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1982-10-29 - Orange Coast Pilot
111151 Cllll YOUR HDMITOWN DAILY PAPIR FRIDA Y. OCTOBER 29 1':!01 ORANGE COUNTY. CALIFORNIA 25 CENTS Mission Viejo train fire said sabotage By STEVE MIT< ·111•;1.1. Of the Oellr Piiot lleff J\111tr.1k 11ll1n.1h 111 W.1'!h111~1t111 .,,11d ll f11t• th;1t 1·r 11pt1·d •J11 .1 .,.,u1hbou11d trJlll 111 M1i.:min V11 ·1• '1'11111 '>!l.1 \ tllHhl WJs -.par kl'd Ii)' v.111dJ1' w)111pl.111·d .1 k1·~: o f r;11I '>p1k1..., ;111d •ith••r cl1·bri::. on llw ta.uk Th ~· • l111llt1lll1·1 11.1111, J\111tr .1k ~>HO WJ'> 1.111 v111g I 7~i 1'•"'1•11gt·" wht·11 fl.11111·., 1·r UJJlt•d 111 llll' lv.o l11u1111ol1Vt•'> .111d "ll•>k•· -.p11 •.1d 111 lh•· f1 v1· l''lflllllllh'r 1<11 -. I '.1~ ... 1·11g1·1 s h·:qwd llt1 uugli f l;111H':-un tht• l r;u·k~ lo t'M"olfH' tla1• l1u111111g tr :11r1 Orungt· County F111· l>qiartnwnt o ff1t·1als :o.<11d th1•n · Wt•rt· :-t'Vl'll llljUI H·~ F11 •· '>f1Ukl'~111,111 Chul'k Mur µhy Miid tht· lllJUI t•d , mui.t of whom ... uff1•1 t•d fr 1Jm .,111uk1· 111halat11111 Wl'll l.1k1·11 to M1 ... s11m l'11mmJn1tv I lo ... p1t.1l Ill M1 ..... 11111 Vw1• foll11v.1ng tht• tj pm bl:ut· I It· .,.11d .1 1111·g11.111t v. rn11.111 ""'' tn·att.cJ at lh1· M'l'llt', a'> v. a'> .1 1t•t1•11 1 t·111 onary by pa!>!> pat11·111 who111JIJµ~·u A1 111r~1k .,,,.,k1·:-r11.111 J ohn M1 l k11d said the· h><·u11111uv1· str ut.·k d1·bra~ u11 llll' ~1nglt· rna111 trat·k :iliout thn·t· qu;1rt1•r)> or a rnt11· north or tht• O::.o P arkway t1Vl'l'JW~~ lit· :.aid fut·I tanks on l)f)th lot"um u t1vt's ruµtun•d ;md d1c·~:I fm·I sp1llt·d onto thl' tr:.ieks. 1gn1t1ng tlw wood1·n cross 111-s ··T tw e-r1,.__., Ill'' 0 l'aught fan· and 1gn1t1•d tht· two hJ1.omot1v1·'> ... M<. Lt'tx.l ::.;11d Th .. t·ng11H't't 1-br •Jught the· lrJin tu ;i stop unclt•r Chu Parkway. and l'ondut.tor~ urgl•d pasM·11gt·1i. ll> l1·L1V<: the· train C'almly Ntl'hola~ Yanic·k . u Los Ang1·li·!> bu:-1m•s.<>man who t.ommult''> da1lv from h1~ humt· sn E.<;('Ond1do. i.:11d h1· W<tS L1sl1·1·p 111 thl' middlt· car wh1•n ht' ::.nwlkd ~mukt· "I lookt-<I up and S<.tW the· l'ar was f1lle•d with blLil'k Stntlkt•," ht· satcl "Tht.•n tht· hghL'> Wt•l)l out" , I It.· 'did th(' t."<mduc·tor urgt-d tht· passengt•f!> to "t<1kt· your t1m1., ll•avt-the l'ar slowly," adding lht·n· w..i:-llltlt· p;.inst.· among the• t·ommutt•rs sn his car Delly Not ~lo by CMttee S latt "I p wke-<l up my bne•ka<;(.• and walkt-d tu the uoor." hl· MIU Fir e m e n cool the smok ing e ngi ne o f Amtra k in Mi ion Viejo T hursday n ight OC nuclear waste routes questioned By DAVID K UTZMANN Of h Delly Not • ..,. Th rt·t· l1H JI I a"' ma k c·r., expn-s..-.c•d unc·asiness Thur~ay with a stale plan des1gnaung four maJo r freeways near densC'ly p o pu la t(•d a re a s 1 n Oran gt· County iiS approved routes for the s h1pp1ng of rad1oa ct1Vt• waslt's. The off1c·1ah. told a Cahforn1J Highway Pa trol hearing pam•I that tht• nuclt·ar materials could be more· <.<1frly transportt.od o\l•r frc•cways which pass through sparsely !>t•ttled regions o ( Southt•rn California Cr1t1c·1z1ng o r exprl·ss1ng rescrvutwns about the propos<'Cl roul.('s wc·re US Rep. Jerry M Patterson . 0 -Garden G r ove. Laguna Bt-ach counc ilwoman Sally B£>11c•rue . ~nd Santa Ana Councilman Al Serrato . Commu n 1t1E.•s the· thrt·c rc•pn·sent art• locat ed near freeway!> which the patrol has prop osed as routes for truck!> carr ying rad1oact1v£• wa<;tes The proposed fn.•t•ways are the· Santa Ana. San Diego. R1vcrs1de and Costa M esa Most of the rad1oact1ve w astes proposed to be shipped through Orange• County potentially would come from th«' newly expand<'CI San Onofre• nuclear generatin g station. thre<> miles south o f San Clemente' Sh1pml'n~ of spent uranium ful'l. howt•ver. are no t c·Xpt.'<"tl-d to bt.· 11l'\'t~Jr\ unlit lht. l!j90-.. Svutht·rn Cahfom1.:1 Ed1!>'>0 Co ofrluab ~1d Thursday S tt.'t'I casks we1ghmg up to 100 tons w ould bt.• uS<'d lo tr<m!.port tht• !.pt.•nt fud rod::. from S.rn O nofl'l' I ndustrial .i n d mt.•dll·al radwa<.·t1v<' waste· would at.'t1JUnt for the· n·ma1'1der of sh1pm1-r1u. through Orang£' CountV Eugc·nc· C ramer. o Soul ht•rn Cdltfornia Edison Co c·n~1nt•t•r sprak1n g o n behal( of the· Anwncan Nuclear Scx·1C'l \. wld hNnng off1l·cr F.d K ynastim 1h.1l lhe prupusl'd r outes through OrJngt.· County "wt•n• .,..ft· and !.hould Ix· allowt:d " C r amer said tht.• C'asks WC'r t.• d lc's1gncd to mel't the s tric·tes t safl•ty st andards und that n o I.' o n t a 1 n e r h " d t.' v l' r I t• a k e d bec·ausP of a transportation a<.'(·1denl But Pallc•r ... on. whost· d1~t r1ct 1nclud t·s Santa Ana . G arclton U1uvr, Andl1<•1m and Buena Purk. told th<· two mPmbt.•r CHP p;1m·I "It du<·::. nol '>l't'lll lo nw that c•1tht•r thl· thn·at to pubh<.· S<.tfet) or l ht• poll·nt1Jlly dl'>a'>trous County jobless toll takes s light aecline 0 r .in ti P County ·' r l' l or d numtwr of unemployt•d workt•f!> <.·stabho;hed in Augus t d1•d1nt•d slightly m September, from 96. 600 to 94.000. as the county's JObl<.'SS rate dropped from 7 9 to 7 2 pt.•rt-<·nt during the month, the -;tatt>'s Employment CX-vc•lopmt•nt Oc•partmC'nt said T h l' n u m b e r u f pt' r s o n s t I .i 1 m 1 n g u n e m p I o y m 1• n t in ... urai1t.t.' bent•ft l.'> droppt•d for th1• f1~t tmw 111 14 munth~ also. JtTord1ng to rsi.:u1 <''> n ·lt·asC'd Thursday The withdrawal of summf'r JOh sc·ekers from tht· labor forc·c· with the st.art o( si:hool ac'l·ounu:d for m u l' h n f l h l' d l' l' r t.' a s t'. l h c d1.•partmt•nt <,a1d Th r tota l number of Joh!. an tht> t•uunty in Septembe·r wa~ H!'iH.IHIO. down 12.800 from .i vc•Jr .1go e fft'<'b uf Jn .it'ltdt·nt along thc-sc.• r11u lt'' 11,.., hl c 11 g;vc·n dut• t..'1.>n ::.1dt·r..itwn in tht• !>t'li;.-<Uun prlA. '(>SS .. Pa ttt..•r..on said that "1f publ1l' safC'ly had been tht' primary faC'lor. maJ<.ir commutc•r a rterll's whic·h travt•rst• hf.'av1ly populatl-d ~src·<J<, w ould not have bePn l'hoSt•n for tht• shipping roull.'S" ThP fcdt•ral lt.·g1slator also said that "pu bhl' saf(•ty rt·asons alom·" wt•rc· c·11 o ugh to d1 squ<tlif y lOn'>tlh·ratmn of tht• Co~ld Me~. S.intJ Ana and H1vc-rs 1dr frt•1.'W<tV~ Sc·rr:1 ~0. in h1~ remarks. ::.aid l IH· pro po s <' d r o u t es "' e rt· "ab1-uluwly unaln•ptabl<· " Ha!> main l'Ont.•t.·rn. St•rrato s:.ud . wa:. tht' dl'S1gnat1on of the Santa AnLI Frt'f•way a» 1l passes lhruugh S;mtci Ana as an at'C't•pt<iblt· route• for r;11J1oal·t1vt• waste B o t h h t• J n d P a l t c r s o n c•xpn"\Motl l'Oncc·m about wheth(•r l0<·Jl publtc off1 c1als wo uld bl' noll fll'd whC'n sh1 pmt•nts wen• planm><l "Whal kinds of tnSpl"t'l1on and enfon1•mc•nt s ta tions and /or 1nspt>t·tmn e·upa b1ht1<'S woulrl be.• av n 1 I LI b It..· a Io n g the r o ut l'S dl·:-1gnatc·d?" Patterson asked Be lll'l'UC, a forml'f Lagun<.1 mayor. said she favored routing rad1oat·t1\'(' w aste)> Crom San Onofrt• ..outhward a nd th1•n c·ast isee ROUTES. Page A2l County committee to aid Olympics By HOWAR D L. HANDY o< Ille D91ty l'llot I t.ti A group of antrrt•sted Orang{• Countv c 1t1ze n s. head ed bv A 1 r Ca I 's re l 1 r r n g pres 1 d l' n. t RobC'rt Ch ff o rd . h as formC'd a U S Olympic: Committee o f Orange County to a 1d the American Olympic movemrnt an the future. Clifford was rec«'ntly naml•d Orange Coun ty chairman rind immc d1alc ly set about pil·king men and wom en to work with him sn thP fund-raising program. Dennis Landcsman. re tir<'CI at age 38 after a successful career in audio logy a nd in o wning 11 cor porations . 1s the group's fund raising C'h aarman and will '1•rv1• as tv-e·ha1rman of t ht' <·omm1llt't' with Cltfford Oth<·r!. who wt•rC' g1vt•n a flr,t hand look at thC' Colorado Springs Olympic T raining Center this v.ee k included Sad1t> Mt Machael. Dale Dvk<'ma and David Baker of lrvmt• and Mark P<•t(•rson "The tr'f) was .C'xc.·1t1ng itntl It gaw' us an insight into what thl' program 1s all about," Ch!ford says "Wt: organized our l'Omm1ttt'<' :J 1 , months ago and hnv<' set a goal o r $350,000 for the next y«'ar Th«' state of California only ra1S<'CI $320.000 over a four-vt•ar ----INDEX---- At Your Scrv1c-t• Business Uivakadi' A7 84-5 8 2 E4-8 B6 B6 07 A6 Clas.<il f ILod Coml~ C rossword Death Nolle.~ Editorial Ent.eruunment HorMCOpe Ann Landcra WM>kender 8 2 82 Movu.•s Mutual Funds Notional News Public Notkes Bl-4,88,07 8,E2-3 Sports Swck Market.'! T ell'v1s1on Th<•nte~ Wt•uthc>r DI .fl 8 5 TV Log Wl'Ckenclt-r A2 DRE AMS COMING TR UE TraininR Center outlined. 01 period and wp want to lx-at th at figure in a s horll•r period or lime "We wall stage• '>Jll.'l'ia l evcnts to r:use th<' mon1•v and thl' hrst will hi' a d mnc•r at ·lht• grand opening o ( the Copa dt· Oru rC'staurant in Costa M c·so Nnv 17 Fo rmN Olympian John Nobc.•r will be.' our guest speaker " Landcsm an, who 1s in c·h arge o f thl· fund ·ra1:.1 ng p rogram s. says· "This 1s lht• only fund raising program I h avc b«'<'n associated with whc•r<' JX'Ople a re t·oming to us and asking what tht•y can do o r ar«' o ff t•r1ng to contribute:' to the• fund "Wt• hoix• to help th<' USOC r«'ach and maintain two goals: First, tu l>Upport tht•ir budgets and Re('und , to hovl• some monev tri<.'kle d own to the• othlcte·s tht•mS<'lves "No. we don't wnnl to pny the athletes but to ht•lp provide things n<'CC'SSary for their support so they don't hove to tak<' tlml' out to hov<> part-lime JObi "My goal a!l dlrN'tor of fund raising will be to rolM> $350,000 and when we reoch thot amount, to go fut $500.0ll a nd tlw11 $I million "Aftt·r the• d innt•r. we· hilvt• plans for l'Vl'nls at Annht•1m Convf'ntlon Ct•nlt'r. a President's brl'akfru.t . over-the -lane and 5K and IOK runs. walka thons a nd spc•c·1al nights at the El Tonto restaurant wht•fl' the pro h ts wall be split. 40-60 "We· w ill also have all Olyrnp11· souvenir 1tc•ms for sale at all cvC'nLs on a consignment basis·· The commill<'C' meets C'very other W('<Jnesday at the preS<'nt time and a lso in dudes Bob Burgoon . Bob McCafforty. Joan D1 eblt•r and W ernl'r Esc hl.'r Comm1ttl'<' mt•mbers under this group number almost 200 nt thr prl'S<'n t ll me.• "Sanc.·c we o rganized this romm1ttc't', e-vcry lhing el. e hos been ju s t like gnivity It h os reall y mus hroomed and is growing <'Och <fay." Landesman says "l'vt• l(llt HO m ony pcoph• asking me-what they cttn do to h elp, 11 1!4 renlly cncournglng. Alt of n 11uddc n 11 has a prestige ('(( f'l'l "And things won't stop with the 1984 O lympie!« We will havl' an oppo rtunity to conttnut• beyond that d&U• " .. T h a t • :-w h t• n h e n o t 1 et· d t h t· t r a t· k (See T RAIN, Page A2 l De11J Not PMto ~ f'9Mctl o,,._.. Newport Bea ch youngsters watch as Pinocch io~ the pelica n with th e artificial bea k~ gets ready for a bath. Newport kids help injured pelicans By J OEL C. DON OftMO..,Notle.tf Some.• of thr sixth grudt•f'!S front Hnrbor Vlt•w Elementary School In Nrwport Beach had n~vl'r seen n live pt•lk'an . lt't ulone the birds tha t were mutilated rt'<'<'n tly. But they knew how to show th ei r apprt'cin t lo n t o v('l(•ri n Arinn s nnd n n l mol workl'l'lC ''' Crown Valll'y Animal llosp1 ml In Laguna N1gul•I. whl'l't" nine of the m{liml'<i bird~ Art' bt'lng c art'd (or 1n thf' "Pt'llcon word." Thursday the youngs t ers delivered a basket of cash - U 5 l.1:13 to l.>t> exact to help the hospital defray th e food a nd rnl>dlcal ('art.• rosts of th e brown JX'lleans. After starting a cur~nt even ia ecUon last week . the atudcn \I decldf'd to ra19C the money In • orw·day bake tale at the tchuol Ca~h donations f rom pa~n~ al.lo helped the coll«tion. uld t.Qchc-r Linda Wawra. "Kids fir<' bulcally very (SH PELICANS. Paa• Al) •r PELI AN AIDED • • • 11n1miil 11r11•11h'\I," 1•xpl111111·d l!1·11 W1'<1d111~11111, 1t'.ad11•1 11f .11111tlH'1 :-uxth i,trud1· l l.1~' 11!.11 Jt11111 ·d 11111n tht• fund r;11•u11.: 1•ffn1 t "'l'h1•y lllVi.' lll l\t'oJI 'o\0111'!'. ,a11d 11 ,111 -.1w·11·s about ,1111111a1," So tht• stud1•11ts v.1•1a· ,11111 ktd Wlat·n 1h1·v 11•1ad "''''''ll·lf11'1 .1r11d1·i. .1h11ut tlw 111Ju1 t'd Im .t-. 1\bnut 1w11 wt•t•k ' .1.:0. pd11.11i... with tlw11 uppt.•1 bt-.1k-. -..1w1·d 111 I hoppt.J llff Wt•l't' 'l>t>lh'<I 111 th1 1>.11\.i Point ll.irho1 .11'1•.i \Vrldllfa uffll"tub ... u,p1•1·1 .111 .111g1 \' f1s lwr111a11 01' l1sla1•1'1111•11 111.a\' ht n·sp1111s1bl1• l>n.1usa· tlw hard' Slt'.al "'h hnv v h.111 .111d ~' t t,)11.,:11.J in f1 slu11g litll'-. .11111 nt•b . . Th I') I h II LI g Ii I I I \\' .. :. horriblt'." s.11d W .1w1;1 "Tl11•\ l!.Jn't 1111th•1.!'>l.a11d why .11n•11111 would mutrl.111' ,111 .1111111.il · "Tlwv l>t:llt'VI' Ill al\ l'\I' 1111 .tll \'\ll' I( lht•y l'~lldl this ~II\ llll') : think th1•y slwuld 1·u1 "" 1111M· I off Th~t's th1· way th1•v 1la111k " , lndt•t•d. 1111' ~15 · stud;·nt-. who : Vl.!'>>l<'d th1• 1wll1·ans hwl a•\'1•11 h.11 :ihC'r wonh for th1· 1wrM111 111 J pt•oplt• w hu h.1e kt'll o l I t lw I pl'11t·.in beak.' Lu t· k 1 I v. a Ii 1 rd 11,1111 l' d P1nocd110 ·ha:. bt't.>n :>u1·gw.11ly Cllttc>d with an urtifal'ial lx•;ik ,and animal doctors hope tlwy '"11 n •t urn it 10 lht• wild If 1111· prvsthesrs d(J(•:.n 'l h«1r uff "111'11 Pincx'Chto hunt:. fr,h, !>4ll11t 111 t lw other ~h('ani. may abo ~l'I th1 11 own fibergla~ balls. fn S('ffil·Offtl'tai C1'l'l'll10flll"'• I I \ '.... I" d I<" h Ii 11 · I\ I k 111 .... 't11d1111 p 1•· ... td 1·11t 111 Wuw1 .1 ... , f,,.,,, lt.111d1·d l'r11v. 11 V • .tl1·v \•·It 1111.111,111 (;,I\ It• H11l ... rt:-. 1111' 1114111\ ~ r ... tlll 111·w "p1•l111111 h111d .. 1>1 1(,.11 .. 1" 11 1111·.t th .al .... \'llljl.1th1•t1 l' p 1•11 1il1· 1'1'11111 tlt11111gh11ut 1111 • l'Olllll1y .111d ( ·.111,1do1 h ,l\'I' 11l f1•rt•tf hl lll'ljJ tlll' I" la. .111' 'v\'1th1111t uppl•r twaks, t h 1 • ,, 11 1 111 ,1 I i.. 1· 11 n 11 o l l1•t•d tlh·tllM'h"'' und proh ably \\, 11tld -.1;11 v1· to d1·ulh. :.hl' m1id ()111• 111t111 hai.. 11fft·n•d to S4'Ulpt .1 ''1111d1•11 p1·l11·a11 out (If .1 pp11'1'1.1111111 to lht• animal ""'"' t.d A l'.111;.idtun l'allt•d lo 11 .. 11 n '' h.11 lht• l11rd:. luvt.> to t.'dl JI, th1·11 had Hill pounds or frorA•n 1n.11 IH•1 l'I flown lo L1JS Ang1•l1·s 1111 d1•fl\1 'l'Y lu tlw ho.-.pilal 'l'h1· ... 1.111• [lt·p.1rtnw111 of Fish .111d ( ;,11111• h.ii.. '"' up a fa ... h 1111l1·1 t111n 1>111 111 Danu P o111l I l.11 lx•r l11r 1h1• µl'lll'Jm, Su f.1r. a•1111ugh hmllh• .md other pdll'/111 I.I\ 111111•, h.1v1· h1•1•11 donatc•d lo pr 11\ 1d1• till' bard:. thrt•t• squ.111· 1111 .. ab .a d.av Hol~:l'l.'> :..ud Tl11 hoi.p1t.1l .11.;o hcc. l'l.'\.'l'IV1·d 11111111·111ui. l'ial b fro m an1111.d ,.urg1·011-. \\'1::.h111g lo donat1· th1 11 :.1•1 ,.,,.,., 111' adv an• Others h.1v1· 11 tl 1•1t"d l o !'>l'nJ span•-ag1· 111.111·11.di. l ur tht• pru1>th1·t1t· 'lllg1·1 \ l )111 h.a,kl'l of rtow<·r.. pt•rh.1p-. .... au l 11 ,Ill Thi· t·..ird n·a<l "011 lx·h.111 of the pdat·an:., th.Hlk ynu F111111 .i fl·lluw hard lov1•r" ROUTES FOR WASTE • • • toward the dl•M•rt .111u Yum,1. f Artz. 1 She said tlrn. would wk,· tlw :shipments through It·~, dl'nM·I;. !Epulated rt·g1o n .. and ,Jv111<l I avy traffic whrth now plagu1·" : • ny Orange Count\ frl't'way:. • 1 Kynas ton &lid thl' p<atrol will : n ot be making anv fin.ii d1~·1s111m. ! on r 11Ult• li1·...rgnJt1ons unlit publtt· h t • .. r 1 11 g " a r c · c.· u m p I <' t 1• J K \ n.a..,111 11 " tht· C'htd o r llH· c i11>·, Enforn•mt.•nt ScrVl('('S IJ1\'1-.111n in Sal-ramt•nto Thur ... day's hl·aring in Sanld t\n.i ''a' thl' s~:vc•nth held so far in C:.d1for111a F'urth<'r hearings rn.1~ l>l' he ld 1n San Dlt.'go and Hl\'1'1 'l(h-l'llUl1tll'" juCI plays politics I I I Pollt1cally ln\'ttl\'ed high ... t.111101 ,s tudents will gatht.•r from all u\t I jSouthern Cal1fm n1a Saturda\ ,1t 1 UC lrvine for a day of c.kb.1h 11n ~current politu:al a!>Su cs i.lnd ,1 1 ... ok lat statewid(• racc>s S p o n sor ed by th~ Southern Empire Region o f 1hc> Junior Statesman of AmC'rrt·a . thi> ,students will dC'bat<' .suc.·h i...-.ut" l·J-; the nuC"l<.>a r fret.·7.l . d1 .i ft "!'f'g1s1 ra t1o n , reapport wn nwn t anJ gun control Also. thC'rt' writ Ix .i kc•vn1111· addn'SS by Rl'p Ho~rt Badham l{. Newport &•C1ch . and a spt'('tal t orum foc-us1 ng on both tht• D t'm ocrat a nd R epublH·an ·' p11l1t1t·al phal usu phrl'S a~ t·,·1dc.·m t.•d b y 1h1· 1982 elec:t1on <'<1mp.it~ns Junior Statc.·<om.rn 0 1 Amenl'a 1:. a 50 y1·ar-old non pruf1t, n u n part1s0J n organiwtaon of h1~h Slhool )tlUdl•nts rnll•restt.•t.I in polrllt'' ~ind gov(·rnmc:>nt. Tht•rc· arc• Junio r State chapll'r.> on hrgh ~ hnol c.·ampuSl'S ac~ the s l.4tt• S ... turday·s day-long Sl'SStOn . "fJ\'11 to all high ::.<:hoot s 1udt.·nt..' and tt·,whl·rs. ts i.t•t to begin a t 9 c.1 m rn the PhysK<ll SctC'nt'<' 11..ill n n tht• UC Irvine.• l·ampus Th<'rc' will bt· J $4 regts trallon (l"t· Add1t1onal snformatto n ma\ bt· oht.11nt·<i by calling Junsor StJI<' "'' 1:n:J1 994 -0973 • • • an 1n1ury A I I ": g" t a I" 11 ll w Ill I .. ''''I"""'"" 1111 111111111·, ,11 ... 1.11111•d II\ 0111 •ii 111111 1111t11111s uu1-.1d1· 1111• • 11111 .d la ·1 Ill' 'I"'"' 111111 · tl1111l..1111! 1111·1 , ... A I l1111l111i.:t1111 ll.·.11 la 111,111 wh11 1 l.1111 " tli.11 .a •Iulo'' li.t1 ll•11d1•1' '1111l11111t·d 111 ...... "' h1111 ,1111·1 lw \\," 11l1v11111,fy 111l11>.i1·111 .. d. 1lr111ki.. M~ L.1wy1•1' 1111 'J.7 yc·11r old .lunw11 Suttw1 '1111111 111 ii 1·1v1I .,Liii wh1t•h v. Fiil 111 tn.11 lhll> w1•1•k Ill Or.lfll(l' ( 'rnmty S u pt•1101 l '11u1 t th.at lht• 11w111•1' 111 tlw fornwr .lawi. Clul.J 111 C11,,tu M1·i.a ac·11·d 1wglrg1•11tly .111<1 n·1·kla•M1ly wh1•n tht.• dub's har11•111lt•1 s l'O ntinuou:.ly st•rvc.·u Su1111n tlw 111ght h1· wa~ lllJUrt.-d Sulton was stru~·k by J l·ar w h rl 1• a l t t.• 111pt1 n g t '> l' r o:. ii. Nl•Wpoa t noull•v:a rd .afll'r ht• ldl t lw duh. wh11·h 1111w rs k1111w 11 a:- Dt•JO Vu though sttll ow1wd f>y Jaw-;. lrw Alsu manwd in tlw l:1ws u11 1., tht· drrvt•r of lh1• t·m .illl·g1 -<I lo havl• bt.'l•n 111v11lvt·d in lh1• 1t\\'1U1·nt Sltttam, ,1 Cosw M•·"-1 n ·s11ll•111 111 tlw 111111• of tht• .Januo.iry, llJ7H ;wndt•111. 'tpt•nt about two y(·w·s 111 ;1 t\"l 111 bro.tt'C's and 11uw has 111w lt·g ... 1t11r11•1 than tlw otht•r a s .1 11·,1111 111 th1• .11·nd1•nt, al'1:ordsng tu hr" l.1\\ v1·1 .11\d t(•st1mony 1n lh1 111.al Htl'li.anl Murphy . Sutton's .1t tor 111'y , s~11cl hrs dwnl 1s ~'l:ktng $ l.1ll,OOU fo1 hts injury. los.' o f 111t·1111h· .ind damag1·s. plus Jl\Ol"tll'y·-. f('t'!>. Murphy datm<'d Sut wn was "uvc·r~c·rvt•J'' al thl· dub Lh l· night of tlw al•t·1J1·nt The sull t l.11 111' h.irtl'nd1·ri. n •pt•at1·dl y ... t .. rV('(I Sulton rn-sh clnnki.. l'Ven though ha, 1nt11Xll'at1on was "11ll\'111ll' ,111CI .1µµarent " Murphy wa1vt.!d his right to an 11p1 •11ang !>tall•ml•nt tn thl' trial W1-<lm·.,.l.1 v aftt.•rnoon Lawyt·r.. 1111 J ,1\\'' ~111J Susan Ch L·ng. · lhe dt 1v1·r. as kt•d to rl'M'rve their r rght to u s tatement, i..o Jurors bt·g;lfl h1·anng C'vad<.•m·e in th1· l'.a~1· 11111111·d1a1t•ly Thi 11 1.d '' 1•xpt•t'll'd tu l,"t until .about No\ !I Courageous on display T h t· I :.! -111 ,. t ,. r ' ,1 < h t CuurJg1'11Ui.... IHll' or thl· 1·rn1h•11d1·r::. 111 tlw l!IH:i Anwnc.:;.i's Cup dC'f1•nM· trial' will bt• on JJUbltt d1-;plo.iy a t th e' N1•wport !:ih1py.11d :.?2:1 :!1"1 St . rrom noon It> 3 pm .• 11 t11rd sng to Kt•\'ln Sum1111·1t·ll. W1·'1 Coast proJ(·t·t d1r1•l·t11r f11 r tlH· 01'ft'nd1·r · ( 'uur.1g1~•u' Synd11.1ll· C11ur<1i.w11u ... •~ prc·~um.1hly <• trial h11r ... c· for lht.• °''" 1:! ffi(•l(•r J>d1·nd1 r "Im h 1:. t•XJX'<. ll·d to ,1rnva· 111 N1•\\ µor t Bc·m h .1boul Nov I H ~' Cooling trend , I' Constnl vuaabl• high cloudln•u through todey and tonlgtll HIQh• et the bHChH 70 to 74 and f'l•lld .,_ 74 to 78. OW<nlght tows 52 to 57. Some IOw doude on Seturdlly during the rnomlnO "°""' bU1 otherWIM coneldetabM h i gh cloudln ••• Cool e r on Saturdey with hight of 88 to 114 , Eleewher•. rrom Point Conception to the Mexlc:en· b order •nd out 80 mllee: Ho<'t'-1 wlndl tO to 16 lcnc>Q _.th 4 10 6 loot _. a... outer ..... dac:f'eMlng tOf>lghl Wino. toeley _, to ~t 8 to 15 lu.ota. loc:411tV llght van.ble wind• nig ht e nd morning hour•. .. .CC:ririo wwt to .out~t 10 to lcnota ounno afternoon• tod•y Saturday. Wind w• ..... 2 IO 3 w.t9f1y ...,... 1 to 3 tMt. onelder•DI• high c;toud lnen tunllly wftl'l -low Cloud• turda)' rnomtf'O. A band o f 1ho0w era a nd thunderahoww• .treicri.ct •rom Te••• to llllnole •nd r a in Mmpeiled the Padftc: Nottl'Wt •••l y today . with enow In mouni.ln er-. Rain at•o fell In much of lh• •ipper MIMIMIPC>I Velley. CIOuOY tlllw tP'M<I from the oentral Pec:fflc C:O-t to Montane •nd Wyoming , end ov•r the northern Appalachlan1 A rew .,_, llngerect over IOUthe<n Aof1da. Sit ... -· ,.,, OV9r the '"' of the United St•t•. ~ttered rain •hO""•" were t--' tor later todey from the central Oulf CoH t through th• lower Otllo Valley to the Oreat l •kea. A •-thunderehowere -• expec:ted 0\'9f the oentrel °"' CoMt ...... """ *° ..,.. predicted lr'om nortMm and oentull Pacific o••t ac rou the northern oc:klff and into the northern . Sunny ...... -·tor-I om IN ~ Roc:ll ... to the ttal Ptelria .rid alor'O the ENI ••P•Cl•d to CIH r. IH vlno , • ., al<I• throogt1 Svndey A LO. Afl9llea l'llOtl In the uciper 70. la loreue1 lor S.turO.y 81\d Sun<l•y w11h lowl In the mld-509 downtown to the upper 401 In Inland v8lleya. NOf1hwMt wlMt from 15 to 25 mph -• ·~eo In mounte.ln ••••• through S11urday wllh m•rcury predlcled to dip near lre•zlng 8'ound Big Beu and Owene Vdey a... the weekend. Wln01 h•v• •wept pollvt•nU out of the South Cout All Buln ano •·•• e~teo to ll~ the lllf clM,,. lh<ougl\ 5<Jn4ey. WlnOs 11om IS to 25 mph lllto wer• ••P9Cted by th• -tiler l«Vlce In n0t1hern 0-1 ·-· Mounl8tn high• -• fOf'_.t tor S.hl'dey lrom 56 to 63 with Iowa from 42 to 46. CoMt.i ¥dey ~ tho<AO '8'199 from 70 to 75 The~ In n0t1hern a-ti may ,.noe trom 62 to 72 with iow. lrom 36 to 46 Southern OMert hlgtw -• fOf'-1 from 74 to 80 with tows t1om 45 to 55 'T e n1peral1tres MATION Albeny Albuque<que Anc:hOrege AahevNte Atl•nta All•ntlc: City Au111n 88111mo<e Ollllngs Blrm1ngh1m Boise Botton Brownsville Bullato Burllnglon Ce_. Cnaneslon S C C111rleslon. W V cnar1011e N c Cheyenne ChlC&gO Clnclnnell Clevet1nd Cotumble SC Columbus 0.llH·fl Worlh Oanver OM MOlnM Oetrou Duluth El PHO falrb•n-• Fert1(> Fcegstan HI Lo es 29 se 32 14 9 68 29 69 45 62 311 8S 70 87 35 52 36 12 u SS 33 89 33 90 73 66 38 63 3 45 28 68 so 73 34 71 4 45 3t 10 54 73 45 72 44 72 33 72 37 76 81 so 33 59 50 72 46 54 45 67 46 15 .03 49 <10 <16 22 The Foree.st For 8 p.m. EDT .>1turOc1v C>c.too~-· Ju •H• n Temoera1v1e.., •Ht'#< .• tilflft'"f" '"-.(JAA .,. "f"(. Frot11s Colo .,. Warm 99 Oc lud~d ~ Stationary•• Urett Fall~ HarllorO Httleri• Honolulu Houaron lnOlanapall& Jackson M•SS J1c;1taonv111e Juneau K1nu1 City l(nox11111e Les Veon Liiiie Roc:k Loul1v1lle Lubt>oc:k Me<nphll Moel"lll M•lw•Vkee Mpb·SI Peul NHhV111e N-Orleens New Vork Norfolk NOflh P18118 Omahe Oflando PhUode!Phie P~• Pllltb<Jfgh Portl•nd Me Por1teno, Ore Provldenc• R•lttloh RIC>ld City Reno Rlc:hmonO Sall l•1te Seellle SllrtvePOf I S>OU• fella St Loult St Pele T 1mp1t SI Sle M8'1e S(>Oltene Topelae 48 33 63 '7 <18 30 80 67 79 68 73 41 79 39 75 49 3<1 24 59 41 68 3• 65 42 75 S3 73 40 6<1 42 75 48 78 75 68 49 53 50 75 " 79 53 67 <14 63 42 S3 34 58 47 82 60 66 40 78 so 70 30 67 29 50 44 6S 33 70 38 53 42 SS 25 70 39 <Ill 31 49 47 78 S9 53 43 73 58 63 59 62 45 48 37 87 51 l uc;son Tulaa CALIFORNIA Apple Valley BakersllelO Bartlow Beaumon1 Bag Bear BllhOI> Blyl~ Eureka Fre•no l •ke Arrow11110<1 Lencet1er Long Beach LOI Angeles Monrovi• Montebello Mon1erey Ml Wilton Needles Newport BettGh O•lalend On111o0 Pelm Spr1ng1 Peslldene RedWOOd City Sacremento S1AnH San 8ern11ro1110 Snn G11b•lel S•n Diego Sen Fr1ncasc;o S•n JOH Sent• 88'b•re Senta Cruz Santa Marll Senti• Mon;ca Stockton Tahoe VAllaV The1m11 fOfranc;e Yum• Tides H 39 68 59 t41 Lo 66 32 86 7S 72 43 69 SJ se 23 S8 27 76 S2 ~ 4S 67 u 47 32 85 33 81 51 11 58 61 44 79 SS 67 <16 61 <14 72 53 74 50 66 48 76 43 79 St 78 48 70 46 43 36 70 41 75 43 60 45 76 54 64 47 86 43 73 45 94 78 67 39 78 58 70 4t es 62 8t 43 79 52 76 59 :: I ' SURf RIPORT TOOAY 8«ond IOw 2 1& p.m. 1.0 Second hlgfl 1.07 pm 4.8 . ... &;er ..... -~~ ............................ .. IATIMDAY '1rttl0w 2·1~·"' 06 ' .... .... 3 3 3 3 ...... °" w w w w ,,, .. hlOfl • )() " "' 8.6 hcond low 2.49 P•"' 0 II ~ hlO'I 1:41 p.m. U 8un Nit today at l :OJ p.rn •• ,,_ letllrdey at l : t I a.m. Moon , .... toct.y et 4:11 p.m ., Ml• lat\lrd9v It 4-01 ··"'· PW o~ Not PMtoe by 08'Y Antbro .. St'c·oncl o f lru in'l'> lwo t•u -.ci n•·-. WU!'> c·c~nt rul po int of alw fir('. TRAIN FIRE TERMED SABOT AGE • • • From Page A 1 u11dt•11w.otlt lar:. .. 11 \\,"1111 1111 · "That ,fi1.1•1k 1111· 1111" lrtth hut 1 JU"I Jllntpc·d 1.v1•1 1111' I I.urn·-.," tlw 1>11,.1111•,...,11.i11 ,,a11I I I•· ..... 1d ;a t•oruha·toi lll g1 ·d 1 lw pa~"'"W'" 111 0 (:, ... , t ••• a~ vuu , ...... . "I II· told li,. '"" lw·I 1111ght 1·>.phxh·" J.11k llallh1111-.1• "" tr.1111 hull f111111 Furl L.1111 li·r1 I.ah· Fl.1 111 · w.1i. \'.al.,all1111111g 1n Calrfrn 111;1 .111d wa1> lak111g A11atr:tk :rllll tu San D11·g11 '1'11111 ,d.ay 111ght "Wt• \\'1•n · 111ovrng along 111 l'lrv r;1p1dly, and th1·11 lit• lq~lth wf•nt 11ut " 1 lt1· 111a1 kl'l111g 111.an.ag1·1 ,,ud "I l11•1kt'l.I vut th1• "111d11\\ .a ml ''"' hLtl k !'>1ll1•k1· from tht· burning d11·"·I oil "l t wa., pn•lt v 11hv111u~ to m1 · thl' t•ng1nt'l'f Nicho las Yunick "ail!-t with lu~~a~e fo r a.,s i~tance. I J.. a nd \\ .1111t•d 111 g1·1 th.it 1r;1111 "'''flf>t d " lw ii.;11d "lit• v.;1111t•d 111 'lup, l1lfl 111 dttln't W,tl1I l<r """'' I•• IM'l 'I llll' p.11'.-.1·ng1·r' 11t ( 1111· fr(lnt of thr· 1.11 '·" 111 l.111glwd ll1llh11ul-.4· '-lld hi!> !l·llO\\ p.a-.. .... ·ng('I " Ill 1111 l.a...t lJI W<'ll' 1·;1lr11 for tha llllll>l pJrl, t·Xl'l•pl •111• w11m.a11 who 11p1•1H·d Iha· tr 0 11 1 d11<H of th1• t'Jr "'l'h;i1 wa~ s tupid." Ill' ,.;11d ··~muk1· pour 1·d 111111 tlw 1·ar th111ugla LIH· d 1•1f' .and w1 n1uld11 t I llN' II ag,111\ " Wlt1•11 I l1llh11u:.1· lt·;1pc·d I 111111 till' c:.ir ht· -...ul ht 11111k1•d !,.·hind l11m .and "'"' \\ la.11 luok('d hk< .1 11111•· long ... 1n•ld1 of f11t · 1111 lht· lt.ll'k' "It':. JUSl .ima z111g 1h1·11· w ;.n;n 't vn l')( plo,11111," h1• "ttd, shc1krng ha.. lwad Anrl1 ;1k i.l•1tl ;, .,1·1·1111d tr ,11n rrom 1.,., /\11g1 •h•s :.tlJoll t r1r1 llllMUh'l> .aflt I \ht fir(', wh1d1 pu~hl·d tlw hlat kt'm•d 11 .. 11111111 1\ ,., .ind n 1m111Uh r t•:irs to a lll'arl>y '-Hling P.ii.s1•11g1 ·r-.. b.1ggo.ig1 · and p1·r:.1111.1I 1ff,1" v.1·n · thl'11 tr.111-.f1·rn·d lt1 A111tr;1k ;·1H:!. v. huh urrrv1·d an Sa11 r>11·g11 ,al .ilu•Ul 11 I' ni .a ii.pok1'!>ma11 .,;ml Amlr.1k uff111:ils s;11d tlt1 v d•i 11111 k11o·w ho\~ mul'l1 darn.1ga· was d11111 111 tlw lrn11moll\"1-. v. hula .al•· v.tluo'll .11 1111111 tlt,111 $1 111rll1<111 • ·,11 I1 lta\ 1·,11g.at111 -. .,,;111! 1111· 1•11l!11111 t -.p11t1• d .1 k.1 ~ 111 1111 1.11 'l"k'"' 1111 th1· 11 .u k hut "JS un.il1lo tu ... 111p Ill 111111' lll ,a\'llld h1t1111g •Ill' d1 ·l11 r... "\'.111dab .ipµa1t•ntly p l.111·d th•· '111k1 ' .1l11n).l with '>111111• 111• pl.111·' ;.tnd g.aug1 pl.1l1'' ft ,.111 ,a 11 ·1 1 111 n ·p.111 J11li on tht· tr.11·k. 1\n11r.•k .., 1\11 1 .. ~1d '-1111 I Ir -.,11d Int .11 S.111t.;1 h l<.11 lt 11.111 111v1 .... 11g.ah1f' .ond ;\11111 .1k 111f111.ili. wtll I"· 111v1·'it1gateng th• -..11~11.agt• CHANGE of POLICY We're still the largest selection of Polo~-Ralph Lauren But, we've extended our lines of merc handise to include all the best !ables in the world and c hanged our name to reflect this broadened viewpoint: GIANNI ACCARDI • GIORGIO ARM ANI • JH ANYNE BARNES • PETER BARTON • PERRY ELLIS • RALPH LAUREN e ENRICA MASEI MISSONI • ROBERT PHILLIPS • NICOLA TRUSARDI 3333 SO. BRISTOL. SAKS WlNG 641-0353 ALL MAIOH CREDIT CARDS ARE WELCOME J ,. (,,'"'II" ( .,,,.,, I IAll f 1'll1) I /I I 11f.1y ( )( IOlllH /'fl 1'18i' ,. ,, I "* NATION Sovi t bomber po ~ threat to ea lane Mid.e ast peace tall{s nearing? llt>Ntll.ll l.1 1 S11\11 t H.11 kl111 1•1111111,... h,I\'• Ii··~!"" 11 p1 l.111111" Ill th1• St'.I ol .l .1p.111 l"""'g ·' '111•\\ d1111p11,11011 111 tho• tl111-.ll t11 "'•I 1.1111'' 111 1111 ,111•.1," ,,I\" tl11 · '"I' l I s I 11 d ti .11 \' ( 0 111111. 1111 h I I II I lit' I '.11 111\ J\d111 ll11h1 I I l.1111).( 111111111.lllllo I •II l l S 111111•' 111 tht• J 1,11 ti II ,111tl f11d1,111 11\ l'.111.,, ,,1111 Tliut '"·'' t Ii.ti S11\ 11 t \\,II p),11\1 '' 11111'1 ,11111,1.( Hlft tol 1,.11111 li.1tko1 .111.t ( ',1111 l<.ol111 l\,1\ Iii \'11111.1111 1.111 1111\\ 'Ii "" , , , I. 1 I , , \\ ol \ .1-. I\ I 11 h\ , I\ t ;ll,1111 .tlld tlH 1'111111'1'1111 .111d lt'llllll \\1lli111H 11·1111 l111g l .11111-: • .i .......... .t tl1.ol .11111111" I h11 d 111 1111· !'\.,\ 11 I 1111 I 111 SS .!ti 11111 11111·.!1.111 1.1111-:1· 1111111111 I' )i,I\ t• 111 I II pl.111•.J Ill 1111 11.111111 F .11 l•:.1 I 111• · .. 1111 1111 1111 ... ,11.' \\1111111 1.1111:• "' .J.1p.111, .111 oilllltol \\1111 lllllll lli.111 :!.1111111111 ,11 \\ .ol ho .111 Tylenol bottle different t 'llH'.\t:<> t',o1111d1· Ae•u• hU•c• t'•v•• Wtlfef \\ \'-,lllM.1l1•, 1111 \\'t.111 11•111 I 111 111 \I tl11 II I ,1 11! 111 '''·''"' .. t -.1.llllllf 1111 111111111111 I" ,111 I .lh ,11o1 11 111 1111 l\l1ddl1 I· ' I \\ I I I ' . I II t ti I II .• I I h I 111 1:1111.111111• 1.1ld1 "1111 t ... 1.11 I I lo11 .1 11old .Ill .I I 111: I 11.11 lj'I ti\ I I I 111 11111111111, .. It \\ 11111111 Ii~ oll'" .... 111 11 \fl 111,oll\ 1111 Jlf ""Jl<'I I 111 1111:11tLllllll!'. ,.,1,to ·d s. I 11 ·.ot.11 \ 111 SI.Ill· <:1·111 IJ.I I' S h11l11 .111d 1ill111 11 S 11llll't,1h o111• 111111tol•111 t It.II ii .1111 d.111', l\lllg I !11v.1 111 \\Ill ... 11 d11w11 w1tlt l ,1,11 Ii !1 .ult I'. tho\' \\ tll 111111 ,1 11.tlllt\\lllk ,,,, lt111p111.11\ .... ,, 11111 1111 l'.ilo·,11111,11" II\ lflg Ill 1 .. 1.11 Ii •••lljlllll t.111:11111 , 11 11 llllJllll\ Id llllll1Hlk 1111 l,oll\, olt'lll' tl11lll I \I 1,d l.111111 ... Ill• l11.J1111• I .... I tll\oi ... 11111 · .. , I I "' """ I '1 t 1d1 11 I 1<1•.11:.111 ·, :-;, l'I I I"·"' 111111.itl\ • o111d .111 ·•Jll• ,, , 11t \\ 111111,1.(11•' 1,, '"""' ..... 1\1 ,111 II·'"""' '" t 111.oll ' 111 111•1111• J ,1,11 I \\ ,1,l11111•lull .1h11 ... "tt1;11.1l1111: 1lt1 lw11..t1h 111.11 tit• l'.olo•,11111 I ,llll I ool 11111 ()I j(.1111/,olllllf I 1o1iloi """I II II I" 11):11111·-. I ..... I 11111 1u11lol 111 I I S .ittc•pl.11111 111 \' ••• , "I ' I 1\ I ·" .1 I I ". I ' I. 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Hit 1 u u t 111 u I ol1d11 I 11 I'' I tl11 111 "I'.•"' l'l,111 ,oltl111111•l1 ti" jlll 111 ti 1111 11 11\\ I '"""I 1111 11,tli\I 1111111\1 ol ,ii h I 1\11111~ I•• l.i I 1111111tl1 l\lo11111111 •, h1111• ll.1·,..,,111 \\ht I• ti I 111 do 11 1•.1111111 .. 11d 1\1.ol 1<111111111 .. .oll 11 .111\ '" ftlllf.:111/1 1.1 ... I \\1111111 '"' p1• 1•11,, li111d11 11 1 ... , .. , I \\ftl11l1.1\\' 1111111 1111 W1 .1 ll.1111, .11111 ( ,,,,,, S11 q1 "U111 I"' ,I Ill < 111 ·11• •,lo•o\\, th.it \\I .ol .11 \\ ""' 111 11 ,, I\. ' 111 II\ I Ill t>< "" \\Ith I '·" l 1,, •. 11.t Wl11l1 1111 1"'"1111111111 1.t 11111111 !\11111 .lo t 1\1• II II 111 Ill H··~:111 .1\ II \\1111'1 I \I I ~1.l\1 lip tl11 w I .., I H 'II k \\ I 111 I 1 11 I . " 't 11 I I ·d 1111111 .l111d.111 d11111q1 lh1 l!Jtii \\ ... I 111 do I I 11111 ocHtld 111 put 1111 1111111 .olh1 1111 ,,, ..... ,, • .,, 1111111d Sh11lt1 ... 11tl .d ll 1 1h1· l\ra l• \ '''' I 111111'1 k1111~ wh.11 11llw1 1111,.111.1111111 v1111 1 wild 11J ,1w 111..,1 llt.ol 1111 /\t ,ill' ,111 I jll llll' f.1f'I I It.it 1'1 .11 I I'> llll•t t• und Ill J 111·1111.1111 111 p.111 111 tlH' rl'~ton " 111· .... 1.t t lwt •· 1.1. ,,, "1·v11le·111 1· "'' tl11 /\1.tl1 "11 11 lh.11 ll11•y'1t• Vt•ry 111111 II 11111•11 ·'1"d 111 tr y 111j( l11 \\Ill k llll l •• I" ',Ill". H 111 th•· Wll111· ll11us1• h llll• 1·1 l.1111 I h.11 /\1 al1 1·11UIHl'I\'., ''"""'' 1h1·v 111u .. 1 m1.v.-r<1p1dly 11 •1.1. o11 d 1w.111· talk., d anything I!-> 111 111· ~~.11111·d ()rf1c·1ab f t·.H l"'"'1·11t 11pp111l11111l11·i.11111y tw lu:,l Ill •• II .... 1111111tlii- W.i .. ti 111).( t1111 '' 1·nn1uru~1ng llltMh•l,111' /\1,1h CCIUlllrll'!-o !'>Ut•h ..... S.111d1 /\1 • .t11a .Jlld M oron·o to pt "'"'1111 K111g llw •. '>1·111 lo t.alk to I" .u•I 1'1 , . .,_.,u11· I'> ,,1.,., on Araf:;t t11 11'1 l lu.,..1•111 1111-:11t1.1t1· for lht• J ""' ... 11111.11 ... l,111.t 1.iJ1'lll1·, Ill 1111 I t,l.(hlh 1.111111.t l11 1t1l1 111 I•''"·' Sll•ll,t..:lh l'\11·11111 Ill ... 1111-.1.11111.ilh d1ll1•11 Ill 1111111 j'll \ 1"\I' I 1111t l1 ·' I ,11-.111g 1111 '"''''''"'" '"·" 1111111 · th.111 ""' I",,.,,. Ill.I\ 111 · l'l'''""1'1lil1· 1111 tl1t• Jllll tllllllg.. .Ill 111! 11 1.il "'··~' 'l'lt1 l.111 '°'' l w1ttl1 h ..It .11 I d 1tl1•11•11t tlo .111 1111 1tlt1 I "'''II 11111 11 11 \lt••lllt \ t ;, lit 1.ol 'I\ I""' I .1h111 I '·''" 11 1111 .... l.1\ lllj.',llt llt1 d 1 ll11•11•• '"J.!J.!t'''' flll lff th.q i l ll lt 111 I \ ,1111.11 llllt'lil h,1\ • II" d l•'..11111 I ,,old ,, I ,, I\ I'' I 11 I II Does Reagan help or ·hinder GOP? Execution dec is ion due·! S1tl'l'l'lll•' t '111111 '' d1•1 1d111g \\' h 1 • I It l' I I 11 J 11 I 111 I l I Ji 1 11 .1 11 II \\ ' '' II I :-. l l u l I II II • I I H" 11 .ii d l. I,, I k (). BI \ .. II dulihc·d th1· ··c.11111' 1\1.111 lt1L.IU'>I Ito• k1ll1•d h1-. H """ old -.1111 " 11 It l \ ,, 111d1 l.11nl c.1111h 1111 ll.oll11\\l1'll 111 l!l';' I I>< II~ II\ I'' 11 .11111'd t) Bt \ .111 h.111 l.1k1 11 11lll ltlt 111,,UI ,1111 1 p•)ltc ,,., 1111 h '' l'hild n n $:!0 1100 .... Ill th lll\ (·"It \\ 1ll11 111t !Ito k1111\\ h-olg1 111 h i-. \\ 1 It \\'11111 .,.,.., -..11d ( r H1 '.111 ",,.., WORLD -.11111 t I •I 1111111• \ \\"' I 11 li111ol 1111 111,111 I'·'"'" 11t' """ \\ .1-. .. 1 ... u1 111 1,,,,, t.1 ...... 1 1•'1"""'''"' 11 1 ... \\ill """ l.ot1 •1 d1 \11111d 111111 ''"" Ill\' ... t 1g.d 1q ... I) B1 \ .. ,, l1.1ol 1 .... I .! I JI ·I" 111 11\ I \I '11 " lit Jll'I ft t'' \\I 11 '' l1t d 11J1 d 111 I "li'tdt I Ill I 1111I1 I I 1111 I 1 H 1 •• \ .. 11\ I tit ... I I " I'•'·' ••l lut.d ... 1•1 •a\11tu1 11 ,u1 t>1d1 t \\1·drw-.d .1\ II\ 11\1 11h LS t'111t11l l'111111 11t i\pp• . .t, -t.l\lllJ.. ()J\f\.111 t h•dttlid t ',ll llllllll ~t111d .. \ ,,, It lh.ol lllJ" '"'" Election victory hailed M ,\ D H I J) . S p .1 1 n Chanting "Vl\".1 1<:-.p.111.11" 11 ·n' of lhUUhLlltt.b t1f Jll)'llU' Sot·1.il1:-t' 11·l1·br.111·d ,1 mo111t·nt11lh 1·IM·t111n '111111 \ lh,11 n•tu1 n1·d 1h1•1r pc1rt:> to po\\1•r f11r the· r,,..,, unw ... 1111t d1tl.oto1 ~1.11\C.-.111 Fr.111111 d I 11 \ I 1 h I Ill I II l II t I 1 I' "1Jd,•ri1t·:-.-. I.I''·''' .1J.!11 '1111 :-li1111h 111 l.1111)! 1.1\'I Sp.1111· 1,111.1.! 11111 ,,, , 11,, l\l.1d11d'-. 17th I t'lllUI \ t'l,1/.ol M ,1\ "' Thu1 ... d.1\ n;ght 111 111.11 k t h1 S1w. 1.ol 1-.i,, 1·.1plu11 111 111o1J11111\ 11111tr 11I 111 l '.11 l1.t1111•11t \\ Ji 11 It p 11I I llt' J•I• 11111 1 .. t11p Ill t li1 lt.1111 !, I 111111 '" ,, ·" .. 1o1 l1.111q111111 I, Jq,. < :11111.tl1·1 I srae li oldier killed 8 EI H t; 'I L • I 1,1 n • 111 Gun ml n r.1k1·d .• n [.,r;11·l1 .crm\ v1·h1t 11 "t lh .1uto111.1l11 \\ 0c·.1pon" I 11" 111 .11 lh1 '""' 11 of i\lt•\ fl\·c· mtlt·., -.11u1h1 .. ,.,t 11! Br·1.ru1 . k1ll111i.: .111 J...1 .11·11 :-.11ld11 r .ind w11u11d111g 'c·vt r.11 oth1·r,, ;1 L1·l>an1·..,1 · lt•f11 ~t r;1d111 ... 1 .. 1111n 11•p11111•d lt1d,I\ T It 1· \' o 1 l ,. 11 I A r .i Ii L c· ban 1> n . 1 u 11 Ii y t h 1· STATE :-.1 .. ll,ollltlllJI\ 11111111 I ._,111 1 Jiit o111.11k. 111•1111 1·d Thu1 .. .i,,, 11 Ill p 111 t I I• 111 1'1 >T1 111 I 1 I .\, ' th• rlllltt.11 ' t 11 111111.11111 • 1111J 111111·d I ho .1111l1u ... 1t ,111ol !111 ol1 .. 1th 111 ""' ... 111t1 ... r 11 l1l.111ll'd lh• .111 .11 k 11 I\ g U I' 11 ii l.1 .., Io ll I , 1 I d ... 1·,111 h1•r.. l.1!11 d loo t111d t'11 ,,.,..,,,d,Jnh 'Gay disease' growing SAN FHANC!Sl'O G ro\.\ tng t·vtd1·n< • 'ugg1·-.t-. th<it cl dt"'.J'( I ptd<•mll l' 1• n t 1· rt d 1 n I h 1• g a ' l'ommuntl\ m,1\ ht t.1uwd IJ\ -.i>ml unkno\\ ri' t tr.111 ... nw.,.,.bh· ,1 J:l 1· n 1 I ' u 1 h ,, ' a n u n I d ( n I I I I ,. d \ I r ll .. .i g11\'l•rnm1111 11-.1 .11 1 h1·r rt'JJOfb In It·~<; th.111 l\\11 \l'cH., I 1 d 1 r ,, I " t I 1 • 1 " J., lo ,, \ • 11 111rd1 d 111111 1 1 h .111 ltl1 ' µro \ • n 1 •"' ' 11 1 t It• \ .11 11·d d t'!'.l!\I'" k1111\\ II t 11111"4 II\ I )\ I" t\U.lUll t•d 1111111\1111 f'> .. I It II Ill \ !-t'ntl111111• "'AIDS ,1u 11rd 1 nj,( t" l>r .J ,, n w -. \\' Curi .m of the l1'<l1·1 .ol C1·nt1·1 r 11 1 n .... 1 .'" C111111 11 l 111 ,\1 l.1111 •• PG&E r e ductions sought St\N FHANCIS('O A tunsum1·r w.itt·hdog want~ th(· sta lt' Publtt Utll1t11·s Comm1i.s1on t 11 lop $l:.!H millton off P.inf11· c;a, :111cl Elt·l·tm Co 's I ~IH:i pr<>JX1!wd t hargl'S h<'l·aust· tnfl<cltrm h.ts droppt-<l sharply TURN, a t•on-.u1111·r group. ftlt'Cl a J>('t111on Thur'>!l<iy with 1h1· PL:t' wh11 h 1:1l l1·d 1111 na1ur.1I g,i.. ,ind 1•lt·1·t111·11\ r.ot1· rt·d1a tum;. Thi· p<'t1t111n ,1,kdl tht· PUC t o 1,1k1· u n o th1·1 l1111k al 1h1• $HOtJ mtll1on .111n ual r.1t1· 1nt·r1•a'if' th.1l th1• p.inf·l granlt•t.l P<;&E 11n D1•1 :111. 1981 Ii\ \\ \I. n :n H ~U:.\H ~ AP Sp•cl•I ConHpondenl \\ \:-.lll Nt:'lt1N l'11·.,1ol1 ·111 Ii· .111.111 ,,,, I"' I" Ill•• 1.11'-.111 ol111 t111 ,, -.111 p11,1 11 llW\' tl1111k 11" \ 1.ol1 )'.1111 \ 1111 ' Ill '' I °l'tll .d,I\ ,,, 111o1l.1111• 111 .1ol1111111 ... 11.il11111 11 ... 1 111 111111 I ,q1 l'li,11'' \\ 11,tl I 111 •\ 1h 111I-. ...... 1111 l<1·p11lil11 olll' d11 ..... \ ,1 11 111 1 1 \t11 •llllll 11( 1111 J•I• 1d1 11 ! """t 1.1\11 11.J I ,11id1d,i11-. 11111 I \\ l1t1 g11t 111 ... 11 111d 'Ill t .llliJ lol l~'ll 111 II' 11,1\ I t .. , 11 , ,1 11 tul I•• lo ,,,, ,, l1tt lt I I I 1 It I 11 I I t 1 11 Ill I 1 I I \\ I I 11 I 11 I Ill ... I I \ ,. ... .• II d I Ii • .1d 1111111 11.1111111 1<1 •I'"' \\ill lo.1\ I ·•l'I""'' Id Ill I 1.11 1 " II• 111 11 •• 11 ••I !<1 p11hl11.111 , o111d 1d .ot1 , \\ J.,.11 l1t 1 0 111pl1 II ., NEWS ANALYSIS !11 'd I \l'oll' I .olllJl.llj.!lllllg 1t1111gh1 l\\I• .. 1.1t1 ... g11l 1•\.tl ,, .1tl1·1111oi1 111 ... g11111 I\\ II,. t11 N1•\',11loi, 101 I 11.1 1.11111 d H1·p1d>111·1.111 (:11\' J< .. 1,. t I L1~1 .111d :-.,, 11,1!1 · IH•llllfll•I• t'li11 111 ·1 ht , \\ "" , ... t h;dl1•11g111g ~. II 1111\\ .II d (.'.111111111. .Jlld Ut • .t .. \\ ht•n• (.;Ut-' Sl'n Urnn H <i td1 1.11 ... ,, <;lllf 1hallt·ng1 from Sall I .. oh• <.'11\ l\l.1\•J1 T1•d \Viii.on J I I I t h .1 '> II II I h I l II .1 11 I . 11111.14 1· '"''II'" 1h1 H1 .1g.111 1111 1 ·•~·11 • l 1111 t So1111· ln1t 11111 di 11t "" 111111• h.1 11<•1 n 'l>I nt 111 , 1111• .. 1.111 .. "11• 11 H1·puhltt.111-. 1111111\ 1111, 11,,,, ,, ).(•wHI 1 li,1nc1· ,,r • .,,, 11111. ••II• 11. 111•• I 11 11 S• II.Ill . .. ' ) 11 t a I l t h I I t ol l •' l-' "t \ a' \lotto• 111 1 \ 1lh .111t h"1 ., 1111111111 ... 1 f .. 111; \\I 1,1111' I lllllllllf.: .1,1.(.1111'1 p, Ill < !.ii I !-.1 11 .J,.loll l\!1 lo lt1 I \11111111 I '' \II ).'1111·1 \\ h1I 1' lt 1 I• l '.111 I 'I 11li l1 I .i t I .. 11. 11•111,t1 1• 1.t t:11\' H1tl1.111I I 1.1\ h 1111 I 111 -..1 .II n l II 111111µ, !--1 II '""" 1· lh 1d .11 lh1d ........ 111d111111d1 11t l111t 111 \11\1·.t \\1lh 1111 ()1 111111 • ··' "'' 111 ,1111 .... 111 :-.111.111 1111111111 \\ I 11 11 I I 11 I I \\ .i S I ,.J k 11 I ,I 11 1111 11 Ho .1j,.!.oll 1 llj.'o1g1 1111•111 Ill \ 1 1 1~1 111 .1 H1 p 1ilill 1.011 " 1111·11· ""''"" ,d 1nu1 h.111d111i.: 1111 I 1, 111•~ 1.01 .... 111 ''l'I"" tt1111t\ 111 lw 1 111111 1111111 t1gltll\ \11 tit•· 11 l1 11111 "l1.ott1111 .111d tilt J1·t t'''l11ll 1 11 .t \\111 1 d 111d111 Ill 1111 \\ I liill~'llOll ,11 1111111, t1I 111111111 111 \ 1111111.1 \\ h•·lt I), Ill•••·•'' li.1\1 111.id 1 .111 ,,,111 1l 11d1llt11111" Ill ti • 1 .. 1 •• " \\Ill" 111111 1111 J •It 1d1 111 d 11IJ1 I !!" 11111 k H1 ·1'11l•h• ·'II' cl1111 I '"'' 11ul loud tlt,11 lh1 \ d )•II It I t11 !-:"ti .1111111 . 11 11 1 1 \ t•ll l\111 hilt.Ill g l1 h1 I fl 11 1111,ol 11111111111 I Hit h.01 d 11 I I• .1dl" \\ li11 pt 1111 .. ti-d 11 • I h1 \\ 11111 I!• 111-.1 \\ h111 llu I >i t1111t N1 1.1., •1u11t• d .1dm1111!-ot1.1111111 1111111.11' ,,.., >;;iv111g lh1· pn·,tdo·nl \\11 1dd11 '1 1.1111p.11g11 (111 him l11 ·c •• u .... "' '11111.111'1 \\Ill ·I " g11l .1 111 ,.,., l11.1d 111 1·.it I\' ,, 11 ,., l1ul I'd lw \\ dl111g tu h.1Vt' 111111 I 111111'.' l!i-.11IJ l'1· \n)d thl' N1·\\., l.o11 ·r 'v\'lw11 !{, .og.111 1·;in1p.11g111•d in l 'olt1111ln1' 11 luok ~om1• t'oa x 1ng to 111111 11111 llt1· .,l,1t<· of Uhto H1 ·p11hll1 .111 • ,1111hd.111·.; to ·•PPt'<ir \\II h 111111 Tho ·v we•11 war\' o f too 1111-.1• a11 11l1•11t1lw:1111111 \\ 11lt llw ,, d 111 I 11 I ., 1 I .1 t I 11 II • f 11 I llllt lllf'l11\1111·n1 ... 1h1· ,, ... lll' th<'rt'. We're Listening. WhJt du \OU ltkt· ahoul lhl' 1>.11 h l'ilol " Whctl don I \'nu ltk1"" Call the numlwr al 1(-fl and your nws...,agi· will be n'l·o rdc-cl, trnnM:rtl:x-d and deltvC'rC'd to tht· nppropr Wtl' <'<htor •• 642·6086 l'h1• 'Jm1• ::!1 hour an:.~rnnJ: '><'n'I<'<' ma~ br u•wd ln rC'rord l<'I tt'r" to lh1· 1·cltlor on an\ 111p11· M atlbo" 1·ontnhutor-. musl 1nrlu d e lh1•1 r nanw .11l1I tt·l<'phnnt• numl><'r for '1•nf1ra1111n 'l;o c1rrulat1on e·all .... plt·a..,1• Tl•ll U'-~hat·, on \our m 1ml ~l)f'ld•y r t11')A, II r'"'' ftf't not have ynu' pap•r by ~)()p m t11111Joll•• ltl•• and yout \ u(ly "'*II n--80 •-.etuH'ht, •hd 'iunda,-11 yOu OU '•Ot lft~f'1¥f fOll' ~'fl!' ~7"'~~~·::: be-.0 -· ~ , ......... _ ()1""09 (.Av'd'r "'•.. .._," l+Jt-1 ....,,, .. "' • .,,,. s.~ ·~ & """"'"'-' ...... ,,,. l ~I~-- ORANGE COAST Daily Pilai Thoma• P. Holey P1;hf1d'\fll' ond Ct,1,_f t •t•• ultvf' ()ti 1 ~' Jone Amari ( • ~cv• ·~ I <11t0t L. Kay Schult1 v.(,.p,.,,tt~t l)NJ l>·f,.. I Of ,,, Ad"•' h iing Raymond Maclean ( •ttihnlf.,., Michael P. Harvey D""'" ..... , M•>t'"t·f'tJ , """' .... ,.,, Kenneth N. Goddard Jr. ().~-Inf of (°')f ,._. ,l, '"'' Clu1lfled edvertl1lng 714/642·5UI All o ther depertmen11 642 .. 321 MAIN OFFICE \JO W••l I\ ... " t 0.1• Mn• (A M•ll •tkl .. \\ Ro• I \60 ,.,.,.Mo• (" ..,.,. CooyrlQlll "'' Ot...,oo ,.,.., PuOll•lllnt C-• .. 0 " •• , \tOtl,., ltlU\tt•UOtl\ tOll Ofl•I m .... , or •ct-- • ., th •meinh ....,,.,," ,,.,., bf r-.ptoch.te:M wUl'ttM.lt \OPC l•I o-'m"~ton 01 topyr1qM owNr So• ond < '"" PO\l~O" ,..,., •• C0\1• ON\11 Ca11toN1•• IUP~ 141 IOOI 'ub\c11ph0fl bf ....... , .. n..-1111, ll'r m•tl .. IO ~lhlf ""' O••""" lOol\t D•••r 1'1101 •1111 '""'<" I\<..,,. 1>1t1•d I"" H-\ p,.,., I\ OUb0 .... 0 DY I ... C>' .... ( ...... ""°'""'"" '°"'''""' ........... -411-• ••• Jh'l>lllJwod MonO•• '"""'9'1 r 1td11y tor (Mt•-.. H••part n .... 11 Hunlinoton n • .,., ,.....,t•lflVal,.y ........ •-ll•tOCll ""1tllCM •I ........ ....__ tf•t•Oft " o.ioii-. ~••v• .. f • •"" '-'""""' .,..,. pt1~•P•l llUOl••'""9 111111111\ 01 UO Wol flay \l,...t . PO llo• •lllO C 0.111 M•w t a1110 .. 1111 .,.,. VOL. 75, NO. 302 .. I 1 .• \\"'II' Ill tit• 111d11 ... 111o1I l\lid\\l''f 1'111' 1111 \Id I 1111111111 .... 111 ';1 )I' I •• " d I d 'I I I . ... .I I '" .. I 111\\ 111 t '..!11111111.1 "111·11 H1·.1go111 d1d11 t 1o111qi.111•11 II• .1pp1 .11• ol ,,1 ,111111111 f lt11id l oll ... lfl~~ I \I l\I • 1111 g11l11 111.11111 1.d 111111i11w1 t ,, 111 g t Ill 1tl,1111 p.11 1 ,11111 111( S Ill f )i1 f.:11 J\l.1\111 I'• t• I \\'1J..1111 1111111111~· 1111 1111 S11111t '''""" 't (; .. , ~~ti111wd t . Hr """ .11 lli1 \\li1t• ll111i.1 \\ ,1111-. Ji1 ""11 111 .ot1 t1 11111 11 '' t \ I d 1 II 1 I It ,, I (', ol I I 11 I II I , , H1 p 11lol11 .tlh cl1d11 I ll1111k Ht 1g Ill 111uld 111 Ip 111ud1 ~ t1I' •• 11 tli.11 1111111 11. 11111t1i ....... \\" it.t .... , I l1h1 d H1 ·•L' I ll '" I 111111,llgll \\ llh ill< Ill llllllt lh,111 11 I I .. I I d p II 'I h I \ lo .• \' ·"'""""'"'·•ltd l'11 -.1tl111t .Oii •• 1111 d1 .1\\ 1111 1111111 '"'"'II ~' .. 11 .11 1 . ,111.J 1111 \ p11ll 1111t 1.1111p .11j'ff 1 111 \\d ., Ill • ... 1.111 I .111d1d.1t1 1111dd ""I" '" ·"""'I • ol1 •Ill s...... li111 11111 .oll. 111 l<1 ·,1g.111 ' t .llllJO.llj..(lllllg Ii . .-. 111'('11 1111 ol11\\ II '"' 11111 .1d1111111 -.11.i111111 ""'""",,I ' l1k1 ll.111 ,, Tl11· I J I I.' I d I' II I • ii ~(I \\ l' 11 l l u N l' \\ ,f, I'', 1111 1h1· St·llt1lt t.111111.111411 .,, 1!1·1i J\lillin 111 Ft"" wk. "h11 "Pl"' I ti -.111111· .11l111111.-.11.ol1"11 '"' l,ol pt 1tdlli~'. I lJI-. .11111 ,,old \\ 11111 111 \\ •" tl11 I I th.ol IJ 11 \ d1dt 1 I .ti\\ ,I\., ;Jg111 '-'111 ' I 041 II I lltph,1'1/lllj.( lh.11 I \l•I \11111 \\ ltt. 1>1 rnrn 1 .ot f'1 ,1n'K L,1ut1·11h1·1 g l 1 ' 111g t11 tit p1l I he I ,.., l ht It ll '1 I 1, p1 ,..,1 11l.1ll\ t• 11( H< .1g.1n1111111' II t·ad ... up! Thou~h ii look ... like· a "'et·rw from a •lc·n10li1iu11 dc·rh). lht• Hnirbornt'H a uto is «.H'lua ll ~ a pi,·tun· 011 u hillboa rd a long I-7:> nt·\'r do" nhm 11 CirlC'in n a li . Hallowee11 . caution urged th STEPllE!\ FOX Aieoclated PrH• Writer [.(1S :\N<it-:1.ES Thi-. 111.0 \ 111 ,, J1o1rllt Ul.11 h d.11tg1I 1111'-. 11.ol I 11 \~ I I " I I I I I h I I d I • II pr 1111.111)\ IH·< .oll" 111 tho· T \ 11·11111 111u1d1·1' 111 Ch 11.1 ~11 .111d ;1uthortlll'!'> .in· \JI g111g p.111 tth 111 1.ol~1 t'\11 .1 prt~·;1Ul1111t' l\l.111\ l,1\\ 1·nl11111·1111·11t •ii 1111 • .t ... 111· 111g111g p.11'1 lll!-o 111 .kq1 th• t111k Ill 111 ,11 · 1111111111· h1·1 o11J ,1• th1•\ 11·.11 1 11 11\1.11 Jllll"trll'I'" ,111111. .. lalt•d II\ I ht d1 .11h .. "' "l'\'tll l'h1l.1g11,1t 1'.1 P"''Jil•· \\ho t11ok 1 \.llltdt· l.11 I'd 1-:,11,1 St11•ngth T\le·n11I '·'JI""'''" H 11 1 1 I ' o u 1 1 h 1 Id 1 1• n ,, 1 • de l1•11111111d lo 111,1k1 tho I• u11d ht 11 .Ol 1 .... nH -.ugg1 .. 11111.-. I •II """ '" k1·1·p 11 .... 1r1 I >111• 11f th1• ht·"t .1ppro,11 h,., 1s 111 ln11H .1 g1 11up 111 '·"' h11ll"'' \\Ith 11lh1 I Ill t),(hh11 IH•"f p.or• nt-. .111d "'''i.tn .c 111uplt .. : .id 11l 1, '"I.ii-.• • hilolr • 11 ,11 111111cl 111 11111 . 11 .. 1111 In 1J.,h t 11 1 1 h1• ·1 v l1 ·11 11 I I lll,l\ 11111 \\I JI' -,11gg1'"l11111 l lt,1 l p.1 II 11 I l.1k1 l Ii I 11 I }i ti d II' 11 t II h 111tll'' 1111 tho 11 '111 •1•1 111 Jll'\lph• th•, l-.1111\\ .,,,,d Ull111·1 l';ot ( 1111111 "' 1ol l h·· 1. .... ,\11g1•1 .. ... l '11l1t I 1)1 p .11 t1111 111 "/\111111 ... I , ' , r ' ' , , 11 k II"'' .. . , Ii" II d' •II· n po "I"' \\It" t h •\ .111· '""' w1111ld 11111 1'1111 -.11111• d ..... 1 .. rdh d1·e·d · I\. '""' 111.ot 1 hdd11•11 do11'1 1 .11 ,1ll\l ll1 11g \llU lt.t\1'11 °1 lll,IH1lt•d , f l11 1t .Ill ll1t1ll1·nL°'11f 1.11111 lil ... 11 o11 11111111 ·' 111111ok11•" ' \ • I \ 11 " • I''\\ •• II ·' 11 d I I .... 1l.1t11,1 I• I '" lo I ,1 I htld I .11 -.111111 I h" t1 \\ 1 I ho •111 k 1111"" 111g t ltl• .. , ~"' \\I 1 II t li tlol1 1 II lortllg lht 111 11 I •Ill• , p.11'1 111, ... h111ild go 1J 11 1gl 1111·111 11111 In 11111 \I I\ ..... 111lh .111d d 1t 1k t·.1111 11nt• 1 .. '"" 1h1 ' .11111" tht•1r thildn•n 111 1111i..l11111· 1111 m." :x11d Connl'lly N 111 .1 I I 11( th1· H a I [n W C't'n d .1111•1 , ., ,,, t tn thi· lrl'als Donald I 11 11 hl1·1 puhltl' !-o3ft•t y managt"t 1111 tho· /\11t11mobtl1· Club. potn\6 11111 t h.11 .. onw .in· tn the slrec~.· "S11w1 · 11111st 'tnek -or -trC'ating' '" d111w \\ h 1•n v1s1b1l1ty is low. olt I\ 1·1 ... ,h11uld I><· Pxtn•m c>ly a ll·rt 1111 , hildr1•11 1h1rting back and 1111 th .11111" 1h1· ~lrl'<'l." Treichler .... 111 I . : ' "Dai k 'c1~tunws arC' n t•arl y 11111><•'-'1hl1• lo ~·t• a t ntghl If .. 1 liild " d1•t1 rirnnt'd to W t'ar a d.11 k 111stum1'. dl'c:orate it w1L~ 11 I In 1111111·d t.•JX' or rl'flec t1vl' p.11111 111 g1v1• 1t a lumi n o us j.!111 .... tlv glow·· ht· !-oa td 1 M.111v 111.Jsk' ar<.· danger ou5 l1<"<.1u-.1 lht' m.ikt• ti d1ff1cult Cot :-oung.,11 r" '111 .... ,. t jrs. w<irned Tru hl1•1 1.1. ho th mks d ipping tnto .. m.1k1·up I><>>-1~ a much bettC'T' tdt•<t ----~~--- ClJT-lJPS!! These days quality is most important. We spend a lot of time at Alden's to m ake sure that the job is laid out properly. We work out cutting schedules to eliminate unnecessary seams and place them in the right places. •Most stor es don 't have any idea about seam placement or how to cut up a roll of carpeting. DEN'S 646-4131 -646-2355 ., ----------------------------------------~.--..,,....,,,-:--......---~---~---- A·l I )11111\jt• ( 0111al l>All 'I' I'll U 1 fl llduy !11 II 111"1 +''I I' Ill 1 clos ing ends Landmark s tor D e troit • era 1n • I .r J ·' ~ # , .J " . . ··-' --- AP Wltepllolo lh .11.,I• I· MA YEH~ A11ut ••t•d f'te1 1 Wtltef 111 .. 1111 11 I Witt II ;-i.1111 .1 I I. I " \\ 'I \ ' ., I " I It II " I I 11 I I t 'II 1, ·~'.I\ I llf ll.1 \ I I 11111 ·' 1 ... 1. ""' 11111 11!1 1111 .I I 1111.t· ... 11 "" ... 11111 Ill dtt\o\ltlll\.\11 !11 ·1!1111 '" 11111 \o\.1\111~: ~:l•tllllt\1 111 ·. ·'l'l''"·ll ollll t 11 .1dt111111.olh I 11111.1\\ 1111 ltdllHll 1d.f1 .. I 11111..1\ H ,1\ l•·11.1cl1 '''111 11 .1111111.tlh .1111.111 . olll ' 11111.tl1 d It.tit 111tll11111 fl' .. ,,,,. 1\11d ,tltl1111114ll 11 '. l1k1 I\ :"l.tt11.1 .01tcl 111• ''"""' '"" "111111 1111 1111 11 111 'clllillll Ill llel f'•tl,1d1 It•,, \I 0•1 l h1d,1111 \\ 1111 I 'l'ltt H111 S1111 1 '' 11 It 1111111 'I'•" I l '\.l'l'l'dl d 111tl\ Ii\ l\J.11 \'•Ill N1\\ '1111h. 1 .... 1 ..... 111g Ill .l.11111.11' I• .1\ 111g th1 ti• 1\o\ 11111\\ 11 .1H·o1 "' 11 ... 11.1111111 'ol\lh l.111·· ,1 I'll\ \o\ 11 1111111 ,1 llhlJlll d1(l·lf11111 Ill ''"'' ll11d'>1111 '· ,1 l>1 ·l1rnt 111-.t11lll11111 1111 1111111 tle.111 11111 .... ·''' 1 ... lil.1111111~:·• .!II \1,11 ... d1·,cl11lt111 ,11 I I ' 1 I '' \\ 11 I ' I \\ 11 ... I '. I ' I I I I I I 1 I d1'C 1-.11111 '1't11 I 11111 lt.i' ,,lid II "'""" ""1!11111,111 1111 1111111• 11111111 . .1111 ,11l111rl1.111 '11111 ' l Ji 1 ' I I 1 to I I 11 1 l111tld11W .11111 lh ol)'.I 1t1.1hl II ·"' 1·>o.p1 •t1'1\'I """ 1111 ·1I11 It Il l olll'fl,1 111 d11 hll,1111"°''' Ill ll11d..,;i11, <'11.011111.111 I' <:11.dtl l\J111 .... ,,ltrl \\ 111•1) 1111 I 111,lllJ.: \\ ,,.., .1 II II II II " I ,. d I II .l II I \ "( 1111..,1111111 -. I"' 11 t .o 11111111 t.w1·t1 ·d .,1111pp1ng 1·11\ 11111\11wltl \\1th '1'\'l'f,tl 111,1.JOI ol/H ft111 'l11J1 ·' .1 \',11 It I\ 111 'IX'( 1.tl I\ "Ja"I" ,111d Ill ,11 !1\ fl It jlill ktng • I., I I I I "Ill •• I'' .• h. "' 1' I 1.\ 11111111111 111 "l.1 1111111 .. 11 Ill I '111 I .111""1111~: 111 ,1 1111111.t. 1111.d '1•1111•.tll\ 111111111 "I 11. I 1111 .t 1, \ I Ii 1 I 11 11 "1 I I· I " I'••· ' 111111 "" "'' 1111 11.1111111 . 111 ... 1 lllolJlll 1 t l,1d1 I ltt Ill\ l''ol Ill 1111 I \jt.llHillt): .111d 1111111 ' ,ti 11111 Ill ... 111111111 . '" 1:1.1 '"' l.111111\ II\\ Ill d I 11111(1.tll\ 1111111 \\Ii.it 1111 11 \\ 1 1\1111 111 ,, ' f,11 I'' I 1 t g11111.d ,Ji.,pp111g •••Ill• I N1111lol.1111I """'' 1.1 111111·, 11 .. 1lh\\•'' 1.t """11'"''" 1>1'111111 11 11.t .... 111 .. '""''ti .... :g11 ,..,.,,.1\ 111 tlt1 .11lt111 l1'o lu 1.111-.. th.ti' 1\lt•11 tl1111 111.111"1 \\1·111 II 1,,1'°\lt t I tllUIJ lllt ~ ,,1\-.. rvtHllf Ill l; I l 't It ,t1 Ill 'ol'llllll .111,.J\>,l ,ti ft. ·.11 S11 ·,11 "' t ·., 111 N,.,., Y·1tl< J 111111t1 11.111 .1 (II• d11111111.111tl\ '' l1 11t 1'"1'11l.t11t111 "' I 11 11111111111 111 l!t 1t1 N11\Ao 1111' 11·1 1•......,11111 '" ·'' h11I I,,\ 11 ....... Jl"Ptil.1111111 "' I ·' 11111111111 . 1 •. 1 ,,,.,.,.,,, 1,1,,, k • 11111td1111• 111 tit• f,rt1 .,l 1111,u' .111d .111 11111111pf11\1111 Ill 1.tlt 111 1111111 11to111 Ill 111111111 '1111 1111d1o111 IJll 11111•' "' ,, 1 II\ 11-.1111 ·111 ,1.111.!·, ·" $ 1 ·1.tu :1 . .,, "i.:111111 ''"' d11 li111 11t ~..! 111 ! I 111111 I 'lh'I ,,, \ , (1.,1dr111 I.• ... t1 I rd tl11 I 'S t I It ·"' Hitt' ·'" '''""" '"' 11ll1t1.d ... '''" ''"' 11 \lllg 11111 •\'t1 '4' lltt dtll'ol'lft '" f l11d ,,,11 ~ \\ 1111 It 1111 11•1 d Ill l!llt!I \\ I I h I ) .. \ l "It l 'II I I' I " I 111 I 11 11 .. , 11111 II 11cl -.11 11 ('q1 p H111 ,,., t:1• • ""'' 111 '"'"· 111 h11 .... 1111· ...... lltttlll'\ I HITll ... 111 ... t '1'1 ,11111 11111 .... ( 1111cl .. '1'1.1111111111 .ii""'' ''·'" l11g • .t tit• l.11111h 11\\ ,,, ti ll11d'"" '· 1111 II 1111111 ... • .11 dt fl•ll I 1111 ltl ... 11111 ·... Y1111 \\1111 I .... ' .111111111 I lik1 11 "'' ..... .,,' 1111 'i11.1111 1111111 ·" 111111 ..... 11 ... d11\\ttlH\.\ll I· .1 ll1111v.l1,11k 111 ·'""''"' 11.1 11 1~:" 11ol111i.:' t l\1.11 l1h 1111111 l 'lo,111d1 111·1' L lhh ll'll '"'"'"" 10:11 ~:.11111 11 •1111 '"' Jl•llllllll lllllltltt ltt Iii• 1.,, ...... d111tl,111.1 l fllllll,1111 t\ l1t '1V. I I ' p.11 ·" ''" 'I ltt Ill• 11 .. 111111 .. 111.1/t 111 'flt I f,tl I ' 'lltl I '• Ill ol llll'ol..1)111 .1111' .ph1·11 .1 l(11w1·1 ..,111111 'I""' '. p.111 ,, 111U11l1 I 1111 ,l,111111 ,111tl 111111 ... 11 .~ '"'' .11111 •• 1.11cl ...... ,. 1'h1 It 1111 lo \.\ ,,, 1111 t\1111llt 1111 ll.11: Ill I l•'l't II\ .!ll.1 l1·1·l 111 "' d \\ Ii I I I .. '"I I .I 111 l I " l Ii u11l111 l1 ·d 1111t'1cl•· 1111· hudd111i.: "" l'l.1i! 11 .• \ '1'111 11111 1011 1 llll 111111 .111cl 1110 p .111 111111 • 111pl11Y•·•·' \\tit l.11· qlft-11•d ~'I" 111Ill11llt1•1 )olJl1wl1.111 l>t 111111 11 1111 ... ,.11., ... 11111 .., Mtll' .... ,.1 "'l'JI!'\ ft• g11111)1 I., t.1kt I otl 1 111 .di 111 11 ......... 1d '1111 ... t11• .... It '" \' 1111 11 I 11" d 111 111 qu1111 d II\ 11.11111· J h1 d" • 11 ' 1-. I I 11 1 •• ' I It I I I 11 I I lllll 1111• d1P·''11111 ltl ... t .. 11 ·, '" 111 I d11\\ 11111\\ II ·1111 K1·111 {'11 '" ,.,..,, 1111 ''"'' 1 1111111 ltud-..m.., l•1ld1 ti 111 lltt I.tit l 1J.1IJ, l '1ov•lc·\", ,, Iii•• k 1. li111d I hut ..... 11·, '""·•I• d 111 1111 l.t11· H1i1i... \\ l1o1I \\Ill h.1pp1 11 Ito cl1 1\\llll1\\ll J)t 111111'' . W1·'ll ~UJ\'l\'t·.· ,,,\, T he· J. I.. llud1"1ort ~ dt•parlnwn l ~Ion• 111 clow11l o~ 11 U 1•1 r·oit '' i II clost-a t lht-encl of alw holi•lu~ ... •·a~on . lc·il\inJ.{ 1tw "i'' \\ilhout a mnjor rt>l ailer. S1111·1· 1111·11 ltt It.,, d1 ·1 1111111 Iii 1,. llllt•l\'lt •\\l'd .11111\lt 1111 · I.it• 111 1111" 'llll I' S.t11·' :it 1h1· d11\\1tl•>"ll ... 1,,1, lt,l\t '"'1'11 l,tll111g ... tt ,1dtl\ '1111 t t 1'1 t.11111\. 11t\1• ol lltt l1'.1d111g tit p.1111111"111 :..11111'' 111 \Ill' l '111l1•rl St.11 ............. \ .... 111111111 H11l11 I I i le11Jtllk'otJll, \\1111 IAlllll' "l'li1 { :1 .11111 b111111nu111 ,, '""'k .1 IH1lll 1 .. 1\Aoftltl(' L1gh1 f'\.l'\\Jll\"I \1(1 1111 ·,1d1 111 of M1 \1·1 T11 ,f'>lll • t 'It•...,, S1111 t'"· \\ 1111 It "I" 1,t11 ' ·• 111,1111 111 IJ1 11 1111 .tlt'ol JI \\I IJ \ "'"''' 1111 l11d111g {Ill•· 111111 ti •11 II ud"1" '" \Vi· "'1 ll 1 a1 1 \ 1111 Th1·11 .... ''"' ,, 111.11 k1 I d11\\1tt11w11 " Scout-0-Rallla s et for Mes a Loe.ii "-llllh th111ugh11ut l>1a11gi· <:.n111l\ .111• -.t•lling tu:kl'l' for tht• ..in11u.il S<11ut O -Ham.1 'l1tlll ,1111w to bt• ht·ld S:rturday, No\' t:i a l th•· ()1.1·1g1· l'ounty f.'i.llrgrounct... tn C1.1St<1 Ml'~• Tht>y "ill lw 1.111\·;1 ..... ..,mg m •1ghl111rhott(I., o111d 111 lrK.llt·d at 'hopping u•ntt·i:. .ind ll\<1lh. thr11ught1u1 ( )1 .. ngt· C11un1:-lo :-01 II S:.? lll'k•·t:-. to th1 1•\ 1 111 Tilt t1l k1·t <1cl1111t:-. ,in t•11t1n• h11ust·h11ld tu lht• ..c.11u1 ,1111\\, •'l"-'n to tht· pubhl' frnnt Ill am lo I :mp 111 Th,• St out (). H.1111,1 h"'" 1111111· 1 lt.011 111,IHlll t'Jt·h ) t'dr ,ind 1:-. ;1 publit 'howt ... .,1. o t (.)1 .illl-(l' l'ounty M"<>Utmg I lundrt-d:-. ol '4.'0UI umi... d1,pl.1\ ~outcrart, :.ta~w l«•oktng d t'mun:.tn 1111mi.. "' 11tht·r hooth d1-.µl.1~i; to 1h1· gt•m·ral puhltl' Tht· llt·kt·I sal1·' 1-.1mpo11gn o1ll1,w .. ,.,t'<11Jh th1· o pportun1t\ to t•arn 'I.out 1·qu1pn1<'nl p1 Ill'' .01111 ra1st• fund-. fur th1·tr <.imping pnrgr.1111' .inti 1 l\'11 fJT'tlj('CLS T1ckl'L' wtll "''" I)(· ... .,111 .11 tlw l.111g111und .. 1111 thr· da\ of th1 t•\'<•nt 1-'or n111ri · 111(01111.1111111 111nt.u1 tht• scout "4 rv1u t·1·n1t 1 'I-th ~\1•111 Tut show a t O CC "Thi Trt'<.t!>Un·' 11r Tutankhdmt·n Rt·\'"11t·d '' thl ltlll· of a two huur h'<·tun· l>t'lnJ.( ,,ff1 11 d .11 Orange Coast Coll1·gl'. :.!iOI Fairvll'w Ro.id. C11 .. 1.1 Mc•!>a fro m 7·30-9.:W tonight in Hoom :Wi 11( t lw Chl•m1strv Hall Adm1:..-.wn 1!. $4 Thl' le'\ tun· will 04:· pre~ ntt-d by Dr D" <1~ nt l\ll·rry, an Orange Co•1~t prof1"'-"ll o( anthropolng_. M1 rry conduc ted an OCC Vl'>ll to lht· Ktng T ut 1· <hib1t1on 1n Los Ahgl'll'S four yN1r~ ago 111 <nnnt'l."llttn with an ·c IKtun· '>l'nt·s. M t-rrv has v1i.1ted King Tut!> tomb on n11rnt·rou~ <X'(.-as1on :.. mcr..t n·n•ntlv in l!lijl. Jlltl hi•S seen most of thl• tr<:<isurl'S t<ikcn. from tht· tomb FREE PICKUP AND DELIVERY FOR YOUR MERCEDES BENZ Pu r c hase or lease a new or used Mercedes-Benz from Dave. 2. You must live In San Clemente. San Juan Capistrano. ·or Dana Point So w~ your Mercedt1s·Benz 11 ft'!Rdy for a 1e1111ce 1u1t call Oa"e Atehler and he w111 p1c1t up your Mereedes·Ben1 end have 11 serviced 11nd 1e1urn 11 10 you When 11 11 hn11hcd II you nNd more 1nlorm11t1on cell and Dave w111 come to your "<>me and gM1 you e demon1trellon o f the new line e.nd enewer your quetttOl'll MISSION VlldO IMPORTS " 4•'·1700 Fall Forecast: Copper and Brass tJRASS COJANDtP. $28.88 /Ill.. 0(/( Ill[) IVtA.S~ '\,'w(S'f~S W I I fr, AP.! IA8l .EC' l"l'! 5'.YV.bl CY .JI ~u Tf,A 5u6AF(, ' FlCxJ,. JI; 6• TA11 N.6 ;•~5 COPl'tft. ' MASS CVSPIOOR $21.88 SHO w Off YOUR l'l"Vm oq tJEST /'A/NT M l/SI/ES IN A Slt!/'l'f C /151'1 ()()I'. Of con'f R ' MA SS II• TALL lfUr 29 95 Y.z orr STUDIO "'' A~ROSOLS A A TOV<r >I MAY· TO YO(ln '11TUltN W ·,1 Trl15 t.!• DIAMtTfR roorw NtA~· ')d\l\/t,J[ ~ '''' • W'Tt-1 C',' .. Ntl u 'i'l.1 t 11!'1 N '1\ MASS fL!CXt~ $9.88 hK:.r. A fL-v.lt. IN A F!A511 .vrrt1 A 19# LO!v6 ~ WTANl U6HftR (IN tr;, OWN vt L 'Y l.T f (.AS{. ') /V(J 1)95 I I I I I \. \ /JR-4SS SWIN6 TMY $18.88 5l.Rlll ~ lf/(JtlT w1rt1 A l.lij" OIAMfTlR .YVISS TRAt W/ {)l(.OfV!,TiVl. ~ l/)()f\ f11.IM AND tlAND/.l~ Rt6 U 95 $1.25-$2.60 ,. , ' -A' New Direc tion in Copper and Brbi. I 'll' '\.trr I £3111Jfh'l' o>nl Hltl"llf1tl•"J'l ~"I Ill• I hr11'' \\o',llht•f\,llh'" II\\• •Ill ft>ll~ ,t'ol ..... l.111. '''Pl)t I !~11111•"1hd1o1\.• ... , ..... 1.-1 ... I , r 1h-' ""' .111d f,•,•r -.11 '"' •P dl• 1.ul.•d h.1-. .... 11f, 11pp.·1.111111,.,,,., I >i-;1L11. tlll'm • 111 \,t llll ,i,,.,I., • 111lhtl1il1•1111.f .11!d I It• >'l.11 111 .111 II>'" I\, ,, H •111 Ht •q . ~'J '1'1 .11 I ·W II 1 ...,, ·rnl' "'" 1111,i. ••''ll"t"d Aaron Brothers Fall Special S32.88 CrOLDl!NE $5. 48-$19.88 ~.a Off ARTISTS' lJ/il.JV'ACX5 $ l 'JB-$12. 98 SPOT DIWTIN6 JAMP $3888 MtTN.. WON! 51AT1()1oi W ffr4 A 'MMt. LN-1/NA/tO !Of' IN AllOKTt 0 CO!~ 18.( J0X2b~" litb 44 9.5 STUDIO ~M 5TATtON $29.88 8M5S COASTffi SET $J {j8 5l r Of J fN TTt MA~S C()llST~ w,t A IJllOWN 4 MJ6l CUITtf'. LlAf Df.S/(TN /'.£(] 8 95 lj Af~.: If o f !.=: ti • I .. ' ' ! ·: . ! . : .. !I ;:: .. OIMCTO!f'S CHAIR COVtlfS $28/j COMflJ. Tl SIAT I ~ YT OF SL1P cw CANv..-s f)lfil.CTCl'f'S 0 '1AIR COVlR5 IN ASST C~MS /q(j 6 95 flf)1M MTiST':i L"""1P 01 f1tA/f PJ.A'.JTtC. IN WHllt Ok /jl/-<J< Rf.(1 j'f /j BRASS CLOTtlfi PIN $188 25'6 OFF fAIJN(. fANfl 6 RAPlllC5 $l9. 21-$29. 96 M45S fitA/ff Xtr RINU ll8/J /f.ltf YOU/I. /l.lTJ CJ.OSE TO 'IOOR If f.A/fT Of I OO'ro 1'.EAL ORASS tJi• WIOl RE:6 .. 95 TOI' M4SS "Xtr'' MlX $ 3. 68 COLOIU't/L CAM'YMS (() CJW1 M <Y OG\'.)'(S ( Mr SWflllJ IN Nv A5JO/fT/l1'blT OI" C«D"S, STYllS, NfD 5/W l'lf6 /S9S-lS 9S ADO A fflOf['jSJONAJ. L<»t TO )'l)()'t f P.AMl D Alf1 WOM WIT;( MA TJ 'fOU (J/7 T()()lf5!Lf M,(J JHS Aaron Brothers Art Marts HUNTINGTON BEACH 7470 Edinger Ave./Open MON.-FRI 10·9, SAT. & SUN. 10·6 COSTA MESA 1714 Newport Btvd./Open MON.·FRI. 9·9, SAT. & SUN. 10-6 SANTA ANA 2911 s. Brlatol St./Open MON.·FRI. 10·9. SAT. & ~UN. 10-6 r----:e-•' •••• 'IOMO~ °' ,_ 0.0.•l ,..,.,.,, 11m...o IOSIOOO'IHONJ So .. lh•u ll'lun fot('h " 0 + •••••••• c 0 t s • i ... • • ... r· I I 0 ( "'a ter"I eolors n1ixed with pritlt· Tht• Founla in \ a llt·~ II i~h ~t·hool pool i-. ha''" i11 ""''n it·t• 1hi .. \H't'~ aflt·r lwo month .. of n •pair .... \lt·111lwr .. of llu· ~t·hoor~ ·\qualit·~ s,, im Club and ''alt·r polo 1t·a111 pa inl t·d llw Baro11 .. • i11~ig 11ia a n·o~!'-tlw Ian•'' "llf'n pool ,, a-. cln . l.i~u ~t'\\t·ll . Ida. i~ aid(•cl h~ Clw r·ic· Elclc·r. :\l ur~ \\au." l>t•hhit• Fruru·i:o-arul Ciml ~ I >t·ll. EVELYN "Re -elect a Proven Leader" HART c a .... - O•lly Pllol Photo by O••Y An•bruH . . I'' 111111•• I 1111'.t I >All 'f 1'11111 ti 11d,1y <Jc t1 ,1110 .''J l'tll/ \:) Company inv • ting cholar hip • Ill 'I h1 11 \1111 t '''"!>""' t.1!.111)' .111111111 I .. 11'1• l11W.1I rl I 1•11,1il ll1j.! II•, fJ1d1lh 1111.1111 "·" 1111\ I il1" ,I 1·1111111 \ \.\ llh• 'A li11l.i1 °'l11p pl •11•1 .1111 l"I 1111'.li "'l11H1I ,1·111111 -. 1·'111111<'1 I llllj_ll 1''"111,111 ,111.I N1 wp .. 11 111-.11 Ii 11·,11li 111 .J.11111 Hrn1,1·\'<•lt . tl11 1>ld1 'l """ ••I 1111 l.1 I1 I' II '>Id I 11 I FI .111f\l111 f I 1\1111-.1•\1•11. 11.--. lu·1·11 '' ll't I• ti 111 111 ·"' 111 1 111111 ". I• .1111 I .li1p .1\.\'.lld ... p1rir1.1111. lr1 1,. 1>11· ,, d 1•1 1'.1.id11.it111g .. 111d1 111 -1li1, \• .11 l<1 · ... 1g11111g I 1 \'1111° ( '1111q1.1ll\ 1'11 .. ,1d1·11I I '•" I K11•1111 I "li•1 .1 pp1 .11 • d .11 • 11111 I 111 •, I 111111 It Ill I V.1 ol111 .... d.I\ .1111 1111 1•111g1.1111 1111d1 I'"'"'' Iii, 111 111 I lb.ii Ill ltph Ill\ I ·,11111 Ill, .Ill' ,1, llllJJlll t.1111 ,1, 111" h .111d lll••l l.11 111\t '1111• 111 .. 'l'h· .1\.\".1td, p111g1.1111 .1111111.olh \\ill I""' 1111 ll\1 ::-11JlHJ .111d Ill 'I 111111 "11111.11 ,i.11• I•, .. 111tl1 111' \\ I 11 I ..... JI I I 11 I • I I I' ti 111 • I ' 1.it1g11111' h ut \\1·1ght1·d t11\\,11ol d1 111111 ... 11.1111111 "' i.-... t. 1 .. 11111 Ki 1·1111·1 !'-..1111 <·ollt g t 11111111<1 .1111•>1'> .ti ,di .1'1 lugli "l1•H1I' 111 1111 I llillll\ I dll j llltljll 11 · J 111111·1·11 111111111111111 \ lt .. c1. I ' \\ I 11 ... I• 1 \'I 1111 \ I 1 I. 'I. I·. I I I '' 11 I 11 11111111\1 I With !<1111" \I It J a 111c·-. IC o o-.1·\ 1·11 1111 l 11d 1111' l<11 l11 I I ( I 1tI111 d . " 11•11111~· "'' "'' Jtl ,,, ,\11 <' • .t. 1 .11111•• \rp\111 "" ""' ~1111 ,111d ..... \\1111•.t \11 l '.tl l\l .. 11•1rl k. 11 'I I l • " K 11'" I H1 I I \ .... 'I 111 c; I '"1111111. 111 .. ,1111 111 1.f < lt.1prt1.i11 < •·Iii~·.• . .111.J 1-\11 '""' Newport Needs ~ FRIDAY OCT 29th 10 AM .~ - EVELYN R. HART ------- Evelyn Hart. our current Ma yor Pro Tem. cs tolally committed to ma1nta1n1ng a balanced comm unity that is a pleasant place 1n wt11ch to hve and work. a community with charm, open space and quality lifestyle Her pnmary concerns include • We must have maximum ullhzabon of our tax dollars through conservative fiscal mal'- agement of our city budget • Traffic continues to be a maior problem for our city. We must continue our efforts to improve our present traffic system w1ttl emphasis on the early completJon of the Corona clel Mar Freeway • The airport is at capacity An alternate site is necessary 11 we are to meet our growing regional needs EVELYN HART [8] Newport Beach City Council COMMITTEE TO RE·ELECT EVELYN HART J.C PERSON, JR. TA€ASURER 201 SHIPYARD WAY NEWPORT BEACH 92663 Have you entered your favorite recipe in the Orange Coast Cookbook Contest? You could win a trip for 2 or a s200 gift certificate For details watch for our ad in the Wednesday Food Section. J WHOLESALE WAREHOUSE NAME BRAND LADIES APPAREL AT WHOLESALE PRICES One of California 's biggest wholesalers of famous name ladies wear is opening its warehouse as an outlet to the public -offering famous name fashions at savings like you 've never seen before. • COME FIND US • • ~ ~ .....--......---....-W_E..,._',...RE WORTH FINDING! r,._.,;; : P@PPA'S WAREJot~EE 18218 Euclid Ave. Fountain Valley (Stewart Roth Building) HOURS:ra~:·~~J8r'·"M (714) 557·2201 .. . •• .. . ~ .. ... ...... . • . .. I t\8 UrttllOU Cu1111t DAIL y Pll 01/I1iduy Oc.tnh111 ~J!l, Hit!.' R ecornrnenda tio11 • 111 Newport council race In th,· N1•\\fl11 t t Ht ·o11h <'11 v l '11u1wtl r.1u" 1111·u111lw11h 111 lrn11 d1stnl't:-I . :~. 4 .. 11111 ti .111 'l't'ktnto: l'l' t'lt't ll\111 , I h.ill1 •11g1'<I i,, flVl' 1\1'\\lllllll'I' In Da:.trn I I. N111111.1t1 L11;1t:-., clt•put y 'Ll f>t 'l'llllt'tllh-llt cd tht Nt•wpor t Mt•!-..1 U111 l11·d Sdwul {)astnt·t. warll!-. th1· :-<·.1t 11\'t 'UJ11t•tl l>v lrwumlwnt Donald H Straus..; Thi:-. has bvt•n ~· l ar rt v lu\\ k1 ·v 1·an ., l'onfuwd t'!'.M 'lll1.1t"tv tu tlw ;ssUt'!'> Ln:1t:-l .1vnr._· Hll 11r14.11\t 7.l'd <·tt~·w1d(• :1ppr11,11·li 111 1utu11· pl.1111\lllg. 1,t1 li1•1 111.111 .1djLhtlll)..: thl• gt•111 ·1.il pl.1t1 pt 11J1·1 t II\ pn>Jl't'l 111• :-.uppol'l:-th1· B;111111ng H LI Ill' h d I '\' I ' I 1) µ "11 ·II I ; I I\ d " II :lltL'l'IHlll Vt' :-tt1· f111' .lohl\ W:iv1H· Atrport · Strati' .. :-. 11p1H1'1' H.111111 11 14 R.1m:h dt•\'1•l11pnw11t ;m il '' .111\!'. tilt' ,11rport 11\l l\'l'd lit· t;1v11r.., .i th•\\ l11w-n s1• hntl'I 111 N1•\\ p11t l t'1·1111·r. but oppo!->t'S high 1 t::.l' vo11:-t1 u1·111111 .rnd convt•nt11m-typ<· h111c ·I' 1n tlt1· t:lt\'. · Although h1 • d1•1H1•:-1t would bt• a prohlt•rn, W(· l>l·h<'''l' Lo<tt:-.' position With till' Sl'hnol dtsll'll'l 1:oulcl be' a l'Ollfltct ul lllh'n·sl 1f lw WC're a eounl'ilman 111 ;1clu1tion. Strauss has done a good JOb 011 co u n c 1 I . <1 n d h l' p r 1> \' 1 d vs .1 b.tlancing \'ll'Wpo111t T lw Da il) Pilot recommends re-election of Donald S tra u ss in th e firs t distric t. D 1 s t r 11. 1 :! p 1 h llll' u m b c · 11 1 Evelyn H.irt against l'h<dlt•nger.., Allan &•C'k a11cl C. Edw:trd Wolfl· S..•ek. son ol onl' llf th<· t·1ty's 1o;.irh '-''ltlers, offt·r:-. ong111al "olut1on:-. tu 1·1ty probkms. :-u1.h as :-.t•.d111g tlw B.tlboa Pt·ntn!-.ulu .and 1 h;.irging 11u ts1rll'rs :.Hlm1s::.ion , ~ncl urging Nt·wport &•.ich Pmpluyvr:-lo band to.ttt•ther tu l't>n::.tru1 I rv;1 ... 11n.1bl' prtn·d l'ntployt·e h ous111g Bl·t·~ "as 1mporl;in1 in thl' dnv1• to pl<t1:t · t hl' Banning rl'fen•n 'lum on th1· ballot. Ht· opposes thl• pro.)('<. t Wolfl·. a real estal<.· apprcw ... 1•r .md brokc•r'. ha::. littll• c·>..1wrn·m·t· 111 pol1 t1c:s lit· say:. growth 1:-. tnC'Vttabll'. but s hould Ix· sluwt'<.l down. H0 favors &nning Hanch Incumlx•nt Harl '-<.IVS sht' is ;i t'Omprom1:-t·r who Ilk<''-io listen 111 ,tit s1d<1S She· l·11g11w1 red the · compromtsl· on St Andrl'w·-. Churc·h. so -,ht· w11uld '>l'l'm to have a point Hart lx·ht•\'l'!.. thC' city will conllnUl' to grow. <ind s hl· su pported tht· Banning Hant'h p r o p osal . The Da il y P il o t eadorses Evelyn Ha rt in the tbir(t cttstric t. D1str1t't 4 has b<'<.'omt• a hveh race With attorne-,· Da•11d Grant o pposi n g 1ncumbt'nl M ayor Jacqueline Heather. Grnnt. who has been active in the Committee of 4000. h as waged an cxp<'ns1vl· C'ampa1gn He favors following th1· general plan. opposes Banning K a n ch although h <.· ft•el s a t-Omprom1sc· density 1s warranted but would favor nc·w hutC'ls in Newport &•aC'h. H e ha'> a1t1cized I lt·a 1lw1 ·.., u ... 1 Pl l;l\\'...i111 .... 11111 ..,,.,.., 111111\ ,, 111•t'(l .. t111 11 t'lllllll ti ll1'.tll111 W,1.., t•lt• le ·d lo 1rn1111il 111 1•1i11.d1e ·1 -.i ·1v111g ..,1vt·11 ~1·.11..., 1111tlw111.1111111114 l '111111rn:-...,1011 Slit· ... u pp111 1 -. 1·11 111111 ui·d 1'1''l11111 ... 1hlt g r 11\\ tll 111 N1·w11111 t H1 •:11 Ii . .111d ..,,.~ . .., 111 .. 11pp11s 11" 111 11111\\ tl1 "' d1 ·1 11111' t\t 1111 .... 11111 tlllH'. I lc'.1th1·1 ·-. -.1;11111 0111·011t111ut·d I \.p,tll'>lllll Ill .J11hll \\,',1\'lll' J\11'111111 \\ "' ;1 ... 111111~:. 1111mt·d1.1tc· 1111 111'.tllll't' h;1._ 111 •1•11 I 1\1• !o.llrt Ill 11 l. I \' II I I II Ii II " • • p I .1 II l . I II S.111.11111 ·11111 111 \\'..1..,1\1111:11111 "lw11 .. p111hl1 Ill Ill I dttl ..... l\·111g Sl11 t'llJll\'' .. t 111 d1.d 1 e·l.111111i...h1p \\ 1111 l\l.11 1.111 H1 ·t g1· ... 1111. "1111 1 t•p1 t'!'.e·11t:-. N,. '' p 11 r I I { • "11'11 111 I 11 t • .., t. it t • ,\..,..,1•1ulih \\'1 · 1l1111h. .• 1111 111 g 11t1d th11114 ... h.1\1 ' h.q1p1 11111 111 I'\\ JKll I I\.. .u 11 1111dt·1 111 .1lh1, ·, 11 •11111 e • .111d \\ (' u 1 g 1 I w 1 re · 1 ·I 1 ·t · 111 111 Vv' 1 • w o u Id .ti"" h11pe · 1li.11 ..,hv \\11uld n ·lle·l'l 011 1h1· f:11 t tl1.11 Ill r 111:111.igt·nwnt ... 1\lt h.t:-lx·1 ••1t1t• ... 01111 •1h111g ul ;111 '''Lil llt·,dlll I h ,1 s l11111g 1w1 ... 1111.d11' .111d ,, \\11111,011 '"''h .i ,..,.11..,1· 111 urg<·&W\ <1!>11111 lwr 11t~· Tiit· 11· ... ul1 11.1 :-. h1·1·11 11J., .1pp• .. 11,1t11 t \Ill 1)(.'(',1'11111, ol ;J OIH ' \\ II Ill •• It ti .. 11 d T h ;1 I 11111 w11h ... t.1111l111g thl' Oail ~ P ilot t•n dorscs J al'kit· llt•ather in th t• fou rth distrkt. The· I 111:il ra<·t· ts 111 Dist rwt ti. .111d It fJlh llH'Ullllll Ill l '.1t1I I l u 111m1 I .ig.1111 ... 1 di a I l1·ng1· 1 \\ltllt;1111 1\g1 t'. .i l11n111•1 two-tt·r 111 1111·mb1•1 11f thl' Planni ng l'n1111111!'...,t1111 t'orn prom1s <· ;.ind 111111111.1111111 111.11 k t\g( .. :.., ,1pp111;11 h t 1 l l It I I till 111 ti II 1 ' \\ ; 111 \_:-t 11 'I 'l 1111 "'' ..,htd ah "gn\1•11111\t•nt 11\' l,1\\..,Ull 1111 .1,L!t 11 1 l.1\'UI._ ( 11111111u1 ·d g I II\\ I " 111 t I lt' I I t \' and lll'llt \'1•.., 11111111 JI fllllSl \\'t>I h t•ll-!<'llwr 111 1•11d t Ill' p11l:1r11.11 lf111 1.lll:>l d h\ I ht., '""lH ;\ )..: ; l • .., p I• 11 (' h d II I f II I 111111 tl1.1t11 011 d11f •.., 1111l 1•X lt•1Hl tu li1:- 11pp111w111 . Pt1ul llumnwl Thv11 1 <1111pa1g11 h.1!'. gr11wn htllt•r 111 tlw l.1 .... 1 le•\\ \\ t'l'k .... I lun11111 ·I 1:-. .1 l ru ... .id1 ·r agc.1111!-.l wh;1t ht• t•<1lb llw n1' ·~ "big growth " H t• 11ppos<·d thl.' B.11111111g Hanch pn>Jt•1·t .rnd t u1tht1 11111 ... cru<:tmn at Nt•\ .. 'J>Ol I ( '<·1H<·r .11ul lw suggt·!'.ts tht· bt· .. 1 w.iy lu "'" 1· Nt•\\'J>tll'l B1·J<'h ·, tr.it I 11 prnhhnb 1:-tu kmx. k dim 11 th1· lug dt•\ 1 lnpnwrtl pro_J4~:ts \Vt d 11n 't tll'll'''"' '" taul1 llu11lm!'I !111 ha., poant of \'tt•w .tlthough "'' h<1Vt• said mun• thnn once· wt• don't agn-e with 1t But "1• do question what w 1• ...i•t LU lw .in Oh!->trut·t1untst ~tant·t· l.1kr•n by him on VC'ry 11nportan1 1s.-.ues &x'l•U!-.(' uf what wC' St'l' as his fc.i1lun· to work with coun('ll l'llllt•agut·s. but ra th<'r to work <1g<t1n:-t tht•m. ht• Sl'C'ms to be Ci d1v1s1 \'t• l'l<•mc..•nt for thl' group. rather than s pokesman for c.1 d1ffer<.·nt v1c•wpomt. For thl·s« reasons, tht• Da ilv Pilot endor ses Willia m Agee ro·r council in the ixtb dis trict. Choice for Costa Mesa Period1 u:1 I ly a <. hJ 1 lc•uger ap pears on the pohtit·al S(:ene who makes it easy for a newspaper to rea c h it s co n c lu s1o n s on e ndorsemen ts. lt doesn't happen often, but 1t has happened 1n Cosw Mesa this year . L ynn Van Aken. a member of th e city's Planning Comm1ss1on since 1980. is running for o ne of th e two seats up for grabs in n<:'xt week 's e lection. To win. hC' would h a v e to u n sea t o n c• o f t h t' inc umbe nts -M ayor Arlenl· Schafe r or Norma Hcrtzo~. Van Ake n is a reasonable man with clear ideas about the issu es Quiet-spoke n . he is n evt'rtheless firm in his o pinions. H e favors reasonable d evelopment in the city b u t opposes buildings higher than 50 feet south of t he freeway o n Bristol. H e wa!'lts the city to gC'l down to business and pick a routC' for the Costa Mesa Freeway. He wan ts vigilan t e ffort in regula ting su bst.andard housing 111 thl' city before it spreads . And while h e knows hi s mind . Va n Ake n il'I thl' son of person who w ill compromise. ll1s w ork on the P lanning Commis.~ion ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat ftW4t;,, ...... ,, ,., •• ow 'f••• ., uo w ...... . '4 c:~·· .... "-"K' ,., ... 00-llC• i. IN• tW C~~ ~ C• •l•llt h.1, p111\ l'd thc1\ \\'1 · 1>1·111•\'t· Lynn V.in Ak<·n \<.ould lw .r vciluahlt a:-..'<'l l1> th1• t·11v and W<' endorse.• his <:a nd1dacv f<)r counnl Of tlw 'othl'r can didatt:s. Wl' lwlH•\'t• two havt• provt•d thC'y could st·n ·t· wt•ll on thC' counl'tl Both Sch<aft•r and H e rtzog have• made import.mt contributions to tht· citv whll1· in office. In. tht• case of Sch<.1fl·r. Wl' would bt• happier if s h C' did •not .1pp<..>C1r so dosely tt('(I to tht• Cham IJL"r of Com nwn·c•. and c·onst•quc•ntly. loC'al husinc-ss ownC'r:-l'spcc1a ll y al a t ime• when \hC' sign ordmant·c 1s a ho t ill'm In the· t'<ISl' of llNtzog. W<.' believe a c;rnd1d\ttl' l'lcc:lt'd to publ ic o fft l't' should bt• more l'i r c u m s p N· l i n h l' r p u h I i <' statpmcnts I krtzog hc.is t•xhibitc>d a tcndC'ney to s hoot from the• hip, and that drx:sn't hc•lp anynm• the council. th<' <·1ty or lkrtzog ht•rself Ncvc.•rtlH•IPss. t'ith('r would do n c•rf>d itnhl<' job 1f l'l'·t•lt-clt•d . The• o tl\l'r thrN• c·anchdatt•s in this t•ll•<.'l1or' :irC' Claudia K C'lly - W l' y t' r . D a v c• W h l' t' I l• r :i n d Chr-1stophc•r Magc•e St('(•! Thom at fl. Holey pt ,..,, Jane Amari ·--\.tJlllltllt t .,,,. lorboro Krelblch I •I·"• ,1 '•~• I tl••t• Thomoa McConn Melo Kl'"9 f (f.10. ¥4 ... r _ _.. ..... , ...... -llGHTHOUSE \ -. liq~r . -I ---~ MISSIO ... \:1 ,, -~ {: --~p ~~\UHf IJ ' -- ,,,, How PACs buy government Wi\SlllN(:TuN ,'1'111· 1.1p11.d 1 ... d11111g ,, l>ri"k hu~11w~s t ltt•st• day!> h11:.1111g .1 1ww hr 1·1 d 111 t11uno.;1 l'llllgn·:-...,11111.d '.111d1d.11t·' I rum ;1f'ou11d th" c·uu1H1 \ 'I h • • \ d 11 ll ' I d o I h l II 1111 1J u I I ,1 I I I 1 .1111p.11g11111g .11 l11111w .1ny1n1111· v11tc., .11t· .1 :-e~o111 f.11·v 1·1uwl·111 Ttw 1·a11d1d .111·' 1·111111· 111 Wa:-.0l1111gt1111 111·1·.iu:.1· I h.11 .., wht•11 ttw .11111111 1... lh;11'-. wht•11 • lilt' p<•l1l1t.al .tt !1111\ t111lH1111l1 ·1' ,ll t 111\t ·.., 1111 m .. d 1,., 1r.1d1• .1..,..,111.1 •• 111111 ... (Cll JKll ;!IOOll._ ,11\tf l,1illtl \11111111'> Wiii '>lll'lld 1111111 1li.111 $:.! ltJ 11111111111 1111 1·a111p.11g11.., .ii 11und 1 hi' t ounlo v th1:-v1·:.i1 Tll1·v. 1111111 th.111 :1 OIHI •it' 1h1 •111 · ar .. huv11;g I th pt•111l111g 1111 \11111 \'1t•\\ prn11lJ .1111 ·..,.., v1111·' rn 1111·111114•1.., 111 l'1111g11·~ Th1•r1· ,11" 1111 \\111\t... '1111111-( l lllllll-(h lei IUlly d1•'-1 I1114 \\ h,1t th1 ·\ ,111 · d11111g 111 lllll poltlll'!'. ,111d lllll j..(11\ 1·1 llllll'lll p A (. s A ltl~. "l 111 p I \ ( 11 I I up I 111 g A111e•1 II ••.• 111d h·I 1111' tlllllll ~11111· 111 !ht \\ ·•' ... i'1 Th1·\ .1r1 cl1·i.1r11y1ng "h.1t 1.., 11 II 111 l h 1 · 1 11n1 c pt 11 f t h 1· H 1 p u h I 11 r1 •1-Jr 1·i.1•11t.111v1• g11v1•1 n111l·nt II\' f111;111n:olh 11ulun11g 11111gr1·..,,1111·11 .111cl \\1!1111'11 tll ll JJll'M'lll 11.llH1f1,il r.11111'1 lh.111 lcK .111111111·'1" Th • .i'.., "'In 1111' 1.111d1d.11t ·.., h.e\t' 111 1111llt lo \.\'.1!-.h1ng11111 tu I>< g 1111 t'l1lllrthult1Hl'> .11 l'Al' 111 Ill "" :o Thi:-· an pou1 mg -.11 m1wh m111w\ 111t 11 )111·.il t'.111 •:-. Iii.ii 111 111 .111 \ 11111g11•-,..,11111.d Jlld l1·g1,l.1ll\ l' d1-.11·11 t .... p11hlll' 11rt1n "uix•n 11111,: t" rtu· ,,,.,dtln Jiiii lht• .,,,II ttUI!> 31 Th1·y .in· biol k1111ot 1 h.1nfo(1: Jilli rc·f111m 111 tht· n,t\11111 • .t p11 l1l H.il l\lon• rt•c on1nu•n<lat ion ~ ,.,1.1hli,lt11w11I Ii\' d1.111111 ·l111.14 . .111111 I .di 1)11'11 11111111111'> lei llll Ulldw11I Ill• 11tl1t h 11t t '1111~11'"" l111·u1nlw11h .. 1,, 11111 ... h .iii l11·tl1•1 111\.t !-.11111'111 ... .11111 '.111 . .i ..... 111 ,, \\,1 11hd 1111 11.1-.1 \llllll~ l.1 \111 .. 1111 "i>' l'l,d IClll 11·~1 11 g1-.l,1ll1ill l t 'I ltt·~ olrt' l1U\ tllg l1 ·141o;lo1llOll 1\ I l1tlct ,1wuld l1t .dtlt In I 1g1111 11u1 t lw 111111 ll\'t\\1· .. 11 tl11 .$40 7.111 1111111 tl 1ut1 d 111 ---~ RICHARD Rf IVES lllC'OllH•I" 111 lla1 11 1111" E11t I~~\ lfrd ( .. llrlllllll'I' {'111111111lt11 li1 till' 'IJ.t111111 . .I i\utc 111111111!1 · I >t .dt '" "''"' 1.1111111 I :'oJ ,\I )J\ I .111 d th1 · ... u1,..,.q111 ·11t tl1 ·,.rh til 1 ul1 ·.., fl''llllllllg dt•,if1 I._ ltl 1111111 ,\' IJU,11 , Id kno\\ 11 d1 f1~ h 111 u ... ,.d 1.11 .., ;}) 'I Ii•' ~"' t.1i.. 1kclw 111111.., 1111 t 11• 11 .adffillll..,11.ill\'I lll'h ('111d1 1f>1tl ll t~1 1111'111'11 ·1.., 111 tht• }'t\l'.., ·"'" 111I•11 ).11 I d1·cllll 111111' wh1c h """""' 1111 ... ..,, 111 1a. o11 1· ,,i1,,1d11111g rhe· d1 '>1 1uvt11111 111 go\ 1•111111t Ill rlf 1lw IH'Ofllt• Ii\ 1h1 I" 111111 Jlld 1111' tlw 1w11ple p J\ (' " I I 111 II ' t I 11 ._,II d \\ e I 1 lht nl'>f l\'c'" 11 t·atu11·., 111 I"'"''' ;ii 1 c 1111111 Fe .1nk1·11-.i1·111 1111111 ... 11·1., 111 \I ..i I lllll'lllft•d p11(1t11 .d "II fl( I 1\~ lllllllltllle·1 '• tund1'<l hv JX'OJll<' with 1 e11011111.n 11111 ·1 t·'" mt·mlM'I' uf th• An11 111 .111 !\It tl1• .ol .\-.s111 1<•t111n 1Al\l1\ 1 1'1111t1\1, .11111 l m µI•>\ e 'l· i. u ( li ru m 111J11 (.' 111 I• "' 1111 ml"''' 11f lh• L'11111·d t\u1 .. \\ 111 k1,, 11 . ,\ \\ I 1 .. 1 111 l.11 Cll I I,, I '" I . ,\ I I• 111'1'""' of 111 I• pl.11 I 1111 liq~ I 1111 l1 tl 1111i•111-. 111 111 ft 111111• 1dl1.d, \\ l1•I ,\1 I• J11111ti ·d IC1 th1 11 ~'I\ lllJ.: .1111 I 11 • dill I 1,f \\ ·"' I I'·"' '1'111 I •1111111111• I \\ •11lld e 11111. t '111 . .IJ \!1111.illllll'> 11 11111 1111 II 1111 II.II' I lolJ1' .111d 111• II d1 .. p1 I I 1t.1 1111•11•" 111 , .. .i11111.11 1 \\lll1 1111gl11 t.1 1 .. \'111,il1l1 llJ 1 lit·ll \ 11 W 110111 I ('J h1 ht ">I I'' 111 I .ii d1...c1q1t1111111l 1lllf l llt !'.\(' 11p11 ,lf l11l1 I lh1 ( ll I .! 1 I 'I\ I I 't111 \ 11! f 11111 111.1g.1/ll1• 1,, \\ i11 .. 1 I -.1.1• -.1111 ,111d r.\ .111 'I """'·'' I ·110·: ( 0'.\('El'T 111111 d .. at. I 111111~h [I \\ "°'11 I l'11q 1111 .illf>i" 1111 111 ,t,11111 11 ·.ol111 ·d 1ti .• 1 .... \ ll•tald Ill • II • It II " 111111 I\\ II '''I I 111 1\1 I•• I I• .I\• .• ,, .. ,,1 ··I 11111111 .... \\Ill P"l1t1• lo111" .111.f ltd llll 1111 1. g1 ... l.1t•1r... 111 11 ,., 111.111 In '' '" 1t11 l1IJllll1t I 111 f' \t , t''J1l••l1 d 11 11111 1d>1 1111 11111 11111 11\ 1, .. ,..., .. ,, d ,, •• 1,w 11111•111' 111 .I t 111 ii Iii• l.t I 11111111 '•I\\ "II• I 11.il •I I 111111 I l.t1il1 •1f l 1,.t, h 1!• 11 1111 1111111 t 111 • ,ft 111111 I 14•111 l'\I 1>11• 11 .• d• 1.,.•1111••11 l'\t' •I• :, .111111 i ii \' • II I 1 ii I" I 1 11 I l< I • .1111 f I 111 II rl111l111~ ·.: I 111111i .. 11 I• I. llflJ II • •II I I .. 11cl11 t.111 ' ;d .. 11• I 1111 11111 1111 "" l11t1 ·1 11.il1• •1t.d ,\ ..... 1.di• 11 "' :--1. •• 111111,1 , .111d ,\111"J1o111 \\111k1 I ·" h.111dlllk1 l•lll ·q I 11111111111 I )111 I""'''"' I 1 11111 11 Iii I 11111ll Jl1t1lllll! 'I..! 1111111 I I o ' o 11 k 11 11 11 1\ Ii 1 r • ' " ,, 1 ,, p11 ... 1 lll.1l l\1 " 111111glt1. 1111\\ "" ''Ill ll1111k IH 111 "'" I\ tll \1111 1111 111• Ill \.I t1h" U tt l'l\t .1".\.1\ 1,f \t1lU 1111111•·\ I• .al I I.II• ·~.tit ' 111 t .. , .. ,. 1111• 'l 1 •llll\ '( 4 I' 1'111 Iii 1ti.1l J• 1\. C• '' , .. 1111 l 11-.:l Local measures on Nov. 2 e lection IJallot Therl' ar(• l W1J propositions on the ballol f or Nl'wpurt Beach n·~tdl'nl'> 1wxl wet·k l\l l'.i...u11· 0 a~k:-. vott·rs tu approvl' k•as1ng a part o f North Star B('ach to the· nun-profit Newport Aquatl<.'!-. Ct·n tt•r f"r UM' <ts a publit· centl'r for human-pow<.•red boats. :-.uch as cancx-s Siner the center would be open to the public and would be a pleasant addition w the bay. th(' Daily Pilot r eco mm e nd s a Y ES vot e o n Measure 0 . Mt·.t!-.UI<' N 1s tht· nmtrO\'l'l"ital .ind <.•onfusmg issue of dt'V<.'lopnwnt of a 75-a<.TC' wedge..• of the 500-atn• Bctnning Hum·h D<.•veloP<'r Wilham Banning askt·d thl' t•ouncil last spring tu approve..• a proJC'Ct with a large ratio of c:ommc.·rc1al /1ndus tnal lo rcs1dent1al usts. Thl' cuunC'il. hv a 5-2 votL'. granted permission to rnnstruC't :159 homes a n d 400,000 square feet of offi<.•e a nd industrial space, much lt'SS d<-ns1ty than Ban ning had asked for In add1t1on. the council o rde red Banning to put in about $6 million in road improv£•n'wnts as a condition for building. Before the council action. ttw hmd h ;.id been zonro rt.>Side nllal. with a four-umts-pc•r-acre density Good marriage Pvrh.1~ tht• one· thing young people yl•Jrn to know moN' than any othl'r 1s how th<'V !'an tt•ll wht'n th1.•v ur<.• really 1 n l o v l; I t 1 s so t' n s v t o s c e t h c• l'l>Untt.•1 fdtll wh<'n on1• l11(1ks back lnlt'r" SYDfHY HARRIS nnd so cl1HIC'uh to d1scr1minntl' wh<'n th1• hlood l'i runnin~ high ond tht• moon 1~ full Why do !IO many peoplt• 1.14•t•m tu ptl'k dii.appo1 1111ng lovers <ind in11dC'quatc- matN1. !ill dl'lilX'r<1ll'ly. ~> iuu bbornly. fto llbv10111dy doorrwd to failure? I thmk 11 Ill laq(t•ly 0ht•t·aww romance, llkt• liquor. f1·1-.ls 011 1lli own dt?lusion . Tht• mort' W<' l'<lll~umt'. thl' mon· 1n tox1catec1 nnd d111tortcd our JUd~m nt bt'l-omes. Ont' of the be~t nnd truest tt'Stl ot o rMI uffinlly -though onu not t.'On&<'nlal to the youthful paulona -m•y have brrn provldt'd b y St Brrnard o f Clairvoux wt.l'n ht• tu1ld, "W<' find rt>Rt In Thv \Vt·s1 Nt•\\ p11rt Lq.~1..,l.111\·1 t\ll1<11H'l' wh1d1 upp11:-,{·S th1 p111JI 1 I lt·d <• l l'f t•11•ndum l'lll..,;1d1 th.11 p111 1t vn 1h1 h.1llol The 1\ll1a111·1· Iii It•\, . .., th!' proj('<.'t will 111 lllg Ill to•1 111111 Ii traft11. <oncl noise• .md wants t11 11 •1.1111 thP n •s1d<1nt11l UM' lnr lht• land Tht• D.11 Iv Piiot IX'hl'Vl'S th.it 1111 Banning plun I' th<' re!->Ull 111 n •u. o nl·d 1.11rn pr111111 ... 1• .1 n1<>ng t llc t ' 11 u n t 1 I . t h 1 • cl t • \' 1 I 11pC'1 a 11 ii t I 1 t • l'1t1Zl'll !-.0 tl<•m:ind' At ';~ 111·11·.., 1t rc•pn•!-.t'l\ls .1 pl<1111wd n111l111unat~. 11111 a plC'<.'<'rnt•<il 1•,.1·1•pt1on to th1 · g.•111 1 .d pl<tll In .11ld1t1011. "t'\'1·1.il lllt'll1lw1 .., 111 \h1• C'tln1111UJ111\ hav1• 11~·1•1HI~ lltgt·d th<.• c1 lv to 1·w1!-td!'1 tht· nvc ·d 1111 .II (111 d,;hll' ho u!..rng Zor1111Jit p1 11111· N1•w port Bt·al'h pl u pt'rt \ cf t I 11111 111111~ tn th1• an1· " 11 1 t.11nh 11111 .1 st1•p in tlwt d11'l"<.'t10n An .1ddvtl fal'tlll ot umt 1i...11111 ,., lhc.' wordlllg 111 th<• propos;tl 1111 llH · b:illot Votc•rs an• .1:-.kt·d \\ ht·tlwr t he v wan l l 0 (Iv t., t u II) I h l l' 11 \ Courwtl's a('t1011 un t h1· B.11111111g Han<·h In c·ss1•1H 1• a \'11l1· o t 1111 supports tht' prnjt'<'t , )'t'" d1 •1111•:-II Th<• Daily Pilot recomme nds a NO vote on Measure N. Wt• lx·IH·\ 1· SC'ns1lill' d<•v0lopmC'nt of th1• Ba1111111g is a refuge thO!><' w1• lovt•. and w1• 1JrO\'td1• .1 11·,11 11g plil<'l' m our~t'l\'1'~ fnr t ht>!-.t' "ho It•\ t' ll" .. \"lhl'n \hl' in!.11uatw11 hn<. 11111 ''" t<ours<· .• 1s 1t .tlways d11(•"\. tht· k<•l111g that f(•mmns mu:-t indudt• rt·pc~..;1• al 11:-. 1'•1lt> a 11uol11y mut·h n1•1-tle•l'l1•d ,111d f)\'1•1 l11ok1•d In lllll'>ot I Olll:tlllll' 1111'1"111111 ,11\d 11111• MARRI AGE. or l'OllFW, d11l·~ 11111 C'hnngt• JX'nplt'. 11 nwrt•ly unmmik11 1 lwm h stri p~ off tlw stron~t·n1•!1.S, tht• l{l.1n1our th l' app1•a 1.ll\l't' of 't r1·n~th th1• f.1st 1n.1llt11\ t)f flO\'l'ltv, th1• 1rc•al·h1·rm1 ... •wn ... • of un1qu«nt•-.:. ·that t·vl.'ry rouph· fl'C'ls Ill fi rst F:u:t•d th1•11 with tht' 1h11usa11d .1111111ym1r.•:o1 and p<'rpl••x1111•:s of 1•v1•rvdny t•cmnub1111ity. two j)l'rson:'I hl.lVt• tn r.•111 «'a:uly within <.':ll'h ottwr I\ n •stmlo( pint'\' '" what we• nt'\'<I .1 ... w1• grow oldrr A pl11l'(' not to gaz<· ot P11d1 othl'r In mutuol fu:14:1nation, but tu louk out 8\ thl' wol'ld tul(C'I hl.'r from mud' tllt' SDmt' anglt• of vision A harbor. 11 :11hC'll<'r. a reh.1Rt'. o soul"t't' of nouri hmt'flt nd su pport T his I!! not what l'rNll<'" o (OOrr1Rf{•'· but th•"'ls whM su. l.'lln!> 11 H.111111 .111d 1111 .11•••l11j•.1l1'l ll), ,, .. ,tJ llll!JfC 1\1 t111 111 \\I 1tid 111 ,11 0 '"I 1 111 th• c 11 \ * * * :\ t. .. 111 I I I .. • 1 I 11 \II\ .!. I 1. ii lo 1 I \\ill ,1..,f.. llu111111gl1111 IS1 .1111 \111 1 t ~ tc1 tit•• idt· \\ hc ·l It• 1 Ii te .ii 1 11 \ c•lt •t 111111 .... llCI\\ twld Ill .\l'lll 111 1•\'( ll 11111111•t1 n t ''"1/" ... h11uld I" 11111\td h o 1011111.!1 \\I IJ lht 1..(1 111 I .ii t 111 111111 Ill II\ t tllhfl Sn1111 11\\ 1ill1<1.tl' h.1\1 \l l l!t•d lht 1l1.111g1· 111 111dc ·1 t11 .ilt1.i1I .i g1 t .111·1 11u111111 1 nl \'111t•1.., t '1 1' l'lt·< I 11111" II.I\ t 11111111 11111 ... 1 \ 111\\ 11111111111' It h.1:-lx·t·n 1•..,11111.1tvd th.al lll\'I g111g till' d.itt•.., 1•1 11dd s.a\ l th1· t tt~ $ t;). ti Utt t 11 $ :! t >. o ti 11 .., 1 n 11 • l o u 11 t ' 1111 tl t;d.., would p1·1 lllllll 1110"1 111 t ht' vl1•<'l111n d11111 •' Hui 11pJH 11w111 -. 111 th1 1 h.111L(1 ,on .ti 1.11d loc ,d 1 <1111l1d.i11.., .111d t'"l"'" 111ltld ht 11 \1r ..,IJ.1d11\\1d lo\ 1111 111• puhl1r111 ·d ... 1.1tt· .and ti.t111111;il 111.1t1t·r.., 1111 1 h1 I 11 L(t' N11,·1 ·111lw1 hnl 1111 .md 1ha1 \'1111 "" th1111g'1 11111n pll'11t1l l1l. 1111gh1 ht Ii·.,., \\ 1 II 111l11t 1111·cl 1111 Int .d "'ll' '" T111 ... \ .... , I 111 I h1 111 ... 1 ltll\t'. ho1h N1•\\ pnrt l\l•;11 11 .111d (.'c,,t,1 t\ll'Stl i ll I' h11ld111g 1 llt'll I'll\' t•lt•( ttOlh Ill t'llllJllnl 1111 11 '' 1111 t 111' N 11\ 1•ntlu 1 l>.ill1111ng S11m1 .11 1h111 1111.tl 1.111d11l.t11 ·' h,\\'(• l'lllllf>l.111\t'tl th.It It IS 1111111· d 1ll11ult 111 1o11:-.1• 1;1mp;11gn lllllllt'\' Ill C'lllll)lt•t1t1nn \\'Ith 1111' :-t.11(.• .and kde·r;il 1·,1nd1d.11t•.., on 1tu · h.1l111t ,\I tht:-pttll\I llt•1the •1 111 lht' llllt'" 111.1k1 11 g the d .111 t h.1nl..(<· kn""' '' lw1lw 1 11 will """'" m " rv.tl l'll"t ..,,1\ mg 111 pn~h1t ·t· mm t' \'ot1'' 1111 111;. t·:111dult1t1•' l lu11t111gto11 l~·a1•h \'11tt1rs 11\lght lw wt·ll ;1d\'1:-.1·d 111 rt•Jt'l. I tlw d.1t<· <h;111g1• until 1h1:-. 11.1:-lh<'ll dt'l1•n1111wd It i... 111 nu gn•.it urgc·m·,. ;11ul t·nuld lwttt•t ht • d1"t1dt•tl aftc•1 tlw l;il'h I l'11m till' :-1..,tc•r 11111•:-,111• kno\\ n GlOOMY liUS ~:vt.•ryum• should tx.• willing to -.(•rvp Jury duty 11·~ a reol <'YI' OJ>l'111•r and ll'Hl'hl'S W\ th a 1 our irnt'I t' t :v n 1•t>tl :1 •1 g 1 an t ov<•rhuul F.X JUROR U) l'A I' llOHOW ITZ 01 lh• Delly Piiot Itel! rnal l>K \lt l'AT I 1•1111'1 "''' an\ 01·1·ll tor 11 ~111 ,101·1• nil 111~ pro1H'rl\ j, 1·0 111111u11i t 111 joint knunn prop,•rr' \\ h111 ·, ~ 11111 11pl11i1111 '' l'.n .. C'u11111u 1h·I Mnr \'1111 Ill.I\ llilllh ,ilf 111 \•>Ill J>lllJH 11\ I• 111111111111111\ Ill .fllllil ll'll.1111\ JllllJHll\, fllll .Olt \'llU '1111• 111 lh1," l>11I \1111 111111111 $111110 1111111 Au111 T1IJ11·" t >1 did \11111 1111111!1 ·1 ~:", '"II 111 1 t11 ... l11· ... 111 )''\\1·11, 'Y1111 ,1i1111hl '·" 111 \11111 ''ill \\ h11 I' ft • I 1l1'1\ 1 f ti .... •I J"ll ,1l1 Jll 1tfH 1 l \ Jt ' .11 ..... """"' 1.1111 fll '·'' \\ h .<I ... 111111ld '" d11111• \\ llh \lllll 111111111111111\ fll llJH If \ 'l11111fd \1111 .111d v11111 'lkllt:o.i· du• .ti tilt' .... 11111 · '""" II \1tll .J1d11 l 11•,1\1 .1 \\Ill. 1111 ... 1.111· "'"'' ,.,,, \11\ll JllllJk ti\ 111 \lllll lt•l,111\t '' Ill tJH t1tdt•I "I 11111 II\ '·''' 1'111, 111.1\ 111 "'·'' "''' 1-. \11111 '' 1,fi Th ...... 1111 ·""' " 11111 1111 lk •1pl• \\ "" ""II l'l "1"'11\ ·" J'lllll ft 11.1111' ,., I'll tl111111:h 1111 \ .111·11'1 h11~1>.i11d .111.t \\II• l,';11111 i "# """ /,. t•;1~.' l>EAH l',\'l : I plan to llo ""'H' humt• 1·anmn~ tor th\• tirst tinw th" tall I'd lik1· to kno\\ ii gla,,.. jars and till' mu"t nh\a~ ... tw stl.'rilit t•d b~ boiling hl'lorl' l'anning and ho\\ lo It'll ii lh1· jars an· propal~ .;1•all•d afh•r 1·ann in~. T II . lluntingtun lk ;H·h J,11, .111d ltd ' d11 IH>l llt 1·d 111 f>< '"I tl111 d Ii\ l 111tl111g "h1•11 I h1· l111al1 11g ".1111 11.11 II 111 (Ht'"'llll • .11 11111 11\t ll111d "' t'.11111111~' '' "" d , llut th1•v 11111 ... 1 Iii 1·1t .111 J'lw ... 1111 ,1111• 1 ........ " .. 11 ,1,.. 1111 i'111KI .in· :-.l••I il111 ·d dw 11\g p111\'l" .... 111g Y11u 1.rn 11• ... 1 1111 ".d 1111 gl.1-., -""" "1111 pon t ·l.1111 11111·<11-.1p:-. II\ f\1111111g • .11 It J••I 11.tt ll\ 11\'t•r tl1 :.•IUI h.1nd ... l11 ll ''' .• ,loll llt.11 "·" .• l l.1 l llll lal lid pit" lht• 1.1 lllt I 111 th1 ltd ti ll 1-. out that will tl11\\ II .01t.I \\ 11 1 11111 llltl\t' 1111 I •I I'. ",of, .I 111 ''"' !111 I t•ltlt'I 111 1111 ltd\\ itli •I 'fltH•fl ,\ 1 l1 ,II 11111:1111: ... 1111tl 1111.llh .11:•••' ''" l 'Ill'\" ill I .111111 d g'""'' 1111 'I"'" •I!• 1 .. lt•I • ''Ill 1111 11: fl1il11111,• t .111 t 11d, j.tl lid-. ,111d 11111' Ill •• I···"'"·'' 1111,111 1111 "··" 11 .•• 11111!.1 II'"" 1 f11 f1111d 11,,, . f11•ilt•d \\'lit II \ttll "I" II ,t t t•lll.11111 I I Ito I h f1tl 11tl1t I ~lf~l l' 11J 'llllil.tf'I' .111" ·'' ·Jllll ll11g lt1 p11d. <Ill "' t 111!111 Ill 11111ltl )•'111 llttll< 1111111111.tllllll 'I 1111 .,, I Ill 1111 1111 I l1111u l '.111111111• 111 F11111, .111d \, g• 1 11.f,, '""'I.It l f 1"111 I '1111,111111 (1tl111111,ol111:1 \·,lilt I l>•l'I 'I l l\ l '11tlol11 l ·,,1., llltHJ!J 1llt•u1 l'rt•<•zi11f.{ li111i1.~ DEAit PAT. ('an )OU 1(·11 nw hem Ion~ llH'U I c·a11 bt• lro1t·n and -;till IH· .... 11,".' I fut\ t' -.om1• ht-t•I aucJ pork that ha" ht•1•11 lro:rc•n to r" mun• than a \t•ar. Is it still OK'! · P.R .. llun1i11~t1111 lfra1'11 1'111' l l :--i ll.·p.1rt1111·111 •>I Ag1 wul1111 •· I l't 111111111·11.f ... ll1t· 1111111\\ll\g g111d1 11111 •, 1\I /t'l 1• d1fl11'' (1110'1 ft •t•1•/t'I ' 111.tllll.tll\ 1111•, h lllf>t 1.tllll• I h11 I k11 fl' 1111 I \I.II f>"I" '"I '" llllllllfh ,111d I lllt hi II. ttllh l\\" llllllllfi, 1\ lttflg1 I 11 l't '/lli~' I" 1111d \\ 111 11111 • ,111" ftn1tl p 111.111 1111g , ll•ll 1 .. ,.,.. 111 11111 !1·111 .111 d 111111 I lt1\\ I'\ l'I ii d111 '' d1 ) 1111'.ll Ill lHHJll1 \ "to\1 !'fl" 1111'.lll'> '"" "' ......... 1111 1 q11.d1I\ • (•11/ ,1 }1111/1/1 /II' //11 II 111111 111 • 1 /'.1/ J/1111 111 II/ /1.11 11 11/ 1 I// 11 ,/ l.1/•I - t..:1 111111' t/11 olll,11 I I ' ,l/td ,11 1/1111 \II(/ /11•1•.f II' ,,./\I ' I/II 1/l/l / #1 ' I/I t..:11\'l'/'/l/lll'lll .111.f /11/,//lt " f\/.11/ I• >II/ 1/111 '111111' '" 11.11 J/111o1111// .\/ \(1111 ·""'""" (}/.lllJ:• t ',,,,,I /J.11/\ }'t/111 /'U Hu\ I •toll (',,,,,, f\/1 '•' (. \ •1:•1i..!11 Navy will scatter its ships WASlllN< ;TON (1\l't 'I h1 N•1\'~ plans ln "';1tt1 1 1ls 1-!t<I\\ 111g flt•t•t. 111l'!ud111g l l''"t\1· 'l"P'· t" mur1· l 'n111·d S 1,1 1•·:. I'"''' '" rt•duu· 1t-. 'ul111·1.d11lit' :'\I,,,' S t>t·rt·lal'\ .J11h11 L1 11111.111 "", 'lll It .1 .. ~ .. 11 l>11·g" .11111 N1111 1111. \',,, I .1·ln11,111 :-..:1111 111 111" II 111 ·"'' n1 \\ lt•t .111111is 1111 li1111 11 f'"I h 111 11 Ill' llH 11111111111 It 111.1k1·-. """ \11 d"f"'' ,, tlllll t · j.!1 l\j.!I o1pl111 ,d(\ ht• ... ;11d. .1dd111g th.11 Ill\' tit' t "l '\j)l'\'ll•d 111 1 xp.md Ii\ .1bt1ut I Ill 'hip:; 111 llll II•",,\ I'll \I .ti ... Th.11 \\Clldd gl\'t • tht L.'111l1•1i :-it.111''" liOtl-s h1p N,"''' 1-1t .... 11111 l'l11l.1d1·lpl11.1 N1·" p 11n In .in' 111ll l'\11 \\ \\'1·dn1 -.d.1\ L <'hman .... 11d 1111· ",11.it1·g11 d1spl'r:-.~.J " pn1g 1 .1111 .dr 1· .. d~ ti ..... bt:c·n M·l Ill 11\llllOJl \\'llh d1-t 1;..111th to l><.1..,{' .i 1·an 11 r t.1,k llln 1· 1n 1111 Pugl'l Sound oll l'd P l \\ .l'htngl011 s tall• .ind t11 ... 1.1111111 th• nudt·Jr JX>Wt"rt•d l fUl'l'I (.',1hlt •I lll.t 111 l h1 Snn F'rann~:o H;" ;111 '' H I . l'h;11 lt•;.,t1111 ~ t ' 1 • .. 11 ... 11 111,, fb N1 \\ < >1 l1 ,,,,, .11111 t '111 1111" ('ht l'fl 'f 1 '·" ·" 1'P':-.1l11 l1t11 ·' 1,, '"""" .... 111 I I h1 tt .... ,)I ''·" \\"I 1111 )11d1• 11 '" I\ I 'lllfl' 111'1 .111'1 ' l ht·~ ..... , ........ 1.t1 11·d l"ll'l .,, thl' llt•1 I\\1111 h \\llUfd h .. 1ll·pl11y1•d Ill "'·" H c· :..o1 1d .1huut :.!.1 11111d1 rn triu.111· .... 1r1 -.1h1dul1 tl '" hc· lUI Ill tf 11\ I I lH 1 IH II .. \ . .t I t''l'I \I "You don't \\.11i1 111I""'1d1· ''"' lutT::JllVl' :1 1.1rg1•t' '" I llflllfllllllg to ('Cln ec>nlr<Jlt• th1· 111·1 t 111 .1 In .1dd11111n 111 JJl t1 l1·1 1111g w.11~111µ ... I 1 om l>\•111g botlkd up or dl' ... tro q ·J . Ll'hll1JI\ -.;ud th•· pr11g1 .1111 ... 11Hf·n111111 1 ... 111 p111lt'\ t th1· 111dlhtn.1l b.1..,1· th.it 'lll'P"' i... 1 tw t 11•1•1 Th;11 mdu ... t rt.ii h,,,..,. 1m lud1·-. rt'PHll' )-.1rtb, µll'n ... Jnd 'll ppf\ d1·poLo,; ""'' H tll Thi· "'1111 .11" '"'d 11 .... 1 ""l"'r !>.d "'1IJ ""' 1111 .111 .1 d11\.\11gr,1d1ng iii p11·,111t n.1\.d h.1:,.1•-. hmllt•d numb1·1 of l11m11· ''·"''' Thi .. 1'(Tt't.1n \\ouldn'1 11111111111 , Call 642-5678 Put a few w ords lo work tor ou. ,. • .,, c.,.,.,. ,,. c,,..,... t••• •..-c•tHr .,.,, c .,, ..... '"• rl ..•• ,. c••• ~,... ,,..,,~ .. .....,.~ While you welt I PERSONAL PROFILE INVENTORY S20 ' ~ , "" f 4• ; " t 4 1 I • • • , • I • tt'"' J' l •A 11111' t • •• ' ,,... #fl<h , '· ., fl"' .... (7'14) 640-1268 ,-----------------···-----···· .ttJ1s ·--------····•••• ::! ... ' ' I ' ' I There's no trick to this tre•t. either ... TM ca .... e•• SIO•l!IS '•51PO on '''"&ad '""" o··~ 10u SI 011 o H tn~u regular ,,.,,_. "''Ce ot an'; DU•"'1' TMa ..UM"'" w •UTTY TMa QMOST Oii,., P•c.•es Ocl~• '.ll 1981 •• -·---· 1 .... •<-....,.._., .. ,.. ••• ~ .. t •• ..., --· ., SAVE $2.00 WI TH THI S COUPON ~- .. .._ ____________________________ •1 I,,·---------------------------•' ------------. ; .. ---------·--, ,------------.·; ;•:-----·------.. i BUY1,GET1 FREE ' I I I I I i BUY1,GET1 FREE i • .., ........ c ......... i C'atuiei. I ' I I ' :~ ~~ ICE CREAM AND FUDGE PIES .. Buy I Ice Cream Pt. al Reg Price. 0.1 Another FREE ............... -..... .. . -...... . .. ---------·--~ 1' ~·-----------' 15.Tll nu SHI "'I Ill ( Ill """ '\V HUNTINGTON HACH I«•. • wP"'""tfh~ I Ht'-• #\11.~ .... (._j .~ ..... 840-1370 ., .......... c • .,.... • I C'atuiei. i TONI'S AND .. SPRINKLE CUPS ~ Buy one p•cll•fl• •t reg price. gel •notfler P•cll•fl• FREE' I I I I I I I I I ' "------------. :;•:·----------·' HUNTINGTON HACH UOllflll ,... ....... ,~,,.,~l'tlf\ijf"'fl'l.t,.,.. l'ffi'I• tt-.. 111i ,,~!ff ... II" 964-5553 STANfOH 894-4789 SANTA ANA ~ .... l!ol• 5"-"( l ...... 1J I• \t 8• !\fol I;' W,,!\f't 751 -4778 LAGUNA HILU f( • .,..., ,..". ,_ .......... ,,." t•ll 4.. • ,..,,.,., At ... 1 859-6088 WATCH FOR NEW LOCATIONS OPENING SOON • BEAUMONT • CATHEDRAL CITY • DESERT HOT SPRINGS • • LA QUINTA • HEMET • VICTORVILLE • REDLANDS • • LA HABRA • RIVERSIDE • SUNNYMEAD • HOURS: ll-7:30M-F 10-7:30 SAT. CLOSED SUNDAY 1 >1 111111• l 1111•,1 I IAll r 1111 ri I II ltll••t 11111111"1 ~"I ffJli~· t • • J JUNCTION ADAMS AVE., SUITE COSTA MESA (714) 850-1500 &Jo,.. ... ~· * : __ _ .. x • 8 hours recording • 3 recording speeds FINANCING AVAlABlE Would you like to join our growing family of C'Q/Ulef0 Store Owners? ~••-RENT PLAYER & MOVl!S CHEA PI • HUGE SELECTION Of VIDEO MOVIES • BIG SCREEN TV'S-RENT OR IUY • HOME VIDEO CAMERAS Ii RKOROEltS • VIDEO GAMES AND CARTRIDGES • llANK T A'IS AND ACCESSOtUES e TRANSFH FILM TO VIDIO CASSlnE • VIDEO DISC PLAYERS & DISC SELECTION • VIDEO ltECORDH REPAIRS • WE WIU VIDIO T AP'E ANY !VENT \7 FOR MORE INFORMAtlON ON fHE AVAILABILITY OF CHOICE LOCATIONS IN ORANGE, RIVERSIDE, SAN OtEGO & SAN BERNARDINO COUNTIES PHONE 714) 545-8111 ·--ncA ~Qu~sat P,ll\ l'.OlllC 7£~ITN "'4 t'' ~SANYO JVC ~ ~· ' 8 OturtlJtt t.11111:>1 DAil V I'll llllltlll11y, Ollt1l1111 •111. 11111.' AP Wlrepl\olo Ton y tlw Ti~•·r (" h o i-t• \o u·•· i ... l h a l of Lai.:u11 a Pugt>u n t of l h t· :\ha!'>lt'r"' narrator T h ud lt<I\ t•n ... tToft ) may m o\'t• hi ... h u~t· ~t·llog~ ('t•rt•al t'o111pan ~ out of Ha lli•· Cn·t·~. '1 idt.. clt·1u·mliu~ on t lw outc·o111t• of a t'it ) t•lt•t·t ion. Can Battle Creek k eep Kellogg Company ? BATTL E l'IH:1<:K. Mwh uU'I I\ \'ult' Tut·Ml.1v by n .... 1dt•11t:-. 111 tht' t't'fl'a l t·1t,v .1n .. l " n .. 1ghb11 11ng township t·11uld dl•tc·nn11w wlwtlH·r the Kt•llogg Co will t·unt1 nu1· J<.ldrng snap, t'rot·klt· .ind po p to t lw 11" .ti et:onum v T he gt.ml fo11d frrm .;..1,v~ 11 \ ... ·1 11 mov<' t·orpornll.' lwadquar1t·r~. w11h 1t.;. 700 employt'l'S ;i n d a $:!H 111tll111n p.Jyroll, u11lt·~ \'Vl{·1-s rn B.1ttlt· Cn•t•k as1d Battle· <.:rt•t·k T t1\\ n:.h1p .1grt't.' lo nwrgt' tht· two gnvt•r1111wnL' K £>llogg .;.J~.;, thl' (0urn·11l o;trut·tltr t' mak es rt tuu t·xpt·n~l\'l' fur 1h1· t•om pany tu dt•vt·lup Kt:'llo~. fornwd ht·n · 7ti \1 ·ar~ .1g11 dt·hvC'n'<i th1• ultimatum 111 l\l<I\ Jl1111g "llh a dl'l.11h·d plan fo1 ,, "mer gt·1 111 1·quals" If t11wn ... h1p .ind tll\ \'11h·r~ ,1pprovt tht th.JngC' Tu1·'d"~· tlw nu·rgl·r \\11uld t,1kl· t·ff•'t. t J.in 1 .. G I\' 1 • n : h 1 • 1 · u r n · n I I'" I 1 111 • .t ... trut·tur1 · ,µl1ntt•11•d 11 "dd I 11 ult Judge to 1·u le on p e ntho u e window h a sle TAMPA. Fl.i IAPJ :\ftt•r 1ounng two plu).h pt·nthc>us< ,1p,1r1nwnt!> J t'lfl'Ult JUdg<• I., dl'Cldtng \.\ hl'lhl'f J p1<·turc• wmd11w \'IOlatt·., tht• p rl\'J< \ of c.1 neighbor fuur floor.. do" n Lawyt·r.;, ).<oy tht• d1·<·i...111n. t•xpt.'C.'tt•d latl'r 1h1s Wl'l'k. t:ould ~1·t .t kg.II pn:·ctc'dt'nt for f'lortdd 11>nd om1rnum ownC'rs Hu~h Culvl•rhuus<'. owm·r of thl· Tampa Bay Buccanet.>r!>. profl'ss1onal football tl·am s ays th<• six-foo t w indow. part of a neighbor'). $'.WO.UOO renovauon. was 1ns tallt.'d a fter he· bought h1!. 19th-(loor apdrtm<•nt He sav<, in his SUit lhJt II \'1CJl<1 t1 · ... his S<'CUrttV and intrudl'!. o n thl· pr1val'y of h·ts patio A rch1t('('t L C'e St·arfnnt'. wh 11 designed tht> building w lwn· both men ltvt•, kncx·kC'd out a t·hunk of wall about two yt•ars ago ..ind put in tht• window to get a pan<>ra m1L \'IL'W from tt\e 23rd-floor bedroom of h is two- story pc•n thouse 111 plll lt1g1th•1 .r tolH 11•111 '"''"').!\ trn I 11 111 Ill II II It \ ,1 II d I ' I II II •I Ill 11 d1·v1•lop1111111 1;1 lh1· :t1Vi1." 'o11d I i.rrv l -11.,tl1·\ .1 Ko•llog,lo( "·111111 \'11·1• fll l·,:d1·111 \ \' I t )I 11 U I I 1 ·' I I U I I LI I l d I 111 , 1 I ,i.:11\t 1111111 111 111•\\ K1 •ll11gg \ 1·11tu11·., 111 th1• .il•'.J would lw t110 nimph \ .111d 11•1 (11,tlv h• lll·\'1 ·l11p, lu · .,,,y., Kl'll11gg ,., t hl· 11r1·.1'.;, l.11g1·:-.1 1·mployl·r. p111\ 1d111g -l,CHltl Jl•li., 11\'1·1".1!1 111t lud1ng t i\\' 700 whu m.1v 11 ·.1\'1· 11 till ,111m·, .. 1t11111 " n111 <1IJIJl fl\'l·d 'fl11 1111111JJ11~ l .tr111 d $:!0:, m1ll1•11\ 1111 -...i, . ., 111 $2 ;{ h1ll111n m l!-11!1 It ti ..... ,tl..,11 l)(•t•n .i dorn111.111t 11111 t• 111 t 111· 111111111l1111t v H11,1d ''g"' lt1•1,tld t h1· I'' ''"'II( •• Ill 1111 (11 111 .111d tltt t.111111\ Ko llogg H1 g 111n . .t ,\11 p111 t K1 •1l11~,lo( ( '11111111\IOl l\ C111l1·g1 KI ll11gg l.'1 ·11h-1 It 111• ·'"' •• , 1 1 'thing tl11:-. '' )1.1,11.dl\ \\lt1tt· It .di !'>t.11lt·d .... 11d l '1t \ l\1.in.1g1•1 <..:, 1rdon J;ll'g.11 It "°' ll11gg pull1'll 11ut ol tlu .1110,1, "h11 II .tl11 .. 11h 11,,, .111 un1·n1plo\ 1111·111 1,1ll 111 1;"1 h IJl'Hlllt th<· 11pph• I ff11 I \\IJUld lu 1 1111rn111us." 'Jtd P1 t.•:-.l11n Kool. a Int nwr &1ttlt· C1t'l'k m,1~11r who liv1·-. in th1• township and ht•;.ilh 1 lw µro 1rn 1 gl'r 1 .1mp.1u{n Kool -...11d · tlwn· l' 1111 11th1 ·1 \.\a\" for tht• t'On11nun1tv 111 t•nsun· a s1.al)l1· future' "WhJt Kc·llogg 1<. doing I!> ll'lhng tht· n1mmun1ty tht> t•ond111n11' undt·r \\ hll h 1t will t•x11.1nd 11' hus1nt~.;, .. K1w1I -...11d "Wt• l'dl1°l liv1· 1n ,, µIan· th.it ol111:l>n°l h.1v1• .1ul,-.." K 1 1111 g g Ch .11rm,1 11 W 1II1.1111 l .. 1'.\loth1 .i1kt111\\l1·dg1 -. th.rt H.11tli· ('111•k ·h.1' lwin ttw h t•,11t 11f 11\11 1•11t111· nrg.11111,1111111 Ir n,, .•. .,.,.,r,. I m ... L1 rt· "l <·an d11 ,, t1.in..,pl.1nt ,ind tlw J1<1tlt·nt tl11 • K1•l lugg C1. will ... urv1n· But It \.111n't lw · 1h1• "'mt•" A ground'"' 1 ·II 11 f ., up po rt f 111 .i nnt•)l.J 111111 J1•\'(•lopl'O <t\ tr tli1 ... ummC'r. t•<,rw<t·ially m tht• l'lly. whlC'h h .J .., ,, ho u l :rn , 0 ll 0 p <· " p I <' A u t opporwnt.;, of th<• plan. primar tly I 111111 tlt1· 1ow1,.,h1p' 21.000 rt~1d1•11t..,, .1ho lx't.·,inw al ll\'I' 'Tht t 1t~ h..i\ nuthmg to g1v~· u:.. · .... 11d TC'rr\ Hill. l ha1rman of Ctt1wn ... lo Cont1nu1• Township Govt•rnmt•nl A nnc·xatro n wall cost towns hip 11·,1dl'nts mon th;in $100 a Vt'ar al th1• out.;,et an 1nt·n·,1~ed p ro pl•rty a nd 1m~1mP taxc·s both s1dt~ agrt'l' And 11111 da1m., th<• township would rC'C'C1ve no morl' gn\'(•rnmt'nt sc•rv1c'C· PlllO POliTICllL llOVERT!SfMENT Paid for oy 'Allan Beek for the Res1den" 2007 Highland Newport &Jach. CA 92660 Allan Beek F or City Council • he asks. he listens! P011T1CAL AOVfRTISfMfNT Vo te and Elect EDMUND 'J . • KELLY FOR MEMBER STATE BOARD OF EQUALIZATION • SUPERVISING AUDITOR STAH BOARD 0 1-E0UAllZAT10N • EXPERIENCED TAX AOMINISTRATOR fOR 2:1 YEAR<; • CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT ,!//,,.,,,·,,./fl [/i,/,j/,1,,/r .-f/I~,,, (<f'0,,,_,;,,,.,.,1 PA1r> '°" l'l'f COWtnH TO ILICT IO KILLY IO :90&1~ 211 W A•elto ,..,.. Altl\o, CA t 231t -Frtw111 OfColln .. ,. TrMtUter P Id Polltlcel Ad11ort1aement These Leaders have differing • views On City Issues A Former President o f the Irvine Co. 1 A President of SPON2 A President of the W est Newport Legislat ive Alliance3 A Promine nt Physic ian4 A Professor a t UCl5 A Chairman of Pacific Mutual Insurance Co.u A Harbor High PT A Board Member1 A Member of Residents Action Plan8 A Mariner's Community Ass'n . Board M ember9 A Member of the Executive Council 10 But They 1re All Voting For 1Ray Watson 2Jean Watt 3Louise Greely ·'Jack Skinner. M.D. 5Cal McLaughlin 6Walter Gerken 1Lynne Bloomberg 8Ron Co vmgton 9Sue Simpson 10Rob Hixson "4 DON STRAUSS FOR City Council Paid For By Re-elect Don S trauss. 4 11 Begoma CdM • IS • • • ORANGE COUNTY MUSIC FOR ADULTS. PLUS ••• • MARINE WEATHER -Trtc> l.ltt>st info rma11on rrom tides co cemperMurf's direc t rroni tt1e Or,1nge County HC1r l>orm<1ster • T RAFFIC REPORTS -Weekd<1y morning and afti>rnoon drtve!lme frePwt1y and t11qhw.1y 1nformC1 · 11on from tilt' O range County o ff ice o f ct1f' Highway P;itrol • STOCK MARKET REPORTS -Tw ice d<11ly. the most up-to-dc1!1" 1nforma11on rn tlw world of l1n,1nce .1' 11 pPrt<11ns to Or.:tnge County from Bob Sct11ff o f Merrill Lynch tn Nt'wpor t Bt>,lC 11 • FITNESS AND RUNNING REPORTS -Expert .:1dv1ce fr om UC I rrack Coach and US Olymprc DPvelopmt.'nt Coa ch Kevin McNa11 twice every day • CONSUMER REPORT S -L1s cen for KOCM's own Consumer Advice Spec1<1l1~1 MMy Ann Prrc.,. ~hf"s out to help y oul Two times p,1ch day o f tt1e week • NEWS -M ore 111.1n JIJSt l1P,1c1l1nes and .1 \pec1.t1 ,.mph.1 \1\ on Ur,1ngf' C a unty • ENTERTAINMENT REPORTS -What s good -C1nc1 not-so-good -on O r ilngt> r ounty St<lQf' ,m<1 screen Pxcluslvely on KOC M with Hrrm Boodman .A LOSER LOOK -KOCM's o w n w eekly dt't.11led look .11 pertlnf'nt ni·w' t0p1n w1tll Jocinn Reynolds ;md S11stln Vaugt1n • COMMUNITY FORUM -An award-w inning presentation o f the Junior Le<1qut' ot Nt>wpon Hilrbor ;med weekly only on KOCM. del111nc; into the unique tn tf'rests o f our are.i KOCM IS ORANGE COUNTY MUCH MOREi MUSIC • • • AND • • • ON YOUR FM DIAL AT 103.1 ' THICOASTANDTHICDUNTY Q 0 I 4 4 e Daily Pilat I IHl>.l\Y I I\ I ,"I 11111. STOCK!> COMICti GARDENING 4 4 c 4 U'J BG 87 0 o a z 4 • • • • ---.. ~ ./uil , ... 110 11/ut•t• for .l u 1111µ. ol'ft•11 tf ,.,..... t 11 11 /.;1111/t•r.., 11 11. ... a lu ·/l t•r ..,11::,;.:.t· ... 1i o11 011 l ':t;.:.t · ll:!. 0 I 0 Mem ory t heories merge, t rigger new thi nkin g U\ .lllEL t'. l>O:\ 01'1h• 0•11, Pllol Stall ,\ 11 \111 1 tf1d11 I 11 •\• t 11o111~:l1 thtll) \11 I• 1111 1ttl1< I .1 ~ tl11111.tl 111 .. 1 111 1• .. 1 l\11 111 .. 1 If, .olllt 111 Ill • • 11 1111 I p111p", lh,11 th1•11 ,, 111.dh .111 '"" "I ti.Ill h·.u llUH ,lt\d ltll ltlitl \ ,\,It 111' ,11 \\Ill " H 1 ll.1\ 1111 .d " 11·1111-..i.. -.111 Ii ·" .Jnl111 ll111.1du-.. \\.11 ,1111 .t111! H l· Sl..111111 I .i ....... llllll•d llw lt1.1111 .11111 .it I! il111l1•d It .11111111• I" 1 1111d1 lhll\1'.f 11 j j,.,,., Ill 111 • 11 J:.tllhlll' lt''I"'"' '" 11-. l'll\111°11111' Ill (.' 1 'I 11111 \ 1 't I• 111 I' h "11 I I 1 t Olfll I l11lltd . Ii.I\ l' .11 l..1111\\ f, .f~, d 1611 111t1tLaJ' lt 'f'ttlt"1 IH .1 .. 1111111111-.. ltlll 111 , ... , ' 111111111.tllt•ll h llllf'l 11111 d •Ill lh Ill ti 1II1 lllh 111 tl1t• t.1 .1111 111111 fi ltl-.1 f•l llllt I ' 1111-. tlll flolf•I I f'111 111 I t .td1<.tl t1•\11l11ltlllll Iii.ii 1h1 \ 1 ... 111 .111 111•ltl . · .. 11.I fl t \1111I11111 I J\l 1 .ltl,111 1'f1t 1•111ltl1 111 "'""' 1111 d1 lt.1lt '' 11 "' ltl "" ,, 111111 .111.I " ltlll1 '" .11td \\ 1tltulll I 1 .. 11111 .. 11 lt1 1 .111 ' .... 1 ..... \\ tlll•d 1 .. 1 .. '\\1111111 It''""" •Ill th.ti 11 .. 11111 t jt.tl tllllllllt II \It\\ \\11t1ld 111 Ill tfi11,.1 lw1tfi " I I 1 t H ' I I 1 I' ... .I .1 1\1 ti fl''' 11111111•1 I jtl 1 '>l 'lll1 d 111-.. 1111\ ,.f lit"''' \\1tl11t,(l.1 \ .ti .1 111· Ii\ 1111 ''1"""'111l ut1d1·11·1111 111 , .. ,,,, ~Ht l \\'"Id dUI t141l II l1 ' IH 11 .•t ltllll! .1 t<f 1111 llll•t \ 11 '',Ill Ii lh· 111111 ""' 111 1 1l111g 111d S.1t II d.I\ l\lo.,hk111 h•\\1\11 drn -..111 1 'I"' I 111-.. 1 o1ll1 1g111 t11 11 ·.id11\ 11io j•I Ill'> •"I ofh d l\\11 \-..11 II•• 1111·111 \ "' 1 ..... 111111• Ill 1d1 ·' Ill .1 1 l j.~ ~ ' I ' " I 1 \ • t 11 ·"I I I II ,. \1 l111l111•1 I 1<1111.11 d 1111 It Ill l ,111 111 111111\1 -. 111.t ll\ 1 t• 111 1.I \\di •It .Hll hl1uul\ 111111d•1 ' .11 1111 "''"""~' tll11111I • .. 1 .. 111 •111ol11w 11, ... ,,, ol 111• \\ 1t \ • 11 l Ill .t I ""' I • ,, ' ,, ·' 11 .1 • 1111 11d11 I l\f,, .I ,, 11 1111 I , I.di I I I ti' 1I11 \. ·1~1 1 & 11 \ t I,, I H I 1.1\ 11 JI .1 I "111>1.f Ill llt1tll/:l1t OJI lt.t\I Hlllt •1 1111 t 1.Jo I ,1ht1lll 11 .11 11 111~: Iii .11.t \11 l.l-.111j•lllfl<•1.f .I 1111111.tj'I •I tl11 l\\1• 111 .11•11 Ill• ••ttt ' lt1'J.!1 11111 • lh,11 ft .ti 111111 I 11111,1 d I 1 • 11111ht1ti1lttttt 111 h.dtt1 ' ttl t • p•1l 1 • "• 1lu •ti\ llt1llftlt nl anti 11tl11l llt.1l11111 11111'1 lfll• d II th• lllltlll I• 1111 lllotl 11 -. l11d1 'd h• 1111·11· 11 1.1\' 111 IV.II j , ...... 1. 1t tl111111,1l11111 -..t111.11'.1 "ltl• I \\I II .. l\\11 d1ll11111i.: I\ I" , 11 1 11t 111.il ''"11 "" fl1 1111 I\ l1,"l111t-.Upf~11l1d Ill I"'' I 1., I• 1·.11• ,, 1111 '" .. ,.,, ti I• 111t1 1•l11lo,d .111111••.,.,1 I Ii• '' 11dtll'•ll \\ h11 11 ' .... 111 l .111 .• " 1.. '"'' t .... lllJlll \ "' '.llllll' """I , , I "" 11 .1\'1 11 ... \'II''"" ""·""' I• 11 1111 ""''I a11 v lf11111'. 1111111 11111 111111t11l t11 1 lw lll'l..I l1t1• I• 111 1~!1\ j(lotlt,tl .tlllllt 1.tl .., I 1• I, 111• '""" lt111 1.111 111 11.11111 d 11 f,,.j,j I till Ill\\ ,kJIJ... tfiHll/:11 •I .. \ 1 ... ' 11•1 11lt .• "' \\ 111 ,, ... 11• \\ 11 • I• .11111 d tl11 1.1-.k' 11 I l.111 It." I• I'' .t11 d 1111• 1111111 •I .1111111 -...11-. 111 111 -. l.d 1111 tlo I 11 .... llg 1111111k1·\' 1'11 111 ftlf 11• 1111 1·1111111111111 111 ·11111~11,111. 1111111\'t'd 1 111 hqq1111 .1111 1111 o111d .1111\ I d,tf,, p.11 I .. 1 ,,,, l•l .tlll 1l1111t1;lt1 1 .. 1 .. l111l-.1d I ' 1111 1111111.111 11 111 I I tt at I• 11 tt Ni.a ti 111 111• .1n 1111.1I I" 1l•tl111 \I II llft 11 Iii .ti tt qH•H , •• fij lflJllun 111 '''')'.I •• "'II"." '11111111.111 .. 11 "' I •II 111 1tlq11t \ll•·t .. 1111:•1 \ tit• lllHllk••\ '·'"I 11 '1111 11tl11 I \\ l1o1I 1111 \ \• 1 • 11 ,t 1111111111 ,tll• t dll 11lt111 I \\ ,1 1111 -.1·1H1•d I l11o1q It II,..\ luq.•1 I 1111 111• 111111 I.I\ li t• t111111o1h t1 ·111.11 ~ • .I th \\o II .ti 11 111 It\ 1111 0.,111111 I 11111111 Hl111111a.it 1111 ~I I 111111 ,d \1 I .. •I" 11.tl I• I "' I 1111 t1111' 1-t "'"'' 1111• I' I" 1111 \' I '1>4•..,lU t ~ 1\. t I ' \. ' •• d .. \ I • I' II I II I J ' I I d1 ... 11111111 d 11111 11 '"' llJHllkl \ lll.tlh1llf d ... I 1'.1 I 11 .. 11•\\.1td1 d I I l ..... ti ttllli H I I HI II 11 Ill \\1 It Jilt 'HI 'I l,1 I ( o , 1t 111 .i It 111 t d • 1 It t I t • 11•1111• ·• ll1fi' ttltj••I 111 .It l1h111 1~ I• 11 1\\ .... IL1 1111111h• \ t .lq t I 11' IJ11el lllfl , .. , l.1 I,• ti ••II fll• 111111 '• s. "" """ ",, •. ol•·d. >I" 11 11 d1 t ,HI ,1 d l}i1 .t ll I• ill! dll "l'l''HJll 1 ·" .. L1 L.i\ hit 1'111 I ' " II• \\ \ I t1 I 1tll \ht I 1ft I • ••• ,,,, I 11qi , "' "I "' I ' ! ·11 •. " .... 1 l•fl 'l' I 1 .. ' .1 ltd 11 lt l I I I u t .1\ It 1f ,1l ti ,1t. t ·1 "' 111 II• o111d \\I It 111 I 1 .. \ • • • F un Zon e S a y g oodbye to • •• :\n.1d1· 11~.,l·h "1·11· 111·1 k11111ng .1 l.1.t l"ill 1111 l l11ldho11d" .md .1h1JUI :i11l1 µ1·11111• · t .tna· •• .., 1·,1gt·1 I~ ,,... 1 v1·r Th1·11 ag1·:-. Ii.id .in 1 'lra d1g11 1111\\ ln11 tlw .1dull:-. grcibl>1·d br:J:-.-. 1 mg:-0 011 1h1 1111•11\-g .. round .tnd dru\t· b urnpt•I '•"' ,,, though tlw~ ''' 11 -.ult :t -1 or.) :\nd 11 1111 -.. h.1d b1•1·11 addt'<I to t ho I" It t • ..,. I•"· In "Ii.ti u-..·d to b1· .1 2!1-cl'nl \\lllHh·1 lo111d IH,.,l .. dgl(: n ·..,,dL'lll:-0 \\ hu l o111 H· lo· Tttt· 1 .. .-.t H1 nd1·zvuu-. al th1· B.dh11.1 Fun /.Am• · ... po11-..011 d b~ llw Nt·wp111 I llJr bor l'li.imh1 1 111 Comnwrt'l' paul .;:.:: 1 011 lO dint· 1111 hot dug-. h.inihui gl·r-.. put.ii • ~ii.id ,md .ill t h1 t r 1mmmg.., r\-. II \'l It" -.pt Ill h.sll tht· night II 1111 l•111d 11111 tlu' 11 1111nh1.HI J houl '' h.11 -.c·1·111t·d !JI,, h .•. 1 th• II' [i, l' -.pt•nt 111-.-.111g tht·1r ;.dlP\\ <11'\tt morw~ ,1\\ .i~· o n th1· A time expo urc rould top the Ferri whet>I but not the fun of Ann Joh n ton o r Fra ncoise Keeland, who hung on with both hand . Hallie trock a nd <:andi Grant ·uppe d in bump r cars that wcrf' auctioned oU Inter . .,- Sl ... ·1 .... 11 tll do11 l g.1llll'' Ill It• 1111 '" \\ 11111111g .i 11111v to t.ik1 11111111 • 111 l l\'t· lo ;1 I 111 ·nd Tlio-.. \\ho U'1 d l11 1. l1"1 1111 II ,.,.,., llUl 111 1111.,lll 1111 lht d u \\'ll\\.ild '" 111g 111° till' h I"" \\ ht I f. nt t\\ do:-.t·c..l I h1 Ill .i 11 "·•\Ill 111g 1111 111 -.1 \ll \\ 111 th1 It.I\ th1·\ t \t 1 "·'" f111m 1h1 l11p ot 1111· 11d1 Tlw ~any -g0t. r--, Wt!I• .ill \111111g a t h• .. 111 b ut 1h1·1r <:ommenl~ 111uld 1>1 d ,1ll.'d J,, 1 h1 p1 1n ·-. quott·d I 11r In i11 ·1 . I 1.111.111;.., 111 ,, 111;11 k-. about 1111\\' n HJ(h 111111'1 1111.ig1n:1t1vt· 1111 ~~.i rn1 ·-. w1·1·t· "bdwt· t 11·111111111-. wlwn 1 ltt•\ h;ul ..,ul1m.111m·" to -.linul .ii ~111111 111• 11 11w•kt·tl lh1 bu.ii 11111 ..,, 11i.:11111u-.I\ -.111111 thing tilt·\ ''' 11 11 l ,.Jlu\\1·d 111 d 11 "' btt\'" lh,it \\.1\1 I 'I l.1-.IH'd "f" 'l ldt• ti'. ( )thl I 11d1 I Jll I l h1•tl .1t11p -.(.ti.., th••;. 111uld lltl (1111)..!1 I Ill Ill d1 h.tll d Wlll'tl11 ·1 lht 1111111.itlll • \1 1 1111)..! \\l.1•1 I d1d11'1 \\111k a:-. Wt JI,,._ ti• u -.1d Ill 111 11 th1·\ c·\·1·1 lun1.t111111d I >11· ...... 101 till' (•\'('l\lllJ..! I .111 11 I 111111 till' pt·n11d h1·~1 11•nw111lw1 t·d "1111 pl1 111~ ot H .ilhn.1 H lu1· ..... lt11hh' -.ox .1111 1 -11111 I 11l.11d -.h.11 h Tht· t.11\1111' -.pint \\ ,,,., u11d• 1 c 111 1'<1 II\ 111u-.11 11 11111 I hc U1 .ingc l'11.l'l I '11ll t gt· .J;111 H.111tl d11t'I tt d II\ I >t Ch.11 It" Hu1l1t 1 l11rtl .\11cl I th 1 the gc 11c·r.1t111n-. 1111 1 l.'' d .111d 11 k md It ·ti • " 1 111nn 11 a n 11 •I 11 ., Jllll•1hugg111g .it 1h1 8 .tlh11.i l'l\tl111n tu L.1·-. B1••''" .111d h1" B.111d o t H• 111>\\11 t\t tlw d.11H1 1'~1..i l S.d.11.1 g11t bid-. 111 .:·21Hl ;1u1·t111111 n g o l 1 1h1· t • .-.t :!!I p l.wt'' on tlw F 1 rn.., wht·1·I "th1 • J.1..,:-.ic '' 1 H it· -.i1w1 1>1 L(ln·:in \\'t'll l nut 111 h lhllH'" But th.it \\lllllcl h<' p.ir l n l 1111-.t.ilg1t· ti I\ Id 111 :rn Ill ;ii) Vt·.ir' ~ 111 no\\. "' tht· light... I ltt'f.(• 11 d out .:uid tlw (';ll'OUM·I dnl lt•cl 111" ''"I' \\'t ·tlru·!'-d .1' night. tht n \\t 1t .... 1t1I u 11•.., ol "l 'an·l wt• h;i\'l wn· m111 c 1 uh ' .i nd "I ",mt .1 B.dboa hat .. F.d11x·-. o f 1 hildh111>d I I 8 2 Oru110 l,1111111 l>All y PllUT l frltt y CJ\-llllltll .~u II.Hi.' • Jail 'no place' for young off e nder s • DEJ\H ANN LANl>t-:HS T lw. ll·lll'f l'1>11tv111~ It'll' Mt.•mu11111 Dlly ltlflUrl· :.l11y111~ 11( t'hr11.lupllt'1 Pt•l,rmnn lll (he Adu County ,>1111 1n Ucmu• Your th~t.•tion in f<ll'USlnl( ll·~ 011 lht• S('ll~1l~on11l a~1 >c'\'ts ,,, &rns l'l'lllll' 1111d lllOl 1' Oil llll' l'll l'Ul\\S\illll'I'~ th.11 till~t'(I 1l lo happt•tl dl"M'l'Vt'b ht~h prnti.t• . !! I lt,1<• urt• sonw rt•n·nl <il-vt•lop1111•11\.'< J\hllllu~h t.tl::flvl· l>f Pt·ll•r mun 's ll•t·ll ugt• n·ll11H1lt!s w 1·n· 1 hdfgC'd with lx·11l111~ l11m tu d1•ath, 111U1dt•r dwrgt·~ lw~~ bl•t•n d1srnlMH·d aga1 n~t t Wt• tlf t h1•m 1\·tJimony f111111 111w of tht• 11·1·11 ag1• l'l·llni.tll'' 1 <·~aled thut u gu.ird a nd truslt•t·~ nol 1\'l'd P\•(;rmun's ·b:.1<.Jly tnJUn•d t·yt• (from a11 t'.11'111•1 ~·n\,ing that mornmgl 011lv hour.. bt·f111 t· Pl0tl'rma11 \Y,IS found UIWOllS(.'IOU~ ancf dying Ill 111~ u •ll No hl'lp ~1r -tncd1cal utll'ntlon WU!> oHen·d Nvr was an) ptlt mpt modt• 111 pl.11·1· 1-'Nt>rnian 111 :111111 lwr t't•ll {I" .iv from h1~ ..itwt·kt•r-. ~ _A•_N_LA_Nm_n __ I '" 11111 \,\llUld ""' Jll.,111 y th• l.1lllllt' lll '>4 't', ll'fXll l .11111111-.1 .. 1 1111 1.,.11' 1111 tlw y11u1li /\ • .1-.u.1l 11t111ll J1••"l th1• 1'1'11 would ti.iv'· 11·v1·1il1·d tlu· """·II 111 h11n11n~ 111·.,h Wh11 w1•11• th.-K1t.1rd., j.(l1111d111H'' 1-:iwh 11lh1·1·" A1111.illv, I 10 lliO I' J 111 IO 11111 bad 11dd1;, l'(1J1.,ldt•1111g tho• lfl tll t' 1111 k1 ·d lll> ,111f! tll<' llllf' t1Ubi1tfj • '" .1rr11t ·d M11.,1 .,, h1111l1 1·:11 h1 ·1 ~ 'h1111ld hav1· 11 Ml j.!t>od 'l'h11,1· I'/ yt •:.1 old' wall ht r t•lt·••~'·d 0111· day and 111.1.,, t•11d lip 111 ,, d.1~~11111111 .,llttll'Wlil'1 t• It w11uld th•·11 h .. 1lw "''l~'1"1lii11t v 11J -.11111•· u11.111111'<I t1.,11li1·1 l11 pr11l111 lu·r..1 ·lt l't·t h.1p'I lh1~ l'l'lt•1111.111 t',IM ' wall put rnor ,. pat '1'11111' 011 l;iw t•11l111lt 111t•11l 1111111•1, .11tcl Jlldg1·' !11 11pg1 .1d1· J.111 ... 1.111d.11 d' ,111d lh•' lwt11·1 Jlldg11w111 111 pl.11111~ v11ulh11 ltd1111d h.1r.. Tiu 11tht•1 pt1111t wl11d1 HHll t•t11lllllll ,11l11d1~I lo lh,1l J.ltl l'I 1111 pl.1t•t• 1111 p.111•111'> Ill JUdgl'' Ill I t'.ll'li k 1d-. ,1 lt'''>"ll l'l lNl'EHNl-:1> IN ll< JISE DEAR llOISE: 1 ho pt• young l'e tt•rma o 's dea th will alert oflicia ls all ovl'r tbt' t·ountry or the nt.<ed for a b e tter meth od ol dl•aling with young offende rs. The pn·,t·nt ont• i,n't "orkiog. In fat·t. it's a disl(ran. llt>n".; anoth<•r h•ttt·r on the sam e subject. '1'111• g11.11 c1., 11h v111t,...lv 11 J.<.11 d1•d tli1·rn ..ii-H 1111111 h ot p1111k~ "'h11 d1•'11'1 d tlw ,,11111• kind of 11111 ltv tlll'\ 111ll1111·d 1111 '"" '' 11lh1 ·1 ll11w 111<·•· fur , ... 11·1\ wla1·11 1111' ,.,,, 1v111 ., ol ... 111 h 111hu111L1t1l· 1111pt 1'.llllllll Ill .11 t 1111 llt·d lt>cN• ,,.., lht·~ llll'Vtl.:.tlJly ..,.,11 lit No 11.11111 .lu-.1 ,, >IS(;USTI<:D TEA< 'llEH IN l'I >Ill :JIKEEl'Slf<: • Anotlwr d1sturln11g ,1sµt't'I of 1111' 1\1~· Univ .1 \lit't•k bdort•, anolht•1 JUVt•nilt• ( H1t·k Yl'lll·n I had lii·,•n twawn Mi Sl'\'t•n·h' 111 tlMl -..u11t• l'l'll th.H hl' r~lfUlrt'tl hosp11.<1I uttt•nllm1 That JllVt•ntlt• s.:ud thn·t• u( lht· s.unw susµt't'L'> th.1rgt't.J with Pt•lt•rman's dt•ath W.t•n • rt<spuns1hlt• for !waling hm1 u11t·un~'luus Jlso UEAll Tl-:A<'llEll· Your 11'1 ..,. t>Xp ressci. well \.\hat 'o man) ul u-. frl'I. Than ' tor a rirst·rate pre,t•ntation. Orw ddt•ndant . wlwn .1skl'd why tlwy h,1d nmunul't.J to lx•at Pt•tt•rman. n·pht•d . "I gu,·~ lhl' f<:a~on 1s Wl' hurt Y l'ltt•11 pn•lly bad. and nuth111g happc.•m•d Wt• f1gun•d rmlh111' \\Ould hap1x·n 11v1•r this t•1tht•r" IH•:AH ANN l.1\Nlll-:HS I"" lll'.11d .. 111111· pow l'Xt'UM'' 111 111~ t1111t · hul tlu· 0111 111 tht· Spok.1111 lll'W:O.f.l.lfll 'I \\ '"'" I IVt· h •t•ll .1g1· pt l~lllll'I"• lOl llll t ti a1111llwr \1111\h 111 dt.,1lh w.1-. tlll' ll.1k1l':-.I J, .1/1'11}11111\111 I (11/JlllJ~ \ti(// Ji/1" Kt11JU' lht· tl.111~1 ·1 ''J.:11.11, .1111/ 1t lr.1I 111 i/11 H1 •,11/ lht• /Juokll-1, "J\ln•lwh...,11 J/11p;· ,111cl ll..J11 .. hr t\1111 L;111tft·r~ f:11du .... t' .itJ 11•111., H llh \UC// /l'llt/l''I ,I/Ii/ <I /1111~. ''·""/It'll :.di .11/dtt·:.. ... 1•(/ I'll\"'''}"' /II ,\1111 L.1111/1·1~. I'() HIJ\ I l!J!l.1. ('/11('.IJ.:tl, Ill fill/ii I . f11u; gu.1rtl-. 111 llill 111111;111·' 1~ 1111 t•Xl'll"'' l•:v1·11 GOif N ON BRIDGE BY CHARLES H GOREN ANO OMAR SHARIF East West vulnrrnhll' ""rlh a liCJ pjrhcon· Ea't dt•jl' NORTH •Void . J 7 4 • A K 5 +AKQ 97 42 WEST EA~T • Q 9643 +A K 10~5 953 KQIOH . Q 106 <., J ·~6 • 1053 SOUT H • J 72 A62 •) 987432 +J The b1dd1ng: East outh Wu t :'liorth 1 • 2 v 2 • 6 ~ PaH P a n Pau Opening lead· Four or + l'.:ntr1es art' precious !Jon'! !>quandt'r them reckle~'>ly' We "'ill be kind and de!>cr1bt• ·outh'., dec1S1on lo enter Lhc auctwn as d 01ghL of fanc~ In !>pile of t ht' op ponenlll p.irt~cort'. lht' rl' quirt'mt'nt ~ tor .in m t'rc.ill do not C' h .in I{,. m .ill· r 1.1 ti) , e~pt•1·1all~ al tht· L""•J ll'\t:I ~tort' oflt•n th.in not. JC'llon or lh1 !> kind 'tmµI~ prolong' .i d1,,1 ... 1rou' ruhht·r Aft1•r \\'t''l n(lt•rt•n ,J t'OffiJll'llll\ t• r.11,t·. '.'orth mad•· iln 1·m1nt•ntl) rt"''"nahh· lt•ap tu 'IX d1amund,' Luckily fvr 1 h.. d .. fen"'" !-louth's dt'rlarer pla) match erl h1., b1dd1ng. Ht' ruffed lh1• opening spade lead 1n dum m). crossed to the jack of I" '' 111 I Ill' 111111••1 I •',ll!lit' .,1 \1'"!''" I 11.irhnr. 1111 T uesday & \'\ Pdne:;Ja,, \oH•mlw,· '.! & 3. 10 a.rn. tn <> Thur.,da\. ~overnl.it'r 4. I 0 a.rn . to 5 p.m. Orang,.. County F a1rgrouods !Building I ·~I I .. B1·111'l.1• 111r 1!11,ml • I 118:! \I •.1 'I • I • • • ' I I ~'II • I •• I~ \I t • I ·'· II I \1 •\ll···~\lh ... t ,111 I I • I •.• '' t •• I \1111 .. \ " ,, .... 11111'1'1 ~ • 11 " II !--111•1 1.il i.. \ t'l 11"' 11111·1•1 II• I 1'1111 \\II 11111 I' Ill. clubs and then tuok tht' al'e and )ling ot trump ... ~1utler 1ng about batJ brt'.iks wht'n East sho"" ed out. decl11rcr then Lried lo r un clubs in the hope that somt>lh1ng good would happen '.'othing did. Down two. Even South's kno,,.. lt>dge of the odds left something to be d1•..,1rt•d luur 1.1nt... rJlt• tu brt .1k t I '1.:n1t1t .11111_1 mur1· ollt•11 I h.111 '!. :! I ht·ro· "j 'am pit• 11111 or pl.1) I h.tl lllll'I ..i1t· ,1·1·1·d II trump' .1rl' no '"'r't I h.1:1 .I I and 1 luh .. ·"''.I.! I\ ll•·r rufrin.: I ho• 11pt•r11111'. Jt.,,,j d1•rl,1r1·r l'r"''''' 111 I h1• J•ll'k 111 rl11h' I hlll ,l(IJ.lfd, .11(.llO'>l .1 I I li1,lrahu11un ut 1 h.1l \IJll 11111 "''" rf1•d.1rt'r 'h1111111 t'a'lh uni) lhP k111i.: 111 i•·t •I I I I II al I t1\lf \ I t I l t\ I ''\I I II !ftM I 'II I i\,1 I• jl I I II I 11 I hi•\ ., .. , ' '/ •Ii I I • ,\ \\ t f•• 1, t .. I \\. 11 .\ Ii ' ... ·' I t I I( ~~· I ... . ,, . 1111 tU 1• 1 t I I • ••• 'f I ., II ,. f I • 11, \ L t ...... ~ t • t II •'""''' 11 ...... " t UH lit ... , t~PM \1111'1 1\H•M\t\lftl\ t \II I l•. J 1111111r I •'jj!l lf' Pm11•1 '' d1.tn1t1n1h, !t'.I\ 111~ t ht· .11·t· 111 Ll'umµ' in dumm) tor JO t'll Lr~ l.itl·r lht•n ... 1.irt on rluh' lkl'l.in·r dt,t•ard' ha., n·m.1111 1n~ t""o ... p.id1•., un lht• Ill''' l\\11 round of 1h1· 'Ull Jr no onl' ruff,, dt·t·l.ircr t·unllnut•' cluh,. d1'>nJrdin){ hi, h1·jrl lu'"'"· ~ounl'r or l.itt•r, .i dt·frntlt·r .... 111 rull tl dub llut th.it l••tl\l'~ uni) 11n1· trump out51and1n,l( Whl'lh1·r tht· dl'ft•ncfrr n•Lurn' a h1°tlrl 11r ,1 ,p.1d1'. d1•1·ltlnr ran "'In t•ithl'r l h1· ,1(·1· 111 h1.,1rt' ur h~ rufltn){ " ,p.1111 an h.tnd lh•rl.1r•·r '"in th1 ·11 ){1·1h.11I..111 ilumrn.1 "11 h l ht· ,11•1· •ti d1.11111intf,. dr.1" 1ni.: t lw l,1,1 1Hll,l.t11d111)( I r11111p lrl I ht• 11r11• ''" .tnd run h1' duh-. tu d1...,·.ird h" r1•m.11111n~ tw.1rt lu" I ' Rubber b r idgt! clubs throughout the countr y use tht four·deal bridge formal. Oo t hty know something you don't ? C ha rle1 Gor en'11 "F our·Deal Bridge" w ill leach you the alraleglu and lactlci of thl1 faat·paced ac· l ion g ame that provides the cure for unending rubbera. For a copy and a 1corepad, tend 11. 75 lo "Gor en -Four De a l ," c a re o f t h l1 new1paper, P.O. Box 259, ~orwood . ~.J. 07648. Make checlu payable to '.°llt1WM· papt1rbook1. Pa•O Po1t11cal Ao~erhsPmt>nt FROM CONCEPT Mayor Jackie • II • HOIOSCOPf BY SIDNEY OMARA Saturday, (ktobcr ·10 ARJ ES tMJtth :!I J\p11l I'll Wh.11 .1pp1"'" l1> l>c• J 1>e•lh1wk w ill 111 lU.JllV l111u11w1 •HIK 111 your l.1vur K1111w II, w1·l1•11nH· d1·lt1y ,..., c·h.1nc 1· 1111 l(t•lting "" und w1111l TAUR US (J\p1 ii :m M.iy :.!II). Sorm-.1111· wa11L'! vuu tu tak1• Ii.wk w.11 M t1111t<1111 , •. If 1"1lt·1·111, -.tA.·p ln1 ward. 11h11w 1h,1l y1111 1·1111 lw111ll1 · 1 t'!IJMlll'•ll.t1l11y 1u1d will 1101 l>c· .,1iov1·d a~.1d1• GEMINI (M.1y :!I Jww :.!IJJ V1111 'll 111ud1 on u111v1·rsal th\•1111· Wn11., 11a111t , 1·xptt''" y11u1 ~·1f, tdl 'l•ll'Y 111 t111111111 ., 1·1 l':ll1v1• 111J11111•1 P11w1·1-. 11f fll'l'Mlil!'.11111 :11 I'• lt1•1glt lt•flt•d CANCER (Jurw :!I July :.!:!). N1·w uµµrm11 h r 1•pn·.,.·11b t'o1n·1·1 bot•~• l l1ghliglal 111dq.x·nd1·111 '" 11ng1md1ty. wllllr1gm·-.~ 111 p111nt·t·1 <• JJIUJl't.'t LE O (July :.!:i /\11g :!:!I Wh.Jt w1•11u•d <• '"' 1·g1111t· l'lllldU'lllJI) will 111• r ··v1v1·d . fl'Vl!'o''d «IHI 11·v11·wt·d You'll lx•1wr1t d., tt·'>Uh J.'1J1. w. on tr••v•·I, WI lll11f.t, ilb'ilfU('l J>fllH'lf.Jll·~ jif li:JW VIRGO (Aug ;!:J S1 ·pt :.!:!) Lo•>ph11l<· 1s lix:alt'<.i 111 l'lllllll't'llllll Wllh liudgl'l, r11wr1l'1<.I '>llULlllUll thal llll'IUd1·s f1:tVflll'lll~ 1111 l<i.111 Ht r l1·x1hle, makl' lnljUlfll'S, gl\'l' full I 1'111 ICI lllll lft't lU.il l'Ul'llJSl\y LIBRA IS1 •pt :!:i Ot 1 :!:!) Be willing to ll'ar do\.\11 for ult1111ah IJUlf!O" •11 11 l1u1lt.l111g un mun· '11l1d 11,...,,. ~:mµh •• ~a... 1111 1r11ag1., publtt n.-lollons, po .... 1hlt· p <1rtrw1-.l11p, ttintt<H'l, rllJI 11.;JI sldlu.i. SCORPIO (t)l·t :t:i Nuv :.! 11 Kt·1·µ prnmP><· to >111' wh111<·lw:. u1.J1n1 v11u1 JUdgnll'nl You rt-'<.'e1vt· l'<tll 111 1·11111mu11ll'Jll11n fr111n 'IJ>''<'l,11 nlt'1nl'i:r uf oppo:-.1lt· i.t·X SAG ITTARJllS !N11v :!'.! lkC' :!l). F tK'U'> on ho1111., d1aldn•11, ~1.1C·1·ul;1l1v1• v1·ntur1· and pos.-.1blt· IH'h1k1ng of t·ard111;d !Ult· &· lt'L1d;.• lur l 'Xl'llt'ml'nt, change· of r11ul1r11· a11d 111v1tal11m lo ~onal fun<:llon CAPRICORN ! l>t'<' :.!'.!Jan IY1 ln1t1al dl'lc.v will Ix · follow1'<I lly solid rwgot1<..t1u11 llav<• sourc{· malt•n;,ol avail;,ibll' Clu.'(.·k ra<..~. f1gurt•s. HL'<.'t!l1l µull will Vt•11I y yuur do1111-. AQUAR IUS (Jan :w 1"1'11 lliJ Short tnµ m<•Y IJt· n<'(·t">·'><1rv 111111111 ludl· tran....,cl11Jn lnd1v1dual vou rhJ)('C:l wlli"~·t·k youi tuun.'o{·I &: frank, stotc views in ~:vmpatht·l11 bu1 'IUtt·1mt manrHr P ISCES tF1·h Ill M;,inh lOJ Burdln 1:. n •m1Jv1·d. fin..inu;jl prt•">IJt'l b ..ill hnghtl'r. ~1Ju lcl(:aLt· <irt1d1· thi:lt h.1J bt·<•n lit'>l m1:....-.111g or :.tolt·n . Charn.mi:l 1i. pn·...i·nt pc'<1pli· .11 l dra"' n to vou and Pa,l!t·rlv awa11 vou1 i.t:itl·nwnL'> Jl win ... • POT SHOTS BY ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT .. ,.,. ... ,,,~ t-· '.... • •-o"'' ~ ... Di•· ,, 0v-. ~"·~· ~· ,,, WHAT MY DREAMS ARE TRYIN G TO TELL. ME M AY B E T HAT IT'S TIM~ TO WAKE U P . TO THE REALITY II ,,.,. I•,,.,, t \••i• t II•·''"' U\lt 11 ••11 I•• 1 nl• •• ''"'lll111r• I ut •• ,,.,..,,..I. 1u , h • t , l I •• ...... .,, ••• o l ~.f,., ••••I uo1t tr tll•lflt II• t ••Ht. f I f I t 411 '" t ul •If ol 1 •I~ II•• • ••• t ot t ...,.0,, thi I, tf•i' ,. 1 .. 111.f t,,.,, tt• t f I •I·• 1t11 .,.1.1 f 'I I••• " • tt I t 11•l •·t.11t•·l l'°'l"'I 1h11 "''' t•oHll"•t 11111•1111ul •~· l 1 .. I •• thor ....... f l"llhl ' • u ..... ., .. ( ,, ... , ••• ,, ... , ., l '"'"' 11.,f ,,.,01111 \•h•>t Ir .. ,,., '''It flf'~••"., ''~"''""'wt .. ~. ,t ••11 • 11tom11•lr1ll•• Htl 111111 11 ""1 1• ft,r J"''t"°•I• tflltl ... ,,fl"' 1 11ru~I I~• ""'"'11111l1 •fl'"''" •II 111•~11 •tl\t IHIH\ '°I lft. ~ '"" ,f • , ' ! ' "'ll lt \\ll\! I \jfl 1' I'"'"" 14 ............. t' ,, . ._ • t ... •\ I '''"'I .tt, hlil We needed that bridge then, We need Jackie Heather now ,..,. f"h,~t \~,., .,., • t,,,., .. .t..n1 I '"I' hot f ,,..,.. o, ... ~,,., Pu·1-41,~ • JI "' ..._,.,,i..,.,. tw,,.. ... "" "'" 0 .... f1en-r • "'" '•'" .. ' r ....... , ' ........ .. "''' •, ,,,. \I,,,,.. 1 ... 11' ,. , • ' ..... I .,. "' 1.t•• 1•1• ....... •I ••I•.,,., • ... I , ... ,. ,.,,,, ........ t'\fllM fl \I• ,..,...... f•*f~ \ '''" r ... .,.," • • • .... ~,,,.. ........ ,... •• ~ ..... •'''"'' ,., .... ,,... .. ~ ...... .,. .... ·"- ......... , ~'"'"~·· ,....,. 1 •• , .. \ '" ... , .,.,._ •tA .-•llW'•ill 't•,..1' t h ... ,.,,_. ... ,.,, ........ ....4 .... .,.,.. '"' ... . ···' -·· ..... \-.. ·· ....... ~ .... VOTE FOR J•clde Heather NOVEMBBI 2 ' Paid for by Friends of Jackie Heather, Norma Haer, Trtasll'tr, 1118 Pescador, Newport Beach 92660 • . . ............ .. I ··~~":!"'"'!""_._....,!""101111'11!!""" .... !"""!""'!lllll!llP~WCICClllf ... 11111!!4!"'11! .... 4~£€"""!!""!""4P"l!f"""..., ..... """!"" ..... ~~e":""'@!"""l4~Q•4~4~i,...W""""41"""1f"""''"'W41111111Q-C4 ... •C ...... QlllCllllCCllllll¥ .. •¥"'"4""' ...... .-""" .... ._._..,.~u .... w....., .... -.o ..... w~•,._•.,....•.,...._.,,....,._,_. __ ...,..~,~-~·~---'""'~=----• ~ How to • Ill a sea H) 1.m11s1·: t'OOK 01 th; Auocleled P1eu Tiu 11·"· tlll' ll\111 tg.1g1· 1111.t lh1· •• 11 11.1\ltw111 'l'lw •·It" 111111v 11111 ,111d 1h1· h1 .. 1llllj.( hill 'l'h1• 111,1.ill11w11t 111.111 .111d 1111• b .111k I ,1111 b,il,11111' It's 1•1 .... y 111 µ11n11· 1f your bills ,111• p1li11).I up f,1s h ·r than your .1l11l11y lo flil V ·•S llw l'l'l'l'SSl\111 1·1111 1111w•s, but 1•xp1•n ' s.iy 1h1· 11111:..1 11.1turnl n •u1·11on 1s 11l l1•n lh1• \\111''1 11111· 1'1 \'111g h11g111111• 11.•hls 111 1•v;id1• 111•tl1t111:.. n1uld plll vou 111 tlw h.md.., 111 ht ll 1 lllh'l:tors Y uu 1·ou ld 111• 1111 u ·d into ln 111krupt1·v 01 wind up\\ 1th .1 lung l<c1s t1ng bl.11·k ma1 k 1111 "uur L"l"LoUll 1"1'1:ord Tl11· 1.:11 1!1·1· )'lilt fat·1· ,·ou 1 p111bh·rn~ 1h1· l>t:lll·r "Lt•t ·your 1'1'1•d1t11rs knuw lwfon•hand." said Fra111·1•.., B S11111h 11f tlw N u l11>1wl l'mls u1111•r F tnann· Asso1·10.1llo n . a 1rad1· gr11up l"l'f.H'l'Sl'llllng l11a11 l lllllf>.llllt'' L),111 Busi•r 111 tht• Anwric.111 B.i11k1•r ' 1\ssu1·1.11 111n agn·t·d Sµ. .. 1k111g at J rt"l·1·nt a '-")(.'1,1111m n1<·1·11ng 111 /\tlc1nla . hl• :-.a id "P1•oµl1· wail until they a rl' tn lug THE EARL'S l'lUMlllHG-HlA flHO All CONOOIOHIHO SOU.I WAfff "lAflHO IAlHIOOM llMOC>fUHG : '""" SetvtC-• I 111\9 Star11 at 'rou, Ooof CC•" Stooe NMret• '""' ArMI COSTA MISA 641 -1289 UU N.,.,,..,. INcl. MISSION VllJO 495-0401 21tt2 Carnine c.,.;.,,.,,. ''-" 111.eo ,,.., ........ ".., ' FREE HOUSINli SEMINAR Learn about b1 and new homes tcone101 on Laguna Niguel and lr111ne NO MOllEY DOWM! From $72 500 whole they last Sal Oct 30th 10 AM Sun 31st a1 12 Noon Reservations 546 -9522 Act 24 Hrs. African Violet Show Show I sole thru Sun. Huntington Center. PUBLIC NOTICE I FICT1TIOUS 8USINE98 NAME STATEMENT Tl'le lollowong person os doing I ouS1ness as LIBERTY EXPRESS MORTGAGE 3857 B"C" Stree1 No 261 Ne,.port Beai;h Catolorn1a 92660 Angela Bond 3857 Biri;n Street No 261 Newpon Beach Cahlorn1a 92660 Thos business is condutied by an 1nd1111dual Angela Bond This sta1emen1 was loled wilt\ the County Clerk ol Orange Coun1y on October 26 1982 F200IOO Pubhshed Orange Coast Daily Polot Oct 29 Nov S 12 19. 1982 •Ht·82 PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME ST A TEMENT The lollowong per son os doing ous•ne$5 as P F INSURANCE MARKETING, 80 t N Park Cenler Dr1ve. No 210 Santa Ana Ce111orn1e 92705 Paul Fischer F ruchbom. 4 7 33 Cortland Drove. Corona def Mar Calllorn1a 92625 This buS•l'less 11 conducled oy an 1nd1v1dual Paul Fruchbom This s1a1emer11 was l1led w1tn tne I Counly Cler~ ol Orange County on October 25 1982 F20CM2:1 Publisned Orange Cont Oa11y I Pilot Ocl 211 Nov 5 12 111. 1982 4599-821 MLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS 8U81NESS NAME STATEMENT The lollowong person 11 doing bu1lneH It AMER ICAN N UT RITION GUILD. 908 Lombard Cos1a Mesa. Calllomla 112626 Wiii"'" D Sh ears. 908 Lombard C<ista Me.a CalllOmll 92828 Th11 t>uSlneN 11 conducted by an ond1v1dual W1ll1am 0 Shears Trus s11temerit wes llled wotl'o the County Clerll ol Or•noe Counlv on Oct 25 1982 "200424 Publ1sned Orange Coul Daily Piiot ()t;t 211. Nov S, 12. 111. 1982 4742-82 MLIC NOTICE K-o210I flCTITIOUI aualNlll HAMI ITATUftNT The 1041ow1f19 ~eon• are dorno bUllMHU BUILDERS EXC HANGE ASSOCIATES , A C ALIFORNIA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, 188 Eat\ 17th Str"I eo.11 "4"8. C•lllomla 112827 J1mfl w Ray, 18 Ston-•11 lrvl,,., C.Mlorn1t 92714 Mlchall O Rey. 408 Huel Orlva, Corona tlal Mar. C11llornl• 112825. Thia 1>1>ama.s •• conduc:tt<I by a 11m1tt<1 p1rtnerll'llP Jam•• W Ray "41ChHI 0 Ray M•nao•n<tl Pertn•a thll 11.,tmanl w .. filed With Ille County ClaflC ol Ofanga County on Oct 7, IH2 remain afloat of red ink l111ulil1• Lu M•• 111 th•· h1111k ' I l\'°h'o ld , lH• ..,,11cl , l lllllliU 1111 I .., 'hotllcl Ml'l I h1• h.111k ·., lwlp 111 plu11111111-t Ill g1•1 l lll'lll I hrllllMh 1111111111"1 tllllt'h 11 yuu Ii~..,.· vulll .I' 1h rn .ti I' l,lli I u l I t1·mµurni·ily, n ·v1t'W y11u1 .. l>on"I mukt• promiM'" lhut you won't lw nhlt• to kc·•·1)' hudg1•t If 11 looks hk1• you'll h:1v1• prubll'lll' m.1k111g yuur n ·gul.11 pa,vnwnts. t'all yuur t·n ·d 1111r.. Bl-:FOH£ lht< du1· uutt• 0 11 1h1· bills A sk fur a p1·r~m.il m1·1•t111g 1f your p roblt>ms an· st•vt•r1· S1·1· 1 { you t·an ma kl• rt•dut·t•d µ;iy.m1•nls fur u µt·r11xl o l 111111• or •·v1•n skip a month Tht• lo n g1•r ,vuu t'XJ.ll'l'l y uur t 1 11 u b I t·.., I u I as t . t In· 111 111· 1 • 1mp11rtant II ts t o n •al'h an .1gr1•1•m1·nt with youi 1-r1·J11u r' and tu m<1kl· sun· 1hat th1• tt•r ms ot 1h1• agn<t.•nwnt an· t·nt<·n ·tl 111 \11111 1 11•1111 ll ll•ld lt11 llllllll' 1d1·11·m 1 Tl11 11 u11 d \\ 111 hH 1k lw1t1·1 If II '"""'' \1lll 1\1,1111 .Ill 1•11111 I h i 1111111111· \uUI l•l11hh·111' B1• 1111111• ... 1 \.\llh VllU I u1•d11111 ' .11111 vt1111..,.•ll "l11d1l.,1l1· wh.1t 1.111 1,.. p .11d." S 1111th '111d , "hul d11n'1 111.1k1· pr111111:.c·s th.11 vuu w11n'1 lw .11111' 111 k1•1·p " H11l11•11 ( ;111,1111 . 111·,111 111 1h1· N •• I I I) 11 .ll "'11 11 II d ii I I I) II I If I' <.'1111-.u11w1 l'11·d11 . ,1 111111 p1 11f 11 1 llUll,l'lillg gt11llp \\1th 1111111 • lh,111 :.!IHI 1·hapl1·1s lh111ughoul llll' U111 11•d S t.111·s, s .11d 1·11•d1l11• \\11Uld l,1th1·1 '1'1111• (111 lt'lflllt•U Ill' 1h •l.1y 1•d p.1~ llll•llh I h.cll I Ull till' nsk u l los 111g I 111•11 11111111·y 1·omplt·1t ·Iv Smtih t•t hrn·d (:11>'\011 "M osl 1·n •d1111rs ;111· happ,V l o lry lo work s1>11ll'lh111g 11Lll with 1111' lxflTOWl'f whn 1 ... II\ l1'11Uhl1'." ....... ,;11d .. Thi· .1l11·111at 1v1·" ... u nwt1nH·' n o t l o n •11·1vl' th1• p ii y n I I ' I\ l ll I I 11 I I Ii l ' pt r..,ull p1·1 h .q" tu d 1·1 l.11 e b .1nkruptl') 0 1 \\ h .1tPv 1·r, 111 "' h 1d1 l'ilM' I ht. t'l I '<l 1 lor d1M 'Sii I gl'l ;mythmg " Brokt·r of l ht· y t•ar· Hic·h "'nt)'• 1.-fa , of Coltlwc·ll Bunkn Comnu-rciul Ht·al Eslul •·, :'tlc·"porl Beac·h. n ·c·c·hc· ... 1tw lrvirw Compuny'~ traditional dc·c·a11lc•r for lu-iu~ 1111nu·d •·Brokt•r of the· Yt•ur." Makin,.; tht• pn· ..... 111a1 ion an· Sa111 \ 1111 I .aiulingha111. t·e•ntt.·r, direc tor of cit•\ c·lop11lf'11I aucl ruurkc·1i11~ of tht· t 'OltlfHlll) '"' t•ommt•rt•ial and irulu~trial Ji, i ~io11 , ai1d ICic·lrnrd Cannon. clh·i-.ion vi<·c prt·s idt·nt. .. It's ' NlflallChomatlJ .,..... . ._..,.. TM...,..._ .,..., ......... ~·"~ c.....,. t11tl-1'7t Warning The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous 10 Your Health It's long. It's slim. It's elegant. 17 mg ··1ar". 14 mg nico11ne av poi c1gare11e by FTC method ,.,. Publltllad Orange Coall Dally Pltot. Ocl 1&, 22. 2t, HOV 5, 1H2 4531·82 • ... .--.... ~-' '-~-.. -~ ------ -- ----------------------.... ----------------···-... 1111••• .... 111111111111••• ....... --.. ----------------- It 111 .111 11 C1111111 llAll Y I'll Cl T /11 lduy Ot 111h111 .'U l•Hl~' I I 1 I 'I I 1 I 11\ll" lfr l\,1 'f '11 , 111 I, ,jf • I., 'It If I 11 II II ,. I I I II 11 !I • ,1 ti•,\, I\ j 11'1 11 ft II' ll II' I 111 I 'I I'" [ 1' Ii !• ' I 1 11 tH ' 11 ,II 'I 11 •' • 11 It I .,, •I\ . I' I 111. Ho i ,I 11 r 1 r 1 I , 'I 1 • rJ1\l l1\ I I I • I t kll rewc1rdc-, ot .i l ar who..,P re-..ilf• Vrlh 1e 1·, 1,,., t lw lllllllU ll~~'.PJKI 1r1 ,1 vV1 1r11i1IP , 1u to lt>'>I !I• II lit.II ( 0111h111t1 ·' 1' I• 111 .111t!tl1t·o11lyG , r .H !f,,11 qfft>r-. ti 1111• HMW ti• .i•t •r f 11 •t111•-.1 you : ... 1 I • I/ it' fll l,!li THI ULTIMAn OllVING MACHINE. ' ' 1ft I ol I '<I 1,. ... t ., ••• ,, ,., •" .... 1.,•,,,, 1• '' ,o <I \ I .1•' ,, QMTURY MOTOI SAUS 801 SMITH IMW IOI MCLAllMS IMW,INC. ROY <ARVll, HK. CAMlllU.UW ,,., ~ , : ,.1 I ' t' •• l~ PACIFIC BMW IOSllT IUIHMH, INC. CllV11l MOTOIS, INC. SAVAGE IMW, INC. GIUlllMW . . . I • O<IAll MOTOIS VASIK POLAK IMW JAHCO IMW IIPf>fR IMWOJ llVHLY HILLS lOIHi IUCM IMW ·. "'\• .. IMWAUTOam1 HAl WATICIMS IMW MKK AUXUDll IMPOITS Ufl MOTOI CAIS SA.DOUUCIC VAWY lJ'D. IMPOSTS, INC. - PUBLIC NOTICE I PUBLIC NOTICE --------PUBLIC NOTICE s U P E A l 0 A C 0 U R T 0 F FICTITIOUS BUSINESS I FICTITIOUS BUSINESS CALIFORNIA NAME STATEMENT NAME STATEMENT COUNTY OF ORANGE • .,,. 1..,110•11<~0 per~on " Ooongl Tiie lollow11'\g oe,,on ·~ dOH1g tn Iha Maller of , , 1nP .~ .i5 business as the Apj)llcellon ol C<iOl SuPr < 10 Lugon•a "lo THE WOAD SHOP 160 I Dove Geortl• Edward FuenlH A 'lHH rt 811"c." C ,1.tor"•a 9?b631 1 Street Swle 1•5 Newport Beacn For Change of Nemt ~ ~, , J Murpr., ? 10 Lugon1a Ca11torma 92660 No. A115151 N A ,.,...,rCl•t &.,3~n Cal•lorn1a Londa l Sparr 40 Wll11ewalor ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE '•Lf>f: l I Dr1ve Corona r:tf'f Mat Cohlorn1a FOR CHANGE Of NAME !no• e •So<>f'~' 5 ~Of'duc.lt>cl by an 926?S Geotge Edwa•d Fuente~ 1>as hied ,.,d ••du 1 Thos busmess '' condvc.teo by an 8 pe1thOn 1n lhtS court ror an orOer "'ev•n Murpn)' 'tnd1v1duaJ atlowong oetolooner to Cha'lge ,..,, !ho. \!,11P.m .. n1 ""' loledl w1tl' the Lmda l Sparr name from George Eowarll FuPntl's Court, C ,.,. o• 0•.1r>qe Count, or Th•S statement was Meo wolh 1hc to Noehotas George Aooallf' Jt•l'lt:,•, 2:; •'•F, County Cletk of Orang!' Count~ on 11 ts nereby oraereo thal JI f20042$ Oct 13 1982 persons tntereSll'd m tl'>f' matter Put '""0 r • ~ .. (.;f)as1 Daoty F1"56e al0<esa•d appear ~torP tilts court 0 1101 Oc• 29 •lo• 5 12 19 1982 I Pullhsr.ed Orange Coasl Da•ty 1n Department No J JI 700 C•v•c 4743·82 P•tot Oct 15 22 29 Nov S 1982 Cen\ar Drove West Santa Ana ·--------------•S37·82 Cahlom•a on Nov 3 1982 at 10 30 PUBLIC NOTICE o'ch11c1t am and then and 111ere --------------- show cause 11 any 1ney have why K-42091 PU6UC N<HICE H id petition tor changfl ol nam" SUPERIOR COURT OF THE Should nol be grenled ST A TE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF ORANGE It .. fur1ner O<derco that a cooy ol 700 Civic Cent•• Drive W111 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS I NAME STATEMENT Tile 1ottow1ng oer5on 1s <101ng t>u smess .as th•s order 10 Shllw (ilU$P "" pullhshed '" T ne Dll•ty Pitol ., Senta Ana Cettlornte 92701 I DAVE s MOBIL( AUTO newepaper ol gene•GI «rcul&l•on Ptatnlln pub"•hld tn lh" covnly at leaSt ALICI A LOPEZ, PORFIRIO one« a week lor lour co,,!.('Cutove I ARELLANO weeks oroor lo 1111' clay ot 5a•d D•~r:~n~P AFfORO CRAMER hoanno · Datl!d Sept 24 19'2 El EC T A 0 NI C S . ALF RED Frank Oomenicnint ANTHONY BERAROINO. ROAD Judge ot thlll RUNNER CA TEAING, end OOIES 1 Supe110, court lhrough 15, tncluslwe Publllhed Orenge c..oaM OR•ly SUMMONS Pilot, Oct 8. 15. ?2. ?9 t982 . I NOTICEINYo. 32h·37·85b d ·~•3·82 OU ewe een IUe . Th• court may dec ide 99eln1t you MUC NOTICE I "CTfTIOUS BUSINlH : NAM& STATEMENT Tiii loltowlng ~rsons arf! do•nQ bUS!nttU IS CHIAPPE'S 1025 £1 Comono Ori.,.