lreaaure !urns into a nighlmare H MOlllE • • * 'House Calfs .. I 19781 W•tter M•tthau. Gtenda J1tekson A wid- owed doctor halls his CasanO\la lenllencles long enough to tall '°' a divor- cee who does,.·1 belteve 1n phllande.-1ng 'PG' s MOll1t * * * "Tiie lollte Hut .. f 19571 Ava Geidner Stew- arl Granger Two ~ and a woman live a c1v11tred erratenc a wllen they become a1!1pwrec~ed on en 11t11nd 2:30 G WIESTIEAH OUTOOOMMAH 8 QllLIGAH'I 18LAHD A large meteorite landt on Ille oalend and thrNlen• Ille u.,,.. of ~ lrvtng llltngtller-• tJ J THE MUPPIETI Gueel Lena Horne fl) WNTa'I WON<IHOP Guest Nora Eph1on . ID ~:T'Hl MCONC> CINT\MY ·== • * "Thllt"*•" (19771 Mar· lo Tllornat, Charlff Gro- din A daffy COUPie lry to recapture their tnnocenee em'CI Ille corruption of Manhattan t:009 MCMI * * * .. No Way To TfMI A l80y" ' ..... "'M ttelger. 0-fl Sefel A ~le "'""' of ...,.., -cit-'" t1•10u11 .... ..... arid ...... .,., .... t811tdltecthr9 I ::.•All ..... " •• Only~ .. CIM21 Jetry L...,.., z.cM. '' lcott. Tiii TIPPllB l'N X 'I' C:.!I II IJIJ ·W i dt l>t i-11 1·\ ·· 1·:J•( 'I I'(' l '1•11I 1•1 Tltr• ( >trr•t11 ltJ.! < '1•l1 111 .111 .. 11 .. I 1.,1111 v l-i. .. v1· I• .• d-. ,, 11111Mt .ti 111111 t l11 1111g l 1 l>1 ... 1w v w 111hl'-. "'''' Ep•11t ( ·, •11t1 ·1 KO<'I•'. 1.itl 1 II lllJ "l11 "1 d• llr .1111:1• l' ti u II I .,, BI. fl v t· I' l • l ' II • ~ I I' I.'.' fl I 111·1 1111 111 .. 1111· 111 l .. 1gu 11.,.• H1.,11i1." d1:--1 l h :o>lorll \.\ 111 1 ('a t l.1Sttll'klt·111 lw t ,d 1;111 '''llh S f·11 .l1rt.11 S..t1111111. th•· I J11111·d IJ\1.t \ ·.., ltl llllolll I lt.1111 ;11 1t l ( 'lt1 l 'flll • .-. \\'ll ft 1". 'I' .II t ' ft ~1l t1 1t·d •Ill d1 •1Ju t p11 1g 1 .1111 "N X'f' I ~I !I 011 "B l .iw 1g S .1drll1·' < 'l1 ·.1 v 1111 I .11 th·. <:1 ·1t1· W i11 h ·1 l 1·:11 1111 •d 11 1 1·111111 ·th .d 11Hfl ii hl:1l'k r ;1d1 11:11I \.\'111 k e·r· .1pp11111 t t·d -.t11·r1 f I 111 H od~ H 1dg1·. ,, \\ 1•,1t·r11 l1rw11 ,i:.11·d lill' d t ·i-ll'lll t11111 I)~· :1 l 1UM IH''' I \'1'111111 0 KOJAK t • GOOD TIMF.S Q) MOlllE • • a C.HplitlH ttfJh tllO HornhlO'IWfif t 19!> 1) t_.10 gory l'Oic.I. V11y1111a M11yo fD SCREENWRITERS/ WORD INTO IMAGE Poul Ma1ur ~•y 1Hlk$ uliuul h11 thJ,8Clt.H~ J nc1 why tho m.,m(•S nf mdtrlagtJ mh llotlly ano 11ow hlli•lyt•" hOvtt tlOC.f}fT\l• h15 tr .Hlo murk ' (Ii) SEWING POWER t WONDER WOMAN W nridcr Woman 1001!!. f(JH.th w1tfl a h1endly alu~n 10 prevunt 1ne d esttuc11uo nl lhtt w<11lll 1Parl II J-, MARY TYLER MOORE nl'oda falls II' fOVO Wiiii .S fuluftf forest n•ng.,r C MOVIE • * * * ··Fiddler 0 11 ""' Roor · 1111111 Tapol. Norma C10,,.. A peu a111 milkman in lurn -ol-th.,·C&nlury c1a11s1 RuHlb Ines 10 mar· ry trff his etogobte llaugllll!rS while tryong le hold onto hos J-•sh herotage rn 1ne llM:e ol oppross1on G 3:15 Z MOVIE ** "'Fitltng tn lO•O Again-• t 19801 Ettio11 Gould, Su$annar• Vo•~ A man goes to llos hogh SChOOf reunion m tnu belief that hf! can 111l1ve tho good lomes of 1no pas! PG 3:30 0 SPOATSWORLO Schf!llulod coverag11 01 tno Sugar Ray Se81"s / Jomes St>u•e• 12·•0urt<I NABF M 1lldl.,w f!1ght Cnamo•on& ''" novt h om AllanloC C•ly N J ~o .. ,, ago ul lhe U S ·Cll111a h1v•- 1a11onat Gymna~••(.S mN;I 111om P11a.1ng1 0 AT THE MOVIES Roger E!>ell and Gt1n1t S1Ake1 review M ons•o-"°' ·F11st Btooo drld lhtt shnkf!r ot lhe w-i. t UTTLIE HOOSE ON THt: PRAIAIE Wnen C•rroe latt• 1n10 a 0-c> hole Only • llrunklln e•·m1,,.. IJOhn tr81A'1d) canaeve"-tD WORLD OF BOOt<S (Ii) SEWIHO POWER 'n 809 NEWHAA1 Bot> succumb' 10 the pres SUl@S of """'0 tn a b•O C•fy and seeks ernp•ovm•'"' at a small r'" m cotleot-m MOlllE **•,·Dinn-et At T"~ R1t1 I 19371 Annal ... lta D~"d Nt•"" Thti cJaughlfl• OI a murder.,11 Frenc h DA'1kfH ptacot~ bhn<I lrust "' 1"4! ru1tp otterlld by her 11nn11 c1er l1ance on 1ocat1ng lh" '"""' 0 THE WAY IT WAS •:OO U NFL MAGAZINE (2) CBS SPORTS SATURDAY Morion Slartong 124-0 t And Donato Cu11~ 1 t<l-Ot p.,1 '"e" welterwe•gh1 CtOwn!t- on lt>e tone Aube•• V u"P' ( 14 II delenllt hQhl•P•Onl t rite ag a i n~• R og~• Mayweather A report c.11 V 0 5es M aione ol th!' Pll1ladetptt111 76"r5 0 MOVIE ' Two Dragon s Fight Against Tll .. l tger· ii Brue'! LO • MOVIE * • • 1 'Tile W11r Beh•rffn Men And Womt!n" 1197'1 Jack Lemmon. Barba•a Hams fD COMPUTER CHAOHICl.E8 ~ WAITING FOR A MASON "Spaclal Pa1ag1ap11s !Part II ({' STAft TMK ®l THE ROCKFOAD FIUa ~MOVIE * * * Tile Llq uodalor (1968} Rod h yl0t. Trevor Howard A paclhsl lands a toll as &n assassin ••lh Brotian lntotllge<>c" H MOVIE * *'• 'Po1 1ttrll Or A Rebel Margarel Sanger ( 1980) Bonno9 Franklin David Oukea Al lhe !urn of the century on" count· geoua wom11n b•llle• gov. ernmant. medical and ret1g1ou11 oppoaltlon 111 an ellor-1 to educata women In blflll ConlrOI mttthods 4:30 8 GREATEST SPORTS LlOIENOS I} 1 AT THE MOVIES Roger Eberl and G- Sitllel review ''Monalg· nor... ..F1111 Blood" and the • · 111n1rer of the '"'*" ·· fl) HAN> CHOtCU "Bahavlor Control.. An eumln•Oon of 11141 varlout typee of mind control le•· turH attempt• to d11t1n- gul811 bet-t>enlQn and 118tmtul fOfma • WNTWO '°"A MAION "Special P1rao1aph1 ' (Part 2) Is LAIP-11.-THON A com9dlen hMI and fo;;r comic con1eatarH1 who compete aga1n11 on• anotller are IHtured"' thte -"°"9d OOfMCIY game 9'1(1w. .MOYll "Thie Time 'or.-·· U WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS It MOVIE * * 1 100 H111.,, I l!l6fl1 Jm\ fl• own A1J4uet Wttttn An 01;11.1w l11d1un. J t'1lt1t ... lowmatt nrul a tomultt tuv6 .. lul1C>nur.,. ti.!''P 1n., M•u 1<.1iu) l110iuH~ dQDn1<0 ii ,_.,UHi (JtlVtJlllUr 5:30 a> SOUDGOLD (Ii) WOOOWAIOHT'S SHOW 1 f1 u Pl1mt1 T 1utf1 Vr,r)10 11 Hoy Unll•11t11t1 too~~ ~' the 1tuu1y 01fh•tiEt1H woOCJ- wo• kH1U µltthtd 18 M'A'S'H lhe 4077th l1r>ds a '""" bundl" ot 1uy 0•1 '115 lloor Slftp 10 NEWS '1) SECRET AGENT S 8088V \/INTO.. Bnt>lly V1n1on pt'ffornlb soni.1 ot n1s b•goest t11u uoclullong BtuCl On Biutl ana Al!<l Aostts F 01 A Btufl Lally, lrom the Sanos t•o1e1 on La• Vo9as Z MOVIE • • , l nree Waruors · 11 977) Ranlly Oua111 , Cn11rtes W11ole Eugle A 1J . year 01 11 1n111an uo y asttamtlO of l>tt•ng recog- n11ud as a wnrt1or teatru 10 apprecoato his heriloge df ltH v·~1t1ng hts i rck Q•llnlllallter C. 0 NEWS 0 LAVERNE & SHIRLEY & COMPANY l enny ana SQu•ggy mov~ 11110 the g111~ opBrtmen1 fD DON'T DUMP OH WE An uwesl•Qal•on of CatitUt. ma ' Cflh< I.ti tanOflO !>11Ua• r.on tocusono on Fr osno, San Jose ana San Diego <Nrut-n at e approaching trff!,1 waste manag"m"nt p1obltim& tr om dolltHO!nl · pt,;r~tives is shown (Ii) SQUARE FOOT GARDENING I ALICE 10 WIDE WORLD Of SPORTS ' '1) THE PAOTECTOAS EVENING e:oo II 1 t caa NEWS 0 j•HBCH£WS D MOVIE * * My N•>"lf' Catlt!O B•uce r1978l Aruce Io Ch11Sllna CllllUflO A mar- hilt ar1~ e •ptJ•t an<1 a sec101 agenl 1n1n lorCl'S 10 breah uQ a gaf\g of s""'ll gle•~ 0 BE.ST Of' MIDNIGHT SPECIAL H1i, Qt 1978' Guests s1.,ve Mallin Donna Sum· "'"' Tile Wno A T "511! 0 1 Hone~, Kenny Rogers Yvonne Ell1man, Allanta AllY1hm Sec1ton Nock Gold· er t ftdlly Pendergrass GI THREE'S COMPANY Helen takes• tob on a Cale· reroa afler compta.n1ng 10 S111n1ey Bl>Oul "-niggard· ty allowance Q) PIHi< PANTHER FESTIVAL ff) WtlD AMENCA Sw9mp Cronors M arty SIOUllft( toot<•., Ille ••rol!d w1tdl•ll! of Ameroce s south· ern awemp-s m WOftLD OF eoot<S '1) ALIAS SMITH AND JON£S C MOVIE * * * * falhet Ot Tile Bude I 19501 S~ce1 Tra- cy Etoral>tllh l •ytor A 1a1ne1 e•pertencn all of the 1oys and headaches mvolv8<1 will\ the prepara. lions '°' ,... daughter •• upcoming wedding H MOVIE * * ·c;,..., tea ( 11181J Ryan 0 Neal Anne Arcr- An engonM r and a soc:•Mll• a11emp1 10 rob a South Am1W1can emerald smug· glt!lt of • rorlune 1n gem1 PG 0 S MOVIE * • • 'House Calls" ( 19701 Walle• M althau, Glenda Jackson A wkJ. owed doctor halls his Casanova tendencies tong 11nough 10 ••II '°' • divor-cee who doesn I bellevtt 1n p1111ender1ng 'PG· 1:30 118 lJJ "' HEWS 0 MA..V TYLEfl MOOM A heavy 1nows10<m forces Mary IO prOduce her firs! n-ashow m AUCl &l WHY IN THE WORLD ~ INIAIC PMVllWI N9a1 Gabler and Jellray Lyons Mlecl wttar they conlfd9f lo IMI the lunnt HI, acarlttsl, bfft, worat end moal roman11e 111m1 OMC>YtE • • • lmprooer Channels' ( 198 t) Alan Arkin, Ma•letta Hartley A -les ol ml11Un- detstandlng1 cauaet • IOC1el -"*' lo auepect the ll·vear-O!d daught9f ot a aepatatlld Oouple II Ille llielll'll OI clllld Mluae 'PO' 7:00. llt IUIQ4 cw ... "Tiie WOffd'a GreetHI IL;f:~TION TMI HMD't IOYI I NMCIYDMW MYIY•• FrMk and .--•well ..... • .,._ ...... people ~ ....... ,.._ ............ (l)NIWI al M«M<>fMIWllH LAWNHCI WllK GD CAk.,OftH!A CONOMUIOHAL IWPOllT ~ All CM.ATUAE8 GRaA f AND SMALL U1iU I liot~11t hu """ '''"" .,,, ""' lhHI ~h1h.1 It Yftl t. flfA lfll r111t uJIUCJ••Htnt ttr11/1Nl1I., tH(.11 uf a ctuy 1111ullf wttll llfl ~\t (IJwt :IJ I JACK ANDERSON CO..flDEHTIAl 10 SO YOU THINK YOU GOT TftOtJtM.U •lt THE M UPPETS (uHt•I µhylUtt D•ll•u '1) MOlllE * • t uuyf1u1y A111"' I lfJ~4 I W"ntfoll l,1>1"1 Mu1umut I c,t ~w(J'''' A younu yo• toll& duuply 1u lo v., w11t1 ., C.•1µrito'1 .. .,. t.Ju .. m l MOVIE •••• , h 1ttd k UI M lJ1tjl!I I l\IHllt E<Jw,.r<I Wur,llw•fltl Jll<.'-t hCJtnJJ•U'I AU"lfl Jh ttnh t.Ofl1tC.t1plttd lr1 ''(Jt'lf t)•t Fn<Jluutt " R•<Jtt '" mo Lt,_..~, Wat d"'-ldtl lu l11Jl•I 11111 Ht.>t:tr U1Jttt1IUt~ r1n ll!OH '-"~" •e•m• PG 7:30 I) DANCE FEVER 0 GLEN CAMPBELL Gu.,~• , ._,,,, <..1tib' U EYEONL A : ~ ~ttOH)tflll a 10µ1J,4 ,, Ch11(ipf1H tot!. IOO'i1e t.01,.. lrOvv"1•I rnt1cJ1~ut n.f'I<' h(H""'° itl\ Iron Man c.wf te~~' 11 t11p tn thu ttollv wood USO fD PRESENTE 8 FIGHT BACK tO EVE OH SAN DIEGO J9 WEEKEND MAGAZINE C AFI SHOWCASE I 00 II I WALT DISNEY E PCO l Con1.,r l ll" Ope111119 Ce1.,ora11on Oarmy Kaye lthtOS a mus• t.al tour lhruut1ll 11111 m uy1 c:tll wottd ol Do~nevwotld's n ew E PCO T C ent er . guttsl~ 1nclu<le Ma11e Os,mona Dfuw Borrymortt Roy Clark AIO• H;1l1Jy Alan Srwpa1(1 arod E 111 Seva1e111 D ~· OtFF'RENT STROKES AfnC>ld h ies to cu1e ..i nf!w clahmale s ton1thness oy geu ono w.11,s 10 be lhe boy l> '01g b•Olhflt (, 0 9 LAUGH TRAX U 10 l _J. HOOKER Sergeant Hoo~e1 per suallv6 a be11u111u1 l>hntJ witness to httlp him eaten some murderous thieve s 0 MOVIE Madhouse.. ( 19771 Vin conr Pttce Pot"' Cu•,,1ng A retut;d nouor Mm .sta, m3kes a comeback Out finds that muHlers nappftn .in around hom Q) CHURCHILL AND THE GENERALS l1mo111y W.isl and JOi.Hpto Cott .. n ~tar •n fhtS revl!al 1ng porl•<111 ot England' lamntJ• Wnrl(I War ti primf' min.~tor a> MOVIE • • r 1 llt> Lell Hanlllld Gun f 19581 Paul Ne,.,man Lila Molan A youmtuJ 61lly lhft 1(111 avenges hos emptor"' s lleiltn and 1nen ascap;u to Malll!fO ti) ODYSSEY "On The Cowboy Tr8tl" New l111m1ng l..Chn>Que~ and ''"P m1nino threaten the 11m.,-honore<1 trao1 11ons QI ranching . and tncr 1and itself fRJ:.,.. (Ii) INSIDE ORANGE COUNTY r eatv1PO Pf"'fo1met btm Ver'*P" Ca1t;1 S h.it..'•" ct1SC:u\~PS ,,,., affcm w1fh s .. n Jo11n Scttm111 Cnrosl ma~ m~tcttanc:1•'P '1Ai1lh no ( T lh~me a numa'1 ctta1n ror Un•led Way C MOVIE • • I O~ll llhS Joo And Shove It 1 t98 11 Rot>•••• Hays. B8rOara He•s'>ey A young c,.,porat@ P.aecvf1ve runs into rAtt1stance when he returns lo hit ll()ml! lown 10 rev1tato"' a compa· ny b•e-ry PG H CRYSTAL GAYLE 0 MO\ltE * 'y HAiio.._,, II" (198 ti Jamlf! Lee Curtis. Donati! Pleasence A hopelessly •r'1sat\~ mvrdetf!f conhno4U h is reioo of t1trror in A small town R' S GALLAGHER· TOTALLY NEW The 1•ny unprPOt<:IPll18 Gall&QllN 15 bACk on 8 comecty spt'Coal ttpell hve at lhe May11"' v usoc Hall in Sanla Monica, Cahl0tn1a @MOVIE • * • · A Cl ockwork O<angf! (19711 Malcolm McDowell. Patrick MagM Directed by S 1an l11y l(ubttck When pouce cap. lure lho teade• of • teen- age gang ol • apoSls and murderers lhe melhod of rtihab*lltahng him provH ...,.., more lhreatenuig 10 soc ... y 'A· 1:30 0 Ot\ SILVER SPOONS Edward gives Ricky some fatherly advice that turns the baSllful boy 1n10 a smoolh-latklng Romeo e MOVIE • • ·~ .. 0 0 A ' (111491 Edmond O'Brien. Pamllla Brllton When • man real· "" lhal he hat beef> given • dOM ol lrme-r .... sed POOSon lie HIS out 10 tocale hll It.otter before hrs ttleandt t:OO 8 (1) MOVIE • * * .. Bia.ring Sllddlell' j 1974) Cle•VO<I llltle. 0- WNOet A t>leck rallroell worllar 11 epj)Olnted -..itt end INmt up wllh en e•· gun flghl.,. to •• .,,. Rock Atdge. a town plnpotnled for cteatrvcuon by • bual- ,_. _!yCOOf'I· CAI G Qf GIMMI A IMAI( ~anOPI K11nleky dfl- the wftole femlly c;ruy *'""' lie c-for • Wlllt 8 INTl"TAINMINT THllWllEK A report on alcOflollam In Hollywood; lnt«Vlewa wt1h JOfln Gllllgud. Serlh Pur· cell. A"'llony NewieV end .JoNI Hiiierman •O LCWl90AT A mlndrellder tot.. pro• MCI• tor Mur9 NCIPl- Wltfl • Mndeomt 1918", • com.,atlthr9 lfl9ftd of I~ Captain'• .. .,..,, 100 -" freftll ""' ..... Md lft ..., ooupee c..... MtorOc for.Me Q (1) MOVll • * • .. .._. ,__ .. I tN ) .lclM~ .... ...,_, f .hti A yo..11\Q ,., ... .,.,. •l•Pf•lller Qullrtal OV9f fl'9 1 (l<.•1• ot 11\.,, l ttlllw t111v• fJl) fltVlfl AY OyutQ Oar A rn1111 • j ... l M t"K.Wl•o) .,,.UMtttl4P'•' ••n rt ffl,)tt IMll tUt ft1• h tlU' bW' • htlh rw ''"""'"'"' h.una In ,,_,,,,, #htNI tW µl•y• If ~ '"'"'. t#() ""°"'• 1>"111'"9 ll1 lt1ll tlltn '''•rt '''" m WOVlf * a I al 'lvy I tllt61 l•flyll" 01ll•r JaO I L•0-1• ut(J f 'Wli hu1111••~ ,,..,.,, rom11~111 tn hnd l'onCA de t .,on • lou111111n o r roum H l MOVIE ••• '"""" 11\lllJ U1uf u 0 .,111 M •u<J A<llimt All '"""'""° 101100 "'htl 1t•<hH•µ• irt ta.,11or1 '"oo .. mid µr ut.ott<h HJ t.UYttr ~ tJof1 y wttl• hr\ hruUdwUlll It S MOVIE '** A11h1H 119tll Outlle~ MfJOH! I 111 Min• ru:tlh W thlu t•'• farn1fy u111m11JI• Ill fl)"tl him onlo u prtt-u" 1u~oea marr1ag•. a <1,urthtm tiedoni1t.c pley. bO)' f&ll!i lfl IOv& With a poot wo•k•nu g1r1 PG II 30 0 IJfl LOVE. SIDNEY 0 HANNAH AND THE DOG GHOST 10·00 0 J9 THE DEVLIN CO..NECTION Elriltn 01111 Noc~ lond a t.Urp.se 1fl th~ trunk of 9,, un-tt <.at 0 NEWS, U 10 FANTASY ISL.ANO A young woman dreams of 11onr;or1g like Guogur R<>o- ers uo<J a bo11u10 managet tttmk~ he ~ tonatt1 tound a c.hamp1on -; 0 MO\llE * * * Nevaoa Smoth' ( 1966) Steve McOueen Kart Mataen 1nspireo by Harolll Ro1>b1ns' 11ov11I. T hol Cai pet bagoe• s A ypulfg man H IS oul 10 avenge lhe O•ulat murdet• 01 bis purents ll)'iJOLID GOLD fD llAOlllE • • • • l he l hirll M an f 1949) Joseph Collen Orson Welle~ (Ii) MOVIE • * . Tile S1u<1ent Pnnctt 1 195~) At>n Blytl> Edmuno Pu111orn C MOVIE ** lheG1ea1lra•n Rob bery t 1979) Soan Con· 1101y Oonala Suthertanll Two e-pert turn-ol-41\e· c;enluty con arlolts a11emp1 10 pull otl 1ho !>ftem•ngty 1mposs•ble robbery ot a tock .. 11 H ie •Doa•d a IHI. moving tocomot••e PG 0 WEST COAST COMllC 10·30 EI) COLLEGE FOOTBALL HIGHLIGHTS Notre Dame F1glll1ng 111~h ..,,, f.Jruqofi t;ur.tri ~ , f a~fH'l OMOlllE * * Nognr School t 198 t f Leonartl Manri ~ache! Ward An an11>ropo1ogy pro te-sso1 w•th a peoc1'arH for C:O·ellS IS Su5pP<:te<l Of 1"11 bru1at murders ol som~ of "'s to•ITlil• btld partne•• R 1 10:45 IJ IATUROAY SPOATS PAGE z CINalA8COM 11:00 II 0 a m a fi ,._ I ~llEOE FOOTBALL Ca • •o • nrn •s UC1.A f :tP"'O •"'a' 11er t W MOVIE e e e Re<I AIO•t I t 977t W1ll1am Devane V 1ch .. I Bf.:moon Whet" a ma5tf'• c omPu'"' dl'lf!Cts a rad•• non lfla~ 11 seals o" a •H.o1Cle•' power ptan~ trap o•r\Q 1• technM:•Af\!t 1nstdft 0 ROCK ON Tl/ S BIZARRE Jo<in Byne• shows you lh1ngs •trang8' than lruth large• lhari l•le anll zanoer lhan a"ytll•ng you ve ever seen 2 MO\llE • • ·., "P,.vate l essona'' ( 19801 Sytvoa KnSleJ How· ard Hesseman 11:30 II THE ROCKFORD FlUI 0 .1'\ SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE Hosl Howard H8Sl4!,,..n Guests Men Al Wo<tr, Andy Kaufman m•me 8'11 lfWfn 8 AllCNEWS IT NEWS iJ MOlllE • • • "Blfdman 0 1 Atca- l•a.t · j 11162) Burt Lancet- ler Kart Malden I M011tE * *" 'Fttghl From Ashl· ya.. f t964) Yul Brynner, A;cfterd WtdmlTlr ro; MOlllE * ••• "The LHI P•ctutW s..O..· ( 111111 Timothy eo.1- 1om1. Jett B11dgM '1) MOlllE * ,.., "Bowery Al Midnight" 119421 Bela LUOOSI Tom Neal 0 MOlltE 'Tlle '"lO" Goris S MOV1E • 'Beyond Ev~' I 1lllOI Lynd• Day Georoe. Jolln Saxon A young bride le ttlfrorlred by evil for- lu1k1ng on a lroolcat mell· s1on ~· t1:46U MOW • • • .. North to Atasil•" t 1980) John Wayne, St- art Granoer u :aa c· MOVte * * * ·~ "The Eleph .. Man" I 1180) John ~· AntllOl'y Hoe>klnt. 12:00 Tl f'1'0M T'Hl IDITOWI 0(8'( gwov. • * * "Th,._ .. ( 1177)..,,.. to TllOmU. CflertM ~ dtn A dally coupte try to rec:eplur• lhelr ln!I~ amid I lie CO! ruptlon 1 0f M anll111111n , \ lallyPHat ClASSlfllD S uturd11v . OctubtH 23. t082 tooking for a career in sales? See today 's Jl elp Wanted ads , classification 7100 . ..,,.,.,, V•l•1•i1t'4 ..........•..•........ A,.11alat1 U•l•r•i•IH •..•.....•............ ~!~!!!~~!. ... !!.'! f!!!~.!!!!! ...... !.~~1 E B11ytro111 l 1111111 Isle t .. 111u J 01 J IJ,. l f'lwll P•.,, J stor)' t•ltha-u• 1tu hl-u"'-' .,, qu• ... t t umµlti.t. 2Br 11111< SI 1100 m o '•"U" pool 11""'"" \111 87!> J061 11119 ~671! 1.14 '.t 'tJ8 I bill M141l YILU CllHVA Spuc 1ovs E Side Apt• frtl l gur tJUllO, Ushwh1 1' ~rn11u M11:.I Ulll ltu.. Nu lWI\ A,.,;'j··:· '" ~,.,r:··:· '" 1 A,.,,.,.,. '!. .. '!!!,.'~!.'!!! •. ~!.1.qf [~ ..... ~ .. ,!.!t!~!!!.!.~qf ! 9!!!~~.~!~!~! .... !.~~r.!~!1.!!.f!! .... 1~~~, f!!!.~., ... ~,~ ••. .!.~~ .... ~.~!~.!........... . .. ~.!!~.!........... . .. ~~!!!~!!~!!... ....• IHUlll iOTtl t•ll(l VfllV l)utnl II resp I YltW OPFIOt FHIOllMll r OllNl> .I w .... ~ Wu.tall C I 1JI Jllf # Ii II I • Jiff W~ly tt•11lulH ,,ow tWttll """1"h: 10 ,..,, ,""' .~I tCI f >"u.u .. 01111t rn~ fltt• '~''•t!')t llELPLllE (.,,11tt1u•'' Wht1mot" IU .!!.! ••• !!!........... ·; ··1'·· Jl40 • .'!'!r.!! •• !f! •••••••.• $10'1 & \lfl (,11101 .'v "'" I • 11111 ll.1 1 ClJ lll tlwy liVhlflJH~llolj N .. w lit l1h1ti111s v.1110 ..... n I ~ .... ,1 I 1111 \UO/mo 1111l11c.tu1v ••••~~!••••••••••••••• flJAlCllJA l'fNIN , lltk lu P11u11"" 111 1o t1m l 'i /4 111111 11w1 '"'~' ''"'"" 111 11111 1 1111111.,, AlllJ•IJ • 6., , 11 t,)1 tlltll 404 41111!> 111011111•' '14H!l'>/4 u1 tWAflNfll YillA )111 '> llllt .'hU I I.tu ylly N1•1111j111tllll11cJ C:M ~t.1.11.1lwl•tlllt1Jtrl Nwpl HIOll .,1111 U1tlro,..11111~11I, 1 ilJ l 1 nurHI Liii O•HH(lfl "lrt 411'1 44'1 I I Ill\ l.OllCIL.1 lt,Pf Owl 1,,; ~·!~l·l;tl~i:s $ '17 0 mu h4h /"4~ 1111•,1 \l'JO $:100 11111 '"'" f 141114!. I tO<I /ll•llJ•fH ft•ll IJ' <I . l.ul Vi<.ICJt ,., tlt• '"'''"' & !-.11111 II~··· J I I ,, IJ 11 lJ I $ tl 0 0 E A c H A R E A 111'> 01141 • Ill • o,,,, I SOJS 1111111•1• (,M 1141> 18':10 htl .I 1111 l.OflllO w lllllulw, ~I J '>10 OOJtJ S'l')\)111111 ~ A1 hu r.1111C1v B f 11111 1<1111n111 .. 111 10 1111 wl EXICUTIYE SIHTEI •••••••••••••••••••••• I 1111110 '.>mull lllo11U uuo & ""' "'"'' ii •flll Avw1 S44'> 2 HA 2 a .. 110111 11v11rlkt. hugti p11r• Av1111 ~.tn ... C'Ur h~tl '" E St\lu •••• SATILEll l)'11VUl ~ll'( High lrVutll i' ' S 8 .•:. '" '' S4'1~ J t:lf4 J 1:1.1 "OOI N ov 151 "V pu t; 11v11 $84/Wk I <,M S??'i mo + ., u11t full M•rv1c:11 K""'" yrn11 ll1rt1•1• 01. l11c. .,.,, o;>•1 ~.,.,., u1111g tJ l l J'•I/ " ,,m k • c;11 11 J .,11 ,.1 ~·,o <Juµ 631789~ ov .. 1r1<•J<I tow II 11111lu~ '> 1 11 • po\iQ "id~ OK Nv l>ffh 71>0 0 Hlll. 2 t3l !>51i :io4o llttl11yur ulul M111d·Pt1ul ~11111111 "'"'<l'' high '''" 1'111 '" '111111 "' 1 ~1 '110 r 1111111) Wnl c;,.11111111 She N1 S t f'lill•t I hilt 111 64b 0666 '160 7484 Nwpl BlviJ 1' Wtl~on N111•1J 10111111nalu 10 ~hr ~11011111~ w11~11,11f1 t11eo vi 1~" '•111~11 t'J49 • vru11 o ,..,, 1 yl 11ttl (IOltJ l ll<(lct '2 l:!r I', 011 hph; larue su11dti<:k wl w"t"' 111ew ull 111lurb•!lht•ll Y""'') S8501mo 1>1 lu!fl & $Jll0 s .. r ~ 11.i1 :.on:., 110 IJUI tlU Qllltl!Jt< A11a1f now• 325' / <.1ut1d Can al l'rly S4951rnn 'I l>t:l I bu porlly lu111 67~ 5708 01 979·4770 u•I :'33 'an 1 p.-1,011 s:i 10 2 BR '1 ., ... 1son:. S54:i I 1 an •IMtirlg at S4J!> !JOlll '""'"~ S•H u11t y ';;UNNY 211, Vlt ttJ 111 Jbr ib11 Ulibl1111a w l l.v•'•' M1·~11 :>48 97!1'> ftivc•ly '1131 3Bo C lfM N11w111111 Hu.tell 881 Do I flo.!Jt '"'"~' .~HICM J .,111, """'V"~ ll:.11·863 1 $4 7~ ""' 7 14 d46 9b40 l>ll11Ch Uhl l)tl no f.lt!h ~11r10111.k O(;UUll VIOW """'" rtt:W (.pf & Pdllll "' v .. r 1)1 !.>It• 14 11·11 3651 111 B11.1ku1 lld nulJllOi. '~~w/~1~,~l\~:.~s '"c !;..~o """ 536 :>2 16 ~/J' L.,!is no A o t "E~ .. ~:::·~ ~n~~~·~~~r:~::: ;,:~4;;:4~'1!!.t1•.~~J~ ~il'.~Y~,.~ 0~';'1" 11~r1~~·,·,:.~· ~~·~~= ;,:u~:~1AS $$$":~, ~~·: ' .• ~.~,r~~10~1::.~:: wv':['~~a~~1~:: 2J23 Etd.,n Ave CM 642 7605 , rn .. ,n pool 1uLuZ1t. gas it' 01 2 Bu t111y o<.tHUt 54r. o44o ' "., ti ·~ 1 1 t 1 RE l ue:u,s lOt< UJJ Nr1 ' • " -Wat nu• Atlt ;•b1 /Ibo 11111. yar. " .tty olltl .ornriu ur •IVlll• C1ecJ11 <-11uck No Ptln & GI .. "" '" .. 0 "lew 1 Bi 1 Bo ur11t wllrplc SPACIOUS 2 Bd. I Bo, & carport Avail I I I 811.1m ce1hngs setv liar yrly S6501mt) 111cl ul1I Wood cab no pel:. lbr11Vallce67J·4062 $4 75 2256 M aµlu ii w.iltH Sldi<l N.i pets ow. IJkyc.J 1911 1111,,111 111 111uw <..011Clo, p11111, I" 'lHAAr J ud t>on111 M u•.i 111111.. 1 :• n1 '.\ MJIJJralu 1140 l6lf! J9J H.111111 1u 11 C M cf~I S!JO!J 842-2697 , t.U /lt s .. c.u11ty •Hug IEED A PUCE! V111c.J .. S215 I •, v t1ts c:.rtu_ .. ,, avmt11l1h• dlld us" ""r Uu,.rnbOn 4 Assc.c Loe I b1 epr S!>501ino Wasne1 1nry1>r No IJt'IS Avo11 Nov 20 675-9378 LUXURY VOW LG Vdy S850ofTIO· 304 '1 01.l mon.i Ou1PI 1 81 675 1466 ,., Bt•droo m> Cleek . newly c.upeteel $600 mo Re a Io 11 11 m 1 c s 675·6700 .. , ... •. !.~'!!'!!!'!~ .... .!!.~?! 2 bdrm 2 ba rH1w11r :Jpl• 1 yrfy Mature nnn·~mkts, no pets $650 X 3 2131799-4 195 ?57 .9792 or 17 1~1 673-3986 $425 ullf pd I Br Dpli, 4 17 ( Bay Ave _ B..itboa No pets 547-1155 Bachelor yrfy rental S340 mo 20 1 E Balboa Bl 675·9562 646-IJ 19 546 7 J56 or 673·8803 .' Bi t Ra 2248 Ce11yor1 D• uµ,,tau s no pets S.c>0 1mo S1e11a Mgmt 64 ,_ 1324 S!l.1!> Oupl0•/$560 House SJ25 Bch•Oµn 10·6pm JJ3 E ? ISi SI 7Bor30 64!J·8 1031645-6589 2 Br I '. Ba No pets, S4!.i01rno !01 2 PtJrsons 7~5 w 18th S t 646 9507 LUIUllY COHOS 645 44 11 I S8 75 Cal! D e nny Aeast111Jbl6 r1t1es 1<11-1 641-86;tY ol c.ontc1er11.., room 673·7'Jl1 10wN 11 o lJ5 E _-;St .VALK I 0 BEAC.lf Ba-64!J·20 16 01 54tl·583J cttt1nt1lleb p11onu:>. rncJtll n .. .,,,10 11111.,11011 JBr Mv· 17 141 !J'>!> ;-580 Ct11tt•/S'1&IHS I •BJ fr pit. INI pa ho, ~113°!0'11 '>~O~~ .,~ 1;~1111;· '*'}Ar 11• Bo, 111 Ho.ay. no ~uivic~A~cf~~~~'~' ,:;0 ~,. l o II u,, o B 1. 11 Ow11111 ol 2nd and 3rd I 0 9•11 "1111 4uitll immoc Sl1'1no 536-7979 • 1>t·I~ ma1ur11 otJllS prel VI"~ -'S200 fc.Jtt1> s~oo wl tltlS1. DELUXE SUITE "'NO 4 Rocky Po1n1•11111t· S550 mu 979-16:>8 ' " 1 $ !, 2 5 6 3 1 -3 8 8 8 o 1 I CL 1967 NtJw!lorl 81\ld j no pets 497-1630 W f t If.I ""fl 10 sell at .i d1scou111 oNALI\ I 0 BE"ACtt I 81 645 6t!"2 CM 645·!11'17 lftr FIR 11111 l f11h pro1>e'1y ts 1n le.re ntJ,hic 1 111 •et119 chlllrt 11 1 • l 0a1 1sru C.C111a9e 1rp11. 20 12 Sq r 1 """ dMJiit ti111e1 S4 10 s~ mgr ul ~ 1 0 v" 'e ' '9., ;i OR 2 l>a 1111111~ 10 beach V•tallta l1at1/s 4250 I p.111c1 ''"" av.lit Nov s 1 ·501\q 11 (l4;i 4644 c;fObu•e and c:outu Ile 1Q220 Wull.ice S:J7'>1rno 536-711'9 p Oul 1ac sut.u111y •••••••••••••••••••••• J,111 1'11•1 ma1u111p1 of 1 M r 9 •, ~~~:~.:~"~':~s:~:e•~,~~= 1 00 s41 5 Newly ttldu<. ? btl 1.or1do. lip! 11001 nr I S70Cltmo Cull Scott RO· FOR RENT' I> rs n S:J50 m t.I 111 Brookhurst & Atlarns !ltll) 641-5100. dityS 6~3:~'11a 11 EXf(.. 1)111~1.,1 ·,p.J!.1% 714 b7'>-1785 D W AC Qlh & walt1r $525 545 21> t I 63 1 I<! 13 e~e) • HB $ 1 l"i S;i;.i', 11111 ~•·<. •4 I 000 16% '.l vtJa1 ~ 3rd IJd p..ilio t r pr I POOi I 2 bedroom 7 bafll) & :e f ,,m IU srir lllJI• I ()f~ trorn I 'Y /(ielf .. II , .. V·DI uv.011 ' I) s I , d I {j It t (.a 11 partyim CallallllAM a.1t.lll'IOr '"belt 1181111 •EAllNOAINOSP. s1011esmTwtnP11aks111 btJdCh NB SJOOt mo 89169'JI 714 17Rl;/I/ C a !ta G' u" ad a c•nt~ pa1111. yard, $400 Lg 2 l>drni, 3 bo, 10 • L.iku Arr ow11.incJ a111a li73 1443 & 64 1.<):;>47 979 191 I int i u11ls 536-83 1:! hortu) 2 Cllt Q!H Ftre· H"s lluilt·1i1) /I. tut:platt. L<itJll!!t Only• Pvt l MO. FREE llEIT b 1d l U I 111d.1 Isle $~5 1 & 2 BR $390 S420 Ru•ll.•flO• ptacu WID $1001mo F11:>t la•I & d eposit re· Nt:l liom" uvaif now 000 ill 13•, •. Clue June p 6JI 1105 qu11 eel C dll t 7 141 64,,~9,,1 c C1101c.e Hurbur Blvd 10<. 1983 wtll 01scouot 10 001-4,tod roe. no pets H•ta._111 Jl,.Z " •• .. bl t 1 42J W Bay 5489516 -'I 768 -0i86 or 1714 ) ,...Qu eiu <9 amp e redltlC 20"·• y111ld Call J Br 2 Bil 1nctud111g ;t 2 BU I 0d sml y•CI S4!>0 car 9au1ge w i opener l lioll.,rl wood 1>urn1og hplc. most 63 t 1266 AQI ut.rs paid v•ew o l . •••••••••••••••••••••• 3 Br 2 Ba Sleps 10 667 0657 weekday evtt •t<m rmmtc 25 35 10 5h• P•~Q Ctci-.e 10 405 Fwy Su;v., 675-3285 "1UGE I br. L11• Condo. IJertch $850/mo n1tigs allm 6 r> m I! 110 3 hr 2 bol apt wl 2 rTtolu~. i/706 ~lurbor Blvd C M M11l l "''"d all amorn11es. PROPEAlY HOUSE onswer please keAP , rusrin s,160 + , 1 urns I 549-1198 w>,dys 8 30·4 llUL ESTATE LOllS SbOO nto 96?·49 14 642-3850 642-10 10 trying' I 836,6669 731_8078 1~1 ~nels Jrds 4tns ltviat 3144•{'/aterlronl 4 Br 2 Ba For rent uver Ctir.shnas & 'Prol F rmmte 10 share I lie SO FT. I .I Cllflllllill SIH•dm'> & warer1.1115 12 bd 2 uu Condo f'ufl ~ , 0 111 s 8 o o c a I 1 .ime111111·s ""cur11y g<:itt> 662·1309 W<1 i. IO S <.: 111,llil $ 6 0 0 Ill I) D •l y l> •IBAOUPLEX• 64 0 ?l 'i 4 ev e s 5405 1ncld1l9 ullls n 6t. 7!>?-60 19 A Ptacenl•J no pets 645-9494 I B• rrn11ers S2471mo µh1~ 1<1\•C111r S t~O setu - •••••••••••••••••••••• 1 ups1,.111s d uplc•. comple· New Year s 3 t>r 4 ba & I a .. n Bay C:onoo. pool, 1200 s•t S9001m11 new Thrift I L1111 Ass'11 Nd b r o9 3 Br 2 '' B 8 rely •edecoraled bll-111s. 1011 Vic:io 11a11 home 111 , 1ac 11111111s trplc etc 1 paint & ca1pf'111111 J28 FOUNl AtN VALLEY twnhs.. PltllO y.uu. 2 ca• I d1l>hwasher lrpto gar Aspell Coll)rado 0111ty $ 2 ll i; + !I e c E "es N o N c w " o' I IJ 1 v d 964·911 1 yJr S875 752 5102 S 1;>oo1 m 0 11 v tJ :11 1 y maid servic.e X!nt IOt. 6:J t-8758 720· 11)65 675 4186 ! D s $6300 S t0.250 & f!l.~~~.!1•1.t.t .. !.~~!,· w·TEllFllOIT LIDO ~;,~; ~,~;~~~~w~~~;o PARK NEWPOA I ;tbr Litle lru Fur11. S17 IJOO All 14 eOue 4 D I • L,. 1.. • 2Dd tor empt f no11sm~r O!fi<.c 6 50 :>Q 11 ov•'• 2 I v•'> PP 644-6 69 3 bd 2 ba Dvp11,. frpl Nice flu•el uustLws 2 BA 'T!rt• 0 g ar gooo toe j :> Ila apt S550 rn ost 675·49 n l>kr ultfs incl 622 Harn111on SI 548-0477 • •IY No dogs 1'.13 E 1Grr1 Sr S Dac e 4 2 I 642·9193 11• 11 £ uwfM, •I 1 Ly 3B•. 2Ba. ytly $1500 ho5 bahy grand piano All ame111l1ci. 1111.I tennis r1iy111 liit. S500 mo 10 mo Nr beactt. pa1to S700 mo 673•8886 $4501ntgtlr Please call. • 3101"10 7''0.0988 A / 760·2567 494·6306 760· 1340 01 760-9466 ~ ' 1 o• 1'1' s~2 77'JO ,. .... ,.s nnountt•t•I• S•lit level l•la 11001 s1>· ~ g"m $57' New B•g t1a• cal.Jin wt.' r •e 1 o S ··G L Loil • f.oua' SJ85 mo Br uool ;> lldrm t oa Cape Coa moi mo Agf 760·8617 w n ' ~ " n-m rs 642-7471 wkely evs t>I OC) nr o c a11rio1t •••••••••••••••••••••• < II IJI Ill [/' '-y I ~ h I fl I ,1 C 0 AABllt T "' Ntow11 u • 5 1lur t:'> 6'; I '•!141 1>1 '>49 ·1411 tr c1C y OSI lllilrtytt l>CJIJl<1tl M cu• llget Woodt.11dge Irv Ht'Wdltl ")44.3°'14 I •11v 110 M air Germ11r Sheµtl t yr Olk Li1t; F l...Jhto t.111 f,rey & wn11• mdl e till •,4;: 60 "~ !>48 t949 • ouno blat~ /white l<f T ! F N "' Nuwvo n Snor!ls L1 1 65~J ~r 549·3421 t1acr (Jur111 M .. te o111h1te i:.tie- Dherel m" lfJmate bf~ & mown Ooh1e tony ear~. Ava11a111e now Female l;!lk & brwn Dubie m1• 1Jt>pp1e 10 weeks otd Mute wht Aust ralian S1tep m1~ & m ale Tan & blk S11epherd mix New- port Bf:ach Shelter. 125 Mesa Or C M 644·3656 0~1 Bf;u.lo. Cat w•lh while nO!>(l M Vic hvt 19-201h REWARD 642-8201 OUNO Parakeet MesB/ Irv CM IOI 16 ldenli!y 10 cla•rn 646-t850 all 4PM , 1 81 Secu111y Condo B : 25-)5 to ~hr 2 111 E1G M ,. OE l IJ.I(( Corne• Otric.e P111oa1/1/ p ' ., k Cl ate o s k b r o o gs c ., w 'wo tur.n "' prc;fe~i.oonal • Pe•son only 325 J l 71h charmer 111 10111111 nr • 831 9766 492 2951 S.,7' 979 85 13 AJ11JOUll"'"'a"'el1 5100 Pl 646 5137 I 1AM-7PM be.1ct1 ycJ It Pt $750° ::;ONDO 3 bel ;> l>a. spit I PALM DESERT cc Nl'W Rtnt•I• W1nt1' 43Z5 ' ;iomo • • •••••• :.~ .............. _051 Germ Shep Hirn 7"0 """'7 494 6306 level quiet 3 car gar "'B ••• •••••• •••• • •••••• • • I • • t I ,.,.50 Nt'wly Pdlltll'd 1 Br I ea I " c;x, • pool *750 553·0255 < ' 111ew home spa =n g11s hm1tn marurll Ull8tU 11tllJ • 'l'I NEW CHURCH lllack & Ton 4 yrs. Ha~ .. Make eser at ons kl ••• • •••• ••••••• ••••••• t b crpts d13Pt<S carport INO ENO preter adults 2 , v ' w resp emvl NB wa111~ S1ort'tron1 P•oµ,.r ly al Jc1~ Ch•rsltan fi;flowsh1p lroub e reat,""'9 Vtt o! f!!!!'. ... ~!L"!!! •• }.~~! E >1de, ne,11 17th St 2 Lg 2 br 2 ba Ve•y nice 2 Bt.l•m apt $4 751mo car po r 1 s n o pet s S300 sec Joyce Walli $675/mo 559-926!1 Re Ma> 63' 1266 Coast Hwy & MotArthur tE ~1oe 2Br I 1111 ups1a11s Tile Shores rn beaut1tvll Fi .. sh pa1ot Nr st.his. no Corona Clel Mar t>as 1 & 2 pt•ls $450.tmo 631·6155 245l eo. rm 1 Bd duplf'• bel 1 1>t1 ocean view • 2 Br 1 Ba oceantront wt end SSO!nt 586·8119 bath /Mud10 .lPI or Share Harbor & A03m!. CM Tf',1ct11ng The Rttema E4 1 714" 'v / C. M '""'• Ca•J)IJIS drape~ No 0" I •• ' s 6 7 5 (I g n I . lrg cJeck_ $I 100/mo yrf~ s JOO reas ttmtal 645 2700 G ff & r·1~ 5 prJken L1v1ng Wor~ 5 8·379 Pel!. S550•mo ISi losl 494 rs 16 I JICOIS llULn .,,,,.,, lo •• ,, 4 . . ,oOCI lrll IC lhHklng '.. u bdrm apts lor •enr Call 2 Bi 1•, bu 323 E 18th Helen G•bson 644·26 I I I St No pets Ga1 5650 3 bd 2 oa s,m terr Jee I S1err a Mgm1 64 t 1324 walk lo bch SBOO •mo ? BClrm l "tld ltplc Cl/w da, 645·2216 540-2334 1 uvl t.Htl1o 9o•a9e no e11es Pl.'IS S!J?O mo 634 Ha· & SZl' p •••••••••••••••••••••• "rol wom<1n w. 5m1 0.,1 640 6754 nl God 10 30 Sunday I PtUOH/J SJSO Rl.'al E~1.1~:~~~·16 .J6;V•rl Super \lut110 w bOllUS Im PROPEllTY ••IMIT FEELING CRAMPED? wishes 10 renl t•ou~t' ~ OFFICE sp•c1 hunl1rt91<J11 BCJC.tt Inn •••••••••••••••••••••• yd. fnd•v lac•• $400 mo I 175-1173 Xt•a la•gt> 1 Br steµs to dllel ur ~pl by Nov 15 o• • PC.11 & Beac.h BlvO "!':~ ~?;, •1~~~~~~1 ~~~~ Av,l111mmed 494 g:-,34 ;J<J<.tietor lg elect. mint· ~;~n ;g'.l~~•;o •PC •m . ~~ 1 Call 675-549<' 11et ~o~~::~~."~:;:~~1r1~1~6 ~~1 1141 t;.>26 ~1~~~01 MYJg~~·: !.love pallo 645· 1693 0CPi111Vtl'W 2B• dph, very ocp,111 v11iw $3 ?5 rno I I Ii a11d t536 sq It Fo1 w ESCORTSiOANCERS 2 bdrm 1 bJ sutioecl>. 1TI1llon 543·5478 POOi adlls prer Cl No 1 !;!ORM IN DUPLEX ulll pets 430 Senward SSiS, 1nc1uoea $350 I thwn11n9 great bctt tlC· 760 1962 or 760 0508 Shr lg 11" hme w 'prc,r 'oil-eel lu1n1i.ht-d ,;pl or hSo: turlllP• Clela11~ Call M r r•" ,,.,,.d nP.w ta1.es for 1 lo11th Free ll1•t cr>o;s $150 mo 494 7553 Pfirson $285 151 tasr , .n "'" qi>nt-1al are;i for A1110111 12131 6r,1-1?87 rno(ll.'ling 11 ~~ting c;a OUTCALL 24 HA!> , 8 01 494 3483 P11v .ii Spac 2 shy 2 bd Clep 966-8479 m._ 01 Jun Locdl refs , .,,., ~ M r ""Y nge iil-0207 ' ' 1"""11~ type C'.Ondo 2', ba w t lrpl N1<w ca-Sto• ef1 ont P1 ope1 ly at rac.e lfollywoc.CI Mgm1 CIOSO 10 eve•yllling I OCE·• VIEW mf'I c a pe1111g n Fa Silt IU • time \Ill, I no" JVdlf WritP Mr & Mrs Hart.Jo• & AOdmS c M 12 1·•1 /92·82 t? $600 mo Agl 645-9850 • r I • s ~ al $300 ISi RE Tn•»•I 15<'4 Wood ~ 10 m111utesso ot L.19una st11on Island, llO pets 1 1:i:1 •d:r, ~~~s 640·4999 ' '""" u1 Rotl•ester. Gootl 1ralf1c. & por~1ng mo 640· 12(18 call 96<' 7940 1er super shar p lor I (ASTSIDF·Lg 2Br garage person S1011e & rel11g + CJrport & yd s1ove1 no smoking or pets relr oy S 5 50 mo $500 640·7834 63 1·0754 OCEANSIDE OF HWY 2 BR 2 Ba ovatl appro• Smafl hu1 co1y bac:helor Nov 1 no pets S485 $350tmo Lse A111111 Nov 760· 1418 or 548·8675 1 675-6061 evstwknels STtPS Tl IOHI 13 bo gar trp1 pat•o Large 3 Br 3 Ba many Newport He•ghts area amen111es SI 175. Call $650 10 S775 559-5001 Anthony day1o 642·5757.' evff & wlcnds 631-6830 llSTUT II S•l7S mo 2 BR t• oba C11t• lll•U JIZ4 lnelry r m , c erpon. ell •••••••••••••••••••••• t>Hns cpts. dr ps -TSL Management 642-1603 9'e8ti8"U •EASTStDE 2B-; 1ba APAllTMEiTS-11.1os,sm1 pe1s 01>.. ss15 Beaut1lulfy tal'ClscapeO 1 <1111 pd 63 1 -43~0 agr garden ap1s Poof & Spa 2 B• 1 Ba crpts d1apes Patios1oecks No pets S400 m o N o pets Bacrieror S410 540-4484 2 Bdrm 2 Ba1t> S590 2250 Vanguard tEASTSIOE 2 B1 garden 540·9626 or 642·4905 apt Large deck gar Bachelo•s I Bdrm $450 160 21S1 548·0 165 •••••••••••••••••••••• se1,.l11deel scemc blull 91ull~ A•ea trg 2 tlel 2 Ila Aoum w ll.11 p11v S250 Coa•tttil/ OCEAI VIEW l•ke new 2 Bi 1111 den upPf>r L.tn•I wllrpl Quiel I Si & last. ultls incl Nwpr r 1•m.1h• 25-JO must ltnd a1 ld1·nfl1y C11s1s e.per <.Q11Sullan1 Wo••sr1ops & IH•v avail Vanes sa (;45 6443 Du• P1ial JIZI on Dana Point ~ most S795 645-6218 I M111n<>~o1a 5590' 640 6754 Atra large p1111a1e p.illo I • Pr iv Loe •·o Pets Sch 642-6811 room •n Newport Heogh1S ltJll•ls 4415 From Dana Point·s most S 2 ° "' I t>y Nov l Respons1t>te •••••••••••••••••••••• 1im---------1 5.,ctuded scemc: !>lull 9a•a9e 7 Si mo Calf $775 645-6218 Fern lo sh• 2 bd 2 ba. q u,., 1 0 0 r' s m • r 1?50 sq ti •eta1lt o lf1ce F W • ht C t I l1~e new' Only• utltls 2 66 1·6441 01 M· F 9-5 Pi omontory Pl $3 70 63 1-3823 " space E 1 71t1 St 1n ree ••I •• rt B< w oen Xtra 110 pflvate 643·02 IO Dflve by lo (~~;'~ 3 Br near oceart plus v11ts1dep 675-3889 Cos1a Mesa great v1s1· •11triti111al St•i••r paflo F1om $725/mo see al 24 583 Santa t:.1•'1.11/orlt•t4JSO btl•tv & parking Opltonal bus1neas pre-Cafl 661·6441 or M ·r . Clare Agenl 645·3683 MtF stir beaut Back Bay, .... ••••••••••••••••• 645-3477 sen1a11on oppo•lvn11y 9-S. 643·0212 Oti"'9 by L-.,. ••• -.. ,.,, ... 1 JIS• 3 Br 2 B-• ~c••n view condo Poot sac tenn•t ,SINGLE GARAGE Near 1011ow1ng seminar For to s.,e 24 3 ant a I Br t1 • • • • •• • • • •••••. •• ••• duple• mo year · B e 8 c ti S 6 5 1 m 0 ' reserva 1 • 58 S C ,., .. ~ s 11001 1300 645·5123 I M31n beach In Laguna RENT OR LEASE Newl" 1 on 673 7357 On Gott Course West ly 2 br, 2 Illa,', blk from bell remoc:leled flome with •---------• ? Br dPn 2 bll lrplc n-· NB Crose 10 Superior 494-3044 large 101 Comm I i on1ng -· ' 1 Nine Condo 2 BR 2ba, 2 ·alao· Wit I f•••' S30I crpr irg v,.w decks, im· car gar wl opnr Washf 2 Br 2 Ba S 1eps to Avail Nov 1 $310 Miiie Guage-dwnlwn s10<11ge, ae11 10 Newporl Blvd ~··••••••••••••••••••• med occupancy Agent dryer Lower un11 wl I beach $600/mo yearly 642·0994 $55 mo El Pa110 Cl 130 642-133•· 851-9889 ~;6~6~~4mo Agent pallo red!!CO•aleel ~0-9719 F shr new heach condo. Broadway CM all tPM COITIMEU -S72Sl mo 7141770· 1950 3 Br 2 Ba oce1111 view micro frplc, gar $265 ~60 S!o•age only off E 200 sq fl lo 2600 SQ It 2Br garage near oceen .,-t I &. Jf~•j duple• $1100/mo year· I sl la st e1ep frat " 17th St 325 J 17th Pl 50c. per SQ It & up Call ocean view balcolly ,.,,, .. , t•t• •~ ' " " $450 213,402.265 7 ••••~••••••••••••••••• ly 5•9-3421 631-6543 1 6•6-5137 11AM-7PM R eafonomic:s Corp mo NO FEE' Apt & Condo ·al!>o-675·6700 See al 24682 Apt '4 rentals V1fle Relltals 2 B• 2 Ba Steps lo ROOMMATE WANTED I Cordob.J Dr 675·49 12 Broker beach S600tmo yearly • Mls,tratght non-smkr 01/itl l1ata/ 4400 lie 10. FT. I .I ::>CEAN v u 2 BA 2ba 640·9719 I S250 + '' ut11s Dys!•••••••••••••••••••••• I 1200 sl!. S900/mo new I FOUND ADS ARE FREE Call: IU·llll Clupre 1 n 1>w cp t s EASTBLUFF mc.e 2 Br I 642 -5446 all 6PM •DELllE OFFICES* I pa1n1 & ca1peting 328 orap,.5 S62!1 mo abso-642-5620 I I MO FREE RENT N o NPwport B lvd lulely nn pets 661-1078 I ~l~~~a~ ~.~~I ~"o ~1~1 Shr 2 hd erpens1;1s FIM . 1 room 10 2800 sq II I !20-l665 1 __________ _ eves wknds COUNTRY CLUB LIVING S670tmo 644-4767 S275 Call leave mes· From Sl 16 ii sq It Ad1 IJ1,•ll1i•I Lost Black lab Se11er 2 B• 2 Ba carport 5530 IN NEWPORT BEACH sage 960· 7 8 7 4 Avail 14,,portPr Inn & F1wys J J ,.500 tlPntalel Lost 111 Grattam A 10 181 env1ronmenl V1fla Balboa Condo lu•ury now Cafl AM 833-3223 let• " and He•I HB At1sweis 10 the Upper Bay Private bldg POolltac $600l mo on beacll NB Frplc 25 10 4000 SQ 11 1s1 floor slr1a1 -Otf1ce 18101 Re-Some toss ol M 11 Oue 10 If it's got wheels you'll move it faster ina Daily Pilot cla$Sified ad. cau 642-5678 and a friendly ad·visorwm help you turn your wheels into cash. For Ad Action Call a Daiy Pilot AD· VISOR 642-5678 131 E 18th 161 E 18th S4 101 '* 2Br 2Ba Near SC $480 Plaza S A Lu•ury Con- 646-6816 e10 wi pool S595 No 64~-0856 ' pets 833·897' Eves No5~~?;5c17 730·7165 apartment community on 1 Br Walk 10 !>each sec F 22·30 st>r J br 2 ba apt 1617 Westcllll NB 256 l i75i):•;·;~60 °1;·~~d:~ Daphne Very .genlfe Clubhouse Brtel llealth JAL ProperlteS 645•5459 pallo gara"e $265 I Si A"''"' 541-5032 CIOndO Ctr Cl I> p & T JllPIQ) 846·2146 H · 8 " " Wanl Ad Help? uallaftOe spa tenms courls, 7 S•e Cltatall 3116 last & s e c Br ion Hurtt1119lo n Bet1ch C 6 25678 642_5678 ,ti"') JlfO pools ctose to busu•ess. •••••••••••••••••••••• 673_ 15 19 A1rpo11 areQ Exec Su1· 1 842_78:i4 Want Ads a11 4 - Spattous 2 Br 1 Ba $425 Duple• 3 Br I '' Ba $475 Laundrv Jae . pool 548·9556 12·7PM •Mesa Verde 2 Br 1 Sa Newly reelet $495 No pels 833·8974 Eves •••••• :............... airport Fasl'1on ISiand 3 br 2 ba. palto gas & re~ Fiom 225·450 SQ ti A , s1oi1 Aa -u.,.,, """ Oelu•e poolside xtra large Convenient shops on water S600tmo + clea-Sn• 2B• 2ba lvin apt S 1 Pt'• SQ IT Many was 1 1 Narehou~e space High .!'!.!!!'.~'.If!!~!....... • •• ~!!~••••••••••••••• 2br 2 bo bftl'IS, Clswttr. s11e Un!urnisheel bache ! ning & dep 531·356!> Ocean v11•w tots or Call "57-70 10 doo• access 4000 feel SAY TIMBERS Spacious 1 Br lrplc & more 6•6-9883 •2 Br t B a w est-side tocat1on S500tmo $250 poof e1epo s11 Call Belh 631-5"30 all 4PM i ·,m11esbeach No 11411' !ors, t&2bdrmap1s ane1 evs amen 111es $4 50 400-900PLUS t400sq " avmf 642-5535 Ka1en .lame~ I,, Zimm«~rrnan $500/mo 536·8362 townhouses. 1 6, pvt deck Old world 675•3605 PenthOuse Saylron1 Sui-13200 ~Q II wilt> AIC of· Townhouse 2 er 1•, Ba . 3 Br small yard garage frplc. pool. spa atlached S5251mo garage No pets Avail 548·5707 now $6251mo 63 1-498• 559.5539 -------1 BR nu pain! sptsl elrps 2 BA 1 SA old house. no d•w no pe1s S3751mo pets. child OK All uhl po ; 2265 Miner St 85 t-2175 415 Ham1flon. S575 I _6"._l·0753 __ '* •MESP, VERDE•* lllTllT II! Lelry r'T! d/w f' ga• Easts•de S625-S650/mo 2br 2ba $550/mo 2 Br 1•, Ba Townhouse I 3br 2ba S7001mo an tluifl-inJ ,ndry lnf -.540...5446 - carpor1. yarell batconv·1 WALUCE WHH - smafl pet OK 759 w 19th TSL Mgml 642-1603 Minutes from the t>eacn Ftreplace. poof Cl•Sh · LUXURY I BR 1 BA washer pv1 p11110 X LO Marble Pullman top Garden 1 & 2 Br on El Oticorator drapes s 1 de S 4 6 0 S 5 6 0 Plush w/w carpets 557·2841 Walk 1n Ctosers WOllUIE Spac 1 & 2 br. tovety pines & streams. sec gates entry by phone. lge rec area met gym pool & soa 8•6-659 1 2 Bdrm apt Avail 1mmt .. dlillety S500 l'rptc. d'w. garage No pets water paid 545-2000 Agent. no Jee Avarl now 1 Br 1 Ba upsta11s apt Clswshr pov.illi' pal1Q, !tingle ga· I rage No pets. water pard S4 5 0 1 mo 545-2000 Age11t no lee MAllllHS Will Lrg 2 BR lownhovse a Pis_ encl gar. lrplC Near Hunt Hrbr from S5•5 Children 01< 840-6807 Pr1va1e na11os 1111. 2111. 1111. Gourmet K•lchen Lge 1 br. pallo, pool. gar • N d G sec gate OW $475 ewfy ecor es pd, Carport wlslorage 892_6745 v encl gar, d111rshr, pool, Spa, ouldoor bbq e 1 Bea 1 1-1-2-s -2 Ba S440/mo 548-4630 C11t• #•H 31Z4 bbq no pets 642·5073 1 Laundry UIU r _ •••••••••••••••••••••• townt>ouse trp1c patio ' tndry rm , good loc S5801mo TSL Mgmt 642·6221 642-16031 USTllH 2 Br 1 Ba pool side ap1, Kennebunkport? Isn't that the horse that won The Triple Crown ln '72? l ndry rm. bll·1ns No ,.. pets C all l or 11ppt. ..-_fD '/'f.._, $435-$450_ II you're not sure who (or wh•O TSL Mgmt 642-1603 Kennebunkport was. don·1 tee! bad -you·re ,1111.IH ---.,--.-,--t• not atone. Kennebunlcpor1 ls one of 14 -dl11tnct1vety d ifferent apartment lloorplans at like nu. lge 1 br •Pl•. Seawind VIiiane In Hunlln~ton Beach. frplc:, OW. gar . $475/up _,, P•llo ()( bal549·2447 Seewlnd VIMage II a reau t ol IOlal!y S560 · StOOO chaim. spectacular IEWNllT IUCll te pa1 ~1ng patios I fices Rane101pr1 Sr C M Certified Publlc Account•nt Several ba.:helors and I ocean view w alk 10 llllSE 673-1003 Sprtnl\ted w l comm Bdrm units leature ttne beach s425 Contact 1 -I trontage 546-1653 designer lurn11ure and C I 3Br 3ba lrplc sleps to occessones Move 1n to· Mgr at apt 332 Encino bch M slr blllh w/Roman •SllTE lllLS* FOii LEASE Clay or reser11e tor l111ure Ln 111c tub Skylight eTc Pvl 0 C A11por1 area Prot 13000 sq II AID or hie use Sma111v lurn1shed 101 l1tntast1c ocn view_•, ent 1.mlmtd prk·g, pool ellvironmenl lull service menulacturlllg tac11tl y mOdets open dally l>lk 10 bch fg suo Cleek. ll'lln1s. n1smlc1 S•75tmo o• no fr1fls fnd1v1du111 ol-Co s1J Mesa toca11on all appl $•25 mo u111 63 1· 7168 B•ll fices or des' space 150 Large fenced 101 H1gti1y On Jamboree Ad al incl d I Si mo & $425 Ammale to '"' NB apt. 1 sq II -3500 SQ fl 1 MO 1muro vee1 wo1 k eree San Joaqu11l Hills Rd Clep req 492-5369 blk h> beach sns mo FREE 759·6978 Long te•m leose possible ••• 1100 I 6 with good te1ms Contact ~· S••t• Ao• JllO 73-5533 Steve Slarmer or Rich , B1oc11 to beach 2Br _ ?0~d··;·~·a~·~·1c·s;~· \4ature rerrabte lleat em-IHI SPACE Oii HOdges br•ghl & airy S670 mo Pool Nr So Cst Ptza ployed lady to share 2Br AUrac;11ve rus1tc up11a11s A1llwlll-l1rt1, lb se111n9 We supply desk yrly 968·8263 SSOO 213.860•9513 apt completely furnished (ll,.)7••·0100 OOlllFllOIT IHa1 4000 3 bdr 2 ba gar great ••• •••••• ••••• •••••• •• • loc wr111er Ullll llAGll , ltTll ... Ba~helor . great 1oc I W~ly rentals $95 up yeo ly Color TV. tree collee. TSL •1•t H2· 11H heated poof & s1eps to Steps To rh; Bea;h 2Br ocean Klrc~·s eva11 2 Bii 3 tel"fnlS r.ourts • 985 N COASt Hw-t , 1n l>eeuhlul Pa~a.