HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-10-28 - Orange Coast PilotllAICI l:IAIT fDUR HDMITDWI IAllY PIPll THURSDAY. OCTOllER 28. 1982 ORANGE COUNTY , CALIFORNIA 25 CENTS Badham, Irvine solon clash on nuclear freeze By JEFF ADLER Of ttle D .. t, ~llot llaff Both Ht•p Hubt.>rt &tlhum, H Nl·wport Bt-ad1. and Irvin,· Mayor Larry Agran agrt•t·d Wl'dnc•sday mght that sonwth111i,: nc't.'Cls to Ix• donl' to dK'rt'llSt.' till' thrc>at of a nudear hollX:aust. but the two d1sagn'ed un the nwth1xl Debating tht• merits of tht• proposed nudcar w1.•apon.s Crct·1.c that will uppt•lff on California ballots Nov 2 as Proposition 12. Agru11 st.rn11~l y supp11rt••J 1111· nwasun· whil1· H.11lh,1111 11rKl11°d 8~Ulll.sl It:. J)U.'i."<lgt• Thc•tr d1 ·ba11•, 1111 lh1• 01 u11.:1• c I) as t c I) Ill Ill ll n I t y ('II 11 t' !l l' t·ampus. w.is spon~un·d hy tlw Alliann· for Sui v1v.ll, a11 .tflll nudt'.tr group at·tivt• 111 01.1ng1• County Agran <'tHlorst•d both llw l'Onco..'pt uf Creeling tht· curn·11l Wl'Ul~ons levels of tla· S11v11•t Un1un and the Un111..•d Su111•s a11d Judge's ruling aids FV family bankruptcy • 1n By DAVID KUTZMANN 01 the DallJ Pllol Staff A federal Judge's ruling involving a bankrupt Fountain Vall ey famtly ma y allow Caltforn1a couples in futurt• insolvenc·y prcX'eedmgs to protl'<-'l more of their assets. The prote<.•tion, however, may only be temporary. U.S . Bankruptcy Judge Aaron Phelps ruled in Santa Ana that a California law barring th<' use of both federal and state asset ex e m pt ions by a cou pie es unconstitutional. The result ts that married couples may now protect up to $7.500 worth of assets over what they h ad been previously allowed. But Phelps warned Wedn esday that other Judges may ignore his ruhng unless the law also 1s overturned m st.ate court or voluntarily changed by thP statt• l1;·gi.slaturt· lrvint• attoriwy Jt•Jn 1 lubJt l , who reprl'st.'lltC'd lht• f.11nll y wh1l·h won thl· ruling . :..i1d Pht'lps' dt'<.·1s1nn was thl• first of 11:. kind and l'ould bt·l·omt• u p1 1..•t't•d1•nl for simila r t'aM·:s. h1•wt•vt•r "lt was a vc:ry important d<•<:is1on." she said "It was a v1·ry bold move for him (Pht•lps) to makl' -It's ha rd for a ft'<foral JUdgc-to tell a state It hus pa~ an unronstllullonal law " Both Hobart and Phcl~ sard the ruling was made largely on a tc'<.'hn1cahtv. however. cmd th<Jt <'Wn 1£ 1t 1s used as a pn.><·edent ... new law with mul'h lhC' saml' e ffect as the old one could bl' e nacted. A 1979 federal bankrupu:y law established hmrt.s on a5S<'l!> that can be protected in a bank.ruptl·y proceeding. but gave st.ates the (See J UDGE'S, Page A2) Show to co01e off at the Laf f Stop The show will go on -thl• Laff Stop's Monday night male dance show. that 1s. Orange County government ofCtcials have decided that the rontroversy over the Sant.a Ana Heights club's weekly revue really shouldn't have happened at all. club's billboard advC'rt1smg a "male slnp show." decided lhl.'y agreed without viewing the show themst'lves • Prupoi.lll1111 12 a s •• "11111d1·sl . rt>u so11.ibl1• p111po,.11 u sumdstill with n•i.:111 d 111 11ud1·<Jf' Wt'illXllll y " B.ulh.1111 , a 1111•111lw1 1.I tl1t• 11 II u I> I' A f II\ l ' d s I' I v I l t•' ('111111111111 ·1" 111nt1·ndt·d th .it 11ud1•,11 a1 rns n'<hu·111111:-. 1·.111 1111Jv h l ' I I ' ol l Ii t • d t It r 11 ll g h l h ~· c'IH\1111Ut•d 'tr1•r1i.;th 11f LJ S nut'11•ar forn·s. w h 11:h w 111 ··1·111111.wl" lht• Sovll'I U111u11 lo 11l'gollt1t1• urms rt•dul·tu111s. ~ ---.... .... ,; Late Octobe r ritual l1 rop11s1111111 l :l, ti pass1•d , would r1·11u111· tl111t th1· g11v1•111111 wntt-th•· p1 .. -.111t•11t arid 11tlw1 t11p US ull1nal' u1·~111H tlw U111t1·tl Stat1·~ .1ml Sovwt Unum Lu a~rt-t• to h.11 t I h1 · ll"•, t111K. prod Ul'\11111 und d1 ·plovmt·11l u( 11ud('olf wt•aµc111~ 111 a manrwr tl111t l-;H1 lw vt•11fu·d l>Y l>uth \ldt·i. Sin11la1 nut h•111 (rl'l'Zl' 1111t 1at1v1·~ ur r 1· f 1.· r 1• 11 d u m s a p p t · a 1 11 n Nuvc•ml.wr ballots 1n t•1ght olht·r stall's ~-._ .... /\~1a11 i..Jld that h1,·;1usc· hoth 1••llnt111·~ an· rou~hly •'l1u1v:tl1·111 111 lh1 ·11 nudt•;u might. "now 1' tlw 111111· t•1 d1a11gc • 111ur"· .111tl th.1t \ what l 'rr1p•,.,lll•111 12 " ,111 .1l>o1lll .. 111 :1t11·mp1111g lo 1·>eplt1111 ttu• .1w1·~1111 .. tl1·,lrul'11v1· pow1·r of J lll 111t•J.(.1t 1111 nudt•ur d1 ·v1t·1· Agn111 p111111t'<I out that It wuulti 1·'<1twl 1 .~1t)IJ bomb~ o r lht• bl2(' droppt•d on lltroshinw :n Y1'lll'1> hl-(IJ ---.. Dally Pilot Photo l>J Patrlcll O'Donnell If 1:1ud1 <i b()mlJ wn1· dropped 1111 lrvint', hc> s;.mJ , 11 would leavt! ,j lTatl'r liUO fc-.•t dl<t.'P ond 11/11 111llt•!> Wilk "In th1• finul analysis, 1 l IS ('lllf-S ;md lht· j)('t>pll• of thl' natum whu will tx•ar tht' brunt ur r1udt'"' war " Agrun al!.o :..~sured lho~c .1llt'nd10g th<it OninKl' County, with its many h11<h ll•t:hnulogy <Jrid ;wrospan· l'OmJJanic·s. is a probable Sov1.-t target (See NUCLEAR. Page A2) Jury's • action waited LOS ANGELES lAP> -A federal grand jury is considering the drug con s piracy case of automaker John De Lorean and wtll probably hand down an 10d1l'tment Fnday, his attorney says. Attorney Joseph Ba ll said Wednesday he was still trying t.o raise the $5 million bail needed to rescue th e s il v e r -haired 57-year-old automottvc maverick from lhe Terminal Island federal prison cell where he has spent the past mne nights smce his arrest Oct. 19. lnit1ally. De L orean was a rraigned on c harges o ( t'Onspiring to possess 22 pounds of cocaine-for dis t ribution 1n what the government says was an effort to raise $60 millton to save his faltering De Lorean Motor Co., but his attorneys have said an in n ocent plea was postponed pe nding the gr and jury indictment. Ball said a grand JUry met Tuesday. Another sour('e close to the case t.old The Associated Press there w ould be a major development Friday Chief Assistant U.S . Attorney Alex Williams ha s s aid any indictments in the case would be handed up by Frida y . An indictment would supersede the charges inrt1ally lodged against De Lorean A lo ca l r es ident had complained that the show was a Vlolation of the county ordinance banning "adult entertainment .. within 500 feet of res1dent1al areas. OHic1als, believing the That led to derual of a special permit for the club to operate. c:omplamts from owner Michael Callie that his major attraction was betng jeopardized and several months of wrangling. Then 0Cftc1als dec1dcd to st.'t' the show themselves. "I'm satisfied that the so-c·allC'd .entertainment out there d<X'' n1ll ISee STRIP. Page AZ) Whilt• otht•r folk~ tend to e,uch seasonal chore~ a~ t'an:ing jack-o'-lantern!' a nd finding co tume .for lla llowf>('n To make ball. the former General Motors exc'(·ut1vc must post $250.000 m cash and put up unencumbered property to attain the baJanc.-c of $4 75 rrullion. Ball said negot1at1ons with the U.S . attorney's office, which have delayed the automaker's release on bail. l-cntcr o n thl! value of De L o r ean's Park Av enue townhouse in New York and a 48-acre Pauma Valley estate near Escondido. m San Diego County. part ies thi~ wt.•t•kt-nd, Huntington Beach cit y maintenance c n·w~ ~•art to pai nt lifeguard tower for the summt>r of '83. Suspect's rights violated? Cainpaign spending . Cody Leo ~hreiber •• he•ring By STEVE MITCHELL ofth9 0 .. 1, Piiot Slaff Thf' public d e ff'n dt•r for Cody Leo Schre1bc·r. accused of behcadin~ his M1ss1on Viejo roommate earlier this month, ha~ raised the question his client may have bet.·n dl•n1C'd baste rrghts when he was arrestcod Ramon Ortiz spoke on &:hrC'1bc>r s behalf before South Orange County Mun11.·1pal Court Judge Blair Barnette Wednesday. entering a pica of innocent to a murder chargC' of hom1c1de &:hre1bcr 1s accused of thC' killing CX·t 16 or Dennis Shubert. 24. of Mission Vtl•jo. whose headll'$ body was found in a shallow graVt.' in the backyard of the Vll'tim's Vta Guard1x home. The victim's head was found bunl'd about a quarter mile from the horn<' whtt'h he s hared with Schreiber Sehre1ber was arrested that night as he stepped off a bus in Sacramento, but the news of his arrest was k ept from t hl' press and apparently the publtt' dcfendrr's offwl'. for thrC'e days. Those c1rcumstanl'l'S p rompt('d Ortiz to s uggest St'hrC'ibcr's rights may have been violated. Judge Barnette set a pretrial hearing for Nov. 5 and a preliminar y hearing Nov 16 ~o determine IC Schreiber should sta nd trial in Orange County Superior Court He a lso ruled that Schreiber wtll n•mam in Orange County Jail without ba~I. Outside the courtr oom {ollow1ng the a rraignmen t, attorney Ortiz said law enforcement o fficers "purposely gave nt>ws to thP press that Schreiber was still outstanding and not a suspect In the cASe." "The delay In ke<>ping (hh1 urrl'st) frotn the public and our offl~. lS a dolAy that is t'Qntrary to thC' law. and denial of his right to s~cdy tu·ralgnmcnt. "I undC'nitand he was dent '<i .Qny phonr CJ1ll• unUI T uetd.ay morning (following the $t)turday arrt.'lt)," Ortiz uld "It that la the cue. hl8 rlftht• huve OC'(>n 1ubltantlal1y abridged," Ortiz AAld • TV actress hit by auto, said critical LOS ANGELES (AP) Actress Eileen Brennan, who plays the cranky, curly haired captain 1n television's Private Benjamin, wa.~ hosp1U.lil.Cd and In critical condition today after she was struck by a car. pollc-e said. The 48-year·old movie a nd television actress was wulking a cross n Venice stret.•t w1tn nctress Goldie Hawn about It p .m . W e dnesday. said L oa Angell'S trafrf<' Sgt. Ha rry Ryon Both of Bre nnan's legs were broken and s he suffered sku ll and facial fra<'tures and possiblt' lnt<>rnal Injuries. the poli<'t> spokesman said Hawn was not lnjurt-d Brennan had jUJt IC'{t 11 VC'nlre (See ACTRE , Pa8e At) .,. . enters final push The bttle for campaign dollars t.•ontmued unabated along the Orange Coast in September and Ot'tober as state leg1slat1ve candidates concentrated on raising enough money to fund the final weeks of their l'ampa1gns. With electio n day now less than a week away, cam paign spending also continued at a brisk pace. acrording to the latest hatch o f campaign r1nant'ial s tatt>ments filed with Orange County cle<:tton officials The reports. which c.'Ovcr the &pt 18 to Oct. 16 period, arc the last to be filed before the clecllon. although s tate law requires that each contribution of $1 ,000 or more be r e ported mdlv1dually after Oct. 17 Only one candidate runnmg m a local legislauve race failed to file a financial statement with the Orange County Registrar of Voters Office by the deadline as required by law , the department's files revealed. But whether Democrat Linda Westfall. running in the 70th Assembly District, did not file lx.oeause she did not exceed the $500 reporting threshold during the period or for some other reason could not be determined. Westfall was o ut o f town and unavailable for comment. The ~tale legislative race with the highest price tag along the Orange Coast contmues to be the 32nd state Sen ate contest between Republican Edward Royce and De m ocrat Frank Barbaro. Royce. an at'countant Crom (See CAMPAIGN, Page AO ----INDEX---- . herry Albc roni of Co ta Me a, o ne of the original Mouseke teers reuniting at Di neyland on Sunday, hares m e mories of the club on Page IJ I . Business C6 7 Ann Landers 82 Cavalcade B2 Movies 83 Cl3Mifled D l.D3-6 Mutual Funds C8 Comics 02 National News A3 cros...,word 02 Public Nollect1 l){oath Nottet'S 03 85.C4,C6.C8,D3 Echtorlal A6 Sports C l -4 Entcr\ulnm«"nt B4 Stock MatkC'tS C7 11 Oro8('(l p<' 82 Telcvimon 86 tntl•rmlssion B3 Weather A2 J I 41 !, 0 1 Ulll)ti C.1111 I UAll Y Pll ()I IT l11J1 ~lluy 111 ICJl11•1 •1h 11111~' ~' ~----~--------------~ ,. Continued s tories Man kill ~d • N e wport an Bud hum lllll 11 wuu Id lw "wu11d1•r(ul" tf tlh't l' w1•t l ' 1111 nuclc•nr Wl'11p1111:o< .11 .111 . hu1 matnta11wd 111111 11 1:-. t11llv lht· "l'l'(•thbtltty llf 11u1 slrntt~t 1h•lt•11,1· thnt h as k <-µt till' w 111 Id 11111 111 .1 nudt•Hr holoc:uus t " &dhu111 smd to ad11t'Vl' .11·111.tl rcdUl'l lllns 111 thl• 1111111h1•r n t nudt•ar w1·•qw 11~ 1h1• U n1tl'd Stalt·s must "lx• :-lro11~ l'llllU~h lo ensun• that •my nut11111 th.11 d1"·' attal'k w ould ht• l'o11111111t111g sukidt•" }fr Nttd that'~ wh\ Ill' has s upporll'(I s u l'h pnigra1i1)> •" • • tlw M X m1i.,1lt". Ii l tJ0111l11•1 .111d lltt• '1'11t1 .. 111 ,,1111111.11 illt Addn~s111i.: 1'1~1111 ,,.1111111 I ~. llw thtt'l' 11•1111 l'lllllo(l'l'~l\111 ;111 .111d ft1rm<·1 .. 1.111· l1·g1,l.it111 ·"'" ljlH'!'dllllli•d ti\\' jll tt pl It '! Y 111 o1 '\l;11t• att1•111pl111~ 111 dtc lci\1• 1111' d111•1·t11111 11 1 l11 11·1g11 pnl11 \ tht 11ugh tlll' 111111.1t1v1• I" 111 ·1·s.' J\gr.111 .111:-.w1·n ·d li111·k tliut th.11 " w}1al l'r11p 11:-tll•1t1 I :! '' .di .tl111Ul 111• 11•11111-.I tlw pr1111<1,,il ,, "en " t111 till' µ.11 t 111 tl11• jM•upl•· lt1 h.\\'1 •• ,;i, 111 th1· f1111•1g11 o111d 1111111.,11 pnlll \' til llw 11.1t11111 ACTRESS INJ URED. • • area n -staurant with I l,1wn \\ h1•n sh e startl'<.I h> lTos.-; tht· -.tn•t·l .111d was struck by .i t·ar 11 .avt•l111g north. Ryon said .... 1111 S ktd 111.11 k " 1111 I"' ...... I 1mh1·,1h·d tilt' loll \\,a, 11,1\'< lt11g .1bou1 ~11J mph Ill .1 .Ill 111pli 111111 lw "<ltd auto e ra h A I lu11t111ut1111 li4·;11 It 11111t1111 .. 1 w.1i. kllll·d JrnJ J L • .1µ,u11.1 H• .id1 111.111 .1111·,la·d f11ll11" 111g ·• lwud '"' 11>11 1 ... 11111 W1·d11 t i.d .1 v •• r1t·111rn111 1111 C'11a ~t lf11{hwav 111•;11 ( ·.1111a· .. S lt111 a•' Ill Nt w 1>1111 I St "' Ii .J.,.,. pl& '1'11rn11;" S.ol:1f1.t. ~11!. ••I !l'.!OI /\lt..t11 v <'11 1h· lf1111t111ut1111 IS. .11 Ii w." pt 11t111t1111 •«I 1f.·:id i1t 11 11.11• M1•111•>1 i.t l ll11,p11.d I(·" 111.tll .111 lao111 .dt1 I lllt· I l ~I ,, 111 I I '"" Nt \.\ jHll I li4 ... lo p11l111 ......... lt~I .l11li11 1\1 tltlll I l.11111:1lt .Ill. 111 HH 11 l'.11ii11 ( '11.1'>t I l1~(hw.1 y I .aguni.I fkt11 It .1l 1111 · ~<Ill CJI lilt• n;1:-.h , I It.ti gtrtg 111 111 (JI) 'ilhjlfl lllfl Of v ..!111 ul,u 111.111,l.1uglater Wtlh fll•gltgt•llt I l'11liu· Sgl l\11kt .J.11 k..,,111 -...11d S.ol.it 1,1 .,.. ,,, dt 1v111g \\ • 'l ''" t ilt' h1gli"-<•V 111 tl11· ,low l.arw whn1 11. t 1111 ·"I .. t • " l I 11" J II rl v 1 · h II I 1 a I ll°'"·d l ltt I I lll\oU di\ loll I illld t 11 I I 1 d "d It I' ;t d "11 \.\ II h t )H \II 11111·, I ... Th-e d rt Vl'r 0 r l h1· l'df, .a 29-yl'ar-old Vl'ntt-c.• man. Sld'{t·d with Brt.>nnan ...iht•r lhl• iK<t·rtit•n t on a m arn s tn•t•t rn th1• bt'.ll'h commun1tv wt>s t uf d11wn111w11 Los Angt•lt'S, ht• s.ud The man was not arn•stC'<.I. l>ut a s pec•d1ng complaint nwv 111· flied in thl:' rwxt twu d :avs, ilv11n ~n·nn.111. whu ;al-..1 jMll lt .l\1•d l h1· hJrd ~nus1•d l'.1p1 1lt1t t•1•11 L1•w1:-i 111 th1• nH1v1 .. vt·t ,l(lfl "' ··Pr1vatt• Hl'nJ;1111111 ,·· h.i' aµjJl•an "tl 111 :.uvh f1-;.1tun· ftlm:-.as .. Thi· St 111g." .. Tlw Lci:-t P tt·tun· Sho\\ ," "D1 vun·1· t\1111•nt·;111 S1ylt•" ,11\d "Murd1·r bv llt•a th " \. id~i Bt'll, a nt1r1>ot' a l Li1llc· Hoc·!..'..., S t. \ i11c·t·n1 l11firm ar). o vt•r tlw "inning t•ntr·) i11 l ilt' h o.,p i1ari, p umpkin -('aning Sh t· 1':.ticl it ~ave• h t•r a i--t ra n~t· eJt •!'>irt• to pho 11t· honw . look ... C'Oll l t•i-.1 . S.11.d 1.1 ""·" 111 .t11·d .1t tht· o,11 11a· f,.,. N1 v.p111t H1· .. 1 h fin· d1 p .1111111·n1 I>·•' .11111•d 11·-. i.lnd 11 .111:-.p111 tt·tl t11 tha t 11111 g.·ne_v ftH 1111 ,,1 lluag whn lot· tlwd <Jt .I :!It 1J 111 STRIP SHOW OK. • • Costly Caboos e s till loose .J.11 ko,t111 .. aid 1i 01 1111 ;d 1 W<.t!-. lllllllJLfl l•d Thi· ,1lt 1d1·11t 1' under 111va·-.t1g;Jl11111, 111 "'11d ,. fall under tht• dt•f1111tum or .adult • -~ntertainmcn t," said Murray Storm. direc tor o f lhl• l·ountv Environmental Man.igl·nwn·t A gency. after ht• Vtl'WC'd tht• show ·.,.•::·Ora n ge C o u n ty Sup t•rv1M11 ··~h omas R 1lt"r had Jln .. 1dv ~·neached a s imilar t'Ondu,m n ~ .. ·As a result. Storm o rdt•n-d hb • ataff this week to ('(>aSt• 1•ffor~ to close the dub Bcx·aus t• of th1• determrnat1o n that tht• Let rr Stop's M o nday sho-... and its -l·om1•u y shows the n •st o f thl' w 1• t· k a r 1• n o t a d u I t 1·11tl'rla1nmt·nt. tht• club l·an <:ontinut• to OJJ<>ralt· without an\ SJX>t'tal ix·rrrnts at all. he said And tht· M onday s hows. wh1eh 1-:;,,.l. lx•en a hll with tht•tr m u!>th f1•mall· :iud1l'nee. w1ll t'<mtmut• • <1ttr<il'ttng v 1ewt'r:. CVl·n though tht·~ ·rl· not vt•ry nsque . .. It '!> mort• ado ll•sn•nt than adult.'' Storm ..aid "It's (Jr from what I w oulct n m'\tder a mah· !>tnp shu -... " JUDGE'S R ULING. • • o ption to C'nac t laws al)t)wtng residents u ni v the• u ->t· of exemptio n s wnttt·n tnlo stat1• bank ruptt·y laws Thirty -fl\'t· states h av1• eoxc-rc 1st•d th<tt nptwn to date. Tht> Cal1fornu1 law l'rn·d , Phelps ruled. b y stating that m a r r 1 e d c o u p I t• s c a n n o t separ a tely daim both th1• -;t.itt· and federal C'xempuons ln the Fountain Vallt:v cas<'. a bankruptcy c ourt iru !.tc•t· ch allenged H obart's l·onlentwn that the couple c:ould prott>et both the $35.000 equity m their h onw . u smg the s tate• c xempllon fo r h o m es. and a $6.600 pn.;1J ndl inJUry settlemt·nt from d n'<:t:nt auto a cudent. u sing fN ll·ra l exemptio ns Phe lps' rultng allowt•d both e xemptions State law allow~ pro ll'<. tum of up to $45.000 L'qUllY m a home· and f e d e r al law .illow.., a maximum prnt1·1 !11111 o f $7.5110 p<'f ix·rson ror o thl'r ~ts Phl'lps smd ht.• fl>t•ls has ruling "t-ould bl•" a prc.'<·t'<lt•nt fur n o w . but addt-d ht· "would l'Xp<'(:t thl· (stall') Lc·g1slaturl' to rt•wnh· th1· s la tutt'' m order tu hm1t dl•btor,.; to only ~I.a lt.• exl•mpt1ons Tht' <·xeni pt10 11 qul's t1on 1n txlnkruptcy l::iw ha.' h1sto rn·a lly been ··an l'Xlre mt•I) po ltuc·a l issue," a tug o f war belWt!l'n debtors a nd c reditors . Phc•lps said Hobart !><ltd shl' also w o uld 1111t be surprised rf the banking tndustn. whtl h was thl• c·hu·r bark er ·of lhe stdll' law. 'l'l'k s nl'W leg1slat1on tn n·..,~wn,l· to Phelps' ruling Shi· added th.it marrtt·J couplc·s C'o nstd c•nng bJnkruptl \ ma) ftnd that n ow ti. tht• bt•-.1 t1mt• to de.'<. Jar(· msoln·m v. t>1.·furt ,m v at·t10n 1s l.clke n to r1·mov1· tlw t:Xtra $7 .5110 in assH prntt"(:lltm Jiii J<11•1• o f l rvt111· aUllllls :O.Ullll' 111·11plt· ni.1y thtnk :-lw"• t-raq l11 111v Ps l 111n1 l· thJn $1 ,0110 and u11n>unta·d hour :. !>t'i.1rth111g l ot tw r dog 1111:-.i.ing s 1n1.:C' t•arly J\U~U'it But 'h1· -..11cl s h« JUst 1i.n·1 1 Viltl\ lo !(I\ 1· up hl'r qUt·:-l to 11.ll'Utl· l'..ibo110,1•, h1·r m:.tl{' Lhasa tt•rnt•t mu, th.at eM·apt«I from hl·r frtt·nd:." \,1ru 1n Sa n Juan l'.1p10,t rant; \"''htlt· :-.ht· was o n \'dtJttOll "H 1 .. , nut v alui.t hl<" tn d :.how wnst hut lw's n •al valuabh.• tu 1111•. o,;ttd the• 2Y VC'<.lf·Uld .. 1 knu-... :.onw p «oplt• think I 'm lTazy A lo t of lht·m don't c·are about dog s . but I d o" Htt·(· said s ht· has plasll'rt.•J p1c turl 'S of ht·r dog with promise:. of :1 $50(1 n ·ward on jU!:t about 1·v t·r y utility p oll-nt·ar Los l'orr .tll'' 1<:stat1·s mland of the· S;.in Dtt•g11 Frc.•t•way nN•r th£• Orll'RU llrghway /\nd 11k1· J good p11l1tt1·1an . s hP h.i' walkl•d door-to -dnor talking to .111 C'sttm.atl'<i 1,000 pt'<1plc·. s he s aid Sht•'s h1rt·d a private mv,.c;ugator who '\pt"<.'1<Jh11•s m l Untnt•<, <11 1d 1·ven an a nimal psyl h tl·· Rut no C.1buo">f• N ow sh 1· f1gurc-s thl· d ug may h,1vt· m1gr<1kd no rth. <'lthe r bv lt'l·lf or in hum::m to w .. It's p '"" h I 1 • • · .., h l' :-J y., . t h a t ""tt11•om• from an ouil.' tn~ art•a n t.1\ h.ivt pwkt'<I h1rn up " Tlw al11~ ,.., Jl>c>Ul IJnl' foot ldll ;it th1· 'h11ul<h ·r:. .inti 1wo f<·M l1111g. "1th Ion~ t'.11')) and a lung. High clouds l'on .'4 tal F • ., t>ul IOITlfl 111911 CIOVd1ness at tunes 111rovg11 tOday Hiqlls 72 10 78 Conllnu.o ta>r tonigllt and Friday wllll overn19111 IOws •8 to 56 Hlg111 on Frldly 72 to 78 E11ewhere lrom Po in t Concepf1on lo the Me••can border and out 60 moles NOf1hwest wtnd1 t 2 to 22 knots !Oday through Friday morn•')g tncreas1ng to 111 lo 30 knoh Friday 1tternoon over outer _,.,, Seas ~ to 7 teet light v11 .. ble Winds over in,.., w118fs t>eco<n1ng west to toulh-• 8 to • ~ knots durln<,J attemoon1 todey • tnd Frld1y Wind WIVH 2 10 4 ! feet Westerly swells I 10 3 feet l H1;ih clouds but mosily lair t through today llnd FrtO•Y .• •1 i U.S. su111111ar.v f $. > (1 I f I Rein apreed lrom the West to the Midwest eerly todey. with snow 1n the Rocl(y Mountain• and c:lear skies over the EHi Rein 1hower1 were scattered from e111ern Colorado .incl n0f1hwest Te••• Into the middle MltllMlppl Valley, ind 11tso over lndlane and Iha wellern Grell Likes A f-ahowers 11so spreed over aouth centrel T.,,, e,,d Nonh O•ko1a Snow ahowers ll"'oJi'<ed 1n the Cotor1do mountllns. bUI clear 111 ... -• moving In trom the F., We:it . while rein fell on northwettern Wuh1ng100 S•ate Sklea were cloudy o•er the Great Pl1ln1, tne middle end upper Ml11ln 1pp1 Valley the upper Grell Lake• Norrhern Cettforn11 and the Pec1f1c Norl'-1 Sk ... -• fllr lrom the io-r MIMl.Mippa Valley to tne At11ntoc Co1et 1nd over the 1outhwe11 united Stetee Scattered rein wH tor-I tor liter todlY lfom It.a -tern Gulf CO lll through ,,,. MIUllllPPI V1lley to the 01kolt11 •nd lht -tern upper GrHt l•kH, wltn 1 few thunc1«1torm1 11' the mid Ml ... Mipp4 V1119V. Rain eteo wu exf)41C)ted trom tnt no<ttl«n and «*ltral Peclflc Coeel to Utah, while tunny 11ci.t -• P<edlC1ed over the Atlantle Coeet ttatM California More GIOUdl Ind gutty mount.etn wtnd1 were Hpec;ted thrC)Uftlout Sout~tn Celffornla on f'~, ~ Net~ WtllMt ~Myt HIQhl Ill LOI AngelH • .,. loreceet at 11 with io... at H et ,,. ..... end-• CoH tat valley hight ahoutd flfloe ftOlll 74 lo U with towe \ ' frO'TI •6 to !>6 oil f'riday th~ weather service predicted The Forecast For 8 p m EDT R.a1n Q SnowQ Highs 1n the moun1a1ns .. ert torecaat lrom 55 to 63 with lows trom 35 lo 45 and northweSI winds O"'ens Valley h•gl'IS welt ••peeled to range lrom 55 to 63 on F"r1day 'tlr1fti non,,ern wind~ trom 15 to 30 mph and lows trom 34 to •• Highs on nortllern d"W'll WO<e torecut from 65 to 75 W1lll lows from 38 10 48 On Fr•d•Y Southern desert hogl>! were eapec1ed to range lrom 76 10 8• with lows from •5 10 55 come Frld•Y Boaters 1n outer waters oetween Point Conceotton end Sin NICOias Island should e•i>e<:a 1ns:rcas1ng nortllwest winds tnrough Friday r84ICl11ng from 15 to 25 knots in tne etternoon Venable lltgll ctoud•ness during Ille n19ht end morning won pr8'1all over tnnet w•ters w•lh swells lrom 1 IO 3 leet T e 111pe rat 11 r es· Albany Albuquerqu11 Amo•lllo Ancho!lgt' Asnev1lle Atlanta Atrant•C Clly Auslln Balhmore B1111ng~ Birmingham Bismarck Boose NA'flON Boston Brownt'lllle Buffalo Burlington Cese>« Cnartnton SC Cher ... ton WV CllarlOlll! NC Cheyen,,. Chic~ C1nctnn111 c.....,and C01umt>l1. SC COlumbv1 Clall&1·Ft Worth D•Y1on Den-o.. Moines Oelro11 Oulutll El Pun HI Lo 60 32 64 S• 80 50 15 ·01 67 28 73 46 58 43 82 56 65 38 52 38 72 35 5• 48 51 33 55 40 89 60 62 3• 59 29 •6 33 68 50 71 30 89 37 53 38 65 33 70 36 67 32 71 32 68 3 1 79 !>2 M 3~ 61 38 82 51 68 31 54 44 81 60 .. Front~ ...... f'111banks f'argo ~189$1811 Great Fell' Harltord Helena Honolulu Houston lnd111napot.s Jackson Moss JecksonY>ll"' Juneau Kansai C•ty Kno•v•lle Les VeQas Ltltle Rock Lov1sv111e Lubbock MeniPlll& M11m1 Milwaukee Mpls-St Paul Nasllv•lle New 0<1ean1 New York Nor10lk N0<th Platte OklehOme C•ty Omaha 0..l•nOO Ph1l~h1a Phoen•• P>lllbu<gh Por111nd Me Port1ano Ore Prov1oenc. Ralelgh Rapid C11y Reno R>chmond Salt Lek• Sin Antonio SNltle Shreveport ;,,,,..,.. 08 Ot 59 49 ~ J3 55 39 61 30 48 40 80 77 11 6• 67 33 77 35 73 43 38 34 70 53 68 32 67 47 74 45 68 33 80 55 7~ 38 78 6-S (i t 3::1 56 49 7'\ J t 77 •1 63 •6 83 ., 71 •2 77 ~6 67 53 79 ~6 64 . , 79 6t 64 32 61 18 57 •9 59 39 71 • t ~4· •5 51 27 69 39 48 35 84 67 SS ,. 70 •• I~·.· .. I • SURf RIPORT llli'•?lr5··--.-~ ................................ .. -.;;;--t utt--lutt "1 ... ~ ~o 2 3 10 t' II 2 .............. Awt Mii Olt I 3 W t 3 W 2 2 3 3 w w Flurr•esEJ Sioux Fant St LOUIS SI Pete Tampa St Ste M•"'' Spokane Syr1c;use Topeka Tvcson Wosh•noton W•th1to CALIFORNIA APPIP I/alley Bnker~held Bar Slow BN•umont 81g BeM 8.,hop BtythP cornhno Cul•tlr City Eurelo.& Fresno lllnCAllllr long Beoch LOS Ang9le1 Monrov•• Monterey Mt W>laon N~les Newl>Ol'I Beach Oakland On11r10 Potm Springs PHeOene Paso Aot>tes R1versode Red Bii.iii RlldwOO<I Coty S1crnmttnlo S111n1t San Bernardino S11n G1b11ol S11n 01900 Tide TODAY 63 49 67 38 77 52 5; 36 51 37 58 34 /4 52 73 59 69 •2 72 58 HI lo 61 34 65 50 H •S 67 37 47 25 59 32 rn 56 72 62 75 55 62 •2 65 43 65 38 78 48 74 59 78 44 66 46 H 34 71 51 69 52 65 50 73 •3 78 52 76 •6 68 37 73 0 67 41 87 48 64 43 611 4S 74 43 78 45 73 56 Seconl'I IOw 1 0 p m t e Second 111911 7 26 II m 4 8 PllllOAY Flr11 low t 43 1 m 0 6 F1111 nign e 07 1 m & 2 teconcf tow 2 111 p m t o a.cones Noh e o 7 p m • t Sun NII tOOIV Ill 8 O• p rn , .... J"rldll)' 11 7 10 e m MOOfl rt ... IO<l•Y It " 20 p rn NII ,rfOty II 3 01 I rn 11 ·rr1t ·r n11,.1·, ,111· s;111I ) l)> t'l1l111 "a 1111~ o l h••tgt• .atltl jX'PIM'I C"t1ln11•d lut C:,1lx10.,1• li.1' ,, long t.1tl th.ti "h,1ngs J1k1• p lu111,1g t·. · 'lw .,;1111 Hite n ·mt•ml"H·r' -.hi• found tlw dog ftVl' yt·ar' .1g11 \\ h1 11 1l \\ ,,, I :i 1111111\h~ old .... 11k .111d 111 ·1·dld It" \111\~I b rt·11111\'1 d S lit·'"'" ~ho· 1.·;a11 ·full\ u11d1•t '>l.t11d ' that ~"fll"'""' who tuu nd l'.JIH11>:-.1• m1gh1 4Ul·sl11111 \\ h1 •tli1•r lh IJW lll'r ' lt l'<.llt•d ti w1·ll but ~hl' prnnw.c·d th1· <!11g d•it·' lt.1v .. d good h11m1• Slw i.m IM· n ·alhc•d l>y t .. ll111g ,11:! :ll f1I• Delly Piiot Sien Photo J ill Ric..-i~ "ill in~ l o s pe nd a lol of m o n <'" to rc•t'O\'t•r h•·r tlo~, Cahoose, lost s inC't' Augu"'t. CONCORD R e d S k e lton ay T V today's not funn y OXFOHD Ohio !API Ht'<I Sk1·lt11n. who dd1ghtt-d 11:lt'v1:.1<>n aUdll IH I'' \l llh h1~ folk.-;\ ('fJm<-dV fa11 tY.o d1·<c1d<·'>. o,t·t·s· l1ttl1· \;) l:1ugh ;d 111ut on th1· T\' scr .. 1·n 10<1:1 v "It', tht· '>c.lllW .rikt•,. the ....amP v t ' I I 1 n g . · · S k c• I l '' n .., <1 1 d W1·d111·,cl,1\ 1n Oxrord. Ohio. wl11·11· h1 · 1 .. ; to p1·rforn1 Saturday .. \.\'hJt'' fun11v " funnv You d11n·1 1w1«I 't'>. and b ... ihr1mm .r •k1-s to gl'l !;,ugh, ·· Skl'111in, fl!-.l , h.id ;1 WL·1·klv T\' 'ho\\' from l~!ll 111 1~71 Nim 111 g1v1•' 1x•rf11rn1ant·1•!-.. d1x•s m11v11· .,,,.'( 1.ab .and wrllt'" A i.k('d "'h1·tlwr ht· mrs!>t'' t1 l1 v1•.i11n. Skl·lt11n n ·pl1l'd . Ev1·r~ t h~1111 a· I gi·t ·· .1dd111g "It 1·v1·r' 'l ... r. c1nd '1•ur-. · aht·od of g1•t' \,\ 111 >ol tht•\ rt-f l\'t· -.rhl'<luh: · 'Carter ' thug robs eat er y 1\ 111.011 "t .111ng ,J J1mm\ l',J1 1t·1 m"'k <md 1lu11h1ng J gun •11 1 •>111 · h,md ht·ld uµ t·rnµlo\11·.., .11 ,1 lfunt1ngt1111 81 .uh h1•t d ug st.ind 1.111 Tu1•,d..t\ p11l11 a· 11 ·por t\ ·d Thi· lw nd 11. "1.·.1rr11g .1 111.osk th .1 t d l' µI l 1 c· cl t h 1• { 11rm1· r pn·:-1d1•nt n>mpll'l1· \l 1lh .. w 1d1· a nd lu11thv i.n11l1·. 11rdt•fl•d tlw two 17 Vl'~r-old -... orkt•r!> at llw W :1 1 n · l' r A ,. t' n u t' D • r \.\111·1wr:-1 hn1tn•I to gt·t 11n th .. floor t>c.•fnn• ht• {·~:H JX•d with Si'O 111 n 1sh P o ltl·1• s.11d tha· holduµ l'Jmt• It·'~ than .in h our <1ftl•r " man W<'<1r1ng a H .dlo wl•1•n mask dl·pwtmg an old man ht·ld up a "l'I \"Ill' ,t,1lton for $60 ALL SPORTS CALL FOR A MARINER. CONCOHD c 'From the creators of 1he world's thinnest water resistant watches comes the Concord Mariner SG Handcrafted 1n Switzerland with the ultro-lh1n nine/ quartz• movement. In s101nless steel and 14 karat gold A Lady's, $840 8. Mon's, $890 C Mon's, oll sleel, $590. Come discover o truly great sporl. SL" V I CK'S Fl~~Slnct 19t7 Where che besr surpnses bc!gin. r ashlon 1$1<1n<S (714) 644 ·I 390 • ~ Be«h Also Gl'Ntlf Los Af'\O*let •Sin Diego· IM~ ' .. Or •111\jU t:.un•t DAIL y Pll u I' I l1urwll.av Ot.to bu1 28 198? NATION Mail negating ab en tee votes? No llallowe n piano ~d 'world of kook ' • ID lh UA\ II> Kl'TZMA~N Of Ill• Oallf ,.llul ll•H \"''I \\ 1111 11 q111 '"'" ,1li-,1 11(11 • l1,ill111, 111 t '11,1.1 tvl1·'·'· N.·wpo1 I U1.,11 II .... 11111 .11 11 V.1111•\ .111.t I lt111t111gt•111 IS4 .. u l1 111.1\ 111111 1l111t 1111 II t1 pllHllll' ,111 · I ,111 Ylllj.( (1111 11111, h v.1·1Mlil Ill\'''' d,1yi. By T he Auodu&ed Prl'11~ J >tmmi. or 1•1111~ 11111u111I lht· 1111\11111. r 1.•ur111•: cl1 ·11d Iv 11 1l·k:-. m tlw1r t•h1ld11•11'11 lf\'tl~. un· l' u 11 1· 1..• I i n g 11 a I l 11 w 1• 1• n doo1 h1•ll1n~ l•t'l'11u111.• 11( 11 spr1•ud111~ WUVI' uf MlbotUKt•d prOllUt'l.8 ~h11w111~ II p \Ill 8 \C>rl' l>lll'IV\'S H1•port~ c1f :.ahutui.:l• w1·n· w 1d1•:-.1.>r1·MI Wl•d l\t•llld uy, .1lmo~t 11111' 11\lllllh arwr tlw d1·u1h, of :.i •v1•11 p1~1pll• m thl' Ch11·aJ<n n r10,1 who t o ok 1 v.1111d1· 1,w1'\.I !'.:xii u S111 11..i1 h Tylc rwl 'l'hl' t.1lnlt·d pruthh'h rnngt·d lro111 '"111d y tt1111 111 punch 11mJ :uxlu ()II W l' d 111• S d ,1 y , I h 1 < 11111rnun1111·' of AllC'l'll~1011 1'11n ... 1i m11I I l.111111111nrl, l .11 . Vu ll'IJIH.I. N J . Pro1111l1•1H·1-. H I . ,rnd Mog,1dt11 l'. 01110, bt.'<.·:.inu· tlw lat1.•st 1111111111o< .11 I l'.li ll I ... () l ' I l I e S I II Ii , 1 11 trad1uonul trtl'k -ur tn•ut111g 111 "this world full uf kook:-." 'l'lwt\ l1t'l'l11Js1· th1·r1• 1111• 1111·;.t lllH"> lll lh1 • luu1 Urnnijt' Co<.1i;t 11111111111111111.,., v. l11d1 11•q11111· tlw v1.i 1·1-. lo 1111 111JI a11 1•x tru .ii 1:..1•11\1•1· l111l111l <-.11 d tu t't'llll 11 111 tlw U1 .111M•· ('111111t v H1•ga<j11.1r ol \'1111· .... ()lf111 · Tin• 1°\.lr.1 ti.oll1t1 , .• rd 11w;111,., I \.II.I jllll>l.lj . .(I 1111 lh1 ll'lUJll 1·11v1•l111ll·. li11w1·v1•1 1\1111 1·1·~ 111111' nlt11 '·"' ...... 1 1111 · Hallowee11 executio11 la yeti Can video fan s heat killer cell? · Nl-:W O HLEANS TPi..a, 11fr1t·1ab w:m1 " US Supr .. 1111· Court JU:.llt.t· 111 0\'1•11 ult ;111 :tpp<'als court nnd allow th<• Ha I lu\\ ''''" 1•).t't'U t111 11 n t Hon.1ld Cl.i1k O 'B1\:t11 dubbt.·d till' "Candy M.111· 1111 k1lhng ha:. ~m w1ih t·y.i1111h • p<J1S1.m<'CI l'and y · A ft.-<ll•ral appi.•ali. l"ourt in Nl.'w Ork·ans g r,111tt'll .1 'la)' or C'Xl'(.'Ulion W1.1dn1.·sclav fur O' Brva n . w h o had t:n·t•n Sl'nt1.·r1l0C'cl to d w Sunday Ill the fir~t us. l'Xl'l'UlllH; lty ll•thJI lllJN.'l1tJn <111d 1111• I 1r-.. 1 ,.,.,,ll> l'M'l.'Ull\111 'llll'l I \Jti I Thi· t\>ll\'ll I .• 1 f11111 w1 l>.·1 r Park, Tl•xas. 11pl111.111. \\ ,,... duhlll'll till' "(.';111dv (\\;111 " II\ ht~ lt·llow 111111.1t1•-. 1J11 1h"o1th '''" lwn 1U'l' 111 1h1· 1!1 1 I 11.iiloWL'L'll 11)\11 d1•1 111 h1 ' 8-H·ar-old srn1 -S l Ult• lJ IS 11 I I' I ,J ti d g I' !\l1l·h;wl T Mt Sp.1dd1•t1. who 11:·d1 ·n ·d tht· 1·x1-..·ut11 >n. s;.11J Ill' p11·kt·d lht· dat1• l11 ·1'~I U ~1· ()' Rr 'an ··nrnll'd llallow1•1•11 tor t•vt·ry•mt•" Print found on Tylenol box C HICAC O A fmg<·qmn1 has l:x•t•n found on Jn t•1ghth c·yanrdl•·U.11nt1.·d ptll'kugt• u l Extra Strt.·ngth T y ll·no l alung w11h th<• 1d<"nt11~ o l thl• ix·rsun \\ho IUrtll'<.I II Ill, but nl'llht.•r c.J1S<·uvcry may he lp the probe or sewn dl•Jths. a law t'nforcem1.•nt sou rct• says ThP W ashington 'oun·c'. WORLD wlw n ·luS(.•d tu bt• 1dl'nt1f1ed by nam1• 111 by dl·partnwnt, ~rd Wt-d1w::..Jay tht· print wa.' fuund bv t ht· FBI on iJ bo" lOl\tatnllig lht• latt•°'I t.11111t•d hotlle. but "Wt· don't knvw that th1::. 1s thl' fmgcrp11111 of 1 h t-person "'ho pu 1 1 h1· poison m." Rebels bomb San Salvador SA N SALVADOR . El Salvador Leftist gul'rnllas exploded l'l!{ht homlJS arounci the capital and bltx:kt•d tht• Pan-Amt•rica n H igh way. police said. ThC' att<it·ks <.·arm• one day aftt>r 1h1.• govC'rnmt·nt rejecwd th<• rebt.'ls' t all for talks to C'nd the :J-ycar old l't\'tl w ar $1mullant·ou s l'Xplos10n .; rockt.'d the• t JprtJI sh ortly aftC'r 7 p m W l'd n e,d ay Au t hurtlll·s l>Jld th1·v dt:'Stroyc•d four tl'l<'phorw exC'hangt· boxC's and toppll'd two powc•r l1nl'S, b111•1 I)' blacking out mul'h u( e11y R e be I s c s t a b I 1 s h t' d a roadbloc k o n tht· Pan - Amerkan highway ... 5 milt'S t-a!it o ( San Salv<idor <ind burnC'd, dynam1tl-d 11r :.hot up al lt•a:.t I :3 bUSt~ and car-.. on other highways. off 111als .,.till Soviets call for buildup MOSCOW Prt'stdc•nt Lronid I Brc•zhnc•v has <.·al11.>d for a Sovie t m1ltwry buildup. cha rging that t hl· Unll<'d S tates 1s "threatPntng to pus h the• world 1nrn the flarnc:s of a nud<>ar war" "The ttmC' 1s now :.ul·h that the Je vl'I o f combat rt•ac.J1m•ss of the armv a nd n<I\'\' l>ho uld be even higher ·The n no circums tanc e can tak1• U'> unaware." Brezhnc·v said Wednesdav an a tc l1•v1 s t>d s p t• c c h t .o a n u n u s u a I gathering of hrgh K rt•mltn and m1ht.ary off1c1als Moscow to get U.S. grain? VIENNA. Austria US and Soviet negotiators opened talks lo da v in wh1,·h U S Embassy off1c 1al' sa id th<• American de l<·gatto n w as expected to offc.·r to sc.·11 up to 23 mrlhon mc.•tr1<' tonl> of l'Om and whPal lo Mo~ov. over STATE the next year ThC' talks arc a follow -up tCJ President Reagan's u ffl•r of tn<.reased grain sales to thl• Soviets -a move he said was to rC'Store the us_ reput::tlton "as reliable suppliers ·· Judge halts GM layoffs LOS ANGELES A federal judge has refUS<.•d lO lift a court order halting the layoffs o f 400 General Motors assembly workers d espite th(' auto make r 's conte n tion the· move w ill mean a $320.000 expense. H owever. U .S D1s \r 1t·t Judge A . Walla<.·c Tashima ruled W ednesd ay that GM could issue the layoff not1c'C'S immediately . but any al·tual layoffs hinged on the outc:omc• of a court h<'aring on Priday LOS AN<a:1...:s (APJ In lllt .111d 111 1lt1• v 1d<'t1 parlo1 , 1·.111u·1 1·.111 111• l>l•at1•n , :.a ys :i pr•>ll'l>s tor whu l'rt'Ult:u a n 11n put1•r ganw ht.• h1>1h ·s will 'how playc·rs "yuu a n · nol Jd1·nst·ll•:-.:-. aga111 st l'Unl't'r" T h 1· g a m t • 1· a I I c J ··Kitlt·r T Ct•ll" 111volvb thrn• l)'f>l'S of l'l'll:-o dl•p1t.'ll'U on a v1d1~1 tub<.• normal. t'anc·crous .rnd K1lll'r T, wh1c.·h stand s lor T lymphoc:ytt· t.·l'lb T l't·ll~ an• currl'ntly u:-.t·d 111 11•al ld1• "1111muno thcrapy" .1g<1lll'I 1.111n 1 On thl• v1t.lr•i1 -..c.rt·•·n. th1· 'J' n ·ll 1:-. u:-.1·d to w111 t h<· g.inll' b.'r tlt-:.troy ing th1· c·un-.ta ntly d1v1drng l'ann·r n 'lli. bc•l11rt• 1h1 \ tak1• ov1•r If tht• c.·ann·1 u ·ll:-. gl•t out 111 hand tn lh1• ganw. play C'rs l"an pul>h tht· ··1·h1•m o1 her a py" bu lion. say:. g .11111• Ill v v n t 11 r I> r EI ton S1ubbl1•l 1t•ld uf 1h1· Unl\'t•n.11v of Tt:Xas ·Andcrs1111 ll o:.µ11:ii rn I louston "Wt• lril'd to b1• as rpahstrl' as po,,11Jh".00 S1ul1l>lt•lll'lc.l ~1ys "F'ur 111,wnc.·1·. th\.· dwmoth1·rapy ('osts prnnt:-. ht'(.'OIUM' in r<-al ltfl· 11 has a l'O~I to th1· patll'nl ·· Swr1111g rwxt month, Kdh·r-T will be• :1v<1ilablc· 1r1 s tort•:, fur play on Apple home l'Omputcrs, Slu bblt•(1l'lc.J said in a telt:phont> 1nwrv1l•w with tht• Los Angd1.•s H t•rald i-:xaminer published W1.'<im•s<lay Tht.• rosl 1s UO. of whtC'h $18 will go to aid cancer rt·:-.1.•.tr<. h, ht• <.aid rr suet.-essful, hl· :.<11d he· h n pl'l> to prC'pare a vE-rs1on fur Atan "( hupt• ll will s huw youni.t pt• o p I 1 • 1 h a I yo u d •J h a v ,. a d (.'{en :.e met· ha n 1 s rn against l ant't•r ," hC' s.l1d "Not on ly m this g.1m<'. hut 1n rt•al Ilk. t•am'C'r can \)'.• lwa te n " G. Ticoulat., retired VP., dead at 82 SAN J.'R ANCJSCO (AP) S1 ·rv1<.'CS will be held todav for Gabrwl J . Ticoulat. 82. who rt)S(' from office derk lo become v 1<.'l' p r t.•sid C'nl of Crown Zi.:llcrbach in San Fran<.'isco. H e• di e d Sat urdav o f an apparc•nt hC'art atta«k v.;hile on a golf vat·auon at Raneho Santa FC', n('ar San Diego ]'tl'OUlal . a natrve o f Santa Cruz and an Army l'Orporal during World War I. .)Otncd the papc•r rompany as a derk at the 3$!<' ()f 17 He be<'am"' a salesman, then was appurnted sales manag<'r in I Y28 In 1956, h e was named s enior vie<' president and a meml:x·r of tht• board of directors lie-rc•t1rl'CI an 1965 Tirnulal. who hvl'<l in Walnut Cr(' t' k . was a n avid go I ff' r , fisherman and hunlC'r. He was a director of lh t• Wo rld Affairs Cnund l and thl' Na tional Poreigti Trade Council S urv1vtn!( an· h is w ife. Helen, a n d t w o c· h 1 I d re n . G i I be rt T r(·oulat of S is te rs, O re., a nd ln.'n1• Vizzard of Los Galos. We 1re Listening ••• Whal do you hke about the Daily Pilot., What don't you like" Call the number a t left and your message will be recorded, transcribed and delivered to the appropriate editor. The same 24 hour ans wenn1i ser vice may be used to record let· ters to the editor on any topic Mailbox contributors must include their name and telephone number for venf1 cat1on No c1rculal1on r ails. please 642•6086 Tell us what's on your mind 0.-, .... ~ ... Wtlwe4 ,,,_., r,.,., " "°" (lo') ~01 ~••• y(IU• pope1 b• ~ JO p ,,, e..-Detoo• , r ... "/::..f:t oop, ••• o• ftelureley !WWI l llllO•J II you CIO N>I ,~.,••J.""1 WI:':,:~~:.: Dll~.O Q .......... 't ··--Mclll ~=-c.n., t<&UJt Nor-~ .. ,,,. ......... N9"' ...... / ORANGE COASl Dally Pilat Thomo1 '· Hal.y P11bl1111.,, tJlld C ~••I f '"""''~" ()tto(m Jane Amorl 1 .... ,. ..... fti110t l . Kay Sch11lti II<.•''"~ 01w.1 O ... c'°' al MY.., 11.nQ Raymond Maclean c()l> .. oatw MlthHI , . Horv•y 0..11(1~ ol Moi•••.nQ 1c~c111o1'°"1 Kenneth N. o.ddattl Jr. 011 ~°' of 0,,.. OloOtl• L C1eu~ edveftl•lnt 7141142-5171 All other depertment1 142~321 MAIN Of',.CE uo ••ti ... '' . , .. ,.,,..Ml, c .. M•ll _.." 101 Uta, C°'le ""°Ml, C .. "'1t c .. ''""' 1.., °'-C••• ~ut.111..,.,,. ,_, NO""'', ........ 111\0tlrelltt"'· ..011 .. 1a1 m-r ..... .. ,u .. ~" ,..,.1,, mh '" ,. .. .-~.,, wtt- 1,.c l•I "'"'''""' OI (Ol>Yrlt'\t tt•M• VOL. 75, NO. 301 poi.I 1111111' lllot'r 11·111111 1111· 111111ph II cf l11dl11l' 111 I ll.1J.:I 1111 d \'1111 •1' tf I"' ,(,tl(t I'-tll"JI I 11 II 111 N 11111t.ilh 1·11 •1111111 1111 11 1.d Shu lt·v I It .t1 1111 ,,11d 11111 , .11 1 ' lw11 1 ,111f , 111 11•IU111 111 1111 11 '1("11 .11 · ... 1111111• Ill 1111 ·"'"''Ill•··· 111111111 p.11·k1·1 'l'twi.t· 1•1111,·1 .. 11 tlw (1.odl·1.1l. ''·"·· 1111111111111111 1.111 ·:. t\111 1f 1·1111 pHlfllll'lllllllll> ,111d C'a111l11l,11t·~ .1n· also 0 11 tl11 · h.tll111 a 1h11d 1 :11d ll> 1·11dt1M'd A11tl th.ii llll'Hll~ llll 1•Xt1 ;1 17 1'1•111~ po:-ol;1g1• I ~ 111•1·11t•d l t> 11·1111·11 llll"d ' t•ll V1•l111w' \II 1lw 11·~1-.t1 .11 Holli I >1 .. 111111 ,111d 111 h1·1 111u111 \' t'lt 'l'thlll 111f11'1,il' Sllld lh,1t '"11111' <'Urtf, 111ay b1• l(l'tll11J.: tl11•1L1gh t11 ile nl scrt'en lh1 111 v.1lli 111,11111111•111 poi.t.11-t4 111 I ol!'.t \\ 111'11' 111111' .... '""'J..:\ tlllt 1111 11111111\ '"''" 11 .111cl 1111 ·"N'lltt I l1.d l11t.-. JI I' l,1b11l,1\l•d 111 11lh1 I I d 'I • htJ\\1 \I I 1111• l ""I 111 '"" I ... ,, ll1111111g 1111 "·'""'" I• I 1111 ,. ·1td1 .,... P11~111w· 1111 ;1 11111111.11 , 1w11, .ud ·'""'llll'I' l1o1ll111 I" '.!1111 •1th Wl11 ·11 11 1h11 cl 1·111d '' 11wl u 1lt•d 1h1· pn,1.1g1· J"'"I'' 111 :17 •1·111-. 'l'lia t ' 1111 '"'"t' 111 N1·wp11r1 Ht·111 h. c '11,t.1 M1·>-11 . f11u111:.i111 Vall1·v 1111d ll11111111g11111 H1 .. wli Wht It' 11 ... 1l111d C'a1d 1•.1111·1·,,,11 , 1111 l1H.il '''lit'' ()1 ht•I I lllll llllillllll ., Wiii 11 1lu•11· a11 · 1111 .11 "'"'' .111d 1 "'' ·' 11.d 1111 t J I d !i llH ltHft· (1,11 oft II l•ll•\t S.111ru 1\1111 . An11h1·1111 o1111l 1111·.1 IJ1'o1 lllll ,,11d ·10 ,lllJIJ V•>lf•1' 1• •jtH "llt•d .d1'1 11t1•1• l>ull11t1>J ••I 'I 111 "l.1 y·,, 1·1t~ 111111 111 lh1 · 11•"' IWll 11.iyi., ,1ht1ul 1, 1JIJll l1,1l111I' h11v1• h1;•1111~1•11111d l1y 1 11 ·1·111111 ol f1n.dl> Wlu tlll'r 1mul1 ;1 111 h u11J c.ll·l111l·11:d ..il.ii.c11l1·1· 11.111111'-111Ul'll 11-.ll'h lilt' f'l•l(thlJ;u h v II p n1 T111 ·sd,1y I 11 I" tCll y1•.11 .... till' Hl'l.(ll>ll lU ... 111111·1· 11 ..... 11111111·d "" 1111· .,.11111·l11p1·' h11w n11wh IJCl!'ll;1l~1 · ti. 111·1·d1•d 111 I l'llJI II tta1• UIJ!'tt.•qlt l' IMlloL' Th.it w,._, 1wt 1.l<Jlll: thl'> 111•.11 . I );'.1t1111 -..11d. µ.inly bt'(.dUM 111 I lw tu.1t1111( fJC >l>l;1I 1ak•i. AP Wlrepl\Ote ( )ut• thin ~ '"' l't'rtain -w h a tt•ver it i ~ that Uut•ht·l'I~. tlw 5-yt:'a r -olJ Bu ff a lo. 1'. \ .• tlo~ ~t't'l'> •111 l hi~ d isc:a rd NI It• It•\' i ~ion ~•·t ·~ t:'m flt y ~•·rN•n, it i~n 't "i FL foot h a ll. 'Copycat' By The Associated Press H1•por·1s of produl·t :.;,1l>uta~l' wrre w1dc•sprr<1d W1•dnl0 Mh1y. w1 th off 1c1als 111 most ~I JI('" t·allrng tht· lllt'1d1·ntl> 1.,ol;t11"d "copy-cat cranw:-." that Wl'fl' sparkt.'CI by but unn·l.1tl-<l to tht· Chicago Ty lcmol p01..c1rnng:. Produt·t tampl·nngs Jffcc ted residents m Florida. [)t<l,tw~1rc·. New York. V<.'rmo nl, Oh111 and Co lorado. and tn\•11lv t-cl culd mcd1ein1• and C'apsull':-O candy. soda and fruit c.Jnnks No ni• u f tht• tJmp1·ring'i involve-cl Extra-Strt·n~th T ylt·nol capsule:-.. wh1d1 w1.•rt.• lan·d ·with C\ amdt• and caUS<'d M'Vl•n dt•aths 1n th1.· C h1 c.·ago an•<i 1n tau· S1.•ptl'rnh<·r ln Vermont. a bottll' of Anann Anal!c(l'Sll' c·a p s ulc•s was lw ing i:he«:kcd by tht.• Food and Drug Adm1 n1st ral1on for p11:.<;1hlc• tampe ring aftl•r two famil y members becam1' ill afwr t:1kmg the ca psu Jes S tale li<'allh Comm1s,1nn1·r Lloyd NoVtl'k said lhc· <.·:1psult.-i. werC' a darkl'r v<·llow than tht- rrgu lar Anal' In produc t .ind I a l' k c d I h l' A n a l I n I m p rt II I although th1.·y wen• Ill .m An,rl tn bo ltl<· The· <"<1ps ulC'' w1·r1· purc·ha.'i<'d m St Alb:1n ..... \'t . in m1d-Octolx'r, ht• said No\•r<·k s aid tht'11· "'ai. n o l poisonings spread t•no ugh t•vidt•nt·l· to rl't·all tht.· pnxlut·t or ad v1S(: VPnTlontt:rs nut to tak<' Anacin Analgesic But h<' w.irnt:"d <'Onl>umer:. to tardullv c hN.k pJt·kagt•s of Ana1.·111 and o tht•r uvt.•r•thl'-(.'OUntl•r drugs In Ohio. a 28-y<•ar-old Lora in County man rc•porlC'd s1o mac h pain:. aftt•r taking Extru - Strc ngth Exl'edrin l'apsule:. on two sc•para tC' Ol'Cas1o n:.. and all Ext«.•dnn l·apsul~ W('rl' rcmovro from the s lw lvf'S of Hevt·o Dru~ \ fH'trol•·um t'ompountl hatl h•·•·n injt'<'lt•tl into a t•arto11 of oran~•· J ti l ('t'. Ston ··, sevl·n Lorain C o untv ... 1ort-s Wl·<lrwsday Authonties Wl'rt· t."heckmg tht• ''"P'ules for fingt>rpnnts In Dt'nV<'r. a m.rn who v. a:-. hosp1taltzcd after swalh1w1ni.t Extra-Stn·ngth Exu'rlnn lal't'd \\ 11 h rne r cu rll' d1 lo rtdt• w~s rt'mm•C'd fro m tht• l'rlllC'al ltst Wc·dnc·:-.day afkr -.ur grry and hltJOO·t'Xt ha ng,. tran-;fu s1o n s Authunllt'S the re re po rll'd no pr ogress in th1•1r ~nrch for th< pc·r~on whu ~piked thl' c·api.ulc•s In Junv Hc-::1t'h . .I-la . polk 1 t ht·mtsli. dt•lC"rm1n<.•d that a p<'trolcum l'Ompound h ad bol:·n 111.)('<'U><I into a l'arton o f oran.a;(e JUH.C' that burn1•d Jn off1n ·r·,., thro.il and s tomal·h J u n o Be a <.' h P o I 1 cl' Ch 11.• f Ho bc·rt D1Sav1n o s a i d his c h •• m 1 s t s h a d · · ci r o p p E-d 1 .. very thmg c•l<;t•" in .in 1•1 forl It• 'p«.'('lllt'~1lly 1dt•ntify !ht• po1'11n lha l .... a~ pl:il'lod 1n the· Trup1<.<111.J tru1t dnnk Off1cc•r Harry Browning. w n11 c11ll<tJ>M'<l Tut."id<.ty. was r<.·purlt"<I 111 stalJIP t•ond1t1on Wc'<irwsday al l:!a Im Bl'iH'h G.Jrden~ Cu m - munitv ll1h p1WI ··'i "I thrnk I'll mak<.• surt' r'd \ l.imily eh1·t ks ~ill <'onta1n1·r'~-:, 111111• bt•llt•r.'' Brownm g. '1.7, -.,.od from h1:. hul>p1t.al l:x·d . A woman tn Pcnsac·ola, :'rta . rqx.lrtl'CI f111dm g a nel:odle instdl' a c·andv b<.tr and L 1'1 General C'UIW._;n1c·n1.'l' ston· O ff1l'1als askrd l'l<'rk:. to C'h e l'k C'a ndy wben purchjscd a n d prt•vent pco'1:~k from lo1tl0nng around the cand \. t·ounH•r The· woman was nt.>t hurt In Sandt o wn . Del . a t·onvt•nll'nt·t• s to n • emplo ytc compla1nc·d o f a sore thrOJI t W<"<lnt'Sday afwr taking a sip pf 'od a 1 hat mav havC' bet-n I \\ llh ammon10. :.talc• pohce sa.i We invite you • • • . ' to take advantage of a manufacturer's error in overshipping! 250/o off A select group of Diamond Engagement Rings ... Single rings start at were 210.00 now 161.25 Set of H1n9s start at w ere 280.00 now 216.00 RAFF jewelry 32 Fashion Island Newport Beach• 644-2Q4t0 3 Gt"-t•tlons of friendly perlOf\lf ..,..,let .. , ... A:4 Orunuu l..outt UAIL V flllU I It hrnauuy, Oelolmr ~fl . Hitt~ ,,,.-----------~------------~----~~----~~~~~~--------------------------~--~--~ Hy PAT llOROWl'l'Z OftlM Dall1 ltllot t taff ave energy DEAR FAT: l 'vr rt•ud tha t nc>~ appllancei1 don 't <'Olit lts mut•h lo run as oldt'r modclil . How muc•h t•ould I ~ll''t' If I rt•phu·«d my lO·ycar·olcl rcfrliccrulor wllh " 11.-w ont"! tippll.11111• 111,111111.ll'tlll t I s 111 "°''l 1111.l pJ.11·1· 1'111'11.(\ 1•ll1111•11<y l lllllll.(' 111 tl11·t1 f'1'•1dUll!1 ll11d1·r d1ull l'q.(ut.1111111' p11•1m11•d hy llw U.S l ll·p.1rt1111'11t 111 l-:111•1 gv. "'"'"" l1k1• ( 'alifrn·111.1 \.\011ld h.1v .. l11 11lita1n .1 \.\1llV1•1 11 11111 th1• l1 •1it-ral g11\'1·1111111'11l 111 111 dt•r lo 11111t1111w "1111 lhl'll 11\.\11 •ljlJlll.&111'1 l 'lf l'f.-\' o•lfloit'lfl\' ''·•lld.11 d' J.M., Nt•wporl f\1•nd1 Tlw l'~1ht.1r111a to:rlt'r~v ( \1111111""11111 lrn-. tough n •,1d1•11t1al applti1111•1· st.111d,1rds 1111 t'IMllll a ir n>111ltl111111•f',, 1·1•11tl'.il .111 1·011d1t 1111w,.,, furnan''· 111.o<ulu111111. 1'11•1·1111· '' .111•1 h1'.1t1•r,, refr1~1·rat11r fr1•1·11•r, 1111J """'''''' lll'11d... A new rdng1•r;1ti1r fl'l'1'1•'1' und1•r lh1• -.1.i11da1d Wiii SllVI' :mo kwh a Vl'.11' a $·11ltl SllVlll~' (HI nine n •nts µ.•1 kwhJ m ·1•r 11' l ~ y1·;11· lift· • (;Ill .l /l/oJ/iJ,·111" 'J'JIC'/I 11 ///(• IP 't 1 /1,IJ //1111111 Ill /'.11 II i// 1 Ill t1•i/ (,l/H.', • /,:l'lflllJ.: th1· ·'"''11'1'/,, .1111/ '" """ \'illl /l('l'i/ (11 .'11/\•1• //lo't/1//flf•., 111 111l'ldl·n1.dlv . thl· LI:-> l lt'part1111·111 111 E1wrgy d1,111~ed ft'lh'l'.il pol11·y u11 11·q111n11~ J(OVt•rnnwnt 11111/ liU.'1/lt""' M:t1/ your 'fU<'1>l11111s 111 /'111 //11n111·111. 1\ 1 Yow S1·11·wc•. Or.111~1• <.'11,1.~1 /);11/y f 11/111. I'() Ho.\ I !itill, Cu.~111 M1 ··'"· ( 't\ 1J:!6:!Ci .CAMPAIGN SPENDING BRISK . • • From Page A1 A n a ht' I m . r l' p 1> r t c d l' a s h con tributions for the• mo11th· loni.t pt.•riod o( $1:10.50:\ T o dak. the RoyN' campaign has 1·ol11-c1t'<l ,1 t n t a I $ 2 2 0 . 5 !J 7 1 n t ' a s h runtributions, :w1:ordmg to tht' n.•port During tht• n•purtt•d pc>riod. Royce said ht' s p<'nl $105,70!>, bringing his spt>ndmg total fur thc campaign to $188.286 Royce reportt'li he had $58,011 available m cash on-hand and an ending surplus of $25,990 wtwn <1 little mo re than :s :L?,000 111 outstanding debts wru; deducted B arbaro r e p o rte d Cd s h contributions for t lw pt•n od totaling $66.224. Over tht• l'OurSt' of the campaign he said ht• has collected $219,664 in cash Expenditures for th<' month- long reporting period to tale d $100,202. according to th(• n 'p<1rt, bringing Barbaro's expendi tun· t o tal for the c ampaign t o $370.103. The Democrat said he· had $25.192 available in l'ash and debts totaltng $174.706 for thl· campaign. He reportl'Cl an Pnding deficit of $149.514 Barbaro also reported taking out a $50.000 loan from Sunw(~t Bank. r e p ayable at an lH 5 percent interl'St rat<'. during th<' las t m o nth. The loa n was co. signed by Orange County Dem ocr atic C hairma n Howard Adler. former state Demcx:ralll' . . d1:111 man H1di;1rd O'N1•lll and d1•vl•h)!)\'r Barry Brwf. Tlw :1:.?11cl d1s tnt•t llh:l udl•:-. Wl•s tm111 s t1•r , Gar den GroVl'. S t<illl\)11 , Oran~w and parts of Fullt·rton . t\1wht•im and Santa Ana F 11llo w1111!( 1s a ltstmg nf othC'r l"1mµ.11g11 l'On1r1bu t1ons a n d l'Xp1•nd1tun·s 1n Orangl· Coast pt1htll'al l'Onll'SL'i. 58TH ASSEMBLY DISTRICT (Long Rt•ach lo Hunting ton &at'h): Inc umbent Ht•publican Dt:'nn1s Bro wn. total cash t'Ontribut1ons. $155,t154 : cash for p e r i o d . $ 6 7 . 8 :i 1 : t o t a I t•xpC'nd1 tures. $18:1,996 . Pxp<>ndtturc>s for ix·nod. $8ti, l :HJ. t•ash on -h a nd. $77,532. --Demcx:rat Patricia Springer: total l·ash contributions, $43,550: cash for period. $17 .564. total t•xpt.·n d1turl•s , $18 .094 . exp<:•nd1tures for 1~:-nud. $4,935. cash on -hand. $24.494. 69TH ASSEMBLY DISTRICT (Cost.a Mesa, lrv111t• and parts of Hunungton Beach). lnt·umbe nt Ht•publ1l·an Nola n F'r1zz<·l le: l•H al t·a s h contnbutions. $119.242. cas h m nlnbutions for period. $12.525. total exp C'nd1tures, $138,059, t'Xp<>ndnures for period. $6,403. t.•ash o n -hand . $23 ,464 . outstandin~ debt. $26.893. Dt•ntllt·rnt H11l wrt I li11\S1111 total C'ash t•o111nl111t1or1~. $:i,lll7. ca~h for pt•r·wd, $1 ,·l:rn . to1;d l' X flt.' n d t t U I' I'S, $ 7 , :I :I() , exp<•t1cl1tun•s for p<•fl•lll, $IOI! '2·1, l·a s h on -h und. $2 .1 27, outs~md111g dt•bt. $4 .17 I 70TH ASSEMBLY DISTRICT (Nt•w p orl Bt•ach . Laguna Bt.·m·h. San Juan Capistnmo and parts o f mland Orang1· County): Inc umb1.•11t H1 •publ1t·a11 M a rian Bergeson: total ca s h t·o11tnbut1ons, $3ti.9JIJ, rnsh for pt· r i o d . $ 1 2 . H 5 0 . t •> t :1 I l ' x p (' n l.I I l u r I 's • $ 5 5 . !I 2 8 . t>xpt•ndnur<·s for p<>rwd. $25.:lflH, t·ash on-h und. $flH.9!18. Ot·m1x.:rat L111da Wt'stfall. no n•pt.irt lih·d 71ST ASSEMBLY DISTRICT (µort1uns of W l'slm111s t<'r :rnd Ga r<lt•n Grov('): In t' um b <· n l D l' mo c rat C h l's t <' r W r a y : t u ta I c· a s h nmtnbuuons. $U5,'208; l'<.1sh for pi:r1 u d . $14 .'.!10 , tot a l e x p t· n d 1 t u r t' s , $ H :J • 5 ti 1 t•xpt•nd1turl'S fur ix·rn>d. $1 7.J:n, l' a s h o n · h a n d . $ '2 • :1 H H . ou tslC.tndmg de>bt~. $!> .200 Ht·pu bhc:an Don~ All1•n tot:.11 l·;.ish t'IJT1tnbut111ns. $1 59.285. l'a sh for period, $70.0:.rn. t11tJI l:' x p l' 11 d 1 I u r t• s . $ 1 :1 1 '2 7 ti . exix·nd1turt'!'> for µt •nud, $74,l H2. c: a s h o n -h a n d $ .J :1 . -I ll H . outstanding debts. $5.000 Pu1d Ac1vartlamnent FROM DRY~G 'MUD FLATS •.. TO A GROWING, BEAlJTIRJL LAKE AGAIN ~!t~~Hea er MAKES IT HAPPEN We need to restore the upper bay, We need Jackie Heather VOTE FOR Jackie Heather NOVEMBER 2 Paid for by Friends of Jackie Heather. Norma Hilker -Treasurer. 1118 Pescador. Newport Beach 92660 -------------~----------- PAID POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL HAS TAKEN A THOUGHTFUL LOOK AT THE CANDIDATES FOR NEWPORT BEACH CITY COUNCIL E LIKE HAT E SEE! LOATS&HART Norm has been involved in public service for over 20 years and is now the number two administrato r in our school district (soon to retire). We think-,No rm 's background has taught him the leade rship needed to pull together die diverse view- points in our community. While hi s opponent talks about fair- ness and objectivity, his voting record indicates he is a straight "party line'' no-groWth candidate. Evelyn has been o n the council for fo ur years and is now the vice-mayor. Her major opponent is a former Planning Commiss ioner with some pretty radi cal ideas about how government should control our lives. THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL The Executive Counci l is a gro up of 65 business and profess ional people working to assur(' the best possible local government in o ur communities. We have been in E'Xistenct? for over 5 yea rs. W e are no t a front group for real estate developers o r any other special intt?rest O ur members contribute time and money to local causes because we love o ur co mmunitie~ and want to see them e nhanced. Paid for by The Executive Council P.O. Box 7472, Newport Beach, CA. 92660 Jerry Parker, President -:::----------------r:::::::::: ..... --------------------------------------------------------------------""i------~c>:,~·t~lll~ll~l~~~u~o~·~t~O~A~tl~Y'..!P~IL~O~l~/l~l~lU~t~O~O!Y·~O~c~to~b~·~,~2~8!·~'g~e~2~----~~5~.· I -·1 Ro I queen picked PASAUENA (Al') S u 2 y C 1 I I a., p I 1•, 11 17-yl'<U'-uld studl•fll ul San Morino lli~h &huol, has lx't.'11 nmm•d th1• li!lth Tournnnu·nt of Ho:.1•s Qucl'n. a luurnunu·nt S p 0 k l' S W () nl U 11 S ;,t I d Wedm'sduy Thi• 5 fou l :1 blontll'. who t'Omp<'lt'<I a~a111i.1 a record 1,000 l-On1t•stu1H!> to gain tht• l'<IVt'll-d llllt'. w i l 1 b l' o f r 1 <· 1 .1 1 1 y c r o w n ,, d l o d a v h \' Tournamt'lll or i{oi.t.;S P res 1d1.•n t Tho rn ton H a m I 1 n J r T h {' coronallun will ht• al lhl' Wriglt.'y M.1ni.1on , said 1ourna 1111·nl -.µo k1•s - wuma11 M.1rv R1!'1111 - sky · Gillasp1c, tht.· cfaughwr of Ann G1llaspw ul San Mar ino, said she was s u r p r 1 s e d b y t h t• announcement and that she most looked forward to the Tournament of Roses Paradt• on J:m I Th(• new qul't'n said she plans a <·art'l'r in communications and acting . She part11·1 pated in a numlx'r of mus11.·als in h igh school and was social chairman of hl'I' school's Senior Cabinet. Her favorite s ports arc tennis and sw1mmin~ Named to ht·r tourt were Monica Au21•nnl• and Shandrc-:t G1khnst. both of Pasadrna. along with Heather Ha ll of Sierra Madre, Mar v H e r nand e z o f San Gabriel. Laum• Matlock of La Canada and Dawn Wilson of Arcadia Gillasp11.· will r e p re s (•nt th<' Tournamc·nt of RoS(•!'. in pu bli c relat1un s capacities and will ridt.• on the Queen and Court float in th<' colorful N<.•w Year's Day µaradt· Football-play(•r -turnt.·d - actor Merlin Olsen 1s this year's Grand Marshal Jobless go free at YMCA Free membe rship at the Orange Coast YMCA is b e ing o ff e r e d t o unemployed residents of Costa Mesa, Corona del Mar. Irvine, Newport , Beach and Santa Ana Heights. In exchange for eight h o u rs of m o nthl y volunteer service" the YMCA is offering fret• use of the club's fat·11itws from 8 a.m. t.o 3 p.rn. l n a d d1 t 1on t o sw imming and fitness classes, the YMCA plans to offer instruction 1n stress reduction, resumt• w riting, dressing fo r success and motivation A lso. c hildren o f unemployed people arc eligible to join the Y · Indian Guides, Maidens. Princess and Trailblazer-. at no cost T hose int<'restcd are asked to bring a check stub from the Cahfornta S tate Departme nt of Em ployment lo the YM CA al 2 3 00 U n iversity Drive , Newpo rt Beach. For mor e in formation call 642-9990. Man swims across channe l LOS ANGELES (AP) -A Ventura auto dealer was so cold and weary after finishing a grueling 21 -mile swim from San ta Cata lina Island to the mainland that he couldn't stand up. Bu t h e had no regrets. ''I'm glad I did 1t," 3 1 -year-old Jim McCon lca said aftrr w'ading ashore Tuesday along the rocky coast of Cabrillo Beach. His lime was some 54 minutes shy of the record. "It's some thing tha t separates people. l feel ('ve now joined an elite group," he said. McConJca rovered the dl1tance In nine hours. eitht minute11 a nd 43 ucond1. a ltho ugh he wondered early on If his body couJd withstand the pene trating cold and fatJgue. I' I • HI• •• II llw 111111111I10,1~111• 111 \1•\\111111 A 3-Day Shopping Extravaganza I 111·:-.d.1\ & \'\ 1·Jrw-,da\. \o\'1°111bn :! l'( ], I IJ .1.111. 111 'I I' 111 lhur:.d,l\. \o\'emlK·r I. l () J 111. to 5 1'·111. Ora11g1· Count v F.urf:fllll thl' \ B111ld 111.,: I 11 •·•Ill It 'u ' \1l1o11 "' t l11l.l1·• 1 . 111 ' t 1 111 l!t-11.-l.11 '"' ll11,11 d I llH~ \I II I• I • I • ' • I \ ... I I I• I • Ht. I ....... " •• ,. • • lholl . ' e I I o e 1 • \1 I • II 'I • II •I .... , .... 1.d • I I 'I e I \I J • I • \I I '" I • • • . ,, I \ .. , ,, I I ' It •• J I ' •lhlfl't •• ' '\•It •'llJ' I II \I I I II t I I\ I \ I 'I I ,, ,\ I I .... 't ••• ... \11111 llfi ,.,., J 11111111 I ····~11·· ,., .. ,,., l• I \11 lltl • I I Pro1•·• I-I 11H:.! . I 'Ill I Ii. ', LI \I •• • ~ I .. I t I I I'll .. ''"• I' , .... I • • JJ \fl •1 •• ,,, • I ,,, "'" 11 ••• ,, I I.. • If'" '·'I. I •• I . I I I h 'II .. 1i~ Ii • I 11111 I ' Ill\" l utd \I• • \I llltt ii I• q !ti 11 I. ,, ... , . ,., ... ' -fllt'll~ ,,,, I ooo .. UH • '' f 1 t lu\ '"I 'II; • " I \\fll ' I'\ \• I .. ... , , \It I 1 \f\' \t '' .,, ,,,.,,,,I I. ii ... I'' 11\11 \t .. ... \I I \I• 1111! 1 " II llP\ 11111 I . ·' ,, \l ,,.,,,, If ' I I h'. I Ill ' I \I 1.,1i1 It~ I I t I I I ......... ,. .. ,, ' I' II' I fl tlf ft l* \ \If \lll I I jl .. ~ ' ... I •1 • ~ • •• It I •Ith l l\!J I••• t j • I I• I• I "• •!I' • 1r1, t ' ...... ' . • t •• " . . " ..... , t .... \t, .. ~ I • \ ., BENSON & HEDGES I Only 6 mg yet rich enough to be called deluxe. Regular and Menthol . Open a box today. Warni ng: The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smokmg Is Dangerous to Your Healt h. 6 mg ''1A(' 0 6 mg n1co11ne 1v per c1garene. by FTC Mtlhod ~ r -~ 89.00 to 99.00 tt·M exclusive: wool jersey dresses O"g T30.00 A collection of dresses, to accessoflze. to add freshness and fashion to the season Here. black wool J6rsey with red shoulders and stand-up collar. reg 130 00, now 89.00. Ga/Jena. .N~ ~au-Manent \ j) ~ SOo/o to 75°/o off• Martex ·Silk Passage sheets An ancient 1kat weaving was the msp1rat10n for the nch colors and sot: patterns. Luxury percales to dress up your bed or to add color to your guest room for the holidays. The Bedroom Shop. 1/3 off * Designer fleece warm-ups Calvin Klem separates, reg. 28.00 to 40.00, now 18.00 to 26.00. Adnenne V1ttadint separates. reg. 38.00 to 68 00. now 25.00 to 45.00. On tile mark sty/mg in warm.cotton fleece: assorted colors. Sport Shop. ~) • oflg. and reg. pnces. lnterm&dlate price J reductions have been taken prior to this sale. _j ' I I • I I I • I I ! I __ ..; ! • j "I I ',. ,,, '• .. •, ... .,. ... .. ' .. ., '., ... • • • ~ i , .Sta y ing power a k ey • Jn race U.S. Senate Thi· r.11 1· 1111 lJ S S1·11at1· l111d:-. · l'al ll o 11\1.1 \•111 1•r:-. l :H 111g .1 Jt . .,, tha n sat1:-.t.11·t111 y d11111·v l>t·n 1on:1 t .Jpn~ B111wn. 111 111:-. 1·1gh1 y1-.11·:-. .1:-. guv1·11w1 11f th1• :-.t.lll'. has d1 ... l'lll'ha111\'Cf 111:111y ol his t •.11'11t•r supµurll'l " with. his 1•<'l'1·ntn1· h1•h.1v101 , d11h111u .... :1ppo111t11u•nls a 11d pt•r:-.1:-.t1·111 p111sL11t ul th1· pn·s111l-mv 111 l\\11 nation.ii t•l1'1.·t11ms lit• IS tll'll\'l', .ti lll'til.11t• ,11\d h" v on d do u ht w o u Id m .1 kc• l'.tl1fu1 rua·~ prl'st'llll' k110\.\ 11 1n \V ashing ton f 11r h<'lll'I' 111 w111·..,1 • 1'\'t'n ,1s ,1 fn•-.hn1.11l .... 1•n.1t111· I las opporwnl. Pc•lt' W1lso11 . w;1s J>ll'kt·d lo c·.irry the· Ht•pubhl'an lx111111·1· on tlw basis of his 1mpl'l'SSIVl' n't·ord <.is m.1yor ul San D1t•gu L 1tt k known outs1dt· th(' Suuthl<1nu a l thl' 11ulsl't of his '·L·ampaign. ht• unlurtuna11•ly soo11 gaint'd u rqrnwt1011 fw· saying th 1· wrong Lh111g ;it tlw w1 ung t1nw •. I I 1s 111 l'01\l'1 •1 v1 •d c·on mwn ts C111 S11c1.1 l S t•t·u r 11 y 11• I 11r111 g.1' 1· .. Bro\\'11 .t vh:1m·1• 111 /'t'l'll 111 \\1th • st>n\l' n asty d1•111ugogu1•rv ;Hid 1t1 ... ;1ttal'ks 0 11 lht• :-l at!' Su p rl'1111 · Court ra1s1•d 1jLJt•s111111s a .... 111 l11s judgnw n t. Hut in 11'(·1·111 t11111·s his 1·;1mp:ug11 has ht•1•111111 · 111t>r1 · pus1t1Vl' ant.I ht• has pn1v1 ·d w 1·1l II\ ft>rnwd m ch•ba ws w 1 l II H1•1w 11 l'ul1 fon ua, on tlw h;1 ... 1.., 111 11 .... 'ili'l' untl (.•(.'()l)Ollll(' lllllHll t.tlH'I'. m ight Sl'l'm lo tlt•st•r v1 · .i .. 1 r1111gv1 \'llll'l' o n tht• national ~·1 ·11<· 111.111 \V1b1111 nuw appt•<.1rs 111 of 11·1. hut tlwn· 1s rt•usun lo bd11•vt· lit 1·11uld gto\\ 111to tht> Jllb and ..i·1 v1· tlH" ..,l,tll• \vt•Jf Espl't'Wlly llttp111 l,11l1 , ht• doubtlL•ss would sW\ 1111 tlw ,1oli If t'll'<'ll'CI . Brown. 0 11 tht· 11tln·1 h.111d . ·ha:-macl1• ll 4u1tl' d1•.i1 tli.11 1h1· pn·sldl·m·y 1s his ult1n1.i11· go.ii :111d ht• n>uld lx> l'Xp<.'<:tt•d '" 1•1111t111u1 · pursuing th<.1 L goal fro 111 l hv vantage point of n;1t1111wl "I I 11·1· W1• s1·riouslv dt1uht it !'>IX Vl·;11·s 111 till' S t·11<1l1· r"1·ally Is wh,11 1;1 · h11s II\ llll lld ~'<11 1 ht•st· n •:1:-.n11s, th1..· Da ily Pilo t r e1·o mml'nds th1..· cketio n to tht· l '.S. Sl•n a t<' of Pett: Wils o n. ~Badharn rn1rrors area Tht• l llth 1ong1t·.,-.11111.1l d1stnet p1b 1m·umbt.•nt Ht·puhltt ,111 Robt• rt B .id ha m .1 g d 1 11 st ,1 n e w l' o m t ' r . IJ t' 111 u t' r .1 I P .i u I Has c·man Tht• d1str1el tndu<Je.., 'Cost<• Mc·sa . [rvlnl', Laguna St,>ach. N c• w port i'k :,i l' h a n d pa rt s of Hunt111gt11n Bt•ach. Or.mgl' and Santa Ana S.1dham has not lx~t·n bad for his d1s trt<·t 111 Congrc.•ss. lk fully ·supports tht· p rt's1dcnt 's t'<·un o m1t· p rogram, <ind WC.' fe<.•I that 1s an 'ftl'C'Uratl' rcfll'C·tmn o f the maJOnly ·of thl· district. 1 ll' 1s di11g<.•nt in his • 0 pl' r ... l 10 n 0 f h Is () f f I l' l' i n I h (. :d1slnt·t und gol'S to bat for his · ronst1 tUl·n ts W C' would fault him . =t Hn\'C'Vt'r. fo r his 1nt C'ntion to ·supports the pres1dl'nt's economic ·'i ssues b a n on a b or t 1 o n s. p<.>rm1s!>1on for M'h uol pr<1 yc·r dl'sp1w his rl'sc·rvauons about th<· proprlC'ty o f 1m luding them 111 lht· Cons LI tutto n alt hough LhC'y reflect h 1 s p e r s o n a I t· t h 1 1..· s l n h 1 ::. ·d 1scu5l.1on with the· Pilo t 's (>d1tonal board. Badham <;(J1d hi"> support uf lhl'm as eon ... 11tut1onal am l' n d mt' n Ls was a po I 1t1 t ~·I n •ality If ht• voted flgamst them. O l' said. ht• WC)U)d be• spc•ndtng ii 'good pc.irt of h is tlm{' l'Xph11nin~ • hi:-\'tilt· tu p<1rl~ u1tlt .. 1gu!' .... Wt· don't douht "h.it Ht·p &dham ..,;1vs 11i .... :-uppor t o l ""c. 1,il 1::-.SUl'' IS l'('l ldllll \' pl .1g111.1t1t H ow1•\'t•r. wt· would h.i\ 1· h1·1·11 morl' u n prcsst'd by h is t·,h1h1t111g th1• t·ouragl' o f his t·onv1t·t11>1i.. N<'Vt•nhel1•ss. on the · "hol1· W<> belwvc Badhwn s1•rv1·' 1 li1 · dis tric t ad<'quately a n d al·1·ur:1Lt·I~ rdll'C'ts 1Ls w1sht•s ConM'quvntly, the Daily Pilot recommend s r t.'· e lection of R o be rt Ba d ha m to Cong r ess. D cspitt· our Pnu1>1'S1·ni1•nt of Badham. wt• would hkt· to 11111111 out that in Paul lla">t'll\dll. th1· Democrats have f1dd1.·tl :m uhk and attracuve candidall'. Altlwugh fiscally cons1.'r v<1t1\'(· :ind con servauve o n law and 111 d1.·1 . H aseman support~ th<.· nu1 l1·ar freeze and the Equal H1ghts Amendment, and rcjet·t~ 1h1 h.in on abortions and tht• sc:huul pr .1\1•1 measure We beill've hl· m.1\ IK .111 appealing alternat1\1· tu lon servauvc· vot<.'rs d1s .. .1ti....f 11·d \\1th Badham's pl•rfnr111.1n1 t or thl· pr<.>s1dcnl'~ l'<'ono1rnl' progrc1m Although It 1:-. h1ghl~· unl1kt·I~ that hl· will be: <tny t'Olllµ<'t1t1on Lu Bndham rn this l'lt'l'IHH\. I lasc·mM'I bt•<irs watl'h1ng 111 tlw fultll 1· 1Lungren best choice •,, • Tht! retl"f! for l~nngres.."-. 1n lht· A2nd district pits 1n('umbl'nt 'RC' pu bl lt'a n Dan 1e I Lungren against Democraut t·hallt•ng1·r :James Spellman Lungren has bl•nl'f1tt•d frum l"eapport1onmc>nt tn this clrs tnt t Although 1t was llppt•d toward tht• tRepu bite a n s bc.•f or<'. 1 t has 00.•ome d cc1dedlv so in rt•drawmg tht· ~mes. · ~ Lu n g r l' n 1 s a n a rd l' n L ~supporter of both the president's ,econ om H ' pol 1l·1 l's a nd th l' S impson·M an0l1 lmm1grat1on bill 'p ow before the H ouse In addillon. ':he favors immedia te alt<'nllon to a >.sweeping rc·fo r m uf t h l· Soc:1al "secur ity system. H e also bac:ks the.' ~"social" issue<> o f a ban o n abortio n 1.:Pnd permission o f S<:hool prayN ... Altho u g h wl' P,o not favor his ·11tand o n the social issu l's, Lungrf'n s a w e l l -inf o r med. c:apa blc l egislato r . He• 1s not afraid to s tand 'Up for what he bch cvt.·s. and in Lht• S impson -M aizol1 btl l. hC' and ·fe llow supporters have someth ing A>f a h ot potato. In his d1s<.·u ss10n with tht' #edito rial b oard. h e had a firm :grasp of the fal't s and f 1gur<•s ,pertine nt to thl' q uestions at hand _He is a dedic:atro supply·s1dN and • argut•d t'Ull\'tnnnglv tit.it 1h1· p rC'sident's poht·11 ·~ wt•r1• 111;1k1 n g hl'adwav Sp~· II man. a I >1·111oc l':•t I rum L ong Beut·h . was u11d1•1 ..,t.irnl.1hl v mon· hb<'ral 111 hi' appro~1< h tu th1· issues Although w1· don't lx·h1·v1· that is ;.in ac"<:ura11• n ·fl1'<·t1rn1 of tlw will o f thl' chi-.trwt.'._ vutt•r .... Ill 1i....1•1C that 1s no problt·m w (' d Id . h 0 w l' v l' I . I 111 d problt•m s 111 his 1n:1b1l1ty to 1•xpl;1111 fully his p lans for rrfom1 of Su1·1.1l S <' l' u r 1 t v C:J n ct a n l' n cl t o unC'mploy ment. 111· call1.·d (or lowerin g of the Unl·m1>l11y11w111 r;:.te without rabm~ tnfl1111on :incl -.uggcstc.-d that somL' sort of WPA <ippr<>aL·h might h uvt• to Ix· ;ipplll'd to "prime the pump " I le· duf not -.t•t•rn to h ave· work<'d out I h1• JC'tails on fund ing that a pprwl('h Social SN:urity, hc> tw lH'Vl'd. would be a 1dl•d 1mmt·1:1surnhly h y ( u 11 e m p I o y mt: n t a n d t h 1• .;ubsequent lm:reascd p<ty·1n To g o again s t a n art1l·ul:it1• and well-prepared cantl1dalt• su<'h as Lungre n . a IX•mocra l must Ix• 1mpecc:ably sch oole>d n n d l'qu ully articulate . W e did not find lhtit m mbina tio n in Spellman As <1 result. the• Daily Pilot r eco mm e nd s r e -e lect ion t o Conireu of Daniel Lungren. Opinions exp,..essed In the spMe at>ove are thOse of the Dally Pilot. Olner view s ex· pressed on this page are those of their aulhOf'S and art ists. Reader tomment Is lnvu. ~. Address The Dally Pilot. P.O. Box 1S60, Costa Mesa, C A 97Ufl. Phone (714) ·6~2·021. ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat ltll•h VW• .... ,_ ... , .. '"-., •• , ,., ~· N~ ltAV ,, t••t• ~ ......... ,,.,,. Jl'ftt•' ... ,.,.. (t<\lf• Mn.I t • .,.,. Thoma• '. Hal•y ,_.b ,,.,,., Jan• Amari f ,-I•• l/lt • .. ,...,. Kt•lbkh r 1•<7 ,, ~ '" T.,...... Mce.nn ,..,.,,... J '" .. Letters to the editor Faculty hours 111i ,.e p,.es e nte d r .. 1111 1·.d11 111 \\I ••• I ,, I 11111g '" ... upµ111 I I h1 po'1 lIt111 • ,,,, .. ..,..,,.d 111 1h1 · ll'\t1·r lo till' l·d1t111 111 IO 1 1 U:! · ('11 llt·gt· St.Ill 1\1 ,11 "\,11 11111 t ti · J\., 1t-.1t lt1•1' \\ , .. 111 • ... , n• 1u-.I\ I 11111 • 1 llt'd ,d111ltl Ill\• 1•r11 .. 11111 111 I h1 11 . .-.-.t l11 d -.11p111 11 t 101 lllSll Ul l11111 .11111 \\ t H Ito llt1 ... 1·11l11111·11h uf lht v. 11t1·1 lh.11 •11d11 IH g1\'111 ''' 11ni.1111111i.: ... 1.i11 \\Ito ·"' ,1111 111111111~: 1rnd1 1 \'••1' dtl I 11 ult 11111.!11 1111..., 111 111.11111.1111 till' l11gl1 qu.d1t' "' ""1'1~•1 1 th.ti 1111•\ h,1 \'t' p1 11\ 1d1 ·d 111 I lt1 p.a ·,I \\'t \\,1111. h"""''•·r . lo 111111 ·1 I tl11 1111 !->I• .1d111g 1111p1 ........ 1011 11t.11 t.11 ul1' 1111 ·1111111 -.11111\ '""k l1w·h11u1·,,.,11hd.1\ 111 po1111 111 t,,, t tht· l:.icull\ ,.., • 11111111111o·.I 11 , , 1 ..,. I 11·d11 It· \\ I rn h 11'<.Iu1 n ·:-. . 1 I J..,..., t I > 1111111 ... 1 p111l1 ·, .. 11.11;d 111111• pc·r "1·1·k Thi "111 dul1 nl l l\'t• h11ur-, p1·1 d.1\ ,.., .1 , ••111111111111 111 11\ tit•· f.i• ul1' 111 I>• ·'' .1d.ilol1 111 11th1·1.., 0 11 l-.1111pu.., .ind d111·' 11111 111 ""~ "·'' n ·flt'l·I the· 111111· 11'<111111 d I '11 • "u 1 -.. 111 • · i i.1 r ,, 111111 ... t u cl 1 11 t • v.d11 . .i1on .111d ,, Ill\ 11.1d 11 ( 11lli1•1 p1•tl1·-.,11111.1I dut11·-. - \ \ , Ii 11 p, 1 h 1 "1 m Ill 11 11 1 1 ' \\ ii I I., 1>glll/I 1ltt1111/.(h !ht• 111111 I 1)1' \ 1>11 1·d II\ IJ<1llt g11111p-. 11( I 11tplt1y1t·' \h,11 1111 I• \ • I 111 • th11 .1111111id qua hi:> 1.11111111 ht -.11st,111 wd \.\ 11 h11u I ( 1n.1nu.il !'>ll J'I" 11 l 1 '1'11 th1 uhtor JUOITll Al'Kl.EY F.111Jll\ 1\11 mlwr ( ;uldt II \\"1,..,I t'11llq,(1 Tl11'..., 111 n •pl.v lo a ll'ltc·r t11 th1• l'thtnr ( J\latlliox. Ckt :!41 from a Mtssv Ann lloc•b1·h1·r nl N1•wport Bl'<ll'h . It 1~ unfurrun.1tl tlt,11 M s . Hot•lst'ht•r had trouhlt· w 11 h ,, dl'llvt·r y l)f 'IO<l to hc•1 n •s1d1•111·1· that for rt'asons unknown to n11· 1••sult1'CI 111 .1 rl'd tag from a "City I nsp• ~ tnr " I hav1· no knowl1-dg1• nf any 11f tlw 11ll'um~tam·es surroundm~ tht· 111nd1•111 .ind further I was not thl• 1 q101 t 1 n~ p.11 t :v F or tho~w m lt•n•stcd . th.., 1.111 IH· v1·nf1t>d by rontacllng Mr H11h1·11 W) 1111, City Mam•ge r, N£•wport u..,11 It I '1 1 h.11" tlus 1s anothe•r alh'm pt to d1 ... 111·d11 1111· .11 1'11'1.'l10r\ ttrn1• w1lho111 f.11 '' w .111 ur ,.,., of mformnuun PAUL L llUMMl<:I. < '11111)('1lm1111 Sheth 1>111t1111 Prop. I J tlo !'0/111 io11 '1'11 '"' 1·:d1t111 I "',1., ""·'Pl'nl n tt•d to 11·11d y11111 I'd I I 11 I I , ii IJ 11 () e· l I lj II U JI p II I fj II ~ l 1111p11~1t11111 1:1. th1• Wutt•1 H1•11111u11 ''" l11111at1v1· II ..., 1111d1·111o1hl1· that Cul1f1J1"11111 l1w1•" v1•1 .v "'''111111' watc·r 11hm tJ11w11 111 1111' y .. 111 N .al11·.id T11 "'upµly ttw curr1•111 d1·rn1111d 'l.1H·w1d1· 1t hn., bC'l'n 111•t't•l11111 1 y lo dl'\'t•l11p 11111• nf the• mOllt lmHl.(l llllllVc• d1i.1111>1111011 'vsll'm11 in lht• world Th1·r1• ;111 li1111t.11111;1' with 1tw 11y11it-m 1od11y \.\ 1111 Ii will w111 i<t•n In tlw n11d I lllHl" wlwn th•· M1 ·t1111Jolitun W utt·r l>b111 l<'I 111 S1111th1·rn ('1il1forn10 IOS<'11 1t1111h11n· of tlw C '01111111111 H1v1•r lo Ar11.on n P ropo"111rin 1:1 1' not 1h1• u11:.w1•r to -.u lvt• lhl' 1m 1~x:nd1n1< wntN 11horl.'lg« You bril'fly 11ummor1utJ 1n yuu1 1·d1t11rial th1· m11.Jor c'{lmJ)(mt'lil" o f th<• 111111.i11v1• whtdl indudl' provllcioM rmtl tun'l(•rvn t 11111. l(rou nc.Jw ntcr m:Hlt1~1·111e•n 1, in ,1n ·11m rrntt'C'tlfll'l and Nc·w MPl0111"t Dam o()(•r;1tumal rt,..lru:llon'I Ynu nOtl' 1h.11 Or an~t· County "htu1 p..rhnp<tt I h<· lx·st m1m.Jt{1-cJ g roundwat<>r bru In In the• .. wt<'" .md "would not be govt>rn(.J" hy 1h1· llltltllllV(' Th<' nAtrrct'll Dllorm•y.11 hnvl' ;11lv111Nl we that, In fstt·t. 1( thf' l11111.1llv1· p:a1<lil'll that OCWD would bt• KllhJl'< 1 to all ttw llmllallom. u f tht• ,,rol(l um w,. find lhla d i11 t re111cl nK Nt•vc•rlht•l<.-s~. l'vt•n If the 11tatut<>11 W<'rt• n r1t opplu:ablf.' lnc.'ully , thl'rl' Is no r t'WM>n to lw l11•vt• 111111 1111Jne• 1yst1•m will be 1·qu11lly df1•t•t1 v e• 1n Bt1 k t·rdl(•ld or frt'llrlo Wt• hovt• l)(lt•t1 ttblc• to "rnanll(Jc-" <)rung<' County•,, und"r1erountl w11.-r t)('('OU W<' hove.> bc>cn fortumaw NlClUfilh to h nv<' o rc·llubl<' 10urce of 1msx,rwd watr r with wh1l•h to 1u pplc.>mc nl th 81.1n 1 1 Ann River '• m agc.-r flow11 In "'l•l1·n • h111" th\• ba11ln ApproJUmou-Jy e>rM .tutlf ot tJw wou•r pcrroJat<'<l Into our MAILBOX .,,11 .... 111 l.111 • .11 11 \I .11 •' 1111port1'<I fn1111 1 11111 1 I h1 l "11111.11111 HI\ 1·1 111 N11r1h1·11\ (',1111 111111.1 Thi !Jr.111g1 <'11u11 1~ W.111·1 l>1,t1 11 t lt.1 • 1.1p11.1I 111\'1·.,lnll'nt uf $1110 11111111111 111 111.1k1 1111.., ,\,1t·111 "ork Tiil' 1:1111111d" .• 1 .. 1 111.1ll.ig1 '11ll'll1" pro gr .1111 ... 11gg1·,11 d 111 1'1111•"1111111 1:s lor th1· 11 ·IH'l 1111 d 1 ........ , \\11Uld ll''Ult Ill ma!>Sl\'l' u11k11•1 \\ll ,,...,,.., '" lht· <1g111ultu1.1I 111111111u1111' ,., 1d ' .1 I u.tl>lt-~1gr1l·u It u r .d l.11111, 111 111~· I• 11111\l'd lrtllll pnHIUUt1111 1'111 ... \\il l 11l1\11111 ... h lw r .. 11 II\' ;ill of Us ,ti 1111' '"'"I Ill.II k1 ·I \\ lwn WI' fllUl>l pa\ 1111111 1111 11.,, TJI E ('ONSEH \' AT ION !>l't'lwn 1if l'1 11p•,...1t1 .. 11 I~ .dl1·l h ,.,.,., v ,1gl'nty 111 1111 ,,,,11 1111p•111111g 11uir ,. 1lt:1n :m.ooo .1111 111 l I" r \1·,11 Tl11s 111l·h11h•s HI 111 11J1· -.1.11 1"' l,11g•·'t :!O l'lltt'!>. S.111 1'1.11111 .... II l ).ikl.111.I S.111 .J11M· ,111d <Jll 11( :-\11utl11 111 .111d l'1 111r.il Cal1fo r111;i \ 11111 • .11 , .tll 111 tht"'' .111 "' ;1ln-.1dv h.1vt • 111i.1 r \ .1111111 p111~1.1111' Pn1po~11;011 1:1 \\11uld 1111111\'1 .iuth1111tv for lhc·"· p101.pam' l111m 1h1• lot"<ll re"Sponsthlr ,1g1·n1 ll'' .111d ~I\ 1 11 111 the• Su.It' W.il"' H1•:-.ou11 ,., t '1111t1 ol Bo:1rd. et f1ve-m1.·ml)l·1 h11<1\ .q1111Hlll1·d h\ 1ht· g.1v1·rn11r If this 1111.11 d d1 1111' I ht' I llll'>l'r\'illlllll pl.Ill sul111111t1·d 1111 .11 ldtt1t111.il 11111">rt1'tl "oit1·r \\tit I" pt 11\ 1d1•d thu .... ,1 gr 11wth t«111tr11I "" . .-.u1 • .11l1111n1 ... 11 11•d 11\ the· .. 1.;tt• t\11 Ill .di 1'111pll,lltoll ) '.\ l:o. ;t h,1d -.11lt1l l••ll 111 ,, 11 .11 p1 ohlP111 In th1' \.JSf 1111 n111 1111 ,, 'll k p11l1t•11l t'11uld be· l,1tJI NEIL M CLINE Sl'l..Tt·l.ffV Man.1gt•r < Jr<1n,1w t '11unt v Watc·r D1stri1·1 Prof~ indifft•1·t•11t ? Tu t~w Ed11111· H1't.·1•111 1·11111·1"111~ lt •v1•it"tl al Coastll111• <'<Jlnllllllllt \ l'11ltq~c·" t1•1l•t'(•Ul'i.t•~ h y 'om1· 1111·ml1'•r.., 11f tlw 01.ir1/.(1· ('11.1~1 .1111 1 ( ;oldt•n W1•st ( '11ll1·w · f,w11ll11•' h11\'1• li.·1·11 .. ,.,.II liv lll V"t•lf a11d 11\:lllV o f ltlV l' I) I It• ,1 ·~ U I :,s . II ' r l' f I t• l ' l I 0 II K 0 f m 111 u n d <' r" l 11 n cl 1 n t( u n d I\ l 11t• k 11 r uwnn•m •'' of th1" 11lt1•rrm l1v1• lron1111,I( pru~1.1111 w l11d1 hu'I h1•1w l 11t'fl 1111 1111111\' 1hou'"1n1b 11f '1Ud1·111, 'l'u tq .ind d1·11I "11h 1lw 1m11111 hl•· llll'IUlldl ,..l,111dl11,I( •11111 ltll'k 11f kllll\i fc'\IM" .1!.11111 1t·l1" t"" "'' < ·.,,,,111111• Crn111111J1lll\ t '11lh-~1· h1 ·ld 1111 "1"'11 111•11'·•· "''"' rive• 1111.I 11111' hull h1111 ..... 'J 111 'lttlll\ 11f\l'l lll•lll I \ I l'I, .11111 111\'11• ti ,· •O I 1111 111111• fcu 1111 ' 1111·111IH 1 .. 111 ll1 .111.c• < • .... ,, nnd < l1•hh•11 W1 "jl '1111 "1"'11 h1111 ... · """ 11lt111ht1t•1l 111 11111vtdP .1 111111111 111 1111111 '"""''" Ill qll llll jll't'h llf lhP 111 VI l11p1111 Ill 111111 uftrl ltll! ,.f h•lt .. 11111 "I• .. , OF 'flll•: HO •11d1v11lt1t1 I 111v lh1l1t111oi '" 111 111 ,., .•. 1, 11111 111111' r1 ... ul\v 1111>111l..,1 11t 1111• tw11•11ll1•J('"'• "''""" t l11ldrtll Wr•I ('11111',l(P .111d lWt•lv1· ( )1 1111~1· l ·.,11111 t '<Ill"'-''' 1tw1111 v 1111•111h4•1" 11 11t·111t1•t1 M y j 1111111I 11111111 .... 111 11 wn111 11r dtiuq )p1il11hrll'llt lhul 11111rc• did 11111 11tt1•11tl. ~1v1·n tlw f111 or • 11·nt1•d 1111 1•11n11111M•11, h1 liu11rcl 1111•1·1111w1o 1111d 111 t ht· 1ww11 1tll'dl11 lJ p1111 r•·fl1•1111111, l111w1•vr•r . I ltuvc• ('Oil( ludt•d n1111 I"'' h11p"' 1lt1• llllJll l'll!llllll llf wld c•11111 1•11d 111111·1•n1 lu•l 11K voh l'cl 1111 loudly '' unly an 11lu"lon 111111 111 1111•t••lv th1• 11mpllf1<'d voll'•'11 11( a w•ry fc •w Tlw o nly otlw r c·11111 lu1rn111 th o~ l'nuld lie· r1•w1•hpd 111 th11t M1n11• (11 ·ult y h11v1• 1!•11• tlrnn JCIOl'1•rf' r1•a11o n11 for u111wk11 uprn1 t<'l<'<'f>Ur r·11 tto<'kll <'In k<'rl In tlw wu1111• of 1H 11dt·m1c· ond 1>rof1•1111l1111ul cmw1•rn' I 11•'1p1-c·1 n111nv 1111llv1du11l11 1111 11t1•114• <·umpUM'll, hut I um 11l11turl-w-cl th111 11un11• whu hnv" <·>qm '('J 1 om.,•rr1 wuulil 11111 do who I th(•y <·•p« t thf'lr own 111 u11t Ill• to do r <'Ill' u n · h 11 n d cl•· v" I 1111 11 pn11rw-c11vc· hv 1•1eum 1nntl1111 11t ull tJCtlr11t1 or vlt•w We n t Cnn1.illn1• urc• JJl'llU(I u l uu1 t>ducetlonal •Y•ttim ond ur«' us.wn 111 r>bjt-c:llw. <rPdlhl•• C'V4llw1t1on nn JAC"K BY ERL v Ch,.rtcr Focully and Atadt•mlr !if.n11tt! Mc-m~r Coutllnc.-<.'.omrnu11lty Coll •1 Credi1 mi placed To th Editor F'rnm a v1.tnlARt' ~nt •W•Y from tM 1nr11huna of t.h • y •r'• Hwwpon ~ ('llv l'ou11nl n.1111p;11g11. 111~ inu·n·~t111g l•> oh~1·1 \t' wh;it I!. g111ng on Our mJyor 1s t·b1m1ng that lh1· prt•!>t·nt uJun< ii (;11u.J IH·n,1·11 1n pu1 tit ulan 1~ n·'>pon!>thl1· for i.wtttng tht· hndg<· built 1111 Cu.isl ll1ghway. f11r tht· dn·clging lJking pl.ll'l' in Uppt·r Nt·wporl &y, i:lnd for gt·lll11g lht• 1·1ty turrwd around and potnt1•d 111 a pv!>ltlVt· d1n-t:llon ;,garn I mu:-t µcunt ou I I hat o < 1 l11.t'n l'111nmillt'l' ..1pprnntc-d hy lht· City Council Ill 1•a1 I\• llJ7'.I, WUI k<'<I on d1-s1gn. ht•1gh1. .md inll•r'>t'( lio n l'<>nf1gurat1on, rt'<Jl·hing a 1·on.,1·11sus wh11 h 1·v<·n tu<tllv wa-; .1ppr11v1•d ,1ftc•r J ~<"rll'S o f publ11 h1•;H111g:-. Lind wa~ promo11·d by Bill Fa k1·r\. HA 'T T1·am Almost <'Vl·rvonl' agn·1·d a nd tht• brn.Jg1• was put (m a sdwd uh· fur L'onstru1·u on by Caltr i:ln!> The· prt'SC nt City Council h.Jd nothing lo do with tht· bndgt• ;rnd w<c> s1mpl~ 1n offiet• w hl'n tht• bndgt· wa:-built! A GOOO MAN Y pt'Oph· fur IO yl'ar:, laid the groundwork to obt.am funds ft•r dn.'<.ig111g m U ppN l~y In ord1•r to gl·l $'1 mrlllon uf publ1t· mom·:-d1rc.,·tc"<.J mlo sud1 a pro~-et lht•s<· dnys. the· public· must Ix· ('\lllVlnt'C-d and m turn work to ronvtnl'C' public off1c1als to !;)(>convinced Tht• Uppt.•r Bay drl'<:lging would r.ol bt.· !4ktng plal't' wc·n· II not for a udal wave of puhht .. upporl and pr<,<.urc for such a prc1J<-t'l Tht· prc·wnt ('11y Council had nothing to d11 v.. llh tt lhf'\. w<·rt• mf•r('lv in off ll'l' v.. ht·n cln-<Jsi111g v. .J' st..llrtt-<J' As far ..... lh1· pn-si·nl IOUOI JI J(l lllTlj.; thl• l'ltV turnt'(f .ir11u11d 11 '>C'f'ffi' t1, rn< lhl'l l' I~ 1111ir1• timlrovt•r.\ """" th •• 11 n. I.1 s t 1·ou1H II (<11 c·d \V i th lV..o 11 t1z• r n ·ft•rt·ndum' tjUallfv 111g f11r bd ll• · plilt 1·m1·11t wh11 h 11l1J1·1 I to 1 •1un<. ¥lions, tl " 11hv111u-. th<.1t not 1•vt·rv•1r,• ,1g1 t't'S Wt tit tht• lllh 'll"I)' 11( tfc•Vt•l11pfnt r' lh1• pr1 .... 1·111 ('OUIH ii 111.IJllrll\' ........ ,j: .tpjH llVt' Th•· f1·w wit•• lw11f'f1t rrcrn• .,,,., d1·\•1·l111111w111 h.1 v•· µl(·t1tv of m11nr·v \•• ad \'t'l 1"•' 1111•11 \'ll'Wj)Cllllt (Vt•r \ I )1•\I r1 .. 111111 d1 ·,·111111-IV, I 1111~hl wt.II. whil« th•· 111.111\ \' 1111 d11 11111 l>01111·f1t fr11rn 11\• 1 ti•·\ 1·111111 111·11 1 h.1v 1• ltl ll•· 11111rn v f.,r l'"l1t11 al 1111\111"111~: l\u1 tl11 v d11 h.1•.1 '''ho•' l'lw '"''II''·""•" 1 lt".11 11'1 th1·v w•·r• 111 l')lftl 1'111 I ;ll1thd11l1 ~11111' I hflll'l I' JU'lt •I ··l•\11111 .. • l'h1 '"'''' """' ,1i ... i1. v.h.11 '"' \ \\ "'' Bi\' I' Wll.l.IA 1~ 1 .. 11111 I 1\1,lVlll J'ro '11•111 N1·w1••1 I l\.•,11 h I lou ., , 0 11·.' '" 1111 I .f11111 \I ·~ 111 \ I •.Jo,, .. I I ti,,•\\ ti 111< 1111, WI •II' Hllh ol """ lljlllll Ill Vl'llllll 1' f11l lh (11•111 1 .. 01111111 '"" "' ltll! I 111111 TV ........ . '" 1111 .. \\\lit Ill"'"'' 111 11111111111111 ... ,,,, ........ .. t11.t \\Ill\ 111\\•I"1111 1 111 lt1<1llll, 111 lrl 11111 ti•"''" 111lt• '1111111 \ 11111111 1111 •·l•'I 111111 d i.v ;\ l11t1111plt 111 lh• 111111w 111 ll'""lt11'""' 11t11I lllr 1111111111111 1111111 llu h11ll11I 1•1111 Ill k1111(1 :11. t11111·1 Ii·· "'"I''"' 11 v1111 r1111t vrn11 111•H 11111 t•·ullv h1111\\l11w 1111 1'4•1111' 111 olf11•('. \\ llltll11hl \ 11111 \ 1111• 1111 llwl 1li•111 IJu 11111 1111.i••l 111111 \•11111 ,,,.,, l11lv•• X • 1111111.11 JUlll i..11 111111 h fl" llil' 111 "1 IH'I ~ ....... 111111 k Ht• ttlJJV l111v1• 111;.•111 W• l'k• .ti~ 111111 11111( thr l>o.1llut Wt•IHhlrtU lht• V1tl l11tt" I 111111fl11tl111ntt, \tw r111111 1• 111 ltl" l11111llv hi• p111flt•rly. h u1 h111111• 11111v Ii•• nl •l11k1• I )o you tfor1 '1111( .. 1 11111 l11•1111t. 11 v11lr tiv J1U"-'lv1>ly 1111111 hlllH 11111 V• I 1111111 lt •·I holr-In It 1111tll1t11111l 11l111' A11 1u11111ii111 \•111• 1 .. 1u• 1r1umph '"' 11••1111111 111 y 1111111 1 11 '" 11 <h·nwanrnR 11111 •· J Jo v111 11 iwll 111111 v11u r 111·11(hh'>n u '""'"' I 1<111'1 .,,.,.,,. 1-:LMF.H WOODY lllllY• T he candid•• who don't ~l my voi. ar 1ht ·Of'M"ltl whcttwa camP'lip WOf'ktt1 p~OM mr at dlnMr llm on Sunday nl"ht to 10lklt my suppnn Th.-maJlbvlc tluttA!r UI t.:t cnou h \. IRKEO ..................... _.... ................ _ _.... ....... ----·· ---· _.... .. ......, ....... ~ • Tan, Soft Calfskin A n Affordable price of $40. I 052 IRYIHE A YE. 541-8614 Westcllff Plaza Newport Beach 0 A " 5 11. IN· lcoldrd\, 1tght\ Jnd lrgwar mer\ \I\ .ti k t> e p e' •' n r h ,. I 11 t I e "' !(Oh I 1 n hdpfl\ ,ind Wdll1l th" ltJlluw1•1•n A.nrl .. tier trH ~ or t1t'dt1n1<. thdt DJn\k1n lO\tUrn<' will be \uper for , Hhool, pla y or d.int ! fC'\\00\ 1058 lrvlne Ave. 642-5262 • Veta 's 642-1191 -----==. ----I· \ ./ ' ... ' "' ~ -' ,- \. , .... ·Jm t .. J, ' "lt1];1~1·~ SWEATERS Crl'W\, 'v -nl•t lo., or < .ird1g,1n~ - \t•lc< 1 from )hl•1l.ind IJmb, wool or C.l\hnwre for th1• < ool l,111 C'Vl 'ntng<, ,lht'Jd 17th & Irvine Avl'., Newport Beach, Calif.ti' 14 • b~'l-0-'1.l B 01 u11u11 Coui.t lJAIL Y fJIL CJ fl Thur aday, October 28, 1982 "1 There's no trick to this treat! HaUow een pdrties are fun . and Hallmark paper pilrtyware mdke5 1hem e<Jsy,too! Our "Ghooly Ghost" design ts fn ghtfully f1::stive and makes dean-up a snap! Precious Moments Figuerines a nd Nati vity Sets One line Free imprinting on boxed Christmas Cards PAPER UNLIMITED • I I 12 Irvine Ave., Newport leach -tt~U.""-'4 J(_, _....,_ 548-7921 VISA' Ml ... 10 AMlllCAI' CO(M \OCllTJ Cuncurd nuatll .i masterp·t'CP ot drt deco design a11d d•amoPds !:'ou"oun<J 1t1p 5ublly textured d1a1 Alt 14 karat llO o 1nclud111g 1111> 11 a1ch1ng l.Jracelel lt151de a q11cirt1 movement t11a1 never needs w11101ng Hano cralted 1n Swrtzerldnd .CH A R LES H . BARR Acc,....ectG-L._. ... ., 17MI I 1,. • .._ W"tcllff "•• Me..,onhech Anthony's Shoe Service • Bank o f Am erica • Charles Barr Jewelers • Crown Hardware • Dr. Lou Elder • Hair Handlers Sa lon • Halliday's Men's Clothing Hickory Farm s • Humpty Dumpty • La Chante~ •Hughes Market • Mes Am ies Teens • Nancy Dunn Antiques • Newport Balboa Savin_g_s • Paper Unlimited·. Sav-On Drugs • Serendipity • S.torekee per • Storekeeper for Her • Veta's Intimate Apparel • VJestcliff Cleaners • Westcliff Corners • Westcliff Shoes • : ' • 8 ( 111111011 Lllllbl llAll Y I 'II I 11 1 ll1111 tH h1 y 111 11111111 .'ti PJH,' Robinson's WATERFORD: THE ULTIMATE Gift DESIGNED FOR US ALONE A 01amona p.111ern m1n1 tamp $135 B Moo,.,co,n gooier S55 C Mint bell 137.50 'Engraving 1s S 1 per cha racier otease attow 3 weeks tor delivery No C 0 0 s on monogrammed 11ems AOlfNSOH'S PERSONALIZED WATERFORD. [ xqu1•,1tp uy'>ldl lrorn Wrtl~rford Int> 4111 tt1c11 lw!-:.tCJw!-. tw.iuly lrucl1t1011 illlcJ cll ll'>llY You II ltlld q1ft::; and Sf'IVlflQ itC.C.t",c,()riP'> ;mtl ltivf'ly 1.11np<. wllh t1<1ncJrn.tdP •.ilk s l1,11Jpf, ;.111d solid b1<1•,., t1.i',l''• 1n '>P<tr kl111q lull lead c ry•.tdl moulh l >town ,in<J pi-!111<:.tdktnqly ti,111lJ tut a11d '>holJJl'c.j liy 111•,11 .11t1'>.il1'> WP ::;l1ow 1u'>t .i lf>w IPmp11nq c:,;irnplt" c om1• 111 .111Cl c lloo...,P y1J111 111vp .tmt'nl 111 111"'.iuly lrorn uu1 e.<tP11· 1vt • c ollPr t11111 1n Ro1J1110.,011 '• w.111·rf1,1Cl < 1e1ll1•rv t•t.! l11 rJ1(JP1 <,ill 1011 111:1• 1·800·345·8501 And ""k .ilJl•lll ou1 W.iterto1d C,111t1 f'l.111 A ~lal selection ot Waterford crystal crea1ton1 hes been designed. exclusively ror us. to eccommodele hand engraved 1n111a1s Delivery is appro•lmatery 4 months from order date so plan early tor special occasions Samples may be seen and orders olaced E Rose cowl lamp 1275 In ell 1101111. ROBINSON'S COMPUTERIZED WEDDING GIFT REGISTRY G The W~terlorCl knote S65 • H Dunmore East hurricane lamp. at.H . MAKE AN APPOINTMENT WITH OUR CONSULTANT AT YOUR NEAREST ROBINSON'S. WEU RECORD YOUR GIFT PREFERENCES IN EVERY STORE VIA THE ONLY COMPUTERIZED SERVICE IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. D1llyPHat HIUASOA V OL 1 OHf H :18 IY82 CAVALCADE 82 TELEVISION 86 THICllASTANDTHICOUITY Sherry Albe roni, with he r two children, Casey, 8 , a nd Ke ll y, 5 , poses with some of her Dis n ey memorabilia. Tiu· M is."iio11 V if•jo J>/11 y /1011 . ..;t11 Jiu . ..; tlo1u• u t•t•(•tli~11J,J,. job wit Ii Neil "-' · ' ''(' I ' I ' ., " .~1111011 ~ ,o, s 1 t1 vor1 t•. PHgt• ll·I .. 