• Co11a Mesa CA 92626 CHUl H SOHN 8 Mnlow wllhoul your being hHrd unleH you reapond within lO d1y1. Reid Iha ln!ormellon below. II you wish to see!\ lhe advtee of an atlo•nPy on this mailer you should do so promptly so that your wrtllen rnsPOMf' 11 any may be hlf!O on time AVISOI Ustecl he 1ldo demeRdedo. El ltlbu11el puade decldlr ~It• Ud. 1ln audlencla • m•-qM Ud. ""'"'· CA 92714 JIN J SOHN 8 M8~0"' CA Q2714 Irvine reeponda denlro de 30 dlH. LM le lntormeclon qua algue. TN• business 1& conouctfl<l by 11n 1nd1"'1dual Jll' J SOhn Ttvs Slatement was filed wttll tr>e Couaty Cieri! or Orange County on Oct~ 14 1982 F1'"30 PllOfleh•d Otano• Coast D111y Ptlof 0c;1 20 NOV 5 12 19, 1982 I 4744·82 Ml.IC NOTICE ' FICTITtOU• au•M•• NAME STATIMINT Tne tollow1ng petton 11 doing bllll~e~~· MA NU FACT URI NG CO,,.,PANV, 873 C W111I 15tn Su .. I. Newpofl e .. ch Celilo1n1~ ·~663 LMry Kenneth 011n , I I 16 Din• Orlve, Cott• Meu. CAltf0tnl1 92$29 rNa llUti,,... 11 conouc1ect bo; an lndMOu91 Latty I( Oliff Tlllt llllemenl WH llleel Wlth the c;ovn1y Clto'k ol Of•~ County on Oc•dbet 21. 1112 ,..., Publlthed 011ng1 CoHI D•Uy Piiot OC1 21, Nov 8. t2, II, lll:l • •131 ., S t Usted d1>,e11 solic1t11• et conse10 de un aDog11<10 en esle esu nto dl'bt.,111 hacerlo 1nmt'd•a1ilmf'nte <It' esla manere SU r11spu1"1ta C~fll8 SI hay alguna Pu!'dll ~· •f"gtstraoo 3 toempo I TO THE DEFENDANT A CMI como1a1nt has been hied by the plaontolt 11ga1n11 you fl you Wish fO ae!MO thos taws111t you must within 30 CIAY' alter 1h11 summont It served on you fill' will! lhot court 1 wrollen r1nponH to the compln1nt Unt~11 you do so your defaull wllf bl' 41nlert1d on appttc111ton ol lhll pl11tnltll and thll cow I may enler a 1udgman1 ogaln11 you l()f the •ettet !lnm1ndrd tn tho compt111nl. whteh c.outd retult ,,., g1rn,.11men1 ol wAqlll tAklng of mon~y or pr()ptl•ty or other 11111,.f raque111>d In lhe coc;:;!,'11 Nov 1s. tl7t lff A 8r•ncn, Cler~ lhelyn W•rd. ()jtouty DI M1r'o • Areujo A 'rotH•ton•I 1..41• Corf>Of•llotl 1100 N Mein tltN I, 8vlte 20I teftta Ana, Cellfofnla mo1 (714) ....... Pub11111.o Otano• Cout Diiiy Pllol. ~1 15 n ?t Nov 5 1eu <t'>3<t·U REPAIR 3<4 Avocado St • I Co, .. Mesa CA 9?6?7 David A Bau 154 Avocado St Cost•• Me~a CA 926?7 Tti1s bu\iness •s conducll'O by an 11id1v1duat 01Jv1d Bass Thos 51atemen1 wH l1t&d with the Coun1y Clerk 01 Oran1111 County on Oct t3 1982 F1"5e7 Pubhsn~o Orange Co1111 Diiiy P1101 Ocl IS 22, 29 Nov S 1982 4498·82 PU6UC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMINT T Ile ronow•no person 11 dolnQ busoneu n PROGRESSIVE INK PAINTING 105•2 We51m1nster Awe 29 Ga•den Grove. CA 92643 James Donald Langlotd 10542 WeStmlnSll'• Ave •29 G111don G•ove CA 92643 lhos 1>U11neH 11 conauctl!<I by an 1nd1vt<1ual Jim Langl0<d Thoa slaloment wes llled wotll cne County Cterk ot Orenge County nn 6eot 27 t982 F1M410 Pubflthed Orang• Co11at D11tly P1tot OG1 22. 29 Nov 5 12 1982 4655·8? PUOUC NOTICE flCTITIOUS BUllNIH HAMii HATIMINT T ne lollow1ng peraon fl doing bu&1n&n II THE LAWRENCE COMPANY 210' W O<:e•n r fOnl NtllwpOr1 Bt1•oh. Celilur1"• Rlcherd LH I •wrtnc1. 506 201h S treet. Newpo rl Beech. Ca111orn11 926~ 11111 l>ullneH 11 conduote<I by en lttdlvldulll R L lewronce Tlllt tlll~nl wlll 11180 wolh tht County C1tr1i. 01 Ota!IQI County on Octabe< 28, t!IU ,,.. .. Publl•h•d 011n9• Coul Delly P~. 0Ct '9. Nov !I 12, 19, 1H2 4481·S:1 PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE No. 12242' YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A OEEO OF TRU8T DATED SIEPTEMBUI 5, 1971. UNt.ESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUll PROPEllTY, IT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATUllE OF THE PllOCEEDJNQ AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYEll. On November 12. 1982. at 11 00 am S11tew1oe foreclosur e Service-inc as dvly appo1nte0 Trustee unde• end purau .. nt to Deed of Trust recorded Septembef S 1979 as instr No 21 t7 bOOlc 13298 page 464 ol Oll1c111 t Aacoros Hecuted by HAROLD NEWMAN and GAil NEWMAN as trus1ors. on the ofhce ol the County ~order ol Oranoe County. Stale ol Celllornta, Will SELL AT PUBLIC AUCl ION TO HIGHEST BtDDEA fOA CASH fpayabte al llme ol sate tn lawful money or Ille United S1a1e1) at South 1'on1 ~ntrence lo tile Orange County Otd Courthouse. City ol Sanla Ana. S11te ol Calllorrita. all roght. totle and 1ntere11 conveyed to and now held by 11 under sa id Deed ol Tru51 1n the properly s11ua1ed 1n satd County and Stele detcri~ as Loi 3H ol Tract No 907 1n me City ol N-po1t S.&eh. County of Orange, State of Cal1lorn1a, as per map rec:O<ded tn Book 28. pages 25 to 36 inclusive ol Miscellaneous Maps, 1n 11>0 office ol tile County Recorder 01 saod Counly The str&et sddress and o ther common desogn&loon, 11 any, or the real propl!rly descrtbed above IS purported lo be 820 Vta Lodo Nord, N..,.l>Ofl Beach. Cahlornla The undersigned Trustee dtaclalms any llablhty lor any 1nc0<rec1.,.u of Iha 11reet address and olher common de91Qnauon 11 any Shown herein Satd aata will be made. buC wothouc covenant or warranty &•Pf"MI Of 1mphe0, regarding llllfl po1H111on o• encumbuncea to pay tf'HJ rem111n1ng principal sum ot tne note MCureo by said Oeed ot Truet, w1lh onterl!st thereon aa provtdedl 1n Mid note. aovenc;es it &ny. unde• the tl!fmt ol sa•d Oe«I 0 1 Trust. lees charge • and UpetiH• OI Ille Trustee and OI Ille t•uata c;rHled by Hid Deed of Trull •or lhe emoun1 re111on•hty 1111m1tlld 10 be $ 170,896 09 Thi t>en1fk:l1ry under ntd Oee<I of Trull hetetofor11 1xeculed end dt llv1r1d 10 the under11gn11d • wrllltn Oeclarallon OI Oel•uf1 end 01m1nd for S111, 11no 11 wrllten Noilc1 ol Oeleult end Elecuon lo St tl ltie undertlgned cauted 111td Notice ol Default end Electton to Si ll to bl rec:CH0.0 .In lhe c;ountv where the rlll prope1ty la localed D1lecl. 0c10bet 12, 1982 ......... ,.,......,,. ~.-. ..... Cetftt .. Aff, crww-.c•toNO .. toMd ,,.,. ... .., 8'*ttlt""°"' ~ ,.... ...... v. ""· (11~)----Pubt11n.o Otano• CoHt Dilly ~t Oct 22. H . NOV 5, 1982 • 4637 82 HALBlllT NAKAOKA MONTGOMtRV KING JfOINAIC A'l'Ofll Lagunan named vie pres ident of Newport advertising firm Ulll llulb1·r1 111 I .. 11:1111.1 '~""ti It." 1,. • 11 11.0111111 Vil"' l"'''1tl1·11I 411 '1'111 ( 'c1i.. ,'i.t fillll It 1\d\'11 lt'>ll lg l'11111pa11\ 111 N1•wpu1 I I~ .1• l1 11.ollH r I 1111111·' 1111111 B.•1111111 .111d Bov. l1 ·s 1\dv1 111-..1111: 111 N1 ·\\ '1'111 I\ 111 W~'> ,Jf'Vt .111 .1111111111 l',1"11111\'t' ,11 l),tllt l I f"tl11~1·t,old SHmp l1· 111 Ni·" \'111 k 111 It." 111•• 11 \\ 111t l '•1>. ,, Burth 1111 111'.lll:V l\\ll \1.11'> John Nakaoka It ..... 111 ·1·11 ·'1'1'"11111•d 111 lit• l'Olllnl\'ll I.ii urfll• 111.11 k1 1111g dt\ t'>11111 111 N1111 t fkgg~ .ind S1111p-.i111 111 N1..., pot I I~"" Ii •" .o ""'' a!>..• .. v:1.1I•' lit· h.ul he1·11 .... 111! 11!1 x,.,.,,_ t '111p '""' 19711. 1•1101 lei .1wr1111~ N1111 "· H.·1.u:' •• 11c1 S 111 111 .w1 lh·hru Annt· MtJnt~o nll·r~ 111 I 1' 1111 "·" 1., t 11 n;11m·cl -..ale·' rq111· .... ·111.111v1· 1111 tlu· S.1111.i A11.1 01!11 • ,,f SAFl·:vo T11l1· l11-.ura11c1· ('11 S l11 \\tll 111 n·~µorL-.il>lt · lcu "'' v111g Ni·" p 1111 Jx.,11 lt l ·.,,1,1 1\.1• '" C 11ron:1 d1•I M<11 .111d B.illi11o1 l>a vid King 111 l'ou111;,111 Valli,. ti .. , li1·1 11 11:11tl!'d to thc· t''1't'ttlt\I '":-.1.-.1.1111 111o111o11t1 •1 110,111 .. 11 'All-savers' rate to Wt\SlllN(;TON (i\1'1 T hi· 111t1 ·1c·sl r.111 "" 1;1x 1•x1·11q11 ";tll ,,1\'t r' u •11d wah·~ wtll d111p :;.h ;11 µh 111 .i I l'l'lll d 111\\ It IJfi JH'll'l 'IH f111 111 \\ d!•po:;.1h lwgtn11111g 11 .. ,1 w1·1·k . Tn·~"'" \ t•l I 111 • .t, !><II ti T Ii 111 " I .n Tl11 1.11t: lw tit• p.1•1 m1111tli tlll' 1l1111111 fl'<'Ofd f11\\ uf i -Hi I" 111111 wdl t.OllllllUI' th1 11ugh Satttrda\ So ~v1·1' "hc1 lt.1v1• 1101 U'ot-d up 1111·11 1,,, l'Xl'ffilJllClll .and whu pl.111 Ill buy ... u. h l l I 11f11 ;i11 · ... Ill OVER THE COUNTER NASO LISTINGS 11 .. 1 \I II ... .- // ,, II 11r ,r I I II .. •• I tlHlt "'"'' .. . , • f ~ ..... t , ,,, I I r , fl I rh • .... ,, ., I •• , , 11 • I ' ,t '' ''"•\if5 ,, I II ,. ,, I 11 1' ••• ,, ,. ,, ,. • ~•""I lb \I ti ,, '" )I )I . ' .... tjij J I , , l • I•• ;"v ~~ I . ., "'· j•u•U •• l·1JI• \ H· J\.,l lo I I , If 1\>f I l k ,f;lt I!} 1-t ..... , h'«-•oHf"J.,. w,,l1t1At'. ..,(,-.J .I ·•UJl+f r ''Htht 1 ')th• l•O \ti'11-.i .Cl ,, ";I ••I.I•''~ \1-n,or ' \w M•·' °)•"" ,, !,n,.-•·O ~~--~ .... ,., ...... ~ . ~ /tit ! •I I ~ 'C Al¥if1f • I~ It ,, • ! . I" ' ~ ' I I • • ,, • 1· ~ "'. . . /{J • l\)• .. '" , .. .... ,, '"' •u lot.,, 11 II .. , 1lt·111f "'"""·•' .. ~ .... , .. ·' u t\ft t , I• t ~ ') f ,, ,,. .cl I he \\1 1111 "i1111 1lo l 11o1 l l 'l.11.t 111111 I 1'111g t 1'1111 111 t!i1 lllttlllll t \\A,111141'1 o1l thr llJll l1)fll11 ('11,\,t 1\)1 ,.1 Jt111111 11\ 111111 1 I 111 W1·,1111 111111Il<111.11....,,oru t \'c 11lc ·t 111 lh tr11tl \\11111· h1 "l\1·cl '" d11c'llt1r 111 l1111d ,1111 1 In \t·t .1J'1 1tu .... ..i1 M . Jl·thn:tk 111 I l11111111g11111 I l.111111111 l"IW I 11111 1111 1111 '' 11 .idt·I h." 111'1'11 c·lt-c l1·d clo.111111.111 111 1111 li<1.11d of 11111111111111111 J1.11d11 Tl11d1 111d l.11.111J\"1•1.1!11111 II•" pr1 ·-.ul111l .c11cld1.11111i.111 •ii the l 111.11d 11 1 ))11t1l1lt t.1 1111111 C 0111fJ ,1 111ltlli l.111 t1·d 11 .d 1 .1.111 dt \c l11Jtllll 111111111111 .11Jq11.11 tc·tc·d 111 I 1111111.1111 \'.ill•' .Jami·, ('. lt\dt·r •ol L .tk1· t-'1111 '' Jia., lw1·n ·'1'1'"111\c·tl ~1 111up 1°11.111.igc 1 1111t•rrt.111011al 11wrkl·t111g 1111 1111 l 1.01k11 H111 ... J\1·111•,11:111 C111up. l'.11k11 IJ.1111111111 ('11111 lt\llot ' In ht, tll",1fly '''< V<'"0. Wllh I '.ot k1 r H1 1 It .. 1 ht lt.t.., , •. , vc·d ;,., ,.,de ·' 111:1n,1g1·1 ('111111 111"''"'1111 .. 111\1 11111 .111d ''"''It r11;11k11111g 11 ftll"'''t1l.1l1V1 fall harply 1111 lit .11 11111111 '"""'" l1LI\ 1h1 ttl S.1l11rcl.1 .. r.11111 I t l1.t11 \\,!1111111 lllotil Ill ,1 \\l"·k T he 11<\\ 1 •• 11 •ll•11t\1 Su11d.;\ .... 11rl11\11 11111 ,, o11 111 11111.11•, ,,,w·cl II\ 1111.1111 .1.tl lll'>lltu111111., 1111111 "111111.•' 1hr1111i1li N11\' :!~ ( ·, 1111 11.ttt 11111 t• ,1 up'" 'I 11011 Im 111d1vtclu.,1, """up 111 ~.! CJllll f111 111.1111• ti ' 11t111lt ... I' ""'lllJ•l l1 11nt l11f.1.1l lltlltltl ... ,, .. .. It " . " .. ·• " ,, .. ,, ,, . .. .. , ,, J644 ti jJ • J I .. " I .. I It .~ ,. ,, •I .. 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Hlfl 1111 Sl.1lt I 111t1lll l ' Gold coins offered PEKINt, (J\l'I (111nme m11t.1lf\1 ~old 1~,ms l)(•.irmg th1· like nl'"-' ol .1 gaonl pa11t..l.1 1111 om ..,td£' .ind Pl king.., T1mpl1· or l lc .. 1v111 •m 1h1 oth1 ran lx·mg sold 111 J<1p.111 111 111.1rk 10 v1 ·"' 111 11 ... urrll'd ~lllO Ji.1p.11wM• t..l1µl•n11,1l 11 11•1 ti 11111s lht• Bank of Chm<1 ;,inn11U11tl'<I The u11m. v. rll he· .1\.11l.1hl1 111 11lh1 r 1 ount1 ll"> ),1t1 r 11 :...<JIU Four d1rfercn1 .... 121-cl e t1lll!> will tx_. offt>rl-<I onl' 11un<.:c . ,, h,.tf 011111 e, .1 q11:111<·r ounlt •• nd O I oune c• .. r <)IJ lj 111·111·111 f.:Olcl tlar l1.111k ........ Housing s tarts up WASlllNC:TON IAl'I l111u,111g ,t.1rL.., ll\ th1 11..1111111.., bulldt I!> JU"'I" d 1 1 IJC llt 111 111 ~t pll·mlx•r . ruH h1ng tht• °"('\ 1111d h1gh1·.,1 II•\ 1·1 .. 1n1 r 1lw n'<:C."SSIOn lxg.m mon• lh.111 .1 v1 .•r 1g11 1h1 go\1•n1m1•n1 ha .... fl purl! d St.11 l.., "''1 Ila 11 1.11 r11 111 (111 '>tngle• t.1m11\ howit~. t I 1 ,It h111..: olll •1111111,tl I olll' or h() ~ (l(J(J, th1 l11ghl'!il !>lnll' luh 19HI STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT NEW voqK f "-P• S1let fhurt tHlf:• -''"' Htl f"Mf~ 1f Int i1flt¥'~ "U\I ~HllVI ~·... tOt• ')t()I• l •t f ... f'\14 .,,,,., ~r1~~t: 1~,1~t101 .. 1 • •: ~~ ~thm,:• •h;./ '°"' M) , .. 1,1r Moh"'' ~ /\F ~ ' ~· 1 "' ,_ en "U} '• .... •~~c.m 1~•1taJ ''• It • U'•t 1'10 t.4J IJ"'• Ttlt•• (OfP '1fl hJ() I\ M•\1Pft1t It• 100 I•~ (.,t"hlt\\t t.•) ~ u • .. • 4 rrt f Hf'\\ ~e(J) ]"I• c. ,_.,. Eu all W10 )4 • 1 ~"'..,,~.lit-\"M \00 ,.. I 44 f .e\ 1t \II t!iC.Q ll Mur;11 ... I tQJ l\ Anf'r l&l \~o<M> W WHAT STOCKS DID Achanc.•'d LJ.t, """'•J Untn"'H•..-U Tu•~• .,,._..., N~• n1Qh\ N,...., tow \ -"'" •Vt • • Nt 'th '(J~.._ A• Amr"'"''"" ""'lit. (I unch•ri~ 1Ut•l I\~\ ,..,.,,. h•Qh\ Nr"' Hh.,, METALS thu•s •J1 ..,, l<) 1-..• 111 ' (#ll t , .. ,,,.,,. lfj/ 18'> ,.,.. "°' " 1 ,,, ..... ~;r, .. J ll• IOI~ 11' f ,. \ii '"'' •6'1 II• ,,. . ,, •• l >j[ W YOR1t !API ,.,.,~ P'te•• ,,..,,,., •• Soot nonferroua Copper 7''• 75 ce nla • pouno U S df"tt1n1tton• L .. d 2J 25 C<lfltl • POUntl Zinc 40"'2 cen11 • oouno o.tl•ered Tin S6 2490 Metel1 Week comPOtlle tb &tuml,,um 78 cettll • pouno N Y Mercolf)' S36S 00 per n .. k Pf1llnum S3•2 !>O 1349 00 lloy ounce l'j y SILVER H•n()y fl Ht ff\'\(ln H 86 ""' l•oy ounc:f' GOLD QUOTATIONS ., T~ •••oc••IM Pr••• _,..,"°'Id goltl PflC" Thundev 14 l:,ndon mo1n1ng louno $4 18 '5 up London nttl'rnoon 11w1r1g $4 t8 25 up Sf! 50 P •rl• 11llt11noon lfx1no S• 18 85 oll S61 t Frenlil1111 llAll\Q S•'° 00 oll '3 98 Zurich 11111 11i•1noon l1x•no S• 111 00 Oii I I 00 llltl 14 If 00 ftlll d Hendy I Helmen (Only d•lly quo111J I 1428 25 up SO 50 l nt .. htrd 1on1v 1111111 quohlf $4 18 25 UP SO~ Eft99lh.,d (only O•••v Quottl 141b<ictt4'<1 Si39 16 up S 52 SYMBOLS fl N•wrw t•"''V tO~ V Nfr'tll' yeArly htQt'I vn .._. 01rwnir•N f'llOt.0 '•'•• ot O•,..•dtnch "'• aMvtl cl11Dut .. ,....,I\ O.Md on 11141 ,.,, qu•n•dy O• ••'"• •,,""'' d•t••• e11etn Sl>'K••• Of ••Ila o ••0."4• Ot P•~m•nlt r>OI OHoQ".,.cl •• r90.1lt1 11• tM<>l•l .. o '" lh• 10110-ft•no fOt\tnot•• A "'IO t•ll• Ot ••l•H I) AMvt l r•lt Otue \IOC• cl •10tnt1 C·L•Qu10t1•no Olv•Ot nO 0.Clt•IKI or paid •II pttcaclll'IO I 1 "'Ol\1111 • O.C.•••.cl o-P• o •"" ttoc.a a .... o ... o 0< IO' I ~p I PM Ill e ,.., O•YIO..-O omtlltcl Ot ll rtlO O• no tcl•CI" ··-... " IH I 01"'41...0 "'"""O ~ 0.C.lt rttlj Of PtlCI ll'ltl Yff' tn 1c,11mu1111vt 1o u• '"''" 01v1tl9114t in t1rttre DOW JONES AVERAGES ~l""" l'UM~ /h I t 10 11 tX>oN 10"4 \ d'll'Q ,..,, I fhH'°"\ l.)ol ' J& HOCK~ )0 '"4J "", .... t) u• •\ , .. lt\OY\ Tr1u1 U hl\ ., ~1· AMERI CAN L£ADERS N(W VQRI( 1.&P1 S atel T1'ur1 or1ce :~,.:~t.,;,""Su.-~· 1'i .!~~";.)O\f :!~ ~~~::'~t~i"' t Miit f\I ~;:oc.o'h"l'\ \'. (.natt p u 1 47• lOO ·~ • .I.\.\• A11 I If>) 100 10 '• {"'IMO lo \ 1\.0 000 >l • .. oton'•' u1 'iOO ••• VW'df"IQ ., 111600 .. (I. An\c:lfHH 10t ftOO JI • Sown,,., tn-. ..,. 800 ~ HouOol I 1 80 400 !I .. Orro•C 11 11 .t00 1) • 1 ------------UPS AND DOWNS Nl Y. 'tuJ..._ 1Af ,,.... to110 .... •"0 .. ,, ~hUW\. lht ,_.,twi. \'un ~lotll. f_t.(f'\.tnQtit \.lf)t' •"' tn<I "'"' run1' H1.tt hdYt' qon• uo ttw mo\.t M'lld oown 1.-.. mo\t l>oA'!oMJ on f't'"H '""~ o• ""-'"'°' ,, U.HOlt'\\ o• •Of'-lm ... fOt T nvr"~• No \f'( u"I t"'t lt.O•nQ h 1011111 \1 1lrt tn( u<WO flil1I _.,.., ,,., '"'"Qif ctwru111•\ ~·tt ,,. o ,,,,,,..,, ~'""'"'n '"• u••v•Ou' ''~'no uru 1 ,1httl1•Ji,,•pn "'"' ,,_,. .. ,, ..... ' htt"' ~i>\N \ 1 ,.,, A.oro J Uf\I 41tlo Mut I M l Ctft-4111 pt \ 'V'•rt~ (O • 80' m•~ I MfqM1" n. 111 Ut~ .. , ln.u fil Aotu hnti tO ~'"'"''"' H II \llllW•n .. It~ 11 Publ11 ~ l"'I) IJ rvrun • "''-"' If (OlfJt 0 l"U I\ AncnH(• ._. •• Jf'wrhor ti [ IQ1f'\N ... tl 18 An.tc urH&> o '' Snf'• wm, pt 1'0 Adttm\ Otu ~; e;: r r~~.'!,., ll Mr\IA M.!t4. h h tt1Qn \Intl NA"'-1 f t"cJtJtH' 1 Mt"O Dill l C..•nln\l .f 5'4.1t~At1 S M•ll•I w1 6 lft\tlte OfA ~ :~e::~r(J Y M•ll•I I \Opt 10 ll•n•I ) IOI>' II MonyMIQ In ,, 11•11•~ '"" 1J A\•,t.0 Int ,. '"""''" "'"' 1\ W1tlr'04.V :~ ~~i"C"o 'di'r' If lotfHtl> (OtO I~ Intl u _.._ 10 \1M 1 Orvo II W~l•l •b\ 11 Mt11ttflt trw U t ll\OfP 1' s.110 t all UPS I t°'1 CnQ Pct 1'• UO Hlf VII 11 • Uo 11 • ,, .. .11 V O 11 S ~· .. ... VD 11) • Up 1t J ' • ,. I< " • II ti •• " • II '''• . 11• .. •I I I ... '• UP U) '• Up tO 0 ''" U1.1 '' 1 • VP '• ,._. Up '• Vo •I VD •1 Vo I I 1 '• VO e ) "' Vo I J ,,.., VP I U 1 • Up 1 • ''• VO 1' up 1 1 VD I I • VP / / • UP I .f • Up I\ OOllYH~ ,,.,, I I flQ '• i'1 t 011 II I 0\ .. , '• I\ I\ 11 I) " . , Ill/ • \ I• 11 • ) . JI j() • •• J • " . , .... It I I/ •• 0 11 •• •• ... ... I I' I • J • , .. . .. OH t) ou, •• 0 11 • ' Olt ,. 0 11 I) OH 11 Oil 11 0 11 10 Ott I 0 011 IO , .. Ott •• t • .. Oft t I ... 011 • , 1.011 •• 1• OH •• '• 011 t I • 011 • , '"' Oft • J 1 Ull •I ... ()ti • 0 1 • Ott ,, ~ Oft \' n Hlw ..... • 0.Ciett CI Or Pt•O 11'1 pr9Cff1'1Q l 2 mOl'll'll l)lut tlOC• 01,,,0end I lltt>CI VI \IOC• ~ P•tcttlj "0 1' "'4)1111'11 t1llftltl.O cu~ ••'<I• o.-•• oo1 .. 09114 or •"Mtnb\1119'1 oatt • E• 0 v•O•llOt Of •• r,.n11 J•hoO~ allO H IH on !\ill l•l •lt t II' 1\111 CIG Callt O wO·W1'41n OillrlDuttd Wl•Wllen •tt11•G ww•W11n w11rtn1t 1w.w1111ow1 we111n1t •O•• t• O•t lrtO\lllOft II [ rt loO Tiit P'•ct Of I tlCK' el t ,..u l•D't 01 o.-·•114•• '""'"9• o.r.....o 11y 0•••0 "0 Ille lltttl lt•l'llOl'lth MM~t lttu't onto 10 1 ttlt Ofl(t I I I I •• ( 11 II 1q1 • I I' I I I 11111 ' I' I 1 I I I ti I\ '• I ' ' I ...... l'\'9 11 ,\ t 'I Rt'l S '>1,. '!~1 "I ('Iii Hit, f,f OHfa : .I ' r. , .... (,. .. ,~.,, . ,; , . ( ' . .. ,. ) . .~/ 1,,, I rn} ~'., L-::?" '. '0 c by V11qil Pattch IVIP) . ' l ' 1 ·1 I I \ 1 ; J (. •' '' "I think maybe I don't hovf' t>nough candy 1n my blood '' "I started out pushing a wheelbarrow •· 10·1.9 n·. 81 w Anders rn I ' I '"::::=---.:: Hilnk K.PIChum "'--~'~ -"' . ·· ... An d the patio furntu·• -.:.iposi·a ·n be stored 1n the' ~,jr\,lqr•· \ow .ns "iO s~-so EXC1TEO AOOur 11£ oA.V\E rrt-1.r >.: =J<3t:--J B..iY sru~F ~J ~~T ~··."O'<l"l~ . • • -I ", ::"\.. t.,. l JUST CALLEC' '~l"' "'""('·: .·.' ' A'T THE HOTEL C' E" ;.A9- ·: _. I-" ,,,, ' Rf: _(''.,' ... ~·- • "'"' • P.E {' "'-~ .... THAi ~OU WHC' AN$1"•ff.' ::I ~ .. -""\i~ : ~ .. • ~ .. ,·, THE PHONE (HJ\f~LE~ • .,. ·•.lr.'1 l \1 °'"' ~E µ ACROSS 1 S11ting At-b• SSl>Hdy 9 Chem1ca1 prelta 1' Fable 15J.a1- 16 Proma1e 17 image 18 Yalies 19 Tne bes1 20 Eloquence 22 Hits h&l<I 23 Metal 2• -de Boulogne 25 -Creed 28 Linet area 32 Peace<IMy 33 Hebrew laws 34 Spec~ 35 Stupid ~ 36 Mtfcnand•st> 37 Stmp~ 33 Clltm tndtn9 39 BlotlM 40 Offf'I 4 1 lu•ury l()vf!f 43Ch.td~ 44 Stale Abbr OHat;'ft'I 4t OelPIM -~'n . -· ~~ wanl ~01 53 Smell~ ~ Oes1rt' 55 furicl•l'' 56 Use ;i • wo111 57 Second 58 Lamb 59 L1bNil'I.'~ 60 fealure 61 Pop~ DOWN 1 Budge i Every orw J Kind 01 gin 4 Perc.epl1vl' r, -island\ •• "'rH, THURSDAY'S PUZZLE SOLVED I ~ -l l • ·s I c r • l iO~IV U •o R A VA I 11 A C [ II> ' IS II' ( A 5 [ O I A II "(J 1£ IS lu f s I S H I , , l l 5 -lA I t •o II A ,_ •" A j8 jl ! R l I ON E 11,1 A '< IA ~IF If I A VI N I D 0 II A If IO _,. 00 " [ S T .l OS l s ;) P II E P I C 0 c WA 15 ! f r I R C PR , ,, A l ~ A R s -... R E-, .. A A p ( I 00 l I H G IA" r I l 1 8 f fl II I V r II 15 , ' I r II 0 s [ ... ... v [ ,, ~ o; I r NTS I ON A W A1111nttc 1111>lu•1•\ J7 !;111rTH1u•1l>l•I group ?• I 01 lt•1• JI) H<1y 'IOUfC(I\ 6 Busned 7~ 1111~><1\ 41) <;kin''" ion ? word~ ;i; c;..,,,,~m 44' r 1111• 7 l nv&n1 h< .11 71 Nmr<I 11111• 41 5nho h,1w~N 8 PIM'hC: (on )II {u1mr .1111m,11 ~<,°""'~JI H~(llOn )'I IM1 I\ 46 li1~1' nll 9 S'itr '} ... >rel• 41 Gf'tm11n llVt'I 10 £n10Y 10 c.Mtwr" 411 Acc~nt t 1 Negl~I C11m11g" 411 lluno nround "' 5111!111 pO<tc.h "° Clirl in ll WOQ 13 Nallve mf!Hllt 3 I Me3t '°'''Cfl 5 I MllloclOfOU~ ' ' F ltfl(l'I HVl'I 33 Hom IO\ll'd~ 5? 84!vm Q-OS 72 Fount11n 36 1(111(1OI 1!1111 54 E•11ltcf ~ef ,, .... ,....... 1 2 J 4 by Harold Le Ooux • I ... : \ 'l 'TN DON'T THROW IT, CH UCK! STOP!! SHOt: • ~W.0. ~IICTRON COMFllTf.I< PAT/~ ~~ICE.?.. I N£El/ TO UN£ UP A VAT~. AUNT FRITZl, MAY ) I H.J\Y[ A PIECE or CAK[.> ... --- .--~~~~~~~~ DID 1 DO IT? DIP I 6ET A STRlt<E ? DIP I WIN ?~ (( <2) ~ ~ \ ...... (NOT NOW ) LATER · THEN MAY l 1 DECORATE THE PtEC~ r WANT TO EAT?/ v ~\SU~E GORDO 't..:\.' ~ "'1 T .l. Hf LV \ \f . \ IA>J rAr.i.....".' l r ~IJ r =n.l.'1 ..c,1i: r-j,.-.. ..i....ir "'''"·~.n: '--= l 1 HAvt:: ~Ji<::'.1:;-1::. i..,J 2J1L"'E:! .I. L.L i;-,i.. ... '<'!..' ~._~r: .._ _________ __, .... W J by Charl es M Schu l z by Jeff M acNelly by Ernie Bush mtller .. by Gus Arriola by Tom Bat1uk fJ.U.f.,,~0'\G fO 400R ~STEM OF EVAW AT10N , WHAf'.S A 6000 HALLOWEEN CJWCX.> RATING z WELL , A r:1vE 1s OUT.STANDING, A R'.XJR IS 6000, THREE IS BORC€Rl1NE .. AND BELOW 1wrr. ©YD BETTER HAVE A PIECE Of THE R.Oc.K ! DR. S~OCK N0""1 WHeN we. ee:G1N 10 P(....A Y IH e: I R 1<.JMPHAl..- MAf3CH FROM Att:>A ... YOLJ 1..-IGHI' l'~E: SPAM ANt:> SAUNl5R IN TO HeR ROOM , OKAY'f> by George Lemont • I •;g c; u e a a 40 Q ¢ 4 4 4 4 4 0 q • ·-. Or 111llJI• l llll'>I UAll Y Pll 0 I /I 111J11y ()1,111lJ111 •'If 1'Jli. 117 Red ro es are Americans' favorite Living fa nlasy Thi:-. tropit·al ;.:arclt·u aiul walt •n\a~.., tha t su rrom1 ll tlu· tJlH't'i1 .\nnt• <:ouagP (sl'ltin~ for tlw ••Fantas~ l ~l a11d .1. T \ ..,t•rit· ... ) ii. j l...,l orw of I ht' pic·turc· ... qut• sight~ a l ttw Lo.., \n~dt·~ . \rlwrt•lum, ·\rt·adia, that opc•n" it~ (;anlt~n Sho" Saturday. GARDINIRS CHECKllST ... • """111011, Ill 1tll11 I lltt\.\ I 1-. 11111\ 1111111 111111 K" lh1I ""''' "''' 111 lo~" 1111 11111 \ t I 'l'ht• ""l'IJI\ ool 1,..,,., Ill lh1• 1\1111•111,ltl lll1llk1·lpl1u1• 11·111lu .. l 111 .. 111\. li,tll 11 1111111111 lll 111111 • 1wuwth111 1!1 lll'IC 'l'lllo1111111.11,.d I" 1117'7, 111 ·1•11rd111K ... '1'111·,. ,,11,tl 11111.). 1111 l>Oll\1 '"111 j)I ttdllt 1'1' ti\ t Ullllll'd 1411 llll' hull'!> ..h11n· ol tlw ,,,..,.. 1 1 t1p I:! I 11111111111 lil11011 1' but 1111pcu lt'tl 1 o .. -..·-. :.1111 111.111.11<1 d 111 11un1b1•1 ulxml 70 :1 11111l1un Nill '<.•l1sfl1·1 I w11l1 wh,11 would sc't•111 to ht• u rosy s1t11ut 11111 for th1•11 lav1111lt• ll11w1•1. Holli.':; (11<' tht• t(row1•rs' tr.ult• a:-.'>tll'llll11111 hq(un u l'011Kurn1•r t•dUt'Ulltlll prUjo(I 11111 Th1· j.(rnup st11r11·d hv .1ppo111l111t( s1•v1•f'1.tl fl'Jll l'Nl'rllllllVl'S, illlHJllj.( th1•111 M:11 JOI It.' H1•1·d . lht· Nt•w Yo1 k uuth111 ul .1 hook 11n t.•ntt·rtamm~. N1l'k N11·k11I • .-., L' Chll'1.tgo n~t.1u1 L1ll•t11 , .111<1 Frt'<l (i1b1Jw1.,, who 1:. known as I loll,ywood'-. I lonsl to till' stul i. Thi• tl111't' w1•11• 1111111dut·1'tl publtdy and mull J fl·W words on lit'l1.ilf of 11 l'1•n,1111 I l11w1•r 111 Nt·w York 111 a lundwun n·n·nlly As uni· migli t :.u:.p1·1·1, r1·d rusl•S rt•rnain Antt'l'll'a's favorill'. affoU11t111g lur about 77 pt-rt·t·nt Qf .111 the l'U l ros<.•:. :.old l l1Jwt·v1.·r. ind1l'at101u. ar<• that c.'Olor prt'fert'nl'c-:. un· d1.1ng111g a l111, :.;11d Huluh Wright, owrll.'r o f Utah Ho-..·:-. Lind l'hu1rmun uf th1· rusl' group':. trad1• n ·l.1111111s 1•1111m11lll't' Although rL·d ~;.till top-.. ntlwr 1·11lur:. 1·sµ1·1.•1tdly a pl•at·h t111w 111 ;1 vanl'ty k1iow11 us "Sonya" art' ga11 1g 111 popubnty Nowaday:.. pt·.1l'h nr t'oral-l'olor rosl':. .i1·1·11un1 f111 L1buu1 10 Jl<'llt'lll 11! lot.ii '>al1·~ 111 1h1· l J1111t•d St;111•-. Abo GREEN WINTER LAWN f'all is TURN 1,000 sa. FT. OF llRED t GRASS INTO A BEAUTIFUL FOR ONLY 14.99 \.irW.,..l!!W for · · INCLUDES: lant·ng s IMO• b•1td1ni $1H t p I .L· 10 l8S Ot•QO ll IJ\Cf\• !»tRU8!. 'lh/t 1 •?4! Jr,.' RreQru1 Seed. uwv"s • eu• ll'> Florist Special 3~c~~· '..C«Wl Bud" R~e3 TAKE HOME DOZENS . SEVERAL COLORS. ROSES ·(;· I Ha)lis~tl's • Fl•t•d lawn' to lwlµ th1·m thruugh tlw w111tC'r &'r mutl.1 lawn~ will "I"." gr. ·1·rwr long1•1 d ft<d now. OAllV 9 . 5·30 SUN i ·S Nursery -Florist 2640 Harbor Blvd .• Costa Mtso • Tu prol1'C:I "11111•1 liloon11ng JllllU.tb ht· ... uri· to s prl'ad !>ndll dnd -.lug h.111 H<'-i.tpply nur.-l k111tls aflcr heavy rarns Ad good tlvot>gll Now. 2, 1112, wlllle 9UPC)ly \eats, ;==:::: __ -_-_-_-_----.. fr RUFFELL'S UPHOLSTERY ·~·ffM<IS-• 1922 HAJllOR ILVD. COSTA MESA -S0 -11 S• II vou don't smoke. I can ofter important savings on auto rnsuranc e Claim your reward from RABBITT IHSlM{ANCE 441 Old Newport Blvd. Newport S.ach, Ca. 83t-n40 ' .. HOUSEPLANTS WHOLESALE TO THE PUBLIC 50% OFF PL!~\s! GROWERS SPECIALS 10" DRACAENA CRAIGll TRIPLES 1 35" VALUE •tS" 10" ARECA PALMS 4 '-5-•tO" 15 GAL. INDOOR a OUTDOOR FICUS NOW 'SO" BIZARRE BAZAAR 1858 NEWPORT BLVD., COSTA MESA 645-3392 llmlrtd quanllly ava1labll• a rt• yt•llow, p111k ,111d whth· r ....... , Wh1l1· the ('OIOI" of llllll.ll'l'lll'l' .111d !JUI II\ \.\, hc·r ,. I,,...,., .II f t'Ollt'l'f'lll'O I!> ttw lt-;1,l JH1pulL11 Hos1·:. .ir1.· grown 1111111111•1t 1all\ u11tl1 ·1 t1ghth controllt·d ('0 11d1t11m:. 111 grt•t•nhow.1•s .ill ov1·r tlw t'ountry 'l'h1·n· a11• approx1111.1t1·lv I llO 1.·w111111·1·t·1al grow1•r:. l11t·att'd 1n ,,., many .1:. :s.1 -.1~111·:. C;ilifw 111.1 domm:tll"» produt ing 1warlv h,1lf ol .ill tli1· rv...-·' grow111111lt1 l l111to·d S t.1h· .111t111 l111~: '"Iii• """I' 1. 111 i\1111·111.011 Vlw 1"1' i\1111•111 ,111\ I; 11d (ti I 1l1V It 1'4 ''> llt 1111" t 11)111 1.11 ho I 111.111 Ill lll"t tf ll•llltllh Ii. t\111111 .. I I 11111111111 lr1111•• l11oltl . f•ll1t lto1,1·rl ,.,,,., 111 ,, 1.v1111 .ol r1111111h rl111111~i I'll!! 111 F1·l1111.11, d11t no d1111l11 11. V.111 1111111 , I l.tv th• llUllllll I JUlllJll ·ti Ill 114'111 fy ,1 1111)111111 ( lt1\.\ t \... f\J ,t\ 11·111J11wd tlw 111.,1k 11 111111lt ftol ""' 111111 ti,,., . ., 11 1 l!IHI 1111 11.1111111 • .J ,1\1 1.1~1 11 t.111 111111 p.11d "''" $I Ii:! ,,.., '>ll·111 ltl ~I !I 14 ,1 d111• II With tl1•111,1nd 1111 I""'' 11l1\lt1lh "i 111·,ollli\ 11111 • 11uld w1111d•·1 whv ).(l't1"'1·" lt.1v1· 11i.,,. 11 111 111 y111 ,, · (11Jl1l11 1td11111i.11 11111 < .1mp;11g11 Th• l1 ull1 I• 111.\I A1111·111.111-. l111v l1t1 l1·w1•1 1 ut 1111\A.1 ·1-. 1111 lwl111~ 111"'' 111.111 tlt111 Eu111p• .111 111111111 ·1 p.11 t• 'I lie olVl'l.lj.(t t\1111'111.lll 'fll'lll .11111111 .!II l"I llt .J, IJH\A I ,;, .i111I 11l.111 h Ill 11lllCI . \\'111 It ,h l'.\ll Hl,.'••11 111111 h·"' f lt1\\t I ,11111 pl,1111" I II I I \ I I \ d •• " u .. '. .• II d I " , I Ill 111 ' I " ' ' Arrwr11.111 -. 11•1111 111 l111 v II""'"' 11111\ 1•11 ·1u 11.tl 111·• ,,...11111 ...... 111 lo ,,.. Wt ·1fd111~\..,, 1111 t lid,1\' I 11111 r ,d , .01111 lt11l1tl;1y, l11nd1•111ally, 1f V•HI h11 v ;1 11<11111111 t \'1111 "'''' 111 1111t•11·..,11·d 111 ~11n1• tip-. P'"l';11l'll llv H11\t ' !11• 111• plol•lllj.(111).( 1111' ltf1• uf tUI ltt'l''.'> I 1 ..,11gg1·-.1., 111111wd1,111 I\ pl u 11g111~: "' .• 1111t• It p1d \\.11..i wl11•11 \1111 ~·1 ·1 1111111 11•11111 W11li .i ,1i,11p kr11l1 · •II ,1i,.,,,, .111d u11d11 ''"'' 1 t'Ul .il1olll uru · 111d1 olt 1111 ,11•111 111 i.11 Ii I''"' .11111 trim ,1w:iy ;111v lt•aVt'" th.it 11·111.1111 IH 111\.\ tl11 \\;ol1 r l11H· Mix ;1 11111,tl pn·M·r \'.111\ 1 (.t \'.111.tl olt· fr 1•111 I lrn·1~h) 111 llll' w:111·1 111 .1 \ ,..,, 111 • 11111.1111• 1 S."''' 1·xtr;1 p11·...,·1v.it1v1 1111 d.111\ tl1,..., . ., , oardPn 511op ~ GIANT FALL 1 c SALE ... -• ."'-1 , ' I SAYE UP TO 50% I • ' ,.. .-J ( . ' , :1 . 'J r '·., ' . _J / j ~;] ·) -- ,.T ,·_. ( BULBS <. ~ . l I luy 1 dozen ~ Ranunculus .., <....J I at rec. price . ). l Get 2nd dozen r-. J ~r 1 ~ r ·~ -~ ~~~ . ;---..... Big v:_.) Big ', .• I • ~, SPECIMEN TREES . 'j ·~--1 ~ Laree selection of 15 callon Hll boa trees 1/2 OFF Marked Price LOFTS GARDEN SEED Buy 1 Pkg • • A\lf A of seed at Reg. price, get 2nd one for 1 ~ HANGING BASKETS ALL NH&ll& COLOR HSIETS ~ OFF l arked Price CAM ELIAS \ NEW SEASON JJ.~~-· I JUST STARTING ~ NEW SHIPMENT ,- ..-' ._ .. .-RE-ELECT STATE DOARD OF EQUALIZATION RE -ELECT DRONENDURG ~] HE'S SAVED US MILLIONS! ~ RYE GRASS Green up your Bermuda lawn JU'--S-T-IN-----· _J Selected Weed Killers Insecticides. Ernie is ... * Experienced and Hard Working f "' It • * Better Business Climate and Jobs * Active Church & Community Leader ()r:. rt , Kristen, Ernie. Stephanie and Kathy Paid IOf by Friends of OrOllenburg, Oav1d A Hawtuns. CPA. Tr94surer . _J , .. .., .. ) with winter rye. Cover seed with topper on sale now -Reg. $439 $5.49, now FERTILIZERS 40% OFF SELECTED WEED KILLERS, INSECTICIDES I FERTILIZERS 403 OFF :~ ~ <J 'I J ==================================================~~ ~ < Endorsed by Democrats, Republicans and Independents ENJOY A SAFE HALLOWEEN ALL WEEKEND AT THE ICE CAPADES CHALET IN COST A MESA Mesa Verde Center Harbor ' Adams 2701 Harbor Blvd. 979-1180 PUBLIC SKATING EVERYDAY, ONLY A BUS RIDE AWAVI ,, .. , ~"'l fl'M .. ,..._,. .... 1-tul>leCl 10 ••-on,._ a.~'"'°""' 11•11•11 on -*' ll-• °'*' -.ion ·'" 7 ·•. '"' • »ot, '"" •·• Llovd's Nursery and LandscaDe Co. Inc. 2cb1 S. Newport llvd'. <•t lay St.) Costa"•••· CA 641-7441 VISA ""-C:....,. ·--I J 0 1unyt1 Co1111I IJAll V Pll 01 l f t lduy Oc:to ut.tr 2U. IUU#' MllC NOllCl Pllttl IC NOTICl NOTIC l Of T"U8fll'I IAll NOl lCI Of ,lllNO 0 ' T I No J n• 8A'llNOI AHO LOAN t II '11 111111 I I <lMl'ANl "'out• fACILlfY A .... LICATION <11•1"""""' t •" I•• .,,.,,., th• INe• auoel•llen) tuUuw111u ''"•• uh•••I •h •••• ut hu•l f'-4,,111 .. •• •·••oily 0,_...,,. U1.a1 .., WU l t.( l l ,. , t'Ultl IC AUt I ION .e11pl•l 1h••11 ha• • ...,,. titCJ,I with flu 10 !Ill IOutH 'ol lltlllll ti I tlll 1111 AlllMINI Ut '>AlllNl1~ ANI t Ahlt ou•yohl• ., '""• ,,, ···'· JU 'llAN t9'•11uo tu .a11 •t•Phl .alhHI h 1 l•wlul 1111>1••¥ ul lhe IJnllOkl tilat.,.I 111\INI I Ill '.AlllNl1'> ANll 1 llA~ ttll tlQhl l1Ha """' llU•••lt (oft••~._, 14•, .~h IA 1 llJN hu ttcun11,tthH1 I '"' 1tn(j IUIW floM •• ., II Ut~G( •••J •••••. i. .. tt .. t.u 1111-. ••• ... II! lht lJtJ•1t.I "'' ,,, ... , '" '"• .,, ... ,, .. ,,.,. Hllllhi\llih -.htlllt~ "' MHl1t4l Ot hutOUltAflut \ttt\4 ilh~I (II•••' ~H•tl Vuu k.u,u.,u Av"u.10 fUU~fl)H \ ltl ·~I t HJ t•hufl'"''".., \lt.t.JHty1.;t,h1tH\J~ <,All!>OUH~ II A publ11 '""""'II ""'" "" 11010 " 8 ( N I: f 11... I A 14 ' c I I v 11 1 111 .. !l .. , .... 1n•u11I • 11111\ .. ul I 01 NEWPOhl UC At 11 H M""" 111•1 p 111 1111 ll•v ""11 ul O<><.tt•)llJv1 1911.' COtporutlun At bUU •1uulh C..()n)1uuowuu•1• RocouJ_.I M 11ty .! t t01'0 '-'" uu.11 A\lmuw l '-'"' A1tuolrto; (,.-l!furru, No 2186 I 111 boo~ IJb IJ l•llll" 4 tot 1101111•1 Othc10it R.conte irl tfnt ofth." u t lhtt ""' l'"'''" uluu1 1\ 0'"'11 hu vuhltt Rtco•dm <)I Onu1\lu l uunl~ lttnJ IH'.tlHJ\.tu111 .,, ... ~L01(1"1h .• w wtlh th• at• d 0 t • t ua t d "'le;., I h u, It\.. 't 1tn1tH8IHH1., -. ftlijUIHtlOll!\ ·'' ... thttf lollow1n11 '1•<ilJ'l•I~ 11tt1tR 111 11111 111111.11111""'' QI Sovu•u• lnat 110111u11 ot Lui llJ 111 lrt11 I .mo l•><tll 01 ""' :.1•1~ ol Cul•IQ1111.r NO 1701 "'tho ('11v OI N•w11u1I I". 0 t" it .1 t "0 (I s "v I" Bttach Counly of OtdHQtt St.-tn ol l 01111nu"""''1•llh ""''""" l •)' C'ttlllorn11 41 J)ef ffHUI •e<.unhttl '" Arnp•lt•' 400011 ( r ol t 'it J book 6:.>, P•ll•t II d!HI IU 11(> lfH'd ....... 1~0 !)n11101110 M•-'IAn.OU• MOP•.'" ltlt' ullt<." Ill ........ , ~ .... I 1a11l1">1.U '14104 1 t .. 1 ,,,. GOUl'ly •at.Ofd•r ol l<l•U I \)11111~ (41'>) ~··T Jblobl oescttt>ed as roHows w1111un ubJ.it.11uH~ u• ulf\ot B • g 1 n n t fl O 0 I 1 h 0 It\ '' ' I tJ o' u ro tt n I ... 1 •' Io v ~ n I I u t ht' :loutnefly corn•• OI lOI 88 111 ~.110 JplJI'<•'''"" "IOUIO I)<' ltlt><l Willi in .. ltlCI 1101 thenct• N utlhtt;1>tt.Hly Ot'l1.utmtt1'' .;net" copy <Jttltnuuo •Ion g a cu• •" <-u n' J .,, I"' 111.i1h•ll tu tl\u "PPh,unr IRlllNf N0<Chwes1e<ly 31\0 11.1.11111 tl tllll•u• (,;I t ' s A 111 NG<; AN 0 L 0 AN 01uo1ee1.1nrua cent1a111ngtoot? llSSOCIATION co Capre11 8 degrees 38 40 a tl•sld•"• 01io.l1 •«1~1l1;t1 At10,.1e~s "' Law 209 t leeC. tnence NO< th J9 0991et•• 38 Bu•t1W~• <...iult!• Ouv" Su1111 200 00" Eut a d•stance 01 4!> 00 ltl<'t 11v1n" <..01tto1111a 9l715 1101 tali!• 1n.1>ce Soutn 50 oegrffs 'n 00 111..011 Nu•<'"'°'" 10 198:' Eatt along the Soulhua"""'v At""' pubt" ""·""'<! 1111y Jlt'•>Oll protongo11on ot thu Nortn""~""'Y 111.1y .1µ1,..,., """ rr1.ii..e "" or .ii lot hne ot Lot 88 a d1st11nc:e ol 50 00 >t,1te11umt du11ng 11n ..omount ot 1'mu feet. thence Soutn 39 lleo•ee• 18 I""'"" lly ltlt! '1t!dfltt9 ulh'"' wnu It I 00" Wesl 8 01SldnCI' ol 4~ 00 ltlel to "' ltll' 'J\I' -OI "'Y llt!l,011 wtiu M• lhe t>eQtnnmg ol curve cont.o.t\1...-not 111uo r1101 "'''"l'n ol1WL11ons &)1 Nortnwesterly 11nd hB•tllQ " radius ott•t'• d0<.ume11ts is to b" 1tm1lt:tl to or •90 feet thence Soumwe$h!rly nvl mur~ lhdl1 I!> m1nultibi '" along sa10 curve th'u kl central ttngl~ our.U1l1n ,, '\Uc.h !,hOrler tun~ ·" ot 2 deg•6'1s 38 40 "a1st<J11C" ol "'~Y l>1· ,111,,,.,.,f 1>1 tt1P nr.in11q 22 62 leeC. !hence North 47 deg1ees oll1tnr 4 3 ' 2 0 W Its 1 ii Io 11 g In e PuDl1\lll•J Or 111-i,. Southeastt!rly prolongallon 01 lhl' Pilot Oct ~9 Nov •, Sou1hwes1e1ly lot lens ol LOI 88 11 l...IJJ~t 0 .J•ly 1982 4772-87 d•ll&nce ot 50 00 leet to the po1111 01 beginning Contalritng 1n ,111 J 324 7 5 square 1ee1 YOU AllE IN DEFAULT UNDER A OEID OF TRUST DATED NOVEMBER 11, 1979 UNLESS YOU TAKE A CTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPE .. TY, IT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. Tne prope1ty above desc11betl does not have a stree1 addtess or common des1gna11on 01recuon sutt1c1ent to locate tne propetty may be Obtained by SubmllfinQ a w11t1on reauest w1thm ten oays lrom the f11SI pubt1ca1100 ol this notoce to the benellc1a1y whose name and aaoress 11 c o Robett H Burnnam ASSISIB/ll City Anorney Ctty Holl 3300 Newpo11 Blvd Ne,.pnr t Beacn CA 92663 (II e street a<ldreu °' common de11gna11on 15 snown above no •arranty IS Qlvan 15 10 Its completeneu or COf111C1ness1 PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS MAME STATEMENT Th~ following persons u1e doing ousmeu at 0 & Z DESIGN CONCEPTS. 555 Paula11no Avenue. No 1<204 Cus1a Mesn Ca1ttorn1& 97626 Oa1cy cnarfotte Prall 555 Pau11111no A•enue No 1\204 Costa Mesa Cdl1lo1n1a 92626 leryne Wood Prati 277 East Oet M.ir Btvd Pasaoena Cahtorn1a 111101 This ous•,.ess •S conducteo bf a hm11eo partne•sh•P Oa•Cy C Pratt Tn1s s1a1t1men1 was l•tea w1tn tne Counly Cter~ ot Or•nge Coonty oo October 'l7 1982 F200HO Pubhsned Orange Coast 0111> P1tot Oct iQ NO• 5 12 19 19112 4767·82 PU8UC NOTICE FIC TITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT lt\e fOllOw•n\J person~ are dOHHJ buStness as N(WPOR T HARBOR BOAT SERVILE J3!>l' Tempe Otr•e Hunllngt<ln BedCh Caltlornoa 92649 frat) Scoll 3JS2 Tempe Ot<•e Tne 1>e<1ehc1ory under said Deed ol Trust by reason ol a breach or detavll on tne OOhljllhOnS S«urf)d tnereby, neretotor e"ecuteel end delivered to the unders1gnell b wrnten 0ec1ara11on ot ~lllull ono Demand tor Sale end w1111en notice ol breacn and ot elechon to cause 1ne undersigned to sett sa•d ~lunto11ut ••~ H1•ucr• l..a•.io,,. J p1ope11y 10 saustv said ob1cga11ons 92649 and thereal te• the undersigned St1tv~ Provente 410 Eme1~on I cau&ed said no11cc 01 t>reocn ano ot Newpw 1 c;a11101 nia 92660 etect1on 10 tie Reco1ded July 6 1 Tr11s busml'n •s conducteo t>y • 1982 as instr No 82·232405 01 general ria11ne•Vl•P / Otttc181 Records I Tracy Scott I Satd s••e will De made but S1c>ve P1ovence without covenant 01 wett&nty 1h1s s1atemen1 was l•led w•lh the expreu or 1mphe<1 1agard1ng hlle County Cieri\ ot Orange County on poe1 .. 11on, or 111>cumb1ances 10 October 21 1982 pay lne 1ema1n1ng pr1nc;ipal sum ot lhe note(s\ secured by said Deed ol Trull, with 1nte<et1 as 1n said note provided advances ti any under the terms ot u 1d Ofled ot Trull •ees charges and e•penses ot tne F200192 Publlsned Orange Coast Dally P1101 Oct 29 No• 5 12 19 19821 4 707-112 PUBLIC NOTICE Trustee and ot the 1•us1s cre11e<1 by CPP·293N said Deed ol Trust So•d Sa'e will be NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SAL£ h8ld on Tuesday Novemtlef 9 1982 T s No. 09-6JO at 2 00 P M at 1ne Cnapman NOTICE Avenue entr•nce to tne Civic Cente< YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A Butld•ng 300 Easl Cnapman Avenue in lhe Cely ot Orange CA DEED OF TRUST, DATED MARCH Al lhe pme 01 tne 11111 ,81 21, 1UO UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION T O PROTECT YOUR pubhcauoo of thl5 nollce tne tolat PROPERTY. IT MAY BE SOl.D AT A amoon1 ot the unpaid Dalan<:e Ol thl' PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN obhgallon t.ecureo by the above EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE desc11oeo deed ot trust and 0 F THE p R 0 c EE D 1 N G esumated COSIS 111pense1 and AG AINST YOU. YOU SHOULO advances " S 11 253 42 To CONTACT A LAWYER. dece1m11>e tne opening D•d you may On Nov11mDer 12 1982 JI 9 15 call 17 141937--0966 lam IMPERIAL BANCORP a Date Octo~r 7 1982 I T o Service Compo" Cat1torn1a corporation a~ duly Tr Y appointed Trustee under and :.:.~~Cl Br:n·~:e pursuant 10 De-ea ol T IUSt •ecorded Auistant Secretary March 3 t 1980 os inst No 37 797 One City Boulevard Wes1 in book 13556 page 12 of Otl•c•at Orange, CA 92668 Records m the othce ot the Counly (7141 835·8288 R"Corde• ot Orange Countv State C ot Cahlorma E•ecuteo Dy WARD Publtshed Orange oas1 Oaily INVESTMENTS, tNC a Cehlorn•a Pilot. Oct IS. 22 29 t982 co1po1al1on WILL SELL AT PUBLIC 4541 82 IAUC110N TO HIGHEST BIOOER -------------ro11 CASH tPavable al 11rne ot sale Ml.IC NOTICE 1n lawlul money ot the United FICTITIOUS aUSINESS S1a1es1 al the lront entrance 10 1he N • ....., STAT"'MENT Old 01ange County Courtnouse ..-.; ,.. located on Santa Ana Blvd Tne lollow1ng persons are doing between Sycamore Slreet and bUS•ness •s Bro.idwa~ Santa Ana Cat1to1n1a alt BEACH DESIGN ASSOCtA TES tne right """and mte•esl conv,.yeo 2114 1 RICh!'TIOOd C11c1e Hun11ng1on 10 ar>d no .. held by •I under said S..Cn CahlOfnia 92646 Oeed 01 Trust 1n lh" properly Laura P McCarthy 9552 Borba I s•luatea 1n sa•d Coontl' and State Cttde. Huntington Beach Caht0<n111 oescut>ed as 92646 PARCEl I LOI t QI T1acl 01ene Hanna 9~52 Borbe 10864 as per map recorde<l •n Book Circle. Hunltngton Beach Calllornia 4 7 1 p 8 g e 5 4 ; a n o 4 8 o 11 92646 M11ce11aneous Maps e•ce1>t ng Pa m e ta M an son 2 1 14 1 t~relrom Units 1 to 36 inclusive as Richmond C11cle Huntington shown on 1 Condominium Plan Beech. Call10<n1e 92646 reco•de<I n aooi. 1J868 page 807 This business is conduCllKl b~ a 01 Ollic•al Reco•ds t«nlted p•nnersh•P PARCEL 2 Lt••ng un•IS , thru 6 Pa~la Helen Manion 1ncluSNe e 12 14 17 20 thru 23 Th•S S111emerH was tiled Wtlh I~ 1nCluS1•e and n lh•u 36 1nC1uS•ve County Ctetk ol Or•noe Coontv on composed of LU 1 thru 6 inclusive OciOber S. 1982 8 12 14 17 20 thru 23 11>clu~1•e FlMlll and 27 thru 36 1nc;lus1ve and G I Published Orange Coast O••IY thru 6 1nclvS1ve e n u 17 20 Pilot, Ocl 8, 15 22 29. 1982 lhru 23 1nchH•vl' and 27 tr11u 36 4445·82 1nctus1ve as snown on satd ----n.,-.,-ll_C_NO_T_l_C_E____ Conoom1n1um Plan ruu The sit ee1 add• 1!55 and ocner F1CTITIOUS BU81NESS NAME ST A TEMENT The 1011ow1n9 person Is doing bulllllQI as R ESOURCES I N TE RNA T IONAL. 21562 Polynesl•n Ln Hu~~ Beacn, CA 92646 Cht1t1ine lou1se wa11<e1 2 IS62 Potyne1t11n Ln Huntington Beach CA 92~8 This bU11neu is condutlec:l by an lndlVldu•I ChllSllne w a11cer This statemenc was llleO ,.,,,, cne County Cler1< ot Orange Coonly on Oci 13. 11182 Fltts71 Published Orange Cont Oa11y P~ot, Oct TS n . 29 Nov S 11182 4534 82 common des1gna11on, 11 an-y. ot tt>e ""'' p1opet1v oescnbea above •a PU•POlll'd 10 be 380 w Wilson S11ee1 Costa MeH CAhforn1a The unde111gneo Tru.iee d•$Cla1ms any l1ab1l1ty tor any •ncortectness ol Che street addreu and 01ne1 common des19na1ton 11 any shown 1he1e1n St1td sale wtfl t>e made but w1tttout c.ovPnant or warranty eap1ess or 1mplted <<"gard1ng title pouen1on or encumbrances to P•Y the remacntnQ principal svm of the note<•l secu•ed by uld Oeed ot Trull with 1n1ere11 lh•reon at orovlde<I 111 said note(s). edvancH. 11 any unae• the 1erms of said Deed 01 I ru'1 tees charges and .,.~,et ot th" Trustee and of tile t•uttt created by u td Oeeo ot Trvtt Ml.IC NOTICE r ht! tolal amovnt ol tne unpa10 8TATIMINT Of ABANDONMENT bittoncf' ot the obl19111ton secured M UM Of FlCTtTIOUI by th' orope•IY to be sold and 11UalNl!aa NAMI rouoruble uttmeted cos is. The 1011ow1ng parson "'" 11•penM11 flfld edv•nces el lhe llme ab1n<loned the uH ol the Foc111tovi ot the 11111111 publlcellon o t the Butlf'lff$ Name NOl>ee ol Sale •• S2.&9•.3 I ' 4 I R M 0 LANDSCAPE. 124 I la The be,,.llclary und« Hid Oeed Loma Cl<. Anane1m. CA 9'2806 of Trutt heretofore uecul•d and The Flctlllova Bualneu Nem• dollvered to the undet1tgnad a referred to ebove wH ltltd 1n written O.Cl•ra11on of 0.fllUlt and 01an911 County on November 3. Oemtnd tor Sola, and • w1111en 11180 Nolloa of Oelautt end e1ec11on 10 Randy Mc01n1e1. 262H Los Sen tlHt underttonea caused said ~ttett••. Hemet. CA 112343 Notice of Oeteutt and Elecllon to ThlS butlness wH conOuClflll by Sell to Ile •ecordl!d In the county en lndtvtdual where the rHI property la IOcalll<I Randy MC01ni.t Dall October IS, IQS2 Thll t ttlemtnl wAI flied wlln ll\fl IMPERIAL BANCORP County Cleft\ of OtanQjl Covnty on a Clllil0tnt1 COf'POH tlon Oct. 21. 1982 I I .. kl TrutlH ,,... _...... "'o S ~· CieneQ111 Blvd A~ ~ .. 18'1 1~i.wooo. CA D030 I 1"1 Dett'9 •• , ... .!.. ...... -(21)) 411·$000 ....,_n 9-fl. cA nelO 8y Wllhtltl'llne ~l>ttl, ,,_,., VQ Prell09nl PuOllt hed Ot•noa Co111 Oeny Publfthed 011nge Co111 Oelly Pllol. Oct " H NOV S 12. ltl? PllOl Oct 22 211 ~OY S 1982 •Ht ·l2 46311·82 . . . ... .-....,-------~---~~-------------~------------- KDQC channel 56 TONIGHT Friday, Oct. 29 6:30 -7:00 p.m. .. /- ~v First Annual THE MEN OF LAG UNA 1983 Calendar I H[ SEA. THE SUN, THE BEACH AND THE MEN -THE RIVIERA 1 11, W1•c.,1 Coa&t I 1 "' t f~1:ad1 I A r ·Iv r • o I I he H (IT I I ' I 1111> t 1 o f I Hpll1t1 .ire fourtd or1 ''" •I 111 it 1 rJ83 Calerida• ,, 1 :, ,1t 1<l one 101 d I• • ·r ,, l f'dl:Jf"'~· YCJUf'., !I y<>U , ,,, o.,f,lfl your year • q• ilttd f"' The Me11 of I ;:u~· • 1 1 • t•HJ ,. ' 1qlt 1983 l 1111111 .. l I I •II Available only di tt11 1• Laguna Beai;:ti l<1c.1t1•J11'> • MARINER'S STATIONERS 225 FOREST AVE 494·6!>43 • BROWSE A BOUT B OOK LOFT 260 FOREST AVE 494·2260 • BOAT C ANYON CARDS & GIFTS 642 N COA ST HWY 494 5123 • BEACH MEN 1401 S COAST HWY 497 1633 .~ -- What to do when you're hit by a big gas bill. Unfortunate ly.gas rates a re going u p. On top of that. the foreca s t is fo r a cold wt n ter. So even if you've ins ulated a nd ke pt your thermostat at 68 degrees. you·re going to be hit with a bigge r gas bi ll. But we can help you avoid getting hit so hard in the future. After you pick yourself up. s ta rt looking fo r o ther ways to save ~as. 6 Like weathers tripping and caul k in,!!,. Ins talling a low-flow s h owe rhc<1d . An d \vrapping your \v a ter heater in n n ins tlat ion blanket. Th e n call the Gas Compa ny fo1 even 111ore gas-saving tips. Our Conservat ion Ho tllrH nun1ber is 800-352-4124. Please give us a caJl . We w a r 1t to help you stay o n your feet. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA gas COMPANY , ... -.. \ \ ('I 01 ttllU'1 ( 111.1t1t DAil Y PIL 0 l /1 t llluy Ck to ht11 JU IUl:li' . . · Orange Coast residents, who make up only 25 percent of the county's population, last year accounted for 42 percent of all new cars purchased in Orange County. AN ADVERTISING SUPPLEMENT OF THE Daily Pilat THI AUTO '83 SECTION SPONSORID IY: BAUER MOTORS -Buick, Jaguar, Isuzu , Triumph JOHNSON & SON LINCOLN/MERCURY -Lincoln , Mercury NEWPORT IMPORTS -Jaguar, Ferrari , Aston-Martin, Rover , Triumph JIM SLEMONS HONDA -Honda ALAN MAGNON PONTIAC/SUBARU -Pontiac, Subaru COSTA MESA MITSUBISHI -Mitsubishi • ' COSTA MESA DATSUN -Datsun THEODORE ROBINS FORD -Ford IOI LONGPRE PONTIAC -Pontiac EARLE IKE IMPORTS -Toyota; Volvo NABERS CADILLAC -Cadillac GARDEN GROVE SUBARU -Subaru • • • • ... I' • • • • .. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ..... •' .. • • • • • • • • .. • • • • • • • ..... • • • --• • ,,.. ~-_.__:_::;_:~~~~..;..;.;;------------iiiiiliiiiiliMMlll .......... --------------~-~----------~-------------------.-..-----..-..~-~-------------------------------~T----..... -. ' . 01.1t1\Jt1 ( lllllltl DAii Y I'll C> I I 1hl11y Ot lo h 111 •10, 11111.' Toyota llne combines ·technologlcal wlzadry with aesthetic pluses 1111111\ .t I lllll I' lllHl 1 l h ,1 11 ' h. I II d I' I fl " 11 '1'11yot.1', ,.,111111~ 11111· 111 1·.11 ~ .11 11l 11111k.., lw 11111;1 I h .1 t I 1'.1l1111 ,1 I 111.., t 11 I 11•1 h11 11l11g11 al 1111 fll 11\ • 111 1'111 ' I t ,11fl111g I II 11 11 l Ii 11 t' l l t I J.l 1' I I .. I 111 •• II,.,. ,1 II d C\'111\1 •Ill\ Th·· 1•11 mpl1·11•l \ c1•d1·,1grwd I 111111 "111•1•1 (,j1·1,·1· Tt•n t•I la1w 111dud1·' ,., "'h11ll' lh'\\ 1.111111\ 111 :ll'l lld \'llilllll\' 11 It ll.11 k J11 0dt•i, '" \Vt•ll ,.., ,, \111111111· IWI > 1f11ur·" l11·t'I df'I\ t•) \\'.1g1111 th.ti cumb1nt·.., fJ:J~,,·11g1·1 1 jl 1."0lllllll l \\tlh tltt• t•,11.1 p u l I I II g " .. ,, t. I II f Sl·l1·1 l I\,. f11u 1 "ht't'I d r I \' l ' 1\ I I f I II I'd ·PU'' t•rtr,1111 .11111 d1.""' cumpk1ll1·1H tlw £'1·11'l'I'' 111•\\ 111111-. .111d 111 ov1d1· 'iplf>l II\ l'tl h.111dll11g 1)11 .ill 111od1•t... . c ... ,, .. 1.1 .it11· .. t1~ ltt'l.·l.llllll'd ltH lb l'll'g,1111 clt>~1g11 .111d luxur111u::. ;} fJ JI 11 I II l 11\t' II l ' , ii tl d !> pt•rf11n11.1111·1· 111 its 1m.i1.w ( u r I ~I H :t w 1 l h l h " Odd111on 111 lht• l11ghly (out1•d '.! H 1111·1 . twin 1-.1111 • 111•1111· .11111 111d1P•111h 111 I t ,1 I ' ll '> I' I II ' I II II 1111•\'11111,I \' u v o11l.dd1· l'M h1,1v1•h• 1111 lht• S11t11 11 l mpt 1t\'1·d 1wrl 11rm .1111 1· • .i ... 11" 1h1• k1·v '" '"' ''fl·llllkd 1·,.f I• ,1 ltllt fql 'Jl:I, .1~ .di t:T 111•1tl1·b g1·t dt'l.tn11111· 1111•1 lllJl't'llllll .111d .1 d11t1l.1I 111111 IH'llllljill lt·I I h.i l Ii•" ''b h•ll "'fhl\\ 1 I 11\ 111.111\ Ill fH'll'l'lll \\ l1al1 llllfll •l\'lllg 1111 ·1 1'1111111111\ /\11d 1111 lh1• UllllllJll Ill l't•l 11'd l-l'llrllllt'~ lh1•r1• UI I' (\\ 11 Ill'\\ ( :T s m od1·t ... th.II llltllljHJI Jll' lllolll)' Ill Supra·:. comfort and hundhng ft·a1u1 ,., in th1· ( 't·l 11 •• fllllt. 1.111g1. l·\11 lht"t \\llll \.\Ill .111 1 pt no .. ub...i11utt'. the It ·, lh1• fH'l llll lll.llh't' l1·,1d 111g Su pt,, l\l 11t111· T11•11d l\l.1g.111111·' "I llH:! l111p11r1 C.11 111 tlw \'1"11 .. Th·· Sup1" ti .. .., 111.1tu11·d I 11 I !I H . l \\ I l h I h 1 d1•\'l'lt1µ1111·111 111 T11~111.1·, .d l 111'\.\ 1·lt•1·1r11111t .d I\ t 11 11 l I •II I 1 • d -I !> p 1· I' ~I ol ll l<Hll,1 l ll' ll\'l'l'd I I \'t • lr;111;.1111~~1t111 I Et 'T) 1h.1L 11fl1·1~ drl\'1·r:; ,1 l'ho1n• of I lt1tlt11.1I ...... I I 111 111,1111 1• d I I\ 111/1, '""""" .11111 1111 .1dd1111111 11 I ,1 d I g I I oil 111 II I 11 11111q 111l 11 lh.11 .add ... ll\'1· '"""JI'""' 111 1111 · I\\ 111 • .1111'., "lllfllll 110111 I 1 ... S 11111 .1 .111d S11p1 ,1 l . l\ Jll ' aJ...11 1•1111l1111.11 · l11 111111 1111• s l11k ~1111111 1~: I ... " I ' • d 111 .• II II ·' I 11\'1"1d11\·1· w-.11 110>. I·' II I I I ' " II " Ill \' 1·11111il1u1·, 111 '"' ,1 J'11v111.1 lt.1111111111 Ill 1!111.1 ..... o'\l'I \' 111•11lt•l 111 1h1· l1111·uµ 1 .. 11 11 .. Lill' ,,11111• UI lwtlt•I J<:l1J\ 1·-;11n1.111·d 111v 1nt11 .. 1g1 · 1.111111.: .. 111111 p.11 .. d l 11 I H H 2 T h ,. s l .1 I 11• l Tu\ 111.1 ·, f111•l 1•1111111111\ lo·.11111 llh 1 .......... 1lh 1':1'1\ 111\ 1·-.l11n.11 .. .., h\ 1111111 111.; .. Ill pt 111•111 "1lh lh• h t•lp 111 .1 11\ll I IN. llllljlllll I l h. I l JI I I 'I I 'ol I\ I 111\ l I 11 l' I u I' I I I 11 "' .1 II d l h ( add1l11111 •>I 1•ll't l111111 1 fll1•J I tljt It 11111 111 I hi 111od1·I -. I .l 1111·1 1·11g1111· Thv St.11 Ii t .i1~11 h '.1lu11·!> .I l'l':-.t\ h·d .ll'llld\'11.111111 f11111l 0 t'llll ;111d ·,1 lll'W \\ .ig1111 ltkl' I t•.it ll.111'11 "11 h .1 h1\\ 1·1 "Iii I 11v1·1"' h1·1g hl CELICA SU PRA -Thl' Cchca Supra's a1.:da1me<l lw111 cam :! 8 htt·r engine• hc1s undt·rgom· sevNal changl•s for 198:3. including tht• add1t11111 o f a mu.:rocompull'r to the cll'('trunic fue l tnjl'l'llo n sy:-.H·m th.tt buo..,ts horst•powt•r rating:. BO LO NE W B I RD Tht· 1911:~ Ford Thund<·rb1rd p osst·:-..'l'!'> ;111 ;1t•nKly nam1l' dl·:-.1g11 l1-.1t111111g 1·111111-.il1·d dnp 11111ld111g:-.. :-.lo ping hood, t;q w n ·d l 1·11d1·1 .... 111d qu.1111 1 u.1 111•1.., ..,IJ;11 pl\ rak1·d \\ 111d .... hwld .ind bal'klltt'. t•1ml11un ·d p:lrkmg l,1111p:-. .. incl "" 111l1·g1 :1ll·d dt'l kllcl s p w h ·r $3 billion inves tment 1n au to lin e • Ford views 1983 as turning point 'J'li1· l;irg1·~l I ll'\\' I :11 .111d lt lll'k l:t1J111'li l'Vl 'I I J II I It I·. " I d M .. I II I { "'"'1'·•11\ \\ill 111,1kl' l!.111:1 ,1 111.&Jtll llll lllllg fHlllll Ill ll11• I lllllfl.111\ '> lllJ \t'.11 hl'llll \ .11I11 1 tflll).'. lo 11.11 111.I 1\ l'•d1ni.: ,.,,.,,Ill\• \Ill 1111·,1d1·111 111 N111 th ,\1111 11< .111 1\ul1111111l1\t OJ1t'l .1t11•11.., • Sp1·,1l-.111g ,11 ,1 111 ·\\ p111<ilJl I fJI 1•\'ll'\\ h1·Jd 111 Dt'l1111t ll'll'lllly. Poling ..,,11d "I HH:J "hould r.ink Ill lnlpof'l,lllt'(' With lht• 111t111dut1111n .. o t 1h1· Modt·l T 1 l~OH). Modl'I J\ ( 1927 1 .. ind l!HY Ford." F: .. 1l'h 11f th1· pnur turn111g prn n Is w •" fol lO\\'t•d h~ 1 m µ o r l ,1 11 l g a 1 n s 1 n n1" r kt· 1 s h .i r 1· a n d p1 11l1l.1bil1lY. hi' ~<11d, ;ind l!IH :I 1:-. l'X IH'l'lt•d lo lo ll11w th1· ..,;1nil' pa11t·rn Poling 1·iq.>t'<'L'> I !JH:l to "'" l-'111d l't•nwnt industry 11 ad1•1,h1p 111 ltv1· ar1·a·:-. pr11du1·b. qu-.111~-. •l I' I 11 d \ 11 J m I l' ' . 1·l1·t trunH::. .ind h1bur- I I II .1 11 .. I! I ' 111 I ' 11 I I l 1 llf't'l'Olllllll '1'11 1•111 pl1.1,11 1 I Ii• l.1tll·1 p111 111, h1: ... 1i.111d tho p111l111111 \\llli I ' 1\ \\' \II,. "'. -,1111·111 ''"" t·:1.td111 .111d '"'" F111d li .. lll I\ I I llj1(t1\ l 'I ... l·111d q111 ... 1 1111 1111111111 I I··"'' I ''" fl I" ''".ii 1 ..... 1 • .t 11\ I ht 1 11 111p.111\ .~I 1111111111 Ill\' •I 1111'111 Ill flt \\ I 11-. .111d t1111k-., 1111 1•111:1 .1'11l111g 11t1d 11 ...... l11ghl1ghh 111 tlu 111111d Ill'\\ 11111dl'I 111l111d111 l11111 Thund1 11111 d ,111d t'11ug.11 li.1\ 1· d1 .1111.1111 11 1• \\ .i • I II d \ II .t Ill I I tft·'lgtl'\ th.ti 1-'111 cJ I 'lh·I h I " ,. ' t •• Ii I I .., Ii I h 1· 1mlu-.11' .. · 111 .. k " 1 .. 1 1111 llll]llltg dtt.1111· Tilt• Ill'\\ m1><l..t-. .111· lr11111111·1 .111d 111<111 lw·I 1·111111•111 1El't\ 1.1t1ng ... 111 ..'I 111pg 11t\ ..ind ~H 111pg h1gh\\,1~ I \\ I I ft l h 1 .., I .1 II d , 1 I d :! H-lill·1 \'ti t•11g1111 ,111d <tUIOlllJlll' lrJll~lllh..,ltlll Tht r1d1 .ind h~ll11111 • ON .111 I'' 1•pl 11111.tl dllt' l11~of1 "lllf1lll l •tlj.!1111 ' l •IU~ l.111~1 ·1\ 111 111ll 11g1 •11 1-:·" .1 I t \ I .., fl I t• d 1111 ,,111111 d .. 11uh .11111 11.1tt'dflh'1"11 go 111111 -11111 k ·"""''JI I s ,, 1• I" d I.I I I I .. ll A t111h111l1.11~···d Thu11 11111\'1'1lrhl1· 1111J1lt·I, '"'' d1•il111d \\Iii 111 ,1\,11!-'1111 111 l'li':S, l•'llllll.., 111 ,11th .11 1111d '' .11 th1 l\l lt-.l.1ng .111d t h1· l\l.i111111 .11111 LTD t';1pn n1·r·I\'"" :111 :ic·ro .I I' II. \\ 1111" 'I/ I d\ 11.111\11 'huhhl1·l>;u·k " l 1\ ,. I>·"" 11gt·r 1 .• r-. th.11 11·.11 \.\ 1nd11\\ oll I I 1tll1J1.1lllllll' lll lh<'tr i-: ... 111 t J\1111 11< ..1 "> 11111 ... 11• 11.11111 ,,,i.,,., ,11111 1,. -.1 ..,,.11111g 1.11 ,ind ~ Ii,, 1 , \\ 1 1 h 1 h 1 m I. ' 11 ' 1 1· 1 1 1 ' 1 H ~> 11d• 11111il1111 .ind 1•111111111111 ... ,111d .idd I •• 1 l II I • ' I h .• I I r ,. I'' I l11nl1.1tllt 11111d1·I-., th.ii 11 lll.11 h..1bh '>llllll..il !::PA ,I( h11 \'l •• ,., 111.11 k.11Jll' lw I 1,•mu1n~ 1.1t111g" ;_1n· h.tl;11111 tx l\\l·t·n powl·r ~" 111pJ..! 1 II\ .1nrl Ill nipg .111d h.1ndll11g l'11"1·r for hrgh""' n·flt·ding tht· 1111 r ..... 111 L GT .ind ('.1J.>rl ' I I 1 • 1 , 11 l ' "t 1h1· HS uitnl..., lr11111 " m uh1- ,,,,11d.11d .! 'l la1t·1 f11111 )Jill I 1·11•1 l ron11 fu1•l I' 111111• I 1·11g1111 ,J11d Ill.JI• l• d 1EFl1 \'t f!>ltlll ,,, 111.11111.d 11.11 .... 1111.,..,11111 .111d 1111 I Ii litt·r 1·11g1nt'. ,ind 111• r 11111 ,11·11111' 11.111111 I 1\'1· 'I>' .. d lr.111-.m.-.,11>11 ..,f,·'f"' 111 1h1 1,1/.., .i II d h .1 II d I 1 II g I:-, i\l11-1.111g .111d ( ·.1p11 p111\·1d1·d by luur wh1·1·I \\ I I II I II i 11 , .... l 111d1 p1 ·11d1 Ill :-.U~Jll'll!'>llHI. 11 I l l 1 I ,1 l t • 1 II ,111111 11 g I .ti k .111d )>llllllll ">lt•i•r&flg \"1111111 p1,.tfw l11111 1.1rs .111d TH p1·rtnrm.i1H't• 111 l!lll.! ,,,, •\111qu11k11 ... u-.pt n~1<1n \\'1th 111 l'Hl.I ..... " t 11u1 1, .. 111·1 l\111 h1·l1n THX :-.ll·1·I ,.,., ,,.,11 111 th• .-, o lttt'.L_J)t l11d r .. 11lr.tl 1111.., 'l'lw F S1·nt·.., p1l'k · ll p I I lJ ( k 11 n (• g ;J I n !> ... I \' I ' I .it ltll "() r I a n l .11ld1111111 .... 111duJ1ng an I-' toll 1-'u..t S.1v t·r mockl v.rlh lut·I t·cun11my 1 .11111g.., ol ~:l mpg nty .111d :s:s m pg highway T h 1· H a n g 1· r I 11111 J>.11 I 11 Ul. k wa :. 111tn1CIUtt'(l m tht· ">pnng ,..., .1 198:\ modl'l • ..ind qu1t kly po!>">l·d T oyota, D.iL :.un and M azda m o d t· 1 :. t h a l h a d d um1njlt·d the market fur mdnv years new R;m gN 4X4.and 2 l ·hlt-r dwsd t·ngmc· model<. are .. 1ddt.'<i fur lhC' fall SC'lhng "'"'"n Thl· Fwd Tempo 01nd M t•n·ury Topaz a r e f r 11 11 1 w h t· l' 1 -cl r 1 v e ,.,,mp.wt 1-.ir.., that JOIO 1h1· 11m•up nc>xt s pring. T h 1· v w 1 1 I h a v e aL·1 ud vn.11111< !>ly lrng and Eur11p1.·an f t·atures lo Sl'l th1 m .ip.irt from the ·1i11x)·· lo o k o f I II i:!!.J>l' ll l IJ r~ ------ APR OFINANCING ALL NEW TRUCKS WE ARE MAKING GREAT DEALS ON ALL MODELS! WE MUST MAKE ROOM ••• THE '83s ARE ON THEIR WAY· • PULLSIRS • SENTRAS •STANZAS • MUlllS USED CAR AND TRUCK SPECIALS!!! 'll OllRllLn •11 c1m1Ln 'll YOLllWllEI 'llMllE 'h TOI PIOllP llOITE O&ILO WEITFALIA UllPEI •••• Auto . pwr ateerlng , This cer ts loaded end This bus h as a ir Auto Irena., atr cond .. radio . camper 1hell Exlro Clean! (4289361 conditioning ( 1 EHE868) ond atereo ( 173WKV). (2805517). $4999 s5995 MUii $3795 1111 ' ~ -..... -• ,.# •• -,,. ....... .. Automatoc trills AMIFM srereo tape power steerong cruise control, & aor c ond1t1on1ng (913SFN) 1971 PLYMOUTH FURY SALOI Auron 111c trans AM FM stereo tape power s teerong & aor conel1l1on1ng (960ZXT) •• #I> l' • ~ .,. • • • . Economical 4 cylinder engine 4 speed !rans radio. power s1eerong custom e11terror & wheels and air cond (560XIF) llll POITIAC SUllHID OOUPE Economical 4 cyt au1oma11c !rans AMI FM stereo tape power sleering & brakes. aor cone! vinyl top & cus1om wheels (669UBT) $3495 Ur Ull{)U (,(JUbl OAll v PIL u I tr rrtJ11y, Oc.tolmr :.rn. IU8i' (·a Economic al 116 automatic !rans AM FM stereo cassette power st!'erong cus1om exterior & aor cone! (370UZJ) Economical 4 cylineler automatic trans AM FM stereo casse11e power ~teerong luggage rack & air conel111on1ng 1070144) Authorized Dealer C • I 1111111u1d 1111!11 llAll 'l I'll n 111 11d11y 01.11111111 ,•ti 111111 Mazda adds Sport model to. GLC llne Crisp lines and improved con1 fo1 t chnrnctcriLC car 1'111 .1dd1111111 1•1 .1 Ill \\ 'I''"' Ill ""' I "' th• 1i.1p11l.11 l1l ,l 111111 d11111 w d .111 h1gltltgltti. t\1.11.i,,·, I !I II. I I 1111 • II I 'I' II I II d t"'tUhUUV '•"' Thi· 11.tl.1111, 111 t It• t I II 11 I \\ I 1 t. I . I " I I \ I' l1.1t1 hh ... k .... 111.I "·.l.111:-. 11'.lllll'\' .I tl11Hl!-:htf11( lt~l 111 II 11111 '1111 llh (111 1111· 11 l' \\ 111 II ol I' I \ I .• I I . 11'11111•1111·111-. lh.11 1.111._:1 I 1'\1111 <'llgllh • .1111 I 111h'I1!11 1111p111\'t•1111•11I' IP 'I\ 1111~ 111Ud If \l",t \I 11 I\' 'J' h I' h.1ndv l't'.11 d 1·1\t· t:Ll' <,l:Jlr.111 w.1go11 11•tlJ1 n-. ag.1111 111 l!IH:i 111 1111111d u ut lht• C Ll.' h11t· Tlw fnml \\ h1·1·l drt\'l' (;L(.', 11Cf1•1 lll..,fX'I llltl'"• ~n·.1ll'r t1•mf11r1 .111d 1·;1s11·r M·rv1u·.1luhl\ fo1 thl· '"'" 111111h•I ,,.,11· T opping 1lt1· 11 ... 1 111 1•ng11H• l'11111p.01 t11H·111 1111p1 ll\'1'11\1•111 .... 111· .1 t"<1rhu1t•ll11 th.ti ulthtt'" .1 Ill'\\ ft•t•db.n·k dt•..,1g11 w I I h ,1 ll t' ' It .t U :-. I 111.t II If,, Id 1\1 t> ll II l 1· d 11xyg1•1t ;.1•11;.111 Ill 1't1l1JUl1t'l 1011 with othl•t o; t' n so rs I o l' 11 rl 1 1 o I pr1•1·1s1•ly tht· .11r IL1t·I Ill I :\ I U r l' I 1 • d l 0 l h l' l' n g 1 n l' A r ,1 d 1 a t u r subt~1nk abu wus addt«l to lt-ng1h1•n tht• t·ool.rnt •l\hl 111111 \.ol l'lt1 Ill\\ 1.t tl11111•IHlll '>\,lt'lll 111111111\1''> \lio 1!111.1 111111\ '' 111·• I dtt\ 1• < tl.l "~ f11t ·I t't tHhflll\ tin 111 .. ,.,1 .. 11111 .• 1 tit'"- . , I " 11 I \ I \\ " I 111 g I 111 I II I th• 11.tl• hli.11 k ,, 1111d tht I '\' 1111 ~I tlli· lot 1111' "·1f.111-. l11•lp' g1\'1• I lit• l;l .l', .1 lltt)I'\' 11111·g1,t1t•<I "l'l""'' ·11111 N, \\' 1 ... 1r 11111111111.111 .. 11 l.1111p" g1v1· 11o .. 1:1.1 · ........ 11•1•kt·1 ,1pp1•,l),llh I' but It l'llllllllg .11111 j.!Olll~ t>tl11•1 t·>.lt'l'l(lr 1 h.1ng1·~ 1111 ludt• 111•w h I ,, ,. k I I' I 111 I II I I It l' h.ttl hh.11 "·, l'l'.11 • 11d p.11wl ·Thi• 111 \\ l ;i ,(.'s 1·:111 v ,1 I 1 t' I ,1 I I 11 11 ' .1 11 ;I I I I I II .. 1111 II I ' t 11111 pJt'llll'll ll l\g llll' I ,ir'.; d1·,,1g11 ' ''"" Y1 .... h1l-.1 \' dll1.1'>.1kl, p 11•,1dt·111 Ill T11v11 Kug\ o l '11 Ltd . lit;• ll1111s h1111.1 l>,1..,1·d m.111ul.11 lll11·1 1tl l\l.11d.1 t'.11., ,111d 11 lll k-. "Wt• µ1111.lun•d our 11111· mil I 11111 th I r1111 l w hl·t·I d11vt· t:L.l' 111 Jul\." h .. nJ11t111u1·~ "Thi· fro111 \\ h l ' I . I d l'I \' '' (; L c: I .. l\1.11d.o',, t 11.,1 111tll1n11 s1·1l111g m11dl•I The· pr1 •1·1~(· rnatl fl'l'I. ou1 ... 1und1ng valu•·. 1•>.t·1•p11una l ful'l t•omomy SPORT SEDAN Mazda has widened th~ appeal of its GLC economy car line for 1983 by o ffering this ne w front-wheel drive GLC SPECIAL INTERIOH -~·or l~li:i. Ma7tfa's t;Lc Spwt 1111111 \.\.h1•1•I cir I\ 1· h;rllhbal·k.., .md ..,,.d ,111 ... ut 11·1 luxunuu ... s1•:1t uphobtt 1 \ with huld l t 'llll'I .lltt'lll '>ll'llk'' •• mt It 1 lt111l .ol 1·1'.t ••llt·1111• 1h.11 li,1\ 1 d1,1111gu .... 1t1 d th• t a.c 111 1111 IM"' 1t •• v1· .111 h••t·11 lu11111·1 11·!111 .. d lnr ( ltll;\' 1'111· t 111111 \\ lt1 •1•I dr 1v1 I 11 H :1 ( ; I. l' ' o I I 1.• r 1111fll 11\'t'd 11d1· ('1111111111 ,1., ;t I l''llll 111 'tUS(lt'll"llll I 1111· llll\l'-. lhitl llH'llldt• 1·111plo.v111g .,11l 1t•1 r1 ·11r tr .1tl111g l111k l1lr...h111g" .t 11 .J ,1 ti JU" I I II g I h I' t1•n,111n l'11n1 p11·-.s11111 r.1110 111 the· 11·111 'htx·k .1h~111li1·r' Tlw <i Ll"-. 1 lt.11 .11" ..... 11 .. 111 \' I tlll h.111dll11g 11·111.1111" 'lit•·. p I •. ol I I l .t b I I ,1 II d I \'Sflt 11 .... 1\ \' S1111 I 11111·11111 ljlllt'l .... ·"'" .111 1111p1111.111I 1 1111\1111 I 1·1111~1dt•/ .o l11111 , M . , 111.1 h •" l' u I 11111 "· 11 .. 11:-01111111·.t 111 till' c:1.1..", l' .1b111 Ii\' add I 11 g a d\'11.111111· 1'i..111p•·r un th1· 1 l111d1 1.1hlt· to 1nlt·n ·t·pt I I ,111 •.tll I"!> I 11 11 11111,('; n ·d t11·111g t•ng1111· lo:.id with ;i pull1·v ratio t·h.111g1·d fr11111 :.! 4 I to .! .! I 1111111p111.t1111g ,, ·-.1h 111 I'·" k " ol 11111" 111sul.o111111 111 lht 111 '' (;L(' S111111 w d,111 Thi Sp1111 ., ... l.111 .111d Sµu11 h,ot1 Id 1:11 k 11Ht·1 .1 p1·rl111111.11u·1 ,u.,111·11..,.1111 \\'I I h I I 1111 I a 11 d I ••,,I <11111 11dl li.11':0-(t•)I.( "fll .1u111111.1111 1ra11,1111..,,11111 11111dt•I' \\ htd) d11 11111 h.1v1• l1t1111 liar ... ) :111d ... pt'l'tallv IUIH•d 'h(I( k al>~urlll'r~ 111 ... 1 t·11h.1111·1· the· (;[,( .. , ,iln·:ady l11gh tu 11 -10-tl 1 1 vt· quot lt'l 11 Tilt t; LC S p111 t 111111lt·J' ... ,,,.., 1.tl llll1•rt111 \tt•.tflJ\1'11\ llll IUd1 •' l'\I' l.tllh111g 111111\ "'•tl uph11l,111 \ \\ 11h ,, h11hl l'l'llll'I '11 lfi<' .tlld ,, II ,11 ., '"'I \\ I I It ,1 I 1111 t 'I'> 11111ld1 ti 111111 the l11HI\ 111' t dcHll 1i.1lll (, 'l'h1 I 111111 \\ hl't 'I dr I\• (i i.(' I' 111ft•ll d 111 th111 dtu11 Ii.oil hh.11•k ,111d r11lll tltlHI '''ti.Ill h o d\ • ..,, vlt•:-l l.111 hl1.11 k ,, t 111111 Ill li.1~•· cu ... 111111. ('lt ... 111111 L ,ond Spor l 111111. wh1lt· "d.111 hi!\ 1 I ' h,1\'1• .o I 11 1111 I 11 1 l 0 1J ,l•>lll . l'11,111111 l. 111 Sp111 l 'J 111' I t\'t dnltl I' ,11 Sport ~t·d<in with a four-wht·t'I in<..h.>p<.•ndt.·nt su~p<ms1on system drt\, c ;J,(' .. 1.1t11111 w.1g1111 r 1111 II d II ll I 1\1 .t I d ,1 ' ' t'tlllllllll\ l oll f,111111~ ,111d t'lllll''' Ill ll' q\\ II ... 1tghl v.111.1111111 11f lht· cu .. 111111 L 1n111 k\'( I • :+ f u Dodge 600 Is latest front-wheel dri'!e 'I I u I :11 .. 11(1 I II\ I 111 II 11 I l '111 V'lt I ( '111p111.iI11111 111l111d1Jll''> 1111 1•111:1 tit• I i.-1~·· f1llll 1111' II• \\1•·,t 111 "1\11H0 111.1,.. U11 v 111.I( M.11111111·:." '1'111· tiOO, :1 .,f(•1·k ... 11 ·g,111 1, u11d 'P:tt'ltll" 'IX I'•'""' llj.(1•1 . 111111 "'"'' .,,.o1 .. 11 ... 1i.11 1", 111111! 1Al11·"I d11v1· 101 1!111:1 Wtllt th• lill\11111111'> .111d .111'111111 I J1 1dg1· 11111. l It I ' I " 111 II .. I I .• II d t•I 1111111111\ .ol A I ... ,,, I l1t• 'p 111 I \' o11 Ii I 11 lllf!.11 I l 'lt.11 Ht I .tttd I )111111. tilt' 111 '>1 1\1111·111.111 1111111 -.11h111111p:111 1111111 v.h.1·1 d11\1 t.11 'I' It l ' I 1• .t I cf I I\ 1 · 111.11 lttt1\•' lltol\1 ()cl(lg1 1111 I !Iii.I <111· ll11· upg1 ad1·d .111d 11·l 111t ·d lour d11111 D1pl11m.it .11111 th1· l11g h 'l\lttl ,, ........ 11 .tl111d t\l11.1d.1 .. I II Ill I\ I I I .. u I 1 I ' It I t\)111111 ' <'•Hfl 111 .l.q1.111 IJ11dg1· l11111g .... I"" h.ot1ltli.11k ('oil \\lt11h j) I I t • I .., I! I t .I t I 11 I . I t I 1•1111111\ Ill thl I\ .111d 11\ 1 d11111 11111cl1+ •• 111d I .. I (. h .ti I t 111-( I I .1 II t')\I I pt 11111.tl '""' '" 'lll'l t,1lty 1,11 Wtllt ,1 Ill'\.\ ltq~h l1•t Ii 1•l1•1 11 tHll• I 'ltultt·ttj,(l'I 'l t•t h1111,1" lfll 1!111:\ '( 11111 l '.1p1>1 11 ( 'ltt v-.Jt I ( '111 fl"I .t fl111t ' \/II I ' p11·-.1do•td 111 ·.,do ·.,, .,,,y.,, "J)11d1:1· 11111tl 111 I ' ;111• 11'.td\ lt1 111111)( t1i tlt1 1\1111 111 ,111 pulol11 1 V• 11 111111 t "' tit•· q11.ol1tv \.il111· .tlld dtt \'111)! t•>.c 1•IJt•lll'I l>11dgt• I' l.lllllHJ' f11t • • /\1111 J l11dg1 · .... 11 ·.1dy \\tlh , •••• 11 ... 1,1111g dll\.1'1 .o II d JI .1 ' '> I II g t• C JJlfHt11tl11w11l'>. dllU ri. 1111111d111 111g ,, d1 .11n:1t11 "''I II'!> 1>l I llgllll'I I Ill!< lllllll11\l 1111'11h th.11 ,flt• -.ur 1 111 .1dd to J>11dg1· ., 11 ·p11t.t111111 ·" '/\1111·111.1'' I >11 \ 111g 1\1.11 lt1111 ' ' he• ,,,,1d Nt•v. l1111·u p II ollUI I .. 11\I l1tdl· U pgr .iclt·d '.! :.! 1111·1 • 1w111• llpj!r .uh·d :! Ii lttt•r 1·11~11111 N1·w l1v1· ,,,..,.d lll.HrU,11 11,111,,11'.k C11hft ,111ftt'f r111 tr.111>.,1l\l1•1; Nr·w h11llt·111·' Ii I ,1 kt• 'V" It Ill llllJlll•V• 1111•111 , M:1~111 ·111 ft1PI H•tt•1:~ N1·v. tlrp ,1wk N1·v. .oil pl.•,ltl 'lri'l0do1111·t1·r I 011)11· ltllJlll>Vt•d '11lJ1td 111sul.111•>11 Dndi.w liOIJ, tlw rwwl•:-.t ur Ar11«rH·a ·, Dr 1v1ng M J l h 1 n 1 • ' • 1 t. ,1 , 1 x l"'""'"gt•r "'tl.111 11n " Io;~ l 1tll'h w lwt•lbaSl• It t!i I 115 to 1111·h1~ long till :i 1n1h1· ... v.111<·. ;.ind ~ii !I 1m·l11·~ l11gh <.tnd t'Omt.~ 1n two l11rn lt·Vd'>, tlw fj(J() amJ liOO ES 'I h I Ii II (I 0 r I (• r ' 11101111111 .,., t·cm1forl .. nd high 11 vc•I "fJp01nl111t.·11L-. Big and small come together in Chrysler's 1983 lineup 1\ 111·w ;.p;11·111lr-. ln111 d1Kol l'lt1 \...,l1·r "4°1b11 th.II l;ilk~ lo du · clnv1·1, a11d" '111.tll ,(1·1·k JJll'kup t":oll1·d Ph1111nJ1h S1·;.i111p ..it.ld 111 tltt v.1111 lV 111 Chl'\,f•·r l'l,11111uth', IYH:i lt1;1·up 'l'h1 l11wup 1111 ludt•s \ 1 lw It·" ... 111 ·tl lor 1·\·1·rv 1111·tl fr11111 \\l111·l drrv~· 111 lt ,11 \\htt•I drtvt• d11111t .,ll1 ;111d :-.u1111· 111q1u1 t.... .111cl l.1 t<h "''It·-. 1111 h1d111g 111l1Jl4·'· "4·1l,1ll'> ' t .1 I I I I II \\ •• g " 11 .. 11111v t 111hl1·' p11 ku1" ;111tl f>·""' 1 tgt I \', 111'> A l11in.a111.1 111 111 \\ l1 .o1 u 11·., ·""' kc·pt l 'ht ''11·1 1·11g111t·•·" bu" 1111 p.11111g lh1 I !JK:l lt111 N t \.\ • II g I II l'... ,j 11 d tr" 11 ..,"' I 1·'. h 1 ,,k1· d 1 ,. l I " I' 111 ( · n 1 ... . 1 11 .. 11111111 ... l•·t h11olugy, It I g f1 t I 11 II 1 p ll I 111 .t I 11 l I II oll I I I ( I l ' I lo.flit 1 ll'"· 111 •\\ 1 ljlllpllH 111 .011d 1111p111\'td p.11t .... 111 11 I I " I ol II d ,1 I d 1·11u1p111t·11l .011d .1dd1·d \',dut ... 111 11·11 d 111 1 ~m:~ 111 •• dd11 111 11 111 llllfllll\'111).( lhl· '2 '2 ltll'I 1•11g1111·. v. hwh .ols11 wall 111 1·qu1pp1·d Wtlh lll'W l·IL'<.·truntt· ful'I t11J<·t 111111 111 1111d I !1H:1. l'hr v ... 11·1 u1troduu·" a f1v1 -.p1•1·d 111;111u .. 1 11.1n-.<1,lt· and .1 IH \\ J () l11t·1 f1111r 1·vh11d1·r t·nguw ' W I l h I h I 11 l' V. t '1t1 .,.,It r E l'l.1.,, .,,.d;111 .incl Plv 11111u1h Sc amp fill kup o ur 1111111 wh1-t·I •lrl\'t· ll111·up ••llt·r .... rn•1r1· t h11tll'" th,111 .on\ 111h1·1 rnanu t.1cl u rt•r .. -..1 V!>i Tom I-' ..i pp 1· r 1 . v 1 ~'I' pn·,11lt-nt 111 .... olc·., fo r Chr ,.,It 1 C111por11111111 "fro nt wl111 I d11vt• l'11Upl1·d Wllh l'Xl't·llt·lll IUI I t'tutu11ny. -.1·attng for llf' t11 -.1x passl•ngt•r.,, .1111.11·11\'1 .... 1;.'llng. -.n1011lll 11d1 l'""'' lt:1ndl111g .111d , ""' (,( ..... , \'11·1• .1r1· 11.o1111"' th.11 buv1·r., \\ ,1111 . 111 ......... "ilt .. \'t• 1 ·11~11111 It d q11.oltl\ ,111cl lu,u1 \ 1111 .. 11111 111•" <'lt1\,(1·1 pr11dlll'h ,end •• ti d ,. d \ .• I u I' I 11 t II l'l\'1111Jlllh 1.1rl1111·" Thi· E l'l<i.,., -. .. dan µ1ov1cl1·!>i rnun· n•<Jr M:<tt lt•g 11111111 <ind trunk roorr than pn:vwu~ ChrysJe1 FWU 1111.odt·b Tht!> nt•\\ Chi\ i.ll·t wd;u1 fur lhl m1d 01llls ha.., a dt!>ilin<"llVl ..i p p t · " r " n l' t· w i t h luxur111U'i Ch ry~lr·r gnlle. -.h·l'k ml·t<.11 bodv. ant.I 1•x tt•n .... vl• ~n·l·nhou se w11h thrt·t· want.low!> on <'<•< h -.1dc· The-!:><.<1mp <md S<"amp GT front wheel drrve sportv p11kups an· built on a 10-l :l -1nt:h wh1·l·lbc.1::.t• and prov1d1.· p1•ppy four cylinder fH' r Co r 111" n t' l'. m <in y :-.landJrd convent(·nc·e rt· at u r l'., an <l c: arr v .... I .IMO JW•und payl<>ad . Sl..tmp o frt·r s a .,1.;111d,1rd :! 2-lttl'r ~·ng1m· ;ind ruur-spt•ed manual trnm ... xlt• wrth upttun al 1hr1.«· ~pl'l'<.I automatic· or hvt•-1.,pc·<-d manual The '.! 2 l1t1·r f1vl' spE'ed rs !>lJmlJrd un th1• GT '°' ~r.it DEllER ••••'THEODORE RO BI NS••••• Jim S\ernt )n •s IEWES1 Qlt:l~~~ o1llGE cou111 l \" G ACCORDS lllOY4 lMC . CIVICS LATE ARRIVING BRAND NEW '82s AT EVEN SACRIFICE SALE Due to the delayed opening of our new dealership. we have a supply of new Honda's that must be liquidated now! WE DEFY ANYONE TO SELL YOU A NEW HONDA FOR LESS! LOWER PRICES! IM MEDIATE DELIVERY! (on approved credit) EXAMPLES OF EXCEPTIONAL HEW HONDA TRADE · INS 1979 HONDA WI IUY ACCORD LX GOOD, CLEAN Flawless concrn1on• Loaded with USED options• (309XZUI •5499 llONDAS! Contact Mel Price NEWEST SERVICE FACILITIES FOR YOUR HONDA 1979 HONDA ACCORD 4 DOOR Beaulltul s1t11er & a local car 5 speed trana & mucn moce• 1707XHT) 54899 All vehicles sub1ect to prior "le All plus tu , license & doc lee Oller e11p1r11 Oct 3111 111 close ot buslneu 32881 Ca m ino Capi trano, San Juan Capist ra no • 493-9300 . . , . , -. ,. . . . . . .. . .. .. . . YES ... 011 '12 T-llllDS, IUSTAlllS, ESCORTS I HPI llOW WITH HTAIL VA LUI 5 250! r-~---.---------~----~------~-----....--....... ----~~----~------------~-~------- 0 11111gu Cour.t DAI LY PILOT /FricJay, October 29, 1984' ('(15 THE GREATEST · I = 48681 EVERY 1982 DEMO & EXECUTIVE CAR IS SALE PRICED 25 TO CHOOSE FROM ... '82 6000 LE SEDAN NOW ONLY SUGGESTED RETAIL PRICE t Faclorv air cood1ti_on109 t Automatic transmission t AM FM stereo • LUXUfY trim t 5POrt mirrors t , Cvl. toel in1ected e091ne t Till wheel t Rallv wheels t Power windows t vo E1191ne t Gages t Pc;,e• ooo• oc•s t Pt "'t'' " l"(JO"S t ;.11 F.v sterec," .1·1t~ t t.v1oma1.l •'a~srr SS<O" t Factory a1• ConO '•On n9 t Po"~' ~a· t T I A"lttf t (' J .~ C~"' 'C t Ra 11 .11htt1s WAS 5 12,806* $9995 FIREBIRD .~.~.~ .. QO HATCHBACK t Automatic transmission N 0 W ON LY t Electr•c rear Oef099e• Suggested Retail Price '11 , 125 * NOW ONLY $9895 :i:::~:;:~:;, Sug~~isctee~aR5etail $ 7 9 9 5 t P0Nerw1ndo"s " t AM FV srereo • SlJ ,079* t Rear SD<>1fer t Turbo cast wheels t C1.1srom clolh 1nlt'• or t Accenr srr1Pes t Rear shado.,,. .. a;:;~'-~ - SPECIALLY PRICED USED CARS • SUCClSICD R[Ull PRICC MAY UIClUDC DO lClt INSIAllED ACCCSSORltS '7 9 CUTLASS CRUISER WAGON :~3\~y:;'$~S1i~2~1 $5195 • tAr~ rtW •uP"'f' • """ "'" rM' p t11tr .,,. •• , ''I '• '' 1 1 i •",..,. , v "O' o• ~ .. ..-., ~ "'" .... , """' .... ~,,,_, ti-· .,, .. ## ~~· ''"'' '•'"• 4' d"'•> •'P'"' (t-44WDE• lO·'J.l..~~lM.Q.~r~~ VOLA 2 RE SEDAN :::-,~';'!~';;:,'~.:.::· :.,~=..:.~ ";..0 "7 $ 4 9 5 '""' OI\ 10111••,,. .,.,, '•O•O ll'lr(I oo .... , ''"' ~ 101 t•wo•Or·••"'9 '"'' "•'" \hi~ ""9 VIOW "11·\I ""1f'I 'I 1\ I"'"'' to \H f .,.OU •'•~,,,. 'Ot •I\ 11\P•°"" ••"• f'<.0"'0""1ce1 m•<"ttnt 'o o' .,. All Cara Sold On Approved Credit All Catt Pru1 T 9A & LICenH & Doc FM All Cars Subtec:1 lo PrlOf Sale. Ollar Good thru Octoti.r 31, 198:1 '81 FORD MUSTANG ~:.~ .. ~ .~:: ::.~:·: ~: :~· .. ::: $ 6 9 9 5 1nq QOl\I tn•Q,,,. ~•\ .. V~~" tf1\tO..~ • Ito *loi: till 4. YI nt,lf'r P""-Q n.p. '""'°'°"~ ...... 0 ,..41<(: ff.f"I\-\\ 0"' • ..-P~·f'"°ll I I ... ~ '"°' .. . .. • , •. ,,,. t .,.,...,, AV •'I \t•"f'<I ... •''•\<" ..,,., \Hll'tn '40 Jt'6q '78 BUICK Le SABRE SEDAN ~.~;~·.::,'..e:'~.::;r:,,~~·;! $2 9 9 5 fOf !hOM ....., -· 1"41 -of O b•g aeoen H•• en 1u1omat1c. u 1ntl"'l111oni tor •••• of drl•lng -11-ino IOv-'Y -rt '°" """ IKIOfY.., -""*'O (131fSl) OPEN DAILY -9 AM TO 10 PM WE LEASE All · MAKES AND MODELS 13600 Be ach Blvd . · Westm inster (Beach Blvd. at Garden Grove Fwy.) · Call 892 -6651 or 636-2500 ... , . . .. . . ,,. ... .._ (714) 549-1457 2480 harbor blvd at fair . cost a mesa c. l 92626 2480 harbor blvd at fai r. costa n1esa. ca 92626 1982 SUBARU HATCHBACK 11211631 FULLY EQUIPPED monthly + ta x C•p co1t $6~7i rtMMdua IJ8VJ lnftt of t,1.a,m.et1h '"'' •ti mon1,,a 166•' 21 ptut ti• Open •nd l••M on IPP•0\90 Cffl<lll a. magnon pontiac 1982 PONTIAC TRANS AM P •r1 1111 KJ ,,_,,. & i. x to t I •·tf f"l'l ,t... u-.1 ,,. 'h•• 1 t·t f,,t11·'~ I •ft ~W•,••.J monthly + IO)C Ceo I.Ott ',, t~ re11ou.1! \6J!t1 Ob tulftf (If '1•t"' .. "" '"' 48 "'0"'"• S, t ~ "tut '• • Open "NI 1-.aM o" •Pfl• o"ec.1 uecllf a. magnon subaru WHY NABERS LEASING • MAKES SENSE WE OFFER LOWER RATES. At Nabers Leasing Company, we offer many advantages to the.leasing cus- tomer: size, stabi l- ity, experience. But perhaps most im- portant -cost At Nabers Leasf ng you deal direct -no middleman or his extra profits to pay. And unlike other lease programs, ... . . . .: ours is tied directly to the prime lend- ing rate. COMPARE! With the prime rate dropping out of the clouds In recent weeks, our rate has dropped too -a point lower than th e special leasing programs offered by the manufactur- ers. And our new low rate applies a- cross the board or make With on any model. our lower rate now is the perfect tim e to lease th at new car you've been wait- ing fo r. L~aslng All Makes and Models Naber• Leaalng Co. 2800 Harbor Boulevard Cotta Meta (714) 540-9100 ·1-· ., ,. ... ~ .. ., ...... .... 1)1.lll\jl' l 11,1 .. 1 DAil y I'll() I I 1111.i { I" !1111111 .... 1'111.' IH ll (;K SAT IS F ll•;S Thi I HIU H1H1" Skyh:1\\ k T 'I\ pt· 111111 11 h p.11 I 111 B u11 k ... 111 v. 111 11 Ill I otl ' \\ lrh iJ 11,1\ I l11 •0•1t d.•,1i:114,.j llJ fll ll\'ldo 11111111,111 I 11 ... lcJllH I oll ,l.11 11<111 Ho tlines aid endeavor Buick stresses customer satisfaction B u11 k 11111 11d 111 i11111 1111111111 1 ... 1 1111 H1111~. hid '" "1'1 '"11111111·, r •• ht·•""" p1 II' II I lid\ "' di I ,, d111111.111... .. • , •• ' I .1 ". 111'1 II lu•lt1·1 th,111 1111' 11 -.1 111 ,, • 11 •• t 11 111, 1 11,,1,"11 1, I I 11 • Iii• ,111\ .. llldlhlt \ 111 .1 I I .1111 • li •1l f 1t1• """f 111• I Ii.I •ll fll •lot I U h llll l\l'I ,,it1;l.11 ll111l .illd fl 11111 1111\ "II" l•rl•ol 11,, o1 11• •" 11"1• I~ 111.1k111g 1111111,11111 Ill If \\1111 pJ 111 I" pl1,1 ,, 111 t 'l.11 I.. 1111 f\1111 h d1.111g1·.., 111 .11ltti \1 tl1.1I 11.ill"ll"ll, \\11 11111 II" il•l1111l11o11 t1I •11.1 .. 111•1 g () :1 I \\'It Ii I 11 ,. II' ,1 ''·"' 'J'l11. ,, ·"Ill ... 11.1 ••• 1, .. ,, J. .. ' '".II 1111fJ lt 1111•11t.ll1 11 11 •·I ,iJ '" "'' 11111111111 11111 I • '""'IW 1111 ·""'' 111111 ~l'\'l'I ,d hi gh Jlll"I It \ (J l l I l II·' •11111 l I II 1 H '" I"'"'''""' pr••J•·• h ,111111 .11111• '" .111l.i•11 .. 11 H1·11 ,,,, • 111 1111 111111.t, 1t1 11111 Llo\d E H1•u ". Biii• k 111 \ •ol \, • t Ii • tul ,,J •II •,,11111, It ""·"Iii•\ gc·n~r:il m:rnagi r :mcl a •'I" 111 '" 1 "' -.h•·rrmg. thtnl< .1nd 11111111.111 I\ 1111 Gt'IH'f'JI 1\1111111 ... \JI 1 ''"' 1l1L' "" llllq' .t11d 1111111.!1 •••• ,1 .. I 11111 111•' p11• ... 11lt•111 • I\" 1111• •• H1111 k o111d t111h.1 111.,1 I • .oil •fllllll T h l ' k ' \ I' I " t • I I ' , ti I " I 1 \ 1 I \ I 1 \I I "I 1Ji1 !'-\ 11 "II d I I II" I 11 ii• 1nil11111 H 11 11 t.. '" 14 .. , , 11 ,, 1 , .. " r I,. • 11 1 11 • "'·' 1" 1 .. i. 'I' .I • "111 I' 1. I. I\ \\ h••lt ·"' .11111 , , 1,1rl I • , .. 11• II•, I... ""' rt ,.' 'l'd \•Ii I• I• )\,I"'''' I' . .i l~u11k, J" 1 • • 1·.1•• 11•••11 ''" 111,..pt t 111111 .111d tl1 II\ t I\ I., .~ 11111 d. I• I I ' ·11 .. ''•·ll•J'llll J•lll• Ii •• IJllkt'"' fll•\I•\\ lo1.11d 1dl'l.1d1d .111d ltll\tl\ .1•11\1111•,.oll •• l 'Jf I l J J\I lt I 1,,.~• ·I I.' I ". I I I •• I I •• ' I I),. I ti. .1 I ' •• I I ,, \\ J 1 I I I p111hlt 111 1dt 1111111 ,1111•11 1 ti '"lilt t .'11,1.11 II< 11 11 .. 1 .. 11111 '"''"""I• 11 1-. anti n ·,..11lut11111 '' .1. 111 " 1 I, lo\ I >..1 \\ 111 I•: .ii '·•k• ,, t11111p11l1 I J,,"' ol I 111.. l~lll• h., "'l'l,1111 'I I 11d I I 11 k 1'. lt•t lr1111 .1 I .... I l.1111. l' I' I ii .. di .. 111.111.114• I ·,1 "' lt1ol• '""' 1lrl• ·Ill I h o1lt111 111,1111 1 .. 111111 1 .. 1 '''"' l..0111 11,,., 111t..11t-:il•I• .J,111111 II• 11 1111 l1 I 1.1r.d11tJ' '" .J I '• 111, r I; J 1 I• '11 f I 1J I ( dll l ,1lJ"'t d"• I I I fi d1 ,dJ f,u fJHU d!:!i cl '•• ,, ' I r IJ' 11111,i • 1 JJ 1 rt• ''' I f, od J1o1l11l f"I' I I •I 1, I\ H 111< k . ll.1IJ d 1l It IH H-,lldllt'J "' 1.11 111111 1 .. 11.111 \\llli ·' '" • I I• l lJi l1o11111 tf Ill tlold I • .. I •••ttqi•o.<d 11( I 11, I I I : I \ • : f •• c Ii 1 I\ t " 1111111J•I111111111 t• lt.1!.l1f~ I I \ I< ' 1111 I • .r. . , t I ' ' • l ' IJ ·~ I d Id .. 'lt•ll I •Ph •1111 \ ' •ii \\ It I I t !I , l r I\ I r 111 1 ••• 111 ,. 11 .olh I» - '' ! o1 1 11 •II. 1r11pu11.1nt I l • • '• Jtt I 'lh· 1'1""'" .. 11.d\''' 1111 Jliol• .f " t 1k1 fa1.ltl1 I 1 • I 1• 1111 Ir 111• l11tl1 d 1111• I 1• \\ \\ llli B1111 I\ '" 1/111. I 11• Id ... .i.' l•' I .. ,,,,.' .111 I tli ·"·I lt1 'I . II • I ,,. ''I" i. ll\ ,., Volvo introduces new model in 1983 \'11l\11 d1 .ol1·1' \\Ill 111tr11tl11t I' t l11 I It ,I 111 \\ 1110111 I Ir 11111 !-'\I 1 d1 11 111' 111 o11 h Ill \I .ll \\ l1t fl tlJ1 -;'l;fll: J.~'" 11• 111-11..•" I I ' if 1• 11 11 I I fl • .1 I I \ N11\'1•r11lw1 Hill 11 11 ... 11 1111 ,1.J1111 0 I I h I' s ti u I Ii I I " (.",tl1l111111.1 \'oJ\., I It ,ift I I ti 11l'(• "'', p11 ·11111111.0 1 \ II ii "I 111, 1 I ltoll 1111 lli; • 11\'W • 11• • 1 11111 1lu' will !11 1 .. 111.• I \\ 1.J• I .111cl w ii I • •Ifft I" I• 111 1 l1 • I 11 \111 \ • J,., \\ 1tl1 "'"" l11rnf• J, "' \ 1. It ' .i.. .o11d H:\1 \\ I I I , , ". 11 .. I i.: I .J .! I I 1 ' I • I '· l \ I 1 '" I .... I I .111d g ..... (111111 I•"\\' I• .JI llJ,.~1111' \\tll .. 1, I, .1;.11l,ilil1 1111 "' I It'" !ti' ,;f, l \.,J\,,, .!Ill •II• 1•11 l'lo.:< \\ 111 11.11 • I• 11 1h1l11..'.• ""'" .•• , '" 1, rn t1.4 .. f, 1 ... t1.1 ' 4 u 11 t \\ltJ1 11 • 11 'Ill<'°' \\Ill. ,,.J,, 1t>1111 , tlJ• • 1 • 11 I" 1•, 111 111 1/11 I 1111• d ~I.flt' dt1l 1J1)..! t 111 Ill• •Ill Ii ••I .Jul\ ,1r1d 1\t11't1 I 11,. 1'1 ,1,11-. \\Ill 111.1rh. "Iii". 1111 11i11t! '11.1111'• Ill l \ lt111! "'11• ,. •I. ~ ... d1 I I .11 \\' 11 ""I ,.J .. '" Ill '11• l '111t1 d "I·"' ,, 11:: l\J .. ,, tl1o111 • ,,, 1111111 .. 11 \ 111\tl:o J1,.\ • 101 I lo '"Jd In \11 t I I • '" 1 1tl111g (., If fl I\ \\ /,11 11• ,,cf, t!H I l •Ill I .,'.I 11 ( •• if,,,,,, ... ---,- I Jr""lll' ( Oultl IJAll y Pll O T /frltJUy Octo u r 2U. l'J'12 ('7 Bonnevlll• and .Grand Pri x continue Pontiac's luxury Saab Turbos are spinning wheels Uonnl•villt· unci U rund P r I x ,. o " l l n u " a 111 Ponllac'1 e ntr1elil 111 th'-' nlld alw luxury murket in 1983 with 1& rof111~d rontemporurv luuk lnaldl'. riJd le> c lo th ~>c.'Omes the new flriil- ll•vel trim while e mpress c I o t h b e co m e s t h t• upper-lewl luxury trim for both Bonneville and Grand Prix. In the p Ow l•"rtral n line up. 8 5 .0 -llter va four -b a rre l e n gi n e replaces last yt-a r'i; 4.1 lllt•I' VU llll u 11 oµUcm for tht• t•u11 10nwr whu Wlln\.li 11•111 J{l 111111 IUUI 111..: 8tyl1• 114 '1 ft11 lllUl\ll' T h l' II ' j II ii u I .. p oWl•l plulll 101 l111lh Bo nn,·villt• o111 d t:n111.t P rix 1·1111t111ut•s ,,, tlw 3 8·h ll•1 lWt1 IJ.11 11•1 \'ti with a t h 11·1· 'p 1·1·d auto m uta· t1.111s 1111sMt111 •nd u fft•rs app1 uv1•d EPA r u c I t' l'" 1111111 v figures of l l mpg 111 11i;. <.'1ly a nd :w mpg w1 1lw high way A {111·1 c Cfit.'ll•nt 5 7 11 11•1 VH dl1111 l'I 11 t•qUl l l'K ll l l 1•11111lllhH1lllij) llj.111111 l'I 11pll1Jl\1.1l Ill 11111:1 Av11il11h l1• 111 111111· d1i.l ll ll'I 1111i<lt •l1! I 11 •I h•vl•I (huto.t•) C:ru111I 1'11>. LJ uncl Hn1u6'hL1 111 U 1 11111 P 11x mN·l i. tlll' 111-t•tb ul 11111,11m1•1 i. whu w a I\ I l>l X p .ti.:1H· 11~1·r :-1·u t 1ni.: 111 o h 1Khl v 1•f r11·11·111 . lw11111d11lly i.l yl1•d HUl011111l11l1• ·n1111111·vil lt· 1·1111ll nuei. to bt• ,1vo.11 l11hle 111 ~wdLm, .., l U I 11 tll W :q.( 11 11 a II d Arnugh.1111 '1·d u11 1983 turns into ye ar of t he overdrive at Chevro let If Hl82 was lh1.• yc·ar of t h e 11 v 1• r h u u I a t C h1.•vrolt>t. thl'n I !Itta 1s l h e y 1• a r o ( t h t• overdn v t'. On th1.• ht't•ls of 1982's produt·t bhn. (th ree new car and 1ru1·k l1n1.•s a lo ng W i l h l h I' l h I r d - gt-ner a lt011 Camaro), 1983 S<'t.'S a host o f power L r a 1 n r l' f 1 n e m e n L s des1gm'Cl to l'nhance both pc rfo l'mant.'l' a nd f uel economy. "Comb1111.•d with a p ricing strnlegy wh1c:h finds mun,• than h alf of C h C'v r ol1.•1's 1983 passengC'r c·ar models carrying lo wl"'r s tick er prlC't'l> llt;111 llH•\ d1d Ill l!Hl:!. and .1 111,11 k1·1111g strntt•gy th:11 1·111ph.1 ... 11.1·s l' h 1• v r u I 1 • t • I.. 1 1 111 1 • hon un•tl roh• .ti. 111w 111 A m1.•rn-.1'.., 11111• ... 1 t·oir comp<.m11· .... 11u1 11111tlu1·1 rt•f11wm1 ·11h .111 11.111 of -i dt'al -1·ut 1111.Jl't llVl'" "'Y' H 0 bl' I I l' s l l' Ill 111· I. Ch1·v11d1·1·, ..:1·1n•rJI m anaRt'r .111d a t;r..1 vu 1· pr1.•s1d1·111 "W t• a11n l•> 111,1k1· 1l 1mpoi.:-.ild .. fur t'ar s ho pp1.·r s a11 :. wht·n · lf1 th1· l'OUlltrv to uvt'rlvnk Chevrolt·t.'; h1· $<WS F11r "'"mph-. l:dmarn b1.•c·u1111 ·:. 11111 o l 1 wo r £'ar wh1·1·I dr1vt l 'li1•\'111li •h ;1V.1 1lahlt· Ill I llll:I \\Illa ,1 I 1v1• ;.p1•1•d 111.ollll.tl ll.111.,1111..,..,llJll (1111• 11th1·1 I' l'ht \'l'lll'l I\ I ... II .. d d ,. d I II l'.1111.11 11·~ p11\\ 1·1 11 a111 l11wu11 ..., .1 111•w lou1 ' fl I• I d ti \ l ' I d I I \ I' .1ul11111.tl11. d1 ... 1g111·d 111 l ' II h ,1 11 I I It II l h ·' I I I I 1· I ·' ' I II ti .1 II d h1l(ll\v.1:-. llwl t•t111111111\ C,1\ .tlt1·1 11ll1 oduu·d Ill 1111d IHll l llt ... '1111\l'S l 'h1 ·v111i..1· ... 111 ... 1 fr11t1l \\'h1·1·I d r1v1• 1111.11lt•I w11h a I 1 v 1· ... p t· 1· ti lr<111'1111-.:.111n /\lsn nl'W 111 l \1v.tl11•r 1-; a !Jrgt·r h1 g lwr t111 qui· '.! 0 1111 1 fu1•l-11\J1.'t h '<l t·ng1n1· /\-. lt1t1tlt•fll IAlllO 111oltit1•i. i.11·1 "111111 1l1•r "'"' llllH I' 1·1·1111111\t ll'LI I. I li1•11 l'llMllll'N u ll\41 l18V\' ~'.1•lh-11 '1111tllt•1 untl 111111'\' , • 1111111111> .ii Thi pr11l1l1 111 I \li,11 .1 ,111,11l 1't 11111111111 ul I llUll 11 II I II I ,11 It O(•I). It kl• .1 I .1 I \\ I I h •I "'.1 11 I 1.11111111111 HI l'l\j.{11\1' ()111 W1IY, )111\\l'Vl'I , 10 H"I h11-< t•11g1 11 1• 11·1·1 \.\ 1tlil>Ul 111~ \'llgllll' lh1rHI ( 11 r • I u t ' I I s " u I I t• d 1111h111'11111 1<(1111<( A nd I ll l hud1.11 g1pg I., llllW l11.·111g u""'I hv 1111111· a11d 11111r1· , ,11 111.1k1·1 i. who \\ ,1 11 I I It t • I I I U I' ' I 0 111.'l (01111 ,11> (,11-. 'ho11ld 0111 11 ( lh1 f1 "l l'UI m' .1 k t I i. I ti ll I I l' r 1u1 li111 h.11 g111g 1111 l'ars d 1·-.1g111.·d r or n 11 1 mal ... 11' I' .. I u ..... w...... l h l ' S\\l'<hsh Sa:ih nimp;inv. w l111 l1 ,.., 1·,11 Iv ..i..; 1977 SAAB TLJRHO -Sa.1h''S 1w1:1 Tutl111. t1111t.~111 <• "JX'<'1<al rt1t'<:h ;.m1;.m that adJUSt:. tu 1 li11 hoo..,1 tu tlu· qu11hty 111 I 111·1 11 .1·d Tlt.11 ""'"1' 1111ph .011d l'il'V b ut II "II l .tlw ........ SUl;h 0 111' 111 111111 Ill I' l ha l a -. I 11 11 ~: ·" 1la1· 1·xh.ou ,1 'I''"' 1111 1u 1ll1111· tl11 1111•1111 11111 11du11·d lh1· S a .d i 1111 ,,ki• ..,,,1, 111 i:• 1 '1'1111111, .111d wl11t It ",ttll dt.ll gi·d ,, ;tit 1111 ,1, .1111 1 .1 l1·.1rl1•1 111 1h1· n11 liu 11111n· l"""'u" , .oll1·d f11 ·ld 11 ....... 1 l-\i·111g ,1 111rn11·1·1 111 lht-11 lo I l '" 11 •11 ,, 11 f11 ·ld . S.1.1h 1111\\ ul ll·rs di•vui -.. llt• ltu 1,11 \\•11dd I h I' 111 'I ''I I ti II d l '\I 11tu.tll\ d1 Sii"\ 1111 g1 111·1.1111111 llll hu S1111 ph 'l11·.ik111g 111111111 li.11 g111g 1111'.>ll.., llt.11 1111' I .OI ·, 1•,h.othl I!> u .... ·d t11 d11v1· :1 turlJ1111· \\ h11·1t I 11111 · ... lllOl't' .11 1' 111111 tltt• 1·p 111lius t111n 1·h.1111li1·r' .. 111d w11h tlw . 111 1111111 · I w ·I Tlo1 · rnon· 1111·1 ;111rl .11r. 1h1· mun• jlll\\t'I I II g II" S11 ...... .t I I \ \, 11\ I. I ,1 I I 1· d .o \\ .1 "I • I .o I• .1llow-. 1111 1 \h.111•.1 g,,..., .• '" l1yp.1..,,., tlt1 ltll h1111 wh1•11 llw 11<111 ... 1 11".11 ht•..,,, s pt'l'1I1t•d 11'\'t I '1'11.1 l b II 0 :-0 I I 1 • \' t • I I .., \\ It . 1 I d1•u·rm1111·.., 1 h1· , o11 · pc.·rform;11111 · 1111 1111'.lo• 1 tht• U00:0-1. tl\I' hwft1 I 1111 :,p<.'t·<l 1\11111111 I l•ll1bl1 Ill \\ll lo lllt J,.1, h.ol )'1111' I \\ h.11 \\I lt.1\1 ,olf 111 .old lltllll 111111 111 11111• 1111111 .11111•"' ,ol l I ,ii O lll'lli• l\fll k IC h,lllK ,, •II 1•1• ll'.111111111 111•.011 11 11 1111 1.0 11 1111\1111' ill tl11 '\ la11d11 ll'.1111• .. 1t tloo \\11111g 111111 "Ill• ll1lllJ' 111.01 I .111 • .1 II ii• ''"' ·' 1.11 t ltJ t lH l\1 I •II •• ,, llo• ......... 1 l'''"'""I Ill 11111 .. . • 11g1111 l,111• k I .1 1111111 "' 111•11 p111l1l1 Ill 111 lhl''I t llJ'l 11 P 1h.111 Ill 11111 .... 1· I 11.1 I .o I I ·"I'll"" d .1111111111 111:111.11 1 .... 1 .. , ... 111111 ... 11 11'.llll 111.il,1 I I" 1'1,1 Ill .11 lolt1 11111.ol .111 l'•l.ol o1, '1'!11 1 111l11d1• 1 " \\ 1 r 1 11 ~· I h , . 111 11q11 1 ,,11111 r.1t111 , 111i.1d1 1.tl>l v. wh1d1 1111f11111111 .. l1·lv ·c·au-.t•.., tht• 111111111'111 ol "LUI 11<1 lag" loo 1 .111" 111 \hi' low ',,,,.,.,' '"l'tui.. 11 L1kt·!'. a \\ I I I I I I <I I I h •. 111111111 11.11 g1 1 111 ln11lrl up tlll 111111 ... t Ill II 'lllllld lll Iii• '"'. Jtt·d.il 1-\11111 k Ill 1111 1~:111111111 . ·' 111111 11•111 11 1 th•· 1:•""11111 II .1 cl Ill ,1 I JI 'I It• '" l.1111 1.d1t1g" \'OU 1111.f "" Ill•"' g ........ t.1111111 Jilllltjl" 111 <1 11.11 1 tht· qu.ol1t' id 1111 lud .md .ot1 .11 Ill.di\ .1 lltt'o .... Urt• of tl11 1111 ·1 '> 11 ,1..,l,11HI ' llJ k11111 k 1!111 11" 1111 ·1 qu.d1tv ... " \ ·" \ 111111 la 11111rt· 111.111 ,._ 111d11 ,1l1 d IHI tht• 1a111 'I" 'I 111, ti ..... lorl'l·d 1111 lio n11 111.ik1·1" lo tun tht·ir 1·n u1111 ·1> to the l11w1·11.t JH•~Hlhlt· "'rudf' C u t• I I I k 1· I y l o be 1·1H 111111l1·11·d 1·u u1 ln& Mir111· 1ui110-. 11111 l<> ft"el hk1 l UI ""' oil ,111 Tl11 S,1.1h Al'<.' llYlllem A u t u "' a l I c J't•I ffll'Ull.llll f' l '1introl - hiL.., "'lv1•d th" 11ro blc>m , und :-olv1·d 11 111 a way th;il Ill ll it I ll VY Of the ai..1111 indu1>try N ol 1111l y dul's APC p 1''t1· 1· t 1 ht· 1· n g In e ,1g,1111 ... 1 th1· rL1vugcs of kn111 k lrnl 11 a lso has 11111" t1Vl'd tht• f U~) ,., 111111111 \. 111 t ht· Saab '1'11 11111 ltv up t o 10 pt 11 1·11 1 .1111.J 11H rl•a11ed IJ 1• 1 ( o r rn a n t• c· co n - ,11 l1 ·1ahly APC auto111u t1 ca lly .idJU:o.l.., I tu 1w1 l11nnant.-e I I I I h I . • . II g I II l ' b y 1 q~ulat111g 1111'1111 IM1osl to 1lo1· qu.t111y ol lht· fu el IH'1 11g u-.1·d A "knock • lo·ti·t t111 " h1111w\\. hJI like .1 nr I I I " jJ h II 11 l ' ) i s 11111untul 0 11 tilt· t·ngtn~ hl11<:k <11ltl ltlllllllUOUSly mon1111r:-. th1· 1·n~1n(' for knoc:k A PL' t'lhUlb that the fu1·I ",1l w.1y:-. Cu lly u1il1l1·d T iu' improves 1·ng11w 1•l I 1l'll'lll':-'· which 111g1·1h .. r w11h 1h1· rnther high c 1J1111111 .... :-.11m ratio of 8 ~ I 11·du11·!> f u e l l<Jll,Umpl11111 Firenza station wagons highlight Oldsmobile line CHEVROLET'S CAVALIER TYPE 10 -The s tylish Cavahl•r with sporty inclinations has a new hig h-torq ue :.!.0-liter fucl-in.)('C'tro en~me in 1983. Olds11111btl1· 11ff t·1-. :w 11md1·ls 111 1 ls I llH:l lnwup. 1111lucl111g IWO OPW F111 ·11z.1 :.t.11111t1 wagons F11 \'II/a, Olt1 ... 11111b1l1•':. 1·111ry 1n th1· 1·omp act 111.irkl'l. I:. .ov.illahll' II) SIX m 11 d 1· I ' \11/ 1 t h a IOI :! llll'h wht>C'lb.!'>P , 1 h • · I 1 v 1 • p .1 :, !> 1.· n g l' r Fin·n1.i ft·atun•!> Cront- wht•l'l dnvt'. 11..insvC'rSl' c•ng1n1• :i11d rL1 1 k and p11111111 ~h'l'rll\8 New 1e1 tht• hnc•up for l!Jfl:l art• two :.talrnn w ;igom. lht• F 1n•nza Cr lllM'I .ind lht• F1r1.•n1a L X C r u 1 .., l' r T h e s l' m u d l' I .., p r u v 1 d l' eu ... 10nwr. w11h 64 c·ub1c· Ct·l·I o f l'.1rgo voluml• with tht· fl'<ff St:at folded JOHNSON & SON is proud to present • • • THE BEST LUXURY CAR BUY IN AMERICA. 1983 Continental 3 GREAT WAYS. TO SAVE ON A NEW 1983 1 . 2. Huge savings with 11 . 9°/o financing 36/36 full maintenance & warranty 3 . Guaranteed resale value program ( . . . . ... . . .. d11w11 .011ol '1 I ,11 • c11 mp.1;l l\ -..11 1ol 1111 Ill ii 11 t · II \' I I 111 .t.: .o Ii d parking Wta .. 11 1111 r•.01 ..,1•;11 <11 '"' '' ulil111 d 1111 p.o..;:-,t•llgl•I ... , 1111 ,111 d I ,OJI ;1l'l'tHllllllld.11t .i I I 111111 l l'l'l ul 1.11 g11 Ex1t·n 11r ·•Pll< .11 .111u 111 t h (• \\' ,1 g II II .., I ,1 II I 1 I t,11lun'Cl b\ • u ... 111111t ,., i., o rdt·n ng 1 h1 upl 1v11.1 I I " II I 11 II I fl .1 I II l s1rnul.t1t·d \\1111dg1 ,1111 :11..1p<·aranu· 111 .111 .tt11 r1l stripe· Fe1ur U1111·~ 1 11111d1 1 ... both l'llUll<'' ,111d ...,.d.111-. in l.ia$t' .ind B11 111gh.1111 l<.-Vl•b . an· ,,,·;,d.1hlt 1111 198:! Cu:-.1111111·1.., m.1\ also o rd1·1 th1 Onwg.1 1-:s o r ESC .1pp1.•,1r.11H1· I'"' "·'I" t •I 'I 1>111111• 11t.ol 1 .... It \\ I I It Id." k I ol "11 I 1•11 11· \\I.OJ' .111111111! I 11 II" I" I " \\I I It 111 l I' g I ,d "1111p 1,1. .. k It< .1dl.1111p 1 .. ''I 1 .. 1 I l.1111p 111 11 I """I l1o1111 1 q1t.11l11 \\ 111111 \\ .111d I 111 J<1 I I'·'"' I II 11ldlllL!' \ II • ' I ( f II I I 1111 ·•Ill" .11 11111 1111 U1111 g<.1 11111111 1 ... 1, h1~hl1i.:h11 d \\1111 .. 11-..hl .. 1 q _;j.'11.oll g1 tlJ1 'l'li1 I Iii\\ I 11\11111.11 111111111• 11u1 .. 1d1 11-.1r\'11•\\' 11111.l,•ll' .o 11 ' I 1·pl:H t•d \\llll .11·11111\11.111111 p.tldt 111111111 ... 1111 t.111d,11 d d1I\1·1 ' ... 1ol1 111111 C1I .... bl.11 k .onrl \Ito 1ip\11111.1l du .t 111111111 m.111 la 1l1c t.11 IMKI\ ... 1 .. 1 ,\l-.u 111 \\ 1111 !'Ill.I I' .in ...,,,. 11pol.otf'd 11"11un11·n1 11.1111 I "11 Ii t \\'11 ton<.· 111.1t1111·n1 H1u ... h1•d p , · '' 1 1 1 " 1 II r u s h l' ti 111 llll/1 ' , ... -.1•11 1.·t1·d 10 1111111111 11u nt 1h1· 1111t·r111r I 1ol<1J ;tlld ,J hl,11 k lrlm 111.011 1-. -.1.11icl:trd \.\1th th1· ES m111.l1•l l-uu1 l'ullJ'' (.'11 IJ 111odt·b .in "' .• d.1hl1· ror nrn:i. " 1 •1u f'I.' .ind -..t'<.IJn 111 IM1th llw Cu11.i ...... l'u·1J LS •• nd 81 ough.olll '"nt·s lh \'1s1•t.I 1 l'<ll 1·11d p.1nt·I mold 111R ;ind tail lamµ l I (•:.JI llll' ti I h I 1-( h l 1 g h IS ... 1yling d1.111g1· ... 1111 1!11:1:! N (' \.\ .. µ l I II ll :.i I 1 • I i · t I r o I u 111 1 n l' '~· l ' n l l'Xtc·nor llf'I. r.1 I.imp., .in· ufl<·n·d on bot h l'oUpc·!> dnd ..,1.'<lan" Ttw opucm ol t'o n suh-ai. rt•v1:.t·d t o include· :1 w111 holder and a 1ww t -:,h1ftc·r lever . :.pc·<:1f1t' lo Old:.mubile. s pl'(' I f I <: l' x t l' r I 0 r uppt.·arann· 1lc·m!-. include blac:kl·d-ou l g nll(' bars. h1·adlamp hou ... mg a nd rc·;1r-c·n<l 1 re· a lmt•n l Tht.· I 98:i D<•l ta 88 M·nt·s 1s rC'preSt..nlt.>d by ,1x nicJ<:h·b a Dl>lta 88 s1•dJn. 01.·lta l!!l Royale t11up1· Jnd wdan. Delta HH Hoya It• Brougham 1.11u1w and s edan a nd Cus lr1m Cru1s1.·r All modc·l s !.har e a n c• w g r 1 I I f' d c· s i g n ums1:,ting o f mull1ple M•1·t1on!> o f horizontal b:.irs Al.411e.2.s --o,,,. • . .,,. •oo.,, ------------SUB ARU 13861 HARBOR BL VD .. GARDEN GROVE • ('8 01 1.1ngtt t.ou11 OAllY PllOl/I rlday. Oclobur 29, 198' ' \11 I fl I I 11 Ill 'I IC I•. , " ... ' .1 "" .i, '•"·H, J.u.... , t • 1.,. 1, .: ., 1 • , "' , " 1, ... , ... ' 1, • I ttu ,.1 •• 1, 111 '''~,I -11 11 ,,,., 1 ,lli··l ••i t1•1t f• I •, Now Is The Chance To Buy The Car Of Your Dreams At The Best Possible Price. See Vs Today! \\I' .ti Hauer l.1 n1or .. drt' I lr,rn!!t' Count\·, ohlr .... 1 & 111chl l''ldlil1 .. hl'tl Jd,l?UcH dealrr . Our .. en WP & part .. lanlll1f' ... liutlt pureh Im J.u?uar a l 1.ogc1n & Colli·~·· 111 Costa ~1t''a t'-a m()j lt>I n l 1•lf'J11lme'" l'<. efficienc \". with Br itish factory •ncJ mech.rn11·~ & servire manage r. 14 8:! Jaguar w3rrant\' rla1ms arr onh a fra.-ttnn of tho-.e of I Q811 inhu·h prnn'' rlw 1 urn·111 boa!it that the I 48:! mo<lf·I 1-thP ti111· .. 1 Jaguar £'\f'r built. l rwrea~ing numlwr' 11f ~!Pr• f'df'-~ Carlilla1· buyPr:. are d1~l"C1\'f'ring thl' 10' ol owning a nein importrd Jal!uar. a~l-am dri\'er of an '82. MANY TO cno·osE FROM. Must be one ol the greatest lun cars ever produced! Sports car haodllng. a massive SYnrool. reclining aeats. told down rear seat & morel (507XMZ). Was $2995 SALE PRICE 1111 a11111 XJI SElll Would you believe gorgeous black paint with red leather trim? Looks like BRAND NEWI Has low mileage and every option Gel a mnnonalre Image for so littlel (929YMA) Was $11,995 . SALE PRICE Nol the usual beat up sports car Looks and drives like an '81 model Loaded with optoons Inc sunroof, alr cond .. AM/FM Blaupunkt. mag wheels & morel (038T JH) Was $8995 SALE PRICE $ 1177 ..... ACCORD M&TCMIACI Economic little automatic In gold metallic with a Ian velour trim. II also hu air conditioning and an AM/FM radio. ( 1DMX572) Wu $4995. a steal 11 1 low SALE PRICE $42 This one looks like NEWI Chocolate brown exterior with tan trim Options Include mag wheels (9090WZ) Was priced at a low $4995. Now offered at this low SALE PRICE 1171 YOLISWAIEI SIPER IEnLE Com e i n and see this onel Unmarked black palnl wllh hand painted pinstripes Has Ian velour trim. a sunroof. stereo cassette & morel ( 111788). Wa1 $4995: a steal 1t 1 low .. This beautiful white hatchback l'las red cloth trim, fold down rear seat. air conditioning. sport wheels and white sldewall tires (510T AN) Was $3495 SALE PRICE 1171 IATSll 210 COIPE Economy motoring at Its best! This g11 saver has new pai nt. ai r conditioning, an AM/FM and a stick shift (838976). Was $2995. took al this SALE PRICE This 4 door model Is loaded with equipment 1ncludlng air conditioning. till steering wheel, AM/FM and morel (1X430'72) Was $4995, now reduced to this SALE PRICE 1110 CNEYllOLn CIT&TIH N&TCMIACI Two lone blue exterior with velour trim on lhlS 4 door model. Options Include air cond .. AM/FM & tape deck. c enter console. roof rack. power windows & door locks (10AH680). Was $5495 SALE PRICE \II \\ i1h I h·· '\, . ._ 2 I \lu111h ]t..000 ""'' \\ arranf\: This one has a special sports handling package, twin power bucket seats. all power options. lilt wheel, cruise control. cassette. 2 tone paint & wire wheels. Luxury & sporty to drive• (505ZAH) Was $8695 SALE PRICE A GM all·tlme lavorltel Beige with tan c loth trim, power windows. 45/55 seat. lilt steering wheel. air cond. & an AM/FM stereo tape. (729TOG) Was $3495 '* SALE PRICE Dally Pilat ~ r ntOA Y Ol'l .''l IU8;> (.',/ /Jf .. \\',.,.,, ,,, ;,,,.,, ,.,. ~ ·"''".l i11 /'ro11I FOR n IE ACCORD 06 i11 ttt>llt") hull. /) 1 .. ~ No settlement leaves Rams unsettled By JOHN Sl•;V ANO 01 IM D•llr Pllol ... ,, V111l''' 1"1•1Ta•(·Ulh1 h." l1t~ 11111t· ,1 stt1d1·111 , t:1k111~ .111 upt1111wt1 v n1u1 si• .11 l ';al Stall· full1•1'to11 M1k1· l:w11a11 1'H,V1' 111 ... writ• 111.1y ho.1v1• 111 g11 t•I \\Olk (11 1l1.lk1· 1•111b 11\t•t•t J1111 Yrn111ghlood 1:0. 1111 tlw v1·1w· of look111g tor .1 ,101>, but, ... \\,111111g. llk1· 1·v1•1 vo1w l'l'l·. t11 ...._.,. '' li.11 h.tp!Jt•ll:o. CuJ\ Jul\t.''>. II\ hi!> uWll worub, .. , ... l.'Xl1'tlllg .. lndl'1·d. tlw Nl"L ... tnk•'. whl('h is mm 111 11,.. :4\Jth d,1\. h.1o; 1ak1•11 1L ... toll '1'111• pl.1y1•1">, lh1· O\o\ 111'1''> th1· f;i11,.. t•\ t•r\11111• 1111ll1t't.'h'll wit h lht• ~.11111• 11f luolli.ill h 'lll lt-1 Ill).( S.1n11d.1\, in wh11t m,111v lx•h1·v1· 1s u fin~al d1td1 1•ff111 I 111 ...... 1v~· th1 IYli'.! ~t·a:-1~11. 1lw two !>ldt·~ will go ;1t II .1g.1111 "Th1•y h.1v1· tu d11 s111111·th1 11g (thl'> 111\H')." 111s1stt•<l Ft•1T.1g,11no Thur-..dc1y a ... h1· a11d a ft·w 11tht·1 t1•ammah·~ workt•d out at Broo"hurs 1 Park 111 A11a~w1m "Th1•,v l'a11 ·1 kl't'P pr11c:1ast111a t111~ Thi• tin1c has 1•um!• h• 111ak1• " t.lt'l.'l1'1un ." 01 l'OUl' ... l ', what th.11 dl!t'ISllJll will bl' whdht·r it's t11 !>l·lllt• tht• playc•rs-owm'rs d1spuk or n 1ll off tlw s1•aso11 altogl'tht·r 1s what's kt'l'l·""g VINCE FERRAGAMO MIKE OUMAN JIM YOUN0 8l000 lhl~ltiYl'I'> t11\ p11h ,111d 111·1·dh·:,. th1·'l' d,1yi. "f<t•i,1h:,.t1r;11ly, if Wt · d1111't ... 1;11 I playing l>IKlll th1 ·rl· won't hl· .111 v 111111• 11'1 l lor a l1•g111111,1l1 S\.'L1~111." addt•d .)1111 \'ou11gbl11od. who p1·r• .. on.1lly ..,.., . .., S.11u1d.1y· ... gl'l t11g1·1h .. 1 ..... ;1 f111.il 11ppor 1111111v II> M'llll· nwllt•I"• "l'vt· Ul'l'll 11µ111111).lll .di .d1111g a11d 1 ll'all~ lh111g o;om,•1h111g good I). g11111g to ,·01111• of 11 lllh' mt'l'llngJ " "I'll lwll1·v1· 11 wh,·11I o;1•1·1t," d1111wd 111 t:ulllan Clf .I pu)....;1bll' Sl·lllt•1111•11l "Nobody l'X lk'<'ll'd II lo go 08'1y ,.,101 Pholo by C ee f'ay"~ Laguna Bt•a<·h c1u art••rback T ha d Raas hopes to gl·t thi:-. kind of prott•<·t ion loni~ht wlwn the Art i~t-. nw••t San CINlll'nl•'- th1~ l1111g l k1111w I d1d11'1 Hut 1'111 11pll1111,tw w1• 11 ~11111~ 111 pl.•v 111 111111· ..... 1'111 ,1ls11 pr1 ·p.111·d 11i.11 w1 r11a v 1101 "I JU:>t ""''" th•~ 'ti !H 111 1· II 11111 \\";IV Ill ;111111111·1 ' Al llll lw.11I1ll 1111' Nl-'I. ... 111k1 ,,,,. tl111 • 1 ••1111.tl 11'.'>Ut·:o. .1) wag.·"'·"•' 1111 1111 pl.1y1·1,,111 ,11 .. 1111.ol !.C.llary lurid, .11111 <) ,, f1i.t d pt•11 t•11t.1g1• 111 It It "'"1111 rt•Vt'lllll"> Thi' plav1•" Ul t' 11IJV1ou .. 1v luokini.t 1111 ol lllj.(gt'I p11'<·1· of 1111' 1111• wl11lt th1· 11\\llt'" ,111 1111lv 11l l1·1111g a ... 1iv11 And. 1h1,., l.11 11t·1lll1·1 -.1111 11,,,, 111 "wrll111g 111 budgt'. fr111r1 1111·11 11''lll-t 11vt• ,,.,...1111111-. Not 1·v1•11 tlw l'f 1111 i... 1al S.1111 K.1g1 I, 1h1 1111•dia1w "ho"';'" h111ught 1111w111· th.111 two \\.t•1 k:- .1g11. h.1v1· lwt'll .obit· to hn11g lh1 t\.\11 ... ,.i, .... ,Jll\ tl•>st·1 .. t11h11ugh 1h1· S:i11 ~·1.11111 .... 11 .otl•11111 y .... n•sp1111-...hl1 • 1111 gl'lt111g 1 v1•1 \.t1111· l1;wk i.1 1111 l.>;11 ga111111'g t.ilih· S.1 1u1 d.1v "Tiit• 111111111 w.u1L ... lo h.11 g.1111l•11l11-t11v .. h v. hll• 111a11.1g1·1111·nt w,111ls ti• nl'J.(l1l1:11t· 1111 ,on 111d1v1d11;tl bas1., Thl'l'C ' rs a l h1•W'l'lll'al u11hal.1111·1· th1•n· and th;it's wht•n · till' prnl1l1•1i1 Ill'., llt• IK:1gt•IJ 11i:iv lw lht• orilv guy wli11 l.111 lll'lp u:-. 1111w " Y11t111J:hl1 u1d 1s w1 ... 1111· .111ylxuly 1°1111 h1·l11 'l'h1• l"ou11t.1111 Vall1•v 11•.,1d1•11t tl1111k' 11t•J<ol1alttJ1" may h.iv1· 11·.11 lh•d till' po1111 whP1 1• f>t'I s111wl1t11 •-.. o.11t· lllVl•IV1•d .ind 11111 1111 · '""''' 'I tl1111k ll1t lx-..t llllrlj.( WI IOUltl do IS w·t th1JSj• IV.II (11w111·r ... 111·~1111.11111 J.11 k l>111il.111 .111\J UllllJll l1o11~:.11111·1 i-:it t:;,1 v1·YJ ••lit 11f tht•11· .md µU\ 11v1· 11w111 ,., .11111 f1 v1· pl.1vt•1). al th•· l<1hh., -.aid Y11t111gliltmd 'I f1•t I l1k1• th1•11· ... huuld lw a 1·11mpr11m11>1· on hoth """'" liut wh1•1tw1 1h1·v will or 11111 I d1111'1 kru,.,.. . 11', l,1k1·11 1111· Ill "'"''' 1<1 g• I v. lo.11 I V•· gol .111tl l'v1· dmw 11 .oil liv 111 gu11.1t111i.: 111y.,1 ·1f A11d th.11· ... 'l1l' WJV I lt'l·l II '>h•1Uld bt• .. 1>1111 l 1111-.t111 .... 1n11 'i'uu11gbl<.M11)-.. 1111111111·11h lo llll o•ll 111•'' 1111 lilt' 11\\ Ill 1-.. '>llh Ji11V.1 •\'•'I 'Tho· onlv way 111 gc·I lh1' "•·11 l•'ll 1., tu Ix.• -;l11111g." Yrn1:igl1l<,.1d 1u1111t1d 11ul "Wt can't g1v1· m llllW "I w.111t 1•vt•rv11111• to k1111w 1'111 100 11c·rt.'•·nt 1,..1i111d th•• un11111 . I 111.1v 11111 .1~1t·t· with all 1he fS t•t• HAMS, Pa gt• IH I Showdown time! Edison, Barons have top billing By ROGE R CARLSOI' 01 lhe Dallr Pllol Sl•ll Edl!>Ull ll1gh., l'h.11 g1·1., .ind lhl· Fourit.1111 Vallc:y Baron..., wll1d1· tonight 111 th1· f1·alurt·d l11gh 54ht>(JI foolb.111 g.imc· or th1· l'Vl'lllllJ.t :rl An.1111·1111 St<id1um. a Su11).1•t l.1•a gut •,ho\\.d11\I. 11 1111 tht• l1•agu1· k·ad1·r~h1p K1t·kuff. "' 11 1-. fv1 <di of tc1111gh1·., g;1m1 ·" mvl)lving ar1·<.1 tl·a111:-"' I :w Eal'h 1~ :l-0 in l1·agu1· µl.1y afl1•r d1!-.pl:1y111g sound defC'nSt''>, .ind 1·a1·h appt•,1r'> lo Ix• round111g mtu lup sha!Jt• P a C' 1 n g 1-' o u n 1 ,11 11 V ..i l I 1 · v'), u ff 1 · n "'· 1' quarte rbac·k O;dl' Fry•'. wllh i.uch a1·n;ol k1rg1·L-; as junior Jam1t· Craft und Chns L ung Craft has 1·::1ugh1 :!2 pUS.'>l~ for :.!HO yards w1d 'l TDs. 111 addt t1on 111 <i 10 yard TD run and i.I 9!J-yard mterc<>ption rt•turn for a toul'hdown Fryl' has comph.•tl'd 52 of 100 for fi50 yard., and ti TDs. whill· hr:. countl'rJHlrl at Ed1 ... on. J1111 Nowotny. has m•Ltl'<.I :1:.rn yards on :12 ('umplt•t1ons 111 7 1 a ttempts, good for :i TOs. thl' va.,t majltrltY uf hts w ork coming in the· la!>l fou r gam1~ Edison hold, an 11 :l-1 margin 1n this "l'rll''> <tnd has c'Omp1led a i · 1 n't·ord against F11unt.-11n Valll'Y at AnahPtm St<td1um Edison's running ganw got .1 shot m th1· arm last wel.'k wnh a 158 v;.orcl pl·rform.11111• from tailback O('rt'k Gr1ff1lhs. wh11·h \o\J'> 111 >.cord., mnrt' than his previous b1·-.t In fiVl' p1t>v1;,u ... g.1mt·'> Edison's net rushing .1vl•r.i~<'<i 5'.! yartb a game· f ount.am Vall<·y·::. c.nly rusht•r ablt• to top thl· 100-yard mark ha-. l>J.-..'tl sophomort· Davl• S\\ 1gPrt. wh1> rush l-d for 107 v.irds on l:! t«1rr11· ... ;1g..i1nst Footh1ll. th1·n c·h.ilk1·tl up IOn v..irrl ... on :!II <'.1rrll"s against St Paul. His availaurl1tv, howc•vl'r, 1., dl1b111u., lk'<':tllM ot a ll·g lllJury 1musd1· pull und tl•arl Edison 1s a :!-p<llnt f<:ivontt• 011 thl' th1~1ry that the Charg1·rs' cll°fl'llSl' ha~ an t"ig1'. plm·<>-kwkt•r Gc.·rrv Graham l'an hit from 54-wmf, (hi' did it last °" Pl'k) and. 1f Fountain V ;1llt·v·~ ru1111111g g.11nt· l).n't .11 IL' lx·~I tht l>·'"""'g g.1111t v.111 II( -..UIJ,)t'( t1'CJ llJ too n1uc h µn· .... -.u .. Ebt·wh1·11· tonight \f•n purl llarbf*r '·'· .'iaddlPbat•" Thi· Suil11r., 111 Nt•wpw l .1n• :5.1 1n Sl'a View Lt·agul· tilav. ""htlc• SL1ddl1•ha1·k s Hoadrunm·r.. are unlx·01h•n .... ..,.,rung ,, 7 t) 11\'l r..ill r l'l.ord It's the :.trl'ngth of N1·wµort's hrn-. and th<' l'U3hing of 6-3, 207 ·pound JU111or 1.11lb.1l'k Stc·Vl' Bratas against Saddll•back'), 'fJi'1·d (1 ! t:11lbal'k K1•vm Bradll•y, 4uartc•rbal'k H•id P1·s.1k, not·c•1Vl·r Tt1dll Cage) It's at the• Santa A11:1 H11wl .llarlna ''-'· ff'f• ... tnil11.-.tf•r M arina I). 1-1 1n the.• S unst•t L1•<1~u1· .1ftf'r demolishing Ol'l·un V1c·w last \\'C'l'k. 45-U. wnh t.ac-klc·s 8 111 M.il·1a:,. amt Jdf Ll'<o' teuming up on one side of thl' 11m· to lc·,id thl' wav f11r thl· bac·ks out o f tlw \'t't'r Wl·-..tmm.,t1·r 1). on a ,·1x ganw lo~1ng streak and has lo).I thr<><' 'tra11otht to Marina It's at W1·~tmin ... u·r ('orona df.al .Har '.~. ('o.,ta .'tle!ta Curi111.1 I~ 21 1~ tr) 111g tu '>ld~ 1111'(intt·nt1on for a CIF' Crmral Conft·1N111• pl.ivoff lx·rth in this Sc-a \'1pv. L .. agut• -..1rugglt· LJnu· MJrt1n hold!> the uffc·n..,1vt• kt•\' tor CdM v. hill' l\k'd ( 1.:31 runs a doublt· light 1·1Hl offt•n!-.1· with qu.irl<'rback Scot Hagc·y ill th1· 1011trnl~ 11·~ at Orang< CcMSt College 0<"ean t 'l t-M '"'· lluntln1tton B each Huntington &·a,.h ha!> lust :~5 ~tra1ght SuflS('t Lt·agU<· gaml'"· bul 1s fovurc.•d to snap the jinx tonight at its l11 1mceum1ng fullbal·k Danny Thompson 1s tht· kl·y to HB's runmng, and Enc Lawton 1s eXpl'<'led to start at quarterback Oc·ean View's s tn•ngth 1<; with ta il back Tudd Parker. quarterba1·k Chad !.>arist•a u and l111eb.1l'ker Dave Carroll {6-5. 2 1!1) It's a t Huntin~ttm &>Jt·h lr,·lnt• ,.,... l':.ettant'la Athletes given an Olympic dream Eac.·h 1s I 3 in the Sc•a V11•w L!'agu<' and E.o;tanc'1a's running game· h a), t.-ik1·n a sc•tbat·k with thl' loss of wilb:u·k Matt Spll'l> (kn1'l') Matt Wolf t:1kr<; his plal l' lrvmt• kntA·kt'<I i::.,t.:mua out of the utll' rat1• a y1·ar agu Ill n big Uf)S('t P~w111g Irvine ts runm•r J1Jhnny Salinas. who has av1•ragt-d 6 5 yards pl'r tarrv It's at Nrwport Harlx1r Blueprint for world class s tatu I d evelope d at training cente r By HOWARD L. HAl"D\' Of IM D•llr Piiot Sl•tt COLORAOO SPRINGS. Colo The· United Statf:'S Olympic Commlltc'<' laun('hl'<i a nC'"" c'Onccpl m training m 1978 wtth thE! opening of lh•· Olympic Training CC'ntc·r al a former Air f oru· baS<.> her1 and smce that llmC', soml' 12.000 athletl~ go through the program each year Things an• r hangmg for Aml'l lt•a's amateur a thletes and interested t·111zl·n s arP helping tu defray thl.' c'OSL'i of such a training s1tt• At the present time, tht>rl' arc• 175 pt•rmanent residents and anoth er 150 un a U.'mporary basis lt costs $15.50 a day to houS<' and fl'<.'<i the athlC'lC'S rm the base that 1s leas<'d from thl' nty for$ I a year on a 99-year lease THE NATIONAL OFFICES of 18 amatl'u r sports arc now local<'<! al lh1• site Sports mt'dicmt• has bc'en implcmcm ted into the program to further benefit the athletes c1nd a new. $4 11 -m 1ll1on Olympic• f1c•ldhoust' was llJ>C'll<'d m J uly on the 34-acre complC'x &b Mathias. a two-t1mt• dN:athlon gold medal winner (1948-52), IS dlrl'<'lor of the operation "Something really extraordinary h appens tu the kids who come here," Mathias says "A kmd of mys tique I guess it's the same feeling e1:ch of us gets when we've ~n singled out for som ething special "For most, training w ith us is as dose as they'll ever come to th<' O lympic Games. Bu t. the Important thing 1s that w e're putting the Olymp1r dream within the reach o f more and more or them every year. "Most of those who come here a.·e students. What we do ts provide a service. Room and board and training facilities. Once an athlete is he re. it's up to them individually Everything 111 Cree here at the t.ralning center." EACH ATHLETE WHO goes to the c.-enter g~ t hro ugh a 'Jcr les o r s port m e d ldne. s ports psychology, nutrition and perhap' bloch cmics courses which are designed to give them a spc.-clflc blueprint for tralnln1; and becoming a w orlrl cla~ athlete. Dr. Kenneth S. "Caley" Clarke, Ph.D .. Is In charge or the sport.a medicine divt8lon. ''This Is a supportive 11ervk:e and It enables the athlete to become-the bes~, not make therm the bat," Clark uys. "We a~ the eyes and ears of the c.·oat·hes and Wl' help in fmdmg out morC' about tlw athlelt'l> .. In add111on to m<•d1cal <;erv1c·es. visual and dent.al scrl'<'ning arc also available at the l'l'nter. Ex<'rc1se phy'>1olog1sts tt·st athletl's and tnterprct the lt'st r~ulti. for the l'l'<'Ch and athlctt• lo hl·lp u1•s1gn th(• J thlt•tc•s training proj.(ram "We can gt'l a fl'{'(Jback on whc·re lh<'y art• and where thc'y ure gom~." says Or Jacktl' Puhl. sports physiology dtrN.'lnr "THERE ARE F IVE phi.il><•s to our progn1m Aerobic, anaerobic. musclC' strength a nd powe r. bod y t'tJmpos1t1on and blood work. "Wt' weigh thC' a thletc·s under water to dt•tcrminc· how mut'h body fat tht>y have. As an example , 1f a person weighs 100 pounds and has eight percent body fat , could thl.'y !OS(' eight pound~ to t'ompetc· at 92 pounds and still l:x• 1•l lect1v<"! "The answer 1s nu. You h ave to IOSC' somt'thmg be-sides body fat 1f you takc· off that mul·h wc•ight." Arr the athll'les happy w ith thc• program? "The ehte athlC'les a re N:St.at1c about 1t hut we hav(• to ht• cardul not to step on the c:oachl'S " In thl.' b1oml'<·ha nics d epartmC'nt, a studv of human movcml·nl with high Spt'<'d l'arnera.s. l'Ompu- tc:rs and i.P<°(:ia l analytical systl'ms romblnl'S 10 ht>lp th<' athle tt' und1•r..t..ind the.• mc'(:h,1111c.-,, uf hr' 01 h1·1 own bodv It ht•lps them to rdint.• th1•1r sk1ll1'<I movt·mt•nL<,. ther<·by 1mprov111g P'·rfm 111,11\l'I' .mu Ul'<·reasmg vulnerab1h1~ to lllJUry "In the hl'al of t•ompt•tlllon. an .ithkll' m<•Y usi· a whole s1·t of movt•m<·nt~ Wt• <an hl'lp tlll'm deterrmne th<'1r nwn m1stakC'S ur n•l.1tc• th1•1n to tht• 1·0.1ch." s;1 V). Or Charh•s Dil lm.111 l11 01111'1·h .1111t d•·partmc·nl d1rt't'lllr "FOR EXAMPLE . a 1v.,t·h t·un lt!ll .in .1thl1•11• h£• or shC' 1s dmni.: oonwth1ni.( w11111g and tlwn l>J1•k 1t up .. Tht• nt•W r11•ld lwust• ('an "t•at 1.0110 tor basketball und fws fanht11•s for t•1ght tl1ff1•n ·nt s ports indudmg an·ht•ry. JUdo, rnllcr h ock1•y, boxing. wrC'slhn~. W<'lght lifting and gym11ast1~ The all-wC'atlwr trat·k was put 111 at a t'OSt of $2' / millwn. And 11 halo no goal posts Furthe r. thNe arl' no JX'rmAn<•nt S<'aL.' F1t'ld hcx:k1•y 11nd SO('l't'r an• also play<'d on thl· f1c·ld but no footli;1ll A $fl 1'1 mil hon swimming t'Omplex and an IC'e skating arena art> on the draw1nl!( boards for lhe ruture. Wh<>n Ma thias sµN1ks ol tht• numb«r of athletes who will never makt• It to nn Olympic (See OLYMPIC, Pa~e 06) ELSEWHERE TONIGHT M<1ll'r De1 takes n s Ang1~lus Lt•agut· utlt• h1Jpc.>s tu Bishop Amal in La Put'nl<' ""hen· th<' Lant't'rs (Pt•rnell Tavlor) await Woodbridge. with John Schr0t-dt•r back m the ltncup. m1><•Lo; South Coa ... 1 Lt.•agut' co-ll·adt•r MtSSton V1t'JO (Klauo; Le1t1•nbaul·r a t quart<>rbal·k and Roger Brown at tailbm·k> al lr\'llll' H1..:h Laguna &•<1t'h I Bt-tlt • Ar.iht• ti/,/ l'o) I). di run orwnted San Cll'ml•nlt• m tht· S11uth Coasl Lt.•<1gt1P Laguna Hills tnt's to hount'l' b:wk from u ti:l-13 loss to Capistrano Vnll1·y a~amst Dana Hills (which lost to Capo. 57-0, c'arltt•r) 111 a South Coast League game at M1ss1on V1t•J0 c1nd Chino. 5 2 and rankc-d No. 7 in th<' C IF Sou thP<.1s tc•rn Conf 1•rc•nce. 1s a t Capistrnno Valll•y (Nu 9 in thr· C IF SouthPrn Conf<'rcm·1>) in a non IC'agut' gamt• ELSEWHERE IN ORANGE COUNTY El Modena (7-0) a t Foothill {7-0), Santa Ana (4-3) vs. Can yon (~\-4); Esp<>rama (6· l) vs. Cypress (3-4>: Garden Grov<' (5-2) vs La Quinta (3-4) at Bolsa Grande, Santiago (0-7 ) vs Los Amigos (4 -2) at Garden Grove. Fullerton (7-0) at 8\JC'na Park (4-3); La Habra (6-1) at Sonora (0-7). S unny Hills (2-4) at Troy (4-3). Anahl•1m (5-2) at Valencia ( 1-6); West<>rn (5-2) al Brea-O linda CJ-:~-1 ); Magnolia (2-5) vs S nvanna (1-6) nl La Palm a Park Lakers look Worthy of defending NBA title Bv CURT SEEO EN OftMD ... r ..... ltllft Just look around and you'll notice some tough neighborhoods around South('rn C-hfornia these days. Sei>ms like some or the once h appy sPorts fomiltcs just can't buy.peace and hnrmony anymore. ln An1thclm. they're looklnl( for a baseball mnnage r and looking for football l)('rlod. Up at the Coliseum in Los Angeles, th e ol' gridiron is quiet, too, even though the ageles." structure once again houSCJ 11n NFL team. A little rarth er up the freeway. there's a guy nomed Gar vey who may d eport and leave the Dodger Blue faithful, w cU. bluc- And the n. there·-. the ha ppy little kingdom of J erry Busa' In Inglewood where the-Los Ange lcs l..Ak ers Ont't' again appear worthy o f 9 rep<'l•t for tht' NBA champloMhlp. , Tht' key word. hn t•, of courst'. 1s worthy as in J amt'S Worthy th~ No. I S<•lt't'llon m the NBA draft, chosen by thC' tN1m which Cimsht'<i No 1 m the NBA. It seems hkC' a sur(' winner, So, while Most•s Malone• was going f rom Ho uston to Philad1•lph1n und Artis Gilmore was heading to San Antonio from Chicago. and Dave Cowens was going from his ravor ltt' ensy i·h:iir to the M ilwaukee Buclul, nnd Bill W<on'!I rna~ive feet wc•rl' fina lly tellfnf( h im th1,.•y'r<' l'('ttdy for th<' Clippers, thl' Lakcrs stood pal, ns In Pat Riley. their young coach who took ove r early lrult l<!MOn for P aul W C!'thet,1d 11nd IN h is running Lokers run tu thf' NBA lltle. Asid e from wondC"rlng when vetcron forward Bob M cAdoo w ould sign hi!! contract (he still h asn't), the Lakt•r front ofrtce h aa s pent the last five months S1Jvoring it.a 8l'l"Ond NBA Htk• In th!'('«' years. So. NUA Comm1ss1ont•r Larry O'Bncn will be on hand tonight (7:30) t<> present the Lt1k<·rs. with theit World Chompionshlp rings whe n they square otf with the Golde n Stat<' Warriors to OJ>l'n the 1982-83 NBA S<'ason nt the Forum . The biggt•11t damper on the Lakers' training comp, Corwnrd Kurt Rambls' st.rained right arch, is rt•spondlnf{ to trea tme nt, and ·.h e team's unsung lwro of las t sct1!10n moy even bl> rcudy for honight'~1 opener He'll be jolnt•d by cl'n ter KarN~m Al>d u I· Jabbar. tho econd leadlnK !ICOrer In NBA h liitory who'll IX' c ntcrlns his 14th professional season ; gunrdll F.arvln "Magic" Johnaon and Norm Nixon.; and forward J am aal Wllk<>s to create the same sturd y nudl•ua whk h pro p e llt>d lut venr's championship team · And once again, the LAkers haw d('pt'ndulJI<• I "t LAKERS, Paie Ot) ,.. ______________________________ ------ 02 U11111uu C..oUIJI DAILY I'll 0111 lhluy • to r ecovery long for Tony (:. From AP dis pa tc•h1•-. BOSTON '1'1111v l 'u111gl1.110 •• ltll llh'I' lX!:-l•fll H1-tl s .. , ... 111g~1·1 . 1.111 11111\•1• ull 111u1 111111~:-tl11· ''••)' h1• w.1nu. I h • 1"111 h11ld .1 p1•rll'1I. '"'g ""'g' .111d l''P' , .... , 111::. pt•t lt-11·111 .. Im •• g1 ........ 111 WllW .ind .1 bi 1" I t1f -.p.1glwt11 l.1·s:-th.in Ill 1111111th" .1g11 . ht• llatl 1111 d\'lt'('t,1bl1· p11b1 111 ltli""I prt'"'un• l"u111gh.1ro lt.1~ umw .1 long WJ) 11 u111 \\ hca• h l' W ,IS 111 l Ii IJ 'I' I I 11 It ,el 11w1111•11 b .d 11·1 :-u I li·r111g a h1•Jl'I all;ll·k J.111 !I lh.1t d1•pn\•1o<l h1:-lir.1111 ,,1 m .. yg1·11 Bu l lw hJ;, .i lo11g way 111 g11 111 apµro;1d1 his nmd11111n bd11n· ht• was st!'lt'kl•n "I think h1· '" n·ahz111g rn 1> r 1· J n d 111 o 1 1• "" h a t happt•nC'd lo him and h1· gL·l~ mor1• and mon· angry wh1·11 v I) u I a I k a b (I u I "" h a l CONIGLIAR O happl•n1•d," V1ult·1 J111w:.. a ht·ad nur:w <ti ShuughnPs.. ... y lh ·hah1h1.1uon I losptlal 111 S ;ilt•m . s;11d Thursd;1v "Th;i1'-, a n11r111al n •o1·t11111 ror most pt•nplt• '11kt> this Alo tlwv lt1·t·1111w 111on• aW.ll'l', tht.•y ... tart h,l\'tng thl·.:-t• r~'t·l111g;,, wh~ 1-. 11 h.ippt·n1 ng 111 llll' \Vt•'n • 11111 .. un· wh.11 lw':- ft.ot•ling " Wh,H happt>ns wht'n lhl' l'\.•n ven..1t11111 Lurns tu 1h1• n·ason for his hosp1taltuHton'1 "I It• lTll'"·" Jorw:-"'Y"' Quote of the day Flyers gang up to bent Pittsburgh Hohhy ('larkr , Tht1 Kt·it """ Huy ~ l\llli.un 10,11 II "'1111·d ,, p1111 111 ~11,1111 • Tl1111.,d11v 1111-1111 ,.., l'l11l11ol1·lph111 11111lt•d 11111-.huq(li, II'.!. 111 th1· N .. 111111.11 11 111 k• v l.1·11..iu1• 1<11 .. k11· •!"·"'' 11\11·1 l't'l lt• l.l111lllt'rl(h. 11111k111 .. 1o ... 111 ,, .. 1.111 111 tlw ".i-1111 ·• l up p 1 • il :IO 1 ii . I:.! I '11 I I 1111 i.t Ii . I 111 I .., 1·:1,, ""h1•11· 111 1h1 • Niii . Uohh) ~111i 1h 1.ill11 d l\\111 • 111 l1•11d l\l1111w,111,, 111 .t 1 I \111111\ 11\•'I l>.111111 l,1·11 \\1111• .Jo hn Tun1·lh ""'' ol tlo• I 1"l pc 1 Ind 111• l111·.1k1·1 .111d 1111' Ne•\\ Y11ll< 1-. l.1111h•1' wt·t1l 1111 111 d1 1,.,,, N1·w .11'"'' I .!, 1111' D1 •v11,· fo11rl h i.lrna~lil t.1..... l'11 i..l11 11 ~h II .11l1·d Vl'lt·1,111 d\'11·11-..·111.111 ( ;l'Ofl(l' l"l'f)tU!iUO 111 1\1111111·.,111.1 fw \111111~! d111•11"111.111 llun Mt·l~haan .111d ""1·n11d v1·.01 1111 w.11d Anch·r.; llaku11 ... i.un. Sixers deal Hollins to San Diego Thi· l'h1l.1d1·lpht.i /ht I .... ll\\'l l11,11J1•d With Vf'lt•t,111 l(lt,111b ,llfll 111 ·1·1lt11g lll <'Ill 11111• pl.1v1 •1 l11 """ h thr· I:! pl.1v1·1 1111111. 11.1lh-d ~11.11 d U on1•I llorlln~ 111 S.111 D11·g11 Th111 .. t1.1v 1111 1w•1 11t.o11 d11111·1·-. In 1 l'lur11 fill tlull111', tlw 7111·1.., \\ 111 gl'l S.111 1>1q.:o's ruur th 1 ou11d 111•·k 111·>-t y,.;1r a11d ;1 ..,.., 1111d 111umJ ~wlt'<·t111t1 111 I !HI I I\ l>.1111 · Ull'Ul I JULIKt' Ul Ul'l\'c.J f.>11 II\., f>lll f 111111>.tl I pl,1 Y• 'I Don Rt·ese l11 pr 11oo11 r111 at ltJ:-.t ,1x 1111111111,, lo.1y111g 1l1t· 1·x M1a1111 l>11lph111,· d1·l1•11lo1v1• llth'lll.111 h.1d lo b1• h1•ld .11 •Hllllt.1 hlt· 1111 \'1nl.il111g ltt!' d1 ug 11111b.1t11111 hy 11;,i11g 1·111 .11111 The· l .11, Allgl·lt•' King" ;11111ou111 ltl th.it 11·1111 ·1 l>OUR Smith ... uff1•11•d ,, f1.11l1111 ·ol l1·ll w11:-1 """'' pl:iy111g ag.1111-.1 W11m1pq.,: W1·tl1w-.tl.iv 111glt1 .111d will l>t 'ttll'llllnl 1111 .1ho11l 11111•1• 1111111111, Televisio n. radio Following <•n· lht• lop 'l'"I h 1 v1 ·11t~ 1111 TV tcm1gh1 H.111ng:-Jl'l' v v v V t•,u•ll1 111. v v v wurth "'a1d1111g. v ,,.... l.111 v 1111 g..t 1: 6:20 p.m .. Channl'l 9 V' V' V' ~Ill. llOCKEY: K111g ..... 1 Ed11111111t111 Announcers: Bt•li M1ll1·1 .111d N11 k N1t'k ... 1111 Thl· Kings uroppt-d I r11111 first pla1·1· 1n th1• S111:-1ht· D1v1s1u11 Wt·dn4·-..l<iy 111ght .111d Edm1111t1>11 1;, loonung large. 111 tl11nl pl.it·t· ll!·l11111I thl·m M1k1· 81.ikt· will stLirl 111 g ... .i 1111 tlw K111g-. :n &lmonton tonight a11d M<1red D1on111· lll't•J;, 11nlv um· mort.· as.'l1st 10 n ·ad1 7<10 111 h1:-can·c.·r RADIO F11olb.1ll Ed1:-.on .11 F11unt.1111 V.dl1 ·v . i 1'1 "ll look" hkt• tin• l11ng·bdll show ""ill ha\'£' tu n111v1· 011 " H a l Mc Rae, 1h1• :w yc.·~1r-uld frl'l' agt·11l. dt•s1gnatl-cl h1ttn. on 1h1• pro:-pt'l l:-of rl·lurntng to th1· Kan,..;.1:- C:11 v Ro\JI' in l!Hl:L artc.•r his conlrat·t pro'Posal ·was tunwd Jown • 1•111 , KWVE (108 FMl &;,kl'lball C:11ldt•11 St.ott• .ii I .. 4kt•r .... i :!II pm . KLAC (570, lloc:kc.·y Kings at Edr1111nt1111, 11 :!O p 111 . KPHZ (1150). ..... From Pugo D 1 M11 l11H'I l '111qw1 .111d 1\11 l\dp11 .1 ~ ll1• I II 'I l\\n jil,1v11 -. 111f llio l11tt1lo \11ol 111 111111 -.1 1111·11 ·, ~·•1 tit\ 1'111 h 'I 1111 ""'" ""' '" N111 '" I '.11111111.1 \\ 1111 l1 •ol tlt1 I .11 1111 1, 111 1111 · NI '1\1\ t 'lt.1111p11111.,l11p l."t "1"•"1111 , fl"''l'd 1111 lih I Ill.ti \I di 111 I 1111.l(t' t •l1~ilt1ltl \' .11111 1111111'' ·' I I h J>'lllll f>' I ~!·"'" ,,, I 1.11•1 1111111 '"' JUllllll y1 •II 111 tlu l..Jkt l '> "\V1111hv Ith 11gh1 111111 rn11 ll111111·w111k ' '·•Ylo < :1·1wn il M.111,1g1·1 ,J1·11" WP!>l "I Ir ', 1111111111· ;11.111 quwk a11d -.li1111ld IH· .111 l'l\l t 111•111 Hdd111cu1 111 11u1 lt •;11\1 .. '1'111· 1\ll A1l11·111.111 " lt\1111( 111lw1111l11·1111l y lho • l1111rll1 pl.1v1•1 1·v1·1 111 w111 11.wk 111 11:11 k Nt 'Al\ .111d NBA d1.1111p1111"h1p ... Jllllllllg Ill'\\ l1•,111111i;1tt• M.1g11 Juhn~111 . Bill 1<11-..,. II .11111 111·111 \ H1l1liv W11h M11d1 K11pd1,1k •·»p•"'ll•d 111 1111~-. 1110~1. it 11111all 11f tl11' M'dlo1111, till' l .. 1k1•1' will ai.p111 lw u-011g M :u k l .. 1111l-.ltt·tg1·1 .11 l111w,11d \\h1·n tll'1·d1·cl . now thJt 1111 Ii II lrn ""'·" d ...... d1~ ult·d ··•~"""' 'IJ<r1111J.! .1 l'lllllt'i11 I 111 pl.1y p11111.tll 111 lt.1lv .inti "W11-cl w11li tli1 Lakt·r' 111 ..,1i11r1 , 11', tlw ,,,1111 · 11 .. 1111 plui. W111 thv wt.11 h r1nti.h1'tf Wllh <I .1!1 ~.> 11'(.'llld, ltv1 gJllll''> ahl:Jd 111 P eete ta kt .. s l>is nt·y l(•a d L i\ K I·: Ii U 1': N V IST1\. 1-'l.1 (1\l'I (.'JI\ Ill l't I lt• \\ 1111'"'11l1•d ht:. lourth \ w1111 \ 111 the· M•/tSIHI l;a,I WI •f'k, "op11'1 •d ;1 round ul ti u11d1 •1 p.11 tili w11h .111 1·.1glt :! .ind 11111\'l'tf 111111 II tit• 1111 th1· l1·ad Th lll'lod~t v 111 t lt1· firs t l'11u11d 111 'tli1• W.ilt D1sn1·v W urld Coif Cl<tSSll . • • 1h1 S1·o1lll1· S1tfJt1S111111 ... Ill tit• 1· .. 11111 1>11.1'.1•11l wl111 It will clt •lw1 111111gh1 "•ill l<tlt-v "'"'''I 1·»111 1 1 tl1111g 111 '" , '"" 'I' Ii I I I , 1 II' I \\ II I ti, 1 I' II 111 I' I 1 I I t 1 ti 1 ' 11 t •ti I 1111111111111 '" 1111 l.11 I tit.ii Ill Nlli\ • It 11111111111 """ 11111 IC, ....... ti ... 11111 l~llt!J ""'''' Ht!.\ .tll1J11!11p ... lit• f!.IJ\11111 C '1 lt11 ' .11t 111 111111 .t.1111 111 (· 11 ... l 1 \1 I \l1.,d -. pf.1\, 111111 Ii loo11d1 I .1~'.·1111 I v1111 ••V1•1 V 111~lt1 ( ;,,1111 ' tll I>< 11 11111< 1 hc 1 ttllll' Ilk• • h111111u1111,h1p ~(.ttll•·,, .111.I 11 .., .i1t1111111 '" ·.,u,1.1111 1t.111uMlt 1111 p l.1v11l ''· 1<111" 1 x pl.1111!. "~'"'"" "11 .. 1111 111.ol .1111111d1 1'111 11.,1111 li.1 1 .. j.(111\\ <J11..,.•I 11<~.tll\t II \.\df 111 olt oll111111.t l1k1 111 \I/ l1<·l1111• 'l'lw ''"''JI 11111•.t 1111111" ..... 1111.1111 \ 1 ...... 1 ..... 1'4111 tit• 1 ... 1.. .. 1 .. 11 ,1•d .. '1111111111: 111" 11-.1· .111tl .1 ,, ·•Jljllllj.( "' 11 II I '" 1•1 I·" ''"I,., ... Tl11 I tlll 'j.(• Ill,. 111 1!.1111hh '" •• P""' I 1111 "'.1111 o111d 1111 Ill'''"'''''"' 1111· '""'' 1111~ .J.ol1lt.1I ''"'''" 111.11h· ti'"·" llllll" l',1\h I '" t11l 1•1tlt1 I l\l .1 ~•11 Id Nt\llll .... "" tit• • 111111 ·I N1x1111 1 111111111• 1111 111 11111 1 1,, ,, '"' .• 11, .tV1•111g1 ·d 17 11 J111111h po r g,111w !\.l.1J:ll ,, ,.,, 111 d ltlllll\1'11 ;11> IHI\ 111 tlll' 11111'-.I .oil o1l 1111t1d JJ' rl1111111•1' With hllo :11 I U111ul.1ll11ll 111 111i.:lttl\ II 1pJ1 ' '" 111 lllL' !Sec LAKE HS. J>agt 1>61 ORANGE COUNTY FALL FAIR ··1 didn't havt• tht• hall all that d ost_• w thl' h11lt• I t w a s a I 1 1 t I t · I> 1 1 scrambly, but I got .1way with 11," Pl~·l1• s;ud :ifter h 1 s e fr o rt o v 1· r t he 6.917-yarcl Palm murst·. one of thrt·t• r 1·-.or1 layouts being uwcl ror the first thrt·l· ruund ... or this season-ending 1•v1·nt Hl' shart.'<.I th1• lop -.pot with J ay ll<.1;...,, \\h11 h;" w on two of h1:-. la ... t thr1·1· starts. Monday-Saturday Post Time 6 : 30 Early Bird 11 a.m. -4:45 p.m. Exactas • Pick Six INTRODUCING THE 1983 TERCEL, BELOWTHE 1982 PRICE. Las ( llamitalc BUT THAT'S JUST THE TIP OF THE ICEBERG. You heard it right. The 1983 Tercel 3-Door Uftback is just $4998• -lower than last year's sticker price But there's even more to the iceberg. There's Tercel's mileage -better than last year. an 11.8% increase It deli ers 51 Estimated Highway MPG,@EPA Estimated MPG ... And how about Tercel's front- wheel drive transmission MacPherson strut front and rear suspension Power-assisted brakes And these are just ~of the standard features -there are many more Insi de. everything has that great Toyota quality And Tercel is the roomiest subcompact you can buy.••• So buy. Now At your Toyota dealers. And oh what a feeling you'll feel ;r j I I 11 l(~-1 f \ FLEET FEET INVENTORY REDUCTION SALE Friday. Saturday and Sunday Only' (Oct 29-31) FLEET FEET SA VE FROM 10% to 40% ON A WIDE VARIETY OF ATHLETIC SHOES *COURT SHOES NEW BALANCE CT 600 ADIDAS STAN SMITH ADIDAS LADY SMITH ADIDAS GRAND PRIX NIKE f LL COURT *RUNNING SHOES RHIOK HURRICANE MENS & WOMENS CONVERSE PHAUON CONVER SE SAUNA CONVERSE ROAD STAR ETONIC TRANS AM REG $54.95 $43 95 $43.95 $47 95 $24 95 $29 95 $49.95 $49 95 $27 95 $33.95 *CHILDREN'S SHOES ASAHIKC2 $19 95 PONY JR TARGA $21.95 SALE s399s s319s s319s s379s s219s s199s s391s s399s s21ss s229s s14ss s1311 PLUS MANY, MANY MORE FLEET FEET Corner of Brookhurst & Hamilton 9931 Hamilton Ave. Huntington leach 983-811,8. • EJ J lo ('Olllpt•lt• at Mt. SA<: 1'11· l\lt ..... 11 1\1111111t11 ( '11111 i:·· It"'' t t1llltlt \ Ill\ ll.el111tl.1I \\ 1111 ll 1111:t11.., «•I." '"tl1 \,1111111 ... t'I~ I .11td '.1.1 .. tit• ,1111111 t.u.' ~ .... 1111111 t \\ " Ill I ,It tit,, S.11111 d.i\ 11\llt 11111g \\ii It ·''' .• '"'"'' ''"" tmll\ 111\1.il ... "'I"' It'd \11 do \\•·II l\l.11t·t I>•·• I l1glt ,·,11ald ht 1111 l• .ttlt ... lt1·.il Ill tlt1 t11111 ·, '"I • .,. ... 1.t1, ..... \\ 1111 It tit\ h1d1 ... Fl 1'11111 N, "hut\ I '.11 h Fl l\l1Hf1 11.1 l•:I ll\11.11111 1\11 11\11 ll.l\\llt111111 .111d l\lt1t1t1 ·l11 1111 t\1tl11t11~ lht 1111 II ' tttdl\ 1.!11,ol ,l,111do11I ' l 1111t 1·d llt lltt '". •'Jl'l.tht .... \\ 111, Ii l1 .. gt11 .... ti Ill •II '' l't111111,1 .t,•I l\l.11', ll,1\1 • \ml• ·t '"" " lt11 '' ti I ht 111t 111 K 111 tg "11h ... 1 .. It ... 1.111d11u1 ... ,..., 1,.,,, .\l.011111.1-. l\l.11 I.. .lu11l.. .. t 111.111 .111d 1 • ..... .1d1'11.t', ·''''lh ( :u1111·t "' '1'1·11·'" l\.1tttw. ul Utt1\'11,1t\ J (tgh IS lllll'lllt t 1•d lh1· ,1thh·l1• lo l>t•,tl Ill t ltt \\ t11\\\'ll'" 111d1v1d11,tl '" '" Jl'l,1k1' 1,1.tt t111g .it 11 tl.1 1111 tlt1• l\ll S.\l" 1.1111pu:-.) .tlth11ugh tlw t 11 •ld ttll'lud1•' :-.ud1 .. 1.11 l..i:-. "' l'h.1111111.1d1··, l'.111\,1 F1:-.1 h1·f', S.111 1>11 ·g1• \' 1 ... 1.1 ·, S.rnd1 Bl.1 k«,11•1• .111d 1\1.111·1 lk·1·,, Clan l-'111 Donlan presents his s ide \\,\SlllM: l"l >N 1Al'1 .J.11.k 1)11111.111 th1 N .i l 1 11 n • ti F 1111 l I> .ii I L 1· a ~ u 1• ... 1 h 1 1· I 111·g11t1at11r . .itt1·1nplt·d I•• lll'l''ll·Hl1· lilt' N:.111011.tl L.ihot Ht·l.1111111" Roanl ' t11p .111111111•\ l'hur ... d,1\ 11111 111 ...i•1•k .in lllJUlll'lhlll tit.it \\ uuld lnn·t· leagu1• 111'g11l1.1tu1-. to ba1g.1111 1111 tht pb_\l'I",' .......... 111.1at11111'-. d1·111.111d lu1 ,1 \\ .1g1· suil1 l>unlan·.., fl\'t•-h our 1111•1 • t 1 n g '' 1 t h N L H H gt 111 1.tl u1uns1•l \\'rllt.irn Lubht·r" <:<ln1l' un tilt' :rnth da;. of ,, play<•r-.· ... 111k1 th.ti ,11 •• , ,tfft•t lt•d 'I' \\ l't kl' 11 d' ()I th t lh \\l•1·k n •gul.11 st•ason .. Tht• 1111·1·1111g WCI' to gt\'!' LI:-. art llJ>J>Orlllllll_\' Ill g1v<· 11ur ..,1d1· ol till' stoi \ t o n c t· 1 n 1 11 g t h • · n1mplain1." Oonla11 ~ul I tli111h. ;\11 Lulib1 '' h-.11tll'd ii l11l "'thing:-. ht· didn't kn11w · B .1rg,,1n1 11 g t ii I k :-. . • 111.i11g1·d I" 11ud1<1111r S.1111 KJg1•l. \\ill rt·,Utllt S;iturda' 111 N1 '' Y 111 k 1111111 \\ lllg ,, ..i \I 11 -d.1\ 1111 .ik On 011 :!I . Lubh1·t'- s..i 1d he· '''•LI Id 1s::.u1· ,, 1 urnpldtnl .tllt·g1ng thl· lt'<1gl1t• h,1d t ng.1g1·d tn unf;i1r 1.ihor pr,n 1111•,., Donl.in :-.did Luhh1 r' gav1· no 1nd11.t111111 wlwn hc-\\11uld at tu.ill~ "' l'k .in 1n1un<'l1•111 Mulligan honore d L:C lrvrnc 1i, .... k1·tb.ill l11,11 h Bill Mull1g.J11 \\ill ht· honort•cl .. ..., l HK:.! Sp"rhm,in of-thC'· Y1•Jt bv th1· Orang1· Cuuntv Sp 11 rt s <.: 1• I 1· b r 1 t 1 t ·' TU1·,da'. Nov '.!;$ <it .c b a n q ·u 1 t o t t h ' S.iddld>a1·k Inn rn S;mt.1 An<t Mulligan 1:-. the J:lth n .•t1p1l•nt of lht· aw;Jrd. \.\h1th -..vmh11l1z"" lt·.i<l«rsh1p 1n .cthh·ttt<, and the c:ommunllv p ,,...t honorC'C's have• mC.1 ud1·d A n gl· ls Ow n 1•r G 1•n1· Autry. Olymp11 J1vrng t·hampion Dr Samm_\ U't.' and tc·nm~ star Hod Lav1•r Mulligan has rl'l'or<IC'd a 40-17 re-cord 1n his two st•asons at Ul'l , including .1 :.!:\ 7 mork la ... t y<•.ir F11r furlht•r 111 for m.1twn. phont• th1 S JJ II r l " I) t• JI II l ,f l tH I -l>ti Ill J eff Alter ta kes lead K f':Y HISC:A YNE. Fl,1 Jl'ff A ltt•t . ynLmg1•,.1 son o f ll ob11• Al l<'r of ' Cap1 .. tra nr1 BParh , "·" Ol'V('r won ,1 n at111n11I t· h.a m p1o n sh 1 p in Holm Cot ~all rn~. bu t h1 nµpl'arC'd to be.• well 1111 ht" w.1y t11 n n;1t111n;1l trtlt• In the llob1(• If! <'l.1:;, Thur4'd,1y Young Altt•1 wound u p the hrt•t•1y duy 17 W k nots In f1r"t rl1H·1· w ith 4 ''• p o 1nt1> {,... dO:•l'Sl ('OOlfW l tllll' w a:; hill b ro th<>r. Huhlt• Alu•r J r with 7 1 • polnl'i ln third pl1H·c w as Deon fo'ruonw. Koiluo. Hnwa11 . with 8 11 pointJC i 1 11.111q• 1 ... , .1 11r111 , 1·11<11 111i11, 111 11 "'"' •"' 11rn1 Oil rs,· Monarchs clinch titl Lag,u na 11 ii I: lops Arti ts 11111111111•11111 I~ ... 11 ·'"" l\l.t11 I I .. I 1111: It ''" II • I I .. ' ... 1111I1 \ It .1111 · \\I •Pl" d llj• d11,d 1111 • I I l1.111q11ott1'.l11p· Ill 1111 ~-1111 'I .11111 .\11g1 ·l11 1......... "1111 I" I'" I I• 1111.t '" d1 11 111111 ''" I ltt1t d,1 \ ,1fl1 I llHllll 111111 I .111 1 \\1111111 111 lltt 1111 ti '1111q11t111 .. 11 1111 '""'.I l\J.11111.1 11\1 I \\1 l1111t1>l1 I hit"'' I. \ I I I· . "II• I .. 111 \ •. ' I I ' \ :-..1dd l1 1 .... I, "' 1·1 I' I 1111 ••• No·\\ IH •l I I l.1tl " •I 11\ • f l llf "11·1 d1 I !\J.11 .1111l l t11\• I ti\ 11\1 I )1\1111 \)ft tli1 \\llflll 11 ' lt.,111 l>:dh1 11 '1 ....... .i 11111 .. I II Stith• I I .1 .. , ...... d11.d 1111'1 '1 ...... '"" .111.J I Ill\' I ,,,\ l'<·pl 11, fl'"'" 1111d1'11 ·"'"Ill tl11 S1 ,, \ Ii'\\ I .1 .01:111 • II 1<11 "' l\l.1111111 11td i\111. 11 bl.I\"' l\l.1t.1 ll•t lfll·"" 1111 11111-.lt 11111 1 .. g1 tl111 111 11 .lu 111 1111 .d, lloh l'l.111« '111111 '' 11111td 111 I I I ' '"' ·' \I·" .11:11 :--.. ·•II I ><il.111. l«1l1 .\1 ,1·11.111lt .11111 l ·1111 I h 1gtw ... 111rnpll'l1 d .1 ""'tp111 tla1 I II ... l I I \ ' I' I ·" ' ... I II I 1 Ii • !\11111.111 la l :11 g l\,111i:,li 111d I 11i-. l)1111111111 , t 1111-.lt .. .t 1111< l\\11 1111 I lu 11t111g11111 1\1·.i< It ;a, 1111 (lilt I, I 111 1,111'11 :11 • l 11111 \\ I l I 1 .0 • I tJ I I 1 11 I iJ (~lllllllll''' "·" 1·111111111g "'" 111 ... 1 \ 11 ti t 111 uu1 "I•' In \\lu" 111 Ill till • ii .• l,Jti. 111 I I \I•' I \11 11,,1 11 ), 111• \ tf,11 w 11 •1tld11 I Ill ill If I I It! t ,,1 ~· ( Ill tlit IJlf H I II• 111• d11 I I 1111 I 1 111 i 11• 111 •I l1H11 11Lu' ~ lu \\ '" 1111 • 1 \ "'•I '"" 11 ... 1 ... \ It If If !'-.It \• I ,, I '11 .. I I 1111 I\ I. I \ "·" .t .1111 I I·' 11 • ( .11 I 1•11 • 111 I .t 11 •• 11111 Ill Iii.ii 1111f1 ' ''"l"•tt ll11l .. 11 •'111 S 1.1 \11\\ 11 .11111 1•11111 li.11ll1lll· lt11ttl1l1""''1111 :-. •.• l\lllJ" ll,1\1 \ 111)1 I ,1111 \\ ,, , l lt1 11tdl\ 1ol11 . .f \\ 11111• I ''""I '' I . I 111 l d !\.I \\ti It I,, •Ill' I 111• I 111 .... \\ p11t I Ill •• 11111 I .111.J ~,. ',• I·'·''" 1 lt11 .t I flt\• l '<ll\ 'I :111: \\11111" '·'" \\t II 111 .. qt1111• '" '' Ill 1111 11111 l \\ II Ii I 1 ' 111• 111 I 1 :111 . .t t I 1111II'I1 I 11 \\ ,,, "I II 1111 1111 • 1111r-..1 , , l Ill d I· ... 1.1111 '·' .ol1 l1to11~·1t J11..,111t: l11 ~.11t11l1 h.11 1, 1,, , 11111 · I'""" 111.111 Ill l1.1d f\111 I\",,. '"" ll.011 ' II H. I I " I , , l 1111 ··Ii ""' I " " 1<111 ... , h 1""'11 .t ht 111 ... 111111 111 lt11 \t .II ••ti I'll (•, l,1IH Id I IHlt ~t· .11 lli l!t 1-r· 11111.111 1'111ltl l'.11 \ l1111 .lt1d 11111111 oRcoRP. I dt .,,, I.,,. ....... ·' ,,. dttlHffl ii• fl1• \\Hiiu 11 "\1tt1 • t I 1 ·•J1U• , .. , , ""I' 1111.J111 111.t I• 111 l'r 111 " .. 111111 1111 '""'"' 111 111 Ill ·1111 t '11.ifl" I IHlll\ 1111 l1t'ol I" 1ol,11 I , 1111•\ lt.o\'I' tl11t11 Ill I\• I \ 11 ,q'UI lilt I 1 1111 -. "'.I ,Hfl Ill l"'''lf1J1 .lfl I 11 \ \\ tJI l Ill\• I ,fl\ • f\J. 11 ... I' •f flfl 111ot 11111•'" H.1111 .. 1 ,1111 1111·11.t ''' 111.111 1111 tlu 'I 1••1.111. 111 1•111 ,.111111· HI It I\\ f' \111\ 1\1111 fl I I 1111111>1 Ill 111 I 111 t ''-''till • 11111111 11111111 I l.1 I I H If \\ 1II1 'I 111.t H11\' I Id t I fl ' Hf",,, \ \\1111 1111 N, \\I"''' 1\1111 .l.1111• •1111.i .• l11•'oltll1dll flllltllt .111tl 1:1. 11111•11 '-,1111 q• Ill 111111 'M<.\nul•tturer'\ sul)Ql'\ltd rt'l1ttl prier l'•cl111•~l I" 1>n\f', ••Ill', t.w•\ JOd d1"\l111.it100 <h•llQI'~ ttlJ NM AN M()f()ll CO~flClN IN IM " . N 1 ''" 1 I I I I " I I ill ... I I I Ill If •lj 'II I• 11 Ill '" 11 11111 111 1 I 111 1:. II II fl 1111 • I I I• • •ii \ 11 \ 11 11 It \I t11ll1 • 1111 I lt111 IJI if Ill l Ill ~II If • ... 111 1 11 .1111111.111 H 1tl1,jf I '". .. "t ''"' I '"I I •tll• I 1111 111 11 .. II •• I ,. I ,,, I.I .. I' 1111 1• I ' •• 1 '" 11 11 11 111 11 I • II I ~. II I !\I .1 I 11 1 I I• • ', 11 \\ f l 1 ,, f I I j It I I' If , , ti , , \ \ • "1 11 1 \J 1 ''" I It 1 I I I I 1 I \\ I 1 ,., t I 1 I I ..... "'" 11• d lit I ,,, ,., If '\ l • .1 I ., I ••• , •• I• 111 1 I I l I• 11I1.1 l i J 11 I 11 r I 1 •It t t .\ 11 I 1 •I ,., I d1• Id Jl1 t 11 1 llH' I tll 11 11 11 '""'" Jl11t·cl .,,,. ~ .... 1, ,,, Ii ... t 1111 l..01•1111.1 ll1ll'o \.\.,111·1 1 11>1 11 .1111 '" .o I 1 1 !-.11ulh ( '•1."t J ,1 '1'111 \ft 1111 \ 11\' I J .. 1gllt1,1 I~•"' 11 I 11111 .11.1\ .ii 11 1111••11 111 Ul1· 1 .. ,, I I ""'I 111 '''"''"I '-i1111tli ( ·,,, .... t 111.1lf It \l1 1"11 \ ,, ,.. l1111plc" J>.11111 lltll •. J 1 11 v.1tl1 .l.11 I., J(\,111 ..,.(fflfl~I fl\/\' .t111I I 1111 I l11llf IJ'.lll h1ll111J.( 101.11 1 .. 1 1111 \" 1 .. 1 . l'l.1\11111 1111lt1 l111l1 · f•H l . .0R111111 J ltll < '11111111 "·" 1111· tl11111111.11~ I"'" 1111 1111 \.\ 111111 1-.. l<1 111 1<111111 '" •,,,,ii 111111 111111·' \A. luli l1tll1.1t1 I l.11 \f \ 1111 11111 I g···"' 11.t· I I I I \\ I t I 11 • I • 11 '' I \' ' ' I ' a. I HICiH SCHOOL FOOTBALL AT ITS BEST t Edison Chargers vs. Fountain Valley LIVE! TONIGHT 7:15 PM AH ENGLEBREClff COMPANY PRODUCTION APA KWVE FM108 Product af NlllAN -·--- ~ .~ ~-------------------------------------------------- l)•I 1111111111• I 1111•11 llAll \·I 'll t)I I 1td•JV !It l1d11•r .'If I'll!.' • CdM, W estmin t r n ar1ng crowns l J( ~I polo is l s await r••rnat<·h l '1111111.1 d1 I l\l.11 Hid \\ 1 I 111111 I• 1 l11t(l1 .. 11 1.11111 .11111 d '" 11111· ~·1111· "" 111 ' 11lh1 •' Ill 1111 :-;,.,, \II\\ o111d :"'1 1111" I 1. .. g ll • ... I I ' I".. I I\ .. " If I \\ 1111 II. I I ' \ ulh \ t.,111 ·"111111 1'11111 ... d.1\ r11gj,1 'l'ho St .1 1'i. 1111!' p1H k1·11·d I 111 II I II la .. 1r.111othl \1111111pla 11\ lw.11111g l'.I 'I 111 n I I H L.• l II I I I I:.! ( 'dl\l '' ·" 11.111•d II\ 111 ..... \11111~ "'''' 111 Ulll'I"• 111111 I l'.1111 1 .. 1\\tl ll\I .111d 1111ddl1 t.l11tl-• 1 l'.1111111\ I .1tx l1 ·r N11\\ I .! ii 111 !-11 .1 \'11°\\ I ,, .1g111 ,.1.,, l .11\1 \\di f'll p.111• 1111 .1 l1\l1 '""" d11\\ II .1g11111'I N1 \\ pul I I l.1111<11 111 I) '1'111·"1.I\ l'h·· S.111111 .. Ill 1·1h-d 11• lllllh It 11111 hi 11111.J ... fllll .1 Ill I I, 1.1 Ill I' !I I I I.!,,'''·"" 1111 ll\1111' El.1111.1 ( )111 ·11 11.111 .I ,.,11011g 111 11 11111 ·" 1111 111•1 1111 1lw \'.111111•11"· '' lillo 1'11 S.11h11 ' "' '' I• d 1,, liol11 I '·'"' I 1 Ii.11 1 "' lo ...... 11 .. , •• ll \\111 lu .1U1•l~h I ~1t d \ U ~\ t HI fll1t1lt I 11 \\ t l•:-.1''''1.1 1,11111 l,1111• • 11 I ',, 1.i 1\1• " 111 l (JI.I.I·,'\ II\ I .I . 111111 j'llll• I•• I• II I 1 • 1'111 \llhtl \ I" l•I lft• l·.01:10 111 lt.11 d fil.11' "1111 ·' 11 I 111.11 I, \\1th .o 11.111 111 lo "H"' flt.oh 111 lo 11 '" ""'' h .111,, II oil "''""' \\t II 11 1 tli• 11.11 k Ill\\ lo <I f•-.l,<IHl.1 \\111111 "'" lt'\l l\1.J .111111 '''""I' 111111111-: 1111111 l'l.t II \' 11111~'..111 .111tf 11111 .1111111: 11 11111 ( ;, l\.i ( ;,,11t II 111 tl11 ~1111" I l.t·.01:1 11 \\'1 -.111111i-lo I 111•1\•·d l'I"" I 111 1111 It .11:111 'l1.llllf•h•lhlt1p "' 1111111111• 11.11 1, l\l.01 Ill.I I I I I I I I.• I 1 J<.111!..o d l1fll1 Ill 11 11 l 'Jlo I 1\ 1111 El Toro eyes title showdown 1 I I•·•· ·'" ti II Ill ,, .11:111 I''"' "1111 l\\11 11 t t It I 11 )1 It "lllHI 11111 1d1 111111 I ' "'""' W.it ·''" .o11.I "(111111111111 ll111hllo lof,,. (,,I .f.u l,lt l\J, ""' \\I I• 1111 I ,11 .ol \ I 1 .. 1 \\1 111111 1.lt I I 111 1111.1111 \ di•, 1,, I'' 1h 1111111 • l••1 ,, IO t•Hol I''"" 11111 .. lo ·""'' \\llli ,, ... l.1 ,, I '•1 I ' I "I I,."' 1·:.11 "" 1111 ll.11'111 \\• 11 olol• 111 "'' 1111 '111111 "111.ul 111 Iii• 111.d111 \\llfl flt ,1!111.111 1111t lift 1111!0 I l 111 I ,I\ '°i\,ol ,t,uf \il\t 1 111~ "' •11111 11\1 I.ill I ,11111 It ... I· I OI\\ ·I" I 1.ol1 ... 1 11 .. 1.11 .• I\. 1 111 I I I II I II I II I' I II I II< I• I I , • I \ I I u ~ I 1 •• 111,,, I\ • 111 I '111111 1·1 lllllltlll/'IHll flt ,11lo 'l.111111" 11 I'"'"' ""II '' I l.1 ·•l'lll t111111q•ll "' 1111 "' .1"'" 11\ ..., <11111~'. o1 I, , I • ' I I .. 11 1111111 ol I "\ I I I ,, I ol 11 \ It .\,\ 11 .. •1 \111)'"1 l111 .. 1l '11il1o11 ... 111111•11\ l l11in•,.sill: full!'i1 35-1 .5 Uy ED ZINT EI. •~tel 10 1i.. Dally Piiot KRAGEN ti11ll .l1>hll~llll ll.1:-. l'\1,1\ h1 d '"1111 o(,1111 ~111 1d t .. oth.dl ll •a111~ .at El Tun1 I lrgh 111 II'\""' ",,1, hllt 1wrhap!>. 111 \'1•1 h.o ... lw h.tol 1lw 11pprn 1111111\ 11< w111 I. \\ llh 1h1 1.111 Ill th,11 hl· h." 1111:-. \l·,11 Thl l 'll.11'j.~1·1 , ,11·1· 11111\ mg 1 111-..·1 I•• .o I 1111 d ... 11•.11gh1 s .... V11•\\' L1•,1glll' I h.1111p1t111,h1p \\ llh ,I p<r.-:-1bk ,(111\\\l<l\\'ll 1111 1h.i1 llllc· , •• 1 1111 t\\11 \\1 .. k, I I lllll 111m .1g.1111'1 S,1ddh·h,1l k. Aut o Supply WE'RE HELPING YOU DO IT RIGHT! PRICES EFFECTIVE THROUGH TUES NOV 2. 1982 I 11 111 1 \\ 11111 I ,H11 l do 11 11 .1 I•\ IJ1ol l \ \ \ 1"., I \\ < II 111 I I 111 111 111. of II I I I 11 I )1 lo I , \ II I 111 \ I •'1'1111 I (It ·'' 11 '"I Ill d 11.11 I< t Ii· •lo 1f11 111'' HI S,,11 I I• 1111 lilt 11< 11 t j'.11111 J • Ill I , I ' Ill I , 11 111 I 1 II lo ''·'' I" II" I 111 ''" '•11111111 · ••••• 1 I.• •1•1 11 1.111 "" \111 .... ,,,. Ill ti Ill 11 IJ'IJI ,.1.1\ ''"" I I I •0111l l11ll11\\1111• 1111 \11 l111v S.111 I h 1111 1111 1111111111 d 111 , I I .. 111 I.' 111 . I 111 \ \\ • ' ' I I "I , , d I "I Ii' I ''"'" 111111111• ,,1.,, .• 1 ... ,.1111 .• \ 11111 • .t l\ • 11111 "'" '"' s .. 11111 1 "'" 1 1,, •• 1·1" 1111, 111 .di At ... 1. Ill \ l.1 •'I'll• "'"'' l111p N1 ''l"''' ('l.11~11.111 I'""''",, t ~ ... 1.i I I I I \I• 1111 \ 11\1 I l.tl11 1 I\ ( 't.11 .. 11.111 N· \\I"" I I .1111"'" N11 I Ill '"' ...... .i1 •• 1111111 dt\ I .11111 "' ( II· 11111v1•d 11 -. 11\l'f,oll '''"'" 111 11 I 111.t , II 111 J..11:111 "''''" Thu,.,d,1y nigh t . El '[',.,,, \\1111 1i.. 111u11h !>tr.oght. :1;; 15 U\l'I Unl\·1·r .. 11~. lo ""I""'' ''' l•·agu1· 111.11 k lu ~ I S.uldh·h.11 k. ,.., I ti g11111g 1111•• l•1111glit', g.11111• .ig.1111-.1 N1•\\ port I l.01 h111 SPARK PLUGS Prestonen · I I (1 \1111 , '"I' 1 .111k1 d \\ .11! I 1,..J .. '' .1111 .t111 1 'dg11w N .. :t. ~''·•lllOJld (I 11 .11111 N11 ;1 ( "" u I) f.1 ·,1 \\o t ko lid l,11 I '• flit' "11111' l\\''1 ,, .1111-. "~·1111 1111 ... !-..t1111o1 •• , ·'. 1111• 1\1111 .tll I ' IMI 11• 111.111 IU lltl J .t111J{ 1~ .... lo 111~11.<111111,ol '('11 t11111t1.1111111I l•.1t111"' llw 11111 l111tt t1 .. 111·. 11 11111 tit• J1< 'AA l.1 ... 1 •,t ''''HI o111d llt• 11 •P 111111 l1t1111 tht f ',,. Ill l l l 'I l.oc • "~l.11d11HI .ol I.! IO "Ill .111d ( "" " II 1.1 "fll S .ollttd.t\ '"'II 1.111~~1· .... 1111 I'S(' • .i II 1 1.0111 o111d l't 'I./\ ;ol 1 .UI I' Ill .... 1111d.o\ ll1t t\111t ,flte ' llot" \II 111111 '' 11\l I lht ....... , k• 11d 11111 \ . .t .... 11 ..... 1 ~I•""" St.111· 1 lll'ftl !1\'o·d I ht 11 11·111111 111 I 1 (I"\' 1.oll "WE llA \' E:\ 'T h1uk1·d .tl11 .1d \ 1•1 .111d \\ t \'l>n'I hw1I. p,1!>.I 11 \ lllt' (lo:I 'f'101ot', 111 \.I 11ppom 1\l I. ... 11d .lol\11 .. 011 .1l ll·1 w,1nl Still th1 """ 1h1· l'h,11g1·1' d11m111.t1td l 111\1•1-.11' Tht11,d.1.' night .it 11' 111' tllh "·" It• 1h111k 1h.11 .J11h11"111 and h1-. 11·.on1 ,1n· .111\11111,h ,1\\ ,Ill Ill~ ( h1•11 fill.if I l 'gUl,11' 'l'W·.,lll g,1f1I\' HELPS SA VE GAS STANDARD Prest one ~ I ~ . ANTI FREEZE COOLANT 2.00 REFUN D OFFER SPARK PLUGS STANDARD JI ii ;\nd 111 111u1"' ,1 l'IF pl.1~11fl '"'' 1h " 1111111'1 .1 l'l'l t,11111\ 1111" f111 El Two Thl l'h,1rg1·1' did 1111th111g l,11l1 \ 111 l'ln11 ... d.ov night''" 111 Jll'I '1r .. 1gh1 .1lw.11I ph,,11.11 l11u1h.1ll ~:1 T1H o . p.1n·d I 1y I ht• l'•":-.ing 111 l\liht I~ •llgl,"' "),,. 111111pl111·d I"' f1r .. 1 H I>""'''· I'll 111\111 1 ... 1 " 1111 11 111gh1 .111d l'lh '·"d' gol 1111 111 o1 1 ..... 1 ,t,111 l.>11ug1 ........ h.1d .1bl1• IJllllt'( IH>ll lh!<•LJgh th• f1r ... 1 lt.olt \\ h1·11 El Toro built ,1 :1;).(I 11.111 Tiii' "'111111 qua1 t1·rh.11 k thrc·w th11·c· t11ud1dt1\• n P"'-'t'' 111 th.it hJlf Two ... u>nng 'tnhc-s wt nt t11 B11J11 l\.1111 g.111 111 :n .ind :H ,.,rd:. and ;11 wtlw1 for .iii '"'ti' \q·n1 111 !\llkl• l\k L.otn • "M IK E R A:\ lhl tl'.