-~w· space. copier You sup· ,. ua poll Many social acttv1-ply phone & 595 pr mo Storage yard lellCed nr ties inc:I Cell Sally morn Pl desk Cafl 644-7211 Harbo1 end Baker 50 x 0< all SPM 6-40-.5690 •2500 ~ II 1nduslrual un11 150 IL S225 mo Large1 with 325 SQ II o l oll1ce + area also avail =em 1mme1e 10 share 3 bdrm 2 ba Ocean front home $325, '• utlf 151 & l3s1 lo move 1n 6'46 -3610 ~ rrpmle lo sh1 spec 3 br 2'• b a C M condo S2751mo 545·4356 5000 SQ 11 asphall cove-549·8181 1ed & !enceel yard •2400 SQ 11 1ndus1rrat vn11 wllh 900 SQ fl of upg1ae1ee1 olhce ~!!!!f! •....•.•.• !.~~¥ Full range ol persona1t1ed professional serv1c86 IOr small bustnesses & inCllVldu ;'lls • INCOMC TAX PLANNING C. PllCPARATION • SYST£MS D£SIGN C. INSTALLATION • 8()()f(KHPIMG & f'"ANCIAL MPOfHING frl0-702b • Free '"'"'' Con1111tatlon noo Perk Newpoft Newp«t lleect'I GA'ZEK'••. ---'"'-'-r---11 ti,, fl .,.,,, ___ ...-__ _ .·' t ).ta \'<I T' •4 '\I 1•1.1•111 -.,,.Kt 1 o' l1} ': J' ,. .. ..... ',.t C..,, t ' I~ 1, t.. '4r. • •• t f ••• )• I • ,,_ I t ' I' .I I ~· I 1tl ' .. . , . across !ho stree1 very Laguna B!ach 494-5294 clean New Carper $750 $90 & up with k itchen, mo Vrly 1en1 Cell Kate weekly Oceanfront Mo- 675-0 t 24 Mon-Fro Jo rel 675-8740 t rmmte 10 shr r v hnme 10 min 10 t>each $200 + UltlS 968-0297 •2400 SQ fl 10Cluslrtel ull1t with 1500 sq It ol upgraded 01!1ce Have sub-tP.ase tenanl lor 900 Storage Space 12 .: 18' 36 door S701mo plus $70 s ec depostl I 67 J .4 154 Newport Beach "' ' ,. ,. . V o SQ fl 01 olhce space 11 lllistfll••H•I desired . liatils flSO 673-3596 Sat-Sun l<it prrv. Chrtallall Home, Nd F to stir 4BO hs w/ t• l\I II; /0 'l ., c .... cu ,t" .. .. 2 Br 2 Ba from $525 No pets Across from New- POrt Bea<:h GoH Course_ 545-4855 M stralghl. Lllg Bch tame 1n CM $229+''• ulil '275 ulll 499-2286 631-4459 ell 6 30 pm Room tor 1en1 nr OCC S2001mo Male p1el Call M t F resp 2 Br 2 8 • all 5pm 545-6024 twnhse, Irv Pool. lnd1y •Mottva ted o wner IS i•••••••••••••••••••••• ready 10 make a deal Calf 714·751-4760 P11n· FOR RENTI :.' ,; ::!J c1pafs onty 1 ""., 11 . ,, ..... .. ... • .. .. .. . Large 4 Bdrm, closed 1n pallo Steps to beach tmm11c Avail oow $1200/mo yrly 673·2507 wtmll IEITALI 3 & 4 Br Close 10 waler. 111rn & unfurn. relll0<'9· bfe. all emernHes B1oke1 675·411 12 Fem non-smkt, rm wlhH pr1v C M S225 unlurn , furn $260. 645·5'4!>9 -.ewport area For relll very large room . lull blllh. separste & p11vate 11nlr11nce. terr11lc loc Noll smoker $350/mo $325 & • 1 ulll 552·3586 eves Fem 25-35 10 lh-;Jii 2 Ba twnhse S C Plan a r ea S 27S Ap rtl 5'46-4596 :osta Mesa 1 0< 2 room 2 bedroom, 2 baths & 2 ~ ... o /I I f t I ".t.661_ 1iu1tes From S 7 Simo stories In Twin Pe111\t In I Ullls 1ncld 779 W 19th Lake Arrowhead aree St 851·81128 Has bulll·lns & llreplaoe IR•-tL fl1st 1as1 & aepo111 re· _.,.,. quired Cal! (7 14 ) llWNlf lllllll 7 68 ·0286 o r 1714 ) With use ol reception, 667·0657 weekdey eve- conl room, k11ch. pnone nlngs atle< 6 P m ti no secret11r1 111 & word pro-answer please keep w1-,co r.1<,.~ :: • ·•' JOMl1 : I . . ' ":_" l.1 • ,. .. " • Yt .., .... ... •I• . ... .... perlOl'lallzed professional planning. The kind $<465 2 Bdrm. rel11g, P•-ol attention you deMfve, A perfect blend of 1---------1 631·4060 St/M share Dana Po1n1 2 Br 2 Bl S285/mo 111 & test •, urns 4113·0987 Top refs. 9 yr1 tHCht!'lg a•p. Wiit 1uto1 elemen· tary ch!ld In e•ch41noe tor reduced rent C a ll 21315<45·3828 ceasing Ma~ & messaoe trylngl !lefV avlllt separAlely If ••ll•fU/l•ttlf/ 110. no pets. •dulls pref. nature and llvlng -nestled In a foreal with 724·A Jama. 873-7787 babbllng brooks and quiet ponds, cooled by E/Stci. c M cute b~ natural ocean brMt ... Add lo that ltnnls apt. $400/mo + $300 courll. 1wlmmlng pool,. a ~P• and a MCuritv No pe11 Joyce conveni.nt location near shapplng and wauze. 83t-12ee agt. employment and you've got a place anyone STUNNING f8tge 1 &;a;' would proudly Clltl home. lE11en gatt den apt 710 w 181h Kennebunkportl) One and two bedroom one s and two bath apartmerit1 from 1 5•0 ......_ 5Vi nd VILLA MEOERA. 2 Br 21>8, ~·,•:.e·g~~:1~'!. c:r,~~e;~ f11age~u~1r 011 V1llt1"" pd S!l25Jmo & 1300 ,,. dep 2324 Eldtn. Mgr Apt 1, S48-4141 ~ 181h1Pofnona."'Tir: 15555 Huntington VIiiage Lane Huntlngtor 1 Ba downatalrt. d/1. EIMch, CA (714) 893·51118 CllfPOr1, weter pd. 1 chltd From the Sen Oleoo.freewey drive nofth oil,"° pelt t400 A91nl, S.9Ch 10 Mcf!edden. th«\ Mtt ~ no '" ee2-cn11 McFadden to S.awtnd we.a. -furfllll'llng• available • ~ dally 10 AM ' dutk. TllAlltllUn 5mafl attractive Sludlo nr Very prlvlta 2 bd ai>I• bch lor emp!y'd fem AY&IUIU llW Non-1ml.r Prvt lutct1e· Large floor Plana. oar-nelle. prvt entrv $325 dens landscaped, pool, rncr utlts. phone. poot. 1ac:uzz1 Great Loc•llon, TV tennis 4113·3490 Chrl11tan male shr w/ c lose 10 everything! =em rmte wanted 10 lhr 1 am a S 155 ·S20 0 Some 1ownho11H1 and lge Huntlnglon Sch hm 11111e1t C M . Roger apar1men1S 111r11h den Student t)fpe pref 63 1·5510 avail No Pels Pre11e I $200/mo. utrf pd M·F 2 bdrm. 2 b• bech ped Fiom 1700·$740 752·5531 Hk tor Mery newly deco raled, ell IAl•ll qlUI Jo 9 10 4 1m1n111u , utlt tnol'd APUTlllTI Bedroom/bath with 1111• 13&0, Prel mature pron 1244 lrvlne Ave, t>et_, Chen laundry. pool prt-"4·6325. 984·0514 We1tc11n & M1rlner Or vlleget $250 In E11t· MfF 1mma1e, non emkr, 1714! 8'46-0252 bluff 759·11302 ---:p4.30 yn. lh8'e 2 bdrm ---Room wtlh kltch pllv Nr 1 be 1pt Cnron1 dtl 1 blk 10 Bell Low.1 2 bd, Bui ltne a shopping Mar, 2 bike lrom Dell, I den. 2 b1, yrly. bltlna, center ff2•7520 1v1 11 tmmeo 1300, '' r9frtg 1760 t15·U 3t _ -utll -- -Fu1n room w tbeth prlllt· 875·7927 Nwpl Hgt I 2 br. 2 be. '9919 nr So Coal! P1ar1 ------ 1paclou1. Avtlt now Fem · ptefefred SH/wll, Sllop at l'IOfM lt'I Mey U~~0_,.!45~ j 65fl·1731 _ _j .::::.~~.:-z142·M7f desired Cafl Judy. f.i'••••• 7141760·0100 • -... • ••• •• • • • • • • • •• • • • • • •• r---------. "ull serv olllee S3001up l•li•HI I 8 U R R C B Branch olltee $80/mo a. t 'fir 1111 P'lj,...,.l .... f ...,..I _.,,.l__,l.--..---1 Ans serv • S50fmo ••• ~r.!.~~!;'••i'e•••• .. _.,_.,._.,._.__.__, Newp0t1 Seech 752•8408 Soul fl County Arc1d1. 4001.B Btrch StNe 440 Locstloll end m1ctitnea I C A Y T K sq It s 1 00 pet •q 11 or toe 11t1on only Cati ..,,,....1 ... -1..--1.--1.--i J A-nt 54 1·5032 T 0 m 0 I s I m 0 n e ... _ __, __ ... __ ... _ _._..__, I ,,--586·28115 I •••••e ...... OVING our OF SWE I A H £ I I( I ! 01111 t l tn101 10 •nolhl• R1d11111. Coar• Men C!othtng Conatgnmen1 J I I I' ? fh•t l•nr 110 • 101 or 9111 Sublet 1778 \q It at 711c Shop CdM. 11 &.000 . • _ _ _ • Sl'IO u 11•0 ttow" 111 1rrnu•"t1 RecePI . wo1k room, 975.35119 11uc• and •••'"' Cf!•• ot • l lOr• 875..J!!~& -Buulw Shop-Balboa I R U Y I l [ 1 ·-· .. ·· -' -G r._i.o..,.. '"°"'"' ..-Wll1-HI l1land. dyllamllt po1en. ' j j I 1 I Oelu•e olllce or 1101t 1111! Clllt AOI 840·"333 .. _ _......_ ... _..__......_ ... _, -:;.:::,i.;. :!, -;:"1;;:: space 14210/llOO 1q " U\Andrem•1 fOf aale ,,,. • 1'91NI N•~O '""" r• r r r r r r I 1430411200 tC1" leech cludo Flull & Fold. 111 n:m ~'° _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . =s=-1.=: J ~ .:.~ • ~ :•:::;;,::k .. e:.,~i=,~,,.= .. ~"~ .. ::::5:::;1:;0~1~1~~, ::::;,~,~==, :::::,~,. or KO:Ot4~:_:. Cl111i~~ 8'41·M7t -·· Lft1~11 ~ll!M!lldll -- f t - ('I Orange Cout DAIL V PILOT 181turd11, Ootobef 23, 1982 TRt: t·"~llL'' <'lllC'l 'M by Bil Keane "I wos tired of getting kicked." ~..\ll'IADl'KE by Brad Anderson BIG Gt:OllGt: by Virgil Partch (VIP) ~' r1 .. fl i ... ~ • • ,. DE,,IS THE '9E,A(·t; Hank Ketchum I '" I l ' Pt.:1'Nl'TN Tl' '9 B LE" EEDS ~ALLOWEEti IS COMIN6 ... L ~AVE TO SIT ~ERE o AND WAIT f:'OR TME. • ''GREAT PUMPKIN 11 I a r;.. --r ( . <•I I ------- ~IS MON°™ ~e COVE?n:P ~LACK· FeA1l-leR GOl:?S 'TO 11-H~ 1~1~e·s ~K18~1f\! ll-IA1" ~1<9 SIR o·~e 6R~tfURR Al\lt7 WHIR'S11R: WHAf PMMrn~ '(OUR l-lf~ OF L.O/~ ANt' Pf t'ICA110N 10 ANIMAl-51.Al'? ASSIMILOU5 ~-f I NAME 'tt?LJ. INPIAN OF 1M~ MOf\t'TH ! SHOt: by Cha rles M Schulz I CAN SEE w~v ... SOME800Y'5 ALREAPV KNOCKEP OOWN ALL YOUR PINS' by Tom K Ryan by Jeff MacNelly by Ernie Bushm1ller "All right! Back to your own space station!'' v :5 1 GORDO by Gus Arriola Gi\Rt'IELD TELL ME, OARFJELD. Al'E YOO 'fHAEATENEO ev TME FAC.i THlltT I AM MOCM VOONG£ AHIJ CUTER n.tAN YOO AF\E ACAOSS • 1 Monellery VIP e ''Wtllt • rtlllfl" 10W..,n ... FtUlt 15 Lune tound 11 """ •Cit· IMttoft 17~Fr 11'1Mfllllrlet 20~town 21~ 220llnt•.- 2:lStnMI••• 2SNllllllll 27 Not Mgdll'IO 57P,...,.,.. nlcllnemt 58 Bofld eo Urc1Nn 63Vertlty~ lelel 85 5'1d!en M~ 81 L"9nt 119tcll 88 01\1te "o.her 70 HNI MdlnQ ,, .... DOWN I Cflufctl •• 2 L.,,,.. 3 Mllilt"°91' 30 '"""" 4 f'Ull r1'lng 3 t Wl9 ,...., 24 Cltdl pert ... J9Mtry -== ·::-r,=. ~=--~ 1....W"' a....,-, UC•1e "'°'rt • ..,.., 1 Vtl9erl flall ••o 53 TM .. ~. • ... .., 21 Cltlt.,.. Sot Af*': .,....,,_ ·~· ,,..... . ... • ""' .... 10 o ... ..-""" 55 Ylollill •1 !IMty 11 """'*"' wld 31 Top.4'... Ullalll -.. ,.... .. ,, ... c.... ,.~ &tl..,tlft• 10 .. _ -dll" • 37 "9Nlrl t1 '1allflOP NPWltllk 13 ... _... atYllll UHnyflrl ,.... ,. ..... ., AdDr9I .. '°""' ..... ,,......., ....... ~ ......... ' 'Bur LETS JUST i<EEP 1HIS BETWEEN You NJ'ME. ooy~ • PUT IT ON HOLD FOR AN HOUR, M,AMIE. by Harold Le Ooux AND THEN I WANT YOU~ ADVICE. LE6ALLY ' HOW 00 I 60 At30\JT MA..,.IN6 A De.AL WITH THE OISTf'IC'T ATTOANEY7 by Jim Davis ' tT~IK ,. "l'Kt:RBEA' COA~ , NOW iHAi' 40llR 1E.AM HA5 FINAU..4 (J.X)N 115 FIR5T GAME I~ iHE Hl5TO~ OF lHE 50iOOL I WHAi ARE l.(Ol)R PL.MJ5~ ORA BB LE ~ 'f~'f Aelt iO U~1R OU( 61.£1'l0Ul,~tl? DR.SMOCK SHe SAYS 'f..'M. "f"He FIRS1"' r:::>OC-Y-OR SHe's COMe m see Aeou'T' 'T'HIS ?.' SeNr:::> HeR AWAY.' MY 9F'eCIAl-'T'Y IS S~CONP OPINIONS.' •OU WEJ....l , MIKE I FIR5T OF AU.. I'D JU5T LIKE iO RElAX AND ENJ<)() IT A U'f 'flE , .• AND IHUJ I 'LL PROBABlO HAVE fO 5iART c.oN51DERI~ OFFERS TOOO 50ME ~ !AX)RK FOR ~E MAJOR tJEiWORKS I by Kevin Fagan ~tAA ... rt lOS1' l~ 9'1CIC~. M 'fll(~ ~Pl\R£.0 IT. OAO, fl1Rlll( lNO I lt.lAN1 fO Af'ol()(,IZt ~AIM ~Oil 'fl4E OAMAh~ 'fO rr. lt 1.E..~1' ~ ~ l(NOUI 1'~A1 ;oo lAA' 'f M~(E 4 fEANUt &U1'fE.f{-----_, lNt> JEU.'i ~COME! FOR BETTER oa •.•• •OllNt: by Lynn Johnston 80/. Yo.JR LIFE. CHANGES Am.R ONE. f!FBY a:>t-'ES f\~-BUI 1tuo IS ( SOMElHI~ · E..LSe. I r-------------------WHY 18 IT1HAT1Re ~ c. l.tk\O LOV~I~ S?GE1RE MOSl-ARE 1fE ONES WHOSE: KIDS Hf\VE R\S8ED 1RROJSHIT r-r->11 . . . ,..,J I -~ I ~-------------------------------------·--- MllC NOTICl Nil.IC NOllCf Nil.IC NO llCC fteflTIOUl llU'*'H K·VUU N01'1C'I': UI" Ot:ATll Ut' "°' n~m.~ 0'~~:~:::'.,T.~"• 111 NOTtt.:t: Of Ul':Atll Of JllNt•; l .. ftAUC:t·:H ANlt CW 1101 OLN Wl161 UUftlNl'J'I l>.\141• IMNIF.I. R. l~AOIJ AND OF ,. t: 1' I T I 0 N T 0 ,,1 ao1De"' A"A" Ai. 01 ••it:. 1• •: T 1T1 o N To AUMINl!'IT1·:1t t-:sTAn: No. hKal•d Ill 41111 , ..... ,A ......... Soolle AOMINISTt:tt t:,~TAT~ NO. A 11 ~01 1.10 "' N•WIJOJ•I U•ulh I ,,111111111 .. A·l l )i~i. r ... oll 111 II . 1 .. •111 111 I·•• I•" u.•bOO Ill nn••••v 'tJUUtlmml l1y '"• f1111ow111111J11111ont 'Ito .111 lwtth, l11·11d1111111t'I>, t11ol1!111 , .111tl 111111 1111¢1 ·111 t..011111• IAr•u•ui;111,.1111.11•111m11, 1 '""'"" ~ .1111 1 1·11 111111.c•·tll • 11 ol11111 ·, ool ,111111 I.•·• ll.1tlw 1 111!!0 !l•ll••otwv .. 11.y ••u~o ·,.,., .. 1·11'1111111" 111 1101111'1 It l .. 11111 .111t1 I·•• .. ••"· "1,., "'·'' 111 .toi :. ... 11o.,11u '-•"'"'"'" u.• tJ 1 l I 6e;.on..r u b A••• '"' 1111ol J"'''"'"I' whu !Hu\ lw 111111 '"'"' 111h·t1·~h l 111 t 11• Ot 1111q1· l,,11.ti.t l)AIL Y PIL 0 l t Sul u t4Jdy Oclo l.Jur • 3 1902 c·:a PUBl IC NO I ICC Pla.IC NOtlCC IWOfUANl NOTICL -IC-Ot .. 1' YOU .. PftOPUHY lruf NOTICI Of' 0.,AULT fOftlCLOtUftl HCAUH 'fOU M tt• le. llMUl19 A" I I I H IN 0 IN Y 0 U ft IMf'OATANT NOTICI MUC NO f IC( Cf9·'"'9 NOTICI 04' TMllTll'I IALI I II No i ti,8101FI [N Lc:u1n~ •1 PAYIHNTI, IT MAY II IOlO 1' YOU .. PftOPlftTY It IN NOftC& WITHOUT ANY COUftT ACTION. f O .. ICLOIU .. I e lCAUll YOU YOV Anf IN 0 1'!,AUl t VNDl'H A ''} O..I•*•"' t:tJ•l'•l•l.•l•Utt " 11ll11·rw1~· 11111-1 t'i.lt•tl 111 llw \\ 111 .11111 1ir •'"'tillt' 1111• 11u»11•t1•• t' •v••O"• 14'0 tiy ,, w ill 1111dtu1• l'lllnh• I\ 1"'""'•11 li.1,. I~ •'II I il•·ll Jo1111 11•1111111" I\ 111·t1llu11 hu" 1 .. .,.11 lllt•d lo\ '1'1•11'\ I .1' ll.1111<1 I 111 1111' Collu1a °'1•ttlvµ111.,11t l.v t I J I I J ' • I I By RUO.Jll A 51111,. ~V )ul\u I • .111Jll 111 ll/'' Slllll'l l••I ( 11111 I ••I 1.111.io· Vo<.orl>1"'"'"''' ~llpt•l jlll (.'11111 I of ()i1111.i1• I '1o1111I \ t 111111 '1111~ 111,tl .. no ~vu ""'Y llnv• ""' 141i111I """' "' A .. I • I H I .. 0 I N y 0 u .. DE E 0 0 I T fl us , 0 A T t D l111no~11u•Mt <J1Ulll111uuoo .. 1 .. 1utmu PAYMINTl, IT MAY •• IOlD OCIOOEll ll 1911() UNlf68 'fOU llV ll"Y"'U "" ... v<our lld" """ WITHOUT ANY cou .. T ACTION. !AKE ACllON ro PROTEC I VOUll 11uy11ldll'-11111~ 11111111111ull <U•I~ tt111t 1mCl I'"'"'''~"'"" 11111 lnif••I 11\jltl 10 PROPEIHY, If MAY llE &OLO Al A .,,,,.Hlt-4'~ wi•thlll throe r111111Uliti. ht1ft1 tu mo ilhH lat t UUlll "' uuu<I •U1tUJ1fiU PU8Lll. !.Al F If YOU NEFD AN tho .J111<· '"'" ooullt 11 ul Uuloooll wt1• h1 '"'l'"ll "" •ot 1uv1 I'~'' Our [.t(PLANA llON Of' IH[ NAT UHE llJ\.ll!ClllO I h,. i1111t1wot ,,. \4,T 00 1111y1111•11t• plu• "''""'1t11JO t ooh .no Of I Hf PROCEEDtNO AGAtNIH u• ttl 01101(1,1111111 w1ll ntt.1wl1~., ur\111 '"'"""'" '"""'' lluu nlt111ll1~ Imm YOU YOU SHOULD CONTACl A l yuw HLC..(1U111 lJu1 t)UUt" t.uuw1I (11u lht! 011lt1 lfu._ f1t1tu y u t ''"'•UHi ~tH> LAWYL H ""•Y nut tH.t\i'• to 11i•y ttlU ''"'"" "f'•H•hut 111111~.u11;u11l 1~\:'4htt00 f•u,to1111vu 10 OttoO.,, i'O unouw 6Ju~tu111 nt yt;w ••u uu111 ,.,. tit AU\J•"·' J V l\1ttl' .a11d will IV8i' ,.,,,.,. U&..tv l>fH 111 IVtJ~ •t V t~ o vu,1 ll•o uijH lult lJ••\'rtltHl f wu' ltlf '"·••·•• u11 tlf -,uu1 U\.-' uu111 AM LOS ANGflES flflE ANO dt11tHamJml bU\ '(OU fft\1!J µw; UH' lJL-t.•.110 .. t, l u1tm1t tou mu• r111t fl"Y" A BS f RAC f (;ORPO RA f tOH It ·'""'""' at••huJ ••IJt•Vt• to 11.1, ttu ••nlltt1 w1f1uul ll•Ht•un ut CalU01n111 co1po rattun te• Oul1 .11.,. ..... Util<lotl WoJ> 111 ... ..i .... tll 11'"' l 11U11 t y r1·11111·i.11 11~ 1h.11 To I I ' l.o' llndl(t•t Ii•· A e ........... l..•)ullly c ...... "' OoUll.(rl. Uw11vl ll l..udtl ·~· apj.>01tlh'1I .• """I" I• " ·" 111· 1 , .. 1111 I Big boon1s The I (>-inch ~uns of tht· l SS New Jerst•y lt•H\'t> t•louds of smoke hanl(in~ in the air off Southern Californin coast during c·ombat trinls last wt>t•k . -h was tht• 84.!cond sea trial for the 58.000-lon baul.-ship as part of its $:J2f• million on•rhuul al the Lon~ lletu·h Na,·al Shipyard. In Acapulco, the peso price is right By SOLL SUSSMAN A-lat.d PrH• Writer ACAPUL CO, Mt•Xll'I) Afll'r a IWl)·Yl·ar tourism s lump <:ausc.-d by inflated c-osts. this Pal'i1'1e coast r esor t is try ing to lure· Aml•n cans baek with a pro mise of s h a rply lowl'r pri<.-cs. Two d £•valua t1ons in till' pt.'SCJ t his y t·<lr have· l'UI prices. but hotc•l a nd restaur<int m anagC'rs <Jn• n ut predicting a s udde n rush o f foreign v1s1to rs tu the• lush resort. long a g lltw nng havl'n for tuunsts ''They're still insecure• a n d c·o nfuscd ." said J oaquin Granados. sales manage r at tht' Condl·sa d e l Mar Hotel. Hotel prices. a ltho ugh c-crtain to nse for the winter season, are n ow about one-third wha t they were before the February d evalua tion. Restaurant mea ls are a bou t half w h at they cost las t January. Eugenio lmaz Gispcrt. the s ta te touris m d e partment's director of operatio ns. acknowledged that foreign tourists had :-a opped ,eommg l:Je<:ause Acapulco pril-es s imply were loo high. Hawaii. the ~aribbea n an.d evc>n Euro pe bN·ame m o r e reasonable alternatives. lmaz said that Dccemlx·r n.>servat1o n s a l h o tels with internatio n a l reservation system s w c·rc· up significantly. Betty a nd Doyle Brown of San J ose. Calif. m town briefly to catl·h a c ruise sh ip bound for th e Panama Canal. said they w e r e delighted to find p rices muc h lower than o n t h e ir trip laSl year to Mexico's Yu<:atan peninsula This time they paid $25 Cor a large room a t La Palapa h o t e l , which would h ave cost $95 last January. N o nn Armstro n g o f H ousto n . a freque nt visitor to M exim. !'aid h e> was finding the post -dcvaluatwn prices "fantastic." Economic rules a nd r egulations haw pou rt'<i forth almost daily a s the governme nt struggles to solve the country's economic c n sis. a nd the Pf'SO has varied in value . It fell as low a s 150 to the do llar for a brief period in August. giving t o urists with dollars unexpectedl y r OC'k -b ottom prices. before t he governmt'nt set the value at 70. fll TIE RICORD JAFFAR1AN EDWARD JAFFARIAN, resident o f Newport Beach. Ca. Passed away on October 20. 1982. Ht! is s u rv1vl'<I by his wife Ruby. daughter L o is Irene Jartaria n o f N e wport Beac:h . Ca • son ------------.. Edward M y ron Jaffa rian of An•ad1~1. Ca .. sisters Viola. <.:nuotly lk t 1·1 llJll.I ftttlM ·'" 111•rsw111 I rt•p11•M•t1t1JllV1• le• 11Jill'"111.oll\o 111 .ul111t111ltli'I' ... ubll•h•1l l)iu11u11 t..u •• ~. D .. 11y .11l 1111t1f'll•r lhl' ••i.11111· o f 1111 ' ...... "' .11111.· ...... 111101, 0<;1 :•J JO Noh o ll 11111) I l11ru1ld J L uJ d (utuh•r th1• U ,, ti 1: • 1 t 11 11 ti • 1 I h • ___________ 4_6_11_6_.11_7 l111l1·µ.·nd1·111 A1litt111L~tn1111111 111111•1" 11do 111 1\tl111111hl1 .1111111 Ptlll.IC NOTICE flCTITIOUI .U ... H NAMI ITATIMCNT The lollow1ng peoson 11 doing bustneo as WESTERN EVERCLEAR, 780 H1m11ton _.39 Coat• Men . CA 92627 J ell•rson M1che111 Davis. 7110 H•m111 on a38, Colla MeH . CA 92827 ""' OUSlnHt II conduCltld by an 111dlv1dual J•fl111wn M Davos This s1a1&men1 wu hied w•lh the Counly Ci..ri.. 01 Otange COYnlv on Ocl 15 1982 . f1M70I Puollshed Ooange Coo11 Dally Polol Oct lfi 23 30. Nov 6, 1982 4548·82 Pl&.IC NOTICE FICTITIOUS SUSINlSS NAME S TATEMENT t n,l to1tow1n9 put sun •S thh1lQ tivs•ness as • BETTY LOU INIER10RS 1800 E Coas1 Hu;il•..,jv C...Q•W•u <hlt Mno c~11•01n•a 9262rJ B e 1 1 y L o 1• t.. '"" 1 o 1 ,. ) 8 Wn11ewate1 °''"" Corona dul M.11 Cahtornoa 9262'> I htS buson1iss 1> tondu' ti'd lJv "" t1•d1Ytc.1UiJI Belly l ou C1innolt1~ lho~ Stat""'"'" wJS lilt.'ll w•llt Ille Coun1y Clerk OI Oral'ge Cou111y on QctOIMtt Z I 198/ f200230 Pubhshed O•dnge Coa~I Dtllly Polol Oct 23 30 "lov & 1.l 1982 4681)·8< MLIC NOTICE flCTtTIOUS aUllNlSS NAME STATEMENT T n,. lollOwono person is 001119 busonti•S as CODE THREE ENIERPRISES 226 t t Jeronomo no Lak" roresl CA 92630 Oav1<1 Forre~t Scc.11 22611 Je•on•mo Ao ld'e fo1t1sl CA 92630 This busine's •::> coneluc1e<.1 by an 1nd•'il•dual Davod F Sco11 This statemenr wib filed with 1he County Clerk 01 01<1nge County on Otl 14 1982 F1""'4 PubiosheCl 01,mge coast Da1lv Ptlot Oct 16 :>3 30 Nov 6 1982 4520·82 Pl&.IC NOTICE flCTITIOUS euSINES& NA• STATEMENT The 1011ow1no pe<sons ••e doing t>usoneas u DTl DEVELOPMENT CO 12 Ro1)911ng Stteem trvme. CA 927 t5 D•nny T Lteo, 12 R1pp1tng Sir-. ,,.,,.,., CA 11171! Bell• H lleo. 12 R1pp11 ng SlrNm, lr.11ne. CA 112715 Tn1s business•• conducteo by en ondtvtdull Danny T Loeo . Th11 alatemenl wu 111ec:1 w1111 the Coun1y Ctetk ol Ooange Coun1y on Oct IS. 19112 F1Mn7 Publ•slled Orange Cont Daily Pllol Oct t6 23 30. Nov 6 t9112 4~1·112 Pt&.IC NOTICE FICTITIOUS 9USINESS NAME aTATIMEN'f The 1011ow1ng person 15 Oo•nQ business as UNIVERSAL SERVICE AIDE I 433 Supefl0t Ave 303 Bl<IQ 1 Newport BeKn Ca 92663 S1ephen L S lushe• 143 3 Supe11or Ave 303 B•dg Newport Beacn Ca 92603 Tt1rs business os conducted IJy an 1ndMdua1 Ste¢>fln L Slusnt>r ThoS s1a1emen1 was toled w•lh the County Cter> ot Ordnqe Counl) on Oclober t 1982 Published Ora nge Pilot ()c;I 2 9 16 23 F111TOI Coas1 Dooly 1982 43•6-112 Pl&.IC NOTICE 111 io~'lluh'i. A t·t) Tiii' 1"'11111111 ••I 1·:1>1.111·, i\1 I I Ttw 1w1111 .. 11 IN St•t lur ht•;Jrrng Ill ()1·pl ,, "'' .... 111 .111111t Ill I >q1I N u ;J a• 71111 C.:1v 11· t'1·111t•1' N11 I ,,1 i llll t '1v 1t l '1 1111•1 0 11vt· Wt•:.l. Sa111.1 /\11.1 , llrl\• \\'1,1· 111 lh• l 'tl\ .. 1 L'altfon11u 11:.!70:! 1111 1 ll•111IM·t :"'.1111.1 1\11,1 . l '.1111111111.1 1111 'J.7. 1!111:! at !I ;111 .. no. N11\1·1111 .... , 1·.-. 1!111:! ,,1 !• .111 W YOU UAJEt vi 111 lit•• ·' "' tir11ntu1g o r tht• pt•t1llo n . Y•JU 11' \'IJU IJUJ 1-:l'T 111 11,,. should l'llhl·r appt·ar ut 111<· •1.1111111..: 111 I h• 111·11111111. v•1u h1•ar111g unli slull· ytiur ,1, .. 111d 1•1ll11•t :OIJI''""' ;ti llt1· Oh jt•t'llOllS 111' r11t• WI tlll'll ht'ool llli.: ,1 11ol 1>l:O ll• yt1UI t11lj1•t't to11s w1lh lht• l'l•u r l OllJI I (11111, Ill ltl•· ~ 1 lll1·n b1·lort• lht• h1·,1ri11g Y our ool1J• • 111111" \\ tllt lht· • 11u1 I .1pp1.•an1nt••· nlay ~x· 111111·rMJ11 la ·l1111 th• lw.1 1111~ \'11u1 ,,.,. uy y11u1· alt.u·m·y ·•l•I""'' :0111'1' 111.1v ,,,. Ill "''' ""' I F \' 0 LI A H 1-: I\ "" lov v11111 .11111111l'\' l'HEIJITOH ur ii nm1111..:1·111 I ~· Y <I U A II E I\ •ri-tliltir ur 1h1· J,,..,.,1.-..-tl, you t 'llEI >ITI >I< 111 ·' , 11111111g1·11l lllUsl rilt• your dum1 Wt th lhl• I I l'd1l111 111 I flt' tit" .t~~I, \'llU i:oun 11r JJrt'!>l'lll II tu t h•· 11111'1 111,. \11111 1 l.11111 wit h 1111· 111·1 s1111al r•·11r•·s•·r11;o1 1v1"· 1·1111r1 111 l'''''""' 11 111 1h1· appu1nt•·J lty th1· 1·11ur1 I"''"''"·" r1·p11'"'"'·''"'' Wtthtll four nlllltlhs frum 11\t• •'l•l•t1tll11·tl II\ I h1· t 11UI I cl;olt• or r1rsl ll>S ll:llll l' of W1IJ1111 111111 llH•llltl' l111tll 1111' ll'lh·rs as pruv1d1·d 1n st.·11t111 1l.o11· 111 111 "' '~"'""" ,. 111 700 ur tht· prohull· 1·11<lt• of l1·11t ·1' •" p111\'1ol.·tl 111 "''""" l'alll11r 111J Tht· t11111• lor i llll "' 1111 pr11lr.11l' 1111h • 11f hhn~ d<11ms will lllJI 1·xp1n l'.olt1111111.1 Th•• 111111 1111 11nor lo Cuur munths lr11111 ltl111g d.11111' '"" 11111 •·>-11111· 1111· dal.t· o l tht• l11•ar111~ pn111 111 111111 1111111111, 1111111 no111·1'<1 aliuvt'. 1111 ol.111 · .. r rho· '""" 111g YUU MAY t:XAMlNE 11111u1·ol ·''"''"' •ht· Cll1· kt•pt by th•·<.'tiurt If Ylll ' J\I AY EX1\J\llNE you oJrl' lllh·n·stc•d Ill lht 1111' Iii• kt"' "" 1111· l •IUI l II i•slalt". y11u may file a rt'ljut•st y1111 .11'•' 1111t•l'l'~lt·d 111 lit•• Wiiii lhl' t'OUrt lo l"l'l'l'IVl ,., ••••• '""Ill·•' l1h ;, "''1111',I s p 1·1·1al 111111t·1· of till '"'It 11u 1111111 1 .. n ·11·1\•· tnVt•nlory u( t•st.,ll· and of "jot·• 1,1 I 1111 I It 1• u f I h 1• 1111' p•.olrtum:.. a1't·11un1~ and 11n·1•1tl"t' ool ,.,.,, ... a11d 111 rt·r11ir1.:. dt•!'<.·nbl'Cl m S1 .. ·111111 ""' p1 ·1111 .. 11:-;u ·1·11u111, .111<1 l'..!00 5 u C 1h1.• Calif11rn1a rq,11"" d1· ... 11l~·d 111 S1't·t11111 Prol>;Jlt· Cncll· 1:!1111 " •d •h•· t';oltl111111.1 Law Office of Jac k De itsch 1•,,,1,,111 c1~1, 7060 Hollywood Blvd. No William S . f'tt't'h, Onr 1216 ('ii) Houlf'\'ard Wt·s t, 1900 Hollywood, C A 900211 Bank ol Amt'ri<·u Tu~er, 17141 464-6644 Oranl(t'. ('a lilornia 926611. P ublishnl Orang•• C11a"t 1711 1 9:J7.llll. Ua1ly P ilot. lA'• 16. 17. :i:! l'11lilo,.h1·d t )1.111~1 (.'11,,.,1 l!IH:.! l>.111\ l'i1•1! 01 t :!:!, .!:I :!!I MLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS IUSINESS NAME STATEMENT T1te 10110.,,ong pet5ons "'" doing ou~•,,ess es L & A AVI A TION 4 000 MacArtnu• Boole va•O Suote S!>OO Wes1 Towe r Newport Beac" Car.to• rtoa 92660 James R Gooman 3 4 Ch11t1amon EaSI hvone C11otorn•1t 92714 Pevt Vill a. tO•OI Le ceb•• Fovr11a1r> Valley, Ca1tlorn1a 927011 Lawrence C Borrell 32162 Sea hland D11ve, Laguna NogutJI Calllornoa 92"1>77 I h•s business is conducted by a general P••lnenhop James R Gorman lho' statement wlH hied wolh ltte COYnly Cte•k ol 01or-ge COYnty on Octol>e• 6 1982 GORMAN ANO SALT A ... llll A Pr .... llloftel l-Cerpotatloft 4000 Mec:Arthut lloutettetd Sult• 5500 WHI Tower Newport llNch. CA l2llO f1tto70 Publlshed On1ng" Coast D;i111 P1101 Oct 23 30 Nov 6 13 199; 46CI0·62 Pl.IJl.IC NOTICE FICTITIOUI SUltNEH NAME STATlMEN'f MLIC NOTICE SUPEfUO .. COURT OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY Of ORANGE In lh• Meller of the Adoption Pellllon of SHAWN THOMAS STANCHftELD. Adopting Parent. CaN No. AO 21751 CITATION THE PEOPLE or THl SlAIE OF CALIFORNIA To JAMES JOSEPH J AYCOX Bv otde• ot ltus couot you a1e hereby c•tttd 10 APl>elll belo•P lhe 1udQ9 P•es•dlt'lQ on 0..pwtment 6 of 1n1s coor1 on January 21 1983 •I 8 45 • m 1nen and tlle•e to snow cause ol any you have wriy tile pettloon 0 1 SHAWN THOMAS ST ANCH~IELD. 101 tne adopt1011 ol JESSE J AM ES J AY COX a nd JAMES SEAN JAYCOX yOY1 niono1 sons should nol be Q• anlecl Da1eo Octobe• 19 1982 HEITMAN I Mllll .. S Attorn•r• et le• t010 N. Main st. -7 2 5 Sanle Al\8, CA 12701 (7141134·t101 PubhsheO O••nge Coasl D.Wy P1to1 Oct 23 30 No• 6 13 t982 4687 62 Pl&.IC NOTICE Ttw name ot Ille busines s WESTMINSTER LfO located at NOTICE OF DEATll OF 4621 Teller Avenue Suite 130 1n HAROLD SPAULDER ANO Newport Beacn Cahlornoa 92660 •s O F P E T I T I 0 N T 0 nereby reg•ste•ea by 111e 1011ow•n11 ADMINISTER ESTATE NO. J>ef'i~~hns CX>velOpmenl Company A·l 154%8. 11750 Sorrento Valley Road. Suite Tu a ll ht•lrl>, bt·ne finiirll's. ?09 San Otego. Cahlornoa 92121 t·redllurs and contlngL·n t La Jolla De vel opment cr<•th lors o ( Ha ro ld SpauldC'r Company 78S5 Ivanhoe Avenue d Su•lf' 40!1 po Bo• 2388 l a Jolla an persons who may bl• Calif0tn•a 92038 olht•rw1sc mlt.'r<'Sled m lhc Thos business is conducled by n will a nd/o r ~•all' ftcTITIOUS 9UatNISI Lomlled Partneoshop A JX'Ution ha.'i bcofn rilt'CI NA.• ITATE•NT Collins Oevt!lopmenl Co "Y Dorolh y S loat L<'llman Tne tollowong person is doing By qot>efl A ·s1tne k Do h S I I business as V•ce President a a rot y oa I In I I l' c R E A T 1 v E 11 I D E o This s1a1emen1 was Ill~ wolh Lee Superio r Court of Oran~t· PRODUC TIONS 2:11 Cllbrl'IO, A Boanch. County Clmh OI Orange County requC'st1ng t hat Cos•• Mesa. Cahlorma 92627 Cooniv Oct 13· 1982 f 1tlSP Doro thy Sloul Letlm&n bt.· Greg Tnompson 23 • Cabnllo. t d I Costa Mesa Calilornoa 92627 Publ1Shed Orange Coast Da11y a P t' o I n t' all p <'rs o n a Thla business 11 conducted oy an P1101 Oct 23. 30 Nov 6. 13 1982 rprc-sentatlvt' to adm inis lt•r 1ndtv1<1ua1 __________ 4_6_e_s-_e_2 t he l's t a t c o f H a r o I d Greg Thompson Ptlll.IC NOTICE S pa u I d e r ( u n de r t h e 1'11•• 9111emen1 "'" l•te<t wotn the ------------Independent Admin istnhon COU'llY Ctetk ol O•ange Counly on ftcmious eu .... as o f Estates Al'l), The rv>tition Oclobet 22 t9112 NAME ITATEMENT r-F200S13 Publtshed Otange Coas1 Dolly Polol. Ocl 23 30, Nov 6 13 t982 4683·112 Nit.IC NOTICE Tne lollow1ng pe•son 11 doong IS sci fur h c:aring m T)(>pt bus1Mss as NQ :1 a t 700 C 1v1C' Cl·ntt·r THE PROGRAM WR11ERS Dr1v1·. Wl•St. In the C 11v hf 20>401 Borch S11t1e1. San111 Ana Santa Ana. C alifornia on ca1olorn1a 92707 Randal Wiiiard Or1scht!l 20401 Novcmtx•r 10, 1 9~2 a t 9.00 McCObi9CI MOITUAl•S Laguna &ach •94·9415 Laguna Hills 768-0933 Sarah a nd Margare t. bro· the rs Walte r , Souren and Albert, granddaught n Becky Rae Hamilton. Ser· FtemtOUs .u ... sa vices Will be held on Mo n -NA• STAT~•NT Btrch S1reet. San11 Ana. Ca1olo<n1a a.m . 92101 IF YOU OBJECT tu 1he San J uan Capis trano •95·1776 ~ L.AWM-MT. OllYI Monuary •Cemetery Crematory 1625 G1r1er Ave Costa Mesa 5-40-5554 d ay, October 25. 1982 at The lollowong petSon is doong l:OOPM at St. Andrew 's bus•:-t ~NTERPRISES. 4 BOiiver. Presbyterian Church. Ne w · Newp0<1 eeacn ca 92663 port Beach. Ca. Interment Metk Conen 4 Bolivar will be at Forest L a wn NewJ>Of• Beech. C• 92663 Hollywood. Visitatio n will Th11 business•• conducled by an b e he ld at Pacific View ondovldua~.,11 conen Tl!•S busonesa II conducted bV an granting o r the petition, you individua~andal w D•tKhel should C'ithe r appear at the Th•s s1a1emen1 wH l•ted wi1n lhe h earing and state y11ur Coonly Cler.k ol Ofange County oo obJ<•rllons or r i IP writ tc:n Octotww 21. 19111'2 obJcc:llons w11h th(· t·o14rt f200n3 Pui-1o1hed Orange Coast D111y b e fore the h c•anng. Your Pt101 ~ 23 JO. Nov 6 13. 19112 appea rance may be-m prrson 4e48·82 K>r by your a ttorney Mortuaty. Newport Beach. T"'• 11•t-1 wu toled w11h •he Ca . o n S u n d a y f r o m coun1y Clerk 01 Orange County on 2:00PM IO 8:00PM. P ac1f1c: Septembet 30. 1982 "8.tc NOTtcE f1•11 IF YOU ARE A Vie w Mortuary direc:·tors. Publlshed o ,.nge CoHt Diiiy flCTITIOUI eUatNEll RVSSELL P•io• 0c1 2 9. 1e. n . 1982 NA• ITATDllNT Allur tnnlw m,, .. 01,. 1,.,111 tt1e-, t.ltiht yuot oc.t 11 .. 111 •~vu11 tftuuu n tulf H1Jpo1ntod fru1tew undef and n l tMt Otf1Jt1011 of Hu"' '1t11 t1t1u•11I l•d1"'"'11' .,..,;, lht1u1111lhtO lml 'ftJu ~ur.su«1nl to D..O of Truitt t9'0HJ•O twtrn.fl 1H1tu ul 1tt<.~ncfo11rn1 '-•tJ11um ' l!hil\I U••y Uu• O!t1ou11t l\lalud ulHJvu Nov1u11be1 b t V80. •• 11191 No huttfWlf uulu•~ lfll" ut>IUJ1tt11m tmmo Uolu •.-. flit• o hl•OHl1u11 t_HHH\J 5'281 1n b<>Ok 1382t u~ , .. ,.6 ot h11ttt,1ua.,c1 t.Jptm J-1r fflut' \• lnnu .. , fl,tt-C;:lrJi.t'U uuo•> ,,..,.""'"' a h>HUtt' Ofhc1ai1 H.w.ordt 1n lhe ofhce of ttle l)tjt!Uol /hU huvtl Ufll/ Ut•• ltt<Jttl ''U"' vunoo yOH ..... ,.. Uhl ht(Jnl 't<I"' lo County R~OfCJet ot Oran04t County "' ''"" lh~ hH11C.lt1·~1111• t1¥ 11.1y111y •,tr1JJ U1u l11n•t 1o~uf•• wily.,., f"9YH•Q State of Calttorn1a E•ecut•O by th•~ HHluu 11rnuu1ll dunlhlHftttl hy trh• nnh•"' HHHhHtl d•1u111rutoct IJy EDWARD A GtFFEN lfld MARILYN t O•JI C.•tllltloo vt1u• ' ..... 11()1 Wtlllllt """" '""""'" R GIFFEN hu,band •nd Wtle Will ru fo\(J out "'" ltltllHllll /I'" mu•I t--1flu1 "''' t.hH~ Of,.., uHtutmu uf Bua SELL A 1 PUBLIC AUCTION '0 l•~Y t~ 10 """"\!'' "" l•lll'""'"I "' do<umr111 Whi('lo """ 111 ""'"011111 HIOttEST BIDDER FOR1CAS H .. ,<Ill "''' fu•tu.lu~o,. .. •H 1r v •111t 11'-''":m~ r1tJ•t•1.1•1 tpayabltt •I time ot •••• '" tawrut '1t<.1lJ•Ht) 1~ ui lunJllU~wu f1u i111\ h1 f1Hct c,ut ""' (llrn~w1t 'f•1u 111us.I mo1M1y ot tt'Mt United 6t••s) at Ult! 0U1t,t' •tJtuili11 c..o"tm.I Prt,h1~t.100,•I JlllY 01 trJ .01irnu11 lcJr 1>••vrn•1111 h) trorH enHa"ctt to the old Oran§iltt C..t.m"ln1u1u1y MdhhQCn1l1111 Ll(I "th•f! ·.10µ tht) tou•(lt)~\H .. Of ,, vuu1 County CourlhOU&I. locat•d on II 11 .. tl 4400 M .. t..AtllllH u ........ dllJ µ•Oil""•,, Ill lorec.lo~Ultl IOI •"'Y S an•• Ana Bt~d ' bet ween $ u 11.i J 7 0 N" w µ '" 1 IJ .. '" It <•11 ... r ren!>on conl.r<.t Sycamot11 Street and B•oadway l..1•htr11111d !1~660 let.iphOoou 11umllv• O.lth O. loyd, Atlorney In Sauta Ana Ca1tlorn1a all rtghl 111111 (7 t4j 15l 147~ fttc:I lot JemH F, "111lend, •I •I 11no 111ter11ll conveyed 10 and 11ow • ti 1uu """' ""Y Q11u>l11Jr1" vou 117 N Broedwar "0", helCl 11v 11 11nae1 Hid Deed ot J rusf 'twultl l •1••ldt l " ilirV•" '" "'" Senl• Ana. CA n 101 In the propelly •lluated l!t 5d1U UO'I•" ""'""'di "ll""tY wllll.h '°•'t (714) 54)·2117 Counly ano Slate d&SCtiO..d d~ '"•" ... 1nsu1••0 yout loan If yvu liuv~ '-'"Y <fti~stt011h 'lttU PARCEL t Reme1t1b•r. YOU MAY LOSE !>hCrnld 1 •m lu1 1 oJ ldwyu• O• 11111 An un<11vodt1d 11 105tn 1nte1e•1 lEQAL RIGHTS If' YOU DO NOT gu""''""'"'' ••Qclll,y wh•Ch 111dY foliVt' U) arlll 10 LOI 2 Ot r .. •ct No B2• • on TAICE PROMPT ACTION. UtSUtutl ll1t• l•1<11t lhe C11y or Costa Mella Counly ot NOll(.r IS 111.ilrBY Glll[N 111,11 Fturnoroollo•r IOU m l Y LOSC 01ange. S1111e ol Calolornoa a~ Pt.ti ; IJWSUoJnl tu Arhll" I)( Se<.11011 7 ot LEGAL l~llottTC., tf VOU 00 "10 1 m•P oecorde<I on Book 34t Page ?2 ltll' Dfol.llO tJl•Oll QI c.u .............. 1 Allf l>li0MP1 At.. TtON 01 M1sc;11llaneous Maps .n the Ollo<e ContJ1l1on• ""ll n .. ~111L t 1co"' NO f11..E 1:> 11CRl:OV C.IVfN ol tne County RecordtH 01 s .. oc.1 oo•curtJctl Aprol ?6 ttJ/l '"Bemo IHAt C..l(N G 130fD,. duty County 1216\J P<1Qt1!> ?O'J ~·JI 111 0 11•••·•1 ·•i11Ju.,1tud hu~ltto) 1111dc1 d Oooo ul EXCEP I lherehom Umta 107 Record> Ornnge<.c.11111v c~1o101nu1 ''"'' 1J.,11•tl Au gust L' I 11l&IJ through 211 as shown upon me: .. b1e .. t h u f 111" u o11gdtoO"" f•ctut<'<l b~ PflFR,A MADSCN" Condomonoum Plan 1ecorde<1 "' 1 oaymOn l o l ....... ,.,.. .... , ""' nld•ro••ll on.on .. ~ lru•IO• 10 ~ ..... Book 11871 Page 1913 Olltc1111 occuuec.J Nohc.t• "' ~JtO "'•·~•t..h und <.e,lo:.tlfl Obttg.111ot1~ '" 'a"o' u t Records 11111 was ltiell !or 1ec:o10 on 51518? ~> JAMES ~ HA<,l ANO FI Al ll> PARCEL 2 tns11ument tln e:>. 151\797 "' Solld flel\tll~lill~ ,,,coo 11t•tt August ?9, Uno l 148 as shOWll upon lloi' Oll•uat Rec0t06 No 1i<lynt!'1tl ol 1980 '" lnhlttomeoot .118•12 Elroo• Condomonoum Plan 11•l1111ed to 1n IJd!>I tJue amoun9' lld!> otcu"l!Cl 1 _ 7,J'2 P o !jO! 18:1!1 o l 011 1~1.il Pa1cet 1 above 11\e•ulooe 11•» Aua1>e1m ti •ll~ Rl!C O•d!> "' tlta O ll•c.e o t "'" PARCEL 3 Planneo Commuoooty A>SOC•<ll'"" R•CF•t\J•" tol Ur.inqe Cou01ty An easement lor 1ngre~s and m;e~ rtti•l!bt .. 1ec1 lo w11 01 i:ou~ .. C.a11101111u c.1~~c11b1119 1.1nd meocion 1101ess and enioyment over lhe tu Ou solCl. 1110 1011uw11111 Cle~cr1buO '" Common Area on Lot I ol Tract No ""'' 1>101J •·ol~ to '"''sty 11>1 I ut )i' "' l rJ~t )2'lJ "' t11u C11y ..ii 8241 1n Iha Coty ol Costa Mesa .. 111tgu1o01t !>a111 .. """ (.1 ... 1111 01 O•dll\11' County 0 1 Orange S tate ot Loi ;;o4 ol t ra~I Nu 8463 on lilt' C.a1otu1r10.1 1»·• M••I• m Book 10• Celllomoa as pet map recorded on G•I) ul Andl>e•m Cou11tt ol Oo,lllgll Pag••> JO .. no 'JI nt M•!oCellane•1us Booo. 34 t Page 22 of M1scellaneou• St<1l(l vi t.oJl•IQ""'' us pe1 '""IJ Map' 1t><.01aeo "' ll•t' olloce ol ,,.., Maps 1n 1ne oll1ce of me Counlf 1eco111t•1t 1n Bou> 39? Pages 28 trl Cou11tv Rttlfirller Or~noe County Recordeo o t sa id Count v. as 11 rnc1u~1..-f• u t M 1.SL Hfla11ut1u~ t.ahfo"11tt des.cpbetJ u1 the Declaration ot Ma1,_ "' 111., reto•ds ot Orn11(l.. Saotl obl1Qut•un~ 111Llud1119 a ttOlf' Covenants Cond1t1ons and t:o .. 111y ~dlolou11a tor th,. "'m ot $;>70 000 that o Aes1rii:1oons lot Brook vie"' '"" 1.,.;c.rd •estctl owners "' lhe Oto•it<.h ut uood octaull "' 1he Condominium. recorded May JO pruo••ri; mm" commo•oly k11own J~ cio11ga110111, lor w!\o~li ~uc;h Oeil<l ot 197!>. 1n Book I t417, Page 1 ol 703~ co.miry ClulJ lone Andhtllrll I oust I' >l't unly has uLttJrt'll 1n lhlll Ollocoal Rl!COtds Caillorrua 1ue Ktau~ Sctiotidl .oood p,.ymeot 11a•, 1101 t>cu11 made 01 S<> fhe s1ree1 addreu and 01ner KdlhhH•n 5cnoedl 1tv>1> .. nd a11d 4J8 00 "'"'•est plus$~ 00 <.Ol1ect1011 common destgnallon. ol any of me wote a• 101nt lenants '"" 1.1•us $;>') 00 lalu ltJ<l All FOR teal pro perly desct1bed above is Dated Seplemoo• :Ot 1982 P.A<MCNI DUE ON AUGUST 29 pu1po1ted to be 611 THAMES Anehelm Hiil• Planned 1962 111,11 ll, •t1ason lht!•eol lhe WAY. COSTA MESA. CALIFORNIA Commun1t1 Auoclallon µre~•·"I IJ,.tt•·t.coaoy u11dto• such 92626 LlndaWeatfell ().,,;dot l •u~• toas 011µ0Soted w1lh The undersigned Trustee Aul. Sect•l•tY ~aod dulv .,ppu1ntPd r1us1ee such d•sc1a1ms any 1tab1l11y to• any STAI( 0 1 CAufORNIAI D""" (II l ru~I .mo .111 documents 1nc0treclne&S ot lhe sttMI addren COuNI V OF ORANC:.E t ,ev1d1'11c•11<1 oohgatonns setuted and ot1W1r common dea.gnattoro 11 IU lheteUy u111J Ille UllOf'ISIQned doet> any, ISl'IOWn hereon On Seprnrnhe• ? t 198? t'lt'tore n~1e1>v tti'rla•e all s un•s secured Saod aeie wlll be made. but rne 1h .. undt.-~s-•gn~d a NOtdf'r ttir·rebf 1mfHt•d1.;t••I)' due and wUhout covenant or warranty Publ 1~ "' .lnd lo • 'a•O S1ote f.ldya1>1e .01<1 do~5 ""'"IJV elect to ••Prll5S or 1mphed, regarding 1111e personally "ppeaoeCl ltnda We~11 .. 11 t.duse lh•· hu!.I CllOPi'•I, to be sold possession. or encumbrances ro known to me to oe Assl Secr,.ta•1 to sal•SI) ""' 0011ga1.ons secwed pay the ren,.cn1ng pt1nc1pal s..m ol ol tl'te corpora11on tti~I e•ecu1e111111 1ne•eby the notet•I aecureo by said Oee<I ol 1111non onslrumen! i.11own to me Ir Dated Sep1emt>e1 22 t982 Twst. wllh 1nlere11 theteon. ns oe lhe person w110 e•t1cu•ec.1 th• Stele of Callfotnl• prov1de<I on said note(1I, advances. ,,11111111 1n~11ume•'1 o" bt1hall o• the Counly of Orange If any, unOet lhe tmma ol uud Deed co•por111oon 1tu•1•"" nantl'!<l 11nd Jam" f . "891end bJ ot Trull. lees, charges a nd aci.no "'"dQf'\J Iv me lhat !.ucll Delilh 0. 9o)'d, Hie eapenses ot the Trustee •nel or the corpo1ul•On '"'•cuteo Int' v.11n11 Atlorner-tn-Fact ttu1ts c••••ed Cy 1a1d Deed ot 111s1rumer11 pu1 su1mt to tis By·Lilw Pubhslled Orang,. Cc.ast Oaoly Tru.t or " 1e~o1,;1.or1 "' II> Boa•d u P1101 CJct 2 ll 16, 23 1982 The totet •mounl of the unpaid Dorecto•~ 43!>4·82 belence ~ lhe obl1Q11110f1 MCute<I WITNESS my hard and otf1coa1 seal --ic NOTICl by the prope•ty 10 be sold a no Juha S W,1ll11Mjn .. -. teeao nable esllmated coa11 Acct No 025·011•630247 FIC rtT104JS IU.,..SS upen-end advances et t"9 time PuOl•Shtd Ornnge Coas1 Daot NAME STATlllillNT ol the tnltoel publtcellon ol th• P1101 Ocl 2 9 t6 23, 1982 Toe following petsons a•e oo.ng Notoce ol Sale la S37.745 37 4355·82 business as The benel!oery under said Deed -------------NEPTUNE'S l REASURES ol Trull hetetolore .. eculeCI a nd PU8l.JC NOTICE 9541 OAMIY C• Hunllngton Beach. dehvered lo the under•lgned a FICTITIOUS SUSIHESS Ca 92646 wrtnen Oedetatoon ~ Defl&lll •nd NAME STATEMENT Gerald S Kooaa llS• 1 Oaley Demand lor Sale, end a wtl1tan Tne lollowong peosons are <loong Cr Hunlonglon Beectl,oCa. 92M8 NotJce ol Oelaull 1nd EMICtlon 10 business 85 • Londa L Kor as 8S>4 t O•ley Cr Sell. The under5111ned c:euMCI said T 1 p p 1 T s s o L A R Huntington Beacn Ca 92646 Nol1ee of 0.fautt and Elecuon 10 REF'RIGE RATI ON & ti EA TING 6 lh•& busmess •I c<>tlducleCI oy an S... lo be recorded In lhe C:OYnlv B1>ar Paw, Irvine CA 927 14 ondhltdual tHusband & Wile> Where the,.., p<operty IS locate<! Londa L Koros 0.1• Septembef 22. 19112 Lawrence Josept1 Ryan 6 Beno THE MARINOFF Paw l•v1r1e CA 927 t4 Trt1.s slal11nten1 Wfts tiled will• the CORPORATION lkl Howard T 1pp11 6 Bea• Paw <..oumy C•c•k ol 01ange County on LOS ANGELES TITLE l,.•ne CA 92714 SeptemOPt 28 198' Ft .. S. & ABSTRACT CORP This ous1ness •5 conduclell bV " Pu1t1o,nod 0 , a nge Coast Oa••v 12722 R1ve1s.de Dt1ve general pa11nersh1P Piiot <kt 2 q 16 23 t982 North Hollywood C A lawoence J Ryan 4298.82 9 t607 This Jt~lement was filed w1111 tht• Counly C~rk ot Ooangp Counl~ 011 Oct 14 t982 F1t!IM5 Puol1'ohell OranyP Coil>I Dil•ly Poiol Oct 16. 23 30 NO• 6 1962 452 t·8:> Nil.IC NOTICE f lCTITIOUS eUSlNESI NAME STATEMENT The lollowlng person is llOll'Q busm••• •s RICHES. 3333 B11s101. Co51• Mesa. CA 92626 ALAN BARRY LEMMERMAN. 24892 Via Del Rio, lake fOIOSI CA 92630 This busmess os conducted oy an 1nd1v1duat Alan lemme1man This slalement was l1M!CI w11n the County Cletk 01 Orange Counly on SeQtambef 27. t982 f1 .... Published O••nge Coe11 D••ly Polol Oct 9 16. 23 30. 11182 4463-42 Pl&.JC NOTICE F1C TITIOUS IUSIN£SI NAllill STATEMENT !tit• lollowong PfHSon •s doing DuSlf'6S!t 8$ SUNSHINE PE I F'ARM 838;.> Ga.tO.n GrovP Blvd Garderi Grove. C1r.t0<n1a 927 46 Dee SC0991ns 20C'S2 BayV•l'W Santa Ana Ca111orn1~ 92701 This business 15 conducte<! Oy on ind1v1dual Of>e Scog9,,1s This slatement wtt• llle<l wotn 1ne County Cler~ ol Oronqe Counly on OclOllel 2 I 1982 F~ Pub111neo Orang,. Coast Dally Polol Oct 23 JO Nov 6 . 13. 1982 4628·82 Nil.IC NOTICE "1CTITIOUS eUIMH NAMI ITAH•NT The tollowrng puson •s doing buSlnest n MLIC NOTICE NOTICE OF T .. USTEE'S SALE T.S. B 2•6 YOU AR( IN DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF IRIJST DATED AUGUST 21st 1980 UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION 10 PROTECI YOUR PROPER IV If MA Y BE SOLO AT A PUBLIC SALE If VOU NEED AN EXPLANA !ION OF THE NAT URE Of THE PROCEEDINGS AGAINS T VOU YOU SHOULD CONTACT LAWVER 011 Novemt>e< 12, t982. 11 9 1s am TITLE SERVICES es agent 10< Aalpn1 lnv1111mat"I Compenv H duly IPPOtnled Trustee undet and Putsu11n1 to Deed ol Ttust ttlOOtdeel Seplember 3 t980 as inst No 2644 on book 13727. page 1295. of Ollocoal R~ds rn the office ol lhe Coonty Recooder ol Orange Counly. Calllornoa WILL SELL Al PUBLIC AUCTION 10 HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH CASHIER'S CHECK OR CERTIFIED C HECK !payab le 11 hme 01 sale on lawful money 01 the Unllll<I Sl•IHI et the ltont entr•nc• to th• Old Orange Countv Coutlhouse. 1oca1e<1 on Senta Ana Blvd . between Syc1more S1ree1 and Btoa d way S1n1e An a Calofom11 all ngh1. lllle end 1ntern 1 conveyed 10 and now held by It under H id Deed ol Trusl In tne property &llualll<I tn s••d Counly and S111e dncrlbeCI as LOI 16i Of Tr.ct No 57811. on lhe C11y 1tv1ne, Colinty or Orange S1a1e ol Cahlorn1a as peo map recorded 1n S ook 2 t6 pages 19 10 27 onctusove of Miscellaneous Maps on 1ne oll•CI' of the Covnly Reco•de< ol ~County Ttustoo or recotd o wner MILDRED F STARICH, a widow Tne streel address and ott1er tommon deaognallon. 11 anv ol lhe te11 prope11y descrtbf!d •bo•e 11 putported lo be >4248 Seton Rot1d. Irvine. Calll0tn11 as se•d lrustee ~et (2t31 1177·t•OO By Teto Wothams Voce Ptestdenl Pubhsned Orange Coasl Daoly P1101 Sept 29 Oct 6 13 23 1982 430•·82 Nil.IC NOTICE SUPlfltOfl COUl'T Of' CALWOMeA COUNTY M INYO .... , ....... Ir d11 in danca, CA 1:1121 l'lAINTIFF: COl'IELAND L._" YARDa. ..C. ~l'INDANT: OONALO ELLIOT CLA .. K, e"UCI CLAIHl, CLAftlt LAND DIYILOl'lllNT COftl'OAATION, e Callfernla Corporetlon, ITUYYlaANT INIUAANCI COMPANY. a C....,._.. CorporatloA, 8Nll OOH • ,.._. .. x. lftcltletwe. ., .. '*. C..No. tt.m NOTtCll Yeuhfte ..... -.d. TM_,_, decide ....... ,_ •tttieu1 reur ••t111 lleerd ..... ,... r""9fld ........ ..,.. ....., ....... " .... ' lloelow;-- 11 yOU with lo -" the lld'tltl:e ol en etlornay In lhl• miller. 1ou lhOUld do IO Pfomplly IO thlt ~r o111t11ten tHponH. II .,,.,, "141)' be r1i.<1 on ume. AYllOI Ueted Ila alt9e do"'aa~Me. II trNMt11et , ... .... _.,. U& 8111 IUdlt do a .............. ,.......