0 0. The ori1rinal members of the old 'The Mickey Mouae Club' aa they appeared in 1956: Bottom (from left) Annette Funicello, Karen Pendleton, Cubby O'Brien, Sherry Alberoni (alao at left), Denni• Day; second row, Charley Laney, Sharon Baird, Darlene Gillespie, Jay-Jay Solari; third r ow, Tommy Cole, Cheryl Holdrid1e, Larry Lanen, Eileen Diamond; fourth row, Lonnie Burr, .Mar1ene Storey, Doreen Tracey; fifth row, Jimmie Dodd and Bobby Bur1reaa. DENNIS \ CUBBY She still has her Mickey . Mouse ears By JODI CAD EN HEAD 0 1 IN Delly Pllol II•" Forget what you've heard all your life about ch ildhood fantasies disappearing like Pe ter Pan's dreams when people grow up. At 35, Sh erry Alberoni, a for mer Mo useketeer, may qualify as an adult, but she certainly isn 't ready to hang up he r little ' .. .I want my children to be surrounded with happiness and what better way than with Disney characters.' black ears, just yet. The Costa Mesa mother of two will be appearin g a t Disneyland Saturday and Sunday for a reunion of the original Mickey Mouse C lub members wi th Lonnie Burr, Sharon Baird, Tommy Cole, Bonnie Fields and Cubby O 'Brien. Othe r performances will be staged Nov. 6, 7, 13, 14, 20, 21 and 25-28. "The Mic. key Mouse Club has good memories for most people," said Alberoni, explaining the popularity of the reunio n. "It wasn't anything 10 be.• embarrassed about or ashamed of. It brings bac.k happy memories." Alberoni was <'i~hl years old w he n she joined the Mic kl'Y Mouse gang as a regular in 1956, singin~ the familiar theme song: "Who's the leader of the clu b that's made for r,ou and me? M -1-C-K-E -Y M-0-U-S-E! I Although shl• left the ser.ies after two years to star in Abbott and Costello's "Dance With Mc Henry" she never gave up the magic of Disney keepsakes. · In fact, the Costa Mesa homema ker probably has one of the largest collections of Disney memorabilia in the world. A stained g la ss window of Mickey's smiling face near the front door is a good clue that you've found the right house. The living room is decorated w ith Alberoni's prizC' needlepoint pillow of such favorite c harac ters as Mickey and Minnie Mouse and Snow White. Alberoni 1how1 oll • pair of bronzed Mickey Moute ean •.. Following h er Mousckrtccr c.areer, Alberon1 appec:1red in a few popular television '>hows, but gave up all but cartoon dubbing 10 marry phy!i 1c iJn Richard Van Meter in 1971. The couple have two c·hildren -Casey, 8, and Kellv 5. "I don't want to f(O back to auditioning," she said w hen asked if the reunion shows are an enticement to return to show business. "I really enjoy bC'in~ a wife and mother and I'm the type that if I m goin~ to do something I want to do it well ." While appearances on the Merv Griffin show sound wonderfully ~!amorous, the £>xcitemcnt fc:1des quickly when the daily routine of Girl' Sc out ITI<'C'ting s and dinner preparations take over. More for fun than anything else, the fami ly keeps a reel of her movies in the screening room to watch when close friends come over. Albcroni is careful to point out that her homC' is not a shrine to Disneyland, but is just a c hct>rful place to live. .. •. .... "The beauty of D1rney 1s that 11 's childlike, not < h1ld1 sh," she !'.aid. "My world revolves around m~ husband and my children." Lif e-size Mickl·y Mouse and Donald Duck puppC'ts arc in the c hild ren's rooms along with Di sney books, J rocking chair and a pair of the original Mickey Mouse bronzed 'The beauty of Disney is that it's childlike, not childish. My world revolves around my husband and children.' ears. Practically everyt hing in the house, from clock and rugs 10 her husband's ties, bears the cheerful Disney stamp. "I don't live 1n the past," said th<f spunky brunette, who seems ready to launch into the club theme song in a second. "Basically I'm happy and I want my c h ildren to be surrounded with happiness and what better way than with Disney characters." . And ju1t look what It 1a19 on her Ueente plate B ... ) • l r utlOU l Utt I UAIL Y Jiil tl I / I h111 >1duy Ot.luht•f /U l'WI Rad r boiling o v r • HOROSCOPE BY SIDNEY OMARA Frlduy, <ktobt•r 211 AHIES (Ma11 h :.?1 t\pnl l!I) Pust lavms .i11 n ·p • .uJ, gu11l 1s do~" yo11·11 · or1 w11 y, .11d 1·111111·:-. It 11111 .surpr1.;t· '>oll1\·1· E111pli.1:-.1:. 1111 1111t1 11t1v1-, fund111~. 1u•w .111d p1 u d \11 llV1• 1·1111ta1·1s 1>01111':.l II' :.1 l11at m11 11np1uv1·s. 'urtn1111d111g .... 111• lil'.llltlfll'd • TAllRllS IAp1 ii :!O M.1~ :!0) At1·t':-.' "1o<;111wd 111 l'Onf1d1•11t1al daw Y11u'1t· 111v1h'\I 111 pa111t·1p:111• 111 mt'<.h .1 1•\'1•111 P1'\1ph· ask 4u1...,l11111'. vou .11 t• .1hh· tu SUl't'\'S.-.lUll~· J1•f1111• t1•l'llh GEMIN I \M.1v :.n .lu1w :.!II) H1·l.1t1unsh1µ tnll•ns1flt':-.. vou g1•t \\hat \llU tl1•:.i1 t'. b ut th1:-. I!> 1111t llt't't•ss.lnly wh.11 \llll 1w1·d A:.p1rat1011:. und1·rgu l"c•v1sw11 Grl'<'ll light fl,1,h1•, f1Jr 1•n·.i11vt• prn1~·t CANCER (Jurw :.!I Jul~ :.!:.!). Emph.1!>ts t•n J1us1nt'S)o, 1·.1n·1·1. fulf1ll1111·nt of prof1·:.:.111nJI 1>bl1ga1wn You'll h;1v1· mu11· n •spons1bd11y .tncl l'hanl't• for g r1•.111•r '''"' ;ird Spot light on aC'h ll'Vl'm(•nt. pr11mut11111 .111d d ,111h11g d1:-.pl.1~ ol ab1ht1C'S Watdi C~q.>r1c•o111 LEO {July 2J-Aug :.!:.!) Valu ablt• L'OlllaC'l madt• In l'onneL·t1on with <>Vl'rM•a::. m;irkl't. Fol·us o n poblishing. l'ommun11:au11n, prtm·1plcs of jusllet' and ~iritual valUl'S You gt•t to heart of mattl•rs and l)ave genuinl' l·ham·1· 10 Pxpn·ss sdr in ind<'JX'llUl'nl, u nique m a nm•r VIRGO (Aug. :.!:! SPpl ~~): Complicallun::. anst' ln connection w1 th paynwnts, loans and spc•c1a l investigau on. P rci1t•1·1 your own rntc·n •sts, ddvt• beneath su rfat'l' 1ndll'at1on::. a11d eome u p with storv behind stor y. LIBRA (Sl·pt :.?:i 0 . 1 :.!'.!) Pt·rn•1w p1t·tun· 111 its entirety, lea\·1· dt·t.11ls for another tinH· Ingratiate yours1•lf with orw familiar with law. s pecial righ ts and pl·rm1:.).1tHh Do plentv of listening. · SCORPIO !Ott :?:J-Nov :!11 St1l'k to l)ds1c ISSU es assoc1atl' "ho w<1n~ to ::.kip t'S:>l•nuals 1s impa tient. 1mpuls1Vl' and mbinforml•d Job gets d one 1f you an· pn·::.t·n1 trusting otlwrs to bl· on time would n ot lw '-\ 1i.t• l·11ur::.t• SAG ITTARl l JS <Nov :.!:l Ut>t· 211 Surprise encounter with rnl•111bt•1 of u p pos1lt' s1·x ts transformed into r11m,1111tl l'p1sode Emphasis o n change. exc1u•nwnl, tn.1v1•l opportunrt:v and chamt• to displa) t'rl•at1v1• t<ill•nts • CAPRICORN (Dl't' :.!:l Jan HJ) Focus on re modeling, r<'<il--<:oraung. n·movul of safc•ty hawrds and makmg homt• a mon• plt·asant plat't' Att<·nd to basic issue's, c h1·t·k ltn·n st• rN1u1n•menti.., laxl•s, inte rest ra tt•s and IN1sc• rt'qu1n•men1s AQUA R I US (Jan 20-Fl•b IHI . Ideas a re plentiful. kt'y 1s to bl• s<•lc ... :t1vc Choosl' quality. catch up on corrcspondc•nt'('. rC'lurn calls. strive to r egain sensC' o f d1 rcc t1on Short trrp involves relative. First 1mprt's.s1ons prove cor ret·t l>l•;t\I< ANN l.J\Nl>l':H~ y.,.,, 111.11.I .1 l11t 111111111 1•lidd ,.ltll" 1111\ 1111111111~ ,al111111 1111 lUI 11111 11tf 111 h'll 1111 k1.t .. 11\ I'·'" Ill' \\ li11 1111 .111 \\I II I ·•Ill 11•1\11111~ 111 N1•\\ .l;·"1'\ 11 . .ll\ p.11.1111 ~ 'I Ill• p.11,1d1 •' l,1k1 pl.111 Il l lllhl\lllllllH'I •\\ lll'll lh1· '"" 1-. '"11d1111~ Tlit 1hild1111 .111 ••llt II v•1.1pp1·d 111 • "'llll•11'' 1111111 111-.11 1 111 11"'' .11111 -.111111 ,111• 111.1111• 111 v1•lv..t, l1·h . 1111 11', .111 111v11.i111•11 111 h1·.1r i.l111kt• W lu•n th1• kuli. 11 y th••\,,,,. p1111ldc·d tu kt"'Jl 1(111111{ .111d kt'i'I' NllllllllH 'l'l11•y IOlll~(I' 110111 tWll 1111111ths ol llJ(t' 111 you nunw 1t Tl11•11 ag1111y 1i. th1 • ..:11111· '" .111 11dull w h11 11- 'li.11111·d t11 .1 t11•t• for 1w11111· 11111•1• h11111 s, dr1•i..,t·d in w11111•r dollw:-.. und1•r u hot Nllll. Tiu y 1-(1'1 thirst ~, li11n~1 y, d111v (llld 111uyl)(• nmlM'<llt·d Wht1 know .. '. I .m1 a ~O y1•111· old l'ol11·1ow :-.h1dc·11l .11 111 wu11t 111 ,1,1rt .111 111 gw111at11111 111 l11·lp 1l1t"•t· 'l11ld11•11 A111 I 11v1·r11·.ic 1111g'' Alli I WJ11ll ng 111v 111111 ., l ;l(,;t IN NUH'l'l 1 JEHSEY O EAR G IG I : I ha\l' n cvl'r s1·en n kiddit• parade, so I don't know if your c·luims are valid. You d o sound t•arnest and sinc•ere, howeve r, and I admire your c rusading spirit tu t·hanJ(t' som ething in the world you feel Is wrong. The rirs t s t ep m ijitbt be tu s peak to your c ongr essman or c onKrt•ss"oman -maybe Millkeot F en"ick (you shuuld be so lut·k) I -and investigate the po ssibility o ( passing '>Orne legisla tion to protcc•t tht•sc <'hildn·n. POT SHOTS BY ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT QUfflllf \ t VVC'll Id ta )\.:> fo,.., h.J 11 ~ t o e....-rl ::i 1 .. ,..,!-\ e ~ ri ·-1 c r~f>l 11 •(j~ :'\houl '"::-~i lef "> jH"t La ll 1 t l0ve By PHI L INTERLANDllina.Seach ~ l P iSCES (Feb 19-Mart'h W) Financial pressun• boomerangs in your favo r You 'll lcx·atc• needed material and you l·an demon .. -.tratl' thal views an· correct Focus· on addC'd rl"ipons1brhty. payments. "Oops' That Wl'lll in o n e· <·y1• .md out !ht· rollec·t1ons and ml'rt•.i.st..:'(...:.:f:....:.1:.:n;..t'O::;n:.:.1:.:t_i:po~t~e.:.;n:.:.l:.:1a:.:l.:... ----~='='=t h=C'=r=·=· ====~====--::-==-=======· PA•O POl.trlCAl A0VCRTISE"1EN T Paid tor by Allan Beek for the ReSJdenlS 2007 Highland. Newport Beach. CA 92660 Allan Beek F or City Council • he asks. he listens! • HlJSBAND'S DAY SALE /Jill I~ /11 Charge ~a t .. Oct. 30 \ml lie BL'i •·:JO% Off £,·en ·thinu .. ! . . ~ O .Vf; DA)' O.VLY ... 2128 S•n lli8u•I Dr., l•.,orl l1ach 761-0617 ALL FLOOR MODELS DRASTIC All Y REDUCED A.CA ~ _M_N_LA_NDE_. RS __ JUll l J1tl ll '""'' ..... ,,,.,_, Ill 1111 11 1111-(t"l "llll fh 111111111111( tlu 11'\h will ,,.. r1·,1d v ror l h1 ht 11il1 I 111 1 r v111~ l>Jll J11cl 1 lwrc WJ ll 11.. no 1,..11' '"'"' 111 1 .... 11• B~:'l''l'Y IN 'I'll~: HAllAMA:-. D EA it IH•:TTY. Th u nk~ for lht· fhh \l Or)' \\•·'II Irv it Frld uy, Jui.I tor th•· hullhut IH·:AH ANN LANl>EHS I ,1111 WI 111111-( .11"1111 ch•• 1111·111 l1 ·ltc•1 1111111 tlw 111"111·1 I, 1011, w111 1ld l1k1· 1111•;1'1 111v V11l1 · 1111 111.i y1•1 Altc•1 ',!.'/ y1 .. •I ' a:. .111 ;wt1 v1• 111..,1'.xual I 111ad1 :i 1111•K-. 11f 111 v 111a111.1gt .111d 111y hu,1111·" · l'i.v1 111.111 "L', p-.y, h11l11g1).ti. and h y p110...a:-. w1 ·1 t 11f 1u1 lll'lp I tw 11,·d It• (:od 111 t..l1·~111·n1t11111 l '1,1v1·1 w11rk1·d 1111 1111• S11 """'''" An11 , 1nt ludc· 11 111 yrn11 It!.! 111 p11"il•I.•· :-.11h111111" 1111 ~·uplt · wh11 h.1vc· lrnih·d u p 1lw1r hv1·-. No 11.111w JUST P l LI I .Al >1·:t .l 'l Ill\ 111·:1\H ANN I I)"' .1wl11lly t111·d 111 h• ,1r1n~ "''111111111111111l.11111h.1t tl11 •y 1111 l1e•1 111: p11,l11 ·tl .11ut111d 1,v 111• 11 1'11·:"" 1111111 ct.1 -.. .a111 ·1 t1111 1· W11a...c1111 { 'h1111 11111 "'.I'. •1111·1· "'ko'll l1y .1 ll'J>lll lc•t "f)c, y1111 11,1\'1 ,Ill\' 11/flllfll'lll ,1IHHll lht• fllt •d 1c lltlfl Clt:1l Ill tho V•·.11 :!llf)IJ w111111·11 will Ix· 1 ul111~t 1lw w111 td·1" • 'l'lwv ;.1111 \\Ill ' Ii''." 11·pli1·d W1111111 ' Wll ti .1 ...i111l1· MI DI JI .1-'.I\( >HO, KY l>EAll PlllLAUELf>lll A : Tha nk " lor th.- lcstimoniul. II ha -i workt·d tor m e, loo . And to thui.t· who 'it•oll I sa y ii you haven't tried it, don't knol'k HE1~lt Mii» An umui.lng lln1•, but wonw n a re 1wl runnin1-: lh1• world, nor wt·rt· the) \\hl·n Winnie wa..; around. Malt' c·hauvlni1.t propagand a, my t rlt•nd . ,, 1•ut ,, '" llJ(' (. '<111 J.SIJ. 1-'<.'I' I HI .11111· .111tl p1//.\ 11111·11 "' h \\11rl</., /111 ,v11u ·1 SflJp ~t11·"'"'J.: (;,., rht· /.,." 111 .\1111 L.J1Hl1·1' .1// "''\\' lmuk/1·t . "'flw '""''""'" "" />t11)(· "1"11r 1 .. wli booklt t 1111/1·11·tl .<it·n<I $:.! /1/11, .t fullJ: ... ,.J/ ,11/t//1·'-"l'f.f ... t.1111µt·tf t•lf\ 1•/flJH' (:Jfj it. l>Et\H ANN LANUEHS A \\11td 111 tli.11 "11t11.in "ho t-.1n'1 '>l.1nd the· '1111 II 111 r.-.h Siii' 1h11· ... 11·1 h.iv1 111 I ,1111 ,, 11 ... !11'1111,111'\\111· .11111 h JI 1wd 1111' l11t·k 1111111 lllV 11101111'1 l'Ul 1111' 11,h Ill •' IJ.tll l'ovc•r 11 with 1111lk Add t ht 1·1 · t.1hla•'l"11'n:-. 111 11•1111111 11 •11t' l""'·•~IJ 1t1 J\1111 L.111tl1·"· I'<> II••>. 1199.5, <·l111.1J:11 Ill 111'11/I GOREN ON BRIDGE BY CHARLES H GOREN ANO OMAR SHARIF 11111h 111lnt·rahl1· :-;11111h cll·.al' ~OH'l'll . ' 10 911 -1 9 •A U l!765 1 \.\t:~·1 t-:A~'I • K !I 7 Ii • J 5 3 2 J 7 ti 5 KU JIS 75432 +Ji •K lOJ ~Ol 111 •AUIOIS AKU 32 A l06 +!I l ho· h11l<ltnv, ~outh \.\ ""t I Pa1>1t 6 l'u i. I >pc mni.: lt'.1d :'loorth Ea .. t 4 1-'ai.!t l'aH1t l'ai.1t f.. Ill!{ 111 J<1 ••11 111 .1 d upl11·.d1· p.11r '11111111·111 1 .. 11. II I 1111 h,I\ ,. rl'.11 h1·d ,1 i.:""d ,(,1 m, ·'IHI ... ti .. uld 111111.. loor l h1· '·I r •. ,1 litll' \\ t11 ' "1111·1 ,I llUllllll r 1.I 11.11r' .1r1• 11111 ).!•11111( lo Intl tho ,1.,111 11111 .1r1· .1•,11r1·d .. 1 .1 lw11 .. r 1h.111 ·' 11·r.11:•· , •• ,,,, 111 '11n11l1 lir1nl<(1ttl( h11m1· 1 ho· n1111r11 I In ,1tld11 1on ,.,n"' tl1·1 i.1r1 I ' lllll(hl \!•• d11\\ 11, Ill ir1-.1,1nl( 1n11r r1 -...,rol ,., .. n 1111 lho .. :--"' l h ' Jll Ill I' l 11 111111 lw.1ri.. 1111 h1, d1,11 d111111111,il h.111d .... .•• .... t II I•''"'"''" I ho r•· "'·" 11111• p•11111 '" 111 l 1uol111 111).( 111' • 11111 'II 11 ,ii I tit.II °"'lllld JI I 1111'!111,h °"llUltf Ill' 111 'lll-:l(l''' lo 111, JIJ rl n•·• lh.11 ht· h.111.1 hc·llt-r h.1r11J 111 h11(h • .1rd,, ·Vltl I h,11 1't1Uld '"''") >(t•I h" '1111· ul 1 rtm,trd .... 1111\h·, JUOlJI \II ,JJm it.I' lhl' tl ••f1Jrl mt'nl .., .1pp1 •1\ .ii I he r" h.ttl In lw 1(11t1d pl.1 \ tur l\.\1•l\1' !rid,, \\'''I l;•tl I h1 ~Ill)( ul d1.1mun<l,, .inti d1•1 l.1r1·r "·" h.q1p) "1th h1' <h1111m1 llno· lint· of pl:t! "J' Ill I ull 111111 "I h1<. ,p;1dt· J ntl d1a111011d 1 .... ,.r, rn dumm) 'I hl' dJnl(i·r 111 th;it l111e Wal> lhJl II rt'k··d Jfl nv1·rruff. par111·ul.i rl~ '1111·1 dl'l'f.1 rt•r la<'kt•d rum nn1n1ra 111111 b1·l..,t•t•11 hi' h.111d and d11111:11y Oddly 1·n1111gh. tl1· 1 l.1ri·r tl11l nu! h:I\ t' 1·n11u)(h •·ntn•·' 111 h1' h.1nd t" 111.1k• !11.1! lir\I• h-.1,d1l1· \ lar 1111ir1· .tltr.wl1'' 1111• ••I 111.11 "·'' .1 du1111111 ''"' ,,ii I h.11 "',,, m"'lt Jl'"'1l1I• II\ I h1 l.1• I l h.1! • \t o•pl l•ir 1h1· J.ic k. 1lt·d.trl'r h.11J .ill th1 111.a.:h I r11m11' "11 d•·•·l.11 •·1 "•111 I ho· at•t· 111 di.1111•1111h. 1 ,1,h1•d I ho· .11•1· ul rlul" ,111d r1Jl l1·d .1 • 11.!1 htl!lt I h•·n h1· lo·d ,, 111" I I "111 J> I \\ ,.,, "1111 1 h• J•" I.. .inti'"" l111u c ti -..11 h ,1 ol1Jlll••rt•I I lo ..r.1r1·r rurr .. d lrt d u1111111 .inti rullt•tl ,1n•1lh1rduh"11h ,1 h11!h 1ru111p tu "'' up tht· 'Ill\ '\11-.. lh1· ,111· 111 lrUOIJ>' .111d JI••" lr1111111 tu dumm~ ·, t1•11 1•11.d1l1·d d1·1·l.1ri·r 1 .. dr.1-.. tho u111,1.1nd1t1)( 1rump,, c·nd 1111! 11 11 ••II thl· bo.1rd 11111111111 ' 1!"'',j 1 lu !J.., Jiit! I ht• .11 • 111 'i'•lllt'' JtTl/Ulll 1·d !or I Ii• r1 '' ••I l h• tr11·k, \\ h1•11 )•111 l1r-.1 '"" 1h" h.t11d. d 1d \llU rt•;i)111• lhJl tl•'fl.1ri·r' 1Jlll) Ju...,·r """Id 111· ,, 1 r11m 11 1 r11 k ' llow do you cho01tl' the hl'Ht opening lud? Charles Gort•n ha!t lhl' a01tl'I er. r or • copy of "\.\inning Opening l.ead ... " l>l'Dd S J.k5 to "Goren-Lud"," care of thi1t nt'w1tpapt'r . P .O. 8 0.11 259, 'orwood . '.J 071:Mk. \fake cht>r k., pa r able to 'e"'• papubookb. Hitachi P.J 2S" TABLE MODEL DIRECT REMOTE CONTROL WALNUT GRAIN CABINET -=--- --· ' Only '1799°0 IHClUOU CKLIVfllY 6 IHST AllATIOH VHS TAPES •1 o oo Gibsori0~449~0 From Ft1gtdalre. Bit-family capadly; tabrtc care and energy Savings you can caun10n. 14 cu. It. .. ··~--- THURS.-FRl.·SAT., OCT. 28, 21, 30 NOW WE SPOOK YOU WITH EXTRA LOW PRICES WOMEN'S SPORTSWEAR -SUPER BARGAIN TABLES - FROM 1.99 to 9.99 -DRASTICALLY REDUCED TO CLEAR. M EN'S PANTS -JACKETS · SHIRTS -SWEATERS ALL REDUCED 50% OR MORE Bl~Y NOW AND SAVE A BUNDLE -· Sl~f"f: 1849 ,.. ~ . FROST FREE, TEXTURED DOORS. CANTILEVERED SHELVES SALES and SERVICE eENTER 2155 H1rbor Blvd. (Al latier, COSTA MllA 1404114 HOU .. S: Mon.-Frt. M .. l •• CfoHd l un. f AIV CRIDIT • W£ CARRY OUR OWN CONTRACTS 0 .AAC. ; I • ! ~ • . ,,_., liJ~ ,,_... JlODIMr ~~ ~~~~ NOWPLAYNi A-Ill COii& MIU fDUat&lll fAlllf WUlllllMlllll r«1M \-"MW""' l\1 -•I"' I dt111"4\)· ·~'4tA '•"" l IJ.-••d • ''''"'"'" v.1 .. , '"'•• •• « t .... I "1fr t /11110 0)1110• t!Vt\Oij u11t1\ -· ll t-1•t1ll4 WllllllHllll ~ ........ ,. IJ•t tr.\...,...,,..• f•••,f\W•lllJl)f4'1itl•• • '"'•'" t1 W•t 114 17' ~Ut \t I '0 0 \\I Qt~\ • " UlfAMfa& ...... f' ~ "•II'"' OllAlllll t.>46 ti•' 11 ~1' IOI ..c, • ._ .... ,.Ct.t••••·..,., .... ~ ... , • aARQAIN MATINB•a * Mond1r lttru s11urd1r All P•rtormenct1 before 5:00 PM (~I l,.a.I h1111me11ta 11141 He!Weya1 1 ._ "11MAI"' MA.ti lo Muooo ot lo••ctont LA MIRADA WALK·IN 994·2400 "JINICl!D" !0!1 ----- "MONllONO"" 1•1 ----·- LAKEWOOD CENTER WALK IN "MONllONOR" ciu -----"IT.t.JI TlllK" 1•1 ........... "IT.t.llTMIC II; TMR wtl.t.TN OI ICNAN" ,,., -· .. lAl<EWOOD CENUR SOUTH WAI• IN Foc.;ty ., (lei """° 111/tM-tHI •T ... IWOM> ANO THI IOllClltlll" 1•1 -· .. -"Dl'AOOMll..t. Ylll" l"J --- "AN O"IClll ANO A OINTLllU.N" 1•1 ............... , .• "THE CHOSEN" 1•1 '""It'. ......... _..,,. ''Fl"IT ILOOD" 1•1 , ............. ". 1ocu11y 01 Conolt•ooo 213/Ul-9510 ·-,LOYO: fHI WALL" !Ill ---"Tltl UIT lllllllC.t.N VlllQIN" 101 "TIMl'tlr' tH I Ui;46.UI. ... ''MY 'AVOlllTI YIAlll" '"°' .... "THE CHOSEN" ;01 ,., .......... "JINXED" 101 •ta•• .... •• ... ,, .. ·~f~i>~fJKfv'~ &1'=~N s2 Children Under 12 Atwoys FREE Kt '"SON -r--...,.. •• _... -IOAU-.-c .... O•GAC«-NTS .. Ollr• a.-°"" .... '"' -St"11 '4S •• IMl'OHA•T •OTIClt CMllDfll• UHl" 11 F"U! .......... -... Ofltt a.-°* •••• ~-·l'OUllMICNl-Cl'OUll- t* IG Ml CNI -...... -CUSlllT -'Ot ___ ..._., .... ~----- ............. ANAHEIM OlllVl IN ._ .... l_ll 11t-tHO -~ .... -"T...u.M. TI4I ............ , CllC fl - pi '"•a >A"'' BUE NA PARK [Jlil\I( IN ~--.. ·-llH070 .......... LINCOLN OPIVl IN UM..,_ Awe W.1.t of C"O" 121~70 I '•a'• FOUNTAIN VALLEY OQIVf IN Nft 1MeeO ,...,. et --(M) ffl•l .. I ·u~MD ·~­-.. .,,...."" __ ,._ --"-". ,, ... LA HABRA [IW'\11 IH ---·--·---., ...... "'"'• . COii "- "IT. THt llJITllA·llllllllTilt&l " 1 .. 1 ..... ••ot1.t.OOHILAYlll" , .. , •"f'lfllT I LOOO" l"l ..... .. ._.OMU .. uu "MALLOWIUI Ill: MAION OI THI WITCN"' 1•1 ..... "THI r-o· 1•1 C•llJf •• touwO lff<ft -So. J Got-Gt ..... _ .. ..,.,, •JllNXaO" f'll ..... ·T~ THI .t.l'C MAH" 1111 c•11- "MOHllOMOfl" 1•1 .. tie .. ,. .... , .. , c•HIOUOIO ORANGE OlllVI IN MISSION (llJl\/f IN --. - W ARNER (•IJl\/f IN ....... l'lOYO: TMI wau-"" -"AMITYVIUI It THI l"Olllll!Ofr 1•1 AD STARTS THURSDAY NO DEALER SALES LEWIS HYMAN 11" nREPLACE MATCHES 49c Uncle Herley got a new fire and Thell inawance policy. But ii only paya 11 your bout• I• robbed while ii'• burning. BOHANNA 8r PEARCE 20" 4-BAR GRATE 3 19 HPR-204 Good atufl a t the right price. Crate 1tull at the right price? Grate. (Jr 111 IUtl C...ou111 UAll y Pit 0 TI I h11f'<lfJy Ot ICJUN 16 Hl8f' H!J DIAMOND-ff OAK FIREWOOD 2 97 I CU. fT. CTN. You may have money to bum. but I'd recommend thl1 llrewood in•teod . Oak bum• longer . "' I i· ;ii~~. DURAFLAME 3Vz LB. nRELO J~~- 94c£A. Still more ho111ull. good lor the fireplace or lo toke along on your camping trip. HART FLEMISH BRASS MEDALLION GLASS nRESCREEN WATERLOO 17" CAlfTILEVER HANDYMAlf 'S TOOL BOX FLAME ART 18" 4-0AK GAS FIRELOG SET 7 1497 #6406 #6407 #6409 2397 #10117 ~ 29!!.184C Give theH plated brou finiah beoutiea the once-over. If you lllre what you see a nd buy ii. Har1 will aend you a SlO REBATE a• o reward lor your good toete. Detail• in atore. Get organized . Ba ked red enamel fini•h with black traya. (But why name ii ofter a famou• military diaaater?) What in blaze• I• thl1. a low-maintenance fireplace aet? Deal Include• 1andpon. b urner. connector. loga. and 11lico •and. WATERLOO 3-DRAWER:_._ ____ ........ WORKBENCH MAJESTIC 36" ZERO CLEARARCE nREPLACE LEWIS HYMAN 4-FOLD nRESCREEN Thi• brawny alee I dude with hardwood work aurlace and three drawer• I• ready for aome Mriou• do·ll·your•eUing. (Corre•pondenc• courae Eogllab:"nodo ubt.) TOP HAT CHIMNEY CAP 2497 He<ITY golYanbed cop keep• rain and debria out of your chlmney. ln1hrl11 without tool1. Hand me my top hat and cane. Ginger. I'm ateppin' out. SOLID BRASS PEACOCK nRESCREEN 3997 Ow feathered friend la not yow typical flreacreen. (UnleH of courae. •••rybody who Nada thia od runa out and buyaone.) Paid Advertisement I 7997 #M31 There' a nothing like a fireplace for a cozy a1moaphere (except maybe o compl!re). Heavy gouge 11••1. triple-walled. air-cooled and it' 1 got the block meah flreacreen and lrnockout acceH for goa lighter . OXWALL 3V2" SWIVEL BENCH VISE 4 97 #6794 Geta gTlpon yowtelf. Henry. Thiaguywlll help. wlttrhondy 1wl•el action and clamp . OXWALL 3Yz LB. AXE 5 97 #11 45 U you·,... got cm axe to grind. you're In the wrong atore. U you don't, you '•• come to the right place. BraH flnl•h. (I uHd to be o proofreader fora majornewapaper. until I wound up in the houM of correction.) McCULLOCH PRO MAC 650 20" GAS CHAIN SAW 24997 Lightweight. but deli Hr. the power of a 3. 7 cu. In. engine. Solid 1tate lgnltion. auto and manual oiling, aafety featw.1 built in. ~I OXWALL DRILL « PRESS STAND $WITH TILT TOLE 9 97 #3000 from where I 1tcmd (which my wife aaya la uauolly In left field) thia loolta like a good deal. Fi ta moat drilla • NEWPORT BEACH CITY COUNCIL Pt1ld lot by CommltlN to Elect Norm l..o•tt. Audy Biron, Tt .. 1., 881 Dover Dr .NB 1.0. •8223tG .... -• .• .. .. • M·i 0101101 l 1111'11 I IAll V f'll 0 f 1 1 h111•d11y Cle lt't1u1 ~·tt lllfl~~ Black omedy 'God' Favorite ' well done by troupe 8 ) TOM TITl IS 01 IN Oltllr ... lot "'" 0 11ly N1·tl S11111111 111uld p11ll 111 1 ,, '111111 ,I\ 1n,p111'CI 0 h'1 1111• Hook 111 J11l1 ,11111 """ .1 II• .111, llp l'lJllllllUllllV 1lw a1t 1 ~1111111 .. 111lol 1111~111• • 11 "1th .111 INTIRMISSIDN I lS b llll'k hu11 H II 1111.11 I Mor i· tlt.111 1110,1 S11111111 "11p h. "( ;.,.1·, f 'a vuntl'" n •q 111n•, .111 1 •x11o1lwlp111~111 ,1111,11t 1·1l1t1\\ ~rva:.i· tu :.lli.1;1111 1h 111/1111 1· .. 1111.ot 11111 .11111 111:11 111.1111 1t:. 1·rl•J1l11l11y Thi· M1,:.11111 V11·J•• l't.1vll1111"··, prOOUi.'llllll Ul\'Ut11p1t .. ti1·' I ht' g11.d .1d1111r.1hl,\ 1>1r1't'llll' H.11\th i. '11hh "'ho d o11blt·' 111 tbt• plum ro ll• o ( l :od ',. M hl1•pptr1 K 1111•.,,1•111-(1•1 h.1, lll:IC.Jl' Stllllt' sp ll'lltftd tllh 'l Jll i'l.tll\'t• dlllll"t'' .111d. <I' .in .11.:t••r. M'l1> .1 fl'1•1\t•lh' p.111· lvr 1111 · 11L1v ', 11UtlJlo(l'OU:. l•tnli'dV \ ·,,1ii, h1 Ill.lo(' .1 p.11111'111 M.ll'\'111 KJµlarw~4u1 • 4 u.d11y 111 h1' rult-. 111t 111•1111.il ''"I a.'> .cip pt•u l111g .1s .1 llopJI' t'.111 'tl JlllJlJI' An l'Xl't•pt1011.11ly .. 1ru 11g p1•rfon11.11w1• 111 till' l'l'ntr al r o lt• of th1• lwlt·.1gu1•rNI manufa t tun·r. w h OSt.' faith 1s sorl'lv tt•.,lt'tl , ,., dl'll\'l•n'tl U\ l.A'I• 1"1tzgl·rald ll11> nw1)wl .ind phv-..1.11 angLi1~h ti. pow1.•rfu ll ) 1'l111v1•) 1•d, yt•l F111g1·1 .1ld 1·mpl11~:. 1•1u111..:li 11 11 ""' I" 1111''I\1 Iii• 11111 , .. 11 \ 1111111111 .111 llllf'" ,,,,, 1111 111 '"' "''" "' \\ .... \\.ilktllj.! f .. tJll1tllo1 lll,1111 11 It\ t ,d, '"'" dlltlt 11,11111 .1 .. r 111~1·1.1111 ... 111.11111.111 .. 111 "111 """""' '"' v.1111111 .... 1•• ••II .. 1.111rn1' "lll I "111111t "••II J•l t-..111~1lv '"" h.1' ,,, t 111 p l.1\ 1111\' ''"' .. 1 ... 1111 11111 lit .. 11.11111.il111•'" ,, 1•f f t~ ll\'1 I 11 "' 11... I 11h·~ 11111 k \ S it'\''" .111d H11111111 lh1H111 'lllll' \\1•11 Ill 1.tlldt•ttl " 1111 11!111•1 '"" Tyl e n<) I ong prote l e d SAN l'lt1\N( 'l!·i( '(I IAl'I J·:>.1·1·1 pb 1111111 a I OI ~ 11.dl.ul .tl ~Jl ll !Ill' 'l'vlt·1111l l'\'.1111t1 .. l"'"lllllllj.I' I • .t , , " .. M 'I ol 111.1 II I 11 l • h II .. i: II.. \\ I' II' "I 11 y l' d \\', d111 · ... l.1\ hv S.111 1°'1';1111 tM11 1.11lt11 .. 1.1t11111 Kl 'HS .111.t 11111111·d1.11 .. 1v d11·\\ '''''""·1·, 111 11.11 1 1 .... 11· S111111· 111 11 ... h •111-. .1ltolll 1111 J1t•1-.1111 111 11t·111tlt· \\ lt11 1•l.11t•d t'\,111td1• Ill I .1pi.11 1 .... 111 1·:>.11.1 S111·11~t h I\ h 11111 1h.1t , .. ..,u1t1•d 111.._.,1·11 ol1 .11lt' 111 tlw l 'llw;1w 1 .111 .i 1m ludo· "l\l,11lt11.111 111 < 'hto .iJ.t11 plll p111 ... 111 111 tlw pill. "1\1111 lo·l 1111 Ill tho· ht'.11h111 1111,..1· h1· d11 l11'1 ktll, ·"!'ht· \'11'11111' 111g1·,11•d prn'-4111 tit.ti quu·klv tonk I h 11111 "l'h .. 'lll \l\111' l,1kt· 111111 ""'" 111 11·.01, tlw l' .0111d1· Ill 'h· II :O.HU I . ~~;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilllil--iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil CUSTOM FRAMES Poster p ecisl of the W eek "'LEGS" b y DOJC ALL POSTERS 'h OFF WITH ANY FRAME PURCHASED FROM OUR SELECTION Laguna Art & Frame 497-5552 350 N. Coast Hwy., Laguna Beach 1, 8/iwJ. orrh of I'lw Cotr111w Ll )ST \ .\ \ ESA The Comm111ee to Re·Elecl Norma HerllQO, Toni Holfmlln·Secretary 2747 Freemon\ lane. Costo Mesa. CA 926:16 Fory.:i11l' ml', rather, for l ltt11'<' simtt•d. MONSIGNOR ORANGE COAST COLLEGE ~--~:JtuxurlY IHHH~11EI:s ~--' CALENDAR OF EVENTS ~ hi lwollbtintt Show1ncsONLY$2jj!U~lfu0thtr•t~Nottd S 113h13•1•111tl6)61~ 2551 /t:;:r~·. ~.) S Oct. 28 MOON COIN Irish Music Oct. 28-30 DRAMA LAB -''USA" Oct. 20 Oct. 30•• Oct. 31 Nov.5 Nov.5/1 Nov. 12/13 Nov. 12 Nov. 12 Nov. 13 Based on John Dos Passos novel SCOTLAND -Biii MadHn Armchair Adventure Series OAKLAND BALLET COLLEGE FOA CRUISERS lntracoastal Waterway & Car bbean Science Hall THE MERRY WIDOW Five Penny Opera COLLEGE FOA CRUISERS Ba1a & Mu1co -Janet Steele Science Hall AUDUBON FILM SERIE$_ "Footloose 1n Newfoundland" 7 P.M -Science Lecture 2 CLASSICAL GUITAR John McEnar -Fine Arts 11g 8 P.M. -ROBERT MOORE THEATRE 2701 Fairview Road Costa Mesa • • 2 P M Matinee Performance TICKETS/Vise-MC -556·5527 OAKLAND BALLET " ... irresistibly fight .. Guidi sweeps his six couples through some infectious combinations." -San Francisco Examiner 2 P.M. -SATURDAY. OCTOBER 30 8 P.M. -SUNDAY, OCTOBER 31 Admission: $7.00 Advance. $8.00 at the Door ORANG• COAST COLLEGE RO••RT MOORa THaATR• 2701 Fairview Ro&d. Costa Mesa TICK•TS/Vl••·MC -558·111127 " * Ornt•lns Open 7: 15 WH11 n19hts/7:00 W"kends Children Utlderl2 fret Unless Noted WE'RE GOING TO MAKE YOU LAUGH wJ_. DAN AYKRO\'D. JOHN CANO\', CHEECH AND CHONG, GILDA RADNER .,.,. th .. qhl '41\<t ,....,.. '" ,, ... ·~ .. u .. ··.w'J''"''" lu•1'•"·•: tlw "'"'"who t,J."'"'"'I' ·M.u , ,.., . .,,1, '4•i«Wn·· ltw t'\.ll 'iilf WtlU\I '4hlf "t'V' ·•/\ti of VflU t11uttuuttn Art' \lt1pHI ...... 11•,rnv ••f h·•·ott•f" '"'' I ,._.t(f, 11f • '''"'t"Mtt t••,1tur"' .uni I ·~-"' Jio II/ I'"'" ,., I '''" I >\o "' 1m1 •"I • VN 1~ 11~/W #I 111111 ft~ ~ •I l'o ·•'I l•\111 ~I IJHI >(1,1,1 offl I. M~I" IY II •111,\<JI 1111JJ1ill lflllltlr V~ •V \111 NII ~ ~" il.'tlrta 1111' '"•'"' li~'IO ~·· 'I 'Iii • HI ... 11411~· "'I WI llM tlij ..... I'() --_,,. " • "'Ill II ""°' ----··-· ·-- --STARTS TOMORROW --• ... ........... ...._., .. u• \lit c:.MTA•H ,. ..... ._.i:..... .. .,. ... , OftfaMUA ft•,... u•• .. ..... ~""'' \ti \H O .. _ ,,... ... w ........ t-\\I 0t" "°'•tM,KU•tte, .. t_.t ... ..,_.•-. lllll&D :,:;. ..... \t ..... llt ..... t)U llO .. .. _.tell P•ollt • '11 W., )t 1>-w• n1 l60 t111hl1111 l\\11i-. '"'" 11111 11 '"'Kl• 1111111).(ltt M v1.1 Kit l111 h I,, I II• Ill Ill'"' 1111 11111 111 1111 l.11111h 111.11d "1111• M1k1 I l.1111>1 II 11l lt·1' ,, .. 1111 1 v I 111111 "'' •• , 1111 l1l1ll1 I ·< '"" .• "'·•\ .,, ,,,. w·t.. 1111 M'"'''"' \'11 J" ~111up, 111·\\ '' ''""'' o l l 111 .1 llllllllll)( .,l,JI I ill l ilt F11111111 T i u .111 1 1111 1111' F1 ·!'!ttv.tl 111 1\111-l(l 11u m ls 111 l.o11o1u1i.1 Ho .. 1111 'l'lw .. 1t11w 11111 1111w ·, w 1·1·k1·1tcf1j 1h11111)o(h N 11v .. "tilt Ill k1·1 111f111 1111111lHI ... 7711 11:H1 I • t 'A l.l.HOAHI> J\ud1t1 •111i. 1111 "1111111·1 ':. l'l.111"" o111 11n~111 • .t d 11ld1t•11'i. 111w1wal. w ill lJl · lwld M1111d.1" .11111 Tw·-.d ,1v 11t 7 p 111 111 1tw N1•wpw 1 African Violet Show WARR EN MILLER LIVE -... ,.. ..... 1111'• Show/ sale thr u Sun. • , .. .... l • I u t 'ii Huntington Center. .. "'f R •n MISSION VlfJO NlWPOIU BUCH OllANGl WllTMINITUI low~110-.. y,,.,,, '"'-'' td-'+d'd"' Nf"w,\I"•'' ( ""'m" (.:1nroume-£d.,.a1os C1ntma Wt\I ~ lO .,qom !o44 ti 'l•O bJ4 ?~' l 8Q1 3q3~ ·THE CRIT ICS' FAVORITE FUNN Y FILMt1. .. SIDE-SPLITIINGLY FUNNY!" -....... IYMDICATUI fllM came (MI!~r.nm .. ~J •!II •J •.• I f • llll& ll fOllO l AGUllA llACN OllAllG1 .. y • ' '" • I I f '"'' J I ''. I G.-i,.,O H ( '• 1 ,.(1: """ COSTA MIU '111 't1•0 41H p-14 f 4 ,,,.,,, HUllllllC TOii llACll I A HUllA '11 I+ I \A 1 ~ ; l.Y ' t .... , ... 0 II I 1111~ I i' 1r I From t he people who brought you "Animal House:' I' .4- NAT IO NAL IAMPllN'S. 'l'lii .it• 1 /\1 li. t 1 1111 •1. l JlJI l'll(f I>r1v1•, N t>wp o rl I~'" 11 d111 • LC11 M 111111t• Cr111,..,11n wall Ix· M·1·k111j( 11 11 111,111 " .111d l our malt·i. fro111 uj(c-. Ill tl1111u~h 110, \\ttlr 1li.11.1111·1 1111111-. ""Kl'f'I <111d d1.11u t•" 1""1111-c wlly 11q1111 1 d t 'ASTING I .. 11111" L.u 11lll'rt w ill 1>ltiy 1tw 11 .1tl111g 1 nit• 111 'Tlw S11l11I <:old t'adlllat"' a l t ill' ('.,,,,, M1·-..1 C1v11 l'l.1v h11 ll"'" (IJ1(•11 t11K No v 11 n th1·11> 111 t lw ,1i11w .11 1• l.11u11. S pJrlUnu, H11l1t 1 l .11111 LHrt·ll·• L u po, F rarn " f.)im ndly. Hubc-•rt l:1•1 li.i,1, M1·l111d11 Tvl1·1, B11111111· M1 Fadrh ·n , I .1 .. 111.11d l<11-..1w .m d 1>.1v1· l ~·Sttt11 ... -------. ~ . -. -------- fltalC HC>JICC K·OUH NOTlflo; OP U~ATll 01' HAttlU llA J AN .. : t'OX ANU '>t<' .. l!:TlTlON T<l AOMINIS'rtm ESTATE NO A-llUSi. 'l'o ull lll'll 11, buwlrnu111.,. t ll•Jllo;f i. .i111I 1·1111ll1161t•111 •r••dtl•ll" nf H111h11 ru .Ju111 Cox onct 1•·n.1111, wh.1 nmy ''" uth••rw1.-1t· lnh·n 'Nh '<I 111 1111' Will 1111d1or 1•:11<1h • I IA•L'I l'\U-.0 ltUllHO Alt C:ONDlllOHl!oO MJU• WAIN 1t1•llf'l(I .. 'Hll00"4 •tMOOetlNC» I. a.""'-• h M ~l.,lt •I Vw lli\~.t1 ll ... , ... ,. __ , , ........... , c;c)St A MIU f>41 -1 'J89 IU• New,_1 ll•tl MIUIOH \llUO 495-0401 U t22 C.mlA• c.-i••t•M Ct..i. .,..._ "•' •' a.,_, "•t I A pt'llliun Ir.Ill lk'\•11 filt'\I l>y Matlww /\ l'u1t. 111 1tw 1 ____ Pl&.l __ C_NO_T_IC_E __ _ Su1wrr111 CnUI I "' 0 1 t<lll(l' vou A"l IHDE, AULT UNDI" A l'oun1y r1•tj U1•hl 111i( 1h11 1 OllD OF T"UIT DATED AUOUIT M u I h 1• w A (' 11 i.. h ,. II, 1U 2 UNLEl l VOU TAl(f AC TION TO P AOTICT VOUA uµpu1t1ll•d J I> pL·r ~u 11.1t P"OPl "TV,ITMAVMllOLO AT A I l'IJl'l.'11t.•11U1l1Vl ' tu tuhllllll~li'I PUI LIC 8ALf • ., VOU Nl!fO AN ttw f''i\{l\l' uf U111 lo.1ro J,1111· EJIPLANATION OF THI! NATURE ('ox Corl)n ll Di•I Mur, Of THE PAOCEEOINO AOAIN8 T VOU, YOO I HOULO CONTACT A t' n l 1 ( 0 r" I... ( u II J l' I I tr l' LAWV(". l 11dl'IJl.'llth.'lll Al11111111~ll JllOll NOTICE OF T"USTEl!'8 SALE or l::.Jll:lll'IJ A CI ) 'fht• ~\1111111 T.8. No. 3e4t3 11' SN fvr hi·an ng 1n !),.Ill NOllCE IS l~EAEOY OtVI N lll11I N(l ,'\ ~t ?')I) ('IVll' C't•tllt•r 011 Weanoeday. Nuvttmt.>01 I, Hl81 •• 1 111 9 00 o'cloc~ 11 m of ""Cl 11>1y "' Ur1vt> W t'St, Sur\lu Amt, (.'/\ 111a 1oom ~I O!Jldl! lo• ro111h1111110 ll:.1.702 llfl N ov1•1111Jl•f 3. I UH:! T1u11&e •Sales .. 1th1n lhtt 111111 ••• ol .itU ~•O.im REAL CS TAIL !".l <..U ttt11l 'i IF YOU OB.HX."1' h i tht• SEAvtC.E loc•t•O 01 20<'0 Ne"'" Broaow•v Su1h• 106 1n ow t.11y or 1<runl111g llf tlw 1.11-•lt\10 11, you Sanro A11" Coumy uf 01~11g ... Sr.11., sh uult.I 1•1llwr uppi.•ur 01 1lw 01 C11 111or111u REAL cs r A 1 £ ln·ar111u l.llhl '''"'' '-Our SECURHIES Sf AV1cr, ~ Caltlortuu " .1 corpora11on, as duly 1ppo1111ttcJ 11l.i~l.'<.'llOllS or flit• wnth·n Tiusri;n under 8110 pu1i;uolll 10 11w ol}Ji•t•tto ns with tht• l'UUrl power ol sale co11lurrt10 '" '""' lwft1ll' tht• hl•..1r111g Your t efle1n 08'!0 01 Tru~I e•U<11h•ll ov 3pb:aranCl' m.1y !.>\· Ill pt:r.;on NAM VAN NGU' EN 11110 r AINll 01 LUON G. nusb11nd u11d v.1l e or >y yuur al lOrnl'Y iUGOtd8\I Avgv" 1:.1. 198 t 111 Boo~ I F Y 0 U A R E A 14 177 01 Ol1tc1al Rr1c.nros 01 sanJ CHEDITOR 01 u l'Onltng<•n\ CO<Jmy al p11ge 176 t. Recorder • cr t'Clllur o f th•• dl'l'\.'t\St."ll. you lns1rumon1 No 1J196 by ru11w11 01 mu.:.t file vour duim wnh lht· a breacll or tlef.;ul1 111 puym.,111 or ~ oerto1mance 01 th• 01>llga11oru l'llUrl or prt'!><'lll 1t In lht' securtHI 1nu1eov 1n~lud•n11 lh<>t pt-rsonal reprl.'st.-11lal1vt• bre8thot oraeldull N11l1Ct!ol w,,1~n appointed by tht' l'OUrl was reL01 d1Hl July 1 •'18< d• Recorder s l11 '11 um.,111 N u Wtlhan four months from 1h1· 82-134557 WILL Sf ll AT PUBLI~ date o f first ISSUant'l ' u f AUCTION 10 THf HIG HEST letters as p rovidl'd 111 St.'t:llu11 BIOOEA FOR CASH lt1wful money 700 u f th(' PmblH•' Codt· of 01 tne Un11eo S1a1 .. s o• 11 ~11sn1111 • Calif o rnia Tht• t i mt• for chec:~ drawn on o s1a1e 01 noa1101111I bank a& s1a1e or lf'tleritl c11Hl1I frlang dam\S will nut •·xp1r., uwon or a s1ate o• ll!<le1i;1 !Nlv•ngi prior lo four munlhs from and lo•n assoc1a11on uormciled 111 the dale of t he hearing u11s i1a1e, .;11 payable •t lhe 11me 01 nolict.'<i above. sale 1111 11gh1 111le a11cJ tnh!les1 lleld by 11 as 11us1ee 1n '""' real Y OU MAY EXAMI NE properly snuate 1n sn1d Cou111~ ona th<' file kept by th!! C."OUft If Staie descnbed as follo"'s you ar"' 1111erc>stf'd rn thl• Loi 9 1nc1usive 0 1 rrac1 N o cslate, you may file a rlVlUt•st 10370 1n lne Clly 01 11vme as peo -. ., map hied 1n Book 472 Pages 16 10 with the C'Ourt to r cn•t Vt' 20 1nc1us1ve 01 M1:w:e11.:irieous Maps s p ec ial notll't' of the recoros o t 01 ange Coun1y tnvenlory of f'Sldl<' .ind of C•lttorn1a Tflt0 s1ree1 o1odress or th e pcuuons. at-count~ and olher common des1onn11011 01 tt>e S real pro per t y 11e1e1n11bove reports described m l'l'llon duc11bed 1.s p1.1roorltd 10 ue 18 1200.5 o f the Call£o rn1a Ralnstar Irvine Ca1ttorn1a Probate Code. Tiie u n oors1gned llereoy HUG H J. RITCHIE d1scl•1ms a ll 1teb11tty to• any 1ncorrec1ness 1n said s1ree1 aod1ess 6055 E. Washington Blvd. or omer common des1gnah0<1 :: 1032 Sale sale will oe mede v.11flou1 Los Angeles, CA 90040 w1111en1y ei.p1ess or 1mp1teo ( 213) 715-3900 r egardlng lllle, posses510" or enc1.1mbrances 10 sa11s1y 111e P ublished Orange Coast pronc1pa1 balance ol 1ne Note or Daily Pilot, Ot-t 21. 2:.!. 28. Olher obhga11on secu1413 ov so•o 1982 Oeed ol Trusl w11n 1n1eres1 and olher sums as provided 1nere1n plus advances 11 any under the 1erm1 1he•eot ano 1n1eres1 on suc11 advances. and plus tees charges -------------1 and expenses ol ltle TruSlee and of PUBLIC NOTICE 1ne 1ruS1s creeled by U•d C>eeo of Trust The 10 1a1 amount of u1d VOU A"E IN DEFAUl T UHDE" A obhga11on, 1r>clud1ng reasonably MEO Of' llWST DATED .KINE 11, .. 11m .. .o cilarges and expenMS of ttl2. UN&.111 YOU TAKE ACTION lhe Trustee. at the lime ol lnlllal TO PROTECT YOU .. PftOPE"TV, Pl.lbllealton Of 11111 Notice •• S86 . IT MAY IE IOLD AT A l"UILIC 795 70 I A L E . IF V 0 U N I! E 0 AN O•ted October 11. t982 l!X .. LAHATION 0, THI! HATUl'tl "lAL ESTATE SECURITIE S OF THI! PftOCll OtHO AOAINIT H "YICE, VOU, VOU IHOUlD CONTACT A • Cellf ornfa corporation. •• LAWYl!lt. Trvet ... NOTICE OF T"UITEE'I SALE D..I. Mcwger, lie PrHldenl T.I . Ho.. --2020 N. Sroedwey, No.. 209 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, lhAI lenla Ana, CA t270I on WedMS<11y. November 10. 1982. (714) tu-a10 11 9 00 o'ctock 1 m of M•d day IA Publlslled Orange Coaat Dally lne room set as•de tor conducting P1101, Ocl •4. 21, 28 1982 Truatee s Sales. w11h1n 1he olhces 01 1 ___________ ,_50_6-_82 RE A l es T,. re s Ecu R n 1 Es n11n11c NOTICE SERVICE louted 11 2020 Norin 1 ____ r_VDL ______ _ Broadway, Suite 206. In t~ Clly 01 1(-02303 S1n11 Ana. Counly of Or•r>Qe. Stale N OTICE TO CAEDITO"S OF of Cal1rorma, STEWART TITLE OF IULK T AANSFEfl A N D OF C ALIFORNIA I C 1 l1 lo1n11 IN TE NTION TO T"AN&•E A co1pora11on. as duly appointed AL co Ho LI c a E \IE A A O E T•vstee unde< and r>urwan1 to Ille LICEN SE(S) (Sec a. t 101·f 107 power or sale c:Or'lferred 1n lha1 u.c.c. end 2A073 at eeq B&P). cenaln Oeed o• Trusl aMec:Uled by NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN 10 lhe WILLIAM E JOHNSON recorded Cred1lors of NANCV A CORNISH June t5. 1982. 1n me office ot 1"8 Social Secvr11y No 020-22-6258 1 County Reco<de< of said County. as Transleror and Licensee wnose Recorder s instrument N o business addreu •S t5•8 Adams 82·204335. by reason ol a breach "F 1n 111e C11y of Cosle Mesa or defaufl In paymen1 or Covnly o f Orange. State oi l pe1torrnance ot 1ne Obllgat1ons California 92626 thet a bulk 1ecured 111ereby, 1nc1ud1ng 111a1 1ransfer •s aboul 10 be made 10 breach or default. Noll<:e of wn1en ALAN R CASSIANO and VICl<.Y R I was recorded July 18. 1982. as C A SSIANO Social Sec;1.1111y Recorders IAstrumenl N o numbers •62·70 ·7230 and j 82-247555. WILL SELL AT PUBLIC 573·62· 1877 Transleru s and A UCTION TO THE HIGl"EST tnlended Translereu w"ose BIOOER FOR CASH. lawtul money residence add•HS IS 2018 w of 1ne United S111es or a cash1e1 s cnancl8f 1n 1he C11y 01 Sanla Ana check drawn on a s1111e CK naoonal c 0 u n 1 y o f Or an 9 e S 1 a 1 e o I bank. a stale or federal credit ca1tf0<111a 92704 union. or a stale or lederal savings Tne rocation 1n Cal1torn1a of mo and loan assocoehon dom1Clled In c;tuel eaocu11ve oll1ce or prmc1pa1 lhtS slala all payable at lhe 11me of business o ffice or the 1n1endeO aale all nghl. 1111e and 1n1eres1 held 1ranslet0< is Same as •bOve by 11. as Truslee 1n 1na1 real All 0111e1 business nemes ano I property situate •n said County and addresses used by 1hto 1n1enoeo St•"· des<:rlbed n tOllOws 1ranaferor w11nm 1111ee yeo1s 1as1 PARCEL 1. Lo1 59 ol Traci 5692, pall s o far as known 10 11ie In lhe City of Newport Beacll, 1n1ended 1ranslerees ar~ None Counly o f Orange. State o r The property is de.c11bet1 1n Calllornta as pe< map recorded in general u All s1oc11 1n 11adt' book 208, pages 24 lhru 26 of fuct11<•. aqulpmenl and gOOd w•ll or M1tce11aneous Maps, 1n lhe ortice or 8 oen1111 bar bvs1neas known •• the Covnl y Recordar of n ld THE LOTUS ROOM and IOCaled at County 15'8 Adams r F in the City of Cos1a PARCEL 2 An appurtenant non-Mesa. County of Orenoe S111e of exclusive easemenl for lngrasa and c a11 t orn1• and t ransfer t ile egreas 1hroughout Loi 70 of TrKI 1oi1ow1ng alcohOl•c bilve1age 1~en1<11 5692. In 1he City of Newpor1 Beec:h. (O< hc:enMS) ON SALE BEER ANO County o t Orenge State of WINE. Number 42·85536 now Cel1fom1e., u per map -ded IA Issued 10 premHlet located al 1~8 bOolt: 20e. pages 2•. 25 and 26 ol Adema rF for lhe prem•s.• locale<! Mlsc.llaneout Maps. Ill the office of .. 15•8 Adams c F 1n tne C11y of I lle County Recorder ol 11fd Cotla Mesa County of Orange Counly, and ~ts for IUpport Stl le ol Cahlornla and Mlllemenl where Loi• 1 10 69 Thll tl\e amount or pvrchese lnclu1lve of taJd trect adjoin said proce or cons1dera11on m conec1ton lot 70. together With easements f0< wtlh Mid 11ansfef ol satd license for eav•• or overhangs, wllere aucll llt•niesl and 1a1d bu11nes\. e a"• 1 a r • cons I r u c I e d In tncludlng the es11ma1eo inventory IS 1tcordanc:a with applfcabl• 1n• sum of $4 1 000 00 w111ch municipal ordln1nce1. Ind in c:ont1s11 of tlle fOllc)wlng eppur1enan1, non ... xclutlve right lo 0..C.rr,ttlnn AmotHll UM ,,,. flcililies localed on tald LOI Casll ' 2 000 00 70 Chec1t1 s 18.000 00 The 11ree1 addreu or other Security agreemen1 & no1<1 common de1lgnallon of the reel 121 ooo 00 property hetelnal>O\le deec:rlb9d 11 The\ 11 has been agrMCS bet..._.. purported to be 2124 Vi811 L.lfedo, u td ucensee and 1n1ended Nftpof1 Beach. Callromle. tranefere• as requtred by Sec Th• under1lgne d h e reby 24 074 o f the But1ne1s and dt1c:l1 lm1 •II llablllty tor any Proreu1on1 Cod• that lh• lncortect,_. In aald elr•t lddreu con1tderellon tor lhe ,,.niter of CK ofhlf common deelgnatlon. 111<1 bullneas and tranafer of said Said .... wlll be mede wllllOUI llOenM I• 10 be peld OAly •lier Hid warten ty, upren or Implied. 1ren11tw hu been llC)prOVed by fllt reglrdlng lllle, pouenlon, 01 OepMt/nenl OI A~Ollc: 8-ag• enc11mbrence1, 10 ••tl•fy the Control pr1nc1p11 b alance of lhe Note Of Tlltt • 11fe. 1ran1ter •Ad olher obtlgauon H <:ured by H id ~n~t of 1"9 aloreNld 11oc:1r IA o..6 ot frutt, wltll lnlarul and trade, fl•lurM, equipment and gOOd other 1um1 11 provided therein, w lll o l 11ld bv1lne1a wlll be plva advancH, II any, under Ill• co n 1umm1 1 • d , • n d 1 h • term• thereof Ind lnllfM I on Mi<:h con.ic:terellon thereof 1oge1h11 wltll edvancea. and plu• '"'· ch.,ge1 th• conalderauon IOf lh• 111nafe1 end expen ... of lhe Trual• and of end 1111gnmen1 of 1h• •forould lhe lrutta O'Nled by Mid Deed ol lie.nae ICH 1ie.n-1 IS IO IM P•ld On Tru1t The 10111 1mounl of H id or •"er Ille 25th day of No..emDe<. obllg10on. lnctvdlno re .. on•1>1y 1982, et the tacrow ~rlment of H llmated leu . cll1rgo 1 1\d ESCROW ENCOUNTERS INC al HpeneM ol lhe Truat•. II Iha lime 17320 Beach 8111<1 . In Ille Cily o1 ol lflllel publlcatlOn of 11111 NOtlee. ls Hunllngton BHch. County or '37.8459' Orlnge, Sl ate of Cllllor,,11 Dellld. C>a\Ober Ill, IN 2 ptOVIO«t ltlat lhe Deperlmel'll of Al STEWART TrTLE OF CALIFORNIA cohOllC &average Conlrol hu • Cllilornlll c.orpotalk>n •PPfOved o ld 11 antfer or u ld •• ''""" llQenN er. REAL ESTATE BeCURITIES Oeted ()c;1009t 2 1, 1982 8 El'VIC(. N9"0)' A COf'llilll • Cellfornla COJPQfellO<t Tr111.tfer0t tn<I tejlent LIOart- f ~orger, Prea. Alan A. Ce.ltleno H ltoedwey, •208 Vldty R Ce.Nleno Senta AM, CA 92708 Tr-1eree end l1t4) llMMl10 lf'ltenoecl T,_,., .. Pw~ Ote"" Coe11 Dally Pv•lleti.d Oref!Oe Cou l Dally "°'-~ 21. ll. Now 4, tlta Pllol. ~°"'a. IJH 'AM7 4751·8' ( AD STARTS THURSDAY NO DEALER SALES ALLTRADE 5 GALLON JERRY CAN WITH SPOUT 997 Oh no. Herlry.. we're out ol ga1. W ill it hurl the car if I drive on a n empty tank? GENIE YJ HP DELUXE SCREW DRIVE GARAGE . DOOR OPENER Buy one ol theae marvel• of modern technology now and Genie will ma ke a f'REE TRANSMITTER appear like magic in 4-6 weeka. Get moil-in coupon at 1tore. 138~~80 NORMAL INSTALLATION OF OUR UNIT 5900 t EYE READY C OR D BATTERIES -• _by any other name I• atlll a roH . a1 the · ::;; ~saying goe1. and your toy1 and flo1hlight will ( ~· ~prec:lote thi1 one. ,..,J 19cEA ,,,. ~ At) .. MURRAY 3 SPEED BIKES . • YOUR CHOICE MEI'S OR LADIES' Murray gel• you rolling on thi1 baby w ith chrome touring ha ndlebar• 26"x 1111" blackwol11. a nd 881!t!•ooR •l·IS4t item mounted gea r Mlectlon. TATUNG 9" OR 12" AC/ DC B&W TV 7488 UM It a t home or toke it a long on your yacht and watch "Gilligan'1 l1laud" re run•. CLOSE-OUTS ELECTROIOC BUG mLERS BUG SIUFFER 35•• NUB-25 EllERSOI IUli m1.ERS Tbeee uolt• abow n o mercy on the peat• that try to apoll yo ur picnic. Safer. neater way to do the lob. BEHR PLUS 10 EXTERIOR ST 1111 7 44 GAL. Good for lotecr aurtocea, lllre new wood. P' .. loualr pcrl.Dted •haft. atucco and m.aeonry. CotMt la aolld or eeml·trcmepa:Not colore. Ur 1111u <..ooal DAIL V fill 0 l ll huttu.lov Oc..100 r ?8 , 1982 KWIKSET BEL AIR ENTRY LOCKSET Got the poll1hed bra11 liniah. (Our pun• a ren 't a1 poll1hed. a nd 1ome folke who can't handle them think we 1hould be locked up.) COLEMAN INFLATE-ALL Portable J 50 PSI air com pre11or 11 a friend indeed when your vacation toy• or lire • o re calling for air. Pluga Into 12 volt cigarette lighter. PUROLATOR PRODUCTS PCV VALVES 122 CA. MOST AJllERJCAJI CAR ISV OIL nLTERS I 77 CA. xsv llR FILTERS 222 CA. Don't forget that the•• guy a live under your hood. or they could et op your ca r faeter than a CHP. ~yt:::..~ 9 8 c "-_ ,;.) IOW I 40 WT. or. Probably le11 than you're paying now . unle11 you own an oll rig. a nd 1hi1 i• a good brand. ..... NATIONAL LUMBER GARBAGE DISPOSERS #20 Vi RP TWO YEAR #30 Yi RP THREE YEAR WIRIWfTY WARRANTY 3297 4797 #50 l/z BP FIVE YEAR WIRRAITY #70 ¥.BP SEVEJI YEAR WARRAlfTY 6397 8797 Sure beat• haYlng to d eal with all that yucky atulf that leakc thru the bag• and mak .. 'em bunt halfway to the can. CEDAR LA1TICE MODULAR FENCE PAREL 2797 S'4"HX 7'W New 1yatem goea up ln a hurry'. Pane l1 are OIMmbled a nd ready for a ta In or paint. Conatructed with 2x3 ralla. and hc2 end capa. Poat• extra. WILllOLD PRODUCTS , •. ·-CLU-OI PllEL UllESIYE ;'f.:l\ //1 Mo need for oail• when ~I ,, rou put up pcrnellng to wood, metal. conn.le brick or plaeter. COllCRm IDllESltE He,.•a the atuff for bonding new CODCNt• to old (or old to new. If rou cbooM to'" " tltatway) QT. I~!. r ,. L .. () #4008 o/4" HARDWOOD PLYWOOD 4X8 MAHOGANY 2777 DAKU A BIRCH ASH OAK 2977 3377 ........................... 3577 3777 Uae 'em lor paneling or other indoor project a. TheH guy1 are all 4 x 8 1h-11 (go•h. wha t a coincidence). ChooH your atyle. 5 GALLON CAMELLIA 699 S gollona? Boy. tha l'1 o big b uncha beautllul bloom1 lhere . Bertha . 4" CYCLAMEN 1 s9 The name i.mlnda me of the 1tull they used to p ut In aoda1 'tll they found out ii caueed athlete'• foot lo rota. G.E. INDOOR FROSTED FLOODLIGHT BULBS 2W' 50 Wl1T 3Y," 75 Win I could take the eaay way out and make light of thla Item. but tha1 ml9ht tum you off (Boo, hl11I). 5" 150 WITT YOUR CBmCE 2 49 EA. BLACK 81 DECKER o/a'' Y ARIABLE SPEED REYERSDfG DRILL 2497 #7190 ~ hp dtlll alao double• a e a apeedy acrewdrher. Trigger loch at Mlected apeed. You alao get a SS REBATE from B•D by m all. "' I L I l 1 :~ PETEil SEN VISE GRIP SET 8 44 #21~ Deal lac:ludH two elaea of the locking plier. whk h no mechanic .,.Jd wllU..Jr part with. RI I Ill 1RSUAV EVENING 8.00600 NEWS 0 CHARLIE'S ANGELS 0 EIGHT IS ENOUOH Q) M•A•S•H 8 J UM..tJ1vtu1 " """ hum 1•n ohJ t >ll•-'1J•I tnund ....,ho Pf lXUtid• ht phl't SJf IU ht al jOkttS on ,,, .. M0A 0 ~1·t• rnctmt>ers If) HAWAII FIVE..0 ED OVEREASV Guesl Jan t tuytun ~ al) HUMANITIES THROuOH THE ARTS l tteualura r1t1fl w, ... cs~ T1ulll t C8SNEWS 10 A8C NEWS l) iJ91 NBC NEWS il':' THE PRICE IS RIGHT 0 M OVIE ... ,., rounw ftl6 • h•ftf I 19361 F1<t<.1 A\1111re I ""ll'" Rogers A \Jitn(<tt 111 "''" N&""f Utf.t~ Ut no1p tu\ f1 •t tntH' P•t1ntt1 -.tnc1 O.ttt "'"'ltH S M OVIE • • • AthUtt l'lt 0olht~ G•lhs \ 19S JI Out11.11u fl"y nolds. Bolll'ly 11"'1 1 "'" collego 6t..1f1~ o•iH"•tHlt n •• 11t1roes ol l•Ol"hu11> lud 011 ... pod es 0MOVIE • • Tn1evth t OJI 1• M H to Tn0tntl\ l n1r1t•' '.,,. d•n A dallv r.ouph' 1<y "' ftJC.tp lurH tntm 1n(lf\4 t1fl4 t! amid tno cot1uptU'H1 ''' Manhat1an 8:30 Q) ALICE t1l) DICK CAVETT Gue!!I ballet1n• Mafia I nll Chi el EI!) GROWING YEARS Developing l •nguaQt< Skills" I ~NEWS 116 BARNEY MILLER il':' WOALO OF PEOPLE H WILD BABIES This documt1nrnry ca1c11M many wild animal~ llS tney 0'0* up ano learn 10 sur· ""'• tn threir natu,af niaD1 ta1 8:<45 2 CINEMASCORE 7«1 t) CBS NEWS 0 NBC NEWS 0 HAPPY DAYS AGAIN 0 ABCNEWS O 0 SOAP ,l()t!1e su~umb• 10 3 wom ans charm 11nd J"5'1ca awaits me 1ury s •"rd>el 4• NEWS Q) THREE'S COMPANY JllCI< and cn .. ss~ spend ,\ nljjhlmarisn evening suDb 1ng tor Janet H oaby altlers Cl) ~JOKER'S WILO m m> eus.,..~ REPORT t! P.M. MAGAZINE An 1n1e<v•ew won D;allas s1ar VPC1or1a Pr11'\C•P•I ., 1uper ••lesman sll&•M 111• teerels 10 ENTEAT AINMENT TONIGHT An m1erv1ew with com+c. oook cre111or J11ck Kirby il':' ORANGE COUNT'< TOOAY Z MOVIE • • • Relu'n Of A M a" Called Hor~ I t9761 Ro<ll· .,d Hau•s Gale Sonde< gurd An Enghsn lord return• to Amer•C.• wllen ne learns 1ha1 lrit• •nd•&M wno lnlllated lllm into !heir tribe have loll 1'1eor modest pre1orv11 10 trappers ' PG 7:30 t) 2 ON THE TOWN Fealured a 1ooi. al a cab•e game Show wh<1<a conies 1an1s remove an artocle 01 cloln1ng lor every wrong answer an mte<vt*W w11n comed111n Gene M1lcllener a v1s11 to 1wo denl91 con 1era 0 YOUNG PEOPLE'S SPECIAL All About Dogs Athson Sm•lh I Annie• I noa1S 1h11 t>All '( I'll (>I I llw .. 11,1, 1 >1 t11li1·1 l ll 11111/ I \l uµ.1111111 (Toll! "'•·II~···") I ric· ... lo l.1·c·p 11 i;.:.;.:.i11 ... fr-~1111 lc·ar11i11µ, he· j._ 1111 a 1111 li ... 1 i11 lo11i;.d1 ..... 1·pi ... 111l1· of .. \111µ1111111 . P .1:· al H 011 ~'\\T (:!). fl ... n t ,f t 't tli~ I I ti t t \J'"'" \' ·• 11 I ' ' i 1· ' t,f I 1•,t llHlfl \llrf' """' \, l 0 LAVERN[ ... SltlRI rY & COMPANY A OO••"U tHt•lll" !'• ,, HI 111 f~OI• u, .. 'I"" .111111 fl l "v 0 (Y[ ON t A f •t,1l11ttt.I I A """ nt•ih" UIHh•lh t I•• f 11 I f 11th ~ ..... , .. , ,1 t• I htl•i:I 1111•' .. 1t\Jf\f ~f •VI.II ft111 1 J•I I Ht~ ri l•u lo. It tho h1\t11I t ,,, th~ Olvn lll• .\11~1•1· 1t1um 0 MADAME'S PL.ACE !-.u 11 h1"' ftttW l11•'fft1f1fut tru•' '" v~11 M•Hl '°'.. '• produ< '' hi\ CH(•hP'1f11••1t 1 7 llC I IJlllv C '""~' f • C. l bO• Q) M 'A"S'H .,..a .. ke1e •• i.>vf"•..._uow n.,.. m~sl~•OU' bOul Of ''"" "OP '"-Uftl•HO (I) 8 TIC TAC DOUGH ED MACNEIL I LEHRER REPORT al) WILD AMERICA Wild DOii' M h• ly t;1ouu~, ,,,,,. \ JI H•u ,~,,~ ..,,..._t S'"" ,_,, "''Ul tuH~ of tn•1 <l<1m~\l1c cJ•JQ s *'"' C.Jo1no uus1nf " ~ ~olt ro-; ·h• ..J'H1 I0 1 10 YOU ASKED FOR IT fttalur(•d fhft Man W1ttl A~b,.,,,,, Hand5 T ne P•g Tha1 O..ad lfl' FAMILY FEUD (D MOVIE und Pl.tv~ • • ' N~'lr(tf l ()Vt~ ,'}AOt M::t -''"-' 0 H.1~ • AdOlp•. Mer-1ou A ,,.,., rt:<:&f'\tl f re1eA\+"<S ft Of'" .e mental in\11tuhon ftrldt '"' daugn1er 10 ~ very sy1n pa1ri.11c end auppowv• H INSIDE THE NFL f llt) IAff''\t 00V9j0(')fT'lt "''HI the NF l '\t,.!J.tt ar•• ••• ·' mine" S AER091CISE fi'*I 11\ '\h1l09 l()OP '.J "\..-.0 1nd t~ Q'~al w trt ''"'" ph)'~ .... a1 t;r,,o~~ ~'nfJ'ilr"' 8i>O t) 6 M AGNUM, P I ~ agnvm .inO R1c.k Irv ' kOf\p H•oo•n~ frllm 1ea,111no lflal Plt~ '~ on the tHI hit ,11 'nme Alrtc.an ¥111.ar"'>' s,ee.._1no rthfH1Qf1 on =\ ,., 8ttll5" \t>IO p,\ 1n ~ 991n\ ot<1 teg1m~nt 0 J9 FAME Both Br""o > latner .1n• Mt Sho1c.lsloy 1r1 1 to•C' the•r p1en1 tor "•\ turvrt' Clf tum and L yd•a ;>nd Cfi<,( ''Y to take ov.-r an P•~rc1!Jf'\ e•P4!1f 1 class 0 VIETNAM THE TEN THOUSAND DAY WAR Fron1'1ne Amer1ca1 Arneroe:&n soc e1y t>ecomes -IOUS/y dMded as d•S sen1 bflcomes w•d•SPread ana vlot!'nl 0 10 JOANIE LOVES CHACHI C.llBCll• And• up <IS "" mOdet ror Joanie s art ciaa' un,.iwar~ '"at hf& n H 10 po~ 1n lhe nudfl 0 TO LEBANON WITH IOVE q SOAP t4111I h•'U"I.. 111 u•l11tt1I I• 1nv•~ h"h11v1t•f 1u ul I 11111111 lu11 fl;t"' f•oit rtttWI'" l1u t 11llfHHI m P M MAGALIN£ Att 1nh'• v11•w with (>ult••• .tio v .. hu111 f'tlttl •IHtl •• 'iUJHH \1•lt'"•H1UI ,,fuo .. , hi• ...u<.,.,,, (I) MOVIE fr1t' CtOlrit1P t 11lunuutit I 1'11401 tlOblly V1t1ll•" n111t ,., I V•Jughn A yuuou '<llJQt "" becumflt Holly INftnd ' moat 1nfunlOut tu.)w (IOHIP GOlumnil! ED u 8, CHA~ICLE Tnto llnle•I lmmljjrenl• An I I yeAf old l<orttAn urpnan aa1us1S 10 hie wllll "'' OdOPh•• paren11 In 11111 Un11ea S1a1•s al) SNEAK PREVIEWS Nf'lll Gabler and Julhuy lyons 110$1 an 1nlorma11vtt 100>. al whal 5 nttw 1•1 1t1tt movies C MOVIE • • Ta>.e Tll11 Job Anet Sf\ov .. 11 ! 1981) Rober! 1111y1 9'1rbar a Her alley A you"'Q corporate 6 a8CUllVtt , un• into res•atanc.., wh-en tie returns to his home town to rev11a111e a comtH• ny ortiwery 'PG' 0 MOVIE • • • Sw ing Tim~ t9361 Fred Asia.re G•ngflr Aoo•r~ A gambhng lliU1Ce< llas a llerd flml!I '41vong money 10 mauy ll1s 1weefl•earl, bul compllCI .. hona ar11e ~ Ile llllla ror eno11ler $,MOVIE • • • "First Monday In 0c101>e< • f 19s 11 wa11., Ma11nau Jill Clayburgn A ht>eral Supt-Covr1 Jut 1.c.P c.1•$1\M w ith 1f\o ne• "" member or Ille n•hor> 1 h>Qlle51 court an ullra tOOWH'V•I~ woman jUrlll n 0MOVIE • a a 'BO<ly H,.al' t 198 f) Wilham Hurl K11lhlettn Turner A SITllllltlme ~lortda ••'"Ye• •S pe<r.uaded by n•s IO..,., lo m1Jfd8' net llul oano R 8 30 0 16 STAR OF ™E l'AMlt.Y Al rapon C8td l•ml!I JA<>n•ll sc1'emes 10 atlend 11 con ~r1 end bouQg!e's gooo g1adH _,,.. 10 reflecl llll pertorma'1G4> on 1ri. 1001. billl field f CHAAUE"S ANOELS Tri• Af1981• go undercove< •n a Circus lo hnd out wno IS ClluSlng a -~ Of mys tetoous and nea•f'y lalal accidents QI 80 YOU TiilNK YOU ()OT TAOU8l.E8 ED SNEAK PREVIEWS Neel Gabler and Jenrey L10ns nos1 an 1nforma11ve loo!< 11 wllel s new al Ille movlOS f h• • rnH h h"1 lu , ... , tu• 1t .. 11yh1 .. 1 ""'' u... , ..... ,~ lrJUr •hM •1U1llt h t m~"'f I U I ... , .. lly <Ah•I 11• hA~J th f1UH1t 11\1 h .. 1 0 Vl(lNAM Iii[ TtN I tt0U8AN0 DAV WAR •,i.l1l1t•,•t•U t••• Att1ttt111-4'* tt1,i;1; ''''""", 1tUt•11u ''11• •\itflittU t1u;• 1;f 1f1•t Wt41 lit ..... uui11o•J 0 10 roo Cl Ofll' ~OR COM, ORT OatJ.,. A•oh•w ,, tUl#lf no tu 'ht\"•'• v11• luff tuu tietuy 10 ntOv• m wttft h•~ t omo1uv• ~'"'"., "' lttw 0 A CHILD'S CAV fhta dOC.utr,eftl•ry ,,,., tcU\16 ft \.IU•• UIJ ht<•.. ,., Chilfhai• •l•u11uh1111 wllh ""' ''"'•V tflrUHt uf Ylu lttrn •• hu11ytu ui1~1u1•loo HH•I •V1rllu•l tlMittl.11wallli Q) MERV ORlff'IN ED NOH·FICllON TELEVISION T routJlu CJ" I '"''""'' Avo 11uv f 11t1mu•lrt.u1tt '•lt•ltt1t Muoru ur1cl ( .lf1tr1I• ltlllh•• ChH UnlHUt lhtit 111IH u l 11111 Nuw Yw'i ( .1ty ""'"""'' uulu"llV lh ,,,.,~'"'"' u• '' ot111u(. 1ttu~u1u-. 10 11t 11tu tnlJ>IU eflnua 11t Uullti10 I" "'ft ltttn\ ftu t1lfl•1 tu11111 .... -. ... al) MAI) I( lll'IH r THfAHlf lu ··"'"" lt1tt1" l\tl ~·• U1t)'\ fttiVftl HHllllMtl flullt 1U11J 1Hl111n•-tl1t1 luu '1111-.i "' thu w, .. M"1111ul11I 1 ''"' '111ll1u1 wltm t 110 111•'•1• lh••\ l11JllO H UY'" fl1•l .. 1ul .. t " •t1t fun ft1111I II ID DOI II ONI" I MOVlf • • • f ft1• I •H lllliJ I ••• • tlth u ···~ ........ ti ..... ''"'' .. '' .... , .... 1 " .... t u""'ol 1uuh,r 1•h1.,.1•; 1, • .,., lfltt l11YO t+I It Utllol 'Aol~1111111 11ft••1 1•..,•HU oilv1tl!h•U" •+f , . .,, 9 30 Q )9' TA)(I I otkrt 1htt '1u11 .. u It••·•""" " ""' ly tu •fnhHtHOH'' whu It ut tu" fnlh1w 1 1tl1t1u•• '111¥111 1tluuo hw hi• m f1ttoluy '" •11tt1kM t1v njt¥1hlj 1.•H 1\fluu "''"'ho• 11•011 ~I 0 10 IT TAKES TWO Molly I d>iVft to ll•OIWl.IJI" B C&pllal PU<ll~llll\Ollf Giii><• d"llver1 8 l>IOW II) llvr v1>I ves •11d 10 Sam • 101.,, a~ol her 100 9 MOVIE • • a w nale•e• Hap pened To Bally Jane? t 19611 ee1111 Da111s Joa11 C rawfo td Two !.1&te1~ 00111 ro1mer lllm s1ars. 1111., e blza1re e.u11once 1n a UH ror.r1dden house 10.00 t) 6 KNOTS LANDING Karen Ines to lure her hu.s band 1 k•lle<s 11110 a uap and Gary anempu a rPConC•ll•Hon Witt\ Valeoe t:eto,e ht• 1n1ner s will " read 0 l9 HILL STREET BLUES Ca11e1ano aounda olf al a bonquel hOllOflng ll•m •• H11pan1C Olfocor ol l"fl Ye;ir Cep1 Fu•1llo s ion ::11uppe•r1 Md Ren~o 1mpre•sl'S II wa•lllly soc1aJ11e oomm NEWs 0 10 2.0 12.0 ED AnOANEY GENERAL'S RA~ A l•PO<l deoa1ti oe1w0<>n ell lour can<llda1111 lor 1ha otloctt or Sl•I• Anorney G11""'•' George N>e"OI .on J;)hn Van De K•mt> Dan Sl9Q9' Bnd Bart Lee It presen1ed al) OOYSSEY Lucy And Tne F "" Farm ly Tn" d1~overy ol a 1 1i:;>.mllll()n y1ta,.01ct skele 1on and lh11 ross1hl <O<I reme1n1 01 13 ol her con lemporer .. s ho•e spa•~ed a matot controvttfsy ovtw human 1vo1U11on IRI'? il':' THE VIRGINIAN C MOVIE 1> • • • Ordinary Peo pie 11980) Mary Tyler M00<11. Don•ld Sulll•rland A gulfl·rlddan 1--..ag111 1ry1ng 10 pul n1a ltf• Oack 1oge1her allflr n1s t>rolller s aealll and 1111 own IUIC!de all.,,,PI r•ec.Ms out lo "'' complecen1 fair.er and his cOl<I resetved mollle< A 0 MOVIE • * • •,., Top Hal" \ 19351 fred Aala1te Ginger Rog- 11<'1 A man haa Houble w11n h15 g1tllrlend ~alJ'le at>e llllnks Ile s m•rned II\ Ile< beSI friend $ ROMANCE. LOVE IN \1£HICE (Conciuaton) CHANNEL LISTINGS EI!) OAANOE COUNTY MAGAZINE rea1ured S1 Francia by 1llt1 see, a IOOll el Marion Knoll lrom Knoll • Berry Farm a v1S1I lo 1r-.e Flad lo @MOVIE • * • A Clockwork Oranoe" f 19711 Malcolm McOowell. P1lr1Ck Magee Dtrec1•d by Stanley KvOrick When pOllC<t cap. lure lhe leader ol • 1een· f1041 gang Of t8plS1' and murderet• Ille methOO 01 rehabihlallng him ptoves even more threa1entng to aocle1y R' 0 l(NXT 1(11'>1 0 KN0( •N H(. I 0 I( TL ll •n'l I fJ K II HC • II fl< I 0 l(FM B I( II I c,:)OCHJTV Intl II!) K(51 11\H( Q) K TTV llml I ti) KCOP TV I lrtct fL) KCFT 1PHS1 Ci) KOCE IPflC,1 RUFFELL'S urHOLSTERY .... ••i.tw etMI S..e 1 '22 HAJllO• ILYO. COSTA MfSA -541· I I 56 Halloween Trick-or· Treat on the moll at Huntington Center Fri. eve. 6 to 7 followed by goblin fettivol 7 to 9 pm and 1 continuing on Sat. l l om to 4 pm (Oct. 29/30 ). Gome tickets 25¢ •och. 0 On IV I IV ••fU C11y Music Nlgttl Club, L 3guna Beach'• neori sign con1'<>v«IY C ~ I• H \jif, H MOVIE W•,Jlll ti • ~' • • • • Arlhur t 1981) Dudley MOO<• llU Min· nelh Wh1I• 1111 lamlly ~11emp11 to force him 1n10 a pre-err11ng.O me1r1aoe • <llunken. lle<lontallC play· ooy falls 1n love wtlh • poor work1no gin ·po· '1 l/"I t I~ ( ')l'N I 10:15 H MOVIE 4i '3h(hi'Yf lft•1 O soo11.,,,., • ·~ "Dealh Valley t 19871 Paul LtMel, P111er Bllllngtt· ley A New York youngslt1r ts senl to Ar1zone 10 vtsll his mollle< and 11umble9 acroH • tlerle• or ar1a111 8 t{.•Ult N1 ""'• Ndlliur\ 9 00 t) (( SIMON & SIM~ D ~CHEEAS Vote and Elect EDMUND J. KELLY FOR MEMBER STATE BOARD OF EQUALIZATION • S,1PfiRVISINQ AUDITOR. STATE BOARO OF EOUALtZA TION • EXPERIENCEO TAX ADMINISTRATOR ~OA 23 V(ARS • CERTIFIEO PUBLIC ACCOUNT ANT ,-:///,,, 'J , l tt S/f,~/,tl,~ft. .f;t~,. Clf10~_,,;.,uv / l'All'> ,OR ltY COMWrTTil TO ILICf 10 ICl'-U' I 0 1'°61~ 111 w lllltllo Aw , Alallo, CA t2~11 -,,.,. dleout1an, T,....,., TOBI TDPPIRS K N IH ' 111 , .~11 \'111111._, l '1·111'lt :-;11,., 1.il .. t\111-.1111 S 11111li l "A111111·'") 1111~1, d111 111111 11 1.11 V d 1•-.q~111 •d l o ~I Vt · )'lllll1g Ill 11pl1 111'>1>1111 1111 11 .lllllllg 1111'11 II\\ II"'').','> KI I.I I\' 1111 111111 · '1'11 I .1 11.1111 111 W11li I .11\ I ~Jil'I 1.d 1111'11 d 11\ I >.11111\ 'J'h11111 .... I I " 11 .1 ' • ll l I 11111 h '" 11 I ·I I' I .1 •I 1.11 "'" \\ .i I \ 11 11111 ·"I nn1hl1· 1111 l·',,..,111111 1 1111 · N1 ·\\ 't'111 I, I '11 v 1, t 'l·"I' I :'II> !I IHI i\\111111 '1\ 111111, ·" 1•.111111 111 111d11 .11 \. lh p11--.1·111 111111111111• 1111pl11 .1111111-. "' 1111 .,.. I 111,1111 ''"' .... ti 1w1•f. .. o111d tl11 fll 11lil1 111, 1111 11fli1 I 1111111f111" '' 10 'Ill (JJ INllrl'I NUf NI Iii I WOllK NI Wll 1tc•1UOU 8 10 Jll NIWfl '"' "AlllllllAY Nl(llll ti .... ( h;Uh. ....... ,. I 111t••t I l't•1I '""''" u IN m Al1(.ll or t II ••·•"'' A1ul t11t,1l•fl11 11•1 (I) lllA I 0111/ llllOW lJ) Rllll I 1111>1 9AN 1llr\N(11)<,t) '. 11 u u + Ii •u 1111 u• • f• 111 .. u • .......... '" ii·~ .. '11•1 "'. ,, t flJlltl f,.1 lt•H • Hiit t Altto t I fl h lll"'f h11•·• ,,, "·•· .,.,,. ,, I RlllllNrrm m 1•1111 I ~1» 1101 1 on "' 1111 II• 111q"' • 4t. fljt,ol ,,,_.,.'''<HI! ( f111 •I llfflllltl \illlll"! tf•1n I I #'fll1I lq '"°'l;f• 1•11i• f1n .. tul11I ,.,, "\J·~·o• I• t•u-tu11 ul 1,, 11u <, M1l\lll:' • a• ''' t 1'1'1 I ,,,,,11 il•I.._, t 1,.. .. , I t u•1tt• ''""' I 1•11 At•uftt+"' 1 ·••1 •• 1olto ..... O••tttlto ••ou II ... ,, ·Ult H•l.J 1111111H11t 1M1 •+f lof I I" I 1111 4'l1 Afll """U ''" '"'''II"' It 11 Ill l C.:INf..-Ailll f)ltl I I 30 f) 8 Q\JINC, ( ()uo11 t 4.i•I''' t "'''" t lo iltt\t .... , •. fut ,.," o.-mn .... , ..... ... .... ual1(!f1l t '41 .. ,,u ut u 11u1 tRI 0 J9 TONIGHT Hos I JOhllny Gu.,'SI t w lmffHH l+t "IWI P1µoly 0 10 'A8C NEWS NIOHTL.INE 0 YOU ASKED FOR If Ft~OlurNJ The M•" Wtltt ASbllSIO• Hand• 8Jlt1 1 !It< P19 I h.it Pl~y• O..oa Q) THEJEFFERSONS A ll1ghly SUCC .. $Sh•I DUI unconvcmllonal 1t<< It tu~'­ er l•sc1na1rs G~o•vc ED ART 0 1' BEINO HUMAN T ne Dream Ot 1 ne H.., al) P9S LATENIOHT H05t Dflon•s WhOl"y il':' NIGHT GALLERY Z MOVIE • • Turkish Dfll1ght t 1974) Ru1Qer HauOf, Mon IQH" Van De Vf!• A youn11 aculplor marries • woman wno.e appe1110 la. lu11 mat~ ll•s OW" R 1 I 45 H MOVIE • • •· • • la CaQ4'1 A,,. Folln f 1979) Ugo T0g nau1 MICllel Se<' aoll A r;+gf'HCIUD ()¥1''"'' tries tn prepare his lrnn~>lf\f•I!' tovot tot a v151I by ht!l '·Ofl -. 1111ncee s 1a1n~r '"" rnor "''' comm1S,•onet France R 12 00 0 ENTERTAIN~IEHT TONIO HT ,,1 Afl 1ntervtew wtlh c.omtC OOOk e1ealor Jack l(ut>y 0 10 THE LAST WOAD 0 MOVIE • • a Anything Gne< I 19561 B•no Crosby Don aid 0 Connor Comp1.,e hons ar1se wnen • comeo1 ltiam lravf!ls lo Europ.e 10 hnd a 1e11ct1ng lady t NEWS Q) MOVIE a a '> Pr.on" Call rrom It StranQe• 119521 Garv Merrlll Shelley W1n1er5 T hft lone survivor ot a plane cr111h undnrta~l't 1110 res~ 01 not1ty1no 1h" v1G1tms lam1hes Cl) LOVE. AMERICAN ST'<LE You 11 Neve< Well< Al(ln41 I f'itl1I ~ IU'#I> 11ll111t ltllHll\)U" 11 1 hu11ty !Hilty 1111 1u11lw pnvlht\li" t I h lhhtHI W Pl ARV MASON 0 MOVI£ fm-.• I fu'N" 1 POiflJ Ultn 1111!0 flo..,t• I om ttmulru 1:1 10 ( MC>Vll • • lhu 11111.H lr1llil tli;l1 ho1., I ttf '4•J '111,u1 ( '''' 11t11 y I H111Ht1I '1"Uuul1t111I ''"""" 11tpu1t llHh ttllhu I ttttllll'f I 11#1 M#lllll .. ollholtjtf 111 t•Ull u lf tflfl ••htlltlllo,,ly 111111 ,..,1l1lt1 tt1t1t1u1,-ul •f •. ••·I .......... , ... ., .• , ••.• tt11 1110 h._ HUt11t1v11 l•t • I~ 'l<I 0 >'1 I ATr NIOIH Wlfll 11AV10 Ir ll£RMAN fo11u I 111nut1f11P! ftu f1tu tl tAt111 1• I tut t 1t11t•f\t111l11" U1u • IU 11u1110 f '"' ..... f11,.11tf11tlf I l1fl•ll tlfdUl•1f ,,, ............ , ,,, 1.11111•1 ' " ' I OM Ulllll Ill' 1.1 •inr aJ I OVr AMrl1K .AN "'"',. I t!!,_ lltUfl /'111 0111.,., '•••1 .. Hot+ .. If, t• ;.,. ll·t ~ H fl MOVll •• IA' fl lfl,1 r ,.,., ' .. ,~ ... ,, ... , .f11r11t••tu 11,, flu• ,,,,,I'''•""""''" h•t• •'·• _... '"' htl•"'' ,.,. ... ,,,, ,, ..... ti l'1 40 t) 8 Mf,l,l OU!> A"'"'H ·•" f t1 I , / I• +ft~ ..... \1Hw1lhflU llllfllHt,\\ 1•· ., "1ut fit4r w h1h1 '' ''''U ''' ''"'' tru f1tm1ty 1owttl .. lf'l 12 46 s ..-ov1E • *. 119801 Jitt'-Tt1nm1JM10 t..14riam l(~nnf-Ut Trw coat•• ot d t·il~ ~n Auit,.ahttn toot 0811 IA&m lonll\ fnll QO•n9 1uugn 1><•111 on 1n" playmg loeld ancr 1n 111e ooard room 'Nt'lert• ho l&Ct1S an ant;ai. goni!lhc cluO pros1"f1Jnt 1000 MOVIE • 61t1v lho 111<1 vs D•a· cula 119661 Chuc~ Cou•l- ne) Jonn C..arr ad1ne A refotmt'd ouflilft ma~as tne aw1u1 <l1S.Cover')' that h1~ g1rlf"e"<i \ unclP •• really a vrtmpuo 0 MOVlt a• "Tilt! Horr0< 04 Fronk· onsreon' t 19711 Relph Baleti 11;e10 0 M•1a A sci· l!n1111 crea1•• • loalhSOITl4! crea1ure compoMKI ol vari· nu~ pan~ 01 d1lleren1 c•d&lfi"t. q MOVIE • • • Encrian 1men1 t 19•9t Davie:! Niven TPrese Wtfglll An OldOtly m11n ·~ rem1n<140<1 01 h•• pa~t romanc.e wf1t1r1 hi\ grand· son confrnnl6 him with fll!. IO•e "ory (I) MOVIE • • , W•~tti ound f 19!>91 Rando•pri Sco11 v .. g1n1a Mayo A Ycln•ee Olf•COt •• plllCed 1n c.riarge ol sia111ng a alagecoach hno 10 a111p got<! out ot Cat 1torma 10 ENTERTAINMENT TONIOHT An 1nt•rv1ew -wtfh comic book craalor Jack Kirb~ 16 Z MOVIE • • , Ta1too (t981l Bruce Oe•n M&ud Adems An ObMISeO 181100 art11t 1 .. dnap1 11 ruh•on model and procet>ds lo COY&' lie• body w1lh hll handiwork R 1 2.0 H MOVIE • • '> Be•• 11111nd (19801 OonAld Sutll•tland Va~· An Ar~•c WM•th .. t • •M•tc f'\ ... n, • ,.. .. flt;.H'• .,. f41f(..9(j lt•tlJ . 11(1111 I(>< In.tr v .. y '4>1Yl•el l'(I I 30 0 J., NBC NlrWI OlfUINIOHT 0 MOVIE • • • Ar111.,r 11111111 1>v11l11y M 1>11t,. l .,. Mm 11ut1t wrul• 1111 t•1wtv ••lfe.un1,1a lo Iott• tum 1t1trJ j\ IJt• MftHl\QtJ(J lf1Atfl•Q4' • lfl IHlh utl h9'4J..-.tHllH OI•) '"'~ laUa "' ftJve -.1lh • 004Jt "''>f ~mu g111 P(J '100t) 8 CNNEW6 NIOHTWATCH Q) NEWS '1011 C MOVIE 6 ll • , hH ()fft)ltl tJ J lff/'q 'won ( u1111<uy ft• YM •t11wt1rd Wh1l9 t1•UUrtQ flflW#I tt t.fHht mQtwtl9f A I llfUIUtt Ch•hM" t1vo aJCtwtv MIU" h1uu, .. u tow•'d 1 fht#V!.HI• ht .... h(1(1wtt ft :l t ~ (.} MOVIE • • 1,u. f1mfj f-OtNY•f 11•1Hc11 (,luiro l'lmlJ•IU Viti , •'"' Va11 •'•ttun A t ,.,rtr.h t ··''"",."" u111 folla 1t1 hP1• ~lfh H l1uo.h Amftflt..1m c ul tuy11 •lurhmt "6lud y1ng 111 M1uHt•U•I f.iCt '~I> !. MOVIE • • ( "" ., l}V ...... &.> fl IJC> t tlf A W"•'" I J &ttuny Uul l•u • I t11 h.tftj () ":.ulllvnn A J'"''"U Wl11't14ff HU,...... ,,, ._ tuurry '~"' 1,r;yt11mHI tm lt11t 111rul1IU1f1 ft•Ht fltt tom4t4" uu111full., tllllSJlhyutl ,.,, ,11ftv .,,, ,,,.,, ~ 30 0 )q NEWS W MOVIF • • • Au1 1.,,, !II A,,...111utt 111#4'.I 1,.,.,~ t"tH 1; t • II .. tlf11th I 1:ritlny'11 """' hnt• fft1rif*# 6 00 I:) • • • M•<l•ma 111,~n I 11178) Sunou" '·~ 1 HJ••• C leud• Oa•Jl)hm A ¥ffH11 •ri • p •r 1t1n•flly vrnl•tUHflll an ••ttttm• h Mr1•fttrmal1tm wht)n •mt '""'''lv•n t1•u••ft 1" • 1•1m1u1tic •ff•lr whl~tl Ill lllU•t 1..,1, Wlf.l•ly dllfltr UljJ t 1tlt11n•l leve4t PO l ,. • • l'rlva1e LM '""' I 111801 Sylvie ""•l•I •th_..,.,,, Hetutm•n A ..-... 11111 m"" u..gnt ,.,. ""<lu'tl~a llOll--Ille l••ti o• p10..01ng n1a 1 S ~Hr Old M>n wttll llll 11111 M •u•I fJ,J Pf)llW\Ge R 8 00 0 ,. • • Cloud Dance< I 19801 Dev1d Carradine J•nrnler 0 Nelli A IOP 1i.m1 flier neglec1a Ille P410l>le wllo care aoou1 ll1m 1n me ~Ila/I pursull 01 n11 dange<oua aport PG e 30 c •• ., Tf\e Gr HI Brain t 1978) Jimmy Ol'!'IOnd Len Buman In lht early 1900a e young coo 1r1111 swlndlea e~· one 1n sion1 and crellea sevatal problems IOr n1m. &ell G Z1 • • • •,. The Cfle111 Of Jimmie Black.5mlln t 111791 T om1T1y Lawis J ack HIOMpton A young hell· brH<I at>origu·ie aec1daa 10 -k a place 1n Ille whtla man a world only lo run up agalntr raetam and YIO· lence 7:00 CD e • Franc111n Tne Heun1ecr HouM \ 195el M>elo.ay AOOl\ey, V11glnla W9'1as FrancHI lll!lle>s an 1nnocen1 man ca1G11 Ille r .. I C"IT\lnlll <l!l$00nllb141 10< I Ile er lme rie • eccueeo of 7.30 $ '1 •"> 'Salem a LOI 1111791 D1v10 Soul. James Mason A novel191 reluma to 1111 boyllood home 10 pyl an end 10 lrOlll>led memor-l>u1 flna1 1nat a a1n111er mytlery anroudl 1111 lown PG 8 00 C • • '> Tile Mirror Crac.k d t 1980) E11U bel'1 hytor Kim Novall BeMd 04\ a 11ory by Aglllla Cnrlalle A 11ranoe mu1de1 1nv01vlng rival HOiiywood a1111s takes place In an Engllatl VIiiage 'PG' 0 •• ·~ Toby Ano Tne Koala e..r·· 119811 Rolf Harrla Uva ectlorl and 8111· mallon combine 10 1811 tile ••la ol a youno boy "1'1d 1111 pet koale In Aua1relle'1 rronller Oayt 0 • • "Sleeping Ooga Sam Nelll, Warr•n Oeles Running from • bro- ken merrlage. • New ZH· land lalander -"• Ito!•· t1on from 1ocle1y t>ut bee;()(~ • IOfWlly ,..,0 wl\9rt CA419l1I In In. 1tllddl8 Ol revOl\lllOl\aty IUllN>ll • ao HJ *."' The Prlv•I• ( 1" I lttol ()on Kl\Olll !Im COft•IY r wo W- bllng A<Y*IUn o.t.._ll•M at• c;ali.d 1n 10 lnvM 11gal• a -'•• or muro.ta 111 an tnglll h Glllle PQ' l 11 II • OrMI\ tc;e' 118811 RyAll 0 NMI Aooe Mcher Ao llflOI"-a11G a IM>(lalll• altl!lllWI Iii <00 a SOU1h AMeriCafl .,...,aid lllT\uO(llal Of a ll>r I UM II\ gam1 PO I 00 Qll) II * a '• My Man God· lr•y t 1113tjl Wtlll•m Pow· 1111, C8fOI• lombertl A bum WhO 11 O"'-" a job •• • l>uller 1n • '°''-'Y wom "" a nouM 1urn1 out 10 ~ e mernoer of Au11t11111 toV el1y 9 &Cl ID a a > WUSA ( 19701 Paul Newmen Joenn• w ooowatd An elGollOllC dlJC joel<ey 11na1 n1mM11 • pawn In a 1aat11ona1y po1111ea1 plo1 and •••H•I· naoon 0 a•'> Tile Blue Lagoon 119491 J .. n S1m- mona Donald Hou11on A 1oung O" 1 and ooy .ri•pw1ec:-ad on a Pac•llC 1llan<1 coma 10 love each olllttr •• 1n•y ma1ure 10 00 c •• t I '111 MllllOn Doi· lat F ac;~ 1198 11 f ony C.urlla Polly 8e< )an Tile rutni.11 hHd ol • coame1- 1ca comp•ny 1>acom a1 C•ughl up 1n a blllle for •ulJ•flmACy ... 11t1 a rival i.;ompany '"" 01 1 former lo•,,. 11 • • fn• S.• Wot••I I llHIOI Gregory Peck Rog. •• Mo<>re During World War II a group 01 Brll•ah bullnea..,,.,. lorm • voton IM • rag1m.n1 10 d .. .,oy • German apy neal 1n Ille 1na1an Oc.aA11 PG S II*'" 11\rM Guya t4amecr Mika 119511 J- Wyman Van Jonnson A p1101 a ou11neumen and • ac.1an11a1 woo a pr•1ty 11ewardeu 11 lh• aama 11ma 0 ,. • i\d•entur" Ol ri.e W1lde<MKI Fem.it 119751 qoban Logan Susan D•man11 A con· 11'UCllOn wor1t81 dl&lffu· a•onad .. 1111 c11y Ill• 111emp11 10 support Illa lamtly by IMng ol11ne land G 10-30 l • • • Superlly 119721 Ron 0 Neat C811 Lee A Harlem dr~ puai- decidel 10 1oves1 all ol n1a -oy 1n one flf1Bl "''IOI deal 1M1lor11 ra11r1ng trom the ou .. neu R 11. 15 0 • • l lle NIQlll Tne Ugnis Wanl Ov1 In Georg- •• '11981) Kria1y McNlcllOI M•<k Hamln A brolher· and·llisler tono-111ng duo nave many advan1urH wM e 1rying lo all:a OU1 a hVlng on Iha COVnlf)'·-1· ern cuco11 PG 12:00 0 • • ·~ Call\ng Bulldog Drummond \ 19511 Waller P•dQaon, Maro•••• Le!Oh· Ion Whan crOOka UM mlN· 1ary rad er io acer a lhe l>Oi)Ulace and pull on drt- ma11c llela1a. Oa1ac11ve OrummO<ld •• lured from ret1rernan1 10 1n ... 11ga1a II> • • • Mys1er191 FrC>n' 8eyonO Eartn I 19771 Ooc- umtin1aty Scienllata and •111ea1criera ••PIOr• 1ri. paranormal world of UFOt Klrllen pllolography Ply· CllOl<l.-.1 clon1no. ESP end Ille BarmUO• Triangle C e• • • Fiddler On flle Aool ( 1971) Topal Norma Cfane A 1>9*Nnl milkman In IUl'n-Of·t,,.. cen1ury a.artal Auaala lrtes 10 marry on n1s eligible da~htera wn11e lrytno 10 tlold onlo nla Jewtah h81J· 1age tn 1ne lace of oppr•· 11on 'G ~ * • '• Tile Formula ' t 19801 Marlon Bt1ndo. George C Scolt White 1nVMhga11no lhe murder ol • c:oite.gue. 1 v•1t1tan cop uncover& 1 conspiracy lnvoMng lhe 1Uppt1Ulor1 of • Sy!111letlG luel lormul• ~an 011 caner 'R' U * • • "Silk Stoeklnga" 11957) Frao A11alfa, Cytr Cll8t1U4I An Amertcen tllm produc1• bacom•a Involved ,..lh a female Russlan agen1 In Parla JOHN DARLING by Annstrong & Batluk A LL •'SON WONDE~LAND 15 HE~E ~O~'< W ITH SOME GUICI(. AfoV E>SY rl?EA~S FOC=t 1l-I05E un~ 6H~T5~6Deul6 Wf'iO LL~ Ci?MING BY O N HALLOWE:EN.' l="OR IH IS FtRST ONE. .JOHN. '(OU S IMPLY ~Ll.CW CXJT ,._~KIN AND F ILL. IT Wrn-t SH~IMP DIP. .. AND A'5 "ll-4E °tlllOC·OFf.· I RE:A'l"ERS COME: "T'O YOUR C'OOll . "T\.4E'Y' QN E.ACM DIP INTO IT W~ <:.OME OF Th6 PIT,._ BREAD FOR>-HE'.Al.-ntFU- ANC> NUTl:Zm°'-6 SN,l>C¥.f • • • • .. •• ~·· • rlt. t TOMORROW ALLISON W 11 .. 1.. S£ BAC,.:.. WITM SOME HE l..P'FUL HINTS R:iR ~v1N6 S PRAY FJlovNT FROM PIC"Tt.JRE w 1NDO\NS.' ll.E·ELECT STATE DOAJ\D OF EQUALIZATION RE -HE CT DRONEN BURG HE'S SAVED US MILLIONS! Ernie is ... * Experienced and Har~ Working * Better Bu1ine11 Climate and Jobs * Active Church a Community Leider Kristen, Ernie, Stephanie and Kathy Paid IOf by F1ttn01 ol Oronl'lbUrg, 0.ylel A, Hewlllna. CPA, T,....,., Endorsed by OemocrRts, RepublicRns and lndepend~nt s I 'I Dally Pilat 1 IHJllSl>AY \>l I l li llJlll BU$1NESS STOCKS C6 C7 /_,o~ ,t "#''/(•.i; I ,11zrn; bt•11111 th,•ir w11y lo lh·ungt~ Cou111 y. <.:3. Barons and Chargers revel in rivalry Th1•1'l' h.1v1· lx·1·n '11n1l' gr1•Jt mJtd1up:. th1~ !k•ason tn lJfl'P foull>ull 1\ St'l'111" mo11· :ind 111un· of thC' poWl'l'b llrl' l>l'l'klllg 1IU\ tough1•1 l'lllllJll'lllHHI during tht· non IL·agm· Sl'aMm, wlll'lltt•r by d1•s1~n lit be<·aW><.' nol>ocly 1•lSt· wan~ tt1 1111·~.., w11h tlwm Fo unta111 Vull1•\1 1::. Lht• ,1.tr1•.1t l'>..i1mph·, st.•h1•uulmg St. Paul. S1•rv1k. MJll·1 1>1·1, Lu11g Beach Poly and foo\h1ll Maruia 1s fullowtnK tht• t•xamph• lo 1111 11x lt·nt. picking up Espt•ranz.a and St•rv1tt• tll'll.l yl•.tr, to go with Foothill a nd M1l11kan Edison ha.l> mon• d..itt-:, with Ra11111ng und V1::.t:1 planned. too. but tht.•n•'s JUSt a t.•uu plc uf th111g::. m1ssmg from all uf th0&• blut.• l·h1µ g.mw::. no leagut.' utlt.', no playoff bt<rth. no advarn:t.·m<'nt through playoffs µr l'Vl'n mul·h of a nvc1lry 1·x1sL,, except for Edison's annual dud with Mater Ot·1 That'::. wha t makt:s Frtday·s l'ull1s1on .it Anaht!1m S1.ad1um bt.•tw1-t•n Fuu1w1111 Vallt·y <t11d &hson what 1t 1s. h has all 1>f thl' mgn·<lrt.•11t.s beginning w11h rivalry Any win is a good wm, but wlwn tht•Sl• two meet, it's not just anothl'r vit'tory ur d1•f1•at For thl• rt"t:ord, l<":.cJison has be\•n on1.•-up on tht· Barons 11 t1nws, losing just twit.'<-' and Olll' g~mw finishing in a S(.'OrclC'ss ti(;'. Thl' l11.· was tht• last ganw played al Orangt' Coast Collt•ge lx•Cure the sen cs NLRB attacks owners NEW YORK (AP) National Foo tba l l L eagu e Pla ye rs Association chief Ed Garvey has maintained a ll along Lhat the club owners' nt.'gouators have e n gaged in unfair bargaining practices in the lt-ngthy labor dispute that has shut down pro football Now those a llegations w ill be heard beginning Nov. 15 by a National Labor Relations Board administrative law Judge in New Yo rk The N LRB. finding validit y in the union's charge, Wednesday filed a complaint of unfair bargaining prac tices against the Management Council. THE ACTION cam(· severa l hours a fter both sides in the 38-day s trike had agreed to resume negottauons They will meet next Saturday at a m1d- Manhatt.an hotel Daniel Silverman. the director of NLRB Region 2 in New York , handed d own the complaint c harging the NFLMC and owners with farhng to negotiate with the u. 11on an good faith The complaint also alleged that the strike "was caused and has been prolonged b y the unfair labor practices" by NFL owners a nd the ir n egotiators T h e smking players could be entitled to back pay 1f the judge upholds the charge. PREP SPOH I~ ROGER CARLSON lll•>Vl 'tl tu A11ul11•1m S t.1d1un1 111 11:17:1 Thi· b1K 111ws 11wludl· tht· 111x·11l'I' 111 I !;!ti~ ti I :!II) th1· 197ti g.1nw ( 1:1 :I) .111d tht• ga1111• 111 'iH I IU 71 wlwn \lw lk1n111,· 0111\ (loss) 1111 llt1• \.I.av l11 lht•Cl1'' Big F1v1· , h.1mp1111111h1p w.1, \11 1'Al1111111 (.'lt .. 11 Iv, t-'11u111.1111 V.1ll••v h,1, -.trugglt·d 111 tl11., ~·ru•:- Tlw l~ti9 1t·;1n1 111 Brt1<'t' Pll'klwd's was on th1· \\,av 111 tht• pl.1voff, w11 h ·• t1tJ1t11111 11I 1t-. f1r'il lt-1tglw \lrv1nl'I 11 t l1· · wlw11 11t•111nr 1,.,., J·:d1 ... 111 ~hot'k1·d l'Vt ·rvon1• Bui tht• 1 t•Jlly big 011<'::. huv1· to l>t• in '7ti and '71! wht•r1 tht! l3ur1111s wt·n · 1n lhl' 11111bt 11f Olll' uf lhl· gr(·Ut runs of tt·111ns 111 Orangt• County history Only W1ll11• C1ttt•ns' lt•ap into till' l'nd 1.0111· (somt· sttll s:.iy ht• full)IJltod bd111·1· ltt· St'on·d) got tilt' ·77 l-'11u11t.u11 Vull1·v dub a ti :1 vt•rdll'l Pound fnr pound tht•n· ha::. bt•t•n vt·ry hlll1· 0 .. IJ "°4 !"MIO by Cherlff llafr M·paralllll-( till' tw11 uv1·1 lht•M• p.1.,l H y1•a1., Ed1~in·, .. 11-.1111n1lh•1 tt•a111 .. 111 l!J ?!I 111 11liv111u .. 1y h.1d 1111 1•dw·. 1i111 1111· H.11!"'11 lh1d thl' .1Jv.1nu1i.:1· t11i1 PHI>''•) tlw tl111•1• Yt·.11 .. 111 ·1111 1· thul And 111 tlll' 1·~11l y i.:•11111(, 1"11u11t,1111 Vtdll'y .. n1 .. rc •d •• ., th1· f.1v11rll 1· 1111 11111..,1 111 t".1.,11111., But r~h!'\4111 u .. u.rll v pn·v,11lc·d So how 101111·'' Wc·ll. l'v1• ~'t·ll I :l 111 t ht· p;~'it I~ j.t • .tnw., .111d r:t11 .. 1111 lr.1., <llwuv., had a 'l'l'l l'l Wl'apo11 Tlt1· l'hJtg1•r' hi1v1· al~ay., l1t•1•11 i.tood, 1111nd you, but tli1·v·,1· ·"'"had l.1dv lu1k wi th lh1·m . 11n .1 1•11n~1 ... 11·11t h,...,,., 11·, lilt' httl1• th111g11 Thi· 'hurl µ1111L' lw11H11'1· tlt1• right w,1y, tlw odd lurnhl1· g1w" mil 111 houmb, n11l 1nt11 an 11pp1111r·11 t', h:a11d 11, th1• 1·1•1 \Jin m\l•rt 'l'Jll1011 ,., Jr11ppc·<I . .c pl.11·1· k11·k 111.1k1·' ll wlwn th1• d11p11 .111 · down J\nd. \h1·n•'11 ah.11 tht• l'lllllt' through f al'llH Wht·n 1;:c_1i ... 1n ha~ hud 11~ b;wk to 1h1· w.111, th1· l>lg µlny wh1•thl'I 11 '11 ,1 ll1·a flH·k1•r, a two Jll>lnt :.ilt1:111pt . ,J fwld go.ii or fourth down p.i~"> i,:1·~ 1t dom• Thi· Barons havt• h.Jd tw11 l'C1al·h1·s during this :,µan P1l'kforcJ .tnd M1kl· M1hwr and 0 11 J lo(l'lll'l':J I l>a::.1:-., both hav1 · Ii. ·l·ll Mla k1 •-l 11 tt1•11 Edt:;un ha:. had thn•1• nial'hl'' 8111 V,11!, llll l VAii. VINCE AIAlllO V1m't· ~,,.., .rnd 8111 Workman and they !\hart· a <·ommon l>'md in l(Nting small favurs I knuw this Ir I were a Baron I'd feel a l1ttl~ p;1ra11oid alJout oil of this And 1f I WC're a Charger . I'd Ix· eounung rny blt~mgs It's a gri·at s<·rit•s a nd 11 was never more a ppropnatl'ly put in pt•rspt•t·ttve than when P ickford, swnd1ng on the Anaheim Stadium field and lt1tiking duwn at &•rvat<• H1gh's players prior to his Barons' :.!4 -14 Cl F Big F1vL· 1:hampions h1p ninqul'~L in I !l78, turnt•d and S<.11d: "l JUSt wish those uniform.; down 1h1•n • wcr1· grt'\.'n and gold.'' Tht·y do rl ;.ill 4:1g;,11n ~'rtday night The • • winner 1s • • • G WC's Gragnano beat out nine QBs By CURT SEEDEN 01 ,,,_ Delly Pllol St•H Afll'r sk1pp1ng tht• football ~1J1• 11f l·urnmunaty <-·oil<' gt• for t wo yt•or~. Adam Grcagnanu dt't 1dl.J ol ag<' ~O tl wa::.n"t tr1'J lat<· l•> stagt-a ronwbac·k. uf sorts So, a fter n.O-sh1rtmg u St-Uson at talent-ladL•n Fulll'rton Collc•g1• and spending ;.inoth<'r y1·ar at football·ll'SS Cyprt.•ss Collt•gt'. Gragnano l'Untacted Golden West Collcge Coa<.·h Ray S hat·kll•ford and requt•stt'd a ~how1ng To his surprise·. Grngnano found himself up a g a 1 ri s t n o 11' s s t h a n n 1 n 1.· potcnttal quarkrback n ind1dates during the spr1n~ as S hackleford explon•d t•very possi bility to C1nd a rC'pla1.·l'mt.'nt for th1• talenwd Sam All•llo who w ent on lo Tenm•sse•c-aftc·r th1.• '8 l season I t w asn't exactl y what Gragnano had in mind ror his comeback ") was a liulc appre h1•ns1vc at firs t ." undcrs l s tate s Gragnano "I kn<"w 1 had tht.' ability but 1 hadn't had to prove 11 to anybody " Gragnano has proved that ability today Jus t ask the• secondaries for e1thc•r San· Diego Mesa or Grossmont t.•ollt'gt>s They'll come to his defense even tht>Ugh they fall<'d to provide· any agatnst the hard· • throwing quarte rback pmg and simply not throwing the ball 1n ttit• wrong plal~·" lndet.'d , 1n six games, G ragnano has been inten:eptl'Ci JUSt tw1 l-e The Rustlers played some highly ranked oppos111on during pre -conferen('C acti on like· Taft, Saddleback and Santa Monica CC. wh1c·h is one reason the Rustlt'rs are :.i-3 overall But as Gragnano has matured , so have the Rustl1•rs Afll'r guid ing tht.' Hustlers to a 28-0 o perung conft.'re nce vit·tory over Gross mo nt, Gragnano turned in a splendid e ffort against favored San Diego Mesa -completin g 17 of 23 passes for 301 yards and two touchdowns -an a 37 · 7 thumping of the Olympians. The Rustlers go into the . third w eek of South Coast Conlerence play tied with Mt. San AnU>n10 and Cerritos for the conference lead Aft.er a bye this Saturday, they'll ta k e o n Cerritos In a game that could make or break them. cons1der- in~ buth Mt San Antonio and Fullerton are s till to come SLHI, Gragnano tnslSIS he's not Jelling the pressure get to him. Sure, G ragnano's statts11cs this S<'ason (51 of 110 paSSt.os. 769 A<lum Gragn a no yards. 8 TDs) have playt-d a bag "When I first came out I JUSl wanted to have some fun and show what I could do," he explains. "But once you get into th is, it's hard not to get involved." Gragnano's involvement in the suc'CCSS of this year's Rustll:'r squad has been aided by a solid offensive line and the sure fmgcrs of his favorite rec·eiver, Ja mes "Sandy" Ml-Gee. part in the Rustlers' qu11.·k JUmp to the top of the Soulh Coast Conferl•ncr standmgs, but his maturity has added a key d1m<'ns1on lo the• Golden Wst offenS<'. "He's football-smart," admits S hackkford of his quarterback "HL• comt.'s from a football family and he's done a gcxxJ .JOb of managing this football "The line has JUSt been great. Every game, the protection gets better a nd better," Gragnano says. "It's hard not to look good when you have a guy hke Sandy Mc:Gee out there." It also found. among other things. that the Management Council had failed to provide the un ion with fin a n cial d a t a necessar y to the barga1n1ng process and wllh circumventing the union on mauers d ealing with the players Fountain Valle y's Da le Frye jus t made ii over Westminster's Matt Eddy last wee k, with more hurdles Friday. tC'am "Therc-'s a lot mort-to Ix-mg a good quarterback than JUSl bemg able to throw lhC' ball." Shackleford conttnut•s "He'::. dom' a Rrt.•at J(lb of aud1baltzing McGee 1s the No. 2 receiver in the conferem .. -e, the redp1ent of 25 passes for 513 yards and five TDs. He's averaging 20.5 yards per reception. (See GWC'S, Page CZ) "Now that lhe NLRB decision has been made," Garvey said. "there is additional pressure on the owners to re-exarrune thetr position. Once they come to grips with the Jaw and bargam on wages. we have passed the big hurdle in re~hing a settlement." B UT J I M MILLER , a management council spokesman. responded to the complaint by saying: "We feel confident that once it proceeds throu gh the prope r channe ls. w e will be vindicated. In 1974 (at the start of t h e previous coll ec tive bargaining) there were 30 complain ts filed by the NLRB a nd when we reach e d our agreement in 1977 none of the 30 had been resolved and all were set as ide as a condition of the agreement." There was no thing 1n the NLRB order alleging that NFL Commissioner Pete Rozelle was pe rsonally involved in unfai r labor practices. Earlie r. mediator Sam Kagel. the 73-year-old San F rancisco law yer who last Sa turday recessed the bargaining in the Baltimore suburb o f Cockeysville after 12 days of limited progress. Issued a ter-se at.atement f~m his office saying: "I am autfaorlied by Ed Garvey and J ack Donlan (the owners' chief negotiator) to announce that negotlatloM will resume on Saturday . . . Beyond that statement, I h ave no comment of any kind." Kagel. In ttla vfCoria to get th bargainers toge ther aaaln. Initiated the pho ne calla to Garvey In w .. hlngt0n. D.C. and Donlan In Ne w 'York. Aft.-r ~J had elicited an a~nt from both t.o get the talk. roUJn1. Garvey called DonJan t.o Jt'dcf<- on the lite. A simple antidote revived UCI women t Chris He ns ley ' t Just under a month ago, UC Irvine's womc-n's volleyball team was staring face-- to-fat<' with a disastrous season. Thl• An teat •rs possessl.'d a less-than- ghstt•ning 7 12 record and were in the midst of a five-game losing streak. And. there were no cn1:ouraging signs . UCI was playin~ poorl y a nd losing badly Then . all of a sudde n , things changed UC! not only started winning. but the Anteaters started to w in frequently. In fact, UCl has won 10 of its last 11 matches, not only improving the Anteaters' team mark to 17 -13. but also reviving hope that th<' team may be able to set"ure an at-large berth in the UJX'Oming NCAA playoffs (UCI plays as an tndependent). What happened? What changed? Whal accounted for the turnaround? Well. to ht.'ar team captain Chris llcnsley tell 1t, the rE'a.son was ~umpll' "W e JUSt got s1('k of losing." Hensley explains . "The humiliation, the feeling of being down. wt• JUSl got sick of 1t " UC IRVINE JOHN SEVANO T he Anteat<'l'S. acrnrding to Hensley. came to their realization during the BYU tournament late las t month. UCl h ad dropped its first three matches and the prospect of winning any during the tourney looked dim "We'd go out there and we wo uldn't know what we were d oin g wrong. We knew we hod the talent," Hensley notes. So. the Antl'aters held team m(.'('tmgs. And kept holding them in the hopes the• players would find n .solution. "We just went out there and worked harder. played hard<'r and tried to be more pos1t1ve," says the 5-5 blond-h:ured junior setter. "We knew Inside how good we were. We just had to have conhdcnl'<' imd be patient." Apparently It paid off. The Ant.ea\ers are now on a roll and it <..'Ouldn't have come at a better ume During the next month, the AnteateTS will play three teams ranked among the top 20, plus what Coach Mike Puritz calls "the best coll<'ge team m the nation" in Nippon Colle6t.' of J apan. The match agains t Nippon will be played Saturday night (7:30) at Crawford Hail~ And. just to show how good UCI's opponent will be. Nippon has defeated Hawaii. the No. I ranked team in the nation. nine times without a defeat this season. "They're a great team. AJI you can do is your best." co~es Hensley. UCI understandably might be m a little over its head against Nippon. but it's the Anteaters' other o p ponen ts during the weeks to come -USC (ranked No. 3), P cpperd1ne ( (No. 20) and UC Santa Barbara ( (No. 12) -that they are really pointing to 1f, of course. \hey expect co (Su HENSLEY. Pase Ct) • 1n unusual spot after beating Kings WINNIPEG. Manitoba (AP) -Tht· Winnipeg J ets' fans couldn't contain themselves tn tht> final seconds of tht•. gamt~. a NalloN.tl Hockey League' oddity for them conllldering the tcam'11 1Ack of SUCOOM In the past. "We're ~o. l, we're No. I." the fans roared in the Winnipeg AJ"4'n. as the J t•\111 wrapped up a 7.3 vfctory Wednesday night over tht• Lot Angelc.'S KlngJ. 