•m \'t·n \\1·11 . ,,,rd .luh1b1111 "111· !>.ho\\ 1·d ,1 lc1I of pm .... · I suppo"· tht 11ff1·nsl\'l ' lrrw h<1' lo g1•t :.i lot .if l'rt-thl too " lnd1·1•d 1hc· 11fl1·n~l\t• llllt' ltir El T n r tt " ..... 111rn h t.1gg .. r .md ''"' ph,,a,d f11r l:r11 Th<ll 11111· w,,... h·d hv Paul S\ llt•rrk11 . .i '"" ''·'' lrmm.in 1111 111, "·''' 111 :1111t.1,l.!u1 ,111d p1 t•h.d1h .di l'lt hnmir-. 1h1~ st"""" l1u1 111 ,1Cld111u11 111 tht 111 f1·1i...1• tlll' ~.I I 111 11 iJ,.l1•ns1· g,1\'<• lJnr plt·nty mo11· twadad11•' Th.11 '"'!-. 11 d by S\'11t·nko. Alli !Jouglil''> IJ..,11 C1ht" .11·11' Eld11dgt" l\.l 11<c· Pwl. R11rw·1 t Ounl .. p . Sh,1\\ 11 <.'.11d111 .incl LoU1s S1·rg{',mt Un1v1·r<;1ty, I 4 1n league :!-fl m·1rdll. -.(111'1·<1 " l>Jlr ,>( tuuchdowns 1n tht· fourth 4u.•rt• r ,,, qu.ir111 ht k Will \\'Jtson kd dn\'l·' 11f HO .111d \0 '.11 ds W:.t ... 11n ... con•d Un1's first 111ul·hd11\\ n 1111 <1n h :-..in.I run 1h1·n thlC'"' (j '.10 \drt.l S(ormg 'lnkc 111 Barn Snr·1·cl folio'' 111g a fumbl1· rt>t11vt•n 1o, Chn' l'a1 r;onl.il "THE KID t..nu 1111 11·.11 h.ord 1n tlu 111-.1 h.111 .. ~rel John~on 111 hi:. El Tot" "lu ... d I ol1dn'1 • Xp<.>t I u' 111 ru .. h nut th.JI fo,1 " '"'' d wt· l d n JU'I -.1a y 1ogt·thc·r I 111 t \\ o \\t·<•k!. we· h,1V<· a gooci 'ihnt Jt ti (the• lt•agw tttlt 1 No m.11 t1·r what. th1 l'h:.rg1•1 .... 1n· 1 h.org111.i.: n•lV. ;md \\ 111 ht:· hard to ''°P El TOl'O 35. Unlver•lly 15 lie«• by Ouar1eni E1 Toro 14 21 o 0-35 Unlvetalty 0 0 0 15-15 * Puses 1012·0 Puf\ta 1>33 Fuml>lft-lOat 3·2 Penelll .. ·yarda 6-60 lnc:IMCl ... I 111 ... 111ng 18-31·1 •·36 15-4 7-S8 El -Eldfldoe 4 run (Wllll1ms kick) El-Morgan 37 pua from QouolaM (Wllllama klcitl Ef-McC111n 56 P IH trom Dougreas (Wllllem1 klc;kl ET-Eldrldge, 8·26 frlc k•ll 8· 19, Oouglu s 5-48 Fennell. t>.60, McClain 1 ·for.mtnue 3. Cummings 2·6. SwHtl n, 2 1. McConca. l·I ET -lrlckell 2 run (Wiiiiama klt;lll U-lenuul. 6·33 Watson 12·78, Thaxton. 7-27, Kern 1·7 lftdMduoal ~-•ne fl-Doug111a. 9-11·0. 198 s -1111. 1·f·O, 10 ET -Morgen 3 4 paaa lrom Oougtau (Wl"ll/'l'la klei<I U-Watton 8 run (Pelrano klcit) U-~ 30 pau from Watton (Sneed PAN from WltllOn) AllMldance -1.100 <•t1m11eo1 Game ltatletlc:9 Flf"ll Downs RuatleS-)'llrda PNtlno varda llT 15 34, 147 206 u 13 28-1~ 118 U-Wl1tofl, 18-31·1. 118 lndMduel llleee!Y!nt ET-Woods. 3.so. McC111n 2·8 7. Morgan 2-71, Eld ridge 1.1or-mlnue 2. Arr111. 2·20 U-Snaad, 3·44, B1ldlllo1kl. 3-16, Kan, 3.31 la nuu l, 2·7. Z11dlver. 2· 14 ThaJtton 3.6 RAMS UNSETTLED. From Page 0 1 1!.S\.lcs. but what little w e havC' now Wf' 11w1· lh1· u111on And, what about the> intc•gn1y o f th1· NFL "' thf• meantime? How will the s 1rik1· affi'l'I tht• no.lion's most popular s port? "Evnyone I've talked to wantr. us to go back 10 work. Everyone misses football," said FNragamo "Y o u just c:an't substitute those Sunday mornings It'~ a way o f life for som e p<.'Ople "Of c.·ourse we. as players, JI C' cont•t·rnc·d oo·ausc n o hody Is profiting fro m th111 thing Rut u S ITlk<' l!l some t hing trndttio n a lly U!-.l'd h y nc.ogot1ators It's the only kvcragt' the playc'r!. have•" "Wht>n baseball went hack to work tht• fans lotally fo rgot after aw hll<'," Youn~b lood rat1onahzcd "Whf'n we go back I'm su rC' wt•'ll (Cl'I sofne heal, bul I lhink by next year th<' flln.<1 will h V<' forgotum " • "It's o big ml'S..'I," ('Onc:<'CIC'd F't•rragamu "I just hqpe when the rcpn'8Cnt<i l1Vl's n<'gouatl' Saturday t~y'll kl'C'p an mind what'~ bC'Sl for <•v1•r yon c <.'1"1('('rrwd .. ''Whnu•vt•r plan Is 5l'l on th<> t.oblr I hn1'>4· thf•y t.afk &bout It." G um11n nddl'd "I'm for anythln,:c rlt hl now. Al. 1t is I don't know whether I'm going w9lay th(' next <iay or the ll('llM>n ti off. '1Jt'• toof(I\ t.O RN o job in this IJ')'lttion " } '· • .85 EA . RESISTOR .99 EA. l1m1t 16 plugs SPARKOMATIC 40WAnCAR SOUND PACKAGE PR E.WIRED FOR EASY INSTALLATIO N --"4-~ • I . --=------l ----.... _ - CASSETTE AM/FM STEREO Stereo and tape ploy md1cotors Fosl forward ond e1ec1 switch DOOR MOUNT STEREO SPEAKER SET @ 40 wolf co OJttOI power hondf.,,g copob1l1ty 40 WATT POWER BOOSTER De lovers unbeatable power with low d1stort1on SALE PRICE BUY 2 GALLONS REFU ND BY MAIL FROM PRES TONE YOU PAY FOR 2 GALLONS FINAL COST AFTE R REFUND 3 99 GAL 7 98 5 98 2 99 GAL 11AF552 LIMIT 12 GALLONS Pre~tonl• l1mol\ one co\h •cfund per fomoly per odd1e\s See \!Ore for dc101I\ Westport Ill LCD DIGITAL CLOCK WITH ALARM IC Rubbe r Queen '= --1 LUX US \, MA TS ~l ;;;;=;:J ~ REAR U6467 I 6467N FRONT .79 EA RESISTOR .88EA L1m11 16 plugs Sl!ORTS MIRRORS Pair of matching left and right mirrors Chrome or -~ block Pomtoble 11390, 395 ~;:.... YOUR CHOICE ,';t.ft>.11 97 7 PAIR 44~!1 49~!1 Chevrolet 6 cylmde1 1955 '76 230 235 250 1hcep1 1975 '76 w11h 250 engine Ford 6 cylinder 1960 7 4 170 200 eng•ne Che vrolet 8 cylinder 1955 68 265 283 307 327 E•cept h1 perlormol"ce Ford 8 cylonder 1962 69 l21 260 289 102 Dodqe Plymouth 6 cylmder 1960 7 7 Pon11oc 8 cylinder 1963 68 wolh alumn1vm T C 8 hole Dodgt Plymouth 8 cylonder 1962 77 273 318 340 360 engine Dodge Plymouth 8 cylinder 1958 '78 350 3¢.1 383 400 440 Chevrolo1 8 cyl111de1 1969 '79 262267307327 350 400 w ith 288l corbure~r Ford 8 (y!inder 196 l 71 332 352 390 406 478 Ford 8 cylinder 1970 lo•• '78 302 351W 11 ,!~ 13~!. -----------'~-- ..... ----------------------------------------------------------------- -- 011 TEI.EV IS ION N•k•li 1.!1 N('AA TOllA Y 1\1 o1 I ".11 "' gh1,111 , 1:.11, N11t1 •· I >-11111· , "·" h t :1·11 v l•'.111 .. 1 t:.! .w "111 1, 1 ('Ol.l.l·:(a •: FooTnA1.1. W.1:.la11 1~1<111 .11 S1.11l1111 d I p 111 1·11 WESTt-:tl OllTIHH>ltSl\IAN :! fl 111 t 11 193i LOS ANCEl.E:O-01.YMt'H'S A II' ""·'""II 111 1h1 1!1.1:! ()l\111pa. .. ,111d 11 .. 1n1uhl<'tl llllH'' 111 11 ht• h th1•\ 11111k pl.11 1 :1 p 111 ('.!J COLI.EGE FOOTBALi. An1111i.1 .1t w ."l1111gtH1l S 1.o11· ;i :111p111 (I) Sl'OHTSWOUl.I> S1·1:11w111, 1h1· B1111sh c:1 .111d 1•11' 111111011v1 Ii·, h.i111p1 .. 11,1i1p' tape-ti .it Silvt'1'\l111w Engl.11111 A I" 1 1'111 I '1 1 ·~1111 Fru11tll'r l 1..i~· .. H .. d1-t•. t.111\•d .11 1'11""4 .. 1 t i\111 .11111 thl• \.1.111 Id • .11111n11h,il l .111d l11·lh I l<tp di\ 1111: dl,llllfJlllll"hlp ,, l.1p«d .II \',11111>11\'l'I ~ p Ill ('.!I ens SPOHTS SATl1HDAY llt'<'llll ··M.1d111" t '.1111.i1·l111 t 17 Ill '' M··lv111 l'.1111 t lti 01 Ill o1 'dll'd11l1·d ill l'Olllld l1ghl\.lt'l):ll1 l11:hl. FREEDOM II BAI IERIES 60 MONTH M.AINllNANCI FREE Delco 59-60 (GRP-24) SOSCC AMPS 89-60 (GRP-74 SOSCC AMPS loljH ,j di \11 •11111 1 •1tul ~'hi H 1(1 d ll I 111 I' 111 l.l·;c; t·:~ l>S I II\ ,... I \I" 1'111IIll1111 ' ••• ,, I j I c I It '" ,\ I I•.~ I :-. t •II It I ~ I I '. I ,, I I ' I I 11 " I I I I I 'I 11. \\ ' I I 1 I'"' h1 •• I• I 11 .. \\ ., " I " ' II ,, ..... , 111 I .i11il1d I •'I'"' 11111: '" 1. 11 I• 111 1 11 ('Ol.I l•:f:t•: FOO I'll\ I.I. I 111 1'"11 11 I I 'I .\ I 'I" d • 11 Ii• I 111 1114 .J.1\ ,ii ti" u,." l l.1\1 I lt.\1110 1 .. .,1 11.dl N1111.1.k.1 .it l\,111 .. 1. 11 '• .1111 I\. I I· \. t 11 • ti I t "ii I 'n I 1 I 11111".. •• • • .. l 1 "I :--",, I I Ii. I • ., l I 1 i''" l-i.\\'l<l\l ti l,1l1, l .1•11g l\1 ,11li !">I .it 1'11 "'" :-;, I :•11 tr111, lo\\\\ I' t 11111 I• J\11 01'1:11r1 ,,, l 't 'l .1\ I 111 )' 111 "· !\I I • l ' t j I II I !" " II I I 111 ' ' I I I 11 . " -,,ddlil111k , Ill 11111 h.S lll< tllll I I J\11 l ':-\1 ii ''"'""·' "' , .111 I"" l\NX 1111.111 ('ii "'ii.it• l '1ill.111111 • .t ll.m .111 11110 11111 l\\\\'I• 111111 l·l\11 .11111 K \\'It 1\1 I I 11111 Iii· t..1·\ ( 'h11 .. , ... ·" K1t11'" ·,..'II ,. Ill ' l\l'l</ t 11 1111 • ARCO <> . "iu "''"·• I t·.1.1•, \ l~tc H\ ll Ill " 111 I '1 ~Fl. TODA\' 111111 ill \\ 1111 1111 111 1'1!11 .111111•• I l'ifl. 'K:! 1q11 I 111 111111 I" 11 I~ 1111.111 I\ . I 1 I h• \ .It tlw 11'"'111 <US~l'Olt'l ~~t l\f>A\ 111 '\ IH '1'0111 S ~l'l·.t 'li\I. I lll f''" 111 \\t·:s'l'l-:Hf\Ot 'llHH IH~:\I\\ I 1•111 t 'l ('Ol.1.l·:c;J•: l'OO'l'ISAl.I. 11'-,l .1 1 ''"'""'' ~.1.d1 ,.1.1\1•tl !-i.il111d.I\ 1 111 1• '" , , 1 c:1t1·:,\T t·:s·1 S l'OH'I ~ 1.1':4.l•:!\U~ \ 11111111• "' 111>'" ll\1111• .J11l1 11. I· 1 I !llJ' tl1• """ 11.1 ·'" 11 ... 11 ,.1.1\I I (I,\\ Ill 111• 1\1 \I' ·'"·''" Ill 1 ... 111 1la1 \II\ '""Iii• NJ\,\ 11 ... 1 ,,. ,, I l .. 11 .111 I ll/\1110 N", \• 111-. 1 lw.J11i1 ·il FRAM OIL FILTERS MOTOR OIL :;:;:;:;: ;:::;:;:; PH8A For mo\t FORD & :;:;:;;;: ;:;:;:;:; --~ CHRYSLER p1oducu ARCOGraphite ,r - ,~OOIOL \" BOOSTER .j I CABLES ~ --) . l' -\ l 2 foot 8 gouge 11!? ::20812 AN:S DELUXE HI-LOW ALARM Three way protection; motion derector, 19n11ton cu1ofl, automot1c reset timer. Solid stole, easy to mstoll tiKDSOOO 40 PIECE SOCKn sn UNCONDITIONALLY GUARANTEED lOW-40 GT with Graphite 20W-50 YOUR CHOICE 19 QT 1 LIMIT 24 OT ------ HEAYYDUTY SUPREME30W ·~~>.69ar LIMIT 24 QT MECHANICS CREEPER '/I.Ji; ;;1,J /,.I~ ,, '/:,..,4'~~...,,,..1,,_ 9~~ A ...... IM 1280 N . Euclid 772-9840 • 2340 W . Lincoln Ave. 999-1621 ............ S2S6 Beach Blvd. "._ 1 :120 c...... lr111A ~Cl l[ll 440 North Main 734-6390 c..t.MeM Auto Supply WE'RE HELPING YOU DO'IT RIGHT DAILY 9-9 SAT. 9-6 SUN. 9-5 • limit 12 PH13. PH25, PH30 For mosl OIL FILTER GM product\ 2 79 EA FRAM AIR FILTERS Ml 30%0FF FJI .I EVERYDAY LOW PRICES ~~· -~I' turtle wax· ~ SUPER HARD SHELL ~ CAR WAX ~ •• Gives~ Supe1• Ho•99no<hl w a "' •• ' I YOUR : '•'1 CHOICE ~ 18 01 l1qu1d llTl 23 ~> S' o r Paste ~T723 Helps cleon enllrt fuel system while you drive 1 T1eors 12 to 20 gallon' ) 12oi 9•J597N ft iii • 7EA l_J •uMerttMt • 141 E. Imperial 738-6971 • 2978 Yorba Lindo ..._.780 LaMlfo•• • 15081 Imperial Hwy. (213) 947-5641 M&.a...Ylele • 24510 Alicia Pk wy. 951·9175 o .... 1100 N. Tuatin n1-3000 •tvenWe • 10403 Magnolia Ave. 359-3041 . ... .......... 1739 Superior Ave. 642-3384 NOWOPEN !C.aMel ... 9110 Foothill Blvd . .-0-2910 ....... 9180-0 Sierra Ave. 350-8" 1 .......... v.., • 9180 Worner Ave. 964-6427 IZI • "Nut to 0.mco 2086 Eaat Highland Av•. 164 4090 ...... a- • 2604 S. Brit tol St. 714-1432 "1302 E. 17th St. 913 6M1 '· a 7 141 .,, I• I"°''''' llA P l*E I Nf ;S T llE l>i\11 .) P ILOT'~ A I IT( ) Mi\ HK ET . '\Ill ii'! \fllll \I Ill \'1,,l,1 f\11-...111~11111\ t d1 l,1,11td 11• I 1th \• .11 11101\• 1 ,,, ' ,11.111111~ 111 I,,,, ·1 uo .,d,1' fl•H lU11·1l II 11t.11 '''" 11,,,, 1·11 ... 11 ..... 1111111 llll N· .... , .... 1 1\1 .,11 11 \,f\lJ\l ••Il l•• 'lh 1111i.1 ~ 111•·~1·nlt'<I H1ol1.11d N.d•·" l..tt • l·lll••I \\1111 ,1 11111111w111•1rat1v1• 111~ k i\I''' 1m 1u11·d 11 11 H11 k N.1h• '' 111:li1 • • 1111 r "\1:111 1\1,,,),11.1 .111d L.111 \ M.11111 I •I I 11'111 -.. c \IC"' 1' Ai 1 .. 1 l '.iul N1 u.111 .. n "111 .. k111~ r.11• <1JJ)'t"1r,11l1'' IJll lt lt-\1""" .ind r.JliitJ lhl" (,.IJ lo <.HI \,, ., .. 111, '"' ''·•i.:• th.11 th• 1".1t1rn1.1I ll1gh"'"' T1 .. fl1t s . .r, l\ Adn11rn .. 1r,1t111n "' ,, ... "' h.1\ ,. ;1 d1:1m .. lll llllf>·" I 1111 ,\1111·1 u .111 dt I\ 1ng h.1111" N1•\\ 111.111 li.1, 11 111 111' ,1q1pun I•• 1111 !'1.1111111,d S.1f.•l\ !\,.JI r.dll• ,111•111 I '.1t11p.11gn Ill I •lmh.tllllg lh•· d 1·11111111.: ll!)t' "' 111•11' .. 11\ 1·111 ph.1,11tnj.( h1" ,,., .. ,,,, 1u11~·r '" ,, -,w, •·"II.I 1•1 .. t.· ... ..,11n.:il .;ut.,111111>11• 1.11111g dr11·1·r Th, l 11,.,.,, ul till .HI -.1·<1>11d lt·lt•\ '"'"'' .111<1 ltll '' • 1111.t 1 «111 11 .. "·'~" ... " R1·ll Y uur ... , ff 1• d1•\'1•l"J"·•I II\ ""'''·'" 1 · S 1\ "Im h " "P"""" 111g th• ,,ol1•l\ p111g1 1111 .ii• 111 \lllh 1 .. 1.il l>,it,un do ,.J,.r, Int lud1111: l.lo •I ( 1.11 1111 111 ll11111111g1u11 B1 .uh ( ""1..1 f\1, . ...._, u .. 1,,un <Ju.1ltl\ 1'.1hllll Ill llr.111~·· T.1rg1 I ll.1hllll HI (;,11d1·r1 t:r11\1• IA·• I l.1t.-1111 111 Bro'•' &rw1l'k 1>.1hu11 111 S.111 .Ju,111 <:.q11'"·"'" /\11 . .!11·1111 DaL.,un 111 An •• h,·trn S,mt.1 1\11.1 IJ.11,1111 111 !-..1111.1 .\11" D11 k B..1rb .. ur U .• i..u11 Ill ,., f•!I ...... 11111 "'' "1••11 I >..1 ... un Ill N1•\\ pull n .... 11 !1' 111• l>.1h1111 111 11' "" \. lit•,, Jl.,L. ... un 1n Rri ,, l\t•\\Jf),tll .t {\\It llflU fl~tlltHh.I 'J.>Ufl' .ti f,t llt.L 1 h.1111p111n "'Ill • '"" 111 ' """" ,, turhr" h:rrg1;I ll 1h1J11 .!81Ji' X 111 1 111111w r 111• '" d•, l.11 • ' 1h.11 r.1•, , .11 dn\ 111g 1• .11 lu.ilh ..,,,. t llt.111 d1 l\'lllg "" th• '>\rt'< l 1,. •• 11 ... 1 IJu dr11" ., , .11 • p1111 • ...-1011.tl' .1111 I y11u knuw "h.11 111 1 'ix~ 1 " "Sltll I ""u ldn I dn .tn1 of t..1kmg ,1 la1• "lthnut IM·ltm~ lll\..,1·H. · ht '·''' "And wlw11 11 '"Ill''' I•• lh• rt'o.I Ill! kl J"11 l llll d1111 h11111" lh1 \'t·n (11,I llllllJ.: I d" '' hut kl1 1111 Tiu NllTSA c•,1:11 1.1i.·, 11t.11 t1111\ 11 I"'"'"' ••I tlu 1111\111~ I 11lih• lJ'I'' ...,1(• I\ lw ·lt' C \II Ill H'\I., 110. I.''' \\" -S uburban n""'drnl:. of Tm 111111,. 1'<•n n.1w .1tld .mtomobll(.'S to 1lw1r ~hoppm)( list wlwn tlwy \'!!.It Di•I Amv Fashion Squ.1r<' tlw world'~ lurgl•SI ""<'l•>l>•"<I 1111111 Ii\ ll ~lint vc·nturt'. l"ord Motor· Company''I L1111~1ln Mt•n urv 01v1sion 11nd ij1ll llopk111ii Linl'tlln M••n·ury. bt<t·uml."tlw fir-st 111 1hr lJ 8 tn opc.•n 11 tl'ln1l dralt•r.htp (top photo) in <1n 1•nrh).C;i'(i mnll On hund for I ht• llfll'lllllt( day l't'rC'mony "<·fl' tl•·h to n.ihll c.;ordon B M.1rK1•nuC', 1-'ord Motor CompMw v 1 r ,. p 1 l' 'I t lh ' n 1 ,, n II fl 1 • n t• r a I m .i n a g <' r 11 f 1 h c• Ltnt•oln M<'rl·Ur\ D1 v1~1on. R osi! H ohl'l\1>. Lmc-oln Mc•n·urv's ~ Ang1·IN. d15tn t·t sal<"' m.Hl:iKt'I. and Wt•'!l P1'<iroll i. dl·nlt•t"lhtp president and owrwr By t11kinl( \'11111 to polt·nt1nl ltll,V('N, Lmmln·M(•n·ury hopc'll tlSJ}('<'llllty tn n•ud1 wun1t·11. vmuh nncl mnturr propl<' whu 1•nnl(T<'f(Otf• 111 ~h11pp111~ mnlh 7 • •• SEE WllAT YO R LOCAL A TO DEALERS H AVE TO OFt"'ER YOU I N TODAY'S PAPER. J ------~--~--------------------------------------------- 08 l o• Al1mllo1 '"URIDAY'I RU ULTI 1•111 of ,,_,, .. ,., tel• m11t1110J Al'l'AlOOIAI FIRll RACE • lu••onu• O••vUlo Baci. 1Aa ni.1n1 ~ts 1141 1~ •u 11 /0 °''""'" OvtC• 1.t.<1u•11<11 J till 2 llO c;u O•nc:••tc..H •Hnrnu ~ •O Alto t .. <.O\J '"""' 11111.;h l\•tm'1•t" l 11 BtQ N•1•md Doto Oon Oull Oottt• Al•m•, ' Page '"'o r ... ,., 45 .l ~ S2 E•ACTA I 10 41 1>•>d SI~~ •O OUARTERHORlll SECOND RACE •00 '"' "' P••• lull 1C•100111 10 40 I bO J W rooh OtCo tlle•ll , ~,1 1 ~II r ,.1ne• A tong 1B••Ot 1 •u Also rKtHJ Homing Jet Jtlhnny Cn111Q~ M1C10ht t c*n M•n M,. $p1t,., M•n THIRD RACE J!>O y1Hh f,1po1 Prun" 1C•11•ourJ H 20 6 80 • 8o Go H•Qh lymes 1fry<lOyl 18 60 Ill 60 King fnor\l IMllC,.dlll .I •O A1$0 rncno Frolly Volue A"'-""' Snu11p.o1 Call Me Nick M..tul)•tn l enn.,. Mo ... 111 k.mth• Mdn EH ) A"'ar<l> Ou" I 8tt• !1mu t8 1~ S5 EXACTA 110 l1 pa111 SIJ I ~o THOROUOHBREDS FOURTH RACE 6 lu1IOt1Q> H101n11a1e \Peo101dt ·~ bll 11 ~o 1 40 Broo.iyn Tony 1Aon<l) •8 •O <J 20 S1epp1n Ou1 1Novario1 J HO Als(l rnrn<J Tmu\httwk t-tumbht t-4tjO•) Bold BOl>Oy 0 00 ~d'"""oon s Boy E II•~ Joei M $na1t.eh1te Me<t1cu1e Doc Wt!ll B~ 00 f"l•Sf'\~d luit J 1tqudllf•t'hJ ifld Ctl&C.-M'I ,-_,..,~nfh '"""' I 12 J ' r1rTH RACE b lu•tono> Bombay c;,,.. 1Wr"'~' 11 l>O 1 •o • 60 l dulltl ) HOil 101100~·.. N bO 10 ~o Mo!lal lD<.'-1C•mPu• 3 80 Als,o f ACt"O luClr.) ',.., Here l.tJt'l'\9 \ (la111e Stat Ra1 Run 10 VY•t O ... dat nn MOt\@yOPVtilOt f u•• r oO Time t '' • !. S5 E•ACTA II J P••d Sb 1l \0 SI.TH RACE 6 lurlOOQl Cro.so 10•·vare., • 80 J lU 2 40 9181i1f' Cn @otion Pidn~ri ~ 00 3 10 1Ce ti 1 Rome•o1 1 bO ..,,,,0 t i,t(fh,1 K1ld Mt"t r,M E ,pt-t:t•t1on Fun \ Ott'Um F1tH1 CnmmtlnO~, V1.,1t) T1mt' I 11:! S" SEVENTH RACE 6 !u1tor1gs Cotteeoa Me.rte f\ll<h~ 4 80 3 JO 1 60 • •O 3 80 6 60 Flip a Nic~ie Fnenelty BHI (1s1~ s S1ste1 tPttdro1a1 8 1ll)'fi s Vetvet tNogu•11 Al"'" teeflild Hull lnsuranc.~ See•"lt l 09e Bar, y ' Pr 1nc•s~ Gnllan! 1-le•d• Tome 1 t8J., S5 U ACTA !' •1 081d SO ~O [IQHTH RACE. 6 1 lu•IO~Q• Repea• John 10e•gao11101 • •ll ' llll l 8u EcJM K (WMe1 8 80 ~ &Co Ltl 1r1SO MO 10'10Q.tl • 80 At10 rc.c....n Suzy'\ C-un PowtJer Pnr·oa timely Sen Jf!ttf'l1e s R11,,d,,">V Mi•~ P11u Wa1~er Wino; Powttr h AOt; '""" T1""' I 19 I ') NINTH RACE 7 lu••ono> Bv1>01e G\lfTlmo cP11ru1 12 •O S 20 3 20 L0'1't' Lo .. er IOIHtAttti j OIJ • uu Dodging "''"'9 t0rtl!Q•I • 40 At~o ra eeo Rega1 Soo't A""O••" O e1uv 1llfll Dawn M ,. Honfl;) 8 1,Cylt Somtttnmg Hao~neo Huwr T1M& I 23 4 ~ U £•ACTA tl 81 O•o(l \1'6 SO 12 PICK S I• 9 I 6 , 7 J t a>Q S. 1110 w th 11 .,.,,nn.ng f"""fU' t .. ~~Mt'! Si P " S· r con\. 1a11or P•·d S•r •O .. 1tr t8• w1nr'I "0 1 •er' ''""' "·Jl''>6'\ 11 rt ~ Si· 1cratt-h con101a1•on p1 rt SCi8 6 -. ,,, ~· ""'""•"QI <."f't1 llPH~ ""''"'' Oflll ,c,a1 ,.. 111 1#1110 "O'i-f'' 1w~ scr1tcrtes1 TENTH RACE I'> lu•IOnQ\ My r1v0t1te Aur\I t Bia<.-. 6 10 w nat ..,. •• ..,.,,.. iS·b1He1 J 80 l 80 • 60 l •O '•O Go Go 0<1n,. 10t11'Q•• Also 11c;ecJ J<•c' E11flon Tr1"tJ ~ p,,t,.,,t•<>" Cerftmt'lrt) Time\ 11 ELEVENTH RACE ' ' 16 m11es C111e! Gummo cwar1en u 20 8 •O • 811 W"n s Fu\I !OelgAcJ 1101 I) 40 11 00 Your Roval 10•18991 & •O •••o 1,aced Old AC~ 1tsnotm yf1u•t E•l•emety Oebo1e s ')ag~ "'A N £Ort~ Coasl&I P110~ Time I 43 I S S5 EJCACTA '' 21 e>a•O S l2610 All.,n<lar.t" t; 69S O•k TrH (a l Sanl1 Anlle) THUllSDAY S RESULTS (23rd ol 27 d e, lhorovgl\b•e<I mH ttno> FI RST RACE I I •6 m ,. Vi~e l~ai 18•oc• 1 ".I •O Snirai Tudor 1CattAt'\fl(Jd1 C0un1 .C~n~<h iMe11• • 1111 I \' •mt:ONO MAt.I t I I I 11 •11 Ifill -........ 1•1·!; 111····'"' 0 1"111 I Ju,, ill l •11 fn tV 11111111• 111 I I h' I t Al• I I I 1·J lt1q •1h. ' 11 ••+1 ''•' I \ ti 1\0 h 1111 ,, •• ft ! '• 111,11 tllud t ,11111101 l I~"" I h1 1 '1~ ll t I '111 t1 OAI~ v DOVBl t ,, 11 I '"' llORO Rt.Cl ' 1 ... 1. ' I I 1•1 • tH "HI ti If!~ I) I " '·I 11 llh I,, 11 1'.•I !It 11 i1 11 M.i, 111 . .,,11 ,,,., 111 Al , , l'+I I· 11 I It. '111 'I fl t ~~.11f1 ''I lh old I II 1 I I 11 • oH U 1• I l I t f I I I I II ( • ''"'' '' FOURIHRAt.E •' •I I ,11. t"°''I• I I t lull• ~ f ,, I I I flu ,I('' I tf • Au,, '1 ,,. M1-1j1u,1111 ..,1 lu•• Ntlh11 '' "'' 11 • l •• ,, 101., "'· I~· 11 I 11n •• ,.,,H RACE I l I' t11 f1 1Wll>•'t 'I/wt 1111 1f o11.t \ t U J.11 ~~t I " I t. A')( 'I I 1 tf '• 4 I 41 •lr•t I t ~, ~.I I I I I fl·I I 1 1 U [XACTA • I • SIXTH RACE 1 • "''" 'I A111•· 110 ~ ! p I • ' •• ,. I •· l' I . I I .1.,,llt 11 ,I It t 11 OOtStdt W 1"d' l• I 1,111' T1n1t 1 1·1 \ S EVENTH RAC:l """ OuitH fll~t11 1UtjluhoU,!"\l1)(t1 11•110•·,l 1JL/I I t· l .. 1·1 .\I • I ,d A ft,'.. " B1.1 M.1, '·' J If I. 1 J SS EJU CIA S7 PICI< S1.IC ,,,. EIGHTH RACE t, t f I 0 1 ' ...... NINTH RACE t •OI t IA • It t I I oor• ... 'w'I I I tit A ' ... '''"' t "' '· SS EXACTA Af1r 11 I ' 1 !t • I I I t• " ... Cro11 country HIGH I CHOOL Ml!N M.,tn• 21, Weetmln•••' 36 ,,, 'I . ' I •'• l 1 • '·' ,, l-1 \ ... H ,,, t_A • I (•t•P I 1,1 •1 l ",\ f)'' ti 1 1f,f _) ... I I }, t ( f 11 1t.i 4 .. " lJ h , n • t~ 8 .. ·. ,, 1 • ~ " • \.•• I: /, HunllnglOI\ 8HC~ 11 Oc:ean Yle" 4J t14 _...,..• • "' • J •S ~~ "'C"·C-••t'.J '5' ~6 • C.uevl H JA..t' ~ '• . ' •' .. ' !.'• • Edoaon 11 Fouf'll•ln Y•ll•y ll ... l ... t ' ,. t • ',., J l1 t •r '• 1• .; t"T'C t • I, H l .. J 1• f •,.-.tr • ~I : O• 1 ' , '' ' • I , F " Cit'"' ,. t I • ' 1• Mater Del IS S.rr• SO •.• *" •·: , ' ,. 1.1 r , ,, 11.. J1 I [l 1r1 t'"' An.,11r •...it •"'~I 1~ ''' ""uQ~ tt '•'+ 14 _,., 1 J, A M1 ,..()• 6 tonf'i'r•M1 1~Q ... 7 AOams lM• f' nr.1·-it, I.. j --1 H ...... n' I~ ~) I -.::., ,.. \~ T t!> 10 6 IC. 1( Ill Saddleback 21. E11ancla 21 , B\t••1 J r If 't • Rnb••r I f ' 1 ~ J. lC.i.t~'\5 't.i'-114 1 .. <t1S H•f•.,(l• L 1~ 1r-.,. ~ •" r t I Jtr& [ '., U At•tTd ~ \1 4 ' Fi A •l'Ji"1 ,....,,, ' 4' '' rt,.. •• , 1£ ~.~ L.tn,,, r 1~ N9•l)Orl H1rbot 75, CdM 34 I A 'f \ ' 1f J / t •••'f ,._,., 'I i • (, 1' '• C On•/ L •I r.,.c.r ,. '"' "· t "• 1bb; r 1 tt. °'JO .. '\ I ,., t7 l 1 111 ,'v ,,,.,.,_ ~.fl '1~1 ti ~""" ,,.. ,,,,. -• 4 E. u ca ,., t"' )~ LAKERS WORTHY • • • From Page 02 I ... I I Utth•••ll' '' hwht11~J .... • • •• h Ill WllMI H • .J lhu11ut"luu h•11h h IJ U1 ••11 'fl•• W I • 1ll•OU h l llUl\latU VAiiey 4M II I 0'\ 11 11 I 'I 11 I f tl l 11 I 1j 1 I fl I, ' H ,.,,,' 11 Ii It 1111+ 1 II I 1111 We1tmln1Ctt I'), M•rlna '\O (M1llno lu•l•ll•I f V'fl11 f "' ,l/l'i1 If 1 I 11 II I I 11 I \, • I I ,.,~ I I I 0-I I I._•, t f 1 it ' lt1111'\l11,. 4\1\ I ~II I• f, 1111 qn .. 1111 tMt • 11 I M1 .-.1W1 .P U1 n M\l 11.u.._11111W ' 'ft 11 11 f1o..,rll I~! •fl II ttl f11u 11yh1 1M1 N t ..,J,ht• I H•t ntu 10 ( OH1n 111 t1•1 M,o 4U '' 11 • l1H I I ft•, ' 1M 1111 Ii , t f'lt ti• I t1tl " •• 11 tH 1 I ti fl foil I II 1 I I ' . '1 ' ft f I o l' f ~ I 1• 1 HI •1 fh1 ''"'I 11 .", 1/ f , t 1tt,lfl lfS 11tl a Ii tt.11 I' ., I. •'• Yu'. I I I, J I /u I I 11 I l 11 t ti \)Uh•n •lly U hwrn• (\ 1 •• 11f1I• I' ,,, lt1 -1' 11.t!llU'\ !I> 1K IJ, f .. ~ I• I 11 I I I I ' I 1 1 I 'I f II I ,, \'I f fi If' ill I t'•ll.' '•·'''''''' HJ1 111 I. fl W11,J"1 111 1 lil It (I ..... Men'• t.ourn•menl l•I Toa,o) Second Round SlnglH • Juh11 M"( rno1.1 1U !') 1 Ool Ptul Deni 'U _,' 1, I l Vilt· f>mi1l1.t1l1-. HJ';, I Out M 11t.1• ~"·Hh 1u ·, • L ~ 6 • ~'"•U 0~0100 1lJ ~ t ff'! tin M.1,olh ~l C, 1 L l 7 b RC•lJtHI v 11 1 11 ·1 • '· 1 .J•+I Oou1u •QuH 0Hdfl tl tanr.vt I b 6 1 6 2 Pe1er McN•m•t• A1.1~·r ,, 11 h•I Vir r~!"lt Vltn Pa1ten IVS• • 1 1 .c l ti •t ,,.. 4 ~ • iltt' H~"" Pr1~tt·1 H "-, , h • h1 1n I t•d htt1 U ;, I dttl \1111 "°'"ii "• tlJ'S It.:' f i M:.tt" (iJm1o111J A i\I' I• ti Jt•I I mo r Ard\ !, (, 1 1 t ., Perl• Indoor tournement Second Ao.,nd 81nol•• Ii· ttlJ lhtlf dt.•f ~ttl Po.1r o I 4 lt•~ H'lfH• 1\1 S O~t /f't•j'fo. • '. . ; ,, ' ~ I t'''' Grand Prill tourn•menl (•I Cologne, WHI Oerm1,,,1 Secof'ld Round llnglH '•'ll ·~ "''"" ,c,...,,..dfln1 orit ""' 1-, , •'It' fA(l! Women'• tournemenl (91 8rlgl\\on, [l\gl1nd) Second Round SlnglH U pf'' t f' •ti••• t+J ~) r.Jfof Jtl Ou•ic dh 1,1111 '' ' 1 b Ttdc.1 Au11tt 1U S l c1~1 ,. 1ti.,r11 1 -.\11111•11 1(1•~(.ht')Sl~'i,t,"'+M 60 • • .-J• 1A1lfu• ~11,~All 111 5 1 Of'lf '"a £1udutnv 1 1 , ... ru • ,,,., ._. 1 t " f, & 1 V·tv1r1111 u,,,, , ilt, "' 1r11.11 lh•I l . .H•th Rep1r,10' l\J S 1 r t •··~ '"1i1 1 •· ;,r 4.t1t1 fhomp\nr 1tJ S j)fl! A1 '. '"' 0 1IJ ' f 1 h \ 6 • M.tttflf t 'J ... , 1t.1f,,, 1 1 1 1tt>tf ~ ,, Rt••l"' U11! tt1 I 'I ' High 1chool wo men M•r1n• 1t Weatmln1te1 2 Slngle1 0.l J4t f.A1 fJfof (Ut,i. " b <ii. def M~d~ 0 D Oii Bro .. n e 0 c.t•u• IMO loll •·6 'ft r t t-A1f.,.th1~4 n\t} t •O" 6 • t I Dov bl .. "•" 1 ~1 1' t t' t -~ .,,_,, Hf"• ' t-,J,,~ 11.1 ~ t • ..-)' ~~\ I \ ,.:Jp' t-,., I •4 •'I.. ti ~t, i'J M """ t t t I to tr ) iJ U "'( fd'lo\J ~J A .. ' H\lnllnglon 8eecll 16 O<:u n Vie" 7 Sing! .. (, tU,..t• H 1 .. 1 P f! t It t , .. , .).. ,,., ,_..,.,,~ f ••• u-. ... jft ,,. # I # ' t t'!'J94, r M l( I t 1 A f'I #) < b I Oout>t•• lt.t "''' ">·1h' tor .... ,. !HI d .. f (J .... Af+J n. ,., ,,.,, 1• 1tftr r, rao,, v n1a 6 ~ th•' M 111"" rnm f>. 8111Pt\ V.,.,,d"''u 1 .... 1 ,,. t, ,,,.,.,..,n 11 ' 1 ~ H•"t"> ~""1nq1o .i~ 1H1 ... u, Z t 't'f \•111 ti >I ~t ~ "' Corof'la d•I Mer 11. El Toro D llnol11 A.1.,.1 11 { 1 <Jf'tl C';h1trnt•n 6·'' dflll ( 1t•\\(1'\ I 0 ,.,,,., \otf'IA') ~ t Rost!nlC,~Ori " •••. 0 6 ' TI fH •t) 'fto(IH 6 0 6 , Ii "} Dou bl .. .,. 01/m.ln (nt·on 1C1 d~f C,,opePlmHh f lHI r b 0 dAf C8•5 t.ampbPll 6·0 ""'' Mwr' D«'a•inQ&• " J OeM1rs Goo<IC>OO'w 11 ft.0" h l I, 'J 6 '2 v a11n, Burq~ rC• won , .. 61,, I La9 un1 l eech 11, MIH lon V!eJo 0 Sing I .. \\ H'°'"' ll 1 Oftl 8uH•~ t-1 0 llf'I 0.-soro • \) dPt 9..,1 r h 8t1 . .,._.ntl 1 ,._,,., 7 6 6} ~(fl~· m I.. 4 •t'I t> • f 2 ft ._ rebounds a nd assists in doublt.> hgurC'S). and W1lkt..., quietly £m1shNJ as the· lt·.1m·., No 2 S(,>rc·r 1 lfith m the leagu(') with a 21 I a vnaf{l' And thl'n , lht•n •s Jabh.1r , who JllSl this WC't•k 1nd1calC'd he's still g1.od £111 al h •asl anolhc•r T\o\o y<'ars a nd has no lnll'ntmn:-. p,1l'k1ng lht• :-.ky h1>ok an IJ SUltcas<' mUl h 11l'l lkd 11 111•11,I' (11 lh1· d1•f1 •11'-I\ I 1111 1\111 d r\lla nl.1 ){,,wk:-. 111 'II 11111 lh1• talt ntt·d T11·•· H11lhn' Jnd D.1n H11umll1t'ld 111 1h1• l ntlll 1·11u11 l u m.1k1 1111' lla" k-. tlw -.Ii 1·1.x '' t1I 1lw l!tll:! H'.~ ,;i111p.11g 11 "I haven 't set a dcadhm, r would say two yl'an. a l the o u tside," Jabbar was quol<'d as sayin.I>{ Tuesd ay nig h t a£t1.·.r the Ha ll of F am e gaml' in Sprin gfield. Mass. w hen askc'CI about his fu ture. "I'm JU.St con('erm•d with playm g stayi n g h ea l th y anti w1nn1 n g champion.ship," he addc'C.I. wrll, with a n ot h er Although h<' ins1sL'> ht•'!'. not out to brc·ak any records. 1t should bC' notc'<I thJl l\\'1) morl' yl•ars of plaving and a 25·point l>C.'r w1mc· avl'ragr. wnuld g 1 v e l h e 7 · 2 c e n t 1.• r m o r t' t h a n :i 2 . 0 0 n c.ar<'<'r potnL" T hat would brc•ak the• all-lime· S(·onng r<><:ord h eld by Walt Chamtx•rlam, who hos :H .419 pmn l.$ As for the t:hn l1Pn~1.·r. lo the LakC'rs thront•. the Ph1ladl'lph1a 76<-rl> 1h1.· tc•am thnt came the c:losest last season h.wt· p1ckro up Malo11e t.o play a long side Julius Erving But th1.· 76C'rs had to givt• up defensive standou t Caldw<•ll J onC'S to get him Philadelphia also lradl.'d Darryl Dawkins lo lht· New Jersey NNs, w h1c·h aliows p len tv of rnom for Malone's big fra me . Here's some othl'r t:hanges in tlw 1982·83 NBA rosters to refresh you r memo ry •Davt' Cowens, w ho IC'd Boston to two NBA titles before rctirin~ two vears ajlo, dec:1dcd he llk(•d thl' m mpeulion and mom•y aftl'r all a nd siji(nl'd with the M1lwauk('(' Bucks. •Bill Wa lton p luns on playing at least Ont' game a w t.•ek with the San D1c·1oeo C:l1µpc rs to det.ermint• if ha!I ofl<'n·lnJu rNI ft•<.'l n m w11hst;ind the compclltlon. • Artis G1lmorC' will lt'nm with Grorge Gt•rvan In San Antonio after the S pur'I acquired the VC'tC'ra n from Chicago • Ouinn Buckner. a('Qulred in the• Cowens deal, wilt h~lp e liminate any doubts nboul 8Mw11't1 b8ckcourt ,, • Rookie Dominque Wilkin w ill provld r M>nw I Ol"'YMPIC • • • From PaQe 0 1 (;;1011•-. eum~w11l11m, lw Is l>l>t"1king 11! th•· v11u11g men .111d wo11w11 111 1r~1111111g Th1·rc· art· I I JUdo athli·t(•s .it 1h1· t·t·n tN and t h•·.v w1ll l>1• vying £or 1w11 spoL-. o n 1h1· US Olympu· 11•;1111 111 IH84 Th.11':-. JUSI 11n<' t•x.implt · For th1 • athl1·1t·' 1h1·m:-.1·lv .. .,, th1:-. 1s a 111111· of total cl1•d1C'at111n Tw11 voung C:ahtw 111:1 Judo .1thlt lt'' 'p11k1• of lh1·11 dn .. 1111' "J'vr lx·1·n lwrc• 1111t• v1•.11 .11111 I plan 1111 s l<ly1ng until ,1flc•r tht• IH84 (;,11111·-. ··"'\'Tim Sc·.iv, ~l. 11( ( 'onc or d "The• U S h,,.. rll'Vl·r \'l.'tlll ;1 gold or o;llVl'I mC'dal 111 JUclo but I think w t· a11· t .111.h1nji( up "I'll st.-.y until ;1ft1·r th1• '84 Olymp1t~. tlwn I plan on r f'tur ning to On•gun State· and m.1vlw ('l)min~ back for the 'HH G.mws " &>hnda Bmk ll'V 11f Bari.tow, HI. has ht•1•r1 ,11 Colorndo Springs f1;r 10 montJ1s and w11mc11\ JUdo '' not c>vt•n on thl' I HH4 Olymp1t· 01J.wnd~1 "( hkl' 11 h('rt• ht<t'aU:-.t• lhl'fl' ,lfl' ,1 lol 11( qu.1J1ty athll:'lC!'. lo wor k t>Ul with .ind th1• (11:11 h1n.f.( 1:-. e•xccllt'nl I like• the.· .1tmn:-.ph t•rt> and the• pool and ttack." Btnkkv si1v' A typ1t.·;.il . d .1y find:-tlw111 runnmg and d111ng n ilisth c n1 1.·s from li .:H> to H 1·nt·h m11rn1n g 1\ I 111 hour Wl'l.f.(h l hf1 i11g :o.t•s ,11111 toke·' pl.111• 1n llw rnornin~ thrl'C' t1mt•i; t'Ht'h w1·C'k Hnd an of11•n 1oor1 wori<out frn m :1 Ii 111 tht•ir sport !'on dud t•?C tlw workou t. EUt h hfls a part Unw Joh, work111g rour tn t>1gh1 holll'S a day and around lh1· trnmtng ~hc•dule R 1nklc•y MY'l 11ht• nu~h t 11t11y t h rou~h llw l 9Hll Olympics. Sh<' ts l'(m (1dl•nt wom1•n'11 Judo w all J,.. includt'd at thot t1m t• Th1•n i;h1· will 11ll1•ncl Lon~ R<>a<'h S tn tc All of thuc l.o kc'!I m unt<y tu ?CUJ'J)t>rt th<• pn1~nm with th1• M11l1'r 8 1C'w lnR Co furnt .. h tn(o! funrl« for th1• opc'r1Hlon o f th(' t·<'ntl'r Voluntary l'o11trlbulloni1 (rum otht>r11 llr(' j0(k 1H'<i for thC' bnlanc.•1• ( Oouhl•• .,:: • ~~·,:~ •• ;1v~ .: ... ~~· ,' • ;':; •. ~ -~· ... :: .. ~ •tti11 .. 1 t,I) t ''~"tff .ttl,.• Ut • 11 h I t II 11 ii t t t JV ,41 1 .. I • I t t I.'' t lll•v o 1 t I v wuteln Y•U•f 11~u••• u I .111t 11 11 I II h•I I I It I fl •• I ~ II ft•,, I • h .... 4 ,, Al II I • I ''"I I '41 ,. lo OovDI•• ''"' .,, ..... 1•, 1.,11111 It• tu a. 111 .. , i •uh• •• tt ·l•t • '*~•._ '111•••• tt•tl•••I t\ .. •I·•' '+•ilttlr-11• Ottl'""' '' t fl'lornn• f1.111lh1 ti t It,.., .. b WVH b ' u .. •,1ru1111tH• No •4t• , ..... • '' ..,.,,,,, n n n 1 UnlvenUf U tf•d<Jl•f)•n1 t 91t11jlH l ,.11,t .11 Iii d11f l'h .. u 11 II •h•f Hijlltt•ll ol• f ' 1, H i.A 1!ttt 110 h11t ti t; Wt•ll h I I II 1•111111 I' 1lJt I 1• I '• I \I, ~111 11 II Double• I U( "" "\ftUal HJ) Cl•f f ••n l NfllMllU b 4 tf'-'t fi111• t 11_1ll1tU t) V Oftf 1 Vfft;• Apdl t) I I An~1ur1uu Meiu ttttu OH wu11 ~ 1 h I t'J I Uuhhft Nttwull lU) W•Jh fj J ti fl fj 1 H•W'JtOI I ... , hQf 10 h win• • ~lrtgl•• I ,I I • '' 11t•1 'I I t It I •. t• • I 1 t '' t .a I f11,,1u•Uh 1h ~t tJ A ot I 1 I I M.111h 1 llj lq•1I "' I Double• ' I 11 11 1• I 1 If •t' ~I lu111I I f f fll to I 1 h•I 1 111· r h 1t l ~I f h•I .. ~ ' ' I I ,, ••• Al 4Ht'ft J ft ,, I t ff•~tl·HU 1111·•t.1•1·• I t HIGH SCHOOL STANDINGS See Vl•w lHgue League Owerell w l w l rr PA !lfl b I ",t1l•Jlf"ltoU I> I I I 110 • <J I I I h fJ L ,.,, ,.J lh ""•''''' .,,.,,,,., I tlflihlt th~! M 1H lt.,,11w ""' ... '''' 1 ~ l ~ 1 4 • 4 I ,, ltH.1r•d•t'• Score I I '. •h i•. 1)11-Vtti,!lj 1 •. lonlgM't 0 1mH I' I II •,u 10·1 '" ')b 1, I 110 tU 1fJJ ft' , 1A ''''"I,, 11 • 'i.u11Jl•'t u "' 1tl • A t~u~• 11,1111 •'· I.,.,,,,"• 1 .,t N1•<11I 111 t 10.t.1 M t•\.I ....... t 1\M 1! 0( t Other 1core1 EMPIRE LEAOUE I I I 1 111 K,1h•tl°' I t 11 I , ' I •I "l;1r1• I• ' I f"• I I f'~lt 1b [ {J1 I 1 I CENTUllY LEAGUE 1 • '' \I Urw• .Jt', V•ll, "·•'" '4 ~ttr•t.t Art• Vu •~1 1 J OAllD(N OROVE LEAOUE H 1 A ctlT 10\ ]If fio1~t1 r,,df •JI Oleney Cle .. lc t•t llk• Buen• Vitt• ff• I <.0 ... 11• "•'"'°'" I•"'• 1)·t1' 1 .... • I JO too II A 11' 1 n I', • 111,, ,,, • t I.\. ·'I ,1,11 •• ,, , 1•1 ,. '., ,.. .... ~.~ ... ~ 1•·1' '. • •• 1" ,.... •' ,.,. 1:5.Jtr' '~·•' ....... 11 t_ I tll"lf I ·~· I tit '"'. M ••• (I ~).. 11 I i "u ht If tlf I ,,,, N• r)4•,-. ,, ""''' ... r •. , 11 •• , ,,, ... , r }, V i•' ,, • 1.1i'' '.I Fh1••1 M••• U Ht '-uH I , .. ~ ., • c, M11o.•• ,,.. • a.-.c;,, 9.,,,,,., I 1 • ~· f,, ~ •j tt til " " ,, . .,: . . I I C . .. ,, lob ,, .. t t t. , , . ... ... 'I " .. , " ., ., . ' ' 11 ;1 71 ., Women'• volleyb all COl-l &OI '· \.'''',~: : ~·~."'Y" 11.:• ~·;•n1 ''"' t A. U •1°t11t •••" &11~0 •.t itttl Ill IA '' 1•, I' IU 11 I'. \•1 I P, t HIOH aCHOOL ( •rlHOal dul Milt thtl t I f1r11 t•, h t•, I 11 t•1 l't I t a11uu rn ,1.-t f .,,,,. M•••.,. f' •, I• tt . .. " t4ttN11oll fh1l1u1I IJttf lht1u1 Ill 11; I'• I\) , •• fJ l'l ••. W•1.\lfn11u,1"' 11••' M"t 111,,. 1 '1 4 I') " t•, '" 1 ''"'"''' .. v.11 •• , ,,.,, ''''"'1" ,., 11 p, 11 ,., 4 Huhtlfl\111111 IOtftl 11 1ttJI I H Oflft Vl"w \', I ,., •, ,., v l .ttijHfl.tJ fte~i t1 1Jef '.,t~ll l l.,rf1ttf1ltt t", 111 1•, ti 10 ,., , .. lb tt., 0 t'•1w11111f C.f+n;l!en lJtil t •l;o•1y l t+f -.1101 1•, ., , .. , .. 1•1 3 Weier polo HIGI< SCkODl l •oun• Hiii• t1 l •gun• B••~h I I 11111.JlJ.-,1• 11 1 I• I I I t(J i" 1 tt !'\ .... •11111 I H~·•t•f·th 4 H,1 •' f •' ~ , I I i t ti • , 1! I ii 1,t f, If 11·1•, 1 f It I I l to oh I t •• Deep tee llahln g MH S LANDING lH•wpo•I Bu<hJ ! ! I l I '. DAI/EV S 1 OCKER (N~wport Bu<"I DllNA WHARr .,, f SEAL BEACH .,._ "!CJ 11 .. , .. crJ(J CB•tQ•) •,, I '' .!' t t 'I l I 1 t i\' , •• , ' • 0 t' f'f""' Thureday'a tranucllona BASK El BAU N1tlon1I 8a•k•1ball Al•CCIAtlon I '· I ,, t ~ ,t ' ; .; f I " I 'I I 1 J, 1 ' /, ,. •I ' I'" '" 'I .. f ·••(J( '• • I f ft tt ~s i •• "t'"'• ,, '"'•'I •I ' .. fOOTBALl Ur\lt~d St•t•• f oolb•ll l ••ou• •• t I ' f I• ., t * '-··· " 1 J'. , .. ' ,, ,, .. ·' j • t A \11 f I·~ (I I' H ht t • ' I 1 I. I 11t11.t 11·1 ••• 1•1.-f•J •••• ,, ,,. ;., YI t1.1 •lt·1+ 1 1 ,, I ' 1 • • ~· ," I ;11 I HOCKEY H•llonol Hock•, l .. gv• I ' • J tJ i° f '4 o fl •' f •I ttlt I I f I • 1 f'\ *1 '' ,t tt ! I f ,, ~ •• , • •. I ~ ••.• • I • t •A I ~ COlLEGE 1. •t.&'o'ftA ••• '·· ' . I' ' College football SATURDAYS G AMES Wu l OrP9cn v~ Ut.l /4 rl t q,,.,. •• [ln"""1 • 1 \(\ fl m 1 I/II 1'111!1(,lr~r ti ~I tt•! ' J IC ' I ••If' ti l ~ ' " ' (.~I .11 Or ~rtr. SI Ar11nna .u w.1~h1nntou •'11 fl h.illtW • •l J I>"" I Cal C.11t1~ f uOtl,ton '" tiaw1t1t n u1a11 UI S an 0•"110 S I n S an Jo'f• S1 Al Nl'v8d8 ll" veqos 11 Atu\R Pac1l1c 81 USI Sonom11 S I 61 Cal lvlhtHan Cal Poly 1Pomonnl a1 U o l Sa n O•ego Redlands al Pomona P1l1l'!r n Clnremonl·MuOd 111 Wh1111f" n Cal Poly tSl01 Bl S nnll C111111 Rockie• US<... d i Attl•"'" St n Wycin 1uq l1 Au f ,, ,. 8YlJ JI llMI ")'1 Q 1o.1..i1 nm1• •1 f "" t •d• f f'"\,J ( •',l\( ,t ( •ft I t00 ti I 11 t~ "" 1J C ti 1•t•11 1H "• ·r ' ',1 ...... '", 111.r ·" 14 1th•, ~J. , "'''' II 1n1 1 •• t 'li'\IPlllitf•• South .A1' t I I Jl ' II f 11~1 ~'•·rr+c.t ... ~1 11 (tt•1 il·' C>u~,... 11 {1pnrw t 1 f'l" M1,q1' .. ,q1~1 II l Sll I f lnt1dJ '"i1 1\1 "'""Ht rt I M· 1t11 M1tf •(II' AIJb1HH.t "' ~·· 1 "'f'P' S 1 fl l.tf"1r,111\ M.u\l,1ndt l NnrU• ( m••ltH 1 South l..a ,.,,,l .ti Nw 1h C ,,,,111n11 r;, Ru19er ~ c R1rhm1md n SW lnu1 1f)nd .11 !-.C'h11fU•tn M•\'·'''•ltJu II U·l~ln, .1t l utam t Vl...H J ( VHQ•I ... t'\rntuClo.-. at V f1llfl .1 I, I M .11 \n.tH f~ lt I" ( • hh•I O.h•ld'\toU et J ,1,m .,, EH i I (>111, ... ,, t• .ti I It l)rag C() 111 Jl ~ lf~ l l.1 l(1d l\.111111 ,'.tll 11\tlfll IH •1\1111 l .. tl• '""" 1111 .. 111:11 ~'')"""' 1•01 1111,dt1\11w ,,,.i 111 ... 1, .. 1 t l11 N 11 11111o1I 1 11 .q• 11 • .,1 \ ''" ldl l'llf I l1ot1l'1•lt1l1 loq1 I 111 I<• d I S.111111 •''"'I'' 11 ti .11 11 \111' Ill :\l.1\ ... ,.i "I 111 II\ I I :1111 11111• I, I•""' 1 .. 1 ,, 1.,k1 I"' .f I• I 111tl 111 1111 \\t f Kt lid , ""'I" 11111111 1111 I« d H.11••11 "' "111\ "''' "' ,, \t I ,j f, •o1I 1,q1.1l1l1 •111111 .~ .... , 1111.'.1111111111!11.111111 i\l 1 I I I'• 'I 1 .. 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Kid :'i'• I I•,, 'ft• :-\11111 •• 1111 1111 '" \\ < t,,,, Ct•' rd I 111ld1 I ~11. I II• I t l ll.1, .,,,,I' 11!•1 /II.ti I If• 11111 ... 1. lh• ,.111111 .. 1 .11111 ( .. 1. SI""~.\ \to lol• \ 11 I u 11.tll,. I' 111 111l11J" 11111111 ,, 1111 11 11 \ I l.11ok ti ll.1 '1111!11 !'-.j,.111k\ I l•ll• "I tl11 \\ lltlillll t ,, ll.1•1 .. !11111 .... '" ,, I JI 11• I Ill I 11, 111I1 r ••n (,, ,,,, l1.111d t11d I ... ltt1o1I l111oll111o1l l\ I •" II• t •It Ho111 .t '.'..: \\tll 111• I 11 I JI I '),,, h 11 •I I 111 ld1 \II 11.1 li\d111 IL1\ ('.q 1.dd1 Sh11l 111 1111 l>.11k '"II , I '111111 , I II\ .. I , ' \\ I 1 I I H· .t I J f, " 111 " t ', d 111 , , 111. • 11 ,, 111 I 1 t 'I J' . llll!.!lt• • • ;\J\ l~1 ,1' ( ,.,, \\Ill. .... 11111\ ·'""' ... " 111· \hi 111111 11111 .. 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'111Jt" (I \\Ill lu .111, 11111111.111••11 '" '"' 11• do It 11111111 l l1t t \I lllll.tl \\ 111111 I• 1111."lt11l 1l11 11 1,111g .. 11•·, T 11 "' t I II' s .• t 11 I d" \ ' •1l1.il1l\1111 11111' .ti• 'I 1 ,qui \\ill f., ,,,.il • .lol1 o11 1111 l.11..1· S1111d .. ,, 1111.tl-. .11 1 ~:11 .11td \\ill ·"'" he 1\ .1d.1I •ft• otl I h1 1.ikt 1 II I I\ t d,1\ DICI JOH•so• JOHNSON & SON Nt rth~u Ar 101 .1 •I r,, . .,_ M• • ',1 N th I t,ut •• 'lo f..ii h, •' f 1 1 H 1• 1 ' it presents .. South•••• lft-. .. 1 A\M 11 ~"*''' f"•o.l\ ti lP•d\ Ip. ft AK.fl: tl l '°''"·'"'·'"'·· 1 f.U ,,I ttOU'\1ti•I f1 n,,u~r 1U Wf'•,t ,..,,,, C,1 Nt''4 M1n 1tO Al N11tll f4~._,, .. ll Mld,.HI M1cn1gan SI a1 ln<11ona 1111no1• 1•1 10.,.,n M1rH•f'""'" 1&t M1(.t1tg,1n Puroue 01 Oh•U SI Nonh!NitSle<n .11 \V1~con~1n l<ftM H SI "' ll)Wft S I "let>ratlo.~ nl 1<•1"'11' T OU!dO •II M11lm1 l) I ulsn '" W •ch1Tn SI Ohio ll nl (.111111.il M•ch101111 "4J It '" ( r ''~ 1t ''"'"~ ~ 4 n f \"' ( t'fllil\ t 11 \f\t 'ti \ ftlrf'I I P1•1U1 ~1 j" Uo It t c • I' J• l orum1 •il ,,, Atm\ fl\ nq" f'li...••nl \I (°(''ll•'••H "" p H )lfhT (tutf W h,H1 A ~·''" l t (}t" 1..-.,111• A"'""" ll Hlt,.. "'t Bue• nptl .u L••h 01 N('ltlhl*JS1P,,, ,, ~ fHlt• t:.onnecticut at M u1t..n ""'' 11' Ahod• lst.1nd '" Nf'¥J H Hf·l1\I ,, l'fllnH at f'nn ••Inn Ct>+o"''~ .ti ~.,,,tt.U .... t;1nr1t,n1tl1 tt 1.-n,01.- limited Offer ll?lPJ. LINCOLN MERCURY 2626 Harbor llvd., Co1ta Me1a 540-5630 ~vllable SW'\td MDcleh COLLEGE Picks of tht Wttk UCLA over Oregon * use over Arl1ono St .. * BYU over Utah St. * O&clohoma over Colorado * Notre Dame over No ' ..--------~ DENNIS BROSTERHOUS Marathone r coinpe n s ate d? \\''i 11 1H•1·.-. l't'JJOl'l t•t/J_}' f'llit/ In th1 .ii t1•1111Hth 11! S11111lay·, Nt•\\ Y111 l1 l\l,11',1\hon, .1 NI'\\ Y111 k '1'1111t·" 11•1M'11 I 1 l,11111l'd 1li,1t \\ 111111'1 .. 1\lh1·1 t11 s . .t.11.11 .1111 1 ( :ro·l• \V.11\1 I 111&1d ll't't'l\'l' ,,.., llHll h ,I., $111.tltlll u11d1·1 t 111· \.1hl1· 11111111· .. 1111 \ '"'" \\ 111 ... Tlw '1'1111 .. , .1t111ll11t1•d t 111 11·p111 t' • \11 " "' r .d pr 01111111•111 t llllll111g • 11,11 111 ' ' \\ h11 "•'I• 11111 1d1•111tf l\'tl (.'11,11 hi•,, ,11hl..i1·' .111d 1111" 1.11, 111 lilt' N1" \'rn k lh1.1d Hu1m1 r ~ <.'luh would n ot dt!.l:u s.. ... llll' 11.1~111t•11l .,lt ll\'llll'\' puhhdv. s 11lt'\' .,ud1 ol frn,il lt't.11gn1t111n i-1111ld .)l't>p.'11 dt11· tlw tompt'lllo~· .im.it1·u1 st.111d111g Tlw 111·\\ '11.11i.·1 ·""' r1 portl'tl lh.1t as 111ud1 .1., $1:.!:1,IHlll "1111d1 I tilt' t.1l1lt• l''llt'll'l' pa\llll'llb 1tlo1\ lw d1 .. t11h11t1•d hi tlll' ltop I~ 111.dt• lllU,ht·t ' .md lht· (11,t I.! '"'""'II ' t\ pt11111i....ol to .... 11111111111111111.11 pt II•' llhllh'\ 1111 tlw 1,111· "'" ll'Jt•1t1•d 11•1· .. 1111\, ;ilthough 11 "·'' ,q1p111\'1•d 1111.1111111111"1\ h\ till l'luli', 1111111 d 11t d1n·1 t111s Hut tht•11··, ,, g1111d 1 h.11111· th,11 111 '' yl'at ', l.ll'I ' \\11J 11ff«1 11ll1t1,tll\ ,.,,1tllllllf\l•d Jllllt llllllll'\, lho• Ill'\\ 'Jl•IJl<'I ,,11.! WllEN PHE~It>ENT REAGAN 11wt 1·;1rl11·1 tl11s '' 1•1•k \\'If h tll1• "1n1H·ro; of !ho· N1·w York M ,11.,1tlh11l, S,il,11.1r gavt• 1111· p11•;,1dt•11t 111:-t l11111111g ShLk.''· S~ly111g, "I ho1w tl11!> will ht•lp 111111 Ill 1i1 .. I ,lt'l' fur n·-t•l1"t.0\1or\" \.\'lwn .1 11•porll'I .1 .. ko ·d H1.,1g.111 \\ h..ilwr tht· :.!4 y1'.ll' uld S.d.itill kill'\\ ... or11Ptl1111g 1111 w11· l'b1· kt1<'\\ th.it th1• pn· .. 11h•11\ \\ould ..,, ... k n • 1•lt-t'll1111 111 HllH l<to,1g.111 11•plll'd "L1·t'' ll••t 1·t11h.111.1,._, hin1 .. S.1!.11.11 tlwn 11u11111•1t•d 1'111 11111 t•1111>.111 ,1 ........ 1·d I .1111 11u t·u11111m11 1•>.p1•11, but I '·'~ St.1~ rh1 t 11urs<' · ",1'l·h111ng thl' Hl'pubh1 .111 1.1mp-.t1gn lht·nw Rc·.o~.111 h1mi;df hJd U!>t'<f th\' phr.i!-1 l'arllt·r \\ ht•n hl• 1·1ingratul.11<·d Lind.1 l>own, ~5. J \'11 l1m ul ('c·rd1r,1I p.il" "hu lx"<..im .. t ht· f11 ,1 w11111.1n tu t'l1mplt'l1· t 111· 111.11 <1tlllln on 1 ru11·h1~ "l.11111.1 d ,11l lht1'>l f>tl•J1l1 t1lfl t ht I• \\11Uldn'1 sa~ I \~·'' lx·rng f>til11 11.il I \\1111ld '·'' '''" too ~\.l\1•d !ht 'llllr''"" .... 111 1 lht· p••·,ld t Ill LOCAL llAPPENINGS. Tlw t:11 .it l'u111pk111 H at·t· \\ill 1,.. llt'ld lht' Su11d.1\ m111·111ng .ii l\la!>on P ark tn lrv1m· Tlw :1 .md lllk r;11·1·s will lit· h1•ld .it II 15 .111d lJ a .m . r1•;,p1·1·t1\'t•h Thi· 1•H•n1. 'fJ"no;11n·d h' tll1• South Cua:.l Hunrwr ... A .. Mll'l.1\11111. t:. unu:.u.11111 1h,1t thl' part1C'1p:1nto. .1n·..cnv1lt•d to Wt•.ir 1·tr,,.t~inw' F'11r m11r1· 1nlorr11o1111111 , 1.111 (114) fi·l l 1711h * RUNNING SCHEDULE Sunde, The Gree I Pumpkin S end 10lc R..:e Al Mu~On Park "' •• von~ Cossumes <nv11ed ~11hed couose door pr•lt'> untl fret' relrt'~hme11h Races are at 8 15 for the Si. ano 9 tor lho 10> Spc·n~ooeo oy inti Soulf1 Coasi Rur>nets "''" For more 1r11orrnaloUf• ,,111 171•164 1 1708 Seturd•t. How e Mlulon vi.10·7 Up Sand IOI! Fun R11r,1' At lakf' Moss.on v ... ,., R091sua11on •S av<)olallle er the M•H •On Ve•10 1ecreo1toon tt"\1('!~ o< "• wtolU'O 10 lhe M1H•t.n V•e10 Con'loany Maio• Spo•t•no E•enlS 26131 Lo Paz Roao Moss•on V•e,o Ce 92691 E"tr) •ee •S S• and runne•'.50 w II ha ... e a chanc;e to w•n a 1n11n<J '"P ttc\..N 10 lhfll Bosto,, Mara1non Sunde,, Now 1 The third 10k Run for Soviet .i.wry Al Rancho Par• " V.MI LC·S Angeles oegonn1l"g at 8 30 "r" 1 " spon'°red oy me IStaer Runn,.rs Assoc1a11on ... 1lh o·~~ca go•"Q 10 promo•!' 1mmigra11on Entry re--5 S9 ""olh S l 1 lalP lf'e For mt>r,. 0nlo1marof)n call 12 131 852· 1:134 e.>'I 2811 Founder'• Der IOlt RK• A• WH!>lr,.1ns1er H1gt 10 am Course IS flal anO laSI w1th ""If' SPl•I l•mP) aid ~lallOnS reSlrOOmS and free retrtJShmenla •1 lhe llnllh Pre-reg1111111on mu51 De recel\'ed 'lO lale< lhan MonOey, wllh en S8 lee covering lhe rece enlry ano T-l<fllrl A Spe<;1a1 SS le.! ~ ... a•lnl)IP 1n ,,udf'nf~ or rn .. Hun1m91nn Bea•n un.nn High 5'hOOI Olllrlet Ado s I '" ah« Mondl y S.turd1,, Nov. 13 Turkey S ind 10k Rune At Molp 5QuarP Par~'" Foun1a1n VJlll.') 51>. s1ar1s al 8 IS am 101>. al 9 5ponsorro Dy Inf' Sou1r Coa" f1•1nne" Assn Foo more onlorma11on Cdll ti 1416A1 1708 Sunday, Nov. 14 Muole-'l'MCA She~Up 5,000..meler Run Al UCLA Pace oegons al 8 30 am En1ry lee 18 $4 IO• otiuns SJ foo children 15 ano unoer. S2 w11r.ou1 l ·sllorl or $7 per lam1ly lor lhree or more lam1I) members Ma11 ontry Oel'IOhne os Nov 8 For mooe inlormahon can Ince OireclO• Normar, Joyner al (2131 489 .1200 Sunder . Nov 21 Peaad•n• YMCA marathon, hatf .. merathon, 1CMt •nd ~ll rec:•• Begins at 7 am All rao;es l1n1sh ~1 fl•e ~-vard 11ne 01 the RO$e Bowl Entrants will •OGlude tnl' men ' dnd women 5 winners hom Ille New Y0<k Mara1non For morn 1nrorma1•on call II·~ Pa~adeoa YMCA at 12131 793-3131 DIATH NOTICES McKINNEY In sru· Ca . I son Jack DOROTHY MU R I'll Y Murphy or Fount.am VaJley. M l·KINN EY. n •\ldc·nt 11£ C.J I brother Lesl<'rCam of Palm Springs. Ca l'J!>,t·d Am horage. Alaska. 2 sisters awav on Oc·wbcr .!Ii 1982 MJrv Anne Lozano of Sur\•1ved bv hc•r hu<,bJnd H1all.o. Ca and Sh1rlynC' Ted o( Palm Spring!>, c~1 I M.iroda CJf San Bernardino. daughter .lovce Murphy of C.i . an aunt Dorothy E\·.11Uj o( N1•wporl Beach. Ca . and :1 granrkh1ldren &:n.•tL("'i will McCOlMlc.! MOATUARIE b t' h l' I cl on Sat u rd J) , Laguna Beach Oc tobcr :w, 1982 al I 0 OOAM 494 9 41 5 at thl' U 111tl.'d Methodist Laguna Hills Churt'h. Palm Spru1!(s. Cu . 768·0933 Buri a I J l Pan f 1 t• V 11· w San Juan Cap1!>trnno M emorial Park, Nc•wporl 495 l/76 Beat·h, Ca :it :1 OOPM •m HAUOll (AW~MT. OLIVE Mortuary · Cemetery Crematory 1625 Gosier A11c ·Costa Mesa 540-5554 P'tHCI H OTHIRS Hf..L .. O ADWAY MOITU4RT 110 Broadwa, Cosla Mesa 642·9 1SO IA&.Tl l HGHOH "'4tTH & TVTHtll WHTCU" CHAP'll 4 27 E 171h SI Costa Me'-'! 646-Q371 .... ClllOTMU5 5MITHS' MOITUilT 627 Mam St Huntington 8cach 536 6539 • Saturday, ()1•1cobt•r :\O, l!:IR:! In lwu of flowt·r~ the family noquc-Sl'-donations bt> madt• tn tht• Amerll·an Canct•r Seit ll'ly Arrangt•111eo111~ hy l'.ol111 Spring~ M ortuary, P.1lm Spring,, CA . JENSEN l.OHAINE MINNIE H:Ns ~:N rt~1dronl of Co:'!W Mt•Sa Ca Pa..._"Cd away o n Oc·toltwr 27, 1982 Sne 1s I s:Hv1vc·d by I daughl<'r Janie·\"' Pt•troc:cht of Costa Ml'~a. Ca . I son Mt•rvrn Jensen of Council Bluff. Iowa. 5 grandch1lt.Jrt•11. 12 grea1-grandch1ldren und 2 gn•at great-grandehlldrl.'n Mrs .Jensen was a form<'r member of the &.-item Star in I owa and th<' Friday Aftt>rnoon Women'll C lub Cryp t.side servicM w ill be hf'fd on Sunday, CA:tobt.or :.JI. 1982 al 2:00PM ot Harbor L11wo M emor111l Pork Friends mny <'nit nl P if'n·e Brothen Bc-11 Broadway M o rtuury o n S11turdrty. OctubN 30, 1982 frnm 12 noo n to 9 ·00PM und on S und•y. October 31. 1982 from 9:00AM to 12:00 noon. In Ucu o f (lowt'rs don.aUotu may be made t o the R1dh1tlon CrnlN nt llnnJi Mrmorl•I H ocf ltal P1rrc1• lirothera B~l 8 roadw1&y Mortuery dlrl'<'tors ----~--~--------------------------------------------------------- MllC NOTICl POOllC NOHCl rw1 IC NOllCt ("11¥ ()t lllYINt ANNUAL All'OHt OP '1HANC1Al fllANIACllONI (IUMMAR't Of Rl .. OfH liUIMll 11 DI(> Hll I IA fl CONTfltOUlfll f'Y IHI 111 I uw.1111(1Al1 I "'"'' Llf NI II " I li\l 111 1I11 llNU I IJ1411 UAl ""'' l '• WI 111,. tll o t Al'il Al "'· " H ltll ill '''"· A1 I tHittl Utt~··· Oove1nn1•nlal '•0111le1erf f unrl l'und lyµ•o Ifµ•• Oener•I ''••O ...... o.,.. ... , Long ,.,.,. Oebl lulal I I 11 A\.tt·ltt 1 U 11 I "1 ••• f ; '· 'to 1'-1.· ll/'f f 11, 11111110111 $1 11 I•• ,•tJ( Nut I WIHUI A,,.atll 'll Nttt l ,,_, .. u At.Ml'lt lutnl l •1•l111111u-. ' 11114 .~. Ill '"" 111•1 11 11111 o~MI •Ill '111 111 \ *'""' No11 l.\ort 111 ~ lnlJ1IHI•''" Nol ( WIUIH ltitlfllltlttll Wuo k11111 l.111J11•I I lllHI t qlll1) 111.._.11 .. tuwut u1 t••mmott 1,.u~I A.•1"li1it.. l l•tl Ullt'll I UIUll\f\ ftll"Ut!VHd I ufhl I $1ll1UH •• f h tMll '"''' tJni ''"''' v1HI l>tt•1urrntrnl thtc1H"ttlflhlh •1 8CHEDUlE or llCVl!iHUCC PtUCHtll'J' tA11; ...... , ... ,,, OOo•t f.t•••\ ·~r,.,.._ •·'' hohtmo 11 1"",.""0~111 I 11Ht") lm h 1tU11' I\ 11·1t.tU11 '• toh•lt•'.I •• 111u11v-. ""¥\.~flvt. hom ''ttoo .. 1t1ttm 1u·. ( '1 H~)t·-. hit ( Uffl4f1l ·l•f"-IL .. 't c.;untf 1t ,.,,, •• ,, hon1 hon \} ht•(llO••'"l·ll '''1H(1t' Otl"11 rt•\.r•fhH 'I f,1• 1t·~r•flllf SCHEDULE OF EXPENDITURES 1t",·1't.1I JU'Yt'tlllllr HI f-'utii.1.. , 1t1·l't J, u1.J1rrl1l1(•tt , ... , •t•.11~on .and u1h1• 11 I l •llH1HJtUI I O •,\d1.1p1t11111t •h 1Hh H11lu·,,, I 0111 t'llf \ lh ''• t I • I '11,, tt I I i: • \,' t 1,)4 . J: , '11. •, t '•' ! I.' Ill"" I 1'4"1( tt••1 I 1111 •llh XI of 11• l l II. I 1 ·~·',, t 'u~~ •• .. J 'It'.''' I 1 .•• hlill ·11, HUU ~. f, H, I IJ!ll EapenH1 $ • 4.l'.\111 1, IOI 111•1 '•lllb /80 I l .'I• 1152 • ,.,, 1t1tl 'H11 tt49 S.'b 11•1f f 11 , .,,~ .. ~u 'qq I t 1 l Cepllel Oull•f i !>JI!!>~· ~81\011 '>f I~ I 100 llO !lb 4;"' S:.rt.&.J43 'l>J~ b~ II 11111 rnHl •'I Cl4K 11611 II> 11111 lh/ll Ill lllb bJ 1 Debi Service I 4llJ 2111! I ;.;oo OJI! 1 J ·~ 61;o \.Ill 4•,,• II(' .. •11111 l.'t I •,t1/ '1 .. / ·~ '114 ·1;1' •1h-1 ••• , \4'1 .,.,, .,., Tole! i1 4H'I lloli h 1h·· 1 t. b.O•l I 'JOI 9~10,tlO 'l ?37 HJ7 78~ 64!1 sn 931,921 IN2·83 ,t.SSESSEO VALUATION AHO PROPERTY TAX LEVY • t"fij;' 8. II Vlfll' ( .1ty I .H H.llt• t.l~lltH ~I l.111 I~) 0 P,,, Dono~ O?J''• AllHHd Velu1flon 1982-83 Tu R11e 0237!>' STATEMENT OF OIREC• BONDED INDEBTEDNESS GENERAL OBLIGATION I u• .111J t•··~lt'.ll' 10.1t I ti Olf11• • h, tu1 0"4h• ut 1~t.u• ~ ..... ," h 0 .• 11 An uttl Aulf10r1J:~J Af' uu• l~!IUt"O .\m uni Ut!1ltsoHm1 J Arn \1.Jfll U'1rnUtut~J tr•O (),Jl'.l.1 I J.lllJ J .. llUJI ¥ 1 19 7!> J.HlUJ'Y 1~77 JcthU'-U)' J001 S1tl 000000 $111.000000 S I 8..'0 000 s lh 160 000 STATEMENT OF FIXED ASSETS 1982·83 levy Str11cturu end lmp•ovemenl1 Equipme nt S lb ~Ill 835 S2018 866 Toi el SlO 452 979 CERTIFICATE I •it nt&v C,fRTU.., tn tnr-o h~\I ,, "'v ... wiwlttOQe anci t>eltel tnar lht!Se SCht'<Jult!lS fairly reflect the tm.uu •.• lf4''t\c11..hC>ns OI trie C•t) '" ,i(((Uft "" •• ¥.Ith tn~ feQUltttfnoHnti as pr"SCtlbeO hy Int" State Govetnmt!nt CO<lt- JU HlfY F Niii( N Mnlldljlll or ris<.81 Ooera1oons 10 27 82 ll't S NANI V (; LACfV L,,, t ,.,,~ PuDllshed Or11nge Coast Dolly l'olot OCIOller /9 1982 417 I 82 Father ove rwhel01ed Messages u p port /_,eveille's inju red son MONTR EAL (AP/ Till' fdlht·r 11f N.inn.mtl 1.1 vl·lllt· the Boston Br um' forward who .. 1111 I 11 ., 1 n a c-um a 111 .1 \ .tm:oU\ t•r h1,...p11.t1 .11111 .1 1 1 r1 hr,il h1·1n1111 h .1g1 1 ..... 1 s .• 1111 d,I\ night ...... 111 h• " •1v1•1" ht lnwrl 11, tho llll''°"'g1·, u( 'llPJl"rl lrot ht' .... on t .111 lu·lp llw11 "''t 1111 t)w 11111111t nt Tlw tlrn 1111' tul<I ll' h1 1.111 hn v.11h111J1 llw lrl1 "'fll"''" hut tho•\ .t .. 11 \ \\,1111 111 l.1k1· .1n\ r "k' I Ii• ' ....... 11r1·d 11' I h .1 I o1 I I 1 I 'll • h ,, 11 ll p 1 I .1 l I lo II I l I ol 1l "'"" 111111' 1 .. ,, '11t1111' 11[ \.\I I"' IH 11111 ' lht•' klltt\\ '"' ... t111 I .t·v1 ti ll· pr.nst•J lh1· Br ll 111' 111.m,1g1 ·1111 ·n t fo 11 lh k111d111 ...... •·spt·< 1;dh PUBLIC NOTICE ,i.tl'n1 r ..il manag1·1 I !arr y S1ndt·n ..ind Hall•llt• whu h.1v1· .... pt•nt h o urs "1th th1· f.111111\ ill\d h.1\t' l·n,ur t•d th.it Norm.inti n'l'l\'t·d llw f11Jt·,1 1.111 ' 'I' h I' \ ' \' I IJ I ' I II I I 111 .1 I k .• "I t '" I d L1·\ 1·ilh Tho·\ It old u ... \\ I' I .1 n °' t ,1 \' I 11 \' ,, n 1 11 u v ' r u 11 t 1 I Nm 111.111d l.111 lit t.1k1·11 h.1l'k 111 Mon tro ·•ti o1 nd not l11 worrv ..ibout th• bill ht'l;JUSI' lht•\ \\t1Uld t;1kt 1·an· o l 11 ' · MllC NOTICE 011111011 LOoJ"l t fJAll V Pl! 01 t f rltl11y Oc t11t11•1 ·"' 111t1i' U 7 PUOllC NOllCl '1CTlllOUI .~ .. -- HAMI lfAflMINl lh• h•ll•1wu1u l••••o••• .,. dolff•U lm,lf1et111 1111 f • ( A I HllJ 11 I I M() 1J 'of NI .r f\v1r I ''"" t.Jewwm• 1 f'i•• .. c1u1t,. /"tU tfuw,H11 I lttt•I ft ( tthfftlUltl 11/l>W JMltl' lllAN';l•tlltfAl l()N lt4C • C ttOIUtlthl LOll•Vlrthtm ()ttt "''""I ut 1'1•1 tJ 'wit• I~ fh•wt;Qlt ltu~u-11 t 1hflJft1* • ,,}UbO I M II I lllllN'•f'•tlt1Allllf4 ltH ttu hA'tl ·, Pf.kll Vtt tt Pttt"'tuJont I f11 i "t11tm11out ....... t1~tu1 'IW1tn '"' t.o~mt., Chu k. of Ot anua Louuty uo flt l•1l1WI 11 llJtll MeOl!I! I "AUL, INC. Allornay1 al l aw Menuleclurere Benk 8ld11 .. 8•••nlh floor, Ooe Newport Piece lull• 7~0 Newport Beech, C•lllurnla 112660 Flttf~ l'ulllhhHtJ fhttft~JH ( UO'I lJi.UI) 1'11111 1)1 I "4 NI 111 •, LI p; 1'181 ~ 1btl 8l' PU6LIC NO II Cl STATEMENT 01' ABANDONMENT OF USE OF FICfltlOUS BUSINESS NAME l'llULIC NO 111:1 NOll(.I 0' '"Ul H t 8 WAii f 8 Ht> 114'11 I I,, I f H/lt I I •Mf ""' t 1111, ·'I,,. I •• I ,, f ,, I ,, I• I If I f 11111""1110 111• 1111• 1J ''"' I I ht I 'l'Jtl I t,1 1 t A I f'IJlll I /f.1/f Ill''' '" 1111 flll1t1I Jf hlliltl fl I 1111 l1P1to1•ll••t ln,.111l·t•il t tt u·.to11 Wt• J1•11 '.1ftAtH•I 111 Uflff•·Ofto•I fl1 •H Ill"' 111 •All• Ml• 11111 I 11 "" 1 1itn • 11111111 '" '" it11t •+•1J .. 1J ''" 1 Ur 11 I Iii 111 11 ''" h,• 101i tU I tit • 111 .. 111 O"u 1.11 ••111 "''' ,,~ 111•' •flU.• nl ,, " fi.,, u•ch11 ul I >r,1no• '''"'''' ,.111! ,,. I., • ' t' II I 1h , II I• lt. l1•ll111-;111q 1u •i1uo1, PAIH t l t 1111 hl'111t tr ut '•• PU6LIC NO llCl rtC fl I IOUI DUllHl II HAMC II A fl MINI 'I I f I ~ I' I ' ' r I.II 1.i°'I fl,, I l1ilf • I ' I t I ,,., .. f t t 1 f l I 11, •ti II nt h•u 1 , ,, .. , ... , '"' hr, tA 1lt•t- '1• • 111 It; J1,:1 ff I t1••t• t I I It I 1 •1h l ,_.,., IJ~ ' .. 11,1, I 11 I~ ' , " 1111'' H '· ,, 1 '' t t ,11, 1, It~, I• 11 *''' t tJ f ii 1# ft I I I t' 1 , f'1h1I f11 I f 14 t ,. t'•~.' 4 U1 t., 114, I Ill"" I ,, ' 11 II ...... ( ....... ' ·' PUBLIC NOTIC[ I H1HHjt' '•t th• 111 f .1ltf11rfll1t 1~, J1tll 1-------------- Ul,ll• It I Wth•tl II t11111~ ..,.,,, '"''II FIC llTIOUS 8USIHESS 111 I t'f llH I t ,h;t M+"t• uH,1llfH1+. NAM£ 8 lAT£M£.NT M1111t. II ,, ... I lhf ,. ,,, ,, .. I fflifilt ft•f•1rih•I 1;! u111t 111ufl1( ll«ltif fiif f tl llHlM 1iliul lf.t• 11u111•f1lh HlttJ hltllH ft1•J11, f .11 f•1111 I r•I ..,. , ~h·jiti ,f • 1)•1 lt•t I .\lttfl• 11 tl!f rHll•I f 1111 I r 1'1111, f It•"''',,.,, 111 Hl IU1lt f'HI it ttu ,flf f At•t ft , An , •1 i • ,,. •. ,,, 11 II lf'lil ' ••• '' f .. , '''•I I •. I • ,. I' f ·I ~J4t I f 11 I fl I u ·•I' I tA ,, .... 11 J " If IJl4 I 11 I I I 't" I r I I f.~t 1 ( 1 I t I ltr• loll <l+i 'h ' p t•t .t1fl't t1'-1v•• u.t ••U•r••tl lt·t I .11 •11 •I' •'I t r, t ,•t tJlHJIUH•• 1•(J II·• v ·•· • t ll•t: l1,Ut1uu:, lf1 1\ l1t11 t•tJll ~• l ul , j/ 1tt 111AI 11 I I t11., l•111to ''" ,.., , •••It• tud •·~ • IJU ,1111· • t1.11t•t f •f•tlt•I A '" 1111• II• 1,,, 11• ,, 11 IC•lf,_ll I VAi I t VI IA f .I Af[:, JObO f4,. lt1f1111fl, I I lf1t• ..... MI h I••' ,,, ,, • '}. 11•1 It• J.1v1J h I•) 4 t.1 M1•*)1t t.~hlU""'* A.._ .,, 11111 u •••· •Jft11 it t 1j1t•u11 ••• If~ 't.f1,l1 I I ,,,,, ,,. f1UIJ~ ... Utt' J , , •• 1111 • •ht• ., .. hu~u1es:. N ltrl'-' I,••, CHh, ti f-f••• •H"'~ ,. t ,,,,,itl l •n 11l1·1•ull t1 1huvt• wu:. ld1•1I u1 '•p11• c_.t 14' t.,_1uJ ,.,,.,,,."''' ,., f ,1.11 (J1011u1' C 1.;1n lr Ufl Ju•tt' I 1'J~..' turlf1t•1 1Jul•nu4J 1110 J• 1.11fwrt 1 (1 tr t 1 ~ ' f 11 l11H ',t1u"9 u•,,u 1 t' u hu•1f11._,1 Atf•t It• It 1f "o mJ fh•(_f 11 H• '' t'\ 11 11.1 tl11 ,f•10 Sltoku~i.itt "-fl(• u f'AfU fl f A '"'' ••• l1J 1b ••vr1 "t t ''' 1• ,t t h• ... ·•''''" '·•''"1Ut1tl1uu tut.JO J11vu ..... ''"'.,"' h11 .,.,,_. 1110 1•1111 ,,,,,., 1 "' "1 • • '' t I 't ' . ~ ftrhHI ( o· t.1 Mtt)H L uhflur11,1 ·1,ttJ••b I,,,.., /J/ 011t I U:! t ·, 11tJ ''•If t ''' , '"''''"'"~._.,WO' ( t111tlw h•d tJy Q 11.i;.t ' ~··d ..• , •. ,u1•ht tH••lll~ 11,, ""'' r ''''" '' lhOfl d1•t11 t tJ IM t f,.h--~l 11t ,.,, '' Artn.,h t 1 t lu1"Jhlf1 !>twt.1''·-'" ,,,., (J1H I 11 11l1uu ''' fi ,.,,,._,_110•1• PUBLIC N011C£ J 111111 If,, Fl98972 'I ,,, HJI K.Jbu"il1tlii.1 t\111'1h11 teh·tfl•tl tn ir1 ~11t( ''' I ut'o"" FIC flTIOUS BUStNESS fly !.1ir11c M 111 lu1 YOU ARE IN OEFAUL T UNDER A NAME STA fEMENf I Pe1PowtfnlAt1urrn·1 DEED OF TRU ST D ATE D ''" t-11""''HI 1 •, lh1-i ~1Htttn1t1nl w .1,., flll•d w11t1 the DECEMBER 11, 191 1. UN LESS l'""lf1•, 11 I< 11un1y t.lttr~ .,1 fllJHot•· I'"'"'>' on YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT /,Mii I 11 I I I 1•1•1 I' lrd ll~loh"r ~ l'rH. YOUR PRO PERT y. IT MA Y BE I. ' ,,, , '" •• I' • ' I ,, ' F 190576 SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE IF YOU '111 I., FRANK L. SCHMEHR HEED AH EXPL ANATION OF THE W l '"11 11• r olJM 1> .. 11, , A Profu1lonal Lew Co1p NAT URE OF THE PROCEEDING ''''"'ol < 111111 '""' •ii I. Meredllh Flnencl1I Cenleo . AGAINS T YOU, YOU S HOULD 1111 lo••''""•'•,., U"'J"' '•·d 1,, ,, Horth aulldlng, CONTACT A LA WYER "••l<t1•luul 1n12 E S•ventMnth St . 161 Pm.-...... ._.w ""1111• < .,1i1r,'"'•J W l m ti Tu1Un, C•lfto1nle 92880 11t " -,11•••t .uJo;j•"-\ ,, ' 1m11.1,,.,. 1111"' ·.tuh''"'"'' '"''-111, .. ,_, "''" t,, .... PvbJl~tuid 01..,.nt,\; Cuu~t u~utv ••. ..,,U'•dl•(J'• I~ :.hJ'ftlt UlJf.f/L 11v <..,Uuf!t) c 1--1jl, ""' (;1 111\Jl Lv1,,1,11t, Y'1 P11r·t 011 1 14 .:'t 1l'f 1t1e;' ""'"'·j'"" ... j''"l .. , .• , 1 ,,,. '"'''·• .. , ··~' \4~4 82 I, (ff1tpl ... l .. 1u•• '• !jl I Col ff•I tr•t• Fl!N1974 Tr~ l;t>ru~l11.11J't U!~J .. t ··~·•1 [h1•0 J fl It I' r 1 •' 1 I f)d I PUBLIC NOTICE "' ftu"ll llJi 114,J,CJI (If , I tt•.i t1 'J' l-"·~ d I! t 14 ;.'1 lJ'l"I tull tr 1f1H •1fJl1tJ 111(1ft~ ..... , Uf .. tJ FICTITIOUS BUSINESS , .,,..r,.1 r '""' l '""~ .,,,., '''"'' "' I NAME STATEMENT do•h.erPd I l•u "' oJH I' ,.,J 1 • I,. f ,. ~ : ••• ,,. •J f•Q "' lf~(l 0 •-'11 t' .~ 'J' I t•t."IJ ,I, Ufld ltl of t• .1 I I It 11 I< ,L '" "<JOI f]I l11fll()1J~r<O 41<.W '·~ 1 /,,11 l-t S~~'' •Ar u A '"',._t;._t> Ah ll•L1I• >'•Al"lf I• ~ ASSCl 111 S. 1 ~ Jr r11 ,, ;.'(,. ( 1IJ ~ .. ~. -:ta A '• hb SU!.A•, '"Ak•f •A<',~( l 42 l t 111 [11 ,, ~ :-' , M•· ·' r A •• b.' fl t\'\.f'I'\ '" tv1..h• JI., an DPn•J••d ''" SJ t :H l W'•fl•·• 1 ,t • 11 Ltt.• ICI df1d ff 1•1t I r 1 rl,1'\• tt-P. u"d .. f'ltJ'e" 1 ,1•fl ~., d (•'OJ-to ft 111 ~JI ')ft ~.-i J •I-I fdllClt S urtt1 ""'"'·•'h•r !f • ,, "'''"> 1n••l1 r., .. ,,.,, Sd·J, ot1 .. hf t ,, .... r 111 t 01 •· t· h'1' IO l•t• It•• Hth•ll ~~.J) t I 1'•£'' •JI\ 1n\lt N bl lt ~r-1~7 I ,, .(~ t !'J . J ,,,,' ,,, ~. ' 1~ ~,11uJ ~.,1,.. "' , Ct--n"'o h• f I ,.. P' 11 C.OvPI ~flt 'J' """ti' t I, ,..,~ ... ..,, 01 m~ht"tJ rpg .• ,<J,nq 1 ti~ ...u.,,,,, ,., i•u·"" ''II°''' '-""' ,_..,~•0•1 "' , .. ,•\.umt1,&1ttCt•' t fh 1 •t••,,,.,,lf ._,.J. t.t1•ll ""'"'the ~"') 1'w tPrnJ n1ng p11f1C.•J i \1J'1'1 it (.. JUflt,. ' ,.,. I ( ,, '"~·· ' u'''" orH ft ... lll"•U·•n• ~Ptvieo l>) \'d•O Ot"t'fJ t l)1 t JI t•I '· t U1. fn.J•.1 'h°'tr 1n1f•t1·..,, t' 1ft \1tttJ ,. It PUBLIC NOllC£ I( 0:1080 FICflTIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT ' I ~ ;11 ''" r1 O• .,,,1, l , t.1~1 Dally the-h;,m3 o l "ut•d (JPt"l u l tr~'-' F1994e0 I Ptt>'Y1d .. 1J dcl\ldOCfH. I dflt Htttlt' I f'+I I () t h\ ? I ._8 "'~'I 4 1982 lttt!S ChatQt!'-illld ,_.,f'('''~t1\ I ''it" 4476 8~ l rust~e dfld ,f Un hu~t.., 1 ,..,,, •• 1 t, F19&&.49 --------------Sdltl Ot'f'O Ol l•u•I PUBLIC NOTICE Sa.a sale "'"" !Jc twlO or' r "old, N•hPmOtJf •2 iqe, tll ~ 00 ' " ., K·02268 tt'I,.. Ctiitpman A"tenui N1t,,1nu .. ~ t NOTICE OF SALE OF 111" c"'c c .... 1e1 0.111011111 1uo r ,. 1 RE AL AHO PERSONAL I t.hapm"'' A•""""' '" .,., l •l, , I f 11t I I f.1 1 I I JfC,t J' q ,1 IP. '• . PUBLIC NOTIC£ ". FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME ST ATEMENT ' .. '• PROPERTY AT Oodroye Calolo1111.i PRIVATE SALE 1 Al lht-l•mA 01 '"" '" 1 ,.i •• r1 Ho. P·A 113191 I p11~"'<•l1on ol mos noto'!• '''" 10IJI tn t11\1 Sur._.,, '' Coufl 11t II ~· •,t,1t(• ,•mout1I u l tn~ unpd10 hillllrtCl' Of '" .. o f CAhfotn•d '" And tc., 1hf" < ovnty I otJ1tqat10f1 secut""CJ b't t hf! ttt o .ip .)f 0tdi"0" in 1ne M<itl"' o t the CSt.'"\CJtbeO d.:t'd o t tt uis1 u a (, ...... 1 I fiA'IC:fS, H Bl.RNS 11~11mJl"O "~·~ "•IWll~f-' .1na Ofllcf"., ~d a.h ,)r•c t•\ ., '$I~ 4 • f ·: Nohct ·~ 'P'f'l>'t o•wen it.at ltie r drlP•nHr ~ '"p (l("i,•ni''M lll 1 undc,\•Qned will ~II di puvdte SUie yO•• rr..~., call 1"' t• 9.JT OG6t. le ltH_• hlCJtl~'' Jnd b~~• h·Otl~r Dalt" Oc.tOt>e• 1 i 198:- ut,,ft" I ,, CO• fltrfJ •t•Or\ ot ~a·tJ .,. D SERVtl..( CO'-'H ,.,.,.. Su'-"'' u• Cou1 I ou O• llt~r "'" t01n a~ \il•CI 1 •ustt-t- ,Jd; f '' .-t-n•r•t-t I •8._ -ll tnt-' Offt .:. 8) P.t111C ,\ A ~d ''3 1 .t OHrt' II DO~Nfk A lft"ltHP)" at A"iS•St1nr 5,. tt>t,,,. , t#t J80 <11enru• ,, p St SuJtP H on .. C..•t\ e "'" Y'Y''~t •q ... mJ At•Jtl CA lfit. '> t t •uf1h ,f Oranq1-CA 9 .. f o~ "}tdnqt• 51.tlf-" ~ G at·fOt1l1d df lf•l" , .. 141 p3c & .. 811 r1ght t 111 .. tnd .,.,,t!, e .. 1 ot "'a'o P"ubt1\f'ce<1 Or ;ir yf' c .. • r ' t•.; """".,.. tt"f'" l' r 1., " 1t t I .. ~ .. F19119l9 Dec•·Oe"1 r tnd h• •II 111e cena11 In IO• OLI • 2 2':! ,.. , tPi)I .. ,.,a ~H''\V'l31 "'''ft°tl'( ~1tu::UP.\J 1n nu Gour I) o• Oru"•I• S«llt' ol C. .. •hlo•111.1 pcirt1rul,•r•., de~1 l ~t1 d~I ' .. -'t t . PUBLIC NOTIC[ PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT " 111~' 10·~· I ___ F_l_C_T_IT_l_O_U_S_B_U_S_IH_E_S_S__ '''t t ,.. , j l ,, d .tnt.1 '"'IJ'O"'•-.mPnl<. H• .. E STATEME.,T bu-.•t.1•t;!."' c nnc.• ~'"'~of t fJt t! tum111 1e"i•OPnce ,...... "' ,,,..,4411.,. tt.-.\~ r1f:1Pd 0., The followrng PP,o11on\ •rt· «h 1019 iAk~AL " b "'""'r,.111.a I r,,11 "or1 "'' ii St>cl n t osiness as Cal'" r ' • 'b • •'• , ,, .- t • •••• ,, ' I 1 ''"""''"L' 11 s,, .. ,., Ra11g1• e w .. ~, CROWN PACIFIC. Mii (IM ·11'.14 I 1 " • • San B•''"·'''''"n A ... ,~ 1nt.S Me-11011,n Airport Looo Oriv.-C:o!ttfl Mti.,.1 C.A I Murl,',/~' ~.,.~ ,! ·And I tlwuglit Jll\ "'11 wa:. JUst ..in 11rd111a1" gu' ,, .. mall -town guv '~ hn lived his ltf1 llkt• ,1n\'Orl(' CJSt>." J ;.H'CjUl'' L1•vt>tlle sa id 1n an 1 n l t' r v 1 cw p u b 11 s la• d Th u r s d a v 1 n t h 11 l\l11ntrl'al journal. a fo' r '· n 1· h -I u n f.{ u a g t • lll'W .. p.J~·r "If y11u ('OUld 't't' tht· ptlt· u( h •lt•grams 1111111111-( from C'Vl'rywht·n· on 1n~ Cou"'' nl Or '"II" 51,.1 .. "' 192626 C. 11<'> " ll C,1111111nou p.1n1,.,IJll,110.;n<l;><1And EVAN$H1Nf COMr'ANICS I dlfrn"1 • '1 CONSOLIDATED dA•c11Dt'd ,, , lnlln"'~ "INC a Cahto1n1,3 cC'lrport111on M "''"1' .i ' REPORT O F CONDITION A"ll'"'"'"I .11 ,, L• ""' '." 1t1rl J l94·A Au port loor Omo• Cosi,1 it.,,;,;,·.~:,',,~~.;~;· Brvan Tn•tllc·r. IA•nt' l'ntv1n. Dale H awl'n·huk Hr 1 <1 n 0 · N t' ti I. Ju h 11 Zll'glC'r Nmlllo•11, 1111,. <•' Tr.il • NC'I 102 J~ Mesa CA 92626 1 , , , c 0 n • 0 I I dated Re p 0 rt 0' c 0 n d I t I 0 n 0 f I•~· 1n ,, ""'"" , r('(. """" "I Bno• 1 Thi$ llus1n~r.~ " """l11rh•.J II~ d h' hU\•ro• '>S '• •'1o:luclP l "' • "COMMERCEBAN K " of Newpo rt Beach, Oreng•I • 1 ""'fl" • 1<1 1 •n(lus•ve 01 corpora11on Qt''"''" 1~'"1"'" 1 1"1 , f •t •• l "'l .a.or ""~"'·J' I atdtTII I County, and Dome1tlc Sub1ldlerlH 1t the cloH o f M"c"'o'~""""' ~8t" rt'ce1""a ul inc .,.,., '" · ' ""1'r• r '"~ ''Jltm 1•n1 "·'' 1o1eo .. ,,., rn" b I S t .__ 30 1982 \.01C! '<1'1fll' vOUn1y 1s1an1 (.. I <) UI nell On ep em....,r • • '""""'" Nnr1'1 811 d••91rl'• 14 •5 H ti.or I r 11•, ~1 \/Cl' owoly t.r11 " r "'l• l 1111, eoo S tate Bank N o . 12t6 w,.,, 11 ,, 4l 1,.e1 1r om '"'' PrPs Ocl<•l•" !> '""· Dollar Amount• ""'''""·"' • ""'"' 01 lhe No11r.1 .. 1s1 This s1a1 .. men1 wo• "'"" "'''" '"" 1,.,11,~1 .,.,, ·~·•.i• , ·~ F11~.~7~ In Thou.and. I uv11tl'• ot '"" Norlhl"8SI querier 01 Counh t.1e1k ol Orangl' Ct>uPI~ '" ~ ~did ~•"'"(' t '' t, as ~ho""n on s.i•d Oc1nb,.r 6 198~ ,_-ito,t c tt' -' • fl \q~ m •t· ol 'l•tl ILlCt thence Norlh •' F199021 11~1 -f. d'~'~" o• 4'o w .. 51 a d•sla<'Cf' or Pul:lh•llPd Orao~. Ct u1 D.1 1, 6 .426 8 b• '""1 10 a 001n1 lhenc;p P1101 Oct • 14 :.'1 ~8 198• ASSETS PUBLIC NOTICE Cash and due lrom banks _ ...... Investment securities (Market value) T h 1' t c I <' P h 0 n l' Feder al funds sold and securitie s ' n I l' r " t l' w • f r o m purchased under agreements 2.4 70 N •'In~••, .ilo"Q a curve conca•f' 10 418'l 8;' FICTITIOUS BUSINESS 11w £ l\I t'lth "!I a radoui. o• 85 4 I NAME ST ATE,..EHT .,. ... I a OP "<l 1angpn1 10 lhf' la•I Pl.EllC NOTICE '"" I •I'" ~ r ... , l" d<"":'l• 2 497 \'anrouvn. was thl• f1rsl to resell rn domestic o tf1r.es g1vt>n bv th<' senior a Loans. To tal (e>Ccludrng L evc•rllt· stnC'C' hrs -;nn unearned income) 1 nlPrC'd tht• hrn.p1tal The· I b Less Allowance for I t• f 1 w 1 n g , w h o ~ 1 possible loan losses l'Ond1t1on apparc·ntlv Loans. net :,. \ l' m m l' d ( r 0 m ;1 Bank premises F F & E err. con gen rt a I def l'l' t . Real estate owned o ther collaps(•d betwi•t'n lht• than bank premises ftrst and S('("()nd pt•rtod ~,r I Other assets ...... Sa I u rd a y n I g h l ' TOT A L ASSETS Natwnal H ock l'Y Lc-agul' g a m c a g a 1 n s I I h l ' Vam•ouvt•r Canuc:k s J acqu es L evC'1ll(· first IC'arnC'd h is son w as 111 in a tc lepho n P c all f rorn B oston assr:Hanl t'oaL'h Jc·an Ha tell(". who la tt'r callc·<l 10 t1•ll him thl• B r u 1 n s h ad n i a cl r• n ..... 'rvatmns for htm .inti his w1fC' lo fly to Vam'OUV<'r LIABILITIES TOT AL DEPOSITS IN DOMESTIC OFFICES ................ .. Tota l demand deposits ........ .. Total 1tme and savings deposits TOTAL DEPOsrrs IN DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN OFFICES ...... Federal lunds purchased a nd securities sold under agreements to repurchase in domestic o m ces Other llab1tllles TOTAL LIABILITIES (excluding subordinated notes and debentures) 52 137 502 62,239 20.732 41.507 "Right away. I S<J1d l11 m y s c I f l ha t t h 1• y undoublcdly wanted me to go then' and pu 11 the• life supports," Levc lll<' SHAREHOLDERS EQUITY said. But h is son continues to battle w11h a strength that has IE'ft Ja1·qu1•s amazed. Common stock a No Shares au1horrzed b No shares outstanding TOT AL CONTRIBUTED CAPIT Al 1,000,000 918.844 Re lalned earnings ... .... ..... ......... .. ............. .. TOT AL S HAREHOLDERS EQUITY .................. . TOT AL LIABILITIES AND J~ ,, t>t•iJ 1hJ,.,e a d•5tdnc~ o t t ll~·'if''!t~ .11 6 865 IC' 04 ,...,, I • oo•nl 1n"'"" Nnnh K-02311 OfRMA( I ru~r • t()rl ..... If <lt'Qr"'" , JO WI''' 1,1nQr'M NOTICE TO CREDITORS t OUI H Qr "'•It Su 11· 0 N<'.,l'Cll 10 ,,,,. 1 1 .Jr'SCfOOed c,1,_,. ,, OF BULK TRANSFER 81'.tth C.11o1,,,,.1 01s1anc" .;r 1•1 !>O 11'(1 10 1 P<"r•l (S.C• 8101_.107 U.C.C.) I O•d"P l Fi1•c .,, 1r lb8 •u lt'f•nr.r NO•IM) olong d urve NOllCe II hereDy goven 10 lht Algo11quon Hu• Io 111 , 8l' lcl cn"~iht' 10 lh~ £1st havono , r .ul•u' l:rfl<lolOfs ol l(AREN CARLSON ano Cll'•'"""" 'l2b4Q 1 017e;•'>()1~1~nOD<>1ng<An(ll'nllO JEAN MISITANO Trantlfl•O•S Cra19 B 8e1.i. ... 11. llll•O 5 1,635 11,.1 .,0 1 no•Hlllle o, ..,,,,. u Nhose Dus•ness adoress is 4881 AIQ<'lnquor1 ••<" ''"OI •r 1J,.,1cr 1 53 11 "'"'1nce nl 106 8J 1~1 ro a ~100111 Birch SI "N Clly or Newporl Calllmno,, 926•Q ' lhl'llC" Noo lh ~ deQrt"'S 11 JO Be&eh Counly 01 Orange S1811' OI lh•• Du,.nr•~ is con<luUed o~ ~11 899 Wt>sl '""ll""' 10 Ille last oJesCflDe<l :a111orn1a 92660 lh&I a Dulk ,,1,11-.chmt cu"" 11 o151,rn1.e of 180 93 ltffll to 11 lranster os lbOul 10 bl' maoe 10 Doane BKkwo1n 11oin1 lhl'nCP NOflhweslerly along a ::iRllCE TAIJUNO KIM ano TEUI<. Ill" slaten11•111 wot' hif'<l '"''" lh,. 1, 198 curv" rnnc.i~P lo lhe Snulhwesl SIL LEE Transleiees wh ose ( """'Y CIPrk or Oranpt> Counh on 71 ,024 nM1no n rad•u' ol 197 so !eel and business adOoess os 157 w Oc•C'll•"., tQ82 b<'•11Q 13ngf'nl 10 lhe 1us1 deS<;llDe<l Armslrong, C11y o r Claremon1 CO\Jr~1· ii OISl<IMCe of 156 06 leet 10 County Of LOI Angeles Stale OI '' po•nl thence NO<lh so degrees California 10 w .. ~1 1angen1 10 tile 1aa1 The property to bt! tranlleHed •s descrotlt'd curve a d•Slence of described on general as All slock on 134 23 ll'el 10 Ille Hu• point 01 lr&de. fixtures equipment and good 1>t>g1nnuig 1nence continuing NOfth .. 111 ol 1ha1 restaurant Dullness ~O degrf'll6 30 Well e dlSlance ot including Alcoholc Beve111ge JO 00 lt>el 10 o po1n1 thence Conrrot llconse known a& The O•lenl Nor lhwesiertr a long e curve Express and loca1e<1 et •11111 .Birch 62.239 concave 10 lhe Sou1nwe11 having e SI s N Clly ot Newpon Beocn radius ol 87 50 feel 1nd being Counly of Oranga S1111e ol tongenl 10 lhe lall desc11bed Cal1lorn111 92&60 872 course a d111anc:. ol 20 00 feet 10 a T n e bu 1 k 11an1I111 w 1 If De poonl lhencf' N0<1n 21 degrees 4• consummalfl<I on or al1er th~ 191h 891 SO Ee st • d•llCM'C• of 137 s 1 leer dey or Novemoer 1982 II 10 00 In • poont thence Soulh 50 degrees A M 8 I 0 R 0 VE R E SC R 0 W 21 Ee'I a distance ol 78 00 IMI 10 CORPORA TtON, wllose lddre•s IS a po1n1 1ttence South 33 degrees 23600 Roclcloekl 91vd S1e 2N El 64.002 23 40 Weal. II dlslenee 01 129 35 TCMO C1Hforn1e Thal lhe 1111 d••• '"' to the true pc>tnl of oeg1nn1~ for lit1ng c1e1m1 •• 111 tll 112 5,996 5,996 1.026 7 ,022 AP 056 041 011 Pt!fllonlllO<~'Y Soler II IS lc nown lo tro(! contl•llng of und furniture lor 2 Trenslerees. an butlneu n•m•• llttdroom nou1e. 1nctud1ng 1ome and edd•e11e1 uted l>y 1ne 11.,119 room piece• bul excluding Transfe<CMt tor the past lh•IN' yl'llfl 0111n11no1 punts enoques, d•Shes. ere Same s11v.. peosonlll effec:11 and 111m11y Oiied $e91emt>er 30. 19112 neirloom• Grace Te•tuno K•m Also 1>.no wn u 31082 B1ook Teu41 Sil L" Sl•MI. Soulh L1gun• Cal1fo1n1• Trenal«MI q?l\77 PuDllshed Orange Coast 0111~ I erm~ 01 u1e c111h In lawful Pi101. Oc1 29, 19112 F191979 P11hlisnr,1 Or '"!JI• Coasl O&lly Plletl Cler • 14 l l 28 1982 •369·82 PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT T1111 IC'lllowong persn11 •~ 1loor10 hu~m(!SS AS t AT !>MEOW •06JJnd Str&l'I N"""""'' 81'<11 II t.1'lllo1m• q/663 Richard L1•ss11!'1 Q'>~ W 19111 S1'9t!I Cos•~ M .. ,,, c .... lfllfll,t q26?7 lh•J busmes .. ·~ conductl'<l t, .111 1nC1r.id11el R1cnaro Lt'U""' ltus Slllll'mttnl ""~ loll'<! ""'lh ll>f• County Cll'•~ ot O•.inQI' Count\ on Octolll!f" 111112 F1'"11 Pullh•ltt>IJ t'• ongt1 Coost Oa11r Polnl Oct • 14 ? I 28 f<lll? •J66·81 PUBLIC N<HICE FICTITIOUS 8U81NIEaS NAMI! STATOCENT 1 hf' lollow1ng pe,.on 19 (101ng buti"t'" H "H I w as in hi:. pine<>, I assurl' J.ou that I w o uld S HAREHOLDERS EQUITY ............. .. ....... 71,024 money o r Iha unued S1a1es on conllrm111onon 01 ..... or 1)41r1 c11sn 1-------------- and b•l•nc;e evidenced Dy nole POBUC NOTICE M l~A C LE Y[llAS PRE,. SCHOOL 320 £ llllh Slft'+'t Cosl• Meta C111to•nl11 97621 be dea ," he said. LA.·v<'illC' and his wlfl' are th e on l y pC'opl<' allowed ot N ormand '~ bc.'CJRidC' They nrC' tht>rt' fr o m morning until night. pau aipg o nl1. lo grCtb a quick 1\J~. SICilp [s usually lnt4'rrupt<'d by thoughl'I of sad ·N'ollty The co uple All a I Normand's bedaldt> a nd pray, the only way they The undersigned, David T. Blankenhorn, Chief Etcecutlve O fficer and Robert Cabrera, Senior V ice President /Chief Financial O fficer of the above-named bank, each dec lares. lor himself alone and no1 for the oth e r · I have personal knowledge of the m a tters contained In this repo rt and I believe 1hat each s tatement In said r1tport 111 lrue Eoch ol lhe undera1pned, for hlmaett' alone and not for the other. certifies under penalty o f perjury that the foregoing le true and correct. 1ecured by Morlg8ge or Trus1 DM<l 1---------------on the pio~rly to 1otd fen per FICTlflOUI 8UllHll8 nent ol 11mounl bid to be deposllfld HAMI ITAT•MIHT wlfll b•d The tollowlng poraon 11 doing Bid• or offer• to oe •n willing ond nu11ne11 11 will ll• received 111 !hit 111011•1n1(1 THE TICKET SttllC>t 11120 n111c:11 11 •ny llm" elle• th" loa1 N11wpo1t Blvd . C1u111 Mn•11 pul)llCllllOll ll8'1'0f 11nd belOt" dllfl! C•lilornla 9211'7 01 111H1 l(enneth Joy Ot>tWlln 700 W1111 OntlOd 1n11 10111 dav ol Oc1ober 1S1n !111t11e1 Newvn•I H1urn lo11 E ShnH!\•, 3111 E 18111 Slreot COllll Mt1U Calllotr114 q4111n Hnrold 0 SMllC!t 311 F 18111 S 11oe1 Costn Mt1•K Cnl1t<11n111 !l,1),7 Tn1• llu•1nt1u •• COrl(luc:ttwl b1 .. n lflOlv11lulll to•• C Sh11flt'r tierold 0 ShMflt!f Ex~uted on October 22, 1082, et Newpor1 Cell I om la 1982 C11111()1n1a 0'000 Beach, Hf!" w, o-..... fhlt 1>u11neu 11 c:onduc•IWI hy an fft" •tel-t WH hied Wiii\ lh~ Covnly Cr..11 of 011noe Coun1y °" Oc:toMt ) 19117 I sl David T, Blenkenhorn 181 Robert C abrera Pub11•11«1 OrMQe Cott• D•"Y Piiot Oclol>tf 21, ion 071 92 AltOfMJ et law 11•d1Vlelu•1 8"lle LOii 011em. KtnMlh J Ot>erlln Admllltt tretOf fl,...., l'11bll1ned Orange Coul OtilV l'ubt11ned Or11ngt Coul 0111y Publllhed l'llOf Ocl :111 H . "'OY •. 1012 Pilot,Ocl ,. 't 28 Nov • t0t2 Pllol. ()cl , 47&2·92 o n 92 ' • flt•n Orana• Coot 01111y • 1• 7t 2e 1oa1 .,e. '" --------------- 08 0 11111u11 l'<io11 DAil Y t'll ur 1t 111l11y <>1101101 ~u tUtn fltJBllC NO l ICI rueuc NOl lCI YOU Afll IH OlfAUl l UNOI" A NO TH.I O' f !IUllll'I U l • D I I 0 0 f T fl U I f 0 A t I 0 I o.u No M OOfll OIC l l .. 1111 n . IHO UN Llll 'I No Q U 1f4 VOU lAlll AC:fl0N l O l'flOTIC:t I II •i llVll I I llMl•ANI ""''"'I' YOU" '"0 "11 1UY, If MAY If •il•I'""''' •I I 111"•• u11•la• !11• IOU> AT . flUliltC I ALI •• , \'OU h1llt•-lhr •'••· •flh.nl .... ._,, ·'' ""'' NllD AN IXPlANATION Of tH( Wll 1 '• 1 l Id 1•11111 ll Alll llllN "" TUllll 0, THI ""oc tlOINO 111 t "' 1111.llt "I 11111111 II 11 ltl AOA tN tl YOU, YOU tH0 Ul0 l A~ll ll"'Y"I'"' ~1 11111~ ul •·''" 111 CONl ACl A LAWYI" 1 .. w1111 ''"''"'Y .,r lh" ll111t"'' '1l11h1•I NOflCt Ot' fllUlflll I I All ,.111111t•I 1111v '""' "'"""•t • ""'"'"'' f I No ,..,, h1 .uni O••_.. 11.,1,1 l;y 11 .i•Hh•• '•utl NUft(t 1-.. ttltUU1 l_.1IVt H rn,.. UMt••I u f ltu•f 111 Uu l••u11t 1t , ()ft I 11.,tty NUYtHttlJ.•1 '-' I~&.· tilt httt .. lf1.-flm 1fe~11h\f\I 9 00 n t lOI ~ 11 n1 01 """' lhl\' llt tll• I II II 'o I \I II A I ti I ll I A fO->•H te:tl "'''lo hu 1 u1HhH '"'" WU ,_,1N•,0N MOUtO I ou .. uo • :,~111~ .. 1111111 111'1 ullll •» 011 Ill NI I 11.IAllY Mllllt> I I Altl ' IH Al l ',f A II !ol l 111111 tl !, •llhllol l llllA 11 I Alli Y SfflVll.C IUl"'"'I oll JUJU Nuetn t<~ ''"""' M"Y 14 t'.1111 o '"'" Broallw«y ~ult~ lOt •n lhn I 1ty ut Nu "·' Hl"llHll cot llllK '"' ltM ""'' '" Sunht Au• l.uuht)' nt ',, .any,1 ~t .. t• tho''""•• ut lh ... Utt\ uuflu ol U• uh\)" o t t. •11 f UI II h i Ul Al ' '-t1 A ' l .. punh \itHHlftttd u ftru .. 1 Ou,, llltttt SECUIUll(!> '>EllVt\ l tt l.11lllou1111 t11u 1 .. 11,.w1111J l""I""'°' corpo•.a\1un n:. Jvl-w Jtl•lhHttt.uJ lut 1'4 i>I l 11u.-I t;U-4 Uhu ... t 1 111 1 hJ$t&tt urH!Mf •.Ull1 put 'iUIHH o~ lh+. lhtt l th 1)f c..·0 -•1• M t1t11111 ••• vm muo powt11 OI 1.alu \.Ufif.,,1uJ ffl tho1I 1n\.u1tJe\J m Ouo~ llf •·,~u" •• ., "4U\J Cef'ftlut Ot.MKI of ftu'I •H°"-oltt\J h) ;lb Of M 1,t.ttlltUU•tU11 MlllO\ "' "'• DANIEl I.. t.AOflAl •11..t Ylll ANtlA 0111~" ul lllto {:11o111ly It~ 011IM1 111 111• C t.A8FIAl tlu•bt11t<l •Hiii W1lw t111CI t,ou11ly t..COfdelJ I 1!0ru111 y 4 l'Jll 1 m 11,10~ H)U AllE IN Ill I AUL I UNUl II A 13937 ot O t1K1111 R"'""'~ ,,, ~1110 111 lDOI rnu·,1 nArEOAPRll .lU Counly "' ll"ll" 10.'tl ttl >ttQ 111112 l)Nl fS~. V•HI IAIU· ALJIDN Reco•d~•) t11.i1umu111 Nu 40J4 lly Ill l'ttt>ltl I 'U•ltt 1'1101'011\ ti IOHOll ol J ll•.,O<lo ... ll••luult ... MM IJ( '>UI 0 A I A t'lllil II ',Al ( PAym tH•I O• I orlo 1m•1111• , I ,,,,. II YOU Nt(() AN ( ~l'f ANA llON Obl•gal•on• ~tlt.U"'" lllMt<•l>y ()I IHI: NA l\Jltl O f l l<f •netuoong lhill D•l!ill.h di <IMlotull 1'1101.,l [()IN(. A<1ArN::; I 'IOU YOU Nohee ot Wh1Cl1 was "" OIUtJ•I July SHUUI ()CON r At...1 A lAW'll:H 20. t982 <U f~tM..Ordttt ~ mShUfnttlit 'hlt "'>1ruet dthJtHtt"t •J' '-ommott No 67 2!> 10J2 Wll I Sl l l Al .., .... 11 .. ilhOll ot allOVt' ·~'~I FIO .. t!• P U B llC:. A Ui. llON I 0 ll•E ::itll«ll <.o.i<1 Me~d l A \l~bl'7 Nn HIGH ES I BIDDER I OR l .A::iH ....... 1111y .. ljlVO'll d> ll) !IS ~•wful MOll"'r Of the Urnh:H.1 !'\htlt-~ '-O•ltplt•1t•rh•~~ Ot <Oft t~ tr~•')$ Or d Ca$Mlt"I :, t,;.htt\.h fJJJWU 011 J rtw lt\Jl1t1f11.-hUV llthlm "oJ•\I lh·l~O atate Ot ndttonal ban~. J stJtt' o• ot frut•t Dy ht..tsu11 ut ,, OttJ .. u .. u o• htdoq11 Gredn u111on or J ~Haltt or \hHot.'lt 1n th•~ (JtJhy;tllut1:tii :iim. uh~<1 tede•at ~•"''""" tWHJ lott11 dsso~•Jt-ton ,,,~,~t>.,. ht.•1i•1uhu•• .~ .. ut..utl•tJ ,u1ci dOm1Ctted IU lhit. ~ldi1t" dU Jld)"ubltt a1 lJtfllVUf~\J 14J ,,.,. Hlidttl St<JOtH.f I lh11 time of ~Iv ~11 t1gru tillt<' JOO te'tfllh.m lltt\.IJ1.,11on ul Odldult .uuJ interttSt ntJhJ by 11 l,I; f tt.1)1t._lt_• 10 0 t-rntutt.J fut ~-ti•• ttlht lftflttt-11 UOlt\-1"! that ft!OI "'Ul>cllh SthJJ h• "' ~d·~ u l IHtJ1ll" .trn.J ul ,11,.~ lu111 10 litU'•C, Count~ ancJ Stute oe .. G+nbuU a~ HH• UUtft_.tt \!Ull\14.J to 'ell \JHI follows I" up"' tv tu ''''"h ••Ill.I obl•yat""'~ lOl I 1n Block 2 01 tllll Bulboa .i11d 11>.,ttlolltl't "''' vndti•"QnHJ Tract County ot Orn11Qe Slolll' ot CtluS..0~""' """'" 111 1>1eac11 dnd ot Cahtouua a~ Vti' Map rt\\;.oHJt-J 1n eiltH.l•ou to b~ rr4.•HOt"tJ Jul) 17 Book 4 PJQ<' 11 Mtst.,lhrnt!ou• 1987 .is inst• Nu ii< :1J94~ I nt Maps 1n 111e nt11c" ot tne Cllulll~ s1110 Othc1a1 HtJ< 011Js Recorde1 ot ~d1tJ County Sd1d "iah~· w 111 lie nitHle tH•t EXCEPI l HEREFRO M IHE w•lhoul cov .. 11.1111 01 wdrrdnlv FOLLOWING Commencono al 11oe e.ptess o• 11T11Jli"t1 rugJrdmg totltt 11onnwes1011y come• ot said Lui I poss.-s>oon or enc um Ill an~"' to 1unn1ng 1ht!nce eas1e1tv along me pay lhtl •t"maon1n9 p11nc1p.it ~""' 01 1ou1nerty l111e ot 8<1) A'""ue 5 reet 111e nut<' :.ueurel.I Dr >J·tl Dee<J ot lho&nee so .. .unw-.estertt 10 J point m l ru$t "'-'"n 1ntfH!::.I .u 1n ~a•O ntJte Ille-easte,ly !tile ot Cyp<ttss Shl!O!t P•O••OfKI ao.1111C•• 11 <U•y uflUu< • 8 feet soutnwes le•ly troni the llh' 1111ms or ~ol•O Ot•e<.I ot Tru~l. "01111weste11y co•ne• or H•d lot tees cnc119es ano '''1'"''~0> ot 11111 tl1ence no11neaste1ty a10111i st110 Trusu;e .ind 01111., hust> "ea1et1 oy easterly line ol Cyp•e~s s 11.,e1 to >a1J °"'-"' 01 11u.i !>o1otl >di<' wolt t>t< Ille point ot bt!g1nnmg 1'1itld On Monday Novemo,;1 IS A l s 0 E x c E p T I H E 198? oil 2 00 pm .. , me Clldf;.on\Ml FOLLOWING Beg111n111g at th.-most Avenue entrance to me CMc Cente< •asterly corner ot sa•d Lot 1 ttttince Su•td•ng 300 E d,l CnapmJ n running 1101Jhweste11y ttl0119 the ue m lhe Coty of Ordnge nor1neas1e11y Imes or sa•O Loi Al 111 e 11 me o I th,. • n 11 •"I 1 po1n1 wh•C'1 os 5 10<!1 sout11ea,ie11y pu1lhca11on ot lh•S nol!ce lfic tntot from t'1e most n0t1houty cornet ot amount or the unp• d Da•dnce or ttltl 1a1d lot I thence westerly rn a oDlogatton secu•f'O Dy lhe .aoov" direct line 10 a IJO•nt 1n tile desc.ro oeo Otteel o t l•ust and northwesterly l111e o f sa1C1 ~ot 1 es1tmu1eo cosi. e •pense~ d"O wh1chpo1nt 1s 4811l<!t southwl!sle1ly &Ovances os S59 408 59 lo fro m l he notth northerly corner of ae1ermme the openmo lJ1cJ you m1ty saod Lot I thence southwt1Sler1y c.ill 17 u I 937 ·0966 along 111e sa•d north .. este•I) tone a Date Octolle• 14 l'.18< 01stance 01 6 89 teet lo 11 point T.O SERVICE COMPANY thence SOull1e&Stert~ m a Oue<;I hnl' M aakt TrUllM 10 Ille po1n1 of tteg1nnong I Ao•• A. Garcia, Aul. Seer. The s11ec1 address or oth"' One CllJ Blvd. Wait common oes1gna11on 01 tt11~ reat Orange, CA t2let I p1operty noreinaoove oes,11l>t.•d is (714) 135·1211 purponed to De 4 13 £ t1~t Ba) PuDtos11eo O•a,,g11 C:.oa51 l>•••y Stfeel BalDOa c:..111101n1d P1IOI Oc1 n 2<l Nov ~ •981 T h e u n o e r s • g n e II n t! • ,. Ii> I •616 8? d •sctaoms all 11aD1toty tor any oncorrl'Ctness on saoo strttl odoo.,ss l PUBLIC NOTICE 01 other common oes1gnat1on Said sate 101ll De mad1• w•lhoul CPP·2M74 Narranty ll•P•ess or omPl•t!O NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE 1egaro1ng trite po ssl'ss•o" or l S No F 1w rncumDrances 10 sa11s1, 111., NOllCE p11nc1pa1 balance ol lhe Not" 01 YOU ARE IN DEfAUL T UNDER A 0111er Obhgatoon securl'd by sa1t1 DEED or 1RUST OA TED JUL 1 28 Deed ot Ttusl w11n 1n1e1es1 and 1980 UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION I 0111e1 suml as provided 1ne1e111 TO PROJECT YOUR PROPERTY 11 plus aovances 11 any und"' 111e MAY BE SOLD Al A PUBLIC SALE terms lhereot ano 1nteres1 on sucn IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION I advances and p•us lees c11arges O F r H E N A T U R E O F l H E and expenses o• lhe Ttu51Ce and ot PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU vou the lruSIS created by sa10 Of'(>(] ot SHOULD CONIA(;T A l AWYER Trust Tile lOtal amount of said On Novl'mDer •7 1982 a1 '/ O\l 1 0Dtogat1on 1nctud1n9 1easonao11 pm BUCKE VE R((;ONVE•ANL( est1ma1ed lees charg"~ ano COM P AN Y .; C:..i1.10111 .1 e•penses OI the TrusH~e \11 t~ l•me CO•POtdhon a\ o.., " .it,;c.r ,,~ .... : o f 1n1ttal publtCclt•On o t th•S Nol ce •S l ru!.lf'e vn<Jet antJ our S.ucl,..J 1 S 18,497 59 0~0 Of TtuSI Oa'f'O Ju•, 28 ''<eO Dateo Oc101Jer :11 1982 reco•Otld March 24 1<i8 t a• '" A EA L Es l Al E s E cu R IT IE s NO 11363 '" ooo• 1399~ l'•Q•' SERVICE t 56'1 ot Ottoc1a1 R('(.O•ds 1n the ~11•'4· & Calolorma corporalton o l rne Coun t 1 RfCDRDfP Of Ill Trustee OranQe County S1atp ol c .1.1orn1 I 0 J Morge< Pres E •ecule<I Dy PRO PE A I tES ""'ES I NOW ATARI® GIVES YOU MORE COMPUTER FOR YOUR MONEY Sears . ·-. ~· .... ... ... , SAVE s20 ·> 800™ Horne Computer \Nith 48K Memory Computer Was S769.99 with 16K Memory Former Price 48K Unit 1959.97 fo r 699!.~ f xp<tndabfe ro r w ord processor bytes of RAM included RAM 48K SAVE S30 Atari® 400™ Computer Home Regular S299.99 269!.~ Quickly connec t s t o your TV M on o pan e r keybo ard makes 1t "Spill Proof .. RAM 16K bytes o f RAM included Simple fo r beginners co use but sophisticated fo r e xpans1on SAVE $10 SAVE S20 ~ -----------·- •3435 2020 N Broadway -206 I INC d Carotorn.a Co•p Wtl. SH l san1a Ana cA 92106 AT PuBLtC AuCT10N TO HIC.Hf<;1 Phone Mate 17 141 953 6610 BIDDER FOR CASH 1t•ay.lb"' " Roam Phone Base Station Sears Answering Machine Puo11s11ed Orange Coast Da•ly 1 l•me 01 s.lle on 1awtu1 mnn•') nr lhf' Poot Ocl 22 Oct 29 No11 !> 1982 United Sta1es1 al lll<' !•on• ''u"•dP 4668·82 er1tance ot tne Con1onen1,, '1omf' ----PU8l--IC_""'_T_l_C_[ ____ loan ou1td1n9 al 434 Sou1n Eu,hd ~ Anane•m CA 92802 di "Qhr 1 11e and interest conveyed to and now ft ne•o Dy •I unde• ~aoo °'*d 01 T "'~' I• . . -.. " ~ I 6 •'•I 1• Io f •I ... ,, ' •• ~ • ' f' ; t • ~ .. Re9ul.ar S79.941 Re9ul.ar SJ 19.941 ' ., ,. o I' School Dostnct HUNTINGTON BEACH UN ION HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT on tne P•OPert7 s1tua1eo .... '·l•l.1 •.•• : . ~ I , , • , t• , ~· 10~!! , tt , .. " I I' 1 j \ I> 6999 9999 B•d Oeadhne 2 00 P M Monday Novembe• 8 1982 P l a ce 01 B od Receopt HUN TINGTON BEACH U NION HIGH SC HOOL D IS TRICT EDUCA TION CENTER 10251 Yor kto w n Avenue -BOARD ROOM Hunltnglon Beach CA 926'16 Pro1ec1 ldentohcatron Bro No 508 -A11 Cond111on1ng Renovation Huntington Beacn Manna & Wontersburg H>gh SClloots Pl ace P l ans a'e on t ile MAI NTENANCE. OPERA TtONS ANO CONSTRUCTION Room 321 Hunt1ng 1on Beach Union High School O.s111c1 Educatton Center 1025 I Yorktown A venue Huntington Beach CA 92646 Phone (7141964·3339. E~t 320 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that 1'1e aoove·nemed School D1stt1CI ot Orange County Cahlorn•a acttng Dy eno 111roug11 •IS Go •e•nong Board hereonafler rete,,eo to as "DISTRICT · woll receive uP to but not 1a1e1 lllan Ille aoove·Slateo time, sealed bids for the award ot a contract lo• the aoove proiec1 I Bids shall be rece .. ed •n Ille p4ace tdenflhed aoove ano i.11a11 be opened and pubhcty 1eed 1touo at the aDove-stated trme and place E.ach bid must conlorm ano be resp on so ve lo 111e c o.n Ir act document• Eacn bod shall be accompanieo by 1'18 securoly referred to 1n tr1e cont,acl docum8'\ls and by the 1ts1 of propoaec:t suoconlt&CIO<S The DISTRICT re5erves Ille "Ohl to reje<:I eny or all bods o• to waive any 11regut&rottes or 1nlorma1111es in any bkl• °' 1n tile bidding Tiie Department or lndus111a1 Rela11on1 hes determ•ned tl1e ~al PfeY••llllQ rate ot pe. d•em w~ 1n the tocallty •n whrch 1111s work 11 10 be perlormeo lor e&eh craft or Type ol w<><kman needed 10 HllCUte Iha c;.onlracl These rates are on Ille al lhe DISTRICT otlree loealed ar 10251 Yorlltown Avenue. Huntlnglon Beec11 C A 92646 Coplet mey be obtained on rllQlff!SI a copy of 111eu ralu 1hat1 De posted al the job Siie Ttle IOreooong 1chedule o f per d iem wage• os bUed upon • WO<klt>Q day of etgnt (8) 11<>ur1 Tl'le rate tor holiday eno ~•me ""°'" Sl18lt be at leHI 11me Ind orie-11811 It 111a11 be mand11ory upon the CONTRAC TO R t o w l1om Ille conlr8C1 Is awarded. and upon nny wt>COnlreclor un68r llim, 10 pay not 1eM th81l Iha NICI sp«:ll~ riles 10 911 "'°'"men ~ by '"em in Iha H8Clltlor> or Iha confrac1 No bldd8f mey wtlhdraw 1111 bid for 1 PllflOd ol lor1y.11119 1451 <1ay1 aff .. tlwt date Ml IOI Iha Oj)8n•t>Q of bid• A p ay m e nt b ond a n d 1 ,.,iorrr\80C8 bond wlll be requited ptlOr 10 ••e<:u11or> of the GOlll•acl 'fll8 peymenl bond 11\811 b8 In 1"8 form H t lottll In tl'lt contrec 1 ~'· "°'*1 C 8e11ey OW« tor ~ ()08fallor>I -Conelr\ICllOI\ Pubttlfl•CI Orange CoHI Dally Pllo4. Oot u 29. 11111, 4830·8' County ano Sl<1le dP~C.llb<!O •s .. ' • • • I ' ' tltfl f\C I LOI 27 on BIOG• 33 ol 111,.w~ull 8PitC'1 as per map record"'d '"' Boo~ 3 P119e 76 of t.A•sce11aneo.1s Maps recO<dS ot Orange County l ne ~tfeet addrP\~ ;u 1ct otnf>r common oe:r.1gn:.1t•on '' arty or IM •ear P•OPerty dPSCllDCd .JbCo ,,. I\ purponea to '"' 10 • 33•d '>"""' Ne.,.PO•I Beacll CA The ull<Jet4i got#1 ''~_,1,..,.1 o sc1a1ms an1 11ati ,.., r ' .,,," 1ncorrec1ness 01 lt1f' \Ire"' a<.1.:l1!'1s and otner common tle\1qnahOfl of any st\OYwn herP1n Sa•O \ate "'" De mall~ riul wd"Out CO\Pn.lnl o r 11\!Clrtauty e1 pr~s or 1mphed tt!'Q•tcl1n9 1111~ oosses~·on or encombranc@'~ 1u pay tne 1ema1n1n<1 pnnc•Pal sum of I 111e noletSI secu•ed by sa10 Oetod ot Trust with 1ntere" thereon •~1 P•OVtded 1n sa•d no1eu1 advances ,, any under 1ne te•ms or saod DfM>d I o l l •uS1 '"es charge• an n expenses ol tne T•usttt ano or lhf' uus•s createo by said Deed of Trull Tne lo1a1 amount of lhe unpaid Datance ot lhe ob1ogo11on secu•ed by 111~ p1ope!ly lO be ~otd and reasonaore estimated costs e•pen~ and ad•ances at "'f' time of the .n111at pubhcatoon o• Ille No1•ce ot Sa1e is S76 5 t671 The oenetoc1ary unoer said Deed or T•uSI ne•e1010111 e•ecuted end delivered 10 the undersigned a wnueo Oec.la•atton or Default and Demand •o• Sall' and a wr.tten Noloce ot Delaull and Etechon 10 Sell Tne unders1one<1 caused saod Noroce or Delault llnd Election to Sell 10 be recorded 1n the counlv hf're '"e rut properly rs iocated Dale October 5 1982 BUCKEYE RE CONVEYANCE COMPANY •34 S Euctoo Anaheim CA 92602 Tel (714) 991·7037 By OebDle Bott Pubtosl1ed Newport Haroor Newt Pr11u combined wol,, the Orange Cool Dally P1101 Ocl 22 29 NO• 5, 1982 "'38·82 NILIC NOTICE K-020ll FtCTITIOUI 8UllMEll NAME STATfM€HT fhe lollow•ng per sons "" oo<no Dullness•• F 4 S ADVERTISING, 3333 Mochetaon Dnve Irvine Calltornra 92730 F luor Corpo r111on 3333 Mtcneteon Dr1va, Irvine Calll0<n111 9:?730 Thlt bu1lnff1 11 conducted by a Oela•ara c0fpor11ton ~ IYOt CO< POf 11hon R B tiumbert SenlOf v~ Pretldll<'ll Tn11 tlllantent WI• 11190 wlln Iha Coun1y Ci.ti! ot 011ng11 COUllty on Oc1 8, ,99,. M. u. lllleoHiffll•Voune. lotq11I•• im~Dft.• lmfte, e....,,... enao ,, ... Pubtllhed Orange CoHI Delly PMol Oct 16, 2,, 2il, N,,_, 6, 1912 4&38 82 I • 'I• .. ., .. I' ' I •I• .~ 1 rhru N ov. 4 33% OFF Re9ular prices rhru Nov. 4 ALL DISCONTINUED DESKS, FILES AND OFFICE CHAIRS IN STOCK Choose from a wide selection. Come early for best selection. Chru Nov. 4 (a<h of ftwH .adverth~ llt>1'1t h tt>.adlly •v.allablt' fort.al• .11 advt'flh~ .al atl major lot Al'l~I~• Wtd Ot~ County St>•""'°"'" Storts St•H 'f'9U'•' ptl<t'I ~y v~ by ~09faphk •N Sr'"' Pricing Polley 11 ,,,. rt rm '' 111>! •1"\< rrt>,.cl -4\ 1f"flu11"'1 o r ,, \Pl'C 1,11 nur11t,1H• rt 1\ ,11 11' rt-qu1,u prn,. A 'Pf'C•~I JJ1"<"•"" !nOl•Qh not 1 t duCt'd. i s an t'•ctPlton.a1. valut' c~~~"n I Sears I •1?JUt•1tl!•iT4~tct4•itiler•«•1tfJh'[CtU•X•1~1flif4iSii.)i4. OPEN Sunday l l it.m. to S p.m. •Monday thru Friday JO a .m. to 9 p.m. • Sc.turday 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.• lllii.. Buen• P•rk. Hollywood. Olympic & Soto, ~·~•. •OPEN SAT· tll 9 p.m. ,..-Pico, South Coast Pt•ra. 'torrance. Vt1Hey • Aflf(>(t\ ~~t 1\f ;H t1on Gu~r~nte t•d 01 Your Mont"y B.~<k ---- --------------------------------------------------- .. I•! l 111,all•J" l 1111'11 lJAll ' I II 1 1 I I 111l,1v u, l11lu11 .••t, IUll.' I' 111 I 1'111ii11 ii \.I\ I I • orstn , \ a s CE SS 99793 7 NOllC( IS tl(RUJY vlV[N llwl •1rnl .. 1l 111n1111-11hi lw 11111 I.II.II 1.1111111 OI SCI 000 000 P•H vuluo g11111l1111 u1111u11111i11 tu11111" tJI lrvm.-lJnll1uu Si.11001 D1111rn.1 ut 011111uto Cou111v l.111110111114 w111 bu 11"1 0111t•d by lltu Glori. ot 111«1 Uc1111d "' '>11pt11v1•0•" 111 •o.1111 <"ounly .al thfl pl11r.n 1lmJ up IC! thu "'"' hutuw 11p11< 1flud ftMf hWfollily Ntwomn.u th 1\111.' I t I OU 11 llOI .... A M IC1111torn111 Srnmtorcl I inwj J"'lAC..( 0 1111.u nl lhu Chillo. ot mu U111111J 11! !:>u1.1111v1:.w~ U1 Ut•Ut' Cou111y H11ll Cll A1lm1111-.11o1111111 l luom <IU~ Ill t.,;1v1l (,0111•11 Plo111 S11n111 "'"' l ulil1i1111u Ml\IL(l) l.ltttk ul 111u Oourll ot S11p111v1~11r't Ur.11111e1 Lounly ulOS 11011 ot At11111111s10111or1 Hut>m H1'1 10 t 1v1t l untu1 fll11111 Su11111 A11t1 C. 1l1to11w1 9110 I ISSUE S!> 000 000 1:011t11?>t11111 ul 1000 bumh 111irnbore1t1 t to IOOO bom 1111:lu~1vo ot tho t1011om111 1lhm o t $!) 000 oac.h .ill d..ilul.I Oe1..t1mbt11 I 1•1112 ,111.i 1le~1gno.1lull Elt•<.11011 191.' Su11t1s H MA l Uflll ICS fl1c bolld?> will malu•l• u1 1 rnl •H ul1v<.> 11umtlric.11 Older Ill lhtr .iri101111t' fw "'"II u l Ille Sevt1t.il Yt'<H s dS IOllOW'> HAn 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 199' 19q2 PRINICIPAI PRINCIPAL AMOUN T , EAH AMOUNT $250 000 11)9J $250 000 250 000 1994 250 000 250 000 199!> 250 000 :.>so ooo 19% .•so ooo 250 000 1997 150 000 250 000 199tt 250 000 250 000 19'1'l l~O 000 250 000 .'000 lt>O 000 250 000 ?00 1 • so 000 250 000 WO.' ?50 000 1NrEAESl The bonds shall bt1.i1 1111e10'' 11 J r~te or rates 10 be h•ed upon the s!ill' tht.'reol but not to exceel.I 12•. per annum payable Jnnu,1111 101 lht f11s1 yt.'ar Jnd semi annually the1eatw1 PAYMENT The bonds and 1110 1nte1t•SI lht'IU011 dlt! pay.able 111 lawful money ot the Uniletl Status of Am ... 11co.1 at 1t1ti <•Hice of the Tax Collector Treasurer o t Orange County 630 North 8roadwav Room 207 Santa Ana Ca11lorn1J 9270 1 REGISTRATION The l)onds Will btl ISSUtlt.I as couµo11 11onds 1eg1s1erable only as 10 bo1t1 p1111c1pa1 .ind 1111eres1 SECURITY The bonds are gent>ral obl1gdl1011s ot the ~l;hool d1stnc1 and the Soard of Supe1~1so1s ol Orange County nas power and 19 obhgated lo levy sd ¥alorem talteli lot the ;iayment ot the bonds and the 1nte1es1 thereon v.1111out i1m1tahon as to rate or amount upon all properly w1th1n Ille 01!!lnct sub1ect to 1axa1con 1excep1 101 certain classes of 1>e•sona1 propertyl TERMS OF SALE INTEREST RATE The maximum rate Did mdy not excee<1 12'• per annum Each rate bid must oe a mulllple o f 1120 of 1°10 No bond shall bear more than one 1n1eros1 rate <md all bonds ot t11e same maturity shall be.11 the ~c1me rare Each bo11d must bear Interest al the ra1e spec1t1ed 1n lht' bid from 11s date to llS lbted maturity date Only Ont! coupon w111 be 111ached 10 each bond tpr each 1nstallme111 ot 1111eres1 thereon .ind 01ds prov1d1ng for add1t1ona1 or suppleme11ial coupons well be 1e1ected The rate on any ma1u111y or group 01 matu111tes )h<1ll not oe more lhan 3"'• higher lhan tne 1111er1>s11a1e on any Oll\6• maturity or group ot ma1u1111es AWARD FOAM OF BIO The bonds Sh.l ll be SOii.i for c.ash univ All 01ds must be for not less than all of the bonds hereby ollf'reo tor sale and each bid shall stale that me bidder ofter~ par ano accrued interest to the date of delivery the premium 11 any and the rate or rates not 10 e•ceed those spec1l1ed 11ere1n at which the bidder offers 10 buy said bonds Eacn lHdder shall state 1n h1s bid the to tal net interest cos11n dolla1s and the average net interest rate dete1m1ned lher('Oy v.h1c:rr sneu be considered informative only and not a p;:ir1 01 the Ord Eacn b1Cl together with the bid checi. must be 111 a seatetJ Pnv,.lope addressed to the District with the t>nvelope a110 01d CIParly marl\ed Proposal tor Irvine Un1t1ed Sctiool D1s111c1 Bonds HIGHESl BIDDER The bonds will be awarded 10 lhe 111ghest responsible bidder or bidders considering the interest rate or rates specified ar;id the premium offered 11 any Tne h1gnest bid will be de1erm1ned by deducting the amount of the prf'm1um bid 111 any) trom 1he tolal amount o t interest w hich the D1s111ct would be required 10 pay from the dale ot said oonds 10 the 1espec11ve maturity dales thereof al the coupon rate or rel• ~hed If\ the bid and the awa1d will be made on the basis of the lowest net 1nteres1 cost to the 01st11c1 The ~urcriaser must pay accrued interest from the date o t tt•e onds 10 lhe date of delivery computed on a thirty 1301 day onth 360 day year oasis RIGHT Of REJECTION The So ard o t Supervisors ,_,,~ tne rlgttt in hs olscrehon 10 re1ec1 Clny and au bids t nd W~Alolllenl not prOlllb•ted ov law to waive.any •rregularlty or lnlormahtv tn any bid PIM)MPT AW ARD The Board of Supervisors w111 take ·~-91 ding the bonds or rejecllng all l>1ds not later than tti/;iy. s1• houri alter the expiration of the time nere1n prescribed tor the receipt o f proposals provided '"al the •werd mav be made alter the e11p1ra11on of the spec1t1ed time,, !tie bidder shall not have given to said Board nohce 1n writing f l the withdrawal of such proposal II la expec ted that Iha ltlda wlll be raferrMI lo the Board of SuperYl1ora for action at • nMetlng to be convened at 9 30 A M November 17 1982 • ,. PLACE OF DELIVERY DeHverv of said bonds Will be made lo the successful bidder at the o ffic e of the County ~udllor Controller of Orange County PROMPT DELIVERY CANCELLATION FOR LATE OELIVEAY It 1s e1tpecled that said bonds will be delivered 10 1.t1e successful bidder within thirty days from the date o f sale lhereol The successful bidder shall have the right at his opuon 10 cancel the contract of purchase 11 the bonds are not tendered for delivery w1th1n stxtv days from the date of the sale ltiereol and 1n such event the successful bidder shall be f nt1tled to the return o f the deposit accompanying his bid 1 BID CHECK A cert1lled or cashier s check drawn ~on a ~espon'Jlble bank or trust company 1n the amount ot 1 50 000 00 payable to the order of the County Tax f ollector-Treasurer must accompany each proposal as a uarantv that lhe bidder tf successful w ill accept and pay for aid bonds 1n accordance with the terms of his bid The troceeds of the check accompanying any accepted proposal hall be applied on the purchase price or 11 such proposal 1s ccepted but nol perlormed unless such failure o f ~erformance shall be caused by anv act or om1ss1on of the 1s1ric1 shall then be retained by said Tax Collector Treasurer r the benefit of the District The check accompanvrng each naccepted proposal will be returned promptly CHANGE IN TAX EXEMPT STATUS Al any time before "1e bonds are tendered for delivery the successful bidder may •isafhrm and withdraw his proposal 1f the interest received by frrvate holders trom bonds of the same type and character hall be declared to be taxable income under present federal come tu laws either by a ruling of the Internal Revenue ervlce or by e decision ot any taderal court or shall be 1ec1ared taJ1able or be required to be taken into account 1n i omput1ng federal Income tues by the terms of any federal come ta• law enacted subsequent to the date of 1ri1s notice CLOSING PAPERS BO NO PAINTING Each proposal Wiii understood to be conditioned upon the DISlrict furnishmg to e purchaser wllhout charge concurrently with payment for d detlvery of the bonds the following ctos1ng papers each ted the date of delivery (el Legal Opinion -The opinion of Auten & Tucker Costa esa California Bond Counsel approving the valldlly of the onds and stalln_g that Interest on the bonds is exempt from come 1ues of the United States of America under present deral Income ta• laws and that such Interest Is also exempl om personal Income taxes of the State ot Calllorn1a under t'esent state Income tax laws A copy o f the Opinion of Rutan .fucker certified by the Countv Auditor by facs1m11e g11ature will be printed on the bacl\ of e&ch bond No charge lft be made to the purchase for such printing or cerhflcahon (bl A certlfic.te ol the Olstrlcl certifying that on the basts t the tacts estimate$ and c1reumstanc.e1 1n extstence on the ate of Is-11 Is not e:icpected that the proceeds ot the bonds Ill be used In a manner that would cause the bonds to be r.bltra~ bonds (c) A , certificate ol the County 11gnad by officers an(I senrilttves of the County cerlltylng that the officers and entetlves have signed the bonds whether by lacelmlle or I elgnetvre and that they were respec tlvetv duly 10 •11ecute the same elpt of the County showing th11t fhe purchase l~ludlng 1n1ere11 accrued to the dato ol • been received by lhe COtlnty on behalf 01 \ PUUI IC NOllCI l'lllll IC NO llCI th1~1f'hJ up t11 Hhl llH hut1t11J Uw tu•u 111 th•• ttul1-vn1l 111 lht IHll UI!\ tlU• Ofth lul Uith•ttltlftt tt l1tlHttJ t11 tfu h11111t,., did Hut "t11\l~1111 "'' 1111t1t1t• 111tnit1t 11t t 1 tll 11t H cl t111 t HI till1d II •luh • 1111IHHI •I t II' t1ttt ,. ~If\ Ii 111 •• ~, Ht• '1h flit 111~ "" IHIH h1 l1,,1t1 111 uu~ , 1tt uunl un t' t1111t1 1 wt 11 h tt ,,, ""' 11 tt• uh1 IUI ltt 111111\J ' ti ltn tct-ilul11111tu1uHn '"""l.wllll• I 11tu•l 1 th• fi11l11 I ''''•II' t'41ft.AtU H u I .. ,,., 11 ... 11 1t ti ( ,. u tHifl\IH I ¥.tll tu l•fltt1rn1 111 llu h tut 11111 '' ttfll t ti• t ul ''' "' t,t111l , .... 1uuut11 '' Uft .... , htUUl tUll t•fftJt With .. ')IU .' ltWlt tu'" 111 \Vl\ll•lul•• • uu ... •• le 1 t futhHt• ut 11tfli'• at t1\ Uu• 1111tt hu ••• tlh 11 n t tu u 1 ••611 ''' 11'.tt•t'f' u l uni JI••• fut lhtt htU"I., •It 111 1 11111 1111 1 w1111 11111 11•1111 nl ""' p1111 tHl'o• 1111111111 I All • 1i1p• ""'~' 111 1111111111~1 t lJ 1lf' t1utuhof u11 UH ltutUID U'1ll lht\ ( lPll' (1rvu11 lhuun• '"'""' fut Utt 11i.1t1t11111ut 11f ')tHI 1uunluo-.. "Ill tll lut poHI tiy the 1>11l11t t 1Jll ll IAI ~I A II Ml-Nl 1111 U1 ''"'I t1u, ohh11.i• d 111 llllu I II ''"'"""Ill "''"'"'ti If) 11111 '" lltl t u I llPV uf Whll 11 Wiii !1t• 1111 r111<l11'CI 11po11 111111111~1 hi M•ll 1111 I y111 ti Wllllo W<lltl l .iµtl 11 Mu1t.••l1< lurn1p 70/ W 1l'Jll11 e1 llo11lttv111 1! '1111111 4t10 I 1" A11q1 It" t 11111111111,1 !JOU 17 I e1I I 't II hi •1 I/ /U I h1• IJ1-.1111 I ....,111 h11 t11 h tu U1t1 ,,,. 1 ·-~~ful lHtJc.Jw 11 nu c tl11t•J• 10 1 •1'11t .> ''' lht 01111 I •I .. ,, 1h•rtHtl\I fur U&t ... Ill ( CUHhlc llCtll With 1tty rt~ :.1th• (Jf Hu 1u111d-. t,tvr N ,,., 1uc1t1 1tl ""' ftuu~1 o f •,"''111v1.u1~ nf th,utft t. ounly l 1hlnft1t ~ ulop1Pc1 Ch luflu1 I..' l'fH, 1'.l Al I IL#Nl Al I XANl>f It I I 11•1 k t1f 11111 (111111 cl 111 111 01 111c11• C 1111111y I I I ,. -I Pueu c NO nee 1---Pu_u_uc_No_1_1c_l __ YOU ARE IN OHAVLT UNOER A '\fl 111 I Ill Ill \ 111 Ill ~~~E~BOE~ !7R ~:a~ ~~LTE~~ II \I I II \llC.t,11 "I > UI YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT I' I I I I I II ' I (I YOUR PROPERTY IT MAY BE \1)\11"'-ll It I '-I \I I 'Cl SOLO AT A PUBLIC SALE IF YOU \ 11 1 f<I t NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE Nit TURE o r THE PRO.CEEOING AGAINST YOU YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER NOTICE OF TAUS TEE S SALE TS No 36494 "hlfll I ,. 111111 ll• I 11/ltl 11 •I '"101 tl I 45 dul, IJ I l Hit l '•11~1..... ur \J• Hu• J. UI \t' II I '" " l i'tit r ('!t 'th \.tJUf ltHll t 1f ti I< vtt ..,, Ut .,_-141 ut J "''' .-.1~ul"'1 tJ, l U MJN I{ 11011 L 1 tlllAHIJ<l \ •lll..101 A A """ r MAr1 I t 1 d t I II°" lH IH Ill I II H 'ft"''' t 1111 ,. "'"'•'Ill tltdilt t ul 'lllll 111 h1dj t ind I 1 1 1111 \.\ 111• n1 •\ tu 1111 •\\I t 1111 I f Ill tlH \\ 111 111tl 111 t I 111 \ l•t 11111 11 Ii" 111 II Id d 1, 1.11. I, l\ul1••1111 1l11 "'-,1qu t I• I t llf I I l )1 1111 t I 11111\ 11q11od1111 ll11I I I • I\ I .j I I • I I H f --. t II I l 'fll 111\ I ltt 1d1t1llll't t I ''"" }. .. I I II d • I t I " I h1 \dflUftl It 111nt1 ro l \t I 1 1111 f" 1111"11 I I It I 1111t1111 111 j)t jJI '\ 11 .1111 I I\ It (•!tit I 1>11 • \\ I 111 1111 ( 11\ '-'I Iii \11 I t il\tol 111 t l•ll '\ \ 1111• I I'll ' II I Ill I Iii II I Iii 11 t I' th ~ I 111I111• 111 t tu f i. l ti I 11 \ t ltl '''"" I I 1f li1 I 11•1• 11 11 ''" h1 11111!1 tlld I 11t \~•UI ••I I 1 Jt \\ I 1 I l1 t l \\illtll1t <•1111 t,, ....... ' •lit lit 1\ '" lh 11, ... ,, 11t 111 Plllllll NO 11(.l t I(. I lllOUI DUllNl 811 NAMl II I A llMI NI llu I II '11\H j I' 1 I 'I I A' I I I t I A ------------------ PUOLIC NO llCl NO'ICll Of TllUlfll I l ltll Loen No Jl!N 1(1 I I NO C MU• tit WI t ti\ f lllJMI l IJAN INl ul lufy •Pl 1m1h.•tl f 1t11111tm "'Hlt11 the lulluwu U hu1111htt11 ftlttul 11r t1u111t Wll I ,f I I A I I 11111 11 All! I ION ltt 1111 1111.111 '•' lflltOl II 11)11 t A tt flu•, .. t I•• ot t '"" ttl ttdh-m 111 ·~'"' ' th~ •I 11 11h " \I 1 l.l••vttt•nl PU8llC HOllCC ~IC flllOUI I UllNl U NAM( IUl fJM NT I t • h II "1rrlflij I tH 'hllk dlt 1 lull U 1 .. 11 t '~ I I •I tll 1 llH '. MAlol' 1 I lt41o llJ II ICllA 1111r1"t tl•I llMI 111 w M 11 1 "1 At• 111•11 t 1l1f ''"I •• IOI ., ... "''' f Ii /\ ,tuul 1~llJ lf(I 11 UHtl ti ,,. • I , 11111 A.111 ( ••lil•1tH •• ·~J/(14 W tlln c /4 f ••I• t1 t I I II PUBLIC HOiier HoTiCi Of HIUITH I lltlC l l>&il ~~ I , ·••tt•I " t uu lll.'1f H'4' f , Ntt f ijt t4 I Ill Wl'tJHI 141JMI I 1/MI lrH 1i. I •' •1f h~f I 11111,.,. ti Uht lhtl"t •,,,,.,._ II,, ·•·••fltul11 .... 11.; I 1111 , .,,,.,. Ith) tty ' 1u1Jnt ,., .. , M 1tt ph1 A.1•1111 C •hfutruet '1JIUI 1, JI I I At t 1Julr tP51f , h J '"'"" ~ Hf••• f tht1 fulltt~mu tJ• ,1 n1u' 1 •J• • •J r I '' ''' Wiil I ll Al t•IJUl!l AUi llfl11 111 1111 1tH01tl .I f11f1fJI I• I C1H t A" Ii II tr •I h ti f1t1" 't • Jle '' 1_...,, 11 nu f •, 11 II 1 lJ1 1l•fJ • httOtJ 1U t1 JI t I I tt U ti 1 h ,,,,, l''' "O'fUJ ·~I UHS ' • _,,, t • I J 11 t I .,, .. 1. t ~~·.J IH •0 ul It 1\• 111 If t J)•'1S1•t •f h4 l\lf1 tlt .. 1 d•H~U•I t•'1 1 , 1 • M1 .-t ~ lh 1ttl t. f Y ,., .. , 111 lhu µ•uJ)utt1 PUBI IC NOTICl lttftt1t111ltct U•M•ll>~O 11111'• I I 1M t ,f i)Ml,f ( t IJC.A<t I ""'UI" 111 111 Ill tll 111 IA In l4f WPI 111 I ttOME I llMI Ill! I I IH• fftH Ill t)t"l Jtu IJ11f y J'i t\lft l d• II h t'•.u t/1.1 HJ 111 twt 9l I l'JJU µMfJU l • IJI I < '"" II.II fim U1 thl II\ lllfl u tl1t. f'I •;I Ho Hu t111lm IJf Oittnuu L.uunly -.01d html t f tn i•I dtHtC, 1httJt ttm Wllltwu •t.lnu1htt Artnt'" ". u1 ( '"" ontrt ( otl '''''"•' fh1" IUlllllfH •• '" t1flt.J I fttiiiJ ft'f •t qm1ur •I I' utm 1-.tu' W11lh1 A l'1l1 u1 111 t lltJwlllU su•Hm11r P11t111 t.1111 (h 01 J• t nt 1t hhH ~ .'°J ol N•h\IH.U I I If I r Ii t H I II ffnuf fr 1(1 HI UH ( 1tr of N .. WIJ<HI fs I ft ..... ,,., ffH.tp rHC OJChHJ I" 11<11•,11111 lllJ~~Cll < t o\tU..11 •1 till HI U H"IOd UHUI .t• 10 ·~u ... ,,.,,.,., ... ,,d I ttfl ~'.()" f lC flflOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT u .... I I' cue I "' M1'>(. .. llUflftclU\ PUBLIC NOl ICL II. I II .. ' •• , ... , .. rly M11 • "" flllltll ol the (wulv Cll l 'l .Al ll (jL ,,, !,,')ull"""''• 1111l1rn11ul•I ft•,, HJ• 1 ur, ml ( cnm1y l'\C • l It I / r O«J h • t 1.r t u, O t 1' A ''' t11 1 I 1'11'' I I I I'' tt YOU AREIN OEFAutTUNOERA C,I \hi' fl (l ilt (,fl \'I>""'" l•1 1 1 llh '""It•' 0 E E 0 0 F T RU 8 T 0 A TE 0 I) I I' I. I I I I (j ' I CJ 11• 11 I' •,1 •II r 1<,.,1111 .. m,. "" i>e1 t I• JTAANKuEARAYC1T41o'N"2TouNPtER80aTEYcouT All\ll'l'rt ll I ,l <\11.'" "''~ .. ._,,.,.,," "'"'~ t. '"'II"',, M *' 1 o e • uv~ M •I m 1ht.i. olhc..tt I YOUR PROPERTY IT MAY BE \ 111 l'lfr "" l '"'' 11 111 rt 1cJ1>• ol "'<I •" •1111 1 SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE tF YOU j., di j,. 11 I• 111l1tI1111 Lc,w1ty t A " NEEO AN EXPLANATION OF THE t "dtl"I 11,.1 11111 1 111 ~,, tit fitLU•lll1#, lllfflEFM(JM 11• lllllNATURE Or THE PROCEEOINO •l•tlll ''"I l,li Ii. (( \ 1.,1.,,11 N<J1ll1<U\l"lt •t>tl~n9ular 120 le<'I 'IA AGAI NST \'OU YOU SHOULO ... 11 ..... .,1 Al'.>0 ri<CEt'llNu CONTACT A LAWYER 01111 I I .. 11 \\II" Ill•\ 111 T11llHlf\r1M 111< ',1,u11>w1,1.,r1v I h ii Atll II II tflll I '11 ,. ' ·'' ,, ., 'I I II tt ;>/OH 01u ut ft urtt J\Y~ltU Jlh11\\l I tnl•f• 11il ifl 1h1 (H\lllOJIH 1sOfttlU1tjftf(Jf l tJ Wlttrllft ""(A \\Ill 1 .. 1 I' ltlf I ((jlJAfll lllUllAULIUllUO<A 111 ''" '1 111111""'"' '"'"'""1 \ 1 1 I I t Ill I lJI I Ii !JI lft11'>I UAILO MARC >< I • I II,, I ; • f I I • ' 4 1 • H I,' I ( 1.) ; ( 0 u ' A~ £ :\ "" \ '\I 11~•11 I ii• ·I >11 " Al 11111< "' l'ltCJl f (,l tOUfi II• "'"I'' 1111 t 11111 I 1tl J•ftUl'fHff I MAf 8[ ~blO AT I' ,111 , C ,.11111 1, qw ,llll!' l•UBl 1t I' I 11 IOIJ NEEU All 'I ~ • IO I \ !\I 11 >'II• t 1 I. I ,1 ''I~;'"', 'rl.'/,'i' ,':'[J ~;~,r A~AAll~~~ t.1 • ' 1 .. rt•l•""1'1 11 t'J, .riu • ict•JLCJ cornA< 1 A I'' I f h 11 11 ,,,, t "'ti&\• I I ,Al./Vff~ PUBLIC NOTICL ,.111,11,1 1.1 11,. , ~111• .. 1 •~'J t • ,,, ,,.,..,u .. <•I • FICTITIOUS BUSINESS l d uli JI t '1.,111 Ii 11111d I II" I M• '1d1 LA tlcJ , , I • ~1rl t I J 'll\ l r tr.iH"tr ' NAME STATEMENT I II d 1 I' I 1 ti• 11 I 1\ ti Ill I II I •l• ~ 'l' ,r 1 11c,,.1 ubC.,. , i.. fflt IUllO!f. no IHH\Ofl ... dutny u •• 11 ti, I J .. ,1 .,, \t q I ht I 'ti!,,,' t, fJll~n a'l ,,, , • ., 1 11-.11 , ~ i' I I <.I I 1 rt OlO(.T' ( OMPANI["" ? P• 1111• '' '"''I •H 11 1f 1u• u1 "m11t 1 ' \ • r totttt ne'~' 111 1.r Nn I 11 ,1)11 l 1\11 ''"It''" "'I UfldlJf ~dO CJ»1JcJ I ( <H II I' • Hf Al E ~ I A I E 11 f ,,1 Ii) , "''" 111 " brt,.,(.11 (JI I U MI AN' :.I l t.lll ()(., ( l 1 "'I 1111\• \\, t Ill'"' i"''"'" I "" f)lllt11a11on• S+!(.UfPd I MAii.ii l NANI r l OMl'AN' 4 :-.. I II I I \II I "IJ•et., '"I\ l•1llJ1f <teWllJd ... cJ f I Ol C)(1> MAllJlfNANCE Ii ilPl •.-•.-0 11, 111 ulldfl~•g•ell d r 1) M t Ari ' .. l L {l L Q (, v """~· (H ~, ..... 1. " t.1 Oel.iull a• d lAt~U <AP t1l1 <.OMPAN., b rJen(lt Jlc11:",,1u 1fl0 ,,,,,1ICt1hOl1c.e f (,1)1 l)C, • c <JN!> I fHJt I ION I~ 'I (II Iii• 11 brtH<1 11 cJ .,1 {It <l i,r ,, 1.auY! ( O M PIUJ~ 7 f( Ol OGV 1•111111111• ... th• I" 11111111 ''"""'" "~"f.IQft d tr, Sf'I s~·a DfVlliJIMftd COM1'AN1 d ,11 .. uld '''"'' •111•" 11 ,,,. '"'""'r' i.11.1,~oJcJ(J[J19 .. 10<\ f(tJl<JI•• IJl'\QPFAIY lr11,.11.1111.~1 .. ~mi..iano1e1i,111111 111.i 111 , ,1111 ir•clt•••.-.. llo0 "• uncJ..,~911~a M R>t4.A<.[M[UI < O~JJANY '''''' P"" lh-•1 H.h4JfC.+!t 11 .in-y under I lc..Ju~~0 -:.1cJ noic.t of DU!"'' J"""' H•• tl'' &1v11 t,u•I~ JOO Munt "Qt<m It t t• rm.-; nt ·,~a Oeed ot 1 rust It ih 1• t I It,,., ••I t I ' "' t 1 t lt ,. ulKflfJh lo t.t:i kac.ot<J~O Ju ~ JO Uouh ( tlfuH '' 916'7 "•'tr .,1,)o UfU t •oeuses of the ••hj•' 111Jfl \\llh th• tour I IC:,8i1o~H\U t-1 t. 82 '!.OCJOJl'.Jt'-dtJ nv, ( l-H..•'0 k6Jtltytfth r,,_J''lo1f."• "J•llt• ,,uat&CfttatecJby h· I •It th• h• ,,,,,. \uut OU1<..1dlA•<IJfd!t HwtinuumUtt ... n ~ .. 11tt1r1 a<J;fJ4fi '>dHJt>e•tJ '' '"'~' SJ1dsdlttw1llbe I SJ1CJ Jh "'11 b.., mHJ" ll<JI '" tu '"'' '""1.1uC"'h 1,),.Hl ,t'hJ, ,, 10., Novurnbtt 19 196:> 'f'f,. 11 uu• 111 '"' "U•J>•'''111 <Nl1t10\.i c.1-..•t .tnl ,., w.Jttdhlf mlvdutl lat. o•J J "' A1 1nP ChapmaHl''1 ti\ \tHH 1'l >Ill•\ t •tJ'es" or 1nvlf'O rftydr<lnQ 11~ rt ' f l u1..4 ~' 1 A11 .. ,1u• •JfH11lfl<.t-10 1h" C.1v1c Cen1ttt I I '\ • \ 1\ H l A pOS$oB~~ '"' fH l'Htumbrdnc.• \ 1f.J Th ... ''""'""'" WtJ\filult NII ltit1 •UullcJtn~ JOO[,), l.hbpmun t f(l l,IJ<>H '" tlJt\llH~tfll oatthettt1Tl}rllf1Q ,,n(.r.tdl ~umr.1t ~00111) <111 • ,io .. ,.n•' JHlyon A11f''"'' 1 mt <ntt:1t01anqu •l •cliltH ••I \~1, dt(f 1 ,fl \Hl' ltlt-not.,.\J'P<.wNJt.Jf~dd0t>tOtl1 I ' I. • lj 1 n~, A. I 't1 I I t m ., n t It\ 8 '"''I a. r fU!.1 \"-111! nh rt ~I J !) 1n 'd'0 , m ... F2'00700 ,..,tl!tt• ,,, U•ti.hotc.e tt•utota1 j U1U"'1 Hh \ '"' tl•lltl\\t\httu i;ro.11aBd u2..-Hu '' ar,. Jrt1 r I ftati-..h•O ,.,., l• L Jl'!>f (1"9 t Jf'f" urlrfHf'ufJIAObalonc..uolthu I Ull •I Pll "It 111 II ll1 ttu It\~ lt"lrf of ~IHJl<l rJt"f!O '-'' tru~t Pleil'' 1 • '"" 1 1 ~ 1q~" t 1y 11u11 't' ,teiU by 'ne above p~ 1 •111 ti t• pt1 1 ut •• ll\• ft-f'!t c.td'WS ..,ro f:'.-,t't!>~!t e,,t vw· ___________ 4_·n_4_fi? ,,, "-t., t ~nJ Oft d <J' 1,u-..1 dttd 1 f'P •t tt 1, d ''\ I hi ._ uus I f,u~I~!-..;1 o I Ht 11u~I., U+!dU.""0 t;f PUBLIC NOTIC[ FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT l r 1 ''ti ""' ''Q "' ''nns "'' • t.JO• ' LI f ' l b d .,oo ffld) • .. "' or t \\1ltnt1 J111u t11011lh t11111 ltu ~adOf-edcJt hu I r:aO!tJf~,.I tif-4 ne1u 01 fr tJ ,, r4c.,,,t:u-~o.e1 1~ 1482 d d• d t 11 t I ,u llH• id JI 2 00 t.:,, .t "''" Ctd'""' ,lltl 111 th• p1uh &11• ltMlt nt Buel<' fh4 aoo r ·~· CthH n -t'I \ I< I \ t:. I l)•I< I• U 1482 rif v, I IJI< t HOM( ., ht1 1 1 ftf•• 1il•d tft "tl1uu 1 Av~t ut ehh.mc..t'l<J tr~C1vt.C.e , .... , LOAN C •ltl 111t11 1)11 llttt t•H A.,..!',''~,•; 1;•,/,._tl,f'l~t?~~1~~ tic1 II I I tht 1111'1 I 1 1f,.lil11 nl tJ,1 d1t1 •1d \1U •111•11111\\llhlli• l"1J11 HI Jll• Ill l '•th• f•l •t1il ,,,,, •tiltl 1\1 •'Ill 11<1 rl II\ 1111 111 1 \\ 11h111 '""' "' "'" II•"'''" t iltl • I l1f11 • 1111f ti I 1 lltl • I 11111 \di II t I '''"' pt PI t lt1lll tf11tf1lll' II• lf1 t I,. I , l • I I I tt I t 11 11 o I .i£..-0 5 j f* I 11 r ,\itt r ,,,._., v Jl)lf11•4..,. ,\J._ t Jt1 "'''"d at .. •\• Io ... ,~ C.ou11ty ,.,,.._,, j,)I••" i>v''""i. I \ UU MA\ .f.XAMtN~ 1r.i rn11; 1 it•l1 d• ""'' tl • Tr"' th Iii• k• t•I !J~ tli• , 11111 1 (f ,,~, 11'b'" ft\ "'""J, fi .. 1~q , "J•"-• "' ,11,, ,,..,,,,.01 f\'Pt1 .1rP 1nt•1CtUf'd 1n 1119 County " ' I h I I, 1 OU I t l o I • • ' 1 \ ll PARCEL 2 ,, .. I .JI n<H1eo u l •ht HI Atn I)• t I B .. ( ' t, S< tlOt)flOY•' A._._ IHI C.ttlft ldt~ 11r1 t t1Hlvd We~t IJr lllCj• (.A 92fl66 , , .. 111'> 112~11 I Ill I t'<l I •JPl)t' Cont 0 dtly t 01 I ~'1 f40 ~ 12 1982 Hi;> 62 l1hni •I ur11 \\ II l111l \JJU• t.Jvliht.lt c.1 I tt 1\ r1ohG~ u t: 1tJ'd' fllJ• r I•• l••llf 111 •nth--. t1111t1 J tmou111 t f!t, lmc.11dtdldHGtiottrt- lh• t11 d th• h••••n..e loh1t911 w .HflcJ r,,thegbQ~E.' n lt• d 1hn\t df'St.'d. , d tJI lfU"il ,, 0 \Ill '\I\\ IX 1\r.llN~.~~1."~~"(,'J, tt 4 \'i;~'ct~~ ";d Ii lilt kl pl It\ Iii• "1111 It lal'l"rlY ft II lC"' t<J 1.Cl ,o 1 1, \1111 111 illl•t• t•d \!1 ll1t 1Cdllt'41'<l r;•111 I Od'" ,,,, t ... 2. 1qe, 111• \tllll1t\ll• 1111111''1 rlfAIOiHHOMF '\llh t}p 10111t 1• t••tl\t {JAt~ lt.J( Ji••~, 1 uut 11 1 .;f th• 1~ !>tU ''u~I~ PUBLIC NOTICE "' • 111 .. 1. •1t • ... ,,.,. 1r11I • 11 ..,, To ">HlY er I ftd ~" ,,. ... STATEM Efti'T Of WITHDRAWAL It. J>I ll\lllll!t. .u•ttlOtl ifld ~?~-~~:4sc~:~~"" fROM l•j .. rl• "'"111~.t Ill ~"11"11 A\~~llN5.-<.•eldt1 J:XIOTCM l pARTNERSHIP OPERATING I '1111 • .,f 1111 I .cl11 .. 111111 t)oeC•lv 81.a Wesl r l I ,, • I ' • "'<I" C• "" Do ly UNOER I '1 .. 10 '" ' • .i. u• .. IQ• c~ "2b68 PW nri ~·j N , r,. 1, 19 l'l82 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME ,,In•\ '1 l\ni"bt l-:!>q 1rl 71418J~ 82M 4702 I!;> T 1 1 lollu""'"Q Pl'• ~un has I :-,. h C Pub! s•~ 1 Q,,, >QI' Coasl 0; , --------------,. "11r 1.,,., ,., ~ q .. n .. ra1 ot1rtt1••1 '"'"' I :> I K or 1 I' n I u r ) p 101 0<.1 , •• 110. 'i 1? 1962 PUBLIC N011C£ FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 11 111,.,. "'" cs ""''"0 un1J1•r '"" 1ISo11I1 ' 1 rd S an 1 a l\ n a 4l,c6 !l2 1,11 "'' ,,,~ "' ~ nt"• nr l 1l 1lurn1 !l !iOI, Iii 11 I'll T C•Ofi T MllMAI ( l INI(. II 164 ~ 11 .! I fill f , "«t11•\ < r .tt Mt''i,..t 1'111 t I ttl t, • 11,t td (tJ lfl~f {I•'' PUBLIC NOflCC I '-,iJ"1ll P1 1 1\ f f I J ( 11 I lt '"''-'ll \UV tnft.) (If• l It tU il An undtv1\I• J 002b I ~ ercent I tflle<MI •n and 10 tP>e l'Of'ltn<;fl '"'U Ill ~ ntor y or (>~~hf ¥J)d '1( I ·~ ,, .,,,,,.. nno o;,lirntd ,,, tl'le 11"' ti,. IJ('lll OM , 8(0'l11nta ~11tl t I h <! 'I, It lclt•O• "' odm1 11111\ l'1i<•t l~I 1 _!I ~'I t 111 t1 ttr I I( f U l C t ti t"! ~fi f Wri' , iJ rJt •~ ,,, , ,<4 , ~e' ,, • FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT ... l'"' ... , '-''J;W 1" Q•~ 1nd n~aroc .. rnon 1 q>e>l1a d<'ftCribrd 111 s .. 11-11 ~i.l»fAn • b«'• Jll ~ cHplll I or;no I 200 ~ of lhf' I 1I1 I• •I II,. t f .. t h ' tr I tfcjl t! Of fMd tJhrJ ) Code I w1111 no •OQnt 0 1 ..,,,.,,,. entty lib<..•" J robaw soo 1eet from tl'le ... rtace of NICI Wllllam S. ( 111 h Ont ~r 1 •' • .. , ·-1 11~ w 1111am J City Boulevard \\ 1 't. I 90f ~.:j',·,~~;t,."~~,.,~~"'~'::~~,,_ Bank of Amtru ._a l u\\t t , R•~ , 011ui Rr 0 ,11, ooe Oran«t. Callturn•a !1 !61i81 PAH(lJ lilllt1Ji 114J. A" ~·c."" •" "<l"I ~nd I l'uhlt~hf'tl C11 1111!1 r-H,."1Pnl lo ,.,., lhP Uulr '"Y I l oil\ I 'ii t 1), I I ll,.,•Qnull B }r ..,~ lh• Pl or I II'_ bPinq ;ippur1t 1 ml 1n 1f •~ U1 •1 I PARt.El d A n p \ G 1 " , , ~. , 1 • , t ,J .. J~ert\l'l\f Ill U.,I' t~· p ...... ~I ICt PUBLIC NOTICE dP\ QnJlf" cf "I r I . I I I • nq 1--------------~()0'4' Nt. P~ I~~ Tr.fl i-.tn•..-t 1ddt•' ""~'' l t ... ,,,, i .,,. l .. t' lt1 'l It . I, O~I 1 ~ •t iJ r1un n ') \{Ul'lfT\I~'\ '\ rtl ttl+' t. I, tt t .. f-j ~Or "' l..C:'\I. I I( !ol (. t I '" I Ill f 10 I' rn ft• ,. PPn h u~p• 5 N'1>AC or I Be-:trh '5oOOn •S ~ \(,,bit-' tr~ .. ·••tt • ca11to•n·~ Mord~. Or I t I. <' l<t8. I I l he , '' t t , ~ • g n ..-o ,, tire tJ, RP q 1' n 1 r i th 1 f n 11 w ,, • o ~,1a "'' Ht r tn 11t, ' , ""'I iP~ 11c. 1t on' 'tn<.•lH9G1' •"''' 1n 1 d ~"', i t(hht1'">4; I lCJ' Pf •CPVllQll Pt.1rrn t /f &t' 16! I Or UlhAJ cnmmr,, dt~•Qrt •I 1 r: ,, ' A 1b1•r I l r1 hlf'tl J 1th1, 1Pd F200071 ' ' • I l t JI , ' N \I ' t, ,. .. H, 6.-. PUBLIC NOTIC[ ·' ,,,. , .. ot Or.lnq• r ull N()fT'l1 tricl AtHJU ~\ ol ltltt ~1Pllt '"''Q lh ~ • ""'ri I! V M .L2;) '' • p 1 • f 1 '1 , C..a• tu "'a PUBLIC NOflC[ NOTICE OF TRUSTEES SAlE TRUSTEE No !>399 ••• t Or o.-c~mt•r t '''6. ~ t' I f I lf lul Oll ti 111 flv 'll "' M " I PAN ,AM rfi (,A IN\/ ES TOR~ ~El1\11Cr LOMPA~n a c 111(11'1 d F l!>l280 It,, I r tlonri .i• tluly uppo1nlt<d 0, ,, J• C.oli~t 0311.,. 1 H;~tPe uodttr and pursuant ro I' 12 ,Cj l'l82 D••~<l OI l1u" t!>eCulf'd t>y TIM 4391 82 JONES ANO MAHJORlf M JON[S ~-------------husbano rtnd wtrP ano reco1decJ OctOI><'• ?J 1981 11$ Ins\ NO PUBLIC NO TICE Ot &..d l ~ • !I ~?f" S 11, A•• S "" Ot l l l ' I < OUI• i1 N \,i .. 1J .t J ,,.. • L A •• tl r I " ~· J CA '" l J u• ti Tn1~ n J nf'S~ 1~ undue. l~d tJ) ;;1 gt-r erdl p uu t 1\n1p SJll1 A1111 Stoll Tn., ~t lh mt•nl w~s. Meo wit,., tnt' C.nunh l IN• 11f 01 1nqe Count .:m Oc1 10 t1•1:1 10315 11 Bon~ 1•?66 Paoe 16411 F20006a CON SOLIDATED "' 0111c1~1 RPCOrll' "' lht' Oll1Cf' 01 Pul 1 ,1, 1 01 l"ll" t.oast D.i 1, REPORT OF CONDITION I''"' ("n '"'" RPCO•d"1 ol Orange p 01 n 1 _, 7" No• ~ 11 1982 Con1olldated Report of Condition of ·SOUTH COAST t.:<'.'> .. ru, C 1"'0•n• 1 givpn 10 ~uie 4603 62 l ~n '''rt~bt eOne~i tn tavot or-------------- BANI(' o f Co1ta Mesa. Orange County, and DomHtlc ~11~ANC1Al SERVICES FuNOING PUBLIC NOTICE Sub1ldlerle1 al lhe cloae o f bualneH on Sep tember 30. c; R o u P o r s o u t 11 E R N ------------1982 CAL If Ql'\NIA IN(. now owned and FICTITIOUS BUSINESS ne1d "'MOUNT VERNON SAVINGS NAME STATEMENT State Bank No 1239 A SSETS ANO LOAN ASSOCIATION Will lhl' ,, ..... nq p('<Sons ere d(l •ll;J Dollar Amount• SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO t>us•ne~ .. .i .. In Thouaanda HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH GlAlfD MEMOl'\IES 1040 I lpnyaDIP al timf' ot 5Ble 1n lawlul • 220 SI w• Av<' roun1a1n valley monl'y OI '"" United Slilll'$1 al ' 00 CA 9UOti pm al 11'1!' man !'11lro1nC1• IO lhe Roge• Anlho11y B By1t'lf' 221? I wH""'' • '"'"" " ,,,1 ,, t1 Po An· 3,"14 s rnrn Mornca lo• 1 Cash and due l rom banks I Sa O \ill(' will tH" m 1d1 w ltlOUt H1f"Ot f[Jr Dot 101 D Af< .. ~ Ht1Y"1ilt'9 •f'Qdld .. q t "" '"'"'•"' o" 11 t "'"''' "" •1 IJ"' Pt' rm 1 10• I tnvestment securities 10 527 2 877 Or;ing(' Counly L0Ull'10use 700 S31Cedos MIS,IM V•o10 CA 9269' 10 564 C'.•V•C C!'Olf'I 0""" WOSI Sar11,1 Ana G3r) 0 Anaerso11 J36'1 I pncun•~r11 1 ,, ,,, 1, ""toll 111t1f1f')r 1ntt npl'1al on ol 6,I F I I d Id d lo• nt•P-ll ' H wr,. '' "•' ''C1" o1 '""'''''cv It 11"\ u1d \P•v•c" rdco111 edera un s so an securities C111olorn o oll ri9h1 1111<.> and otl'•es1 Shac,1e1on 1 .. 1t l11quno N•gu;>I CA convttyl'd !fl and now held by 1 C!267 7 '"""' 1tlhO '''''" '"'""'" '" ·~ cJ I" ,, . "'~""' !tom p~rktOQ an purchased under agreements 1 0 f't•d or TrvSI Wlfll nlerl'SI and tnlt r '' 11no!>C 11'""0 IPQUltPm.,nt lo resell in domestic 01!1ces ot1u" •ums 1\ o•ov•ll .. d ,,,., "" to• c•roo1-• •v lor ""d " '59 a Loans Total (excluding "'"'~ )d ... U'IC ~ ' I an) und• , ttt(I' t,,li.wpo'1 e '\u 1avatd tf1 l C2 lOnf lf'fm") ft t tf'Of tt d nlPf{\, (l'l ~(h frivUQf'\n,t}of ftJI \Jt Jrtmtnitl 0 unearned tncome) 39 882 uncle• sa•d Deed ol TruM on 111e 00111111 El Tipp ng !89S~ 3 000 lllODl'tly s1luAll'd 1n Sj)•d County MaCA•l"ur Irvine CA 9:1715 and Stale Clt'SClllM'Cl as Fran>.!~ HOil''°~ 111938 San PARCH 3 IN THE CHY OF Bias Nt<PlunP Hunlmqlon Bt>ncn cosr,. MESA AS PEfl MAP FILED CA <12708 N B 0 0 K 1 • J PAGE • 5 OF Tnos bus nt•s\ ~ conouclpd by a PARCH M"PS IN ltif QFFILf Of genern1 par1nPl\h1p ~d''"''"5 1nt1 i," 11 .. , "~•g'" '"'<Pl, .. 1•cl•• 1t " b Less Allowance lor ~"" ... , , "~"~(II " .. T• ,\, .. " ~"d "' Inn" f .c .. pt nr p, •m' II ~7 ·~~ possible loan losses 416 1n .. trvs•~ t•P~lf>cf h, \dill o...>d OI '"' n "1111 w MJ•l>f >utt 'rr4 c Loans nel T, J'I ~ t , tt)ffll lmount ot sa J nqf"nt fnr c.; J 1m~' $.-aO•."ln '10! 39 466 THE COUNTY REC.ORDER OF Sl\10 Roqtr A 8yrnt1 COUNTY lti1s s1alt'men1 was llled ""''" lhl! obhQ~tflr ""'"'"fl ,,.3\r.n >Oly fas• v.11Pnt1A 111111 .. ron 1or Bank premises FF & E etc f'•11m~111d '""' rtt "fl"' dl>d Cf'nOt•o11.i1 ll <' f1•1m•• 10 r1pon Real estate owned other 3 905 REMEMBER YOU MAY LOSE Coun11 Cit'•~ nl Oranqt' Countv on YOUR PROPERTY IF YOU DO NOT Oct 13 1q8~ 788 TAKE PllOMPT ACTION IF YOU Fl~~ HAVE AN Y QUESTIONS YOUI Publ"hed Onngp Coasl Dail) 1 649 S H 0 U l 0 C 0 H T It CT Y 0 UR P1IOI OCI 15 n 29 Nov S 1982 LAWYER 0 97 82 P•P"'l\4'\ O! IM• lrtJ\I,... >111'" 1 m• 10 tt> ~llnQ mOlt•I W•ll' V 1"~"'"'1 than bank prem1seS lof n 11tt put1hc )t '"' C\f 1n .. Nnttc..P '' trnm ,,. ., y:'\rO ~elbltC".._ 1rtd PR''-'" O S4S 117 so IPQUlll!ml'lll< '"' propt11ly IOC.lt(I ther assets O•l"d OCIODM I 1 1qH2 ll ?fi4~ tlu•bor Bou111v ucl 11 ,; C Roni f~lnl1 lon11 (11~11onmcn1111 dl'hHm•nAltO TOT A L A SSETS ~f'Cuttfle, Sr,v1t• llOQllhvf dttcldr \lion 62 249 ThP 51•t'l'I Add•t'SS ff111l olhe• commo11 elM19f'n11or1 11 ony 01 the PUBLIC NOTICE a Ca111ornrn r.nopr" 1tion lonf' C:•cep11on PP1m11 7f 82 15 •1' I <uSlee 101 Jae> Monn •ulhOllll'd a9enl I By ISfAl I 0 J ,.,...,,QP• St'(Je•Sl<Om C11nlf1f 11 t5 Fa"Vll' 11, Pre,1denl Road IOI u C.ond t1on111 U~,. Perm :>020 Nor111 Broaow.-., 10 IPQ1hte nconcon1orm1nq t'lf'Cl•on Su It' 206 game mRCh1111 \ lcH pr OPI'• I San1,1 ~n3 C.A •!2706 lotdled at 2~'1'J H •tbn• Boule•JI 17141953 6810 rn a C2 lono (n .. rnnm1>n1 PuDlr•hecJ Onno• I 011\I O.i ly o .. 1 .. rmma1oon l't<'MPI P1IOI Oct • l'i n :l<'I 1<'1112 I For lurtht'r ... 1nrmn11on 011 In 4~40 81 I al>O•P 11pp1o1 ~l1nn' "'" pnon --------------7'.14 ~24~ O• c lll 31 lh" ull 1 f' OI lh PUBLIC NOTICE SUPERIOR COURT OF CAllfORNIA COUNTY OF ORANGE In lh• Meller of lh• Appllcetlon ot QINA LEE I PIL TA No A·1'S313 OROEA TO IHOW CAUSE fOll CHANGE Of NAME Whe•f'H the p1111110" of Gina LMI Sr>ltlla M l>ffn hied w1111 1t1e c~" ol llus courl IOc nn O•der c:11ang1ng Pet<11oner I name lrom Gin• tee Spo1t1 to Kall'lerine Eltzat>eth SlllV('fll IT IS HERfBY ORDERED lholt all persons 1n111•Hlf'O 1n Uld mat111r nppeor belor~ lhlt court 111 ~Pl 3 Nov 17 19112 1n the cou•troom ol 700 CMc Centor D•tve Senta -'na C A. 10 1how cnuse why thl' app11cet1on for chan90 o l n"m• should nOI I>• QIA11111<l IT IS FURTHF"ll OROFllFO 1h111 n copy ol 11111 order 10 •/\Ow c•uN t>a pub111ned one11 • we•~ tor four IUCCNalve Wffl<• l)fl()r 10 ,,,. O•y ol Hid hNrlng '" """ Ot lly ltllOI • new•paper 01 gener11 c1rc;u1111on cwintad In the County ot Otano• Datlld Octot>er 5 19112 franll Domenlcltllnl, '~ .. ""' a.......,c_t Pl in111no tll•1•n11m .. n1 Ronm 20 l I ''I llrov .. (;0~111 Mt ' C11hfo1111" f'ubl"I"'" O• 1nq11 (;1111At 0311 fl1ln1 Ort Jll 1118? 47/ t 8 PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT I l•f' lollov.11'9 llt'I tOM 8•1' dn•n hu .. n~·"., SAN! I\ AN/\ ARMY & NAV 100' f 11111 S1ree1 'lnnta An C1111rorfl1Q 9:170 t UNI TEO M llll ARY SUPPL WEC:l INC a Ctt11lo1n1 ~orpn<ot1on 1002 E 17th S1ree t;nnt.' Ami C •hlorn1~ 9"10 1 Thi~ 1111~1fh H ·~ conducted by tOIPfl'"llOtl llNllfO MILIT -'llY SUl'Pl Y WEST INC M1c1 e111 !>h••mrm Pree1c111111 Tn1t llllOmt!nt Wiit lillld Wiii\ Ill County CllflL ot O••no• County o Octoo.< 22 198~ Law Oftleff of ... "'., M .....,.,d 180 Newpclf1 Cefllet Dr1"e IJll• HO, New~ hectl, CA l2'llO Publl•nto Orenge Cour Dilly Pu1>t11l'l•d Poot ~· I, tS 22 29 11112 f1101 Oct 2 ~ LIABILITIES TOT A L DEPOSITS IN DOMESTIC OFFICES Total demand deposits Total time & savings deposits TOT A L DEPOSITS IN DOMESTIC ANO FOREIGN OFFICES Federal lunds purchased and securities sold under agreements to repurchase in domestic o lhcf'S Mortgage indebtedness 335 Other liabllllles TOT AL LIABILITIES (exc luding subordinated n otes end debentures) 56 810 14 282 42 528 SHAREHOLDERS EQUITY Common s tock a No shares authorized b No shares outstanding 8urptus t 000 000 585 780 TOTAL CONTRIBUTED C APITAL Retained earnings TOTAL S HAREHOLDERS EQUITY 56 810 927 335 , 037 real ll•OOeny d!'SClll>8d above •s ___ F_l_C_T-IT_l_O_U_S_8_U_S_IN_E_8_S __ purponed 10 lltl 421 East 20th NAME STATEMENT S11ee1 No C Cos111 ""'""' Cahto1n1a The following persons Bre d0cng '>2625 business n Ttie undersigned d1sc10.ms any OR A.NG E COAST PA t N 11-b•lrlv 101 any 1ncorrl'Cln!'ss ol 11\t' CENTER 17822 Bell<:h Blvd Ste '''~' Allllreu 11nd oltiN common •37 Hun1ingtor> Btoacl'I CA 92647 des1qn~hon 11 nny sho .... n here•n Neuropsych1at11c M edical Sil•d ~•'"' '"" Ile made t>ul Group t7822 Beach Blvd Ste .... 11tioul covflne11t or w"rranly •37 Hunhng1on Beach CA 92647 t'•ll'"" °' imphf!d •f'OA•ding !Ille This business is co,ducle<l l>y an pos•t'n1on or encumbrances 10 un1ncoroore1ed 11uoc1ahon other pny !hf' IOtal 11moun1 ol Ille unp11 d 11\en 8 par1ner1hip bAlnnr" ol ll'IP ObhQi\hOn secured Kenneth R Fineman Pl'IO ov '"<' prop,.rly 10 t>e sold Tti1s statement"" tlllld with lhe co115 •l11•g nl p11nc•P8I onll 1nteres1 County Cle•k of OranQe County on ol S!>O 096 ll~ pl\15 GOslS IJ•Plln•es Ocl 7 198Z O advanct's 1111d Ir 11slee lt>es ""'°' PubllShf!O Or11r1911 Coos! Deily 59 1 9 eshmAlf'd 10 bl' $ t 68 1 •9 01 rhe 11me ol n111n1 ll1Jbl1cJ\l1011 ol lh1s not1c.e ol s~le wh.ch two sums lotal $52 278 •• Currenll~ dated 1 464 1 378 2 842 298 3 140 c11sh1e11 cn.r.i.s"' ce•t1h"<l checks are DCCf'l>l•l>lt' 10 TRANSAMERICA M OAlOA.OE COM PAN Y a C•lllo1n111 c.01po1,11on 500 Montgomflfy SllHI Si n ~11nc11M)() ca11to•n1a 9• I 11 Allt!n11on f'orec•osure D111pa1 tmont Pl\ • 15 9113·5655 QrOvld•d proper PllOI Ocl 8 15 22 :l9 1982 4390 82 PUBLIC NOTICE TOT AL LIABILITIES ANO 1aeo1111c1111M 11 11v•1lt1bl• 0 Ty 62 2 9 Th1t undfrtlgn•d c•u~ed Hid STATEMENT Of WITHOfllAWAL FllOM .. A .. TNUttHIP OPEllATINO UNOCI\ FICTITIOUI eUllNIH NAllH Tiie following peraon h•• wtlhdlAwn HI geflOfal pertnet lrOfn 111e par1ne11h1p ope11t1no und., tl'le hc1111ou1 butlntn n1me ot THE HARBOR COMPANY 11 (formerly) ,300 Mar111n L•n• Newport Beach C" 021563 (f!OWI ~ 7 I Old Newpott Boulev11td Ntwpo11 BHCh CA 92663 SHAREHOLDERS E UI 4 Nolle;• 01 Ot!t11u11 end El!'Qflon to The undersigned Nick J Florio President and Mary Soll 10 b• recor<IO{i 1n ,,,. county A Ale Vice Presldent1Cosh1er of the above-named bank "'"ere tt1e •••' property '' 1oce1ed ' If I h TRANS -'MeAtCA INVCSTORS each declares tor hlmse alone ond not or the ot er I seAvicE COMP-'Nv 1 caufo•nra have personal knowledge o f the matters contained In this corpoflllon ooo Mon1oom111y report and I believe that each s tatement In said report ta Strut San Franc1tco Callforn11 true Each of the undersigned tor hlmeell alone and not 94 t 11 P11 •ti. 913 57 '" h 0.&llld Oc!Oll« 13 1912 for the otMr. certifies under penalty o f per1ury that t e TRANSAMERICA foregoing Is true and correct • INVf!STOAS SERVICE Executed on Octo b e r 1 t 1982, al Costa Mesa COMPANY lf\111" Calllornlo y 11901n1 So•r.- t s/Nlck J Florio '"1*'" l s /Mary A Ale Pu1>•11l'led Orenge Cont O•ny ll'ublttl'led Oran~ Coetl Oe11y P11C1t Octobef 19 1H2 P1io1 Oct ~ Nov ~ ·~ 1te' 030·82 •• , •• II) Tho 11c1111ou• butlneH n1rne a1a1amen1 tor 1119 p111nert111p wt• filed on Fet><uery I) 1MO tn Ille County of Orange rull Neme end Addren ot Iha ,,.,_ Wtlhdr•wlnQ Donlld kou ~ton, 1330 Hllml)tlfllte C#Cle ~I GHcAI, CA 92MO Oo4\flld 9 "-dillQtOfl ,,.,. 'vt>ll•lleCI 01en(ll COHI Oally Pt101 Oc1 ff Nov I 12, 19 1M2 Ottl2 l'IJ81 IC HO TICL MllC HOllCl PllllC HOJICl fl lltlOUI ltUltNHI NAMl 11AflMI NT PICllllOut •UllNIH r1c m 1ou 1 •UllNlll NAMI ITAllMINf NAMI I U ,TIMINf I hM tuUthllllHU ,, .. '""' .,_.. tltmtu '11~ t11lh>~lll\J li•U lt1 II I llUll·V I 1•1htl I "~'•Ill••• ... '''''"'"'> ... t 41 to I 11tl Kl N'>INl• lllN l1Alllll N'> JI~ I' II lJ I I , 1 II NA I 11 A 11 1 .. f ~I h It ,.-, A.,, I ""'''' M -.•,..• t A •.• 'It I HhH I\ 111 .. )11flW\ /\ft)4/ \ UI 1U '"'""'I '•l•HI lu1lo11 l A IJJtlllfl Ill '>IU N IJ'r 11A11i •,1111111 llN'• Mt11tJt••~• t •••••• H1t111 .. 1d •11ou "" 01-.tol •,•11•• AH• l A 1.,U 1l1<J11hl111~ Wiiy lu•ll•t I A U!Jlfll~ t. 'l't'f j .1q111• I N+\JUl I t A "f1hl' \l/(lij(I I N•I lo A (. l'elly1••1t111 I '1'· ~ r lq ' ~1•.1!•1 I t1lhht1 ,.,,, lt'( olfl I hl•l"olt1 A1111 1111111•111 1HU I 111•1 Way 111'1111 I A 9~11110 l-t1u•J•t111w W ¥'f lu1tm l A U.'btk> ftu' ••u••Htt•• ltio, cm1J1+1 tr .. , f,, , , Oavtt . .J CJ-.>tv• l•ituHitnt t4 / JJ '~ llW'11fuo• ••,t1't'11Jo1! t I I ii I ~ ,,., I 11,. •tlf•I Ail" •1l,•1t 'lttlft th~ '11111111 1 "•i.. 1f t.••un\'' l 111111lr u11 cl1 I .'ll IHd, 81CJU~l1tt• W~y h,,, ... t A UJhfW Nll-il A t t'Mtl'f'fltJIHU fhl• UUllU"H.t'" Ht c OIHhU ""' hy •• lllltt \t•l•rnt1ot ....... ,, .... , ... o .. tflf FtOOOlt 11111114111 flillll~OIHfl \,t""tllly <.i.t~ 111 I II Wlf\I" l <"lllly Ull fll181l1llll A1111 llllUldlll 01 I h f!lll:t l'ul I •fltflt I •t l'Ull)• l 1f.t'\I t ••1ly ' ........ , ........ 1 ..... r.1 ... 1 Wtlh llloi f le1i0t I 11Hl t '*l I •• t.411\ ' I, \IJd. ~lo IU 11, l.uuuly c'"'" of Otm•u·-Lou111..,. Ufl •'\4hllatt•d , ,, Ul\jt l 4IU•t fl..ttly "-t1VI .!1 lf)8/ P1lut Ol I 1*1 .' •• 11 Nu~ •, t'Jb.' PU8l IC NOTICC ;re f lTIOUS BUSINU8 NAMI! 8 TATl!MI NT lf\t, htlh1..-..U1\f ~ttt~\•n• tit~ 1f1111111 l·u~tllt'"~ ,1 'tM Ut t'ulih'\httO OtttUU•• < U;tll lha.1., 1 •1101 o. l , ,, n ~" Nn• ., "'"·' ·~.11 "' PUBLIC NOflCL "4 A I<"' I I N \• '• l fl V 1 \ ( :; flCTITIOU8 I U81NE8S <>HOVI' . 114' M'"" v ... ,,.., '""'" NAME ITATEMENl l l!ltl ·.,ut. a t o• •·• Mo-.d l A I ht1 lullow111u JHH "'"" •> ,ftuny ~ •&26 t111111111n as Edw .. ru A Mllll\ Jr 1 AlhtU>l•I NUl fllENl PlllHHIC.. I.., 4..'4 w f,l_V l•ttc hvu1 .. (A ')17 t!:t ( Urt1monwoallh I ulhtf hJfl l.. A. W 1Ul11'tl U t1111 )8;" I V11J l .e •J.!td2 wlvd f\tlO" Vt•Uh t'l t.A lJOJI~ Ptttt'f Millott M j••m t4UYWtOI Ir lh1\ ltu"'•ll•'"' '' 'urulu, htd b)' "" t 100 Pl11c.en1la Avtt fuHmtcm <.,A UHllH .. u• ~H,114'1tl\t Hb..,OC UilUHt ulhtu I,,., bU~IHttSS '' L.OOOlH 1.-0 oy ''" lh.111 .01 •-hll \l\C'''t11p 11\\JIY+<Jutti f dw.11tJ A M•ll ... JI P11r1y Powell J• t "'' ~111hm t•ttt "'"'" flltili 'ft'lth Utf'I ftH5' stJtomunt ~tt) lllHd with ""' t 11unt) l h·tlll 111 tl1J"U'' t ourtl'f Urt C..:oun1.-Ct~tk or OnHtgtt \,;o~n•.-oo ,,,, ,~ , .. 8. 0<.1 n 19e2 F1"413 F199$4t l>ut>l"t""I lh,11111• to.••t D1111y P111>11~nl'l<J Or,;ngt1 <..u.;s1 Daily l'1h11 llcl I'• :.· .'« Nov ~ 198;.> P11u1 Oct I~ '2?, 2!'1 No• 'i 198,' 4".>.12 8l 4'>01 1!2 l>UBUC NOTICE Pl.eLIC HO Tl C £ FICTITIOUS BUSINESS FICTITIOUS I U81NESS NAME STATEMENT NAME STATEMENT flw 1,11ht~UU) "~''"" ,.., 1101119 Thtt roltowmg PtH'\On ,.._ \JOllllJ t1H"ilf\t4~~ 114-l>UblHUSS as U A l ll LJ A L A N l> M A II K S 0 I V E A S I F I f 0 [.) t N I A l t llES~ I J.• V•v•,11 ll• Nl' .. 1•1111 OCSICNS, 138 Town II Country Bt'JC'1 C.A ~.t.tiO 01.inge Calllo•n1a 92668 Rurh £ '1y1H.b t~4.' V1v1111 l11 HurolO NemtHt 'I 10~1 Nculh "''"'port B1•.1C11 CA 916&0 R1cJQewood. SanlJ A11J l..ahlorrn.i Ttus ou~uwsa, ·~ Lundu1..h'lJ tJy .111 I Ttu& bus1nos5' ·~ conouctt!tJ hy .m 11\lliv1"ua1 1nd1v10u91 Aut11 ( lt~ntJ• I Haro10 Nt>mt It Hus ~1.1wm~ut Yld• hlt-d with lht.-l01s ~tatemen1 Wd5o flfud ._.. .. ,, the l C'\.tnl1 C.lt'•~ vi O• "''l" < u1111h 011 CO<lnty Chl•ll of Orang11 C1•1111ty 011 Ott 20 I'll!.• Oc1 13 1982 F200073 µvb•• ·1twd (); •. HIQt• l.O.i~t l)J1ly l'llOt tlr1 /~ 14 Nt>V ~ 1' 196? 4t>Ol>·B2 PU8LIC NOTICE F199S71 Pubh•rtt•O 01 ull\)l' (;OJS1 Ou1ly P1101 Oct 15 22 :?9 NO• 5 19112 4536·82 PUBLIC HOTICC I I I l'i/ ~~~~~~~~-- PU8LIC NO llCC FICTITIOUI 8 UllNfi81l NAMI! ITATEMl!NT I It,. lulluwtrttJ '''" 'Ufl 1 • th "'f t1Utlilflt4\•t 1•\ M\11 11 l•ttA'.f I Nl,tNI I lllNl, J l14/t ~.w11111Mr t.1ook t I IUB l A 'IJh 10 V1vok+t1umcto K1u11tw1w /U•4f 1 "u1mmu1 (,,.1ttt4k 11 lc111t (.A 11.,1hUf I"'"" fH1~111e".'l~ 1 • orutw h••I ll'f' ,u '"'''"'"'''' V1vtlh.1oUh1tHlu t\JIHJ.1•LiJ 1 r11~ ;tttt.1111,•111 w.•~ tihuJ ""'"' 1ti. l """"'f ( .l~•k ot <h•JH\J•! C .nut\!~ 1m ''"II' tu l!llJJ FltH72 Put 1 .... ,.,, l )1,uu41• C..f • .h•'l Utlll) f'1•v1 0<.I II ."J Nu• 5 1.' ICfd,' lb4'1 8. Pl.ellC HOTICC I FICTITIOUS I USINEIS NAME STATEMENT ll1t• lullow1n11 PtHSt.n t!o 1luu•Q Uu\ine~s tts !A l !LO C.ltSfN A ASSOt;tAICS INSUHA N (..f SERVICES. IUt C.l(SfN & !;ON 1NSURANCr scnv1crs r>ao11 C11r111e 1300 Dov" S11utll S111 ~00 N~wr.oon Beacn CA '12660 Udo Tnoooo•., 1~ph C..1uw11 11011 S1m5 llu,,1111g1on 9.,at11 CA 9'649 lh1s llus1nes' 15 LU,,lluCtt1d lly 11n ltH'.hv•\J~Jal Ul.IO C.•toSll" 1 ri1s sra1emon1 "ds r.111u w•1" 1h11 County Cte1i. of Orang" Coun1y on Oc1 6 1982 F1"°36 Put>llshtHI 01 onge <..oa st Oo•IY P1IOI Oct 8, 1!>, 22 J9. 1982 4390 8~ PUBLIC NOTIC£ PUllllC NO llCl rtC l tflOVI •UllNlll NAMI llAflMI NT rt1" lltlll IA'Ut\I ll"''Ofll ••• ''"'1U IH•••••t••• •• •It tH• I IA\ fill f ~ •• , ... , .. , •• U ""''' tll l .. v,I l 1 t.;, Mnte liltUHI ff fnlWlll ~ .. ,, • .,, I I t •• MtH•• 111~ I llat."' ( 14f1l1Jf 11•• PllflllL NO II Cl PICl!flOUll n UllNllfl HAMl l l A1(MINT t tH t 1Ut -'''*I I' •·•t tit • 11/t l1 Ii•• • I llf If I ll1I t •• w ti f, ' ~l•Jlil t Ii ti f 01 f liu I H).'U I \1111111 I 111 II I 4111111.111 I 1111 't t A 1. Uh 1111 t1r 11.11 f11t11 t1t11. 11 1 --------·---- IJr 1111111 I 11.1•,1 IJAll I 'II U 111 rtduy Q(,IO tHlr ;(CJ 1982 l'UOI U. NO 111:1 PUBllC HO llCC ML IC NO UCI 11( 1ITIOIJ8 llllllNI •N CPP Miii H t'1t NAML II A 11 Ml HI Ko I 0111 M•09•Cl•d. OclOM I u. IN2 '" 1 .11 "'''"' 1 ... "" 1 .... ,, IMl'OllTANT NOTICI In Pee• tl•Jt11U ' I , '( 0 u A p A 0 ... II T y II IN of omc:tel lleciOldt ol ,. "11 • 11 1 1•11111 .. 1 I lj • I OMt-CLOllUIU! l l C AUll YOU O••ne• Counr,. C•Nlotnt• • ''' "" I" 1 11 t A II t It HIN 0 t N Y 0 U II IM,OllTAN NOTICI 1 '""' "'' "111•, '1 • '"I PAYMLN11, IT MAY •I IOLO " YOUll 11111 0,lll l Y II IN M "" I t • ,,,, • 1,,, 11. 11 ''"I WI UIOUl ANY COURT ACTION, FORICLOI U111t l l!CAUH YOU f.1.,,, I "' 11 .. 11111;111 I tr ..... ' I A end you m•y hue lh• l,81 rl9hl A R I I l H I N 0 I N Y 0 U II I I,, lo b1ln9 your eeciounl n 900CI PAYMEN TI. rY MAY I I 101.0 , ,. 1,.. '"", 11.-.1 11.,,,., • 11 1.1 "' • t 1 • " • c" • 1tendln9 by peyln9 ell of your peal WITHOUl ANY C:OUllT ACTION, u..-u, I'"'. Mru1• ( tlfl •llll. •II H'. J Ii 1••• It I f 1I dtJ• P•Ym•n •• Phi• pe rmitted end rou mer h•v• th• ••8-' 1'9h• •i.ttt.th t tu 1,1,11•111 ,,. 1 1" t1 ""11 11., ',., co••• •nd ••pen••• with"' lhr" 10 brlno your e Qf';ounl In 9004 1fu• tktt•1t1ttfllo-. '~ • ••rnJui ... ,, J.v .... ' 1111.i, '·-,., ,f '•• • •11•'' ,, ,,, fno11lh • h orn th• d et• ot thl• •••ndtno br P•r•no •ti of rout P••• u1111v..iu .. 1 1 ht 1 1 t "'· ·' nollc;• of Cleleull ••• lecotd•CI due pa ym•nlt plu1 p e1mlll•O liltttiH u61•l<t C•nwui , 2U0000 '"' Hl111nw1t .,, p l11t •t wdl1 tl11 ''""' .utu,.utt •• '~ 11 .,,, JI*' nt eoita •nd •a~niea wlthtn thtt• I #u'a at .. letHttlll 111¥•1 flln0 WIU! tl\u l'ol 11 t., '11 111 j• I t t I 1 I t, I Hutti 1 I I,., 1+f 111 I •I• I I I I, '•11 j11if 1 11th. ,u JCJ wtll HIC fLtU\n Ul\tll MOntht from the dele thJt noUt e ( rn111tv t.le1> ut O• dhijH C .ouut.,. ,.,, I ilul 't • U·' l.. 1'fl1.. 'II t I t it•~. f''"' .;,+ 'rnH•I tm•.unun c..u,,vut 1V\I Of defeult ••• •Korded U• tultt· JtJ lt.181 -t• .. tt "· f 189\1• 111,1, •· '' I;, ..... tu '0•1 ltlt untutt t11 Jttn"'''*' , i•, (,!,' •,o •• n t r2'0070t I ti t I I I• ,. 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' '• • ' Pf11.._ 1.h .c '1L11111.J '1'li1J••1lit!\ llicrf:111 ,l,..tlilu1n,a 1l!--c.uring among O\r•f'• 4 728 ti~ 4 706 84' •~o/ .,,.., l 11111 11111 1,..,f..,l1~1ul u1l<11u~1 undu1 utlh9ul1C.f1$ CJC1e tt01e 101 ltlt-~um'='' --------------·"' 11 tJ•·l·d rJt tr ~t\1 autl tht~ S', GO~ SO '"'" 1t1e tH:1nehc.1d• PUBLIC NOTICC PUBLIC NOTICC PUBLIC NOTIC[ 1 'l '' " '< 1111•<J 11•t'l\'lly l'""""~t w1<J('1 ~uch Oee<I ol Tru>l • u Ir'• 11 • tt• t , ttlt: sum of tt• <J the oL-1 Qdl•OtlS \e<.ut~tJ CITY OF COST A MESA, CALIFORNIA S./· "uW U\I ''" ""'"'11111 hettJ lly u,e, .. b, a11• i-rt:Set'lly 1>t1l<J Oy ""' UES 't • 1r.• '\•qtwcJ H111I u t>tttdt.h Of undetSiCJneO hul a tJteaCh Of t.:tntl COMBINED STATEMENT OF REVEN • ''"' ,,,.,""I ,, 11•1: <•l1h1J.,l1011s 101 dPtJo,11 111 tne 011t19a110,,, tor wnor.• EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES "'''"" '"' ''""" 111 llu~l 's se<.u1tly 'wt• Oeeo ot T1us1 is secu111y ha• IN FUND 1 ·• • "<"""ct "' lllJI ""Y""'"' ha• 111'.Gurted 1n trial payment ha~ 1101 1 '' I ,.,., n•.-Jt.ht ol t·1 "'n mddt of "'~ enttre lJ'j''' ua BALANCES/RETAINED EARNINGS t• •• ,.,,,,,,. ""''~·1 11 11.11.,,,,,. v1us 1 .. 1 .. r.,,. 01 ~~ e20 ~7 .,,,.,,. bK.im .. JUNE JO 1982 ' 'n· t ',r.:,..,~t -.r.hn .. r1 St.."1 J ,.. 5t-Otf n•t>l:r 1 H~8? w i lt , ", .. • ,. t '"" r I 19.111on~ .,, '"'"'"~f H·t>'"''" tton Sep1em11P< I FUND No. 01 FUND Fund Balances/ Revenueu/ Retained Earnings Transfers Receipts July 1, 1982 In (Out) (Exhibit ''B") Expenditures Expenses-Adjustments (Exhibit "8 '')_ Fund Balances/ Retained Earnings June 30, 1982 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 3 1 41 42 43 44 51 52 53 6 1 71 81 96 97 98 99 General Special Gas Tax Str Srecial Gas Tax Str Special Gas Tax Str Traffic Safety lmpr. lmpr. lmpr. -Sec.21071 -Sec. 2107.5 ·Sec. 2106 Water Acreage Fees & Improvements Federal Revenue Sharing Community Development Act Park Development Fees Drainage Fees Bicycle & Pedestrian Faciht1es 1974 Open Space Bond Debt Service Capital Outlay Land Acqu1sit1on 1974 Open Space Acqurs & Development South Coast Drrve Construction Landscape Assess Distrlc.t No. 1 Landscape Assess District No. 2 Sunflower/MacArthur Industrial Area Constr Golf Course Equipment Replacement Expendable Trust Vehicle Parking District No. -Improvement Vehicle Parking District No 1 -Acquisition Vehicle Parking District No. 2 -Improvement Vehicle Parkinq District No. 2 -Acqu1s1t1on TOT AL -CITY OF COST A MESA ------------------$ 18,321.056 $( 1, 103,655) $28,2 12.398 $(23,41 5.933} s 247,550 1,818,973 520.616 -0-7,500 605,892 774.178 2, 177.023 11 ,742 985. 189 60,494 3.719,254 50,429 -0· -0- -0- 65,714 3.019, 140 1,480.031 261 .486 489.020 5.642 -0- 798. 433 1,295.956 1.227.667 2,518. 129 5,328 6.938 2.573 8.032 ( 14.990) ( 11,7 42) 1.118.645 1,921. 126 529.735 129 .045 16,558 9,441 270, 192 96,893 99.165 15.928 83.352 1,468 9 16 4.233. 183 1 205.072 445.504 3 17,418 146 295 104 209 ( 1 215.564) ( 7 500) l 593.902) ( 882 126) 829 14 7) 576.9 74) 259.280} 840.6?8) 277 414) 61 380' 4,017) ( 2.791) ( 4,018 034) ( 967 5021 ( 272 142) ( 55 597) ---------$ 37.937.210 s -0-$39.875.631 $(34.279,9311 60 4941 853.032 510.843 58.347 2 679) ~.679 ( 320 062) ( 1 422 2221 $( 113.006) Community Redevelopment Agency -Tax Iner. Fund Community Redevelopment Agency -Redev. Pro1. Fund TOT AL -COMMUNITY REDEVELOPM ENT AGENCY EXHIBIT ··I " $ 70,721 2.359.762 $ 2,430.483 s -0- -0- $ -0- 47 7.654 661.300) 329.966 1,310 994) -----------~ 807,620 1.972.294) 25 991 7 676 33.667 CITY OF COSTA MESA, CALIFORNIA STATEMENT OF REVENUES ANO EXPENDITURES Flecel YH r Ended JuM 30, 1912 GENERAL FUND REVENUES laxes L•censes & Permtts F,nes & Forle11ures EXPENDITURES GPneral Governmenl Capital Out111y Total (•i;f'n<l11ures PARK DEVELOPMENT FEES FUND REVENUES Charges ror So>rv•(PS s ,.., in f'C>r\Slrw.t1•Jn J,.,,, u.-.a.ntt 1110• r , . 516 974 EXPENSES·NON OPERATING ,2~ 04~ I ffl14•rt-'t nu L"'''''' PJfrr'lt•nl 1n1erto\t OI\ ,,,,.,,, f md 1..c...11 11"'1•'' Nrm Oi1u1,tl •1q E ,, 1H 1 • s 22 261 4 16 1 124.025 -0· 786. 168 2 291 828 -0· 4.8 11.233 3 190 967 087 527401 56.046 76.626 3.394.050 1 579.196 -0- 510. 992 414 804 693.520 1 533 526 1401 029 1 357 728 5 474 7.23.'3 2 677 8 241 s 43 399 904 86 934) 1386 410 --1 299 476 s Use 01 Money & Propert) ntergovernmenlal Criaroes 101 Seu•ces Otner s 19 508,491 38-0 598 140.355 4 183 238 I 758 753 2 088 066 152.897 DRAINAGE FEES FUND EC.UIPMENT REPlAC E~ENT FUND I RECEIPTS -OPERATING l..t11.1rcw-. h.)t 51·tv r ... To1a1 Revenues EXPENDITURES General Go•e•nmenl Put:>l" Selety Put>hc Wor~s Parto.s & Recrealoon Debi SerVICe ProncrpBI Reliremen1 lnteres1 & f 1sca1 Criarges s_ 28 212.398 7 660 121 9 197 862 4 372 935 ''}38815 117 .972 128.228 REVENUES Cnarges 101 Setvices s llCYCLE & PEDESTRIAN FACILITIES FUND REVENUES use 01 Money & P1ope11y S 1174 OPEN SPACE SONO DEI T 8ERVICE FUND REVENUES Taaes !6 S58 I RECEIPTS-NON OPERA TIHG C.n1n on Oisi><t'-•ll nt I 11"1tt A" •·• EXPENSES -OPERATING 9 •U.1 Adm•mstrdftO• Cn-.1• Automot1vt" Ju~ lr•tfJ"hll (..~flllctl (, 1' n•• ?70 19? 0.PPtK1att11'' l 01a1 E•iien<J•lures S 23,4 I 5.933 EXPENDITURES Oet>t SerV1C" Pronc•P&I Ret1re<nen1 tnterest & Fiscel Cha•Ql!S c.J ()()(' REVENUES EXPENDABLE TRUSl FUNO S PECIAL G AS TAX STREET IMPAOVENENT FUND 1 ;_9 280 U•t of MO''"., " •• , ·cu-•h REVENUES Use "' Money & P•ope•lv 1me1governmen1,11 Other Total ~evenuet EXPENDITURES l e<: 2107 1 194 823 325.3113 _!