~ ....... Leolalflfenflocleft41'18 Ti·u aled des•• 1oliclt1t el conM jo d• un ebogado en e ste 11unto det>e rt a hecetlo 1mmec:l1•t9f'l!e"lle. d• "" mano<a l<l respuoela eecrola. II hey •lg\>n1 puode tMK 19Ql•trade 1 ttempo. I TO TH( DEFENDANT A cMI complaint hH bHn llled Oy the e>lelnllrt agalnal YG'I II yOU Wl8'I lo defend lhl• lewsult. yOU must .... thin )0 daya tiler lhll 1umrnons 11 lh• uridersogned Trustee d•Scl••m• •ny 1te bi1tly lot any served on yoo. Ille wtth lhls court• ,_CIMOT ... S ~-OADWAY MOITUAIY 110 Broadway Costa Mesa 642-9150 8 EAT R I c E E L L E N ~----------0_1_3_·_82-1 t>u:~~o:::w•ng panon •• doing (C}{APMAN) RUSSELL. a ( S WEET ROMANCE t822'1 resident of New.port Beach,, Newporl Blvd Cost• Mesa, Calll0tnoa.92627 Gift ~REDITOR or a contingmt ~'f't'<ijtor of the dec:eued. you must file your claim w ith 1hc ll'ourt o r presen t It to the perso nal r e presentative ~ppo1nted by the l'OUrt within four months from the k;iate of fir1t IUIU91l('C' o f lettc>rs as providcod in M.'CUon 700 o r ttje probate t'Odf' o f Ca litorn la. The t imr· tor filing claims will not e xpire prior to fo ur months from thr date o f the h~arlng noticed above. THE GOURMET HERB COMPANY, 270 1 Fa1tv1e\llJ Rd Coll• MeN. c . 92112 7 ..,111en rnponM to tile complain• 1nc0trectne11 ol lhe "'"' lddteM 1.1n-. yoo do '° yOUt del1Ull wrn and olhet commott dellgnallOfl. II be entered on appllC•Uon ol 1118 any. shown here<n S•td Hie Wiii b• m•d• bUI plalntlft, and ttlla GOUtl mlly enter . "'°""'*'' *-'net YG'I '°' tM rlliel wtlhOlll ClOYenenl Ot Wlrrlnly. demanded rn the complalnt ..,tilcll IALft ... OM IMTH a TUtH&l WlllCLW CHA,. 427 E 17th St Costa Mesa 84tr~371 Ca. since 19~. PURCI away Davtd A Rtcherdaon 673 o n O c tober lS, 1982 . Plumer ·c Cos1a Mn• C1111otn111 Survived by 2 c h ildre n , 92627 James Benton Russell and Th11 bu11ness •• conducled by ,.,. • -k M She 1nd1vldua1 Juen ,,_ in lkkelacn. · David A Rrchatdson Guide was affiliated with wve ral Thi• 1l•t-n1 ••• Iii.<! with lh• or1aniutiona, a member o f coun1y Cleft. of O.•noe Coon•y on the Board of Direct.on of the Oc1obef 21. 1992 W r f211n1 Loe An1eln orld Af airs Pulll11hed orange Coa11 Dally Find YOU MAY EXAMINE the file kepi by the l'ourt. tr you arc lntert'stcd In the C.OUn<il, a member, Board of P•IOI Aug 2~. 30. Nov 8 t3. 1982 Dif'l!<'ton Natio nal Council 4647-H your best for International Visitors, Washln1ton . D .C •nd tr.ustee, Oran1e County World Allain Council. a member and llfCttt.trt. 1969 n• C.OUnty Grand Jury, a c hart•r member. Loa Antele1 County Art Muaeum, foundina member Loa ~-Ml.Ilk Centft', a permanent r••lden& of Nawpott BNch alnw l 9~ Private memorial Mrvlce• will tM held o n Sunday IOl'llOblPr 24. 11112. No flowttW l'OftllibuUona pie-.. -buys for holiday giving In Gitt Gulde Coming Nov. 24 In the lllJllllll · "8.IC NOTIC£ at.tte. you may file a N'qlK'llt f'K:nnoul 9UH•ll with the court to n.-cc1ve "AMI ITATWMIWf ape c I a I n ot 1 c e o r t h e Th• lollowlng peraon II dotng Inve ntory o r estate and of l>U~~NT NCOROS. 81 Fair the pe>tltions, a<'C()\lnts and eri..., coa11 -... ... CA tH27 ttporU dftcribt'd In Stttlo n TllOmM Artlle. U3M Camlnfto 1200 o f th• Ca I If or n I a fetmo. LIQUM Htlll. CA 92t53 Prob.tte c.ode. TN• Oulinell• 11 c;onduct9d br .,. Harr .. u Ba._t, £1111. lndt~homal An• I IN G ...... Awe. Ne. UM Thl9 ""......,, -......... IM Lei AMtltl. CA ..... County Cllfll of Otenoe ~on Clll) •n-11•1 0c1 "· 1H2. Publlthcd Oran1• C'a.11 P11blllfled Orenge co.:11: :0.Jly Plint. Ort, 16, 17, 21. "*"· °'l ... 23 JO. NOv •• 1ffl 1982 4'6'·'1 .. ~·lt2 ~ Susan Ru111 Pian, 2244 M1ple Ave Co111 Mna. Ca 92627 T"'• buatnest 1a conducted by an 1nd1vldl.oel Susen R Ptall Tn1s t111emen1 w11 11111<1 with In. County Cletk ot Or111gt Counly on Seplemt>et 30. 19112 ,,.." Put>llahed Ot•nge Coaat 011ly PllOI Oct 2 9, fl. 23. IM2 4331·12 Ml.IC NOTICE flK:TmOUI ~­U.-ITA,._, The following perton II Clolllt bu9lnWI ••. TAKE SllCTY, uu~_.AUIO Creell Aoed. Llgt.tn• N!Queo. C• • 12117 Aobtn w Diie, 1501 I Mlrlf'I Court, Laguna Hilll, c .. 126&3 Tiiie 9Ua1nMt te ConcM!ted by en lnC!MdWll. ftotllnWO... TflitM.._,.weetltM .. tfle o-tr cier11 ot Otenoe ~ on 001ober 4, tlll. ,,... fulllllllecl Orenge Co .. t Delly llltldt OGt t. 19, 23, 30. !tu 44t1.a2 e xpreH Of lmplled, reQafdlng 11tte, ' po1M911lon 0, llllC1HnbtenC9I 10 could rHult In g•tnl1hment 01 ,_ ' I ' "II"· tllilnQ ol money Of PfOPefly P•Y i.._ llr'PllCI .,.._ 0 !fie note or ot1ter tel"lel recaufttad In 1ne MCIKed by .. Id DMcl of Tr1191, to-~I wit. $.1.281.00. 1nclud1ng H Deted· ...,......, 27 1"2 ptovldtd 1n u1c1 !'CM· advancee, If ......,.. 1tutJs ....-.. • 1ny, under lhe tetme of Nici Deed ~ AiiiMIDDI" ot Ttwtt, I•••· oh8'gH en Cl . • _. ... eapeneee of the Truatw end of 1tie ...... CA _,. ltullt Cl .. lld by Hid Deed Of J!.t4) .,,., Ttutl. I) Thtt beftefldlty under ..., DMcl UbllaftM Or•~ Copt ally ol Ttuat flerltOIOtl e11cutecl and Plot, Oct, t . tt, ft, 30, !Ml l2 dehvered 10 the undersiened 1 44IO- ""ttlen Oec~tlOn of o.tautt and ,,._"" llOTICl Demand for s.... end a wrtllen ._, Notice ot Def9ult lllCI llea110n to .... Tiie llflder ..... C8llMd Mid Nolle• Of DeflUll lftCI llM!lon 10 lell to lie ~ lft 1M county .... the, .. ,...,,., ....... Tr11819a Of IM'1Y COftCNetMt ... TITLI HfWIOA -..,,.. MontGa llwCI •40e lenl• Monioa. CA ~1 l131"3·S7 .. '"" ....... ""'" tor AALPHA INVllTMIHT CO Al SAIO Tl'VIM9. Diena f ... 1. Vice fir .. o.te Oc1otier ti. tHI ftuDlltllad Otenga 00 .. I 081ly Pll04 OC1 t3, 30. No¥ t. '"' 4't2.a ' • .. , ... Or•nge Coaat OAILV PILOT 1Satu1dav. Ol.IOh ttr 23 108l lessianal Se•~ir:e Direcl ~.L8.4A!e!o.~~1 101 11 30 dll) 11'1 In lhll l&JU PILIT 111¥111 lflllOTllY DO IT N0 W1 bl ftr SH4fl Your Oa11y Polo! Se1 v1ce Directory Reprer.enlative 142-Hll, Ht. 122 ~.~~~,!~r ......... . Con1pufl1tttt!1J IJOO~l.1111 1>"'11 f11)111 S!IO mo Al81l m <II I I 1 ~ I 4 p 0 y I II 11 t1t1'J ?n o I Ill IJONNA:., I \Ill boulil.n+ol)lf•O 111111 llO• St1tv11:• f11«.1.1ss1on F111n111111 Hato 96!1 16112 f~!I!.".!'~ ••..•••..... 1!1pt111arl<:llO Ca1pu111111 OemohllOll IO flfll•h 760·:.>68!> 548 66t.4 Rttn•oll & Rep1<1r~ frt-o esl Lo nt11s Oe1.k• pot· llO Steve 7 52-9556 •••••••••••IEi.pe1 c uq .1e111er <lOti• ff.~{'/~!'!/.'!!~~!!{¥ Add111on1. carpentry, ma· aonry. d9slgn 1nd dral· ling 8IO's etc Dave 494· 1003. ext 724 E•pe1lenced C11penter Remod~I/ Add -on/ Rep a tr 760·2685 • $48-8654 ------~~'!!!!~I.~!!!!!. ... 500/, OFF FIRST MONTH Dependable. allordable, easenHal Answering aervcce. secret:ural & buSlness se1v1cea. mail box 1enta1. word p1oces· song Tele•-Fac s1m1le, order entry. pagers·lease buy, desk space rental ANSWE~ NETWORK 631·9131 (ask IOI A v I ~!'-~~!~ ............. . Orlvewpys. Parking Loi Repairs, Sealcoattng S&S Asphll 631·4199Llc Dan Hallberg Grading & Paving Co Res/coml Lie 397804 842· 1720 ~!!!!~!11 •••••••••••.• Our ollrces handle all areas ol law ProMpl courteous service FREE consullallon 549.9335 add1t1ons 1amodol~ decks Skyl1g111s & •u pairs Frtie e•I Dan 96:? 08 15 MHttr Cr1fhMH Finish & 1ttm <ll crpnlry Re!e1onces 499-3 105 FRH HTIMAHS! Reasonable proces. last Pl ofess•onal wor i. cu~tom wO•ll 1001 No fOb too small or too 01g1 Ca- 01ne1s lo.11c;nen remodt-1 & l1n1shcd carpento y e1ec1 / plumb / cabmt!IS, countertops t <lo eveoy lhong h om start to hrush' Call &rao al OH> n 1.3210 f!!l'!.~!!!!l!! •••••••• EXCEL CARPET t:ARE Jack Bull1ng1on Owner/operator Catpel. UPllOI. area IUfj ctea111ng Work guB• Free Est 645-1771 Shampoo & steam clttan Color brighteners wilt crplS 10 mol' 01.,ac11 Hall hv/CJ1n •ms S 15 dVg room S7 50 coucn S 11> cnr S5 Gua• elim 1,ie1 odor Cr Pl rep;w 15 11 ~ eap D o work my!.!'1 1 Reis 531.0 101 ~f.6J.!{1!!~i .... •••••• No Steom No Shampoo CHILO CARE· my home, Stain Spt1c1al1st Fast lunchlsnaclls included dry Free est 839· 151!:.> Large yard~ 646-793~, 1<URT S i<ARPET ~ARE l•tlH,i•• S1nit1 Ouahly work Reis •••••••••~••••••••••• Free e-s1 494-1.S2~ JAYS "SPEAKEASY" Any occasion Port bar SELL idle Items with a 1·521·8141. 879·7552 Daily Piiot C1ass1!1e<J Ad. f!!'!!~! .~~~!!!!! ..... ~f!!!!~~"-'·'············· I ~ ... ~~,!'!~~············ 1 !~~!!!!~~!!~'········ ~!!~!~~1!,1 •••.••.•.. 1r!!~1!~1 •........•.•.. 1~~1~1.~!t'.'.' •••..••••.• Coinu•1l M u•C1111y lllu\~ I LI!. U l l l t 1 JUl,IAN l."11,iu1111w 1.. .. 11111u1a HSl<f'A6 6 MAIDS EVE S 1 ANPSCAPtNCJ' PAINTER NCEDS AC RAINGUl TER w1111 .. ( oMI w~·~ '" 1)11 .. 1 w111 ~111 .. 111 ''''"' l'h11111\ 1)111111 t;tu1111111u l IV( IN •IRI Y/WKl y c.onipl blltV & h~tt1.l11u.1 WORK• JO Y'" llAl'J IOI/ 8onO~<Hnt•ltC 8 3447&4 JU Ill'>/ ltt1h H/ .'tlll I I 11•11 11r.I 11,11 '10 /1 1 Llt't 1111 ul lolu V1totO !iu1 v11.1te AY,'111Cy 1.11n11t1 It. rt1l10 h4fl /btiil •i~I ACOU511L 1.1111i11g8 Lo<. f tlHI •11 1·1124·6624 .., .... r: •• , ••••••••••••••••• M0 81lE SERVICE '-tct~llHew ICfeen. Nl:llCM 0tlly 642·9&62 "' 1,,., 1 111 ,1 ~ 11. , ""''"'' 111 < 1 HICIAN 1 11111• Uu111100 o 1411 lit. tltbo11!111c1 ora 11000 0 111 Coun••v 11111081.t•ii•·-I 'l66;e~ F11~1 '"' l•ll•ldii• w111 h N""111.C M "'"1" 'oml 111lo•'""llH11>1 l 11 I NOME IMPlllYlllll•T IJu~1<1n. tlorno Ctu11111IQ .Anyt1H11(1 llul t1ldn 11111 I DM • u11H110 847 !>166 ••••••••••'••••••••••• ~r!!~~!~!! ••••....•••• tllt11J l 1111 '"'"' 11 ., 1v11 i JJ 1011 t 10 '>41:1 ~/OJ fH'.P.AIR l'l UMBtNu & t;o•1t1JI M4l•<l Servic.o 110 11111 6 4 s ~ ~ v 7 1 '" y•i. "•P 1 m """'" my rURNllURE·Kll CABS 0~·. 11" '' Ill $11)'( (.)MM l IN[J l,,1u11111111y ttltJL "'" ft-Poul Bo11duU l11s'd 67!> 60'>8 [H ICllfl illu •ffillll' ROii C.•lm 11111•h11•. 10111111 1 C.1.. JC • " ' ' UNl"l(AN SYSl EMS un 6 477 (161 6849 ooois Joe 673·1469 .ii ,,, ~()Vil> n .. Illy CIWll wu•• tlbl fl'lol~ t.14:> ?11 I I " ,,,.,,r S1111it11 •••••••••••••••••••••• I 1~ ;nuo11 I Al 1)4\Hl l~to l tl YR:) E.llP l)UNl-lAM or Nwjll Bctl 8~0• l:?OO ••••••• •••••••••••••• 'if'IRll f'AINTERS •••H•li••'••••i l llOk lll(j loo ,1111 111111.1 r '"' ~··••VII ti II C..011•11Uf HOME IMPllOVEMENI Oullhly WOi k With a P•• 1l •1ed ol dOlll{) lllulldty? I l.u~tom 1111/11~• 11pllhmt •••••••••• t1 ••• , •• ! ••• E·Z LAY'N Spt1nkle" Li nd.cape Gu1111tnteed S38·:?737 T/11 .•..............•.••.. "'",. '" "'Y """'" Mo~u •011 ~1 touCll uactielo• llufl 4 lold lldrld wu 11 S11ll•luc.11on QuQrantoed ""'"" lull hn"' n111y $~0 "''" lu r,1111~ I •tt•I ,1~11 ltumucltil •tJ1.1a11s•l11nc111g o~ I. GC..M Irv HO Buth hond llOll Mut11.ulou~ L o w r ll I 6 I> Y f 'J I 3 I TILE INSTAlLED All Kinda Gua1anf..O Aela Jonn 840·9:.> 17 Lu111 11 ,,,,11 ·~ It ( 1111 '"'""" 111 ,)JJ:/ 17 uh•1.t111.t11 otuo11 t111111 8!>0 0933 (•P Roi•ee 642 9787 <1'\0 t>'l42 METICULOUS MORT'S 1:,1 /'>I ).14 .' 'J5i~ 17Jll 8414/14 t Jl1lt<11try 631-8!>30 ,;1tl llll ~II•• •I V r 'I( 1.11111l y 1t.1y 'Ill .. lrn r~ncin1. ltrlnlu ""'110CI 6 Rupioll llDUIEWDIUl !'!~!~!!! ...••....•.... r!1.'.~i~1.............. :1 ::." I '.·~·:' c l11l1f1t1" "''hi •, Y" I ' I •••••• •••••••••••••• C..JllJ"""Y· tJluc., patios 4 WllTll l:IRICKWORK Smnll JOb5 F61Hl1ng 1n101101 011~1gn TtH 111~/ce . ...•.•.••..........•.. $LOW RATES $ ltee tromlremov cl11n ups mowing SS4· 70 17 P 1 !it 'l0 111 Nu1111111u~ A.'SI\ 1 ENt.f wuur: It. tlur.k s All you• llOme N11Wport Cosio Musa HANG1NGISTR1PPINO • .,, '' '1 11 " ' • me.11~ <'\ ""''l k!> Wll!>t cn<1u• lonk R""''°dlc;um uwutio •uiuch f i 811 ost It viru1 Reis 67!1 3175 V<•u·MC.. Sc.011 84&·9325 •' ' ••' 111 • • • •' • 11111 N H 646 •1028 1148 '.14'.IJ :>40 17'.> 1 I Koolll fJ4b 4671 Htgh qi.ahty hOuseworlt • , , • I. 1, •' WQOL> f tNt;6S uA I ES JOHN TllE HANDYMAN Expo;rnmced depe11<111 /If+ • ASR PA PERHANGING , ~ • 111stull••d • Ae'p•11u11 P1un1•·1r1n atu• ·o"d 10"• lllu. none••. ir11e111gent, •• ~!!'!f••••••••••••••• 1 y1s tocat o•P Guar '' ',,• • ., .. '•' •I ""'' Ttee Stump Removll Will grond below ground level Scon 6&2· 1976 f !!~~.i~I. .~~~~~':~· ••.•• COMME J'ICIAL MOM( BUSINESS Wtt do w111 dow" too• Roo 54 7 l llifl Conl11tlo11 Ctn111/ ···········'·········· ltJ. Mufh111n I Stn I 1c .J061J88 R11n1o(h•I Add ns Catm1e1s 64~ 8~861645"4&44 <.u~•om n.,muo Ad<l II~ f •t!t' f'\I Ol/Ullly ~·1111 10 1uirw' UAnthll Cons' Lil 4 llb ]l) 'J48 417 I f.u.'.1!."1. !t'~!~~~~~!~f • Ku •\'m0<1 c,1111ne1s v1 dt"'O tj"'°' t.\innwnt un1b Frc,. '°~' b41 088 I 1!!!.~~·!!~I. •••...••••• RESIOENl1Al -tNT Of SIGNER r urn "" ull!JI' m~nt cotur 5(..fHl"'"'' 95"i ?066 or ,.,, I) UI !'!!!!~!! ....•......... ORY WAI l ACO•JS fll. Rep;\11 ~ sm1 101> sp.,, t 1 ;rs P•P Duo 55<'·956:1 w ,.11 1n;.tutt_1~ At.Ou i tu .. H;o11q I 111e Steel 'ihJ<l~ LI< 18'1\14'1 1 r,J~ '•~4'J Oil < 'IALl f APING ..\II '··id~,, ... , Acout,hc.. r 1 .. .-1•-,1 ,. .. , "&7'J '10811 Elttlric•I ........•............. (L EC f flll.AN 1 .,,,.<l ''9"' ., .. ,. e ... tim.:t lf· ., .. large or ~"'"" jt.lh lo< 1'166} I i;.-I 0J'>'1 , 0 ~ u " v~ " u~ m11hc11IOtlS lleXllJle I am w ork Procei. start a1 " ''"'"'~' Gmy4'19 1724 r1tte ust1n1utu!>6:l8·4116 th e be s t Ph one •&·1 MOYt•G• $81,011 Aluc751-7027 '' ~!!!.'.~!~f •••••••••••• TREES r uppulltrurnuveo ~te,;11 ••P lawn'""'"' 75 I :1476 THE GlllH SCHl l uwn lied shrub 111~tall r • ., ... tnrfl ft1ffi0Y"td I 11wn Mu111ttl-1<>10hll111(1 I rt•t• •·~t1mutu 54tl 606~ I I ,11rLl>•.llPllll)·YO Clnu1." r 1\.1\_~ 1nrn 'tt.HflUV M<11nt l1111JoJl•<lll J1n1 85 1 0 ti9 :"jm,m(;H::. GJroenutg l..ln·uli5 ldw11 care lull t.111nm Ii 111s10 rr1a1n1 I f eA t!~I 646-6684 •·'' o.,11111g I 11<HI SC1lp1n9 yd~ d n1a1ntcnanctt t ie on "-'V::. trl•t:. torn & 1emo vdl Fu:t:: e!ttUnJtu:i, tnsure<1 r..t:'. 41189 flAl RATE·OAY or '1 Al l Mt SC JOBS rNllEXI PROMPl INSl ALLA !IONS CtlEl 642-9006 ~~~!~·.t ............. . DUMP JOBS 6 SoTiall M ov111g JOD!> (..Ull ly11K( 646 -1391 HAUl INL. GRADING llPrno1tt1011 ciean up Lo11c'"'" & true 1emova1 Ou•1.~ serv 642-1638 PROF SCRVICE Ha1111114 yrLI clean up 01111 k /!. clean Free e<it 613·0'>48 ttAULINh ~tudent 11as lqt> "lltk s.1011e lo w 1a1><1> PrOtlll)L 7S9 1!"176 C.dM 'huni. yOU. JOIHl '!.'!.'}!'/. •••••••••••••• F•01•I Git•dt'lllll & Clf>,111 •i$JS l 11~f_. tf1ff1MtllQ J-ft'H 1,,1 r>c·I•' 64 1 t096 LAWN MOWING SERV N••at <1••1 .. HHtO t..,i,as r,t.•t• e51 1146 O'l'>S 1)68· 74 79 I 2Chr E0 Ul-7121 liARDUllH WHTEO Mow1119 t'tl<png fdlqng ~wt>ep111g F1ee ""'1 I nlJlt!"> IJ4'i S7'.l7 ' " !'.'.~~f!'!~!' •••••••••••• C,aql .. 1111\' M<150n1~ 1tonl1n9 P1umb111g Or yv.,111 Stucco l 1lo• rl•·tnt.><1f•I .J B 646 9~110 Furnar.e·pool-water neat ~~~!!!{~~,!~'········ ROBINS CLEANING Ser.ice ,, lhu•ougnly t.le.111 novsu 540 085 7 l IHEO or tl ASSLES? Uu .. l+lv t.lt>.11•1ng nelp 15 "''' P1 Rel~ 9tJ0 7 4 52 f •IJl'' '"" Hou~ek "ep1ng Wf' tu•"'~" vucuum & '>11pµ11.,., t<olly 64 1-4970 673 701? a lHll 6 PM Top quahty Special care weekdays All d1ty Satur '" handling 25 Y'" O•P JOiiy Cricketers Prof Wallpapeting & s111pp1ng Many relerente'> Poul 11r;:.0118 Compe1111ve Rates day anti Sunday No overllmu 730 1)53 M11m11 Della s Cleaning I do vacanGl85, re111a1s & ·ABC M OVING· re~111e11ces 530-7324 Ou1ck, Carelul Service E ~ pur I w alltoverong 1n- St11lla11011 Reas prtces C..011su1111nl Au1g11ment. 11 you wan\ you• house I RE All Y tLEAN Call L111oa 669·03 18 Good Rtils COOK 4 CLEAN $35 Pet v1s1t HOuSt!Clea111ng & d1nne• p1cp Exp d re- habte Call Cheryl 979-9536 83:?-7965 Low rates 552-04 10 SlARVING COLLEGE SlUDENTS MOVING CO lie T 124-436 Insured 641 84"7 WA l CH US GROWi '>81-8S90 ' We IJals !>rtd hang loge· lll\11 Ha"g "llCCI UP· l\Ol~le• wllll> 839·0730 <111yt1me /11111it L1uon1 •••••• ••••••.......... P•tio Cover• DAUM LESSONS 1a1tored •••••• ••••••••• ••••••• 10 your ab•hly Mil.e Nel· CUSl OM wooo pa110 co-E~11erienced nousekeeper !>On 63 l·6300 vt1r~ c:lec1<s & lences by wonts work HB. Ftn \lly I RANDY &4 t-062:.> area Reis 842-5485 HOUSECLEANING r!!~.'i'!f ...... ••• • •••• I !!~!!!!/.~IJ.~!~ • •••••• Also windows•epplcs , FIH PAl•Tl•C 1 EO S PLASTERING Reas 662·2674 eves I by Rocnard Sinor u c Neat patches tnl/e•t 280644 3 1 n .. stuccos 645-8258 Housecleaning h ones1 1 yrs o nappy local custome1s e111c1en1 References Ttiank you 631·4410 Ollys/e11es 645-6169 Sue Pl AS I Hl PAlCHING Rustuccos ln11.,;1 30 yr:. Neal Po1u1 S45-2977 HOUSECLEANING G od OIJALITY WORK neat 0 reds honest Rets L 1r. rtil~ Transporlatoon E•· ,87107 Dave 964· l045 1/11••in• per d 979.9755 I • ••••••••'••• ••• ••••••• GUS TOM PAIN TING ZChr lD Ul-7121 J1•ilo1i•I tnl/e.t Res10 lcomn1 40 gal water11eah11 $225 °COMMERCl~~·:·~OMf° Fr.,e est Lit 644'4796 ATLAS PLUMBING & BUSINESS We do Wiil• INl EXl PAINTING H"dtong spec1al1z111g 1n 1dOWS 1001 Rob 673-80~4 & WALLPAPERING •t!Pi>ll5 645 16118 !~~~!~~!~I ......... . 20 YRS ~XP Houllng. troe trimming. landscaping Brot11ers Consl 646.0555 Custom work Free esl 1 s SAVE s 20·. 40•,. RN1s Sieve 5•7·4281 I l PIU!flb1ng1Hea1 • 27 I 70:J HARBOR PAINTING Cuar !asl Re~tcomm , Qunlily wook Free e~I 1 . ~37-4378 GG Coll all 6pm 673·5166 \16 J·5474 f~B f"•ric:l wnat you wanl in1 Have something 10 'Sell~ r•. I ' , •-" 9~1·6067 '!.•.'!.'!~I. ••••••••••.•• Moat subrecu, K· 1" Day/eve S5 & S 101nr Mr Morgan 64S· 5176 I I. W/d.., Cl11ai•t. .. ,.,. .................... . • • • • • • • • • • •• • •• • •• • • • L e1 tha Sunshine In Huber Roolong·all types I Call Sunahone Window New·recover ·Oect.s C.1ean1ng lid S48·8853 L oc "4 I 1802 548-9734 20•1. Monrhly O·acounr llOOF PllOIUIU Int •e~I Res1dl comm I 0011 I re-1001, rcpau at F1ee est 20% monthly r 1 d c 1 1 o n o t c o~ t discount 644-4 798 851-2890 IPNll\'Hln ROOrn1G REPAIRS Small robs OK Free estimates Call lom 01 Cnuck 54<'·6392 ltnoc~s olten when you use re1ull,ge111ng 0111y Pilot Ctaas1toed Ada 10 reach the Orange Coast market. Have aomethlng 10 sell? ( Phone 642·5678 Clas11lled 1ds do II well --~~ DIVORCE by MEDIATION SETTLEMENTS COST LESS! • Atturn .. ; ,,111J '11u11\elu1 ~u1d~ bolh s11uu\1-, t!J rH:~nt1dl~d 1£-Rill d1vo1Le For more Into & appt. ... 752-1064 Robert GIHHr, Atty. '----& Jann GIHer MFCC C1ass1l1e<J Aas 64:?-5678 Want Ads Ca11 642·56l6 Oa11y Piiot Ctass1l1eds Clas11f1ed 1d1 do 11 well HOLIDAY PAINT l lME' line las1est draw 1n the 2J yrs Al50 Odd jObS & W est a Da•ly P1101 repaors Bruce 972-0116 1 Class1l'.:d Ad 642·5~8 D A I L y p I L 0 T c L A s s I F I E D !!!!~!'.'.~'••••••••!!.~~ IJ.'.'l..Vf!.11.'.~ •••• !.1.~~ I ~!.'1.!rf!1.'!.~ •••• !.1.~~ '!.•.'f..Vff.".1.'!. ..•. !.'.~ i'!.~lf..'f!."..1.f.~ •.. .!.1.~ '!!.'f..Vff!1.~ •••• !.1.~ * * * A1to111 key position mull•· Der11a1 Oen1 .. 1 Cn1111.,1Cle Asst ""tiOeCI E'ltab µteasa111 busv Newport Beat n Group P1ac11ce 11eea~ e ,ptoo oe•son ROA Petti lH ASSISTHT Par I· time nealth cluD pie! retired 10-4 PM 1ues-Fro 644-4664 Tim qes1auran1 E ~perienced Bus Doy lull t•me appl y on person 619 Sleepy Hollow la· guna Beacn • lever e.per grno level ' Atlanhs Parlor I natural pet pooduCl 5 tor mPd1cal lalJ 1n l aguna B.., .. c;,, c.all 633-5634 I Optm 24 hos a day F1ag'!h1p hne Po~s1ble 7 Clcty'I ., weP• 1 $ 100 000 per yr Pt T Call LEGAL SECRETARY Pa11 time· person with :>ates Jdc.,,111 5 Jurlll Locals Ans A<l · 3 18 642-4300 J S "'"" .. s Tou••SIS 24 nrs N1>wpor1 Ben taw J.,m depenoable transporta· B.,110 Ame ric.:i1d Ame1 · ocun E•n•e~s Omers All wetcomr-1141645-3433 21 12 Harbor Bl CM Cuti•• fMt11r Ph .. C:onvtHSa1oor1 w1lh Barb• MC Visa .... 111$ 638 0701 LOEDS • WoutCI love 10 party w you Call Sue or Kathy anyt ime (? 131 6 :1 .t 4 5 7' 17141 '1<7 7186 MODELIH PLUS 645·3646 l:•a t 1<. d a11 c e1s l o r j Bacllelor.' B.ic11e1or elle Pa• toes 7 38-8 538 or 'i~8 8538 l ~aoes lor compdri1ons1'11p a• 1us1 to talk call Ken 4'17 ')7 18 Willtr4 W1tor As seen o,. 60 minutes II works I ll3"4! 11 0 1stro- llulorsh1p5 also avail For 1nlo 646-68<'5 Babys11te• WanteO Wkn11es1 wl.endsl over · n11es lrv111e ar e a 551·1611 IAIYsinH RehaDte person 10 care 101 6 mo otc:l baby 3 30 th1ough 5 30 PM Mon· F"r t Mus i have o w n transp Eas1s1c:le Costa Mesa 646-9833 4 da) weei. + ' day ' every otneo Sat AM It I vou oe tooll•no loo a nap- py 01f1ce 10 be treated 11ght Call 640· t 1":? !or an tn1erv1ew ueeds c1v11 tm~1ness 1•11· loon lo dehver smelt Daily ADVERTISllG 0;111011 sec y w1111 a min P1101 route "' Npl Bch or 3 yrs e•P MuSI have area Mon fhru Fri al-Full or Pall Time fl<cell typing & sho•· t'Jrnoons t3 30 lo 5 00 Heres a unoque oppor· ttoand Benehts & salary PMt Sat 6 Sun mornings tunoty lor one who en1oys commensu1ate wl eap (5 JO 10 7 00 AM) $300 working with tne public Desper ate Need M 0, Non·smkr hon1 oll1ce per mo Call Boo Wells on the telephone 1nd Fem compdnoon oveo 60 ·•PPe3r ance p1el N o 642-4321 E 0 E ear1l1ng money al the yrs lor Sunda; Clroving .ogencoes i,ils Ask for l•mir•iilllll•tilillll••••I same tome 557. !209 Jan 85 1·2044 H I It'. H 1100 Your success tut urn LEGAL SECRETARY • .'.1 ••• f~'•••••••••••• eape11ence will eneble 100111&•-SECllUTY Santa Ana· Irvine you to become a key part Senior Security guard AV oated law lum senior PAIT TIME ol our Classolled Adver· wanted f or condom1. an orney min 1 y• Calol Telephone Clerk Daily hsing Department n1um Reis & E aper <'•P ,11 corporate busi· Pilot Circvlat•on Dept Straight comm1u1on on BOAT REITAL req o Call 615·6 10 1 nu!>S A real estatP Mag II Eve b & WknO Great all sates M·F 8-4 pm e•1.1 11 must Compehllve ho ur!> for college slu-II you nave sates ability Operato1 lo• Huntington l dent 642 43.,1 alter a1e a sell-starter and Harbour Musi be e•per l&ll• EITllA IOIEY ><1lnry & Oene!its Call loke MONEY we w111 1ra1n 1 K 1 d 1 Jo:1111 64 1· 113 t 4pm Aslo. lor R1cna1d in sa• •ng now e ge Sell•n9 toys a t parlll'ls E o E you '" Class1l1ed p10Ce· boar •cparr & outboa1d I Call 548·8296 evenings .oan Ot11cer dures For an appo1111- engine repa11 lletplul ••••••••••• E •peroenced or NeYI · menl lo< 1nll!f"v1ew plea· S5 'hr t o start !2131 c.omtr Loan Othcer 11a1-:>llone Sohcitois needeO se call our Per sonnel 27 1-2617 l EAll• llTllA SSSS nong so;m1nd• 1nclud•ng immediaiely no selhng Department al 642-4321, Part ttme alter schoo11a1 FNMA o tnvotved wolf cell hom 1 277 Busy housec1ean1ng se1 . 1 µai;kay1ng cto· e• vice neeo person who least 3 days per weekl l>e• JO Hol•Oay Inn our Newport Beach OI· OllA•IE COAST You call earn S20 10 $50 c 9 30 hce no e~pe11ence ne· takes pride m tne" work o sta Mesa .4 1uLY PILIT PIT FI T 669.0318 Pe• week No expe11e11ce s 150 Cahl R E l •cen-cessary Will train For .. needed Call Daily P1101 sees 2o•, d•sc FREE nours 3·9 Call between 330 W B•y St :A B INET S -+ CARPEN-642-4321 ear 342 as~ f JOB PLACEM ENT A S-:?-4 a1 641-0119 Costa Mesa TRY lot Joe E 0 E SIS 1 ANGE Sponsor "le11sant mature woman. A n Equal Oppty Emptyr E•per d woodworker, funC1111g Coordinators bonOable. 15 hrs pr wt< >ALES •esponsoble call Farrell ELECTRICAL lllll•H Reso;rved Sf'Dling only 10 start 10 handle per-&IYHTlllll Const 645-9711 EXPERIENCED Perma· C all too 1nl o !71 4 1 sonal ac~oun1s and hoo· E 11 1 1. 1 "'"" not prosecute con-~ 968•5260 ace en opp y or ex-taCI Mr C11usey Jones '~arpet weaver design nent pos111on 25 yr old sehold management lo• per advert1s1ng pros I M anager 9AM-l 2PM I pa11ern color comb1na-e 1ec1r r c.,1 co oan 0 11ocer bus1r1ess coupte Musi Earn $600·$1000/wlt 545_5889 11on. weaves carpet 7 141859-7200 hHtli• YilltJ d11ve No smoking Re· Mr Levine 537.3 123 mend wash buy & sell !ere11ces essential Plea· Women & men rela• with antique & 011enta1 rugs ELECTRONIC IECH Mtrt111• CoMpl•J se reply Bo• 845. Oa11v a massage c a11 1 2yearsexper S500per looking 101 4·6 e•per 1>110 1 PO B oa 1S60.I Sales 497-571A week 1n Corona det Mar. FIELD SERVICE pro!ess•ona1s We spec· Costa Mesa Ca 92626 Ca Send lhts ad & re· oahze '" new programs. , R 0 0 R A M M E Fl / ,,,,..,, I Stt11it11 S311 · .....•................ U YOUR SHY1CE Personal quallheO com- pall1on d11vers for your day 10 d11y errands Shopping d octor s ' app1s cnurch. etc All rieeds mel By hour or day 49"·565 7 SlllCIC&l PllOllfll? I sume lo Job =8·"766. Oa1o1and Base Telecom-'e GMPtARM GEM 151 ANALYST P 0 Bo• 15102. L A mun1cat1on lirm os see· & 2nd TO s B 1 Ca 90015 r:o tater than Call Jonn Cusacl. usiness app •ca11on5 '" November 1 king person wt 1 yr dig· '964·9090 IRIS Basic. 2 yrs e~per ::arpet weaver. design pallern color combona· 1 uon. weave crpt mend wash Buy & sell antQ & 011enta1 rugs 2 yrs exp I $500 pr Wk CO M 673·6981 Clli14 Oero Wtrtor 1fal & analog e•penencc RESIDENTIAL MIC AOTECH. Costa MORTGAGE SERVICE MesB 557•8640 Opening •s rn O•ange County areo Kev Tel e•posure A• .oan PllDCESSOll / Esortw M in 2 yr exp Heavv typ1n 9 1 6 q wpm es 1-0444 NllCUllll JHlttrill S•,,IJ CASI PAii UIL Y Eteotrlul 1lp1 wltll cllH1t1•I• letters, roteH prkt tr .. Ill, •ltll .. ~ .... , •• tfta.1111-Utl ... pel4 4elly ••• ..,,., 4•••· 112· 1H2 (H llHn) Call now tat professional counseling No cha1ge. no obt1gat1on 650· 1026 24 hrs lf~.t!!f!"!!~! •••••••.•• Jd• WHIH 1015 co-educatlonal 1es1den- ltal treatment program lor adolescents Call 646-3489 Bel 8am-3 Send resume & salary requ11emeri1 lo The Dally Pilot. P 0 Bo~ 1 S60. Costa Mesa CA 92626 Ad = 1080 FLOOR PERSON ASST Sewing produchon e•p nee Sell·sterter. last learner C M 642·9651 .ooi. & Feet greal while earnmg e•t•a money tor Xmas 646-1749 .. ,., Cohlorn1a corp has an outstanding position in 11 s new lac~lly 1n L19una Niguel lor a buyer see- ICong a challenging and >ALES. lull/time for tlofi· sl 1mu1111ng c areer day seaSOll. parllllme growth oppo11 For ,,,,. aller Call for appf, Ciro med and conl1den11a1 Jewe11y. So" Coalt Plaz1, conslderal1on. please 1 549-154_2 _____ _ :1ean1ng Tami's Cleaning Service rs now h111ng part·l!me help, S4 50 10 s1a11. pe1· manent poso l oon 548-9715 GENERAL OFFICE Above average skills ty· ping l1l1ng & dealing w•lh PUbhC 641-8868 'lolAINTENANCE PERSON for duct ciean1ng. mostly n1ghl work Over 2 t call Ch11S 641-1079 SYbm11 your resume with SALES selary his1ory to Proles-Income up 10 1 1.000 wl<, s1ona1 Personnel Dept. wr1te 10 PO Box 8067. P 0 Box 620 I. L11guna !······················ 1 ioung mar11ed man will do general handy work Ca11 eves & wkends 972·9525 IHAHMHT Part time. couples/ 1espons1ble singles lo help manage large lamlly business Wo11t wllh pu· bhc For Interview. Call Niguel CA 92677 F~un111n Valley 92708 Clll•Htn SEllYIOl IEP. IOYEHMHT JHS Immedi ate openings overseas and domestic 20.000 10 50.000 -+ • ye11 Call 13 121 920·9675 E•I 7239 Rain g~r"7n-;i;i'1e1, ex-· UlHl •ITIH 'lu•se 1n CdM avail for care hsework, errands Very exp, Many rels Call anyllmP.. '120-0996' F1t1me poslllon w11n Match of D•me•" Should have prior et<pr on orga· ntratooroal work. sales pe1'd only. must h1ve Earn to $1SOO/mo PIT o w n transp (7 1•1 M ust be m•ture 54:?-1242. 557-5328 559·9043 Le1ve Mes- 'lurses Aide cook. drive. eJL 1eter . nont t mlu Do· lores 662· 7955 1ndloi fund lllslng Sell '1e11dresseu & Manicurist staitei and Ible 10 work wanted lor busy beauty 714·968·6670 MHIClllllT Aeat E~late I ~age See ''Loan Officer Tra1· lil.liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii nlng Seminar" ad Salea • shop Slatrons 101 rent or w•th youllg people and commission 957·0808 w1tn cllentele 3975 B•rch SI NB-545-7112 llHlPTllllST --MIO ...... Trainee for phones & Ille llDI IPIUTll olllce du lies Starting Tl Pllll llT. salary SJ 7& per hr AP· PIT secrefary. housekee-1dulls SenO 1esume to Mature 811by111ter for 2 per aide 01 whatevei. Mercn of Dimes. &8 t •&Ill SnUST small girts. 10-+ hrs/wk, E•Pe<'d many lield• Hamfllon. 11650. Costa Motivated Stylist needed S3/h1 Beac h A1ea 642-1207 Mesa. Ci 92827 101 Progreu1ve Salon 762' 7579 ply In pe1son from 2 lo 6 Tiii s-d••h girl wants live-In :::OOKS. lull & PI T. hrs & S111ry, Comm Vaci· MIOIUIO hsltpg. child c 1re, etc money to be 1rr1nged tlOn Mg1 540·8819 F1onl wheel alignment Mon lhru Fri No phone $400·$ 1000 + per wk , c•lls please Leonlle. 24& Call Joe JecklOr't Flscllet. Unit 0·6. Costa IH-7111 Me SI Ll19une Bch 581·3398 The G1lnde1 Re111uran1. ,H;10wo;k Low Pey BIG Own tools Newport Tire --1400 W PCH. NP' Bch FUTURE 'S 'R Center 3000 £ CoHt European Lady !French, ' 6"2·8881 Hlllng el· Hwy. Corona def Mar llttt,tltlllt P /T English 1pe11k1ngl loo· ponalble. Crtlllve lndM-Tues and Thurs Chrro· king lor Pt Tome watk .. Counte1 Help M11ure dual for young. Int· •IT Ta&lml prac:tlc office. C1N Pim companion for elderly peraon. Pitt lime. Apply growing bvllneH , Must NetlOnWlde ll1m alerting 875·3492 llldy. or houMkeeplng, 4 In per1on T11e Tummy heve ne11 1ppee,ence. 11 1 0 -li .. iiimi:iiiiiM;;--- 0, s oay week So. Cout Stuller 270 So B111t01. goo O P R e b I t It 'I . C~~~y o~~I ~n :~~~= llllPTIWT P1111a or N-po•I ae1eh CM. 76!·366& (Experience In manage· ground floor Looking IOf HHdquattert ofrlct ol 11re~6· 1253 ___ Delivery -----;,:7!,~;:1 CF•;:-~ ~·::~~ m1n1gemen1 1relneea. resleurent chall) Mt en Nil• Wi•IH 1111 L. A Time• lo homes 1n eon, 9&&·6•92 full Of ptftlllme. C•H to-lm!Mdlele opening for• .. •'•••••••••••••••••• B•ll>oe 3 30 1m • 6 em. _ dey a.s. 860· t287 FIT, Permenenl Recep· 41lt1t needed Exper In 1550/mo No collec11ng H'O'I SCl'lool Student nee· •a• --tlonlat. Busy Lobby & Silk Screen er1 Ruby 54&·8441 or 846·1413 de<I to worlo. pert lime, 2 -• ..-r,_,., Dlmenelon PIX 1wilch· culi. hind lettering ·-·• ·--·-hr• di lly, 4 da~ per wit Needed fC>f progresli\191 boerd 11111 requires a 631·3494 "'-_,_, Pteue cell Tht 811h Hlon. Som• crttntete very S)eftonellte lndlYI· we •re looklng for an Marl 675-4930 prel S1111ry, comm.. duel wllh fro11t oHlce, A11lstt•f IHaCtr upr'd denl1I H1lt11nt ...... UPlll vec:auon. Mgr &40·8881. 1 PfOIHllon•I •s>oeer•n· M1ture pereon to worll I with e bright cheerful -MMYt Occ b11by11111r In e...-. oeu .. "°01eltttonO kllto• !~IMe& will\ .. llbflahed youth a ttitude lo work In • -I 1 l:-MM person 'I .dd« counaellng firm Mutt be pre ve nllon oriented We nHd help running I ~a~lr: own u;~1n1• ht: llghl typing LoYlly Of· •h1rp, ou190lng, eurec· precl,._. In CdM Selery our l\ome. 4 dye week, Ide c M. 541•71M flcH , Medlcel, dentel 1111• P«IOrt•Hly, ,,._..nl open, 144·MH mutt be retl1bte w/own ---Pecllege. A~ lfl ~ ptt~v~rtf .. /~g:lty ...._.. O-IN ...... tranap. Please cell ,,Cleullled Adi ere the t l'!io AOO!A INC to,._,,.._..... -~.. ...., ~ -· 157.5333 enewer to e auccee~ful 1 "1104~L~ ... ue Aw. wMlt wMfl ql.Mlllfied .. tor WHITE....,._,.. f raoe your old itutl'P", gwege or yetd ..... It•• lf'flM I !;00pm·S·3() IAl·Ott WIU'l a CttllltlilCI Ad new tooOIH w ith e I betler ••'I to tetl mofl 7'4-~t .i..:;' 3•t I 0 !. ~~~~ ClaHlfted ed. t4MtH L;~ j----- ' • Sates •.t. TllllTllY S1te1ptraon to 00111r beecih ere• IOf dy\'l4lmlo llew f11m W/Old Illa• bllshed p1oduet. High e11n1ng1 lor mollveted prol11s1onal •ho w1nt1 to put fun & profit Into • c11eer AHi Ettel• lie. req'd 'IA BuU-letrs, 770·aot0 ll111e MIH Munet Mt on e T uflet. 11ono oo"'o • 1pide• and rM411 lfl lhe Delly Piiot CIH•lfl•d MCtlOfl ebOUt .......... fet't Tufttle end -...... • 'lot •t.tl. YOll Nil ... your tuttel e'"9 tet1 et Other lhln91 '"'0Uf9' Delly Piiot ClttlH ... Ad• Cell ~ ...... ~ ................................... ._. ______________________ ~~----~~--~~~~~-~-- Ortmue Coast DAIL V f.llL OT /Suturday, Ocloh&r 23. 1982 C'S UUI P R PfR80NIS Nll DEO M •g• t11a1111 •• IOOlilng tor ii t.w lnlttlh gttnl. et1111Chv• & '"'\."''• Pt•1one to •tP••••"' ltwm In 01411t pvt CluO Ill Nwpt &h l11te1 vt•w • •Q Cell t or •PPI 10 ti. M vn·l'll, A ak fQr Mr Hllbltg 117!> 0900 Sele• 1m1111 .!.'1..'I~~~ .... !.1.'.f ~·J1J!1'9~'1. .... !.~ff ,!.'1..'!11.'!l. .... !.1.ff •• ~~~~f~I.'!! ......... . ,0, ,.,,,.,~ .1.1111p1110 1 flw11••v 111" l ttHr.tttr Aatl 111 lllf I 0 l "'''-""I At •H All (.;llJI .. lo• .1.1111 u111c • CHl~O C:AIU. WOHKLH •••• 1 ............... . Au .. 111.v 1ook 11111 1111 • 1 ~<>mv1111y, lull '"''• 11ua1 Co·.Oll4:ell0t•el 1 ... 0•11 NI~ hedtl U O 000 in .. 111 tl1d1Ut• P•"""1 w 1111 ltun Nt (lC A11po11 1111 ll••lmenl piogrern q11•1 lur llv•·•lloerd 11''"111111 n •llrn1111a1t • ~40 1n64 1o1 •llOl•~etll• OA .,"' boll 0 1 mot 111 home l11tt1 u1.rbl1ry Prulw1 IUIJC'IYllOIY ••1>41' 111 Ill• t4ll•t :t41J 60• 1134, ••01101 sll•hHI" 4011•• s111KR st•R fl•hl C11ll N b t 2683 IOllt n IJllOlle VOIC:tt If Ul'"L " '" tl411 34111111•1 111111 J 11111~1 Stt••I' u1111t111tl ul Oy11111111c: hlV•tlm•m Co IQllllTI lllllT• i .. " •k•ll• •1111un11t1 ro ""'"" .. • ouPU• RtAtl van lJnv•• "" s.,111111 (..1 IL u•nelll IL OAIAOI tAu ADt Now wpr11 1yv111u b~6 04110 w1lll11u 10 1 .. arn ow b11H1 "'""" Ct1111111 Mu•t II• 111 "" • • CLAl llPllD '' ''"' ~:.!' 101 IJ111tany II au 1 I """" I :~c:~· ,~~·::/, 1111v••~ Tll OAIVllll, I HI llLOW 1.1111111•11.al•Ull 10 $!111 I y I.' I I, I ................ .. SECY/Ill OFC 000 plv• oonua 1116 11• 1"•1111"' WalltH••• 11v•1 • ' I ••mt <fovulOIJmt!lll rnm c uµllOIUll Utt111ht1 ') 1 yr•, •PPIY 111 C:"''1111 •I • OIAtll, I' llLll 11} ... /d i•' f!!!~.!!!!~• .. •••••••• po .. ., ""dvy "'"'11"•, ri M•••dO<, 11 8 N"'"'p 11111w111 ITI· a~R~·Gr5·;~r-·s~~·.~; .AAA G f s A1 E s A' 1yp11111 Snor 111111HI or 0 11J)Or tunrty tu tr11vt1I tot 0'1 Blvd C M I Tll llLI TIP EqurlJ Ctot111111 M1&' ONLY 11qurv rttq ti Mlllvru mlll " t111ght 11111n1y mnllvl· I I• 208 £11111111rcJ Avo (al11ty) M1K( •1>1111 & etCl.uftMlllu• t.aa. ... ~ DO A L.ITTLI ~ ~~ IU ... 11 IN 'YOUR SAl( OWN HC>m ..... '· -.,-t • • ~ \ il' • t! '-• I 1• .,. ,-1 ·~ • .,..,, J 111"'1 I ·:"'-.. • 11~ '~J 11 , ·V'":°I ~ ' ,"Ci ~ • '7 l • I ,, ~ b '\"' f!~.!~Jft ...... l!f ~ I ruiJ llu•11llh.JI 11111111 U•1 ""'" wt11111 hau mt• 1t•1 111111 IOYlll\j C.OltlJJllllOtt (.11111 '"" {1411-4,():I f'ondlu ''"" l o 1100\l tllJll<ll lihttu y • r•1HlOlt1• I 5411 :>8411 I I lvlly l"llttrtl 6 w1<"1\" 111(1 l'11cJ N111w1Jo1un Flkhnuod wr11111H" ~ n<Ja '"'' yrO 1v1, uf .11111 406 3;>!15 "J luv1ttQ 4 111111 010 i.1111111~ U•Jllll W/lltCh "' llOQ• llou~uur i.n t.4', 41198 l!l'/!IJ~ •.....••• l~f £1111•oemw111 '"Iii· yello1111 g ulo w13 U111mon1h bHUhlul I IW 776 1171> .. ~!t!~t!r ....... l.~!f ··1 AAKE (, '>0 0 ~orklllt tlttftO 1.u11 ;?4 1111111111 \llOOO I 1<1171.>.I :1106 ew llU<.h '"'"" wtlod l1tlht1 '\{1 , ltj) Wf l llllllllJ 1(1()1~ S.41)'i b 7!> !l;.>U;> ltllu1JJHH•I IOIO .......••.••......•••• UIWtll 2dHOI• !~1!!.'!f~!!.~! ••• l.'Af ,., .. ,. •Yfll11t4I 1'1Jl•ua • 11> 00101111111 ••• fltlota '°'" 6 11111 "'" 10 11/l ~41J4 lf•l iHl ,.,,,. ••• ,, lllJ .............•.•..•... YAM AHA fhu Amµ Hl!•d w11t1 a cJoulJI• Ill l>V "ll•i<knr c.111111 .. 1 All 111 .,.c.,11«1111 <oo11Ullron H OCluov Ht-Ollt, 1 .... LUDWIG ORUM SET llu11Jly U~t!Cl 9 I)<. w '; r yml;,al°' ti cu wt , 1.~li 744'1 R1>0111 47 l 0011111g for ••Ir • 111 com•7 Try Per I· T111111 Selet el the P£NNYSA VER. 1660 Plecentru Ave, Co1t11 MHD Ask 101 '""" S-.nn r•1u1nu & lotl ~ulf st11rt111 Ruq 1 IT 1111 1 I I I y Oc.t 2'.l ;>4 Q J BI m1c<ownve. c.u1~111111 1 . N .. uc.h U0 •Jll nmnu ftAif! sular v ruqu1111rn11111 10 Ot!Qr"u 11111.1 >1v1111111c .. or · for Id •ct""' ITlll TIO llMI• 10«1 10 ruul 1upu ll•i~i. '""' r.ot ~poyud 4J Y•• 8 10 20 10110 36c P"' 11 I uKH Ht 11 .. n ••y P/Tl•t PO Boa 7006. N11wp01 t ~trpu• nl111 11ccom1111sr1 n n ""' K11 ~/ IJlld. ~ cJru~!Nlrt, ruhi '""'" h•h1110 equip 111,., 1 Ult! lhJth1woo 675·6J7 I 77!, 14(1 t u11yl11T1" M.111111 tttr1,., wlr.it~u -a I CA 9"660 I c I I tbl, c.11flu11 lbl. IJlllU 110110 lltt I I b f I N•wpo11 BHCh sportl bllCl. • 111011 ~ a a II I Tl •••• lbl $11tiot w/ltlr pwr I IJ h ll l)Atl ~ () ,,,,.11.,, 1050 LOVE HLLDllS ~~(j"7'90'11Ci rt ll S l <!!I Mii Whtie ' firm seek a Gel F11Clay 't11v1c11 S1a11on Tiii I .... IDD rnOw•• ult :107 S1Jpf1hl•• ~tl\lllr 1'1111"0 lllly!I 6 1101 ""•••••• .. •••••••••• I u Ill+ tor t~ping & som~ > ATilll&IT II 1111s 1sn t you 1>1e11~11 Daly Pilot , • • 0 •v sis 10 • 111w11111 111ct1 11n114u" 0111< * *' BUY** Sano someone you lrJv11 r · ' "' I 11 ll •ma I I •1 • ,.. ti " b•·oLC I I !" a 1J11aulllul lJOU~IUOI OI 30 ~'"" f tlllCl•!f (,oronaUO )(II drtvtng Modeling tt•Pe• ti yo I ~ I IHI • ·' m ..... • 11 I v .. Cl~U pwr llO .. 0 u I ltelplul but not nttclll· 1 [Apur 11ec11ssa1y Hu 11uulrty lttt1nU about tnrh • 9¥9• • I• .. , .. , 1i•i•••ll I ""''Que µhono gruph Go•id usttd Furnrture & nulru111 oallooni. l'••rh'{t ucou~l•t et11c; gurtar Hry S6 SO hr to s1e11 nttsL clein cut no11 Jd Nun srn oi.ers pl•a1111 •D·VISQR tr In •••• II• ...................... bJn{lo board:. 10 ~µd A hJnctts·OR ' will sen tor Jll o<.<.d.1>1011r. f u nut tiunlJU'"' on mrnt tonu Leave mesg 63 1•6300 tlrn,i.er Must be 1tblt' to Pl.ia:.e !WflCJ resumu 10 n lltok Salt I• llltJ c1111ds ll•ktt mv<.lt mor" 0~~Ell tor You d .,c; o r 111 •no 1 o u a~ \J7'> 646· 7u09 031 1H1n he dlltector lt!:>t COLLINS ASSOCIAIES 642-5678 111111 llYEll 2000 011. F o coa11 Blvd 110 1 Pomona, CM Ma•ri•s AI OTlll 6/"J 4419 Ollit1 f1t•it•11 I Ldgun .. Be.cell Artto 567 Sen Nicholas Or OIL y , I 01 T Ho11~1111ol" c101r11ng, • " A b 499 tO 19 B 9 :i • " • ••• , •• 1121 1111(.jUtl rnahOljftl!Y (.J I l•ui••••I 1015 Seo Idle ltl<Tll 842-6678 • ut ·• Newport Bt1ac11, 92660 ITEll I l ODD I turn EVERYJtllNG Sall l l YIRI Plllltlll •l·I ••· 111ll w1Hl 0110 Rt;A rnct10 •••• , .. ~•••••••••""" Sun 9 4 HUH HT&TE SAU I IUY FHllTURI & tlH .. ord plt1yt.11 -S75 tHl· j•BM modtll O 1ypewrrli!I IP C ' J .. lh1oom martitu typu tltlWly '"<.onu $ lf,O 0 11111 • llOlfl I ,.,, ¥rs ol collec1lng, 1ooo·s L .. ~ 957·8133 51nk 111 i uoor & :;>drawer Mi;1111 ltJdger 673-J 1t1 our famous l•llli•••••••-1••• ................... ol exc.111ng Items a1 6f1 brown plaid sofa hiUt1 <.uu11111t plus matc.nrng :i 8 WESTMINSTER ABBEY Furn1tur" clothes, more mus I sell• prtc e s u oect S7!> Maple d1n111te I.l our wall cob1n111 & r M Memory 7S wrll< f<NTIOUEMALL tOc -S JOO Sat/Sun ' fJonk:. picturos. trames :.el 4 charrs 5 75 marblllty1>e wallshtlll t ... 000 cnarai;t&r me· OUR 3RO ANNIVEA· g.o(pm SI Golelll Pl Dr 1 •arnps dishes. trunkb 642.8!154 all fur only $100, llimpu mory 9 mo5 left on IBM SARY CdM I q11tlb elt Every day 11,0 glab!. showti• doors ~or v•<.e warr Sl,.001c.rbo 20% lfF SALi u11111 slulled ga<&ge ·1s Otnt1lle or game set. lge h~e ntiw. only SSO 10, 95'> I t'l I SAT lllH llLY ' amply 2:?72 Avalon toll comfortable chrs (<!). uotn c1111542.ot38 '''' IOll NAN TED S tte,..aton W1lso11 btil Hatbpr II. $265, 768-1426 ... ••••••••••••••••••• OCTlll R 2311 '\.oves.,at & urm chair • Fa11vrewJ Lg.Dog k.,11ne1 useo u11ce DIMES-A-Ll~E 6.30PM 111 MIDNIGHT Sold "' CllM Estate Sale Colorful nome ofl1c.e type $t!!l SHIM· TZI PUPPIES 117s 1 Weslmuister Ave 1n May Aelottvu will otter 411111 Che&I. wash s1anu, swivel cllall $35 553 14 t7 AKC Champion 1111e all G·AAOEN GROVE, CA ger1ero us ca sh prtce ships wlluel tool bok. 768-1426 ~11ut b 6 wlo.b \1111 t1r,lcl I 83 1-766 7 or PO Box cusl qab 1a11k lo< Foro Po11-atile black & whlli:! tor Christmas 7?0·08\11 LOUNGE ct\1111 $45 Cab1· net lor records S 10 Frteplace screen I btacl<. $1S Brass log basket l'IREWOOO 1s1ackJ S 10 "'6REGO stroller $25 De· BLACK casnme<e coat lox 6325• l aguna Nrguet. Ce Pu 548-8788 Redwood Patio Set 1 1V ~ $20 S!l:l-0644 New sewrng mact1111e co-co' a 1 111 e r u q s S 2 5 collar s11e 14 S20 Swog 4nlique flat top teed or. 926 77 lounge Chr + 2 cllrs & 553 14 11 brnet S50 Table and H1aea-beeJ coucn $4S I larnpS7 50 New soc1't11 gan small size. looks Hu•li••l••lllti 1001., group $70 B.soy Y.,11owNapedA•na· chairs $45 Pre.lures ilnO Hanging scale $15 set $10 Magnovox small good bul needs work. C11t111111 :,•••••""•••••••••••••• 768·t426 M.in ~ lt!allle• <.oat · ~·rn i on PdrrOI. $600 ObO ht1mes StO Lots of cto-OverstufleO chairs $45 radro, reco<U console $200/obo 631·22SO •••••••••••••••••••••• JIAN1 Garage Sale 9401 Sola-bed bl e dbte sz 38 lo 40 Zip Olli lining 64!>-5960 lhes 25c-S2 toy~ 2Sc· Juicer $15 Wooden tugn $10 Melal olfice c11a11 J ARAGE SALE-Sat/Sun , Breakwater Cr H B Oct • u $40 645-952t FERTILIZER spreader $1 50 Dresse1 $20 Dos· chuir Sl5 Water sk11s · $8 Tenrusshoes.varrousj DOLL SMDW Some now1used . free 1~·IO Hamilton/Bushard ~f9~9~;6 •:J~~79~~t er Portabla 01g1tal mull1m11· 11~<;1 !"1"~~1 As':is~u'0s~~~ $10 979.9933 S 10. Wheel barrow $10 he 5 2 5 c . s 1 2 4 o 1 S 10 Snow sk11s SS Snow size.ii soc pa11 Hand saw Sal and Sun Oct 23-241 oems 2432 College Dr 11111&11 SAU ter o~ new $175 OBO 6 73.329 t S lep ladders $3 · $6 Orange Costa Mes.; ' bOOls $5 Bathtub $30 S4 2092 Wallace Ave F'ree Adm1ss1on E•hrb1t CM 557-5791 982 'NEW Frtmch Prov bdrm. 96(1-829 1 Many tools $1-$5 Diii 646-5482 Pullman srnk $40 Cofloo Costa Mesd 548-701 I and sale HUNTINGTON 1 Um liege. slereo armo11e & bureaus & drn 4 K C C H I HUA 11 U A , 8 bike patls $5-$25 611 F'AIGIOAI RE elec t11<. talllll $45 Bed~preads CENTE R MALL 40S Pwr compost g11nder. R·I TV a1111que fled sk.1 rmsel 841-3239 Sµan1s11Founta111211eroo WEEKS StOOlup Bog'8 J35. Record playe1 S 5 0 S 1 $ 1 5 C 1 1 h S 2 Sf 0 II E f r 11e st a 11d1ng F d 8 11 ltller • pwr lert sprayer 1 bctols and rnuch more' , like new S 100 549. t 783 545.3 188 $25 s~ake•s $6 Re-stove works 2 flicu T • 5°20 e~ double oven $50 Two 10 Br~e";.aJ 1tn eac plants 979-9 196 Sun Sat1Su11 9882 KHe Or BABY C RIB Simmons. alt 4PM anytrme wknO cords SOc·SI. New wire desk good tOnd 1l1011 50ruck"/•m5SS P ooks speed bikes, need wo<k Iv only HS like new w hi te w t "'t:athlace love Brrd~, b $ 8 S 4 0 6 4 2 • 7 3 5 5 o r c an Oller Y s5 n Th A k M .. .a C 964 5847 I c· r•O"Y • 125 540 6187 Newpor 1 Beach l ennrs F"male "'O Y~·ng b•rd• askels 1·S3 ook s 631·8467 Sl·S3 Baskets St-S3 eac ree P"" 5 1 llCnl• 11111l rJ -1ouse11old 11 .. ms !urn • ·" v ~ • ~ H vv ~ 10c S5 Cloth $1$5 2 boots,lad1ess1ze 7and8 OA ON NG AOO Club membership $750 SIS ea 548·6483 • es • USED 1u1te1 StO Woll Sheets St·S5 Wood s2oeacn 545.3482 K I I M chrldre115 clolh•ng end Moving Salu everytt1111g l::>a ~ Furnrture, Desk CdllEUieat83:1 3200 lamps and shade $S heaters 550 ,,.1ch Ust1d lrames S l ·S5 JOO Flo· SET Belgulm oak with other misc items Salf mubl go Furr\ appl Oueun Sz t>eo. Refrlg 1 )ht!ll•eS AKC.: sat.lier ~hlle Sunday only 2375 Cor-: d oo rs s 2 o eac h wer Sltetlt Easts1oe TWO speaker cabrnets parquet rn1ay table 4 X 8 Sun 330 Aumona Pt odds .,nds F11I Sur1 MCI more 631-8869 Un1vers•ty Atn1e1rc. Club ~hots "'ormed S200 nell Crlve. Costa Mesa I 548·S945 Costa Mesa Corner ol w1lh !Orn ano 51n cul · expand to 13 fl · hanu EVERYTHING GOES' 848-6638 Membership, Men Only 642-4926 NEW d ap N sed GIRLS bicycle S20 Htta· Flower and Sa111a Ana I outs tor speakers requl· made Amer<ca11 Windsor Sat/Sur 9.? FURNITURE NEW '1 Pr1ce. S450 953·6606 off w~lle,e~uk:v,~~.