1t was the rlhh game ln a row for the Je\a without a defeat, four w lns and Uc. and moved them Into 10ll' poat"Mlon ot flnt place In the Smythe:" Dtvlalon with l:J polnt.t;, ont' mor<-th1m ttw K ings. The J t't.:s, with a 6-2· l rC('Ord. were flying early In thf' game and tK'Ort~i twice before the fl~t period was four minutes 9ld Onw Taylor got one back for the' Klng1. but MacLesn scored htll fourth guol of the season lO glvf• Winnipeg a 3· 1 fNad at 11 :02 At 11.30. KinRll Coach Don Prrry pulled rookit• go.')lle> Onry Laakoekl. who rt>ecntly 8if1ned a long-term ('Ontract with th<' clu b. But Marlo Ll'ttard. rumored to be on the trading block. didn't help much as tht' Jets b{-nt h im : twl~ in the S«'()nd and two more• times In the third "Onl't' Wt' got prun th<' t>if(ht-mmutc mark. l tho ught we prett y wt'll domlnaled lhl• play tcrrltorlnlly :· snld Perry, whOM" dub had n 3~·:ll 1.-dge In shOUI on goal. "I think th(' big difference wa.'l In the goaJtendlng. "$ocUlf'rt played well . . Laskoski was o ff his game a bit. Most o f our 11ho\3 wN•c low . Soe\.Dcr t moves well with hi!' rc-et. I trioo to KCt them to go up on him." SmaU'a IM'('()nd aoal of the gal'n(' •nd third of tht-M'L&AC>n com11 wtth the Jet.a. short-ha nded. S mail took 3 J)atLS frqm' Jt•rry BuUer, went erudly around a ~ AngclCll defenseman. forced Lessard to come way out of his goal. then deposited the p uck Into an open net. The goal gave Wlnnlpea a 4· J leed e\ 7:26 o ( the ff(X)nd period and. a fter Bernie Nk:holla ~ hla 10th goal of the ye11r and elchth on the power play. Macl..e•n connec:tt!d again to rf'ltore t~ Jc\I' thf'ff·a<>&l margin. Dave Chriallan, Morna Lukowkh aod Bttan Mullen icot th~ othtt ph foT &ho Jc•ta .. t.a Trainer threatening to boycott De l Mar From AP dlspatt•hes DEL MAH Suy111g th1·y .1n• "111:>ulw<l" bv m nd1llv1u, JI Dt.·I M~u ral't'l l'.H'k , a <11111•11 tup tra1 nt'l'b ore thrt•a ll•l\11)~ lo lwyt·otl tht· I IJH :I thoroui.1hbr('tl llll't'\1111'! unlt-ss 1111prov1·11wnls ar1· madt• "Tlw tn 1l0k 1, too 11urrow. lht• siu11t.1n fac1lil1t's hurr1blt•, druinagt• poor :ind m;.inur1· p1t·kup hurn•nduu:..," ...aid lr:11n1•1 F..<ld11· Tru111:111 "I would vutt.' to c:lOM• d own lA•I MJr p1•111111 .. The tom plain ls .1rt1s\· Tu1•.,duy b1•fn1 t · 11 s utx:omn11ttt.•t.• 111t•1't111~ 11( llw -.1;111 · H;1l'l'll'~H·k Lc~1ng Cun11111:...-;1w1 Georgl• 11 artsl o 111" p1 l's td1•111 111 l h i' C al1forn1a 01v 1s1un vf lh1• 11 01 ~t.·m1•11 :.. Bcnevolt.•nt a nd Protl'l.'llv1· A~1tc·1Jl1t11\. said th.11 the 8,000-mt.•mbt.•r j.(rouµ of hon .. 1·ml'11,l)av1.· 1.<Jkl'11 their t'Ompla111L' lo lht.• Calilurrna l lo1sl' Ro.1L·111g Board "Tht•n · 1s 110 4ut.·suun 1n my n11ntl th.11 lht board is prt•pan.·d tt> ll'rmmall' ral·111g <1\ Dl'I M.1r. not lo grant d<1Ws tu tht.• lA·I M;.ir Thuroughbn·d Club, unlL•ss lh<'rt.• 1s nwan1ngful thn-..··to·fl\•1· year plan for 1mprcivt•mt•11b," ht• !-1<11tl If at:tion to t'nd tht.· n1<'t'\ I!> t<.tk1.·n . ··wt· ,,,, horsemen a re ~rnng tu support 11." ht• $<.11d Quote of the day Tom Hersey, Can1s1u-. C11llq~c.· footbJll mach, on w1dt· r<.'t'l'IVl'r T om S<:hvll''> a 76 g r a de p u 1 n l a v t' r a ~ t• 1 n u u s 1 n C'-; ~ manag<'ml•nl .. I rnt•jn, h1•'!> ~, 1nll·ll1gl'nl it's very hard lo nimmunit·att· with him. him tx-ing so antel11g1:nt and tr~ mg ll} l.ilk • to a dumlx-r gu~ likl• rnv!>t•ll " Yount. Carlton lead All-star team NEW YORK Short.stop Rubin Yount ot the Milwauk ee Bn•wt'rs a nd ll'fl· Ii handed pitcher Stt.•vt.• C<irhon of lhl· Ph1ladelph1a Phillies w(•re rundwav leaders a1 th('1r pos1t1ons on The Associated Press maJOr ll•aguc· ba.st'bdll All-Star team. announcl•d today. Yount. a leading ca11d1datt: fur Amt•n t:an League M ost Valuabl(• Playt'.'r award. a nd Carlton, who won has fourth Cy Young award on Tut.•sd~1v. t•ach rec•eivL'd 38 of a p ussibl1• 40 votes in the countrywide poll o f s po rts wnlt•r.. and broadcasters. Hal McRae of the Kansas City Royals and Dale Murphy of the Atlanta Brav(·S were the othl'r lands lide winners McRal' r1.'<'t'1ved 36 votes for lhl• dt~1gm1led h1 lier pusauon. and Murphy led outf1dd ers YOUHT Wllh 34 VOt('S Those> c·asl1ng ballots wc.•n· asked to vote for one player from 1:1ther leagut' at each pus1t1un. including thrt•(• outf1cl'dl'rs. <.i left-handed a nd right-handed star~r and a relief pitcher . The rC'Sl of •he team was rompn scd of Cecil • Cooper, first bast>. M1l waukc'l'. Dama.so Gan:1a, second base, T oronto. Mike Schmidt, third ~. Philadelphia. Pedro Guerrero, outfie ld. Los Angeles: Dave W1nC1eld. outfield. New York Yankec-'S, Gary Carter. catc·her, Mor=ttreal. P!'l1.• Vuckovich . right-handed p1lc:h£'r. Milwauk{'('. and Bruce S uttl•r. rclwf p1t.chl•r, St Louis P.ilmutuur put'i l >rnku•i to (loslori I \\11 •(•i.jl, I•\ l't•lt•r lh11u1·11k ,111d "I"• 1111111.11 1:11 .I 11 11d111~• lov l\lll.1• 1111lm11 lt•1•1 l1 •d I 11 111111 .. '" ,, I I \ llllll \ 11\• I l\.1,\1111 \\ t d111 .d,t\ lllj:l1l '" I"' N.1111111,il 11111 1,. ' t .• ,,.... I '.ol111.ol1 t'I 111.1d1 11 ,,,,, .. ., "1111 1\1.opl• I, o1 ''"11 tu t ••11h 1111 ,1·1111111 111111 Ill I 1 llllllllj' 'I' 1111 .,I 1111 1'111111 (;lt-1111 A111lt·1'4111 .... 1 11111 Ku11 i ""I' .t 1, llatUI l\\11111111\lll ' .1p,11 l l,1!1 Ill 1111 11111 ol pt·1111d .o f'.d1111111l11111.1l111·ol 1111.1II111 '"'" t 'h1t.1J.:11 'lit, Hl.11 k 11.1 .... k, lt,l\'I 11111 \\ 1111 Ill Jo:d111111111111 Ill 1111 II 111 ... 1 '1' 1111•-. l>un l\lulu11n \ 11.111 111 1"•1.ol.., lt•d •• h1j.1h JlllWt'l 1'\I N1 \\ \'111 k 11111 II" •" tla1· H11ni.t1•1, du111p1·d t '.d~111 ' 1 I l'uul Wood'> lallwd 111 ... -.1·1·011d w1al 1d 1111 .. , ........ 11 n11ol\\ "" llt11111gli 1111• 1li11d 1w1111d 111 lttl II• 111111 I'·"' St l.1 •ui-.. !1 I l't'I 11 011 I l'l It• 111 ·111 ·ti 11111 1 · g11.o b 111 Ji•,111 1'1l l"l1111 git llVl'I W . .-.l1111gl1111, I I JI \\,1!-1 B1ntll'lll ........... 111111 11111•1• 1-:1 1.ol g.11111 · 111 llll' "'"""" .11111 111• It.id g1111l 11gl11 Nill ."'""""' v.11l111u1 11111 ' NASL forms Team America franchise SJ\ N .JOSI·: Thi· ... 11111:1•lt11g 21 N 111 I h J\ Ill\' I II .111 S111l I I Lt .tj.1ll1 d1'1 Ul1 ·d W1·d111 · ... d,I\ '" I I l'.111 .. '1'1-.1111 J\llll'llC ,I ltlllljltl-..•d 111 lfl1· h1 ·,l pl,1\t 'I" Ill tlw l'OUlllr\ lot 11111114 ,,. Ill''' ,,.,.,4111 ;ig.oll1'l 1111' l :.! 11lh1 •1 t lllh.., 111 ,1 ... 111111111 d du\\ 11 l11tdj\I I l 111)'4 h Ill .. II ·.1gl11 ( 't1111r111:. ... 111111·1 l'hil """"'11.1111 .111.I l'1t· ... 1d1 Ill I l11w.1rd S.1111t11·I, lt.1v1 • 11111!1 I .It ~ l 1 111 \\ 111 k 11111 till' ll11.111l 1.il .111d 11p1 1.1ltt111.il d1•1.1il:.. 111 T1 .1111 An11·111,j ""' 1h.11 1l n•uld 111· 1111'111d1•d 111 1h1• 'd" dul• whte h 1,. g111.., /\p1 II :.!:.! w,,...h111g1 1111 I> (' .111d S1 l.11l11.., ,,,,. tlll' lt·ad111g ..,,,,., 1111 lh1 lt1111 1t 111 T1·a111 J\1111 ·111.1. \\ h1d1 \\ 1111ld tlfll 1.1l1 I 1k1· .111 111d1•p1·11d1·11I !t.llldll'l' V.llh pl.1\l'I" •Ill lo.111 ll t1111 11lli1 ·1 lt'.1111:. If d1 •\,1lh ('.1111\111 lw \\'111'h.1 •d 11Ul 111 111111 Woo:.11.1111 ..,;,1d, T1·.1111 J\1111 ·1 h ,,·, c!.·11111 w11uld 1,. pu-.lwd ha1·k 111 Hiii i Collins wants to 101n Royals KANS/\~ t 'l'l'Y l>.1\1 l'11ll1 11,.., 1111h.1pp' "111! 1h1· N1·\\ 'l 111 k Y.111k1•1.., ~ 111'1.·auM· lw 1:. 1101µl.1v111g1·\'1·1 v d.ov, I!-> ... UiJl nl~ l':m1µ:11g111ng 1.i1 .1 11.1d1· lo 1h1 · K.tru.<J'> Cnv H11VJb. 1111 K.111:..1:. < '11v '1'111H ·'> said lod :iv :.K.111 ~.1.., C11 " """ 11111· 111 1h1· 11 .till' I lOn:.1<lt.•rt.•d a ... 1 l1t1 ·•i.w11l .. l'ollln .. 111ld 'l'IH' Tm1<·'> Tu1 ... dJ~ 1n .• 1t·h·pl111rn 111111 , .... ,, 11 0111 111 ... ht>lll< 111 C11w11111.1u Th• 11 .1..,1111 I \\\ 111 111 N1" York Wil)> th1•" lold 11w I'd phi) 1·v1 1 ~ d,1\ It d11.ln'l lUr11 oUl lh,1l \\ ,1\ Lillis expected to stay on for Astros Huu).,11111 A,tl "' 1tll1 ·11111 111.111.1g1·1 tlob Li llis lllOI:'> bt· tlw l.1vo11l1· 101 lh1 full urn1· • ..1ob 1n I !:18:~ now lh.1l S.m 1"1 ,1nt·1-..c·11 Gian~ !-11'1.'•lll<l lt.1)>1·111.111 Joe Morgan has w1thd1.1wn h1111~1·lt lrom c·ons1UPralto11 tor lh1 Jl•h r\~ln1 .. bo,1rd d1.111 m.in John M c Mulle n ..... v:.. lh1·rt· <in· :.1111 f11ur l'<1nd1datt•:.. fur tlw JUI) but J ma1i.1g1·n1L·11 l M1u1 n said th:il Morgan <incl l.1111.., wN1· tlw t1nly n .. 11 candidatl'S John l\lc Enroc, Pe ter Fleming. Ge n t· Ma y er Jlld Elio t Te ltsch('r h.1v1· b1·1·n 11<11111·d lu th1· U S Dav.-. Cup -;qu<ul th.•l \\ii( 1,jll ~10.JT\l\' tn lh1 I !IH :! I 1 ll .ii .tl G r l' nu Ii It . l'ra1u 1· l•·.im 1 .1pl<illl Ar thur A!>h e <tnnounu·d Gt'orgc ~<·Ginnis, ..,t·11111d 1111 t lw lnd1.i11.i P.tll·r~· Jll 111111· :.t·oring lt!>l, W<.i!> plJtNi on \\'::l1V1•r., Wl•dn1·..,.l.1v a'> 1h1· LILLIS f',u c·r ... 1 ut lh1•11 rrn;h•I 1'1 I .I The· Un1ltod St.tll•' ~ oolh.111 Ll"1gut ''ill pl.1~ I~ r1rst n.·gular-~·.a~JI) 11.1l11J1t.1lh ll'll \ ....... d j.!.11111 on Man:h 6. Hl8:~ th1· l1·.igu1· ... ml 1\B<..' T\' '' 111 tt>lN'd:.l Sund a~ g.11111·, du1111g 1h1 LiSFL .., 18·W(.'(•k <,t•ason v.hll1 t:Sl'N \\Ill l1 ·1t~ ..... 1 l\\11 prim£'·ltmt• g a 1111·' 1•,11 h "'1·1·k pr11b.ol1h 1111 Saturday :ind l\lo11d.1\ llw l• .1g11t· ..,.1111 Television. radio TV: N11 1·\'1·nL..,"' twd1il1·d RAOIO: N11 1 \1·11h -.c h1·dull·d llENSLEY. F:rom Page C 1 • • Mesa stops Sailors make the playoffs "It's always been a goal,'' ~y~ ijensley or a playoff poss1b1lity '1t's just that it's mor e rcahsuc· flow. Still, w e n eed lo b C'a t Pepperdine and Santa Barbara Those two we have to wm " And, Hensley secs no n :aso n why UCI can't meet its task • "Before. we were just, getting used to playmg with each oth<'r," she says. "W e h a d a lot of freshman and we were a young teapi. Now, there's a wholl' new perspective. There's team unity, e.n t h u s i as m a n d a I o t o r e:n~uragement. • I think we can be compet1t1ve ~ainst every team w e play." Hensley adds. "Of rourse. if you agked me a month ago l wouldn't have been as confident." Which just goes to show what ;; little winning can do. ANTEATER NOTES -The• ~lleyball team hosts Pcpperdinl' (7:30 p.m .) Friday prior lo its cichibition against Nippon l'fippon, in cidentally. dot>sn 't Have a player o n its rost er stnaller than 5· 10 . . The No I ranked UCI water polo team, after edging No. 2 Stanford (5·4) atKl No. 3 Cal (2-1) last weekend, meet the same two teams QRacn ~aturday at the Long Beach l[IVitational ... Basketball J?layer Mark Splaa underwent successful orthoscop1c surgery over the weekend. He rigbres II> be sidelined about three w~ks leveille's condition ; itemains unchanged t VANCOUVER (AP) -Bo8ton Bruin• left wing No rmand ~eveille r e maine d in poor ondftlon W ed n e~day I n ancouver General ):foapltal t er aufferlng a c rrcbral l'Ml~PTahage. t Levellle, 19. ttll l 111 on a "'9pfrator and NI not regain<'d ~. • 1pokeunan Aid. CdM, Estancia., Marina a l o win &orm g three straight goab m the third penod. Costa M c·sa High broke a ·5.5 halfume scor<' and went on to surpnst> Nt.•wporl Harbor, 10-8, Wednt'Sday night an Sea View League walN polo a cu on Elsewhere in t he Sea Vu~\\ Leagu1:. Corona dl·I M ,ir ou tscored Un1vt-rs1ly. 10-8, ;.ind E stancia uvt rp o wcrL·<l Saddleback. 18-2 Meanwhile'. Marina secure d its hold on second place 1n the Sunset by blasting Westminster , 18-6, and in a nonleaguC' match. L agun<i Beach fell to St J o hn Bo;;rn, l I 75. On the community l·11llt•g1• level, Gold(:n West built .in 11 ·4 halftime advantage and romix·d pa s t V e ntura. 19 -9 , 1n a nonconferc·m·e matchup. Aaron Chasen, M1kl• Un· :llld &-ott As hby tallied goals m lh(· third period and goalil' T om Kennedy stopped 11 shots to lt·ad the Mustangs, who have two S t•<J V 11·w Ll•agu<• S<• lh.1 l'kl> .1 nd hanrtc.-d Nl·wporl 1t.c; f1r ... t •wthat·k in lt•agut' t·ompl'l1l111n 0 ;1v1rl O'Uonn<·ll M'OrC'd lhrt'l' l11rn·:. fm lht· S<11 lof"., who m1-..·t Cor1111,j dl'I Mnr nl'Xt Wl'('k 0 ,ivt> lmlx·mmn hJd :.ix godls JS lt1p-rankt.'CI arid unl>t.·.tll'n C<lM lwld off Un1vl•r..,11y L1·admg uni~ i ·tl t•nll'nn~ llw fin.ii pt·nod. Tom Tc•mpll• ne u ed ww goal dnd lmbcrrnno <idded two mor(' tu put the· i;(am1• out of rl'<Kh. dl'::.p1tt• l.1te TroJan tall1c·~ h y M1t hi11·I .Rartll'tl anti Rob Solm1111n F:..tam·1a ouL-;cured S.1dcl lt·h.wk B 0 1n the first qu<irll•r on 1ls w.1v 10 an t>nsy wm. N11w d1'l1·n·nt Ea.1itlei; scon·d 111 th1• rump, hod hy Pl'll·r l low1•-. thrc.·1.· ~11111~ Jt>ff 1 lopkms' e1~h t go,.t!> lnl M::irin;i to 1Lo; lhtrcl Sunset win tn four outings ( iuldt·n Wt"sl. now 1 :~ I, had a .. u1p11s111gly 1•11sv t1m1· 111 d1~pos1n~ of V1•nlura, l:.! 5 Carl Salyer lc'Cl a balaiwc'<I all.wk w11h four lo(OHI<.. Weekend sailors busy By ALMON LOCKABEY O.llr .. ~ lloellnt Wrllfi The windup of several S<•nson · long series races. coupled w11h scattered HallowC'en regattas will keep local and Southland $111lnrs busy lhls weekend. Voyagers Yacht C lub wil l wind up its Humphrey Bognrt SenL>s for Pedormnnce Handicap Radng Fleet. Southern Ot·C'an Racing Division and muh1·hull sailors compt•ling undl.'r tht• Ocean Rar ing Catamnrnn A sosoclat lon hon<llcap rul<> Saturday and Sundr1y, L id o hie Yac ht C lub will Ccoturt• L ldC · 14 snlloric i n comp<'tlt1on for the Wllllttm Morris Team R~1ng Trophy on Sunday Capistrano Bay Yacht C lub wlll ix-host tO au cl858CS In an mv1tat 1onal D.mo Point I larhot Ch ump1onsh1p lt<'~ll ll8 Soturduy und Sund:iy • In Olher Soutll1H11 CMltl nrn111 V~chfong Aatoe;t&llon 11reu l enle •ntc• ••1 A11oc1etoon 01 S1nt11 Monie• Bav Vochl Club• lnv1111t•Ofl1i ch1mp1on•lllp 1110•11.o PllR~ IOR. MORC. Saturday Sundny l11nD1eto S1n Otogo Yecllt Ctt.11 Salawlly fropny (1rblt111ry ll•ndlCllPI Sun111y Soutllwealern V11c111 Clull C\•111111m 911111<1 Serlea, Sun<11y Santa Cl•t• Rl!Clng AH0'"8110n I M-..•I Se1tbQ11ra C1rcu11 S•tvrdfty Ml1110" 81y Vichi Club Spook S(ltlet (1111 tltlM•I Saturday, Sunday Cof0111do Y1ellt Club F•ll Reo•tta (•II c;11111111) Saiurdmy, Sund•y • Nettll 8fld 1111'"41 S1nte 8AlbAll Se111no Club Goblin Reo11t1, Setu•Oty, Sun<11y IJi.tp()lnt B•r \'Kill Club -Twic. Arouno An1c1p11 1111"0 111e• (PHAr1 8 11urdo , u!ldt y AnaCIPI VAthl Clut> All 'IHll Dey, l l hlfdly, 'l'Outll r11n01y (~abOt1, LaHrl) 8un<11y I • OCC faces swarm //,j1·11t~1.fi.; hi1ngry; Gauch<> ~ f ac te t II ) ( l II I :--1•.1·: Ill• I\ 01 II•• 0.11, 1'1101 111•11 1 11 111111111 l '11 ll11!• \\oil In 1111"1111: 11-. N11 I q11.1111 11 1111 k S.tl" I d .1 \ 111/{ll l \\ 111•11 I lit IJ111111 h 111,...l ()1 ,111":1• ('11,l'I 111 S11u1 1t t '"·'"' t "11111·11 111 1 l••1tl1,ill .11 I 11111 Hin 1111,. \.\Ill lw v1·1 v l1111t 1111•'11" 1111 ... drt~: .ii ~.1ddlo 11.11 I{ !'11111 ·~:·· 11 ... ,,11111· 111.:lit \\ """ llw (; I UI I 1• t ,11111 ~;1 tll 111\\1·-.I1 I II .. q11 .111 •ill Ill .. 1\11 ,,111 11 ( I I 11 I I ' I I ' I ' I .. I 1 I) \\ 1 I I I \\ 11 11 I ltlelu".1lo II \;11ld111 \V1 I 11.1•, .e lo\t• 1111' \\I I k Ki·"'" I ....... I 1111 I .\II 1111 h11ll1 g.11111 .. \\ llli lltt 11111111 1 ... 111d 1'11 ;tlc•' pl.1\.11111 .11 1'11111 111111 I l1~lt St li11ul 111 tt , l1111o1. the 1!·••111·' 'l"'I" "I' Oran)tt' < 1'"'' .11 l'ull1·rt1m I Ii• r • 1:•11111 111 " o111d Ill\\' Ill 1111 11111111 h 1.1lllJI \\I I k 'l'tte lo,1d Ill \\ I,, iii." Ill I "' 'I"·'' 1!·1 l •• 11 k I 111\ Hud1111 \\ li11 l1111k1 111-. a1111 '"'" \\I 1 k .1g11 Hutl1111• It.id 111111pl1 It d 1!1 111 10:1 11 .• ,, ...... 101 1111111· 111.111 I ,tlllO v,11 d, 111 JU:->l f11U1 g.11111'.., Iii" s1•;1su11 l'H·ft111 · llw m1 .. li.1p 'l'ht· w11 .. 1 , ... w ... 1,, 1111· 111 ....... 111, 111 t111lt1:11 I~ I ,;11 rv .l:wk:.1111 , wl111 tr11:-:..1•d I h Ir'(' ~111111·-. W I I It ,1 .,,.p.11 al1·d ~lt11l1ld1 •1 C11.wh 11.d S l11 ·rh11 I<, 11111111 ·1, 110;,..1 ,, :1 :! 1••11111 a11d. 111 l.11 I le.1\'1• di 11pp1 ·d 1111·11 1 .... 1 ....... ).!••lllt':O. (Ill 1· ...... 1111 II.I .111d Mt S.111 A1111111111J <X.'{ ', 1111,111v.l11!.· ,.., 1111w I !1 .olt1 ·r 1,..,, \\1·1·k·, .Iii :!.! , •. 111:11 k 111 Mt S.111 A111t111111 S1.,1 .... 111 .oil\ llt1· 11 111111·1 ... lt11ld .tll '"' .11lv.111l,1).!1•.., 111 thi... g.111w. hut 1111 f'11 ,1l\·~ h,1\'t' ;1 ft•lldt•lll \ '" kH p lhlll.I.:' l/lll'll'"llllg V. ht•ll llH l\\11 l•'.111 ... 1\11'1'1 ()('(", 111 .. lt dtl111'1 .... lht -..·11111d lll'..,l 111 tlH 1111111•11 ·1111• \\ h11 Ii I .. uld I .Ill"' '111111' Jll'lll1le•f1)', 1111 .J.n k..i111 111 111' 11 ·111111 GWC' GRAGNANO. • • From Page C 1 1\11d 1111 II, 111111 '• 1111 · J1111 • \.\tilt ,J p,llr 111 I\ l•:tfl..,1111 ... \,ll't oil ll\1 gu.11 d 1""111 11 11 11l l1·1111g -.11l 1d 111 1111~ 111111 .di :... ..... ,,11 I .1·f1 gu.111 1 f\1.11k l.1111g 111 ;1 .!I.II o111d 11ghl gu,11d ('h11.., M1111 h.11dt Ho 4. :!:i!'>) h.1v1· h'a1111 ·d 11p wllh n\ht r' llkl· l.1l·klt M1k1 • N1 .. 11 v (Ii 4 :lf1ll) .11111 .il1t·111.11111g 1·1·1111 1' H1kt• Bir tli :!, :!:!II) .111d .J1111 Kt·ll1 ·r lh I. :!10) tu rn.1k1 · 1h111g~ ('""'" f111 c:1,1g11ano A 11d . S h.1t k 11 I 111 ti ~.1 v.., 111.., 11i11•1l'I\ I (i I l l,JI kit ,Jt•J I &·11'>(111 11i t. .!711 ·"'" 11u1 11C Ed1 ... 1111 h • .., 11 .111wd up w11h •. , M.1r111a -.1..ir I >.1vt 1 1\111rr..., Iii :1 .!:!01 lo add 111 lh.1\ JJI lllt'\ 111111 'Tlwre· ... ·' ... tJllllllg '>l'I \'lt'I' llUl tw11· lh.11 ·.., 1.1l1·d L11ng ,..., 11111 111 l h I l 11 p l If It 11" I\ I g U ol I d' Ill C.1ld111111.1 JUl\1111 l lllll').!t looll>.ill, .ind B··n ... 1111 \\ tll 1,. 111w 111 11ur I'll•"' ht .1\'th 11·1111111·d kid-. .. S h .1<'kl1•l111d I MJ.o,.,h Spt .1k111g 111 11·t 1 u1l1111 11l , wh.1\ oll l ( :1,1gll,lll11' .. J'l.111 ... ' "I'd Jl'"' lth1· 111 "''"' ni~ 111upl1· o l v1•o11" .11 ( i11ld1·11 \.\'"'' .111d d1'11d1 .1111 ·1 th.11 .. h1·,.1v:.. "I JU"'l Cer .. rito top Golden We l N<>HWALK Mark el1111 l w.111\ 111 l1111k ''"' 1.11 o1tl1 ·11d ' S Ii ,I I k I 1 • f 11 I d I II ll 1 ( 1 d I° I' ' t : 1.1gn:in11 111 Hill I lolsl, who pl:1v1·d rrn lht' Husll•·,... du11111: 1h1· l!rlti and ·77 ".J:o.11n' .11111 gu11lt·d tlwni t•J 11 10 7 Av1M ·;1dc1 8<1wl v11·1orv 11v1·1 1"ullN'l11n 111 I !177 .. Hill ra11 lh1• ball n•al wt•ll ;mcJ lhtt'W lh1· opunn wt·ll." rt·t.111.., Sh.1t·kll•ford "Ad.int a nd 8111 .11 1 v1 •1 v -.1milar~ .:At·tually, l'vt· lll'Vl'f h.td .1 hl!>.lOry of runmng with thl' ball · 1111l<~ Gragnano. who playl'<I ,,1 <'.' pn·::.., High "I don't m1m.I 11 though l'vl' mainly bf'1.'ll J d111p hal'k p;.isst•r " Sho.ll'kk10nl ts JUl-1 dt·l1ghll'<l t11 hd\'l' such a mpault• field lt•adl•r ;.ind lc.•a111 ll'a<l(:r Jtl rolll'd 111\11 111\l' and hav1· lht• adcl1.·tl .idvantagt· of ham h1•1ng JUSl ,1 frc·..,hman "In mo:.\ 1nst;1nt<•i-. JUntor l'•lllt.·g1·-; usually hav1· ;i fr1·shn1an 'luartt•rhack th1·;-."n · JUSl linng111g ,dong a guy lhO.Jt tlo1•sn'1 µl.1 y 111111 h tht• f1rsl Yl'«H But we· d1d11'l h;w (• any guys b;wk who h ;1<l ;1l·tually takl·n a s nap al (;11111t-11 W1·s1 ... Sha1 k lt•f (11 d rt I ,ol b of I h1· !>la rl of 1 l'gU l.H pr;wt1c1• "That's wh) v. t· W'<•r1 l11ok1ng al lhrt'1.' guy.," 'r11d.1\. Sh..1d<IPf11rd ', 11111\ l1111k111g :1 l llllf• . llt• I'"' U.11k"1111 "111111111~ 111[ ol f11111 Wl'I k l.i \'111 f '" VtHJ Jll't d111 1 I k11111,1, h"\" ''1"11~ ltl''ll 1111111 11.11 k .,,,\'' Ot'l' l '11ud1 1>11 k 'I 111 k1·1 Still. fo'ull1 •rtu11 h:.-. .olw.iv" 114•1·11 .1 I'·'"' 11111·1111·d t1·:.i111 .111d I do 1 x1.i'< l 1h1·111 tu throw 111. 11,oll .111 vw.1 v" li-1111111·, ri·pl.11, 111 .. 111 1.., V1 ·111 lf.111 1•., .o lo 0 ;!{lfl J>OIJ11 d ""1'1111111•111· 11111 1.t l .. 1 M11.11J.1 l l1gl1 v. t111 11111 \\ 1111 lllU v.1rd, .111.t l\\11 'I I>... 111 1111 I le1111"t"' Ir,....., 111 Mt S.111 1\11111111•1 ( H '(." 1111 1·1"'' I flllllllllt'' "' '1'lJl111 , .. ,111111l.11 lv 111 1h1· 11 ... 11111._i d• p.1111111·111 'I Ill' l'11.1l1·.., ti .• \ I Jll"l :!!I Ill l \ Jiit.. Ill I 111 .. 11111~• 111 ,1i.. J.!.111w-. 'J'h1 l""'111g 111 '11 phomor1 •1u.11 t1•1 li.u k Cl.iv '1'111 k1·1 (51 of 1~11 JI,> \,11d~ .md lw11 Tl.>...1 h;i,, 'lll1f1ltt·d 11111~1 "' I h• ( >(. '(' 111 f1 •1)'(' t111 ... -.4· • .-.rnl It .., lw1·11 ... 111 h ,, ... 1r11ggl1· !111 1l1t 1111.111 .. 1li.1l l 11· .. h111.111 111:..1d1 11111 lo.11 k1·1 H11g1 I lfo1 11 .. I!> lilt' tt·.0111 , N11 :! ... .,,,., 1111 rt'<11v1 ·r1 ·d l Wll 111111 kt•d Jllllll-. 111 I h1· 1·nd /IJlll I '111 .di l.111111·"' to 11w• guy!-> w1• d11 l\.1v1· lO :.lU lll .1 l11t l11 gl'l th• 1p1;1rt1·1 h:1ek .... " n11t1· ... 'l\wk~·•. of h" 11·:.111·, pn1l1ll'f11" d1·fr·11!>1r1g th• """ "Wt h ;l\'I• Ill USt· our l1111 •li:11'k1 ·1.., a lot..,,, our :.c'l.·ontl:11 y lll"t rf114·'>1t'l ~t·l nil.ll'fl '>lllJOOl l ". Soulh\\t.>S lL'rn at Saddlcba<:k l 'o,11 Ii Kt•n Swl•;1r1ng1·n · .. w11li·l!-.1t1•d G ttul'ho:, hu<1<.l th•· No I .,lfl'll'>(' <111d d<·l<>nsi· 111 1h1· I\{!"'"'" (.'onl1·11·11t t', hul lw lh< , ...... , l11rn lh1:. Vt-.JI . ll11•v'11 UfJ ,jg,t111s l ,j \\ IJI th> 1JfJfJ411\l'lll C11.11 h Bob MPar.,· Ap<icht:!> 111 111g .•. 1 0 rt'lllld 111111 lht tlllltl':.l .111d .11c t11m1ng olf ,J ~4 11 d1 ·11'>t"11 11V1·r S.11\l" And ld~t \\I I k The· Apa1 ht·<; an· alluall:"> ,1\'1 1.1grng mon· fJ'Jll1L.., pt•r ganw ,1g<llll (4:! -.!) lh<tn lht· G;.ut·ho.., ( :HJ 7 I <• n d a rt' a I I o w 1 n g <• n•..,pt'l.'li.lhlt• I I H p11111L' pt·r uullng •in •lt•fc.•nst• S,1ddl1·hdl k m1·;1n whal1· h<.is .ill11w1 •d JU~t 111111· pmnt:, in :.1x ga1111•:. 1tll ~t·<.1:-illl A:..1dl' fr11m d P:il11m:11 f1.-ld gmil. tht· Gau<:ht~ h,1v<•11't bt.•1·11 S(Ort·d upon tn lour ,;r llw1r lasl l1v1· gamto:- Th1• ApatlH•.., JI •• l1·d hv t1U:1rt1•rbat·k H1·1d Shull who h;,,, t·11m pie ll·d 44 of ii P<•'-~ ·;; for :>H:~ vant ... and 1·1ght Tl>... thu~ f•J1 "S11uth1o1.(•sH·1 n 1., a l11g pl<i~ ll·.im .Hld 1o1.1 'II h:w1· lt1 make· surt· th<·\ i.1rr1 lht·tr 1rn11 hd11wn!> .111d t.1k1 ,1""'' lh,11 l11g pla~ ... S" t'o1t 11lg1·n ..,.,\., Ca lc•nl1110 nnd D<iv t• Gat1an poslt'd win" In thl•tr w(•1gh1 d:is...;.·.., hut 1t w.1<.n'l f·nuugh .1.., Gold1·11 \V{-st Col11•g1· d1 uppt'fl 1L<, South C11.J'>\ C.'1111!111•11 t·1· "n·.,lhng op1 111 1 W1·dnl•-.d.1" lllj(hl .lh K to ('1·rr111" Rus tlers, Pirate CI Win C:t11·1111110 .ind c .• 11.111 <'.ilh \\1111 h\ dC'l ll.IOlh .1l l.~1H ,mt.I I 7i pound, 11•!.J)(•t lt\ 1 I\ llo\\ 1 \'1·r lht Hu..,t h•r.. v. h11 h.1v1• ht'i'll hurl b' lllJllrll'' 11wlud111g a g111111 p ull \II l1t1t • of 1111·11 lop wr1 •Sllt•f~ St1•\'1 l; 11111;, \\'1·n· f11n·1·rl 111 l11rlt·1l 1h11•1 111 1lw nwld1up:.. 111 1h1· F;dv11n:- In I h•· lw,1vvwc. 1gh l l' l.J~:... Brian Shackl1·l nrd .... on 1)( f111llu:Jll mat·h Hav Slt.1l·kld orrl, w.11-b•·.ilt.·n bv It d°1'1.'l:-1on (;old1·11 W1· .. 1 f1·1l 111 O :! 11v1•r,11l with 1111 'tl'lh.1c·k .111d will ht• l 11 Ill JH' II n g 111 t I 11 EI l' a 11111111 Opt·n S.1t1111fo v Thi· H u.;1 l1•r<i 11t XI 11111f1•111111· dual will bt· J g,1111 ... 1 S.111t.J A11.1 111':11.I W\'(•k G11ldt•11 Wt-"sl k1·pl 1l!> South Co.is\ C11n fc•r1.•1H t l1ll1• hoµt•.., ,1hve with a n c·asv 3-0 \'It llJI v .11 full1·rt11n. while: Oran~t· l'c1a:.1 poh..,ht-d off San ta And in tlHl•t g.Jmt•.., dnd UC lrvinl· brought hnmt' ,, 3-1 Vlt·tm'Y m·t>r USIU m w om 1· n 'c; vu 1It;yIia11 iH' l 11111 WPdrwsday night · Thl' Hustlers 1mprnvl•cl lhl•ll l'onft'rcnl·e reC'ord to -t :l \\'l\h ,1 15·5. 15-7. 15-·t triumph over ttw h ost H o rn('ts . Golden W t•sr, which visi ts Cerritos Friduy night Ill a <.-ruc-1al mau:h , was IC'd by snph11mun· sc•tl<•r L111da Bohm .and OUL'>ldl' hllll'r Kathv Brown tll wk111g c·an • of FullPrl;m m ]f,, lh.m an hour. Orange· Coast still s1L .. cilop lht• South Coas t s l;.indinl!:. aflt•r College football SATUROA'l''S GAMES Wul Or~or vs UCLA a1 Rose Sowl I I 30 pm I w ·~h.nqtnr1 "' "' \r\forci rr ~ ' ,.,..1 : ,, • ., # ,m Cal al Or90on SI Ar•zo11a Ill w.,h1ng1on SI Cal S1a1e fullonon al H11 .. a11. n Utan 111 San Diego SI 11 San Jose SI ., NOV8dll l H VeQ•• " Azusa-Pacll11: lll USF So11oma SI 81 Cet L u11Wfll11 Cal Pory 1Pomona1 al u ol San 01900 Redlo11ds Al Pomo11a-P111er n Cteremo111-MudO ti( Whollier " Cel Poly tSLOI at $11111" C11110 Rock tu use 111 A.mon.i S< n Wyomtr1Q 111 A.11 rw~fl S\'U nr U1t1h SI O~l11hC111111 QI Colur1u111 re.as El f'd•O ~I (,QIO•<idCI !>I Not1n1>rn Arozono ill Nt>• M!'.,tn <;1 Soulhw•ll If'• 1' At\M ~I 'iMll 1.,..,,_~ Al f fl•:t'I lfl(;t ~1r-..-"' Ark~""'"" l (;U I lln11,.or n o"'"" •I Wt"•I 1,.. n St N1>w Mevoco <11 Notto Tl'•ll~ 5 1 Mldwetl M"nt0an St ti ln<111n• 111ono11 •I LOwo M1n111'S()lll Ill M•Ch111ar. Purllu• a1 On10 St Norlhwn,t•rtt \I Wt~t.nn~m i<nn-U 51 Ill l(lwn $1 Nfllll t~kfl Ill KA11-n Tottllln nl M1Am1 O Tul•ll lll W1c1,.11 SI 01,.0 u 111 Co111t11t M•ct11o~n :,Oovttiern lll1no1s at EastM'n lttmo·~ Bao Si a1 Eastern M1ch1gan "'"'0•5 St a1 Indiana SI Sow1111g Green al i<enl St West~" ll111101s 111 Norlhe1n M1<:h1g~11 l<CtW1e1n 1111no1s al Weslern M1eh•g0111 South Autiurn al Flo11da Memplus S1 al Georgia Ouk a al Georgia T ecn Moss1ssipp1 at LSU, n F1011da SI al Miami. Fla Alabama vs MISSISSIPPI SI at Jackson Ma1y1a11d al Norlh Ct1roh11a Soulh Carolina at Notlh Caroline SI Rutgers al R•cllmond n SW Lou1s1a11a al Southern M1u1ss1pp1 11 S1ylo1 al lulane n \IMI Bl Vorg1111n l(C"IUC~ y 81 \111g111lll f eth M11rsnall al The Clladl'I 0Avi..Sso11 a1 Furma11 Eett lou1sv1lle DI Pon Noire Oam" vs N•V'f at East A111t\4lflll1..S N J HOiy CtOSS tll Solton u 11 (HI Car0ton11 al West V11g1n1A Penn SI 111 Boston COii"<),. Columbia al Army Kings Po.,,I el Cornell Vt .. t i Oa11mou111 W~h11m ~ Merv e1 °"l•"'•rl' 8•own ftl •111rv11uJ Bucknell al Lell~n NO•lh&astetn at Maine Conn&elteut a1 Mauncnuwua AhOd• 111ano at Now H•tt'P•hn• Penn 11 Pnnc11on Ct>lgata 111 Sy111Cu'4 Clfl<:I"""" Ill T an\plfl Linlttd Off tr 1 .,..,.11~ 1.><1 .. 1 ~J11t.1 Anil I ;i 7 15 ,, I:'! 4 ThP P11.ol•·, \\rr• pau·tl h\ lh1· piet y oil lht.· lw•nih b~ ..,11phom11r1• 11 ut:,1dt• h1ll1·1 L.1u111· J\J;1111'> .tnd li.1t·k r o\\ "l>l'<'lult't r'1 dn P.iubon. "h•J did ,, f 11w JOii 1111\ h ... ,., v1 ng J nil p.1-. ... 111g ! >CC 1•11J"Y' ,, hv1· l'rida y la I 111 l ' t I' l u 1 n 1 n g l 11 a I> u !> \' '4 h1'tlUl1• IWXl Wl'('k Wh1d1 \\ill 't'I ' t lw P1ratt·:. 111l't't Mt San A11l111l111 Wl•dm·sda\ ;ind Goldc·n W1•s1 Thursdav · UC: I l'\'1111.' h1 .. 1dl'cl MJUlh .111d t•anw away wi th a J:'l.:i. 15-lll. !:I 15. 15-n win 11wr USI u Tht· Antc·<th•rs, now 17 -13 nvc•rall, will bt· back Jl Crnwfnrd H.ill Friday night al 7 3ll tu wekurnt.· Pc•ppt •rdtnt· 1101 ...... . JOHNSON & SON presents .. COLLEGE ,. ............ . UCLA over Oregon * USC over Arizona St. * BYU over Utah St. ll~APJ. * Oklahoma 0.,., Colorado LINCOLN MERCuRY 2626 Harbor llvd., C.eta M••• 540-16*> ~ ....... s.cw....-* Notre Dome over Na CJ11t11un Gtiu111 OAll Y Pll 011 f hur!lduy Oc to ber :>U 19R? ., Lazers feel right at home ID Orange County • llf'H' MISl.J • Ill lt--u Ill I ct k (_. "I' 1·t•.-iitlt•11r y t/u,.ing I 'JIJ2-IJ.'J ~<-·ti ()JI . • ·.J J'1 Olt• .. '10111,11 Ml(ll'I \\ tlJ lll10 kt' II' ll'tlll 11 Ill So11tlw111 l '.1hlw 111,1 i.h111 tlv , .. 111•11 lh1· l .. u, l\nw·h·s l.111t•1"' of tlw M11Jo1 l11d11<11 S.1<'''1 L~"•Kllt' lx·.:111 pl.1~ .it lht• F111u111 111 l11~l1•1A1111d l\11d w11h t ill' LuH•r' t 111111•., ,o 11111111,..,. 111 fjmllwr lltlllll'/\ to thos,· MM 1·t•1 l1111s whu w1•11· around to supJHll l Lill' 11ow d1•lum·1 l '.1llf111 111.i Suri 11f tht• North A11w 111·:111 S111·1·1·1 l.1·<11.tu1· ;cud t'al tf11111111 Su11 ... 111111• 11 1 llH· A1111•111•a 11 SotTl'I L1•ug ul· Although tlw L<111•1s .111• pl.1 v111g a II 111 t lw11 home' ~<lllll''i In l nglt•\\llCKJ. lilt 1)1,oj<lt'll,Y elf 11111"' playt·rs .)11111111,.; llw 1•i.p.111s11111 "'"t.'I 11 .. 0111 Ii;" t.1k1•11 up 1t•m1>c1r,11 y 1 t•...,d1.·m y 111 tlw 01,1111-(1' l'uu11ty .11 t'ol In f.11·t. (111 m1·r Surf Coalh 1'1•1t•1 W.111. \\ h11 will gu1tll' tlw LJzt·rs 111 tlw11 111111.11 'l'il">n. 111·v .. 1 d ad mov1• rn11n 111;. F11ll1•1111n h1111w. ,., ..... though 111 l'Oal'hl•d tlw Pho1.•n 1i. lnlt·r 111) o l llll' MISl1 JJ~t sc•:ll>t>n And tlwn•'s ulso tlw L.11t•1 s' pnn• a1·qui-;111u11 Poli t :arl't:.t w ho ll\•1•:-. Ill Wt·:-m1111stt'r .111d 1s l'XPt't'll•d lo buos1 1h1• IP;1111 ', goal-sl'11 ri111o: l'apal>1lil1t•s 1111m1•<1sur<.ibly "I'm n ·ally 1·xe11t•d ahuul playi ng 111 Lu;, A ngt•l1·' .1ga111 Ut'(:auSt· l'v1• pl.1)1·d ht·n · :-ti Ion&:: and I loVl' lht• l'llv," nutc'CI l ;art·ia. ,1 '1111 n11•r Su11sh llll' and Lt>:. Ang~·lt'S Alli'\.~ fvrwar ti "I am l'tlllftdc•nl that 1 l'illl l'Ollllnut.• to produn go.11' " G.1rt•1.1. who 1s only :!4. 11Jay1•d f111 J.11·ksonv1llt· last st•a;,011 in Lht· NASL ll1· It,,.. 1•111.: \'t•ur uf M IS L t'XJ>4'1'1l'lll'l' wht•n ht• St'11n'll :! I go.ii~ Jnd adth.•d 15 assists for l'll•Vl'lantl durmg lht· H>7Y-l:IO SC'.lson T he onlv olht•r nwmbt.·r uf tht• LJ 7t•rs ·who m akt.•s h1~ pt:rmam•nl hunw 111 Orang1· Count y 1s :!!:I-year ulcl Don Doran 11f Jrv11w College USC 1' 2 over x-Anzona S tate x-UCLA 23 over Oregon x-P1tt vs . Lou1sv111e. no odds W ashington 5°11 over >1-Stantord x-Ge org1a vs. Mem phis State . no odds x-SMU 9' 1 over Texas A&M x-Arkansa s 30 over Rice Nebraska 24 over x-Kansas Penn State 7° 2 over x-Boston College Alabama 14 over x-M1ss1ss1pp1 Sta te x-North Carolina 7' 2 over Maryland x-LSU 11112 ove r Mississippi x-M1am1 (Fla.) 2'12 over Florida S tate Oklaho ma 22' 2 over x-Colorad o x-West Virginia vs . East Carollna. no odds x-Florida 4 over Auburn x-Michigan 2 1°12 o ver Minnesota x-Oe notes home team (From Harrah's Sports Book, Reno) Call 642 - 5678. Put • few words to work for ou. Arthritis /Youth Regeneration New Method -Works 100%. Stops Pain , Arrests Progress Arthritis Makes U Look & Feel Youn g. \Will Hel~ You j 20 yrs. Young Weat Fed. Saving• (1at Arrivals) 4 Corporate Plaza, Newport Beech Set., Oct. 30 et 2 end 4 p.m. A.S.V.P. 893-3577 EHCWSIVE OFFERING NEW 1981 "LA TE SERIES" DE LOREANS 5 speeds & Au1oma1ocs $18,995 Now, for a limited time. we are offering all new De Loreans at prices far below normal value. F•ctory Authorized rechnlcl1n1 P1rta Avall1blllty Crest Chevrolet IOI W. 21at St. Ian 8ernardlno (714) 883-1133 Call Bill or Robt Bad•t or Fred Pope ' CURT SEED EN l.>01.111 '"" lt v .. cl 111 11 \11111' f111 1 lw fl·"' l11r1·t· Yo"'"" .ind 1.., 1111· u11ly 1111·111l>1·r 011 1111' I •. tic·rio ICI 1•;cn1 a "P"I 1111 1111 lo'.1111 1l11 11ugh ""pla y 111 tlw i''11u11t;1111 V.illl'V li.1-.1·tl A11w11t\111 Sp1..'t•d,on·1•1 /\..,,..,.:.,a111111 1>111.111 d111·.., h,1\'1· :0.111111· M ISI ... ,IK111·11t•1• 111 · pl.1v1·d 1h11·1· ~.11111·' \\ 11h th .. St I .11u11o S11.,011wr' 111 1'17°1 '1'111•11 lw 11111\ 1•d tu l'.ilrtw 111.1, Ill' play1•d lw th1· l'c1,t.1 1\10·,,1 ( "'" h11v' .111d ""·" 11.11111•d the h·agw·s 1!111:.! MVI' ·" 1111· I 011\\l,.,y, 1.1pll111 ·d th•· t\SA d1.1111p11111-.l11p IJ o l .111 h t lpt•d ('11,l,1 l\11·,,1 \\Ill lh,11 dl.llllJllllll'lllJI W llli Ill' 'ill Ollg 1tJ•ll'll'>I' 111 ~allll'S pl.i\ 1•d .11 tho · l.1" l '.oh:illl'l 111' l<;1n 1ut'l .111d Sµ11t'ls t'l uli And Ill' ... ti ould ll-1•1 q11111· al hom ... s11w1• 1111' L.11t·rs .111· \\11rk111g olJI ;11 l.11~ l'111la ll1•111s a' tlll'y prt:pan• loH 1lw l!IH:! M'·•l'>'lll Thul', 1h1 111.0111 r1•.0Mm guy .. lik1· Vd1·r;111 l'lyd1· &•:-I (1·x ·T1111111111. 1'111tl.md 111 tlw NASL). and ollll't Lan·ri. lth.1· K1 ·lv111 N111 man. <.;111dw1 M1llt•r. Dun Tubm, K11 k Sh1•rnwr .ind S.1111 S.1undh. hu\'l' m1JV1'<l In N<·w1.><11 I B1·.11 h dunng 1h1· 1 t·gula1 M ISL S<·:.tson "Wht•11 tlwn··, a garnl', w1•'ll s tay ovc·r al a hvtl'l dc,..,1· lo th1· "'orum a11d 1·111111' homl' llw n ext d :1v," 1•xpl.1111' l't L1•r Jl'l [, <• spokr~man lur tht• L.11.t•r" "Hut \\1•'11 \11nt1nu1· to w11rk uul al Los ';1b.oll<•r11' D\'11•111k•r l'u1·11s L1•1°JH'I' and f11rwt1rd .Jun Kc·lly .m.• wkmg up lt•mporarv rc·s1dt•11t·y 1n Co,ta Mc·S<o Jnd Fuunl<lln Vall1·y, l'l'~IJl'('llVl'ly. us wc•ll Tlw h-;1111 1;. t~1mpn!>Pd of a blt·nd of form1·r NAS L .ind Ml!::iL µ1:.iyl'r~ from .i i·ound tlw l'ountry Thl' mo~t n11t.i hl1· 11.iml' " &•,t, "'h11 l'am1• 10 th<· Lazers from tlw NASL'' T oron to Bliuard. but w ho _., __ 25°/o Off! One-Piece "Mini " Personal Phone ET-100 by Radio Shack Save •10 29!!. "Hangs Up" on Any Flat Surface! Only 7" long, but with Auto- Aedlal, mute button and ad1ust- able tone ri nger. Ready to plug in. FCC registered. White, #43-284. Brown, #43-285 .d w11 "!JI 111 111.111'' \t'.11 ' Wiili l1111li 1111 J'11t1l,0111I '1'1111lH 1-. .11111 'J',1111p.o l\.o\ l<111A olto ' '1111 l11g 1111\\.lld 1 .. IM 'lllj.( 11111111111 1111 111 '"'" '.Ill 411 K'""' 1111' '0"0..,.111 '1'1111111 h,o.., lwu y1"11' l'"I" 1111111 111 Iii• MISI. w11h 1111· W11l111.1 W1u~' \\lw1,. 111 "'""'" l '1 1•11,ol, 1111cl 11dd1'll I :1 ''''l">l" Ill i l j.(.11111·" F1111111·1 S uit f1111hf11I , 111h111wl1il1· \\Ill 11·1·11g11111· 1111· 11.11111• M1k1· M.il1•1111 ·y .11111111g 1111· I .:i1Pr..,· M1>11lk1•1•114·1 g111up M.ot.1111,.v l'l.1y1·d 1111do 1 W:1ll Wiiii 1111' Suri :.nd .11 ..... W•I) w .o11· .. lo•.11111 11.111 · w h1•11 tho 1w11 pl.iv1·d 111 I0:11gla11d p11111 111 1111111111: lt11 N 1\SI. M.d111111·v w1ll ,li,1r1• 1111' cl11111·, \\lll1 l o,olJ\.' 1\111-.111 1, ,, 111110 · y1·o11 MISL g1111lu \~1 .. , 111.ovo d 1 .. 1 liutlt l 'h11 .1J.t11 .111d 1'111,hur ~h .• orul \11u11~:,111 K11 k SIH'l llll'I ""hu h.o-. 111•111 tht 1111 1tl 11 .11 11111~1 • .111111 Sl11·111111 , W.111 .... v ... ti ...... 1111\\ll "1111110 Ill 111• l,1,I 10 tf;1V' tlt.111 111(1'\ '"""' llll' Ill 10 \I .01 ' · Tho · lur1111•1 Frt'!>llll Slo.1l1• k1·1·114•1, al .1go '.!..! 1.01111 111 I he · ll'am 011 ;o trvoul hast' T lw L.1ll'I'' op1·11 tlw 11·gul.11 11111110 "·.c:-1 011 N11v !1 ag:..111 ... 1 Wlol l'..; f11rn11·1 11·.0111 lho· l'how11I\ l11t.•11l11 Ti ll': MISL, IN('llH·:l':Ti\Ll. y . I ll'lcl II' I 11111 ~'.· dr<i It Monday , • .111d I h1· l..111 ·1' Ii.col 1 Ji, N11 ~t'lt't'llllll Th1•11 tl101u "",1., '..!'..! \1·.or 11lcl ( ;,. g l'lou111p-.1111 J M·111111 JI l hl· U111\,.1 ,1l\ •ii lnd1.111.1 \\1111 t·1111w11h·nt;olly play1·J w11h 111 ·\\ 10-.0111111.111 Siu 111111 .it 11111· !>l.1g1· of his t'<•n'l·t Thi• two pl<ryt•d JUn1or high sd11111I ..,.,n ,., 111 J.'n· ... 110. 'l'hlllllf>.'>tm was lht• stall· 111 M111111".1Jla·.., lugh sdu1ol alhlew of lhl' yc•ar 111 !~iii 111 fno1h;ill lh · was ofl l'red &·holarships by Just ahm1t o·v1·1 v ..i·hool in lht· l31g IO , but l'ho~· lntl1an.1 .111d -.c1<·11·1 111slt'<1d Smt·c ht''i. -;till i:I sc.>n101 '1'111111111"111 111111>.ihlv won't lw able· lo Join lht· L:o11·1' lllllil .clto ·1 1111' NCAA S<K't.'t'I' lourn:.tment \\ h1d1 "..,. ht·dult·d 111 n111 throulo!h l:X'l.' I I PETER WAI l MllC E MAHONEY PELE MOHi·: ON 1.AZEHS: Tlt.111k' t11 11 ~().d v '1'1111111 .ol II !'1 "' ·.udd1 ·11 th alh 11\.0 ·1 tmw tht L .u 1't ' -... 1111 d ,, o 1 v111111 v !IV1·1 till' S.011 l>w~u S4x.kl•1-. t11 .011 • :o.111111111111 11i.011 Ii ,01 1h1 · F11111111 Tuh·"••Y ruglit IJ\ 1l111A ol 111.11•111 \\llli 111·1 .111111""""1 ... 1t11w1•d 'I P 1111 1111 g.11111· SO('('l·;H <;HEAT PEl.E h:1' olw<iyio lt·t I~-. 1 .... 1 d11 th•· 1alk111g dur 1111-t l11s 1llui.t11"\I' c .011 •1·1 '11 11\ 1111 -.u1 P""' tlw fcJrnwr swr of Br:o111''> 111 ... 1 '-'K'• 1•1 l.>011k ko ·1·p' r1·ad111~ 111" 1111n1mu111 "l'1·lc S111111 'l'1 .1111111g Book," 111.1y 'iOLmd .1 l~l 111111u.og1 11 . .i1v1· 1111 ,, 11111• liut tlw t111.ki. of lhl• 11 .11f1 -.h11\\ 11 1l1111ugh 11unll'111u~ photo!> of th1• ;.(J1.t'1 ''·" 111 ·" 111111 .011· ulll'lt'<I hy llw m<"l(•r uf tho .. , ... 11 • "S111111 k11 l, d1111 I 1.!..111t 111 tt·.od 1!11·y IA<.1111 111 'l 1',' l'o le· I \Jll.1111'> 0 I 'o le \\Ito 1 11dt•cl :!:! Vl'<.1r-. uf playtng lhl "P' ~ l wh1 ·11 111 1o •t1 11•d 11 11111 1111' Cosmo., 111 1977, wrol" Iii" l11111k w11h tlll' l ... lp of t'o;,mo,· 1oavh <rrtd tl11t t• t11l'nd JulH• M;o11.1·1 I "[ w:i nl1·d to d11 ;.1111wth1ng that would m1.t ll1· 1111· pr oud 111 1lw luturl' l.)('(.'<1uo.,I' I want to g1~1· "11111·1h1ng 111 1h1· k1lb .' P1•h· ..,...v, ! Allh11ugl1 1!11 lllMJk 1~ l(Vi.l~t·d lo 1h1.· l><.·g11rn1J1 P1·h• l11 •lwv<·-. 1ht· 1·xp1·n1·m·t•d pl<iyt·r 1.·an Jt.o1t11 1 .. 11 111" 1 l•'I h11111m· frum th1· photogr<1phi. ------- Our Exciting, Educational Color Tv nol •\C'•UOOO SCR·S by Realistic' Save•&o 119!!~ 179.95 Computer Slashed 25°/o TAS-80' 16K Color Computer by Radio Shack 299~~~95 • Eight-Co lor G ra phics • Sound Effects • Easy Ins tallation -Attaches to Any TV Don't get left behind 1n the computer age-get started now and save' Just pop in a Program Pak • to play games. organ- ize finances. teach your youngsters. even lea rn to program in BASIC Expand anytime with a printer, more memory or a modem tor telephone communications with other computers . #26-3004 Minim us • ... 11 by Realistic Save•20 59!~ Super pr1ce-cut1 Aeooro o ff·.the- alr or with the built-In mll<es . Stereo-Wide"' e)(panos sound. ados realism . Variable monitor. AC/battery operation. 114-775 Reg. 79.95 Each Another gre at Radio Shack value! 5" woofe r and 21/2" tweeter are acoustically aligned for superior s tereo imaging. 101/:n< 615/icn< 6"/111" Save $40 on a pair! #40-2035 > ('4 01 an u t uull OAll V I'll U I lo• Alemllo• WEONHOA'l"I llll!IUL U ()Idol U·nl9hl l•h "1fflln91 OUAlllTlllHOllllH flfll T llACE ..ISO vn• lit Eat) L•m 1A<l•irl lb .'0 I "'I . •n WM V.c•OflM tC1tt•o .... 1 ' tjO I ._1n HN •I IO Pao (Hortl • IU Alao '""-Ml Splll th• ':>hl.._•I tt "' H,, t• l ••weim [1U) S•ft6'1 f1' t fll-. (u Nr'\1 M l Fast P11de Tlfn• 18 11 12 l!IACTA 16 V1I'""''1•111\J ll!COMO llACE 1'>11 yMr<h LOI• A RICllWt tC•11• 1 " 60 I VII I •Cl Jet S.t Reb (AOair) H Ml 4 UU rleucnom (Horii , bl.I Alie ra4.e-\J OuUh" .u .. Po111 l' P.4uhl;Hhl"1 Jet Snad.-Sir 8hK"-l.at f ,_.,ri .... 1n•1 S.tl••t~ PICI\ 0 1 tne Pot f1...., 18 11 APPALOOSAS THlfllO llACE. 4 lu•lur>u~ EOQ•r B 1WM01 s eo J .o • 110 wago11yby 1ei. .... ,, :. ~" 4 eo Wnul•waynOlme tlun•" 6 80 Also rttce<J Spot•• l~al• fO\.lrnule" M' OaO, Annit1 Re><; II M ~ R1t •y l~~I Ju11u1r.un • M-oM:, Forwetrd R~k Ol<J Pt1m1ytc • .ani.hu rime •8 •1S S5 EXACTA I~ 81 l>d•O S~8 00 THOAOUGHllAEDS Cr~~~~T:,s~~g,~~a~~~;•un~•hO 4 bO J 00 Be A Rainbow (Cru11 1 1 40 4 .·o KM fwo 1Ramore11 ~ bO Also raced Pnnctt:it) '' 1.u. lfr (h,,1ov Congo. Two ror 81111" '1obb.,1y "O•'" UOIO H•• Benton • Doll rime 1 13 415 FIFTH RACE 6 lurlo1111• Brown,.·s Dream \0hvor 0> 11:1 •O 80ldl09 1R&&end111 Have One (BIK~I b .'0 • •O 1080 H10 j 60 Alto raced Co1'1.tl Arl•lh••l' 01•11t1llf'I Fanon, Lollie Spee•"' Jonnny • 01'1•11r11 .Ab10<t>1ng Ti.... 112 115 IXACTA IJ 61 P&IO S:>J~ 00 llXTH RACE 6 > lu•l0n9i B•lcony Ouke (Pe<J10111 11 60 • •0 l rlO O..mmo Man (Crull J ZO 2 40 OaklM s Promise 1E111ao•1 ? 60 .Atso raceo Wlup 11 Bold An<l (o1><'I> (ura Ctown Time 1 19 NVEHTH AACf II lurk><'ijt Cn1e1 Art,.\ 1Peoro1•1 7 80 • 20 J 6() R4alng Echo IC•••anedal J 'O l 20 Cheyenne E•Qle I Wl'lr\4'1 • 00 AJ$0 racied S{lm1nolf' "-•0 M101h,pnum lr11h Bard It a a Tall S" R.,1a101 Cn• ·I Commano"' n ..... 1 n 15 EXACTA \7 &1 P••d S~~ ~O EIGHTH llACE. 6 lurlOnQS R .. I Notion (Blaclq 13 40 • 00 :' 80 Counl 'N Time IL•mDell 1 J 00 2 •O love Ano Obey (H•n111n1 2 •O Also rKed Silky Sp1111 Oelerm•n..O Land GOid JaCl(<tl' Simple Oy11osty l Mhd Nf!ql. L'1tle Sister T1ma 1 11 •tS -™ llACE I I 15 milt» Hum (RA1'kinl !>O 60 9 60 ~ lO Sol1tar10 (B18'k I ;, 20 2 80 0 FOOM (Ca11a,,..,a1 • 60 Al10 raced Two Horn. f lut Sto<1t Rel-. Spc1<11t19 Clau. G-•AI Oroet Time 1 •S 915 •XACTA (6-31 paid '36S 00 II rte:K SIX t3 3 6 1 6 61 "a10 S• 93 • 20 'lfllltth thtM w1nn•nQ hc.kels thv• "O'W\1 i 2 PIClc S1• conso1a11on P••O $86 60 ... tn :.~ """''''O ucitttt trou• h<><SMI S2 P.c • ::, .. MLIC NOTICE flNTH "ACI u holut"U" 1nat•11t 1J•H4..•• H •"1l"•'• ,.• l .·o ti •O • •u fJ,,.,, l"•fl••tnl 10 ft4! ~I lh11•t• t o..lu• 101t•u•I I nu Al111ou ••\"\t 01uh If~ lhhtil tlt'l•\I) UttlJ AU .. •nut J..._., .... rune t 11 I•, ELIVINTH llr\Cl I I• lh ""''" uum• Hf t•611•• tU.1tnt ._I 10 lt\1 fl 00 U on • u11t_1 I tHhptat 1SH•••ttl) w 40 ' .-10 •t"'-'Wht~ 1i1tu •Nt:~•1ttt~ •, 1~ Alao t•t'-'•I l1uu.> M)Nlnl' .._.u1; NiHh1 Utottr,tttl •t1\flt U~t lt•htlo l.IH1dfiU frutuJ• lum1 I 4b 1 '> I& !XACTA if1 '0~uitti1,,!4 t1U Allt1UdAmY b f Jt> O•k Trff (at 8•111• Anll•I WEDNl!IOAY'e llllULTI (22nd ol 27 d•r M .. llnQ) f lllST AACf t 1 111 ""'"" \,11t l:tUUt-t tl:tl .. ~ 1\1 Jt> OU l:f tU} ~ bO -.,., i~ l.ttl"'"J ''" tC. 11 •l1t11u•) tf 4() • /() Wh~ /~uuntt 1Ha~ltoty1 I 00 Alw tt1t..otJ Vul'lt'I Unll O"ou1ttfit11 l n• U11Lt9'• l o••tl.• Wnn t G1v•n en tncn '''"~ 1 ... ·' ~ SECONO RACE b lurh"'ll' w 1.. !>r .. •ov 1P1rn ov1 · 1 oo l •u : 411 JI~•• 1.>000 M~" 1v.i1o.,nu<1t•1 • bO I bO (a11u, '°'"""u tO•lftQ·H .. •U AltU 1 ..:eo Chan>On 0. Ge•l• 01yml)+( U•ol £ad ... ,...,,0 S•l<on Chip EOQ• QI N19hl Tl>OOQhtlul B Mu1m G0<-y u M1h1U1 GO*~Y l•m~ 1091~ U DAILJ DOUBLE 1b Jl ''""I S•~ IK• THIRD AACf ti tu•IU"ll> \j,,, htthJ 10e•ar1vu~su1~1 10 00 ., :tu J JO Prin•• U l)an<e•s (Srb•ll<tl • bO 3 60 (1e1•o•tl Ac,ou•ll 1Bloc•1 ~ l n Al•o r•t•O Aun Fm Buthunulll Coul\t lt .. rt..tc1u ChUS•C Hohl13) R•Ch (..&1't:.-"' t1mu l 10 !'OURTH RACE. 6 11111111111• l•uvy CH.lwl~yl 1 .'O 4 80 l bO lllltt lr1h11l• (O..luhouss•y~1 9 00 • 80 u.<1ert1>1ned Spor 1 tBl..c• 1 b ~O Alio 1c11ced Cap1c;h1 Sy11c.obei111 fOU(Jh 11Uje Morning l 1me. Ca!T'I .s, 1 urn Jr llyl'fH6" Sw1u Omy Cna1etaro lime 1 II flf'TH RAC£ b r r111hlfl\)I "'' tuft ACli.~rrT\c.Jnn tS1t>1lltU 9 4'0 J .-10 Oo>n~Chd \\/~oen1ue••1 2 40 OC'MHI fn'IO'f tee..ahtk.i~~tittn .... 0 2 20 J ti() "''° raceJ Nnlllf' Mnni. Cc><o Q\.t;rOfy r,,sl u' th~ l 1rt~ Ho Cno.,, Time 1 i• '6 l$ EXACT A IJ-~1 va1d S~~ \,IC) SIXTH RACE. I I 16 "'""' li1u1o.~ 1va·en1u~•I 8 00 );>() 260 J .o 2 60 l 60 L •I.I) 5,,. &·~'"'Y f'.etilr\et Ae-.1r<.1 (Pint.AO NOia B"O ICA51A<-'41 Alsu t•crd Doon·· L ·ve '' \,·~ f 1me '~J 2 ~ Sf VENTH RACE 6 tv<long• ~ ~n1•t1 (Mcl'<ar11ue1 10 20 E roe. ... ooo Spec•.ot 1vate "~"' Soort'homtlfe tSh<>emekeo 600 300 610 3 •O 2 •O C.1•c"'1 Also raceo C•YIC-l e•Oe< ~dU W.c11:10...., J:ou, Mark' lime 1 09 • 5 $5 EICACTA tS-21 paodS 123 ~ $2 PICK SIX 1l-l·•·J ·ti·S1 ua•O S8 344 •O w1th 1tt ~1mw10 •M..•era • .,, f"l-Or~~l S:> Pie" ::,. •• (0M\(ll41•C1'l Od•d $1 , .. 40 ••lh J 40 wmmnq tlf~tth tf1ve nors.ies1 EIGHTH RACE. I 1116 mu ... ~ .. erva IMcl'<arg.ie1 6 80 • 00 3 20 N ,1n ~ OMcer (Haw1ey1 7 80 ~ 80 ll•Q• ($h00tma~ ... I 5 60 Also ra cec Alm11 ,._ t1omtt Run G.tl tmpat f'nt U•s~ Cf-idtivety Swee' M aio "'"'' C•o...o !,mg I 42 I 5 N~TH RACE. 1 1 16 mil~ :>9Mh R•OQ• tP.ece1 38 00 1 J 00 7 Xl 1 • Stano Pal 111aten1....ie1 s 00 3 llO CaJat>OnQe IT o<ol J llO A.ISO r•t.eO S11ng1ng1)' A F•ll P••'• .... u,... s T 8V"f'~n Prq AOO•Ov&I OoQf" l.m .. 1 42 I 5 S5 (XAC TA • ) r ~·a suo 00 Ar1p.noance M ~·:t Pt.a.IC NOTICE Wel•t polo rOMMUNITV COlltOl Oold•ft Weol It, ll•hllifO t \ t 11lou.. I I If .•. Ith·••..,..,. f, .. '" tu•hl••• W"1I ~ t•1111u t.i.+t \/Uh ~ '1,.;y•• I V'Yt +uf1I I f'\1ttl I l'•I•• •·tit I I •UHi t l ''aii ' •,1,..,.h,.,1•1•t1 J tt111Jh•' I HIOH ICHOOI lltancla ti, laddleb<Mlh ' .J4'•Jdlol.1a\.. U H I ~ I •hHh 111 IJ .. 11 lft "1•tf\JlttlHt1 Iii •1 111Jt1U •,,.1un"1t t M1o1y1ll I I lii'+tlH ht ... HIHli! tfu wi.tt , Uuru •• ltHHf!lflH ,/ f ""'•t .' 'rnuH• •' ~ 11u1fo.tll ,,: l11tttU~•O •' Wh ~. J f f!lkUiUOlhl I Cotl• MtH 10, N•wpo•I H•rbo1 I N•wµUfl liitrlHH J t H J 8 t.Q'1• M"•• I ~ I J HI Nw'Alpdd llUlllUt Ht1ilttU tl 'lHnl'•ll • ftiflmJJ-.•tt• I 1111yltt• I l~v11 .. , t '1t•••llMy t l1t1>1>u I t U•lu Motu ... '""'"' Athl•) ' ,.,,.••II •· 'h• 'J •'hit ' C.htoi\fUI I AltU1•1telllf I Corona d•I Mar 10, Unlwerolty I '''" .... ,,,,,.,, \ ' ti ' C•tOfl• O~I M,u 1 4 10 Un1••• 'l•t• h .Ut tfl\I ~tJIUth11ll ft '> w.~snht>Uffl~ • H oth•ll ' Ccuunu Uetl Miu \t..m1og tmbllr nmu b l VlJfUUUI h w f ftttu(Jlw J I t J<>f\11 aooc:o 11, t.(iuna Beach $ l uuurr• llutll 0 I ~ 1 ~ •_,1 h1no ttu"lolO ~ 2 • 0 It l Hjun• lht.u h v nr11~ (.,,ulp I l>1•HU6Ch l C:,ru,ml I Marine lt. WHlmlnotar t M.t11t1jt Wv>h01•1al"' M,,,.,.,, !\tOl•hV { ~,,\! 1 '>nnUt J llfl11nttr t M,;r1, 1 I) J '1 ) Iii i I I J•' b ll"~(l,rr' I Hn1Jl(rft4 8 /utit.1t'4a..'f' J It l i;nc.h I Wo1lm1t1 te' \C.Ut1no Boike ? \11Wct'1rm~t I 'i1nLl'1" I •• .. youn I Other lcor .. t kml11111 Valltty '1. Ed11on 1 t1v1tl1ttyton 8"ach 10. Cc.wan V1t1w ti lulJ Dffp Me fllhlng AllT'I LANOINQ (Newpotl .. achl -l J '"II'•" I') DO• 22 l>Oni\O 121 maci.ert!I fl • OCk 1•.rl ' Jh.HPlllUO • tculpln DA\IE\t'I LOCKl!lll (Newpor1 .. ec:ti) - • ' •. ,,glen 5J t>O<lllO J Calr&O DASI 105 mac•fll el 206 rock coo · DANA WHAll, -69 angl "'' 1 IJ ba•s 1 t oon110 JO rn .. c .. •H~l 11G roe• ... oo 13 t OC.k lilt\ ~ lheep'h~4d t '1Culp1n 80 rn,~eMa~\ l lAL HACH -45 dnglen 15 oon110 I co ... coo ~IS roe• CO<l , Sll-<!ed 10 •h11e hr.h Thi• wMk'• !tout plent• LOI ANO«lEI El Oo<ado Pork LA•\' San Cla1>11 .. River 1Eu1 '°'"' VfNTUllA Ca>tl•• L•~e OllANOE l•guna N1Qu"4 l ••e 111\l(AllOE Lai.• Perris I AN llEllNAllDINO ColOrHllO Rov~t Mo1a•• Narrow• P.,k la'• I ANTA eAlllAllA (;~huma Lake I AN LUii oe11PO Lopo1 Lah INYO 01•1 l 1• ~ P1~uan1 \/ail"V Retery()if MONO Owen• R1•er 15 t>roaQ•\ 1lownt11.am 10 S1ewar1 lano1 Women'• volleyball COllEOl ut. "'""9 del USIU 15·3 1~·10 9 1~ ·~ 6 COMMUNITY COlUQI' O•a"9'1 CoH I det San\• An• 1!>· 7 1!> S I~. Oo\09" WHI C)t>I Ful•t!rlon tS !I l!>-1 IS·• Paid Pohucal Adve111sement NOTICE Of IN T ENDED T lit AN I F I lit 0 f R I T A I L INTENTIONS TO SELL ALCOHOUC RVIEllAOI LICENSE. AT Putll.IC AUCTION UNDlllt •ECTtONI 2407) ANO NOhCe ,, ht'ret>y g1~en tnal or 24074, CAllFOllNIA aUllNEIS l..e$d8y the 911'1 Oay 01 Novembe• AND "'OFISSIONI CODI 1982 al 10 00 a m at Licensee Orange County Sherill·Coroner Jose L Barr a11a n 30 78 t1arl>Of Pa1ro1 Bureau YellOwstone, Cos1a Mesa Cahlo1n1a 1901 Baysroe O<•ve 02626 Corona del Mar CA Cynthia C darragan 3078 pursuanl lo Hart>or and Nav1oa11or Ve!lowston.. Costa Mesa Calilorrua CC>Qe 500-SO• me Sner1lf·C0toner Re-Elect ARLENE SCHAFER 92626 ol Ill• County 01 Orange will Mii at TransletM putihc auc11on 10 the '1•ghest D•dde< Chui H Sol'ln, 8 Maslow l"'lne tor CHh. 1n lswlul money of \ht Calif0<nl• 927,. Unried States. t'1e to110 ... ng vessel Costa Mesa City Council NHl CAWelll CON,.AI NCI amylh• Olwlolon W L f GI'~"" w1 ... ••1• • ••"i• ll.llrli_.,,t,fl t , ...... , 11 " ... ,, t •'V•', v .. , •• ,,. .. ", I " I I '1 t '11' '.t I;\ 111 ,., " h I M11m ... 1.1w t l!h itij\~ I h NOfflt Olwl11on I " "' .. I/ ,, I ,. '•I l Ut11• IHl•Ull•r o.,1r .. 11 I• If I I' ,, 1.· 1•1 '" I I I ICI WALLr CONHRCNCE Pelrlcl\ Plwltlon .. "'' ltl8ft0"'' f'l111 .. d11lp,1111 •1 I fr till .,..,, If 40 1 I 4 I 'I II I" I.' Nv 1rn11uot" t;.,w 1t11 'tt~t 111 "' .. ''"''''"'l'" W1a .. H111uf,11 ' H t I h I ,, 'I Ill ~· I M(.,U'••I liut1•.JI C)11•0o•• UH II Wit Aaan•• OMolOfl I I •• , ih •,., 4 1t 1• • 11) 1, II H.11!1n1tl ,• '" '4 Wedu••d•r 1 ScQtet w,.,.,,, ,.~, •<Inge ,...,, W '(,,, ~ tt.1~1J"f ( '''~ tf t PUl~l>u•ijh f 'N11\h111yt1 11 '• t>.4h c1t• "> "•• i o•o'• 4 fv1u11tu • h1.·.t11t~ I t 1.11 •oo 4 t t1m1t11l1>11 <t I only ht'• Cam•• ......... l ""' 1\1.thd•tt' ·•' t.1, •• ,,., • , J'•ll-.IJ\Hyh ul f'l1tl.t1h IOhla ll"llt"I tH M1r.11t·11tf1I i Jet• 7, King'• 3 Seo•• br PerlOd Lo• A11u•·'"' W1rnui~ i I W llll• l(H• U M ullt•fl I M •fl I ,. 11 1 lfctWtSH hu1>.f "'I 4lJ • W111r11511•11 .-,,,,. .w • IA• f11u1 Ov11u• t J '><1 ·, l v~ ArnJot1•-. f •Jy•• ·• J t0mm1e lr.u~•,01u 'J 0 I 4 'N+IH+llhlU Mttt..lCtUH • 01UWtl'Lholil t.u.H1µtJ41lll 1' o;> P"nully w .. 11, l A l'I 44 Second P•rlOd " 5 W11\rup,11~ Smu•I .i t1Ju11"' I f I f) ''hf f, LOS Anf)ttltt:. NtCtlotl~ 10 tl Muq1h1 ' •n I t5 i9 U-1t1f I W1U01Jlt!O Mutl 1~jlH '1 1U11uy1 h C..hr 1~1t4HI '" 0 1 fJJJ>')I t""rirtltu i.. H•~6rCflV.._ Win 'l ')4 W1•ll•'''> Wtf' I'., "JI r•Mrdy I A 1 ~ ~· B1<hyl11 W111 "' 4 ~ MU1pny I A 18 J2 Third Per lod 8 Wmn1rwv Cn'''''*"11 J tlvlil uv.u.11 Oe81ou1• 311 9 l n, Anuulth '>1mmt11 f1 tlow1~ fo.-1 1 l<.t \0 W1nn1v•~, lH•11w1c.t1 (0e8IOl5 SptlOQI • ~' """''"··~ '•l•l ·llU W10 !> J8 l ukn..,•< r. w,,. 10 Jb Shots on goal Lo~ Ahg~lt•\ I"> 1, n ,. W1nmpl>ll 13 I 3 \ GoatMt• lo• Aogottts 1 A•kutkt l u'' •h1 W1nn1Pf10 Sot11c.e11 A 11 J'~ Patl• lndoot tournament Second Round llngl .. Sten Smith tU S 1 d~f Jerome Pnn1er tFr•nC•I 6 • 6 ' Wo)1t" r•o•~ 1Po••"d1 ~ C0<raao Bar.i11u111 t11•1v1 6-I 6 .1 J,11 Lap.ous fU S 1 oet f.tase,..,1 ()e1h1tu 1J.,_.,~t11 6-:l 6-4 Marco• Hocttvar 181A11I d<!I u,. Kai Poties tf rar.ui1 ti 1 1 I (, 7 Fl•et Round llr1111 .. Adnuno Patlaua fltllyl dflf J1 '"'' Su.-,•·• (BriUfl) 6 1 6 1 Men'• tournament (al To~yo) f lrot llound lln91 .. V1ntt•'t1 \/art Phtff'll I U S t a~t Vu. fy• Amctv• IU st 6·4 6 4 Pftlc.tf McN1.1fTlnf1i 1u & 1 d@I cri.p H<>UIJ<I• 1u s , 6 •• t, • 11.1 .. Gerula1111 N S I d~I Sh•Q•yo•h• N1~ll•O (Jep•nl 6-2 II 2 Sl .. v~ Ot!nl<m 1U ~ I <l•I Tom MayOllt' IU SI 6 I 1 6 ()nrrun•Qu~ Bedel (Ftti1ntt1f det Jonar· l\ri.-.-, tSnut~ Air.cal Dy aelau11 Women's tourn•ment (•t enehton. Enei-ciJ Finl 11-nd llftele• Tr ecy 4'ut1•n (U S I ael Ro• f •" t>an• 1&0um Ah.W). 6--0 6 1 Ma•trnil N•VT•lllOva IU S I del Sherr~ Ac•er \US I 6 2 6·3 S.11>11r• P0tt., tu S I del Counr>e \/a_, Jin J Sohn, 8 Maslow Irvine Builder Bristol BTM C•lll0<n1a 927 IA Hull Number 427 KEEP EXPERIENCED LEADERSHIP IN YOUR COUNCIL l<•nd ot llcenSO(sl intended 10 be R901strallon No CF 5652 EW llansltrre<I Boal Type Sail On·Sale Beer ano Wine 101 Donn Lengm 2• 1 Ilda pub lie eat 1n9 place No Ava1lat>le tor 1nsp.ec11on 8 00 a m 41--096!>4 1 Oale ot sale Prem\-addresses to wn1cn the BRAD GA TES license has been 1uoe<1 SHERIFF·CORONER 1025 El Camino 011ve Coat• Counly ot 0••"9fl Meta. Calilornie 92826 Cthl0<n1e Ntme end tddren ot u crow I By K B<own holdef or gutrentor Setgean1 WESTERN MUTUAL ESCROW I Put>ll1hed Orange Coasl Oa11~ 14081 Soulh Vorbe. Suite 10 1 P1101 Ocl 28 1982 Tustin. Ctlllorn1a 92680 Ann 4712·82 Unda Rube<lacker MLIC NOTICE Total conslde<tllon 10 l>e pa.a for the t>uSines• and license (lo lnCk.rde 1 1nventoty wlltlher ac tuel cost ___ N_O_TI<: __ E_T_O_C_ll_l_DfT __ Ofl_S __ ee11tnated coat Ot • nol·IO·h Ceed Of' •UlJ( TllAMIFlll amount) cn.c111 s 1.000 oo (S.C.. 1101 ... 101 u.c .c .1 Pre>mlNOry Nolet S2600000 Notice 11 herel)y g i ven 10 Tanglbl• end/Or lnlanglble creditors ol lhe w•lh1n n amed P<DP«1Y 136.000 oo 1ranstet'Of'(S) thal • bulk 1ransle< 11 TNtl Amount 163.000 oo abou1 10 be mt de on personal ON OA AFTER No•emtier tS. pr~r1y herornalte< de6Gr•t>ed 1912 The n81T1e41J 9nd hOm8 address of Tilt per ti•• egrea that the 111e 1nteodad 1ran1teror(1) are contldaflllon lorthe transter olthil JOSE L BA RRAG AN. 3078 bu"-and Iha lloenM(a) 11 1o be Vellowstona, Cost• Mua. Callfomia peld only tfter thil O.par1menl 01 9 2 6 2 6 a n d C Y N T H I A C AICOllOllC Bevereg• Control hu BARRAGAN. 3078 Vellov.ttone. epproved the propoted tranal•< Coste Meta, Calllornla 11-2626 The par1tes alto •grM and horetn Tna 1oca1oon In C1lll0<nia ol lhe dJr~t rhe etiove·namtd ••crow chief ••ecuuve olllCe or prlncip11 holdet to mtkl ptyment or 1Ju11nen om ce o l lhe lnlended dltlllbutlon wllhln • r1aaoncble 1ran1leror Is (II ·same as at>ove'', Time elltr the compla1lon ol the so stale l SAME ltlll'll ler of Iha Ileen" u provided All olher tiu11neu nemaa and In Section 24074 ol the Calllornla tddreuea uted tiy tile lntende<I 9ua1neu end Pro1eu1ona Code transferor wltl"n 111ree yeer1 1u1 JON L S.rragan paa1 so tar 11 lcno wn to l he Cynthia c BaNegan 1n1ena.d 1ren11..-a. ••e (II "RONI' • Ttensleron IO 11818 ) NONE Chlil H Sohn The n•mfl4•1 and home lddrwa ot Jin J Sol\n Iha intended 1ran.1feree(1J are Tr-I«-CHUL H SOHN, 8 MIUIOw. lrv11141. Publltlled Orangt Cout Ot lly Cahlomla 9271• and JIN J SOHN. PllOt. Oct 28, 11112 •878-82 8 MtSlow. !Nine Calllornle 92714 That tile p1ope•ly perllnent PWLIC NOTICE INTUITION• TO tlLL he<llO It 0..Crlt>ed In ~al U AH atOCI< In trade. tloturts. equipment and goodwill and II IOc.tled t i 1025 El Camino Or••• Costa Meu, Call tom•• ARLENE SCHAFER Costa Mesa City Council Paid lot Oy trle CommlllH To Re·elect ARLENE SCHAFER KenFowi.r· Treasurer. 3423 MeadowbrOOll , Costa Mess. Jim Poteet, Ct1111rman Pta.IC NOTICE SUPElllOft COUllT OF CAU,OftNIA COUNTY Of OlltANOI In 11\e Malle< 01 lhe Appocauon ol JENNIFER LEE BRICK For Cha11119 ol Name CASE NUMllEll A1lsn7 OlltDEllt TO IHOW CAUll FOllt CHANGE OF NAME JENNIFER LEE BRICK haa hie<! a peullon "' 1hl1 cour1 lor ~ C><det allowing p11lt1oner 10 chtnge her name from JENNIFEA LEE BRICI< 10 JENNIFER LEE JACOBS It 11 nereby ordered that •II persona 1n1ereS1td In the mtlltr atoraaa1d appear before lh11 courl In Oeoanment No 3 II 700 CIVlc Cenler Onv• Well. Santa Ant. Calll0<nla, on Oeceml:HI• 8. 198~. al 10·30 o'cloc::k am and lhen and there ahow cause, ii •ny lhey 111v1. why H id pellllon to• chtno• 01 name llhould not be gr anted 1111 lur11\er 0<dered tna1 a copy ol tr11s ordet Io show c:au11 be pul)li1hed In I he Daily PllOI • ,,.,.•P•Ptr ol generel c11cu1a11on. putillshed In lhla county 11 ltHt onoe • Wlelc tor tour conMCutMI week• pnor 10 th• day of H ICI heating Oiied Oclobe< 28, 11112 FRANK OOMENICHINI MICHAELS. McCUTIN 2'70 "-'"" IMYd. •• 214 Coile M"8. CUl0<nia 112fl26 Tiil (714) M0-7tl1 Publlahed Ortnge Coat! lly P1lo1, Oc1 28 Nov 4. 1 I. Ill. 1N2 4749-12 l'tll.IC NOTICE FICTITIOUS auaiNiH NA• STATEMENT f he tollowtng P«tonl a<e d04ng bus.nan u LEHMAN FISHER CO .. 3JJ Eu1 171h Street Coal• Mesa. Calilo<nll 112627 Hal Lthmtn. 73• V•• Lido Soud N1wpor1 B1ach C11Ulornl1 92663 Eleenor Ftthlf O'Bryon. H390 Amir 0<1vt, Ptlm 0.-1. Callfo<nl& 92260 Thi• bualntsa 11 conducted by 1 g-a• par1neranip Hal Llhmtn T'11• 1t11ement waa llled with 1'1e County Cllfk ol Orange CounlY on October 18. 1982 F1*5t Publlshed Orange Coast Deily PllOI, Oct 2 1. 28. Nov 4, 11, 1982 _•62•·82 P\All.IC NOTICE FICTITtoUa ltUatNIH NA• aTA Tl•NT The tollow1ng perton It doing butlneat 11 (Al REGENT REAL TY (Bl REGENT ASSOCIA TES. (CJ AEOENl I NVESTMENTS, (01 REGENT SCHOOL. 24051 Ca1111n1 Rd . Laguna Nlguel. CA 112677 ROBERT JOHN DONOHUE, Pt&.IC NOTICE 8Ul'EA~ C<XMT Of ' C AllfOlltNIA COUNTY Of OlltANOE In IM Miii., of Ille Appllcallon of llJ CUllTl8 Fo1 Chaft9e ol Name. c-No. A·115311 OftOlll TO SHOW CAUIE FOllt CHANGE OF NAMI HARLEY end FAVE CURHS on bel'lall ol AJ CURTIS hH hied • pettllon 1n lh11 coun lor an order 1llow1ng appllcanl to ch•nge 1111 name lrom AJ CURTIS to HARLEY CHRIS CURTIS 111 II IS hereby oraered Iha\ all persons 1n1ereS1eO on 111e mailer al0<esa1d appear belore 11111 coun rn Oepartmenl No 3 et 700 Civic C enter O•lve Wu t. S&nll Ana, California, on Novambt1r 2•. 11182 al 10.30 o'cloc::k • m. and tllen and lhert •how CIUM. II any they 118'18. why 11ld pellllon tor change ol name Should nol tie gren1ed It It tunhe1 0<d11ed lh•t a copy ol lh•t 0tder show cause ti. publianed In Oally Pllol. a newspaper ol general C1tcu1a11on, published m lhlt county at leasl oncie • week lor lour Conaec\ltlve weet<t prlOf 10 lhe day ol 111d hel11ng 011eo Octot>e< 12. 1982 Publllhed Orange Co•SI Oally Pllol. Oct 28. Nov • 11 1982 •7•5·112 31 1 Tab rock Onva. No •11,1-------------- Soul a CA 92677 Thia bulllnlH It conducied by ti\ 1ndMOu•I Flotw1 J Oononu. l'ta.IC NOTICE K.-o7t '1CTmOU• '"' ..... il'IMU t i 11 J ht h•A.lt I liHh ... i al • lrl .. AU~ I 01 >II ~ .. fl t f f • f I. Iii lfl "' 1J '\ f t .. t t f111 '''-''"'"A·• Hu1.11 ~ti • •K o"n "o und 111191 .. l'•Ot l t•ll'll• I 11 f f t• • f,;ff t#i .... I l11ftt1111,f I t I I''' t ,,,II 11l1IJ it•I 1•ltlo4 ' 1 I t111 t ; • High t C:hOOI W (ltt1•11 '••••Kl• I) tntne \ 110111 .. h1 f" t I I I I 1 I 1 •• I I f h tfl 1t1l1'f , II 1h t h~ f thl I 11 11 "t It 11 llllUtfl h t I I ' , I •iht ,,,, .... 1i1I '\I I,, I I I I Ooul>t•• • 1 u 1 11 ,, i 1, ,, ,, ti lu I I 11ftfllflijh1•1f '..t ,.-i ltH •h•r ft I 11t II « •lftfy h t 1lr1J I•' I 1 VI t I "" If ' '4 I lh'll•'• l .. t11t•d11 l ill I ... t 11 I tt flf1\11U1I' • ''11tt t Pt fl.• I I t 11 4 I Urrl .. rollr 12. LI f OtO 6 ltn111 .. h.1t 1 ! HIJ it••I .I 1·1111 11 th I l ttl ·11111 11 I 11tt1 I 11h•1 f, 11 I 1 h•I ,11 tUI lf1111ol ·I 11 Jw-110 11 • t I Muh1' 1111 hi-.1 H ti Vt•UI i1 1 t)oubhn /\11d11 1.11 Iii •I•"' 1111 1h I f 1 1r 111 I 111•11• J "'1111f1 I ll 1h·I I .4 I Jlltl1l;t•ll f; • lu • t•1 M '' 1;. ,, T• ''" 4 • '''''°''Ji,, M uldh•i •11 '' 11 N 1 I ·t hi I • fll•i.1 1 .. • fh UH't t 111 .1 111; ...... I I ""' .. 1 11 .... 11#1 ,, 1 td11ou 16 Hu11llt1gton B••ch 1 SlnQIH ' II II ,,., ',, ,11. I' I I h•I M ~ • ! I,,., ll• ,~,, t ~ •.• I I '.,.. ' 1, I I * .. 111 , • I 1 h 1 • t 4 t .-. ~ 1 t Dou bl•• I 11 '•II• .1 I ' •hr Al 1f •._,,1 '·'''"° 1i 1 tJ ft I t' llt t" ;/1 t11J1 II I t t of1•t ti \, ,,A.1,,,11 1t 11 t, It ft"t I .-Uhfll ll't 4f f ",, f I ,,, •• , 1 11'\flf~O II I ""'I I I I I I• HIGH SCHOOL SCHEDULE Tonight (7:30) SEA VIEW LEAGUE I 1 '"'"vi; U0ivt•l)1t1 '-'' hV1f1t; OA,.DEN ORQ,_llE LEAGUE l«.1t1t f1, AIAJtllllOt 1i1'"f\nt•.,(1 (111111(11• EMPIRE LEAGUE l(,11••ltJ "" PJ11l1Ld lll Gd1fJe11 r.,fJ"'' lo" Alttrn•tt1b V& l<Jat11 Ht l •• P,wr1 I Pi .... 1<111motJy "" (I Omuou di Vtali•r1t .,, CENTURY LEAGUE lu\1111 v\ t)ft&rlQ•, Al El McxJ~t1.1 V1Hu, i,,., ... v~ 5..ai•'d And VtJll''f "' ",,.m.1 A11.1 ISnWI NBA OJ"nera Friday'• Garn•• 1,.. •du•1 ' t.attt •' L•lili•'•· ' I m 80~,on ... c~ .. e .,n<J All~hl ttl Oe1rr1.1 'IY•Sl'l•"Qtt>n •I t•d t t P0t11aoo .Jt tt ,n~.\-. < f•.., 0 1111as 11 O.owe1 HOu\fOtl dl Sf"tltllf Ph04tt1 , at S•n Ott.o;~t Sdt' ., I001(J .t1 •J1.lh P•,•lotd.-1ph1a •I Ne1111 'y•• ''''""' J•~t .e., al C.,utdQ•J ' WrHlllng COMMUNITY COLLEGE Cerrlloo 31\, Golden w .. 1 8 1\8 ()ai.1m,,f'llCldt..IG Vr;m..AJ1C..;,, •2• Ru'\t•(., 1C1 .;wl)n ~y tod~r , l• c1_.,., •t• .:J~ ... 6.l•;i ~ 4 14'2 f•.,1: if" I 111;(Jti bJ •0treit 1~U W•lliyfut fC1 p ~e"'er \ C-0 1!.ti CJ~•·nl•"O ·GYi dee. Mttnd014 iO I •bl &oMI')-<CI a~ CedtllO 8-5 H.. u ...... , C.WI dK Agutue 10 3 190 Sru•Qe• 'Ct .. on t>y 10<1ei1 Hwl Sm•I" fCI a..e S11.-1eto<o 7.Q ~ .. '. All •t•t vollna '', " ' 1., , " .. ., .,,.11 ·hou ' , If•• t ,,. "• t I 1 t I • • •I~ ' .. .,W ._ • IM •I I • I I 1• I• lfll• ,,. •• tf t I 11Jti1f "Alf 9Alr • r J tt1• ., .. , If •• IJhtllft , •1'. "4 ' '''·• M HI., ~ ,, ..... , fllif ljuC •t t I !tff1 I t t'llf' H ,f l'I flt' U CONO IAH It •I I '•Ill I Hl111 t._., 1, , .... ""' 1, J·t.1 11.. t • '"'" /JI ... ••11,dl Ill••• I•• Oodgaro 4 llobhr Grich, .&nvel• i '•" "' 11 1t f., t fl1,"'u 1 l!JfUtU; It~, hf.Ji., hi• M'''U•H fmt11t I 11111111 i.1111 L..a1 1~11,,1, t ft,,~ t 11011 f •f ' I I 'f '-NHl.iHf f,,,.,.. i J"'1 l1.11!1n1·1 Hit"fllHI \ 1 llllRO llA8C M "' • ,, t• ,., 1111• 1 Oouo O•Ch\C•• Ang••• ••• liir ' .. 11< "' II 11011 I w• M 111d1 f lttt;111>u1 li11! J.-A.,,1!101 t !lllOA18f01' I' lttl f •I I r 11U1•1.1., I , 1 I 1•1 t II~ I 16 I_, 1r f I t•IJ•• I ''' , •,n. "' OUTrlElO ' , .• ~.,q,t+, th••• tA Pedro Ouertero. Ood91t• ?O r 1#•4 n 1, •• 111 ,it'"''"" 1', II ti' .,,., .. ,,. It,,·• I Aeggl• Jeck•on. Angele. t 1 ft ~., •tv• Jt A 1ra 1 ffl.tl fl f'•I ht0...1n, If I 1tU fh I • J·• •' ' A lt1 ..... "''' l If .. • ,., .-1 I f •I· • ,. ,,,, f , • ., •• '" I'• _f ' .J t• lo. l,tt• '• tnl 1 (J lf'I lit •f IJft~ .. I ~111'11 1 Ouo•r Baur. OOd(I•'•· t OESICNAfED HIT fER "-' ~ •• u h , •· 1 A999I• J•ckeon. Angell J .... I I· 111 ht ... ,,,, ' /+.1, 111 ft "'' I f .1• I CAT CHEA \t I' t l +1olr t f tp 11 I•"-fl..srn .. h ;t • , , ,, ' t •• ,, I ''''" I .... lh t , • ., ... "'' •• ,, µ.ht•' t lHT HANDED PllCH[R h•,1 • •' t ,, •·• >> F••n•ndo Valen1uola, DOd9t10. l RIOHT HANOED PITCHER I 111 "j . fllt It \i' r '\ I ~ I '., ~ f '~··1 '1 ':>tl-''4t '" I 1fth1•t fJt1ol•" 8 M " I J ,, Ht11I 1 I 1~1• /4 110v1d• t.111J11.1 ' ,,,,1.1 Hr •' A .IH i Pt111 t;u••t H1 .,.,.. I RELIEF PllCHER hq;i • l!• 1 11ttl • •• l'I Odo IJ111•,1 ' '"'',, 111,11•1 h (111 f..1vd•ll ,,,.,,,., ••1111 " ( 1• , I , ~141 '"'' IH ,,~,·· > F\{Jlht: J ,, ''H" '"''"""''' ''''''• t,411 1 ,,, r.,1~n1 , 4 lh I ',,, ,.,,,1 • .1 !••••• ! f'1 4I \l1illlf*1 Red '-, • I All·•tar team PL AYER Avg HA RBI Flrot 8aM •I ... , . Shor111op .11 tu I 11• tJ....+•l I dl Pedro Ouerrero J • ' •• , -/,,, , , .. tdC.. O•tlgn•ted Hitt•' ft 1 M H.o I~ u l'J Cele her PITCHINC W l S (AA l •ll Hand..S Piicher •I• ·•• ( .11 "' 2 J I t ..,, J ll.1 RIQlll Handed Piich•• i t>I~ ,. 1 .. C'..i•( t 18 b • J .. A1ll•I PUcf\•r ~,; • "'"'' CJ & ~t ''1 Wedneedey'1 trenHctlont BASKETBALL N•flonal e .. ktlball Auoclallon ( H•(,.,At~CJ h \. ¥••• Oit; .. , ,, "-'-'I 1 •l'( ~fl ;J '" ''"''"' r "'' r "" "·• " • o .. o· i•· Mt.<.J+''" \ t '~ • ., ' '"' .. '' 1·(. r.1.,, Comr tor ., .. ,111flt 04;4 fU I rt1JI j Ji l(.iiNSAS ~'', .-.1t,.,,.-.., p_., .. _., vu•• Mil WA.U• ft I> • •°" l••~ll '><r.11 MA., fOf"••U:.2 At1U kul,,t,H 1 .. 1 .. IJUilli!d PORTl.ANO TRAIL B~AZtRS Waive<l Mie.na .. HatCJoet (OfWlltd INITIATION FEE Unlimited Racquetball Aerobics and Nautilus 50o/o Off Couple & Family Rates. .__ ___ _ 'FEATURING THE LARGEST Offer Ends llov. 10, 1982 AEROBIC DANCE STUDIO FINAL PHASE COME AND EXPERIENCE LOS CABALLEROS AT PUaJC AUCTtON Notice I• her1t>y given thll on Tu.cs:r. 1M 9th Dey Of Novembe<. tff2, • 10.DO e.m et Orange County She<lfl-Coroner Hettlor Patrol 8ur~ 1901 8eYtlde Drive Corone det M81. CA P\lfa.lt 10 H.,.bor end NevtgetlOn Code &00-804. Ille Stllf'ln·Coroner of tM CouMy of Ortnge wlll Mii II oufJllc eue1lon 10 the hfO'INI blddef, lor caell. In 1ewru1 money of the vnttecs a ...... ,.,. •olfOwlno .,.. ... lulldet: ~ 8TM Hull Numbe/: OfZ Ot08 F t11511 flleO'tttetiOn No . CF tODI l'A lo9I Type: Skllf The buainfts ntme uMd Dy lhe Mid ltan11..-or(1) at 181d IOc.tllon 11. Cl<ilAPPE'S Thtl t t ld bul~ t rtnsler •• lnlended 10 be coneummtted •I Iha olllc:t ol WESTERN MU TUAL ESCROW 1408 I Soulh Yorba. Sulle 101, T1.1tlin, catllornlt 92680 on or af1er November 15, 1912 Tiii• bulk lranaler II no1 tubjee1 to Calllornlt Uniform Commerclll Cod• section e 1oe The n•m• and •CIClrtu of th• pert0<1 wllh wt>om Cltlmt may be l!ltd It W1..STERN MUTUAL £SC ROW. 1 '401 1 Soul II Yorba, 8ulle 10 I. tu1tJn Calllornla 02680 Attn Lind• ~UbenKk.,, end Iha IHt day tor llllng cl1lm1 by 1ny c1edllor 1h1ll bt Nov1mber t:!, 1912, which 11 llwt butln•H dey DtlOtt 1ti1 conauMMtllon d•tt toeellled tOove Nil.IC NOTICE PICTmOUa eu .... H NAM98TATl•NT The IOf\owlng person• trt Clolng ~ ........ COMMERCIAL HOME ANO HEALTH PAOOUClS, 25311·0 Allele P111kway. Sutt• 3 18. L11Qun1 Hiiis, CA 1121153 GEAALOO FLOAES. 18123 Br00khur11, ApC t2S. w .. tmlnater, CA 926'3 CARMl!.N 8 CUl!VAS, 6028 BtllllOwar Blvd , 1.tklwood, CA 00113 Thll attl-1 wu flied wtlh 1he couniy Clerk ot Or•ll99 County on 0c10t>ef 111. t982 ,, .... Putil1tllld Orenge COOi Otlly Piiot. OCt '1, 28. Nov 4, 11, 1982 4&44-82 Nil.IC NOTICE 'ICTITIOUI eua ... H NAMI ITATSMINT Tne lollowlng ptreon It 001ng t>u•I~ .. as: NAILS NATUf\ALl..Y, 26111 lrvlne 8111d., 8ull• 2"4. Coat• MeH. CA o~en NAM18UTWMINT The lollOWlnQ person• tre dolno bU._. .. I L NOAT EJ BROA OWAY ASSOCIATES. • 13 Corporelt Plau. Sull• 200. Newpo<I BeKll, CekfC)(nle 92660 Steph•n C Hof!kln1. • 13 Corporate Pina, Sull• 200, Newporl Bitch, Cautornla John o Hopkin•, 2442 c 1 Eld•n Avenue. Cotti M•••. Cellfornl• llH27 (p111ner) l'reelarlc.k J llteMMler, 311oa Santa M1101111a P•ece. S•n Juan Cai>lttrano, CA. 11287& (perlnetl Ot vlCI B G111lton, 23321 Via Aond•, Min ion \/le)o. CtlllOrnl• t:Mt 1 (1)1111114tf) RACQUET & SPORTS CLUB OUR FACILITIES INCLUOE: • 44 T ennls Courts • 20 Racquetball Courts • 50 Meter Olympic Pool • Training Pool • 2 Basketball Courts • 2 Volleyball Courts • Naut~us Fitness Center • Aerobic Program • Tournaments • Round Robins• Challenge Ladders• Clinics and Lessons • Prof esslonal lnstructOf's • Pro Shop • Advanced Reservations • Snack Bar • Social Activities • Uf ecycle Program • Outdoor Co -ed Jacuzzi • Jacuzzi Lounge • Sauna • Steam • Spacious Locker Rooms • TV Lounge• Babysitting l.engell· 111' A'l9llloble IOf lnapeellon II DO a m • defe of ..... IAADOATH IHllW,, .COAONEA =.:°'~ ~ K 8rown .. ...,,. ~DlleMO Oreno• COH I 0 111)' "°'-Oct Jt, IM2 Oiled '-tt\'10. at. 1N2 ~H~ J"1 J 80tln lfll.,,ci.dTt~ Publlthed Orane• Co11t Delly Pit~. Oc:I 21. 1N2 4t17·12 LOIS M COBURN, 3245-0 8111 Amadeo. Llguna Mlllt. CA 02053 Thie~ II oondUCt.0 by t general ptl(l114tfelllp, Geraldo FlorW Thia flll_,1 w• flied With 1h4t County Clet1t of 0r.,. County on Octot>et tll, llH ,,.... P111111a111e1 Otano• Coett Oelty Pl!Ot. Ocl 21, 21. Nov 4, I I, 1912 4MMt JUOllH HILTON , 303 ltQI~. tfv!M, CA 0271$ thla bllel""' la oondueled b y •n lnclMCl\1411 T~ butlneM ta aondUQted by I genertl oettMtlhlp Judl1h Hiiton Stec>l*I C HOj)lelnt Thia 1llM!Mnl wH tiled wrth 11\e t'hlt tlltetnenl wae llled with IM COuf'l'Y Clenl Of Ot9'\09 CounlY on CounlY Clerk Of Or9'\09 County on OctOI* 12, IN2 ,,_.. Oc:1obef 4. 1N2 ,,. Pvollenact Otange Co••I OeOy Publlt h•CI Oren11• Coatl Ot ll Hal Oct 14, 21 H . NOV 4, t912 Plol, Oc:1 1'4, 21, 21. Nov 4. 1N • 44f0.t2 452f.t FOR FREE TRIAL VISIT CALL c at>alleRos -'_..,.Q&a 546-8560 17272 NEWHOPE • FOUNTAIN VALLEY • I/ 11111 I.II I I 11111 1111111,llfl " I'''' I 111 '" ,,, I I 111 11111111 I ._. ........... Warning : The Su rgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. • I )1 ''"'"' L111J'il llAll y f'll n 1 I llur-.duy Otlohur 2ts l'lfl~ • Discover the taste of Camel Filters, now in a Hard Pack. -..... ~ -. .. •, I -~·- • •, ... ~ ('ll ~1 I ·~ . . . I I ' I I I I l I • . I • I • ' • .. • • ...J ·-• II I JI. 'I .. ... . . ....... , .. . ... .. . .. ~~~· .... ... • ' ~.~ "'' . •.. , .. ... ,--, . "' , .. . •'l '•h'(& ., •0' b•·l•O\! .... .. .. .. ... .. J •n/I. •1 •'•'· ·~~ r ' ·• 'l '8 • 1)1 11u11 l.umtl llAl l ,. I'll 0l/1 h u t •lluy Ut luln11 .'B, 11111:1 f'a111 l'11hl11111 A1lv11111 t1t11t•lll Re-Elect ARLENE SCHAFER Cotto M t10 City Council KEEP EXPERIENCED LEADERSHIP IN YOUR COUNCIL ARLENE SCHAFER Costa Mesa City Council f'wd ,,,, ''> tilt' L1lmm1rteo To Re-t'ltlCI ARI FNF SCHAffH /\1111/ u .. ,,., ''•"I"'"'' 1-1.1.1 Mtlrl(1{1wbr<J(I~ r,,,,,., M ... , •• J1111 Pt>lt't'/ C111111m,m NEW ISSUE l P••)" ""' 1111 ulfur lu ~ell 11ur ..a soltt 1w11011 ol .m ""''' t.1 buy lllC!of' wcur•ltt•~ T 111• 11lltm11q 1s m,1lJ1• olll'I' hy tilt' OJ11•rn1q Cur 111.11 150,000 to 187.500 Shares Common Stock Price $1 0.00 per share •• For an Ollt>r '"9 C11(ul;11 and a Siocl. SuOSt.11p11on Apploc ,111w (llca!>t• t onlt1C.I 111l' 01ga n1La11ona1 Ofl1ct-by ma1 o• teieptlont' 303 Crf'scen1 Awn,,.. • P 0 Bo• l4()') • Av.11011 C.1 1011•111 ===-.;========~~-===============!-~~~~~~-PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE PU8LIC NOTICE YOU AR E IN DEF' AULT UNDER A K-C2251 DEED OF TRUST DATED AUOUST MUNICIPAL COURT OF YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A 8, 1UO. UNLESS YOU TAl(f CALIFORN IA DE E D O F T RU ST DA TE D ACTION TO PROTEC T YO UR CENTRAL ORANGE COUNTY OCTOBER 15. 1111. UNLESS YOU PROPERTY,IT MAY BE S OLD AT A JUDICIAL DISTRICT TAK E ACTION TO PROTECT I AI OHAL "'OP:ILll INV I NTOAY t20 I' I • ,,. -" ...... , ,.... .. (714} 840-1268 n u NOUSIH HllN&fl l t'HUfl ,1u1ut tuu"tt 11ttw IH1ttu··, '" fHhlut tn I '"'~"'•' Nlljuul ;tlllt ltv111t1 ltO MOMU DOWIU f ''"" ~II '•OU w1111" tt111y 111"1 ~1.11 ()~I !()th 10 AM '11111 I hi .11 I~' Nwm f111~1JIVllf10lll'< ~46 9~27 Act 24 Ht \ DON'T PASS HIM BY- HE M AY BE S IC K by Terry Grant, R. Ph. • I I I ·I I I 'I I 11 I ,.,,. ,, •• \.1• °' \ 11111 t' 111 • \\ 11 It •1 \'., t 1IJ141 lt111k~ ,, 1pp1·,11 t h.i1 ' ,,.. I 'iflll trH._:ht 11'• llth1"1\,JlHI l'tu~ 1' lh•rtl,ut •• rlv uu,• ••t lh.11>1 h.., Oil.I ~:1'1 l1·l"Y I lu1t 1 !'"1 w.dk l;V \\'tH·11 ,, IJI 1-...uu IJ h'" ' u u l J\ d • t.1 ' tu lf ,.,.,,Ill nl ,,,uht "·''' "''I HHJ~ 1,utl"4'\l\H'IH.'\""ll Tul1;\ uiunv 1-"'''l'h \\1·ar ·• •··~ 11 hrm.•111.-t u1 ... u 1 " u -.·nrd th,1l uh·ru1fw, 1h1 1u ,,, tlu\ Hiio{ 111\ &)frl.-~' 'H O '' 1 IUU' 1111'11(\' Wl11·11 YOU 1111.t '"" uh 11ttt1,.1tlun c..all 11wd1~1I lll'llJ ljllll kl\ 11 '"Uhl "'"1 ,, lit• It \uu h11\'' 'u' h .1 H1hfttlU1H '\t1U,f,1•JI I>• 'lU t \tlH • ,111 \ lht hf•·hltli'-1•l1t>U YOU OH YOUJ< IX.ll.l'OH CAN l'HONI!: US "h1·11 vuu n.-f'd :.i c11'1ivt>ry w .. will d t•hv1•r promptl) w11hou1 f'xlra < hariw A gr .. :.t nw.ny JX"OPI<' rely l'n us lor th1·1r ht>ah h nl~' w,. wdcon1 .. N'<lU<"'L' for <ll•hvny -..·rv1 .... and tharg•• M'lVWlt.• PARK llDO PHAR,,,,ACY FrH 0.11..-•ry PUBLIC S ALE. IF YOU HEED AH 700 Civic Cir. Or. w .. 1 YOUR PROPERTY. IT MAY BE EXPLANA TION OF THE HATUIU •Santa Ana, CA I SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU !io-------------_., OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST p L A IN T t FF PH ILL I P M NEED AH EXPLANATION OF THE 351 Hoepltel Road N•wporl /IJNc h 842-1500 LAWYER. HUTCHERSON AGAINS T YOU. YOU SHOULD PUBLIC NOTICE YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A HUT C HERSON and MARY E I NATUA.£-Of THE PROCEEDING NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE ve. CONTACT A LAWYER. T.S. No. 341561 DEFENDANT: EMMET L NEIL, NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE NOTICE 1$ HEREBY GIVEN 111•1 SHIRLEY c NEIL, WESTERN! I PURSUANT TO on Wednesda~ NC1•0mbe1 3 t982 M u T u A l E s c R 0 w DECLARATION OF COVENANTS, di 9 00 0 CIOGk ii m ol Sd•d day 1n C ORP ORATION, a Catllornl• j T s. No :18363 CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS 11>e rooM set u1de •or c.onouclln~ c:orpor•llon. FRITZ GLANZER. •nd NOi <..E ::, HEHEBY (jlV(N 111111 I trus1ee s Sales wothm tile ol!1ces 01 DOES 1 through 10, lnclu•I••· I on WPOn.,~<1.>, No•emtlt•• 10 198l YOU ARl IN DU AUL l UNO! I< REl'll ESTATE SEl..UHITIES C ROSS CO MPLAINAN TS dt '1 00oc•oc.~o1m ots,111Jfj;;y "' THAl(..(IHA1t1UtCtAJIAllONO~ SERVtCe 1oca1ea .it 2020 Nont1 EMMET L NEIL and SHIRLEY C ttle 1oom e1 J'"'e tor conouc1tnu 1 COVE NAN r~ 1..0ND111or1s .AND I B1oaaway Su1le 206 in th" Coly ot NEIL. l•uslees Sales w11t1111 ltle Offlc11s AESIAll..TION5 DAlEO JANUARY $an1aAn8 Coun1vot01anoe.S1a1e ··-ol REAL ESTA IE SECUAlllES 26 1912 I)~ TH[ BA,S>tORrs 1 01 Ca1tlorn1a AMERICAN CllY CROSS-DEFENDANTS: PtilLLIP I SERVICE lotated a1 2020 Nottn I l-IOMEOWtiE AS ASSOC1A T 10N BANK.• Calll0tn1a co1pora11on as M. HUTC HERSON, MARY E. Broadway Sun• 206 •n Ille C•l'f ot UNLESS YOU !AKE ACffON fl) I auty &ppO•nle<I T1u11ee unoer ano HUTCHERS O N. WESTERN Santa Ana CounlyolOrange S1111e IPROTE2' YOUR PROPERTY, tl o ursuar11 lo 1t1e power of eale M UTU A L I S C II 0 W ol Colllo1n1a l'I MEAICAN Ctlv MAY B£ ~OLCJ AT A l'UBlll.. SAlE conlerroa on that ce•taon Dt>ed o• C ORPORATION, • c .11 101nl• BANK Calol0<n1a CO<pot•l•OU ... If YOU NEED AN EXPlANAT•ON lrusl e>ec.uted o, 'RA"K E corpo ra llo n, ANNA M RO H Ou1, dPPOol>le<I Trustee unoe• ano or I HE NA JURE OF t Hf WALKER e s1r191e man re<;oroeo ESCROWS, INC., FRITZ GLANZER, oursuanl 10 !tie power OI Hie PAOCEEUiNC• AGA1NSI vou YOIJ August 6 •980 on B''°' 13692 ot and DOES 1 th•ough 10, lnc:lu•I•• conlt>11eo '" ltlat cerie1n Otoe<! ol SHOULD CONT AC I A LAWYER Ol'•c•al Aecoros OI S3•0 Covnl) at SUMMONS ON lrusl l!H!C.uled Cly J AMES l On w .. a•!'~d•y No • .,mter 11 page388 Aec.01df'<>1n>llument CROSS·COMPLAINT 'VINGSTON dnO JOAN C 1982 a1 10 00ilm o<a!>sO~• No 6932 Dy 1e,uon ot a Dreacn 01 CaH No. 1.-.11 UV1NGSTON hu~lland and wile as lt·Neari1., a• m"y 1>e '•'d$OnotH' "' oelaull 1n 1,1&ymenl 01 petlormance NOTICE! You tin e Men eued 1oon lenanls recordecS 0ec;emDer ll•t' 1ton1 ~tep; ol tne IMPERIAL ol the ODhgahons secu1eo llleteDy TM c ourt may d9clde agalnet you I 10 1981 on B t•3t8 ot Ottic:lllJ BANK BUILDING 695 Town Gen1e1 1nc1uo1ng tt1a1 Dreact1 or ae1au11 without your being hea1d unleu APcoro~ "' said County 11 pege Drive •n 111e C.•ty of Costa Mes6 Nollc.e ol whlCh was •t!CO•de<l July yCMI reepond within JO d•Y•· Raad Ji' RMo•de• \ ln~trument No Counl> of Oi ,;nge s1a1" ul 9 1982 a~ Roco•dl'• ~ 111s1rume11t tM lnlormallon below 13139 b) rea1o0n of• oreacti or c111 lou 11 "'l! 8A•SH0fHh No 82·238112 Will SElL Al II you W•S/110 sPe• Ille ad•IGe of oelaun 1n payment°' perl0tmenc. COM MUl~rlY ASSOCIATION 11118 p u Bl IC Au Cr I 0 N 1 0 1 "E an a11orney ,n "''' "'aller you or rne 001tga11ons secuted 111eraby Auociatoon 1 through 11s dut1 HIGHEST B•DDEA FOA CASH SllOUIO <10 so P1omplly so Ina! yovr 'nclud1ng that Oteecn or oelaull appoonte<J ag ..... 1 an<! alloiney LEE lawful mOf'ey ol tile Un•led St&le5, w11t11'n response 11 any may be NC1l1Ce ol wll<Ch was raco.dael June 11 DUASl Nhose s1ree1 acHl•ess or a cashier s check rl• awn on a 11180 on 11me 29 1982 as Aec-0r0., s 1n11rument and lelephone nOJrriDf'• ,5 st1own s1a1e Of nallonal bank as slate 0t AV IS O I U a led h a e l d o No 82-223993 WILL SELL AT Dalow WILL SELL AT PUBLIC lederal tre011 union o• 8 stale or demanda do . El lrlbunel pued1 PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE AUCTION 10 !HE HIGHfSl tedetal sa~1ngs ano loan anoc•aflon decldlr c:onlra Ud. eln alldlencla • HIGHEST BIDDER FOA CASH BIDDER FOR CASH lfl<IYAbl" ill I domictleo on lh•S Slale. ell payaDle •1 meno• q.,. Ud. ,..•pond• denlro t~wlul money 01 ttle United S1a1es l•rno 01 sale m tawtul money ol t11e ttle ume ol sale. all 11gll1. l•tle and de 30 dt.a. Lea la lntormaclon que o• a caatller's c11ec11 drawn on • United 5141iesl 1,1u•suont ro thc• 1n1e1eS1 held by II. as l1u11ee. "' elg.,., Slate or a n111one1 bank, a alale or power 01 sate conferrft<1 1n 1ha1 lhal real properly s11uatc on aa•o $1 Usteo de sea soflc11ar e• teoerat C•eO•I union, or a ll&te or certain Decloret1on of Covenonts Counly and Stale descrit>ed as conse10 oe un aDogado en es1e teoerel taY•llQ• ano loan auoct.io?n Cond•ltons ano Aes111ct1ons 1the lollows as unto . a e b e r 1 a ha cert o aomlClled 1n this state all payable al CC&R a"t 85 •e co•oed 1n Book Loi 15 or Traci No 8915 1n me 1mmedie1emenle, oe esta maneta lhe time ol aete. 1111 right. 11tle ano 9979, Pages 575 et seQ mctus.ve Clly ol Costa Mesa Counly o l su resouesta escrna s1 hey alguna interest t1e1d by 11 as Trustee. •n o r11c1a1 Recoros or O•ange Counly O<&llQe. S1a1e 01 Celilo<nu1 1$ pet puede ser registraoa a llempo 111a1 1eal property slluate in '-'a•o Cahl0<nt1 and ¥<11nou1 covenant or map recoroe<I '"Boo~ 380 Pag• 5 t TO T'iE CAOSS·DEFENDANT Coun1y and State. desc11bed a1 wartanty. e> pre5s or 1mpl1ed and 6 . M1sce11aneou1 Maps on 1t1e A cMI compta1n1 has 1>4len tole<! by lollOws ••oaro1ng 1111e pussess1on 01 Olhce ol the County Aecoroer ot lhe cross-compta1nan1 against you Loi 12 ol Ttact NO 9552 In tlle encumbfances all lhat certain reol sa•o County 11 you w1sn 10 deleno lhlS lawsull Clly ol Irvine. Coun1y ot Or1nge. l>fop«ly snuatt'd '" 1M County ot EXCEPT all 0tl gas hyd•o:arDon you mll'SI w1th1n )0 <lays alter lh1s Slate ot C&11to.nla H tllown on• Ora nge s1a1e o l co11to1n10 substances ano minerals lying ano wmmons is served on you hie .,.,,h map lheteol recorded tn Book 410, oescr1oeo as IOllows t>etr19aladeptt1ot moretnanSOO 1n.scourtd wnlten1esponse 101ne Page s 9 10 12 tnc1u1111e Unit 80 0 1 ttac.1 ;3J8 •• teel ~ow IM natural surface ol the comp1t11nt uniess you oo so your M11celleneous Maps records ol cont1l"4td In Book 288 PilQeS r 10 g1ound but wlltloul any "gtll default wtll be enlereo on said Orange County 15 inclus.ve ol Miscellaneous Maps wt111soever to 8f11er uPQn or use in a pp 11c 111 1 on o I I tie cross -EXCEPTING lrom a portion ol in Ille omc1al Recotos of Oranql' any manner said aurfKe or any part comp1a1nan1 ano 1n1s c.ourl may aal(I teno all Otl OH m1ne•als ano Counly Callloamma ol saio land lying bel .... een said ente< '1u<Jgmen1 against you '°' lhe Olher hyorocarbOn suDstances lying Tne at•eet aoor6ss ano oltll'• so••ac:e and a Dove 5-00 lo ll'el below rel et demanoeo on the eomp1 .. nt, belOw • del>lh of SOO INI llom the commoo oesion•lion 11 any 01 tne I u10 surlace es •eserveo •n 1ne .,nich could resull '" gatn1st1"'9f'lt ot surf-01 MIO land Dul w1thou1 the teat propefly d&scrobfl<l. abo•f' 1s oeeo r8'0<ded on 8<><>' 10826 Page ... age~. tak1r19 of money O< P•OPe<'IY right ol entry upon any pornon ol pur por1ea to be 17691 B111ta11y • 16 ottic1e1 records or 01ner rellet •eQuested •n Ille the surtac;e •Do,,. a oeotn of !ioO Lane 11un11ng10<1 Beactl Calllorn1a The •Heel adore's or 01t1er come>l••n1 feet 10 1ai.e market mine e•Plore further vttl•OQ 10 saoo re111 p10~11y common des1gna11on ol 1ne real Dated Augus1 16 1982 or oroll lo• nme 11 re1ervea in ,, on the name ot AtCKY D JAMES pr<>Pf!rly lle•elnaDo•e descnbed 11 Robert e. Kul!et, Cterll dee d• !tom Mervin L Bose anc:t a 11ngte man putporteo 10 be 1113 R1ogecres1 l her)'I CH119rMft,OejMlty Wanda l 8oS8, as co1ru11ees 01 Ttle unoera1gnE'O Tru~tee Oitcle Cosla Me~ Ca11tom1a AOOE"S a 018, •l aw CCM'p. the 8oH Femlly l ruSI dateo Mey d•sclaims ~ny l•abllHy '"' any The u nae r 11 one a ll f' re Dy t1111 .. ach Blvd. • 103 21 1976 recorded '" Book 11962 •ncoHeclneH ot the 51rt!"I RIJdrt!'n d tscle1ms ell l1aD11t1y tor eny Hunllngton Beacll CA 926•7-5999 Page 21 ano on 8oolc 11962. Page aria other common des1gna11on 1ncorrectneu on saoo tlreet aodress (71A) 847.&0•1 ;n bOlh of Oll~lal Aeco•os deslgnaflOt'-11any.1t1own lleretn or olher common destgn11>on Puohstlfld Otanoe CoHI Delly ALSO EXCEPTING from a p0t11on ::,810 sn1e w111 oe mac:te to s11t1sly Sii1d sale w111 be made w11t1out P•lot Oct 28 Nov 4 11 18, 1982 ol 5910 l&ncl ell Oii, ges. m1ne1a1s eno ll1e obllga11on sec;ured Dy. and w111anty. e •preu or 1mpl1td 47S3·12 oth« nyoro<;erbon substances tying pursuant 10 lhe power ot sale 1egard1ng title. posses11on. or belOw a depth ol 500 le.I from the conlerred In Atllcle 1 of the aoove encumbfanc... 10 H tlaly the !)(In· PllJUC NOTICE aurlace 01 Hid land. 1>111 wllhout the referenced CC&A'a. ano pu1suel't clp1I b•l•nce of th• Noe ot Olll· 119111 of en1ry upon any portion ol 10 Alllcle 1. Soc ol 1he CC&A s 1he er obligation secured by H id Deed FICTITIOUI BUSINESS the -.,,taoo a bove • oeplh ol 500 Notice ol Aasessmen1 end c101m ot ol Ttu1t. with lnlerHt I nd otller NAME STAT£MINT ~eel, 10 take. ma1ke1. mine, axplore 1.urn was r8coroed aga1ns1 lhe i ums as provided 111ere1n plus Th8 1011owtng oe•sons are doing o• arlll lor ume 111 reserved in e oove a eac.t1beo ••al p rop. advances. 11 1oy. under the terms business as oe6ds from Virgonto Fllppen Kini.lei arty 10, nonpaym e nt o f dua• lhete ol eno Interest on such FASHION DESIGNS, 220 Vie recordeo November 16 1976, In 8110 usessments on March t8 edv1ncea, end plus feet, charges Koran N11Wport Beach, Cetolomia BOQll 11961 Page 1919 ano 800I< t982 ln91rumenl No 82-094785 1n and ••pen-ol the Truttee and ol 92663 11961. Page 1920. oom ot Oll1r.111 •lie Oll•clll Records 01 Oranoe the tf\llte CtNled by H id Deed ol Clara Gtaoys Wight, 220 Via Rec0<os County. Calllornla. and lut1tlfor. Ille Trull Tne tolll amount ol u10 Koron Newpott Beaell. Cehtornle The street aodress or other Noltce ol Oetaull and Election 10 obligation. 1nc1ud1nv reu onabty 9266J common dee1gn1111on 01 lhe •e•I Sell ellecllllQ HICI rN I propo11y was e111m11ea tees cha rges e nd Ho...,ard L Wtght. 220 VI I Pfoo«tY MflHf\above derKrlbed II facO<otKI June 3, 1982 1n 1nclu!I .. expen-or the TruslM. II ,,,. 11me KO<?n . Newp0t1 U•Kh Calllotnll purported 10 be 2 Ctioate lrvl,,. 11 1n11rumen1 NO. 82-189157 1n the ot lnl11al publlcatton ot tr111 Notice •• 92663 Calilornla Olltclal Rec0<01 ol Orange County SM .232 2'3 Thie oullnMt la conducted by an T 11 e u nder 110 nod ho r •by CAhlotnla O.ted Oc1ol>et 12. 1982 1nd1v1<1uat 01ac1a1m1 ell lla blllfy lot any The 101a1 amoun1 ol tl'le unpaid .-IUCAN CITY 8ANtC. Ctata Gl11ctys Wigllt lnC)()trectnesa 1n H id llrMI adorou bAlance of the ObllQflh<>n MCUrtKI A C.....,,... corporatlofl Thia Ital.,,,..,, was hied """1h lhe or other common c:tes1Gna11on by Ille properly 10 be sold e nd ,.. Trva... Coonty C1et11 of Orange County on Seid .... will De medc w11hou1 reaione Dte esllmaled colts. er! ltlAL I STATI SICU"ITil!B Oc1ot>et 25, 198«' warrenty. t•preu Ot tmplle d a•pensa ano adlt&nc8$ 111 Ille ume ...-Vtel, l"20CM.27 ••o r.•d lng 1111•. POnen1on or 01 111e 1n111a1 pub1tca11on ol tlle a c.....,... oetSNfatlol\, Publlt heO Orenge C.on t o a uy encun.breoc:u . 10 u111ly lhe Not~ Ol s .... Including allor~·· ,.. ~ P1lo1 Oct 28 Nov '· 1 l. 18. l982 prtnc1p11 balance OI tlle Note or lee• end co111. 11 S2.270 00 0..1. , lte ~I 4899,82 01her obtlQatlon MCured Dy H id Oat.O Octollef 21. 1982. ... N. .... ar .... -Deed ol f rut l •1111 tntt rHI e nd BAYIHO"ES COMMUNITY $anle Ane. CA "tD& P\8.JC "°TIC( 0111er eume 11 provided thertln. AI SOCIATION, Lee H, Ou,.t, lie (714) 9634810 plus edvence1. II any. under th• attorner aftcl at•nt. H I Town PuDll•h•d Orange Cont D1111y K.-1 18'mt thereof anCI tnlerMt on tuafl C•ftlar OrlH, Suite too, Coeta PllO\. Oct 14, 2 1. 28, 1982 ~TIT10UI .,...... adveoce1, and 1>1u1 1-. ch•Ofl llllaH, Ca lifornia nut. (714) -4537-82 MAMI I TATSMINT ano ••J*'IM9 Of Ille TrutlM and of .. ,.,.,, PUBUC NOTICE ,.,. lolloWlng PtBOn• Dr• rtolng th9 trulls crtAled by H id OMd of P1.1bt11n11d Or11nge Coost 0 111)1 bvllnHI -Trull The IOt•I amount of U la PllOI. Oc:t 2t. NOY 4, 11. 1982 ,tCTITK>UB •UBINl!BB HARBOR WE$'!MIN SlER obllgatlon. 1nel1.1dlno , ... on•llly 47'9<8:> ..... BTAT~llllNT ASS OCIATES. , 13 Coroorete eat1me1eo ••••• c'h••QU •no The lollowlng pareo11 te doing !'lal8, Suitt 200, Ntwl)Oft &.ICl'I. expent .. 011 .... TruttH. 11 the tlmt ou..ineee .. Ca!ll0tnl• 92880 ot tnlllat publlCatton 01 111tt NOiie.. It tNfEACULTURAL GROUP FOR S1ep11an C Hopa1ne. 1 13 142,421 711 SINOL!S, H ll 17th SltH I •B Cotc>O•l lt PIU I , Suite 200 . Oiied Oc:tobtr 19, 1082 Huntln9t0n lleec:tl, Calltornt• 9211~· Ntw~a.aen. C&lllO<nt• 92MO . AMllllUCAN CITY •ANll, Dogan M. Oooeloglu, 112• 17th Por1er. 4041 MK Arthur a Callfwnle •«IM'•llefl St real '8 . Hunllnoton BHCh ll•d . ulte 210. N8W!)Oft S.tcll. "Truel" CllllOtnl• 92848 • Caltlornte t2MO It I AL I t TAT I I IC U It I Tl 11 Thi• t>uttnffa It coneluClt<I by an Tiiie ~ It conducted by • ll"VtCI ine1Mc1ua1 oenerat fHlrtMrllllp • c~ , .. ,. ...... 0o9Bn Cuuloolu 8 tapMll C H()91111'11 ... ~ Thie atatameni WU r11ee1 wtlll "" Titla 11.,tlMnl WU Iii.Cl with Illa D.J. lhr9w1 ""' County Cllfll ot Orange County on Coumy ~Of~~ Coul'lty on -'*· .,......,, '* Pctotw II, 1112 Oclobef •. tN2 ._.. A-. CA """ PuDlltl'leel Orange Co1:1i: Pu.bli•lled Oraoge Coe:1'~ (?rJb=,,,.nge COHI Dally ,..,. Oc1 11 ,e, "'0¥ ... I I , .. , P!IOI Oc:t 14. 21. 21. Nov •,}H Piiot. Oc:t 21, H . Nov •• IH ' 4682.f' 4;NO 1-12 4034·8' . ---- MUC "°TICE NOTICI! 0, A~ICATIC>tt TOHU AlCOHOLtC elVIAAO.I 1o+t2 To WllOm 11 M•~ eonc.,11 TOM l'IOAIUCHI a nd HY[ SUK S H IN i r e 1 p p lylng t o t h e 0t9artmant ol AieollOllC 8evereoe COnlrot for 41" ON SALE 8EEA 6 WINE (PUB lA T PLI lo Mil ateoN>tlC DeYeragtl at 8873 War'* AYenlle, H\Hlt1ng1on hach. CA Pulillttt.d Orange Con t Da lly PllOI, Oct It 1982 47117-92 Bethlehe m S t eel t e lls $209 million loss I ' I 'I I' S B lJ It < ; II I /\ I' I lfrt II It h1 Ill Stt·1·I (·.,,fl t 111· 1111111111' •u•1·1111d l.11 i,:1'I 'ilt'l'I 11111.tlh 1·1 11 ""' '''" •• 111:-. ... 