_OQ s 520.618 To1a1 E•P"no11vres CAPITAL OUTLAY FUND REVENUES UM or MOnl!y A Ptoperty Ottie< s .?!>9 280 01hl" s 96 893 Tr.lat f •f\l'n<J•h.1••·; Cap11at O"ll"t S I 215.564 Total R11venues EXPENDITURES Capllal Outley s 840.628 VEHICLE PARl<ING DISTRICT NO I tmp•ovemenl Fund SPECIAL GA8 TAX STREET IM.,.OVEMENT FUND LANO ACOUlllTION FUND REVENUES t a•ttio Sec. 2107.S REVENUES s REVENUU U•e of MOMPV II Prooelly 1174 OPEN SPACE ACOUIS I DEVELOPMENT FUNO REVENUES 99 165 VEHICl.E PARKING DISTRICT NO Acqult fllon Fund Intergovernmental E.apendllutH Cap1111I Outtoy S~--'-7"".!>"'00 Use ol Money A P1ope11y 1!> !128 REVENUES T11•es S PECIAL G AS TAX STREET IMPROVEMENT FUNO EXPENDITURES Cap1te1 OulltV VEHICLE PARKING DISTRICT NO. 2 lmprov•menl Fund REVENUES U!lt! ol Money & Properly lnlergovernmentel Other To1a1 Revenues EXPEHOIT\IRES Gene<at Government Capt181 Outtay Total E•Pendllut., See 2IOI TRAFFIC SAf ETY FUND REVENUES Fones and Fo1re11uret ln1ergoYe<nmen1a1 0 1het Total Rev11nuet EXHNOITURES Capital 011ll1y f fOERAI.. AfVEN\n IHAftlHO FUND RE VE HUH UM or Money & ProP411ty tn1er90V9t'nmen1a1 Tol•I Rev..,.,_ U ltl HOtJUtttl I G _ _, Account Public; S•l•IY Cftl)ft•I 0u1tay Totel E'l>tll'dllur" C~TY OIVI LC>f'M9N'T ACT ,-UNO MVIHUIH s s 1115 132 5 78,784 12,282 7 251 518,851 IOUTH COAST DRIVE CONSTRUCTION FUND REVENUES Use o r Money & Prop~rly EXHNOITURl!I Cep11a1 Outlay 1.ANOICAPE ASSESSMENT OllTAICT NO Rf VENUES Charges ror S11rv1ces U PENOllUllEI s 277 41• 83 3~2 s s I 468 REVENUES 18•1.!S REVENUES l 11<e• REVENUES VEHICLE P ARKING DISTRICT NO 7 Acqulelllon Fund COMMUNlfY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY TAX INCREMENT FUND ..L~ Public Wor~• $ 4,017 lANOICAPE AllEISMENT OllTRICT NO. 2----- P10l>f•ly I t•t'• S1n111 Sut>11ori111m• StAlll Subv(lnt•OM Cot111<:11on Choro•" ln1c>•toat lh,~llH•St' lfWl'l•lf(>ty fll# tiunhH)WIHHS "••IJf'tf s 606 809 339.625 -38,755 s 1185.189 llfVENUH C11arg11s ror Cut1~n1 5 ,.,11•<let EXltfNOITURfl Pubhc Worka IUNFl.OWERIMKARTHUA INOUITRIAL AREA CONITAUCTION FUND S 182. 126 Al!VENUll ---UM of Money & Pr01>41lly 8on<J PtOCiffdf Total RevttnUH s 801,31111 1 319 7511 l lU'IHOITUAH --=..=..:...: Cllpltal Oullfly s 1~1'"128 001.1' COURIE P:UNO lllCl•Tl·OltUIA TINO S 203 223 Ch1trget IOt ~VICff 285,943 369 981 ftlCllltTl·HON OHftATIHO -~-• --lnl1trMt S ~1£ ~ta, RoY•lll•1 6 l eeNt 01'* f 0 1.i NOfl•O,.,AUng A4lc;e!pl1 S 3 735 .......... -C>nftATINO s s 916 lollll Rl'vflfh1t>L 2 !!I EXPENOITURH lnl~lf!ll e .. pnn•o S 298 983 llEVINUU COMMUNITY Al!OEVELOPME:NT AGENCY Rctdevelopmtnl PtOIKt Fund I J,934,200 tntt!<fllf s ,,233 ,83 Renra Pro~1ty 111 ... s 128.225 1•.426 1l400 29.!.W Omer Rev""""~ I 01111 Hovtt11u11a U llll NOITUREI Aarn111"1"I'<"' LtQAI S4Hlll(;M P1,nn1ng Svrv•y f. ~''ii" AHi f.•••te Pwch•H• Acq1111111on E~P811N Operetron Of Acquired PrOl)il•ly Rttocation COtll Rttoc:atton Pevrn•n11 PrOlfl(I Co••• s ' 'I .... s •02 016 4J A~4 4 01!! 17101 .'7 035 ~ H7 6S4 S 111\1 .IUO S 18S 768 134 7511 3 ]40 6.800 S ~29 OIJt:I 10• o;; 21123 Ill 042 ~6 788 ""757 4 914 ,,~ 511 ~, .. ,, 32, l!ill Utt of Money a Pre>perly 1n1111g~t'ltMlll .. Tor•I A•vtnuet s 2e;ooo Admtn1t11r11ion Cot11 M•1n1tna~ a &29, 73& Ooll Aollvlllft s 137 268 685,289 79,038 To111 E•P4t"d1h11•a l'ubhllMl<I or •not Co,.•1 01111v ruo1 Oc1ot)or 79 s I Jt0,119• t98<1 O :>ll·ll' a a a 9 0 72 72739 29 2 tt•·• m .,, M L1 (1~t't unuer 'hJt ''J8' dnt ttnd dll sums aa..,anc.~o "" ',., tll•'• C,t:n~r al t.~un1 1nu1nq I tnt' tJenef1c1ary under 1t1e •erm5 3.l'd 1 '.11.11 111ly clot Pd July JI 1979 By CJ•ov1S1ons ot sa•U Oeeo of Trust •t • lt rm• rd f1t11wr.tl C..onttnv1nq tOQt;ith~r w11h aH ttuStet! s ft!~S d"O •• 't• I 1, .... ,,,. ,;11 M COOCJPt C..0'\b qu1r 11h•t1 .J f .Jf(J Jt obltgat1u11~ lt1al hy ;.-0s,on 1rereot tte ·I ''""" ,. .... ,,.,r C..u tnc. t<1 Ou uncit~rs1gn...,O presen1 uener1C.•d', n.,, ~· ur d~1 sue.ff Oieeo o t Tru~t ~a~ I ri,il ll; II l Ufl (ti ~U( ,, brea<..h UI.+ ~·' vc..uted ano dehvtjred 10 said Oul1 ·' rfr1 .1411~tJ '"'"'>("Ht t)unellcttuy "''l~OH1 tecJ Trus~ee a wr11,er-''"' <1•' .JHJ t.Jt't-'d "'' trust has U•·tlaration of Detdul1 ano OerT1and ,.., (.1Jlf d ,uuJ df"hvfl'M! 10 sa10 <Jul)' to• Sale ano r1a~ depos•l~d ¥1io•t~ 1Ll ,.f)t~<J "',u~tt'e a Wfdttinl.,\1,0 ou1.,. appo1ntea Trust~ Svc• i..u"'J •'·•" 1r· of Ot-fctull and demand I OE-µO 01 r,u~t and dlf documents ' -,,,,,. ,, d rut~ tJ••Po••ted with to-11cJenc.n; otJl1ga1•0n$, secu1eo ~.111l 0,,11 ''""'""tt-11 l1us1~ such 1r.e1et>) ano nas declare<l an<J ooes 1.1•·1·0 • 1 trust ano "" dotume111s I ,,.,,eby oec1ar1• all sums secured •·· tJ"11' a1~ 0L1llg.Jl•On1' ~etureO 11tiert-Oy 1mrnttd1at~ty OUll aind 1!1f11t•lt)' 1nd hJ~ df"C.UUPd and doe\ '1J)·at,,te cHH1 h;\' elected anO doe~ t c•r••U) OPC.idte a11 1.ums ~ec.u1ecs r, rP lit t:tet.t IC' cause the tfu1tt ''•'"'l'ti1 IT'mea :tte1y oue and has J.-•'open1 10 l>4e sota to sati5ty 1he t• ~, 1t•.1 ·•'•d d·1•1H't t1tttet>y e•PCt to ot:l~3t•ons SK.urea 111ereDy ,_,_.u ~t.' Jt,, L>'oµ ... n) Ot"scr1be<1 1n I Oa1ea October 7 1982 · , .. u 1111.wdec1 O.,,d o t trust 10 t>I.' s B1uce w Lmomar• •.vtiJ ,,, ac..<..o•d,ln(t w •th 1n~1 E1.ecu101 ot the Est••e ~,rnv•.,~o'''-' tf1@'1~ttt '' +Jal1'i,., 'ne 01 Gusiav Olat Linomau11 ·M•(; tt o•l\ 4i-PC.v, .. d tt•et~by d"' '1 Gust at Olat L1ncsm•o, CJ th"' v1y ?'.I l'IP.i a•a Gus• 0 L n<Jma•• H~UMIT r PA(..1F1C FIRST AMERICAN TITLE NA TIONAI BANI( I INSURANCE CO. 1:!1 W A Mu11ste1 Jr P.O. Box IOI Ass! V•CP P11•s1den1 Sen Diego, C1lllornl1 92112 •<rl <JlmEO AUC..UST 24 1'!18.? Order No. 1"914-F A 114_,TRi MEN1 NO 82 8484 tj Pur. osre<J O•an9e C.oasl 04•1) Ai.!> HEHEC.OR0£0 0C. T 4 198:? 1 Oct 1. <<i NOY ~ 1. 1982 '4' I fiUM["' I N• ti,• 34& t •' IN •669 6.? ) I• A •4 •~ E l <> U N 1 ~ A N 0 Hl 11H oHur 11 1N o~ ANC>EL es PUBLIC NOTIC£ UC.I 4 tlt~<'A'>IN~lHUMFNTl>IO I-----..,-------~; ~<il<<ihl FICTITIOUS BUSINESS ~ •• 'pl O• .. ll' ( f)lj'1 na.oy NAME STATEMENT P C•1 0<.1 8 1~ , ~ • ' 1"82 T•·e 10110., .. ng persons ar!' <Jo.nq 4453·8.? t1u\•r•ess as -------------H 0 I HOUS NC PARTNERS ts 1 16874 Ou111gge1 C11cte ---------------l..1m11os CA 9070 1 SUPERIOR COURT OF AIOert .i, Laraine Je11n1ng5 PUBLIC NOTICE CALIFORNIA 1C.1'74 Oulriqget C11c1e Cet11tos (,A COUNTY OF ORANGE <i0701 In lhe Metler o l lhe Appllc •llon Ge orqe 6 M ~o At>o 4S67 ol PA TRICIA LOUISE WEMMERUS l omit a St1 eel l ns An get es CA For Ch~nge of Heme noo 19 Ho. A· llS419 Delores Jerw1 Basriam 10102 ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE P•t.>m•e• AvPnue Wes1m111SIPI CA FOR CHANGE Of NAME 92683 11 t 11 " < 1 f"ll 1 fl (,IA Chane~ Ca<Jwalla<Je• 461!> 1 e., ·l wr >.,O-'fRU > 1 • <.h8f19P of 01 .. e La Canada CA 91011 ' '"'" '' ''""~ t•f'"" l·l"<J '"Coult E<lw•n & Bell; Peatross 2!>31 1 1 I "~ J " 11 • Q f •om 5n1 <J Alltlnt~Y Plac<' Cle.nClale C A •Ill""''" I lhll l"AIA1C.1A lOUISE Qtl08 WI MMf r••IS h '' 11le <J an Waqen & Lorel!a Kennedy .it 111 ''"'" '''Cll't1<.1ny ltull her nan\e 1.a '8? Jessie Duve Garden GrO'-'t' I, f ,,. Jl't! '" PA TRI( IA LOUISE CA Q2643 0 ' 1 Toc;mas & Mary Sar•wa1a11 , ... "" 't ,, ' ' , ... , .. Dy !>J68 H•ghhghl PtaCt' LOS Ano~s •, 11 J tthl U1f•' 1t U trt.1t .ti~ ("A 90Q\& t, r~ • fftu•,Ct·~t '" ':-t1tJ mHHt!'• do Lester H and Zelda Mobley 11 I• • t • t, '• 1'11~ <.Ou• I in 1113 w Bal.er fulle'1on CA 926J2 1 "''" '·''"" whi such apphca1oo11 My• on & oo11s p8 ,., Post '• ' t '''I.I" ,1 "·''"" ~tlOuld no1 t>e Olhce 80• 616!> C.anyon llllo11' CA I''"" I <nJ80 '.,• .. •II·•·• ""'"•'ll 11•-'l ~ corv n ! S Pele E"<lo 3.?7 S Hoove• " ' 011!• • I S•• w <:.Juse l•t> SHC!i'1 los Angeles CA 90020 I utl .,tit d ,., ttu 1), ,, ,).~ C..Ocl$f Daily Reiko & Lynne Taguchi 36!>.5 '" I ·' ""'' 1 •II"' of ll"'"'' 31 Montalvo way Santa Ba1t>a1a CA 1 , v1,1t11H1 p1u1h•'J 111 .. u1ct c.oun1y, 93105 1t ;~., ' • "' ' "'""' '"' •our This l>u$rness is con<Juc1eo bv a ,. , <•'' .• t11of • J. P''"' to ltie aay of limited partntWsrllp '• I I• '' ,.,.l Atbf>rl Jenn1n9s D l!•"l "' t ,. I Or lot er 20 "'"' slalement was liled with Ille M111• A Soden .hJ1.SqP "'' \,11U 'Sup1Jr1or Cour1 ROBERT E BAKER, ESQUIRE LAW OFFIC E S OF STEVEN ROSEMAN 1308 W 81h SI l•d Fl Lot Ang•l•t. C A 90017 I 11!· """ Or 1no" Co~~1 Oa1t1 l'•1HI ric I li J!I Nov '> 12 1'18? 4658 8? PUBLIC NOTICC FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT ' 1 ht tullow1nQ ocr \Of'" tH~ dnmq I ft\1!111r\t•~4' .1IO. All)E \IERI\ I TO 18600 Main .,.,,,, .. , Su•t~ 1 tO H,utttnoton 1 1 " 1 I ( A 47648 'h1ht•rt M ~m1tn Gf"ner.11 1,111r"" 1~b00 M W• 51•1.!f'I Swh' I 10 1111111"'111011 Bt'nt II CA 92648 I Jnr h B GoPn Cil'tl"'DI PMI,,.,, (MI lt,u hdy AvP Midwny City CA 4 tt~·, I t n1\ t1o~·nA~'\ ., ht•1ug c.onduclf'd hv """''",.'*'hl(l J•1 i.. B C.n<'n ne>1wr1 M Sm11ri 11!1> tl<tt~mnnl """' h111<l with ll\11 < ,,.,,,,Y C.ltor~ or Ornngr CO<lntv on Oc:.1 :>O 1'182 t;oun1v Clerk 01 OrengP Counly o<i Oc1 21 1982 McFarlend a Zinn Allorn•r• •I Lew KO WHI 171h SlrH I Sulle E Senl• An•. C elllOfnle 12706 F200'7t Put>hshe<l Or3nge Coast Oe11~ P1to1 Oc1 22 29 NOY !> 12. 1982 4662·82 PUBLIC HOTICC FICTITIOUS IUllNEIS NAME STATEMENT lhe 1011ow1ng persons ere do•no bVSllll!SS 119 PROPERTY RE F'ERRA L SVSfEM 6 Motnong Dew l11t1nt CA 11n1s 111 cra1111 M•llel 6 Mo•n•ng Dew Irvine CA 92715 (21 Jenice Bttlh 2845 Vine Ave Norco. CA 91760 This busin11n 11 con<Jucl~ by • (lenei•t perlne•Sh•P Cl81rll M1llO• Tn1$ Sl111eml!nl WIH liled Wllh 1"- ~<>unty Cle<k o f O•&nge Counly on Sept 22 19&2 f1MOll f"ubh,fle<J Orange Coast Dally Polol Ocl 'n 29 Nov 5 12 19&2 •619·82 F200072 Pul>h 1nt'1J CJ••nU!' (..01111 Darty f".•nt Orr n 29 Nov 5 l!~a:, 1----M-l_l_C_NO_T_IC_C __ _ PU8LIC NOTICE -~,-1-C-Tl-T-IO_V_l~.-U-l-IN~l~l~I~~ NAMI'. ITATIMINT "CTlllOUI IUl lHll l lllt lotlowlng person• ,,. 004"0 NAME I TATIMI HT busln•H H lrlt lollow1ng person ts 001ng CHARLES SlEWART OA l 1'. ttu•1t1•H .. 1708 HA\1811 Pltc•. N-pon S.aclf CAl·COAST PAINflNG 1887' CA 92663 fln1110• Lnn-• Huntlnglon Be11c ri Mark Cherlet Sl8"enaon. 209a l.1411IOHllA 1128•9 M11plt Avt , Co t ti M•tll, CA 92~1 Bfl'l'1 J Colllnt 1G8:2 Pll~P• J ay 91twa11 fhly_lr. 1708 l HM ~lun11no1on o .. ch . CaltlOtnll Haven PIK•, NtlWf>Ofl ltaeh C1' Q~&•• ei863 flu a ht111neu 11 conducted by 111 l htt butlnfft 11 conduc:leo by • 1n111v1d11t1I 08'*81 P••t~•htp 0fl•11 J CoHlnt Mlltk SttY91'1ton Thlt all!llenlttll w&t llled """'' lht Thlt •llllf'tltlll w•t flied w1lh lh8 Coun1y Cle<i.. 01 Or•noe County on County Cr.tk of Otlt!l9t Counly Ofl 0clob41r I 1987 Ocl 13. IH2 ,,...,.. ,,...,, Pctblttned Or1n911 COHI Dally Publtahed OrenQt COUI 0•11)' I P•IOI Oct .29 N<lv ~ 12 191.. 1982 P1to1 Oct 15. H . "· Nov 5. 1912 •r81•U 4Sl7·8:2 ' 7 ' ... rm---.,.-----...... ------....................... _._..__ _____________________ _ ---------~------- ) > 2 1 ) I ·~·· O r 1111qv I 11t1 I I •All ~ I 'II 11 I I 11d11y I h t11l11ir ,ltl llltl.' POOtlC NOllCI ''C ft llOVI llUllN 1¥ NAM llAUMlNT PlNlllC: HO llCI 111 .. l 1 llPUI I UlllNI I I NAMi llAltMl NI fh• •oHv~ll•tf tuu ••• • t·• .11101,1 lh1 l1 lt1 •tHU t •·1•1H1 ~ 1l1t1fl1J lJUllltlaa• u• 1111 .. 1111 14 u .. u , • ., ... , •.u1 1111. ,, uA1A ''"" ''"''l•i11t., ... .,. PU811C HOllCI fl~ I If IUUI lllllHl II NAMi lfA lllMI NI PUBllC NOllCC ftCllllOUt I UtlHIH NAM• ITAllMI Nl I ht• t ilh••ttl\j i'''' uH t ll111tt\I lftM IUilt1"il'ltlhU fH•f-~111• llfilft ,j,.11~ f111a111tH•• IU l1H9lnt11t I I II •11111 I I I ii • ~ Ill 1 All ll1q I~ ll•h t Nt••j•ull tit 1 I ••••. .u l\ff'• \/H l ,\(,I I II I ti'• lft.•U M 1••.a 6 4 2 ClASSlflfD ttu1U1t•\)t11n ,,,._,, 1 t A H.•t;Ot itl ill I it 1Ho1qlt 11 Uu 11 ff hi1l1•n" t '' t Uuanm 11, 111 ''" 1 ' c.1 t n"'11111H '1tH l/lh ·I lhrnt111qt11t tt1Hultlt1H lu111ir./tl'W"~' \A VtHtJU llli\ilt I ....... tt. I,,.,., Mtt• 1 t u11h , rn;.1 't..'t1 'f ............ i.. •• ,. ht• u ' .. 111 ltftl .. h t•thh l A H.,'h if~ ',•Ht,' lh111 f\oiHW 'Ill 111 p tl1111 h·1•111t•2t 1 1 , ...... ,, h 't I, 1 11u1111••\i• 111 ''•••H It l 1hfu1t1t11 ••._'h•f \J,•n111 '* t .uttH. • I 'I I' -. '""'" • • 1h•t •·~• 111 10 luli.11111 l 1l 1 ihl1.,ul ~ti 1'111 t,11umc-nt w1t1 l1hnt With IJ11 ftmt•t'-I \ 1tt1.,•1JtH11._,,,, l vuut~ 'h•tk 111 \)11111\it'' •hml\ 11nj I tut. .111ht11111111 w 1. 11,.~,t ""''"' lh• Utt 1' t•ttt. I •ilOHtt I It .... ··' lJt.Uhjl' I '''"h IOI •1~5 <••1 l" I'• 1·1n, "'HllU ' At ltt I Al \'tt tt.~Oft•!ld 1111111111 ,111n I•• 11 h '>-'"'" ~ I IA ''" t llithwuJ 1 ti '" ..... 11111., II 11 1 411 "thll •' I •11¥t I lo"' 1ll 1l1u111ml wo~ f1l1nl w1lh 1111 I H'fltl) t 1,..,~ 111 t II lfl\JI' ' fltllf,. ••• , tt, h•lt•·• 11f HIU, '1Hp11tUhiHI /01 tt~Uh•H ltl.;11 C • 11tu Mto1111 I 'lilul llhl ~t.'h.'f t•.i , ... tit• .. I I 11du Intl "' I t I ljHittJll otl , ... ,. tlfll1ihf•l'11 ht• ~ht•'' ltltUlllUf CLASSIFIED INDEX Ru/ £11111 I •••••••••••••••••••••• ~'.~!!!. ~0.'. !.'.'.' ....... 1 ~'.~!!! .~'.'. !.'.'.' .••.•.. ~!.".~~ .. ~ ......... !.~~~1 ~.'.".'.~'.~ ......... !.~~~ ••••••••• • HYFAH T * IPHUll Mill ,,,, ........ ,., I t111 'Atuh•ll1•~ut ~1•" hl•"-<I wtlU U1._. \ Uifltf • { l\11 ii fll ( h IH\JU I llUll') till lh tolnu '• tlHJI lo l'lace You1 Ad. Call '•IHH 1nu& funu'y t111ttttf I OAT SLIP """' """""'• 0""'" 11 .. P11t•t lh • I'• • ') J'l Nu~ '• IUb. l'ut111 .h, •J 1 it.111u1 ' ,, , t t•.u•v '''"~' P11~dJ"ht111 t 11 11111t l .,, • ._, 1•1•11" 642·5678 Maw Price S•ll,800! "'"~ downth~"• r.am••J' 111 llAI /i(IA ( r)VI .. I 1111 .. r11!r .... IP•cl :i •'ubh.\twd Pr '''H ' ' II ' u .. 11 .. , f lffilt t \'-)'• H. 11111 I 11, t • 1 'ti N11v -1 l • t'lh.' I '•' 11. PUBLIC HO llCC I l'1h1I Ch' , I •1U Nuv -4 11 "'"·' ....... ti .. • .. 1MIHI l'ul1h•lu,1t i >t wliV•' ( •Hit.fl tJ1u ly 1°11•11 \l<t I 14 ,•I IH l!IH,• • HOUSI S f OR SAl£ I ()UAl tlOU!ilNC. U l'llO R 1 lllfl I~ l11l11•11lu11 l h11th O l'fN •11•H1 ~ ''"'"••1.u1 .. 1~ I •All v 1 !> ""'"•rJI"'"' l 11rge 11m1u JICllTIOUS BUSINESS 1 ____ P_UB_l_IC_H_o_r_1c_c __ _ NAME STATEMENT ,,,,. 1..11 v. J , •. , , •• ltu'!:lltOt \.'l h • l\(lllllVI 1.tll'l'tll, t l)MPAN, .'<I •I I t1 '""'' t 'll'' \~I'"". N11joltll l 1111 '" I '· ••• Vuu111.1 Y\••hJ .lt11 l1 ·~· (.. ~·'·" l \ •uuu • N, pl• 1 ' .1111,,, 111 , 1J.'hll Tth. t u .. 111t• ... • 1 1 H1ctq It 1 1 , " uut1vu,lu.tl \ 111,f t '1,/\/1 ••I fht~ ·111h•tttt111I 't\ ',lilt d ./\ill 11•1 llc:.>uHI~ l h ''°'" 111t),1111~·· < 1•111H~ •111 l)C IUltf l If t'• f IC Tt nous OU SINE 88 NAME STATEMENT f•t I ·I ..,_111. I t ; "ii"ll I nl nu-1, .. ~• MIC IHI tu·., tJtJNl'1 1411'1,., ll 1 Iii llS ll't lnl l A t '11 ,,\M "' I I\ I All I •J I I 1 u ,• Ii t '\I' Hi ol I• .. 1111 1 \A •.I\ 1 ft11 t1u 1111·~·, '" • 11fuhu h,11 l.t.,. ,11, l!ol1\IOhj··· J 11t1'ltl •••J A I o , qu1•t 1•11 .,_, tt•·•n+•I I 'flli.t .. flh 'd Wt"1 In~ I •11111t \ '"'"" 1+1 ll!,111 I• II I I t1 I, l'IU. F111$4~ t 1"'41 t'ul I •f1,111 l J1 u101+ 4' t I U1t1ly l'uld1 .. tw,1 ll1 ,,,,,, t11tut Ult : 1 'h t.J,.,. 1 11 l'li'i.. •tit/'• tt,1 ( 11,j.' } I 11l1t ,, C 11 f fl • \ • ~ f411\ \ ('ttj, ...... ""• ---------PUBLIC NOllC[ PUBLIC NOllCC FtC'flTIOUS BUSINESS NAME STAlfM[NT I ht l11lln'ttr111u I"''~"" n~, ~h11uu 111;'1\llHJ.,-. '' l'AllA Ml 1111 Al •;l llVll I '> IN' tH /H t\ulollo ~lft.M...~I '..Ju11 .. 101 A11,1lu •tu ( 111fo1 rn 1 •1.tli04 htt•lht I f 1UlllP .. 'tt I I "mh J.i,UI +11•1 ( u t • M11•,,, ~ +11ih11 tHtl q,1.,,,t1 f f1l'o l11~ ltn ""'' 1 l uollul. 1•·11 u ._ .1 fJ.fUfdflllfl p lf,1 ~1t•dH I '°1l'fVH •', hu l\11hh~ 14 CuUllWI V11 ,, 1•1u·,1,f1111I fh ._, '\l1lh Ult•nt w I llhtt_I ~1tt1 1'11• (. ""'''') C"l1•1~ "' Or.mot C:c..1hn1J 111 (Ii. f\,lfit~I 1 tl!8#' ••1J Ill PUBLIC H011CE f ·i4f• FICTITIOUS I USINESS NAME STATEMENT f f14• lolh1wo10 pu1 'tUll"• '" t• dhllUf fHltilflH~~ i • l Al I 1 II~ 11111•, I• ll '>I Ill I I \Ull1J '• f'11.tul '-,hrn I <.u .. t1t Mu,., ( uhlWfllU t,/h/h 111~ I ~~A Y 11111 , INI ,, t 1l1fu• llM 1 tf(HH 1lu1tt 1 ICJ I\ Moh11k "ilr111•I '1.ml.t t 1 '•P"''''> \ ,\lllwnrn 4UHtlU I h1· t,u•u111''".t 1. c cuuJrn h'U t1y u '-Ufl "' ,allun T 111) N,1yh1r Im Mu.ho••I W l .wu rnur1 l1111t111Jt•nl I hi\ 't.th•fUttllt Wfh l1h ,. #llfl Oh' PUBLIC NOTIC[ FICTITIOUS BUSINESS P11l1I ht 1t ( )1 JllOt• t th&'t1 tJd1ly I' 101 • •'-t t t ,' 1 .... H Nl~V 4 14tl~ 4 1,,1, a .. • Ltoi:11ty t ll•r tr. t.1f Ot.u1q1• l..uuu1y 1·•• ---------------')1•f.ih1tnl11u .'I tff8/ 'ICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NAME STATEMENT fll1• ft.HI •NllH1 ,, .. , UH ' t.fPlltQ Tne 1ot1uwu1u per sco ·~ ,, ,,,.0 t u ·Uc '' business II~ L14All. I 1 I"'~ ti(, l.,OMl'ANY AtRVtNf l UMf"lAN'V t4=111 • 1H.At, f>1•110 11, tu ~f' 1 ~ ~'·' Culver Ort~tJ Suitt~ A 1b7 IJvuw MH,.1 ~ 1l1ft1t111i1 •1.••1.'l CJhfo,ma 92714 Ui 111 ~, 1ll.i1Jfw1 < • 10J lh. b ~ti..uJ Sono"'u'd ~ t5. M.u h• I '"' 1 tJ • '1 l 1.. .1 • M1•\ ·• ttv1ne Cahfort1111 ~l71!.> , ,,, tiu1111 •• .. • 2,. Ttus b\•smes~ 1::. lOndu\,;,h-'d l +'t ,. .. I I tw, tu1·~''"~ .~ 1" t onch.11.. ,,,,t hy ,.,, 1"'C11v1dun1 1111,-.1,h1.1t ~ 4;011on1ur._1 tc 1• l' ' 1 This i1Ult.'mtl'n1 wJS ftlt~t1 .,,..iH, "'''I 't11 ""' 1h•111t·n1 ""' • 1.11•\.1 w11t th• Counly Ctcrh. nf 0f•tftc.J•• C ''uHh ur• l t+untt l ••ta.. 111 c )f HhW C .J\•''') t111 Octoht11 ;is ,1.•e;i o. 11 ,,.., 1 P•H~ F200701 Fl"°41 Publf~rt~tl 01 1ttg•' C.o t'\t Oa11., I f uo ",. '' O• J11qt l '-ul ()..,,,~ P•IOI Ot I 29 "'•·· ~ ll l'I 19!!.' p,1,,1 ("' ti !!> l-:' ''l !o.18/ 4103 81 4434 Bl PUBLIC NOTICC PUBLIC NOllCE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS I FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME ST A TEMENT 11 •• ~:~E .. ,s, T.~.~~~~N.~ •• 11 .. 1.r1 fh.: '"' ._..,, t~ ',., '"' If• 1! ' t"usmes .t~ I • PUBLIC NOTICC FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 1 flt I tllt Wlft~ ~fl'f',Uli IHltH IN LON , I 1111( I ION I 1 t ' l •• ~ I I I f •\Jllt.t1f• V.tlltt) \ tl1f11H1li't 'l,'/UH H1.•f111hl J,,.,,,,,h I u•1tqlt•' ll 11 i 1 r .,~ t ,, f uunt.1111 V dlt''r • f.._,, .. 1 ' JOH l.tr U111 •• '••••10• 11 ~11 t l t t .1~1t,1 ',,un1.1111 v.111•" C1111t111111.i r1wt I u\111"'" '' ltJl'lluCH•\I h)1 ,111 ,, J1\ tJ,,,11 J~ , .• "' .J ltl'"\i'°' T '''' '•I H1•n1••nt _. .. ,, f1tt•t.I wtlh lh•' l..mml1 th'''°' of 01.111011 ( ou111; on Oth1ht'' 1' t •l'l~ F199SlS Pul,at\>hvt.J Or·"'U'' f...u.&:.I O~uly f'tlc1t CJ\ I 11 l 1 ,18 NU\ 4 t<J82 4r,?' 82 PUBLIC NOflCE ALA •Alll IJf<of INAI' ll•I ENGt t "Nil"' lAH~FI V"l.t OJ>ot ~o>l IM.,;,, (A :1 1,., 'l l ANll<t. ll>L'11 \wl•• '"' SI FICTITIOUS BUSINESS Ann '"~ S•'"'"'' , t Vl v t t l~u' •1nq1cm MPt.tC.t' l A 4}~4 t NAME STATEMENT LJredO Nt•!fti tl ffr,) I (A• lhl Ht trd A f1,~lt• 1. S11lf"+1\tf-The..~ fullOW•fHJ r••r,on I~ 1.HunQ A nlo.i< 1 , .. 1,1 ,,0 , , ... tet•Al t Bt! tcf• l />. 'J .. f L tiu .iH-"'!i.' 1. Hay,1 (,0,1,11,1,.,,1 \ /\ ,,,,,,; '" '°'' ,1ertJ1 ""' J• • 149 Sll ... UM AN A~SOl 1AlfS F llll!M-4 Pu Uh \ht~d (), c.HICJ•' ( 011~1 Utt1ty 1'11~ l Ot I 14' It b'-.. Nu\I' 4 l'lhl 4• .•t, "' PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT f fl\' tolh11A>1119 Pt'l '\Oii~ or 1• t1~u,10 tJu!.1ru.·~~ .1•, 1 H l lllJlll~ ti~ '•""'"1 ••• , , ll 1' ' ttJllUJ Ut:.1( h (. 1lif•~t fll.t IJ/l>'J f ft1111l11P •• lu11 Burt t?4 !;,i.Hl!>l'l lt•lft.H.~ l 11\llJltll BltoH h t 1thl lUllhi 9J(,~, I Sh •v .. 11 J Ch.HI \/4 '•Url,t."1 T ,.,, ll t-l lt•}WhJ Bt·J~h (,ulttcurnu !nb~ I Jl~!t~~ CJlvm Elut t t2'4 SuH~et lt•,•t.&C•~ L 1()un,1 b••JC..11 Cahlot1Hd 91M4 Mu1v lc.u Wlllo.in1~ 124 Sunwl t t'HUt.t• l ~•quntl Be .. tefl <.;nt1fnt111u !126!>4 r tll!t t:JU~lrtt':.~ ·~ l.Ofl"Ul It'd u~ J t11n1tt:id pJ.r1t1cr!th1µ Tom Elurt I 111., ".ilat~•nl-'nt Wt1') ftlutJ iNllh 1ht- l.mmt.,. Cl~t • ()t Or 1t10• Covntv on 0< IOht'I 19 I'll!.' fh+~ bU'iln4.">~ ._ l it1d111 11'\I ~~11t·t~·1•, ( "ll.t M••"t t (A Q}thl 1J7~ C.ltllHll•tff .. N'-' 18 l trl'HIJ JPll~t.tl i ntr,t•f!J,I••( 1' '> t '' 11''~"' ~ 1 "1 1ur h 11 ''• I ti••i1c.t1 f A 4Jt/.J1 ~·\.ihl1Sllt'd Arw~ S1·•i 1-t' •1'.Ji~ I ~H[HfH M ~f[AUMAN 1178 f•,1,,1 Ocl .1 F 11191137 01 111ql· (.n,1c 1 (),111y 18 Nr" 4 I 1 1'18:1 4~73·81 -1\1\kl<.ol J 'II,,.,_, ''•• Ut_t If•,\ ~' ,•1 ,l~nr,~,rt-· ,., 18 l "''"'•' f1•• 1ttl fh•~ ~f.ITt'fTH;1nl .._ 1 hlt•J ..;. Ill 1~, 1·•11 " 'n! "' 1 Mt•\) ~ 1'1 lfu• A 9765 1 LOuht) l•t•t\. I th 1r11,1 ( i1 '• ·•~ C 1111o "' lh •11 l'' l..f•11nr,. 'HI fh1:, tJu•,1111 .. » 1'\ c 11'1ftl1t.hHJ tJv ''" PUBLIC NOTICE F:l00'2J7 )ct 2 1 ht.._ ,., 1 1 1 1 ·~~ ruJ1v1d11.tl F197S1 1 ''"'"' """•dm.i" FICTITIOUS BUSINESS Publ1,P1t•tJ 0, 1t l• l,, '11lr,t Ot 1 • ? ~ •; N 1\ l't.Jl ~'·•• i Or Jf l• 1 1 OJ11, rtos \ldlt•tt ,.,,. w,1-, ti1pf1 witti .,,.._. NAME S TATEMENT 1 ,, c >r 1 ,., .._. • 'i t-to..-, 1•f8.? I~ 001111 llt•ri. ,,, r),,u111t. t;ov"'t un U1e tollnwmy pe,son~ ur~ tJ0111t J"""-, ~·1 8~ OclLJbfH ,_ 1q&c fJu!ii•f1l'!>b u\ F1P$459 C A 0 I l l A t. 0 A 1 VI PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT PUBLIC NOllC[ FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STA TE ME NT µ,,r sr r 1 , ""\l' t ,,51 DJ•li IA ~ S 0 t. t A 1 E S L r O I Po•11r Ocl IJ • l }8 Norv 4 t</82 PAJ• I NEAS•HI' 3~:.>0 B C"<l•ll" 4•,n 82 Av•'""" Cost.1 Mesu CA 92&2& JOSEPH w OP!.AIH 0 ;>O,'· The t('tU ~ '1 ' ., nc. l'1 riu::..1nP'' -''• (.;OA<.T St 1(;ro '.ti •'lacenJ•J C<1~1.1 M••"-o.1 L A •, t., , E11ou <...ft>, Jnn 't> ''•t ~., • •tPwpot t Bt.•dch l.A 4~ bt. t ~· '~'\ J PUBLIC NOTICE 1.1N(lfHfLLA I ->URES ild STATEMENTOF WITHDRAWAL A oo11m~ H.,r·t 111q• " l:Hl.,ch FROM PARTNERSHIP C I •I I •d •. fo48 OPERA TINO UNDER R·<' t• ol I< B""'"'" '11 i> 1 .. '' FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME Bait'·•' 1t O' vt• C.o~I 1 Mv~,, ( J 'Jltt2b JnHti H r A ' IJ M 71l0tJ f Lo1k"vo"w T1~1I Oran\jl' CA >;<21,1../ 1 tl1~ bu,_1n•'">!t 11, <.OnduC CecJ 0 1 tl 1m1fed parlt·t·r lh•f\ Jr "tt."C>r· lJt'l..t.trlo <••'" Kv,1 E 01·0 ... , P' 1 t "-',. rio,e~1t• M1.51s1on v.~1o l A "2''4' l t 1S bu\1ness COttllu ~,.,, t t t < "t ~i•Qhw,,y HJnl,'1<Jfr" f.it'~tcJ l fit• l e: l•r w ing p~rson hd~ c.; 11t•cun1u Q,i'fJ4~ I ...v1thdrawn ,,., l gflne,l\I partner trom Pt·H1nt.•r ''l•S DU\IV .~.,\ ., ( fl(ihi'"h•tj b1 Jn ltto Pdflfl~f\h1p Or>Ut,)tmg unON the fh1"" SL1hmt\mt Wd) fth•;J wdh tht' J•nera1 OJtlnP1SF\1p J. ~oa t Cf llvv t"' n~~o; n.tme o l IHE (.)yftt)' <..1Pr'-OI OrttnQ• touMy rm Ell1011 C f "'d"n R1th,ord n fl"""'"' HARBOR CO,..PANY .-.1 1to1no~rlyJ Ocu..01 '" '' 1~81 .A. This .-;t.\1erntJnt w.t~ '•lt'c.1 ..,... 1'1 tru• \,;OUr1t~ '-'e' k ul Or 111 Jt' C •u• t ~ 11 Oc;1 13 1982 F199570 rr11\ 'SUt\ .. n ~ft ,,.,)\ l1it•O Witt\ the 1 "tOO M a11.1t1 Lt&nt' '~··wP(.I'' BPoCh ,._,,,,, Ch·•lo c_,t O'o1n1" Counlv on C.A <4'1663 tttow, 471 Old tJuwport • l'f'r 211 •982 Boul~va•ll N"wµurt Beacn t.A F200697 92£.tJ l.OJ\~t Oa•I)" The f•l l lf•(•u·. t·u~1n(*ss num~ Fl"4S. Pubt1~fltHJ Or tngt~ C uJSt Otuly Po1t11 Otl 14 21 26 Nuv 4 198;.> 44 70 112 PUBLIC NOTICE PuOlo~l1t>d Or 11\Qf' Co"'' Ou••· I Po;t>l"hl'<l O•M q~ ;'11ot Ort 1 ~ ~;i /Cf Nov 'l 19e, I 0.11 1 Oct 24 No... 'I J~('l4 b. 12 l'l 1982 !tH1ement tu• tn•• LM'1nersh1p was 4'}'<4 82 lile<l on fl'l'"'"'V 11 1980 ill ti>!' 0ur 1, ot O••• 'It' FICTITIOUS BUSINESS ~ ... , ''I" 11 1 d Ao1oJrt'~$ 01 "'"I NAM( STATEMENT PUBLIC NOTIC[ PUBLIC NOllCE ?t'f~Or1 t11.1t11J,,•wi•i\J o011,._.1d ~t.tJtt Th~ to11ow1n'l per~on' B'P do1r1g FICTITIOUS BUSINES8 I Rr0<11n<J!C• I' •0 H •rfll"•''"" (.01r l•· ""'""'SS ns FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NAME STATEMENT u,. ... , rl ti•'< ,, L A 1Z6fO HOSE MANOH ~484 l V101 ''1 ,...,•tt w f'\QPfHc.iO" ~Ooing (k'Oll•1JH••(1'1Qtf'.:.'' ).HldCtu/ ~h \ VH•tO ft\e , lm1111nq r··rsr1fl t. ous1nes~ as t '''e'~ <IS F132312 (. ,1.1orr.a '1tl.92 TOR~Y SHAPPY HANDS ANDI f'uOhVll•.J t)lan<J" I 0,151 0.J•I~ ll'!Omd• A Ba•bPI 2484J V1d $1RON G M AN BELi ~ '. .. LOVES 3857 Borth $1 Sv•ll• ~'•' "lewpon Beacn CA 92660 ARNOLD l JACi<SON 1 .r·p w S1ever1\ ,.,,., No 14 ""''' 1 A11~ CA 92707 HAR t'lJ6 Haroo1 Blvd Costa _,,lf l Ol• ,·• No. ; 12 19 1'18, SJnlJ Crut M 1~~1n11 V11•10 "41'Sd Cal ro•n•a 92626 4 769 82 C.011110• noa 9269:1 "lore!'n A Sanders 1208• .Jomes Za•ha• Jr 244 71 ~o'"'' La~" Forest Cai.lorn•a PUBLIC NOTIC[ Rt'dlPn fl Toro Cahlo•n•d 92630 4, t..•O 111,~ tous1nMs •S conoucted DY a T., s Ou "" ·~ r.onuurlf!CI oy an FICTITIOUS BUSINESS Q•'<1e1<1I CJanncr\h10 MONICA OE A PO A • 1Nes1pot1 Or /4.r •' ... rn CA • This business t r r nd u t• t! qeneral p,u tner:.tnp ' • • oua NAME STATEMENT Thomas A Ba11>94 No,"n A Sander., • ro ' ,,.1 ,~ i--"' , ~ • 1,, J r 'J I l t s. SldttitmPnt --.,a'> f1lftd 1'11'•1t• tr1• A• (l L J.t~· lo r •, > ,r ,,,.,,.,p,H 1t..1 ''" o """.,"I r11,\1rw~s .1 Cnun11 Ctet~ 01 Oranpt;_o Coon1y 0'' •••Covn11 Cle"of0ran0 .. c.,vnty ((E l,l'l!HfH .46'.1r,ir1 .. Ot10ller25 1982 Q• 0c1f·t'f!r 28 19~2 A•<' v~ N 4 t 1.l M"''' CA F20CM23 ,.,,., 'Sl81 .. fTlE'(' """'-'5 f Pd ~ ,, •I ... Counly Clttr• ot Or Ul'lq!' C~ ,, •, Oc.1obe1 18 198~ F200IMl"2C2" Po1h •Snt>l'I O•ang" Coast Oa11y P,,O••Sl'll!d Orang@ Cnu1 0811) R1CHAflO JOSEPH ><A''oPfR P1101 Oc1 29 Nov 5 12 19 1982 F1991S6 F• 11'1\ Oc1 29 Nov 5 12 19 1982 Jn 248~ 1vo'1e Avenvr No 4 4748 82 PuD• s1 .,d O• " QP Coa • Oa , •726 82 Custa M .. • CA 92671 P1101 0~• 21 21! tlo, 01 r IQ!;< l<l~OA ANE ROLFSON 248S 4 f . e. PUBLIC NOTICE I "''"P AvenvP No 4 c •Slil MP~J 1--------------CA '<262i ____ P_lJB_L-IC_N_Q_T_l_C_[____ FICTITIOUS BUSINESS ft11• husn•o>ss ,5 (Ol'lduCl!'d t>> oJ NAME STATEMENT 0"''~'"' r "Ir f'•,h•o FICTITIOUS BUSINESS ._. , 1tt nq ffl' ' d '"''1 R·c.BorO J Kl S(Pt J• NAME STATEMENT 1 ;\or"" I'> f111s S!dl('mPnl ""'"flied w•ll ""' The foltowong persons a1' 1 urq I CA l IF r) RN',,. l U (,(,"GE I Counly Cl•'•~ ol Or,11111e County on 0 ~s as I "''·'I IE Ci 90; L .... c ... r11 t;ou11 Otir•t>"• • HB;> u!>l~ARNER AE LTO a hm•lt!\J 1 O 'd lv'f'• 1 CA J2'2( F1991M partntlrShP 916 Ele•ertn 51 N~r>l 1 J!'~n Ou1nn <10:11 • lJl\hP•l Orang•' Coa" Oa1ly Huntington Beach CA 926,8 l~rirnb.trtl <:ow1 Cn\l<1 MPS<l CA P1ln1 Oc1 ; 1 ll3 Nov 4 11 1982 NtCHOlAS c AME s "J6 inir 4b07 6? E~enth St Hunl·f\9•or 9,.,, " CA 't-L ~ ",. ~ ' r•d•,.,CIPtJ t>-. """ 92648 1 ••Ou·'' PUBLIC NOTICE STEPHEN A ERICl'SON 1360 I tj''"1 J JP•' Ou•nn I 0 f id N 8 3 ,,...,, .,1 I.A r.,,s ~• 1lt•rT• "' "•~ loll'<l ""11111'1" FICTITIOUS 8USINES9 9 ;7 ~I o e. <..our 1, CtN• r..I f)r '"Qt' County on NAME ST A TEMENT Otl 1 • •«~. The lollow1n9 person •S doing Th15 Du!>lness •S c.ondutll"Cl Ot l FUl9S611 Du\lness '" l1mlled Petlnetsh•P I Pulll•\hl"tl O•;i11g• Ll'IJ" Daily MARIO s rRESH PASTA SI", Nicholas\.. Amil' C...e• 1-1,101 Oct 1'> 22 2<l Nov 5 1982 w 8Blt>oa Blvd N1'wpo11 Beach Parl 4:.00·11< Ca1ttorn1a <12&63 ThlS statement "'"' lolPO ,., ti lh+o I --------------M ar o Zan1Ht 1 2'156? County Clerk or Ordngt' C.ovnty °" PUBLIC NOTICE Annamari.1 l agun,, Noqu.-1 Cato- Oclot>er 18 1982 --------------1ornu.t Fl991SI FICTITIOUS BUSINESS Th o PuOhshed O·~"!l" c '" ' Oil• r NAME STATEMENT ct ~ usi~eu •s conduc1ed by en Polol Uc.I 2• 1il Ne• 4 I I l<iE/ The r0110 .. ong IW'•M>ns a•f' do•ng •n tv ual 4~~8 8~ M1iroo Zanelh P\ELIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS N4.ME STATEMENT The 1011owln9 personi art' do•no business u SIOUX CREE 152• Sylvia ln Newport Beech CA 92660 Dale R Cree, t 524 Sylvia Ln Newpor1 Beach CA 92660 Kell'lryn S Cree 152A Sylv1n Ln , Newporl Beach CA 92660 Th1S business Is conducted by an 1nd1vtduel Dale R Cree ThlS stalement was r.tl!d w11h ""' County Clerk ol Orange County on Oc1 6, 1982 Fltt037 Publlahed Orange Coa" Oa•ty P1lol Ocl 8. 15 22 29 1982 4395-82 P\ELIC NOTIC[ FICTITIOt.19 IUSINEH ""''"en "• fh1s ,1atem .. n1 was !ilea with tht WES I (Al Y CONST AUCTION Counly Clnr• of Or~no8 CourHv on <'080 "I Tu511n Aver•uP Sanl.> Ana Oc1o1>er 27 1982 c. .. 1o1orn•a 92701 Westeily Oe•f'topmen1 ~080 N I 1iston A•t'nue Se111• An a Calltorn1e 92i01 Sure Oe•f'lopmer>t a Pubh,,,,,d OtanQfl P•IOI Ott 29 Nov '> F200N9 Coa51 0 11•ty 12 t9 1982 433'.l 82 C.11 1lorn1a cr,rpor.,11on 1004• V1ctoru1 R1¥N~•dc. 1.,a11tornia 92SOJ PUBLIC NOTICE Th1' Du,<noM IS conOuCIOO by a FICTITIOUS BUSINESS qMf'r,11 partner'loll•P NAME STATEMENT wes1er1y Oo•f'lopm,.nt fhe rottow1ng person '' do1no N101otas Papoes Du1ont1ss as Partner SCRUBF I TE SALES 18873 Surco Oevt>lopment San A ntonio Slreet. Fou1'1111n C1a19 Bac~"rom Valley Cahlorn1a 92708 Prn1aen1 Harold Salv!'dor Pamp1net10. Tiu' ,llllement was 1111!<1 wllll ll'le 18873 San Antonio Stre~ll. Founttln Coumv C111tk ol Oronge County on Vallay Ca1rlorrna 92708 • ScptembN 30 1982 Tn1, bu••n(IH •• conduc1ec 1>y an F1 ... S4 1nd•v•duAI Publ•sheO Orang~ Coul 0111y Harota S Pamp+netta !'1101 Oct 7 14. 2 t, 28 19112 fri1s 1t11toment w/la hlll<I w11h '"• ••22·~ County Cterk ot Orange County on ___ P_UB_l_IC_NO_T_l-CE __ --.., Oclol>er 1' 1982 F1"453 NAME STATEMENT K·020n PuDh•hed Orange Coatt Oatty Pilot Oc1 14, 21, 28, Nov A. 198:1 The lollowlng PN,on 111 doing FICTITIOUS BUSINESS ous1nesa H NAME STATEMENT U 93-82 PUBLIC NOTICE 1(.()2092 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 1 ne tollOw•ng persons iil•I' <lo•1111 D•>S•ness as O XN ARD BOULEVARD CEN TER 13 CorporatP Plaza Sullf' 200 Newpo1 1 BPoch Ca1ttorn1a 92660 S1epne11 C Hop1o.1ns 1J Corpo1ate P1aza Su11e 200 Nt>wport B1>aCh Calllorn1a 92660 O .. ner d Assoc1a1es • 13 Corporale Plal a Su•le 100 NewPOrl Beac'1 Caltlornoa 92660 This busm"u is conducted lly " general pat111ersh1p StPpllen C Hop"1ns f nis s1att"men1 .. es Ille<! w1111 11'1' Coun1y Clerk of Orang(! Counly nn Octobe• • 1982 F1lllS7 Put>hshed Oiange Coast D•1ly P1101 Oct 14 <'I 28 Nov 4 1982 4S32·82 PUBLIC NOTICE K·:lllS STATEMENT OF ABANDONMENT OF USE 0, FICTITIOUS SUSINESS NAME The follow ing p erson llos an11naonec1 the use ot the hc1o11ou1 ousiness n3me BAKER FROM THE FORESr QI 27001 LJ Paz M1'51on V1e10 Cahlorma 9<'09 t fhe loc t111011s business namf retetted to atiove was !lied 1n County on June I!>. 1982 Anthony S Ventu111 26031 Ware•wheet Place Laguna H11t1 Cnlllorn•a 92653 Suzanne M Vonlura. ~803 I Wa1erwheel Place Laguna H•tts Cahlorn•a 92653 This business was conducted by An1hony S Venlvrl! Anthony S Venturi! F18152t PuDltShl'cl Orange Co11s1 O"IY Piiot. Oc1 21. 28. Nov 4. 11. 1!182 •646-82 POOllC NOTICE 1<"'°2071 5 6 7 8 D A I L y p I L 0 T c L A s s I F I E D 6 4 2 • ......... I~• f, • I •I I 1t.,1o11• I r1o11t ·•I• I •I• lt •I• lh •' h I •olH(+• •hi ~., I, .... ~ • .,_ j,_., •I t '"'• I t ••uh••·••\•"• .... 11l+o 11 I• fh ,I lloll+• I •• "• 11;" t t ., ... " f ••111'·· .... \I, _,, \ t ~;j: 1~: .', ~-: .. ·. " "''' 1, .. ,,. ,,,, , .. , ..... ~ .. ... "'' ... '••'-'"" I"' It· t ltl \I ••·•h II If·• RUl lSIAll I :l·~·,::i· ..... ~ .. I" I llo • I I'• ·•11tl hJt. H I'! l·•H •• ,. .... ,, I I •" ' I I I •" I ·I''" t 1 t 111 ,, • ' ,. \t • t 11. "'I 111! I .. i·~ ' ' I l •• I . \t.t •II I i • I.'·, .. :·.:.'" ; ·• .• •1 j 11,1 ,111 I'• I fj.1! f • I l.t I• .... t ••• ..... I "',,. t m rm I 0 II \t It~.,. I t , ..... , .. 11 • • ... • ... I"'"''''' ., .. I ' • 1. • • t ~'· f ..... t• I ::!':,,:~·.', '1•1 t l • I I• .. ., .. . ' .. ..... " ... t,.,,. •II· • ..... It I I h•1°I I! \.t ... I It• .t .. • .ti t ~· .. t ... '·""''••• 1 Wr ........ ""d .. h •••. , tht•., lt11lv 11 ,. lt1 "'"I ~··'-•• ,,,,,,, ... \,~ h• • " I BUSINCSS. INVlS I 1,,, M~Nl, FINANCE ' :: : :. : :~·~I~ I 'I ... t ' f , _.11 \I•·•·""'•' •• ,. 1" ···~NN1~UHCEMEN IS, 1 PERSONALS & lOSI & FOUND '•I• '. . . ~. ~ 1, •••• .. ... ... .. SERVICES IMPlOYMEH I & PREPARATION . ' "., \' ... M£RCHAHOIS£ "'°'I ... ..... \' .. ' " ' .. ' . ' ... ..... I I J' I J•.' I • •• ''•I •• " ~ • •''" -"• •I \f •It I .. .,. • • .. II" • ' ... I• '' . ' .., .. ~ '4. , • "-t•·• ..... 1 . . .,. .... r .,,,, u • .. BOAIS & MARINE !OUIPMEN I 1,,., .... , Ill.•( '1.t ,,, If '0 ""•1 \I•• ' I t~ I t1o t t •H ....... .... 1 11+. t ''"•' h· •' "' .. '~··· ,4 ...... IUNSPORUllOH I •",• t • • I• . -•;-. "',.,.,,, _., ... ,.,. (' .... "' .... ,, '4 • r IJ 1 • • ht•I "•ii•! ' ... ... ti 1t t ' ......... , .. . AUTOMOBfll "• lh I AUTOS, IMPORHD ' \ ""'" ,,., ' .. , . I ,, fl•'• .. ~. , " •• ,..t,.....,.,.,.,"" \t4 1 .. .... ... \4 ... .... I t:~~·· i I K ~ .. ... ...... •''"" I ~ r1 • .,. \ ..... AUTOS. NfW EDISON WAY ASSOCIATES fhe rottow•no SM"r..o<IS ar11 tlO!ng LIMITED. 2728'; LH R11mbt1n Surlo Dusiness U 200. M1u1on v1e10 C11l1loin1n HAAB 0 R I I M p E RI A l "CTITIOUI IUllNE88 NAME tTATEMENT PUBLIC NOTICE rne 1011ow1no PflflOll• 11re d0tno .... FICTIT O 8 8 t tluAlnoas 11 "' • AUTOS. USED 92691 ASSOCIATES • 13 Corp ortte AICll.,O R Stef'llOn 27:1115 l~a l Ptue Suite 200 ~I e..ch. AemblH. Su•le 200 Mou1on V•1>10 C111t1orn1e 926&0 C11t1forn11 g269 I Oav1d 8 Gatt .. On 2332 I V10 lhl• t>ulllneH la conducll!d by a ~onda, Min ion V1e1 0 CAlllom1& l1mltad P8f'lnorthlp I 9:1&9 I CP••lfletl AIChara A Stenton Stephen C Hopktna • 13 Thffl a111em4"1l WH It"'<! w•lh me Corporate Plua Sult• 200, COunty Cterk ol Oronoo Counly on N11wpo'1 Becich. CA 82680 <PArtner) ()cl 21 1882 frtldl!l!C~ J "'r.,mmlet. 31102 Mlodee. Kendell a HarrlngtOf'I &ente M11oa11ta Pit t• San Juan 42'tMMAtfllut IM•d~ tvfl• 105 C•PttH1ne> Cat1lorn1a 920 75 *""" hKtl, CA t2tlO jpar111.,J m •mt I n1t flultnflH 1a ~llnl'IUC:lod Dy 0 F2001IO g.tnet•• o•ttne<ahtp Publl•"4KI O••noa Co111 Da1ty s111p11en c ••ooi.1n1 NAMt ~TAT~Mr:::· OXNARD ASSOCIATES, "13 5 :'0."1o~1 •. fhe lotlowiog PflflOllt are OOlng CNo rpora8111 Pl1Cu Su1111 200. ,';.";;.',;;, bvs•net• 98 -oor• each •hlorn1a 92660 , • HEALTH SCIENCE CENTER, Stephfln C Ho pt..1n1 • 13 •w"'•' 1044 E Chapm1n AvanUll Orengt, Corpare1e Plnu, Sull• 200, New. 6 l :::':~~~;·· C•hl0<nl• 92866 Porl 8aac11, C• g2&eo (partner) ""'"" H11,11h Sc.1 ence C enltr Fr11<1er1Ck J S111mm.,, 31102 ,.,..,. Corp o 1a11 o n • c 11110 r n 18 S•nla M•ro•rt11 Ptace, Sen Juan :.::',!r •• corporollon, tOU E Chapman. Cap111t•no. Catltornla g2&75 ''"""" Or•noe. Cett10<n11 82666 (portne<t .......... Thia Dutlne•t It Con<lueled Dy A 0 1Yld B O"r1•on '3321 VII 7 ~::::!~ COft)OfAllOn ,Aond• MIU IOn VjtlO C111llfotn11 :· !:'"" . HUlth Science C tnltr 92801 (pattMf) ,..,......,,~ Corp Thtt t>u••n•H la con<1vctt<1 tiy • 1-. ...... Jtrn W Brtll 09Mfat Olt1118Bhlp 1••""•'1"' 1 ... ,. ... Publl1her'1 Motlc1: All,.,,,, t•'-.l11h 1 H1'1t'flt• •••• trt Utt-. H t N'HnlP"I ""' •,11flJHC I lq l11t• f t•\t••r,,I f w 14,,1, "'''I A1 I t I llthH whic 11 1u.1~u· 11 1ll•"J 1I It' utlvnr 11-,,. .111y J u~h1no1 (,t• IUIHIHltUll IJI t1t'1t !Uhl I lttlflllfl hll'••,<J '"' •••l •' t ttlUt '''llfJiftff t11 (H u,1llort.1t •uu1111 1,1 ,,11.,. lfilt•ltflOH lt1 ffl,lk tf HIP/ bu< t1 CHHf"1un1 1 l1t111t11 I huu lJf th4tt.flftut1.1huu AllT GIOVIMETTI 1'1"111 '"11"•t n1Jw<J 11"'"' w111 1Jt1cJu1101uri C:CJutl RULTOll,OWMEA t •tlu cun \l uy ou1 r.I • 613·1111 * I '"'UIJlfl w1m 111a own "" • * * • * * * * '* • 111 .. 011 Cl<JQ ru11 S7:>'J ,. •t1<1 111c..1uc1 .. ~ the l•l'd 2 I R IUIUilLOW SH,000 f1ltt1•J l11nf 11pJHU Wl ttt , •• ~ t ''"'"UJ fH(Hll Pt.Hlt•h•d l'r 111 • nuf1lty ~1t<.flt•n '"'I JwJ IHIC" ll y1Htl Jll lo• $1.'1 ()()(J C..o.ill !J4b ·23 1J t4J!IS1 UIUVHSITY PAH t 'H'> ''*'....,'V••fHH w1U rtol ""'"'w111tJly .ir t..t.Jµt .u 1y I c1dv1•ft1·,uui fu, ,,,.01 ,., ••••••••••••I 0Pt1tr.hed 3 or 2 '' oo h<u•H.• .,, trv1ne on gr&tJn !Jt•lt '"'d' comm 1enn1~ Ii. t>(JUI \ 11• 000 on •~~u mJtite toan~ and Y''" 0"'" lh., land $ 135 OOQ loth • 'WllU r1 , th •IOI JIU1fl "' ""' ''" ERRORS: A dvertt· sers should c.heck their a d s cJwly and 1 reµorl errors 1m metl 1at e 1y Thp DAIL y PILOT as surne:. lwb1111y for the l trst incorrect 1nser11o n o r1ly * MESA VERDE ...... 10 fJ11 ""' yr.II cour st< I L1ntum bt'<H•l•lut 3 Sclrml~ t.11mt· rndny mJnt •• .,, Ito•, \, 79 ~00 with 10•1, .... t ..... ' • ') •• fhJWh uwnor will c&.rty ul l, inh•ff1'>1 Ro1 M ccardle, Rllr. 548·7129 FIXER! FIXER! I TAYLOR CO. tH At 1111<..., I 1111 l®' ". ' f· ' .. ··. : , [.' .. ; : : ;!•· tlo'ojf I ·" ~' oltld sci1orils THE vE•s•lllES 11•··· l 011111 ~ tldtt HtJ<ne " • Housts for Silt ., ''"'' twy' ~.,,1. thCJu Lu,urious living One •••••••••••••••••••••• •J.tttd"i ,,,. uu, (Jnt-Only OttOroom conao CluD :: 1 Ru/ £stilt ' S I;>'• '• oo .1c. 1 now " house pool ano spa •.. • ••• ••••• ••••.. •• • • • • • 64t 1t11 Sfttuffty guarded gatt: ; ; I Ctntt•I l 002 ,,, .... P.-;••-•.-•111111m• $74 000 toan al 1 I' • ::~ ····iii.ti'isiirE···· 1rJi!!qf'/1" ~~-7~ee~··~1c1~'.~bo2nd I ' s 120,000 l ______ _;J __ ,_31_ .. 1_30_0 __ :~: I 'hit; tovPly t\Stute is 10 I .. r (H C.l.is~1r1t!O Ad ... ' ' '. I <.ult<ct 111 &n •1111 ar.,.., I AC ll()N ver"I q1,1PI X lt t't'.' l111Pd ~,, .... , 111 c,-: hJI•''-'' Oldt:t I 11ome't ThP tu:.u~~ wa' bu111 hy a "iifn•L •al cor1 I f 0 place yOUr tnl!!SlliJg<> 1>efo1e the reading puoltc: Glll1 .t 0d t P1l<1I AO VISOR (,42 '>678 Ph0'1e lfilttrir ot .u1 .tCfe with Daily P1to1 CliJ~~1r1eo 64?·5678 '>et.I tt.th• Qut~-.1 f\C.u.,•· 1------------ 1001 t;ht.•d qr• ~·"r1C1t1:.tj •••••••••••• pa1 k ·hku grrn.,.ds htl~ S 1001 dOllur, .., 1 tt1 ut I rurP 1.1 "'ts <A <Jard" I n~r s die 1m ~"YO pa1111s P11oe111• 1ot>•l111G I Rf'ylu~ 1o;e1y fJ.ttto w11n Ot•Q :'I tneP•I ••~h pond ett r•tc Th<' gorg&ou~ pr<•1.11•1ty ·~ <lll.,red 111 I oniy S 120 000 C.'111 1od,1y W(lfl l la~I 546 2313 r&;l§i=uma ENGLISH TUOOH Stdtf'lr Engl1~h Tudo• 111 1 QU•f'I ne<QI t orhoOCl Forrr1a hv1nq , •om ~•lh lafq(~ '"c...:tutta -N·ndowoi; Fo1ma1 dor11n9 Brf!o~la~t noo~ sep.irdte ut1l1ty '"0" NPw rf'f1tger.:ito1 ancl ne.irty new tree st.:inc11ng ov<>n end 1ange LOvf'ly 11ac~ yard ''"lh c,lbdllJ .tncl BBQ Many e •l•d!o Call ~n1J I ri!!§A*I BEACH HOUSE + lllCOMEI 2 Bdrm 2 bath loreplace clonn1Q art>a 2 car garage plu~ J BOrrl" 2 balll rl'nlill' Onty one block 10 Ille l>tJJC:h' A barg91n ot S 28S 000 call now • 6467171 LOOK For our new 1e9 ul11r weekly featurl'I *II' PER SQ. "·* EXECUTIVE OFFICES h 1)(111 'll ft !cir lt·a't', t'X("t•lll·nl t cit 111 I lnl"<•\Ulll 111·.11 South <:oa.. ... t I 'l.11.i S111gt. · ... 1111 y w 1lh <•m plc- 1'"' klll~ '""''''"" 11tlv t J1>~· tn .ill 1111 "·•'' \\'tll ... ubd1\l<l1· tnlc, ·,111.dh t """'''' l'.11 1 i:'l:! ;;~;;{or 7 1if I 111 I * IRElD I IUTIER * :!.~ 1u11h 111pt11111 Tu~t111 ]1J(:;i1m n .,. I • ll 11 II d IHI ., "II l l " l l iJ I f ()I I lll 1 IH ' ch·\I l11p11u IH l <tll MEWPOllT IUCM OFFICE 2& 10 $11 MicHI lrin (11•) lH·1501 (11•) 152-1313 lll .... OI NllAI MIAI ISIAll C.IFIVICI <; llC CH YOtl $150,000 Thi· 1J l t 1111 ;1t1 111 g lamo ur & BOAT SHOW - CASE I Every SaturdB) 1n 1110 • l Daily Piiot CIB5S1lleds -.11ph ,-,111 .1110 11 111 th1 ... large \'rt·w 111\\ 11honw 111 N1•\\ µo rt's ftnl'Sl g ;llt'd 1·11mmun1t ,. Ut mo~t µnv;.ic;. cinH>ng t.111 lrt•t ..... \'l'I ... 11~1· \'tl'W of th1 c'll.'1 ,1n (;org r'llU!>' ~ .. 1 ... .. ' " .... . .. "' ~. ..... -""" .... I ~== 8 0 CJ: 0((( w a lker s •toy s ·wagons ···· scooter s• hot rods·coupes· trailers· hard tops•convert· ibles•motor homes·1awn mowers•timos ·corporate headquarters •garden carts Model A's .. ·• •typi ngtables wheelbarrows · If it's got wheels, you'll move it f aster i n a Daily Pilot classi fied ad .Call 642-5678 and a friendly ad· viser will help you turn your wheels into cash. IN NEWPORT CENTER ,, ... , .... ., .. ,. .. f • l\ ,.u ., ( .. •(•• I • ... ... 111\1' = M t )t\ 110 , .. " \.> • , t, ti 1• •• . .,,,. n ..... 80 644-9060 .. . .. • ! •y ... ....... ,. . of \I ....... ~· ... ····· .. ""•. , ... . .. , ... ... ..... ' ....... ... \I • ~ """ ~ ·-W1•• til'lll 11• ... ,.. ...... ...... .. .. .., "" ..•. . .... " .. , . .. . .. ... .. " .. , '"' .. ''•• ,, .... :.:"':._• . .. , .. .... ... ,,,_ . .. t"N'~t111nl or• '''il-~ ,·~ 1 t )11 U • 0 ).) • \.t. .. n ... v, "'"''"I• DIC tt .._-\ r.~:t C1Vt lC'OU• •< II ~ , ... 1.~ .. I I .. tt :» .. .. .. ., { Act\IU IV\ ',:;.~~ 11 I),. llQ .. tfKl.t 1>i1o1. °'' 22 29. Nov s. • :1 101n Thi. 11e1•1111111t w11 11!4!d with rh• ·~·82 Counly Ct•nk ol Oreng'I County on -:::========:::;:-Octo«>er •. 11>82 C•lt U2-H71. ,, .. n Vtee Pt~t St~ C ~·,,. 8 !;:-; ,_, w. Th11 •l•l~I wA• n1ec1 wllh IM T1111 tllltmtnt wu filed wllh IM I , . Coun1y Cln•h or Or11not County on CO<Jnly Ct~h of 011nae C°'mly on You dotn n..-o 11 ouo 111 Oclot>er 27 108? 0c101:1er 4, 10., Have BOITltllllnO you wenl draw IHI" when you ,,... ""'" 10 N II? CIUtlffed ad• do pl.C. .,, •d In ,,,. Dally PuD1t1n•d Oranoe Coal! Otlfy Publlaned Or1noe CoHI Deify ~I well I C •ll NOW' I PllOI Want Ada! c .11 now 8 ..... 1 ........ ~(tl0 !l ll!H IN\ ;UAt{ rrrr rrrr1 I I I I I I I I l Put • few word• ~--------•-o_w_o __ rk __ fo_r_,,_o~u_.__, I ttuDll•had Or•nQ• COHI 01111 tt1lot. Ocl 14. 21 '8, Nc-i ii, 11112 4tl21 82 I Pno1. Ocl ,9, NOY !I, 12. 10, IOU Piiot, Ocl 14, H 21. Nov, 4. IH:f 842·5'71 I .. 2·H11 4701·H 452M2 -·------_ • • ~ ................... ... . -------------------~-----~-__.............;......,...........;.-........._.....iJ ·--··-·· -·· • n a ••• ca so - 1 l1d11w• t u.u.1 UAll v Pll u 11r 11\luy Ot.1ob ' ;o wu; ~~~!!! .~~· .. ~~/!... ... . Ho m lot 11/, H1iuff 111 Si l• H11m /tr S1l1 HHm IOI Sii• ...•••••••............•..••••.••...•......•.••••••.....•••...•.... ···•········•••······· 11,.,,, ,., s.1. 01,,,, 1111 ,,,,,, ··•·•··•··•••·•••··•·· .••.•.•.••........••.. 11 .... , u.1.,.,,," ...•....•.........•.•. ~!.~!~~! ..... ~;~;·:~;::~~ ! ~f. ....... !.~~ f ~~~~~~i:~i~~::: I '~~:~~;·~.~~~·:: y~~:~~ ......... !.~1 l'llll" l.11111 N1111 lw\ 111111 "1111 ' l1<1lh t1qu111b•ll Otiurn l/u • I i.t• I IC 111 , ,11,1 '.!I·•·" .lq• 1.1 11111111111 ft111 lo• 11u111 "'" A11111 Sm 111111 '1'1111lo I•• k Iii\\ 11!1111111 .I HH '.! ~.'.'!r.!!. !!f !~ ... !.~! !'!!~!'!!. !!!t!!!r. !.OJM FORECLOSURE t U<C•• ltllf l•al 1al• IJI l!t 1111" NeWj)OI I I 1111 Al fl (.,011110 l Ult )'' lllA I I' 111.l<ltl l"Ulll.hy lllv<J lor ••l• w b11111 "' 000 l'ool ~'''" Ph•• aupo1 11nan111 111j1 l.,oll Au•• I r"11h I\ Mu111 'i40 4~Utl l M lh•u• 1111•1lly 11u1il•• I l1pl1. i tl"' t oppe1 11111111 1111 J !;">I\ "'~u rtt•lll«I IO•rt •I I J'-. 1111 i I 7 1111. "'' A II" II I 1141 Vlltllt 11 .. ,,.,, •• l••d JZ41 ····-················· DI llll IHI Vu of "' ••n 2U1 I •O• flU•tltJ IJllll• J)U{ll llWlllt \It 111 'II() 0 I m CJ /II JI.I j b .C f) Ill VIII 11'111 1l1·1111kl1f.d I h.fllll ~ 11.1111 I l,otf'I II' 1111 111 ·'"' "''""~' 1111111 h1 d 1~•""" S·l:.!4111011 PEMlllSUU HOME 1"" Ht\ h111111' 11111111 p11\,11t· ,u11d•·•k .. di /Wltldfl ,11t1t t lllll''t ()\.\1111 Vvlll 1,lll\ l.11..:1· '.,!11d 1IWNlll Altf lllJl'l(l\ l't> .11 IO'\, 1•1111 11·1h1<1·.t 111 :fl.!.l'I :11111 lle<t1•~tt1I 1u ''~o 000 OWL IJ' • ')() 000 t111 hf., JUO:I 111 670 Otl87 DECORATOR FURlllTURE lllOLUDED Uu11lt1• hlh H1 ••l ""'I iu I 1111 lot~ S l•J7 ')00 Miu ~11011 thwlly Ul'1 4!>0(1 tll/r I ll•,., Uoeitl 5 W"'""' lrull tO $!>:1!!1 mei 011;.i f J4J t~"t•.111 ~ Jl'llV \ ••'W" Murlll•· 1urn11, I lx.11111, :1 c.,,, /11111 /OZ4 h11th , ;17110 "I h $1 ,.Ul.1,llOU t \ 1•11111111111 •••••••••••••••••••••• CllDllELLA STYLE ( ;11q.~""t1" 'l\111'1·ra" I\ :! l\H. '.! B.1. '""h !11111 . l111n111l cl1111n~ 1111·,1 l.11~1· dl'\k, IH'l 11~·1 h11111t• 1111 1•11l1•1 l.a1t11t1~. (.'all IHI' (111 i.:11•1Jl lllt.111\ lllJ.t $~ 1\1,.111(1 OPH HT/IUI 1·1 I 1mblull :IOOO •ll 11 Ot<m" 1111 l11rrllly Im den 4 bd1ms IQlt 11ew Atlll rl HU IY OWllER U11111111c1011 • , 111111111•1 1" I~ u111 1a ttl!I lJIOU 111 1tu11t1111111111 thu<t 11 I.A C:.ull 7 14/UIJU 2<4 11 101 LI.,• hrk/Fur11 M"'" V111 thl 4 1111 I Im t u vuly :> lHl1m tnoh1lo 1r•io111w hi & t 11st phn hlHflfi HI ... lUlltt"' hJt H 1100 *•fH' o •• , •• ntlv ....... j h i I hM, llUllllflQIOn tlit• lmur dlOU <.l1rld1911 " 11•1 ~ I 1111' 1841 •v• LlllD& ISLE l&YFROMT I .1ljl<•\lll VI\'\\ 1!11111 ti I kit Ill,~) l .. olh, ftl.1'111111111, d 111 k n11, ll••r1 llt.1.11 i.hp Nu\.\ $1 ,110111100 BAYSIDE PUOE ~I'"' W• 111,11 h.1v f111111 dph. ~ 111 . '..! h.1 11p '..! hr, :! 1111 lln :.! IM .. 11 ~pm••·~ H1'<Jlh '"' $I ,!1Ut1,UllO F&IRIHWS R&Mr.N N"" I 111 I l1i1 '"''"'" 1''1 .. mh N1•1111.11 1d y 1'l.t.11t• I .• I" ~1111· m rt· lullt11p $1 .~:111.01111 &YALON 1-·,,.. ,1111pl1 ~ 1., «•ll.1~1· "" 11u11·1 llc·'-4"'''"' St (II) ... ,,,,,1 H1-.h111'tl "' $1110.0IJtl COROHDO CAYS {'unmJtl1> bl.11111 < u~l l)o1y t rnnl lot ll:l boat ri<• k 111.11" ·"""I Nu" $:170.lkll) "' lt>nt1l> BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR 341 Boy,1dP Or.,,p N B b7S blb l REDUCED TO $745 1000 LIND& ISLE /Closing Cosh Only! Owner haa butlneu revertal1 and M lJST llquld1tel To qu11llll•d buyer Ihle home may be purchHed for ctoalng co1l1 onlyl F1bulou1 lowHI price on Lind• l1le. Suoerb laaoon locallon with pler/tllp for lerg• y1chl and 1 great 5 bdrm home w/lge lamlly room. lnvHI now before price goe• up. WATERFRONT HOMES, INC. OFFER AMY TERMS STOP FORECLOSURE 131-1400 I BH .I l\t\ .! 1111 pl.111, .! ,tun Ol'EA~ \'IE\\' l'111111f11111 l'l>S 111 L .1gur1.1 App1.11" .I $ l!l.1111111 .li d •··du1111111 , S..J lll.llllll H1 .111d n• '' nn1,1 "II Sdlt·1 I \\ 111 ....... 1 ... l LOW-LOW-LOW-INTEREST I (;1 1·.1t 11 rm-.' I nH .! B.\. hUl-(l 11.Jlk \,tld I I .m·1·h l'11-.t.1 f\lt•!\,1 h11111t $I :111 OOll lt11·1· 11 .. 11;,, llto11/1,., :-1 i-t1 I 1-Jlh:!'J I liARDEN GROVE 2 BDRM 2 BA LUXURY CONDOS ? ca• Pntl go rage. lull amen111es I $70001down .inti nwner will nelp t1nance Ed watts 964-6171 , FULLERTOll /IRH 'l Br Oua11 A1llge Condo w11h woodsy 111mosphere ~ watelfalls Decorated "~·· modt>I 1200 SQ II ~ t 19 000 otlur Owner !151 1344 01 529 3 798 '.111 5 UTUVHT IMMACULATE! IAYFRHT J na1e Mesa Verde sgl le- Gtand1ose 2 story home vel 4 81 & spa surrouri· with 6 bed• ooms and , ded by , m11hon $ nou- p1e1 for 1a1gc plus Sidi' ses IJul prtced unde1 tte Unusual custom oe S200,000 751-3 191 sogneo residence w1111 1• soat1ng wooo oeamed I ceilings mooor spa for- mat 01n1ng 1m unique open susperioed lam .. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiml 1m library gourm111 island k•lchrn 11nd llEW LISTIH b•ea1<1as1 a1ea All dtl<'.O Redwooos condo great rator det111ls ncl French loca1ton I Bdrm pr1va1e doors shullers s1a1neo patio oeauhlul pool sp11 glass and more• Bdrms and garden selling Pets incl sep mas1er su11es OK $ 10.000 down $900 and maid s qrtrs & sep mo payments or owner family bdrms each 1111ve "''" help finance. $79. ad101ning oatns A spe 900 coal rooftop observation 142-5200 and sunning decl< hes beau I views ol water I Oii and lights ~ 1,695 000 on FEE LANO OW help II· : 1 • nance and 1s 1nteres1ed , 1n e11chang1ng t or OCEANFRONT ()I smat fer home rn a•ea CALL 673-6900 - "\II HI H11" lit 1\11 ., In< REM E<;l•'l , I \ ILUFFS EH UNIT SH0,000 FEE Great financing, flawless 1emode1 great view on tee land S1rrr & Christa THE STHIES CO. 673 -7711 ., 110· 1311 Lavoly l bd1m wllge fa llllly 1111 \Ill (IUllll tlr111tl l:luuulilul llftttl wootl 11001-. l.10811 IO liChO(llt umJ snopp11111 S t;.>~.900 Cull !111'1·!>370 .\'{>I l / 1lJ.• 1t U(Al.f' <\ 1r..i\tl'JIMI Nl"t LYllll MURPHY Hl-1411 'Iarbell, RFALTORS' '325.000 A(lt Ot!I Uolli1 r~O 0268 HORIPIOE I 11,410 TRIPLEX COIT& llH& XUT FIHIOllQ l1u11 1ol1•0/ll10 ti'. t I rb•l C11ta Mtsa/U1fur1 H / ltL I lltl Ml NI II I ~ Nuo11 llt "'"' t 11111111 'J 1111 uat nf/OIJ 32~2 11 I '•1111tu Y 11• 11 (I"' 111111 H11bour ,, (htnn t.luuri '"t"i quwt pool unU h,,11111 (,Ou' 1,. •• •••••••••••••••••••• 1 .. 1.1111011 S~OOit111J S•100 o 1 f3 001;1 •2pnt1eiut 11om11 I lJIOCk OdM t U11fur11. '"" "' ' • '" nc.1'•11• ""' t•ll 400 • W11t11t '""' ljlM~ Ill ""~ I ',m,111 ~ 1Jd our flOlll" Mr 1110 11l t y 6a6·1005 lltl1111 111 QUll!I ioc u11011 "'"'""I" IUr "II"" Iv 1.U•I l)11v11 tay 1:1!> C:l1111rlHOC>k Nu ,. 111111 "''Y SflOOlrriu 111" •,411 <4 IU 1 No ,11,1.. lrvinf! 3Z44 1111 tlttlllllH 011 llllr111.11ve h.ll 1400 " f !!U. ~!!~ ...... !.~~1 If !I.~'!~. ~ ..... ~t .. !.~! ---------i OPH Hiil IARHI• :;a10 o• 111111;11 op11011 "11ir URE O"ORTUllTll S llS L 1 ' 0 8 11111111 t112J 2 story & l'rlce 11111 rtHluC:fill A r ''"' Nowporl nlirhd. (!UICI tut 11" IOL. lgu ahlltlll It ftO• I ton Ulllt!d pvt tour1y111d w/a1111 2?00 •Ci II ~ng l 1ty ""Chon wl 1Jrnnkl1111 1111 llU\jll llllllllQ rm g11n! I 7X2'.I l111ttoly ruom bt!UllltKI <.IQS 2nd hugci ~1on11 lptc Ove111111d 101 Clod" <.11&0 lrttsn rHdy 10 mo110 mto Now Only $224.~00 549· 1400 '""" phono nw11e11ugt l Wi\ll IH ltONt HOMI " PETS I KIDS 01 •••••••R••E•ll•T•;L•S•••••••• 111vo~lmo11I llrJIJf V 11!8 'J Ill t1amg11lhw fal•jflrCfn ltr II h1Jrm1. 8t1.11t111g 111 h'lllt ully Jlfl(.ltll SU4 000 B1lbo1 /1l1ntl 3206 I M I n' d v jj' " lli'>O 10 s1000 Ptit o 6 tt """ H••uo11uoh1 ••••••·••••••••••••••• \ttuu~"'" Wll l r AKf PET s .to" DOWI 11 VII aa •Y •1u"10 " <;•11 11011tg11 bvl 1111 11111ng Bell 1ea1 • u c • • t ~I Mn 1ti-O 9lnU b llel\ Pll 1111:> a 118 IUFROU t.t.2 1100 ~.uu.tv lHt.1c..t1 oat ul vmw I Hh l 11~• (pt'\ th IHi $14,&00I Low Pr•tsl '°'' •~ save $$$ 2 t>cJ 110~ i bloc;kw 10 <><.thrn Now A ~p11c1ou5 0 111 "J'' l>ll Laur.ii Pl Town Mut1v111.,d M11u1 Own11rs 10HROSS tol l•Jy J Ut 'l hJth~ N1111 ~lllCJ1'"1r S7':.10 m 11 d n VIII 5 ,'loo lo C II 0 m II B y 0 w n • • I"' 494 7222 c 11 w 1 Ill• "'JI 6J8 I 835 0222 l t!I \ Ill • '1 UOrm duOll" 011 l ~''"' 1111s 1us1 1>et1n con1plnt<•'Y tadone 1n1oughou1 $ t 15 000 O"v"' Rn ul bllltl! (,42 b168 V • tll ' t Y 0 f W I fl I ·~ f '14ti 4?9? '1·,00 '"" (,44 9'.l lJ I I ""l.I '" .ipl.aces NEAR v 13EACH I 2 & 3 8d1ms $3000 DOWll f!l!!~!.~ll.".~! .. !.~~~ M fU11f Vftrdo ••CC QOll B1/bo1 , ou•1w ""'Ii'" '> 0111 ,,1u~ (el&lijl Ir orll S84 500 Below mar1101 1111 rate 11llOw6 IOI pyntts dl> low AS $79 !> mo 1Ea'ly Q,1.ihty1ngl Pool 1er1n1s & )ecunty i)ated p11vocy TAKE ADVANTAGE OF !HIS ONCE IN A LIFE· llME OPPORTUNITY CENIURY :.>t Walk-I• Rtaltr 141-IOIO WALi TO IACI HY 3 BR on LARGE LOT Usud brocll lueploce and v.al"'":.I 01s1ance 10 Buck llay 30 y1 essunuible Bl 10• .•;, On a Cul-de-sac too• Only $122,900 Call now 979-5370 Xl>ILI 11~·11 R(Alf't !. IN\l(~TM{t.;T., Nice ?81 ?Da COt100 No QUllhlylng $82,000 Ow n1t1 I 687-9554 IEST E/SIOE LOCAllOI 3 bd I 00. lrg yd AS¥uffi loan S 14 2 000 by ow nor Eves g A M 63 I 9255 NO DOWN S64 900 FP t+O Condo Near S C P1arn In S A owner/ broker. Jim 545 1947 DISTRESSED PROPERTIES 327 2151 St , CM 157 Monie Vista, CM 2529 01ange Ave . CM Make an otterl : OPEN HOUSE VILLE DE OHISf AEAUTIFUL OLD WORLD IOWNHOMES lly tlow111d Mtuk Co """' s 159 000 49!> 3244 760·935!> CLIFFMAVH/VIEW Open Suooay 1·5 32 1 Kings Road SALE OR LEASE OR OPTION 3 OCEANFRONT ::6.~?~9 By owner/Okr I TRADE ,. B LUFFS Co"oo open CuslOm f1t)me 3 8drms. Sal/Sun 12-4 Newly I 4 o.i, over1001<1ng seclu· dee 3 br $139.500 080 sandy beech 2438 Vista Hoger Agt I lmmtd. Ptsstnlo• 760'0795 1111de tor condo, sml •--------• llOttae or papor No down 10% DOWN HACH ARH tW~. PARTIAL OCIH VIEW A1.11J•O• 7900 5Q It ltv t1rea 101 75i 196 rit•w lu• 4 1.110• w ~<lPdrtthl o"' Pt ninsu/1 3201 ''"'"'Y -' tionu~ rm Por'' 1833·86()() ••••••••••••••••••••••1 -'$. ~IJU (~tU ly lfhJi:JP ""'"11 l't '.> Bfl :J bd $'1000 1-11 11111 A(lt Jc1ck1t' On lrtl IJ•lllO S 1:100 1110 lt.rn<Jlcm,111 t/J I t 26b ..MIULllfU~ IU mo Agl 673 UOtlO l •"U" f.(lfldf} Cleun lfJI(. ~513 c.o4PUS Dl· IRV1t1£ Pou11 111101< 5 LHI +-I I-rJIW m1cro"'11v1t J BA $ I t 1J •, / mo yr I y 'I , hu wullJu• tltC. S750 h7'> b'J I'• "'" No l!>e 549 8J6C. :; an .. H .. c1.11s d<P& encl gar $ 1 ~O No pets ,.,,., C.C.06 11oi1 s I stv ac>pro~ 2600 Coron• tit/ /1111 3222 GO FOR IT, llOW! 'Jq It w/JJOOt & dutac.fled •••••••••••••••••••••• Su<..lvdud '"H:Jct 2'0u nonlu HtHilJQ•· f.Jark~Cat1torn1a 111crul • 11ame 1m wet 4 Ar 2 , Bo ~ A D n & 111 ""n' art•u complete Hom••'> 3 BA 2 BA dbl lJUr, llill mule t<lllflOb 8 lll'V. (.,11111111 0001 11111 Wltrl Hi,c ~ rrpb (lq)b rjdldQU Patio, l1pc 0 /W mhle lrp1c.i. 4 Romtin tile I "" S 12('10 m~•ow111 S'>:-5 Wonl la!>t '>Cl •rury lw11111I 1.J1111n11 Avail 1m- lubs 4•4 :>kyhlt!b. mttir f','J llOUb MLIRO Al TY bJij /UO!; rn11<J1,m11y No pets $850 <.Om,, conlral va~ ~yi. Elruntl i.pankrng new eve-mu :>1'l 423-4694 lla~n lomp 5 micio rywhero 3 bdrm ;>•, IJa ;. 1:1• ""w upgnldH~ t'rl 2 81 '"Ba Woodb11dge WIO nook:up, stuC<.oed C.ar.,gu pa110 S 1.000 tlsd Q<HllQIJ. 0 11 streRI I own11oube 30 811ar- eavos. 8 garages (30 I mo 607 Iris 641-4868 Q\""1· no pot~ $58':.rmo wuc>O $700 A gent neoCled Full pr1ce $I. 050 000 Agenl 644·9513 deep! Burglar .;lerm sys. j 17 I n 33. 673.4399 7£18 7uJ:l 548 8251 541 .,032 4 bedroom 111 Harbor llPP•O• "" $6 000 mo I View Homes $259,900 Low as to•i.oow11 tOACI Corona del llar CHARLE SUS! w OOOBAIOGE s1100 pr 061 lee 9' ,.,.. on l 1n.inc111g on Nl'utly new 1 bdrm, :i lid lovu rny 'lbd ll&f' ~puc ITI<· spacious 4 Br 2'"' '!.~·.•f!!' •• ~~tj! •••. !.... StrrJ I Christa dPP•OV Sll6 son Oun I 'J ..... .,1aces 2 ca• gilt •m ha~ lef!Ctltl yd 4 lo.id f:la tum 1m lrplc dining 2 Botm F1n1s1erra on Lake THE STARIES 00. ba• Huntington Beacn Balcony Gardener wet 1 vets nug. ~car garage •m P.;taoa. n•Cflly lano Mission v1e1o $139 000 113-1711•, 710-1311 846-950 t 846 4152 bar m1crowavt1 Leas" I gatoen patro 1u~I s410 "dped Lake pool ten-SubrM oilers po Box s 1J~O p&• mo ME I RO 11l l Y 6'3G 7005 nos p11v1leges 640-1327 llEWPORT IARHI• 1784 NB 92663 ---Mountiin, Dtsert, !'>!> 1.4593 a1te1 6 PM llt1•1Jly custom homt' 3 er 5!.!J C.t88 01c 720·7373 ATRIUlllS! SIYLIHTS! Ii I 6 /Off Su JgllJ Rtllrt 24001 Hil•Ooi view Hilts 4 tJO. 'l Ba lrnsllly pam1ed Supe1 ') br lrplc 2 ca1 IUIED CEILIHSI 1-~~iiiiii~~~~~ .. t.'!r.!! .• !~!••••••••• C1•ist11a1 1071 •••••••••••••••••••••• I 2 acri. 101 S 16001 mo mariy •l•as P'"1 1118 & QlllllQP lge patio S595 ~~~!~~~0~1e;!c1h~~~~1 R~~~~e~'1t1s11~9~;!0 1LUFFSHR1&111 ·wilow·i·1siliss· FOR RENTI ~2oyo:3~~ " 3 " Evi. ~:;h6·~'l~: ;> 962 1m~ ;e6~~:30; b• 2 oa REAL TY /. uniquely des1gneC1 oy to•,. down or new I/A at You own Ille land 2.000 SALE! ~ bedroom. 2 boths &' ~ Cos/1 /lltu 3224 1 Oraoonomy Dtoup,01ea .. mg•vae11s .!.ou,,$ te11ced comm pool + rne Masters of indooil 12• .• ,. 4 BR fem rm. ,Q II 3Br. tam rm. 2'> • • • ....... •• I .,. w.iter S900 mo Call dys outdoor envuonment many a.ires 1213 MC· Ba wide GreetJbell near s1orres 1n Twon Peaks in •• •• 3 I 2 i....... po c.rpts dr.ipes S3!>0 8S, 3003 evs 85 t 8180 ugnt and 811 y anterior Cotmack 1w 1Falfv1ew & poot Far below market Cnerming 3 bedroom 2 La"e Arrowhead uea F r . a. I METRO RL T f 636 700S 1 ~ 1 h 3 d NIBakerl S2l5 000 Will lease op· balh 2 story ocean v•-Ha~ bu•ll 1n~ & hre1.11ace rplc •ange yaro oa-Walnut SQ 2 Br lwnllse ;,,~u~'s° ~5eoim~;r c!i~ JIM WELLS REAL TOA uon 8k1 644·0134 I nome in sllll lovely Sen flfSI 1851 A deposit 1e-ragP no pets Provate 1"326 Fordhdm St C M I Plan 0 Must see 10 ap· I ~ edbd 551·6264 979·263t JuanCap1s1ranoona lQu1111d t.allf 714 1 S750rwi tst pluss.:c CollegeParkArea1od P•tiC•Jlt! $625/mo ,'~~11y ·~~os~ w10;:"~ REDICEO! p11va1e cul de sac Manv 7 6 8 0 2116 o' I 7 I 4 I ( or•ly 648 w 181n SI I Z oa dble Gar I 1g Y•d I 8l3 7S 19 eves/wknds v.alls of glass to pallos f~.u.'!~~~'!X~!!t.f..J.~~1 SEAVIEW _ elegant & upgrades Move tn c;on ~~g506a~71d w6eepkdmav 11ev,.e0 499 l617 EF15 1P1 5825imo 6J 1 60 2 62 7!'>2 11100 dys En1oy sun all day on •SIS,OOO• d111on. well below mark I ' 01 l Br 1 Ba pa110 enclsdl 1de cute houses br DO IT BY !HE FI RE-p1 vatu Rool Sundec:k' charming Hamplonl et ol course Oulck sale ensw e1 please keep gar,lgt' ltmc.ed. carpets II 1 b• w/wn11e picket PLACE Onl 1 y s 10 000 down & 38~N~~~:.P~~:Js:; 11 ~~~~1; ·~~u~~u~,~~e:,s~ desired. w1s'1 to re1oca1e lryirig• & Otdpes No pets S525 ~e5n0ces 6H 559o6t2m8 o & E1egan1 3borm for lam1 S 13951mo pymts II you twnhse )I.Int area, BP· comm wt pool & tennis Call 496-3660 lllEW LOT Close 10 la"es plus secu11ty 548·5442 ,.4 /mu • minded man brand new art! looking for a UNIQUE praised $135,000 Will la1.1httes $450.000 Open' Beaulllul 1 acrt! ranch streams .irid ski 1111 Ow 0• 770 5629 2Br 1oa c.pts/drps stove. blllns tncl dishwasher HOM E AT A ST EAL take S 120.000 for Qulc~ House Sal/ Su" i 2· 5 s1y1e home w/gues1 hou-ner llndnCmg $69.500 1· '3 Bt 2 Ba $695/mo No I car ga• Sli95. ? 12 Ca-crpts & di apes now s725 weve gol 111 sale $91 ,500 assumable 1903 Va c ht Colina se, pool. every amerilly Agl June Lal<e Prop ptit!. 806 Joann S1 orollo 81 No po;1s I c111ld METRO ALTY 636-7005 CENTURY? I loan Call anytime, Au· 1644-1017 $895.000 OMC Owner 7 14/648 7505 61\4-1836 ok Ask for Tom or Mafia DEERFIELD 3 BA 2' 1 ba. Walli·I• Rtalty gust C11pllel 895· 1011 ESTATE HDME \7 14) 831-3046 Rt1/ Eslitt Eastsrde condo. 3 bi. 2 646·9301 2 s1y pa110. 2 car gar • --•liii4iilii-liiOiiliiOiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitl HHtia1ton Back Bay 111ea, 3 Br 2· • Suitt Bt1tll 1081 E II 2800 De den trplc. 2 car ga-ID1111 Poiat 3226 5850'mo 811' 759· 1234 le•cb 1040 Ba 2500 sq ft Securtty •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••'!~.~!'/.~.......... ragt! S825 545~6685 1•••••••••••••••••••• .. • TURTLE' ROCK Prvt 1acz DREAll HOME! •••••••••••••••••••••• gate provate community BEACHfRONT Hu1tl1cto11 Harliour Ouiel Clean. 2 bd in Ir .... II•• Mo•ts 3 bd 'ba. dbl gar. lam. Sl,000 II! $115/10. SPACIOUS IHOM MDII $395,000 s•.\ Down Wall Waterfront COWi New ca1pe1s ga-Dana Point Walking d•S· 1 •av1ng , & dlmng rms F1pl, Sperkling English" 5 Bd1 4'> Ba 3·Sly. 3000 co1>s1de1 trades. etc P1tced below app1e1sed Will trade large eQully 10, iage yrd comm pool no 1a1>ce 10 Beach 3 and 4 Pro I decor ated Country Style w/vlew 01 sq fl +over 900 IQ fl A1m1tage Really value Custom 3 bd1m, 4 Orange Co Income pro-pels s5751mo Mgi 2453 1 bdrms $950 to $1350 $1?00/mo Avail 12/1 massive green bell or balcony Some ocean 714-544-2484 ba Make ot1e1 Open pe11y P1111 onty Owner B Orarige Avenue C M per mo 661-3100 I 646-2353 Ae1omat•c wood·Ourning view I bl~ 10 beach Sun 1-5 B·83 Surfside will also lease w1op11on Santa Ana Hts 3Br l1p1c House Condo Apt .All LIJ.HI It.et 3241 useo onck h1eplace in $285 000 F P See owne1 Agt ? 13-592-3156 2 t 3 !>9?-49011 e " a ' I a b ' ,. n o w •• •• • • •••• • •••• • • ••• • g•acoous enteitainet'•ll· 1n ed1 nouee at 20615tn Wi . IOfl bog ya•d 110 pets S65 0 S 950 HARBOROCEANFRONT ving ioom Center you• St 536-1718 •• !!!"!!!'!!!! ••••.••••. Ru/ E1t1tt I s75o mo 546-0814 Bk• 7 141493-0467 I Nu 3200 lux hm on bluN Cnnstmas 11ee around TWO IHRIOll flVESTME•T OF YEAR Wutt' 2900 Nr S Cs1 Plza 3 8 1 20a 180 deg vu 01 haroor rich wood panetrngs & SI0.008 down $108000 •••••••••••••••••••••• cor1do $700 gas/Wlr pd F I . ~II 3234 surf mtns 301 3ba n1gn stvle window cove-11h ~I tw1hst1 l .. lllt 4 or. 2., ba. Quiet St TRAI[ sec oep A last mo Karen .~!'."..~r.'! .. ~ .. t.f....... secu111y sauna spa 11ngs Amazingly B11111n ct••, W a I Ii t t L~ASE OPTION Assum loan A & H In-48• 2 .ea Condo NEW· 955-2033 759-1071 Why 1111ow away rent $1900/mo 496-7009 w t s o w n 5eparate ~each. Tt••is, ,eel, v~t 752·2l97 POAI RIVIERA tor IOI Easts•df' Condo 2 Br 1 , I when you can own 4 3 C.lean 2 0, nouse rn Vil pan11y & laundry room llAHD')R RllX',F. C.onc1o hOusP mo101 Ba 1 pie a ane w/$1200 lo S2000 pay tage Frplc. beam ceil l I & •• tr.cltu S1U °' homeo1T0t-•J93848 r gr., m4 nts S17"K ~"15K wan c osets massive • • Ott tr Rt•/ Eitite $650 mo 5•8·3561 m~ve an ia~ e ;.,e, yo1d & gor Kids/pets ok maste• suue + newly 000 Owatr Cu!\tum Vw" •••••••••••••••••••••• $800 49•·2576 decorated nursery 3 112-1410 Mo•ilt Bo•tl Rtatlll Ava11 now 3 br I • oa sM1e app1ec1a11on call ~::,gE~ ROSN[YO t,9T0~~ llomt• For Slit 11001 .................. u.... ~g~5g~~aj~i;1fj lncd yd Sue al 89 t 5556 E~3ER~7Lg0 ~~V,. 3 1~~,c~ With 5 6 000 d o wn 110 111-•0 •UALI $'.1lllHH111p11on morw' •••••••••••••••••••••• 1H0Dltl fg1a11llttl Spac1ous execu11ve 4 81 JI bllCk petro watll spa Close 10 oc1tan. 3-3 I Ho <11 ... m.!> '.'> R..11h' Srtt1l11I Park •••••••••••••••••••••• NEW CAPE COD 1 Be home ? story new! s 16oo1 mo ::~,~/mo pays 811 Call Pymts $1200 10 $2000 SI '..!!l!l,'.'>(l(I 20x48 wlenclt)sed porcn l1lbo1 /s/111tl 31 06 C.M. TOWllMOllE paint & ca1pe11n9 nr Mlle 2 13r 8 7 6 2 2 5 5 o, CHTURY 21 s 1,~~~l~v~~l~~a~~v:~~ 2 BFI 2 Ba Cornet IOI .;;;·H;:;·..::e~~~;·R~;;I; 0PC01810• petfecl SP8· ~~5~~~ ... 7~9~~00,~pinQ 6753067 WALi-iii RHLn I pr11c11111on f1nanc1ng lignt irilellors This 15 lhe and W1n1e1 Len1ts PLUS c1ous 2 Bdrm. 2'1ba. 2 Br 2 Ba cnerme1. available Call Sue at 1 Best Buy in Town Mo 10 mo from S800 to pool 1ac;. 1ec1eat1on ffgatiarton woodsy & p11vo1e Cota •~~~1~4~8~·~1~0~1~0~~~ 891•5556 54o-5937 S 1800 areu pvt patio. oalcony Bttd 3240 lino view, trplc. wld, 1e-w a1e11ron1 Homes & lge garage Deco wan • ••••••. ••• ••• ••• ••.••I l11g no dogs, nr Woods •FORECLOSURE• 1 s8~,~ o~;:,M1hHeO~aEter4 lltWJOrf/l1yortst IREEILHF P&Rl 673·6900 pape• draperies & more CLOSE 10 BEACH B.andl Cove B l plus sec •FIXER• 1 3 Bd 2• b t 11 Double w ide 2 bdrm B lb S995 U t•I pd Call new 2 Br beach house. S850/mo 499·1617 Custom upgrades Pvt •m. ' a, em Y Cameron with attached • 01 675-23 11 10 30 to 5pm all u111s paid skyl1ghl.I lrl11 ••lit ~ ... -... ,. spa lull security Askmg room. pool Buy for $75, 1eni111ul1 3101 1 ---sun deck tots ol wood. DI• 213r 2t>a. vu Walk 111,tOO. U ,HI ~ ... 11 5319.000 . maLe Oller 000 BELOW MARKET al sun room and cerport 3 bd '2 ba Frencl1 Doors I b c h s 1 2 o o / m 0 :::z.i·:~l:!,.i':..·= 8kr 848-0709 " I ~~~~~?~aj~1 t~~·r ~u~:~;'"s~~0;:1~~1~~·-~~ wi°~ri:°Ao··~~;;·;;;~;~·2 ~~ ~~~~ ~n;;a~~·,.d~r~ :~~· ~:~~~5io~ c:1' j~i ~94 5841 wknds or all C.,it.t ltl·ll11 GREAT LOCA TION 3 bd. 662-7367 ~36-0 84 ownetsh1p Reduced 10 bdrm ceanlront 2 pa-, Hartford (lr1ve by A then pm -------2 oa. l1pl, $122,000 obo. eves _ $33.175 Mollvoted tel· l•os. coin"' IOI New lurn. 957 5880 I call 536-7979 Newly Dec:or Nw Crpt 3 DUPLEX c1pts, oropes 997-3970 3 l>d 2 na Fi n 11 Ooo -I · o we 2 13-530-5159 !er & 635-5086 e c IS, Ocean view. volley ball Cl, bd w/study, 2 bll, Ca· Easlstde 1 Br duplex wllh MAllOR REAL Tl lots rwood & walpr. No 119 Hun11ng1on SI 2 BA 11yo11 View. Avail Imm new cpls d1apes l1g IEWPOllT (714\.1171-4400 D1n1 1oi1tt 3126 CM $795 incl gardnr S650 1 BA. $500. 0, rent $1000/mo, Call Cindy y1ds good l1nancmg I LEASE OPTION con&IE I~~~~~,.~~~~-· ...................... 957-5880 PnlllO dPI• $t 125 (7141953-8500.wl<days $135.000 Devin Real BLOCKS TO BEACH• 1. E.•ec 2 bt. 2 bot conoo 3 tH 2 ba ommac Hrgn-536-3602 01 661-7622 $400 Beach Mleck Estate 642-6366 $12 ODO IOWI 57 10x40 Mayflow er oceen v•ew POO tennis 1 0 N t N E•cep11onal end unit quiet cul de sac p11va1e w11n suolle colors qood loans pflvate Pallo 1ea- settotd S224 000 Auhi• Hills JOH MESA VERDE REPO Lg •••••••••••••••••••••• rorm 0 R 3br.S 155.000 ! S 165.000 CALL NOW. Coach Classic. leg•• 1n Com pl lutn 760 9466 an s aiea 0 pe s 0 Spotless 2 81 allecned 1 room 1035 Catal•na HOO MO 841·0303 O C courts ate, good (8 Sl 240 3201 tall 61 I sirigiits Reis S795 mo dbl gar W I O 11oo"up Owner 673-\<164 111B7 OOOE cond needs p11n1 Rees .• . -~811 "679 642"4300 24 SSOO & $500 dep Ouiel. 1 BA condo .>Oean vie; l .... H.ll tf'tl\i Real10<s 675--6000 1 IHCM &RH tW~ PARTIAL OCHll VIEW Approx 7900 SQ It living a1ea. 101 75K 196, 1>ew lur 4.pleK wlseparele ow 1 ner's 3 sly, app10.-2600 sq It w/pool & delached 111cuzz1. game 1m wet bar, Ital mble entries 8 mbl11 l1plcs. 4 Roman Ille tubs, 4K4 skyllles inter coms, cent1al v11c sys, t1ash comp s. m1c1os W/O hook-up. stuccoed eaves, 8 garagaa (30 deep) Burgle• 11111m sys appro• Inc S8,000 mo Low 119 10% down (0ACI 9'~% on Hnanc1ng on approv See 5072 Oun· ba•. Huntington Beacn 848-950 I 846-4 152 OCEANFRONT TIHE Custom ~ 3 Bdrms 4 be. overlooking seclu· Qed aandy betCh In L•· guna Nlg~ t••d. PtutnlH Trade !or condo 1ml 11ome or o-~ No down needed Full price S 1. 050.000 Agt 6<14·9513 Wlll TO IHCM Only $180,000 tor lhla 3 Bdrm 2 Ba nomt w/ tunotcll & lrplc Anume 9.25% loan 1nd owner wHI ~rry 2nd T 0. Won't 11.1t1 Ctn now 831· 7370 TRADI T 101\Al. ~L\l.TY Read the clattlti.G Id• IOt lhe ~· dHI• In aptn• rnent 1en1111 642·5e71 AUllEIM MILLS io dn Agt 546-7739 111111 Ftrtcloure !) VI Old s & s Home 2672 SQ II Pool With swim up bar 1n cave $25 000 oe1ow ma1ket 20• .. dn 12 2% 1nte1est Agl Jim 531-6100 -------CotoH 'ti Mu 1022 ....••................ CAMEO SHORES oy OW· ner cx;ean view, 4 BR. 5 ba den pool iac 2 welbars New roof. ca1- 11f.'t drapes S595,000 Buyer asaume 1st at 1 '•''• Oown payment S146,ooo o w e s•oo 000 111 12•1, 101 10 years 760-173 4 TRADE HPLEI COSTA MESA Great Easlelde locat1on 2 BR each on lg come< lot Great 1nves1men1 a1 S 170.000 Berll Mllellell 644-6200 !/!;Macnab-Irvine Ol&RMI .. HSTSllE E•tenstvety 1emodeled 3 Bdrm home featuring large m aale• 1ulte & balh, gou1met kitchen and added rumpus 1oomlart1s1's 11udlo be- hind garage Cul de aac SI .Asking $ 175,000 For appotnlmenl lo see. ~II 5•0-1151 ~HERITAGE REALTORS OPEN in OLD CDM Sit. I Sun. 1-5 p.m. N 1 l ,. ~ 1 ti u r> I 1• x So . u ( I l w y . Outslan<Jlnl( lo<:arlnn Grcnt assumoblC' finondng. ~i br 2 ba i 2br 2 be. t'uch w /2 cor garage. Owner/ngt'nl. 675-8370 423 CIRllTIOI ASSUMA L FINAN-olle1 c 3u Oon 751-0880 L11.••1 lt1d 3141 ours nr Fwy & snopp1ng Sml' So Laguna N1 sllopp1ng End ot cu~~~~sachome. 0t561·S042 ;90"cj~"C)c~·;n·:;;·;9; Spacious 11700 sQ II) 2 pet poss w tdep M c center 499-1460 38r l'•Ba +den. lrplc MOBILE HOME 2 Od ' 2bo &Pl S 12001mo Pn bd 2 ba dining rmf Fadden n1 Beacn 81 L H'J/ __ J_Z_S_O ne-cpt naw rool dbl oa comp'-1'""' unnr1ded 499·5304 499·4827 study Multi-leveled 893.4894 •1.••• I I ~ .., v., "" rownhorne F1p1, vaulted • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • •• •• • • garage w1sepe1e1e AV I·~~-~~·~~~~-~~~~~ $17 900 Cu h or Part L 11. I 3152 certrno~ pOOI spe SSSO 28r Condo I >88 cpts/ 3 Bd 2 Ba, Lagune Hills en11ance Lg beckyd w / trade G a•den Giove .!l.".'!~ •• !I.".!........ mo 673_9498 d•ps, pool 1ac.. Clbllse le1111ce. $750/mo Cell trull trees 8y 0wner P erk 971 -082 4 or l argehv rm lrplc bor 2 no pets $5 15 mo Cllarley,agt559-9400 Open House Sun 1-4 IN PRESTIGIOUS BIG 631-5943 BA 2be 2 car gei 2 pe 2 Br 1oa duplex GBlage 768·7633 LI ... , 11.i' •ti JZSZ 18171 Vellea Circle CANYON Luxurious 4 Jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii•--llOS peno ocean vu ~ stove Avail 11/ I no w h I.• I. 847-2593 642·6972 B d 1 m II o m e .w I p v I 5 STAR PAH beaul lu•n. completel) pets S525 & dep Call for w~~n' Y~~wc;:~w~w3~~I i" 6;,;;;:2· b·a·~~·;;~·~~ cuSlompoolandspe All llQu1pped S ll001mo appl 1952 M eye 1 w/$1200 to S2000 pay p\flnollcoursew/\liewot •Owner Oesperata ne w 8 m 8 n I 1 1 es Beautiful double wide 2 71 41760·9533 5"9-3484 men!S $ t75K • $215K lake" Brerid new c1pt & 4 bdrm. pool home &•· 7 1"1644•9800 ~:~7;'e;a:i;:c:::i;;0~1~~~ 3169 Frerich Ouer1e1 3 BR 2·~ move in take over p111nt1ng Washer, dryer eel 1erms Owner mo11-l•iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii carport Shows prrde 01 ~t.'!l~!!.!!!!~•••••••• ba 1p1c wld & retr dbl share apprec1at1011. celll & 1etr1g incl Beaut loc· v •I e d S ' 5 9 . 5 0 0 SECIRITT ownership Reouced to LIDO 1SLE • 3 ndrm lam gl'lr 1sm11y condo no Sue 111 891·5556 hon w/pool & 880 11rea 645-9922 AQI LIYlll 533, 175 Owner anKlous rm 4 Be s 1700 mo 1 pets S 7 5 0 A g t S 1 3 d 1, b S770 mo (7 14)493-9761 646 4380 64' 4765 POI ess O · ' 8 ~11 7pm lt'lia• 1044 Ne ... port Buch condo and wt11 t1nance • .,. twnnse. bll-1ns W/0 1 " •••••••••••••••••••••• 1st 11001. 1 bdrm, I bath, OCEANFRONT 2 bdrm Npt Hgts are11, 3 Bdr 2'; encl patio, aitch c11rprt 13 Br 2' • Ba 1n guarded ARIOR LAKE COIH llke new, ba.utllul pool 1 Ba S7 00 m 0 B 111 Ba condo. family rm. 1<1ds l'l m1/bch $550 gate comm u n 11 y P1111e1e community 2 Br and spa 111eas Assuma-Giundy Allr. 675-6161 lrplc l1>d1y 1m, 9a1age 151, lell, dop, terms $795/mo Avetl now llOme. hlghly upgr11ded, Ole loon Lowest price In 3 BA. I'· BA. 2 car gar S800/mo Joyce Wallie. 631-7900 John. agt Lease opllo11 possible n1ca ya1d & good lerm1 Velltllllles S 114,000 comm pool Winter 0, ogl 631· 1?66 .. -iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil---11 760-1977 $175,000 64"-7020 yrly Agl 675-8170 MESA VHIE WllTEI 3 bdrm. 2'" ba, C11fhed•al LIHI HAL ESTATE ·• OCHn front y1ly 4 bdrm Spec 3 BA 2 Ba evall Need by Dec 1 2-4 brl c"ihngs. hreplece. yard, TlllTLE 11001 2 cat go1age and hol tub 1 1 / 1 5 $ 7 9 5 m 0 house In Hunltngton ~~~ m~reshly palnled .LE. 675-7650 640-298 t Beech, soulh ol Adems Kon 492•4493 Lid lty J.ict ,,.,,.,,.. JJSO Beaut turn Big Canyon Lovely 3 bedr0om-. 2-b-at-h. Xln1 rels 964-033' evs. __ __ fhe o•ne1ous u•e of o ea ... , ..... ~ •. h....... 1ownhom• 2 bl. 2 b• doublll garage. garde-942-0100 dys I ~·.'!r.!!.~~!~ ••• !.~!! woods and w1llpapara 67 <:a 7300 Ofdf!• Ouple~ near 4511111 S 111s1mo. Agl 760-0795 1 n • r 2 3 7 o Or 1 n g e. mt~e l hlS a w1rm ltmlly &--...::..;...;:"';_..;:....::...::..:::... _ _, NB 3 bt. 2 DA upstairs --$ 6 9 5 r m o O w n e 1 5 Olks 10 ocean Elegant ? J 01• ~·i be plush condo noma 4 bdrmt, 2 be 2 br. 1'it be down1111r1 1Hl•lll Valat•/1"-.1 1213)541 -6196 BR lam rm & den nr weter Poss boil slip di •n 1 1 1 I .... $87~/ p 2' I S\150/mo aurroun ng " n ••or Wm sell aa 11 tor $700 •••••••••••••••••••••• S ., mo lu~n cpts ' &75 1938 851-11394 atrium Nicety land1c1-IY IW•IR 000 or wlll bulld to euii lH•1t•I 3202 tud1n Hovse avail Nov b1 ceder & glass Sun I peel •111.,IOf. W1th cov• Lovely 9 rm home. 2800, tor $875,000 & up (plant ••••• •••••• •••••• • •••• 1 '20th Pallo, fenced yerd deck. dbl ca1 pvt gerage 13 b• 2', ba plush condo. red pa110 Nice 111um1-IQ tt. 3BA 2 lrpl c•rcular & app1ov1l1 obtained) I j ulll included S450 mo fully matnt'd yard No nr w11e1 Poss boll lllP Ole lo•n I I tow •818 d• Ovarlooka NB golf Arm 11 age A e 8 11 y HOMES FOR RENT s3oo cleenl'.'O dep pets lnq 527 18th SI $1150/mo $297.000 COUtH $185.000 20102 714-544-2484 I 548 8063 960-8331 675 1938 851 -8394 Kllne Or , S A Heights Oupi.• on Iha ffnd 301., • I e.av11ful 281 2ba condo *PETS A/Ol * I OEl UXE 3 BR 2,, b~ 557-0118S ______ 11 N8 Newly remodeled 2601 Wesl Sunflower. $385 4 room nbodtol •IY lge front yard & Ill'" I." • I... In anCI out 3 bl 2 t>• •EL TORO • 1725 re s~5o. open Set/Sun oullHna are h~o 111 ull up'ltAlr• pallo Near ' I 4 01 c all collec t v• 1 ,111 upatalr1 2 br . 1 be *MISSION VIEJO • il:l/;>74•3569 11111111 era pe1d for you I bClllth Ill 3 laSI. MCU· I.II down1talr1 Min 10"1, S700·l 7'5 Unll 11 reaoy rily $I 100 p11 mo 3 Bdr 1"• 8•. wood Ilia, down owe b•l-nc• at IELHE HR HID CALL 539·6190 BESll 631 5661 ptleed for OUICK SALE 13.9~ tor 5 yr• Gr .. \ IOr '* ~t U N T 1 N G T 0 N Finer lamlly living mo• ALTY open 7 days COST New r:>aachlront home 3 S150,000 By 1pp1 only. •vmmer renl•I• 1735. &EACH• $675 $700 oern decor 2 full beth• ••ove lier el Ouellty 3 8r 4 Ba, furn 12250/mo. WI.TOLi,' 000 Armlttge AHllY I & I & h m 714_544•2484 11cutz1 poo muc O<lrm thet'a big enough unfurn $2000 Cell Mra Prime trtt, vecant, i----------•YORBA llNOA• S700 more pell 100 539-6190 101 ,.,98 timlty only Long 8T3-1190 move right In on 1e11e 2 bike to ocean In New· BEST ALTY •m cost. S525tmo Nice kitchen 9 R 2 C LAROE 2 br. 1 ba. gtr w/optlon Sellet wlll help porl eech • ornet 1tCHILDAEN• •Ill II 1110 tor mom prvt prkng •tad d /w, 63011 Seaallore ,o•IOLlll•l S•Lf ll ntnoe 3 ganeroua lot $169,500 DEi/iN S rm 1onm lor 11111 llldt to 1750 mo Yrly ff2•4914 n n · 11 8drm1 w/1\', Bt Act Al!AL ESTATE 842-0388 •PfTS OK+ lyllll'I 4rm l'IOma ap· play. Untll 11 BES T Im mac WoodbrlCl ge now. worl't 1u11 '239, -pllenot lncio ltlt1urt patio 539-8190 COST OCEANl/lfW HOME homt. 'I Of, ' be M•k• 500 Call 631o12M. Hat· !~!~!!l!~r.!!l.11'!!! m~1101aiQ~b~d •11 blll• N 8. HI• Lrg home on I • n Y o t • • r 0 w n • r r Frtdttldl Wiii trade Clbl wldt mobtlt YIWIE peESdTI RLT·Y1 vn coat Hear!,,. ocean! Nia• 4rm ecre plut ground•. 3 bf, 857·2045 home a tor 38r hOUH, 8 flat .300'1 ell blllt pelO 3 bl,+ 2 kltl, + 2 titting l.VESTMEITS At tht SC!ST 539·8190 rm• Can 1e9arll• up•· BEST BVY IN NO IAl/INE Tu1tln tor pertlel dWll Ill· I.. MOfe l!!mlliet art gttllng COST talrt fr,_ dwnttrt 8olh e.cel t1n1notng, lg 11· come prop1t1y (7 14) lhe cemping "bug" Ihle V'" tum toan Nr tchOOll 4 557-9390 yetr ti you neve a cam PRltll Tt ltYll ...,_., htVll unobelructeCI 8r 2be. 10% dn May (114\141-1000 p11 th•I'• nol gelllng AllOC'dat>lt 28<1 llOMa cl vi.-I HOO/mo ~' H oarry 2nd, by owner Wtnl Ad Help? SELL Idle ll•m• with • ~~~A~O~E~~T,~N~O~'~!~!~~ uled. ten II now with • 10 beach. kid• now l400 tnveel 782•2197 21317•7·H2& 6.C2·H11 Diiiy Pllo1 Cluatrltd Ad • CIH9illtd Ad METRO ALTY 838·7005 Want Ade Cell 642-5171 _...;.~~~========l======-====:=:.JL--_ ') I 'CO 0 a anon nae 0 so -----· -----~----"-------- Em Pralessianal Service Direclary ~ $1.84 Per Day l llAI • At I ~'"" 11 11 t11t j' \Cl th''t ut 111 tho H ILT PILOT SERVICE DIRECTORY l>O II NtlW' Ask for Sandra Y1>u1 lhuly 1'11 .. 1 S1"1vlC<' 011,•~1 ''I nt.1Plt1,t•ttldlt~t~ 142-ane. u t. 322 Atto1nt.-1 ••·····•····•••·•·•··· ~.,., ,, '" ~. .. ,, !!.bl.~~tf!~f ••••••••••. " •II I f' 11 ~ '' I •1 II '' ( ' I\ I 11 II ~:'.' /'.".".~'!............. ~~.".'! !.'.'!'! !, . ~!'!f ! ~!.. ~!! !.".". '.".f •••••••••••• I I rt t Ill• t '.I •• I l'' I I ffll I •·I ,., I~ Ml\11 . ., 1 •• t :,141'l I I Alli , .. tt.,u111u1 • 't'\ l~I I,, l•l 1 If l)I ~.r.c.o.'.'.t !·~I. .......... . It( '>1111N1 IAI II~ I Ill I ,11,Nt 14 I , ,,,, 11 11 111t•ul tolur • ht·n11•-. I •t•.•, UMi •t l'Jl U I,., P!r.l!~!! ............. . THC CRUM SCE NE GARDUlllG WANTED t 1 •nu11, t•dUlfHI f •"'llltJ IN• ! f II 'J f HUI t"d I It .,,.,., f1•\•1 .,, ,, IAl'/tl~t '.f I .Altlll Nf 11 'l'IC I All'>I nu11111 '11 II 11~ tf,ffUflllUJ l UW l fH 1 Ir~·-,•· 1 .t4U U4ti.J ~.'.~!'!'"·············· ~~~~!!!~~~!~t ........ I ~!!!'.1l'!I •••••••••••••• !!I.~~.~!~.~~~~ ....... , ~.o.o/ f~l .. • ........... . llllMI f(lfl, \ ,, ... u Movmu hih• I .111 MIK( h<4tl I 1'11 11All11N! 1 I 1HAl>INI, duf11Ulit1t,,1 f hJUf\ UJJ t.uiu • "'" A H t•u 1 tlnHJvul U11lf ~ .,,., _, t1~l l /f, tH l•ltUI t,f rlVfl.l ttou~otlcanmu 111f1111JI" 1;;1 """" '""'''' ""''" 'fOI ANOA 114:.0 040'; Ho111do1' $11vict1 .....•••.......••••... Lxpt1lillt11.41U IV IN'1 r Al I Stffl F I' A Pf H 11 .... ~unublu un uu t l 1111"'"11J v"' • 1t11111 01' J•nitori•I Uuu.~ A 1 1111111 I "n• trnl •• • • •• • • • • • •. • • •• • • • •• l>ll 0')411 I (,UMMfH(;IAI ttOMf I IHJ51N£SS Wu do w111 llAlil INI • •h11h1111 '""' cJuw~ 1001 rioo '!14 I ll1HI 1., •• 11 Ut k 1)il lllf' luw ,,,1,.~ "'""'1•1 1"'1 mitt L111tl1c1•in1 t.clM f h1H•" yuu JtJhU •• • • • •• •\ • • • • • • •• • • •• :m YA~ EXP lt1Juhn11 llull Ht 1tino 111mm11•11 1a11<1~1111111•u ••••••'••••••••••• • ••• Brother~ (.,clfuat 24hr ED 141-712& 646 o~~'> r11,.11tLll pool wuter llt'ut I EVES lANOSC.APINI>' Fiil PAIMTUIG l1y lhLllllltl ~111111 111 lllOt.44 11 y11 nl l1•r>µy hH nl < ulltlutnu•a I 111111~ you 6 I 1 44 10 < IJ'> I OM PAIN llNI • h1ll,.Jf ftt•'tld/C,UUllfl I llHI 11~1 I It 1144 4 /\111 IN Ill XI PAIN llNt. I\ WAi I l'Af'fluNC1 c 11•,10m w1,1~ I '"to ·•~I fh<.1~ !lfl!Vtl '>47 4~81 * •UlltAlll '•* * WHHt o'/ti1t1r.o FfutHt.1vuf All lyJ•U• tl4/ 114 I l\tU• Wuft11111H•r fhm+u-1 11 All t1111•-. '''"''•v••d A W ,. l I l' ,t ,, t+ r h U It U •,tst t IJ;' Pillo Cowm LU'' 1 OM W(111ft LH.tllU ( ,, vm-. tltu .... • !'. twu .. •1' tJy ltANl1Y 1,~ 1 <H1<>:' Hl)l lllAV f>AINl llMf' !!!!,fff'.'f!!.. ....... . 'I J Y'' Al~o OeltJ 101>~ A II•~•'!. I ~l"•'i""J ,,., "" " fUIMH"11 firuu~ CJ7'J 011(, $ t0 r h t.hH.•11 W<.Jflo. l'AllHEll NECOS l.Jll 41.il f'.~11 WIJHK1 10 trb "'IJ onl '" 1 Aco.a11c. te1111111~ L 11 Jt.(,7110 I"'" e"I f!~!!!~:~tJ'.~~~ ...... . r ti'• l'I A'> 1£Hlll(, t I 1f,,;1 fH ' flf 'J ;Ill I /CJt' tlnw '•' 11.;• 1 JJr·.-ti! flt '" • 111,0.-'1411 ,,, , .. H OF PROILDl1 (fi1fl t , .. ,,,,,. '"''"" (ftl fr ii I t hit fi f t IJft f .,,,, •1k'JO IH IOI 1ri1. Iii I "Ill'. •' '" .111 I c;I, "• t J t r , ., •• tt~.11r111tln\ t .ull I run "' C..ttuc ~ ')4,t t, t\11 Scrt11n1 MrJll 1 I '>l h./1( l hfl'+I h·t~fl-.. ,~HW •C ff t~f , "U t M ''"'' t;A,1 t' -,,~ ~t!f~!!!!! •.•••••••... t I L A'f ~~ ·,, ,,, ~ .. , ... ,,,,,,..! 1tf1t• ~!.~~tf!'!! .~!~~~!!~'!f e~pe11enctid Cu11•"""'' Remodel Adtl on ""'V•"' 760-2685 t,48 tit '••1 !~.o.~.~~!f!~L ........ I ' • I f II t ~fl, t•• I I I • I '' lhll .t1t•11 fll\J • "'"t w,111-,,\,.., I " • f " li•I' 17 I 1 llf•~WAI I IAl'lra. All Tu"hJH .. t A<.uu•.tH. f rt•t• ~~t K1•v1r1 11 7" 1.fUttl• 11 t~ •. t t.HtltttllfUJ ( IH.UI UJJ-1 1tt!l4 lflH\ & Ho111tclu nint I c.ompl '"'" & h~o<.lnu "• • •••• • .. • • "•• • "• coonm & ros1<1 6411 7'>Mi AOBIN S C.l r ANING lJ•IVI~ l'Ulllloll\j 847 S 181J 1!. yr~ ll>lJ> Im bmnll "'Y p11rll' 1t1;; small' Ron C17'J b417 661·11849 l>lfJI llltf•t<tJ ',Jf> 27 Jr' Nt•111 f11ilt.hu-, Int ~" t n4·~tuc t 11~ 64'.J B~C,H Tilt Additions cnr1Je11tr~ m • somy d11~1g11 1111<1 '"·'' ting BBQ s t>l1 11 . .-. 494-1003, t1•t ',•.i Moonlight 01 .111~111.1 Homo AdU .,s Ht•lltl' t Member AIBO b4S tll '1 ~!.~!!!!'!I. !!!!l!! .... 50% OFF flRSl M0"1 It Dependable Jlh '•'•'' '· essential A11>wt.'• "" service, !>llC:lf'l,111,11 K business servn .• t'·~ "11111 box rental wo1tJ pr •< .. ~ sing Tole• FHt" 1, order entry, PllY•'', ""'. buy. d05k space re••' , ANSWER NEIWOf'• 631·9131 \dSk lt.11 A II I ~!/.~~{~ ............•. 011veways Pd1k1n9 tnl Repa11s Sea1coa111 g sas Asphll 63 t-4 ''"'Loe ~!!!!~~1! ••.• ~········ Our olloces htlndlu • areas of law Pro"'~'' courteous s11rv1ci; FRE [ consulla\lon ~4Q 9.3 J5 Clas&llied AtJs 642-5678 I I " I I ' I Ii .I\~ '" "' \ ti 11'1 '1• ,,,, 'I I 1 I I f!!P.".". ~'J .....••.•...• I•• llt .. f .. , •• , 11 " . I' I '" ..... . ' Master Craftsman J I I ! ' I •(t•!1•ft'I I 1 • '• FREE ESTIMI TES! ' If f •• \ f •• 11 ( 714 ) 97 1-3250 ~~".!!!.q~f~!!'i!Ae.~ .. ~l.'.~t!'!~f.'!. [~!.n.i:sP.e.~ ~t.'!t~!! .~!!f ~ ... l.~~~ ?!!f.°.'. !!!~~·"· ... !.~q~ Baylronl p1e1 8' s11p 4 B• & oonus 1m S3SOO me Agt 645·3200 ~'l!t A I" '• I ~. Newpon Backbay 2 <!' Ba lbol den, 2 Ba $9001mo 1-... Rodgers 631-t2tlC a.ii •• !.~~[1!!~!~ ..... J.~q! CORO.I DEL MIR LUXURY COHOS Ocean side 01 H"'Y 1 Br w/lrplcs sec; gar d~<:~ poof. ond spa S850 •·P Call 873·3'27 1 belwr 11·5 LIM&O REIL ESTATE Baysld~ home ov"' J2:"l0 sq It $2500 ,,-o Bl)a' slip ave11 For least> • 1 Call Doug Y e ~"'" 7141955-24 73 w•a ,s 9-5 Cllfl Or 2Br 2be vie" r I bay, mature edu •~ $1000/mo 642-24 n BAYFRONT Balboa Island San<l) beech. &Keel view of bey 3 Bo 2be yrly 01 winter $1500/mo Ow· n,,r 6'4·9513 BA YFRONT Oove1 Shores 3 BR p,.,, ano slip Avail Nov I Ca Ann Peters Barrell Rlt, 642-5200 Beauulul E•ecuuve Home 3 bd. 2'~ be Fmly Rm Din Am, Spa $1300/mc. 111 + $1300 s11c.ur11y & $250 cleaning deposit 6'2·8663 Clltt Haven 2Br Iba lrplc det ga1 , no pets $825/mo Agt 642-5722 Coton• dtl /thr 3722 <...,' I•• \•' f\.;n 1 A' t , ... t SJ• ". II-' ol : t ' f,7 ,, Costt1 Mrsa 3724 I ,,, t I• f ., ! :: ~•A'" l • 4., •'.1'0 ,. ' ,,. vt.1 "' r11~1 r •.1 ". CASA OE ORO ,, '· .or11l '.K.\llf'l I l\AIH u1~ 11it~ 111on1k lh•h f '''t t'••l 4fl-$ 14.HJ Cement Conrttt~ ·······'··············I ' ,., h, I \11 • """·Jlk'> " loV. '" ffltl ... Pfll'J' I I •.•.. B'•.' J•J',T Child C11P "' , I 1 ••I 1(1 ' ( '·• ,_, ... SIO l HI I , 'f J Hf• 11\ PfJI I '°1l It! (I t ' 11• 11U , it" uu t;r1110 .... .,. '' l ll ) l t f • ~ ' ., '•I 1 • .,,, "''• • 107 ~!~~!'i!'JJ..~~~~~~~~ .•.. I" 't R• o\1 ~fl)Mf t.f .,.,, 0 ...... , 11 I '>4" .iltofll I ~~.".t!!.r.'!! !, .~!~!!~! .. R • .:. Hu ffman & Son I ~ • !l~ ~ R.,n1nd1•I A\• Ir·~ Cttt•1ttt•I:. I HJ 8'•86 f,4~ 4l 44 l II II l 1 I ( Tiii! IAN <Ju.ii -wCJtk H•fJ·· '••"' i j ff•tl fH,f t, i1 I( Fl f("H11l IMI 1011 111t ... ,.,.,,.tH, I I l tJ t H ( 10 1.St:i !J/O \ 11!'.(ILOMML ltlll • o yf. Ou my 1JW'• wurl>i. ~ u , tH04 1 Al fJtll1 ,t 1~'f, t 11•1 '1t1rv1ce ~ ( un•,fnu f1on t' ro11et. f ''\" 1••,11 H•tltV~ I I(. J.~ h' 17 ~~>I 17 II! tld/ 4111 f !!'.'/!'I. •••••••••••.•• A" " r f ·~ r F """ II " c..h1110 llnk. Re..,, net t i.)m "II SJ I. "'II I I I WOO(! FENL[ !,Alf:'> 1n-.1-..111~t',. A,.,., ,,.\1 f-rt•t• tl~I (t.l''f -t•f1t 11,•..S ~!!!.t.n.~'!f ••••..••..•• TREES l t1µp,•J; remuv••d ()11.1f 1 l•P IJl!"ll renov 1•,1 14/t, nt.1!111 ':>Uf VII• '>40 HO;J:,i !'.".1! ~ l' !'! ~ !' ••.•.......• ' "'''' 11hT M •~ut•ty lti '""' 111un t.Jmg IJr'rW 111 'l!U((J flfC 11 ........ , .. 1 J ll 64& ':1990 < .u p 11n1' y l •th1ne1s J lwnt [11 1111 l,lt•.,.111,~g r h•I l11c.1I Ttlu 11 .. 1•, 0011 1l6b-O 14\J HOME IMPROVEMEN T HL l'Affl PLUMBING <•"fl''"'') 11lt•c. 111~ hee ., ,, , ......... 0•152611 .. ~ vns (XP OUNHAM 11• JI.Al IMPrtOVEMEN I flr·1't•t•dt'1 tti~,.l1rs fencing • h•t Irie 11 OIU'll~Jlng • "'I'""'' y 63 1-8530 JOlm Tflf llANOYMAN I '"' '''"II eil•C. Odel 1ob:. I'"'' 1·-.!1111,llu~ 6J8 4 l 16 I •1111 wl•JI you W(l11t on ll<11ly P11m <.;111~~1t1cds Sm v•Lu u 1ho1ouyfify I Ohl Couniry lrrnd5c.aµu~. c.luun 11011~v ')40 l)ij57 Anything ou1s1Clt1 lr•o I I 1o o 10 e 6 4 5 • 5 ~1 \J l SPIRIT f>AINllnS r1nro or HA'>SI Es·1 675 6058 C. u~1on1 1111/e>(t Jµ11nm5 '•.1-•l1\ft.1ct•C>11 gudrlaolutid 1 (I .. 11 .. ~ 213·430·b342 011ulity 1 lfl1111111g 1 .. 11µ " '"""' k"'' \160 74~'1 L111ntlrv S11vict1 ....... ~ •••...••...... C.u~t'"'' Ho1nu (,fu11111n11 fuull ol 00111g laundry? I K (,ofllpl MouO 'lm VIC.I! fluff & IOtcJ tl&nO Wd~h l '""'"~' •ates• P1um1'1 'lf'•il 11roh ts!t1CJnals '" fl~ ,."P 636 7 14!;1 f>rul H1111t1ed In!> d h1111t1 uon Motoc.uluu~ UNI( l f AN SYSlfMS E11J Aunoo G42 ll78/ ftALPtl S f>AUHINI, (.t111r.11.1n Int o' "'' r~,.,, re.is ')3£. 9898 ot NwfJt Heh 8!>0 1200 ~ Ouuhly wur• wolh a pf'• '>Ufl.11 luu!.lo BcH.ht<fOI <JI\ l,.M l1v tlij Bell• 850.09J 1 HOUSEWORK WANTED H1y11 quality hou5ework F •1'le11e11ceo tlepend11· hie loont>~I 111l!!ll1ge111 mtllltulous llO••Ole I am the bes \ Phone 673 7012 atte1 6 PM weekdays All Oay Sa1ur day ano Sunoay I II you wont your house AEALL.Y CLEAN Cull Londa 669 0318 Gooa Reis HOUSECLEANING Goo11 1ots Transporhlllon Ex pe1 d 979-9756 ~~!~~!r ............. . WH(,KWORK Sm.111 fOl.J., N"wJJCJlt Cost.1 M('\J ''v•ne Reis 67'• 3175 X·P•HI u11c:k & c.tunant wor k Nwpl/(,M ~11'1C.O t'J69 (,all now & 51Jvt• b45·8512 ~~~!~f .............. . !~l.~~1:n1. •.••••.•••... f Jr thong lme11u1 Q,jsogn ltANGINGIST RIPPING V•~·' MG Sco11 645·9325 ASA PAPERHANGIN6 7 y•~ local e~p Guar wt>rk Prices s1ar1 at S8111i11 Alec 751-70:-7 * 1-1 MOVING* 1 up qudhty 25 yr IJ•P E • Ptll I wallcove11ng in· Competoltve rates I ~1alla11011 Reas p11ces No oveitome 730 1353 ~~~~~~~nt Assignment ·ABC M OVING· We g.ils Shd hang 1090 Ou1ck Careful Service tnl'I Hang setec.1 Up Low rates 552 0410 ! holster walls 839·0730 ST ARVING COLL(u( anytome STUDENTS MOVING LO lie l 124 · 436 lnsu1ee1 64 I 8427 WATCH US GROW• I Have you reao today s I Ctusslf1ed AOs? II not you re missing the oest b111ga1ns 1n 1own1 for your out-grown bike DOLLAR DAY DOUGH SAVERS for Merchandise under •1,000. Sell your no-longer needed items for cash If 1t doesn't sell. we'll run 11 another 3 days FREE. One 1tem r•1 A'.r r r1 rA 1 t.1mH~ f~•J~t1Jt c r1~ tnttH1• JO yrh N .. 111 1111111 '1411 'J'11 I Ill f IN', I All ro .\11 K111th (;11,11.inll<t1d Plumbinl. 14,.,~ Joh11 MO 9;.11 •••••••• ••••••••••••• Tret Strvict 24hr ED 148· 7826 I .................... .. 40 gt1I w1111:rn1:a1.,. sn:. I SUPUllOR lllLAS PLUMBING 6 TRH SERVICE HPJIHHJ Sf,JeC.1Ul1z1ng Ill H~v,ur 5 64 ~ 1 b8~ S <.AV( S 20 , 40•. P1u11 '''"'I lit.JI :: '2 7 I 703 r .. u,.u ltJ~I Re~ 'l.omm •, 17 4J78 GG 'JI• l !.<174 H& ~ti!'I.~!~~~~ ......... . A(, ftAIN(,U fl EA BontJ,.d 111s I•<. B344 764 Frei; tJ~\ 1 !>24·5824 ~!!!~!!~!~I .......... . l ref! Wor~ wit" 8 Con· 'it ence T r1mm111g & remo•BI uy Howard Doi· 1c..11 PO Bo• 34 Costa Me~a Ca 9?627 Pt !'42 193? SLOW AAIES S Trt1t· lt1m/renio" c.l~un 11µ~ mowing 5S4 70 1 7 !.". '.O.r j !'I. • • • • • • • • • • • •• Musi ~ub1ec1s K 14 Ot1yie•e $') & S I01hr Mr MC11yan 645 5 I 7f. runr~llURE KIT CABS Cstm lonoshes reprms Window C/t1niDf door~ Joe f.73 1469 ... l_;i";;;5·.;;s·h~~e·1~ ... RtSUlllt St rvict Call Sunshwe W•ndo.,, ••••••••• •••..... •• • • • l..h:dr11ng t ta 548 8853 RESUMES :!O Monthly 01-.c.oun1 P1ofess1ona1 co,,11oen11111 I cc1116J1·8000 1"1 e, 1 Res•O c.om"' f , .... t'\I 20• mon1111,. Ma1ch 10 your phone to d·~c.c.. .. ri 644 4 ~'.la place a las1-ac1ong cfas- s1lied ad 642-5678 Cla5s1!1ed Ads 642 5678 • per ad. must be priced. Sorry. no real estate or commercial ads. Call today for full details. CLASSIFIEDs642-5678 (Non-refundable. E1tre llnet 11.00) Af.arlmtnts futnilbtd IAp11tmtnts I Ap11tments • • • • • ..... •• ......... 1 Unlurnisbt d I Unlu rnishtd Ap11tmtn~s Ap11tmen~1 1 Aparlmtn~s I Ap11tmenl1 I Ap.utmtn~I .•. ~'!!~!!'!!~!L .•....... ~'!!~!!'!!~!!. ....... i ... ~'!fr!!'!!~!!'. ..•.... , ... ~'!!~!!'#~!.~ .......... ~'!!~!!'!!~!!. ...... . Nrr.'fOrt Btaclt 3769 ••••••••••••• ••• • • • • • • • •••••••••••••••••••• , • • •1 • ':,·~ ·; • ;~· • l ·:: • ~ ·,;,· ~!JP.0! . .'!!~~.~ ... J.~q~ I f!'.s!~. ~!!~ ...... !.~~~ ~f!!!. ~!!~ ...... l.~~~ !'.'.'!~ .f~f '! ! ...... l.~~~ Huntington f!I.".'!!. ~'l.".~L }.~~~ ~t."!f~!!. ~!!f~ .. .!.~~~ " "' h , · tf' t~"' I \: , /w J-.. ti -tt I C.rtl JlCOIS REALTY PROP MUl&EMUT 6 75-6173 I THE I "GOOD I VE~-!f!':UN a /1 t ~ •···~ t , • r , ,. (~ 6•. ' ,,1 •. ,.C"'!yC" , .t•.t rnvrr G REAT RECREA T IO N 1:1lr1~•F'rttP son~ 1pro II pro 0 I •} I•" 'I I 1 h < ,.,,.,.5 ,,_;rt,t• Htdr<.Jn .1<1\~ •y• • "'1"'"''"1.J •Vo11 fr lttf"I~ ~ tlVJfl' BEAUTIFUL APARTMENT S Q f's 1 & ;,> O• t ..,,""s•rurn1'\t\ect " '"'" n ~nt-n•No l, • ,.Mnd,.ls Op11n !.11; 9 tn 6 Oakwood Sar~ .. ,,.,, .... " llt•,•rt l u ch ••· 880 Irvine ~.. 1 '" ·•l I S!>-0 ff" Nus1, .. , 11 ,t ·~'l IJt'I'> A..,n, Nr)v JO t. ,.,.J.4 IH LU>CURv VER• , Yr1, ii•' o,,,,o ln4 • ,, , n n I Ou,. t 1 Bt 6i'i 1 u,1 ~·•·ll• uom~ r '""', cartH•1t• t •1 • R ... d' , .... ' I I j B1/bo1 Peninsula , f(jrrT" c ba nr·A••r .lf l • ._., f MdlU't" r1('1• !ti'~ MO r ••1\ !'65 1 l.l'l .. 'l•..f 4,q.-~r-1·..,.. , 111 I l•A ' 10 1 •u!>e no I 1•1• <I ,I IJI' Al• Ulol ptJ l ''• .. Utll l (HI S!J75 I; t 1 I 11,i ~1 OI dt ~h· " l\f w ""' ,, 11'1 x lg , HU•" t \ ? Br on El $4bl) $560 t, .. /~tit 111R. 28R. 38R. "'""'') •l••<or Gas pd 'I·" ,1.,, ~hr µool " I "''· 642 5073 USTSIOE • H• • 13 1 P· 1 "'oe apt \It. " L I ins No , •·''S <! 1 1 ,,,, appt I O'EAU vu ., en 2b Bu ell 3840 O• Goll Course West B•oc~ 10 bedCI 28• " Br rripte• $430 NtA-\..,, ," c B •••••• ••••••• ••••••••• Nin~ Cone.Jo 2 BR 2'ba 2 L' qr1l $ d•ty StJ70 mo LJ1""'' drapes paint I ~,up: •56;15e,;0 ca"!>~~ J Bt 2 Ba garden ap~ 2 c .. 1 9·" w oom Wasn ,, , ~€.!! 8263 No pels 2264 Placentia lut~ no pets 675 1541 prrv 1>ahos .,., d nook uol 0•7f'r lower un11 "' 6<15-949• 6h 9250 onside 1 Pt1CISd ga1 pat•o •edecora1eo p,,. '-5pac 2 "'Y < oo ,BA 1 ,08 0 ,. bflins or -$675 S725 mo 7 14 770-1950 '2 , oa w l1p1 Ne.,, ca- pa110 ga1 no pets S575 I 1 NBr} Ba ca•po•t S~Ju Dee 8~0 5504 Ntw ort Buda 3869 ~n~on' ·~~,e~o"9 n; 1p:1~ 548.4291, 645·9857 O OQS Q l d I lj f' S 1 U d '0 W "'•'••••••••••••••••• '5745 f4!),6(118 , 'Y 542·35 7 730 7 it.5 kiicherit>llll lull oalh 2 NO FEE' Apt & Condo 3 BA 2 ' ba lrpti yd I" Br 2 Ba s I o v e I bl~s trom uc11 $325. mo rP111als Villa Rentals Obie gnr Np t H ghts dshwshr ocean view no Muthyan 675 49 12 Broker Arna 575~~.5001 11.l'''' '5525 mo 661 11921 96;>-4500 $275 L 1 bOrm w/enc H119P ''"ury 2 Br "l Bil 3 bOrm 2 ba !rpc Obie PARK NEWPORT APARTMENTS garageg 2038 W allace su11dec~ garage" fndry allac11 gar $650 11µ1 c 830-8694 I ~"6j5 ° 't'4 ~ kf,d~f: 964"4633 , 526•300• COUNTn'r CLUB LIVING EASTS10E Large 2 Od•m 83 t 9303 H11nlin9ton I IN NEWPORT BEACH 1 I S'SO H &. 31421 A total envuor•mef'\1 ba con• oc " mo 2 B• 2 Ba condo Point 11110111 646-7800 Niguel incl w 0 • •••••••••••••••••••••• apanmen1 c.ommun•h on Bit.II\ Ari•.i 119 2 bO 2 ba u1 r..e• un11 w !101 Ou1PI ' p,,, l or No Pe•~ S77S £4S6218 EAST BLUFF 11 c• , B• f'Jt , ~ POOi 1r· Qu•tll 1 le.1;11n1 Jlf'.l No pPIS S67J r 644 4767 • * •NCllA HOAG < BR I'. oa $49·· ' ; 14' f .. ' jQ()f c41r,s•r,n ,.. ~~ )'"' 64J. 1603 EASTSIOE 3 bdrm I oa 0 HUC.E I or Lu< t.ondo thl' UfJPt!' Ba, p,,.,a•e retog S625 492·6700 Mon! cond all a-nen•tof's Clubhouse ano hea11r IJ j. 3888 b4 5 6822 ~' •' r11C,(! b l Ctl .. I~ H~s lirop1ace Pnv yard ~600 mo 6'46 7800 1 1 '"'t>'" perc;o 1 ul1 ~ FIRESIDE COMFORT ( ,, rJ no re1s l•}t. r I ... 'u IOI' I hr i!Pl5 h" API CJ 11,.1 O'/I "ir s415 up , $475 2 Br:> car ger cnold ".. " OK no pets 132 E Bay 1' 01•~ to bt11 c;1ud10 ••1>• 1"11"' 1'' natcor'y Poot 4 54 1-5J31 ''"' Ne• J'WI .. ~G50 Harl& w •ttlrQ $Jl51mo !'11 "1"~ Mf'· .1 Pu>f'~ 549-2447 .ni.111 ylly 835·5445 O(lUXE 2 bd 2 t>a Sh'P' $~1.'> • Btlrm relr1g Pll· t. '" ''''IS atJult$ prel II) "'" Bch w o. g •• ''" r~4 /I I L.73-7787 11 " I s y r I y S 7 5 0 ' umo~ ~ f:i4 6QS6 alt 4PM 1 V•lL A 1,1rDFRA 2 B1 2ba f ''01 I 111 ''¥ comple11 f!!f!1.~.~!L"!~!.}.~~~ ' w5,11.,11• lQe Wtr$ gas STE ~ J -,, ' '"0 & 300 PS TO OCEAN 1•·P < 11·4 Elden MQr L·llSP 1 B• 1 BJ n ""'I A111 I ._411 J "7 .._trr Pr 11Ps S 11 ·~ Cail An1no11y day~ 64 ... 757 flJNNI~(, '"'O" l ... 2 Br !'IP ...... ~nds 6J 1-f6JO OM,,.,. "'' 710 w 18th !';( Largt' ;' Or 2 ba lrpl( 1 Brano spankmg cleon 2 BA I Ba 1 car gar. fge yd no pets $550 mo Agl 642 6368 *•MESA VERDE•* ldry rm a w e ga1 2br 2btl upper S5SO /mo 540 5•46 '2 bdrm 1 oa ch1ldr~n oi. no pets $450 mo Plus 1987 Maple 5•8-8195 Bachelor !pie beam ctgs p11110 new cpl 4 drps $350 1nc1 utol 63 I ·0921 2 Bdrm condo I ' 1ba Hllaliaitoa S600 mo 962-4914 spa 8 tennis courts 7 poofs close 10 business • • .~!~!~ • • • • • • • •. J.~~ ~If !I.'!'!!• !.t.'.'.~ • •. J.~~~ ~';!o: ~ n .: ~st·~~ o~~a~dn Oelu>.e poof51de tire large Rent lg •BR apt 1nc1 ga Site Unlurnished bache· 201 '2 oa onns, oswh1 1a9e utof S525mo Pre· 10,8 1 & 2 bdrm apts and t', miles beach No pe1s lr;1 s1ng1e 499-12 14 townhouses S5001mo 536·8362 OCEAN VIEW ss6o • s 1000 WOODLAKE 10 minutes so ol Laguna 1 S1>vPral bachelors and 1 Spac I 4 2 br lovely' 011 Dana Point s most Bdrm units leuture lone por1es & Slream' sec Sf'cludod scenic Olull de\•gn~i lurnolure and gates entry by phon~ 111\1' new '2 Br w den acc,.ssorif's MovP in IO· tge rec area 1nc1 gym •Ira large private patio day or 1eserve 101 future pool 4 spa 846·6591 gMa9e S725 mo Call use Sma11ly turn19he0 661 64•1 or M ·F 9 .5 mnde1So1>11nda11~ Avail now 1 Br t Be upstairs apt tJswShr 643-02 10 Drive by 10 see at 24583 Santa p11va1e patio" single ga Clara rage No POIS waler p a 1 o S ' 5 0 / ,,, o Laguno Bch 2Br e•clusove 545-2000 Agent no I~ ore a 5 min wal k to llARIMERS Will oeac.h some ocean view $675 mo 1-626-2585 alt On Jamooree Ro at San Joaquin Huls Ad 844-1100 car gar Adults 1uel NO N'"'' 18111 Purnona 1 B1 PETS S700 mo 151 la•.1 1 fl,1 1towns111ors, d i s. 'S350 sec Upc;1 .... , c..irp1•11 WdlQrpd IChlld I 1 pf c po o 1. n r lrg 2 BR 1ow nhouse Brookhursl/Adema, HB apts enCI gar. lrptc Nea1 7pm Be,1chlron1 w111tor rental Oct-May 4409 Sea· sho1e 2 B1 S700•mo 3 Br S800 Ullls pe10 Can I tJn•t 675 t657 1» 110 pets $100 Agent, 110 ll'P 'lG2 ()2 11 J Br ',/ B11 trplc So OI b• lurn1shed 71•1544-0614 OCEHFROllT • • • BtOCK OCEAN ;> BR 1 • oa lnO•) 9"' '"''"9 S650 6J 1 3888 MS 6822 1 O• 1 ba new paint 6 orapes $525 2 01 1 oa au g11 S475 M Ferguson & Hahn RE" 642 1183 63t 8512 2 bdrm 1 oa encroseo garAge walk 10 beech 645 1819 SEASHORE DRIVE S700 mo 2 Br retroge carport enciso pello 548-5682 Ne.,,.1~ pa1ntl'd & ce•peled 2 bO I oa Frpt I un•t ocean yrly S6So1m o Re i s 568 4 306 642-7005 Townhomf! 3 bel 2 ba split iev~I. qu1e1 3 car gar. pool $7 50 1 rtwy New blog Darrell '>F'Al 1nu., 2 BO 1 Ba $495. 5•5·2611 I Hunt Hror lrom $545 Children OK 840-6807 I Dd near Soulh Coas1 Beachlron1 w1n1e1 rental 553·0255 S1unning 2Bd 1n Mesa area. take a 1acuu• 4 /ump on lhe poot equ•p kllch, super deal S525 METRO ALTY 636-700~ r • I ·~ts•O" • 1 !..t'! Pl •"0 , u " l , (at 16th) (7141 645·1 t04 ... ,.rt luch'St. 1700 l6th St 10over at 16th) I Own• B~• 851-8767 flt'tllrl Le1hn9s c;er; bar V'l?od l.ab no pe1s :.> br 2 oa lge 4 •ll• v note $ 4 7 ., 2 2 5 6 M a p 1 e 'l oronrts S67'i mo No '48 71~6 01 673·8803 Plaza $370 mo Utlfs WARNER VILLA 2 bd 2 paoo 754·0588 I oa Condo flpt dw PB· 110 pool $6 00 Clean 2B1 I ' 1Be ancio 213'570-0036 Mos\ t!fegant apt 01og 1n Laguna Beach r1nes1 toc1111on on town. br~ath· toking views all ou1l1-1ns heateo pool sub-ga1age elevator Leese only S850 a up Oct-May 2914 Ocean· VerSl'llllU Studio Pen. lront 3 B• Newly remo· • deted Cen be lu1111shed thous& $525 mo A sk $1 000" Ullts oaio lo• Sharon Richardson llEWPORT YILUGE Buutitul landscape (id /1 •'•" J •1(1 f'.thO~ l't t I 1/I tul 1\ Weterlront 4 b• 2 ba Opie (up) 1850 SQ 11 ommac. Bit-ins. lrpfc gar Nri pell $1200 675-'186 ~ tr•t'' c • '' vo11u11 111 2 b~rM, Pl• ba Oen. lireplace S800 mo 714-551-6037 day or eves I ( < U' I\ ftt•r f"1ll1tH1 f01)"1 Nwpt Hg ts 3 br. 2 ba lrplc. gardener $700 mo 251 Knox St 6•5-5110 3 Br 2 Be trplC steps to beech $875/mo PROPERTY HOUSE 642-3850 642· 10 10 2/2 $7'Slmo 312'-. $795,mo 412'"' $1250tmo Heve olhe,, F"1ed Te nore, ag t 631 1266 631-2711 ~f ~. £'.'!!!!'.'.t ••• .t.~~~ I Hiii sldt ocean v•l'w 3 01 I conver t den A m111d ~ Quarle1t 1:1>000 mo 213/449-2628 IHJ•H ••• ~~!!~'!!.~ .... !.~~! LH M ILHU Option 4 bd 2 be. covr<S paho comm pool $700 497· 1657 W11talHl1t 3211 •••..•...•.•..•.•.••.. Smell 1 b<l, bunqalow tn '''r S3:15tmo Jim 64&· 1047 c .. , •• ,., •• , ,,.,.,.;,." 3425 •••••................. &Mui decor 1 BA & den tee • Olty CPI. rtlrlg pc>ol. llP•. jao . '4&0 mo Could f u r n Dy•. t 3l ·2777 , e v1 64t-HIO, CM n1 S Ce! Plua --- Jr I I• I ltt111 ''""' $4,0 ( ,atl ''" 1.10l', Huntington Be1cb 3140 •..................... YOU DESERVE IT! BP lul I 11 A pJrl< 1I<1 "''"' h'•trfl',.. ' 0 • sr" 1cu• A~·•s • "''"'"'n i• Jtir'I( •C:o_,.,,.,, r>111 ... nq •01t11rh.J Ar''" •W,1lii: •rl f.lo\flt~ *HO"'' 11~ •• "-.1tth,.n1 1 hO ru Htlf1ltl\Ql''H1 C f''11••r ,,,.,, 11n rtot1nn A hwy< Uill1TIES FRH 1 fld11n 1 rom SS 15 • 81'1,.. $615 lA OIJl'~TA llFAMOSA tG? 11 P.t•k~•rt"' 1 n 1 hi• W OI Rfl.1 I• 3 Ulk$ S "' Ertmq,.1 ti• I S4• 1 * S4'"'" "II "' 1 Ot ,,,, 111111 I!. 11111 f•OOI 'PS '""''' r1oru1 • ll4:t ill'\4 84? 117? f!l.".'!~.!.t.'.'.~ ... !.~~~ l ux11rv \1 Jtl'" '""' HBO pho1111 m11111 '"'v spa S l'\O w~ ~~<1 Hl 1't 1 Hr "''' ,,_ "' '''''' S<11vl'l"""\I 11111 incl S 3f~ll'l>O ••tllott ' " " 4 ., 1 \ 0, 1t318~• 0228 Orog Wo11e11 ' N'JC,•t· ""'" • ,., • .., t •·or1t.fl! Thll ' whal th• OAll v Pt LO f srRv1cr omrcTOAY "1111 at11)t)tl ---·---- -------- t 7141 642·5113 I pet~ 559 9'265 -;> B• 1 Ba ??48 Canyon r' 2 Ba Sun ll'""lt< I Or u1n1.1tt~ no pets ~---------' w • k to beach 645.:?< ttil S4 t01n1n c;,.,,,3 Mgml sed paho no pets $480 mo 548·<1506 Lg !Br n~w cp\s pa•nl 4 linoleum 1 child OK No pets $350 mo + dep Coll Mg1 642·2866 330 Clllf Or 494-8083 WALK TO BEACH Be· c.holor slove & relr1ge gas 4 wa1e1 pad 5325,mo 536• 7979 Roomy Studio with sepa- 714/544.0514 Aea11ors 768 5600 or nome :70-23 13 OCHMFRONT Clean 2 br adults P•el lge '\ l>dr 2 hB ga• great l ~11 S•SO 8AM 4 30PM W•>el\tJay, 64 1 I 124 rate kitc hen well! to toe W1nle• 645-5109 ~1~r 11.•1rRo"I; 1,111w Bi ') k-• w•,h, di f' t1n ''Al~ o//11 11 • 'flr10 671 M••O lj" tt t•hOr>I l 8d1m ~ bll fully !urr• grir w ro w• ly ""'""' fi4(1 (l I 1 l Bl> l•-'3C., tBr 11111 ydy $450 no<> 1823 W Bal 11 o ' B • '2 :" 13 '•4, 1C'6'> I < Br ? Ba new1~ p111ntf'O "''w orepes lrplc. ,un llec.k So ot Hwy S8S01rno Agl 67~·55 I I Tt1P Sho1e5 rn bPuu111u1 Cnrono de1 Mo1 has newly 1elurb1s11ed 1 & 2 l'ld•m apts h om $550 & ulJ lor rent C1111 Holen Gibson 644-261 t 2 Or 1 , 8.1 No pets S4 SCI m(1 101 2 persons 7~S w 18tn St 64& CJ'i07 WALK TO BEACH 1 Br beach & shops $375 on s 1 o v e 4 1 e I r 1 g e clds ullls + $500 sec I • B1 garogf. yard $375 mo 536-7979 e1epos11 Hotel Celllorn11 S5251mo Wes ts•de Apls 494-2797 leave 641 0763 No p111s 2 B~~~:~~~s/r~I f~~,m~' messsge NI~" t:1111"1 ul)o;loirs 2 BR. THE SEVILLE 2 81 wtg11r I $500 545-2611 1B1 •Ory nice. convemonl. 2 hit dpt s55o. most I c ts dips, bl11ns. lncd u 111 pd S 4 0 0 mo ut•I, mc:I 622 Hamilton ~ w/pallo water pd $495 3 BR 3 Ba oool 494 5380 St 548 04 71 -I ~6 t9 . J S&nla Ana Ave pa Ito kll:ls ot. No pels z B• 1 , 111 323 e 1s1h ss 10 Call 1.s 636 4120 646-9666 960 H84 I H 1 • t SI No Pl'IS Gar $650 -an IDf OD s,,.,,., Monu 64 1-132<1 !335 Baker B. 2 Br 1 Ba Want Ads Call 6•2-5678 l t•ct 3140 Bochelor grea< toe 2 Br 1b8 blk lrom bch yearly I Gar sundeck $600/mo TSL mcmt &42-1&D3 ~;~yno~ "' 3 o th st 2 Br 2 Ba lrom $525 No pets Across hom New· port Beach Goll Course 545-4855 WIMTER llHTILS 2Br lBll 1 > blk 10 bch, gar $625 mo yrly 8<16-3567 Su C/1a1at1 3116 .........••.•.•.•••••. Cc•t~ 'l(•tl' y turn \f10d 1 Br f!!!f.~!!~ .••.•• !.~~! »1&1 ncf'an $700 mo House Boch Duple• ·:> bl tn npwe• 111-ple• nr ""1"• .. S11•1n 6•5 2868 333 E 2 tsl St c M I SC P1010 ge• No pe1s renovated S525 •••••••••••••••••••••• 1339 Baller C 2·11y 2 1 - 3 4 4 Br Close to water lurn & unlurn. reason&· bl~ all amen•llM Broker 675 4912 3 br 2 ba p1110 gu a we1e1 S6001mo + ctea· ntng 4 dtp 531 3565 evs mo sut>·lfll ? O<'rm API "' th mngn•hcent view ' ""' t IPWPO• I Boy Soa '"""' 640-2886 fi45-6589 6A 5 8 103 S!'>2!> 833 9293 lrg Br, 2 Be renovated Ke nnebunkpo rt?. $550 Wknds 968-3636 --------·-·--• Nr S C Genoref Hosp Sin C/emtnlt 3716 .....•................ ;> 01 I , bD now crpt walk lo bPllCI\ 225 LB Po1omrt S-475 531.7915 Ap1rtmtnl1 Ule81iB_.U APARTME NTS. Bnaulllully lanC1,c11pet1 g11rd11n llPI!> Pool & Spa Pa11osto11c~s No peu Bachelor $4 10 1 Oel1m $485 ;>;>50 VnnguartJ '140-'16?6 Unlurni1htl • • • • ••• • • • ••• • • • • •• • • • BocheJor~ SA to B1lbo1 Island 3106 1 Od•m $480 •••••••••••••••••••••• 13, E 181h 646·6818 E B11yl1on1 L111le Isle 161 E 18th 642-0856 p1f1 3 •lory dalu•e 11g I 2Br Ir pie $1800 mo Sp11c1out 2 Br I Be $425 67'' 3067 Ouplt A 3 Br l't Be $415 Laundry lee. pool !>48·9,556 12·7PM L11rqr 2 Or 1·. B!\ lrplc, l•lllllf •u11flllCk WiWAlllr "'""' all returt)l1hed. ~tt.11ly SIVi01mo 1-1 1811 A S100 Hr ' pc11011a. , n pttt. 110 gereot Av111I 11nw' 3?!>' t Grand (;an "' Arlt you planning I movt? C..l11H1l..O tdl will point you 1n tht right direction '" find the home you n1-ed 642·5878 I lllSTHT IMI Eaata•de 162~ S6~0tmo 2 Br 1'• Ba Townhou~o all butlt Ina. lndry rm. Ct11po11 ya1d1oa1cony small ptl OK Ttll Mgmt 0•2· 1&03 llave IOIMthlng yOl.I want 10 Mil? CIUttflt<l td• do II well I Cell NO W 80·58 78 ;> BA ? Ba "va11 epprox Nov 1 no pets $485 760 1416 01 548-8675 ev~lwknda lllSTHT IM $d75 mo 2 BR 1'.ba, lnd1v rm c 11rpor1 all bltna cpts dips TSL M11n11gemenl 6<12-1603 •?Ar 2BD Near SC ~'1\1" S A Lv~u1y Con· d o wt pool $595 No Pf'tS 833·8974 Eves t BR. Includes viii'"i350 Isn't that the boat Pref single person Avail thdt won The America's Cup 1n 757 now 982-7940 , Aedec 1 bd, 1el11g, qure1, $4 10 See mgr at 19220 Wall11 c e A ve 01 760·8376 Lrg 1 bd, 1el11g Alerm syalom, 2nd 11001 no pels S•OO 640 4979 9 EASTSIOE 2br I be KIOSI PETS OK $575 A L L U T ILS PO .,, ". rt., .. /' ..... j II yo11 ,,. ll(ll \IHP wl\11 IO• >Nli.t'I Kt" r)IJ<JI •ron w.1• don 1 11"'1 t~HJ y11u •f ''"' Jk••ll• Krnnyl11Jr1~port 1\ 0111> of I '1 1h\t1r.cuv11I) •l•lf'""' d(i.inrr~11! l11~11fllo111\ di ':1Nwt1>1J Vrll.i<Jt' "" ttununq111n flp,l(n "''w" •I V1il"4Jf 1\ ~ •1"·1 • of t()(o'lllY l>f'" 11 ,,111!'d µrol!"'-..or•.i 11t4r" 1• •l I t,I' "''"' 01 .tlltntlOf ~ou • .-rv1 A t!t'lfl'I\ ''"' I ol na1u1f I nd IVl"Q TllHOUILITY Very p11v11e 2 bd apts AVAIUIU MOW Lerge lloor plans. ga1 • dens landscaped. pool. lecuu l 0111111 Location, close to everyth1ngt Some townhouses and apartments wll h den hllll N o Ptta PfeAse From $700·1740 IUIUIEH SOHRE APAATMHTS 3Br hpfc 2Ba stove CPIS Avall Nov I $535 mo 17 t•) 89 I · 16<14 1 Br pv1 deck. old world c harm. spectacu111 ocean view , welk to beach S-4 25 Contact Mgr 111 11p1 C 332 Encino Ln 2 BR. $465. yearly. new decor pool nr be•ch bus No Pf'IS 498-6277 - •Mt"& Verde 2 Br 1 Bs 83 t-4320 n~lflttl on" lnH"~ w rt b.tlltJ41r1Q l••OVIU Jl'<I C' I'! poo(I\ 1QO'l'<I t>\' 1tvrd •ot~•' C.1N'lt'\ A 10 1 tlltlt 1ennt) (Ol.1U 'w'"""''~ ~ "1 JJ<\111 .1~u 1244 lrvmt Avt between Weatcllll & M•rtner Or 11 , .. , 645·0252 Su l1 AH 3110 ...................... 2 bd 2 b•. MC, Sec Poof Nr So Ctt Pill $500 ?13-8&0·9513 Ntwly rtdtc S<l95 No Du• ltiat JIZI pels 833·8974 Ev@S •••••••••••••••••••••• I (CllWfnll'nt 1(1( 11111" nf'JI' v~·~~· q t•· J rmploylTlf'M •11<1 )OU' r lt'I d <••di I' .v '(One wou •1 'J ht! 2 ba Condo F-;;ii nmo1111101 aec:urlty gate, Wolk t o S C g111u 1600/mo ny1 1)40 21!.4 aves 1\46·33' I $38~/mo 1 81 pool, I ptoiaon only 32$ J 17th Pl 648·5137 I 1AM·7PM Eaatelde 1 bill/Ne 0vp1e~-2 wy. 3 bd. 2 •.; ha l1pt, htgh co111ng1, S750 2 13·2•4·3011 CllHllled Adi 142•&171 IOHI YllW From Dene Point'• moll eecluded acenlc blull Like new! Only 4 unlll. 2 Br widen >Ore llO p1lvt1e p1110 From St:Z5/mo C111 681-644 I or M·F. 11·5. 843--07 12 011ve by 10 -24683 Stntt Clara I p10\xlly <•II fl(>lll4' !(v~l1 K#n"y0t1n1o.pon11 0111.' •Intl 1wo lll\lrnom nn. 1n J two n.it" llpn1111111ntt ''O"' S!l4() BALBOA PENIN ') blk 10 S d 2 d 1 .. 1 h1t6 3114 I blll to Bch Lower 2 Br Bt1dlord Pl 4 bd Town· den. 2 be. yrly bfllna. homt, poof, dining rm rel11g $700 67~·8~ S600/mo 842·8738 1 c 1 P ' I S 5 • 0 m o Very trg 12 Or t blcik to , 1 ViOWln cch b • 1 b•. vr1y, •••••••••••••••••••••• I' II~"••• 1 ~· • '" 11 552·0853 _ bell. 1emocs new "ove a 'I Br. 2 Be. bay, ocean l rl~e 1 750 Joe 281. gtt•Ot. neer oo.en. I •5S5Stt~r·t"'QtO"'"~l.Mlf 'i. ·~·o-a..;.• ca ..,,,.., Condo. poob•.,Ja• 714 5$1·1•62 OCHn Ylew. b •lcony (71•l •111t-CNCll CVIJI H CUrl6 g . ,.,,. ""' ., '''' S460/mo 213/402·2151 f l rrOtf' tl>e Sin 0-tQO ,,...,...,a•.. "" o• llfl(t: Ul !t,~lo teco~ 1L9.! .. "..3" y. ..•....• ~ .•••..•.... SH el 24H2 Apt A Mcr400r" ~..,."on tkr~ 10 ».tw"'IQ' ~ " -""" •• 18r, nt !>MCI\, 1405 C o r d o b • 0 r U furrfll\otlq' ••• -•Opt<> <U "t 10 u.,t t """' I SllOP II home Ira tHy mo No JMI• 714106 l·Htll _ J_~U==~====:=::i~===~~~~~~w::1~1h~c:t•= .. m.o_e_4_2·_H_7_t _L ___ 4_99-_&0_5.:I==::.. -- ---~-----.... -- --------------------- Oro11yn (..o lilt OAll V PILOT /Frrdoy, OctCJber 29 1962 ~!!.~~ ••••....... !.~, ,! ... 1.'.'.'. !! . !~!.'!.!.~'!'! 9!!!~~ -~~~!~! .... !.~ff ft!!.'·!.'.~~~ .... !~~1~~''· .'if!!.'.~ .... !.'.'.¥ !' . .'!l..f!! ... "" .••. l!.!f 1!!.'l .. Vfl!.~~ •••• !.'.~ ~'.'f ... ~~ ........ !.~f 1 lllU•A llAOlt I' h•"l11•11 W11111•n ~·rll•l.I 11111<1 ul c,1ow11mf 11"-•\ I uund Ui•v l•I W•rn•• Uuul 6i•n111111111 wllh II••~~ MOTOR IH j ''' •11u1 t1 111 oc111 l111nt 1111111111•1•• Nurllfl Wu11l<J 1tt11l "'"""11111,1 ,., •" 111•t.ha111r b11<kg1ou111J MAIU~ 11wwel•U to• t H Orl b•IHpttrton lot repulabl• 4 f.'111••ed Uw.i. 1.un• H•I JHOP•"Y (.;•II 1oo•v o• u 1 ll<1ll• 111o p. t ome c;111, A•11 O"ldett O•k. 00 •PPIY al 3488:1 So COH I lrnowle1lg• of •nttquu , r•• OICI '200 240 3287 11011'• 111 N"w11n1 I lhuu It ~"" Ilk• •n uttt~ at 1111 1 1111 n 1 1 n 11 1 " 11 ti t. 11 ( 1111 tot 11µpt 045·000 I Wl<ly lttlllull 'Uri uj.I f'cv toflll•nu1, 11111• 111111 1iu.11 11 111111 y11ut t11n11ly H4• ·•11-1• C'e>l111 IV '""' '1>111111. 111 1t•1.h1111gt1 fru t1r1v111g lCJulil \IHI WI ,..4"tlk 11111111 • ' CA,Tlllf/WllTIR/ llwy. C11platr•no O,h Pl I , wllll1111 1<1 wo•ll 1 w4u11.81>t)t1 Buno11y1 &42-704ti ~11.IJ!.'.~~~ ••••.• !.~{! 11••h•J 1•11111 & •1•11• In t1>1 ow11a1 U4;> o~-.1 a• u v .. c.111111 um1·1 1111 •I t••I Mw11 whl '"" •lttlJ WAITllSI Otoo•~ Kile I•• 11v111I ~' i 1111 11,.,.111~ •••lt1rmollc.>ll 1.•ll Witt H•Wlll l UliO• ltluu ( ..it1llrt•llllll L•tl•fl•nc• M11111111J1111111 8 al111 Por1011 lo• Ml'lne 11AAOOA AA(A 911.tN l!Julll llWy '11 llj)I Ill l;oltllll 1110 U'll•l•ntl" u.·ut l l"dAh 11111 Ult"''I" •·~ .. 1 l't It .,., •o .... ,., , v " ' 11t11u1r111J (vn11111n1 Atl Lauu1111 llllull1 •114 '>1114 "'~~ • ••# """ 1:.,111 .. 1 "" t "'"ll, 1,1 11•'1 44111 • AmbltlOUI C()Uj}lll lll!llJ tJ1d Pt l W 111u11age gro wing lu111ly bu1111ou 8<1t! 0 t:I~ 11111ow••• SIOflt Mutt APf>l IANC.F SE:IWICt h11vo rnt11lmum ol J yrw W• H ll roco11d • uu•r SllO 4 llfl wllh ll1lc h1rn wttullly tll11d11hv•1t M o 1111 157~ 11140 """ tJ b4d ll6•1l riJ 1 tlOll' uu u• • • 111~ 111 11e1r.un llclw••n '0111111 I II" Wllllll 1l•1u I " l'M Mft Stti. f\o• ••11e11e11ce 111 0 01111. 1111111111nc:e• 1>4til J0'7 MIHllHI Hal(JWU • and LIVE lT TME HAOM I ""' 11111111111 WUJ1h l\J ,.., SmAll anracuve •ll•IJIO 111 th• Uol 111 horn., w1111um bcl 'u I t N A i' IMHIK{lllll $16!) Ulll 1 I IOllll y I 01 • amkc Ptvl kllCIHlllullll pO Uwn t1111t1 l:J11111141 arvt ti•1lry SJl!) encl ut1l1. 1111 'I p11011u 11001. 1 V h1ntt1• I .. rnulo 1oummnh1 fOt ''""' 493·3490 lthl lllll llt!hl~tl CClll!:IO Roo111 wllll .. lll:h ll•IV N Ou) ll•HI & ~hop111ng C•l11flr 062 1'S)0 Mlf Chr1a111111 MIOJO (;dM PllVAIO rOOlll A bulh 11rv anti ar1c11, kllCh•n p11v $?50+'. 1,1111 644 1106b llunt Booch fmployt!I 11)ule prt1l't1 l10u811 p11v IOQu!I S250 9ti4·8005 Hot•/1 /llot•I• 4100 ······'·············· SUURI llDTEL Wkly ''"'' jjl~ 110W llVlll S 105 II up Co1n1 TV Phones "' t0om 2274 Newport Blvd CM 6~6 l H S BEACH AREA $84/wk Retr1ger1tlor-Ma1d·Pool Nwpl Blv<I & W1lso11 Costa Mes11 548·9/55 Pine Knot Motul on Coast Hw y NB S teps 10 oceu11 Wkly •ales 645·0440 NEED A PUCE! All .;lt1ttl1111M~ b67 4J29 '" 111ov11 n1111101111ti M''"' miu 70 li to "'nr CdM 11011 !Jlllkt 01 pulb $<:' 10 I • ulll f>44·6i'!>5 l 11 • • ondo l~ur bor llldgu '" ''" 11tw11h1. Sh50 mo l'.!2 il442 dy11 G40 24J4 O•t"• Shr IUA condo or hou111 ~.11!'1 hi lt1bl HCUttly 966 84 7!l 01 ti61 2449 N l uu111111 lu•ury housu 11~<.IU~•v• t11•u $ep11r111e l11J1111. lrnlh trplc 01r11ng I In $!\00 1!30·9346 Huomm1.11e 10 share 2 llc1tfll ilPI 111 COSIO MuSli $200 mo Guo 64?-638 l r , """'" 10 shr sJ.)ac 3 b• 2'• bo C M COflOO $:!7tltn10 54!> 4356 Mllture pe•son (nonsm .. 11 10 Shi qu11;1t N B home. S:l001mo. <1vo11 11114 Coll 645-9211 EXEC POOL HOM( On 1 V S300 mo 111cl ut1ls Back Bay 63' 6220 TMI LlllO IUILllH 11111 tlrti.Jhj oll1Cll8 $ t:lb 10 s 100. ' ''"' wl l)ny YIOJW •I $4110, 3 un• 111 SllOO s .. <.rolllllitl &@1·v1 i.1J • dVttil J:l!l!I Via Lido. Nll 67!\ 4 1!16 tl11y1 "''' ~ll 1111\y lu111 •11I I 1011 I Klihlllll ll4h }tltH lwo Anuhull!• U:l4 i004 r o 111\ll Y 11 u <... " r rn ., n \>hllfi !•111 VI< (,tJtlO M M•U '!HI! 11 lllf ~411111110 OHllllR n.1 .. 11 s .. 1... r 11 x1n1 I IUY APPLIAIOll (;om p uny b•HtOf 111 Loa OIH ll 133 M ahJtn AmblllOUI Cou 0 U A L I r I ( 0 A P p L 11 W I 0 n ' CANIS ONI Y !'1411 3407 1111••· •Yll•· .. ,,.0 I pla 01 1;11p011•11Jl11 61nglo Ol1hwuher I r11ot•t J1J'-1 l t•/•H/I C•1t1 Jlfll to help m Mgmt /Oev ot • 0 C M/f IH Xlt1t c..twcJ 646 6648 • •• ••••••••••••••••• • • ••• • • ·~··· • • •• • • •• • • • • lt1n11ly ownud bv•tnou Snloa N111ghborhood Snle S•1 (Ilk• Co111t1 lo• ~01 $'1 04!'1-0170 Rolr1g11, W111hero, Dryor1 Q 3 1688 C OG41tn 61va She•la b•01p1n oda IHRUflH SCRAM LETS IUPPlll(ll M1111y 10 ChOOH lrOm M11ny t1<1••urta. futn St·S4 8tt1re<> hr 11111 f.tt li11ln111 i1nt1/ 44SO • ltohHIOll Ant•lllltr YOUR IHOlf I Ou111 S lOOlup 8&9 0682 tit<.. blri1tl S35 Lamp "' P•t. S"iu.0°i°o0,··c,·;·F·;c·~~ ANSWERS OOLLEOTOR , Yfl ll).IJI 111 mecll IU·1 Work P/f 0 11m 2 prn, A"hll)ltl18l(11, v11ry CIOllll, c.1011• ,,, ,,,, '"'" $5 [lt\Ctri<.. tn 1t1wri I ' 1 C.wod Pny, Orowlh (;.OlllJHllly, b IOCllllUlll. (;o 0•Mli1' Apply In 11.,1st111 Motro C111 We,r,, 10:10 1t111bor, c M ttiml>ly, h11avy lift Ing r11q or 4 pm o nm wlll\ tl'lfl tM s 10 N •,o 5T0AA0f/ DESK •Ptl Cfl [ "PIHl lJlllll Newport Oooll b1tnofJU C M " • like flOW twO dOOI St6b ••••••••••••.,.•••••••• vi ow yorn ~ C dYllll On l:ltllboa lale Kt<t1f)1tr Uroom B•UICh crodll Catd com Loe Angnlu• Tlmlla Cu I HOJ 0000 ()IY!j•Awoy P•ICOI Shop l!l)Ch Rt11hrOOh• ClllJlll61 $ 100 $200 P"' mo Coll W111g11 · Vollum lll"'Y t1t1~ op1111111g In lh1111 11'1111 l t<115~0·421J3 c.iil•llOll T tlll1tl 111 lul•· 1 now 101 Chn1tmu 0 111 & $5 StlllnloH 111.111 BBO/ M1 Pemt11ir1on daya llOMLWOHK co11oc11nn dM•1on Ap Mtrohlll411tr/ Phona u los !:am 1111 Roflig '0 .. uilt SIS, 1tvo noi•uty 11t m• Set 10·3 110011 l\H tiulll-1n H !> <11:llb11 1;»{14 91/•U lllMn'A 11 nt1w 1()0111 011co111mualheve 2·J yra 1'1"'11V WllQ• t <..CHllttl 1 Oflll!IJ wtic;emttl\ttr. Like ttl <14 Ma1gu o 1l l1> l'op1tr bllcks b frir SI 2 1J128!l·9307 lre11111r1111 lor kids who collncoon ••P• 81rnk Fto4 lllr Trnlhtnll prov1dad I 01 llflw s;5o 75 ' n 99 (Ruyviow Af.lll ) Sn1/~u11 10 4 Berw.,ttn • -rum(! till lhttu 1111111 0111 c11rd & CA1 011pr prel P/11mn, wom1tn mor tt l.I Hl t1 11•· C.ull (7 14) G11llttra ll Sutllt11 Almond Orengo & Now~oft 1114 Co111m1rc11l pnono w111c111no Iv 1111d Co11111c1 Jol\n Alle11 Mon • u 116tJ1 o · c 11 r "0 c; ll40 o30 I Oln•:i ovm1 CJ• l11un9c; MOYll' 01 f A11v C M •t r I 8 30 30 213/949 0~74, 9 12 MUii • "0 QA Reallll 4475 llNl1l11111u 111 record~ II , 1ru 1. lo 4 pm SECRETARY .. a .. 111111, 494 ill " llOuMl & Q111ogc $1110 Anlq furntturo docor..1101 • ••••••• ••••• ••• • • ••• • 1mulls m.., HOMEWORK 759. 7880 & Fii only c..r nEFRIOERA TOR 0111 U1bl11 62x40. A1mol· ,,.Ill. 643 w 15th !llll 1:>50 sq II re1u1110111cu I· "OOEL 1 .. Pi'I w11t1 ut least 3 yr& 81()1,k 42" ... 1 1 II• •1 D " L o 3 Costa Mtl511, gru111 YINI !:ih11ph1;11d ltlClWMblll'k person, Pil•I llmu AJJply c~~k~sltf.~4~~02~t:'11~':i II 10 fi 644· 7040 Osk 101 675 "707 lilt 6 t11bl11. 'S'IC furn & ~00· Fo1at1ia V11/1r '>P•ll u f 17111 St 1, 11 r e1und lomulti 011r1no11 <;ounlttr H11lp M111uro "" won 8" 'me IHOkernge expr Full timo ~rol\lfree whlltt, $40 1111 rnv g ••• op " r on ic~ .,48 t !> b 111 1 v & v a, k , 11,, 1r1111 M11l11 Liili L>lock Ill\ 111 purson The Tummy ' Sua .. n Mennnie A tJ1.,a 111 12-5 2 0 6 ••••••••••••••°"••••••• 646•3471 v oy c111 Mole m1~od She· S1ulle1 270 So B11s101, NURSES Aamunl el rio Hnrvest Ugh1hou1111 Lann. COM Big Garage Sahl turtc -p11erd brown1btock Miiii! CM 751·:1566 SECAETAHY/E)(ECU flVE UOld wlwootJ11r111ri hand· 63 t-1350 or 644-6531 kids ctolhes, etc. Snt RENT OR LEASf N11wlv wh1111 Sr11noyed Femllle RN1S & LVN'S ASSISTANT FoocJ com-los 201·•1111 cot111 $250• SAT 11·3 3 111 TnlrcJAve ' 0111y 8 4 16541 C,otton 1emoo11led hc.>m() wllh bl11c1>1w111111 Shep·~tusky Oirntal ReceptcOnlal. lull modlly organ1ze11on in 84'='·116115 COM Elec dryer. 111 re: 11100<1 111rg11101 Comm'l zo11111g, m " N.,wµo1 1 Buuel\ limo, previous OlfiCO ex-11 p M. JAM Irvine requires aemon-Cle1111 Wes11n11hou81;1 R" 111g, misc 1tema, No Ear· 7 FAMILY SA LE S~T cHll 10 Newport Blvd An 1m a1 Sh o 11 er parlance in Peg Board, i.trohic.I exc;etilmt office 111gera1or Harvest Gold I lybirds 642 t334, 851 a889 64" J"56 12• M D collec11ons & Ins billing Sh1•tt .i11tJ 11111111111.1111011<11 Skills $95 c~11 •99 •• 119 I·--·······-····-ONL v 9 AM BatJy full Ofl•ctl & ga111ge $285/mo Neer Balboa Bii'( Club & Coast Hwy 646·764 1 ladull1i•I R1at•I 4500 ..••.••..........•.... $750 up 2 160 It tndu slrcal · Otltce 1810 I Re- dof'l d O C11cle, P & r Hunt 1n g 1 on B .. ac t1 842·2834 ... " " 1198 ' requl1·~" Four11aln Valley 0 ., ., a I q h h I (; M "" & ot>tllly 10 worl< With n I U85, OUSl! 0 Cl ' olllce 963-5634 puof.)19 Gooo opµortv Washo1 dryer and relri Pack-Rat's 22 year ac-llaby & chlidre11 a clo f'ou11C1 Small I arne Blue~ Small alcoholism treat· 1111y wilh e•panded chi-gdrutor Mo111r1g EvtHY cumulallon ot lhlngs! the,, womon's clntnet. Aclllb11 S111 ti.1Cle Con. Dt11l1I Aul1t111I m11n1 1ac1111y loca1eo 1n 11115 $!000 10 $ll00 10 1h1no goes 631·3133 Sun only 10-4 Alley be·! Antq tub More ml~<.. dornin1um, Bu11ch & At· Dental ofllce Newport Nowpon Beech has mul start w/great oeoelits ll1nd 3 18 Iris Ave GREA T BARG A INS" hir1tu 536·0334 Blll!Ch. cha11s1oe ass1a-t•ple openings 101 qu&ll· Call 7141540.9846 Philco Refngerator _ -----_ , 166«2 Ml Darwin Cr tant 644-003::> lied RN's an<J LVN's on Good c;ond s40 I 00 s .. Lost Fem l11sh So11er, Secre1ar" 631-0 110 G 0 FINO · Wom 0°111' Huati110t011 l11t6 WtldrlllQ Texu<> lugs. •6· DESK CLERKS Brighi. ltll;I 11PM·7AM ishlfl B•· 0 c Airport Area A d clubs house 1181f18 and •••••• ~ •••••••••••••• ward 2300 Mo~a Or, E energetic e>1per req d I Ing u" I 5 k I 11 S A REFRIGERATOR more S al 10 -4 !>001 SAT/SUN 9.3 ONLY Sa 11 , a A n ,, ~· g 1 s Sla•t Im med Good be-(Eng11s11/Spanrshl would gency look '"g 10 ' a like new lrost tree. 2 or Narcissus Furn like new clothing • •· ,, " be a pl 9 m ature person 10 1111 $ 65 893 9060 546-19 19, 640·4404 I nellts Coll loday or ap-u I oos11>011 as adm1n1s1ra· t . "ARA"E 1•LE ltalloween lace pa11111ng ply et 34862 So Coast p K o E h • • "' II bovuque nems 19542 Reasonal.Jle rates K1 t- cherre11e~ phones maid service. Z ct1a11ne~ mo- Nwpt Crest lu~ co110o. 2000 sq 11 $350. tst Warehouse space High 1as1 se<: 63 1 392 1 0001 access 4000 1ee1 a11011 642·5535, Karen Lost C.at '" Cl•arhl ll Hwy, Capistrano Sch This is an e"cellent OP· live secretary roles e11more ryer ~c ange Antcque oak dreuer. Cons1ellat1on H11111111on Orangu, like 7 141496-6656 portun11y tor lndlVlduols s•ortal a'lil ude. appea· tor Gas Dryer 0• be81 with beveled mlrro1 Morrrs M 11eute1ed, nds I Interested 111 lhe physical 1 anc:e, phone voice a ottei Xlnt wrk'g cond s t 15. cordless telephone Benelits For Boy Seoul!: meo1c.u11011 Reward DOORIAl·SECURITY a nd psych o l o g1ce1 must Sharp general Of· 2915 B•oaa SI N B S30 garden window 50 Sal 10130. 8 30AM to vies SANDPIPER MO Need F 10 shr 4bd house TEL. 1967 Newport Blvd, w ·~11me In CM $2291110 CM 645-9 137 µlus ulll 631-4459 R11t 8011111 4115 NEWPORT BEACH •••• • •• • • • • • •• • • • • •• • • Gentlemen w1H Shi 2Br, BOARD I CARE 2Ba ilPI w140 plus FtM, Several pt1me tocauons $275 mo ., dep. incl utlls 1n Saddlebac~ Valley 10 & parking N1 Hoag hosp choose 1rom Featunng 631·20 tO _ 24 hr superv1s10•1. plan IASAP Neea roommate 10 ned recrea11on e~c111ng snr lovely 3Br 38a CcJM gour1l1e1 meals & free home. new cpl & paint 111 local 1tanspor1a11on Call bdrrn & bath, garage & today, e~t•as $300 644-4965 111 ·0110 770·4111 V1e1tioa Reat1/1 4250 .•.......••........... FOR RENT! I 2 Ladies seeking turn t>r.h front home Wiii move ir1 w/roomma1e prel prof male Call 642·07&9 ROOM MA TE WAN TEO M1s1ra1ghl. non·smkr. $250 + • • utlls Dys 3200 SQ It wllh AIC OI !Ices Randolph SI C M Sprtnk led w t comm frontage 546· 1653 Storage yara. lanced. nr Harbor and Baker 50 X ISO fl $225 mo Larger area aiso avail 549-8181 720-1440 M· 1 Corner 90~ t27 w1tt1 800 sq ft Oldg Fencea 991 w 19 t h St 6'12-3490 ~!!!~f! .......... !.~~¥ Storage Space 12· • 18 36" door $10/mo plus S70 sec depos11 673·4 154 Newpor\ Beach 548· 1409, 642·9142 Senior Security guard aspects of alcohol abuse flee skills tequ>1eO 70 642•9732 mch X 39 1richfls htgh 4 PM 603 1 Cornell Or L 0 S ' • w h 11 8 m a 1 81 w onted for c onaoml· and ns treatment lnter-1 wpkml 1YP8tng 5569·300460, 1111y duty washertdiye1. $50, brown corduroy Much misc R , & E ested apphcanl• s"ould As or rtllany. ' • 1 ~ 5 td I t $50 B OP Whippet-racing Clog w/ n tu'.11 e s •per 9 '' PM "enmore yrs o . ove sea • oys SAT 9-4 9042 Ann1k Or brown spots. vie Edinger req d Call 675-6101, contact Getry Mazze al needs some work. $150 shor1s 26-29, also boys1 HB Guitar. blke mlscei- & Goldenwesl HB Re-M·F. 8-4 pm pr 1657 Oahu, Costa La Costa shirts, misc l laneous Lots ot goodies ward 840-9344 DRIVERS wanted , over SECRETARY R.I. M esa t M esa V er del 704 Goldenrod Sat only 18. nd car & lnsvrance. Secretarial position In 957-8617 -9.4 644-7183 f!l.".'!~.~.'.'.C.t ....•.. L~5;;, 5~,~al~~~:Y d:f0S~~: •ii75iiiiii1·iii0iii4iii5iii1iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiml 714/645-5707 aclive i:iewpor1 Center Aaction 1015 Coit• #111 Collec1or's choice finds CM She needs medico· RllEllM MILLS Realtors office Fron11··••••••••••••••••••••1•••••••••••••••••••••• Glassware. p1c1u1es. office position requires . lrames bnc·a-brac pol- 11011 9790104 HR• EXTRA .... HOSPITAL good telephone voice, PUBLIC FURNITURE SWAP Min 1e1y chests, cos1ume rou11\l G1ey Calico cal Part lime alter school (al Equal Opply Employer typing. Shorthana & ap-1 *AUCTION* Every Sunday, 8am-3pm ma1eroa1s Sat SAM 1PM wtyellow collar Balearic least 3 Clays re• weal\) M/F ,. pearance Real estate Orange Coaa1 College Preview F11 4-6PM 2710 St . Mesa Verde CM You con earn 20 to S50 --experience helplul L>ut Everr Fri4IJ 7,30PM F1m111ew & Arllngton, Solana Way 546-8204 per week No e11per1ence l11rsi•& not easenllal Prefer local · ' Costa Mesa Admission needed Call Dally Pilot Cert NA 3· 11 :30PM & ros1den1 For In terview Lots of Office d esks I tree to buyers Seller 3 flMIL J SALE Fauna Whl c arn1el M 642·432 1 ut 342 ask P111me 3 30· 7 30PM I cell Mn1 Duhl I chrs & files, lovely bdrm, Reservahonst Info I pup speckles on snout for Joe E o E Sm conv hosp nr CM W SI I T I C lt11mg 1m, dining rm fur-556 5880 422 Crtu St. Lie. Wht co11ar/r1nestone~ I Fa1rgrds 549.3061 I t tJ • •J or •· n11ure, 1mpor1s. appHan· • Saturday only 9 AM 10 3 552·8530 Realtors 644-49 io ces PLUS LOTS MORE -----------• PM Sports equipment -ELECTRICAL DESIHER OFFICE GENERAL Inter· ---SAVE SAYE SAYE MULTI-FAMILY GARAGE c lothin g lurni lu•f': 2 bedroom, 2 baths & 2 stones 1n Twin Peaks in Lake Arrowhead area Has bu•ll·ins & hreplace First. last II depos11 re q uir e d Call (71 4 1 768 -0286 or t71 4 J 667-0657 weekday eve- nlhQS alter 6 p m II 11q answ er. please "ee'f'.7" lr)ingl ~44/ si2~ 4 6 a f I 6 p m /lfifCllJllllOUI Pe11oa1/1 5350 EXPERIENCED Perma· 1 esl•ng pos111on lor alert, I SEC'Y /&U. OFFICI SALE S at 9-5 Lamps, 1<ayak, ale •••••••••••••••••••••• nenl pos•Uon 25 yr old 1n1e11.1gen1 applicant We honor BofA, M C. rocker. hide-a-bed, Ibis. I I R E synd1ca11on/mgm1 VISA Cashle • Ch .. .,. • 11· • -., L'.D• I VICKI'S e I e c; t r 1 c a I co Good with nvm bers • r 5 ec.,s clo thes, m isc 10¢ to MllllOIJ r1e10 .• 111 company Heavy phone & c h NO PERSONAL 1 PHOTO MODELS I 7141859-7200 MacGREGOR VACHT as · I $150 3 108 Platle Or , ••••••••••• ••••••••• .. : CORP 63 p WOii\. dlctaphone. light CHECKS PLEASE. Food c . ESCORTS/DANCERS I EXECUTIVE SECRETARY Costa M!sa I lacenha. bOOkl\eeplng Full or available Items subject M Giant Swap Meet :~ Park Ccty Utah Corido Sleeps 6, kitchen, walk to ski 1111. Avail Dec 11 to 18 $450, 7 14/496·0314 Vall/Beaver Creek, CO Lux townhome. 4 br 4 be, sips 12 Oa11v or wkly s k i r e n 1ats C huck (2 13)376-3906 evs R1at1ll to Simi 4300 •••..•.........•.•••.. M/F shr beaut Back Bay condo Pool 1ac 1ennis $300 645-5123 F 22·30 shr 3 or 2 ba apt on beach N B Frplc. 25' pa110 garage $265, 1s1 l a s 1 & se c Brian 673-1519 St/M share Dana Point 2 Br 2 Ba $265tmo ist & last ''> u1ns 493-0987 Top ref's. 9 yrs teaching e•p Will rutor elemen- tary child in e.~change Tor r e duced ren1 Call 213/545-3626 OUTCAll 24 HRS Pan .11me. 5 dy week, 12 parl/l>me Must be orga· 10 presale. MO VING SALE Sat & R1nt1/1 4650 R1nt1/1 W111t•d 4325 •• • ••••• • ••••• ••• • •• •• ...................... IEED IY IEC. 1 Hunlmglon Beach 2·4 bdrm house, soulh or Adam X lnl r el s 964·0332. 842·0100 Motfler w/loeleller lookcng !Or hse or apt to share o• someone 10 look tor Place w11h me Kim 644-1879 ~!!!!.~~!!!.~'!'.!!.~~~ Garage tor rent $60 mo 286~ La Salle, C M 957-2740 alt 5 JOPM FOR RENT' H9·0207 noon to 5PM, but must nized A11por1 area Sena MASTERS llCTIOI Suri 8-5pm. Appliances. S11141J ... 14 Hdt , ---------•;' be fle•lble Reqs SH PART TIME resume & salary require-2075,h Newport Blvd CM linens, collecllbles. cups, tltt 214 S••IA•J of~ 2 b d 2 & 2 1 o o w p M t 1 Telephone Clerk. Dally ments to PO Box 8182. saucers, Franklln stove ... e room. baths * * * 6 5 WP " ,· 7 OYOP !:rg Newport Beach 92660 833·9625 646-8686 I 10¢·$200 346 Costa Htry •H••· s1011es 1n Twin Peaks 1n "" .. Piiot Circulation Oepl. S addleback College Lake Arrowhead area Atlantis Parlor 675·3551 dy•. Eve·s & Wknd Great Service Station Attendant. Mesa St C.M CAvery & Marguerite) Has bu11t-1ns & ltreptace 0 FLOOR PERSON ASST hours tor college stu-&•Pertence w11h ref's ~f!T!!!! ......... !.O.~~ ILOCI SALE 1-4 Selling Spac es $10 F1r51 1as1 & oepos11 re-pen 24 hrs a day Sewing production e•p. dent 842-4321 alter N e w po r t Be a c ti Tandem Bike Trallmate (seller set up 6am to quired Call (7 14 ) 7cJaysa week nee Sell·s\arler. fast 4pm. Ask tor Richard 644-7151 crsr. blue wl chrome 2900 J ACARANDA · 8am)FREEadmlsslon t<T 7 6 8 . o 2 8 6 or I 1 1 4 ) Jacuzzi Sauna locals lea C M 642 9651 •E•O .. E •. -------ienaers. 2 mos old s230, ~~,;~R. ~~ Yg. h~~~~d:.a~. shoppers. (Shopping hrs 667·0657 weekaay eve-as w ell as Tourists rner · · SUPER STAR 55 1.8158 av 9AM to 3PM.) 831-4646 n1ngs afler 6 pm 11 no BankAmericard, Amer.II GENERAL OFFICE Phone Solicclors needed ... drwr file. lg maple chest. answer please keep •can E .. press, Diners All Varied dulies, typing, immediately, no selling Oyriamic Investment Co 20" Boys AMF Renegade pineapple twin bds, Iota ~!.'!r.!!.!!~!~ ........ trying• welcome 7141646-3433 b u sy p ho nea. ac cu involveo. will call from reqlll•es a SUPER STAR bike Fine conel11ion $39 ot shutters, old walnut Estate Sale, antiques. la1i11111/lavt1t/ Fi11111c1 ••••.•••.............• 2112 Herbor Bl CM payable. Positive attitude our Newport Bea~h ol-willing 10 learn our buSI· _9_6_3_-_o_9_28______ ~hrs, rugoods. g~1·11IOY$. turn, Wat41f'ford, Steuben COEDS • Would love to necessary CM area Cell lice, no e1tperlence ne· ness I Girts Schwinn 10spd w/ vggaoe. ..,.. 0 ems. glass. freezer, designer parly wiyou Call Sve or Mrs. Bryson 546·7172 cessary Will trt11n For I rack $50 Sun 9 to noon Wall Furnace. $50; 2 Me-clothes, lots ol Items Dana Pt single storage. lutiatSI secured. slreel entrance. O•Nrta•itv 5005 34097 Granaoa $60 ••• Al"i••••••'•••••••• Kathy anytime (213) llOLF CLERK hours 3-9 Call between Compensation 10 $36, 4 7 4 Ogle C .M n r tal KllcnenCablnets.S25 under $100 2834 Ca- 6 3 4 . 4 5 7 l ( 7 I 4 l 2-'I at 641·0119 000 plus bonus and &•· 1 17111v1ne ea, 2 Wood S1orage Ca-talpa. NB. Fri/ Sal/Sun 527.7186 Resort hotel ..-CS• PIT cep11ona1 benellls -----binets. 60"•20"1t38". 10_5 goll clerk/slarler Ideal Prec1s1on Mold Maker Schwinn Varsity 19'1• 575 ea 645•4832 llODELll& PLUS for ret>red person Apply Mach1n1st Reaa Moch1ne Opportunity 10 travel tor E•cellent condition 585 UIAllE IALI ti45_3646 1n person, Personnel draw1ng11. and use In· I a brighl highly motrva· 549·0432 16HP OUtbOero $75 SCM Dining room set, m•s.c; o e p t M 0 n. T h u rs spec:11on tools ana In-tad sell starter Req roll led copier '500 w/ 673-3313 '493·0603 ,Soulh County Arcode · Loca11on ano machines Storage garage single, or location only Call E • o 11 c a an c ;~s 1 or 8 30-12, 1107 Jamboree slfuments. Set up ma-Degree and ev1aence 01 Bai/4iJJf supplies. WW2 windup kllch llems. clothes. 11• Bacnelor/ Bachelorette Rd, N.B 644-1700. chines & l athes lor fa· super star accomplish· #1tt1i1l1 1025 record player $65. 39 rF~~~ ~~.O~H H~:~":rt~~r 9~20 . Cos t a Mesa To m or S i mo n e Parties 738·8538 or Goll S"op, sales & pur-brrca11on of precision rnents •••••••••••••••••••••• white cement blocks $10 lnvt1tmt•t 558-8538 " parts ano molos 2 yr I IOW 31c/FT. ' Fender flairs. sm Christ-10 Hillside) Sal/Sun I0-5 S50tmo 586-2695 642-4907 wkdays Storage avail Nov I 1n Hunt Sch S45/mo t213) 420· 7705 433-2435 Ol/ic1 R~at•I 4400 .•.........•.......... •DELUXE OFFI CES* 1 MO FREE RENT 1 room lo 2800 sq It Chasing 32 hrs week schooling In machine 11 !his 1sri·1 you . please' Redwood 2•6 decl\lng mas bo•es. old vtollri. Everything Goes• Freezer. ".,e~ttHit( SOI 5 w omen & m en. rela1t with $5 50 P8• hr + comm shop and tool design 7 tell your smartest star 4•20• long also redw--..; lender Jaguar. etec gul· new recorder fish l1nder ••• ••••••• •••••••• a m ass age c a I I Conlacl Paul. Dave or uears wor"1ng exper1en· 1 1 f ' vvv tar $350 711 l'b ""'las• f t " S P·RTIER w·•TED 97 57 8 I ~ que lly riend about this tencing Call Jim or Ken • r..., v urn. e c ... any new ee • 111 1 4 • 1 Mike 496-2023 ce on mills. lalhff. gr111-ea Non smokers please anytime 775•1491 b oat $35 Air ram cylln-10¢ a line SAT 10. 1121 Developer seeks linan· New 10 LA beaut mtel-&OYER•Ml•T JOIS ders, lapping and gen-Please ,end resume 1o 1 • der, tub shower enclo-Marlin Way 646-3700 c1al partner 10 complete llgent. soph1stica1e<1 yng eral tool making. Xlnt COLLINS ASSOCIATES j Red Oak lumber surla-su1es $40. Frl·Sat 333 G • A AG E S E rental unit pro)ecl Good lady, seeks financ se· Immediate openings wort.Ing conditions SA 567 San Nicholes Or ced both sloes FAS E 18th SI C.M SA'"'•• P" S A0 l 3 · cash llow projected wt cure gentleman for ..,8 • overseas and domestic S 11-13/hr (Send this ao N I a h 92660 S 1 25 II 662·2694 "'" 1 .., ul1 ct 1 F 25-35 to shr 2 b• EiC M From SI 16 a sq fl Adi most tax benefits lo t1-11able re1a11onsh1p Write 20.000 to 50,000 + e and your resume to ewpo1 eac • ISat. o11ly 9.3 Reel lawn· Games. toys, books, kit· nancia1 partner Ad No 731 c/o Dally Pl· year Call (3121 920-9675 JOBS =8-3085, po. Sol( Teache1s Asslst 10 aide C1me111 j m ower, ham radio & I chen things Lots ot stull 30 yr G p M I A R M lot 330 w Bay P 0 Bo• I Ext 2239 15 102. Los Angeles. lor pre-school. lull & part E•ai••tllt 1030 much misc 229 Del Mar 5¢ 10 525 1866 Port hse no dogs S265 Atrporter Inn & Frwys 642-7471 wl\dy evs Call AM 833·3223 Prof woman & 14 yr old 11617 Westclill. N.B 256 daughter seek rental to 10 4000 sq ft 1st floor perma11ent loa11 at 9\,•t. j 1560 Costa Mesa 92626 Hairdressers & Manicurist 90015 no later than No-lime Call btwn 1·2·30 .... , •• ~•••••••••••••• GARAGE SALE Taggart. NB available at this llrne wanted for busy beauty I vember 10. 1982) 552-7494 Elmo Super 8 Zoom ca· 1655 Darrell. Sal only 9-2 I Garage Sale· dinghy. O/B Appro• $50,000 requ1· 1 Pe11011•/ shop S1a11ons for rent or TEACHER • credential. mere compt automallc, Lois of goodies m ot or, skis & boot s. red E•cellent relurn plus S11vic11 5360 commission. 957-0808 PROCR&IMER/JI. 8-10 hrs per week, per-m4•n7t w /c as e s95. sur1boerd, spkrs. child's 1a11 benellls m ake this an • ••• •••• • •••••• • ••••• • Ill SYSTEM /3.t manent position. Tra1-6 6• 909 March to your pho11e 10 desk. train se1 oo board. e•oep1tona1 opportunity lT YOUR SERVICE MAIRllHSHS RPG II. SDA. DFU nlng provided. The Rea-I x 700 Minolta Camera place a fast-ecling Clas-misc Sat only 1201 shr, CaM Call Sharon Agenl 541-5032 HROF SEEKS '• M or F ------• rmmtes 21 -28 10 shr Airport area · E•ec Su1- mos1 beautllul twnhse in les From 225·450 sq It Univ Pk.. Irvine Pool g $I per SQ fl Many ~tr as spa S250 t mo Dys Call 551.1_0_1_0 __ 759·2676. evs 552·6310 400-900 PLUS 1400 sq II Personal, qualilled com-and Assistants needed at Great opportunity tor d•ng Game. 842-0606 end lens Motor lor ca· Sifted ad. 642-5678 Eslefle. 548-8242 Call Steve Anthony pan ion drivers for your Ha Ir West New P ort conscientious epp11c11nt -mer a Zoom lens, wide liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 714/953-8030 oay 10 day errands Beach l ov 1se 673-4186 Fountain Valley Co TllEPMOll angle 1ens. llash 11nd very Female rmmate 10 shr condo nr So Cst Plaza $270 mo 641-8617 all 5PM Roommate wariteel 2 br. 1'' ba $225 & '> UlllS 631-3272 4 br, 2 ba. washer. dryer, kitchen, etc $20 deposit $225 mo 646-8386 alcer 7 pm. Fe. 25-35. CdM. $250/mo. 1st and last Avall Nov 1 Craig or Oebb•e 720-0850 alter 6 Penthouse Bayfronl Sur· 1e park ing, pa11os 673· 1003 ---- ~!~!1.!!.~~! .. !.~~~ FOIECLOSllE MELPLIH DESI SPACE CDM Ctl S.lutiHI At1ract1ve rustic upstairs 851-5995 setung. We supply desk,M --0-1-t1-,-7,-,-,-,-,-,-,,-,-1-- space copier You sup· ply phone & S95 pr mo IHe I 5035 pr des~ Call 644·7211 •••••••••••••••••••••• II.II. SAffiEI Costa Mesa 1 or 2 room suites From $75/mo Mtr1S•Ct Ct. IH. Ullls 111cld 779 w 19th Speclallzlng In 1st & 2nd Sf 851·8928 TO's since 1949 Robt Saltier NH/CM R E. Broker Bd Realtors 642·2171 545-0611 IHUTIFUl llW,DRT CHTER Shop ping doct or 's HalrSlyllsl end Manicurist Jol\n, 964-9090 SOLICITORS line case 642-6147 f•t•it11t IOSO F11•it•11 1050 •.••....•....•........•..............•...... 9 PPts. church, e1c Alll wanted Busy Shop.,R EAL ESTATE SALE· needs rnel By hour or Mesa Verde Area 1 SMAN Need 2 expe· Clay 494-5857 _ I mont h Free rent o r rlenced people In com- SUR&ICll PROILEI? 1 comm 9 5 7 • 0 8 0 8 . me1c1a1 & Industrial real We need good people 10 set up appointments llom our Newport Beach olltce "' the evening lor Holiday Inn's new 11avel club Salary + commls- s 1 on + bonus Ca ll 833·3740 atler 1 PM Ekalite underwater hou· I llf FIRllTIRE Beaulltul single canopy sing tor Canon A -I Les 957•8133 I bed. Excellent condition Complete $250 Gert -. $ I 0 0 5 4 8 • 4 9 0 3 548-4903. 645-0272 Custom made 1· Couch. 645-0272 Call now for prolesslonal 586-8814 estate for a successlul & Te le ph o t o lens . 100-200mm, 70-150mm tor Canon camera $100 Gero 5«8·4905, 645-2073 Ptll'lect condition. coach iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil arms, side & back cu- shions. ml11 striped blue/ green/beige. elc, $200. 676-2333 counseling No charge. ' MAIR snLIST growing firm. Best WO,. no obllgauon 650-1026 1 king condlllon.s In N-· Mollvateo Stylist needed p o r 1 B e a c h 24 hrs for Progresatve Salon. 714/646-5051 Salary. Comm . Vaca-E..• •• '•0/00r• •• •.1t •• t.......... lion Mgr 540-8889 RECEnlOllST Telephone Seles I FrH to r.. 1045 Queen alze w•ter bed: ~ ~ PAllC • • • • • • •" • • • • • • • • • • • • • • h db d 6 d Jobi W111ld 1015 HANO IRONING· Person Trainee for phones & Ille Fem black Lab 1 yr old ea oar • rawer •••••••••••••••••••••• 10 do hand Ironing office duties. Starting I Desperately need 3 peo-all shols spayed · pedestal, good cond. Compantonlhskper live In 494•4044 salary $3 75 per hr AP· pie to work lrom our of-714i.ise-o314 sheets. e I c $ 2 0 0 position desired by ma· ply In peraon trom 2 to 6 lice laking phone orders 1_5_4_5_-_1_20_1 ______ 1 lure, e.:p·d F 548-2567 HI-Fl SALES Mon thru Fri No phone tor Fllmco Processing. M Ooberman, 10 mos. nds I Recliner chair elartt brown S • Leading retailer of audio calls please. Leonlle. 2•5 no experience neces-gd home, all shots. CdM velvet has 'extres Xlnt FURNITURE -NEW PARKING LOT SALE Fri, Sat. Sun Musi raise Cash PRICES START AT Mallresses & found set Twin $77 • Full $97 Queen $147 ·King $1 67 Sola & Loveseats $247 Sofa Beds S 197 DISCOUNT FURNITURE 1959 Harbor Blvd LIVtHn wedtshGlrls Flscher. Unit D-6. Costa. sary $200 perweekalter k ennels 64<1 -72 62,j cond 's1oo 642-8S7t M/F lmrnac no'1 smkr I With use ot reception, WIDOW HAS $$$ tor TD's Childcare. hskpg, etc components seeking Mesa training Call 55~·0444 9.5·30 ___ . ___ . _____ 1 estab. to share wtsame, cont room. 1<1tch. phone. RE Loans 10K Up No Swedish Au Pair Agency sharp men & women today Kitchen Table, modern nice condo nr SCP $250 secre1e11a1 & word pro· Credll Check. No Pen-AnswerAd 680. 642-5678 Prolesslonat attitude and RECEPTIONIST I 6 week 010 while rabbll. style beige w/bulcher Dining table 46 Inch rd. 2 +•;, u111s 545-2575 cess1ng Mall & m&Ssage ally Dennison & Assoc appearance req E11cel RUNNER Travel Agent. mature 11 nds gooo home 4 mo i 1op c'tormlca) with leal lvs. 3 chairs. 1 host chair, serv avail separatety 11 673-731 t Woman desires live-In opportunity Call only Growing Newport Beach 1 1 ri~:. ;;tg;~~ce, part supply ot food 645-l286 very nice. $35. 642-8571: rnaplewood. we! fin Gel Costa Mesa 631·6609 2500 sq It condo wlv1ew I desired Call. Judy, ---------~ous1:1~ne ~o:~~keeper / Mon thru Fri. 10am to adverllslng agenc{. 16 mo old AKC lem•lelouncen Phyfe Dining Rm cond $275 ~:e:~~~llB~Y·,!~~~:~~ -7141780-0100 0&111 FOi 7141646..()<124af\ 6PM or 3pm. 2131685-8543 ~:~~d?:,~~:t:o ~~~~; nPIST/RECEPTIHIST Go,tden wRet,111ever 8eau·1 1ab, 6 Chr. Gel c;ond. R&-~5-3634 poofs, w m accept l or 2 4001·9 Btrch St NB •~o TllllT DEEDS wkends HOUSECLEANEAS· Ex· phone. type, flle & run PtUme afternoon. Con· t t ul 8 trained fin drk. wood S450 New meuress sets-fu-11 adults or 1 adult wlch•ld sq It S 1 00 per sQ II Circle Home Loans perlenced for resrdentlal etranels Opportunllfes tact Nickl 714-549-1157. Spayed 673·7489 545-4554 • $65. queen S 105, king 557-7883 or 640·6339 Agent 541·5032. 499-2281 IJ!}l..'lf!!'.~~ •••• !.l.~~ work. 631-8223 for advancemenl. Call Walters 3 Wallr8Sffs over A loving Black Lab, well ROGIER/REOt.llEI S 125, Andy 750-5832 NEWPORT BEACH l tlllll Offices REAL ESTATE LOllS Apt Mgr/Malnlenance HOUSECLEANERS, M•n Brooks at 644-7644 tor 21 yrs, apply tn person at I "111ned 1'"' yr old Male 6 HtGHBACK CHAIRS. L di 1 11 Couple for 34 unlla In & Wiie team. PIT Must appt. El Mltaelor. 1768 New-All Shote. 6<12-9732 Rusi velour. perfect a es :..n5~9;~~ now ~~:.::·~·77~0,~~1 ~~9:· 1st. 2nds. 3rda, 4ths Hunt B<lh Send resume have own Irani. El Toro REOIPTlllllT port Blvd, c M Red l opping brick s. _co_n_d_$_l_00_._~_2_·1_o_9_3 __ , ~~~;s~~1~;11;:~~~· Share detached Wood bridge home wtprol pereon Piil beth, p111 jac washer. dryer. gardener. cleaning service Wooo. bridge amen1t18s S325 & ~ utlla 559 ·9 6 1 • A k Ctlftllill to Inves t West Mngt Marine Base homet Call 8X 12)(2 (45) $25 Muat soil King sz Cap-642-0638. ec;ept • wor room , P.O Box 30<160, Santa 7141438-2227. F/tlme 9 to 5, Kidder. Wanted Depen dable • · taln's Water bed w/ storage 675-3882 10-5 Thrift I LtN ln'• Barbara. Ca 93 IOS or Peabody & Co 644-7040 Handyman 01 Woman 10 673-39•6 mlrro;ed heed board. a.,,,. 1060 * Ht * FOUNTAIN VALLEY call 805/687-1588 HOUSEIEEPER as!< lor Susan Meuenle do Commercial Land-White male Tertler. 3 yrt $300/olr 631-1276 •••••••••••••••••••••• 964-9111 Sales t caplng, Cteenfng. ind ato, houaebrkn, gooc ----------1 Btautllul Simco Roping EXECUTIYl SUITES WE CAI PIRCllASE AulstHt IHlltr Surf and Sand Hotel Odd Jobs S250/wk. Cell watc h dog. 847-56r 7W Sota, Rusi. Xlnt Cond Saddle. Xlnt Cond New Full se<Vlce Keep your Malure person lo work needs a auper "delall llOIOllY FARIS (714) 955-1690 aves $ 125; Dinette sel. $40 $700+. sell $425 o bo overhead low & protea-Your 111 or 2nd TO'• with esl•bllshed youth I oriented" housecleaner Opt'y 10 Hll gourmet 631-7336 640-9166 slonal lma9e high Pre· Rich 6.u-9490 for Info counseling llrm. Mutt be I Must speak English fooels and gift• IOI' holl· lltttlkl•"lf Fir•ltDlt IOSO WI • II ff S40 -F-la_s_h_y_r_e_g-ls_t_er_e_d_Tho· Ammie to shr 3 br. 2 Ila sllglous Wostclllf area of sharp, outgoing. "ttrac· S4/hr C111 Ml11 Merci d1ys. Fle11. hrt. F•shlon ••••••••••••••••• ••••• •••••• •••••••••••••••• e tr •• t, rough bred, gelding, 12 hae, Qarage Meaa Ver-I Newport Beach 881 Do· A••••Hfalllll/ tlve per1on11llly, ple1san1 497-4477. Ext 365. lsl1nd 840·8030. West-btl••ll IOOS **I BUY** 536-8288 yrs, 17 hands. very wll- (6-8pm) de. C.M 540•9481 ver Or Ste 14, 631-3651 l1t1•••l1/ Phone voice. and ablltty Janitors wanted. d1pen-cliff PIUll 642-01172. ••••"••••••••••••••••• Girls' French Prov. bdrm ting & gentle Raas LI•• Art1 F1r•. L••t I I•••' 10 mee1people.1235 per I dabla. reliable. S5-S1 ptr ---------Kenmor• wesner & dryer. Good u•e<i Furnllure & set . dble he1elbrd & 831-1001: 405-4754 ROOMMATE WANTED 0 ., •••••••••••••••••••••• week Whan qu1llfled. C111 hr Flexlt>le hour•. Call Ulll/MITlll I xlnt cond. $75 ••Ch lreme, dreuer & nlle MIF to llnd & shire C.M I fflce. o50 sq ft. over Wit I fH•' S300• 2.00pm-5:30. 