~ sell te• tan comb+na11n11 S7 Saturday and Sunday re a llllle work. ha!> mid· cha11 set. 2 arm and 6 324 Coli9''11' Pl C M ,E1ett11cal con1rac1or wa· Mvbt raise Cash ' DD YIU IEED? •REE Russian blue neu I ed I 96 68 Sis AntlQue Antiqua ~•ari"S 9·4Pm range capabtlrlles. ideal side . Scottish nurrored retiouse sale Sat1Su11 !••reel declawed friendly '" · pair • , ~ " .. bo d s 4 000 .. ULll f 5482 Busmess Or unit Pr;ces start at Blankets some new cat o wner allergic 1-90x44 S 10 1·5 lxS5 1 S I 0 a11d S2 5 Tools MIA-ROA 24,n.30rn 520 tor people who 1118 handy 51 ue 8 ' .., amlly gar ager c He 846•7000 Mc1llrt1bSeb & found set 730-3782 alt 6 S 1 O 1 . 3 9 x s 5 S 7 SOc-58 Weed cullur S tS Auto arr condilloner 525 wrlh wood $10 eacn Old 673·6423 turn rmsc new & useo l wtrl 577 • Full $97 items suitcase. lrst1rng 1·781144 SIO. 5 pairs un· 8 track tapes soc Typ~~ 281n•66111 sneets ob· AM/FM Delco car 1ad10 NANl EO Amettcan 111. 344 E 16th Sat 9.4 Garage Sate Sun 9.4 Ou~n $t47 . Krng $167 gear etc 549·1755 CMESIPEI E llY RET marked $5 each 9 142 wrrt er S20 Jewel •)! scure tempered glass from 69 Pontiac works dranbaskets,beadwork 5 FAMILY VAAO SALE Huge wrought oron 01ro SolaBects $197 ESTATE SALE AKC 15 mos old Fem Veronica Drive Hu11t· 25c-S7 E•trd nice cto-SIO each G78.1511,e s3 I great ideal lor 1ust plarn pots. 1ex111es 494.7974 Oct 23 24 Sat & Sun cagr s11ve• service. clo· Sota & Loveseat S24 7 4 3 t v a q u e, 0 Need" loving tam•ly 1ng1on Beach. 964-809S , ltung 50c-S5 Small step 4u drapety <Ods 52 each music S 10 Various as·I 191n hundred Rosemary thong & morti 8922 Bay· 0111e11e w/ 4 cnrs $97 (Shorectrlfs) San Cle· S 125 644-4077 RATTAN lurnrlure Two ladder SS K1tche11ware 12 volt R v l•ghls &•n· I sortments of 61nx91n car, l•TIOUE llRM SET Pt Costa Mesa 9•5pm wooo Dr cMagnol1a & DISCOUNT FURNITURE mente ElegC1nt house. queen chalfs 540 each 25c·S5 lwrn bO• spring gles s2 doubles s4 speakers. all work $31 Early 1900's. xlnl cond Cross St 20111 Orange Ga<t1eldJ 962-7263 t9'i9 Harbor Blvd hold tur1Hshings Art ri1•01' Ort••• 1090 Matchlngtable$10 9142' S20 Two ~dchen wall Wooden k1tcne11 Chairs eahc Two 10111 and 51n $9001obo 640·S143 . -Gilrage Sale llooks ll Costa Mesa 631 -6609 cr ystal 1ewelry Sal . ••c);;tu•.;RIGHT·P~,;~(:j" veronica Orrve. Hunt· cabinets SlO and S25 SS eacti 675-0625 speaker s s3 each 3 11 1 F h b k. Hlllll SIU toy~ lne HO train set __ Sun &Mon .Oct 23,24 Retin1sheo rebuilt mglon Beach 964-8095 One wood lrame wonoow rwo 1eatner Spanrsn lype -. Iron I Fro11ch walnut K' misc Sat only 687 t :ouch 8 brown leathe-1 al t noon lntorma· $1000 '645-6056 att 3 Ctia1se lounge S 12 SO ---673-3567 I eau ' ll <enc '88 • Sat on1u 9 AM to 3 PM " 25 2 STOP the bedweller Wee S7 Glassware 2Sc-S5 tec1111 1ng chatrs S50 'DIAL-A-STITCH sew111g bevelled glos<i. must sell Many itchen items 905 Laurethurst lnr Golden· retie from Broadway lion 492-106S Beaut1tul Kawai 611 Grand A lert machine from l amp sis 2 18 22no eacn Vmyt rocking cna11 machine SSO Aoll~':"~Y St500 Pin e t>aket s Joann Costa Mesa west & £d1r•gen StOO call 673-3600 "•deo games Star Castle Piano w1walnu1 cab•nel Sears. cost 42 asking Street. $20 GolO enct tabte 111mp ~~-E~61~ESL~OEt T~AES, rack $325 646·8 t8 I CIRllE SALE itnri•I l\nttque Mahogany Rock· Missile Command Asle· Xln1 cond Ivory keys A S1S 9142 Veronica SPINNAKER pote 12fl $10 646-t936 w w new $JS each 2 Rosewoocl Chatrs & 2206 State Ave. Costa ·,··•••••••••••••••••••• er 011g upnolstery nds 101ds S t 650 lor a1 1 gorgeous pc ol turn11u1e 011ve. Huntington Beach SSO Wrnch handle $20 ST ANL EV garaQe door Aoyat wrde carriage por· Loveseat Beaut carved Mesa Sat only Street Garage Sale Lor· wrk $50 Ph 673-3600 675·2172 and a top qua1 mst•u· 964·8095 IO speed bike $35 Skr opener $35 Door hinges table $40 Turnbuckles & uptlOlstered 51 500 M ISC H OUSEHOLD , ;~~~e5~~Y8!~~~e r1' Jet- 1 \Aoplekllcnen table $75 2 :ustom Clock Shop clo· men! s45oo.544·6699 TWIN beds lor Doy:. with ~~2°j~;9size lO 525 with safety sprn1gs $20 t21rt $2 each 2 yaros p. 646-0376 books, tools. 10 spd bookci.~es 24 •n X 54 sing 3 unique Grandla· Blond Wur11tzer upr1gtt1 headboard and rails s•o WAS~ER and dryer S!>O S57-4480 gravel S ~ S48·6232 E.VEAYTHINO GOES• Sat bike wit sl.,1s. luggage IN1w~rl l11d S60 55<'·3 t40 lh1;r Clocks selling 01 $700 obo about 15 yr P•rr Formica 1aole w11h each Dishwasher sso SKl"S 204cm S50 Sk i DINETTE S"I tound table 9AM Fur11 . V1c1 Seel Sal Only' 12 r\oon to •••• •••••••• .. ••••••• 6 1 ~100 c 11 cos t S 2 2 0 0 ea old Call 964-94S4 1 1 f S25 23 n " d k I 5PM 474 o 1 CM G1an1 Y.:itd Oct 23rtJ & j·19'n so a. 0 ee 637·8291. Mon-F11 ;•re ea me Rotary power mower boo1s size 10 S20 S1111 7 4 t1n whrle never mar es rames books. (Irvine & 171hl g 11• 24th t2·S l'urniture. & 11>1 "l end Ibis S50 Steinway M 5 7 Grano V portable wrth swivel S50 Push mower S tS $25 10 speed brke $30 top, 4 chairs. blue wood supplies. clocks 1ewelry i ••ore "02 41•1 St I 64 1·9107 645-4886 I t c a I I I I !able (works g<eal) $35 Eteclrrc ectger StO Va-552-3519 j cushrons S35 540·6338 elc BACKOOOR IM· C101nes galore women·s m • ~ lrg China 0011 w r i $;'eooon ~;.~12~n1s 1 tor both Good looking cuum cleaner s2s Anlr· ------ -I PORTS t896 Her bot sz 10 4 12 men 5 34.36, SatrSun 1etrrg w l d. Kl ESTATE SALE moval>le parts. real ha" I PP_ - bleck office swivel cna" que lable SSO Couch SHUTlEAS 4 Ouldoot ·OKEEFE and Met111 drop Btvd. CM some misc items Sal I wtr bed b•kes misc SatrSun 10•6 Hshld 4 t eether body S l 2S PIANO Upr1gnt Cnerry· $25 Red hassock S2 SSO Rectrner s2s Suit· louve<S t8m•801n $20 rn oven and range $40 446 t w Coast Hwy 77S-HHS wood Made 1893 xlnt Shoe lilal• llz• 6 SIS. ~3 2 F 548-598S each. 9S7-0590 leave 9eautrlul antiques incl 9·4 3t97 College Ave misc 2638 San Joequ1n ' I CHM • eecn 2 I lo-If II <OIJ ·t op desk Sidi· CM 673·3S47 Hiiis Ad (Otreclly ectOH cond. SlOOO 759•0097 ::::: ;:-_r;:g :,1g. ~~'~a~ wer Street. Costa Mesa PORTABLE typew111er =sage m•c one ans· boaros & over mantel 26SE BAY l'our families• I oar,trt Silt from Gelson's 111ter1<e11. ::11ermolog H e eo-o;;;i Ham--;;;-ond Or91n model $$ 0 N FUR coat bl Ck 1 11 S14 SO Siu boots s11e 12 ---brass & crystal items CdM 644-1582 controls. good shape M-111 w1ma11c prese1 I · ew hanging a u $12 Melam111ed11nestorlTWO new sk1 sweaters 640-2981 Antiques, color TV. furn. Mull-family Anltques, ------Prrced fotqu1cksateS90 b ack g 1111 Walnut btown figure cloth lamp length. to wear anyplace 6 $J Books and peper-from tc-elend Small, me· . _ parntlngs. clothing. reels. tools. clolhrng. turn, !IP· Ortho ktng·s<ie matttess, Cash 644•6828 St 195 673·Sl22 S 1S Otepes, cur1a1n S4S Frame lor lull or backs 2 sc-SOc 2432 dtum and large -te S6S Boxes ol fine & not-so-drapes. etc etc:____ pllances Sat 7 30 to 1 bO• spr1ng & freme. ---- 1hede1. dlsnes Sc.$10 twin be<l with ball c.aS!et College Dri ve. Costa now $20 each. good fine 11lver·plale trays. lolhes. Tools. 2 Vending PM 1700 Blk Weslcllll $100 847-43 .. 7 !lathfub wrgtau Shower $1eieWIJ lrHtl Pia•e 9·S Satutdey and Sun· $10 Day bed cover for Mesa 557-S791 cnrrstmas gilts Mens hollow ware serving pcs. Machines. Misc Priced (In alley. l>ehrnd S•v-ONJ Rattan k1lct1en table tor enclosure s2001offet t89S rare model lmmac '::! .. 2s9ct~· ::~iac~s~: :~;nps~:~ 5~7 ~=~~ c;,~1;~ CO-;:-OR TV portabte t31n ~~OC:h:~";~~~s~7f9~~·~~ ~1~'i"'~!c11~~~'.q~~c "'1%e; ~vem~v~ ~~~s,d.~~~~~ HT&TI SAU sale $40536-8268 5c11w1n~~:~:d sso c~ ~IO 000 s 59 . 9263 Ave X o o7g7 co" d ' t 'o r1 GE $50. Panason•c ca.s-woot skrtts were S90 now Pomon1, C M Sal Only Anllquas 1929 stove Antique chest SSO Wale• !~!!~1 ••••••••••• 1.~!! AN TIQUED de s k , _44---~-seneplayl!f torcar $20 $6 each Weddingdress.A,nt1quep opco;;mac11;-ne. PRIVATE PARTY ~1n rm tbl &chelrs ~ 54 Round Soltd Oak skis. life 1ackets, tow 1982 S k • Naut1que 3 81nWx201nLx 331n RABBI T Diesel Owner Dtrl bike ooots srze 9 ve11 and slrp size 10 $50 g<eat tor game room 1110111 llTlflE ,resser. many sma I table w12 leafs Empire lrnes. t2 gauge shot gun 2001· Only 38 hours height $50. Matching Serv1r.e Manual $10 14 S20 Trailer m1rro<s used End la~les $20-$35 S2SO 644-2929 · 1· ~ems pedestal $400. 979-4544 Sat only Noon 10 5PM I Alsv have e 1977 For· bench $25. Large hghl toot aluminum extension once. coM $30, sell lor Desk S30 Dresslng table Furnrt ute Decorator lu~n~rur~'~c s~~~s~::;_'~ I Nice Golden oai("4d"rawer 474 Ogle.C M (nr Irvine I "'ula llO 20 II lt~e chilr $50 Framed Pll!'ll $40 Late model car track. for au10 S25 Coffee !Ible SIS Lamps corators 11em $150 843 W 15th SI (Sal SJSO 979 ,.5,.4 Remb<endt's "Girl in 1ne radio S 10 411•611 alum•· S48·9754 S 10-$2 O P 1c1 u r es: OBO. 2272 Avalon. CM 9-5/Sun 10·61 &48-0135 I & boots Sal 8am 10 mirror • YW LI CC&CE UCI I 842·2000 & ask tor Jtm· green n1ugahyde-club ladOer. new condrl•on $15 Audlovox AMIFM 6 $30 Cheat $10·SSO Old Ships wneel, 6f1 de· llems Over 6.000 sq II Women's clothing shoes I dresser ovel beveled & 171hl NEW, Ca 11 ( 7 1 4 I Wrndow·· 22inx26rn $40 num crank window w•lh :;EOAR snakes-th-;ee St,$50 Thtee bar stools A••lil•t•I IOIO __ ~prme s'~ Im,: ~oa. Nw?I "sn ct•n1ng table Two 18" StS 64S 84!>1 my Ji 11 out please Porteble room srze GE screens new S 10 New quarter rnch 4 bundles SB each King 11eadboard .,-, ....... •••••••••••• ARO SALE . 724'~ West Supetror) 631.8 ( 0 ff e~tens1ons. pads 6 1eave message• :>real Ch11s1mas gilts• rel11gera1or $40 Mens l eather H1k1ng boots $10 bundle 548-6623 $45 Twin chests SS'.l HARBOR AREA 19111 St CM Across the valet stand $15 Twin 130 , paid SISO sell $30 ------each Patio mosaic l11ble APPLIANCE S£AVtCE streel lrom Stater Bros brown 11nd whrle prlnl Oeco<ators yellow llowe· DAY Eucalyptus logs. 8 lo $35 Charrs $5 Two We sell recond , guar --- aide chairs each $SO red lamp w11n whrte 10 inches by 20111 long. c;ha1sP $1S each Um· applrances s49•3077 teteo furn, Vespa $ISO 5S2·9529. '1eave mes-shade $?0 Mens 44 long nol sp1r1 Close lo 't cord brella stand and frame bikes, desk.s Sit 8·4. sage. custom clothes $5-$30 $40 Wire re1ntorced $6 Hunting iockets I llY APPLlllOES Sun afl 12 3249 Oregon 642-0862 glass lub enclosure. SS-$30 Aoels new and Les 9S7·8133 Ave LEVI'S end 1eans $2 standard size tor 511 lub near new reels S7-$40 Black. while TV's $3 REE L mower S 3S S25 Students S drawer Over 300.rare m1n1eture Washer-Oryer-Aef11g Color TV as Is $2S Ste· 10-speed bike $3S 2060 w 0 0 d d e 5 k 1 1 Q u 0 t b 0 1 t 1 e 5 D1shwasher·Free1er reo tecords. some old Stale Ave follow Oak t 7inx3S•n•29•n high s 1 so-s2 2s Needle· Xlnt cond 646-S846 $1-SlS Long dresses. streel alle< lpm trgnt brown $25 Tele· point 50c·S3 Vern 1Sc a RetriOs. Wasners Oryer;- llZH t8·20 $4 536-8280 BICYCLE bo;s 16tn phone. black. d1a1 type skein Pots pans. glas-Many 10 choose from NEW metel deslt. 4 dra~r Schwinn M1111 Scrambler S 10 Small hend tools ses. k itchen gedgets Guar $ tOOrup 8S9-0682 30K30x4S$50.646-1447 goodcond11ron S30 5c-S5 Twogat1on Sem11 tOc ·$5 Fi g u r ines -S48-2806 Gloss Latex oil while. $1 -$20 Purses SOc-$2 Brand new delu•e Tappan WA S HING m •ch 1 n e -11nt of gray $2 gallon New hair dryer was S40 30·· gas range. 2 ovens (Sears) apartment size HALLOWEEN clothes (fresh new paint) Auto-now S12 Rezo; S4 Ouil· (I cont cleanrng1. cost $50. Preasurized fire ell· S t-$25 Ball\ towels $1 mobrle cylmder. rrdge ted l>edspreads, 2 twin $ 8 9 9 , s 1 c r S 4 0 0 l lngulsher 2 '1'> galfon Books SOc -$10 Casi reamed $5 Clock, out· $8 each. One green king S52·307!> (weterl $7 SO 21 inch iron long hanging lemps door 271n diameter with $12 Mark your celendar A~ondlttoned Reftlger1· yellow tamp Dase $3 red glass $4S PohShed 181n face In heavy metal lor October 30th and 1ors w1111en or ets Chrrltmu decorations rock slabs 10c SI F"e· cea.. wt<ed for ltghtmg 3 Isl from t0-5pm 1121 t v 1 i y g u 1 t 1· n 1 led· with hghts S 1-$2 a fool place brass sc<eens. ne· $50 936 Mac Ken zre Marlin Way, Newpott I S40-3114 ul11ple Famrly Lawn Sale Start vour own gym wlllJ 3 eaercrse 1>1kes Buy 1 or all 3 l Childs· bike 5 SP brke. h'g PQf· table dog kennel. toys. books lots ot m•sc g()()(j stuff Sat only, 10 .? 1989 Orange. CM 11\es, toya. lorn pie· lur11. etc Sal/Sun 8·3 2720 M endo za Or (Bake<) turntable dishes. clo- thes. toys. m1K Sal/Sun 9-S 623 Ham1t1on Hand knitted ski caps vet .~nstalled $8 Dishes Place. Costa M esa Beach 646-3700 1.:-- 13.50 each. Glau snow-2Sc $10 Abalone shells 557-56S9 fl.10ldtone Wht<lpOOl -r-Pecan 9 (i°;aw $1 Pots, pans 25coS 1 CRIB $50 Chest $3S. Car washer a dryer. paid dre11ser $150 48 .. PeG· case for swap meet SS Two .,.._, trallet mover 2272 Avalon otf Wiison DOUBLE bed. wood $50 · seal SIS Sw ing $8 S 750. sacrifice $300 an game tbl 3 leaves. 41 S 10 Blcycle reel\ for AUTO parts gunk m1nr· Baby changing table $22 wooden pleypen S25 1010 V•l•ncl1, Apt B. ohrs, S2SO 25·· Pecan trevel lt•ll•t S7.50. S•I· tank $25. 2 15•6 Amer· Wood rocking chalt Boys, baby. maternity C M alter 4 30 end l bl 150 Pool lbl. urdey and Sunday $22 50. Bassinet $18 clothes $1-$10 Toys ---SSO 'Misc t>ooks & p•c· 1can mag (real mag) tlms Wood leble SSO Wood $1·$10 Ftreplece tools Aefrrgeralor. very clean. 11-~pm. 1982 Rosem.,y l o< Chevy S2S 356C chairs S 10 eac l1 King $2.50. 968-16S4 t8379 Ilk• new two door $ t 6S lures 25' to $5 00_ 371 Place, Cost• Mesa Cash Porsche pans $5·$50 s 1 z e bed S 5 0 t< • n g Gr fiord Slteel. Fount em 893·9060 Woodlend, C M Sal & only 411 neon ltghts SS Cop-headboard S3S Tw111 v111ey near Busherd/ IAefrlg 20 culft. SIS. avo Sun 631·7935 NEW custom m1de 46rn pet frre extlngu11her $<IS 5.i Ford wegon Furn. round table. uM as PIC· Professional petnl equip bed brass headboud 1 Eiits. green w/ocemeker, Like tools, building m11er111s. $38 H1de·•·bld $30 ne-11 $250. 7Sl·2299 nlc. d i nette, gemes and paint $5-$50 81cy· Coffee tebte $1S End MEN"S designer suede items too numerous lo Mehogeny steined with ells and powdet coeted teble $1S Couch S 10 1ec1tet slza 40, ie•n1 Size Whirlpool washer $12S. ment ion Evetyth1ng polyutethene flnrah $50. 10 speed frame 12S·SSO Baby welller. beck pack. 33 $SO. Boote 9'11 $20. M aytag d l1hwasher mull go Cash Sal/Sun Matching benches $10 Tuner and amp Sound sltollers $5-$18 DresMr Large antique shtp bell $19S Apt u wethert aft 9·30AM 221 £ 19th Heh. M ·173S C11fl1men $40 Wood $20 Dresser $40 Ores· $40. Teak Ship ladder dryer $29S New 't op St FULL Ht of fedles m•I· play house S20. Two sets set e nd mirror $4S s 10 642-09SS model Admire( Relrlg. ched golf clubs, good dlahel SS end S 10 Ef.c· S43-0854 Of 9S3-8467 KING mattteU 12S Twin Stde-by-Slde, waler & Ice Irie hot plete $7 Cttllds spttng $15. OE d 11h· d1Spen11r. S99S New condition $50. GOii beg been bag cheJt $4S. Orris DOUBLE bed. bo• 1prln~1 Whlrtpoot llec etove. Top ~1.f..'!t~ •••••••••• !~!f end cart S25. Two pelr bedspread. sham and and mettress $3 wuher S2S Henglng m o dels-l ow c 0 st. curtelns 15 Huge Slot 645-0896 or S48-9197 plant dltplay pole reek S48-8972 018 1 Chairs $300 548·3259 All 1 • ·~· ""'"' ;;,.,m .... o la I<. e set SSO Good condition 1sta Del MUST S~L ~6-723~ Sa1 123 9.4 3 Easlblulf Dr to V Oro (see signs) 4 STIEn S -IEW es, l Family an11qu dryer. elec hp dl>le seat alu ladder. misc S 9.4 230 Ocean (Olf Tustm bet Coast Hwy) elec IC van m e•I at only View Av Ctrff & LIH ISL E arn1111gs, Antique turn p lremes. a111sl's Ch11slmas Boultq sewrng machines 11b1es 217 Vo SUNDAY 9.5 easels. ue g1n9 . collec· a Nice - SHI• A•• ............... ....... Sa•e From Model home. uphl F re11cn chair and olto· man 4 matching uphl d1111n9 cna"s Best otler 64 1-8284 --""''Que dresset end d111 rm set also other turn 642-8668 Twrn mattress&-bi); sp11ngs. $·100 645-8451 Anlq dark Prne hutch 38-7' wide X 68' hi. l<fnl cond S265 !>48·6234 -Sota1tovesee1. blue. Hand parnted T -shrrts Unique & personalrzed Call between 9am & 1 lam 644-4594 Lg or1ginat 011 parnt1nf wr gold leal frame 80 631·5966 Heavy $100 Oak Swivel Chair. 631-5966 Mink Stole. Emba pastel. nature! b<own mink $300 240-12S3 ---EVERYTHING GOESI Sat 9AM Furn , Vici sect desk. frames. book s, suppllff, clocks. 11-1ty llC BACKDOOA IM · PORTS 1896 Harbor Blvd, CM OA K FIREWOOD YOU PICK UP OR WE DELI· 1ukebox. Jncle s Estate 1930 s Seeburg 1776 no wry bearskin. cut gla IOOIS, 1ewelry, pa1n1tngs. lcart lndren rugs, mil lies. misc cot1e Frtr Sa11Sun k-S Bevl!fly Pl S A r•en Oii white floral 100 898-1274 -------VER 493-6748 chest ss. antq silver. elchrng. 1tory re· c1101es 335 E W11l•i•1t11 ......•...••.•. ....... IH'T •ISi Tl II! y Items, Numerous qu1111 some antiques Newlend & He W11tmlnt1er 847 Corner ll Ave -4778 "" ....... ~!!r.!!! ....... ·s 26 l erge Bevele<I edge wall mrrro•. $50 Bud Bow Tre Neon srgn 631-59&6 SSS, Oth er neon beer 48"-Round Teble. e•lends signs. Greet for home. bet, pool room. etc to 60·· 6 Chtl, all W/ &46·S792 w ll 11 e pedeste l 1 S 100/l>Hl Olt 673-1772 All electric hoaptt•I t>ed King bed , 781180'" wi with side ••rls $700. &44-9684 f r ame . good cond S 12!>/betl ofr 873·~.772 SCRAM-LETS Writing DHk 5'. pecen wood. 3 d11-rs. bllc llhf ANSWERS top. desk. lemp & cht. •Int cond. 1395/blll Of· Rubber • Tacky fer S59-5038 Hlket • Quiver 9Pc ThomHvlll• Pecen QUARTER wood di ning rm set. One casriret to enothll "'Thel tidy hes • lot ot 4S' a70'" dbl pedHlel gall She'd tleg down en 1bl·ext•nd1 lo 110". 4 armored truck t nd Hk :cat>er sl\t boots used 3X women s 8' •. $50 Karen 673-5454. 673·0 t64 Skt s new La Cror• COSt $550 sell S350 Carbon· kevler 5S2-3519 ~r.!!!'!l.~! •. !~!1 SURFBOARD 5'8 Sharp Local Motion. srngle hn l I n I con d $1 00 673-3600 Goll cart. 1981 modet 4 seoter. club cer cerocne cream with F<ench ca· nopv 4 wheel, Including battery charger S 1600 080 549-01 S5 Susan Mon·Fll 6-SPM ------Pool Table. ber size. slete top. 1ea1ner pock111. •O· sewood rai ls s soo 759-8936 all 6PM -----Net su•t FL w/lacket. fl· dies med Wgts. fins cep, face mask.. snorkle Total ,$9S 546·0201 -~ ---------'11most new ch1tdrens Ross 140 cm & 130 cm w/Tyrolta b1ndln~s & poles & bOOls Also ead t8o·s K2 160 + more 1701 Pomona. C M Sii only or phone 631 ·0117 1 ~'-f! ••••••••••• 1-~ .&H Enlerpnses sells 10 Flea Mkt & Swep Meet Vendors. Llhr goods. II· welry, brasswere, pore•· larn, ktlchenwern. home & 9111 products Whole· s11e prices Cell (7141 8S7-8606 anyilme r:c lhOIS 6M 12.50·$4 o retriever• S2-S3. ur HI $2S. Girls CIO· RUG 9 12 Id I will\ $12 Grandlalhlf clock AllDIUll A1Y8"1 Tllr• new Wiiton balls thing tSc-13. Boys Levi • go ovi S 12 Bean bag 12 Teppan mlCtOWIYI w / '"""' on $60 l spd Schwinn, men In Xlnt condlll &42-8323 Side & 2 &I'm ch<I. Mel· chlng 2 pc etllna cel>IMt I o r ch ange QUARTER:· o I • .Niii lt•d• 130.000 In llntl· 13 Udlea golf f:ve Ilk• d d Ilk 11 h • a v y I " n g e S 5 0 . 96&-S26S proM, ,,.,,.r uMd, <e1•11 · an cor 1 • new, H 844·4S79 lit ht Hr4, IN. n•w S3. Praot c" balla 28 SS .. ch CHHlte SILVERPLA TE Hrvlng 1500. 1260. 8'2·9006 2c·10o. 646-1209 ~layer. recotdet s1s. BLACK and white 1etev1-trey a28. Sllvlfpl•t• Mf· Amena 18' FrMHr. cop-PrHlt• 4•r et sllt Sl>C df.,,., walnut -wo men rubbef Ille tlllt lion. workl 126. Two cet vlng trey S50. Electric pertoM, '11n1 cond. 1200. Over 300 pc:1 of oak lur- .. _ ... ml .. « .... 1 .,,. ~· ... ·~,..... --· .,~, .... ,... .... ...... _ ...... 842-9333 nltute lncfudlng 54·· S· meteNng nit• ltend '40. DIYid Newhlw1 $3S Hart gege teck Se. Kid s ty· tenk 126. l"l1hlno lur11 ~F Refrlg & lrMZlf. S.ers Rotl top dnk wff\.tll int, 3 Vellleteen IWlvel rocklf 1how skis. women 681n pewtller $8 Sterllng, 12 50 Smalt refrlglfelor dr l••ded bOOkCIM w/ 120. 552.ni7 with bindings $25 2220 w1t1r cooi.d •Ir cond l· 150, Fibefgl8*s dock bo• 16". bottom Irr• wllce clew Ifft. unutuel rem Conllnental Ave . Coste lloner S 16 (81 It ) TuM sso Old banjo S2S Sii· m•klf $200 842·9333 hHd llbt ery tbl, tency MAPLE booltcaM head· M • 1 a . o I I w 11 son type FM tun41f 811 to 108 verPtat• boWls 15 Office oN11t1nghouM relrlg. •Pt ffCtelary wl fllded gliu 1 boerd laO. A9cllnet SSO. S48-8788 (90:30·3 Set· MHZ 110. AM •uto radio I delle 150 1701 Pomona size. work• good, $3S drs Ille c:ab1net1. Ufft. C arpet ••••Pet 1 5 urday , SB. 1 Inch MuNln Ian S7. 1 Colle M.... • 8'42-8684 Morr11 ahrt, lrplc malll· Poi.told I 10. Mo1orcycle P0tl•ble O.E. phono S20 • ell. many dratMrl I hi· I "'" t5. Televlllon 16. '949 M AYTAG Prol•HIO· (Wiii\ record cllan1,er). KITCHEN utentlle 50c·l1, Frlgldllre refrlg, lop free-I boys, Hoo111tf cab1n111 + 641-2112 nil ll'oner mec:lllM S40. R .. ll1tlc SA 102 olld C0tner table 120 Anti· ,., , C~f>I' oolOr. 1150 much more. Am/Fm 8 track stereo, su11 1 arn 1111 di b ' U O 848·111 , AMERICAN WHITE epok• w11"'1: 5 ~ars 125 s45•7826 • s ereo P •r que ra o ce lnet . ~ Ford ·~ ton and IMP · 120. AM/FM tren1l1tor Hail' curier Mt 15. Lampi 3aff«a & Sallllf. Almond. WHOLESALEAS I 5 eecll. Ilg muklng IOYS b•crl• 20 Inch tadlo le. CllculatOI' with $10 Clfemlct 60c 16. GlaH ov•n dr. tmmac & AUCTION COMPANV ~ 135 Cer CO¥ef pettect S S. Klrl>y 111· power eupply le. 8 lneh Kitchen plutlel 50c·l3. S350 firm, 4t4-2905 828 So Magnolia SH. '13 ~ Plctl·Up cuum like n ew 140 IPffli• ln wall bo11 S7 TV slend 17. 9ovl lhlna Monro\lta, Ca grill• 125. 215 gallonl Lawn·O·klng powered 0Yal mirror In wood•n l lH 8 12 SOcol 1.60. AetrlOlf•lor wotlt1 good (213) 35t-M08 aquerMI\ and acceeao-edger SSO. Overnig ht holder SS. 14 book• on WIM rack 12. Brlefca• 175 &ml E Peaedlnl ,. 925. 213 block 921. Cell SS. Tt•Yll Kennet. ~.,,,... s 16. Electronic. 1 1 ToeltM .... hf¥lng 641-4416 off2 10~ Ot8rlk u1 3IO and 321 tor 1me11dtl 14. Floor book• 12 .. ch. N••1 1rt Y1 11. c11t1a1ma1 de· tNelMt & Dryer, ._, tuat lob Han • AUC1 ortntl 1ri Chevr big temp, nice t . Tlfa and AHHtllc AM 0 1g 11a1 corallon• 50oM1. Detlt completely redone. $300. bloell aluminum vat11e wllfft F7b 14 I I . CHh L.E.D. clocll radio '20. chaw II. W°'""''• dt ... ........ ,. f!frt/~! .•••••••• H.ff co.ete hi ''4 Cfllevy only S38-6262 OlaH vHH 11. 6 lnchl ... ._, .. ~ 13, Plett.tr" KENMORE AEFRIO ftlolt ·UP ~lie IJI LAZY EBOY IC 1peak1t IS pair. 2130 75o· &. ~2 A9dwood 10 IPffd, bo~, All-ftro. WlrMllHlld r=-r.:: . . roe er, rec· Dootort Clrclt "O'", A11t nv1. Coata M ell 14 cu n, :: 1 mo. Old. whlU . I 0 /0 bO , t u N • 1 liner S4&. Corning s>e•· eo.ta Mete 642·7Mt S1turday Ind Sunday 1421 ...... 7 l44·202t gel condition • •• o/:c t re cotor 14 'our t llct J.llattltt.' SOlfMnt toe1llf M Soup muo1 9UAl"80 AAO lncludet "'40n'I, KINMOl'll Df'YIA Allelgll 10 •P"d mena ~ w · 1 .... Ladlet tin ctothet IHlfl, laO. M l ·HH. AlNOV L8W11 eurtbo&10 f lee .• WOflta~. 13&. blltt MUST HLL H I. I . 70 ,_. Hc•l2. Plc1ure lreme1 1111 HO. S.m H t wlt '40· 21 -1 lveNngt ''°:!~ '~ Tr ... · U 12. 2471 ,..,_., Drlw Hl!Ve '°'=:I:"'"'" t urfbotrd &11 t 1 au. h tott IO. I•,. U•. co111 Meu . (follow 10 ...,... ... Two.....,..141andll0. Heft IOIMtftlnt 10 M41? l He"'9 totMtJ.nt tO .... ., ..._11 ttgmJ, K ..-. ·M?I. 13f.31 ... OIHIMtd ~ _eo It well. OIW~ ~~~ "911. '•""•• #11111111 lllS • •••••••••••••• ••••••• •w lie/ n. Redwood 2118 a 4·20' IOnQ, also t fenelng. c .. Jtm enyume. 775-t49 eek Ing. edwood or Ken I KING REDWOOD DEC 2x4'a. 33t . 2X8. 4k per II Sa,,.11 9tS·O 122 c •• ,,,,' '"' ••• ~!ti!!!! .. ••••••• Camera. \Aegnavo• Video 1 yr Old. aeoo 14&·8'60or17 3-42M m Cl• tometto. . an Elmo Supet 8 Zoo mera. compl. eu m i nt. w t c11e 846·7toll w/lnllflor ~htlng. Good cond. S27 /l>Ht olf•r S59-5038 Custom medl 7' Couch, Plf'flCI condl11°'1. coech atm1. side & beck cu· s111on1. ml11 striped blue/ X'""''*te, etc. 1200, 75-2333 ~•w matlrHI 11t1: full H6, queen 1106. king S t2S, Andy 750·!1832 unique BA 1et. DreHer wt rnd mlfror. beet lreme. 4 dwr Ch i t 1190 . 876-SllO l •rr dark *ood dff1t, wt tit c1r..-.. i011to. Ml.141·13M ~renc:h ~ lwlfl -bdrm H I, c om p lele. $300 ....... 1. ------NIW TWIN n o MO "''I '""· ·-· --. ':ni~';d bOK ICWlflg ...... , ,,,,,, , .. ••••••••••••••• Swee t, l o11lng Doble/Germ Sh 1ppro 11 • m o &45.0&7t tp,M, --·-1 o l d . I tH '*"· ....... , :>uMn l llt water !MCI: eec j llHdboart, t t rtwer wlltldl. P•d•lll l . ION con•. 5 yn 1 1111eo11 . e tc. au o. Ootlle M. ytt, g6od dog, ... good "" will trained 18Mtl8 l Ml·ll01 ...,. ques for 1111e-eboard L~ tbl lemp. like new S Hi. boat or molot home an bid •rr .. os. M lgt 84 5·9246. Eto• 1134, & brown. 20 ••· Med N.8. 92663 size dog kennel tor Ira· vellng. alnt cond, $SO Mlac. 11ems. 240-1179 "~"'' •.••.. t.l!~~ ..• l!!!f lo•H of fine & nol·IO· BEA UTIFUL 25" RCA llM t llv•t·Pl1t1 trey1. Colot TV 2 yr wtnty hOllow W81'1, MMng pcs, I t41. Fr•• d•ll11ery t11twat1, antique ntcket 1101 ~. etc. 1701 Open sun. TVJdln"tl41716 Pomona, C.M. Sat Only. MAGNAVOX lttrao • .......... traok. tumt1bll Am/l"m, UMct tX, MO. 14t-Mt7 1111• new MO. 54M30e M AGIC ISL.AND 0LU9 ro1h1ba stereo •rtt•m C HAATI A MEM · wtth cau Like new I 19S MASHI~ M6-7H2 U IO '44·2t21 f RAVNOR 6 ~ ml• ~' ~•ltphone "'' • ., 200 watt;. Ortlt ea plug~reet for Cond 1300. 4·S401 ,.. ""· 1100. 4·212t ... 0.1111. frtltl 009'1P8CIOf a 111, 11·· Ztnlttl C. ~re"' .. dfyw I 100. all •lnl cones. t110. -... e oond. 9'1·U'3 1ller COLOA TV ~I good lpfft, SIO Ml •H lt 8't ti AM jjl,j A LKff atmotl new, ~ z..-TV. "'11• Nbber ..... tGld1 ...... good 170 ... .-,14l~2 • '"" ....1114 ..__ 0000 40 WATI PKM ... ............ Dlllly ".,. IOUnd, ~ NltWiMA• f141·1* - ---------- ('I Orttng rr 1;14'1•, ,..,,, 1111• A111 l•trln, '"'' r1.'!t ••••••••••• !!.!~ ~.".~~·. !~t~!!!~....... ~ ... '!!1.!~r..~t.f!. •••••• ,~.".W.l~r.!!~~ ...... · ~.".1.'.'. !~r.!!!t ...... ~.'.~'.' .. ~~~~ ........... 1 ~.".~~· •• ~!!~ .......... . .•... !~.f!f!~ ... !.~!f ... ~~! ••••••••• ~!! 1 · .. t~!!!!!~!!~!.!.4.~ ~~1 1~~:~· ... :.:~·;,·I, v;;:,~· ,!!!! .....•••... J.~~!I ~~!~~ ••......•.. !.~~!If!!!!~.~ .••••..•• !.~!~ r!!~!.'*.~f!! ....•• !.~~¥ If!.~·!!~! ......... !.~H I!~!~ ............. !.~~, M1111 .. lltl'llfm •l•r•n •K OAT tll ll'tl AVA!lt>AUI: fir> Muai.t111,1 1•11 11"0' ••• <410li 'f~ llMW UUJ 11111 1 Al' -I 1111 POlllOlll IHO VOLUWAIH pt1 t11l1J•1111" * 11111 111"'" tt ll•<k fl•G 1~011 ~~? 'Z ll 44~ I A 4ri 0 (.~II 11•~ 1111114 Ou1Jg11 Ott •11111 t; u~ rtlll Mu•• ••" ..... tllli" Int I 14 2.0 OOUPE I RAllll DfLUll I ''"'"l'•'li"". ''"""' , .. 11. ,,,, .... 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"~ lll11t COlld SIT'.> ltAAUOll ~ti I 4071 <llJIJ u;u U•llb l\.lll1H t.OS l A MESA I l]\lluoa '4 H< Inf, lllltnlll II> MMllu JIXJI :! ch '; dt1l111h1tt $ t t 000 'll000/$11401) (,,;ti 1 I l41 .,1 luln inothtl low miluJ ~'""""'' ~ Ii•~, c1 I 00(/ b4!'1·87 J 4 ~·,;~.·{;~~· ,~:~~Q• 1~:,41~~~ 141-4300 $l1'•'11) 1 t I ·1?4 '1 ~IJO IJIJ<JtJ I l)llll t.Jl(J o41l;l4 '>'•II I It'> ljtl l.1ttl•llo1.• "' 'lout hut II ""'"" '"' 'HI "'•u1r111 ',. 8 Fl OINOllY ·~ .. ~111~ .. ~.;110 f)uuif J "'11 hlf 11111 1.011 1 I Cll UllYllHI 141· 1411 lto llMW •1J01 :J!IK OllU $?'1'>0 ll!i t Ille.:\ l1U r>nns<.tH '1 li' Ill& VOLl$WA&Ell (.11hfw111.1I s .... "~ 1UllllV1 Ii ti' I t •• 1 ., •, fJ 0 0 Nucla • 11111., IJ8 •"' I\ u IU ~ 11 1 f•uul t t1tl111 .. 1111011• 01 deol111 WE IUY u111,.,, 1n1111111 $!1900 c 1111 flfttctdll ltni 1140 c.1,0.i coml $4'Jtl01iJIJu SCIROCCO IAIEll ~4"t.~' ;'tri!' '.;;;,'., i;,~:; ~,, TlC. 16!'1 646 7909 !"Jo<~ t11flt111:?8II10,.. No llocunitrnl&ry '""'"'" OLEAI OAlll B11w11 4\11 li6t:l •••••••••••••••••••••• '!'.t tilJt'Q 84' Olbl l111t 111111 h11• uu '"'"' CADILLAC 111 •lo••,,,,'""' ,,,,,.I l\•ll\)lll un1es1 "iU l )()() AM 'I M II l<JW 111111•\ ' ••• ,,, ll•i•l••••tt 111111 ·•DOIUJ WllSI Nttw ,,, .... , Wl')ll ~''""'"'o Uy I MW .," 0 "" llt'W t ., ., 'I p (J ,, ~ l. II , )L tt.00 llblDO• Utvd S1tric1 1020 11011 $t'l!imo t110,ulv1trtti111 AID TllUOIS ""0 Muat,1•ulf10nhuv11 14.,,.,,.,,,., f •ilfll""' 11101c .,1 t()',IAMf <,A •••••••••••••••••••••• 6/J J014 i1100 11•, 1 1'•'" You can afford to r.o1111 $!! ooo obo o.,r~ OILY 13411 I 1 1•1••ti; 4 r.yl ;.r10 cc WIQ •hi '""' ~ttll nu Jql 11rn•1 ''"' s1•,o ,,, oUw •'•"I 4 i'4U Ma11ne St1•v•c11s Sti1• si111ct1 iu "" Aat/911 11, C . 91J5 buy your Mercedes '' "'I ri io 0'16tt nv11~ I Jllll lllARl•O o~·~:,~n~t:~ isefo4'~v ARDELL MARINA ••• ~~ .. ~~;!! ....... !.~~¥ ·/!~!~.~.·~·;;,;,··;,;;·~~· Benz from us. I wklllh 17 141 180 IO t'.I I VOLUWAHll Murtrll Mittrll Serv Oun 1• ""' 11~ IJIJ u•t. 111"11'" IR It 91551 b•:I !>1:'1!> lllODfl "A" I $0 111111 llnnCll Ulvll llty work spt1c:1ah1111g tn l"'"Wl.iOll Sii.it• tie up 10 3!> Sn11y llfPl•Cll5 lllCkUPI & l•':.ioo '>48 7090 • !;~~ ... £·w·. ·R·E· .. ·,· ·u·L·T·s·.. lh111l1r19ton 6Hlli" iornety iepatr paint & S !60trno Pontble trudt! coup e~ 4 to choose "" 1 142·2000 va•ntlh C ali Chu~k . 101 bOut UMI 675 9847 lromt (0061b81 tStk "I"" IUYf• illlllt 9120 tu t.hoo•" trum, 76 / • .,..,0 AJ093) P 8 Sta t ng at II wn n •• • ••••• • • ••• • ••••• • •• ·~ µiH • ..-, WO rt •• 1u:) 714·846·9134 rlCU '1 I A~ luw "~ $4911'.I l~l'I I ~tll l uulO IHI whl~ --------Bo.11 Slot••• 9090 OllLY Sl,IHI loµ doll•irs to• Sports I DOWN 5:.lrnt ' '"I"' 70'176 L1• "•fl O' •• tl"t ·····'·····A••••••••• I Cars Rugs Cam11or5 ThP 011 new IU All1.11Kn l!J Ult 6~'.> ;.ollli l • 1114'5 Aull•'s , Yaotlt S11rvers DRY STORAGE Ask 101 u1c MGR rs r1.ue' n•ullob. l1111111i Pw11sa11 tor buy sett. Fin Jllll lllHlllO LEA E d1ateORdeAlllovGe1fy COAST Montnty boot storage tns, or donation pu• any s11e. 2'4 r11 secu11ty. VOlllSWHH AMC/ JEEP /RHAULT 11164 VW 11ew 0111111 AM1fM IJUIO IJO<ly O~ """ t'•( 1•1111111 s 1 61'1 SJ6 9469 ollti·r L 01 111 !lay "-'t<t'~ttt0) poseaS CAPT LARSON lrt't: launthtng 111711 Beach Blvd 2!>2'4 Hatbor Blvd <; M Mstr ut11evo1 Newport llEWPORT llM£S llUNllNGlON BEACH '.149 80:.>:J 64'1 7770 71'4·954·9809 142·2000 1 1 131 lac• h r Ir 111 s3 Studebak111 Champion lo•l;-,,•tiH 144-01 10 5 pass cpe Nice car WANTED! E•~i••tal 9030 s375o ?t3i592 1792 LJhc mode l Toyotas ·9~·'M~~·:.-;·;o··H;;,· 1 !!!.".?.".~~ .. ~!!'........ lio .. llolftU ...... Volvos, P1c~ups & vans Btand new 10 hrs 101a1 Aittt•fl 9l 10 1946 Fooo w oody Wa· Coll u~ todl!ly! 11me $690, pn 548 3297 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • gon S t3 000 •OR LEASE Mooney Bo•ll 101111 1040 231 O C $60 pe1 111 wet ·····'················ 1929 Ford Model A lown ~!!!!. ~!r.'.t. •..•. !Z~~ G'J vw «;1111n1.1q <11•w IJJ•l\1 rleun 1111 S 111011 67!1 07!,8 981 DATSUNS #I DEALER IN US.A fl VW !:>t,,ut.co •uns I 1 ANtlit'\ ltl '""'tlrt • "'' ,,, Q t t+ H I t11 t' ' I ~ t! I I Vtry Cit•• : '' "' '" ''111''"''"1 '' ''' ·1 [{J(. CAJNER I ~44a3 ~7~7 11 "'""1 ,., '1 ''' low 111 .. ,, Ythiclu ,l.. Dr'4 I C ~ rAOM AS LOW AS Ji ( I~ l'>--ll\...L oJW Pop Top 66 1lcuu1 540· 1880 Ht I IOutJd<J lllUST SELL (.,holTl'-lt•Un~ t4" lt•t1(H with u111u• tu.it1w1 1r1ter1ot t.umf1lt•l .. ly ··r~U•Pllt:O Wit h fHiWUf UIU0'1100f w1nd1Jw• c;valom 11ov110 11 "'nr.-.• 1610'1261 h1i.1 r11•1i<I tt1lt.Jlllc IJ<t•ly IO /'J ft1•'.t I 'J 111 4 ,J,0 •1111 t.: f.1'1 d $ 1'•ti 11, I It ff'\ 64.' "14110 Liacoln 994S ..•...••......••.••.•• #0 M11r> VI 16K loaded "'111 .. 1111c ,1,,1 rr,ro11 $10 !"JOO f;tl tit ' ""'~ ll '"'"" monthly fllt1tu1y 9950 p.>ym .. n11 NQ old tori • ••. ••••• ••• •• •••••••• tr111 t lu «~~un•<' 110 batk 82 C..RANCJ MARQUIS 11aymt·11t~ llut< ASK FOR l u"d"tl to m1 SSOO A H0'1r bll !>202 Ike lol~ .. t>Yl!I p ;ml ~ tmr''" tl> MO-.}346 11j (11)01,11111 B111111t1 1. Mur•lt'rt:y A C P S "·" .. vc1ytnu19 Ultl ~un 9•1011 c.onll OP'>! 011.,, rc101 "'"~~ ne"" 6 run~ 114~ J4~"i ''"'-'' )pm ll~t' 11'-'w o .. y~ !>45-115:1 17<; Mu1101tll 4 ll• Sedan ••Vt:~ 7!> 1 'IH 11 y1•ll1;w 4;t 000 mo 0119 7~ C.ovµ .. tit• V1t1t• 7 t 000 u .. 11er •l:ly ch.-.11• $3300 Ml 011!) ()Wiii IUllS ll)W hk ~46 9034 (jlPlll ~ 12!15 ot.o PP !>48 9:1 t!> :1asslc 18' Laps1rake Eves 832 332? ;>1 Century bay boot, 4 cyl 760-8835 Gr Py $35,j)O 675-6161 c •• ,tu, S•lt Sedan S 10 000 675-6161 TOTOTA·YOLYO 1•uH..-. lh4. c ........ . ""tO·UOJ • S40·tOI $3988 SlPl~·D~1 I ·-:£ ~;~";,;· .. : (.Vll(I s~~io~~~8o lei I 61, Hut. w•y 9000 cono° C•muo 9911 .ill • T t ,,,(.) .j s •• 11 9760 lluttl> \j•t:at• s 1800to1Jo •••••••••••••••••••••• ~~!!~~'····· .... !.~~~ 77 MUSlM~G GHIA Gd c:ono A\k1ng S'J500 9b8 75'<7 14 II ltbe•glllSs boat. trlr llt•I 9120 & 22 hip mo1or w t ac-••• •• •• • ••••• • • •••• ••• c e s so 1 1 e s $ 5 5 0 :::above• CamPll• lor Im· 29 MERCEDES r1unt engine s 's 0 0 0 714 793-2166 Rephcar 500 mr O B O WE IUY a11y oyo • A..• '"' ,,,.. r ••••••••.••••••••••... , 644 74'; I ~" Brim 19 l 18 RPmOVdble ~un 11202 IHch llvtll. 1,~·~~' ~'Z~~·· 1112 Slll IOO 10 VfJlsvan SOOO m11es ;.~~,.1~"'tw1~~~~sa1~ ~~a~~·~ta;~5~0s~i~ ~~,~~ M1111ti11,to11 ltach •DOOR SfDAll L on ••·bll m1r ~"""' cund r«JI ol .. ;;k o ... Juty' x1n1 ''""' G68 8•~6 963·5272 poll truck bOOI 5tab1to zers corner 1acks S7SO 13 Boston Whale• Mrnt I '7141 645-5898 Cond 35 HP etec strt Many Xltas $3800 1 5 Pak Camper Shell 6 • 645 7673 Lv Message 4 B lit..e new 1954 Bel A11 Chevy 11a<1 1es1orell A t mecnanr· cal $1500 171 4)240·2086 USED CARS & TRUCKS COME tN OR CALL FOR FRH APPRAISAL • Co1m1e1 -Oeltllo CNEYROUT 112-0121 F Qu1pment inctu\les , I 'u It t' "11" S 3 J 0 0 ron11 64? 8J 18 ah b I SIJrt•d tran~m1s~oon po 4'14 ?l7ll <·ves 1)6 Nt:w '""'~ p.,1n1 1982 D TSUNS 81 380 SL 7000 mi Wiie we• steering & AM FM lerlinetta Ca•aro seats svsp or•s AM•FM A I wheels SJB OOO•OBO sle•eo cassette t 1!10081 I J vw t.011ve1 t s11µ1:rt1 I E t!!llent t<•nO 29 000 stP•Pt> S2SOO S4'> 7098 I C:<JllO only 78 000 m1 j ' Vtry Cltan 2 t3 832 8979 $10,600 $4b'>0 Besl olr over rn1 ,.,.,., trres am/Im 66 Mustang 289 ne"' 631 0754 ~sin Whit 17 wlB5 hp • Mere Many ex11as b•-NEW St•Pll lor Toyola PU 65 MUSTANG Co11v •Int 0119 cond 1 owner Red w1btk 1nte• 759-0097 18411 I BEACH BL VO ~IUNllNOION BEACH O"I OF ITS lll"D $4650 496-'JJ28 Stl'tt'fJ i111 ... 1.,ct win-•t'blt e"g P~ auto roe" extra low lllilt1,e dow<o a .. 10,,, tHH1• S5 paint S2900 644 0452 mtno lop. 1r11 642· 7880 $325 or bst or 675·2307 eves 960-6035 '80 8os1on wna1er 15 /llol01iztd lik11 9140 Vthiclu I FOR COLUCTOR IElCH IMPORTS 1'l vw Bug Engine mint 4SO b44 6J4 l •1ir. ~Mil. s 11•0. 74 Jensen lntercep101 J HOM AS LOW AS OR l•VESTOR!I! 648 Dove Street contl Boa v ill gd c.on<I u • u ~~:0~:'& ~1~~? ~~K ~1 Top Dollar $ 98 67 c1ass1c 600 NfWPORT BEACH $:?500 OBO CaJt Answe• G7 t.,1m.uo nee11s some 644 1147 o• 536 0343 custom cover classic 4 8 I Chaufleu• pu1tot1011 w all 752-0900 Ad 624 642-4300 24 hr s wo•~ "" '"t'~ 6 1>ra1<es Old1mobilt 99SS Ul-8011, Ut-3331 Loaded, per tee: cond ••• ••••••••••••••••••• S 6 3 O O / ob o 1 2 13 1 Motobecane SOV 650 m1 7'4!'1·0551 bldCk & Stiver o.tras ssoo 548·5263 )ory.1ype ttsher 1 yr old 20 8 Deam center console good treeboard 70 np Ev1nrude 10 hp Honda 1ad10 compass aulo bilge Musi see' $6500 673-9003 auto laking bids Greg I Pa1'd POf.Stbl~ OPhOtl!. Melal Be~• Orlt:r b42 6474 •••••••••••••••••••••• 494-4513 IHI ••••Y Toyota ltt O•OWI\ Wllighl Ian 7) Elu> Re-bll eng nl'W eo Otos O\I Royale Fo1 Your Cai• plush velour 1111 Comp Cit J t 9920 B•ougham l Ocided -. Rt~1t•l1"oa1/ • 11202 luch lld. I lactor~ reouut 6 1esto•eo S11b•111 9162 C,1r1r mucn muc.n more• tVIO t e•tias Asll•nn S5600 " • JOHteSO• I so Lt • I h ••••••••••••••••••••• • 1 Mu!.t s~u IV 9 country • • ••• • • •• •• • • • •••••••• ._, WAITH Yditlts 1530 nllllhllCfH tac 10 nf'w c.io cona Con· Sates·Serv1ce Leasing S21100 obo 673·8037 SEE US FIRST! 496-464<' 0 •••••••••••••••••••••• li11col11·Merc11ry ll2 Ol21 verted 10 u s s pecs S DDLEIAC" I tder Vespa or Lam 2626 Harbor Blvd • 011" Dolls ro1 OM t04 A " "6 RED CONVER T WP nave " good setec-70 Otd\ 118 90 J ••or"S b•ella motor scooter 78 Toyota M•nr Motor " u I 1 NEW & USED i.onat on t.d• S'>50 P t t.>ase call Mi ke Home 19 sips 4 sell Cost .. Me~ 540 56301•-,•l•t-D•,•,.• .. •.-,.. 1 • 0 -• 000 on 111111<1 car pre SUIARU 1 Black1op comp! 1es10 g~n r~IPtS' 497 ]74., 631 ,.188 i59-1550 conla1neo •'"' cond HIG HES 1 t.ASH imme • " SPnlly ~101.-.<1 'n G!'rman~ 1 31-20•0 •15-4941 •I'd S4700 646·362C e" 1 1 mpg s 1 o so o I 1 h 1 4 0 A'' F•• out rt'any lo• 1mmc-d•att> 'l"' C tie .. Supre11te I d1,11e1y 01 your ve .. 1c e 001 ""' "" s1e1eo Sh••·p•nq 77 Suu.uu S spo 110111, 65 So BJc:~ 4 ~pa 111:w 1 ., II •• •oxv MOPED 101 Sale 646-7966 dome<;t1c 01 IO•t'•·'n c.issetle Excellent con-... t e~ ooct oodu ~999 A11 c.onCI iluto t1<1ns SALE SEALED llD Good cood runs gooo 1 285 " St>ll1nQ P11c.e S7S 000 wneel d11vt-Xlnl gas 1n1 " ii ' ~ As is 'where is 62-36 S250'D51 011 960·6-035 l~.!!~!!!.!'!f!!! •• !.~~~ 551 8 d~~o2~45;60~? 687-0686 Pleas.-only QuJ1tl1PO lf'age $2400 964 -5847 I ~4~10127~ 4 6 1 5 7 9 o ' ~:s~~,;~~n~JG ~J~l78~0 or 6973CF USED Lil TLE $275 1011cJ 35 000 m1 E~cel •••••h••'•••••••••••• 17 141641 O131:1 •• ~••••••••••••••••••• '~ D;1-;n('r ..i1110 -tm.tm Pinto 9951 Ch11s Crall c1111ser CF 3 YR OLD MOPED 1980 CJS. 4 cyl·never 011 !Autos /mooittd cash Ouye•~ c.all Tovoll • 9765 ., See vessel at dOvanced 644 :!929 lent cond $6500 Au4i 9101 1111 210Z 7~ 450 Sl Boin 1op~ CELICA LOVERS mt-< h alnt new PdH'll & •••••••••••••••••••••• A .. ,,,... Cd5Setle 4 epd hlJ"t'' ~ 189' 9G8 56~2 1982 Cnevy Cavalier pet I 73 Pinto •1C JiJIO rool Marrne transport 1672 968 0263 Evs & Wknds •••••••••••••••••••••• "' "" ~ "''"' whl~ "'C.PI cono Do 1ou really love Ce· " " , ~ ' " Placenlla • "e. CM Oct /llolo1t1tl11/ I 10 A .... ,· "'000 Turltt A11 cond nuns like new S feet cond 4 d• a11 10 1 •Jck qot<l 7 '" "" runs ... •• " Will de.ii 101 casn 19 hcils-ti so gove m~ d 80 vw Rahb1t 0!.1 L mini 1 t 19BO 5 q t833 01 23 th1u Oct 27 between I Stoolttl 91 SO 75 CJS V8 new l•ans 26 000 moles tully loaded s53oo or nest olle• da 900 wl<Oys 894 0563 Cdll R1gnt now 1 vt> got a c.011tJ AM FM snt I ~-OB 0043m11 ' S 6 9 5 O ;~:? 1404 8AM-5PM Seated b•d •••••••••••••••••••••• New RE RI Br new t1tes sunrool gd cono L•ke 833·8512 Ev~ wknds wknds1eves 846-6487 ton ot I hem mttud1ng S6900 720-122 t ~~ I opentng 2 PM Oct 28 al 79 Hond• XL500 ~Int Rg tp Supe• ltuclt new S 13 400 OBO 951•6110 ST GI and lully loaded ,.,"' fl Ci•1·110 S1250 '71 PllTO Sls.O Ollrce o t South Coasl cona $850 or best olfer $ 3 0 0 0 0 B 0 Eves 6 4 5 8 2 1 1 E v es 1973 450 SL Dork orown 75 Camper f. c:elle111 • ., u 640 8353 546 0403 80 2802 1 ·!Op 5spd low $14 900 760·8765 ev da Supt a s witn T Tops $3000 Crean Chevy atnt motor 536-2593 Marine Surveyo11 5732 • _·_ _ 857-968'4 days mo mag wheels GL 833•2591 Just need 1ehable parly cond 846_6533 and lqins E•cel inti East 2nd St. Long Beath '80 390 HUSKY Xtn1 Tt•eks fSIO 75 Aud• Foa-Needs htlle package 559·4806 to mal<e small monthly good ttres 4 orakes ~lf.•Ollt• 9160 90803 con d $ 1 100 New •••••••••••••••••••••• wo•~ s 1000 or besl 01• 11 O I" O 9 MBZ 71 S•lvE>• otack payments No old con 67 M•t•o Bus runn1ng , 3 6485 •• ••••••••••••••••••• Bid mus• be accompa. M o1orcycle trlt S4SO royo1a 76 AM>FM Ste· ter es;.4167 111. •tsun '1 sunrt 10 mt Its .-. Cltt!.· tract 1o assume no back S925 ,,,4 82 Plymouth Rettance n1ed wllh cash mone y 1 631-15?6 reo casse11e Sma ll G•Pill economy cat sic• 673 2790 paymPnts due ASK FOR 531.4364 76 Monza Towne Coupe perl cono 7000 m11es order.01 casn1erscheck camper shell $2175 l/llW 1112 Sl5000B0964-7317 ROSE 631 5202 tke 4 Cyl 4spo ate. ps pb ,$5600 645·5997 ~ade payable 10 Aldo V~~p~h~!'!° 1981 3 mos 673-6618 •••• •••••••••••••• •••• 77 Mo<lel Bl' IO nalch• ~~I~ ~:P: S~p~rlly Q~:~ Import!. ~~=~<~ h~~d ne:o $~~~~ l~~ ~J3 ~ n d $ 1 9 9 5 r ·O•lt•l•i•••t••••• • ••••• f.1.6.S. •iaz•C - ---646-82B5 SPECIAL PURCHASE back blue Dody 1mmac 000 640·8n6 1911 TOYOTA or list 011 646-947;> lo•ll S•il 1060 1n1enor 5 spd Aor s1e eo CA MARO Z2B Btu e 'l 1 FIR HIRD S 1 HO •••••'•••••••••••••••• ·75 Honda XL250. tuns & New 82 Jeep CJ's tO 10 •PO Runs 9upetD $2 '71 300 Sfl COROLLA SEDAll Vlust Sett 64 BUG AMr .int f.C>n d Many ''"" Ponhac ,101 cond mo101 t6' Hobie Cat. yellow wt looks good. great 101 • choose from Includes 4 9 5 4 9 4 . o 1 3 S or 645·0244 01Jt1on5 include an auln FM ~clss Nw fl""'' Ull-8 4 2 11 J 8 J Deb ti y I s ttaM pPrl C11>an body 1eq sunrtse sails L•ke around 1own muSI sell winch Jamboree oackage 4!l7 2188 """11c trans & an AM1 nolsle•y too•s and runs 847 962:> & 11111 new "'es & iadio n-12500 675·6161 I S4751obo 645·2585 and much more 78 260 E gas Maple FM 1508221 great ts1 51400 takes 1 543 6 85 SAVE THOUSANDS 8 t 200 SX lullv loaded yellow dt.. Otwn Snrl al OILY 13415 545.3231 Clttf.lltt 9925 j 4 P~~:r'~~~ E;~: ~;; 1 79 ~~N~~e;x ~ t 150 Olllllif COAST SALES-SERVICE ~5~95,~~~ F6~2-~;4~ 5 ~!'" ~:~:~,~a~~:i~:i~1 Jll lllHllO 12 BUG Mmt yellow ·;; ~~;,;,7; .. (;·0;~()~ I R:.~~ ~~~f~~~~o 4~~ns 1ac1n9 ctulstng access . 81 14K mites $1650 AIC/JffP/RfllllT lEJSlllli Flawless $14.SOO OBO St<'teo Pos111vel~ the no Twn & Cnlrf Auto AC Avon w/moto• sltp 1n 8•7·1070 2524 Harbor Bl"d CM 831•2040 495.4949 79 280 Zit •lnl cond low PP 5 4 9 11s 1 days VOlllSWAlifl t Psl a•ouna S:>750 AM FM tk n<>"' S• 695 •oew \lelovr & naugahyde N B Call Leslie e vs KAWASK1 KZ400 5•9·80?3 6'45 7770 SHllHACll llllW !I ~~2~~,2~';3m~k5~ oller 496-8325 e•es ~ w~nds ~~11',:,.:~:;~:~~~ C1111ss1e 548· n45 953 1220 :•u'11se:1'~~s M~~~~llg= 979-7843 E•tellen1 con<111ton 80 Plyrnoutri Arrow P.ck-28•02 Marguerrte Pkwy a123 BO 300SO to mi suntoot 142-2000 77 RABBIT tooks II runs Coatintnl•l 9930 s 1200 obo 964 0332 12 Flbetglass sa•lboat wl S750 OBO 979-9621 up Gd cond •lnl me-Mission V1e10 ft11•1i ~ 38 gal tank (int cond t<1 .. tast1c No dents •••••••••••••••••••••• access. lk new $425 '76 Kawasaki KZ 400 wotl1 chan1c at A/C loll di• tA¥ery EKt1 oft 1-5) ···o·R·,· .. ··,·E··c·o·u··.