111 $:ll11J 11111111111 1111 tlt1· 1'111:! th11d qu.11 It I 'l'lll' Ill'!\ w.1s 11·1.1111 Le·d 11111· d .1y :..tfll'I t 111• lnd U'll y li•.td1•1, tJ S S t1·1·I I '111 p d1·1 l,Jt 1•d .111 $11:! ·I tl1tlllllll 111 .. ~ j1jf 1111' 1htl'I' lll!Jlll h 1 ... r 11~1 1111 Ttw:.d ... y H1 llil1 111 ·111 . whtc h ·"'" .11 111111111n·d .1 1h v111i·11d 111 'l~1<1·111' 1wr c-1111 111111r1 s han •, ~11d 1 lt1· 111>-·· I ollflf' Oil lll't !\l.1 l1•it Ill /)l'.11 h $ l J. 1111111111 T lw 11·:.u lt-. llJ111p.111'<1 lo Ill 1 llH'llltll 11! $71i :1 11111111111. \It ~I /,1 .1 ,lt,111· 1111 ... :il1·, 111 i ·I :1:1 1111111111 111 1h1 I !Ill I 11111 d q11.1rtr·r l-1>1 l ltl ,,,.,1 111111· 11111111h .. 11( 1uui 1\4 1l dl'lw111 Sh·1 I rt•J.>111 h·d •Ill lljll'l1iflllj.( Irr,' llf $;jt;~ tnllJ1<>11 n1111p 111 1·d tu 1•11111111g' 111 $:.!I I 1111111<111 "' $·1 I:! u ... 1t.111· 111 Lill' Vl 111 111-(11 µt•1 11.11l Nini· lllflllth • .. 111· .. 11·11 Ill $·1 :.i:1 b1 ll11m 1111111 $f1 Ii lHll11111 ;, v1·;11 I .tl lt<'I Contract t o crea t e 1 ,000 jobs SAN IHI·:< ;u 1/\1'1 /\ $.111 1111111011 /\II ~1J1t1• 1'111111.it I ,I\\ ,JI d1 d l11 I .11t klrn·d I ;1 111 I!'" 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"' s 1 •, 1>11111111 S tate sells bonds SAC HAMFN 10 1AP1 I ht ~1.at1 Ii'" ~1ld $1HO 11111111111 w111 tit 111 g11111 ~ii ohltg.111011 lic.111di. for H 7777 p• 111 111 111\l'l t '<I .ind rno:-.t n f tht' 1111Jnr v will gu for pl 1-.1111 l 111 l'>ll lH lit lll St.ii• l'n "'u11•1 J1 :-,.'>(' Llnr uh ~rnJ Tut scfoy lht• 11114 It'' 1,llt lllllllJJl('<.f (O 1144 j fllHtlll 1111 J S<>lt• IJf , 1110 1111lho11 wmlh on Aug !.I Both -...l<'S wc•nt lo ~' 11d11 ,J h " 111 .1th .J hv I ht• &nk uf Anu r1ta lu«sdav:-. ,_,ill 1mluchd th1 first $1UO m1l111>11 o f ,111 1uth111111•cl $1\J:> mrll111n 111 µ11son lt1n !>lrut lio n IJ111td-.. lo ~· U'>l d It> r>lllV IUl :l :l50 1)4 <.b 11 ft hat h<1pl Adt I 111111 S.111 D11 g11 111d Ft1bo111 plu:-. 11lh1 r huu .... mg .111d 1.111111 f.iult111., FDIC suing bank SAN FHANllSlO (Al') C.il1ft1111ti.J Fu'!>t Bi.ink ... hould Ill' ''"JIJ>1.d 11 11111 11ll1nng un l,1\\fully high u1h 11-.1 llr 1h d1 pus1l111-. .•cc111d111g lt• th• fcdl ral J)( JMNI Jn ... 1.11 .11111 l'IJI fJ Tht• It do 1 .d ,1g1 IH' .,u, ti lht Ii 111k Tuu,di.JY .111 u'111g 11 o! 1"111g 'uhtt rtugt to 1111 ,,k th\ Fldl'ral {)111<1..,11 lm,u1,1111I' /\ti 111 Y.h,11 th1 1-l>ll c.dlcd il ,h.1111 A11111 d111g 111 lhl .. u11 1 usronH r ... 11p1•11 an Ult1m •ll l IH t k 111g lnll I l !>l l'la11 1tuJUnt ,1l H C,1hfu1111.1 01 1111 ,,111tl th1 Jltuunt .,.. ntordcd a s .1 ,._,1ving:-. 0Jl1nunt 111 tlw h.ink s Guum h1amh At lht s.11m t1rn1 lht l u ... 1w111 r osx•ns ..i c ht-< king .w<.uunl and agn'i.~ that funJs from thl· Guam al'u1unt t.1n bt ust'<i lu u>\'t r ouhl,1nd111g t hl'l k-.. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT OOW JO NES AVERAGES t4fV-t I ~... ~i ' .. , w • ., L' t ""° n. I• fr.1tt•'Jol vt Ui.t I th r '' tJ\l ttt t1._t "'° \lliJ fC;fl-. 'ilt.11( • t • rt..•n-.;t -.\iUI' \ I •din, I Vt'ttll, It H~tt t'HH ,, C ,,, y\lt I ''°" 1()0 HJ " 1 bv--' 1\f 1 IV\ ~) 11 • t J • An • r f A I I «llJ 'fU(J e-0 I ilM lf)lf U00 It .._ _.. M \hu. I lrW4 IOf.i It; r • • '" s.io ()(JU JO l ,., •• ~>f'M• /)8 0(.() ""' f r1 '11 tif, t ti I J1 • l •nn, ~•IJIXJ •1 ~ hlun ll ~ t.-4\ tai4Ai •O • I (lltCOf" 't,Vt.Q; JI '-• UT[. (utCJ \t,I lOU ~ ~vi""' co ~ ~ , .. ~ WHAT STOCKS DID Nl_~ V(Jk"-.&l l.Jtt ) M•tt•I Ir-., ~.Ml l\I•• UnO•I( .. * WA~ ,. • "'"" AMER IC AN LEADERS N(W TOR" AP1 S•I'"' V\ttd l': .. ~~,~~t\1f ~tr. ~f 'n; •1~·.,;.~'' ~~l~~t: I If ~W 111., 1l)G~~·c:, fh ,"~ ~! (.F\Af'I C) +4u ~I 'i(A) I ~1::~4h A rt !!: = '~..: Oo;nAlc• t \ o 1 U 000 IU • ~AnQrt(I I I)) '~ I • Wtvl Int A lf'i O(X) n • W.tttnn;.un ,,_,, Iii~ 11 t C,,,ulf( •n q II to) J Suno•ncf'br.t '' ~ t J •• . .. .. .. 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U1fh t n\t t.-ttw"1'tl'n trw-pr•.,10U\ Ck»\lnQ O•icM: mo w~~-~ if'l«'t • (.ht ... ~~.!K'l --.t ' .,,, '• 'l "~"' ... I Up 70t VP II\ Uu 111 UP IOJ Up I) Q Harman (only c1iJ1ly QuOh'I • W.rcu•r !. 1 o 011 '"" Ila\> Platinum ''"'SO Sl4<1 00 1101 ou• NY J O vPth<S Or 1' • • I • ) S.t Q LAii lJ4. I • I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- • lnQtr<l lrt. "'-'"'-SILVER Wl'Cl ... ~A. ) I 1nSHt"' \• .. a &•unto n • .. I Ot ~v•v..C.p » • t .-.,. •• 11 U•• ••• ,, '"° J .... 10 l<.•ul br<MO tt 11 TAii-. p<B q n 1.11~ •no • I) 81>< .. • f!,l I • I • UI) 1• \ Up 141 Up IJ I UP 11) U p IJ 1 ... ,. .. I I VP II I Up II 6 '" Cnt ... \h, HI t • VO It \ UP II Q u.. ., 0 UP 10~ GOLD OUOTATIONS I) St•nlf",W"'-' }1•. • I • l • ,_.Ot t•r. Int /\-. • ll (l\ty\I 2 /'C}I H 1 \I N•\hu" ~I> 10 .. Y•ll'V 1"'1 ,._ 10 Aoll '"l "• 11 11 Sunl-•l*t 11 11 •t•d\lnll H,I U (,I llu\Eql '" H US ttOftlll" l• • /l llork<'(I • )I DOWN' Uo 10• l/P 10) Up 10 J • Uo Q Q 1 • VO Q q . .. I• I• liP 0 • Uu If • "" .. IJIJ t I ay Tt.. Auocla\ttd p, .. , c;Mectfld .,.,ot,d uotO e>rtCn w.o~•v London "'""""0 I ""0 u n }~ UI SJ ()t) London •fl(' Oi urt t .1ng $4 '• 1~ ott $1 50 Parl1 tru• n0<>n I • 110 $•?~ 1& up $8 9" Frankfurt ''""9 $423 q9 up S6 98 N•""" t \,t11(,,Ml\•f , ..... , ... . , .. (,.h~. u.:'(I.) Zurk:h 1.1\t •ll~•noon '" "9 SA 19 00 11 Ml !><l b•tt $.4:><100 n kf'O H1nd1 6 Hatm•" 101<1r dn•lv out>I• 1417 '5 nf! SI SO J Nf'W'n\I pf A ) y ........... • Bun .. ~ W • ' Am'\tM pf • At\dHnG.'" I'\ I 11•\h Sl"!'i • (!Ill I 1 •'.II>' • Vtlif.#,.n M'n 10 (•n p hQQ 11 M o,•nEnQ ,, '"'' ,P¥.-pf ll PAC Tin \4 K•n•Pl I IUJI II OM(o Inc I• PSNH 11'01 11 CL( Am II N•I SIM I 1• 1111> .. • lOot ~ ~~·~:·s" 11 A:f R Corp wl 1J 6ur1Nor pt 7• Cl••EI plA J} Atlft'n ln< GOLD COINS >I 10 . \ ,, .. .. 10 I , . .16 .. OJ II ., .,, •• , .. I~ 10 II ••• JI ,~ .... , ... I• It. 1'• I\ 011 , • I • Oii I 0 '-Utt •I .. Ott • • .. 0 11 '. I 0 11 I t • l)tt \ I • Off '• I • 0 11 \ \ ,,. ou \' I 0 11 \ l .. 0 11 11 I 0 11 \ I • 0 11 10 Ofl H 0 11 •• '-\)II 4 8 • Oif 4 6 u. Ott ') 4, Ott 4' " Ot1 •l '• Oft • J 0 11 • J • Ott • 1 Eng•ll•••d '"' 1y o•••v ouo1•1 S• 11 1!> , " ll ~ (ft9•lhard 4nnl)' 11 ,.,. quOlf"I l•httc•t• .. S•l66• oll SI!>' SYM BOLS a N.-..... ve .. t1y •o.. v ,._.e11w yftltl) n..g" Un•f'\~ 01ntHWtH no•4'0 r11e1 of d•'t'tOenOa ,.,. •nnw1I fl1ibvrtemen11 ba..O O" tr\e. las1 qu•r1e I) O' §•m• 1 nnu1t dec11ra11on St>Kii\I o, f''"' C11o.t•deno1 or paymen,1 no1 des.gnaled n regular ore lden11lled 111 ,,,., lotlow,ng too1notet 1 Alto 81.Va o• fUlras t> Annuet rate e>1w1 sloe'-01v~dend c liQU•01t1ng d1v1d•no 0.CllteO O< D•OO Ill Dl-°"O 12 monlhl , O.C,.a•~ 0< paid 1l1e< llOCll OMde<ld O< spit! UP I Po 0 lhll 19•• dlYICMnd omrlleO Oe!•Hf(! or 110 ICllOft liken el 1 .. 1 dMOel'O "' .. '"'II ' Oec•119d 0< ~ ""' .,.... an acc.umutlt1Ve 11sue ,.,,,,., dt"'°9ndl 1n an..,.1 NE.W ~0Rtl IAP! Pr1t.•t l•tf' 11 ~ 1 .. .,. , 0ec1119d or P• o 111 orec.dll>Q 12 mon1111 plu1 llOC-0 v!Clend \ P&ICI "' S\OCk lfl O<ec:ed•nQ \2 motltlll e at""41-Clsh ••Ive 0" •• o ""•"d or •• dlt trlbul'O<I 1 ueto•., ot oold to•n• <01"11'\I• "'" ""'"h l,IOtM!ov • ro< .. l(r119111end I lrQ'f 01 SH I IS nit U 00 Mepl• l HI \ I• O)' n1 $44 \ 1!> Oii 11 00 MH 50 P••o 1 ~ 1rav 01 S~I~ SO ofl Ol!t t • lli•td tr\dl O< ea 1191111 y Eo dlv!OlllO 1no H l<lt '" lu11 z S1i11 111 lull C•d CllleO wO When dll\llbulld Wl•W ...... ltl ul d ww With 10t rr1nu •w WllhOul w1111r111 ad•• E• 0111r1Dvl•Ofl ''A~• 100 ctown OllO' lruy 111 •• 11100 olf •100 PE 11110 Thi l>'tc• OI I 11oc;k at • mu111p1e 01 '"' 1n1r• et•n•nv• d.,, • .., O)' 01••d•"G \he tet••I 12 month "'""'01 llQu•• •nlO IH \ .... oroe. \• I• • 10 • • 411., W•il M 1 m II II II • '-o, W-o ... 1* n-.. • I '• W•'I ' lll IJ \01/ 70 • • \ '• Wll•flll Of.< )0 100 JI ' ....... Jl • • "' "'•. '• , .. ' .. 1''•. ·-~ •I IO .. • 4 IJ"' .... .., .... , • +' JI • n• '1 u ........ )p, • '• "'• t., ,.,. '. '. II I "''. '• .,, • t 1' •l'• ••• """ t .. '"" ....... • l~1 •• 't ,,. .. '· W\IPIP \to t J.11 H" ' WnAlrl ,.. •-.. • WAtr pl )1 II • • l W(NA J4 I l\LI t'• WP•tl I U ., .. WUnlOI\ I 40 I• ltll .. , • 1• WnU" pU to l II\ , t I • WllU" Of•.. I It) • ) wuq 11011 11 u • • 1 =~1: r. J ~ ~ ~'..: '1 W"ttl t0 1 I\.. J)'" • « Wt\I•~ I lO t IU 1) ... t Woe r11 I JO J\ Iii U• t w.vr p1 t to ~ u • • • WOt pt 4 $11 U ... , .,_,_," I •• IH ., ••• I WMIJ' Pl• I) 0 II _., r J 11 °''' I I Wlllll J H t lOO U -IPfl ;n 1' • Wll,11 Pl I t..O >'r WllP~I t 111t tt' r I Wlll!I ••11 , .. ~tt t I 'Miii I liO ' Iii tt • • I Wllll Pl( J t » .. • Wlllllll t 0 '" J1Yt • H Wlllll•t I 1'J • ,.\ .... Wlef>IOI ) 4'• Wtlfl•m t 10 '• 100 ti • • ' w11 ... c" '° 11111 1• ..... Wll•IKO •\I t 'll e • WlllO" t .. II IU <\' • • .. '• w' """° '°" J) 11 '9 I\ Wl"t•IJ '1J It • , • :1:'Poi\~ t6 •I~ fk' " W tl pl I H ""' .. 1 WI.CP L J l• I \)I 14 .. • ::~:~ u~' I~ ~ .... ::~~ ;rn :; ;i~ t "' WOOdPI : II}),' 11" • 1, ;:::i:. ; JO., : ~;:: '; WrlOAr 4• J • '• WrlllY I -+ t~ Jtl., I , w11tlU1 i> f"' • wv••ll1 IOI .. _. '• t •• wvt; .., ,., •I '•. '° WyM\ 40 It .. IJ -Jc-'f 4 -, . .,. .... • n tt "' t • I»• J n._ '• n • ~ '•"'-... -u IAIOU~· 1, 'n ,14 ,,,.. •• " ,. ,... '• I I !JI ,.,, I, • ('8 C,u111t UAll V I'll() r 11 hw11duy, (ktutwr ~·U . I' 6.1 YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF TRUST DA TED JULY 11, 1tl1. UNLESS YOU TAKI ACTIC>fol TO 'ROTECT YOUR PRO,ERTY, IT MAY H SOLO AY A PUBLIC IALE. IF YOU N EfD A N EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING AQAINIT YOU, YOU SHOULD CONT ACT A LAWYER. NOTICE Of' TRUSTEE'S IALE T.8. No. 31211 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN 1na1 on Wednesday, Noveml>e• 10, 1982 al 9·00 o'clock a m ol sa10 day 1n Ille room sea asloe lor conouc11no Trus1ee s Sales. w11111n 1ne olf1ees ol REAL E STATE SECURITIES SERVICE localed at 2020 Nofln Broa<lway Su11e 206 en Ina C11y ol Senla An•. Counly ol Orange. S1a1e o l Cahlorn1a MISSION VIEJO RECONVEYANCE CO a Ca11lorn1a corpora11on as duly 1ppo1nled T<uSIM under Ind OU•Wanl IO lne power ot sete confe,,ed 1n lhal ce<hlJn Oee<I ol T•usl ueculed l>y OONG MYUNG 1'.IM and UI SONG KIM nust>and ano wile. who acqu1ted lllle as DONG M l'.IM and UIS KIM, recorded August 6. t981 1n Book I~ 110 or 0111c1a1 Records ol said Co unty at p age 1610 Recorder's Instrument No 5797 t>y reason ol a breach o• delaull cn peymenl or perlo1mance ol the 0 1>l1gat1ons secu•ed 1ne• e1>y, .ncluOlng tnat b1eOCh Or Oeleu11, Notice ol which was recorded June 15, 1982. u Recorde• s lnslrument No' 82·20262 1. WILL SELL AT PUB L IC AU C T ION TO TH E HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CAS H 1awh•t money ol 1ne United S1a1es or a cashier's cl\&ek drawn on a ""* or national t>ank. 1 a111e or led«al credit union, or a 11a1e or teoera1 uV>ngs and loan aaaoc:iatoon OomlC•led on 1n11 1111e. an payal>le al Ille 11me ol aale an rigna 11tH! and 1nleresl held l>y 11 es Trultff, on 1n11 real properly s11ua1e 1n u 1d Counly and Slale oescnbed 11 fOIOWS PARCEL l LOI 11 of T r&el No 10116 on lne C11y ot IN1ne Counly of Orange. S1a1e ol Cahlorn1a u PIM' map recorded on Book •32 p ages •2 •3 a n o ••o f Mlaoellaneou1 Meps on 1ne oll1ee ol 11\e Counl y R ecoroe• 01 1a1d Counly PARCEL 2 An H Samenl lor 11deyard purpos es over l h e Norlt>euleny 5 00 feel or sa10 land n shown on a map •ecoroed 1n eoo« 432. pages •2. •3 and o of Miscellaneous Maps records ol Or•nge County. C1111orn1a Tne 11ree1 address 01 Olhe• common designation of lhe reel proper1y hertttnabo\fe dncrcbod IS purported to be 29 Car11na. INme. Calllornla The under sig n ed her el>y d lsclalms all l11b1l1t y for any 1ncorractness In aald IHMI address or othe< common designahon Said aale wlll t>e made wotnoul warranty, ••Pren or 1mpt1e1 1e9ard1ng !Ille p oueu1on O• ancumbrances. 10 11111fy 1ne prtnclpal balance 01 1ne Nole or 01her ot>hgaloon I.cured l>y •••d OW<! ol Trust. wllh lnler*\I and 01"8< 1um1 •• provided 1n91a1n plus 1d¥anoet of any, unde< Ille term• 1hereol and onte••ll on such aovanoes. and plus fee1 charges •nd expen-of Iha l•u11ee and ol Iha tru1ts created by u 1d Deed ol hull The 101a1 amount ol said >bJ1g111on. 1nclud1n9 reuonably nJlmated fees charges and Jll$)enMS of Iha TruSIM •I the,,,,,. )I Initial put>llCatton Of this Notice I• "40,219 •7 Oaled Oc1ober IS. 1982 "41SSION VIEJO RECONVEYANCE :;o ~ Celllornla corpora loon JS Tru11ee. REAL ESTATE St:.CUR l llES SERVICE, • ea111ornla corporallOn Ila Agenl D.J. Morger. Prea 2020 N. 8r01tdw1y. •206 Sarita Ana. CA 92706 (714) 9!>3-6810 Publl•h•d Orange Coas1 Delly PllOI. Ocl 21. 28. Nov 4, t982 4633·82 flt&IC "°TICE FICTITIOU8 IM.llMH N._ ITATl•NT Tiie lollowlng pe11on 11 d oing blielneM .. CREATIVE PLANT DESIGN, 2010 f'edltal Avenue. Cotta MeM. cA 92t27. RHONDA LEE 09EOOZA. 2300 Ff#IV'l4ftlf. No. 0-10.-, Coe1a MeM. CA 92e2f. 'Thie ~ It c;ondue1ed l>y 8'I ~· ~etee Obedoz.a ,., ... 1 'Tiiie ttat-1 WU ltted with the COunty Clerk of Orange County on Oct. 12, tN2 Publlthed Orenge COHI D•lly Plk>I. Oc1 t4, 21. 2'. Nov 4, 1982 •491-82 Nil.IC "°TICE '1CTIT10UI BUllNIH ~ITATil•NT TN lollowlng peraone are dOlf!Q ~ .. FALL RIVER FIREWOOD COMPANY. 3r.I Pinewood Drive, I~. CeNtornla 82714 Douolet and Nancy JOn91. 32 P~ Drive, Irvine. C.llfornla tt7t• Thia b1111MM 11 conducted by tn ~. . o.c JOI* 'fhlt ... t..,.,, ... ,...., with the CoufttY Cletll of Or-. CouMy on 00400lr 11, IN2 .. ,_, ~u!Hlthed Oranoe CoHL Delly "°'·Oct 21 21, Nov •• 11, 1tl:t . ., ... , u. • pr IJiddy t o p ay Re-Elect ARL.ENE Uy LAllltV MA IHiASAK AttMlt tM ,, ... Writer WAS! II N< :TON l"'"l"h h a' .. 1111 .. 1.1111 1.11 1·un1111K'· t: liu1d1111 L1dd\ .,.1\'' h1· li11' 11111 p1111I 111 .. 1•11lm· W11l1•rl(U\t' ruw '\II ' "'" .. u ... 111 .. I l 11ld1 I II flt•t•cl 11 1 oltt•l(t' 1•d11111I 11111 ltlllf t' 1 h ,111 1111· j.(uV1•1111111•11I lll'l'lb IL., lllUlll'V "Ttwy'll JUl!il 1<1v 1• 11 aw.iv 1111 luod .. 1.1111p' 111 Z1mha1Jwe." L1dd y s..i1tl 'l\11 ·Ml11y 11f11'1 11 Jilli~·· Ill d1·11'<I l h111 $:.!:1.11 I :l of h11> 1'111111111(1' h1· uM·d Ill puy ult tlw S•I0,000 1Th1111111I I 1111" lt•VH'<I 111 1»7.i Liddy. whu Nt •rv1·tl :!l:l 1 i 1111111thi. 111 p11I 1111 his nik 111 Wutl'f~Uh'. s u1d lw did nut k11uw wht•ltwr h1· will 11pp1•11I th1· <1rd1·r lllM1t·d hy ll S D1stru·t Jud..i1· Aubrt·y ~: H 11l1111s11n .Jr 111 llw rt'ql111~t ul U S Attrn 1wy Huyl't' l ' L.1111h1•1 t h To su11s fy th1· ftn1'. Hulml!-1111 111 d1•H•d th11l si:un i oC Liddy'~ l't't.'l 'lll book, lllUVll' und lt't.'lUl"l' The lollowlne cot>Y of "Nollee," the orlgltvl Of wNch WM ttlM lot r9COfd on •a.a In the office of the "ecorder ol Orange County, CaUlornla la Mftl lo YCMI inaMftuch u an .. .,,,lnallon of the lltle lo •aid Trual Pror,•rly ahowa rou mar have an nleret l a In ll1e Trual-aalff proceeding•. Tltle lneurenc:e Mid Trwl Cornpeny, • True lee. "*'· No. 12·341302 Tl 4n-c NOTICE OF DEFAULT ANO ELECT!Of4 TO SEU UHOElll DEED Of' TRUST IWORTANT NOTICE IF YOUR PRO PER T Y II IN FORECLOIURE BECAUSE YOU ARE B EH IN D IN YOUR 'AYM ENTS, IT MAY BE 90LO WITHOUT ANY COURT ACTION. and you may have 1ne legal rigna 10 t>rtng your acc;oum 1n good s1ano1ng by paying •II ol yout pa s1 due paymenls plus perm111ed c;osas ano Hpen-,..lhln lhtee mon1n1 from tne oa1e tnos notice 01 oe1aun was recorded Tn11 1moun1 11 $3.302 32 as 01 Sep1em1>er 28 1982 end will l ntteese unt il your ac c oun1 Deeomes currenl You may nol nave lo pay the en111 e u npaid po111on 01 you r &ccounl even !hough lull paymenl was demandeo, l>ut you must pay the amoun1 slated at>ove Alter 1nree monlns 1rom Iha date 01 recordatoon ol lhos doc:umeni (which date ol recoroa11on appears nereon), unleu 1ne ob1tga11on oeong 1orec1oseo 1.pon permlls a long•• perioo you nave only mo legal riona 10 sloe> Iha loreciosure l>y paying ll'le enhre amoun1 demanded l>y your eted1lor To llnd ou1 the amoun1 you mu11 pey, or 10 11range tor paymenl to slop lhe roreclosu•e. o• If your propeny IS In loreclowr• lor any other reason. c:ontact -a .... .,,a Aaaoctat••. A-ic-National Propertle1 Attn: Audrey Tweectt 210 w. C«rttoe Ave. A""*"',CA (714) .... 1440 II you nave any quesllons you snoutd conaact a lawyer or lne gove<nmenl agency wtoicl\ may have ins.ired the IOln licht 111t 101r lift 111111 I ,1111111/1" IH 1111 llt ol 11\t •I lll l l H g11\'I 1111111 Ill 1'11111 No"' \••1k 111111' 111.11 111111 ,1·111 l.1dll) 111 lh11 .. 1• \I 111\111 ' ll,1\1 IHI II l 111ldt11~ "11111 $.111,CJ()fl 111 Ill'> I HI Ill I ,1111111..:' 1111/1'11 IJ\ Ill 1'\11111, t lllll l Ill d 1 I ' I .uhf\, 'li'"1k111..; 111 .1 1t·l1 1•1111111 11111·1 v11·w I 111111 111-. 11111111' 111 1111· M .11 y l.11111 -.ul111111 ....... 11.t 1 ... IMV'I $11 .111111 ,, Y•'•" 111 M'lld l11u1 l l11ld11•11 lu 111llq~1· 111· ,11hl1·ol h1· nw1·:-. 111>1 l lild Wull'' '°''111 • l11wv 1•1, !'1'11·1 M.111111111>. $7,000 ol .1 $4!~10,IHHI Ii·•'. .111d ha:. lt•H,tl tlt•lll:o. 111 Wl'all'I' lh,111 $7,llll(I \II 111111 I ,1l!01 lll'V'> SCHAFER Co1ta Me1a City Council t KEEP EXPERIENCED LEADERSHIP IN YOUR COUNCIL "M v 1 h1ld11•11 111•1•d 111 l{ll l 111·11ll1•Ht' l.11 111tw1• 1111111 1h1· g11v 1·l'llllll'l\I 111••·1b $i :l,llll0," Ill' i.111d ARLENE SCHAFER Al :1 h1•;11·111H l ll'l on· lt11l 11111'011. L :1111lw1 th said l.1dclv 111ad1• "hu11drt·d!oi uf 1taoui.~1111b 11r doll:11 -." r'1111ll his l1·1·1ur1•s, l11111k s aml 111o v1 .. 11..:tiu .. :o.llll't ' li1i. 11•l1 ·.cs1• I 1'11111 111 IN1 111 111 11177 Costa Mesa City Council Pwt.l lot by lhB Commillttt' To Ro ttlOCI ARLENE SCHAFER Kunf o w/81 Tt•WSllfflt 3423 Mttudowtuook. Cosio Mesa Jim PoteB1 Chu11m1111 CORONA QUALITY KEROSENE HEATERS ARE HERE! DON'T BE CAUGHT OUT IN THE COLD. BUY NOW AND AVOID THE RUSH. Five models to choose from. 11t 1n1r1i11d 12-DK 17-DK 22-DK SX-2 SX-3 REG. 259.95 ................. SALE 194.95 REG. 299.95 ................. SALE 224.95 REG. 349.95 ................. SALE 262.95 REG. 299.95 ................... SALE 224.95 REG. 349.95 ................... SALE 262.95 l111r Yltl11 •1410 ~Ito It 111r • Stereo Capability • ex noise reducllon system Remember, YOU MAY LOSE LEGAL RIGHTS IF VOU DO NOl TAKE PROMPT ACTION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT TI TLE INSURANCE and TRUST COMPANY, a corporation 11 duly appointed l tustee under a Deed ol Trust dated March 31, 1982 .. eculed oy KENNETH SKJERVEM and DELORE S SKJ ERVEM , nusband and wile, C ESAR OCTAVIO SANTOS and MARY ANN SANTOS lrualee ol lhe Cesar Oc1av10 ano Mary Ann Santos Trusl da1ed Jaunery 15. 1981 and DAN O'CALLAGHAN end ROSANNE O'CALLAGHAN. hu1band and wtle, ano LAWRENCE ARMAN and CLAUDETTE ARMAN. husbend and wife. and SINCLAIR WEN and IRENE WEN, hvtband and wtle att u tenan11 In Common as Trusaor, lo secure cenaln obllgallon1 In favor ol M ain and Balevl a Auoc1a1e1 A General Paraner • ship, as beneficiary, recoroed •·2·82 as 1ns1ru men 1 no 81-11620• In lhe Olllce or lhe Rec order ol Orange County. Callfornoa c:M9Cnl>tng land lhe<81n u Parcel 19 on Ille C11y of Orange. C ou n ty ol Orange S1a1e o r CehrO'nia. u lhown on • map hied 11'1 bOOll. 161 pagH 4• IO •6 Of Pare.I Maps 1n Iha olllce of tne County Recorder ol 111d Counly 181d 01>119a11o"s 1ndud1nQ one note tor the Prlneipal sum of $304.865 00 thal 1na 1>enellc1al 1n1ere11 under such Deed ol Trual and the 01>llgat1on1 secured lnereby ere preMnlly h8l<l l>y Iha unde<llQned, 1hat • bre&en ot. and oeleull 1n, Iha ot>llgallon• lor wflleh aud'I Deed ol T ru1t 11 secu•lly has occurred In lhll payment has l'OI been made ol 1he ln11a11men1 of 1n1e1e11 wnlcn t>ecatM due Augusl 2, 1982 and all subMqlHtllt ln11a11menls ol 1nte<ea1 anal t>y reason 1hereol. the undaralgned, present beneficiary under 1uch Deed ol Truat. hH execuled and dellve<ed to said duly appointed Trus1ee • wr111en 0ec1arallon of O.laull and Demand for Saia. ana nas oepotlted wllh l8ld duly appoi'lled Trustee, IUCh Deed ol Trull end all document• evidencing ot>ligallons Hcured thereby and hu declared and does hereby de<la•• all sums 1ecure<S 1here1>y 1mmed1ately due and payebte and has e4eeted and does l'lereby elect to ceuu th• truat proC*1'f to bl IOld lo aalisly the 01>11g111ons ~ed ll'lereb)' Sylvania soft white l1g h 1 bulbs 60-75-100 wall twin pak Reg I 99 w1lh Energizer long lite alkallne 011. tenes from Eveready 9 volt reg 2 79 Get games free (on one cartridge) from Odyssey 2 111deo game Master Unit Get two more challenging games mailed 10 you See us for your Great Game Give- away coupon reg 199.95 • Infrared remote con1rol • Hundreds of software 1111es available reg. 749 95 llWft Md .....,.. ._..."· A O..-• l>.nnenlltllP Pu1>11aned Orange toas1 Dally PllOI. Oct 7, 14. 21, 28 1982 4430-82 flt&IC "°TIC£ flCTfTIOU9 IW94NEH N ... ITATl!MINT Th• lollow1ng pe11on1 are dOlng but'""9 II PARTS INTERNATIONAL. 2801 Dow Avenue, Tu1Un, CA 92680 JIM SLEMONS IMPORTS, INC . • Celllornle corpor111on, 1301 Ou111i &t , Newporl 8811Ch, CA 92&e0. Thia butlneta 11 ce>n<IV<lted by a COlpotallO<l Jim 81emon1 1mpo1re, Inc .IOl'ln M 8elang«, S.C flllt et•t-t -• hied wl111 lhe Covnry Cle4l of Otanq41 County on Oetot>er t8, 1N2. ,,.... C.01 DM. Y LAW C~no.t t1C ............ Ot • ............ c ... PubllthH Or•noe CoHt Delly Pilot, ()ct 21. 21. New 4, 11, 1N2 4M3.12 1 00 manul rebate with purchase ol 2 twin paks 1pr _ .~......., e WMNllM t..• ............ •C--_..,•ln1 -• .......,....,_,200 oo6ore S,.l'lEO 1.ATtx ENAMEL S£Ml·OLOSS 11.H .............................. 12.99 111 wott tne p urctoese o r Kw1kse11 tougnes1 dead lock -1toe 880 Pro1ec1 your home and lamlly Black & stool #9600 1411 ~~~ s149 and buy this Sunbeam 101al clean automatic can opener. •S 126 reg 15.99 1099 3 free Ol1c1 with Purche se s14 I 2 yeer parts and l•bor warranty Malco or Sunnyside scented lamp 011 Comes rn 5 scents. HOURS: WEEKDAYS 9 ta 9 •SATURDAY AND SUNDAY 9 to 8 Sal• Prlca Sood Tbr1 Nev•• 3. 1912 AH a.i. 11em1 are Subfect to Stock on Hanel. All PftotQ9'BPhlC:, 'f apNMI, C..,_ Bnd Prlmtnt £r10fl.,. Subj.ct to Correction. ClASSlfllD Daily Pilat Looking for a career in sales? See today·s llelp Wanted ads . classification 7100 . • CLASSIFIED INDEX ,,,, ,,,,,, ......................... ~~~!!! .~'.' .. ~'.1.'....... !{-.~~!~ .~0.'. ~·.'! ....... ~ ~'.~!!~ .~'.'. !.•.'!....... ~~~~!! .('.'. !.'.'.' •....•. I ~~~!!!.('.'.!.'.'!. ...... 1 9!~.'!. !.~~!.~'.'!!! ..... 1 ~'.~!!! .~~!~!~!~.~ .• I~'.~!!!. ~~!n!.'!~.~ .. f.' ... ~~~L ............. ~.' ... '.~~L ........ .'.~!1 f.' ... ~~~L ........ .'.~~! f.'!!~.!!!!~ •••... !.~~! ~!.''!r.!!.!!~!~ ... J.~~? I D11~/1.x11{ S I 1100 ¥!!.'.~'.'.. ••••.••• !.~~~ f!!!~.!!!!~ ••.... !.~~! ' IOLl MOUH IUILIEl'I •••• ~!!~ . .'! •• !.!...... r,.,,,~,, 011•1••• 3 BA 2 • Te rlac1 Ym Ad, C1ll LllO ISLE 1101111 •HH 11111> .I 001ro ' U• Chu• OLOIEOUT HOMES FOR RENT 1111 lple. w/d ' t•lr Obi l '11111t• L11lu Noni huv1111111 ~11fnnJ ~·. t.u1h &•D OIAllllS mur 11111 II < vt ti• ur U1t111t1 ronw 3000 t>Q r1 LAST g11r '•'"~'~ ;gno~ ·~o 642·5678 L.::•· I. H .. 111 """l :! houl .. 11,.,, $ l .1110,1100 VILl<Jlllm on lhot l•l•ndl J tc.x.41111111 illlfl ,. lllU .. 8tl 11 U nn u u ll 0 r n c; 1111' ~ 0 !I 76t> 0 . HOUSES FOR SAU f.OUAl ~OU81N0 Cl PPQll I llNI IT Uctrn••. 'I 11.,1r,,, 11.,w •rid on n tur 011 lot Anumo 1140 4:111 b4 ·4 IQW lllh!IUJI l()llli A11<11111 I 0$'l. YOIJH GAIN lltJ •(I l(Jrl(l• $7?~ f 1s1or 3 1)1 'b• 2 Cal ltl'm1.11ll'lt•d :1 lxh 111, 'J. lHJlll I Im~,. fl'\' rm 7i~k11~1'ro,~=~=l~~(j Q;,~,~=· p r I (; ii s 1 :i :l • 0 0 0 11.~ 'ooot.Joo' '·~uosoroso rl1 Ql c HAN c E ilil lncd )'Old, $7!>0 mo '••M-1 •1 ........ j,l•tt\4 W..I'-*• t••flU\\Vh ' ........ •l"W ,... ., t ' •• ..,, ..... , '4•t .,.h ~ ... '~"· ···"~' t lf\ltv t wiwM.1111 \tilt, th.illlo II'•• M..c tt• t hutiw ........... , " .......... h l .. Wftt "''~' '41n..,.\1•tw ~:r::,!::. ~ ,_,.Ju.ti\ I .... q, e1i.1 ,..,. ..... '"• "'-•'Mir.oh ~Mh I t1•Wl1• ""'"''"''"''•' "4t•ll" llon1•" '•I• RUL ESTU( ~; ,. .• ," •vi'•" .\~••tnw .,,,. ftM '•I" IW•1h t't...,P..th .... ~.n. ,, 111 v ..... h ',,...,, .. ,, .... , '••t·h 'fi1'1thf'' ,., •• , ... (ft ........ ," .......... "' ...... , lfltH·lf'1I 'fhff '•f• ft•"'U'" I• I• '40 , J lrw.,fh• l'tv.-th ,,_._,,,,., .... ,, ..... .......... , .. . \IYl•I• lhhr Ith I'•• \t•wn4n u ... .,,, H. "' .... ,. ... \ ' ,,I( .. '"".,ti '""'~I 11101 •Mi;'"4.•h 'tu1 M•n<"'"' t •' "'"' '''"'"" .... 1 • ,,., ... "h•llllt k••I ~''"'"IA •"l••J RENTALS illlil,IU'\ t\tllh\~t ... Uw'" t Alvrn1'h"" l~\hturAu# I 111 t.'oncNnu,hwf'f1" • "'" t~tt11Au.1i11\t'\f To...MMN-" t utn T-1111\it.,"'°'t "' ~Af turr• """""'"'I "' Af1hh1t-. A~,\ lllh.1n A~' t "tttttf I"' K•••n•' ""'"'' 6 t4•u t•t tl~f'I\ ~'~'I (,Wt' .. , ... ,,,.., '"Hhf'I k"'Alel \ •f'•l•tlf\ krt1l•I" .... ,. .. , .. '" "'•'"' C•t•i'' ''"' "-""' (.NIHt K•nl•I lki\l"f'"' k•''""' lnd'""l•I k•·•U•I :~t.1: "'•"'"' \41\1 krl'll•h IUSINlSS. llfVES T ~UNT. FINANCE tk.\lftt'""'~.__,.,. """"""" 'A4n1-.1 ln"•'tn •n4 Ot1'"'" lnu .. tn.,.ftt 'A•tilrd '41JfW'\ ........ .. MMf'' "-.~t•'1• M1111t,.•*" Tl• ANNOUNCEMEN TS, ,ERSONALS & LOST & FOUND "'""""""'""""'" c.., .......... IA111'"'41f •''i l..a.t • •whJ .... ,~1.1,• .._,,.11 twrflll• , ... , .... SEIVICES EM'1.0YMflll & ,RmUTION ...... ~"!Jh '""".., htl!ft '""" .,...,..,.. t-.teJ••MrA '9 4 t MEICMANllSE (,,., ............ 1. Aftliq¥"\ AoPheNf' ~t.ll'l!IJll' ::r;,~; \4 •lf'I l•I ( •n•t•' 4 t QWlln • l'I' l •rfiv••n tr•t'f4J \~ r\ffnt\Vtf' "''"'' tktiww~.&d •,1..,·h J•••lrt t.••\1...-• ,..,ft,""f I w., •• ,..~, M1o•llet'W'•"' ~ et>h,j 'IW'loff'•I h"llwft• I'll '"'''" tw1t1• • 'f"'" t•f1'\ Pt.,.,,(11\ 4 .... , ..... S..••nt \t•fPltf'W' 5';vr11"f ,,f)o~\ ~"' .. """''•1itt•f'l1 ,,., ~~;r..,.,j H "I""' ... BOATS & MARINE EQU,,MENT ~ .. ""'•j h..i•'' '4.1n• "'"'' " ltlo•h \t•ttl'lf' t 1V1LI &.h ..... ,..,., llo•h kf'M f frteH•f 90.h '-1• eo,.t\ "IJA .. ,_.. ~'""'"""~ 8tu411 "'W•I" IHNS'°RUTION A1t1,•f"f f .,,,.,..., '41 .. ""'" t ~n't ''" a=!"~~~T'~'!.((;O("''• -.U4or llm '•I• Hrf'li ltetlf'f\ T'#'"' !:;~t.~ !1~1!"f .• ,, AUTOM081l[ '""""'•i \flll"4""'" \ • '" M•1tr•t ..... '"" u 't-•' ""',. M ''' ....... OtU f'\ ,,.,..,. \ '""' ·~1\llir .. "' ""''" .. •ffll••-t AUTOS. IM'°mo •••ft_,,, \IJ• ,..,,,.. ,, "'" \!,1'11&1flt. ........ 1.' ""''" t .,.,, Clu-lvh O•ltt.tf'I .. ,, ... , ...... , tkl'M· J., •• , Jf'fh•~ --.MM..M•11! • ~•Pw ...... ,.,. ""''"'"" ""'"' .. \. '9(.tf ,,.,., P.Mtt' • '"'•"·""''4 ''"'""' M•n•wU M.vth ""0'• .. ,.\It ..... ...... ~~••w ro.-uo '''""'~ .. \\Hiit••'"' \.'of•11 AVTOS. lt(W AUTOS.USED '"( 11).J l ll r I J $1''0000 G:J I /:JIU. e,4n.3e,411 s:,:i · "" '-* M IC.!;IUN VIF lO • 0 ,.., ~ ' ., $100 $/;>~ OQflnt <.All llU 8086 ""Ill! •'<'I ng11, UlllL'( ll,., l.llJllllb ·". 111nt1 Al !19b,OOO • imm~dietolu RAC ROD 1 v<1ll 1111 wn e1/ ::i.;• I I ,,_,,lf;l 11 I 141 ~I\ " IU buy Ihle betlulllul t I PElllSUU HOllf llt1olio••. &T!>-&OOO your old 4 ur11I 11p111 t * II lJ N I I N G 1 U N Npt ttgl• 11rH 3 Bdr ?'It '"' P11lllllher'1 ••tlo11 (A.•t•m1 & Jl•lty vww~ Murtm· rou111. -I lx.11111. :.1 1---------•1 111u111 1t11vbe '" S~n c,1., U{A(,tH• $61~·$100 B• c.onao l1mlly rm. :":: All 111111 u•tiltll •d~tt1111M!d buth. :.1700 Ml h $1 ,:1115,000 (ll.•t•U11rm11l monte with OCOAn 111111 & I hplc. 111ory '"1 11•••0• ,.., in 11115 1111w,pdp111 rs Coto••''' #11 IOZZ go11 course view• n1 • •YIJAUA llNUA• $700 $800rn10 Joye• Wet111. • : ~~::1~~~·~·11'~~. ~~d,9;~ u111& 1su 1uF11011T iiC:i.o4ii·i·22·1:ooci ,L.,,. '"''"• ::!~"~,.~~~~u·~:::~~ b0~ •GHILOHEN• 1 •g• 6~~~:~11H " I wnoch ma~es II lllbgal 10 L••t(•Km vww rnim ti hdrm, fl l1..1h, playroom, I !lo or Hwy 3 Br remo· OPE• llD•SE IAlllAI• You own me land 2 000 111'11 btuno lt~tl'!d w•lll '.,~ ........ ,115 •• 11u ttrMltr~n "1 d h A2 A brolo.111!1 Act NOWl'I Call •PEIS 0~• Spec. 3 BA 2 Be l vl ll uu•v v v , ., • v dnrk rm, dt•ll Boal :.hp Now $1 ,000,000 uu o ome on •· Sat1Sv11 Lu)t 2 d11y1 tq II. 3Br 11n1 1111 ~·~I 1 II 1 5 $ 7 9 !> m 0 '"'I i;.,, 11111111.11100 01 <lt11C11n11· 8V"'• tr 11 10•11 Now •ii· belore 11it1nn Beet 1eal B&. w•de Gr..enllell 1tt1a• ow1111• 11111 1416•?·0136 ',"°,.. n1tllo11 0115"" "n raru, r ant Call Della "31-1266 " 640-298 t vW v w IAYllDE PUOE w " tors l"tl nvv $$$ .. btJ pool Far below mork&l 1 /nto•r lto•ettr zooo •-<.u•or •i!llglQn Sth or 2• 1 b41 l 11urol Pt l l')wtt $235,000 Woll le111u oµ •••••••••••'"•••'•••••• :','::' nn11ona1 origin, or nny SJX'<'l wulur b:lyftutlt Jplx i! br, 'J. !)I} up,:! br, homo By <> w 11111 11on Blo.r 644·0134 W111 11aae d!ll w1ch; mobolu 1"11!rtl•ori to ma1>.t1 dny 'J. ba dn 2 boul 11pun.'tl H..Ow-....J $I ,!'J()U,000 63 t 638 t, 835·0:.!:n t1om~ IJ./01 3Sr house, such prelerence llmlla· 111s11fl 101 peq1e1 own 111• .... 11011 O• dosc11mon111tOI\ EASTSIDI t.Ome p1op1Hty (7141 FlllllHKS H•Cll DOLL llOUS£ ">f>7 oa9o Nt•w -i br, 11 ~ 1~1. nt~llllll f>'r1·m h Norm.011.Jy TRADE Completely r<1mu<lt1h;C1 ;;.: Tnos ne'jllspape1 will no1 :~ '1 1>.now1ngly accept any 1,., advllr t1111ng 101 r;1al es· • " tale wn1ch 1s 111 v1olet1on I ::; ol tne law 1 Esuu .. I :! prirm• ,int• h1lhl)f) $1,:.!511,1100 vour 1>01100 1nco1Ttt1 1.1•0 am.I d&<.0•11180 2 l:ldrm 2 pelly or outgrown 1es1 batn ltomo on A 2 101 (. M HLJgt! qualrty ouplh 3 lrplc J uar copper 1111n11 n9666 ",:; ·---------.. ·~ UllDU: Advert•· .. sers should check "' ;:: their ads daily and ::::; report errors 1m- m e di a 1 e I y The DAIL y PILOT as- :~: sumes llab11ity for I :;; the fir51 incorrect AYALOI !", .... !>tmµl,• I. hr 1~11 t..11(1· o n t.jUtl'l IJe'llt·:tn.so St tin FIJL\I Hl'(IUl'l.~t LU $11)0,0UU OOllOIADO CHS Coronado lsland <'Wil bayCront lol. 85' boot dock Plans avml Now $370,000 w /terms. BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR dence with l111ge equ11y Now e11rtn1011t1 c.d•Ptits to• this neat rustic &nd usllO btotlo. t1replace all I roomy 4 bdrm J', ba new lutcnci11 4111<1 1>11tns home 1n WALi< TO THE frencn 00011> ana huge BEACH CORONA DEL yard A!>sum11b•e lln.;n MAR LOCATION wllh cong ava11aole Ow11er won spec1acul81 t80 deg etso c;on5lde1 lease op OGeon. 4 1s1un<1 and ha•· lion Hu,,y, won't last bo• vltiw Pneoa et cur-askrng $ t 39 900 Call rent appraisal 01 $475. 540· I 15 I LEASE OP rn>N llAKBOH HllXi~ t'u-.t11n1 V 11 ·"' I !111111· $~1J.llUO <1f1l1>•11 111<1111•\ ~ 1i. .. 1t •p.111.-. ~ 11..111~ HU IY OWHll U11<11v1oea 1 1111eresr 1n I~ units apl blOg tn Hu111tng1on Beach, CA Call 71 41960-24 11 tor mto,mat1011 TRIPUX COSTA llHI ·~· insertion only •.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.• ~J~~~·i~~ o~~;:~d"!1~ I ;11~:-'3•rr;ru~~!i'iil~:Iri~~l~.1 144·1211 - 341 Bo y\1dP D•·••' N B b7S t>lbl $1,:!11!1,:1110 ILIT FlllllCllll Drove by 125 Clearbrook, then phone ownertegt tor delaols on a11r11c11ve investment oppl'y 1t1a· l1st1celly pflced $224,000 Price & 111rms negotiable 962-6' 18 .... !~ .. _ ... _______ , REDUCED TO $745,000 ~; '!.-.~!!!.~0.'.!!.'! .•••••. :: "''' £1t1tt ~ .......•.............. :·; Curro/ 1002 LlllDA ISLE/Closin& Costs Onlyl ·~· .......•.............. I~ .__. ~ JlSllH CllEH PtAN 2 On m a in Greenbelt Ocean Vu nm IO• pool P/P Appl f!.-!.!'.~'!X~!!~.!.~~! .,15.000• I UNDER APPRAISAL .... ,.rt/llycrest 3Br 2'>Ba 1550 sq II 3 Bdrm 2•, oa lam1ly 1wnhse .. 101 eraa, ap-roorn. poot Buy for $75 10XIROIS pra11ed $135.000 Will 000 BELOW MARKET 111 2 Bdrm dupleA on E side take $120,000 tor quic;I< $225 000 Pvt part~ has iust been c;omptetoiy sale $9t.5008HUITl8ble principals only •e<lone throughout ... ll~ ,., ..... .~, ... , .... 11000 DOWI LEASE OPTION 1n1s BACl<BAY nomo New· por1 address 2 Br aen, 2 Ba. ommac;ulate Assume $120,000 Reducea 10 S 159,000 Rae Rodgers, 631-1266 Owner h•• bu1lne11 rev•r••I• •nd MUST ' llquld•tel To quellfled buy•r Ihle home m ey be purchH•d for c lo1lng cotl• onlyt F•buloue loweet price on Lind• lale. Suoerb l•aoon loc•tlon with pler/1llp for lerg• y•cht end • great 5 bdrm h om• wllg• l•mlly room. lnvHI nee toan Call anyllmoi, Au· 662-7367 836-0784 $t35,000 Devon Aul 759-9 189 gust Capital 895· 10 11 eves Estate 642·6368 '"" now before price goe• up. '°''' ""' JOZ4 Huati111toa IN PAEST1G1ous BIG Lot1 (01 S1/r ZZOO •••••••••••••••••••••• lllC-,, lHO CANYO N Lu~ur1ous 4 •••••••••••••••••••••• WATEllHHT llOMH, IH. Cl.DEllELL• STYLE •••••••••••••••••••••• Ba' m h 0 me w / P •I 2 blks 10 ocean In New· " o• TllE SAID custom POOi ano spa All port Beach A-2 Comer '31· 1400 :~II . ' ""' '"' ... ....... •JJh .... STUL Tiii 1 IEDllOOll Lowest priced I Bdr m un•I 1n the complelt. Great assumable loan. S732 per mo pays PITI end essoc1at1on oues 5 spas. 3 pools sand vol· leybell, rec room, com- munrty BBO. sounds like tun. Call 546-23 13 THE REAL ESTATE RS LOOK F or our new regular weekly ree1ure BOAT SHOW- =-~~ CASE llllT I 111111 1134,100 Fan1as1tc home on a bog 101 Great 1oc;1t1on Tno home 1s '" move tn con· d11ton Aecentl~ re<1eco· rated 1nte11or Provale room off garage. i>e•lecl t or tee nager or mo1ho11n-1aw Walk 10 schools, churches end South Coast Plaia New 1 water heater home P•O· • tectoon plan ere etc l Priced below rnarket Cell 546-2313 THE REAL ESTATERS HllDH CllOVE 2 BO~M 2 BA lUXUAY CONDOS 2 car encl ga· rage, l ull emon111es $7000/<IOwn and owner w111 ne1p finance Eo Walls 964·6171 *********' •IAYFllHT* IDAT SLIP ••• Price $411,5001 38 BALBOA COVES. 31 bdrm · 2 batn OPEN Luvltly 3 bdrm w/lge la· moly rm on quiet street Beeut1lul hara wooa floors Close 10 schools end shopping $125,900 Call 979-5370 .\'l>ll/ 11~·1: J.lfAl r, \ •~\o ('-.f~f~fS HH O"OllTHITY! 110" IOWI SU,500! Low PJ•tsl 'Naw· & specious Gar· OAILY 1·5 • Oen Voiles w/lloor to eel· UT SIOYllEnl I llng l 1rep11cas NEAR BEACH 1, 2 & 3 Bdrms 1101.TOl/IWHll , from $84 500 Below •171-1117* m111o.e1 lnr •lie allows ******** t or pyml s es low es * llUI lllTTH* $7 95 /mo (E ••Y llliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiif Oo1llfytngl Pool, tennis 23 units In prime Tu111n loca11on Tremt ndou1 po1enua1 lor further oe- ve1opment Call for di· tells 759.1501 or 752-7373 lllll Ull,000 & .ecu11ty gllltld pr1vecy Ylonao flEI TAl<E ADVANTAGE OF ~"' THIS ONCE IN A UFE-Eetthlonff lhruovt. 4 or. TIME OPPORTUNIT'f 2'-\ bl lamlly rm, 2 378 CENTURY 21 tQ It VI-ot Pavilion. W IL I II I night llghl1 & Catellne I a• II 01 tJ ~ Walker 6 Lee .... ~~ Every Saturdl)' on the w•t1 TD UCll llY ~· Dell Piiot Claaslllede ,. 144-4110 u1.1oao !~ l;jjiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim 3 BA on LARGE LOT ""' 1• Used b•ock llreplace eno :; ~ * ~~~~~ii~ii~~I::::::::::; walking distance 10 Back " ' MES& YElllE bey 30 yr usumabte et ::'' FILLEllTOll/lllU 10'.% On 11 Cul-de-.sac On 1ne goll course ""'1 I B O Ad c 100• Only $122.900 Cell :~ Custom ~u11ru1 3 Bdrm 2 ' ue•I 1 ge ondo now 979-5370 ... home. many, many ea-W>tn woodsy 11motphefe ~· ·.·. .,..., 1ras $279,500 \Ofllh 10-.1.1 & weterralls Oe<;or1ttd ..... down owner wlll carry 81 like mode• 1200 aq It """· 12·~·1. interest I S 119,000 Oller Owner .-... lley McCer~le, llltr. 951-1344 or 529-3798 141-7721 ~ - ..-i1 , .... l~~~~~~~~~~Thmktng or a new home for soring? See the meny SELL Idle nema wl1n • 11st1ngs In today's clessl· Deily Piiot Clautlled Ad. lied colum:ia 642-5678 RfSIOfNllAl Rf Al fSIAlf SfAVIC(S IAYSHORES EXTRA V AIAIZI! Join us for a tour of our exdustvt' hsllngs in Bayshores. You will find il informative as well as fun to S«' a potpoutn of homes priced from $205.000 to $1. 700.000. IPH Frltl•J 10:00 •·•· to 2:00 , ••. 2102 Orostriow 21H l•Jtll•ro Ir. 2112 Viste Hll brsllero Ir. 2412 l1rslloro Ir. 2711 l1rsll•rt Ir. 2111 l1rshro Ir. 2721 l•JSll•r• Ir. 2111 l•Jthrt Ir. 2712 Olrolo Ir. IN NEWPORT CENTER 644-9060 . . ' .. \'(>I l / 11~· 11 '' l A~ r • I\ • ,_..,. ( I'..,' J~ t '~ l ~ YILU UlUl 'ft Macnab· Irvine c:::.' I ' --1--" 11 ,, .. l J t • ' .... Ftttoloure ne w • men I I I 8 s IOI $169,500 DEVIN 7 14/644-9800 I REAL EST .A TE 642-6366 2 story 2 bd1m 1•1r be beach · Conoo co-op VIEW/llHS llD. llloaot1ia Dts.1t, Pool seuna we1gh1 SALE OR LEASE OR R ' Z400 room suo perking OPTION 3 BA, 3BA By •••• !!!!!••••••••••••• Ocean end Pier Vtew owner/bk• 646-5719 Losreo 81 $160.000. $65, FOR RENT' ~~~h u;,o~~;~,~ke~,~: l Tnos 1!~e~yT~~!~YF home 2 bedroom. 2 baths ; 2 opp'y lor someone who 1 T 1 n L I hes 1us1 been paonteO .,, 110,,es n w n .-ea~s 1n can act l&SI A gent & out vacant 4 ready 10 Lake Affo whead area 531 ·8100 A&k tor Jom I move In II has 5 bdrms. Has buol\·•ns & llrepl1ce A1ghelm111 3 baths. tamoly room on First last & deposit re· SPACIOUS IHCM MOIE come1 101. near perk tor q u 1' e d C a I I I 7 ' 4 ) 5 B 3 30001 lhe kiddies Wilk 10 768-0286 or (7 14 ) Bdr.4', a. ·•ty. 667-0657 weekday e•e· sq 11 + over 900 sq 11 scnools, s1ore & 1ennl1 or oelcony some ocean club Fantastic l1nenc1ng ntngs alter 6 P m II no view 1 bllc 10 beac;h $199.500 answer please 1ceep $285.000 F P See owne1 -lryongl 1n •di house 11 206 15th • Oat •I C•••IT St 536-1718 Z550 TWI IHllH •• !.~~!~ •• ••• .. • ... L d ty GREEN VALLEY LAKE 1'h •• fw•llH, 1411h 0 ea MOUNTAIN HOME • 0 • • • W • 111 '°I 6 7 J.. 7 300 Next to n111one1 lores I. .. II T I I . slo.llng, boating, etc JBr •••• • Oii 1• ••• ' kllchetl & '"· lndry rm. llv ntn oltH. S 111, LWl/IAftl• rrn, rec '91.·2 lrplcs, 000 Dwior r11 1~.ea , completely fur· ••2 •_.10 Large 3 Br 21ilt be twnnm noshed Good income • ,. $ 129,900. Grut 1erm1 I properly or 2 lam home •D H ·H OHL! I JOhn. Agl 631-7900 1·867-3534 - Close to ocetn . 3·3 IU II I 0 II 111 N. ,.,./ £1t1tr Pymts $1200 10 $2000 UllS lxtiH•f 2100 S175t<toS2tSK Move1n •••••••••'•••••••••••• • take over shared ap-J Bd• 1'· 8• wood firs M ltl ... I • preciatoon F1nanc1ng pr1Ced IOf QUICK SALE 11 ••·•• •r OIF eve1l1bte Call Sue at I $150.000 By ac>PI only W1terfrHt 891-5556 WESTCLfff Wiii trade lerge equity fOf * O•enge Co Income pro. S & SORE.AM HOME 4 Pn me era• vac;enl perly Pnn only Owner Bdrm Near Iha waler move 11gl'll In on leese wtll also 1ease w/opuon Cus1om upgrades Pvt I w/opllon Seller w111 help 213-592-4905 spa lull se<:urlty Asklng1 11,,ence 3 generous ----- S319 000 • meka oller Bdrms w/ p, Ba Act • I I Bl11 848 Oi09 ___J now. won't 1es11 $239 .• !.'!!.! .............. . l ' 04 500 Call 1131·12116, Har· I .~!~'!! .•......... ! ... ! F edetlek !¥.~~!!!.~!!~!!~!!_ ..•. ,,, ... ,,,,., 3106 OllE OF THE •••••••••••••••••••••• lwe Have Weekly Rentals BEST end Wlntl!f Leases PLUS LOCATIONS 1n Turtle $1a J•1a ~I~ mo from 5800 to Rock Vista ~ l><Srms 2 1 C1•ilt1'•• 1011 Waterfront Homes Da plus den splu level • • • • ~ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 6 73-6900 Three patoos snort walk WllOW lllTIEIS 10 pool end 1annls l1/H1 S258 500 SALE! .. !.!!!!!!!~ .... .!.'.~? WINTER Xtrll large . 2 oorm . Oc;eanl & 635-5086 DH• l•i•t 31Z6 ....................•. Exec 2 01 2 be condo ocean view pool. tennis Compl !urn 780-9466 18· 5), 240·320 I (111 6} VILLAGE INVESTMEllTS Lovely 3 bedroom. 2 bttn. aouble g&r•g• gardt· n 111 2370 Or ang• $695 /mo O w ner (213154 HSl96 (114)141-2000 Studio HOUH 81flll NO• AGENT, NO FEE 20th Patio tented yaro _ ulll 1ncluOtd $450 mo l•llH• 111,., JZ06 $300 c1ean1no o!p ······················1 5~8·806~ Lrg 3 Br 2 Ba upp111 °1 Beaulolul 2Br 2ba condo dPI• wllrpc; yrly lease I 250 I Wet I Sunllower S 1250/mo Avail 1111 F6 $550 ooen S•ttSun Lor e Vance Altr 1-4 or call colle ct 673-4062 I 2131274·3569 IAYFll .. T Sandy baocn e•cel view ol bay J Br 2 baths. yee •ly O• w 1n1er S 1500/mo 644-9513 DELUXE 3111 tHO Finer family living mo- dern decor 2 lull oaths iacuzz• & pool & much more pets 100 539-6190 11/bol BEST AL Tl' sm c;osl 1111i111a11 3201 1111 Ol sno P~~;~·p;·5··0A··;.·,·~~· s1yf1sh •rm home ap~ OR. 1rg patio.$ t200 mo phance 1nc10 leisure p1110 10 mo Agt 673-9060 mellow nghbrhd all t11lls paid' 539·6 190 sm cosr CotOH ''' /111 3ZZZ BEST AL TV ;·9;,-;.·.,·9~··,;R .. o°f~ .. & llHHE I llUIY UIO view Comm pool ten· Updated 2br 201 2 story nos S 1200 rno Ownr nome p"vately lanced 4 759·8006 kids quiet patio wl sl'lady Brend spanking new eve- rywhere 3 odrm 2'h be Garage, petoo s 1.000 yd see II today BEST ALTY 539·6190 sm cost 2,.h, rentel not line mo 607 lrtS 64 1-4868, LUXURIOUS TOWNHOU· 117 2233, 673-4399 SE 2 Br lrplc, pool, no CtroH ~ti l•r pets $650tmo 662-1700 Nearly new 3 b01m. 3 oa. IMesa Verde 4 bO 2 b a. 2 11rep1aces 2 car ge, $750tmo ISi & Lasl plus Balcony Gardena•. wet $200 Sec Oep Fmly Prtl bar microwave Leese 851-1769 PETS I lllS 01 $1350 per mo 55 t ·"693 alte• 6 PM 2 Br Bungalow Easts1de 281 2B• dramatic spill · C M I n c d y a r d level. perk setting, lrplc I S6001rno dbl remote gar dr $985 662· 1700 mo .Ava11 1I·1 2 700 B11ys1de Or snown oy 3Br ?'•rBo. cpls. dips appt 675-6675 Non-smoker $750 mo I 548·4292 2 br. t ba. garage Avail --Nov 1 S650 427., 1,,5 IMesa Veroe e•ec goll 730-99991675-8617 I course estate 5 Bar plus lemoly & oonus rm Pool MllllOll VIEW MILLS & spe Yetrly teese NB Lovely SP•CIOUS, 4 $3000 pr mo Agt Jackie od 3'iJ 01. w/lrg bonus H~n 631·1266 rm & wet be• L•g yd wt Laro-condo, clean tplc. '011ound1ng p1110 OIW, mlc:row1vt . 3 BA, G110nr po, $1500 mo 2•., t>• -lbtr. etc S7SO 760-87011 or 675-21•4 mo No 1111 549-11366 Herbo1 View H1ll1. 4 bd, 112 tM:re tot S 16001 mo Oey 645 -4311 Eve 720·0836 Oerllng 2 BA lba c;ouege I Aveol Nov 14, $700/mo lease refs 644-7211 agl H FOil rT, IOWI Secluded 3Bd 2Be home In ltner erea, complete wotn th><:~ crp1$, drps $525 Wont last so hury METRO AL TV 636·7005 OMHU SAYS! Love my 2bd hse spec rm hlS len<:ed yd 4 kid pets n-o 2 car gtrege glfden PlllO )Ult $-' 70 ---,.,,, ""' 3214 ...................... J Ir. 2 I•. Frplc range. yard. ga· rage no pats P11vate S750tmo 1st plus sec onty 646 w 18th SI 499-1617 METRO Al TY 836-7005 Dandy Ouple11 gives you room 10 rot m, ell bills pq crpts, drapes $350 METmO ALTY 636-7005 2 Br I Be pal•o enclsd garage, fenced. carpets D1a1 1•iat JZZI 6 drapes No pets. $525 ••• ••••••• •••• •• •••••• plus aecunty 548-5442 Ir••• ••• Mo•H OI 770-5629 Dana Pooni Walking dis· 3 Br 2 Ba. S695tmo NO PetS 806 Joann St 6"4-1836 tance to Beach 3 end • bdrms $950 to $1350 per mo 661·3100 ---------House • Conoo · A.Pl All EaslSlde condo, 3 br. 2 8 v 8 1 1 1 b 1 • n o w be den. lrptc. 2 car ge· S 6 5 0 • $ 9 5 0 rage $112!> 54S.6685 I 7141493·0487 Ou1e1. Clean . 2 bd In F 1 • 11 JI 3 • ., .. . ··············"······· cou•I New carpels g•· j ••• II• "' tr _., rage, yrd, c;omm pool, no Why lhf.O"' away rent pets $575tmo Mgr 24531 when you can own 4.3 B Orange Avenue c M I w/$1200 10 S2000 P•Y· Santa Ano Hts 3Br, lrplc .. ments. $1751< • $215K, big yard no pea I move In • like over - $750/mo 546-0814 Bkr share appreolatlon, call -----Sue at 891-5556 Nr S Cit Plze 3 Br, 2be '---------condo $700, gas/W11 pd I Spacious executive 4 Br 3 sec d•P & lest rno Karen Ba home. 2 story new 955·2033 759-1071 pelnl & carpellng, nr Mlle Sq Park. & sl'lopplng 3 br I be. •elu• b•she<I in· $895/mo 7!>9· 10 15 Side $600 mo Drive by 2652 S1nta An• Ave. Haati•fl•• then c111 85 1-6226 i ""' 3Z40 Etstsida Condo 2 Br 1"• ,c;_~~~·:i;.;·;~;;~~~(~1• B • Ir PI c · 0 II reg e .-t 19 Huntl~ton St 2 BA'. ~mo 548-3561 S650. 1 BA, $500, Of' r.nt Avail Nov I 2 Br. 1 Be. e ntire Opl11 $1125 1ge fenoed rear yard NO 536-3602 or 681·7622 pell W11le1 & geroener pd $450 646-3827. Av1ll now 3 br. l''t be Obi. g11r11ge. lge lncd yd $695 648-3627 WTSllE 3 bdrm. I be p1v1 tamlly rm Ltrg• d•llt h Olf wflh alley eccen $700 mo 111, IHI dep NO 1>4111 Orlve by 212 Lllllt1n 642-8368 llW O&PI Oii O.•. TIWll•I Oflcorttor perleot, •P•· clou1 2 Bdrm, 2...,b•, pool, 11c , rt orut1on arH , pvl petlo. btlcony & lgt g11age. Deco. wall paper, drapel'lfl & more 095 U tll pd C 1ll 675-2311 10·3() to 5pm Spolleas 2 Br •ttach•d dbl gtr, W /O hook.llp, $500 & $600 dep. Qu~. nr Fwy & thoPPlng Sml pal POU w/dtp M c· Fadden nr Beach 81 893-4894 28• Condo. 11.\Ba. cp111 drps pool, 11c, clbhM, nopets S515mo 788-7633 01TIE1111 Vu or ocn 2Br 1 ',.b•. gut rd Olllt, pool, Huna. gym , $110 0/mo 213 1333-3846 o r 902·1298 W ny throw rent away when you can own 3.3 wtS 1200 to 12000 PtY· men11, $175K • $216K. move In • Ilk• over • aner• tPPrec1111on, ctn Sue 11 891·5556 SpotlHI 3 bd, 11" b• 1wnhH , blt•ln1. W I O. enc:• pttlo. t11ch c1rpn, kld1. t~ mllbch '51SO '''· IUI. dtp. llrm•. 631-7900 John, 1191 ' I , ' -=~JI=-·--• f TH•: t '\.'tllL\" C'IRC 'l S "Daddy's family must hove been poor when he was little. He only got 50 cents a week allowance." by Brad Anderson "If he agrees to buy it, I'll take one, too." Jl D(;•: P \RKER ,, Lly V1rqll Partch (VIP) ,,.· .. ,.,,,,... ' \ \ .. "I raked up all the leaves. NOW are you happy?" o•:'''s 1·H•: ,..:, \t't:: Hank Ketchum - . . , l ·,--:-,'-" ~ • ':"\ • I' · I-...,. ._ ..... ) . ~ _L ~"' t,~v.:;.; 'v . l J '--:_., ., I . \ -v I I . -..... by Jim Davis I CAN'T POI MY FINCtE.R ON IT. 0UT f HAVf AN LJN£A'5V FEELINC, ABOUT THIS PLAC.£ ,, Q /AA. ...........:: .__ _____ .....;..;;;a,... __ ---1 •.;llllli''-"'"""'•••"'•Sl"'W•" '"" ,IiM ')~<;, WILLIE MULLINS, 1 jqJOW Your~ IN 1H~RE' CoM~ o uTOR 11LL COMc IN AND GET You ~ ACROSS 5• Nol common 1 Pref•• '°' 55 0 Netti s tone The - 5 Map boOll 10 8<11gain 59 G1v1n9 love 1• Old '"sh 63 Jackpol alptiabel 6" Ao1ne·s 15 Play 16 People stream 2 words wtDNESOA Y'S PUm.£ SOl YEO 17 Annoye<J 19 1111110 rive< 20 ReSUllS 66 Editor's woro Hoot~ 67 Jagged 68 Center 69 S1b1tate :11 Cold symp· tom 23 Behind lime 25 Bothefl 26 State ag11n 70 BodyshOp problems 71 Wear away 30 ·--. one DOWN vote ~· Concur 1 Forecast 35 Wrecil :1 Anll Otal 37 Otckent 3 01 the USSH glrl •Drive 38 811Ck 6 " -F1dehs 30 E8fliett 6 Relre1n •2 Spentlh syil!ble ., uclt 1 f emrne 43 H•dy fl'I I Modify 45 -tcllOOI 9 Pressing .a Body~ oevo0n •I Addlton's 10 SUtched ~ llHOble 50 AetlfftlOll 12 Slun trouble .s1 Convtytne:n 13 Ctrflil'I P0981 I 8 Charters ;n Rooter 2~ Bot>t>le 2G Floats 27 Btrd :18 Em1n1tl(I l9 P11no 1tu1r 31 p~· 32 Freg11not 33 Of snouts 36 Ypres, to flem+ngS 40 M11t111ged •I Pan" •• Hid<*! tacts •7 Watching catOftes •9 Set down 5 1 Ch1p111ns 53 Tower 55 ,.. .. ,,ire 56 Conyerae s 7 P1<11sans 58 BIXll Poet &O Ruswn name 61USSR11vtr 62 Aecrutd 85 ,. ,, 1 2 3 • ,. 1r.., rm H:NIH ~KAML 1 ALL l Nl::.U, f'-• ~ IVt VIN'>' r (.AN ru If~ I KNOW I (AN 00 IT ' 'l'l '9Hl.E" •:EDS .al.1.. ! A RM&.. HONIS"f. 10'\JOHN ruKE! Ml, HON, l'M Hl&-VEGAR" H.AMHOC~liR! SllOt: '''('\ I '@-Jtf-;, \UJt..11..0 f>lAi IN~L-l,lflf K 'f..'..Hc~ NJ' e-A~ r"1<:1\. ~"-E!:7? JLJC, r DON'T bf: l NERVOUS NOW~ DON l PANIC. I TAK( 11 EAS'L., if (I •) .... ,.,.-....... ,, ~o ~f:.MU::O ~ AN!:' wArr! IJO -,: t'l '" \ M l'K•:RB•:.\' A HAU.OWEEN CAN()'..l 1NDEY I I C().)'T BELIEVE. rr 1 EVEN USING A CDMPurER HOW COULD~ ~SSte.ll.) K~ EVER~E 'S l~COME AND WE , Ac.TUAU..£.1 !HM WA'> OiAl?rTABl..E comRIBUTlOf\lS ~ OR.\BBLE DR. S,.OCK A REA PROBLEIYl -v- 1-1e AL.-50 HAS E:ARS L..IKf: A FOX.' t'OR BETTER OR t'Oll 1'011NE by Charles M Schulz by Jef t Mac Nelly by Ernie Bushm1fler ?- by Gus Arriola \\H18c AN AL,l.s;:A. \ :;:fl/=''Tf.I.. \ V.ILL !:"E .: H~.M".E~ .' by Tom Bat1uk by Kevin Fagan by George Lemont by Lynn Johnston ' I ' ,, M&IC NOtlCl POUi It. HOltC.l ~U8LIC NO llt:f MllC NOtlCi '"""t<H' COUAf 01 K onte ON CAL•OlllMIA NOTICI or Ult OP AIPOR I o~ CONDIT! COUHfY °' OflANOI llUL ANO .. llllONAL 011•11lltlr1t111u t.10111 .. Ill 1JIJ11tdttll IU• o l lhtt l•At..11 ll.. 10I ChiG Cir Dr WHI 'llOHllfV AT N AT IONAI llANK 111 f~t•wp111 I tlHllt It 111 tit" '>Ill lot llf ... UI ... UYAlt IA~I 'l JlllUI lllll ill lhu I 1 iJI lf11,111 .. ~· 1111 ,, j•tr 1111 1 I Ill ........::. .. °'~·CA " 102 I ... '1-A,t l)t~I t II '''"I !08:? ~nthlt>thull Ill lllbj)t ltl ti Ill • 1tll tlltt<ltt hy ( Ut1•plrnllt1I NTITlOMA. KYONQ 10-CHOI ••• ·~· !~:~,,~:::·:::l·.,M~,.;~ ·;"~'~ ,.:.;u-, o t tho t UlfUUl.V Ul\dt•f tlthJ '·' tJnthJ&t ',1 •• 1u ( ueh• 111 ... 0NOINT VOUNO IHtt< 111 cJ••ttll" 111 111,. M•lll•• 111 ''"' Suc;lllJll lb I ~J=ON• l'A9M.V \.AWi l"•'• ut t ttANt ls It 111111N., C h•rl•r Numb.r 17 188 CA .. MO. D·l10MI u-;;~~1~"19 11.,.,11~ 1111.,10 1111,1 w.. N•tlon•I 8•nll Region Number 14 NOTICll Y.w llH• been •u•d uttll,...,111,...i "''" '"" "' v•••"'" .,,1., Ooll•r Arnounl 1 TM_, -• decllcM ... 1ne1 rou cu 11,. n1uto11•1 """ '"'" 1111h1~• In Thou1•nd1 w*'-1 ,_ Mlftt lleltfd 1111 .. H ouuiw1.t II• ""'!t•mt1tH•ll ol ··•"' A SSETS ,.., r....,w wHllln IO d•r•. "•.cf Suf)mlu< t.1.IUl l vn 01 111tw1 lllu Hllll the lllfenll•"°" beMw. c.liy ut Nuvu111t>t11 UHi;> ut th• o•t1t• II )'OU Wlah 10 -k 11 .. •ll•K" of "' J()ltN w UOWNl H AllO•lloy ... •" •llOrn•y In tilt• tllAllNt you I llw .11111 "''""""Y'• lit :.u11• II .no..10 do to 1>•on111tty •U 111•1 yuut t •uuo•• a .... " C.A U/b'• I l "u11tr OI retponM 01 1Jl1te011'11. ti '"'V "'"V IHI ()rAll\IM '>1111• tit ~11llhlff111t ull Ill<• 1119<1 on ''"'e 1 ll)hl """ ""'' , .. ,., .. ,., UI •!llll AVllOI Ut l td he el dO t>t111J1h.,1t 111 11110 10 11ll l111t 1.u1t11111 dtMendede. fl trlbunel purd• rnul 111111 pu1su11t1t µ101Ju1ty •••uultlJ dtcMMI' oontre Ud. •In eudlencta • 111 11,.1 c.011111y .,, o .. 111ou :>1u1t• tjl -qlf9 Ud. rffpof\da dentro ~911111111111 purl~ 11IM1lyiiu~1 """'I"" ... ao ..... L•• I• lnformeGIOf\ que tollnw~ Ill Wll ..... l a n d •• fl d t ftl V t H ¥ U ttl t· H I 1 "!;1 U1ted d•••a t Olt\.tt•• ttl -.:«m••~Hf'O ur 0 mot fu1111l1; 1u-..1,1uot11 conae10 d• un "bO{j11i.10 "" "''" IV1J<1lly \lt1a<.11l1t><J u• a a u n 1 o a • D u • t • h • ~ tH I o r h tt, 1, o, t 1o11 u 1 c .. ,, 11u11 u 1mm.o1e1am .. 01e, do lltte nlllllCH.I. r0,.11~hlp 8 South "'"'IJ'' II Wu-1! IU •••i>ve•t• •Krll• •• h•y 1lgu11 .. SOii B4!11HH<l1110 a ..... .iftll Mu<hll"" pueae -ftlQtlltBdA • llOmpo Ill lllu (;uooty ut Ut .. 11\jt< ~.1.11t "I 1 TO tHE RESPONDENT Tllo! 1,;ohlormu 1111111<u1<11ty trm1111h•!f •""I petition•• nes llled • pot11ion lltlk.flD<'O 1n lttllov.• conc1Hn1t1g you• m•rr••~ If you 11111 lhrg111nmo '" '' ""'"' " ""' S10 1omur11 nt A11'lour< u•. 1111d l 1ull11t111·~ C.t&h ~111(1 <11111 frclnl tlUJ>Otillllry 1115tlllllt011:. Obllgot1ontt ol v tl11" l) c; Guv I agonc1u" 1111(1 corp :. All o ther secu1111es 1-'ederol 1v11ds sold .i11d :>u<.11r111u•. pu1chl1St.ld undur ngruomunl'\ to reBett a Loatb. 1 otul 11u c lud111q unolll nolJ 111comtj) b Less Allo w oncl• tor poss1bll! 10011 10-,ses Loan!> nt>t w o:• 1 4.1 1 JOU 10!1 r, 700 !1978 II Plllll U. HO llCf II 0)114 MUNIC1 ... u coun1 QI CALlfOllNIA C.OUNfY 0 1 OllANUl No Or•nQ• Jwdlcl•I Oto Ill\ N ... rl.•l•J A•• I ull•r!Oll CA t1tU Pl AINllff UNION •ANlt 1 C •llfo•nle <0•1>o••lh"' Olll NOANI JOAN l 'tlU IOl l Y OtH II I thtwugh 10 t11clu1I•• tlUMMt'.>Nll Ce•• No A «~J NOllCl t VOii II••• b••O IU•d I h• I.OU• t mer d•rhl• •u•ttllf 10• without ,our Ming h•••ll u11ltH rou , .. .,ond within SO ll•r• R••d th• h1lorm•llo11 below If .,.01# t11r111.,,l l f•1 •tH., tf111 fil"u t llf 1.111 .J\ttil 11~ , ill lfll l 101lf (tll tlJ'I .. t1uuhl •f 1 ,, f" ••11p1., 1u Hrnl yw" wr•thu• , ,,._.,, .. ,.,, 1f U1~ n111y lw llh•tf Hll lllnt· A llt SOt U ll•d h• o ld u dern•nd•du EI 11 lbunel pu•d• dectdlr tunl• • Ud t in eudl•11cl• • mt no1 qu• Ull rH POlld• d•11hu Cl• 30 dlH Lu I• l11fo1mec lon qu• 1lgu• •,1 l I ltHI dt' i j 11d •It If t I 1 011,0lil 11• 1;1 ll1!1U1ttlu •'Jt ••,It .• 'u ,, I It d. t ·~' I • ,, I . I I I ' Hflff\tllfhtlollflflffl•• d tt f' tit lltolflt•l•I l\U IH'\IHUI\.( t 11 •I td I <t• h·J'( tlUtJU•t lhUHh .1 t tt·•JI ll1Ul11 J tu H1l•l1 I IO 1111 1111 1 !~UMP A ,,.,1 to II ... rnponM wrt111n 30 Ullyl OI NOtll\Otty hll<• "' Ir, .. ~ N1 IO. ·' th• csa1e tn•t "''' ~ummous •• P•• mup thCh'""' tt-1.JtlJt.•tt in u.,. I\ -...o oo you your deleun nu•v °"' ~ 1 Pooe• 1 1u J "'~'u''"" "' ••llt<ed end tile court mov 4flllur u Mr.couonouu• MllP" rt'cor.i' • 1 tudgmenl con1arn1110 rn1unch•• or ,,1 ... 1 0 1.,110., t.uu111, O•~t '"' other orde<a conoern1ng 01v1s1on 01 HltltttOrl NO•lll 89 d&Q•tie• 14 4~ Lease t1nanc.1nq rocti111JUlos Bank pt l!trll'>I:'~ tu1111ture uni.I fixtures at)d u thtH assets repr~se111111g bunk J)1t1r111se>" All o ther a:.sets ll}ftll••• t t •I ,,, tll I .. ,, f I lltf I t•l.J1t1tltf •0111f1 I"'"" II 'r••u 'f't•th I I 1h•hOlU .,.. .. 1.1"-'"'' 'fU I ff'\u•I n•U11ll JO • ''' 1flt•r flu. 'unu11 '' 1• ""'"'''' ,u / ••· lih• w1U Uw. HI t """'"""H 1 n'fAtll'1• I Ahtt l uft11Jld1UI property spouu l aupporl cn1l<1 We>I 11J:. 4 J lt.<<o t ltvm I flt• TOT A L ASSETS cu110<1y, clllld aupoporl t1t1orn11y Soutf\ea" co111t!1 ul '"" Nc111t1c.i•t LIABILITIES fees. CO$ll, and such Olhe• tt1ll11I H quart11t ol me Nu1111.i~1 quaik• 01 garnishment. ot wages. tDhmg ot maµ 01 suod 1,111.1 111,.11~., Norm 47 Oemano Oepos1ts o ui 1v1 ua s, 1.088 4 4 2 l9.92J may be gtenl.O Dy lf\e cou•t lllfl U•d Secflon 6 11) •huw11 ..:>n ,,1 .. 11 I d d I money or propel!). or otf\11• cov1 1 d~•ee~ 04 45 we~• n ll,.tb11L" ul p artnerships. and corporations autriomed proceeding• rr111y 111so 38 64 1e .. 1 10 " 1>01t11 """'"" Time and savings deµOStl S of 1t1d1v1tluab result No11h<1••v 0101111.i 1.u1•" cu"'"va '" tnersh tps and corporation Oeted Oclobel 27 1982 tno East hov1ng " rarhus ot H5 4 t par NencJ G•ent, Oep\llJ 1001 df\d "'''"II tJngt.111 10 111t1 '"''I Cert1f1ed and o fficers check s 5.742 9.74 7 72() I "Hf• ,, ,ou 1tu ·1u yC1w flohwlt w•U bt~ t1'HfH1•1J •t1 •11ph1 oll " ;I Uu &Jl.J1Ul1tf 1h1I 1111" ihHI r11,ty 1•11h I I ,uJ\,afftt•flf ''"' t••• ;;I ;ou lc.1 Uu '' l·• I 'h•Ol.,tU.Jt•tJ lfl Uu-t .. 1u11l.111tl ....,, 11 I c.uuld ,,.,, 11t 11 •1·•••11"'1htt1• it ,,, I WUt#( \.t .. llHj f rt1ul1t•'( (Jt IH 1111111 tit t•tlit f t1•I ,.f 11 '\ll':'lill'tl th lftt 11uu1ph..1u1t I D1&h•1) ll I 1• 111tl\'t /H t~tH t Lew Ottlcea of Y.T. LH dettrioed cour5t> ~ 111;1.iru.e ot Total Oepos1I:. now. 1tth 81. 30 09 teet 1., o 11om1 tn""'-" No1111 T tal d emand deposits Coele ...... C.A 12121 26 degrees '.I) 4 JO West tangtml 0 (714) 145-1350 10 i ne last desc,.beo ,u•ve a Total 1tme and savings d eposits Publlslled Orange Coast Do11y distance 01 11J 50 1001 10 a point Federal funds purchased and securities P1101. Oc:1 28. Nov, 4 11 , 18, t982 1n.rnce No11r.tr u•ong a cu••" sold under agreements to rep urch ase 4746 82 1.onc~vo 10 the ras1 f\dv1ng a rau1us 1 1 b I ti -------------10128?50 lo.it i.lfld Demo c.111gu1tl '" Al o ther •a 11 es Ml.IC NOTICE 1nt1 tast 11eHr11;ed cou•~e. o TOTAL LIABILITIES YOU ARI IN OEFAUL T UNOER A disrnnc. .. OI 106 83 lt.-el IO d llO•MI (exclud ing sub o r d ina1ell ~& DEE 0 0 F TR u 8 T DATED tnenc .. NOrlh ~ lli!!,llt't'S IJ' 30 a nd debentures) JANUARY 11, 1M2. UNLESS \IOU West 18"11"'11 10 tntt 1851 oes< .. DC<l EQUITY CAPITAL TAKI ACTION TO PllOTEC T cu•ve Hd1>ta11teOI 18093 1eel!O J YOUA .. RO'E"TY, IT MA y BE 1101nl tn11nct' Nortnwestlllly a1011g ,, 1 IOlD AT A PUeLIC SALE. IF YOU curve concave 10 tne Suutnwe't Pr el erred StOGk NEIO AN EXll'l.ANATION Of THE havmo 8 ra<lou' 01 '9' ~o leet <1t1<1 No shat es authorczed NATUAI OF THE PROCEEDING 1.16•"11 1a1111en1 10 "'"last oesc11tw<1 AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD coorso. a distance of 156 06 lt!t'I hl N o shares outc;t andtng 525 000 350,000 CONTACT A L'.AWYER. <I poon1 tll<illL" Nonn ~ d89""" Surplus NOTICE OF TllU8TEE'S SALE 30 West tdngent '0 '" .. '~'' Und1v1ded prottts and reserve for T.a. NO. •1• de'c:"D•d t•""' 8 u.siance 01 contmgencre s and o ther capttal NOTICE IS HEREBY GlllEN tnat 134 13 I 10 tllt' true ooont or on Wedneadey November 17 1982 Oeg111n1 en~t-contonu1ng No1lhl reserves a 9 oo 'cloc:k 1 sere! da on 50 <Jegr 30 Wes\ 8 d•stanc:e 01 TOT A L EQUITY CAPITA L t~ roo! se1 e:fd";, ::,, conduJ:1ng 30 oo 1891 to a 1>o•nt thenc•• TOTA L LIA BILITIES A NO Trus1ee·s se1es w111l1n111e on iceso1 Nortnwt'ste11) ~•ono II cu•vP EQ UITY C A PITAL REA'l ES 1 A T E SECU R I T 1 E s COllCO•e 10 me Sov1ri ... t'st ha,.ng d MEMORANDA SERVICE located 81 2020 Norlll r&drus or 87 50 teet eno OP11•gl Broad ' s 118 206. 1n 1~ Cit~ 01 ldngeut 10 trie last des1.11beo ~~n~a~~;~r~~ntyRo~~·~-1~~'~ ~~~.,,~~·~~1~'/1°d~::~t~~·1 Amounts out stancJ1ng as o f report date SECURITIES SERVICE 8 c a11torn" $<> East a d1s1anu ut 131 51 1..e1 Standby letters of cred1I , to tal 5,968 9,747 15.7 t!i 886 95 16.696 l 750 1 750 (273) 3 .227 19,923 286 corpo•at1on es duty appo1nte<1 10 a oornt 1nence Soutn 50 degrees T ime cert1f1cates o f deposit in Trustee unoe:. and pursullnl 10 1ne 27 East 8 drstance ot 78 00 leet '" d enom1nat1ons o l $100.000 or more 7 ,34 1 power of sale conlerred rn mat a point tnence Soum 33 ueg•~• Total dep osits 15.483 certeln Deed of Tru5I e•ecutod by 23 40 West a d1stanr.e ot 1?9 35 GRANT 0 McN•FF end DOROTHY 1ee1 10 111e true pou11 01 ooo•nmnq w e the undersigned d 11ecto r s a ttest the correctness E MCNIFF husoand and w11e At so i.nowu as 3108<' Brook o f !h rs statement o f r esources and l1ab11t11es W e declare ecoroeo J•nuary 28, 1982 '" me Slleet South La11unu <..a1olorno.i that it h as b een e xamined by us. a nd 10 the b est o f o ur ottlce ol tf\e Counly Aeco1der 01 92677 d t I Ta M c N ally atd Counl . a s Recorders Terms o t s.Jte t dStt "' tawtu1 kno wledge and belle! IS true an correc Y • 'nstrument J0 82 ·032402 Dy money 01 the V1111ed Stai .. s on Vice President/Cashier o f the ab ove-n amed bank do eeson 01 B D•eech 01 oetoun 1n contirmaunon °~ saie. 0' part <asn here b y d eclare tha t this Rep ort of Co11d1t1on 1s t rue and peymenl or pertormance of ine and balance ""'denct'd D) note correc t 10 the b est o l my knowledge a nd beltel obligatio ns secure d l h~tteby teeure<I by Mortgage or T1us1 Oeed including thal breacll 0, default. on 1he propeny so sotd Ter1 ,~"' Executed on Octo b er 2 6, 1982 Notice ot whlcf\ was recordod July cent or amount bid 10 De depo~ 60 I sl A r thur 0 A xelro d 2' 1982 u Recorder"• Instrument with btd Is/ w Scott Bidd le N~ 82-252692. WILL SELL "T Bids or otters 10 De"' w1111n9 and /s/ J a mes Lynch PU.BL IC AUCTION TO T 1-tE will be received 01 tne aloresa•d HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH. oll1ce at any time at1et in,; torst /S/ Tay M c Nally lewful money 01 the UnHed Stales pubhca11on f\ereof and ~lore dare PuDhsntul Or 11111~ Coosi OJ1ty Pflol Oc;tt.ner ?II 198:? or a cesf\rer·s checll d•ilwn on • ot sel• 1 tete or n111one1 bani... • stat11 or Dated tll1s 191n day o Oc1ot>.,1 federal Cttdlt unlOll 0< a state or 1982 Pt.ellC NO TIC£ "7!>0·8<' Pt.ellC HO JICE faderel M Vlngs end toan assoc1et1on John W. Dow,,.,, domiciled In tll1s slate. all peyeD .. at All0tMJ et lew 1(~0 NOTICE Of PU8LIC HEARING the time of sate. all right htte end llUIM LO<I Ouaom, NOTICE TO CREOtTORS and 1nte<est helcl by rl as Ttustte In Admlnl•trelor Of IULK TRANSFER APPLICATION fOR WASTE Ille\ teal property Stluote 1n HtO P Pub~rie2~ ~~an~; ~o~~182°•"v (Sect 1101-t107 UC C) DISCHARGE flEOUIR£MENT8 County and Stele descr1D8•I as •lot 1 v 47'.J2.82 N olie.a ,5 ni>reoy g•vt'n IOI (N•tlonel Pollul•nl fOlfows, credrlors or the "'1n1n nemc-\J Dlech•rge Elimination Lot 46 ol Tract No 6663 es --------=-::-:----transte<O<s tnat a uul• 11.,111tt.-• 'I Sr•lem Permit) ~Oil• mep re<:ofde<I '"ooo+. PUBLIC NOTICE about 10 oe m>10f! on P•t~ouat lot 293, pages 11 to 13 1nctu11we of propeity nPr•onalle< oescrit> .. d 1n1racoe1tel Otedgtng Sentlce Miacellaneous M aps 1ecords 01 l(-o2272 Tne names Jt10 ou~ nc~~ add•e$r. 1ntracoos1al Ofodgtnc;i Se<"oee has Orenoe County Cehl0<n1a SUPERIOR COURT OF 01 1ne •ntenued 1ro1nstt1ors aro mea a report 01 wute d•scha10• The 11reet addreu or 01ne1 CALIFORNIA I DOE JIN JU aM l'WANG ~!AC JU and applre<I for requirements IO• tt>e common de11gna1ton of tne real COUNTY OF ORANGE 370 E , 71,, 5ffHt 1 Mia Mc"1 C:.A d•scf\arge of c1a1111ed drt'dg1ng property hetelnaoove descnt:led rs 700 Civic Ctr. Dr. WHI I 9:;>627 wastew11re< 1n10 me Days located '" purporteO 10 be 1783 K1ng1e1 B•nta Ana, CA tz701 The toc.i11o11 11 r.~11fa1n1.i ol the trie Orange County area ot the Court, Costa M..se. CA p L A INT If F : NAT I 0 NA l chief e•e<:u(1v~ 1.1fl•C.t> Ot pt 1nc1pat Sanls Ana Rover Basin The undersign e d llereDy AME"ICAN TITLE INSURANCE DU51fl8S5 Ofl1CI' ot trie '""'"<led On 1n11 08SIS of prel1m1na1y stat! dtaclafms all llablllly 101 any COMPANY. tninsteror 1s 370 ( 17tn <;1 t.os10 review an<1 appllcattcn ol lawful 1nconectne1S In said street address DEFENDANT: HAROLD I Mos;i CA 92627 )fenda•Os end regu1a11on~ the or other common designation TAYLOR; llAYM ONO P. PANICI All nlher buirn11ss nam..-s an<l Catrtorn1a Aegroriat Weter OuAhty Said ule will be made w11hout THOMAS E. STRINGER; PATRICIA addresses u,ed by 1111• trttend8tl Con1101 Board. Santa Ana Region waffanly, e•pr esa or implie d ITRINGER: GIBRALTAR SAVINGS traflslero• ••11IM three yoars ta.c 1enta11voty proposes to issue was1e regarding tl11e. poueuton. or a LOAN ASS OCI ATION, • p.:isl 50 1a1 .n 1o.now11 to 1ne d100M1ge requ11emen1s inctudlng encumbranc es. to sa tltfy rhe corporetlon; PARKER ESCROW intended l•OM IPref' a1e NONE ellluPnt r1m1tat1nns and sperrat prlncll)at balance of the Nole or COMPANY. INC •• • corporellon Tile nam"~ en(1 t1ddrua~ ot enc cond•llons Persons w1sn1ng lo olhlt Obligatlon secured by said SECURITY ALLIED SERVICES, a intended ttilf1Slt""I'$ ""' v CON commenl upon or 001ect lo '"" Deed ot ftust wllh 1n1eres1 and Cellf0tnla c0tporellorl; PATlUCIA KUN PARK and SUN Sil PARK 9 proposed 015charge req uorments other sums as provided therein a110WN and OOES I through 100, Eagle Poin• 11. "" C~h torn1a are 1nv11e<110 subm•I seme on wt1t1ng plus edvences, If eny, under the unctueln. 92715 10 tilt! above address no tater than term1 thete0f Ind lnte<nt on SUCll SUMMONS Tnat the P•"llll•ty Pt"''"""' Nowember 12 1982 All commet11s advatM;ft. and ptua lee•. charges o N s E c ON D AMENDED neieto ,5 ae~cr•C't'd 1n g(lne1111 D5 o< ob1ec11ons recetve<I p11or to Ille 1111<1 ex.penMS of the Trustee and ot COMPt.AINT <..LOT HES CLEANING BUSINESS aoove oate Will oe considered 1n lhl' the truals created by •••cl Deed of CABE NO. 33-4-34 ano 1s tocateo at 370 E 17tll St 1ormula11on ol llnal determ1ns11011S Trull The l otal •mount 01 said NOTICE! You hn• been eutd. Costa MeStt CA 92627 r119a1d1ng the wns1e d15Chargt' obligatron. 1nclud1ng •eesonebly The cout1 may decide egelntl '°" The ousoness name u•eo b) 1rie Th., Boaro w1sne\ to 0Dla1n eatlmated fees. cllarges •nd wllhO<ll JCHlr being heerd unl•H said lransle•O•S at ~1<l IOClll•On is 1ntn1mat 1on 10 ass1!.t ti '" tXpenMS of the trustee. II Ille lime JOU rttpond wltf\ln lO deya. Read R CLEANERS det!'rm1ning proper waste IJ1SCha<gt' of Jnhlal pubtlC8trO<I ot this Notice rs the lnfOfmetlon below. T ll at 5 a 1 0 Du 1 ~ 1 tans t er 1 s 1equ1111ments and for 1na1 purpOM" S 121,257 '9 ti you wish to seek 1ne advice of intended 10 oe c:Ollsummated 01 me will hold a puDllC. neenng BS fottows Oaled.October 25 1982 ena11orneytntn1smallet youlloukl ottrce ol WESTERN M UTUAL OATE Oec;em1>e110 1982 RE AL EST A TE SEC U II IT IE 8 do ao P<omPlly so that your w1111en ESCROW CORPORATION 1274 I TIME 9 30 am llltVICE, responM 1t any may De toted ori 8rookf\u11t St P O Bo• 13119 PLACE C•ly Council Chambers • Celllornl e corpotellon. •• lime Garden Grovt' Ca1oto1n1e 926•2 on 3900 Marn St•ef't R1vers•tle r4utmrl H fMI I h '"' ~.ll1U IOllt.: • 1ll"il OtlVUly DONOVAN, SOMER& ' &PEAR 445 s. ftguatoe St • 24'0 LOI AngelH , CA 9007 I P1it;h',IH 1 ()f 111y1 ( c. .10,I '111111 P1h11 t)c I , t JU Nov A 11 lYtt. 4h4/ ~ PUBLIC NOTICE I SUPE R IO R COURT Of CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF ORANGE 100 Civic Cenltr Orlve WHI P.O. Bo• ua Sent• An•. Calllornl• 92702 PlAINTIH SOUTH ORAN~£ DEVELOPMENT CORPORA rtON "1.orlJ(,,lll1u11 OfFENDANT KANE SPAIN(,$ JO.IOflA i"lC: ROBERT A HAMMACK 1111(1 OOE 1 lhrough S 1flt.lus1>1tt SUMMONS CASE NUMBER 37·73·111 NOTICE! You ba•• be•n •u•d Th• court mar dectd• eg•lnel JOU jwllhout your being heard unleu you rHpond within 30 d•r • RHd I the lnlorm•llon below I II yuu w1sn 1n ~('(>~ If t advoCt' l)f dH dtturntty .,, uu~ Mt.11'~' ynu ,nuutll do 'o pruft\Plll '>0 111a1 you• wn11~n CS(Jl•MSfl t ,,...,. '11Jl tld I llleo 01111me A VISO I U 1t ed h • •tdo demandado El tribune! pued• dacldlr contr• Ud. eln •udlencl• • m•no1 qut Ud. re1ponda denl•o de 30 dlH L•• I• lnformaclon qut elgua St u"'"'"' duSth f !;()lu ita, ~I consu10 IJtJ un utiog~do tlfl O$ll' usu 11 tl'I dw1.11111u nac.l"•ln •nmtHJIHtament"" de estd 1r1a,,er11 su respucsta esc111a. s• hay at11un • J)\.lede St'• ·~rstradu ~ 1111m1><> 1 TO THf DEFENDANT A C•vtl I com11ra1n1 tios 1Jee11 hied Dy Ille pld•n1111 <!Q•l•ll51 you II you wish to deteno crus 1awsu11 y0<• must w1tn1n 30 davs aflttr th1~ ~umrnons •'\ se•ved on you l11e w•lll tn•S c.outl ti wrrnen r1>sponse 10 l!Wl comp101~1 unleli you do so yov• delaut1 will I oe en1ered on opp11c111on ot thtt 01ain11U a.n<l tll•s court mey enf P< 1udgmen1 agamst you ta< the retool demended '" Ille tompl111nt WhlCf\ COutd tt!Sult on gatn1shmenl OI waoei 111,1n9 ol money 01 pr()()tl•ly lo• other "''"'' reQuo1>ter1 •n If\• compra1nt OATEO A~rt 29 1982 l Ef I< BRAN(..H c.i .... By Htlten M Olien Oepulf CHARlES W. PARRET DRUMMY GARREn ICING I HARRISON 4041 MacAtthut Bl•d , Sult• 2.SO. Newport Beech. CA t2l60 (714) 133·81S1 Puntost•ed n111ng!' Coast Dally P1IOI Oct 1 Id ;>I 28 1982 PUBLIC NOTIC£ 44~1 6<' I FICTITIOUS BUSINESS I NAME STATEMENT I lh1• 1c,11nw1nq P"•son is 001110 busrnes• a, I llALI MARI\ CONS IRUt llON COMPANV INC J C:."lolr•rn1a co1pora11on ~482 Bu"ne's Orrve Unn O >luntonQtOn BroJC" Catoin1n1a 92641! Re:~_;•• t 9.,,,y Q411 J.t,,m•n• Strt!Ol'I t .,,,,, M!•U C.ihlo•n•• 926U1 This bu'\1n~'~ ., conoucteo tty 1n untncoroOrJte<J assoc•tlt•<.if' 01n•1 lh('n a oartn~,S-"'UP Roland Bouy fh1S Sli>lf'menl Wd9 111<'<1 w•I" 01., Count) (J•·•• nt Or •n11e County • t ()<:IOt•t't I< IQ87 Trwlee A v 1 S O I U • I • cl II • • I d o 0, alle< Novembt'f 16 1982 Cetrfornta D..I. llloroet. ~'"· demendedo. El Trlbunal purd• Tn1s out~ transter '' sub1ec1 to Interested pe•sOt•S are invited to Pubh-.nrd O•d"ll•' ~ 0101 Dail• 211311 N.. titoedwey, •206 decldk-contra Ud. •In e\Mtlencl• • cat.to1n1a Ufl1to•m Cnmme1ci;11 1111nnd to e>press then vtt'ws on p,101 Ocl "' 28 Nov 4 11 198' Sent• An•. CA 92706 menoe que Ud. reeponda clentro Cooe secuon 6106 tnese 1ssut'S relat111g to tne abov" •S7t 8? (71'1 g~10 de lO en ... L•• le lnlClfmeclon que rne neme and address 01 lhe waste drschargf' Persons ma1<1n9 ~------------- Publlahed Orange Coast Delly ....... person wom .. llom cte1ms may be p1esen11111on should contone lhatr PU8llC NOTICE .f>MOI Oct 28. Nov 4 11, 1982 St usted desea sollc11e• el l tled rs wE S lERN M UTUAL statements to lf\e aoove staled~-----...,...,,...~""."":'==:::-:::-:-:= . 4756-a2 conseio de un ebogado en este ESCROW CORPORATION 127'1 issues Oral SlalemMIS will be STATEMENT OF ABANDONMEN~ ~=-======;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;m:;:'-1 as un t o . de Der •• ha c" •Io 8rookllur$1 St PO Boe t389 lleard Dul 10< the ac:;curecy ot the Of USE OF ,. McCOIMfCX MOITUAlllS.... lmme<1u1u1mente. de es10 manera, G11rden G1o•e Cahlo•nlt 926•2 ecord 1111 tmporta111 testimony FICTITIOUS BU81NE88 NAME I Laguna Beach IU respues1a escrlla si llay arguna. Escrow No 60 5334 ond rno IHI sf\OUld ~submitted rn wrilln1j O•al Trie fottowtng pe••on~ 1111,,,. 49 •• 94 15 pue<le .., reglstred• a 11emPO day lor hlong c1e1ms Dy env cred1101 11a1emen1s should be brief to ellow ~b&ndoned Ille uMJ ot tile 11c11t1ous t TO THE DEFENDANT A CMt sllsll oe November 15 1982 wllleh ell 1ntereate<l persons ttme to be buSlness name Laguna Hills comp1a1nt nas been filed Dy the 11 tf\8 bustnns day 11eror11 tne 11eard BBND PART NERSHIP, •350 768-0933 plelnllft eg11rne1 you II you W1SI> to consummation dilte spoc1t1110 The report ol wa~le discharge. Von Karman Avenue Suite 365 San Juan C3p1strano defend thla t3wsul1. you must wnh1n above elated oocumenli, tact sheets, lho Newport Beech. Callfornte 92680 495-1776 30 d•vs etle• this 1ummons IS Ollted October lO 1112 1982 BoArd'' proposed raulrements, and The F~llllous BuslnH s N•me HAalOI LAWM-MT. OLIVE Mortuary • Ce~tery Crematory 1625 Gisler Ave ·Costa Mesa 540-5554 .... CIUOTHIH l&.L UOADW A Y ...otlTUART 110 Broadway Costa Mesa &42·9150 IALT'llH•ffOM IMfTH & TUTHK.L WHTCUff CHA'll 427 E 17th SI Cosla Mesa 646-0371 ,_Cl..OTHHS SNmfS' MOll'TVUY 627 M11n SI ""nllngton Beach 536-6539 serv.O on you. me with lhlS court • v~n t<un Park all comments a11d pellttons rece111ed referred lo ttbove was llled In wrlnen re9ponse to Ille compte1nt sun &II Peril may be 1n1pecltld and copied at Ille Orange County on Nov 30, 1977 Unteu you do so. your detaull will Intended T,.fltltrff• Aeg1onnt Bon•d omce. 8809 lnd1an11 c w Hooberg 835 Am100• be entered on appll'8110n 01 lf\tt Pubhahed 011nofl Coa~t Deity A•enue Suite 200. Atver11de. CA way •5 N"wport Benell c a11101n1a pta1n1lll and tilts court mey ente< a Potot Oct 28 1982 92506 t1>hone 1 ••·6 8 4 93301 92600 · Judgment •o••nst you lor tile ret141f 4755.112 between the nours ot 8 00 a m an(l Nancy Chester. 3720 Blv• K"Y a.mended rn the complatnl. whltf\ 4POO pm Monday th•ough Fr1oay Corona oet Mftr Cat•IOfnl• 92625 could ruut rn garnishment ol PUBLIC NOTICE Pteese 01109 the foregoing lo lhe Rrc llai d 0 rruee 2311 wages, taking of money or properly at1tnllOll ol any perllOfls known 10 Monarch Bey, South Logun11 O• otller relief ••quested In 1h• FICTITIOUS aUSINIS8 you Wl\O would be 1nto<t'Sltd If\ ,,,,, CallfOtnle 92677 complllnt NAME ITATEMENT miller Thll ous1nes& wet con<IUGted by a Deled f et><uery 5 198 1 rne following person •• doing Pub11sned Orange Coast Delly generel P••tnership LM A. 9tench, Clerk ous1ness as P•lol Oct 28 1982 Rlclle•d O Fruee "-"' Ooddttd, QepvtJ DESIREE JEWELERS 230 E 4754·1!2 Thrs st•ttment was feted with Ille LIV1NION a UEllERMAN, INC. 17th St . ea.ta Meu CA 92627 County Clerh of O<•no• Coun1y on M01 Wlletllt• 111Yd. No. 1t50 AYDIN IPEK 24 70 I "'" San Oclobe• • 1982 .. -'Y Hiiie. CA 90212 Fernenoo. Mtaatoo V1e10. CA g2692 PUBUC NOTICE Lew Offlc•• of (211~S90-0600 This 1>ut1ness •t conducted by •n "ICHAftO O FRAZIE Pub'l'h.d ,.nge Co.I I Da''" 1 FICTITIOUB •UltNIH • •--' ol'ldM<lue NAMa STATIMENT A .. roteeelonel COfpotat...., P1tol, Oct 28. Nov '· It. 18. 1982 Aydin loek T"• Iott-~"" ~ftOt'll ere do.no 80111 T-" C:enlOf Dttve, 47,7-82 Tll•• statement wAI filed wnh lhl'I l>v•;;.., ;,-"·• "~ lull• no ------------·County C•r" ~~20t•noo County on VALlE VISTA EAST. 3000 Jev• L .. un• Nlg111I. C:el"°'"'-~~. Ml.IC NOTICE OctObt!r 1 1 F1tlMO Road Cott• Mtu. Cellfoml• 92826 C 0 11• ---------==--Publi,hed Orinnll COHl Delly T A I S H I N 8 H 0 K US AN PuDlllht d Ore nge oest o"•;: flCTITIOUI au&INE88 • 82 K ABUSH tKI KAISHA fhll hln Pilot Oct 14, 21. 26. No" 4 1 .. ~. NAME STATEMENT Piiot, Oct 21· 26· NO• .. '!s~: 82 Shokuun I( I( I " J e1111ne11 '52'"8' The lot!OWrng Pllf&On• are doing corpor111on. 3060 Jev• Ro11d, Costa p•mLIC NOTICE bo•tlneta •• Men, Callfornra 112628 "" (•I SHORELINE POOLS tb l PUBllC NOTICE Thi• bu11neu 111 COllcJucted by • FICTITIOUI .UllMlll SHORELINE POOLS ANO SPAS !Cl corpor•llon NAME tTATIMINT SHORELINE SPAS ANO POOLS (0) l'ICTIT'IOUI .Ull••• T • I. h In sh 0 k u •• " rile tonowtng oeraon ta dotno SHORELINE SPAS \el SHORELINE NAMI 81ATIMIN1' 1(1buahlkl bv1ln•11 3' CONSTRUCTION (I) SHORELINE Tile following 111r1on ta dotno K1bu1hlkl Ketl/'te PAINTING TO THE MAX, 10" ENTERPRISES. 121 Promontory buatn .. 1 u · ·-.. M d'llle I I A-ech CA Drive we et. Newport Beach . c • H ex l 1Nou1 ~HER -· • • Al111n1 l.Jlne, Hun• ng on.,.. , ,. C e!! WOf of 1HorMJ 02648. Celllornl1 92ee<l SliRVICE, 839 JoAnn 81,._t, Otta Thi• etalement w .. flied Wllh Int Mll(E A XANTMAKl8. 1QH N • II L M • y • t .. I d • 1 2 ' Mete. Celllomt• 92627 c I 0 c PromOlllOfY ()tlv• Witt, N41Wl)Ort Vtfnon Cretg Holl. 138 JoAnn, County Cltfk ot O.eng• oun Y 11 AIN na Lllnn Hunllngson 8Cl1ch. A ~. Cellfoml• H928e0 Coete M .... C.Utornla 92627 ()clobt• 5. 1982 oi 04B Thlt buflneu la aondUGl.0 by 1n T'hla butlMM It conducted by •n "'ANK I.. ICHllllH" Thte b11t rn11 .. 11 conduetecl by an A ,.,.......,... Law COf1MM•lton lndlVIOuet lndMdu•I lndlY\dllll MeNdltfl l'INftolel Cenltt Mike )(&nm•"'* Htll I.. Meytleld Varnon C HOM Nefttl ......... tl1ll "element wit lite<! wttn th• Tiiie 1111em.n1 ••• nltd with ·~ Thi• ttel_,I w .. 11'4MI With the tTn'I IMI .._leenltl II~ Count\' Cieri. of Oren~ CO\lnty on COunty Cieri! Of OrtnOt COunty on Count)' Clt<ll of O.•noe County on Twetlft. c~ ...., , _.. Octo1>e1 t? IH2 141Ptemtl0f 15, 10t2 l!if1• 0c1ow !I. 1992 ,,_. 1_. ,1,...1 P\lbllt hed Orenge Coett 011~ Pvbllthtd Ot1nge Cotti Delly Publlthtd Orenett Coea~ Ol llJ Pu1>lttt1ed 01•nge Co<1t1 Delly l'llOI. ()ct 14, 21, 28, Nov ... IH PltOI. Ocl 7 14 21 28, ttu PllOI Oct t . 14, 2f. n . lllll~. Piiot Del 14 a1. ,. NOii 4 1982 4&2442 4366·92 4426-8' 4498 82 - lJI muu t OUlll DAii V Pll () 11 I lllH 11J11v ( )1 lflht•r ?8 1UH~ u :1 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8 D A I L y p I L 0 T c L A s s I F I E D 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8 l '!. .. ~!!!.'!'!!!'!!'.'!!~ •. '!. .. ~!!! .~!'!!'!!'.'!~.~ •• 1~1.'.~1!!f~.'!.!!.'t.'!.~~~ I Hu1i11tH Llt.H• h1et JZfl f~l.".'!~.~!.'.t •. !.~~f l11e• JZfO •• • • ••• •.• •• •• • • •• • •• • l "'''''I ••uo1u ,,.,.. HA() • • •••• • •• • • ••••••••••• I It• JHt lb• 'tlU w.1.. phu<•• maid ••rv •I•• 11 11,. J•Jl •I I II\. ff I I I ti 0 111" $ IJU ,.11 4QO j() t~ '"'~""' l·1u,111 IJI I·! II• I ht HI> I ••t u111 t 1 11 Ii I .. 111 r 111 I. 11t1111 4V4 '1"4 I ... Ill}. Qt "" l•.1 '°'''"I\ tjltl'~ '·ttlfl t h~ilily llot.CJt N.-v ltl;t ' •'"'*"' r..-lflU Uhl •ut.t •ltlf"-'"'' "" 1.v1 II""'" ttl w •h•tl~ i' I I.a '11' n1u lttll .. •t 11111 f 111.t111I ll y11t G t~" ,, f '" ""'"" .Avuil ltftlTI 4 'I 4 4 *I I J <1 I I•"'' tr111 '>II 18th •I l lllUll 111,, 1 ,.11 I lfo<ly •I I 0114 IJ:l <di 111 •U '11.0 OH 1 t 1141 'J'.d 11:.00 w~<l11y11 Wut 1 ull $ td•1 4 1 &111tH HlJU•I• hull! 111• uJ.., huht llll ,;11 f1 tw ... If• ''uut h.H 1•"' lJ111t 111 11111dv f~I.'!'!~. ~if!! .... !.~~~ 1 1111 I U11 I «Ullfl-tltil' I 1111111 u S7'10111111 t .. 11 l hur lay t1QI '.l'Jll \1400 ~'.'!r.!!.~!~!~ .. !Z~! OI l ANf liON I l>I• 'I 4 fjr fl y w II" ~ ''I fH O n I II ,,, , flj/J 1 1\11 '•Jv 1;1110 111 "' • JZSZ Hl t ., "''u" 7 1Juyb ( (J<., f ~!l.".'!~.~11.".~~••••••• I M oV•~ hrHt1• (Juullt y t 'I fHfrnt 'l IJI• Ctlfujo rJrt 11<1•11• 01o1( b IJl\j u1111u\jll l»I IJUil l llUflo "fYllJW <11 l or '"""' 1.imtly •Hlly, , .. ~,. l1t111uJ ""w upt I!. Wu1lftf rftrth&l't 11ow 1t1v1ul1ble Cuti I \'l~h1 1uu NH., k1lc.hurt ~hllrlftll\I w ....... " '"V'" tur mum p1vt 111~11u ~lH"I I\ "''"ll u11..1 U"""' In< JAOOIS llHL TY l"ROI" IHHIEMEllT 171-1113 I ,,0 •uw11 hH U11t kHh tu l IH1h w1IH1<JI A DliO UrtHJ 111.r, IJ1111•, JI bl '> I \110 mu U IAl"llJ llffo1 •1 1r1 f, 1f10 1.0~.1 1111 11m1 OASl DE OftO Al I l!Ttl lrtFS PAtfJ .. ,,,., ttw CJl•h.11' N1t.u 4ffn Nt wtOtl ll•tll 3269 li.11 s 1011 • t1ll 11111, ,...... • •••••••••••••••••••• Al 111,. fiE •,I o1 t•r h l<tlJ J U• I lJU plubfl COlldO ( ( 1~ I ,,, WlllHI I"'"' h1 ... 1 •1111 (,,,,,.,, • ., 4 ho9ur •· 1ou r .. ,.1 <..u 11 o rn dc•11111 taull11tt1' Poul tH>Q LOv rd 11aroge 1u1roun 111'0 With l)IUll! 19n(jll(,;t l"RICEO TO MOVE! Altunl.Oth• }l-tcl hru10• t I ''' ltt•J<.11 ~ •O~ now \dltu Mf 111() ft1 I~ t, Ill 1110' Hunlin1ton H11bou1 32f Z ...................... c,p .... c.1ous 11un1+. 1 t,l(K,k I,, 0C:f>d0 hJ~ .111 400 ~ M( I RO Rl TV l>JI) 700'1 Irvin~ 32f4 .....••.........••.••. RENTALS '" 4 tJIJtrTIS ~'"'""II !ti I · seso 10s1000 Wll L TAKE PETS I ~ BA ( Ba 1.pt& or~'\ e111.I tJd• $750 N o 1)ett. 67!1 6606 Htlflldgll P1trk·C:..al1I01111., llumes 3 BA 2 BA dbl owagi; P.11oo lrpc 0 W formal 01111119 A11a11 1m "'"o•afl'ly No pets S850 mo 21J 423-4694 l B• I ' Ba Wooot>• 'dgi; T o wnnouse 30 Brta• w ood $700 Agent 1 541 5032 Tur!lerock Condo 2 Br 2 Ba 2 car garage ;w1m rTltng pool ~pa, tennis 1 our ts Urilurn $900 Furn SI 100 553-0662 I / 11 () I m t: II cl U fl I I 0 II 9reenbelt • m1,., t o U C I S825 mo l\gl 84£1 2850 w oooen10GE. s 1100 "' mo 5p.,c1ous 4 Br 2'' Ba tam 'm lrplc. d1n111g rm Patios nicely land scaped la~e. pool. ren· fl'IS 011v11eges 6'0· 1327 559-6188 Ole 720·7373 \ 11·.01mo 1,r•, 1(1111 tl'1 I 111!14 IHI u,;f l Ufl I bii Z !>It IQ" lt1Jt1I /!trtl A u11,lt.1H Pf .. t () Neut I,, . .,, 11 I ~t 6 l"M ""CU ' I I s 1 I CJO ,, .. ' ""' 11" 'Jllb 1 Nt•w t tuu • .t1h uut ft(1t'w :J U• 4 B,1 tum \;n~o 1110 •1111.1111 1.1000 C •• 111 Mr'• LUllQ t,rJ 1190 Sp1cio1n 3 ltlrm I IJWNHOU&E l(tnl arcd C.1m11nun11y Pout Cloa11 f111J I Olldll\IJfl S80Q rnO £lob Agt 544 1440 l MH,l 2 br I b,; gi;r ll w SJ08 Stial>llOte "'"II No pet!> I en rur11 St. I'• lfJS W Wtl~on 647 1971 \J / ', mo 01 • mo1>1le 111m11• Nu p~t!> Ou11>I '"~ur•• 199 I New11ort Ill.ii f14ti tlJIJ lllr u111 pd (as1s1<lo nr tru) ,c.111 ~no1•1J•no ~"''>0 1110 646·4631 llEWl"ORT YILLJ&E luutiful l1dsc111• G J' Water Paid Patios w t1r1<•I 11.1cuu1 ~;,unil!> 1e11n1s courts volleyball C.Oufl>. R..creahtJn t OOm Jr t IJ<l lurn1slled $430 C1'11 S'' 7 0075 $1'>0 mo '(rfy ~62 491 4 I ---=,..,,,.,=-==- rlrl11 Vu Hrnb '3 lid 2 bo THE "" pets \ 1050 1954 p,.,, C1.i11<lg1t 644 240'5 OC.EANVIEW HOME ''GOOD NB HIS llg home on 1 uLrt1 olu~ y1ounds 3 or LIFE'' J ba .. ',/ 1111s +. 2 ~1111ng 11ns C..un St1Para1 .. ups. 1<11rs from ownsl•s Bl)th 11-vel~ hJVt: unODS!IUCted v1i>w S25001mo A & H lnvt•SI 752 2197 Dlk lt'l bU• lmmac 3 111.I :;> Dd QJI yd POOi 4832 Rrver rBolboa Bt PCHI lse S9SO S48 6622 (ves 0 .. ;1ron1 pier & shp. 4 Br I) tionus '"' S3SOOtmu A9• 645-3200 N~ ... port Backbay 2 B• tJen 2 Ba S9001mo Rae flodgers. 63 t 1266 agt COROH DEL lllAR LUlURY COHOS Oc:.ec1n side of Hwy w 1 lrplcs sec. garagcs.1 ponl 11nd i.pa Catt, 673 3271 Delwn 11·5 I LllHiO REAL ESTATE B11ys1de nome. over 3200 sq 11 S2500tmo Boa1 slip 011111 For lease only C ati Oouo M c Kee 71419 55 2473 wk dys1 9.5 YEAR·ROUNO FUN· Soc ra t Ac 11v1t1es ·D 1 1 e c 1 o , • F r e e Sun day B1unc.h•BBO s• Parhes•Plus mucn mo•e GRE AT RE C REATIO N · Tenn rs •Free Lessons tP•O & pro snop1•2 1-teat1n Ctuos•Sauna• Hyd•omassage• Sw1mm1n11•Go11 011v1ng Ran~ BEA U T IFUL APARTMEN TS : Singler. t 4 2 Bedroom s•Furn1slled 6 Unlurn1$hed•No Pe1s•Mo dels Open oa11y 9 to 6 Oakwood lat4H .,.,.. .. ts h w,.11 ltaclill/11. 880 Irvine Suoe1 :;> br l•P" 2 Car Lge 3Br 2'•bll tw nnml garage tge patio $595 S7251mo no pets John mo 760-9307 I fog• 631 7900 I (at 16th) (714 ) 645-1104 .. .,.11 ...... ,s.. 1700 16th St. (Dover at 161h) (714) 6 42 -5113 1 yr te~se 3 t>r 2 Dll NT tence<l comm t><'IOI + I BAYfRQ , water S900 mo Call dy!. 1-----------' I 851·3003 evs 851-8180 Balboa l&t11nd Sa ndy oeacll e•cel 111ew o t Walnut Sq 2 B< 1wnnse oay 3 B1 2be yrly or I Plan D Musi S«!e 10 ap "''n"" s15001mo Ow p•et•ate $6251mo nur 64• 9513 4 b• ? oa wi sunded 6 l oatc 40 10 oeacn 833-7519 evesi wknds 7S2· t800 dys DO 1T BY THE F1R€ PLACE Elegar" 3Ddrm tor lamr mrncJed man brand new bll1ns incl d1snwasner crpss 6 drapes now $72S METRO Rln' 636·7005 BA v r R 0 N T 0 o \ e 1 1 S980 mo yrly 645-0340 Sno1es .1 BR pter and --slip Avarl Nov 1 Catt OCEANFRONT large 3 8' Ann Pelet5 Barrell Ally. 2 Ba wsllt/dryr no pets 642-5200 W1nle• S850 673-6~0 Beacrrtront 3 Bdrm 2 b8 fully furn gar W ID w~lyfmon\ll 640-0 ~ Beau11ful Etecu11ve Home 3 bd 2·, ba Fmty Am Orn Rm Sl)a $1300fm o ht + S t300 secllroty & DEERFIELD 3 BR 2'• ba $250 cleanmg depos11 2 sty patoo, 2 car 9ar 642·8663 Bt~ oeacll 18•. u111 1r•r $450/mo 1823 W Bal· boa B l =2 2 13194 I 3065 S8S01mo Siu 759-1:?34 Chll 1-tavr>n 2Bi lbJ Ir pie 1 ~ f !I.~'!~. ~.t.'.t.t •• !!.~! HA RBOR OCEAN FRONT Nu 3200 tuk hm on bluff 180 dCQ Vu Of Ile• Dor surt m ens, 3br :Iba setur1ty sauno spa S 1900tmo 496-7009 Clean 2 bt nouse tn Vil 1age Frplc, beam cert, yar<l & gar Kids/pets ok I S800 •94·2576 EMERALD BAY 3 Br 2 I Ba 1700 SQ fl trplC b11ck pet10 with spa $1600 mo 213 876 2255 o r 675 3067 2 Br 2 Ba C harmer woodsy & pnvate Cela- ltna •rew lrptc w /d re- h •g no dogs nr Woo<ls Cove UI plus s e c $650 mo 499-1617 If it's got wheels, you'll move it faster in a Daily Pilot classif ied ad . Call 642-5678 and a friendly ad- viser will help you turn your wheels Into cash. I.I e I O a 1 n o Pe 1 s Comoletety furnished 1 Br $825tmo Agt 642-5722 near ocean S700 mo Stunning 28d tn Mesa Pnv111s S1e1n 645-2868 il•ea. tal<e a 1ecuu1 & 3 mo sub-let 2 bdrm ap\ 1umo 1n the pool, eQUIP wittl rnegnillcent v(ow k1tch. super deal S525 over Newport Bay Spa. METRO RLTY 636·7005 Tennis 640-2886 Su Clta111tt 3216 $111 Clt•tott J116 ······················1 .......••..•..•..••••. Hill Side oceen Viti"" 3 br 2 br. I'• b e new crpt r.:onverl den 6 maid s 1 wal~ to Deach, 225 La 11ue1ters S?OOOlmo l Paloma S,75 637-7916 213/449 26?8 $111 Jo111 A111t•t•t1 ... ~~f!~~1.'!'.! •••• !.~!!1 ... ~~!~!~!!~!!. ...... . lease Lease Option " bd ld)OI /t/1•4 3106 ? ba covrd pat•o comm • • • • • • •• • • • •• • • • • •• • •• POOi $700 497 1657 E-B&ylront. ltllle ISll! P•M 3 SIOfY deluKe lrg I 2Br lrplc. $ 1800 mo A1,11l•t11l1 F•r•i1hd 675•3067 __ • •••• • ••••• • •••••• ••• L 1 b apt $550/mo l•IHI /tl111d 3106 a:'asller~drye; No ~ts BAVFRON•;·;·5~ .. ~;1j; Ava11 Nov 20 675-9378 paid no pets prk ng LUXURY VERY LO Yrty yearly S650 673 6640 S8501mo 30 4'~ Dia- mond l1/bo1 Outet 1 Br 67S-1466 Pt11i11ss/1 3101 ...................... Wtnter Rania! 2Br pool, 1 hOuse to bch $550 Pteyo RE 673· 1900 BAY FRONTAGE. betlCh. pier. pr~g 2br $800 1b• S6501S600 UllL pd 303 E Edge w a te r 1167 l-2866 OCEANFRONT DELUXE Furn, qutel. lro winter 2 renters 675-•688 •lot 2 Ir 111• I a,t. rurn $6S0fmo 673-4743 C11t1 #11~ 31Zf •.•.••••••...•........ Furn t bdrm apts S385 1 and up Enc ga11ges '1 10 Newport Blvd CM 548-t1968 IH111ti•1t•• I '> Bedrooms dec k . newly c erl)eted $600 mo R e a lonom ics 675-6700 '''"°' ,,,,;,.,.,, 3101 ••.•••••...........•.• 2 bdrm. 2 ba newer dPI• yrly Mature non·smkrs. no pets $650 X 3 2131799·4 t95. 257-9792 Of (714) 673-3986 ------S295 nice bachelor, res- oon SI ble person u llts l)&id , no pets 106 E 8ay.Ap_1_9_~-~~- , bl"I 10 bch, llUdiO apt w/relrg S325rmo, 1H urns lncld yrty 835·5'45 CtroH ,;, #11 JIZZ ............•....•.... I ·1ii~ilii.liYI 'iii~ ~~~~~~~iiiiiii Seaulltl.ll a p11k like .,.,.th .i terr aced l)OOf SUPS Tl OCUI L1109 3 Br 3 B1 many omen11111 I 1175 Call Anlhony deys 6•2·5757, evet 8 WllndS 631·6630 l •rot ' br, 2 be. lrPle. 1 Cill gar Adulle pref NO PCTS $700 mo Ill, test 6 S350 H C Upetelrt unll 875· t657 • SPacloua Apt1 Sl 84 Per Dar •Prlvll• Pellot • •Covered Perking Thllt'• Ai.L you P• • Dining Artlt for • •Wtlk In c:oNlt 30 d1y Ad *Home Ilk• Kltahen • In tht 1 bill 1 o Huntington IAILY Ctnler, 1r1n11>orl1Uon 6 PILIT hwy• IHYIOI ITILITIH HH •• " •ltORY 1 Bdrm From •s 1 s " 2 Bdrm 1816 DO IT NOW I LA QUINl A l-IERMOSA I 18' 1 t Perll•lCI• Ln. I blll bk fer l1ll4r1 W of leech. 3 l>Ult S Your Delly Ptlol of Edlnoet 147 .5.44 1 Stfvlce Directory * 1425/mo 'UP 1 Br un- Rte>f"8ffl'ltltllft furn & turn pool, ll)t IU·llll, Ht. 112 1809' Flotld• 80·2134, ' Br 2 ee. lrp-lc-.-S-o_o_t HINY. New bldg. Derrtll. Ownr/Bkr 851·.8707 2 br 2 be, lg• & v.ry nice 2 c:trporta. 1875 mo No ~IS 559·.92'5 3 Br 2 -8-1-0-S-un_t_tff_llC_•_• w1111 10 t>Meh. e.s.nu OAM-4 30PM WMl!Cllyt c .. ,, .... la4 •••••••••••••••••••••• HOl.IM Becn .. Duplex 333 E a 1tt81 C.M &4&·t&81 "45-1103 I 1142·3 172 J--------------t..:...:....:...