642-4321 Lo <1117-5907, leave m"· E•rn to S15001mo. PIT. &44-8488 aft 4fwllnd• APPll•nao•·OA 1 wlll Hll 1tano. $150 551-5007 J•wln 1010 1p1 wlM. 648·3124 night lac. 1500 rno to mo •••••••••••••••••••••• ext. 346 E O.E sa"e Mu• I be mt\ u rt · I or SELL lo• Vou ••••••.'••••••••••••••• or Isa. 552-7730 9\IH " ... ., "043 l.. •• WEST•• STE" •OBEY •••t11t• •-fltl Hlde·•·t>8dlloveUtl. I MIF shr 3BR apt. NB Nr A1t1ndent Live-In. Assist .,.,,,.,, eive ...... ""1N ""' "8 • "-tngl. Slmmone 130, ph Engagemtm ring, yellow t>Hc:tl S242 111 & IHI Office Bldg. N1w. lldd FOUND ADS dtllbled prof woman. No w AllllTUT -1141--'-0_e._______ ANTIQUE MALL 14t·HH IH·IHI 536-5190 ool d w /3 dl1mond1. depoelt. 876•0818 your own Improvement•. h11tcleantno. nice CM I for medlc1111b In l..1funa SALIS 1175 1 w .. 1mlnattr Avt. beeuttful 1100. 77s,.1975 760·7500 tt 9111111 854" home Pv1 rm , rm & brd Bellen. call 633-583 , p A PE"SONS .. 'EE· 0 AA06N GROVE 811 brownflald IOfl hid .. DHlgner 11cl, bronH MIF thtrt a bdrm, 2 ba. 2 11 2488 Newpon Blvd. ARE FREE plus 1200 mo. 845•23 .. 7 • " "' 5&4·8103 gtau t1bt•, movlng mutt 1tory •pt In CdM Non· C M 842·3'490 ., UlllOAPI oeo. M1glo 1111nd ''l~~~~~~~~~1 ··bedl7 M•Pledlntllt Hll. 631-3133 .,,,.,,,..... -· •mkr. S350 par month -IUln LABORERS.Some111per 1001ono for• few lnttlll-AntlQut net 1 reed 0,. ut. 4 c h1111 1 75 .1----------.i •••••••••••••••••• .. ••• fncludet cable & phOne 0;1k Spice, S~OOlmo. ca••, k d neoeuuy. Starting $4 genptrla'oenll•ra0110111ere&pllrencerttn•1 g1n, 1m1ll :fie. looka _e_•_2_·8_0_5_' ______ ,e ti COi.iC!\ ind 6 It IOvt -·-bl .... ,_,. electrlclly Altai 8pm purnt•tieBd UIBll a P..,tld Q 1.,ooff 1"0 10 t lld to our per hr. Cttl Kevin t11er 4 1"6.-In t....,r p·• clu .. In wood but nttdt work, Soll & l..ove1 .. 1, .. nti-Htl, 11030<1. cond. '150 8 to 20' IOnQ, se. I* ti 720"°'32 r•1llge •nk ldg, '"'"I 1 a two 1ty 1tt with PM 855-37111 ,,.... ..,.. •• ., (bolh) 8 t>.,4'9 175 1401 ytltM Fr .. wty Acceu. Me.. l.t2-llll coentet A!Chllrd Ouelet• · Nwpt ee11. Int~ req, 2001obo. 831·22&0 tone pl1ld. 1olld wOOd. · • •n Aoom w/lllf Ptlvf11g... Verde 55e-9'250 It, 200 Newpofl Centtt l.80•1 S.Crettty c 11 1 t 10 e Tiit s 1 ·• qlty conat F•l• cond Klng,..lie Wllllfbed, 8 mo• UnfvtrtllY Alhtetlc Cluo. 1226. tit a 1u1, Nwp1 1r111ne ba11d 11w llrm • 0 ' •PP · • ' 2 any tylt impa. .. eo 11&0 840·018CI old, 11111 , bookc1H Mtm1>9rahtp, Men Only, Bdl. 642-Mlt Desk 1p1ce, furn., W. Lott T in" a 1k • Ttn _Dr __ N_B_._____ Mella Mtl motlvtltO In M on•,rl, Alk for Mr. 01au th1d ... orig wtr11. 8r1 .... new TWIN B"O wl llllldbo•rd. l 2001obo. '°' Pfloe. '450. 053·M06 co .. t Hwy, NB. 1276 mo ' .. .. IOAT REllTll d i Id I T I 50 80 Htl~g 87&-0900 Ctrc1 1020. J'ully •PPr. ""' " "8·1109 H4-3766 ' Aetp Prof F w/lurn. foe>-Incl. ulll• 842•1113 York1hlr1 Torrler, Birch w;m.u:erir:~~~IU· Se... 1 mint CQ4'd. 835-5933 frtme 175. C•ll Anne Mink StOltt. £mb• S>aelel. king to •hr •Pllh•• by M Feroueon a HIM AE ~k~~n~~"~!o~=~~~· or Operator lor Huntington rtte wllll eJCp. Benefltt. PAAl!NTS·TIACHEAS l..ovely inllqut 3 po bdrm ;:~:l~~· day• •fl 8PM WOOden f'Ta!M King ainj n11ur1t brown mlnli., Nov t, 687·0201 :,. --N-EW..;;..P_O_AT_B_EA_C_H __ I 560-0710 H"bour Mutt be tllpe! 1om• t1g11 up prer. 00 you entoy Nrly ohlld· HI Ind 011\ef llM Intl· ....:....--------1 Wlletbed Ilk• new. Wltll '300. 240-12M P .. _1 "'-127•1 ---------In H lling. Knowl1dg1 Mtrlbell'I, 851·0001 llOOd eduo1tlon? You'll quea, 968·8937 Writing DH k &'. p1c:en MW m1ttteN, new llntt, OAK FfD"'WOOD YOU luylno ind Hlllng 11 a ,,._ e 0 """ "~ Lo•t. Coc ker Sptnltl. boll rep11lr & outboard 1 o v • 1 II• I. ITT ER -----wood. 3 drlwert, blk lthr """ reaaon1bl• prl~·•h•t'• An• ..,Vice S50l mo Brown 11m11e v ie engine repair n11pftJI Ae1dthe 1:la1tlfl1c1ad1for P EOPLEll For 1oca1 Sel4WfthEAS!,I top, d111t limp a ctlr, :.":'ieU:~cfatt~~ ~~:4u9~ .. o~.we DELI· wl'llt Oft.ulfl1d I• all 71411U"8408 Brookhutlt 1nd E!lltt S81hr to llert (, t3l Ille ,,.., 0 .. 11 In •P1t1· Interview call 8111 H1I· II'•• BREEZE xlnl concl. '395/bet\ Of· let som • # ..., •bout. 642-5678 w~t Ad Rttu!U I t()O Reward 963·4721 271·2877 menl ren1.it 842·ff11 mutll II 700-oto1 Ctutlfled Ad• 6'2·5978 IW &&9·5031 • 1 . .. " ' --~--~-..----------- t;I Oramg• Co_.•I DAil Y Pll 0 f I f rlduy Oc1ober 28, 1982 !f.{•.~'!~~.'!.~~ •.. ~f fV~IUI•, I C•;1tr•, lilt I IO r!l.'.~ ............ 1.~~! ~ ... 1.~1.!!'!r.!!!~ ....... ~.".~'!i.!"!l.~~1!.~ ...... ~.".~0.' • .'!".t~!!!! ...... . MAQIC Ill.AND CLUU .... !!~J!~!!f .. J.~!. .... !~! ........... .'... IJ D•l•Ull PU wOlht ... lllW 1111 H1ttd• 9127 lomltt 1110 ~!'.'.~· . .'!'!t~!!!~ ....... '~!'.'.'.'1.¥!!!. •••......• ~.".~~· .. ~~!~' : ........ . r.•!~!!.~l!!' ...... !.~~~I f!.~1!!~! ......... !.~H f!!~ ............. !.~~! c II A fl f CA M II M . U Al\ OAT 0.0 10,l\N Lt t1011uJo • t ill u~•• i4IO ti hi>, t HOO or o1te1 ·~.,·arJi~···R·· 1 1·t·1,·t,·11~:·:,·,·,·,", '''11",'11·,·1·1 ! ... l.l"l'1"'p'g';;a··a·11·•I••• BFR8HIP Nr~ U41 •llf.lllt 4 •lt11 llQllQ, I I 4 l W 11en11 • t ~ " n 1110 VOUSWAll• 111 I IOUfltdl• ' •HI i ,A "''" ~ Oood "H J&" I UI MUST SELL ' • .,, 111.t ..c.011 a1110 9••·2~1Q ,.....,. .. , l411 ll4b UOH IU·lllt.ll.'vtM 1.11 1111 '" •"" • "" 114 2 0 GDUPI !>• IJ•Y ••••PllOli;-11¥1 IQ llt)lll!Oci01 tv. oood .;;."'" ll,,,_ ,.,., 'tll lnl'l Cr•w·C•b. 11•1 11.1 .. l t1vlce l.•1191n !!~e1~"· u 111 I 11111 " ., lplhllt~ .. :. 11111• •1;1111• I 111• ul1u "·•~ ,, "1H1tf)ttl & II I'"""' i'I '1111 Mii!> I 'Hflll l.hNllllUIUI"' ,,.IMll ll ;, 11 \•'I It.I I I I ••111011011 plug. o•••• lor tond t lllO 14•·?eTI ................ l ...... 1 I btd. 110011 •!111 ,, •• d. 1112 IMW OLlll ' " '"'" 1• \JI Piii• /\Mlf M COl OR TV WOiii"...,..... USED Lil IL• aa~t 131·9064 Nita S4MeotlO!ll '-"•t "1"""' '·"~1""' wh••I• & ttl() rm S tOO 644·iiff 3 YR OLO MOPIO 1 .ome worll a-4801011 J 9730 llulj, o. 12 ov111. gold WI .... ........ ~ ' I • 1• .. oce 4 ~~ ... rnei................ ntor•' Vury 1111111> '"'' h••vy 11111g11 110 1110 •4144••ll(l H AM 1144 ~29 8 1 Det•un long bed, 6 (UUONACI ,.,...., 6A JOO\#at U I '""' 1 ' flAKC74tll 1•11 1Hy C:11ll ou 46711 0000 410 WATT IPl<RS I Pll IALI , eoo, c;aml)4H 1h111, 101 • 11 3a0l 4 •P<I wn Compl 111011 "'IQ ' 1 • 111""' l•L• "'•• 1 •1r1 u<11no ·2 Shojt ICrffnt 4.;=:w fln.aound,S.O/pllt ~•ILC llt6 I 04ld M&OO 646·8'90 1uol 1J'8lHA) ' IY'1•ni Wlr• "'111 1 t.•~•·1111• Oum '" indoor •l•lnlM• 6Af.7t09 ~48 4420 • I ·n COURteR ' • 10 320• 4 IQd . Mll1 HSOO IM' '""" illH I IJUO w/ttilnlen M1attel •m/lm-11;;-eo rec PUCH Newporl 11 t 300, I'll.SI molOf WOtk. S.60 root Ul411YHll BEST 11111 110011 w 1nao• .i1vwr. •llll eono. l•O Almolll newt 63.t-012t • 80 320t. 0 te><I . wn 1111 JAGUAR mount 111 conlllltoner IA6-790t 64t H70 ·ei ~onCt;:;; PU. w/ root (&l!iZOt<) QFFERI 8000 BTU Ftuore1c1n1 C. ( mdu• ,3 .. t>ll Cll 6 ., • 80 3201. 5 •Pd •" 1,1 M&lllt It SEDAM celllng 11gt11 1111tur• whll• TV, hH outl•t•. ll•t•rrrtlt1/ ah'ell, lli~te•8 1.011(1 c IASX0481 i<lfll cond A""' 'I'• 0<111 , 848·3104 thtt &pm rnputu tlC, iOOd eono. ""Hlttl l/"0 111·11l 1 ml. Olfg Ow111•1 1rnl IHI ! I 14'/ b:>'..I 0)ti4 ... 'I "'08 w I l SI ti .... t>lk 1111 Ch•"""' WI"• G1or11 Mar1hall Treat $!JO 646 700 •••••••••••••••••••••• u••• •s10 ' " 1 • n "" .. .1.. 111& PO•IONE C I' I "' ~ Clo••'" &unda wn1ttlt 80cJy • 1111 wcf "' " ment1. S940 1111ue. $300 uttom Hu•Qvlln• t l\C. • • •••• • • • • • •" ••• • • • • • ,,.,, 'I "-1 1 • OOIPE 8 2!> ze,,rth, Cnrnb, Cir, .. ona $9001080 VAi CHOICE INV-ENTORY ,,.1 .... r, 'omp ( ... Orutl .. 48·4544t645-5072 AM/f111, Phnno WDlnut, 1141494·8968 VO'i ,I S"'' .,., Aun1 /trh11 lly Prof1t• I hll 1)18Ck blllulV /llt All .. II 0 I $;>!10 XLNT C.o nd I ., " """-11010 t10 ~00 Uuiy l AM/(M (133NAY) • ..... .. ••H 90;2 15:.>l Honull 80 CM400, 9k04tll oo•.HSlllS 142·~80 I D•v• ""'' 11-· OL···1 ,., Ra•I COllll . Uk Ing I ' I 00 wlllnclt t> .. 8 pm I"" ...... RH1onabl1 983·11625 IOlll I /1111/n 851· 1388 all 5PM FRH THOE TRIP Jiii IUJlt• s,1:v~~n'~f. Ps~~,~~~te ... ~,!!f~!~! ......... ~A~A~~:."c;~~ s:.~., AJ~1ro~~~·::1ls• I 0 I ::~ l RE I !'!.':!.Y..ft/t ••• !Z~! te~~~~~~e~·=~o 968·7109 964-3756 G1•t1•I 1010 lo w m11 01011 $1000 NEW II .,lr•lllll 1111hll Hunllro.nton Bt1oth • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••• 962· •8• 1 bah:t• Setv•ce· Leasing " • .,, IARIH FUEL IOOI COAOll MUTER 850 N Beach BMI Colotorn f• Stvl• All U2·2000 Bumpet Pool I able. $ 100. Pinball machine, S350, Hammond Elec organ S600 Oak credenza S350 644·2 1 IQ ---MAGIC ISLAND GOLD MEMBERS~llP $800 tn ctulles '82 d ues 759· 12 t t 01 284 Or 840-0236 CNIUSTIAS llU llOHE LOVERS Be1u111u1 ceramic horse na.nd p11nled end glazed Only $75 Olher ceramic anlm•ls made 10 order lor ycxir 1nlmal lovers lor ChrlSlmes Call me tor 11e1alls a• 640·8709 1111 6PM PERSIAN RUGS 75 yrs o ld S600 Besl o tr 549·8'157 Encyclopedia 1980. uno· pened $135. (Orog $4501 Atso Am111c11n11 & Brrt· lanlce t982 Save S IOOs 838-3643 LIVI IALLOOH Send someone ycx. love f'OR SALE 198 1 Yamuho SR 185CC I L• Habra Blll~k l"111~rn1 A11 , 6,.2 4644 M-r, 9.5 Stree1 bllie M1n1 ~ona VAIS llLlllTH IU·UU M1,nt1lrr1~ 11m11 '" ,,,,, 95 mpg S750 645 0490 SELECT YUi Open sunllny 148" l'0M> 8 FT DINGHY •(ll·11llP VLHV '>llAlll Neeoa a hllle pllttit & '79 Yamaha SR500 lor n a 78 320 $ ~ u•11A•1 1 3995 HC $65 646·7909 p1:1rts , QO Ou eno " IUST SELL ssoo10 Bo 831-7'44 PAOIFIOA Out.II boot, 8'. S70 3032 No 56 Coolidge Ave 250 CC Enlluro, lo m1. xlnt Cosio Mosa con<l. S325 OBO 6•6· 1532 IOltl, ftfli•ltOIOct 8 I 11onlla ,Xi, 185S, •Int I Sttvict 1020 c; o " " M u s 1 s e t t ••••;_;;,~~:·s;;;.~;;•••• S750Jbst otr !>52·8014 Des1gn/111sta:t Repaor Hodaca Ace 100 Pl1111c Olly work 549·2520 Ev 1en11e1s & tanloo lor 11111 $185 Mike 552 4986 IOlll, /1111iae evs I ... ~,'!!f~!'!! .... !.~~~ 15 SuZUl<I 185 1w1n llQhl Al.UM MAST tor sallt>oat eng. gll con<l $350/01>0 60 tall, S 1000 548-2429 all I lam I 645-9214 642-5690 I .,, I H s It/ I -rro 01 oats, • ;, ~~!.'!, .!~~~~ • • •• !.~~~ • !~~ !l.~!!!~f !. ••••'•~~I Classic 18' LepS1t11ke Rant 26' motor home Century bay boet 4 cyf, sips 8, fully 101111e11 Grey $3500 675·6 161 645-8616 (Paul) 13 Boston Wnaler M1n1 Conll 35 HP. e1ec stn M any Xlr8S $3800 645·7673 Lv Mnsaoe T!!l!!!'l •• ~'1!!7..!.1.~~I USED 'Tl DDl&E YH CrulSe, a11 cond & C B ( 1327691 UHi 'll 8110 CAIPH HI bacli. C:h&llS & 1111 w11ee1 (510523) SHH 'll DOii£ MUI Fng, bey windows & a11 cond (2390521 SHH 'JI FORD CAIPH Slnl\. frig. & sleeper (628619) SHH Wt111e with tan seddle DICK MILLER MOTORS I lO W Warner Ave Santa Ana 557·2 132 Interior Foclory s1111111g sunroot. air conl! • coco • 1 moti, 01c Drtven w11h c are (949ZR T) Just Ot1ud rellat>le party 10 malle small mon1n1y paymen1' No old con· trecl to as•ume, no t>ack ll11d1 9738 paym&nts doe ASK FOR •• •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ROSE 63 1·5202 Ike lntporls ORAH£ COUllTY'S OLDEST Sales-Sarvice-Leastno IUY'CARVER R 'US R l'tt "F. ·lit\ 1\'\ '"• ..,.... .. ., -#. '4#~"" 1•.;'11! •• ,,,,,.. •• '4 ~ ~ -.._AYI 11·S ,;tn .. 111011 """' •!Sit ...... JA<IUTYI a oeautlluo bouque: of 30 WANTED Large wheel. 16' helium balloons Peflect tor all occasions Fun tor to 18" trailer 548-2188 Ul1hly T1a1ler 5a7 w/SlllB 1>oar11s New p11n1. good 111es $375. 751·2299 PU BED UTILITY TRAI· '11 FOlll VAil Wmdow pkg • stereo & 011 conll (A 18845) 75 BMW 6301 500 ml n- eng Mull see to believe $7100 953·1574 I)! Ullt l' :;1'1 •111 •' Haltowaen greal lor Bay Launcn 20th Century el11Chon 673-4419 Lapstralo.e, 18 lnboi1111. LEA Stile Boards & Root S 150 631 ·7244 SllH Cl'/.li 91J5 '82 Millll8 AY 7 (,'-, ~ •I •• •••• .... ••••••••••• 1903 mile~ Lti<f Nf _.,, '76 Capr1, Orig hi yellow, Best otter 64h 71.01 1 11 1 MEISTER PORSCHE/ AUDI I HiJ I Horbor Blv(l t .urd11" Grovu Sates-Service Leu In& 114 631·2333 '80 921 ' u>A-" 4 , t ~u ml Alt 1 1Vw• • A• tlPan rnusl t ,,, ... s. .. 11 ,,,, 000 I I •4 '•' , 1:00 1 w~ <Ju I j J'J I l I OUIJtl •lnl I ~··•111 n ... 1 Rt>lt eno '" u ~ f .. .-,.,. E 111 1 r as I 71,() litrl•I I' Pr•,,1., 914 18 S 'l>IJ 11k• 11ew ~teoeo, Mo1w A L Musi 'ell, 1:1t•SI tJ!l•'f 846·3753, ''V"~ 1.4 I !rSS:>. days 62 PORSCHE CABRIOLET '' 1~1 • fh;conll111on11d '~"' c "II Motes Brighi Ro•ll w 11 New black lop II 1111 An 111ye91men1 you c ,,,, 11' •" 113564MEI $9950 -11-.-11-.tt-J------$2500 675·1835 Eves , • .,, •• ,.,, IOIJ 15' BOAT & TRAILER 35 Aato S11vitt, 11111 A Actt1101iH 1400 TNHIORE ROllH FORD brown Int , 4 spd, stereo 1 DICK MILLER OILY $3311 JIM MAlllllD YOLUWHH 1117 I I 8 .. lll UlvO ttu111i11Qlt>1• Hrt"<.li 1'2·2000 11 & 11 IUI CONVERTS Nt1W 11111111 IOJ..o• "' ml In llOlllU!l MIJ~I l1tf ¥114H $80001$1l41~J i..ull (114) 651.t lib 1111 YOLKSW&QH CAMPER TlllN w"ll r 1tt11l lc1r <om '"" l!I o,t I '··~itn t\ hUN OJH l<trt I • I' 11 l flQ 1usn1 ONLY S4lH JIM MAlllllD VOLU WAGH Ill/ 11 tlt,..<.h Btv(I t1ou1111u1• 11 fieuc.h 8'2-2000 hotytt l•aUuu 1ult, 1 1 ldJrttph••nl1 H•P''I t • 11 w1U1 iJOWof rtt1111 1 ' WUHJUW' t Ul.l• 1rt :ti. I I A rttur u' tL t.1 tifil 1 • nu .. U tullul1tu 11 tt,1 t tttU~f"I '"'h•ll llllJI II P•tnuilfla ti ""' lt8Ct fO , ... '"'"' ft I t ' • P•ym~nh •lt.r• ,.. ,. 1 • R08C fl! I '•·'I, •• lml)Orlt Tiii LARGEST IELECTION Of 11111! lll(Hl,.I ll>w "llr 1 o• c .• dnlbc.'> ,,, •l,~''"". Cuht()u tlO' t,ttu u' t• .. ~ , , IHERS ClDILUC 2600 Hurlu" 1J1, l (;0$ l A Mt ~.A 540-1860 1968 CAOll I At Runa Qrt.'111 , 11111 <11 us1 otr 4'•4 / • 79 Eldo 0~1 • l.,1 I 1ea111 All uptu , A• 1 S74!.0, 64', 11· , • /6 7 (JO: W\jll $3650 Snd UUHJ 11u whlS E'dorutlo f,•Jt .• '''' l&pe n70t76 Loe exp 197~ l1r uw•1 11111 !• 83 011 ()4'. 2•11,3 leather ""' !.' .' 1 64!> 6266 72 VW 11,.,, rroqone mint 78 Call S t·'°tl I " • cond fJt11J 1 n rJ<J con<l dll ex ha~ ttu t ,. • 1 $2500 C>I•• 111 Answe1 tonll 833 JI 11 ! t •I.I All 62~ • •1, 4JU0 24 nrs 72 CoV 71 u Ill ., , ' ! orig o wn f • • • 80 VW R .. t Lui 0~1 l Mini S99 5 ODO '..Ill 1, I ~ conll AM fM snrt .,- SG750 lb>'""' IC1111110 9917 78 Raoh1t ~11 ,.... blk tnt. ••• • • • •·· • • • • • • • • • • • • • sunroot 11 , 11awtess 80 CAMAnO /," 11 $3350 7' I tJ4•lO Aini COfltl M.ot r •tr 8 4 2 'l:!b, [J,.1 I I '72 Gn1a. ou p,11111 11 llres 841 !1622 $2600 080 r..111s Qreat' 9920 646-9929 Clttvtoltl ••.................... SEE US FIRST! 74 Supf'r Bo•elle Xtnt COllll 7 14 83~·4S35 Ext I 14 mies 11o1 !IJ6·6258 We have d l ~,1 u on o t N[ 'II ,. ~· ,t '10 BUG S 1100 Xtnl Conll 646-5505 '13 SQUlREBlCI $600 645 1:!049 '70 VW Sr1rl>k new eng trans. 001 Automatic Chevro1e1s1 COMM8.L CHEVIOLn ."1Ji lliirbor Bh d t <~TA !'tH:SA S46-IZOO s 1895 OB() 646·7445 '75 Cnevy MOnlJ 4 .I 4 X54 SPd AIC '.'!· oc r: ' " .•..................•• •••••••••••••••••••••• HP , 8lt.1r8S. $750 or trade 673-0647 PAINT & Ille body work, up to 50'1. oll your HI 30' Clanrc Chrtscrell twin Bill 842-01001964--0332 eng re-power all .. 1n1 1 ----- 2060 H11r1>or Blvd COSTA MESA new rodlals. runs great 4 1981 Madu RX 1 I $1500 84? 9'.1<>2 MOTORS 120 W Warn~r Av~ shows care $2395 Model GS 1111111 ~'°"'' '70 Bug 11•11 c.on'll. nu 494-01351497·2388 b I u e X 111 I • "• .1 I parnt, rntlll ""9 Must 74 Vega 4 '-fi<J Al•! 1" YAMAHA Base Amp Head wflh a double 15" PV •e>e•ker c1blnet All In excellent con11111on S600obo IH-Olll, l ·IPM UKELELE M 11tln tenor. wl case, 1lnt cond $225 646-7909 Rare F.11nd11r Coronoao XII acouallc-etec guitar. sunburet. In mlril cond $375 646-7909 Acoustic Yamaha Guitar w /G l t>son strings, S 135/obo 548·8269 01/icr F•1•it•1~ A .. ~!!f~~~! .... !.~~ Ollve111 1550, all piper dry copier Assume lease w/ low down 714-851-6936 El!IC T IW Olympie moll 50. carbon ribbon S 150 Sunday 9 10 noon 474 Ogle C M near 17th & lrvlne ,,,, 1081 •••.••.•....•......... White rem American Es· klmo. toveabte. sman UKC, hsebrk n S25 673-6289 Ill•· TH PIPPIH Ar<C Cflampron llna. all thOIS 8 wks Wrll hold lor Christmas 720·0891 553-064• $ 15,000 oller 642· 1194 I European Mecnan1c re· -parrs European c1111 15 Boston Whaler 82 70 French Spkg 99 I· 1229 np Evlnru<le cover II II•· Jonn l er. bll·in fuel tank $8500 645-6999 Bulll 289, 352 35 t w/ ! nealls Cam compl111 1977 Drummond Dresel re1>u111 headers $500 C4 Sport Fosner Good con· I $ t50 642-8171 dlllon MUSI Sell s 10.1 ------000 (2 131 592-28.59 1960 IJW motor 1300cc , 12 volt syslem St50 18' 1nooorll ll1ve boa I. 645· 1286 fish, play. w11t1 11lnt trar· ------- ter $1600 545-8734 I PARTING OUT '67 Fire· --1 bord Doors, trunk lid, 1981 ZODIAC MK Ill GR 1 side tender lront & 16 1nlla1a1>te 50 HP 1 1>uc~el seats. gas 11nk, Mercury few nours on etc 642·4653. ~teve waler. Manual start 1-Traoler launcnmg wheels AUTO IETAILl•I Bes I casn olle• ( 7 141 E.'cp'd Greg 548-0558 645-1554 ---, s .1 ·~o A.,.,,., s.1, •• ,., •• 7"9 •••••••••••••••••••••• ··~·· •••••••••••••••• I IMPORTANT NOTICE 16 Hob16 Cat, yellow w/ I TO READERS AND teQ sunrise sails like 1 ADVERTISERS n-S2500 675·6 t61 Tne price of llema all· l?' F11>erglasa sa1lboa1 w/ j verllte<l l>y vehicle dll· access. lk new $425 lers in the vehtcle clusl· eves 559. 7 4 17 I he<Yadvert1S1ng cotumns -. does not include any 14 HOBIE CAT 1977 lair apptrcable taxes lieense conll $600 675-4506 I 1ransler lees, ·finance Lase• wltr a11er •Int conll 1 charges. tees !Of 1 11 Po'· $1000 tul•on conlrol device 760-9• 14 cer1tt1ca11ons or dealer documentary prep1r1· 75 ISi Mk II 79 Volvo 27 11on cnarges unl1u h p llsl 9 oags lull otnerwrse specified oy race1cru1se new llller-1 the odverhser master. O/F r11110 8 --------- man avon More Sacrt· Gutt•l ISlO flce S31 .soo 675.· 6896 ••••••••• • •••••• •••••• CNHAPEIE HY RET AKC. 15 mos old Fem. NACRA 5 2 wl tre1ler •lnl 24FT SKIPJACK Needs lovlng lam!ly new sails. S3000 firm Twrn Votuos $15,000 s 125. 644• 4011 1 14163 1. 1609 -xwi~9~6~3~-6~·~1~1~a~11~·~r~5~p~m~~~I A __ K_C_l_h_ll_l_ll_A_p_s_o_Pu_p_p_le-s-.1 GhOSI 13 bay seller. Kini m•le & lemale. $200. co,,d , w1u11s, Oollre 1 Aalifoll/ 549.4223 s195 1eo.0795 . Cl•uitr g520 Ar<c Cocker Span1e1 Pup 11111, Sli1• I ..... ioiiL·:,a~:;t• .. ;.~:~sn:~r $~~·0~~ •• P.!!~! ......... !.~~!1 Snay 11pttcas. pickups & 540-9444 BOAT SLIPS AVAILABLE coupes 4 IO chooae I ----------1 Newport Beacn 25• 26 lrom• (006 768) (Slk RH. PIT HLL 30· 35 40" & 45·. Cali I A3093). P11ces stanlng al 642-46"4 from 9.5 HU H,Hll 1•,, mo 0111. ears crop- Mon-F11 ped S 150 1 000 _8_•_1_-_02_5_8 ______ SLIPS AVAIL Hunt1nglon Golden Retriever Puppies, H a r b o u r B • y . 0 • AK C . ah o IS. S 2 0 0 840-5545, 8A6·7766, 6-9 557·9695 P M . 8 4 0 • 4 0 9 7 , THEODORE ROBINS FORD D 11201 846·0783 Cl 1 '•"· ".,., see• $250'1 11!.7 2705 cass rehabl• 1 .. .01 1 111110 I llY&S $ ' t •••••••••••••••••••••• -R I __ 1_1_5_5_1 '60 Buy rtt ~. ruo cc eng, k 111 0 .., { I I ••• 1f1tt1dt1 Btnz 9740 .. t.'!~~.! .............. radials 11 t>•. Super I 536 9184 ~ ' ••' •" •• .. •" "' •" • • • 25 llEW llE•AULTS m e c 11 ' " 1 c 0 n 11 • MERCEDES • c11ouse from $ l IOO/Oll··• r,. 0557 C01vtltt 9932 ~~ lvw d S SA989 tser 1 73 SUPf"' &, .... lie Gd •••••••••••••••••••••• WANTED ., , ,,11 con II Nt',. , dO<als am/ 79 Corve11e T lo~ Santa Ana !>!> l ? l J? 77 GMC. camper conver- 9'2·0010 .. 0·1211 78 FORD Be~m. hrgh IOP .. bkl set sealS. seprl l>ells, sell con'I, stereo/lape, 1111 wheel. awning. nw tore. Must I See• Sell or lrade on '82 Wagon 673-3622 sion, 1111, cruise. PB. PS. lill'--~!'9 .... PP. ... MI " • h D I • · 1 Ttw ,1 npw 83 Alliance I I m ca ' ~ 2 £. 0 0 MUST SELL 1& Ht 0 lus .-11d. ,, r ere Fui.gos tmma· 84 2·6810 BLACK BEAo.11., "' " DCall fetl'r ~'1"Y •l• ile dehve• Y 76 Sc11otco drtl cond rust 35 000 molPS ' I air. tinted windows, n- ralllals. $4900 631·4793 637 ?'.\'.I I An• T "8w parh 'S~SOOloller 1eother 1ntcroru "" • '"o A•IOI W111t~d 1510IL-::.:.:;,;;.:.~~~~ ie1 < tJ "' tit I OR "'"E COAS lied w1lh Qfd ons , r Meuse of lmporh, lno AMC JHl'/RHAULT 551•4 •9£i n .. n pwr w1n11owr, 1111 ,., ~·" H:124 Hnr1>or Bl111! .. C M '77Rabb•t ,,.,,,body, no cru15u co111101 ..,., •••..........•.•••.••• WE PAY TOP DOLLAR FIR llEI COS AWIAllOI NITllC/SIWI 2480 Harbor Blvd COSTA MESA 141·4100 Ul-1417 WE llY GLUI CARS Ill TRIOft COHHRL CHEVROLET _]01 l1Jrl•·r I< , : ''"'[\\1~,, 546-1200 1111 llHR Top 110111rs lor Sporls Cars. Bugs. C11mpell 9t4'1, Audi's Ask lor U/C MGR .llllHllO YOLISWAIH 187 11 Beach Blvd HUNTINGTON BEACH 142-2000 WAITED! Lile model Toyolas. Volvos. Picilups & Vans Clll us toda'll l:'arle Ike TOYOfA·YOUO '"' Her1Mr lh~ c .......... I'\. U•·tlOJ er H 0.'467 till DATSU• I·······••' 549 110?3 6•5-7770 11en1s H1c~' ,, chips, (455ZOAJ Juit e.1.:: • lmmac 11.1 '"'m~ superb Ila Die part, '' • 1• You can aNord to ~.o!!!.~!J'.'.t ...... !Z~~ 4 spd 'I IP -, I mpg small montlll. l•dyf1•f'f I HOZ COIP£ Air conll ' AM/FM. all orog1nel & only 34,000 mrlesl (032T JO) Hurry' $2550 5.11:1 ·2-15 No 0111 cont•·~· t• bUy your Mercedes 17} OCAllR 1., U.S.A sume. no oac• ""'''., • Benz from us. " 1970 Bug t•"' q tu•nell aue ASr< FOP RC•' lllT IEEIU .Ill IUllO YOUS WACH 16711 Beach Blvd Hun11ng1on Beach $0 b.Y1v 1 , A~ into Bat" "' • rnplete 631•5202 lk•· rnr><>••• '\.VI "-./\ $800 64• • 1Q;> 77 auto ve•, c p4r 69 VW Pop lop camper blue. mel prl'\ 1eat" • • .... , .,.. ., re bit ertg ""'"o new l 0 8 <l e <l s ; ., .,.. ., ,. ..., '"es D••~ I"'"' ctutcn. 544.9592 °"" WHO•U lt.J •In I C 0 n 1 $ 2 7 9 5 Dow N 613.4220 ~.o.dA! ........... !.~~~ 142-2000 63 Sil VEA CLOUD Ill 7 I VW ::.ul)er Bee lie, 711 OMNI 024 Procell ,,, '68 Dallun 5 10 wgn. xlnf runner Moving • must sell S800 754-1884 LEASE mini tono S2700-0 01>0 sunrl rellll eng new sell snrl l A 6 '"' 1$5000 .,, 11 nol<l 1111 po1n1 Alvl FM $1750 846-4665 or 8\IB 5C4t (,hr 1\lrrd~I 57 BENT· 662·7478 Dalsun Pick Up w/3' lift, kll olt-road 11res & 11ms. $1000/0BO Set of 5 vw Stoe l\ Chrom1 rims & hut>s $100/0 BO LEV SI .1n1 bolly paint 1-11-YW . fotd 9940 .. mf>CM $9800 PI P 1 Scirocco ................ 7 ..... . I b"J 8J I'> • I 5 spll AIC dllOy wl'llBIS. ThH41rt Robins . AM1FM Stereo Casse111 FORD I Good Condtlton I ~!!.{912·;·i11•0*~~~ , •COF97s'4' 05n9·~s nu TAHOE TRIP 645-9658 76 011 B 110. 46,000 ml. a ir , 1u1 0 clean, ,. DOOll SEDA• 1 (wotn I> irtnase ,. ASI( FOR OFT Ar, S EQu•pmenl 1nclulles 5 M :W 5Pet'<l I• 111~m1ss1on po., 1tB:J SM NEW S2000~~b;T ~:~~986 Jlf:. A "er ~'''"""g 6 AM/FM -IUSTAll" "T' ~li>rer < .,.,~Biie I 190081 VW PORSC 1E AUDI • • S 445 E Coast Hwy 11.1% FlllAllCIMG AM/FM slereo caas Xlnt S I 79 Datsun 510 4 door.I s e~n I cond S4000 OBO fll/lf.)fi 642·4336 or 687-0686 1 ~·v"'' a-A• / I $1 0 6 0 0 Ne6j~~~9~~ach ?~!:11~~.~,~~1;~;: HACH fliPDRTI 1111 VW lu1 Convtrtiblt '81 200SX. fully loaded.' IJ)I (). )I ~. • $5450 best olr 662·73431 1" SlH~' ''· " 74 260Z 2+2. mini cona.1•••••••••11 aulo new ralllals, loa. 1 lied S4595 536-9993 . 81 380 SL 7000 mo "'" ,. 848 Dove Streel NEWPl)RT BEACH 752-0900 77 B210 natchbKk, gor·I •heeh Slt' O O nu1 Sab1111 11fZ1 oeous bOdy tmm1c. "''. 213·8J2·897" •••••••••••••••••••••• 5 spll, air. stereo, runs I Sdll'S 5,.,. ce-1.easong supe•b $2495 494·01351 70 Merc~des ''OSI " SADOL£HCI or 497-2388 mac compt ',.,. SUIA•u ---------, cords 2 top.. .n110 " " ,,,,,,; 1123 $1 1 500 !'' 1 ';>,t, I 831-2040 4H-U41 ••••••••••••••••••••··1 720 1090 eve 00R•ALIYl~_!ONIO~TIZYE'SI 1973 4'iO s1 011•• 1'"'"', '!.0!.~~'. .......... !.~~! VW PORSCHE AUDI 445 E Coast Hwy N-port Beach 673-0900 USED CAR DISl'OSAL SALE '11 llUSTAllG ( 1370491 12195 ·n "'"''°' 111549•1 12995 'll FAIRMOllT ( 1384221 $2195 ,. • 0 aoao 213·431·3764 .!~~!.'.!'. .. !f~!'! •..• ~. WANTED MOORING tor PIANO Uprlghl. Cherry· 75 BOAT In NEWPORT wood Made 1893 dn1 HARBOR 557-4073 2060 HAABOI &\VO COSTA MISA 641 0010 11•1 " s1• ~ T60 A'&o:. ,. •• 1 .• I CHICA LOVHS Volvo 1112 ·53 Stud11>111er Champion USED ~~!~'TRUCKS FERllllll ' 833'2591 Oo Y"" really love Ce· ···~·1·y;j;;·.;;~j;;··· 5 pass cpe Nice Cll COME IN OR CALL FOR IEALIJll"'" '78 3000 VOi r ",, I '" riS' II '>0 give me II I• Oran•t County! 'll FIESTA oond. s1000 759-0097 $3750 213/592-1792 F•(E 1pp••1••L loys nou~11 .... 1,. ~ t ,, call R•ol•I 11ow Ive got 11 • Slip spece 10 42' " ,.. -5 h 11 r p $ 1 b • a ion of 111em mclud1no Comp1ct Pllnota player ARDELL MARINA liettl le•H IHlt4 Cormler·Oellllo ~EW~ 493 1685 evf'. ST GI tnd fully 101<led ~1 ;no. g ood cond ____ 6_42·5735 ___ -..J 1946 Fo 11 Wood w C•EYRIUT 975 50S Suoq s '"'''" T Tops 6713~6o_.,,9over 100 rolls NB lid o iste. •crosst gon S 13~000 Y •· 18211 BEACH BLVD M ' '4 ti l I ~"'&""~ Just oee.i ret1a1>1e P••l'I ..., B B HUNTINGTON BEAC"' paste te ow 1' 1•u ~ 1 tr, m~~P ~mall monthl"I atboe •v Clut> 36'. " t S 17 500 w I ' Emerson Upright Plano S375 Wkd1Y1. 631.5252 1929 Ford Modal A Town 14l·IOll, 141-1131 -..;;.-,._I op '" 't' P•vntantr. No old con· S300 IS 11 Ne...nor1 Beacn, ·o· doc". S e II an S I 0 0 0 0 J 100 West Coast Hwy 9 6 6 6 6 6 e .,. ~, o lract ' "'sume no t>t Ck I 499-5527 •fl 6PM -.. .. .. 675 6181 T n .. 11 I Newport Beach I •97·5875 I llilymenl<, "''" ASK FOR M1lnB1y,$500/mo • --opuutar 6•'2·9405 ,1979450SSS3t000\'"'I' ROSE 6115202 , ... , '89 Ford Wagon nB11ds 5 .t 9 • 1 5 l 0 II • y s . '62 Xcahbur. Ivor'/ with Wh f B l I lmpo ts brake•. seoot OBO 673·8798 eves ceme1 1n1r 89 seen on Pa'id Fi•t 11Z5l 1 1 "G 5 00A'0 5w" " 01 1h1"' ' 4""" "'527 11 6PM •••••••••••••••••••••• n u •"111c" '' 1"11 TOYOTA ••• ., 1 j2_0_'_3_0_' & o Mall Houston TV Snow '77 1241 Spyder. AMI FMI cord Beou11lut r:,,,,,, • ---------' ' 4 slips avail (7141831·3046 For Your Carl C£LICA "'T 11ob•rt cable upright Pia· now Belbot Fun Zone .IONISO• I SO• cau Alloys. cleen, runt 675·6200 I • no leOO Firm Marine 556-171 t ·55 De Soto Auna good. xlnt, dark red/Ian lnlr 1981 300 so Rik w 1,1n LIFTIAOI 142-0838, 646-6201 Boat dock 10, rlt'1I New· exceller.t body bll olr Ll1ctl1•MtrHry $3300 4114-81175. tnl Sun RI. Lo Mo I 1, I Autom1111r Ilana . 1lr GULBRANSEN Premier port Island S175 mo. up over $750, 5•9·8467 2626 Harl>Or Blvd '1• Sp'/dll Convertible. w/ s~ Wllt'.,I~ $1;> DOil c.ond IJw • steering SALES, SHYICE HD LUSIH OVERSEAS DELIVERY EXPERTS URL£ 11£ VOLVO t966 Harnor Blvd COSTA MESA 141-t303 &40-1417 '81 Volvo GLE, loaded Gold S 11 200 Calt wknd s ~nil a ll 6 , 496-7131 (A785'o01 S2H5 'll T-llRD (1597011 S2H5 r71 l'IMTO 11132951 S2'95 THEODORE RDllllS FOllD 2060 Hert>or Blvd COSTA MESA U2-0010 540-8211 '' f 111,tu Ull ffH <.•a•ttt ,. • ,.. ,, t\nJUtt ... 1,11 1 11 ~11 on 111 t fll \ t ft •lMltfHt Na 'Ir 1oe111og 6 11 htiurnrro 1,41, j 104 •' L1nroln fl45 ·················••··· I 1 I.• 11 > ' f,1< IUlll.lud I I f,lo lo •lf,I t f111(l $IQ • t '' fl I I I •lid•~ Ill \)<llllQlld ol I I rrll $~000 \ ' • ! '" "~ Oldsmobil' 1155 ..................•••• •l.Jtunu~ AC 1 11uo11ng ,,, j 6874 •I.. ",vprttmtt 11 1• 1 tduo new , •I ''' II lubfl xlnt 1 1 '' ' M ust 'Sell t,, I I \I/ 4')1 2679 1 • • 1 ( r ,..,._,, Statton 1. 1 • 4 1 gr,r,d con<l I I ~ 17 l P1n10 1951 ··············•·•····· '79 PINTO SllO • ·',9'l '' 5411 4292 f !r!'!~~!~ ........ !.~~~ 11 "'' < t .,all Trans, 1 ud1e1 good I : l. ',52-1751 .111 Ou$1er 6 '"I $675 Pon1i1r If 65 ····•······••··••••••• '68 FIREBlllD 400 p,.r 1 4 11) lurt>o Irena. ,.,. .• ' />, 11.iugeny<le • 1 •·• '' • 1 uo~s good tu • I ! <200/0bO ~? ' 964·0332 I• l ••I rf'd CI05SIC new eng 1.onll S3200 3 •;. t 0 4 3 I 1 r '' l !(l E ;ponl All • • 1t , • 1 con <l ' : 1:,J, • •'' f> N~dy5 & , .. ,.A•.1 Al l10N? s lo tJ Ac~ 642·5678 ~. \Bl::IlS < :. \DI I.I.. \C CLEARANCE s-ALE! 1977 CADILLAC ELDORADO COUPE 1:nszo1 SG995 1978 CADILLAC COUPE DE VILU ~ dlW ) SG9 95 1979 CADILLAC COUPE DE VILLE "'I "XUFI s7995 198 1 CADILLAC COUPE DE VILLE DIESEL t[N9512) 59895 1981 CADILLAC COUPE DE VILLE D'ELEGANCE tBGC305) 512,9 95 198l CADILLAC FLEETWOOD BROUGHAM ( tEAL545) s15,995 Oll•>r <>ono Thru Monc1a11 11· 1·82 ~,\Bl~RS < .. \I >I I J ~/\C 2600 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA 540-1860 tMl11• ~In. 11ln1 cond. to 27'. 673-47411 4 WiHl Dtir-ISSO Cost• Mesa 540-5630 mags. new top, xlnt obo 831-7043 67~ q • 11 1 AM1rM s1~reo & 1 new •"200 7 "795 •• HIGHEST C ""S"' 1 cond S27001be1t ofter t'mrssoon' sys I em Mutt sell 8:> 111esel wgn. • .·---------=-----------. .., · "' Slip·u"' 10 22 11. ,.,,..._, ~ .•••••••••••••••••••••• " " mme-T 1 300 S(L 3 & " •' .... -•· ~ 75 CJ5 Vt! t I ..._ t ehlc!e 840·9605 •" !UJV7&61 Prl ply gold w l>eooe leather. llJ.l•f. IOl3 folding Bilbo• Covea • n•w rant. 11 at.,., or your v · · ----------1 )Onl 64~·0}44 S•399 c,111 837·4 1•6 01 mint contJ Take over ••••• •••••••••••••••• Are• 673•1174 N-RE.RIBr.newllrH. domt1tlc or foreign H••'• ll2l --75~_4560 pymts S>l O/mo 1182 Ski Na utlqu e 'Ro Ip Super truck I 551-9285 •"••••••••••••••••••• /llC 1142 831·7515 "2001" Only 38 f\Ours leaf Ill• 1 .. tal S 3 0 0 0 0 B 0 Ev II MOii& MlllTlll1 ••••••••••• .. ••••..... 70 Coron"' Mark 11. needs AllO have 1 1977 For· 27 fl·S 175 60 mo plu1 54&-o4o3 A•lll l•J!.llH Wt can helpl BefOft you 1tll lllQ IT tom~ wnr~ must ••11 lor '12 Volwo S 1200 mule 110 20 fl Ilk• S 175.60 der.0111 (SS 50 t980 CJ6, 4 cyt•never off •••••"••• •••••••••••• buy, cri.ck our unb .. 1'· A eu~r clean CAI woth " Cl o w n o a Y m • n t 641 9386 N EW I C •I I I 7 1 4 ) p1r It ) Ron Al bright, road 35.000 mt Excel· ~!'.~!. .....•..... !~!! 1>11 Hlectton, H vlng1 tunrool ( IEBH09'1l :486~7~35b 8 • 1 0 111 r .69 144. pert while bO<ly, 9'2·2000 & uk for Jim· Mor l ido Shoret Holel lent cond 10 I II IOOO T ~ 1nll aervlee lO<leyl OILY $2111 no "'al, dents or scral· ~~J~~~1t. plea11 and M•rlna 876·3483 845·8730 28.~ mllea. fully :'.o~ lllYllllTY Jiii MAlllO 77 CoroM 4 dr deluxe ch11; rod 1rit Aulo. et• ____ _,;;. ____ , ***311 Edgewaler, up 79Cherokee Chief, 101-sunroof. gll cond. Like SAUi I lllVIOE "'OLWSWA"'ra' Single owner AM/FM look a & runs greal. I l•1ll•1,c.H1 IOH to31',poweror1111. lied Xlnl cond. 16500 ntw $13,400 OBO • " •&n cnssetto. 81r cond E•· S11195 648·7245 • .-.-•••• •••••••••••••• 973.1g43 973-266e: 642•4i 47 8 6 8 E 2850 HMl>of Blvd t871 I Beach Blvd eelltnt conll tnctudlng •---- Mini Tr1mpollne. hHvy 4 • 2 1 1 v 11 · COSTA MESA Hunlln91on Bench tires baHery, b11kea A•lll l/i-J duty lreme. Xlnl cond IHI• 11.,l•f HH TO'/Ola Land CrulMr 191Q 857•11684 d•yl I 9•11 aa.•11 142·2000 I 701( ml $3350 9e2·3282 •••••"•••~••••• .. •••• S.5 842·8571 •••••'•••••""••••••••• wllll completely rebulll '75 Audi Fox. Nelda nuie ..,.~ -- Pow.rbfll Woode. Gr•Ad ORY STORAGE 350 Chev eno new Int. WOfll. S1000 or O.St Of· Cherry '80 Prelude Sunrf. llQI 1144' '!!!~!!l~ ...••.••• !J.!! ~!~~~~ ......... !.'.!! -· wl'IMI•. tlrM, dlJICll, etc. ler e&7 4187 I •Ir 6 ..... em/Im se 100 ••••••••• ....... •••••• Com• In g IM NIW""'I ll•m. 3 . 5. & 1• l•fl Monlhly bolt 1tor1ge. Llke ,_cond.MullMlt ~· • 111• es't -'i22e An~ IVI~ ll ••• Rodster. 1110 TRllMPI Beech'• ftnul .. iecii~ llendt d , never hit. 1ny .... e "4 .. , --unity by t1·3 S3150 or oner •1 402·1202 • .. 8 t ~ .. TRT SPHTSOA• of prev1uu•ly owned MO/Mt. 649-1632 ,,... i;,~1riii' ...... • 549-7304. AM for lane. ••••••••••••••••• * 10 .... ,,..... ;1~p183X3LYNOT~~U"Y· ..,.figs :';'~~011~ .. ~o,n~_! ~~!!~ vp~k·•cwn!e.n1Audl'1 1nd ,,.,., •• ,,.,,.,, ...... , ... .,........ ''" .. ' << ........ "".... "' -· a.·. Ill I I If 1 , ••• 5 tpd, t lr. em/ll'fl CH· 13411 ICI' 1'111111-... -I 11 1 H• l8J II •••••••••••••••••••••• Mlle. Moonltunroof. ••· OILY 11111 .,.. -•••••••••••••••••••••• t••Ot10 Toyota '79 AM/FM St• ctllenl cond. t7100 or Comm'I IC• m1cl'llne1 & -r eo c en•tt•. Smell 'II 11•10 llOtlQI relrlg, undtr C•mper ehell -2171, bat otr 840*8801 ,. n 445 e CoHI Hwy llOO. l7M&ef fll•IMtllll•• 673-e&18 '70 cvcc. new 11re1 & YOUIWllll Newpor1 01ech ft W#. ::,·.·=n•··,•11••1 1,·••••••••• IPllW. PllO•••i br•kH, amtrm 0&11., 18711 801on a111d 073-D'ilOO ";;; • "' ,. .... grHI mpg. •Int 001\d Hurll\110101\ Beeel'I l1J1i '"' ~t, ,,.,.. ,.,, ••t f Jlf Ne'W 'H J.ep CJ'a. 10 lo U&Jl.lflflll s.:1500. LIH 8&0•0770 141·2000 •••••••••••• "•••••••• •• • ••••••··~~··••• •••••••••••••••••••••• ohoo1e from. Include• I-----------'7• Ceo l imo. gOOd ~d. 'c~~TITfl • ...UL228 AC A ......,,,...., wlnetileml>of .. pecll991 ' LUllll l'OfCl...itledAd r Cl f..O Forcr ... lfieclAd S.500/t>e•t Olltf •..... , ·•' ,.... dyr lwl rnty S 175/t>ot ofr 5"1-<485-4 ind much more. I 931·2040 •t5-"t48 ACT.,..,, Ot Htl ,.,.. Ad ACTION 842· 12&1 ___ _ _:.., ;,,,_IH 1 very •iWI TH"" ,.A....,. Ill• D• .. '""" ACTION ..,..., _, 811YO-ToP WOf11ltlell,1JM -a-~;.-.. -:..--h -. Cell I CtH I Call I •·· TV Jotin'1 ..._17M new , 1 171/0 .. t 01, --• I ,.1402 ,.,.,._ e .-..wy DtlfY Piiot o.11)' Piiot Oeiry Piiot ...,ylf\O 1ne1 .. 111ng at • --------• 541-<4554 AMl/...,/ ... ILT ~ Vl9lo AO.\llSOA AO.lllSOR AO.VISOR tN1on1b11 prlc ... 11•1'• 2024 H•bor llf¥d , CM CA-V .. n Off 1·81 '42·5UI 9412·6871 942-5'71 wl'let oluellled It Ill --==~-----::.1.;W,;.;..;ldle~.;.;n.ne~;....;";;;;t~·H;;,;.7'~ Mt..a023 8'a.n1o =~°'*'~-~~S~und~~IY'~=:l:~:;:;:;;~;;;;~~j[•~:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-::-=======::JL:ebout 9'2·8871 -~==~====::c:=======- \ ............ _._ ..... .._ ___ -0 --------------------------------~ ------ er •October 29, 1982• Y< >I 'I\<.( )\ 11 'I.I .1 L (,I . 11 n-: n l <)I\.\'.'\( .L (.<>.\SI 1)1\l.RSIO'.'\S She's haunting Knott'a Berry Farm on Halloween By SANDI E J OY Of tbe Dally Pilot Staff Deciding what to wear for Halloween hauntings might drive some ghouls batty, but it 's no problem for one gal from Manhattan, Kansas. "I'm gonna dress up like Marie Osmond," deadpanned varnpish TV hostess Elvira, "and look in the mirror and scare myself to death." Elvira, known as the Mistress of the Dark on KHJ-TV's "Movie Macabre,' is headlining Knott's Berry Farm's annual Halloween Haunt. While newsmen munched on batwing sandwiches, sipped Bloody Elvira cocktails Crom skull-shaped mugs and tried not to be obvious Elvir• '• •dvice for children ,om, out triclc or tre•tin' i•: "Don't t•lre •ny candy th•t i• not individually wr•ppecl." about staring down the front of her dress, Elvira held court in Knott's Black Lace Saloon. She perched on the bar. long bare legs dangling over the edge, after emceeing a ghoul fashion show especially for the press. The styles, she said. were from the Bucharest house of Vlad the Impaler and illustrated "what the well- dressed spirit is wearing this season." The cocktails were just enough to perk up the old corpuscles so one brave -perhaps even impertinent - newsman asked what all the guys in the office were dying to know. How does she stay in the slinky, low<Ut black gown that's become h e r trademark? Noting drolly that the dresa waa new and that ahe could hardly contain herself, Elvira explained her eecret is "an industrial-strength bra." She aoo ~wpped that she kept the dress on 'by staying out of bad neighborhoods." Later. slipping briefly out of the Elvira character, her alter-ego Casaandra Petenon explained the top of th e dreu 11 OOAMl'uded W&. • Playboy Bunny push-up foundatio n garment. Yes. folks, that's all her in the dress. Pete rson said in response to a nother query. In real life, Elvira is Peterson. a blonde-haired, blue-eyed native of "Wizard of Oz" land, Manhattan, Kansas. Demonstratmg a quick wit when asked if she'd ever met the Wicked Witch of the West there. Elvira cracked, "Yes. she's my mother." Just as rapidly, her alter-ego suggested her mother might not like the joke made at her expense since she really was a nice Midwestern lady. Elvira said she came west from Kansas by just clicking her heels together. No one was rude enough -or bold enough -to ask her age. but speculation among Knott's personnel a nd newsmen was that Peterson is about 30. Someone did ask her marital status. She's married. Elvira admitted while pretending to recoil at the idea of children and, in keeping with her macabre character explained, "You might say I'm tied down." Her young husband Mark Pierson was standing by throughout the show and interview. Pierson, w ho remained mum throughout the proceedings. is Elvira's manager. Mostly. she stayed in the Elvira character throughout interviews, something that's becoming second nature. she said. Pe terson said she's Elvira now ''almost all the time" and that the character "Is pretty darn much like me.'' She explained she's always liked acting like dlHerent people and she'd had lots of experience doing just that during her three-plus years' involvement with the Groundlings improvisation group in Los Angeles. She's been Elvira for slightly over a year now. a character ahe aa.id I.I a comblnallon of the work of writer Lar ry T homas, designer Rober t Redding and henelf. Bee .... ,:""''"' ... •••.-"11•""-~~--..t!JI. .... El vira. !!mbraces her transportation. . . " . .. . ·. 2 C\I GO :Look out • • • N ..... Q) .D 0 ti 0 >. <1) 'O Qi 'O c Jack the Ripper is on your trail B y SANDIE JOY o r iht' Da ily Pilot S ta rr ~ Thl• killl'r was gtxxl .• 1 wh<il hl• did. t>xpli:iml•d ~ Sharw N1•l!>4111 ~ "All till' l'llL' Wl'I'!' \'L·ry ckan and neat "lfl.'ci go1w tu nwd1t'al s<:huol at least for awhill· .§ Wh1·n ht.· ktll•·d. ht.• l'Ut the Jugular vt·tn. 0: k1ll1ng thl·m v1·r~ 4u1t·kl y . make otht.·r 1m·1s1on!> anti tc.kl· thl· l·ntrails anti throw them ovl'r tht• shouk!tor "l·k 'cl tlll'n wnt1· a null' Pxpla1rnng what ht•'d durll'. oftt·n in a hu11111rous vein " Nt·lson Was talking ;.ibout J11tk th•· Rtpp('I'. th1· 111lar1111u .... ktll1·r who ... t.il~t.'<I lh•· d:1rk s treets and "''\\·1·r .... nt L11ndun. England, rn thl' late· I !)th 1·<·11tur \ V\'twn K11011 ·., B1•rry F<.rm ask•·d Nl'lson tu d1•s1g11 a rww .1n1u~1·n1t•nt PSJ.ll'l't,dly (1.ir thl:'ir "Knott\ Sl';1n F.1rn1 I lallo\.\.'t•t.·11 I !aunt." ht.• st·lllL'<I Pn 1h1· th1·nw.hum:.an lt•ar F1·.ir u t lx·1ng murdl·rt·d . Nl'lson s;11d, of your lr f<· b1·111g 1n dangl•r, 1s parlll'Ularly 'st·ary sc"> hl· z1·r0<.•d an on tlw ""ork of Jal'k the Htpp<'t. Thi· ni•w amu!>t•rrwnl. ,, dark. elaborate mau- 'ot•ic.:kl·cl w11h ghoulish surpnMc'S ;and called "Thl' Tf·rnly1ng Tr;HI of Jack thl' R1ppt•r," 1s the rt'Suh of n<«Jrlv ;a 11.ilf-vl·ur'!> work by Nl•lson who first n ·sl·•1.rchl·d th.-· 1.·har;1ctt•r bt:fon· 1.wginning his cit -sign Tht· male 1s Ill plal'l' JUSt for the Ha lloween llHunt ~it t1·r wh1t'h rt'll be disassembled and storc•d Maw guysts foUow a trail through the open :-.L·wt•r-s of L<>ndun , haunted by audio eCf~ts to givt' the 1llus1on that either they're on the kmcr's trail or h1.'s on rhl·1rs. Pl·11pl1· keep jumping out of dark places at 11lC'Ol1\' n11·nt ttmes to add to thl' thrill, Ne lson t.·xplallll'd Thl l'nt1re amuS<.'ment 1s designed. he said. "to grab <ind 'o(,'<1rc· you ... You'll enter the hom1..:.s of J<A·k Hit· H1pper's victims and then his house . You <1n· going to be playing the role of Watson" Big Doing• ~Mummy: "Agatha' a ncl "Torturt>lla ' po~•· with Knoll'!'! rf'~u l ar!'!. Mummy\ .. outfit i!'! from tht· llou~e of Curacl. You <"crnld !'lay stw·s a ll wra ppt~cl up in ht•r dothing. Agatha·!°' ~ow n i~ ~omething for lhe m a llirt• woman. whill• T orturf'lla'!'! outfit. a t'<'t'!'!!'!orizNI with sh acklt•s. t·hain~ a nd whip!'! i!'! c·a lc·ula lt"cl to havt> him ~('rt:•a min~ for mon•. Lightning. backl•d up with ram and thumlt·r. prnv1des tht• only lrghtmg lx•s1des candles. NC'lson also workt'tl m muses 10 sound hkl• a body bUrll'd in a wall, a hl'<idll•ss v1ct1m. lots uf rain l'ffcocts. <i n ·al mummy whll'h hl· sa1cl "1s pn•tty disgusting to look at" and :.i ;l:).fl.K1t boa mnstnL·t11r that's real. too. The amu&'mc>nt purk also fl'<.1tures ,1 !'t.'l..'Ond Hallowt•(•n maze i:i:lllt'Cl "The M YStl•nous Corridors," plus pl·rformann•s b y m11ns1C.r nKk b<1nds :mu brzarn· s1dc>show chari:lt'tt.•rs. "'Mis~ (;arla n<l's'· ~own makes "'a linu·less fas hion s tatc·m c•nt ." Dally Pllol Pholo1 by Palrlck O'Oonri.11 44Quasi Mo to" m odels Hj ust the thing to ring his chimes~" but said Elvira, "Talk fault." Throughout tht• park. ridt·s thl' bt·st of }vh1ch 1:-tht· "Tl'rror Mounwm L<>g Rid<'" havl· lx.·l·n rl'thL·mC'd for thc> SC'ason and dozens of tx·ast.:. and creatun'S st:Jlk thl• slrC'l'ts al night. Ac:cording tu a K nott's s pokesman. tht· HallOWL-t'n Haunt. now in 1L<; 10th St"ason. is the b1ggC"st drawing smgl<· attral'tion at th(• p:.irk. Wt'C'ks bl'forl' H allow<•t•n. for cxampl<'. all 18.000 $11 -advann·-sail· t1l'kl•ts for Salurd.iy night wt•rt• sold oul and 1t was dose to a sell-out for tht.' other mghts. about a figure t ----=---'------~ 3 "'O • She leads three lives now 2 ~ ll> (I) Constance To\Ners • • B) T0~1 T l Tl 'S Clf tht• Dnih Pilol ~turf If Const:1m1 To\\t•r-.. 1•\1•r d1'l1d1·' th1 lltlt 111 ht•r Olll'-Wor11;1n 'ho\\ VI htt h sh1•'ll lir111g lo Sacidlt•ba«k C11llq~·· S:iturd:.iv .ti 11·rnoo11 .., a l>1t too unwwld\. -.h1· might 1·on.-.11h•1 om• th.it H1ch.1rd l'.11 J...on U'l'd \\1th '>(Jnlt !>Ul'\'t''-' 111 h1-. hfu1 .... T\ ..,l.rll ..... It'~ 1,tllc·d "I L1·d Thn't· Live·-.· 1'11\\'1·r' md11-tl. Ii.ti.inn ' .ii k.L ... l tht 11• '"'n 1 1-. ·'" ·' -.1.1: .. 1 tht d;".111111 dr.1111.1 "C.1p1t11I \\ t11 "' tht L.: S .in1h.1~-..1d111 111 !\l1·,1c11 11111 nu r .11 tw .1 .. 1111 l;;1\'1n1 .1ncJ t1111r1111-( 1•11t1·1 ta1111 1 Stw'll .1pp• ;11 111 1h1 l.1tl1·r 1.ip.1111' '"' 111 r :~ 1• 111 S.1ddl1 11.11 i.. .1µµo·,11 ,111u hut \\ 111 \HUI h 111 .1\'lh Oil tit• t•llH I tW11 ll1·r 11111 \1. .. 111.1n '""" 111•111~ pn· .... ·111i·d 1111 onl\ th1 "-t1111d llm1. '' 1 nt1tl1·d llow I {;111 I-r""' V.'h1ll 11 ... h J\l1111tJn.1 111 th• \J,.,11,111 Ernb.i~'' · Shi· ~nl lht<r1· ll\ ''·'' 111 Hro.nh.1..1\ .111d Hollvwood .... t.11 rmg tn ,, p.111 111 .J,.hll F111 d 11111vw ... ("Thi llor-.t· S11lcll11,; .ind ·S11~1-.1111 Hu1l1dg1"1 .ind brt.1kmg ""' 11fl111 n•·,.td-. \\llh Yul Hr1.11111 r tn .i Nl'\\ \'111k rt\1\,tl 111 ·1h1 K111g .md I .\11d 'ht·., Vlon .t d1l!>t•tful nl J'l.\.ord~ <tl1J11g tht \\.t\ i':1i.(ht Vl·;ir-. ..ig11 -.lw m;irrit·d l;<t\ 111 "ho.,., J\h•x111>-bo>rn motlwr [)(·t Golt nor h\'1'' 111 L.1gu11.i N1gul·I ..ind ta kt·::. night d.1.,sc·' at S.11ldl1·bcit k G <1Vtn, "'hu "' rot1c• h i' St<inl11rd tht·~1), on L.1t11l Amt·ncan aff.11r::., was appointt·d to th•· J\k xu 11 a.mb<1,"<ldor.h1µ ..i yc·~1r and J half ago bv Pn•s1dcnt RNigdn Thc·1r t an'f•N kl'q .> th<'m .it .i d1stam1" but 'Ill flit•), to Mt•x tt·o City whc·n hc·r S('hC'Ciult· pc•rmtts · · H c• comm u I l' d t ti s 1 • c· m <• w h L' n I w a::. o n Bro..idwav." '>hl• Sctv-.. "and now 11·., mv turn .. Not ·that ... h1: ha!'. .111 thdt mu<:h in .. · tmw A~ fam. of "Capitol" <trl' awan" Con)>Wnc'l' Towers h.i~ hc·r hands full as Clart~'kl M1.<.'c1ndlC'SS. mother of u military hero who's running for Congrc~ agamsl the hardball-pl.iytng mcumlx•nt ( N1chola~ WalkC'r) wh<JSC parC'nL<. own half of Wa!>hington and are out lo buv the· othc•r half 'fh(.IS(• pan•n ts arc· played with makvulc·nt gll't' by R1c·hard Egan and Carolyn .Jont'!> hkt· Tow1.·r' two movtc• ht•adlint·rs of the· Faftws who an• enJ0y1ng earN:r resurgc•m•l"S on dayt1mt• TV Abo aboard an· onc•t1me cowboy hero Rory Calhoun a:- Towc·rs· fath('r and d1s11nguishcd actor F.d Nl'lson ac, a highly eth1L·al senator a nd Tow<>rs' d o:.<· ally That's qu1tl' a "naml' .. hnC'up for <1 half-hour soap. and Towers bchevt's 11's among lhl' rt'ason), "Capitol" has caught on so wc•ll tn 1L<; fu-st sc•Vl'n months AnothC'r is its l'Xecut1Vt' produC'c>r. John Conbov. who she calls "the T1ffanv of davt1mc· producers .. · · "Becausc.-the show d(•ab with Wa.'\hinl{ton and pohllCS. tl ha.'1 a broader '>("t1pt· th,m the clVC•r<igt• soap o pl•ra," s he commt•ntl•d 1n .1 drt>ss1n~ room interview durmg a brl'ak 111 ht•r lapin~ ~·hc>dull• "And John w<.1nt<.><l thC' btggcst namc-s po!-s1blt• for the· c:a'il -mghttlmt• .:1t·tors m d1.1vt1m<' TV " For Tow<•r.;, 11·s ht·• 'l.ot'Ond l'Xpc:•ru•n('f' Ill soap),, her f1r!>l coming m N<'w York on thc· lau• "Lovt' 1s a M any Splendort'd Thing." also a Conboy production And hl'r c•nthusias m for tht· s how bubbles quickly to lhl· surfat'<' hkt• ht•r own vibrant pcrsonalllv. "Wo rking 111 tC'l t>v 1s1on on a dLi y tu-day bas1'I gives you. such u tremendous upportuntty to IC'am the medium. so much more· th<1n doing a guest shot occas1onally," she say., "You <·;m S<:ulpt and mold your <'haractcr and he lp 11 grow Thl'rC''s nothin~ better for an actor. "The cast is deeply l'Omm1tted lO the show. and the younger actprs have grown tremendously sinCf' we first started," she adds. noting that "Cap itol" 1s shot after three re hearsals. without the crutch of c ue cards, using a three-camera techniqu e to preserve dramatic continuity. Her only regret is that she Isn 't given a c·h ance to use her vocal talent on the show -but her Saddleback College audience will get a n earful when she offers excerpts from h er stage hits "The Sound of Music," "Oklahoma," "K iss Me. Kate," ''Carousel" an d "Mam<'." "It'll b e more anecdota l th an autoblograph1cal," s he said of the one-woman show, ;JI:" ll> :::i a. ~ "Tl ..., Cl tu ':<= 0 \ ~ LTl'all'<J by ht·r lru·nd SHln<'<' MJc;lll. an .111r;1c:t1\·c· "I l'an 't w;11l lo gt'l a look .11 th<• nt•xl da\ ·., script." c;h<> s.1y~. "1•vc•n if I'm not tn 11. "You g«t ·,.11 sorLc; of dul~'> to \'our own charnc·tt•r m wh<1l th1· oth1•" .1rt• s;1v111g -.md dotng " Aftc·r" mu lti f.11·1·l1•d 1·.1r1·t·1 \\hHh Put it together with Colvin Kleln from Al's Garage . The greot 5 pockel m d wale corduroy ieon -. , ( ·.,11 .. 1a1w•· To\\ 4·r .... -tar ol' c u~· ., :a pilol.' ( l•·fr ) ;.:.t·r-. n·a d ~ for lwr OIH'-\\Olttall ... ho\\ a l ~:ul«ll1 ·h:w". \ f,.,\ ~ •·ar .. :t;!o ( ahoH') .... Jw lu·l1wd , .•. , j, t• ·Ttw h.inµ a rul r 011 Broa cl waY. tnlomp.ts ... t·d A111Jd\\,t\ ll11ll\\\ll11d .ind 111gh1 du h~. ti ~l'<'nl" lh;1t Cmhl.olll'" To\\l'I'' h,,, louncl a hc1rn1· 111 davllnw ll•lt·Vh1t1n dr~1m.i S1111wh11\\' tht• l.11~:1 .. ,0<1µ tipt•r.1" d0t~n·t qutt1c• Ill tht· htli(h glus.' m.il h111.1l10n~ VI h11·h lr.11hp1n d.111' 1111 "C,1p1111l .. Scl' Const<m cc. Pag" 7 Coloo pe.Nter. c ompho(. petroleum. pumpemlckel and block Add one of our easy core sport shirts from Gani to complete this oulflt &~~@~ 56 FASHION ISLAND · NEWPORT BEACH · (714) 644·7030 0 C1 ~ "' ~ <O Cl> "' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~---r~-~--B_l_s_D~o-ln_s_•~---~~------------~--~--------------~ co 0> From Page 1 gJ Pt·tl·rson ~11cl slk works on Elv1n1 all lhe l111w, ... h1•lp1ng tu wrilt· tht· Sl'rt(Jl!> for thl· Ch<inrwl H ,8 Saturdd)' and Sunday TV -;how!>, gl'll1ng th1· o l'Ostumes and 1h1• prop::. o Sht· dcx'Sn'1 have• anything to do with sl'lt'('l1011 -vf lht• muvws a1ri·d on he r show, though, a fal'I sht· ~ a ppcan-d lv laml'nl. noting. "I dl)n't ch<.K>S<· any. lo "g my l'hagnn " 'fhl· movie'>. -.ht• '><lid, a1 P purehdsl-<I u. "by the gms.s " ...: llt'r favor111· h11rr11r rnoVtt'. she· said 1:0. ~ "We n •wulf •1f Wd,,htn.l!lon " ~ P<"1t:r'!>lm s.mJ sh1· the>rtJughly cnyiv-. portraying ~ th!' M1:>tn•s.-; of 1h1· Dark a:> "I loVl' 1t." 'ht· 1·xc l<.1111wd "h 's tun .11 llng Ilk<· .1 ~ fool .ind g1·lling µ,mJ for 11 " Q ll lHkl•:> h1•r ,,1,.1ul 11 hours to gl'I rrll11 l'OSlurn1· 0:: <t n d niakt'UfJ ''•Ill ;, good 1l.1 v," P1•t1•r ..,•1n said Costuming tn< lu1h·-. pulling 1111 tltt lung. hlm:k wig, µain11ng on d1•t.1il1•d m;1k1·uµ gluing 1m L..1k1• frngcrmuls .md -.lipp111g 1nt11 th•· :.linkv 1>1;:11 k go\.\11 that's t'Ul dow11 to h1·n· .rnd up to lhl'rt' &•rng Elv1r.1 1:-. gn·;ol ," l 'l'lt·r~111 ..... m l. "like· l)(•ing .i split J>1:r~m.d1ly" \\'h1·11 -.h .. " J>1·l1•r..,1111 lh1· p11ltl11 111•v1•r E lvira haunts Knott's during Halloween rt'l1J!.(rll7.t•s hl·r as Elv1n1 Ot'\'dU!>{' thl' l wo look :-o d1ff Pn·nt In add111on 111 th1· KHJ TV show s, "h1l·h c.1r .11 H p.m Saturdavs .ind -1 pm Sunday~. Pl'll'rson t'4 ·g;.111 work tw11 monl hs agu :.is :.. diS(' JOt:kc·:" fur K-HCX.' r:id11> wh1·rl' sht•'s Ikard from ti t11 H p 111 Su11d:av •HI 10() 7 F'M Shi· l.mdt'll l h1· DJ slot Pt"tt·r;on -..11tl, .d I• ·r h;1v111g gom• tll1•11· 11n in;iny inl1·1 \'It'"" lnd11at1ng th.1l :.lw lhornuglih 1·n.111v<, .ill 111'1 work. Pl'lt·r~m swd lwr r.1d10 w11rk "ls rt'i1I cr;11v I JUst g1·t 1lwrc· <.111d "'•) ail\ thing · Sh1· doc-:, lht -.hw.\ 111 th1· ~1111·, '>Uhr\ vo1u 't"I" ... h1· use·-. for Eh·ir;i ;ind, .1ud~111g from ,1ud11·1111· r1·al'l1011. 1.., he111111111g q11111• (JOpul.cr .1-. ..i rad111 ho:> lt •s...,, Sh11w bus1111""' ;1ppt•.ir-. lo h;1v1· ht.'1'11 .1 lih·l•1ng goal of l'c·tt'r-.<m whn lwgan t.tking dam·ing l<-s:.on.-. <it age 4 By tht· llml· shl' was 17, shl• wai.. dam·ing in La!> Vt•ga~ nightdub shows. Sht.· also p<•r formPd m the• L1d1J in Pans. Frant't'. and on th<:· Playboy Club c m :uit Shl•'s even toUrl•d lldly with an Italian roc:k hand. Tht· 'how at Knuu·s. whrt·h hd.'> bL"'-·n ren<1mt't.I "Knott's &:ary Farm" for thl· HallOWl'l·n ::.eason, 1ncludl•!-., shc> said. "a litllt.• C'Ofrwdy. a nmt.•-p1l'Cl' orch estra ;md 1~ likl· a r«gular Vegas show ." F.lv1ra llOl~ st•v1·r;,il song .. md dam•t· numlx·r-. .ind ho~L'> :>Ul'h lununeint>~ <1-. tht.• Valli•\ C ~houb Mummy .111d Wt·rt·wolf 'l'lw -.hov., l'allt•d the· Ghoul H1•vu1·. µI,,,., .ti !-! • ' II d 111 .s II fl m Jn d I :! :s 0 ,, ITl l od •• \ I "I "ugh lond.i\ l~·tw1 •1 n 1wrt11rm.11111·~. ~.lv11,1 ~rd ~111''11 b1 "h:i11g111g 11Lll .ir1111nd tht• r11l1 ·:-." Shi."-. .11'-<• workc·d up .1 ll.dlt1\\1'l·n 'I>''( t.•I Im t• ll·v1-.11111 111 ,11r lr11111 B p111 111 1111clrnght Sund.1\ .11 KH.J Tv.11 h11rro1 111ovtt•s wtll ht· ~h11w11 p lu-, .tn Elv1r.1 II.dlow1·1·11 l'.11lv \.\Ith ,,,.,·1;.il J.!UC· ... 1 -,t,1r' mdudm~ llc·n.·c· V11ll"'-ha11.t.· !rum ·f;,nt.1:-~ J-.l;111d r••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••····--·-----------····-~ l~ HALLOWEEN · \::!:::)/ PUMPKINS We have 10,000 pounds of the finest. Any size from 1 to 98 pounds each! And look at this low price! Full line Ghords, Indian Corn and Corn Stalks! OPEN DAILY TIL 6 From t he people who brought you "Animal House~' NATIONAL IAMP99N'S· r-----f(1l lfJ1fll-----., LOWEST PRICE YET Jumbo or Medium ------R•l lJ;Ntl-----., ,-----·C<1lliil.1fil-----, All SIZES : CHESTNUTS 10,000 POUNDS 1 ONIONS 1o~Lb. l imit S lbs. HALLOWEEN : From ltalv PUMPKINS : THE GOOD KINO 6¢ : 5 1.99 :~~nd Lb. ! Limit 3 Pumpkin• 1 Limit 3 Lba. ~-----------------~ ------------------·------------------COMPARE! COMPAREI COMPARE! ,..-----1!11Ul!il1-----... ·------r<i11T;Ntl----.. ·-----·l<•l•l:J•hl------. I I I t9'1N SOME STORES 1 1 t LOWEST PRICE YET • BIG BAGS : FRESH CUT : : FRESH CELLO I ROSES I I CELERY CARROTS : :: 10¢ : $149Doz. : : 10¢ 1 Limit 2 Doz. 1 1 Bunch Beg ! : : Limit 3 Bunch•• -----------------4 ·-----------------~·-----------------~ ION0£0 fl'IUIT IHIPl'El'I fOl'l 60 Y!Al'I$ 111101111 l'HONll , . "'~ t ' ... .... ""'. """" ..... .. • t• ... -t, • GlMIT WHAM • FRED McCARRO • MIRIAM FLYNN • STlPHEN FURST SHWn SMITH • ZANl 1um ,. MICHAEL LOUIUI ~-• --••• CHUCI llRRY .. ":",JOHN HlHiMES ,. ""'~; Mlm llMM'*I ' • r.MICMA.ll MIUP 6 . OQlacur__,l• ... ~oeu [!{·-::.=::..:.~~~ • ""· 7:10, 1:50, 10:30 S AT/SUM. 2:00, 3'4S, 1:30, 7·10 1:50, 10:.JCI AT CIHfMA WEIT edwards CINEMA WEST ~760 , .... 7l00, l<tS. 11>-.JO I ATl lUN. 1:M, )ii,, S:IS, ~ "'5, 10:30 AT M.V. MALL edwards MISSION VIUO MALL U N -0 '""Y tO 95 CIOW" .. lU~ "''"' 4 -8220 .. .a, a ~OtO edwards WOODBRIDGE ...... c ....... Ciiio• 551 0655 ...-... " .. ". ,.,., . - ............... ~,.....,- "'"-7:00, 1:41, 1o:>O IA T /SUN. 1:'5, J:ICI. S:tS, 7;00 l .'5, IO:JO AT HA~ edwards HARBOR TWIN .... ~.::=·" 631 ·3501 COtfA ... '4 fllL 1:00, 7:41, t:• I ATllUN. 2:20. t:OO, 1:00, 7"8 •..lO AT l~AClt edwards SADDLEBACI PWA 'i:c,'c':..o T:.C, 581-5880 edwards FOUNTAIN VALLEY -::::::' . 839-1500 ~~~~~---------------------------l~ ____ ro __ b_l• __ to __ i_o_b_l_• __ ~~r--------------------------------- Bangkok 3 .•• Thai cuisine prepared to your taste BANG KOK :J. IOI Palm A vt·, Balboa Peninsula, 673-6521 Dinner served from 6 to IO p.m Sunday throuifh Saturday Clast>d M onday A J..-1 carte menu onl_v Entrc•es from $8 25 10 $13 . .'ifl HC'S<·rva ucms 1mpt•r;1t1vC' on wPt!kt'nds Befon• venturing out for an t•v1•ning of non- trad1t1onal cuisine·. it's bt>St to noufy your guest that his or ht•r palall' may bt.· in for a rl'W surpnSl'S 1>f th<' '>P•cy kind In Thai c:ooke ry. tht' at t't·nt 1s on th«.' hot l.'nd of the fla,'or spt'Ctrum Thl· unan:ustomc'<.I should be su1tablv forl·warned But then. sOuthc•m CaJ1fnmian:-. ,1n· supposro to ix' prepared for l1f(• lx•yond nwnt und pol<ltoc>S Ml'Xll'an rc•st.aurant.'i ~lrl' in abu11d:11wc· as arl' thf• moulh-s1nling :-.pc·n.ilt1 E:'s from lndw a nd 1h1· Ch1nl':-.l' prov1m'l' of Sn'(:hwan On1c• tac·o saul'l' manufal'turt.•r pr11n:-. a lllllt• thc·rmometer-lvpt.· gaugl' on 1~ prudu1·t.-: to ind11.1tl' ~ht cl<•grH· of sp11·m1~' uf thl· t·ontt•nL' Al R.1ngk11k .~ vou l'<.m ord1·r 1trms .. , bland a' \.\hilt' hr t•aJ or .. , fll'r\ JS Jalapt·llll pt·ppt.·~ With <Ill .1dVC'rl1Sl"tf S1..il1• from om• lo Ill cl1•pt.•ntl1ng on \11Ur µ;J1 llt.'ul.1r hr<ind of l'Ul11wr y l'IJUragt• ThC' rl'::.li1urant 1s a lllw hut rid1h• d1-t·oratt•J Th;11 hou~· with lwlpful !'t·n ·u·1· .ind .1 k1tl'ht·n thJt kn11\\:. '" ht·n .ind ho\.\ lo .1dd tilt• µ1 pp(•ry '<'<i~o111ng:. 1h.•t •:"' Thai fuocl 11-. d1-.llllt 1llln ,1mong the· tlt·hl'aCll'S or lht· Oril•nt Tht• Sl'lllnl<( 11n lhl· doorslt•µ or Nt'\\ port'::. &lho.:i Pll'r o flt•r-. ,1 m.iJto::.l1c V1l'W of th•· -;urf .1nd Lhl· d~-C'Ompanying l rowcb of h<.•al:h-goc•r-.. S hacks of •..vhlll' :i nd light pink art• both ph·a:-.mg and tranquil dnd the e lc·ganC't' I!. t•nham·l·d by wh11C' llrll'n. ornall• -.ilverwarl' and I n•sh cut fl ow1•rs Forgiv e me, Father, for I ltaue sintterl. I have kille1I for my Cow 1tn1, I have stole11 for my Clwrd t, I have lot1£'d 11 woman, mu/ I am 11 Priest. By J OEL C. DON o r thl! Daily P ilot Sta rr Tht.• p1cturl' 1s t.'1>m plt.•lt.' with l'l01hng rans and t"a ndlL-s perched on w.ill shelves, though th<' c·harm nr B:mgkok Jal t1m1•s t•ompcws wllh t hl• din of bus ;md aulo traff1t.· on Palm Avl'nU(' Arut·k "Luckv" Tl·ac·hanarong 1s th<' master o ( th•~ surfs1de g<'rn ll1s l'XJ)('l'lern:e go<-i. h<wk m·arly I!) vt.>ars. wit h tutelagL' under his parc·nt.c; whl·n th1· f;.111)11Y owneJ n·<;t.1urJn~ in th(• rnoth(•r l'OUntrv To Ix· ~un·. whc•n Lut ky rlL"<:1dLod to laum·h ht!>· own rP::.l<iurant. ;ill o f his n •bttvt•:-. Wl'rt' 1ndudl'<I m thP <kal The n'sult was Los AngL•lt>S' Bangkok I in 1975 followl•d by a st•C'tmd two yt"ars l;11<'r Lucky cll'l'ldt.•d to introduct· Orangt.• Counwrn" to Thai l'UIStn{' thrt.-<· years ago ;.ind rt.·main!> al tht.· Nl•wporl Sill' lx'<:a use he still rt.'(+, No. 3 ch1kl IS ii b1L loo young to make it on It:. uwn'. But. a las. Orangt.· C-iunty's rmnori ty or Thai n.'st.iurants h aven't bl•c n wt.•lcunwcl with opt.•n m()Uths Lucky SUAA<'SL<; lht.•rp's a rPar Ill llWSl' part.<; or gastronom1t.·al d1so.islA.'r Tht.' folk..-; in Los Ang<•lcs. ht• :idd~. don't st't'm to :ipproaeh Thai lood with "Ul h lrt•p1dation But w e d1 sl'IJVt.•n ·d sl·vt.•rnl l'nln·1·-. that an· ..:ivory yl'l would hardly offt•nd th1• mu:-.l -.i·n-.111vt• or tasl.(• buds lndc>t·d . lll•m.<; M·rvt'll Jl Bangkok :\ Sc·<· B<.ingkok 3. Paw· Ii WE'RE GOING TOMAKEYOU with DAN AYKROYD, JOHN CANDY, CHEECH AND CHONG, GILDA KADNER and the girl wh o says 10 t lw gorillci "Be gentle big fell ct'.' the alien who demand~ "Mar~ needs \.rnnwn'.' the evil <;eientisr who~'"' "All of you earthmen cm• stupid'.' Rius Plenty of teenag<> lu~t . Loads of crawling cretlturt'~ ilnd Lot~ of dirt v pan~. MONSIGNOR l~t-.-.""'- • JRANk YA8lANS1'-- , rRANJ(~Y 1- t HRISTOf'HlR fffl VI: In MONSIGNOR .1•, 1• ! .rn: /Ill jlt 1 J~~o '1 A M~t M If /A!,1'1 ,~ Ml 1111,1 , •, ~ A•, .. ·~ 1 Jl.l.Rl 11.: 1,1~~ •1 ,. i..i.\ J ., r ~~A ,oi M11 n 11.' 1~ 1m\ I (ji 11rr,1 WJI W '~Al HA I I ~ ANI til ~ :HI \~IUlllli kl OAHA 11~4 ~ l'lllMUlll HI !ill.'-M 11IHi\Jl1kll~· A'~l1 1111 ;1( '' 11111!1111 kt M~V\IW '~11 1. MAi llH-11 111 ~ PG ,....-.i ... ml :: A rArA~•I ,1 I !1~{1 ·fl'!"~· ~ _.. ..... _..,. ........ o-.-.... ... . STARTS TODAY ---- IRH IL TOftO OUMOI Mann Brea Pla1a [dwaros Sa!ldleblteli C1nedome S29 5339 ~81 !>880 834 ?553 OUllOl WUTMINSTl" COSTA MHA IRWIN( WHTMllRTl" ldwt•d\ C111rm1 Cent11 EOwatds WOOOOttOge Eow11ds Cinema we,t 979 4t41 Cro~ 551 065S 891 3935 St•d1t1m 011ve In Pnc1f1C\ It• Way 39 639 8770 Oftve In 1191 3693 COSTA ... [OWl<d\ Soulh Coasr Pla1a 546 2711 NO,._. .. ACCUTlO '°" TWll IMOMllMINt ' " s :Y ~ ~ CD CD 7C' CD ::> a. CD :' ~ a. Q) ~ 0 !]. 0 cr ~ I\) ~ ID OJ I\) ~ f ' i',l. :~----------------------------------~~----'-a_b_l_e __ t_o __ T_a_b_le ____ ~~----------------------------------~ a:> a> 'l> D 0 u 0 I 1\ I 1111• ol I l"tll 111• t,. I "I I• 11 ol lo\ I ho I'•' 1111 I~ o l.o • ,11 l• o111d 1111 1~•l '1t11I' 11·11.J I" Bang k o k 3 offers I as Ir Thai j (Jo<I 1 ... , .. 111• "''' I 11111qol1·l· d111111,. 1·;11 II dllll'I ,1 ••• 111o1 >-l'i.1•1 111 '"' 1 ·'I'·'""' ·•1>1"'11/t ,, ~llllf• ,, ,,ol.1d 111d ~ 111.tlll 'ltll• I \ I "' d111111 I .t\I 1 ·~·'··'~·•II '.!" , .. I ._ I" I'' lo \\, 11 lt. 1111pl1 It olllllH r.; rtllhlll bo .. Ill\• U.. oll• 11111. 1)111111.!1 1 •1111 \\,llllt ,, \\1" \C I \ 111 ipllil Ill lt11 'U~l!' t.,"""'dtpd'.t1,lll .i, 11:.!llll\11 \1 g• t.1ltl1 \• 111111 •Ila"' II I l•lltJI·'"' 111.111>. .. I h.11 '11111. ,.ilH I .1r1d I'" Uf1dH I ... dH I , I• ,, ....... 11,:. rlo.11 !'-\ ,, I I I • .r 1d ·' tll f ,, ' I I .. I' I ' fl " I d t • 111q1.11U•111 "-' I· \I I \ 111111 L' ·'.. .. "·k" t lco Ill"' ·1 ""I . I\ I d \\ 1111 i I 111 ,111d , .ol • t 111 ,.I It 11111111 111 I"' ,,·11 t.d1o111 )<,,. 11 111111 '111" ''"' l1.111tl• I.ill• if 111 ,1 1'1.11 If :111111~' ••I 11! .. , J •••• ,11\i.11 • 'Jtt-i l 111 ... I 1111 ,,.,, •• ,I pl 1t• .. ,,1 ,, 11111 ,, ,1 .. 111.1111 .. 1 th• 11 .. 11\1 II• '"""" ,, I \\I .i~.. ··I· I l• ti \ '"'" " II '",.,.,,I I' I 1C11 .1 lii:loth .p11 \ ~.d.111 Ilk• "I'll' 11/• r \\Ill. 1 '111 h.1 11 I'"'" ~hi lllll' .11111 \'1111111·1 •IJi 11111 .o 1'1!11'• I t).1\'1111 ii o1lh t \h ~Ill,, ... \' 121 1.tl>I• \I llJllt ' Ill ... 111.t' I)\\·" .• 111oi't pit .1~11w h11oth th.ti 1111 l11dc ·rl l1,ol 1\ 111111t1111-. 111.11 '"'''ll' 11•11 ·oJ•ll"' .111\1 h '""'I •.1 1 \\llh ,1i 11111p p 111h. I-:: I d II \\ I I • "''' L.;1• ,,, 1'111 111 .111 'I" 11111 d1 111 .olt 111d ,\ ... I ill· .1 , ... \\I· II ·" ' .1111.oi.:1 ,111.I "' 111111 -.1 II""' ,, 11dt1 ,,, "' 1l1~o1ll1·'. 11 .. -111• .\ I 111 .... .i.111 I" I ,•Ill .Ol 11\ Id .111t.tl1h 11 .. 1 .1 .. •"tl"''' d .. 11 1111 ""' t" 111 .... ti•· 1'111 1hu11rl1 1111g O• ve ,,., Qp~,. 6 46 Weekn1ght1 I 6 30 Weelce"d' Children Undtr 12 Frer Unless Hottel COSTA MESA f dwJrd\ 811\toi ~40 7 444 ORANGE AMC OranQt' MJll 6170340 ORANGE UA City Cmenr.l 63-1 )911 GARDEN GROVE I r1w.i10 Wr 111rc"'• ~JO .140 t "0 PASSES ACC[Pl[O ro11 1'115 [NCAOE"'l "' J -------------------- PROJECTIONISTS LOCKED OUT!!! UNITED ARTISTS THEATERS UNFAIR!!! WP :11e locked out t>ecause we refused to rosP up to 75•,. ol our 1ot>s double the work toad ol those remoonmg. and allow our e~perllse l o t>e u111ozed 10 enable underpa11J, inexperienced k1(1s 10 handle Ille highly complex equipment m the pro1ect1on rooml> ol the United Artists Theatres Management err09enlly and unllel•relly demanded that each pro1ec1tonlst employee service as many as elghtMn •creen• m complexes as much as tw•nty mll•• •P•rl. • We believe this to be unfelr 10 tho 50-75% ot the pro1ect1on1S1s that would have rost their JObS under these cond1l1ons. and unfelr 10 the movie patrons who are paying lop price tor their tickets. with the chance or seeing aub-•t•nd•rd p1ofectlon ot the features they paid ro see We were willing to negotiate, but tile Company dlct•torl•lly and err09enlly LOCKED US OUT. YOU CAii HELP! PIHN don't go Into eny United Arll•I• Theel., enywhere. Your written letters ol support will be appreciated by us They should be addressed to the Southern Association of IATSE Olslrlct Two Locals 630 Geneva Street, Huntington Beach. Colltornoa 926•8. We will forward to the proper pe~ty II United Artiste THAlllS FOR YOUR HELP!! Southern Assoct•tlon ol IA TSE District Two l,.OQll/~1 Walter H. Blanchard, ~Tr .... It I -.'olll)' 'flit 1 ti llJ> 1!1t t ,11Jl1.1~11 11ld t1lht I grt·I Ill t >. .01111 t1 11d1 1 111111"1 1~ nl pork ,,111-..1~11 I ~· I I , .. l.1\ I ..... oCq \\.r 111\ 111• 11d ... "lllJI I t I• I• 11 It 1 1111-. •I 1111 .it llt 11 t11.il1 ti 111 '"""lllll 111dk o11t1 p t•, 111oJ ,, , .. 111p.11111·d IJ\ I" .111ul .111d I"' 1111,111 I ,.111• .... ~lull• ti. tw kt II\\ 111g·, 1:-.11 .! •I ,., .. : "" I 111 I ·"· ol tit< I Jllll Thi \\ 111g ... "" I 1• 1111 d .1 nd ..,11111 .. 1 \'.Ith ""' k ol11t1 ...... \I llllllf Ill 11l.111l11J ;11111 .. 1111 f 'I'll I ... dlld 110 ti.I I/I Ill rllllJll,lh ~' 1 1 \ ltll• '' 11•111 >11 \\llt1 1111· l>hollllt .. 11111 tlt1Hl).!lt II 1111111' \\ illo I llllf'JI' ol I lit IJllll1t t ,,1111' I 1ilw1 "I" c 1.tftl•, 11 I~ c """"'I• .f 1111 tl11 Ill '\:\ "1111lt11h 1111 1 ... i-.. 1 ,11:111111 11111111111 1•1.!d ,p11' hc•t .. nu 1 \\11h h.11 l ... 1 u1 d ... 1111111p l.u1 k\ • .i ..... !1<11111111• llrf, h.th.td d lh h. 1;::11 q ti ,1 pcopUl.tl • lllft I llt,1l JIJ,1lt cl Ill 1.,111~• I 1111111" ,11111 ""'-,,1UI I .111d .111t1111p.11111 d ''' 11lu111 "1u .. 1 :\I·,,, ··.qi 'I.Hiii 1111 ol \\ 1tl1 ..... 111< '{ f,.,, II 1·d I 111 I•' I~ I •Ill It '.c II•·" rli.11 II 1 "'"" I tlt1 , •. .i.111 .111d ''" -...••1111 '' S \ t .1, tft , .t 'I .. I e f • I ............................. _. ______________________________ ~--~--~~---~ ~- From Page .'J young auth()r and lyricist who p tnl'CI her during th(· inter view. One of those anecdotes might be her story of leaving the American Embassy in Mexico O ty to meet the pla ne carrying Mexico's presiden t and pruident~lect at the airport . Her limousine broke down and she hailed a taxi -which lost a wheel a fter four blocks -and she caught another to the airport. By that liMe. however. the ba nd and all the d1gnita ric•s were gone. and she was stra nded p<>SOles.s a fter paying off both l·abb1l-s. Fortunately. an embassy offt<'1al showed up la tl·r to "claim" her ··w e love 1t," she said wht'n a.-.ked about ht•r rea l -life role as ambassadur 's wife ··11·s tremrndously rC'warding and tht· Mexican peoplt• h<ivc-madl• us f<'<.'l so wt•komt' and so loved. I d11Jn't reahZl' until Jack got the appmntment that Mt•xu:11 City 1s our larlo(cst fore ign embassy." "'The Chosen' ... One of the year's best!'~ EXCLUSIVE ENGAGEMENT FRI. 8:35 -SAT/SUN. 4:00, 8:35 edwards LIDO CINEMA HEWl'otlT llYO. AT VIA LIDO NEWPORT IUCH 673-8350 CO-HIT "DINER" FRr. 6:30, 10:35 -SAT/SUN. 2:15, 6:30, 10:35 Constance Towers readies her show The wrcklv tran s1t1on from 1n ter na t1unal politics in Mex'1co to m ak e-believe pol1ucs on ''Capitol'' seem.-> an easy one for the taU. slender blonde who makes use of her e nd less hours on ai rplanes to memorize lint•s for her sh ow But unlike many pl'rformL·rs. she wasn't born in thl' proverbial trunk. "M y pan•nL'> wen_•n't l'Onm•C'tl·d with sh ow busint'ss not in Wh1tpf1sh. Mo ntano a nd wh.HP\'<•r t:ilt•nt ~ 1nht•ritl·d lallll' from mv gr;mdmothtr But my fnlk:-. WC'rt• v1•r) .... upporttv~· and l'm·ouragt·d rnl' to s tud;.· unch•r 1:,,• l11.~t tl·ach1·rs 1n 111us1l' ;ind ch ama ·· Th1•y 'l'lll h<·r to Juilha1 d Sd iool ol MU1'1l , and Crum thl;rt· srl· 1m·k1•<l up :-111g1ng Job" 111 Nt•w Yur k 1 }1 2 supper dubs lt was an easy Jump to Broadw ay w h(•re she starr<.>d in "The King and I" as w ell as ~ sever al musicals lha t didn't bet·umt· ho usehold lE words. Among them "Ari." the.-musical version of ~ ··Exodus," a mJ "An ya," the musical version of :::> "Anastasia." g. She w as namL'CI bl>St musical actress in 197.i by :- the New J ersey Dr ama Critics Association and ~ l'arnC'd the New York Cntics' Outer Circle Award Ci. for "excellem·c• in theater ." Wo u ld she p refer ~ singing to acttng 1f g1vPn that chowe? o "Good s1ngin~ 1s good act in~.·· she declares ~ "My dream wurld would be using both talents in er om• ~how But s1 m·t· 11 would hardlv be> 1n c·hara,·ter ~ f:,r Clar1ss;.1 M«C.111dlt·~' to brC>ak into song. I guess "' I II JU't ha\·1· to U'<' onci· at a llmt· ·· co Saturciav how1·v1·r th1· f:ins <it S<1ddlC>batk l'oll1•141 will ht• trt•;11t•d to bnth :-.llh ·:-. uf tht· <. '11n:-.1.1 nt·1• T11w1•r.., t.ill•nt Ant.I tla·v m,J\ It .1rn" h ·w thing:-.il,.1ut M1 ·x11·t1 1n the b;irg;1in · ... co <X> "' From the people who brought you" Animal House!' ' \ N A T I 0 N A L IAMPeeN'S® 11~ lollll'• >NP!< '•.4'1(~1-..._. 1 •;11••lNlll LAN'PQOllC,• ClA!.!;111UNIC"' , .... GERRIT GRAHAM • FRED McCARREN • MIRIAM FLYNN • STIPHEN FURSl SHllLEY SMITH •ZANE BUZBY ... , MICHAEl URIERs-.• __...."' CHUCK IERRY w ·"~JOHN HUGHES ,. ""~: MAm SIMMONS °" .. '=MICH All MIUER AK. 001 .. ~~I"' ~!-•••• "",.''~ La. rooeu '9J Ct• ·--··!?I ·-·· .. ~ (fe M l~\•011 f ol 11, p .... ~ 8 N co : First Blood. N • • Rock y Balboa as former Gree n Beret? ..... Cl> Th(·re was so mu"h groin-k1c.:k1ng and hcad-2 pounding in the first 15 minutes uf Ted Kotcheff's 8 "First Blood," that I wondert.od how the film l-ould . keep up its momentum for the next huur and a half. ~ Nol worry Car t'hases. 30-fool falls Crom :2 cliffs and flaming expl~1ons fill out the rest of the it movie. wh1<.:h stars Sylvester Stallone. R11.:hard ..: Crc·nna and Brian Dt.onnchy. ~ 1 suppose the film will appeal lo thoSt· who c want to sc.>e th(' da!.S1c anu-hcru outwit a{ld outfight ~ tht.• establishment with plenty of blood <1nd gu~ ~ thrown in 3: But 1t falls for short uf IL'> putl•nwil to rc•ally -<'C1mmurut.·att.• somNhing to th(' uutl1t.·nl'L' abnut .2 J)(:~nc1l war.. and why mt.•n must fight tht.•m ~ The movie opt.•ns with John Rambo (Stallone) being hassled and hauled in fur vagnml'Y by an ignorant bum:h of loc-al pohct' in a small luwn in the Pac·1ftc Northwest. The hok<'y burlC'h of c'Ops get some kicks out of trying to break Rambo's defiant po'l(:, but pushes him too far Whl'n one brandishes a razor and tril'S lo shave off h1:. s<.'raggly beard . Rambo has fl.i.shb<tcks of his tortures in tht• V1t.•lnC1m War, whu:h make him go i:>{_·rst•rk, brt'Sk out of the station and head fur the mount.ams JUSl outside of town. Why Rambo. who wt.• later diS(.·over 1s <i formt!r Gret-n Beret and Congrt-ssumaJ Medal of Honor winner. decides to embark on the a ll-out war that follows 1s anybt>dy's guess. OstC'nsibly. he sull fo llows the battlef1t.>ld (•ode that dedares dC'strucllon to the man who d raws first blood. But any deeper insight into Rambo's character c:umes onlv 1n the last five minutes of the ftlm -too little and "too late. Rambo proceeds to elude the band of poliC't> who give him chase through the forests. Their commander is Will Teaslc (Bria n Dennehy) -a big. arrogant man bent on killing Rambo for his own grattf1c:ation. The rest of the movie 1s predictable: The polil't.' call out the national guard. numbering over 200, to set up a mammoth offensive against Rambo. Then Rambo's former commanding offic.-er, Green Beret ColonC'I Sam Trautman (Crenna). shows up LO warn Tl•asle that it's no use to try and fight the expertly Chrieto pher Reeve (kneeling) and Fernando Rey in a scene from •Mon ignor.' By KAREN E. K LEI N Or the Daily Pilo t S tarr tr<iined Rambo ln the C'nd, Rambo turns the table:. on the manhunt and returns to the town to destroy It and face the ultimate showdown with Teru.lc J ust bcf ore t hl· mov 1e t>nds. Ko tcheff gl'ts around to the obvious sc.:cne between Trautman and Rambo in which Rambo breaks down. rt.'t.'alls the horrors of war and falls sobbing into Trautman·s arrns Sadlv. Dtrt'<·tur Kutcht'ff. whu hus recentlv n·least-d ;.Split Image," tukes Rambo and Teasle • twu polc.•nt1ally intriguing t:haractc•n.. and buru.'S them 111 an explo1 t<1t ion film wh1l·h nl'ver gets around to thoroughly exploring their personal h('lls. Stallone hardly spt.'aks in lhC' film. outs1dl' of his scene with Trautman. so 1t 1s hard to <1ssess his performance Ile has soml· prt.•S<.•n«' dS thl• tortured hero. reduc:t."'Cl to working an c<1r washl·s for a living. and that ont' 5t'e nt.' 1s Wt>ll dnnt.• though 11 t.'tmt.ams no sur prises. In many w'ays, Rambo resembles Rocky Balboa. the fighter Stallone made famous. In one scene Rambo comes out of a doorwav wn h a coat IOO!iely draped over his bare shoulders: immediately evok ing the image of tht.• pnu> fight{'r 10 his silk robes. Dennehy and Crcnna do adequate jobs though they nl'ver have the opportunity to eme rge from their o nl'·d1mens1ona l s tereotypes which are further triv1altzed by Clat. el1chc d ialogue. "I wanted to kill him. r wanted to kill him so bad I could taste it." T easle snarls to Trautman through gritted teeth. Then. when Teasle readies himself for a final showdown wnh Rambo. "If you go out thl.'re you'll die," Trautman warns. "Everybody dies," Teas le growls back. Unfortunately. "First Blood" 1s the kind of exploitation flick that filmmakers resort lo when they want to take the easy way out of a story that ('OUld touch reality. and the aud1em'<'. in a powcrfl.11 way ylves ter tallone plays former Gre e n Beret warrior in ~First Blood.~ Monsignor. • • Just not trashy enough By PHIL SNEIDERMAN or the Daily Pilot Starr "Monsignor" IS full of volatile eleml•nts that never quite ignite on screen. You can picture the promoters of this film droolmg over the pr05pect of luring hordes of moviegoers with this story of a handsome priest who becomes a war hero. takes a lover and arranges business deals between the Vatican and thl-Ma fia. These dramatic developments are dropped mto "Mon signor " like hand grenades. but th<' filmmakers never manage to pull the pin The him is long on contrived shock value but far too lean on substance and character development. Christopher Reeve of ··Superman" fame dons the clerical robes of a New York priest who becomes a chaplain during World War ll After comfor ting a dying soldier m a ch<'hed battlefield scene. Reeve's Father Joh n Fla he rty turn& a machine gun on t he enemy. He's "rewarded" with a position as a f1nanc::1al adviser at the Vatican, which is near bankruptcy during the war yeal'9. Flaherty concocts a scheme to raise money by sel11ng Vatican commissary goods through the black market. Most of the movie focuses on Flaherty's fina ncial dealings with lhe Mafia and a power s truggle between conservative a nd progressive' factions within the Vatican. A thoroughly unconvincing romance between Flaherty and a ,J>OStulant nun (Genevieve Bujold) Is int.roduced, then dropped ofte r a melodramatic confrontation . The s tory adva nces a fe w yearit to show Flaherty, still in the priesthood, as interNUonaJ high finance whi1 who manipulates mllllona in church funds. 8ut hit enemies within the Vatican are preparlna tO expose his deaUop with the bl.ck market and the Mafia. The script. by Abrah.am Polonsky and Wendell Mayt.-s. based on Jack A.lam Leger's novel. takes Father i"laherly from cnsis to crisis without ever really getung under his skm. As played by Reeve, the young clergyman is chamung and ambiuous. bu t we never lear n w h a t d r e w h im to the p ries thood He thrtv<'s on power but seldom displays any religious t.'OnVl<'tion. Flaherty readily acknowledges his sins. but they never seem to caUSt> him much inner turmoil He pretends to be an Army officer while romancing Bujold but is more concerned about this d~ption than the fa<'t t hat he's broken his vow of celiba<.·y "You have a great St."'C'ret -I ,.an feel 1t." Bujold says ... Are you a murderer?" "Not yet," the priest replies. But "Monsignor" IS not without its merits. Billy Williams contributes some gorgeous photography of Vatican architecture and religious ceremonies. T h ere are also some excellent sup porting performaoces by Ferna ndo Rey as Flaherty's mentor. Cardina l Santoni, Adolpho Celi as the conservative Cardinal Vmc1: Jason Mille r as the Mafia chieftain; Robert J . P rosk y as a c1gar - chewmg Boston bishop: and Leonardo Cimino as the Pope. Director Frank Y.erry and · producer Frank Yablans last teamed lo make "Mommie Dearest," a similar mix of clas.<1y actors and lurid subject matter (child abuse, in the earlier film). lf anything. the filmmakers have been too timid wtth t he material they're trying to exploit In "Monsignor." We never really see a ny e nem y solidlers slain by the priest's machJne gun; we never actually K'e him in bed with Bujold; and tor most of the mov1t', w e !lee little of the traditional Mafia ~Uness. As a result. "Monsignor" sloshes throu.gh a muehy m.ldd.lc ground. This high-gloea production ii too ahallow to be taken 11erioWJly and not trashy enough to be fun. , -...... ( Coming Attraction•)-- Crazy H orse at tracts Da vid and S helley David Fnzzell and Shelly West of ··You're the Reason God Made Oklahoma" fame are scheduled to perform two concerts Nov. 2 m Santa Ana. The dynamic duo have been signed for 7 and 10 p.m. shows Nov 2 a t the Crazy Horse Saloon Theater. Santa Ana. Frizell, the kid brother of the late Le fty Fnzzell. and West. daughter of country music star Dollie West. currently arc riding the C&W charts with "I Just Came Here to Dance" and "Another Honky Tonk Night on Broadway." Smee teaming up four years ago, Fnuell and West have chalked up numerous professional awards including being named 1982 duo of the year by the Academy of Country Mus1t· and 1981 duo of the year by the Country Music ASSOC'1at1on In add1taon. West Wa!> named "Most Prom1Smg Female Artist" in the 1982 Music City News Awards which also labek.od the prur as duo of the year. Frizzell, 40, began work ing 1n the music industry as a teen-ager when he toured with his older bl'Olher Lefty. By the time he was 18. he'd landed his fll"St recording contract wnh Columbia Ra'Ords. cutting <.'Ountry and rockabilly tun~. Wes t. 23, began touring with her mother's band m 1975 as a backup singe r. l n VH 'T'P ITAU.CMS 11FIR8T BLOOD" 1111 Aft. 1!00, IM l •O:IO I AT/IUN. 11I01 ~11. l:tO 1;00,l;Af,10:*I ... .,..,...o GAllAOI' .,.., toe ..... '"'" .......... .,...-••uo.tr1 At eoa OPP1C1 CHl'llT~HUI Mlr¥1 "MON- SIGNOR" FRI. 1:00 eao. 10:40 SAT/SUN. 1:30 3:45, 9:00, 1:15, 10:40 (R) FRI I : 15, 1:00, 10:00 SAT/SUN. 2:15, 4:15 1:15, 1:00. 10:00 "IT CAME FROM HOLLY- WOOD"1"°1 "IT CAME FROM HOLLYWOOD" FRI. 1:45, 1:30, 10:20 SAT/SUN. 2:00, 3:)5, 5:10 1:45, 9:30, 10-.20 (PO) "IT CAME FROM HOllY- W000" 1P01 "'"· 1:20, 1:00, t:)S SATl l UN. 2:JO, 4:20 1:20. t:OO, t:• f ... 4'1&"' fllW •'*• f'",..,..., AOfolu> W'-lllWlt Nfll SEASON O F' THE WITCH "MON- SIGNOR" "''· 1:00, l :H, 10:45 SAT/SUN, 1:00, 3:25 1:00, 1:20 6 IA T ONl. Y 10-.AO (R) r&l:tt(lll U T/-.Ul,- "l00 KIN' TO GET OUT"1N1 ,,., "ti, •" ••Tl-1\11,1111, ..... E.T. nn; Ell TllA · TaRRUT1UAL FRI, 7: 151 •.JO SAT/I UN. 1:15, 3;JO 5:45, 1:00, 10:11 (f'O) FRI. 1:00, 1:15, 10-.20 SAT/SUN. 1:00, 3:30 1:00, 1:15, 10:20 "LOOKIN' TO GET OUT'' 1~01 IJ:~'::~~j!I 11 • !'!~u~!:1:~H {5 FRI. 7:10, t:OO, 10-.45 SAT/SUN. 1:00,3:00, S:OO 7:00, .... 10:45 8 c r r E f ... Y.lln ""'ol E" c-Jlr~us , .... -... ,,_,,,.., ...... _. '1' AST 1'l"'i'.$ AT ~HIGH"CRt Fllll. 7:00, t:OO. 10:45 SAT/SUN. 1:00, 1'00 5:00, 7:00, t:OO, 10:45 POLTERGEIST~ FRI. l:SS I AT/SUN. ~ 1:30 "ST AR TREK II" ""-l:30. 10'.AO IA T /IUN. l:JO, ~ 10:40 FRt 1;00 SAT/SUN. 3:15, 1:00 DINll @ FRI. 9:00, 10:50 SAT/SUN. 1:10, 1:00, 10:50 FRI. 7:00. 1:50, 10:40 SAT/SUN. 1:30. 3:20. 5 10 7:00. 1:50, 10:40 J:.-. ·-T.~Ot 411'1. fflll. 6;30, 10: 15 SAT/SUN. 2:50. 1:30. 10:15 "ROCKY UI" Cl'C) FRI. l:20 I AT/SUN. 1:00. ~lac Fflll. 1:11 SATl l UN. 4!00, 1!15 "JINXED" 1111 FRI. 1:15. 10!30 SAT/SUN. 2:00 1:15, 10;)0 11IT CAME FROM HOLLYWOOD" , .... 1:45, l:lO. 10:00 SAT/IUN. 2;00. >-M. $:10 1:.46. .... 10:CIO (f'O) g ,, ~. ci ~ 0 0 0 a ~ I\) <O _, I ~ IO N co C7> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~----\~Currently Screening~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ AMITYVILLE 0: THE POSSESSION: More o) horror in that handsome, haunted Long Island N home. What starts out as laughable turns scary and ~ unpredictable, thanks to T ommy Lee Wa llace's ~ shrewd script and the bravura direction of Italy's 0 Oamjano Damiani in his American film debut. Burt 8 Young, Rutanya AJda and other children. Jack ~ Magner and Di~me Franklin. are the new rt>S1dents. as James Olson is their local priest. 0 ·c u. AN OFFICER AND A GENTLEMAN: Rated ~ R, stars Richard Gere. David Keith, Debra Winger -o and Louis G-Ossett Jr There are very few surprises ~ but some beautifuUy drawn performances in this .le: tale of boot camp and romance. It's rated R bc<.'ause al of language, sex and adult situations. ~ CHAN IS MISSING StJ;-s Wood Mm and .2 Marc: Jlavash1 ~two San f'rant'IS('O Chinatown t"...tb ci: ' drivt·r-.. \Vhu launeh a st·arch for u m1s."ing partrwr. J\ bright. original l'Ollll'dy CLASS OF' 19H-l. H::itt•d R . stars Roddv McDowall and Timothy Van Patt('n in a provocallvl.· and frightening look cit the dark futun· of America n high !.(:hoob. CLOC'KWOHK OHANGE Rdll'd H. Swnll'v Kubnlk's film garnt·n·d c·nlll'al actla1m wht·i1 urig111all y n:lt·a~ccJ 111 thl' t•arly 70s E.T. THE EXTRA-TERRESTRIAL: Rated PG. star s H enry Thomas. Dl.'e Wallace, Robert MacNaughton and Drew Barrymore. This highly accl;;umed sc1ent.-e·Cantasy film deals with a young boy who befriends a little lost alien Crom outer space This family film has been touted as one of the best in years Mov,ies now showing along Orange Coast FAST TIMES AT RJDGEMONT HIGH: Rated R, st.ars Sean Penn, Jennifer Jason ~igh, Judge Reinhold, and Richard Romanus. This film deals with teen-agers pursuing drugs and sex and more sex. It originally was rated X but was edited down to an H rating. Several impressive newcomers in this tale of the carnal side of high school. It's rated R because of its emphasis on sex and some nude sc:eneS. HUMONGOUS Rattod H . ..,t,1~ J<.1nl'l Julian ;ind O;,iv1d Wallat·c· in .i grut ...... imt· llalluw1-c·n t1mC' horror slory JEK YLL1'& 11 YDE TOCF.THEH /\GAIN: H<itt'<..I · H. "tJr" l\l.1rk Blankfll'ld. Rc-ss Armstrong. Krista F:rnl'kso11 and Tam Thunwrson A c·ht•m1st ukc .... 1111 a \H•inl st'(und p<•rsonaltty after tn)CSttng his own potwn JINX~D; Ratt.J H. Star!> Bt•ttt• M1dll'r and Rip Tom a!> lovers involved in a Jinxed black.)<.lt:k deal Madler provides the film's good moments, otherwise an uneven. unsatisfying romedy Miller. Reeve trades his S uperman cape for clerical robes in this tale of a World War LI priest who becomes involved in financial wheeling and dealing within the Vatican. The bcautifuUy photographed film is long on shock value (priest has a romance. priest deals with the Mafia). but s hort on motivation and substance. MY FAVORITE YEAR: Rated PG, stars Peter O'Toolc, Jc.'SSica Harper, J06eph Bologna and Mark Linn-Baker. A bright comedy in the tradition of last year's "Arthur," about a lovable drunk and his exploits. St·t in I 954 during the Goldc·n Agc <>f tdt.'vis1on PINK F'LOYD T HE WALL: Rated R. stars rcx·k singt•r Hob Gc·ldorC Pink Ployd"s album "Thl· W • .111 ." 1nsp1n·d this nightmilrtsh film. which t•hron1dl•s ;1 nx:k st<ir" .. ovc•r<.lost• POLTERGEIST: Rated P C. stars J obeth Williams and Beatrice S traight in a tale o f the supernatural The story IS by Steven Spielberg; the direction by Tobe Hooper. The PG rating IS for suspense. SUPERMAN II: Rated PG, sldrs Christopher Reeve. Ned Beatty, Jackie CooJX•r, Sarah Douglas and Margot Kidder The return of the highly popular Sup<>rman St.'C)Uel m wh1t:h thr('{' aliens t.'Ome to earth looking for Supt>rman, ahas Clark Kent. Tht• lovt.· scent· b<'tween Sup1..•rman and Loi~ Lant' crC'att-d a stir when tht· muVIL' was originally relt•ased S PLIT IMAGE: Ratt.>d R, stars Karen Allen. LOOKIN' TO (iE'T OUT: Rated R. swrs J on Voight. Ann -Maq~n·t and Burt Young tn Hal Ashby's story about two gamblers looking to score Ing at thl' Las Vl'g<is blac·kJ3ck t.<1hlt• Suffl>r.., from a wt•ak sc:npt and unhk.Jhlc c:harnl·Wrs. PNer Fonda, J ames Woods. Eln.abcth Ashlc·v and Brian Ot.'i"lnl•hy The story of a young athlt·tt" who MONSIGNOR Hated R. star-; Chrt!>lophcr H('('vc. Ct'nev1eve Buiuld. Fernando Rey and Jason See Currently Screening, Page 11 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -~~~~~~~~~--''---~~~~~~.....::.~~~~~~ ' THE COMEDY FAVORITE OF THE YEAR! 'VERY FUNNY AND ONE OF MY FAVORITE MOVIES:· JvcJ111t Cn11 WOA TV "SIOE-SPLITTINGLY FUNNY!" P .. A...., W "lltCAfCO llt.M (Alli( "FULL OF SNAP AND WIT:' O""KI A"'"n ltCWSWCC~ "A COMEDY WITH S1YLE AND PEP .. :· "PETER OiOOL£ IS SIMPLY ASTOUNDING .. :· , .... IM "-! lff;W 'l'Ofll(p MAC.t.Z#K "'Iii OllWYUl!IH 111a l' Am.ql Nfllll)WI (1WIJH1(1tflOI l!fl~flll'UI l\\Ol\Alif\R l"l~RlfYllUll)lllAlntlt.!Mfoil"'!llP.I~ ll'l t~ll 1Ull '(1-lllUV!!l UM ~llllifC Nll!UlllSAlllllllC Wflr(l'l!l!Wiftll.flllll l'IH H'IRMt'ltlUlt\ ~OllYW)WI IJWUI IP0~-----~1 i.cr101t1!i!OMJIU• ~ , ___ _. • .,,.*' .. ...,_ ... _._.,. NOW PLAYING CMl'A •U _,_,_ IUa LA M1M '"'"'"So.'411C...•Plu• ................. ~ AlllCf_....,, HUl11 UIO:IH Ht OUJ ll ,_'"""'" l._ ... , ...... ~)ti~ ~Call• ... , ... ~ -·-· ·-~ ' '\ . ~,,; 'I' VH• 14' • I '.,.. I! ' • ' ' . . . . ·~ ' ' ' 14TH SMASH WEEK! ISN'T IT TIME TO SEE WHAT 27 MILLION PEOPLE HAVE BEEN RAVING ABOUT? "Oebr• Winger •nd Richard Gere exude • p•lp•ble sexu•llty, a bona fide romantic ache. Every moment Is raw, honest, freshly discover ed.'' -David An .. n. NEWSWEEK ><The kind of love story for which the public's been thirsting." -Gene Shallt. TODAY SHOW ... ..,..., llAQI -·"'"""' , ..... ~-..... »t ~JU ~ 5u OllO ............. .... l ... .wd\Ylf!Oh•~ ~ UUttO U•m) --~c.....-... ..... l'llelle\ ANno"" 111 ...... ,,, .. ~ -"'''-"" l'llctllc \"' w.,, , • °'"'In ttl 3H3 .. _ -------------------'(Curren.fly Streenlng )"""------------------•; F rc>nl Pa~<· Ill w111l •• 11·1'1 •111-.1 k1d11a p pm1" In l•:1ltan wtth EnRh'>h §" I I I I ,ut>11tl1·.., S.:t•h Ill\ I•\ It 111 .t ft lj.!lt •tt· •'LI I :E STAR TRE K H : K..1 11·<.I PG. ,.1<1r:. William Shalnl'r <Hid L 1•on.ird N1mo:-111 thl· l·ununuing 4Ul>:.l lu -.l~·k oul .ind <'>-.pion· :.lr .. ng1 new world.., Tht• PG raung ,.., r.,r <1d1on D11t'(.lt'<.1 h"· N11·hul.L-. Me;.t•r T llE ('ll.\l.l.1-:'<.I: .. Ht ,1 .\Ill\ Ill.Ill ...... 1. 111.11 11.ol 111 , ttl111 11 Jilt .t \It\\ ti .J.1p.11tt • • 1ltl11' 1.11 t Ill .\1111 /It tll I t1111 ....,, ,.[1 ( ;1, ltll I I l•••I 1'""' llJ'hl• I '·' li•t t.:t l 1111\1·.I lift llt ,, l11llt I l.111111\ f• lid Ill "'"'" 11111 1.tll-. 1111d1 I th• 'II< II 111 , .... ,1. I .. , 1111 \\t•:d ·1 ..... 1111•• \1111111• P111 I lt•d '" ,),1lt11 } 1,1111,1 1d11 1111• I tfl lttlt 1<•1111 l< I .tlt•d f•tl \ llllt Ill I 1111· 1..\~'I 1\ !\I 1-:H fl ·,\ N \'I lH ; 1 N H.111·cl H. -,t.11:. l.,t\\ 11 1111· 1\111 1111,1111 A 111l1'11 I 1 llt·d '\pl111\o1t11111 l1111l \\ h11 h 11•11, Iii• ,\111 \ •ii lh1t·1· h11.:li -.i 111"11 '"''' .11\d th••rt •,1•;o..11.tl 1·1111111nl1·r.., llC\t:l·llY IH' \ IUl>f('l'J.11t·~ !\li\l\l H.o1 .. 1 l'I , '"" Ii..:•• l11g11.1111 .11111 1\1111uk \1111<1· 111 th1 ''"" 111 ,, ''"tllh) l1.tl1.111 l.111111\ .... 1i11 111u ... 1 ol1 • .i OhUU .. Of\fO ~-z~ PANAVISIOf HCHNICOlOR' t1n1t941 Amsta -~~.!.~~ NOW PLAYING · Biila COSTA MlSl HUNTlllGfON 8UCH OAaNOl ~/. 11 n !1•1 , 1 I . f ~"' •• fl I "n1 t I• ,, ttJlfd'\l ~ ' ,• . ' ~•It J j I •\f .! I ~4~ C f~I t I ~ COSU MlSl ll fOAO IAVllll ' "<A ~ • ~ f_.t!1111t+·• .,,.. ... t'. ~ 'h I 1 '" l! ... I '10 '44' ~ ... -~o 1 Oh\'. *BARGAIN MAT INEES * Monday lhru Saturday All Pertormences btlore !>:00 PM lhctpl Spec~I Engagements 1no HoltOlyl ) LA MtSPAOA MAU LA MIRADA WAUHN "IT CAME FROM HOLL YWOOO" l"t ,,,. ......... ,. .. "MONSIGNOR" 101 lo Muooo 01 •o•ec101\t 994·2400 ··All Of'FIC(R AND A Qt!NTllMA..-1•1 .• , ........... .. ''JINXED" 1•1 ., ........ ~ "FAST TllllEI AT 4 lllOQIMONT HIGH" 101 -----------..:.'.= ... ::..':... .. ~ .. :~ .. ~--- ... , .. ,,., ...... LAKEWOOD CENTER WALk·IN "MONSIGNOR" 1'11"'"'-tt•,..,,,••• ... lAICIWOOD C INTIR SOUTH WA I• IN •fHI I WOMI AND ntl t<?:f :..••· •• , ---... -~ ... , --- "FIRST BLOOD" 1•1 •1.M. '" .,. ........ 11• ocutty 01 Ca~1ewooo 2'3/531·9510 "NATIONAL lA-OON'I -ClAll MUNION" t•t •••>-• ............. . "JINXIO" <•• ................... ,. YI·::-; 1;f(1f«,fll IL1l1·d l'ti 1 .. 1 11p11;1 1-:1•.1t L1111.111• l'.1\.1111111 111 111 111!11 It 11111 "1th K.1th1 11 Jl.11 t•dd ,llttf lddt1 ,\Jl11f I \ I •I 1t1h ""'JI ill .. , .. I • • -. l.1 I I II ol ll I • o1 " I \\ I 11 I • 11 ll I I ''" I It I ' .1 I , .. ' 1.tl ,,.1 1111-•• Jl I<~ l<.111 ·d f( ..... '" ., 1\1 \111111111 ,1.11-. ,\1111o111d ,\,,,11111 · H.111 .. ,1.1l'.1111·1.1 ,\l.111 K111i..: .ind l',11tl S111' 11111 I lt1 1"''"11, 111111 111 ;\)11 k•, Sptll.1111 .. pl l\',tl1 I \ t ;\.J1k.1 l l.t1111111 I T llE WORLD ACCOHOING TO CARP: R a 11·d H star.. Kob1n Wtl lt~1n\!>, MJr\ l3(·1h Hun. l ;lt•1111 Clo:::.c.· J nd John Lnhgow T lw. film g1•L" Lu the· hl'.trt 0 £ autho r John Irving's sprawling nnVl•I It IS dt't.'p, mc·onmg ful .inJ spt•<t ks d 1n •c·1ly to wha l n•allv 111.1lll•1s t11 u .... 111 filrns :1nd in lifl'. l1 'o; r;,wd R J<1•t'fJ llll <'I/I' 1111 fu<'Uf !/0/'('/'l/lf/('11/ "' , 1,, Dail y Pilot " 11 t~ lhO 1-1$ O• vi h \W•' "111\ I • ' • t • n111 '•I •t f ··~-· Ill DM•YI • ~·••o• llVO o•" .• 'OU•&• .. ~·yf • ... , '" ,.-•••• t -.,.,.a • ••• f'lh llt ' ... ,. ,, • ., ..... ,.. • '-• ~ .. , Ctpi..\ o ... ,.. , ... 'iM· \l.,h t. ,,.. IMPOlllANI NOllCI ' CHllOAIN UNOfA 17 IAH ' ,..,.., .,.._..,.,.. ... ,."', ~o,.,,,.p~ ..,. '~fflflt.·"'11'• '"' 4,_llW.IC._ 1't'ltA.il\.Mllii 4 ti(;,.., .» "*'-"" '""II/It~ ~UO't ~ ..._ Ult f'Olll.._. •Al.I Clllll I~ OIWI "1 U1 ~Al' W110 ANAHll"' ANAHEIM DRIVl·IN "•••Ot tt o• l•mo" '' 179·9150 AN OFflCIR ANO A CllNTLlMAll" 101 -"THE IOLDIEll" 1•1 CINI II'°"' I UINA 'ARI BUENA PARK ORIVf lN \1nc.C>tt1 Awe We•I Of ~nof't 121·4070 l 1Jt ~A PA~l LINCOLN DRIVl·IN i•fllCOtl'I ••e We•t O' •l'\Of'! 121·4070 f0V,.,.'A1ar.. FOUNTAIN VALLEY ORIVHN $o n o-t.oo ff'W"t Of '100•"""0 Ito J H 2·2411 "AN CWFICIR ANO A OENTll MAN" ,., -THE IOlOIER" 1•1 Cl"4 "-::;:c.;:.._ __ CU.Hot, .. (., ,. ... ,.,, ........ w-..o-~·· '"'' , .... •f ~tt()#T ........ t•f C t#t f I $C)UftO l A "4A&'1A LA HABRA ORIVI IN ~ ......... 9"tlt ................. 17MH2 w•~ .I "AllO•tl•• SEASON OF THE WITCH ..... THE THJN(l POl TC"cc11r· iNJ1 ·-THE ausnuSTER ••• '[ T. THE UlRA· ffRRCSTAll>l' '"°' P\U• DR•GONSl AYfA ,.,,, "FlllS 1 ILOOD 1•1 "'"" MAD MA• • HALlOWEEN IH SlAION ~ TH( WITCH '"' '"'' lHE: fHtHO 1•1 191·3693 J -1T CAllll ,ROM Hot.l YWOOD" ..._ C"°1 ·•OMl ICINO OF HfRO' "" "NATIONAL lAM~ooN·s CLAll REUNION" 1•1 ' -"YOUNG OOCTORI Ill LOVf" 1•1 (fNf ... SOUtitO NATIONAL LA-OON'S CLASS RI UNION" 101 -"YOUNG DOCTOlll IN LOVI" 101 ORANGE ORIVI IN ... lfllT kOOO" ~ ... "MAO MA l " ffll '' '. . .. ' .. MIS SION OlllVI IN '• . . . WARNER .,.,,,,, ,to _ .... -.. -....... MN ti STALLONE This time he's fighting for his life. (I) <t. ~ (l) a. ~ ,, 0 (") 0 cr 'ti ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~---i~-~~-0_1v_1_•_s_1_o_N_s~~-~L~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It N ~-PLAYS------- re "DEATHTRAP," a suspense thriller, IS being a; µr~nted al the 1 larlt'qUln 0 1mwr Playhouse, 3503 .o S H arbor Blvd , JUSl n orth o f Costa M esa o 1979-5:i 11 ). Curtain umt•s vary Tuesdays through ti o Sundays until Nov. 14 ~ "THE DIVINERS," th1.• Wl•st Cousl prem1ert· nf ~ a drama about a d1sturlx'Ci youth, is on st.agt-al J: South Coast Rt.'JX•rtorv. H:i5 Town Ccnt(•r DnVl', Cost<J Mesa (957-40:\3)-P1•rfonnant'('s arc· Tu1.:sday~ ~ through Saturdays at 8 pm , Sundays a•. 7::m. with ~ wc-t>kt•nd mauneC':> <1t 2 :m through Ot.'C· ~ .:it: "THE FOUHJ>OSTEH," th1• IH1n -mus1< al What's happening along Orange Coast Thur'!;days through Saturdays at H pm until Nov I :i "GOO'S F'AVOHI TE." <' Nr·il Simon st·rnx:omedy, 1s bt•ing present<:d by the M1ss1on V ll' JO Pia y houst· at t hl' Forum ThC'a tcr on tht- F<~t1v;i I oi Arts grounds on Laguna Canyon Road, Laguna Bt.•ach (770-0:rn I) Pt·rforma n cC's ar<• rndays .rnd Saturday!> .11 tt:rn pm through Nov ti al 3: Vt'r!>IOn or .. , Do. 1 I>•>." I'\ twing '>lagc·d al tlw "KENNEDY'S CHILDHEN."' a dram.i .Jbout :§ Nc•wport ThL•alt.·r t\rL.., C11H1.•r, l501 C liff Dnvc>, thl' p<'lSt-JFK ycars. compll'l!'l'> 1L., run a l Saddh·l><lt·k 0:: Nt>wpo n Bc·e1l'h (ti7;1 :i I 4_:!_)_P_l_·r_f_u_r_m_a_n_l_t·_!>_d_r_c:_· _c_·t""">_l l_l·...,l{'-l'_'s_· _S_tu_d_io_T_ht·.i lt•r 111 M 1ss1on V 11• 10 OPEN 7 DAYS ~ t. CliJ i9-J6 #OW some IUfT/#GTOlf BCACH ~ ~~~~'~ Superb Chinese f ood Buffets A LL YOU WANT TO EAT! '354 LUNCH DIN NE R s44• Im Ji1d1•' 1 1'1111~ /111 lutl•·, I /)r111k 'I.Ill' litllt 11(1 II till f(I I 111 '°'I \ I , I •Ill llJ I iO llo\11' I H.1 I() 'llHI SAMPLE OF OLR DAILY BUFFET M["J tt,1ol1t•1J1H' Rah' 5 I r11•d R11 1• l \In ond ( Im lo.r•n b I 11g Roll I ""' 1·1 1 & "our Poa lo. I i;K I 11 '1111\! 4 \ t'R•·tJl1h• (how Mt'"' H '\lrn•ind l'<.1111 .1lo.1•\ OPEN 7 DAYS A nz bassador Tu he picked f>" 111 ' l.111 d '.., I !llC~ A111li"""•'d11r to th• W11rld \\ tll bl· Jiil k1.·J "111\ j ;11 thf• IJ~rl k ( 1"11111 l11ur r111,1lis1.s Applit:~llon~ lur lht. llllt· .111· opt•n t.>.11 h ~1·.1r to :ill l11-..n1•\l.111d .. Ill p 1 ,, y I'{'' Th I ' A111b ;":o.:1dor :u ,., ,,,. 11lf111.il la11sl1''"' '" d1gn11.1rtt" \\ h1 • \ '"'' th• µ.ark ll.1v1·I .... 1111und th• l' S JIHI ;1hr11.1d \'l.,lh h11'\p1t.1ls .111d st·h11ol<, .11111 rt•pr<•o.;t•nL'< ()1._m viand 111 tht· m1.·<.ll.• Th•· four f1n;1ll-..L' .in· su .. an HJVl"'· 21 111 l ;ard1•n c 'r11v 1-. Pa111 Mlllt•r. 22. uf S(•al &'.Jl'h, Sullv o~tht:rg. 2:1. 1>f Santa Ana: a nd Mrnd) Wilson. 24. o f M1s~i(l11 V1l•J0 OAKIAND BALLET Eve~ne Deserves A Nignt At The Opera! . irresistibly right ... Guidi sweeps his s1K couples through some Infectious comb1nat1ons ... -San Francisco Examiner 2 P.M. -SATURDAY. OCTOBER 30 8 P.M. -SUNDAY, OCTOBER 31 Admission: $7.00 Advance: $8.00 at the Door ORANGE COAST COLLEGE RO••RT MOOR• TH•ATRE 2701 Fairview Road, Costa Mesa TICK•TS/Vlaa·llC -558·5527 NOV. 19 THROUGH DEC. s 18 performances Call for your brochure (213) 972-7211 MUSlCCTNTER Q PAVI tiOOUN (831 41:i5ti) CLosing pt.•dormant't'S are tonight and Saturday al 8 p.m.. and Sunday al :S p.m ··MORNINGS AT SEVEN," thl' revival of J play about o ldstl'rs. conunut.>s al the Newport I !arbor Actors The;iwr, :$90 M'>nll' Vista St., Costa Mt'sa (ti:H -5110). Curtain t1m1.•s arl· 8 pm Thursdavs through Saturdays and 2::30 Sunday ... ur1ttl Nc,v 14 '"THE MURDER ROOM," <1 mvsll'ry 1.•onwd v bv El Toro's Jack Sharkc·y. opt.>ns tonight Jl tlw Ciardt•n Grovl' Commu111 ly Thl•aa•r. Chapm;in AVl'nUt• Al St. Mark'!> 1n Ea.,tgall' Park (897-:11:!:.!I Pt:rformam·c'S an· Fnd<Jy!> .md Saturday~ .It 8 :m ,ind Sunday~ at :.!<!O through NQv 14 "OLD TIM ES.'' llaruld P111tt·r., rm>O<lv dr .1111.1. w1mb UJJ 1lS 1.·ngagemt>nt ._it Tht· l'lavb1Jx Thl'ah•r .it Guldc·n Wc•sl Collt•gt•, off Ce1th~1rd Strn·l tn I lu11t111gt11n s..,,t·h (H!M H070l F111,d pt·rf.onTI<•tH c·., ;11 c• tnn1ght .ind S<.tturd.1\ .11 11 p 111 and Sund.,,. ;1t '.! :rn p 111 ·THE l'IHATES Uf l 1ENZANCI:'. . ..; L:t111 .. 11 .ind Sull1\Cm 11pt•rt·lt..a. tvnt111ut·'> ,11 Sl'lM!>ll<.m·..., \\'1 't IJinm·r Plt1vh11uSt·. 140 Avt• Pwn S;in Cluw 1111 (492 ~~50) 0 Pl•1 fu1 manws arl· g1vu1 nightly 1v1 pl M11nd.1y!'> .11\JI'."1ng t·ur t;un lllrll'" thr11uf;,!h No\ 11 "TWO AND TWO MAKE ':>EX .1 rww Bnt .... t. ninll'dv. tJp<'n!> toni~ht .1t th1· llun1mgt1111 Ht .1• t Pluvhou'l.t'. Main Strt't.'I .1t Yor kt1.1wn 1\\'1•11u1• Ill tho S1'11t llfl Vdlag1• shoppm g 1·1·11H•1. I hmtingtotl &·.11 I (H-17 4-lti!i) P\•rf11r1T1iHl1'1·~ .it•· gl\ 1·r1 Fr 1d.1\'<, .ind :-;,1turd.1'" ,,1 ;.; :111 thcoll~h l>1't .t 'CSA ... 1 play .. ~1ut 1':1rl\ {'t•ntur'." A1111 111 •• l),,... ... thl'> W('i.•kenc! al till' Or.in~·· Ct>.il ... l Cnllt J...' I )r,1111,1 L.1b Theaic·r 111\ F.11rv11·\\ Ho.id In < ·,,.,1,, 1\11 · ... 1 ,-•• ii. 588111 Final ~·d11rn1.1nu ... <1r1. t"tui.:hr .111d !".11111da'.' at Hp m .ind Sund.iv .it 2 p ni -GALLERIES----- OHIENTAL PHINT~ 1•xh1h1t .ind salt• no(l11 • I' 1n. Snturday .ind Sunday at Lnng ~;wh .\1 t MuSt•um, '.!:mo E Oc:Nrn Rl vd . Long &•at·h S£'<.> DH't'rswns. Pagl' 1 J POOL AND SPA OWNERS SAVE UP TO 75 % OF YOUR HEATING COSTS. NEW SYSTEM MAINTAINS TEMPERATURE 24 HOURS WITHOUT THE SUN OR BACK.UP HEATER CALL 631-6360 ADYAllCID SOLA• AltPLICATIOllS Committe e fo r Arts Presents LES BALLETS TROCIAOERO t/1 MOITE CARLO Sunday, November21, 1982 7 pm Crawford Hall Ballet classics and modern wo rds satirized by men dancing the women's as well as the men's roles. Hilarious! Floor -$10. Bleachers -$7.50 Balcony -$5 . . . . . . . . . . . .. -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~----'C-~~~~~~~-)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~•3 _ Diversion• _ :p From Page 12 GLASS CULPTU R J::S <'Xh1b1t o pens Wt.-dn esday at Designs Recych'CI Art Galll'ry. 619 N. Harbor Blvd . Fullerton. Artist's rt.-'C<'ptton noon-5 p.m. Nov 6. Seminars on glass formation at 6:30 and 8.:30 p rn. Nov 11 Admission fn-t•. REALIST PAINTINGS AND DR AWINGS bv David Borders opens Saturday at M alls House Visual Arts Compl(·x. 12732 Maan St . Garden Grove. Open 1-5 p.m. Wednesday-Sunday. Arust's fl'C(lpllon 1-4 p m Nov 7 IS op<•n to the public PA INTI NG-M USIC-DANL'E 111 tt.•r-ml·d1;:i i:x·rformann 1s 7 and ~ pm Nov HI and 20 di Abrax,1s Galll•ry, 2815 V1ll.1 Way. Nl:wporl Beach Aum1ssH•n $!l Jnfnrm,Haon 1in-:H1!J2 LE HORNE This extraordinary performer deserves a special ~ginning. Start at 5 PM on Dec. 1st with a fabulo us dinner at Maxwell's by the Sea on the Huntington Beach Pier. You will then be chauffered to the Pantages Theatre in a deluxe custom coach. with a hostess serving you compllmentary cocktails, after which your rese1"Rd orchestra seats will put you in the best possible position to enjoy this great entertainer .. Space is limited. Call Today! Pacific coast Box Office Ar Maxwell's on the Huntington Beach Pier 714/536-8826 714/540-3669 '(" ~ " \lllw - Mon<Liy tbru Friday 10 to 6 S.turd•y t Sunday 10 to 2 llCl'Oi 'f\AJll 11 )I ""'1lQOI) -\tNllfl. 11)\11.lllllllfl) C.11/t H Ill Ol'DI, 01 •Ul'Cl!'l\I wt AC• m AU iv.JOI' t l!t Dn t.AIU>\ ~l AAO MA ft Ol'OfJ\ ---··-····. ··~--------- "S H AMAN'S SONG: HOCK ART OF WESTERN A M ER ICA" with C'olor photos uf pL•tro.Rlyphs and p1cto.l{raphs contanuL·s through Nov 26 at Bowt:'rS Must-um . 2020 N Maan St., Sa11t;J Ana . Hours 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Tut'Sday-Saturddy aml noon 5 p.m . Sunday Adm1ss1on by u onat1on. f'INE ART AUCTION tl> ut 7::m p.m . Nuv 12 at lrvtrll' Fml' Arts Ct.·nll'r, 4ti01 Walnut Avt·. Irvine Adm1~1on $5 Gallery hours !:I a m -6 pm t.londay and Friday, 9 a.m.-!:I p.m Tut.~ay-Thursday. and 9 J m -3 pm Saturday. lnCormataon 55:!-1078 "ATELIERS· SELECTIONS FROM OP..A_,..,G~' COUNTY PRINT STUDIOS" on view through Nov 15 al Laguna Bt>a(·h Art Mu....cum. J07 Cliff Unw. Lagun;1 &·al'h Gallt.•ry hours I I ·30 a m --1.:W p.m dally l'Xt'l'Pl Mundays Adn11::.s1on frt-t• ~ VAHIED WORK S OF RANDI LEE at~ Sand~torw Gallt:ry, :$IN N Coast llwy . Laguna ~ &•a(·h Huur!> 11 a m.-5 p.m . Tuc'Sday-Sunday i ~ -DANCE g ..... T WYLA T H ARP DA NCE grouµ pt·rlormi; ~ Nov :~-1 -1 at llunungton Hartford Tht.·c.tlt.•r. Lus o. Angc.•lt.'S lnform<iuon (21:3) -162 -tiotiti ~ 0 0 -ETC.------ A UTllOH JOSEPH C Ii I LTON PEARCE g. on•st•nt:> .1 st.·m111a r. ins11!ht and Ecstasy." 9 ~ am 5 :w pm Nov 6 at Parkl·r Holt!-lll' Cc•11ter. 1-18 ~ E. 2:.!nd St , Costa Ml>s<J l'l·ctrlt· •~ dUlhur 11£ "Tht· • l'rat·k 111 lht< Co!.mtl' Egg .. Ad1111'"''"" s:rn <0 Sel' Dn1<•rsions. Page J.I ~ A Family Shopping/Dining & Entertainment Center Bilbo Bagg•ns 545-1718 • Cocos 5 40 9651 • Hamourger Hamlet 546 7392 • M1ones. 979-6735 • Reuben"> 540-9672 • Swensen s 556·6937 2701 Harbor Blvd. • (Harbor & Adams) Costa Mau, CA -.., --------------------------------~~~~~~~-~~ \. ''~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~c,.~~~~~~~~--)'--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ _ Diversions ~ (\j CX) m : From Pag£' I :J J-:nl-(lancl-stylt• d:imhnk<' .md voulh ;11·t1v1t1l'S fair 1:- Nov ti Jnd 7 ,1l N,1u1 11 .11 I h•; 1tag1• Mu:.1·um. D,m.1 l'rnnt lnfcirmat11111 litil ltllll J\d1m.,-.11111 ,.., $Iii :iu 1nd :sn ~o Ha11l'h11 P:1los V('rdl'-., lt•ntun·<, I,,,... Angl'lt-" IJodg.·1 "''111nd 11,1.,<•man Sll·v1 S .J.< ~ I nformat1011 ti4fl 11~7 I QJ "llANSEL AND (:IU :'fi':L,' ,, b;1llt·t h v .ind f11r \our1g JX ~>plt., ix·1form aru1.., hc •g111 .11 H I"• tunigh t 1111 l\\11 1A 1·1·k1·111I 1u11 ,11 l n .. 1111 l'ultur.il Cl·ntc r l~.m:!A l >.111111.r lrv1111 ln l11rm:.1111i11 '17~ l'.lH'.! ~ COLDEN AEt\HS ~1 Z/.LE LUADEHS o ClllVAKJ-:1-: 1s 111.1 rn ')pm S.iturc1av and Sunda\ 0 a l Hobb\ Cit ~· l .!:111 S l~ .. wh Blv~t ,\11,1ht·1111 ~ lndudl'" fruntwr a1 t:.. blul•gr.1:.-. n1u-.1l Jlld folk u dJnl·1ng lnl11rm;111on 11:! I 1th~1:l M'TI N(; WUHKSllOPS FUH I >!SABLED W<>M EN. -.pon-..111·d hv l\ll;irk '1.qwr Furum h. g111 M11111IJV .11 Mu-.11 l '1·1111 1 i\11111·' fill I \\ 'I 1 111pl1 S t L11-. J\ngt•l1·-. l11f o1111o1t 11111 C! I :11 !17:! 7 ih;'i · .J,\l'K 1\NI> Till': Al-.ANSTALK <l11ld 11 11 S<•<· Dl\1<•rsicm.•,, P<11:{£' J.1 u:: Real Cantonese Food I LJ '> JmSfNJWRr. i\ VI RY ',PF:CIA I It\ PI) I'. I ~ £· R l:~ I !\UR A l\l I \\\o11d \\ 1111111• ''• .. ti111111,d l.q .. 1111 ,,. , \11'1111· .ind "lll'• rl· "''"'' 111 t\11 '1'•'11.11111•-. ) 11111 1,1\ 1111h· "·'" 111d 11111 ~ t'll ,111.I 11 1~ ( l, 111 ,1h "'"I'' .111.1 ,l1°h)~h1111I •ci t here or take home STAG CHINESE CASINU I I I 2 I st Pl, ~·~ l.acla OlloM l ·956CJ. M-to M1dll1qht Oaoly-Wttbnd\ Until 1 ·00 o.m OYW H YIAaS .. ,._.._ ,...,, --------- DIXIELAND JAZZ ... ij,Jd., lrlll'I'\ I oll•h• 'I r\ h I Ill .1111" I 1•1 ,111111 ii "1'111111; 1 ll'I I I\ If ) lfll1lll I FRIDAYS 5:30 to 9 P.M. Wf PROMISE YOU GOOD CHINESE f 000 lU NCHtS • OINNHS • TIO,,CAl COCKTAILS ,1\11\ "'I'' t I ii .11111111:' 'I'' rlt'lh t uamato Dancing & Entertainment For The Whole Family ' ~ IANQUlT FACILITIES •• ... CATHING * FOOD TO GO OPIM 1 DAYS 60 fa<>hion Is land Newport Beach 644-48 11 r SPUIAl DIS<OUlfT oee FOOO TO GO I Century Plaza H otel 277-1840 ~~~ rurutlNG 10 IITTJIUTlONAl RESTAtMMTS 4881 BIRCH 955:2494 NEWPORT BEACH Corner of Von Karman SAN DIEGO • N FWY 1961 AcMiMs H~00t tU-tl I S 961-5050 r-::-~ ... -~1~rw ........ iiii~~~~==-==~======1 I~ ,, ~ i .-it' _·;"~ I ~ I .•Al p: ~. I ~- ! I I Starting I I a New j Business t Airporte< Inn Hotel t,! 1'.· Gmne. llen A ccc ord1ng to Calilornla Business and I Proles11on1 Cocte (Sec I 17900 to 17930) 111 5 ' . persona doing bu1lne11 •QC under • llciltlou1 n•m• '7'I musl Ille a statement ' with th• County Clerk 1 1nd h111e II published t our t i mes In • newspaper HrYlng the a re• In which the I bu1lne11 11 located. Th• statement l a required by l•w and 11 nece ll{ry In protecilng your bu~tneu name. Most bank• require proof of llllng to open commercial accounts. The DAILY PILOT provide• bOlh fltlng and publlullon Hrvtce1. We h1ve •II the nece11ary forms ind malnteln a dally 1endce to the Or1nge County CourthouM. Either slop by on• ot our convenient ofrtce1 or phone the LEOAL DIPAATMENT 142-4U1, E•t. 332 for more lnformaUon and torm1. DAILY PILOT Roasted to a iz<>lden brown and stuffed wtth a ddldous druslng. our tender new Stuffed Comish Game Hen dinner Is serwd wtth msh Broccoli topped with HoUandalse Sauce, your choice of a Mixed Gtten Salad. Soup of the Day or Steamlna Clam Chowda and a half.loaf of Warm Bread & Butter! 1'.otl\J :ftOP.!:. --BREAJ{FAST ·LUNCH· DINNU I JoOv H~ 10 7pm IWl>M l•IHd · 203 Manne Aven~ (~et and Wine ~M« Oolyl Co• ..... · Harbor Shopplnlf Ccntl'r 2300 Harbor Blvd ....,. ht'UI · Oft' 1·5 111 Lake Forest Dnw 228731.au Forni DrM .,..... · l'Wwpon Fruwny 11.1 uul Dytr Rd 1721 E:ast °""' Rd loin tlu: t'e.-.rt\ we:.., \\uh ( >ur Atrporru Inn F:mplm ees Fnd.11 . ( >n .:1J Jl.1pp1 fluur ~~ llvr., n · Out.'\ res S/Jon;1 Hishop ;It the Piano Bar f\ lc:d1 tc:rr.we.lll R <><>Ill ,l.,en ·int: Dinner From 5: )() (;reg T oppt'r ~ho" From 8::~0 p.m. ------ ~~----------------~~-----D--lv_•_r_•_lo __ n_• ____ ,~~----------------~ From Page I .J drama works ho p produl·t1on, Sl'l'ks s tudents. Workshop mcC'ls 4-6 p.m Fridays in lrv1m• Cultural Cc-nll·r, l 7:!02A Da1mlt:r, lrvint· Information 979-1582. INTERNATIONAL SENIOH OLYMPICS an· NClv ll and Jl'w1sh Folk f't-st1val 1:-Nuv 7 .11 Knoll's Berry F'arm. Bul·n<. Park. CHILDREN'S CREATIVE WORKSHOPS 1n ronn1..~:t1on with Christmas Trt't· Fc· ... 11val an· Nov 13 and Wal Nl•wporl Harbor Art MuM.•um. 850 San Clt•m('nll· Dm.'l'. N<'wport &•<1l h Cost ·~ $1 pN l'h1ld. lnfurmat10n 759-1122. -MUSIC------ LOS ANGELES PlllL HARMON IC N EW MUSIC GROUP opens its st•nind st.·<i~m a t H::30 p.m Monday in Mark Taper Forum. Los Ani,wlt~ Musil' Cent{•r Information (213) 972-721 I. ORGAN-PIANO RECITAL 1s ,11 7<111 µ m , Nov. • 7 1n Spurgt'On Ml'murial Umlt-d M1•thud1st Chun·h. IO:l5 M1•mory Lane. Sant.a Ana Adm1ss1on $:~ CRYSTAL CATH EDRAL SYMPllONY ORCI I ESTHA st•aMm pn·mll'r 1·11111 1·r1 1s a( K p in Nov ti 111 th1• 1·athl'drcil. 12141 I ..c•w..., St . G:.ird1·11 Grov1· Atlm1:-..'>lon frl't· [i. I01NING & -ENTERTAINMENT GUIDE-5fl s 1.00 Well Drinks s 1.00 Off Ill Dinner Entrees Costume Porty & Prizes Hawaii Trip for Two Drawing Sun. 10-31 tWmner Must Be Present For Drawing) 759-1854 3901 E. Coast Hwy. Corona del Mar 111-FM Costume Party Sun. Oct. 31at 8 p.m. Live Broadcaal live Country-Western Music & Dancing Costume Contest With Prizes Dyer Rd. at Newport Fwy. 549-1512 Halloween Party Sun. 7 0-3 I Prizes for Besf Cosfume Live Enterfainmenf Coclcfail Sp.cials 646-0201 2607 W. Coast Hwy. Newport Beach SH. 10-31 Saloon & R.ataurant at the Newport Pier H11loweea Party I•·•· to 2 1.a . "Thrills, Chills & Excitement" Prizes For Best Costume * ht ,r111 -$50 C111l * h• •rile -Diaaer for r .. * lr• •d11 -Prealaa Cllaa,., .. Special Witch's Brew SO• 17S·ttM .......... a. BROILED mAK & Josef Frieclerich "V" PllSPOll'ER GOIDTROPl<HEN 4 sllll · dri£t li?l!!u er DMmmvr Watrrfront Dining· 0)'"l'r Oar · t ..o..-k1.uh 3333 W. Paoli.: Co~• Highway, N<"wpon lnh ~·-~ Acxx-ptcJ • M2-229S ~~G0~1cl\S Ll\NDING 1111,UI 1·111t'll l\ltll h '\ll\\1,u HALLOWEEN WEEKEND Friday & Saturday Live Rock N Ron With Shakee Jake The Surftones on Sunday Costume Judging Every Night $25 Gift Certificate ~rizes $100 Grand Prize Presented Sun. Nite 3180 Airway 546-9880 Costa Mesa Halloween Party Sun., Oct. 31 • Cash Prizes for Best Costume • Dancing • Special Music • Pitchers of Brew only $2.25 untll 7 p m. • Vodka Well Drinks $1.25 7 p.m. to Closmg 15 ,, ~ ~ Ill '< 0 0 0 cr ~ "' ID • ..... "I ' .. + p1c1ying NoW by I,. Levh1 Dl~ted by Jim dePne11 d Thriller A Corne y • A Holiday Musical -----l MEET ME j IN ST.LOUIS .. Opens November 17th Futur1nt •uch f•mou• tongs •• "Cl•n1. Cl•nt W~nt The Trolley" "H•v• Voufsalf A M~ny Utt I~ XmH" We are proud to announce starting on November 20th. a Saturday Brunch Performance. Performances Tues. thru Sun. & Sun. Brunch 3503 S. H•rbor Blvd., S•nt• An• 92704 '-1 M1i. North of San 0'-0o Fwy . Betwffn Sunflower & MacArthur Runs Thru ~~ "'LMw4 If. Jan. 9 'Si Si ~IR!Ml:-.::~ (-Tl4f. MIGHT Tl4f.YOME 1MVtNftOCKAllPA p ~ l'MQ••-0101 YOUflo--.u I'll HoT M()Tn4.-1MO._O_f_ .. __ ~ ____ ~ ____ 1 tt4E is ) DIRECTED BY ALLAN HUNT STEAK DIANE SALMON FILEf EAfOOD SUPREME COMBINATION VEAL SCA LOPPI NI MARSALA To introduce you to our cooking wheel. our {hef will create exciting gourmet saut~s at a special low price. Each delicious dinner is just $6.95 and comes with a medley of wild and white rice, garden fresh vegetables and either a mixed green or orange _almond salad. If you love crepes. the off er is equally mvitmg. fur $6.95 you can s.wor our Seafood Supreme Combination -Crepe St. Jncques with Potage St. Germain and spinach sabd. So enjoy this dinner show at a mminee price. At the Magic Pan. there's alw.:iys SClme1hing new co come back to. 1r 59uth CMst Ptaia (714) 5$6-1225 8reA Mall (714) 990·4 H3 Offer ROOd :ifter S PM . . Daily Piloi MAIN OFFICE 330 W. Bey St .. Cott• Meu, Ce. Mall addreH: Box 1560, Co1ta Meu, Ca .. 92626 Tele phone: 642-4321 Program 1nformat1011 1;. prm·1d!'d by tht• nf'tworks d s1a11ons and I!> :.Ub)l"l t 111 ch.mgl' "11hou1 nnUC't' J -Index TV AntC"nna .... Davrim<' Drama Spar rs Daytime' S<:ht'f.luh· Evening S<:hc'<iull' TV Puzzle' . Leuers ................. . -Channels -llelwol'ks Page .J Page 5 Page 7 Page fl Page 12 Page 39 Page 39 ( )11 I lu· t•cn t•r ... Sli.111111 < ;/c ··'' ,1,11' •'·' CJin, C 1}!1lc •\ .111d Tn11· IJ.1/\ ,, /II ,,,' B~·lh L;H .. l'). 1111/ltt' df'lt'('l/\'I'' 'll lllf~/111~ 11•11/1 .'t'\1:-111 111 the prc•1·1111·1 h"ll" · .11ul 1·r1111c• Ill the· 'lf'l·•·l' nn ··ca~nc•\· .ind L~!'t'I'." (II lit· .'!'I'll Aio11i'l.1y' ,11 Ill pm 0 11 KNXT <Ch ;!) (2) KNXT, CBS, 6121 W. Sunset Blvd .. Los Angeles, Ca. (4) KNBC. NBC, 3000 W. :Alameda Ave., Burbank Ca. (7) KAac. ABC. 4151 Prospect Ave .. Los Angeles Ca. (8) KFMB. CBS. 7677 Engineer Road, San Diego, Ca. (10) KGTV, ABC, Highway 94 and 47th St., San Dlego,'Ca. (39) KCST. NBC, 8330 Engineer Road, San Diego, Ca. _ ............ .. (5) KTLA, 5800 W. Sunset Blvd .• Los Angeles. Ca. (9) KHJ-TV. 5515 Melrose Ave., Los Angeles, Ca. (11) KTIV. 5746 W. Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles. Ca. (13) KCOP-TV, 915 N. La Brea Ave., Los Angeles. Ca. (56) KDOC-TV. 1730 c.;1ementine. Anaheim, Ca. _ ... (28) KCET, 4401 Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles. Ca. (50) KOCE, 15744 Golden West St., Huntington Beach, Ca. -P-rTV 1 24) CBS Cable 0 ) On-TV. 1139 Grand Central Ave., Glendale, Ca. Z) Z-TV, 2939 Nebraska Ave .• Santa Monica, Ca. (H) Home Box Office, Time-Life Bulldlng, Rockefeller Center. N.Y .. N.Y. (C) Clnemax. Time-Life Building. Rockefeller Center. N.Y., N.Y. (E) ESPN, Bristol. Ct. (L) SelectV. Marina Del Rey. Ca. (S) Showtlme (S) S~tlight (C) C1ble News Network, Atlanta. Ga. _ ...... ... (9) WOR, New York City ( 1'1) WTBS. Atlanta. Ga. 2 Friday, October 29. 1982 VIDEO MOVIES SPOKEN HERE *ALL THE MARBLES *NICE DREAMS *AUTHOR AUTHOR *BEACH GIRLS *HANKY PANKY *SWORD & THE SORCERER *DEAD MEN DON'T WEAR PLAID *WRONG IS RIGHT •s.o.B. *CONAN THE BARBARIAN No club to join No membership fees All ratings 1,000's of movies available 1,000 of movies for sale or rent See the Video experll •t Video IJ•111lle Rental•. 1"4-B H•rbor Blvd. Co•I• ,,,. .. ..111646-8928 The New Piiot I' Cable revolution TV Ante nna, 4 Esterhaus' operation Letters, 3 9 Cassie's rebellion • Soaps, 6 •Oct. 29 -Nov. 4 • • 1 Sharon C lf'S!-t and T y11 t· l>a l ~ a~ ·Ca gne y and L ac.•y: (Page 2 ). -TV Antenna . Cable pioneer hopes to connect 1n oc By P HIL SNEIDl'~KMA !'\ 01 '"-Oellr Piiot Stell In tht· lall' 19fi0~. (';Jbh· t..!l'\'1,1on Ill Siloam Spnngi., At k < onl>1!->tt•d 11r a largl' antt·nna on '>'>mt· f.1rnwr'l> l<1ml. with linc-s run to a fl•W hundn•d subscr1bt>rs dt·s1r1ng b t•ttl'r TV reception Each w 1•e k. Huy Englehrt•l·ht. J Southern Cahfor n1.1 man who lllrl\'l·d east to allt•nd John Brown U111Vt•r,1t' w as there m the l·ho1r loft o f :1 S1loun1 Springs church. broadli1stang •Hit-of the firs t program s produn·d spec1f1cally for cable It wai. <1 nud1• half-h our show abnut lol·nl ..,port:-. happenings A lot has happcn1•d 111 thl· p,1st I :1 year s . The cab le fl'volu trnn ha-. exploded across the nau on. olft•nng numerous allernat1ve!\ l<• trad1uon.ll network programs Hoy Englt•brt'l.'ht has returm'<i to California. working as a promoter and pubhctty person at UC Irvine and al the Forum in Inglewood Yet Englc-brC<'ht, now :i6. has never lost his early enthusiam for cable A few month s ago he made headlm(•s with a n innovative plan to broadcast Sunset League high school footbal I games I 1 ve ovl'r a W t•s t Ora ng1• County cable systt•m . The s po rts producer'i purchased the rights for these games from th(.• Huntington Beach Union High &·hool District, but at the last momcmt the cable company. D1ck1nson Pa<:1fw Cablesyst-C'ms, pulled out o f thP dC'al. Although Englebrecht had agrc.>cd to assume the major financial n sks. thl' cabl e company said thcrC' was insufficent time to test the> audiem·t• interest in s uch special programming So Englebrecht m ust wait onl' mort: year to find out if live high st'h~1J sports can draw e nough cable v1rwer<; who arc c·hargcd an t•xtri• ft•t• for these games. He claims this typt> of high school coverage has never been tried elc;ewhere in the United States But he firmly believes Ornngt• County ls the place where It can work. "This is a unique county.'' he says "There are not m any ottwr phll'es where you could d o this, when · you have upscale incoml'll and the ty P" of first class flpo rt.11 and f'ntertDtnmf'nt that you have hilpp<'ning in this county .. Englebrec ht, who resides In Fountain Valley, 1 .. putting t.Ojlt>ther o specia I local co hie paekagf' ca lied OCEAN. £o r Orang Coun ty Entertlllnment and Sporl.8 Network In addition to local s porL<c rovcruJW· 4 Friday. October 29. 1982 Ho, En~lt •hn'<·lu l::nglt'lirt't'hl <'nv1~1<ms liv<' <'abltoeasts uf J>i.'rfrn 111.inct•:. al tht• South Coast H1•pt•rtory Tlwulrt'. Irvmt• Ml·adows conc·c•rts. the Pagt•;:int o f the Ma'itcrs. anrl Fullc·rton C1v1c Light Opera prodUl·tion:-: F.nglebr\'l'ht bc-l1cves Orange County 1.:abh.• subscribers would pay perhaps $12 extra a month to rL'C'cive sm·h local prc-sc•ntattons Tht• OCJo:AN channel sllll has somt• f1nn n <.'1al a n<i o lht>r h u rdles l o nvC'rcomc" hut Englcbrt''(:ht has proved tu b<· ;.1 I l'Sourcc-ful entertainment prom(llc•r 11\ t hc-past Tht• f 11 st t-vc·nt h<' promolt'Cl was an Oilk R1 dgt• Boys con cl•rl while flllC'n dmg c:ollcgc. Latl'r, a s sports puhl1t· relut1ons dtrcctor at UC Irvine. hi' wns c•ht•rKNi with drun1mmg up s111Y'H' t'nthusrnsm (or t he sc hool's baskt•th;ill lC'l\m. To 01wn the I H7:i-74 Rl'asun, ht' ttrran~t·d .i ba1wn;1 cuttng contl'St. WhC'n the· t•vt'nt ,11 1r.11. t1•d -.11111 4 pubhclly. lht' Ch1qu1t~1 h.111.111.1 f11lks dt·c1ded to hop nn th1· b:1nd\\,1gon dC'11vertng 1,000 1x1unc.h 11f b.111,111.is l11 the local campu:. Another year, lw arr:rngt'<I ,14111111•l>t tn which haskt•tball I.uh pun h.1!->t•d <:hant'C'S to Win .I $ti,OIHI '1)(11 l!-> l'iff Each game, thrt.T l.11b \\'1111ld lw picked to compc•tc• fot tlw c .11 Th" univ catt·h was that vou h:ul 111 -.mk " baskl'l I rom ha ll -l';1urt 111 111111. r to win the wheels. "I was gambling that 1wl.xxh wa:. gomg to makl' 11." Englt•l111't'ht 1t't <111' If no onl' won. thr loc:.41 l'<11· d1•al1.•r would takt· his auto h:wk If ... 01111.'<HH' san k a ba s k1.·t. tht• '' h1111I ",,., rC's ponsi bit• And surl' enuugh, <111 I ti v1·<11 ·old UCI fres hman sank the· -.hot ,inti drove awav tn ttw t'Jr 1F11rtun.1tdv. thl' t.·onte>sl orgarnzt>rs had pun •h<•Sl:d an 1nsurant·e poltcv to 1.·ov1•r 1 his prospect ) Later, 1'.:nglebr<'C'hl b1.>t·amP d1rt't.'lor of p r omotio n s fo r lht· f'u r um, handling Lakers bas kt:'lhall ond Kings hockey matches. plus spt.x•iul 1•vcnts such as circus pe>rform:1nc't.os Most recently. Engh·brl·c·ht has been d evoting full alll•n11cin to hts own company His firm broadcasts l-AJ1S(1n Hig h foo t ball games a nd UCI basketball over KWVE radio st:iuon, based in San C ll•mrnt1.•. t1nd P eppe rd1 ne> Un1vers1ty hasketball over KGOE radio in Thousond Oaks But h is dream 1s s till to Etl'l his OCEAN cab le chann el off the• ground "I've always folt Orang<> Countmns love ever ything tha t's happening ht•n· in Orange County and want this arN1 to have its own 1den11ty." hc• said "Now. there is vt•ry little goc}(I local programming on cable " · Englebrecht 1s conftdt'nt that his dream package t·::in be put togE'thc•r and sold lO local viewers. He's a littlc- impatient w1lh some cable companies that wiRh to proct•cd a bit mnrf.' slowly. "What w t•'re crt'ating u; a lmost too advanced (or somt' of their systc·m~ ... Englebr(!(:ht Mid "Th<'y say th1•y're w9lking and I'm running .. KOCE t o give live election coverage KOCE l:hannPI 50 In Huntington Beut'h wll l o ffer l ive e ll'ct lon a c·ovi-rage fro m 9 p .m . to 2 a .m . Tu•·!lday J1rn Cooper will anchor th" tc3m of rt>portors. who wl11 be' on the air (rom thrt>e locations, delivering l ocal elcctlon re t urn . and interviewing local politkt1l flgurH. Working with Cuopt'r o t the stetlon'a rlectlon contral wUI be former Nrwscheck anc hor We ndy Wetzel end Tim Ft>rlfU*)n. • AUTHORIZED BALES SERVICE SATISFACTION AMC-JEEP ORANGE COAST AMC-JEEft-EHAULT 2524 Harbo r Blvd Costa M esa -549-8023 SADDLEBACK BMW /SUBARU 28402 Marguente Parkw ay M1ss1o n V1e10 831-2040 -495-4949 ROY CARVER BMW 1540 Jambo ree Road Newport Beach -640-6444 CREVIER MOTORS 208 W 1st St Santa Ana -835-3171 CADILLAC NABERS CADILLAC 2600 Harbo r Blvd Costa Mesa -540-91 oo CHEVROLET CONNELL CHEVROLET 2800 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -546· 1200 c;:1 ;a194;e;q:t·1•1j:1 ATLAS CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH 2929 Harbor Blvd. Costa M esa -546-1934 DATSUN NEWPORT DATSUN 888 Dove Street Nowport Boach-833·1300 FORD THEODORE ROBINS FORD ~ObO Hdd>t>r Hlv cl Costa M1·~,d 642-00 I 0 -· 540-821 I • 'i:a ., s:o:15 ;H'' *' JOHNSON & SON LINCOLN-MERCURY 2626 Harbor Blvn Costa Me!:i a -540-5630 SANTA ANA LINCOLN-MERCURY 1301 N Tu ~tin Avenue Santa A na -547 -051 I MAZDA MIRACLE MAIDA 1425 B aker Street Costa M esa -545-3334 PEUGEOT BEACH IMPORTS 848 Dove Street Newport Beach -752-0900 PONTIAC IOI LONGPRE PONTIAC 13600 Beach Blvd Westminster 892-6651 -636-2500 PORSCHE-AUDI CHICK IVERSON. INC. 445 E Coast Hwy Ne wport Beach -6 73-0900 MEISTER PORSCHE-AUDI 1363 1 H arbor Blvd. Garden Grove-636-2333 SAAB BEACH IMPORTS 848 Dove Street Newport Beach -752-0900 TOYOTA EARLE ll<E TOYOTA 1966 H arbor Blvd Costa Mesa -646-9303 MAXEY TOY OT A 18881 Beach Blvd. Huntington Beach 847-855~ VOLKSWAGEN JIM MARINO VOLl<SWAGEN 18711 B each Blvd . Huntington Beach 842-2000 VOLVO EARLE IKE VOLVO 1966 H arbo r Blvd Costa Mesa -646-9303 . . Friday. October 29. 1982 3 -Dayli••ae Drama Cont. Dorian is upset \Nith Cassie's rebellion hv Stc·phanu) Human rs rt•ftl·v1•rl lhiJt Annc1 h..is tx-en found and he arn'Sts 1tw vul·ht's l'aptam Mat;tgu ... ·s lack of Pmr>t1un Jl newi. of Mic key's "death" 1 tJU"-"" gn•at l'Unl·ern among h t·r 1.1m1h. fon·ing h1mM·lf into the Wuu1• hou-.1· Dannv I urtht·r 1.•mbarrassC's h1msl·IC b~ 1n:.ult1ng N1kk1's fathl•r. th• f.1bul<1usl\' Wl•althv Preston Wadl• Ann .1 t l• 11 s • R •>man. t hey sh o u I J d1vo rlt' L1•arn1ng that N1kk1 ha., d11>s1.·11 Abt· as hl'r t.latC' for hC'r coming 11ut p.1rty. Preston Is funo~ tx'<:aust• lw um)<11Jtor<; 1\lx· .:i t•op that 1::. tx•nC'alh lht• Pn·~tun fam1lv Gwen's mothC'r .ind br othC'r. Wt.><JCI'" \.\.irn her nol lo '<l'l htr .. ...ir up for.an t•mntumal (all \\llh Don Cr d1g fX)CTUHS Murray .inci M ... gg1l· makt• love' t o unl' ..ino ther Kit thn•att·ns J1·an· Mart that ht' will pay dearh 1f he mak~ anv mistake!> on Kt•n ·during s urgC'ry · !v1t• advises Natalie to se<•k profl.'ss1unal help bcforl' sh<''s tc>O far hooked on drugs. Although s moking himself. StevP warns a pregnant woman about thr dangers nf using l'1garctll's. While planning her wf'dd1ng to J e (f Adrienne suffers St·vere mood swings from N:stallcally happy tu the depths of despair Natalie agrc't.'S to help Paul break the drug ring Matt and Mike o;ur port l.'a<'h <>t h c>r bu t o nl y 1•mouon;llly 1-:IX.iE OF NIGHT: Nora has a t•ar .1t:t·1dcnl and htlS M1tz1 Ian scarcht•s for the• diary Calvin. bring hdd hostagt• by Troy, trll'S to 1.alk Troy into lt•tung him go Jim progressing m prOJ<.'1.'t for lhcJtt·r group C EN EKA L HOSPITAL: Lu kc c·omes out or his t·oma and is shattNcd by Holly's d1 sappcaranl'c and the n C'ws thut the famil y Is totall y c·o rrupt llow<•v('r, Lukt• d(.'('1des to isupport Ho lly until he has o ther proof Spottin~ Susan with htlnd. Alan think11 Sullftn has put a contract out on him. 8t1ying s he is In net-d or mont'y. Susan tells Heather she must pay re•nt. When Laura catches Scotty makln" fun of Lukt''ll predicament, 8 Friday, October 29. 1982 Laura dl·tadt•:-th,11 ht 1-. .... Ii.id ,,, l'\'t•rvcJnt• Sd,., A tr111\ u111tnll Sc ttll\ w1sh.tni.; Laur-.;'., frt1•11dsh1p, .ipol11g111·~ to Laura l\l:..rk 01M·r .1tt·, on D.in ,111d .innoU lll'I'::. D ... 11 will I~· I 1111 .J.1< ku .ind S< orp1u h1" 11111t • 111\'I ,., c.;UIDINC.; LIGHT .Jt.nnlft r .ind !\Jo rgan arr 1\ ,. 111 M.1dnd ".1111111-t word on wht•th1·r Mdt k t)< dt .td 111 ;tltV(' M.1rk I!> fo >und JIHI lJkt•n lc1 .1 M<idrtd ho:-.p1 lal J11:-.h think~ 1\1..i r k m.1v h.1\'l' Ul't'll 111\'11lv 1•d Iii 1\l.111 ' kidnapping Brian .1rr1•)<\t·d by polwl' ""hvn thl'V d1:>t·11vt•1 the• markt·d ~ llHI bill hl· s1x•nt V;11w::.~• lt·ani.. 111·111, has <in 11lc•g1t1mntl' ... in Sh1x•k.-d .. h, t'<mtront~ htm <ind hl• h•lb ht•r tlw .. tory of Sean and St·<in·., mothl'r Stl.i' rl'turns and takl'°' lirat·1t• .111d Nol.• hosl<tg'-' Thl'Y managt· w .. "'<JIM'. ,,)< dOl.'S Silas Ed buys Maun•1•11 an <'ngagl'm c nt ring W11h thP1r h11Lh<· drstroy<.'C.I when anotht·r hm1st• lx•rng pullC'd by a trailc•r c·;1rt•t•1wd 11110 11 Lht Rt•urdons lt'arn thl•rt· may h1· ru1 1 n !> u r a n t' e m c1 n I' v T 11 11 ' 1Jncomforwblt• wtth T;iv· nmst;11111\ trying to lo1Jk .ti h •r him ONE LIFE TO 1.IVE Do r11111 "hockC'd bv Cassie'!> rd14•llton Dorian. truly wan.ling 111 Ix • wtth l IPrb . .isk)< him to 11\0V<' bal'k to llw m:ln)<11>n But He rb thinks it's only so «hl' will not havl' Lo move nut 'uf Lla11la1r p1 ·r Vicki's rl·qut•sl Edwina Vl'l'Y up:-.l•l b~ MarC'o's rc)<.'l·llon. Wht•n J1.·11ny got-s to visit Mary a t Kdlnna's sh1• 1s upsPt h) Kat's slovenly hnus1.•kN:ping Jenny 1:-. drawn to Brad. who also has H t11•t•p <·ont·crn for M;1ry's well-bt.·ing A:-.,1 pusht>s M1m1 to at'l't'pt his 1Tt<1rrli1gl· propos;.11 RYAN'S llOPE: Siobhan tl.'lls Jol' that shr's sorry sht· didn't swnd by him. but Joe says n 's too bt(• Jot• l(Cw.''< to the• undt'rworld s hort th1• $111 million they rt-<~ucstt•d They n>unt tht' money, rt•nlizing 11 ts sh11rt, und Joe.• Is being mnf'\·hNI tu the doori. or death when Jill arn vc'S w it h the• '""'' of thC' mont'Y from Kirk. Kirk almc~l n•vcnl11 to Kun that tw 1s ht•r fntht't". but doesn't Amanda reahws who J0t• is and thot he 1~ m:irrtcd to Stobhuri nnd so dt>etdes to keep hf'r a ltc•nuon on Patrick. Ox a nd Kirk patch up their dlHcrc•nce\ with Ox mtlking ll commercial ror Kirk. SE.\IH"ll HJH T1>~IUHHUW Str.1nd1 d 111 1h1 1u11gl1· W a rn·n :1d1111t:-. 1 .. Brt.111 th.it h1 ··)< 1n\11l\'l·cl 111 ..:un 1un111ng llc1\\1·\1·1" Su11 n ·fu.'lt.•s 11 • 111 111\1 Br 1.111 ' 1 h .11 gt·s Un,111 1s .. 1·ru1u)<J\ lllJllrl'd .ind \\ ht•n \V<Jrn•n 1h·p.11 I)< 1c1 l111d l11od ,in•I \\Jh'r Bnan dou lii.. 1 h.11 h1 'II • Hnw h ;H·k, but \\',1r11·11 kt•'P' h1 -. p1 11m 1:,1· dnd 11·1u111 .. Hu't' r·M t'l\'t'l< J\11•dal o f \'11 t11r~ i\\,,1td tror11 th•· J'>"''llll'IH m tlw \\'luh I l11u,1· ro)<t• g.1rd1·11 Al Stu's 11p1·r11n g n 1g h1 101 1h1 H1 \'1•rht1;_it, Sr1·ph.1111t 11 .1111' ~u11 \\'1'111 111 1h1• t:.i1 .. p.1gt1 .. 1 .. 1.11111 .. \\ llh \\'.11 ll'I\ 1 EX1\S .J T tt •ll" /\-.hll'\ .. 1w must 111.1k1· .1 1 h .. 1, 1· IH't" t·1•11 him and .Ju,1111 ,\ I• ,11 f11I A!>hll•\ 11·<1\'l'S a ~11to<ili\'I • lt•tll·r rm T .I )<il~;ng o;hc Will '"' ,. h1111 .md lht•\ ·11 :..h• .iv~ hcivt> a hond 111 l;ri·g11rv. l)ut -.h1• must rl'turn to .lus11n P;111!t' .ind t\)<hl''' 1rv lo rt·turn to M.tr)<h,ill Oak)< hut lhl'tr car ,t;db 111 a 1 L1~in~ ... t11rrn .ind flood w;1t1•r' .. w11 I :oou11d tht•rn Alltson th111k' !\lark Wh1•t•lt·r 's la·d 1s a per ft>t l pbn tu M'<·k ,Jwltt•r from the .. 1orn1 StPll.1 1::. dt•hghtl'1-I '' lwn Dick l'<iv1•11 1' .. l.(Ul':<l 1111 twr T.111 Tl'xas T.1fc·, ~.tn11 'h11\' I lunt tt•lls V1t'k 1 lhal hi· 1s a prtt')<l nn a yt•.1r long -..1bh.1llt .ii lo l UI t' h" JI< oltull'im YOUNG AND HESTl.ESS. V1l'lor dt'< 11!1•::. 111 I l'lll<ltn .1 lx·rwfac·tor w his '"n l'ha1 It·'> o;o th,H ht• will not bl• l.1b\'11•d a bastard I It• dt'l.'ldl'S lo makr hti,. and N1kk1's h:-th.'' .1 IC'gul hl•lr. with l>ou!o(la:< lw111g t•-.:t'l'UIC)r of the wrll Ev1• St'('' .l ul1.1 N1•wman 1n P nris w II r k I n g I r) h (' r h ll lJ l I lj u l' J a (' k ninfron~ P atti 11hou1 ru11 11mg hom1.• lo lwr p.1rc•11L" wh1•1lt'Vt'r sht• has a spat w11h him. Donnv diS<.'OVl•rs his s1stl'r is back rn 10 " n :iiHI l'<.111001 understand ht•r 11 llt·~1a nn· to 1 tu•1 r fa thrr even :iftl'r nm• of his sc.•hem<'s lanu1-d her in prison .J11h11 and Jill rNurn from their h111wvmoon l.11 \l'llS Kav th1•v cannot bt· frwnds 1111vm111·1· :<tnl'l: Kav tnt'(I to hurt Jill · • 1/:1 \·1· 11 ''l"'l'l1<>11 abotJt y1Jur t.n·ont<' .\IJ<IP <W .>i001p star'' Wrll<' to L.ym./11 Jl11"1'<'h. C'l o Fielrl Nt'w.<lpnpcr Svnd1C'lltt'. P () Box 19620, Irvine. (~Id 9:!714 SJw w/JI nnswt•1' ns mnnJI qu<'s l11J11 . ., us sht.• t.'an in flt'r rolumn. but tht.• volum£> of m.-.il makes JX'f'SOnnl n.•pl1t>s 1m~"1bl~ -Daytime Dram a 80b plans to tackle prostitution 1\1 . I . l\ I \ I ' 1111 . I ll <lo, N .I 11' I .1 . 1o:,tl'llt .It\ 1d1 .. , '" f 1'111111 '" ll1 1111\ H ll'k 111l11111t' 111 ·1111\ 111.11 lit 1 .. , ,., l':'lo·llo • 1)111111,t olt,00 1\"I ' .1 111o t1 •ti jt•\\ I'll\ )',111111 I h ,1, 11111 o h ,"1 d \\llli th1· 111111.il' 'I H ' 1111 11 .11111 '"'111114 ., 11.' I ti I 111· 1 I' 1 I 011 • 111111· t I \\ I I 11 IHl,1111'''· N111.t JI")' 111111• .1111•11111111 ... Holthv, whu 1 u111l1lt"" 1lnw11 1111• .,1u11" l 11··, 11111 ,1·111111,h 11111 1 hut N 110.1 110,1)111·' 'ht· 11111 ... 1 1C'a'-'1"'' lwr 1111t·10 ... 1 Ill lh1· h11'""'" .11111 Ill S11·\'1· \\'h .. 11 '1'11111 h·ll' 1(,1\ h1 · 1.11111111 '"'''" .11 1111 (:11.dp11 ... 1, 1<.1~ t.1k1·-. ... 11 .. 111·1 .11 tli1· (:l.1111;ir;1111a l<.1\ 11Jl\:-1d1•1' l111111111g d11w11 t 111• l\t.11 '1111 h11u.,.·h11ld .111d 111.aklll)\ 11 11~1!.. '"II It h.1pJll'lll'd \\ htl1· .lt11'\ w.1 ... pl.i\ 111g .,,,.,,II 111.110 111 ·, ~ilvt•t l.1lb 1111 n111\\.1\ .11111 ,.., lt11·d II\ .1111 Alh•t .ill 1111p . ..,,:,..h111t•d 'IX'('• la II\ Na111·~. J1·:.st· '' 11111 :-.1·111 111 p11 ... 011 1111 v 1olall11g 11111li.1t11111 A NOTll t·:H WOH LI> Uoh pl.t11' tu ~o .i111·r tht· g1111.,1ng l'''"11tut11111 prohll•tn in Hav l '1tv N11rd11u111. :i \\HI 1r1m1n.il. hid p.111ll111g' th.it 111· :.VSll'mau1·ally 'l1•l1· tn1111 ln•1ght t 'ill' l .ou1s f11u111i tlw111 and k1·p l 1h1·n1 .\II• I N .. 1ol111.oll ""' 11111 .. 1 l11ol1111: 111 111 l'oill 111 l1111ll l111 1111 p.111111111:. lt1111 I .11, 1\1111.0 f 11 • \\,~''' il1t Ill )!•ltll/,i!tllll l11 1111111\ 110 \\ '" dt .1d .011ol 11 II'> l\1,11111· ... 111 II I"'' t••t 1111 1111111•-. ''" did tu 111111 \\ f10 ti llto -.ht I ill t ,111 -. ltl • lll'o k ( ... ill· ,,1\•, l\1.11111 "1111 111.111\ Ill 11111 I 1. o" ' ii I o 'II I 1111 • I\\ .. ' •• II ol ·• I to \\ ti I I 1'111111 liLt11w'-. d•H 1111 ... 11-. 1\1,w d l\l.11 111· '•t I '' .111111 tli111j.( 111011 iltl1• 1111 ( 'l.1xlo11 ..,111 1 t111ld dc·vc·l"JI .1111111 -...1 1 .. 1.111.1 \11111 .. \1 '" 111. ll.1\ \10 \\ 'I 11\\ I I '> 1\1.11 "I'"'' 11111111 111 .11111)..! ( 01'1 tilt llKll\ 111•, I .ill 1111111 1111 ( 'l,o"llfl "llo •llll ,111d lllt·ll II pi ,ilt •d 11)!1\' lllllil('• ,ilHllll fll:illlt 1\S 1'111·: \\'I >1<1.11 Tl'l<NS .l11li11 ll\1•1111 .. 11 '> At 10 I o111ol .l.ollll''> ,1<1k111gl\ t.ilk .11>11111 ,J11l111 of\ 111g \\'11111 .1111111 ,, d1 l\'lllg 111.., •\ti . tho· l11.1k"' gl\ 1• w.iv 1\111•1 'f>"l:O-111111 1111 tho 111,111 ,J11l111 l' t.1ko •11 111 I ho· l11,...p1 t.d \\ lio 11 ho· lt•l•\'t 'I' .loh11 .t'>k -. l\1.11g11 lot 111.oko · .. lift• ,,,,_. h111k1 ... tlll '"' 0'111 .......... ""' 1.11111/i't t·d \\1th Bl.1111 111.111.tgi·' lo 'lllllgglt • ;1 111111• 111 lk1rli.t1',1 Wl111 g 1v1•:-. t'r:11g hr:-. ,11111 11.wk .011d w.on1:-. lhiil Ill' 11.1 1111.al Jfl•IA o·t 11\ t I l '1 .Ill(' 111lt .l.11111 •°' 1 ... 11l1Vl11thfV llllt 11 "1\o •ol Ill lh·1• l '/\l'l'l'I >I . Htt).( 111.1k1•' tluplll'.t h • kt·\ 111 l 'l•'l·U.~ 111.11a...111itt I 111111 ko·v-. lw dt'\t ti\ t I ' Wfll'll flt 1 11tf.1 l••llV<'' 111'1 p111" .11 "" :1p.1111111•111 H11g t·1111·" t lw ( '11·~~ 11111"1' wlilft• 1>11111\V WJll!> 11u1 .. 11ll· 111 Liu• .-ai . l<.u~ ~t·ti. a lciok a t Mvr11:0·, laltuluu.., J•·w1·l1 v 1·111lt•t·tt11n 10111 S.1111 t 'h·gg 1·111<·1-... llw ltmJ!>t' Ho~ 111.111 •• gt ... 111 '"'''''''!> S.1111 'l'n·v 11111\111u111g tu h.1VI' 111111111•11" w11h v.-.11111 t11.,1d.11 111·-. •• 111d It.ii. 11H'tllt11'V l:1p-.i•:-. Wlt1•11 I .. 1w1 (•111·t· i-. ,d 1l1· 1;1 d1•l lt·o t .o q111·..,t11111 1111111 .lull" ;1ho11t li\•t l.11 k ill \'l'>lllll ,, So11t1 I 1•;d111•!> l..11.,1<·1111 · 1.111 1lt1nk 1111 111 ... lt·t·I a11cJ 1111 o'I ' 111111 ,1 JI01'lllt111 WI\ h t'll·~g 1-:1111 ·1111 ..,,, • .., I .. 1w11•1wt• ll•lb .Julio• h<· \\ ""'" lit 111:011 .v 111·1 1 )i\ Y S < H' <> lJ I< LI V ~: S The I I 111 t1111 l .11111 Iv .11111 l 1 11 ·1111 ... are ... 1111t:kt·<l Ll\ 111·wi. 111 M1lk1.!y 0llo "c.k:ath" (Mwk1·y 1!> :.i1·t u:1lly lw1ng lwld captive S( '( · O:iy 11111t • Dra111<1. Page fj c "'"1C :\C 3:==r: NE"' JAPANESE HESTAllHA 11n 111 tt 11\11' "'1'1.1 I \I Now Open For lunch M on.-Fri 11 30 to 1-30 Dinner lrom 5 p.m Sunday lrom 4 p m Closed Wednesday / / li?t't r/ /Ji t'/I* "Clul1 of Ch.im1>i<>m" .. n10\ I •·r1\l•~1• I 11 tnpurn 'hu .. tu hur 1tr•'l'Ur'•0 •I In uu• f.1n1uu• J1111u111· .. p t tu I •u ..... ,. •\\ u1. •'a&..•· ~g;sa ):\ P.4 lV l~ . ..;1~· ll EST.A l ; /l,. \/\''I ' 3840 E. Coast Hwy . Corona del Mar Find your best buys for hol iday giving in Gift Guide Foc1li11es ""'"d"' ·· ll), Memberships Avail: • • • • • • 19 Tenn" Cou•h ~ Jr Olympic Size ' Pool . . Dining Room Bar Bockgommon Room ' Ma tch Mote Boll Ma chine Professional Tennis Instruction ~· ~ •a• Coming Nov. 24 in the • Corporate • Family & Single • Junior E11ecu tive • Swim • Junior Te nn•s • Annual Daily Pilat Friday. October 29. 1982 5 -Sports --Friday ____ _ 8 Friday. October 29, 1982 -•rrWa -Saturday -Sunday----- Uuni•·I J . T rinauti """<:a pt. Fu ri llo Ian~ t IH' ltHt~IH'!'\I joh 011 "llill Stn·•·I Hl11t •!'\' on K NUC (Ch. 1). \na 1\li•·ia prcn•·~ lo lw a bit of trouhl•· for J a 11 c· \\)m a n o n ·Falt·ou C : ...... ,· Frida~ ni ~ht a t I 0 on "~\:T (Ch. 2 ). -Monday ____ _ -Tuesday IVE.a UO 0 ELICTN* COYfRAQ( U.e COMrege of the 1112 electione .. rMUft9 of the HouM, leDet• end gub«NtorW con-- ..... become llMWn. (2 hn.) 1• U ELICT'M* COYUAQI (Jotned In "'°8- ,...., Uwe ~ ... °' the 1112 .... .... .. ,....... ot ... Houee, ....... end gubemetorW COftlMt9 becoMe ""°""· {1 hr.) NO 8 El.ICTN* COYERAOf u .. coverege of the 1112 elect6ona .. IMUll• of the HouM, ....... end gubemetorW COit- ..... become known. (2 hn.) D ELICTN* COVDAGE (Jotned In Pr..-,..., Uwe COfttllg9 of ... 1112 .... t6oM .. ,...,.. of the Houee, ....... end gubemetorW cont•t9 ~ known. (1 hr.) -weclnesclay __ _ ~ -&::» '1!) ITNLEY KlWEI ON FUI Jane Fond9 Mint• • proftle of • ...,.., Kr.,..., ... turint 1ne.m.we with the director, the ecton end ect,..... who hen worked wttti him. end dlpe from 11 of ........... (1hr.) .. al ITNLEY KlWEI ON FUI Jane Fonda nerral• • profile of • ._., K,.,,_, ... turint "' ...... wttti the dlrec:tot, the ecton end ect,..... who hen worked with him, end dlpe from 11 of hie Nm•. (1 hr.) t'.311 '1!) CWFONllA DREAllll "The Df..m Of Don Quadalupe" The .... end ...... of Caltfom'8'• found6ng father, o.-.1 Ooed•uoe Velleio are•~ -Thursday ~ NO Eli) THE GOl.DO AQ( Of ~ ............ FM A HNWJW ... ht" Orilt-naltJ produced .. '*' of eu·, "-J· houM to ........ ••••• ......... . rtne Jeck P"8nce gi¥M a ........ Into ... ...., wottd of pftnftglttlfte. Friday, October 29. 1982 7 -Daytime Morning ___ _ WI 0 CONTDIPOfWIY HEAl n. ISSUD (MOM. WEI>) I ~ FlNAHCE (TUE, TMU) IOZO'S lllQ TOP CtwN1. ZPO (FRI) LAff·A· 1** (MON) ...CAM DANCE MACHllE (TUE) MOVIE (WED, RI) ~MOVIE (lltU, RI) YI !!Z) llY 1llH SONS UDiHIO MACWM (MONI 5:21 J llOIEY MA MRS (TMU) t:a lllllY SWAGGART DAYIMM L.A. (RI) IOOY T AUC (MON-TitU) OOMTtfllPOU"Y HUI.. Tll ISSUES (MOM, WED.Al) MA n. FO.-llllOOEM LMMG (TUE. THU) LA TIM Tu.o (FRI) QOOO fllONINQ L.A. (WED) .WS(lltU) t Z MOVIE (TUE) l Afl SHOWCASE (WED) l CHD NOf.l IUYS A MT (TUE) RWltE YAW AND TltE FOUR SEASONS ~fWB>~cwo rucug (llON) MOVIE (llON. THU) 1:31 ntA T QR. Ml «i) A.II. W'EATIEI ~ MOVIE (MON) .. 1llH TALE! DAM AND DAMGEJIOUS HI ~ .. .. .. .. 10 Friday. October 29. t982 I -Sport· Cont. 79 l£) t9A IAMmAU Phoenl• kM •• o.n.. Nulla9t• (OU. to IMhdetotY FCC ,...Hone, tMe gente mer be Mecked out In rour .,...,, 12 hn., IO ;r-Jw. COUNTY IPOllTl ICOE 1:11 m COU.EQI FOOTIALL CIUF Titan• ••· ....... Relnibow Wetrion (J hn.) 1111(£) cou.EQI FOOTIALL M9mptWa a .. t• ~ .. Qeofv6e •ulldDge (2 fln~ IO -1 ~DID ll'ORTI ftAll..uP .. IUNDAYWO«TIPAOI t1• I COUEQE FOOTIAU llQHUQHft "Kan-... v .. Nebr.U." 11:91 IPOMI RIW. 12:9 • TV QUUTEMACKI "8oeton C~•" -Monday----• C :trn l'li1· Si1111u1 ·r will lc•acl llw l.o ... \111!•·11· ... ~iuµ ... u~u i ""'' t ht• Etl 111on I ot1 ( )ilc·r-. Fri1l1t) ut 6 :20 011 dw111wl •). ID <*LAHOMA FOOTIAIJ. HIGHUGHTI 11;31 f°f "°"TtcENTO 12:30 I~) HOUl MCINO Wllltl Y (II) 1:00 <"El COUEOI FOOTIAIJ. lhmphle St.ta Tlaen at OMfGla lklttdoge (ft) (3 tlr•.) ._ ei IPOllTICENl'b -Tuesday a.(E> F\11\ME 9'0ftT A tdentlftG aaptor .. Hon of •ttMtk perfotmenca wtMd\ CM1 ......... In lmproflng "*' 0-· (R) a:a (~ llOtlllfOllUM ._ ) THlt Wlllt It ntE •A 4:IO l IPOll'TtcElfml 5:Gll (E) COUEGE FOOTIAIJ. lhmph .. Stet• Tlgen •• °"'1lla •uHdoe• (ft),, hn.) 5:G5@ tea IAMETIAIJ. Wnhington au ..... al Atllinta tt.wtre (2 tw.., 25 min.) Evu.G l:GO E UOfl'TICENTtll t:GO IE) COUEGE FOOTIAU Notr• Dame Fighting lriah et Navy llkWtl~ (R) 12lva.. 3o min.) t ,. ( l J WOM.D UQHTWllCHT lllUOWRllTUNQ ~FIW.JITI . LA. 1tt1 11:il IE W'OtlTICOfTU 12:30 E T1IS ftDC It THE tea 1:00 E' CR. FOOTIAIJ. Hamilton Tigw-Cete et Edmonton Eelllmoe (A) (2 ~ JO min., 1:11 E; ~IFOMJM (II) Wi i i~ -Weclne9day __ _ ~ t1:JI f I COUIQI toCCDt .. TM 9rout ...... It. L4MM ... lou.._n ...... .. ··-·~~(JM.) ~'I)"°"'. '", Ml ( l Ml tcMOOl Tipe tor ben• elllNle. W lllfted et K*"'llOft. Yt.) (R) aa I ll9C« THI flMI W AU·tTM "°"" CMAU DOI l"l 4:'9 l'OllftclW'fllt .. tea IAtuTIALL C ........ .., o.....tt "9toM (2 "'-··. __ , If I AUTO MCllG Coftt ... of "'9 OIAC Dtlt c .. "°"' lpringfWd ... (2 ........ •Min.) IVl.-0 Ml fl lNf IHACKWON> Ila IJ tea IAtllETUU Den"' Nuatl9t• .., LAie ~ Laeten (2 hn., 40 MM.) 1:a II l Nfl PIUI lD COUIQI VOUIYIAll CIUF TMeM .., UICI TrotaM (1 tv .• •min.) .. f !.l ePOftTtcoiTD W rf I COUIQI toCCQ "TIM lltoftl• 11oor It. Lou6a wa. louthem ...... .. ldw•·~ (2 hn.) mao c E) MUM A acianttftc • .,..._ Hon of etM.t6a perf~ •hklft GM aid ....... Ill lmprOYing the6r ....... , , .. 1r19'0ftTICIJfl'U 12::11 ll) AUTO AACllG Cow.t ... of HM UIAC Dtlt c .. "°"' ipf"•19f1Md, .. (R) (2 In., ..... , Mll(E) MCQUl"IMu "W-'• In..,_. ttou1 lemfflftele" .... ..,., lldC•r ... HNthwltllflP(R) 1:11 IE} Ml 8CHOOl Tlpa for NH., ekMng. ~FMmM et KMNnglon, Yt.) (R) ._ EIWO«TtcBfT'EA -Thursday----• AfTUNOOM 1:00 LE I Cfl FOOTIAIJ. Hamltton Tlger-C ... at Edmonton Eelllmo. (A) (2 iw.., • min.) J::3I E l F"Otl THE 55-YA"O llNE Action tligNlgttb "°"' HM C8NldWI ,_... .. ~lfotUI .... ~ WO«TICDfTDI HI' 1 NR. ITOflY: LINE IY LINE S::W T°' IWI( IOXINO fVEINO 7:00 H ltll>l THE MR. TIM tat.at d9w 1 lap "*' .. In HM NF1.. atrill• .,.. eumlned. (1 tv.) 1~ 0 tea IAMETIAIJ. Denver Nugget• ... Lo.~ Ulcen (2 tlni.) .. SI "°'11CDfTD t:GO '~l AUTO MCINO Cower ... of HM UaAC Dtrt c.,. fTom Springlleld, ... (R) (2 tw...JOmln.) 11.-fl ePOftTICOOD t1:JI ~I NR. STORY: LINE IY LINE (Ill) 1:GO .() T°' IWI( IOXINO (II) ta HI lellDIE THE Nfl TIM lat"' d911lep fMftt9 In et.. NFL .W.e _.. e11.8'1Hn8d. J::3I ...C. THE NOi (II) ™ tv.) .. lflORT1CfJfTUI Friday. October 29, 1982 9 -l)ayli•e Cont. 1:11 M .. -.. - --Afternoon __ _ 1* TATnnA&.EI fl) DAYS Of OUR UYH 1WIJGHT ZONE QJ) ALL lfY atl.IJtD .,,. · ti) ($) llOYIE I DllEAlll Of~ : DIC!( CAYrTT (lllOM, FRI) : DICI( CAYrTT (R) (TUE-THU) • DUUNG wmt PftOILEMI (FRI) J irn 'uhm· ... j.., •Co11u·1· P ) It•: ..,, ..... wr••l..ctay ... a l 11001\ and tlwn a~aiu at .> p .m . 011 ( :ha1111t·I :>h . ' ==1w. PllOWMtO (T\IE) ELECTIOM FOLLOW-uP (ftD) QfTTlf TO KNOW llE (THU) l MOYIE (MOM-ftD, FRI) l l lllOftt8fOfMI (R) (FRI) I E) COUEGE FOOTIALL (T\JE) t H) VIDEO JUKEIOX (FRI) 1 iii HIO MAGAZINE (TUE) 'QJ MOYIE (MON. T\IE) (:') MOYIE (TMU, FRI) ' "' 'Z MOYIE (WED, THlJ) ~ OOllEJI PYlf ms ~ f\JNTm 12:15 ( Z MOYIE (FRI) 12:11) e m A• TME ·~ .!'JRNS TWIUQtff lONI IUUIUlllY ONNUNI OYDWY PIOIU OI THI FllllT UQHT ("") = = WONJJ (TUI, THU) • THI NQHT WAY (WID) t ) MOYll (TMU) l fflOll l'MI 1$. Y A110 UNI lrRI) lCOUIQI IOCCP (WlD) 1 MOYll! FRI) MOYll , WID) ) MOYll ) WAr lfY'LN 12:38 M FUNTtTONH UIO G) ANOntlEft WOfll.D W'MD llTCttCOCK J'MllNTI QO) ONI lR TO UYf ) IUPlllJNIENOI l lLOY!LUCY EDUCATIOIW. Pfl~ EDUCATIONAL Pf!OG!JWntG 'E 1 AUTO llACINQ (fRt) r E' 1 CFL FOOTIAU (THU) (HJ MOYIE r=· THU) l OJ MOYIE TMU) c 1 llOVll MON) • YAN CAN COOK 1:05 AMAZltQ lf'IDER4AN (FRI) M lllUMITERI (MOH-'THU) 1:15 l J llOYIE (FRI) 1:311 CJ) CAMOl ALFMO llTCltCOCK PftEIENTI ..... J ICOOIYDOO I MASE DON'T EAT ntf DAISIES SIGNATURE (TVE.f'RI) CLOUDS Of G&.ORY: W1WAM AM> D()ttO. THY(lllON) IHJ 'OJllO:J._WEn) 0 MOYIE (ID 'THU) < "'? l MOYE ('TMU) ~ llARIHAL DLLON 1:15 (!!) Wvt IT TO llEAvtR (MOH-THU) =1Zl~~M • IROHllDE PINK PANTHER AUICMFAMILY VICTORY AT SEA lllXED llAG (TUE, FRI) QUIZ KIDS (ftD) rm.f(ll4U) • OUTEN TAO. WIE GENT'S? (FRI) • QUTtN TAG II DE\ITSCtl..AND (lllOH) • LEI G.AllllAS (TUE) ----=-' HERE'S JOY~ HEAL.Tl4 ~-DI __ _ PEOPLE COUNT ON US EVERY DAY FOR: Coupon Savings, Complete Stocks, Local News and Sports, and Advertised Values. READING ENJOYMENT 7 DAYS A WEEK in the Daily Pilat Friday, October 29. 1982 11 -l'riclay Cont. H Whu H ·1 '.:>'"'''" n-.... W1r ll 1 1<17; Drama) (Jordon P.n.,,,111 J , •. ,. , .. ,,.,, 11 hr 40 min 1 (l ' "Green kP. 11•!8 I AOvProJ11r1•) lly.111 O'tleal AflllP Arlt,., (I t.r •,•, 111111 1 0 The N1qr·1 Tl" I 11:1111. W1•r.I ()111 II Georgia. 11Q111 Oran1a1 Y,r1• ty Mi.Ni Chol Mar~ H '" I hr !>0 111111 I 5'15 2: Tuhp< I 1')8 I C•111" ly/ C1.il>I Kaplan 8Prn.11lt•fll· Pl'lt·r~ 11 t11 3? min J --1t;Evening .. OGNEWI ctWILE'I AMGEU CllNEWI l Ylel IHAC«nfON> AICNEWIQ M"A"l"H HAWAIFM-4 . OVBIWY (,,,. 1 l11ur11y lJrp·.1o11 Q ·19CNEWI ' llOVIE The fle1>h.Jnl M.l• \ 1980 Drama) John Hurl Anlhl•ny H11pk111s A ded11.;a1eo phyc;1r1an lakes under his wing a horribly delo1111etJ man whOS<' lite until then hao oeen spen1 1n cheilp hr>,Jk e .. h1 b1l1ons PC:, I? hr~ 1 m111 J CS MOVIE 5.tlem ' Lor t 1979 tivror I Dav•d Soort J.1n1er Mason A noveh<.t returns 10 his boyrtuod homp to pul an end 10 lrOUblPd nwmories bul h11ds lhal a s1nisler myslery shrouu~ his 1own PG' ( 1 hr. SO min) @MOVIE The Grral Bank Hu.ix ' ( 1979. MysteryJ Ned 13eillly Richaro Btisehart Three di!;grunlled bank el'ecu11ve-. dC'C1de lhn id llm, ... c·lhoff ~tars 111 ·f\.ni:.d•I Hidt·r· Frid a~ .. at 9 p.m. ICJ UPI Ill~ K.lh•<, lhP) lt:el lhPy re Pnlltled 1 l1y ,1aq111y a r•tt>I'(•• / <·I lh1'11 own bani. H 1 (lhr 'llm111) '1) THE PNCE II AIGKT ~ 0 NHL HOCKEY r cJ111m11<111 ( )ilt>r<, V':. Los A11qelP' 1"11 ''l' t) 111 40 111111) 1:3D ~fi:)NEWI I IAllEY.ull ~Of OlORY: Wl.UAM AM> DC*). TlfY A Wt hy K"" Russell de.111ny w11h lhe pot.'