·n··,·s··· As king s 2i; 900 PIP 19ll TOYOTA O•CkS or chips 4 :>P 2 12 Ma11o. tV w ''" hllch r•undtrbitd 9110 eves 559·7417 new clutch Run• )(Int 1ntr Must sacrrl1ce be-Open Sundays 957-2651fwkOy•9530! CfllCA liT ll• AM t FM cass 3;> lull pwr good cond all •••••••••••••••••••••• K11e • 308 w/trlr $600 $600 953-1574 ltrm 968-3442 all 6 on " 117& 410 SL LIFTIACI "" -w nal T Bird Be lhe 2nd ~ low low Dlueblt $3300 ~R OILY •UTMORIZfD m""' $2750 548 7245 nt $f950 675-2172 rnis 15 Mrs Ra) s perso- ::;;7880 or 675-2307 '80 VESPA 100 Scootll' Sunday DFElElllf~AS~llP' 32.000 mt Anthrac11e Au1oma11c 11an5 a1t r.oJYf •••••••••••• !Z~? ,P.o.'A! ••••••••••• !.~~~ ~;5~:;3~1 th •~ ctassrc Xlnt cond 1800/ooo Opp;rtuno!y priced to sell Sa1es·Serv1ce·Leas1ng " " , 91ey'Dlack le&ther inte· cond pwr s1ee11ng, :: 1 Volvo Dt1ltr 165 Dodge '1011 van, 6 74 SUZUKI GT250 tone beige ConQUISta A I Nice Select>on• 5.79 3489 7 66 p .. ·~son 23 4 bags, 551·8583 Henry .61 Chev El Camino. 2 1912 llllW CLOSEOUT I ~ rior W•lh Hard 51op7 and AM FM stereo & e new l1t Orai,t Cou1tty' c.yl 31110 •uns •Int 5675 Honda 9 9 \/HF sle1eo. I ~ EW~ perfect sol! top 1 450 em 1 s s •on s sys 11' m • ... 48-4 109 posalble Newport sttp Runs & looks good options $t200 Stereo * 74 30CS. 4 speed M TS (UJV I •1 Ply $7 .990 644·4594 1225 Musi see da 536·2547 1960NACI 80 4 i;o SEL solve• 2SK ~~~9is~an 837·4146 or SALES, SHVICf [~!! ............. !.~~~ Roads 33 Must :.ell' Randy 645· 1258 ev 644· HST ED • 71 320i 4 spd svn I , m1 BPaut1ful SJ t 000 AID lUSl•li Thutllort RtltiH' SE~es~~ ,~:~1:73·3701 OIOI Hi•t1, J•/t/ 80 Datsun p u L•lle n-1001 1248TRRJ I 3 tOO west (,oast Hwy (Estale salel 499.472 I 1981 TQYQTAS OvEASEAS DELIVERY FORD • ~ e•cel cond Ask SSOOO • 79 320• 4 spd sun Newoort Beach 1960 Merceoes Benz EXPERTS 76 44 Ft Mar~ Trader .!.~~V.!!!!~f! ... !.I.~! d y s 6 3 l -2 I 6 1 e v rool (849YHZI 642·9•05 300SO T111 Do 0 1en1 Very CltH I Fully equipped slip In en1 26 mo101 nome 771·5299 • 80 320• 5 Sl>d sun a S 11gh1 ivory $27 950 l 1 ·i " h. I Met1na Dunes. N B sips 8 lully toadl!ld 71 Chev , ton FU wl rool (659Z0Kl fi•I J12 6.39-3222 or 991 3360 ow 111fe •t IC tS S 135.000 obo C a ll 645·8616 (Paul) camper Shell auto 350 • 80 3200. 5 spd a11 ·;5 •f1",;r·s~~;;,••;;~·:,; 71 250 orig cond re· FROM A LOW AS 7141521-8430 eal 250 T .1 T I allO eng S2000 962-8770 cona (IAS X048 1 1 w11e wheels, xlnl cond cords snll barg111n $3988 26 Soulh CtJasl. Classic .!!!.!!~ ••• ~~!! .. !.... IH-3 1 I Moving S tOOO below $4900 759·0650 Ed. I wooden sloop. very gd 80 Wtl derneu T tavel ~!w°~~~~~ :~0;~·~~191' 208 w 151· Sarita Ana book S:.>700 760· 1996 please call Roth llll llaity Toyota cond I 1950 6A2-1960 Trailer light weoghl. all mt custom int & whls Ctosed Sunday 77 124 S pyde• AM /FM 78 3000 ivory snrt 81• ,,.. Hobie catamaran & ltberglaH 960·5182 amt fm s tereo 8 Irk CHOiCE INVENTORY cass Alloys clean. runs toys housew1le'1 c.ar 11202 lt1ch llvtll. • a $2'00 or Oller t 14 E VOLUME SALES ~Int. dark •ed/1311 rntr s h a 1 p • 1 6 5 O O "111tf1'1,toft lllCh trailer. good cond must Tt•iltfl Utililr ~110 " & • " sell $1000 557.6395 •••••••°/••••••'••••••• Wilson = 1 673-9893 ' • $3300 494·6875 493. 1665 eves 112-0121 -. -ltltty Tr•iler 5x7 wls•de (Tom) Ho•d• 11211•--------• 1 19 cle urc sloop. center-bOards New porn\ goOd •••••••••••••••••••••• 'IO llZ "'OOSLC·"'.0 j 77 Toyota Corolla • spd ~2°900ard 66 3 1.1:8 1 2 1'3· trai•er. 111es S37S. 7~99 Yu1 9510 I 0 I II CL A Ill EI MOlll llllTlllil " " • 1 , owne• gooo cond • :.t r • 1 •••••••••••••••••••••• llW We can rietp• Before you Loaded wlex11as 22K New l•res olue S2995 Ev 14 HOBIE CAT 1977 fair 111•10 •#lrtct, 1111 VII m1 US legal Sac11t1ce •9A-6926 cond S6SO 675-4506 I I Aectutrifl HH Sates-Se•111C•·Leasmg buy. criec:11 our unuea1a-•94·0167 ••••••••••••••••••••• OOIYEllSIOIS 850 N Beach Blvd Die u1ect1on sa,,1ngs I•--------• w" NT E 0 s a 1Ib0 • t & AINT & hie b<)(!y work. La Hab•a and S4!•VIC• today• Trallet/ s11p Will cons•-up 10 50"1. 011 your body FRH THOE TRIP 122·5333 UllVEllSln ~:~. fo~~1nersh1p J im Sh<>(> est Boll 964-0332 (with purchase) Open Sund11y SALES I SEllYICf 8 I 3000 Very ciean. !ape & snrl low mt white/ blue 97S-0348 1982 TOYOTAS Vtry CltH fHU Ill VOLVO 1966 Harbot Bl•d COSTA MESA 141-1303 540-1411 75 Volvo 245 Wgn aulo, AC PS PB. s1erco ahll S3,50 Ne<I 548-7245 'll Wa'"' 2H leather tnte••O• 3r(J rear seat 50 000 mr $4 800 673 1'.197 Rt>toaDlt' 69 wfl1te 4 <II t 26 000 mites S11ck I 5h1tt $900 SS2-0S79 73 Votvo 142 80.000 mo aulo PB PS. S2 000 ol 1er 646-1275 FREE TAMOf TRIP (wotn pur.;nasel ASK FOA DETAILS' NEW MUSTAllli GT's 1 U % FlllHClllli OVER 20 IN STOCK lmmPdi.ite Oell11e1y• USED CAR DISPOSAL SAU 'll IUSTHli '1370•91 UIH uropean Mechanic re· ASK FOR OEl AILSI • 78 320t 2850 Harbor Bl"d Laser w1tra1i.r. xln! cond. pairs European cars• IUST SELL COSTA MESA /llC 1142 l•• lilt11t Vthlclu FROM AS LOW AS 81 Volvo GLE. loaded. Go1<1 S 11 200 C all wh 11ds ano ari 6 496-7131 'll lillHADA 11 tS-497) Ulli S IOOO 760•94 14 j~~~th Spkg 991•1229 NEW While with tan saddle 140·1140 COACI MASTER 1n1er1or Factory s1101ng 16' Neptune FG 2 bUnks. trlr Xlnl cond $2800 831·1678 hrome Spoke Challe;;Qe-; YA•S lllllflfl sunroof. air cond coco '78 Accord styte Mag Wr>eet1 5 lfllOT VAIS mats. etc Driven wlln IHT SUL $100 979-8997 llE•f.ltAMP c••e (949ZRT ) Jual In great condlll<>n with 5 1 ........ 1 need tellable party 10 apeed trans • AM/FM ..--m11<e s mall monlr>ly Slereo cloth lnlerior & PAOIFIOA p1yments No old con· grt'al ges m ileage lracl lo assume. no bact< I IOOUNOI Jvat need ,.... paymen11 due ASK FOR llabl• P•tly lo make ROSE 631·5202 Ike amall monthly payments 1mpor1a No old con1rac1 10 es· USED '71 Hiii YH Cruise, air eono & C B I t32769) UHi ' OA&llf CDHTY'S OLIHT & Sales·Serv1ce-LH S1ng fU'l! CARVER fl.l j s RJICE. tl\'1\ ~---"-ii••·~ .... ~.._ t4'#ll ·~·· •• '" /'IA"IM.u --" ·~· aume, no beck peymeota doe ASK FOA ROSE 63 t -5~02 lktl Imports · 77 Accord, etc au lo, emlfm . new 1rre• & 1>rnkea. S3'4!>0 548·82•2 .,. OIYIC I 4 •Pd. good cond S2500 • ' or bell offer 768-8093 '80 CIYIC ~ tpd AMIFM c •a•. Cullom r1ma. 1:1950 546·6605 I ..............•..••••. 11U Ml GT This one has a 1unroot & IS very cl111111I ( 1EBH094) • OllLY 12111 ,,, ....... YILUWAlll 18711 &lec;h Blvd $4988 IHI 111111 T1y1ta 11202 lt1oll llwll. b•ti•cft1 ltHh 112-0IH Huntington Beach TS COROLLA $ 1600 142-2DOO or bul offer A spd Good car• 962·8770 1t11d1 11501 T . .. -1111 ................. ..... ,, .. ,. 1IO 121 j .... lief iiiiii;M .... Low mt1e1 Lee tnl All Tiil OllPf power, AC. cle1rn, must 1011 $28.500 OBO 714·955·3501 wk dll MEISTER NRIOll/1111 13031 H•rbof Blvd Oardtf'I Giove l altt·ltnlot lt11l11 714 111-2111 Opuons 1natude •Ir cond & on AM /FM ( 1AP02241 OILY 11711 -Ill ...... YILllWAIH 1871 I 8e8Ch 81Yd Hont1ng10f\ e.aen 142·HOO 7• TR6 C:onY9fUl)lt •frtl co nd $4.000 PP !'136·5708 Volvo 78 264 GL LOii ded. c i c . xlnt cond $5500 Pvl ply 714 759 1120 73 164 Petlect melalhc blue body impeccable blue inter No s1g n1 of weer or lea• 4 sp wtOO AC new rad•els tuna gteet S265010BO ~48·7245 'll FllHOllT ( 138422) UH& 'll FIESTA fA785SOI S21H '71 T-llRD I 16970 ll SHH '71 PllTO "13295\ 124H TllEOllH HlllS Ftlll ;;!060 Herbot Blvd COSTA MESA 141-0010 140·1211 7G Mercury Botic81 •lnl cono s ''°° Oooo <111•1' • M vtl 1811 I Odll y' 640 ·$150 Cell blwo 6 30 g 02 s 1e11on w11oon uo 9 pustno., Gorge o1;1, loedtd' Mu&I tell 84&a61 H1 Aolos Uud •••···•····•·······••• N1\Bl~RS I (:.\I )I I J 4, \(: CLEARANCE SALE! 1979 CADILLAC COUPE DE VILLE (915XUF) s7995 1982 CADILLAC FLEETWOOD HOUGHAM ( 1EAL5'45) s15,995 1981 CADILLAC COUPE DE VILLE DIESEL (1ENB512) s9395 1978 CADILLAC COU" DI VILLI (782TZW) $6995 1977 CADILLAC ELDORADO COU" (622SZG) s5995 1911 CADILLAC COU" DI VILLI D'ILIGANCI 11BGC3051 s12,995 Oller OOO<I Thtu Monday. 10·26-82 ~NABERS C1\l)ILl..1\C 1toO HA"e°" kVD. COITA•IA 540-1860 DEADLINES F0< Tuesday throuoh S1turd1y put>11cat1ons. 5 30 PM the previous day For Sunday and Monday pubhcaho ns. 12 00 noon Saturday ERRORS Adliert1M<s should check their ads daily and report tlfl'OfS 1mmed1ately The DAIL y PILOT 1118UITIH llab1Uty tor the first 1nQOrrec:1 Insertion only --- llllyPllll REAL ESTATE ~· 642-5678 PUBLISHER'S NOTICE All real tllt8te ed\19r11Md In ""9 ~is IUb;eCt to the Federal Fe1r Hou11ng Ad of 1988 wtilch "9k91 it illegal to adller111e "any preference. lim1tett0n. Of d1scnm1n1tion be.Md on race, color, rehglon. se•. or national origin. or en Intention to rNk• 11fY eueh preference. !Imitation. or dttcnmlnatlon," This newsp1P9r will not knowlngly acoept any advertlllng for l'NI ...... wnieh 11 In 1110lat1on of the I•. ,, MIUSlSftlSALE C-ol .. lie-hi•• ....... ,.-... ( ...... , ....... M" .. Cor-. ... 'f•r , ....... .. O•tt•PeitM tt Toro YOllitM••tt V•tk-• ...,,.,..~--~., .. ,, .... ..... ~ ....... i..c-o>tol .. ~., ..... ••'-"'-'~ .. r!:l:' .. "'.::"' ~.tt Jw•A r • .,.,,, •""'• -.o11 .. ~ ...... ~ -~a...-.... ..,...." ............ ,"'-... IOOI , .... um 1•1• IC ""' llll!I '"'" ,...,. , .. ·-·-. .... tflN ..,,, .... ..... ,.,. ''"' ... ·--. ... Q.ASSIFIED INDEX HAL mm A-n up '9r\.fffo ",..,,,.,,,,., '""' , .... .. .,,.v,..,,,, h\.~, ... , .. ~h f .,.,.,.,,, I .1.1h t H6'1t f OM,..ff' ... t Pr-.,fh t tw!OUM1flHllM' ~I• ~~ .... ••11h'i•lf • ..,.._..I• ..... "t111\Pd l•MWPtOIPf'tl' ,.....,,,." .......... " IAI•"" "-" ~ .. ttf'N Tttt t't• ..... o.w,1 •-..-1 1:..,~!:.~ .. (.Mel"il ... ~.,,.. 111..w..._, r•tM.1to f,,._....._ :::: :~~=: ~ ~'.::·· ... , . ., ,...,., .... .... ., lto l Ott! l••I , .... , l\ .. J ... , .. ,,,.. , .. , ..... ,~. , ..... -"'"' -· - ·~in th11 category mull be pr•pald Open •5.30. Saturday 8·noon ICIOted on Sunday) 330 W Bay St , Cotta M .. a. Ca t:il927·9983 IUITALS ~···'"'t.f11 HtJlll"' l Af..,N\hH ·~·"""°''"' (••d••uNV.M\ ._.,,. \ ~t9"Wft\. I •' r .. ~W'\'"''ft 10•~'14"\lft' Uvplf''n t Ytft ,._,,...,P"'"' Atiht'-r" At1ht ,,.,..,,. \Jh ·-,·-t "' "-· -·-·· "'91,...,~ahh ,,..,.,....,,.., '-iM..Wt fl•M•b ,., .. ..,,., MHthl\ e~~·~~;:; ~-' ... """''' ~·"~tlhl ,..,..,..,1t ...... 1 :::.~ ... ,.. .. ....... "•""•'' , .. = -..,.,, ))>:) ~ -,,. ----.. .. """ ·-~ UlO Ull ·-.... ·-. ... -- ... ' q '/le Ukm-me , PRC)PERTIES 760-8333 Ill CllYOI ELHllCE Pn "''•gt· Jnd !><~l:lrtty arc round in thti. l11vt•ly Dovt·r mod1·I \\1th d 1 Jnial1t· t ll)' ltghL-. and bay Vll'W~ Ex<.'<•llt•nt 'l'llt·r .1:-..,1:-.tl'tt f1nanl'lng ll) qualtfu'tl buvl·r 2 br und dt•n Exp<inth ·d laving room $4:>0.000 760-H:J:J:i SECLllEI 111111 llllE .i t11 .. trow1m , :1 hath home• on qu1C'l cul-rll•-sac:. End urul with •JC.l•;111 .ind 111ght-l1ght v1c•ws W ou<l (lt111rs. m1rron·d dining ruom ".ill S k ylight. pnvalt' pdltO wtth spa $ti75.00U O ffrr your tt·rm~ 760-B:ti:t l IElL llLIOl CNAllEI St1•p through th<· gull• of the w htlt• p1<.·kC'l fl•n<.-t• and you'll b1· • 111 h.inll-d ''1th th1i. <.'harming :J bt.'Cfroom. 2 b.1lh Pl'nin~ul.; honw lo1"11t'll 111 4u1l'l rt.'S1d1•ntia l area JUSl s teps tu the• BEAC:ll .md BAY all within walking distan<.'t.' lo rt'Stauran ts and 'hop' Thi' DOLLllOUSE <.'a n be you~ for $:l IY.!100 with lt ·r ni..." til .-, lifi70 140,000 llllR ... L<irgc• Dupl("x JUSl off the OCEANFRONT rn SUJX'rb Balboa Pc•ninsula location. 3 BedrooJM. and Firc•place 111 each unit plus 6-<.'<.tr parking!! This 1s just like buying two homt'S for the pm•e of one•' Own<.•r says try ltYK. d own and o ffers this property at $410.000. 675-6670 . • A Division of 3 CIVIC PLAZA #170 NEWPORT BEACH, CA PUOllAllC VIEW Ol'l·.in. h.1rbor & l'llY l1~hts Outstanding P orL,m11u1h mode l 111 lip t11p rnncht111n :1 BH. FAMILY ROOM. 1-'0HMJ\L l)ININC SUPEHR SPY(; L ASS HILL LCX.'ATION PH ICED TO SELL AT Sll:!!1.000 7ti0-8:1:t! Lfl'S In STARTED I h·H··i. \OlJr l'h.on<·t· to 11\Vl'l>t 1n re<1I propt•rty with Vi1sy 11 1111' .ind .1 h<irg;un pn<·e 111 this nifty :i twdrooni, :.! hath honw on .o 1n•1· :-hJdc·d lut in a nin· rc·s1dl·n11al lol'allon $ I07.000 71111 H:1:1:1 IEllTIFIL · lllLIULE · 1-2 LOT 111-.1r lllth Stn•<·t BAY BEAC H Extsllng h ouse ha:-. .I lx•dtoorni. .111d LJrJ.(t• Family Room wllh :! Baths C.m t•as1ly Ix· l'OllVl'l'll'd 111 ·• :! llt'<.lroom PLUS GUEST QUARTl-:HS Buy this NOW whil1 · lhl' prtl'l' IS lnow anu build lal<>r11 Ow1wr IS a!>ktnJ.( $:.!i.).Ol)U ti75-1Hi70. BRAND nt-w home w /all amcnitics oC a million SS houS<' ~ lg Bdrms. :1': Ba. formal dining. w et bar off F.R. w /rt'fr11.t & kt•mak<·r . island k1tl'hcn w /a ll bll-ins. <-entr vacuum. spu/tub in Mstr sullc + "dumbwaitt-r" b<.•tween floors Ba nk and Ownt•r <.'00pcrat1on. $469.500' 675-6670 .,. JACOBS REALTY, INC. \. 675-6670 2919 Newport Boulevard Newport Beach, CA 92663 a a Z'/1/1{~ <f11/c;1t1/le PR(>PERTIFS 760-8333 llOTMUHi LllE IT :\ room for 1•\'1•r' nwml><·r of the· Can11 h 110111 ,1 gourm1•t k 1t1·h1•11 frn M11111 lo :-.pC'\'WI pb" roo,11:-. for till' k11f... t\11dorll'111 .1r.1d rtron.tl d1•:-.1gn ~rt·1·1•1111 ·tf hv w11od1·n 't111rw.1y .... Frc·r1C'h tl11or.-... t.11n1'<f and lt·ad1·d gl.1~., wrn1li1w' -l &·dro111m' J.l'"il. :-.1JJ .111d w.uling pool S8~1').Cl(l(I i fiO-H:i:1:1 MllllFICEIT CISTDM NOME You" ill rwt hc ·l1l'v1· th1• J>1•rft,·11on rn ch•t;11l thr ou~huut th"~ br f.ir rulv r11om .ind dt·n hom1· 011 l's tatf• s r:w lot rn Mt":-.J V1·1 tf1• E<irh c;111t11rn1a S panish J1·!>1gn. l'1•r;,1mrl 1111· f 101'.r:-. .. ~'.all li·ngih frn·pl.it1.'. l'UStom cah1n<'ls 0 WC $:lH!1.llllO 7110 -H.tU IHI ELIOW ROOM? H1·m111li ·li-<I N1·wport H1 •1ghL' lwnw w Ith :! l.1rgi· hc-tlroorm .. t1n·pl;it't'. t•opJ.X•r plumlJmg. S UJ>l'I larg1• lot. with room for ho.rt or m11tor 11111111• Plu:-.. :1 1·;1r g.1r:ig1• Cov1·r1·d p .. t111 s.,,. 1nklt•r-:-. 11 11111 ;111d 11'.ll (.;n .. 11 ltl(,1t1on 0111\' $IH!l,.100 \\'llh ll•rms av.11l.1uh·' itill 1r1:~:1 SPECTlllW WllTIWIRI YIEW From this -I bedroom . ~t balh entc rta1runtml palocl' Pool and sp;.t a n • Joc:ah'CI 111 p r ival(• <•ourlyard . A s t.airway lcads to a b<'au11tul l'amt'<> s hort.>d bcal·h . $:.!,:.!25.000. 760-l:l:J:,:t. • A Division of lement to the DAILY PILOT /Saturda October 23, 1982 -3 3 CIVIC PLAZA # 170 NEWPORT BEACH, CA LUXURllUS llYFllOllT ESTATE 1111 f I ... 11p an<l s1dl· Ill• Span11u;. mal'hlt· 1•ntn with 1«1lh1·dr.il 11•il111g Sun n y palm, ~ lwdn1111n:-.. :1 hath;. form.al dinrng "''lJllH' l')l.1:0.ting 111";, lo.111 Suhm11 on d own p ;1vnw111 H1•du11·d 111 ~I :wo.0110 ior 11111111 -<li.111· :-;iii· Will 11 ;uli· down 7till H:n:1 HRDEllER'S DELllHT Yoi1 ''ill kl.._'P bu':'-1111 th1' l'Xtr;1 l.trgt• 1111 111 Rig C.11no11 I 111 tr . lw 111.il d1111ng , 'II.I. :11,1r g;1r;1gt'. 11·111111 \'l\'\\':o. of g11ll l'•l11 ... 1• ,111d 111y light=-. qull'I l lll d1 · ,,; ... loc:at11111 $7!1:1.llllO 111 tradl' 1111 11111do .iliO li:l:l:i Ill CHYOI OCEll VIEW On1• 111 th1 1.1n· Bag l'.inv11n lo1·,1t111n:-. with on .. 111. 11.1\ .11111 •II\ light.. Vil '\\ E "'1J.111th·d \\·r:o.;11lll•s -l hdntl' t.11rnl:--· ri111111. d··11 I 1>:1th;. 1.0\'EI. Y J>()< >L AN() (;,\HI >EN U\\'Nt-:H llAS J\Jt l\" t•:D H E l >lfl'EI > Tl> ~7:!:"1.111111 l11r 111111 ... d1a1t· :-.iii· 71itl 11 U.I UICI llLllllL You mu~l SN' this dclight ful Portofmo lmpt'l.'(:ably dct~>ralt'tl lhroug ho u l w ilh tas te.• ond love . Central nir . Every room bright and l'ht.-c.•r y Gourmt>t kltch l'n , 4 br. bonus room. pool. s p;.i. u..-... umublr · rina ncm f(. $:175.000. 760-tl:J:J:l .r JACOBS REAL TY, INC. 675-6670 - 2919 Newport Boulev.ard Newport Beach, CA 92663 4 -Orange County Real Estate/ An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT /Saturday, October 23, 1982 BARGAIN VALUES MOTIVATED SELLERS OFFERING QUALITY PROPERTIES WITH GREAT TERMS AND/OR MAJOR PRICE REDUCTIONS TO EFFECT A FAST SALE! ON THE BLUFF ABOVE THE DANA POINT MARINA -JUST 20% DOWN, 12% SELLER FINANCING/ This original Spanish charmer over 50 years old has a· gazebo on the point to enjoy the dramatic harbor below or watch the whales this Fall. Nicely landscaped. this 3 bedroom. two story home has beautiful cathedral ceilings. fireplace and outdoor BBQ. Topping this all off is a Mediterranean red tile roof. This home also has great expansion potential. $800.000. PRIME COAST HWY. COMMERCIAL tlPOT IDEAL FOR OWNElllUll~R OR DEVELOPMENT -JUST ORASTICALL Y REDUCED/ If you've bHn looking for a new location for your llquor store. restaurant or flower shop then seek no further/ This corner location In Laguna Beach has a one bedroom house, commercial space and picturesque central courtyard Ides/ for outdoor dining. Lots of off-street parking and anxious sellers looking for offers/ Was $425,000 Now $369,000. BEST VALUE ON THE OCEANFRONT-$150,000 BELOW M.A.I. APPRAISAL/ MUST SELL IN TWO WEEKS/ Lower Three Arch Bay is the private community setting for this Cape Cod 5 bedroom. 3 bath home with family room. formal dinmg. breakfast room and two lots. The terraced backyard is landscaped all the way down the bluff to the sea and outdoor spa overlooks the crashing surf below. Was $1.650,000 Now $1 ,400,000. PRESTIGIOUS LOWER THREE ARClf 8A Y JUST I0'6 DOWN ANO 10% 8ELLEll FINANCING/ This wlll be your beach to yse all year 'round as a resident of this exclusive private comrounlty with tennis and recreation. The 3 bedroom home now avallable Is dramatically situated above a tropical waterway. Terms on this property are 10% Interest only due In 10 years/ Was $595,000 Now $550,000. On all these properties -you own the land! 4AGUNA BEACH OFFICE • 497-3331 ------.-. Orange County Real Estate/ An Advertising Suppler:nent to the DAILY PILOT /Saturday, October 23. IAYFllOIT 00110 OYEllLOOlll& ULIOA ISUID Elegant 2 bedroom condo plus den with fantastic views. wet bar. fireplace, stained glass. pool and use· of private beach $855.000 IWllH lllHE "CASAIWCA" Mllfl Former model home with fantastic views. 4 bedrooms. 2' 2 baths. many designer upgrades and good location near the tennis. pool and spa area. $520.000. EMEULI IAY FAMILY llME Country charm radiates throughout this 5 bedroom. 4 bath home with family room. formal dining and huge master bedroom soite. $755.000. Hiil.Mi llHI VIEW 1111.11• ME Seller will carry with $280.000 down on this lot above "Palm Tree Circle." Sites like tr\is are rareJy available. Act now! $385,00o. --~ . " ... ....... ..., Ranche San Joaquin view condo wjth 2 be<frooms. 2 baths, fireplace. nice landlCdf>lng, decks plus use of pool and spa. owe. s 159.ooo. ._. ... llD .... mu Lo'lely 4 bedroom home on a large corner lot that's been c-eutlfully landscap9d ~ boasl1 a 1ar9& sotar heated pool. Close fO everytnlng and priced ta sell. $159,500. Lingo Aulfnn LIM SAllS-WALI Tl IUCll Perfect Newport starter home with 3 bedrooms . 2 baths , minim u m maintenance. use of pool, racquetball and tennis. $159.000 LJllA ISLE WATEllFllllT llME Handsome trad1t1onal 5 bedroom. 4' 2 bath residence with family room. sunken living room. immense formal dining room plus a charming courtyard spa. Owner wlll help finance. $ 1.450 .000. EMERALD. BAY SI 17 ,DOO AlllmllE LUI! 5pectacular view Emerald . Bay property with 2 bedrooms. 2 baths, pool and long term financing. $650,000. ICla YllW lllllllY •11• .. This 6 bedroom. 5'f/ bath residence with beam ceilings. hardwood floors and brick patios ..., an ac:td1tionat famlty roof"' with fireplace and. guesi or Jnalo's quacJers. .Jusrndtacectto"m~-~ . . -. -OTHER AREAS \ . Rdllt.WIU Ull LR, LIW ... Mouvated seller "'""t llquldate qufcldy this ~bedroom condo with den, 2'/ir b•ms. greM location In Santa Ana Hef1hts. $118,000. ---11'1111-Spa~lous 3 ~edroottt, "21.Ai bath fatoJly room fnlm• on 'frln lctad ISiand In Huritfngton Harbour wm\ asS\Jmable First T. O. at Pf.•1. ~ter .. t and additional setter financing.' S39t.950 FEE. NEWPORT BEACH OFFICE • SUIMIT ALL OFFERS!! Harbor View Home with 4 bedrooms. 3 baths. great design for families. owner financing $310.000. Miii-ESTATE .llST llEllCEIJ Situated on 'J acre. this 6 bedroom. 4 bath residence with Grecian pool and spa has a beautiful Koi pond. huge yard . French doors and breathtaking skylight owe or consider trade. $449,000. ACllSS Fii• ICUIFHIT Emerald Bay 3 bedroom. 2 bath whitewater view home on oceanside of Hwy 1n prestigious private community $875.000. 11111.f MlmTll SIUEI Try 1ust $75,000 down Of lease option on this corner lot ocean view 4 bedroom. 3 bath home with tra41t1onat stytlng. An outs tarutlng, ... nh1e wl th tull_u_SJ! of i!f _ faollltles plua its own spa. $825,000. .. . oat& IUI TllftD Near beach and shopping, tbis income property has a perfect ~ bedroom owners unit plus add ltlotta! 2 bdPm. 2 bath rental. Real pride of ownership. $245,000. . i . I I I i I 6 _ Orange County Real Estate/ An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT /Saturday, October 23. 1962 MACNAB IRVINE REALTY uMAlllFIOIE" IAYFROIT Cll&TUl-l'IUOE REDUCED SI00,000 This unique home approx. 6,000 sq. ft. is an entertainers paradise Lg slip, bayside lawn, pool, 3 fptcs plus his and hers bathrooms. den, office/art room, library. gymnasium. Unusually dMP tot w/approl 74 feet on the bay Only 5 years old. $4,500.000 John Macnab. EXCLUSIVE MAlllOR RlllE Ill IEWPORT IEACH Elegant French manor home rn gated community. Completed rn finest detail and craftsmanship. M agn1f1cent views of Newport's bays. & night fights. 4 BR. 6 BA. 2 fam rms & library add to this home's prest1g1ous & elegant lifestyle. Reallstrcally priced at $1,695.000 incl. land Owner will assrst w/frnancrng. Tom Alhnson or Terry Hanes Open house Sat & Sun 1-5, 4 Narbonne. Harbor Rrdge CALIFORlll SPANISH ESTATE Sophrstrcated llv1n9 on Lido Isle in this 16 room home on 3 lots-7 BRs & 6 baths! Opens to an expansive landscaped courtyard & lg. pool. Excellent financing -$1.250,000. Call Tom Allinson or Terry Hanes to see this one-of-a-krnd home1 SPECTACIUR VIEWS!!! Spacious lrvrne Terrace 3 or 4 BR surrounding interior courtyard pool. Clean & ready for your personal decorator touches. Fabulous bay, ocean and city light views. $795.000 Incl land Martha Macnab Open house Sat 1-5, 1901 Galatea Terrace. 111 CAIYOll VERSAILLES Completely customized golf course townhome. Informal. warm decor with Mexican pavers. wide Bermuda Shutters. country kitchen & beautiful pool & spa set In lovely gardens. $795,000 Beverly Morphy. VIEW VIEW VIEW This sunshine bright 3 BR. den. Deauville in exclusive Big Canyon has a view you will want to call your own. The sparkling pool & spa overlook all of Big Canyon & beyond to the hills & lights of Harbor Ridge $785,000 Terry Aune Hanes and Tom Alhnson. HHiM RISE COllOMllllM Total security in this beautiful luxurious condominium -Bay & c ity view. underground security parking. Pool & spa Magnifi cent entrance salon w/crystal chandelier, Pool rm & deck area to private boat shps. $759.000 Barbara Aune. PICTIRE PERFECT WITH VIEW I POOL Seller financing available. Exciting views of Newport Center & upper bay. Solar heated pool & spa in garden setting. Formal dininQ & larae skyhghted family room, plus 4 BR. $750,000 incl. land. Larry Dyer. / "CAPE en 1'UllTIOlll" 01 LIDO ISLE 2' 2 years new. Exquisite detailing! 1 lot to beach w/a little bay view. 3 BR. 2'1t BA. fam rm. 3 fplcs. $685.000 w/$299,000 assum B of A 1st. Dona Chichester. Open house Sun 1-5. 102 Via Koron. lido Isle AITlllA WAY Glamorous Ivan Wells custom home featuring stained glass retractable roof atrium. Elegant wet bar for entertaining. Formal dining rm. 4 BR & den. Full security system. Secluded garden Includes pool. spa & tropical waterfall. $675.000 Including land. Cathy Schweickert. IPYIUSS RlllE VIEW llOMEI Family home w/great circulation -a Hiiisborough SBA. 3BA. DR. Family rm. beautiful garden + a view patio. $640,000 incl. land. Oona Chichester. WATEIFl"1 -SLIP I PIER 1411,000 Just reducedll Beautiful furnished 2 BR home. The quality atmosphere and elegance make this charmer desirable for entertaining throughout the year. Excellent financing. Mary Lou Marlon. DOYER SHORES VALUE Approx ''l acre lot. 20' x 40' pool ; spacious tiled patio. Well maintained single story 4 BR, lam rm lg formal dining rm. By appt. $465,000 LH Cathy Schweickert. DESPERATE II SHORECLIFFS Charming country custom home with tots of wood and used brick reaturing 3 BR. lam rm. This split level homEi has a dehghtlul master suite w/ocean view oft deck The location 1s unequalled! $455.000 incl land. Sharon Smith MUiHL Y UPIRADED CASA IUllCA MODEL· Overlooking reservoir & mountains. Decorated in earthtones with lots of wood flooring & shutters. High assumable loan. $450,000 Gisela Jenkins. STRIPPED 3 IR, 3 ll llYFROIT COllDO in Lido Village area A real FIXER UPPER Offered at $450,000. met land Shp available Martha Macnab. "SOMERSET" LISTI•& Prestigious HARBOR VIEW HOMES -5 BR. fam rm, formal din rm, plus beautiful pool & spa. Completely upgraded -French doors & windows. plantation shutters. paneling & new kitchen Too many amenities to hst. $429.000 incl. land. Donna Godshall usEAYIEW" CHARIER New on the market This fabulous "Bar Harbor" is situated high on the hill affording a superb view of ocean, city lights and coastline. 3 BR. separate lam rm Shows better than model. $429.000 Anita Schandel. MARIOR RIHE ESTATES IAlllilll Reduced to $100,000 below appraisal! Owner's loss 1s your gain Beautiful "Miramar" plan with ocean & city hie views Elegance for hvtng & entertaining. 2 BR. gourmet kitchen & luxurious master suite Now only $425,000 Anita Schandel A NOME WITH PRIDE Custom built -lor present owners by Ivan Wells. Beautiful corner lot High ceilings. lg formal entry, formal din rm. lg country kitchen w/fptc & seating area. Sparkling pool $424 .500. incl. lands. Owner will finance Barbara Aune IEW PlllCE IAYSllE COYE The "legend" model one BA, den condo situated within steps of the bay. Completely redecorated. The master suite occupies the entire second floor Financing 1s excellent on this prestigious home. $415.000 Fee Donna Godshall. JASMllE CREEi -OCEll VIEW Rare ·1 sto'J'.. 3 BR on wide greenbelt close to pool & spa, large patio with view of ocean, large assumable loans. 24 hour security gate Tennis courts & 3 pools. $399.900 Maxine Propp. IEllCEI 112-800 OISTlllZEI 5 BA in Harbor View-homes -Don't miss out on this beautiful 5 BR Portoflno In Newport Beach. French doors. wood celling In kitchen, brass fixtures. Must see to appreciate! Shows like a model. $398,000 Gisela Jenkins. JASlllE nEEI Gate-guarded community. 2 BR + den. Tastefully decorated. Close to pool & tennis. $395.000. Berlt Mitchell. 84.4-1210 Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT /Saturday, October. 23, 1982 -7 ;MACNAB 11RVINE iREALTY JASMllE CREEi -OCUI VIEW! Prime cul-de-sac VIEW LOCATION. 3 BR single story condo in prestigious Jasmine Creek -Community tennis, pool. security. Just listed at $390.000 including land. Martha Macnab. SEASHORE llYESTMEIT Ocean & Catalina views from this two unit property one house from the sand. Upstairs unit -4 BR. 2 BA and sun deck. Downstairs unit 2 BR-2 BA. Owner assisted financing. $325,000 LH Tom Allinson & Terry Hanes. TERMS TO FIT YOUR IUDQET Turtlerock builder wants last one sold! 3 ~ Bonus. spa. 2 covered patios. luscious landscaping. Builder will carry the paper or buy down a loan, lease option possible. $319,000 Barbara Callihan. OUR UPPER IAY'S IEEI llEMODELEI And so has this gorgeous home! Now we have a most interesting bay view as well as mountains and lights. A dream of a 3 BR, 2 story home makes this a very special treat. $310,000 LH Coby Ward CLIFF llAYEI Charming 3 BR. 2 bath custom home w/fantastic landscaplng on an extra-lg. bulldable lot. A must see! $295,000 Mary Lou Marlon. Open house t 1-3 Sat & 12-7 Sun. 703 St. James Place. IEWPORT SHORES -FEEi Beach pro~erty Lg 4 BR + bonus rm -+ den. Great community club & · pool. Best investment for your family living. Submit on financing - Seller w/ass1st $279.000 Fee Land Jane Paquin TWO YEAR IEW COllO 01 FEE LAii Original Bluffs section. beautifully decorated, 2 BR & formal dining rm $277.500 Beverly Morphy WESTCLIFF POil ltOME All the comforts & warm decor. beam ceiling. custom shutters. sparkling pool. prof. landscaping in this 3 BR • FR Westcliff home $269.000 Incl. land Jane Paquin. TIRTLE RICI Fantastic Bren garden home -Monteclto model, Plan B w/great view of mountains. featuring 3 BR, tam rm. highly up. graded. This home Is on a cul-de-sac & fee land. Community pool & tennis. Excellent assumable financing. $267 ,500 Sharon Smith. ILIFFI "E'' PW 01 IA,011 IREHIELT With excellent assumable loan. 3 BR. tam rm. plantation shutters. mirrors. decorator wallpapers. Beam ceilings -open. airy. balconies & patio. $265,000 Jan Young. llLLI• AT Lllll Harbor View Home -3 BR-2 Ba Carmel model. Remodeled kitchen. Professionally decorated throughout. New carpet, paint and wallpaper. Automatic watering and lighting systems. Must sell fastl $249.000 Incl. land Gisela Jenkins. l SPECIAL HOME Charm & style prevail in this highly customized Eastbluff home. Lusk built w/3BR + lg tam rm & formal DR. Park like yard areas freshly landscaped. $239.500 Jane Paquin. IEW LISTllQ II EASTILUFF Sma.rtly styled. con:-'eniently located home w/3BRs, Dining rm, and Family rm. Made to measure for someone who needs lots of living space on one floor. $225,000 LH Coby Ward RUHL IEWPDRT IEACll Wonderful 3 BR family rm home in private setting All new paint. carpet. wallpaper $215.000 Tom Alhnson & Terry Hanes COMDO FOR URliE FAMILY First Olfenng! Original Bluffs. Immaculate "Carmelita Plan" on greenbelt near pool. 4 BR, 3 BA -Patio $198,000 Leasehold Dick Halderman l IEAUTIFUL COIDOMlllUI -S 175,000 This exciting home has 2 BR, 2 BA. fireplace. wet bar. bright patio for entertaining. Inside stairwell to double garage. Owner w/help w/ financing. Comm. pool & tennis. Mary Lou Marlon. IUICllO SAi JOAQUll PEITHOUSE View -light & breezy -spacious 2 BA t den. Quiet cul-de-sac - flexible financing. Owner has moved. Must sell SUBMIT!! $175.000 Fee Beverly Morphy. TlllTLEROCI TRI-LEVEL Sll•,100 Large 2BR. 3 Bath Turtlerock townhome Formal dining, mammoth mstr suite w/vaulted ceilings. 2 patios. pool & tennis courts. Assumable financing. Barbara Callihan. IDLLllOISE 3 Ill, 2 IA Charming dollhouse on quiet cul-de-sac. 2 brick fplcs .. curb appeal & loads of charm. All for $169,500 Terry Aune Hanes & Tom Alllnson. . LOTS OF IOllE FOi TllE MOIEY A price reduction on this good buy In "The Colony." 2 story 3 BR + bonus or 4th BR full of promise In great family area of Irvine. $149,900 Coby Ward. ILIFFS Charming 4 bedrm home w/brand new gourmet kitchen & cozy family rm. Owners are ready to move. $149,000 LH Anita Schandel. HST COSTA MEil 00111 2 BR . 2'11 BA. ittrlum large enclosed patio. Lots of privacy 2 years old. Immaculate. Assumable loan $147,900 Berlt Mitchell *WI Ill PLUlll Tl 1•11101 TUT •· UlllL 1111 US .111111 TIE STIFF If Ml ..... T IDOi lfFlll. 144-1211 -.. ____ ,.-___ ----~ Real Estate/An Ad~ertlslng Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, October 23, 1982 RESIDENTIAL REAL EST ATE SERVIGS NEWPORT BEACH CORONA DEL MAR BEACH COMMUNITIES Ill C&IYll 1141,liO Bright & cheerful Broadmoor home In excellent condition & location Many custom built-ins Attractive c overed patio & yard . M any decorator touches. 1st T.D. Is assumable. Ill CllYH Slll,000 Dramatic Deane Townhome overlooking the golf course 1n this prestigious gate guarded community. High ceilings. 3 large bedrooms beautifully decorated and In perfect condition. Ill CllYll SIH,iOG 4 BR Deauvllle model above the 6th fairway with a lovely view. completely customized. Dramatic living & dining room Large deck & spa Air conditioned 111 CUYH $Ut,500 Reduced $35,500. Lowest priced Monaco 1n Big Canyon. 3 BR. cathedral c eilings. freshly painted & new landscaping. Large private lot. Owner will help finance. Assumable. long term. first trust deed. Would consider trade. llllH RIHE 14H,000 Owner will consider a trade or a lease option on this brioht & cheery Dynasty model. Sky lights. custom shutters & off white carpeting 2 BR. separate suites. Owner will help finance. Ullll VIEW IOMES 1311,000 Lowest price fee 5 BR Somerset model. Great financing. ($238.000 1st T.D. at 1211•% fix). neutral. immaculate decor & beautiful low maintenance landscaping. Call us for more info! ILWFS Ull,°" Emotional setting! Best location with panoramic views of Back Bay & city lights. Dolores plan with lovely neutral decor. Very anxious seller has made this 3 BR view home a great buy! UITIL•FF 1217,000 Family home with view, private courtyard for entertaining. Lovely neutral decor. fam. rm. 4 BR, breakfast area. home & office. Owner will heJp finance. Priced to sell. llAIMI llUUlll 11H,llO BeautifuMy priced 3 BR. 2 bath home on quiet Newport Beach street. Wei! maintained with nloe noorplan and several large trees in private yard. Owner will cooperate with financing. llWPHT IL.II 1111,IOO A super condo at pre-Inflation price. 2 BR. family room. 2'~ baths w/community pool & spa. Convenient location across from Santa Ana Country Club & accessible to all freeways. Good financing. IMTIUHU Ull,111 Prestigious No Laguna. Drive south 7 miles ttand enfoy the charm of Laguna. Ocean side of PCH. Immaculate 3 BR charmer on McKnight Drive. Seller will assist with financing. NEWPORT BEACH OFFICE 2161 SAN JOAQUIN HILLS IOAD CdllUllES .., ..... like Topsy this home is growing! This already superb ocean-view. pool home will otter 4 large Bdrms, each with bath & a hobbyist's dream workshop. Price includes land. SPYIUSS llll UH,000 Elegant Southport with to tal cu s tomized detailing. 5 BR. 311~ BA. lull bonus room. pool. spa & lovely gazebo for enjoying valley view. Total security system & all ot lhe extras that make a home a castle. UlllMH IWlUI YIEW 1140,000 Watch the boats & the sunsets from this newly redecorated 4 BR home in one of your most convenient & very lovely areas. Owners will consider a trade. Submit. MAllOR VIEW llLlS 1441,000 Big ocean/bay view plus lovely remodeled 3 BR & family Rm contemporary home on huge lot Private pool & patt0. Outstanding financing with minimum down. H RIOR VIEW MILLS Ult,000 This 4 BR home has a most agreeable floor plan. It adapts to a variety of medium to large family requirements It 1s ideally located close to schools & shopping. Owner financing. COHiii HL MU UIO,IOO Bayview Duplex! Large units. Excellent income. Owner must sell!! Price 1s much below a recent lender's appraisal. MUIM VllW llUS 1312,000 Ideally located 3 BR & den home. 2 cozy fireplaces. Lovely peaceful setting with beautiful Catalina & sunset views. It is near shopping, beaches. schools & fnends. Owner will help finance. OAllU U.H IHl,000 Charming 3 BR • famlly room Cameo Shores home. 80 x 160' lot -one of the largest in town! Unhmited expansion possibilities plus room for a pool. Home In great condition with super terms. Don't miss this one! 1111• YllW llLU 1271,IOO 3 BR. family room on spacious corner lot. High beamed ceilings. Mexican tiles 1n entry. family room & kitchen. Pnced to sell Out of state owner very anxious. °"'"' 1n.. 1211,no This cute duplex Is within walking distance to the senior citizen center -perfect for an older couple w/lncome unit. Owner Is extremely motivated -must' sell! Call for rents. OUT OF AREA TllRllMI 1211,IOO Spectacular townl"tome with 2 master suites plus den with view of hills & night lights. Professionally decorated. shutters. pavers & air conditioning. Good assumable 1st & owe 2nd. nEAIQ eon '°"' CMl'ICU CVM COMLTT l YUIJI [Wll& sum mo --amt ...., HAh(Y Liii ISU $2,.a,ooo Custom designed & d ecorated by Carole Eichen. this fabulous Bayfront home unites natural beauty with imported interiors. brick paved, gourmet kitchen & beautiful woods 3 BR. maid's qtrs. pier & shp. CHiil HL 1111 $I, l00,000 Spectacular oceanfront. Newly constructed' Oak floors. Water purifier. Alarm. Intercom systems. Two BR Den. Hobby room. Stairs to a nice swimming beach in So California. PHllSIU St,I00,000 New Bayfront with outstanding floor plan & ex quisitely decorated All the amenities including hardwood floors. formal entry & dining room . pier. slip plus sandy beach PHIHIU Pll•T $1,425,000 New Cape Cod bayfront with c;hp tor 55' boat Separate master suite Security Electric gates 2 patios Sprinklers & spectacular Views Sellers will consider trades Submit offer IOYH SHRES $1 ,H0,000 Dramatic bayfront on Fee land 1n Dover Shores. 4 fireplaces. 3 wet bars. glass enclosed dining on bay & carved oak PUB seats. 6 protected by d1g1tal sec. system. Many more amenities. lctllHllT HH,000 An architect's creation located on prime oceanfront. Very sophisticated & contemporary mdes1gn. Absolutely incredible white water & coastline views. Features 3 stories. Liii& ISLE ltt0,000 Least expensive home on this gate guarded island. 5 BR. family room. large pier & slip for 3 boats. Lovely bayslde deck & located across from tennis & sandy beach. Excellent financing. UYSllllH Sli0,000 This home has a flair for living with 4 BA. large family room overlooking the bay. All the amenities of a guard-gated community. Good terms are available. Liii ISll SI 10,000 4 BR & Den FAMILY HOME with Formal dining room. Perfect for gracious entertaining 1n 2 garden patios. Low down payment a seller Wiii carry balance for 10 years. IAYU.I Mtl,IOO The perfect Fee home steps from private beach. 2 BR. Separate den. Fresh paint & paper t remodeled kitchen makes this a move-in tomorrow. llDfllll 1141,100 Take over great assumable loans with low down payment o n this beautlful 3 BR Plan 4 townhome. Great property & terrific financing tool Orange County Real Estate/An Adver1islng Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, October 23, 1982 -9 t I Many owners are offering substantial price reductions and terms. Some will Pxrhange and ."cash speaks" - Lower than listed price, if y.qu have cash Call for details and submit your offer N.B.\ BAL. ISL. \C.M. I BA YSHORES-LOWEST PRICE Cl\armlnca 3 bedroom c..,. Cod home with 1131.000 of ... umMle ftnenclng. 2te1 Crntvlew 1214,500. VERSAILLES COND0-$149,000 Che«y 2 bedroom, 2 ba, with bete-r & MCurlly. OW WOtk WI"' MJ offer! NEW ON MARKET-NPT. CONDO Aftordabte end unft next to 9rHn bett I pool . ...-r wlll trede tor oftt.f r••ldenee Of? Upgreded I Int-ting 3 bed. $139,000. BLUFFS-NO QUALIFYING No b•ll-n parment. and lntere•t under 12% with $20,000 C8ah down. Immaculate 4 bedroom, 3 be.fem.rm. End unit. S1t0,000. tn-etOO. BACK BAY CORNER-MUST SELL! Owner w• ~ tredee tor boM, cer CM ~. A lowety 3 llledl'OOl'll Country F,_h ,__ w"" epec._. kitchen & remtty _.. + rerd. Drtv• by 2211 Retlland• 9f'4 c ... '°' ....... t241,500. PENINSULA DUPLEX-NEW LISTING CloM to Bey and 8eec:h wnh feY«Mle •-• 0t poeettMe I Ired• '" Ian Clemente ., ... 2 A 1 bedroom unit•. t2At.OOO. NEWPORT DUPLEX-By BEACH Ntcefy maintained lerge 4 I 2 bedroom unft•. Flnanclnt .... 1 .... 1:211.soo. ADORABLE DUPLEX-CdM W.,. prked end onty s btoctr• to ~-Front ~ wt"' 2 bed. 1 be., ... equipped 1111CMn, Ille ..,...... end wood "9of .. 9peNeh arc:Ntectwe wl"' newef 3 bed. 1 ba. untt over 4-cM ger.... ..."'ad c .. llng. l•ri; 7 =. Charmlnf w~1 I lmmaculel• condition. . OCEANFRONT ·LAGUNA EJ99ent 2 bed. 2 be. co-op "9ht on IN bNch. Se(;u'1ty, ~ VtEW. AN extr• few "-'ttiy lfwlne a recr .. tlon, lndudtnf ftOOL. 93'9,000. PRICE SLASltEOft-BALBOA fSl.ANO 117 Merine Awe. NOW 1254.000t On aoxas ft lot. AdorMle 29r 1 be wfbrlck petlo. A IUNfll VALUE! tn-llOO. BAL 1s: CHARMER-Reduced! Cleen I cute J bed. co1ta1• with patio, beam• a penellfte. Y4MI cen "" .. 11 ot ffefttuelty bUlld new."'- fof c.... Cod af9 lnctuded w/ ..... price of 1:215,000. Df'lft by 20I Topez end c .. 173-eeOO. JASMINE CREEK-ELEGANT Quiet cut da NC Mhfnd guwdad , ..... 1,,...._a1ve deeor en~ 2 bed. + den a cuetom lpe. NEWI BALBOA ISLAND-GREAT! Lar ....... In 1GO Mock of To. a.,ftont. lpectou. 4 end S bedroom unite 1old fUllJ furnl1hed. loHoned --/wlntef rentel reciotd. An axcopttonlll property •I a rHll•tlc price. L•rt• Hlu,.abl• toanl IU7,$00. OPEN SATUADA Y 1-5 225 Grand Cenat·aolboa l•land ............................ S5t5,000 S20 S.-Md·S~ecllft. ......................................... 1445,000 101 Scholz Plaza "217-Y.,.._,tt ......................... " 1141,000 41t Carnelton-Corona dol Mer .............................. 1511,000 314 Marftokl, Corone del Mor .................................... 000 22te flledlanch Drtve-llack Bey .............................. 1241.500 1511 King• flloed-Cllfthawen ................................... Mlt,000 1541 £mt Ocean-Penln.Pt ....................................... 1470,000 1577 EHi Ocean·Penln.Pt ....................................... $344,500 502 I ltrffl·Penln.Pt ................................................ $315,000 103' WATERFRONT ·$980,UOO FEE Owner wlll .ccept 5% caah down perment and carry the llnanclng at 10% lntere1t. Over 4000 •qu•r• ffft of cu•lolft de1lgn. Four 1paclou1 bedroolft1 Including ma•t•r 1ulte with uune + Im-!amity room and rooftop decti with View . .._, luxury ...,"'" plu• pme r-........ celllftt1 I dock for IO ft. Mel. A -Nltlng. 131-140I. CANALF .. ONT -$1M1000 Lovefr 3 bedroom homO on Nndy beech. Owner• w'" exchanto I con11dor all ofter1. ON WATER-FORMAL• LARGE Largeet of the untie In P'"1ttlou1 Lido "9nln. condo comptea. Apflfox. 