~--::.::.~-1.~~~~~~- ' ' r H·I Or 1111gu Co1t•I. llAll Y I'll 0 1111111111d11y O\.lt1bur .~ti 1110.' ~,L~4A~e!.,.P~~~ IOI Cl JO Uoy 11tt Ill lllu DAILY PILOT SHVIOE DllllCTOllY 00 If NOW' Asli ftr SHllllra You• O•llY PllOI S11r111ctt 0111!elory Repres .. nte11vu u2-&n1. eat. 322 ~!.~~ti!!'!l.~~!'.~!E'!t Ellperlenced Carpenter RemOdell Add ·On/Aepo1r 760-2685 5•8-86541 .ddltlons, carpentry ma J '"'Y· des1g11 11110 I.Ir al 1ono. BBO·s etc Dav" 494· 1003. BKI 724 Moonltghl Orllllsman Home-Add· ns-Romodels Member AIBO 645· 1671 ~!'.~'!!!!~I.!!!!'!!~ •••• 50% OFF FIRST MONTH Dependable. allordable. essentlal Answer1no servlcu. secretarial & business services mall box ren1a1. word proees sino Tele•·Facs1m11e. order eniry pagers-lease buy. desk space rental ANSWER NETWORK 631·9131 (8Sk !Or AV ) ~!/.~~!~ .......•...... Driveways, Parking Loi Repairs. Sealcoat1no S&S Asphll 631-4 t99llc ~!!~!'!!1! ...•....••... Our o ll1ces handle all areas ot law Prompt, courteous servrce FREE consultatlon 549.9335 ~!!!!~!1.'••••••• ••••••I f~!l!.".!'l. ••• ••••••• • °'YU'"""vu Mtorney No f•EE ISTllllATESI I uu 111111•1 Cr>11a1tll lllltm " . l't11 ao11111 tuiurv C•••• lt"UbOH~hlt1 JJtltun lu~t No RtJC:Ov••v. No I e• ii1oh1a11111111I w1t11\ 4114 tt~ll t tuatum wu1 ~ Ion' Nu 1uh hu1 •11111111111 tu11 01111 (,11 hllHJI~ lt1lt h1;t1 r"ntr11l11I If. 111\IMIUHI < llflJ<Jllll Y tJIUl l µlumtJ I 1;11l111111t•1 ( tl11nhtt IUfH' I ,iu ttvDI y lhlll\I lr.1n1 a1.111 10 11111•hl L tlll 011•11 ut ~!!J:~~'!!~r .........•. [ll11Jy~111111g. m)' t1011w. 111 li11H1 OK PT .J)r rt l(:IVll 6 1 u~µuc I Clllld< tin °"" 7116'• Wll l Sil Ill my CM no11111 re11•.l<'d y11td. 1101 m11111a. S40 f 11 5411·:>674 ~!!!!~.~~OJI..~!!!!~~••• JAYS SPEAKEASY' Any OCCd SIOrt Poll btll t 57 l·B 14 t 87!1 7552 ~!!.~~!!t!~t •.•..•.... Computn111ed oookkfltl µ1i111 from S50 1110 Atso ni111I llSI & Pt1yr OJI 662·2•30 THt= OONNAS Full bookkt1ep111g 1mc1 Tu>. Serv1co H!lcusa1011 F1g111111u Re1es 968 1682 (71') tl1·32DO f~!l!.1.!!!!f!~ ....... . q11,1111µUO I\ ~lttllll1 I 11.11111 Cc>h;H ti• •U"""'"' a whl 1.1111:t 10 n1111 Ul.,t)t;ll Ill.Ill lflf/dtrl 1111~ S 1 () JVQ r 00111 SI !.O , c•u1.h S 10. rnr S!l Guu• "'"" pol ntJ111 Cr(ll ll!IJJll l'I yrs 1np Do wor ~ 111~st1ll nut• 53 1 o tot No Stoum•Nu ::.r111111poo Shrn• Spi.<.1nlts1 I asl 1hy Hou est 8:ll:I· 1!>82 [ll(fl CARPET CARE' J111.~ Bulhngtun ()wnt;1/0purt1I01 l .111 µel uphol .ue11 • ug t,,;,hUj11Utg WO•k yuw r •tltl Est 645 t711 f!.kjf'.~1.!!~!l!'J....... KUfH S KARPE T KAf1f Cat>lnets & Ca1µent1y 011111tty wor" Roi~ Small tobs & rt1pairs l-11Ju ttst 494 -142!> Free esllm11tes 645-20031 C1111tnt{.Coarttlt C11•~al1v ••••••• ••••••••······ •••,-••••'••••••••••••• Ct:4n,et1l Mason1y 010 ... ~ Remod & Aapa11s l'ree Walls-Cust wo1k L•t tlSI lo , Bh!S Decks p&. l -38 1051 Aob !14 7 2bBJ 110 Srnve 752-9556 , 011vew11ys-pa11os walks E ~per cerpe•llt!• ooes Btuckwulls 11\dS{>rHy add1t 1ons. remt.dels Free est. re.is 892 4~'.>1 decks S~yltgt1t5 & re· pa11s free est Dan 962·0815 Master Craft'"''" F1n1sh & rem'dl crpnlry Rele1ences 499-3 t05 Custom Carpentry l>y Dick & Neil Paneling. lorm1ca doors. etc Ph 642-8809 •Have something 1ciS8ii? Classllled ads do 11 well C•ild C11t ..•....•.............. lool<mg for xlnl Ch•ld care? tn my Costd Mesa home. lull 11me only $40 Lunch snacks. TLC Un· da 751 -234:? f!!~!'i~I.-~!~~~~~~ .... COMMERCIAL · 1-iOME BUSINESS we on win dows 1001 Rob 547-2683 ... ~~!~!~!!~!!. ...... , ·--~~!~!~!!~!!'. ...... . Ap11tments Unlar•i••td ...................... f!!'.'!!.'.'!!!,.q!'!!!!! .. ! ~!!!.~'?~'!f .•.......... I ~~~~i.nA .••.•.•.•...•. i~~~!!~!!~J!tr!!!! ... , ~~!!~.~!!!~~! ..... , .. '!!l.~'J.nl. •••••• , ••• ••• ~!!J!~I. ............. . R.J. 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(J . I 111 4 ltl'dO '1411 4;•1 1 I .1w11 M111111/~11l<Jtlll111~ 11/ I 0"411 •luwll luu• f1ul> 'J4 / Jtltl:t :.>BUll44 I l yr~ "' ll11lij.ly I i111yt1111" 1 '"" ""111'"'1" "41l tlU '> tt.AlJt ING ,11111.,111 1111,1 Llndltl•ittf loc.111 t u~t11111u1~ p , C IHJOI INC. HE PAIRS N t111H '' t11u ,..,,,., l a11uall , , 11111 " '" L Wtt 110 ,, 1111 ''"I'll!> •J ... lb "" 41't181 t "''ft' ~.otthuhu & c.lnur. 10 .. ltu• k '>unttt l ow ••••••••"•••••••••••• llu11tk yuu t,·tt 4•10 ,.~.'!! .. ~.v!.'! •••••••••• 5u1Atl JOb' OK f t ee ""~ '"'fl llllllllllllU '"'" l;ltu~ 1'111111111 7'1\l t•Jft. 10 ,,. ... ~,I )(I' llU"1111U '""' 1.u~,tc>M l'AINllN(, (,lJ!>IOM WCIOtl µ11110 co ltlllmlllO• C:.illl !Ottl or "~' l'ttlu t14 t IOIJ(J <.rlM lll.or1k Y''" l1Jt1n t11111111111u tw111~1.Mp1n11 I""'"' H1•-.10.cv111111 I v1t•b. 11111.k' ~ lo1n<.11t t:Jy Cllu~• ~4<' 8:1112 Cu1tom Woodworkittf Urott•tt<b Cr111~1 I <tlto u~t t 1~ IJH 41\.11! f1ANOY b4' Oil?~ S"r••n• •••••••••••••••••••• • t 01H.hl..uUH•U V<J Clt•t'P" H•,tJna fl 46 Ob~,•t .:•••••••••••••••••••• 1<.11 1111111111 ~110111e1~ v• 11 "'' 111111111111•C>v M111111 ••••••'•·••••••••••••• ; 1Nr1rlll PAtr<l1N<> Pe1t Coaltol MOBii F SfRV•CC ouv tllll•.,1111111111 .. 11 111t1tb j '"11>11111111 '"'' tl'>l OWJ 24hr ED 141-1125 I 1 Vl S LAND~CAf'IN(,• & WAltl>lll'l lllNI . •••••••••••••••••••••• i.<1111111 '"' v It h~e1c1nu '"'"c;I ~"r11y1nu tn low n l<11~c141en~1New b<.ICHtn, r "'" o\t u411 Otlll t GARDEMIH Wl.,.T£D 1 """"" '"'"' w111"' """' 1 '<''''''' • , ..• 1 .... ,.., 1..,~.. <.""''"'' wni ~ 1 ....... ,, • .. 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E Z LAV N S11rmkl.,r5, L•ndscape C.unran1e11d 536-2737 Ti/1 111.E INSTALLED All K1t1ds Guera111...,0 Kol' John 8410-9217 All lu•tur1tb/A~1111•,111 frtl'1 nSI KllVlfl ti7"t 110118 mu1111 "'"~•co ~408015 1 fl (,0111p1 Mwll Smv11 1• I •JJ n111111tt 64'1 ri71Jl PtOI tlu1111t111 1111! rl Eltttrit~l H1ndr1111n lJNlt.l l AN ·~r, 1 t M"> Muon1r I .Plu111bina • T s · •••••••• ,............. ret 11~1t1 fl t (.I RILll\N i'llrtHI (.1111umlry M,1">r11y 1 " • ~ !iA1l.KWOAK Si null 1oh11 •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••• ••••••••••••••••1 l)f Nw Jl n,h 6h0 1·001·•••••• •••••••••••••• lll)hl . lrt! .. ""'"""It\ 1)11 Aoo!lllQ Ph11Ht1111g <J1w111y wor~ w1t11 II ,,., .. -~ litlwpon. c,,,.111 Mt!~ll. I 'il'llltl Pl\INt~AS (,uJ>IO•P 111111:111 <•Pllltm~ Sul1sfut.ll<>fl ount unlt:ttO lrJ rat.;> 7 IJ •110 63d2 ""')'' m ,.moll l••Os J)rywc111 ':>1u1.r.o file """"I 1u111 11 (!,1c.11t;lur hv11111 n111,. b7~ '.1175 1 l•t t•ltiG<l 1 61 J O.l'1'l R1•111<•lflli I fl u46 99'10 u• t.M 11 v HU 011111 y Pt'rl 1lt1Ck II cement 11'>0 09') t I It D Et lC.llll(;IAN <..ur1.1t1rat1y l..1Jb11101:. wu•~ NwlJliC.M SllH.U Lowesl 1a1i;~· "''"""' Ouul wO•~ Ri;ub nllui. Ph1111u 01a1n C1111111111u HOUSEWORK 1 l'Jb'J t.<111 now & ~t1vc1 11,.111 rirole~>1CJt11.1I~ t'• r1ti"11~1 GJ15077 Flut lrical r 11t-fi4r>fl!il? yr~t'•P 636·7 14'1 f1uh Don 9b6 0141:1 WANTED IMovint I FIAi PH S PAINllNC• El(l. I Al(,IAN ~1111 1ob~IR.ipt.111~ t •C :>.l.11011 c 10 !148 !1203 MOlllE IMPRO'lfMHT .,1~h quatlly housewor" •••*•••1 ·1·-_:0··v·1~·G·.····· t.hr1•111111 1111 o r t2'1 HE PAIR Pl UMBING E • • " Atil!>, 1e<10 516 91!!111 t..t1pe111ry elt'l 11111 1 r.i1J •Pe1t4'ncuo. depend&· roµ qua111y '5 yr e,.p llul $tuv1ce 6 Cun~'"'.._ 1 t1u11 lu ,dte~ FtPt: l•!:fti <!SI R., .. s b45 28 t 1 blo hor1us1. u11e111oen1 (,cJrrt1.1el11tve rates P.tatriaa meticulous Utuible I arn N' ovwtmie 730· 1353 ••'••••-,,.••••••••••••• rn<1lt1s l •t• IJ3217 28 YRS E)(P DUNHAM 5~1 t731l 841 411 4 1 MOllAE IMPROVEMENT Ftarina I Hemo11e1-repd11.-1enc1ng •••••• -,,. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • talect' 1ca1 .. p lun1 btny A& I<. FE NC I' wootJ & <.11tp.,ntry 631 8S30 cha111 ltnk RA~ 1nd1com H r s4a.s493 s40 11s , • .'.~.1.n1. •••••••••••••• WOOO FENCE Si GA TES 111s1a11110 IS R1Jµa11e!l r11Je <1st Gdty 499-17:?4 DUMP JOBS 4 Small Moving Jobs C<1ll MIKE 646· 1391 I h e l'l e s t fl h o n o hinhtnq Jn111r101 Oe111gn 67:3 -7012 aller 6 PM AB(, MOVING· llANGING/STRIPPING weekdeys All duv Satu• Quick Carelul Service V1i>a-MC Scoll 645-9325 day 1tnd Sunelay Low r<1111s 552-0410 ASA PAPERHANGING II yov went vour nouse STARVING COLLEGE' 1 y1\ lor.al e1µ Guur REALLY CLEAN. Calli STUOENl S MOVING wur ~ Pncei. &tart <!t l111da 669 OJ t8, Good t.0 L•c r 124 436 \8"011 Alec 75 I 702.7 Reis Insured 641 8427 lull/ l,tic~eter~ PtrJI HOUSECt EANING Good I WATCH US GROW• W.:i11p.1pe1111y It ~t111Jµmg 1ets Transrurtat1011 E~ Buy111g and sellinu 111 8 1 Mur•v •etere11ce5 Paul per o 979-9756 reason ob le p11ce-1hat s 8!17 0 118 2•hr ED. u1.1125 1 • • • ····Sl;iail.l · · ··· · n 0"1 WdlOrhAater $?25 lllH SHVIOE AS PLUMBING & I Tree Worl\ wllll a Con· ,..,.,1 .11 'feC.i&llllflQ in I •ctenc.e" Tr1mm1no & rtJJ1a1r • 64.,. 1688 I removal l>Y Howard Doi· i '1AV $ ('0'1. 40•1. loll p 0 BOK 34, Cotta P11u11t11no1Hea1.1"t11 703 Meu, Ca 92627. Ph Gui.It tasl Re~r1.or11m 642-1932 !>31 4378 GG --------- '16:.J-547d HS ~!!!'~~!~~~'. ......... . AC. RAINGUTTER Bonded-1ns·hc B344764 Free est 1·524-5824 ~:!!~l!~!~t .......... . ruRNITURE-KIT CABS Cslm ton1shes repairs. ooors Joe 67J-t469 Rtsumt Strvirt . .......•.•..•••...... RESUMES S LOW RATES S Tree 1r11n/remov. clean up~ mowing 554-70 17 '!.~~o_rf~I. ••••••••••••• Must S1JbJect&. I<· 14 Oayl eve S5 & S tOl hr Mr Moroan 645·5176 ~!~~~~.~{~~'!!~I •••.. .. Lei tne Sunshine In Call Sunsn1ne Window Cleaning. lid 548 ·8853 20% Mon1n1y Discount r1nC1 wltal you wanl I ll Ctassilled Ads. you• on ... l wha1 c1ass1lled Ill all 1 Daily Pilot Clas~1l1eds 5top snopp1no cen1er ~1ass1f1ed Ads 642-5678 about 642-5678 Pa nle~s1ona1-con11oent 101 Can 631-8000 Claosilted "~4? 5678 1 Ctass11ted Ads 642-5678 1n1 re~1 RoS1dl comm·1 Free es1 20•1, mon1hly discount 644·4 798 Ap111111ent1 Vnluraidtd DOLLAR DAY DOUGH SAVERS for Merchandise under '1,000. Sell your no-tonger needed items for cash. If 11 doesn't sell. we·11 run it another 3 days FREE. One 11em per ad, must be priced. Sorry. no real estate o r commercial ads. Call today for full details. (Non·r•fundeble. Extra llnea S1.00) 3 3DAYS LINES CLASSIFIEDs642-5678 Ap11t•ut1 I Ap•1t111tals Hott/1 /Iott ls 4100: Rtnt1/s to SIJut -4300' Ollict Rent1/ 44001 C•••ttti1l ······'··············· 1 ······················ '...................... Rr1111J1 f41S Ap11t•ent1 1Ap1rt11ftnt1 Cost• ltt11 3124 Cost1 Mtia 3824 .•....•••..........•.••••....•...•...•.•..•. ff!!!.!!~!~ •••••• 1.~~! Hanlin1toa 2 bdrm 1 b8 Children Ok •• !.~~~~•••••••••!•~~9 ••• ~!!!!~!!~!!. •••••••••• ~~!!!~!!~!!. ..••... ~t.'!t~!!.~!~fA .. !.~~~1 ~!!'. £~'.8!!!'.'.t •••• 1.~~~ llEED A PLACE! M F" lmmac non smkr, Aupon a1ea -Exec Sul-•••••••••••••••••••••• R .. 1 1 K 1 I es1 .. b 10 share w sarne tes From 225-450 SQ II Olf1ce & oarage $285rmo easonau e ra es 1 · s M a cnenenes phones mad n•c.t• condo m SCP S250 1 per SQ It any xtras Near atboa Bay Club service, z ct>anri~I rn~-I i'l u111s 545 2575 Call 557·7010 & Coast 1-twy 646-7641 ~8188@~ APAATllHTS Beautifully lanoscaped gardefl apts. Pool & Spa Patios/decks. No pets EASTSIOE-Lg 2Br garage + carport & yel. stove1 1elr1g $5 50 mo 631·0754 no pets $450 mo Pius 1987 Maple 548-8 t95 Bachelor lplc. beam clgs. 2 BR 2 Ba avail approx patio new cpt & drps Nov t no pets $485. SJ50 incl u111 63 t -0921 760·14t8 Of 548-8675 $495 3 BR 3 Ba pool. patio ~ids ok No pe1s 646-9666 960-7484 PARK NEWPORT APARTMENTS COUNTRY CLUB LIVING 3 br 2 ba pa110 03'> & wate1 S600 mo + clea · r1111g & Oeµ 53 I 3565 evs Vl9!> SANDPIPER MO Roo lo f Ill $225 m 1 A00-900 PLUS 1400 sq " /11dastri1l TEL t967 Newporl Blvd m ' " 0 Pentnouse Bayfront Su•· R 1 4500 CM 645-9t37 mile to7 bea6c11 te park1no pallos •••• !'!!~•••••••••••••• -14 !J J 9925 673-1003 R••t HoJ11•• ~115 $750 up 2160 It lndu· •• "': •••••• :•: •••••• °!.,.. NEWPOR! BEACH stnal . Ofltce 18101 Re· Bachelor $410 1 Bdrm $4185 e•sl wl<nds 3 Br 2 Ba qarden apt 2 p11v pal•os. wro nook-up 2 Bdrm conoo 1'~ba , 1ns1do 1 encl~d onr I • p I c: p o o I n r $675 >N NEWPORT BEACH A to lal envtronment apartment community on 1ne Upper Bay Pnvale clubhouse e11d llealth spa, 8 tennis courts, 7 pools close to 1>us1ness. a11por1 Fasn1011 ti.tend C.onveruent shops on 511e Unlurrns,,ed bache- lors I & 2 bdrm aprs and 1ow11nouses Nr S C General Hosµ, 3B1 '' p1c 2Ba s1ove CPIS Avall NOV 1 S535 mo t7t4t891·1644 IOARD I CARE L&O•es o111y avail now *SUITE DHLS* d ondo C11c1e. P & T Several pnme locations 645 9515 0 C A11port area Prot Hunllngion, Beacn F to snr 2 b• apl . C M env1ronment lull service, 842-2834 IHUH IN $475 mo 2 BR 1 •Ila. 2250 Vanouard 5410-9626 Broo1tnurst Adams HB I Oeu 840-5504 $495 545·26 It Laroe S t uo10 w t t Br pvt deck o•a world .:.narm spec1ac.1lar ocean .iew walk l o beacn S425 Con1act M(l• al apt C 332 Encino l n an Saddleback Valley 10 cnoose lrom Featuring Pool tuundry $225 ~ 'r or 110 hills tn(Jlv1dua1 ot· Storage yard fenced, nr 24 nr supervisiori plan ultls 548-4402 bt'I 4 llce~ 0( desk space 150 Harbor and Baker 50 X Bachelors $410 lnory rm carport. alt 1 Bdrm $480 011ns cpls. drps TSL 131 E 18th 646-6816 Management 642-160:3 __ 16_1_E_1_81_n_6_4_2_-o_e_s_6_ 2 Br -;-B-a--1-,.6--ple :.. 1 oo near Soutn Coast k•tch..,nelle full 11a1h 2 I P1a2a $370 mo Uttls blk~ lrom t>ch S325tmo paid 754-0568 Mulligan Proo 960·8468 11eo recrea11on ecc1t1ng IRmmte 10 ~nr 3 0, 2 tla sq ti · 3500 sq 11 1 MO t50 11. S225 mo Laroe• gourmet meals 8 tree hse ga13ge Mt>!'>a Vet· FREE rs9-597e 8'~8498~8s~8a;a;•20_14"0 tocal transporta1ton Call de C M 54Q.<}48 1 _____ _ Spacious 2 Br 1 Ba. $425 OuplelC 3 Br. 11., Ba $475 Laundry lac .. pool 548-9556 12·7PM 2 BR. 1 BA, old house, no pets. child OK All uhl pd 415 Hamllton, $575 6• 1-0763 IHTHT I•! crpts. drapes $420 /mo No pets 540-4484 •2Br 2Ba Near S C Ptau S A Lutury Con- do wt pool $595 No pets 833·8974 Eves *Mesa Verde 2 Br 1 Ba Newt~ redec $495 No pets 83~-8974 Eves Clean 2Br t >Be encto· sed patio no pets $480 mo 548·4506 lo 1Br new cpts paint & linoleum t Chlld Ot< Nn Pels $350 mo + dep I Call Mgr 642-2866 t • Br oar;ige yard I $525utio West side 64 J.0763 No pet\ Eastside $625-$650/mo 2 Br 1''a Ba. Townhouse. all bulll·lns. lndry rm, carport, yard/l>alcony. NEW BREED APTS 1 Br & Loll Frplc. rec THE SEVILLE 2 Br wlgar room, pool 1acuu i, gas crpts drps b11tns. lncd & water paid No pets 1 yd wtpat10 water pd 393 Hamllton c M 2619 J ·Santa l>na 11,ve small pet OK TSL Momt. 642-1603 645-4411 $510 Call 1-5. 636-4 t20 Fireplace. pool. dish· washer, pV1 patio. X Lo Garden 1 & 2 Br on El s i de. $460 . S560 557-28411. 1H. 2H. HR. Newly decor Ges pd, encl gar. dwshr. pool. bbq no pets 642-5073 WALUCE WOOIS 759 w 19th •llman top Oecora101 drapes Plush w/w carpels Walk In Closets Pr1vate p111tos Gou1me1 Kite.hen Carp0f1 wl storage $pa OUIOOOr bbq £1STSllE Laundry • 2 Br 1 Ba pool side apt, ! $440lmo 5•8·4630 lndry rm. bll·lns No TOW NH OUSE-2Br . Pll'ts Call tor appt 1'/JBa. rrplc. pvt patio. $>!35-S450 garage quiet. 1mmac TSL Mgmt. 642-1603 1 $550 mo 979-1658 FIRHllE COIF ORT Redec 1 br. retng clean, like nu. toe 1 br apts. qu1e1. $410. See mor at frplc. OW. gar . $475/up , 19220 Wallace Patio or balcony Pool & 12 Bd 1 Ba, sml yrd. $•50 spa No pets 2650 He•la. Rol>erl MBS8 Pines 549-2447 6J 1·1266 Aot 1465. 2 Bdrm. refrio, PB· 2 l>d. 2 ba. Condo Full tlo, no pets, adults pref. amenltlM. securily gate. 724-A James. 673-7787 Walk to s c plaza VILLA MEDERA: 2 Br 2ba, $ 6 0 0 I m o D a y s E·stde. famlly complex. 6 4 0 -2 1 5 "' e v e s OI W, garage Wtr/oas 6•6-3321 pd S525tmo 6 $300 $:3851,;o-;-Br pool. 1 dep. 2324 Elden. Mgr person only. 325 J l71n. Apl 1,548-4147 Pl 646-5137 1tAM-7PM D1a1 Point 3126 ...•......•..••.•••••• OCEH VIEW From Dana Po1nrs most secluded scenic bluff. l•l\e newt Only 4 units, 2 Br widen Xtra lrg private patio From $7251mo Call 661-6441 or M-F. 9·5. 6413-0212 Drive Dy to see 24583 Santa Clara 2Bt garaoe. near ocean, ocean view balcony $450/mo 2 tJ/402-2657 See at 24682 .Ap1 A Cordob a D• 714/661 -8899 OCEAN VU 2 BR 2bll duple•. n ew CPIS drapes $625/mo. al>SO· lutely no pels 1661-t078, 675-9250 2 B< 2 Ba carporl $530 No dogs 542-3597 730·7165 2 Br 2 Ba stove. dshwshr. ocean 111ew. no pets S525tm o 661-1 t92 t.luge luxury 2 Br 2 Ba. sundec~. oaraoe. lndry hk -up, OI W 2 kids OK $635 2 40-6 019 STUNNING large 1 & 2 Bt garden epl 710 W 181h SI. 2 Br Trlplex-$430 New 831-9303 Near 181h/Pomona. 1 Br. 1 Ba, downstairs, dis, carport, water pd. 1 child ok. no peta. $400. Aoent. no fee 982-02 17. SPACIOUS 2 Bd. 1 Ba. Beam celllngs, serv bar. Wood cab ., no pets. 14 7 5 . 2256 Maple 548-7358 or 673-8803 carpets. drapes. paint ---------- No pets. 2264 Placentla H•11tie1ton 6415-9494 '""' 3140 , ---•.•••....•......•.•... 2BR 1"••ba, d/w, blllns, Deluxe poolalde •tr• laroe pa110. oar. no pets. $575. 2b• 2 ba. bltns. dswnr 5"8-4291, 645-9857 1·~ miles beach No peta 1 Br Utlla paid. S380 Good toe carport. no pets. 3 8 3 W Ba y 548-9518 $500/mo 538-8362 WOIDUH Spac 1 & 2 br. lovely pines & slreams, sec 3 BA, 2'i'f ba. lrpc. yd gAtes. entry by phono, Obie gar Npt Honts toe rec area Incl oym, A1111. $750 pool & spa 848-6591 55g.5001 ----------rAvail now 1 Br. 1 Ba 2 Br. 1 Ba. 2248 Canyon Or. up1tafra, no pets. 1410/mo. Sterra Mgmt 641-1324. S275 Lo 1 bdrm wlenc upstairs apt, dswshr. private patio. stnole oa· raoe No pets. water pa i d . 14 5 0 /m o . 5•5·2000 Aoent. no lee --L1-1-1-11-,- 0 -1-1-1-1-1-garaoe. 2038 Wallace apt C. 830-88g4 2 Br 2 Ba. IMludlno 2 S560 · S 1000 Several bact>elors and 1 Bdrm units leature !toe des•gne1 lurn11urc. and accessor1es Move 1n lo· d11y or rese111e for fu1ure ust> Smartly 1urn15hed models open daily 2 BR $465. yearty. new Clecor pool nr be11cn bvs No pets 498-6:?77 loday. HOOMMATE WANTED DUK SPACE CDlll M· I Corner 90x127 with 511·0710 ll0-4119 M f-10 find & sht1re c M At1r11c1111e ru5tte upstairs 800 sq ft bldO Fence:; api w•M 646 3 1:;14 selling We supply desk 9 9 t W 1 9 t n St V1ution Rtat1/1 4250 space copier You sup-642-3490 •••••••••••••••••••••• f M IF shr JBR aoi NB Nr ply phone 8 195 pr mo --- F.OR RENT! t>each S24:> 1s1 & last pr desk Call 644-721 t StOTlft 4550 3880 2 bd 2 bu AIC Sec Poot. Ni So Cs1 Plza ssoo 213-860-95l3 Id •67508 18 ••••••••••••••••••••• ' epo~it · ICos1a Mesa 1 or 2 room Storaoe Space 12· • 18 • St~1.1• 11~ Gato • PllQ• & ~~I ~()~or • I " I 8R P•l•I) Apl\ • f,Jt(Jl'rt I .itne!,f..t01"~ On Jamboree Ro at San Joaquin Hills Rd Bradford Pt 4 bd Tow11- home pool Cl1n1ng rm S600· mo 642-8 738 <! bed1oom 2 oa1hs & i •F,.rnale roommalt.t lo snr su•les From $75rmo I 36 door $70/mo plus stor1es 1n Twin Peaks 1n w i sa me 2 Br apt Ut1ls meld 779 W 19th S70 sec deposi t Lake Arrowhead area S1ra1gn1 645-9108 SI 651-8928 673-4 t 5 4 Newpo rt Has bu1IHns & l1rep1ace Mt f' share 2 l>Clrm 2 11<1 2 IEAUTIFUL -Beacn ------ • O•Sti,.AUlt'> & Bl!O, 644-1100 Ap11t111tnt1 Farnis•ed First last & deposit re· 5tory apl 1n COM Non· lti1t11/1•1oa1 q u 1 red C a I I ( 7 I 4 ) smkr s::i5o per monlh llEWPORT CHTER Rtatlll • Joo 10 Buen & Snoo\ Sf,\ fNVIRf1NMfNI 2 Br 2 Ba from $525 No pets Across from New· port Beech Goll Course 545.4555 7 6 8 · 0 2 8 6 o • I 7 1 4 I includes Gal>le & phone 1 w un use ol receplton. 4650 667-0657 weekday eve~ •, elecltictty Atter 6pm cont room k1tch. phone1 •••••••••••••••••• •••• or Unlarn 3900 ..........•........... . .. ' . . ; ' SHWUID YILUIE ntngs ;111er 6 pm H no no.0632 St'Cretarlal & word pro-FOR RENTf answer please keep c.ess1110 Mall & messaoe try1rtg• Room wl k1t prtvtleges serv avail separately If • 3 bdrm 2'> ba trpc dble WIMTER REMTALS New 1&2 l>drm lu~u•y attach oar $ 6 5 O 3 & 4 81 Close to waler apts m t4 plans 1 Bdrm I Vail/Beaver Cr~~ CO $>25 151 & las1 Nwpt des1reo Call Judy 2 bedroom. 2 baths & 2 Lu it town home"." 4 b•. 4 Ben. 6~·681 I 7 t41~60·0 1~--~':~:s A•~:=~~:dea:r'e~n ba. sips t2 Dari)• or wkly I Resp Prol F w/lurn loo-4001-B BtrCh St N.B 440 Has bullt-1ns & flreplac• 964-4633. 1·526-3004 turn & unlurn. reasona· from $540. 2 bdrm lrom H-J---1 t>le. all emeflilles Broker $595. Townhouse Hom On/ •JtOn 675-4912 $665 + POOIS tennis sk i rentals Cnuck k1no to shr apll tise by sQ It $t 00 per sQ It Firsl. last & deposit re- 1213)376-:3906 evs I Nov 1 687-9207 Agent 54 1·5032 q u 1r e d C a II (7 1 4 I Rt;tlll to Sbltl 4300 Stir 2 BA aPi. nr beacn. Delu-1-1-0-ff-lc_e_s __ , 768-0286 or (714 ) •••••••••••••••••••••• Nwp1 Bch. $220 Male 667-0657 -l(day eve· H11boor 3142 waterfalls po11ds1 Gas •••••••••••••••••••••• 1 btk to Bch lower 2 Br. tor cooking & heaung HUGE 1 br Lux Condo den 2 b11. Y•IY bltlns. paid l'rom Snn Diogo Mint COl"d. all amenities relng S700 675-8839 l'rw y dr1ve Norlh on MFF st>r beaut Beck Bay prel d 646-9848 Redhill. Costa M esa nlnos af1er 6 p.m. II no ~~8go 6:~'i~;c tennis LIVE lT THE t EACM ~~~=~;1,1:~~~t :~~~. ~~.~;,er . please keep $600 mo 9~4-_ Nwpt Hgts 2 br. 2 ba. Beacn 10 McFadden to La•aal Btac• 3141 spacious Avail now S e a w 1 n o V 1 1 r a g e .. '••••••••••••••••••• $735/mo 645-7400 17141893-5198 OCEH VIEW BALBOA PENtN 7:b1k lo Rooms 4000 10 mtnutes so or Laguna bch 2 ba. 1 ba. yrly, • ••••••••••••••••••••• on Dana Point's most c r pr t S 5 4 O m o U&U•A IHOM :.ecluded scenic blull, 552-0853 MOTOR 1•• 111\e new 2 Br widen. xtra la•oe private patio ,2 Br ;> Ba bay. ocean Wkly rentals $95 up garaoe S7251mo Call view Condo. pool fa· Color TV free collee 661-6441 o r M·F 9 .5 c.uzz1. securlly bldg healed pool & siepG lo 64 3-0210 Drive l>y 10 $875 Call Denny . ocean K11chs ave11 see at 24583 San ta 645-2016 or 548-5833 , 985 N Coast Hwy. Clara WATUFROH LIDO Laguna ~·~h 4941·529~ ---L 3B 28 $ 500 S90 & up w1tn kitchen --Fem 1mma1e wanted 10 F 22·:30 shr 3 br 2 be apt shr Bal 1s1 nome wtmom on beacn. N B frplc 25· & 2 ieeflaoers $285, ulll pa110. (ilaraoe $26!>. 1st. pd Own bath 675-9 t42 I a s t & s e c B r 1 a n • all 5 673·t519 I ---Female roommate lor new Sll M share Dana Po1nl 21 3bd 3ba deluxe condo Br 2 Ba S2851mo 1st & "" arnenrt1es 557-4329 test, • • ullls 493·0987 or leave message Top ref s. 9 yrs 1each1no exp Will tutor elemen- tary 1;nlld 1n eacnanoe lor reduced r e n t Call 2 t31545-3626 Lux condo Harbor Ridge. lo shr, s1ra1ghl, $550 mo 752-9442 dys. 640-2434 eves Laguna Sch 2Br, exclusive Q 1• e. yrly 1 weekly Oceanlront Mo· area 5 min walk to mo ~3-8886 tel 675.8740 -Seek pro! M 25+ lor mstr Fem roommate to shr w1 t.ldr wi t>& lurn Beau11ru1 Small altractlve stut110 nr same 2Br hse. 1n E Side Balboa bch front S395 + beach. some ocean view $675/mo. 1·626-2585 nit 7pm t B• Secur11y Condo. pool . spa gym $575 motmo Agt 760·8617 b ch for empty·d Non• CM $225 mo + ·~ u111 I ulll 642-0789 smkr Prvt kitchenette $50 dep 63 t-2895 --- P11v & Spac. 2 stry, 2 bd, prvt e11try $325 tncl vl•ls. f 25•35 10 shr 2 b• EtC M 1Rtnt1/1 Wiatt' 4325 Most etegenl epl bldg 2·~ b-a wt lrpl New ca-phone, pool. TV, tennis. h d 5265 •••••••••••••••••••••• in Laguna Beach, llnest met carpe11ng. nr Fe-493-3490 se no oos tocatlofl In lown. breath· sh1on Island no pets ---642-7'471 wkdy evs HH IY DEC. 1 1ak1no views. all bulll-lns. $795 645·621e Room with kllch pr>v Nr 1 Bu s llne & shoppll'lO Pro wom11n & 14 yr old Hunl1r>0ton Beach 2-4 11eated pool. sub.garage, Bluffs Area. lrg 2 bd 2 be, center 96~·7520 daughter seek rental to bdrm house, south of eleva1or Lease only Quiel _ _ shr. CdM Call Sharon Ad am x 1n1 1 e I s $850 & up upper unit. wtfrpl B 1 /b OCEHFROllT s1orage 675-3882 10·5 * 111 * EXECUTl'lf SUITES Full service Keep your overhead low & p1ofes- s1onal 1maoe high Pre· s11g1ous Westcltlf area of Newport Beach 881 Do- ver Or Ste 14, 63 1 ·3651 DELUXE SUITE Water Fr11t 11~1 2012 Sq Fl teen divide) S 1 50/sq It 6•2·4644, M·F, 9.5 li~t Area Fura. Olflce 650 sq 11, over night lac $500 mo 10 mo or lse 552-7730 eves Of11ce BldO New, add your O'Nn lmpro11ements. 760· 1500 ft avail 85¢ a II 2 4E 8 Newporl Blvd C M 642-3490 330 ell', Or 494_8083. & Ptlv Loe No Pel9 edroom or rent w olh Hm 673·4520 Am 3 . 964-0332 - ----$775 6 5 6"' 8 call btwn 8AM·5PM I Work 761-2943 llliiiiilrllliiiiiiii _____ _ ---4 • "1 642 476 ---Oes>t Space. $200/mo Roomy Sturli,., wilh sepa· EAS TBLUF,=;;jce 2 B •1 ___ 25 yr old M pro1-;;;;ks2 1Mother wl loddter looklng Furr tsned Uttrs paid. r ate kitchen walk lo & 1 1 1 '· M/F Cnrlsllan share CCIM I M or F rmmles 21·28 to I tor hse or &Pl 10 share, Pres 1"e Barik Bldg. Easy beach • shop• SJ75 In· patio poo n qu et • b t I k r • "' ~ 1 1 N 1 private room o baln. prv shr most eaulilul lwnn-or someone o oo or Free ... 1y Access Mesa Cl .. s ,1tlls + •500 sec P eesan are11 o pe' I in K " • 5670 767 entrance, ktlct>en prlv j se 1n Univ Pk. lr111ne P ace w1 me Im, Verde 556-9250 deposll Hotel Cellfornto tmo 644·' 64 1879 _____ , $250+'11 utll 64>1·6065 Pool & spa S260tmo 1 4• NI '"POAT BE.ACH Apts 494-2797 luve •••NEAR ~OAG O s 759 2616 ' messa_ge 2 BR w. ba 5495 Room & Board $:335 5?2 63 0 • • evs 0111•t1 /or Rtnt 43SO Privllt office S275/up 63 l -388&: 5415•6822 Close l o OM V Co1t11 • 1 ••••'••••••••••••••••• Arts s 1Nlce $50/mo IB<. very nice. convenient. ___ Mestl Femele rm mete to snr !SINGLE GARAGE Near 7141752-6408 u 11 I pd S 4 0 0 m o * * • .,, BLOC,. OCE"N 648-0•50 condo nr So Cat Ptou Main beech •n Leguntl 494-5380 2 BR 1•1> ba. 111ory, g11r, '270 mo 64 t-86 l7 elt i Be a c h S 6 5 I mo lallm ff Rtnlll 44SO L---N.. 1 JISZ relrto $650 f 31·3888, Hunt Be1ch Employed SPM ' 494-3044 ••••••· ••••••••••••••• ;/l.~'!~ .. C.'I.".!........ 8"5"6822 ie;~~.P$;~g-~::.~oC~lvl· MaM8°resp non-smoking j1G-ar-age lor s•MI $60 mo 2 su':~!1~v~1!~~0~ow 1n n oll ourae Well 1 t>r. 1 ba, n11w paint & -------Jem to ahr cute 2Bt La· 286 4 l• alle. C M l'ourllll'I Valley 1418 aq Nine Condo . 2 BA 2b•, 2 drapes. S525 2 br. 1 b11. IJ. .. t!J!,.'!.'!!!! ••• !.~~ gun11 Bch en, iumllf $300 g57-2740 alt 5 30PM II 1ud 1538 aq 11. For 1.,;.,,.;rnnt/ r; ... ~, •..•.•..••....••.....• ,.,; .. ,, ... '!..lt1!!~~l!l ... !."!!t South County Arcade. Location and machines or 1ocat1011 only. Call Tom or Simone 586-2695 ,.,.,.,.,., ••. '!..lr.J!~~i!l ••• !.~ {f PlllTIEll WHTEI Developer Sffk.s flna11- clal rar1ner 10 complete renlal unll project Good cash flow projected wl most lax benefits to fl· nal'IClal partner 30 yr G P.M I A A.M permanent loan at 9~•1. available a1 this time. App1oi1 $50.000 requl· red. Exoell•nt return pl\n lax benellll make lhla an exceptional opportunll)' Call Steve Anthony 7 1'1953-3030 !!!~!T.!!. f~!. .• !.~~~ FIAEOLIHllE •ELPLlll ... ''''"' .. 851-5995 lt•rl1•111, ,,.,, Dttls SIJS .......••...•..•...... ctr garaoe w/opener. EASTSIOE Large 2 bdrm, wood burning lrptc. moat 1 be conv loc. $550 mo car gar wlopnr WHhl ell ~'" $4175 1111 Id •9• 3186 d L •r•Ulll llTIL mo u nc ~ ~-_Dana Pt s1ng111 sloraoe, 1urt~11 oe1111a. C&ll Mt ut111 peld, view o r 8"8•7800 ryor. ower unit w / M erguson & Hahn RE •s• I IUIU•Elll Will petlo. redecorated 642•1183 631•8512 Wkly rental• now avall. Roommett w1ntt<1. 2 br, s11Gured.sttee1en1rance, Arrlcle (213)683-1287 EASTSIOE 3 bdrm, 1 ba. Lrg 2 BA townhouse $725tmo 71411770·11150 --S105 & up Color TV t''I ba, Stt6 & '"' ut1l1. 34o97 Ort1ntd•. S60 Co•ul'fdl/ I .•. SAmEll ••rt1 ... 0..1 ... ' atreema & waterfall• From 1800 . C lllf 862-1309 Nloe, quiet up1talre 2 BA. 2 be, ept. 1550, mo1t u1111 1nc1. 822 Hamflton St. 548.0<l 77 2 6r. 1'h .,_, 3:i3 E 18th St. No pet1. Gar M50 S*<t Mgmt &41·1324. 2 bf In ~ trH>lex nr 8C Plaza, gar. No pell •526. 83$-9~3 1 BOAM IN DUPLEX, utfl ll'ldUdtd, 1350 r:.11 982-7940 llreplace. Prlv yard 1p11. encl gar, lrplc Near ------? bdrm. t be, 1nclo1t<I Phonfl• In room 2274 631·3<?72 G73·3313, 493·0803 S600. mo. 6'46-7800 Hunt Hrbr t•om S545 ll•WHrf lf•t• 3111 garage. walk to beaeh N 1 Bl d CM s 1 1 i11.1•/1 441S C 0 N•·o·-•FOJE.; •.• E.l•A••p•l••&•••c•o•,:d•o• ____ 841_5·1819 owpor v "'bt, 2 be, w .. he<, dryer, tor11gt geroge, Inge, •••••••••••••••••••••• 14175, 2 Br 2 car gu. chlld hlldren K 840-6807 ' 648·744~ kitchen elc HO d9')01ll 9 x 2 ' Co st• M eaa. 1250 IQ It retall/ollfce ~:;.~~3~" 132 E Bay ~~~~~d~,\~~, .. ~:'ii.~ 1en1:~·s-~~'~2 A:,~':!~ s,~to~m~o ~ ir o,~,~l~:. B E A c H A R EA ~2:; mo 648-8386 •'1tf $50~:~4007 wtldaya. ci:,:~:,M;,.:1~~ .. ~'v1!~ t 1 o p o o I , I 6 O O cerpor1. tnclad P•tlo. "-e. 25_3. 6• Cd"'. 12.,,,,1_0, Sloraoe av ell. Nov 1 111 ~1~ 1,,t_v77& P., k I n 0 Brand apanklng clean, 2 2131570·0036 •r, Brock to btaoh. 2Br. 6418 5882 $84/ k r .., "" '" """'.....," BR 1 Ba. 1 e•r11•r. lge ----------1 brlOht & airy. 1670 mo • ----W lat and IHI, Avall Nov 1 Hunt 8ch, 14'&/mo 121311----------1 yd. no P•t•. 1580 mo Altr. 2brl lb•. •nc oar. yrty. 98e-8283 Newly p81111ed & c•rpeled Aetr1ger11or-Maid·POOI c r. I g 0 r 0. b b I • 420-7105. 433·2435 RENl' OR I.EASE N-'Y AQt 642-6368 OW. bkyd, lg• wllk•ln 2 bd. I b•. Frpl. 1 unit/ Nwpt l3t11d & w 111on 720.0850 8fttf 8. O/lln ltalll ffOI rtmodeltd hO!'f'• with Specifatlilt'lg tn 1a1 & 2fld T0'1 alnce 1949 Robt. Saltier NHICM R.E. BtOktf 8d ~tore 842·t171 S<lS·~ 11 WIDOW HAS HS fOf TO'a RE Lo•nt, 10K Up. No Credit Check. No Pen• atty, o.t\nllOl'I & Aaaoc 873-1311 ••MESA VERDE•• ctat. S505 642·2697 IOl&IFlllllT ocHn. yr1,. sesotmo Coeta M... 5418•9755 •••••••••••••••••••••• '"r lot Comm t zonl~, Ldry rm. d/w. •gar. 2 bd eondo. trpf, pool, nr 3 bdr .. 2 ba gar or .. t :4~M>o& 5 8 • 4 3 O 8 ' • 2500 l<I II 0011do wMew •llllD lfPIOll• •d to NnrpOrl 8 "' ' 1111 P• 2t>r 2b• up1>9r $550/mo Brookhurat & Adema, IOC Winter _________ ,Pine Knot Motel on CoHt of 8aok 8ay, bHutltul 1 MO. !'AU RiNT 842•1334• 151-9889 11111 Miii 540·&•4e $500 5•&·2811 Tow11homt, 3 Od, 2 oa. tt w Y • N 8 s 1 • P • 10 111Hnbtlt & ewtmmtno 1 room to 2900 •q. It. Cl le 8acht1or. great roe apllt lavel, qulat1 3 oer oce•n Wkly r i tt• poofs Wiii accept 1or2 From a1,1e a eq ft. Adf Ma"'" to your P~ to re •=~ Find whu you w•nt In Shop at Mme. 11·1 ... Y YNrly g at , p 0 o 1. • 7 so ~5~40 adulla or 1 adult w/Ohlld. Alt porter Inn & Frwye S>tec. • 1 .. 1-ecttng o4M------------ 0111y Piiot Cta11111ee1-. with oi.Mlfi.ct 142-6878 TSL •1•t 142-1IOI 553.0211& c1a1tl!led Adi &4~·687& 567-7883 01 &40-8339 Ctll AM 833-3223 lln.d ad. ~2·M71 Seti Idle lt9ml M2·Mft ~=---~~~11.--.,_.,..._==;;;;;;;;;;-=i.:;.:.;::~~-;;...;;.;.;...;;,;;.;.J..-.;:;;..;;-::-~~----L-"-"-• .========::..I:======:;:::;::::-:&.;;;;.;.;;;;.;.;;;;;;.;.;;;....;;.;;~ llttl1•1111 f1ut 0.tlt IOJS .......•.•••.......... HAL HTATI LIAll ltl Inda. 3rO• 4th• 0 ...... 1.1 TtirlH I Leaa ht'a rOUNIAIN VAllfY 964 0 II I WI CAii PHCllAH Yn111 111 or 2nd l 0'1 Htcll 11•4·0400 lor 11110 A•.,Htta,.t1/ ,.,, ... ,.; Lesl I feH' .•.................... AH0Ht1•,.t• SJOO ........•..•.......... SCRAM-LETS ANSWERS lru•nl • 8tggy Fot)le Crafly OAAY FUR My wth' •~ bu9g1ng mo tor a n•w co111 She CIBtnlS ""' nllnk IS S(I otd 11 hH GAA Y FUR Lf•I I fH•' 5300 ..................•... FOUND ADS ARE FREE Call: 142-1111 Ow11u11 Lout DAIL v PILOl /1 hurtduy OclOIHlf 28, IU81 '!.'.''·.If ~'-'.'I. .... !.'.~~ Aul•IHI laaaaer M•tur 11 j)t111u11 IQ wm~ wllll ••l11hll1ll•ll vuuth <C>u1t• .. mu 111m Muat I•• tlllll r1 OUIQolng •llr 1t< '"''' 11•••01t•llly 111oa1•11t 1JhU11• VUllAI oltiJ o1hlltl~ '!!.'l •• Vf f!.1!.~ .... !.'.~ '!.~''· l'l~.-.1!.~ .... !.1.~~ ¥~!ti.~.~~!~• ......... . Ill •lll'll I I I AIH 111, Mfill 11.S•IH C11011• ,,, ,,., ,. Wlh• hfl"" p t Ml;tt PAUf N' 6 'r A( .. HI u~ •••••••••••••••••••••• 1111•11 lfllwll l1o111• LI lo•u Pll v1111 OlllUt .... ,~I hllll lllv• Aw .. y lllltua tll1up Mt11t11ot thlM 111111••• l all 11111Jd "'JUL 11111111 '1'1111 II 1111w l11r ( hlltlm•• C 1111 A 1 14 4 111 JJ.'I I 11 v t1 I 11 e I I I I I II l•fl•llll~ llm11a 6111 Ill I ~~!~~!!T ....... !.~~~11~~~·..c.!~~~!,~!,.~1 ~!!~~1!.~.~!~~~.!.1.t 1 r.·~~ ............ I.~~~ ATUI 41t .1011111 'Jtng•• trHdl• 1"""1"" I v ... ti• U1111U• Moveo VA• . . 111.c•11111• oo l' '· ~ 1111 -'"'t • 00 I '1 I'> 6711 8211" c.01111 161JO !11 ll 17!1 I Mull ;;0• 0:44 10110 OOIVIHIOH '•'"'•• M•l11i•I• 1011 ......•.•.•........... •ow Ho/n. 111 'r 1111 w1cu11111g 1013 MIPH fll IAU Fifi THOI TRIP I I lll'l t •1 I .,r tu~"I 111'4 4 M •I Ql••1 t1 n lluu ., .. ..,,~ '" lu1fly Ill•• •11l•lfVtflw I •II Utll 11.,1 lllllt•lftW At•l • l lt•n '" •' "111111 1 l11ltlrn11 ""'"' ~• /1111 llllll 1 ll•uwouo 11.8 dM.klf•O 4 10 long •l•o 141<lwood ft111c1nu C:•ll Jim 01 11,..,,, 1111yh1n• I T'J 14111 N•w Rucl.w.!I wo<;Cl l•ll•• 1 •ll•r !lpm ....... $41111 oT:i '>211, !~!!''················ 111..w.I• f L (. 1 11.. IWllh IJUrdl ..... 1 10 1:1 2 b k l N#UllQ U• !!>41SH4'fl A'IKrOflUllAlt'·' lo "'""'' v•ov•" '' tb I'"' w1111r. wll1t11 1111allll8'1 C11ll ~ U011m II 10 tl4~ 4.1/ 1 11~1 J•11 r o r AlliHldanl Ltvt! 111 AHt•I I dl•t1bfltl<l 1)1()1 WlllHIAll N11 '""' '""n1nu 1111" 1 M homn J>vr 1111 "" A 11111 11111• $:100 mu tl4~ I I'>/ "'"' ...... , '""'•Ill Ill\ 0•1:1 •'141 HOUSEKEEPER •,,.,, 1111d q 111td llolul 11 .. llcJ~ II tUlllll lfCflMll 111111111tt1.1 tiouam l111t11<11 Mu•r -~11"~ f 11u1u11 '~ 111 I .ult Miu M11111 ~·11 J,4 ti l •l Jl.l'> IEAUTY ,J,uuluH• wuutet1 ttufhtfl l ool.1ng 10 IHJ<l In uur 1h11llt1 1oll.il1l11 $) $111•11 &11111 tw(l .rv11,11 11111111 I 111 f lt1•1hlt1 lt•lul' t.1111 Cllurltol r\1c;f111rl:J 011111111 l " 40 7 r.i~ttlf 1t11iv11 "'"" It!, 200 N1Jwl)u1 I Cttlllt!I I '<IUI! Or NB LAI &SSISTHT IOIT RENTAL '"' rum11~11l l11b In lttQUllll OpororOf tor 11un1111q1011 ~111rt1ou• Musi btt <11•11or 1n so11tng l\ll11wl1<1IQll OOCll •t11)1l1t A OulbOUld 11ng1r'11 rnpo11 nolplul $5/IH 10 bltlrl \1 IJ) 21 1-2677 llllilt ll Lull fl) I !>6H LAllDSCAPE LAflORfAS Some O•IJtll t10~0hllf)' Sl1HllJ1U $4 JH!• h1 Cull Kttvlfl nllcll 4 PM l:l!l~ JT•ll Lognl $1J(.r111111y BOill SpecinliSI wllh hoo¥y lrv111t1 011sed l11w f11 m n1e1,h11111c oacl.grou11cJ setJI.>< still mot•volucJ 1n Cell IOf oppl 645 090 1 1.11v1oual T yp1no 50 80 CAPTAlll/WAITEAt wpm Salnry cornmttn\u WAITRESS r6lt' w•lll 9•P Bener11s so111t! IOJgul OAP pref Gon11non1a1 E•Pll• 1u11t11 Mdribolh 851 9001 requueo Evenangs Ap ply In pe•son oerwoen MAIDS n~d"d for ro1ot1 3.5 PM MR Slo• Ao$ properly Coll tOOlly ur taurant, 1105 E Kttrell11 apply at 34862 So Coo~t !i11lt10l1ttl a11tl 1111 ltljJUfollllu IOlll tOu• ~111111 t lllllll ~oow,ndu•• uf "''""'"HI 1111 v.11111111 111 "'"'" ~1111d11yo 64J 1\1 .. 1) •;•h•~ •••u•on lot Mt.Jrut•• fl4ttc.Jwutn ~,hu t, Mu'll llaVtl r111mmum (If I v• - •'4114" t•ru·" 111 Uu 111a Mar trltt lla11:Jw111" u•tO n .. 11111 S11111a r 1 f >t.1111 l.Ufflf'llllY boll .,1 11~ lJ II A l II I ( () A f'I> I I t.ANISONLY '>1tlJ4Uf tt (J ( Mi i IM MOYUI' O• ,,.,.,,. .. 4 0111 ltjll .j .. lll fhll 111111 .. 11;1.40 AHttlll ttt •I : r111J Ull1t1• lllV t••hh" uwu llun I\ uou 1l1tr• '1111 IJ II 2700 l •tJ'1llH•ll•" I dllH (\,IM hJ I I l'IU 111 t.44 ti!oJ I Cott' /11111 . .....•.•............. SWAP llHT llt11I u.... I 111111111r IUI f• < "d 1111111 a10t1t I A~ 'I J .. 11 t11Ji' Jtlll4 c •• ,,,.' ... ~(!!f~~~! .... !.~~~ l't111IY• K 1000 1.umplt1hl wllll '1Un11n /tin1111 A I l'lmrn 101""' Sl1U 11.11 9JO/ limo '>UI''" II /ot1m c11 ""'' • ,,OtuJ,)I uuloruoh(. m1111 .,.,r •~" $1H> J 6~6-7000 "'''"",.""' 1010 ••••............•••••. RHW• 211 HC«llHI 11 .,, :.io· 1ono. lllc '"" II I I 'I t 4111 •rnv11mu A111111uu m11hugtrny 1 ""' 11111 wtlh Wll1 ll(,A tllUlll (I 11.i;urd 111uyu1 $1'J •••• lh• unnt nuu hi•~ lypo \tllk 111 I OU{ll & "J on1wt11 ' .. 0111 .. 1 11111\ ""''""''\I .• rJ11u1 wull t.nh<IHll A ;tO() I 01tly JI! hour• l'tlC 11 Newpor I II • 100 I Almoll "-' 64 I 78111 Al1u ll•va • 1{117 f or mulu llU ?O II Ilk e N(W I (,11111 7 141 1142 ;iooo s H" lnr Jim 111y J• If out IJl .. n ltfotortyr/11/ l11avo mH111got ltHt•ll II SO , .........•....•.•••••. S•otti•t OoH1 1014 • r ••••• ••••• ••••••• •• tt' csn KAWASAKI }~ Mtlll l ri•MPOllno h••v)' low MIMlllQtl 1700 nbo i.luty """'"' ,(lfll r.011d no 067<> l4'J U4? 1157 I Sto11, R11t•111u1, ,,, 1095 .............•.•.•.•.. 1'> 11u11t.111 XI 2!>0 run• & lr..uka good, ureal ror 1110111111 Hlwn mual 11.tll. U T!>lotio b4!1 :e">t1~ !i11h·~ SUPPUMHT YOUll 11100111 rv<Jfy Suntluy ll11m Jµm <lrttll!Jd 1;r111~1 Cl)ll.;g,. I ollrVlf1W I\ A1llO(ll011. l.USI•• Muob AOllllnto11 """ 111 C111y11111 Solhtr R1t'•"Vllll(ln5, fllf(l !>'1b !1880 X 700 M111ultu C,11111cir" I ll•llJ '""' MulOI lot Cll m1111 l oom ttt11~. wl<h• 1111glt1 lu11~ 111"'' .. no very fin• 1;1s.i 6•2 b 14 / 11111IOlfl IVfll! Wltll ~hull 1111 lllr 1111ly $ 100 111mp11 rod (1111~~ •lllrwur OIHl" 11111.1 "•"" u11ly S!>O 1111 110111 ( 1111 tid;jl 0 ljtl t.vrnm I 11.1• n11tth111e1• II. ~1111 ugo 1otr1g undo• U111v111 ••t v Alhl1tl1C C. lub $1100 Ill) IJ'i'l 1 l,Ll8f()rn llU81fVUlflll flAC.1!11 I,.,,., S000'0Ull / 14141J4 1$11116 M1ulltwr~l1111 M1!11 Ot!ly IT a • 1>11t1• \4~0 11~3 600(, V, "''''°' llON(lA 175 )(I ).100 ClllU 0 ,.1111 c.rurnrmni. gill'I' HiF~ St11to 1091 m1 """' /OOc;i; r.11 SIOO Worl. I'/ I IJ urn 2 11'" ILOC" SALE I _. nr .c '"" ? 11111 w11h 11111 " -~ '"' to Y111 1045 l ut. Anoul,ttt 1ur~1» C•r 2900 JACA RA NOA •••••••••••••••••••••• 1;uh1llC1fl l1J1trll UI .,,,.,. !\AlllADAY An tq ODk l'oodtH ''"" I() g ooo 11nonn nles lorn an bull,.1. ~111u 111Jrl.lrcJ8. 4 ho11t11 Shurry'i P1:101.1111- •fo11d µ.111 ..... , , ~''"'1 oi·~;j, if'u;··2;···Ac.·; 'll>I .,?,,, lhlllll"' I\ fh1',on1.1l11t10 t.0101 Iv 2 yr wrr1ty Ho11<l11 80 <..M400 (1•<;1111 c u11111.iwoon <tl1111A \141) r1tt1111u11v .. 1y tv110 t•sk11•0S1100 11011r1y wtigu l c.onu11 01w1 lllo IQ nuil)lo Chest. 541) i846 T 1 n1n1no provrllod r or 111111111µpl11 1w111 liOb. 101& ~0111 blllC.k 11111 1 yr 1,1IO l lu111 h44 4'1\\4 0 1.1111 Sun ll'> I tJHH oil '>PM 1111 1.s11., (. u 11 ( 1 1 4 / ol "11111111r11 ow wl)lnul 1111 ,h01., ~lll•yuO Min~ Srolu l:mbll pu~lttl !140·0301 I' cnr~ rug6 gomtt~ 1oy11. 714149& 03!4 n111U1JI Or own r11tnk lu(IQuuu 0011tes ol noms SJOO ?•O 1251 SECRETARY . Meo 11 hun1ly OOQ n1111os W1111 ~urnaco S50 J Mtt· 10v1110 11011111 oAi-r 1nEWOOD YOU with al least 3 y•s slock urok11111ge llAl)r Full lime 'l 10 5 644· 7040 ask 101 Sus<1n M11ss .. n1e 1111 K1rw1111 C11•>•ne1s s2s I 548.0324 1•11 K 11P on w 1: Of11 bt1•t!l1> 60 ~20 x38 1M1,1 l11 cJ o g Spo ntt1l1 $1!> e .. 645·48J2 Aut rrnllun Shep max. 1 llyt1rnv11c. Salo1t <..nr ea 1 Woo<J Sro•oge Cu· I vcn 41JJ 67411 yr )(1111 wlk•O S Mom ul· • .,11okc colored Gouo SCCRETAAY/EXl:t;UTIVE 16HP 01.tlbOOtC $75 SCM tergic., 151 9323 t •111d $40 613 4186 ASSIS r ANT f ouo i;om. roll led copier $500 wl ':lfl'I 11.111 IV Ju1111 !> 6411 178fl ur AH <..Ar # <'50 SC.AN NEn S:>4~ S46·185!> IU Lenllh <..olor f V Uoexl (l)n(J $ l!JO 644· 1676 GOOO 40 WA r r SPKl<S Hne 5ou11d. $~01µii11 646-7909 l:IU Y/IMAllA 400 SP[ CtAI M1111 comJ , very lc.w m1l1H.1Ut! l 1000 9t.C' 184 I 1<1 Y .. m11ha SA500 lor 11Jrt5 good e11g S'>OOI OBO 63 l 7244 81 llor1dH XL 1855 Allll 1,ur111 M ust se ll Sf~UlbSI Oii 552 8014 N[W CIACN MAIUR VHS UllUllTlD HUOT VHI RHl-UIP UllllllH PACIFIC& ti!:JLU 'll IODH VH C.111111e 1111 1111111 II I H t l.t/1601 S .. H 'll GMC CAMPER th b.1t k t h,.tr• t. l II wl1t•1tl t'1 IU!>2Jt SHH 'll DOO&E MUI I r1u '"'Y WlllOOW\ II 1111 rn11d 1:1a1JO,:>> SHH 'la FOllD CAMPEii S1111o. '"ll II ,,.,,.""' (628ti11JI SHH '11 FOllD VAii WtrlOOw pkg ~lt!llW II "" c.uno tA 1884!.J Ave, Anaheim 634-2994 Hwy C ap1s1r ano Bell lost Tiny Blk & Tan l•--------•I 7141496·66:,6 Yorksh11e Terrier. Blrcri C t •1 I f d Management St Santa Ana Heights I lrl & OO Ambt11ous coup111 not! 1110C11y oroa1111011on rn supplle~ ww2 w111cup M Oobe1rna11. 10 mos nds lrv111e requires d<11n1011 rornru µlayor $65 39 gel homtt, 1tll sr101s CdM srratl!i.l <!ACelleni 0111ce I whne comenl l.llocks S 10 ke n ne 1 s 6 4 4 7 2 6 2 1.111<1 or9on1l allona1 )kills Fv11d , llaus am Chrrst· 6-5 30 I Martul urn/Im stureo rec V11.to11.ir1 doll h oust1 11rvt1r •lnr 1.uno, $40 rn'"'t" i;r.,rred (.;ci )t 646-7909 $400 !.(d i $3 0 0 G I: mous 23 brac.11 & SllH TMHDOH 11011111 FORD REWARD 549-8379 or Stnlct Workers oed PI T 10 llldnage QIU & at11111y 10 work w1111 m1ts bOAeS old v1011n. 6 weel. Old white rabbit 1,Jeopte Good opportu· lender Jaguar el<llC gu•· 49~ • •n w1t1111 f v har. outlets 1 way airplane ticket 111pu1s etc good cond rlt1nt 26 mo1or home 2060 Harbor Blvl1 sips 8 fully loade<J COSTA MESA 559-9770 E.p d pref 9.5 30 Inter wing lam11y bus111os Found-;mall_s_h_a-ggy dog. vtew between 2·4 Mon-848-972'l n11y w1lh e•pandud du· tar S3SO 711 llbruglass nds good home 4 mo lll!s s 1000 10 s 1100 lo bo.tt s3~ Air •am cylln· supply or rooo 645-1286 645-8616 !Paul) 142_0010 UO-U 11 t !WAI to P11tsburgn Pa $50 646· 7909 vrc Brookhurst & India· F" Loris Kitchen 3077 IUAlETlll& napolls 962-4093 S Harbor Blvd ltH1roo1 stall w1grt1at ben&111s dttr. tub shower encto· Farait111t 1050 E•p11108 NOY 6 82 64 r 5051 I Boats & M11iat T!!J!!!'.t •• lf.tJf!'!..!.'.~~ 78 f'ORO Beaur tu~tom t.all 7 1•1~40 9846 s111es S40 Frt-Sat 333 ••• • ••••• • • •••••• ••••• at c a,,1age or 1 s A Ma1ure Ambmous Cou Found Parakeet. vie 979-0747 pl11 or respons1blt1 Single W11s1 CoSle Mesa Tom 1--~~~~~---1 10 11e1p on Mgm1 10ev or Secrer~oy E 181h SI C M o c Au po• r Area Ad lrounl•itt V•llev **I BUY** Oc1111scope mac111011 1Md I E·11~111fltl 3Cl.US80rl8S $150 Or Oh (;~-;,;,, •••••••••9oio P U BED UTILITY TAAi· lttglt top 4 bkl set seals l [ R Side Boards & s11pfl beds. sell con I 645-4873. 5 48-220 tr lam1ly owned business X273 COLLECTOR 64S-67711 Agunc.y looking ror a ••••••••••••••~••••••• m.>ture person 10 1111 Big Garage Sale furn. nos111on as adm1111s1ra-kids clorhe5 111c Sat 11ve secretary Prores· only 8·4 18541 Co11on- Good used Furniture & Go~:;;r;A::~:~;4 ··1ai1ii"iu(i.ioci .. Roor $ISO 631-72•4 ~1ereu11ap;, 1111 wheel I awn1no nw trre Must Aoto Strvite, 1'1tl See' Sell or 1raae on '82 FOUND Red lr1sh Seller EApandtng Newport Mtchaaical An1111~ltr type Fem vie 20111 & Beach credit caro com 1 yrs ei.pr 1n mech as Appltances-OR 1 will sell or SELL tor You IASTEH AUCTIOll 141-1111 133-1125 Perrecr for all occasions f'un lot Halloween 673 44 l!I FOR SALE 642 4644 M·f 9.5 It Acct1101iu 1400 Wa90" 673·3622 P~~~;·4··1~;·~~;·:;~,·k• 11 GMG campet t onver peny has opening 1n me,, Wallace st 645·4880. collecflon division AP· sembly he<1•y 1i111no req 646-9852 eves phcanl must have 2 .3 yrs Goo d ben11111s C M FOUND Black Cat vie collect1011 eapr BAM, area 714t S40 4293 s1ona1 a111tud8 eppea· wooo 'ilnce pnone voice a • must Sharp general or. ~f!~!'.'?f!!~.~.t.'.~t... I IUY FUHITUH 8 Fl DINGHY Rug 9A 12 oval go10 w / Need' a llllle patnl & h11avy r nngu S.50 1 TLC $65 646-7909 up ro 50•1, 011 your 851 s1011 ltll. cruise PB PS Boll 842-0100/964-0332 Btr 11nted windows new rad1a1s $4900 631 A793 Vista Del Oro. Eastblulf card & CRT expr pr er Mtrchanlllatr, va1e1r6yp~1•ndly 640-885S Contact John A11en Mon Foo .. ILr flee s1>ill& required 70 leen1.1flts For Boy Scouts Les 957-8133 wpm typir•g 556·0460. Sat 10130 8 30AM 10 Ask for Brlllany, 9 30 · I 4 PM 603 I Cornell Dr 644·4579 Our.I. boat, 9· $70 3032 611 brown plo1d solo hide· 2 Shofl stre•;ns 44 w I No 56 Coolidge Ave European Mechanic re· pairs European cors1 AutOI W•Dltd 1590 r rtHlC.h Spkg 991 1229 •••••••••••••••••••••• "" 1tuuFr(8 30 lo4301Jm • • 759-7889 Pl t1me women more PM Much m1'.lC a·bea $75 Maple dlnetle Built 111 indoor stainlei.5 Cos11t Mesa Joh" WE PIY LOST 10123. B•acl\ & gray s u 1 tab I e c a 1 n 11 c ser 4 ch1111s $75 SICJ/CU OFC 5 s11101 BBO w1S1a1111essl '°''' ltf•int~auc~ l and developmenr com f!/.".'!~.~!.'.'.t....... 642·89 4 steel hood W1noow $ , • a020 1960 vw moror 1300cc 12 volt syslem $ 1 SO 645-1286 TOP DOLLAR FOR USED CHS Allll llAHOll POllTIAC/SHAAU shaggy lem dog Med Counler Help Ma1ure 2131949-0574 9.12 Mon B and n~. !WIN BED 1 mount a11 condllroner fll'ltt J size M uch rove d person, para ume Apply & r 11 onr1 'Chick neeos medic•· 1n person Trie Tummy pany. heavy phones g Collec1or s choice ltnds r v~ w •• •••••••••• ••••. ••••. 1vp1ng Shortriand or Glassware pictures. frame S 7~ Cell Anne 8000 BTU fluoresc.enl Martne Serv1~s l 1 0 n Im me d c 0 M Srutt8' 270 So BrtSIOI MODEL INBnteO Pl ltme 720-0930 REWARD CM 751-3566 c:::k~;f.~4~~0 ~cfv!' ;.3 I equiv reqd Maruro. non rrames one 8 brae. Pol· 851 1033 davs att 6PM ce111nu 119ri1 r1 .. 1ure Designllnslall/Repatf PARTING OUT 67 Ftre 548· 1428 646 3104 alter 6pm Olly work 549.2520 Ev bird Doors lrunl. lid Found 10/ 14, fem dog •n Oenral Recep11on1st. lull S A Blk & wht med $Z 11me, previous olltce e ... NU•1SES 2480 Harbor Blvd smkr Send ruume & 1ery. chests. costume _ 5,06 render rronr & salary requirement 10 mare11a1s Sor 9AM-1PM Anlq darl. Ptne hulch 36 Glori& Marshall Treat-J t /II · buc~et seats gu rank PO BOA 7006. Newport Preview f'rt 4-6PM 2710 wide x 68 hi xlnt con<l rne111s $9 .. 0 value. $300 °• •,. '1lltt 6 2 53 S M ain rir Warner Call perlence tn Peg Board. 536-3751 cottecllons & 1ns btlllng RN 's & LVN's 11PM-71M Shift Beach. CA 92660 Solana Way \265 548·6234 646-45441645-5072 ••• ~•~!.e~!'!!. ... !.~~~ 1 etc 4 "46 ' leve • Service S1a11on A1tendan1, Ntrttort 11.c• 48 Rouno Table e11tends I llEWPOAT MARIOll 10 HfP Sears outboard Autos /01 S•I~ COSTA MESA s ... uoo Ul-1451 required Founialn Valley Found Yng fem Calico otttce 963-5634 cat, vie 18th & Pla~nt1a. e.cperlence wuh ret·s •••• ••••••••••••••••• 10 60' 6 chrs all w / Ml&M SCHOOL motor Very gd cond •••••••••••••••••••••• N 9 w p 0 , 1 Be 8 ch Esrate Sare, an11qucu. w h 11 tl p e des 1 a 1 5 s 175 963-5272 IMPORTANT NOTICE 1 WE IUY CLEAi CHS All TRUCIS CM 631-2942 alt SPM DESK CLERKS Bright 6-44-7151 furn Newrord. Sreuben s lOOfbest 01, 673-8772 SAILOR lllD TO READERS AND glass. freezer designer __ --1 ANNUAL CAA WASH ALUM MAST for sa1lb08I ADVERTISERS Losr. White Male Kllten energellc .• •xper req 0 Start lmmeO Good be· 12 weeks Vic 500 blk nerits. Call todav or ap fVfl I J ~ta. II~~ Clothes lots of 1lems 11,tng beO 78A80 • W I ANO BAKE SALE 60 1811 $1000 fhe P"Ce of Hems ad· Narcissus CdM RE· S C WARD. e Vic Brool\hurs1 ply al 34862 0 oasr Small alcohollsm ireat ment rac•hly tocatea In Newport Beach has mul· Uple openings for quah- f1ed l'IN's and LVN's on the 1 tPM·7AM SMI Bi· l1n guat t i.li ts (Engllshl Span1sh) would be a plus ~.!.! .! ~ ·-·'!-under $100 2834 Ca· frame good cono Mariner's Elemenlary 645-921• 642-5690 verhsed by vehlele dea·, 1elpa, NB. Frtl Sat1S1.1n S 1251besl orr 673-8772 I Panctnn Lot 9_3Pm I Jo•I• 10., .. 1 go~o ters rn the vehicle ctaast· rflf"'Sn.#"i,H {Jt in~f't~Helpet 10 S ----11 ' " -. fled 8d"orltslng C"'umn•1 Co.tHlll CHEVIOUT and Ellis S tOO Reward Hwy Capistrano Bch 963-4721 7141496-6656 --SA ES · Cusrom made 7 Couch. 1 Saturday Oct 30l h 1 •• • •• • ••••. •••••• •••• • "' ~ ~ L iiil Jtl~relHniliu perlect cond11>on, coach I cars S2 vans $3 C•asslc 18' l apsrrai.e does not include any' Found· Grey cal . Worner and Ne wl a nd A re a . Huntington B ch 842-2844 DOORMH-SICURITl I ••••• •••••• • • •••• ••• •• arms srcte & back cu-. --Century bay boa\. 4 cyt. appllcable taxes, license. 1 st TIME AatiHfl 1005 $h1ons. mix st11ped oluel I MalltWHft Costu1111 Grey $3500 675-6161 rronsler lees. finance 0 '°' ••••'••••••••••••••••• green11>e1oe. etc $200 Fer Reat 13 BoSton Whaler, Mint charges. lees tor air pot.I FF EA IN u Antique lier 1op reed or· 67s-2333 Aea•~able 963•9625 C 3 P ru11on control device -=--------gan small size. looks _ ~· ond 5 H ·Blee &lrl • cerltllca11on1 or dealerj ,. Uff• !J0t lid r bur Ii'' •1 (I i:-T ,\.., ~-"' \ §46-1200 Senior Securir y guard wanred for condom•· n1um Reis & Ex per r req'd Call 675·6 10 I loll Med whtltan dog M·F, 6-4 pm Wht rewel collar. bluo •-------leash, 17th/Orange DRIVERS wanted over 645-4481 18. nd car & insurance Th•s •s an eacellent oP· Portun1ry fOf indlVlduaJs 1nteres1eo 1n me phys1eaJ end psycholog1car upecrs of alcohol abuH and tis lreatment Inter· ested appltcants should conract Gerry Me.zz.a a1 $50 000 YR good bul needs work. Unique BA set Dresser 1s1a1e 1op p oo11abi"e 6M4a5~7Y67X3trlavsllAeSss3e8_!0 documentary prepara-1 Ill " • · 1 $200/obo 631·2250 wlrnd mirror bed frame tavern s•ze $300/obo .--I ron c harges unless Top dollars for Sporrs • ,.. ~ 1 5 o h f d b I Ca•s. 0ugs. Camp.,s Found Lge white dog Baycrest vtclnlly 646-2697 Founo Yng German I Shep fem. v1c Coll• Mesa 548 -9197 548-8780 -------1tllOHI• SJ50 ...................... LIHA I YlCll'S PHOTO MODELS ESCORTS/DANCERS OUTCALL 24 HRS Hl-0207 *** Atlantis Parlor Open 24 hrs a day 7 days a week Jacuur. Sauna Locals as well as Tourists Ban~ Amerlcard. Amer- ican Express. Diners All welcome 7 14/645-3433 2112 Haroor Bl CM COEDS • Would love 10 party w/you Call Sve Of Kathy any11me (2131 63 4 -4 571 (71 4 ) 527-7186 IODUIH PLUS 645--3646 Eicottc dancers for Bachelor/ Bacheloreue Parties 738-8538 or 558-8538 ----Women & men. rel•• wllh a mass age , c-11 497-5718 LADIES· Sensual mat· sage. relaxing. anytime, warm, sincere 24 hra Call Dave 6-42-7658 1tt1H•I HffltH 5110 .•..••••.........••.•. AT Jiii SHYICI Pertonal, qualified com· pan1on drivers for your day 10 day errand• Shopp1no. d oct or'• appts, church, etc AU needs met By hour Of day 494-5857 SHllCAl. PIHU•1 C•ll now for prolestlonal countellnO No chero-. no obllga11on. 850-1026 24 hrs. Begin or end yoor dey lh• right way Heve • munge without leevlng your home or olflee. By a llGenMd masMUN 751-8254 ~!'.t!~!~! ......... . {!~! •• '!f'1.'I. •••• !.~!! E11wt .Olt PfOOfrHdlng. UMC tournellam d~r N•w•P•P9r, mag. bUI exp 497 .. 105 COmpe1110nlht«I*' Hve In l)09ltlon detlr.CS by ,,. ture, .. p'd F. $48-25e7 U..,._ln Swedllh Glrt1 Childcare. hticpg, etc Swedllh Au P8H Agency An-Ad 889. 642·54171 ••-•• '°" <•" 0.,n .,_ W-ANTED A 1 I d w r C S l • 1968°7 109 964·3756 WANTED large wheel. 16 01 •rw1se spec• re y 9 • A • mar cen n-875-5810 --to 18 lreller 548-2188 tri. 80ve<tl58f 1• s. udl • • lop comrni-.s•on~ dlan baskets. bead wO<k. ----Bumper Pool Teblo. $100 Ask IOf UIC MGR • f .rr,,.,,.,, .h 1 ''""'~ pors. 1e.111es 494.7974 Queen s11e water bed Ptnball mechrne, S350 Say Leunch. 201h Cen1ury A•lif•ll/ JI• lllltll heaoboard. 6 drawer Hammond El•c organ. Lapstr1ke. 18' inboard. CJ • f 5ZOI YOLISWAIH 751-0451 •' 1 f.' T •ANTIQUE AUCTION~ pedestal good cono $600 Oak credenza $2500 675-1835 Eve5 •••• .'.'.'!!! •••••••••••• ~ h 1 1 •225 1e111 Beach Blvd New Eaclling Produc t• Thur Octobtl( 28. 6PM 5 ee s · e c ~ $350 644-2119 I MOIEl "A"'! 5"5·1201 -----30' Closstc Ch11scral1 twin HUNTINGTON BEACH UH EXTRA SIH Part time alter school 1111 I leas I 3 days per week I You can earn S20 to S50 per -k No e•pe11enoe ne.cled Call Da11v P1101 642-4321 ext 342 ask for Joe E.O E Mr. Davi• Lois ot small nems In· ClllllSTMAS IDU eng re-powered. 111n1 Shay repllcas, plekups & 142-2000 (714) 521-1000 eluding hanging 11nd 101 Recliner theu dark brown Mt••( LOY"'llS s 15 ooo olle• ~2· 1194 coupes 4 ro choose 714/145-5701 llAUHiN MILLS NOSPITAL Dealer lnqu111es lampa Orn11ety carved velvel has extras Xlnl n. 11; I ---from• 1006768) (Slk Invited 111ory pc BronH Srarue. cond S 100 642-857 t Beau111u1 ceramle horse 15 Boston Whaler '82. 70 A3093) Prices s1ar11ng 81 _________ 1 German netm•t China hand p11n1e0 and grazed I hp Evtnrude cove•. 1ra1 Hlf •t,IH! and small pr1mt11ves Kitchen Teole modern Only $75 Orher ceramic fer. blt·tn fuel 1en11 • Ovnanit' lnve•tmenr"c' 0 sers htgh boy1>. tables top rrormicat wllh leef for your en1ma11overs ror S . a~o-EUCTllCAL OESllllEA Equal Oppty Employer , ~ ~ chrs. desks, side ooards vety nice S35 6"2·857 l Christmas Call me for loa11, "I JVV THEODORE ROBINS WAITED! Late model Toyolas Votvos. Pickups & Vans Call us 1ooay1 Earle Ike SUPER STAR I Furn includes Oall <Ires-slyle beige w/bulcher animals made ro order I $8500 645-6999 EXPERIENCED Per ma-MIF requlfeS B SUPER ST AR serve" Edison phono Duncan Phyl11 01n1ng Rm details 111 8•0-8709 air I i6:'"~0b;e• c;;,: ·;;,~;; • ~; nent position 25 1r old I •ursiac w1lllng lo •eatn our busl-1 w l horn 10•1. buyers tab 6 chr Gd cond Re-6PM req sunrise salts Like TOYOTA·l'Ol\'O e I e c tr I c a I c o Cert NA 3.11 30PM & ness I premLA,uRmR" ••ORGAN 1514n5.4d.'5•~ wood $450 ltlo1ital new $2500 675-6161 '"'"-"'' 71"'859·7200 P111me 3 30· 7 30PM I ' "" " • Cornpensa1ton 10 S36 AUCTION J111tro•tttll IOIJl 14 HOBIE CAT 1977. latr c .. 1.-.. IUCITJVE SECRET Hf I Sm conv hosp nr CllA 000 plus bonus ano e•· 1685 Toronto way CM Oueen size SP"ng & mat-•• •••• • •••• • •••• •• ••• • cond $600 675-4.506 53 Studebaker ChamptOn P\. H._UOJ., i•o-to 1 FORD 1060 HAA80A BLVD COSTA MISA 641 0010 ~:,~11~e5~~Y :,~~u1?i ;Fa~;~~~~:~::~~I Inter cepllonai t>eneltls ¢~~~:e~5~!i~c~ ~r:~~ ~~~On~~ •• ~~oed YAMAHA Base Amp Lose• wllreoler ~Int cono ~3~~52~~:59~_'f;oi" Wt Hf be flexible Reqs SH es11ng pos11ton for ater1 Qppor11.1n1ty 10 !ravel lor 675·8839 Head with 8 double 15 S IOOO • s R c s h h hi 1 PV speaker caboner All 760-9414 Cttll ltt•H lltt4t4 USED CAR & T U "-1 0 0 WPM 1YP 1 n g 1n1e1t19en1 appltcant a brtg 1 ig Y mo iva-14 Pressed Back c11ne sear Conver11ble sleeper sofa in e~cellenl condition COME IN OR CALL FOR 6 5 WPM $ 7 0 0 IH G 00<1 w 11 h numbers 1ed sell s tarter Req chrs. Am Golden Oak, 80 attractive floral pa1tern 5800obo 75 111 Mk II 79 Volvo 27 1946 Ford Woody Wa· FlllE APPRAJSAl 675-3551 dys MacGREGOl'I YACHT Degree and evidence ol rs old 5200 240•3267 opens 10 full dbl bed hp dsl 9 bags. lull gon, $13.000 Cormier-Delillo FLOOR PEl'ISON ASST CORP 1631 P1acen11a super star accompllsh· Y __ Xlnt cond IH5loller 1 131-0UI, 1·1PM race1cru1se. new !Iller --- 1 Sewtng producllon e•p Co_s~a_M_e_sa_ ments ~l/.'!!f'.~~~••••••!.~!~ 559 5038 LUDWIG ORUM SEl :!::~·:~on°'~0r~adS~~r~ ~9:~ ~o~~ MS<><;'~ AOT~n 1821~":::~~EJLVD nee Soll·starler laSI HARBOR AREA l L HUNTINGTON BEACH II 1111s 1sn t you please t ~ e n e"" queen s 1 z e Hardly used 9 pc. w 5 roc.e $31 500 675-6896 675-6161 learner C.M 642·9651 , PART Tiil tell your smartes1 siar APPLIANCE SERVICE waterbed wtlh leether ' cymbllls g cases 8 fl SABOT w/new paint 65 M USTANG Conv ,,anr IU·IOll, 541-3331 ftlLIW Tiil Siii ' Telephone Clerk Daily quality friend abOUI lh1s we sell recond guar t11m $200 240 3267 I 646 7445 R 47 I P1101 C1rcurat1on Dept ad Non smokers ple11se appliances 549.3077 oom Lee brd mast sail nds O•IQ cond 1 owner Red T Dolf Work and play tn Palm Eves & W~nd Greal Please send resume to Trundle bed con11mpo. UKElElE some hard war wl blk inter 759-0097 op ar Spr1ngs, Las Vegas and I 1 11 1 I IUY APPLIAllCH rary Oestgn. Oood condl· M t / $165 963-5272 1 resorr areas demonstra· noun• or co ege s u· COLLIN:, ASSOCIATES l 957 8133 llon 575 675•9497 art•n enor w case 62 Xcahbur. ivory with p 'd 1 den! 642-4321 alter 567 San Nicholas Dr es • •In r con o S 2 2 5 lo•t•, Slii• , camel 1n1r as seen on 31 ~~~I e;,~!:igwri~~h~~~:j •pm Ask for Richard .Newpor1 Beach, 92660 washci Oryei Aelrlg Game Table and 4 pad· 646 7909 Dock• 9010 1 Malt Houston TV Show ' For Your Car• roned group. transport&· •E_O_E _______ Teachers Assisi 10 aide Dlshwasner·Freezer ded chrs s 15o. Good R11re Fender Coronado XII •••••••••••••••••••••• (7 l~~046 J JOMISlll I SOii 11on furnished, return I ror pre-schOOI. lull & part )(Inf cond 646-5848 cono 499·5840 acoulllC·elec gull&•, BOAT SUPS AVAIL~BL~ 4 WAHi DtiHI 15501 . ouaranteed. paid training PROlllAMMEl/.IR. tome Call blwn 1·2 30 Relr1gs Washers Dryers Wicker ll••tt•. s.a sunburst. tn mini cond Newport Beacn 25 . 26 . •••••••••••••••••••••• 1 L1mc1la-lercury and high earnings Must I llM SJSTEl/3• 552-7494 Many 10 choose lrom 536•8288 $379 6.C6-7909 30 35 40'. & 45 C•ll LARGEST JEEP DEALER 2626 Harbor Blvd be well g roomed and RPG II SDA. OFU TEACHER • credenllal. Goar $100/up 859-0682 Girts f'ronch Prov bdrm Acous11c Yamaha Gut1a1 6 4 2 F-4644 from 9 .5 In the West Costa Mesa 540-5630 start 1mmeoiareay For Greal opporlunlly for 8 1o h eel\ w f G 1bson slrtngs Mon·" d0Sl)8raletyneed• t1IGHEST -CAS11 1mme- 1nt8'View call 646-41671 c0<1soenllous appt1c1nt • r,s perlrwl .Tper,· Refrtgt1rator very clean, set. dbte rieadbrd g $135/obo c•8·8269 SLIPS AVAIL Hun11ng1on your .JEEP O•atety for your vehicle r -1 n1ngprovlded.TheRea· 893•9060 Harbour Bay , Oa Ces or 8 domestic or foreign 11 am to 4 pm ParentS '"ountaln viii-Co manen pos on ra • like nl:lw rwo door $165 frame dresser & nlle " High t Doll P .o I welcome. .JOhn. 964-9090 ding Game. 842-0606 -itand. Sl50 551·5007 01/itt ,.,.;,.,~I 840-55 .. 5. 846-77116. 6-9 all Gary Gray 551·8285 GENERAL OFFICE REAL ESTATE SALE· ------Whirlpool washer $125. Htde·a-bed /lovesea1. E~·~•enl 1015 PM. 11 4 0 • 4 0 9 7 . llAICE CIAST Varied dulles, l yptng, SMAN Need 2 axpe-TEUPlll•E M ayleg dtshw11sher sngl Simmons S30. Ph •••• • •••••••••••••• 213-•31-3764 AMC/.IEEP/REIAILT AatH l•aartH busy phones. ace i s r1enced people In com· SOLICITlllS $195 Apl sz washer/ 536·5190 Ollvelll 1550. all paper dry TED ••OORINO I 21524 Harbor Blvd .. CM •••••"···'·-·•••••••••• p I I It d d $295 N I -----' cop•e< Assume lease w/ WAN "" or A '' •101 peyabl9 os 1 ve 811 u e merc1al & tndustrlel real I ryer ow op Dnigner s. ect bronz.e 1 •ow down 714.a5t·6936 75 BOAT In NEWPORT 549-8023 6•5-7770 .!. •••••......... ! ...• nec.ssary. CM area Cell estate IOf a wc;c;eulul & We need good people ro model Admiral Refrrg. glllSS taore moV1ng must -HARBOR 557.4073 1980 C.J5 4 cyt-never ofl 10 A .... ,. s.-o T•..a.• M rs 0~ 546-7172 g10~1no llr-"-1 o sel up eppo1n1men1s I S•Oe·by·Stde warer & ice •All 631-3133 1•11 1011 •• 8VV r• ~7~· -"' """' w r lrom our Newport Beach dispenser $995 New -~-_ .:•••••••••••••••••••• Doclo. renlal 28 h mu No road 35,000 ml E•C~· 26.000 mites, tully loaded lllf CLEll I ~·~r ~ndllto': :na ~e;r-office In lh• evening for Whirlpool elec stove Top 8 11 couch end 6 fl love White tem Ame,,can Es-1 ltve abollld Wesl New· lent cond $6500 sunroof. gel cond like AesortholelneedsPIT 7141646.5051 1-1orioaylnn'snewtravel models -low co st sear ooodcond SISO 111mo loveable smart port Sr9Srno 968-0263E115 &Wknds new $13 ,400080 golf cl•rkl starter Ideal I ---clvb Salary + comm•s-1546·8672 (borh) 439.5449 UKC, hsebrk n $25 673-3.174 '75 CJ5 ve. new rrins, 6 4 5 • 8 2 1 1 Eves f()( r•tlred person Apply llECEPTIOllST s 1 on + b on 1.11 C a I I Amana l6' Froezer. cop-King·at1e waterbed, 6 mos 673-11289 Slip spaoe IO 42· New RE, RI Br n-tires. 857 ·9684 days In person Per sonnet Trainee for phones & Ille 833-3740 alter 1 PM I pertone. xlnt cond S200. old rails bookcase 1 Slll .. ·TZU PUPPIES ARDELL MARINA Ag IP Super rruck 75 Audi Fox N..Os ltWe D • P 1 · M 0 n • f h" 11 office duties Storl1ng 6 2 " S 3 O O 0 0 B 0 Eves $ 8 30 12 1107 J bOI-Telephone S•les _4 ·_9333 __ headboard. S200tob0. AKC C 1 11 11 642-5735 work 1000 or t>est Of· · • ' am .,.,, salary $3 75 per hr AP· 9611 7 09 96 3756 hemp on ne. a 546-0403 j rer 857-4 167 Rd. NB 644-1700 _ ply tn person from 2 to 6 PAMIC Matching Maytag Avo-• 1 4• shot•. 8 wks Wiii hold N B lido Isl•, acrouf Golf Shop, sales & pur· Mon thru Frt No pllOne Oesperarety need 3 peo-cado wash•r & ou dryer, fOf Chr1srm11 720-089 l Balboa Bay Club 36'. 79 Cherokee Chl•I, l~oa-lllW f1JZ II I L II 245 P•-,·0 work from our of· $200 559-5038 Wooden Fr11me King sire 553-0644 $37 .. Wkd•""'· 631·5252 ded Xtnt cond S5SOO •••••••••••••••••••••• chatlng. 32 hrs w•ek ca IP ease .an e .., " 1• 666 6 2 42 7 S5 50 per hr + comm Fischer. Unit o-e. Costa flee laking phone orders Wh1•lpoot w11he~ Waterbeo like new With CMESAPHE Hf RU Boar dock for rent. New-673·2 . 4 • 4 Con1ect Paul. Dave or Mesa ror Fllmco Procesalng, more drv.ar S75 e11 Xlnt n-metl•HS. new line<. s 75 Toyote lend C1vl-1969 1 ne .,-new,,..,., $125 0t bftl AKC. t5 mos Old Fem porl Island. 1 mo up ~lk• 496-2023 -llEC"'-IOllST no exper enc• CH-cond Call 840-6108 oller 962-697• Cell al· Ne•d• loving family to 27' 873-4749 wllh completely rebulll U'" • sary. $200 per week alter --350 Chev eng new Int. unaUEIT JtlS Flume 9 to 5 Kidder. training Call S54·0444 Seers 17 2 cu ft ••frig. tar 5prn $l25 844-4077 ••• ,, ,,.,_, IHO wheels. tires. Clutch. etc lmmedlat• op•nlnga Peabody & Co 844-7040 1oday Harvest gold. gd cond Parror, Umbrell• Cock•· •••••'•·•••""••••••••• Like new cond. Mus1 aell overNat •nd dome.lie esk for Suaan Messenle TELEPHONE SALES $200 8 .. 6-04114 9190ek FURNITURE . NEW too. tame. youno, $525 ORY STQR•GE I by 11-3 S3150 01 otlt1 20.000 to 50,000 + •1s -IAIAIEI CM 862·7637 ft 546-7394 Ask ror Lence t ••LEI •rRYICI Year Cell (312) 920-9875 ales -0 E "'EF-AIGEAATO-R PARKING LOT SALE j Monthly boar t toreYie. -·• .lclolly FAii.i · ,., Fri, Sal, Sun llKC Lhasa AplO Puppies, r, ... a., ISIO L"''llll EAi 2239 I'm looklng for a real rrostlrH, white. $40 Must ralH Cuh matt & female 1200 any atH. 24 h• teevt iv .••• :.'!•••••••••••••••• Mt MllllllSSlllS Opt'y 10 sell gourm•t entl'lus1a1llt manager 675·.C707 all 8 PRICES STA.AT AT 549-4223 lrM launching Toyole 076 AM/FM St•· 831-2040 495.4940 and Autlt t needed I looda and glfta for hOll-Eaper needed running Admtr111 Aefrtg Harvaat Mattreues & found. Mt lllWPllT Hal reo CH selte Sme ll UHlllAOI l•W an• 8 days Flex hrs Fashion coupon Hies & rtla141d 1 Twtn •77 • ,,, .. 11 •07 AKC Coc:ker Spanlol Pup 11"1 IH• llJ If II camper shell S2175 26•02 Marguerlle Pkwy Hair W11tl N ewport Island 840-6030. Weal· pr09r1m1 Mual l>e d•· gold wfwoodgran lllnd· • rv • 4 ...... , MIF Lite bvff • 673 """18 M~lon Viefo Be.ch LOUIN . 873-4188 cllfl Pl••a •42.o072 h 1 lie: & let 2 dr, clnl cond 1260, Oueen Sl .. 7 • King $167 IU-0110 • ..., -" I pend~~19·, enr ut ••, 842-9685 Sola S lovea..1a 1247 S•l•ct now •200l up ·73 Oataun PU w/sh•ll. (Ave E1tll ott 1•5I Helr1tylt11 and Mank:url111SALH/Mmll --be a e o IQ•~•r's e ~ ---Sole Bedt St07 540-0444 1 I ti new pe1n1, 42,000 o•lg Open Sund•YI. ~~~~·to~d"e'YA rs.~op1 Earn to $1500/mo PIT I ~~~~de :~~~~,.-,,, ~=~· WO~~~~~·, d;J!~1:;dE~=~~= DISCOUNT f'UANITURE Gr•v ChHk•d parror, .!!.·.'~!'-.1!........ ml, custom 11'11 a whll, ~ mon lh Fre• r ent or M u 1 t b o ma t u , e Cell 554-0400 •~ 3 33 1950 Harbor Blvd. telka tome, plua c ega c •• ,.,,, II/• emllm llU•o 8 Irk, com m 957 -0806. 659-9043 Leave Met· thtnggoe1 ...,,. 1 CostaMHa 83Mleo9 $100540·0444 lt•t IUO $21!100 or olltr 114 E SM -ea r• S800' Travol "gent. metur•. 1 Philco Refrtger11or WUITDa llt Fiii •••••••••••••••••••••• Wiiton 111 673 0893 1 year uperlance, part Good cond '40. •11111 llH .,_ "124 ''It VW CAMPER, run1 & (Tom) ••• SmlST •••ors ume, 120.on1 .... 1-01 10 n 1 ,_.., -.-.. .... •••••••••••••••••••••• I IOOk• good $3500 Or ·59 j;,f'I C1;;;:c;b, lil t Motlvlt.CS Styttat ne.d41d p A PEASONS NEe-Welt~• a WellrHMI over AEFAIOEAAT~ Fluhy r•o••l•t•d Tho· •••• '" lllL bell off8f $45-1880 b•d. good •no. n .. csa lot ProgrHt lvt Salon OED. Magic 1•1•nd 11 21yr1,119P'Y In /ff'f:' al Like new, trott ''"· 2 csr, ~~~g~~r~~.~·=· .,::_ 1"A mo Old, "" crop· ltltltr Trailer 1om• work $4501011 pt11ons to roprtUl'll l/"l"'/11 IOZI 1131-1001, 405-4'164 l4l.0258 -'72 f'ord Courier S1500 HANO IRONING Petton them In their pvt club In WllTla/WlrTJllS •• : :••••••••••••••••• O~ Retriever Pupplet, Snug Top W04'k al*!, Ilk• Good cond, new tlrH ~ to do htnd Ironing 111wo1 Bch Interview req Wllh ca.r tor wtcker bu· Tandem Bike· Trallmlte J1wln 1111 AKC . ahou, 1200 new , S l75/but olr 494-4191 all •pm 404--4044 C II I 10 9 k•l lunch ~"~e "·.30 to IHlf . blue wfchromt ••••••-'••••••••••••••• ••7 ........ • 545•4554 ------- S aMls-Senllc.-1. ... Ing 1HJ ..W OllllHT Nice Setectlonl • •74 3 ocs. 4 •Pffd (QeONAC) • '77 320!, 4 8'>d sun root (248TARI • 79 320t, 4 llpd , IUn roof (649YHZI • '80 3201, 5 af)d .. tun roof (869Z0K) ~.!'iar~~/~";,~a.~•ca· =1.":u:~,~~r11:;j ~~el::.0t.J --1165 9o3-ll060 llng & gentle Ren P • d • 1 15 0 10 b 0 S175ft>tl otr 646-4554 831•2064 a or appi • • ......... , • "'&• 1 ....;, .. ...... ...... ,. "" '""'" '81. Det1un 10110 bt<I, 5 .I .I UUI Mon-Fri. Atlt tor Mr 1 30 pm. Mon-rl. _.n fll\_.t. •mot..,...._,....,, t;ngegemenl ring, Y9llO* .t n.,. llH Jfltlll•tl llln 1140 spd, camper ehell, 101• ••I• rf••"' 1111 • 1 Htlt>etg 815·0900 Sl&O 10 1170 Ml~Muer 551·815& ev g:ld w /3 cs11mond1, f/~~ ... -:~~~.'. ..... •••••••••••••••••••••• d.&.t .... ,.,.,.. .. 4 .... 90 •••~•••••••••••••••••• L....-.. 1'9'811« .... _...... ...... ...... ,, /;;"""'• --tllvl •1'"" •••11'15 C 11• --.~-/-"'· .., _,"""'·" ''""' ..-n.., Vo .......,I ""'·-• .....,, '-~Lael ... 10 I~ bllce In U •"" '"r PIANO Upright, her~y· 1 -r&• ..vw .,_ --------1 Apt Mof/M~ componenll Helclng Fw Cl111tlled Ad et'Qellc 79-0747 at 10 Hoeltenl ,ond 175• 321 wood Made 1193 alnt OOO<I cond 831-e349 '72 COURl&A • ·eo 3201. a •P<I , eir cond ( 1ASX0481 Ht.1111 Couple tor 34 unll1 In eharo men & women ACTION AM tor IC)PI ~""-"""l N..CS• motOf wor11 S•&O Hvnt lch. kid ,_,,,. ProMM!Onel ittltude end C.N • 3rd Sr, GOtn of Orange l.ovely g1adu11ee1 p .. 11 cond, StOOO 7,....,.,., You don't need •gun to &34-0121 • 209 W 111, $1n1a Ana CloMd Sunday 10 lnv .. t Wiit Mngt, a,>pelf1nc• req, be.I I Deity PNot Have IO!netlllng ~ wllt'tl H 8 neckt•ca:. S400 velue comp1ct Plenol• pltytf "draw IHI" 1111\en you P.O. lox 30480, 8ema opportunltt . Cell ontyl AO·VtlOR 10 Nll?Cl1Hlflecl.Oado 20" 8oY• AMF A~ hlg,..., 23 64W2H 1 piano, g ood cond Olace en ICI In the Delly '81 1" TOil Cl'levy PU, w/ AHoth•cla11lfl•cUd1lor Barblfa, Ce. 13106 0t 1 Mon '""' Frt, tOem 10 ~2~78 It welt I C a II N O W •1 blk• Ftne condition SJ9 WANf ACTION? . S 1500 Over 100 roll• Piiot Want Act•I C.it now 1 1h6tl I t,000 the t>elt d•-'• In epert· ~c~d~eo;a~1~N~1~-~1~~==d.L~~~·~2~13~/~N~&.=~~·~3=~•=====~==~e:•~~~H~7~•~·=--~-~:~:~_:2!•-----~-~~M~Mn ~~~· 1 ~~~. I -=·~4=~=•=e=u~=~~~~'-~-·-·-~_64_a_~~n~ I I ~.'.'.'.' •• 1~t~! !!~....... ~.".~'.· . .'!'!t~!!!~....... ~!'.'.'!1. !'!l!.1•1.-!....... ~.~'.'.' . .'!'!r.! !!~ ....... ~.'.1!.'1 .!~r..~1~ •••••• ~.ti.~ .. ~ .'~r.!!!~....... ~.".1.0.' • .'!'!t~!!!~....... ~.·.'!!1 .¥!!!.... .• . . . . . ~.''.~._·,.'!~!!. .. . . . . . . . . ~ .. ,.~ .. ~ -~~~~ .......... . ~!!~ ............ !.~~~ ~.'.'!.".''. •••••.••.• !.~~~ ~!.'."!!!'.~.~~!~ •.. !.~~~ ~!~~~!!.~~!'.' ... !.~~~ r!!!!~! ••••.••••• !.~~~ r.·1.~~~ .......... !.~~! r!l~!.w.~1!!' ...... !.~~9 ft.~1!!~! ......... !.~HI f!!!!.'!! .....••.• !.~~~ !!!~ ............• !.~~9 t Hlltt I tNVL N 1011 t /11 t1111 11 1111 411111H1 "" I 1>'1 • 111111 1 Miii •lyl" Al ti 1 IHO 'll 111oo 1111 wu.. MEISTER llll TOYOTA ' THE LAlllEIT /W C,o•~•lf• I 1011 71 f OHIJ M•••"<." <Juod VOi W~I '>Al I·, • 11 ""I" • t"" 11 1 .. ,, . .,, ... , 1111•11 "•""'U I wlon"I• $ ttl 01111 1llll1 OILIOA IT '7 0 IUI 11100 IELEOTIOM IVIT IELL Lt.fld I new IUH econ & $,•ouu .. 1 ...•• 1 .. 4111111 ,,~lull I oil ... I '"" I .. 11 tJ II llUIU POllSOHl/ lUDI LIPTIAQI )(1111 '·"'"' h~t. 'J'>U1J " Ill AC. I< Rr A" I y Wllh •u~ •114 'J1 I I IOI lloLAREll lllW S•I•• '•"''"'fl I ttti\mv 11'10 N 81tt1rt1 ltlvd 1 . ll11b•e1 122·1333 Ill l.Oo IUST Sill Wh•l l• wt111 ton .... i.11 .. llllOllUI F (IC 1t11 y ~""'"II aUltl !)Of Kii l.\)llt.J '<>< 0 mou 11 11 011111111 w•lh t dlll \9411/A 1 t Ju•I 1111110 •ttllt1hlt1 pdtly lu m 111k e an11111 1110111111v I 11•ym<1nll No old 1 011 If IU 10 llS.IHllH IHI hllC ~ 11i.yme11lt """ A::il\ I l)tt ROSF 6l t '>:>II,' lkt' 1tnpu1110 OllH&E COUNTY'S OLDEST " " 4131 1 ool lllllt (111111"1 IUw 11lllH11 jUll JI) 000 mtllll I rw 1'·70 I .,,.. • n1 7n ruv• mo MUST Sill II I 7 O•I OF ITS ll•D l ll;ll lfnoh111 Olvcl j A11111111u111 i1t111t oor /11 ""'""" •11111111111 ( 'II 1 " lhUH " "~.. vvv •JI• "lo' tj ·• "' .,uu 1 llull with u1,1111roa 1111 11,,1,u 1n1 & HHtc.lo Somtt I •• I hthU11 ·~to 1 '""" • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • I FOR OOlllOTOR t huthtfl 01ov~ t '''"-J p w1 ,,, M•U i uu U•iw .,._., '" 1 p·,uo11;fto1 f.;1llh11 uu•• ~nt• "" lcuJuy' lt•1tttu,; mtonur •If c.CJttU , '"''t "'J ctent' S :t ~n AM IM ......... t .... !lh.t I o• l•"llTOlllll Salu-Senloe I AMII M "'"'"'' "' " ll•W ., .. , 4 11111 111,11 .. AIElll 11w1 w111<ll•N• 1111 wh..il IJl3 1(11111 .. 1111t S•111~11H111 " " l I """'""'"" •Y•'•'"' " '"'"'• 1.c.n1101 •I• 1.41 .1111,,.111"' u11t1v nl 1 ....... t 11 00 •••"& 1111v111111 1•11 111v •Volvo 9712 OlDILLAO c 1111 1 .,1 • .. 1 \ 11 .. 11llow f•Mlh\11111 W olll 71.A 131-2333 •4 jlHI I "II Ill/ <11411 tll ••••••••'••••••••••••• f4'>'>/ )A) 1111'1 llQ(J 19 OlllJll C.•UIJ u ly 4123 ~ I ~ I " I D I /t.00 lllo htn 1Jtv1I l1~hlci 11•lly l fJ 11111~11 1,1,r1C1 C.01111111011 $4'>1) '··'•'•"••"•••• •• • • ••••7•••• 1 l'"•~1IJlt1 ''''"""• Mul11I /!"' 4'11111 •• VO 01 01 L ~ • .. 4 ... 7,,. .0 .2. <.O'> 1 A M ,,., •mull mo1111o1y P•Y"'•"lt u , u u 111. '"'"''" -..111u1>1 11111 ' 111 Ora111• Co1111ty! O"AIUiE COUltTY'S 11luah vt1hlu1 1111 l uol•I' I '"w 11111,.. I .,., 1111 All 10 < '"""" Mrttk 11 11'''"1~ 540-1810 1~0 ulU '1'111"'" 10 "' C.1 f OflO WAOON HL' lUTMORllED ltu ltlfy •tth•llll 6 ·;··~''""' I ... l.. At t ''"'" '""''' ~ ... :~: 7,"'~ .. :,.~·~:. ~:·1:11:11 sun, SERVICE ,., I ,,,,, IJ~I •,1lvHt II :,·:,'::" ~·:: ... bt1~~::11~;0&:· ~.~,,;,1111;~·0 ~~~~ ~~~: FERRARI ~1:., '11:~ ~i1 1; ~','" ,,,.,~·; .,,.~ ,!',~ .. '.:~.1~:1~~ ou I \ u 0 O / 11 "" 1 '' 1 ' "1 lMD LEISUUI ""'"' Au 111,111111• "1 , u "' 1 •,1ru 1~• 1m1>1''" I c tlM DULERSMIP! UI U1 ~· lh1v IJ1ll• 1111 OM 1114 l h4h I 11" ••Vt 11~.r A'1 t>f 11v1 "' \14'.0 (14'1 n•,1 Dod•I 993SI 1,1 ''"''" em/Im c.euot IOI •0111 I ·-' oou 1111 ht;ll\l 'Ill IJ•• '" l'fJIHllll ,, 14 1 "· !'I 11 ( IJIUllU ' ,,, .... ,..... I Xl'I Al'• I .. ~ ................ . ~Ewbonr .... T ... 10. .. • ••Hilty •lt110d Ill ClMotllllllY \1111 ltku new tl•••ll I S111ull• llWll<ll AMI I M I l1lut111lti (.UllV!ltllhlo ·,1, OMNI 0241 P11c.tt0 lo ... ltiw llllltWQtl •1111 t< JTOP IY & l1u1 '""UV 101 1mm.,<Jldl<1 Muu• Al l , Mu~t K!'" 1.11n11lh• "" t.111111 1' EARLE lllf 1'17'1 h111w11 ludUutJ "'" ''"' llA & 1un1 t1>1111 1141';48 00111 MI ) RJTS •1r11111m1u 11 .. ~1 1111111 114CJ JI .iJ I t.. tllUlll I"'"' """"'"'II VOLVO :l~·:':·.;~b or1I1 \.,I 00 1 11•1.i <lt,t.i:. O• 8~U ~I.I'll I Lincoln 994S •1111 _. •W '•••••• ")olf1nu Pr•(,,t' Sf•, 000 ovoa, b" 1 :,:.")•, cluy" n~•H• hu11•1P' tHttkQ'> ' ' •· I •••••••••••••••••••••• ,•<tLITY I I • 1•11111 Ht11tH11 ll1vct lfottl 4 a.10 "O •• , .• vi ""K 1 ,._ .. I .. 1'11111~<1 '"''Y_ 11111111111111 Ro/11 Ro ,, 9156 70K 1111 \Jl'•O lfU~ 1;•1141 <.O&' A Ml 'JA Ill (.tld :; .. ,,.flu I OWlllJI ••••••••••••••••• !.".~.1 u nnul • c u CIOvvu 111111 Wn1I ~ "'''' Hwv ".l l.11111' co1•1 ~111 101111 '"'" lluyf!r~ c•ll ••••••••T.•••••••••••• 9770 8 .. 8_130,. .,40•1 .. 87 111 '"""~ '"' 11111, ahol Th • R Iii 1 1111 wtolo ~ln1 cond $10 N""''""'Ho.1111 01111114~J111l I 11 r.of~!.W.~f!!'........... .. ~ v .. ,,1110 UJJ utll Sll'JOO H '" o 111 •.oo &1111:1:1 '"1•1114ll' 1" 4'10 :il 1:10111101>\ lDfAURIN US A 11.i 1 11.,,., w1.111 $Jv'1ll HI v .. 1.,, 1.11 """'"'' ClllWO 991 1 FORD 01'1mobil1 9955 r . 9125 u M itd.l.t fOCI c.·., '1 '"' wu • wnts e a.eel c.oud s ' to " hi~ c,1dtJ S t t •100 (.,o ll •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• "' 1111 I 11111 .. , 111\I Nl WI • I I"'~ I ' AR\fER . Ill IC U .. w 10 Old 98 ...................... Woll \l•Hll 101 to~h SH! ~JI "-f'\ tv1>!! 10111, 1 u "•II w• '"'' '""' ,, II h 110 ( AMAltQ l'lll Bluti f•EE TlMOf TRIP • goo<J Hans· ·1 1 ~ •,,.,o1 .. 1 AM 1 M 11" 1 '11''' h•lh lb4 IP II •IOO wkdys 1194 Ot.6J I j{_lJ..5 [{_¥'[ A, 1>11 lt41' .''lbJ 4'Jt, T I'll .1111 1011.i Mu11y •1111) " 111111e11on c.er i t.t.0 ,,.,. "'" •.. ......... .... 191 I Madre RX l wlo.n\l)l@•ll~ 846 648 7 • ...... • • • ,,.. 80 vw lloJHlll U~I l nun I Mu~I "'" Ill ..... , .. , WIJll II 4 I ':J I ij J l) Cl IJ (I y A~;·~r::i~u~~~~~~ s• •!H 3749 b31 9186 ~1:1:0i.'"~'·~4 '~~~.:·"1 11111 M .,,,., I,., I"'"' Mui l'.11 I 4)0 SL Ooul< t11ow11 • ... • .. •••• t 1)1111 A M I M ~ ... I 1111111 wll•"lljll '""""" ll47 \lt.ll;i l tlol C~l61Hll S~p~eme 111 1 •• 't n 1 • "11 '' \ 14 900 760 876!> uv t.1 u 1 OHO< WHOu' 11 t sr;r1,o I .'O 1;>11 1111111 , 0110 I u~ u uvu1 Cbtvroltl 9920 NEW • 01ueu new ,, ·;uyll"• l\Jll••" I 1.1.. tl41o lltll I tJ l •••••• llJ'l!r 8jJ 2'>9 I I" ·~··l·ll•t "'V"I IJlk 1111 I ~ 1Y1"1' .', s,,, i I I ti I Ill I) 1 ···s··E·E··u··s··F··,·a·s··T·1··· 1 MUSTA•& GT'a luflll up 011 8 lut>ti xlnl I "'"''' ""w 11111 .f11IJ '"'"" jS••b 9160 " u ,, cond lo mo Musi H ll <und S2700tlh ,1 """' 78 3000, ivory surf 111 •••••••••••••••••••••• 1<u111 oot 111r lldwlu;~ I l.l'X. Fl•AICI•& $6800/obo 497-2679 640 96011 Mtrttd~s BMz 9140 1 'oys housewtftt • c111 1112 SUI 100 $'.JJ!>O 7'1'l 04UO 172 Volvo $1200 w~ llttve a gooo ~ul111. OVER "° IN STOCK 9a57 1 .....•................ b It tl f IJ $ 1 6 !> 0 0 4 DOOR SEDAlt b4:t !JJ8b Iron Ol NEW & usr o I lmrneO•llhl Oelovttryl Pinto 7 I Hond• 9727 493 1665 eves d • 's2 G'o"" >'li''o' P'r"'" A •••M, c 1 .. 1vrotuts• •••••••••••••••••••••• "& S11IC!S·St1rv1ce-Leai>1no ~lr'CARVER •••••••••••••••••••••• I [quopment 111ctu Ob " }60 I 1u11" oro.11 USED CAR '71 PlllTO $110 f HUllTI G? 1c;75 4!>0$L t ow1101. sµtieo 11unsm1sb1on. po 6116 90~9 !Autos U1td HONDA " , You can aHord to 1' pastel yt!llOw hero & SOii Wttt s11111r11111 & ,O,M/F-M I ·····"················ DISPOSAL SALE !>36-2593 w e can h1Jtp• 61J1ortt ~ou I buy your Mercedes 'l106pb s61 ~ 65080 ::':~aJ: s10ruo c115se11e 119008) 7 4 ~u11111 Httuth:i x1111 I Gtntr'1 9901 18 /11n10 Wagon gooo ~~J sc:,~~~.~:~ ·~:.~·.·;:~)! Benz from us. ~'II '>87;• I $10 600 ~~"~,,~;",~!\~~J~'l~;' <.,;,:,~~·,:;·;·;:;.·N~~·;;,; '78 MUSTHG ~~~orr&toon .,48•4292 l(.'U S ~ 'l'rt. 1-·I~ 1\ \ I ... ~· +11 1' 14~0 • > ~w~ • .-. ... " '-A AoJ 15 BMW 5301 500 mo new I e11g Musi ~e 10 betoeve '7100 953·1574 " n WflAels B1own Lealht!I C.ooo Co11d1too11 $199!> p,,, .. chu • Au"• • noi" • 77'1 .1110 ;c1v1C.t1 IOdCly' $ I TS VW SCIAOCCO Ot1dl.lt" lon'f~I "'h•<.11011 f 1370491 SALES I SERVICE lnl ~ C.ooo Se•v•Ctt Re !148 1487 6J I 2092 Volk1w;g;ns " , .. " 75 Chevy Monza 'Cyl 4 •••••••••••••••••••••• U11111vE•s1TY 0 1979 450 SS $31 000 W 11e IEACH IMPORTS OI p1ev1ously Owlltltl S29H Poa11·,.. aa~5 D"IH 9120 I 848 Dove S1ree1, ,..,o AIC gooa 1.0110 •17 GRAHDA 'II FlllHIRI 400 •••••••••••••••••••••• ?8gg~1t1lli~1E~~u ~~;062~4ulllul Gond I NEWPORT BEACH I 113 SQUlREllOK ca-. s 1500 842·9992 11154971 Reoit ~00 Tu11>0 trans n •~ new .etc;u1 II naugehyde 540-1840 DOWN 1981 JOO SO Btk w/ ldn l 752 0900 $800 G4'i 8049 ~ Cbtvsltr 9925 SUH 1n1 ex11as Looks good I • 44S E Coast Hwy I •••'•••••••••••••••••• M 1 1111 Sun RI lo M1, P 7 s ·70 VW Sqrbk new enu Nt•wpon Beach 78 Woodle LA BARON <uns Aini us1 $41 1 now ICM11y 80 Pr .. luoe Sunll w 1 ~pee wheels $32.000 S &. a162 lt&nl> pnl Au1oma11c I 673 O!IOO T-..n ll Cnl•y Aulo AC '79 FAIRIOH $1200/ul>o 964-0332 aor 5spd am •1m S6t00 LEA E obo 631·7043.67!;-9711 1 U111lll 7 $189!> 000 646 744S I AMIFM 111 roe•·· $;695 1138422> 85 t 12l6 Ann ev~~ 1·••••••••••••••••••••• .,.. .. 61 F11 eo1ro. red c1ass1c 492 1292 I Poucf.t 9150 Salet·Serv1ce·Leas1ng x54 Buitk 9910 953 1220 $2115 co11ver11 ble, new eng _____ ,.."'"'n •••••••••••••••••••••• SADDLEIACI · ·10 Buo id1nr cond nu 1 .,.9 .. a~.~~·5~·Y~;,~··~·~:· I Coatin~nl•I 9930 I trans. xlnl cond $3200 t I • I * ao Hollda Prolud• 1111 PDllSOHE '1 SUIARU patnl 16b I eng Must ner autu 011 $38SO Al; •••••••••••••••••••••• '71 FIESTA b s I 0 I • 8 5 1. 0 4 3 1 5 l>Pd (Ill am11m cal> 1 2 O COUPE see• $2500 8S7 2705 5P~ 495 1337 73 Mar ~ IV beaul olul IA78550> 645·1442 ~·::.::.!.!. .......... :~:: selfe MOO<llsurirool t•• 114 • 131-2040 495.4949 500 cond Every opuon Sac $2995 1978 eonnevolle Perrect --I cet1e111 '01111 $7100 or Options include appea 60 Bug new 1 cc eny 74 Cad Limo 9000 co11u 111,ce $1495 642 0955 I I ksl oh 640 860 1 I AM F M To'l.ol• 9165 'adoats Ornl<e._ Supe1 $d!>OOi oest olftr• cond Low mileage lull " 1 .ince group 1 •• ••••••••••••••••••• m e ch X t n 1 con d 9932 '11 T-llRD power l3 950 644-6511 '66 Oa1 sun Wgn wl 7 I 79 CVCl. nev. 111es t. ~~'~ ~~~~0';h:~841~59~ CELICA LOVERS $ 1100101Je1 545 0557 647 l'/68 f!'!Y.tf!!.............. , 1591011 1 •.--------~ng. ~ spd s1ereo tape t>•J~es am rm CtlS!> , 11 llAKC7491 p11 ply Cott Do you 1eally love Ce-73 Super 8.-ei te Gd C•4ill•t 9915 71 doto very ctuan II $2915 • "e c ~ A In t con d grt'al mpg •lnl cone • tocas? II so. give me a •••••••••••••••• •••••• rilue met nrey lea1h 1n11 S8501orte1 554-2079 SJ500 l•~a 5.,9 (17;o j now oeceuse I am going R cond New 1.io1als am1 81 Eioorado .. • If it's got to I.Ike l l'le call ognt now I ve gol a 1 m <. 11 s 5 $ 2 6 0 G l odd e o S 7 5 O O ,71 Pt•TO 68 Datsun 510 wgn •lnl 182 Ano•O 4 01 I080f'CI • 11·m i ton ol them including . 842 6810 IUST SUL 644·9582 • handles runner M oving . must imm.Jt $tl d75 Ors . .A., BEST SI G T end lunyloaded1 Ctiampagne e•1e11u1w1111 1113295) you'llgrab sell $800 754-1884 994 7J95 i>vos G73·0644 SJ Supt a ·s w11h T ·Top s oe•ge 1ee1he• 1111er101 I 7 4 CORVETTE br .inc $2415 I • e~w. Jusl need 1e111101e pally OPNRTlllTY Complet ely 0QU1ppeo 11ew 350 dealer 1ns1alltoO a sale Datsun Pick Up w/3 1111 Ho11ci.i Ac.core 79 m1n1 Qf FERI to make small monthly knock• ollen when you w11h power moonroot, eng T-Top. 4sp. AC. PS TMEODORE • faster in kit. oll-roeo l1tes & 11ms. con d $ 4 5 O O ca 11 . .. 11111(.) rl , pay men is No old con· use reaull·gelltng Detty windows. custom sound IJ 1 us • 1' a 5 $ 8 2 0 0 ROll•S FORD , • s 1000/0BO (j44 ;>4;>0 "" Gpm 01 ..... :~ ' • r 11ac1 IC. assume. no back Piiot Claullle<l Ads to & more• (6 103261 Jusl 540-0388 I Daily Pilot Sa t Of 5 vw S 1oc • wknd~ ·~· ·>~ .. ~ ~·1;\,:,~:: 1714) 553-056<1 payments Cue ASK FOR reach 1119 Orange Coesl need rel•et>le parly to 2060 Harbor Blvd I • classified Chrome nms & tiul>s J 9130 ROSE 63 1·5202 Ik e me1ke1 ma~e small monthly COSTA MESA • ads. Call SIOO/OBO .!/.~~!••••••••••••••• Ctarnl1ed Ads ere the lmpo11s Phone 6"2·5678 payments No Old con· U2·0010 540-121 1 42 645-9658 64 Jaguo• XKE conv 4 2 answer 10 a successful l•&Cl to assume no oaclo. I f 6 ·5678 New 1n' town? Ctassolled Comp• •t>l>ll ""9 II I>•~ !Put )OU• advertising mes· 0818ge or yard salel Ifs a payment~ dut1 ASK FOR I Put your aovertostng mes. ._ .. _______ _ can help you meet many srs1em W re wto1s 1 sagt! """e•e lhe 1e•de1s belier wey to lell more on ROSE 63 I 5202 Ike I sage where the r&aders Find wha1 you wenl 111 of your needs 642-5678 S8500 645 6354 1 a'" 642-5678 people• are 642-5678 Dally P1101 Classoloeda 0 ATLAS CHRYSLER.Pl YMOUTH :?929 Harbor Blvd Costa Mesa Tei 546 1934 3 to•oclt.s soulh ol San Ooego F reewav ott Ha1t>01 Blvd C.onipiete b<>Cly shop Sales Serv•ce Paris Sen.ice Oep1 open Monday lhru F11day 7 30 A M lo 5 30 P M and 8 AM lo 5 P M on Saturday BEACH IMPORTS 848 Dove Street, Newport Beach Tel 752-0900 Call us we·re lhe specialists lor Alla Romeo Peugeot Saab & Maseral1 • THEODORE ROllHS FORD Modern sales service parts oody pa1n1 & tire d ep1s C<.mpellllve rates on lease & daily rentals 2060 Harbor Blvd . Costa Mesa 642·0010 or 540-821 t • JOHNSON & SON LINCOLN MERCURY 2626 Harbor BtvcJ Costa Mesa Tel 540-5630 57 Years 01 lrien('lfy lamoly service Orange County s old est L in· coln·M ercury dealersh ip 0 DAVID J. PHILLIPS IUICl-POMTIAC·MAIDA S ales • Serv. • Le.sino :>4888 Alle1a Parkway Laguna Hills 837·2400 • NEWPORT IMPO«TS 31 00 w Coa s t H1ghw•v Newport Beach Tel &42 9.&055.&01761\ tn~ Ferr111 Htl.-cSQu1rt11rs MATCH THE NUMBERS ON THE MAP WITH THE NUMBERS IN THE BOXES NEWPORT DATSUN 888 Dov<' S1ree1 Newport Beach Tel 833-1300 At the tr anqte or Jamboree. MacAllhur & Bristol behind V1ctona S1u1oon Sales Service l easing & Parts WP malte great aeats.• 0 NABERS CADILLAC 2600 H:iruo• Blvd Costa Mesa Toi 540·0100 Orange Co11n1y ., Larg!'Sl Cadillac dealer Sales Service Leas· 1n9 SADDLEIACK IMW /SUBARU 28402 Mar9uer11e Pkwy Avery Pkwy 8K•t We ot1e1 what no bank o r lease company can t Experlly stalled mos1 modern service & parts dept 2 One ot lhe Sou1hland s most e11pe11enced <;ales & leasing stall 3 E11m1na1ton ol the m •ddle ma n by leasing dealer direcl 831 ·2040 M ission V1e10 495·4949 G) CHICK IVERSOH PORSCHE-AUDl-VW 4 t 5 E Coast Hwy Newporl Bench 673·0900 The only deatersh1p in O range Counly with these lhree grear makes under one 10 011 • ALAN MAG NON PONTIAC·SUIARU 2'80 Harbor B lvd Costa Mesa Toi 5'9·4300 Safes, SeMce Leasing Mr Goodwrenc h G CLASSIC AUTOMOllLH 785 New1on Way, Cotto M .... Tel. '31·1393 "JAGUARS OUR SPECIAL TY" >CK 1ao·111.ao·o1150·01xJ·o1e. Ty~ Sele• -S«vlc• -Aeatoretion. Off, Plac.nfl• b9tw.en 17th & 18th In Cotta M ... 808 LONGPRE PONTIAC 1361.0 Be11r. 11 Btv.r Wl'!.lm·n~le• Tei 8'32 b651 O•ange Cou1 1, .., ot 1e,1 ir··' .11 w 1 Po111 ,. tli>a NSh ~ Sales ~.,1 ... r 1 P.ur., • DICK MILLER FIAT/LANCIA .. Probably lhi> towesr rriced F1a1s 1n Southl'1t1 Catllo•rna (Lcx.a1eo 1 mile north <>I South Collst Plaza near Main SI ano Warner Ave 1n Sanla Ana ) 120 W Wa1ne1 Sanra An11 557 2132 • • SANTA AHA DATSUN 200t E 17111 S11ee1 Santa Ana Tel 558 7811 Your Original Oeo1cated Datsun Oeate1 • MIRACLE MAI.DA We ve moved' Our new loca1ton 1s 1425 Bako1 S1ree1. Costa Mesa Tel 545-3334 Stop by & visit our modern showroom and s11e w hy wo re the II 1 Mazoa dealer on Southern Cahlorn1a Sales Sen.roe Parts and Leasing 0 CORMIER DeLILLO CHEVROLIT (Formerly Groth Chevrolet) 18211 BMch Blvd., Huntington S.ach New • UMd • Satea • L .. olng • Pana • Service Come by and '" our Hug• lnvenloryl 847-8087 54~·3331 COSTA MESA DATSUN 2845 Harbo• Blvo Costa Mesa Tet 540·6410 Sen.ong Orange County tor 16 years 1 M ile So 405 SUNSET FORD, INC • 1Home o l W 1tllc the Whale) 5440 Garden Grove B lvd . Wes1m1nsle1 re1 636-40 10 ORANGE COUNTY VOLVO 10120 Garden Grove Blvd , Garden Grove Tel 530-9190 Exclusively Volvo 10 cover all your Volvo requ11ements New•Used•Sales•Leaslng•Parts•Servlce•Body Shop Freeway close tn lhe heart of Orange County at Garden Grove Blvd & Brookhursl 0 CONNELL CHEVROLET 2828 Harbor Blvd , Costa Meaa Ovet 22 years serv1119 Orange Co un1yr Sales. leasing. service Call 546·1200, special perts lone 546·9400, body shop llne. 754-a.OO 0 ROY CARVER ROLLS ROYCl-IMW 1540 J•ml>orea Road. Newpor1 Beach &40.6A44 S11os. Service Perts And Leasing FOR FURTHER INFORMATION,642-5678 OR TO BE PLACED ON THfS AO , CONTACT YOUR DAILY PILOT REP. r • 111111 l:IAIT . 1111118111 1111:1 I f1111111 llllll llfUHSOAV OCTOlllll /H l !IHJ ORANGE COUNTY. CALIFORNIA 25 CENTS Badham, Irvine solon clash on nuclear freeze By J EFF ADLER O('tll8D~Hottl9ft Both Rep. Robert &dham, H Newport Beac h, and Irv1n1• Mayor Larry Agran agrN•d Wednesday night that somt'lhmg needs to be done to de<:rease tht• threat of a nuclear holocaust, but the two disagreed on the method Debating the merits of the proposed nuclear weapons freeu> that will appear on Californ1& ballots Nov. 2 as Proposition 12, Agran s trongly supporh·d tht• measun• whlll• Budhum 1.11'1-(Ut•d against iti; p<1s..-..1gt'. Tht.>tr de butt•. un thl· Ornngl' Coast Community Col l e g e campus, was sponsored by the Allianl'l' for Survival. an anti· nuc:lear gruup active m Orange County. Agran endorsed both tht· mncept of freezing the l'Urrcnt weapons levels of the Soviet Union an tht> Uniu..'