! W111i.1111 Wurd<.w()rlh's flflSS1onate 1rla11urt'>h•P with h15 -..1ster Doro111y ( 1 hr J EE) DICK CAvnT < 1ue<.1 l>i1llp1111;i Ahoa Al in!.<1 (RI E ..CA FW CONTACT ORATl m WOMJ) Of l'EOfl\.E 1•1== HAPPY DAYS AGAIN ~ -:'aQ. A vr'lct w1tll pi.ych1c Jp.1ne 01 • ''" VI h 11cj 1r1t• c;t,;c11e'i of lhe (1eo1ye nu111t''" Slt>pht>n K111g movie ICr~=~OtlGHT MDl'IWLD '1!) .,.. .. llEJIOtlfT DEClllC* '12 Gun Control ( 1 hr ) H, ITMIDING ..00.. OM.Y CrySti.11 Gayle In Co11cer 1" The Grammy Awi1rd·w1nnrng <..IM o;111gs m.1ny ol l"ler b1gge<i1 hits. rnclud· 111Q fJon I 11 M:il<e My Brown fyes Blue" .1n<l l 11~ 1r14 '"Your Steep ( 1 hr ) l llOYE lhl' N <Jl1I Tl1e l tqht5 Wen! Oul \I I \ ' I K \Ill fill\ II 11 r \ K Gift Guide 1111111.'lfl ,..,,., .... ,, •. ,..,111.l fll•"'"•" t 'ot<lfHl tkl '"ut 14 Friday, October 29. 1982 , '' '""' ,, '''l '"' •111 th! I l''lit " ,,,,., '' ' u/I Ht11111111 J'tl1 \I 1th I ,,,.,,, ''"'""' ,,, '"''' 111;1.. ' ' ''''d'''''""' .. Find your best buys for holiday giving in Gift Guide Coming Nov. 24 in the l1ilyPilat , r- -l'rlclay _.._nlntlMovle•-• -M111J111111• 1111\..1 t 1'1111 111 1111,11 f)~.>OU '•~IOtjft•I t l1t1Hh• I •1u1ph1u I I lo 41b 111111 I CZl "fJ11v11tu I 1 ""'" c 1'11111 1 ''" .i, 1 Syt11111 1\11 .. 1111 11 .......... I It• I"' 1• I I I' :lO mu1 I • tOJ Cl11111J I 1 "",' 11'11111 Alf,1•1°1 111 0.1v11.t l.1111 .1tJ1111 • lo ·1111il1 •1 ' 1 I'"'' c I I 1 418111111) •@ "llH!l11.,IW1•1•"tf1tl 1111•, l•t.o•t 11 f'tiiy Moll11tHI .J.o"' W yt11.111 4:.' liu, l ... (Cl" 11111 t,,,.,,, 11111111 1111111 Aot .. "'"t"1 Jimmy ll<.111 .. 1111 I 1·111111111111 4 1 ''' 111 mm) !Zl "1101• (.lo.11•1 111 .1111111111 111.11 I 1111111 ( 197<! 1)1,1111.1) I 11111111y I, . ..,,. I"> Thumjl'.Hll 1;• 111 . ,' 111111) ,_Cl) '11111111•, ho llH• 111•1111,ooJ II""'' aam Wll'1A 1 l'llU l>t.11t111l 1'11111 ti""' lll~tt• , •• UllttJ w. t1•IW .. ,. (/ htt1 I 0 11.. 111111 I •111111111 ( 1114111 fl tu tt11 • / h '"' utt111 ••t. ho11,tld Hour. h11 It ht .p, t111u I .. C I ho Molltc '" l k 11,11 I 111" 1111111 D111 0 II I '"•I rnlo~ ,., ·Uy ·~"II''" (,''""I H I"" '•• .1 Wo>lv" • I 111110 A1Jvl•lll1111 1 I.,. \J••ly I•," ltiHJ••I M u11ft t.' fu J s lt111 t I 111 , I t' llllt•d M•~·· f 1'111 I ' ~ 1111 dy) I 111t• W,11t.u1 V11h lut111, ,,. (I hi 10111111) ~.) A•lll'• 111111•'· ''' flu, W1ld11ff1t•· I ,11111 1~ I 111/!.. Al.1•111111111 ) 1 lu(Jl •tt l O{JJfl. •,u·.,111 l>itu1otffl• 11111 °10111111 I ~1171 ltt1• lo1tl<Jo•oo Mo~ 11'1'"1 Ad~•'" 1110••1 V.111H1•ll111 W111d.1lh·11olt1• (, 111•. J *"' z ~;"'"'"'' J 1'1/.' 111.0111.11 fh•tl ll N1 .. 1I 1 .. 11111 •0• I I li1 111111111 J t1:1l 10 1111• N1u111 1111• I 1ql11·. W••111 I 1111 h1 '"'""l'·o ( l1HI 1 I 11 0111,11 1l11•,1y Mo M1 1 llO•I M.u~ 1111111111 I 1111 '1(J 111110) tl:111Z l11h1it. 11'1111 I '"""lyj ltollll r.11 •1 • .,, f~, ..... d. ''" 1, ,,., , , ri1 .. ., """I Ital H. .01 ...... l•I 11o .. "••lilt I l'JIJI Ailv11111111 I f lk•11 11111 1111 '""' '"' 1t1ll \I loo l'11111t 1 1:11 0 It v '"''I'' I 11 '"""' 1 l'tllll f11o1 111 11 (JtHtmmpu• • •"•J, t ••• , 1lilmt C •••fl• 1110 11 llt ·11111 1111 t t lit& 2 I 1t1·••10 lo 1 I 1'1111 A Iv• 111111< I fly•fll I> flp 1l A11ru• All'"'' I I ht ','J 111111 J -H I .1.1111! 111 fl,, '.111.,1111 I I'll I t 11.1 111.tJ Ltittltl• l '•• •II C l.11U• fUoOffl 11 tu <t~nun l 0 Myl.ti.11111 ,,, tl'tlll 1111111.11'1'111.11 '•hllllol J11 ( .hfl f.41ft l11u11 t I t1f 4•, IHIH J l:JOQ~ lf.oll.1tl 'II A ""lof11•1 t l'l'1'J lt1°1t1o1ru 1•) Vlo1•JUH11 Jv.1 .f111'f\ '1ft.11111.t f11t1 ~h1111·11r11 '·'tu J S 111.11 k 111·,11111 ( 1'1/ I l11.1111o1) M ulo l•"·I•·• W.1111•1 ',f, ,. I 1111 4'1111111 J ,. L 'Iii.ti • 1111 W.of 111 lhl' W111l•I ( 19ttb. L111111•d)) M11 l\1•y ll"""''V V11q1111o1 Wellub 1;.> 111., J 1:11 (.Sl "S111t•111 .,l111' I'"'" ., .. ,,, .. 1 lt.1\1 j Soul, Jame•'> M""' "' 1 1 111 '•II 111111 1 -Afternoon Movies- I 11!/'i ( Jr.1110.t) I t.01 '">' llo11l1•I I ol N1·l'.1111 \1111 '10111111 J 0 1 ( lo111d l1.1to1t'I 11'1110 Allv.,1111111•1 •(Cl "Ttw M 111111 t t.u > o1 I 1•11111 M1 lery) [t11.1l>f'ltt I o1yl• 11 I< 1111 No" o> (I 111 46 111"1 ) fJo1v1tl t .• uc.ufllll' l1·t1rul1 11 CJ lh•1ll ( t tu di! 111111 I 1~0 ·c.t""'" '"'""1•11 11111111111<1(111 • r Pl'•' !OJ "l utJy /\root 1101· 1<11,11.o 1<1·.11 ( 1•1111 Fanla!.y) rloll tt.1111·, 11 ''' .'(1111111 1 0 "SIO\'f)ttlll fl1•1 ' tlh.1111.01 '»0111 ll1 .. 11 Wa11on 0.111:~ ( 1 111 ·1'1 111111 1 l:a "Tho Pm.ti<' I Y• I 1'lt}1J < ''"' '>I Don Knott<, r,,,. <'•'""' 11 ! I l.t 11 11 •ti l Cl) "Glet>ll fl•• ( 1'1111 ""~"' ...... , 11, ' I O'Ne.il. A11n1• At~l 1·1 1 t t t ,•, "'"' .. m "'My M ••• t ,rnJll•') I,,. h t l ',, ••• J, Wilham Pow1•11 t """ I , 11 1 '" 1 1, • 1 1 My "'''YI W.1111·1 f'odqo•1111 Mo1llJ.1tl'I l••1q1o11°11 11 tu 111111111 I (!) My·.11•111'' f 111111 Ii• y11111f I .11th' (I'!/ II I!•" 11111 .. 111.ott (.' lu·. I C 1rrl11t·1 n11 1111· 1111"1 t t•tf I Mi"'' 1..al) l 1p1rl fJ•111t1.1 ( 1,1ltP (, tu, '•" llllla) S 11 .. 1 .. 1111111.o 11111111 01.1111.11 M,11 1. II lh,111lh l 1PtH 1•1 ( •,,.,11 (I I·• .,, ft11I•' 0 •.111-•111,~11,11 Jl'h/ M11.11.1U I , .. d /\ 1 '"' t tif < t1.1ra',.,.11 M , Z 1111 lt11wl111q t I 1111 111111111 I I It•• W.111.111• f'.11111 ~ 1;1.,.111•1 I I lit ll 111111 J .. C 'I Ill'' '''"II fi1o1110 '1'1/11 /\dvl'l•llfll') J1111111y I l•.1101o11ol I,.,, 1111111.111 I I ltr f() 111111' 0 A lv1•111 111 · I JI 1111' NohJl·tP"'·' I'""' I{ (I'll' At!v1·11111t••I flllhl'!I I '"Jiit• ',u• .t11 (Jd111,n11. c 1 '" ;;1111111t, S;OO (t l ·•,1.11•,ll1p h•v.J ,o 11.•' ( 1'1111 .< "''" •· f I\ J 11UJ ff1,b1 ti "./.1liqlift ( .llfl" I0,1fH•I l ,., t, 111-.1 Low Back Pain? Allied. Lighting is Southern California's Most Complete Selection of Lighting At Competitive Prices. There Really Is An Answer C ALL 64>5300 For Complimentary Consuftcrti0tt WESTCLIFF CHIROPRACTIC OFFtCE Dr. aob~rl A....,,._ 2043 Westcllff Dr~ Suite I 08 N ewport leoch I•-Co<o'a CN1 I 7tll ...:I 1rri..J M ost ln<;urance!. Accepted I ) ... * Over 100 Lines in Stock * Installations * See Our Complete Selection o f Celling Fans (Free Installation I * We Repair All Makes of Lamps * Over 20 Years Serving Southern California's Lighting N eeds. * Energy sav1n9 fluorescent fixtures u COME IN A N D BROWSE You won 't believe our selection, you'll love our pnces t ~ r AllIED 11 lighting . H ,1\ 111" • t H ( \.ti H'" •· '' d \ur P.. !'./I ' 222 Victoria St., Costa Mesa It • t rn •, H Pr.,t,tntJ • • .,~,_.,,' 646-3737/646-8 194 Friday, October 29. 1982 13 -rriday Cont. Felix's tuose 1011gue 1t1g~ers dll .1t11t11 l•f Oscar's ta1 returns by lh., IRS (!) ctWIUFI AMOEU @ A#TO.. DVOIW('S SYWHOlfY f'ROlll ntE MEW WOM.D Kilrt flf.lf'hm teal.I• "'' Vienna Ph1lharmun11. in Ovura~ c; ·~yn pnony No 9 · U'>uatty 1.Jfled I rn111 llw New World." becauSP uf thf' 111lluPll<..'' .1 v1s1I 10 Amer•ca by lhP <.l>mpOS('r h.1u or1 lhe work ( I hr I EZ1) WAU. STJE(T WEEJ( S,1111119 Alonu W•ll Megettan · Guest Peter I yncn v14..P µre•.1 dent F1dehty Management & nP•.1•ar1.t Company '1!) VOllJt'I ~ Oattot ls~uP<. An.1 lyzecr· The Leagul' 01 Women Vrill'I' present a debate on lhe propos•t•l•", •fl lhe coming etec11on M @ llOVIE "Young M;in W11t1 A Hmn (1950 Drama) Kirk Oougla!. l aurP11 Bacall The tove ttte ot a prom1s1nq young trumpet p1aye1 nearly costs him h1<. rruc:.1 cal caree1 (2 hrs 75 """ ) MDII (]) DAU.Al The f w1ng clan gainer<, al Southtork 10 learn the contents of Joel\ <. will U hr ) D m IUIQHT 1111)9 Michael Kn1qhf IS assigned 10 prolect a temale Senatl)r tr om unscrupulous poh11c1ans who oppose her views on an anti env11onmen1a1 bill ( I hr) U VIETlWI: TME TO ntOUIAND DAY WAR "Peace" The search tor peace continues unabated as well as the December 1972 bombings of Hana. ( t hr ) fJ @) 1"E cmATllT AIEICM HOO (Season Premiere) Alter rescuing Ma1 well from Neo-Naz1s. a cr111cally 1n1ured Ralph 1s led on a high-speed chase 1n10 the desert where he confronts his alien protectois (I hr ) G Cll.DRATD Of seGHT TUETHON Hon oiary Chairman of the Re1tnit1s P1gmanto· sa Foundation, Vin Scully. 1s 101ned by Charlton Heston, Jack Jones Peter Mar shall and many others in this telethon 10 help de1ec1 eye disease (2 hrs) tD IOOY • QWfl10le 'How Do You Feel?" DI Jonathan Miller snows that 11ar IOIJS acnes and pains that people expe11 ence ate ollen a distortion ot whal rs Q21ng on '"~,.t.t) o ( 1 hr ) filiJ GMAT "Tfk Chatter nouse 01 Parma" Gina Couo1ass Pietran· St•·plrnni" Zimholi~t ~tar~ a ~ a private· (')'(' on 'Ht>min,:ton StN·lt'. Frida\-. HI I() p.m. era (Marthe Keller) infltionces her n"µh ew Fabrice (Andrea Occh1p1nt1l son ol an a11stocrat devoted to the Ausrnans lo embrac.e t11e re11otu11onary ideas <'ll lhe Napoleonic era (Part I) (I hr J ([)TOP 1W1t IODtQ (fl) (1) llOVIE "Strange Oehav1or'' 1196 1. Suspense) Michael Murphy l ou1se Fletcher A police olhcer 1n11estiga1es a Miies of brutal murders 1n a small Mid· ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------~. western COfleQp triwn f1 11 IH 1~, 111111 j l ltlOVIE 'Tt1r Cli.1111 (JI J1n11111e (lla1..ki.m1th 119/'l tJo.1111.11 1r.rn111y I r>w<. J;ic.~ T11omos1" A l' 1•u; ''·'" b•ef"d auoro9ir11• dt>C•dP<. to l'Ck il 1 lt" "' lhe wh1IP .... ins W1)1hj "'~ ,,, "" ••P .1ga1ns1 rar1~m and v111l,.11c.1• 1;' ,,,, 7 m1n) ~IOlDONEI di IA TUNIAY NIGHT Clowt Of GLORY: Wl..lWI MD DORO- THY A folm by Ken Rus<.i'll tlP.ihnq v.111• thE' pOPI W1lh,1111 Wu1i::l~w111t11'•, p.1~·.1c•n,1te relat1onsh1JJ with hos -.1 ... 1r>1 flnrnth~ ( I ht I H llOVIE l hr' SN WolVC'> I 1'180 l\dventurP Gregor) Pi>ck R<>Qer Mv .re> During Wort11 W;i1 II a yr •llf! 111 Ar 11~n OU'>•nessmc>n Imm a voluntPer r"y1111er,t 10 dP'>lroy a Gmman spy nt>st "' 111e tnl.Ji;rn Ocean PG' 12 hrs) SI llOVIE "Wolf en' ( 1 'ltl I Susp,.11• el Albell F1r,ney ().we vrnnra P )l•ce .:11e laced w11tr an unusu.;t proOl<?rn as New Yo1k City 1<. invaded by d f .1c;~ ol 01s e!!_lced wolves 'A ( 1 hr '''\ rrnn I ,.. U (]) lMOTl lAJIDING Gary r>nraged uv1>r Jock's will is shocked when l\t'lby .;how<, up 1n Danas to be with him unaware that Val is also 1n town ( 1 nr 1 D m ..-OTOll STm.E RPnung1on and I aura 1ry to heto a llP~fll'rate CIA .JQenl who claims he has been ta1qrled l<>r mur der ,.J.1 hr) 8 ~ ~ OUllT A fl11n1 e1to11 b~ the he11s to recover llie stolf'n c 1own of Glen .Clora breaks down as each «>ne sees an QQPOr1Un1t~~ome a hero ( 1 hr ) W llDV Guests Gary Coleman S1ephen Bishop. Rich Hall Adrienrle Bar beau. Marilyn Michaels ( 1 hr I fli) LOI AllGIUI ftlJC II ..WW m IOI GMAT IDEAi (Premiere) "Truth' 0111 Moyers and Dr Mortimer J Adler aoe 101ned by an 111terna11onat panel of leaders tor an inquiry into ob1ect1ve and sub1ective truth (1 hr) tQ) PU Y'IOT OM TME All g ltlOVll "Silver Streak' ( 1976. Come· Cly) Gene Wilder. Jilt Clayburgh A mild· mannered book editor accidentally becomes tnvotved in a sinister art thief's bizarre ptol du11na a cross-country trarn r··································-------1 nPEWRITER TUNE-UP · Davis ::l Brown us 5 24.95 Portable-Manual Electrlc Slightly Higher Pressure Clean • Lubricate and Minor Chemically Clean Type Adjustments Clean All Rubber Parts• Check Out Entire Machine ••INO THIS AO FO• 1•11 •1880N WITH CLIANING SINC E 1947 RCA SELECT A VISION VIDEO DISC • UP TO 2 HOURS H A SUIGLE ALIUM • US CUHHT TITUS • STEREO MODELS AVAllllU }'Vv ,y~· '•Limited time . ret ~ ·41tit... Star Wars free ~ with purchase wvvv ~ ncn - PlllCH START $2 5 9' U lOWU 111111•01u1 1 11•1111 111111111 ,.., ·~Mo U1 ""~ M111i. "·""II " ..... u .... '"''' h I • Pnuw,11u1u hh• ,,,.,.. 11ut11) ,1d'i• 11110• wh1h1 t1y111u tu ••ktt uttl 11 lt\lli\I 1111 lflt1 I ilWtllV w~· 11t•111 I UI ult t1t. ~ ~ tu 110 11111 I I Otlot AMGIUIWOll 11 .. 111 I II·''"' • I lhti hUtli' ·.u.1 .,~u 1 '"'' wh11 1• t w1lh .1 p••f ~.ntt.11 lut1k .1t I" An f1 1h , I '""'"' p l.ty•·•• llll11111l "ti llw 111111I (ZlMOV11 C ''""" 11 •• j 1'1111 l\t1vo•11l11•1•1 nv+u1 t l Nt•.11 J\11111• l\u lu•• /\11 1111q11u•t•1 1llHJ 1 ., .. 1.tllft .11t1·1t 1fll I•' 1 I 1 •, ~u111 Atll••fH .u1 e•nu·•·•l•I '"''"l\llf·t 11 ,, l1uh11h 111 !Julll._ l'U' (I Ill !>!> llUll ) ~ OMMOI COUMTY fOOAY 7111 ... 1·• t ON M TOWN I ,.,,11111•.t ,, l1111k ,,, ,, hou·,,• th,11 h.1. t.>•·•·•1 11111.t1.1uu ''''" If,,. ftllf tlf tflt ( II olliHt J h•lll lh1 '41.u ~ l tlflOUft .t loo1.._ .ti h1fto W11yru• lnUttt11 y.11 hi o1 • ho11 w1l11 1111• 1 ll'W "' N11I•• 111.t f'u!Jll1 1111.t1u•, 1111• 1'1.11111• I 1111111• I •lfll l!:.!_tllllll U WITCH'I NIGHT OUT I\ 1,,,., ""''"It ,11 .. ..,. t•f'f\ Wlh h pt•flltffll 111,llf!l II flll'ot. f11•1 f, If IWll Y"""" .1 .. r• "'"'' I ... I I h·· "·''' ICJllllt'U u1lu lht•11 t,11111illt• lt11hd.ty 1111u1 ~lcr ~ 8 LAVONE a ...UY a COWANY DO rT AQAll LMElll .. 'a l1111y 11.·r uauc.Jt.'l .uu.J Su'-111 N1 ·fl''• tu,,, ·• .,,. .••.1 SCJll llt<.tk .11 !Ito• wnrhl t to.1111p1"11 I•>' 1\11<11• les l .llo.t•r•, 1111 lut.l111q 111tt•f\1Pw will• "'"'' plllyl'r'> .1rid •<"IL1m111q v1•lt•rillh 1111' rn.1111 l.!.!Y ~1,lft ,111() !i•,Jrll lll1lllU\jtltlll'lll (IJ WITCH'S llGHT OUT '"'"""'''" A li.1 boon wolrh uos~ 1.1~" 111•1 111 "I" .11 '""•' ""'' 101 l"'lJ lull'> Nllu ,J<.k It t>.• 11.111 lu11111'1f 1ntu lhe11 tavo11tt• lluhtl 1y mo""'"' , I YOU AUED fOfl rr 11•.A•t•H TtCTACDOUQH MGNATURE Gut''>I I tt>\J CJ<•< • '"" "" llAa.L / WIEt llEPOflT WA....aTON WEEX Iii llEVIEW '9A IAUETIAll t .nldl'n <,1.iti• W.1111 ors v~ I 1•'' Anqt't, ... I ""'"' •·' '"" .lll nun I 0 ll'OTUQHT llflEVIEW flul11•11 ll'.11111111• preview~ ::>ptllhytll , u1111111y 1111.it;111111• '1l! MOYIE Tup.i.r1• t l<l 11 Ct 11w1lyl John fl,111ymtJ1e My111.1 I uy f!,1 "'tJ "' the piny bv Mw-.el P.i~1111I I\ rllf't\lo., Vlr!IJ l•t·lt•r Bar i on i ... "'la ll lww S ia r .· a lun "ith ~a ran~t· po\H'I'"' Fr i da~' al H p .m . ''"" ''"'"" ... l..'11001t1 .. u .. ltl'' 111a(Jvc•1IP11lly l.lct<llllt"· .i '.lirewtl <..11tolt1l1ny bu'>ll•t'~" "'"" ( I tu JO 111111 ) HO I) TMf OUl(EI Of HAZZNID Bo~!> Hopg trie~ tu 1 lt•.111 up 111~ 1111.iye 1n lhl'l <;0111rn11 rnty 111 rn1J1•1 tu unplf!'>'• tw. v1S1ting t.11he1 b ti~ TMf POWEM Of MATTHEW IT All M.111h.•w ,rnrJ Wall 1r.1vrl 10 llaly to recover .1 10µ '>•'l..ff'I 11~m lhJI ti.ts l>een stolen hy the Red 01111ad~ It hr ) U VETIWil: TMf TEN TltOUIAJID DAY WAii V1lli11Jn W II W1tlt '""" 1111111 ul 11 j•l>j• • I thUtt tit fU,ilf •••lflt'4tl 11111 I UUf ,t Of tit• Wdl htt« sutM • ,1 1·1Htlu 11 li~•lflw l11t ', .. 11111 uf b1111ll1 V111t11.1111' v1ll11\jl''• t I hr I • GOJ • ....,.. 1111111,1111 I I ·•1'1111"" 111 ' bHIUt "' uuut1Uu•1 Wltt•fl "'' dftd t .,.,, Ii I I I In HI• 1•.Juud lhtl111t1 h• t''' • 111 1 11 1 I• ~lli;•ll~•ftl c) )IO~ M0V11 I rt<lol'( 1111• I lilt t t'lllll f I 1 "'') nufl.y t•u1t111t1 l\t1111•11111 k11111 1111 rttuprHllhU of ,, ·.u1t1111t!I • 1Ht1fl 1 11 •' 1 d ·(I ytulf·, •••Ullt•f .tllur Uu1•n IUt1fdPl1 .1tt1.I• t u vlfh11c llYt• ~1ll••f who l-•111.-,,,,.,,,. ,,.., lu1 f fl•u11 UJlU'-" II tu . I «I) 110V11 M1111 ()f I\ T1111"· .. 1r111 t ,u 1• ( 1!1'11 f1111q1.1pliy) l111l11", C .1111u•y I>"" ll1y M.11tmu At 1111 I "'' C h11111•y II"'"""" k UUtNfl lur fw, u•111,uk.1blt• t.tlf•ftt ttl 11·.11111 uit•kt.• up lu ,,., ,\Jfl••· f11tft·rp111 1pptt tt 11 .,., lt'l11'> I Qj ..U0 IAQ NIC 111110, Arul I 111111• Diil'<. tor M 1k11 1111 h11h •.1t11w• 1111111 I 11 111vos1111or1t '.Oll'.t' .11 ,.l lt1v1• ol 11111·.•·" .11 '"" Wui:!lhll\j 1111111 fZ!) WAltlMGTON WE.lit• llfVEW '11) WAlL '1'MfT WE.lit • .. 11111111 Alt"'" w,11, Ml:'Ut1ll111t" c.u .... t l'1•h•1 I yr11 l1 Vlt ,. , .... ' <J1•rtt I 11J11lily M.111.11 1•·1111•11f I'. II•"'""' It ( OlllfltlllY c Cl MOYIE ·r 11J1Jh•1 011 1111· '411111 t 1•111 M11~11.al) lop111 N111111.1 <.1.1111· A l'"·'"'"I uulkn1t1h '" lu,,1 o t llH• c .. utury ' ',at I lh1~~ILI lft(''. Ill lllolllf 1111 tu·, t•l1tjthh• tJo1 1 jl. tu•t:. wluli. 11y11~ tu 111111.1 1J111<1 111". .lt·wo ,f, t1e11tnye 111 11111 I.ice 111 rJPI"''""""' t. I.' t11<, • !>9 111111 ) l.£.1 lflORTICOTtJI !HJ MOYIE · S11t•11u• UI lf11· """'' 1 1'1111 Adve111urt') f llt•ll lltw.lyl• I 1111 ''"'"''II 111 19 19 ,1 y1i1111q wo111.11··" "'·""''"' I• ,, 11.1vpu1 le.111'. her IP " 1111· 111 """' ·"'" ,,, tltc w1h:Jur11t'"" o t no1ll11·111 t,.111.ttl.1 1·1 . {I tu :l!J 1111r1 ) SJ MOYIE Tiil· H11w1111u • t 1•111 t 11• "'''' Dee Wall.1(..{' P.ilr•<." M.11 '"'' A w '"'"'' tttporter •'., f11 .. ri.•t..Pd hy .t t<tllPt Niu~ .1 ••01 10 be il wer(•wolt 'ff 'I 111 .JI '""' I 0 MOYIE "Stu <..ro11y · I t111IO C11111,.tJy) n1cha1d P1y111 Uerie W1ICJ1•r 'Wll '""" ,jlt• r111stake11 trn tJttnk 1nt.)t1t•1" .iruJ ••111 t 1.11 R (I hr. !JI nun) 1:11@ .AlL .. THE f.Am.Y 1::11 fJ (!]) THE MEW 000 COUPLE I Pr''"""" l SENIORS 0 l • • .YI/ ·~ ... '.~1 '/b:1 ~fl rJ ( .yn/i~t1// -..--::~~9.~;'?1'. C~rc;u 1n· k\\'d ("r ..... Inc. I Corona del Mar Medical Is A Med ical Office In Your Own Bac kyard That Will Take Medicare Assignments As Payment In Full For Information & Appointments Call 720-1339 Corona del Mar Medical 2700 E. Coast Hwy., r:6 , Corona d el Mar . -/ · ' /" " f 4/'l'lfltlf' &;fll/lrt• ...ft1 :ft;,,, ..Jnl'lt~· · Classic Jewelry for Today's Clmic Fashions Diamonds • Purls • Gemstones COMPLETE JEWELRY SERVICES C11<,tom Des1gr11ng Remou111 ng • Repa11•ng MJnula1.tur,ng -, (714) 760-6766 111111 2610 E.nt Coast Highway CoronJ dcl Mar , C.d " _ Acrou from Shefmen founcJ•t~ Garo.ins '>-•..., \\ • ....,.,,., \•1•1• t I •l•l-' \, ... , I \.t•..t• ·• u. Friday, October 29. 1982 15 -Saturday .. ~ U.&. FAMI lllEPOflT .-owTICOfTa llOYIE "Stu Craty l fCJBI) Cn111f'tJy 1 Richard Pryer G~·• e 'lblcJCt I 1 r.1 ~ 1 min 1 Yl @ ~ROOll lr1I CS) TME QOlD IUG Cd pt a· 1 K1tlO s ou11e11 treasure and two rnystl:'r•nus <.tra11orr add up to SUSPf'nst and Jdveritv11• tor .1 l:a 1v•t>:CWJME l:a LAil Of TME WILD llOYIE ·The fr.ne11 ,110•,1 11•1a:,i Ho11or) Lon Ctiaf••t J1 fw1111 An•<w 1 hr ) TME WOMJ> TOllONIOW lfl(Al(OUT l:a TQlll .. CWT• KANCWtOO ......m PWlJC Alf AN T&NTAUt 'Part>nta r•1.1••t.1a1tu11.; Ml ..... ., ~ QOODDAYU IATWDAY 1110119eC1 OIW'£VllE • AGllCtA. TIME U.U . , lllTllUCl10MAL IEJIEI . ftl~k t>I billl Passing .. CID llOVIE "Th1ec w an1vrs l t!l77 01.1 ma) Randy Ovai<l Ch,JJle!> Whrlf' [<1glP 1 hr . 49 min) llOYll 'Blac• Beauty t 1971 0t.1maJ Mark Lesh?r W.iller SIPlclk 12 ,,,~) CZ> llOYll 'Po1'1eye ( 1980 t.uniP<jy) Rot>tn W1ll1ams Snetrey Dwall I I nr 54 min ) .. Clft-.aTIC* t• COLUQE FOOTULL ,._.(fl) 1:11 l'MAT"ICAT ,AC:l.-netl ,.,... YUiii YOICI Of AGMCUl TIME YOYAQI _..IAMTED fT'I YOWi IUIMElt B.Dmn'MYMEWI .,,. llOYIE "/\ny Number <..an Pl,1{ (1949 Drema) Clatk GallfP /\If·>,. Smith (1 hr. 45 mtn) (8) llOYIE "Legend 0 1 The Wold' ( 1980. Drama ) Dan Haggerly Denvet PytP 11 ht . 40 min } .. (f) MT'RUC'T'IOUL IEJIEI O:i~k"'tiall Ball·Handhn~hng·· NI DUITn G TMIPUfTSTM~ •au1u..i o wum1...,. ~ncJUL "°"' DAVIT Al9 QOl.IATH CMALtllDO IA111T-.o PMJ .... YOU POil MIN. TH .. , .... {fl) llO¥ll "Sunday Too r.11 Aw11y' (OrJ ma) Jack Thompson ( 1 hr . 30 rn1n J ,..!':. "lho See Hnwk (1940, Adventure) ErrOI Flynn 81e11<1n Marshnll Nlo~i. TMl~TALU ·-· 'ac.tlM I UT1U RAICAU / llCtll I NWT Me IGUATM ..... 1'JICIAWOllMI 18 Frlday, Oeto~r 29, 1982 Jrn·I II i~~in-.. Hil'", Sc·hrocl•·r a11d ( '.hri~litH' Ht•lforcl clo I.all I•• i11 "Sih t•r Spoon-.· ~alunla~ a l H::io p.m . &l) COWl'Dll'OIWIY HEAL 114 INUEI !!) f'tCK TME PROS (R) .. I GLUCWt• "'-MET 6)AUIFI llOYIE ·c.111 01 11,, 1 .tr>ye111' r 1•14:> lw~~=''"'' IATWDAY llllONMG GMP£VM AMENCAN STOllY fUTURE ll'OflT A ,Ce{'nl he l'•PIC>r•llo011 ol a1hlo11r p<•rlor111t1nc:e which c.1n mt! 1tH• lete, 1111111prov•111.J lhct11 g.mie (Ill tOJ llOYIE /\ Hopfl(ln1n11 111 HJ111ol1n ~9 15. Adv1<11lurr) (:> h•r,) ( SHORT f'tCtc I ( llOYll! · 1111• 1111111;1.,11 t 19711, Orama) Gran<..irlo C ,1.111r1or11 I 1111.1 Antonelli (? hrs) m llOYIE /\11 5111l<l•" I t9!>!l, Or11mn) R1ch,11cl ()finning, Gl1111.1 .klrut ( 1 tu 30 n11n ) .. , :r::=l f'OAD ....... lm.ATUUI a IPAGHETTI WU, WLD WOllLD Of NmAll YOYAQI TO TMI IOTIOM OI nt1 llA NOQMtl ...... ) llOYll "I 'lncomn1bln' ( 1980. Come dy) Jean Pnul Bf'lmondo Oornw1ev1• BuJoto ( 1 hr 40 rnir' ) ) •• ICHOOl Tep. lor llOlll'r ~1(11ng (f1lrl\Cd n• K111mo1on Vt 1 1m (H)llOYll "Ttto Jell S1~ur" ( 1980. Musi cat) Ne~ lMtnt>llO. l .1ur11r1<:e Ot1vtor ( 1 n1 . !>6 rn1n 1 (I.) llO¥ll "rorcver DA11Hig" 11956. Com octy) Lucine Ban Oen• Arnal .. , WYE rT TO IUVEJI ®) lllOM a ..OY I LAVIME I SHR.EY MCAATODAY · TUN TALI Tne H19r1 l:>e ti ,r 1 J . i5l~ ~~earOar.~H .. .i• 1••17•1 M ystery) Ned 8C'1lly R1CllJr\.I 1>.1c.o'f1,111 ( 1 ht 27 min ) t:30 I MIGS ...v I ROAD IUIEJI e TME GNIY COUllAN SHOW OZZIE AND IWMT MCAA fOOTULL • WILD, WILD WUT llOYIE Wheel Ot I 11t1w1, t t'M 1 Myslt'fy) f1ance·. D<'e Jo,r.,, w.,.,, .. tl hrs J Eli) llQH ~~ flallf'1m.1 · I P~l•P 4nE" on a crash tJ•PI to h "'t.! ""'<.!''' 1w•I r .. 11er aud111on loi ball~! scltu111 • ~ FOC08 ON SOCIETY MR. Ga. Of TME WID (II) llOYIE "Thunder Pas"'· t 11)•,,1 W1•<.1 ern) Dane Ctarlo. Dorutr1y ""''" k 11 1 ' 30 min) d @ llOYIE Thi' Ohl lt'"l.111 ,.,,,. l•H,J 01am111 Su!>an Pagt>t Br.rd 11.1111·, 1) hrs L ll:GO D W IMCM1>91.1 HUUC I AMAZJNG SP!DO- IWI I ;-:ao:., A laWPY 000 / flUllPY Q M)D(O 'Pro Toor I J 5 A f I hr I IOl~I Tia OlO HOVI( [lub Vila <.lilrtS to demohSh IN! ol<l k•l• r1eri ,1nd ll'.C11~.-.es 1he old slate root with ,1 c•11111a1.tnr ~ EUCTIC* 'II .... ~(") PUM.E Melbil Muort• llol•t'rl <..vol l.}1tmP and Sherman Hl'mSl!'y ·''" teatured en a perloirnance ''' tilt> h11 Oroauway mu-.><.af bdsed on Os!t•e (J.lv•s s pta~ Pur he Vocto,,ovs (2 hr<, :'O "'"' J $~~It ntE l&U I Super 81)wl Qt Covntty Mus1C · Thts unique cou11try music les11vat tealures .ferry 1 ee Lewi!.. Ronnie M11-..1p Cart Perkin<, Thl' Kenoalls .1nd Helen C()111et111s ( 1 hr 30 min l l2J llOYIE The L•fllt• Snop 01 Ho,,or'I" ( 1961 Horror) Jackor Jo~eplo .. Junalhan Haze (1 hr. 10mrn) '*-I .-ATUUI A IPAQHETT1 IMAMAMA • llOYIE "Joshua" c 1976 Dtama1 r rf"d W111tart1son. Isela V29a ( t h1 , 30 min ) GJ TMI ~ AH IEi/T1CI V1ncen1 Price narrates antl tokes all thr parts "' rhos Hallowl!On spec11ll aboul a tad who becomes a pood SOfc;e1er fiD fYlllYDAY COOIUNQ wmt -'ACOUll PP. II "Slew 0 1 Chicken W111p~" J.1c1wes f'op111 prepnres n nee bnsed cAsscrole (C) llO¥ll "Th(l rursv•I Ot D B Cooper" ( 1981. AOvt1niu1e) Treat W1ll1am., Robe11 Duvall { 1 t11 • 40 min I IH)~IMT11M fhK. fll<,1 o.icrd docu· menlery 011011'; wayo, 10 s1tv1.l mon<ly on lelephorie t>1lls o look 111 lag rMJll''-.md some 1n5u111noe nt>mlNI\ II llOYll "Grendnl Grl•ndol, Ciren<Jer· { 198:> Actvonluro) An1n111teti V01Cc1 ot Pelor Uellno11. Ker1t1 M1tcht•ll ( t hr 30 mlnJ. n•1m:::u~TB 111 I I N Reul "Tf)e 0 111 Wtth P" ,._ yoong girl dlSC<MJrS 11'181 She has Oittraaensory peicoi:>llon and l0teS&e1 thO (llsappearanc. ol hOt btot~ (R) c;i -l'rlclay Cont. 1111!• I 'I 1 \I 111 11 j 111111 ) MWMllMt ._ TWIJGMT mm ......., ... "1•WOM,_ _,,. lllllA,_ ll11<1 I f 1\KJ (>u ( 11111.,vu CALHlllAWID•MVllW tt• e&~a·.,.. CILllM "°" "' tlGHT 1'IUlMOef ~~IOI Mat PMMCtlCO ~ M1X1D 1AO 'Ntd1ol'> /\1111 1);1111• 11111111111 Mtkl• N11 ll11I'> !iltow" 1111111 lw, 111v1•·sl1111•nl •.t•tt•.t• 1Hhl 11111111Jl l1111'-•'" 111 Ill'. llU!~llflll - fl oocTO:. "="' ttOUM ~> lllOYIE 1111.td C1111111<," ( 1981 My•, 1t11y) :,1,11 y Kt<1ll It J11111111 I "0 C:urlt', /\11 •~ t 1'111111 tllJI ~... It lll•,111111111 ltll( hltll\ttl 11111 ,, p .y1 lu1p.11hu 1>1111•1 11.111u11nu 11111 '•'""'' 111t11t• pl,1y '''''""" ut hll• 111111 J111lll1 I 'I , ( I 111 40 111111 ) I, lll()VI( 11111 111111•·,' ( 111/4 l;tHlll'UyJ lt11111v L111y 111111111" C 1111111\11 /\ ·.e~uully 1111••p11111•111 ,.,1 1111111 •.1 lu>nl SHIOunl ~ull1•1!. ""' 11'.I .11111 ol ,I h..vy "' t;ltt>fttleador!> l>UI 111.111o11111•, lo hillrll l1t'o nu.ti" Ut n Nttw 'rn,11'•, I"" 1»11ly 11' (I tu JO '""I) •0 lllOVll 11,,., 1 .1\ly t· A Tr.tn1p" ( 1960) s.1111.111tlto1 f c" H1t.11.111J 11111111 "X ( 1 hr . 111111111) 1z lllOVll <,11111"1lly • ( 1972. Dtarna) Ro11 ()~.11 l .111 I 1•1• A ll.11111111 cJ1110 pu•1h111 ch•t 1lln•, 1t1 111\/t'"I 1111 of his e11u1gy tn one f111,1I 111,lfcll 1Jt'1tl lHllOle rellllll\j from thP hu•.t11l'"'· · II 11 tu . J6 111111 I 11:to Q1J lllOVll I W.1 0, A I oonnue r ru11kon ~lt't11" ( 19':>7 lh11mr) Whit B1s!>ell Pllyll1., c11.11 .... A l<l!>lh A111erK•ln descend.1111 of 1111• 111h1111ou" tlP\ tor p11tches lllt}elher vru 11111•. 1tll11t.1.,.,·11I holly Pllll<; to cre,lle ii 1t1·w lll<lll"oh•1 f I hr 10 nun I 11:111 tJ (.~I lllOYE lftt• 11111" f 1916, Corne cly) J.rtk WP~t1111 n11.1 More11u Based on lht• p1.1y Uy I •'ft'ltt..t' Mt.. Nally A haples~ t>urnhlt•r u11 llw ru11 fro111 his hom1c1dal IJ11•ll11•1 111 law unw111t11yly s1u1r1bles 11110 a U!!Y L1.1thhou~ 111 M;:111hallan l<' hrs ) U m TOMGHT Hu'>I Joh11ny Caison Guest Sll•ve l .1w1encti (I hr ) I @) AIC .wt NIOHT\.M TWIJCIHT ZOME AlfT099t DVORAX'I l"'Y ... -tONftMVJY FllOM M lllEW WOllLD Kitti Boeh111 leads the V11•r111.1 Ph1lha1111on1c, 111 D11111ak's "Syrn ptm11y N11 9 " usually 1.allefJ "From the Ne w World." t.>ecause ol !he 1nlluence a v1<;1t 10 Ame11ca by the comJ)(lSel had on tltt-worl\ 11111) w DAVI> IOll«NI P.i11 I "Not Fut Men 11.,11 Olut' Collar Women Part t' Our Cll C11•.h? Try B.111er" ( 1 hr ) m ,.. LATtMOHT ltllt.'SIS I ather J111111 I , well 1t•ll how to 1111µrovt' your hie t>y 1111prov11111 yl>ur me111.i1 health, Pul11Pr J.'11/l' w11 1111ng w111N lor lhe New Yori\ T 11111•<; nu<;sell o.1ker Ul!>CUSS('S his dUIU u1ug1.iphy, ·Gww1ny Up · 11 hr ) E1Sl'OffTICSfTER H 4U..-otff llADtO The l.Jrty goings 011 ell \111 all ru11ti1 radio o;1a11m 1 are !><!ltrrzed S lllOVE 'Hilllo ween II" ( t(}B I, Horror) 1.,111••' 1 ,.,. Curtr., Donald Pleasence A h• •ppl1·s.,1y 111~11P murderer c.on11nues his 11•1q11 u l 1111r111 111 a small rown 'R' ( 1 hr , 30 HUii) m NIOHT GW.EJIY '~ R EJfTtRT 4NEJfT TOMGHT M @) THE LAIT WOAD ~=CONCOT I) lOY'E.. AIEICAlll ITYll W lllOYIE "Island-; In The SrreJrn" ( 1977 nr 1r11.11 r "'r1111P I. 5, n11 Clilrrt> Olnom Pit•n ·•· B1·osmua j .. 'IC••minglon S1t•t·I•.-Fritla )" al 10 p .m . na~.t·t1 Oft ltw ft0t.t11 tiy I f n I fh·1111l•OWtty Art 1• .. 11.:tll•ll '"""' I' '"" •• ,, 111 r1•v1•,1I 111·. h1<1d<'t1 t.Ht\UlttHl•, wt11•11 tw thu11• t",11 tnq•1•) ',Of\!. LOft1t• I > v1•.1I f11111 f'f • ft tu •111 """I OlllOYE "~·h•1•p111ql>11qo, (1)1.1111 1) • .. 111 Neill Wa111>11 t),llf" n11111111111 lrt•ll• .1 11111 ken nlaHltH-~• '"' N.-w 1,. .. ,,,.,,11 •' •.t11d1·t <;eeks 1r.olo1l1rn1 1111111 '.tK.1••ty l nll Ill'< 111111• a lonely h1•111wit•"'1.o1uq1t1 111 1111 •111tl•l1t• 111 revolullonary 11111111111 (I l1r 411 111111 I m PIMY llAIOtl ~15 1IDlllOYE "rr1v.:tl1• I""' •11' 1111110 < ""' edyJ Sylvi.1 K11<,1t•I ll1 ·wo11it lh • 111.111 A wenl1hy n.,_.,, ,J!,,',1un·. 111· •. •1c11u II\'•' h••ll ,, keeper lhf' Jr>IJ of p111v1°!111q Ill' ,., Y'"" o1l1J son With'""' llrSI ~l!•ll·l' '""' r .. Ill,. II 11 hr . 30111111) 12::11 e m LAT! NIGHT wmt DAVI> LETTERMAN fmµloyet". 1111111 Nil< "",., r r~ " plex compt•lf' Ill ''"' ll11rd .111111 .11 r .111 "' ;Sh°f::uca;okr~ :.IL~: I LOY'E.. AIEICAN ITYlf CtOUDI Of OlOflY: Wl..1.Wll AND DOll<>- THY A film t.ly Kt>rt nus"' II dt ,1hr1q with 1111 poel Wtlhnrn Wcu1hw1•f 1lt " f•o1·,·,11•tt.tl•' relalmn'>h•p ""1111 11 '"' 11 r 11o, 1 r1r ) ( _t) COU.EQE FOOT9W. PREVIEW (R) 11.l lllOVll n c .. i..1·'. I l'llq M • " 1lr l eroy W<lllilt.f' J.11 OU M1l l'r A itru1111111•r exacts re11r11~w 1111 1111• ··~·.i.·111 wtr•• '' r,.,., i..epl him d11w11 11 tr JU"'"' I tM@ lllOVE f11rnrl•• tl'tll 1 ''"'"• Penny $111(1le1or1 /\1111111 I 1~· 111 '" h· .-tnd Daqwt'c.•j t•n,cuH11t•t 01 • .-1111 '~;.it1i ventures ( 1 tu 10 111111 I 1M (CJ llOYE 'COrtlro,!;11111•, r II A W11 •tl• •w Cleaner" ( 1974 C11111P1Jy! H1111111 11 ... ~. wtlh Anthony Bvolh A f Ir lr•I t uth who work "t as ,, prrtlf'l<.,1ntlia' ..-.,11r1nw ff ·ti'"' 11111111, hi~ 1111 11111 '"" fl!•llll llUllllig u ·l'•ll~lt• llllu 11111 111111" trl ll1W 1111111y Wrl11110ll ''" 1 .. 1)',1Jow11 It ( 1111 1011•11• I 1 ?l MOVll 1111• 1t11wh1'1) (ti.Iii I I hJllrn) i 11•11 Wtrll.111 l'11lr11 k M111 lllll! /\ w111111111 r1•1111rlr I I' llHOllJr l•tl ..... ti lo.1111 r wllu 1111i. ,.11.1 t--~·.;~J,,~ I hr 11111111) CMCU7 CONCOTI J11urm•y' f I ftr I CILIJM T10M OI ltCIHT TIL.nMOtt ft~Vll llK1 ( 11111 lt<1•, ( 111114 Wtr'1I 111111 1111 ti.1111 B•1rn11 •,1111111 Wt111rr1u11 '""' 1111111 ""' 11111 11n11•,•, 11111Tu•11"1tu•.orl ,1111•r 1111• (,1v1I W111 Ill 1p1,.11v1t1 i.111lun Army rlll1•., 1 .. 11111111114•11 lu1 •.11 111 1111• Aµ11<.li1t~ 1111'>) IJfTlll'T MmWT TOlllQtfT PMm~ .. lllOVll "11111 ll1-,1111J 01 lt1•1 Moon f 11111/ l>r.1•1111) Cyril C':11'.1t~I> N1iol Pu1 , •• 11 '""'' ..... , .1 ''Y r Y""'" Pow(.'r A 11110 UY 111 t11ll1•rt111I •,twit"> t1•.r11111111•, lr11l,111t.J 111111 lh lll'UjJltt (I 111 10111111) f; I MIA l'MV1IW (R) 1•1 SJ lllOV1! 'I 1•ur Nu I vii ( l')lj(), lhJ1101) I :l•·la11 /\111011111 K.tlhl11un n uwl• M1 All"" A11 111 yr"" 11lrl 111011 •.c 111>01 .. 111cw11t """'Jhl'o 111 111•1 1111.1111111 It•'• ltn111otow11 'R' (I 111 40 111111 I 1:111 tJ lllOVIE A I ioulllt I 11•• f l'J4 1 llrn 111.1) fh111.rlil 1.111111.111 '.ir\jrtt• tl.i<,•,u An ,I{ Inf bPt unuu, u h".P't11(•(1 wllh Hilt fOlt• Of 1J1h1·lln' 111 1111· I"""' u l c.111111111111111J mur 1fr·r 1;•111 .. 1'>111111) O llOVll Mw1H·r~. 111 ll•t• fluv Muryve' ( 1'1 V Mvo,1t·ry) l!r·l.1 l u•111•.1 b1cl11oy f ux 11.1•.1•111111 11,.. "'"'Y hy I d\l·ll All;111 f'Ot! A f1Pr1cj1•,l1 l!C1l.lrll \11111(111/r"o 't'llllllY W(Jlll61) _. JJ·HI ut 1111 ... P•p•1f111'"'"·•llun w11h .spe~ Stir 110111111) lllEWI lllOVll "~111111t.1y f.,1J I t1r Away" (Dr'! 111,1) J.ltk Tt"""P""'1 /\11 11111;or11mon com· r.11t«ry •levl'lripo, .111111119 rf'tmlhou<, sheep ·,hf'.trt•r" 111 Au'ltr.Jl1;1 whe11 I hey l111d lhem · .. 1v1" 1r,1p111·•f •r• ,, q1111'l1ng nnd lhanktess N11rt..111q r11!-Jhl1t1ot1e (I ltr . 30 mtn) 1l45 H 1 lllOYE. !tic l•11v.1l>1 fyes" ( 1980 l •111PrlyJ 01111 K111>1 t'. 11111 Conway Two ti11111lil111q /\1111•111..111 t.Jtllf't..lrver. are c alled 111 10 111w'>ll1Jillt:' i.I 'it•1te!> ol murders m an I rtUh'>h c.c1stlc• J..lt.:i' (I hr 31 min I Oi WEIT COW Co.I Stand up comics K•·lly Mc Oonalfl Gary Mulo Deer. Jell 1 ,1><1J1110 ;ind V11.. DunlPP art• 111110<luced at ll1P L11r111•t.Jy ,1110 M.1g1c LlutJ in Hermosa flcm:.11 2:GO I m eec MEW• oVDllQKT ~Of4lfQBID lllOYIE "C.o West" ( 1940. Comedy) Moi" nrc1lhPr, D1anr1 Lew•'> Several zany "'''" 111111 ll1t>1r <;1gh1s westwc1rd where llt!'y qPI 111vulvtotl w11h train!. c1nd r.:i1hoad~ t 1 hr 4!,, 11 1111 I E ,U F\JU CONTACT UMTt t10 ()7) RA HA T1'0l t 15 L lllOYE "Cll•111d /Ind G111•," ( 1978. Ora 111<11 W1ll1dlli Sr1111l1 Micheline Lanc101 An .1q•nll wrP".111•1 '>f'l'~ s t11s one 1n .1 m1ll1on .11u1 lur '>llt..t..f•'>'> 111 hlf' work and love Pu I I l1r J? 111111 I z lllOYE fultps I t91H Comedy) t .. 101• Kaplan BernndPllf' Pe1ers When lie !alls 111 1011e a su1c1da l man 111es to can- t.••1 11•1.' contrilcl he put 001 on h1m~f ( 1 ltr 32 •1un l 2211 C lllOYE Tt1e flcph.i111 Man" ( 1980. Oramil) John Hurt AntllOOy Hop1t1rn; A t.JPd•cillc>d phyr;1c1an 111kes under his wing ,1 ho111llly oelorme<l rnan whose hie until !hen hod ocen !'.pent 1n cheap lreal< exh1- b1tionr. PG (? hrs 3 min ) !:110 .wt Friday. October 29. 1982 17 -Saturday Cont. New World t>e<:ause of tne 1nlluencP a v1s11 to Ame11c.1 by lne compowr had 1111 lhe work t 1 hr ) Ell) ICMIHNTEM I WONI lfTO llAGE 'Eleanor Perry Tt>e fate (1e.in0< Perry discusses 11er 1nlf'rf''>I 1n th!.' rrag•c nurna•• cond111ons and nP.r r.Jle as J wurn;111 in ~hlm=fua llOOM IEWllGllOWEll llCWIE 'Morning's Al Sev,...11 f:? nr•, 30m1n) @MOVIE "II Rmneu All N1qhl fhe Day I Lei!" I 1978. Comedy) Tony Curtis Sally Kellerman ( 1 hr 40 mon l (%J MOVIE ·Green t<.e I 198 t Auvrn1ur~1 Ryan O'Neal Anne Archer t t hr 5~ min l m llOV. 'Song 0 1 The Open Roan' ( 1944 Musical) Jane Powell f dgar Ber f (2hrs) " WMITUIQ 1:11 ..oflTIWOM.D Scheduleo h1ghligti1s or the Br111Sh Motorcycle G1and Pri~ (110111 Silverstone England) coverage of tht> Frontier Days ROdeo tlrom Prescoll Anz ) coverage or the women s World Pro Wrist Wrest~ng compe1111on ( 1 hr 130 ==TME~ -..wtWIT llWIQ flOWIJll llOTOCtlM>ll RACIMQ ft.D Mml This documentary calcheS many wild animals as they grow up and learn to survtve 1n the11 nalOJrdl habitat W 8 lf'Oll'TI IATUl>AY Sctlc<luleC! cover age ot the HectOI Camacho I Mel111n Paul 10-rovnd hghtwetght bout continued cov erage 01 the Great Poot Shoot Out (2 hrs) I Wl •lli1110AGl111*rw~ ITM TllB llCWIE "Two Dragons Fight AQain51 The Tiget" (. Adventure) (2 hrs ) 0 THI ROCCfOM FUI m llCWIE "A Funny Thong Happened On The Way To The Forum" ( 1966. Mus1ca11 Ze10 Mo&lel, Phil Slivers (2 his ) 9 Cl.OWi OI GL.CMY: R.UM1 NllJ ~ TNY A him by Ken Russett dealing with lhe poel Wilham WOfdsworlh's passionate relat1onshlp with his SISier. Dorothy ( t hr.) l ~CHIK1MCUI llCWIE "lolly Madonna" ( 1973. Ora ma) ROd Steiger. Robert Ryan (2 hrs ) G w.rllGPORA ~ CO) MDVII "The Gumball Rally" ( t976. Comedy) MIChael Sarrazln. Tim Mclnt11e Lt hr , 47 min l 6118 HIATllT 8'0HI LHHDI "Affirmed" Host. Ken Howard Cf) AT THI MO¥lll • Mm CMOICll "Death And Oylog" An e11pl0f11tlon of the growing interest 1n patlen19' rlQhts end medical ethics ts pre senled ( 1 hr.) • w.rllGPClll A~ (C)mwll "Animals Ate Beau111u1 People" ~9!5L Documentary C 1 hr • 32 nM ) ......... M•-.umt Tuesday Weld, Tommy lee Jooes and Wllltam Kalt st111 In the N Rlch81d Nasl't ~Y about an lllnerant con men WhO lultllf 1 a lonely woman·a yearn ~ f0t tove (2 hfl . 10 min.) ·--• 1111 Ml.U I "Supttr Bowi Country Muelc" Thlt unique country ~ 1 .. 11v11t INIUret Jerry L" Lewis, Ronnie Mlltep, Cert Pt<klna. The Kendetlt and Helen COrM!iul. C 1 hr . 30 min l 20 Friday, Ootober 29, 1982 ..\nima t•·•I •·h ill!°'. thrill ... an•I <·onH'd~ «'UfH'r"' hi ~hli~ht a trihut1· to ll a llo~1·1·11 on •\\'a lt Di ... 1w~ • Saturcl<n a t H p .m. Mel :::u~:= '12 llOW ....... " llOVIE c 1.1mt>ake 1 1'l67 Mu<,1«111 ~l=::l1ellPy f ,111.111 , (? 111~ I § llAI KAVD.AAll II l1h11 l1y Oulc.h l1lmd~ ('r FoM RrtdC''11ilk81'> klh11q <JI lll1d r111w 1ee11th CPlllUl'r' rat.o!>ITI a111l CUllUl)llOll "' lhc vasr hvld1nqs "' the fJu1c.r. r a-.1 111u1e:, i hr';) ATTOMY GDDAL'I RACE llOVIE 'S1l11C'r S11cnk" ( 197b Com~ ny) Gene Wilder .fill (.;l,1yhwgh ( t 111 '>1 min I CZ} MOYIE Prip1•ye. 11qso (.,01111,>lly) Robin Wtlhilm~ 51it•llt•y Ouv.lfl ( I h1 54 min) m IECMT AGENT 121@ CALYPSO COUNT'DOWM ·n•lllJ"'IJ t '" ~1e~·~a.LEYacowA1CY ~ =. Con1wes1 Ot S1JaCf' 11%'> Science r1c11on1 Wntter Brooke E'11c ~~~·~ ((J IOJDNQ I 111e coveralJ!.' of Ille 5(19n O'Orady I Pere Ranzan1 10 rovr•d wel 1erweigh1 boul lrom C;irsar's Palace in Las Vegas Nev ( fh1i; fight w111 be blocked out w1t111n 11 25-mlle 1art1us ot the Las = ;iren) (:>hrs. 30 min ) ) "The Great Muppet Ca~r" ( 1981, Comedy) Chartoi Grodin. O.ona f3!9g { t hr • 40 mtn ) ID ntl NOTICTOQ --islvenlng ...,!i!!' ... .,:C.~ Ab0mlf'\8blo Or Ph1bes" ( 1971 Horror) V1nee111 Prlee, Joseph Cotten Aller tho death ot his wife a doc· 101 toets comp(ltl0<1 10 pun1Sh the man rol'Jpons1ble ~ I lllT <YI rT INCW. ,_.. C'..oll'Nll'f m¥ll "Mollbu Beach" ( 1978. Come dy) Ktm lengf0td. ,,.111(,. Doughton A bot1ulltu1 terruile lllogynrd beeomes the 0011~1 pl .1 11v.llty llo•lwP1•0 "''"' yvu111l n•t'n ;:it a Soulhern Cahfv,,ua t;t'.t• h R ( 1 no 33m1n l EJ!) Wl.D AIEMCA W110 Doµ!> Marty Stouller looks ..it 1t1e 11>1!''> .1niJ social c,1r11cturP ol lhp c!11mo><,I dl~ ., Nrl1l can rn(' <.;OUS•ns · lh(• wc111 C• 1v •IP ,uu:J lox Eli) WOM.D Ol IOO«I ~· llOVIE "Th!' C111c.rn11ot• Kou ( 196!> Dr ;irna l Steve MrOueero r d W(HU G not) rnson A young c.11dsharp flf(' to beill the luria of <.lud pokr1 ,n ii l),llfle for po~shQt' l l ht 45 min l 0' llOVIE 'Any Which W,iy You Can 1 t980 ComecJvl Clint E.i~tw<>od. Sondra I ockC' BelorC' st'lll1nll oow11 with his g111 .ind vet orangutan a ti.1re hsled fighter s•qns up lor '.me IJst h•c.rallve match PG' LI hr . 45 mm I lS1 llOVIE "lmp111per Channels' ( 198 t Comedy) Alnn Arkin Ma11011e Hartley A !'.t'rtec; ol m1sunderstand1no., causes ,, soco.11 worker 10 suspecl lhe 5·yea1 old daugh1er o f a separated couple 1s the v•c 11m ot child abuse 'PG' ( I h1 32 rn1n I m M.IAI MTM NllJ Jc.I Ml@ NCAA fOOTUU San D•~O ~tnle ._1Aztg£~3hrs) WHY. T1tl W0N.D • MM,.._.. Ne<tl GnlJl!'r .ill(J Jct Irey Lyons review "Hallowt:>en 3 Sea.-.on 0 1 Tho w itch," "first BloM" and "Mon G .. NI llMCM '11- NNT MCll Ol LOCATIOtl MO.ANllOION~ THI HAM>Y IOYI I MMCY DMW lllYl- 1 ~--YOUIOTTRCML.11 -DlmlWfTMLAWMMCl MU CAWOlllAC...SIGIAL~ THI.....,. AU. CMAl\ml mAT MD IMM.&. ) -Live cover1190 Of lhe WBA mlddlowe1gh1 champk>n&htp bOut between MaNln Hoglor and Fulgenclo ObOlmejloa. ~hr , 30 min,) m¥ll "Strnngor In the Houto" 976, HO((Of) Kett O\Jllea, OIMI HUMey A psychollc murderer hldea In the ettlo of 11 ooPege aotorlly hOUM on Chrlatmu Eve -lalurclay Cont. l lCMTMIN llOVll "" t ''"''"" Ill 1l•1•py 11 .. 1 tow" 11u1111 1 """ tyt h•tt 1 11 •ht11111111 [,Ill lo. Uuti.11-, ( ' hr J I _.,,,AWi COOHJIY QllOWllQ YUM 4"91M.WI MUI 'OORAU. IOIM't lllT: .IACI OlllHIY llOWW 1'1111~ l.11H11111" ( 1'14 I 11111111.11 f h<ullltHll tlt•ttjttt I lf11111 l"ft 1I• ••·II I ' IV&) t\91 lft .... MVllW IUIM ICMDOM LI CllMDMll O* W.4TAM a.1 ....... IMDtlAll> ) MOVll "H11td I hot Clh11•.t" t 1•14 t Cm11t1<ly) Allh••ll •t1 •tl C11'.h•ll11 .h1.1111>,1.,. t!. ( t '" 10 111111 , tD IWMC Of OI. ,_,_ fl) 1IR LOI AMOllft OL 'Ywtel lllVlllTfD A l1t<llo. .1111111• .. 1 lh1• lllO'ol t llillll,Jftl •.p llll. 1Jllt'l1f', 11l llt1'.11•11h11y t I Ill Ill 111111 I m GIM>ftlG YIAJlt Il l WACKY WOClllD Of X*ATltAM ftlnRI Guo!.I Jut• N.1111.rllt lZl MOVll l 'q·1')' ( l'IHO I ••ll1t·tlyJ ll11h111 W1ll1,1111. ~.ht 111•) I li111.1ll ( I 111 '14 111111 I 1t;ll(t1)MOVll ltu• I "•1••11tl 1 ti '.lt'"I') l h1ll11w ( t9110 L1•1111•i1v1 1 .. 11 1 ,11ldlth1111 1111 h Outku!, (.' 111• I Afternoon 1119 8 NCAA lOOAY ATC. e'u" I M,1k•• 1h ltH 1Uhl .u11·,fu d11ec101 o t • r .1 .. 1 WP'>I I 'l.1y1•r" ( I 111 J 8 TlllEl aTOOGH MOVIE "Pl'11lt1 ll1111• 111t•1r"'' 11•1t.~l Western) l Pt• V.111 ! ft•»I l11l1tt 1'1111111• l ,rw {.?his) m llDVIE ( h.lllt '"l" \)I 1111• M.1·.t1•1· AUventu•••I t:> lt1· I al) WOOOWNQHT't lfQ 11,1y 111• N1111t11t n o y Ae Uu1t.i. H11w flt 111111 I dt'.HI l1t•1 rnto n c.1r1tJl1• o;l.1n1J '""'''"' '"Ii" 1111 ,1 ~·~=~~""' ~.1l111111 .. 11·q·. ctfl MOVIE ·0111• <111 <>111• I 1•117 !tr.1111,11 Robby n ........ )11 /\11111•111• \I • ....... (I '" 38 nun J t$ MOVIE 1111p•"i"'1 1 1 .1111111 1111111 Comedy) Alo111 "'""' M.1111•111• ll,1rtl•·~ t I ht 32 Intl\ I e MON h1V1t1t11r111 lu 11111 fl.Ir~ t• ( 111+,f M11 k 111) 11)\N Y1 .. 1•.k11v1ti 11 I 01•l1t tl:JI 11\1111'-'d~'~ ';GO~ UTAA wmt WtlCI lllOAO orwnt.,.,..,. t l MOVll I h111t h 1t' ( 111110. Adv11111t1111t I 111v1d 111111,,11111 l 1111y Mw .. 1111t• I I I 1r 411 111111) 0 MOVll N" 11111.1~ N" l<ld1y I 1•1• I I k 1111·11 f ~ tt•k h .. +111 l 11111< ltoft lfWU kl 1111 J• ....... , t• WllTIM OUTDOOlllMAM TMl""*'llM "°"'I IATURDAY ~t.l•ud11h1d ltv11 1 t1v t•t.11Jt• ul 1111• l h•t IOI t .111111111111 I M11l11111 1',1111 111 r111111d lttjltlWl'llJlll IM~ll 1..0111111111•1) 1 11vt1h&Ot• •I lfu1 ( dt·.11 PcJul '",f1ool l >ul (. ht, I I.!) AMUICA't T°'lD Cl) MOVll 1111,111111111 <H 1111 lh11· M111t1111 ( 11)~}4 My·.ltrryJ 1\,111 M11ld1'11 l'.11t11 11 Mt1d11111 (.' '"") EZil MOVA 1111• Muul M.11 h111t•'. 1111• 11111 ll<Jv\'r•,y '"'"' 1111• p11'.'.llt1ltly ll1o11 • lltllpUI t'i" tu.1y lht\I•• lh4 s ·•IMI •ly Ii; 011uue Hu l11111tnn 11m1tl 1:. 1•c.r11r11111c) (II) l J I I lrl I fm tl'O«TtWOMJ> •,1.lt1•dul1•1J totf11i1~1l11'. 111 llu• llttlr.11 M11h111 y1.lt• l 11111111 1'11• fl1111t• '•llVt'to,111111', I lltjlo tllll) I 01/Wotlll' 111 1111 I h•llltt•r ll11y" Ho1h•u fhlHll f'r1"o1111t Atl/ J 1 IJV•''·lll" n l t1111 w1r1111•11 •, Wutl<I l'ru W11•,1 Wtt••,1111111 c.on1pt1ttl11111 (I hr 1()111111) m OClAllUI! w or.w11mf1' "[ COLLfQI IOCCOt · I ht• 1!1111111• I I<•,, !Joolt1P11l Jlluhh't ,11 f dw.u tJ ,villt• v·. ~ .t l uu1s U11rvfl1~11y 1;• 111·, :m 111111 J a;) MOVIE "111111'·. My M1111' (141\/ A<111e11lurP) 111111 A1111 •1 t11• < o1tt11•tt1•1· MLI cod (:'hr I t:30JIRU+AU [\'] F-T1'00P ~~~ ...... ~ n MOVIE "n11yal WerJdrnu" ( t9!J t Mu,, 1 .11) I 1!'11 /\•;1,1111• J,111P P uwt'll (I ht '!'1 111111) Z MOVIE 11.1ll111N<'l'1t II ( t1l0 I 111111111 / J,11111c• I f't' C.11rt1•, I ko11,1hl J•11•,1•.1·11t.. I I 111 JO 111tri I t:'5@ 1111atoet ~ HOO 1112: LOI ANOEl..Et OLYWtCl llEVllITED fl l11nk "' u11e ol Ille rnos1 <.J1.111i.11tt. snort• ttv1<11l1t11llh1~1~ 11111 l ~~AMI MOVll 1111 •••• ti 111111• M.1 loUUt• f 11111'1 W1 ol1tll1j f, I I pli I .11llt•t1 f'lttltp I .m•y (.'ltt.) ~ MCIMATUM t '"'' I I " d Ii. t 111tJ11v11 81) MIN Of LIU /\ 11111111111.11111.t hml< "· 1.1k "'' ••I ,,,.,,._ 11t Uu 1t1oftt 'uloflul hHH• ut I 11111•,1,111.1 •,1 '" ll1o1v.o•.111 1101•1 h1o thull lt·1•H 1 m AIRNCk THI NCOMD CDn"UltY HI ~ MATTlllt 1111' 1.1.1 p1111•tJ lltx.11 1111t11f lfy t1flr·f w,•y• h i ',d\IP fl1t1fWY Oft lttlt1f 1l111fll 11111•. •I '"' '" oll llllJ .... 1 .... lllld .,t,1Hn lli11llftlfH 1• 1111111h tP, SiMOVll 1111.111 tJl l11•tm 1 ,111t·," I l'J!1:l, I """"IY) I h 111111· H1 y1111l11', ll11hhy V1111 (11" 1•,11111• I J:tf 0 MOVIE 11 11•·•· w.1111.,1•, I 11171 lJ1u 11111 ll,1111ly I Ju., .. f I Ii lfl•" Wlull• rnylu AA lll 411111111, 2;iO Gl..UGAJrt lll.AJI) ) IOO /\111111.1l1•d I l'othJl"'l ll1Ctrl51(lll! r11,,, 111.1 I 1.111~··11· 1i·111 ,,,,., t11•· Wolf1111J11 .,, ll•lf1• 1 l1y 1•1••· t I 11 1111 u t W.ttwt<.~ dfHJ ll•j l.111 I •I• 1111• I l.1lluw1·t•ll '.fll'<.loll (I 111 I Q'4,1 •UD IAO tlu 11111• A10J 1)11110'.' r 1111•1 1111 M1k•· llt• 11111·. •.1111-No, 1J1llh 111~ 111v1• ,,,,111111 .•111· .. '''"t h1v1 o l t•oP·.t••, ul tu"' hr•1t•d111q f,J111t ' WNTl'l't WOMIHOP llHOOA AlllOICA: THE tECOMD CEJfMY MOVIE A 11y 11111111>1·1 ( ,,., P1,1y" f l'M'I I lt,1111o11 \.fo1r~ < .. 1t1lt• All;!••'• '11111111 (I lit •1'11111n I HJ MOVIE 1,.q1•t11I \>I 1111• Wild' I 1980. f)r,111111) 111111 llo1qq••r ly l)t'll\ll'r J1yl1• ( 1 "' 4fl 111111 J 2:3IJ ll 7J MOlOftWEB llutlM TED ~ 0 MOVIE M,1 I IAr.t1\ll'r f1.111y I 1967 r 1111.1 'fl /\111111.111 11 V1111 .. 1>• ul Pt1yt11s IJ1ll1•1 111111 Ko1r h1tl (, 111•, I ~WOMDEAW~ l()..IAI( MOVIE t 111· r o11..1· (>I r u Manchu" I i<1ll'1 My·.1• 1y1 <.111r,lfrph1·1 t ee. N1yel 1.Jr1•,..n f/lw I ® ANTOMll DVOfWC'I IYllPHONY FltOM Tl4E NEW WOM.D Km1 111><•11111 leads the V11oru1.1 f't11ll1"""11111.. 111 ()11(1t.1k'~ "Syrn l'l""'V 11 .. 4 u"ually t illl!'tl "f 10m 1he OPPORTUNITIES!!! IN ELECTRONICS & COMMUN/CATIONS How Would You Like to • • • • Learn a new ski/I • Develop Leadership • Make New Friends • Enjoy Regular Clvlllan Life 265 1 Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa We OH1r ••• • Excellent Career Opportunities For H.S. Graduate or Equivalent • Training For People With No Military Experience • Age 17 or prior to 35th birthday • Openings for Prior Service Individuals SOUND INTERESTING ??? CALL TODAY 9 79-73 63 (between 8 30 a m • 4 30 p m ) CINDY GEHR.ING SSGT Friday. October 29. 1982 19 -Saturday Cont. -D ti) TME OEVUN COMECTIOH ti•· " poses as a p.il • • 1 11 ,, • 11 • 1 ' menial ho~polal 11 1.,, t '' ' "" 1 .,., " 11 , Qahenl is m.111.1.i11••l I ' " '" 0 • 1 •11 1 1 1~ .. y ISlNI> . '. ',, ... , wunessea a n ·J' 1Pr ,.,,.,, " , tt ' r it·_. to lhree sister'> 1• l 1 " I · • · '• 11,, 1 er gets the Chat•tt 1 "' ,., ·'""' tr1gh1 in JuCIQP n, •v 11, .1 ""'' '"" ", , bar O (1hr I g 1110Y1E r.t1o, l •• , ,., ror) V1nce111P11t1• I •·I• r I nes by Edgar All.111 I , , " t ...... wife 1n1tudl'S or lo • • • ! r '"' 1·J• drunkard uc,es br" ~ 1• •l r• "'' '' '' p•rl " e nd 10 hlS Wolf' , 1tf l•f I '"',It" I ,f II •1 hypnosis 10 '>USS" " • I hie and dea1h (? 111 I =:::.a OU1DE TO THE GAUXY llOVll ·Thi' AJr r,,,, ! 11\171 M .. cal) Twiggy Ct'""'"''''f' (, 1t '" vvnP11 ''" aSS1s1ant slaOP ,, .v ;iq ·• '"' 11.•· " • female ieau rn a -.11nw -;1, .. b1 .. • •111r•o; 1 1.11 and lrnds rorna1ot." .i· w .. 11 t "' , 1 CC) llOVI( '[~.J~>t 11 I N1•"' Y o• ( 1981, Scoenc.e r .. I .,, Kwl n ,. Adrienne B;i1bea11 111 111'1/ 1 ll.ird1•11,.1t c11mlna1 IS offerQ•j ,, p.u11 •• •' r,,,' tr ,, .. cue Ille presid+'nt • ,f rt •· U '• """' '"" pnson ctty lh<ll M.i11ti,111,,,, 11,1•1 1 .• ..-.. 1111· •R' ( I hr , 40 mor 1 {Ul MOYIE fh>tJy Ho ti ( l'IHl Suspense) W1ll111111 1 ""' 1<.111111••·•• l tPll'• A smallltme rlofllf t 1,,..,,,., I ,., •• ' I l••d by his lover 1< ""'"'"' ,,,,, t 1•.I 11 ·! ll 11 hr .. 55 min ) -@ llOVI( Tlor• l~1<Jl1I 11111 P 11111 H "I Ameflca .. (19/'> fJ1.111111 Vi M "'"' Clltf De Yovng .. CB) OM LOCAT10N 'I .,II 11 /\, rlo ,llUJ '•I.ti • 101h Anniversary Flot t 1111 !!••lier J>.11 Benalar, Oav1(l f~1P1111t•1 Hilly Cry.,1.11 Gabe Kaplan nr•r1 nol•111 W1ll111ms llll' among lhe Siar<. w1lul111q Ill!' NPw York showcase club whoeh !J;lllt' '""'" lhl'll starl ( 1 hr . 30 111111 J -1 MO. M111MON C'·""OMF-1F11EN-.,.,..f'T\Al lllOWIE "Tile Bo'y fllt•fld ! 1 'H 1 Mii'•• cal) Twiggy. Christophe• (1>1hll' Whf'ro .111 aSSiStan1 stage mnna\l<'' 11•pt.11 e'> 11 • female lead 111 a show sh1• llt'\-0111{'<; 11 "''" and finds romanco a<. wnll (? hro.,) Cl)~ Get "' <.h,1rw IUl.lk siooct and teet great with 1h10., P"V"'' 11 111111•··" ~~ CZ) .. The lnn11re111 1 t'Hfi 1)1.111111) Giancarlo G1anr11n1 t .1ura A111,,n,-11r 111 early 20th·century t1n1y, a 1rno11 111nr11Jlt• develops lnvotv1nq 11 tl•~hlrt>ed mJ11 ht~ wile and his m1s1ress (2 ht<. ) • CCIUHI FOOTIAU llOl*JOHTI Navy lldshl.P"'8n vs No1rr 0111111' r 1Qt1t1ng lrt-<11 .. IAn.AY lflOlm '* MCMI "The Howling" ( t9ll !, lforror) Dee Wallace. Patttck Mocnoo A wo111A11 rei)Ofter Is menar.fl<1 t1y " kollm who set>m\ 10 be e werewoll ff ( 1 hr , 3 1 nun ) ,.IW~J,~,,,, V!>lK..t A ~hrs .. 30 min ) • A llACAL. WAL HAUOWID Jor main. Jackaon, Onvo. Kim Cnmm, I 1111y Wilton. William Shnlriet. Brny Jool. SOI oery, fcldle Money onrJ S1CJ110 Oolltl• 10111 host Fred TravaleM 101 nm QIC31. mu<.•Glll Halloween $p0Ci81 ( 1 hr . 30 mtn ) e ,.,. "Mnn 0 1 A Thou<in11d rucca·· ( 1957, B!ogfnphy) Jamo~ Cnu11uy. Doro thy Maione Actor l oo Chaney txoeon"--s known tor hla remnrknblo 1atenf or uu1rty INl6c•up ro at9Ume dlll~ool oppc11r1111c ... (21w•) 22 Friday, October 29. 1982 ® 1W HAYB..AAll E ll'OlllTICEfTIJI L llOVll frn111a1111 .. 11e 11 The Joy<, 01 A W 1111.111' ( 191'• Or.1ma1 Sylvia K11s1e1 U111b .. rt<1 ()or,1111 X ( l t11 3:> min J S ~ Jot111 By11"r <)•ows you things .. 1rn11qm 111<11' 1ru111 IJrge• th.Jn Ille a110 /•llllf'I lh.11 olll/11Hntj fll\f\IE' e111~r seen 11:to ~7) MOVIE H,p Pit And Tne Pen<Julum 1 1!Jf,1 Horr ,, ) V1111.rn1 P111:e Juhn Kerr A. m.i" ,, ,.,,,,, .. his <l•Md latner's •den111y when h•' w•fl' and her lovPr trv 10 d11¥e h•m 111s:we ( 1 ht , 50 rnin ) 11:m 1J TME ROCKFON> Fl.El 0 fl() IATIJN)AYNIQHTl.M Host M,chael Kr.11011 Guer.ls Joo laci..son. Moc.hael Pal111 (I lit JO 111111 t UAIC_,,. (!) llOVll Paper Mw11 .. l 1973 Grmt> ~ :r~~:·:'· Ta1u111 u·Nent y , llOVll "N,1uyn1y W111es' 11974. C,orro Pdy) B1e11do11 r11ce JiltQUehne loqan A youna maro front !he tOUn!ty tond~ !hill n1~ 1ob as 11 00111 10 <lorn salesrnan 10 I onoon 11,)• !.r•m" unP•t ·~'Clerl bonuses R· ( l tlt :'001111 I m llOVll Angell! ( 1955, Suspense) f.lf>nno< O'Keefe RosSDno Braur An Ame11can hnds h1msell 1mploca1ed 1n a pk>I for murder wh(•n Ile pursues lhe charms ol n tieaulilul wc)man (2 hrs ) m• U llOVll ·Jourm>y To The Center 0 1 l n1> r.111h" ( 19'>9 S1,;1ence·r 1ctt011) Pa1 Aoime. Jame.., Mason A scientist form~ .ir e•J)edotoon 10 follow a lost e;.pto1e1 ~ 1ra11 10 the Ea1111·s core (2 t11s) 'CJ llOVll The French Woman" ( t981 [)f;ima) franco•<.e Fabian Dayle Haddon A t1nr(j('llo being kepr open by a gove1n 1r1e111 subsidy 1<, the scene o l murder and µohtoeal scancJ,)I wheu a VIP cuslomer 1< ph01og1aphed Al play •ff (I hr . 37 min) CH. llOVll "The Blue Lagoon.. ( 1980. nomance) Arooke Shields. Ch11stophe1 AlkUIS I WO Cilstaway Chlldre11 grow lo tl<lnler..cencc on a remote. South Pac1r1c 1stone1 11nd expe11ence ltie pangs of frrs1 love 'ff ( 1 hr 45 min I t2:lll O IOO Animated Fealured monslers Dracula r ra11i.ensl(l1n and ttie WOitman are 10t11e<J by guests Dionne Warwoek <Jnd Rip T11ylor tn 1h1s Halloween special I 1 hr I CI) AM>11 THI IDfTCJn DUK (l )IODIQ Coveiage ol lhe Sean o ·Grady I P<'le Ran111nr 10 round welterweight bOOI from Caesar's Palace 1n Les Veges Nov (A) (4 hrs) (O)llOft "Emlllenne" (1975. Drema) ·x· l hr , 34 mrn I 1t:11 um°''* Mm llOVll "Red Ball Express" ( 1952, Oro ma) Jell Chandler. Ale., NICol Supply trucks courngeously head through enemy llMs to come to the aid 01 tronHlr1e 1an1<1 {?hrs) ®) 110¥11 .. Moon Of The WOii" ( 1972. H<.>rror) Oavrd Janssen, Botbara AllSh .. llO¥ll "The Nighl Thi.It Panickod ArnerlC8" ( 1975. Or11mo) VIC Morrow Cliff De Youna 0 llO'ta "Nil/hi Of Till! Lrvong Dead" ( t963, H0tr0t) tZ') llO¥ll "Demon:i 0 1 Tt\a Mind .. ( 1978. HOfrOfl Paul JOOM, Piurk:I\ Magee A 191h·century COUl'll whese family h&s o ht11to1 y of 1nsnn11y tries 10 unoovet Ille IQonllty of n tMut11f murdelm who "81 ~illed M1veral v111ngo women 'R' (I hr • 29 m1n.J ... llllOWll "Jull&" ( 1977. Ootm8) Jiiiie f.or)(jll. Vat'IKSft Aedgra~ Wrilet Llllll!n t-tollmlln 19 drawn Into the m81n 1nn~1 nl wa111111P ll'SISl.111CC elfutl'> when l\et CIOS· esl c:h1lflhuad lt11't1d SP1'k' her hr>lp (I hr . 30 nun I lt:5t ,S lllOVll A111t>111 .m ti1yo1u ( 1980. Ora 111,1) n1c,tiatcJ C...ere I 1tu1l'n Hutlon f\ Bev e11y I Ml< q1go10 f>et;Orn<'' the prnne sus· peel 111 ;i n1111dP1 111vesf1Q.ltoo11 Fl ( 1 tu 57 min) ,. I EVENltQ AT TME-..OY . lllT Of lmllQHT 9'£CW. llOVll "The Shull' ( 1965. Honor) Pele• Cuc:.hony Ch11srophet Lee A rny'lle r10t1~ .. ~ ull .-.ude a powerful and deslruc· 11~e 1nllui>•1ce on .111 who come 11110 con 1,1c,I w11n 11 (2 h1<.. 30 min) J1) llOVll A11 fven111y 0 1 fdyar Allan Poo ( 1911 ttcmm1 V111cE1r11 Pnce fl() llOVll Th\' fl,.,151 Mu<..1 Die' ( 1973 Houo11 C;ilv1n l vtl\hart Pele• Cushing A m1111011a11t' sport'>r11i111 1nv1tes a selecl group ol nr>ople lu t11<. remote lodge dur on<J i lull 111.1011 to •Pvr",)I 1ne we1ewolf a1i11)ng ttw111 (:>hrs I t:25 C llOVll "l ·1nct•111y101c• I 1980 Come- dy! JP;in Paul n,-1mondo Genevieve Bu1o111 A p.1wl1>ll c.on ;i111s1 encounlers !rouble wt1en he 1Pvr1 1<. ltl hrs olO w11y of Irle ( 1 hr 40 n1111 I 1:'9 0 L.wGIH TRAX Q) llOVll "Ho rr111 Hou!'te· ( 1970 Horror) (r;J11k1e Avi!IOll Joi! HAWOrlh A group Of res1les<. youny people wrlh 11me on lheu hands d<!.;ode 10 con1,uc1 a seance al a naunreo hl>U!.e 11 hr 30 mm ) O llOVll SP• W1<,h · c 1976) Harry Reams. C J L a1ng X ( 1 tir 30 mrn ) 1:iellH'llOVll ' ThP Jau Srn~er" ( 1980 MUSI· c.11) Neol Olanicmd. I aurellCe Ot1111e1 A Now York cAnlor b1e;ii.. .. w1111 family tradt 11on and St>IS out 10 h11t1 <;uccess as a pop music slar PC. I 1 hr '>~ n1111 I btl®)MC_,,. a. I) llOVll The Dt-mon And T tie Mummy" ( t975. Mystery) Darren McGuv1n. Caro- lyn Jones A .. she·dev11 .. goes on a ram page while a repotter chases a mummy ~hrs) (\j :i ·Alice Sweet Allee.. I 1978. Horror) Linda Miller Paula Slleppard Members 01 ;in 11a1ran Amer lean lamlly are vicllmlzed by a psycholoc murderer rn lhe1r m1dSI R' ( 1 hr 48 mm ) lllllOYll "Green Ice·· ( 198 t. Aoventure) Ryan O'Neal, Anne Archer An er'lloltneer and a soc1ah1e a1temp1 10 rob a Soulh American emerald smuggle• of 11 tortune 1n gems 'PG' ( 1 hr . 55 min I t:tl(Ll llOft "Fas! C<>" ( 1979, Adventure) John Saxon. W1ll1am Sm11h A race car d11ve1 plans on geltlng baci.. Into an 1mpof1an1 lurmy car race attei h•S sponSOI replaces him wHh hrS bl9gesl 11v11t 'R' ( t ht , 35 min ) D llO¥ll "Night SchOOI" ( 198 t. Mys· iory) Leooard Mann. Rachel Ward An a111hropology protossur w1lh n penchant fOf co-eds is sospe<:ted of lhe brutal mur· oors of some of h•9 fOfmet tled partners 'R' ( 1 hr , 28 min.) 1::91.-..T~nllllAIUIT M MOWI "Funhovso" (1981. Horror) l.'lirabelh Betridge. $ylv~ Miles Four 1oen·agon1 spend a frlghlfvl mght 1n 8 ~r nl\/111 funl'IOuso 1nhabiled Oy n demented barker and his monstrou• 8Qn 'R' ( I hr • 3Smln.) • • M0¥8 "Montier from The Suit" (1963. HorrOf) Jon HaN, Sue CaNy A tothel'• lt&IOut passions cause l'llrn 10 IOf· ror110 his '°" Gnd the young man't girl· lttend. ( 1 ht . 30 mil\ ) 1:: ... -laturclay Cont. <I I M0¥11 11111p~ t ltlfll I '"" lvl t'l1tl11! l\1tf•l 111 II• flt l<k Ill I uh II Wlu•cc 111• l1tlhllt 1'M• I :.01lll lll•ll tlhlli 1111 111 I Ill , ,., 1111• 111t1lt1h It. .. plll ••ill I"'"'" I'll 11 Ill t;J111111) QD llOvtl "I 11., t "'"'"" 11t All·ll' 11'1 tll n.1111JH• "' M.111 .. 111 t ''"""" 1 1 .. 1111 ''"~"' /\ "'"'"'' 11111•1 ' '" .. ~ ltll "' l11v1• w1H1 11 IH11ll1ttftJI l 111t 1111 "f''"" 111111-.11 wunt111t 111 All.)141111 I I 111 Ill 111111 I 7* DAllCI PIWJI CILPC....U mONLA. PIGHTIACl mONtMOllOO NI tum WIDDD f!IAGAZM I ) llllOYll . l\•lf1111 ( l'ltll I"""'"~' 1l11cJl11y Mii"'" I '•"1 M11111 .. 111 Wt11t1 111 f.trrnly tt1f••tt1pl• ''' 111,1• f11111 o•l1 •Pl•' •• ff,lftUt•cS tU1\1thl•I'' 1 fth1t 1a..1 " to dt1f11 .tu 1•1.aylH)V 11111·, .,, h \ti w1lt1 1 tn11u 1rN••f~1l •tj U!!.I 'l 'li' (1111 !i.!111111) l:llOU (t) WA.LT DtlNEY l>o-.1"'f 1t.111 .. w111•11 T11•11I l lul 1,11 ,.111111 1 "1•11 I 11 ,,., 111 I 111 .. 111·~ 11.1 "" • .1" I 'c 11·1 I "" 1111 I >.ti 11t,llll111:. ' ,~''"'w Wl111!• r11111 I 1111~ Arnt r hr ''·""" .1111 11t1•· ""'"" 1 t tt1 ) o m DtFfll(Jff 1nt0«n w.111.. II"' • c.111yh1 111 lh•• ll1tlhlh ol .1 •I•" •1 l111t•I wl11"1t l1e 1rnn'> 11 < 111.ottlt.tt 1 1\11111•1•. lypc "'II""'''' 11u11 0 D YlnlWt; ntE TtN TltOUIANO DAY WAii Surtent1t•r Ttu• th1f111111• • t)ll.111•,1• 1>1 ~Ooltl Vutltt 1111 • 1 1111... t uh1u1t,,,,.. w11t StW')Otl (' '", 0 ® T..1. lt()()t(UI 1111 ·~··• .11111 H11111.1111 set WI lu l ••Pl•11t' .1 llUt)•' tlllll'1H 1u,u1 who 1~ .111.1~~1nq ,,.,, 11 .. , 1·11·1 1 t "' I u llOYll '"" 111111 ,,. ''"'' ll11p1111cl Ol\it1cl" ( 1•111 ll1111nr 1 to•l111 I'"'""'" Ot>nt1otm r lhctlt A 11· 11·11.i.11 f, ,, tt•n ''""', .-1ppe..tJ"-f, 1 1 lhJ1•111 1 I '"' 1.ltul 1111•. JU¥er~·ty 11 t11·. 1 (!) LAUGH TM.I Cl) ANAtlOtl HAUOWU N PAAAOE M1·. , Anll?l•C ii 1'1tt l (11'111 .... M.1tl1 II llHI (1111 Wt.'l'h ho• I lht I' I 1·1'-11 ,ff'' "'I lh•lt) woo.J ll'll'l1riltl' 1, hr-. , Cl) llOYll 1111' •i "· 'I' l .1111111 "'.1 • I 1 '11111 01.11n.ll llnl>liv V•"" " H ''"''' V.t11qlo11 A yt>t111<I '"I • ''"' I" "'' It ll~w "'' ''"'l·,t inr~tr"t~u. ,,j . .,. t' p' lut 1ru•,1 (, hi'> I Q.f llAJI MAWILAAI A lllm hy Uuh .. h 1111111111 111 I ull• ll111ltJfn11k1•1• 1tll1t1u uf mid 111ttu hot.111fh c 0111ury Hltl'"'" uncf u11111plk111 111 lhu 1111111h•~(llllQ'S111 Iha llUlth I 1111l lt1t.1lutt hi 1\111) 8D OOYNIY "I V<:y A11C1 H1tt r 11111 I umtly" 11111 111·~ c11101y ol " I 114' rnllttu11 yuu1 old .kul• 11111 111 111 tho h><Aill/O(J r1111111illb •>I l'.J 11t 11111 C lllllUlllJJOllllllHll h(tVfl tij)Ulktld II r1111111r 11111111111111•)' 011u1 1tu11111n uvolutum i!_IJ LJ ( I tu I '1!) OllAMGI COWfTY fllAGAD9 I ftlllutull .. , 'llllK 1•. IJy '"" ''°'' u loul.. UI M11111111 "'"'" t111111 K11011~ llo11y I utlll, u w111 Ill 1111• t1111f1u Ltl)I Mu•JJc.; NIUht LlulJ. l uu1111n Bu.1th ., t1t>1111 "'U" trn1tco11oc•y IC) ltlOYW l ho f'Ul'>Utl 0 1 () n Coo(JUr" ( t981, A<.1vo111uru) l1eo1 Wlll1n11111, nouurl l lt11111ll A lhl(1t f,kyftU.k!l U pl1111" Ulltl JJlllll l tt11111•1 lo -.i1tu1y ovnr OiutJO" with 11 101 '""" 111 •1tcJlu11 111orn•y ·p c; 11 hr IO 111111) (_f ) tl'OlfTtcllfTD (0 lllll0Yll "111t100'' ( 19111 Ocw11a) llturn l>o•111 M1111Cf At.111111!• An t>h'.4t!>~ h1llou ollh!.I kttllltlfl'-II IU'thtU(l moonl Jlltl j.IHI c.ood" lo i,Ovur hor l>o<.fy wtlh 111:1 lumt.11 work ·A' ( l h1 . 4!1 nun I ( $) IUM.IY~ Attu Joh11son 1m<.1 I °'"" Nyo hoi.t 11 look at Ourlut.que. ti:. clown(, cow '"" and 1.>cou11ful i,howg1rls perloun ( t ht I l::M .. G) •m WOOM n11.ky'i. stctcl UllO 1nt1ependen1 mnthur 11111vo!. l<J take 111111 home with h(lr ~ llOYll "San111 re Trail" ( 1940. west em) [1101 rlynn, Oh111a de I tuvlllancl The hght IUI "OIOO<ly Kansas" lakes pla<;c duro11g lhe pre C1vll War days whrn George CuMer ano JelJ Stuart t>etJan 1he11 111tlt1ary careers (I 111 , 30 n11n ) (H) llOYll "House Calls" ( 1918. Come tly) Waller Matthau. GtentJa Jack!>011 A widowed doctor halls his Ca~11011a lt!rltl er1c1e5. tony enough 10 fall lor a d111orcet1 who doo~n·r behove m ph1landert11g 'PG' Lt 111 38 1111n ) m llOYll "Ttie looters" ( 1%!>. OramJ) R0<y Calhoun. Juhc Adams A group ot plane·crash s11111111ors grapple C1espera1ely among 1hemse111e!. 10 gel their hands on a large sum of money concealed 111 the wreckage (2 hrs ) Ml r 7 1 DHnt MD TME llAIDO Costa Mesa 's Only Complete Funer al F acilities ... (f l MON 'My ll1111vu1111trf' ( Ul19, 011111111) C IHI" M11l.1'p1•1ll.tl Ad1tm U11klw1,. II tl(•w krtl 111 11 C.tuc.;ul)<> tuuh •'4 11110111111i.u~ h1t11 11I'. Wiiii lhu 11(..11()(11 OUI uwl 11111 1 11ovuthu1 H111y 11hH1d uµ l<J tho l llJlll 01111U with.It 11111! flltPlAtr UIUIJ 1110111 00111 1;1 hrn I D GD -A ..UC A h1u11d ul Kdll4l'i. look11 111 tllu Kutw ky" frn hulµ 111 koop1ng Ullll~llJhitl hu~ 8 THI TD ~ MD DAY WAI ' lt10 IJ111o111'll G11ttJ1or" 11111 pclfltw111 1u11d 1u'>t111(1rll ul '/ 8 1111ll1ui1 v11101nn" of lltil V1t11110111 1.011lhc.1 and whul 1t10 orn'n kuy 1.mltc.;y11111ko1•, .ar .. ctrn11u llJtJuy mu uK& Hllllotl ( I ht ) G QOI LOW IOAT A motllt'r 11rld hnr cJnughlur fut.u 11 t..Mh wlt1111 lhuy lllUOI lh-0 11111· .. fulhor t111µli'!I ''· J1t11 .. 1111!1 lJy It IOOll •Jiit" 1111111°111111 w111o ''"' ""'"""'· .ind a lu11 l11v111u wom.ttt h1lh lrn ,, 111.1rnnd 111a11 Q l' h1 I ('J llOVll W11110:,., I rn I hu Ptlh&CUlloo" (1057, My1.to1yJ l yrww l'owor , Morlenll ""'111(.11 0<11.1•cJ 011 11111 •,1111y uy Aya1ha (.tur .. 1111 ll1t• d1•ft•rod.i11t " wile <,e11ou!oly h.irm!, him wrlh l111r 111~111111111y 1n ht!> rnur· Our 111111 (:I 1115, '30 111111) f.13 lf'ftTbY "fJy1111oi Duy" Ar111tony Sk1µI '"ll (11111 Mr.K1•11u11) prc:'.~111111 Ille 0111<1ence ol lltt.' µltJI 10 murfll'I h1111 to lhl' pollG&. but they ruh>'A• ''' l>Olt(ivc t11111 t~•urt 2) Q ( 1 tir) !El CR. FOOTIAU H,t1111lti111 l1yer Cari:. at [drnt1n1C1n rsi.111100, (2 '"'•) ( S) MOYIE .. All Ntylll l 01111" I 198 t, Come· dy) C..en1:1 H11<.krmm. 0,Jrl>r•' Stro1san<1 Aller being (jcmoted tro111 corporate execu11ve to ch11"• l>tore 111ght manager. a rrnucllo·ageel m.irt' s hff:!.tylc and values are 1u1nea ups1<1P down ·tr ( I "' . 28 min ) 0 ( Z) llOYll "HaflowtJon II" (198 t. Hor 1or) JJ1nte I oo Curlis D<mald Pleasence A hopelessly u1!k.l11e rnuruerer con11nues his rcr11n o l l<J110r "' a small town 'A' Nl@ MEWI t:ll D G) LOVE, ..,_., SocJ11ey learns lhat l au11e has torgot1e11 his plans to celebrate ttleu ninth anniversary together [l.)llOYll "P1111a1e Lessons" ( 1980, Com· eoy I Sylvia Krt&hll Howrcrel HesserMn A wealthy man iiSStgns his ~<1uc1111e hoose- i.eeµer the 100 ol p10111<11ng hts 15·year-ol<l son w•th hos hrsl sexual expe11ence 'A' I l<1rho1· La\\11 · \1(>unt Oli\e .\ Icn 101·ial Pc:irh · \t1ort ua rr · \ tausolcu ms • Rurwl I n t\11.11 ('e metery --Shipment --Cremation Plans Available 1625 Gisler Ave. Costa Mesa (Gisler A ve. al Harbo r Blvd.) Ph 540-5554' Friday, October 29. 1982 2 1 ----------------------~ tD D1CC CAftTT Gues1 Dame Margo! Fonteyn (R) ( 1 hr ) ~ llmDITANDllG IUWt llHAYIOR ~ llOVIE "Silver Bears" ( 1976. Adven· ture) Michael Caine. Cybill Shepllerd ( 1 hr . 53 min) IODIQ Coverage of the Sean o·Graay I Pele Ranzan1 10 round welterweight bOut from Caesar s Palace 1n Las Vegas. Nev (R) (3 hrs ) cm ftOCl OM TY Cf) llOVIE "The Club" ( 1960. Orama) Jack Thompson. Graham Kennedy ( 1 hr . 39 min ) 0 llOVIE • It Rained All N1gh1 The Day I Lett" ( 1976. Drama) l ony Cums Sally Kelletman ( 1 hr . 40 min ) 6) llOYIE · This England" \ 1943. Orama) ROddy McDowell. Cons1ance Cummings lhr . 30m1n) 11:11 Cl) IR TODAY WALL ITl&T MMllAl l90WT WU. RD ..a Of AlmAl.I PIMf'IC1M Guest Dr Charles Bui· !en G'i> UMDllllTANDllG IUWt llHAVU t119 CZ> llOVIE "Freaks" (1932. Horror) Leila ~ams. Olga Bacianova ( 1 hr , 5 min I WU Cl) IR FOOTUll Los Angeles Rams at San Diego Chargers (Tentative) (3 lhrs!t-:-~ IBMAW fWLJCM.11 .... 12 Ullm "The Fltght Of The Condor" Dr. Donald Johanson takes viewers on a rare )our~~ through the Andes Moun- tains. (I ~ •=cM'::.IBT l1.cM1 "Green Ice" ( 1981. Adventure) Ryan O'Neal. Anne Archer ( 1 hr . 55 min) cm 9CMI "Two Weeks In Anothl!f lown" ( 1962, Orama) K11k Douglas. Edward G Robinson. (2 hrs.) *I=' OUT'DIT'l:M:-O-I0011.-i1•KJM''fll llCMI "Carousel" ( 1956 MlJSlcal) ordon MacRae. Shirley Jones (2 hrs . 30mln I (!) mVll "My Fnend FIK:ka" ( 1943. Ora· ma) Roddy McOowall. Preslon Foster (2 hrs.~ I=.,. ..... , 0 WCMtoea•n llCMI "Hands Of A Strangle1" ( 1961, .. 1Ho<r:J.~::J.er, Deny Carrell (2 hrs) ...... mLMID .. llCMI "Courage Of Bleck Beavty" (1957, AdVenlVle) John Cr&wfOfd Mimi 01~8'1 hrs.) I .~nm ... llCMI "The Rains Of Renchlpur" ( 1956. Orama) Lana Turner. Rk:hard Bur· ton.=) ~ "GhOlll That 51111 Walk" 978 •. HOfrOfl Ann NeltOn. Mall Boston hll.) lld MAVIUM A lrtm by Dutch him· mak., rona R•deml'k0t1 teHlng of mi(j· nlnetNOlh century rocltm and COfrupllon In the vatt holdings ot the butch East t[lQIMm:;ra.) • •1U•1t TODAY "Two -Soll· Mede Mlllloo4til"'" The Rewardt 01 SYooett" Mery Key Ath Ind Lllllen Ver• n«1 Kett tatlt ebOUt how they mede thefr 2'4 Friday, October 291 1982 Donn) Mo~t ~t ars a!' ro<·k sin gt-r who gt•tt-1 thn•a t on 'CHiP~' Smuluy at H p .m. mil hons m llOVIE The CttlK.al I 1•,1 ( 1418 llrn ma) Lloyo Clriogec. Rulw.!rl w .uvu•r 1:• hrs) ~ lfT'M>OUCllQ llOt.OGY (~) llOYIE "The Man Who W1111ld [lp K1114 ( 1975, Advf>nlure) Sea11 Connery Michael Cain!' (2 llro; q 111111 1 ($)llOVll 'lhe lovl'd l)111• ( l<l6!> (,um edyJ Roberl Morc.e A111.ir11•llP C1>me1 1 1 hr . 55 mrn) 0 110V1E 'This 11me roreve1" 11960 Romance) Cllwe Pimpare. V1nter11 Vm1 Pa11en ( 1 hr 35 m111 1 (?)lleml "Ocnions Of The M1n<J t 1978 HorrOI) Poul tone<, fJa1111.k Mngce ( 1 hr • :>9 1111n ) Ml (Ill RAT 'ATIIOl. t:llD OM~ rrarurod 01•.r11s'il0t1'l on the consequcJ)C('i; nt a 11uc.IM11 t>test. Aus s1an m1iltery supe11oi11y rhc pi>oce movt' menl and an uncon1m111l!lf' hr<;I ~l11k•• cau~9'u~error ·I:=::. "°"OQ' 1:11 UllllMIA WOCIU 0/1 MCUI COUl-TUU Ml I AmlCUl.MW UA. llCMI "Oh<>llt Clllzy" ( t9'4 Comt' dy) Biiiy Gilbert, Mnxle Ro<;()nbl0o1n (:> hrs.) Ill 11CM1 "Scarecrow" ( 1973. Ornma) Gen9 Hackmon, Al Pac~ hf5 ) I CMl'WA C~---.U. "9CMIT lfTROOUCllQ llOlOQY ALWTM lflOllTt CMA&..LW ,...,.,..._ • Dick Cevoll toolcs at lhe end of PrOhibillon, baseball'• llr•t all 11ar game and America's recovef}' lrom ~ Oreat OepreNIOO. (Q ._ "The Hond" C 198 t, HorrOf) Mlchn&I C1tlM Andrm• Marco~• 10 THl CROWN Of IOOG A kt11\l .111 l t11 son sel o•JI '" lf•t..i~·rur~ 11•1 c,111w1 .. 1 u ... unoerqround '""Qdum ol Bumi ~ m MAJffVIJ.E OM THl ltOAD -UTTU HOUSE OM THl P'RAM: : INllDE W....aTO.. I lo~I M.ir~ ,1 1•1iJ loo"s at ltw 1n11•1p1:iy 111 pnlll1< ... '">'""'' ana peoplP in lht> nc111un •• ir , ... r W DEUOMltG HOME INTENOM 1f .J "'°'"1CBfTBI 01 llOVIE 'GrP111J1•I G•1•11lJ .. 1. 1111•nd••I' 11981> A1lvt>ril '" A•• u11tt!J V•"l"'> ul fl('f1>r lJ<;t1n11v 1\1.,ll• Milt Ju•ll 1 t h• JO rrn11 I Z llOVIE l Ii>' I 11!h .tinµ UI Hu11rn•, ( t<\61 Ho11• -q .1 .. ~ •• .11 .e11 , J• 1 ,1111,111 Haie It hr 10 1111n I m llOYIE Ptralt•<. ()I M1trtlPrf'y0 ( 1<\4 7 AClve11tu1e) Mt111it Monte,. lll!O t,o1111er11n ~hr 30rmn I l:'5 llCl 1'£()11\,f WOl\JQHT '9IEVIEW l~o1>p1 t c l'>bu1t11 • previews Spothght's com111'1 <11tr.11.11.:i11:. •II COlilQE F<>O~ Ar1tw1.1 Sintr v• use (2 hrs, Cl IUICIAY l 1)1 .111un M.iyot M<•1111t,11n Va1enc111 t 1 h1 , Ill 111111 J m AT THl llOYIEI ClOll~ llOYIE Tt•P I h!IJ' ,. 11 .. 11 ()r111pe•l BIOO<l' ( 11n 1 H"" "'I Jonrr AP•)Ot'll Denhoh11 flholl 1;> f,1..,) m llOYIE A J winy rt11r11-1 H,1pperie!J On The Way l ci Tlw I nr11111" ( 1466 M11s11.tlll Zero Mo~1e1 f'h S•l~•·rs t • lw. J Cl) llOYIE Phanlon1 Of lht.> n1w Moigue" ( 1954 My<;le1y) K,1rl Mahlt•J1 P~111Ct8 Medina ri~J fli) WALL WUJC S.i1l111t1 Alor.q Wilh Megellan· Gu1•c;1 P!'t<'1 I ynrh. v11.•' nrel>t· cJent r1oehly M.ifl.l ljPlllt'lll ~ Rt·~arch Cornpa11y m MOYIE · The r. ,...,.,,. I l<.!68 Sr 11>11ce F1ct1onl c,Porge H;u11111on Su10nnP Pleshette t:> hrs ) «!) Dl....0 HOME "I tJIOM 1ffi llOVIE 'Porlr<lll 01 A ReO.,I M111gare1 Sanger' t 1980. B1<>\.1rtlphy) Bonrne r rankhn _ David Ouke<i ( 1 hr 45 nun I ($) lemY VlfTOM Bollt>y V111ton perfo1ms !.ome ol h1~ b'i>Qe<>I lols r111..lvdlng "Ahrc (.)n Blue" r111<J Ren Ro~s r0t A Blue I ady ·· trom thr ~and<; Hulet 1n I as v~as t 1 hr) 0 llOYIE "AllhU! ' ( 1961 CornPOy) Ounley Moore 1 1:il M""~"' 11 hr tl'.I min l .. ~ ... 11\JMG d -..TOMGHT d ~lllT lfJORTI l.IGEC>I lt1Jward Cosen" Host Kon Howa1n I fACI TMI llA110M •llMCMOf- • ._.,OM WDll "REVllW llCllllQWITMC81>Y llO¥ll 'Talhet 0 1 The 01100" ( 1%0 Cornedv) Spencer Tracy. flWlbOth Tay· IOr (1 hr . 30 min ) ll!l -.. ~ 0011011 Pistons at lnd1Mn PllC".cMI (Our lo mnncJotOfy rec 1~u1n11011s. thl'I yanie mny t.>o hlnckc•u ou1 1n y<:Nr nrea) (:> htl :la mlll ) .. lZ) llOVll "Tho Howl111g" ( 1981, ltotrOf) Ceo Wellllcn. Patr1rk Mac~ 11 h1 3 1 mini -1=:~"*" WALL nmT "°""9W. l&'OWT ... CilOWI °' &OllY: WILi.Wi ,. '°"°' A film by Ktn Autsell dealing with the poet W1R1em WOfdlWOllh't pal&loMte rtlatlonth!P with his ~!\let. Dotothy ( 1 hr) -lunclay ... .,_ACI nmllCOM "°"'ICINTIA ( lntl~IJl l11111ul11y Wttld h1111111, I 1•1• J1111u•1 111111 W1t1111111 1\1111 'ol111 111 11111 N flw 11111<1 N111,t1 pluy 11h1"1t .111 1t1111•1u11I '"" '"''" llYllu tulltll'. I hu111t., Wllllhlfl •, Y'''"'' ~loll h1vu <" 111. I0 111111) ... CM'fOOMI lttl WHA'M NUT .. lMOVW 'A11111111t:. A11t ltoi.111111111 1•,,111•lt• 111111) l.M.u111u11ld1y I I lu I.' 111111 I U1 PACI nt1 MAnoet ROllJITICHUUO .. c...TOflMIR C&.OllUP .. CAPTAltUMGAROO ..,. Ml> TMI W'OKIJe WOIO CAMPUI PWU: NWOIWT Gel NU'TJl-lnoet~=~ IUUll IUMDAYllAll .... tM>WOROOll AU. THY CMATUREl I 11111t.. I 1ul1J 1upclrt'. (Ill oHl hf,tl'h wtldhlu ll•1illlt1llhlll µ10\jl•llll '"""-'d ,If l••hllllllllj n11.>l11 ,,, .11111111111.. um lo, 111 1111111 t1•1fl11,1t t1o1htl.1I 111 \fl!' I toity l .u1u (HI 11111 I 'C> MOW r ·•"'l" 1,, ,,,.. 011c.Jl• · 11•1:,o C11r111•1ly I S p1•111.l't It a1 y I h1.1liut11 I .ry tvr (I ht JO 111111) E COLllQE FOOTIALL N011o• 1>.11110 I •1lhl "'ii 111.,h at N.tvy M1ll-.htp1111>11 ( l hr:. ) ,5' WILD IAllEI 1111-. 11rn 111111•11t.11y c.111 hl'5 fllil!ly w1t1t .1111111.11" .1h lhl'y ijlllw vp tllltl ft'rlfll fll O,lllVIVI' 111 II 1>'11 11111111,11 h0bllo)l Ml LOIT .. IPACf 1::11 llJllJIW'm MlmllT ICHUU.ER QAOWINQ YE.Ml VOYAGE CHICAOOUMD CHIMCH HCMM IPU.K OUT { 1 MOVIE "P~)llr.111 I lt /\ nt'IJl'I M111q.11t>I :.;,1nye1" ( 1'lUO A1ou1.1plty) Brrn111e I 1,1,.klln. D,hll<J ()ulo."' ( 1 111 45 111111 t 0 MOYIE My c 1..,111p1on ( t98 I 01.1 111.t) Yu~ S t11111.11J,l I .to11-. Mtlf,hllrn I I hr ol::> 1nir1) I Zl MOYIE "<lt11t I olu Mt• fn ' I tG3o llu1 rull Tod SIJ111jt11r1 I v1• l 1•.tr•1 ( 1 ht '.l'> ""'' I 7.0 TOOAY'l llElJC»()M THA'MCAT UTTU llA.ICALI IT II WllffTtN Ka.mt COf'£.LNI) TAlaM DAY Of DllCOY'EJIY WOOOY WOODflECKEJt AND FllENDI YOGA FOR HEAl nt IUMDAY llAll HOTWHEELI P~r pr!.'-.-.urt' .-. rhe 1..1111 :>I lh1S ,,lory ·lbtl\JI d teen JHl:'I S (lrVUl('lllS IWlllE~~f a=H 1• UQHTBI ... Of Tl4E .... 7:311 Lfflml AU. THYCMAT\MEI frJ11k r1ekt repo11s nn ;in IMae11 wrl(Jlift' rt'Sl1lla1tur1 µ10t)1.im a1111ud a1 re1urnt11y li•IJflt ill Jnim:irs bac..k ilJ 1g5i:;~~:eT:: arid aalY IWAOGART mmt ltOGOI (R) M WOMJ> TOllOMOW MOYIE 'Ttll! Man Whu Would Oe K1n<j' ( 1975 AdvP11!ure) Seiln Connery M1rhad Ca1nr t? hr'I 9 1111n ) 10 1 nll at0W 01 IOM A ~~1\1 11nd 111~ 11111 ••ttf 11u1 HI''" 11ptu111 H1u \ tuw11 111 111 .. 111111=1111111 i-111u1111u1 u< nouu Il l Y WlfToel ll11t1t1v V111ICJ1l fllltli1111111 '•• ~llt• 111 1!1·. 111\1~1' .1 htl• 1111 1111111111 lllut1 Ott fth1t1 111 111 llHl lt11· .. 1·. I 111 A Uh1u I rn tr Ir""' 11111 '.11111111 I h1l11I Ill l 11'> Vtiijll!I (I IH) 7:11 U1l ltOVW Anut11111y 1 ll A Mwdw ( 11J'1U My•.1t11y1 lllllll'~ 11h•w.11I '""' I •ll/ltllll Jt111> 10111111) .. IUMDAY~ PONll All> ,...,I PUIOIW. ...... In MM• UQHT U.OY'D 0-. VW ._. .... llMYPN..WIU CM'fOOlll WCTIIC COWAMY (RI m .. ••111 ( J MOVW ' Gr.-wh 1I I 1tu11llut < ••1•1111111 ( 1Htl:1 Adv11111111111 A1111n111ti1t Vrn<,r·•, ul l'u1111 11•111111111 Kt•rlh Mitt htlll ( t hr .• m 111111) ( 2l MOW 1f,11fuw1•1•11 11 (11161 Hn1101 I J111111t1 I l•11 C.unr, (Jwc11t1J F>111,1•.ut1t.l• (I Ill , 30111111) m u..nt o°"1.MO 1::11 D OOYlllY C.tit•.,1!> f!l'v < .enu Caflt't 1111111•,11•1 111 lJ111vu1•,11y Cl111!.ti<111 Chu1c11 I t>h A11011tt'-. S11lly <l111dn111 fl vic11m ol lppt1'>, Pll',IOI Ju1.k tt11ylor1t Cllwr.h 1111 ll•c W11y. V,Jll Nuy•. 1111111111 l l11hl!., Mw.u I""'~~~:::· WCnlC COWAMY (R) KNOW YOUll ~ (H1YHTPYIAIL 1tD l>11 k C.1vot1 hJOI.., ,If tht-""'' 111 flt0ll11J11ro11 LJ.1•.d.11111''> tu-;t .all .,,,,, 11111111· .md /1111ur1t.,1" recovery 110111 th.-<l•l'ilt f>.•pre'.o,t1in $1 UM TWAIN ntUT1'f I tw Runu<' I r~'>VIC lt>nr <,o1wye1 .ind I h11..~101.>e11y r lftfl yo Ill '>l.'oJll " 111 llllll<'IJ 11r.v,ure o.1111119 tltt• M1S'>tM,1pp1 (I 111 10 111111 ) 0 MOYIE "C11•11d,.I. <J1e111Jol. Ccundol" ( 198:1 Adw11tu11·) Arurn;itrel VfJtC't::. ut Pt1lcr lhf111u11 Kt•tlh Mil• ht•lt (I hr 30 cr11n I t.00 I mET Tl4E ..... • •IT Of A.M. LOI ANGELES 0 ORAL IM>IOTI alCOKI> IT II WllffTtN : IEIAIE ln&T (R) D • CA.l.FOlllA WEd. WllEVEW ( ) 9'0llTICOfTDI m WOflU) v... 1::11 FACI TMI MA TION GHIFl 'a WAT AIERICAN MEN DAY Of DllCOY'EJIY LONEMMOER llDelETH C°"1.MD M WOflLD TOllOMOW • Tl4E UWllAICEM ' ) M\MIE 9'0llT /\ S1..1en11fic e11ptor.1ltor 01 athletK µertormanc.e wt11<;h canard at11 tele'> 1111mprov1ng thl'll g.ime (Al H 1 Tl4E COP AND lltE ANTHDI Rober 1 Mmsf• "IMS 111 1h1o; 11m111.. 1.omedy basec 011 0 Hp111y's story ,11Juut a bum who 111e• 10 gel J11e:.te<1 so lhJI he can spend 1hc r11gtt1 tr >1 warn1 prl C.•·11 0 1 MOYIE lwt w,..,._._ In A111,fh1" T 1w1 t 19h,1 [11,1111.1) K·•~ I •nuyl.1•., I lh .ll I l , Ro u111»011 I 1 I •r '> I Z MOYIE nem1,11•, 11! ltw M1111J t l't/!j H-orrurt P,\ul J ur ,,,. ~ .11111.k M.iyt!t' ( 1 hr 29 nun J 1*0D 0 NEWllWCEJtl D II) Wl.FOOTIAU llw "~"''Illy "'l1•U ljf•r•I 1111111 • 11 .. 1.,. )" ,., I 1111,f 1 I If,,.., NI l OWllUI I f1l.1yuf di 11111" lfollllllllt. Ulllft -.11lvrnl wilt. 1111 Iii.ti• J•lll\jf1111t1111111J -.,C ht1tkllf d •f I Nt I'~ I· 1 Wt I" lUl'lit•'• r~ "'" l • MOVll M.1ol M .. 11 lo 'I 1•.1rtv t •'ltU , 1111 1111•.yl A111111,1fi .t 1 1111 '"' 111 l1t1ylli. (1111111 1111111, K,11f11ll ( lit I ~ llJICll.UIT PM IT OM Of Titl M Gel HDA&.D Ol TIMlt I MOYW "" 111°111 Hu111 11'141 Mv .. 1ur.,1 lhtl.11 111 w 11 11 1 1 1µ1•, 1.1111111 11 I 11 I() II •II I I '~=.., TMI UWllAHJtl: W CTION '12 llOtll~Pll l MOVW I lu1 t •"'ti I t.1111 H11t1liu1y" 11'11'1 /\1Jv••11t•111 I • '"'" 1.111111ul'( Don .1l1l '1ull11•1l,111 I t I lot 11 I 111111 I f , AUTO llACIMO I '"' ( lljt 111 ,,. .. NA!) ( Afl W111111•1 w ""'"I""' ·on lrrnto lhv(•r 'otelu. Lulol jHJ I.' 1,,.,, (ti MIO llAGAZIMIE !SI lllOVlf If, I I I I 11•1/ll ( llfllt! ••yi w.1111·1 M ,111 • • ,1o",, 1 ... ~· .. 11 11 l1f '.Ill flllfl I 0 MOVll A11y Wl111 11 VV.iy Y1111 (.<Jn" ( t1J&O C.111111 ·drl 1 11111 I ,, .tW•JtirJ •;n11t1111 Int.kl' t I lu 01•, 111u *'° IWTEllFACE I LOUii KAiL.Ait ®J •IT Of KIOI Allf Pf°"-£ TOO C'olJl'!:ol« l "11 I'"' •I 11•1 Jy II dl..lllf I Ont l~IJ5i~lotlllll lfl) ( f 111) : OPPMll> I WA.U. STIIEET WEEK . ' .111111111\1111111 W1tt1 Mt~'t II.If t .w • f •·11·• I '(tu '' "'"-'' putS•- 111'111 rt J• 111, M 1 1 1• 1""'" r. ll"'"'•Hc.h Ct 1t11~1;1r1y U.0 2 WITH YOU I CALVARY CHAPEL MOYIE I 111 I ,, , • 11 I 11 M,lr 1,.hu" (l~t,,:, My .h ••1 1 ll11 l•if1l1·1 ll'P Nigel l oll'l!l1 ( 1 tor I Eii) lllA8TDlt'IECE Tl4EATR£ I u Serve 1111•11• All M, C >.1~ I l.u .d 111.Hlll"• Oeth, .uuJ t 1 , u,, • 1 .-t tt N.u Mt!n1011 1tl (., """·'••, hi• 1 1, ·, 1 1 lht•y build a fym t110,fo .,1d I 1 I ''"' \l'.1rt J) Q 11 tu ) '1\) HUllAHmfS THflOOGH ntE ARTS H MOYIE I • '" ! I 1•J8Q, ~u· .• 11 ,.,, I I I 11 J •''. l.uuj v,1nessa n"114,,.,, 1 ''" .i '' .. , ZI MOYIE 1111 ltuv.h11q 1 l!lB I. Murcorl D1·1· VV.1ll.1l •' ~'"'"' • M.1• 11,.1• 11 111 3 t 111111' m llAlJltf WUERSOH 11•@ MOYIE , I " M• "'~ U I Uc.tuber' t 1'174 fir.11 • , ;, 1o t•, I" ,,1111 M.irttn ShP••f I<,,, ' 11:JO I MR'S BEST EYER 110 ntS WEEK wm4 OAVIO MNCLfY ( l STARTREK C) TEMYCOL.E-WHITTUER (fJ MOYIE I I •1 > •, \llo ,)llllJlftg" t t!J&J tA' , I' I 1 i, 1 •• or1.111d Dirk BvgJuJt-(; hr I m CttUllCH IN Tl4E HOME HUMANJT1E8 THROUGH Tl4E ARTS I PIECE Of CUE Afternoon 1tt0 I THREE STOOG(S · SlARCH MOVE '' 1 ~A1 litw~".ufo" ~ ''o,r~ • '.~ I ,,, n rth• ., ' ;\ It·• Friday Oc.IOb~r 29, 1982 23 -Sunday Conl. Ll) llOVll "The BrOOd"" \ t979, Horror} Olivet Reed Samantha Eggar A man encounters 1err01 when he lire~ tu team why t01mer patients ol a mental cliruc are temhed t>y memories ot fl•e doctor who treated them l 1 hr JO rrnn ) -· ()) lM#IJI '°"' llUI. T11e hospital stall rS puuted oy a weallhy mys1erious patient an<1 Stlocl\eo to learn 111at a modest surgo<:al nurse poseo tor a g11he ma~111e (1 hr ) 1 ....... WON> fCMI TOOAY tTM~ A mus1ca1 01ograptly 01 composer Igor Stravinsky following the crea11ve points of his 111e trom personal to public w11t1 interviews and some of his var· 1ous pertoimances !Part 1) ( 1 hr ) S) ICAE&WlllEM I WON> INTO llAQI "Neil S1mor'I°" One of the most p1ot1llc w11t ers ol our f1me, with over i' I stage and screenplays to t11s credit. is 1nterv1ewed m ..__,. llOIT OIGIUIH "Clouds Ot Witness" Tt1e House ol Lords assembles to decide the Duke 01 Denver s late (Part ~1 (I hr) fC)llOVll ""The Man Who WOUid Be King' ( 1975. Adventure) Sean Connery Michael Caine Based on the S10ly by Rudyero Kipling Two Brrtrsh so101ors set out to claim the riches and power of a remote legendary l\1ng<1om 'PG" (;> hrs 9 m1n) llOVll The Ctub ( 1980 Oiama) Jack Thompson. Graham Kennedy The coach of a has been Australian toolball team lrnds the going rough both Oil the playing held and 1n the board room 1Nhere he laces an a11ta9on1s11c ck.lb pres1der11 U hr . 39mon) D .aYE "'This Time Forever" ( 1980 Romance) Claire Pimpare, V1ncen1 Van Pallan A French-Canadian g11f tails 1n love with a btash American collegc SIU· dent studying on Montreal PG' ( I hr , 35 _1m1n~W' -•Amt•ttMll Ill Bl> IPOll'fl ~ ..,, IWMIGAllT TOWI..,.... ~ ''Black Revolt In The '80s" Tony Brown uses hrstoucal com~s as a basis IOI discussion <JI) "The Final Conflict" ( 1981, Olama) Sam Nelll. Rossano Brau1 In lhe lhlrd par! ol "The Omen" lrllogy. young Demien. the embo<:l1men1 of the Anllchrrsl. Is now an adult and a trusted adVlsor 10 fhec l of the U S 'R' (I hr . 49 min ~ ,,_ TMI DOG lttOIT MOv. "Fury At Smuggler"s Bay•· 963. Adventure) Peter Cushing. Michele Mercier A nolorlous, ~venglng plrale causes e reign 01 !error along the brltlsti coaslllne. ( 1 "hr . 55 min.) ... UGAYIPOll'fl PMm CD llOWll "Hell Nloht" ( 1981, HOfrO<) Linda Bl81r, Vincent van Pa11en As part ot lhek inlttalton. fraternity and llOforlly pledges spend a nighl In a spoolly. sup posedly ab8ndonecf man&Jon 'R' ( 1 hr • .tOmlnJ... '*l&Jrr'i~'summaryot the poll Conducled by Larry McCormick by il '°'the lllewors. .-Y•--,..,,_ ..... a.Ollll °' &OllYl WLIJMI ,,. 00.. fllm by Ktn RulMft <*!ling ~lh the s>oet Wlnlam Wordsworth'• paaelona10 relatlonthlp with hl9 lltllf, Dorothy ( 1 ht.) 28 Fr1day. October 29, 1982 ED INEAl NVIEWI Nl•.JI r... tlJIPI 111 l Jo•I trey l yonc, rPv•!>w H1lf(•W•'•"" l 1,1 .. 1•,1111 (It ltii· W11t r r ""' H ,, ·l 11 " M<>11 ~nt)f El!} COUEQf FOOTLW. HIGHUGHTI ".t'1 '>JS V'> l"l'f;t,1<.~,1 0 llOVI( ~ unt.1111 " , l'Hl \ t~""''' 1 r h."abt!ll Oe111 JU• '1y••r.1 M'"' I . UI !Pen .iyer<. ,~crnl ,, rr1uhlh1t r11111 • '" .1, ,, r11vat tunh,H•• P rnh,JO•rflCJ b1 ,1 ''""" ••fNl lftlfktAr ;ind tW rr.~ )fl• ft U •,nr n I ' ,. t J!l nll!l I l llOVI( Hdllvw••r-n Ii' f 1901 I h ,,, ,, I .l;im1e LPP Curto<. rl11nal l r11•J<.1 nu· A hopeies<.ly 111~111• 111111 1eo1:1 1.t>11t11 ., .• ,,,. reogu or lt"?Hc>f .n .1 ""''' 1c.w11 A 1 t 11 30 rrnn) 11•@ llOVI( · A l 11wn t..111., J Hell ( 1'1I7 WestP1n1 notw11 ;:,t1r1w r. 11y '1.1v.11"' The !learch tor il MeA1t.ir• 11•v11h1111111,11)' !~:1~·~·· """'"""" ' "' IAlllY FAMDI AT THE llOYIEI llOVll 'The N11Jt11 1 n.11 r111 111 ~Pf! America' f l'l7!> Dra111JJ V•< Mo11.1w Chi! Of' You11y M1llin11s cot Arn1•111.:.i11" "" len1n11 In a 1938 1;11J11 nr• -1rJc.d\I of · Tht War Of The W111ltl<, are '>fdtth•of •nt" believing 1h111 An1t•11t:J 1., u11rlor .111.11,k bv Mamans I? hr·. J Cl) LDANOet THE CME. AfTENIA Tl4 Ell) TO KDJI AND IEAll AMII A .-ornp1 ehen s1ve IOOk ill wh('l"t, 101 anrl .1g.r111• t JU' con11ol 1n C:11ilom1;i Gl) llOV1E 'MOll'>ll't 01"-d!.lf•rs ' f 1981 Docume111,1ry) Document.1ry l lny<I B11oges host!. a look at somP of 1til' greM est natural arid man madf> (j1s;i'>IP1!. eot recent times (R) (2 hrs ) tt=-@ IPOl\JQKT ,._,, Robert o•,tiornr e!_~icws Spo1hght s 1..01111119 attrat.trons 11• U llOVlf "Monster 01sas1 pre;" I 198 t Documentary) Documen1111y Lloyd B11dges hosts a lo)()t.. at c;orne o t 1ht> great est natural and man made d1s.1<.111rs of recent llnies !Al (:?hr' ) fJ llOVll "Halloween With The Addam& Family" ( 1977. Comedy) Johri As11n Carolyn Jones Gomez ;mo Mf>ftrc1a while celebrating the11 onnual Hnllowecn bnsh pay hllle a11en11on 10 the trio of oumbllng t>urglnrs who have thP 111 forllmu tn pick the Addam!:' home (i' l'rs ) l$)llOVll "Tattoo ( 198 1. ()r,1m.i) Orutt> Dem. Maud Adams An ot>sP.9sed 1a1100 artrst kidnaps a htsh1on model .ind pro ceeds to <;ove1 her bQdy with 1111> han111 work "R' ( I hr 45 rrun ) t,. 8 llO'lm · T hf! I ast Oin<Y."..aur (1911 Sciencl' r1c;11on) Richard Boone .Joan Van Ark While hunting lhe last liv1n11 d1110 saur, the world's 11ch(ISI mon 00<;on1f'~ 1r11pped 1n a time w arp whero Ile is pur -i-~=""'-'""' f2h" <OmooJ MCllUIM IOllO WllTDI G1wst Bun on I 1111.-( I hr ) I TY~ Roston Coti..vv. lf'ORTtc:enB ~11' MOWll "Arthuf" ( t981 Comedy I Dudley Mooro. L1111 Minne111 While htfi lnm1ly alfempl!I 10 lorcc hun Into 11 pro 1trrangeo m11111age. a drunkon. neoom111c playboy falls tn lovo wllh o pool working Ql!_l. 'PG' ( 1 hr . ~3 min ) .. CC) MOWll "Ordinary PC!Of)la'" (1980. 0!1 ma) Mory Tyle, Moore. OoMld Sulher• ta110 A gwll·111JdPn teen·age1 1ty1ny to put rus hie bat~ 1oqe1her dlte1 his brothet's deatr1 ;ino 111s uwn su1c.1de attempt rea<.h es out tt> h•·· ccin1pl:'lc.ent tamer and his cold reservPO motht'I 'R (C' hrs J min ) 12:211 ti llOV1E Gt1t>st Story' I t98 t Horror) rreo ASldlle John H1JU·..ernan Mysterious deaths bey1n to dec1nio1t> the ranks 01 a small c.ircte of etdt'rty men who shme bOlh a monthly s10rv1e111ng get toyP.ther and a 50 year-old secret 'A' t 1 tu !lO m111 ) t2:a llOV1E The Carn,11100 Killer" ( 1973 Mystf>ry) Norm;:in Eshley KaH1e11ne Scho· held A hon11c1dal maniac. searchrng tor hrs ne•I v1ct1m meets up with a seernrngly vul· nerable you~nau C 1 111 30 m111 ) ~a.om IJ llOVll Th<' Ghoul'' \ t975. Horror) Pete• Cushing .John H111t Ar1 inhuman c.reature n1enacec; lhe flappe1s 111 England Clur=:~9:?0::. t 1 hr :?8 min l (~J llOVll Ancty Warhol"s Frankenstein' ( t974 Horror) Jne Dallesandro. u oo K1e1 A se• ooc;e!.sea weudo k1onapps the young people ol a v1llJye 10 secure va11ous t>o<ly Oort<, foi h1::. male and temale man sters ( I hr 35 min ) 1•@ t TMVINIKY A m11~1cal biography of composer Igor Stravinsky t0Uow1ng the Ctf''lflve pu1nts of his tile lrom personal to pubhc. with interviews find c;()me of his var 1ous performances (Part 1) (I hr ) l l9A IAll1TIALL Detroit Pistons at 1no1ana Paee1s (Al (:?hrs 30 rrun ) {0) ~ Z!RO Ct\f'vv Chase. Laraine Newman ( 1 hr ) 1•1--90l-.E 1:IO AICMEWI .... l llOVll BOdy Anu Soul 11981, Dia· ma) Leon Isaac KeMecly Jayne Kenne· Oy A young black turns 10 pr1zeftgh11ng lo raise the money he needs tm medical scnoot 'R' ( 1 hr 4!> min ) t• 0 AT ONE Guest Roy Decmava. photo- ~pher (I hr ) ttl (I) cal_,,. MGHTWATCM llOVll "In Thi'! Money" ( 1958, Come- dy) Bowery Boys. P11t11cia Donahue The Boys find themselves walking a pet poo- dle after t>ecommg involved with some B1111sn d1amoM smugglers ( 1 hr . 30 m111) llOVll "Sliange Behavior" ( 1981. Suspense) Michael Murphy. Louise Fle1cher A police olficer 1nves1lgeles a se11es of brutal murders In a small Mid· wustem college town ·R" ( t hr , 35 min ) (()) llOVll "Oealh Valley·· ( 1982. Mys· tery) Paul LeMat. Peter B1l1tngsley A New YC>fk youngs1er Is sen! to A11zona to vrslt lus rnothel and stumbles across a setles ol IJ!...IS=dels 'R' ( 1 hr . 25 min ) U "30 Is A Dangerous Age. Cyn· thla" ( t968. Comedy) Dudley Moore. Suzy Kendall /I shy nightclub plamst sets a deadline tor hilling the high ttme and finding lhc perlect wife ( t hr •O mln ) •tm--.DATUMI t"tt(R) MOv. "Death Valley" ( 1982. Mys· tory) Paul LeMet. Peter B1lhll0$ley A New York youngster is senl lo Arfzonn 10 vl&ll tus molhef and slumblos acroos a series ot W!!_sly murders "A' ( 1 hr . 25 min ) CZJ MOv. "Andy Warhot'$ Olacuto" ( 197•. Horr0t) Joo DelleMndro. Udo 1<1er A vampire M>eklrlQ virgins 10 saUsty h~ thlrll IOf blOOO IS helpO(I by " noble man wtio wontn the money he thinks Is e by"" count (I hr • 30 min.) .. "Candy" ( 1968. eom.<ly) Ewa ~ • arton Brando A l~IOut young nympl'lfll hetids f0< N•w York 8htr being raped by • p0e1 and a Spahiah g111den« (1hr.66 min.I -Sunday Cont. .......... lht "''""'' 11 ... , ... , .. 1 .. 11111) ( •••11lol11111~111111 I d111 oolltlll '"" ... 111111 "'"' "' I 1lo l1.1h• i. .. ,...,.,. ... Wllll 1111 I 11111 ~ l11y tllllJ 111111'1! Vltlt 1h•t1 I l1tt1\I \1ltlllllhlllvt1t 111111 A 11111!11111 I 1111111111!1 .11111 I t•Htl llttl ~h•Ut l11t•\j11l1•otl 1•, 1''""''1111'<1 (I Ill I e:i) ntlOlDMOUll 11"11 V1l11 ti"' p1111tlto1• 011 l1tylll\) •I IHI Wil" 1111111 mt1f I htto ~ .. 1111• ll"~wi'' U1t11111111 ·•"l""U 110 C) ILi M1tlJH 1111111 11 .. 11111) A1111 ... ny I=" Ant• M 111111"1 t I 111 4h '"'"I 10) "11111111 '"'"'"" \l'Hlt My" h•tyj 81.11 y Ko"" lo lull•"' I"'' \ 111to· 11 ht '0111111) ($1 l.Aff·A·TMON A , 11111111111111 '"'"' 111111 tuut c..~u1111 t uuh•',l•••tf•, wtu1 1 •Ht1p1~t•• ilUiHn~t UftU ,., .. , .. ,,,, tHtl lt•1llUh1C! UI ttw. Ull,tllH.UltllJ ll 11111'!1 V lllll"ll kh<IW m llOYll "ftOhtl :1111111111' I l1l11 I, (.1111111 cfy) Yvurntt< l'lc.• C .111,1 1'••11•1 \l'otllt11v (.' hll.1 .. Q.l) llAltMJ.l A1.Nfl \,lllllol'. IJ•llY bl!•W or1, Dilan 01111111 t.no1t1t11 (,,110 11 111 J ....... LAW.. a......, a C~AIN .... MJCl ~ ANDOIC* CowaJmAL MC..wa • llOTOIWUX PMCTUMD fUCKDI --•Ea.vening .. 8-r.::' "Or Phobe~ R1ws Ay11111 ( 1972. Ho1101 I,.. V111ce111 Pm .. ~ llobe•I Quarry 0\)(;10! f1111t){'S ~fllChe!> [ \lYP' IOI ar1 ehx11 wh1c;l1 woll tt!SIO•O Ille 10 1111> demi wole (2 hrs I I UIC llVMIJ)'I atROMCLl TMOll AMAZING NmAl.I AQHTIACI( llQHT. ENOUGH aAmY Sammy Davi~ Sr 101ns Swrtt11y Devis Jr 10 review ttle h19hhyhrs or ii career Iha! has sµunnell the e11t11P 1an41• of en1er1ainmen1 (I hr l G) llOVIE "l he Cummon<I' ( 1954 01.1 ma) Guy Madison JC1a11 W11h:)nn A war 1onany resOlves thP ques11v11 ol Wyo1111roy's ownership (?hrs) ® IOMQ WIW'fOI Gue'>I nwum I .1111> \ 1 hi) I WOllL.D W~ I •MEWS MOVA "Tht• Mond M<11.l 1111t1s· 111l• tun trove1sy over me rossrb11!ty ttmt cornput ers may have lhe capacity tu monuc ttlf' t1uman mono os e~an11roeo 1n1 q ( t hr ) CC) llOVIE Take This Job And Sh011e 11· ( 1981 C1.1n1t:!Oy) Rollelf HdyS O.irt>nrJ Hersney A young corporate execu11ve runs onto res1:11ance when he return!. Ill 111<. hometow n 10 1e1111alo11• a 1.11mparit brewery PG' (I hr 40 1111n ) (11) MIO llA<WINE (S) lllAM TWAlt lltEATllf ·ThP Auroe<I Treasure' Tom Sawyer ano Hu1.kleberry Finn yo 111 search of bu11e<.J treaswf' along 1he M1ss1ss1pp1 I 1 tu 10 """ I O llOVIE "My Champion t 1981 0 1.1 ma) Yoko 5h1mada. Chrt<, M1ttt1um The 11ue story o l a 1en1ate Jnpa11ese r11nrm1u =icha=~£' 45m1111 'IOfU'I COURT &> .... "Of!UTO"Of!U : WHY• TME WOflU> ( llOVIE T1eaks' I l'l"I? H .• rror I I ..,,,,, Hyams 01ya Baclano11a S1de"n w onhab 1r11n1s portray ttie1r na1ura111111ng stytes t I tu 5rn1n I ,., ll!_Wmllll.I IH•I o• 11.f '"' .t II" 1l•J1 1 l1•1t• 'ro/IH• 11in111 m YOYAGIJlll l'lllltt•lth 111111 h1lf111y 1.1111, lull "' '""'' ""'"' 11111 1r111t .. , r) l I t11l,.1t11j •I t 'utll"lll wilt It 1111111 111 IOU.' tlllll lir I 1111111 1111y 11 .1111 11~ 11 vi"'' h• otijl "" 11111111 C1 llO'tll II·• 1.11•111 T111111 llul>IH!fy" 1 111111 111111 1111111l1111u1 ll11"1r111 (I ltr I 11'1/'I A1111 .. 11h111•) 'u11111 (,<lfUUJIY 1)0!1 D 11Ql ~I 111..SVt IT°" MOTI I •ut o1111 1.111l11•11t11111 lw11 •1•p111 1 1ur1111111141 11111111 1111• lul" ul 1111 f tliJlo ,lo IJlll>'•I wltu 11111 , , 11t11ty L'"' .1111.,h 1tll••1otpt lo tJUll Oii the fu 1111 r"' 1111111y tol 11 ""'•""'IJ l1111111111 l111o11I '"'"""Uly 1111111>' o,1lol" J1•llt>l11y ol 4 loGked lr,1ro.,ylv1111111'•, 111o1l Ith• r111lllul lt11 11111 l!Vll »Hit .1111 .. 1111 •I 1111.t 11111v11111 IOUJlllOllve !•~111lflt1t11tl1 (l tul I I, (lht '.11111111 ~ llADAlll'I fl\ACI s. llOYll ""'. I I ''"" ( 10 78, (,()Ill~ ..wa ilyl W.tll"' M .11111.1u. t .l1111t111 Ju<..k!l<m A .... V QllfFIN 1,111••11'• (,.try I 11lo1111,111 w11h 1w1 I duo lt•I 111111" lw, (,11t1UllOVO IOfld • 1t•pl1r•1i lk,1111µ 1111 lo H11ll Au11v111111 IJ.11 '"" 11 1 .. 1·11 ''"''"tllo 111 1.111 lor 11 tJ1v1ucoo 1w1111 M1tr1ly11 Mh ltut•I•, 11 111 I wi.11 J ,, I• I t11•t11•v1• 111 plotl•t111lfl1Hlij P(J' 04) ITMVWl«Y I\ 11111':.1t1tl t11oyr1111l1y 111 ~h1 Ulr""' I 1 '''"'"''·•·r 111111 '1tr.111111'>ky lull"w"'\J 1111• O MOVIE /11 , Wt.11 1. W.ty You t,m1" , rt'<tl111t• po111I'> 111 '"" llfu lrom p1•r~1111,1t tu ( 1111111 1.1.1111•t111 1.11111 t 1·.lwO<KJ. ~orl(Jru p11t1l11 with 1111u1v1uw•, 11111J "411110 ut hi'> 11111 I 1" 1.... llo•l1111 ·~•lll1111i !low11 with hlij girl '""" 1w1lu1111.111<..L•t. (Pnrl I) (I 111 ) .111d I'"' 11r.11111111.1n 11 Li111f• ll~lod llgt1te1 &ii AU. CMAT\mlQMAT AMDIMAll • ~111·. 111• '"' ,.,.. 1,,.,1 h11.1t1lov11 matclt 'PG' m MATURI 'A11111111 lht• C1111u1 I oU fr1·1o' l I tu "" ""11 I Tl••• 111.1111•,111. 11u trt·u wrnnh ro!>tl~ ••l>l•'wt1 11111 z, MOVIE r .rn1 I 11hJ M1: f o ( 1936, HOI lu;l1 111111 lulll'I ol ll11h11: 111 C.11nltdl Arotcort 1111) lucl '1l•tUHlll1•r I 111' I l!jl61 Well 1,1 1~. v11•wod (I hr ) t.1, 11·<1 lll',tt111M•1'. ul '' 1-01111111 Loudon tl!l '9AIAllCmALL 11hourn~ ~un•, 111 (1(111 l1.11I"" '.11011 111111H11ll11 .. ol11rr1111 fur iwme· "'" NUij\j1tt•, (f>uu IU rmtnlJUlury I LC ro\j 11111111 llMlllV (I hr '1'1111111) 111,,11011~ lfu·, U•Hlll' 11111y ho IJIJt.. 0 uul 111 .. l(l aJllY,ALWIU y1>1H .11cm) ('tu!, JO nu11) lk:a Ct) Ql()NA CHI MOVll l l11J1 hl.11111" l!Jl.lU MWON.OTOMOMOW Su.,pensoJ Donnld Sulhttrl.md 110.,~ • .t I AT\MDAUIQHT ne<Jumvt• Au Ari Ill. WIJ,1the1 ru t&J Tlll JEmJllONI At ul<.J Wddy ol lttJlll !. rriumlJu•'> .1111IW!.t!tl1010 .i 110'11 lot (~"""''' •, 1111•,1111t•r11ro•I. l 11w•.1' • • .. 11c..0sm 111011 ve1y !,Wv1val I'll' ( 1 lu 43 r11111) u•. "" 111v1l.Jl1t•" 11111u1111• oro woth lhcm L.) (0) llOVIE "Tltu Howhny" ( 1981 Hot O G llOVIE "Ht1lln w1-tm ( 19/8, HOf- 1011 Oeu W11ll.11.u P.1111t~ Mac.nee A ror) 011111111.1 f.'t11ti'>l'l1<.I! Jamie Lee Curtis wc1m.u1 reporlcr 1' 111{1t1flClld by tJ killer Alie·• wrvoro(J l!.t yO•\h in .i mental hospl· v.ho see111~ 10 tx• J werewoll 'R' I 1 hr ldl 11 '"lutl11rei 1·~.1~e~ on Halloween 3 t 1111n ) 111yh1 .1111J wn .. iks ll'rror on h1& small horn&- ~ OAANQI COUNTY ll'OllTl ICENE IClwrt 1n1 (P1~IOtll.JI d1scre11on IS 1• .wt ad111~c"1) (? liri> I 7:11 ) TME alOft Of IOQG A 1<1ny ;111<.1 '"" 8 llCtWID ...oNI •iun set out 10 1ec.1p1ure Ille 1..rown of me ~ llOYll 'Tl1e Wild Worne11 Of Chas· under~nd konijdOm o l OC>Qll 111y Gul<.h" f Pre1111vrt1 Comedy) Prtscllla '1) C QI FOOlWAU CSUF T 11ans v•, R11rnc'> I t''' Hor!.h•y I he oarroom belles Hawa11 Rainbow Wamors (3 hr:.) 111 ,, M1~ "" o 1111q 11,..,,,, 1rn11 forces w11h 7M l2H>EAllt AND THI llAl>IN 1111 " ·,1•tt r 1r1i. "'' "' ,,,.,., when lhe men a. I) (I) ARCtlE ...art fl\AC( An enlh11 ll< •·II I• "'t' 1111: .t q.11111•ii1oneyade SOI· s1as11c Bllhe 1ns1sts thal she 1111 tn a<. Gary!. dtt·• 1.11.1 ,.,., [) 1,1 ''' I 1crnporary logal secretary 0 DA. CltO 0 ti) C:-. Ponch and Bollby help a @ IOMG WRIT(RS t ••I•'"' llurlon Ldne ( 1 rock s1a1 who cl.toms 1na1 ouemµts have hr 1 t>een rnaoe on h1~ hie. Ponch perform' a Ell) llAlltJlllECf lltEATllf 'To Serve darn1y re~ue. and lhe CHP olloC.N!o lhrow Thrr11 All M y r>ay·. rr1e lorst woman 10!ns ,1 wild Halloween patly ( 1 hr ) thP It <l• h11111 <,t.111 al Bamlylde and B UfTERTAIMNTTill ftB uelripru:h (1111• 11l lto1; 111ue1 bOys. who 1nev1-o:ID llATT HOUITOM Mttlt 1nvc~11yates ldllly 1.111'. 111 l11v1· ,,,.,,, ne1 (Part 4) Q ( 1 the death of a young acto• who wac; to hr 1 ·;rm in a ltlm wtlh an aging 1no"'6 ~'' a!) lfYHEJIY Oy•llll Oay" Anthony Sk1pl- l hr ) 1•111 11 .. n M< l\Plt""I presents the a111dence IT IS WNTTEN ul 1!1•• plol I<> r11uritJ11r h11n 10 lhe police, but TWIJQHTZOME tt1 .. y 11•f11· ,, '" 1>f'h1•w h1n1 (Pan 2) Q ( t llOVIE "F11day fhe 1J1h" ( 1980 Hor 1 •• 1 ror) Oe>t•v Paino"' Adrienne King Thf' H L O MOVIE t1,:ill .. w1·en fl' (1981, r1•<>1·cn1114 •I ll '>•H11111c1 1..1m~. c.10 .. ,.<.1 20 111111111 '"""' t 1·1• C11111s, Donald yt'.1• e,11l•t•1 .1fle1 11111'., 111u1de1' .1111.1et'. I , , • , , ,\ • t '•" y 11 ~1ne murderer n vmd1c11vc• killer wllo k111fe!> un~uspec1111y t• • 1 1• ""'J'• ,1 rp110t '" a small 1eon ayer!. 'R' ( 1 111 30 mm J t<>w11 H I I lir JO 111111 I (I) llOVIE ·s 1..irb11d And Sweet Wilham' t:05@ 1A.U.YITMITltOl'WORLDOfLOYISally ( rQ78 Otama} I\ Marltn&l. Dan H.igger Strutlit>•• '"\I'> th•" lun<l-ra1s1ng program 1v Alter lc..ivor•g his nallve reservation ti> tor tne C.n11'.10.10 Ct11ld1en·s run<l (I hr ) be4111 a nl'w hie. a young Indian IS sHancJ t:ll I) ONE DAY AT A 'Tm Ann needs some 1•0 '" lhP w1ldernes<. wne11 the plane tie 1<. 11n1e 10 be ,1111ni• 0111 wo111e-; about lea11- aboard makes a crash lanoong (2 hrs I I" A te• wtlh r ra111.or1e @ ClOOOI Of OlOflY: WUWI AND DORO-ft.D ltlMOOOlll ntY A to1111 lly Ken Russell deattng w11t1 lt1r ' JACK VAN~ poe1 W1lh,1m Wordsworth's passoon;m llOVIE tnd1aro I 011e (,all" ( 1936, rel.1t1011sh1p w1!11 hos s1sle•. Dorothy 11 M11 .11 oil J .. ;11111r·lll' Mar Dnnald NefSOfl tu ) f 1J 11 1\1 I"''" '.11tqt•1 l.Jll., ill love Wllh the Eii'l MA'JVM l\111.11t Tl11• (.1p,;1t f J Ttt'f• 11 •H I• l 1 '''"'"' Wh• .flif!rehendS her Jiu• m.111".!11 lty lr1•f' who h 115e'> ilb• ve th1 '""'''•' I ,11,. r ti 111 I HJ'.h r;ur1 lort"·t ot fiehte 111 Cenlr.11 l\r1ero e· Cou.EGE FOOTIA.U. M!'mphos Stale 1.J ,., viewed ( 1 hr 1 T1<J1·r ot .1•11141 1 [11111.1u1.1., I? hrs 30 m llA~CE TMEATllf l 0 St:rvP m1r I Them All My Days" Tne lorsl woman 101r.s Friday, October 29, 1982 25 the 1each1nQ stall at Bamtylde and -Monday Cont. stars Heatner a11u far•unf 0 Huurhe Cl) llOVIE Th,. f~.ir < '-.nr 1 1 1959 Ora ma) Au<lrP1 HPpr>urt PPIP• r nch /\ young nur1 w1!111Jr.1A-·, frr)1l1 tier <;Onveni when she d1'.(.01e1 h1·r ir.'P•">I? hdlri>d tor lhe enemy OUl•fllJ o/1 rl • 1, ir ti 2 nrs 1 @ MIXED IAO 'V1cJ1:0 Ari A •,urvPy ol tne wO!kS-Ot art1~l'> w,1~ 1r11 ""W rlrt torm Eli) QllEAT PEIFOM&AlllCtS Ti1"° Charier house Ot Parma · W11'1 1he .i10 rit her new !Over Count M JS<.d lhe Dueness Gina San~venna .J'..C" re• ,nt1.i .. r1ce 10 or•ng her belO\t•d neOhe'lll F .1br1111 tldCk lo Par ma I Part 'l 11 hr 1 '11) UT\llE Am..l1l' Tn1 1,rr..il Fig Tree The ma1~t1t tiq Hee wt11ch 11·,es above lhc lush rain fo1est JI B··lr:« n ( o•ntral A~r1 ca is v1eweo t 1 hr 1 IPORTscom:Jt lllO¥IE ·Pa1rrr.1ty 1 1981 Comedy) Burt Reynolds. A!'ver , rJ Angelo f\ bach elor 1n his tort1t"> ... 11 .v.1n1s IC be a lather searches for !I'll• rn,;I 1 wuman 10 t.x>ilr his child 'PG ( ' hr 3'> rn1n I (S) llOVIE T ruP Confessions" ( t 98 1 DramaJ Rooert ~ ""' Rooen Ouvall Tne usually sepdrJte NOrlds of two bro1h ers a L~ Angeles police Cletec1111e and an ambitious Roman Ca tr .:1r1c p11es1 con verge d1J"ng a murder 1nvpc,l1q,111on 'R' (I hr 50m1n) 0 lllO¥IE Prince or Tilt> C"1ty · ( 1981 Drama) Treal William!. Jerry Orbach A New Yorio; COP is c..auqht be1ween lederal pressure and loynlly t his t('llow otltcets durtng an 1nvt><,l1gatoon ot w1oesprea<l i ice corrup11011 R I? t.r~ as rn1n I .. AL.LlfTMffAa.Y UI Cll PNYATE IOUAm r1eld1ng an<l Lewis 1ry 10 rnake p .>1nts w11h General Noms by 1:n1errng Judy 1n a race againsl the genera1's dilughter 111 ;in upcom1ny itrac~ AMOE1.J IO YOU T...-YOU GOT T'ltOULel llO¥'E Ali • Fear [atr. The Soul' A six1yesh German scrubwornan falls tor an Inarticulate Arab mechantc. only hall her ~e ( I hr 30 min J (.LJ llOVIE "Firsl Monday In October" ( 198 1, Comedy) Willter Matthau Jill Ctayburgh A liberal Supreme Court Jus lice clashes w11h lhe newest member of the na1ton's 11igr1es1 COUft dll ullra-con ser11a11ve woman 1ur1st A 12 hrs ) CJ>) llOVIE "The rinal Conflict" (1981. Ofama) Sam Netll Ro•,sano Brazzi In the third part of · The Omen" trilogy. young Damien. the emb0d1men1 ol thtl Antichrist. Is now an adult and a 1111s1ed ad111sor to the .t:dent of the U S 'R' ( 1 hr . 49 mtn UIG:Zl "Sara Dane (Part I) (Ofama) Juliet Jordan. Harold Hopkins A wiong fully convicted woman and her husband are Quickly caught up 1n the struggle tor power end ~tal order during Auslralta's earlt.Qays as a penal coiof'ly (2 hrs) • 9 C1J lll'A'l'M The 4077th's plans for a Halloween nlghl costume party are Inter· rupted by 1ncom1"_ll wounded from the trom and from Aosre s Bar G Cl) llOVIE "Born Beautiful" (Premiere, Of1ma) E11n Giay. l orr Singer f. top 1851'11on mOdel 111es lo make a caree1 change and help a troubled high school 11udent make It 1n the highly competitive world of Now Yolk modehng (2 hrs ) • 0 M0'8 "Bruboker" ( 1980. Ofama) AOt*1 Redl0td. YaphOt Kotto A relorm- mlnded warden uneO\/Ofl w1<1eSpre11d cor· ruptlon when he cn1e11 his ritWly e&1lgr141d ptlaon posing nt nn inmate (2 hra . 4tJ min.) 28 Friday, October 29. 1982 Mik<' ,...,,.rt•// l(N~ ,/r,•s . .;,t•tl up for llal/o ... ·een but l'inds /Ji!' pl:w ... thM:trlNI on M *,t *S *ll /'1onday a t 9 p .m. 4D IBV GIWf9I Eli) THE llAQIC Of OMICE The (bb An<l Flow" fludoll Nureyev ano M1kha1I Barysh n1kov arc teatured a!. Dame Margot Fon teyn traces the devetopmem of ballet over lhe course of 300 years. ( I hr ) '11) NATIONAL OEOGRANC IHCIAL ''Na11onat Parks Playground Of Para d1se?" [ttorts by the Nattonal Park Se• vice to resloct the public s access 10 Arner1ca·s pArks 1n h<X'.leS ot putting a hAll lo environmental darnagt'. po11u11on anu c11me are examined (RI (I hr ) (U IOXJNO Coverage or the Sean O'Grady I Pete Ran1ani 10 round welterwe1ghl bOUl from Cnesar c; Palace rn Las Vegas Nev (R) (2 hrs • 30 min ) IZJ llOVIE "So Fine' (1981. Comedy) Ryan O'Neal. Jach Warden A stutly col loge professor saves his father's flounder 1ng garment foclory by 1nve11hng a new ~ ol lildles' ieans 'R (I hr , 31 min ) OlUHOllA FOOTIAU. HICKJQHTI l:tl ()) .,.._., Dick and Joanna d1scov er that lheJo'S a very Old human b<>dy but 19<1 in tho inn's ba!.Ornont (!) nt1 WIAMfTI The son of an Italian immigrant couplo bf>comes a shlpp.ng magnate atlor h1!! par nts d1e In on earth· glf_ake (Part I ) (:> hrs 30 mtn ) (ttJ ALL-MGMT MOIO lt'8 zony g0tngs-on at an oll nt~=o st11Hon aro satlrued .. G ()) a LM:IY The &laying ot a young cop plunges Chrti;, Mory Beth and the enti1e d partmcnt into o 181/errsh search IOf hrs ldllef ( 1 hr J 11.L•,:1 Guests P1n011 Ravi Shanker. P1nctwis lul\efman. £ugoo1& l11korl'Tllln and ~bl Humphrey • m mAT "Be11u1y' Ot Mor llmtlf Adlof presrd s ovot en tntOllectunt free-lor·oll ooneerntng the concept of ri.auty ( I hf I '11) ICMEl&WllT'fM I WC. llTO _. "Ne•I Simon" One ot the most piohhc writ· ers ot our 11me, with over 2 I stage and screenplays lo his credit. Is 1ntefVlewed (C) lllO¥IE 'The Last Ttme t Saw Pa11s" ( t954. Drama) Ellzabelh Taylor. Van Jonnson Based on e story by F Scott Fitzgerald Broken romances and shat· tered tndMduals populate Paris at the end ot World War II ( I hr . 55 min ) llCMI "True Confessions" ( 1981. Drama) Robert De Niro. Robert Duvall. The usually separale worlds ot two broth· ers, a Los Angeles police detective and an ambitious Roman Catholic priest. con- verge dU11ng a murder Investigation 'R' ( 1 hr. 50m1n) {.S) llCml "Texas Lightning" ( 198 1. Ofa· ma) Channing MltcheU, Maureen M<:C-0<· m1ck A bOy's weekend hunting trip with his tothef turns Into an Initiation Into man- hOOd 'R' ( 1 hr • 35 min ) 11MIVlaQllMI .. Ml llBT•TWGM--~1\m Guest: Robert Evans WOIU Ol IOOll llCMI "Swedish Fly Girls" ( 197 I, CO!ne<ty) Berte Tove. CHnton Greyn A Danish stewardess embarl(s on an exhaustive search for Mr. Righi 'R' ( 1 hf • 40m1n.) (0) 1'MI IOllBI * OI .._ ''A OOll't House" A women (Julie Harrie) asserts her own Identity alter conflonttng hef husband's (CMt tophtf Plummer) 1mtn()(a~rv 1n a 1etep1tiy ~Md on tht piey ~Henrik lbeen. (I hr .. 30 min.) llCMI ''Andy Warhol's Frankentteln" ( 974. HOrror) Joe Dellesandfo, UdO l<ler A MJC-Obleseed we!rdO k~ the young people of a vlllaQe to MCUf• vartoue bodY perts IOf hit meie and lemele mono- .,.,,, (I hf .. 35 min.) -all --"St1tlon Six Satiate" (1964. -Monday -•Mornlng-aiovlu- .... '1111· 1111111114.1 1111110 1111111111) M111 IOU ll1111ul<1 ( 11•111111 I !111111 (I 111 !i/ 111111 I .. (ZI 'I 111n~• 11'1 I H11111rrl I 111111 1111111" l>IQ.1ll.111.11111~,, (I hi •,111111) ... Qn 'V1•.11 I u A '0111.111 I 'l.111«1 ( llltl{l Co111v11y) .lt111y I 1·w1'1 I .111 llllth111,111 (.' 11111 I ... (C) "lhu /\111.1 111u M1 111111 .. 11111 · 11•11, rm1IU¥rl I 11uot1111 t' N111•.,111ll1, I y111111 I 10011 u11ck 1 111 , .lu 111111 1 M (f) "no:.1'11111111 Md 1)y' 11•w1 1>r11m111 I 1ttlt1y (i1111111111 Jo>1111 I "''"' (:.'tut. I ( "(i11'fl11Ii1• ( 11)111 A.ll1111111u11·) lly.Jrt 'Nuul A111111 All hl'I (I"' '>~ 111111 I J':al CQI "Rocv I 111 "''"" I oh• I h.11111• lltuw111 ( 1917 Cu111,11Jyl A11111101l111I (I hr ;.i:, m111) 0 . ~llVtll ~>llllllt< ( l'l/h C:1111111(.ly) (Jo11c1 W1l1lm Jill Ch1yl111111h (I Ill . ~:l on1n) •tHl "S1~111 Ill flu W111d I IYl•J l)111111u) Cholll OJ11 l:t"'"I' (I hr 40 111111 I a.rel ·1111•1,11 .. 1111.1111. 1111.u (I'll</ My· tnty) N<'ll ll'"'"V 1111 11.ud llol'.>'ll.111 (I h• ,>/ 111111) •lll "P11p•'Y" t ••lt<ll ('111111•lly) flo(l111 W1lhll1tl'>, l)l1nll1•y I ~ovult ( 1111 '14 111111) m "/\pµ111111r111•111 I or I 1)\11'" ( 1!:141, Com1•1ly) t.h111t .. , ll11y1•r M111y.1101 Sulltt van (;,r tor:.) .. m "I ultuw 111.11 f lrr•.1111" ( l'lfi?. l,111111• dYI r1vr, f'ro"h'f A.1111111 n·c,111mf'tt (l> hrs I @ ' Tluo ~.l11Ht1111 Wolll1lll'• l otJllUlltt!' ( 190 I r.111l,1'>y) A111111,11Pd (I tu 40 111111) .. IC) "ltw 1.1•.1 1111·1· I • •. 1w t>.111., 119•,4 Or.1111111 111 ... 111 .. 11. 1.1y1nr v.111 J11t1.,.,1111 t I hi . !1~1 111111 I IHI "Pillfllflrly' I IHI\ I (,on11'<ly) 11url Rc:>ynutrl~ l\1•v1'<ly f I /\11111•tn 11 Ill 3~1 nun I . lS1 l'11· ... 11o•r 1 >1 W.11 I t'1'1·I llr.1111.11 nu11.1hl 1l1 .. 11.p11 IJ1•w•·1 M.111111 I I 111 "I 111111 l .. @ tro11~1Jt: I I'll I Mr.t1•1y I ll.1y1111111<1 Burr L1erJll111" Ii""'~· I•' hr-. I -l0l' Duve H1• :,,1111 11')77, f)1.1111JJ W1I h<lm T c~•pPI K.111•11111.ot lo ( 1 '" JO""" I t\Ml Zl "ftro• < li.r111 01 J11111rnt• fll,11.:k~1111lll' (T971l 01.1111.11 l11111111y l1•w1s .J.H k Thor11µ.,011 1:> tu ... ;• 111111) tt~0 Ttir' for•.t '""' 1 t'ltli' noo11.1111.t') Tun l..hu tit' l\u I 1 I 1 r i..-.on ( t tu 3!.r "''"I -JUternoon Movies- ttta 0 "S11t111y Prt'lly t 1'141! Comedy) Chi Ion WelltJ nuu .. 11 Y1111110 t 1 hr • 30 min ) m 'lt1e I lo>Wl'I '" Iii<. M11u1h" ( 1'Jlh Mystery) J.11111" M.1· r)ll )1'11111IP1 U'Nl'•ll l? h•<;) 1C 1 n,,,.,,,.., <.1•1111~ I 111:..1 Dram.ii [ h1alrell• I .1yl111 M1 •111\l• •ll•ery C hit (/ hrs ~(I min 10 (,,11l1l1e 1 l'~d I 1!1.1111,1) Ht>lt<ll Mtll<;e Jaci.. ',,, ''"' • '" I I "' 4 7 111111 I ($1 Tru.-. G1>11h"i ·••>II I 11l8 t ()1,111111/ Robe<! Ii+• N1111, nlltl<'ll l>1h1.11t I I hr 'iO """) !!:ii IHI . A.dve11IU1t''. ()I I"' W11flollrlf>SS r;i1111 ly" ( 191~ A.dv1•1111111•J nolJ(>rl ( UQ«ll Susa11 ()..im.111lt• I I 111 dO 111111 I 1• Z' vlt'Cll lc.e ( I' IHI /\dvt•11l111t' I fly.t11 o· N1•.1I /\11111• A1t.1 .. 1 t I loo !.r!> 111111 I 1~ 0 PtlY ''" l~1LJl11 I IQ/I' Dr.1111,1) Jac;Quel111~ fll'. ••I v.11 .. 111111;1 Cutlf''>(" Due<.led IJy fr.1111 "'" f111ll<1ut I I hr 54 ffilll) ltO(CI "The /\111o11111'l Mr £l11J11de11" ( 197?, r;1111.1o;y1 t .llJIPfl<P N.rn:.m•lh. L yttnt> rred l•fk ~ 11111 J\1111111) ( l ) ''l..1111111111h11ll llui1 ' t l!Jtl I, I .111111td)') llurl lluynithh IJu111 llt•I 111!.o (I lot 1'1 111111) t Zl 'f'11p11y1• t l'tllll 1 ""''""YI 111111111 W11t1o11w. '.l11•lt1•y I l11v11tl 11 tu 'o4 '""' I 1111101 Hui •• I 111 Vo~ll l oh c.11111110 ll1 11w11I' ( Hll 1 I 111rn•1ly) A111111.1ll'•J (I Irr i'• r11111) 0 '01lv1•1 'oll• .1~ f 1°1/b Curnt•dy) ''""" Wihlt•I 1111 ' l11vt.wuti (I ht .., I 111111 I W tSI '111111 I. flH1llllV I t11/ I, 1)11111111) M111k l v!>h•1 W1111,•1 •,1,.1.1h (:•hit. l .. !Cl 'f 11 :m,111.1" (t'l'1!1 IJr,11101) A1111lo11y Ou11111 l 11uht•ll 1 M11·.11001 ( I ho '>U 111111 ) IH I Whu 11.1•1 '•tH'" lho W11111?' (191/ (>r11111o1) ( 11111J1H1 l 'ro•'.lllll, J11'.fl I 1•11111 (I tu 411111111 I l ZI 'lt11• <.tu111I Ill J111111110 lll111.k•11111tt1" ( H) 1H 11111111111 I 11111111y I llWIO, .1111 .k 1 ho111µM111 (,.> "'" ? 111111 I .. 07J "Cif•,ulrlu111.,11 ( n14;1 (Jr11111u1 ltl\)110 lloru1111111 Huro1pl11u) (~c><J111t 11 tu 'i'J llllfl ) lcll@ "/\It I'"" f ,11'< I lld •;u11I" t I 111 .IU 111111 I --aa;Evenlng .. ~.:.. . CllMIWS llQHT •DOUGH •ST Of .-..GHT ll'lCW. MCMIWtn ....... " ""' HAWAIFM .. • OVE11 WY Liu•"·' Jlllltu• W11\jlll Mot r1s D ~ ..... UlllOITAMDIMO ~ IEHAV!Oft ) lllOVIE "fli:.u, VtdA Mia" ( 1977, DrJ 11111) rcm.111du fll'Y Geratuonc Cl1aph11 Bt>lt'11gumecl hy 111.111IJI problenis. a ww11 1111 takeo, a t11p 10 llw home ot t1er ro>t.luse lather wtou111 !.Ill' 11,,., not SN'll 1n :>O year~ (:> 111~. 10 111111 I ( 0) TMl MAKING Of LADIES: TMl ll<>ftY Of IOPtlt11CAT'ED LADIES This n11111docume11 tary tells lhe <,IOry beh1110 "Sophrs11cnled 1 allies" Hw 111c,1 live leleca<;I ol a U1oatl way show ($) AIEICAll DANCE lllACHltE /\ IAICnled troupe o f you11g da11ce1s 10111 <...wen Vet 1.lu11 111 ,, 11uio,oc.11 !odlule 10 111« bc'>I of OruJdway 0 llOYIE "Sph1n~" < 1981 Aovcowrcl r ra111.. I a11ge11.1 I e· .ley Anne Dow11 A ruthless lllai.k 111a1ket an11qu111es 111111 11t1empto; to sluµ .111 [ 11yµ1Ulc>1J1St lrorn d1~ 1,;ove11ng the wherpalJouts of a priceless statue she wns perm11tec1 to view 'PG' I I a. a;)NEWI UMEYm..L.9 AUCI lhr ,~r~llllOHT DIC« CAVETT (ftl llWltQ..oftll ) llOYIE · The Ollen<..e · ( 1973 Ora11111) Sea11 C:n1111ery. rrevnr Howdrd Whiff' 11ack111y <1ow11 J ch1i\.l molester, 11 I 011dcm detec1111e slowly rdges hlmsell 1ow.11d J lne1;~;~~'R' ( 1 hr • !>4 111111) ,. CllNE.WI .CNEWI IW'PY DAYS AGAIN ~ ~ A l\t!l1111u t11P scet1~ look RI ABC's Monddy Noyhl rootbatl tllv erage. wedd 111y tor one oaou CJ) <ID MEWi 1 ..-r~TOllCINT Mm't COllPMY .. ~= louw11i. l'111111it ltuvt 'Jlumkur Pu~ lo11•1 /11"1•11111111 I 11uu11l11 /llk(•llllUll urrct n~m•1•lt11•y 11>1:9•11 fCI ft111111tc•u ( .1111111•{ ( l'l'i/ (Im mu) I h111l>ulh I 11ylf11 Mv1111111111t11y < 1111 Uuru111 tho L1\11I W111 11 1 11pllv1111fl\) 1-if11lllo ""' l~•llu ''• ll1•11•111111111t1 ru to11v•• llot• 1•111n ol fl•tl d1111111 fl'1J1Htltu11•, 111 11111 t t111!.u4 uti111. 11•, (;i Ill" • 1,() 111111 J (HI 8TMl*O ROOM O&Y · <,1y .. 1111 Ci11ylu lh <.;onc!lrt" 1111> <lrmnmy /\w111d wu1111nu "'"' •·lllU't 110.111y 11111<11 l•ll)•ll•'ot 1111>,. 111(.IUd 11111 '(Jo11 I II M,1k1• My I llllWI• I yt•:. UIU'1 ornt • 1.,1k111u hr Your ')lu+•J• · 11 ht I I SI ,.,_ TALI TMIATill 11111111,nt·,1111!. 11111' ttorv11 V1ll1tt.h.1111• '•""" 11' •• •,11111~11 l11tl11 1110111 who t111lp'. 11 1111t11•r " tJ1Jo>\)hlcrr •1p111 hl11lw 1111n \jOltl ( 1 hr I ( ZI lllOYll "( oHHtll I< 11" ( 111111 /\tJVUlllUtO) Hy1111 ()'Neut /\11111• A11 "''' A11 1111u111eur .11111 11 :.cx:uthl•• .1111°111111 111 11111 " Sc11.1lh Aor11111< .111 11111pr,1ld •.01111011t.•r ut ,, l11t1u11e orr 41irno; t'C, (I ht 11'1 r11111 I '1i) OM*llf COUNTY TOOAY 1~ I) I OM TMl TOWN I 1•,11111011 ,, <11•,uJ'o".1011 Of Why llllllt• IJlllJ'>Uoll 1111 ul1•111'. olf (Ill Ofl 1110111•, Willi .1 lull'"""" .• Vl'>•I wilh Mork C)noclo,011 1111 ;i lull~ .11 h•tr•v1•,11m 11111110 stu,w• .. CJ YOUNG PEOft.FI ll'le&Al. (,1,1mJr11u DuJ11'1 WJv" fl,1Lk" 8 lllOVIE 1 u Koll A M111 k111yllrrtJ" ( I 9t>2 Or.1111.11 (11t~ory rrt k M.11y O,u.Jhi1111 A Su11t1111111 1.1wycr " lwu c;luldum are l'•rx>',1•11 111 o,111111c1 1.11.1,11 p11·1uu11.I:' when lfi-011 lijlhPI oll•lo1111jo, ol hf,lt k lllolll JC <.Used of 1.ii>e 1; '"" !O 111111 I mOMU.. «I) T1C TAC DOUGH IW>Am'I PUCE. YOU AIKED FOA n 1t•A•t •H MQMATUM t.1111·.1 nuL>t•ll I Volll'. : lllACNEIL. / LDIEI MPOffT • , ... y Fl1'D • MMC PMV1fWt Ne.ii <ldlJIPo oH•d Jet· trey L yoris tev1ew 'Hallowo>('11 '.J Season 01 The~ W111.h .. ·r 11s1 Btoort .mtl "Mon· ~11or' W lllOVIE "C.alllt• f)11w" ( 1% 1, Wuc;tcrn) Joel Mc;Cr1:.J Ut•.011 '1111(.kwell /\ young up~111n ,Jll(j ,, c owh,1ro1J •l••veltJp a s11ong fr1PncJ.,t11p d1111r1y .1 1l.11111c-11~" <lP<.erl <,al Ile 011\11! (I 111 , 30 1111r1 ) .. 8 IQUAllE PEGS P<t11y .1111.l I .i111e11 llrave a HJlluwc.-un µarry w1llo 1111• pO!J!llat lo.rd!>" 0 m unu HOUSE: A NEW •Gll9tG Ttoe 1es1<.J!!11ls ol w.1111111 c~rnvf' 11y lu rescue a deal tJuy wh11 1·, twiny 11110,lr<'illed as a lrl':lk 111 .i 1.<11111vo11 dl t (PJrt I) D ( 1 hr ) U ®) ntAra INCREDel.EI rea1urecJ a poloc.o>n1;i11 whc• lr1ll-Pll a mother through (,flfl over Ilic• phw1e and ~lv!'d her baby's hie th•• A1tr1111;i ·spider Mdll 1appefs down llw 1.1cC' ol J G!> '.IO< y Ou1lc!ong a new surg1tJI t.-ch111Qut' to r"l1ev~· c11pphng arthr1t1s (I hr I Cl) Clot(~ 0 ALL-ST All nmuTt TO E.MHT Tu. All ..-CM ONQICAI. A huo:;I ol country music :.1<1rs. 111clud111g Rany B<11tcy. Merle Haggard l oretta l y1111 M.irly Robbons. Dutt1c Wi>!ol. Conway Twitty and Faron Younq 'l••lher I•• 1 ay t11bulP 10 the leg enoary mu'>•t•an al lhr Ndc;lt~•llP f'('rfmrn- ~ Art!. Ct•r1te1 (, hr<. 1 SOAP , .... lllAGAZ9E /\11 111to•rv1cw w11ll JO< d<111':, /\rneroc;an bu111 queen t.h1ld movie Friday. October 29. 1982 27 -Tuesday -Morning Movies- .. "The Greal Bank Hoa~ I 1979 Mys tery) Ned Beally Richard Baseha11 ( 1 hr. 27 min 1 "ThP Chant Qt J1m1me B1acksrn1th" (1979 Orama) Tommy l ew1l> Jack Thompson (2 hrs 2 min) .. cm "American Pop" (1981 . Musica11 Animated (I hr 37 min J CS) "Black Beauty' 1197 I Drama) Mark Lester. Walter Slezak (2 hrs) •@ "Run A Croo+<ed Mill'" ( 1969 Ota ma) Louis Jourdan Mary fylf'r Moore (2 hrs) .. 'I Go Pogo" I 1980 SattreJ Animal · ed VO<Ces ol Jonathan Winters. Vincent Pnce (2 hrs I NI(!) "I Wanl You' ( 1952 Drama) Dana Andrews, Doco1hy McGuire 12 hrs ) '1!90 "Steeping Dogs" (Drama) Sam Netti, Warren Oales ( 1 hr . 45 min ) CZ) "Halloween It ( 1981 Horror) Jamie Lee Curtis. Donald Pleasence ( 1 nr • 30 min) .. ct) "Secrets 0 1 Tnree Hungry Wives" ( 1978, MysleryJ James Franciscus. Jessi ca Walter ( 1 hr 40 min ) "The Sea Wolves" ( 1980 Adventure) Gregory Peck. Roger Moore (2 nrs 1 cm "Islands In The Stream" 11977. Ora· rna) GeOl'ge C Scoll Cta11e Bloom ( 1 hr, 45 min) .. CZ) "So fine" (1981. Comedy) Ryan O'Neal. Jack Warden ( 1 hr • 3 t min) m "Are You With fl?" ( 1948, Musical) Donald O'Connor Olga San Juan (2 hrs ) ... "Wild In The Country" 1196 I Ota ma) Etvts Presley Hope Lange (?hrs ) 0 "While Water Sam" (AdVenture) Keith Larsen ( t hr 27 min ) -(C) "Any Number Can Play" (1949, Ora· ma) Clark Gable. Ateius Srn11h ( t hr . 45 min) CID "ts1anos In The Stream" ( 1977, Ota ma) Geotge C Scott Cla11e Bloom ( 1 hr , 45 min) cm "Charlie Mulhn" (1974. Adventure) David Hemmings. Ralph Rlehardson (2 tlfs ) Cl) "Dvnk11k" ( 1958. Adventure) John Mills. Rlehard AnenbOl'ough ( 1 hr . 55 min) -al) "Guns Al Ba1as1" ( 1964, Orama) Richard Anenborough. Jack Hawkins (2 hrs) -CI> "Green Ice" ( 198 t, AdVenlure) Ryan O'Neal. Anne Archer (I hr . 55 min.) 1we "Prisoner 0 1 war" ( 1954, Orama) Ronald Reagan. Dewey Maritn. ( t hr , 20 min.) -· "My Pal Gus" ( 1952, Comedy) Rich· ard Widmark, Joanne Dru ( I hr . 30 min.) • "Bui Not FOi Me" ( 1959. Comedy) Clark Gable, L~h Palme1 (2 hrs) CC) "Take This Job And Shove 1r · (198 1, Comedy) Robert Hays. 88rba1a He<Shey {!hr .. 40mltl ) (DJ "Inside Move11" ( 1980. Dn1ma) John Savage, David MOlse ( 1 h1 , 53 min.) Cl> "lmproper Channeta" ( 1981, Come CIY) Alen Arllln. M111lette Hartley ( 1 hr 32mlnl _ ' -Nlll'nOOa....,..__ ••"Rich And Famout" (1061. Orama) Cindic:e BeJo-n. Jecqueline BlMet. ( 1 ht. 5b mil\ ) ~ "f>opey9'' ( 1980. Corne<Jy) Robin •WllllAmt. Shelley llwaN. ( 1 ht., 64 min. I 30 Friday, October 29, 1982 Roger Mudd. Tom IJrokaM·. Judy lf'om/ruff and Joh11 Cha ncellor ..,-;// l'<H't•r the rlt•c·t im1 for N BC tM (H) "One On One" ( 1977. Otaina) Robby Benson. Annette o·toole ( 1 hr, 38 min) a.(OJ "American Pop" (1981 Mu~ical) Animated ( I hr . 37 min ) a.@ "AH ·• Fear Eats The Soul" ( 1 hr • 30 min) (?) "The Howling" ( 1981. Horror) Dee Wallace. Patrick Macnee ( 1 hr .. 31 min 1 •CID "The Sea Wolves" ( t980, Adventure) Gregory Peck. Roger MOOfe (2 hrs ) (1.) "LOOker" ( 1981, Sc1ence·F1c11on) Albeit Finney. James Coburn ( 1 hr . 34 min) e "While Water Sam" (Adventure) Keith Larsen ( 1 hr . ?7 min ) 1111(.C) "Secre1s Of Three Hungry Wrve11" ( 1978. Mysle<y) James FranctSCus, Jessi ca W<er ( 1 hr .. 40 min.) W (Q) "ls'8nds In The Stream·· ( 1977, Dta- ma) Oeo<ge C Scott, Claire Btoom ( 1 hr . 45 min) CZ) "So fine" ( 1981, Comedy) Ryan O'Neal, J&ck Warden ( 1 hr • 31 min ) mg "Thieves" ( 1977. Comedy) Marlo Thomas, Charlet Grodin ( 1 hr . 30 min ) .. ([) "The Last Tycoon" ( 1976. Drama) Rcibert O.Niro, Jeanne Moreau (2 hrs • 2 mm) ... (!) "Tile Way We W8fe" (1973. Aonmnoe) Barbra Streisand. Robert Red· !Old. (2 hrs • 30 min ) .. 111 "Le Se<:rot" M&rlcne Jobeft. Philippe Nolret (2 hrt.) ~ "Hell'• Anoets" ( 1930. Ad\looture) Ben Lvon. Jeen Harlow (2 "'' , 5 min ) (B) "1 Go POOO--' (1980. Satire) Anlm&t· ed VOlcel of Jonalhlln Wlnten. Vrncont Prlee. (2 M) (%)"Halloween II" (t981, HOfrOt) Jamie I:" Cuttla, DoneJd Pltaeence. --•Ei&vening .. I) ELECTION COYIRAGE l 1v" l.• \('1rtQl' ,,1 thP 1982 PICCfito"• J:-.11> ,111!, Pl lh1 ti1>11~" Senate .11. J q11bP.in.11 ,1 " ,..,.~" i~~l;c;• a m W CTlC:* COYIRAGE I IV" ( <IVf;'r .19£ ol the 198? t'I•" 1ion 1 ... '"'. '' rr ... Hou..e Sert 11e .1r111 4ub••111.it1 ... 11 ~"'L'!>t' becorne k11own l ll•A•t •H KAWAIFIVH ova WY Gue5t s1114l'r r.111v c.1111<.11> «:) IUWmll TlltOUOH THE AllTI C"O') ~E VAUJ AND THE FOUR IEASOMI Many ot Vall,.s '"'c; 'i1Jt h ,y 'Sheny," "Walk l 1io.E' A i.hr aM "R.11) Oon are lei'lluretl 1n th1• r .• •nci>ri frq1" lhocaqo s Park West Club ( 1 hr ) • S JAmOMl • THE HIUI I c:, 11 1•1 Rnwl 0 1 Country Mu<;1c Ttw; un1quf• oon11y music IPSl111al tealwes Jt'lfy I PP I PWIS, Roon1e Mtl':NIP C,Jrl P1>rk n• T1·1 1<.e"dallco and Helrn Cornelius ( 1 h1 JO rnon l '1:' THE PNCE It NGHT WI OJ MOn: LOCAL EUCTlC:* IREAK .... WU -i·=7;;1itJmY. TOPITOllY , CMOWllO YEAM llOVIE 'Pr1•.on1•1 11 W11 t 1Cl'l4 Ora ma) Ronald Rllil!lill• (1.>.,.,e, M.irt1n Two POWs lrom lhi. t 11111<!.J !:>T.'lft><.. con11nu~ 1ntethgence work .... 1111e appe;u1nq to have cracked under commun >t naoctnnahon Rhr , 20m1n) WORLD OI ~Ofl\.E 7'M B.!CT10M COYaAQf (JO•lli'd In Prag ress) L111e cove1age ot the •98? elections as resultc; nt 1he Hou"l' Senate and gubernatOl'1a1 contest<. become kno1Nn ( 1 hr) 9 HAPPYDAYIAGAlt (I) , ... llAGADtl A 11r:t1lrjmo1her whO won a $25.000 o;h0pp1ng sprt.'io ;:i c;l.1 race llor ~s==Qtrl"> l!) ... lllVORT IUC110lt C0¥8AOI l rve coverage ot the 1982 eioctloos as results ol 1he House. Sena1e and gubern11to11at contests become know!'(3 hr~) CID lllO llMWIMI ([) 90¥ll "Jonah Who Wiii 8c :>5 tn The Vear 2000" ( t97~. Dtarna) Jean Luc B1deau. Mynan Moz1cre A married couple seek a slmplef Ille-1n n rurol commune ( 1 hr . 50 rnln) (Q) 90¥ll "Mr OlanC11ngs Builds Hts Oteam House" t 1948. Comedy) Cory Grant. Myrn& Loy A man from Mnnhllttnn moves his lam11y to thti c;C)Untry where ~ tries 10 build n Muse ( 1 hr • 30 mm ) llO¥ll "Popeye" ( 1980 Comody) Robin W1Ulams, Shotlt'y Duval! While searching for h1a father. thn sptnach·eat 1ng aaifOf vlSlts a quaint hamtot wl\ore ho picks up o IOundllnO And a Skinny swoel· 1"4a~~~J J'19 U-1-..TICO.AllT &IC11Clt COW9IMI Uvo cover age ol the 1982 tltellona •• rtsu11a ot 1h .. Hoose. Sett•t• .alld ~ubern110111t con1eata 1>41Come kno.wn. ... ,.....ua (!)@ ... . ........ -··-Ill 111111 l1m11ll ll11~"' 11111111 V1111 tv11 lt•fl hlflb 1111111 111111111\J 11\/IJ Jtl'ollll Oii Wiii~ (1111 wllon u "'"'"'. 1llll11111111u .1 ..... y l•l1111tl1 UlllJ flltl ttlllllilhJlr;1t th 1"1~11.Uhl 1 111•J\t ,._ n"ufl~·=r·, l•llMCMOl-YMATGWZ..,. ITMIT1 Ol IAN f'IWICIKO .. IAQ "Vitlt111 /\11 I\ •1WV"V 11111"• WOik• QI lifll'llt' with 111111111•w '"I '""" I ........ , OOCTOA • 1"1 MOUll lllO¥ll ·1111 h /I.ml r lllhl\I' (''"'I Diurr•ul ( Ufhlh •• ""'II• 11 Juu111t•l1111• 111 , "ttl I hrc)O\jhuut th1• llJI, .11111 1luw11~ "' lhuu IU'llAA llvt• l11t11111y •.• 111·.,1•, .111t1 11111 .. inli<. hvtJ'I 1w11 wu1111•11 1h•pt•n1I "'' 1hOll l111•n1l!>h1p 1111 ht•1l111ity II t t Iii 1111 1111111 u:ae (I) TUlfU JOHN, 11.D. /\ l·I yt••ll "''' buv 1' ruvolntmn 1h11t 111• 1" 1111 111l 11t111t11 cumpht;,lltib 111.. nmlltt•t'.. p11h•11!111lly SCrtOUS 1ll11m.~ (Aj ( 1111 IU 111111 I D Cl TMl•ITOfCMION ttc ... t .h1l1ru1y C31soo Guest•, n~h.1111 ll1•111.11111n "'"' IBul~~~l~·rr 1111 It hi l 1"1 ....... MOVIE "/\11 ''"'' t .11'. Jtu• ~11111 /\ s1.c1yosh G1•11111111 .. , r11tlW11lll>tll '·"'" 1111 1111 ln1111it;UIAll1 /\111l1 l!ll•l lt.11111 1111ly flilll lit'I l e (I hr. 30nm1 J FOCUS OM IOCtETY Pll LATDICIHT lh~ I 11 .. 11111" Wh11l1•y *·=== 1W 9 ... ~Of MY rt1i;tt.11ll 1111111111•. 11•1111,11· Ills Broadway rot<> .1!. .1 1.J.11,1p11luy11; V11•t nt11n ve1ere11 l1omu, tot .1 t.muly rc•u11111111111 Independence Day (2 t11s . HJ 111111 ) 1ta lttl ITAMDING flOOlll OllLY ' C1y-;1.1t l iilyh• tn Conceit" The G1il111111y Aw.mt w1111111111 star sings many of hl'f b•yyt>!:>I hot<,, 1rl\.h1tl 1ng "Don't II Make My Orown E yt•'i Ah"' tHl8and~~~~ 111111 · MOVIE "/\nder!:>on's Ancwl'> ( 197h Drama) Dorn Tho111.1s. Scdt111a11 Crolhe1s A youn\I Wdllt' Pc1Y" <.J~,uly ICll an earlier 1nd1scre11w1 with o1 U S snn1ll• '' ~h1SJ ~ = 'D1a111u11d 1111.111 ( l'lf.1J Dr 1 ma) Charllon Heston Yv~!tc M111uc•1' /\ wealthy Hawa11.m p1 .11 l1t.I'' ,J rJ >ublt> ,l,lr dard when he •'Pl><>'""> 111'> s1•.fer's pt.m·. t" marry a hall breeu H.lwilu.111 while tie h1111 sell has a pregnam rn1srre·"· (? '"") Cl) LOW, AmlllCAM lm.E ~ MOVIE "Southern C.11111to11" ( l!IU 1 D1ama) Ke1lh c.11rau1llt'. PuWt'I'> Arnltlll' A g1oup ot Na11ona1 Gu;i1cis1111•11 011 wc"k end maneuvers 1n a I oui?.1ana oayou spark a small guerrilla war w1lh a comrrnJ nily of backwOOd<; Ciltuns n (I hr 40 min J (.0) llOYE "Olyrnp1c r t'VI r t t980 Or.1 ma) Kristin Peters n1111 Jero>111y A you11q g11f struggles 10 ma~r Ille US Otymp" swim team. but a protein del1rw11t,y •,l11w' ~i&~; tl:9 w 8) LAT£ llQtfT wmt DAVID LEmMAN IGue;~c:~~: LOW. AIEICAM I~ ltOME UCllQ W&n Y (R) MOVIE "The Brood" ( 1979 Ho11u1 I Oliver Reed. Sa1111111t1111 Foqar /\ 111a11 I U•·nn Hutl.-r is Almnnzo on "l.illl•· lloui;~; A New llt·ginnin~' o n Monduys u l H 1•.m. 011 ( :httnm·I 4. 1•11c,.uu11I"''• h·1101 when 11e 111e~ to le,1111 why 1<111111'1 p.1t1e11t~ ol a rne11till t.11111t are "'"•111'<1 uy ""'"'"''"" 01 the <.1c11..trn who tre,lfcd 1hr111 'ff (I hr 30 n11t1 ) 12l40 e ({) COL~ Whe11 ii WOlld chos .. ch.1111p1tlll ,., found lflfUted 1ust bclOIC ill1 1n1po1r;rnt 111.11c.ti. "usp1c1un 11111-; on his l1!)J}Oll('r11 (n) ( 1 Ill ;>Q tntft) 7 llOVE " It 11• rk:.per a 1e Ones 11968 01a111a) M1t•11111l1,1n Schell Ral Vaflune 111 .111 f'll1ll I lu •"·' .11w lrrnll ,1 !-.101"11311 t,1tJ0t ' 1111p mu• brnlhPr <.:lCllll('I'~ hl'I 1111' '<II th.11 1111• olhl'I 1..,111 hi' """ I/ h<<i tO IM 01~ THE LAIT WON> 12:E ;H) llOVIE I a CllQP /\u• roll~· ( 1979, C1•1nedy) UtlO T ll<)floll/I M11:hel ~e11.iult A 1114hlclull 11w111•r trlP' 10 prC'paie h1<; tr.ir1sveslll<' IOVPI for J VIS•I by Ill~ o;on'!> ha11cet>'!> l.llhC'I lhP 111or,tf<, c..omm1~'.10111"1 of France ff (I hr 31 min I UIO 0 QOE AUTIIY l!J MMYFAMDI (() llOVIE · S111c.l•1t>ly Y11ur" I 19!>5 Mu~• 1.a11 I 1ber.1v• Jua11111' t >111 /\ br1ll1a111 c;o11 t"fl P•illll"I 1J1'>c.rwe1•, 1tt:it ht> re, y11111u de.11 t I t11, JO 111111 J El Cou.EQE FOOTIAll MC'1npt11'> SlillP !.!iJPr'. '11 <iPnrq1n Outlcl<>g'-(R) (3 hrs ) 1:"t llOVE [).1y F1ir N1qht' ( t97::> Dril 111.11 Jm()uf\11111> Riv.pt Vale11t111.1 Cortt>~e llir<!<.ll"l hy rr,111c.111o; l1ullaut The trve'> r111<.J lnvf'<i 111 11 11 1.,.1fn1me1s are 'it11d1eO 111 .t 1nov1e w1th1n ii rnov•c PG' I I 111 54 m1nL ,~I w MIC ... OVONIGHT QOEA"'1ff c I llOVIE "The r111nl Confhrt" ( 1Cl81 Orarnil) Si1111 tlf'1ll 1111<.<.111111 f11a111 In ll'IP 1f1t11J 111111 111 ""' c 1t11rn1·· 11111.gy youn~ 01111111111 11111 011111tltl1111!l111 .. 1 flio A11llahtlll, t'I 111lw ur1 u1lull u11cJ u 1111o;tutl 111tv11<11 t(l 111+1 fll1t•11d1111I 1•1 tilt• If'• 'II (I 111 , <10 111111 ) ,,.. llOVW ""''"" /\111l lhlh1• I 1'1/<I 0!11 11111) J1111 Mtdull'I Vn11.1•11t J111t11 1 lt)<)dfel low A 11011111111 yu111111 ,.,,.,. l11lh 111 love w1111 11 11111 fru111 llH• w1111111 ··~'" uf !ti() w wn 1:9fCIMOVll fl11• lt.1111 l'o<1pf11 I 1%!1, Ota 11111) Ju111u•• I 111111, !,h11lr•y Kr11u1t1 A yourig W(llllllrt Nlllt• IHll 1111 ii I ltl'1~ t.<IUllll)' Hip 10 11"t.u1m 1111111i·11111111,11>111t111i. 111 h11r 111n11111go uncJ 1111pt111th111,1111ulht1<t1oud ll' (I ftr , 6? rmn J_ -~ (J) cal .... MIGHl'WATCH Wl.UAll 11JJ. l llOVll '(,1111 Yoo Kf'l'I' II llll r Of /\ W1~ik ?" (Comt .. JyJ .Jt1111111y nullnc;k, Atch 1111J cr:-.1111tvu11 A yu•mu wu<111111 11orees lo 111111ry toor hoyh11•11d 1m 11111 c.rn11M1011 lh!ll flu 11111111111 IJ·lll•lutly 1111111l11y1•1I Im •.even u11r., (, '" . :.i·, 111111 1 CZ llOVIE "Su I 11111" ( 1'1111 Comudy) nyr111 O'Nual Jllc.k Wr111J1111 A '.tully col 111gf• 1110111-. .. w •.iJVt"• tu., 11111110'•, fl11ttnder- 1ng u1111110111 1111 lury l.ty 111v1•11tll11J n 11ew 2:11 (.!)~)C•"'" If (tlu 31111111) 2:11 '1 llOYll 'P1110111t1y" (1'181, Comedy) Burt nuynofu&. Aevnrly 0' Allt)Pfo /\ bach· eto1 111 hi~ lw tros who wa111i; IO Ile n falher searc.lio& lw tho 11gl11 wo1111111 to uenr his 111 lch11~ .w~s '""' 1 Ml llAIMfT -:'VIE IM [11 '.t l1111e (1982, n ornartt e) T 1111 CltOlllf' K11c.1,1 r 11ckson A c.olleye fre.,11111a11 wlio ha« been 1auoh1 rnnny schemes lo 1;aµtu1t> a wo1nan·s Ian· cy. dlc;r.01101s 111111 10111• 1•, r11ore 1111portant than cl1enµ 1t111ll!> ·n· ( 1 hr 111111111 ) ~ ...... ('SJ MOVIE "I t>•as l 1yto1runa" ( IQ8 I. Ora- ma) Chm111111y Mtl<.;hell. Mauret>11 McCor- mick /\ b<ly's weeke11t.J h11nt1ng 111p w11h h•S lather turns 11110 a11 111111.111nn 11110 man· l'IOO<I 'ff ( I hr JS n1111 I a:tl (!) f Amt • (OJ MOVIE "Troe Ollence" I 1973 Drama) Sean Corn1e1y T1e11111 How111d While tr11ckinu tlown a child r11otpc;w1. a London detPct1ve !>lowly edqt>~ '""'""II 111ward a nervous brNJkdown 'R' ( I hr '>4 rn1n ) IZJ llOVIE "Popeye" I 1980 Comedy) Robin W1ll1>J11IS Sloellf'y Duvall While se111clt1nq ror l'lrs t:uher the spmnch-eet· 1119 sa1101 111-;11s a quaint hamff'I where he picks up a loundltng 1111d il sk111ny sweet- hearl 'PG' (I 11r 54 111111 ) "5(¢lllOVIE "lt1e Olleni:e" ( 1973. Drama) Sean Connery. Trevor Howard While t1ack1ng down a child molester, a I ondon delect111e slowly edges hrrnseu toward a nervous breakdown 'R' ( 1 hr 54 min l .. I TOP O' 1"MI llON9eQ .olll'ICBfT9 .. FWTm d llOVIE ·True Cm1tesS1ons ( 1981. Drama) Robert De Niro Robert Duvall The usually separa1e worlt.Js ol two b1oth· ers, a I oc; Angeles Pohce c1e1ec11ve and an amb111ous Roman C;ithohc p11es1. con- veroe du~nurder 111vcs11qa11on 'R' =~=.w°' ..... .. 11 MOVIE ·Prince 01 ThP l..1ty" ( 198 t, Orama) T1ea1 Wtlharns. Je11y Ort>ach A New York cop 1s caughl between lederal pressure and loyally lo his ff'llow olficers during an 1n11esl1ga11on ol widespread police c:or1un11on ·~· (? t1rs . 45 min) Friday, October 29. 1982 29 -Tuesday Cont. 11:111J llOYE lt.1,. •, A f'r ,,,,.., r 1"169 Comedyl l ·HIY Hagr11<111 r J re .. ~1·r Aller 1erlldrry111g ,, m.111 r11-...11111•r• thc1t "'' first WllP nevt>r df"l•Mlly d1t.'1l I I Ir JO mtn I IJ COUf'lU MOVE "I r.1pp1"J f11•11t"11h I ho· !:i•M (1974 Susµ1•ns.eJ lf:e J <-• bb Ma•tir• Bal!Hlm Fo11r men are lrilppell 1n a11 underw;iter •CJ<im •ff:P"nuenl 11pn11 1e!>1.lle tearns to rCdCh them t>t>l11ri1 theor n• N'-'" lru~~ ht 30 mrrt I TOM COTT\..E: UP ClOtE lCM, AIEICAN ITY\..E llO¥ll Ttll ftB .. THI NIA llO¥ll "Harry's War t 1981 Cor11., dyJ Edwa1Cl He11mann Ge•.1tiJ.ne Page A small-lown postman comes to th•' c11d vi Ills aunt who owe!> 1ne IRS back ta•e\; 'PG' ( 1 nr 40 min I (S) llOYE fn1p1ope1 <,nanncl~ t 1981 Comedy) Alan Ario.on Mc1,,ette H<1rlley A series of m1sund<'rs1and1ny1> causes a social worker 10 suspect the 5-year old daughter ot a separated coople is the vie: trm of child abuse PG ( 1 hr 32 mon ) U. (%) MOVE "T ne Howhny • ( 198 1, Hor rorJ Dee Wallace Patt~k Macnee A woman reporter 1c; menaced by a loller whn seems to be a werewolf 'R' ( 1 hr .'.l I min I WU llO¥ll A Lion ts In Tile S11ee1s ( 1953. Orama) James Cagney Barbara Hate A 1wa1 Southern demagogue gains the suppon of poor C1trl !armers and lies his way 10 poto11cal fl<Jwer ( t hr SO min ) (!) llOYE "'Dodsworlll ( 1936. Drama) Walter Huston Ruth Chdlletlon A bus1 nessman ltnds his bucot•c trte disrupted when he and hos wile retire 11> Europe where they are co111ron1ed IJy a new ltle ~le and values (2 hrs I t1J llO¥ll Woode• Woman" I 1974. Advenrure) Nancy Kwan. Ross Hagen ( I hr 30m1n) {f) CR. FOOTIAU Ham111on Tiger Cats at Edmonton Eskimos (R) 12 his . 30 min ) CID lllOYm "The Sea Wolves.. ( 1980. Adventure) G1egory Peck. Roger Moore Dunng World War fl. a group C>I B111tsh t>os1nessmen form a volunteer rey1men1 to destroy a German spy nest 1n the fndlcln Ocean 'PG" (2 hrs ) W (C)llO¥ll "N111nsky" (1979 Orama) Afan Bates. George de la Pcn11 T11umph and tragedy punctuate the s1n1my ref1111onsh1p between the great Ru!>s1an ballet star and hlS Svengali like manager 'A' (2 hrs . 5 min) W Cl) AllOTT ,_, COITIUO (0) llCMI "Chorfie Mulltn .. ( 1974, Acrven lure) David Hemmtrlf.IS. 11nlph R1ch111dson l hrs.) } -Cll ... MQHTl'ATCtt ' a. u~ond Evll" (1980. Horror) Lynda Day George. Jol'ln S11xoo A young bride is lem>flle<:I by evil fOfc:es IUflling In a troptc:af mansion 'R' ( I hr • 34 min ) W al) UTPATIOl (JJllCMI "fhe Last Tycoon" ( t916, Ore ma) Aot>Mt OeNrro. Jeanne Moreau In the HollywOOd ol the t930$, one man':i success mak9' him the friend ot 11ari. the envy of ~r-hungry 11xecu1rves. ond the mott el~t>:'G bacholor tn town 'PG' (2 hra.~n.) CZ> "Oreen reo" ( t98 t, AclventllfO) Ayon O'Ntal. Anne Archer An onoineei and a soctall10 8ttemp1 to rob • South Artcerican emorafd 8mVQOlef of a fOfll.HW! ~'PG' (thr.,56mln.) •• _. "Doctor Dollllle" ( t967, Fanlo 32 Ftldey, October 29, 1982 .lli1'.t• \l/11/ac''· U a/t,•r Cron"-i I«', .t 11dy ll oom'_' mu/ <.'lwrlt•s l\urttlt ,. ill '''"''''. t lw t•l<•<'I imt I'm· Cll.~. sy) Rex Ham!.on. Ssmantha [yg.ir A doctor wtio to\le!. a111ma1s tear ns to coin munoeate wrlh them 111 !>00 d1fleren1 nr11n1c1I tanyuages (3 hrs ) 0 lf'OlUQHT PMYlfW Robert V-.l1nrn1• rirevrews Spolftght"s coming a11111c;110<•s M @ WOIUATLMGIE ttl D lllOYm "Danger lone ( I 9!) I, Mr> tery) Hugh Beaumont (dwa•tJ Brophy Ill San rranc1sco. an e~ rnerchdlll bQcon11•> a detective and get!. cauuht up 1n m111C1!1t and rewel smuggling (I nr 10 """ I -~IUHUWT ... llOYE Sll'el.""Y Dogs (0.Jma) Sarn N1"1ll War1Pn Oall'S Run111ng from a bro· •l·n r11ar11aq1> a New le.11and 1slan0er St>!'b 1.,01.1111111 from soc1e1y Out becomes d lonely l"lt;rc whc11 \.dUght 1n the nuddle ot rPvolut1ona1v 1urm01I (I hr, 45 min) us H llOVE 1s1,mds In The Strearn" ( 1977. Drrllnd) C..u11ryt' (' Scull Claire Bloom A.t'>•'tl "" ll1P novel by Err>est Hemingway /In 1<,ot.11,,d .111is1 is torced to reveal his n11Jrle11 t•mn11ons when his three estranged <,or1s 1.vme to v1!.1t hrm "PG (I hr 45 m111) J:JO C!i umu1 <"C' MOYE Rich l\nd Famous· ( 1981 Dra•11a1 Ca11d1C.e Ae19cn. Jacqueline Brs· ""' Throuuhout the ups and dOwns ol rt 1'1t r;oc,p;:c11ve lltt>rary careers and ror11anl•1. lives two women depend on tn1 .. r l11en1.hh1p 101 stab1hly R' (I hr, 55 mrn) f IPOA'TtfOMIM (R) OJ llOYE The King Ot Mmw1 Gardens" f 197? Drama) Bruce Dern. Jack Nichol· -. .. n lwt• bfolhi>rs ftusrr.)ted with then hvll" dream ol re1111ng lo a 1ropteal para 01se 12 hrs I a. SJ JAmOMI .. THI HU.I I "'Super Bowl 01 Country Mus1e' Thrs unique country mu!.1C lestrval features Jerry lee lewis. Ronnie Miisap Carl Perl11ns. The Kendalls ond Hert>n Cornelius ( I hr 30 mtn ) UO D llOYE I'll Get You · t 1953. Mystery) George Rall Sally G1ay A lemale Brttrsh SllY anct an r01 agent 101n forces 10 crack a wolldw1Cle networll ol kidnappers ( 1. hr. 30 mtn) ~ TOP O' THI lllOll9IO ).allflCDTa UI ~ *1t 1 llO¥ll ·so F111e ( 198 1 Comedy) Ryan O'Neal. Jack Warden A stuffy COi· iege profesSOf saves h•!> lather's floondef· ong garment lacrory by 1nven11ng a new ~ ol ladies· 1eans R" t I hr J 1 min ) ta IUU-~ ta DMAll Of aAlelE .. llO¥ll "One On One" ( 1977. Orama) Robby Benson. Annette O'Toote A boy who QOt"S 10 cOllege on a basketball scholarship is abused by the coach. scorned by t11s tulOf end used by the school for 11s own purposes 'PG' (I hr .. 38mon l NBC celebrates 30 years in Burbank llURBANK (AP) NBC c•t:ll'l>ratt.•s its 30th annivn~ory in Burbank. thl• d ty made fomous by "Laugh-In" a11d J ohnny Cari;on. The first tt.•ll!t·us t from NBC: Burbflnk wus "The All Star Rcvut•'" on Oct. 4. 1952. but It was "Luugh.(n" thot put Burbonk on the maP. tx·glnning In 1967 &•lore "Laugh-In · clair'rll'd Burbank. 1111 shows wen· announ~f'd as coming fr o m Hollywood. Produt•,•r Grorge Schlatter rccalkd. ''I got two traffk tickets on the sam(' corner two da)'8 In a row. So we: nortcd doing jOk<'s on 'Laugh-Jn' about the Burbank poU~. Then I ~ot a ptNur\• uf a s tablt.> and 81\td this was '.li4•.Jut1ful Oowntown Burbank.' We were tryin g to gt•t a studio audicm:t! und nobody knew where Burbank wns" Sc:hlattt•r, rcm.'ht'<I by lelephon\• on lht• set o f "Real Pc;-ople," said "NBC didn't want to do the jokes About Burbank They &Hd they were a part of the rornmunlty. But they (lulckly cought on a nd the city officials saw they wt.•re good for Bur~k. We even had th4' mayor on the show." Johnny Canon later rn.de ~urbank the uirget of Jokes on "The Tonight Show.'' I ::.~~ I l 'oh t ll"\jtlJ111tvu I• ilAcm. I LltlllR MfiOltT M09C Of OL PAlnleG ) TM.I MCI TO IHOWTm llO¥ll l llll'>JJllilt y 111 I 11!1111 11 • ( 1114 / A1Jv111ilut1•) l>l•tlil. 1.111 J0,11111•111 'illrltr~ Whi111 •lit ••. •'illlllll•lil 111 li.oly ,1 WOf "'''*'··~pcHuJ~Olf .. ,u t)YOf'1 •• ,. •• ·'••lh'·• 1111ttun fllllt UUUlll'll 1•111qcf11111 I 1.11tklill 11 lloo 1wll ( I tu Ill 111111 ) 1:1t Cl) ..OTI: N11lwu1ll Pl•l\Jl11111111111u Ntll loc 1r11u111u111n11iy 111h1111111(ucl ltv II•• .ii 11l11t 11 .. tt 1.-1u111•, (I ho·, .''I 111111 I .. , LOCAl IUCTM* COVDAGI DIClllOIM 'It THI CAUF<MMA VOTI Ul\MDAY MIQHf B.ICTM*'a MOVll !i!jl i'11flpt•I • I 111u •ly tltutlt'o Cluu nuouf' ( ·~ 70 Mu ,t, •II) l'11lltl r1.11nph111 ""' 111•1• I....... A IJlt>llfl "' yuulll) Jll!(lµft• loy tco "''"'' 1111·11 1uw11 t111t11 ti•<' 11111.111 M1 Mt•~·l•lltl (. "'"I CD MOYIE fltt• I 1111u••'ol Yolltl ( t~/~ Cunwdy) lltuf llt•y1111hJ" r 1ltltl' All1Nt A lo1mc1 pou q11.1ttt•1t1.H II '""''II '""'' 111 .1 ~oulht'lll p11·,011 l'o IJIVl'll ll•c• JCIU lllollhlll\I ll \)IOllp t>I L(lllVIC,t'> hol .t 1111 lt11ltfa lt.lllllCI IOetlbilll tlo111tll .JIJ.1111'.t lhtt ljlltlttl~ ( l lu'o) Cl) lilOVif •;t""ll''I (I'll.I (.111111•tJy) WuutJy /\lll'll IJ1,1111• l\to,tli111 Allrn •I :>OO .,.,.,., )it•Op ... l1)fllll'I hl•,11111 h1111I ·am11 pit) pt111101 .1w11kt•11" Ill .1 lu1u11• p1lhr11 •,t,lft• t111tJ tltl(;Orrtt.!'> 111vctlvt•d 111 .1 plvt lo kul11.1p tho 1101.c o l .1 cJ11.l.Jtvr (. • 111 .• ) @ OWZKl>t fl!) .OVA ' Why (lei £111tl·, 'i11111 I St11•11Jo•,t" Px.1m1nu wht tmu·, •.t11q wotll tuu1un.1I llCCt·nt::. ,J11cJ J"J~,. tltc.:•1 1111J1v11h1.1I o,rn111~ illutty from 1<t•111•1 l11u11 lu llt'"t'' tloclll 1n1 O (lhr I w llYITERY I o1th. t lltcJWll flll' !hi•'•' Tool~ ()I 0.'.tllo WIU'll ,, k1111lly ph1lt111 t1110pr~t" tJ,llflJhl>'I 1•, '" c 11'.t•cl \II 111•1 t.1the1 •, 1ttur.tt•1 H•t• Hiii'•, l1.ir1t..:t•t• l•>rtle!>'>C'• ''' "" t 11111•· y ( 1 '" I (CJ ltlOYIE 'fl11 It /\rod o11t1• !ll'.0 ! 1'1111 D•amal c.111•til ,. lit•lt)l'll .I 1Lqu1•l1111• fk. '>el I ht<tugn11111 lf11 lll>' otllcl lltJWllO, "' tht•H ''*'>Pt!<..t1v•' hh•t,uy ~ cttet"r.... .uid m111a11t11. live.:-. two w111111·11 t.Jcpl'llt.l 011 Jl1o•tf l11i-rublt1p ft11 .t.oholoty II (I 111 11!• 111111) l t: : "°"11CINTU ti ltlOYIE 'Prnite (Jt lite.: I oly ( 1!)61 Orama) Tor.11 Wolh.1111• lt•ll) Oll.1.1c h I\ Nl•w Vurk •·''I' ,., c.111qt11 t1 .. 1w1•e11 lt•de1.1I Llli>SSUIP .ir11t 10,.111~ I• t.t r .. llctN 111f1c.;e1 , uu11ny Jn •llv1•:.hy.t111111 .,t w111t·~p1ea11 puhce co11uµl11>11 n (:' "'" 4 'i 111111 ) .i I YIEWO'I CMOtCE 0 lilOYIE <:tiw.1 '1!• "y t t'J81 H1.1111J1) Fred Asta11t•. Jot1n Hc>11~f'm.111 My.,lt•roou<: de.ith~ 1:1\!9•" 1 , <l»t '""1'"' 1n .. t,1111.• 01 a ~ma•t C.ttCll' c.ol c•11J1•1I) men ..,1,v ,h.Hc both cl rno111t1ly :.101ylPll1ng 1lt'1 lu<Jt•ttic.:• ,ulft .1 50·~~0 ~IPI R ( 1 nr 110 111111 I .. @) AIMJfT TOMIQHT a:. U ELECTION COVBIAQE Cor1t111ue111.11V1!1 aoe ot It t' 1G8, !'It'd" 1" .,, 't''>""" ut tht- House Se11a1p ,J111J qul•l'111.1t· 11a1 c.;or\IPsts llecomP l..nuwn (!) ctWIJFS ANGEl.S ® ELECTION COVBIAGE l "'" • nypr.1ye r.ot lhP 198;J f'IPChW~S C!S l(".ull '111 th» lto11se S1mate H 1 l·lb,.111 1lu1t.1I 1.cu1t .. St!> tlf•cun11• • 111•w11 t? r.1 10 11111 I ~ ltl()Y1( It• O..,t·~lt I M,t1ll'llf' J11bet1 . Pllollr PP N• •lf"t Htl' ...... ,, .t ytllJrl\) COU· p E' 31P. ••nrJo111q••r,. l I , 1 1 .. 111 who s 1ea1 111cn1oty "• 11111' nt lt>11r 11t11•11•rt! pflr•,onah l•l!~ 1.> ... ., ' 0 ltlOYIE f 11(' I< 1111 11 M.t1v•r 1.,,,rcJens r 197?. Or.lll•rl/ B1 II. fl••fro .1.1c:~ No<..hOI "'" Tw1 t11<1tl 1•1, r,,, ,ft,flo•ll with 11te11 ltvto., dtt•lllll rot tlllUittU fro 11 l1ttplt 111 JIUI ·I iJr ( '111 I • (171 MOVll .111 1 11 .. 111 (l'ur( ,') (IJ111111u1 )11htH 1 .. 1111111 t l111111tt I It •p~1111, t.11111 i. 11owl1~1111j •loll .t 1111• 1• ll11c111h•l•t11l wt~111 '"" ho I 1 .. v11 11111vo 111111 tcrw11 w1lh h•• roow wlftl (,' ltt••) ... e wcnoee co~ 11v1 1 t•v1t11111u 1tt tl11• l'ltl,' l'h>( limo'. '" "t'.1111 111tltt•1111111;11 '.ttlillll• •11111 11111111111.111111111 ( """''•'' '-'"' ""'" l..1111wrt (, 111~ I 0 WCTION COVIAAQI I J11111 .. tt 111 ,.,,.,, "''·'" I IVH l llVUlllUll 11t 1111 11111.' "'"' '"'"'· ti'• ttt·,ljlf•, 11f ltin Huu•,t• ~Jf•thll., UfHJ LJuh••ffuth 11u1I ' uol1 ~•· Ctl't ''n"t k•tow 11 (I tu ) .. I IA l\MDAY NIQtff lllCnoet'a llYITUIY I 11ll1tt1 llr11wt1 1111• lhtw• llHlh ()I [x•ath" Wh<tll II k111dly fllul1111 tluupt'>t'" 11.1U11h1t•1 t<, .11.1.uwcJ ul 11111 h11lt11t " 111111fur 11111 v111 " l11111c 1111 c;wth•'·"U" 1t1 lhco c.111110 Q (I 111 1 '1!) lUCTION COV!MGI ('[) COUIQI FOOTIAU N111111 I >.11111• I 1111o1 11111 111'.h ul N11vy M1c1'.l11p111L•1t (II) (:' 111·, 10111111 J Ll MOVll All fl11• M.111111 ... ( 1'1111 <.1m1 L"IYI 1'111111 1 .111, !lu11 Y111u111 A l1u·.t1111u W•"·•'t.ltU k1utJ fl1t1n.tyt-r pu"lht••, tw.. lwo f~·11111le Wllt'ollt•t" tuw.ull liter ''•J.J II (I Ill ~l !1 111111 ) ( Z l llOV• · llw < 11,1111 Cll 1111111111 n·l,Kk•,1111111· I 1111•1. Drao11.c) loc11111y I l•WI'>. J.11 k lltlllllfl'.1111 A 'l'llllll\J h111( blOf'cJ aborlfllrll' d1•c1d("l Ill •,rJt'k II !)lill.'1111 thLI whol(I 111,111'0, wc;rtd only lo 11111 uµ ,1u111n~I rnc.1:,111 .11111 v1uh1111.e t:> 111•, ;J mon) C!)IOLDO.t t;a m THI~· ll.1rt" ,111 t,11n•.LllllHllJ •.11ct "si. c.1u:.eo, 11111d1 1w1<,011.1I l rn1111c:1 Ulllll flt• htldS ltllll'r f.lt!•k.P (f't1rl ?j (;> 111'>, 30 111111 I -1 DlaMOM ~ ntf CAUFOMIA VOTE 0(1) MEWS : SOUND F'EITIVAl (1'1n1111c1cJ J 111• 1e11nw11ecl 11111101 .11111 ~Cll .11 '>tyl111ys ''' .hl'.l' f t•loc;ii'JllO '1110 till' •,111114 VfltlJll'>llY OI lttl• ~/~~~:ff'lol•lfPf(o,1turecJ (1 hr) ~' ltlOYIE I ake fluo, 1110 Arni Slu;vc• 11" ( 1 !:Ill I C.1J11tf'Oy I rlobP• I Hay:. E:lnr l>.l• a il(ll'<lll'Y A yc11111l) COtf)W.lte ('.ocecu11vp '"''~ 111111 w-.1~.1.1111.11 when he 1e1111ns lei '"" h•m•t•l<•wrt IU 11•v1t<tll/P .i cump.trty hH0Wf'•y 'Plo' (I '" ' 40 111111 I l $1 A NEW DAY II EDEN I\ pnwl'olul 1.11111ly turn:. n SnltJll Jnwn 11110 .1 mmlcl te1uvf"nJ 11011 project (P11ot t) 0 ltlOYIE "Bu.,ttn' l ou~P I 191\ I t.11111c <Jvl noch.11cJ Ptyti• C11.t·ly Ty•.u11 A bum bhng bu19lat a concemca s<..hoolte<1Cher ollld eoghl c.t111tJr1>11 rnai.e •• htyhtenong c.;10'>'> couro11y '"" on a b1nkt>n·tlown -15:;;;,~'""''" ~MOYIE "My Mother My Lover · t 19611 A young woman mami>~. ,lit olcJet m.in for tna1e11al ga111 antJ qu1c~1y br"<.0111e~ botf't.I l 1111 30 nttn I S A NEW DAY II EDEN A µowcrlul ld111oly IUlll!o a <,111.\ll IUWll 111t11 <J 1110<.lt'I ICJUVt'll•l t11111 1uotp<..1 (f'.111 ?I lO:l5 @ MOYIE T111• !,p11.11 Sl.1111.,<1~,. .. ( 194t. S11•,pt•11st-J r>woll1y Mc C1Ullt' George Aw111 A y1tt111q cl"''' 11111te q11I ,., st;ilkeo by .t ~haduwy kollt•o 111 ii ~loot11y nld hUIJSI' f I ht 3!> 1111n l H:•1o u mmNEWs IAT\MDAY llOHT · lllEMCHOl- ELECTM* 'a Su~an filrr«I 1.:11~·. wolh p111111c 111 111111ly"1" lu11114tf c,w 111t~n1;1n f1t 1u Wll 1111 uruJ I 11111111 'Vn11 Clov1l111 CArcJf I "Ho111111t11J 11111<111lhlh 1>j)U1lk wolh cona1 11111111. h11111 11'4•1.111111 li11mtqu1111111• uown h1Wll ""' Mc M11l11111 111prnl11 Oumuc11111G 111 .. 1111 , 111111 111111 I lutoloy 1mcJ AtJ11utlflO /\h>11tl llljl\111 llupulolk11f1 t11'011l1t. h1Jf11 I A lllu/J~=··O,~'~ QUIZUll ....... 911'°"1' l MOWI . ( ,1111·' •,101y ll'IU I. HClllOI) ftuU A•olotlll , lo/111 lllill',411111111 My~ltlllf>ll't 1h1Jth•, 111•11111 lu 0111 1110.110 11111 11111ki. ol u "'"""'ore h• ol ulrw1ly tt11tt1 ""'"'' •,hmo l>olh ., mo11lhly ",(ll1y1t1ll111\1 u111 llJUulh-01 und ll 'JO ynm old i,o(.101 •n• ( 1111 • LiO mm) I L I WOM.O UQH1'WDQHT lllUDWMllUllO CHAllNUI .. NWJITI ·LA.., (SJ mNllll .Jolttt By11rn .. t1owi. y1111 1111111111 ·.1t.111U111 1h1111 trull• 1.iro••t 111.in '''"· und /IHlll)I llUlll 1111v1h11111 .,.uy'v•• llVlll !