2.,500 Mt· ft. with lwge IMnt end dining area1, ptul two bedr-1u11 .. and den (could be 3rd bedroom) VIEW from -and My to mountain .. ao.1 ellp avallable. Docor 11 wttlto cerpet with fotlftal wall COVeflnt•· ISI0,000. laf .. IMNtf ... ftailab6e, BAYSIDE COVE CONDO-VU .. autllul dec«alot c0«dlneted axecuttwe retreel with wonderful YU or l•J. boat• and nl9ht llght1. Sold comotetefy Nrnl9hod tM• 2 bedroom home ptua den and dln(ng 11 perfect for the dl•crlmlftatln9. Thi• WATEfllFfllONT communAty ofter• Mel •ltp ne61..,.. end pool. S4a7,500. WATERFRONT-WITH VIEW Unob1truot•d VIEW on tut11ln9 bHln of ••rrront. Fabulou• qUlel end of llelboe lelanc&. Lar .. 4 bedroom holfte with 1 bed. aparlmonl. Can be •Ingle faMlty If dHlred. P lerl •llp for 3 boat1. 11,SOO,OOO fee land. a1-1400. EXTRAVAGANT BAVFRONT QrandloM 2·110f'J homO with I bedroom• + pler/fof 1arf10 yecht + lllde He. IJftueuel cuefOM da•9nocl rMldoMe with I09flntl wood bNIMd Mllftte, tMoor ...._ fonNll dining roolft, unique open a au1pended l•MllJ room/library + gcH.trmot lotand kitchen and breNIHt arH. All dMOfator clotallo Of '..-nch doon, 1hutten, 1talned 9la11.++.lledtoom1 Include Nperate lftHl•r 1u1te + maid'• querton end ..., ... t.mtty bedroom• each wttl'I edtoll"lnt beth•. A apocltll rooftop obeenotlon a aunnlnt deck with Yll!WI of water a lthte. s1,1t1,ooo ON 'IE LANO. OW help flnanoo end la lntereated In HChantfng for OCEAWfllONT °' ~ home tn 1M .,.... ln-elOO. I CdM \ LAGUNA \ H.B. I VU PROPERTY-CLOSING COSTS!! LHMlopllon or lrede down or pey onfy cloelr19 co111 and you can own Ihle "lot value" property with clo .. ·up YtEW of Bar. ocean I •parlcltng ntght lleht•. Plana fOf' lovefJ home + gueel houN I pool Included In price. Now ha• two rental unit• ... Ofll " a MCond home ... llve In one and rant lhe other. 13tt,500. Fff land. 131-1400. HUNTINGTON STRAND-5 bedroom Only one block lo beach. ~rivet• epe, MCurl1J •J•lem + manr upgrade• end amanltl••· Drive by 22352 Wanlngf0td L-and c ... for ftnanc:lr19. S3tt.toO. See now •Mle M'1 new on lftaftle4. 131·1400. NEWPORT TWNHME W/DOCK Two •lory 3 bodroom1, 2'h batlt1 In a qutot location. Greenbelt view• and lowHI priced In a waterfront community with boat dock. Good •Humable lln11nCln9, $320,000. CAPE COD-NEAR BEACH Low lnlerHt, long term ftnanclng on thl1 3 bed. 3 ba. •P• hewn .. Only 4 ~119 lo beech. Drive bJ 415 11t.h St. In Huntington leech I call. SHORECLIFFS CORNEA -REMODELED SwHplnt corner locallon with complete remodel I redec0tated 4 bed home with 3 ba. + 3 cer gar1999. Seller motivated I wlll le1M/optlon or help finance. See 320 SHW•rd 1-5 P.M. 1475,000. LOCATION VU! LOCA TIONI Remodeled 2·•10f'J home with cloee-up YU of BaJ, bNt•. ocean and nlfhl llfhl1. Entertain enjoylllbly from thla 3 bedroom, falftlly room ptu1 private pello. Owner ftexlbte wllh good flnanctng. SStl,000 Fff Land. HUGE PRICE AEDUCTIONlll OVERLOOKING EMERAD BAY Matnlftcent "Whltewae.r" oc:een VIEWS "°"' thl1 CUiiom c-lemporary home with mnter .ult• + 3 bedroom1. metd'1 quarter• I 41/t ba. Elegance I Watmth, gourmet kitchen, rormal din. rm. Motivated Mttof wMI CMry Fir.I T.O. at 10% lnlere•I. Call lor delall1. Now S5t5,000. 131-1400. NEW CAPE COD-EXTRA SPECIAL A brand new lwo-1IOf'J honM. Drive by 314 MarlfOld ... Ju11 1hort ~k1 to C0tena dof II« beechea. AM quallly In thl1 3 bedrm, femllr room end l0tmal dining room. LARGE VIEW SUNDECK. Call for financing detall•. Mtt,000 . FOREVER VIEW-REDUCED! Ternftc location & larte homO wtth ,_..., wtew tor only SMt,500 on '" land. Of H cheneo f« 1mellor "-or Income uni .. In tltl1 af ... LMf9 2-•IOfJ S bed. + 1Mf9 fem. nn. din. rm. + 3 car ,.,.,., A•eumable loan. Tenn• floxlbte. OW loaN/optlon. OCEANFRONT HOME-REDUCED leautlful cintom wlttl "prtde of ewnot'llhlp" care I detall. Two •lory 4 bed, J Y, ba. 0w,., wtn hotp nnanc.. Super Nnd a ... llEACHFfllONT. Now MM.GOO. Welk br 2t04 w. Oceenffont & caet '°' detalle. NEWPORT COND0-$115,000 A quiet location on a central Newport •tr"t with en llftmaculate and 1paclou1 2·•tory condominium rffldence. PrlYele enlranco lo IMI S bedroom homO with 2'h blithe end encloood petlo. L.,,,.., I~ end adfolnlnt communltr pool. Perfect "move-In" decor. Two-car t•rat•· IS1·1400. EXCLUSIVE-79 UNITS On almoet 5 ecrH wlttt lote of g~ end opon 9f>Ke, plu1 pool -and rocrMtton ....._ lhc.lleftl Coeta Me .. toeetlon and ftMt Newport. .... _ .. elned and "°"' • HCUlftCJ • ...,,. 2·•tOtY townhouae unite with 3 bedroom• all with petloo. C.,. few ftnanclnt det .... and floof plan•. Lar ............... ._ ......... lend. WATERF_RONT HOMES, INC. REALTORS I> 2436 W. oa'I Hwy Nvwf>(>rt Beac h fl3 I -J .JOO SalM, R<'nta ls . Property M1'na!Jement 315 M.uln" Av". 6dltu1.1 1 .. tand l>7:J.,l~•o 10 -Orange County Real Estate/A11 Advert1s111g Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday. October 23. 1982 WHAT DOES IT TAKE TO SELL A HOME IN 30 DAYS AND NOT ''BUY THE FARM''? Tti~ U~l()U~ ~()LUTI()~ MHllR VIEW LISI -Beautiful decor. serene. tasteful, 4 bdrms. 2'' ba on lee land Asking $395.000. IOHEOIS MO•E ACCHlTE PRICE -Big Canyon (McClain ) Taste ful up grades. gorgeous appointments. assum able 11 % loan. Security. serenity. swimming & tennis. $320,000 TMf VIEW HOYE IRYIH -Turtlerock Glen. woods1e, top view. Dramatic 3 bdrm J asmine model. Upgrades. redwood deck near pool & tennis. Owner motivated. reduced to $259,000. FllH &II CLEAR -Family home. Beacon Bey waterfront. tennis. needs TLC, owner wilt finance. Leasehold 1s attractive $795.000 PRICH RlllT HI II HERFIELI -3 bdrms. 2' > baths. Immaculate. Air cond .. patio. financing under 12% Pr iced below competit ion $149.500. ICW FHIT SECLISIOI -Little corner of the local coastline: surf. dramatic rocks. exquisite 4 bdrm. pool and sp a. No thing else like it! $2,500,000. VHY IAYU.ES -Cottage nr beach. country kitchen . wood floors. 3 bdrms. used brick fireplace. patio. Financing. $310.000 leasehold. llYllH Tiii. PllCI .... Pl,toO -Fee land, 3 bdrm. mini view. 2 fireplaces. a large family room. O wners will c arry 1st trust deed. $352.500. IUll CAUL/free and clear -Cute clean, 3 bdrm with dock for 2 boats. Owner financed. Priced at MAI $528.000. HWPllT'I UCITIH HIES -This one Is a leader! 5 bdrms. 3 fireplaces. unlimited view from Spyglass. Sunny. cozy. exciting. practical $850.000 includes much of the furniture Owner financing too. IAOl IAY Nil ... -4 bdrm. 21/r baths. vacant with 30 yr. loan of $150,000. Anxious. Reduced to $260.000. 111111191 .. PllS UT. -3 bdrm with sunny kitchen & courtyard. Spacious 1 bdrm apt. 10•10 loans available with $150.000 down. Reallstlc at $449,500 .. PllUCY lH HUI VIEW -Hard to find Broadmoor, expanded 4 bdrms, gourmet kltctien, extra large master suite. $'429,500. LH EXAMPLES OPEi SAT. Sunny. solid 3 bdrm. Turtlerock & good loans s 185.500 . ..... .. .. 19251 Sierra Cadiz. lro1. 4 bdrm. ownr fin Fee. vacant, anxious $429.000 . . .... . . 2706 Lighthouse. CdM Vacant-sparkles-spa & pool. clean $369.000 1315 Santanella Ter . NB OPEi SAT /SUI. Baylront. ownr Im Tennis. sandy beach $795.000 . . . . .. 12 Beacon Bay. NB Spyglass. 5 bdrm. view of bay and ocean $850.000 .... . ....... 5 Point Loma. NB Architects home. 3 bdrm. loft. in Seav1ew $425.000 . . . 1921 Yacht Enchantress, NB OPEi Sii. Lusk Harbor View · Serene decor, 4 bdrm. 2 ba. $395,000 . ....... . 1205 Sand Key Bag Cyn. townhome. top cond. Comm. pool $320,000 .. ..... ...... .. . 13 Canyon Island, NB Balboa Island, boat dock . owner finance $528.000 .. ... .... . . .... 2 10 Grand Canal. NB Balboa Isle. new and vacant with charm $595,000 ................... 211 Opal. Balboa Island Newport. 5 bdrm. n1te view. near school $275.000 ............................. 2531 Bunya. NB Back Bay farmhouse. •1, acre+. pool. barn $465,000 .............. 445 E. 20th. off Tustin, CM 5 bdrms/bonus room/near bch , rustic. cozy $450,000 .......... .. ... 118 Ruby. Balboa Island 0 .. 11 W1LL FIUICI II 111&11111 -Harbor View Hills. Owner will carry $250,000 (l 12% interest. No points for 5 yrs. Nr. comm. pooL 4 bdrm 3 bath $429,000. Cll llPUI llAIU CllTS -Neat! 12°1. financing with 20% dn. Rents are steady. Tree lined street convenient to library, shops & beach. $289,500. OLHI IOI. ....:. Solid 3 bdrm, Turtlerock, sunny with plantation shutters, atrium, upgrades. loans. $185,500. lt.IFFS E• llfT -Popular G plan; 3 bdrms. den, 3 bat hs. spacious feel. $250,000. PRiil OIHH Ill IH -3 bdrm, 2 bath, beautifully natural, neutral. colors and Quiet area. $379,500. COHMET IRCIEI IAYFJIOIT -3 bdrm remodeled 1n Beacon Bay. large master suite. 1 bdrm apt. must see to believe. Owner will help finance $1 , 195.000. I COOD DUL -Immaculate• 3 bdrm. den. 3 bath in Irvine Terrace Pool. shutters. spa and good financing. tasty at $369.000 SOIETllllG HIOH -Architect's home• In Seav1ew. 3 bdrm. view. dark room. loft and tasty touches throughout . Really special! $425,000. 115 CHYH, LIW PRICE -Dover inside Big Canyon Pnced to sell. hght & airy atmosphere 2 bdrms & 2 baths with den. great patio' Only $350.000. llLIOl ISUll llllHlll -Bay view! Half block to water. clear shot! 2 story, fireplace. 3 bdrms. 2 baths. Owner finance. Only $339.500. HHS I ClllUIES -Victorian on the island' 3 bdrms, 3 baths. new and vacant. Beveled glass. rock fireplace and different! At $595.000. ILIFFS HI HIT -Exceptional end unit. quiet cul-de-sac. private with subtle colors. good loans. private patio, leasehold. $224.000. H TIE SAii -Duplex , good income. West Newport location with plans for new home. good financing. Asking $550.000. llWPllT 5 1111 -In Eastblult, spP.c tacular night -light view, clean. fresh cond1t1on. Only $275.000. UCI UY FAii .. IS( -1 't acre lot with ranch style home. oak floors. lo;idecl with antique fix tures. 2 story barn, large pool. A kick! $465,000. 5 Hl•S Ill.Ill ISUll -Looks cutsre. lives iumbo! 2 story near So. Bay Beach. 5 bdrm + bonus room. $450,000. 11&1• YlfW llNIMlll -Good 4 bdrm home. good 12•1. loans, good neighborhood and greet value. $399.000 LH or $495.000 fee. Ill fl.llLY .. 111 llWNRT -Pool. spa. lmmac. decor. over 3500 sq. ft. with 5 bdrms on a quarter acre lot. Sellers flexible. Harbor Hi District. $349,500. HUITT Piil HIE, olHT l!tl,HI -Bright Carmel, family floor clan, pool & spa. Financing Is reasonable;. priced right' at $249,500. -·'1 / Orange County Real Estate/ An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT /Saturday, October 23. 1982 -11 Dalebout Bay le Beach Real Estate REAL ESTATE EXCELLENCE SINCE 1949 1n1U11 mu. ... "t09 of 8')ygta9. Two 1toty beamed c•Mlng flvlng rooru. Formal dilling room . Family room with wet bar. Five bedrooms. Spa and wet bar In master suite. Lovely mountain view. Four car garage. Seller extremely motivated. Submit any offer . . .......................................... $1,395,000 HYH SllOIES ... Could be your dream home on the water. Huge living room. formal dining room and beautifully appointed library plus master bedroom in the main building. Across the used brick patio is a separate two bedroom guest suite. The pier and flodt will accommodate a 55 foot boat. You own the land ............ $985,000 Open Sun 1-5 .............. 308 Morning Star Lane •NI THUCI ... You will never tire of this enchanting marine view ... enjoyed from vlrtually all areas of this spacious three bedroom home. Restful family/billiards room. Tremendous patio with custom spa and gazebo ................................................ $985.000 Open Sat-Sun 1-5 ........... 1301 Dolphin Terrace HUI SHIH ... Quality shows in most everything -particularly In a home such as this custom four bedroom built wtth lath and plaster. Situated on a ptlvate beed't. Master bedroom suite balcony owtk>oks beach and bey. In-law or makfs quart.a. JUST REDUCED $60.000 ........... -.......................... NOW $920,000 Open Sun 1-5 ................ 509 Evenfng Star Lane -.-S ... E'.xqutalte four bedroom home. Fabulous use of Italian fossilized marble. carved wood and black walnut. Huge living room. Family room with wet bar. Sauna in garage. Solar heated poof. Fire ring and seating on view side of home .......................... $895,000 Lm tsU . . . Prestigious area. Top locatlon on the widest street on Udo. Just steps to private beach . Easy walk to tennis courts. Four spacious bedrooms. Prac16cal floor plan, built around large patio. T!'9 land alone worth the total asking price. ............................. $695,000 srYIUSS llll ... Outstanding value. This property takes the laurets for amenities and convenience. pfus a dramatic front row view of ocean and city lights. Four bedFOOms. Pool. Spa. liberal financing .......................... $625,000 Ill CUHI . . . Town home In a prestigious location overlooking the slxth fairway. Three spacious bedrooms. Fo1mal dining room. Vacant and ready for quick occupancy. Attractive assumable financing. Available lease or lease/option. An exoeftent buy at $599,000 or lease at $2200 a month. Open Sat 1-5 .. .. . . .. .. .. .... ... . ... 14 Rue Oeauville .,.. TIUAll ... Delightful split-level home. Nothing monotonous here. Beamed celling. French doors. Shutters and levelors. Three spacious bedrooms. Oen and family room. Spa. Property In top conaltlon. Available. S575.000 Fee or *440.000 Leuehotd. Open Sun 1-5 .................... 71 1 K-Thenga Or!Ve -._ •.. Delightful view of mount8'ne, city tlghts and men-made a.Ile. Property 9hOW9 Hke a model. Three bedrooms, family room and three sundecks. Outside entrance to third bedroom and deck. Owner wlll consider low. low down payment. Quick pouesslon.$499,500 ~pen Sun 1-5 .... ..... .. ...................... 12 Vienna 1617 WESTCL.IFF DRIVE COME WllH US TO ••• • ).4 ... SILAll IMI ... Heaven can wait ... when you live In this captivating five bedroom home on the bay. Huge dining room. library and games room .. Separate guest suite. Sparkling pool and spa. Pier and float for 48 toot boat. Home built in 1980 ....... $2,350,000 CLIFF llAYH ... Highly desirable location with a "forever " view of the bay and ocean. Two story three bedroom home with 1nv1ting brick patio PLUS complete guest unit over three car garage. .. ................... ... .. .......... $499.000 Liii ISLE ... Spacious family home. Five bedrooms or eould be three bedrooms plus in-law quarters. Separate family room. Dining room. Convenient to beaches and tennis ................................ ····· ... ... . .. .... $475,000 WUTCUFF ... Exceptional curb appeal. Four bedroom home. Lavish use of trench doors and windows. Extensive built-ins. Loads of storage including attic. 90x 132 pool size yard with gazebo and off-street parking for six cars. Llbetal financing! ................................. $475,000 Open Son l·S ......... -........ 1118 Somerset Lane .... I I I DU ..., ... location. location. location! .--stepe to best ocean beach. Easy walk to bay. Four bedroom. two story home. Large kitchen 'Mth eating area. Great potential with a Httle paint, paper, carpeting and TLC. Owner prefers cash but would consider carrying first trust deed or exchange. $460.000 Open Sun 1-5 .... 1576 East Ocean Boulevard "'8 ._ ... Allunng waterfront location with pier and slip Three spacious bedrooms. Dramatic bay and city lights view from living. dining. den and master bedroom. Separate famity room with wet bar and fireplace. Sixty feet on the water. Owner will carry substantial secondary financing .................... Now $460,000 IAY•nT . . . Comfortable family home in a highly desirabkt area. Four spacious bedrooms. Huge Uving room. Formal dining room Large family room with floor to ceiling fireplace and wet bar. Master bedroom suite. Gourmel kitchen w ith m icrowave oven and new dishwasher..................... . ....... . . . . $449.500 .., llWll . . . Custom built three bedroom three bath home with unobstructed view of bay and OC4Mln. Numerous built-ins. Tremendous potential. Ottered by original owner. Quick possession. .... . .. . ............ ............. ... . $395.000 Open Sun 1-5 ......................... 1211 Kings Road utmST . . . The inspired work of a master craftaman. Comptetety rebuilt with rare artistry. Four bedroom.a. Poot. Spa. Seldom does a property of this caliber come on the market. . ································••···········•············ $395.000 Bit .,.., ... EnjOy the commodious LuSk "E" plan home. Supefbly deltgned. Five spacious bedrooms. Famll'y room with ttreplace. Ber and barbeque In patio area. Private backyard with pOOI and spa. Heat resistant decking. Three car garage. You own the land ................... $389,500 Open Sun 1-5 ............................ 2201 Alta Vista 631-7300 - kl •••'la• ... Two bedtoom cottage Of\ great corner lot. Ocean view. Easy walk to Big Corona Beach. Attractive owner financing . . ......................................................... $340,000 WUTCUFF .. Spacious three bedroom home on large corner lot. Family and dining rooms. French doors opening to large garden and covered patio. Seller's program makes the home very available Just reduced $11 ,000. Now .. . . . ... .. ... . .............. $305,000 Open Sun 1-5 ........... 1100 Cambridge Lane WESTCLIFF . . Cheerful one story. custom built home wraps itself around inner atrium. Enormous master bedroom. two spacious bedrooms plus a convertible den. Ideal for mature family. Solar heated 1acuu1 in garden . . ............. . .... .. . ... ..... $300,000 l&YCIEST . Choice Ivan Wells three bedroom home Designed for easy entertaining -30 • people. no problem! Huge ltving room with soaring beamed ceiling. Quality and informality . Reduced $40,000 .................. ,,. Now $299,000 Open Sun 1-5 .............. 1837 Commodore Road llOIH llHUllS ... Soltd comfort for the large family. Four bedrooms -one so spacious It could easily accommodate four single beds. Huge country kitchen with eating area. Large pool. wrought 1<on fenced. Separate hobby shop or children's playroom .............. $285.000 UUll wtrw _, . . . The popular "Carmel" model. Three bedrooms. New carpeting. Spacious patio. Luxuriant garden. Property in top condition ...................................... $268,500 Open Sun 1-5 .............. 1930 Port Bristol Circle •1& VU• . Four bedroom dwelling has it all. Oversized yard. Pool. Spa. Multi-leveled used brick decks. Great for entertaining. Price JUSt reduced $34.000 ..... .. . . .. . ..... Now $245.000 Open Sun 1-5 .................. 1944 Flamingo Dnve IMTllWMI II •YI• . Spacious three or five bedroom home. One large bedroom and bath downstairs. Two bedrooms upstairs plus bonus room. Large pool and spa. Just reduced $23,500 ................................. Now $230,000 Open Sat 1-5 .................................. 5 Colonial TH lllfFS ... The popular "Franciscan" model condo. Three spacious bedrooms. Two tiled patios and gas barbecue. Shows like a model. .. ..... .... .. . $229.000 Open Sun 1-5 .................... 685 Vista Bonita •1& n. .. Highly upgraded four bedroom home. Roof. kitchen appliances. and l'arpetlng -all new within the last two yers. Convenient location. Owner will help finance. Just reduced $5000 ........................................ Now $129.900 IOHTlll·lnlllPllS Prime location In Eastslde Costa Mesa. Nearly a full acre at 18th Street and Orange Avenue. Plans and permits for 26 condos available. Price Includes near new triplex . Excellent terms. Owner will consider trade. JUST REDUCED $200,000. Call Harriet Perry. Now ........ ..•. ... . ........................... ........ S950.000 ...... • Two chok:e contiguous lots. Each 50x78. Zoned R-3 -Could be R-4. Ideal for triplex or possibly four units. Topographical survey paid for. Owner wlH entertain a" offers. Call for Gayle Amato .......................... $145,000 NEWPORT BEACH .... j 12 -Orange Coun\y Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, October 23. 1982 The Harbor Area's Oldest Real Estate Firm TERRIFIC FINANCING -and a terrific price! With just $25,500 down you can live in Newport Beach in the fashionable Bluffs. Spacious "C" plan near the pool. 4 bdrms, and 3 baths. Full price is just $255,- 000 L.H. seller will finance at 121/2% for 30 years. · OCEANFRONT SPECTACULAR If you like the smell of salt air, the sound of breaking surf and watching the pelicans dive for fish -you will love this Zook de~igned oceanfront home in exclusive Cameo Shores. 4 bdrms., 4 baths, den & formal dining rm. $2,500,000 seller will finance. SHOPPING CENTER -Corner location on busy West 19t h St. adjacent to huge Costa Mesa redevelopment project. 100% leased. Attractive seller financing. $477,000 L.H . (213) 828-2828 BADMINTON COURT Ideal home for an active family in lovely Spyglass Hill. Spacious New Bedford plan with large upstairs game rm. plus a large first floor family rm .. 4 bdrms. and 3 baths. lmmac1,1late throughout. $723,400. · OME-ln Corona del Mar. Well located rental units just a few blocks from the beach on the ocean side of the Hwy. Lowest priced units in Corona del Mar at $229,000. Seller will finance at 12 1/2% interest with 20% down. lf'j , • ...~,.. , u CITRUS INVESTMENT -Outstanding tax benefits are available in citrus investments! Producing 133 acre grove in booming Hemet where building permits are UP 49% over last year. Management available. $2, 500. 000. (714) 873 4400 REALTY \ 2865 E. Coast Highway-Corona del Mar I Orange County Real Estate/ An Advertising Supplement to the DAIL y PILOT /Saturda ESTATE SIZED LOT •CAMEO SHORES• This outstanding l'X('<.' humP ft.•aturt.'S what must bt.• the larg(•st lot in Camt.-<J Short.-s~ Tht.• rt.•ar yrd foaturt.'S a Japant.'St' garden. watl'rfall. Ko1 pond. pool & vollt.•yball t.·rt m a s pacious l•nv1runmt.•nt dcs1gnt.'CI for memorablt.> days thruout tht.• yt.·ar. The tnt<'rior was cJes1gnt.•d for entertaining as well. A lge ltv rm w/frpk OV(•rluuking the puol & gardc•ns cxPmplified thl' open sptt('lOUs feelan~ prt'V<'lant thruout. A huge k1tt.·ht•n. frml dtn rm & 4 spac·1ous bdrm-. 1ndutling d ms tr suit<' w tblt-m sht'lvC'S. sunkt.•n Jal'UZZI tub :.trl' but J fpw of thl' numt.·rou~ fl'<iturN> nf this fint• rt.'!'1dent.·1• Off<•rt-<l at $1i711 01)(1 FEE wtas:.umabk l111.11lu11i.: .at 11 7~" .. 759-150 I •HARBOR VIEW HILLS * Tot.ill\. 11·modt•lt'<i tn~tdt! & out th1~ dt•l1ghtlul 1;111l'h ,1vl1 h111rw lt•;otui l '"' I hr. '.! frpk11. :i l·:u· g.11.igt'. 111 t .1n v1t·1A & l.11 gt• Int " l u-.timi ~pa P1 11.t'<I tu sc:ll .It $:MU.OOU L.1\\ 1ntt•11•-.t J'-'um.oblt• I 111am·1ng l'<ill i5~-I ~111 I 111 75.!· 7:i7:1 CALIFORNIA SHOWPLACE •DOVER SHORES• Btfl vie" s of Fa!>h1on Is land and the Pacif1t. Ul'l•an h1ghh~ht th1!:. t•xcttmg !>tone & stut.'t'O ranch show pla<.'t.' d<.>s1gned m 1973 by I van Wells fOJr l'Xl'l:Ul1Vl' l'ntt'.'rtaan1ng Thl' gracious & d1vl•rsf• layout inducu.·s a granous ltv rm. frml din rm. a handsomP oak study, fmly rm. l'tJUntry kill·hl•n w/island work area & bn•akfost room. 4 bdrms. tl bath!> w, Wt•ll <i~ ~Ul h f1m· qualtt~ appotntm<•nL' .as '1tlt· fl our.:.. <:rpting & wv1·r.1I sk~ lttt'l. Sup<·rb outdoor ga tht>nngs ore macit.• l'<"'-'1blt· b~ :.! fMtH,.,, w I 1n•µ1 t~ t.~tm blat·k bultum ~w1mmmg J.>OOI & :-p.1 &. ~· l\1m11lc·h· pools1d1· wt•t bar Alsc1 fl•aturt~ ;1n• full sc't·unly 'Y~ll'm. du.ti lt'mp {'On trollt'<.I w1m· stor.1gl', & a :I l'ar g<1ragt• $1.500.0110 Fl•:E LAND (':all i:'>!l-1.iO l *HARBOR HIGHLANDS * S.·n~ut111c11ly n ·mo<ldt>d & d<'l'Orau'<.I 4 br hurn1· lp,1t11n11g ~" 11nn1111g puol. hnnu' rm . ~kylttt'. lush pnvall' t·ourty<ircl. fplc . & .1ssu111ablt· fin;inung Hc·chm·d tu $:.!H0.0011 ft·<· For qu1 t:k ~llt· l'all 7!l9-1 ~>01 0 1 i~:.! 7:17:1 OCEAN VIEW + POOL •SPYGLASS HILL * This truly magmf1t'Cnt residenre 1s tor those who cmbrac<' rl'laxing luxury as a way of ltfe. This home is completl"ly remodell•d & dee-orated by noted designer Al Mendez, San Francisco. Featuring imported paver.; beginning on the front patto & continuing into the entry & thruoul the fmly nn, kitchen & breakfast area. Dt.'COrated m Mediterranean style w/cu rved arches. rL'CeSS<'d hghHng & liberal use of mirrors. The remodeled gourmet kitche n features solid oak cabinetry. Jen-Atre Range. Portuguese tiles & a breakfast nook w /ocean view. Naturally thC'rc is a panoramic orean & night vww from LA lO C.1talina & of t.'OUrse a pool & spa are C'ncl'd in a private t.'Ourtyrd Thb fine home 1s unmistakably Newport! Pm't'd at $8-19.900 FEE w/assumabh· (manc111g 759-150 I DEVONWOOD ESTATES EXCEPTIONAL SQUARE FOOTAGE This is th<.' much sought after Chelsea Model with hv<· bedrooms and three full baths For tht: large family this home of apprux1mawly :\,500 square fcC'l has It all!! Thl· master bedroom sulll' 1s particularly l'nc·hantmg and includes a luxurious sunk<•n oval tub and M>parat<• tik-d shower. Th<·r<' 1s a separatt• ram1ly room with wt•t bar a nd a 15'x21' bonus room for tht• kids Thi:-l'nllr<' res1denet:> has bc-t.-n prufesswn<illy decoratC'd 1m·iuding custom drapes throughout! Formal dining 1~ provided as WX•ll 35 an l'Uttng art•a ()(( the• klll'he n With dl'<.'On.ttlVl' l·eiling fan. Tht: k1t<.·hcn 1s a marvl·I in 1tsclf with ~as bualtms. rn1<.Towavc. lr•L'>h eompat·tor and soft watl•r Custom bnl'k work and ~pa l'Omplt'te thl' p1ctur<' 1.x.·rfc>ct bat.·k yard Call u~ fur dt·w1ls on tlw t'Xl'dlent asi.umablc· loaru. •>r tlw supnsingly afforclabll· pnt'I' tn today-. rn.trkl·t 9n:l-567 I WESTCLIFF GOURMET'S DELIGHT This ml'l1t·ulously mainlatnl-d honw 1s tailor made· for thl• gourml•t. -;tarting wtth the· t·ustom k1tc:hen Oak t·aban<>ts and flooring surround yuur built-ans whll'h mcludl'S a mu:row<iVl' Just off thl• k1t.chen I!> J l·harmmg brt•akfast nook with bay windows Supt'r plu!>h carpNmg and eustom wall ruvl'nngs l'Umplett-thl· picture of shl'l'r t•legam~ The.• t•xtra large family ro..1m provides ampll· room for cntl•rtainmt.•nt. As an tidd<'d bonus the largl' 1rn'gular lot with custom pool provides extraordinary privacy With <• large fully <issumablt.• !st trust dt.'Cd . thl!:. home 1s pm.'(.'<.I for 1mml-d1:Hl' salt• al $:110,000 For an apJ')Ointmrnt to Sft' call 556 70:35 HUNTINGTON BEACH BOLSA LANDMARK -$210,000 W11h four spanou:. Ocdrooms .md two <And one half bath:. this hom<· 1s Jn t:Xt.'t.'lll'nt valur Not only 1s n thl' IOWl'St prtl'C'd homt' in the· tral't, but the sclll'r 1s al!>C> offl'ring J $5.000 c·ash rc•batl• to thl· buwr at the· de~ of t.'S<.Tow This home• offt.•rs maximum pnvat·v c1t thl: l'nd nf ,1 quic·t cul·dl· sue <ind bal'k:-unto the• proposed Bol~t Ch1t.·<1 Ma nnu Soaring cathN:lral ceilings and l'arthtont• dt"(:or t,lmplt•ll' t h1~ p1ctur<• 1x•rfN.•t property Even bettc•r, it's val'anl and r('adv to muv<• 1n C.all for mor<· information 556-70:i5 · HUNTINGTON HARBOR FORTY-FIVE FOOT IOAT DOCK ~harming waterfront Cap<.' Cod Jocatt.-d on the boal parade routl.' Enonnous hvmg and fonnal dining rooms face the water Forty f1w foot dock accommodates up to a 55' ~l.. Cl~ ~ncloseci pat.JO with spacious de<:k Terr~µo entryway with iron security gate Two large fireplaces. Seller will help ftnant-e at 12%. This exccpl1onal value m waterfront propt'rty is offored at $559,000. 963-5671. TWO TRIPLEXES HUNTINGTON HARBOUR Two attral't1ve new tnpkxes located within walking distance of t.hc ocean and one half block from the proposed Bolsa Chica Marina. These are pride of ownership buildings with superb design a nd floor plans. All six units are two bedrooms. two and one half baths with wood burning fireplaces and lof ts that could be con verted to an extra bedroom. Vacancv factor in this excellent location is almost z.ero Available individually at $320.000 each or make the seller an offer on both. Comple te financing information available at 556-7035. NEWPORT BEACH OFFICE' 2870 San Miguel Dflv• Newpon leach, CA 12UO (714) 711-1501 AMERICAN HOME SHIELD "We Protect & Service Things That Service Yo u." HUNTINGTON BEACH OFFICE 9032 Adame Ave. Huntington leach, CA 12141 (714) 511-7035 • -· 14 -Orange County Real Estate/ An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT /Saturday, October 23, 1982 coit nrnLTT © .mvrsrnrnT conrl\nT HOMEOWIERS WILL TRADE ! The ownen of the following properties will exch1qe (trade) their homes for other properties indicated in each ad. If you, too, would consider a trade, call right now to discuss your property and equity position. ROOM FOR TENNIS COURT NNfly 1.1 acre• of eecluded privacy with a apartlltng pool and epa and a ••parate guHt houee IN NEWPORT •ACHll Owner wtll tr4Mte and there I• room for a tennta court. Good ......... ttneftclnt and --........... ~. I<' 1795,000. WWI trade DOWN for other Newport 9Mchhome. LIDO ISLE WATERFRONT Recently reduced $311,000. Ihle cu•tom 5 bedroom -...,,.. • St. Chartea llMchen for !tie tua•at 9ounnet cool! . ....,,Y new and very modern, Itta hOfM reflect• contemporary Newport hech ltfMtyta. A pier and .alp to aocemmod... a huge boat I• Included. Wiit trade for COMfftafd .. or .... ,....... ~·· 91,115,000. ON THE 11th FAIRWAY o.. of •'9 C•r-'• ..,...., .... 1111 •rHM ~with• Mparata 2 IMdrOOM ••" e!Alte 8"' -.Id'• quen.n, ...._ .. a .. ceu•1•~_..,.,_.. .. ~,..... -tfle 19th ...... .,. T ... --........ wb tt.e ...._ ... ...,, wW t,..._ DOWN t. .-., 9Mclt cltJ ...... R1dui::1d to·--.. LOCATION -WAT!Rf'RONJ •LOCATION TNILlftdlll•---...... •tMlllllllt~.._ NMn"Y Men NduiMd to 11.-.-. .,..... Jn ...,. _, l'MCIJ to ....... ...._ ....... Me I MclrtDM.I ... e ,.., and ..... KCIMmlit ... J ....... 0. guarded .. "' 0.ft ............. and .... oewt ...... ......., ........... " ... LINDA ISLE'S BESTI • °"""' frwl9 ......... ~ .. ,.. ..... 4ftCI ...... ·TME ••r .... ,_ --OH, ,... .... lo ._. no ...... OWWl,llO ........ t .. h127.._, ....... .._ ........ a pier and -.., ..... °"' ....... prwt6er Pfopany -'"' a 3 caw ,.... _, pool le M.-..00. SPECTACULARaAY-=-oNT °" pmale ...,.., ...... wtttl -........... ., •• lNI S,OIO ...... foot CU•fofft, ............ lltOet modern ttlcMn ................ ....,Md'....,.., Nata°"' 1GO', a"--lo mat_,_, a HUGE AMINT YAM> r19ht -.... ...,. '"-acf ..... ...,.., ...... oriented ..e.ta.R1duced .... .... LIDO ISLE WfTH POOL 0... of tM beat Interior Ude lele ....._ evw on IM Merkel, Wlttl • ll1dr....._ ...... ...., _.. MftM -• °"'9Uecf ... AND a ttww ur ........... RV ,.,tllnt. A lewfy, ,...,, ... pool and .. -.. "1n1"1 to Itta Lido c.-.. ... Mtd totMtte c.-t. tla9,000 with a ltue• _ .... ,.,.. ..... UDO .... -IM•U. VIEW ~'"'*""'·' ................... ...... .......... .,., ........................... ,,.. ..._.'°°""·•••••nee• 011111._......, ..... ..., .. CIOftlldef .,....,. .., ....,., ....... "*" ...... .. ...... EAST ... COSTA •SA L...tw 2 .-Y •aouMx-.... .-.... el ... .._..,, ................ .....,,... ............ ... ...., .. _.. ... 0--.................. ..... ..... .. . ,, _ _....,. .. tOHTS ITAln'a 0--.twollildf••• .................... ~ ...... "'t Mel .. .,_ ... ,..a. Ten91: 1am1M1 llMnctftt and ....... ...,, ........ CONTEMPORARY GOLF COURSE If you're llr9d of country Frwh Of country Englleh, then Ihle lovely cuetom !Ng Canyon home may be the - for yov. Tot.air remodel1d Ju•t 1 yeer ego end ... tunnv • beck-a. • f.mltr room ANO etucty, tN8 "-le an archftechK.a etudy In modem dee'9n-VPY ~· pool end ape end offal,_. pMtclng for t cara. S1,7SO,DOO end the owner wlll nnance at be+ow martlet rat ... Wit tr4Mte DOWN for othef Newport Beaott'"°"'9. A PRIVATE WORLD Overlooklng Newport hach w/ a 270• view, Ihle home fHllltf'M a epec~ "' .. ,., 86.!He witt. lntponed frwh carpel end custom ..,.. 4 Mdroom, 5 ....._. wllft a den and famlty r-. there II e1ceteent 10~ fttM111Clfte. All INe "-.-rded Hetbof Ridge. ~ r.-cM k> t1,21UM Wtfl trede for llalboe .....0 er ..... opeteft • NEW LISTINGS BIG CANYON -ON THE GOLF COURSE On• of tit• ""••I axaMftl•• of Co•ntrr Frenclt arcMl9Ctwo, fHturlng 1.000 ....,. .... of lu:awlou• ......,.. CMt naet1y 'h ACM LOT, f'leltt Oft ... l1tl f .. ay at 9'g Canyon COUftlrJ C..... 0-.. •all9nea tor a OMHIMf .... property. 0.... tt.3 -.,.. of webla ftnenc ... . SEAYIEW -OCEAN a BAY VIEWS 8pericllnt and aqoeHy clNft 4 ''*"•......_with en ......,...,_. oceen end beJ "9wt M -~. pelnl e11d te1teful wall co•erl11111• and owar tne,000 of ---~~toMllatt51t.!OI. OPEN HOUSE SATUN>A Y a SUNDAY 1-5 ' 11 ............. Hart.of.....,._, __ _....,....., 211 vee Uc10...., LNo ..._--·-·------'1.-.-as ............ Dr .. ...,__ ....... M, __ ,,,, _____ __ 21111 Yacht ................. -·--------t51t,IOO LAKE FotmaT • .-wa. bu~ ......... 4 II •111 , llh ....._ 1i1w ..... euoe .... ..-e -'"' ett•· Now ...... ~. •v••- eltttttefl and l•HIJ 1•••"llile•M ....... Goo4 HI I •t Runal• ...... 601 LIDO -PREMIER ADDRESS Loceted on the Ith floor of the moet preetlgloue wetefronl condominium In Orange County, Ihle eduft• only unit offer• 2 .,..oom•, 2'h betM end epectacular bey, ~ a nltlht Noht Ylewe. 24 '-" tuarded eecurlty a your own doonftettl S111,500. Wiii tr4MM fOf 11'9 Cenyon or Bro.dmoor home. TURTLEROCK -IRVINE Spac ious 4 bedroom, 2'h bathe, temlly home with f•bulou• nlgh1·1'9ht view. Owner wlll trade tor bualneu opportunity In Orange County. 11•.soo. HARBOR RIOGE -REDUCED $t00,000 Thia .....,,, Clt8tom hoft'9 daaltMd by Robert E.erl In the c.unt.ry E ...... Mode of a6d "-atmpty tM beet ...._ lrt .atw Newport. 5 ladr-. ,.,.. ....._and 2 famltr roome _.... 11,500,000 of USUMAeLE ftMANCIMG ... WOWI W• .,... DOMt for anr ...,,._ Of MNlo In Naw'""1 hech. .,,, ...... aACK BAY W1TH POOL Ctler'""'9 lloctl lay home wffh to. Mctroom., 1"' betha, a ~ pool end VERY low malntenanc. yant . ..,.,,. .. antr..-wttf\ atrium. ANUlftabla ftnanefftt. 1119,SOI. HIGH ON A HILL -PRICE REDUCED YCMt wlM find tMa euperb cuatom "°"'9 with 5 bedrooms, '.,., bat It•, a CUI I Om poel "" _apa AND a falHIJou• QAD80 to r-llelMg If w.-..-. ..._,of the IMJ, -and ntgftt ¥t• •• ~t. 0-7.500 ....,_ teat of 8Mer elog-lft Ihle E ....... Tudof. The flnoet on Hatbor Ridge at S2.3t Mltloft. FABULOUS VIEW Tlttt lovely SpJt&eea HUI "-with I BEDROOMS, 4 belh1, 2 Hreplecee and a pm ... ape offer• the Mat In nlif'I "9M• and ctty llghl• end day llgtll• and all llghtt. Vaant and r-.dY to "'°" In, the --•aye "Mil It," wtllch "'""' the rtght buyer can 1M1J It before dcMabta dtglt Inflation creepe up on ue agatn. fJrked at S!SW.000 . FORECLOSURE SALE -BIG CANYON Thi• lovety(?) home (It nMde carpet and pefnt) wae recently recovered In a foracloeura proceeding. feeturlng 4 bedr-end • den pllta a 8" down ber Jn the,......., room, the J•d la to be r-dlfed MtcS the ..-e le faf'ftfly tlHd. Huge aHUlftabta fin-Ing. With aorn• l1Mgln..._ and llttla caetl, tNa c.uld IM tM home of ,.ur •rMMt ltnd If• a r..-. "9R 1. f'rtood to .... at "71.000. HAM09' ~ -OCEAN VIEW CONDO Looae.d ~ °" a .... IN• 9'Mt Kan~. t1etwtftg 4 bodroome and i betM, Me a tofffy OCMn Mtd cfty ........ ..... WI"' al tMt H_..., Rktee often, wouldn't yo.. rMltJ r ...... llw In e .... euerdad -Munlty? The __ ................... ~ .. Mao .... .... ....... .., ....,Mo. Priood , .... et .... OCEANFIU>NT AND IANDV 9L\CH c.....,....,_,,,, ...................... ,....,.°' ..._~_.....,.ue .............. ...,.. ... _, .. ~ ........ .,,..... ...... ..., ....... .... ....-, CMH INAIC8 WWI LCMD..Y. It.-.-""" .... ........ • I ' -1 I I Orange County Real Estate/ An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT /Sa~day. October 23. I I 4i HP MARKET?? 2 Br 2 Ba ccso\.I Irv $159.000 3 Br 2 Ba twnhseso\.I yrd. Np t $169.000 4 Br 2 Ba, ranc~so\.t1. C.M $199.ooo 3 Br 2 Ba. squec:~o\.llean. Irv $129.000 4 Br 2 Ba. opn \o\.l y CM. $199.000 4 Br 4 Ba ·The C'so\.•~ ... CdM $910.000 All sold in the last 45 dys i need more l1st1ngs NOW11 II you want your ho me added to this "SOLD'" hst. call me My listings sell' Ron Salter 759-1221 DIHEllES SEARCHED Buyers today search for A REALISTIC SELLER You have just found him Elegant picture perfect Versailles in Big Canyo n listed at 1980 price $700,000* ·Lo w es t priced Ver sa illes 1n B IG CANYON. The opportunity you've been waiting for!! Make it yours today. Mary lewis, 759-1221. FAMILY /EITEIHll•Ell Sp aciou s C or o na del M a r 4 Bdrm showpieces w/tremendous views. Two to c hoose fr om Price and terms match owner's anxious mot1vat1on. llH Salter 759-122 1. 30 llllTS -I.I I lillSS A ssumable 8'1% 1st T.D. p lus owner financing 12% -Hurry! lell Licata ., ... ,, .... , 759-122 1 REALTORS BROKERS ASSOCIATES MAKING A CHANGE? Before you do, STOP-explore our career benefits and BRANO NEW LOW COST 100% COMMISSION CONCEPT. THE "$250 PLUS PLAN" Finest quality ocean view suites-private and sem i-p riva te at NEW . LO W AFFORDABLE PRICES! Exclusively at our Fashion Island location. Call Bob Licata today. 759--1 221. · 11111 ., .. 3 IDllM 2-STY Sll,IOO Bargain price ror starte r or investor A~suma ble $70.600 loan at $1026 pr mo No qualifying' 3 Br. ldm1ty rm lrplc. 2-sty and terms Call ll11 O'llul 759-122 1 llEWPORT CUSTOM- YIEW-$350,0001 Brnnd new custom Fr Normandy home Now reduced $35,000 for last sale' 4 Br 3 Ba. 3 fplcs. family rm, formal dining and lovely view' Excellent wo rkmansh ip Owner assisted tow interest financing Call Carl Mese11, 759-122 1 0 WHTED: IUILDAILE LOTS" Tear downs, R2. Orange Cly preferred Carl Mos111, 759-122 1 "FORECLOSURE" Newport Beach. quiet area, single family, walk to the beach, pool/tennis Nego tiate terms" Carl Mesea, 759-1221 "QUIET ST. 011 TllE WESTSIDE" Lrg fenced yard-good neighborhood -lots or remodeling on this cul-de-sac Carl Mosen, 759· 122 1. ClllAL FROllT, llEWPORT ICH Lrg 4 Br . den . wa lk t o the beac h. tennis/pool Future potential unlimited $250 000 Carl •esH 759 -1221 llEWPOllT llEHiHTS 4 Bdrm 2' 1 Ba w/game room . Beaut. decor in every room. Over 'I• ac. w/1ac. Ask ing $340,000 Fee. W ill t rade for smaller home or condo. h~ er hvl• IM•· 759-1221 DIPLEl-CIM · Country antique. different. A gift for your mother. 2 Bdrm 2 Ba & 1 Br 1 Ba. highly upgraded kitchen. brick fplc. $295.000 Seller will fin. M ust see. Submit any offer. l•ll ., .. ,,, ... ,. 759-1221. TRADE OlllliE I AVICIH UICll Trade Orange & Avocado Ranch. 78 ec. val. center. 4 sep. parcels. Sell or trade all or part for home in Npt., Laguna. Mission Viejo. $1.200.000 .... "h'ie 1..,. 759-1221. IEWPllT llTI CMll 3 Br 3 Ba. new custom built. quality bull!, upgr aded carpet & tile. Pnvate p atio. Believe this-$155.000. $107 .000 1st at 10% .. ~ ........ ..,. 759-122 1. IGUIFllllT -ICUIFlllT Convert ex. lge duplex to your prl. res. & llve on the finest beach on the coast. $170,000 1st at 1 w •. 2nd of $250.000 at 12%. Steal at $650,000 .... er hm r.., 759-1221. 759-1221 laPOIDOn ... llOl£IS 11 ....... " .uu : ..,...,. 11111 BOB and DOVIE KOOP WE NEED YOUR LISTINGS HARBOR RIDH FRHCH CUSTOM Just reduced -$350.000. M us t sell Submit any offer on this 4 br 5ba with l am rm . library. huge master suite. 4 fireplaces. ocean & nite view . S teal at $1.500.000 or submit to l ell er Dovit 1 .. ,. 759-122 1. NEWPORT HEHiHTS llEW CUSTOM 4 br. 3 ba. f orm. din huge fam. rm. w/fireplace, tile in kit. & ba .. lge yard. 2.800 sq. ft. Steal at $350.000 l•ll er Dovie ... ,. 759-1221 DOYER SHORES Outstanding location w /vu or all Back Bay & Fashion Island. 4 BR. 5 BA. lam rm, pool. spa. sec. system. Steal at $685.000 fee Will trade· local or lease/option Grt fin available. loll or I.vie 1 .. ,. 759-9 100 MARIOR RIDliE lEASE 4 br 3 ba form. d.r. i:...~O'Jdy. beautifully dee lge decks !C:. ~";1~ ... grd. gate pool & tennis. $25<.\.~ J . tiubmit all offers. hll er Dewie be,. 7 09-122 1. CAMEO SllOIES Fab. Ocean & coastline vu. 3 br 3 ba form d r ., f.r . study, lg e . p ool & courtyard. pn. bchs. $895.000. Fee. l ell er ...... ,. 759-1221 . UDO PEITIIOUSE 2 bd. 2 ba. The finest vu avail. in Newport Sec. Bldg .. pool. boat dock w /notice. $525.000 lell er h'i• 1 .. , 759-122 1. ASSllE THIS LOH $20.000 dn. 3 br. 2 ba. home. All new p ai nt -hrd wd firs. l ge. f.r ., W alk t o shopping & jog in beaut. back bay. Only $189,900. ••Ill " .. ,ie '"'· 759-122 1 llY II LUSE lmH Lov.ely 3 br. 2'.la ba. greenbelt condo. steps to pool. $225,000. Submit best offer or trade hill er h•i• IMf. 759-1 22 1. llWIFlllT BIT llLL 3 br, 4 ba. 2 yrs new. Oeeigned as home or duplex. Ask ing $650,000. Submit any o ffer . Newport Beach, ... " hYte I"'. ,759-1221. . r • - 16 -O range County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to th e DAILY PILOT/Saturday, October 23, 1982 ..... , 111 I.tit .,.,,, lw 1.tlt ..... J. I.ti• B•••n In I.tit BHttt 111 S•lt B1a111 /11 l•lt c,;;;;i · · · · · · · · · ·i;;z c;;;;;i · · · · · · · · · ·io;i •~;;;i······· · ··;;;i I c;;;;;i· · ········;;;; -c;;;;;i · · · · · · · · · i·oo · c.-;;;;i · · · · · · · · · ·iooi l,,J fll•lt ....................•. ...... ,., ,.,. . .................... . ....•••.. .,. ..............•...............•••••...•••....•....••••••••••••.••..••••••••••............................................ ~!.~~~~~ ......... .'.'.!~ ~ :::·:1:~~ Liii ISLE lllES lOI Yll UM Mii IPH HI 1-1 Prune Lido Nord bayfront, 5 bdrm. 51/'i bath Lgl' LR . air l'Ond., 2 boat slips $1.500,000 VHIAJlLH cttlM I BR wllovely vu ol Gar-den & Fin Assumat>le In ~ Seller assist Pool. Spa & Secu111y S l l!>.000 EOll~· HOUSING OPPOltT UNITY P•lltli11Mr'• letiet1 All reel .. late a<1vert1S6d 1n this new•p aper 1s su1>1ec1 to the Federal Fair Housing Act 01 1968 wh1cn malles 11 lffegal to advertise "any pteteren- H /IW PIEIEm IEWNllT IElllTI .. ETlll T t•nn1s. beaches. dubhousl' just steps awav from this sunny. warm Lido home. Sin~lt· story home's on c•al·h side. su per neighbors too!! 3 bdr m , dl'n. :3 baths, so u th patio Great l.'Onditwn. O n ly $505,000 Open Sunday 1-5. Remodeled 3 bdnn, 2 bath + large rec rm beam reilings. runushed. patios. $420,000. PElllSIU HIE Ocean & jetty views. Marine room. 4 bdnn, 3 bath 3700 sq.ft. $1,385,000. Oceanfront CHYOI CHIT HUTH Corona det Mar Condo 3 BR + Den. Lgsl 2-story snows hke a mOdet You own 1ne land $249.000 .... IH48J, lot. 2C, 1-IPI ce hm11auon 0t dlsc:rim1-PANORA"'•t !C VIEWS of bay ~"·an ancl na11on besed on race •• • ~~ color. rellglort. seK o; parks Gorgeous '1 Bdrm POOL hunw. nauonal Origin or any I CAPE COD design Just REDUC ED ~~~e,.,nl~~;le~~n~:k~m~:'a~ $1:$0,000! Absolute STEAL at $495.000 .. ri<J1Uvna de/~ f!JJwjw'~ 673-849_4 Liiii iSLE UYFlllT Lagoon view from 6 bdrm. 5 bath, playroom. dark nn. den. Boat slip. Now Sl ,000,000. 