<1 States and Judge's ruling aids FV family bankruptcy • 1n By DAVID KUTZMANN Of the Delly Pilot lt•tt A federal judge's ruling involving a bankrupt Fountain Valley family may allow California couples in future insolvency proceedings to prote<:l more of their assets. The protection. however, may only be temporary. U.S. Bankruptcy J udge Aaron Phelps ruled in Santa Ana that a California law bar ring the use of both federal and state asset exemptions b y a couple is unconstitutional The result is that married couples may now protect up to $7,500 worth of 3$t'lS over what t h ey had been previously allowed. But Phelps warned Wednesday that other judges may ignore his ruling unless the law also is overturned in state court or voluntarily changed by the state legislature. lrvme attorney Jean Ho bart. who re presented the fam ily which won the ruling. said Phelps' decision was the first of its k ind and eould become a preced e nt for si milar cases. however. "It was a very importan t decision." she said. "It was a very bold move for him (Phelps) to make -it's hard for a federal judge to tell a state it has passed an unconstitutional law." Both Hobart and Phelps said the ruling was made largely on a technicality. however. and that even if it is used as a precedent, a new law with much the same effect as the old one could be enacted. A 1979 federal bankruptcy Jaw established limits on assets that can be protected in a bankruptcy proceeding, but gave states the (See JUDGE'S, Page A2) Show to co01e off at the Laf f Stop The show will go on -the Laff Stop's Monday night male dance show. that is. Orange County government officials have decided that the controversy over the Santa Ana Heights club's weekly r evue really shouldn't have happened at all. club's billboard advertising a "male strip show," decided they agreed without viewing the show themselves. Pruµu111t1u11 14! 11i1 a "modc•s t, 1·1·1H1o nalJlt• pro pos al 11 !'lt.·mdsllll with rt•gurd lo 11udN1r Wt•aponry." Budham, a 1111•1111>1•r 11f tht• II o u s e A rm,_. d St• 1 v 1 1· t• i1 CornmillC't'. t•onlt·ndt·d that 11udt><1r urms rl'rlUl'lcujls l'Un only bl• rt'at·hl•d through tilt• l' () 11 l 1 nu l' d s t r (' n gt h 0 f u s nud t.•ar forces, wh1c..•h will "l·ompel'' the Soviet Union lo 1wgot1at<: arms rt.-dut·t11'ms . ·--· Late October ritua l l'rn µ11 s 1twn 12. 1f pa1>11t·d . would rt•qu11·1· thut lhl' gov1•r11or wrrn.• tht• p1 t.•s1tlt•11t and othl'r top U S offtl·1uls urgmg lht• Unitl.'J S talt's and Soviet Unuin w agre<· tu huh th<· lt•stirig, prndut·llon and d t.• ploy 11\l'n t of n ud 1nlr weapons in u munn<.'f that t·un bt• venfit•c.l hy both sides. Similar nud<.';.ir fn•ezt• 1n1t1at1ves or r l' f 1• rt' n d u m s u p p 1· a r o n Nowmb1..·r ballots in eight other states. . ---.:._ .......... Agran ~11J that ll('<'!•Wit· both t.·ountrl{'s an· roughly 1•quivul1•nt 111 tht·1r t1ul'h•;1r n1i>{ht , "flow 1:. lh1• tunt· to dw111!:i-111UrM• a11d th1Jt's whut Propos1t1011 I ~ 111 all Jbout " In altt•mptmg 111 t•X pl:1111 t>w ilWl·somc· Ul's truc·t1 vc· pt1W(•1' or ;1 4!0 megaton nut·li·ar d(•Vll't'. Agrun pomtt·d out th<it 11 would <'qu al 1,500 bomb:. uf tht· s12.t' c.Jroppt.od cm Hcroshuna :n yt•ars ago " . D•lty Piiot Photo by P•lrlcll O'Donllell If S\ll'h a 1.>omb wc•rt· droppc•J l ml 11 vine., ht· i1;111l, lt would lt•avt' .,. t.·1 uu•f' fiOO ft'l't dt•t•p uncJ 11"1 rnllt·.., w1c'k "In th<' rmul analysUt, 11 1:. l'll1t·s ancJ tht.> people of th~· nut11111 whu will bf•<1r th1• brunt o( nud<•<ff war " · AJ.(ran a lsu assun·d those' a 1t t•nd1ng that Orani;(e County, with its many high ttx'hnology: and a t•rospal'e t:ompant(.'S, 1s U• prubablt· Soviet target. ' fSee NUCLEAR, Page A2> Trash costs flayed By ROBERT BARKER Of the D•lly Pllol Sl•tt Trash collecuon c:osts are being t:xaggerated m order to persuade city officials to start charging H untington Beac:h res idents directly for the service, former city councilman Clancy Yoder daimed today. Yoder asserted tha t ci t)< es timates o f $3.5 million i n annual costs are too high bY. about $1 miUion. He contended that the "high" es timates are de sig ned t o t.:onvince c1 ty council members that res idents must share the C'OSlS. City Administrator Charles Thompson vehemently denied the figures are padded. He said Wednesday that costs wiU climb to $3.5 million in 1983 when city overhead or support costs are combined with direct costs of trash collection fees and gate fees char ged at Orange County government-owned dumps. R e s i d e n t i a I t r a s h b i l ).s. presently a.re paid from ttw city's general fund at a cost of $5.20 per unit. (The total monthly cost climbs to $6.35 per unit when the city's support costs are included, according to Thompson.) Thompson is recommending that the city's 42,675 households start paying monthly bills of $4 .35 because of skyrocketing <:osts and reductions in revenue. A l oca l r esident had complained that the show was a violation of the county ordinance banning "adult entertainment" within 500 feet of residential areas. Officials, believing the That led to denial of a special permit for the club to operate, complaints from owner Michael Callie that his major attraction was being jeofardized and several months o wrangling. Then officials decided lo see the show themselves. "I'm satisfied that the so-called entertainment out there does not (See STRIP, Page A2> While o the r folks tend to such seasona l chores as carving jack-o'-la nte rns and finding costumes for Halloween Thompson is suggesting that the city pick up the additional $2 of the estimated monthly per-unit cost from the general fund. Payments by the residents and th e ci t v would meet the combined direct and indirect costs of $6.35. The matter 1s scheduled to be derided by the city council Monday at 7 p.m. at city council chambers, 2000 Main St. parties this weekend, Huntington Beach city maintenance crews start to paint lifeguard towers for the summe r of '83. (See TRASH, Page A21 Suspect's rights violated? Cainpaign spending enters final push Cody Leo Schreiber al hearing I By STEVE MITCHELL of the D•llY Piiot lt•ff The public d efender for Cody Leo Schreiber, accused of beheading his Mission Viejo roommate earlier this month. has raised the question his client may have been denied basic rights when he was arrested ~ Ramon Ortiz spoke on Schreiber's behalf before South Orange County Municipal Court Judge Blair Barnette Wednesday, entering a plea of innocent to a murder charge of homicide. I Schreiber is accused of the killing Oct. 16 of Dennis Shubert, 24, of Mission Viejo. whose headless body was found in a shallow grave in the backyard of the victim's Via Guardix home. The victim's head was found bur ied about a quarter mile from the home which he shared with Schreiber. Schreiber was arrested that night as he stepped off a bus in Sacramento. but the news of his arrest was kept fro m the press and apparently the public defender's office. for three days. T h ose circumstances prompted Ortiz to suggest Schreiber's rights may have been violated. Judge Barnette set a pretrial hearing for Nov. 5 and a _preliminary hearing Nov. 16 to det.ermlne If Schreiber should stand trial in Orange County Superior Couri. He also ruled that Schreiber will remain in Orange County Jail wltho~t bail. Outside the courtroom following the arraignment, attorney Ortiz said law enfof'C(?ment officen1 "purposely gave news to the press that Schreiber was still outsl8ndlng and not a suspect in the case." "The delay in keeping (his arrest) from the publlc and our office, Is a delay that ls contrary to the law, and a denial of his rl(lht to speedy arraignment. "I understand he wu denied any phone call.I unUl Tue9day morning (following the Saturday arrett)," Ortiz aa.id. "II that It the cue hla rtghta havo b«>n subltantially abridged," O.:uz Maid. .. Eile en Bre nnan TV actress hit by auto, said critical LOS ANGELES (AP) Actress Eileen Brennan. who plays the cranky, curly haired captain ln television's "Private Benjamin," was hospitalized and In critical condition today after she was struck by a car, police said. The 48-year-old movie and television actreaa was walking across a Venice atrN?l with actress Goldie Hawn about 11 p.m . W ednesday. sald Los Angeles traffic Sgt. Harry Ryon. Both of Brenn a n 's legs were broken and she suffered skull •nd (acial fract ures and pouiblc- l n ter na l Injuries, thl' police spokesman said. Hawn waa not injurt'd. Brennan hid jutt left a Venice (~ ACTRESS, Pa1e Al) 1 The bttlc for campaign dollars a local legislative rare failed to continued unabated along the file a financial statement with Orange Coast in Sept.ember and the Orange County Registrar of Oc tober as state legislative Voters Office by the deadline as candidates concentrated on r equired by law, the raising enough money to fund drpartment's files revealed. the f in a I wee k s of l heir But whether Democrat Linda campaigns. Westfall. running in the 70th With e lection day now less Assembly District, did not £ile than a week away, campaign because she did not exceed the spending also continued at a $500 reporting threshold durirtg brisk pace. according to the latest the period o r for some othiri' batch of campaign financial reason could not be determined. state ments filed with Orange Westfall was out of town and County election officials. unavailable for comment. The st.ate legislative race with The reports. which cover the the highest price tag along the Sept. 18 lo Oct. 16 period. are the Orange C.oast continues to be the last to be filed before the 32nd s tate Senate contest election, although state law between Re publican Edwat'd requires that each contribution of Royce and Democrat Frank Sl.000 or more be reported Barbaro. Individually after Oct. 17. Royce. an accountant from Only one candidate running In (See CAl_f AIGN, Page AO ----INDEX-------. Sherry Alberoni of Costa Mesa, one of the orig inal Mouseke teers reuniting at Disneyland o n unday, shares memorie of the club on Page B 1. Buslncs.. Cavalcade Classified C.omics Crossword Death Not.Ices F.dltorlal Entertainment Horote0pe lntenniulon C6-7 82 Dl.03-6 02 02 03 A6 84 82 BS Ann Landers 82 Movies B3 Mutual funds C6 Na\ional News A3 Public NotJc:es B5.C4.C6,C8,03 Sports Cl·4 Stock Markets C7 Televlalon Be Weather ~2 ' Al Hll Orl,lngu Coaal DAil Y Pll OT I rhur•dny , 0Chlbttr 28, ~' \\\'t. Continued stories NUCL EAR FREEZE. • • Badhum 11u1tl 1t wu11ld ht· "wondt•dul" 1f th1·ri· w1•r1.• 1111 nuclear w1•1111t1t1:-1 111 all , but maintained that It 11> o nly tht· "cn.-dib1hty uf our 1111·011~ t1 .. f1 ·11s1· lhul hns kl•pl th1• world 11Ut ol a nuclear holocaust " Badham said to .1d1ll'Vl' uduul re d uctions in thl• 11um lwr ol nul'lear Wl'apons thl' U111tt<d States must "ht.• strong l'nouHh to ensure that any nauun that dU<.•i. <Htack w ould bt• l'um1111 tt 1n~ 1uk 1de." lie said thnt'!-. why ht• has suppurtL'CI such µrograms as tht• M X n11-..-i1h-. H I tio 111ht•1 .111d tlll' Trnlt•11t :-1ul11111111111• · Addn·~·o11J{ P1 01~1,1t1n1 1 I:.!, llll' lhrl't! ll'I Ill t'C lll~l't'SllllWll 1tlld for m t: r :. tu l t' I 1•lo<1 ... 1 u tu r a Is 11 quc·s t 101wd ttw fH lljJl'll•ty ul a SHiit' ;,Ht1·111pt111u tu d ll'IUU' lhl' t.l1rl'l'llu11 o l fll l l'lg11 ~ol1t•y through tlw 111111.1t1vc· pnl\'l'S.' Agrun ani.Wt'l'l·d hill'k that tha t 1s wha t P rupus1l11111 l'.l 1s all about lit• ll'rnwd tl11.• f>t'uposul u "cry" on th1• pan o f till' pt•oplt• ti1 havl' a say in thL• fun•ign and nudL'ar pohl'Y of the• nallun ACTRESS I NJ URED. • • area restaurant with H awn when i"1e started lo LTOss thl' stn•t•l and Was s truck by a l'ar travt•ling north, R yon said. said Skid marks 011 thl' ruatl mdi<:at<'<l thL· L':.ll' was trav<·hng <.ibo'ut 50 mph 1n a :~o m ph Will'. hL• said • t08:J Look fa miliar? AP Wlrephoto Blue dot • campaign e ndorsed '1'111· r'ci1111ti1111 V .11 \,·y W1111 wn'11 ( ·hih 1111-. luu1wh1 .. t u 1·u111111.11gn to 11111 v111l't l•H 1tl '('l'Vll'I· (')ubi-. t'Oll tlJ.ollll'l> itlld l1td1v1d11;1b, tCI ".1dt1Jll .1 bJiJC• d11I " Tl11s puhlll' l'>•.'I Vll't• fll lljt'l't , 1·t1do 1 s1·t.l Tu1·i.dt1 v b y th t· Fou11tu111 V:.llt·y ('1ty ('11unnt. c·alb fl!I tlll' 111st.1ll.1t11111 of !,HOU lilut• 11 ·f11'('l11n. 011 nt v sll l"'ts l•> tw tp I 1r1•l 1J!llll·" I 111d hydrunt~ f1r1· 11fl1<·1.il'> '••V man y h vdr a rlll'> ll•JW :1r1· h1dd1•11 by pal kl•d < ct l:.. and s h1 ubl!t.'ry. l'Jlls111 g f111·l 1ghtt•1 s to wu:.tc · valu:il>l1· t1111l• M un·hing for tht· h ydnml11 wh1l1• n•S!Jondrn~ l<i f1n•s Th<· "blut· dull.," s11111liJr to thl' v1·llc1w rl'fll't·tu r:. c<>rnmonly used to d1v1dl· trnfflc lant:s, will bl· plan•d nL·ur thl· c·enttr li~c and wdl ind1catt· a hydrant on the 1Jl)rnl'd1<itdy ;.idjael•nt s1d1Jwalk. Th e driver o f tht• n 1r, a 2 9•year-old Venice man. slayt>d w ith Brennan after thl· at..'t·1denl on a main street in tlw lw~1d1 community west of J owntown Los Angeles, he said. The man was not arrl.'Slt>t.I, but a speeding complaint may bt> filed in the next two days, R.von l:kennan, who also JXJl'lrayl'tl the hard-nosed C'npt DlJn•t•n Lewis in the muv11• Vt'rsion ul · ' P r i v a t l' B c• n J a m i n . · · h a s appeart'Cl in sul'h foaturt• films as "The Sting." "Tht• Last Picture Show ." "01 vorn· Amt·rica n Style" and "Murdl'r by Death." Vi ck i He ll, a nurse a t Littlt• Rock's St. Vinct•nt Infirma r y, ov<·r the winning entr y in t he hos pita l's pum1>kin-carving She sa id it gave her a s trange d esire to phone honw. looks c.·o n l••sl. Sr m 1 l;:i r b I U l' dot prr1grams havl' bt•l•ll 1mµlt·m c nlt'<l 1n l rv111t•, Ruc•niJ Park and uthl·r t'lllt•S. Jn a writtl'n report on the prnJl'l't, Founu1in Valley Fire C h1l•I H1ch<trd Jorgensen s<tid. "Whill' units ;.re· responding to f1rl's and f:very second counts,' the blue dots rl"ad1ly 1dt·ntify tht" location of fm· hydnints. Quick lol·ation will h elp re dut·1· th(: STRIP SHOW OK. • • Costly Caboose still loose lall unde r the definition of adult enter tainment," said Murray jStorm . dir ector o f the county 't!nvironmental Management "•gen cy, afte r he viewl"d the show. Orange Cou n ty Supervisor T hom a s Riley h a d a lready (eached a similar conclusion. •. ,As a result, S torm ordered his .~f this week to cease efforts to i:lose the dub. Because of the 'determination that the L a ff $top's Monday show and its comedy shows the rest of tht• w e e k a r t' n u t a d u 1 t ente rtainme nt. the club can continue lo operate without any special permits at all, he said. And the Monday shows, which haw been a h it with their mostly female audiem:e. will continue - atlrat'ling viewers even though they're not very risque. "h 's more adolesce nt than adult," Storm said. "It's Car from w hat I would conside r a male strip show." JTJ DGE'S RULING. • • option to enac t laws a llowing res ide nts o nl y t he u se o f exem ptions w r itten into state bankruptcy laws. Thirty-five states have exercised that option to date. The California law e rred . Phelps ruled, by stalin g that marri e d couples ca nnot separately claim both the s tate and fede ral exemptions. maximum prutt'l'llon of $7,500 per person {or other assets. Phelps sajd he feels his ruling "could be" a precedent for now, but added he "would e xpect the (state) Legis lature to rewrite thl' statute" m order to limit debtors to only state exemptions. The exemption question in bankruptcy law has histoncaUy been "an extr em ely political issue," a lug o f war between debtors a nd creditors, Phelps said. By GLENN SCOTT 01 the D•llY Piiot Slaff Jill Rice of Irvine admits soml' ix'ople may think she's crjl_~y lo invest mo re than $1.000 and um·ounl(•d hours search ing for he r dog m issing sinC"e early Augus t. But she said s he just is n 't ready lo give up her quest to locate Caboose, her male Lhasa· terrie r mix that escaped from h er friends' ya rd in San Juan Capist rano while she was on vacation. "He's not valuable in a show sense but he's real valuable to me." said Rice, 29. "I know some people think I'm crazy. A lot of them don't c:are about dogs, but I do" Rice said she has plas t ered p1l·tures of her dog with promises of a $500 reward on just about every utility pole near L os Corrales Estates inland of the San Diego Freeway near the Ortega Highway. And hke a good politician, sht! has walked door-to-door talking to an estimated 1,000 people. she said . Shl·'s hired a priva te investigator who spe1:1allws 1n l'aninl'S a nd l'Vt:n an animal psych1C". But no Caboose. Now she figures thl• dog may hav(• migrated north. e1thl•r by itself or in human tow. ''!l's possible," she says. "tha t som eone from a n outl ying arC'a ma.v have piC'ked him up." The dog 1s about one foot tall al the shoulders and two feel long. with long ears and a long, terrier nose. she said. Its color 1s a mix of beige and pepper-<:olored fur. Caboose has a long tail that "hangs like plumage," she said. Rice remembers she found the dog f1w years ago when it was 15 months old, sick and nccded its tonsil s removed. She said s he l'an "fully undl•rstand" that someone who found Caboose might questicm whe thl'r its owners treated 1t well. but she promised the r!og does have a good home. She can be reached by C"alling 552-3466. Jill Hi<·e. Cahool'!lt' L'fltii.:al llml· necessary lli get waler un the' fin: <tnd help locate rt'!.idences eas1t·r "Tht• blue dots also help locate thL• centN of the slreN at night for normal and l•mergency travel This as p l'l'l 1s especiall y Important during foggy mghL<>." Women's Club president D1ddy Lammers said the id ea for the lot·al projt'l·t came to her during a t·roSh·counlry motor trip. when sht· noticed the reflectors in other l'Ommun1t1cs. She said s he alsu obtamL·d mformation from the Bul•na P ark Wo men's Club. which m1t1aH.·<l a similar pro.)C(·t Ill that C'ltV. Thl· rl'r°l€'<:ton. cost $I .50 e:.ich and can bl' Cl'nwntt'Cl to the street surfal'l' by f1rc f1 ghters Local sc·r •1t·c· dubs. busrnesses and othC'rs will be encouraged to donatt• tow ard thl' pun·hase of thE.' hlut' dots I nstallauons will t.ak<· place as mom•y 1s rt'l:e1ved She said 1nquines about th<· blul' dot program can i:x' d1n><:·ted to 1he f1r £· depar tm e nt adm1111slralwn office at Fountain Valley Cny Hall. 963-8321. In the Fountain Valley case. a t>a nkr uptcy court trus tee challenged Hobart's contentio n that the cou ple could protect both the $35,000 equity in their home. using the state exe mptio n for homes , and a $6.600 personal injury settlement from a rec(•nl auto a ccident. using fe d era l exemptions. Hobart said she also would not be s urprised if the banking industry, which was t he chief backer of the state Jaw, seeks new legislation 1n response to Phelps' ruling. TRASH COST S BRING PROTEST . • • 'Carte r ' thug rob s e ate r y Phelps ' ruling allowed both -e-xemptions. St.ate law allows protection of up to $45.000 equity in a home flnQ f e d e ral law al lows a She added that married muples eons1dermg bankruptcy may find that now is the best lime lo declare insolvency, befon any action is taken to remove the extra $7.500 m asset protection. From Page A 1. Yod e r, who served on the council 111 1979-80 thro ugh appoin tment lo fill a vaC"ancy. claims tha t the proposed trash L'harge would amount to a "triple a buse" of taxes: -He said residents are now paying a 5 percent tax o n their Continued fair lrom 46 10 56 on Friday lhe wealhe< servlc~ predicted The Forecast For 8 p.m EDT i •• v· • r .-1 i:J Rain CJ SnowQ Co <1st n l Fair but some high cloudiness at times through today Highs 72 IO 78. CC>fltinued fair tomghl and Frld•y wtlh ovetnlghl lows 48 10 56. HlghS on Friday 72 to 78 Elsewhere from Poi nt Conception to the Mexican b ord e r and out 60 miles Nor1hwetl winds 12 to 22 knots tod1y lhrough Friday morning lncreulng to 18 to 30 knoll l'rfday afternoon over outer wat ... 1. SHs 5 10 7 feet. Light varl•ble wlndt ave< Inner wate<s. t>ec:omlng weal to aou1hwetl 8 10 t~ kno .. dunng 111 ... noons 1oday • end Frld•Y· Wind waves 2 to <4 feet. w .. t.,.ly .-us 1 to 3 reet Hlgh clouds but moslly lelr through tod•y el'ld Frldey U.S. sunt niary ~ Rain epreMI lrom lhe West to j Ille Midwest early 1oday, with 1 snow In Iha Rocky Mountains and l cleer tkles over the Eu1. I Rlin thow..-s were ac•ttered from ••atern Color•do end l\Ort~1 Te~u Into the middle Mi91illlf>l>I v eoey, and ••90 over lndl1n1 •nd the western Gre•I Laket. A few lhowe<s •190 sprNd over south c1n1r11 Texaa and Nor1h Oakot1. Snow allow«• ling.,.ed In the Coloredo mountain&, but clear ...,.. -• mov!ng In from the Fer Wett. w hlll r•ln lall In north_t.,.n Wuhlng1on Stitt. Ski•• were cloudy over thl GrHt Plalns, the mlddl1 •nd upper Mlnlulppl V•lley, the upper Grell l11\ea, Northern C1llf orn11 and lfl• P•clflc NonhwHI. Slllel were l•lr from the ~ MIMl-1pp4 V1lley to the Atlantic: Coest 1nd over lhe 1outhwest Unl'-d Stet ... Highs on the mountains were forecut from 55 to 63 w1111 iows from 35 10 45 and nort'1wesl winds Owens Valley highs were eJ<pecled to range from 55 10 63 on Friday wllh northern winds lrom 15 lo 30 mph and lows from 34 10 44 Highs In norlhern' deser1s we<e roreca11 lrom 65 to 75 w11'1 lows from 38 to 48 on Frtdey Southern dese1 t hlgta were e.xpec1ed to range lrom 76 10 84 w11h lows from 45 10 55 come Fndey Boaters In outer waters be1ween Point Conception and San Nlt:oles Island should expecl 1ncreas1ng northweSI winds lhrough Friday. reaching from 15 10 25 knolS In the alte<noon Variable high cloudineM dur•r>g Iha nigh! •nd morning wlll Pf•vail over lnner wa1 ... 1 wtlh swells lrom 1 10 3 feet 'Tenip era tures NATION •""' ·r "t:f"'Ct"'·•lvtt:'~ 60 Dallas-Ft Worth Dayton Oenvef O.S Momes OeHoll Ouhilh El Pa90 Fairbenlts F&1go Flegstert Great Falls Albany Albuquerquet Amarillo AnchOrage Asllevllle &Al 54 Hllf1ford Atlante Atlanltc City Austin B•ltlmore Blltlngs Birmingham Bismarck Bol .. Botton Brownsville Buffalo Burling too Cuper Ch•rtettOfl. $.C. Chartetton. W v CharlOtte. N C Cheyenne Chicago Clnclnn1tl Clevellnd Columbl•, 6.C. Ooturnbut 80 so Helen• 15 -o 1 Honolulu 67 28 Houston 7:t 48 Indianapolis 68 43 J9Cltson, MIU. 82 S6 • Jacksonville 65 38 June1u 52 38 K1nses Clly 72 35 Krooxvtlle 54 48 LU Vegas 51 33 Little Roell 55 .co Loulavllle 89 ll6 Lubbock 82 34 Memph11 59 2g Miami 45 33 Mllw•ukae 68 50 Mplr.-St. P1ul 7 1 30 Nuhvlll• 69 37 New Orlflant 53 38 New York 65 33 Norfolk 70 38 North Pl•lle 67 32 Okllflom• Cny 71 32 °"191l• 68 31 Orlando • ~h~~del~~la 79 52 68 35 81 36 62 51 68 31 54 414 81 60 08 Ot 59 49 50 33 55 39 6t 30 48 40 80 72 77 &4 87 33 77 35 73 43 38 34 70 53 68 32 67 H 74 45 88 33 80 55 76 38 78 65 61 33 56 49 73 31 77 42 63 48 63 47 71 42 77 S6 87 53 79 68 6A 4 I 8ca11«ed r91n w11 forec:;11t for li ter tod1y from 11141 -tern Gulf OoHt through the MIH llllPPI V•llt y lo the 01kotu •nd lhe _..,,, 119per Gr .. t Lek", wlllt 1 lew tllundetatoana In tl\t mid· Mlllil9iool Vllley. Aeln ·11eo wH ••PKttd rrom the northern Ind centrll Peclflc CoMt to Ullll, wtllle 1Ur1nY tlllett _. Pfedleted owr the At11t1tle ' SURf RIPOii CoMt MltM . California Mort oloud1 i n d 11 u 1ty ll'IO\ltltlln wt"4f1 -. expected tll,outf\Ollf 8outllern Calllornl1 Ot1 ,t'ffty, lllt NlllOMI WMthet ~.T1.o• An11t111 were ,...... et 11 wllll 10WS It It • .-eno ""''· H lal v1lley hlllh• t houtd lrom 74 10 14 wllh low• T .... • .... , ... . f•2 " 1·2 "· 1.2 "· 1·2 "· 1-2 "· 1-2 "· t·2 "· t~a II. 1·111. 1·2 " TomorrowJ HIOh tlcie: 1;01 a.m., 1.ow lid•: 1: It p.m.; Swell <llftcl!Oft Wiii Phoe111x 79 61 Pittsburgh 6 .. 32 Portland. Me 61 26 Portler>d, Ore 57 49 Providence S9 39 Rale~h 71 41 Rap1 Cny 54 45 Reno 51 27 Rlenmond 69 39 S•ll Le~e 46 35 San Anlonoo 84 57 Sea Ille 55 44 Shreve~ 78 41 $IOU• 811t 83 49 St Louil 87 38 St Pete-Tampa 77 52 SI Sle M•rle 57 36 Spokane 51 37 Syracu~ 58 34 Topeka 74 52 Tucsoo 73 59 W1Sh1ngton 9g 42 WIGhltn 72 se CALIFOflNIA HI Lo Apple Vallfly 61 34 Bakersfield 65 50 8•••10W 74 46 Be&umon1 67 37 Big 8e•r 47 25 Blthop 59 32 Blythe 79 511 Cat111na 72 si Culver City 75 55 Eure1<1 62 42 f'rnno 85 43 L1nc•1t.,. 85 38 Long 8eeoh 78 48 l.O• ·~·I" 74 59 Monrov1 78 44 Monterey 66 <48 Ml Wiiton 57 34 Needle• 71 51 Newport 81ech 89 M T ides TOOAY Seoon<I IOW 1:42 p m. SKOfld hlOfl 7:211 p.m ,NDAY FlHt low 1:43 • m. 0.5 Finl hfO!l a 07 a.111. 5.2 f«;Ol\cf low 2:15 p M 1.0 8tcon<I lllOli 1:07 P M <4 I Sun Mii tod!W tt t:04 o m .. rl ... l'ri<llY 11 7 10 1,M, Moon rtMt tod1y at •·20 p m .. M18 frl<lly II 3.01 a m utility bills, a c harge mtcndl•t.l upon approval m 1970 to pay for trash colll'Ction as well as to make p aym ents o n the l'lVlc center and hbrarv That's the fi rst tax. he said. · -The proposed monthly ll'l' of $4.35 would amount t o a second tax, he said. -And the 1nd1ret·t . t'1 l v overhead charges on top of actual mo nthly collection costs would comprise the t h ird ta x , he claimed. "Thl' employet'S involved an.• al.ready being paid. Why c:hargt· residents for the indi reel l'OSts when employees are serving their own people'?" Thompson. however. claimed that the in direct costscare 11\cluded m all fiscal planning "If a bu:.inessman didn't du this. hl"d go brokl'" Thompson said mc.l1r~'<'l to:.t.<. m ddmimstering the contrat·t with the Rainbow D1spo~l Company, include adm1n1strat10n Wo1'k , data pron·ss1ng. polln· chC'l'k:. a nd othC'r w o r k b y l'1ty employet•s associated with trash c:ollection. "It t'Osts the city 22 pt.·rl'C'nt of thf' present $5 20 monthly bill for indirect services," ht• s;:ud. "If Wl' didn't have these duta•s. Wt• l'Ould cut (X'rsonnel." Thompson said the c·1ty l'an't afford to absorb the indirC<"t t'OSts bec·ause of drastic reductions m revenue. "And if I L'OUld crystal ball 1t . I'm afraid the stale 1s going to take another $1 ·million from our prt.'S('nt budget." CONCORD A m<1n w<·<1r1ng a Jimmy C<trll'r m<i:.k and dutchmg a gun in om· hand hl'ld up (•mployccs at a Huntington Beach h o t dog s ta nd lall· Tut·sday . po l1c:e rt' ported The bandit, wearing a mask that dt•p1l·tcd th e fo rmer prC'Stdl·nt t·ompletc with a wide a nd toothy smilt•. ordered the two 17-year-old workers al the Warn.<·r A ve nu e D er WiC'nc•rsch ni tzel to gel on the floor before he escaped with $70 in cash Pohc;·(' said the holdup came less than an hour after a man wearing a Hallo w <?e n mask depu:tmg an old man ht:>ld up a servwc~ station for $60 ALL SPORTS CALL FOR A MAR INER. a CONCORD. c From the creators of the world's thinnest wo ter- resistont watch.es comes the Concord Mariner SG Handcrafted 1n Switzerland with the ultra-thin nine/ quartz~ movement. In stainless steel ond 14 korot gold: A. Lady's, $840 B. Mon's, $890. C. Mon's, oll steel, $590. Come discover o truly greot sport. SLAVICK·s l'lne .ltweltt'I ~ 1917 Where the best surprises begin. '•l'lton 111.nd (71•) 844-1380• NfWPOl1 '*'" Alto Ottater LM An9llW • ~ Diego• I.At "'911 - • , J 1Jr ur1u11 t,c111111 UAll v fJll u 11111111•.ll11y tJ< 1ot111 i'H 1r.11:1~ H/F A a NATION Mail negating absentee votes? No Halloween piano d in 'world of kook ' By Tht> A111od11lcd f>rl'ss Ot111•n.-i or t 1111•s Ill uunol 1111· nallon, ft-ur111.: tl1·,11li\ 1111 k' 111 llll'1r ch1ld11•11':-. 111·.11.,, .11 ,. 1· .1 11 l ,, I 1 n lo: 1 l .i I I 11 w 1· ,. n duurlwllin~ b ••l·.1u1:tt• of u SJJl't•atl111~ WllVI' of Mlbolll~t·d produl't.s ~h11w111~ up on 11Wr1• :;helv1·s tt1•1>0rts of :.J t:xn.1g1• wen.• wtdP,;µri•atl W1•d1H•sd;iy , Jln1os1 m11• 111111\lh aftt-r tlw d1•uths uf wv1•11 µt.•oplC' Ill till' t'h1t·,1g11 ,111•a who IPl>k 1v11111tl1· l.111•d 1•;>.1no S111•1 1~1h Tylt•11ul Tltt• 1,11nlt'd 11111tlu1 1, 1 a n~wJ fr11111 1 11111 h 1 or11 111 pu1wh oml sotlu {)II Wt• d 11 l ' b d ll y , l h I" l'Olllll\Ulllt11·o; o f A1it't•11i;11111 l'or1:0.h .111d l la111111urul, I .a , V11lt'l:J11tl, NJ . 1'1 uv1d1•111·1·, H I . ,rnd M ug.ldOl t', Oh111 . l~'t'UnH· Hit• h.11t·:.t ·•11111111-( ·" I t• a S I -I () l' I I I t• s I u Ii ,1 11 1n1tl111ou.tl 1ri,·k -or-u 1•a1111~ 111 •·1h1s world full of kook-; " I Hallowe en e xecutio11 stayetl N~W ORLEANS T1·xa:. urfic1als wa111 J US Sup1t·nw Court JUSlltT II• O\'t'rTuli· ;111 appt•als l'OUr\ a11d allow tlw 11 a 11 owl' l ' 11 ex•' l' u 11 u 11 11 t Ronald Clark O 'B rv .. 11. dublx'CI lht• "C:undv Man'" for k1Uing his son w1ih t·y:.i111d1• poisonro i:andy A fi-dcral apJ)l•ab l'OUrt 1n New Orll·aru. gr anlt'<I c1 sta~ of eXC'l'Ullon Wt•dnt•sday ~or· O'Brvan, who had bl'l'n sl·n lt'nl'l'd to d1t• S undav 111 I he fl l'St U S l'Xl'l'll llOn by h•thal mjl.'<·lwn anti till' I 11 ~I Tt·XLIS t')\l"t'Ullllll ,11\ll' IHh I Tht• Ull\Vll t, ·' ll tl lllt'I l>t ·1·1 P..irk. T1•xa~. 11pl1t 1an ".is dubh1·tl 1h1• "t'a11dv M.111" I>\ his l1•ll11w 111111:.lt•; 1111 d1'.1ti1 I'll\.\ ht'l'JUS(' <If I ht· I !174 ILdlowl'•'l\ murd1·1 11f hh 8 v1·ai -old sun SI a It' I) 1s l1' 1 l' l ,Ju d gt f\l1d1.wl T McSp.1ddl'll. wh11 urdt·rt'll tht• l'Xl't. ullon. i..11d h.- pH•kt·d lhl· datl' bl·t·auH· <rBrv.111 ··ru11wd llallow1•t·n tor 1•\'('r y1Jn11 .. Print found on T ylenol box CHICAGO A f111g1•rpnn1 has bet:'n found on an l'lghth l·yanidl'-tiHlllt•d p;wkag1· uf Extra-S trt•ngth T y lt·n o l . along with th<' 1dc•n11ty ol 1lw JJl.-'rson who turllt'll 1t 1n. but r.eithe r d1Sl·uvery ma~ help the probe of sevc•n dealhs. a law cnforct'menl sourct.• say::. The W ashinglon source, WORLD ·. who rt·fuSt·d lu bt· 1dcnt1C1e<l by name ur by dc•parlmenl, ""d W1•d rwsday th1· pr111t was t ound~y tht· FRI un a box t<>nw1n1ng th1· latl·st tainted bolllt'. but ...... ,. d on't know thal lh1s is thl' fing~qmn1 of the oerson who pu l the poison in Rebels bomb San Salvador SAN SALVADOR. f.'.I Salvador -L<'ft1st guerrillas exploded eight bombs around the capllal and blocked the Pan-American Highway. police said The attacks ramC' one day aher lht.· government reiecte d the reb<·ls' rail for talks to end the 3 -year-old l'IVil war S1multaneuus t·xploswns rocked the ca pital !.hortly after 7 p m Wl·dnl.'s day A u l h o r 1 t 1 c· s s a 1 d 1 h e v dl·st roy<'d four te It• phone t'Xl·hange boxes and topplc'tl two power lines. brit·flv blaC'kmg out muc·h of t·ity. R ebeis es1abl1!.hed a roadblock o n the Pan- Amencan highway 45 miles l'a s l o f San Salvador and burned. dynam1tt•d or '>hot up at k·as1 13 buses and rnr::. on otht·r highways. off1uals Sdld Sovie ts call for buildup M OSCOW Pres ide n t U ~ UA \'II> KllTZMANl'll or" 111. 0.11, ,1101 11•11 \!<1li'" \\< l1t I 11'11111''11•11 Ull't'llh'<• l111ll11l ' 11 1 ( · .. .,1.1 Mo"'"· N1·wpo11 H1 .11h 1°1111111.1111 \'1tll1·v .111d 11 1 1111111~11111 Bt•oll'li 111.0'r' l111d th.ol 1111 II lljllllll•ll'• JI I ' 1.111 'r'lllJ.( ((10 111111 Ii \\1·11th1 1lt1·"· "·'Y' 'l'h;il ':; h<'\ ol\I~· 1111'11' .11 1• ltll".11 l olll ' Ill llll' lt1u1 01.111~1· (.'11..1,I • 1111111111111l11•' wli11 h 11•11u111• tlw \'11 \1 '1 ' lo 1111 uul ,111 1·x t1 .1 11h:-;1•111t•1• h,tllt1l l1lld lo lt'llJI 11 111 tit" Or11111{1· Cuw1t y H1·g1s1r.11 •1f Vo11 ·1 ... u11111• Thi· 1·:..11 ,1 l1,tl l111 1·.11 d llll''-lllS t \11,1 fll"l.tj.11 • 1111 lhc• IPIUlll I 11\ 1 •lo IJ'I ho\.\ I '\'\ 'I 1\1111 1·11• .. 111111, 11111< 1.il, ,,,1d tlw Can video fans beat killer cell? I.OS ANGELES (APl 111 1111· a11d 1n lht· v 1d1•0 parlor, 1·a11t'l'I' l'an bl· bl·.Ht•n . ::.ays a p 1 o f t• s ~ t>r w h u t· r " a tt· d a t•ompult·r gamt' ht• ho1ws will 'how playt•rs "you :tl'l' not dc..•rl•nsl'lt•ss a~ainst l"Ulll't•r." T h l' g <1 m l' l' a I l e d "K1llt•r T -CPll" 111volv1·i. lhrt•t• tyµt.·~ of c•l'lls dcp1cwd on .1 v1t..ll'<> tubt· normal. <:antcruus and Kllll·r-T . wh1l'h s ta nds for T lymphot'ylc cells. T -c:t•lls art' t:urrt•nlly ui.c•d 1n rt· a I -I 1 f e .. 1 mm u not h er a p y" .1g.i111 st l'Llllt'l'I" On thl' v1dt•o St'l l•1•11, tht• T -c·t·ll 1:-uc;1•d lu win th1· g.rnw by dc..·~troying the co1bt.111tly d1v1d111g cant'C•r t·ells bl· Ion· thl·y ta kl' uVt•r If lhl• cam·1·1 l'dls get 11u1 .,r hand m lhl· gaml·. pldy ers t·an push lhl' "ch<'mo therapy" but ton, says g a m t · 1 n v t· n l o r )) r E I t <>' 1 Stubblefield of tht· Un1v1·1s1ty 11f Texas-Anderson llosp11al 111 l louston "Wl' tru·d In ht• ;i, rt•<1h~11c I.I~ pt>.,.-.1bl1-," Stuhhll'fll'ld "-'Yl> "For mslamt•. thL· th1.•mothc•r:ipy eosts poinL<; lx'<:ausC' m rPal life· 1t has a t'11:-.t lo 1h1.• pal1t•nt." Slllrung nC'x t mun th K1 ller-T will be av:11li:1blc 111 slUrC's for plJy on Apple hon.l· t'1Jmputers. ~tubblt·field said in a tclC'phonl' intervll'w w11h tht• Los Angeles H1•rald Examiner published Wt>dnC'Sday The• rosl 1s $20. of which $18 w1 II go to aid cancer n•search, he said If successful. he :-..i1d he h op1•s to pn·parl' a VN SIOn l or Al::tn. "l hope ll will s how young pt op)(• tha t you du h;,ive a d l.fl'nse m l'c han1:-.m against ldl1C'l•r." he said "Nol onlv m 1h1s g..iml'. but in real life'. t'a,;cer can lw• bc•atC'n .. JHl .. I clflll"I' 11111\ II 111111 lltt I Hlllflli•lt ti li111l11h Ill I lt.1 ~11111 d v111t•11o 11 po,.,1.1u1· 1, 111sllll1• 11 ·1 11 N11 11111tl I y. 1·lt·1 111111 111! 11 ·1.il ~1t11l1 ·v I>•··""" 11a1d, 1111 11 · ,,,.. IW11 t'o11tls Ill ll'tlllll 111 lho• 11•g1~11.11 ·, 111 I l\'1' Ill 1111 llh"lt'llh•t• l111ll11t pm kt·I T l11·,1· 111v1·1 .tll 1111 • It d1 1,11, ,l,tll• ,111tl C lllJlll V I U\ I'' B111 II 1·1 t y pr 11p11,1l11111-. .111d c·,1111lld11h·i. ,1n· al~> 1111 1 lt1· li.tll111. ,, tl111 d 1 ar ti ..., 1•111·111"-il /\11d tlto•I 1111 ·1111:-0 .111 t•Xll II J 7 l't•11l' po,ll•j~•· 1' 111•t•dt•d lo 1t•llllll th1·"' 1•1tVl'lttll4 '' ltl !Ill' 11•g1-.l1,11 )~111\ I), ,111111 ollllf 111111'1 I 1Jllllt\ Pl\'1 111111 t11f111,1I' ,,11CI th.it -.<lllll 1'.lltl' 111,1y Ix• gl'lllllg ll1111uglt 111 llu llt \\ llli llhlll I tt'll ltl ,,.,.1,1"~ 111 1 .tM'" \\ltt 11· tl11 rt I) jl<lhlUK•' du1, 1111 1111111 1~ Jlll'p II .11111 1t.1 .ilt">l'lll1 •1 l111ll<1l-. .ti(• l,1lt1d11t( d 111 II 1 l 11 'I I • .,,( °'o, I 111 \\I \ I I 1111' 1""'1 1111111 · I'° 11'1111111111! 1111 li.1ll11h 111 th1· '4·11d1·1' 1'11~1.1~1 1111 •• 11111111.11 ....... '.11d ·'"" 1111 • l1Jll11t I ... ~II 11 Ith Wlt1 II •• tl111d '.11d 1•, 1111 l11d1 d tlo• po,1.1w· Jlllllfl'• '" rt 1 .. 11... n ....... 11t1 •1,"1· 111 NtWflllll t~.1111 ('1"1.' Mt ·/'1.1. F•iu11t.0111 V.ol l•"v 1111d ll11111111).!t1111 H1·,11 Ii wlw1 1· lh1 ll111d Loll i " IH'll ... -..11 \ 1111 l1H ;.t ""lit ., (JI 111 ·1 1<111111111111111 , \~Ito I• l 111 It' ,U t• ltH ,1l 1,11 f'' """ I ldl" t,,,Jl11I I ,111h 1111 IUdt ti.JI of• It (.111\'1 ~ui1t.1 A11 .. Arwlw111 1 1111ol u ..... I), .11 1111 -..11d .JO,O~U-1tlf'1 ·• 111p11 -.to d .ol1" 1111 t l./•lil1Jl1' )111 'l 111 ""''"' ··h·c 111111 111 llw JI·"' t wu cl.1y' .1l.111UI .1, OOIJ l1o1llttl'-lt.1v1 Ix• 1111'1 1 1v1oel l1v 1 111111111 •111111.ol' Wlwtl11 I 111.irlul 111 lto1 11d .t. II\ 1·11·d • .11.,t 11l1 to l1.ill11t ' 11111-.1 ..... , h 1h1 11·~u.w.1r 11\ 11 p 111 T111'i.d.1v 111 p11111 Y t 'oll ~ Uw H1•J.(l'l1•1 ' t > I ( 1 11 • Ii .. ., 11 r 1 11 11 ·ti t 111 t lu· • 11v1 l111'''' liuw 111111 h P'"'t.1g1· '" 111·1 d1·d 111 11·111111 tlw ,ol"1·11Ll·t· l1o1l111t' I It.ti """·" 11111 d11111• l}H\ I ,11 I J, ,1\lllt '-tld, flotl ti)" l1t'l.1U'4' ••I I 1111111.111111< IM1,1.1I 1 ul•., O•llr Pllol Pholo by Rlch•rd K~~•t . Para nwclic· .... '~h o f o und lhc· tlr iH·r in tlw hac·k -..t·at ~lwn t lw~ '· arriH·d u t thi ... acT iclt·n l ........... o n Coa~t ll i,.:h "a~ in Corona dd ~1ar. i'lartc·cl <·ardio-1mlmon a r~ n · ... u-..fita 1i o 11 . \ idi111 clit·<I latt'r. Man killed A I luntington &•i:Jl h mutorna was k1ll(od and a Laguna BedC'h man arrestro following a head o n t o I I 1 s 1 o n W t' d n 1· s d u y af11•rnuon nn C11a!>l H1 ghw~1:-. nt•<Jr l'amP•J Shun·:. 1n Nt·wpc1r1 &•at·h JoM-ph Thomas Salc1f1.1. 58, '!'ti 9201 Albany C1rdc•, lfunt111gto11 &-al·h. was pronoum'(.'Cl dc•ad ol H oag M em o n<.11 llosplla l less than an h our after t ht> -I 45 pm • Ill Newport 1 r.1sh N1•\\ 1>< 111 &·at h polu 1 .111 t·~ll-tl John Arthur llannuh .. W, 11( KKI l Paeif1e C'o;1i.t I l1ghwa;., L.1guna Bt·.11·h <1l tlw St't•11t 11f th1 11.i-.h. c·h<1 1 g1ng him 1111 ,u,1>11 11111 11f v1•ha·ul~1r 111a11~l;1uj.!hl1 ·1 w11h m ·gl1g1 •n('1• Polru· Sgt f\l 1k1· .J.11 k-,;111 "-'Id Salaf1 •1 was dr1v111~ wt~l •Ill 1h1 h1ghWi.1) 111 th<· .;low l;o111 will'll Hanna h 's 1•as1hou11d ,., h11 It auto crash \'I "'-"'d 1h1· 11•111\'1 J1v1dl·r tfnd 1 oll11h ti h1•<:tcl on y, 1th lht \'II 11'?1·.., l.11 ~Jl..il 1..1 \.\ <.1.s trt'al<·d al th ~ "1·111· hv N1·wpnrt Bt•Jt'h fire d1·po11111u·n1 pc1r;11111·d1«!> and 11 .t11,p11rt1·J t11 1h1· t·nwrgt•nl~ 11111111 •• 1 ll11.1g whn h1• d1l.J· .11 ;) :!II I> l)l .J.1tk'>on S..tld lf ann.1h WilS UlllllJUll'<.I Thi <11 t1 d1111 1" und1 r lll\'C'">llgul111n h o .... 11cl Leonid I. BrC'zhnl'v has called for a Soviet military buildup. C'harg1ng that th£' United Slales 1s "threolening to push the w1>rld into the flames of a nucll'ar war " th1: level of combnl rl'adinf'ss of the• armv and navv ~hould be• even higher Then no urcum s tance can tc.1kt• u s unaware:· Brc·zhn<•v said Wednesdav in a tt'lt•v1se d s p e e c h 1 "o a n u n u s u a I galhering of high Kremlin and m1lr t.ary offtC'1als Jury weighs De Lorean indictmen~ "T he time 1s now suC'h thal Moscow to g e t U .S. grain? VIENNA . Austria -US and Soviet negouators opened talks today in whic h US Embassy off1c1als said the American dl'legation was expected to offer to sell up to 23 million m~tric tons of com and wheal to Mo5':ow over STATE the ncxl year The talks are' a follow-up 10 Pn•s1dent Reagan's o ffer of increased grain sa ll•:. to th e Soviets -a move he said was to restore the U S rc•putal111n .. as reliable suppliers " Judge halts GM layoffs LOS ANGELES -A federal judge has refused to lift a coun order halting the layoffs o f 400 General M otors assembly workers despite the automake r's contention the move will mean a $320,000 expense. H owever , U S D1 s tr1c 1 Jud~e A . Wallac·c Tashima ruled We dnesday that GM cou ld issue the layoff n ol1ces immediately b ut any actual layoffs hinged o n the outcome o( a court h earing on Friday LOS ANGELES (AP) -A f0tlt•ral grand JUry 1s considering the drug con sprraey case of automak er John Dt• Lorean and will probably hand down an 111d1ctment Friday. his attorney sav.; Attorney Joseph Ball said Wc•dm'Sday he was sldl trying to raise• th<.• $5 m11l10n bail needed to r e s c· u e t h e s 1 I ,. l' r -h a i r e d 57-vear-o ld automollvt• maverick from the T crm111al Is land federal prison cell when• he has s pent tht• pas t nine night\ <;1nc·e his arrest Ot't 19 In itia lly , Dl• L o r ean was ar r a_i~ned o n cha r ges of conspiring to pos.'l<'S..s 22 pounds o f cocaine for d1stnbullon 1n 'what the government says was an efforl to raise $60 million to save his falterin g De L or ean Motor Co .. but his anomeys have s aid an innocf.'nt pica was pos tponed pending the grand Jury indictment. Ball said a grand jury mel Tuesday Another sourt·e close to lhc case told The Associa lC'd Press there would bC' a major We're Listening ••• What do vou hkc about the Daily Pilot '.' What don't you like" Call the number al le ft and your message will be recorded, transcribed and delivered to the appropriate editor. 642•6086 The same 24 hour answenng service may be used to record let- ter-; lo the edito r on any topic Mailbox contributors must include their name a nd t(•l<>phone number for verih cation No c1rC'ulat1on r ail ·. please Tell us whal ·~ rm your mind ORANGE COAST Claulfled adV•rtlalng 7t 41M2·1171 CW,NM Alt oth9r apartment• M2-4321 .,,.._,. Daily Pilat MAIN OfflCE ............ DI WHI aw S4 , Cotla -·CA ~1 ,,..,., H YllU OD Mell~~ loo 1'4!0, CAie MeM, CA ,_,. ~ "::.• J."'f..l::r ~ ' Thomot '. Hal.y C•¥rl9flt IWI Ot-(OH i l'-IW ... (-y 1110 you• COPY .. ,f b• ,.. ,.,., ,.., .. ,, lllvt4retleft• • ..:rtt .. l•I ,,. .... ,or .,. ...... ell P\11>1.,n., Md C'ht"I f •lK'lll••" Olli<., "'"" .. "'"''' ,,.,.1,, .... , .. , .... -.. •"'*" \tal\lttMly 111<1 8'1,,11.., II •oe<t•I """''-ol <ot>Y•~l -M t rou ~ nf)I fK""'• YOU~ Jon• Amari laymond Moct.on let o .. o <In\{'°:"' ... Ptld •I Colil• MH•. Cal"°"''• ~rr::,,: ~~:.: £>Kiii• .. fdtl()f l"ont1Qll., IUl'S 1'4 IOO ~tipllon llY <.,,..,~IS"""'™' Dt-911 by Mtil tt IO"-INy CIN.*1 .... L. Kay Schultz Mk ho.t '· Horwy T'-Or-~\I a.tty ,Hot, •llfl wtli<fl 9 C-• ..... -............ " ,....,\Mf • ., .... Or-TI et••• Vl(e ''*'.,_' o ... cio; o4 Mori etotlQ , .. ,, "IMI"""' c .... _, ~ ......... ..,,. ... -Of\d Dw"C!Of ol lld•ll'hllllQ l(wtukwtOlll !1<*1....-........, _..,.,. ,,.._, ~ C•'9 MHe, ~ Coumy .. ""'"' l"••W1 ._,, .............. lekfl, '--: ~::-l1 l•wlM , L ....... llH<ll, S-.. Coetl A·~ -K•nn•th N. Oeddotd Jr. ""..., k ,.,..,_ S..11"'9n .,.. ........,. n. ~lnQIOll """"" PflMl ... 1 publl\1111\f =I It •I JJe W.M ..., M-. 6W-• =-:= o~ 111 tur nl 0.,..nll()nt I' 0 ,IJ01 IMO, (•I• WI, Goll .. fftlO tKtt LtQUNI H9illl VOL. 75, NO. 301 cll'V<.1 lopm(•nt rrida y Chif'f /\ss1s tant US Allornt•y Ali·-..: W 1 11 1 a m.s h .'l !> s a 1 d an y 111d1l'lml·nts 111 t lw casl· would bt.· h a n d l' t..I u p b y f' r 1 d a y A n 1nd1ctmcnl would supC'r'-C'dC' the ch argc>s imt1ally lodgl'll ;1~am::.t I)(. Lorean To makt' ba1 I. thl• fnrmC'r GC'nc•rnl MOl{lrs l"Xl'<-'ll I 1 \·1· must post $250.000 1n eash ..inci put up unt>nr umlx•rc-d propt•rty tu .1tw111 tht• b:llam-e o f $4 75 m11l1on Ball said ne>gottallons \\'llh the V S attornl'y's 0 Cf1c<'. wh1l·h havl' dl'layc..>d lhe automukt>r's rl'll•;L<w on b.oil r1•n l1•r on tlw val~H' 111 I\ L 11r1• a n · s Pa r k A \ 1• 11 ll 1· 1ownh11use 111 N1•w York .1111! ;1 -tH <1crt• Paurna \'.ii It \ c-:..1.1 to 111'·11 1':.<,t11nd1do. 111 Snn 1>11 go l'nlllH\ · W1 re dealing w11l1 11-.tl prop1·r1 \ and It lakl·s 111111· l•H 11tl1· 1w:11•dws and .1 11 11t th,11 ." 8.;tll s.ud Thi• 1'.:."o<:ond1do-J11·,1 1•sliJ1t· had bt>t•n on lht• markl't for .1ln111sl a v1•ar JI a pru:c· o f $4 m11l1nn hut his rl·al l'Stah agC'nt ra1:.1·d th(· pnc·t· to $5.25 milltnn ;,iftt•r lh1 . p1111w11v hl'<.illW part (Jf ~I 1wgnt 1al111n-. •· Ball 7~ al'° said ht· \\ ould l..11. h J p p y I o t a I k w 1 t h ' :, a Mas.s.u hus1•tts c-;ir deal1•r who~ 11fft'rt'<.I tn put up th1· $250.llOOibr De· Lor 1 .. m 's bail E11111• Bow h Nt•w Engbnd d ''II I b U t 11 1 f 0 I SU lJ a I U 1;) Norwood. Mils.' S.Jtd Dt· LorC'an wa' too l.41lt•nt~'ll l11 Sit In a ceQ B111 h ...... td ht• '~ .lS nt·got1at1ng w11h 01· L orean's bus1 ne~s parllwr lo .orrangc· eollatc>ral fdr lhl' $250,0011 We iavite you • • • to tak e advantage of a manufacturer's e rror in ove r s h i p ping! 25<fo off A select group of D iamond Engagement Rings Single rinc;is sla.rt at were 210.00 now l&l.25 Set of Rings sl11rl al were 280.00 n ow 21&.00 RAFF jewelry . 32 Fashion Island Newport Beach • 6'64-2040 3 Gtntratlona of fntndly '*'°"'' teNIC. 11n,. ...... ... .. .. .... Staying power a key U.S. Senate race • in Ttw 1·.11·1· lur lJ S S1·n.1t1· t111 d, l'ull1 1>1·111j \11t1•1, lal'lng" ll·~' l han 'll1:-l<1l'llll'\ d1w1 ·1 • Dt•niolTal Jt•rry Br11-... n. 111 111, 1•1ght yl•ars a' ~uv1·rrwr ot th1· s ta lc.·. has d1s1•1whm\lt•d 111<11 I'> of h1:-. l 'Urlll.'1' SUfJfJOl'le·r:-. \\'1 th h 1:-. l'l'l' l' 11 t I' 11' h l' h ,1 \' 1111 , cl ll Ii Ill lh a pµ1111Hmf•n l:-. n nd JH'r s 1 ~1 t•111 pursuit of lh1· µn·s1d1•11L·v 111 tw11 nnl1u nal t•lc.-<.·t1un' H1· 1s <ll'll\'l' ,1rt11·ul.1l1· .ind b t' y u n d d n u h t w o u I cl m .r k l' Cullfo rn1a's prt'"''ll't' k 1111w11 111 W;is hmgton tor lx·t 11·1· m WlllM' 1·v1•11 as a fn•..,hman sl'n.1t11r ll1s upp urwn t. Pl·t1• W1l'>t>ll . W <I !> p I l' k (' d t lJ l' d r I \ t h t • Rt•publ1mn bl1111wr on till' 1",as1s ol his 1mpn•ss1vp r1<t•ord .1, mayrn-of San D1L•gu . L 1 t t le k n u v: n u u b 1 th-t h 1 • Southla nd a l thv o utM•t ul h1 -.; ·camp<.11g n . ht• u11fonunawlv :-.11011 · gatnC'd a r1:•pUl<1l1011 for 'aying till' wrong thmg al lht· wrong llnw I Its 111-c·om l'I Vl'd t•on u111 ·n I'. 011 S ot'l<il St>t•ur1ty n •forr11 g.1v1· Brown a ch ;,11\c.·1• to 11•10 1n w1lh • 'onu• na-;ty dt•inu..:oglh ·ry ;111d 111-.; .1lt<Kk" on lhl· '>l.1le· :-;1 q u 1·n1e• C11u1 t 1 .usNJ qlll''l11111s .. , tu l11s Jllclgnwnt. But 1n 1 t<t'1•11t tmw:-. hi!> 1·11111p u1gn ha!'\ IJ1·t·o111t· 11111n· pus 1t1v .. and h<• hu:-. provt•d w1•ll 111frn nwd II\ d ebau •s w ith H1o\\11 Cahfor·nia. on lhl' bas1:-. of IL'> s17.l' a11 d l'l'on om1c· 11np11rt;111 t'l'. 1111gh I St'l'nl to clt•st•rvv ;1 '' r1111gt•I' v111n· un tlw 11at1on<tl 'il't•111· th.m \V1brn1 11uw <IJJJ>t'.ll'S lo 11l l1•r hut 1h1·n· "n •as1J11 tu l:whc·vc• Ill' 1.·11llld grr1\\ 111to th1• J<ib uml :-.1·1 v1• !ht• 't.111• \\'I'll ~spt'l'mlly 1111p1 111.111l , Ill' d11uhtl1•s...., would s tay 1111 tlw Jllh II c·ll'i. H•d Brow1\, llll till' 111 lwr li.111d , h ;1s 111ad1• ll quite d 1•.11 I h.it th1· p1·1·"dt•1H.'Y 1s his ult1n1.111• g11,d .111d lw l'oulu lx• l'Xp<.>cWd lo 1.11111111u1· pur,Lung thJl go.ii 11 11 111 tlic• \'ant;1gt· pu1nt o( na11111wl 11 l l1t·1· W1• -.;t•n ousl\ d11uli1 ii :-.i>.. vvar' 111 thL' Svn<1h-1"1·allv "wh.it Iii· Ii.is 111 m 1 m l F111 th1•w 1 1.·a..i1n~. thl' Oail) P ilot r N·omml'nds the e lection 10 the ll.S. Sena t e of P l•te W ilson . ~Badharn rn1rrors area Thv -1 0th t·ung11·•,.,11111.il 'district p1 ll> tn(·umtwn t l{t•puhltt·;i11 ·R u b l·r t B a Jha m <iga111:-.t a n l' w c: o m e r . D '-' m u c.: r u l P .i u I H ascmun The dis tric t 1nc:ludes Costa MC'sa. Irv ine. Laguna Beach. N e wport Beach and parts o f Huntington B each . Ora nge and Santa Ana Badham h as not been bad for his d1slm·t in Congress. H e fully s uppo rts the president's et:onom1c: program. and we feel tha t 1s an accura te re flecl1on of the major ity of the district. He is diligent in h b Op l'rat1nn of his o ffiN' in the dis tric t a nd got>s to bat fo r his cons tnuents. W C' w o uld f a ult hi m , h oWl'Vl'r. for his int(·nt1o n to supports the president's economic iss u es ban o n abortions. perm1:-.i.1on for St:h ool prayer despite his reservatio ns about lhl• proprwt y of including them in thl· Constitutio n although they re flec·t h is p e rsonal e th ics . In his d iscussion with the Pilot's editorial board, Badham said l11s s upport of t h e m as const 1t ut1onal -amendme nts we1 s a p o litil'dl reality If he voted against them. :he said. he would bl• s pending d good part of ht:. llnw explc11ning his vutl• to µart~ n1ll1 .. 1gut•' W1· don't d 11ub1 wh.1l Hl'p Badhmn s.1ys 111, .. uµpurt 111 '>•l<.·1al 1-.;.;;ul•!.. 1~ l'l'rl ~1111l y pr 1g 1n.it1t· I IOWl'\'C·r. we wou Id h ~1v<.• lH't'll more impressed by his t•xh1b1l111g the l'Ourage o f h is (.'On vtl'llon-., NC'V<•rthl•less. o n th1· wh11l1 • we bc:ltcve Badham sL•rvt·:-. 1lw cl1stri<:t adequ ate ly a nd at'<·ur<1t1·ly rc•flects 1ts w ishes. Consl'qU(•ntly, the Daily Pilot recommends re- e lec t ion· of Robe rt Badham to Congress. Desp ite our em .lors1.•nwnt uf Badha m , Wl' would like ll) prnnl nut that in P a ul H<Jscm.m . the· Democrats have fie lded an ..iblt• a nd a nrat·t1ve ca ndidate Although f 1 s ca 11 y co n s t• r v at 1 v (• a n d c o n servative on law a n d order . H aseman s uppo rts the nul·l(·ar freeze a n d the E4ua l H1 g hts Amendmen t. a nd rt1Jeets tht· bcin o n abortions and the school pr.iy1·1 m easure . We beheve he mav Ix· an <1 pp ea I 1 n g a I t c r n a t 1 ·v l' l (J c:o nscrvat1ve v o te rs d1ssa I 1\f wd with Betdhdm's pc.•rformann· w lhl' preside nt's ('<.'Onom1c program. Although 11 '"'highly unllkl'ly that ht· w ill b<.• any t·om rx·t1 tu>11 to Bad ham in th1!-. l'lt'i. lion. I l::i!-.t•ni:m b<"ars w akhmg 111 lht· f1 Hun· ~ungre11 best choice Tht' race for Co ngrc.•ss m tht• 4 2nd district pi ts 1nc.·umbcnt R epublic an Daniel Lungre n agains t De m ol·rat1.-ch:illl·ngc.·r J ames Spe11man Lungre n has ·~nefi ted fro m reapporl1o nmC'nt m this district Although 1l was ltppC'd toward th!' R e pubhcan s lx.>for e. 1t has b«'omc d ecid e dly so rn n draw ing tht· lines Lungr e n 1s an ardent supporte r of both t he presid ent's economic pol1 c 1(•s an d th l• 'Simpson-Mazznli lrnmigrauon bill now before the Hou se . ln addition. he favors immediate· attention to a ~weeping r eform o f th S ocia I .S ecurity system. He also back s lhC' 4 'social" issu es of a ban on abortion and permission o f M:hool prayer Although we do not favor ht!> s tand on the social h-isu es. Lungrl'n is a w e ll-info rme d . c a pa hll' legislator. He is not afraid to stand up for what he believes, ant.l in th(• Simpson -Mazzo li bill. h <' a nd f~llow supporters h ave som e thing of a ho t potato. In h is discus~ion with tht• e ditorial board . h e h ad a firm gras p o f th e Cact s and figures pertin en t to th" quc~stions a t hand. H e is a dedicated supply-side r a nd • ,i r g u l'CI L'OllVllHlllgly th.i t the president 's polic1<.'S wer e making headwav . Sp(:llm;rn, a Dvmonat from Long &•ach, w a, underst4nclc:1bly more llbNal m his approach l<> the issues Although we• d on't bd1L'Vl' that 1:-. an at-cura te• rC'fll'<:twn 11f tht• will of thC' d1stric:t's volers. m 1tsf'I( th<il is n n pro blem W <· d 1 d. h n w (' v c.> r . I 111 t.I p roblems in his 1n ab1lity to c.·>.plam full~: his plans for rdorm o f Scx:1al S C' c u r 1 t v a n cl a n l' n cl t u u n e m p Io y m c n t. 11 e c: <t 11 l · d for lo wering of the un<'mploy nw nt rate w ithout ra ising mfla t1o n a nd ;uggestcd that some sort o f WPA approac:h might have to tx--a p plir.d to "prim<' the pump.'' lfr did not .;cem to h ave w o rkt•d o ut the dt'tatls on funding tha t <ipproac:h Social Security. he lx'h C'vro. would be aided immeasurably by f u I I e m p I o y m e n t a n d 1 h t' '\Ubs<>qucnt inc reased pay 111 T o go against a n articulate> a nd well-prepared candidalt• s u c h as Lun g re n . a Demo('rat must be impe<..'Cably sch ooled and equally a rtic:ula tc . We did not find that m mbination in Spellman. As a r esult. the Daily Pilot r ecomme nds re -el ection t o Con~ress of Daniel Lungr e n. Opinions express~ In the space abOve are those of the Dally Pilot. Oiner views ex· pressed on this page are lhose of their authors and artists. Reader comment is lnvlt· ~. Address The Daily Pilot, P.O. Box IS60, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. Phone t7HI 642-432 1. ·- ORANGE COAST D~ilJ Pilat • ... Thoma• '· Hol•y p I ,1,.. Jon• Amari I ••••' "' t11 tor lorboro Kr•lhlch r.,1.1 • ., .al l'og<t l •illlf Themot Mceonn M-og •o fo10o \ Letters to the editor fa c ulty hou1·s mis1'"e pre ented ·1., 1h1 Jo:d1111r \\ 1 .11 • \\ 111111g '" 'uppo11 ll11 po"l11111 1 'l'l""''d 111 the 11 111·1 111 llw 1'1111111 111 I u I I IL! l' 11 II 1·g1· S I .ti I A I' 11 S.1C1 d111 •d 1\.., !1 •,u lu·r.., wt• .11 • .,, ,,,,ll,.I\' llllll t 111111 ,d1ulll lht• 11 11.,11111 1d lht • l.t.,,1111·d '"Pli<ll l !111 lll'>lllllllllll .111cl \\1 o·ol111lh1 'tllllllllllhttl lh1•\\lthl th.it I ll•lflt ht ~I\ 1 'll hi (I ll\,lllllllg ,t,lfl \\'ht I .Ill .ill• 11q•llllj.! 1111dt•1 \t J\ d1fl1t 11lt 11111titlll•li' ltl 111.11111.1111 tilt' lo1gh q11.dll\ "I 'llJlll<tll tli.11 tho\ h,1\'1 Jll ll\llltd Ill I h1 p.1 ... 1 \\'1 \\ '''" lit•\\ 0 \ l'I. '" lflll t•l l lhl' 111i..l1 .. 1d111 g 1111pl 1•..,:.11111 lh<1t I.I! ult;> 11w111l11•r:.. onlv work f1 v1• h11ur:.. 1-.11 h .i,,, Jn fi<tllll ,.f f.1e t lh1• l.11·ult\ I' I 1m11111tt1:d 111 .• .,. h1 dult •\huh I t'<flllll'' ;it lt•,"t 1:1 hour " ril p11111 "11111.ol 111111· p1·1 '' 1•1 k Tho "h• clul1 111 t ., ... hour-, 1wr d,1\ ., .1 1 ttlllltllllllt Ill I>\ 1111· "" 1111\' l<J ,,.. .o\',11l..hl1· ltt 111114'1' 1111 l'<HllflU' :111d d1i;•-, 11111 111 .111\ \\ ,•\ 11 flt'< I 1111 111111 11 qlllrt'<I 1111 \11111 .... p11p.11.1111111 ,1ud1·11t /•\•,ol11.d11111 .111d ,1 Ill\ 11.1d 111 olh• I fll 11» :..,11111;!1 dtl1 ll'' . ..,..... I h It IH' 1 h t. I' 0 111 Ill ll 11 I I \ \\' I I I 111 ug11111 I h111u).!h 1 IH 1 01111 ·111, \'rn1 t-<I ll\ f,.1lh /.(l"UJI" 111 I mpl1•~l't':> th.II 1111 It,., I od 1·du1 .. t11111 .. d qu;ih1y 1.rnno1 bt· '>U:..t.11t1o·d w11houl lin.tnl'l.il support' .JUDITH ACKLEY Jo~al'Ult v M1•ml>1:r t i11ld1 n v.·; .,, C11llc·gt· Not n·~pon ~;bit~ To I he E<l 11111 Thi' r~ 111 1 t·ph lt• .1 lt•llt•1 111 tht t-<.litor 11\t,11lbox <kl :.!·H from1 a M1~s' Ann ll•wlst hl'r or Nt•wporl 8C'ath. It IS u11r ortuni.ltl' tha t Ms. Hoelst·ht•r had trouble• with a delivt•rv of sou to h<.'r ll"ird<'m'l' thJl for rl•asOns unknown to ffil' rc~ulwd in a n.-d tag from a "Clly lnspt-<'tor " I h<tve no knowledgl• o f any ul tht• 1·1rt·um!>tanc<.'s surrounding thC' 1nl·1t.l1·n1 <rnd further I was n ot the n•µorting party For those interested, th1 c:an Ii.• Vl·nfied by contacting Mr. Rt1h<'rt Wynn. City Manager, Newport & .. 1l'h. P<·rh.ips this 1s another attempt to d1!>tred11 rrw J I election time w ithout fal'l!o nr <tl'l'Uri.ll'Y o r information PAUL L. HU MMEL C.Ounc1Jman Sixth Dlstr1c·1 Prop. 13 no olut ion To thP 1-:dr tor I "'·a~ d1 -,.1ppolnted to rl'ad your 1·d1t 11 r1al 1111 O ct 19 s upp11 111ng l '1111""11111n 1.L the Water H1•:.1JUrt·l•s llll\1,111 \'e• II I!> unde•111.1hle that Cahforn1J fat'<.'S v1·rv St•1111us WJtl·r shor tages in thl' years ahN1c1 T11 :-.upply the curr<'nl dt•mand ,t,111•\\ 1d t· 11 has b e<.'n necl·~sary to t.l1·vc•h1p lllll' or th<.' most 1maginat1ve d"lnhulrcm ')sll•ms tn the world Th('rr :ire· l111111.111111h with the syswm 11K.la y wh1l'h w ill wors1•11 1n t he mid 1980!1 wlwn tlw MPtropolitan Watl'r Diiitnct of Southt•m Cahfurnra IOS('S its share of the.• Colorado Rrvl•r to Arizona Prope~1trmt l a 1s n 111 t hl· a n swer to sol v<• tlw 1n1ptmdtnj( wntC'r shor tage'. You h1'11•fly summarized in your 1•d1tonal the· maJOr c·omponenL'< of tht• 1n111a11vl' whit·h includP prov1s1ons a nd t·on~·rvn tron, grou11dwatl'r managC'ment. 1n streum pmt1'<·t1on and Nt'w M1•lont'I( Dam 01>1•rat1unol rc•!lt ri(•linn~. Yuu note that Or.1ngt' County "h::is pt•rhaps thC' l>1•s1 manog<'d ~roundwnter bn11in in th<' !ltllll•" a nd "would not be govcrne'(f" by thl· 1111t111t1v1• Th<' District's at111rn1•ys htivt· udv1st•d ui; t h111 , in fact. U th<> ir111111trvt• P,l"-"1('11 thllt OCWD would be i.uhJL'l't to o ll llw limitations of tht• pr c>gr.ini W1 • I ind lh11 d1 s tr<.'ssing N1•vt•rtht•lf'l(s , t'Vl'll tf thl• statul~ were• rNt nppllrnhll' locully. tht• <' is no rl'ason to tw lwvt' this sum1• KY!'IWm will be t·quully l•ffl'l'l1vt• 1n Bakersf1t•ld o r f'r1•sno We haw ~n oble to "manogc"· Oronge County'• underground wou•r b<'<'OUM' wt• hnv<> been fortunow t'nough to hov<' u 1 c-llnble sourl'~ of imported wot.t'.'r with whll'h to 1uppl£'m<'nt the Snma Ano Hiver'" m~Rgt'r flows In rc.>plt·nishing lhl' \){\jln Approx1matc.•ly on<· half of thl' w11wr l"•rcolal!>d lf\to our MAILBOX .uli ... \11 l.11 • o ·"Ii ,v1•<i1 .., 1t11por \t ·d from o 11111 ·1 tli1· t'ol111 .id11 H1v1·1 or N111 th1•111 l'.ol1t .. 1111 .• 'I It• < >1.111g1 ( '1111n1v W,111·1 l>i-..t111t Ii." ,11.1p1t.1l 111\1 ·,1111~·ni 11f $1<10 1111ll11t11 111 111.1ko th1' '''t• 111 w11rk '1'111 "g1uu11d \\,1l1 r 111.111.t~o·1111·111 " p111g1.11 11 -.1 1gg1·..,1t·d 111 1'111poh1 111111 1 :~ lt11 th1 11 'Jll 'l llll'd '""I"' WO\lld 11• .. ult Ill 11wo.;~1v1· u11k1111\\ 11 o "''' to 1h1 <•gr 11·ultu1·al '11111111111111' .111d \ .1lu.1bl1· .igr 11 ullurJi l.1111 1, lll'111g 1111111\'1,I 1111111 p1odud1tJll Thi,.. will 1111\ 111u .. lv Ill• lt •lt h\ .di 11f us at tfu• 'Ll po ·1111 .. 1 k1 t wht 11 wt· mu>. I µ.1v 111111 • I 111 11 '' Tll E COl\SEH \' ATI O~ ~1·1·111111 11( 1'1 11po:-.11io11 1:i .it lt·l.'l,., 1·v1·1 , .. 1g1•nl') 1n th1 ~1 .. 11 1111p1111111g 1n11n· than :.W.000 .ti II ,,.,., ,,. I \1·.11 T111 .. lllllUdo·' IH •• , • 1h1 ,1,o1, .. l.1rg1·-.t ..!II 1111t.·~ S.111 1'1.11111'-ltt < l.1ld.1111I. S.111 .Jo.,t· .ind ,111 11f ~nu1li1 f n :ind ('1 1111.il l'.ol1torn1;1 \'111u . .ll\ all 111 1h1·'1 ,ti••" .oln·.idv h<ivt• 11111,t 1' .-.i11111 pr11gr.1111' Pr11p11 .. 11;un I :i \\ 11\1 id I I 11111\ I ' ol IJ l llfll I I\ t Ill l h1•,/· prugr ·'"'' I 111111 t h1• lnt·<1 I rc·,poni.1hl1• .ig1·11t 11 ·' .111d g1\ • II \11 1h1 St.Ill' W.111,1 Ht·,1111111·' ( '11111r11l B11Jrrl, a f1v1• 1111•111lx•1 l111<i\' .• 1pl'11111t1·d l>v 1lw govt•rn11t Ir th1:.. 1 ..... 1d d11111' th• 11111'11v,1t1on plan ,11111111111 d . 1111 ,11ld 1111m.ol 1111por11-<I v. .1wr '' 111 li1· 11111v1dc'i.l, thu' .1 growth t·urHrol 1111 .. 1:..urc · ,1d1111m:..tl•n '<l bv tfw s1.11t· All 1n .d i. Pr11po!>1l1 m1 1:1 b si l1t1d '11lut11111 111 .1 11·al pr11bl1·m In th1' cas... I ho 111n 1111 .o ''1 k p<11H·11t tould he: fatal NEIL M C LINE St-crt•t;1ry Managt•r C J1 ,1 nlo(r t '11unt v WJt<•r D1i,1r1t·t Profs i11diff erent '? To the Ed1111r. Rc'<'c•nl t'rllll·1sms IL•\'t'll'<I al Coastlml' Cummunr t ,. (. (lllq~e·~ tt•lt•t·ourSl'S by '>Ullll' m<'mlx•r., of the• 01 Jng(• Coast and Gnldl'n Wl'~t Cull1•gl• fot·ultlC.'S hav<.' lx.'<.'n SC'l'n b y m y<>c>lf und many o r m y l'Oll eag Ul'S, a s r c flecl1o n s Of m1sunders tand1ng a nd a l ac k o f awar<.'ness of Lh1s alte rnative learning program which h as b<>n(•f1ted so many thousand:.. Of stUd<.'nl.'< . To try :ind dNll wit h the possitile m1i.unde1~tandmg dnd lctt:k of knowled.ge ~hout t<'ll'<.'OUl'St"\ C0<1stltnc Community Collt•gl' held an Of)(:n hoU&' over five and orw·h<1U hours Tui•sd ay afternoon, Oct. I !J. and 1nv1ted 750 full-time faculty members at OrangC' l'uast and Golden Wt'SI Tht• opt.•n hous<• was structured to provide a forum of informauon in all .1~pt..'<'l'> of th<' d£'V<'lo pmc>nt and orfenng nf tdc-t:our-;c•s OF TllE 750 111d1v1dual invitations <.t•nt to t'\'l'ry full-unw faculty member at the• two l'l1ll1•gcs. Sl'V<'n Golden West Coll<'gt' and l\\'t'IVl' Orange Coast C.Ollegc faculty members attcndt'CI. M y. 1 n 1 t 1 a I 1 m p r l' s s 1 o n w a s o f d1sappointmt'nt that more did not atlend, t(IVC'n th<' furor crt'ated on campuses. in board mc'<'lings and m th<' news media. Upon r<.'fk c t ion. however. I have ('Onduded that perhap!> the impression of w1despr<.'ad conl·ern being voiced so loudly is only an 1llus1on and is merely tht' amphf1cd voices or a very few. The c1 nly other conclus ion tha t co uld h£' rf'ached rs that some faculty have lt.!ss than sincert' r<.'asons for attacks upon telecoursc-s attacks cloaked in the guise o f ao•dt•rn"· and professio nal 1·on('<'rns. I r<.'spt'<'t mnny indiv iduals on these campuses, but 1 am chsturbt--d that 50me who have t'xpresscd l'Ont•c rn woulJ not do what lht•y 1•xpec.•t their own :itudents HJ d o r1•se :H c h o nd d1•vclo p a pensp<<ct1vt• b y examinut1on of nil p<>ints o r vlt•w We at Cnn:ctllne nrc proud o r our 1•ducat1onal icystem and nre o pt·n to . obj(.'('tiw. 1·rcdlbll' l'Vohmtlon. DR. JACK BYERLY Char.ter F'ul•uhy and Arad em1c • noh' MPmlx>r Coo.•tllnc Community C.Ollegt' Credit misplaced T o th • F.(titor: f'rom n vanll\ge potnt oway trom th<' inflghtlnR of this year's Nt-wport &neh ( '11y L'ourwd t·a111pa1gn. 111:.111h ll"-tlng to obM·rvt• what 1:. -going 1111 Our mayor 1s da11111ng that tht· pn·:-.cnl c·oum·d (<rnd hl'r~l'I r in parlll'UIJr) IS 11•:..pons1bl1· for gt'ltmg the bndgt• built 1111 Coas t ll1ghway, for tht• dr<.'dging wkmg plal'l' 1n UppN Nc•wport &y. Gind fur ~t·ttmg the• l'llY lurm-d aruund and JJOIOtt'CI in a pO!>lllV(• dlrt'<'llOn ... gam. I must po111t oul that c. c·1t1ze n l't1nut11lll'l' uppomlt'd by lhl' City Cciunc·tl in l'arly I !:173. worked on d<'S1gn. height. and mtc·r,t'<.'llon t·onf1gurauon, rt'.H·hmg J l'IJllS(•n!>US whH·h C'Vl'lllUallv was <1 µp rovt<d <Afte r a Sl'rte:. uf publ1t· lwanngs, and w:.is promoted b) Bill F1l'k1•r's BAT Tt•am Almost 1·vt·ryunc.· .1gn•t·d i.lnd th<' bndgc> w as put im a >;(·hedul<' for ronstruc·tion by Ce<lt1 ani. T he• present City Coun<:ll had nothing lu <lo with the br1dgt· and was s1mplv in o frke whC'n tht.• bridge• was built' A GOOD MANY pt.-oplt' fur 10 ~can. laid the groundwork to ob1.<a1n fund~ ror dredging in Upper &1y In (1rtkr to g<'l $4 mlllwn uf public· mu1wy d1n~:tt'<.I into such ~ proJC't't th1·s1· clays, the• p ubhe must IX· c·on vtm't.>d and m tum work to l'On vmcc public ofh1·1JI!> \IJ bt.' l'OllVllll'('(j Thl' Uppc-r Bay dno<lging would not be: t•1kmg plact: w ere ll no t for .a 11dal wave 11f publit· s upport and prc"'5un· for :-iut·h a fJfO)l'l'I Th1.· preS<'nt C11~ Counnl had nothing to do with 1t. they were.' merely m ofCK'C whl•n drC'dging was .!>t.artl'd' As far as the prest•nl t·ounc1J gc'tllng tht• clly turnt-d around. it se<•ms to me th1·rc• 1s mor<• controvc·rsv now than thl' l<s~I l'OUn(·ll raced W ith two c111zen r f•fc•r c ndums qualify ing for ballot plat·em l'n t which u bJl'l't to cou nc il <J('t10ns. 11 1s obvious that not t>ver von l' agn>(.--s with th<.' mtc·ns11y of development lht• prest.•nt c·ounnl mJJOri t y w ould approve· T hC' rew who bL'nl'fll rrum OV<.'r - d<.'VC'lopmc·nt havt• plc•nty of money to advcrllsc thc•1r vi<.'wpomt (very dC'vl'rly and deviously. I might add), while the many who do not bC'nl'f1t from over- d l•vc·lo pmc n L h ave little money for pohllcal adwrt1sing Rut they do have VOtl'S1 T he ISSUl'S arc as d <.'a r as they wc·re tn 1980 The candidate slatl' choil't' 1s JUSt as obvious. The voters must d£'C1dc• what tht'Y want HJ\ Y E WILLIAMS form<'r Mayor Pro Tern Nc>wport &-ach Don't vote! To th<.' Ed1wr Alas, m v bl'lo\'t'd f<'ilow c1uz.ens. we arC' l'alhxi' onw agam to venture forth from bt~h1nd our l1 vm g color TV sets, armed with an array of fabulous exposes and w11ty nl·w sprint c:artoons, lO let our democraUC' v1tahty shine on elecuon day. A triumph m the name of goodn ess a nd the common man, the ballot box is lung! So don 't be> stupid ! Ir you find yourself not really knowing an issue or office. withhold your vote on that item. Do not forget that your d ec1s1vt• X counts JUSt as much as the next person's mark. He may have spent weeks deciphering th~ ballot. weighing the various ramifications: the future of his family. his property, his home m uy be at s take. Do you dare cancel his heartfelt vote by passively punching out yet another ho le in a cardboard slot'! An ignorant votl' 1s n o triumph for dcm0<.·rncy, rathe r 11 rs a demeaning farce. Do yourself and your neighbors a rnvor Oon't vote . F.LMER WOODY 5ll11Y Ill The candldQtc:-8 who don't get my vote are the on~ wh09e c&mJ>IUIJl workerA phone me at dinnl'!r time on Sunday night to solicit my support. The mailbox clutter Is bad enough. lRKED •-•O.c-•••n.---.n ......... -•• _ .... ,..,~ ... -........ ..,...., ... .., ... l -···--.. ···~· ~ ·---·· NJllC NC>llCl k ·UZ IH NOTH'~ tW Dt;ATtl OI' OARUARA JANI•: l'OX ANO 'Jf r•~TI TION TO ADMINISTER ESTATI': NO A·llUSI. T~, ult lw1ri1, bt•m•fll 11111 tl'ti 1•rt•tl1t11r11 11 11tl t'1111tl11g1•11t t'rl'flttort. nf Rorhor11 J u1w Cox 111111 pt:n1111i.' wh11111,1y I•• u ttwrwi11t• 1111t•rt•11lf'(I 111 1h1• w11l nndtur t'lllak• A po•llllu11 hab ~'I'll f1l1'\J hy Ma tht•w 1\ t'ox 111 thl' Supc•riur C'uu rt or 0 111111<1· County rt•11u1•1 1tnH 1hut M 111tht.'w A Cui. b1• o p p Cl t n I t• J u Ill IH • 1 i. 11 1111 I "''Prt.'SCllW.l1V1· lO 1t1lmtt\1Nh'r tht> l'state of 011rharn J1.1111· Cox . Co r unu U1•I M .ir. (..',dtfo rn1,1 (unJ1•1 th•· lml1•p.•ndcnt Adm11w.1r.1111111 of l!Atatcs Al'l) Thi· pt•1tu1111 111 set for llt.'urm8 In l>1•1Jt Nu ~l at 700 l'1v11 C .. ntl'r Or 1vc West. Sant.a An,1, CA 927112 on Nov1•mtx•r 3, I !H!l Ill IJ:3() J Ill W YUU OBJ&-r to tlw grnnu11g of thl' peuuon. yuu i;huuld either appeur JI th1• ht•ur1ng and -.tutt• )Ullt obJt'l'ltoni. ur ftlt• wntll'n tlbJl.'t'llun:. wtth th._. 1•ourt before th .. h1•ar111g Your uppearunl't' may tx• 111 pt•rson or by your attorn1•y IF Y 0 U AH£ ... A CREDITOR or a t'Ontm gt.·111 l'red1tor of the d e<'t'asc.'CI. you must ft ll' your d a1m wtth thl' 1·ourt or present 11 to th1· p t•rsonal rcp resen 1.111 Vl' appointed b y the l'uu1 t within four momhs from thl' Jntc of firs t issuam't· of lellt•rs as provided in St'('ltun 700 of the Probatt.• Cuch· of Cnl1forn1a. The llrnl' for f1hng clam\S w1U not l' ptrt· prior to four months from th<' date of the hl'aring nulll'ed above. YOU MAY EXAMINE the file ke pt by the l'OUrt I( you. urt-interested 111 lht• esUlte, you may file a requt•st with the c·uurt to n«·1•1v1• s p e (' I a I n 0 I I c l' 0 f I h l' inventorv of ei.tatc and of the peui1ons, at'(·ount:. Jnd reports descnbed 111 &'l·tion l 200 5 of the California Probate Code. HUGH J . RITCHIE 6055 E. Wasbinglon Blvd. :t1032 Los Angeles. CA 90040 (213) 715·3900 Publtshed Orange Coast Dally Pilot. <kt 21. 22. 28. 1982 ·lllJ2-82 IA•L'I "u--.. HlAlll<O .. CONlllllONHO '°"'' WAI• HtA llHO 1.\1--IMv ......... ,., .. ,,.,, ••. ~ ..... °""' 1<.1111 111 ....... _ .. 1 y.,... AIN I COSTA MISA 6'41 ·1289 Uh N.w~tllv4 Ml'~ VltJO 495-0401 u tn C.ml"• C.~•·•.,. ( .. • o.. .. -· .. """' "...,. I POOllC NOTICE YOU AllE IN OU'AUlT UNOEll A OHO OF TllUIT OATID AUOUIT 11, 1tU. UNllll YOU TAl(f A C TION TO PllOTICT YOUll PflQPlllTV, IT MAY H IOlO AT f. PU•LIC IALE. IF YOU NEID AN UPUNATIOM OF THll NATUllE OF THI PflOCIEOINO AOf.INIT YOU, YOO I HOUlO CONTAC T A l AWYEfl. NOTICE OF TllUITIE'S &Al[ TI Mo. »4t3 NOll\..E IS 11CRCB'r GIVfN '"'" on Wttdn11s<l8y NOvembttr 3 1987 111 9 00 o clock a m of aaod !lily 111 the rooon 5111 Hid" lo• coriduGllll\) Truat"" i. SBl11s. w11111n "'" uthc:•n ol REAL ESfAIC SEo CUAtllE S SE RVICE. IOtlllO<l ul 2020 Nuotn B<oadw"y Su110 l06 111 the Coty uf Sonia Ana County or Ordngtt, Stat" o l Cal1forn•t1 RE AL ESlA l r SECURITIES SEHVICE d CalllorruK COIPO• ll•On aa duly •PPOIOtad TruSl80 undel t1nCl PUllUO!nt to lhe power ot salu ~onlern•<l "' 1h11I Ctlrl6"1 Oeud OI I IUSt OAOCU!t!d by NAM VAN NQUYEN und fnlNll 01 LUONG hu~oon<J und w110 . 1eco1ded August 12 1981. 111 Book 14 111 0 1 Olt...1t1I l1ocor<11 ul s.i1t1 Count~ 111 t"'ll" 1761 Roco1d1'1 s 1nstru111e111 No t3796 Dy reason ol a Dreech O• Ollhlull on payment o• petlormonce of "'" obllga11on' secu•ell llle16by 111rtu<11ng th~! breach ol 01 deloun Notice of wn1c11 was recordPd July 7 198<' as Recorders lns11umt!nl No 82-2346!17 Will SELL Al PUBLIC .-.uCTION ro THE Hit.HES I BIDDER ron CASH. lawlul money ol the Unned S101e5 01 11 cas111e1 s check drawn on a state 0< nauonal bank as state or lederat crti<l•t urnon 01 o ~lat6 01 lede•al savings .ind toan aS>OC•llllOll dO<n•G•led 1n this state all p11yabte at 1roe t•me 01 sate all rogl\I 1111e 11tnd int~est held b) 11 as Trustee on 11\at re.it properly s1tua1e 1n said County dn!l State, descrot>t!C'.I as IOllows Loi 9 1nc1us1ve of Tr act No 10370, 1n 1ne Coty or Irvine as per map 111..0 111 Book 4 72 Pages t6 to 20 1nc1ustve 01 M1sce1teneous Maps records 01 Oran9e Count( Cahforn1a lhtl 1.1•.,el address 01 other common des•gno11on ol the r e al proper ty h1He1nabq..-e desc11bed os purported lo br t8 Ra1ns1a1 11v1ntt Cehlornoa The unde11>1gned htHeDy d 1scla1ms all llab oltly lo• a,,y incorrectness in said alflH!I add•e"s 01 olhe• common designation Sale sale wlll bo mode without warranty &•Press or 1mphed regarding 111te p ossession 01 encumboances lo s•tosry lhe p11nc1pa1 t>atance 01 the Note or othe• obhgafoon secured Dy said Deed of Trust with 1nl e1es1 .tr>O otlle• sums 11s provided therein plus advances 11 any under the terms thereof and interest on such advances. and plus lees, charges -------------1 and expenses of the Trustee and or PUBLIC NOTICE the trusts created by sa•d Deed ot Trust. The total amount 01 said YOU AfllE IN 0£FAWL T UNOIEfl A obt1ga11on. 1nclud1ng reasonably DUO Of TflUtT DATIEO JUNE 11, estimated onarge. and upenses 01 1112. UHl.Etl YOU TAKE ACTION the TrustM 11 the lime ot lntllal TO PflOTECT YOUfl PflOPEllTY. put>HcallOfl ol lh•• Notic.. IS $86 • IT MAY H SOLO AT A PV•ltc 795 70 I A L I! . I F Y 0 U N I I 0 A N Dated Octo0.1 11 1982 ElC .. UNATION Of THll NATUflE Rl!Al EB TATE BECUlllTIES OP' THE "'OCllEDINO AOAIHIT SERVICE, YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A a Ct lll o rnle i:or poratlon, 10 lAWYEfl. Tru•IM. NOTICE OF TRUITEIE't I ALE D . .I. Morger, Ila ,.~, T.I . No..... 2020 N. BroechUJ, No.109 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. llltl Senta Ana, CA 977111 on Wednesday Novembet 10. 1982 (71') 953-4110 al 9'00 o'clock am ol said day. 1n Publlsned Orange Coast Dally tile room set asK)e tor conduci•ng Prior Oct 14 21 28 1982 Trustees Sates. w1th1n lhe Oll~s or 1 __________ _..45Q....,6=~82 REAL ESTATE SECU RIT IES SERVICE. located at 2020 North PUBLIC NOTICE BroadWay. Suite 206. 1n the Coty 011------K-.0:_2_303 _____ _ Santt Anl. County ol Orange. State NOTICE TO CREDITORS OF of Calllornla. STEWART TITLE OF BULK TRANSFEll ANO OF C A LIFORNIA. a C altrorntt INTENTION TO TRANSFEll corporation, as duly appointed AL co H o L t c •EVE A A GE Trusttie under and pursuant to lt>e l lCENSIE(S) (8ece. 11101 -1107 power or sale conle11ed on that u.c.c. and 14013 al Mq NP). c;e1111n Deed o• Tr\Jsl execvled by NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the WILLIAM E JOHNSON tecorded Creditors of NANCY A CORNISH June 15, 1982. 1n Iha ottice ot the social Secu111y No 020-22-6258 County Recorw of stocl County as Translero• and Licensee whose Recorder s 1nst1um11n1 No busmus adoress os 15•8 Adams 82·20•335. by reason of • breach = F. 1n tne Coty of Costa Mesa 01 delaull I n payment or County OI Orengo S tale o r performance of the obllga11on1 ca111orn1a 92626 that 11 bulk secured tllereby, onctudtng that ttansler 11 about 10 De made 10 breach or default, Noloce ol wh°"' ALAN R CASSIANO Ind VICl(Y R w11 recorded July 16, 1982. II CASSIANO Social Secur.ry Recorde r 's instrume nt No numbers •62 70 7230 and 82·247555, WILL SELL AT PUBLIC 573-62· t871 Transferees arO AUCTION TO THE HIGHEST Intended T1ansle1ees w hosr BIDDER FOR CASH, lawful money residence adore" os 20 18 W ol lhe Uni1ed Stales. or • ~Sl\18' s Chaneter In ,,.,. Coty OI S1n1a An8 check drawn on 11 sl•te 0< nt tlOflaJ County ol Or a nor State 0 1 bank, • stete 01 federal credit ca111orn1a 92704 union. 01 a s1a1e or federal sa111ng1 The 1oca11on 1n Cehlom1a 01 thtl end loan assoeoallon domlclle<I on chiel uecut1ve oll1ce or p11nc1pa1 lhlS state. all payable at Ille tome ot business 0111ce 01 thf! Intended sale, att r1gh1. tofle and Interest he4d transtero• os Same as aoove by It, as Trustee. In that real All other 1>us1ness names and properly elluate on aatd County and iodresses used by the ontendf."d Sllta, deacrtbed as follows transferor w11111n three years last PARCEL I Lot590ITract5692 past so far as k nown to 1ne on the C11y ol Newport Beach intended iransterees ••• None County o t Orange State or The propelly 11 desc11t>ed 1n Cattrornoa. as P8' mep recorded In general 85 All stock on trade book 206. p1ges 24 tllru 26 ol loatures. equlprnenl and gOOd will ot MllGeflaneous Mapa, tn the olloce ol 8 cer1ain bar business known as Iha County Recorder o f 1111d THE LOTUS ROOM and located at Counly 1548 Adams •Fon the Coty of Costa PARCEL 2 An appu1ten11111 non· Mee&. County ot Orenge, State of exclual~ easement tor ingress and catilo1n11 end transf er t ne egress thrOUghOut Lot 70 of T19C1 fOllOw•ng elCOl'lollC t>eve<age ltCense 5692 1n Ille City of Newport BMcll (O< ltoenHS) ON Sf.LE BEER ANO Counly of Oran ge Statt or WINE. Number •2·85536, now Cal1lornl1. as per ~ recor~ 1n '-* to P<8f'\IMS located al IS.8 bOOll 206, peges 24. 25 end 2ti Of Ada/Y\$ :F IO< the l)fetn!MS localed Mlt<:ellaneous MllPt. In Ille offiU Of ti 1548 Ad9ml •F In Ille City ol the County Recorder of U ld Costa Mesa County ot Orange County, and aNemenll lor SUPC>O<l Slate 01 Callfornll and Mttr-t where Loll 1 to 69 That the amoun1 ol purchase 1nc1u1lve of said tract adjoin ••Id prloe or con11dflf&t1on in conecuon Lot 70, 1~11* wllll ~II for wtth said 1tan1fer ol 11ld lleente lor eavea or ovarhenga. whera aucll llcenies) a nd ••Id bus1ne11. e eve a are con a 11 u c t ad t n Including the nllmaled inventory,•• eccordance wllh appllc:ebl • 1he tum of S• 1 000 00 which munlclpel ordlnenc••. and In 00ft9itll ot the lottow>ng appu11-1. non .. 1u:lullw rlghl 10 Oeecl'lptton Amovnt UM the IKilil-localed on said Lot CaJh S 2.000 00 70 CllOC;k1 $ t8.000 00 The al reel 1ddrea1 or other Sec:u•lly agreement A note Gommon deaignellon OI Ille •HI S2 I ,000 00 property h41relnat>ove CIMc:rlbed 11 TllAI II hU bMn agreed between purported to be 2124 VltCa Lareoo. seld lloanHa a nd Int ended Nllwpof1 Beech. Cellfomfa. 1ren1leree u required by Sec. The undertlg ned hereby 24074 or Iha 8 u11ne11 and d lacla1ma all llablllly tor eny P1olu1lon1 C ode. 11\at the lnc:ofr9Clntee In Uld t111eet addreu consideration 101 tho ttanaler ol Of Olhet COfNN)ll de9l0Mtlon aald l>WSIMM and tran1r« of Hid Said ..,. wlll be Made without ' IW\te la to be paid only all« Mid warranty, u pr eu or lmpll•d, transl« hae 9-1 8'1P10"8d by the 11ge1dlng 1111•. poHetllon, or Oepa11men1 of AIC!ollooc a....r1ge ancumbrtnc••. to ut11ry the Control. p11nclpal btlenc;a ol the Note 01 Thal 1 tale, tr1n1re1 and other obllg111on •~ured by aeld uatgnment of the elorn11ld atoek 1n Deed ol frual , wilh lnlaraet •nd trede. fl•tur ... equipment end gOOd other 1uma H provided therein; wlll of llld 1>uatne11 wlll be plua edvanc;aa. 11 eny, under the con a u m ma 1 ad . a n d t h a lerme thereof Ind 1ni.rn1 on ltlCtl GOMldeflllOn thereof togetllef with advances. and plu_t , .... ctlaroee tile c;onalderatton 101 the 111ntf8f Ind e11_pen-of the Trvtt .. and of and u•ignmenl ol the 1IC>feaald ltle tn11t:1 etMled by Mid Deed of lleenee (Of Ileen-> 11 10 be p11<1 on Tru11 The total amo11nl of 1ald Ot ah« the 25lh day of Nowrnber, obtlgetlon. lnGludlnO reaaonably tH2. at Ille "''-ffQer'lment ol H llm1led ..... cihugea and ESCROW ENCOUNTERS. INC Al e•PllflM9 ol the Trvst•. al 11\e time 17320 Beacll 81Yd., Ir! the Clly OI of lnttal publlcatlOn of 11111 Notlee, le Huntington Buch, County ol 137,645.111. Orange, S111e 01 C 1t1f orn1e. Oiled: Octot>et 19, 1992 PfOYIOed that the Ototfltn<tnl OI Al STEWART TITLE OF CALIFOANIA c:ohollc lev•••oe Con tr QI "" a Celll«nle COfPOt .. lo!> 1pproved 11ld '''"'''' Of U ld U TNM•, '"*'" Ill AIEAI. ESTATE SEClJRITIH O.laCI October 2t. tOt~ 8ERVICC. Ntnay A Comlllll I ~Ille Ollf'POrMMln TrlftlterOf and lt:I I l_,... 0 J oer. Pr-. Aletl A ONtlano 7020 N lloedwty. #20e l/lclly A Caalano '4ttlll Ma CA t27ot T1Mtfer .. MCI (714) tu.ilto lnt911o.cJ T'••nfle<M ,ublislled Oranoe CoH I Qally Publl•ll.O Ortnte Co .. 1 Dally ,,., Oct. 2t. u. "'°"· •· '"a ~ 0ctoo. 21. t0t2 .....a •7&1-1~ AD ST ARTS THURSDAY NO DEALER SALES ALL TRADE 5 GALLON JERRY CAN WITH SPOUT 997 Oh no. Herky. we· re out ol ga1. W11l 11 hurt the car ii I drive on an empty lank? GENIE ~ VJ HP DELUXE SCREW DRIVE GARAGE DOOR OPENER Buy one ol theae marvel• of modern technology now and Genie will ma ke a FREE TRANSMITTER apP19ar like magic in 4·6 weeka. Get mall· In coupon at 1tore. NORMAL DIST ALLA TION OF OUR UNIT 5900 EVEREADY I~~~· m....C ORD BATTERIES . A ~~ by any olher name ii. 1till a roae. aa the • .'l.·;.1~·acr{ing goe1. and your 1oy1 and fla1hli9ht will ( ~·_,,predate thi• one. '""J 1ac ... YOUR CBOJCE MD'S 08 LADIES' 88i!l!40 0R •l·&~I MURRAY 3 SPEED BIKES Murray gel• you rolling oo thia baby with chrome touring handlebar• 26"x I >ft" blackwalla. and item mounted gear 1electlon. TATUNG 9" OR 12" IC/ DC B&W TV 74•• Use i i at home or lake It along on your yacht and watch "Gllllgan'a laland" ren.in1. CLOSE-OUTS ELECTROllC BUG mLERS BUG SJIUFl"ER 35•• #U&.25 EllEBSOI IUC m .LERS Theae unlta •how no mercy on the peata that try to •poll yo\&.r plmlc. Sofer, neater way to do the Job. 4400 uwan •Ell·U BEHR PLUS 10 EXTERIOR ST Arif 7 44 CAL. Good for lotSG •urfoce1. llke oew wood. PN•loualy painted 1h1H, 1tucco and ma1onrr. Comee la 10llcl or ._..a.tnmapaNnt colon. Ofl.lllU• Cu II DAIL y PILOT /Thuttda)' Oclob I 28, 1982 • H 5 KWIKSET BEL AIR ENTRY LOCKSET Go1 the polithed brasa liniah. (Our pun1 aren'I aa polished. and aome folk1 who can't handle them think we ahould be locked up.) COLEMAN INFLATE-ALL Portable I SO PSI air comprenor i1 a lriend indeed when your vacatio n toya or llrea a re calling for air. Pluga into 12 volt cigarette lighter. PUROLATOR PRODUCTS PCV -\IALYES 122 EA. MOST AMERJCU CU ISV on. nLTERS I 77 EA. XSV AIR nLTEBS 222 EA. Don't forget that theae guy• live under your hood, or they could •top your car faater than a CHP. e ·-~PENNZOIL MOTOR OIL PE~~~JJIL 1 30 WT. 88 t or. "ivlSGASOl,_ " 10llJ..0 99~ ~ _ ;..) IOW/ 40 WT. QT. Probably le1t than you're poying now. unlen you own an oil rig . and lhl1 ia a good brand. ' I NATIONAL LUMBER GARBAGE DISPOSERS #20 VJ HP TWO YEAR #30 Vi HP THREE YEAR WIRUJITY WARRANTY 3297 4797 #SO Vi BP rm: YEAR WARUJITY #70 y, BP SEYEJt YEAR WIRIWfTY ··~ 6397 8797 .... '· / Sur. h.ata hcning to deal with oil -that yucky atulf chat leaks thru the baga and makH 'em bu.rat halfway to the can. CEDAR LA1TICE MODULAR FENCE -· PAJfEL 2 7 97 5' 4" H X 7' W New eyatemgoeauplna hurry. Panela are o Hembled and ...ady for •taln or paint. Conatructed with 2x3 roll•. and lic2 end capa. Poala e xlra . WO.BOLD PRODUCTS GLU-Ol PDEL IDIESIYE ,•. ~\ Non-.d lornall1 wh•n YO\& put up PGMllDG to wood. aa.tat coocrele brick°' plaiter. COICRETE DIESltE Here'• tbe 1t\1Jf fot bonding uw concrete toold(otold to new. If you chooM to ... u tbatway) OT. I~!. () #4008 MAHOGANY DAKU A BIRCH %" HARDWOOD PLYWOOD 4X8 2777 2977 3377 ASH ..................................... 3577 OAK 3777 UH 'em for paneling or other indoor proje<:ta. TheH guy1 are all 4 x 8 •h-ta (goah. wha1 a colncldence). Chooae you.r atyle. 5 GALLON CAMELLIA 699 S gallons? Bo y, that' a a big buncho h.auliful bloom• there. Bertha. 1 s9 The name reminda me of the stuff they uaed to put ln aodo1 'Ill they found out it cau1ed athlete'• fool lnrat.. G.E. INDOOR FROSTED FLOODLIGHT BULBS 2Vz" 58 Win' 3¥4" 75 Win' I could take the eaay way out and ma ke light of th!• Item. but that might tum you off {Boo, bl111). 5" 150 WITT YOUll CmlCE 2 49 EA. BLICK 8r DECKER Ye'' YIRllBLE SPEED REYERSDIG DBD.L 2497 #7190 ~ bp drlll al•o d ou.blea a1 a 1Pffdy .cr.-..rdrlver. Trtepr lockl at Mlected a peed. You also get a S5 REBATE from DD by maU. ·~ " . I PETER SEif YISE GRIP SET Deal laclud .. two 11 .. of the JocklDg plier. whkh no mechcmlc woUI ..Ul&agly pm1 "Ith. Dilly Pilat rnu n SDAV ' ()( T ?8 101)(> BUSINESS STOCKS C6 C7 l.,os A llJ(1•1'·~ l"azt•rs bt-11111 thPir w11y lo ()runl{e t:ou111y. C.1. Barons and Chargers revel in rivalry Thl•re hav1· lx'en soml' l(rt•at mutd1up:. lhu; season an pn•p footlx11l 1t ~~·nlS mun· :ind mor1• of lhl• powl·rs an• sc"t"kmg oul 1ougl-w1 li1111~·t1l1u11 during thl· •• on-h•ague sea.son, w lwthl·r by dt•s1gn l•r bl:causc nobody dStc' wants to nu-s.s with tht•m F ountain Vallt•y 1:. th,_. ~n·at t•x um1>lt'. S(.'hcduhng St Paul, Sl'rv1ll'. Ma lt•1 U1•1, Lung Beach Poly and Foothill. Marina 1s following the l'xamplt· t11 an t•xll'nt. picking up Esperanza and Serv1ll' rwxt Y''lff, lo tot1> with Foothill and Millikan. Edison has more dales with Bannmg and V1sw planned. too. but thcrl''s JUSt a couplt• of things missing from all of lhOSt· blue t.'h1p gaml'S no league title, no playoff bert h , no advan('emenl through playoffs or even mul·h of a n vulry l'Xtsls, ex,'l'pl for F.c:hson's annual dud with Mater Dt.•1 That's what makes F'riday's (•o ll1:.111n al Anaheim St.ad1um bctwt>en Fountain Valley and F.d1son what il 1s It has all of the 1ngn-d11mts begmmng with rivalry. Any win 1s a good win, but wh<'n these two meet, it's not just another victory or defeat For the re<.'Ord, Edison has be-en one-up on the Barons 11 umes, losing just twice: and one game hnishmg m a sc:orelt'SS tie, The tit' was the last game played at Oran~e Coast Collegl' before the serit'S ~ NLRB attacks owners NEW YORK (AP) -National Football L e ague Playe rs Association chief F.d Garvey has maintained all along that the club owners ' negotiators have engaged in unfair bargaining practices in the lengthy labor dispute that has shut down pro football Now those allegatfons will be heard beginning Nov. 15 by a National Labor Relations Board administrative law judge in New Yo rk. The NLRB. finding validity in the union's charge, Wednesday filed a complaint of unfair bargaining practices against the Management Council. THE ACTION came several hours after both sides in the 38-day strike h ad agreed to resume negotiations. They will meet next Saturday at a m1d- Manhattan hotel. Danie l Silverman. the director of NLRB Region 2 m New York. handed down th e complaint ch arging the NFLMC and owners with failing to negouate with the u.Jon m good faith. The complaint also alleged that the strike "was caused and has been prolonged b y the unfair labor practices" by NFL owners and the ir negotia to r s . The striking players could be entitled to back pay if the judge upholds the charge. PREP SPORTS ROGER CARLSON 11lt>Vl-d to Anaht•1m Stadium 111 HJ7~1 Thl' big orws mdudt' t hl· 111x>m·r m l!Jei9 (l I· lO) tlw 1!171i ganw (l:i-:i) and tht• ~um1· i11 '7H llfl·7) wht•n tlw Barons' 11r1ly ( loss) on till' w11y to thl' ('I lo' Big F1 vl' l'hamp11msh1p was lo Ethsc111 Cll·,1rl:-i. f11unwm V ;illl'Y ha~ stru~gll•c.J II\ th1~ ~l'rl('S Thi• I YtiY tt•am u l Brun· P1t·kr11rd'' was 1111 Lht· WJY lo till' pluyofb With ,1 µor l11111 or IL., r1r..l lc•agut• 1 lrv11ll') tltlt· ·when :.t•n1111 lt•:.s ~:d1~vn ~hut·kt•d l'Vl·ryonl' But lht• really big ones hav<• tu bt.· "' '7ti and '71i wht•n thl• Barons were 1n lht• midst of om• of lht• grl·at runs of teams m Orangt• County history Only Willa• Gittens' leap into the <·ncl zo m• (some still say he fumbled before hl' scorc.-<l ) got the '77 Four1u.11n Vall1.·y dub a 6-3 vl•rd1t·t. Pound for pound th~re has bt.•cn v1.•ry httll' M'f)llrt•tllll( tlll' two llVl'I tilt'~· JJWlt l·I y1•11r1> Edison'-. 'lh•t1111ri>lh•r t~·111th •if 1!.17H Ii I 11bv11111sly h ud 1.111 1•dg<" hut tlw &rons hod th<· ,1dv.111taHt' (1111 Jhll>\'r) th<· thrn· yt·urs l.11·l11n · t hat Ami in \h1 · c·arly ~01111(, ~·11unta111 V.Jllt•y 1·11tc•11·d ai. tilt' tavur11t• 0 11 11111i.t 111t·a,.,1on' But Ed1Mm usu.illy µ1t•vall<'<I Su huw limu•'' W1•ll , l'v1· ~'l'll 12 uf tlw pai.l 14 l(<lnll'h <lnd Ed1i.u11 has ulwuyi. hJd J Sl'l'rt•t w1•itp1111 Thi• Chhrgl•r-. havt· nlw<.1ys bc·t•n gu<id , mind yuu, hut \ h1·y 'vt· .tl:m had lad y I ut•k w 1 \ h t lt t•rn , 011 a r 1111s 1" Lt •n t basis It'" tlrl' ltttlP th111gs Thi· s'iiurl punL-; houn<'" th<· ni.:ht way. th1· u<ld lu111bl1• g1x•s uul u l h11unch, not rnlo <tn upµu rH•nt's h.Jnds, tht• 1·1·1 ta111 int1·n ·1·pt1un 1s dropp1:d. u plat'f ··krc·k make·-. ll wh1·n tlw 1·h1ps 11rt• down And. tht·n··s also tht• t·onu•-thrnu~h fat·Lor Wht•n 1'::.d1son has h:u..I IL!> bat·k Lo tlw wall, Lh1• lug pl;1y wh1·thl•r ll's a fll·<1 fht•kN . a LWCJ pvint attt•mpt, :.i fwld goal ur fourth-down pJss g1·ts 1l dww Ttw Barons havt' hatl twu l·uUl'hl•:. tlunng this span P1l·kford <ind M1k(• Milnt•r i.Jnd on n gl•nt·ral hus1s, both havt· bt't•n sn<&k<'-blllt·n &J1son h.is had three l'Oal'hl·S 8111 Vatl, Bill VAIL VINCE ASARO MUCE '1CIC,ORO V1nc:l' l\s;Jru and Bill Workman and lh£•y share a l'Ommuh bond 111 Rctung small fovun. I know this. If I were a &run I'd fc'<'I a llllle p<.irano1d about all of this And 1f I w<·re a Charger. I'd Ix.