>ljUtl Il l MOVll 'Anlly w .1111111'6 0111cul11' ( 1914 110111111 .Joo IJ,111w.c11<11t1 U<.111 Ktt:• A v.1111µuu .,.,tlluto(J Vll(ltll'> IC• •,utt:.tv ht!. 11111•,1 1111 lllo•icJ '" tu•lprnl IJy u nubl6 111t111 whu w.111b lhu 111cmoy tu: lluni.s m Jl<i~'W'>!>l..'CI IJy 1110 C.tJtJttl ( I I 11 JO 1111n I 11:111 LOCAL EUC110M.COVIMQI THIWTWOM> EUCTIOM COmAQ( I tVI l.11Vl)lo11Jc• ot tlte 1982 olec.ltons fl'! te-.1111!.. 111 lhu Hout.a, Senl)lu t1ncl gubc11111tU11JI c.0111ei.1s t>ec;orne known ( t 111 ) 0 YOU AllCED f<MI IT @ MOYIE "lo Sevul' M.itlP.11e Juoell. Phohppe Nouut Tlte hVI'~ col .1 ymmv COi.i· µ111 ate e11da11y111ed hy u muri who!> real 1oen11ty '" <me• ol l<11H 1hllu11•111 p(1t<.011all- h1!6 (? tw, I f: ART Ol lflNG HUllM DIClllC*'a ) 8'0RTICEJfTDI l GAUAOHEJI: TOTAU.Y NEW The 1a11y. unpmcJ1ctabtP Gnt1.1qt11•1 10, tm1.i.. 111 ti c.om l'dy •4Jf'C1dl taµed hv1• .11 th1· M aylilot MUSIC Hall Ill Sunlrl MontC.J ( .. 1l1t01ntd (I hi ) m NIGHT OALl.DIY tt:M (~)MOYIE "l1p!ol1<..k ' (IQl(i U1am.i1 Mar· IJdU• Hem1114way Amio n.111t roll A top rus111011 mudc·I •!> h1m1thal!-'d ur1tl toustralet.I l>y h«1 unsuc.c P'>o;lul .111ero•pt!. 10 '>Unterice the r11.J11 whu rapeo hc1 ro prison 'A ' (I 111 30mon I t2*I D ElfTUTAIMNT TONIGHT 0 MOYIE C.i!>lle 01 ru Ma1>1.hu ( 1972 Adventure) Ctirostopher I >'!-'. Mdt1a Pet ... Chy S<..lltlilrt<J y .wJ lhwart~ r IJ MdllChu's scheme 1c urnpluy ,1 ~11;;t w!'al)011 111 conquering Ilic world 12 hr" 1 ~ =':OC.CFOM> ~ CD MOYIE 'Man Ott A !:ilrntg I t9b0 Ora ma) [rnest Bo1y111n1;. Ketwon Ma1hews A HuS!.lll'l spy forced to tema1n behind beh1110 lhe lton Curtdon becomes a coun 1e1spy for the U S t? hrs ) (I) LOVE, AIEllCAN STYLE I~ MOYIE l ollany I u51 11981) Arlene Manhallen, Vane~~a Hrlll /\ woman tea•es a larewell no1e 101 her 11ra11ent1ve husba11d and take!> ulf tor e1011c adven· lures (I hr 30 m111) 0 MOYIE "A Cloc~w01k O•J11ye" ( t971. Science r1c11011J MJICC-1lnt McDowell Patrrc~ Mayee 011PCtPd by S1anley Kub11c1' Who•n potoc.e captu11:: lht: leader ol a t~n agf• ga119 ' I 1ap1st~ and rltutder· ers. 1ne me1toc)(J ut 1cha01lota11ng horn prove~ even 111ore lh1ra1crung to soc1e1y A (2 hrs 1 / m•n I Q;) PfMY MASON ~10 (!1) MOYIE "1 he Gl..t~!. Spn111x" ( 1967, Drama) Robett hytCor Ar111a ll1be1g Fnday. October 29. 1982 3 1 I=:::; •'A'l"tl ~1'\IE Guesl Joseph E Levine llACIB. / LEHllD llEPOtlT ,._MID THE PrTTlllMGH 'R1Kh manonov" Ptan•SI Horacio Gu11e11ez 101n' Andre Previn ancJ lhe P111st>urgh Sympho ny for a pertormance or Rachrnc1n1nov s Thud Piano Concerto trnm Heinz H;ill 11 hr) (E)Wlf'UI (IDllOMEY MATTW This 1.1s1 paced oocu menlary olters ways 10 save money on telephone bills, a look af tag S<11es anel some insurance po1n1e1s '1:) COUIGI YOlL£f9AU CSUF 11tan:, vs uses "'=5 ( 1 hr . 30 min l .. fJ (I) mlU FOR 11VD1 MOnBI Evan decides 10 drop oul ot high school and IQm the rOcle<> c11cu1t ( I ho ) 1J 0> IRA&. ~ Featured a 4 year old bodybuilder an ex1.lus111e club with male "wa11resses .. a canine 1escue team. a man wuh over 200 hals ( t hr ) 8 llO'tlE 'Born Loser~ ( 196/ Orama) Tom Lau~hhn, Ehzaberh James A halt bleed Indian. Billy Jack. laces a 1own full ot mororc~~ I hs t2 hrs ) G (!)) T Of QOlD ~ Jake ool1vers a h1eroglyph1<:-coverecl lrunk lhat unleashes ghostly v1sioos of Sarah's late lather and hrS buarre murderer ( 1 hr ) ., , ... MAQAZI"' rv·s "I ove Boa1•· hims a scec1a1 crurse to a Greek 1sl.lnd, take a look at those who cheat on their spouses G> llO'tlE .. Posse .. I 1975, Wes1ern) K11k Douglas. Bruce De1n An ambllOUS mar· shal cuts a path or moJrder, hes and betrayal across the Sou1hwes1 1n his man• acal pursuit ot power (2 hrs ) 9 ml.I Featured riluats and fat h.ons ot a tox hun1 1n New York, cartoon.sis Pat Olrphant and Paul Rigby View the world from their standpoint, a celebfaloo 01 "cow town" status 1n Ft. Worth, Texas • ,._MID 1"I ~ "Rach· maninov" P1&n1s1 H0tacto Guhetrez 1010s Andre Prev1n and the Pittsburgh Sympho- ny IOt a perl0tmance of Rachmaninov's Thnd Plano Concer10 lrom Heinz Hall ( t hr) ~ ~ "Sou1he1n Comfort" (198 1. Orama) Keith carradlne, Powers Boolhe A group of Nallonal Guardsmen on week· end maneuvers In a Louisiana bayou spark a smaH guomlla war with a commu nlty Of backwOOds Cajuns 'R' ( 1 hr . 40 min.) w• .. -, .... -.... rra• CID -~ "So Fine" I t981, Comedy) Ryan O'Neal. Jack Warden. A stuffy col· lege prOfessoi saves his lattler'e flounder Ing garment lac rcry by 1nvent'!1Q a new ~of ladlet' jeans ·R ( t hr , 3 1 min ) {I) mAm Jol'lt'I Bynor shows you lh•llQS 1tranget than lrulh, lar~ than Ule. and zanier fhan an~ng you ve ever seen =1=A.-.S IO 'YOU,_ YOU 80T 11ICMLIJ _. "Thloe Penny Opera" ( 193 t, ~I) Lotte Lenya, £mtt Butch (2 hfl.) • nan..._ Oii PiM Jnne r ondo narr•t• • profile of Stenley Kr•rnet. t.a1utlng lnteNlews with the director. lho eotor• and ectr"'" who r-..,•.ie w0tkod with him, •nd Clipe from 11 of : II lllmt ( I ~ .. wn ...... Olympic ~ c:::.r:.,PJm' ti= ~ a.. Friday, October 29, 1982 Cuny lor rlui; d•'>Play fll c;ka11ny a111i.lry I I hr 17 mon) UI (1'l) MOVIE ·sara Dane' (Part 3) (Orama) Juhe1 Jorelan Harolo Hopkins When Sara's husband is mu1de•i><1 1n the l11sh Convict Rebelh0<1. Sar.i shuns 1t1e IOlle 01 an e>. cunvoCI lor that ol a my<.terious French aristocral (2 tirs J .. fJ Cl) Al.JC( Mel's enthus13sm as a theal r1cal p1ooucer dnve-; everyone u1' lhe walls and oul ol lhe stiow (Pait i1 1J 6) THE FACTI Of LR Eastland·~ old est living graduate lakes a llkutg 10 Jo and dec1aes to leave her a cons1d<>1aOli> pan of her estale O fl ®) THE 1aU OAIY Coll ane1 Howie chase a beautoful ball 1ump111g cat uurglar to a J>OSh island resOft ( 1 ho ) l =cmNI ITAMEf OAlmt '* FUI Jane ronda narrates a profole ol Star1ley Kramrr, lealurong in1erv1ews w11h lhe d11ec101 lhe acl0ts and aclteSSE'S who have worked wrlh him. and chps horn 11 of his l1lm5 ( 1 hi) (fl COU!Ql IOCCO ··roe Bronze Boot" SI Louis \IS Southern Illinois at Edwa1ds- v1lle (A) (2 hrs ) ) llO'tlE 'The Gumball Rally · ( 1976 Comedyl Moehael Sa11azon Tim Mclnlore A gumball ma<:.hone 1s the grano prozo 1n a New York·lo-LO!> Anueles car race whoeh brings au SOfts 01 zany characlers onto lhe na11on·s h1ghwAys and back roads PG' (1hr .47n'llnl (O)llO'la "Tanoo' I t981. Orama) Bruce Dern. Maud Adams An ol)sessed talloo Artist kidnaps a lash1on mC>del and ptO· ceeds to COVl!f he• body w11h his hand• work 'ff ( 1 hr • 45 min ) Cil MOVIE "Superfly" ( 1972 Orama) Ron O'Neal. Carl Lee A Harlem drug pusher decides 10 invest all of his energy 1n one final. rJ'll11or deal oetore retu1ng Imm me "busmess .. 'ff ( I hi • 36 min ) m10LDa.• .. ,(l)~TMYMCH fl) fAl&Yl'IU Steven's macho lather emves for his annual v1si1 and ha~ hl1l usu ilj~~son CI) llO'tlE "The LandlOrd" ( t970. Com<' dy) Beau BlldQeS. Lee Granl A weallhy young man causes a sllr w11hln his lam1ly when he decides 10 purchase A lenement hou5C'~tto (2 hrs . 30 min ) G DMAMI "The Olaam 0 1 Don Guadalupe" The life and times of Cat lfornla'a founding fafher, General Gust· dalupe Vellefo are exemtned (ff) '* LOCAnOll "Catch A Rlstng Slar's tOth Anniversary" Richard Belzer, Pal BM&tar. David Brenner, Billy Crystal, Oabe Kaplan and Robin Wrfliams are among the stars salutfng the New York showcase ctub whlCh gave them 1he11 •lart ( 1 hr • 30 min ) e lf'OTUMT,.... RObefl OsbOrne 0<avoewa SPOtligh1'1 corning nltractlons -1())1'UCUn WITCM • ~ Quincy auspec111 IMI o fem81e coroner'• olQohoflsm h1111 aflecto<I h« judgtn'lenl of a c•se that t1ppeara to t>e&murdef. ~ 11 m The police OIOM In on the kldMPI* of F'1110n and JQll'• t>Bby. and• si!Ver rattle la Mk:hMI Torrence's only Unk 10 hl9 blrthtlg.hl tt Adlm C&rrlngton c;> !.~Nnol ....... "I Remember Strtei" The fOfeet that t1t1blistled Bealt S1r .. 1 In Memptlll .. a etnttf f0t ~ ~'" and the bltl~ ot 1he t>lu('~ Me l('Vll'Wl"l (Ill ( 1 l1r I m THE ll&AGIC Of DANCE 'l ti<> r lJb And Flow Rul)oll N111f ,r•v rill 1 Mol.h,111 Ur11y.,h- n1kov are "'·lhJJt'•I . '" I >.11111• M.11\Jtlt Fon tP/n rrace• tilt> 1lrvrl•>1•r1111nt 11 t>allPI over Ir-I' <.OW'"' I iOO yPar• , I l1r ) c1 MOVll l 111 1'11r5tHI l 11 ()fl l.C><J~r·· I tCl£\ 1 A<lw• 1•11•') T11·o11 W1lh1tlll'. Rouerl [)uv.11 A rllu•t I, "~· ,, 1 l.111t ·"•d pata 1.t.1111· I• o1l1•t) """ 111eyon Mlh a 101 111111• on .1roh•11 n11•1wy r>ti' 11 hr 40 """I S MOVll l "''" M11r11q'1t Hn11m Show· (lloororl !)""'""" '"" •"• ,11111 ... urhly ho1 1or"' 1 oftilmu 11 '1l.t'-•• n111!H1qh1 ltu C1erldh· esl time ol .111 I 11.r ?h "'" l 0 MOVIE ·r-,,1,.1n11v· t 1981 C.c>medy) 81111 Rt!ynolo!" f'••wrty (1 AnqPlo A l;i)lh~ PIOI 1n ht• 11 tl•t•' wr • 1111.11 I· t 1 l>P a lalher searchP'> IOI th" 11qnr Nm11<111 1n bear 111s lch1I~~ 'l'11111n l 11:11 IMDEPEJl)OT lilfTWOM NEWS MGMAT\IE (,111 1 10 .. rl'h r 1 ev1111• *" llO'tlE Teh1•1 tn 11'lit7 Aclver11111e) Derek F<111 P.11111'1.r ~111hnu A wa111111e reporter 0 11 .1s.c;•ll'""""' 1n 11.1ly <l•<.c.overs a plot 10 ,, .. >, ... ,.n.1h r·,,,, '1r•11 llr><lSevell lhr . !>O rn111 L 11• a o MJ m NEWS IA TUM>AY llQHT •KMCMOf- TitATOUIZIHOW m&TI Of UN FIWICllCO '1ll.E reahu•'•l 11h1alc. ;inrt lnstuons ol a f1H nunt 111 No>w York C"(lrton111sts Pal Oliphant ilnd P.1111 n1ohv -~·w the world from lhe11 s1an•t1• wnl .1 Lt-l(lbratlOfl of ·cow town· Stilflf', 111 fr Wtir11r. Tt:>•ilS ~ ..... llD'O'IT DOCTOfl •THE"°'* MUllll IPOflT A '>(;l(lntoht.. l'~f)lornll()l'I ol athfell<" perlorm.111<.f' which LJn ;ud alh- letes 1n 1mprov1nq their game 1n1 fHl llOW .. l'are1111tv ( Hl81 Comedy) Burl neynolds IJC'verly O' Angehl A bach elOI' 111 his 1011tes wt11 wanls 10 be a fatl\cr searches 101 1hr roqhl wnm1111 10 be.11 his child PG ( 1 nr .1S 111111 l ( llO'tlE lanyi1 s Island" ( 1980 Ola mn) D 0 Winier<>. Roehnrd St11gen1 Aller e 0eaut1h1I model'" d111111)t'>d by her foohsh 00yf11end fo/\e fan1aS11es abo111 Ille on o 11opfca1 island A ( t hr 33 nun ) (0) MOVIE "Frn11mn11elle Arovnd The World.. ( 19!> l) I aura t.emser. Karin ScllUOOrl fhrec nrople tratl A gang lhal k1(111ops women and sells them 10 while slalltlfs ( t hr 30 min I (%) llO'tlE "Hnlktween II" ( 198 I' HOH()() Jamie I ee Cur Its Donnie! flleaMnco A ~sly 1nSBn murdor4'1 contlnuf's his retgn ot torror 1n n :.mn11 1own 'ff ( 1 hr , 30 nun) 1tll 9 (I) MClll __.... PUCI With the 1est11urant e>polllO\I f\ISI hc.lurs owny, Mur· 'M llnally fln(js n cOOk (R) U GD TOllQHT t tost Johnny ColllM Guos1s 0111 Hardon. who gre>Wll> • lawn on hl11 car, Aooor10 Finck ( 1 hr I Io Mt ... llGHT\M fOu AldD POI If TMl&:Ztlatll m'ftl "Thtoo Penny Of)Orll" ( 11131, Muaic:al) l orte lonya Fm11t Dusch (2 t11a.) l .... OlllOQITY .. LA~ H0$1 OennrS Wholey .....,.. MO¥ll "rtrst Monday tn October" ( 198 t. COmedy) W•ttt< Moltl\au. Jiii ClllyOUJgh A fit>etal Supreme COUtl Ju.. tlct clallhea wrlh tl\6 new .. t membe1 of the nation'' Ngho!lt court. en ulf1a-eon- MfVlfMt WO!Mn ~mat 'A' ( 1 ht , 40 min I J • llovlU- 1111. 'OtK>11t t.h1ty' I IW I I ln1111r I t rut! All11lrt1. J01111 ll•ll"trlll011 I t tu '10 111111 I •CZ> "AmJy WHrltol u J 1u11~1111,.tu111 1 Ill/~ Ht11 rt11 l Joo D11ll11tt11l111f1u llrl11 t<..1111 ( 1 t11 ;l& min) • IJll "lnlorlucto' I 1•1•.t. l111m1t111 n) hJ11to A•r'°"· l'lor!.'ll!nO Biii/it , .. tu· I •CC "f114.1 c root llrourt' ( 1')111 l\1lvr•11luruJ Jimmy 06nl0<1U. I Ull U1111r.111 ( t ht IU mtn) ( Q) "Juul A Otuolu ( I !.Ill I [111111111) f l11v1!1 Buw111, Kirn N~)Vllk It hi ' l(l """ J ,.CJ) "Wu the1111u H111uh1 .. • ( lt'l:'\9 Rom11nc11) l 11ur1tr1rt1 (>1tv1 .. r M1ul11 Oberon (? hr11 I • "II ftQu)U(J All NltJhl I her 1l.1y I I t•lt ( 1978. Ocamll) Tony Curll" ;;.illy 11..,11,11 m un ( I hr , 40 111111 I fa Cl ) "force r1vo S1urvtin~1u1 i." ( 111t\ I ~;(I onco r1c111m) An1111nte<J ( 1 hr • 40 111111 J n4I (Z') ' 1 ho 1111111 ShOµ Qt Horror"" ( 1!>61 Ho11or) Jock•e Jo!>eph .lnn11111.111 I l11fl• ( 1 hr I 0 111111 ) •CC) ··100 PurbUrl 0 100 t.oopt•• 11 118 t Adventure) I rnut Wtlh.1111•. nutJoct lltrvi-111 t I_ hr • 40 rn111 ) lHJ "Pattirn1ty" ( tllll I. Crnnrnly) flutt Royoolds. Bov~rly I)' Anuoro ( t hr 3ti llllll) ll::ml0) "FlaSh Goruon" 11980 St.rcnce r1c Hon) Sam J Jo11es. Mitx V1111 Sydow ( I hr . 50 mrn) • 0 .. The Great Adv.,11turl"' ( t'1'>·1 Adventure) K1all Sucks<IPrfl l\rnll.'r!> Nor borg ( 1 hr . 15 min) (%) "SO rine" ( 198 I. CfJllll!dy) Ry.111 O'Near Jock Warden ( t hr J I 111111 J '1') "Broadway" ( 1942 Mr.1 .. ryl George Rall Par O'Brien (<'ht<, J ll::mtD "F1ank1e And Jollnny· 11966. Mu.,, car) Fr-111'> Pre.,tey Oonnd Ot1111Jfas 1:i hrs) ,..ct) "High Ice" ( 1980. l\dvl.'111ur1') Da\llfl Janssen. Tony Musanle ( t 111 dO 1111n) "Silence 0 1 The N orth ( 1981 Adventure) (lfen Bur~tyn l urn Sl,t•r111l JI hr • 35 min ) (SJ "lnutatron Cene1al ( t!)!>ll (,umedy) Glenn FOid. Red Buttons \ 1 111 ;>8 min ) ,..@ "None But The Orave" t 1965. 01.i ma) Frank S1Mtra, Clint W.il"rn (;>hr<; ) tail 0 "Paterr111y" ( 1981, C11rn1•cty) Our I Reynolds, Beve•ly 0' l\ngcfu ( 1 hr .'.l'i mrn ) "Halloween II ( 196 t Houuq J.lm1t• Lee Cums. Donald PteaSt>nce c t 111 10 mrn) t1:il "House Calls" c 1978 (,uml•tlyl Wal ter Matthau. Glenda Jac;k~n I I hr 38 min) CO) "Harper Valley PTA" (1978 Corn,. dy) Ba1bara Eden Ronny Co~ I.? hrs I -Afternoon Movies-u.e "L111fe Cigars" ( 1973 DrJrna) Billy Curtis, A nger Thompkins 11 hr • 30 rn1n 1 41) "Illegal'' (1955. Orama) f dward C. Robinson. Nina r och (2 hrs J CC) ·'The ElephJn1 Man ( 1980 DrJnia John Hurt Anthony Hopkins I? hr' l min) (S) "loot Suri' I 1981. Orama) D.in11•t Valdez. Edward Jam13s Olmo<> (I hr 4) min) (2) "Superfly' ( 1972. OrJrn,11 Ron O' Neat. Cart Lee l 1 hr .'.!6 mrn J 11:»0 "Bustrn· Loose (1981 Comedy! Richard Pryo1 C•cely Tyson I I hr 3 4 min ) t::a 'The Incredible Shronk1nq Woman I 1980, Comedy) Lily Tomil11 Charle" Grodin ( 1 h1 ?4 mm ) Andr·<· Pr••v i11 cli1·c•c·1i-. 1lw Pill i,hur~h S) mplwt1) Ordlt'slru on Chuniwl 2B a t B p.m . OJ 11.1·1t 1 ..... 1 •• t, 1 l'111u •,, 111t1ll' r" l1tlll) '""" I ,Jutrr• MI• V1111 !>yt111w f I hr 110 1111r1 I 1'65 Z ~V I II•" ( 111H 1 l.11n•t•1lyl lly,111 () N10,1I f,t•• ~ W.11d1 11 (I 'or J 1 111111 ) 2:00 lC• '/\1 11111.11· 1\1• fl10,111111u1 f'••oplt• t_!'ll'i) (l111111111•111,11y ( 1 l•t I.' 111111) 0 "II fl.i1111•1! All N111ht 1111• l"1y l I l'lt" I 111/H (>r.1111<11 lrirry r.urt1· 'utlly 11.t•lt.-r 111<111 r I 111 40111111 I 2:30 @ Ir' '>t< 1t•I H.cr ,.111· l..t>1·•I 11 olrpJw Nllt1l'I 111 t1r I ,_ H f'.i1t•rr111v I 1':1111 ( 1>1!11•·fyl f111r1 ney1111l1J•, 1111-.·lf~ () l\1111nlc' t I hr 1r, n1111 I I L , "M.cq11 (111/ll lll>urn) i\111l1u11y H1Jµk11 10, A1111 M.0•11"1 (I tu •Ito n1111 I 1:311 0 Raqyt'<l1 i\t111 Ar. I i\11tl1 (I'll I Ad~t·lll r11 J l\•11111.1h d I 1 I r • ''> 111111 ) Z ·(;,,.,,,, I• 1· I 1•111 I Actvc•r11t11r•) nyill1 O'Neal l\nnP ArrhPr 11 hr .,.., m111 J 4;GO@ MyCh.11111111111' ( 11Hl1 (>1,u11.1) Yuko Sl11n111c;i.1, (,1111~, M rll hwn ( 1 tu 4•, 1111n ) d 'Cl 1111• t .r1'.ll llr.11n · ( l'l/0 A<lv••ntwe) .Junniy ()"" '"nr I I ..r 1 1l11 nr 11 I 1 ru 10 ITU(' I S:GO L c '" 1 ·r 11· ••• 11111~ 1 < ""''"''rl Nino M,111111"1• A 1• •II•• 1 1•1 r I •or ?9 rnu1 l S:GI@ 'I W.tl" Tl11• I 1r1t· t 111/0 ()r,t111dl Greynry Pr>t k lrJ••',!Jily W••ill I•' hr·. 1 S:::IO ® "l""'" ,.,.,,,,y 11, ..... 1 r l'I 11 Mw,1 1 .111 11111"' ''"' 1 ''" .1 fi.1· tt • 111 1 z TIP l 111• .r I (II ..... ·I 11q1j1 Hl,n ,. 1.u "'~·· 1 ,,.,.n t. •• tlh.lt H .t/P I 1 t•I I() rr ,, j ..... Evening ......... • ()VII WY 1 l111 ,, "''"'" ''''" l>omlh~ K11"•r.tw. IR UNDPITMDNG HUMAoN llMA¥IOI l!°1 llOYW I"" 1 1r••nt T rn111 nol.ll>ol y" ( I 'l /(.I J\1lvt111llllO) '1l•1th (,l/ltnllly 0011 ultl 1111111 .. rrmrtl lw11 "'I'"" 111111 ul tho llllllWy 11111 111lt•1I" •lfl1•111pl Ill flllll ntf 1110 '"•t•11111111ly 11111111•.'.thh• 111l11IMy t!I ti lo\..ked 'wlhl llftlllltcJ 11 l.l'ol lllUVllllJ llK IHlllJltVtl l •t/ (I tu '•I rnr11 I IHllM.OOY: 11NI CUlllC TAUi A111mnt •t•t 11111•11 0,111111,., hit < l11llJ11•11 'Atµ Vmi W1nkt1• 1111• 111111• 1111111.,." 1111d 'Mor11n 1t11r c.111i111nr.. 1111· 1>11111uti1 11f1Vt• 1h11>uuh th,..( .1,.y1111l111 If• pmcr"•" (I tu i'h min ) ro10Nvwrw "SJ llOVllE 11.. Ll111t I 111H() lltnmn) Jue~ I t1111rrp• 111 I .1.111.1111 K1•t•tt1'lJy lhO 1:11;11 h •11 .1 li.f ,,..,.,, A11.,tr11h1J11 loolball 111.1111 '""'" II••' fl"""' 11111•1h lm lh orr the pf11y11111 l111hl .111d 111 1111• 111111111 1011111 WhtllU lw 1111.11" ,111 o1111.1qor11•.ttt r hit. I '"J•Adcnl l t11 . 1'1111111) IOflttm 191>1 lltl ITOM TM( MC( 11 llQHT .. NIA IAIKfTIAU o .. 11~•·t NrJU\,/l'l '.> V<j 6:11 I'~~~:: ,,. "' "' """ I ' llWINQ POWf.R ) TME IWUMO Of UDIEI: TMl ITOflY OI '°"'8TICATE> UDIEI I tu•, rnt111docunien tmy 11111., 1111• •,1111y lwhm<l ~t.ljJltt•.ticaled I .11l11•" tit•• lu· 1 hv• 1 .. 1r.," ,1 ot 11 Broad· Wol~ !.1IOW @llOVIE f t11• l ,11•o1t AcJv1•111111t/ ( 1954, Adv1•fllllff') K11•ll ''"' k•,tJmll Ander., Nor· l)c;rll I\~;.,.., fll I •111..,.IUI fllf''.1'111!:. J dOCU· lllClllollY "" lllt N11l1tl1•r HI l1ollure and Mliwrl;::.,i.;;,u~ 7:GI CNMEWI NICNEWI MAPPY DAYI A<WM MCMIEWIO 'Jl llA<lA21NE 1\1 I 11v,. Ooat' films ,1 spec1.il c;ru• ,,. tc, .1 (,rt.<t:k 1•.f.ind. treasure hu11~ '"" '•""'<' o t Cne<;/lpealt.e Bay I Tlf/Ef'l'="~otllOKr El:) JOKElt'S Wl.D '1!) IUllNESS lt90RT l.l llOVllE I I •fl l ()fJ',t• I I 9H I Come tJyl n.c.t. ••<l 1 • •• < 1L1·11 T .,.~()n A t>urn hlu.y 1>1111)1 11 ,,.. ·"""''! !.<.hOOlleacher dlltJ cr1;hl 1..I "f m,1ke <1 lrighten1ng t.111s• 1.111mtry 111p 1n ,l IJroken·down SU1011l lll1<. It I I 111 14 nun ) 10 1 llOYIE H.11p1•1 V.ifley PT A" ( 1976. G<JfllP<lfl 11.111 ,11;1 ( dt·n Ronny Cox A .,., f ''°'''""''' 1< 11r11.J n•<ither w11h a great Jl',J t •'• 11 r 1 •lltent c1nafly rattles the , n•• l''" 1h•· , • "'"'"n1 ot local school to 1'0 Jllt.'"rt'h••t r. t1t·. J Z llOYIE ·•,o f11•c' ( 198 t Comedy) ny.1n u N1•11f J.11.~ Wart:1c11 A s1utty col· '''ll" pwl•"·"'" • .. w ... s ll1s 1..ither s llounder· ""' q,1111•1 ''' I.IC,,,, 1 by •llvcnlrng a new i•e f 1a1111•s 11<.111!> n ( I h• J 1 mrn J OMMGE COUWTY TOOAY 7:t5 MEWi 7='0 2 ON THE TOft f e.i1u11·d .1 t(lc.af photo <;e<;'.•<.1" tm I A Nutt"' an 1rt1e1v1ew with the m""" ..ii tJ'"'ll rlPetwo011 MAC. a rught "' Ot!>llP /lit11<l §El:)FAlaYFIUD LA YEIME a ltlM..EY a COlll'AMY m ON LA. r l'Ollu•Pd I pr hie of Paul Ne,.marr 1 "'' rt '' "''·Q•OW• culls a H'l>Ort nt 1 flM) t »,.. Frrday Octobc!r ;>g 1982 33 -Morning Movies- .. <z · Hallov.ee11 11 11•m1 H "''" 1.111111 Lee Cums Do• 1' J r1o .1 , iot ,. • 111 lC min J i:il 0 'BQlly AnrJ f:.11ul l'JtJ I fJt.Jl!l<ll Leon Isaac Ke11nr.dl' J 1 rr•r· t<.••nr.l"dy 11 hr . 45 min 1 .. (C 'Thr C:1riur111i1l1 I\ ! 11 ln'l Dr.imtll Sieve Mc•)•"'"" r 1W•I I • fl1 1tHll<;(ln (, hr 45m,, H W"' rid<. ,, t>' TI 1 V-. I I 1'17 l OfamaJ (jurt!';tl r .. ~·~·I .Jq• .. f ••IH•r 11 hr 40 n1111) .. @ Louisa 119'>0 1 .n.-11y1 Ron.:tlcJ Reagan. Cnar es ( l'll"'' 1? nrs 1 .. (Q) ".Panny 11979 Aav .. 111vre1 Rebecc;i Page. George Luce 11 hr ;ia 11w1 1 "AnCly War111 OraL 11,1 I 1'114 Hor ror J Joe Da11es;1 11Jru lli! I< er 1 I hr JO min) r. (!) ' A11arrme111 r I r r .. qc1y I 1948 Cun• edyl W•llrau H •Ill"' ''"l" "' Cn1n (i' hrs I 7::9 ,$1 "HOU"' c,111<, I' I/ti Cll111Pdy1 Wal ter Manhi•1 1,1,•r .J.r "'' o. ,r 11 111 38 m1n1 0 Tri.. A1 , •• ,, 1r 'oll• II l)I r rrnly ( 1964 L."1111111y i Jo11111•, 1_ •• 11111•1. 1u111· Anarew~ I I 111 '•'• r11111 1 •CCI Tne lllSI T1ll1P I Saw ra11~ ( 1954 Ofama) [hzabetn 1 1yl 11 v,1n Joh11so11 U hr , 55 rm11 1 (HJ ' Ponra11 0 1 I\ Rf'>lwl MaryarPI Sange1 I 1980 01oqr;irhtJ Aonn1P Franklin, Q.:iv10 Dulle I I hr . 45 m11 ) 1:11 (0) "Skin Deeµ t l<JB.' A1!wnltJ1fl) [)pr yn Coope1 1::> h•> 1 ltl Tull~ ( IQll t (.orr l'<h 1 Catw Kaplan RPrn<1df'll1• Pe1 .. 1•, I 1 hr 32 min ) .. m f 01 Tiu• I ovr· 1 lt M.11.,. I 1 148. Musr cal/ 0ed•" 1 fJ111111r• r lrr• 111 J n·n•••·n 1:> hrs I .. ., "Fl;im111q <;1,11 ! 1•11io /\clvPnlureJ Elvis Pr(>SIPy BartJ,:u:1 I (.JP11 (;>hr<; I -(t) "The Man Wti11 Woultl Af' Kmq ( 1975, AClver11ure1 Sr;i11 Connery Michael Caine !? hrs 9 111111 J "Soldiers Thre!'" I II}!) 1 /\dventurl:'I Stewari Granger w .. 11N P111qenn ( t hr 27m1n) 0 "Runaway lsl;ind (/\dventum) Miles BtJcnAnan Simon•' Buchanan ( I hr 35 min) (I) "The lnncx.e111 t 1'176. Drarna1 Lian carlo Ginnnin1, l """a Anionpll1 ( 1 t1r 55 mrn) -@ "At 1on lc. In Th<' Stree1s • ( 1%1 Om ma) Jame'> Cilyney Barbara Hill() () hrs) tt•(H> "Tile Jau Sor,ger · ( 1980 Mu•~cal) Netl Diamond, Laurence Olivier ( 1 hr . 5'1 min.) tW(O') ''Love & Money" ( 1980. Advoniure) Ray Sharkey. Ornella Mui• ( t hr 3!1 min) -Afternoon Movl•- -· "The Man Who Hnd Power Ovor Women" ( 1970 01am11) ROd Teytor Cerol Whlle ( I hr :lO min ) m "GOOdby11 Chllrl1t1' I t964. Comedvl Tony CurhS. OebCK! flpynolds (?hrs ) (I) "Rleh And f.nmous" ( 1981. Or8m11) Candie• Bergen JncQu11hnl' Bisset ( I hr ,SS min) e "Seperete Ways" f 1980. Ornrna) Karen Black Tony Lo Bionco (I hr , 32 rnin) (1) "So Fine" ( 1981 Comedy) Ryan 36 Friday, October 29. 1982 0 Neal 1.1c:.ll Ward+>n I 1 hr 31 1111n t 12::9 ¢ Thi M1ll1011De11a1 rac.,.. 11'181 nra- maJ Tony Curw, Pnlly 11 .. rt.1en 1 1 111 40 min l t• H ·rr .. 5••oc1 w, I""" t • •80 A·M•n1ure1 C:.••:gory PPt> R1.qf'r M'>ore 17 hi!> J '0 Ba1ba1e11a · 11968 Sc.1e11v• f1c 110111 Jane fonda Melo O'ShPa ( 1 h1 38 min) 1::9 0 · Go<.>IJ RrOOar>< e · I.' hrc;. ) l DP111011s 01 The M11•Cl f 1978 Hor ror) Paul JonP~. P,w1ck M<!~t:C' ( I h1 79 min) 2::11 @ 1 ruf:'e Perm~ Oppr;i It 931 Musi cat) l 011e I enyrl frns1 Bu.-.cn (:>hrs I SJ "P11sonF-r UI War · t 1954 Orama) Ronala Reagan Oi>Wl'Y Martin I I nr 21 min I a.CH, · Portra.1 0 1 A Aetie1 Mt1rgare1 Sanger" l 1980. 611Jqraphy) Oonn1e Franld1n. David Duke<> t 1 hr 45 min l L .. The Gr ea I MuppPI CapPr ( 198 1 Comedy) Charles Grud111 [)1ana R1yg ( t hr . 40 min I T · The C.hant 0 1 .l1mr111e Blacksmuh ' ( 1979 D1ama) Tc•mmy Lewis Jaci.. Thoml)c;on t2 111~ • f'fur t •(C1 "Th+> C1n(.Jn11ol1 t<1rf' t l'lfl5 Drama1 Sieve McOueen fuward Lr Rorunson \ t hr 45 rn1111 lOi ·Danny· ( 197'l. AdvrnlureJ Rebecca Page. George l uce ( I hr 28 min I 0 "Runaway 1s1.i11d 1Adven1ure) Miles Buchanan. Simone BuchJ11i1n ( I hr 35 1111n I .. (!) "The Daring 11ot:>crmans· ( 1973 Otama) Charlec, Rt1b1n•.on Tom Con<.1d1ne .l? hrs) (Ii) "Who Has Seen Hie Wind? ( 1977. Drama) Ooroon Pmsen1 Jose rerrer ( 1 hr . 40m1n) (?) "Green Ice" f 1981 A<1ven1UreJ Ryan O'Neal. Anne Archer ( 1 hr 55 m111 I YI@ "Cowooy" ( 1958. Advenlure) Jacll Lemmon -Glenn Fo1d (::> hrr, I i:il@ ·Les V1ohns Du Bal' Jean Louis T1111 11grian1, Marie Jnsee Nal (:>hrs ) (Q) "Barbarella" ( 1968. Science f1C11<>nl Jelle Fonaa Milo O'Shea ( 1111 38 min) ($)"House Calls· ( 1978. ComeCly) Will ter Ma11hau, Glenda Jackson ( I hr . 38 min) --it;Evening .. DB ... CiWii't MGB.I Cll .. llGHT. 8IOUQH MC._,, ... , ..... ..,, MAWAIPWl.f 0¥8 UIY Guesl 11c1re11s Ma1gornt l-lar:r.JIJ. ti ....,..ntROUGH ntl MTS ~ llOWll "The Last Tune I Sow Pans" ( 1954. Olama) Ehmbeth TaylOI. Van Johnson Based on a story by r Scoll l'.111gerela Broken romances and shal 1er9d indlViduats populate Ports at the encl ol World Wer II ( t hr , 55 mrn ) D llOWll "Day For Night" ( t972, Orn ma) JncQvolme Oisset, Vnlenllna COf'teso 01rec19d by rrnnco.s Trulfaut The lives and loves of lllm perfbrme1s are stud1ea tn 11 mov10-withln n movie PG' ( t hr , 54 min.} TMl,_.•NCINT .. &::... Ma .. CAVITT Clll --lUM .,_.OIPIOIU NI Cll ... I.e ... tW'P\' DAYI ACWM ~~cJ1..: Tt;, •·l'-I ''' .1 'Love Roal' >pec.ial .11e ser·n ii pl,1y 1 n a Greek r<.lanll cru1<.f! the N.1vy ., $l.yCl1Vtn1J iOar:g~1r. ... DfT'ERTAIMWT TONIGHT nlU'I COll'AMY • ~Wl.D 1.,.. .. 111.POffT 'I! lell)( ntl MR. fht• latest develop menb 1n lhe NFI slri~I' 11re eJ1am1ned ( 1 I\( , L lllOVIE "Body And Soul' t 1981. Ota· mil I I Pon ISdac Kennt>dV Jayne Kenne· cl~ A young black 1urnr, 10 p111ehgh!1ng to raise 111e mo11e)' he needs tor medical scnoot R' t 1 hr 45 m111 ) Z' lllOYE T ul ps (1981 Conieay) Gabe Kaplan 81'rnae1elle PP.tPrs When he 1011~ '" lo'>/e .J s111r1u;i1 man Ines 10 can eel 1ne contra<.! he put our on n1msel1 ( t hr J:>m1n) ~ OMNQECOUNTY TOOAY 1• ... 7::9 2 <* ntE TOW re.11uied an 1nvestoga- t1on into the ph1momena connected 10 UrOs and e~tril lprre<,1r1al's II look into whether 111e US gov1:>1nme111 keeps some lacls abOut ur0s a S('(.rel whether the movie '( T .. •S mere hclion or future fact I fl)FAI& y ftUD UVIME a ltR.Ff a COll'AMY m <* u Fea1ured an tnlerv>ew With Bo Derek. parl lwo ot a report rin religious lcu11a;~·~~C~e1c; to• men llADAm'I JIUCI YOU UUD F<Mt rT .......... llGlllATillll Guesl LO\JIS Malle llAaEl. I LBIEt 111.POffT Wl.D Am:lllCA "Mountain Monarchs" A look is taken at lhe SJ><'Cial .idopta11ons lh81 allow alpine 11n1mals 10 lrve 1n the severe "tai~ ecosys1em (0) '9A Denver Nuggets vs Los Angeles Lal.ors (::> hrs l (~ AWm Get 111 shnpe, look good, ena feel q1eat with lhts physical h1ness e!_OQram W llOVll "The Adven111res Of l om Sawye1" ( t938 Comedy) Tommy Kelly. Jackie MOian Based on Ille story by Mark Twam A m1sch1evous M1ssouu boy has a se11es ot ei<c111ng {ldve111ures ( 1 hr . 30 mmL .. 8 (I) llAGNI• P.L Magnum tS 11opped 1n a lime warp while attempting to clear o union leader accused of murdering a con- st1uctton magnate ( 1 hr ) D GD ,.._ A black noner1na leets she's being unduly p1essvted by a he1d·nosed instructor. nnd Bruno aevelops some biased att1tooes toward e c1111a prodtgy. U hr) U llOWll "Midway" (Pert 1) ( 1976. Adventure) Charlton He111on, l-lenry Fon· dn Jepaneso and Amertc1m military force:: square off IOf a navel anQ eenal bottle cente1ed around a Pacific tsland dorl~ WOfld Wor II (2 hrs ) 8 QI IOAMI LOftl CMACtl Chacht envi sions a big brMk IOI the band when a gtnmourous record producer takes en Interest In httn G llOWll "f11reweU My lovoty" ( 197b. Mysteiy) Robert Mitchum, Ch9llOllO Aompung. Seedy t940$ prtvlll& eye Philip Marlowe 111 drawn Into untoro~ n lntrlgOe Md dangei wh9n ho tlk99 on the oulgn· ment Of localing a tovgh hoodlum's mlp.. Ing glrllrlend (1 hrs.) -Weclne1tlg Cont. -~uu.mt'f •Wt'Cl ..,_ lhtt I loplto11I M1111 ( 1111111 OuttlllJ) kl/111 111111 A11t111111y lluj •kllr• A Wt.llt.611>11 phr.••k IWI lllhH" 1111.tu1 111~ Wlll\,J u h1•11lltly 1111 "'"'"'' ""'" 'Wllll• ... 111 .. 1111111 lhu11 ll11d IHJ1111 •11111111 111 1 h1•11p h1111k ... 111 hlllOllb '1'0' (;1 Ill" .• I 111111 ) -1 MTDTAIMWT TOllQHT 9 MWTWOM> ~ f11t1111 '.Wt<t•I I"" ( 111/ / I lt.1 mu) I lltM• l11rn111 ltul••rl I,,,, .... ,., A w111111111 1111k1111w11~Jlv '"'""" lu•• h.111 llllllht11 (I ""' ) ~ = ".lo11t111y I l I Ill• I.' t l'til I I )1,1 mill L)l(,k I 'ow1111 I 1••• J t.11l11t A ..,,,.,1 .... 11 l UIOO fj.lnlhk>t 1>1•1·11111111, pr1•1 1111011•1ly mvolvtt\J with null,1w ... 111•J 11 WPlll 111 (,' lll:I ) • ., LOVI, MEICM Im.I 0 MOVll "BmJv A11u Soul \ l'lll I IJ1u 111n) I oor1 l! .. 111l ll.t'l1111:1dy, l11y111• l\1H11111 lly A yOllll\) llllf<.k hit II>, lo Pllli•l1\jh11n11 Ill llJIMl lh<l t11111111y Ii.• llllt•th 1111 l11t.,Jt1,.,1I St;hOOI 'fl' (I hr 4!1111111 I m PIMY llAIOM 12:98 Cl) MOVll lh<• Chilo ~11 .. 1lo•1 ( 1'11'1 Ot.:irna) Reau A1tll!J•'" 111,111 lll11w11 A 01110•ct1d mulhP1 ·..ul., u111 111 '>t.1.irt h 111 '"" IWO young d.111yh1tJ1•,, Wiiii IC.Mt l11•1•11 \\Id napped l>y t1111 t•x to115t1,111t1 (I 11t ~'> m1nJ 11:::8 ({l) ll0¥11 II !.. Your Movu · ( l'lhtl. Corne Cly) Edwatd (., Hol.>111'>011. I l'"Y 1 IMmd" A clever 011tun µIOI!.. t1 <li1!.t.111Jty '.t.hern" 10 101> a Md101can bdnk (2 111!.. J 11:::8 0 G) I.All MIGHT wmt DA VI> LETTIJlllM Guesls co111echur1110 r m1ly I ('\/Ill(' dCtfl'S~. ;Te1E~ClOIE LOW. Alm!ICM Im.I AUTO llAC8IQ Covernqe 111 1111• 11~,At 0.11 Cars lrom Sp11ngl1el1.t Ill tnJ (? 111 -. 30 mm) (l ) MOvtl "Qull11no" ( I 91j I Sl.ICllLI' f IL 1ton) Sean Cu11nc1y. fll!lt!• B1)yh· A '>p.1c1• marshal 1n11es11gate" ii 111'>h of '"Y"tl'11uu,, CJeaths w11n1n .t m111tt\ll u11t111.,, on ont' 111 J~p11e1·s moons ff (I h1 49 "'"' J (Q) llOVll "Jusl A <11golu 1191! 1 O•.t ma) David Briw111 K1111 Nov.ii<. All .m~.111 cra11c Prus:.1a11 soldit•• re1urnc; tu Her1111 alter World W,11 I to t>a111 ht> ltv1nq ,1<., 11 male escott 'ff I 1 hr 10 111111 J MOVWE Thi> 11111oc.en1' ( t97b ll•d11t.1J Giancarlo Gia111un1 I .iu1.1 f1111U11 .. 11t 111 early 201h ce111111v Uaty d "·'!J'l !11J11y1e develocs 1n11ol111ny ,, l.l1<.turb1'tl rn.in ho:. wile and his rn1sue~ ( t nr !:>!:> """ I tM MOVWE ·De.uh Valley" ( t'16:> Mys lery) Paul l cMdl. Pc1e1 B1lh111J~ley A New Yo1k youngs1er 1!. !Jent 10 A111und 10 v1~11 his mother and stumbles acro'>S ll o;~11es u l 9.!.1Sly murders fl ( 1 h• 25 nun I ••U llOvtE · o s s 11946 01,11na1 Aldn Lado. Geraldine F1119er<11<.1 Ju~! µ11or tc> lhe 0 -0ay invasion an 0 S S WY 1ec1111 '" d1spalche<l IO fr,rn1.e (2 htS) U MOVIE 'Tnun<Jer AllPy · ( 190/ Drr1 ma) Fab1.in. A11nel!e ru1111.1•ll11 A re1.1<1e .. .., 1ace ca1 drt~"' le11rn) 111• lp·,..,nn a11e1 cau!.1ng a lello"' racPr 111 Iv.• "'" hie t 1 hr . 30m1n J MOVWE Ne"' rrnnr1e1 11'lJ!> W1•-.1 ern) John W.iyn.. M1111C'I r v.itt!:. T 111 1hree Me..,Qu1lf:'ers .111.l ii qro11µ 011.H1ct1er· whose.land hJ'> bee11 s11uc~ hy .1 lh>01l (I hr) @) EJfTUIT~ TONIQtfT m M0¥11 Bullet Machine I I "' ·10 min) t11 MOVWE /uOI Su•I'' ( 1'381 ()ramJ) Daniel Vall.let Foward Jam"~ Olmos In 1940s Los A11geles ;i Lilll'>P celcbre \lit·h:wl (;ro~~ ~•ar~ i11 ·Famih Tic·~' \\'c·c l1w~c1a,·~ al 4>::~i• 011 ":\ IU : ( ( :h. :a). ,., •pr· ,,.. r Uw lltHt1111q ,., trwfftth•f. ol o Lr111 """ .111•1 I 11.i1111 l111 tttllf 1t·1 H (I l•r ii I rt\111) 1:30 0 6;) MIC NEWS OVERNIGHT 1:55 C MOVIE < 1111111,iry fl .. 11p1t• 11'Hlll. l>ro1 """ M,11~ I yl• ·1 M .. 011· I h 111,1111 '•1Jllt1•1 ""' fl. q111U 1111<11·11 ""'" ,,,,,., 1ty111q tu pul 111 hit l•.11 h l•l\I• "" 1 tllt•r rw, Ollllher" h 1111 .111t1 ho 1 "'" • ,,..._,,11-'"""'I 1 reach .. ' ""' lu hr: L.•lllllJfJt..efll IJll 11.:1 emu l 11:. 1 nit!. r""''fv1·1t 111111111'1 R 1; h1•, ~j 111111) 2:00 I ~ CIS NEWS NIGHTWATCH TO IE MNOl.INCED NEWS MOVIE '01td111Jf·• ho 1111• H1>0S1 114f'i II• rt •II K1•1t f>otl''"' llhv•.t ltu'"•''Y f\ p•.y( h 1llf lt1Utf1f°"ff't tllth•, II thl• jlltlt 11 i l •>lh·q•• 1rtin1y t111t1"•' ,,,. l.t111•.1t11tt'-. f "'# I t 111 40111111 I 2:10 H MOVIE 1!>111•.,. l.ill· t 111/8 C:urn" llv I W.1lhot M 1111 tlJ I ,l,•tt•J.i J,tl ~'>Oii A ,,..,d ,,..,.,1 j .. (., r It 111 "' ( .. 1 • .t••Pvil tend It' f ~ f J i, I wfh t) r,, I fpr * tivorc..ee w• ' J• 't , ' h1•hPV• I 1n • tu1 •• , 1dPflf~ ' r G t 1 rH Ill""'' I 2:15 Z MOVIE 1111· l!w11ll 11C!f<j Hur1c•1) c 111vpr "'""' !-i.orr<,111111.r I qq.tr A n1.i11 ''''l llJI lt-1 lt1f1t•' Ntu•ft ht" ,,,., .. fd learn 'hf ( f4lff ,., l f·ll f•til 111 .l ttu·r~1,1l (.hf11C r-He ft If ft•J l f rt I 111f f•t v i fl• ,,, ( l1JI v.t1( 111•.it .. J •1•1•1 ll ( I 1,1 ltl •11111 I 2:25 ll7J RAT PATROl 2:30 0 6;) NEWS ID llOVll ' I IHulh Aud I hu Mu10tt11 ( t<J11 My .lt•I (I l11tllt•• '.I"""'"' ~llUllU•I Mutl111 A Y•M11111 w11111.111 l""•J ••'ll14K.lf111 ttl 11141111111 lllthotl•llU II I'> I llllljjl•tl Wllh lhll .lllKlllllU oll'lllfl t1I fllll l11llu•1 'ohlllllKlllM I 11t11f •,11111·,1 hu (I ltr 10111111 / J l ) MOYll I"" I !1111 ul11111 I If •,111111y (,111 ·.1111" ( 1'1/4 111.111111) ,.,,,..,, t 111111011 [1<111 ...... 1 .. 11 fl I''"""'·""' 1111111'.I1111111 •.l1J1h1111 11, 1uo•,•,1u•ot llV hi p•••fl', 111t•1 t•N••fulu O•d ""!'"'"\ y II I 1111 4'• 111111 I 0 M0¥11 I 111•• 1 I'll\ I I h11111.iJ 11111(" l)o•ffl M.111tl /\11.1111'. flit 1111'.t"• ... d lllllllO .1111·.t ~HlltotJI', •I t.1~.111110 nuuhrl 1H1d ptn • 111111•. lo 1 IM'' lt1•1 l>11dy w11ti 111•, l11tt11J1 w1;1ll 1r 11 tu 4'1111tt1 J 1:M1 $1 M0¥11 ltt1• I.lull ( 1'1110 llldflUJ) J,11 k I 11011•1''"" C.1.111.1111 Kl't111udy I hu t.01•lh 11t •• ti.•·~ h••t'l1 Au·.tt.1h.1n foutlJ..ttl 111.1111 111111 Iii" !jl111111 '"""" t.11111 "" 11111 11l.1y1111J t11•hl .11111 111 lhP 11 ... u rJ ""'"' wlu•rc· liL• lut "" •Ill .1111.11111111•,111 1.h1l1 l"L1'1llJ1111I ( 1111 111111111) a.a MOV11 1 w ~f "'"'·"' 11·•di' ''"' rrl<l) fll.111 I .1tl•I 111'11•11 W.1lk 1·1 A 1111hl111y tlt•',l'tlf•I 111111"'"'" h11110.1•ll tty '" l•<>'•llllJ .1 111oup o l N.111 ·Ill"'''" 11 111 Ill 111111 ) rt) llAHUNT fl'1) MEWi (f JllACOUITIAU. W111111·1t , h1l••111,t1111r1JI ~··•rnf1,1.•l1• t h•l11t1t•f Mc t" ·•V v• ~ ft•,1tt1Pr 51111111 (flt nt(t)FAl'n421D (°[J l«I ICttOOl lrp-. h~ h••llot o,k11rl() (FrlrnuLI ,11 K11111101rn1. VI ) llil M il l MOVIE .. ,,,,. 1111h• :;r,,,11 tJI 11or1ors" ( 1961 t-ICJ11111) J11t ktt• .11, .. 1·pti J1m.1lha11 Ha1e An 1•1t1f1lo y1·u "' .i llrnr•.1 .lulf) devel uµs .} bloudlhll'.ly pl.1111 11 hr 10 rnm l l:50 (H i MOVIE ·i,111•11t.t· 1)1 1111• Nw1h· 11981 AdvurlllllP) f 111•11 nw•,ly11 I 11111 5 kernll 111 19 19, ,, 1•1u1111 wo1111111''. r11wrt.1ye 10 a lrdµµt•r k·itth 1101 lo .1 111,. ol 11.11tJ!>l'>•D 1n tne w1ldt•r1tC''>'> ut 11rnll11'111 r,,111,1tld 'PG' 11 hr J!>r1t111 J .. (!) '°' 0' TltE lllOflNltQ G) MOVIE 1.,1ny~1e1 Sl"'Y C 1'160 Dril md) W.Jllt•• Miillhau t,,1101 C ,r.ace A womJrt ltrP•, In ,11!1•t .1 111,1 .. t1·1 1.t0ok's cno ~en w;iy ut 111!' ( 1 hr lO 01111 I r I_, IPOft'TICENml 0 MOV11 • ,,, f '"" 11'111 I Comedy l nyan o·N'"'' 1.1L~ w.11rJ1•11 A ... 1ully col· ltNt-prol; .. ,.,, 1 ·~•v··~ h1• t.1lh1•• "ttuundP.r 1ny garm1•11I I.it.fol) t1y t11v1·11l111y ..; new tyl)e ot l<1r.J11:· 11·,1n-. fl c 1 111 3 1 min) UIS@ FUNTmE ~: MOVIE 'S111J!11,.111 Cw1111111" ( 1981. D1amJJ KP•ll• C,;dtr.ttllnc. Perwerl. Boothe A group ul N,111111 .. 11 G•i.J111'.1111•11 on week f•t •d 111. l!ll'Uv•••. on .1 I t)IJ1<,1,1na bayou '>ll.l'~ ii o;n1t1ll 1uPr11ll,1 "'"' Ntlh a commu-'"'Y ':II IJ,IL~""'"cl'.. ( .. 1111rt', n ( 1 hr 40 111111 I d~llPY IUUWM~ MOVIE r •tt'>h 0 )'""" 1 t 980 Sc•· ence fie t•C"r J S..;rn J J.,111·~ Max Von Syaow A tH' ol <'tt11l1hN~s lldvel lo the pldnel M1111qo .1ntJ hP'P ,,., oppre'..Sed inhab11<1nt' ''' Irie ove11h10.,... n r the evil [1npeto1 Mino PG ( 1111 '>0 """ J ':J5 (!l) I~ Of JEANNIE S MOVIE f P11e M1<l1119111 H1Jrro1 Show· 1Horron ()(.mon•c. to"e!.. .ind ean hly hot rms c.omt11111• to rnilk~ "'' tniqtil lhe c eadl•· esr 111nP nf all r 1 111 ?6 1mn J Friday. October 29. 1982 35 -Thursday Cont. a m TONIGHT I h .1 1 .. 111111y Care.on t t hr ) I 11) MIC NEWS MGHTUNE YOU AIKEI> FOtl rT TMEBRRIOMS llOVlf 'lt:S V • r~1 0.t Jl'iln·l OUIS Trmt1g11ant M 111r· J• ~··" N.il A 1oung Jewish bo~ •n P " .. trdU''> 1'11'> Ille ano e.11per1ences dur1ru.i :»1 <1>'rn1<1n ixcupa lion (:>hrs 1 fE) AlfT CW IEIMG HUIWI I:) ... LATDIGHT Ho ,1 Denni> Wholey ~hr I w~ c ...... , fl!i 11981. Drama) Robert (J< tl1r" n<'bell Duvall The usually separ,lf•• w1 rl<J 'I two broth- ers. a Los AngelE>•. I''''''-'' •:l>'le<;l111e and an amb11tous Roni.in 1 .11t11Jlil' p11Psl con verge d1;11ny,, rn11• JI'• 1r111 .. ~t1q"fl1on ·rr ( 1 hr . 50m111 l I llQHT GALLERY ti* BfT9T ANENT TONIGHT ®) TME WT WON> iiiOYIE 5..:JP;w l"r 1 ( t 9 77 Drama) Michael Par>« Mv 1 •· '• ,r111er Male and lemale eye.It~!' "J• rt rn11\.lh ruts and tenc es. over d•rt tr<t k .111111111!5 10 win a moto· cross racing ll1;in1µ11,11<,h1p I? hrs) ~ ei:sYIE 'Wh"n Th" L egenos Doe" (197? WP',ff'rn) HrrharO W1dmarll Fre<ier1c f"n<r?'>I 1\r q1l1.1n1•d lndran boy dlSlllus.oned by ""' .... nn1v1ng whole man who 1n1rojuced "'"' Ill •O<Jf'o hie s111kes ou1 on h ., owr 1 1 • r r a lop rO<leo star 12 hrs J I LOVE. AllENCAN STYU NMYllASOM G9 llOft "The YUIJllQ IM [vii And The Savage" I 1968 '>li'.1•1·11"~' Michael Ren n1e. Elf'anor Ar "vr1 A y11ung woman attempts 10 c on1rc,1 ''"' cuusm's mhe11· lance by comm11t1ng a series of murders 81 a girlS sc.t>our I 1 tu 40 min ) CC) llOYIE "E<.<:·fl'•' f '""' New YOfk" (1981 Sc .. 1nce r,. h •fl) Kurl Russell. Ad11ennc B::irbf't111 h• 1997 a hardened crcmmal r<, oflr.reo ., p.1rucm 1t he can res· cue the p1,.s1rlPf'1I ut 1hr I I S from the prison city that M.11111<111.m has beeome 'A' ( t hr . 40 min l 1tJ1 II fl) LAT! NIQtfT WITM DAVID LETTDIWI Guesls Michael Palin f uqone Levy ( 1 lhr I =:u~ UP Clotl LCM, .....CAN rm.I M. ITOllY: LM IY LM (R) llO¥ll "The NtQht Poni>r'' ( 1974, Ora· ma) Dirk Bogarde. r:11.1r10110 flamphng A bizarre rctat1oni.111p r& reawal\ened belween 9 tormf'I SS ofhccr cl nd a fOfmer concentra11on camp p11soner when lhey meet by chance 111 ,1 hotel afler the war 'A' ( 1 hr . 57 mrn ) (%) llOft "Green Ice I I 081. AOveolure) Ryan O'Neal, Anne Archer An engineer and a soclalile a11emp1 10 rob a South Ametlcan emerald smuggler of a fortune ~s. 'PG' ( 1 hr . 55 min ) .. • ()) llCCLOUD McCloud refuses to believe that e vamp110 was responsible for the brutal moroor of 11 beautiful young woman (A) ( t hr . :>O min ) .. (l)llCMl "Nevghty Wrlfet'' ( t974, Com· edy) Brenoon 11ricc. JocQuelil'1e Logan A mon lrom the country llnds that his o door to door salesman In London tomt unexpected bonuses. 'A' ( 1 hr • 20 ~ •• "Wake tatond" ( 1942. Ofama) Sflen Donlevy. Robert Pteston On Wake ltltnd during World War II, the Marine 38 Ftlday, October 29. 1982 / Shelley Long s tars in "Cheers' Thursda y~ a t 9::JO o n K NRC (Ch. 4 ). COfps drSplays treniendous courage 11 hr . 30m1n ) D llO¥ll ·countess Dracula I 1972 HOfror) lng11d Poll Nigel Green An aging countess can retain her youthful beau1y only 11 she 011nks and balhes rn lhe blood of y~ma1deos ( 1 hr • 30 min ) CD ··our Very Own" ( 1950, Orn ma) Ann Blyth. Farley Granger A young girl makes the traumatic discovery that she is an adopted child (2 hrs ) I 8f1UTMlmff TOllQHT 110¥11 "Come Fifi The Cvp' ( 195 t Drama) James Cagney Grg Young A man lell WOfthless because of h1S d11nk1ng is taught to lace hie again 1hrough the ellorts ot another alcoholic ( 1 hr . 30 ;)fOP U. IODIQ "') CD llO¥ll "Separate Ways .. ( 1980. Orn ma) Karen Black, Tony Lo Bianco A young oouple's ltulure to commun1Cate neerly results In Ille destruction ol their memage. 'A' ( t hr . 32 m1y ., ...... ~. liiml "The Amerrcan1za11on Of Emlfy" (196A. Comeay) James Garner. Julle Andrews. Romance grows between a Brit· lsh war widow and o non-heroio olllcer 11&slgned to provide his svperlOfS with the kJ)(Vlles ot home ~r • 55 min ) b9a2) .... .0t-• W et).,. "The Cloclnnatr Kid" ( t965. Otame) Steve MeOveon. Edward G Rob- lnloo A young c11rdStlarp tries to beet the kl~ ol stud potc., In 11 battle for prestige _._£;" .... ·~ I UlllO The zany going• on at en 111-n!Qht redlo t111tron ore aatlrtzed •Cl) --"HOUM Catts" ( t978, Come dy) Wehtr Metthao, Olerlda JacklOn ~ w1doweJ t!Vt..1"' ri.111, t.1 r o1'-l• ,,1 1'•1111 encie!. lo)r•Q "'""I" 1 • 1,,, I I ·I I•,, I. who OOP"-.h 1 t,, .... ..,~,. J r ,,,1 I••'·' 1J P\..1 (1 nr 113 min t:30 O MOYIE r "' • .... 1 ' '" 1 1,1 1 Advenlurf'I f,,,,, I• I I 11" ''" t. •"' S1ro1'11>1m lr1 I'M.' ,, llr11 ,. 1 l.i• • • ''" •·• a11emµ1 .., 111 pry 0.1·1..rµI 1111, , . .,,,,,,." '•••111 F1elO Mar ... 11.11 norromel lw1nq • 1" ,,. •I II• .i small North Ah11 .111 IOWll ,,. "' ' fJG:)NEWI Q) llOYIE Murll'"' In Mt, 1 l I I I/\ Myste1y1 J<1m~'> 5,,,,,.arr "•• ~,,, • M.1111• A detec.ltvt' tlt'lv<'S •nlO 11 • ·• • 1 1 Ill! II•' ot Hollywcxxl !f• Jpten1J 1111 r u .t1.1•1u t .1 fad•= '>tar ! 1 ''' JO"''" ' J'.I, THE NF\. rn. 1.11··· 1 .1 .. v .. 11·p menls 1n lhe NH 5t,,~c ti'" ""'"11'""' I I hr I (0 • ALL4TAll COUNTRY MUSK: FDTIVAL Tulsa Q1.1,1hom;i µrov10e>o the• t>il( H.lrnp for perlorm;u;c_pc, by Roy Cl.m, T 11T1'"Y Wynelle Mr l T1ll1', 1tnd Tl'IP r 1o11>. ll1<1'1t' Boys t 1 hr J ,l llOYIE [)<•mr.11 I H T ht' l..lt1il I ' I /8 HOlfOI) P.Jul J ""'' P.Jlrrd M .hf('t• A 191h Cenlury l ••ll•f wl1( C,• fa1,.,ly I ,1<. ,f history of 111<..1111ty trot>' 111 ""' •111•1 the 1denl1ty ol a bllrlal rmud1•rPr wllu h.1-, l<,1lled sevf'ral v1ll.1ge w11rne11 n· I 1 111 f'9 mrn) tM @ WOll..D AT LNIQl ~ llOYIE Nrght ~CltlH I 1 l'l!l I My' tery) Leon;ird Mann nJ~h• I W.r•d All an1hropology p1nlt"'"''w w1tr ,, 1 "" h.1n1 tor co edc.. ,., •.uc.pi>CINJ (•I !ht 111111.11 1•1ui oers of s<>m<' or "''" •o:n1 .. 1 h••t r .1 lrier'i 'A' ( t hr 28 m111 I -~=-HUNT l:il~FAmt• • P'ICa TME "'°9 (R) llO¥ll "l rue Contesc.1on· < 11J8 t Drama) noberl De NHO. Robel! Ovviill Too usually --eparale w0tld 111 tw t1101r •• ers a Los A119e1es PoloCt! de1e.;11.o> .ind <111 amb111ous noman Catholil. pr.1.»1 Lein verge during a murder 11lves11gn11un 'R ( t hr .. 50 mrn) (0) llOft "Halloween II' ( 1981 Horror) Jamie Lee Curtis, Donald P1r11~<'11c..e A hcpelessly insane mvroer(lr rnn1in11e~ 1'11~ rergn ol IO<rOf on a small tow11 R' (I hr 30min ) Ct llO¥ll ·The Hano' ( 1981 H01r0fl Michael Caine Andre01 Mnrco111rc1 Bizarre 1nc1dents and nrghlmare<: t>cg111 happening 1n a car1oon1st's hie 11ftrr he suiters the loc;s or a hand 'A' ( t 111 44 min) M (C)llOVll "Love Me Or Leov€' MC'" ( t95b. Musical) Doris Day, James Cngney /\ mobster marries lhe stnger he made famous. bYI becomes enraqed when he can't control 001 (?hrs) M ~TMON A comedian hOst and four comic contestants who compete against one another are leaturOd 1n thts unceosOfed comedy game show •CD TOPO'ntl-• ll0'9 "I Cover l he Undorworlc1" ( 1954. Myst&1y) Sean McCtory. Joonno Jordnn A thoOloUY student 11'~11108 the Identity of his gangstei twrn Orothttr /l/511 befOfe the lattet's prison releaSf' ( t hr 30min /m ~90Rm .,. "Andy WarhO<'s Drocuta·· 974, Horror) Joe Dollesandro. UdO Kief. A v11mplle ~Ing virgins 10 satisfy his thlrat"te» blOOd Is helped by • nobltt- man woo wants the mon.y he think• ts by the count ( t hr • 30 min ) -...... - ~IOAI 'Ji MA~ I lo• 1 11• I 111 11 I 11v1 ~11" '·I'"' 111111111 .,11•11111 pl.1~ 111111I111 d 1• l.11111 I 1111 ,, 1111 1111111111110!1 Wlllll 111 "'''" 11111111111111wm1111111• h• 1111 11111111111·1 G> llOYW "!.111r111" I l•l/11 111111111 I '11•, y s1-i.u 1·1. r•1111•1 1 ,,.,,HI A ""'"' "'''" .1111·• l tttl llllHl'o 1110 11<111 111 I I flll•I jlhNtl 1111Jlll 1'1<111~ 111111 1111.1h11l1 111111111 .. 1 '"" , ,,,,, .. 1111110 .. wllh H 11!•111111111111111 -.111111111111111.11 h11y 1;1 111.,) 04 CO&.l.l11iCnleO I 11.1llllt'\.I "'''"' 1111 111111111111.t t 11lh•1 1111 lv1111 1\111 p ••~ hn 111vw.11 uu"'" ru01. 11 0111111•r11111111n1111 .. 11oy1"1 111 Im 1111~ 111 I 1011ch1 1~i.. l11tJ11111u e U.t. CtMOMClj 'l\m! lhtny Mllku, I wu A 11•111•11 1" II"""'"'"'' e111 lht• 11111w 1111.1 11t1111l1tll llf ')lll!jftl 11111111 Wlllllt•ll Ill lhl 111111.,d ~;t.1h1~ who .111• 1h111!111111 to h1111,. d11l1lltt11 1111<1 lhll 1mp111 I ol lhUll lltt<:i!.11111 Ott ll111111-.f'l111•• 1111111 t t11lthw11111cl ,,,. 1"IY '1!) MAit PM'YllWt Nt•11I lu1hlt11 111111 Joi froy I y1ll1-. 1(11/ll•W "N11t1uru11 I .1111poo11·., l 111'1'. lll,111111111" tl111J '.J111~ttd " lClMOW "l ''"" M<' llt I 1•.1110 M1•' t l9'J', M11•,1t.11I) 01111~. I >.1y l.1111t>'. (" uy1111y A ltHlh~h•f ffl1l,,IP'• lhtt "-.Hlt)t.•I fH't fU1111tt l1llll1)tl'. IH•I ''''l •11111"• •lll11IUl!U whn11 "'' r.111·1111111101 htt• 1.• 11,., I (j. l WO«TICOfTD IH) 110V11 T rt11• ( 011f1•-. .. 111r1t, ( 1981 D•t1111u) Rolmrr f>o• N1h1 flotiu11 f>u1111JI T11u 11~.u<1lly sop.11.111• w111hli, 111 lwu tllntt1 t.'r'> ,, l o:. An11 .. ""• p11h1 t• d1•l!.!1.l111p .11111 .111 lllllhlllOtJS 111)111,111 (,,lfhOhl. j)llt!'.( l.011 11ergf' 111111110 ,, 111111d1•1 111~os119.i111111 rr 11 hr !:>On1111) ( $1 0 MOW "n1th Allot r '1"1llU'i" I 196 1 ()fJrOu) C,md11 u fJCltjo•n J,1cqut.'lrr1l• 01•, ~I Thrcxl{Jhnul the up-; <Hid duwns ol tlll'u resrnc11v•• hlt'11lry <..1ru1•1" .111t1 111man111; li11t1& 1wo wo111e11 dt11.u111d 011 rhi>1t 111er11.hh1p Im stabthly tr .. @ ALL•ntEFAaY 1:a 0 ®) ITAi! Of lltE F~Y ll11i;e111111.11.0:. a guc~I appoar.rnct> on 11 TV 1,111. show Jlter he sa11e5 d h1>y 1111.J his P<'t lr»m .1 ibul~~·~ IO YOU ntll( YOU GOT T1KMJll.£1 MOVIE "I t'S Vtolon<; Ou £1.tl" ,)f';Jll l OUI' fffnlrgnant M;i11P ,Jo<.t't' N.11 A yoon1c1 JPw1sh boy in P.111<. 1rn1.es 1110., life and experiences d111111y lhl' llerr11.111 occupa oon (2 111s ) fD lllEAK ~· Nt.,11 Gt1l>lf'r .111d Jet Irey l yo11c: review • N.1111inal l ,1mpoon·· Gia~ Reurmm' and J111~rd m ..._ OIWMJECOUN'rl l::ll @ MOW 'S.lr.l Dam" tP.111 41 (Orarnd) Jultel Jordan Harold Hopkin•. Whon Sar.1 1s w idowed IOI lhc ~·0110 tune '>hf' re1u1111> 111 fngtdnn wile•" 'll1e m11"t ch110-..e llelwecn h••r ""'''"'Y l<111e <111d llt<r ove1wl1elrr11119 1lt"~"' Im lhe A11s11ah.111 Ir on lier (2 hr•, I .. I) (I) IMC* I tm<* a m CHEOt Sarn '" t.tl~ed 1'1111 ll Cl<lll' wllh one of [);ine"~· lmmN Clds:.111.i1es U @) TOO ClotE FOfl COWOfn' Henry ;ino Mu11el l.lt•<.rllf' ti 11•nnw theu 11ows rn .1 S1n1plp cer11111u11y ''" llll' llCCrl!>hlfl ul l11n11 26th wed~111v1>ro.,,11y I~ GOl.OEM AGE Of mmltOH ··npqu1em F 01 A He.ivywe1gh1 0119111a11y 11rmlu1.l'd .J~ pan Pl c.m, s Plttyhou'>e 90 s1>11rs rh1'> tt'le1!r.1m:i s1am119 Jdr~ P.1lil'1<.f' give~ d gl1111p-.e ,,.,,, the !>hdbt>) w111l1l of p111eltqh11rot1 ( t hr 30 min I m llASTUIPIECE TltEATRE fo Se1w Them All My Oays ' Tl•£> t11s1 wurnan 10111s the tl'dCh111u stall .11 Bamlylde and ~lr1ends or•t-·I !he older OOys who 1nev1 tal>tv falls 1n fuve with her 1Pa11 4) Q l\li•·h:w l Wurrt•11 c·ontrol!-i th•• d ic·c-a~ (:tmrlt•s lltticl oh1·wnc•:-; 011 "llill S1n•et Blau·-.~ Fricln) a l 10 p.m. !El AUTO MCINO L1111Cir.191• 111 lhe USAC 0111 C.tr'> lr11111 ::>1111r11111ehl 111 (H) (2 hrs 10 111111) r l) MOVIE M1.111rn1P l>earec.1' ( 198 I Ora 111.t) I dV•' t>w1nw.1y, f)ratl.J S1.arw1d For· lit''> 111r11 •,1,11 Jor111 f.rnwfortJ raises her two ,1<.fuµtcd 1 l11ldri•11 111 n 11omP'il1<. a im<>!;· phure that wine., from h1xw1ous comfort to saC11!tl•t (h!.(;1µ1111£' 'PG' (2 hrs • 9 1111n ) 1Z1MOVIE 'The l111111c;cnr · ( t976, Orarna) Ci1d11ca110 L1.111r11111 l ilura Anto11ellt 111 cilrly ;10111 <.1·n111ry Italy, d 1rag1c 1wrng1e 1lt'lrr•IC1j)'. u1v11lvu1u •I rJ>Slutlx'CI man h1c; wilt' ,rntJ ltt!> mrst•C'"'> (I 11r '1!1 rrnn) m IOUIONEI t:10 0 6:) TAXI All th1• ldbli1f•!o ilre <.h0<.keo wl11m IPll 1•. nllC''>lt•ll Im ~~ornrrnng compil ~prol11'. U @) n TAKES TWO S11r11'c; u11tulhlled d<•:.11P to provf' '""'!'.<'II ilS Mnlfy's IOvE'I allPCts ine <.O•ll:.c 01 tht•11 ma111age 1 MOW · Hornu11• ( 1967 Weslern) Paul Newrnm1, rrP11r11. March An Apact1e fd1<;e<1 wl11tt• man is forced to prolecl lhe hvl'S 0111111• p he h.1tt•<; (2 hr!> 30 rn1n l O• MOVIE ll,1llowel'll II ( 1981 Ho110t) J,1mir· l '°'·' \,111 I•' Oonaf<1 PloJsence A hor>ele~"·'v 111:..1111· 111111,le1111 1.<1nt111ues his r,..1qn vi 1t·11m 1 1 s111.11f tnw11 R I I hr JO 1111r1 I ~ e Cl.I ICMOTI LANDMG Abhy IS 1nh111ated wtu;!n l ; .. 11y ~<>I"'• 011 .1 '>pe11U1nq c;rree wrth 111•, 111'1l·11t.i11l "'· t1llll ~;uen fems lhat her r11.i111•11 .h•p with Mui.II •!. yo1ng too la!'>t Q h~ llU. tTllEET a.UES I aRue squares o ll ;ig.1111•,1 .1 11as1y narcorics cup and Ines 111 0111. ,111 "'"ura111 ,, company .ind Belker .t:ellS " 111t•ll•c.a1 11,,Jrl 11,)r h1S a1hng lather ~ljmm.ws 19 •1• -ODYIMY "lhn Kt1111tt1 0 1 Al11N1nl t ta11" Tho bc>vltll 1ukoow1 ul Aluturnltlan t\111 l1Hr.Ml 1hu K11111111 puol''" lo 11tmnc1on theu NlllUflh.1111 pl11ftt1111 1omolfinc1 11nd nomodl<. w11y ul t11tr 1011111111 (fl) Q ( t hr) CCJ MDVII ·nK h Anti I 11t111JU~ ( 198 t. DrllntN) Cond•C.11 Ru1uu11, Jm.quollno 01t tJOt f1J1 oujJhoul 1110 11p11 nnd clowna ot lhflll re'.lfftl(.111111 htnrrrry curoet& and IOllll\1111<. hll\1111, two Wl>r1IOll <Jt!~ Ol'I 111e11 l11e1101>h1p for '<lillllllly 'ff (I hr • 55 f!llll ) (ff) tTANllM ROOM OIU "Cryr;tol Oayle In Concert" lhu G111111my Aw111d winning o;t111 sings muny of Mr l>t!JQCH>I htls, 11iclud · Ing "Don't II Mako My Hrnwn f y11t1 Oluo" ond "r 11lkmy l11 Your Sloop " ( 1 hr l (IJ A ... DAY .. IDD A µowefful tamtly 1urns n small 1own into u model re1u11ena· lion/M,~t (P1111 1) O "Suµuruiu Woyr.·· ( 1980. 018· ma) Ka1e11 AJ11c;k l nny l o Olanco A young cou1>1e'i1 t1111w11 10 com111u111c:ata nearly resulls rn lhe dobtro1.11on ol lhelr m1111:iP~hr , 3? n1111 ) -1--lllllNTIEWOM ... ~nm Guest l 001s Malle ~ llt( OICHAlfTID ..,. Thu role 1e1e111s1on ptirys In American Ille Is documenled th1ough a ~ries ot inter- views (I) A ... DAY .. IDB A powerful !amity turns 11 small (Own 11110 11 model re1uvena· lion =I (Par I ?) 11:11 l!Z) "Tcpa1e" ( 1933. Comedy) John Barrymore, Myrna l Oy Based on the play by Marcet Paynol A meek, Virtu- ous French schoolteach er 1nad11e11ently becomes a shrewd, <alculattng business· man ( 1 hr • 30 mrn ) n•10G (I)1111 GD.,,. IATUllDA Y tlQHf • llMCH ""-TMAT QUIZ IHOW m&TI OI IM fMMCllCO C()tllllfC11NQ Fealured meet lhe ulllma1e collector, 111an Karp as he 1nves1J- ga1es rugs, a gathering ol Rolls·Royce col· lectOfS rn French Ltc:k. Indiana I Ill ..... MPOllT DOCTOfl • ntl MOUll llO¥ll ··P11nce O f The Ctty" ( 1981, Ofama) Treat Williams. Jerry Orbach A New YOfk cop 1s caughl between ledefel pressure and loyally 10 his lellow off1eers during an 1nves11gatt0n of widespread Q9J•ce co1rup11on ·R· (2 hrs 45 min ) (Q) llOVll ·· (oung Playthings" ( 1974. Orama) E11a Portnolf, Ch11s11na Lindberg A happily mamed couple become !rapped 1n a wh11lpoo1 ol debauchery 'R' ( 1 hr • 30m1n) CS) llO¥ll 'Ta1100' ( 198 l Drama) Bruce Dern Maud Adams An obsessed 1a1too arltsl kidnaps 11 lashron model and pro· ceeds 10 co11er her bOdy wrth his hand•· wOfk 'R' ( t hr • 45 min ) llO¥ll "So Fine" ( 1981, Comedy) Ryan O'Neal. Jack Warden A s1ufty col· lege professor !>aves his l111her's flounder· rng garmeot lactory by inventtng a new i,ype ol lad1es 1eans R' ( 1 hr . 3 I min ) 11:11(1.J llO¥ll ··0e Sade' I 1969. Biography) Ke11 Dullea, JoM Huslon The b1za11e sex· uat appettles of lhe 1nlamous madman. the M111qu1s de Sade 1esull 1n lragedy ( 1 hr , 30 min) 11• I) (I) QUINCY Curney d1sco11ers drugs 1n lhe body ol an asp111n9 Olymprc gymnast who d•ed while 111 1ra1nmg (R) (I ht 10 min I Friday, October 29. 1982 37 'With this program. I liked the food a lot. expec1ally all the choices I had! Not having to plan meals or count calories all the time really fit Into my lifestyle, and I learned lots of sensible new eating habits, too. I've tried other plans, but Nutri/System was the one for me.' "NUTRl /SYSTEMS, Please Help Me" • No diet pills, no injections • Professionally supervised • No starvation or tooa decisions •Wide choice of delicious, Nutri/ System meals •No constant calorie-counting, mistake-proof food plan • Nutri/System guarantee: Follow the Nutri/System program and lose weight quickly, often up to a pound a day. Achieve your goal by the date specified, or pay no additional charges for Nutri/System services until you do . .. -----1/2 of·f·----.. I I I Present this coupon at the weight loss I I center nearest you and we'll deduct 1/2 Off I I your program. 1 coupon per customer, new I clients only. Expires 11-5-82. I SANT A ANA HUNTINGTON BEACH I I COSTA MESA FOUNTAIN VALLIY I I 545· 7123 842-3400 I I ORANGE EL TORO ANA .. IM I I VILLA PARK MISSION VIEJO FULLSRTON I I m .... 5 855-8122 m-2• I I MEA QAAD!N GROVE I I YOR•A LINDA .r CYN-I 121-1715 ...... I m~e~ f!&i\!!lM ~~:is .I u~~1'Ai.-·----·-~~~-~ CltL TODAY FOR I FREE ll~llU&ITIOll COllSULTITIOll -TVPu..Je b ACROSS 1.8 Shawn plays 31 PldrllSI Poler Karen on Knot s 32 Rap Moe Lane11ny 34 Plays Joanie 1 I Bob Denver role 35 In 12 MISS F111qerald 36 Part of EEC 14 Crv rights grp 38 Q,u1nness or Olivier 15 This -for H11e 39 Do wrong 16 Sc:otsman 41 Lugosi dno Barrok 17 Susan -43 -Vegas 18 Thompson of Rain 46 Jacobs lwrn 20 Prefix w11h adro11 48 -Young 21 Pre11x for gas 49 -w•lh rhe Wind 22 Downcast 50 -Crosby 24 Nickel (symb 1 5 1 Plays Hdwkeye 25 Bea Arrhur role 53 Snooze 28 Ruckuses 54 Pl.iyefl Jaime 30 Plays Archie's cook DOWN ' Mickey and M1nnre 38 Hos1 on Cosmos 2 In poor style 40 -avrs 3 Mr Gulager 42 MISS Pons 4 Breezy 9ree1109 43 MISS Falana 5 Saman1ha -44 60 Minutes essayist 6 Praise 45 Cousteau s milieu 7 D-the Menace 47 Baseball 01t1c1al Abbr 8 Unoerp1nn1ng 49 Pelrol 9 Actor Jack -52 Mr Diamond's 1ns1gne 10 Miss Duse SOLUTION 11 Roam abou1 13 Fran 18 Get d look 19 Nosh 21 Frc11 Asta11 e's s1sler 23 Generous one 25 Miss McGovern 26 Plays Jennifer 27 Miss Merkel 29 -Alie 33 Lubricant Abbr 34 Preti" with lire 37 Princely t 11182 United F·M lure S'f"die.le tnc -Letters Sgt. Esterhaus undergoes stomach cancer surgery llOU~ C'ALL Oo lht• 1w1uon prl'mlcre of "Hill St. Ulu~•.'' Sj(l. l~N h~rhuu" 11uld hl· would bt• on 1peelal u101lanmt-nt for "'" w1•1•k,, hut would dill 1tlve tbe murnlna roll c·ull. Whut'11 thl' reuhon for hh• 11h11C.mce? Al·h11 M1duwl ( '111111ul , wli11 pluv' 1tw 1•1 ud1t~· uff1t't•r, u11J1·1 w1·11t 11Ul'\'1•1"'ful '"rl(• 1 v 1111 '>l•1111.1d1 t•;11wt'r und lulluw UIJ la·ut1111 •11h d111111~ '"tJ I)' f1l111111t{ 111 llw Nill' "4•111•s thli. ... ummi'I N ow th.11 1111· .. :111111v w111ni11g ut•lor '" IJ.11·k 111 .1(111111 , t ltt p11~h111 ·1 ' h.otl 111111 ltl111 tlw "roll <'1111" llJJ\'llllll(S \.ti llhl'l t llll11 lh1· .d1 1'.atl\ Wt.1pp1•cl 1·ptMKl1•11 FEl!:LIN<i SHE'S FALi.iN<; I rirsl Ml In love with Lee llorljll'y when ht· play1·d i\rc·hlc on "Nero Wolfe ." Sln1•t• thl·n I 'vt• "1•1•n "Tht· Swore! and the Sort·l'rer" thrN• t imt·s (1•v1•n thoul(h lhe movie was pretty uwful). Now, I'm houkl'd on "Matt llouston." You must tell me If hl"s marrlt•d, und it ht· 1,. really u Tuun fllke llou11ton1 or Nt·" \'orkl-r tlikt• Ari·hl(•). Ttw l.1tt•'l t·nt1 v 111 th• 111·1·11 .1k1· 11.ittlt· o f lhl' IWl\\.111 k'" 111.on wd -.1111 y ,11111 1111 1.rtht•I 11( .1 baby gu I '1'111· N1·v. Y111 k .1111•111 \.\,,, 1.t11-.11'1·d , tlw Tt•xan 1w.111J.1 1' 11 .. ol . 1111 L 11111· S1,11 Sr.11t l11111g llor,lt•y's hll th pl,ll'I' (S1•111I \'""" '''"' '·' ''' I'• 11111 1 n H111·11. l/111tl'd 1''1.,1C1111· S\'t1tlw:111 ., :.!fJfl P.11/. ,\11 •11111 /{1H1111 fi(J:l, N<·w \'oil<. N ~· llJ I tili > -------- t<,I l'HS~, ll1u,rnl l • "''"''' 1 ... y11\l11 ,,,, EMERGENCY DOCTORS OFFICE THE ATTENTION YOU NEED WHEN YOU NEED IT MOST A con~eniont allernat•~e to ho~o11111 t1rn1tr11enc" rooms tor II l ''I ,,., 1~1 Jllll1I c, J HA< flJf;f .... Nu Ap111,1nt1ttt•nt N••• fHJ • 11• tt ••it ,.,. /\t'••t1l1on (.,111t'n WI JIO<l./l.Al.J '•I i1tvU I'•' •\II J'. /,. , ,f Plff) 7 DA VS A 1111££1( 36S OAVS A VEAR 8 A M ·I IP M • (714) 752·6300 EMEftOENCY DOCTORS OFFICE 4030 81rc11 S1 Su11e 101 .i , r i~ v 5 15oFF your first visit -----T -wllh thn coupon - See what we have to offer • --:II II I Ill I I llfCOU PONlllllll lllf: Friday October 29, 1982 39 • ._..w ... •-• #a I • • 111111 ClllT lllTlllTll lllCH I f 1111111 llllll f RIOA Y OCT O IH R J'I l'Jtl/ ORANGE C OUNTY . CALIFORNIA 25 CENTS Mission Viejo train . fire said sabotage ily STEVt•: MITCllEL.l. 01 tt>e O•llJ PHol llelf Amil ..tk uff11111li. 111 W;1.,h1111.(lo11 ..,,11d ,, fin lhut l'fUplt·d 011 ,, southbound llctlll 111 M1 ..... 'j1tJI) V11·)'• Th1ll':..lav 1111{111 w,,.., :o.p.1rk1'<I l1y v;.1111l<tls wltu pl.i1·1•d .1 kt•g 111 1 .111 -.p1k1·., ..tlld 111111•1 dt·hn., 1111 lilt' ll.tlk Tlw 111111n1ull'r ll .1111 , A1111r.1k ilHJ w,,.., t'.1rr v111g I 7fi passt•ngl'I '> wlo1 •11 fla111t·s 1·1 uptt•d 111 lht lwu lut·1111111t1v1·-. ,111d '>lllflkt· '>pn .. 1d tu th1· f1 v1· 111111111ult·1 t·ar :-. Pa~s .. 11g .. rs lt ·..tpt•d 1hruugh fl.11111·s 11n th•· 11 ,11·ks Lo t.·~l';1111· 1111· 1,uri11ng t1 a111 Orang•· l'11u111y Fin• D1•p<trl1111·111 11ft1n.1b ..,;11d tlwn· w 1·11· "l'Vl'll lllJUI ll'S f'irl' 'P"kl":o.tn.111 l'liUl k Mui ph\ l>Jld th1 1njurt·Ll. nw-.l of whurn s11 rf1·r1•d f111111 !>ll"Wkt· 1nhal;,t11111 , Wl'fl' 1<1k1·11 tu M 1~.,1011 l'ot1lln...inity I lusp1l.il 111 M1~s1t1n V11·.10 f11ll11w111g tlw 6 p Ill hl.1zt• I It· .,.,,d iJ pn·gnJnl wo111.i11 "",., trl'.•l(•d at tht· M'l'llt•, a., w ;_1:-. a rt·t.·t·nl 1·11n1nary by p<J'>~ f1;1lll •l1l Wht1 L'OIJi.1p::.Nl A1111rnk spok1·<,111.111 .l11h11 Mt L1·1i<l ...... d tht 1111 •111111t1\.1· ... u u1 k d1·l111~ on 1h1· ..,mglt· 111 • .1111 tral'k ,tl,.1tH thr1·1· qu;1rll'l's of <• 111111· north 111 th1· Chu P;1rkway ov1·rpass lit• .,.JIU fw·I t.111k., 011 li11tli lou1mol1Vl"• .1 uptun·d .111d d1t·~.~ .. 1 lul'I -.111lli·d unto ll11 lrc>l·k..,, 1gn1t1ng th1· wot>dl·ll n r1s.-. t11·s "Tlw tToss lit·~ t·aught fin· und 1gn1t1·d th1• two lol'orrmllv<>s." M1·Lc'OCI ~·Id Tht• 1·ng1nt'l·rs broui.iht lhl' tr;.un lu .1 -.top undl·r (),.11 Parkwl:ly, :.tnd 1onclut·tt11" urgt·d IJ:.t..'i..'>l.'llgL·I'-. lu lt:<JVl' thl· tra m t·<ilmly. N1l·hol.J~ Y;1n1l'k, a Lo~ Ang1·ll''> bu.,111t·~m:m "hu t·ummutl''> daily from h1~ homt· 1n fo:-.c.ond1do. s:11d ht· w;,~ aslt'{·p in the· m1ddlt.· tJr whc·n hl• sml'llt·d ~mokl-. "I lookl'll up <ind S<JW till' tell' wa~ f11lt·d with hla1 k ~m11k1·" hl" .,.rnJ "Thl·n tht· lights went llUl " I k s:m! lhl• t·ondut. LOr ur gt·d the· p.J::...'*·ng1•rs ICI "takl' your unw. lt·Jvt· th1· l'ar slowly." adding lht•n• w<i~ httle pJn1c· among thl· ('ummull·rs in Ill-. c<Jr Delly Pltol l'tloto bJ Cheriee l t.u ") pll'kl•d up rn) bnl'feaSt.· and WJlkt'<i lo th<· door," ht• s<i1d T h a I • s w h t' n h l' n u t 1 n· d 1 h l' t r <1 l' k <See TRAIN, Page A2) F ire m e n cool th e sm o king e n g ine o f Amtrak in Mi io n Vie jo Thursday nig ht Bolsa Chica development debated By ROBERT BARKER cHtlM 0..,, ""°' ... ,, Orangl' County govl•rnmcnt and stalt.' oH1l'1iJls h.:tve clashcod over whPlh<'r th{·re's a rush to reach a dl'C1s1on on a housing and recrC'at1on al dt·velopment plan for Bolsa Chica nC'ar Huntington Beac·h Tht• sl<l tt.• l\1astal l'o1111111ss11m has S( l IL'> Nov lfi-19 111u•t1ng fur .i dl't'1-..ion o n th1· l'ontro\ l rs1al clC'vPlopmc:nt of tht-mdr.hl;md., wuth 11f Wanll·r Avt·nUl' and l'asl Fitness, jogging • sites set in Valley Fountain Valll'y parks orfic1als arc· pr£•parmg to install a fitness court and a jogging cou rse at two loca I re(' re at ion areas. using a stall· grant. a private grant. a h omeowne r s· association contributio n and c11y funds . The city council has a pproved plans to build the fitness court. a 30-by-30-Coot outdoor exl'rc1s(• area, on the grounds ad,acc-nt to the Fountain Valley R(.'(·reat1on Cent<'r at Male Square Park The city originally planned lO put the Jogging cour se. which involvt-s 20 e xercise stations and a running r outl', at Westmont P ark But r es1dC'nls o f the Greenbrook community asked that thl• course be b uilt instead a t Courreges Park. near their hom es Tht' Grt>C'nbrook HonROWnl'r's ASS<X:1at1on offerc>d to contribute $500 toward purchasC' of thL' l'OUrst• No oppos1taon was t•>.prc·ssed by Wt-stmont ar(•a res1dc·nts. and lhe .)Ogging course was approved for Courrl'gL'S Park Don HeinbuL·h. assistant l'llV publit works d1rl'ctor, s:11d th~· twu outdoor c·xc•rnse fot·11lt1es will bt· 1nstalll'd by Cll:V cr<.'ws and should be rc>ady for pubht US<.' by January In purchasing th<' two c•ou rs<'S. lh<' city will USl' a $5.000 grant from WC'lls Fargo Bank. $6.447 in Robc·rt1-Z'BC'rg funds (.i s tatl' par k!. grant). $500 from thl' Grl'<'nbrook rc>s1d<'nts and S:J.2:39 m l'tty funds of lht• Pac1 f1c Coast Highway Tht· I .nUO ac:n 'l> of land. nwm'<I by Sq{ n a I L •• n d mark . a r 1· ... urroundt•cl on l hrt'l' ~Hh•-. IJ\• lfunttnl'!t11n &-.ll'h nt:v lim1L.., but lucaltd 1n un1ntorpor..1tC'd t t· r r 1 t 11 r y u n d t• r c· o u n t y govt•rnmt•nt JUnsd1t·t1on The l'ountv has subm1ttl'd a pl;m with Signal's bll'SSing that calls for th<' t'OnstruL·tion of 5,700 hunws, a navigable OC'C•an cut to t h e s l' a . a m a r 1 n J a n d preservation 11f t>OO <oc·n·s of wetland~ Ro~:rt f1~h£'r, n lUnly din'<·tor uf pl<onn1ng. askt•d thl' tum m1-.~1on ti 1 a m1·c· 11 ng Thur stfov tn San Pt'<iro not tn rush lll J 0 dL~'ISIOll H C' s a 1 d l h l' rt' a re· m a Jo r d1ffl·n·nt·1-.; to bt· wurkc.J out and ma.JUr stud1<-s 10 h1• c·ompl<'ll'd But tlw cumnm .. .,1on . whllh put off f1n;tl ac•tion 111 Junl' and again 1n Julv said 11 1s l1m1· fur a dN.·1~10ri F1sh1·r said <tf tc•r th1· '>l'~s1on that hl• Is "s<'nously cnn::.1d1 •nng" makin~ a rt>t·omm1•ndauon th<tl th£> c·ounty &lard of Sup<•rv1sors wlthdrnw thl' pl.m if thc•rt• 1s no rC'snlut111n of key d 1ffl'rt·m·t•s in the nl·xt two Wl't.•ks Anording to fo'1shc·r. C'h1c·f d I f fl' r l' n l' C'S a rl S l.' 0 \' l' r l h l' propost-d nav1gablC' act.·c•s-. to lhl' ocean . the propos c•d marina (sought by S1gna I and t hP county). the· s1w oi tht.•'wc•tlands t 11 b ,. p r o l 1• 1· l e d f r o m 1kv1·lopnwnt ..tnd tht· l'X ll'nt 111 I h t.· h a 1 .1 r cl s p o .., 1· d b v l'.trlh4u,1k1·-.. Tht• Nl'wpurl lnglt•WtHld l'Clrthquakt> foul! Ill'~ und<'r much of thC' an•a f1sht.'r said th1• t·oun1v tould wuhdraw thC' plan and r~·subm1l 11 n«xl Yl'Jr "a ft1·r t.•lt'C't1on of a Ill'\\' ~m;t.·rnor and lc•gtslaturc· and th•· L1ppo1ntm£>nt of new c·o,,islJI l'on1m1s...,1unc•rs " M1t·hal'I F1 sc·hl·r . t·oaslJI t.•omm1,..,1on l'Xt't'UllVL' d1 r1·t·tnr, !t:t1d th.11 lhl' st.ttC' D1v1s1on of Mini•-.. ,111d Gt.'Ology has 1nd1t·~1tN.J I h <• t t h <' I o w I a n d s h o I d ::. s1g111f1t.1111 grolog1t hazard!'- "The t·oastal romm1ssmn t.·an't il pprovt• dt•velopmt'n l on s01 I t'tmd1t10n~ h;1zardous lo human 11 f1· undc·r prov1s 1ons 11f th1• lstatl') 1·11a~t<1l al't," he said frM hn also s.-:11d a nav1g.1bl1· t.·h,111n1•I .ind marin.-1 Jrc oppcJM.J bt.·t.·aust• they an• v1C'w1·J as having .odvena-t•fft.•cts on tht.' sc•ns1t1v1• arc-a F 1!-.l'h1•r s<o1d tht.• t·omm1s~1un staff favors dev1~lopmPnt on only ab(lut 250 i.llTl'S uf lowland!' whd1• the county plan would pf.'rmll d<•vt•lopnwnt on 600 at.n's <Then: ,1n • about 1.200 :Jl'rt's in th1• lowland an·a ) !See BOLSA. PaJ{c A21 County committee to aid Olympics By HOWARD L. HANDY Of tM Delly ""°' • left A group of interested Orang<' C o untv citize n s, h ead e d by A i rCa l 's retiring prc·sident R obert C liffo rd. has formed a U .S Olymp1(' Committee of Orange County t o aid thC' American Olympi<' movement in the future. ChCford was recently n am ed Orange County chairman and immediately set about picking men and women to work with hjm an the fund-raising program Dennis Landesman, retired at agt.• :JR LI fler a suci.·t:ssf u I t.·ar('('r in audiology and 1n owning 11 (·orp nrat1 o n s. 1s the group's fund-ra1s1ng l'hairman and will servl' as c·o -ch a1rman o f t hC' comm1lll'C with C lifford O thc•rs who WE'rf.' given a fl rst ·hand look at the Colorado Springs Olympic T raining CentN this WC'ek 1nduded Sad1C' McM1t·h al'I, Dale Dyk ema a nd David Baker of lrvmc and Mark P ctC'rson "Tht.• trip was exciting and 1t gavt' us an 111s1ght mto what the ----INDEX---- See Auto '83, Section C for ne w car s howcase A7 84·5 B2 M OVIC'S Mutual Funds Nalion11l News Pu blit' Notlct.'s At Your Scrv1cc Buslnes.11 Cavalcade C IM.<Jifrcd Comics Cro6Sword Death Notl<.'t.'S F.dHorial Entcrtainml'nt Horoscope E4-8 8') 8') 07 A6 Bl-4.88,0 7-8.E2 :i Ann Landt•rs Weekender BZ 82 Sports Stock Market.s Telev1swn Thentt'ni W <'&tht-r J 01-6 85 TV Log Wt¥kender A'J. DREAMS COMING T RUE (See Sports. PaJ{e DI ) program 1s all about." Clifford s;1ys "Wt• 1Jrgan1zl'd nur comrrnll('f.' :I 1 1 months ago and havt' sN a goal o f $350,000 for tht• rwx t yC'ar Thl• st.at<' of Cahfornw only ra1sc-d $320.000 OVl'r a four·v<'ar period and Wt' want to bt•at 'that flgurC' 1n a shortN period of time. "WC' will stagl' spc'C'ial even ts lo ra1S<' tht• monl'V and tht' first will tx-a dmnc·r al "tht• grand Opl'ning 11f thl' Copa dC' Oro res ta urant in Costa Mt•sa Nov 17 F orme r Olympian J ohn Naber will be our guest spl'akc r." Lamksman. who ts in rh11r~1· of th1• fund·rtHM ng progr ams. soys· "This 15 the o nly fund rais ing pro grom I h avt' bC'en assoc111le'd w ith where people are <.'Oming to u s and asking what tht'Y n 1n do or or<' o fff'ring to <'Ontributc to the fund "We hope Lo hl'lp the USOC reach and malnrnln two goals. First. to support their budgets a nd S<'('Qnd. to hove some mont'y tricklt.• d own to the at hlt•tc•s ttwm~lvt'a. "No, W<' do n't want to pay the athll'll·~ but to hl·lp p rovide· things nt't'1.'SSUry for their support so tht•y don't h.1vt• to tak<' llm(' out lo ·hav1• pa rt llmf.' .)Obs "My ~oal as d1rt't.'tor o f fund raising will l'<' to ra1Sl' $:i50.000 and wh<·n WC' rl'al'h tha t amount. to go Cor $500.00 ond th<•n $1 million "Aflt•r tht• d1nnC'r. w1• h av1• plans for t>venls at Anahc·1m Conv1'nt1on CC'nlc•r. a Pn•s1dt•nt's brl'akfast. over·thC'·hnC' and 5K and IOK runs. walkathnns and spt.•c1al n1Bhts at the El Torno restaura nt whC'rt.· the prof1L'I will be split. 40-60 "Wt• will also hnv<' all Olymp11· sou v<'n1 r items for sale• at nll evenL'i on a consignment basis " The t•omm1tt<'c m eets <'Vt•ry othC'r Wf'dnt'Sday at the prrSt•nt t1mr a nd also lncludt•s Bob Burgoon . Bob McCafferty. Joan DIC'b l<-r a nd W ern er E s<'hcr Commitl<'f.' mC'mbcrs under thlic group number olmost 200 11t the p~'Sl·nt umt.' "Since w1• or:gan12C'd this romm1\lt.>i>, evc>rything t>lsc hns btof'n jus t like grAvlty . It hfl!I really mus hroomed and la growing <'3Ch doy," Land('Sman says "I've• g ot so ma n y p t'o ple (See OLYMPIC. P11t At> o..,, "°' l'tloto bf ., .. rtcti o,,._.. Newport Beach youngsters watc h as Pinocchio, the pelican with the a r tificial beak, gets ready for a ba th. Newport kids help injured pelicans By JOEL C. DON Of .... DelfJ ........... Sonw or the sixth graders from Harbor Vll'w Elenwntary School m NC'wporl Beach had never seen a hv1• pc'lit.•on. IN nlonc th<' birds th t w1•ri• mut1lr1tl'd f't'('('ntlv But thl'y knew how to s how t h t• I r a p p r e c 1 n t ' o n t o Vl•tt•r 1 no ri oru n n d "n1 mu I workt'ni nt Crown Vnll1•y Animal Ho1p1ta l 1n L£ijluna NllJU<'l. whert.• nine or tht• maimed blrd11 art' bC'i n g cor<-d for In the "pc.•llcan word." Thurs day th<' y oungs t<-rs dt•hvcn•d !I baskl't of l'llSh - $251 8:i to be exact to help the hospital dl'fray thl' food and ml'<hC'<ll C3rl' C'OSIJI vr the brown pt'licans. Aft<'r starting a currt'nt cvl'nt.'I s<'C.'t1on Inst week, thl' stud<•nlJi dl'<.'tdcd to raise thf' monl'y In a onl'·duy bakt• Mle at tht• tr4'hool CtJsh donntlons fro m pnrt•nt.s alw ht•lp<-d the collection. 1W1d wadwr Linda Wawra. "K ids a r c bulc11lly very <Su PELICANS, Pa1e A3 > I \2 Valley therapist heads county • unit (;lurla Davis, d11 t·1·1111 111 r c•sp1 rat11ry lhl'r.1p\ .ii t-'11u11tu111 Va ll1•v l '1111111111111 t v llui.p tt.d , h.i., 0 lHTll 11.111wtl d rn1rnw11 111 tlw C.tltf111 111.1 Sot·11·1v tor H1•sp11.1t111\ 1' h I ' I' .1 " ." M J I I •• g I I .. A ss Ill' 1 .1 t 111 n o f U 1 ,, 11 g,. l\1unl\ T h i; .1:...-.<Jl'1.1111111 ,,, 111.11lt• up o ( r l's I" r .it 11 r v t h 1•1 ·'I" • T hi· B uv ... <.'luh nl F ou111;1111 Vallt•\ '' tll 111111:111• a ' ' La I ,. h K ~· \' R 11 ' 1 11 g Pt ogr:in1" rvi(l111l .1y 111 1r.1n1">pt1rl voungst1•1 s I 1111ll l'lj.thl t•lt•nwnlarv :-.1'1111111-. 111 t h1• dub al ll'I l l.1'"'' .111 d1snm,.-..1<tl (.'11,,1 rot lh1· l>u-.111,.: 1>r11~1.1m '' ::;:111pt•r11u111th I"'' • "~:111•1 ll\'l'llt·s.., Ta .1111111g l nr 'v\'u 1 king \\'111111·11 · .1 four Wt•t•k lt'<'IUf'l' MI lt'!'>, \\Ill b i: pn·st·11 ll•d IJy l'11.1stl1111· C o l l1•g 1• from I 111 l ll p 111 M w u.fovs. bt·gmning Nm· l P.trttl'lpanls will 11w1·I .1! t hl• H ob1n''11od Ll·.11111 ng d 1•p.11 t m1·11 1 111 .. 1d-. 11011 1 h11sp1t.1b l l1t (lltgh llU I 1111• 111ltlll l'V l b\'" '-"•" :11 l lVt• II\ t h 1• d11\'t' .. uppoi 1111g l1•g 1i.l.1t1011 11 q1111111g th1• ltl'l'll:.tlllo( o l 11•0,p1r.11111 v 1h1·1.i p 1s ls A 11·-.11lt 111 111 I .. 1guna N 1~ut·I. -.tu ti .... 111·1·11 "t1 h F uun t.1111 V .1111•\ ( '11111111111111 v l lo.'>p1lal 0,11111 l ~7H chllcl ~·nr fam tl11" with mo11.• tha11 11111· d11ld , tlw d1<1q .{1' for llll' :>1'1't11ld y11U ll).(Sll'f IS $'..!~l l'tl'kups will lw mudt• at till' t ollnw 1 ng sdwuh.. M 111o lu, l 'o,, <. :1-.lt·1 F11u11ta.an V.1l\Py, '1'.imu1 ·'· P l.1v.111 Masud,1 arid Fulton Fur 111l1111nJt 1t1n 1111 the pt 11g1 ,1111, 1.dl tlw Bu\., l'luh ,11 !ltill 11i.l.1 l-.·1111·1 .. 1li:.! M1 ~'.1dd1 ·11 t\v1 I lu11tmg1u11 Bt•:.id1 I .1·1·1u11·t S h aron Pcclo r \\ill dlSl'USS t';tl l't'f g11;il..,, 11pt11111i. and ... 1ru t l'glt'' llq.(1slt .1t ic111 ft'l' 1s $:.!0 M o1 1· 1nfw 111.1111111 •>11 th1· progra111 1.111 t)\· obta11H<tl hv l'iJI ling t h1 I 11ll1 ·g1" ol t Yti:i-llH 1' 1 OLYMPIC COMMITTEE • • • From Page A 1 uktng IT\l' "'hat 1h1•y ,·;111 du \ii help. II IS n •ally l'llt'l)UI .eg111g i\11 O( a SUclO<'ll II h;1:-. a prt·..,11g1· e ffN:t .\11d 1t11ng.., won't ... top \\Ith 1t11 (lit! I l ll;;rnpu s W1· will h,1v1· .111 11pp111 ltJllll:> t o ('lll1llllUt' 111·\orld thal d.et••" BOLSA CHICA. • • From Page A 1 M l·anwhtl1·. Signal -.pokt" .. lli.t11 W<ivm· Cl<irk ..,Jtd th1· ''""'·" comn11~\lllll h.i:--..h•>\\ n "1•i..tn·n11· Prt'JUdll01•" ll\ hJr 11ng S1g11o1I (rom dtl>l'Us:-.10 11-.. tt1 1ro11 1>ltt di ff l'fCl1l'l.'l> l' I·' I k ,.. ... Id t h l' l () .1 ... t •• I , 111n111io,,.,111n '" 11·ll1ng Sign.ti lo l11tild IJt 1dg1·:-.. ro<ad .... publ11 pt")''<h cllHI p.uko, \Atthout ,111\ t11111p1·n .... 111n11 IH1.1 U'I' rd 11·..,l 1 11 lions on d• ·v1 •l•>fllll(·rH UCI plays politics Puhtll'ally tn\·111\·c·d high ..... hool studt>nls w all gathl•r from all •>v1·1 Southt.'rn Cali fornia SdturdJ;. ;it UC l rvint• for a day of rll'b.'lll· 1111 curn•nt poht u:al 1~U{'S ;,ml <1 look a t s tatewide racC'S S p o n s ore d b y lhl' Sou\hl'rn Emp ire• R egion o f the· Junaor S t atc•sman of Am erit·a thl' studl·nts will d l•bate sut·h 1ssu c·s as the: nuc lear freezl·. dr.ift r t!g1s l r a lio n . rea pportwn mt·n t and gun l'On lrol Also. th('re will be a kf.'ynotl' addr es.-. bv R ep Robert Badham. R-Newport Beach. and a sp<.'Ctal {orum focu s ing on b<ith thl f>t•tt\tll rat and H1·puh\1,,111 p " I 1 l 11 .ii p h ii o " o µ h 1 c·~ .. ::. t•v1dt•nu'<I b' tht l~H:.! 1·h-t·t1•lrl t·.1mpa1gn s Jun1rn St;elt•'m.en 11f Anlt'ru ,, 1s a ;o vt•:ir old n•m-prof1t. 11lll1 p.1rt1~.111 u1 g;11111.1tiun 11f high ,, h oeil :-.tudt·nts intt·n·stt·d 111 politll ... and g11v1·rnml•nl Th1.·rt· .11t Junior Stat1· t h.1pwrs on high "hool t·ampusc-s :.1tTOS1> tht· i.Wh · Saturday's day-long M':-.::.rnn ope n lo all high <;c:hool stude11L'> ,ind lt>itch ers. 1s s.·t to begin at ~ •' m an the P h ysical Sc1ent•1• H .ill on the UC Irvine campus Tht>n: wall Ix-a $4 reg1str a 11o n fl'<· 0 nu cl lh l>A\ 111 f\t 1Tll\1ANN 01 11\e Oelli ,. .. , lie" 'l'h1 •••• 1111 .11 l.o\\ 111,1k1•1 ' t >-111 1• '" .t 11111 .1 .. 1111 ,, 1'11111"""' \\ lllo .t '.\.11!• 1•11111 do •w11.1llllj' l•Hll "''""' I It'\\ ,I\ 11• .II "'II • h I' tt I' II l.1 l 1 d t 11 1 , I I II I 11 , , II ~!I' l '1111111 \ ..... •'l'I'' "'Id llHll• .. 1111 lh1 -.111 1•111111• "' .... 1 ...... 1111 \\ ·•'ll ' 'I h1 t1lllC 1.t1 .. 111ld • l .1hl111 Ill·• l l 1~h\\.1\ l'.111111 111 .11111..: l'·""I th.et tl11 11111 l•".tl Ill.tit t i..I' 1 t11Jld 111 lllllfl -,,di h (I .tll'l'"l l1•d t)\'I f 111•1\\.o\ .. \\li1d1 I"'"' 11i11111i.:l1 :o.p.11 -.1·ly ... 1tl1·d llJ.!lllll'• "' S1111th1•1 n < '.olllt11111.1 C111111111q.: 111 '''l"'''""J.l Club su e d by patron • e • ID IIlJUry Al l ' 1111.i ht l 0 luli llWlll'I' 11•s1>'•li-..1hl1· 1111 tllJlll'll·-. i.ust.11111'd Ii\ 11111• of tht•lf po1t10110, 11\tL..,Hlt· I h1· t luli .d ll't ht• 'IH'l11 111111 cit 111k111g 1h1·11'' 1\ I l11111111g11111 l\t·.11 h 111.11\ \\ h11 I l.lllll~ th,tl ,1 I lul>'-. 11,tl (l•Jltft•f -, l lllllllllll'.f 111 -..1 I \'I 111111 .ti lt•I ht "·" 11hv111u.,1:-111111,u .11t·d, tl1111k' ..... l .,1\1\t'I'1111 :!·1 y1•,11 old ,J,ollH'S Su1t1111 1•l.111n 111 ,, ;·1vtl 1'llll w l11ch \1t01ll 111 In.ti l lll-. \.\ 1°l'k Ill ()1,111g1· c .. 11111' Suix·11111 l'olll l th;et t lw II\\ lll'IS 11{ tlw fot 1111•1 J .• w ... ('lull 111 ('11:-.l.1 Mt . .,,, ,u 1t ·d 11q.~hg• ·1111\ tl!ld tt-,_•kl.-s-.lv ""lwu tht t lub'i. h,11 lt•ndt•i... 1111111 11u1111-.h -..1·1' t·d Sutton tlw 111gh1 111 ''·" 111J111•·d Sul\1111 '' ,,.., -.11111 k Ii\ .1 1.11 \\ hr Ir ;i 111' mp 1111 g Io t 1 o-..., N•·Wp<1rt l\t1ul1·\,11d .tilt 1 lw h·lt t lll' duli. \\ 1111 h IHIW "knu\\'11 .1~ I h ·J·• \'11 1l111u·gh ... ult 11w111·d 1>:. ,J;.ws, 11\l Al..,11 ll.elllt'd 111 t ill' l.iw-.wt .., tilt' d r ,,.,.,. 111 tlw t :11 .tlkg1·d 111 h,l\'l' li.•1•11 111\ulv .. d 111 111" lr'I• 1d<·11l Sul ton :1 l '11.,1.1 M1·-..1 11•-..11!1•1\I ,ol tlw 111111 of t he· .J.1nu.1r\. IH/tt .ttnd1 11t -..11<·111 .ebout l\\11 ''"1rs in ,, t a -..1 m lir.111·.., .111d no\\ h.1:-. urn· h g o,h111 h 1 th.ell the 11tlw1 ·" •• 11 ·~1111111 1111 .1111tlt Ill ....... .1111.~ to ti ... l,1\\ \'t•I otllol ll''lltlll>ll~ Ill I lit' 111.d H11 h.11d l\lu1 pl" Su111111" .111111111' ...... d 111 ... ' 111·111 , ....... 1•k111g $I.ill t)IHI 1111 hi' lllJlll\ 111..,... 111 11110111• o111d do111 1.q.~·' 11lu-. .t l It ll lW\ ·, f I I., l\lurpl\\ .1 •• 11111d '\1111011 "·'' 11\'t•r'"'"I .111 1 ... tut. th•• 111ght ul tht ,,, 1 1d1·nl Thi -.1111 I l.t11T1., h ,11 lt t1Cl1•1-, I 1'111 .1tt di V s• l\t·d Sutt1111 ltt·..,h dr 111k' 1"11 I h1tll gh h .... 111I11' 11 ,d 11>11 '\\ ,,.., • 11li\·111u-.. .end .q1p.111·nt · l\1111 ph\ \I oil\ t'<I Ill' 11ghl Ill .tll l tjH'lllll~ ... 1.1\lllll't)t 111 lht 111.d \\'1·d111·,d,t\ .1111 tt\111111 l .. 1\\\t'l" 1111 .J,1W1' ,111d Su-.;111 t 'lie 11g. th• tl11\ t'J ,,.,ko·d 111 11" r \'t th• If 11ghl Ill ,1 •.t,ilt 111• 111 11 Jllllll fwg,11\ ht oll lfl~ t \ 1d1 Ill I' Ill lhl I·"'' 11111111 d1,1l1 I\ l'h1 lr 1" I • 'P' 11 d 1 .. 1 ..... 1 until .oli .. ut , • .,\ 'I Cooling trend Coa . ..ta I Verteblt high cloudlne11 throogfl !Oday and lonlglll. Hight et th• beechH 70 to H and Inland ., .... H 10 711 0wrn1gn1 IOW9 62 10 57. Some low ctoud• 4tl Sel\#day during the ,,_n1ng tiaur• bu1 otr.wtM conakl.,•ble h i gh c loudlne11 Coole r on s.1urd1y w11h nighs ol 68 to 74. ••Pt Cled lo clear. ieevlng latr skies tll<OUQh Sund•y A LO. Angei.e high In lhe UPl)ef 70. It IOre<:att for Seturdey el'IO S\Hldey with loW9 In the mid-SO. do,.,ntown 10 lh• upper •Oa tn tnlend valleyt NonllWMt wind• lfom I S 10 2:> mpto -• 8Jl.P41(:teel In mounteln areaa tnrough Seturdey wlln mercury predicted lo dip neer lrHzlng around Big Beer and Owena Valley ovet the W.-...0 Wind• have awepl pollutenll out of the Sooth Coeat AA Buln el'IO ere 9JCP41Cleel 10 kMP the eJr cleaner trirough SunO•y Wind• lrom IS 10 25 mph elao were ••P«led by the weather 9«Vl<le In northern d-1 ••-· Mountain ntght were lorecu t The Forecast For 8 p.m EDT ::,.el ;IOill (J;.IOOl'' l • ~11 r T emoe• tlh ,, t" eo ··i'· I ······ '\..I•• ' ., SnowQ eo El1ewher 11 , from P oint Con cepllon to tne Me••can· b order en d ou t 80 mll•• North-I wind• 10 to 1e ""°" "With 4 10 8 toot _. a.... 0U1er _,.,,, d«:l'eulng tonlgnt w1nc11 1001y -t to 10Ut~t a 10 16 ltnott.. Locall)' llghl varlable wlnc1a eight. end morning hour a. ll9COl'ftlnO-l IO aoum-t 10 to '°' S.turday trom se to &3 with lowt from 42 to 48 Coutal valley hlglla lhotlld range trom 70 to 75 The hlgtll In nof'them o-ta mey ring• from 112 to 72 w1111 towt from 3e to 4e Southern oet«t high•-•'°'_.' lfom 74 10 eo with loW9 from 45 IO SS Fronls c~10 ~ 'N,r·' ~knoll during tftemoona !Oday Saturdey Wind .._ 2 to 3 , Weeterly swellt 1 lo 3 1 .. 1 n1ldertbl1 hlgn ctoudln•H urdey with tome low c:loud• r tUtday morning. U .S. s11nt n1<1rv ( A b i nd ol 1 nower • •~d Ith~• t1retct>ed from fi':••H 10 llllnol t e nd rein ~ the PllCll\c Nortl'twMI 11rly todey , with 1now In mountetn ., ... Rein elto leU In much ot 1ne '~ MIMIN/1194 Valley Cloudy ti<._ tptMd trom the ntral Peclftc Cout to Montana nd Wyoming and over Ill• • orthern Appt11chl1n• A law ~now.rt Ungert<l over 90Ulhern .1'lorkl• • Skies -· ltlr OV9t lhe , .. , Of •1tte United Sta!M Sc:atlereel rein tnow•ra were l or-t tor lttef today lrom the icentret Gull CoH I through th• ., Ohio V•lley 10 the GrH I et. A le• thunder1hower1 e expeat.O over the central Coffl •t•t .. Rein U.O -• predleted lrOf'll ht nonhtm end oentrel Peclllc 0 111 ac ro11 th• norlher11 ocklH end Into th• nor1he1n &inny .. ._ -• toreceat am the aouthtrn AodllM to the rel Plelna eno llOrlg the Eut ·Ten1perat11res NATION Albany Albtlqu..-que Antl10f1QO Alh..,,lle Allenll Allanltc City Aull In Bet11m<>re BH1tng1 Blrmtnonam BOIMI Bosion Brownsvtlle Bufl110 Burllnglon Cesi:>e• Charletton S C Ct11rtes1on w II cn1r1011e N c CMyenne Cn1c11go C1nctnn11tl Clt!Velend Columbll SC Co4umbu' OetlH Ft Worth Ml Lo 65 29 S8 32 1• 9 68 29 69 •5 82 311 as 10 e1 35 52 36 n u :>5 33 69 3J 90 73 66 38 63 3 •5 28 68 so 73 3• 71 ' •5 31 70 5• 73 ,, 72 u 72 33 72 37 7fl 111 Oenve< 5;, Des Moines 59 O.t•Oll 72 Ovf\.lth 5• E•Pno 67 Fa11banks 15 Fat go •9 F1ag11att •6 1.>real Falla •a Harllo•d 63 Helena •e Honolulu 80 Houston 79 lnd1anapo111 73 Jackson MIN 79 Jacksonville TS Juneau 34 l(anHt Clly 59 l(no•vllle 68 lH Veges 6:> Ltll .. Rock 7:> LOU••vtlie 73 Lubt>Oek 6• Memphti 7:> M1em1 78 Milwaukee 68 Mpla·SI Peul :>3 Nastiv111e 75 New Orlean1 79 New York 67 Norlolk 63 Nor1h Plall!I 53 Omaha sa Orlando 82 Phllodelphla 116 P11oenlx 18 Pl111buran 7n '. SURf RIPORT . 33 :>O •6 •5 •6 03 •O 22 33 n :10 67 68 . , 39 •9 2• ., 34 •2 :>3 •O •2 •8 75 •9 so . , 53 44 •2 34 47 80 •O so in •~ .... ... ?":=Silriiiiimt·•-~a, ... sn .... .;. .................. ... Loceta- Huntlngton Pier S11111 Ana Rive< J11uy 40111 St Newl>Of'I 22nd SI N-porl 811~ Wedge Rocllptlt LIQUl'll S"""1 HOllOw l h .. 11-8100111 Tocter'• ..•. , ..... 1-2 It 1-3 II 1·3 It 1·2 It 1·2 It , rt I It 'rt I 2 It We" AW8Hft lhepe TMtp 111r-p00r 8• good 113 good 113 lelr 63 l>OO' 63 l>OO' ea l>OO' N POOf " l1lr 05 Sen Cltmttlte PMlf Tr1lel0tf IT ·41•"11 t·2 It 1 .. , 65 TOtnOfrow High fide 7 )0 am Low Tide I 49 Pm 8"41 04rtC110n WMI Potll1'n0 MP 67 29 Po•W:ina O•" so 44 Prov•dencft 65 33 Rale•an 70 38 ReplO Clly 53 42 Rf'nO 'i5 2:> A1crimonc1 70 39 Sall lOkll 49 31 Sealllo •9 •7 S"revepo•• 78 59 Stou• falls 53 •3 SI LO"'' 73 58 St Pern 1 om"" r;3 59 St St£• M3rtn 62 •!> Spoknne •8 37 Topeka 67 51 luCSO" H 39 Tu°'a 68 59 CALIFORNIA HI lo Apple l/ftll6y 66 32 Bekersl1eld 86 7!> Ber\IOw 72 •3 Beeumonl 69 53 B•o Bea• :>8 73 Bishop 58 27 BlylM 76 52 Eurekft 6• 45 Fresno 67 44 lake Anown1ta11 47 34' L11nc1t1t~r 6b 33 Long Beitch 81 51 lot Ange1111 77 S8 Monro111n 81 .. Mon1eMllo 79 55 Mnnta1ey 67 •G Ml Wtl'IOn 61 .. Nt'8dle' n 53 Newpvfl Beech ,. so Oo~land 66 •II Ontario 16 •3 Palm Sprtno• 79 SI PllHdane 78 •• Tide TODAY Second tow 2 1& p.m 10 Second nigh 8 07 pm •• IATUtllOAY Flrt l low , 1? I m oe Fl<ll high •>a "m 5e Second low 2 4• pm 0 6 S.oond high e O p m 4 t tun Hit todey 11 I 0) om .. '"°" .. 1urctay 11 7 11 e_m Moon rtttt today et 4 a 1 p m • Mtl htllfdtY •I 4 0 I a m ar wa t 11.,,1 I \111 111111~ .il Milll tlit JJI lll"'"''d 1111111·"' ""' llS H1 ·1i .l1•11 y M 1•.1111 ''""· I I ( .J11 d1•11 t tl'llVI'. I .. 11-(llll•I lh 111 Ii t'llllll•1ilW11lt111fl s.dh B• II• 1111 · .111d S.1111.1 t\11.1 I 0111111111111.111 ,\I :->•ft 1111 I '11 11111111111 l II'" I hi• th fl" 11 pl•',, 111 ,If i' 1111 ,t11·d Ill 011 11 " \\ ·" . \\ t.1.1 I I t.. I>· d I II I ".I "'"""~"· ,, 111u"' 1111 1111eh t,111\111•' 1.111111,1111\1 \\ .... 11·-. Tiu 111"1""' d lrt't'\\.ey•, ,111 tlu s.1111.1 1\11.1, S.111 I l11·g.1, H 1\1·1,11lt ·'"" ( ......... 1\11 ... . 1\111.l 111 1111 1.1d111.11 II\• \\,e..t1 ·-. lr111p•t1't'tl 111 111 ..,lotpj1<0d 1)1111ugl1 (lt,111,.:1· ( '111111ty pol•·11t1ally would 1111111· 1111111 llw 11t•wly 1·i.:p.1111h·d S.111 Onul 1 • 11111 11 .11 l{t'JH'r ,111111• ... 1.1111111, 11111 I 111111·-. "'"'" .. 1 S.111 ( 'l1·m1•111t Sh1pr111111.., 111 'I" 111 111.1111u111 1111•1 1111,,,.,,, .111 11111 t'l"'lt·d 10 Ii. 111~ 1·-.-..11 ~ 1111111 tlll' 1!1!111-.. S11u1l11·111 l ".11ti .. 1111.1 l·~I""" t ·., 111 1II1:.I•, 1',11d '1'11111 -.d.1\ Sti~·I u ... k ... w 1·1Ml1111M uµ 111 1111) loris W111Jld 111 u ... 1 d tr; It ·'''"1>111 t th•· ,1,..111 1111 I 1111h 1111111 Sa11 ()11111 11· rout qu l 11 tl 11di1.il 111111 1111 "" ·" 1.111111111 11\'I \\ .... 11 \\I Hiid ... I I 111111 1111 t,111• fl'ftl.lllltl• I 111 ~lo q1111111l , 11111111).(h ( '' ""',. ( '111 1111 \ 1-'111:• Ill t ·, ...... , .. S11tlll11I11 I .. 111111111,1 l'.dt 01111 ( 11 I ft~(llh •I "' ,1k111g 11)1 '" lo11lf 111 1111 \1111 111 .111 Neu It,,, ~ ... 11 t \ 1111.t 111'.lflll~' 1111111 I bl l\.)llol (1111111.11 t 111 ., ... , ...... d Jlottl t• t 111 1111~:11 C It 111~!' ( '1111 1\1\ '\A.I I• ,,,11 • .11111 h 1111 Id t" ,, 111111 • ii ( 1.11111 I -,,11ol I Ill I .1-.k-. II I t I dt ll!ftt d 111 11111 I 1111 ,1111 11 ,1 ,,!1 1 l\ -.l.1111l.11d , ,111d 111,tl 11•1 l ltlt I .11111 '1 Ii.id 1•V1 I 11 .d\t d h1·1 .t\1'1' 111 .1 11 .111'1"11I.1I11111 ,1111d1•11I lhtt l 1.1l11•1-..011, "''""'' ol1 1111 l lfll l11d1•-.. ~.1111,1 1\11.0 ( 1.11d1 II t: 111\' 1\ 11.1h1 tlll .111d HtH 11.1 l'.11 k tuld 1111 lw11 1111111111 r ('I II' 11.1111'1 II drn·' 1111\ ..,,.,.111 Ii• 1111 1lt.11 I oll1t•I 1111 llll t·,11 ltl plllllll .,ol1•(\ 111 th• l'"t•·tttt.dl~ d 1 .... 1 ... 111111 s I I I•' ..... 1 Jll J.L'lll..IL'lll dlllflj.( 11 ...... I 11 ll l t '• Ii ·" I H' I' II g I \',. " d 11 1 1 t1t1'11l1 t .olltHl Ill l lit •,1•ii•l'llt1l1 , ......... ... • lion d l',illt I'"" .11d 11.... II p11l1l11 .ii• I' Ii.id l1• • 11 I 111 I" 1111.11 , Lul"f lh .. t4•1 •••111111111•1 ,atla11i .•Iott" 11 ,1\1, ... ''' '''"" IMtjltd.ol•" •• , I I ,, It II Id II 11 l Ii .• \ • I" • " I 1111 I,, ,,,, 1111 lt1j•J•ltW 111111•" I It• I• di 1.11 I• 11 l.1lrt1 .i1.,., .• 111! 111.11 t1•d11f1 tit , ti I 1111 .dt1Ut ~' ' I I I 11 '.''I j I I • I It i • t lJ ,, I 1 J • 11t1 ad• f .t1Hf1 ••I H11 C 11 t.1 f\.l•"'·• s ....... \11.1 111ol l(1\'l'l'ltol1 , ,. t .\. •• \ ..,, f I ... .. I, I I ti.. , I 111.1 I k •• •• 1 ol tl11 l""I"' •d f1tlfl • \hlft ,d1 1111111 1, llltol• t I Joi ild1 111·.111.11111 11111 . tit '.'-.11 f .11•1 .. 11d ""·" I let do ·-..11~11.1111111 111 11!1 S.1111.1 t\11,1 1•1 11 \\,I\ ol'll f1oo .I ' lf1fl11j1•l1 •.11tl.1 1\11,1 d .HI .u It J.il,d1Jt J llUlt l"r r.uh1r.1t 11'.t \\' I• 1\11111 111 lflif l ',1111 I 1111 . ,, ... "ii."'" '111 .. 1 ..... t \\'"tit• f Im ,.J p11l1l1• ••11111,il \\111dd Ii• 1111ltl 11 ii II 111 fl ,111111111 111 -.. \\t•tt pl.11 "" d \\It.ii k1111I· 111 1tt I", 111111 .111d I 111 ... t t ll 11 t d .i ,ll 1 ti II • • •• HI •ii 111 1111 li1tll 1,1p.olidll1• \\1t1Jld f11 .1\ 11l.dtl1 .1 1111111 1111 flllll< "' lj'11.tl1 ii I l',11 11 f ,11f1 ol ,k1 ii TRAIN F IRE TE·RMED ABOTA<;l~ • • From Page A 1 1111d11111 .tlh 1 .... loll "·" 1111 1111 I h.11 111 .. •h ftll Ill'·' lit th 11111 I I""' JUllll>"d I lott1k1d .. 111 tl u \\111d1o\1 "'"I .1 ... 1 1•l- .11111k1 1111111 tl11 1 111111111~ di• •I .. ti 11\1 I Iii• ll.11111 llo• l1lhllll ,,1t1.111 0,,11,f (1 \\,,., jilt II\ 11l>\h11I I" 1111 1111 • 11~ 1111 •I It. ,,11d ,1 11111dtu t111 11q.~1·d I h1 p.1'" 11~• 1-. lo ··~ ;, , ,,, I.ti .1~ \ ul.1 c .in \\ .11111 d '" ).,:1'1 tit.ii 11.1111 1111•1·•" 1.. ·"" '111 \.\.111l1·d I•• ,11111 11111 /,1 il1d111 V..ifll 111 "I I•· 11.ld lh tl11• llwl 1111ghl 1 >.pllldt .I.wk llilll1111i-.1 · i...'a 1r;1111 111111 1111111 l•11rl I .. 111d1·1 d :tle" t•'l.1 lo,1\1 111 111·1·1 tit\ !>·""II~'.• t 1111 tl1t I 111ttl •ti lt11 I ,II," ft1· l.11t~lit ol 111 \\ ..... \',11,tllilllffll-! Ill v.o111w 111.1 .111d "'"' l.eh111g 1\11111.ok 1llll tr1 S.111 D1q.:11 'lh111-..d.1\ 1111:h1 "\.\'t \\111 11111\ltlg .illlllj' jlfl II\ 1 •. p1tlh .111d llillh11u'1 .,,,1d Ith Ii 1111\\ I"' • 111'• 1 111 111 • 1 ..... 1.11 "'II' 1.ol111 '"' Iii• 11111•1 '"'' I'",,.""' \\11111.111 \d111 lllM Ill ti llo• l1t111I ti ••l •I 1111 •.it "1 li..i\ \\,,.., ,\~IJ>ld 111 -..11d !"-!1111k• J"illfl d lit• 11 1111 l1glti... \\1·111 ••Ill tht• m.1rkrnnj:!" 1111" th• 1.11 tlo111ul!l1 11.. ""''' "'" \\• t .. uld111 111,111.o~t I -..11d 1111~• II .1go1111 \\ 111 11 l l1 llli1111'" Ii •'P' d 11 otll 't,1 ,,, 111 ,,111f ht l1111kt·tl l.M l1t111I 111111 Jlld •I I ,\lo ol J,~,~.• d ltk1 ,, n11t. 111111-( -ti • t1 lo ••I 1111 1111 1111 11.i• "' "It ' J""' o1111o111111· tli1 ,, ,,,, ,,, 1 ,111 t xpl11..,11111 lu , .. 1d ,11.1k11w 111 lo• ... : t\1111 1.ol\ "'Ill ,, ''"•lld lr.11 11 1111111 1. ..... t\11).(1 lo·' ,illC•lll t,1 111111tJl1 .ill• I 1111 Ill• \\ 111• h Jlll'ht·d Ill• ld.11 1 ....... ct 1 •• ''"·"'' I '''"I "lftffllllt I '·"" '" •• 111.t1l1\ .1ol1111 1· ........ 11g1 ,, 11.lj.~l'••I' ..... 1 1 ·I 1o)1.d I 111" \\tt• lh111 \l.1ti'l11111I II• \1If1K ol,_! '.\111.t .1111\td llt s ..•• 1111).!•t ·" ·"· •• II 11111 •I 'l"'k' "l.Oo•ll ~ •• 1d ;\ll1llo1k 111111 1,d-.. ,11d tf,, \ I" 11 11 l-.!tt1 I I I'.\ lfllJt h d,ttllol) I \\ '°' dOllll '" l! I lot 111 111\t .. \\llllfl tfl \,il1wol .ti 111"1• l)1o1•t 'I 111ill1•Jlt l'ol 11 111\1•,,,lll!.tltil ........ 1.t ti .. I ••1'111•. I 'l"•ll• ii I~., 111 11wl.ol 'IHh•" ••II Iii• tr,,. h 11111 l' .. 1 1.r1,.l1h t ''"It Ill 111111 (11 I\ 111d lo11lllt~1 1t,• 1. 1.11 \ .11111.ol ... "l'f'·" I 11• h ,.1. I I 1 It• I 1k• ,ol1111i.. \\Ith ,111111 II• 11l.t11 "' 111d )..! 111)'• pl.ell ' lt••111 .1 I ti 1'111 11 1•.oll 11110 otll fl 1 II 1d \11 It 11.. !\It Le •111 .... ,td i\it:holu!'I Ya nick "a it~ "ith lu ~~u~t· for 11-. .... i-.ta1u•t•. I lo -..11d 11 11 .ol o...,,,,,,,, I. J<.11lJt•.1tl 111· • ... 1,~.,1 .. 1-. ,111d \mtr .ek 1111u1.ol, 11111 1,. 11\ • ... 1 11 1lllll! 1111 ti H ti IJ!~ l /,- Polo"Store CHANGE OF NAME a nd CHANGE of POlJCY We 're shll the largest selection of Polo~-Ralph Lauren But, we've e xte nded our lanes of merchand ise lo include all th e best !ables in the wo rld a nd c hanged our name lo reflect this broadene d vie wpoint G IANNI ACCARDI • G IORGIO ARMA N! • JHANYNE BARNES • PETER BARTON • PERRY ELLIS • RALPH LA UREN • ENRICA MASEI MI SSONI • ROBERT PHILLIPS • NICOLA TRU SARDt 3333 SO. BRISTOL. SAKS WING 641-0353 Al I MAIOR CREDIT CARDS ARE w rt.C'OMF • I , • t• NATION • ov1e t bombe r · po t hreat to llPNUl.ll l.ll :-\11\ 11 1 B.11 kl111 li.1111h•,, 111\1 liq.(1111 11111I''111111'> I 11 I lio St• t 111 .f ,q 1.1f1 , 1""1111>( ,o . ll t \\ d11111•11,11111 !11 Ila tl111'.1l !11 ''"' J.1111 •' Ill lht .Ill I " ,,I\' !Ill' lllf' l l S 111111!,of \ l 11111111.olldt I 11l 1h. l '.11111< t\d111 H 1il11 I l l.1111~: 111111111.111111·1 111 l ~ 1111. , .... Ill !Ill l'.ll 1111 ,111d (11dl,tll IK t•,111 .. .... 11d Thu1 ,,1.,, 1li.1t S11\111 \\.ii pl.1111 ·, 11p1 1.illllJ..: otUI 111 e a lane I'·""' ti.111, ... 11111 I '.i111 l!.d111 I I •• \ I II \ II I II .. 111 ' .. II "" \\ If'"' ' l.11 ,,,, .. , I 1\1111\\ .1\ l 1t1.1111 .111.t 1111 l'htlq•jtlfl• ,11 HI It llllfl \\ 1lli1tlll It 1111 iillg I .1•11~· """ .. ord 1ho11 1lw1111 ·' ll111tl .. 1 '"' ~ ... , ... 11 •• 1 .. 1 :"-!-> .'II 11111 ·11111 tl1 ti• 1.olil:• IH1i1iln1 ·. 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Tylenol bottle diffe r e nt I 'II H '.\l;ll l·, .1111111 l.1n·d o .q1.,ul .... 111 tla • l~\htlt t.111111 ·.I h 11lll1 1d 1"\11.1 S 11 111gth 1 ,1 ,11111 111 · .. ub .. 1.11111.dh d1l l1·11·11t' 110111 flll'\ llllh h11itl1' 1.11 ... 111~: tit• 1"""1111111\ tit.ti llltlll' 1h.111 ""' Jli 1 .... 111 Ill.I\ Ill I• 'l'""'1lil1 1111 lh1 ""'"'11111).!' .111 1111 11 1.d "ilV""- Tfi, l,oto •I lk1!1 l1 1 .... 1, ,,, h d1ll1 It Ill 111.111 1111 t•lll • I ol\111 111111 .. 1 •. \1111111<\ \ •1111 "" ., \1••111 I .1 Ill I .11d I h111 .d.,, 1111:111 1111 .!11111•1111 ol 'u...:g, I tu111t tt 111 "'11 .. 1 l \.1111d1 11111•111 "1\' ,...,,.i I· d11111 .11tl '".,. ... _,, • .,1_. _ _..,.._. s a a .- Delly Piiot Photo• by Petrlcll O'Oonnel( Exe cution d ecision du e~? 1Coltl1i1· \tl..i11 ... p1·1·..,1•111!" a d u ·1·k lo Dr . Ca~ I•· Ho lwr·h of tl11· (.rcm11 \\',\S llt :-.:1;·10;-.. rti, Slq111·1111 t'o1111 1" d.-11ol111g \\'lt !•lht I 111 Jll'llllll tli1• H :il ln \\1•l•t1 ,.,, .. u110 11 ul H 11 n .II d l' I .11 k < )' H" .111 duhlwd lhl· "l'.i111h l\l.111 IH'l'.IU'• ht k1ll 0 1·d 111' H \(',If 11ld ... 111 \\1th ( ,,1111d1 l,t(l'd l.llhf\ 1111 11 • .Jln\\I I II Ill ""'' •• , 111 .. ll• \ \\ ·' 1 .. h111d llU 111.llt }'d"o lllt Ill'"' .tl1d \\ d~ .tltH lll lot 11.1\t Iii •• II ''t'°"''""''I 111 .... ,11, ~,1,., \ ;tllt•\ \11i111al llo ... pila l lo aid i11 lll'al..-n ·-.1oral io11 t•ffurt ... of 111111il ;it1·c l p1·lic ·an ... ( h elcrn ). l.ot 1 I ol 1 \ • I I • d h I 111 I., J d 111\1,111'.11••1' 11H1 \,1ll i1.1d J, ,,t .,: I , .. 11 111 l 1 • '' "' P l~l.l (~ANS AIDEI) • • • J!.l7-1 . lx·t,~ ti\ 1'" l1 ·.1 11wd () B1 '"" h.ul l.ol-.1 11 out 1111 ll1Mll.1111• p o l1 cu ·' 1111 "" l·h1ld11·11 $:!0.000 \\Otlh un '"''h \\'1lh11ut 1la· kn"" J.·di.:1 111 111' \\ 11 l' \\'1 1111 ·,...,., ..... 1111 trH1 :-.111 "·" I WORLD . I. • J 11 ....1 .. .t1il1.I l I 4 t ..., \\ t I t '" '"'"'"I Ill t 1 •f\lt It lti t It jd~1\ .t 1 t tpl1•'-l }.\ )1 ,1 ""' 1.d I• • •II 1111 .111 111d11 \\111111 "'" I>\ tilt •lit l ' s l 0Jlt lilt ( 'tt\11 ( I iJ 1\ f'lll'·"' I I\ 1111..; I, H1 \ •II • 1 .. d11J. d ',,., 111 II :-.1111<1.1\ 1., I• th.ii Ill)' I I ll 11 Election vic to1·y h a iled I\] ,\ I) H I D s 11 .. 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I 1\ 1· m11<·., '"u1h1·.1..,l of A1 1'ru1 kJlltr1)... .111 1 .... ,u •li ..,0Jd11·r ,, nd \\ .. u 11rl 111g 't 'l ·r,ol oth•·rc, a L1-.h;111t·,c· lt•I list r,1d1r1 -,1,1lt11n n ·1x1rt1.·d lfxl.iy T h 1 \' o 1 < • 11 f t\ r " h L c· b " n o n . r u n b :-l h < J\),.\J1,.t11!11ll/I 111it111 ...... 11d 1h1 oil.1th 111~1111•d l'htn"l.t .ti 10 IJ "' I I J• Ill l 1l >T1 111 (',I ,\,I\ 1111 1111111.ir \ ~11111111.111d l •lllllll11'll th• .. n1l1u-li .ond tin ii• .i II 111 "Ill , .. Jdto 1 II 111.1111• d 1h1 ,,11.11 k ttll gu • 11 ill.o" l1\I( -..11d 'I .tfl h1 I• l,1111 ti lo• ! lltd 1111 .......... 1 .. 111" From Page A 1 1111 II" 111 1• lilt d I 'l•l.11111 d ( ;, 11 \\I dol111~'l"ll It ,11 111 I 111 .1 1111th1 I 1, 'I l I 1tl• .r,..,, 11 111 1"1111 if Ill 1111 ''" 1111111 I .ihlllJ.' "'11111 .. l'h1·:- 1 .. ,' 111 "'"" ........ ,. ' .olld 11'.ld 1111•• • ,,,,,,,11 .1r••rt1.1I ... :--,,. tli1 lllolt llh \\<II '"'" "nl \\lo• 11 1 h• \ 1 t 0111 11• \\'I'•• Ill I 11111 I•, .d.11111 1111 111Jlll •·d 1111.t ... .\l11Hll l\\tt \\ • t "' ,1g11 fll')H ,111' \\llh ti• 11 'l'I" I lw,1k, ,,i\\lll u1 1l1•1JIJ11d ••II \\111 •J11•!11d ill lh• 11 .. 11 .. 1'11111! 1!;11 ""' ...... \.\'ildlli1• "11111.ol 11'1"'' .111 .1111.!I\ I , ... 1i. 1110.111 •I I "111·11111 II Ill·•' 1 ... It ·l•''"'il.J • ,,, l.111' lit• 1111.i ... ,( 1 ,ol .1111 t,,.,. \ 11,lf I ,111d g1•! t,111glt d 111 Ii.I 111g 11111.., .11111 1ll'1' .. T h I.' '\. I Ii " ll g h l I I \\ .1 ' h1111ilolt ,,11.t \\""'·' 'Tht·\ • .111'1 u11d1, ,1,,nd wh\ .111\ulH \\tHJld lltUIJI dt olll ,111lll1,iJ Tlw \ 1,. I•'• 111 .111 1 '' 1111 .111 , '' II ''" \ • ·"' h 1tm. guv th•\ lla.11k tl11 \ 'I 111ild i lll 1\1 ,. Ill•~• It I lo.11 •Ii• ', tit•\ tl1111k' l111l11d tl1t I• •lllol;•l1h \\l111 \ 1 ... 111" 1111 p• lt\.111' II.id I,., I) It 1• ... 111 1 \\Ill"" lt1I 1111 flt'l'lln Ill I" J1l1 ,, Ito lo . .i kt d "I I I h 1· 11• h1 '" 111 ,.h, ... I 111 k1I' .. 1111.t 11.1111 ,d 1'11" J1 • la,.., ht 1 11 'Lii g11.1JI\ 1111•" '1•h .111 .111 II• ••• 1 1 .... 1k ,111ol ,1111111 ti do I lt1I-, httJll tho•\ l ,1(1 I I I II 11 l I" I ti' \\I Id l t I II I I I I t "' I " •• '" I It .11 1111 \\ fl, 11 I 'Ill•• I hl•I lolllll .. Ii'" ''lfllf Ill tht »llo1 I I'' 111 olll' 111o1\ ,,]..,11 I.!' I 1111 ·11 t1\\ 11 tJl11 I J'l.1 ... .., hill' I 11 o 1111 ti 11• 1,iJ I t f l 'lll'llll••-. 11 \I di "'" H1.l1lill Al k111 ... 'llldl'llJ Jll 1•-,11J1 l;t Ill \\'.1\\ 1,1 • I ""' I 1.1 11 .JI d I• I II\\ 11 \' ii) 1 \ \11<·r111.111.11 1 1; .. \11 H11l11rt' 11.,. llllilll'\ llll •h· Ill\\ µ .. 1 ••. 111 r u11d l>r H1tl11 11 .. 111111 d th.11 \lll1'.tll11ll• , .... ,.11 1111111 1l1111l11.:h11ut tl11· lll\11111\ .111.t l°.a11,11l,1 li,1\'1· 111fo II d 111 )ll'lp tho flt 111 oll \\'1th1111! 1tpp1 I 111 oih t 11 I ·' II I Ill .. I ' I ,, 11 II II l l1·1·d lltt·111 ... 1 1\1·' .i11d proli;ol>h \\dllld ... 1 '"' '" d1·.1tli ... 1i •. , •• 1d < >11• 111.111 11 ..... 111111 t ti '" "ulp1 ,, \\ 1111d1 II p1•ll< .tll llU I 111 •tJ'l>l•l l,1\11111 Ill tlt1· .1111111.11 h11 .. p1t.d ;\ ( · •• 11.otl1.111 1,illt d '" lo.1111 \\ 11 ... 1 1111 1111 d ... 111\ t· \ti t.tl 111· '"' 11 11 ... 1 1110 J.>'llJ I)(!,., ... 1111/l'll rn.11kt11·1 ll11\\'l1 \11 Lo" Ang.·I•·' 1111 dt')l\t I:-111 th1· hll'J>llal Thi ''·'" I)\ l"'l 111u Ill of 1-'1,h .111d t;.1111r h.i,. -.1·1 up •• t 1 ... h t 11 ll1 t l11111 11111 Ill J).1ll<t )'11111! 11 .1 l••I f1•1 1111 I'• lie ,,n, Sn 1;11· t 111111gh IJ,.111111 .t11d 01h11 11(·!11 .111 l.1\'Cll l[I'' h.1\'l h1•\'ll d1111c1\l •d \II p111\ It h · 1h1 b1rrls thn•t• "lfllJ•I•· 111< ,,J, ,, d..i\ H11lx·1 I:-. "111 1 Tho Ji11,µ11.il .tl!lo h," JI'< 1 I\ t d 11111111 1ou.., v.i11, l1 on1 .i11111 1,d .. lllgt·1111' \\ 1 ... h1111.: to donill• th1·11 "·I\ II"' Ill ,111\ ll t ()t h1•1' lt,I\ I " I I I ' I I d l" 'I II d .. fl ... I ·' g I ' 111.tli 11.d .. 1111 th1· "'"''"I'll! 'UI J.!t I\ ()111 i.. .... k1 I 111 tlH\\( .... 1><·1 lt.IJ" ,,111 1 II .oil 'llt1 1;11d 11-.111 ()11 l.11 •h.olt rd lht · J>1 ·lt1 .111' \h.111k \IHI F1 "'" .1 I•''"" h11 ol 111\ I ') STATE An11 Land ers f l ayed ove r 'murder' note 'Ga y diseas e ' g rowing SAN I' HAN CISCO (;ro\\ 1ng C'\'1d1·m·l· suggt·sls that a d1s1·as1 t p1d1·m1t < t· n l <· r t· u 1 n 1 h 1· g " v u>mmur11l\ ma\ l.>f l~U-.t·d h\ -.om<· unknown· llr;.in~1111,:-.1bl(· ;i g 1.· n I ) s u l h ~ <o ' d n u111dl nl1f11 d '1ru.., " ~u\'t•rn mt n I rt·.,1·;11 < h1•r fl'J:>IJl'IS In lr ·..,!t lh<111 two v1·ar' fl dt r.iJ H it II loll' l;,1\ I 11 'nl(lt·d lllttl I I h,111 lifi.1 pr1t\'I II I •l"'' 111 th1 \ olrlt•d d1 ... 1·,1"'' l-.1111\\ II I "Ill'< II\ t h .1 ... t\14u111 d lnHl1ltlll' 1)1 Ill lt'lll'" S ' n d r 11 m 1 •' r 1\ I I > S .Hl11rd111g '" l>r .J.11111 ·' \\' Cun 111 11f 1h1 I• d1 r •• I t'1 1111 r I • • 1 I J '• ,, ... 1 l · • • n 1 r ••I 1 11 At l.1111.1 PG&E reductions sought SAN FHAN<.'ISCO A t on~umt•r Wnl<'hdog \\ <1nls the s tall' Pu bl11· U tll111Ps Cnmm...,i,1on 10 lop $:!'.?H m1ll10n off Pau f1c G ,1, <ind Elr<.·tn<· Co 's 198:3 p1111)(1sl'd c·h<tr~<'S btx·auo,<• 111flal1nn has d roppt'<.I l>harply TURN, a l'Oll,Umt·r ~roup. flll'CI a pet111on Thursd.iy w11h lhl l'L'l' \\hi• h I ,tlltd 1111 11,1111r • .t g"' .. 1111 1·l1'I 1r1< 1I\ 1,1t1 n·du1 111111.., Thi I" uu1111 .. ,k,·d 1h1 PL;C 111 1.1ki-,1notlw1 l1111k :11 lht $!l!IO 1111111011 ..innu.11 ra11· 1 n<· r1-.i...1· th ,I\ I h 1 JhllH I gr<1nll•d p(;Nr. 1111 1>1 ·1 .w 19HI \\J1i-:1-.1.1!\:1. \.\'\., L\I'> .\ I •llJlll 111111d111I ,,,\, .. ]l11!11il'I \1111 I .111d1 I• \hid ~:' '" ,, """' Jlldg1111·11 t . 1111 l.1!1111).! It • ill I• 1)111 .d II I 1-!t 111111.! "' lllloll\111"11' lo llt I 1111111 h1T1 \\I 1111 II h\ -.111111 tlllt 1ti11 .o11·111 n g "'""' 111u1 ol1 1 .ti .111 1•l1·1111"11lar\ .... "'"" llh1•• <··111111 \ Sa h••••I' S 1q11·11111111d .. 11t l11111 v .I i\1 ti •M. kl• ..... 1ol '1'11111 ... d.1\ th.11 till' J, 111 I \\llllt 11 h\ '"1111·11111 \\ho I l.111111·.t '" lit •• 11·,11 IHI .<1111 1111 1 •,1111 1111~ '" ·1<.11l tl11' pllll('lp.11. '"" 1t .. 11 h• l' .ond .1 .. 111a11\ k11I~ as I , .t11 1,,, 111\ h.11111, 111{ ha' 111gg1 11·ol " I lu1 I\ rif 1·;a1J, I rom \\111 lli'd p.111•111:-. Ill h1 I 111'\\ t I (II I ht• !1·! lt r. " 111 • II \\ ·" I''" I m.1 r kt•tl 1 n \.\'ho 1 l111i.; I .and1·1 ~ .id\'1'1':-0 1h1• \ I I \ 'fl k .. \\ I II t . r I fl .. r 1 • k 111111• ... -.11111,ol ho Ip ,,1 0111·1• lh1t th.ot d111..,n·1 ap111«10,1' \\ '11 111 d p.111 ·111~. l\l.1ru1 k11· said · · I·: ,. 1 • 1 ' µ t 1 ., 1 • n 1 n I h 1 ' lllll\111ll l11f\ \\1111 .1 1htlol Ill •I• 1111·11 ! 11 \ ..... hoot " .L(illllj.( lo I h111\( t h.1l (l',11 ho I 1' Ill th;it We1re Listening ••• Wh.11 rlo '"u likt• Jhoul tht• f),111\ 1'1ln l • Whal do n 't \nu h kt"' Call thl· nu~bt·r al l«fl and your· m1•ssagt' \\'ti! b<' rc'C'ord<>d . transcnbc'<.i and dl'hV<'r<'<I to th!' appropnat<.• t•d11nr 642·6086 Th<> -..1m1• 2t hour .tn ..... ~cnni:: Sl'r\'1<'<' ma\ ht> u"t•d lo rerord let l<.·r~ to lht• t'1lllor on an ~ l optl' Mailbox roninhulor" mu"l tnt'lud1• thrtr n:.am1· ancl t1·kph11n1• numbt•r for Vl'r1f1 {'a\1on Nn nrr11lat1on r ..ills. ph'..ist• Tf'll 11., ~h.11 'on \our mind Mo<!<l.o~ f t..,.y ti -,,., not h•v• JOU' P•Pfl'' bt !n~ ~~u~:~°'~~1f ~ _.., •••Vfdil\' •nt'j <',yf\fJ-.y " >°" ct t'l()t '" ,. ... yC>u' t01>7 0y7•m CAlfl<ll.,.• 10 .... andyr.,,WOy.,,. °' dlllwlttel a... ..... '3 ··-- ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat Thomas P. Holey P1Jt•'+'h."• nrwi ( h1,,t f • "'' "''•'' l 111 ,,, Jane Amari t,,.,, u•••"' fd1t()f L. Koy Schulta " • '•••o<M<I• 1lftd Ooret l<X ol Ad\'1111111119 Raymond Maclean ( ,....OIJ•tt Michael P. Harvey (,.,.._ ',. t M"''"'' ~ ( lf'f~Jh(.;h Kenneth N. Goddard Jr. Q,,.,.,Ot "' ( )J ,,., •tf # ' Cleasllled edvertlting 7U /642-5678 All olher depertment1 ~2.,.321 MAIN OFFICE llO WHI 8 .., SI C .,..,. Mt\e CA M •ll •dd,.\\ Bo• I~ (!>\I• Mou r A _,.,. C ... yrliJftl 1"1 0<-C "'"' Pu01t\ftt"1j C_.,y Ho n••n ''~''•' •ltu\h•h~\ •dltor••l "'Mt•r or •ct vertl\•mMh .,....,•1n m •y M r•orot:h.Kf'O •11hout \P.(tal M ttni\'\IOf'I of t00¥tlifhl Ow fWt .,.., OftCI <I .. \ P0\1"9" O.td el C°"I• -·· C4'11fo•ftlo IUPS l.U ft) !wtr\(rtOttM th<.,,.., h 1\ tnontftl\' Dy "'•II '4 ~N ..... 1"1y t ,... O·-r °"'' U•••• P1101 .. 11,. '""i<" 1, ,_ .. ... .., ..... ~ p,... " P\11111\-....... o....,.. Coe\I P\Alfl\N"ll (om,,..,,y \eH••tt tdll .... \ ••• l'llbfl•-_,., '"'OtlQft '"d•Y let CO.I• NllW NoWpOr1 81'tMll, lilltllll\QIOft 80 .. 11, l'-1•11\ Y•llty l .. IM l~ llf'.o(" \Gull\ (M\I A \ll\Qle .....-. •111110'\ '' PIAlll-"'•u••••• •1\11 SuftoJllYo Ille .. .......... -"""'• ...... , •••• JJO ......... , ,,,.., ,. 0 8 0• llMI (11\I• M•\• t ••1to•l\I• .,.,. VOL. 75, NO. 302 1,uiJd111g. :\l ,1Ji)( l-.1t· .... 11d t'11111 ... I• d Ill t •h1c.1g11 L.011d1·1-. '""' ... 111 In quo 1111\ J.!t h ll'lto '' 1111l1.1111111g d1 ·.1lh 1!111·.it" · E.11h.ind1 ,., 1 \' 111111 I ltl• l\'o Ill h .• I· lit I I lllll'I 111,1k1 ' Jttd).!1111 111 .1111 1 I d11I ,,, 111 1111 ... l ·'"''" ... lw "11d · I did 1111t .iii 11 th• """'' 1)1'( ·''"' I d11I l1t11 ft I I t h .1 I 1111' It I It I \\ .1-. .i " I 11111' thn ,11 l\l.1HK k1t• d1,.1).!ll'l'd ''I llllllh ii "·" g1 """ P""r jud g11w111 "" h1·1 p.111 h1· ,,\Jd "I 1h111k ii -.lt1111ld lt.1\ I ''"II .t11 "''' ·d . Th• , .. 1u11111 , 1111 1.1ir11n1.: th•• J, I I' I Ii I I ' ' II ... ' II I I II ,lflht I il11i\J.' ll• \\')'·II" I' .tllol '' "h• d1d1·ol 1111 '' 11 "" Sund." o1 I" ·k• -.111,111 1111 I 11 Id N1 \\ 'l'•'I" 1 S\ 11d11 ot• , ,,.i 1'11111,d.1\ 1111 I• 11 t I 11 It II Ii 11 t •.; t 111 \\ I 11 t I " 111 1 lo 1111 11t.1I \ It 11111 I \\ h11 11,,11, "h.11 I .1111 d11111~ hut I .1111 l•·•l'Jl'd I ""'' 111111 t1\111i..' .J, i" 1.111·1\ 111 L!• I .tll\ 1\\1111 l-.111d tlf r1I l1J1( tilt ll olJIHIJI\ l' IJ.lli 111 t I 11-. t"\\11 1 IH 1 • '' not .1 ho pt 11 I h.o\'1 I•• go lrn1·k tu "'"' l11111o! n .. i..1 ll 1 Ill, I will end u'µ , 111111111111 ng 1 h1. \\ 1iri.t mai.s llllll dt I 111 lllt• hl-.\111' of lhll" 'lllllll 1 \' . till' \\ l'lll'f ... 1id :\I.ti ,;l k11 -,,11d l .tll' s 1artPd: , 111111111., 111111 hh oft 1u· aflt'r thl' \\' It I I. J 1 11 g N t' \\'" H (' g Is It' ... pulilhllt·d .1 -.1111 y ahoul the lellc-r \\.,tin•""·'" l'1ol 1t 1• L'l11'1 l'hu•f Edw,1rd \\-.·11h .... 11d h• hasn't lx'l'n .iskl'd 111l111o1Jh ltl 111\'l'Sltg;Ht• ClJT-lJPS!! These days quality is most import ant. We spend a lot of time at Alden 's to make sure that the job is laid out properly . We wo r k o ut cutting sche dules to eliminate unnecessary seams and place them in the right places. •M ost s t ores don 't h ave any idea about sea m placement or how to cut up a roll of carpeting. DEN'S • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ·installation· custom draperies.~ UC.NO.-- • PHONE 646-4838 -646-2355 PA JS SS a s ._.,., ~·· ft t "h I k&V ' rt1I ,.,... ,.., . t I fH.h f •uw I f"9 \al•\ H•I ,.,.., ,..., .. , ... , I• I ,..,, l ... w I "<I '' f ""' t. lu\# I hV ,, • hlh t hlU' .. --~ ........... ._.. __ _ 011111u11 l.ou-.1 UAtl Y f'll o T If tlduy uc.1111 u 1 'l'J 1118:.i ... 1 t "" I' ~\\\ ,,,,,v. 'All-av ~r ' • 1ntere l drops W1\SlllN<:'l'UN t/\1'1 '1111 u1l1•1•"1l 1.il• •>11 All S.1v1·1-. 11·1td11.t11·•, will d111p 111 ,, 11'(111.I l11v. ti lif1 pt 111•111 S11111l.1v 111 •,11 Iv li.11f '"Ii.it 1111 1.111 Y..1,., wh1·11 llw t.1x • M'111p1 111111•., .,.., 11 '"''..,old 11 1 01t•1lx1 l'Jlll Tiu 111 ~~ 1.11t "·" • ... 1.ol1lhl11 d Tht11 "l.1y v. lu 11 th•· .:01v1 1111111 111 ho Id 1h 111111othl~ .1111 111111 111 11111 \'1·.11 1'11 .. 1 ... u1 v 11111 ... 'l't ... VII Id "" tho •1111 VI .11 lltllt"' WJ!\ 'I 11 fllll •'lll, d11\~11 l111111 tlr1 fll l1ll j>111111t 11I Sr pl JI) 11111 11 .,, 1111 J\11 S.1v1·1' '""' 1 .11 .'11 I" 111•111 11f •h•· 11111' Vt'oll 1.111 Thu, 1x •lph v. hu """'"' 111 p11111i.,,1 .oil .... 1v1•1., 11 1 tll11.it1 ... 'hrnrld buy tht·111 l•1d,jv 111 S.1tu11l.1) v. hill· 1111' 1.111 · ,., 1 Ill pr·11 1·nl 1111 l11w Jn11ttl 1111ltl Thur ,d.1v·, .iw 111111 Tlw r1 rifi 111·11 1•111 1.t11· v. di 111· 'I It• ltV• lli111t1gli N !JV '.!.7 Dollar et record l .<INl><>N 11\l'I '1'111 lJS d11ll.11 1f1111tw d t1J 1•1111<1 l11~h ..... g.1111:.1 t 111 1''1 • ru h fr.1111 ,111d ft,t11.111 lira 111 l-'.11111111·.111 l1.11li11g 1od.1v 11111 11•111.t11 d t11J111 'll" v1 a t 111~~11:.. .1g.1111,t t lH· W1 '1 ( 11 1111.111 111.u k ;11111 fi1111 ... h pou11d l :11ld hullit111 111 t• • ... '""' ... 1w1t1lv 111 L1111cl•111 .ind /.111 Ith Toyota eye stale Sl\N l>IEC:OtAl't ('lt.011111.111 H11~1·1 Sn111h ... <1y!> c. 1111 .il M11t•11 ' h11p•· ... 111 \\111k 11111 ,, 1lt· • .t !11y tlll' "nd 11! tlu v1·.11 J 1•11 T11\11t.1 111 l.111ld c .11 ' 1•11111 1 111 Frl·l11•Jnl ... uuth 11! S.111 ~·r,11111"" 111 Sou tit (;,Jlt n • .. •r Lo:. t\11g1 ·l1 ., Buth liM µIJJI~ IW\l IJt..'U 1 du:.i:J :.UH..l :.1Jnng 1'111'11' V.Pfc• :! ~lll0 V.111 f<t'I"'> tr1 tlit l'11·111m1l p).111t, \\ 1111 h w ......... hut dc1" 11 111 IV1.111•1t l'lw Sccu th (;.ill pl.HH w1t h :! .>:-111 w111 kt·r., d o"·d 111 Ap1 ti Chrysler p1·ofit up IJETHUl'I' tl\1,1 ('t.1v:..l1·r C'rnp 111J<11 tl•<l today 11l'·"1wd $11 I 11llllt1111 111 th1· thud 4w11t1 •1 11f 1h1o; Yl'iff c n111p.111·d \\1th ,, '""' 111 $1 111 I 11111111111 111 t lw qudrtt•r 1 ...... \t '<ll It,,,,, tht• t11 ,t third qu.11111 1n fl\'t• \l'·•" thJt thl· N11 .I dc11111•,ltl .1u111111,1k1 ·1 h,,, 11 p•1rt1•d ,, p 1uf1l Tht· I.ht th11d·'1 lL11 tt•r pr11f11 w,j, 1n 11177. \\ h•·n th1· 111111p.•11y m.id• $:U 7 11111110 11 T lw third qu.1rtc-r 11.1d1t11111oillv '' tlt1· 111du ... 11 \" \~""' l1<1.1u"· •jl rww m11d.·I c h.1ng1•0\" 1 l "'" Th• 1.i1J11g' .on111un11·d I•• 'I t1111' ,, ... 11.11• 111n11J<1n'<.l IA ltft ,1 (,,..., 111 ::.! 111 1>4 I ... ft.111 l,..,t ~ t'.tl STOCKS IN TH£ SPOTLIGHT NEW ¥0"-" 1AP1 Sale•• f,.,"" p1t,., ftll(t ••t • f'Wotrw)o t "" ftf1-I n O• I •t I •' ,..t "" ·~· ')10'.. l •t h•"U" ''"""" DOW JONES AVERAGES "-L .... tVt<I.., At • t\AI (.;(,tilt JON'' 4 ¥9) lut 1 nut"3.tf (;rt " ~l0(1(~ ~~:~;"2,:;t•uf~th 14: :;~~ tt~f'l~·. tkM I 081 tf/00 '"' .IJ ., 0 ..., l •n 1) UH t>\ ••o IMJ\a t•dn ()peift H141' Lo• CIM• ~"it 10... 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VS CJf'talmet1ons Leed 23-26 cents a pound Zinc 40-42 ce1111 • pound Clt!h•ereo Tl11 S6 233 "'4tltts wee11 composire lb Alumlnum 76 ~II e pOund N Y Mercury $365 00 per ll11slo. Ptallnum $337 00 $343 00 l•ov ourKe NV SILVER Handy & H11mtn S9 88 pe1 llrty oonce GOLD QUOTATIONS By T ... Anocl•ltd Preu Setected world goto prtces lodav London morning lmng $• 22 00 up S3 75 London afternoon l•••no $4 23 }5 up 15 00 Pa rlt allernoon ''""0 S427 51 up 13 60 Fraoltlurl !laing S420 98 up Ml 98 Zurich 1a1e tlt111noon hxlng $42• 00 up S6 00 bid, $425 00 Hlo.ed HandJ • ".,"'." jOnly O•lly QUOltl $4 23 2S. up SS 00 Eneeffl.,d tonty oaity quo1111 1•23 2!> uP UOO E"911 .... d (only Oally QUOlel labrlC819d SA44 4 1 up SS 25 SYMBOLS I IA-M-ER-IC-AN_L_EA-DE-RS-- kEW 'OR~ tAP> Sal.. 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(Alf't .,.,..,. ~ '" O vt0t nd or •t~tltfltNltOI\ .,., . • E•-<llY•O•nat 01 ••·l•Ql>lf y·Ea·OI~ ana U •H 1n lull ,.satu "' lull t•O Call•O wa Wll•n OlllllOuleCI ..,.Wf\911 •tYl cJ ww Wit,, wan antt • ••WUhOt..tl ... ,,.,..,. a<S11-E .. 01atr1t>u11on P E •11•0 Tnt prlC• OI a tltKk H a 1'9\u to e Of g.4tr·t"l f• t•rn1ng•·0.,1~ •1 d "" 11g lh• tll•tl '2·,.,0l\I~ t.,11,ng1 hgll'• -"'O 1st 11 • or.c• _,_,,_.... _____ -·-··-·-··-·-·~,·-- NEW BUSINESSMEN Cont•ct the DAILY PILOT for Information regarding the county requirements for using a Fictitious Business Name. 842-4321 EXT. 332 DAILY PILOT I I(; • • ,. ,, I' , "°" ,, .. ,.,_.., .. ,..,11•,..' ~ 11 ::,..,~ I~ i 110 ,;.. ... 1:X11~111 Ut lit IJt. ,, "'"'" Lil • ..... AUNNIN<1 DENNIS BROSTERHOU S Marath oner PUtll IC ltO llCC POOi iC HO llCL rllll I NOTICl ( ll'f Of IRVIN ANNUAL let 1'011 1 Of' I INANt.IAl IHANllAC. ltOHa (llUMMAMY Ill IUl'OAI 11\JllMll llO 10 1ur 11AH C:OHYAOU•M.., till .~, i UtA I IA 1 tH '41 11t A I I I 11 t 11 At4111lllHt11111 ANl I u Wllll~t~41> I Af'tl Al A . I.ti .. I I l ••• N~lfl C.uHetH A••"'' Nt~I ' Hf I •tf'' A , .. 1 I H ~P,1 Hl l't"/ AOO•wllt Groupe Quw•tn1n•nl•I f und ....... P111ptlelaty fund ly1>n Oenetel flaed •••••• 4 I I ff \-\U •'•.o ;f Ii I H'f I \I. '" \1j," 'f/•t .... , ,., h'1ll Oenetal l ony Term Oebt l nlal If '" 11'> I ' It It .'VI .. Uttl IH•O 01 .,. I ti 1 ,· 'l •11 h~U w • l>r •1111w L w 1-,1 UAH Y JJll 0 I II 111 luy ( 10 1110 .'11 111~1/ .. , PUBl IC NO TIC( l'IJHI II. HtJ llCI 1'001 IC HO llCI 'ICllflCK.I• •UtlHIH I HUllGl O• IMVtUl . U 1ll tlC lfflOUI IU8tHt•• NAM• ITAtfMINl l I Nu Ii•~> I HAMl t fATIMlNI 1t1u l11lh,NUt\I '"''•''"• ••• 11u1t1u 1 u 'il ••vu t t c>Mf'Af4l'., •111•, 1111. 11,111,.•11111u 1,w ,.,. 1 .-.,., l.it11t6h'••• ''' •I 11u11dncl Ir li'tT• t Ml d..,t ttft h••~H14u "' l .C t Al IUU H llMOU'jf Nt 1.11 ~•"'J th'\. 111''''' ~h·••ll t '"'"-' IJHAt'4 hl f tJtJt4l 'I Mt l11A, "•lhV"I fJ11•N•WtJullf'laHH 'iu1tf'! "'"' ·.111 At I 11 ' Atn ,,,,,, 14•,•,ut1•llflt4 Jo'••'• tt1tlt11 I /10tJ fh•"A-l••Ht UoililLh t•l•lnn1h1 I•; tru '"'•'" 1 lo 1f1f It 11u, A11,111n ·,,,.14 '• iiJf t ,..,, •• ...-.,, .. Ul hW 1 ;\",11 15~ ., d·h ii tm1t 11 1h u 1 11 ,,,,,,.0 '"'. t, JMHIJ fttANf.t f>(H•f~l l()N l114'fi1I .,,,,, .. ' ,, If!• l/111h11I ,, •l"f • 1 11 I .,..., ... I •• ,. t ,, • INl •l.,•lllilflllN l.UIVOt&IHJfl (h11 11ll11141!f lllh 11t1d11dt111•1t11.r1.01ft•d lt00'1ur"1t l •tJt/Cho~J,141; .. 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Nun t.u11 1' I lh1t111111 .. , Nwt l u11 t-ut I 1~t1lllt1ua Wutk"•tJ t ••1ut •I .' ltJ UJ: 1 nnou1 '· 11'1,ll II 1.220 llJ8 I Jl~O l1 t<10Ur\ly (.,t•lti ut Ouu•un (.,oun1v fJll ..... lllfh•d J1uu1a1t, I I PJbJ .. , t.1m11t; ( .. lttd• ut u ........ t, l,c1~111., tin Oe:. to hor 1i 1Q82 "' tr ,.,,, H~· .,,,,, 10 t ,, r ,, " ,,, q, ti , , , • ''""' McOEf a ,.AUL. •NC ,, ... ,.,.,ti ... ,,,,,._ •• "•• 11 .... ,,, o •• , , .... ,. i II.', I I t $.'If•~• ,., J \to"' .. ' hf'• AttouwtJ••• L•w th." I• ,, ,,,.,,,. « , •• ,, -..1 , "'"11,,._,1 ,,, '''-'' 1 1 ,,_. / Menut•c turer1 8enk Bldg ,,, • 11 t '' ,,.t 11• ,,, , 11 •• •·•luf fJ(I T ,4 /t JH ,,,,, 111 .. tt!t\llUtHl 1U et•lh lltll f l•V•' A,-..111 't I(, lmrnitl I Ulllllq' lh,1.1•t1t•••I "'"' .. ,, .,,,. l .10 •'JI VI' .J .,,,,. \i l t ,,.,,, 44 / 14 114 I/ I Sev•nth Ftoot, I' ,.1111Ao1tu; ,,,,,,,, ''f I ii''·' bl On• Newport Piece, I AIH.l l I • d 11•1 ,,, It It I tl -------------- Sutt• 7SO •1\,' 111 Hu ( •'( it II ,;!I!'' , lol1fllf'' PUBl c 0 er N••Porl tl••Clh, C•lllo•nla t2te0 , 1, ""I" • ,1,11,. .1 , ,,1.,, 11, ,., •• 1,.., I H II 111 l lH .ii lo I Ill.ii 11 ••I S1111d,1\ l\l.11 .1lh1111 .1 N"" Yotk '1'11111•, 11po11 \\ 111111'1 " 1\lht·t 111 ~.el.11.11 ,111d l ;11 II 11''1'1\'I ,I, llllllh ,I!'> ::>111.IJlllJ 11111 11 I 1111' Im 11t1 11 ''11'' I ,,1 d I• 1t t••• t• Ht• ••t111•1I I t 1i IH1t• •'" , 1 l),,,1,1rt.1h11I tH1,lt• • I" •1••.f 11 111 II Cl I ; """ t'tl Flvts.4 "' •1 .. 11•·•1 • I •• I II I• .. ,. FICTlflOU8 BUSINESS f u• If t1rnl fH dHt'tt ( hi llf!lll, I h , 1 t.~ .• 1111 u ,, ••\ NAME SlAlEMENT 'l.111111 d 1h.1I \\'.1111 'llllld t.il.!1 lll<JIH'\ I I ti t 11Hf I • I 1, \ H •. 1 1. \,, t1• t 1. t l II t•, 'If I I 1hJf Oi I •1lt '"''"' ~ I/ ,., l'J8i '"''" I 1111 .,,., •• , 1#1• '"'' '• ,, •• ' I #t I j ••• ,,.. 4/t1b 8, fl'll•ldt r 11 , Hol I IHil•I, 111 It~· •I I I SCHEDULE or RtVENUCt --------------1 I ;o 11 I Ill! l•l lllli'..I .i '''' llA' I Ii I < l ''II II L't I 1'111 1'11111' .111 1d 11111•d tit• 11·11<111' '""·\t't.d '''41''••tv 11i• , I ,'.I~ '1111 HU 11 IU't 1 , ,,, ""' ttl'• t'• •if.\"'·' t lolll I /•I PUBLIC NOTIC[ 0 11:. ttllfltH.I" '""' utluq ,.,,,,., .4.Utflllltih l ·~·.t.1 M1''" I 1IHl1t11 'I Hlit I•\ t1ttlll"' 1 d1•11Ul tof '1IJll ft ••I If 1t..lt1 p1 1111111 11 11 1 11111111 11 g • 11.11 It o' tdo ·n II I ll'd \\hot \\I I \ llllt 4ltl 1 I I 10'\ STAlfMEHT O,ABANDOHMENT N1lt11tlfll• • ''"''' Hl.H• '''"' • l'1•ff11rr11 tr11 1•M u-.t<11ro Ill 1 OFUSEOF 11;11,,•l11u111,,u"'''' ,,,, 11 c,_ r 111,,, .,,,, t'•' 1111"tt 1l htlf l•l•U l:t .1, ""•ti l '11,11111 .. ., .11lil1 ,,., .. 1111 o t1 11 1.d ' 11\ 1111 N1 " '1'111 k H11ad Hu111w1 " l'lul1 wu uld 11111 di ... w,:-. 1111' 1'·'''1111'111 ... 1nwl1111• p u hlwlv 'lll<'t' 'ud1 11l lil·1.1I ''' ••1-(111111111 1·11u (d .Jl•Op.11d111• tilt U llll jl< llllll'-,111\.th Ill ,l.111d111g • •lh• '•Hh•1h1•t'' }II, ''l'I• 'II 1 11111·!1• ,1 1 11n1nq• FICHTIOUS 8U81NE86 NAME I A fol. I I ' ..... , ., ..... "•"d•••I·' I I I I ,.... • I I ., • l tit• t11,ili1,W lfl\J IJ•H -,U'1A ft1tVf-' 1•,1 ,t·lhH I t1 t S ·H"°'1n•1 I lllJ I•••._ ,., t/t {f 1lh1if\\Jl,thHI th11 ,,.-,, nl lht• f1t.t1hiJUia Ur,11 '111•11111 ''' I'' ,'Jl ... r111Nfl '''I fr11t., h1n~1111 • 1 l• l•O 1 tutt t1¥ j lt.•,.f llHI 'flHtl 1J1J11 I ·HJl•lll I l I •• , ••• ft•• t '''''lit •I 1\111 t t mnt u11nr'!\ tu·•~• onn t,CPt' 7.'l '11.•1. /\ 1111'•'"'"•'• f1;Hlh• t 1)11f111 A h1 lh1 fJutt1udlh•• •I u.tµ1,t,i1u111 VAlll Vt'1IA ['1lAJ['i i06CJ th 1•1fl1tll1J ff1r tr11 l;•ltH M·1·i11•1 f1,11h 1u 1,, ,, f~ 1 t-1•t1t111 J tv•• Hou1t '.•1-.t1• M~u C..at1tu11u ... A ... ," .>hv• ''"'-'-'hlt,.;d ~~lc1 11lJt.:• 'hL. '"'' fll••llt •1•l • Thi• 111·"'1"'1 "'1 .11:-.o ••·1111111 .. I th.ti ·'" 111ud1 :1:-. $I :!:1,11110 "l1111h-1 I ltl' lahlt• 1'\.114 ""-' j);t\ lllt Ill:. 111.1~ ht' d1-.111bu11·d 111 lh• t11p 1:1 1'11;d1· !1111:-.h 1·1, .111d tlw 111'1 l:.! \\ llflh'll \)fltf II otflit I 11// t.dH .,,,,,.,o •.'ti. t l''f l"t ,• • If• t lo t I ti, t Jll" It, lit 1 ••Ito t f •·• f , t1t4 ., • Hu'\1t1ut.~ N~mt-1, 1 • ut •••• •cu.,_,,, J .,., 1 ·•'I t fr,~ -.1 •• 011,. 1 ,. ,, r., tJ #w u. ". rc-tt1''' d 111 1l1uvtt 'hllb f1l1•t.J 1r1 ~' 1 • C 4 14 ... 11~1 t·u•.t-H111,f -. \4 f•H \/ C '''"' i,t (11 1111'1 ( u• It Urunuv LmJ11t1 uu Ju1ut I, H:Ui' I "11 """ 1J1•l•h•HI ,11uJ ch·~c.r1L• l u• I (J 1tJl;1•1 • I OS, r.11"illtr1 ,_d111 ... u&an K.,.Hjl;hltii1 Arltl h ti f)f .,.;.o "'*' 11.iflill'•'I F181t7' S. tJ tjJ,' O/ti 1\ I" "I"''·" '" ... 1111 11 .. 11 1111111,il Jlrlll 11111111 \ 1111 th1• I.Il l \\,1, I• I"' It d 1n1 11th .illht>ll~:li 11 \\.1·. ,1ppnl\ 1•d u 11.1111111o•u'h h \ th•· 11111>', 1111,11 d 111 d11·1'1'IPI' H111 llt1 •11 ·, .• ~1111d l'll .tlll'l ' th.ii Ill \I y t'.11 :. 1.111· \\t ll 11tl1 I 11l f11i;ill\ ,,1l1tfl11t11·d !'Ill• ll ll>IW~ lht Ill'\\ 'f>·tl" I ,,od SCHEDULE OF EXPENDITURES Debi Se1Ylce ..... t1~ht1 ff,w,f11r1 Sho._,vttu11 .,, KI a f'/\lH • \ l Ji.. '•Un •--~i..•u~•••' t•ub 'rtll (H.111 p ( "•••' (J;u11 J~•l-'Jti•·''' tu,µOrdhQn JC·••'' Jdvtt , 1 •·••w•' ,,,, 11 .• ".,, •·i< .. " 1 ,., '1 1•11 t 'J· • t4 1 '1"1 ''IHI Total I I •' '''' r~o8tJ ( u~t._, Me~d Cohf· "••u '1. fJ26 t . ,. J, f 11 "••ct ,,,,, t '' 44.·t-t-!4 t tfl "atld.., 4 I 111 I 111' H 14 •1 'tHh /Hll • h~'h A!>./ ' ' 11 it.8 s ~J 11'>" ".>1180~ '•f IJ I 100 1JO lib 4?9 ' 4 4'+0 ~. 411'1 1,h t. H111 I~. Ii 041 '•0 I 9.210 lllO 3 ~37 1117 n11, l)U~HM)~'> Wit:,, Co• ·I •• fl•fj tJy 8 •.i. 1 • I,, ' ' ',, 'f I •.•• II l t "' I I 11r(_J1r1.1t1fJn ild1 11 • 11111 Jt 't 11J lh AttfC f ' I PUBLIC NOllCE t41 I lflUll If 11 11!11foll I 4tl.l 1'18 lctl?thin SfH.1~ ,.,,,,1 ""' 'Jt« ''*'~''' 11 •1f ,_.~~,,I\_ h , ... KOt.;u~t11k1 ""111·,h.i u;h rt••tl 1ir m f.tf.ru•t I ul,tot" FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT WllE!\ PHESll>E~T REA<;A!'I; Ill• I 1·111 111 1 1h1!> w1•1·k '-''1th tlw '' 111111·1' 111 1111 No ·\\ '1'01 k l\l;1ra1h1111 S .il.11.11 g .1\1 1h1 1•11 •,1d•·n1 111, 11111111111• ... tu "''· -..1\lng. "I h111 11· t h h '"" lwlp h1111 111 '"' r.u • fo l 11'-t•lt-t t111n ' \\h o 11 ,, n ·1~111 , 1 ,,k,·11 H1·,1~.111 \\hi 1li1 1 1111 :.!4 y 1•:t1 11ld S.ol.11.11 k 111 \\ .... 1111 •llt111g IHI tlllt I b,, kilt'\\ 1h.1t llit fJlt'"-llklll \\tJUlJ !>l:l:k 11 t•lt'( ~11)1\ 111 IHH I H1 .1g.111 11 pl11·d Lo 1, 11n1 • 11111,111....,, 111111 .. S .d.11.11 tho II lllllllll ll•d I 1111111t1111l111t.""·d I .ill\ flit '" u 111111111 '\po·ll, hut l ,,., Sl.1\ 1111 P >LlrM'.'" 1·t'h o111g tlw Hq1uhlw.111 1 .i111p:11)..'11 t lu 1111 · Ht·~1g:111 h 1111,.,, II h.od u~t·d 1 Ill' p h i,,,, 1 .1 1 !11·1 "ht•n ht• lt11tt!f.11ul.11t·d L111d<1 I )\1\\ 11 .!:1 ,, 'to 11111 "' t t'rl'br.il I'·"'' """ h1•1,1tll• lht· 111,1 \\11111.111 1•1 c·omplt 11 t IH· 111.11,11hon o n 1111t1 hl'' .. L1111b ti .di th11•,1· 111•1111lt• 11ut tlw H \\1111lil11'1 ... J\ I \\'.I' h 1 lllj.! p11l1t11.d I \\ 11111.1 ..... \ \11\l 11111 :-.lil\t'd tht I lllll .... """" 1111 I"'''"" Ill LOCAL llAPP1·:'1~(;:-.: 1'111 I;,, .ti l111111pk111 Han· \\'Ill lit lwlol 1h1 ... Su11ol.1\ 11111111111g ,,, 1\).1,1111 1'.1r k 111 11 \Ill• Tho 1 .olld Jiik 1 111' \\di Ix 111 hi .ii K l.1 ,11\d 11 ,1111 l"'I" tr\·1 1\ lho <\111t '1'11""'''" IJ\ lilt South l 'n,"t Hu 11111 ,., :\ ...... x 1.1 t11•11 I' u11u,.,u.d 111 th.ti l ltl' fJ.11'111 fl l,111(' ,11 l' 111\'l\t·d flt\\ I .OI l'l"llllllt'' l-'111 11111(1 11\lfll llldli••ll ••.• ti 1';'1 11 "'' j';'(J1j * RUNNING SCHEDULE Sund•y The Gr••t Pumpkin S •nd 10t! R•c• Al M.i>n I "' ,,., 1 .. ,n .. C:..o'\lu01P!t 1rtv1tod C~rt1f•t.."'O tourse door t 11/•*' .. d''" ,,,.,. r.•tre.snm~nt' R ... ces are at 8 t5 fC" 1n ... 'l" ,,n11 Q ten lh~ te" !>r f\t..Oto<.1 t ,, ttif' Soum ( •ast i:t~nnttr\ A,~,.. f ,.. n ,,1_ , ,,. .tt J 1 .. , 4 t·4 1 110P. Setu•dey, No• I MIH lon Vl•lo·7 Up S and !Oil Fun Rune A• 1' 1• ..,,,, ' • .. HeQ1str11tron •• '" t·tnr11.., --11 lh•• M1~S•V" """-· 1o rcc.rr!..Jt1or te''tl.'"f'' ,, r , w"ttng to 1f"lf• M•\"'• ,... V,••1u C.ompc.tr'r MtlJO' Srturt ng F"t•rtt• .. t..1 ~"' ,, Puz Road M ·S.!)1Qf V1•~1;. Co Q26Q 1 E • 1t" ., ...... 1<-. S4 ,,1111 'V''• t:''S .-. 11 hdve a Chtncf Tf'I "-n, '"lU"''1 tr-r t:cto:,.t 1r ..... Bt:~I,_,,. ~''do ..,, Sund1y No• 1 Th• lhltd 10ll Run tor So•l•I Jaw•y "'' "'J"L' ""'. Wt'SI L AnqetP\ o~mnar ~ at 8 J J" t ' rod rJy rr u ,,,,.. •• Runnt.1' Assoc1a11nt w 1tr tJtOGf!t"cJ\ l t rJ to t•' ,,... 1 ... 1mm1gr Htori Entry tee ::. SQ w1tt1 ~ t, 1,,,,_. ,,.!f' f 0' ,,, 1U• .nt rrr .ti n call t21 'll ec,2 1734 P•' ~811 f ound••'• Dey IOlt Race A• -"" t ... ,,,1,.. H 911 llJ ,, "' C.r t.i"" ..,, fiat 1f'O ta\t "', ... ,.,. t· '\C•' t t ..., ... > ,.. 1 ,li.Jl1f'•f'> 'e:»tr (Jl"'I ar \J ,,.~t" retresllmenta al Ille ltr>•sh Pre-reg•alrallOfl must be rec~veo '>O lelftt 111an Monoay wilh an SB tM covertng lhe race entry eno T .,..,,ti A Sf;PC1,1 s~ .,..... d .. ]· 1r .~ 1 rf .iCPnt , Ht H ''", ... ' ~ At• tl r Hlgl'I School 011tr1c1 AOO S 1 tee alte< Mono av S•lurday. No• 13 Turkey S •nd 10k Rune A1 M11 ... C:.Q'''"" ~ ''"' r J, .. , t ,.. •J .,1, 1 c i. s1artc. j' Q 1' ' lf'1• "'. ~,. ,..., fPd r, H·e~ ,,, c l. u,,,, ... ,... Assn r., Ot' ff ·II f ... ,j t4' 1 'd Sund•y. Nov t• Mu ola-YMCA She~·Up S.000-meler Run At JCLA R.1 •· 1Jcg1ns at B 30 .. m Enlr~ l•'<l ·~ S4 I )r JJUll\ SJ •01 er 1 rt'l•r> 15 uorl undef S2 w ith1.>Ut T ~t11f\ or S7 per f~n-, It •nr ·~, .. ~ w ,.,c,,e tarn•l't' mPmber\ MJ• .. ntry d~a11+ne , ~r:h 8 '-cir rr •P 1r•'o1n tl Of' c.J1• r.-tt•• Cl•tKIO• Nn•""J" J Y"P' .Jt ?111 4e"l 3/00 Sunday No• 21 PH•d•n• YMCA noeralho" h•ll muathotl, 10k •nd 'k rac:•• Begins <ii 7 ~ m An nco·\ '" ,,., di lhe !>O 1JrJ "" 01 lhP Roi.e Bowl En1ran1s will include lhe men 'S ~no i1i;nrt·Pf1 ..-,1ft--;e1s from ,he New vc;,,._ Marathon Fo• mote 1nlormat10n c.iu lr.e PJ!>J£l~•·d YMCA al 121 11 193-313 1 DEATH NOTICES ~1cl\I!'i;-.;EV DOHOTtl Y M L'Hl'll Y l\kKIN NEY, rr,1d1 nt of P:.lm S pr ing,,, c,, 1•,,.,.,..c1 .;way •in Octob..r :!t1, I \182 Sur~·1vNI lo\ h1•r hu-.b .. nd Ted o r J.l.;ln1 Spnn~· .. CJ I d <1ughtn .Jovt<' Mur~h '± McCOllMICJ( MORTUARIES LaQuna Beacn 49 4 9415 Laguna H•ll~ 768 0933 San JJdn Cap1<,1r,1no 4'35 , 176 HA.RIOtt lAW"4-MT. OUYE Mortuary • CemPlf'ly Crematory 1625 Gisler Ave Coslc> Me s a 540-5554 P'IHCl H OTHHS llll HOAOWAY MORTUARY 110 Broadway Cos1a Me sa 642 9 150 14LT1 HRGHOM SMITH & TUTHILL WISTCUH' C HAP'll 427 E 171h SI Co,ta Me c;a R46·9371 "llCI llOTHHS SMtTHS' MOUUAJY 627 Main St Hunt1ng1on Bcitctt '>36 6539 ,AC:IJIC: YllW MIMORIAL,AH Cermtory Mortuary ChaC>ttl·Cremalory l500 Pnc1t1C View Or1vP N wport 6t'01eh 644·1700 • I n int C a . I '"n J.H k l\turph' of Fountain \'allt v C.1 I brother Lc .... tt•r Catn or Am horai.tf'. Ala.\k.:i 2 -.1stt-r.. l\ ! ·" \ A n n l' L Ill d n u (I r H1.ol10 Ca a nd S h1rlvn1 M.irOOJ or San B< rna rtfm., (.',, .in .:iun t D11r11lh\ E"''n' o r N1 W IJ<lrl &•ath c~ a nd I ~1Jnd1 h ildn•n S• rv1t•t-s \\ 111 I b 1 h 1• I d n n S •' I u r rt J ~ . °' 111b~·r :io. l~H2 31 Ill OOAl\1 ,1 1 t h1 lin1tc·d M 1·1h11t11 ... 1 "hurc-h P.ilm S pnn1t" ( • .. Bu r 1 ,d " t P .1 t ti 11 \' 1 t "' Memurta l Park, N1 "'port Brat h . l'<t ;,t .~ OUl'l\I 1111 Saturday (,)( wl~ 1 :w l'IH.! In lu•u .;r fl11w• 1' 11 ... f.111111\ rt'<jUl~I_., d u11a1t111L.., Ile· m .. cl; to th1· Am1•r11 ''" ('.111 11 1 Sonc•lv A rran1-w1111•111., hv l'.ol m S prrnu~ l\!1t1I1J.11 '. P.tlrn Sprmus. CA J ENS!::!\ <>HAlt'IF l\llNNIE JEN:-;~:N. rr·s1rl1·111 11f (.',,..,,, M t•so. Ca Passt•tl .1w;,y 1111 O t·111b1·1 '27. 1~8'2 S hi " '<Ul"Vl\'t•d by I dJURh lt'I J a n1t'l' l'Nron 111 o r l'11l>t.1 Mt•o,.:i. c .. , I ~o n M1·rv111 Jcno;1·n o r Cuun1 ii Alu ff. lo wn. 5 !-(rnndd1rldrl•11. 1'2 grPal grandc h1l<Jr1•n arid 2 gn•at grt•Jt-grandt h1ldrN1 Mn, J£·nM'n was a forrnrr rnc·mbo•r o r the Eosll·rn Swr 1n Io wa ;inj th<' Frldfl} /\flr·rnoon W nm1•11 '11 Cluh Cry pl1odc :wrvkt•!> w 1 II lw h1•IJ 1111 Sunday. Ono l11•r JI. l!Hn til :?:OOPM 111 l!.Jrbor L u w n M c m o r 1 .1 1 P ,1 r k Frtrnds may cnll JI Plf'r! 1• Arothcr s Brll Hro ntlwav M o rluor y IHI S111urd11,v". CX.wlJl'r 30. lUtt:t Crom 12 noon to Y OOPM und 1111 Sundny, Octohrr 31. I ttK;! Crom YiOOAM w 1:rno noon In llclU of flowt'l"ll Jonnlinn~ rnuy be mud l• lo lht• Rudluuon Cl•Olf•r 111 111111" Memorial Ho r11nl Ptc•rr ,. Hro thrra Bt>I BroaJ wny Morlu11ry dlrl'<·tono ,,,,, ll•l. 111•,t I &.1ll1t•,\l h nP tt,·I t,1 I 4'f 16~ 649 f I 1 •J' 1 l•IU I $,,_, I I 1H $I ~117 16d sn 9~t 927 By !:itHQt" M II£ 11.1 YOU ARE IN OEFAUL T UNDER A l'e• PfJw•·• '11 1111u11"'>' OE E O OF TR US 1 O A TE 0 II••• Slnh•m••••t ,.,, I'• •l """' llW DECEMBER II, 11111 UNLESS I ,,unty l.h·t~ I 11.1" 1• I • "11 rito YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROlECl 11• tUllt'• !> 1·01j, YOUR PROPERTY IT MAY BE FllOS75 SOLO AT A PUBLIC SALE. If YOU J 1111::~.~ d':. LAM&1t,tfrd-1 H1'I~ \.: I .>l 1/ Hes l11J . .,1 ,.,,,,, J f 1 f 11 • •uv~ 1982-83 ASSESSED llALU A l lON ANO PROPERTY TAii LEVY AllHHd V•luallon 1982·83 T .. Rate 1982·83 l••Y 11FRANK L. SCHMEHR A ProleHlonel L•w Corp Meredllh Flnencfal Cenl•• Norlh Bulldlng, I NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEOINO AGAINST YOU, YOU S HOULD w l ctHtf; t .. 14 T 4iAt h. h ji,jd(IQ C.Jlltu,.11.J fJlflf// • , •• t r , , , ", ... '• ,, 1• l d f t ... I ,if~ u 1tUJ '· ·~' S 1 A TE ME NT OF DIRECT BONDED INDEBTEDNESS GENERAL OBLIGATION 11 '11y I 14-t •, J,;1 1.Hy lft// f,1tU11llt ?°QO, ~ IH 0 JO 000 Sill 000 000 1 Hr h 1'H I '•' lJ• ,,, .1 , • .J ,, • 't I I ~' ' f S I 11.'0 000 i If IRO 000 STATEMENT OF FIXED ASSETS S'l '· I • S11uc1urH and lmprovemenl1 ~~a 1•H6 P.l•J Equlpmenl $2 OU! 866 Totel S'lO •5l 979 CERTIFICATE ., .-if h. \..t ..... ' h 1,-.. ,., r I If ... ;f fr I' t •'•tit I ,, ._t ;, ' H 1• ht·· I t n., 1o ·1ow1t"dge antJ 0011et that tntu.e \~t-icOu•es fd1r1.,. rt'llt<t the '"'J''' • 1., ,, H..4 n1l1M'1 1• INtlh thtt requiremenls as prescnoca Oy ,,., •• State C.ov6tnm.:nt CO\Jf• M Hid()•~' of r1sc.oll Open1t1ort._,, 0,.1.. 10117 81 llY '> NANt.Y r l ACFY r. >r J-fV ,.,, t, P11N1,i+t•\l CJ1.a111it• <..ud~I l.Ju11y f'llut Ut.100.-1 /fl 1982 Father o ver w h e lllle d Messa~es upporl L eveille's injure d .~on \II >-!I HI-\I, 1.\l't 1,111 II• Ip th1 II v•ll 1111 tho I ft• l.1th1·1 II '"1111.111d llllJllll 111 I 1 '1·1111 . 1 lt1 B o-.111n B111111' l•ll \\illd who -.1111 111 ... 111 •• 111 111.1 111 .. \ ,lll<Vll\'l'I 111,...Jllt.ol ,11 II I I 11 I. hr . .t 114 11111r r h.i~· 1 •• I S.1l111 tl.1\ l\l~hl ..... ,.i ho h 11\ 1•1 \\ h 1·lt11• d It\ ''" 1111 '''·'~'.· ... 111 '""''"'' I• I ltl ·"II .. T ho · d1t\'l<1I' ll1ld U.., 11,. '·'" lr\l \\llh11u1 tlh l1 1o 'IJl'jl"I h l>lJI 1111 \ d1111 l """' 111 t.1k 1 '''" I .... k "} ht \ ,1,,1111 d ll' 1 h ,1 I " I I 1 I 'll I Ii •' 11 11 p I I .1 I I 11 11 I I I :1 II ..... 1111 11111•, 1~ .o P•llf'I• 11\ \\I . k ... 1 .. 1111 I Iii• \ J..1111\\ Ill. 1.1 \'!I 111 p l ·""'" l 111 Hi 11111 .... • 111.011 .i~1·1111 ·11t 1111 gt 111 1.tl 111.111.1~t r I I.on v S111d1 II .111d H.111·11·· v.h11 h ,1\'• "l"'11t hour" wit h 1lu· l .11111 1' ;111d h .l\'1· 1·1l' .. ut 1d 1h.1t N11rn 1<1n tl II"' I I\ Id lfll 111 11''1 I ,11 I 'I ii 1 \ \ 1 Ii t • I 11 I t Ill .t I k .1 h I 1 , ',1 Id L 1, ··1ll1· · I 111 ' t11l d 11-. CONT ACT A LAWYER If I I I I .. J-<A , •• , •• ( d'll tf • inn E SevenlHnlh SI Tuolln. Calllornl• 92680 p.,, 11~ru~11 IJ,.111'1• Cod I I>"'' !Jolt.! \)fl , hi ;>I .'M l'J~, I , h ·p 1Jd 1 ,, t '. t' ~ ..•. ' ""', •flh .t (f 1\ t,l,t.•rt.• •I ,t.u• f 11'1 .,,.,.11 '' .- '" t .. u J''', C.. ... ,.. JI Or ''"·ft' ~ ,.,, 1, ih ii f f O I , I '> 'I"' t• I ,1\ I -' f1t.11JfJttl I 1 '~ •ld.•d 82 c (11tl\1h " '!t" •• 1,, I /JI,,., "'*''"I F191974 lt1u l;~11ul11 ... hl.l'1 uti!Jr•r ~hi1\J 'J• • <,t Put1h0;,ru·U 'J'J"9' t.•J•J ,t t>.11, PUBLIC NOllCC ,, ·, j t t,, ,.-,. "" ,i 1 ,,,. •• 1 w fpi1,,1 nn 1 td ?1 2~ tGH7 th I 1,111 11• tf 1 I (4.1' > ,p(uO cJ 4 J-7 ~~ FtC TITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Tr, I "''""'''I , ••• ,~c111 ,,, •. 11 ••"0 lft •ft•f l f I tf I f ft I'•' I ,1tt•t; Jf ft tJ• I . ,., ,.,, " ',,, •• 1', .. ''""rl I 'f\l1lh•l1 l1••t '"'ti ,, ' (h•f.,111! ··"ft f11l">1r1•'+ It dl I ''t ~H 1 l'l '-tLdf 'h l"I 'HfHtJ'll(J 11[11,/V • .. ~ t Ant •' :. 1• 1 1 A• 1 < A ''•I. t.t AJ1lt1lJl4 ,.\/.Jt•,J I "'A r Ill •• If 1 I '' ,.~ • > 1 .. 1.1 t.•• Sd A 11,.l.,t ll ,AIJ MA1,1t "'"' •,f '" ,,, t"~'' ii~' 1 , .. ',.,,.,,I 1••0 M •• ,. 11 jf• .ff t"'' K, lt.£•1C ) l•I U• ,,, ltt• t • l..A 11 J I )!!if IHI f•t-0t r111j\ •.t.11 di,_. .-. ''' ,,,.. ""'c~,_.. r u, A dtr ti f 1 ' "L I i.l 1...-qdtr. ftlj 1 llt • l) tll ~ .~; "' j .... f, ~ 1 11• •t11t•I' I+. t0:. f1jt• J ""It fh{' l •mill;(_ lw" ttt ()f,1hq1 l f11JH1)' on {J1 • t •, '· \'tf\ IC '-.... t "'.ti J· •• ,. '1, • n, '1 .. 1 .. r '; F199<l60 1· l Oa111 I 198~ 44 .,.( A, lt•t•)o (' If ,.... I' I I I' • ' '·•· I ~'" :· t, .•• It .... ,,, t• •••• ,,.,,. ._ ' J l)l•t·~t ,, '' .,~, PUBLIC NOTIC[ • •·IJ ,,.. "'" r ...... .., ' I' l ., --------------! t41 •• 1 n f11.r '4' 1•.iM~ ..11 •I)(\ L fl .11 K--02.266 t1t11 L.t1,tf""<:t' A .,to110• t"11r ,Jfl(. 1• Ir NOTICE OF SALE OF .,.,. C" 1, .. , , .. , fl , I• Q < t\ r , • REAL ANO PERSONAL 1 11 • " A, .. , " • •t ,. (.,1, PROPERTY AT O• 1••i•· 1..; •.:i• 1 PRIVATE SALE I Al ,, •· I ". ,, II,. I .. No P·A 11319\ tut•ht dt 111 • f Hu' ,,, ,l•C, u ... tr f,t lh fl\,. 'lVCn•nCJt Co~11t r+l \Ut $1.l1f' tn•111mt Of 1n t• o.H\C•Hlf) t1.tL,11t'~ f'1I l'iti I of Ca11tu,rn,; m <Jnd lr11 tne.--(.11;;unl) ii tiqJ1H•" -.~r.utl"IJ t , th• ,1t o .. t• Qf 0, ,, q1• ' .,,~ M iJlf .... t t \h('ldf• ( l •l .. •1 i)Pt If ~· ,, • t ,., '3 IEMaH· 1 J RAtJCCS t• & •Rt~!, "'',.,. ,, .. ,1 .,,1, •.,.,.,"lo• _. '1 (}p<_ ... t • J f h I' ~' ) !, I• 4 ...... ,..,,,, ,. r ,., ... Lt r.J .,,,., ~t JI n t 1 It tµ•" t rt ,__ • J-.. r • t I uno~rc-.19rwd w11 ~t!l Iii C•ft .. Jl•• Sll!t' ) t' n,;, ·J' .. ttl •Jo '-'; l 10 lnu h19t1r".>t .tnO b r1• 1 tHc:Jdt-"r () 1h 0(10tlf .. , t I 4811' ~uhjPCI If LO!tfi1m.lt1Clll r I 't,.t1d t D $lHv1rr {.t),..,.H'A,.J• "'9ut~''"' l.t1u1I ln Or .-tll-Jr ltW l01h d!l ~..id f1u~lt·• IJ,-.., f '""'°11mt,t-'' 1'f8, U If 1 ll!Ct.4 l', P 1H, 1 A ~dr.t1 l r I J0t4N w UOWN[fi AU flH y a1 A'!:>' ~.JUI ~·' H·'.-t'. L IA 1fi r,Jt'rl'"lt')fP St Su 1P H r;,, ... f '' B .o w ..... I,, •'l•tf11t a ... .1rh CA ~tb'", Gour ll (Jf •l141 ,, C.A -4)fC)M 'lr ,,.,J, C,t«Jh• "' (.,1!1IOtB1,J Jll the • 1111 I"' i• f41 t".8 ''0'" till• 1nd 1nlt·tt"'1 of ~01d l'\1t11·,...,,J fi1.11 ,, < "'"' f>1, DeG•'d•·' 1 r .tnel t" tilf tr1t· c.eftd1n 1 1. 1 1 • ' .._ / • '• • tf'to.tl .u10 i t1t ~r nH1 'fO(lflff'Y ,.1ual{"f'2 " Hr r. i"h f')I Q1.1r qt-<=-11te 1 ·t C a•1ll ,,. , 'J•lf«.;.ul~rr., \1P":tt;, t ed a~ '· ""'' to"" t l • fl lJ •• , d 'h' , \. , * ' t c. PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT ,,.,~,~.t11'•1ot 11 '°"' f.un11., tt•,1t1P"lt> '•• ~ tlly cJru,.t11t•t..,c1 I\ 1 tw tot1ow14'q '-'''''ons .. 1,, 1.1 •rtU 1<·02080 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME S TATEMENl lo I I•, ... ",lfJ' J fSC.O•i 11. r [f· 'I I ,,. ' , .. f' I 1 _J' 1, l ••11> ... r) ft 1 I f : l ,. fl98849 r L ,, l '• PUBLIC NOllC£ FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME ST A TEMENT 1f' t j , .... ., •• ... •• l I' ..... ' I j\1j I,. <»rl' 1 Std•"'"' i f\1!. >t.tlP'f'lrt 1 """''°'' l1M:-<t witt tne t,....1"'' t~·• er O•a'" .. C.ounlr tir1 ' "•87 1'198919 ' I I'' ,, 111' c. )11 ·:: • , ... • • ..! PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT •, e ' w , cl.., ' .,, f;1.,..,,.,,.~ ... d\ d • .•. JAi PAL {.() If~ Al U • 1• {. S'1I '·''" I :\11d I I lwu~lll 111\ '"" ,,,,.., )ll'I .11 1 111d111.11 \ )!II\ ,I '111,dJ 111\\'ll ~ti \ "h11 Ir\ 1 d ltt' Ille ltk• ,11\\t•lll I ),t .J,,1 lflH'' L• '" 111 1· ,,11 d 111 ;111 lllll'l \lf'W pub)1,,h1•d lh k111d11 1· .. -1• .. p1·t '·''" V. t' I ,1 11 ' I ,1 \ I II \ •• II I "ll \ I I IJ I I t I I :\11t t1l.11\.f I ,111 l1t l.1ki'll li.11 k If• /\l1111l! 1•,tl .111d 11111 to \\'111 r \ ,1h1111l I h t 11111 1>< l\lll'I 1111 \ \\I •Ult! t.ik1 1 .ti l ,,j II ' I r •-'I Li 1 t ·~ I 'n•, I " b t111 ir1tS1 t~ , .,.,.,,,l, A c:;0 ,1h ii .. , I"~ w .. ~1 L~OWN PAC.tr•C.l.<A~•M •I'•• --------------1 Sa,, f1,-~,. ,, • , 0 lj.1,•· ,1nJ ....... ' J ,. A.rp1°tt L •r Dr ••• Cu\1J \~e .. I c• PUBLIC NOTIC[ PUBLIC NOTICE on llw (,r'"' 1, I '),''Qt• '; olt >I l'l~f;f, ICa11,.JPt 1 (._1rt. ul.HI; trn1fhJ• 1,,nct [VANSH1N [ C.OMPAN ES dP!icr1t •'ti 1i,, h)llOw~ INC.. rt ( a11to"" t ro1pc1ra1 c1n Bµq r•n1r'Q di .1 1101111 ,, 1 ~,,.111Q4 A. A11von L11vc1 0f1VP C".'lst1 '·1dtino ~·'1.. •• "" ~,,, f>rl'I •m~ ,,, Traci-. ,.,., ~o, d~ M tlSu CA 92626 l ""'"'111 j n:>t. f ~e, "Jr 11,,.,._.,,f r+-"r hlt•'t ,. &0,,., lt11c. lnJ~.n, ~'Ii . .., t ·•lth•(,ild t1.,. rt Thi~ l>u' ,,~,,~ .. ~'rilh1C I•• • t . ' Pnq••ft. , t • '" tu-,• .. t"' o t nr'1t.·r:\t or ...-t~r,tira ~~,:~1•;,'~' C: ''O"" ~ '!>Ct:<'ll.u t.'ULl'I M,tV' r i•cor<J> of E ..,,,,.,"i.tun• t;omc. 1!1 P tn1\ ..,,,.,..,,..,ent ,...,,. • h' 1 "" " ''~· ..., 'fl Ur tf <p· ( i''' • ,1 '' "" n Cour11y t. •·n 01 O'Jnq• i• ·, P 0~1eotir• 5. 1 ~8. I h II I 'd .1 \I I II I h I CONSOLIDATED ~I ,. 111 1 ".ti .I 011 r 11 ,d. REP O RT OF CONDITIO N r 1 1 11 1 h I ,, 11 g u ,1 g 1 C o n • o I I d • t • lj R e p o r t o f C o n d I t I o n o f I "COMME R CEBAN K "' of N ewport Beach. Or•nge Ill \\ '11•'1 II I I \ 1111 I (II lid I 1county, •nd Oom111tlc Sub aldlarlea at the close o f "• I ht• P1 1 111 1o•li·g• a m ' bu1lne11 on September 30, 1982. ; ot11111g I 111lll f ., . .,,.Y\' h\•rc· 1 S ta te B•nk No. 1216 H1' 111 T ro11u •1 I )1.111,· 1 '11t\tn l>.11t lla\\\•n h 11k H"Wlf"lf)lt ,. ''"'sq \lt-'11'•'•''. 'j' 4~ I H H.;rt {'''~Sr V•t•• I w~ .... 1 11 ,., 4 ' f~~I f rom '"~ H"> Oo ll•r Amount• Sou1r.,.,,.1 '""''" 01 ""' No1111eaS1 1 '"'' \t.t1<•nt1m1 wu&111etl ... 1111 tt11! In Tho ui•nd l "" orle• c• 11,. NNlNHl~I QuJ•IP• 0 1 ~nuntv !..It>•• ot Or cnoP ( '""" 011 ._ •. o St.· t 11 f .JS ~hf\wn on ~.l1cl Oc.1rt •·• ~ t9!'.· F 198975 l"'uU ~"'"1 Or Hqe C. ~ I r)a•! P1101 (');-1 ~ t .l ; ' :8 14~, Hr 1.1n <> N1•1ll .• l 1>h 11 ASSETS /.r· ·~l('r I Cas h and due from banks ·r tl Inves tm e nt s~cu1111es (Markel value) t 1 I l P h 11 n 1' Federal funds s o ld and se c urities 1 n t 1 \ 1 1 \\ • f r o m p urchased under agreernen1s \ .111l'flt1\1•1. \\ <•s thl· f1r.-l to rese ll in d omestic offices ~1v 111 ll\ th l' sl'11111r 1 a Loans To lal (ellcluding L1•\'1•1lll· ""t't • h t:. 'on unearned income) • ntt·11~l t lll' t11 .... p1wl Tlw b Less Allow a nce fo r I 1 ( 1 " 1 n g . w h 11 ., 1 possible loan losses lt11ld11111n ;i p p ar1 nt h Loan s. nel .., t 1· m m 1 d t r n m a 1 Bank premises r F ts E et<. l'" n g (' 11 1 1 :1 1 d cf <' l' 1 . Real estate o w ned o ther t·11l la P"''d lll't wt·i·n llw Iha~ benk premises fi n.I ,mcJ !>h ond JX•rto<l o f Other assets S a tu tda ~ night ' TO TAL ASSETS Na wma l I lot kl'V LP<1j.!u 1· LIABILITIES ga m!' <1 ga 1n ,,t thi-TOTALDEPOSl1 S IN VJnt'OU\'1•1 l";mu< k" I J..i,·qut'!-Lc•vr-1111• I 1r:-.l DOM ESTIC OFFICES lc•Jnwd h 1o; •.on w;i' 111 in Total demand deposits J tL·lrpho 11e c·all fro m I Total lime and savings deposits H oo;tt111 ;i..,..,...,lant 1 llill'h 1 TOTAL DEPOSITS IN DOM ESTIC .J .. an H iJ tt•llt" who lat1·1 AND FOREIG N OFFICES .t 1·allC'Ci 111 tdl h im tht• Federal funds purch esed and A r u 1 n ., h a cf 111 ,1 cJ 1• sec urities sold under agreements n • ..,1•1 \',111,111!-fm 111111 ind I to repurc hase in domestic ollrces • O ther llabrlltles h I s w If I' t " f Iv I II TOTA L LIABILITIES V:11w•1U\'1·r I , . (exc luoing subordinated notes l 497 52.137 502 62 239 20.732 41 ,507 ·Hight .1wav. I s;11d l11 and debentures ) m \ "t' I f l h a t l h (' .V S HAREHO LDERS EQUITY undoubtt'<.llv wanlt'<I nw to ioto thc·re 11nd pull llw hf!' su pp<ll ts." Lt'Vt•t 111· SJ Id Common s tock a No . shares authorized b No s hares ou1stand1ng TOT AL CONTRIBUTED CAPITAL Retained earnings . .. .. . 1,000.000 918.844 TOT AL SHAREHOLDERS EQUITY """~ "' \.1111 t1.1c• tnM• I' ""''" 4' F199021 ..: ~8• t, tlPQff~fi Cl~ 4 W .P.<;I Id ·-,1,Ht.CP , t PJJtlf tri'1"d 0 1 1nqt l 1.. t15.I 0 t 1>t 6.426 38 f\4 1t•1•I I() J pn111I ft•l""<t' to,1~1 OLI ~ 14 .•t 2fl 1982 2.4 70 No•ll1t"I; Jlong a curvl' 1.ut1c,,v1• In 4-1!vl ~;' FICTITIOUS BUSINESS PUBLIC ltOTIC[ IH• E..-1 .. lv•"ll rl 'ld•U' I ~s 41 NAME STATEMENT ··~·· JI I l ... Q loinQPI'! tu Ito~ '·''' PUBLIC NOllC[ r~~ '''"'"""I l'"f'>O•·~ ·'" • ., I 1 .. s,cr l 1 I ,,s.,. l ~ • t t!lC•• o f ttus1nesc;, rt~ 6.865 >0 )'•'•"I •n 1 110o111 ""·•Ct•"""" K-o23tt DE AMA(. 1U~f r 1,.;11.,,, r,, 1 10 w •. ,1 1,,, l""l NOTICE TO CREDITORS <..•'·"' H•Qh"'at 5.,.11. l '~'""tio•' \\ , ,~, ,1,r U•·~(•i1Pt1 ,,j,,.,. 1 OFBULKTAANSFER Bt·lCh C.1M,lt'l1a ·M'""'" 01 1n 50 ll'"l 1'1 .• p(lJlll (S•c•. &101·1107 U.C.C.) 0•.lOI' l BE' "''""' 168 10 fl1Pl\(t r'orlt'I' )t01'1Q •• ~ \1rvf• I N Ol\C'e IS hereby give n to 1htl A,f~t\nQUll\ Hunl•nQt ,, BP~Ch , lC;hl' t 1t1• (3"'i1 na"•ni] 1 •ihtni~1 .. rPd11ors of ~A.REN CARLSON and Coi1to,m111 9:16•0 1,11 ... 0• .. ··•~ndl'lt .. nQlt••J"''" JE AN '-'ISITANO l1enSIE'•O•S C•Ol'Q a Ret'"'''h 1(810 51,635 11 1 1.1~· •l•H' IH'O "" • 1 .. hose busone's •dOress •S •881 A•QO"Qu1n Huntngton BP~cn 1 5'3 1 "''' "< .. ,f I 6 6.i IPC'I l • r •I Botch St • N C•ly QI Newi>O• I I c~ •lo•n•a 42640 ' thP11'"1• N ~nt 'l dPQ'""".. 1 tr1 Sea .h County ot Otatngf! S1ote ot ft11s l'u'\1n,.,~ 1~ cond•A.tPd b"W" an , Wl'~I t.lhQ1'11l 10 ltlt-ldSI l.lnCt•bC'\l j &ll!orn1a 9266(1 In&! 8 bul' l•nd•••Ouill ..... 899 i:urvt> d 01,1,ot>rl' ol t80 Q 1 1r.•1 1, J II anst11r is abouc 10 btl maOfl 10 l)1nnl' El!'C~wottt l.-'Oin1 thPnC•' Nor1h'fteStt1111., ,,11 nod !:;RACE TAIJUNG KIM and TEUK ln1s StAh'"'"'"' Y.l.iS ltllttl w 1lh the 1 198 ''"E' "'h• lo ll•f' C.r ........... , s I l l Ee l •a ns I"' et'S "'hOSI' Cl'UPly (I"" ot O•anqe l L•tnlv °" • "~-nq I llO·u~ ot I~' .(I l"f'I .1ncl buS•nl!SS aOd•f'I' ·~ 1'>1 w Oclo~·. 1«117 7 1 0241 ''•"<I 1>tnqrn1 ro lhe I.1st dO~•·bPO "•m\trong C11y of C1oremon1 FIM919 cou•s<· a <11\llln<t• 01 1'>6 06 1ee1 to l::ountv 01 Los AnQftlr• State 01 PubtoV'l'<l f"••"Q" Coa,1 0 8111 10 We'I rangenl lo lhe las! lhe P•Pperty to be 1rons1e11110 •s 4369 82 .l poir•I lhf!nCt> North SO deqtees :'.;altforn10 I P1101 OCI • 1 d 1 28 1982 oescrtbl!ll curve a d1stence 01 descrobed in g&ner111 u ~II stoc~ 1n 13• n ""' 10 Ille t•ue poonl ot 1r110e lt•lu•rs equ1pmen1 and good PUBLIC NOTICE beg.nn1ng ltlence COf11tnu1ng Nortl> ""II ol ll>at rr11aure nl but •nr u FICTITIOUS BUSINESS so dt'Q•M>' 10 WPSI e d•stenc:e ot nclud1ng ~lcoholc Beve ••Ot' 30 00 1,..,, 10 a point I hence Control hcense ~nown 11s lhP 011en1 NAME STATEMENT No1 ll'lwf.'S l"r1y along II c urve (~press and IOCAle<I et 4881 Btrch The fnllo"'"ll person 5 <lo•nQ 62.239 c.onca~!' tCl lhe Soulhwest hov11>g a SI . •N C•ly of Newport BHCh b""'ce:s111~ MEOW dOS J;'ntl r(ldous or 81 '>0 feel and be•ng Counly o f Or11noe S tate o l Street Nl'w~nll Bt1dtt1 C.a1tf<>rn•1 1an11Pnt to lhe 1as1 de1c11bed C11lilo•n1a 92660 92663 872 c.ou•Sf' Ad•stanc:e ol 2000 t<lt'1toe lhe bul ~ 11e n1t111 wlll bf' R1c11artJ Lt'>\nt'• <l)!l w 19th poinl lhf'nce NO<lh 2 1 degreos •• co,,sumrn&ll!d on or •lie• tne 191h Streel CoSlll Mt'• .. c •• r.iornoa 891 SO Ent a d11111nce or 137 5 t teel Ofty or Novembflr 19111 al tO 00 97627 1o ap0tnl,lhenceSoulh50099rees AM Bt GROV ER ESC R OW 21· East, e dlSlance ol 18 oo 1ee1 10 CORPORATION, whOSl' edd•e~s 11 This bu5int>n ,., cn,,ducteo ll~ 1tn a polnl, !hence South 33 degrees 4'3600 Rockl1old Blvd , Ste 2N Er •ndlv1duo~teh111d l"'""f'' 64,002 23' •O Wesl • d1S1anco of 129 35 Toro C•ltlorniA TIHll lhe 1891 oate lh•s s1a1Pmcn1 wiu 1,1..,1 "''Ill ttlft feel IO lhe true PQtnt or t>egonn<nQ fj)( hhng Cl&lmA 19 111 tlltf!2 CO\.lnty Clf'oi. "' Otanof' I ·•uni~ "" 5,996 5,996 1.026 7.022 AP 0.,6 04 1.08 Pctrsonal Pfopt'rl"' So I a r a s 11 11, now n 1 o 1 h e Octot...• '• 1961 cons1~1ono ot used lurn11uro ror 2 Tr•ntl••t1E'S all but1n11s~ name s bodroo"1 house. 1nclud•t10 some nnd 11oor•st111 used b~ th• l1v1ng room p1ocea bul ••Gludong T ranalf't019 to• lhe pas I '"'" vtu11t 11111n11nos p11n1a. an11qu&1 dtahes are S11me "'""' CM'•tonat elle¢1t •nd 111m11v Otlf!d Sop1em1>ctr 30 1982 hettloom• Grace Ta11u119 Kim Also known u 3 1082 Br oo~ Teut. Sii Lff S1rael Soulh Leguna CahlOrn•• Tran.tte<eet 92677 Pubttsl>l!d Orange Co111t Doily torm t ol ute cuh In 111wful Pilot Oc:1 29 1082 ,,,. .. ,. J'uhlo~hl'lf 01~n(l1' c:o~" 0111ly PolOl. O<;t 1 1~ ~ 1 211 1q9~ •J66-8~ PUBLIC ltOTICC FICTITIOUS llVSINl!H NAME ITATUfENT Bu t h1-; ...on ronunuc<1 lo battle with a strcn~l h that ha:-ldt Jn<'CJLH·s nmaz.cd "If I Wil'I 111 his plM'l', I r1<:.-;11r1· vou that I would he• dt•mi." tw :-:11d T O T A L LIABILITIES AN D money ot tttf' Unttr d s'""" on •175·87 I Ill' 1011ow111g p1115on 1• tlo•nQ out•no~s 11a MIRA CL E VE~R <; P~l . ~CHOOL 320 E t81h SllHI Co1111 MH• Cattt0<n11 '1:1627 L\.