37 Canyon Crest Or -also- 2 BR + Fam Room 10- ve1y well located end un11 privacy $22!> 000 33 Canyon Crest Or lion or dlso11mln~t1on:· 2lOI OLIFF Ill, 131·1211 This n-spa.per w111 not l W lllllHS knowingly accept any advertising lor real es-CUSTOM DESIGNED 2 yl•ars ne w . :$ 1a1e which IS In vlolallon -. 01 the•-Bdrm!>. !>Ludy & fam rm. Built around l'entral , pri vat e.' courtyard H q~h as.-.um.1blt· loan. Redu<'C'd l.Q $385,000 '11 n MHU Ht. IJl-1211 1 J!Cllf UllLUWI UUH: Adverti- sers sh ould check their ads d aily and 1 report erro rs im-BUILDl!:H'S CLOSEOUT nn th1" mediately. The BHl\ND NEW :3000sq ft h<'ml' 4 Bdrm.; DAILY P ILOT as-1 • f.1m room. QUA LITY throughout' sume.s lfabllity for ~ HE() u c ED DI{ As T I c A L L y I 0 I he fir st 1ncorrecl I s:HY.1100 1nsert1on only. I SOI ClTlllH H. 131-1211 1W HHHS ~· .. CHARM IN BIG CANYON Country grace overlooking Big Canyon Country Club's 8th fairway A marvelous property lnbued with the feel of provincial Franoe The elegantly detailed residence features five bedrooms, Grand Salon living ro0m. opulent fon'l'lal dlni"'J room, exquisite library. tui>efb family room, secluded swimming pool. and every Imaginable luxury amenity The price Is $2.290.000 Call Miiiie Howe ELEGANCE IN BIG CANYON Two-bedroom and den ' Dover" model decorated with exceptional taste Dramatic h1g.1Hle1llnged IMng room. and large private ou.ldoor areas. A lremendous opportunity to own In BIQ Canyon Only $395.000. and the motivated owner will flnance Call John Mllfrill fOf details SOPHISTICATION JUST REDUCED Elegant beyslde drama. BeautlfUlly eppolnted fl~bedroom home on Promontory Bay is keynoted by an International natr. Luxurloua materials throughout the home. reflecting a most refined taste. A auperb floor plan, adaptable to lavflh entertaining, as well as comfortable lamlly living. No amenity has been oveJlooked. Of course, 1 Pflvate pier and slip for a large yacht. Prlc;ed at S t,350,000 fee. Owner wlll uslal with tlnancl"'J. Call Cathryn Tennille. COUNTRY AOAD8 Leave the city behind. Two bedroom comfort With• fir~. new noor.. end new fencing. WOfll In the City If you muat. but ~to Sll\letldo at the end of ~, d1y. Thi• oek·thaded cottage features aome llftfy lnt9"Mflng financing that might "*'• It your perfect eac.pe. Mary Alctllfda la lhe P9fac>n to call fOt ~ OPPORTUNITY kNOCk8 TWICE We Nlve two delightful family homM now 1vaifebte on a quiet atreet In Ca.ta ~. Each h~ hes three bedrooms, one and oneo-tlelf bettla. One ha• a remocM!ed kltc:Mn, altyttoh11, and num.rous upgrades: the ottlef fN tUfM a huge !amity room. epe. and cabana. Prlced 11 S 109,toO and St t5,900. with lntetMtlng financing option•. thele are e11ceti.nt Pl'OC*tlM ror firll-tlt'ne buyers.. Cell Donna or Biii Wet>a19', UYSllE PUCE Spec:t.aeular bayfron t dplx 2 br. 2 ba up, 2 br 2 ba dn. 2 boat spaces!. Red~ -$1.500,000 FlllUllS UICI , New 4 br. 4 1h ba. custom French Normandy I F.a1.11te t 2 prime ac hilltop. $1.250,000 HAL• f'N• Mmplc l br t.•011.agc· on qull't o.. ..... ·1.111.W S t (in Fl.1L') Rt'd~''<i to $100.000 CllllUll OATS Coronado Lsland cust. bayf ront lot. 85' boat dock. Plans avail. Now $370,000 w/t.erms. BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR 341 !loy\•dP D• ... "< B 67S e·e1 OWNER WILL FINAMCEn I IHi CHYOI lg 2 BR + Oen. end unit. customized and e•pan. ded Spa. + Premium Fairway voew w1lh1n 1h1s guerded community $!>39 000 9 Rue V1ll8fS UINI llHE CIST• New Offering super I> English Manor Home 4 BR 5 BA Fam Rm Came Rm Ltt>rary Pool Spa 6 000+11 LEASE OPT ION Owner will I•· nance $1 M1lllon S 1 900 000 6 Narb<'nne larlil1r1 hstle, lcHt l)nlled Brokers-Realtor 5 710-1117 F0t Classified Ad ACTION Call a Delly PllOI AO-VISOR 6•2-5678 Superb Oo10<es model In the Bluffs Rare two-story wlth wonderful 11~ of Back Bay Three bedrooms plus l>on\ls room Handsomely decorated. and In eKcellent condil•on. And. don't forget, OWNER ANANCING IS AVAILABLE. Call Muriel Barr SELLER MOTIVATED! Cul-de-sac location. 3-bedroom home with separate quarters for leenagers. mother-In-law, or guests. Terraced yard has patio, kol pond & waterfall This home Is a "must see" for the family that wants the Newport llteslyle Divorce forces sale! Call Joy Holker for a showing PAJVACY IN JASMINE CREEK Beaulllul gated community In Newport Beach_ Rarely avallable end unit. near POOi and tennis courta Marvelous thre.-bedroom home has been p<otesslonalty decotaled. and overlooks magnlhoenUy landscaped greenbelt Call Muriel Birr ELEGANTLY UPGRADED Posslbly the loveliest of lhe Harbof View Homes. Completely redone with great na1r. French d00<1, antique bath flxlures, tastefully c00<d1nated color scheme The patio/deck and gardens we a virtual paradise Call Joan Lambe for a personal showing 1110,000 ASSUMABLE 10'4 Clft Lovely Newpot't Beech condo with Po<>ltlde MUlng and largt private patio on lush greenbell E;!oelt.nt usum1ble 11n1nctng. Owner very motivated and wlll carry 11eeond trust deed Call Sally Shlpley tod1y for a showing. Only S 185.000. BAA HAMOR, 8EAVIEW Beautiful lhr-..OedrOOM home In gat~<Md S..vtew. Family room, exceptional built-In kltcMn. ~ larg« cuHM-eac View lot. Room to e11pand Secura community provides pool and tennis facilltfel. Cell Mar!tyn TWltctiea HARllOR RIDGE MAM<M" HOUSE NOw una.w conatl'\ICUon In get~ar<Md HarbOt Rlctoe on ei>eetacular view lot. Elagent new manllon being devttoped 10 lhe hlgheet l landlfdl·Of quaNty and luxury. If you purchase nO'#, you can 11111 tlll0t the llnlah delalll to your raqulrementa. Contact SuHn Trlvlson to review the plane. Pric.d 11 S2.200.000. The firm with the Beverly Hiiia/Paim Oeaert connection (QUA&. llOUllNCI o"o"''""" 759-9100 # 2 Corp~rate Pclaza Newport Center LET'S TRADE UYE WJhnlg 1·11ndo "2 Rr :! Ba $t:1:1.!HHI l\1libil1· h111m·. :! Hr .!. &1. $fii,:100 Plan B I Hr I 8:1, llll w;1h•r $I 12.Hthl Trtlrk. :< Hr :! 1 • Ba. \'lf'W $:!~11.0110 WllT C11nd11. Dana Pt. W<ill·r v11•w C11ndu. Irv or N pt Bt:h Condo. Wdbrdg or Trtlrk Sml t•oncio or units RE /llAJ ' 55t-t•OO Tiii ... lllS-UYFIELI I I BEST IN BLUFFS I IHT llt. Lovely 2000 sq. ft. 3 bdrm. 2 'h baths. fam. rm .. wide gre<>nbelt, near l pool Only $235.000. llCltlfll TIE Ull. Will lOSf IPTIOI. Good terms. By appt. OPH 1-5 21'7 Vista btr-41 3 ltr wu fa• $435,000 2111 Ykt1 hra4t 3 ltr 2111 lt1 fa•UH,000 500 P11,1 3 ltr 2'11 !ta wM 11..t Ult,IOO HELEN B. DOWD llUI. Tiii, llC. 144-0134 Orange Couhty Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the OAiLY PILOT/Saturday, October 23. 198~"' 17 -----~ ----!;.~!~.~~~.~'f ....•. : ~~!~.~1.~1.-..::.;;-~~~~~{~:t:~'! ....... ~~!!!.~ .. ':~'!. ..... . OPEi SllDIY '-.,,,, JOO Glural J002 Gla11al JOO s •• .,,1 J002 1441 uw' •R., 1ovE11 s11011ES ····•iii.ilii?1··-· .... iii·.;1··.:iiiiT···· -···c;i£Ri,.uii ..... ·;1ii-il.liliiii:::· •120,DOD la' VIEW Loe a l ed 1 n Newport NEWPORT BEACH. 6 Br. $111,000 FEE LAID FlllTISTIC SELLER FllllClll W11h prnh• Wl' ulf1·r this sup<•rh 5 b<lrm. 1 4 1 , bath hom1'. Man v. man y l'Ustom f1•aturt-s. · · I RACHELLE IOIERS, IEAL TOii lll-2373 BLUFFS BEAUTIES :1 bdrm. :1 li..;th. tamrlv t·11111n. 1·11.p;111~1vt· v1t·w ( E Pl;Jrl). Mini <'01.d1t11111 S1·<'urrtv o;vstt•m Larg<' ..;::,.-;umabl<· loan. $:i10.IJOO. 0µ1·n Sun . I -!'I . '.HHS Vt!>ta Ornada :1 lidl'ln .I h.11h f.111111\' r.111111. p11ol )>ldl· ((; l'bn) Dt:stgm·r's ht11111 1.aq.w 111:111 .ov;11labll• You own tht· land Opl·n Sat. 1-5. .!·Hiii \'1),ta Nol1l1 •1.1 $:ii !J,0011 Mobile· Honw. -Bay!>1d<· V1llag<' . Expandt•d ;j b<l modl•I. pool. b C' a c h . I n d r y . s u n d c· c k . n'C'rc>at1onal room and hoot sltp are somt' of lhP manv amt•nttll's P r il'P $1i8.;)00 O~v111•r will finant't' I Beach this recently re· 3ba fixer $199 000 Tr11s lovely es1a1;i is lo· Fantastic pool home. nova1eo 4br . 3'~ ba I WESTMINSTER 3BA. 4 c ated fn au i1lnt area. gorgeou5 toe a lion, un· nome 1s truly unique S1-I garages. AIC s 120.000 very quiet & tree lined believable hnancong Call 1ua1ed on 20,000 sq fl I COSTA M ESA 4 BA street 01 beautlful older Tim Rt1one. 631·1266 or lakelront 101 w1lh dock conoo 2'.tba $t30.000 homes The house was 720· 1263 Recenlly carpeteo and ANAHEIM Conoo 2Br built by a special con· p;11n1ed Aslong $495, 2ba $79 950 & 3Br r1xer tractor •, ol an acre with 000 Call lor a viewing s88 000 separate gues1 house. appt 631 -7370 or BROKER 754-1202 1001 sheo greenhouse. 549-3546 park-like grounds -has l..immmmmmm::ml S 1000 Collars worth ol rare plants (A garde- •• , ... 111 .. , 1006 ner s cream ) Sego palms Phoeni1< loblhna. Reyrus. lovely patio with bbq & llrt!p1t, tosh pond, etc etc This gorgeous properly is otLereo at only S 120.000 Call today won 1 1as1 546-2313 THE REAL ESTATS:RS •SPHWS •..................... BA y & OCEAN VIEWS! 4 UTILE TfUDITIO\-\L REALT' bdrm. 21 ) balhs, tire-t•LIO" ISWI place. 3 car garage plus • • much more' REDUCED REDUCED BY $150,000' TO $599.500• By owner 1s1 time ot- •IAYFllHT• tercel al $545.000 Spac Cele 1 compl remooeted home IOAT SLIP Of J, & unot 3 BR. 2'' BA. 2 OPEi IAIU 1-5 New..,n, !) lrplcs, new kll . lorm d•· 38 BALBOA COVES 3 ........... ~; n1ng. wel bar. sk ylights, bC!rm • 2 bath NOW 175-5511-.. pa110 Sunny back unit REDUCED TO S .. 89,000• .__ • has 1 Br. 1 Ba. lge new ••y &llYllETII kll & Con area 3 car gar •n OPEi llllSE 1-5 space. Corner lot Coor- * *llllftT::1* MOIEH llHllY ~e!yr ~~~~rs, .. ~~~ lllSAYHIE 11 Oltlt Cortu tltl 127 .t27 '> Abalone On t he golf course '-.iilliiiiiiiimiillllllliillii-liiiii-Mar, II' YIMHt"' .. ,1•• 640·<1424 or 759·0777 Custom beaut1tul 3 Bdrm·• • " home. many, many e1<· 1 lllllTIP HME li1cs1 s•,lites, walls la/boa tr as. $279.500 with 10%, .. A 101 of h°"541' rn the tf cf ass, yet n rtlut r eni.,•ll I 001 down owner will carry al Anaheim Hills Gorgeous la•"'•c••t'•c 1·isurt• •• ••••••••••••••••• ••• 12' •'t. 1n1eres1 view. 5 bClrms, pool & •• • CllAllMll& 3 IR Rt J McCartllt, Rhr. spa A 1am11y Cream ,riHCJ. 3 ltlr•s, 4 2 story tam11y home 141-1121 cO!Tle lrue $349.500 1 I 1th s + fa m i I y close 10 bay & ocean 1•1 --------•I 142-1200 1 room & sundeck. 101s 19e LI R, 1rm1 dining j PETE ' BARRETI .. REALTY I 1ge kllch sunporch & Too many ameni-sunoec k S387 ooo ties to ltst. Flexible Open Sun 1-5 311 1s1and terms. $340,000. A11e 616 Mangold. BURR WHITE REALTOR. INC. 67>4630 Cadillacs to Go-Carts Wha1e11er 1he Fad Roll ·em off the marke1 With a Claullled Ad Call Nowl 642-5678 d ub!>: championship ll'nni!> courts .:ind incrt•dibll' scent'r\ rhe Courtyard Villa::. '>l.Ul Ill thl' Ill\\ S.15ll,UOOs. For .1 lrni1ll'd lrml'. W{''rl' I ronwoo<l uill•r-. twu lt•aturt''\ not U!>ually foun d .1t >;ult·orll'nh•d l'ountry cour~'S. And both facilitil.., h,wt• tlw1r own lod.l'r room-...rnJ full\ 'tlXlo.l·d pni .. hur., Thirteen or our 14 courts .ire lighted for night play, ,rnJ ont:' • ., reces.,,•J 11Hering 30-yedr financing subs1J11l'd to JO->,•\, (11'\, APR) for 5 yc·ar~ nn wml· su tha t spectato r!> may enjoy exhibitivns .:ind tournament" models, plus '>Ub!>t.Jnt1al J1<>cmmt-.. 1\1 cash buyt.•r-.. And .is literally the highest d ub in thl' desNt, we enjo>' cJ.pcJnorama of Come up to lronwooJ tClda\ '1111·11 find thal Wl' Mt· .. 1mplv t1 n •Ot•Ctl\)n mountain and v.1lley '1ews. r--------------------l'r Yl'lir own g1>,>J In fact, theSl' vi.•ws .:ire so SfX'Clacular tha l we' rt• ta!>tt• ,1dd ing rooftop observation dt>cl..s lo our tennb GOME UP m IRONWOOD town home!>. Thl'Sl' dee~ plu'> thl' privoJte rnurtyard~. 49·200 Mariposa Dnvc. .,pas and prox1m1ty lo the court.,, make !ht• Courtyard 1 P,1lm 0..·~ert, CA 922bl1 Villas one\>( Ironwood's best value-. (714 ) 3-ki-OS"il You c.in .:ilsc enjo~ a challel'ging game· vf golf al c;dle-.. olfict• up1m I( 10 -· .... ,,, . lwnwood on one of 11ur two 111-hole, champ1on<,h1p .1 111 tu 5":00 p.rn. The Gub Above The Rest. IRONWOOD I I ~ I I - • 18 -Orange Co-unty Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement lO fhe OAllY PILOT/Saturday, O~t;ber 23. 1982° • This Weekend ! .... tM1 llMdy directory wlffl yov thi• wfffttttd H yeti .. "-'•·IMIRtlfl<t All +t.. lo<etl .. , lht•d Ni.w er• dHc,..._d ;,. qrHttt •teil lly ednrlhilocJ .tHwkn ;,. tocley'• DAILY "LOT WA .. T ADS. P'etr0<0\ tllowi"'I ...., "-•• for \olr or ,...., on ""•d to lhl well iftf-tiOIO ;,. tlti\ c...,_ H<h Sotllrdey OIOdS ..... , HOUSES FOR SALE 1 BEDROOM 314 34th St . Newport Beach 645-0303 s 165.000 2 BEDROOM 512 Redlands (Npt. Hgts) N.B. 760-8333 s 199.500 138 Walnut. Costa Mesa (R2) 540-1151 s 139.900 Sat 1-5 Sat 1-5 Sat 12-4 432 Westminster. Newport Hts. NB 1-998-8000 $179,900 Sat 1-4 703 St. James Pl.. Clitthaven 644-6200 $295.000 Sa 11 -3/Sn 12-7 1301 Kings Rd., Nwpt Hgts .. N.B. 644-1156 Sat/Sun 1-5 **225 Grand Canal. Balboa Island 673-6900 $595.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 101 Scholz Plaza =217. Versailles 631-1400 $149.000 Sat 1-5 2 BR ptu• FAM AM or DEN 2727 Ocean Blvd .. Corona del Mar 675-6870 S 1,275.000 Sat 12-4 5 Oakgrove (Wdbrg) Irvine 551-3000 $168,500 1706 Mlrama.r. Balboa Pen. Pt. NB Sat 1-5 642-5200 $300,000 Sun 1-5 3497 Queens Ct, Wlmbledon Ct. C.M . 645-0303 $159,000 Sat 12-5 * 19 Curl Dr .. Jasmine Crk, Vu, CdM 640-1515/1-728-5151 Sat/Sun 12-5 1577 East Ocean. Peninsula Pt. 631-1400 $344,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 3 BEDROOM 7 Rue Chateau Royal (Big Cyn) NB 644-5116 1885,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1543 Ser9f"lade Terr. (Irv. Terr.) CdM 64~910 $320.000-Fee Sat/Sun 1-5 1003 Van Oytct Dr .. Laguna Beach 551-8700 $397,000 Sat 10-2 •22476 Cemlnlo Coata, Lag.Village, Laguna Hitt• 855-3017 $124,500 Sun 1-6 2338 Rutger• Or., Coat• M..- 546-3375 $132,000 Sat/Sun 12-5 4911 Seashore, Newport e.~ 759-1221 $850,000 Sun 1-5 * •24272 Ontario Ln .. Lk.Forest 581-5986 $215.000 Sun 11-5 1108 Ridgecrest. Costa Mesa 546-2313 $162.000 Sat/Sun 1-4 33 Mainsail. Corona del Mar 546-231 3 $339,950' Sat 11-3 5404 River Ave .. Newport Beach . 644-7020 $159,000 Sun 1-4:30 * * = 12 Beacon Bay, Nwpt Beach 675-6000 $795,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 •204 Via Eboll. Lido Isle. N.B. 673-7300 $550,000 Sun 2-5 113 Via Ravenna. Lido Isle. N.B. 673-7300 $3~9.000 Sat 2-5 Woodland (Woodbridge) Irvine 644-6200 S 155,500 Sat 1-5 1947 Port Bishop. HV Homes. N.B. 644-6200 $249,000-Fee Sat 1-5 502 "I" St, PenlnSYla Pt .. N.B. 631-1400 $395.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 31 4 Marigold, Corona del Mar 631 -1400 $669.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 308 Encina. The Bluffs, N.B. 962-7780 S 179.950 Sat/Sun 1-5 3 BA plu. FAM RM or DEN 311 Island Ave. Balboa Peninsula 675-4630 $387,000 Sun 1-5 1218 Key West (Harbor Vu Hiiis) CdM 644-4910 $299,500-L.H. Sun 1-5 128 26th St .. Balboa (Newport Bch) 759-9100 $369,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 1863 Bteemar Way, Newpor1 Beech 759-9100 $365,000 Sun 1-5 14 Rue OeauvOle, 8'° Cyn, N.B. 631-7300 $599,000 1903 Yacht Colina. Newport BMch Sat 1-5 S<t4-1017 $450,000 Sat/Sun 12-5 30ee Glbratter, M..-Verde, C.M. 545--2883 $129,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 317 Via ltheca, Lido , ... , N.B. 873-8494 $505,000 Sun 1·5 **38 Balboa Coves. Newport IJch 873-9117 $489,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2833 Monterey AV9 .. Costa M ... 540-2818 $189,500 Sat/Sun 9·5 1847 Port Shettleld (H.V. Homea) NB 875--el70 1275,000 Sun 1.5 ••308 Morning Star Ln.(Dov Shrs)NB 631-7300 $985,000 Sun 1-5 711 K-Thanga, Irv. Terrace. N.B 631· 7300 $575,000-Fee/$440.000-LH Sun 1-5 12 Vienna , Harbor Ridge , N .B . 631-7300 $499.500 Sun 1-5 * 1472 Galaxy. Dover Shores. NB 642-2510 $695,000-Fee Sa/Sun 1-5 * 1211 Kings Road , Cliff Haven. NB 631-7300 $395.000 Sun 1-5 1100 Cambridge Ln .. Westclill, NB 631-7300 $305,000 Sun 1-5 1837 Commodore Road, Baycrest. NB 631 -7300 $299,000 Sun 1-5 1930 Prt Bristol Cir. HrbrVwHms. NB 631-7300 $268.500 Sun 1-5 2297 Redlands Or .. Nwprt Beach 642-8663 $260.000 Sun 1-5 37 Canyon Crest Or .. Corona del Mar 760-8617 $249.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2611 Circle Or (Bayshores) NB 645-6218 $269.000-L.H. Sun 1-4 5511 Wendy Circle. Hunting t on Bch 963-6767 $152.000 Sat 12-5 17142 Reimer, Fountain Vall"Y 963-6767 $144.500 Sun 1-4 •2208 Port Lerwick . Seaw i nd . N.B. 675-6000 $279,000 Sun 1-5 * 15 Carmel Bay Or .. Spyglass. CdM 644-9060 $595.000 Sun 2-5 2491 Crestview Or. (Bayshores) N.B. 644-7020 $495.000-Fee Sun 1-5 62 Drakes Bay (Spyglass) CdM 644-7020 $475,000 Sun 1-4 1411 Kings Road, Cliff Haven, N.B. 642-5200 $525,000 Sun 1-5 1607 Cornwall. Westclitt. N.B. 642-5200 $289,500 420 Dahlia, Corona del Mar 631-1266 318 Jasmine. Corona det Mar 631-1266 Sun 1-5 Sun 1-5 Sun 1-6 •2007 Holiday ~d (Ovr Shr) N.B. 631-1266 $275,000 Sun 1-6 1921 Yacht Enchantress. N.B. 675-6000 $425,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 101 Via Genoa, Udo Isle. N.B. 673-7300 $895,000 Sun 12-4:30 1901 Galatea Terrace. CdM 644-6200 $795,000 Sat 1-5 317 Ramona, Costa Mesa $175,000 Sun 12:30-5 2301 Aralla, Eastbluff, N.B. 644-6200 $169.000 Sat 1-5 616 Marigold. COf'ona del Mar 675-5511 $340,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2149 Miramar, Penln Pt., Newport Bch 675-5487 $525,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2298 Redlands Or, Back Bay, NB 831-1400 $248.500 Sat/Sun 1-5 • 9mMK)Oll 2227 Windward LMe, Newport Beach 540-2980 $375,000 Sun 1-4 595 Marquette Cr., Coeta MeN 873-1800 $138,900 Sun 1-5 1010 Sandea•tle. Corona del Mar 144·2135 $325.000 Sat/Sun 10-5 Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, October 23, 1982 -19 1112 Westcllff. Westcliff. N.B. 642-5200 $255,000 •3078 Roanoke, Costa Mesa 631-7370 $149,500 1541 East Ocean, Peninsula Pt. Sun 1-5 Sun 1-5 631-1400 $470,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 4 BR plua FAM RM or DEN 1742 Centella Pl. (Back Bay) N.B. 759-9100 ~285,000 Sat 1-5 * 14 Burning Tree Rd . (Big Cyn) NB 644-4910 $695,000-Fee Sat/Sun 1-5 213 Diamond (Balboa Island) 644-4910 $595.000-Fee Sat/Sun 1-5 =3 Trafalgar. Newport Beach 759-1221 $1 ,500.000 Sun 1-5 1118 Somerset Lane. Westclilf. NB 631-7300 $475,000 Sun 1-5 1576 E. Ocean Blvd .. Balboa Pen NB 631-7300 $460,000 Sun 1-5 5 io Aliso, Newport Beach 759-1221 $350.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 * 19 Ttmberhne. Oeerl1eld, Irv. 552-1322 Sat 1-5 509 Evening Star Ln, Dover Shrs, NB 631-7300 $920.000 Sun 1-5 *2706 Lighthouse ln. (HVH). CdM 675-6000 $429.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 **542 Harbor Isl Or.(Prom. Bay)NB 759-9100 $1 .200.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 •5 Colonial. Northwood. Irvine 631-7300 $230.000 Sat 1-5 2531 Bunya, Eastbluff. N.B. 675-6000 $275.000 Sun 1-5 * 1944 Flamingo Or .. Mesa Verde. CM 631-7300 $245,000 Sun 1-5 4511 Camden. Cameo Shores. CdM 673-7761 $825,000-fee Sun 1:5 2901 Harbor View Or, HV Hiiis. CdM 673-7761 $550.000-fee Sun 1-5 1733 Barm()\lth. Hrbr View Homes. NB 673-7761 $259.900-fee Sun 1-4 133 Via Undlne. Lido Isle, N.B. 644-9060 Sun 1-5 18 Cherry Hills. Big Cyn, N.B. 644-9060 $1,095.000 • Sun 2-5 * 1715 Galatea Terr. Irv. Terr. CdM ___ 64_4-906-Q_, $44~QQQ.. _ Sun 1-5 **633 Bayside Or, Prom. Bay. NB 644-9060 $1.100,000 Sun 1-5 • 1840 Tradewinds. Baycrest, NB 644-9060 $359,500 Sat/Sun 2-5 910 Nottingham, Dover Shores. NB 759-1501 $279,000 Sun 1-5 2<M8 Port Weyrldge (HVHms) NB 760-8333 $359,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 * 1812 Port Stirling (HVHms) NB 760-8333 $375,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 * * 1621 Bayside, Corona del Mar 760-8333 $1,395,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 •49 Montecito, Spyglass Hiii. CdM 759-1501 $M9,900 Sa 1-6/Sun 1-5 ,; 14 Point Loma, Spygteu, CdM 87M400 $723,400 Sun 1-4 8282 Sierra Siena (Trtrk) lrvlne 780-8333 1199,600 Sat 1-5 780 V .. Lido Soud (UdO) Npt Bch 7eo-t333 1575,000 Sat 1-5 222 Vie KOfon. Lido , .... N.8. 842-5200 Sun 1-5 421 Pirate Rd., Clltfhaven. N.B 642-7658 $225,000 1222 Sussex. Westclill, N.B. 642-5200 $237 ,000 222 Vla Palermo. Lido Isle. N.B. Sun 1-5 Sun 1-5 673-7300 $367.000 Sun 1-5 131 Via Undine. Lido Isle, N.B. 673-7300 Sun 1-5 * 101 Via Florence, Lido Isle, N.B. 673-7300 $595.000 Sun t-5 226 Poppy, Corona del Mar 644-9060 S5i5.000 1801 Galatea Terrace. CdM 631-1266 •3165 Bermuda. Costa Mesa Sun 2-5 Sun 1-5 631-1266 $155,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 760 Via Udo Soud (Lido) N.B. 675-6670 $575,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 111 E. Bay Avenue. Newport Beach 675-6670 $469.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 4 Narbonne. Harbor Ridge 644-6200 $1.695.000 Sat/Sun t-5 21 Bull Run. Northwood, Irvine 759-1501 $249.900 Sun 1-5 18891 Antioch (Trtlrk) Irvine 552-7500 $235.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1511 Kings Rd .. Cliffhaven. N.B. 631-1400 $599.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 20 15 Yacht Resolute, Seaview 760-1900 $519,500 Sun 1-4 11 San Sebastian, Harbor Ridge. NB 760-1900 $1,299,500 Sun 1-4 320 Seaward, Shorecliffs. NB 631-1400 $445,000 1441 Galaxy Dr. (Dover Shores) NB Sat 1-5 548-5647 $420.000 · Sat/Sun t-5 5 BEDROOM 1204 Ave. Buena Suerte, San Clem. 759-9100 $865.000 Sat 1-5 2912 Carob (Eastbluff) N.B. 644-1742 $249.000-LH. Sat/Sun 1-5 5 Point Loma. Newport Beach 675-6000 $850.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 ••4028 Channel Pl.(Nwpt lsl.)NB 673-0202 $965.000 Sat/Sun 11-5 * •219 Via Lido Soud. Lido Isle ·760-1900 s1 .9~5..000 s~ 2-~ * * 708 Via Lido Nord. Lido Isl, NB 675-6161 $1,500,000 Sun 1-5 5 BR plua FAM RM or DEN * 7 Muir Beach (Spyglass) CdM 640-6259 Of 975-0303 Sat/Sun 2-6 * * •29 Beechwood (Woodbridge) Irv 551-6829 $395,000 Sun 1-5 • 1730 Bonaire Way, Newport Beach 646-0758 $212,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 •2201 Alla Vlata, Eastblutt, NB 631-7300 $389,500 Sun 1-5 1818 Tanager, Costa Mesa 546-2313 $280,000 ... Sun 1..- 901 Kings Roed. Newport Beach 831-1400 $1, 100,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 * 12 Trafalgar (Hrbr Rdg) N.B. 780-8333 '2,225,QOCj Sat/Sun 1-5 ** 1038 W. Bay, 811. Perun, NB 844-9080 •1.oso.000 Sun 2-s 1448 Galaxy Dr., Dover ShOr•. NB 875-2373 $895,000 Sun 1-6 * =2 Winged Foot Ln, Big Cyn. NB 673-7300 $699,950 Sat/Sun 1-5 1885 Boa Vista Cr., Costa Mesa $239.000 Sun 12-4 50 15th St. (Cliffhaven) N.B. 494-7754 $329.000 Sun 12-4 1930 Port Chelsea (Hrbr Vu Hms) NB 494-1840 $410.000 Sat 1-dark 35 Ridgellne Or .. Harbor Ridge 760-190'0 $2.390,000 Sun 1-5 I BEDROOM * * 333 Via Udo Soud. N.B. 644-9060 Sun 1-5 •41 Goleta Point. Spyglass 644-6200 $890.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 233 Via Genoa, Udo Isle. N.B. 673-7300 $575,000 Sun 1-5 I BA plua FAM AM or DEN * 1848 Newport Hills Or. E.(HVHms)NB 644-7020 $449,000 Daily 1-5 CONDOMINIUMS FOR SALE 1 BEDROOM * 300 Cagney Ln :: 107(Versa11ies)NB 673-7300 S 114,000 Sun 2-5 61 Lakepines. The Lakes. Irv 540-1151 $11 5,500 2 BEDROOM Sun 1-4 260 Cagney Ph 314, Newport Beach 646-1397 Sun 1-5 2524 Elden ::M. Nwpt Hgts, C.M. 631-5791 $146,200 Sat/Sun * • 1033 Bayside Cove E. Coves, NB 644-9060 $625.000 Sat 1-5 3 aEDAOOM 411 Dahha, Corona del Mar 673-8494 $300.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 685 Vista Bonita, The Bluffs. NB 631-7300 $229,000 Sun 1-5 2286 Pacific, Costa Mesa 546-2313 S 129,900 Sat 11:30-2:30 DUPLEXES FOR SALE 2-1 aEDROOM 315 Iris, Corona del Mar 644-9060 $309,500 Sat/Sun 2~5 3 BR p1ue·1-• * * 4611 Seashore (Oceanfront) NB 673-3633 $550,000 Sun 1-5 38Rplu.38R 416 Carnation, Corona del Mar 673-6900 $589,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2-3 BEDROOM 430 Narcissus. Corona del Mar 644-9060 $298,000 Sun ~-5 HOME plua INCOME FOR SALE . IBR 61 M 127-127~ Abalone, Little Bal. Isle 759-0777 1$45,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 * Pool * * Waterfront * * * Waterfront & Poot . -.. 1 I I t I I ... 20 _Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, October 23. 1982 Housn for SclM Houses for Sole G;;;.;,i ...... ·• o·oi t;;~ .. • .... n>o i ............•....... .........•.......... WESLEY ~ TAYLOR CO. REALTOHS '-l lll't' UMU STtP " Tiit OSY WAY YOlll IHI as MWI PAY•HT OWIH FllllCE HY.-1'-lmREST Class-Style-Elcgann·-Q uallty All an· truly dl'SCrlptlV(' or one of Big Canyon·~ truly l·ustom honws with a w1d(' fronWKc cm thP g olf coursl' 5 b edrooms. 6 1; ba ths. plus all o r t he amcnitll':'> vou -would t•Xpt'('t Sl'llt·r financin~ 11va1l;:iblC' An unusual vpportun1ly tu sll'p up without 1m·onvc·ntt"nl't' S 1,950,000 .. II& CHYH PIOl UI SPA UOllSITIOI I &·dmlS, family room & dining rtJ<tm. 11mnac.:ulatc throughout Nl'W c:arp<>ts, drapt'!'>. marbll' t·ntry & de<-or Ell'C·tron1< ~-tunty systl·m Wet bar, 2 firc•pbt't'S, :1 1·,1r g<Jragc. Arust1t· pool and spa Prn:cd r1~h1 ;.at $695.000 Gall' guardt•d o.in:a Dill li-14-4910 for pcrm1ss1on to entc1 14 lllllll5 TREE Ill. IKI SAT/Sii 1·5 SPY&llSS Htl All Sfl PHffCTill T w o -s tu r y N a n t u l' k e t 4 b r w 1 t h h<·<.iut1ful Sunsl•t pool surroundt>d liy 14.00() rt'll b rkks Ta'itdully d<.'(.'Orat.t...J t hr11ughout with wallpapt•r s and i.huttl·rs Show~ like a modl'I humt•' Many upgrad<>s St•ller will finam·t· Submit down $7ti0,000 ind . land 111111 VIEW Ill.LS WITI UllH ftfW I Earthtones thruou t, 4 hr. 2'-'i ba family I rm. d ining rm. 2.:nK sq . ft. V11:w or Pav11ton, night hghL" & Catalina. .. EllUll • Ill.Ill Ill.a. First time lis ted Charrwng nr. new 2 sty arch1tet·tural g<'m 4 bdrms. fam. rm Qualttv design and d~·or throughout Designed for guest quarters. Prict'<l tc> st·11 $!195,(l<JO St'llN fmarK-e. No loan fot• 213 IWIHI llftl SIT/Sii 1·1 llYIH llMISm P• 3 II Detached 3 br . 2 1 i ba homt' o n grernbeh nt'ar t'Omm umly tennis and pool. $11-1.000. Ln a.<;.<;uma.u.le loons and you own the I.and $ L.1~000. .. ,..._n•c.a. Charming 4 Br. & fomij,y T'OC>m, J. brkk Ure places, c:quntry kitt·ften ~ ~le.l residential ar<'J in ynu03 d~elopmcnt by BucC'ola I()% dn. O wner carry l <> yrs. 1&1111 VllW llllS •t YAU Qwct. park-like i;ctting . Rm for peddlt' te nnis and pool. G reat for onitard. Cul 1 de !lat' st. 3 bdnn!I. fam. rm. $299,500 Low Rround lea.'IC. $375 year~ 17 year.s ht-Core adjustnwnt 111t m WIST, -IHI -1-1 ......... ••m11t Charming 3 bc.-droom ho~ wtlli lots of cx\nls, You o wn th(" lnnd. Orl':tt l:imlly home t>ric..: rc-dU<'t-d $.45 000. &autiful lar((C corn(•r lot . Wnlk-to ('tiP bay. S.1lboo lsh•nd. a nd Fashion lsfancf. Owner motivated. th11 could be best buy In COM. pl0.000. Financing av•l1abJc. 1MI -A•~ -UTI• l~I WIU1 •• Tin.ti ....... .,.. --,,,, ............. ... • .,., mna, u. 144-4111 EXCEPTIOllAL VALUE DI LIDO .Just liskcl this delightful hom• on 1h1· nur th s1dP or L acio, offc.·i:. a gorg1·ous view on :in 1•xtrJ wu.fo lut which g1vPS I ht• h-t•llng of s p.tl"ll>USlll'SS throughout .. ·eatun·-. slap for larg1• boat Ad.)Cll't'nt prnp<•rty also ;av;11lahlt• A rar1• opportunity for you" LIDO ISLE IAYFllOIT Pt t·st 1gtou!'I isl and . Lu t tas l It' l1)('atm11, vou 'v1• h1•:.ard all tl11 goo<i words, nuw lt•l U!'I situ\\ vou a w<tll•rfront hom1• w1lh I ixlrms & 4 baths that has ;all th1· gran• & 1·harm o f what vou drt·<im about "in O ld C<tµt' Cod" $:.!.:Wtl,000 YlCHTSMll'S RETREAT K1-.·p your 85' boat in tht• sliµ vuu own in front of this sp;u:iou-. c·ondo on th<' Lado turning basin :! bdrmi. & th-n. 2 baths plus S(•parall' t•aptatn's qu;Htt•rs Walk to Lido Village. Pc•rfl'l.'l tor 1-orporat1• anvt·stmt'nl. LIDO ISLE UYfllOIT F'ANTASTlC TERMS (JWl11'1 wall 1·arry long 11•rm l-.1 Trust Oc'C'Ci Pnc-ed to ~·11 N1•ar Lido ClubhouS(• & u·nnis m urL.., Will at'Cnmmocfote a l;,1rg1• ya1·ht s 1.:mo.000. LIM ISLE UYFllMT 40' lot :i bdrm. 5 baths. Watt'h th1o• sunst·l from g1gant1<· master su1 h · -1 t·a r garage En JOY beautiful bt>ach 1n front or your horrw $ l. 750.000. Ila CllYOll Splt'mJ1cl t•ust.om hunw un <·i..tr:1 la rge lot 6 bdrms 1nduding m aid'!\ quarters H uge rear veranda ovt•rlook.s pool and spa. View o f golf course and snow cappt'd mountains_ Per{('(."l for largt• fomtly $1.450.000. llYFllllT PEITMOUE 2 bdrm plus d<·n. :~ baths. wet b a r , p lan t a t ion s hutters. Bt·au tt full;.i drt-oratro in pooch fOnE'S <:>cc:an view from master bdrm plu.~ bak-ony. bay Vle.w & mountain vh~w fro m li v ing ro6m. Updern-wwl parltlflg-for"" 2 ~ SQa' irl'p awilnble. Cood ,nnan<:lnlf. ~so.ooo.. •\ • •111111 IPEI UT I Ill 1·1 ;: 2 .._. MIT LAH Most unUsuaf CU8tom1n od hQm£' in :1rl'11. tnctoor /Outdovr pool with st1dlng gJass roo(. lK' b¥r. s c r c eft l ng r oom , g o urm('t kitchen. ployr oom with lull kilc ht!n •nd bath . O ood hmmcing Sc-lier reserves right · to tw.'t.'Cpl 00.t o fter. S6W.950. --. ..... ,.njny laving in ehta nt:'41l. l(dy .f hdnn fom1ly t)onlt.:. Priced for lnurwdlat<' :JcUon. Ac&. nc>W co be in ~Coro the holtd.uya. Low~ prk'Cd Ml'nt• on the ialend. OOly $J..J1>.ooo. Cnll Wd3~!!!'' --~---~~~~~-- I tb.IMs fM Sale ~;.;~·······i·oo2 ••.•....••.•.....•.. '!.'.~!!!.~•!.!!!! ••• "'" J~O.'!!!! .~'.r. !tl.t .. •.... ~'.'!!!!.I.'.'.!.'.'! .. • .... IHH11l 1002 C01oa. dtl fllu 1022 C•1t• #tH JOZ4 R-2 PElllHU rT •••••••••••••••••••••• ,···;·;utL·oc·e·AN·~~·,;·· , ··;;y;;oRT.ii.RiAi•·· CHOICE DIPLEIES 300t< 1oan Jasmine Crk •rRlllS' SIYLllllTI' Lovety older 2 story 4 bdr "' home '" good tOrl01t1on Hardwood 11oors wonde•lul front po1ch 10 •;ot on II see the Doatr> go by PLUS 2 separate Ddrms O\/er 3 car garage S334,500 142·1200 1Dll NEAR TOWN 2 hd1 m d1n1ng room & country k•IChPn plus 2 bd•m apa11men1 S;.>89 5-00 L1noa Oeth CLOSE TO PAVILLION Neat n1i w duple~. 3 1 bdrm 2 oa1h .iach Wslk 1 10 Dl'Aclt bay & shops S3SS 000 LC1rry Pfister ON TH( POINT Two single units or single I 1am1ty home 11ersa111e accommooat1ons S339 000 Bill GOid I Owntir/Agent 640-15 15 • • • IHIEI CEILllHI OLD C~I S22l ,OOO So of Hwy 3 Br remo- <lete<I home on R2 As- sume lrg loan Now va cant Call Delta 63I-1266 S 135,000! -S 10l I•.! Mooern detache<I hm uniquely <les1gnea Dy The Maste•s of •ndoorl outaoor environment l 1qht and airy "'tP11or wl sk y11gnts :1 qur den .l1r111ms Dearned te1· ltngs king s1zeo lldrms tam11y room w Dur & wall~ 01 g1.•ss 10 Pol•Oi. En1oy sun all d.;< on I 142-1200 I Oii :AMEO SHORES. by ow ner ocean view 4 BR 5 ba den pool 1ac 2 wet bars New root car · pet drapes S595 000 I Buyer assume 1st at 7 '•''• Oowr1 payment I s 146 ooo owe S400 000 at 12•1. for 10 vear~ 760· 1734 Prt\/ate floot Sunde<;k Only S 10 000 down & S IJ9S mo pyml~ It you .;tf.! looking lor "UNtOUE HOME Al A Sf!:Al Wt' ve QOt t1 e Daily Pilot e classifieds e work for • you. Call 642-5678 e forquick e cash sales. I ,. C1ass1hed Ads 642-56781 What a Wondedul World ot Shopping, rtghl at your t1nger11ps everyday! Dally Pt101 Clau1t1e<1 Ads To pl&ce your ad , can 642·5678 and let a ClasstlHKI Ad-Visor help you HMCEI SH,000 .. K<msin~ton .. w /loft. SUPER plush car pets. stainro glass. spa in e ntry. T hjs honlt! has 1t all' Assumable loans + owner fmam:tn~. Now only $595.000 Dar lt•ne H t•rman 752-1414 lllltl 11111 £STATES IAl&All IHICH Tl $100,000 helow appnu.sal! Owner's loss is your gain Beautiful "Miramar" Plan with ocean & city lite• va('ws. El e g a n ce f o r 11 v1ng & cnle rt:un ing . 2 BR. gourmet k itc h f'n & lu xurious mast er suite. Now only $425.000 A nita Brailllh:;;w 75:l· 'i 414 H&ltlfll llllU ... e. Ocean view o n lg lo t. This luUy restored 2 k>vc·l seasick> ('O\~f:. o-f.fe ~ w ...,mt t.. & c;harm w /"t•urly rountry" Oavor. Thete arc 3 be<h:ooms, 2 11 bo&ths. fam. rm. country kiicttcn & guest q_&rs w /3 lwpla<.-es. vaulted EK-am cethng & Fr('f\('h windows. The la r ge lo t offr r sundeck s. flagstone patio w/spa & rtchiy landsaJ)ed garden. Don't miss \his one Offered at $397.000 am WCdmort' 551-8700. llYflf Tlllllf Ill LAIS Charming imm•c ula tc ho me. ext{a. wid4 lot Shutters t hna· eut. H e ated pool. Separate • btM:hninton CL Prot . land1K'9p.'d. aulo~c sprlnklcfs & MaJibu tsu fl'Ont & back . Walk to B~J.boa Island. $3,9,000 R(ly 04~. ~51 ·8700. IMLU ttHU ML 8ll Thfa ~ tnv"t-ttmf'n\ property Is,. tocaoed on'-' comer lot & h:.a 2· 2 BR .,.ts. Oood •nnuar tnc;.'Ome whti low tna antc n•nc~. All ~ds •vailabte. P~rty easy to • Oll~red at $324.900 am Wtdmort' 55 l-8700. Suh1it Yot1r Offer Spotless 3630 sl duple• owe 151-12'1..-lon<J te<m 3brl3Da+5Drl3Da-I vac 509 Acac:1a-wa1~ 10 Sf.la Do not d1s1u•b tenants Owl"ler /blH 645-7048 CEN1URY 21 Walk-In Realty 141-1010 We W11t Out! IRVllE THRICE I OllTOUll IEEI R1~11cd te S 11.500 I Pendong l0<ectosore f<><. ces <Jras11c action As· sume 1 ~t w out Qua I Corner IOI 2 t>r + den pool. spa 770-5968 Mesa Verde Beauty 3B• rten 11ew pool ~pa C.PI~ P<lll11 S30 000 dW'l lOP S 179 000 Altrs welcome 7SI 0401 USTSllf POil IOllE Rt'.'mod1>ted 3br Jba LUU OPTillll Greul tam1ly home •I huge fenced yd. oak French drs. Dutcher block countefs JennaJr kllcoon" $300.000 TtERRA Del SOL AL TY 497-1744 Cusl dee Carmel mo<Jet 3 BR ' be Open House Surt 1.5 1848 Port Shel· held -Pll9fllCITIH Cus1om 4 B<Jrm 3 B• plus study mini vrew, 2400 SQ ft. upgra<Jas r>11v•te beaches. gooo llnlllnClng & )'OU own the 1000 Only S375,000 675-5930 • us.sno • hi~ fo (',t 1111\ I 11\1 home with dt!n tormal j 1run9 r()Ol"l dn<I r •t>nch doors Huge patto 11r1<1 POOi Possible lease OP· t1on Asking S235.000 d31·6370 or 540·0312 TRr\DI T 10 \,\L RE\~ T' I f'Slll -.TS 15"' ... 11.·s cr•ss Owner will carry 11 sub- s1 an t1 al 2nos on 1nese well ma1n1ained single llO•y 1 & 2 bdrm un•IS Plenty ol ott street pat- 1\lng • car garage At- ltactrvely P"ced 81 $325. 000 ~1211 /Jn ~iGEL GA.LEY & ASSUC 1Al ~S F0t saJi by owner. 3 br 2 bll, FR Cusl Tre.i.H. riuge log Des,gnot 't nome Mes• del M•• Sl&a.500. !!40.2616 e... ... 1111 .............. ••••• llllll 11111! J ..... •sat11•, a.>atk tlno "\;ngllsh"' -At" .... Cowntry $iyie wNtw ot St(IM! (.aW "9ttl m&d'h' t reenbel t • ._., .. a aoeeTous 'Oat· Aero}TlallS wooCl-Qulntn1;1 deft Viii• w/lloot to ~ i used brl<:ll r .. epta~ 1n l•ng t11egilllcn NEAR I QrKJOUS ente'1al,_' II· BEACH 1 2 I 3 Bdrm• ving room Center yOUt from S84 ,SOO Below Christma5 tree around tnerlcet 1nt rate allows ricl\ wood panelings 4 lor pymtt llS low as htgl\ S1yle wllldow co~ s 7 9 5 ' ~ 0 ( E a • ., rlMQ•, Ama.zJngly BrtltSll O~I-Poot, lennls w/tl • own separate & MCUMIV g...O prtvacy p.,,1ry & laundry room T Al<E AOVAN'l'AGE OF Twirl CIO&el i & "1eSSIYe fHJS OMCE .,.., A LIFE-fTIUtltf Suite + newly TIME OPP~TUNITY decorai.c nurser~ 3 CHEERS FOR THI CENTUFI\' 2 t PRICE• ONLY 179,0001 ...... ....., 1N1111 sa.ooo down ... ... U t61mo pays 111 Celt --~--F-.11 ........... ," ft.LaMILTl ···- Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturda}Y. October 23. 1982 -21 H .. us /er l•lt H .. ,,, ler S•lt B1•111 ler S.lt He•11• /er S•lt B•••n /er S•lt H .. ,,, /11 S•lt · HeeH• /er S•Jt H .. .,, fer S•lt f!!!~:!!!~::::::1~~1 f!!11:!~;::::::1.~~1 •;:~;~-,~~·········· 1;;;;p;i;;;······:~· f!l.~;~:~~~:::j:~~ "i!i.~;:"!!;.~:::1:~~ ~~r.!!~!~:::!~i. !~i!r.!!J!~!!::z~~ SIPEll TElllS II 112,IOI llWI •• ~~!~ ••••••••• !.~! ..... ~............... . 1mmac 3 Bdrm home LAGUNA BEACH LOTS WclOCb Cove·. ollered wtth ALL TERMS 11200 PH•· Al'l'rnvc.J pl~n:-/pt-rmiL'I uwludt• Q'(•;m $98000 Seller 15 moll· Spacious 2Br 2'>8a $107 500 BIG DEAL IN BIG CANYON va1e<1• Bkr 754-1202 home wlfrplc •Ira lg 2 f vu Walk tu lkal·h . 0 W.C tradl'!> .'Ow.El-car ga•age Pvt wine $ llill.1100 cellar or dar~ 1m Lg CALL FOR THE FULL pauo BBO & spa Onty POOL I FAMILY 11001 FACTS ON THE FINAN· $12 000 oown & $1200 CING DETAILS COM-per mo Ass11mable 30 PLETELY UPGRADED year ll•eO rate loan al 3BR. 11.BA COLLEGE 12'T•/, Open house dally PARK LIV R M AC· 11·6PM Please C.11 bkr CENT ED BV WOOD 646-5680 or 631-4587 SH,000 i• blstl•& Leus a ... ,". 1 ~ .. attt. leacll I llofa44H ASSUMABLE FINANCING 1n Laguna Ntgut.·I · Northv111w Loca tion :! bed 2 ba. F 1rl'pl ace w / t·onv(•rsatton p 11. lmmac Cund111on RL.Jul'f'<l to $169,500. 5 BJ rm l'USlllnl Ft 1·m·h Tudor l':>l:1 lt' 111dudt•s puul. sp.1 & gourrnl'I kttch .. n Total St'l:unty nL•sllt'll 011 an uvt·r-s1u.· lot tJl Big Canyon on :lnd fa1rw<iy Mul1valt'd uwncr Suurn1t .ill uffl'rs~ l';.111 Carl':V or &'0111 PANELING & BRICK FRPLC GOOD LAND· SCAPING W/FRUIT Cl· TAU S & AVOCADO TREES AUTO SPRINK· LERS. COVERED PATIO + GAZEBO & FENCED IN RV PARKING $132. 000 546-3375 HSTSIDE IOLUIOHE Assumable loan R2 lol S 1 10.000 SUNCOAS T R E Marilyn Coombs 631·7090 & 6-45-1915 1~% Y.A. LO&I Ai.sumable on I h" 4 odr,., home N1th rolur- b•Slled kitchen and low maintenance yard Own- er w•ll assist wtlll l1nan- c1n9 1001 See 11 soon' Reduced 10 S 127 500 call 979-5370 . \ { : '/I ... / JI f.. ,, i.t " . • ~ ~. • f -, 1 YE.._ I• FOHH ... IL llM. Mesa V«de bird streets 4 Bdrm family 1m & more Close 10 schools. shopping. elc Owner asS<sle<I llnanc:1ng See 11 now• S 179.500 Call 979.5370 . l f : ,/ L / JI/~" II 1-<l lo • , '-...,, • I •, f ·~t •4 f '• -----USTSllE CHRMEI Ei 1enslvety remodeled 3 Br home featuring lge mstr Sult & bath. gour- met kitchen and addeO rumpus rm arhst's be· hind garage Cu•-de-sac sl A slung S 175 000 For appl 10 see call 540-1151 ~HERITAGE RE.Al.TORS ----- MIST utllllll Open Sat/Sun Assum loan. no quat 2 maslet br s, 2·~ ba, 2 Sly cu11om condo pvt yard Nwpl Hgts 631-5791 ----N MESA 4 bd, 2000 sq It A ssum loan O W C $133,900 3105 McKin- ley 545-7447 ownr Mesa Vetde 3Br den, S90K loan. 12• ,•1,, F/P S 129.900, op Sat/sun 1-5. 3069 Glbralter 545-2883 t.IJST SELL 15% Dn. IPH IMIY 1·1 Modern Cotta ~ 4 Br 2ba home '60,000 al 8'4 Isl TO au umabl• Ownet wltl wry balance at 12"4 tor 7 yra Aaltlng I 136,DOO 594 Merqueoe Cr (nr Peutennol w ............ . I U· 1111/lttu ..... NO BALLOON NO OUAUFYING 11.t"I. Prtv.cy plu9 eondlllon. 38t*Ba College P.,-tt S 134,000 AgenT M2-1700 1h lmlEST Sl,000 IOWI HOO PEI IOITll Bring your l11end or par lne• $ share this spacious :?Br 2'>Ba '10rne wilrµlc II an ~Ira lg 2 car garage Pvt wine cellar 01 dark rm Lg patio BBQ & spa Only S6 000 down & $600 mo 101 a 50''• 1nteres1 AS· sumaole 30 year 11~ed rale loan al 12'•''• Open nouse daily I I ·6PM Please ~11 tikr 646-!>680 or 631-4587 •FORECLOSURE Fl XER• Bnng paint t>rusn save $15 000 SS 000 <Jwn no Quahfy1ng Lo"' int as~u­ ma ble In Call anyhme August Capital 895· 1011 S IOI< down seoe, tinan- c1ng 7 y• s no quahtv•no 2 Sty JBr 261. So Cst P1aza SI 10 000 Bkr 639·1•97 DUPLEX Eas1s1de 2 Br duple• w11h new cpts. drapes. lrg yrds good l1nanc1n9 $135.000 Devin Real Estate 642-6368 * 5•1, DOWN • 4 Bdrm, pool. owe. 1ust listed Mesa Verde S 138,000 645-9922 Agt LOWEST PRICE I• C.M. l•g 3 Br ? B11. l•Q yrd. good hnent1ng S 105 000 O wnr Agt 6~2-9772 SUI I SURF llUL ESTAU 113-2322 INVESTORS -FTRST TIME BU YERS L11guna Hills Grt>al View, pool. spa. h •nn1s avatl ablt>. Only $!i!l.OOO llCI IW.U HI WlllllMl IULTY U1-H.O !!~~! ........... !.~1l!!!{J?! •.•..••.... !.~11 L.uCATIOI, PRICE, THiii II CILLHE PAii OPEN HOUSE 575 Wia4ser Pl VICTORIA HIGHLANDS I Sun 1-5 PM Spectacular home voew • location 3 B<Jrms 2' •ba 2 lrplcs hugtl recre .. 11on rm. den d1n1ng rm view lrom eve1y rrn Sauna Come by and see 11 S750 000 REHCED! 901 KINGS ROAD SEAVIEW · elegant & Ct•t H4 Hjoy tht c ri 111 m o n 9 H a m p I on I .. • f Ill Model labulous views "''"• VteW ,.. t S decor spa private I luaurieu rtlilllHct. comm wl pool & tennis OpH Sat. I Sua I te I Bt·auu!ul tn-ll•vel S&S 4 Bk , ;{ BA, air l'Ond , elt>t'lron1c air purifying systt'ln llugL• mJS\(•r bdrm Wtth its own prt vale balcony, custom cabinets tn family room. brtl'k ·rm·plal'I'. taslc·ful u~4· 11f wail covering:, :\ Olympic l'Ommunn v fl'inl~ 0111\' $:W.lltlll dwn Owm·t will 1,1rrv ~11.11ghl not•· " 1111 p.1vrn1·n1' ,\,king , I 7H .. 'l00 552-4915 Ha11ti111t•11 P11ce oelow m .. rkel lor IHd /HO qutelo, sale '1 Br condo in ••• ••• ••• •••••••• ••• •• Woodt>udge w/good as· $7 ,000 DOWN! Sparkling 2 story 4 bdrm 2 ba. larruly room w11h oozy 111ep1ace plus huge bonus room 3000 SQ fl ol newly reQet rnt Ov1e1 c.ul-de·sac T ai..e over high assumable loans and owe bal No Quahlying Onty 3•,.. dn $230 000 ACT FAST• 5<18-8859 OwnertAgl sumable loan Only S99 000 551·3000 llgl TUITUROCI FOlllH MllEL Huge 4 Bd1m 2'"' 88, AIC. & spa on e11Ha largo lot Supet Ma~111g 11va11 Make me an o lfe1 · Asking $235.000 Opn Sa1 1Sun I ·5 18891 Anl•och Call Robin 552-7500 or 646-7276 REDUCED $20,000 A charming collage rust a few Olk'> to beac h Ov•t-1 s1rec1 f11eplace null gr1.<en11ouse Now only S 149 000 494-1011 tac11tties $450 000 Open 5 .. · ttouse Sal/Sun 12 5 or •J ai,,elat•Ht. t<J03 Y>icllt Colina & 3 1 • 4 3 0 0 • r 644 1017 673-3100 WANTED By PP home pret Seav1ew Jasm111e i---------1 Cr or Blulls Lge cash 644 7070 BEST DEAL IN HARBOR RIDGE Have something you want Bt".lul 3 BR hom" w•th to sell? Classified ads <Jo •nc • e<J vie"' S• 65 M 11 well 642-5678 1760-9307 J ~A aannA manaa11· . IVI "KALTDRS m .1081 BIG CANYON OPEN HOUSE •"'°' ...... I !l.".'!~.~ll.".~L.!.~~~ I VILLE DE CERISE BEAUTIFUL f OLD WORLD lOWNHOMES fly Howard Mark Co trom $159.000 495.32 ... 4 760-9355 llllOH OWHI $465,000 11 llE YERTE SAT /SUIDAY 11 TO I Sat/S11dar 11 I• I Du• '•i•t JOZf SPACll~S IUCll llOME ••• •••• •• •••• •• ••••••• 5 8dr. 4 t Sa. 3 ... 51y. 3000 FORECLOSllE! 46drm 2 bath. lamlly rm. '1 lrplcs spa gas 8B0 patio dbl gar comm pool & play- ground RV par1o.1ng $145.000 Harcum & Horn R E •OH ef 2 h••ts H cul-41t·Hc •LevtlJ 3 141r• 2~ llatll ht•• •Sill• hr41 I patlt, 3 car carac• •Assu•a .. le UHi (a,,rea) at .. ,, 1n. OPH MOISE 1 te 4 SQ 11 + over 900 SQ It I to ecpend Some ocean view. I blk 10 beach 1285 000 F P See owner 1n ad1 house a1 206 15th St 536-1718 24092 Aven•da Corona Poont Ntguel E•et 3Br & <Jen l • ba tennis. PoOI spa. ocean view Xlnl assumable loan $152 500 •93-6269 831-6570 or 2131885-0065 f!!.