• t•ountmg my blessings It'' a gn •at series and tl wa:. ncvl•r mort! a p)Jropnall'ly put m pcrspN·t1vc· tha n when P1t•krord. i.t.a'rld1ng on the Anaheim S tadium £1l'ld and looking down al Servile H1gh 's playl'rs prior Lo his Barons' ~!4 -14 CI F Bag FiVl' t·hamp1ons h1p t·onqul•st 111 1978, turned and said: "l JUSt wi11h those uniform..; down tlwrt· were gret•n and gold " Tht•y do 1t all again Friday night The • • winner 1s • • • GWC's Gragnano beat out nine QBs By CURT SEEDEN or th• Dellr Piiot Sl•tt After skipping tht: football s1dt• or community t'Ollegc for two years. Adam Gragnano d<.'C..'IUt-d .tt agt' 20 It wasn't too late lo stage a comeback. of sorts. So. aflt'r rt>Cl -sh1rttng a season at talent-laden Fullerton College and spendmg another y('ar at football -less Cyprc-ss College, Gragnano t'Ont.acled Golde n Wt-st College Coach Ray Shac:kleford and requcswd a showing. To his surprise, Gragnano found himself up agains t no less than ni n e potentia l quar terback candidates during the· s pring as Shackleford explored every possibility v.> find a replace m ent fo r thl' talented Sam Aiello who w ent on to Tennessee after the '8 l season I t wasn't e xac tl y what G ragnano had in mmd for his comebat'k "I was a httlC' apprehensive at fir s t ." und e r s t s tates Gragnano "l knew I had thl' ability but I hadn't had to prove it to anybody " Gragnano has proved that ability tod a y Jus t a s k the secondaries for eitht'r San Diego Mesa or Grossmont colleges They'll come to his defense - even though they failed to provide• any against the hard- throwmg quarterback. -emg and s imply not throwing the ball m the.> wrong plan:." lndcl'd, m six games. G ragnano has been rntercepled JUSl twice. The Rustlers played some highly ranked oppos1uon during pre-confe re nce acuon like Taft, Saddleback and Santa Monica CC. which is one reason the Rustlers are 3-3 overall But as Gragnano has matured, so havt' the Rustlers. After guiding the Rustlers to a 28-0 opening conference Vt('tory over Grossmont, Gragnaitq turned in a s plen'did effort against favored San Diego Mes~ -completing 17 o f 23 passes for 301 yards and two touchdowns -in a 37-7 thumping of the Olymp1ans. T h e Rustlers go into the third w eek of South Coast Con[eren .. -e pla y lted with Ml. San Antoruo and Cerritos for the ronfereO<."C lead After a bye this Saturday, they'll take o n Cerritos in a game tha t could make or break them, rons1der- mg both Mt San Antonio and Fullerton ar<> sull to come Still, Gragnano insists he's nol letting the pressurc get to him Sure. Gragnano's statistics this S<'ason ~5 1 of 110 passes. 769 Adam Gragnano yards. 8 TDs) have played a big "When I first camt• out 1 J\.ISl wanted to have some Cun and show what I c'Ould clo." h.e • explains "But onc-e you get into this. it's h a r d n o t l o g e t involved." Gragnano's involvement in the success or this year's Rus tler squad has been aided by a solid offe nsive line and the sure• fingers of his favorite n'cc1ver, J ames "Sandy'' Mt-G«.• part 1n the Rustlers' quick Jump to the top of the• South Coas t Conference standings. but his maturity ha:. addt'd a key dimension to the Golden Wst <>ff e nsc. "H<''s football-smart," admits S hackleford or his quarterback. "He comes from a football family and he's done a good pb of managing th1:. football "The line has just been great Evl'ry gamt>. the protection gets better and better," Gragnano says "It's hard not to look good when you have a guy like Sandy McGee out there" It also found. among other things. that the Management Council had failed to proVlde the union with financial data necessary to the bargaining p~ and with circumventing the union on mallers dealing with the players. Fountain Valley' Dale Frye just made ii over Westminster' Matt Eddy la t week. with more hurdle Fridav. team "There 's a lot more lo being a good quarterbat'k than JUSl being able to throw the ball," Shackleford ronunues "He's done a ~reat )Ob of aud1bahzmg McGee is the No. 2 receiver in the t'Onfe renre, the rec1p1ent of 25 passes for 513 yards and five TDs. He's averaging 20.5 yards per recept.wn (St>e GWC'S. Pagt> C2) "Now that the NLRB decision has been made," Garvey said. "there 1s additional pressure on the owners to re-examine their position. Once they come to gnps with the law and bargain on wages, we have passed the big hurdle In re~ching a settlement" B UT JIM MILL E R , a management council spokesman. responded to the complaint by saying: "We feel confident that once it proceeds through the proper c hannels, we will be vindicated. In 1974 (at the star t of the previo u s co ll ecti ve bargain ing) the r e were 30 complaints filed by the NLRB and when w e r each e d ou r agreement in 1977 none of the 30 had been resolved and all were set aside as a condition of the agreement." There was no thing in the NLRB order alleging that NFL Commissioner Pete Roulle was personally involved in unfair labor practlces. Earlier, mediator Sam Kagel, the 73-year-old San Francisco lawyer who last Saturday recessed the bargaining in the Baltimore suburb of CockeysviUe a fter 12 days of limited progress. llsued a tene statement from his office saying: "I am authorized by Ed Garvey and Jack Donlan (the ownen' chief negotiator) to announce that negotiations will ruume on Saturday . . . Beyond that 1tatemcnt, l h avt' no romment of •ny kind." Kasel, In his eftorta to get the bargainer• toaether again. Initiated the phone calla lo Carv.y In Waahington, D.C. and Donlan ln New York. After Kqel had elicited an ~nt (ram both to pt the talk.a rollliw. Carvey caUed Donlan to J«icfe on the alee. A simple antidote revived UCI Chris Hensley Just under a month ago. UC Irvine's women's volleyball team was staring fac-e- to-face with a dLSaStrous season. The Anteaters possessed a less-than - gltstening 7-12 ret'ord and were in the midst of a fi ve-game losing streak. And. the re were no encouraging signs. UCI was playinR poorly and losing badly. Then, all of a sudden. things changed. UCI not onlt started winning, but the Anteaters started to win frequently. Ln (act, ucr has won 10 or its last 11 matches, not only improVlng the Anteaters' team mark to 17-13. but also reviving hope that the team may be able to se<:ure a n at-large berth in the upcoming NCAA playoffs (UCI plays as an Independent). What happened? Whal changed? What accounted for the turnaround? Well. to henr team captain C hris He nsley te ll it. the reason was simple. "W e just got sick of losing," H«'nsley explains. "The humiliation, the feeUng of being down. we just got sick of it " UC IRV1NE JOHN SEVANO The Anteaters. according to He nsley, came to their realization during the BYU tournament· late last month. UCI h ad dropped its first three matches and the prospect of winning any during the tourney looked dim. "We'd go out there and we wouldn't know what we were doing wrong. W e knew we had the 1.3leni." Hensley notes. So. the Anteaters held team meetings. ~nd kept holding them in the hopes the players would find a solution "We just w ent ou t there und worked harder, f.layed hard<'r and tried LO be more positive,' says the 5-5 blond-haired junior setter. ''We knew Inside how good we were. We just had to have confidence and be patient." Apparently it paid off. The Anteaters are now on a roll a nd it rouldn't have come at a better ume. During the next month, the Anteaters will play three teams ranked among the top 20, plus what Coach Mike Purit.z ('alls "the best college team in the nation" in Nippon Colle~e of Japan. The mat.ch against Nippon will be played Saturday night (7:30) at Crawford Hall. And. just to show how good UCI's op~nent will be. Nippon has defeated Hawau, the No l ranked team in the nation, nine times without a defeat this season. "They're a geat team. All you can do is your best." concedes Hensley. UCI understandably might be in a little over its head against Nippon, but It's Lbe Anteaters' othe r opponents during the weeks to come -USC (ranked No. 3). Pcpperdine ( (No. 20) and UC Sant• Barbara ( (No. 12) -that they are really pointing to if, of course. they expect M> (See HENSLEY, Pa1e Ct) • 1n unusual spot · after beating Kings .. WlNNIPOO, Manitoba (AP) -The Winnipeg Jets' fans couldn't contain th mselves in the final 1«0nd1 ot the. game, a National Hockey League oddity (or them conalderlnR the team's lack of ILK.'t'el9 In the put. "We're No. l, we're No. l," the fans roared ln the Winnipeg Arena u the Jets wrapped up • 7.3 victory Wednnday n11ht ovt'r the Loe Ancel.es Klnp. lt wu the fifth pme In 1 row for the Jew without a defeat, four wtna and a \Je, and moved them lnto 10le ~Ion of flr'llt place In Ute Smythe Dlvlalon , } with 13 p0int.'J, one more than the Klnp. The Jct&, with a 6-2-1 rt"COrd, we n- tlying early In ihe game and IK'Or .' tWIO(> before the flr1t period was four rnlnute1 old . Dav Taylor got one back tor the K.inga. bu\ M11eLcan 8C<>red his fourth go.81 of the aeason to give Winnipeg a 3· l fc3d at 11 :02. At 11 :30. ,Kings Coach Don Perry pulled rookie goalie Cary L.uk<>1kl. who recently signed a lonR·ttrm contr111ct with tho. club. But Mar6o L.011ard . rumored to be! on the trading block, didn't htilp much N the J el'I l:)foat hlm t~i~ in tht second and two mol't' times in the third. "Once we got past the eight-minute mark, I tho ught w e pretty well dominated the play Lerrltorlally," said Perry, wh<>1e club had a 3~·31 edge In ahota on £oal. "I thlnk th~ big diffcl't'nce wu In th goal~ndlnt "Soetacrt played well . . . Laakoaki wu of! hi.a 1arno a bh. MOit of our aho'-1 w~~ low. Sorui n moves wtU with hla f<-e\. l llied \.0 gtt them to 80 up on him.'' Small'• tK"Ond go.I 9C the aune and third of tht 1eaton came with the Jell, short·hantled. Small took a p&!\.'1 from' J erry BuUer, went eaaily around a Lot Angeles defen1Cman, forct'd Lesia rd. Qt come way out of hit aoel, then depoaitdi the. puck Into an open net. • • The goat 1ave Wlnnipec a 4·1 ~act.a& 7:28 of the aecond period and, aft.tr Bernie Nlcholla ICOred hla 10th pl of the yeer and eiahlh on the ~r ~. Mac:Let.n connec:1ed ap1n to "''°"" ~ Je'-1' thrM-aoal maraln. .• Dave ChnaUan, M"'om. Lukowach and Brian Mullen l(Ot the othef pll for \he Jeti.. .. , ... • 01 llllU" l utt•I OAIL V I'll 01 1 1 hUI ltt.ltty Ul 1Ub111 ~1U. IUISi' Re-Elect ARLENE SCHAFER Coato Muo City Council J KEEP EXPERIENCED LEADERSHIP IN YOUR COUNCIL ARLENE SCHAFER Cosio Meso City Council PJIU IOI lll I/It• (.,'(1111,,llllffd rn Hu elect ARLEN[ SCHAI FH l\<lttf ••Wlf11 T ,.,,,,,u,,., 1o1.1.1 Ml'l111I01¥01on~ <-''~r.i M tt"• J m1 P<HrJ••I Cti.1111111111 NEW ISSUE fl'1s 1~ not dn ultt.>r 10 \cll rHJI d solu 11,111011 o l ,111 ufl1 •1 111 h11y lh~~ St'l'lll•l•l'!> Trw o lfc•11nq 1:. m.1clu only !Jy tt\1• Otlt11111u C "l u1111 150.000 to 187,500 Shares Common Stock Price $10.00 per share •• for .so Ollt1rm~ Cutular dlld a Stoel. S111>S<.roo11on Apphc.a1ton Olt.>ilSfl COl'lldl 11ne Organ1za11ona1 Oll•Ct! by mJ1I 01 1e1epnoiw 303 C resc-enl Avt>n1..e • PO Box ?409 • Avillun C.11tro1nia 90704 • (2131 51~2265 PUBLIC NOTICE P~LIC NOTICE -I ~UC NOTICE YOU ARE IN DErAULT UNDER A -----K--o22:5--1----- DEED OF TRUST DATED AUGUST MUNICIPAL COURT or I . 1110. U NLESS YOU TAKE CALIFORNIA ACTION TO PROT ECT YOUR CENTRAL ORANGE COUNTY PROPERTY, IT MAY 8E SOLD AT A JUDICIAL DISTRICT PU8LIC SALE, If YOU NEED AN 700 Civic Ctr. Or. WHI YOU ARE IN OEFAUL T UNOE" A DEED OF TRUST OATEO OCT08ER 15, 1N1 UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO P ROTECT YOUR PRO PERTY. IT MAY BE I t .. I t • 1• I f .. ..... . .. ' . ...... , ..... ' I t • J t .. , • '" 1 ... • • I I II I I ' •• ,.... I ~ 41 I • t t nt• Mt U "' I •fl hw• 1, ..• _ ..... 11t. .... , 'fh. t (714) 840~1268 FRH llOUllH SfMlllAll \ .. .,, u •thuut Ur urul • ••w '""'" .. (HHh.•) IH l .tquu • N1t1u• I uu t hvuu+ MO MONEY DOWN! I f11111 \I,• 1•00 wlul11 111111 l11rot .,11 r)j I lfltl1 IO AM ~.1111 1 1~1 ul 1 ~ f"v101 Rt•'ofHVijt111115 ~46 9~?? Acl 24 Ho DON'T PASS HIM BV- HE MA V BE SICK by Terry Grant , A. Ph. • ' (•I l.11U 1ll111•""* h.iVt '1111 t• 1t11 \\ ti I• 11 \\''''I rt ltl ·"! 11 ·•Pl",, 1t1 .t I ... ,..._..,,, 1111..:ht '" llllt•~l\11\1-tl 1 ... , h 11.;r111 ul.irl:ii trv1• .. 1 I >1,1l•·h·' .1ntJ ~l•llt•p,y llu11 t Ju'I "'._.I k hv w tit 11 •• f'•· 1 "Jn IJt.1"'' ·• ••U l 1\ •l1·l11\ tn lrl'llllllt'fll (• >llhl h.1\'t "'I hlUS t•lfl•w·q Ut•l\tt-, T1.tl1\' 1n._1ny f~··•1;I• "''·~•r u '••K •• lurnt•h t ur '"''"' u t..1Utf thnt uh ·nultt·'.'\ tltt ru '" h,.\ HI~ 1tfl tlhh'i'!.'1 111 el ~·c hJU' 1111·1..:\ \.\'h1·u 't'u\J (uni ltu" uf• 11ttf h ,,\1 .. 11 ,-.,IJ uu ti., .d h•·lp •JUH kh 11 \ouh,I ,.,, .1 I If' 11 'uu h."'' ''" h .1 HlfHIJllllll \'tl\U,4 ff tw "HI \tltJ t.UI\ ttu ul· 1thfu.11'HU YOU OH YUUH 1xx·ron CAN l'HON~ US wh«n \'Ou n cctl & <.Jt'11vt'ry We will c1dlvl'r 1Jromplly without ~xtru t·horgl' A i:n•ul mlally puopl1• rely l'n us for tlll'Jr hl'alth nl'l~ W1• wdrorn,.. noqut'l>ll> for delrvt•ry Sl'rYIW and dwrg.-at't'()unt' PARK LIDO PHARMACY FrH o.lltttH1 3$1 ~t•I Ro.d ~-port 8-ch tu2-1$00 EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE Santa Ana, CA OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST p L A IN T I F F PH ILL IP M YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A HUTCHERSON •nd MARY E SOLD AT A PU8LIC SALE. IF YOU ..,_------------'\ NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE LAWYER, HUTCHERSON NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE n . T.S. No. 3415411 DEFENDANT: EMMET L. NEIL, NOTICE 1$ HEREBY GIVEN tnal SHIRLEY C. NEIL, WESTERN on weonesday November 3 1982 M U T U A L E S C R 0 W NATURE Of THE PROCEEDING AGAINS T YOU, YOU S HOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S S ALE a1900oeloci..am 01sa1oday m CORPORATION, a Ca lllornla l .S.No.36313 !he room set aside •or conduchn' ccHpotatlon, FRITZ GLANZER, and NOTICF 1$ HEREBY GIVEN. that Trustees Sales within tne othces 01 OOE8 1 thrcwgh 10. lnclut l••· on weonnoay Nov.,mt>er 10 1982 REAL ESTATE SECU RITIES C R OSS CO MPLA INAN TS · at900oclocka m 01sa1d day 1n SERVICE IOclled 81 20?0 North EMMET L NEIL and SHIRLEY C ihf' room sel aside lor cooduc11ng Btoadway Suite 206 m the City ol NEIL rruSlff s Sain "'''h•n the offices San1aAn1 County olOranQe State wt. o t REAL EST ... TE SECURITIES ot Calllotnra AMERtCM4 CITY CROSS.DEFENDANTS. PHILLIP SERVICE localed at 2020 North BANI( a Ca hlorn1a c0<po1a1ion as M. HUT C H ER S 0 N, MARY £ Broadway Suite 206 tn the C•ty ot duly ep1><>1nted I rust.., u11aer and HUT C HERSO N, WES TERN Sant.i Ana County c.I Orange Stale pu11uan1 to Ille power ot sale M u TU A L ES C R 0 W ot (.J hlorn•a AMERICAN CtTY conte1ted 1n Iha! ce"a•n Deed ot COR PORATION, a Ca lllornla BANK a Ca111orn1a t;Orporallon as Tru~t e•ecuted t>y FRANK E c orporation, ANNA M. R OH duly app01nlod Truslee unde1 and WALKER a single man rec<>tded ESCROWS, INC .. FRITZ GLANZER. ouisuont to the power OI sale August 6. 1980. 1n Boo• 1369:? 01 end DOES 1 throueh 10, tnclutlve. conlarred 1n that certain 0..0 ot Of••c•al Records ol sa1C Cwnty •I SUMMONS ON lrus1 8 •f'CUled by J "MES L pege 388. Recorder s instrument CROSS·COMPLAINT LI v ING S T 0 N and J 0 AN C No 6932 t>y 1eason ot a breach 01 CaH No. 141117 LIVINGSTON husoand an<! w1te as detaull 1n 1>6yment 01 performance NOTICE! You have been eued 101n 1enan11. recorded o.cembe• of the obligations secured tllereoy Tl>e court ma1 decide 99aln•I you 10 t98 1 1n Book 1'318 of Olflc<al 1nclud1ng lhal breacn 01 defaun wllhoul 1our bel"9 t>eard unleH Reco•ds 01 said Covnty al 089• Nohce 01 which was recoroeo July '°" re1pond within JO day•. Relld J?l Recoroer 1 ln•lrument No 9 1982 8' RtKorder's ln$trumenl tl>e lnl0<matlon below. 13139 Oy 1eas<in 01 a b<HGh Ot No 82·238112 Will SEll AT 11 you "'sh 10 ~It "'e aO•ioe ol dt'llvtt 1n ~yment or pe<f()(mancle PUBLIC "UC TI 0 N T 0 THE I an 1111ornl'y .n tn1s matter you ot 1he 01>U9;i1-ons toeurOd thefeby HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH snou10 no so promptly so that your including 11111 t>rH Cll 01 default 1aw1ul money 01 1ne Uno16<1 Stales, w1111en , espo,..se 11 any may oe N<JtlGe ot wt1icn wu ree()(ded June or a casnoer s Chee II d• awn on • filed on time :19 1992 •~ Recorder" a Instrument s111e or na11ona1 ba,..11 as Slate 01 AV I 8 O I U t 1 e d h a 1 Id o No 82·223993. WILL SELL AT federal credit union or a stale 01 demandado. El trlbun•I p u ede PU BLIC A U CT I 0 N T 0 T 11 E lfl<leraJ savings and loan auoc1a11on deeldlr contra Ud. 1ln •udlencl• • HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH oomociled in this state all payao1e al meno• que Ud. '"f>O"da dentro l11w1ul money of the United States lhe 11me al sale all 11gnt lllle and de ao di••· Lu la lnformec:lon que 01 a casl11er 1 check drawn on a 1n1e1es1 ne1d by 11 as Truslee. 1n algue. Slate or 11 nauon111 bank. a state 01 !hat real property situate 1n sa•o S1 Usta d desee 1olic11ar e l federal ctedll union, Or a Slate or Counly ano Stale desc,.beo as conseto de un aoogado e n este tooeral savin91 and loan assoclall?n follows 8 s u n 1 o . o e b • r 1 a r> a c e 1 I o domoc11eo tn this II ate, all payable at Loi IS ot Traci No 8915 1n tne ommedlatamente. Cle esta manere the hme ol tal•. all roght 1111<! and C11y ol Cos la Mesa County ot su 'MPUl&lt escrtta. sr hay etguna, 1ntereS1 netd by 11 as Truslee in Orange State ot Callforn1a as Pit pue0e -reglstrada a t•emP<> tnat real properly sttuale m 11110 map recorded 1n Book 380 Pages S 1 TO T"1E CROSS-DEFENDANT County ano S tale descrrbed as ano 6 Miscellaneous Maps 1n the A cMI complaint hu been riled by tQltows Ofhce ol !he County Rec0<der of the cross-complainant against you Lot 12 ot Treet No 9552. 1n the said County 11 you w1S11 10 defend u11s lawsutt City ot Irvine. Counly ot Orange, EXCEPT aJI Oii gas. hydto:arooo you must w11"11n 30 oays alter this Stale ot California u shown on a substances end minerals ly1ng an<! summons •S terved on yO\I. toe With map the<oot recorded 1n Bool\ 410, t>etng al I depln ot more than SOO th.s courl d wr1111n response 10 Ille Pages 9 Io I 2 Inc I us Iv•. feet below the nalural surface ol tne compla1n1 Unless you oo so your Ml1Ge ll1n1ou1 Mapa records ot ground ou1 w11nou1 any righl delaull w lll oe eniered on H id Orange County whllsoever to enter uPOn °' use in a pp 11c a 11 o n o I 1 h e cross · EXCEPTING ft om a portion ol any manner said surface °' any part comp1e1nan1 and this court may H id land 111 01t. gas. minerals and or H id lend 1y1ng between H•d entar a 1uOQment against you lor the 011\11 hydrocorbOn substances lying surface ano aOo•e 500 10 teel below 1ehef oemandtld 1n 1he complaint, llGlow a d8Qth ol 500 111e1 from the u•d 1urtac a es reserved in tna which could result 1n garnishment ot surface of said land, bu! "'1hout !he deed recoroeo 1n Book 10826. Page wages llk•ng 01 money °' property nghl of entry upon any pon1on 01 • 16. olflc1a1 records or o lner rehel t l'Questt!d 1n Iha ll'll surtac.e 1bove a deptn or !>00 The stree1 a ddress or ocner complt11n1 feel 10 111111 market, mine a•plore common oes1gna11on or Iha real Oiied August t6 1982 or 01111 for sam11 as reserved 1n propefly nere;nabove detetlbed Is Ro4Mf1 a. Ku"91, Clefll dledt !tom Mervin L Bose and purporled 10 be 1113 Rldgectnl Shefyl C•199fHn, Oeput1 Wanda L Bose, u c<HfUslees or Circle. Costa Mesa. Cahlorn1a ROGERS a 018, a Law CC>fp. Ille Bose Famlty Trust dated May Tne unoe r11gned 11eret>1 17111 hech IUvcl =103 2t t976 recorded In Boof\ 11962 d l1cta1ms all 11eo1111y ror any Hvnunoton 8eKh CA 92647·5999 P99e :>1 an<I '"800!< t 1962 Pege incorrectness 1n said street adOreu (7 t•I 8'7-6041 22 both ot Olhc1a1 Records or other common designation Put>lllhed Orange Coast Cally ALSO ElCCEPTING from a poiuon Sold 111e w111 oe made w1th0\ll Pilot, Oct 28 No1o1 • 11 18. t992 ol Hid lend all Oii. oas. mrne<als and warranty a•preu 01 1mplleo 47S3·82 olher hydrui;arbon sub11ances lying regarding !Ille, poaseulon or below a depth of 500 feel fl am the encumbrance•. to N ll•ty the prtn-MLIC HOTIC£ , aurtace ot Slld l1nd out without !ht> clpal balance ot tne Noe or oth· right of entry upon any portion ot ., obllgallon HCured by Nld Deed FICTITIOUS 8USINE8S the 1urrece above a deptn ol ~00 ot Truat, with lnlerest a nd other NAME STATEMENT leet, 10 take. market. mine, e•plore 1um1 H provided !herein, plus The IOllow1ng per:r.on1 are dOlng or drill tor um• IS reserved 1n &dvaneea. It any. under the terms bueineas H dead• from Virginia l'lrppen l<ondel t hereof and Interest on such FASHION DESIGNS . 220 VII tecorded November 16 1976 1n ldlllncft. end plus lees. charges Koran. Newport Beaell. C1llforn1a 9oo1i 1 t96 t Page 1919 and Book and ·~ ot the TrU41M and 01 92663 1 11H11. Paoe 1920 boUI 01 Ot11c1a1 lhe INltl CfMled by Mid Deed or Cll•I Gll dyl Wight, 220 VIO Reco<ds Trual The 101a1 •mount or H id Koron Newpoot Belleh. California The atreel adoren 01 o ther obllgallon. lnoludlng reasonably 92663 common dea1gna11on 01 tne reel eallmated IHI, chargea and Howard L W ight 220 Via ptoperly her .. nebove descritHIO 11 eKPtn-of the TfUSIM , 11 the time Kot?n. Newp0<1 Ueec:h , Californi1 e>urpor11d 1o oe 2 ChOale lr1o11ne of lnttlal publicatlon of thl• Notice. •• 928&3 Callfor-nla S58,232 23 Thi• butlnah II eonducleo by an T h e u n d er 11 g n e d II e r e by Oiied ()c:1obaf 12, t982 lndiloll<lual dl1cta1m1 •II lla blllly for any A•RICAN CITY 8ANK, Clara 01.0ya WIQlll 1neonectnet1 In Hl<I 1treat addrest A Cellfornla C«porlllon Thi• 1ta1ement waa tiled With 1111 or other common oealgnatlon. A• TrvelM r County Clerk of 0 '8nge County on Said 1111 will be m•dCl without .,: ,.l!AL E8TATI IECUfUTlll Oo1ober 25, 1992 w11rr1n1y, expre11 o r 1mplled, a RVICI, F100427 rtQ••dlng 11111. poue ulon, or • c...,... ~etlon, Publlahad Orange C.oea1 O•llV enc un.branc11, 10 talltly th• ltw ~ PllOt, Ool 28. Nuv • t I, 18, 1982 prtnc1p11 betance of lhe Note or D.J. , ne ,.,..._.,, 4899·112 olher obllgellon ateured by H IO -N. 8J Ne. • o .. d ol fru•t with lnttrHI end !ltnt• AN. CA t 2f06 PUBt.IC NOTIC( othe r 1um1 11 provtO~ thtrt ln; (71•1963-M10 p1u1 advance•. tt eny, under '"-Pu1>tl1he<1 Orange COHI O•lly K._, 1.,mt t~eof end lnllfttl ~ IUCll P1tot. Oct. 1•. 2 t, 28. 1982 ACllliOUI .,.,.... advane.1. 1nd plut •-. C"-roe1 -•'37~2 MAMI 8TATU•NT and ••Pin-of the Tru•IM end of The loltowfno penlonl ~ <IOlf\Q ,,,. ttultl crHled by Mid °"° of bulllMN ... Truat The 10111 1moun1 ol a.aid FICTJTIOUS llU ... 88 HARBOR WE8 "MINSTER obllgatlon, including reeaonably ~ C,TATl•llfT AS80CIATE8, • 13 Corpore11 u tlmated leH, c:nargea 1nd Tttt 1..,..r,_. pereorw 001ng t>ta11, Suitt 200, Newootl &each, expenMt ot the Trull ... al the 11m1 ou~'M • •• " ClllfOfnlJ U880 of lnlllal publl01tlon ol thl1 Notice.11 !fitTl!Rt~tVRAL OAQVP FOR Stt,il•n C.. H01>k1111 • 13 $82,427 78 SIN(IUI., 4gJ 17tll 8~f419l .re C o1por1u1 Plu a , S11ltt 200, Oattd Oc1ober 19, 198~ Hun~tn.~cailforn!i 920lt ~8-h, 0.IWomla 92800 A•itteAN CITY IANK, qo.etK ? ""' NN1•. '°41 MICArttiut 1 c...,.," .. OOJl"lfatton ltrt.tt .... •ftlll'IQIOft H Clh ll\ld,, t lO, PNwport e..c:11, ff Ttve ... Clilift'!/llt!.92... ~. ' C.tffofnM t 2MQ • ,.IAL llUfl H C UflllTll S TI1ll ~It ~ bV.,, Thia ...__ • oon®C11111 by 11 ""VICI ltlO~~ ~al~., Hooklnt • c....,,. __.. ...... fl"llt IWtnlenl ~ Mth !NJ ~ .. ...,.,.,,. ... 11'80 Wtlll the :.,~,,.,..., c-1y ~ "' O.anoe Collllty Oii ~ a.ti of Oteno-COunty on -"' ...._.,, •• OotoCI« 1e. 19'2 OC100. •• 1N2 ....._AM, CA ll1W • ,1.... ,., .... (TM)..,..,. P11bll1hld Or1no• Co•ll 0111y ftut>ll•h•d Or•not Cout Dally PubH•he<1 Oftn9• co .. 1 D•lly '1tot. Oct 21, 21, HOY • 1 t llMI~ Pt101. Oct 14. 21, a.~ 4'61982 P110t. OCt 21. ''·Nov •. 19tl •H2·12 •~l·l2 •83•·12 MllC NOTICE POOLIC NOTICE NOTICE Of TRUSTEE·s SALE PURSUANT TO DECLARATION OF COVENANTS, CONDITIONS ANO RESTRICTIONS YOU ARC IN OEl'AUL T UNDER THAT CERlAIN OECLARAllON or COVENANlS CONDITIONS ANO I RES 1 R1C TtONS OATEO JANUARY 26 1972 Of THE BAYSHORES HOMEOWNERS A5SOCIA TION UNLESS YOU 1 At'-E ACl ION TO I PROIECI 'OUR PROPERTY 11 MAY BE SOLO A 1 A PUBLIC SAi E IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION Of THE NA TURE Of IHE PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU VOU SHOULD CONT AC 1 A LAWYER On waonuday No•ember 17 1982 ot 10 00 n m or ;is ~0011 1hereal1111 as mey be ro11son11ble 21 1ne 11ont steps ol lhe IMPERIAL BANK BUILDING 695 Town Cenle< Or1v.., 1n 1ne C•ty o• Cosia Me~a County ot O•o,..ge State or C a1i101n•u tne BAVSl'lORES COMM UNI Ir ASSOCIATION ll"e Assoc•&11on 1 1n1oug1 11s duly I aPOO<nt&d eoen1 .ina anorney LEE II OURS l .. riose 111ee1 adore~' ano 1111epnune numoe1 rs ~hown below WILL S f ll Al PUBLIC AUCTION TO IHf HIGHEST BIOOER FOR CASH (pay11t> e at time of Hie on ldwtul money ol 1111' Untied Sllllll~I riuisuant lo 1ni. power ol ,Rlf' conlerreo •n that certain Ot1CIA1a11on ol Covf'nanls Condt11ons ano Restr1c11ons tthe "CC&R • I u r11co1oeo 1n 8 0011 9979 Pages S 7 5 et seq onclus1vP Olflc1al Records 01 Orang!' Countv Cahlornla and w11nout covenant o• werranty l'•CllPH 01 1mphC'd 1eg1rd1ng 1111ro pos,!'ssoon o• encumbrln<i4tS all lhAI certain reol• ptoperly !lllUlled 1n lhC' County o• Ora noo s1o11e ot t.•11to•n" des<:t11>ed as IOllows Un11 80 OI Tra<.I 7338 o• contained in Boo' 288 Pages 1 t(I 15 1nc1uslv• of M1scellaneou5 Maps In 1ne OfllClel Recoros ot O•an11e County, Cahloanrnia Tne 11teet eeldre~s and '1ther common 0111Qn1tton. •I any or tne real properly desc11bed aoov11 •s purporteo 10 be t 7681 Bflll&n) Lane Hunt1no1on Beach CRillarn•A lurlhar vesting 10 $310 real prope.Oy 15 '"1ne name OI RICKY 0 JAMES a 11ngle men The unde•S•gneo lruslel' 01Scla1ms eny 1tab1l1ty lcr ony u•c()(•ectnes' ot Iha sire-et &Odtl'U and o ther common des1gna11on deS1Qna1ton II any. •hown h1< .. n ::.e•o Hit! w111 oe maoe 10 sa11sty the oollge11011 u curod oy and pu1sua n1 10 the power ol sale conlerreo 1n Article I of the abo,,. reterenced CC& R't , Ind purauant 10 Article I Sec ol 1110 CC& 11 s the Nolle& 01 Asseasmenl and Claim of lltn wd~ recorded against lhe 800111 oe1Cflbed r a•I PIOP· e 11y lor nonpayment of due• and auesamenu on March 18 t992 ln91rument No 82 094265 1n lhe Oll1c181 Re coros ot Or•nge Counly. Callf()(nla. encl turlha• th'! Notice or 0.l•ull and Etec;t•on 10 Sell •II.cling Mid real pr()l)t!fty wu rtlC()(doO June 3. 1982 •n. 1nclu11ve at 1n1ttument No 82· 189157 rn the 0 111e,a1 Records ot Otanoe Coun1y Callforn111 Tt>e total 1moun1 of the unpaid 1:1a11nce of the obhgauon aecured by the property 10 be 1old and rea1an11ble e111m11ed c o 111 ••1>1nee1 and adv11nc .. at the tlmt o r the 1n111a1 publlc111on of the Notlee ot Sall. lncludlng a110<nev't fffl t nd COlll, II $2,270.00 Dett<I OCto~• 2 1, 1982. IAY8HO .. E8 COMMUNITY ASaOCIATION, LH H. Dtlr9t, lie etlerftef a nd 11enl, I H Town C1t1tef Drive, 81111• toO, CHla MHfl , C alllorr1l1 HHI, (11•1 ... ,.1111. Publl•h•d Ora no• COHI 0 111y PllOI OCI 21, Nov 4, 11, 1982 4129·12 Ml.IC NOTICE NOTICil Of' A""'-ICATION TO HLL ALCOHOLIC llVl .. AOH tM-12 To Whom 11 M11y Concern TOM HORIUCHI 1nd HYE SUI< iHIN .,, appl y tng IO t n a ~ment Of AIOohollc Beve<llOI COMrOI tor "61" OH SALE BECA & WIN[ (Pl./8 CAT P\..110 Mlt lllCohOlk: ~eott at 6973 Wtlf'lll A.._,ue Hunltnolon o..cri. CA Pul>hth.O Or1 nge Cout U11ly Pilot. Oc;t 28 19112 Bethlehem Steel tells $209 million loss .. l'l 'l 'I :-.H U H U It (AP) Ht•I hit 111 111 St1·1·I < '11rp 1 h t 11.1111111 ' "'"'1111d l.11 ..:1 ,1 'h ·t I 111 •Kiili• 1 11 p o 1 lt'(I J 1,,,, 111 $:WW 11tJll 11111 1111 lh1· •l'H1:! llt11d q 11.11 II I 111\' 111•._ ... \\';~!> 1 C'fllll'tl•d 11111· d.1 y ultt•1 11t1 111du .. 11·y h:udl•1, US Sli t•I ( 111 t> rl1·1 lttrPd .en $11£ I 1111ll 1r111 lt1..-. 1111 1tw lhr1 1 11111111le 1 .. ·111•111t1 T111 -.d11v H1·1 hl1 lei 111 , w l11 111 ·""' .1111111um c·d .1 d1v1tl1·11d ril L:1 t 1 Ill' fH 'I l'llll)ltlllll !'oh/In•, !l.Jtd !let ft1,, 1 .11111· 1111 rw1 :11111•' 111 111 .11 Iv $1 '.!. 1111111111 T~w ll''iUl1' 1·1111q1.11t•cl t•• 111 l 1111 111111 llf $7 f1 :I 1111lf t1111 111 $I h .1 ,t.,111 1111 ''"' ' 111 $I :!:I lr11l11111 111 lh• 11111 I 1t11rd q11.1rll'r ~ ... 1111 '"'' 11111\ 1111111111 .. 111 1!111:.! Hl'lhl• 111111 Sh t I '' pw t1 ·d •• 11 •·1,.·1 •• 11111-t 1 ...... 111 s:11i'1 11111111.n t'lllllJWI 1·cf l o 1-.11 llllllo(' 11f $:l I I 1111l1HJ11 (JI $·1 I :.! •• ,1i,;11• Ill tlH Vhll' :1gt1 ll<'t111<1 Null' 1rn1111h ~"('' ff ·ll 111 $•1 :.!:1 litll11111 I 11m1 $.> 11 11111 11111 ;1 vi-.11 1 ·,1 I I It' I Contract to create 1,000 jobs SAN 1111'.CC> 1t\l'I 1\ $ 111 111111 111 11 1\11 F111< 1 1111111.11 I .iw.11d1·d to l .1wk tw~·d (i1"11~(T:1 Cu '' t'X p1·1 tl'tl lu l'I t•.i It• I IJllll Job i. 1111 '"'"San ll11 ·g11 .11 1•,1 d t•fl'lf'I l'lllllt lll'l11fO., ( ;1·111 ·1.d D v 11 .J 1111', L'111p ,111tl l<1Jl11 l nd11 .. 1111•' 1111· In .1 11·'11\lod dc•\'t•lop1111·11l 1111 t>t·ft·n"· rx·p .11 t111t·111 .1111111l111• 1·t1 Tuc·,d.1, tit.it N.111•"'''' S 11·1 I ,'<.. Shi pliutld 111g < '11 111 S.111 1>11 g .. ~ 111 uvl·rh.1ul I 1v t• Jt11pl11l1111u' l,111rl1ng ,111pi. a:-p.11 l o f .111 $Hll 111dho11 ,11111 11 ·p.111 1111 111 o11 l ( ,1 c1t 1.rl 1Jv 11.111111., ,11111 1<11111 l11d11,1111· .. v.tll lie ,.,fl(11llll.1i \111 ... I 'I I I "" k " I. 1 d l j I ti I ~· I " • :i -.u11 ... 1d1.1ry "' nu1 l1.111k 11.1• ... d I .111 klt1•1•d ( ·,,, p H••ti I J111H.111 ll 1111H·1 . I< \'i1 l llll,1d ll olllfltllJ flt I ii lftl• ol \\•;1111! II g II f I Ill A 11 "'"I l t \ 111111.11 l Oil T111· ... tl.1\ .111d .... 1d I\ \\11ldtl 1111.111 fi()() Ill\\ J"I" .11 ( ,, Ill 1.d I I\ 11.11111•' .111d 11111 .ti 1<11111 Buth I 11 m' 111.1lu I"'' t' 1111 the (':'iii uan..,p111 t .1trpl<11ll'. 1l1t l.1rg1·'1 .. u pply pl;1111 111 Uw wir1 ltl N .. l I ,, " ,, I s l I · ' I ... 11 d S l11pbutld111g 111111·1 • .1, ,,,111 th.it th• (11'1 -.l11p M h1•dul1 u l r11 CIVf'I h.1111 ,, l'Xlll'I lt·tl t11 ,,, nvr• .JI lht• trH11p;111 y', S ,111 IJ11·gri ')11f1Vllld 111 /\pt tl l!Jl1:1 Wrrrk 1111 .tll f1vt• ol thl n .d I ... h11uld lit· I 1111:.~wd l1 v Augu,t I 'IH:i N o 11 1·"' 1· m I' It," ,. 1 .. .1 rt 1·)1.pt'llt·<l to IM · lt111·d .1• .. 111·,ull ol th1 N.1\'\ tlrllll.1t t .ollhough 1 <lillfJJll\ 11fl ltl•d' '"Id t ltJ I th1 , " n 1 r ,, 1 1 w •, 11 I d p 1 • " 1 n t •1tld1111m.1I l;ivol h Western reports dismal profit I.OS 1\NliELES IAl'J W t•i.1t•1 n /\11 llrn·., "1y-; 11 111ay s.•1•k m 111t· \Oll<i''"or" fr111111•111pl11,1•1•' .111d fltl'"''" 111.1\ -.t•• " lllilf,. 1 ... ., .. to .1\•otd 11·d ink aft1·1 lhl' «If t lt't 11'C.·111 d1•d "di....m.il lh1rdqu;11\11 p1o f11 of $.I r111ll1wl W<·,l1·111 ( 'ha11111a11 1•tl t . h ub 111 S.1lt L1k1· C11,· 111· s.11d lhl· n u r11·r l'"Jll't'h 111 low lil'l\\ t'l'll S IO mtlllflll .111d $:!11 11111111111 f11f th1• f ull "' .11 c 11111p.1ri·d "1th .i $7'1 I 11111111111 1,,..,, 111 198 I Th t t' a l'I 1 l' r p l.1 11 n • II t 11 .1t11111lllll.T l.111•1 th.it 11-. I I'• lllll•llh will lw .1~k1·tl 111 .111 c·p1 lurllu1 wa~1· i.tnd w111k 1ul1 l't111l•1•S!>I01b Ill <.tddllllllt \II tl\11:-.1• g 1 ;in11·d "'1rlt<-r tht!> v1•;1r H1·rg1 ,;i1tl 1h1 1 hll d qu,1r I• r µml IL' \o\ t I t hlll l by w1·,1k 11.t\'t I t11 M1•>.l1" .ind h\' l'H·:1v\' I :tr<' l'Utllng arnu11d th1· ;1trltnl'·~ 111·w OVER THE COUNTER NASO LISTINGS Nl w Y(Jfl,_ At•1 .._olut-4'\ N,.~040 QUOlctllOf'\l(Ofl (H-. \l'U••AQ n10f't'\I b-0' (n·tSf\• dt\O l°"""f'\f oU,r.t" Uy ( ,.,-..., 1 .. 1 "'d' .,rt n••lii...,, ., ot ConP•u Wt•IJ "''''"'~ 1 nfl• (0td1\ 1r'4. lud~ 1..-t,.11 u i.-r• uµ1C•1.1\ l t • '"~·•OoNn I~ fOl flU! (Ullrfc:I 1\\1on tor '*"'"'° C..v1..H,on ~U:A. It. IJ•O A\I> (Jt1110 .. \ \ A l t fnd t) I)*• 0dytM Af A•'•Ot ~·. J\ 08f't!'t :~d~,~~ ,~ ... ~·· g:~t~~v At.t lHAY l1 . IJ'. r,.,. __ 'e'fll A<IOll\nW t/' • IJ • O••l r ., .. .AovRo\.' l • • • U1 11n(.ry Allh\h 11 ttf Oo-tuOlv Alt(.Olni J) lo DollrUn Arltdtr• .n.,. ••• Oo-;108 A.• urn •'• 1 • Dr1 •tCn ae,., .... , 1''• _»i. Dvn•D Alf'\C..ll 10 • 10 O\lt1ton AN•ltn\ 1~•, '•""' l..1n\ln( At.Jw.-v •'• • • E.tonL•b ARf"\MO It 1 1 • (IP4,Et An•a•h t • i [ldf't8t:> A~~A •l 1 11 C l~Nu' t An\,IAt..U II • i) • E.1Mud \ A..,•Hf"< I\ 1~ E nrc,~,,, AOIUMt 11 lt • l tH Mt t AfOfl'nl•P • ) • (nH\v Atl(.,\l t to • •o £.ntwt\11 All•nk \ )?" ll f.Ql0ol Avnlf'• tt '''• •J I St 81100 )) • ~ • f-41,01(.,&J :::~:~c !,. ; · ~ :1:~s~, 8~no><l !?•• •1 .. F180\l n ~:~~\~, 0 \: l•J; • ~:~~f~~ :::11.'r:· i~. ~J. ~ :~(\9~" 8.rntP1 n ) to 1• F••,._.?,. 8ftll \ )\ • U I IU•O( b Bf'•MQt IJ 1J . , 0'1tSl0 8 tbt»(o 14 I~ I •on11Cp 8•tO~n U tJ •frAn•l,1 e.,ic," ' • \ r '""~sc, Ot, ... oor U IJ"~ F '""""' e°"."' l n '• J f ull,-,..8 B• '*Torr H) • 't C.nAutm Bue: H>r·•-I\ 1) ·• GnOtvf.. \ Owl"I' IQ • 40 {>nRlf •I ~~'t.""t.~ ·~ • ·~ ·: ~~::~ CP f 11 11'• C.r•'f'A<lv (dlWI~• .0 t i CiUtnht (•M.OH J >·· c,,rocftn l.4'p[n q 1• ""'dMln <.•PS~•• IU • \I 11•m1PI (..•p.AH )'• t • Hfrdw• C.•rt (O JI ' 1• HrpRow Cthi\ 10•• tO•• H•roC,,it Cl\4trR•v 1t # ll H,.rttNt ~~~~~~ ;; ~ ;1 • ~~~~3~ (l"nl~• II • 1Q I H OIObfl1 (l'lot\Utl It 10 HOO"•' (hvf)b I I • •I ' HOr11rt~ (1rt1co ••• e.,... IM~ Int C•lr'.>OC.• 10 • 10 .. •SC C.1\IUIA. M • 4A 1• 1ntf.tlnO C•h Ul8 11 ti '• '"'•I (l•t \Jl U•• J). lntt([tU (IOW(O •• I • lntorph (Oltl I~ 19"-. 1tf•. 11'\tf"f"fO \ .. .... 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Oii •• .. 011 •• .. 011 '' 0 11 I I Ott I ; 011 • J ()II 1 ~ 0 11 II 011 JI Oii 11 011 , • 011 , 4 011 I 4 NEW YORK tAP I I Nt WS t 11 \0 Mt J.>ur.tn H \) Nl h t•I tJ ·U ~' I N41itUU'l • 1fJ I>' ..,,,.,,,..," f-uno\ St, t1tllmt 'fli i oJ ft\• fOllOWlnQ quo T11F-tt •o ,., '"'''' I ti Nl lv• .. 0 '1~ Nl NAtSa o .a 101~ Con• ... , ,, '• ~.,., (.,lh 1•38 Nl l•tlGn\, ,._,...,DY (•Pl Nl 10 ?I Nl f1•t10 JO 411 NI JI' C.•tn IJ SI 14 I• Mulu•I OI Om.lln• 10\t Ea IJ \) 14 '• S,,nGrtn 11 lo I? 41 l•Mtl~A!!.ON~u~~lr•I"' C•::"'tn n••f ~. ,0 ..... 1S~~·.••I p;°1t NL ~:n l~(O : ~ 4t-.Ull ~':'~:It t~ !! )~lfll g::rt~ :~ ~ :; ~ ~ :~::~O"' t~::.~1 '6 ~· ~ ~ • " ~ JOI\~ H•"tO..• Mui ~n· " • NL Hu11n •• /0 II /0 GIOO. 11 .., ,. ~ ~·~',',~n ':f .,,..:~ (l"~'J:::~ ,; ~~ 1Nl1 ~n':'~!: •: ;: =t Bono h Ob t) JO N•f\\ 1 d d NL ti• Yid I• 09 '' 1• c;, •I" J 11 1 11 lhif1.t ,~uflltf'\ (~rt F-O till )0 OJ t~orn , .. 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I l1 Ou•ur "° 01 NL f .. nc S.• ti ~ NL lobl• 11 IJ NL lnt om • " /II Ooln • I• •• , Ho Yid • I/ 101•1 Int om • •S I 11 R•1nbw J 10 Nl TwnC VI I ., I .. ~hO~rl f n l! ~t (.O'fl;!:MQ1k ll QI.I~ ;~Ng.I> ~ l:~~I~' l:J ~ :N~ ~:~~ :rn :rn ~:;:~ • rn 1rn ~1-JJ.:Se<~;: I/:: U1:;,rir ~ ~t Alutu•• "I\ Nl •"'" ,. ' • S JI ' Summ "•1 )I 61 I •11110 8 II 8 •I Grwth I)?? Nl Into 10 74 NL "'c~.:1u/c1'11••H11 c':::~ c"o8 : ~~ ~ ~:'G111 4 ~I ~!: 1 o < 11 NHll• ~uno ln<O 11,. NI ~11 1710 Nl. I? 43 >l ~ t>tot Ill 1 [Quit II ffJ 1l 11 SrP•ul lnvt" Uni A«u o 4) NL Grenwy ti,. " .. Com p lid • ~~ '8 ~I ~~rnor~' "e'rf NL I .l >. I • • I Crrwth lO I) 11 88 C•Pll "., I) Jo Vllll Mui 10 J'I NL H1Y1a , o 10 11 ~~~r~0 ,~~ 1 N1• ~,;,~;· 1:r, N4 "~~1~ ,,..•,~1 9 n ~':,0£.'q ~~ ~ ;i :~ ~~~" \rn 13N•~ v~:~rn"~ •• Ho !';;:,:, ~ ~ .t.\ «;-~~'''"\, 11":, II S.~tl ,, 90 Nl Cu• 81 II )I I• 1• h•l~ • " I.OJ Scuoo~r Funo' Nl 8-s 41 Hl lomortt•n Fund• 111<0111 • '4 I llOl~r•n•11n v•O..P Cu• 81 II ti It H N•ubflrQO>r 8'orm Com SI ll 49 l~tGlh U r2 IS.s4 !n~:~ ~ ~ ·~ ~ t.~~~"~a 1rn .~ ~ ~~~I. J..": ... ,.. ~~: =~ : ~ : ~ ~~~~ ~: ~t g:;i1 • rm ~t ~\>;.,!"< :rn ~ r~ , ... ' ,. (i In • 11 9 ~. Cu\ K? • II I ... Lll>ly l 60 NL lr><om ".. Nl .. , In( I) II 14 J'I ~.:;-11 :i .. :j;I ~:;:~1Uu~ ': .. ~~ e~\-11" nt t~1 ~~: ~ 1:!: ,:~ ~.~~I ,:~ ~t ~~:o 1gc: ~t ~~~ ·:: 1!:~ t~.:~n· 10 ~ :~ .! ~::•l.o 1~ it 1:'.~ 1.,:0'... 1.,.. , ll Cu• !>4 • 1l • 10 !Khu\ .., .. .,,1 S.<u11tv Flfncl\ 1 _ S<iEnq • .. 10 i,. 1nt0#\1 • • to J6 Oel•w•r• f,•OU<I V~ <..o-111 t 11 lnletnl •,. • .. Ht•I GI n II NL Bono I.. -V•nQ 14 II l•Cll iCA 9 .. 10 Sf D~UI II f11 It •I C•P•I I ]If • Ot I .. Fr I ., I 0\ N•wl Int I 'I Hl Equiv • 0t • tlO V S GolCI >I} Hl N Por\ • tJ I )I O•llw It '1 71 le [Quit I • \IOI MtU 11 00 lJ 01 Hl<hOI• 10 n Hl l"•••t 9 10 '•I V•I ... l ino r O T •• L •-• r 0 I •• ' c·11 .... ,, L .. 1~1on c;.p NE •~Tr II ., NI VII•• • U •01 8-1110 NL .. ' •1<11 •· • ~ ' ~ I t o .. Ld• 110t u 11 NE 1n1>1 10 '• NL S.ll'tlf<I Funo• r11na 1l ll0 Nl .. :::: c.i.::..:.r • lJ • &~1i:• I~ tO 1~ ~~If ~II~~<'•"' ... 10 Jo c.01010 , .. NL NouFd ".. NL Am S.1>1 • QI NL I Mom • .. NL C•p 8d • U I 11 011 C.•P t \.I NL 10\vOI 10 11 10 19 C.NMA I I-NL NY lltnl I 14 I IO Sp l SM ••II NL Ltv Gt It n NL lntrp I)).) 14 11 OoclC • 111 ?t .. Nl PllOI 10 ll 11 01 Grow I ti NL Nuvo•n I 11 Hl !Moll9m•n Group SDI Sit If 60 NL ... Vld 'II 10 x OoclC• lot 11 Ml NI Sunbtt "II "II Run II)\ NL Or11to.t 10 II Hl C•PF'O • st 10" VM>C. S.no.I\ M11n B ti tO II 91 Or .. Bur Ti U Hl v f P•l 11 n NI L1nanr u,,.v•ll Ont Y,,m It,, HI CmS1' 17 lJ IJ 2'> Int om 10 91 11 91 vo t 14 O? 16 71 D t G v •I• Op I• JI NL loom II r,.,1.. Ol>f)9nri.1mor Fd Growth 6 /t I 11 lnvt\I I IJ ~•I Cn~,;. I? (II IJ 20 't'f&~ 'f:. :M NL Gtn l IK Inv t apll 71 i. NL Olrt Ct Ith 18 JO ln<O If .. I?.. LtVrtlf' II SI NL E acll JI 41 NL Or o f u ~ 1:" EllnTr 70 t i Miii II OI NL OpP"n I f1I 111 S.ntlntl Group C•P£ t II J) Nl fO Am 11U12 .ii It ... 711' [llnl t M Lord At>bllll. HI YIO 18 :IA ... , lalitn 16' • Q t;V(;th ... 1 .. Grow no NL ~·Hr ...... , NL s.u • lOOI Nl l Allilld •• , t:)O Optn 1JJI u .. 8-•11 .,,. EV'" 11:111 \114 HfrD< •n• ,, 91 s ""' • ., NL SloS l Cl 10 ,, NL Bno df) • I• 10... \f)<l(I Iii .. '° II Com s 1) IO .. .. 0 8 ' I ' Pate lD ti lJ 71 1:. E• 10" Nl C..n S.< I,,. NL l:Hv C.I JO :» 1211 T • f'rt I II I •S Grwlll 1310 I••) ll I• NL Ovtr I Pro•ICI •It Ot fllrtl C •to Nl GtlT •o • NL ln<om J01 J1• AIM un 11 1' Sffvo•• JOU NL). ) 0 H l A C.tnfo • 0$ • ., Et91 Giii .... 10 ~ Grtn '"° 1• '° NL Luln.••n 8'0 l l"lf • " 10 .. Sonl•Y ,. ,. u O,J E•I• I .. ., HL. A M.,llQ t" Nt EafOll.i.M-•rd GraP~A fl n tt U Fwno ,, ., tl Ml OTC $H 14 11 ~ '1 S/lurtOI\ ~""°' E•Fd t 11 •t NI. "''"II• I ,, • ,. lltlM> '•I. 1 IO HtM HO" , 01 , • Int om I. 111 Ptr•m M 11 Cll ,, II APC>•• u 1• IS ,. l'IO[ , 4.1 •• Nl A lnve•I t II NL Fovrl ~ Hl Harl 0111 ID .. Nl Mul\I • ., I a. P .. Wld •" Nl HIYICI It l1 It JI X~IO I • 1• NL A ffl• 111 • ti NL. fl\(91'1 4 ,, • " ... ,, L. .. t•.. NL vs Go• • 01 ... Penn SQ • 00 NL Inc om If tO .. )41 S0-1\I I) 14 •• ,. AmM.. 11 M NL lrt<8~ I <IC) • 11 H,,old ltl 01 NL M•H I INl1<1 Pfftn My t t1 NL MMUfl 11 •t fl l• Vaft911•ro vfO\IO A NIGlll 4 .. 4 ti S.Ct JOIJ n .. Hot fll•ll 11 '1 NI Mil 11 4' 11 Jl t>ntt• • n 10 /0 NwOir ,. 0 I\ tl E•lllr 1' •l NL A N In< ,. °" "10 Slon 11 u IJ ~ H11llnno 11 OI Hl "''8 ti,. 1) ,. P~I· ,_ ~rm D I 01 NL lllCI , , 1114 Nl ~mr<!'.''!t t ~ tN~I EberllMll ~oup H1111Gt11 U 4' NL Ml It 411 11 II l •I.,, 10 M ti •l $11rr• 01 II •I NL. QNMA • lO NL ~ .. c;. ·-~ ,,,.,,, 107t ",, INA HIV • 11 ... "'io • .., 10 1> ,., • i. .. 11 " Slam• ,_, , .. " 11 n NI A•• HOUQl'olll'\ t:noll• • ., t II 1,1 CU .. o M G tJI 10 CW O•wln 11 00 IJ II C•Ptl • 41 10 U More II tt NL ""° 8 I .. t 1' Survn t>,.0 IJ.. t:;rwtll • •1 I JJ fll 0 It . II 11 HIYiO t ti 10 It IMO I ft It• M<1H'Y I 'II NL tr>< om • u ) Oj lneVtll •• .... NL. tr>om )I) • 10 MF Ill IHJ IJ u il!l'k II DI ,, 1\ lnvt•• 1J)) ,. I• MllSll l ll,n NL s.100 10" 11 U evrorn JI.. Ht. Tr~a .,n Uf\I"•" MMB • t4 • 07 PC: C:•P ,. lt St><I n 'J OiJ tJ U 111111n1 to R NL IL( GI 14 )S O.•t l'rm 8G. t),'4 01l '"\ $h II! li' ti 11 MPH 'U I U Pl'9rlm Grp Tt11\I ,. 10 41i f1111Lt t N~ L.( 1nc ll 11 IJ ti l'-rtttcJ ~ll!IO\ 11\0ut ry t I• NL l11trtl 11 l' t7 H PllO Fa 11 40 12,. \/1n1 tt I J 'Div t It NL hltl lr>t I S) NL Am Ldt 10.07 10 II ntwrUPll•1 Metlltr• 11 )l NL Meo C. 1-JO ~II SI l lllY U 1l IS rt Olv II I,§ NL ••tt• In" II ti NL E«~ ti U NL lnCap 10 ~ 11 U Mtrrl11 t..Yn(ll M•ll 111 1 tU I .. 58 t&Ot t 0t t k f\ICO l!D, NL llt•c Gth I) :II Nl HI t<nl ti ,. 11 <IC> HIYIO 11 11 t• ~ lio < " ll U U P~tr "Uflll SoO•ll In 14 $1 1' Wtlltl 11 Nl h•C Hiii ,, 11 NL Ptnl F -v•ll lllV•t II ff 11 )4 Ctoll II II,, II-• " • I I ~tnfn( • ,.. N~ W•ttlh II NI 11.rrr O•OllP la ~r• • .. NL NI .. ~\ • "' !Qll Ila 10 10 .. f-1111(1 .. ~ 10 n • ., In 1M1' II IOIM • IS Nl I Id 14 JO NL VS 0 •1 I 1• NL hat.a • t .M Ml 11\f I )I I .. II lf\C 11 n I)'° l~t lond ~ HIV.. 11) Nl 10 Fa 1oos NI.. r llltlllr G'°'1p_ 1111 lmi~I 10 , 11 O> HI 011 10 n 10 •.) Plllft Inv ,. i~ '"°' Ml &t j ., WNP 11 4' NL '"'"" t.o AU• ,, 00 NL ltw 11'1111( ! l? Nl lnTrm 10 «> IO •• ilmrno I) 41 Nl ... " >' '0 Vl'lllll''" 10 .. "., lfll Inc tlOt "" '°"" .,, NL Inv 9M .. u 11 .. LIM•I •t'l IOQJ Piie• "~... ,.r .... 110 .• WeliSIG ,,. ,., C•PAil n ti NL ~-I 4',. NL lflvt lton ~ Mllf\HI I t0 • n Orwlll U,. HL. l!"'"' (ii t ~ N wtln 111 ti 1t Nl : .. t '"° II 14 I) 11 onfld 11 )t NI, 1§ llCI • » t 1t 1'\11ntl11 t 10 t lllCO"' I JO N~ t'Hll St 11,. N WIK ti\( J 4 NI 1111 6 .. .., Go 11n, 10 :i. I 01\ •It • IJ P~~CI t • 10 11111 • tG NL t,,lfftf lllW ~ "'"""'"" ~111'11 10 ·1l NL. •q ·~ n 10 NI. I I Cirl t• tO n It Set va1 • •> IO H N l •• 1•., NI. ·~" ti i H •llet •1 " "" ••ll S 11 •1 Ht. lacll JI .. NL g HIY Jll i .. Mid AM ~ff Ill N ""'" l4tl NL ~ .. N Nevw 1tt• NL .. <r1 It ID NL Mt~I t• '° 1J )I I NO 111 a IO MMk004 Nl T • ~ tt I l1 Nl. l\ .. ll 90 Ml• PIM 1t )t NL c. Ill llut•• fllun tllcl • u NL 11> Prw • ,. • .. ~· Yo I NL ftre ~"'"~ Stt .. tnen lcllf'O• NI. Ne leee •wtto It .. 11., l'lcHI ,, ti NL .... "'" )0 1' It It -•t11 It ".. ~ II.. NL. Am ,,,. , 10 N IWI• "'•""'' C.tlldl< I 4!. t 1' G"1 * •I• I'll. 10~ h ) a ~) ~l01fl 10 • NL P1111t '~ Nt AtNC ·~ N t ,.,.._ u~ • Olvld 1 •• > 0\ HllMI I l4 l'IL Inv ~~ ti Ot tt ti Mt' t-lr><9fl' 0t N l""HI t • !'of .-.e Hltll( II 00 II la 111 YIO 10 II Nl 111• I 1 tJ t ?q N .. llf-4 t tO ... P!ll I ll' t 10 It 1' Ck•.,. 6 01 \,;l -lh 19,. It JI ll fll\M t tl NI !no ar • t tO .. I I DlllCI l:lllT llliUIA llACH I 11111 CUil THURSDAY OC TOBtR Jfl 191JJ ORANGE COUNT V. C ALIFORNIA 25 CENTS Badham, Irvine solon clash on nuclear freeze 6 J EF'Jo~ ADLER w.M Oellf f'llOI llett Both Ht•p llulJcrt lladh;m1, H Nt•wpurt Bt•ut·h . und lrv11w Mayor Larry Agran ;i~p·t·t•d Wt'<.hws<lay 111~ht th.it M>nwth111~ ni.'t.'(iS to be dmw to l.lt,·n·~· tlll' thn•ut of a nudt•ar hohx:aust, hul the two disa8rt•t•<.l 011 tht• ml'thnd Dl'bating tht' merits of ttw proposed nude<1r wt•apons fn't'7-t' that will appt•ar on Cahforniu ballot:; Nov 2 as Prupos1 tmn 12. Ag1 .Ill 'lr1111gly !>Upp11rl1'!I till' mt·w.u11· wh1lt• B.11Jh.1111 :11~ut-d o).talllst I I:> IJU:..<k.l~t· 'fht-1r dd111h•, on tlw Ornn~t· Cua:.t Community ('1111 1·~1· l'amµus. was s punson•d by tlw Alh,1111·1• fu1 Survival, u11 anti nudt•ur group m·tiv1· 111 Uran1ott· County Agran endor:.t'd both thl' C'On<.'t'pt of Crt'1.•z.1ng th<.• cun ent weapons (('Vt:ls o r lht• Sovll't Un11111 and the Umted Stutl'S and Judge's ruling aids FV family bankruptcy • 1n By DAVID KUTZMANN Of I~ Delly Piiot Stett A fede r a l judge's r uling involving a bankrupt Fountain Valley fam ily may allow Cali fornia t·ouples 1n future> insolvency proceedings to protl'(·t more of their assets. The prot.ecuon. however. may only be temporary. U.S. Bankruptcy Judge Aaron Phelps ruled in Sant.a Ana that a California law barring the use of both federal and stat e asset exemptions by a couple is unconstitutional. The r esult is tha I married couples may now proll'<'t up to $7,500 worth of assets over what they had been previously allowed. But Phelps warned Wednesday that other Judges may ignore his ruling unless the law a lso is overturned in state court or voluntarily changed by the slc:tte legislature Irvine attorney Jean Hobdrl, whu repres('nted tht• {amtly which won the ruling. said Phelps' det·1s1on was thl· first of rts kind and t•ould becom<' a prN'l•dent for s1mtlar t•ases. howt•ver •·11 was a very important decision ," she said "ll was a very bold move for him (Phelps) to make -it's hard for a federal Judge to tell a state it has passt.'CI an um'OnstituuonaJ law " Both Hobart and Phelps said the ruling was made largely on a technicality. however. and that even 1f 1t is used as a pn"Cedent, a new law with much the same effl'Ct as the old one could be enacted A 1979 federal bankruptcy law estab!Jshed ltm1ts on assets that can be protected an a bankruptcy proceeding. but gave st.ates thl' (Se~ J UDGE'S, Page AZ ) Show to coine off at the Laf f Stop The show will go on -the Laff Stop's Monday night male dance show, that is. Orange Count y government officials have decided tha t the controversy over the Santa Ana H eights club's weekly revue really shouldn't have happened at all. club's billboard advertising a "male strip show." dccidC'd they agreed without viewing the s how themselves. P rupo-.1tw11 I ;t ~•s :i "11111d1•,t rl'<i '>""•' bit· propo,.d .i sl11ml:.t11l with I l'j.(UI d IP IHH ''"" Wt'UJXllll y " Buuhum. ,, uwnilwr ol tl11· II o ll i. 1· A rm 1• d St• 1 v 1t'1•' (.'1111111111 tl'I', l 011lt•t1d\•d I h,11 ll\ld1•111 .JI Ill., l't'dlll'lttlll!o 1'1111 1111ly bl' I' l ' J l ' h I'd l h I' Cl ll g h t h l' t•un1111u1·d :.lrt•11gth of US nul'lt•ar (1111·1•:., wh1d1 will "n1mp1•l " the Sov1l'I Un11111 to rll'!.(Ulllltt· arm., l't'UUt'lUll\S. La te Oc tober ritual P r11 pu),i 111111 I :!, If pa s,,.tf, wuulcl ns1u111 • thut thl' 1<11v1·1 run w1111• till' pnNd1·11t awl 11tht·1 ll•IJ U S offH wll. u1 l{lllK till' lJ1111t·d SWh•-; .11111 Sovll'l Un11111 to aun•t• 111 twit tlw ll'1>l111g. pr11du1·tw11 .111d d1•plov1111·11t of llUt lt•.11 Wt'tlf>t>ll., 111 ;1 maruwr thdt 1 1111 1>1· V<•l'I f11·cl hy hoth M<ks S1111tlar nul'll'at J 11•(•.£1• 1111 t1ut1v1•s 111 I t• fl' r t• II J u Ill :. a J..I J..11' •• f ti II Nov1·mlx·r balloL'> 111 l•1ght oth1·r 11ta1<·' /\gr1111 .,.ml lh.11 1,.'l.,1U•.• both t rn111ln1·' 11r1· r111 1ghlv 1·qurv.1lo 111 Ill tfil'tr 11111 11'.ll llllf<hl "l\11\,\ 1-, 1111• 111111• lo 1 lt:111g1• 1·11111,1· ,111d th;11'.., wli.1t 1"111p<1s1t11111 I:! 1., all ;llwiut " • 111 .1ll1·111pt111g 111 1·lo.pl.1111 tJ11 .1Y.t·M11111• dt·str u111v1 · p11w1·r uf " ~IJ llll'guton 11ut'l.-a1 d1 ·v1n., Agn111 f.Mlftll<•d 11ut tlwt rt would 1·qu;il I .:1011 t.11n11t ... 11f lht· ,17< dr 11pp1·1I 1111 l I 1111'.l11m;1 :17 Vt'<ll'" .1g11 Dell, Pllol f'hoto by f'etrlcll O'OonMll II 'w h <• homli w1 •11· d111p1J4·d 1111 lrvuw. he· -..1rd 1t would l1·;1v1• ,1 1 r .111·1 htlll f11 ·1 dt•t•p .111tl I ', 111111 .. , w1d1 · In llw fm;il ;111,11y .. 1s, ti Ill t'l\11''> l111d th1· flt'llJlh• of tll<' 11.1111111 wh11 will ,,. . .., tlw bt unt of 11111 lt•,11 w.11 .. Agr .111 ,i(,,. "''u11 ·cl tltust• .1llt•11d111g thill Or;111gt· Cuu111y, With lh lllilllV high tt•t l11111l11gy ,111d ;1er11,pal·1· t·11rnpan11·' '' a rrohahl1· Suv11'l t,11g~ t (Sec Nll('LEAR. Page A2 1 Trash costs flayed By ROBERT BARKE R 01 Ille Dell, Pllol Slett Tr<e>h n>llc."(·t10n l'OSts an: being t>xaggl·r;11<.-d m or<ll•r to JX•rsuade 1·1ty off1l'ials to :.tart char ging Hunttn~ton Bc·ach residents d1rl"'<.llv for th(· st·rv1c't', former l'llV coum:tlm;rn Clancy Yoder daimed today. · Yoder assl·rtl•d that ci t y 1·s t1m<11t·s of $:i 5 m1ll1on 1n annual u1sts ein· too high by about $I m1lhon !IC' contended that tht· "high'' l'~llmat<·~ art-des1gnl•d to t·onvmn· t·1 t v tounul members that rps1dt•nts must sh:u c· the ('OS ts. C11y Adm101strotor Charles Thompson veht·nie ntly den1C'd th<· f1gurt's ar<· paddl'd He said Wednesday that cost:; will d1mb to $3.5 m11l1011 1n 1!:183 wht'n c1tv overhead or support l'OSlS are comb1n<'d with direct costs of trash mlll'<'tion fl~ and gate fe('S cha r ged at Orange County govemml'nt-ownC'd dumps. R l's1dent1al trash bills presently are paid from the city's general fund at a cost or $5 20 per unit ('fhe total monthly cost climbs tf> $6.35 JX'r unit when the ci ty 's support costs are included. aC'C-ording to Thompson.) Thompson is r<>commtmding that tht• city's -12,675 households ~tart paying monthly bills of $-1 35 bN·ausc· of s kyrocketing cosL'> and n-'CIUL'lluns in rcvl·nue. A l ocal resident had complained that the show was a violation of the c.'Ounty ordinance banning "adult entertainment" within 500 feet of residential areas. Officials. believing the That led to dental of a spe<'lal permit for the club to operate, complaints from owner Michael Callie that his ma.)Or a ttraction was being Jeorardtzed and several months o wrangling. Then off1c1als decided to S<>e the show themselves. "I'm sausf1ed that the so-callC'd ente rtainment out there does not (See STRIP. Page A2) While othe r folks tend to such sea onal chore us ca rving jack-o '-lanterns a nd finding costumes for H a lloween Thompson 1:. suggesung that the city p1t·k up the add1l1onal $2 of th£> t'SllmatC'd monthly JX'r·unit t'tlSl from the genera) rund. PavmC'nL" bv thl• residents a nd lhC' C llV WOU)d mel'l the l'ombint·d dirE'cl and 1nd1rect l'OSls of $fl :i5 The mattC'r 1s S<:·heduled to be dt•l·idC'd by thl• city council Monday at 7 p m al city council C'hamtx>rs. WOO Mam St Tyle nol tunesmith A.J. Carnesi, 34, of Alexandria, Va., fingers a chord on guitar he used to write and r ecord "Madman in Chicago," a eong about the cyanide poitoning , tapes of which he sent to Chicago radio 1tation1. He said it w7n'1 done lightly. partif'. this wee ke nd, Huntington Beach city mainte nance t'rews sta rt lo pa int lifegu ard lowe r for the summer of '83. (See TRASH. Pa ge A2) On of re reactor 2 • • testing continues Low-pow er testing tn Uru t 2 at th e San Onof r e Nu c l ear Generating Station continued today as a probe into allegations o f faulty w elding in the new reactor neared completion . David Barron. spokesman for Southern California Edison Co .. major owner of the nuclear plan t just south of San Clemente. said the new reactor is operating at about 20 percent of 1 ts rated output. The reactor was shut down last month because or malfunctions tn its main coolant system. turbtnt.> and several control rod motors. Repairs were madt.> and the I.· 100 megawatt unit was started up Sunda y 'fhf' Edison spokesman said at will operate at one-fifth its capacity through late November before being Increased lo 50 percent Mcanwh1ll'. tht..' fcdc•ral Nuclear Regulatory Comm1ss1on continues to 1nvcst1gate allegations or sub:.tandard welds used to c'Onnf'<:·t some p1pt•s inside the unll An on-site mve<;llgauon of th(' urut has been complctt--d and an NRC spokesman sa1<l officials will rC'least• their f1nd1ngs soml't1me nrx t Wl•C'k at the earltl.'St The eight-day probe was prompted by comments by E Earl K e nt. a quality control e ngineer a nd former Becht<'I Power Corp. t'mploye<> Bechtel 1s t hC' contractor for Unll 2 a nd Kent had chargl'd that welding o n pipe a nd electrical systt•m supports was substandard Martha Collison named to Laguna committee Real estate o ffice manager Martha Colll»0n h&.'i been named lo fill the unexpired term of Ron Williams on the Laguna Beach Board of Adjustment. Colll110n was ap pointed to lh<' five-member pan •l by the city coun cil f rom among nln~ appUcanta for the pott. The tenn expires Dec. l . 1984. Meanwhile, the terma of two other members of the board will ~"plre Dec. l of thla year and th~ I c ity council wlll interview applicants for thO!W two posts m mid· November. The board. which decides on zoning matters a nd building projects, a lso sits as the city's design review board. The term of office is two yea~. Thoee lnlcrt'tlted in applying for o pc»ltlon on the pan<'l ahould submit a lett<'r or resume to the city clerk u soon 88 po!l.~lble at ~6 FON'Sl A vc Eileen Brenna n TV actress hit by auto, said critical LOS ANGELES (AP) - Actress Eileen Brennan , who plays the cranky. curly hatred captain in television's "Private Benjamin ," was hospltalltcd and In cm ical condition tOday a fter shP was struck by u car, police said. The 48-year-old movie a nd television actress was walk ing across a Ven ice s treet with actress Goldie Hawn about 11 p .m . W e dnesday. said Los Ange les traffic Sgt. Harry Ryon Both of Brenn an's lf'gs were broken ond she suffer ed skull and facial fr&l'tures and possible internal injuries. the pohce 11pokC'SIMn said. Hawn w&s not lnjun'<I. Brennan had just left a Vf'n lce (See ACTRESS. Pa1e At• Cainpaign spending enters final push Tlw b ttle for <·ampa1gn dollars conttnul'd unabated along th<' Orang<• Coast in Sept<'mbcr and October as state leg1slat1vl' candidates conccntra tC'd on raising enough money tt> fund the final wc•eks nf their campaigns With election day now k ss than a Wl'ek away. campaign spending also continued at a bnsk pace. aCC'Ordtng to the latest batch of campaign financial statements file d with O rangl' County e lection officia ls The reports. which cover the Sept. 18 to Oct. 16 penod. arc th<> last to be filed before thl' election. although state la w requirC'S that each contnbutaon of $1 .000 or more be reported individually after Oct. 17 Only one cand1datP running in a local lcg1slat1vc• race failed to frle a financial statement with the Orange County Registrar of Voters OCftC'C' by tht' deadhne as r<>qu1red b y law , th e drpartment's ftlcs revealed But whl•thcr IX•mocrat Linda Wl'stfall. running in the 70th Assembly Distract, did not file bc-cauS<' she did not exceed the $500 rl'porting threshold durlni the pl'riod or for some o ther rC'ason could not be determined. Westfall was out of town and unavailable for comment. The st~te legislative race with the highest price tag along the Orange Coast continues to be the 32nd stat e Senate contest between Republtcan Edward Royer a nd Democrat Frank Barbllro Royce, an accountant. from (See CAMPAIGN, Page AO ----INDEX---- • he rry Albe roni of Co ta Mc a , one of the original MouRe ke teers re uniting at Di8ncylond on Sundoy, shart" memori.-R of the club on Page Bl. .Bus Ines,, Cavalcadl' Cla if1ed Comics Crossword Death Nott('(~s 'Edilorial Entcrwlnment HOl'Ok'Op<' tnttrmisslon C6-7 82 Dl.D3·6 02 P2 D3 A6 B4 82 a.~ Ann t.1mders Movies Mutual Fund.a Notional News Publlt' Notices 82 B3 C6 A3 ' &,C4.C6,C8,D3 Spor~ Stock Ma.rke&s Television Weath r Cl·4 C1 86 A2 NUCLEAR FREEZE. • • Badhan1 1rn 1d 11 would Ill' "wondt.•rful" 1( lhl'fl' Wl•rt• "" nuclear wt•ap•>ni. ll l a ll, but m1tinta11wd thll\ 11 it. only tlw "l·t~lblllty ur uur lltrlllljo( ddt•11s1• 'that ha.<i kt•pt lht• Wtll'ld llUI 11! J nudear holcX'uui.l." Badhurn sau.J to m:hu.•vt· .1t•t u11I r eductions in thl' numlll'r o f nuclear wt.•upuns lht• ll11l tt•d States must "~ strung t•nou~h 111 ensure that any nuuun thut dot·:. a ttack would bt• l"Omn11t 1111~ .u.icide " l lt.• said that's why h t• llas supportt-d sul·h pro~ra111 .... d b tlw MX n11i.s1h'. U I IJumlK•I 11 1111 lht '1'111lt •11t :.ulm111 r1111· l\ddrt•lj..'lllllo( l'ropo:.1111111 I:.!, 1lw llll l't' lt'l 0 1 ('111\~tl'!ll>lll UI\ Jlld ( o r m 1• r ... t Utt• ll'f( I :i1,1 t11 r II b,11 qut·i.lrn111•d th1• pr11p111·tv o f a 'll;Jlt• Hlll'lllJlllllj.( Ill d 11·t11h • t ill' d1rt•L'llt11\ ul ftHt'lj.ltl pt1IH·y thrnugh tht· 1n1t1u11v1· prtll't'i.." Aijran 11nsw1•fHI h:wk that that I~ w ha I Propos 1111111 1 :! 1s a II abo ut lit• tt•rnwd till' 1'"'•"1:.ul j "t•ry" 11n lht• p<.irt uf lhl· ix·opk (1 1 hav1• a say in thl· fon·1~11 1111d llUdl•ar polit·y uf Litt· 11,111011 ACTRESS INJURED. • • area restaurant w ith Hawn wht-n she star lt'd to t-ross tht• strt>t.•t ,u\cJ was s truck by a t:ar travl'lang north. Ryon said T h e d ra v e r o f t h l' l ' a r . a :t&•year-old Vl'ml't.' man, stayl'<.l .,.;th Bre nnan after thl' 1m:1denl 8J\ I main s trt•t.•t an thl• bt•ut·h oommunity west of d owntown Los Ange les. h e said The man was not arrl'Stl-d, but a speeding ('Omplamt may bl• filed in the next two days, Hyun ·: said ~kid mark~ 0 11 lht• road 111d1L·att'Cl tht· L'ar wa~ travt·hng Jbout 50 mph an a :m mph :wrw , hl' said . .l:.irt.•nnan, who a lso purtrayt•d the har<l -nosl•d Capt Oun•t•11 Lt•w1s in the m ov1t• Vl'rs1un o l "Pri vate B cnJam1n ," ha~ appvan"'CI 1r> such ft-atun· f1lnu. as "Thl• Sung ," "Thl' Last P11:turL' Show," "D 1vorn• l\n11•r1l'an Styll•" and "Murd1.·r by Dt•ath." STRIP SHOW OK. • • fall under the d e finitw n of adult ente rtainment," said Murray Storm. director o f the C'Ounty !hvironme ntal Management •J\.genc y , a fte r he v iewed thl' -show. ~·Orange County Supervisor ··~ho m as Ril ey h a d a I rvad v naached a similar condus1on . • ,As a result, S torm ord ered h as .flaff this week to cease effor ts to ~lc>se the club Because of the determinatio n that the Larr Stop's Monday show and its rnmcd y shows tht.• n ·st uf the week are not ad ult e nt1:rta inme nt. the t:lub ca., rontrnue to operate without a ny special pvrmits at all, he said. And the Mo nday shows, which have been a hat with their mostly female audience, will continue - attracting viewers even thoug h they're not ver y risque. "It's m o re adolest·ent than adult," S torm sc:.id "It's far from what I would cons ider a male s trap show " )UDGE'S RULING. • • o ption to ena{'t la w s a llo wing r esi d e nt s on ly the use o f exemptions wnttl•n into s tate bankruptcy laws Th1rty-f1 vc• states have exercised that option to date . The Cala£o rnia law l:'rrcd. Phelps ruled, by statin g that marri ed co upl es ca nn o t separately claim both the state and fede ral e xemptions. ln the Fountain Valley case. a bankruptc y court trustee challenged Hobart's contention that the couple could pr.otect both the $35,000 equity m their home:, u sing the state exemptio n for h o m es. a nd a $6,600 personal injury settlement from a recent auto acciden t . using Ccd ... •ral exemptions. Phelps' r uling allowed both exemptions. State law allows prott.-cuon of up to $45,000 equity an a home· _end fed e r a l l a w allo w s a maximum protection or $7,500 per J)('rson for other ~ts. Phelps said he feels his ruling "could be" a precedent for now. but added he "would ex}X'('t th<.• lstate) Legislatu re to rewrite the statute" an order to hm1t debtors to only st.ale e xemptions. The exemption q u estion an bankruptcy law has historic-ally been "an e xtr emely p olitiC'al iss u e." a tug of war betwee n d ebtors and creditors, Phe lps said. Hobart said she a lso would not be surprised 1r the banking industry. which was the c hie f backer of the slate law, seek s new legislation in response to Phelps' ruhng She added that married t·ouples considering bankrupu:y mav fmd that now as the bes t lime to declare insolvency . be fort• anv a{'tlon as taken to remove the e xtra $7.500 m asset protection Look familiar? APWl~o Vit·ki Bell, a nurse a t Lilli•· Hm·k\, St. Vin('t•nt Infirmary. look~ ovl'r tht> winning e ntry in 1he hos pi1al's pumpkin-<·urving conlt'~L Sht> s uicl ii gave h er a slra ngl' dt•sin• lo phone honw. Costly Caboose s till loose By GLENN SCOTT Of It.. D•lly Piiot llaff J ill Hu:t· of Irvine admits som<.' pt'llplc may thank s he's crazy to 1nvt'Sl mon· t h a n $1 ,000 a nd unco unted hours searching for her dog massing Stn(•e early August But sht' sa id she JUst isn 't read y to give up h er quesl to locate Cahouse, her m ale Lhasa- terr1er max tii~it t>'...caped from her frie nds' va rd an San Juan Capistrano whale sh e was on vacation "He's n ot valuable in a sh ow svnse but hl•'s real valuable to ml'," said Rtt'<.', 29. "I know some p<.'Ople thank I'm crazy. A lot of th<.·m don't cart> about dogs, but I d o" Race said sh e has plas t e re d p1ctur(.'5 o f h er dog with promises of a $500 reward on just about every utility pole n e ar L os Corrales Estates inla nd of the S an Diego Freeway n ear the O rtega H ighway And hke a good polit1c1an, she h as walked door -to-door talking to an estimated l.000 people. sh e sa id She's h1 n·d a private investigator who sph·1al1zcs m t·an1nes and evc·n an animal psyc·h1l' But no Cabooi.t• Now she figures tht> dog may have· m1gratt.-d north. c1thvr by itself or in human tuw "It's poss1blt'." she s ays. "t hat someone from an outlying area ma.v have pecked ham up " Tht' dog ts about one foot tall at the s houlders and two feet long. with long ears and a long. terrier nose. she said. IL'I colo r as a mix of beige and pepper-colored fur. Caboose h as a long tall tha t "hangs lake plumage," s he said. Rice rem em bers sht' found the dog five years ago whe n at was 15 months old, s ick and n~>ded its tonsils removed. She s aid she t·an "full y u nderstand" tha t someone who fou nd Caboose might ques t ion whethe r its owner s treated 1t well. but she promised the dog does have a good home S he can be reached by calling 552-3466. Jill Rice, Caboose TRASH COSTS BRING PROTEST. • • From Page A 1 . Yoder. who ser\'ed on the c oun cil in 1979-80 through appointmen t to fill a vacaney, t:la1ms that the· propo~wd trash thargv w ould am1>unt to a "triple abuse" of laXl>s. I le• said rl.os1denL" an· now paymg a 5 pert'enl tax on their uultty bills, d l'harg<> tnll•ndt·d upon approval m 1970 to pay for trash l'O llectaon a~ wt:ll l\S to make paym£>nt:. on tht• t·1v1<.· ce n ter a n d labrarv Thal's the first tax. he said · -Thl· propc.lH'<.l munthly ft..t• o f $4.J5 would amo unt tu a second tax. he said .. II a businessman didn't du this. he'd go broke " Blu dot • cainpa1gn endorsed Tlw i"11w1tU1n Vall1·y W11rrwn·~ Club hui. loundu-tl u u m1pu1gn ll• 1•onv1111·1· 1111'11 1 !>t•rvrcl· t'luht' t•11111pa1111•s u11cJ 1111l1v1du.1l'I to "aJupt ti hlui· dot " Thi!" 11tJhlw lll'r v11·1· pr 11J1·l t , 1·11d11r i.t·d Tut•~duy by lht• 1"11u11ta111 VJll•·y ('11y ('11u111·1l, l'Lllb 1111 tlw an ... 1;oll:.t11111 of I ,HU() bllJt· ro·f l•'\'t111·i. wt 1·11y strt'\•ls tcJ lwlp l11t·l1 uhtt•1s find h ydra11L1, f II I ' II fr ll I .J h 1,(1 y 111 •' II y li ydf,Jllh lllJW ;Jfl• h1cJdt•1t IJy ,,;1rk1·d l :.trs and s hru!Jlwry. 1•;1u~111~ f1n·f1ul1tt.'f '> l•> w<Js l1· valu.11Jll• llllll' M '<lrt h1ng for thl• h vda ;in t-. wh1h· 11·.,p1mJ1ng to f1i l'" Tht· "blut• d ot.!>," '>llllllJr lo the· y1•lluw n:fl<:<.:tor~ t.1Jmm1mly UM-><l 111 d1v1dt· tr<Jff1t !ant's. wtll b<· pl.1t l·d m ·;.ir th1· l't.'ntt·1· 11111• cind will 1nd1t·citt· ., hydnint on th•· 11nrnc•c.llau .. ly ttd.)&tc·nt s1d•,w:.ilk S 1mal<1r hlu<• dol pro grams h ,cv t• tH·l·n 1mplt·mt·nt1.•d 111 I rv1n1: Buena P<Jrk <rnd 11thl'r C'l llt'S In .1 wrattl·n n ·porl un lht• pr•Jjl·t·t , Fountain V;.dll·y F'tn• Chtc·f Hac·hurd Jnrgl·nsl•n sa id . "Whlll· units an· r<'spond ing to firC's :.ind l'Vf.!ry ~l·t·ond counts,' the blue dots readily identify the lo<:atwn of fin· h vdran ts. Qu1('k loc·at1on wall h1·ip rl:'dun· thl> l'rltll'al t1mtc• nl·ce~sa ry tu ge t wawr on thC' fin• and help locate rc·s1dc•nt't.'S easter "Thl.· blue do~ also help lcx:alt' the center of the strl:.'Ct at night for nurmal and cmergent·y travel Thi s a s pec t as especially 1mport<mt during foggy nagt::.," Women's Club president Daddy Lammc·rs said lhe idea for thl.' local prO.)l'<'t cam<.· to her during a t•roi.s-t·ountry mo tor trap. whe n sht> nottt·t.>d the reflE-Cto rs in o the r communities Tht.• n •flccto n. {'Ost $1 5U eat:h and c:an Ix• cementt.-d tu tht> strc'<.·t s urfa{'t· by f1n·f1ghtc·r~ Lot·al sprv 1c <· dubs. busanesst.·s and o tht•rs wall bt· ent'uuraged to donatt· toward lhl:' purt'hase o f the blUl• dots l ru,ta ll<.1t1on~ wall t<:1kc• plac·t• as munt•y ts rl'<.'l'IVt.•d L iJ m m l' r ~ s a 1 d t h c• f 1 r s t donatmns for the prO,)(.'<'t already havt-bNm ren•1vt·d She said $300 for blue dot~ has been donated by thot Fount.am Valley Community H~p1!4l Gutld and $25 ha:-. ~n g1wn by the local Women m Girl Scouts troop She sa id anquan<·s about the blue· dc1t program t:an be dirt'(:ted t 0 t h (' f I r l' d l' p a r I m (' n t admm1strat1on office at F ountain \',1llt·y C11y Hall. 90:$ s:i21 'Boo Blas t ' set for kids Continued fair -A n d t h t• 1 n d 1 rt• c t . t' 1 t v overhead charges un top of at·tual monthly collt't'llOn costs would compri se the third tax. hC' claimed. Thompson said tndmx·t U>Slb 111 admtn1stering the rontral't w11h lhe Rainbow Disposal Cumpan), inc·lude administration work. data processing. po l1n• C'hec ki. a nd othe r work bv c 11v employe<.>S asso<.'iatt•d w ith trash t·o llectaon. "It costs the clly :!:.! JX>rcent of the pre8"nt $5.20 m onthly bill for indirect services." he said. "If W(' didn't h ave these duttl'S. wt> l'OU ld t·ut J)('rsonnel " Kid!-and adul~ will el'll'brat<• llallowt>t•n with a Bou Blast at El Morro El<•mt•ntarv Sc·huol 1n Laguna &>ach Fnd~y. from 2 to 7 p m Coo . .,ta l Fair but llOme high cloudoneu al limes lh<oogh today H19h1 72 10 78. Conunueci lal< lontght end Friday with overnight tows 48 10 se. Highs on Friday 72 to 78 Elaaw ha re from Poin t Conception to the Meaocan borde r a nd out 80 m11es NOt1h-t winds 12 10 22 knoll todey through Friday niorntng lnereulng to 18 lo 30 knots Friday aflernoon over ouler water• Seu 5 10 7 IHI Loglll veri.ble winds over lnnef wa1er1. becoming __,, to IOl.olh ... 11 8 to ~ .._ knoll during attemoon• toc:l•r d Friday Wind waves 2 to 4 IMI. Weetany ewellt 1 lo 3 ffft Hl'h c;loudt but mostly fetr tllf"ough todey and Friday U.S. su11111iary Rain apread from the w .. 1 10 the Mldwu1 early today. with tnow In lhe Roeky Movn111ne and clear lk ... over the Easl Rain showers were seattered from eastern Colorado and nOf'th-t Texaa Into lhe middle MIMIMlppl Valley, and alto over Indiana end the western Great Lllkea. A ,_ lhowe<a also spread over south eentral T eus and North Oekota. Snow lhowerl ilngerllO In Ille COIOfado mountains. t>ut c;lear 911191 _.moving In lrom lhe Far Wast, while ra in fell in nortllw9ltern Wuhlngton Stall Skies were cloucfy over the Greet Plaln•. the mlddle and upper Mlu lu lppl Valley. the upper Great LakH. Northern Celllo rnla and the Pac;tllc Nor11'rw911 &alee _. fair from the 1-Mleel9alppl VeMrt 10 the Atlentle Coa11 and over the aou1hwest Unit.cl 8tatea &c.11..0 rain wu loreeatl for laW today from thw -tern Gull COH1 through lhe MIHIHlppl Valley to the 011kotu and tha .-twn uc>pw GrNI Lalcea. wllli 1 tww ll'lundantorma In the mid· Mini a'pr ValMy. Rain e to wet expeo1ed lr0"1 tM Mtlham and 04H'llral PKlllo C:O.t 10 Utah, wlllle 111MY lllllee ..,. predicted DVfll the Atlentlo co..t 111191, California ''Mo re cloud• end gut\. flMMlntaln wtnd1 -• n,,.et~ lfWOUf'IOUt louthefn Calllornle on ~. tM Natlonel w .. ,,,., hMOeNye t410llt In lo• Angele• were ,.,... at 75 ""41h lOwt II &t M ~'*" •11111 velley hlQl'll tllOuld "°"' 7 4 10 u wtth •ow• • from 46 10 !16 on Friday lhe weather serv1ee pred1c1ed The Forecast For 8 p.m EDT Ra•n D SnowQ ShowersE!IJ Flumul!] Highs on the mountains were lorecu1 from 55 to 63 wi1n lows lrom 35 10 45 and northwest winds Owens Valley highs were eapec;1eo 10 range lrom SS 10 63 on Friday wolh norlhern winds from 15 lo 30 mph end lows from 34 10 44 Highs on norlhern' oeser11 Wt:re lorecul from 65 lo 75 W11h lows lrom 311 to 411 on Friday Soulhern desert highs w8'e e•pecteo to range lrom 76 to 84 with lows from 45 to 55 come Friday Boattf9 1n outer weiers b•tween PO!nl Cono:ep11on and San Nieolu Island should expec;1 1nc:r •a11ng northwest wo,,ds through Friday. reaCtltng trom 15 10 25 knols 1n the all8'noon Veflable nigh o:toudoness during the nlghl and morning wilt prevail over lnne< waters with swells from 1103 leet 'Teniperalures Albany Albuquerque Amarillo Anchorage Asheville Atlanta Atlantle Ctty Aull In Baltimore Bllllngs Birmingham Bismarck Bolae 8oaton Brownsville Buffalo NATION Burling Ion ~ Chartelton.SC Clletteeton. w v Cllarlolle. NC CMy9nne ChtQga CIOelnnaU Cleve4and Columbia. s c Columbus ~· !f 64 54 80 50 15 ..()1 67 26 73 46 58 43 82 $6' 65 38 52 38 72 35 54 48 !11 33 55 40 811 66 62 34 59 29 45 33 68 50 71 30 69 37 53 38 65 33 70 36 67 32 71 32 118 31 !.t' lj • t •• c:.) • ~ ~t-"p~ (~'dh. """Jo 60 70 ...... . -., Fronts C ; .... .V;ir,. YY Oellas-FI WOflh 0a)'1on Denver On Moines 0.1ro11 Oututh El Paso Fairt>anka Fat go Flegt11U Great Fall• Hanford Helena Honolulu Hous1on lndlanapoUs Jac;kson. MISS Jacktonvllle Juneeu Kansas c11y Knoxvllle LH Veqes Ullle Roek Loultvllle Lubbock Mempn11 Miami MllwaulcH Mpts..SI Paul Nashville N-Or1eans New YO<k Nori Olk Norlh Plalle Oki.l'lom• City Omaha Orlando Phlladelpfll• Weva .... talr·poot Poor PoOr poor poor poof poor poor ,.., ,.., 79 52 68 35 81 38 82 51 68 31 54 44 81 80 08 01 59 49 50 33 55 39 61 30 48 40 80 72 71 $4 87 33 77 35 73 43 38 34 70 S3 68 32 67 47 74 45 88 33 80 55 75 38 78 65 Ill 33 56 49 73 31 77 42 63 48 83 47 7' 42 17 58 87 53 79 58 $4 41 Tomarrow: ~Ith lldt 7 07 1 m . Low tide· I II pm . &well dil'9(11on w .. 1 f Phoeno" 79 61 Pltlsburgh 64 32 Portland. Me 61 26 Por11and. Ore 57 49 Prov1denc1 59 39 Allelgh 71 41 Rapid Clly 54 45 Reno 51 27 R1c:hmond 69 39 S•ll lake 48 35 San An1on10 8• 57 Sea Ille 55 44 Shreve~r! 76 41 Slou" 111111 63 49 SI LOUii 67 38 St Pete-Temoa 77 52 St Ste Marie 57 36 Spekene 51 37 Syraeuse 58 34 Topek11 74 52 Tucson 73 59 Wuh1ng1on 69 42 Wl~hltl 72 58 CAlll'OftNIA HI Lo Appia Valley 81 34 Bake<sllf!ld 65 50 Ba111ow 14 4S Beaumont 87 37 81g Bear 47 25 811hoe> 59 32 Blythe 79 5e Cataline 72 112 Culver City 75 55 Eureloa 82 42 Fresno 85 43 Lancntet 85 38 Long Bffch 78 48 LotA~t 74 50 Monrovia 78 44 Monterey 86 •8 Ml Wiiton 57 34 Needle• 71 51 Newpotl 8"c;h 69 . ., Tides TODAY Seeond IOW t "'pm I.II Steand high 7•26 pm 4.8 ,ftlOAY Flf1t low 1 43 • m u ~low 1·07 a m u ~:18 pm 10 Second high 107 pm 4. lun Mii lod•r, et I 04 p m • ,, .. Fncsey •• 7. 0.,,, Moon ,._ todey at 4 20 p m , Mii Frld•'f a1 301 •"' "T he employees involved arc• already being paid Why charge residen ts for the md1rt'<'t costs whe n employees are serving their own people'>" Thompson. howt•vt'r, clatmt.>d that the and 1 rC'C't costs arC' included m all f1sc.·al pl;.innang Thom pson said the <'tty c·an't a fford to absorb the indirect costs lx><:ause o f drast.Jc redul·t1ons m r~venue. "And 1f I could c rystaJ ball 11. I'm afraid t he s ta te 1s gomg to take another $1 m1llwn Crom our present budget." CONCORD The annual l'\'cn t. in wh1t:h part1t·1pa n ts wc·ar costumes. will be h C"ld on c;1mpus. and will Ccaturt> downs of food a nd game booths. a cak e walk. prizes. Disney films. pony radc•s and a moon bounc-e Prcx.'C<'ds wall go to lhc> S<.'hool's PT A for 1 ts pro ie<'ts ALL SPORTS CALL FOR A MARJNER. • CONCORD From the erectors of the world's thinnest woter- res1stant wotches comes the Concord Mariner SG Handcrofted in Switzerland w ith the ultra-thin nine/ quartz." movement In sta inless steel ond 14 korot gold: A. Lady's, $840. B. Man's, $890. C. Mon's, oll steel. $590. C:ome discover a truly greot sport SL1'VICK'S Fine .i.weters SI~• 1917 Where rhe besr .s1'rprises begin. Fashion INnd (714) ~ tl80 • Neowport luctl A1tO Gt'Ht« 1.o1 MgeleS •Sin Dl9go • LM YaQa O rc111y u l1J1t:il DAllV l'llQl ,lhur day O<ltJUur l 8 196'1 IB ('7 t :()MPO 'l "l'E 'l'H t;"l'ION UllOf AflON\I NClUU• 111Al1'\0N fMe IOIW YO•• ••'IOWl \I l'ACl•IC l'aW 10 \10 .. t<llCNANOI\ AijO ••Jlo•no l 'I' 'Ht NA\0 AOI CI IN\1110 I D ue t o t och nlc o l d 1rt1 cu 1t 1ub th A raport wua delnyed l.>uyond prd:>b 11rnu tr .i11 ... 1111H'llc>11 o l totJuy· .. '>tock m rket '41•t ._. ... ,., .. , ~ .... ,.,... ... ... .. , -"""' ,,,. ,. t ""'' .. ""' « h\I t I l'Mh t I ~ I 1\1 a n e ... , ''"" .. .. I . • .. Jobi c la ims at 'bri I< p ace' W1\SI llN< .'I ON IAI') S111~ llH7 fJllll ''"" 11t.1n., pl.11 I d I 11 'I I 11 111 I l<.11 111., 1111 Ull l'lllJ1 l c;y111t 11 1 1 •1111p1 11 ... 111<111 1111-. k, 111 111, IA • t k l nd1n~ C )( 1 16 th 1 1h 11ol lt1gh1 ... 1lt v t l111 lh1 111 1 "11111 1111 j.(OVI Htnllnl 11 111 >I 11 d l11d .1 \. I h I I ii If• I "' I' I I I II II I ii ' l".1rq1l•1v 1n1 tll .11111 t lu t l.otnu. I 1I111g' Wt•t t j 000 liq.~lWI I I llll lll~ Ad1111111.,11 tlll•ll .. 11cl 1dj ll'I' d 1111 M 1~1111,J I v.o 1.Jl 1t111:-. th I ll 1h1• '"' VIUU!'t wu•k'i. f•'Vl~<l It Vt•I Wage f all b e hind WASlllNL'ION <A P ) Dt<s plll• 1 drJ111J t1t -.lo\\d111A 11 111 11ill.1llrm !hr •• vt ragt-hourly < anungs w o 1 kt r.. 111 µnv .1tr b 1htnl-:.:. .iro fa1hng l11 kt t'I• p,11 l l)t 1.1u-.c w.1~1 s .irt gri1w m g at tht smullt•:-.t ratt• 111 15 y 1 11 ... g11vt.•r n 1111•11t f1gu1 l s show I\ Hu1t.1lt r>f Labor S t<1t1slll:. n pwt sh11ws that ,J\ 1 1.1gl hourly 1 .irnm~' tn tlH pr IViill' wurkfo1 n 1 <)';( 11111\ I !J JM'n1•11t uv• r the p "' yu:1r During !ht• '><lm1 pt 1111d S t.•1Jll•1nut•1 IYH I lo S 1fJl l nth•1 HJ8:.! tht• C'1 111'11mu .Pnl'l lndl·X 11Jst 5 1,.·ru,11t t a l e d e ficit told SJ\l l<Al\11-:NTO tAPJ In tli1 g lwm 1t•st uff1u.il fo1 t t .1sl ol s l.;1lt f111 1nUs lu d.1ll tlu :-.L,111 C)f d !>l<l lP 11111mll'>'•lr1ti pt t drc 11 d tod.1\ lhal <.:.1!1!0 1111,1 w oulc.J h rv • 1 $11ll:.! n 111l 11m tlt•f11 11 n1 >.I Ju1w .m undu th1 1 un t Ill ln rdgt: l l ht tniilll n ,hllll .... tl11 ll 1lHlllJ I 111.f'!.SIOn and IL'> t I l l'l l r!ll IJUSllll SM s ,,,,d .M1t lt.11 I C iJg.m l htl r d< pu ty lo st 111 1'11 •asu n •1 J1 ..._,, Um ult IA ho I'> l ha1rman o f th(• Crn11mh.'>t11n IJI) S t.1l1 r tn.ill( • H o using s tal"I UJJ WASJIINGTON !A PJ l l11us1ng s WrL' b) th< n.1t1U11 s butldt•rs JUn1pu ..l 1-1 ~ 110•n:t·rtl in Sc pltmlx•r rt .11 hmg th1 M."<1J11d h1g h1 st 11 v 1 I '>tnu · th(· rL"<.'t-ss1o n btg<rn m o11• 1h,1n ,, v1 vr Jgo lht gu\1 1 ninen t ha~ n µorltd S t.rt I-. r ust I h 11 IJI 111 111 f<1r 'mgh f Jrnth. hou. ... 1•s rt.ithtng ,,,. J nnu .11 '''" ul hh 11100 lht h1gh1 st s111n• J ul\ l ~ll l STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT t-4E t. )R~ •.A• I •• • N~O IJ' t_. 4ncJ M-1 thienV't" v-tt" f "~" t •H>\I .-ir t "' N_.w "°"._ ~1'-"• I •tn..tfl\),. \"""' \ h •0 1n<; n t v-1ctltt "' "'"'~ ,,,,.,, '1 (JH y \ft t I tii&_. 100 1(1 11 l!00-111Q I 19S 000 11 I , . Am .. , l e.I t()lJYOO fJO lbM •N ~ 11, . .. .,.., \Ruit>t .. , 1 I• l: •~on l(>t. >O ( 4\1 "'-tAW• 1)1 .00 ¥0 • Pn llp\Pf't bl, tOO .U • l •n<lt M l lOO .. S<.n1um bro Ml 6i(JU 40 , , 1 • C.•1•corp )O'i 000 '''• "-C, 1 E (Olp S.l lOO ,.. ~Ylht'rn to ))6 SOO 1 • "'• M•tl•I Inc )$6 lOO 10~ UnOtlC•I S41:i )(XJ 1• , AMERICAN LEADERS NEW 'f0A"' !AP• Sel•' ""•O r• <• :~ .. ~.~·fl~P\J"t,°' ~' ·~ .~~,;~· .: .. :::.: o:~·;a.~~· on..,, ··~~~·oo '"7~ 1; (h•me> Mo )ltt SOO • • • J •• ~:'~f.8A1! ~~= ·~~ CJvn••~< t to 1\l 000 10 . .. .. R•no~r() 1 111 100 1•. R"'vt1n1 A rt OQJ 11 , . '. .. , .. ""•tnt(Ot'T\ ~I Ii CilQ(J II ~:~~~~~k ~!:: I: UPS ANO DOWNS N E W ~OA .... t AP; Tht 1ouow 1no "'' "'o""' 1nr Nit-. 'fo,. ~tO(• ('a(f\.lnQllt \IOt • ~ .tr'() ""•rr,.nt\ '"•' ~v• QOtl• up '"" mo,1 ttno Ot .. ,, •~ "'°'' n..\f'O Qtt prrt•nt of c~ r~rOlfl"\\ ut •Ohm'f! ,.,. "'"" No \¥UH ll"'\ H..a nQ DJ lvw " .,,. If\( I voro """'' ..ttlO P"''U'"t-.,r '""'"Oft'•'"'°' dttfltt ..-nc.f' bfJIWf"ton ,,,,.. P' f'V °"" ( fO'tlnQ iw-c@ aoo W-on. t-d1t~ PS C.4t '"'~~;:ttwl l •'~i .'ht 1 Ov~rhO Ot U 1 • l'<I UI> 10C j S#hO L•lt 11'_. ,. I • Up II) UP 111 Up I• l t tnQrf"Ot~ ""°' l\s \ f mSt81tr \•• • .. 'IP IS C • 8•lrn<_O 11•• 1 • Up ") UP If 7 UP 1) I UP 111 VO 111 I Or•ytu\(P 3'f • • • t .. ,.,.11 ll • I • • '••f• 1no J~ '• 10 f(•uf B,Oiild ti • t " , ••••• plfj .. \ VO 11 t IJ T•lh l lt'C I~ B•'<"'"Sl f4 (.hry\ifH U !>l•nt•vW•' It Nortf'• IM :~ ~~~~~/ ~:r " V•ll~t Ing 10 Aollir,,[~~ )1 !>unto1"' 11 l eaiit\lnll 1J C:. f 8u•Ful 14 US Hon .. 11 C.mor AMI ' GOLD COINS 10 ,, ..... I I 10 I ' " 1) IU . . 1• 11 DOWNS L•'' ~ . 17• >• 10 • I t> • ,. XI ' I' ..... tJ 18 '1•• 11 , .. 19 10 11 11 • JI 11' S'-1 s. 7 • UO II• •· UP U) 1 Up 11' • , • 'Jll ti 0 •• Up tO q I • Uu 10 o I UP 10 I "" 10) 1 • UP t • t • VO II it' • Uo q ti " uu ~ • 1 • UP 4' • I t UP ~I (nq • 01~< r 1 > II 0 11 I • I • Oii I 0 I 0 11 •i '°" OH • • '• 0 11 I @ I 0 11 >I I 0 11 11 • Oft ) • I 0 11 SS ... 0 11 ) s I Oii I l •• Ott SJ Otr S 1 , Ott 'o OH 10 0 11 •• .. 0 11 •• • OU •6 I•. Olf • S '• Ott • 1 .. Ott 4 J • Off • l 1 • 0 11 • J • Olf • 2 NEW '1'0A K t A PI Pr1~1• IAU t "••d•'f ot gntd coin• cnmnu•O with t.10flrtt y ' "'tG~ krugerrancl I trrty nr $U t r• nfl $2 00 M..,i. l .. f I 110~ ol 14' I ,S OJI S2 00 Mea 50 ~HO I 7 1•9\' Of U 15 50 oll $2 50 Au• 100 c:ro•n QllO? lrov c>r $4 18 00 Off U 00 Soutct O.•• Pw• •• • OOW JONES AVERAGES WHAT STOCKS DID .. Ew •0 111( Al' CA:• 11 °"'"" .,..,..., o. ••"4-0 Utt\ n.-nQf'O Tot•I \.~\ Nfl'W h lQr't\ Nf'• 10'WIJ\ woo ,, , ... , I" "r) rt• N ( W V01<1( Al •.l<t }I AOv4~4td D•nl1N o Un<ll•nooa Tot•I IUVf'\ I Nt• f'l•Qf'I\ New IOW\ METALS "'"" ..... 114 "" "' •• ) Prev ":l ·~ >-I "'1 .. p,,..,. on ,,, 11• &>. 1t NEW \'Ol'H( j A P/ mwt•I pnces 10day Spol nonfertou' Copp., 71•· r~ c:enr~ a Pound U S oetttn•f•ons Leed l'3 16 Cltnli a POvrtO Zinc •O 41 c;entt a povno Clef••.,.o Tin S6 2•80 Mel1l1 w~;, C:Ofnf:'O .. I• ID Aluminum 76 ~nil a POUrtO N V ...,cury SJ65 00 ~ "'"" "•Unum S3•2 ~0-$349 00 troy ounc:e N 'r I SILVER 1-<And) 6 Herman S9 a6 pet troy ounoe GOLD QUOTATIONS •r Th• AHOCllle<I Preu Se1<-c1eo world gold prices tO<Jav London morn1nq l1•1ng S• 18 25 up so $() Londofl altt>rnoon hx1ng S4 Hl 25 uo so~ Ptrl11 o ltctnOOf'I "'"'9 S• 18 85 o•~ $6 31 Frenkfurl ft).tnQ S420 00 oll $3 98 Zurich 1a1e ellernoon hamg $418 00 oft S 1 00 b•d $A 19 00 •t11• o Htf'ldy & Harman 1on11 <11•1)' q uo1e 1 S428 25 up SO ~ Engalhud 1on1y oa I~ Quo1e1 $418 25 UP S0 50 Eflgelh.,d 1only 01111y quole l 1abr1C118<1 $439 16 UP $ 52 SYMBOLS o N .. v. ¥e•tl• o~ u Nf!I--.. year•)' fttQ" u,,, •• , o,iien1111 stt nn1•d ra1et ot 01vioencJ1 Mt ~nnuol 0 sDurH m•nlf D.UO Ofl lhe •••I Quar ttt1 t) O' s@m en nu•• Oec••r•t•on So.c••I or eatt• d1-1a~ncu or paymfW'tt not a .. gn11tc1 u ••outar ere •0~1 r .o '" '"' lollo"" ng lootnoles I A so ••11• O• .,,, •• 0 A.nn+.>•i ,.,. P'iv• tlOC~ o via.-no c: L•au1da1tng O•••deno O.Clareo o• pa o 1n p1eciacl~ 12 montlla , Dtc:ltr•O or P••o •II•• 11oc~ 01•10eno 01 1plll up I PAl4 11111 y .. I d,.la.nd Olftf1lt Q ot lernto or no K1IO" 1•-.,, et IHI 01v10 ... o ,,...1111g k 0.C:la!lld OI Pt •O 11111 ~ Ill eccumutatwe 1•.tu-t ••th 01v 091\dt in att•at• n New tu ue r Dectareo OI PllO in 11'~'"0 11 mOt1tll1 ptu1 ''°'" OMdand l P•ld '" 11ock 1n preceding 12 moNM ••1lmt1ea CH h vtlue On a•-d ••Otnd 01 ea dla1rlt>ullon 0'!' e. a •tO•M • OI ., llghll y !a dlvfdand •no u le1 "' M l r Sele• '" lull c10 Ct l\ea wo .,.,..,. O 111il>ultd wt WMn •ttueO ww W ith w1rr1f"U ••·W ltl'\0111 wartt nlt •Git Ek•dl11flbUOOn P £ ratio '"• prtce 01 a 1100 11 • "1uf11Plll 01 pet·t~are M r!\lf\91 Oert•ed lly d••ld•ng 1n. lal"I 1'1·MOll1h HllWIO• llQurt 11110 IH I H it OllCt V•I '' pu d V_,1'4td VuH,tl\( VulcnM • WtlfM J -.>1\ I• l l J 4 • Wtf'Hl't\ 11U1• 11 WflltArtl l N '• 1UO II t Wt\t \ j& t) tQt t 10 Wiim ( " t0 \ 1l.t\ 1• , Wl>•nP DI•'° 1t11 tr W1hhrO 0 1 o ~ 11 W\ll'll' I to 8 JJI JI'• w •nO• ) tO 11 1H ., ~I' • WnAlr~ ,,. • • .. WtM'lf IOf 1) 1')t tt ll '• =w~N·''<fr 14 }"~ :L ~\~~~J"~ • 1~~ 1~ .? : 1 :: wu"n•-1 ~ 11 111J 4t • 1 t !!t :: , ~ :100t10 ~ ,. -· -WtKf'\. 1 1• • t1 l~'• • ~•• • ! =~~~ ::: ~ : :;: ' • ~ • WIK I'\ 1 II t IN ~ :1:: ·, •• :~Mr.'"~ ._: .~ .. I -~r 1 ~ Ll1 1:~aw, JI) WV Tl P' I !I ' It • ~Pl .. !'I· tlt ,~ •• • wuttL ~ r ~ltt J~ • • •r.11t I llU l )101 , .... ~ ' ::~·,\ I 1~ .... u • • flllal• pl J10 • ,,. .. ' • \J••• 1•• Wt'' •i >• II o • , W•ldAt 4t °' t '• ~: : • =~~Ir ~ = o I~ :~ ' =~~:.I ..._ ~i I ' • : i~ • wrwt• ... 11 H ., =Lt> •0111·• ' • ~! . . . ;r,::t I \ Ji 111t;Oa ;i · · Wf1i~ -. " ~ t' t'(' " .... ,. WM1Pll • "" • • ••• -r •• ). ... •I wM••I 1)1 • u.O tt "'"" • ~ ., "'•.' I • Wltl'll r ' 11~ ,. I 11 Ce I ... ,. f l• it ...... =::ti-: ~a n~ r; : : ::.,. n • ~i ... : . ~ J:-: • 'flr1t11t ltft ' ) ~.... 0 •• *' •) iu .. n .. · t Wl'tll114' '' '"' ll r •I ~:~!~" I~ It >:: w: ~! '• Wl\111•• I "' ' ,., 1''• '• J 111l'tln Ip • ltl U .. ' " llllCI ClllT IRVlll IDITIDI lHURSDAY OC TOOER 28. 11Hl2 ORANGE COUNTY . CALIFORNIA 25 CENTS Badham, Irvine solon clash on nuclear freeze By JEFF ADLER O(the Oell1 l'llot Sien Both Ht·p Hubt·rl &rdhJm, H Nt>wµo11 B1·ut·h , and lr v1111• M oyor Lurry Agr..,n al(n •t·t.I Wl'<l11es<lay n11<tht that sum Plhrng rR'<'<is tu bt• du1w tu dt'lTl'US<' lh1· threat uf a nudl•ar huhx:aust. but the twu d1sagrt't.'tl on tlw nwlhod Debating tht• ml·rtts of tht· µropos<'d nud1•ar W{'apo11.s frP<'Zl' thut will a µpt•u r on Calrforniu ballots Nov 2 as Propos1 t1un I:.!. A1<1an 'tr11n~lv i.u pp11111•cJ 1111• nlt'ui.urt· whll1• n .• cJltulll Jl'!(llC'd JKUlll'>l 11.!. pas.-.;_t~l' Th1•1r cJ1•bJlt'. 1111 l ht· 01·a11gt• Cou.,l Com111u 11 1t y Cullt•l{l' nimpus. was sp1111son•u by thl· Alhant·I' for Survival. a 11 unll- nudt•ar group ut'llVt· in Orang1• County Agr an e n dorM•d both t ht• l'Onl't'Pt uf frt'l'Zlrlg lhl' C'Urrl'nt Wl'apons levt•ls of t ill' Sovit•t Unum and th(• Unrtc.'ll Swll's :rnd Judge's ruling aids FV family bankruptcy • in Bv DAVID KUTZMANN O(\t.. O•llY Piiot lt•lf A fedt•ral ;udge's ruling involving a ban krupt Fountain V alley family may all o w Califor nia <·ouplt.'s 1n f uturl' insolvency prcx:eedings to proll'l'l more of their a.sst'ts. The prot(.'(·tion. how(•ver, nlily only be temporary U.S . Bankruptcy J udge Aaron Phelps ruled rn Sant.a A na that c.1 California law barrin g th(• use of both fed c-rnl and s ta ll' assel exemp t ions by a coup It• rs unconsti tu liona I The result 1s that married couples may now prolC'<.'I up to $7.500 worth of assl'ls over what t h ey had b ee n p r evio usly allow ed. But P helps war n e d Wednesday thal otht·r JUdgei. may ignore hts ru ling u n k>s.<> the law also is overturned in stale l'Ourt or voluntarily changed by th£· stall' legislatUrl'. Irvine attornc.•y Jean Hoban. who rcpr esen t<•d the fam ily whtth w o n lht• rulrng. said Phclpi-; dec1s1on "':.L<; lht' frrsl of rts kind and t'ould bl't'Ollll' .., prt.•tt>dC'nl fo r !>1mrlar casl•:,,. howt•vt•r "It was a v1·ry important dl><.·1s1cm," sht• said "It was a vc•ry bold move for him (Phelps) to make it's hard for a foderal ;udgt' to tell a statt• ll has paSS<.'Cl an um·onsl1tuuonal law." Both Hobart and P helps said the ruling wos madt• largely on a technicality. howevur. and that c>ven 1f rt 1s used as a pr~ent, a n ew law with mul·h the same effect as the old one could b<' enacted. A 1979 federal oonkrupt.cy law established hm1LS on assets that can be protecll'd rn a bankru ptcy proceeding. but gave states the (See J UDGE'S, Page AZ> Show to conie off at the Laf f Stop The show will go on -the LaH Stop's Monday night male dance show, that is. O range County government officials h ave d<.'Cided that th e controversy over the Santa Ana Heights club's weekly revue really shouldn't have happened at all. A local r eside n t had complained that the show was a violation of the county ord inance banning "adult entertainment" within 500 feet of res1denual a reas. Offic1a Is. believing the club's billboard advertising a "male strip show." decided they agreed without vrl'wing the show themselves. T hat led to denial of a special permll for the club to operate. romplainlS Crom owner Michael Cathe that has maJOr altracuon was being jeopard 1zed and several months o ( w ra ng ling Then off1c1als dt.>c1d ed lo st•c> the show themselvc.