~!~~~-~~!{7..!.~~! •St5000• UNDER APPRAISAL 3Br 2'>Ba. 1550 SQ It twnhse, •Int 9fee •P· j praised S 135.000 Wiii take S 120 000 f()( quick sale $91.500 auYmable •oan Call any11me Au· gust Cap11a1 895-1011 HY OF Wiii 4 Br or 3+Den. btg w/ nigh cell1ngs, lavish Ille bllh, super fresh $165,000 A941n1 _ 662-1700 I HHt/1111 .. ,.,,, 1040 .....••........•...... II T•l 1&11 .... '""'""" 2 et0<y, 2 bdrm t•~ ba beach • Condo co-op Poot, saun•. weight room. sub perk ing Oceen and Pier View. lit led al S Ui0,000, St$, 000 under market. All ca1h or new 1111 Gr .. t OOO'y IO< -om.one wt1o oan ac t rut Agent 531-8100. A•k tor Jim R'9tle1m&f NEW AFFORDABLE RUSTIC CHARM II HWl· 10% l•t. Beautiful custom home. vu 0 1 ocean. wall! to sand 2 131333-3846. 902·1298 TWI HllHM 1~ H twallH, ..... c•••· Walk h hacll. TeHls, pHI, e1tra cleH. 11111 OOOlwHr 112-HIO ....... till! Close lo ocean, 3 -3 Pymts S 1200 to $2000 s 17SK 10 $215K Move In • take over shared •P· preclallon Financing avellable Calf Sue at 891·555& * 11Wt DOWN * 4 Bdrm, pool. spa. 9 yrs new E.iccet tttm1 Prine only S 159.500. 6's-o922 Agl lni.11• 1044 ...................... laliefrMtWMAtl ... s bf, 3 be, pool, Jee. Owner/~t 5.51.U29 llSTL.tUMI ... bf. 3 ba elite home. Cul-de-n c baolt• 10 green btll 2 ooor-. ltOl'll comm. pool. lmmao. 1.419 tot A..utn. I. 15% lotn. Open S.t. t-5. 1t Tl~ t>etllnt 643-1322 3 l>f. 2 be. lam. rm. 1MI aq It, t381< L.AIM9EER ALTY a tNV HI.I. Idle llMI• with • & ... 9":1"30. JM.OUJ Pilot 0'-'llld ,., Wdbrg 2 plus den plus 494-8551 661-6631 spa totally upgraOed SACllFICE! Call 551·3000 tor details CONDO 2 Br 21>8, WOflh \\\~'CfhrldC)l' s 136 ooo Seu tor s 115 000 ~8-6492 lk.ilt~ :.:.1 1111111 ff!-.!.-.~ .. ~' ...... !.~~~ l• ... ll.,~•• l'L•• l t\inr OPEi ••SE II WATll WILDFLOWER 2 story wf prvl dock $35,000 down, price 1uS1 MODEL reduced to $215.000 1n Woodbridge Summe--Open Sun 11·5 242n field Homea 4 bdrms Ont11110 Lane tWetl side 2•, ba Kllchent lamlly of~· Ill agn1 581-5986 room area. covered Pl· lltWNll ... ,. 1111 llo Profetslonolly lend· ••••'"••••••••••••••••• scaped Quiet cul·d•sac. 1oc .. 1on $210,000 11v11•a11 1441 Q9l11xy Drive 4 Br Oen. Formel Dining Room, 2 Ffrepleces, 3 car garage plu• large HObby Room Pool llHd 101, beaut landscaped. Owner will aulat at fi- nancing Only $,,.20,000. Open Set/Sun 1·5 Roblnton Aeeltor ~~'!~.~~ ••• !.~f i::·:·:;: ... :=:liii~~ Arch e..cti. op.i Sun 1-6 .-- 937 ACAPUICO 180 deg ••lffl lllUll ocn 11\1, oor~ nr ,_ -3 8t, lam a 3 Ba, dbl IOI. You own tMi lend. 2.000 1315.000. Submit dwn aq 11. 38f, tam rm, 2~ Blu. 17&-2172 4""35e3 Ba, wide Greenbelt. nMr pool Ftt below metlttt • ... 1135,000. Wiii ...... Uon !Mir 6"'4--0 13"' NO POlnt .. NO Nothln' I~~~~~~!!!!!!!!~ II you c•n moe the' paymen11, you can h•~I Gorgeou1 nawly remod It $314,000 In H itting hOfM In f>'Vl beh com; toan1 $3150/mo. 4 l>t, 31 mty 3 Br & lam rm. ba. oceen 1119w. Eaarow Super tertnl. INIY trlide, 1... 166-0611 StHI< '" oonveralon. On~ S2tt.to0. '4MI ti •hHr Is leati•& fer 11,.,. Call h•tr/lrtbr If 213/470-2110 Ullllll VIEW Low, low l>rll>tod 4 BH. lri-lt.•v<.>I Bront.ln'IOor Homt• w /vuullcd l' t• 1 I 1 n g i. , ( o rm a I d 1 ru n g & separate family rm Beautifully landscaped gurd('n o'looktng grc~nb<'ll. A gr1•etl fom1ly home. $349.500 IUYllW The "Port Royal" ,•leganl 2 level family home• w /4 :1paclow 8Rs. lg. family ruom w/2nd fl~place & we\ bar. 1-'orl'TUll dining & 2 bolronics Oce.-n vi('w $39~.000. •WPllTll lfhe MMllti .... lit-1111'" Ul-22'2 S HWHOS I "10% DOWN lmmac. 3Br 2Ba + 3 car ga• + Pull•ng green• Won 1 1as1 a1 only S375 000 $16 000 DOWN No Qualolying. 1mmed occupancy shart East Blull 38• 2Ba + spa Only S229 995' Call John larvos IBkr) 760-9669 OCEAN VIEW J BR 2 1ba l or m~r model 2 st ry Best l(!Cal!on S 141 500 Great 1erm$ Subm11 on down oavment John Ma1sna11 a\gl 6J 1 7900 SUVlfW IARHI• t 80 ~t,.9 "'e"' lead~o glJss u.1• lloors Out doo• foreµ•I ') BR great h<'mt-By ownet .3 • to o~rs Heduc.ed to S399 SOD Sm• Oo w n 644 -6699 BY OWNER 3 6<1rm llou· ~e S 199 000 Consider atty oiler 645 884 1 Selti•1 at Less! HARBOR VIEW HOMES· Carmel M odel Re- modeled ont.1 upgradeo tnrouqhout 524 5 000 Firm Ownr,Agl 760-9596 J&Slllllf CHH Plan 4 3 bdrm 2 1 ca 2600 SQ 11 Sale or •se option S339 000 10''• dn o• $2500 oe• mo on op11on Xlnt fin 85 1-0130 OwneflAQl LEASE OPTION HARBOR RfOCE Custom View Homt• $$1),0()0 opllon murwy .. Ao'<lroorru;, :; Baths SI ..!!19,500 5 bdrm. 3 ba. pool. lamily room 12 12,000 6"'6-0758 HYER SHIH 3 Br 2be hOmt t 927 Santiago. '299,000 wl IOw dOwf\ Plara U Ill· 1111 ... OUYll 1665.000 l(lnl view E•P•ndttd Moneco, wood llOOf's 3 bCI Fr~ dra & more •TSEE 0oen S•llSun l ·S PM 1 Aue ChatHu Aoya1 6"'4-5118 PllTIMll 2 bdrm, I ba condo. Open l\OuM Svn ~I. V 1-5 HO Cegney PH 314 t4~H3t7 . - -ti .. 22 -Orange County Rear Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday. October 23. 1982 • '!.~~!~! .~ .. ~ !.'.'.'· •..... ' ~~~!!! -~~~ :':'.1.'....... '!.'.~!!! .~ .. ~ !.'.1.' ••••••• !'.-.~~!! .!0.1• !.'.1!....... 9!~.'!,!.~~! !.·.'~.'!..... ¥!~!!. !.'.~! !.·.'~!!..... 9!~.'!.!.~~~ !.1.'!!! ••... ~!.'!r.!!.~f!! •. !.'.f.?j!~!!.~!~!~ ... !.~? !'.'!r.!!.~!f!~ ... !.~~~ !'."!r.!!.~!~!~ ... !.~! !'!!!!!!.!!!~!!!.!.~ /llo;•t•i:, D11trt1Z406J1tt~ ~1111 ZIOO Hou11 U•l•r•i••H •···•···············•· '-"'"' 3202 ....•...•.........•... FOR LOVERS \~~~ ~~~r ~~r~:Ss ,•:;~ HYHHT ESTATE C3Mtr~~~e3 Q~=~·\~':f~:~ •••• !!!! •..•...•.•••.. , .... ;~ •. E~S!'l.11·~·.·.··,T·s····· HOMES FOR RENT grnbll lrg P"' b&ckvarll MAG NIFICENT VISTAS plmll ng Sl:.>5K assu· FOR RENTI 111 ' OF SUllF I ••11 I CllSlllll'! An••ous •94· 1840 l•om this newly con-mabte 1011n ,,, 12··· int I l'a~ts•de Costa Mesa .. • s11ue1e<1 cus1om t>ay-$ 1 7 !. K o '' A 0 en1 • Pos11tve c asn llow Ow· WMITE WATEI lllUIEllS WILi TO OCEll/ front nome Designed tor 642 9666 2 b"2room. 2 baths~ 2 mt< will excl'lange S200 This (·us tom built <>l"C':tnfrorH h•JllH' llY sup.,rri Quality and con· Oup14'• t>tk 107 °'ooean lg ~ak.i~1r1ow~e~<1 area Beach re~1dence M•ke * M 1S510N vtr JO * I ll'le true 1ra<1111onahs1 • 51"""'' in Twin Pealt.~ in 000 equity tor Newport d I lrom lh•s 2 ed•m t>each s1ruc11on prevail tt'lroug-lot toe S 19 5 Ma• as '1 ins irep1acu Crow agt 645·3176 Si25·S750 lt-~llun·~ C'IC'gant Europl·~n t,ta 1 in~. co tt age Cout<l Ila houl lhis 6 b<lrm bric~ st1u11Really67:'>-4600 F'nst 1as1 4 oepo''' re lnll.Jfrssi Vt• stonl' & wood l'Xtt•r1ur. \\ llh winier I summer f ental estate For further details I q u I 1_8 d ca II I 7 1 4 I Rt•l•I• r. H u N ti N c f 0 N l<·Hdl•d & lx•v('kd nlass w indows. I Lowes• P11Ct1 "1 lirea reoardtng mis 8Kcep110-rRIME UST 768 0286 or 171 4 1 •••••"•••••••••••••••• BEACH • s 100 <12s " s 1.69 500 Devin Real 11 11 A I 667-0657 weei<day eve· > nat 0 ertng ca nn COSTA IIS& n•ngs atler 6 pm 11 no ,B.,..1 Far1U1A•d ·.• tw•llrcl()m• & ·.> bat hs ... r1·rl•pl:1•·t"'. & 11 E11a1e 64,·6368 Pe1ers • VOAeA LINDA• $700 • ,. J " 4 -' .,. S1tua1ee1 on extra large answer please keep •••••••••••••••••••••• rllUl·h . much mof'l' P oss1blt• taxi CLIFFHYEI 142-120I 1101 50•200 isasepa-rrymg1 _ .~!J~J!!~!'.~ ... !.~'J •CHILDREN+ •·11lv.1ntagc tn ca:.v l"1nve-rs1o n lo duplt•x 4 8d1m rtome wnh family •ale 2 bdrm house den. l"LE ya1lrv 11111 0 Isl <I"" No B ,,. on1 OFF("E. F.•1t•1.1EI •T 1130,000 1 o S 2:? 5 0 0 0 Ca II lo~Ply pt1va1e yatd PLUS Aeeluce<I $ tO 000 nol ~o;ne 4 ea~ ~ ea wl •PE TS OK "' · 11 ano 01n1ng 1ms ReOvoeCI t11eplaCf' lull size poof 1n -~ r • u an • .. ,, a,,r " -11 642·7658 2 one 1>01m un•ll> each quahly1n9 'l er 21>a 3 yrs' 10 t 110.iio. .ivai (S.•st..tiM .... , fi1•1cl1c) MPlvyn 1<1<10tf! Aeanor wttll p11va1e pa110 Zoned 010 Lanoscapeel. •acre, 11 1 SJOOOtmo Y'11 "llll llLHl SR2-475 EOOO•cellenl financing 18 mos l111ancing p•ov• •ea!>e l Vance 671 4062 VILLAGE Pk.tSl' l'<11l ftll" brtl<.'hurc I • d"° at $500 per mo "t Bilbo. I •C'l:::J•I E~tl!lnQ s1nqle lvl t Br t2't. 1n1 with S 11 000 dn I . lllYESTMENTS Aomi1n1tca11y decoroteo 1S.•t6 L•••H lOlf ~11111 Ashing S58 500 lo• Qu1c~j••!..~~!~!!f~ ••••• !.'.OJ -Uti ttl1l5 , • U., , i.~1'ttlto r5 P111y 6-10 5560 day or f:!veninq Eastblulf Profess1ondl Bid~ Ftr t11rtlter 4etails call Fr11 SctH H0-5110 er 140-00ll lot 1rte soph1s11ca1ed ••••••••"'•••••••••••• sale 1·247-4288 ....,11,1er ') 9, S595 t 14 E 1 young at hPll•I S 137 Lower fhree Atch Bay 115 10• U"E I B itnoa B~vo 000 As!.umaole Ito Joan I ~eao~~!~ ~!Ju:~~l~n4 Ont> 01 a 111n':i R:aoy 10 8i<f·'>9"t (714)545-2001 Hnwe R"a'''" M~ 7696 "'"··"e' 4 •.•• 3144 Li.do Realty I AGENT NO rH v "" ~, t>eq1n cons1 oriko Cu~ •'lllNll~ Xlr.t ld•q ... LENDERS REPO W · 1091 1000 "'I It 4 Ddtm i tid•m O<.,.anl10111 l pJ 1 •• !!!~!!'!!!!.......... 6 7 J.. 7 300 r ar q.ir s.iuna 1ac Very 110~ c.orn .. , 101 New lu•ri I ltpt Inch Unf11r1 t~1r ... .1n;1 ''""" cB• ·II ~ 11 ~ "r I 0 r. ll I• o" S4Q<, ~rt< I l•YESTllHT OF YE&Jl lnrq11 <ll'Cks af\O lots of C•Ph drap~ 997 3970 + S10008down $!08.000 g1ass Loolt.s out 10 II CiJ~·5086 $17 •• 00 4 h1 2 , tin a,,..,, s1 Eastside C.M. ~0"'"1 c .. '.?~~•a;,e'!0 0dr1s1~~1Co1on1 dtl ,.,., J/ZZ I • As, loan A & H In House + '.l 1wnho<1ses • " OJH Sat 1 to 4 p111. veS1"7:c.2 :.>197 All w111t frpl 9a1 p.ihOs "'OPP< HB La~e and &~:~.~·0~·~~~1·.,··1;;;~;;1~; ow<. l~I ro Su1Jm11 Oii llllllS •nu" S•'+' lh•S Su I"' I '' n ,. ti I (, 432 Wtst111i1sttr 0 p 4 1,. r,,,., A \JI P•·•l't Moor111llqt' ioc 10 S.'OOO mo ,., c""' Bu.II l1yfro1t Condo U1frn IJt 111J P u"' Dr \ tJt tlewPl)(I H"1(1hlS IOCil ~!~.tf.!.~~!.~~I~!!..... 641 0290 tpr>r"~tal" C.111 10 on hp ,11., Cdll p,.11 , r>,;n MILLION $$$ STEAL !!! '.' .. :~~ 1u""v~ •. 11~;~rr;,~::,~e Mobilt Homt1 SILE IY OWllUI ~rc~a~;11!~1 "~~7~~;;;,~s "'>; 14 '7' i<1o9 ltl• • lo• t'•P•>ns1on on Fo1 S•lt 1100 t lndlVlctl'd mlrrt•SI 1n Owner will assist w1lh hn D•nl Point JI 26 .•H• ·1• • I Id'! S 1800 mo hyfront Furn ( )\\,,.I \\di 't.•11 Ill qu.111111•d h11\!t•1 .11 nvc•··~I~ ~~tk A f ····:..r·,·.··n·,,·:·,·,·:·r·.···· , ., IHlll'> ••Pl 0109 in SJUU COllST, lllC r·:;.~··.:·.~t··~·b··:;,:.~·d·Cl· l I ( k 1 " u • • • Hun1111g1011 eeacn C A 714 ·e~ 3981 < • • v u I 111111 \llJll llll< t I .1pp1 .11._;1 )111• 111 ,1 lllt 714 '911-8000 20•48 wi enciosl!O poic;h c,,111 1 14 1ri60 .,411 10 , => "Ct-.1•1 v•ew pool '""""!> t Br lam rm lgP tl<l<k 0 ti' S t t 11 rt I ,, Cl t [ S J()Otl'ln(J • B1 7 h.1 flt\\ Sp.1111:-.h ~:-.1:111 ,111111 2 BR 2 Ba Cornet 101 inleirm,11,0n IC• 2'• 11n,. 't')•(lt•nt1at (.,ompl furn 760 114&6 I 11 11 t I H 1 I t PfN H0ll5F 12 'l JOB 119111 111l1H•ors fh1$ ,5 lhe IClf~ w•lh 1r1Pw•. t. ''"''''"" rfl •,, :>40 1201 ,,,11 bl Rent1I Yurly (,o,,tl thmgs r:.r '"f'-'" j Oc ••,1n h '''" • w w \. h \. m .... "' L; ........ I \\II I I I i·g \II'\\ .. Fnl:tnJ "'" Blulf' 1Br 8PSI Buy 10 Town rElllllSIU TRIPLEX onl~ ?~ tl1!1f'<;. northe3'11 , .. 1,111. 111,!hb •• 111d 1111111111.1111 ... T1tt1 111.111\ OJ \.r.mp1 .. 1t'ty '"'urb 540 5937 Own"' Ot"SPf'rale 10 ~11 01 Pa1m Spnngs TPtm' f!l.".'!!.~.t. .. C.~ ••• J.l.~~ ·'" rc><>tT•<, '·.1or, hOtT>t' .11·.1 111111·' 111 "" 11111111 (',di (',.,, \ ,'\ Nt'"' t:JO• 1 "11 e.i t I Will ac.cep1 low Oown II 10 lit yOV• lludget Lolli 18() •11'9 Oc.ean view 2e1 1 "t"'"" lrom l·P.J•h 3 ibl 77~ l4 X 60 2 t>dtm 2 b8 la· Ctt'<JltVtl tHms ; 14 165 :lJ9:> Bk• "I).~ •p, S 1..,00 mt• Ph t.idrm~ 3 bath'> 1 q 1 St 11111 f11r tl1•l,1tl' m1ly room A<lulf Par~ ' " • u c , ,q,., s1:>'>0 "" OPEN SA I SUN 1 5 Nea• Soulh Coasl Plaza Pl•JI It.( 113· 1100 VIEW LOT Clo~ 10 lllkt!l> <l'lll '>JO• 499 4871 WAlEAl'RONT HOMES ra ] 4 b• 3 l>H 'lid 2831( Owner 556 6715 ~lr('.lf'!l~ 11no Ski hit Ow· II I' ,, 3169 631 1400 [ ~t.m~ Hf alt~ U 1-2242 l<l IS Cas~1a 720 0290 San Juan C11p1s1reno 2 Br OCEHHOetT ""' l1nanc1ng S69.500 .. '."!r.! ... !!f......... 11/IHI• /dui JZ06 REDUCED TO SELL 2 Ba 24X56 mini cono DUPLEX 1 ~?~,6~~;~0~al\e Prop 1 :~o ;s0~e s 1~~~'::i tam •••••••••••••••••••••• ~::"~~~::~~:"':'::========~ Owne1 w111 trade ;idd 5-sla• prll. hou&e pets. Spac•ou~ & new lrt-level l rq 3 Bt 2 Ba upper or Btutls Conoo Newly de 01ner prope11tt>s o tter 0 W C S 4 8 0 0 0 Owner 5 untl rtas vllulled Out of Co11alf' OCEANFRONT 2 bdtm dph wlfrpc yrlv l<'a'" to• ated 3B• close to IEWPOIT c•ea11ve •1nanc1nq tor 493·63<13 581-6958 ceilings eu•ll•ns new ltONt l• 2550 1 Bil $ 70 0 m 0 Bit 1 ~ ';;~1~08 :~a~t ~ 1 1 1 tr l'vf'rylhtng S 139 SOO COTIAl'!E 11"5 OCEAN & MTN 1976 Sllyhne 20 x 44 has carr>e• snows l!'rt•lic', ••••• ;,;;•"•••••••••••• Grunoy R111 675·6161 •Int lerms 673 3069 or W VIEW HOME 11\ ,:iuarOed :;>.8 )( IO ll'leOS 811 car-j Owne! wtll carry n-tst GREEN VALLEY LAKE 673 <1062 lft(! 0795 s~~cgc~ ~~leLe~g~ qate commun11y POI t 3 tTlll t>Ch Ren1 Subm11 All lfJtmS S890 MOUNl AIN HOME WES fCllF'F -3Br JBa Ou~1n1 ealbOa ISiand ;>Br ;Jy own"r comolt'lely '" Op<>n Hou~e Sun 1 5 s 175 mo s23 995 Call I ooo I Ne•l 10 na11onal forest o"n lully plly lurn Ol>f'n lledm t:eihnqs 5,0 "'t>""'"d lik,. 11 new 545-0303 190'> Y,)(ht Resotute 548.!:1611 0, 6,.6.06,.3 skung lloallng <'IC Jer I s 1100 mo 646·863" IJlt' Qtl• w 0 hkvp Good rnno im lam rm 6 •r><J 1975 Skyline 12 X 5• · rm r•c rm 2 lrptcs qe llomt' 3 hO 2 IJ,l ct1 Jfl An" Orn,1n 759 OGl'l 11111 '-•!Chen II lndry rm hv WAlfR~RONl I 2 l11 2 IOC Aeg1r Ptl.'IP Gi'> 4000 S2fi0 000 Open n011,e I upgraded intou1 ctse 10 I 11.00 completely tur-1 bn moll•te "' washer IAYFROllT 5.,,, 1.s 2297 Redl,inos be h Ren I S 11 SI mo n•~lleo Gooo income ~·~~ 1~1~~ ~ 7';c•~u ?~s s .in<Jy I.leach e"el V•l'w Or i21rn Sit 642-8663 HAllllll lllHE S20 99'> C11ll 646 0643 L'd R lfy pt()p('rly '" ? ltJm nome ' 5<175 mo vtly lM 1351 o l bay 3 Br 2 ll&lhs '°""'' ~ --C•••ttti•I I 0 ea I 861 35J4 dl'V 680· t 170 d .,ys I y ,, a, I y 0 r w I" I e I ltw,trt/llJCFHf LEIST DrHSIYE r I lfOO 67J..730Q IHthl, F1tml, 673 1Q09 f'vl"S S1500 mo 64'4 9513 :i Bdtm 2 bo 1om1ty JOHUU llll. •••• ~0/.!!7............ Crovll 2100 OCEANFAONl 3 l><l J 1>.» 11/H• ~mB~~ ':JI~~E ~,;, UN;E~3~m!1SAL V•-of oc•on and wv Cannery V11t•11e Bldg •••••••••••••••••••••• or 2 t>1 ? b11 wktv mo PtoialDI• 3201 1tqh1s 3 norm :> •b8 ptus 1300 SQ 11 for owner f P 0 Id fllEll-Flllll 75" '1466 0, 673 0881 •• •••••••••••••• •• •••• S'12S 0 00 Pvt par I Y P1est•g1ous Vo1sa1lles o11tc1• :? lrplcs S598 000 user Reasonably priced ,. '"' 1 yrs o nt q •• 4 . Perun Pt 5 BR 3 • bn r., 1 "c , pa Is on I y <;f'.iv1ew Conoo. 2er. Open Sun<loy 12 4 I Xlnl l er m s Aeatono-Bluffs $301( down as-plus acres nnurr•old 3 DR 1 •. aA. ') c;i• gar 662 7 31H 836 0 7 84 ?811 1rp1e bllleof\y 24 n~ 3 SI Tropo• m•cs 675 6700 Mtke sum" SOOK 151 al 9.._ ll1Clds 2 OOO 90 11 111"" comm 11001 W1n1er or OR iry f"1'~7~ 1~~ mn l'Vt't. q1111rcteo 901&, Appraisal OUSTOI LOT S:.>10000 Bk1 639.7497 hovse. t11rsie barn ger ~1ly Ant 67'58170 torno g1 • $179 000 Wit I take • Dupltxt•t SlS.OOOdown S1646 oer OCt'iHllronl 2 er 1 Ba ELHHT •PT NOif $142000 tor quick sate H MllllOR Mill • Uaitl lot S•lt 1100 10XIROSS mo Totol price Sl75 etG CANVON TWNHOME trplc $8001mo meta~ 11 Bdrm 4 blllh extra ~ 108 000 assumable Grear view 01 ocean arid •••••••••••••••••••••• 2 9d•m duple• on E side 000 702-452·8777 l>"••ul•lully furn & dee 11111s 673-1309 la19P islan<I k11Chf'n J loan Cjll anyhme A.u-c11y 11Qh1S Will Sut>o<<fl· M11us1 l>4'en comp1e1ety llt•I l1l•tt St 175 mo ag1 646 0295 Ocean tronl vrty "l>(lrm c.lr gar AV access Ow ous1 Capoal 895 1011 nate will bu•IO lo 9Ul1 LAST r!'Oone 1hroughou1 £. • 2100 ""' ltnan'•n~ M UST s 13 .. 000 0 I R I Xt l•'J.t H•••t• v.1 , •.•• £~ '1 car garage and hOI tub ~ ---------· BOB HALLEY REALTOR ., ev n •a ••••••••• •••••••••••• D I ... 675 7650 ~E4E ~;'2£,N w.:~~,,~~ INDOOR & OUTDOOR H~·UH Ellale 6"HJ6a M11ltti•cf91 larlt .. r ;;;;;;;r•••• .. ••JZOa l.111e nr Dover Shn••~ SPACE ANO CHARM CHANCE Cesta MtH Tri,IH WattrfrHt .......... E•l••T•A••L•I••••••• MULLAN REAL TY ILIFFllYEI 10% IOW•·IE FlllST w /ucel ren1als. easy W1ll 1n1<1e large equity 101 ()4().2960 ask 101 L011 Nuw on ma1kel Corner Unbelievably tow p11ced mgm1 No malnt Ow· Orange Co Income pro-Yeor1y.woekly·Wln1er, 2. Pen1n Pt Huge 5 b<I 0 R F R ~04auum root deck Vtly S 1:.>00 mo 675-6915 IEWPllT ILIFFI II PETE .a•SOI Exacullve condo. view property pv1 spa, COi\· lf'mporary 1n1et10t, 3 ylt Old Fee 11nd Only S260 0 00 Cell Pt11 Jonnaon ~1-1266 1<1ngs Pf/ 151h St 5 bd. 3 luJtury condoJS on ocean lo buy this beautiful 3 ner's unit w/2 car gar per1y Prln only Owf\er 3 4 Bdrms ba 5329 500 OPEN llde of HW'JI In CdM tor yeer old, 4 unit apnrt-Terms J Doran. A111 will olso lease w/oollon .a•ft••• IULn SUN 12-4pm Agni Ann sale 0 , l•••e. M1ny ment house 1n Sen Ct&-759-0619 213-592-4905 _.,.. ~owlk• 494-775-4 av111at;1e 91 s 127 .500 rnen1e wilh ocean. l'llHs & L•t• l•t I.ale UIOI---------PlllP ---------111 SaJ&s ofhC41 open 11.5 golf i:ourse Ylews at a •••••••••••••••••••o• Ma••1E•IT •21l AAA NWI CeH 673·327 1 1t&rnel'dOUS 11v1ng1 di-"&••-LIT TRADE ..... C•r•H ''' /11•1 3ZZ2 .••......•...•........ 4 Br 2', Ba F A 0 A. & v1t'w Comm. pool. 1en- " '' $ 1200 mo Ownr 759·8006 .,._ Llllt HAL HTlTI reel trom the oo.oner t>e-• .... , '" 17M171 ...... ••E tore bllng ll•led with Tref\qull e ~ OM loca-your boring income pro-B1111'1<1 spanking ,,_ -,_ .. I bfok9ft Ac1 NOWlll Call 11on wllh many treu perly Of outgrown 1eat-l•lliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilliiiiill-• 1ywhere 3 bdrm 2'" b• ~6;~~~fe1o. 1"50• h••t. l•••I ••• owner 111 (7 1') 642-0138. 253 Flo-St Ht11or1c11 dance woh large eqully Go rage. p11t1o s 1.000 custom home next dOOI tor llila ""'' rustic Ind $1 84 Per Dar mo 607 frla. 64 1-41168, tclAIPRllT HPUI Cus t om 4 BO & FR •IMLONllll* S96:000 Submit ell ot-roomy 4 bdrm. 3'" t>ath • 777·2233, 673-43g9 •110 .._ o ' toOktt>O pvt pool Pl•ns & pemtlle 1•aoy to ters II om e 1 n WA l K T O That's ALL you p11 ..,_ Oreu1ng rm l or kldt go Of\ large A·2 tot ln BEACH CORONA DEL lor 8 Ctrel8 4tl .. ., miiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiillllliil"itl 3 Br 2 BA Plus I Br I G'uett h8e hH own llv rm Not1h Lagune Cutrenl MAR location wilh spec-30 d•y ad Nearly new 3 bdrm, 3 b11 ea Assume $143,000 al w/fpk: & kl"Q n bdrm "Charmer" proYldu lllCular 180 deg ocean. 1n the :.> 1trepl11Get 2 c.r gar tEAS E O PTION /LOW DOWN/VA On this eunny Beck 8ay 38' wtglq tM- ced yd. tum rm nt"'" cpts. ttptc. & ttud•O g1- ra9e w/eleclrlc 1kyll1e Only S 1115.000 TIERRA OH SOL REALTY 497-1744 frede your Old atulf lor new 9 oodlH w ith • CleNffled Id $42-5678 9' ,.,.And OWl\Of WIN e41r-Oarllr>g kllGh & b• Grnl cuh llow unlll you'r11 Ca1111n1 t1t1nd. and IAILJ 811Cony Gardener .... , ry '" 12% C1t1 Nenc;y at pkg tor 11111 Reduced to relldy to butld $224,500 Har11or view Priced al PILIT 0111. M1c;row1ve Leise 675-6000 or 673-3633 1320.000 Ruth Lau1te, ~nl 714/497-3118 cuffenl IPOflllNl e>rtc. Of ·-S 1350 per mo Al)6111 Rllr 6"8-4380. 645-4765 ·--:::::::==~illill, ... 75.000 I .. Owner hlU MIHllV& 551-4693 llflor 6 PM • LtW .... • I•~••• lt••thr "'° .".-.,, S 195,000 41qu1t)' '"Id wtll llRIOTllf 28 28 d 1 1 l•--------••••••••••••l'•••'0 •••• ---,-,, cerry 2nd r. a ram11 c I P II· 10"A d,m, tmmoc 3 Od• To pl~r metMOe I Will tr11oe dbl wide mob41e knock• Olten when yov 144-1211 00 IT NOWt level. P•k aetllng. f1pfc, 2 Ba 3 08, nar pulling ""e 1.... home &t or 38r house. u" rwutt.-ettno Dall) dbl romoto oer Cir 1985 grn . $375.o"oo' PLUS reedl~ ~biic I Tut lln lor P8rtlal Own In· PllOI c 1 .. ;;11'tt~ Adi to lsll "'s.Mf• mo Avail I 1· I 2700 E.astt>tuff 3 81 2 Ba, IP•. onone ' com• prop•rlY (714) tMCtt IM Oflftge co.t Your Deily P11o1 Bayside Or Shown by on.., Sl6,000 Cl.., awn Delly Pllol 567-0390 mtlrtlet.. S.vtce OireclOf)' *"91 875 &675 No qu1lllytng Only Claulfled, 142•5878 T,.. fltlMI dtlw tn UM Phone 142·M71 Aec>feMtllA1lll9 2 bf, 1 oa, 911ap Avlltl 12211.n st JOfln z.-, w .. t .•. a Dally Piiot ~~~~!!!~~~fi;I Ml-1111, nt. Ht Nov 1 S650. 427'~ '"• 8k1. 780·"61 ClallHled A4 142-M71. = 730-99991871-8111 Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, Pctober 23. 1982 -23 H•••H U•l•r•i••H H••••• U•/.,ai1•8 B•a111 U•l•1•i1A8 Hou111 UalaraidH Ho8111 Uaf.,ai1h' Boa1t1 Ua/.,ai1AH Coa,o•i•i••• Ho111t1 Farai1•td •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••·· V I ··11et1 JfZS •••••••••••••••••••••• Coro .. '''"'' JZZZ Co1t1 ""' JZU C01t1 ll•u JZZ4 HHti•1t•• L••HI ltact 3Z41 lltWNtt ltact 3z19 .•••• '!.!!~!! •••••••.••• L .. aa, l11tt 31fl •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••~•••• •••••••••••••••••-••••• l/~rlle•t JZ4Z ••'••••••••••••••••••• ••••"••••••••••••••••• AT ALINA VIEW. CM/NB,'••'••••••••••••••••••• Duptexnrbch 2bd.2 ba, Avail now 3 br, l it ba. Private & secluded pool ••••••••••••••••••••••1Clean 2 br house 1n VII· lllffl TIWI 2 bd. 2 ba. Twnt>s Dbl 11 B1 s ep rear untt frpl. g ar. sep yrd. no Dbl. garage. lge lncd yd. wtth 4 Br house all the 2 bdrm. 2 ba Hunilngton lage. Frplc. beam cell, • gar, 8051494•3506 I Stove /relflg, u111 1nc1 pets $850 ~0-7742 S695 646-3672 ---1 otheramen111esfrplcdbl Harbour Broadmoor ysrd &gar Klds/petsok lllf I S375i mo 1s1 11as1 ... 111811 yarw MILLS Live on 8 tarm 3 Br w/ garage & more S700 con d o 962-0720 .1$800.494-2576 3 bd/2 ba, den. pool. A • 4 9 4 4 5 1 3 or -~ '& BEST R lt y COST 536·4021 ----.11. .. ~'~!~!!.r ..•. '."·'·'·'·'·'· 2 13 664-0228 Greg NB Lovely Spacious 4 gueslhouse pool 5396190 ----14Br 2Ba 2000sqtt Top spac.clean.lrggar. bd.' 3'• ba. w/lrg bo~us s9ooi~~ 966-0!30 -:__ --lrvi•• 3Z44 of 1he World $1000/mo frplc. bll 01 640-2098 l1/IH1 1111114 3106 Worrell rm & wet bar Lrg yd w/ 2 Br 1 Ba. wigar & yrd. D1a1 P•i•I 3ZZ6 •••••••11•E••1•T•;,·1•••••••• 66:-3653 LARGE 2 br, 1 ba, gar, 2·5~··;·9~··~;i~;·~·;; N~wrort •~•di 3169 surrounding patto perfect for cpl sml child •••••••••••••••••••••• -EMERALD BAY 3 B 2 d/w, 5308 Seashore decor Winter to 'June OCEA;..•F•Aa;..·;0;;2~:·5; Gardnr pct, $1500 mo Ot< No pets. S525. Call lra1• ltw It••• 2 10 4 bdrms. starting at Ba 1700 sq ft fr~lc $750 mo Yrty 962·4914 $600 1nclds u11ls Nr By week or month 760-8708 or 675·2144 I 540-4752 Dana Point Walking dis. S850 to $1000 brick patio wnh spa Hrbr Vu H.::;-3 bd. 2 b-a. South Bay 673-3458 673.7873 -lance to Beach 3 and 4 WILL TAKE PETS . . .. ~ COltl II.SI J2Z4 E side 2 Br Iba. 1 c;ar gar. bdrms S950 to s 1350 S 1 6 0 0 / m 0 no pe1s s 1p50 195<4 Studio ept, Balboa Island, Winter rentals ••••••••••••••••• ••••• 1 stove $595, no pe1s. t per mo 66 l ·3 IOO 2 1 3 / 8 7 6 · 2 2 5 S 0 r Port C1a110ge 644·2405 Bay 1 r on t $3 00 m o now available Call 3 Ir. 2 I•. chlld OK Call S.6·93~: House. Condo . Apt. Aii 675-3067 3 Br, 2 Ba Westci:'ff, $1100 673-609? JACOIS IHLTI Frptc;. range. yard. ga· T 0 m 0 r Mar 1 a · av a 11 11 b 1 e n 0 w 2 Br 2 Ba Charmer· pr mo Harry Frederich, Mode1n Spanish 3Br 2ba. PllOP M"llSrMEIT rage, no pets Private I 548-1168 Bob $ 6 5 0 -$ 9 5 0 woodsy & private, Cata-631-1266 Agt. close 10 bay May rent • 5 $750/mo 1st plus sec. EASTSllE 7141493 _0467 llna view. trplc. w/d, te-unfurn. avail 1111 June or lli·l 113 only 648 w 181h St 3 bd 1 frig, no dogs. nr Woods Ocean 111ew Condo, pn. yrly 673•0571 499·1617 rm. 1 ba plus amily Ocean View Condos 2 Br Cove 1st plus sec vate 2 Br den + office. rm Large detach gar 2 ea, washer, dryr, refr1g, $900/mo. 499· 1617 2'r Ba frplC wetbar. all BA 'I' FRONT I Br ul11s 2 BR t Ba oopte• pvl pa tio. new paint $545 mo 833-8162 4 Br 2 Ba Mesa del Mar clean home quiet street SSOO mo O w nr 759·8006 2 Br 1 Ba pa1to, enclsd garage fenced. carpets & drapes No pets $525 plus security 548-5442 Of 770·5629 3 Br 2 Ba $735/mo No pets 806 Joann S l 644-1836 Npt Hgts area. 3 Br 2't Ba condo famlly rm trplc, laundry rm gar $800/mo Joyce Wall'Ze ag1 631 -1266 Easts1de condo. 3 br. 2 ba. den frplc. 2 car ga- rage $825 54 S.-6685 Ou1e1 , Clean, 2 bd 1n court New carpets. ga· rage, yrd, comm poof, no pets S57'>/mo Mgr 2453 B Ora~e Avenue C M with alley access s7oo pool. 1enn1s From $625 rec: I a c S I 2 0 0 paid no oels. prl\r1n. mo 1 SI last dep No 673 33 13 " pets Or1ve by 212 Lillian Ag1 496·5980 ---lf513CAMllVSI>t·hlvM Lin .. Nit.at/ 3252 -yearly $650 613·6640 642-6368 $825/mo or $ tOOO turn. ••'••••••• ••••••••••• OCEANVIEW HOME li/bol Lovely 3Br & den. 2•., ba. 2 BA 2 Ba. cpts. drps. e-;;;;I CEAN VIEW 4 br. Mon-N B HIS lrg home on I . 2Br house w1garage. pa- 110 No pets $475 mo 675-0153 Spacious 3 Bdr 2 Ba Mesa Verde h o m e avail 1111 5 $8 50 /mo 640·2981 tennis, pool. ocean view, gar $750 No pet s arch Bay Terrace s150o acre plus grounds 3 l>r •• !.~'!!'!!'!f~ ••... !Z~? 493·6269. 831·6570 or 675·6606 • mo agenl 495•5990 3 ba, + 2 k1ls + 2 sitting Winter Rer11a1 2Br pool. 1 2131885·0065 __ -1er11age Patk-Cahforn18 /tlissio11 Vitjo 3261 rms Can separate UPS· house to bch $550 P1aya FoHtli• V1/ln 3234 Homes 3 BR 2 BA. dbl l;-9;·2·9;·;a,;;;,;,··,;~~c· ::::is'rti°a~e d~~s~~~ru~~~~ RE 673· 1900 ••••••••••••••'••••••• garage Pa1to lrpc O/W. covered paho. nu w 10. view $2500/mo A & H BAY fRONTAGE. beach. Why 1hro w away rent formal dining Avail 1m· relrtg Walk 10 schools Invest 752-2197 pier prkg, 21>1 $800 ttJr IEW can COi w/$1200 to $2000 pav· mo 213-423-4694_ 111leges 586-9741 $850 Baytront 5 Bdrm, be3Uf 3 03 E Edgewater when you can own 4.3 mediately No pets $850 I Gardener incl Lake Prt· S6501$600 AOlts ult pd C.M. TOWllOME menls. $1751(. $215K Nalnul Square 2 Br -· v1ew&loc: lnclgardMer 1187 1-2866 Decorator perfect. spa. move in . take ove1 twnhse Plan 0 Musi see 'Ntwr._rt Bt1d 3269 No dock 675-7673 OCEANFRONl • DELUXE CIOUS 2 Bdrm. 2'tba, rua::1 4tti~'f;~~1on. call 10 appreciate $625/mo L~~=·~:;·0,·2·0~·~;~;:.~; Condo 3Br 2' 1ba. Wes I Furn. quiet. lrg. winter. 2 pool 1ac recrea11on 833-7519 eves/wknds. hlg. 2 car gar numerous Npt S1000/mo 40' dock rentals 675-4688 area. pvt patio. balcony 5pac1ous execuhve 4 Br J 752-1800 dys fruit trees, 1 blk from 101 pwr bOat ava11, S 1000 & lge garage Deco well Ba home 2 story. new ? Br 1., Ba Woodbrtdge Clltl Or Gardener No wio doc; I. & S 1100 w/ I llct 2 Ir .. st/ •pt. paper draperies & more paint & carpeting. nr Mlle Townnouse 30 Brtar pets S 1000fmO Avail doc:I<, 760-3910 Furn $650/rno 673-4743 y~·~t~o 5~a,:,t 675-2311 ~~5:'~~k 7~9~~0°1~P•no w ooo $700 A gen1 1 Oc;1 1s1 ~;48-6089 PVT. Plltl Corou 'ti 11., 3l2Z 54 1-5032 3 br. 211 ba plush condo, 3 Bdrm. 2'> ba 2 story. •••••••••••••••••••••• •1325 UCMELOR• Ha11ti•1to• 1 Br Condo. 2nd floor38 nr watttt poss boat slip like ne.,.. Kids ok no Ocean view beau11fully 1315 t IElllOO It ct 3240 Streamwood S500/mo $, 150/mo I pets John Agt 63 I• 7900 turn townhouse. frplc • M• •••••~•••••••••••••••• Agt1nl 5• 1·5032 675-1938 851-8394 0001 & patio S 1095/mo 1 Person only. no pets., :LOSE TO BEACH Bi and , • bl~ to bch lmmac 3 673-0896' gas. elec1 & water paid new 2 Br beach house. Noodbrldge Arbor Lal\e DELUXE 3 BR 2 7 ba. 2 bd 2 ba gar yd. pool. Bachelor apl lor 1 adll Stove. refroge. very Prl· alt ultls patd. skyltght. p11va1e securotv gated sty lge front yard & 4832 1'!1ve1 (Balboa Bit Walk 10 Beach and vate & quiet sun deck lots 01 wood community 2 mstr su•·i upstarr s pa110 Near PCH) ise $950 675 2399 2335 Elden 960-3989 fr pie. blt:ms. 2 car ga'. tes. 1mmaculale Many beach 1s1 & las1 sec:ti· or 548-6622 store~ ~37~~~ 1 •ncl u111 I E W C A p ( C 0 I Open Sunday 12-4 rage grea1 loc al 217 ettras. no pets S850 mo rt I Y $ t 100 pr:tr mo FABULOUS VIEW CON· TWllM. } bd 2 ba French Ooo<S. Hartlord. drive by & 11\en 644·8067 or 640-7287 631•5661_ __ 0 0 on 1 he BA V Cost• /tlt11 3124 lots/wooo & walpr. No call 536-7979 afler 6 & wknds l Br. 2 story fownhouse 2 S 1500/mo Hollis Wood ••• ••••••••••••••••••• Decorator perfecl. spa-v R 1 67 =urn 1 bdrm apts $385 c1ous 2 Bdrm 2'>ba. CM $795 inc;I gardnr 'ipotless 2 Br attached baths pwde1 rm ery ea lor 5-8676 . and up Enc garages pool, 1ac, recrea11on 957·5860 dbl gar. W!O hookup. l(W lllYll( Pvt · c; 0 mm P 0 0 1 Ill. ISL UYFllO•T 2110 Newport Blvd CM b $500 & $500 dep Ou·4 1, s9ooi mo. 673•8856 548·4968 area. pv1 patto. atcony. 'lice 1 bd tiouse, yrd, gar ~ LUXlllY Sandy beach. e•oel view large garage Decorator stove & relrog, $425/mo nr Fwy ~ stloppong Sml COll .. llllMS Westcllfl area avail . 3 BA of bay 3Br 2 baths wall paper, draperiM and 190 V1rgon1a Pl 493-0676 pe1 POSS w/dep Mc· 12 Ba. dbl gar. lplc S925. v ear 1 y 0 r w 1n 1 er I CASA If 1110 more S1150 incl pd ulll Fadden nr Beach Bl l BR IBA & 2BR 1'~ BA grdnr incl Elaine, $!500/mo iµ4.9513 All UTILITIES PAID Call 673· '3 11 from IAESA VEROE·~Br. 2Ba. 893-4894 $700 to $850 548·1232. 645-5963 9•5pm lrplc lam rm $800 mo Dishwashers. - --· Npt Hg1s 3 Br bOnus rm I C 752-0759. 559.4994 2Br Condo. 1'~Ba cp1s1 Double Ovens Newport Crest 3 br. 2'1>ba, 2., Ba 5750/mo A , om pare belor e you THE "GOOD LIFE" YEAR·AOUNO FUN: Social Ac llvllles 0 1rec 101 •Free Sun day Brunc:n•BBO' S• Parfles•Plus much more OAE AT R EC REA TI O N : Tennts •F r ee Lessons (pro & pro shop)•2 Health C!ubs•Saun11• Hydromassage• Sw1mm1ng•Golf 0<1vlng Range 8EA UT IFUL APARTME NT S! Singles. 1 & 2 Bedrooms•Furn1shad & Unfurn1shed•No Pets•Models Open dally 9 to 6 01kwootl .., ... ............ ~ ...... , .. 880 Irvine (at 16th) (714) 645· 1104 •• .,.,. ..... /lo. 1700 16th St. (Dover in 16th) (714) 642-5113 } br 2 ba 2 children OK drps. pool. iac. clbhse. Fireplaces, pool. tennrs No pets 1 673 .9194 g rent Custom design Water & oardener incl l br 2 ba immac High· no pel s $5 15 mo Cpls & Drapes $950 mo 642-3490 leal ure!. Pool bbq. $795 6_.4•2778 lands area No pe1s No 768· 7633 -Baytront. pier 4 slip, 4 Bi I c.ov rd garage. surroun· __ -------_ -----------smgles Rets $795 mo 1 Yr Lse w/Opl to Buy New beac;hlront home 3 a !>onus rm S3$00tmo decl wllh plush landsca-Eastside. pool. 3Br. 2Ba. Call AnswerAd =679, Lg 2Br Twnhse, 2 story, Good publtc trans. walk Br'4 Ba. furn S2250/mo. 1 Agl 645•3200 1 ping No pe1s •l\lt. Lg :l br newly furn !rplc. covered patio. r&-642·4300 24 hours 1 •1,m1 from bch. patio. to UCI and shops unfurn $2000 Call Mrs t BR Furn S5 t5 Nr bch '213l 285•3507 modetedkllchen $8751 -very clean $550mo 114/151-Hll Long673·1190 llSCHHI 365 WW11son642·1971 3 60•546 !> 617 ·3585 mo 54~ S~~~i~u~~.'7g~n1~~ ':~~ 960·09n 5950/mo 2 Br lux condy, Gracious home ove<loo-~r ee bacheloreite e-<· days Sama Ana Hts 3Br. frplc; study Molt1-leveled 2 Br <lpla. ocean view. ---overlks huge park Avail ktng golf course, lake. change fo• babys11ttng :::iean rulutn 1 BR 1 gar b 1 g yard . no pets town11ome Frpf. 11aul1ed $650 119 Huntington SI rownhome. 3 bd. 3 ba.. Nov 1st, no pe1s non· city l•ghls & mountains and wor~ 545-0034 As· SP ' ~lk to bc;h Now. $750/mo 546-0814 8kr ce1hngs. pool spa $850 536-3894, 661-7622 Avail Nolf 1 $900/mo s m k r ca 11 Jean beyond Spacious Deane I lam Junti 30 t person No ---mo 673·9498 pool/rec 2 car gar 760-0168, 2131558-3040 Monaco Plan 3 bdrm pe1s $425 120 36th St 5 Bd. 3 Ba. 2 story. Fmly 3 Bdrm. 2ba, lrplc, 2 car 850•4026 formal din rm & "185· ~lean 1 Br furn cottage. 675-972., or s tud en 1 s O K :::u1e htlle house for cou· gar . walk to beach Beaut fge 4Br hm m Big s1ve "grand room ' no pets. very prtvate s 11001mo. N o Pets pie 2 Br 1 Ba $500/mo 22002 Newport Cr $695, Turllerock Condo 2 Br 2 Canyon w/cuatom pool. Move 1n ready on quiet S435 1nclds all uttls IHCM MOISE -<lf'dnr 641·5865 548~213 Jonn 6<1&-6133 Be ~ car garage. swnn· s P a L 1 k e -n--e "' ctil·<'•sac nt $?.200 Pef 548-0522 NrS. Cs1 Plza 3 Br. 2ba PITS I llH II 01 TllE SAID -~~~?.t°V~.~~· •;;;Os 71416'44•9904_!:~·~ mo Agl 640•5560 ~375 mo DI~ m obile Cornple.tely furn spa- cious I'> Br. patio. incl Ultl Avtlll 111 I $650 mo No oefs 5•0-8632 condo s700. gas/W1r pd 2 Br aungafow Eas1s1de Vu of ocn 2Br 11.'lba. Furn $1100 553-0662 ~Br 3Ba w/vlew of bay, Sia Clt•••lt 3116 home No POIS Quiet, sec: dep & last mo Karen c M 1 0 0 d 1 1 walk lo Lido shopping, •••••••••••••••••••••• secure 1991 Newport 955-2033. 759· 107 1 S600/mo n c Y a r ~o:rm ga e$ ~ 0 s;'':;~ 2 b d r m en~ u n rt on $1800 mo Lse cooslde-2 bdrm C()ndo. 2 be. lrpe, Blvd 646-8373 :>ceanfron1 2 bdrm, .1 bo :::iean, pleasaiii'2Br 1 Ba Loxurtous Townhousa. 2 2 13 13 3 3 . 3 8 4 6 0 r green bell ,., mile to red Agt 673·3002 der1. wfbar. gar Beau , W es• Newpo rt Furn Br fr"IC, pool $650 902·1298 u c I $825 mo Agl. J .... ,.E CREEi Surf Vw Stec:>S 10 Beacl'I a •• ,,.,,.. $750 mo 1st and tast enclsd garage. prlvafe " 662-1700 846-2850. •-S750tmo 492-1619 1Hd1 3140 5•8·8809 yard No peis $485/mo Why throw ren1 aw ay --,--Plan 4, 3 bdrm. 2'~ be •-•ti~-, , .... 0 ••••••••••••••••••••••!• br. 2 b•-w/_s_u_n_d_ec_k_• 548-6680 2 Br. 1ba duplei1. Garage when you can own 3-3 Brllno1n"7 condo. 2 br. 2 2600 sq 11 Lso/Optlon. :!' •••• ~•••••••••~• Yll IUEIYE ITI I bale 40' to beach0 2br.2'.+ba.Condo.31e· & stove Avail 1111. no w/$1 200$10 S2000S pay· ~~·ror:sc·,,Poo~f.ua~~ $1500 mo plus $1.000 UECMTIYlM• Beoullful &parkflkoWlth $980/moyrly 645-0340 vel. 3 patios Nwprt Hgta. pets $525 & dep. Cati for ments 175K • 215K mo towards price of •• 'S850r mo + utils appt 195 2 Meyer. move '1n . take over : s9ooimo Kyle 553-l322 S339,000, xtnt fin. NEAR SOUTH COASl tariceced pool i350Bach. xlnt. bch toe. 631-0715. 549-3484 share ap1m1tfat1on, oall 2 br house. fenced yard, 0wn8f'/Agt. 851--0130 PLAZA. 4 bdrm, den, 2 •Spaetous Apia view . patio, Ulll pd Sue at 89 1·5556 dble gar. ale. ow. stove. ba family room. powder •Private Pat1o9 adults. rels. 675-6583 3 br. 1 be. ref\ir blstt&d In· Side $600 mo. Drive by 2652 Santa Ana Ave, 1hen call 851·6226 Beaut St Albans t8r lakefront condo. M any eatras S6251mo. Mark or Ray 951-0222 IV m1g East1lde Condo 2 Br 1'/J Eastslde Sunny 2 Bdrm Ba . frplc. garagti. Sep [)pix, Yd. Oar No $650/mo . .548-3561 Dogs. $500. 6-46-5607 Rent or lease newly r• modeled home with sto. rage & large lenoad IOI, Commercial zoning adj. t o Newport Blvd . French Oo1rt• 3 BR. 2'.lt ba, fplc:. w/d & relr, dbl oar. family condo. no P•t s $7 5 0 Agt , 646·4380. 645·-476S • _8_s_1_.9_8_8_9_._s_4_2-_1_3_3_• __ House with garage S470 Neat 2Br. 181 rear OptK. f~ed 2 Br with dining glrege. yd. no home bu• room country kllchen & slnasses. refs req. S626 few ne1ghb<>r1 11109 pets m o + S 3 7 5 d e p no foue needed easlly 979.S227 your& eEST Riiy lee ~ov 1. 2 er. 1 ea. ~o & UCI llY IEWPllT room Pool, jac. air •Cove<ad Parking Very clean 4 Bdrm. 2 be, ~~c'ih~~1~0 hugelpark. 2 Bdrm. den. 2 ba. gar· s 1200 "10 Inc; pool 11t01r'llng Area l Br. 4612 Seashore Dr we•k to beact>. qutet. no 559•6289 mo ene dener. $1000/mo. IM · malnt 64 1·8284 •Walk In Closets $675 mo. pets $850. 675-7673 MEDIATE OCCUPANCY •Home Ilk.a Kllehens (7 14)529•878 .. WOODBRIDGE, 1 1100"' Call Rae Rogers 3 Br 1'-' ba duple• nr I bllo. t o Hun11ng1on 0-C -3 Br+ Jacuzzi Includes mo, spacious 4 Sr 2':ft j &3li£t2 Harbor & Warner Genier. fransporlatlon & EANFRONTlarge3Br !amity rm 2 full baths di· Ba lam rm lrpk; dining _ $650/mo. 2 yrs old. W/ frwys 2 Ba. wshr/dryr. no pell n fng room carpeted rrn' Patio•.' n~ly land· S. 1 3 l•r• Oryr Incl Kida & pals mLmES FllH ,~Winter $850 673·6640. thru·Out bric~ lrplC pri· soaped Lake POof ten. TOWN OUSE Xlnt ar ... poll. Ed Walts 964-6171 I Bdrm F e.015 Magntlloent view, 2 br. 2 vale garag4l unll allows · • • c rom •" b fr kldl p at 15001 BEST nls pr1111teget 8 .. Q.1327. ommunlly Pool Ci.an. Cql••laJ•ar 2 Bdrm se15 a, pie. 1ennls els, Jae.. 0""" 1 days COST 569-6188, otc; 720-7373 IOi) condlllon seoo mo. n I -l &..J 34•• LA QUINTA HERMOSA sauna. poof, Wiik 10 ,...... Bob Agt 544· 14 .. 0 .,.,.,. .. ,.,.. '~ 18211 Park.std 1. 1 bill beach S 1100/mo. Wiii •539·6190• l.1•HI IHcl 3141 -· ---•••••••••••••••••••••• w Be • n. s ahorf ferm (60 2 1 _ ••'••••• .. •••••••••••• 4 & 2. $795/mO NEWPORT BEACH·28r, . ·of ac:tl, 3 blka · 998•2811 c;•ll ~ollect ~r WOW! -..75 2 Bl nothing HARBOR OCU.N FRONl 2 & 2. $7 .. 5/mo 2Ba. l reatl paint, 1v111 of Edinger .. 841·.5441 673·3720 ., " ~ fancy lull a flat good Nu 3200' 1u11 hm oo bluff. H•v• othua Fred Te-lmmed 1760 mo. Agt. LI•••• IHti 31U'---~~=l~~~~=Yi~c~':~ 180 d90. vu of hlfbo1. nora. 63 t · t266 . Jae111e H a ndlemsn ••'•••••••••••••••••••Buying and .. fllng at 539•6 190 BEST amall aurl. m1,,1. 3br, 3ba, 631·2711 6~ Lu11ury studio, free.HBO, reaaonab .. price-that': cost. ;~~~:Xo ~;g_;~PI Find wtlat you wa'1t en Cla.ttlllfd Adi . your one-f~30oni,km:~3•0er~. ape, what Cllllllled la all ' Bl for t11mlly flat s .. 001 · · Dilly PllOt Cleaaffhtda. stop ltl~ng COl'lttf', • w ,.,.. lo al>Out. 142-~78 Near beach BEST 639-e 190 COST ~ tencio<I rear yord. No Fr" utlllliee S350 rerre• =~i4~·:.:-3g;7oet\Of ?.:1~t,:;.~~ikf~ w~ ACTION? For 1ddi~o11I r11t1l1,,. pl•••• ••• S1otio1 c. Went Adt Clll~~e B~E~S~l~R~lt~y~1 .. ~~--.J.:=O=la=aal::;;fod~A~d~1~&4;;;;2~·6;8~7;8:JJ!!!!! .... ll!!B!~~!!!!!!!l!!ll!!!!!!!llli ........ 1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!ll!!!!ml!!m!!!!l!!ll ........ ll!!!!!!!!!!!l!!ll!!!!!! ...... ,, I -.-... -l •a. • . ....:, ....................... ~~~~~ ~ ... --...___,-·----;:::.....a. ------·-------.L:.:.. ..;..~.....;;.;;.;..= - ·-·1 - Mortgage Rates Drop to 12%% NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY! IRYIH fHCmYl llllfl -Beautiful upgraded model. customized home tn beautiful lrvtne Custom tile entry. two stories of superb decorating. decorator wallpaper and window coverings. earthtone carpets. huge spacious rooms throughout. hide-a-way master suite. Lovely shimmering pool and spa. Lush park-like landscaping. etc. Call 546-2313 OWHR IOHllT HOTHRI Beautiful home on double lot near the sandy beaches! Perfect starter or investment. Priced below appraisal! $1 10 .4301 Call 963-6767. LUSE OPTIOI! SU,100! Fabulous Villa St. Croix! 1 yr. new! Sparkling pool! Ocean breezes! $7.500 down. assume financing! Call 963-6767. 12 '-! IHSSY, IUSYI 3-bedroom home! Nice neighborhood' Assume $93.700 VA loan. no - qualifying! Call 963-6767. lUll .. H ! 3br. 2ba near parks and schools. located minutes to beaches and shopping! Priced thousands below market. Hurry. won't last• Unbelievably priced at $129.500. Cati today 646-7171. PllFHT ST&aTH ... $94.900! 3 large bedrooms! Excellent cond ition I Assume 7 'It% loan $36,000; $350 mo and owner wlll help finance! 963-6767. NEWPORT BEACH Me-7171 COSTA MESA 5*-2313 HUNTINGTON 81ACH "'6e717 WAITlll COILD CIST S! Super opportunity in a 4br. 2ba home w i t h securi t y system. professional landscaping, cable TV. new paint. plus great terms. Rates ar• down -call now! Only $12 1,900. 646-7171 . YA THIS! Now that VA terms are under 13% the time to buy 1s here for this 3br, 2ba home with family room. Pnde of ownership property! Only $119.500. Call today 646-7 171 . Ults AH HWI! Perfect timing for this lovely 3br. 2ba. 6-yr-old home near South Coast Plaza! Great assumable loan and seller will carry. Only $135.000 -act now! 646-7171. llH Tl IUCll! Newport Beach 2br. 2ba condo! Excellent assumable loan plus seller terms. Minutes to beaches and shopping. Reduced to $138,500. Call now! 646-7171 . YETS 12~,-.1 Beautiful 3br. 2ba Brookview condo 1n super location. Minutes to major shopping and parks, this highly upgraded unit is rare. Enjoy pool. spa and tennis. Only $138.900. Call now! 646-7171. Tlll AH STATELY, S 121,000 -Giant two story Aepubhc home with lots of curb appeal. pretty as the picture. Great neighborhood. near South Coast Plaza. Large home at a very small price Many. many extras. call now 546-2313 LOYUY TOWl ... I -A very nice upgraded end unit townhome in excellent location of Huntington Beach. Could be a 4-bedroom (Jack and Jiii) squeaky clean throughout, very private. spa. Terrific financing. $102.000. 546-2313 OOEH VIEW S 121,5001 Beautiful Costa Mesa Garden home! Assume $98.000 loan! Won't last ... call 963-6767. llWPHT WlTHFRHTI SlH,5001 3-bedroom home! Personalized Indoor seascape! FPI Private Sandy Beach! Owner will carry fi nancing! Call 963-6767. SPOTLHS I SPACIHI SUIPlllTl -Absolutely the best buy In the area. Huge 2 story beauty located near South Coast Plaza. almost new carpets, huge master suite with 3 more big bedrooms. gigantic bonus room. 3 car garage all located on a big corner lot. Owner highly motivated, call now. 546-2313 TOP 8AL!8 TOP DOLLAR VOLUM! Chrl1 lennottl John lldwell Anne Hunt•r Ann• Hunt•r Lind• Reynofd1 Linde R•ynofd1 JlSllH CHU, YlCllT -Lovely 2-story. 3-bedroom home in beautiful Newport Beach's exclusive Jasmine Creek. Guarded gate community. swimming pool. clubhouse. and more. The home is vacant and very large and well located in the complex. Sellers highly motivated. $339.950. 546-2313. WITH CUSS -Irvine Terrace 3 Bdrm 3 bath pool ho me on fee land. with super views o f channel, bay. ocean and city lights. Seller flexible. great assumable financing! Priced to sell at $995.000, call now! 646-7171 5 IHHOI HOHIH IHSIH -Impressive Buccola built home on quiet cul de sac Extremely well ma1ntamed and fantast ic location. Big. big rooms throughout. formal living room, family room with fireplace. formal dining Space age kitchen with microwave and breaklast room 5 big Bdrms or 4 Bdrms plus study . beautiful back yard. many extras. won't last. call now 546-2313 IHA YHH UIHll -Vacant 3 Bdrm 2 bath near parks and schools. Priced thousands below others 1n the area! Won't last at only $129.500 act now' 646-7171 a ...... + PllYAR Nil + SPA! Decorated to perfection! Bike to beach! Assume 9~'Wo loan $64.000: $564/mo. or try $13,600 downl Call 963-6767. TOP LISTER AH Z.rrlnnegar Phylll1 8ech1 Irene Ku11ner I ,-. ' ~~~~~~~~..._~~~~-.,,,-~...-...,,...--.-,~--..-........ -~.._--..------~--~.....,--~--........ ~·~._...----~--~------~ ...__