>s "I'm satisfied that the so-<:alled enter tainment out there does not (See STRIP. Page A2 ) Pt upo111tio11 I~ a' ,1 "111od1•sl , r 1·a :.11 11.1hlc· prOJlo'al ,, 'l l:md"llll wrth 1 1·~a1d tu 11ud1•.1r Wl'Jf>tllll 'j " Hadha111 , ,, memh1·1 of tin • 11 (I II st• A ,. Ill t• d st' I' v I\' t' .. Co111m1 t t t•t;, t·on tt•11 d1·cl th•• 1 11ud1•c.1r urms n·dul'tton' 1 .111 11111 v b 1· r 1· u t h l' d l hr o 11 g h t Ir t• c·o11 111111 1•d 11l1t'11gth ot US 11ud1•;11 (011·1•:>" WhH•h Wiii "1·omp1•l" llw Sovll't l1111011 to nq~utwtt• arms rl'duct11111s Late Octobe r ritual l'111p11..itto11 I:!. if p:1,st·d would n·quin· th:1t tlw g11v1•111•11 wrrh-lh1· 1111·"dt•111 Jud otl111 lt•p lJ S 11l ltt·t,1b UI ~Ill~ tl11· l)1111t·d StJlt•i. und Sc1v11•1 U1111111 lo .1u11•1· lo httl l th•· tt· .. trnu. produl'\11111 1111cl d 1•pl11y111t'tll (I f lllH'lt·ill Wl'OIJ.Klll" llUJ 11wnnt·1 that !'an lw v1•1 tl11•d hy holh i.1cJl~ S11111l:11 lllH Jt ·<ir r'rl•l'Zt• llllllUlt \11•:. tll r ._. r t ' r l' n d u m s u p p • • u r u 11 N11vl•tnbt•r ba llot...; 1n c•rghl olht·r Stall•:. Agr.on :..11d th.11 ltt'<':tll'>I hollt I fllllllnc· .. ,,,.. I 11ughlv l'<jUI V.il1·11t 111 th1 •11 1111111·,11 1111gl11 "111 1w I'> llH• 111111 lo d1.111g1• 1·11111,1 · .111cl tlwl"· wh.1t l'111po'>lt11111 I'..! "' .ill ahollt " 111 a111•111p1111g 111 1·x11h1111 tlr1• .1w1•:.w111· d1•i.11111·t1 v1· pow1·r of " 111 flH•g,111111 llUt·l! .. 11 cft•VIC t• Agn in potrlt•·d out tlt,1t 11 w11ul1i 1·qu;il I .!11111 11111111>, of tlw '>IZ1· Jr11p p1•tl 1111 ll1ro.,h1111:1 :17 Y'"'" ugu 0•111 Piiot Photo by Pelrlclt O'Donnell Whil(• otht"r folks tend to suc h sca~onal chores as <·arving jac k-o,-la nterns a nd finding costumes for lla lloween parties thil' wt•eke nd, Hunting ton Beac·h city maintenance cn•ws start to paint lifegua rd towers for tht• summe r of '8:1. ll 'w Ii .1 111111111 w1•11• tlrup1wd 1111 Ir v1111 he ... ud ll v..11uld l1·;1v1· .1 11.111•1 litlll h l'I d1·1·11 .111d I '. 111tlt•' w1d1 "111 th1· 1111.tl .111.1IY'>I'>. II '' 11111·" .111d 1111' pt•tiJ>lc• 11( lht· 11.1111111 who wdl lwJ1 1lw 111uni111 11111'11•;11 w.11 " Ag1 ,111 '"'" .1 -.i.u 11·d thu'>t' ,1t1 •·111la11g I h.11 Or .111~t• ('•JU Illy. \\ rlh rt" 111.111v l11gh tt'< hn11l11gy • .111d <H.•ru'>piH't• 1ornpt11111 ·., ,.. a pruh;ol>lt · Sov11·t l.lf~H (See NUCLEAH, Page A21 Trash costs flayed By ROBERT BARKE R 01 the D•ll1 Piiot Stett Tr<ish l'olfl'l·tron to::.ts an· being <·xagg<'ratt•d 111 ortkr lo pt.•rsuade n ly uff1u.1b lo start eh::iq~ing lluntrnglon Beal·h rt:!>ldl'nti. Jrn'<·tlv fo r lht· !>t·rVll'l'. fornwr ('llV eounerlm.in Clam·v Yotk •r da;mt·d to<.::•y · Yo d l' r a!>. st' rte d l h c1 t ll t V' 1• ... trm<Jtt•:, uf $:.i 5 mrll111n 1rr Jnnuol lO''' ·ire too hq~h hy about $1 rn1l11cm Ill-cunlt·11d1·d that lhl "high" l's 11 ma u · i-art• d <' s 1 g n t· d lo 1·onv111n' n tv l't1 Unc rl nwmbcrs 1h;i1 rc·s1d1·nl!> must o.,h,1 rl· th(• ('IKlS Crtv Administrator Charlt·s Thompson vl'heml•nt1y d(•nicd tht· figures <.rrt' paddl'd ll{· ~1d Wt•dnC'sdav that cosu. will d1mb tn $3.5 m1ihun rn H.183 wht·n 1.1tv overhc·ad m 'uppurt 1·11sli. Jr~ l"Ombincd \\<1th drrc·tt c·osts o f trash colll'<."llon ft-l'!> and gate fet.>S e hargl'd at Orange County govt'rnment-owned dumps. R esidt,ntral trash b ills presently art> paid from the C"1ty'10 general fund at a l'OSt of $5 20 per unit (The• totJI monthlv c:ost climbs to $6 :i5 P\'r unit wh.l'n the city's support t'OSts art· mdudro. ac(.'ording to Thompson ) Thompson 1s n •eommt•nding lhat the citv's 42.675 household s :.tart paying monthly bills o f $4 35 bC'caus1 of s k y rock1·lrng t'OSlS and rc'Clut·llons in n 'VC'nue Thompson 1s suggcsting that the l'rty p ick up lhe odd111onal $2 of tht· esumatt'<.l monthly pt.•r-unit l'O:.t from tht• general fund. PaymC'nl!> bv tht• res1denL<; a nd th~· c1tv V.·ould m ee t the t·nmbtnt•rl drret·l and indirect ('OSlS of $ti ;J5 The matter I!>. S<:hedull'C.1 to be dC'l·rdf'd by thl' c ity t·ou nt'il Monday at i pm al city council 1·hambcrs. WOO Main St (See TRASH. Page A21 Meetings abound for Irvine citizens Cainpaign spending enters final push T ylenol tunesmith A.J. Carnesi, 34, of Alexandria, Va., fingers a chord o n guitar he used to write and record "Madma n in Chicago," a song about the cyanide poi8onings, tapes of which he sent to ffeveral radio stations . He tald it wain 't done U1htly. Break out the roffce mugs, it's meeting time again in lrvine. Whe ther your con cerns are about additlons to t h e Irvine Recr e atio n P a rk , p r o p osed landfill and jail sites or railroad overcrossings on major s treets, there is a meeting for you either tonight or Friday. The fi rst begins a t 7 p.m . al Irvine Lanes. 3415 Mich elson Drive. when neighbo r s from nearby homeowner associa tions are in vited to a presentation on plans for development of four acres of land behind the existing bowling alley and roller skating rink. ADM o f An a h eim h as s ubmitted plans to build t wo 18-hole miniature golf courses. a low·profile water slide (or r ide). a control building complete with snack bar. recreation rooms, and video arcade a nd a n "educational.. experience cen ter." The m eeting opens with an e xhibition of plans and d rawings, followed by dcscri ptions o f the pro j ect s b y ADM a nd c ity officials Proponents say the new design 1s a far cry from forme r plans that me t communit y resistance Cour years ago. Elsewhere. the Irvine Civic League wilJ meet at 7:15 tonight st the Northwood Community Park Building for a ditcussion with County Superviaor Thoma11 Riiey, wh09e 6th District lncludc.'S lrvlne. Riley ia 1ehcdulcd to talk about airport and landflll l•uet. J oining In th~ dltc:Ulllon will be Holly JllC<>bt. chairwoman of Irv i ne-Citlzttns Again s t Maximum Prrst•n~. a group protesting poss1b1htll's that thl' rounty may local<' a new .ia1I near the city's !'41u thern border The park 1s located at Bryan and Yale avenues. Beginnmg at 9:30 a.m . Pn day. city officials w ill m eet in the city council chambers at C ity H a ll to go over plans to build railroad overcrossings al Culver Drive and J e ffrey Road to span the Santa F e railway tracks Re presen tatives from several homeownt'r groups based near the tracks have been invited to the public session. Public Works Director Bre nt Muchow said the general scope of the proje<'l wiU be discus..'>C'd at the prelim inary meeting, a nd then future sessions will be scheduled. The over crossrngs w e r e authorizcrl b y vote rs in June That measure also called for the lowering of the t roC'k s Into a lO·foot·deep channel However , some reside nts - especially those living near the tracks -have obje<'tcd recently to the plans because they MY the city's proposal for phasing the work may preclude lo wering the tnck11. The two overcr o1111i ngB curre ntly Ort' c nvlslonl'<I by staff membe111 to stnnd 29 (~t above curb level at the two ma jor roads The cit y !JI hoping to rcrelvt' o $5 million grant fro m tht• 11\lltl' P ublic UtilillC'll Commission to fund m o11t of th<> <'onatruct lon . The city'• 8hnre would \J(.• obout $I mlUion . which includ£'11 dl'lltgn work. offlclol11 say ' Eileen Bre nnan TV actress hit by auto, said critical L OS AN GELES (AP ) A ctr ess Eileen Bre nna n. w h o plays the cranky. curly ha ired captain in tc lcv1sion's "P rlvat£> &njamin ," was hosplllllitl'd and In critical condition today ofter she was struck by a cnr, police said. T he 48-year·old movie ond te levision a ctress was walkinf( a c r oss a V<'nlcc stre~t with actress Goldi<' Hawn about l l p .m . W e dnesday, s a id L os Angeles traffic Sgt. Harry Ryon Bolh o f Brennan's legs wcr <' bro k<'n and ahe suUered skull ond fncial frl\ctures and po8Sl blf' lnl<'rnal lnjurll'a, thc pullet> spok esman said. Ha wn wa.s not Injured Brennan had just ldt n Venkt:' (Stt ACTRESS, P11e A%) Thl' bttlt· for campaign dollars con t1nut•d unabated alon g thl' OranRl' Coast in St>ptcmber and Ortobt•r as s tale leg1slat1 ve candidates con cc•ntra ted on raising l'nough money to ( u nd tht• final w E'e k s o f their l·amp:.11gns. W ith e lect ion day now less than a week away. campaign s pending a lso continued a t a bris k pace. ac:cordmg to the latest batl·h of camp aign financial s tatements filed w ith Orang<' County election officials. The reports. which rover th<' Sept 18 to Oct 16 period. are the last to b e fli ed bef o r e t h e electron, although stale law requires that each contribution of $I ,000 or m o r<' b e r e p o rted individually after Oct 17 Only one candidtlle running in "' local leg1slat1vc race failed to file a finannal statement w ith the Orange County Registrar of Voters OCf1c't' by the deadline as requir<'d by l aw. t h e d<'partmt•nt's ftlcs revt•akd But whl•thc•r Dem<x:rat Linda Wc>st fall. running m the 70th Assembly District . did not file becauS<' sht' did not ex(-eed the $500 reporung threshold during the per iod or for some other reason could not be d etermined Westfall was out of town a nd unavailablc-for comme nt The sta te leg1slativl' race w ith the h ighest price tag a long the Orange Coo.st continues to be the 32nd s t alt' Sen a t e contest between Rt•publican Edwa rd Royl'c a nd Democrat Frank Barbaro. Royce. an acl'OUn tant from (See CAMPAIGN. Page AO ----INDEX---- Sh~rry Albrroni of <:o tn M csn~ one of thf' original Mom;ek•·tN•rR reuniting at Dian yla nd o n . unday ~ hares nlt'morif's of the duh on Po~e 81 . Bu!lln<'M Cavalcade Classified Com lc.iJ Cro.uword IX>a th No ti rt'S Editorial En tl'rtainmt•n t J [ 0 rOIK'OJ)(' lntermi, ton C6-7 8 2 Dl.03·6 02 02 03 A6 84 82 B3 Ann LundPr'S 82 Movies 63 Mutua l Funds C6 N9Uonal Nt•w A3 Public Notices 8 !\,C4 .C6,C8,0 3 Spol"UC Cl·4 Stock Mark t.s C7 Television B6 Weather A2 "a 011m gt; C<ld81 DAil Y Pll 0 T ll ll11rn1111v U<.W bur '1 8, 1Utsl ~' ~~-----------~------~--~ \\.t Continued stories Onofre NUCLEAR FREEZE. • • B adhu m )!!l td 11 woultl tw "w un dt>rful" 1f tltt•l'l' Wl'l'l' n11 n uclear wcu po n s Ill ull , bul mainlairi t•d thul it 1:-. 1111ly lht· "credibility of our stro11~ d 1°fl·rnw that has kep t lht• ww Id out uf .i nuclear holocaust " Badham said tu ut:hwv1• ut·tlwl reduc t ion s in t hl' 11u111lll'I' nl n uclear wt•a pons t lw U ll lll·d States m ust "ix> strong <•nough 111 e nsure lha t any nation that dot•s Q\tack w ould b e cumm1t11 11g .,iicide ." He s~ud th ut's w hy lw has supporlL~ su,·h pr\Jgra m:. .is tht· MX 1mi-s11t., Ii l hrn11l1t•1 .111d llw Tt 11le•111 :.ul1111:1111w Addrl·~~.,,~ l'1•op11:.1 t1u11 I ~. th1 • thn'l-' lt•1 m l'11ngr•·si;n1.1n :111d fornit·r !11111(' lt·~1 :-.la l or also que·SllOlh'd lh1· Jll'OJll'll'ty 111 a st:H1• at1t•11)pll11g to dwtatt· th1· d1rt.•l·t1 0 11 of f11n•1g11 µoll~·y thn1ugh tlw 1111twt1v1· pro(•t •s.o,; A~ru11 1111i;w1•1't'll b:wk thal that 1s whnl P roposltwn l :! Is a l l nl>out lll' tl'l'nwd tlw prupOhul :.a "t:ry" on th1· pun of t tw pl'oµlt· to have· a say in the fon·1g11 a nd nudt•ar puht·y of lhl· 11allu11 ACTRESS INJURED. • • area restaurant with Hawn whl'n she started to cross thl• strt•et unJ w as s truck by a t·ar travelmg north, R yon said The driver o f the car, a 29-year -old Ve nwt' man, stayE'li w lth Brenna n a fter the at't·tdt'n t Ort a main Sll't't:'l an the bt·al'h community west of downtown Los Ange les, he said The man was not arrested, but a speeding complaint may be Wed in the next two days, R:vo n said Skid marks u 11 lhl• nmd tnd1eatl'd tht• l'tal' w,11> truvt•llng about 50 mph 111 a :111 mph 1u1w. hl· said Urt•nnan, who also portrayt·d lht.• hard-n osNI Capt. O orc'l'll Lewis tn the nwvll' v1•rstcm o f · · P r 1 v a t t• Bl' n J a m 1 n . · ' h 11 s aµpeart•d an sut·h fc·atun• films as "Tht• Sung." "Thl' Last Pkture Sht1w,'' "01vorn• Amt•rH:an Style•" and "Murclt-r by Ot.·alh." STRIP SHOW OK. • • Call under the dl'finition of adult entel"ta inm e nt." said M u r ray .S~orm, d irector of the county Envir on m e n tal Man agerne nl Keen ey, after he viewed the &b'6w. : bran g e Count y Supervisor ·~bomas Ril ey had a I r C'a d y ~hed a similar concluswn . •. As a result, Storm ordered his .~ff this w eek to cease efforts to ..plose the club. Because of the -~f!terminat ion t hat the L a ff S top's M on day s h o w a nd its • t•o mt·dy s hows thl· n •st of tht• w l ' c k a r e n u t a d u I t £>nll•rta1nmcnt , the club can continue• to operate without any s1)l'(:1al per mits a t all, he said. And the Monday shows, which h ave been a h at with their most ly female audit·nce. wall ('Ontin ul' .: attracttng viewers eve n t ho ugh they're not very rasque. "It's more adoleseent than adult." Storm said "It's far from whal I would consider a male strip show " JUDGE'S RULING. • • o ption to et')aCt laws allowing r es id e n t s only t he USl' of exemptio ns written into s tate ban kruptcy laws. Th1rt y-f1ve states have exercised that o pllon to date. T h e Cali forn ia la w Nrcd . Phe lps ruled, by s tat ing that m a rri ed cou pl es cannot i;eparately claim both the state and fede ral exem ptions. ln the Fo untain Va lley case. a bankruptcy c ourt tru:;ic::e chall~nged Hobart's con tention tha t the couple could protect both the $35,000 equ ity in their h ome. using the state exemption for hom es, and a $6.600 p e rsonal injury settlemen t from a re<.:ent a uto accident. using fe deral exemptions. Phelps' r ulin g allowed bo th ~e~emptions. State law aUows protection of up to $45,000 equity in a home an d f e d e r a l l aw allow s a maximum protection of $7.500 per person for other assets. P helps said he feels h is ru ling "could be" a pre<:edent for now. but added he "would expect the (st.ate) Legislature to rewrite the statute" in order to limll d e btors to o nly st.ate exemptions. The exemption question in bankruptcy law has h iston eally been .. a n extreme ly pola t ical issu e," a tug o f war between debtors a nd c redito r s . P helps said. Hobart said she also w ould not be surprised If th e banking industry, wh1t·h was the chief backer o f the s tale law, seek s ne w legis latio n 1n response to Phelps' r uling. She a dd e d that m a rri ed couples cons1denng bankruptcy may find that n ow 1s the bt•st time to d eclare 1nsolvenl·y. Ix-fore any action as taken to remOVl' the extra $7 .500 1n assC'l prutr'<:tlon Look f am iliur'? AP Wlrephoto Vit·ki B"ll, u nurst• a t Uttlt• Hock's St. Virwt•nt Infirma r y. looks o vt·r th•• winning entry in t he hospita l's pumr>kin-carving t'onh•sl. Sht> sa itl ii gave ht•r u stran~t· d e8irt• to phom• honw. Costly Caboose still loose By GLENN SCOTT Of the Dally Pilot 81ett Jill H1l't• of lrvme admits some J11.•c1 .. e may think she's C'r<1zy to inves t m o re th a n $1 ,000 a n d uncoun ted hours searching for h e r dog missing sin ce: ear ly August. But s h (• said s he jus t is n 't r eady to givC' up her q uest to kx:ate Caboose, ht'r ma le L hasa- terrl<'r m ix that escaped from her frie nds' y ard in San J uan Capislrano while s he was on vacation "He's not valuable in a s how sC'nse but he's real valuable to me.· said R1n•, 29 "I know some peoplt• think I'm crazy A lot o f thc·m don't l'<lrt• about dogs, but r do" Rice said she has plastere d pict u res uf her dog with promises of a $500 rC'ward on just about every uttl1ty pole nC'ar L os Cor rales Estates inlan d o f the San D ie go Fr eeway near the Ortega Highway A nd like a good politician. she has walked door-to-door talk ing to an estim ated 1,000 people, she said She's hin·d a pn va t e 111vl•st1gator who :.peeial1Zl·s in c·an1nc•s ;.i nd evl'n an animal psy(·h1t· Bu t no Ca boost· Now she f1gun•s th1• d og muy havl' m1gratc·d north, <'1ther by 1tsl•lf or in humun tow "Lt's possible," s h~ ~ays . "tha t someo ne from an outlytng area may have picked him up." Tht· dog as about one foot tall at lhl' s houldt•r s and two feet long, with long ears an d a long , te rrlt'r n()S('. sht· said. lts color is a mix o f be1gt· and pepper -colort'd fur. CabooSC' has a long tail th at "hangs like plumage," sh e said . Rict• remem bers she found the dog five years ago when 1t was 15 mo nths old, sick and needed its tonsils rC!moved. She sa id s h e can "fu lly und1.·rs tand" that someone who found Caboose might question whetht'r its own e rs treated it well, but she p romised the dog d()('s have a good home. S h e can be reac·hed by calling 552-3466. .Jill Ric e", Ca bo ost• TRASH COSTS BRING PROTEST. • • From Page A 1 . Y od e r . who serve d o n the council in 1979-80 1hrough appointme nt to fall a vacan cy. da1ms that thl' proposl•d trash charg1· would amount tu a "triple' dbUs<'" uf taxes: Ht• said rl'sidcnt::. an· now paytng a 5 per(-ent u,ix on llw1r utthty bills, a c hargt' int(•ndt·d upon a pproval in 1970 to pay for tras h c·ollt'etlon as W l'll as t<J make paym(•nl!> un the t·1v 1t· eenter a nd library That's th1· first tax. hE.' said • . Tht• propost>d monthly ft'l' o f $4.:!5 w o uld amount tn a Sl'l'Ond tax. he said. "lf a bus1111·ssman didn't do this. he'd go brok(>.'' probe ending I .ow IJS>W1·r tl'iillllg 111 Unit :! ••t 1h 1· St1n 011 o f r1· Nu 1·t1•a1 t;t lll't allllf.t S 1a111m l'O lll111u1•J t11d.1y .1:. a pro bt· 111111 ull<·giitto ns 111 faulty w1·ld11 1~ 111 lhl· llt'W 11•at·tcn rn ·an·d <'lllnplt·11011 l>:w1d H;11 nm. spo ki.•1>ma11 f11r S11uthl•111 Cul1f•11 111u E<l1M111 C 'o • lll:t.)C ll' ownt·r of lht· nul'll·a r plant JU:.l ~HJlh 111 S .111 l'lt•flll'lllt', :.IJld th!· IH'W ll'at'ltll I!\ l)pl•l'utlng Hl abm11 :W p•·n•t·nt of 1t i. rat1·d output '!'tu· rea<·lor wo.1s 1>hut d1Jwn lasl n111111h lwt·uusl' of 111;illunt·t1ons in Ill> llllllll l'llOl.1111 '>Y!>tt•m , turhllll' ;.ind 1o;1·v1·r;il 1·11t1t1.11i 111d 111olOl'1> Ht•pa11 !> Wt•fl' 111ad1· a rid lh1· 1,- 100 rn1·g;.1wa1t ur11t w<is st.art1·d lJ p S u n d a y T h t• E. d i " o n 'fiok1•s111a11 s;11d 1l wall up1.·ra1t· at orll• fi fth lb 1·:1p.11·1ty through );.ill• Novt:mlx ·r l}l•for•· l1t•111g mcn •;iSt-<l to ~o 1x•fl•t•111 Mr-<•nwhtl!•, th1· f t·dt·ral Nut ll·ur H1·gulu1111 y Co111m1ss1cm t · o n t 1 n u l' ' t 11 1 n v t• s t 1 g a t c· alk·ga11ons of surn.wndard w1 ·lds U!>ed tu l'onnc'(:t some· p1pt·s 111:.1dl• th<' unit An on -sill' mvL·sllgauon of the· u111t has lx·en c·umplC'tl'd and an NHC spokt•smun s:i1tl o ff1n<1b will rcll·asc· their f1nd1ng, somct1mt' n ext wc•£·k ut thl' l·arl1f::'s l The· 1•1gh t -cl a y probe: wa:. promptc.'d by c:on1ml·nts hy E Earl K ('nt. a quolaty l'cmt1r1l t·ng1nt·('r and forml'r Bt•t'ht1·I Power Corp t•mpluyt•l'. Bechtel 11> tht· l'ontra('tur fur Unal :.! and K(·nt had c harged that welding on pipe and elt•t·trH·al sy::.tl•111 ::.upports wa::. !>Ubstanda rd Collison gets position on Laguna panel RPal t's ta te o ff1 cC' managl.'r Martha Collison has been namt'<l to fill the un exp1rt'd term o f Ron W1lhams on the· Laguna Beac h Board of Adjus tmen t. Collison was appointed tu th1· five-mt>mbc•r panf::'I by th1.· e1ty <'oun c tl from amo n g nine· appltcan t.s for the.· post. Continued fair A n d th<' 1 n d 1 r Pt' t , l' 1 t y overhl•ad ch arges on top of auual monthly t'ollec tion ('ost:. would comprise thC' third tax. hl· claimed Thompson s~11d tndtrl'<.'I cost.s 111 admmistenng th( contrat·t with the Rainbow Disposal Company, tnC'lude adm1111strallon w ork , data pro(•essing. poli<'t' C'hec·ks a n d o t h c• r w o r k b y <· 1 t y employees assoc:iatc.•d with trash rollecllon "It costs thl' c ity :12 pcrn•nl 1Jf th e present $5.:.w monthly bill for mdmx·t ser v1res." ht' said "If we didn't have t h ese duties. we l'Ould cut personnel." Thc.· lt•rm Pxp1n ·s Dl><:. I. 1!:184 Ml'anwhalc>, the terms of two othC'r membNs uf the board will expire De<-I of this year and the C'i tv council will 1nt£•r v1P"v a pplicants for those two posts in m1d -Novemlx·r The board. which dt"<.'ldl•s on zoning matt ers and building projc·cts. also sits as lht• nty's design review board from 46 to 56 on F11day the weatner service predicted The Forecast For 8 p m. EDT Ra1n c:J SriowQ ShowersE!llllll F'lumn l!:!J Hlohs in Ille mountains were forecast lrom 55 lo 63 w11" lows ; 1 • ...J I t t" 4 ~ eH J' ""t4,..c...-r-..i'""'·""'~ 1e;..;;;;;;;;;.. ________ \.. from 35 to 45 and nort~.wesl winds Coas t<1 I Felr but $Om• high cloudiness at limes 1nrouoh today Hlgns 72 , to 78. Continued lair ton1ghl and Fr\Clay with ovemlghl lows "8 to ' 56. H1911s on Friday 72 to 78 Elsew here from P oin t Conception lo lhe Mexican border and out 60 mites Northweal W1nds 12 lo 22 knots today through Friday morning 1,ncreaslng to t8 to 30 knots Friday afternoon over outer wai.ra. Seas 5 to 7 teet Light variable Winds over inner waters. : becoming -t to southwest 8 10 -)'"knot• during etternoons today ; end Friday. Wind waves 2 10 4 <'\ feet. Westerly swells 1 10 3 feel I High clouds but mosuy lair ~ thrOUQh today and Friday U.S. stunn1ary l Rllln apree<I lrom the Wn t to 3 the Mldwell early tod1y. with d anow In the Rocky Mountains and clMr tkles over the East. ~ Rain showers -• scattered from eaatern Colorado and nort"-1 Te~es Into the mlddle ; MIMIMlppl Valley. end el$0 over lndlene and lh• western Great Lakn. A lew 1h0wers also spread over 1outh central Tens t nd North Oakote. Snow lhower• ll"941re<I In the ColofldO mountains. but clear tklee -•moving In from the F111 Well . wh ll • rein t ell In north-iem Wuhlngton Stele SktH were cloudy over the Great Pleln1, th• mlddl• end upper Mlu lu lppl Velley, the upper Great Lakes, Northern Callforri l• and th• P1clflc North-I. Sk• -• lalr from the lower MIMIMlppl Valr.y to the Atlan!lc Oo11t and over the aouthwHt Ufttted 8t•••· Sclatt~ rain wae fO<ICUI IOI' lit• today from the _,.,n Gull COH I through th• MIH IUIPP\ Vfitl,.y to tht 01ko1H end lhe ... ..,n upper Gr .. t Laltee, wlt11 1 ,.,. ttlunder'ltc>rml In the ml<I· M........,.,.v-.,. Atln a!to wu •111MCtlHI from IM riottlletn and c:entral Pac4flo eo.t 10 ~. Wfllll 11Unny lklel _. pr9Cliettd OWll' the Atlantle Co.« ..... California Mora oloud1 eno gu tty lllOlllllllln wtnc11 -e 111ptett0 tlW~I 8outhefn Calll0<nle Oft ~. IN NMIOnel w .. ttief ..,.~ Hlt llt In LOI A1191IH were ror... .. 76 -"" IO\lrl I t &t .. ..-.tdnNtl :;,,co11t1I vell•Y lllJ"' 1ho11ld "°"' u to I w1111 IOwl l Owens Valley n1g"s we1e e~pected to range lrom 55 to 63 on .Friday w11h nor111ern winds from IS to 30 mph and lows f1om 34 10 44 H1ohs 1n northern' deserts were forecast lrom 6S 10 75 with lows trom 38 to 48 on Friday Sou1hern desert highs were expected 10 range from 76 to 84 with lows fr om 45 10 55 come Friday Boaters In outer waters oelween Point Concep11on and San Nicolas ISiand should eApect 1ncrees1no northweSI winds thrOUQh Friday. reaching lrom 15 to 25 knota 1n lhe afternoon Variable hogh cloudlneu during the night and rnorn1no wlll prevail over inner walets with swells lrom 1103 leel ·r empe ratures' Albany Albuquerque Amerillo Anchorage Aaheville Allenta A!lanhc City Auatln Beltlmore Bllllngs Blrm1nghem Blsmerck BolN NATION Boston Browntvltle Buffalo Bur!lriolon Cespe< Charleston, S C Cherletlton. w V Cherlotte. N C C~nne Chicago Clncinnell Clevet1rid Columble. S.C Columbu• l8 !f 6.6 54 80 50 15 -01 67 28 73 46 58 43 82 56 65 38 52 38 72 35 54 48 51 33 55 40 89 68 82 34 59 29 46 33 68 50 71 30 69 37 53 38 65 33 70 36 67 32 71 32 68 31 60 70 · ... ····•"• ...... •• :.J. • F'ronl~ r ,,tj ...., Oallu-Ft Worth Oayton Denver 0ea MOtr>t!S Oetro11 0u1u111 El Paso Fairbanks Fargo Flagstall Great Falls Herllord Helena Honolulu Hout Ion lndian1p0l1s Jackson. Miu Jecl<sonvllle Juneau Kensaa Cil)I Kno•vllle Las Vegas L1111e Roel< Loultvllle LuDbock Memphis Mi em I Milwaukee Mpls·St. Paul NHhVllle New Ol'!Hnt New York Nonolk North Plane Oklahoma City Omahe Orl•ndo Phlladelpllla 79 52 68 35 61 36 82 51 68 31 54 44 81 60 08 01 59 "9 50 33 55 39 61 30 '48 40 80 72 77 6" 87 33 77 35 73 43 38 34 70 53 68 32 67 47 7'. 45 68 33 80 55 75 38 16 65 61 33 56 49 73 31 77 42 63 48 63 47 71 42 11 56 87 53 79 56 64 41 SURF RIPDRT Tomorrow: HIOll tld• 1 01 • m.: Low tld•: t: 16 p.m .. Sw•ll dlf.Ctlon. W•t Phoenl• 79 61 Plllsburgh 64 32 Po1t1and. Me 61 26 Portland. Ore 57 49 ProvldenC41 59 39 Ralet3h 71 41 Rapl City 5" 45 Reno 51 27 R1cnmond 69 39 5111 Lake 46 35 Sen An tonio 84 57 Sea Ille SS 44 Shreverofl 76 41 S1ou" all1 63 49 SI LOUIS 67 38 SI Pete-Tampa 77 52 St Ste Marie 57 i~ Spokane 51 Syracuse 58 34 Topt!ka 74 52 Tucson 73 59 Wuh1no1on 69 42 WIGhllo 72 58 CAllfO .. NIA HI l o Apple Valley 61 34 Baketsheld 65 50 Bartlow 74 4S Beau111on1 87 37 Big Beer 47 25 Btehop 59 32 Blythe 79 56 Catalina 72 62 Culve1 City 75 55 Eureka 62 42 Frer.no 85 43 uncHter 85 38 Lono BMch 78 ce LOI AnJ:lfll 74 59 Monro • 78 44 Monterey 66 48 Mt Wiiton 57 34 Nee<li.s 7 I 51 Newp0<t Beach 60 "' Tides TODAY Second IOW I 42 pm · 16 Second hlgfl 7•26 p.m 4 e "'IOAY Flrll row 1;43 •m o.s Flr11 ll~h 1·07 11'1\ 5.2 8teon low 2:15 p,m t.O SICOf'ld high 8:01 p.m. 4 9 Sun Mii lodefi et 8 o.c p,m . rl ... Frld1y 11 7: O em Moon rlMt tOCl•y 11 4 20 p m , Ml• frldty II 3:0! a Iii ' "Th e C'mployN.-s involvf'd art• alrC'ady Ix-mg paid. Why C'hargC' resid e nts for the ind1re<:t n>sts whe n employees arc• Sl'rv1ng their o wn peopl<>?" Thompson , however , dainwd that th(• 1nd1rt>e t cost s art• md udl'd m all fiscal planning. Thompson said the c:lly can't affo rd to absorb the ind1rec:t C'OSts tx-cause of dras tl(' reductions in rl'venue. "And if I could crystal ball at . I 'm afraid the state 1s go111g to take an other $1 million fro m our p resent budget." CONCORD The term of o ffu:.-e is two years Those intC'rested in applyang for a position on the pa nel should submit a letter or resume to the city cler k as soon as possible at 505 Forest Ave. ALL SPORTS CALL FOR A MARINER. CONCORD. From the creators of the world's thinnest woter- resistont watches comes the Concord Mariner SG. Handcrafted in Switzerland w ith the ultra-thin nine/ quortzR movement. In sta inless steelono14karat gold : A. Lady's, $840 . B. Mon's, $890. C. Mon's, all steel, $590. Come discover o truly great sport. SLAVICK·s FlMJMelef'I~ ltt7 Where iht lx!sr .surprises begin. Fuhlon lw nd (714) 844·1380 •Newport IMtl\ Alto Grtattf' lM Ano-let• Sin Diego • IAI \4t9ll • 0 1w1uo Luu111 l>Al l V µ1l O I / t hur11doy 0< IOl.JUt "8. 1fJ~4! {'7 NYSl1~ •:OMPO ,11~E 'l ,RAN 'AC,.rlON UUOTATIOIOINCI UOl lllAD~\DNI NINIW ~Dll• M IDWl \f l'A(t,.~ l'l llt I OUOIO DlTllOlf ANO (IN(INN•llUOC• I •( KAltOt• ANO 111relIIfl0 I Y I Nl NA\D ANO tl;\I INt f ~\\\ Jobie c laim al 'bri. ){ pace' WASJllN<.'l(IN tJ\111 S1111H llH7 IJflll i\1 111•111 u11~ 111 111 d f 11 -.1 I 1111• 1 I '""' 11>1 U lll llfl il•iy 111t nl 11111111• 11~.1tm11 1111 t k, 11 1 111• w 1 • k • ndlllg I >i. t Iii th1 tltll ti l11gl1t '>t !1 \l I 1d lh l 11 11 '>~lllll lh• .{OVI rttnU Ill tl fHtl It ti il•d IV J lt1 l .. d ut1 f)1 JI 1111111 Ill' J•:111pl••V llll Ill ,111d 'I 1 IJJllllM /\d111 1111,11 ,1t11111 ... d id ,,,, 1 l,11111-, f il111g ... .idJll'I\ d 1111 ,1 ..... 0 11.11 v.111.1llt1tl ... Wt 11 l ()t/() lt1g h1 r 1h111 tlw p11 v1ou., Wltk s n v1Md l1•vt•I • \fl:1ges £.all b ehind WAS lllN(/f()N 11\P> llt:sp111 1 dr,un1llt !>'""' t111w11 111 111l lu1m 11 th• JV' r .1gt h 11111 Iv .. 11 111111g-. W•H k1 rs 111 pr 1v 1t. bu ... 1111 s.~ .. 11 ( ulmg 111 k1 t'J• µ ... u~ lit 1.111:,1 w 1g1 :,. .11 t gt''"' mg .11 lilt Mlsulll's l r .Jlt. 111 I !j yt ,11 ., guvt•rnnw111 ftgurt.~ show /\ Buu.•uu o f Lal>t'1r St.11tst11" re pw l 'h(jw ... that .1 v 1 1.1g1 hourly 1 .11 n111gs in the p11v.1l1 wot klorl:l rust 0111 v I 9 pt 111•11l o v1 1 tht p.1s l Vt .11 Dur 111g th•• '>ClllW 111 r llld St pl1 111li1 r l ~H I tu St p ll llllll I l 'HI<! lht• <..'•Jll'>ll111l'I Prtl .. lndt x , OM 'j rx-a c nt L"tate d e ficit told SAl H/\Ml-:N JU t/\l-') 111 l lit g l11;1111u ~l •>lfttl 11 f111H.1~t ul s t.alt llll llll t '> ltJ d .111 lht ~I 111 •>f d ... t<1U uin111115.S1•m p11 d111t d lorl.1y th.it ( iltfo r n1<1 "'ould h .1\1 ... $!11J:l 111ill11111 J dtlll 1ll l\l 1um l() u nd1 r lht < ut, ,.nt buclg• l 1111 m c1111 r• 1~nn 1., t h1 11.Jt11111.J 1t <•'>'>llJ11 and I L'> l'f It.'( l 1111 liu~11H ~Ms, s.11d M It h c11 I (,,,gi..111 < 1111 I rh puty to l'llll ll Tt t' 1su11 r 11 sM Um uh "'h111s th w flli..111 o f lht Cor11rntssl!J11 t1n S t.111 F111.111u Housing s la rts up WASIIINC, f ()N IAIJI 1l11u!>t11g .,l,11 L'> by tht 11.1t11111 s buddt rs JUtnptd 1-1 -I ~He 11t 111 S 1 plt'mbn H CH h111g t hr st u 1mJ h1g t11 sl h vd ~111t c tht• I l'tt ssrvn bl g.111 01111 l th .. 11 Vt .1r c1g1J th1 go\ f I 111Hl'IH h as nporhd Sw rts r1i~1 Hi!-l J)l ru 11t l111 ~1ngll li..1111rlv h•>UM'!> rt JI hrng <m .mnu.d r ·•l< ut tih l 000 1h1 h 1gh1 st s111r l Juh l ~Hl STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT N(W '0~". 1AP1 !:-, ''"• N,.n fh • ~nd ~t <l'wtnol' 01 ,,,. t It•, ,.ti,, ,•th¥ti Ntiw ..,. Of ii. ~toe.It. l ... c "-"nQ1 1\~ \ Cf4'd fHJ M l OOdlt'f di Uff '°*' 'l Chr Y''f'r 1 ~" 100 tO • r bot> nQ t IV~~ 11 • 1 • Amt-, t 6 f t 011 ~ M} • ltlM q3~ 000 ~1'• .. M<lr>f'lt>t-b S.• 100 1~ • E.•11.0n 80f>OOO JO E:.d\( 9\00.t~ t).8 000 9() • Pn llp, Pt I bll 100 J1'• I endy '41 100 " St.n1umbro bol l C:'JCJ •O • t ~•I corp )(>14 COl )1"• • .._ GTE Corp ~' lOO j' • • !oovl,...rn Co llO lOO ,,._ M•llel IOI ~5" JOO 70 • Vn0 1ll11I ~ ~ JQ • AMERICAN LE ADERS UPS AND DOWNS NEW VO~K IAPI Th" lollow11>Q h\I \hows thif> Nltw YOtll !.10<111, t•Ch4U\Qll \10(~\ .ind w"''11nh HMt hA\lt' qon• UC) Ow most ond oown t~ fi ~t b4\f'd on ()l>rf ~nt ot t l'l•"'Oll' rflq1H dl4f\\ of volurne fot 11.rd N U \f'lu,,h«t't 1tdCJ '1-Q '-IOW'lt U ttrt' Intl uc»o Nt"t ""° f)f'r<rnrO()f' C"~"Ot'' ~tt t t~ Olfttt l'n(f' brtwttn IP'M C)rtiv OY\ t IO\lnQ Pf<i• ttntl Wft.dMi•04'v t &) t f'I N"tnf ' Crw'V\h( wt 1 OV\'r h<l Or l ~119 U IJ • 11>9rtoTI'< I FlnS18dr ' Bairnco 1 Orevtu..C u A ,..fWPfl ~ Tt-wf fnd tO ll•v• B•Ncl 1t hll~v plB 17 I •ll~y mo :! ~~~~~T~,s1 IS Sl•nlt.Wh 1' NOf"tfllk Inc-:~ ~~~T.~..1t~· I~ Voll-y 1...:1 10 Aollmi.Efht 11 SvnE •*< J2 l ea•\fMtl u c,r Bv•lo1 14 US HOf"M )) E nltn Road ' GOLD COINS UP) l.t \I J • ••• ,, .. I.. "t u p"0 10 t • 1 • VP 1> l I I•• t ,.~ .. n .. 18 • 1J • )'• . I t Up 11 1 ..... uo 't>J '• UP nc > • Up 14 ~ f•• Up u '} 1'• Up 1J l •• Up ti ~ I• IJp 17' " • t I Up 11 • • Up 11 O I <11 Up It~ 10, I n • : • ,,. ... l 1 '• • I • •0 • ' Up It' Up 11 G l}p 10. Up 10 fl Up •O) UP 10 J I•• 11 ' • Up ~· I} 10 , 1 • VP ti q 4 4" .. ) .. n DOWNS L.-\1 •.. ·~ n 10. ) •1 • •• 10 1 J6•, 1) I~ "" 18 , .. 1q 10 II 11 • JI IS• I'• s • "' , .. . .. 1 • 1•· UP • 6 Up ~ 4 uo '' Up "I Pll 0 11 • ) 0 11 , , 0 11 10 •• 0 11 •6 ~. Ott h ' '• Off ~ 8 0 11 11 I .. OH i 1 I. O•• ~· 1 • 0 11 SI '"' Off ~ ~ I Ott IJ "• Off s '1 1 011 11 • Ott 10 Oft 10 Otl • 8 '-011 •I • 011 •• P. Ott 4 .) •• OU ') _. Oft 'l Ott • J 'J' J Oft • l '• OU '1 NEW YORK !A Pt Prtc;~a 1•111 Tv••day of 9old cmru romp1u•d wHh Monc19y ' Pttc•' Kruo•,.•nd, t 1roy OJ $4' 1 76 on $2 oil Maple l N I ' 1•0y 01 $4' I 7~ otl $2 00 Mer SO P1eo l ~ llOy tll S~ t~ SO, oll "&O Aue ,00 crown qllO' troy or S• 18 00 Oii S2 00 Doing Bualneaa Under A Flctltlou1 Ne me? 8484321 . DAILY PILOT DOW JONES AVERAGES NE: W YORK I AP f n.1 liV"A JOf\ol \ lllVQ~ lor "''"' Ot I )I STOClli i.. JO Ind ~011 :li'~\1 ~SI f:O~I ~~ 10 ln CUi 410\81 4a01 •11 ~., 1 4J lS U11 119 b) •7(1bl '18 S• 11' l>O O 18 oS !>lk )';?!lo )'l •' ;88 41 Jq/ 80 0 )I! ln<Jv~ I d J 70. 0 n I 8'1 •Of (Jiii> I 49) tClC •I Slk 11 li.J 1()( WHAT STOCKS DID fl.of)ll'Ot\rd 0..< I nf'O vn ... ,,.,,~d 101-.1 \\V"\ Nf w ,.tQIU N•w t()w\ AOV•l\\.f"O D•nl•MO Un<rt•n~ T otot ""'°" I Ntw rl191'1\ N•lllJ' IOW\ METALS NEW YOl'IK (.A P1 m•tal (>HCOS tOday !/'~too 111J u ) )'~ .. \ ,, .... .,. ,. 811 " 1 ..,, ..... ":l ~-­)Al 1'191 .. f.1rr ... diJ •1• 11 8Jl ·~ 1 Coppe1 r2-. 15 cents • pound u S O~ttin1t1ons Leed 13 26 ceols a POVnd Zinc •O •2 cents a pound Oeltvtlfec:t Tin $6 1•80 Me1a11 Week compostle ID Alumlnum 76 c~nu ft povno N Y .. CU<J S365 00 per llas• N ~lallnum $3•2 SO S3•9 00 troy ounc., Handy 4 Ha man $9 86 P<I' uoy ounw GOLD QUOTATIONS By Th• AH OC:lettld P<Ha Setec1ed wofld !)Old pr1ces today London mo1n1ng 1 ... ng $4 18 25 up S050 London 31ten1oon t111ng $418 2!> up SO !>O Pule 111ernoon "''"0 $4 16 85 oil S6 31 Frenkfurl li•1n11 $420 00 oil SJ 98 Zurich la1e a!lemoon lt~lnQ $418 00 off s 1 00 bid S• 111 00 Ulce d H•ndy 6 Hum•n (only d111ty quOl4'1 S428 2S up SO 50 Engelherd tonly da1I\' Quo1e) 5"1 18 25 llP SO SO Ef>9elhard (Onty daily Quole1 labricateo $•39 16 up S 52 SYMBOLS o Nf'IYlll 't'etu1., low u New Vftfrly htQh l),,1eu 01"~'w se noted r•••t 01 <hvtOeflOt a•e annv•• a •burumems bt'MO on the lett Qu•' te ty 0' s"""' .innua• oectar atton SP•t 11 01 ~•It a <l v o•no• o• payrneni.t not OH 1gna1eo u •99v11r are 1den1111eo '" 11\e IOllOW ng I001n018J a Alto flAltl Of e•V•S t) Annual rate Olu' stock o vto~nd c L1qv1oa11ng 01v1oeno o.<;t.,ed or pa10 1n p•ecedlr>Q 12 mon1ht , 0.011•ed or pa10 ell•• 11oc• dhltClenc:t or JPI I VP J P11d 1n11 year CIMClenO omlll.cl dtl•"•O or no ac11on 1•Ufl 11 IH I dMOenCI m&el ng k Oeclareo 01 pe1d th1a yetr an accvmvlal•V• 1111.1• w•lh 01v1Clandt In •rrH•• n New 11aue r Oeclar.O or Pt 0 tn prec.dtng 12 mon1n1 ptut t1oc• dtv1deno r Peto In ti()(;• 1n prec•d no 12 month• t allmalao c••" v11Y1 on •• C11vidend or •• d11trl1>110on 0·~· E• o•v•d•nOI o• ·~ llQhll 1 h OIVIClenCI ano u•ta n lull 1 S•tH In lull c10 Catted wd·When 0111ttDutao W1°When 1n ueo ww w 11n werranlt aw Without ,.,,,anlt 1dlt •Ea ClltlrlDullon p E ••110 Tl'I• Pl Ct ot • •toe• H a mu11 01e ol IM' th••• 1ern1110 .. oerlv.O ti)' O•V•O•no 1ne tal .. t 12 mon111 111nt119a llgvrt 1,1\10 IH I U lt PflCt All new bu•lneHH uelng • flat1tlou1 n•me, muet by , ... b• , .... , ... d with th• County Clerk The DAILY PILOT PfOvldH the fon91e •nd fifing M r.tcH tor our cu1tomere. If you ara •tarting • new bu1lneH call the DAILY PILOT for lnform•tlOf' end forme. DRAIGI COAST COSTA MIU IDITlllJt TtiUHSl>AY OC 1 OBI A Jll l \IH/ ORANGE COUNTY. CALIFORNIA 25 CENTS Badham, Irvine solon clash on nuclear freeze By J EFF ADLER Of the Dally Pllol Sien Both lkp Hobt•rt BaJham, H Nt•wport Rt·at·h . and lrv11w Mayor L arry A!Jlra 11 agrt·t·d Wt>dnt•sday night that so1m:thin~ nt>t.-<ls to bt• done to dl'lT<.'3.S(.' tlw thrf'at of a nudear holocaust. but thl· twu d1sal!lrl'l"tl on tht• ml•lhod Dcba11ng the merits o f tht· propost'<i nudear wcaporu; frt,ezt· that wtll appt•ar on Califur11 1;1 ballots Nov. 2 <l!> Propos1l1on 12, Agran :-.tronlo(l y supp11rl1•d tlw 1t1t'.1sun· whtl1• B11dha111 ur~1lt'd d~UlllSt ll!> JlllS..'><tgt• Tlw1r clt•butt'. 1111 tlw Uru11g1· l'uui.t Cummu111ty Coll1•8" t•umpus. w.as ::.ponso.tt•d by th1· Alltan\.'C' for Surv1vol. un .1nt1 nudt•ur group at·t1v1 · 111 < >1 ,in~1· L'oul\I \' Agran 1.•nd11r::.t•d hoth 1h1· ('On('l'pl of frl'l'Zlni.t lht• l'UI 11•111 wt'.1pon:-. lt·v1·b 11£ thl· Suv11•1 llnaun and lhl' Un1lt'l.I Su1t1•:-. .rnd Judge's ruling aids FV family bankruptcy . • 1n By DAVID KUTZMANN 01 Iha Delly Pllol Staff A f<'de ral judgl··s ruling involving a bankrupt Fount.<1111 Valley famil y may allo w Ca li fornia <:ouplcs in futun· insolvency proceedings lo protc><:t more of their assets. The prot('('tion. howevt•r, may only l:M! temporary. U.S. Bankruptcy Judge Aaron Phelps ruled in Santa Ana that a California law barring the US(' of both federal and state assl•t exemptions by a co uple 1s unconstitutional The result 1s that married couples may now protC'Cl up to $7,500 worth of aSSl•lS over what th ey had be<'n previo u s l y allow~·d But Ph e lps warn e d Wednesday that ot her Judg<'s may ignore his ruling unless th<' law also is overturned in state court or voluntarily changed by tht• state legislaturl' Irvinc attornl'Y Jl.'.in I l11bi.1rl. who rcprcscntct.J thl• f a mll) whl(.:h won th<.· ruling. said Pht•lps· decision w:.is tht· first ol 11 s kind and niuld bl'l'Onw ..i prl'Cc>dent for s 1mila1 <:ast·s. however. "It was a very important dC'C1s1on," she said "It was a vt•ry bold mow for him (Phl'lps) ti1 m ake -it's hard for a fodcral Judge to tell a s tall' ll has paSSt·cl an untonstllut1onal law" &th Hobart and Phl'lps semi the ruling was made ldrgdy on a technicality, howevc•r. and that even 1f 11 1s used as a pr<'<.·c-dent. a new law with muc h the saml· effect as the o ld one could bt• enacted. A 1979 federal bankrupt.<:y l<iw established limits on assets that can be protected in a bankrupt<.·y proceeding, but gave states the (See J UDGE'S. Page A2) Show to come off at the Laf f Stop The show will go on -the Laff Stop's Monday night malc dance show, that is. Orange County governme nt officials have decided that the controversy over the Santa Ana He ig hts club's weekly revue really shouldn't have happened at all. A loc1 l r esi dent had complained that the show was a violation of th e county ordinane<• banning "adult entertainment" within 500 feet of res1dent1al areas. Officials, believing the club's billboard advertising a "male strip show." dl'('tdt'<.1 they agreed without v1l'wmg the sho w themselves That led to denial of a Spt'l'tal permit for the club to opcrc1tt·. complaints from owne r Michael Callie that his maJOr allrac·t1on was being jeofard 12e d a nd several months o wrangling Then officials decided to see the show themselves "I'm satisfied that the so-callC'd ente rtainment out therc dO<'S not !See STRIP. Page A2> " • 1'1 11pos1l11111 I ~ ,,., .i "11111d1·:-.t . l'l'u1'1lll,1hJ1• pr11p11 .... il II :-.1;111dio;t11l with 11•gi11 d 111 11ud1·11r Wt'.IJMllll'Y" l3adha111 , 11 1111"111h1·1 t>f 1ti.· I l o 11 :-. I' A I Ill I'd s I' I v I I I 's t'111111111lll·,-. t1>11ll•11d1•tl that 11Udt'.11 ;11111:-. n·dur 111111., l .111 11111\ h1· ll',l\'lit•d lhl'llllj(h \h;• 1·011t111u1·d .,t11•11g1h o l lJ S 11 ul'l1·a1 f"r1·1·.,, wli1d1 will "l'IJlll)ll'I" 1111' Sovw\ U1111111 \11 nq~Ollllll' •11'111:-. 11 •1Itll'l11111' Late Octobe r ritual P1·11po:-.t111111 I i!. 11 pa:-.1<>1·cl , wnuh.J 11•q u111• 1h11l tlu· ~uv1•1·1111r w1111· llw p11•111<l1•11t u111l otlll'1 l11p us 111111'1.d:-lll.l(lllj.( lht· 1Jnit1 •d St..itt•s ,Jud Sov11•l lJ111011 lo :igrc·1· 111 h.1lt tlll' lt•:-.t111~. prmlu1·111111 .i ncl d1·pl11v n11·n1 11f nu11t .. 11 Wt'.IJ MlllS Ill a 111ann1•1 th.1l (.111 '"" v 1•11 I ll'tl liy lioth :-.11h-s S1mil.11 lllH J1·11r (11'1'71' lllltt.1l1V1•., 111 11· f 1·11·11cl 11 rn' .111p1·.1 r 1111 Nuv1•111l>c•1 h.1ll11ls 111 1·1tthl 11tli1•1 ... 1.1 tt .... A).(1.11 1 i-..11d 1h,1t 111~·;111,,1· both l'lllllllr11·~ ,u l ' l'llllj.(hly l'ljUI Vll)1•11t 111 tlw11 llltd1•u1 1111.l(hl. "1111w 1,.. tilt• lllllt' Ill I h.1111.(1' 111111::.t• ,111cl 111<11'., wh.11 l'111!Jlhll11111 ll 1., .ill .11lo11 I 111 .1ll1•m pl1111.( lo 1·>.pl.1111 lh1 · .1W1·"111111· d1 · ... t1 u1·11v1· fM IW1•1 uf .J ~fl 1111•g,1 t1111 1\lH lt•JI d1 •Vl \ t•, Ag1.111 1>1111111-tl out 111.Jt 11 w11uld 1•qu;il I .~>(Ill liumh:-. of tli1• .,1z1· d111p1>c·d 1111 1111 0:-.111111;1 :17 Yt '.ll)i t•M1 • Delly Pllol Pholo bJ Petrlcll O'Donnell '\'\'hilf' ollu·r folks lencl lo !<>U<'h seasona l chore~ a~ <'an:ing jnck -o'-lnnterns a nd finding coslumes for Hallo w<'en parti•·s this weekend. Hunling ton Bea<'h cily ma intt-na nt>t• crew!>t ~lurt to paint Jif eguHrd tower for the s ummt"r of '8:1 . If :;ul'h u bomb w1•H• druJJJ.ll'<l 1111 Jr Vllll', ht· i;utt.J, II would k&Vl' .1 l·ruh•r liUIJ ft't·t dt•t•p und JI/, 111111·1> w1d1· "In till' finul analyiu11, II lb l'llles an<J l~H' JX.•Opl1• of tht• 11ul111n who w11l lx·ar tht· b runt of nud {·ar wur " Agran abu J'>i>Un•t.J thus~ atkndmg th<.1t Or:rngt· County, with its rmrny htl(h tl't.'hnulCJgy and at'rospan· l'O n'lpanws. 111 a probabll· S.1v11·l l4Jrl.(t-l {See NUCLEAR, Page A2J Trash costs flayed By ROBERT BARKER 01 the Dally Pllol Slelf Trash t•ollt~·t1on <.'OSlS art· being t·xaggt>ratt-<l m ordl•r to persuade uty offic1ab tu s tart charging H unungto n Bl·ac h residents d1r~·tly for tht• serv1ct-, former l'tty councilman Clanty Yoder tlaimt'<i today. Yode r ass e r ted th at c:i t y, estimates o f $3.5 millio n irr annual costs arc too high by about $I million He contended that the "high" esti m ates are d esign ed to convince city counl·tl members that residents mus t share the (.'OSL'i. City Administrator Charles Thompson vehemently denied the figures are paddc-d. He said Wednesday that costs will climb to $3.5 million in 1983 when city overhead or support costs are combined with direct costs of trash collection fees and gate fees cha rged a t Orange County government-owned dumps. Residential t r ash b ill s presently are p<itd from the city's general fund at a cost of $5.20 ~r unit. (The total monthly cost climbs to $6.35 per unit w hen the city's support costs are included, acc'Ording to Thompson.) Thompson 1s recommen ding that the city's 42.675 households s ta rt paying monthly bills of $4 35 beC'ause o f skyrocke ting l'OSlS a nd reductions m revenue. Thompson IS suggesting that the city pick up the additional $2 of the estimated monthly per-umt cost from lht> general fund. Payments by the residents and thC' city would meet the combined direct a nd 1ndire<.'l <.'OSts of $6 35 The matter 1s scheduled to be decided b y the cit y counc il Monday at 7 p.m . at city council chambers, 2000 Main St. (Se~ TRASH, Page A2) N-M seniors score highest Campaign spending enters final push New top post ed for Californ ia Assessm e nt Program By JODI CADENHEAD Of llM Delly ..ilol Slaff The 1982 graduates of the Newport-Mesa Unified School Distnct have posted the highest scores ever recorded by district seniors on Califorrua Assessmen t Program tests. The tests, measuring abilities m reading, w ritten expression , spelling and math em atics, were administered last December to 12t h grade students R~sults were released this week Results showed that st>n1ors scored at the 89th perccnllle m reading, 92nd percentile in writte n expression . 86th percen tile in spelling an d 92nd percentile in mathematics (Percentile rankings arc based on comparisons of local SC'ores NEWPORT ·MESA SCHOOL DISTRICT Callfornla AaHaament Program Grade 12 School Percentile Rank Corona def Mar 7g.90 80-81 11-82 Reading 97 94 94 Written Expression 99 95 96 Speltlng 90 96 94 Mathematics 95 89 96 Coeta Me•• Reading 39 52 40 Written Expression 62 67 53 Spelling 48 64 69 Mathematics 64 79 60 E1tancla Reading 83 43 96 Written Expres.slon 83 49 94 Spelllng 76 78 94 Mathematics 90 71 95 Newport Harbor 95 85 92 Reading Written Expression 94 84 87 Spelling 89 65 65 M1themat1cs 89 90 89 OllTRICT Reading 91 76 89 Written Expreulon 94 84 92 Spelling 84 82 86 . Mlthematlca 91 87 92 l with thoSC' of St·rnors statt•w1dc'. An 89th pN<.:t.•ntlll• ranking. for example, s ho w s tht.· avt'rage Newport-Mesa S<'nior's S('Ort.' was exceeded by only 11 pc·rc<>nl of the students st.1lt>w1dl' who took the test) By comparison. 1981 Rraduates scored at thr 76th J)('rt.'<'nt1Je in reading. 84th pt•rc<'nlllc in writte n expr ession. 82nd percentile In SP<'lhng a nd 87th percentile m matht•matil'S Similar f1gurt>s for 1980 Wt're 9 l sl perc·c•nt1le. rC'ading. 94th perC'cnltl~'. wnttc-n l'Xpress1on, !Nth percentile•. spt•lling. and 9lst per<-cn 11 It'. ma tht•ma lll'S A breakdown of tht• figures shows Costa Mt-sa ll1gh SC'hool seniors poslA:'d the• lowt-st sc.'Orcs of seniors nt the• d1stnt·t's four high schoolR. Pcrt't•nlilf' rankings declim:.d in all test arc·as l'XCepl Spt>lling. "l suspC'cl that Costa Mc-sa High School has thC' highes t percentage o f non -English speaki ng students," 1rnld Superintendent John Nicoll "That's just a fact n f life " "I'm not at nil ~urpr1s<>d by that Becau11<' o f the r apid c hanges we.• ar<' having problem!!," he added •·we will move as bell Wr? t·an toward 1mprovin~ w h a t n et•ds tn be improved' Reading &<'ores d111trlc t wlt.lf' s ho w ed the mns t dramall<' l mprovrm cn1 . jumping 13 pcrt'Cntllc polnl8 from IMt year The rank wos twlow th1u of 1979-80, hOW('Vl'r W r ltt<.•n l anguage scor<•11 1ncrc11cd 8 perc<>nlll polnu <See HIGHEST, Page A2) Eileen Rrt>nnan TV actress hit by auth, said critical L OS ANGELES tAPJ Ac tress Ellet•n Brennan, who plays thl' cranky. curly haired captoin In television's "Pr1vat<' Ben.)llmtn," was hospitahl.l'd and m cnt1<:al condition today aflt•r she was struck by a car. police s:i1d Thl' 48-year-old m ovie and television actrci1s was walking across a Venice s t n•el with actress Goldie Hawn about l l p .m . W edn esday, sai(.i L os Angeles traffic Sgt. Harry Ryon. Both of Bre nnan's legs were brokt>n and she suffe red skull tmd foetal fractures •nd possible lntt-rnAl lnjurlea. the polic<.' 9pokf"!lman said Hawn was not injurt'd Brennan had just le fl a V l'lli«' (See ACTRESS, Paae At) The l::lltll:' for camp:ugn dollars t·ontinued unabated along the Orange Coast m September and OC'tobcr as state leg1sla t1ve l'and1da l('S con centrated on raising enough money to fund thl' final weeks of their l'ampa1gns. With election day now less than a week away. campaig n spending also continued a t a brisk pa<.'f:.', according to tht' latest hatch of campaign financial s tawments filed with Orange County election ofhcials The reports. w hich <.'Ovt•r the Sept. 18 to Oct. 16 period. are the las t to be ftled before the r lt•ct1on. a lthough s tate law rt>qu1rcs tha t each conlr1but1on of $1,000 or m or e bf' rt;>ported lndlvtdually after Oct. 17 Only Clnl' cnndidate runnm~ H\ a local legislative ra<.'f:.' failed to file a financial statement with the Orange County Registrar of Voters Office by the deadline as requi r ed by law, t he department's files revealed. But whether Democrat Linda Wes t fall, running in the 70th Assembly District, did not file because she did not exceed the $500 reporting threshold during t he period or for some o ther reason could not be determined. Westfall was out of town and unavailable for comment. The state leg1sla t1ve race with the highest price tag along the Orange Coast continues to be the 32nd s tate Sen ate conte st between Re publican Edward Royce and Democr at Frank Barbaro. Royce. a n accounta nt from (See CAMPAIGN. Page A41 ----INDEX---........ . ht"'rry Allwroni of Co ta Me a~ one of the original Mou~t·keU•N"ff reuniting at Oi~m yland on Sunday~ shares m emorie of th{' c-lub on P ugt• 81 . Business Cavalcade Cl11AAlrlcd Comics Crossword Ot-ath Notk~s F.dltortnl Entt'rt.nlnmt~nt Horoecope Intermission <:6-7 A2 Dl,0 3·6 02 02 03 1\6 84 82 83 Ann Landers 82 Movies B3 Mutual Fund• C6 National News A3 Public fiotlcce &,C4,C6,C8,D3 Sporta C1~4 Stock Market1 C7 Television B6 W~th~ A2 flll 0 I I f""' iuluy OctoloH ?6. 11;)8:! ft\\\\ ORE • • • \\.\ft. Continued stories Badham said It would bt1 ·1wondt•rful" 1( tht·n · wt•n· 1111 nuclt•ar Wl'upon i. '" all, ln11 malntaim·d thut 1t 114 unly llw ''credibility v( c>ur ~trung dl•h·ll1>1' that has kt•pt tht• w1 >rltl (•lit 11( a nudear holcx·uus l " • 1 Badham sirnl lo ;1d\1l'V•• ;wlual reductions in lht• 11u1nlwr 1>f nuclear Wl•upo n i. tlw Un111·d States must "bl> :Hron~ l·nuu~h 10 ensure thul any nation thal d111•:1 attack would bt• t·1in11111tlln~ sukide." Ht• su1d that's why lw supported sut'h pmgrnms as • • Uw MX m1-"'1k. H I hrn11l>\·I' 1111d llu· 'l'ndl•111 suh111;11·1111 Addn·~-.1111( l'niprn11t11111 12. 1ti1 thn·1· t1•r111 n111g1 t'''m.111 .111d l11rmt•1 :1 tult• kg1s l,1t cir .d ,11 ql1t•1>llt11 11•d llw p r11111 ·11•11y 11( .1 .. 1:1tt· ,11lt•mp1111~ to dw1.111· th•· d11·1•1·l1u11 o l (11r1·1g11 poll<'Y throu~h th1• 1n11w11v1· 111·c11·1•s.' Agr.111 .tl'l:.W1·n·d hack th.11 tit.ii 11> wh.11 l'rupu:.1t11n1 I :! '' .di .1houl 111• l1•r11wd th•· prupos.d ;1 "1'l'y 00 011 tlw p.11'1111 1tw J'H'oph· to h.IVI' .1 i>HY II\ th1· l un•11.~11 .111d nud!•ar poiwy o t 1111· 11.1lll11\ ACTRESS INJURED. • • area restaurunl with I lawn wht•n she startl'd tu t:ros..<; the s lret•l and w as stru ck by a t·ar trav1·l111g . oorth, Ryon said. The dnver o f tht· cu r . a i~-year-old Vemce man, su1vPd ~th Brennan after th1· atuclt•11l ~ a m ain street rn tlw lwa(·h "°t0mmunity west of downtown .!Los Angeles. he said -The man was not arrested, but a. speed ing complaint may bt• filed In the next two days, Ryon said. Skid m.11 k:-. •Ill t hl' roud 111d1n1h·d tlw 1·111· w.1:-. trav .. linl( oboul ~O r11ph 111 a :11J mph w111•, tw s<.11d l:kt•1111;111, who al:-.11 porlrayt•d tlw h<1rd llllSt•d t'apl 1Jo11•1•11 I.1•w1s Ill till' ll\lJVll' V\'1'~11111 IJI " Pr 1 \'.it<· B t• n J" m 1 n . · · h d :-. .ipµ<·;:1rt•d in sut·h ft·<i tun• lllms :Ji. "Thr Stmg," "Tht· Las t Ptt:ture Show ... "U1vo1Tt' Amt•ru·an Sty Ip" and "Mui d1•1 bv D1•.ith." From Page A 1 It 1111t lu11l yt·1.11 . lt111 11•11111 111 .. cl l11•l11w th•• 111711 Ill! 11111klnt( Spl'lli111( 11rn11•1> 111n l•u1w1 I I Jlt'l<l'ltlll1· prn11 l 1> l lllll\ lm<I Yl'lll , 1111d lllHl'Kt•d 1111 llll'I l'llKI' 11\'1'1 1!171111(1, 11 ... \\di M.1tl1t·ni.11w ... -..·1111 ·-. w1•11• llJI :1 pt01'('1·11t 11\'1'1 1111'>1 Y••llr, :i11d ,1ww1•d ,, ... ltt(h t 1111T1-.1M' fl 11111 ll'Kll lt:o. I Wit VI 'Ill I> 111-:U F 1dlt1Wl11>{ "II ,;I IHJ11I hy 1;dl(K1I hn·:1kd11w11 o l tt ·:.l rt•sulLK ('OltoNA HJ•:L M Ail llU:ll SCHOOi. Ov1·rall tlw st hoot f'l•1•1•1v1•d Ill\' h1Hlll·--1 lt·:.t llt.'Cll'l'S o l I Ill' f11ur t11h:h whoob. H1•ad111K ra11k1·d .11 lh1· tl..Jth p1·11·1•11lllt :-.t.llt'\\ ldl'. Wl'llll•Jl IHllj.\llllj.(•', Ht.Ith p (' I' l' t' 11 ll I • ', s pt· 111 11 ~ , !H I h J>t'l'l'i'llllii'. .11111111ath1•111al11·s, !Jtith JH'l'•'t•1tti11• S ttJdl'lll:O. Sllt1Wl'd 1111pl'l!Vl'lt\t01\l lrl 1111 HJ'1°a1> l'Xl't•pt spl'll111g. wtwn· 'i<'Pn•s dnipi.wd :! pt·f'l'1•nt1fto pi1111ls lnu11 last yt•:ir COSTA l\U:SA lllGll SCllOOL H··~u l h ,,how ,, dr11p 111 itll .lft".IS l'Xt'i·pt .;1wlJ111j.!, whtt'h 1tll'r"a.;1·d .1 111•n-l-11llll• po111t s I ro111 l;1:1I Y""'' H1·ad111g stood .1t ·10th p1•11·1·n11l1•, wr1ltt·n IL111gu11g1'. :>:inl J>l'rl'l·nlil1·. :-.1 .. w ll111g. liHth t>l'r<:..rll.11<» and r t1.11 lwmmic:s. fiOlh pernmtilc . ESTANCIA HIGH SCHOOL D:itn showe d n dramali<: tm1>111v1•11wnt uvur l1u.1 yNu , with 1o<11Jn•11 1luultll11tie In rm rrw u11•m1 1<1•ndtnJ{ lh1°n •ruwd from •1:ird to H tJ I h pl', l' I' I\ 11 11' ' w .. ' l t t_• II "XpnM111n fl'Om lht-49th to IHth JH•n ·1•ntil1•, 111x•lll111oe I rnm 71hh lo IJ.lth JK'1t'1•n11lt-, aml 11111lllt·1r1111wN tmm tlw 7 l1>l to IJ5l h p1.>t't't •11ult· NEWPOHT HARlH>lt lllG ll S('llOOL St•Uf'l'K Ill 11111 .. 1 111'1'111' '>luYl•d th1.· same 01 h1n·1·a1w d , with ;1 11li1oeh1 dnip n •1·oid1•d 111 111.1 tli1•111:itl1·s H1·11d111g :-.l·t11 "" 1 allkt•d 111 llw Y:lnd p1·nl•nul1·. w r 1 l l ,. n I a n g u a~,. . H 7 1 h IH' l'I 1• 11tii1·. s µ 1• l I 1 n g . Ii ~ll h p1·1·1·1·11t1lt·, 11111l 111111tw111lll1t'!I, H!Hh JX'l l'l'llltl1• Con1p:u·1sm1 St'lll'l• lia11d, lhut tlll'll,lll'I' l 'XJlt'•.'lt'(I M'lll'l 'S al l'ildl sd1w1I w1·r1• 1111! avmbblt• 'l'lll' l'UlllJWl'l.'<111 M'Oft• band II'> bus1·d 011 th1· pan•nt 's 1•d111·u t J•1n.d bat·kground and 1lw 1x·n·1·nt:1g!• of s lud(•nls wh111>t• f :n nrl1t·;o; 1 t-.·1·1v1· a-;.,1su1111·1· from l1;1· Aul 111 .f.':11111!11•-. with lh •p 1·nd1·n1 Ch1l d1·1·11 ( w1·I f.11'1· as:...,t.11w1• p rogr:1111) At l.'o~ta M1·~;,i h1~h 'i( h1iol 5:! ('l'l't't'IH of !Ill' studt•11t1>' I amrl1t·s f'('C'l'IVI' :O.l<th • alJ, l'lllllJ)<Jf'l•d It> 5 pNt·cnt at Corona d1•l M:ir, :H percent <ft Estancia and 11 pen·e nt at Ne wpo rt H nrbor. 1)fflt.:1als said. chaniber • reins K t nnc th t'uwlt'.r w n 11 1nst;11l1•d as 111·1·i111li·nl 11{ lht· (.' os l.t M 1•:-.11 l' ha 111111• r 1d C11111mt·r1·1· d tlnng 1 l'l't•11t 1•(·n ·mo1111•i; Oth1·r ulr1n·rs 11;111wd to tlw l'H1;11·d 111 dtl't'l'l Ol'S llll'IUdt• II. Jack llall, t 11 !ll v1n· µ1·1·s1d1•11t, Dun Butts, i.1·l0 CJ nd v1t·1· p1·1° ... id1·11t . Jerry Wofford , t IHrd v 11·1· pn•:.1d1•11t. Malcoln C. Ross, :.i·tTt•tary . Peggy R e inert, 11·1·11:-.l11'1•1, a11 d W er ner £st'h t'.r, p <1s t pr• •s1d1 ·n l Oth1•r n1·w d1 r1·t·tors 1111· I udt-: Robe rt Moody. • I\ dl•b.tH' IJll th1· B«11nt11g H <inl·h dl'Vl'loprTH·11t , t o ·•l'l'l<·.:11· as measu1°l' N on 1111· N<"wport &'<il·h ballu t Nov. 2. will be spon.~1w<l tonighl by till' Ll'agut• of Wonw11 Vnlt•rs ur Orangt· County The• forum. to bt.•gin at 7.:m 011rltinl! Magulrt, Thomus f'. lla l~y. Phil Brback , J ame1' I!:. K ennedy, Arthur G . Kidma n , Oonavao "Don" Soulhworth, Barbaru Grady and Rny Wat11on. Abu ;1ppol11t1 ·d lo the IJOM<.l wt•n -. Loren K . Carroll, Jim Ft'.rrymun, Dick Harrison, Michael R. Lawler Jr .. Mark S. Le tter, Walter N. Lynch, Ka ren Obringer, John Rau, M a lc o lm C. R oss, F r ank Bianc hini, Paul Brecht, Gall Oarllng, Harry Gr et'.n und Don.n Hall. p .nL, Will l>t• Jll'l'Sl'lllt'il 111 lilt' Nt•wport H<11 lx1r High Sd'h.101 .iuditorium, GOO lrv1m• A vt· The• clcbaU.· 1s open at no c·hargt' to tht• µublic. Foes an<l supp ortt•rs of thl' 75 -a<·rt· d 1• v l' l u p rn t• n t i n Wt> s l NL-wpurl will :.pt.·ak. STRIP SHOW OK. • • Costly Caboose still loose Onofre Jail under the de fi111uon of adlllt .e.ntertainment ," said Murrav .Storm, d irecto r of the l'ountv •• fenvir o nmental Manage men.l ::~gency. after h e viL-w t-d th1· :~ow. :·· Orange County Supervisor '"'lth omas R iley had alread y : :reached a similar condusion. · ):'1 As a result, Storm ordered his ~ff this week to cease e fforts to !;~lpse. the club. Because of the ~!;cl.etermination that the La (f ' ;stop's M on day show and Its t·omt•dy shows till' res! of lhl· w l' 1 • k <t r t• n u t a d u 1 1 l'nlt•rla1nmcn t . thl· d ub t•an continue lo oper<ite without any spe<·1al permits at all, ht' said And the Monday shows, whit-h have been a hil with their mostly rcmalc audience, will <.•1mtinue Jttracung viewe rs evt•11 though they're not very risqu"' "It's m o re a dolescent than adult," Storm said. "It's far fro m what I would cons ider a male stnp show." JUDGE'S RULING. • • option to enact laws allowing residents onl y the u se of exemptions written into s tale bankruptcy laws. Th1rty -f1 ve states have exercised that option to date. T h e Califo rnia la w e rred. Phe lps r uled. by stating that ma rr ied couples ca nn ot separately claim both the stall' and federal exemptions. In the Fountain Vall~ case. a b ankruptcy court trustee 1=hallenged Hobart's contention maximum proll't:llon o f $7,500 per person for otht>r asset.I>. Phelps said he feels h ts ruling "could Ix-" a precedent for now. but added he "would expe<·t tht• (state ) Legislature to rewnk the statuw" m order to limit d('btor::. to only st.ate exemptions. Th£· exemption ques tion 111 bankruptcy law has h1st-0nt:ally been "an extre ml'ly politH:al issue," a tug of war between debtors and creditor s. P h e lps said. Ry GLENN SCOTT 01 th• D•lly Piiot Stall .Jill H1t'l' of Irvine· admits some J>1"t1ple may Lhink she's c:razy to lllVf'St more than $1 .000 a nd unl'ounted hours scarl'hing fo r h c·r dog missing s ince early August. Rut sh e said she just isn 't n·ady to give up her quest tu locate Caboose, her male Lha.sc:i - terne r mix that esc·aped from her frit•nd s' y ard in San Juan Capistrano whtle s he was o n vacation. "H e's not valuable in a show st•nse but h\>'s real valuable to mt•." said Rice, 29. "I know some p1•ople think I'm cr<izy A lot c>f the.';' don 't care about dogs. but I do. Rice said sh e has plas tered pictures of h er dog with prom ises of a $500 reward on just about e ve ry utility p o le n ear Los , Corrales Estates inland of the S an Diego Freeway near the Ortega Highway. And like a good poll'lkian. she has w all<ed door-to-door talkmg ,10 an estimated 1.000 people. she said S h1"s hi red a pr1 v aLt· m v1•s11gator who spt>c1ahzes rn t'<J n 1 nt•.., and even an a n 1mal psychic. But nu Caboow . Now she figures the dog m<i y havl• 1n1grated north, e 1thf'r by tts('lf or 1n huma n tow. "It's possible," s he says, "tha t somconc from an outlying area m il.Y h<ive picked him up." The <.Jog is about one foot lall a t thl• shoulders and two feet long, w11h long ears and a long. terrier nose. she said . Its color is a mix of beige and pepper-colored fur. Caboose has a long tail that "hangs like plumage," she said. Rice remembers she found the dog five years ago when it was 15 months old. sick a nd needed its tonsils rl'moved. She said s h e can "fu ll y understand" that someone who fou nd Caboose might question whNher 1ts owners treated it well. but she promjsed the dog dot's have a good home. She can be reach ed by calling 552-3466. Jill Hice~ Caboose probe ending Low-power testing in Unit 2 <sl the San Onof r e Nu clear Generating S tation continued today as a probe into a llegauons of faulty welding in the n ew reactor neared rompletion. David Barron. spokesman for Southern California Edison Co . major owner of the nuclear plant JUSt south of San Clemente. said the new reactor 1s operaltng at a bout 20 pe rcent of its r a ted output . The react.or w as shut down last month becaUS(' of malfunctions 111 its main coolant system. turbinl· a nd several ·control rod motors. , that the couple c:ould protect both the $35,000 equity in their home. using the state exemption for homes, and a $6,600 p erso n al injury settlement from a recent a uto accident. usrng fede r a l exemptions. Hobart said she also would nut be s urprised if the b<inking industry. which was thf' l'htt•f backer of the state law. seeks ne w leg1slat1 on in rt·sponsc to Phelps' ruling TRASH COSTS BRING PROTEST. • • Rt>palrs were mad<' and the 1.- 100 megawatt unit was started up Su nd ay . The Ediso n spokesman said 11 will operate at one -fi fth its capacity through late November before being rncreased to 50 perl'ent. Phelps' ruling allowed both exemptions. State law allows prot«.:tion of up to $45.000 equity m a home an d fe d eral law allows a She ad d ed !hat marr1t•d touples considering bankruptcy mav find that now 1s the bt>si lime to declare msolvent·y, before an y action 1s taken to remove the extra $7.500 in asset protectio n. From Page A 1 · Yoder. who served o n th e t·o uncil in 1979-80 through appotntmen t to £111 a vacancy, claims that the proposed trash c·harge would amount to a "triple abuse" of ta>tes: -He said residents are now paying a 5 percent tax on their Continued .fair rrom 46 10 56 on l'rooay 1ne wea1ner servtce orl!QocteO EOT R;,1n CJ Snow[J Showers£111 Flumu~ Highs tn the mountains were lorecas1 from SS to 63 with tows flOi.=;.... _______ " from 35 10 45 and no1thwest Coas tal Falr but some high cloudiness al times through today HIQhl 72 to 78 Continued lair 1on1ghl end Friday wclh 011ernoght lows 48 to 56. Highs on Friday 72 to 78 Elsewhere from P ooni ,.. • Conception to the Mextcan ·'• border and oul 60 m iles North-I winds 12 to 22 knolS today throug" Friday morning winds Owens Valley hi ghs were eapected 10 range from 55 to 63 on Froday wllh northern l"'•nds lrom 15 to 30 mph and lows from 3 4 10 44 Highs in northern' oeser1s were forecast lrom 65 to 75 with lows lrom 38 to 48 on Friday Southern desert hogha -re e•pectecl co range from 76 to 84 with lows from 45 to 55 come Friday 60 70 ,·, .. ,, ... --· ...... ;:~ '·' lncreesino to 18 10 30 knots Frldey afternoon over outer water•. Seas 5 10 7 feel L•oht Ylflable winds over inner waters, becoming west to southwesl 8 to 15 knot• during atternoon• todey and Friday. Wind waves 2 lo 4 B oeters on outer waters between Point Conteohon end San N1colu Island Should expect 1ncreas1no northwest winds through Friday reachlno trom 15 to 25 knots on the afternoon l'ronts C '!...,. Warr• ... Occtuoeo ~ Stat1c.narv •• : a., • Westerly s-11• 1 to 3 feel. Yarl&ble 111oh cloud1neu durlno the niohl and morning wlll prevail over Inner wlle<a with swells lrom 1to3 feet fl.., High cloud• buf moslly fair l through today and Friday "'. ~T t ' e nipe rn ures ~· us "·.· .. surn11iary -' NATION Rein spreed from lhe Wea1 10 lh• Mldwesl early today, wllh tnow In lhe Rocky Mountains end clNr akin over lhe Eut Rain showers were sce1te1ed l rom •••tern Coloredo end not1h-I TexH Into the "11dd .. Ml ... Sllppl Yelley, 1nd also ove< Jndlana 1nd lhe wet1ern Greet Lak81. A few tlllowert also spread over south cenlrel Ten• end North Oekote. Snow allow.a llnoered In tile coioredo mountains. but clear aid• -• moving In from lhe Far Weal , whl le rain lell ln nort,,_t.,,, Wuhlnoton Slate SklH were cloudy over lhe Greal Pfelna, Ille mlddl• and uoo•r Ml11lulppl Velley, the upper Greet Lakes. Northern C111fo1nl• and l he Paci fic NorthwWI. Sklee _. tllr trom the io- MlstlMIPPI Vtlley 1e the Atlantic COHI Ind over ,,,. IOulhwHI United SlelM. $uttered rein wH f0teca1t lor tater toc:tey lrom lhe -tern Gutt Albany Albuquerque Amarillo Anchorage AalleV1lle Allanla At1an1ic C•IY Aualln Baltimore Bllhnga Birmingham e11merck Sol .. eoeton Ekownsvillt Ek.lflllO Burlington C•lll* Ch•rlffton. S C Char!Mton. w v Charlotle. N C Cheyenne c111eaoo Ctnclnn111 Clevlllend Columbl1. s.c. Columbus Valley to Ille OtkOIH end I fl - HI L.o &O 32 6"' 54 80 50 16 ·0 1 67 28 73 "'6 58 43 82 S8' 85 38 52 38 72 35 54 '48 51 33 SS "'0 89 86 62 34 59 29 45 33 88 50 7t 30 69 37 53 38 65 33 70 38 67 32 71 32 88 31 Oellas·Ft worm Dayton Oenver Des Moines Oetr0tl Duluth El Paso Fair bani\ a Feroo Ftagtlall Grelll !'alls Heriford Helena Honolulu Houtton lnd11nepol11 Jackson. Miu Jeckeonvtlle Juneau Kansas City K,noavllle Liit Vegas Lill .. Rock Loultvllle Lubbocll Memphlt Miami Miiwaukee Mpl1-S1 Paul Nalhvllle New OrlH n1 New York Norlolk North Pl•ll• Oklehom• City Omaha Orlando Phlladelphl1 79 52 68 35 61 36 62 5 1 68 31 S4 44 81 60 OS 01 59 '49 so 33 55 3g 81 30 48 .co 80 72 77 6'4 67 33 77 35 73 "'3 38 34 70 53 68 32 67 47 7"' 45 68 33 80 55 75 38 78 85 61 33 56 '49 73 3 t 71 42 63 .c8 83 .C7 71 .C2 77 66 87 53 19 se 84 .. , .... lem uQper Gretl Lek ... wit I , 1 few 1lluntleftl0fn\S In Ille mid-· r• •• MIMIMlC>PIVllle)' • • Ralf\ 8''IO ••• ••peeled from I , SURf RIPIRT Co11t tllrougll l h. • Mlu1111p~ Ii Ille nonflltn end oentrel Plelfle , 1' , COiet 10 Ut~. wfllll euony •• • ••i1?:riirim1-.-.b ... aa.-----------• ptediCted Ovtlf the Allentlcl , " ~•tat .. California More oloud• e nd ouety mountlln wtnc11 -• e11ptatld lllr~t 8outllern Catll0thl• en Frtctey, IN NetlOnel waetll« """°'~ HIOll• In LO• AnQllH •••• ........ 16 """ lowt et &t .. tN ----l!Mf't COHiii v11tay 111011• ahould rtom 14 to Ii wlll1 tow• • ... ....,,. ... Teder'• .... ,.. .. f.2 fl. 1-2 "· 1·2 "· 1·2 "· t•2 It 1·2 It. t·2 "· 1•2 ft. Hi rt, 1•2" TOfllonow. 111011 ltd•• 7.01 a.m.; I.ow lid•. 1:16 p,m ; l wlll dli'eatton. w ... Phoenix Pittsburoh Porlland. Me Portland. Ore Prov•dence Ra1e~h Rapi C1tv Reno RIChmond Sell Like Sen Antonio S11a111e Shreve~ Slov• alls St Louts SI Pele· Tampa St Ste Merle Spokene Syracuse Topeka Tucson Washington WlcM11 CAL.IFOftNIA Apple V11floy Bakerslleld 81ra1ow 8Humon1 Big 9Hr Bl Ill op 81)'1hll Catalln11 Culver Clly Eurek11 Fre.no l1nc11tter lono S.&Ch Lot Angel19 Monro\111 Monterey Mt. WlllOn NHdle1 N-por1 S.ach Tides TOOAY 79 61 64 32 6t 26 57 49 59 39 71 41 54 45 5t 27 69 39 46 35 84 57 55 •• 76 "I 83 49 67 38 77 S2 57 36 51 37 58 34 74 52 73 59 og 42 72 58 HI lo 6t 34 ~~ ~~ 67 37 47 25 5g 32 79 se 72 62 75 55 82 42 85 43 65 38 78 •8 74 5g 78 .... 8e 48 ~7 34 7t 51 69 "' t·42 o.m N6p,m 1.8 "8 ,lUOAY Flr'll IOw 1:43 • m 0.6 ~11 hlOll 9:07 • m &.1 second low 2: 1& pm. 1,0 leeOlld lllOI\ 1.07 p.m. 4 0 Sun Mta today et 9:0.C p,,,,., rlMI ,,,oa,, 111:10 • m. MOOll llMe todir, I I 4•to pm .. Ml• ''Idly 11 3 01 1.m utility bills. a l'harge intended upon a pproval in 1970 to pay for trash collectio n as well as to makt• p aymen ts o n the civic center and librl.fry . That's the first tax. he said. -The proposed monthly fee o f $4.35 w ould amount to a St'<.'ond tax. he said. -And th e 1nd1rec l . l'tty overhead charges on top of actual monthly collecuon c·osts would comprise th e third tax. he claimed. "The employees involved are alread y being paid. Why chargt• reside nts for the indirec:t costs whe n employees are serving their own people?" Thompson. ho wever. claimed that th e indirec t cos ts are tncluded in all fiscal planning "IC a businessman didn't <.Jo this. he'd go broke." " Thompson said mdirt'l:t c.·osts in admtnistc ring the c'Ontral'l wnh the Rainbow Dis posal Company, include' administration w o rk. data processing. police chel·ks a nd o ther work by ci ty e>mployees associated with trash c·ollection. "lt costs the city 22 pen..'t'nt of the present $5.20 monthly bill for indirect services," he said. "If we> didn't have these duties, we could cut personnel." Thompson said the city can't afford to absorb the indirect costs because of drastic reductions in revenue . "And if I c.'Ould crystal ball 1t, I'm afraid the state is going to take another $1 milliwn from our preseot budget." CONCORD M l.'anwhtl e. the federal Nuclear Regulatory Commission c o ntinues t o i nv estigate allegations o ( substandard welds used to connect some pipes i.ns1de> the unll An on-site mvesugation or the unit has been completed and a n r N RC s pokesman said off1c:1als wtll rele ase the ir findings some t ime n ext w eek at tht· earliest. The eight -day pro b <> w as prompted by comments by E Earl Ke nt, a quality cont rol e ngineer and former Bech te>l P ower Corp. employee. Bechte l is the con tractor for Un it 2 and Kent ha d charged that welding on pipe and electrical system s upports was SU bstandard. ALL SPORTS CALL FOR A MARJNER. CONCORD. From the creators of the world's thinnest water- resistant wotches comes the Concord Mariner SG. Hondcrofled in Switzerland with the ultra-thin nine/ quartz• movement. In ~tolnless steel ond14koraf gold: A Lady's. $840. B. Mon's, $890. C. Mon's, oll steel , $590. Come discover o truly great sport. §LAVI CK.§ Fine JewMn SI~• t917 Wher e tht besr surprises begin. F.ahlon ISllnd (714) 844·1380 • NfWpOft IMC11 AbO CfHtef LOI MONs • s.n Oltgo • IM \4tvas \ DRAICI CIAIT lfWPllT lual I fllAl ITICU THURSDAY OC TOBER 28. 11182 ORANGE COUNTY . CALIFORNIA 25 CENTS Badham, Irvine s ol on clash on nuclear freeze By J E FF ADLE H 01 tM O•llr Piiot •t•tt Both lh•p llub1•1 I IX.dha111. H Nt;>w por t Bt•ut·h . and Irvin" Mayor Lu rry Agn 111 a~rt•t•d Wt'<lm'Sday 111ght thdl sunll'tl11ng n<'t.'<is to bt· dont' h> dt"t'ft.•a,s(• th1· threat of a nudear hulumusl. b ut the two d1sagrt't'<i on thl' ml•lhud Debating th<' mPnls o f tht• propo&'d nud l'ar weapuns frl'l'Z<' th at w ill apµt•ar on Ca lt forn1.1 balloL'i Nov :.! as ProposHron 12, Agri111 str11ngly s upp111·1t·d t tw nwusurt• w l11 lt· Radh.1111 w·..:lwd aga111st 11.b pas.~gt• Tht•1r dt•ba le. on t ht· Or;1111(1 · l'1><.1s t Commun i t y C:o lll'j(1· l'ampu!>, was sJXms111·1·d by t Ill' Alh:111t·t• fm· Sui v1v.1I. an .11111 11udt•J1 ~rouµ .1t·t1v1· 111 C 1n1111(1· {.\1un1 v Agran 1•ndorsc•d but h l 111• l'Olll'i'j..11 of f rt't'Zll 11:: t ht· l'UITl'l\l wt-upons lt•vels of tlw SuVll't Urnon and the Umtt.J St.<Hc·~ ,ind Judge's ruling aids FV family bankruptcy • In By DAVID KUTZMANN 01 IM O•tlr Piiot Sl•tt • A fC>deral JUdgt"l> ruli ng involving a bankr upt Fountain V a ll ey f amily m ay a llow Ca lifornia couplt•s 1n future insolvency prcx•t'<'dings to protet:t more of their assets. The protection. however, may only be temporar y U.S. Bankruptcy Judge Aaron Phelps ruled in Sant.a Ana that a California law barring thl' use of both fe de ral a n d slat t• asset e xemptio ns by a coup le 1s unconstitutional. · · The r esult 1s t hat married couples. may now prott'('l u p to $7.500 worth of LISS{'IS over what th ey h a d beC'n p r C'v 1ous ly allowed Bu t Ph e lp s war n e d We dnesday that o ther Judges may ignore his ruling unless the law also as overturned in st.a te court or volunt.anly changed by the st.ate leg1slatun: Irvine attorney Jean Hobart. w ho represented t he famil y whac:h won t he ru ling. said Phelps' da'1S10n was the f1r~t of llS kind and l'OUld bl'l'Offil' a pret·edent fo r s am tlar l·as<.'S , however. "l t was a vC'ry importan t dec1s1on," shP said. "It was a vc•rv bold move for him (Phelps) t~ make -it's ha rd for a fl'deral judge to tell a st.ate 1t h~ passt.'<.I an unconst1tut1ona l law " Both Hobart and Phelps said the ruling was made largely on <i technicality, however. and that even if it is used as a preceden t, a new law w ith much the sam t• effect as the old one could be enacted. A 1979 federal bankruptt·y law established limits on assets that can be protected in a bankruptcy proceeding, but ga ve st.ates the (See J UDGE'S, Page A2) Show to collle off at the Laf f Stop The show w all go on -the LaH Stop's Monday night male dance show, that 1s. Orange Coun ty governmen t officials have decided that t he con troversy over the San ta Ana He ights c lub's week l y revue rea lly shouldn't have happened at all. A l oca l r es id e n t h ad complained that the show was a violation of the county ordinance ban ning "adult e nter tainment" within 500 feet o f rcs1de nt1al areas. O Cficials, be lieving the club's bi llboard advt'rllsing J "male strip show," decided th<'y agreed without v1ewmg tht' show themselves. T hat led to denial of a spe<·1al permit for the club to operate. com pla ints from owner Michae l Callie that his major attraction was bei n g jeopard1 zc•d a nd several months of wrangling. Then officials decided to sec the show themselves "I'm sat isfied that the so-called entertainment out there does no t (See STRIP. Page A2> • l 1r11p11 s1111111 I ~ .1~ 11 "11111Jt•1>l, r 1·:1 "111 11 11h l1· p1up11s a l a ... 1and11111l with 1·1 ·~ard 111 11111'11·.11 \\I ••IJ)lllll V " liadham , ,, 11wmbt•1 uf th1· 11 u u s c• A 1· fll 1· d S c· r v 1 <' c· .., l'un11111t tt'l'. n1 11 l1•11 d l'd that lllll'k·.1r .1rm:; 1't•Ju1:l1u11i. 1·1111 only Ii t' r 1· .11• h c· d I hr 11 ll j.( h th c· t·1111 l111ut•d ~t rl'11 g th of US nutll'ar fu rn"" wh1d1 w il l ''t·ompt•I" lht· S11v1t•l U1111111 t11 111·gutiat1• arm!. rl'du1 llori:-. Late Oc tobe r ri tua l P r11p111>11 1011 I :!. 11 pa si.1•d , would 1·1•q111rc• th:1t llw gov1•r11111 w1·11c• tlw 1 11·1·~1d1•11t und oth•·1 l11p US 11fl 1t·wb. ur~inl( tlw U111 r.·d St.i.ll·i. ;m d Sov1l'I U1111111 l11 ag11•1· In h;dl llw 11•st1 nt(. f'ruJu1·111111 a 11 tJ cl 1 • p I u y nit' n t o f n u <·I 1·111 Wt•.J poni. tn u m.1 11m·r tha t t·a11 lw v1 ·r1 f wet hy hot h !.1dc ·~ 8111111111 n ul'lc•a1 I 1 c•t•/t' 1 n 1 l 1.1t1 vt·~ 111 r 1 • I t • 1 1 • n cl u nl ., • • J> p t' ,J 1 o 11 Nov<•rnlx·r ballots 111 1·1J.:ht otli1·1 !\~lit· ... Agr;111 :-.llld th.it bt"·;nJsc• b<Jth 111u11 tl'1t·s an· ro111o<hly 1"1u1valt·nt 111 lh1·11 11ud1·a1 n11ght. "1111w 1s 1h1· lmw 111 d1u111(1• 1·11urs1· .111J 1ha1·~ what Pru~1t11111 I:! 1:-. ,11J .1hou1 " In ut11·111pl111J< 111 1·xpl~1111 tlw ;1w1·~Jmt· dt·~ll Ul'llVt· pOWl'I 11( ~I :!O nu•g;llon 11u1·l1•a1 1lt·v1n·. l\gran p111n11-.I CJUI that 1t wou ld t•quJI J ,,,00 humbs o f tht• i.17.1• drop1x'<.I 011 llll'osh11na :17 yt•a1., a1<11 D•llr PUol Pholo bJ Pelrlck O'OonMll Whilt• oth ~r fo lks te nd to such sea sona l chores a~ caning jack-o'-lanterns and finding costumes for Halloween part ies t hi!' wt•ekend, Huntington Beach city maintenance cn·w~ !'tart to pa int lifeguard towers for the sumnwr of ~u:l. If ~ud1 a bumb wnt• druJJ~ m 1 lrvuw , ht• said, 1t would IC>ave a <Ta lA.•r fiOO fl't·t dl'i'I' and I 1/1 111111-s wide "In tlw fina l analysis, II IS Clll<'S and lht.· pt•oplc· uf th«! 11at1{>n who will bt•ar tht• br unt of 11urlt•ar war " Agra n a l!>u a!>!>U rt•t.I t hosl• J llending that Orang1• C.:uu nty, with its many h11(h lt'<:h nology and al'rospat·t• companies, 1s a probablt· Sovat·t wrgt•l (See NUCLEAR. Page A2l Tras h costs flayed By ROBE RT BARKER Of IM O.ilr Piiot Sl•H Trash rolkx:t1on <.'OSts art' being exaggeral.C'd in order t.o persuad e city off1c1als tu start ch arging Hu ntington Beach r eside nts d arcctly for the service. former caty councilman Clancy Yode r claimed today Yo d e r a ssert ed tha t c ity esuma tes o f $3 5 million i n a nnual costs are too high by about $1 million . He t'Ont.ended that the "high" est i m ates a r e d esigne d t o conv ince city council me mbers that reside nts mus t share the <.'OS ts. City Administra tor C harles Thom pson ve he me n tly de nied the figures an: padded. He said Wednesday tha t <.'OSts will climb to $3.5 million 1n 1983 when city overhead or suppor t costs a re combined w ith direct costs of trash <.'Ollection fees and gate fees c ha rg e d a t O r a n g e County governme nt-ow ned dumps. R es1d e n t 1al t r a s h bills presen tly are paad from the city's general rund at a cost of $5.20 per unll. (The total monthl y cos\ climbs to $6.35 per urut when the city's s upport costs are included, a<.'C'Ording to Thompson.) T hompson 1s recomme ndin g that the city's 42.675 households s tart paying monthly bills o f $4 35 because of sky rocke ting costs and reductions in revenue. Th ompson IS suggesting tha t the city pack up the additional $2 of the estimated monthly per-unit cost fro m the gener a l fund. Payments by the residen ts an d the c ity w o u l d m ee t the ('Ombined d irect a nd ind irect ('OS\s of $6.35. The matter 1s scheduled lo be d ecide d b y the t•i t y counc il Monday at 7 p.m . at city cou ncil chambers. 2000 Main St. (See TRASH, Page A2) N-M seniors score highest Campaign s pending enters final P'1Sh New top posted for California Assessment P rogr am By JODI CADENHEAD Of the Ottlty P11ot Steff T h e 1982 g r ad ua tes of the Newport-Mesa Unified School District have posted the highest scores ever recorded by district seniors on California Assessment Program tests. The tests. measuring abilities in reading. writte n expression , spelling an d mathematics. were adminis te red last December to 12th grade studen ts. Resu lts were released this week. Results s howed that seniors scored al the 89th percentile in re ading. 92nd p e rcen t ile in wri tte n e xpress io n , 8 6 th percentile in spelling and 92nd percentile in mathematics. (Percentile rankings are based on comparisons of local S<'orcs NEWPORT-MESA SCHOOL DISTRICT Callfornla A1Haament Program Grade 12 School Percentlle Renk Coron• del Mer 79·80 80-81 81·82 Reading 97 94 94 Written Expression 99 95 96 Spelllng 90 96 94 Mathematics 95 89 96 Coete Meee Reading 39 52 40 Written Expression 62 67 53 Spelllng 48 64 69 Mathematics 64 79 60 l!etencl• Reading 83 43 96 Written Expression 83 49 94 ~lllng 76 78 94 at hem a tics 90 7 1 95 Newport Herbof 95 85 92 Reading Written Expression 94 84 87 Spelling 89 65 65 Mathematica 89 90 89 DllTRICT Reeding 91 76 89 Written Exprn.ion 94 84 92 ~llng 84 82 86 athematlca 91 87 92 wa th those of seniors statewide. An 89th percentile ranking. for e xample, show s the average Newport-Mesa senior's score was exceeded by o nly 11 percent of the students statewide who took the lest). By comparison, 1981 graduates scored at the 76 th percentile in r eading, 84lh p Ncenlilc in w ritte n e xpressi o n , 8 2n d percentile' in spellmg and 87th pen:entile in mathematics. S imilar figures for 1980 we re 9 1s t p ercen tile , reading; 94th percentile , written e xpression : 84th perc:enlllt>, spelling. and 9lst pen:'('n t1lc. mathematics. A breakdown of the figures shows Costa Mesa High &hool seniors posted the lowest scores of seniors a t th<' d istrict's Cour h igh schools. Percentile rankings dt>Clincd in all t.esl areas ex<.-ept spelling. "I sus pect lhal Costa Mesa Hagh Sch ool hall the h ighe st p e r centage o f n o n -E n g li s h s p e a king s tude nt s." s aid S u per in tende n t J o h n N it-oi l. "T hat's just a fact of life." ''['m not al all surprised by t h a t . Beca u se o f t h e r n p id c h anges w e ar e hav in g proble ms," he added . "Wt' will move as best we ca n tQWllrd l mprovln~ wha t nf'c>dit to h t- Im proved.' Read in g scores dis trictwlde ll h ow e d th e m os t dra m at ic Im p r ovem e n t. j u mping l 3 pel"t'entlle poinis from In.st yeQr. T he r ank w aa be low t h:it ot 1979-80, howcvt'r. W r itte n lang uaae scor ea lnc re&1ed 8 p("rcen tllc points (See RIOHfST, Pa1e At> Eileen Bre nnan T V actress hit b y a uto, said critical L OS A N GELES (AP) Ac tress Eileen Bre nna n , who plays the cranky, curly h:urt>d captain in te levision's "Private Ben jamin," wa• hoepltallzt'd &nd In critical condition today after she was struck by a car, police said. T he 48 -year ·old movie and television ac t re ss was w alking ac ross a Ve nice s treet w ith artress Goldie Ha wn about 11 p m. We dne s day, said L oa Angeles traffic Sgt. Harry Ryon . Both o f Bre nnan's le gs w ere broken and t he auffered ak ull and facial fr•ctures and poeeibl(' Internal Injuries. t ht> police apokf'Jm.an uld. •bwn wu not lnjurtd 8N-nnan had juat left a V~nlcc (See ACTRESS. P11e A%l The b ttle for campaign dollars continued unabated along the Orange Coast in September and Ot·tober as s ta te le gis lative c a nd idates con cen t r a ted on raising eno ugh money to fu nd t h e f inal w eek s o f thei r c:ampaigns. With e lection d a y now less tha n a w eek away. campaig n s pe nding also continue d a t a brisk pace, according to the latest b atc h of c ampaign fina nc ial sta temen ts filed with O ra nge Coun ty election officials. The re ports, wruch cover the Sept 18 lo Oct. 16 period. are the last to b e file d be f o r e t h e e lectio n. although s t a te la w rt>quires that each contnbution of $1,000 or mo re be re po rted 1nd1v1<iua lly after Oct. 17. O nly one l'<tnd1date running an a local leg1Slative race failed lo fate a financia l statemen t w ith the Orange County Registrar of Voters Office b y the deadline as r e q u ir e d b y l aw . the d epartment's files revealed. But whether Democrat Linda Westfa ll. ru nnin g in the 70th Assembly District, did not file because she did not exceed the $500 reporting threshold during the period or for some o thM reason rould not be de termined. Westfall was out of town and unavailable for rommenl. T he stat.e legislative race with the highest pr ice tag along the Orange Coast continues lo be the 32n d s tat e Sen a t e con test betwe en Rep ublica n Edw a rd Royce a n d Democra t Frank Barbaro Royce . an a ccoun tant from (See CAMPAIGN, Page A4) ----lllDEI---~ . herry Alberon i of Costa Me a , one o f the or iginal Mousekeleers reu nit ing a l Di ney land on Su nday, shares m e morieA of the c lub on Page BI. Business Cftvalcade Cl ll.'IS1fied Comics Crossword Death Notices Editorial Enttrtelnmcnt Horoeco~ In~nnhadon C6-7 8 2 0 1,03-6 D2 0 2 D3 A6 84 B2 83 Ann Landen Bl Movies 83 Mutual Funds C6 NaUonalNeW'I A3 Publk NoW. &.Ct,C6.C8,D3 Sporu C 1·4 Stock M•rkell C7 Televt~on 98 We.ther A2 , ..... I Ur ungu Cuost OAll Y PILOT ll lluradov. Oc.tober 28, 1982 NB ('1 NY ~rHAN UUOtAflUN\INC\UOI t•AUt\ONIHINI W~O•• l11llU•t\t "'ACl•I( .... t 0\10N Ul t •Olf•llO (lllC•llllAllUO(• t•(MANOl\ANO•t .. O•flO l 'f fNI NA\O ANOIN\t tNt t .. .. I'• .. I .. Dow Jones Final OFF 15.36 CLOSING 990.98 J ohless claims at 'bris k pace' WASll 1 Nl ;TUN tAIJJ Swill' hll7 .01111 /\rm.·r 1t ..in!-> pl.H·1·d 111 .. 1 11111t· ··l.11n1., f111 unt·1nplnvnH·nt l'lllllfWO!'>dllUll dh't ~ In thl· W\Tk 1·nd1ng Ot l lb. th<· third hrght'l>I lt·v1•I uf lh1· rl'('l'~IOll, tlw gt>Vl'f'llllWrll n oor lt'd toda v Thi• l .. tbo1 l>q1<1rt11w 111 '-. 1':mplovm1•nt i.lnd Tr :1111111g Ad1111nistrat1on i.u1d t lw da11ns filings, .11IJu-.11·d for -.e11:.onal van uttun:-.. W•·H· :UJOO h•ghN th.111 tlll' pn·v1ous wt·t k'i. 1t•\'1~·d l!·v,·I Wages f all b ehind W /\S ll!NGTON (AP) D1·sp1te .t dramatrl· i.luwd11w11 tn 1nflat1on, th1• UVl't agt· hourly l'<trntngs wurk<•f!-> 111 pnv<itt· busrm·:-.s J rt• fotl1ng to k1·l'p pace l:><'t;1w.1· wagt·s an· growing <ll thl· :-.ni.Jllt•:-.t ratL rn 15 y1•<Jrs, gov1·rnnwnt f1gun·~ show A Bun•..iu ul Labor St.atr strn. 1 t'fXJrl -.hows that J Vl'r;ig<' huurly t•Jrntngs 1n tht· pravall' wurkrorcc roSt: t>nly 4 9 pNL't•nt ov<:r the p.1st YL'<i r Dur rng the• same p1·r10d, Sl·pll•mlwr 1981 to St·ptt·rnlw r I !H:l2. thL• Co11suml'r Prtl'l' lnd1•x rusl' 5 1x·r<.·t·nt S tate d e ficit told SACHAMENTO (AP) In tlw gtovm1<.·sl off1 c1al fort<t·asl or Sl<itt• ftndOl'l'S to U<tll', the sl<!ff or a Slate cummrssrvn pn•d1ctc-d today that Cdlr fornra would h<1Vl' a $982 mrllrun dPf1<.·1t lll'XI Jum• :m under the current budget Th<' me1in r<.·ason rs tht• nationa l r<.X't'SSton <1 nd tlS dfL'('I on businC'~C"· .. said M1l·h<ll'I G<tgan, chrt·f deputy to -.ta ll• Tn•asurl'r J1 •SS(· Unruh. who 1st h;Jtrman o f the Cumm1ss1un on S tutl· F1m1111•t· Gold coins offe r e d PEKING (AP) Commemorative gold coins bearing the likeness of a giant panda on one side and Peking's Temple of HeaVl'n on the other are - tx-rng sold rn J apan to mark 10 year& of resumed Sino-Japa nese d1plomat1l' r elataons, the Bank of Chrna annountt'CI. The corns w all ht> availa ble rn othl'r countries later. 11 said. Four different sized l'OIN> w1U be offered -one ounce a half -ounct', a quartl'r-ounce and 0 1 ounce of 99 9 percent pure· gold. thl' bank said Housing s tarts up ~ASH_INGTON (AP) llous1ng starts by the nauon s builders JUmpt~ 14 4 pt•n:·cnt rn September rt>achmg tht• S{'l:ond h1ght•s1 lt'vcl Stnl't' tht! n:.ocess1o~ lx·gan more than u yt•ar ago, the· gov<"rnment has n •port<.>d . S tarw, rnSl· !ti 9 pt•n:t·n\ for s1ng l(•-famrly houses reaching an annual rnll• of oli3.0UO, tht· h1ghC'st sine~ July 1981 STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT •.. ,~ ... ,,, ]0 lOO tl.:I "°° ... 100 10 , •.. ... NE W VOA .. IAP> ~·'"' l pm P•• .. and Mt <.MnQir" Of lhit tlft"n MO\l a\.h¥f' H•• vor.. 5t0<.._ Eutwnqt I\\~ ~.:c::n8,::'tONll~ •: :rf'C:X,'""n,:~. )'• •IM 1e1.ooo '°.. 1 • P.c; Ge E ll.:I JOO lo•• .. C..n MolOt\ ll\,100 SS • I • ru um 111900 U'o ~wP•td .. 1.'00 U '1 . .. £"•°"' .. , JOO ,..\._ l•I•• GofC) ..... 1QO 1\lq I 1 Ct.,, Eq •i. 100 u.. • 1<. Am •rHf't\ tie».lOO ,...., .. WPtVel.,. \ .. 000 l • , C..nlnU Sit 900 O._ , .. .. '• ., A•on Ptod UI IOO 1S -IMI , .. ,100 71' • Ame • l Al 411,600 s•._ UPS AND DOWNS '"\ ,:" 111 t ,,. g:, 10 . ~. 011 •• ,.. 011 •• J ()II II 1'41 ou 1 • t Oii " .. 0" 1.0 '"' Oft • , '~ ()It ... \o ()II U f\o 011 ,, "' °'' r I~ g:: ,,: l"'t 811 •·1 I I I ?-' ,~, ~ ;l ~~ rl ii '-I p '!: I i J • I l1 .. J.I Ch•IMcl ... \ ,, ... .,,., .. We1>9 8 8owm.tr In\ Amcl•M GullC•n o Or•o•CO METALS NEW Y0At\ t API '""t•l 1><>Ce• todev 101 100 '° 100 ,. soo o6 IOO .. 100 • •• .~ .. ... , .... I) • I) ... . !; .. . .. '. 1. . ,, .• Spot non1e,,011s Copper 7''• 7~ "'"u a pound U S oest1nat1on1 l ead 23·:>6 cenos ll"POund Zinc •0-•2 centa • POund d.0-ecl Tin S6 2518 M~tals WfW'~ COtnP<>$11e 11> Atvmlnum 76 cents a oovno. N Y Ill••• $11 170 1>4!• lroy oun<o Hinely 4 Harman tooly de•ly ouo••I Mercury $3 70 00 P4l' lies~ Plallnum $3• 2 SO SJ•ll 00 troy ounce NY SILVER Hendy & H••mM S9 77 114!' 1roy ounce GOLD QUOTATIONS 81 Tll• Aetoe1•19d PrHe S1lt1Ct•d 'NOfld gold prkles lod•y London morning llJtlng $• 18 2S. up SOSO London 11ternoon fixing $4 18 26. up so so ,.,,. Allernoon fixing S• 18 Ill>. ort Sii 31 f19Ml\lfl filing $420 00, Oii $3 911 Z11rlell ltr• 1l111noon lb1lng S• Ill 00, oll , , 00 bid, $.4 11 00 1911• cl H•nct1 I Harman (only d•llY quot•) $.428 25. up SO 50 l~d (only dAlly QUOll) $.4 1112S, UP S0 50 l.....,d tonly 01111v quo111 labt1u111C1 $011 111, up S 1>2 . I