•Vt•tllt• and h11> w1f1• J re• t h l' o n I y pl' 11 p I l' o llowPtl 111 Normaml '~ l>1·d ,11lt• Th1·y ar c• ttwrc• from mor 11111#( until 111ghl, paui.tng only tn grab a quic k lunch. Sll'<'P is usually inlt•rr uptt-tl by thou~ht11 nf ~ad N'allt y T h r• r 11 u Jl I 1• 1' 1 l J 1 Norn11rnd'i. lit•dsll.ll" und pruy, rht• unly w11y thc•y S HAREHOLDERS EQUITY .. 71,024 conllrm11t1nM ot HI•. or Pt •1 c11111 1------------ The undersigned. David T Blankenhorn, Chief •n° balonl'e evidenced by nnt" PUBLIC NOTICE secured by M0t10• Of Trusl OMld !-------------Executive O lf1cer end R obert Cebrera. Senior Vice on 1he propittly 10 sold ten per "CTITIOUI a ualHE•• Presldent1Ch1e l Financial O fllcer o f tho above-named cen1 01 emnvnr bid 10 t>e df'POS•tf!d MAME tTATIMEHT bank, COCh declares. IOr himself alone and nOt for the wot!\ llld Thi' tollow1ng p1111on la Ooon9 h B•d• 01 ot111r~ 10 b11 •n wr111n11 ontt t>us111on as 0 1 er I have personal kno wledge o f the m a tiers will 1>• tt1Ceiv~d l\t 1n• n10 .. ,,~ .. 1 111r Tit.Kl t s1~AC I\ tMO contained In thla report and I believe that each s tatement 011te• "' My 11m .. •ll•h ""' 10~1 Newpo11 a 1vd Co••• M<'o In H id repo r1 11 true Each of Ille unaerat~ned. fOf hlmaeu 1>Ubl1C'llt1on llNf'OI ••111 1>11t0ff' dnle C•htorn1111:>627 · d t f th th tll. d It f OI »It KOQnetll Joy OtMoohn 1\IO Wett a1one an no or e o er, car 1es un er pene Y o 011.,n m11 19111 dfty or oerot>•" 1 ~1n s 1•o•t N•w110•• e .. c h perjury that the foregoing Is true and correct. 111a1 CA1t10.n111 112600 Executed on October 22. 1982, at Newport Beach. Jofln w Oownet. Tt11a t>us•"<I•' Ii c.,..,d11e1Mi t>y 11n C1llforn111 Allon-••r •I lew 1no1vutu111 I t/ David T. Blenkenhorn I t / Robert Cabrera PutihUtill(I 011nge Cl'lll" 01111'; PllOt, Octobor :Ill 198~ 4721 82 l lHle Lew Ouem. Kf'fl f'I"'" J Obt'f'lln AdmlnlalratOf I' l .... t PuDht 11•d Oreng• Cont 0 1111 Pub1tthfltt 0 1 ano• Coot Oall y P110l. ()cl 211. 20 tfov 4 1982 P1101 Ott 14 JI ~· NOY 4 1982 A7&:1·82 <1471 H LOIS E Shalt@r J Ill E tilth S1ree1 Coat• M••• Celolo•n1e 9~627 Harold 0 Sh11tt11 J 18 r 111111 Slret t C.Cl~I• Mo111 ( ~Hlnrn1a 1121>'7 Thtt bu.,,,_.. I• cooducr.O !>~ 11n 1n4tv1dutl loit f S11e11.-, ll•rOIO 0 Sh•ll•• Tl'lll 11 .. iemenl wu lt'-0 will'\ 100 Couniv Cle•~ ol O••not ()oonly oo OCtooer 5 11111~ '''"" f'utlU•h•o Or•hQO Co11t 01111v PllOI, OGI 1 1• 21 21, 19'7 43tl• •2 ----~-..--;. _ __..._. ............. ________ ...... ________ .... ___ _ lJ11111uu (. llH'>t !JAIL v I'll U 1 I 1hl.1y I II t11li1•1 .!O 11111.' PU8t IC NOllCC POOllC NOiier NOTICE INVITING BIOS ON $5,000,000 GENERAL 08LIOATION BONDS OF IRVINE UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT NOllCf IS lllft(OY t.IV(N llrnt 1,.Hllu<J 111111111.,,11, 1111 1t1u p.111.h1uo of S~ 000 000 p111 vnhJll g1mot1111 u1>h111111u11 1>011ll• 111 UvJnr1 lh11f1ctd $c.huol D111111c.1 of Orungc Cuunty Culllu1111u will IJt n11..111ven tJy Int• <.;1n1k of lhn l1ui11d ul ~lllJ•HvltHlll> ul "'"" tAll1111y ul lhfl pl1u .. UIHI up 10 11111 lime hohJW ~IJlltlllUU U~( I ~d11y Nm,"m~ ltl 1~8~ "'I 11 00 o 1.lu<.._ A M CC8hlo1111u S1uno111l1 1 unn) P'lACE Ot111..t1 u l ll1t1 Clt"k ot lht• flm1111 111 !.u1i.Hv1'>1"' Orunuu t uunty ttull ot A1111u .. 1~l11\11<111 1100111 4h'i 10 (;1v1c.: Ctmfur f'luiu St111lo A1111 ( ullturnw M.l\ll l O Clurk o f 11111 Uuu1u of Supu1v1:10" 01 111011 County lltOS Hull of Adm1111111r1111u11 Room 41>'• 10 t;po11t C,0•111111 Plnza Su11t11 A1111 Culllornla 9270 I ISSUf: $5 000 000 cons1:it111g of 1000 1>011d:. 11umbercd 1 W 1000 both 111ctu11ve 01 the dtmom111,111011 ot $5 000 edch 1111 dated Oect1mb er t 1982 • .mo <l11s1g1111htl.l Etecuon 1972 Senes H M.4 TU All I ES VEAA 1983 1984 1985 t986 1987 1988 1989 1990 199 1 1992 The bonds w111 moturll tn co11St'(.111ive numu11et11 orde• 111 the amounti; 101 ~111c11 of me i.evo1<1I ye111 s as follows PAINICIPAl AMOUNT $250 000 250 000 250 000 250 000 250 000 250 000 250 000 250 000 250 000 250 000 YEAR 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 t999 2000 2001 2002 r>RINCIPAL AMOUNl $250 000 250 000 250 000 250 000 250 000 250 000 250 000 250 000 250 000 ?50 000 INTEf'EST T"e bonds shall bear 1nteres1 a1 .i ro1e or mies to ba llAed upon the sale lhereot but not to e .. ceed 12'1. per annum payable annuallt tor 1ne ltrst year ano semi annually !hereafter PAYMENT The bonds and the 1n teres1 lhtl1eon .iro payable in lawful money of the Unued S101es 01 America at 1he oll1ce of lhe Ta" Cot1ec1or Treasurer 0 1 Orange Counly 630 North Bro!ldway Room 207 Sama Ana Ca11fo1111a 92701 REGISTRATION lne bonds will be 1ssueo as coupon oonds reg1s1erabfe only as 10 botn principal ano interest SECURITY The bonds are general obhga11ons 01 lhe school dlSlflOI and lhe Board Of SuP41rv1&0r6 01 Orange County hl!S power and is obligated 10 levy ad vatorem tues tor Iha payment of the bonds and 1t1e interest thereon wi thout 11m11a1ton as 10 rate or amount upon all properly w11h1n the 01st11ct sub1ect 10 1a•at1on fexcepl tor cert.1111 c.lasses of personal property) TERMS OF SALE INTEREST RATE The ma>umum rate b•CI may no1 exceed 12% per annum Each rale bid musl be a multiple o f 1120 of 1•. No bond shall bear more than one interest rate and all bonds of the same maturity shall bear lhtl some 1a1e Each l>Ond musl oear 1n1eres1 at 1he rate spec1t1ed 111 the bid lrom its dale to 11s llxed maturity dare Only one coupon will oe a11ached 10 each bond tor each 1ns1a11men1 ot in1erest 1hereon and bids prov1d1ng fo1 ado111onal or supµtemenlal coupons woll be re1ec1ec1 The rale on any maturity or group or ma1un11es <>hall nol be more lhan 3% higher than the 1111eres1 role on any other ma1u111y or group o f ma1urn1es AWARD FOAM OF BID The bonds shall be sold lo• cash .,n1y All bids must be to• not less 1han all ol the bonds hereoy oUered tor sale and each b•d shall state that the b1d<ler offers pa1 and accrued in1eres1 to 1"6 dale of delivery lhe premium 1f any and the rate or rates not 10 exceed those spec1r1ed herein al wnoch lhe bl<lder offers 10 buy said bonds Each b1doe1 shall suu e m hts bid the 101a1 ne1 Interest cosl m aollars and the a11erage nel interest rate d etermined thereby which shall be considered 1nforma11ve only and not a parl o f the 01d Each 01C1 together with lhe b•d check musl be 111 a seaieo envPtope addressed to lhe 01s111ct w 11h the envelope and b•<l Clearly marked Proposal for Irvine Unified School 01s1r1c1 Bonds HIGHEST BIDDER The bonas Wiii oe dWOrded 10 lhe 1 1qhest responsible bidder or bidders cons1derong the 1nteres1 'lie or rates spec1t1ed and the premium offered II any The "f9hest b•d will be determined by deduchng the amount of lhe ~ rem1um bid (1f anyl from the 101al amount of m1eres1 which the 01!;1nc1 would be required 10 pay from lhe dale ol sa1a bonds •r '"t! respect111e ma1u111y dales thereof al lhe coupon rate er rates specified in the bid and the award will be maoe on 1ne uas1s of the lowest net interest cos1 to the 01str1c;I The ;,urchaser musl pay accrued 1nleres1 from the date of lht' bonds to 1he da1e of delivery computed on a lhtrly 1301 day month 360 day year basis RIGHT OF REJECTION The Board ot Supervisors rR"ierves lhe right in its d1scre11on to re1ec1 any and alt bids •Pd 10 the extent not proh1011ea by law 10 waive any 1rregutar11~ or 1ntormallty In any bid PROM PT AWARD The Board of Supervisors w1tl lal\e )C.hon awarding lhe bonds or re1ec1tng all b•ds not later than •h r1y-s1x hours alter lhe expiration of t he 11me herein r.rJ?scrlbed lor the receipt of proposals provided tha1 the 11waro may be made after the eicp1ra1ton ol lhe spec1hed time If th~ bidder shall not have given 10 said Board notice on wr111ng of the withdrawal of such proposal It 11 UJHtCled that fhe bid• wlll be referred to the Bo1Fd of Su1>9rvl1or1 for ectlon at • meeting lo be convened e t 9:30 A M November 17, 1982 PLACE OF DELIVERY Delivery of said bonds Wiii be maoe to lhe successful b1oder al the office of the County AoJdltor Conlroller of Orange Counly PROMPT DELIVERY C ANCELLATION FOR lATE DELIVERY II 1s eJ1.pec:ted lhal said bonds will be delivered to tM successful bidder w llhtn lhtrty days lrom lhe dale of sale 1hereo1 The successlul bidder Shatt have the right al h1s option 10 cancel the con1rac1 ot purchase 1f tne bonds are 1101 •eodered tor delivery w1th1n sixty days from lhe dale 01 1he sate t~ereol and 111 such event the successful bidder snail be r!1f1Jllled 10 the return o t lhe deposit accompanying nos b•d BIO CHECK A cerl1f1eo or cashier s check drawn on a respono;1ble bank or rrusl company 111 the amount of S50 000 00 payable 10 the order of the County Tax Coneclor Treasurer must accompany each proposal as a guaranty that the bidder 11 successful w otl accep1 and pay for µtd bonds 111 accordance with the terms of his bid The pror:eeds of lhe check accompanytng any accepled proposal ah.ell be applied on lhe purchase price or I! such proposal 1s acc.epted bul not performed unless such failure o f Rerlormance shall be caused by any act or omission of the Ois\ricl shall then be retained by said Tax Collector Treasurer tor the benefit 01 the District The check accompanying each •inaccepted proposal will be returned promptly CHANGE IN l AX EXEMPl STATUS Al any lime before 1ne bonds are tendered tor delivery the successful bidder may rl•sal'lrm and withdraw his proposal 11 the 1nteres1 received by e>rf~ate holders from bonds of the same type and characler e1iah be declared to be taxable 111come under presenl federal lflCOme tax laws either by a ruling of lhe ln1ernal Revenue Service or Oy a decision ol any federal court or shall be !Jeclared tuable or be required 10 be taken Into accounl 111 computing federal Income taxes by the lerms o f any federal income tax taw enacted subsequent lo lhe date o t this notice CLOSING PAPERS BONO PAINTING Each proposal wlll be unders tood to be conditioned upon lhe District furnishing to tpe purchaser without charge concurrently with payment for ~nd delivery 01 the bonds the followlng cl<11111g papers each dated the date of delivery (a) legal Opinion -The op inion of Rutan & Tucker Coste Mesa California Bond Counsel approving lhc 11olldlty of the bonds and atatlng that Interest on the bonds Is exempl from income tues o f the United States of America unoer presen1 te4erel income taJt laws end that such Interest II i.lao exempt ff'om personal Income toes of lhe Stare of Celllornla under 1>1esen1 slate Income tax liws A copy ol the Opmlon ol Rutan ~fucker -.erllfled by the County A uditor by lacalmlle ~ature wtll be prlnlfld on the back of eech bond No ch111ge wilt be made to the purchase tor such p rinting or certllleatlon -(b) " certtllcete or the Dlatrlct certifying that on the basis of the la<:ll eallmates and circumstances In existence on the date ol 1uue It Is not expecled that the proceeds ol the bonds wtll be u9ed In a manner that would ceuee th• bonda 10 be nrbllrage bondl IC) A cerllflc&te o f the County signed by olfloera and retiresentatlve1 ol the County c.,111y1ng thll the olflce11 nno representatives have signed tM bond• whether by fac1lmtle or lf!•nu1tl 1jgnature and thet they were reapactlvaty duty 8a)h0flad to execute the same (di The reo.ipt of the County lhowlng lhlt the pvrch1M prlCa of the bond• Including lnter"t tiecrued to the d•I• of dollvery thefeof hat been received Dy lhe County on behllll ot the Ott1rle1 t•l A C*'tlflcete executed by teg•I covnMI 101 the 011trlc' t rllfylng thet there I• no known lltlgallon thr81!1taneo or ~Ing affecting lhe validity of lhe bond• and , tn A c.rtlfleat• of the Olattlct, algf'ed by an offtc.i ol the O.vlct acting In 1111 official capacity, 10 tl'la affect ll'lal at tl'la 11ma of the Nie ol ttie booOa, and at '" flm" 1ubMQuen1 PUOllC NOllCI Ptl81 IC l'fO llCI ll1111utu 1111 l•l .111tJ 111l ll•1•111u I hi 11111• ul llit• 1J11llv"' ~ ••I 1111 l111111h "" 1111111111 "'"1"11111111 1n11111r1u 1t 1111• t .. 1111~ 11111 11111 '011ftOtt t11 y u1HHu11 tult~llh.•Hl o t t IUtthttlHI Ith I u1 •llttl ti.~• 1tn I t1ttthfll •I I H' ill'••"»"''" , .. "' ...... tfllt I 1htttlt 1th• ft I •• lh If hot.I •• , 1111 f Ut '""·'OU •h 11111h t wh11 h uu,.., Wt,. tit I I• It,, 1ot')lt• uttuu "'"I 11111 111111111111111 th1 1 .. lld I Wiil 111• '"""" h1 1111 111~1111 I l \I .11 NIJMlll It It I• "'" 'I"''' II Ill,, ( IJ 111 lllllllll"f Wiii It pttnhot 101 tfh ltulhl hut ftilltfUtl 1114 l,uh1h IU IJf lllt "'" h 11u1111.ioft1t u11 '4Jly u..lllJ llUI tllltll Wllh IW.~~ I llll.llUIU lJIJll l,JJIHtl llllhl ' '""'' IUI •• I 1111111 UI l<llU .. JI b~ 1111• UUll llll'>l•I thu• ••of In "t •~5jt th hYllf t' u f ttllll J1 •Y 101 lhH h01U1. lfl u. c 111 d uu • w1ll1 lhn Int 1n" of U1u fHJtc hH\• 1 uutr ;a( I All • \fl<"""" 111 jllrllhlllJ C..11'111' llUllllltllb '"' ""' l10111h .11111 tt11• L.lJ~>lt> "t"vu P 14urnuu \ 11•0\Jt lut tfu-1 l:»"l(llHtutut ut 1rnl 111111111• 1 ~ <,11111 h•• p111rl oy 0111 l)1,t11L I ()I r1C IAI ~IAIL MI NI lflu 01'lilrl'1 IHI'> <11luphHI 111 U lfl1.i.1I Sloh11111111t 1t1lull11g lo ltltJ ltumli. u 1 oµy of wt111 II will hu IUllll!iltull lllll)ll I uquu ,, lo Murr 111 l Vfltll Wt11tu-W11ltl ( •IJ111UI M uri..ulb 01Quf1 707 Wll51i11" ~oulovurd Su1tu 4JJO I u!I Anqutoii C11t11w11111't0017 lnl 1.i1:11u;n 1110 111.,u1~1r11 1w1t lurno~tt to 1111• '111\.CtJb,,f\ll ltlddut 111110 chur(lu '>0 <.<JIJltHI of lht< Oll1<;1t1I !>lutu11u;11t f(J1 II .. , tn rtHllll!tltDll Wlltt .rny Id' ulll UI '"" homh C..IVl N hy <1111!11 ul lhtl llo.Hfl nl !>upmv1:.un. n l Or 111111 County t..il1lu1111,1 uluplrnl Oc.luhrn ll 11111? tS!:.AI I JUNE Al t:XANDEll t vi I~· tlu• \i" t t "'" C)l tulltt / 1 f 11'tl ChJrk of the Boero nt S11p1Jrvl'IUr'I uf 01 11100 C.uunty l 1i11t, f ol PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NO llCC PUl:ILIC NU llCI ~IC TlftOUS SUllNllll ftAMI' llfAl llMIHT 11 t~ t th 11it "ll t tA ' •• u • • lumu I li~H f '11-l '' t ll \ t ,. I 11 II "II Ir I A< t WI l•IHlll I HI/It I 111111 W• ""' u hH At1., I lt•lw Mtt.,t t A I I I PUBLIC NOllCC f'IMLIC NO TICL f'UOLIC NOTICE PU8llC NO TIC( NOflC• or TllUllll. •Aa flCTITIOUS •UltNUI NOTICE OF fRUI TU. aAJ.( loanNoJIN·ll• NAME l 1A11MENT '''" 111 1.Att1HJ1ltll(ll'l1l1 f I No C M>U llu 11.1111wr1111 I uo~r 1 • "" 11 "II I • I« 1 Ill 141 II( Wl'•)IH 110"4( LOA~~ INC • 1,.,.,.,,. .. •• 141 WI IHI! lllJ"41 1 l!All 1111 .. , •• ,,., .. ,,VUlf\ht&S ftu•I .. uno .. tf\ (tef hU'.UH ,•, .... AfO\.f flt-4h ll•'t "''tftt1l.-d ,,,,hrt ,,.J ... '"" hill•"""ll llHUll>ell 0-11 <11 llu .. INJ l Hl4A I IONAI llJI llllOll I I I W I ill wu OJ h t • I ml th ntl r II '" Will '•rtl Al l•IJOl•t AU<.f10N M • ll•l•f AvffUU.. ... ••• "'"" Wiit .,,., Al l••Jlltlf Aur t1iit• Ill fltf llll>tol!>I BllJUER 1011 < ~l1h1111" •1,IUI 111 l"I 1111.111 I lt1l1t1110 HJll I A'ltt fJJuy•fJlu •' lltoa Cit ••I• tn f tu A '>ilH'' '110 :JO~ h uuthtl LA"1tt ti oulJh ••I f1mw tit , .. o " h•wful moouy ur tn• UnnoJ S1a101 ,11ttot u\lu Attu I uMw111u ~•lf04 IMwhll "'''' • v ''' tt •~ U111tmJ ~l•t••I tall Jlijhl lltl., M uJ OHuto!lt ( uov•yOd W dt l •t A r u 11 t'~ t t ' Vt/ tll 'yht I tit H 0 IUhtttUI t tmvwyo(J I I HHt ltOW h•tht Uy,, U11dtt1 ••Id M , •• hf Av+11u1• 4 "''I• Al I ,, UIJ fMh¥ ••t1(1 ,,, 1• wcht •A10 llMflll ur l•u•I 111 th• 111uµ•rl~ t u1o1u1111~ •11101 ''"•II ul 11 ,,1 "'II• t1•u11•llY h"'"'n811"' fl• ... rilMKI W1U...111 ',o,.J..,....., Llll Avwuilil. tra101111dln1 ""'><.' '''"' I ttUIJ I 011 l•f ()llhl I I IX.AC. 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It (I Ol (,II ,\i\U 111 11• r It 1 I "" ( '' 1111¥ o l '"~'"' •• DEED OF lRU8T D A TED o I I ' I T I f I o I" T () r)ol'ICI" 't•h 111 ohtar 1 ~• t.>tt• 1111 H(l~OVAICJll JIU JANUARY 14 1M2 UNLESS YOU "ll!\111\1:-0.ll fl I srA11-,....., I "l'''"""hll I II•-<••(, '"'II" 71 V"l'"'A/011 lr1Mi,1 IA TAICfACTIOH TOPllOTECT " ' f.A "'"'"''~M•11 111tmalh<."'''' • t.,T YOUR PROPERTY IT MAY I E i\ 115 196 llt C ''"'I( 11.,tt1d• 1 l"J I •Ord Mdl ~ (,,rroHh >'>h"'"~"" IO'JJ 80t.0 ATAPUBLIC 8ALE IFYOU 111 oil lo111' IHlnflllJIH' <..w11ty "411lu/\w (u\tu M,,,of'.A'l?6~7 NEEOAN EXPLANATION 0,.THE 11 dil"I' ind 11111 1111),l•lll l:l(t.l::l'llN(, f ttFHOAOMll" t\u1t y Ar 11 ._11111011 JIO NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING 11 ,1111111 .,,.1 (,l1tli' H ( ltrll"ll N•Jrll10u~o.1ty 11><.t1rrgu111r 1~0 10<'1 l/1dl111 A 'JOI (t.rl•M••• Cll AQAINSTYOU YOU SHOULD .... lhu1<C.f AL'>(I rxC.I Plll~(; •J]t.Jf CONTACT A LAWYER 11111 I" I • rl' "hu 1111\ 111 I ttrfff IJHJM 1111• Sou111wl' ''"'' 1n •• t,u,r1111\ II L•)lll.hll llCI hy "I 2208 Ocean F1ou1 Avi;nue r "" l\•I. lllltl• .. 1111 ltl ''" lb<.tlJll<jUlu t)Ofu,,lllUll"'' •W"' • 11 l "'"' ''' I• N()w!Jull Beach t..A \\ill 11,.1, 1 1 ..,1 ,1, f01J AHi 1N DlfAUl T UNlJ(R A YOUAREIHDl:FAULTUNDERA '\11111 I ot l>I A l ll OI I "" 1~1,'',~,'.,111 :; ;~1 .. 1 ,.11111,, a.~:~1:'.i:,·~~'.\"~~111:~~.o~b~~':m~: ,\ 1Mttll••ll 111 IM•ll 111trf ~rr,1~1 ~': 11,'1~'1.\~A~~uM:'-!1;~· OEEO OF YR UST OATEO II '\I I U\l)C,l,ll t\l\l>OI ll111111t1UH~ 1110111111• <u111y 1 wuir1111ty I'> o•~~n 11s to 11~ l o\ l'.olH\ l\J11g11111t• '"''' At..l•Ut< r11 PRIJl((..I fOUA NOVEMBER 17 11181 UNLESS YOU TAICE ACTION TO PROfECf I ' I I I I I 0 N I 0 Cli I I I 1'11l.' l.<111111lutont1» 01 1oritKt11,,H) Thu 111 I lo• S11111 I IUI to Ill t nl l'lllJ(.IE.tll'f II "ltA'f Bf SOLO A1 A YOUR PROPERT\I IT MAY BE All!'tll'\ISfl It I ~IAIL l'\0 Ft99573 l1H1tl11 ury ullO<JI ~010 O""d ol 111 rtlj.\• ( 1 lllolV t•qll•,llllJ' PtJbllt.. '•Alf If IOU NHD Al. SO D T PUBL CS E • , l I ulll 'lo"U (h" I• <.. '1 I D<• ly 1111'1 lly ooa~c1n Of u br.,11ch 01 t Ii N M l Xlll ANA f l{JN ()I (H( ~I/; TVA£ NE;O :H ~XPLA~A Tl~~ ~~ ~~~ \ \ ~ I '.1111 111 II I • 11.t h I II" "''"' (Ill I' ,, ,., tfav ~ > ;~t~', ~~'.:",','. ·: .. '~~, .. ~~: ga~1;;Csut~':iu~~d I I : ~' ,','," ',II I ': ,· .~· ,·: \: I',·, r~~u"'1£u~H~L61~1~;"['o~?:~NS ~ NATURE OF THE PROCEEOIHG ' AGAINS T \IOU YOU SHOULD I,,""' I '"" ' .... 11111•• Ill <l11lov .. 1nd In""' uneltH~•oned .. "'I u11 d ''I'" • 111111\• Ill l AWVfl~ CONlACT A LAWVER •l•dll •I "' 111111 I,, ISo.fi• 1 PUBLIC NOTICE "'""'" 0...:1A1a11c.n ol Oetau11 and 1tl1111 111 t• r 1111 , ,1 .t• ,,f 181> ~ule•t•ir A.,,.,, t.r'>I• NOTICE OF TRUSTEE S SALE 111ol 1, r, ''" '' 111 111 1\ lo• FICTITIOUS BUSINESS 1""' '"0 roi 541" onu "'"1101111011ce1 ( I 111" le t luu~lo t11111lo 1 tlH I""'" c A I • nt hro uu1 ano 01 e1oc11on to causo 111 a ~Hoel adtlrt;\S (Jr < <1mmv1 rs Ho 36494 ''"'""'' 1111111 ,1 .. 1111 1111 NAME STATEMENT It!> u11dara1nn.,d to sell saon 11111• I" 11111 Ill Ad111tllh llhof•fl.otrr.r IS'"''""" dt1•JV• 10 ~·~ ~~f~~ N;~ n;;i~ 1 1101 t :;·~~ II'.'. \\ 1~~ ;::·~ 1; ,: II': 11 ~: I" ' 1 I 1 lo d hu.':~,r~r~~y p~~s~:;:IE;"~I ~::~: '1'1:~ :;b~~~1r51in~a ~no~~·~s~~~~~ : ~ 1 1\ 1 / •llll 111~ ~.i,llJll1111' ~.' ,1 /111/:1 ~1;:,'.~1~ :~~~s~ 501\Jc;~1~i:::l~t5Ss11 t 11 ., I NUI 11..E 1:, It( AC UY C,IVfN 111 11 t I II (J v " \ I I . 1 1 I 1 1 I. 1 I r ., ,<Cl s JIO root''" ol or eac;h and 01 I ), 111 "J 1 1 1 , 110 ( 1 \ 11 I 11u tit 1 et t. di y urocJC• ~•O Oettd "'om ~el '' '" '' 'orr1hr(lllHJ '' t I' '• " I ct Ill I I• l C 0 I 0 G ~ RE Al ES 1 A I ( <l<t.1" 10 II• Reconlod July 20 ' ol lou~t Lly ieason ol " CJ•~"" o• I rust~ s S • • • "'"" "" nll•t• ~"'I ~Ill" 11 " ( ""' 1rl l Ir •111' (. 0 M P ANY 3 E <..UL() v , t'Jll? dS mstt No 82 250906 c.I I '1111 I I It"' \\' '' "' 1111 j d.,f.,ult '" me Obhguhuus r.ucureo llfAL E~IAlf [\ Ull!ll('> ( I I I MAINtENANC.E COMPANY 4 , 1•·11 I I I\ t " 111 \ 11 t t~ri d SEllVll..E lvo oh ll 11 /O,l Nftl" 1111111\ r"I"' Ill~ I 11 fCOLOGY MA I NTENANCE "' v "'"'•<••Ill~ I • .-, 1 1 I J lhC'ltlby lt!IHOO•u e•f't.u~u .in 9,,,.., ... 1,Sult Ill •ll<Cl1nl 1.11\ I·· 1\1111••• 1 .. ,(IJ M PANY 5 (l..OLOGY Sd1llsa1e ... 1lllJernade ou1 1c .111111111 .. 11N•r\•r11h•1 l1 deh•e• .. lltC.ll•l'urrd"'"'llneoa S11111A1.o i..uo1t,r l lh1•11• .,,,,.I '1'1"'1111• cl ' , .. 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Your OlloLttl Re<.010~ \\ I Hun11nu1on B<1ocr1 Calltornoa !11646 ,8 0 De<ld 01 l iust Sa 0 sole will be I Sd•O 1.,,., w 11 llt' ,, 1111-t,ut l llou~ l~JOOulOllroolHl'<tml' II 1111\• I Ill'" 111\ 111 111 s r1usness 1~conduCledbyan reldonF11C1ay Novumllert9 1982lfJJl<11.1111• """ "lllJl<l"lll wrlhl)vl (tv1l11anrc.1 Ndlli>n11 ~J rrl (O\t I~ ulf I IJI '.'".i1lo1\111 ( .ltl tfllt II novodudl .11200pm Atlh11 Cl1apman'Hll\\,,lll illlllll•\I '•P•l>>~LlllTploedrlJ9urOnQlllt I R.corll"' "' 11u111, r' "'' '114 111 N• ', 1111" I I' I 'Ill.! " •1 Ill Ron E Lucera Avl'l•ue entrance to 1n., Co.ic Cente• I ~ '\ (I l A H ~ A P'•••"~~ C.• "'' "ncumbldf1,es IC. by rei~ .JI 11 ·~ ''1 "'c.Jll iull • Ill! 1'1 ~ ;taiemenl was lilt><! win lf1e Bu 1111ng 300 east C11apman ( H~ 1)1 ICIH Ill I l4ifll1t1gi 11t PdY ,,., r"'""""ll Pll\topal •um ot 1.>avn e111 '" P• 'I,. '' '"'' ot II ' I l uunly Clt11h or IJ1unge County onl A•u11uu rn lhA Coty or 01ange 't' 1111111 111 1I1r 111• 1 .. ...,~J '• •U '"" nOtel~I SPC.,•ed II" "ad Oeeo ot ~b•igut•<>11 • ',., u "" "'"' II-'\ l >l <lll It\ I 11' th• Olloott 28 1982 ·Al ~ne 11~me or the 1no11a1 ' ' ~ l1u•t "'11 ntt•est Cl~ n ;a11 001.-. 11rlud "\l on 11 111 •U <•• '"'~"" L'I 11111111-:' I tl11 I" tllh II '"u I F200700 IJUlllrC8hOn ol 11115 not.Ce lhe IOtal lllll'I t1h \olll i I 11111"11h th1 µ1ovrdtoO dc.Jvances r ""' uo oe• Nohe P or'"'""' w .. , "u te.l(d '''"' I I I 11 11~ 1 ( 1111 Pu111r~ned Or.irrg11 <..oasl Dij1I• amo" 11 01 the .. npao .. oalenre of tnA 1 .. ur I 111 J>I •" 11t 11 tu tl'h 1 ri D t f • l2 1982 as f11,. onlr r' 1n,1111m• hi .., 11111 I I I• I I ) " I ' µ Q 7q N 5 1:1 19 98/ v v " ·-v lhe IO'oms 0 Siilu f"eO (J •u~I l NO 82 ll4 J~b WILi !>Ell Al lir 11 I ll) 111.f 'l 1!1 \11llr •It.rt Ct O• 1 oologatoon secured by lhe above I" r 'u111I r• pt1" 111.Jtl\1 II'"• ChorQ"S ano t"Ptrn~es or Ill' PUBLIC AIJL1 l()N 10 !Hf 1111,, 11 ,11., 111 1111 \\llll<ll 4J04 8'J oesc•bed deed ot t1us1 ano •iip•llOl•d lo\ 1hi courl Trus1e.,11nor,1111eirus"c1111>1.,lloy Hl(;llE)>1 eionrn ICIR <.A Sll .,1,11111 '" \\ltli 1111 lllllll PUBLIC NOTICE es11m1tted cos1s O•penses and \\llh•ll tnw fllOllth,ltllllltht ~ao011u1101l1v~1 Sd10~<tl~w111i,., 1,_1ul money ol llll \I• tul St 11, s IO•enc.es s $222 !>4 1 70 To f f h(~IO on rroOdy Novemller 19 1\182 lt1 I 11r' I h• 111 '' t "i.: 'I ""I FICTITIOUS BUSINESS oe101m111e tne oP41n1ng b•Cl you may cl ''' of Ir 't "'u 'fl<' 11 a1 2 00 ,, m al I h,. Ctoapmar 'l'I" 1111111 '""IM 1111io1 •II NAME STATEMENT 1c.11111i.19370966 111111' •"fJr11\11t,.t111"~11u11 Ave11u1Jttntldn<.etothf'C•c.Cen1.;r "' ,,, ' rlll 111111111 \ Tne 10110 .. 1ng P4l•M>llS a•e de<ng Dalt' Uclooer 22 1982 1111 ,, tl11 1in1lt 11< l• .. tc "' a .. 1101011 300 E oSI Cnapman NEWPORT HOME LOAN I I I A>e11uf' n II<' Cly r I Orange I r ' ()I 1\ I< I ,\ t>u,.,es~ as G (. """""" ,, 111111 ur Al lhl! 1.me " tr•t' , I a ( Ill I JI I llH ,,1 1 , 111111111:, 111 "MER 1 CAN ARE~ 0 USA CE S ~~ saod lrusiee 1d111~ • I 11111' "ill 11111 • 'I'' H p1 1,111.at on ot 1n • 1101 tf' 1n1 101a1 I 11 d1t111 ••I lh1 d • I "-1" \' lt Irv no Ca11torrua 9?71!> a, I 0 SERl/ICF fll 1 •I l• • lllll lllorlll l~ I <1111 amou11t o• Ille un1>arO IJa•ante ot the l [NTERPR•SES 12 ppl "0 11eam I f I f llllhl l1J. \lllll 1I11111\\lilt1111 Danny 1 Lao 1:» '11pp1111g COMPAN' t>Q!lnt th1 d 111 uf th• h• 11111~ Ol'l gtsl on secui_.a II) lhe ~bove I IL 1 c 11 92715 By Conoy scnoonO•e• 1111111111 I . de~t11tred ""' O o • 1rus .ir a Uf t • t pt 1 "'' 111 II I • I 1t ;,hutlm rvine 8 1 orn 3 i >4'h ' est mat~ cos.h t-i .. p ... n~~-., anc:J I I I I I Bt-ita H liao 1:» Roppltng Ass1s1ant Sec1wt111y \CH 1\11\'\ fXAMINr. 'd·"n·~· s •4 1 079 7' Tc EXH t811 A I" 1 "1' 1 1 I' '" 11 1 '" ~ht'l!T 1tv.ne Callo1na 92715 One Cty Blvd West 0 •0 ~-~ • l'ARl..E '1'1•11111 .. I II\ 1111. 11111 Wl'nlaoLt:33LaS1orraD11v\'I OrangeCA92668 1111 Iii• k1ptli\ 1111111ur1 II ce1ermr.,1neo:-enryC>O 10 ....... ~' 1 t o \\11111111 .. 111 "'""th It 111111! Aridcl 1 Calr1ornoa9t006 714183~8288 '"LI 111 1tit•n,1cd Ill 1lo• GJI 7'4>93"096t P O C t D 1 f I 001( Oc1obe1 22 198:? 'r clum l\"1" ol1I• .. 1 111,1 ,, ...... 11 r .r 1,11w .. 1>LoJ3LaSeua011ve uDISheO 1ang5e ~08S982 aoy '"''" \OIUl!l.I\ ,. lll'<!U•''1 NEWPORT HOM£ 1011 dom•11vm1 1"'" 1111•11'11'1"'"111 '""1111 "'111111 TrHOv$nes•1,c;onduCIOObVa 472282 I I I LOAN NC Ufl I I ' I "'' ti , ''" I I I A <AO I C;olotorn ... 91006 (.lunt Oct 29 NOV le I \\llh llll \Oil/It 111 rtt11\• I l. ondom "'"" I I I r l I ' r,t ~.,ti I 1111 pl"" I• I ""' ,, l11'1dr81 oan11.,1sh11> PU8LIC NOTICE ' '" I I I 11 11 ti" II I I . ;15 '" d T rus1ee l11rt N I(. ~ I L.to". u l t ,.11111 Ill. "" 11111• '"I Danny r l ao Ill\• 1111" "' r ,,;t• ind"' Br l 0 SEfll/ICE 01.irrgt! StJh ' l . I ''"' "' 1111111 I 11111, \\Ill 11111 I 'fllll '"" ,,dtl'mf'n\ Wd$ hleoc ... t,, lhll STATEMENT OF WITHDRAWAL '"' , .. llilOll' J\lllllrlh 1r11I ~yn~.~~.N~tr:~~~•I'• Ptnn I rec.«O.-U " t •'• 1;i 191'1 1111 •I I• I • Ill 1111111111' I 1 "111 COunty C141to. ot O••nqe 0un1y on FROM t' IM•l I' d•..,. 111••1 111 S."< 111111 Ass1s1an1 Sec1ettr1 1 "Oocumt"• NC• l'!:.IO "' !Jo• I lo j ,1, 11 t 1 loi O<:li h• :IS iq9;> PA"TNERSHIP OPER ATING I .!Oii 1 t.I I h• ( alilntrll I Or>t> CI) Blvd Wt!•I IH26P"')l'1tonooghll') 11111 111 1. F2007<M" I 0 C ~ca r '"'"" o• Ull•'"' R1 '"' 01 'nu 11 •I 111 d ,1. •\ 1 P1 !'I shell Orang!' CoaSI Oarly UNDER 1'11111111 ( ud1 •ange A 92<><><> O•M•oe CnJnly "'""' r 1 .... µ •Id'" ' (II 1\1 J\' " :x t\ t'-1 IN r f'olOt Ocl 2\1 NO• ') 12 19 1982 ~·,~:1r~~~::,~~lf~PE:,ss~~M:as (\(Int\ M Knight E s q ·I Puno";~o I~·:~:;!> t~:~, D . ly lfr lhnl proµurl, di~-IJIJll fl Tc.tC\ l '" 1111 l-.1 ,,, 11\ 1h1 lllUI t II 4702 82 .,,,,h .. rJwn o~ 8 gAneral partner from I 5 :l I\ :-.; u r l h ct n tu r \ p IOI Ocl 29 No• ') 12 1982 Nr1 111~81 •f'<.<110vi.; Bvo• 4<1<1 I " H I d S .\ J PlOt>~Smroughf.olH c.•lllltci., '"" 11• 1111111 ,1111 111 Ill• PUBLIC NOTICE lhPp111tne1shrpope1at1ngunelerlne Ou t var o ntll n a 472687 Map' Rt c)rtt J' '" 011111,. ,1,.i. ,,.,111 ,, fili ,11111u,,t 1 tt111ou!t bus11,.1s' name of ~·.a.i1?11o6r0n111 92/0J li 14 tl pi'°LIC NOTICE C0uniy \\ii lo I I,. 1 ,.1111 111 1" II\ 1 FICTlllOUS BUSINESS WESTPORT ANIMAL C.LINIC at 369 v •~ _ uo NAME STATEMENT E 17th Stree1 Cosla Mesa • PARCEL2 jl• 11 11 II •t••• •If 1h• ''" 1111 ''"'Q (lPl\(I ) d(jtn, Celof()lnoa92627 f'ulilhh1d Clr1ng, c.: .... ,,t, FICTITIOUS BUSINESS Ar>urorv•J.<l lJO<blpttr( .. rl 1111 111 I\ ,j • l•ll 111ol ollr'~'"'!t 1'> I fhl'l1Ct11tousllu'1nes:sname l>11h Pil"t C>.t .!.! /.I .!!I NAMESTATEMENT mffllf&St f"I ono tn ltlt-con1mon ar..-a\ 1 "t •01 cw ng pttt ~ons .l'~ J >' 9 (ISShOWr> ano d"'"'"' .in lh!I Plur 1hr f" t1l11 "' 111,,1111h 11111 II' 11 t.A > ll~ Ne"''Olt' ~lillOment IOr tll!l r>artnerstilp ... as 1'Jll.! !Jv,ne~sas ... •"l<l And l A r1,> 'Od I "•eel 01'1 MArCl1 19 198 t In 1he lllb l H.! 11•Gep1alll)I Q<l~t1n111ivoroco111or• 1qw11, lf1...,t1IHcl 111 s,~t11m 1 11,,,su SIJlt C.,OS 111101011 C<XJfllyolOrenQ~ C,t:.OTtOESIC.NS l'NO V1Sld S\JDslBn~,,Sb"n"attiudeplhol~OO I !Ill, d th• l 11 11 .,11111 ,in•' Ana, A ,1 •04 ~ull Name and AClcJ•ess 01 the Oe L" Lur~ SnutM 13q.,111 C A te.>t from ine su•'"'" nl SHiii 1 .. 1111 " '"' I PUBLIC NOTICE ~2617 win no rlQht )I sull '" ""''Y itrov• 1'1oli '" \ ol(h Ch' ous ow~~ ' .1 .. r1~11 lh " por~(1n Withdraw ng Sa11, Ar•n Scoll 11 "IO V1Sta SQ() le-et Ir m l'1t' ~u•lacf" 01 '>a tl \\ 111ta111 S ( lt r h On1 noo. d,a1 D• B~ung I~ Min 0 V M 2623 NOTICE OF TRUSTEES SALE De 1 1 1 :;, "th l 'llJ"" C A io1nO as ieseo.,oJ l\y Woll ano (II\ l:JOlllt\llrd \\ti.I 1900 Han~ Ol'or ... '>IJll l1lldfl) Pti\Ct1 Fulll'rtCln Ca111orn1a TRUSTEE No S3" ~2677 I Cagney an unm)ll•O m,)n n thf' Uank ol Amtrua To"~r to1.,~ .. l"~c.''el~~"'i:1'0"''1;.:~e~o~~:~':::. '1~6'.13 01 Bvung lk M 1n On Detemoe1 I 1981 o .. ,)I R .. n(lotJ S((lll No Oeeo recorOl'<l ' &roo '!~lo() PagP ( ( lif , " • 5 TRANSAM ERICA INVESTORS Vs1;i De• Lil Luna 5nJlr laouna 83, 01 Ollcial R~tr•J\ I Ir 1nR1 a o rn1a 9266K Ou 10 198~ O v '-' SERVICE COMPANY a ca1otorn1a CA 9267 PARCEL 1 1j'1 11 917 1111 F200071 FlS12IO corpor~11011 as duty appoonteo Tn,.. business r) <O• tlvCIP(I b, a A 1., ll I 1uloli,lii d (It •Ill!• P 111 ,, • f>t Ol•ll t.n •~I 0111ly Puoh,IJeo 01ango Coast Oaoly l rus1ee 11noe1 and pursuant to neneral pa•ll1erst> ll ~:!e;;:,~~ioc2::~'1~··,:::12g)~~a~;.~ ll11h 1•t1 .. 1 0.1 i.! .!\"~'.' ~"' 0~1 n 'IN••~ '~i;:~8i? !'tot Oct e '~ n 29 til~;9182 ~~~iso~Nr~11~~;;~~~~"~ ~bNT~~., fnss1;~!'~:~;n..;~~o:,\cd wthln~ ~ ng appu11r1 "I I I ' U•11I I 'Ii PUBLIC ""'TIC[ nu•oand and wtle and oeco1deo COIJ"t• CIPth ot 01an9e Cc.u1\I\ <>r PARCEL 4 111111 K.! 1 PUBLIC NOflCC nv October 23 198 t o Inst No Oct , 0 t'IB. A n e, tlu" , r•Ql>I JnO 30316 in Boo• 14266 Page 1648 llestgnalt"d on ,,,.. Pl11n as po1>1n1> REPORT OF CONDITION lhe County Recorele• ot O•ange SPdre No PS 1"" Conaolldated Report o f Condition of "SOUTH COAST Cour1fy C111ororn•e oi•t'fl 10 s"Cu•• F200068 Pulllr~"~" O• 111gl' Cod~t Da I) Polot 0'1 ? 2q NO> !> 12 198::> 4603 82 leasemen1 t JW II• pHkmg ~t••I.< PUBLIC NOTICC CONSOLIDATED ot 0 11oc;.al A~ords 1n lhe Othc" 01 The streei aeld•" ~ 0, otht1r Publr. t\t>ri1>ngsw111 oeneto by 1111 an •ndebleoncss tn lavor 0 1 l ~ommon Jes gna• on nl in., tPal <.;osta Mll•a p1,111nor1g Comm ssoon BANK ' of Coata Me1a, Orange County, and Domeatlc r1NANCtAL SERVICES FUNDING POOLIC NOTICE P•OP"''Y nert'rnabo•e ..i.-sr11tieo s e1 1he Coty 11a11 77 ~~" D11vr Co.ia Subaldlarlaa at the c loae of bualneaa on Saptam.,.r 30, G RO u P o F SO u T k E RN -------------p1,rporieo 11, 0111 tOO Sr.t>nlz Plan M"'" CahforH18 llt 6 30 pm o• as 1982 CALIFORNIA INC now owned ano FICTITIOUS BUSINESS Pt-n\huuse < Newoort Bf'>ch soou is 1JOSS1Dle th~•eilller on State Bank NO 1239 nelC Dy MOUNT VERNON SAVINGS NAME STATEMENT Cal tnrnoa Monoey Novemoe1 8 t982 ANO LOAN ASSOCIATION WILL Tne lollowrnp persons 81l' do•ng I '"" u11d"'''ll"" 1 n,.,. nv Re11uc1.n9 tl>P ro11ow "II Dollar Amount• SELL Al PUBLIC AUCTION TO nusnessas o \Cl•1ms "" l•dt11• tv rr,r 1• y I 'PPlt il1011s I In Thou1anda HIGHEST BIOOER FOR C ASH GlAZED MEMORIES 10101 l ""O"f'tl•wss ,, ''"" \lrl't'I aodro~• l ont> E•rep11on Pt,,, 11 7fo 8? 16? ASSETS 1paynble at tome 01 sal" in tawlul 220 Sl8ter Ave founte n l/ell"'f or other commnn d.is Qr\81 011 tor flooe•t 1 A1blC1ll 1u111or tf'd mont>y ul the Unlte<I Stalesl et t 00 CA 92108 Sad s,ile w 11 11., muclt> wrll 0111 uiwn1 1or Doc1or O Arr.y Hay1non pm ar the main en1•11nce to 1he A0901 Antnony B Byrne 22121 w .,, anty ~ '"". ~ "' 1mu1t"d Po Bo• 1294 Sont1 M0111c• to• a Cash and due fr om banks 2 877 O••noe County Courthous" 100 SalCeoos M•ssoon v1e10 CA 92691 lreg,uding 111 .. p 5 se!>s•on 01 C.01d1toona1 U~• Pe1m11 tor Investment securities 10527 10564 C1vicCen1er0<ve Wes1SantaAna Gary D Anoe•son l369t enc.,mo1anc"' 1 <>tosry "'" cons1ruc11on lnO ope1a1tnn ot a 1 Federal funds sold and securtti-C1<hlorn1e an rtghl 11111' and rnte1es1 Shac;~1e1on Isle Laguna N!Qu•!I CA prrncopal oalanc" ol lhe Nnlo 111 mo1orc1cte saios eno "'••ce 1,;c hty ....., conveyt-O lo and now neio by 11 92677 o lher on119atron SP<.url'CI lly uid wolto va11ances trom pa1~mg ano purchased under agreements unde• ta•O Deed of r1uS1 in lhe Donald B Tipping 18952 Deed ot Tru~• with nlf'•t•SI ano 1ntPr or 1andsc.op1no requorements to rese ll in d omestic o ffices 3 000 property situateo 1n se1d County M11cArt11ur Irvine CA 92115 Olhe• sum~ d> pr.w <l"d t11e1e1n 101 prope1 ty fOC811lCl ,)I t !.90 a Loans Total (excluding llnd s~~R"cdEeLSC311be<llN .T,HE CITY OF Bl11sFrN~~pk1~!neH0Hpukn•n,1sng'108~3B8eaScahn plus o1Clva11ces I dny U"dor tho Nowport BO\JlevdlJ 1n n Ct ZonA 39 882 v ~ terms lheieot ano rnteros1 on sut.h Env1ronmen101 dt'.'lt'rm1n111 on unearned income) COS1A MESA AS PER MAP FILED CA 92708 advances and tJlu~ ft><>s h•ugt'< nl!'Jatove ClKl81ahon b Less A llowance for IN BOOK 143 PAGE 45 OF This business 15 conducted by a land e•e>ens .. < ot ""' Tru.tee ;ond nt zonf' E<cephon Permit ZE 62 151 posslble loan losses 416 PARCEL MAPS IN THE OFFICE O~ gentl•BI partnersnop 1ne 11us1s crel'IPrt ny U•d Oet-C1 l)t ror Ronald W Martin aull'orrzed L ans net 39 466 THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID Roger A Byrnt T ru" The lnl;>I 11mount uf , t•d agen1 101 c Jame' Fablnn 1104 C O COUNTY Thos s1a1emen1 was llled "''"' tt>e oblrgation on~ludrng , .. ason ably en" Vah•ncoa rullt>llon tor B Bank premises F F & E etc 3 905 llEMEMIEll YOU MAY LOSE County Clefk ot Orange C0\11111 on estimateo IPl's c11arg .. ~ ano Cond 11ona1 Usfl Pe1m1t 10 e1pAnd Real estate o w ned o ther YOUll PllOP£RTY IF YOU DO NOT Oct 13 198:1 o•penses or"'" fry~ten di met me en •x1111ng motel woth va1111nce• than bank premises 1 67898 ~AAKY~ PAllNOYMPOTUAEC•TTllOONN&IF YYOOUUI Puolo•hed OrangA Coes"11"oaS3811" ot nrhal P1Jbl<;3!1n11 ol1h1~ NOllO!' ·~ from 1ear yarrl &elbACk 11nO pur~ong O h t "' ~ • u , S45 117 50 1eQul!emNllS lor uropelty IOC.ateo I Br asse S 4 8 H 0 UL D C 0 NT ACT V 0 U fl P1101 Ocl 15 22 29 Nov 5 1982 Oaled Oclobitr t3 1982 ot 2645 ~Dlbo• Bouleva1<1 1n e Cl LAWYER 4497 82 Real ESlllll' /one environmental rlf'lte1m nutoon TOT AL A SSETS 62 2 49 The st111et adoreu and other PUBLIC NOTICE Securot e• s"'"''" nege11ve declaral1on TES common designa11on II any or 1he ____ ;;.;:..:....;,._ _____ _ a Cal t0<no~ c;cirDnrJtoon Zone EAtepoon Ptorm11 ze 82 159 LIABILI I real P•OPt>rty oescrrbeO above 1s FlCTITIOUS I USINESS as TruSlee to• Jack MBnn authOlllOO 3gent lno TOTAL OE POSITS IN pyrpo11eel to be 42 I East 20th NAME STATEMENT By tSEAL 1 D J Mo1g"' 'legerstrom Center 3315 f'& rv1"" DOMESTIC O FFICES 56 8 10 Strtftl No C Cos1a MHA Cattfor111e Tl1e 1o11ow1ng perM>nS a1e ooong 11s Pre1u1e111 fload for .i Cone111ronel USt' Perm11 Total demand deposit s 14 282 112625 bus1neH as 2020 Nnith a.oaowny 10 lf'Q&l 1e noncnnlo1m1ng tol!!Clror111 lr•e unoers1gned d 1c1a1ms any o A ANGE co A s T p A 1 N Su•lf' :?OG game marhinu 1or P•OP«'•ty To tal time & savings deposits 4 2 528 11atim1y tor any 1r1coriectness of the CENTER 17822 6Hch Blvd Ste St1n1a An• CA gnoc; IOCOll'<l at 2699 H&1oor Boulf'vnrel TOT AL DEPOSITS IN DOMESTIC slre411 ao111ess •nil other common 437 Huntington Beach CA 92647 t7UJ'l~'lf\8t0 111 e C2 lon6 Fnv1ro11mt'nl1I ANO FOREIG N OFFICES 56810 de11gn111011 t nny shown11e1a1n Neuropsyc111et r1c Medical Publlslled Orang" Co•\t ()1111y oetorm111e11on e•empt S••CI sale will be meele Dul G1oup 17S22 Beach Slvd Ste f'rto1 Ocl 15 22 ?9 t982 For ru1tht>• in1nrma11on on lilt< Federal lunds purchased and wllhout covenant or warranty 07 Huntington Be&eh CA 92647 4540 II:? aoove apphc111rnns 1e1epnon" secuntles sold under agreement s e•Preu or 1mpl•ed reg11d•ng ••tie Th•• business is conduc•ea by.,, -------------7!>4 5245 01r.all111 lh" omce of the to repurchase tn domestic offices 927 pounu1on or encumb•ances 10 unincorporated auoc1a11on 01he• PUOU C NOTICE P1nnn1ng Oe11nrlm• n• Room 700 M ortgage Indebtedness 335 335 p1<y tne 101111 omoun1 ot the unpatd then • pertnershlp 1 7 r a" Orr v ,. Co< I a Mc' o 03 7 balnnce of tht! Obllgol•on secured Kenneth A Fineman PhD 8UPERIOll COURT OF c 8111ornra Other liabilllles 1 by 1110 oropor1y 10 bo sold Thi• t1atemenl wes 111.0 wnn the CAt."OllNIA PubhS'111d 01nnge (n11-1 Dn11v TOTAL LIABILITIES con11111ug ol principal and interest county Cter~ of OranQfl County on COUNTY OF OllANOE p 101 0c1 'J!l 199;> (excludlng subordinated notes ot s~o 096 95 plus co111 expenses Oct 1 111112 I" lhe Metter of the AppllcallOf\ •778 112 and debentures) 59 109 aovance• and 11 u1111e tees o1 GINA LEE aPELTA 1-------------e111metCKI lo M St 611149 st lhe No A•11Uta PUOLIC NOTICE SHAREHOLD ERS EQUITY t•m• ot 1n111111 pub11cat1on 01 ttiis 0110111 TO SHOW CAUIE Common .st<><:k no1teo 01 ssi. which two 1um1 total FOii CHANG• OF NAME FICTITIOUI IUStNl88 l OOO OOO $S:? 279 44 Currenl ly dated WhereH tne polfllon of 0111• Lrw1 NAME STATEMl!NT a No shares autho rized • cHlllers chec~s or cemflfld chaok1 sre1111 haa Deen 1118'1 wllh lhO cll!rk fhe 1011ow1og per.on• llte doing b NO Shares Outs tanding 585 780 I 464 a1e acceptable to TRANSAMERICA o lh•• cour1 tor en order changing but••~o at ~urptus I 378 M 0 R T 0 I\ GE C 0 M P AN Y 11 Pe1111one1 s name from Otna Lt-e SANTA ANA ARMY & NAllY TOTAL CONTRIBUTED C APITAL 2 842 Ct lllornla corporallon 000 Spelt• 10 K11111011ne Ellubelh 1002 E 17111 Sll•Ull Santa Ana R t 1 ed 1 298 MontgornMy Strei!! Sfn Frenc11eo Slevent C11lllorn111 92701 8 8 n earn ng1 3 Ca111orn1a 94 111 Attention IT IS HERl:'bY ORDERED 1h1I all UNIT ED Mil IT ARY SUPPLY TOTAL SHAREHOLDERS EQUITY 140 Foreclosure Dopa rt men I Pll penon1111te•lllll!O 1n Hid moller WC ST INC • C allto1n1 a 415 983 !'165!'1 provided propt1r •opear Delore lhll court et Oflpt 3 corporotlon 1002 ( t7th Strut TOT ABILITIES ANO ld9nltf1C111on ia •va1t1ble Nov 17 t981 In lhft courtroom or San111 An• Cat1to1n111 9270 I AL LI 6 9 Tt11 unoe•s•gned caueeCI 1110 100 CMc Cent"' Or1ve Srrnta Ao11 J111• ru1lnen 11 conoucleO tly 11 SHAREHOLDERS EQUITY 2 24 Nollcl! ot Oel•ull end l!ltollon 10 CA 10 ehow c.evn why 11111 ro1po1at1on • The undersigned Nick J Florio President and Mery seu 10 b9 recorCllKI 1n the county epp11c111on tor cheng11 ot n~ma IJNITFD MILITARY A Ale Vloe President/Cashier of the above-named bank, whefe th• reel property 11 IO«tld •h~ ~Ro;Hr~nJ~oEAlO inat. ~:~Ys~~.~Nc eacl'I declares for himself alone and not for the other I ~~,:y~g:~g:~~~y1N:~1If~:1! copy 01 th•• 0<dltl 10 anow cauH tie P1et«1M1 have peraonsl knowl~ge o f the matters contaln4td In this co•oo1 a11on 900 Mon1gome1y publltlleo once • wetk tor tour Th•• 11a1e,,,..n1 w11 !ti.cl w1m 1ne report and I belleve that each statement In said report la S1rta1 1•11 F"•anc1aco Celltcwnta aooffNIVe w...,, Ptlor 10 th• d•v of c°''"'>' c1"-01 01anoe County on true Each of the undersigned for h lmselt alone and not O• 111 Pn 415 1183 s114 .. ICI hHrlng In Yllt Delly Pilot I Qc1otler 22 t98~ Oall!d OCtObet 13 108:> new1p1per ol gt11er111 c1rcu1111on uw OfflGee of for the o thflr certlflClt under penally of perjury th8t the TRANSAM!'n1CA 1111n1jl(j tn ,,,. Coun1y 01 OrlllQt Jtffte1 M. How.,. foregoing la true and correct 1Nvl!STORS SERVICE 0•'*' 0c1ot>er ~ 1oe' 110 Newport c ... , .. 0•111• Executed on October 11 1982 at Coat& Mt1a co~PANY frllftll o-&chW ariM HO, C I I '""'" .ltfdt9 et "'-.... ,_, 9Met1 CA nMO all orn a ay A.oln• Soe•M ~ C-1 ~ I t /Nick J Florlo TruttM Publlshll<I Or•no• Cout Delly P11bll1hed Or•no• Co111 0811y /a/Mary A Ale Puo1ten1d Oranoe cou1 Dally l>llOI, ()et 8 I~ H 19 1002 PlloL ()et tt ~ & 121 tt 198' Publlsl>eO Oung.t Coe1t CV,11y Pll<lt, Octot>et 20 IOU 1'1101 0.1 H Nov S 12 1012 ...... ., 4760 12 4'30 82 4678 u a ms ""'03 PubllSheo 01enge Con1 O••I) P110t Ocl 8 tS n 29 19112 4390 112 P\BllC NOTICE tTATEMENT OF W1THOllAWAL f"llOM ftAllTMllllHtl' OftUIATINO UttOll\ FICTITIOUS •UaMal NAM( The lollOwlng pert.Of\""' withdrawn.,• ~rat P•11n.1 tram 11wt per111«1h1p oper11h"0 und .. tne 1tc1111ou1 busoneu n1m-of t HE HAnflOR COMPANY 111 tlormorlyl 1300 MAllAn Lane Newp()ft EIAll(;h CA 112063 cnow) ., I ()1(1 N-po<I Bovievard Newport 8HCh CA 92M3 The llt:l•llOlil ou11ne11 r1ame a111emen1 •or file pat1nerllh•O wu flltel on l!'.et>rvary 13 1980 1n 1ne County ol Or~ ru11 Name 11nd Adllr .. 1 ot th• Ptreon WtthClrewtng Oooal<I Sco11 l\tdtrtglOt\ 1330 H11ml)thlle Cl1Clfl Newpafl 8etch CA t 2MO OotlAIO S A.CllflOIOll '11n'1 Publl1hed Orange CoH I Dally Pilot Del 29 Nov 5 •t2 ti 1te2 ., .... 2 a Dllllif ClllT LAGUNA llACH I SOUTH CUil FRIDAY OC TOBfR /'l 1•rnJ ORANGE COUNTY C AL H UHNIA 25 CE.NTS Mission Viejo train fire said sabotage Uy STEVE MITl'llf':Ll. 01 th• Oellr Pllol 81•11 A111tr .1k •1fl 1e·1.1b 111 W.J!>l1111gl•111 s.11d a I 11 ( 111.11 l'I up\1·d 1111 ,, •.,uut ltl1ound It .1111 111 M'""''" V11·111 T h111,d.1v 111g l11 v. ,,, ... ,.:.1 k1·d 1.v -. •• rntai... wh11 pbc c·d .i kc ·g 111 1.111 \fJ1k1·' .11111 olhl'1 dl'l111s 1111 1111' ,, ·" k '1'111 1111111111111·1 11.1111 /\11i11.1k .11!0 w;1s I ·ii I ;.111g 17 1 f"'"l"llgt·I' WIH·ll (l,11lil''. l'I llfJll•d 111 tlw twu 11.trn1111l1v1·' .11ul "rn1k1· 'l"'"'d tu lhc• l1v1• n1111111ut1·1 1,11, J'.i-.,1 llio(t " lt'o1JJ1·cl tli1ciugh fl,Jllll'' 1111 tl11• 11.11k-. 111 ,., .. .,., th1· l1u1111ng 11.1111 01J11~1· l'11u11l\ F11 c· D1·1•·•• t1111·11t 11!111 '"" -..rnl lh1·n · Wt'H' M'\'1•11 lllJUI 11·-. 1"11 1· 'flt1k1 .... 111,111 Chuc k M u ... ph:.. -.;11d tlw lllJUtl'll. 1111 .... t ul whc.111 !>Ull1·11·d Crc.in -.mok1· 111halat11111 w1·11· t;1k1·11 111 M1"-'ll>ll l'11rnm ...rntty I lw.p1lal 1n M1-.-.11111 Vwj<1 111ll11v.111g th1· I) p Ill hl.111· I Ii· .... ud ,, p1 •·)o(11Jnl ww11a11 w,,., lrt·.Jlf.:d al 1111 · :..n·11t·. ;,., w,,., a 11·11•111 1·1111111.11 y hy pa~:-. p<1lw11t w ho l'11llap-.t'I! Amtrak -.pok1·:..1n1111 J 11hn Md.l'1JCl ~1d l ht: liic.·11111ut1v<· !-Ill u1 k t.l1·bri:-. 1in th •· i.ingll' m<iin trnck a bout th rc•<· 4 u<1rt1·1 ... 11f <• rr1JI!· north of the· Oso P.-rkw;.iy 11vl'rp:is:-. 111· said fut·I ta nks ()n l111l h lc)t·11n111t1 vt•s ru ptu n ·u a nd dlt"il·l ful·I ... pillt·d 1111111 lht· troeks. 1gn11111g Lhl· w1.11Jdt·n t rrn .. l> 111·!'> "T lw t'l'O!.'i tit's 1·;.,ught fin· ;,iml 1gniteu th l· two lrx:umot1vt•s," Ml'LC'Od s:'lld Tht• t•ngll1l'Pr:-. bruught tht· ll i11n to a l>lup u n dl·f Oi.o P;Hkw..iy. and t·o11duttori. urgt·d passt·ngt·rl> tn lc•av<· the· train t•almly Nit hola-. Y Jlllt k, ,1 Lm. Ang1·lt'!'> hui.rn<'!>!>mi.ln w h o c•omrnutt·:.. d:11lv C1 •mi h1' homr in EM:ond1do. :.;.ml lw was a ... l1·t·1i 1n lht· nuddlt· tur wht·n he: l>llWllt·d i.mok1· "I lookt·d UJ> .end -.a"' tlu 1:11 w,,., f1lltod with blaek i.mukc'." h1· :....t1d "Tht•11 tht ltghL"> w1:nt uut " 111· ...aid tht· t·<indut·to1 urg!'d tht· pa-..\t·ngc·r.. to "t<>kt· your unw. h .. 1vt· tht• t<tr .,lowly," ciddm g tlu·n · w.1:.. illllt· p<>111l .1mong tht· u1mmutl'rl> m h1~ t·ar Dally ll'llol Pftoto bJ Char ... aterr "( p1t·k1·d uµ niy hr1t·f(o;.i ... <· ;.ind ".ilkt·d Lo the· d1.1or." ht• !>aid Th at ·~'wht·n h t· n olll't·d tht· t ra e k 1See TRAIN, Page A2l Firemen cool the smoking engine of Amtrak an Mission Vie jo Thursday night Schmitz quits Laguna fest panel J a m t's S('hm1tz. <t Le1gun<i B<>ac h F\•-.t 1\',1l of Artl> board m<>mbN for m .. 1rlv o d t'(.'Jrlt· ond pr<>s1d<•n t o C the: nm<'·m('mbt·r panel fur half thJt llm<.'. ha., rc·s1gn<'CI R1C"hard Jahrau-.. prt•!>1dl'nt of L a g u n a B l' a c h L u m b <· r Comp<tn)'. was ap pomled by tht· f<>St1\•al bo<.ird to fill out Schm11z.· u n C'xp1rl'd wrm. which r unl> through NovcmbN. 198:} Schmitz said tn a ll'l<>phom· in te r vtt'w that hf> ha!> bc>l'n contempla ting tht' movC' for somt· time, citing a l\('C'd tu dC'vote mon· 11 m e lo h 1 s bus lnl'S'. Beat· h Cons trucu on Co "Thl' (C est1 v::i l) board 's got somC' good pcoplL• on 1t. and I JUSt d eC'1dcd to do soml'lhing d ifCc.·renl -ta k e at easy for a whill'," Sc:hmllz said. · Schm itz said t•onslruct10n pro.)("Cts in Ot·c>ans1dc and Lagun::i Beach w ill bC' l.'..lk ing up much of his time tn thC' Cutun: The n·maind(•r of th(• f<::l>t1val boar d acceptc·d Sc·hm1•z ' res1gncitton "most reluctant ly.· said current presiden t Annl· Chase· who laudC'd his years o f contribullon LO t hC' board "During his LC'r m of ofC 1t·e thl• Cest1val faced som e m::iJor obstaclC'S," shC' said. "but du e to his dedu.:a t1 on and determmat1on. thev were overcome " Schmttz was pr('S1dc•nt of thP Jim Schmitz ft·l>ll\'ol board from 1Yi5 to 1980. durmg a tim<' whc•n maJOr J nu l~>ntrov1•rs1al c·hangt•s v. t•r(' m.1cl1· ln th1• half·n·ntun old ft·'ill\'itl OJX'ratum Ht• was president of the· bt.><•rd 1n late 1978 when Vl'lt•r an Pagl'ant of the Masters dm'<·tor Oon ~'tlhJmson re.,1gn1·d ,.Ctt·r lhl' board fir~ his son. Dougl<1s. a ~ulptor for the productum Tht board hired Glt•n F.vt..:h1<;0n as pageant dtrt'ClOr and ·a '>t'rlt':.. of C1nngs CollowC'<l. 1ndud1ng th<· p.igc•.cnt's mus1t d1rt><:tor. bus111c>ss ma n ,, g 1 • r . a n d h c11 r cJ r <' s s 1 n g dc•p:11 lnwnt hl'ad all Vl't<'ran pag1•ant 1x·r~inn1•l SC'hmll7 ;-also hl'<tdc•d the• board 1n th<' summt•r oC 19i9 when lh<' pan<'! citot·m1·d the work o f thrl•e a r l 1st s 1 nap prop r 1 a t t• Co r P><h1b1t1on T ha t flap lt-d to somC' rather h11.irrl' prott";\s by t he artists. c:r1c'!'> of t<t•nsorsh1p. legal al'llon. ,ind. fm,1llv. ,1 S<'lll<>menl Dt·-.1>1 tt• th1· cnntr0Vl'rs11·s. St hm117 -.;11d he· c·njoyNI his IPngth:-h ·11un · 0 11 tlw lxldrd H t• .... 11d th<· .,ta ff < h.1ng1·' "v.1•n· vc·r v l.11.·n1·f11·1,1I," .idthng 11 "hrought u., -.C>mt• young blood wh1<.h I lwllt•\'t• \\ 1'11 hav1· fur m an v vean. Dur.1ng h.., dc·cad1· on the pan<'I. S<:hmnz 'i<'rvC'd on c•vt•ry t·omm1Llt·t· 1nt·lud1ng tho't' respo n"1bk· for fmamt-. !o(round-.. box ofC1c·t· and puhhl· n •latwni. H <' wa s 1n.,trum1· n l ,1 I 1 n con:-.trUC'ltng th<' fc· ... 11val Forum Thc·;1t1·r. 1mpr11vt•mt•nl-. 111 tht• l'ntrann· of Lht• lrvfnC' Bowl. and o lhc•r buddings on th!• SIX·at·n · fest1\',1I ground'> 111., dl•JX•rtu rt' as t.l1rt"<:tor d tM•i. not nw:cn &:hm1 t1 will not hav1• an al'llV<· part 1n the· futun· 11f tlw Ft·st1\'al of ArL'i He· will C'nnt1nu1• lo SM 'VI' 0 11 th<' pl.cnmng t·ommllh·«. wh1l'h 1s !.I ud:.. 1 ng th<· po.,-;1 bll1 ty 11f 1•xp:111d111g th l' pn•st·nt ft•s11v;.t gr II u n d l>. 0 I rt· I 0 l'il I I n g th I' OJX·r.-1111111 t•IS(.•Whl'rt• Jahr a u'. w h u re· p I al 1• s Sl·hm111. WJ:.. born 1n LagunJ B1·at h. ha~ :..l'rvc·d cm t hC' c1 l \' P la nning Comm.-..;;11111 and 1·, prl's1dc•n1 oC lht• Lagund &o;u h Count' \V:ll1•r n..,1nc·t bo.ircl uf d1rt'(. ll;rs I le· al'4l 1s un th1· ht1<1rd of Lhl· South Coast l\.lt'<lll'a l Ct'nl!•r ,ind has ht·lcl oCftl't' an L1 1tlt· Lt•agut'. Bo;.·:.. Club ;ind '' ,1 p.1:..t prl·:..11h•nt oC the· L111n'" Club County committee to aid Olympics By HOWARD L. HANDY Of tM 09llJ Piiot lt•ff A group oC intcrf'sled Orange' C o unt,v c itiz e n s. hc•adPd h y A1rC al's r C't1ring pres1dc•nt Ro bC'rt C liffor d. has formed a U .S O ly mp1t· Committee or Ora nge' Co unty lo a id th e American Olympu moveme nt m thC' future C liffo rd was rN:ently named Orange County ch airman and 1mmed1a te ly set about picking men and w om e n to wo rk with him in the fund-ra1smg program Dennis LandC'Sman. rellrC'd al agl' :rn aftc·r d sueC"essfu I C'arc-l·r 111 a ud111 l11gy a n d 111 o wnin g 1 I l'Orpur a\1on s. 1s the g r ou p's fund-raising cha1rman a nd will sc•rvt• as c.·o-ch a1 rma n r1 f t h e· ('()m m1llc-<· wllh C hfforu O thf'rs w h o were g 1vl'n a fi rst-hand look at thl' Colorado S pnngs Olymp1t· Training Ct'nll'r th1'> Wt.'C'k 1nl'lud t'd Sadi<' McMl(·ha<.'I. Dale Dyke m a a nd David Bake r o C lrvmc• and Mark Pell'rson "T h t' tnp w as c•xc1t1ng and ll gave us a n m s1ght into what tht' ----INDEX---- ee Auto '83, ection C for ne w car showca e At Your $t>rv1t•t• Business CavaJcadt' A7 B4·5 B2 Mov1e11 Mutual F'unds N1H1onal New s Public: Notil-es Wt>l•kt•ndcr 84 A3 C lassi ril'd Comi<.'11 Crossword Death Noticc.>s Editorial Entertalnm«"nt HorotlCOpe Ann Landera E4·8 86 B6 07 A6 Bl-4.B8.D7-8.E2·3 .. We<>kcndcr BZ 82 Sports Stcx:k MarkeL"I Television Th1·11 te r11 Weatht·r DI 6 B~ TV Log W~kcndl'r A2 DREAMS COMING TRUE !See Sports. Pa~e 01 l program 1:.. .ill a bou t," ChHorcl .... y~ "Wt' ori;!amn'Ci o ur comm1\l('(' :i 1 , munthl> ago and havt' set a ~1wl o f $:i5U,OOO for t he.· n e><t '/l'Ur Thi'.' s tat<• or California only rmS<'<I $3W.OOO ovc·r a four-yf'ar pc•raod a nd we• want to b<•<tl ·tha t figure• Ill a sh ort<>r )X'nod of time . "Wt• will st;1g<• SJX'C'lal <>ve nL'l lo ra1 s..• the• mom•v and th<' first will b<• a UtnnC'r al .th(• grand Op<'ntng of tht' C<1pa dl· O ro n -st.auranl Ill Costa Mc>sa Nov 17 F o rmer Olymp1nn .John Na b<•r will m' our lotUl·~l SJ>t•akc•r " Landf.-sman. w ho 1s tn d Hirgc• o f the• fund-r aising programs. .suy:1 "This 1s tht' only fund m i.sing pro gram I have beC'n assoc111t(!d with where people arf' coming lo u s nnd a sk ing what thPy l'On do or a rc oHC'rlng to ('ontrlbull' to tht' fund. "W" hope Lo help the USOC r1•aC'h and mtuntam two goals: First . to support their budgets ond !'l('(.'()nd. to hove some money tril'klc• d o wn t o the a thle tes t hl'm!WIV<':C "No, w1• don't w smt ltl pA)' tht- at hlt·H•s hu1 t o h C'lp p rnv1dl' things nt'l'C'l'. .... 1r y for lh t•1r support so thc·v don't havt• to take• llnlt' out to ·havt· purl lUl1l' JObl> "M y goal as d1n'<·tor c>f fund ra1s111g Wtll b<• to ra lS<' $:!!'){),()()() and whl'n w e rt'<H'h that ,1mount. to go fur $!100.00 a nd th<>n $1 m11l10n .. Aftc>r Lht• d mm•r. we h av<> pla n s for t•VL'nts a t Anah1•11n Conv1•nt10n Cc>nt<>r. n P n•s1dc•nt's breakfast, ovl'r ·thc>·hn<' and 5K a nd lOK runs. walka thons a nd spt·t·ial nig hts 01 th<' El Torito restaura nt wh t•n-thC' profits will bC' split. 40 60 "Wl• will nlso h ave• a ll O lymp11 souvrn1r 1t<>ms Co r sa le nt all f'Vl'nls on 11 rons1gnmC'nl basis " Th<' comm• I tet' meets <'Ver y other Wednesda y at th<' pn·sent t ime a n d als o lne l udc•:o; B1>b Burgoon, Bob McCaHcrty. Joan DiC'bler and WernN Est•hi-r Comm1llN' members und<>r thus group number nlmoot 200 ut the present Umc. "Stnce we o rganlit>d this committee. everything else has bet'n ju:it li ke gravity It hes really mus hroomed and 1s growing <'nch doy." Landc•smnn says "l 'vC' got 10 mnn y p«'oplC' tSu OLYMPIC, Pa•e At> Delly "°' "'41to by ,att1di 01*wMll Newport Beach youngster watc,.h as Pino<·chio, the pelican with the artificial beak , gets ready for a bath. Newport kids help injured pelicans By JOEL <.:. DON Of ... 0.-, Net ..... Some or the sixth graders from J lorbor Vie w Elem«ntary Sehool in Ncwport BcaC'h had never S<'C?n a livt' pelicen, lrt a lone the birds t hllt were mutilated re<'ently. But they knt'w how to show th <'lr ap p re c iot t o n to ve te rinarians a nd an1mel workers at Crown Vt1ll<'y Animal llospitnl in Laguna N tguc•I. wh('f(' nine or the maim('() birds nrc• being cared ror In lht> "pelican ward " Thurs d ay the y oungsters delivered a bas kC'l or cash - $25 J .8a lo ~ l'Xact -lo h elp th~ hosp1tul dt>fray the food a nd mc-dicnl care costs of the brown )X'hcans. After 11tartmg a l'urrcml eventa sc'<'lion last week. the student.& dt'(:ldt'<i tu raise the money In a orw-J:,y bllkt-sale at the achool. Cas h donatlon .. tt from parent.1 alllo hPlpc-d the t'Ollection. said teacher Linda Wawrn "Kida arc bulcoll y ver1 !See PEUCANS, Paa~ A3> co 0 1 ttduy 111 111111•1 JU 11111.' Exhibition l .. , by print llt.tllj~I' l '1111111\ .\ i.·111•1, S1·l 1 1t11111' 11 111 11 1l1.111p.:1 l'm111I\ 1'11111 S111d11"' '' 1111 d t .. p l.I\ thtt1llgl1 "'"' l.1 ••• llw L.1g1111.1 l\•-.11 h l\111"·11111111 1\1'1 Th,. ".It.'· t It 111 :-. •• I l ti I litlwg1 .iph ... 111t.1gl111 ... 111.t M·rtgr.iJJh" 11\ 111lllll\ .11 '"'' "hu h.1v1· pn1111 .. I 1lw11 "1>1 k In rt•g11111:d I lllt .ti I jll 1111 .. hPp:> • Th. l'.1111 II• I \\ t 1gh1 d1.1p11•1 11t t h 1· I >.1ugl111 ·1 ... ''' llll' /\llll'l ll.111 lk\11h1t11111 \\ill llH'l'I Tu1•.,d.1\' .11 t 111• l l • •lt I L<1gu11.1 111 lw.11 1x •1-.1w• ll\'1·, on 1h1· r1•v11lut11111 Dr. J O!>l'ph II l•'ai rbanl.,, • Hi l'k B t'Olll'll, ''" 1111·1 bulld111g ;ind 11111-.1111t t 111 11 1nsJH't l or f111 S.111 l>1t g .. Cou11I\. ha' lo11•11 11.11111 ii lJtJtldmg msp1·11111 1111 1111 ·, ti~ uf L:.i>-tl111.i &·<11 h Privr to w111 k111g lot ~.111 • art• t 1'111 ..... .i , ...... 1111 lht'' "" lt't 1111111111 ,11111 pl tit '"'" Ill tllllt Ill p1111l111.1klllH 1.1tl111 tlt.111 tl11 111.t l\ 11lu.tl .1111'" lt'plt" lllt•tl Ill 1111' 'lltt\\, .111d 1, 1111111tl1·tl 111 111t111d11n \1'111>1 ' Ill I lw 11111· .It I IH 1111 'I I \t'<'' Ill lilt 11>11111 rl1t 11111'1 11111 I' llJH'll lltllll 11 .Ill .t 111 h > I .Ill JI 111 d :til\' e'~·1·pl l\l1111d.1) .I r .. l''"ll ''"' 111 111-.1111' .11 \\ l11 111t I l'11llq_;1 \\Ill .1dd11•-.-. I )i I' I It ,1 fl I I' I d ll 11 II g I ht' luiu tw .. 11 1111•1•11111! l-111 '''""'·''""'" .. 111 lh•ek\ Juel~ .11 1'11 111, I 1>111-{ll, 1111111\ I~ 1111..tl \\;1" ,, hlltltfltlg lll 'flt I 1111 1111 :'ll .1111!.1 11.111 K.111 lit li11ld-. I l .. 11 1!1 1111 111 'I II Ill I tl1 )-{I I I I I "Ill K ·' II ,, .. ... s I •• It • c 111\'t ·1 .,, , ' ()LYMPIC COMMITTEE ... .. lorn Page A 1 king nw wh;it th1·' 1.111 d11 l" t\11.t th111g .. w"11 t .. tufJ "1th Ip. ll 1:. n •;olh 1•mnu1.1g111g :\II ll11 · l'tH 1 ( lh 1111111, \\11· \\ 111 lt.1v1· a sudd1•11 11 h ...... 1 p1 1· ... 11g1 .111 "lll'""t11111\ 111 1·0111111u1· [~unty jo~J~,~~"·"~oll ,11- lakes slight decline J,: () r <I I\ gt• l' ti LI ti l\ ' I ti "I ti :"}Un1bt:r ot u11111111l1"1·d '"'1 k· '' ~Jbll~ht•d Ill AllJ.!U'>l d1 t 11111 d aJlghtly 111 S1·µ1<·111l11 t t 1 w11 "" Soo lo !t-t.1111t1 .•• :-. th•· 111u111\ ... jobll•S!> rat1· tlrnpp<·J 1141111 I H. lei ?.2 pt'ru·nt during th1• m1111th. lh1 state '!> Empl "nll'nl [)t., • l11p11w111 Dc•p artnwnl "'-lid Thl.' 11urnl,'1·r n! pt'I "'''"' c I at m 1 n g u n t tn p 1"y111 1· 11 t insurann· ht nt'l11' dt ''l'I" ti '"' Courageous on T h 1· 1 :? . m t t , • 1 ' .. 1 It t C u urJgt·11us. one o f tht contt>m.ll·rs 1n the· l!H~:1 A11wn1.1·, Cup dl'fcn:w lnal.., \\ill IH' 1111 public d1splc1y al tlw N<·v.1111rt Shipyard. 22:1 ii-.1 St from n1>1m iii!> 3 p m <tn tJrding tcJ Kt \ 1 ll ,Summt>r<· 11 \\' C".t Co.J<>l pro Jl'l l ,u' •JI d lU,1.' I h111,d,,, lt1 I IJ.!lll t'' rt•lt .1 • d 'I lw \\ 1thtl1 .1\\ .d ·ii -.111111111•1 I"" "'''kt,, llt>lll lht l.111111 111111· \\'11lt th1• -.l.trl 11( ...C lt1111l ,1., t>Ulllt'd fttf tllltl Ji 111 lh1• ti t t ft'd'I lht tit p .111111• 111 ,,,1d Thi 1111,ol nu1nli. 1 nl J"li' 111 th1 1·11lllllY 111 S 1·pt1•11ilw1 \\ .1-. H •H Ht Ill do\\ 11 I~ l!Otl I I 1!111 I '"" ··~i·' display d1 1 1 1t11 '"' 1h1· l>1lt•1td1t l "uut •• g1·11u' S ) 1111 11.111• <.'1>l1t .1g1•ou .. " 11n•su111;ibl' .1 tr 1.11 h111-.1· fvr th1· 111•\\ 12 1111•lt·I' Df'l1·1td1 r \\ h1d1 ,... t•>..pl't 11·d 111 ,1rt I\'• Ill Ni·"' por l Bt'Jl'h ,1IM11tl Nm IH 0 -¥ 0 nu cl lh l>A \II> t\l"l'1.l\IAl\N o c th• D•ttr ~101 •••ff I It I I t I .. ' ,, I I ' \\ 111 11 k ' I .. I ,,,,, •• d 11111 •• Ill•". I ltltt • .t " \\ 1111 ... 11 111 1·1111 "' •1:11 .tl1t11• 111111 11 I 11 I I I t i t \\ ,f \ • I ft .11 .1 i 11 •• I\ l'"lq.J I It d '" t t "' t II ,dq :1 t 1111111' .1 ·•!•1•1"''" t111t t•'' l••t 1111 lolj'f•lllj' td l.1111 .. ,1> \t\I \\ I t I l'h1 r.tlt1 t.ol't h•ltl ti I 'nltlt1llllo1 1111:11\\,1\ l '.111111 111.11111~· , ••• 111 I lh11l '"' 1111111 ... "'"" 11 •• 1 ....... 1.i I 11 111111 t '""' I\ It ,111,l•"l 11 ti 11\ t I )111 "·'' \\l11tlo I'·'" 111111111:" "I'"'",, ... 1111" It V""'" 111 S1111t l11tIIl.1111111111.t 1'11111 111111• 111 t\fll''''lll' Club sued by patron • • • Ill IIlJUry J\1t• 111ghl tilth 11\\llt'I'> 1 .. -.p1111s1lill· 1 .. 1 1t1Jlll'tt'" ,u,1.11111'tl 1i, 11111 111 1lw11 11.1111111, 11u1-.1d1· tht I 11th ,1flt I ht• 'fJ' Ill 111111 d1111k111g 1111 ti ., J\ I flllllllli.:lttll Jk'.tl Ii Ill.Ill \\ l1t1 1 l.11111 ... th,11 :1 l'iulJ's b.11 t1·11d"r" llllt\111111 ti ltl "'"'•· h1111 .dt1·1 111· \\,,... 1111\ 11111'1\ 111111,ll .111 d lh111k' 1.,1\\ \ • '' 1111 .! , \lt'.11 11kl.J:11111·s Su111111 '1 l.11111 111 a ;.,vii suit wh1,·h \\ t•lll 111 l11.d Lill'> 6.Vt •P k Ill ( )1 ;mgl' 1 ·1111111\ Su1w11111 < 'ourt th..it tlw 11\\ Ill Is 11t Litt t.111111·1 J ,I\\' ('(uh tt• I '11-.1.1 l\l1•so1 .11·11•d nt·gllg1·11th •• 11d n •1_k lu,,sl\ \\ lwn lhL· 1 luli i. b.11 lt 1td1·r :-. l'l.1111111\Hlll ... J\ 'l'I \'1•d Sutt1111 th1· 111gltt Ill'" .• ~ ttlJl11t·d S 11 I I ti 11 \\ , °' -. It IJt K I I\ , t I , 1 t whtlt :1l\1·1t1pl111g tu tfll'' N l'\\J>lllt Rrntlt·v:itd ,tltt·t h 1· IC'll 1lw, luh. wh11 Ii"""' "kno\\ 11 a:-. D1•J.1 \'u th1111glt -.1111 o\\ 1wtl hv .!.•"' 1111 Al-.•• 11.i111t·d 111 tlw l.1\\sllll I!> tilt dt l\'t•I 111 tht \\JI ;dh gt•d tu lh1\t• bt·t·n IU\'Ol\1t•d If\ ;.. llll' llH 1tlt'lll Sullrnt .1 t'11,t.1 M1·s;1 r1 ·'>1d1•11t • ti lh1 llllll •11 th< J..inUilt"\ l!-17U .1111tl1•11t -.1w1H .1liou1 l\\t \f•,1rs 1 n •• t .i ... 1 11r hr;•t, ., ;inti n11\\ h J !> 11111 11 ·i,: -.lt11t It I t ft,111 1111' 111111'1 ,t!o ,, 11·-.1111 111 th• .11 < 1tl1·11I .111111d111g 111 hi' l,1\\ \t•t .11\d lt·,11111011\ Ill 1111 It 1.tl H11li.11t1 !\lu1pli' Sllll111' .t1t11l Ill\' ,,11d fll, t 111'!11 h 't I klll~ !>ltOUllll 1111 111.., ll•Jlll\ '""'' 111 1111 "'"' .111tl d.1111.1g1 plu' .11111111•', I• t , \h1111h\ 1l.111111d S11t11111 \\.t' 11\ 1·t "' I\ 1 d .ti I lit· llul1 I ht· 111ght 111 th•· .. 111tlt•11t Tho· ..:1J1t d ,11111-. h,11 It 11d1 I" II JH .tit t})\ -.1 l\t·d ~Ulltlll f11 ·'h th111k-. t·\t ll though h1-. 111111,11-.111 "11 " ..... ·,,h, "'l'' .111d .1pp.11t111 i\h11pli\ \\.tl\t•d h1-.11ght lll.Jtl 11p1 1111\g ..,\,1f1 rlll'lll Ill lht l1t,ol \\,, 111• ,,1.,, ,,, tt 1110011 L •" '1·1.., 1111 .l.t\\' .111tl su ... 111 l'l11 11g th1 tlll\tl ..... ktd 111 ll''>l'l\'I lJ1t11 : lj . .(hl 111 .... 1.111 1111·111 "I 111 ~~.111 111 .11 tllg 1•\ ldt Ill I ',,,, 11111111·tl1,t1 1 h 'I I u t t 1. ii t' 1 'I" 1 t, cl u11til ,ol1<1Ul :\11\ \I JUI t>I.., Ill tllt' \11 1,,..., ~' Cooling trend ' Vert•bt• high ctoud111e11 through !Odey •nd 1onl(lh1 Hl(lh• at th• beechea 70 10 H •"d Inland ., ... 74 10 78 Qvef11lght 52 lo 57 Some low cloud• On S•lurd•y during Ille morning nours but otherw!H conatderebte hig h cloudlr•••• Cooler oo Saturday w1th hl(ln• 01 88 10 74 Et1 ewhe r e from Po t,,t Conception to the Mtalcen· ,ltorde r e nd ou1 80 mll•• North-I Wind• 10 10 18 knoll with 4 10 8 fool UH OVll< oYter water•. decr .. atng tonight Wind• ay -110 IOVlh-1 8 to 15 • locally ltghl variable wl,,da tght •nd morning hours. ng _, to llO\ltnwe.i 10 10 5 k.nol• during elt11<noon1 tOd•Y Saturday Wind weve. 2 lo 3 w .. 1er1y 1we111 1 10 3 IM t onelder11>I• high ctoudlneu 1turd•Y with IOfT\4I tow Cloud• t1Kday morning U.S. su11111u1ry A b a nd o f ahowere end Ulund«.n-1 atretclled from Te••• lo llllnolt l,,d rein dempened the Pectlk: N0<1"-1 early lodey, with anow In mountetn erM• Rein 1110 f•ll tn much ot trie 'JPP9f MluJMlppj V .. 11)' CIOudy •-tee tp<Md lrom lhe central Pacific CoH t 10 Moot•na and Wyoming, end O'ller the northern Appet1chhon1 A tew tho-• tlng•reO over tOtJthern Flor'lda. SklM -• letr over lh• real of the United Sttot .. kell•reel r••n ahowera w•r• forecaat IOI' ht« 1ooay rrom the centrel Oull CoHt through the iow•r Ohio V•ll•y 10 th• OrHI lak•• A l•w thund1r1hower1 -• expected ov« the c1ntr•I Oulf CoMI llalM RUI el90 WU Pfeok:lld trum tlll nOl"lhern and c:er11re1 Pacific: Co•ll 1cro11 th• northern flocklH and In to th• northern Plalna. Svnny tklee -· IOfetH I om the toUtt>ern AocklelJ to the Clftfral Plllnt lll1CI llong the EH i t. Te m pe ra ture• a round 1h1 natlOn Mtty tOdey r•l'lj19<! from 27 dlgr ... In L1r1mte. "!'fO , 10 71 dlgr-In l<fY WMI. ,,.,. ' California SUMMne. clMnll' lllf and n•WY iirtftd• ehould m111 th• witch•• and filOl>Hnt roaming Southe rn C •llfornla t hlt Helfow••n WMllll'd. Ille Nt!IOnll WHthet 9ef'tlloe MY• Moll of t"8 ~ hll'9lllO In .. "'° "*"''"" .,_ .,. •• e.<pected to cleer lt•'lllng t•lr s"es through Sund•)' The Forecast For 8 p m EDT SnowQ A lo• Ang•les high In the upper 70s la lorllCUt for Saturday arid Sundey "'llh tows In the m•d·50s downtown 10 the upper 40s In Intend velle)'I Nortnwe11 w1na1 lrom 15 10 2S mph w11<e expected In moon1el11 areu through S a1urd1y with mercury predicted to d ip near treez1ng •round Btg Bter end Oweria Valley OVef the -itena Winds have 1wep1 potlutents 001 ol the Sooth Coeat Air BHln end are expectea 10 kMP the air cleenltf throogtl Sunday Wind• from 15 10 25 mpfl alto were expected t>y th• wH ther --.nee In norther"n 0-' er ... Mounteln hlgha w.,• torece11 for S1turdey from Sii lo 53 with Iowa from 42 to 48 Coaat•I valt•y hight shOutd range trom 70 lo 75 Th41 high• In norti-n d...,.,a may range from 112 10 72 Wllh IOWI from 38 10 48 Soutt>e<n d-1 Ngha -• forflCUt lrom 7 4 to 80 with lowt lrom 45 10 S5 Te111pera t 11 res NATION AIDany AIDuquerque Ancnorege A&nevoue Atlante Atlenhc C•I• Aushn Ball1more B•lhngJ Birm•nohern Bois!' Bo11on Bro-Nn,v·ll~ Bullelo Burhngton Co!plr Charlftston S C Ct1erl11s1on W V Cl>ArlOll!' N C Cheyen"4! Chicago C1nc1nn1111 c1eve11nd Co1umb111 SC Columbus OtllH F't Worth HI lo 65 29 58 32 14 9 68 29 69 •5 62 39 85 70 67 3S 52 36 n u 55 33 69 33 90 73 68 38 83 3 •5 28 68 50 73 3• 71 ' •!> 31 70 5• 73 45 72 .. 12 33 72 37 7F. Rt t' • j i. f ,, ' t,. ....... ,. ....... ~ ... , l't.;1 ... eo ... ····· '• l.L Fronts C • ..,... 0-nver O..~ M0tne' OetrO•I Duluth Et Po•o f:e1roank s Foroo Flegstalt \.J!f'81 ~811\ Haillord He1ena Honolulu Hou110,, tnc11anepol1s Jackson Mon Jecksonv1ll11 Juneau Kansas C11y Knoxville u~ Vegas Llltle Rock lOW~\lltlfll LuDboct.. Memph1t M1am1 M•lwaukee Mpls-St Paul Nt1shv11te New Orleon• New Yorh NOrlOlh North Plane Oma Ila Orlando Phllodelpn11 Phoen1a Plll1burQn :iv 33 59 .. 0 1? •6 5• •5 87 •6 15 03 49 40 •8 22 48 33 63 ,, •II 1-0 80 67 79 68 73 .. , 79 39 75 49 34 2• 59 ., 68 ')4 65 •2 75 53 73 •O 64 •2 75 48 78 75 69 49 53 50 75 '' 79 53 67 .. 83 •2 SJ 3• 59 47 112 80 66 •O 78 50 1n 'n .......... Z:=rii ..... -~ __ UR_f R_f P_DR_T L.ocellon Hunllnglon PM!t S11n1• ,.,,,, Rlvltf Jany 401h St Ne..,port 22r>O St New!>O<t BetbOI WIOQe Ror:kPll•. 1.agun• Sleepy HOllOW Th•ll•·&rook• Toder'• Aw9./M ... 1.2 " 1·3 II 1·3 It t-2 It t 2 II t It 111 111 1211 Wave Average lhepe Temp lalr·poor 114 goOd 63 gOOO 63 1a1r 113 pOO• 113 POOi 118 poor 88 poor 69 fah 85 S•n Clement• Pie• Tflletg., fl 3ttffll 1·2 ll llllf 115 Tomooow H19h Tt<141 7 30 am low TKl1 1 49 pm ~wnll Dtrll(tlOn w ... -~~------.... - Po1t1a,,d Me Port11tnCS Or~ Pfov1df'nCP Rale•Qh Rapid City Aono n1chmontl Sall 1 ak11 SeaHlf' Snrew•port S•ov• F'alls St LOI .. ~ St Pett> 1 nmgu S1 Ste M~11~ Spo~an!' Tooekn rucson fulSO CALIFORNIA Appt" Valley Baker t 1110 6ar~1n .. Bflaumonl B•g Benr 81shQP Blyth"- Eurflka Fre•no l 8ke Alfnwhe11d LencHlt• Lono B!'nch Los Angeles Mon1ovto Mon1e1>11t10 Monterey Mt Wtlso,, N8fldll!I N"wPO•t B11acn Onki.ntt Oriterio Palm Spr1no• PHedena Tide TODAY S.Cood low Second high 2 15 pm 8 07 pm IATUftDAY 67 29 so 44 6!> 33 ·o 38 ~3 •2 55 :IS 70 39 •9 Jl ,q H 78 S9 53 4J 73 58 63 59 62 45 48 37 67 51 7• 39 68 59 HI l o 66 32 86 75 n •3 69 53 58 23 58 27 16 52 64 45 67 .. 47 32 65 33 111 51 77 58 81 4• 79 55 87 48 111 4• 72 53 7• 50 811 48 76 43 79 51 7C 48 I 0 4 II Flret IOw 2 12 a m O 8 Flret high 8:30 "m 8 t heond low 2:49 p m 0..5 S.Concl high 9.49 p.m 4 t Sun "'' tod1y II 0 03 p m • r1 ... Saturd•Y a t 1 1 I e m MOOI\ ''-today al • Ot pm. •ta 8•tut08Y ti ' 0 I a m u ar w t ll"•l't \.1111•11· .11>11111 '"' Jll llJlll'tt" 1111 111 .,.., ,, t t ...., lt1 p h tt , M l '.1111 ·1., .. 1, ll l •. 11tl111 <.i .. v• I o11.t1111 .1 111 .11 h • 1J11111 dv.11111o111 • .. o11 \ J\1 Iii Ill• ·"'" ~.1111.1 1\1111 1 ',11111111111111 ,\I•,, 11 .11 .. \ '1111111111111 II•·~ '"'' '" t 1•1· ltflll till Ill l111 ,tl1•tf lit 'lll 111, ""'. "l11t It 1111 1 .. t1111I h., j •I 11p11i..t ti ,1 , I 111111-. J 111 111 It h' t .•• t \ 111 .. • 1.111111.11 lt\'l \\',1111<". '1111 JlltlJl<"t ·d !111•\\,1\ .... 111 1111 :...1111,1 l\r1.1 . S.111 I 111·~:11 HI\• 1-.idt .11111 t · ........ 1\1• .... 1\1 .. I ... tl11 1.odlH.tl 11\1 "·"". Jll "f>'"''d It> I" ,.J111•P•·tl tltt •Jugl1 ( lt,11tgt ( 01Ht11I \ JMllt•llll,tffy \\t11tld 1111111• 1111111 tlw 111 \\IV • \p.1111l1·d S.111 01111111· 11111!1 JI g1 ·111·1.1l1111• -.1.1111111 ll1t•·• tntll'\ su11lh 111 S.111 l 'lt·1111 ·11t1 · ShtJlllH'llh 111 -.p1·111 111.111111111 flit I. ltt1\\l'\I t ••••. lllJt ,.,p .. tt·d 111 111 111'1 ~ .......... \ 1111ttl tlot l1J!llh S1111tl11 t II l '.olit111111.i '""""II ( '11 11lt w1ttb ,,,1d Tlt111...,l.1y Sl1 .. ·I t'.1:0.k~ Wt•1gl1 lllH LlfJ t11 1110 11111 ... \\111tld '" thl'll 111 ''·''"'1"•11 th• 'fJt•t11 t 11tl 1o1d , 11 11111 S.111 011•1l I\ r ul q J1 • .t11 , , 1.11 ••• .i "'' "" ·" I .. u t h ,, H ti • \\ . • I 1 \\ Ht d ti d I I "" 111 flll lf1t I 1 111 ltlld1 I 1of f1lt1111• Ill• tl1111111•lt ( 11 111~·· l """'' f'lll'lllt (1,111111 I '-,.Htllltlll ( .tltl111111.t l•.dt· ... 11 t " '11.:11111' ". ·"' 111 r "11 1.. t. . .t t .. 1 1 1 .. \1>11 11• Ill N111 1 •• ti ~ ... I•" '"'" ,,, ••• 1111· ,,,,,,, t !·.ti 1\\111 lt1ll ,,, " I It• }11 "f'" ,, d I 1111 lt 11111111,1-' 11 111 .1111•• (',.11111 \ \\Ill .oil 111.f .1i .. 1t1.J 1 .. oll11v.'" C11111•t ,,11.t 1h1 '·'"'"\\tr• d1 •111111I '" 111111 ,,,, 111111 I .... t ' .l.11111.11 ti .111d 111.11 JIH •11 l1l.11tlll 11.111 ,,,, l1 ·,1k1tl lit• .ala .t 1d .t l 1 .th"\l•'d Let ttHI "' t It It ·111 11111 l '.olt11'"" \d 111-..1 tl1 .1111 t 1111 J11dt -. ~.1111.1 1\11,1 ( "'' dt 11 ( j I II\' I , t\ 11, d 11' I 111 ol 11 d ll 111 11 d l',ttk t11ld tl11 • l\\11 tl1t•111b1 I ( JJJ• p .1111 ·I It .i .... , 1111t ••• Ill '" 1111 tit .t 111111 I 1111 lfllt .1t 111 Jllll1J1t .,1f1 I\ '" '"' p11l1·1111;olly 11 .... ,,,111111 , t I lt•c '"o f .011 :11 c·1d1•11t ;tlr111g tl11 ·<;1• 111111•·· h .1•, 1111•11 J.:l\'111 tlttt 11111-.1tf1 I 1111111 111 lht "f.< \11111 I'' I~\..,,., • ll()O d I ' ii,, ' .• II II I t,, ,, " 1 ·1111111 ti• t ,, ttl I ' I" 11 .. 1·•'"''" u 1111 111 1~11 a 111.1111111 J JI 1' t It • 'h1• 1. IJ I I I t f1t I h, )"'''''"th ii .ti• I \111.I I fpil 1, t ~--111 ' t ,, I ' 1 • I·., It.. t II f ,, ,,, ··~ ft tl 1t1 ••· 11 •• 11 "'I ti 11 j'I I tltti .ii "-. .. 111 lh ii I d 111 dt '' ,. •• IHI I 1h111• ',I I ' I !tllllf1fi 11, tft ,lfll .oltl 'I. II 11 1tl• I d1•"1 1•1 1111 t ti.I.I J\oJ1 '>i i "~.' I il .. '\ 11 ' I 11 , , J< I\' I I ... I I I ' 11. I '.\ •• "'•·1t.tl11 ftt ........... k ....... 1 1).1 ..... , ... •d ft,,. \\ . ' . I ... 1 .. 1. I Ill" I' 1·1 .Iii• 111 .111.111111•11•1111 ""'·''" .. 1111 \~.1·, 1111 tl1 11•11,111•111 111 1111 "'i.11ol.1 1\11,1 I 11 t ,\I ,1 ti 11.I f l)1lllllJ f s .• nt.1 \11.a .• ,,,. ,,, , , 1,1,,1,1. ,,,.,,, lt1f 1,nflt1.t1 ll\f ''"''' llfll 11 111 •• 11tl )'.,ti'' tit• I ' Ill I •,t if • "Ill "I II .1f>1111I \\ 111 lftt I 1111.d f'•il.111 .. 1111111 \\<111ld ,,, lll•ltllt d \\h•fl 111111111/lh \\Ill ,.1 .• 11111 d \\ 11.tl l"11d . 111 11•··1" t 111111 .111d t·n l••ll'''"""' ~t ;111r111'( a nd '" 111~11• t 111111 • ·•Jl·ol1tltll•' \\l•ltld IH ,t\,fll,.t.J , .ol1111µ 1111 t ttltlt• ... dt ")'II.tit tf ,. f '.1111 t '"II ,,-.)..,fl TRAIN FIRE TERMED ABOTAGE • • From Page A 1 IJ11tl1 lllt•:tlJi lttS I.ti\\,,... •Ill lltt I 111•11'• d ""' tit• ,, 111tl11\\ 111d '"" 111.11 h "'l'lt.tl '"""!-. '"' "I' .i l1111t l1ttt I 111,l .11111111• d 11\tl th• ll.11 111 ... tllt'l111 ... 1111 ...... 11.111-..11d llt .... t1d ,, ttllltftll ltll llt).!ttl 1111 fl·''"' 11).!1 I"> ltt { ........ L 1 I .. 'HU ( ... I ·111 • 111ld "" tlw I 111 ·I might 1 'pl1>tl1 .J.11·h ll1llh11ust• 1-.. a lt .0111 l11tl i i 111111 ~ 111 t I .. 1111h·nl.ol1· ~ l.1 Jlt· \\,1, \,tldllflllltt/.( Ill l '.ol1lt1l lll,1 .111cl \\,I, t.1k111g t\11111.ik .1HO to S.111 I >lt'g•• Th111 "'"' 111gh1 "\\'1• \\•I• 11111\·111g .ol1111g pt! II\ 1.1p1dh, .inti tllt'll lht• light' Wl'lll tJLlt ," 1)11· 111;11 k1•l 111g 111.tl l.IJ'I I' ._,lltf l\it·hola~ \'a nick wait~ with lu~~a~·· for a~ ... i~tatH't:'. ' / ,11111kt fl Hiii 11 ... 1.11111111~· d11 "'I .. 11 Jt \\ "' J•ll ti\ 1,l1\ 1<111 Ito 1111 lh• I 11~11111 ti \\.111 l1d t11gtt th.ti 11 .1111 '''•JIJ>td 111 :-.11d I I•· ".11111 d 111 't"f• t1111 111 t111l11 t v..1nt t11 lt,1\I 111 p1·1 I th• P··~·~··11g1 .... ··ii 111• 1111111 111 th• , .01 -." 111· l.1uglwd I ltlll1111i...1 ,,11d If" ti II••" I"' ·' 11111 '' 111 tli1· J.1 ,\ t,1t \\I'll t.Jllll 1111 llt1 11111'1 1•·111 I \r t pl 11111 \\11111.111 ''h" "I" rwd tit• 1111111 tl1••1 l 1111 1.11 "'!'lo.ii """"' o.lUfJttl ltt ' .•utd ~>1uuk< J'4..IUI ~J 111lt1 tl11 1.11 llt1111lglr llr• d r•ol .111.f \\• 1111111111 I I 111 .1 II .. g .. 111 \\'ftt •ll ll1llh•1U.,I !1 •'f" ti 11 11111 lit• t .of 111 ,,11d 111 l1111k1 ti ti. h111d 111111 .11111 •.• 1\\ \\Ii.it l1111k1 d l1k1· .o 1111lo · l1111g -.111 lt h.111 Ill• 1111 tltt lt.11 k ' ·11 · ... Jll'I .tl ll.1/1111'. 111111 \\.t't l1 I .111 I 'fll•l'>l<Jll lit' .ottd •lt,1kttl~' 111 ... )11 ,tt! 1\t11l1 ,11\ tit! ""llll 11.0lll 1111111 l.r" t\11,.:1 J1' .1l 1<1llt I I lltPI tit .tlf• I tl11 ltl• \\ h1t It f'll,ft1 ·d lht hl.11h1111d l••111n•if1\1,,,11dt••lllllllJltl t .ti' l ll ,1 111 .11 l1 \ '\l•hHI l'.is'4 n g • r -. 1· ·~·1• 11 • .01111 1•• t •11 1 • .I •II• 11 .. \\t ti tlt1 It lt.1t1'ft trttl II• ,\111(1,tf{ 1J,_! \\ 1111 h .11 t "I ti Ill :-...111 I>' l' ·'' .olJ11ll 11 I• Ill .1 ,, ... 1~·· .... 11.111 .• 11d :\1111 1.11' ""'' •·" .. 11.f 1111 \ 1 .. '"' """'" 11"·' 111111 1. d.01t 1o11 • ''·'' dttfll 111 1111 ,, '1111111\• \\ll\rlt .ti t \.1il1td .. lltffll 1)1 .. lt ' 1111 lftojl I ti It 111\1 '''~·""' •• it tit• I ltJ...11••. t, 1~ •11 ti '"' i .. 1 Ill• I.ii 1·1h1 ""lit• ,,,,, h ,, 11 \\11 111,tl·I· '• '''II• Ill 111111 111 ,1\111d 11111111).' tit• "' 1111 • \ •• 11.t.d .11•11.111 111 1\ ,.,,,,, d 1),1 .. 1•1k1 .. ,d.,tll..' \\tlh "'11,1 II• J1J.1t1 ,,11111 i,:11 I~• J1[,1l1 lt1111 I t• 1 t Ill It 1•••11 l"h 1111 tl11• 1101• h \1 11.ok \I, I.• ... 1 ... 1d Jl1 ,.,111 l••.ii ~.i11l,1 f1 !< .. 11111.111111\• ,\1L!.1lo J1"' .111d :\11111.11-. t•ll111,t1 ... \\Ill lu 111\• ,1 ,~.1111\t.' tli• '· d ~~ ........ Polo"Store CHANGE OF NAME a nd CHANGE of POlJCY We're still the largest selechon of Polo~-Ralph Lauren But, we've e xte nded our lines of merchandise to include a ll the best !ables in the world and changed our name lo reflect this broadened viewpoint GIANNI ACCARDI • GIORGIO ARM ANI • JH A NYNE BARNES • PETER BA RTON • PE RRY ELLIS • RALPH LA U REN • EN RICA MASEI MISSONI • ROBERT PHILLIPS • NICOLA TRUSA RDI 3333 SO. BRISTOL. S AKS WIN O 641-0353 ALI MAJOR \RfDIT CAR DS ARE WElCOME , I • . I \ ... . ' lllllil 1:1111 IRVHH I DITIDI l nlOAY OCTOBf R79 1'.167 ORANGE COUNTY. CALIFORNIA 25 CENTS ~ission Viejo train fire said sabotag~ Uy sn ·:v t•: MIT('llt-:1.1. 01 lh• Dell~ Pllol 11•11 Amil ak 11111n.1b 111 W.1.,l1111g11111 .,,11d ,1 f Ill' th;il l'I uptnJ 1111 .1 "'uthl11111111 I tr.1111 111 M1'-'"'n V1t•)u Thul -.d.1\ 111gl1t "';,., -.p.11 k1-<I t.y v..i11cl..ih who pl.u c•d ,, k1 g 111 1.111 -.p1kt"' .11111 11tl11•1 d1 •b1" 1111 tht· 11.u k Tht• 1111111111111·1 1r.1111 , An111.1k '1HU w,,, l'.111 y111g 1 7~1 fl·'"''llW'I' wlw11 fl.11l11·-. t 1 upll'tl 111 th1· two ln('f1mnt1v1.-; and smoke• "11rP:1tl to the· f1vf• 1·11n1111ut1 ·1 '·''' I 'a-.M•11g1·1" l1•;1Jwd througl 1 I l..11111·' 1111 t ht· tr;1l'k:. 111 t ·-.i :qi•· the· h11n1111g tr:1111 Oriln!o(t• Cow1ty 1-'11 1• Dqiar11111·11t olf1n;,b -.a11l th1·ri· Wl'rt' Sl'Vl'll HIJUI IC'!'> f-'111· ... p11k1·..,111.111 Chut·k M u1 pity ~<11J thc.· lllJUn·d. 1111,...t 11( whom ~uffc.·n·d {111111 smukl• inh.ilat111n w1·11· 1.1k1·11 to M1~-.11111 Comm •. m1ty l lo-.p1t.il 111 M1 ...... 11111 Vu•Jo foll11w1ng the· Ii pm hl;11c · 111· 'M:11d " !JI l'gil,1nl wum;,n v. ..,., tr c·dll•d i.tl tilt' "'l'lll'. "' "'J'> a 1 t·<.t·nl c.·cJrollill y bypi.1!>~ p;_1tw111 wh11 c.·ollaµ?>l'd Amtrak :.p11kt•sn1an John Mc L1·11d s:.i1d tht· loc-0111ut1v1 · stru1·k lfrlJrtS un th1· s111gl1· 111a111 lr<.tl'k :.ihout thn·c.· qw11 tt·rs 11f ... nul<' north of the.• Osu Parkway ov1·1 pass tit· s;11d fu1·I tanks o n both loc.·om<JllVl'~ ruptun•d .ind d11•:.l•I fut·I sp11lc.·d unt11 th<· tratks 1g111t1ng tht• wou<.k·n c.T~ lie.\>_ "The• lllJ"-' ttt·s cL1ugh1 f111· and 1gnia•cJ the.· t w11 h.c.on11111v1 .. , · Ml Lt"<id !><.Ill-I Tlw 1·11g11w1..·r.. brought thl· tr;.i1n to a ?>lop undc.·1 Os11 l'.Hkw..iy, <ind 1·unductur ... urgc-d pa~-..·11g1•1., l•J lt:;.1vc· lht· tri.lin uolmly N1t·h11l.1o; Y ..in1c.k . ..1. Lo!> Angl'lc.·:. bu~inl·:,.-,man Whll l'OllllllUll·~ d,11IV from hi~ home.: 111Jo:.,,11nd1c.JO. !k11d lw wa' ;1.,lt•1•1) 1n tht• 1111ddlt· t..ir wh1·11 hc.· Sftl(•l11•d SlllUkt• "I l<xikt·d up ;ind s;J\.\' tl\I' (.'ill W,JS f11l1·d With blat k '>11111k1 ., .. ht· ~:.i1d "Tlll'n tht· light:> wc.·nt out .. I h· s.ud tlw c.11ndu1 tor urgc.·J tlw p.1o;~1·ngc.·~ lo "t<1k1· \llUt tum· l1·ov1· thl· u:tr 'lowly," <ic.Jdmg tht·n · WJ' huh• p.m1c among tht• commut1·rs 111 his t.1r Delly l"tk>I "'°lo by C haftM I .. ,, "I 1.mk1d up 111v h11t'ftast· <ind walkc.·d lo the d1J11r," ho· :..11d Firemen cool the smoking engin e of Amtrak in Mi s ion Viejo Thursday night OC nuclear waste routes questioned By DAVID KllTZMANN Of tM Oe#y ""'" • ..,, T h r c l' I o c· a I I a w m <i k t· 1 :. cxprcssed unt.•asiness Thursd<1) with a st.ate plan des1gnatmg four maJOr freeways near densE"ly p opulated areas 1n OrangP County as approved routes for the sh1pp1ng of rad1oaCll\'l' wastes. The 0Cftc1als told a Californ1u Highway Patrol hearing pant>I that the' nuclear materials could be more safely transported ovC'r freeways wh1t·h pass through sparsely settled regions of Southern California. Cr1tic1z1ng or expressing reservations about the proposed routes were U.S . Rep. Jerry M. Patterso n . 0-Gar den Grove, Laguna Beach coun c·ilwoman Sally .Bcllcruc, and Santa Ana Councilman Al Serrato. Commun1t1cs the thrc(• represent are located near freeways wh1c·h the patrol has proposC'd as routes for trucks carrying radioactive wastes The proposed freeways are th<' Santa Ana, San Diego. Riverside and Cost.'.1 M esa. Most of the rad1oac·tive wastes proposed to be shipped through Orange County potentially would come from the newly expanded San On ofre nuclear generating station. three m iles south of San Clemente Shipments of spent uranium ful'I. howl•ver. art: not t.·>q>C'(.'h"tJ lo ht• nt'('C-ssarv until tht· l!:'!:llh S11uthc·rn C<.1lifnrn1a E4.h~11n C.:11 off11.:1..ib s.ild Thursdov Sll-c·I t·~ks wc•1gh1ng up to 100 ton!. would bt-USl'd to tnmsport thl' spt.'lll fuC'l rods from San Onofrt· I n d u ~ t r 1 a I a n cl m l' d 1 t' a I r<id1oat'll\'l' wast(' would al't·ount fur tht· rl·mainder of -.h1pnwnL' through Orange County Eugene Cramer. a Southt·rn C<.1ltfornia Edison Co <·ng1m·t·r o; pt· a k 1 n g o n be ha I ( of th t· Amt:n can Nuclear S<X'll'l '' told h1·anng officer Ed K ynastiin that lht· proposc·d roult•!> through 01.mgl' C.:ou11t:v Wt'rl· saf P dnd -.hould tx: allo\.q•d " Cr;.imcr ~did thl' c.·a?>ks "'c·n · ch·s1gnt'J tu mf'l•t lht• stnc·tl'Sl safl'lv standards and that n o tun t~ 1 n l'r haJ c·vt·r leaked bt·c.·a u ?>l' of a 1r:.inspurta t1on ..it'\'ldl'nt But Pillll'rso11. wh1Js1• d1stnet 1m luc.h·s Sc1nt.1 Ana. Garden Grovl'. Anohc•1m and Buena Park. told tht· two membt'r CHP panel. "It doc.·~ nut -.(>t•m to me that either tht· thn·at to public safl·ty or tht· potc·nt1.dly di-.<tslrous County jobless toll takes slight decline Orange Count~"s rt•u1rd numbc.or of unemployed workers c·~tablished in August dedtned slightly m September . from 96. tiOO to 94.000. as the• C'uunt y's JObl<'ss rate dropped from 7 9 to 7 2 pt'rcent during the month. the state's Employment Ot.·vclopmt•nt l'X•partmf'nt said T he n u m he r o f pt• rs o n s c· I a 1 m 1 n g u n e m p I o y m e n t insu ranc·r bcnef llS dropped for lht· f1r!>l trnw 111 14 months al!>O. anord1ng to f1gurt•s relrased Thu~day Tt l' w1thdr.1\\'JI of summc>r )Ob S(•ekc•;s from thl' l11bor force with the s tart uf S('hool acc•oun llod for much o f tht• dcc.·rl•ase. the dl'partmt>nt sa id The total numbt.'r of J<lhs in thl• county in S l·p1emhcr was 858.800. down I <!.HOO from ,\ y<•Jr ago t•Hl't'L' of .on Jl'\.·1d<.>nl along tht·'" 111ut''" h<t., ht•l·n givt•n dut· t·on'\1<lc·1 .1t10n 1n th1· s1·ll•t•t1011 pro<.·c~ P..ittt·rson '><lid that "1f publu saft't y had bN'n the primary factor, maj(ir l"mnmutt•r :irtent·:. wh1<:h travt.·l'Sl' ht·avily pt.>pu la lt'<I art•as W<Juld not have br>C'11 tho:.C'n for the• shipping routc.-s " Tht· fecl<•ral lt•g1slator also said that "publil ..afrty n •asons alone·" Wf.>n · (•nough to d1squallf) t·uns1dt·rallon of thl• Costa Mc·....:i. Sil n t"' An a and R 1vl'r!>1d1• frl•t:wav:. Sl·rrato. 1n h1~ ri·marks. said l h " p r opus l' d r o u t es w L' r l' "<ibsolutt•ly un;;ic:t·eptablc>" l11s mam t'Om·c·rn. S<'rrato s.11d, was tht· dt>s1gnat1on of thl' Santa An..i Frt'<•way as 1l pasiws through SanlJ Ana as an at'\•epwblt~ rout(' frn rad1oat·t1vc waste R u t h h 1• .l n d Pa t t c r s o n c•xpn•<..'il'<i conn•rn about wht•ttwr lo<:.1 I pu bile off 1na ls wou Id bt n11llflt'd wht•n sh1pm1'nl!'-WL'rf' planrwd "Whal kmdo., of m~pt.'<·t1on and enforl'l·mt•nt :.tJt1ons and or mspe<:tmn c·apab11ltl('S Wl1uld lx· ava1lablP along t hr routc•s dC's1gnatc•d"" Patt«?rson asklod Bc•llc·ruc'. a formt'r Laguna mayor, semi she favor<'CI roulln~ rad1oa«t1v1• was t<'!> from San Onofre· -.c1uthward a nd thc·n <'<t'il (See RO TES. Page A2 I County Committee to aid Olympics By HOWARD L. HANDY Of lhe Delly ,.._. Stllfl A group of interested Orange Countv citizens. headed by A1rCal 's ret ir i n g pres1dt•nt R obert Clifford. has formed a U S . Olympic Comm1tteC' o f Orange County to aid the American Olympic movement m th e future . Cliffo rd was recently namcli O r a nge County chairman and imme diately set about p icking men and w ome n to work with him In the fund-raising program Dennis Landesman, retired a l age 38 a fter a su<.'C'eSSful career m audio logy a nd 1n o wning 11 corporations. 1s the group's fund-r<tising t·ha1rman and will sC'rvc as co-chairman of the l'Omm1ttee with Clifford Others who were g1vc•n a first-hand look at the Colorado Spnngs O lympic Training Cl•nlC'r thi s week includl•d Sada• Ml·M1c·hael. Da le Oyk<·ma and David Baker of lrvme and Mark PetC'rson. "The tnp was cxc.·1tmg and 1t gave us an insight into what the program is all about." C lifford says. "We organized our commllt<'<' :\ 1 , months ago a nd have S<'I a goal o f $350,000 for tht' next y<'ar The state of Califor111a on ly rmsed $320.000 over a four-vt•ar ----INDEX---- A7 84.5 82 E4 -8 86 86 07 A6 At Your Service 8tUlness Cavalcad e C lassified C-Omics Cros.•word Death Notkes Editorial Entertainment Horoecope Weekender 8Z 82 Ann Landers • Movies Mutual Funds National News Public Notices Weekender B'1 A3 81-4,88.0 7 -8.E2·3 Sports Stock .Market.<1 Tclev1s1on Theaters Wealht'r 0 1 6 85 TV Log Wt't'kc-ndl'r A 2 DREAMS COMING TRUE Training Center outlined. Dl pc-nod and wt.• want to b<-at tha t f1gurC' m i.l shorter period of ume. "Wl' Will stagt' SJX'<:1al ('Vents lo r<11sc thC' m ont'y <.1nd the first will Ix· a dmnt•r at the grand opening o f the Copa di' Oro restaurant in Costa M esa Nov 17. Former O lympuin J ohn Nab<-r will be our guest Spl'akt•r .. Landesman, w ho 1s in charge o f t he fund-raising programs, says: "This 1s the o nly fund raising program I have been assoc1at<'d with where people arc c.·umin g to u s and asking what they can do or are offering to t'Ontribute lo the fund "We hopt• to hrlp the USOC reach and maintain two goals: First. to support their budge ts onci sc't:ond, to have some' money trickle d o wn to the athletes tlwmselves. "No. Wl' dcm't want to pny ·th e athlNc•io but to help prov1dt' things n('('('8,_"lary (or their supgort so lhc>y don't have to take lime• out tn havto• part-time jl)b11. "My goal H dlr..-ctor of fund rnunnl( will be to ralBC.' $350.000 11nd wh1•n Wl' rcRch that omount. to go for $~l00.00 and tlwn $I million "Aft<'r tlw dinner. we havl• plans for c•vc•nts a t Anahl•1m Convt•nllon <.:c•nter. a Pres1dt.•nt's breakfast, nvt•r -the-linc and 5K and IOK runs. walkathons and spc:'<"1al nishi:. at the El Tonto restaurant wht'rt' the prof1L'I will be spill, 40-60 "We will a lso have all Olymp1L' souvenir ite m s for sale at all evc.'nts on a c·onsignm ent bas1i;." ThC' committee m eets cvcry othcr Wc'Cint'sday at th<' pre'5<'nl time und also 111dudes Bob Burgt>Cm. Bob McCaffC'rty. Joon D1l>blC'r and Werner Escht•r Commllt~ mcmbt.•rs undl'r this group numix'r almost 200 al the preS<'nt t1m1• "Srnce Wl' organized this eomm1ttcc. everything l'lse has been just like gravity. 11 hos really mus hronmf'd and Is growing each dny," Landt-smnn says. "J 'v(' got so ma n y pf'o plc asking me what tht'y t.•tm d o 10 ht'lp, 1t la rC'Olly e•nt.'OUroging All oC a gudd('n It haa a preiU1i" c trc'Ct. "And things w on't stup w ith the 1984' Olymplc.'8. We will have an o ppo rtunit y to continue bcyontl thOt thue." That '' whc·n ht· 11 ut1t 1·d the· lrac.:k (See THAIN, Page A21 ewport Beach youngsters watch as Pinocchio, the pe lican with the artificial beak , gets ready for a bath. Newport kids help injured pelicans By JOEL C. DON OftMO.-, ..... llllff Some of the sixth graders from Harbor View Elemcntarv School in Nl•wport Beach hod never sc.~n n live pelican, let a lo ne the bird~ tha t were mutilated recently But they knew how to show th ('l r appreciation t o veter i n a rians ahd 1,n l mal work<'n DI Crown V:\llC'y Anlrnnl H ospita l in Lngun Niguel, where nmc-of the maimed birds are b eing c •red fo r In \he "J)f'llCM\ ward." ' ,) Thursday the youngsters d t>li vered a basket o r cash - $251.83 to be exaC'l -to help th~ hospital defray the food anti medical care CQllts of the brown pelicans . Aftt'r starting a current evt>n\a st.-ctlon Inst wook, lhc student.a de<'ldcd to ral5(.' the money In • one~day b8kt' soil' a t thl' MChool. Cash dontat10tu from p.rent.a aho he lpc'(f th coll tlon. aald \Hcher Lindo Wawr a "K ida arc bulcally vrry (See PELICANS, Pace A J ) • .. Plann r to talk at UCI worl~s h op I ' l.1111d•H ·IJll' pl.111114'1 111 11 M t'H itrl( will lu-l1-.1tu1t·cl !1JH'.1k1·1· S.1tu1 d.1\ d11r111){ .1 Wl)I ki.h11p .1t lf{' It\ llll' 1111 ti r l h I I l' l ' t U I t ,1 11 cl t• ll \'I f'll 111111· ll I .1 I d l'' I g 11 M 1· I l.1 I' I<. k 1111 w II I ii I 111' p1ullt<t•1111g \\ 111 k 111 1'( ulog11 .ti tfr:.1gn. \\Ill d1-.tu-. ... 1-. 11 Pos ... 1hl1• 111 ll1•,1g11 \\llh Nattir1· 111 l )1.111g1• l '1111111 \' •Dr Konrad t'a l·knitz "ill l>t· gut•-.t 'IH .. 1k1•1 Sund.1\ wh1•n lt11·.il th,1ptl'I' 111 1111 Un1tt•d N,1tton;,. A:>o!>lll'1,111on comnwn w1.11t-U N 1>.1\ 111 lrv11lf.' Fa1·k111tz 1-. .1 l11n11t•1 ltu111.111 r l' s 0 u r l' l' ... 11 '. \' I ' I 11 JI 11) I . 11 t 1>fftl'1<JI for 1:1 v 1·,1r ... "1th tlw 1nll·r11at11111.tl 111 g ;i1111.1t11111 •Tht· L.11' J\ng1·l1 ... \\'111d Quart<'t will fJl'l'fw 111 Will k~ by Muwrl, D1ol11. R.•1•1h11\'1°11 • and T l.)w1wr tlunng .1 1·0111•·11 bcgmrnng at 2 p.111 . Sund.iy, N ov 7, at Turtl1• H111 k • Community J.wrk 111 11 v1111· Thi' J)(•rformam·1· 1-. p:i1 t ol I It \\ 111 t.dk. I 111111 ~I ,1 111 111 11u1111 i\ I l.\'11 hull! p.l tH•I d1M 11,-.i1111 will l u ll11w Thi· p11·:-.1•11t.1t11111 will lw 111 H1111111 lo' 1111111 till' l\\1•d1l·al S4·11•11l't•K Hl11ld111g 'l'ht• \\Ill k-.l111p ll•t• II\ '-:.!.> ~"1w1.1I .1d1111'"01111ml $I ~1 IOI ... 111d1·111' Jo'ur llllll'I' 1111111111,1111111 1-.tll Ul'I 1-:,11·11,11111 .11 u:n 5 11-1 I It' -.p1•1•1 h will b1•g111 ~11 :.! p 111 .it Ll•·1·1 l11·ld C11mmu111tv l'.ll'k C1·ntt·1 ">:'> D1•1•1 \\11<..1d U N l>.1\ tt·1·h1m,illv IL'll 1 ..... t Sund.1\ 11111 •H').(.111111•rs ,,ild tin· ,., 1•111 wa-. 11111\ 1•d h.11·!.. .i w1·1·k tu ~·h1•d11l1• th• 'l'l'<lkl I 1\11111· 1nl11r111.1lHH1 111.1\ li1· ul11,11111·d h\ "1tl111g 5-l:.! ~i7 t:I l h i• l' I t \' ... I II " (' 11' I p1 olt·!>~ltlli.:d :irl~ pr11g1 ,i111 Atln11ss11in 1s $!1 1~·1 t'11Ltplt• 11r ~5 pt•r pt·rson <t11d $:1 11 11 ,t·11111rs or -.tuJt·nL-. Tht• pc1rk h ltllat1•d .et I Sunn\' h1 II !Jn n· 111 Tut t llo Hot:k. OUTES FOR WASTE • • • < ~ard lht· dt•,t•rt ;rnd Y 11111.1 ,...z. ~ Sht.• s..ud 1h1 ... would t,1k1 tlu th1pmenls th1ough 1,.,., d1•11-.1 h Epula t cd rPgwn-, JIHI ,1\ 111d a vy trafC1t· wllll·h .no\\ pl,1gu1·-. n y Orang1· Countv fn·t'\\ ,1\!> ... tJ.Kynastun s.ml th1· p.itl'lll \\ 111 ft.'t be making .111\ I 111.il d1't·i-.11 •11-. "" 111ut1· """1gnJl1t>11-. u1111l 1-1ulil11 Ii •" 1 r 1 11 g ., J r , · t' .. n 1 p I 1 • I , · ti K' 11J-.t11n " l h1· t h1t·f ol l Iii <'I 11'' Ent11ru•1111•11t Sl·n 111· ... I }I\ 1'1011 111 S.1tT<lllll'lllO Thus -.da.' ·, ht·Jrtng 111 S.1111.1 :\11,1 \\.I!> till' 'l'\'t•nth hl·ld Ml f.tt 111 ( ',olll11111w Fu rt ht r h1•Jnng-. 111.1 \ h.-lwld 111 San l>ll'g1 • .111d Hl\t•1-.11lt \OUlltll'' lJc I p l ays politics P oh111:ally 11w11l\'l'CI htgh :.t·hool students will gath<'r from al1 t1v1·r Southe rn California Sc:1turd.iv at UC lrvml· for a dav of dl•h,1t~· on cu rrcmt pohlltal l!\!>.Ul'' <1ncl .a look at statewide ral't.·~ Spo n sor ed b.' th1 S11uthern Empire R eglCln o f tht.• J unwr Statesman or Amt·ri1 c1 tht· students wtll dt•batl' ... ut h 1~Ul'~ as the nuclc•ar frN 7t• dr,d t r eg1s trat1o n , rcctpportt0nnH 111 and gun control Also. thert> will bt. ,, kt•\ no1t address by Rep Robt.>rt Badham ,.N ewport &.>al·h. and d :-.pt'('1al ~rum fot:using on both t ht Dt·m111 r;1t and H1·puhl1 l.ill µ 11 I 1 l 1 l' a I p h II 11.., 11 p h 1 t·-. ,, .., l'\'ldt•lll'l'd h\ t lw I HH:! 1·ll'<·l111n t·ampa1gn' Junior St,1lt·~11i.111 o l A111t'n1.i 1-. ·• :111-_\\'Jr old non µ111!1t 11•111 p.1rt1sJn org<11111,1t11111 ol l11~h :-.1 houl stuJl•nts 1ntt•r<•!>lt•d Ill p11ht1l -. .ind go\'l·rnmC'nl Th1·1l· ~11 Jun1ur St.:11t-l'hJpll'r.. on high Wt hool n1mpust·::. al ros::. th<> st:I ti ~.ilunfay'~ d<iy·long :.f'::.swn 11~·11 to all high ...chool stuclt·nt-. .tlld ll'dC. he· rs. ts st'l lO bc•gtn "l 9 .1 m 111 tht· Phvs1t·al &tc·nu· llall 011 till' L'C lrv~m· t•;1mpus Tht ll' \\ill bt• J ~ ... fl•gl~\rJllOll fl•t d palr,)n • • • I fl lllJUry \ I I II I •: It I I I II I 1 II \\ I" I ... I 1 ·1••11 al1l1 1111 llijill 11 ' ·.11 ... 1o11111 d 11\ 11111 111 tl11 11 p.111111u. uuh1d1· I It• I l1tl1 .1111 I ht fl' Ill 111111• d1111l,1111: tl11·1 .. ·• 1\ I l1111t111gt1111 llt·.1i 11 111.111, v. lt11 t l.11111' tlt,11 .t • l11h ' lt.11 11'11d1·1' 111111111111•.I Id •,t·l \'1' llllli ,ollt'l ht• \\ ..... 11li\ itlll''·'' 111111 ... 11 .tlt·d , tl1111k"i -.11 L.1wv1•1'"i 1111 :n Vt•ltt old J.tlllt'S Sut1111111!11111 111 .1 ."·tvil .. u11 w hwh v.1•111 Ill ll'lal this Wt•t•k II\ Orn11gt• t 'ot111t '' Sllp1·rt111 (.'111111 th.it tht· 11w1111' uf tlw 1111111"1 Jaw-. l'luh 111 l'11,l,i Ml'-..s .u h •d 1wgllg1·11tly ,111d 1 t•t'kh•-.slv wlw11 thl' dub's 11.11h11dt•1' t t;lltllllltlU,IV l>l'l'Vt•d Suth•n tlu· lllt(hl h1• wa~ lllJUl't.--<l Sutton w:ls s t ru<'k hv a 1·ar W h ii I' ,1 t It' 1)1 J-l l 1 II g t ~ , l' I ti S !'> N1 \\pm I B11ult-v.ird .1ht·r Ill' ldt tilt' 1 llth. Willi h llll\\ I' k1111w11 .1-. l>1·J·' Vu though ~1111 11w1lt'd by .1 .... , '· Im 1\l,11 11arH1•u 111 thl' l,i\\''lll\ I' tl11• d11Vt'I 11( tilt' 1;11 .tll1·g .. t1 lo h.i\'t' lw1·11 111v11lv1·d 111 t lw tm 1d1·111 S11tt•111 .1 t ·11..,t.1 Mt''" 11·-.11 le ·11 t .11 th• 111111· o l lilt• J .1nut11 v. 1!1711 .1•• 1111 nt, "llJl'lll .11>oul tw1", Yl'.il!> 111 .. 1.1,t •11 111.111·-. and n•1w h.1-. 11111 lt-g ,),111 lt'I th:ill tht· •Jth1·1 as .1 11 ·-.u I l ol I I 1" .ti'• ·1d1·11 t •ll'l'Ol'd111g t11 ha.. l.s\\ \•'I ,1nd lt·s t1111u11v 111 1111' I I l,d . H11 h.11·.t Mu1phy. Sutton';: .tll• ti lit•y '\:till h1-. l'11t•11t IS S(•l'king $1.itl,IHHI Im h1' lllJUl'V, loss ol 1111 u 11a• .ind tla111a141·s. plu:. ,1lt•>1111·\ ·, "'l"' l\.h11 pll\ 1 l:11n11·d Sutt1111 "·" "O\l'l'.'>\'I Vt d " ,ti 1111 tlttb I lr1· 111glst ul tilt' .11·1·1d1·111 Tlw ..,111l l l.tltll ... li.11 l1 11d1·1 ... I l'fll'·tll'dly -.1 1 \'1·d Sut11111 111·..,h dn11k:. 1•\'1·n lhou).(li h1-. 111111>.11 ,,111111 w,i~ 111 t\'llllh .111d .1pp.11 t'lll .. l\lu1 pll\ \\ .11\'t·d 111:-. nglst tu .in llJll lilllg ,t,1l1•t11t•lll Ill th<' tn,.1 \~:1 ·d111-.d,,, .olti·rn1111n L.iwy1•1"> 1111 .J.m' .ind Su-..in l'h1•ng -tht• d1 I\ t'I. ,t,kt•d Ill I t'Sl'I \'(' lht•ll 11ght 111 " ,l,ilt•n1t•1H. !>I.I Juror::. lwg.111 l11·.1nng t'\ 1d1•m ·t· 111 the· i ,,.,,. 1111mnlt:it1•lv Thi II 1.d 1-. ,.,,. •• , ll·d t11 l."1 1111ttl • .l1t1111 N1,, ~1 Courageous on display 'I II 1 I :! Ill I'' t' I \ •• I Ii l l 11 II I ,1 g 1· II 11 ' tl II I' 0 I l Ii t <11lllilHitl-. Ill lht l'lll:i \1nt•rl«1 -. t'up dd111:.1 111.11-. \\ill lw 011 pulil11 d1-.pl.1\ .ti tlw Nt·\\ port Shq1\ ,,, ti :!:!'.I :! ht St • f roll) 11oon t.1 I p 111 .llllll d11lg tu K1·v111 S111111111•1 I II \\', ,1 ( • ....... 1 Jll lljt'( I dll 1 I \Ill (111 lht J)1·f1•11d1•1 l 11\11.1g1•01i... S\ nd1t-.1\1· l '11111 ,1g1-11u; " pn·sum<tbh ,, tr 1.ol h111-.1· fw lh1 nt·\\ l:!-mZ·tt·1 1>1 le 11d1 1 whu h 1-. t•>.JW< tl"<i 111 .111 l\'t 111 Nr•\\ pw t Ht .. 1t h .1h11ut :-.11\ I H C o o l er Saturday • V•rl•bt• hlQh cloudln•u through today •ncl 1onlg.ht HIQN I lh• b••ChH 70 10 74 end •r ... 74 to 78 OvMnlghl ~ 52 lo 57 Som41 k>W CloUClt 9" S.t\lfd•Y dutlng 111e morn1no hourt bUI olhenw!M conllkl«•bl• hloh cloudtn e11 Cooter on S.tU<O•Y with high• OI ee to 74. Et1ewh e re. from Poi nt Conceplton 10 the Me•lce n· o rder •nd out 60 mllet Hort~! Wlnc:IA 10 IO 16 knoll wfth 4 to 6 foot -av.. out« _,.,., deer .... ng tonlQhl Wind• _, to toulhwMt 6 lo 15 •· Loc:atty light vartet>M Wind• tght •nd m o rning hours lhtCOl'l'llnG -t 10 80Ulh-t 10 10 6 knoi. during •flernoont 10Cl•y Seturd•Y Winer ....... 2 to 3 WMl«ly ...... t to 3 fMI. onelderebl• high cloudlnen turdmy wllh tome IOW clOtXlt turd•Y morning. A b •nd of ehowere e nd undef•h-• etretchtld from •••• to lltlnole •nd r•ln •i....o.-....t the Pecfflo North-I •rly t od•Y. wi th enow In taln •rMA. R•ln •••o letl In much of th• upper MIN1Mlpp4 V•tley Ctoudy ...... IO(Hd from the tral Pec:Jflc Cout 10 Monl8118 •nd Wyoming, •nd over the northern Appat•chl•n• A few t'-• ll~ed over touthern Aot1d&. SlllM -• fctlr over Ille '"' Of the United Sl•IM ~ttere<I rein •hO-re were f~ for let« today ttom the entr•I OUll Coe•t through the -Ohio Vell•y 10 the OrN t •k•• A few thund•rehowere • e.xpected ov., the cet1tret Gulf Coeet tletM Rein lileO wu Pfed~ttld lrom lie northern encl oentr .. Pec:Jflc oeet •cron th• northe rn ockl•• end tnto 1119 northern Bunny .... -· f-..t om the eouti-n ~ ... to the oentrel Ptelne •nd •lono the eu 1 ()oMI, Temperature• 8round the l'lllllOll Mt'ly today re!IQ4ld from 27 ..,._In I.Mamie, Wyo., to 77 ..,... In Key WMI, Fie I California luMf!IM, 'olNMr "" end nll)9Y ~ tflOUld meet the wttchee Met oot>llM tMl'lllntl to\lthefn Oe llfornfe u1tt thllowt•n ... end. the NetlOMI ¥11 .. tller ..,,,.. M)'9. ' .... of .. '*"'°' hengll'O Ill end~·-.,. ' • .. peeled to clear. leaving lair akles throogh Sunday The Forecast Fot 8 p m EDT Ram~ A LOI Anoelfl high In the Uppef 70. It forecut tor Saturday end Sunday with lows In the mld-501 downtown 10 the upper 40• tn 1ro11nd valleyll NOf'lhw911 wlndl lrom 15 lo 25 mph -• •>U>eCtecl In mountain '"" through Seturd•Y with mercury predicted to d ip near freezing 8'ound Big Be•r •no Owens VeJley over Ille weekend Wlndt l'l•ve 1wep1 potlut•nll out ot the Soulh Cout Air Buln en<I are e11P9Cttld to k MP the atr ctNner throvoh Sunday Wind• lrom 15 to 25 mph allo were expected by the weather S«vlce In nonhern d-1 ITMI Mountain hlQna were fo<tlCHt t0t S.turdey from 5$ 10 63 with IOWI ftom 42 to 46 Coeatal v811ey hlgh8 thoUkl ,.noe trom 10 10 75 The hlQN In northern ~ mey range trom 62 10 72 with Iowa trom 36 to 48 Southem d-1 h~ -· l0tecut lrom H to 80 wtth IOWI trom 45 to 55 T e 1npera tu rt>s NATION Alb8ny Albuquerque Anch1XaQe Asheville At1an11 Allenlic Ctty Austin Balttmore e111rno• BormlnOh•m Boise Bosto<'i Brown1vt1i., Bull•lo Burll~ton CHpe< Ch81 .. ttoo S C Chltlettoo w v Cl•arlotte N C Cheyenne Cl'lieeQO Clnc>nn•I• Cleveland Cotumb1a SC Cotumbue Oaltu·Ft Worth HI Lo 65 29 58 32 14 9 68 29 89 45 62 39 85 70 67 35 52 36 n u 55 33 69 33 90 73 66 38 63 3 45 26 68 50 73 34 71 4 45 31 70 S• 73 45 72 4.4 72 33 72 37 711 111 eo Denver OM MoH'91 OetroH Oululh El Peso Fairoanks Fergo FlllQSIBfl l>real Fall• Hartlord Helena Honolulu Houtton lndoanapolls Jackson. Miu Jacksonvilll! Juneau Kan1C11 Clly Knoavllle Las VeQH L1111e Roe~ LOu•svllte Lubbock Memph" Mtam• Mltwauk4"' Mplt·S• Paul Nashv111e N-Orleen• N-Yo<k Nortolk Noflh Plalte Omati• Ortendo Phllodelphta P110en1• P1t1SburQl'I Sv 3J '59 50 72 46 5• 4S 67 •6 15 ·03 49 •O 46 22 •8 33 63 ')1 48 30 80 67 79 68 73 41 79 311 75 49 34 24 59 47 68 3• 65 •2 75 53 73 40 64 4;> 75 48 76 75 68 49 53 so 75 41 79 53 67 "' 63 •2 53 3• 58 47 82 60 66 •O 78 50 1n 'VI ........ i?ei ..... ~ ...... ~R_f Rl_P_DR_T Location Huntington Piaf S•nte An• Alvtr Jelly 401h SI N9Wl)Orl 22nd SI N4"#l)Olt 8111b0e Wedge Aoellplle, Leoun• SIMPY Hottow Thatle-8'00k• TodeJ'• AV9./M ... 1-2 " ,.3 ti 1-3 11 1·2 It H!lt t·lt 1 II , fl , 2,., , Sen Clem4W1te Pt« Treta1Q61 (T4trMI) 1 2 II tell 85 TOft'iOftOW H;oh Tld• 7 30 • m l.ow Tide 1 •9 pm Swett 011ect1on Well • Portland Me 67 29 Portland Or,. so u Providence 65 33 R81elOh 70 38 Rapid City 53 42 Reno 55 25 Richmond 70 39 SBll Like •9 31 Sea ti le 49 47 Shreveport 78 59 Slou~ F&lls 53 43 St l OUIS 73 58 St Pet11 TomPB 63 59 St Ste MAiie 62 45 SpokaM 48 37 TopAkO 67 51 h1cson 74 39 Tulsa 68 59 CALIFORNIA HI lo Apple V&lley 66 32 Be~e••llf!ld 66 75 Be1stow 72 43 Betumont 69 53 BIO Be&r 511 23 BtthOP 511 27 Blythe 76 52 Eur el<• 6• 45 F1uno 67 44 Lnile Arrowhead 47 32 l•ncuter 65 33 Lono Beech 6 I 51 lOI AnQC!IM 11 58 Monrovtt 81 u Mon1e1>et10 79 55 Monterey 67 •6 Mt W111on 61 •• Ne8<11e' 7'J !>3 Newp()rl BHCh 7• so 011kl1nd 86 48 Ontario 16 43 Palm $prt119s 79 51 P1Hden1 76 48 Tides TODAY Second tow 2.16 pm, 10 Second high 8.07 p.m 4,9 IATUM>AY FIH I tow 2• 12 a.m. 0.8 l'lf•t hlOh '·'° "·"' 6.6 9'Gonci tow ~:41 pm. 0.6 Second hlQtl I 41 pm. 4.t Sun H it tod•Y at 0·03 p m , rl ... Sllturd1y at 7 I t • m Moon It-IOO•Y II 4•61 pm . Ml• .. tuntav at 4:01 • m Oallr Piiot Pnotoe by Gery Ambroee S····ond of lruin· ... hHI t·n~i ru· ... \\LI ~ ('t'Olru l point or t h•· n ..... TRAIN FIRE TERMED SA BOT AGE • • • From Page A 1 lllitl1•lll•ollll 111, loll \\.t"> IJll lilt I 111111\1 cl IHll tl11 \.\ 1111111\\ .111d ...:iv. bl.11 h. 11111h.1 1111111 lilt loUI lilllg d11 .1 I 11tl "'l'lt.11 'lllHlk Ill• lip .• l11tl1 l>Ul I Jll'I l\ltllfJ<'d 11\t'I 1111 ll.11111'' . 1111 li11-.1111 ·1oo-.111,111 ,,11tl "II ~\ .-, p11·t1 v 111.\011111 t11 1111 th1 t'll~llw1·1 \.\,ll>l1·d 111 ge·\ tl1.1I lt'dlli -.111pp1 d ,' ht -..Jld I 11· -..1111 .i l1t111ll11 t111 111 g1·d 1lw 1"1'··•·11~1_1 r •, 111 "( ;., :i-. l.11 ..... \11(1 t .111. ·111 \\:1nl1·d 111 i.11111. l111t II·· d1d11 l WiJlll t11 11,J\'I Ill ,,....i lht• p.1...-.l•l)g.·1-. 1111 lli• ftt11\I (I( tht 1·.11-.' 111 l.1ugllt d "111 t11ld lh llll' llwl 1111gltl 1•xplud1• .J:wk lldllit1\ht l!-o .. 11.1111 111111 lllllli r111l L.1ud1·1 ti.ill• Fl.1 111 · \\.1 .. \'.11.otl•llllllg tll l '.tl1l1lllll.t .111tl \\ ..... 1.do11g t\11111.ik .1110 111 S.111 I >wg11 'l'l1111 -.t1.,, 111gh1 "W 1 \\\'ll' 1110\'lllg •. dung Jiii II) 1.1('1dly .111d tl11·11 th1 l1gltt-. \\1·111 11111 · th• rno1rk1·t111g ll1llhtlll'' -..11d Ill'. It 11•1\\ l'·'''t 11g1·1:-. 111 tlw l.i,1 1.11 \\•I• 1,ol111 1111 Iii• 1111i-.l Ji.111 1•x1·1·pt 11n1· \\<111J.111"1111 111,..111 d tit• (111111 t11.111 11! 1h1· c;11 "l'lwl w .. ,. -.IUJ.llll, la ,,aJ 'Smukc.: µu1,11 c<l 1111" tl11 1:1t 11111111).(lt 1111 d111t1 .011d \\1· 111uld11t •)ti ... • 1t .,g,uu · llio1n.1g1·1 -..11d \\'fil II I l1tllt11lhl le ol Jll d 11 11111 tl1t I di IJ1 :ktld lu l;111k1 d h1 •htncl 111111 .111d -..1\\ \\ h.1l luuk,.J ltkP ,, 1111 11 l11t1J.' -.11111It111 1111 1111 tl11 l1,1tk' It ... Jll t .1111.1/llll! till It \\, .... II t .111 1 'Jili• 1 11\ In -..1111, ,lt,1k111g 111-. h t ,,cl \11111 1k "' 111 ·• ''" 1111.! l 1.1111 I 111111 Lo-. 1\11gd1 1IM.ill II 111111\J\t .1111 I the 111 1', \\hHh JIU'"' d tit• 1.1 ... k 1 Ill d Ii.""" 111\ ,., .1lirl I llllllliUll•I 1.11-. tu ,1 Ii• .1tl1\ "dlllj . .' , .......... 11g1 ·1,., l1o1j.•g,1j.1• .111d '" .... .,11 • .t 1·ffl't " \\I 11 111111 llolli'l1•111·d 111 ,\111l1.1k 1H:! \\lltdl ·•111\ t•d Ill !->o111 I )It j. t> .tl ,.l11111t 11 "Ill •• -.pokv-.111.011 ,,11.t .\11111.ik 1111 111,d-. ..... 1d tl11' "" lilll k1111\\ h11\\ 111111 Ii d .1111.•1:1 '.\ .1 d11111 '" ''" ,.,, llllllOtl\ ,., \\ltHh .tit \,ol ltt ·ol .ol 1111•1' tlt.111 ~I 1111il11m t,ith lt1\'l 'llj.!.tlt1I -..11d tla• 1 11g1111 •I 'JJ<1tl1 •tl ,1 ki·g 11t 1111 t.ol 'I'd"· "" th• ""' k 11111 "''' 11n • .t1I• 1 .. ''"I' 111 111111· I•• "'"'ti 11111111~ 1111 ol• loi 1' •\',111.J,tJ, ,q1jl.tl e l\lf\ 111.1 • I .J \lit 'Jllkt .. ,t11111g \\ 1\lt '111111 lit pl.111·-. .ind j.!.1U;..(1 pl.1tl'-. !1 0111 ,t 1 t'I t Ill I I J"lll Jlll1 IJll 1111 II oil 1-, .. ,\nat1,1k ' r-.11 I .1·1 ,ti .. 1111 ~ i('h olu~ 'anic·k "uit:-. "ith lu141-{aµ•· for a!'> ... i!'>tarwt'. II• .. 11.J 1,,. .d ~.11it·• I 1 l<.11ll'1.11 l 111\1•-.t1g.t1111-. .111d ..\1\i\l.th o•lllll·"" \\Iii I" 111\l'llJ.(otltllj.( tht --·•'l••' ·~· \ ./ Polo"Store CHANGE OF NAME and CHANGE of POLICY We're still the largest selection of Polo~-Ralph Lauren But, we've extended our lines of merchandise to include all the best tables in the world and changed our name lo reflect this broadened viewpoint G IANNI ACCARDI • GIORGIO ARMA NI • JHANYNE BAR NES • PETER BARTON • PER RY ELLI S • RALPH LAUR EN • ENRIC A MA SEI MISSONI • RO BERT PHILLIPS • NICOLA TRU SAR DI 3333 SO. BRISTOL. SAKS WING 641-0353 All MAJOR CRfDIT CARDS ARE WELCOME " I l 'll Uru11uo Cot11a1 l>All Y I'll<> 11111duy Ut 11111111 ;11 11~~ Joyota llne combines *echnologlcal wizardry VJlth aesthetic pluses l 111111v.1111111 1-. 1111111· J h 11 11 ' k I II tf 1 • 1 · Jl 11 fl «rovo111'i.. 1•>.•'llllll( ll11c ul Ci"'r" .11111 tr lll'k' f11r I !)111 \),111 l1•111u11· ,, 1111:0.I o l l ,. I ' h II ll I 11 ~ I I' II I I 111 :b1"11\'l 'llll'lll!'o II ,Ufllllg f.h ll ulh 111·111•1 p I:! I' I II I Ill o1 ll (' l' II II d ·~~f)ttll I\' :Thi· 1·11 111pll'l1•lv XUl'"1g111•d I I orll W 111•1•1 Jlrlv1· T1•r1·1·l l11w 1111 lud1·' ft \vhul<' 1ww fam1lv 111 ikrud y n L1m11 laftl)ac k ftlflth•ls """'''II .1:-. .1 uq1qu1· ·IWD (four v. lll'l'I r,i.r I\' t'} W 11 g 1111 I h ,1 l ml>tnc' µ.i,:w11g1•r 1·,1r L'()mf11rt with 1h1• 1•xtr..i ~ u I I 1 n ~ p 11 '' 1· 1 1> f Wt'l'l I\ 1· fuu1 wh1•1·I th· 1 v 1· A r 1· I 1 n 1• d pQWl'rtru111 .ind l'hass1s etn:nµl1·11wnt tlw T1•rn·I':-. ne.w look .111d "' \l\'ldt· itr¢rm ·1•d h,1ndltng 1111 .oil ~lt·ls ·: rrl',.,,.,ldil, .ilf'l•.1dv ~l.11nwd fur rts l'll'g.11i1 t:H:·s1gn .111d luxun11u~ i) ~ p II 11\l llll' ll l :0., Cl d d S ~·f11rm;u11·1• tu 11s 1111o1g1• f.o r I ~l 8 :i ,,. 1 l h t h 1· ~Qcl1t1on of tht· h1~hly J.O~ll'U :.!.t!-ht1·r, IWlll t'.tnl 1•lll(ll1t• +11111 1111h·tH•111h·11I I I ' ,1 I 'o \I l\ p I' II ' I II II fH l \' 111 II:-. I \ ,1 \' ,11 l ,1 I 1 Ii- '"'' lu,1\1•lv 011 lh1· Supra lllfl.H 11\ Id IJ' I 1111111 .11111· .d1;11 I ' I lt1· k t •\' 111 tl1l' ,.,11o111d1 d t'1 I I• ,1 11111· 1111 'll'\ •'' .oil (:I' 11111dl'I .. g1 I 1•111 llllflll I 111 ·1 I llJl'l'l 11111 .1 11d .1 d1g1t.1I 111w111111111p1111•1 tlt.11 111""'" ""' "' IH l\.\t I 11\ 111 .. 1rh I ti 111·11 t·11t ,,11111· 111111111\111..: 1u .. 1 1 •11111t111 I\ And t.11 1 lw llltllll,1l1• Ill ('1·111.1 'l'\lrtllll'~ tl11·11· .111· l\\11 Ill'\\ (;TS n1wl1 b lh:1t llH 01 p II r ,1 l l' 11\. I fl y o I Supr.1'., <"Om(ort and h.111dhng f1°<JIUI , ... Ill tlw l'i·lt1<1 p1111• 1.111g1· 1'111 thu-.. \~ h11 \\ rll il n t·µt nn .. ub ... 11tul1 tlt1·11··., lht• pt 1l111111;1m1 k.1d111g Su pr•'· l\l11t111 Trt•ml M.1g.11111,:, "l !IH:! ln1p111 t l'ar lll th .. Y1·.11 Tlw Supr.1 """ 111.ilttr l'd I 11 I !l H :l \\ I I h I It l' dl·\· .. t11p1111·111 111 '('.,, 11ta " all Ill'\\ 1•lt•1lf11fllt'ooll\ 1lltllr11ll1•d -I :,.p1·1·;1 d\lltllllilllt' l)\'l'I dr l\'I' ll':ll\!'oll\ISSllJll l~:lvJ:~ lh.11 ol ft•r:,. drrvt•r" ,, l'ht11t·1· ol 11o11111.1~ Ill I"' I II I 111 'I 111 t d I I \ I II I' 111111lt•' ,111.I tlw .1dd1111111 111 •• .11~·11.il 11111'1 " I olll'11lll1 I lf1,tl .11(1h lt\'I f11t1" )111\\l'I 111 1'11 I \\ Ill o .0111 ' lllllJllll l~olh 1111· S 11p1.1 ,111tl Su111 ,1 I. ''I" .d:-u 1111\llll\I•· 111 11111 ·1 1111' ,..111 k .. 111fl1111: ,) ' " I I' d Ill .1 II ll ,1 I 11\l'ltlil\'\ g1 ".ll lM I\ "' II I ' I I ' I II II II Ill \ 1'11111111111'" 111 IH· .1 '1'11y1Jt.1 1r.1d1111111 111 l!lll:< .1:.1•v1•1 \ 11111111 I 111 1111' ltllt'llp 1".1111, tlw -...onw 111 l1 .. 1t1 ·1 ~:!'A 1·,.,t1111.1l1•d < 11 V 1111lt •,1g1 r.itrng -. 11111q1.111·tl lo I !lH '.! 'I' h t S t :\ r I r• I '1'11\ 111.1 , I u1·I 1·1111111111\ Ii .1111 I llll 11 .... 1·d '"' El'J\ 111 \ 1'!1111.111 ' II\ 11111 11 lh.111 IO Jlt rtt 111 "1th tltt lwl11111.11111111!l11111plll11 1h.1t JJll'th1·h 1111111 • .i ,., lu1·I fi n \\ .111.I lht • .nld1l11111 ol 1·11•1 11111111 I Ut·l lltJl'l'llOll 111 l h1 11H1tlt·I , I :1 ltll•r 1•11g11u· Tlw St.11 h·l ,1lso f(•;1tun ,, •• 11·-.t' lt·d a1·rudv11.1mw I 111111 . 1•1111 .ind ·,, 111'\\' ".1µ1111 l1kl' I l'olf' h.111'11 \\1th .1 li1\\'1:1 "lilt ll\'('f"' ht·1ghl CELICA SUPRA -The CeliC'a Supra's <Kdainwd twtn tarn 'l. H-lill'I' engine has undt'rgom· Sl'VNal ('hangt•s for 19H:i. ineludmg till' add1111m of a mi<,:rcx:ompuwr lo tht• (•le('lrtir11e ful•I 111J<'l'llon :-;vstl'111 that 1>110,ts horst.•pow(•r raungs !· . -------------~~--------I "' UOLD NE W BIRO Thl' I 98:3 J<'ont Thundl•rl11rd puss1·s-.t·:--an a<·rodyna1111l· d~s1gn ft'alunng <om 1 .. dvd dnp mold111gs. -..l11p111g h1xxl. l<.lpt•n•d l<-nd('t:-;111d qu;1111·1 11:11wls "'""pl\ I ;1k1 d \\ 111Js l11t•ld .11111 l1,1t klilt 111111111 111·11 p II king l:1111p ... 111d .111 111tq~r.1t1dd11 klld "l">tl•·r $3 billion invest ment 1n auto line • Ford views 1983 as turning point '1'l1t• i.tl'j.~l'"l lll'W l'<I[ ,111d lllH'k IL!lllll'h <·VC•f' I 1 11 111 F111 d Motor <.'11111p.11t\ "tll 111akt• 188:~ ,I 111.ljlll •1111 lllllg )>411111 in !ht 11111qJ.111~ ·,., lW \'1·.1r 111 ... 1111~ •• 1n111d111g 111 I I ,1 I II I d ,\ I'" I I 11 i..: • 1•\1 ·1 Ull\'1· \'11 t· p11·'o11h Ill II I N 11 I t It ,\ 1111' I II ·' II 1\ut1111111\1\'1· Opt L•t1t111.., Spc .1k1ng al .1 nc'\.\ pni<lu1·t pr1•\'1t•w lwld rn Dl'l1 •11l n ·1·1·ntly. Pnhng -...11d "I !Jtt:~ .. tiuuld r;111k 111 1mportann· wrth lht· lllllt>dlllllllll!> o l lht• Modl·I T ( 19111:1). t\111•.frl A (I !n7 I ~inti 194~ Ford " E.1d1 ol llw µnor turning Jl<lll\h W:I!> rulJ11Wl0d by 1111p•ll l.111l g,1111 !' Ill 111 ,1 f k l' t !'> h ,1 I l' d II U pr11[1t.olnlttv. h1 · :,.;1111 ;111d l!IH:I I" <·Xpt•t'lt•d l o f11ll11w th1· .,;11111· p.1lll•r11 1'11l111g 1·>.µt'l'h I !11\:1 tu 'l't' Funl ('1•11\l'nl 111cJu'>lf'\ li·:1d1•1 '>h1µ 111 fl\'I' ,1fl•[I). p111dUt'h , qu;rlat~·. .1 I' I II d ' II .1 rn I I ... I It 1t1111111 ... o111d l.111111 . Ill ;1 II a g (' 111 t' II t I It 111x·rat11111 T11 1·11q11t ..... 111· tl11 1:1111·1 ''"'"' 111 .. tr.111 d tlw p111l1u 111 \\1th I' A\\' \' 11 I ' JI I 1 •' I d I 11 l I I 11 II Epldrn .111d t\\11 l•11 1d l111lll I\ I lllfllll\'('I'" .. '" d I (\I! ' I I " I pr .. d ut t )1 .1111 1 ... 1111• " ... , .. ·" 1i .... 1. d ,,, 1 111 111111p.111'1.' ... 1 h1ll11111 Ill\ I '11111111 Ill f\I '\\ 1,ll, .011d ll Ut h.' 1111 l 11H.I t• .. 1111g 111 1 d 1 li 1" l11 glilrg hh 111 1110 111111d rw\\ 11 111d1 ·I 11111 .. d w 11"11 Tln 111d1 1 li11 d .111d l'11u g.11 Ii.I\• dr .1111.11 11 11 • \\ .1 1• I 11 d \ 11 ,1 Ill I I do ... rgr" 11 •• 11 F111 d, 'I•• 1 i.. l " , • ' I •• I 1 I I ' It I I 1 I 111du,11 ' ... "l1111k" 1111 th•· ""111111µ d11.1d1 Thi 111·\\' 11111di·I ... .II I' ll 11111111 I .111d 1111ir1· fu1I'11111• 111 11-'.!'1\ 1.ol111g ... "' '..!I 111pi! I II \ .111d :!!J 111pg lt1gli\\ .1 \) \\ I t lo l h I ' I ,1 II ti " I d :1 8 lrtl'r \'ti l'ng11w .ond .1ut111n.1t11 T iu 11cl1 '' ""''"i.''11111 .111d lt.111d l 111g ·" '' l '\I ··111 11111.ol d 111· l.11 ).'1 Iv l'I 111 t111).!1·11 ~'."" J•I•' 111 11•.t lr11t """ l1to1 k .o 11 "' ~11 I °' ,\ 1111lt111 h .11 r•1d Th u n I 11' I lo II d \\I II I 11 .. \ .11 ! """ ·" 1111cl \l',11 ;\l 111 p11 •• 11.I I.Tl> I I • 111 \\ Ill Id .., I/ I I I\ I I'·' .• 11g 1 I ....... 1 li,11 . 111 1 H111p.1 11 11111' 111 tlro 11 11111 l/t ll11f\l ,,1k 1 , .111.J ... It • • I I \\ I 1 Ii I h I 111 I I d I II 11 ol II I I ,, 11 d I I " I ll I t ' I Ir ,, I I I t 11 111o11 k.1lih "11111.11 EPA t Ill I ' I 111111111 \ I .11111g ..... ( ..'h l!IJW I ll\ ,111.J 1(1 mµg l11g lo \\oi\ II l l1 ·1 t 111g th1 ' I I I I I I' II ( \ " I 1 Ii I ... 1.,• 111,11 ti ..' < lr 11 r l11u1 I\ l111 ol• I 1 •1 1 ~(lllO .111d 11 1.1 11 11.ol lr.111 ... 1111 ..... 11111 '''"' I h1 t 11111 .a t I •••I\ 11.111111 ,fi .1p1 ·•I tl1• 1,11 .., 1\111-.1.111).! .111.! l ".1p11 \\ I 1 Ji I Ii 1 I 1 t ' l .1 (I 11 I.ol 111 11 0111 111 11 ).! \ I .j 111111 111 "" 111 l I" JI I .Of ... 111 I 'Ill..! .111 ' \I'll q \111 k1 ., 111 l!U;.\ ,,... ,, 11111 1 11.1111 I '. • I ,11111 111 I h t >(I l1l1 I l1t1!lr •1Uljilll t ll~!lttl' l+lti.. .i 1 1\t 'i''"" I I ,~ r l "•If• I..,_, I I I I l J..' It I' l 1 f I jJ I " d 11 I I I " II ;\ c·11 11 \'1 rT11ll1 nind1•I t:1-.1 'l 'I II Ill f'I';':~ /I llll 1°' 111 t h < '.\J11 ... 1.111g ,11111 '"' C .q i11 ll ll l\'I'' ..... w1 11 11\ 11.111111 . l111bl1l1 11.11 k •••• , \\1tllh1\\ 1'.-,(1111 ,\1111 111 •• lu '' '' lll llj._ I ,If ,o fld I. ' 11 \ I 1 1 • I \ • rl • 11 11111·1111 11 1-.111.t .odd fl' I l111111,11U I 11111tf1 ,, I h.11 ,II h 1t \I ,1 I o 111,ll h,,olol 1 f1,tl,lllll 111 l\\10 II )'11\\11 .111d l1.o1 11ll111g 1'11\\1, 1111 111• r:,«111 t ( ;·1 .1111 1 ( '.1111 I . !{:-; ,,.,..,., 1111111 ,, 111ult1 I'"'' I 11 ' l 1111111 I 111 I 1111'" to d (J.:1''11 \11',11111 111 1I11 I " It II I ' llJ.!1111 • If 11 I I I\ I ,,,. 'I ti l I .tll'll 11''11111 .. II ti It .. II ol I I I\ g I ' ptt•\ 1ol1 ·d 11\ l11U1 Wlll'o ·I 111d1 , ... 11.i. 111 'l "Jll 'll'lllll 1.11 k .111d )Jllllllll 'll'( 1111g .111d TH pt I 1111111.11111 .., ll' Jl t II .., I IJ fl \\ I l Ii !\l 11 h1lt 11 THX '>lttl l>t 111 d 1.1d1.ol 1111'" 'I lot I· S o I II ' !Jll k II f 1 I I 111 k i 111 I g io l fl ' , , , , .. 1 11"Jl''' tant .odoltJIHll 1111 IUdlflj.! .Oii r HHI Fu•·I s,..., .. , 1111,u._.1 \\ 1 t lo I 11 • I 1 l11 11 11 111 \ l .o lllll-.: td ..'.\ lllfJg Ill\ .111d .I I 11 11>g hrghw,I\ I lo I It .• II g I I '"I")""' 1 1 u1 k "'•'' 11111 ud u1 • d 11 1 I It• 'ojJl lllg , ,, 1•1H.~ 11111d1 I <1nd 111111 Id' I'·'"' d T11~111., I ). ol ... ll II .. 11 d !\ l.J z d •• 111 11 d 1 I , l h a t h ,, d d 11111111 • .t1 d th•· 111 .11 kl·l 111 1 111.111\ \t <•f" n1·w 1<,111g 1 r IX I .ind:!'.! lrll'f d 11 " I c n.l!llll modi 1 .. .Jrt' o1d1hd 1•11 1111 l.111 .... ll1ng ..... ··"'''' T h• r 111 ti ·1 t·111pu .01 111 !\It 11 u 1' T11p.r1 art.' I I " II l \\ I 11 I I d I I \' (. 111111)1.01 I I di " th,11 Jlllll tho lllH'U)J IH'Xl 'ojJf 111g T 11 " \ \\ I I I h ,) ,. (' ,11 111d\11.1111 11 ''' l111g anJ t'.tll "I'' olfl ,, dllll I'' 111 !'('\ I Ito 111 .q 1.11 I I 111111 I h" 1111\\ 11111 h. of •11lllj 1• l 1t11f', • APR OFINANCING ON ALL NEW TRUCKS - WE ARE MAKING GREAT DEALS ON ALL MODELS! WE MUST MAKE ROOM ••• THE '83s ARE ON THEIR WAY· • PULLSARS • SENTRAS • STANZAS • MAXIMAS USED CAR AND TRUCK SPEC~ALS!!! •11 01m1Ln '11 CME¥ROLET '18 YOLISWHEI '11 llllE 1h TOI PIOIUP IOITE OHLO WESTFllll CAMPEil 011111 Auto • pwr s1eer1ng . This cor rs loaded end Thts bus has 0 11 Auto trens . air cond radio, camper shell E111ra Cleanr (428936) condlllon1ng t 1EHE868) nnd slereo I 173WKVl (2805517) s4999 $6995 MUST s3795 Siii ------------..-~ -- DRAICI CIAIT COST~ MIU 1011101 FRIDAY.OC TOBER 2'.l. 1982 ORANGE COUNTY . CALIFORNIA 25 CENTS Mission Viejo train fire saiil sabotage 'By STl'~VE MITCHELL Or th• Oellr Pilot Stall . /\tllll'ak •1111\'l.d>. Ill w .... hmg11111 -..11LI "' frn· 1h;1t c·rt1plt'<I 1111 .1 \1111lhl1<11111d 11 :1111 111 M1i.iuo11 V11•JO 'i'lllll'sd:t,Y 111ghl w.1s spat kul by v:omfab wlto pl.wt•d ,, kc•g 11( 1.111 -.prkt·s .111cl 11tht·1· dPbrt'> 1111 tilt· ti ... k The· 1'1111111111le·1 11 :1111, 1\11111 ;ik 5!l0 , w;1s e·:1rry111g 175 pa..,s.·11g1•1 s wlit•11 I la111•''> t•rupll•J Ill tht· tw11 lcK«1111ullvt•'> :ir\d s11111k<' '>1'f'\"1d t•1 th•· ftV•· 1•11111111utc·r l'<lfs PiJsst·11ge·1s lc·:qll'd Llirouglr I l:11111•s un tht· lf'.tl'ks tc1 1•stap1· tlw burning 11 a111 Or<ingt• Cou11ty f"tn· ll<•p<fft11ll'lll eiff1l'1als S<11d thc·n : were l>l'V('ll lnJUl'll'!> Fin· s puk1·::.1n;,11 ( 'h11l'k Murphy s<11d tht• lnJurc·d. 11111sl of w ho111 suffe·rc·d frum smokt' 1nh;1l<illC111. Wt'rt· 1:.i k1 •11 to M1s::.1on Community Huspll~ol 111 M1s..,11111 Vw;o fo llowing the fj µ,m lilaze· I It· :-.:11d ;i pr··~11:111t woman w<.i:-. trci.lll'd al the• s1·1·1H'. Js wa:-. .i 1 c•1·t•1H 1·uronary bypasi. pulwnt wh11 l·ul1:1ps1·t..l A111tr:1k spok1·s11w11 John Ml'L1,<JC.I said the l1x:rnn11t1ve· s lrul·k t..lt•hns rn1 the• srngll· rnatn trac:k about thn•l• quartl'rs of ;., mtlt· north of thl· ~) P<i rkway llVt'rp:1ss 111· s<.11d fu1·I tanks <111 b<Jth locon1ut1vcs ruplurt'fl and dwst·I fue•I spallt·d onto lhl· lrac:ks, 1gn1l1ng th<' woodc·n cross tll·s "Th!' cross llC's C'aught fm· und 1gntt...d th two l1x·11mot1vl's." M<·Lc'<..d sutd Thi' <'ng1m·«11> brought th1 · tram lo a stop ynul'r (ho Parkw<1y, and conductors urged pass1·11g1•rs lo lc•avt• tht• tram calmly Ntl'htilas Y;1n1ck . a Lc1s Angt·l<>s busmcssman who commutt·s c..laaly from his huml' 111 Escondido, said ht· was i.ISk·t•p in lht• middle· ci.lr when ht• snll'llt·d srnokl· "! looked up and SiJW the· c·ar was f11lt.-d wllh black .;mokc.," ht· s<.11d "Tht·n Lhl' lights went out." Ht· said tht· l'ondu('tor urgt•d th1• paSS('ngers to "t<Jkl' your tmw. lc·<1vc· thl' car slowly," adding tht·r" was Ii ttll.' p<1n1e iJmong th<:: c1;mmuters 1n his ear Dell)' Piiot Pt>oto bf Che"" l lat• "I prckc·ci up my bnt'fcas..· and walked to the door." ht• s.11<..l Firemen cool the s moking engine of Amtrak in Mission Viejo Thursday night Ex-NB officials pummel Hummel By STEVE MARBLE Of the O•lfy Piiot I t.,, In the final days of a ht•akd e I e c t i o n co n t e s t . a f o rm t• r Newport Beach police chief and a former city attorney have lashed out al incumbent Councilman Paul Hummel. calling him an "embarrassment" to the city. Hummel , seeking a second term o n t h e scve n -membl'r l'Ouncil. said he is not surpnsc·d by th<' broadsides and predicted he will be the target of "mort last-minute smears." F ormer police c hief James Glavas. a resident of Solvang. and former city attorney Dennis O'Neil voiced their dis.<>allsfaction with Hummel in a political ad paid for b y the Exec utive Council. a bus iness group. They s aid a s f o rme r t•1 t y empl o-yel'S they witnessed Humme l's "bellige rent and abras ive treatment" of residents and clly worke rs. "Hts 'hip-shootmg' on cnllcal issues was. and continues to bf:>. an embarrassment to us all.'' the former nty department heads wrote . They said 1t 1s "imperative" that Hummel be de feated. Hum mel . wh o rs bt·1ng challenged by Corona del M ar resident Bill Agee. called thl' criticisms "slanted and snide" but Forme r c hie f ., c ity a ttorney call counc iln1a n -e mbarrassme nt to c ity' admrttt'd as ..i t•vunctlman he is somet1ml·s d l'mand1ng of n ty 1•mploy('('S "! ma v have• left soml' of th1•n1 (Pmploy~'S) uneasy lx'<.·auS<' tht•y have aspired to .)Obs beyond their crb1ltlles and c:an undersl<lnd thc>v might be squeamish - "! have registered t•omplatn'-'> aoout employN•S who takt• two- hour lunches. or take frel' mt·als i1r .Jl'l'l'pl free· foo tball llckE.•ts. Tht·y probably fl'Sl'nt that .. llummt·I would n\lt Ix· SJX.'C1f1c• on his ch<ir·g<'S ( i I a v a s. 1nt1· r v 1 cw<' d b v ll•h•phont" S<t1d Hummt·I has a "nutorrou!<>" n·putat1on at thl• pohe(;' statwn "Hts c·omnwnts to our girls and guys on thl' complaint d esk wt·re County jobless toll takes slight decline Orange County's reco rd number of unemployC'd workt•rs t•stabltsh ed tn August declined slightly 111 Se ptember. from 91l. 600 to 9.J ,000, as the l'OUnt) 's .JOblC'SS rate dropped Crom 7.9 to i .2 percent during the month, the stall.''s Employment Development Dt·1>artment said Th e number o f p<'rs ons t' I a 1 m 1 n g u n e m p I o y m c n t insuranl'l' be nC'f1ts d roppl'd f11r th<· f1r:-.t llmt• 111 14 months also. atnird1ng lo f1gurl's rdc·a s<'d Thursday The withdrawal of summer )Ob SL·t•kt•rs from tht' labor fort'l' wrth lht• s ta rt 11f Sl'hool acc-ountC'd for m u l' h o f th c· d C' c r C' a s e . t he dl'pa rtme nt s urd Th(' to tal numbl'r of JObs 111 the county rn S C'J.1lt•mb1·r was 858,HOO, down I :l.HOO from a yt•::t r ago rude'. 1ncons1dPn1tt·. unrc•asonublt- <ind o ftl'n unfoundl'd." Glavas st11d G lavas. who rl'lan·d when Hummel was a city planning c:omm1ssiom•r and before he was elected to thl' l'o unt·tl. s aid H ummel o ftt•n called dally tu re port tra f ftl' viola lions. "He was tNnbly unreasonabh· and tht' m a tters Wt'rt' us uallv Vt·ry minor in n a ture." Glav;\i. ~Id Hummel said ht-does not know (;Javas "And I don't th111k ht· knows mt· Wl'll e nough to bl• sa ying these' things I don't St'<' whl'rC' h<' f'l'L'i off get ting 111volved 1n this o•h ,·tton_ He doesn't th111k 1•nnugh nf NC'wport to e ven lave• he•n • .. Hummt•I s atd hL' dol·s know O'Nc·tl and ha:. long c:ons1derl'd him a fnC"nd "Ht>s usually a n:al gt·ntleman I'm s urprrsl'd h e said this somc'Onf' must have reall v durn· somt• arm 1w1st1ng on h11n " O'Neil. who pra('\IC'es Jaw and ltvt's in N1·wport lk~c·h . n1uld not b~: n •achr,d for t'Ommt•nt Hummel has also eome undN attcrck Crom thC' Koll Co. ;J largt· Nt>wpo r t -basC'd dl•Vl•lo pmt'nt farm that took u ut full ·pa gl' nt·wspaper ac.h. this Wt'r·k urg111g v o 1 t• r s n o t r 1• -l' It·" t h 1 m ('uuncilman County committee to aid Olympics By HOWARD L. HANDY Of the Dell)' Piiot SI.ti A group of interested Orange Countv citi zens, headed by AirCal's retiring president Robert Clifford. has formed a U.S. Olympie Committee of Orange Cou nt y t o aid thP American Olympic movement 111 the future. C lifford was recently named Orange County chairman a nd immediately set about picking men and wome n to work with him m the fund-raising program. Denms Landesm a n . retired at <•gC' ~8 aflN a sUC\.'C'ssful can •er m audiolo g y and in ownin g 11 corporatio ns, is the g r oup's fund-raising c·hairman and will s t•rvc as co -c hairman o f th<' c·ommittel' with Clifford Others who were given a first-hand look at the Colorado Springs Olympic Training CC'nter this week i n cluded Sadie Mc M1chae l, Dale Dykema and David Baker of lrvtnc· and Ma rk Peterson. "The trip was l'Xci tmg and 1t gave us an 111sigh1 into what tht• ----INDEX---- See Auto '83, Section C for ne w car showcase A7 84-5 82 Movies Mutual f'unds National News Public Notices Weekender 84 A3 At Your Servk't' Bus mess Cavalcad e ClassifiC'd Comics Crossword Death Nollt•es Editorial Entertainment Horoecope E4-8 B6 B6 07 A6 Bl-4,88.D7-8,E2-3 Ann Landers ) Weekender BZ 82 Sport.<1 Stock Mark<'ts Television Theaters Weather D l-6 B5 TV Log Wt-ekendcr A 2 DR EAMS COMING TRUE I See Sports. Pa~e DI) program rs all about." Cliffon1 says · .. we organiwd our t•ommille<' :1 ' ~ months ago and have S<'t a goal of $350.000 for the next year Th<' stall• of California only raised ~320,000 owr a four.year pN1od and we wunt to lx'at that f1gurf' in a shortf'r fX'riod of time. "Wf' will stage special events to ra1iw the' mon<'Y and the first will be a dinner at 'tht' grand opening of lht' Copa de Oro restaurant in Costa Mt•sa Nov 17 Former Olympian John Naber will he our guest speaker." Landt.>sman. who 1s m charge of lhc fund -raising p rogra ms. says: "This is the only fund rn1sing program I h ave been associated with where people are toming to us and asking whot they can do or arc o ffering lo <·ontribute to the fund. "WC' hoix' to help the USOC rNu:h and maintain two goals. First. to suppor t tht-ir budgets and 11(>(.'0nd. to have som<> money I rirk It• down t o tht' et h l1•t1'lt thc'rn!idvt'll "No. we don't wunt to pAy tht• athlf'les but t o help provide things nC'<'l'S.."'-iry fur their support so thl'y don't have to takC' ttmc out to hnve pitrt-llme job.;; .. My goal as d1rC'Ctor of fund raising will bf:> to ralS(' $350,000 and whl'n we rC'Rl'h that amount, to go for $500,00 and tlwn $1 ma Ilion. "Aftt>r thc dinner. W<' have plans for ('Vl'nts at Anaheim Conve ntion Center, a P resident's breakfast. over-the-line and 5K and JOI{ runs. walkuthons and special nights at tht• El Torito r<'staurnnt where thf' profits will Ix· 11pl1t. 40-60. "We will also have a ll Olympw souvenir items for sale at all events on a consignment basis." Thl' committee m eets every other Wednesday al the present time and a lso includes B ob Burgoon , Bob MC'Cafferty. Joan Diebler and WC'rner Escher. Committee members under this group n umber almost 200 at the present time. "Since we organhcd th is committee. tc>Verything t•lse has h1>en just Ilk<• gravity . It h as l'ea ll y mull hroomed and Is growing each day," Lande.<1m11n says T h a t • :; w h "' n h <' n o t 1 c· <' d l h C' t r a c k ISt>e T RAIN, Page A2 l D.-, l'tlol flholo !tr ~atrtcll O'Oo!IMI Newport Beach youngsters watch as Pinocchio, the pelican with the a rtificial beak, gets read y for o ba th. Newport kids help injured pelicans By J081. C. DON OthOelfNet•wt Some of the sixth graders from llurbor View Elementary Sc:hool In Nt•wport Beach had never S<'Cn a Hvl' pelican, let alone the blrdR thnt wl're mutilated rt.'t'ently. But they knew haw to show th eir app r eciation t o velt'rina rians a n d anlmol workl•rs ut Crown Volley Animal H ospitul in Laguna Niguel. whl•rt"' nine' of the malmoo blrdic ar~ beln~ ca red for In the "IJ('llc~n ward." Thursday the youngsters dt>livt>rE'd a basket o f cash - $251.S:i to be exact -to help t~ hospital de Cray the food and medkal t•are costs or the brown pelicans. After st{lrtlng a current even-. s<.'Clion last week. the studen'8 decidC'd to raJS<' th~ money in a onl'-day bo.kt' Rale at th t" achool. co~h drmatlons from parcnl.ll also ht'l ~ the rollC<'tion. sold teacher Linda Wawri&. "Kld11 ue baaiully vcr)' fSee PELICANS. Pase AJ) .---..--..-----------................. ______ ..._ __________ ----------- I' Ill. OC nuclear~ wast rout que ti on d tay awake to battle palsy T1•1•n11g1•rs t 111111 t 11 .111g1· Cuuntv will sl.1\' ·•"'·•k•· :.!I hour:. du11ng .1 ll11111•d l\•r1•l11 JI P.11'\ h··111•l 1t N1 '' .1 <It U1 al\j.(l' ( '11.1:.I l'11l lq.~•· 111 Costtl M1•su "St.iv A".d"' J\ Tl11111" will 111l'lud1• µ.i1 t11·1pa111:. 1111111 l'm111l3lll Valli•\ ll1gh St 1111111 K1•y w111wt1t·.., ,ind K1•) t 'lul1. Oroni.i1· ( '11.1sl C111l1·g1· l'111 h· • Cu·n.1 11v1 .. ,,, 11·-.1d1·111 ... Laura Parke r ;md Scralina S 8 0 d S h J \'I' I l' l I ' I \' l ' cl S{'holar ... h1 P" 111 ... 1 u1 h .11 1 lw Unl\'l'rsatv uf l'.dalua 111.1 .ii "· 1'1111111.1 d1 I M.JI ll1..ih s I h I J ii I I\ ' \' l . I \I I 1 ;, II d l\.1•\\\,1111·111•" .ind l l('I l'11d1· K <.'luh T1•11 ' Smllh 111 "Xunudu" •• rnl Uih) Unrl) '¥\ill :.l11p by I ht• I .1 It II I 1.1 lo lwl p t lw 11111·•~:·1' -.l.1\ .1\.\.1k1· 1\ I\ \ II 11 I· I 11 I I f I ' :0. I 1 d I II '>Jlllll ... 111 lllg 11111' 111 lilt• pa11111p.111h 1.111 1'.111 tl·l I :n74 l>,I\ ,, 1111-. I.ill 1• ... 1(1•1 , ... lll.IJlll'lllg Ill l\111C'lwn11s t 1 \ .111d S,111d-. 1s .. 11111\ 111g P''' hulug\ Uc1 plays politics -· ·•• Puli111'oill\ 11w11h·1·d !ugh" li'"'I stuth•nL' will g.1llll'1 lr11111Jll11\1•1 S11uth1•n1 Cdd11n11.1 S.1tU1d.1\ .11 UC ll'Vllll' llll .1 ti.I\ uf 1h•h.1l1 1111 nirn•nt polit11.tl 1 .. ,.-u .. .., .111d .a lnnh .el :-1,1 l(.>Wtdt I .1t t•:. ~Spvnsori·d IJ_\ tlw Soutl1t·1 r1 ~1p1n· Ht•g11111 nl th" Ju111111 ~8 lt•sntttr1 Ill A llll'I 1..:.1. I ht d1•nts will dt·b.Jlt• 'Ill h ISMll' lht• nud1·,11 !11·1 11 dt ,111 ,1dd11..,, I" I<• I' H11h1·1 t H,1dh.1111 I< I \\ pui I I~ .11 h ,111d ,1 -.p .. 11,.J 111111111 l 11111-.a11j.! 1111 h11th 1111• I>. 1111111.11 .111d l«·pulil1t :in p1tl111 •• il IJli1l11.,11 ph11·' "' 1\ld11111d Ii\ tho HUI:! 1·l1·t111111 I ,11111>.tiJ.:il' .Ju111111 St.111·,111.111 011.\1111111 ,, 1, ••• 111 "I .... old IHlll IJI u l ll. llUll , .. 1111 ... 111 Ill g.11111.1111111 111 111..:h ..,, li1111I .. 1ud1 11h 1111< 11·-.\1 ti 111 p11l1111' ,ond ).!II\ 1·rnm1•11I Th1·ro· • 111· .llin1111 S1.1t1·, h.1p111 .., 1111 l11gh ...._ho •>I 1 .1111plho'' ,11 ''"' I h1 · ,t,111• ve Langenheim, 83, uneral set Tuesday Aid pe r centag l· figures c orre<·tcd A story 111 Thurs<la' ·., ed1t11111 incorre<·tl y listed 1 he pt.•rt·pn 1<1g 1· o f s tudents at Ne\\ µurt -1\h-:.a Un1ftc·d Schr1ol D1str1l·t high schools '''h o!.t· fam1li<.•., n•le1vt· assistanc.-e from the Aid to Fam ilics with Dt-pt·ndent l'hddn•n Program At Costa Mt·:.a High & hc10I 7 ~ perc·('nt of thC' s tud«nL,· f<&m1 h1·' r e<:c·tv<.· s tate aid, compJred 111 :1 pcrt'ent at Corona dt•I l\lar :s ·I ~rccnt a t Estann<> <ind I ;~ percent at N<.·wport Hat hor ;-., \\ ""' t 13. ,I\ h Ill l'l I 1 "•" ,, l'·"I I'" ,11l1·rH 111 tht 1U;.,<,1-;t;11u 1 Li .1g111 1011111 1 p11 •,11l1·111 of 1111 I .1.!11 1,J, \\'11111!'1 1·, ('lull .11111 .a l11l111.f1 I 111 th 1 ( hildr 1 11 '._ 111\' pl 11g I .I Ill ·" 11 .... g '.\I· 111111 1.d 11 ..... p1 t. ii 111·1 l.i11 hu ... 1t.111 d . II." L.111g1 11111 1111 \\ "' pn· .. 11f .. 11t 111 tht l\\µurt H a1ho1 t\11,J Ch,lllil11 1 of Comnw11 t Ill th1 ( 9 ~ 0 !> .Ind a r ti U 11 ti I I 1)1 th ( 1nt1•1Tollq:iw1t• r11\\ mg prn~r .. m 1n Nl''-' I'"' t ll.1r h111 Sh« 1" 'u" I\ 1·d h\ ,, "111 .John L~ing1•11h1•1111 , 111 Fl11r1d.1 cHltl l\.\11 d J II g h I l' r'. l\l 1 ~ J\ 11 d I l ' \\ l '.ill.1gh.1n uf Slw1111,111 < >ak:o. <ind <'.11n1ll \\'a, 111 \,111 Nuv ... Sht• .I J... fl I '> :o U I \ I \ t d b V '> l' \' t • 11 gr.1111h htlclrc 11 S1 r \Ill"' \\ 1•11 to 1>1 lll'ld .11 I p ni .11 Gru•n\\ 11rnl M1•n11111JJ l',11 k 111 S<tn D1q~11 The· ( .11rn I\ ll'<.JU1·-.ll·d contt 1bu11on-. be · m:id1 lo th1 A'"ISLJnu Lt•agu1··-. d1·111.d c <tfl ur l hild c·;u1· n•nt1·1 U) UA\IH 1\1 TZl\IANN Ot Ille Dallp ~I ll•H 11111 I 1111 ,ti I.I\\ 11 1.lht•i ' • 'I'll ,. I" 11111 ·•'>1111 ... 111111 • .. l,I\ \\ illi II \,1lt 1'1•111 d1 IJ'l1,illllj; l1tlll 111.il•ll 1111 \\,I\, II• II do 11.1•1\ l'"l'ii J.111 d .111 ,, 111 llJ ,111J:1 l ';o111il\ ·" .1p11111\11I 111111,., 1111 111• 1111•1••11)' t1I 1.111110,11 II\ I 1111 ••tlt11.i1 ... 11dtl .. ( ·.1111111111.i lli1:li\\ I\ l'.111111 111 .111111: p.111• I 1li.11 1111 11111 lt-.11 111.111·11 •• 1, 1111tld I" 1111111 ... .t1·h t1;11i..p•11t11I 11\1·1 1111 ""'" \\hllh JI·"' 1111 11111:11 'I'" I " I\ " 11 l1·d I 1•g11111' 111 S11111l11•111 t '.d11111111;i t'1111111111g Ill 1•),,1111· ...... 111~: Club sued by patron • • • ID IIlJUry i\ I I 11 111, h I c• JU h 11 \.\ 111· 1 -, fl'~l)llll,11111 · ftll lllJUI 11'' ,U.,l,11111•d Ii\ t1tw of th1·11 p.1t11111' 1111l:-.1d1• I lit • 1 l11h ;ti lt'I Ill' ""' 111 111111· dr 111lw1~ tllt't• ' 1\ l lu1111ng11111 l\4·.11 h 111.111 "1111 • l.11111' 1 li.11 .1 1 l11b's li;11 l1•111 h ·1, t lllllllliil•cl Ill 'l'I \'I' 11111\ ,ii \1 •1 lt1 · "·" 11h\'ll>li'h 111111\lt.lll·d tl1111k-. " I l.,1\\\1'1' 1111 .!7 \t•,11 old .J.11llt'' SL1ll11t11 1:11111 111 "l'IVll :-Ult wh1d1 \\1·11t 111111:11 tlw, wn•k 1n Or;.111gt· t """''' Supt•11111 Coui I that th1· 11\\ 111 I ' ••I tiw fut nwr Ja\.\., Cluli 111 ('11,1,1 Mt·,..i .11lt·d 1wgl1g1·n1ly .1mJ 1 n klt-ssly wlll'n tlw l'luti·, I 1,11 I 1 •11d1 'I' 11 Hll JllUllU:-1 \' "'·1 \'t •d Su1t1111 th1· n 1gh1 lw '' ·" 1111u1HI Sutt111\ w(li. 'trut'k IJ' ,, ldl wh11\-;1111·rnpl1n g 111 c ru-. ... N• '' JHll I Boult•\'.il'd .ii lt•r ht· ldt 1111 tluli \\l11tl1 1111\\ 1:-knu.,.,11 ,1., l.>tj.1 \'u 1linugh .. 1111 11\\lll'd I>\ .J.1"'· 1111 Al..ii n;11111·d 111 1h~· 1""'1111 '' tlll' d11v1·1 111 1111· 1·;11 .ill1•g1·d lo li,1\1 lw<·n 111\·11lv1•d 111 lh1 11111d1·11t I{ IC h ·'' d I\ 111 1 p h y' s u It tJ 11 .... .1tl1Jl'IH·y .... 11d l11s dll'nl IS ~(·1·king Sl"11J()(JIJ !111 hi.. tnJUI _\' Su1t1111 ,, C11 ... t..i l\Il·~ n·~11h·111 ,11 rlw 1111w 111 llw Januar \. l!Ji1I .1111cl .. 111 >.JWll\ .ibou\ \\\1°1 ,,.,,,., Ill .1 1 • .-.I •II 111 .11 1•-, .111d 1111\\ h.1'. "Ill It I! ,)i, •I le I t h.1 ll l h1 111 h1 •i Courageou on display I' h t• I .! Ill I' I I I \ .1 l It I ( • II ll I •I 1-( I II ll ' II fl I II { I h I l•Hlll 11dt ,, Ill 1h1 1!18:1 Alt\111(";1':-. <.'ill' d1 11 '11"' 111,iJ ... \\di IH \Ill pLll1IH da..,pl." .it thl' Nt•\\'111111 Sh1J1\.111I :.!.!;!.!ht St . l111n11111on 111 I p 111 .11 • onl1ng to K1·v111 S11111nw11·ll V.'1·,t C11ci-;t p11>J1•1·1 d111tl111fo11h1•Dt·f1·11d1·1 (. • .. 11.1g1 Ill" S\11dll.-llt• l '1111r.1g1•ou., 1~ pn• .. un1,1hlY ,, 11 i.il 11111 ,•· f111 till' rww I:! 1111'\t I I>• limit 1 which " 1·x1wt t1 •1l 111 .•111\\ 111 \l1 \\ po1 t &·.1th .il.H>Ut l\l11\ I H Cooler Saturday Vu lable 111g11 cfouclln•aa tllrougll today and 1on1ght High• 111 Ch• buchH 70 10 74 eno lfll•nd ., ... 74 10 78 Overnight 52 to 57 Som. lo'N clo001 S.turday Ourlllij the mOfnlllij ra t>Yt othenwlM conslde<•bi. hig h cloudln••• Cool•• on Saturd•Y wtth hlglla of 68 to 74 • Elaawiier•, from Po1n1 Concaptlon 10 th• Mei.lean ~order •na out 80 m1laa HorthwMI W'lnOI tO 10 16 knoll With 4 10 6 foot -• oYef ovter weteH, dec:r .. •lllil tonight Wind• wy _,to aovthwesl 8 to 15 a locally llgh1 variable wrnoa lg hl and morning houre, Hec4)mllno-t 10 aouthWest 10 to knot• dlHl"ij alle<noon1 today Saturday. Wlna waves 2 to 3 W•t-'Y IWlllll 1 to 3 1 .. t onalderable high cloudlneH tl#Oay with 101M ~cloud• day mcwnlng. ' expected to clear. leaving lair sklel tnrough Sund•y The Forecast For 8 p.m EDT SnowQ A Loe AngelH high In lhe u099r 709 la lorecul fOf Saturdey eno Sunaey W1tn Iowa In 11'111 mlO·~ downtown to Ille upper •Oa 1n '"lend v91leyl Northwest wtnde lrom 15 10 25 mph were eJll)9Cte<I 1n mountain areal through Saturday will! m•rcury pr•dlctea 10 dip near lrHZlng around Big B•er ano Owe<>• Valley OV8f Ille -'iend Wind• have aw•pl POiiutant• OU1 ot lhe SoYtn Coul Alf ~n •no er• upecte<I 10 kMC> the air cle•ne< t'1rougll SunO•y Wind• from 15 10 25 mph al.o were expect•O by Ille weather serVICe In f'orthem 0-t .r ... Mounllln Ngha w••• 1oiilca11 IOf Satl#Oay from 5e lo 63 W1tll IOw9 from 42 to •8 Co•1t.i valley high• ehOVld renoe from 70 10 7S The hlgha In northern d....-ta m•y range from 62 to 72 wllll 1ow1 lfom 36 co 46 Southe<n .,._, lllgha -• fOfecut from 74 to 80 wt111 Iowa from 4S to SS T e 111pera turf's HATIOH Alt>any Albuqu•rque Anc1101age Asllev1Ne Allan la At1an11c Coty Auttln s.111more B1111no• Birm1ngh8m Bc><H Boston Brownsville Buffalo Burllnglon Cupe< C11arleaton SC Charleston w v C11ar1011e NC Cneyenrlft ChlC~O C1~nnat1 Cieveland Columbia SC Columbus OallH·fl Worth HI lo 65 20 S8 31 ,. 9 68 29 69 •S 61 39 85 70 67 36 S2 36 72 •• 55 33 69 33 90 73 66 38 63 3 •5 28 611 so 73 3<1 71 4 •5 31 70 64 73 45 72 ... 72 33 72 37 7A f'1 60 Oenve1 ~ Mn•nes Oe1ro11 Duluth El Puo Faorbankt Fargo F1agt1all 1.>reat fall• 1-iarl!ora Helena Honolulu Houston lnd•anapoos Jll(:Oon. MISS Jaci.sonv11111 Juneau l(anus C11y KnO•Vllle las veon L•ltle Roe• Lou11v1lll' Lubbock Memph11 M1am1 M1lwauk•• Mpll·SI P9ul NHllYllll' New Orreant New Yori. Norlolk Nollh Plano Oma Ila Ortanoo Ph1lndelpll1ft Phoeni. P•ltat>uran Su 59 72 54 67 t5 49 46 48 63 48 80 79 73 4 1 79 39 75 49 34 24 59 47 68 34 65 42 7S 53 73 40 8• 42 15 •a 78 7~ 68 49 53 so 75 41 79 S3 67 44 63 42 53 34 58 47 82 80 66 40 78 ~ 70 '10 ......... ?-tniillllii-.-~----~R_f R_IP_DR_T J Today'a Avg,/MH. f.2 It 1·3 It 1·3 It 1·2 " '7 It t tt t II t It t.2 n WH• Avera1• ah•pe Temp lalr·PoOI G• good 83 good 63 l•lr 63 POOi 83 poor 118 pOOf as ooor aa 1111 IS •·1e<J -S1a1 on.ir, •• Por11ano Mfl Portlano Ore Prov10encf' f<<lietoh Jlapld Ctty AOl'O Atchmono Sall Lake Sitattle S11revepor1 S•ou• fau, SI lOUiS S1 Pete·Tamon St Ste Marofl Spokal'e Topeka TuCSO" Tulsa 61 29 50 44 65 33 70 38 53 42 S5 25 70 39 <19 31 49 '7 '8 59 53 ~) 7 J ~8 63 ~') 62 4!> •II J7 67 51 7• 39 68 59 CALIFORNIA Apple ve11ey Bakersheld Bsrstow B•11umonl Bio Bfler 011nOP Blyllle Eur•~• Fruno Lake Arrowhe•ll Lenee st er Long Beach Los Angelet Monrov11 Montet>1tllO Monlen!y Ml W1i!IOn NH(llet Newparl AHCll Oakl•nd Ontario Pelm Spr111ga P11aedene Tide HI lo 66 );> 86 75 n 43 69 53 58 23 58 21 76 52 64 45 117 44 •7 32 65 33 at st 11 sa 8t 44 79 M 67 48 61 " n 53 74 so 66 •II 18 0 10 51 78 <Ill TOOAV 2 1& pm 8 07 pm I 0 •• IATIMDAV Flre•l-2. t2 e M 0 8 1:)0 ~ M &8 2.<lt pm 0 5 ::~iow 8econ4 niOfl 8 41 p m 4 t avn "'' 1ooey 11 I 03 p m • rl-a.111t<1ey et 7. t t I m. Moon '"" tOCl•V at 4 111 p.m .. •• a aturcleY et •·o 1 • "' l 11':'\t I \ ,111111" 1l h•llll llu fHllfll"l"ll 111Ul1•' \\111· l l S H1·1• .J1·11 y M '11!11•1\1111 I> <:111dt•11 (;1 11V1 l .. q.(1111.1 H1 ,,. It 11111111 d\.\11111.111 "\,il l\ 111 II•'"' ,1 11cl S .1111.1 1\11.1 I 111 1111 !1111.111 1\ I '-i1 11.1111 ('1111111111111111·, lh1· 11111•1 It !JI•" Ill 1111 1111,111 d ill oil 1 ... \\,I\~ \\ lt11 l1 lit• 11.111111 li.1 111 11p11o;,•d ,.., '""'''' 101 1111• k~ ,.ut \JJ1g 1,uJtH,u 11\i· ,,., .. .t,., '1'111• pt "f'"" d 1111 \\ ol\''> •Ii' 1111 "·'"'·' 1\11.1, S.111 I )11 •g11 1<1 'I .1cl1 .11111 ( · ... l.1 1\11 '.i 1\111-.1 111 dw 1.111111,11II\1 '' ,,..,,, jlillJ ~ l">I ,j 111 111 ,lll!JJtl cl tl111111gl1 ( 11 .111g1 l '1111111 \ pot\•1111 • .Jh w1111ld 1111111· I 111111 1111· 111•\\" 1•).p.1111h d S1111 U11u l 1 t nth Ii .11 g1 111 1.i1111g .. 1.111111 1: 1hr1 ·• 1111l1•s ~·1u11l 111 S.111 ( ·1 .. 1111 1111 · Sh1p1111 111-. 111 'f" 111 111.111111111 I lll ·I. ho\.\• •\'t ·r • ,111 11111 1 ·~ p1 •t 11 ·d 111 lw 111•t·1·:-~.11 V IJiltil llt1• l\llJI),, S11u11i1111 ('.ili1111111.1 f•:d..,1111 l '11 ol I 11·1.11' ...itd 'l'hu1 'odJ\ St1•1•l 1 .i..k' ''' 11~h111g 11p lo Hiii 1111h \\1111ld Ill' ""'" 111 lr:i11..,po1 I 1h1· 'fl"llt 1111 I 111.t, 1111111 S.111 01111111 111d11 ,111 ol 11111 ''" ol11 .1 I ,Hiil o,11 111'1 \\,I .It \\ Hliid 1111111111 1111 1111 It 111.1111.lt I •·I .l1q11111 111 11i .. 11wli ,,1.1111·· t'111111t1 1° llj'I Ill l I 11111 I ,1 !"111111111 111 I '.ili1111111.i bl1 "ii I ·., I 111•11 11 I I 'I" .il11111• 1111 111 It.di 111 th• \1111 111 ·"' N ... 1. 11 s." I•" 11.i.i 1 .. 111111 .. 11111 I l·.d I \Ill l'llJ Iii.ii '"' 111 111•"·'" IHllll· ll11 1o1q•lt I )1 ,1111•• I '1111111 \ \.I.I'll .. i11 .111d I 1111Jld I H ,if 111\.\, ii ( 1111111 ,,,1d •111 1.1·.t..·. 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I I 1 I 1. 111 I. I I ' I .11 ~ "1cl I 'I. I)' I',,., • It ' I, 11 t t ' \\ ' ' I .!lh11lailo }\ 1111,11 I I 11J..l1lt 111 " Ill.till I <1111 1 111 -.,, 11 .11• I "'I' I "·'' 1111 d1 ,ar11.o11••11 .. 1 th• S.1J1l.1 .\11.1 I 111 \\.1\ ·"II I•·• , , tl11 .. 111•l1 t,1ut.1 1\H11 it• oiU .11 f I 11t11f,J1 ff1tJlt 1111 '·"""·" li\1 ,,,,,,, H11tl1 111 .111d 1• .. 11, ,,,,11 I 'Ill l "'if l llfltl I fl ,il11tlll \\ 111 tli1 I 1111 ·" p11l.l11 111111 1.d. \\ 111Jld IH 1111111 I• d "li•·11 ... 111111111•111 •. W I II pl.111t11" \i\.11,11 Hlllll' ul ""f'"' 11•111 Jllcf I 1111111 t lfl"lll ~l.dillll' .11111 Ill 11"1""' 111111 1 .q .. il1il1l1"' \\.1111ld lit ,l\,11l..lol1 .il1111g 11!1· llllltl ' dt 1i:11.111 ". '""" 1 .... 111 ..... 1t.1" TRAIN FIRE TERMED SABOT AGE • • • From Page A 1 1111tl1•1111\ill1l1h1.11 \\, .... 111 1 1111 I lttt1k1 ·d 11111 lit• "111d11\\ a11il '''"' l1l.11 I. 111•1k• 11 11111 1111 t.111111111! d11 .i·I 11al "1'11.11 ,111k1h 1111· llp .1 11111. hlll I Jll'I Jll1J1p1·d 11\ t I tl1t f l.11111 °' . llt1 IJtJ,llll'.,:>lll.111 .lid I t \\ ·" 1111 It\ 111 t\11111 111 '"' I h• I lli.!1111 •I 111 '"'" ,, 1111111\111111 lll g1·d 1111 1"'"1 IW• " 111 .. t ;., ·'"' Lu ,,, \ uu 1 ,1n ·· \\ .1llll'd 111 gt I tit.ii Ii .1111 ''''l'f" d 111 .,,,ad J (.-\\;111tL'il t11 :-t1111 l1ul 111 d1d11'1 \~.1111 111 lt.1\ I '" lil'I I 1111 11: ....... , 11g1 I 111 t I It• Ii llfjf 11f 1111• I oll ' Ill J,1tJgl11 ti ·11. l11ld u .. 1111 l111•l 1111ght '''"'""'' .. .J.11 k Jl1llh11u .... · 1' ,, 11.1111 ln1ll II 111J1 ~ 1111 l..1ud1 I d.1h J. l,1 ) [, \\ •" \',11 :1lllllllllg Ill (.',1!11111111.1 .11111 \\ ,.., l.1h111g J\1r1ll.ik .il!ll Ill S.111 I,,, g11 T'1111 .... d.1~ 111g li1 ·\\'1 w1·11· t1tt1\111g ,d1111g p11 II\ r .ipidh .. 111d 1lalll1111l" ,,,11) Ill' 11'1111\\ jl·I"> t 11).!1 I Ill tla1 l.t.•t t .11 \\ 1•11· C ,d111 1111 llit 11111,t p.tl t 1•>.11 pl llJH w11m.111 who Ill"''""' Ill•· 1111111 .11011 111 tit• • ,11 ··Tt..11 "·" .. 111p11I 111 ,,,1d S11111k1 1•11111 .. d th, II 1111 J1ght.. \\ 1•111 lllll ' th1 lllJI h1 11111,! llllHllal 1,1) lliittllJ.!lt 1111 d111ti ooftil \\I lt1llldfl\ I )11,1 II .1g,1111 . 111 .. 111.ig1•1 :x11d \\')11'11 lldll111tj.,1• ""'I" d 1111111 1111 t .ii )11 '>•Hd 111 111111'1 ti 11• l1111d t.1111 .111d "'" \\It.it l11ok1 d l1k1 o1 111tl1 lu11~ t I• h 11 111 f 11' ••II I t.1 II,,, k' ,,, JJ''' ,1111.11111..: 111111 "'"'"' .111 ' )\' '" ... 11111 ' 1"11 ... 1d ... 1i.1k111g h " 111 ... t: 1\111t1.1k .. 1111 .. 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"'1111 111 ''""'" ,111d J.!,J111!• 11l.o11 llr•lll ,, '' ... 111 11 p.111 1111 •111 1111 11.11 k .\n11r.1~., !\I, l.1 11tl ..... 11d :\ i(·hola:--Yanfrk \\ail~ \\ ilh lu~~uµ.•· for m .. .,j~lanc:t'. 111 , .. 1.t : •• ii...,,,, 1.1 r. H .• 111 ... 111111\1,11g.11111 .. .111.! ,\11111.1k 111f1•1.il \\Ill\, 11"1'llt.!·•l1111! 1111 , •• 1 .. ,tdgt 0 ' / Polo"Store CHANGE OF NAME a nd CHANGE of POLICY We're still the largest selection of Poio ~-Ralph Lauren Bui, we've e xtended our lines of merc handise lo include all the best tables in the world and c hanged o ur name to reflect this broadened viewpoint G IANNI ACCAR DI • GIORGIO ARMAN! • JHANYNE BARNES • PETER BARTON • PERRY ELLIS • RALPH LAUR EN • ENRIC A MASEI MISSONI • ROBERT PHI LLlPS • NICOLA TRUS ARDJ 3333 SO. BRISTOL. SAKS WING 641 ·0353 ALL MAJOR CR£DIT C ARDS AR~: WELCOME , \ llAICI CIAIT lllPIRT IW:H I Hill mcu f RIDAY OC T0 8lR J•) 1•}11.' ORANGE COUNTY . CALIFORNIA 25 CENTS Mission Viejo train fire said sabotage IJ)' STEVE MIT('lff':l.L 01 IM O•llr l'llol Sl•lf l\rnt1.1k offlllJb 111 W,1,h111gt1111 .... 11t.I ,, 1111· that 1•1 u ptt'(I 1111 ,1 ..,1uthl>11u111l 11 a111 111 M1 .... '>11Jll V11•11 Thur~d.1 v 111gli1 \.\ ·'" ">Jl·il k1·d liy vancJJI., who pl1111·d" k1 g or 1.111 ... ,11k1·, • .u1d ullwr dc ·hri' 1111 1111· tl.•l·k 'l'lt1· t•on11nuti·1 tr .1111 , l\n1tr'-lk :>HO, w;..., <·w 1 v111g 175 pasM·ng.·r, whc·n flu111t·s 1•1 uph·d 111 till' t WIJ llll'lllllllll VI .... and !>llHlkl· ::>IJH •JU tu th1: f 1v1· l'llllllOlllt'I l'JI~ p ,,.,.,,.11g1·r ... h-.,1~·d th1 ouglt I lJ11 H·!> 011 th(' tr.il·k~ to , . .,1 :1p1· 1h1· h11111111g trJ111 Ora11Kt- <.'1Ju11ty F11 t· lA•pJrt1111•11l c1l I 1u .. b ~1d thl·n · w1:r1: !>l'VC·ll lllJUrll'' . Fin· sµ11k.,s111;m ( 'hul'k Murphy s<11t.l the 111JUrt·d , 11111st of whom ,uff1·rc·d from smokl' inh;.ilallon, w1•n · tak1•11 to M1s.-.1un Cmnrn..i111ty llo..,p1tal Ill M1i.s1un Vn•.10 follow111g tht• li pm. bl<J/l' 111 .... 1111 a µn·gr1Jnt \.\ 11naJ11 Wds tr t·Jtt..od al lht· M't•rw. "' wa'> ,, 11·t·1·nl u1r1111o.iry bypas~ pat1t•nt who nillapM·d l\mll«k "J:><Jkt-sn1<111 J11h11 Ml'L11>Cl said th<· lcx·1111111t1v1· !>truck dt·br 1s 1111 th1· i.mgl1· main traek ;,IJC1Ut 11in .. · qu<irtl'r::. of ;, mile• north of tht· (}.,.u P<irkw11y OVl•rpass Ill· !>aid fut'I tJnki. on both lol·on10t1Vt:~ rupturt'<.I and d1t'st:I ful'I splllt-d onto tht· trat·ks. 1gni11ng th1· \\'ooc.lt·n trtAS t1l·~ .. Ttw <.Toss l1rs l'aught fire-and 1gmtt-d tht· two I01.om1J11vt·s." Mt·L1'0Cl ~it.I Thc· 1:ng1m-<>r~ brought the: lroin lo ti stop under Oso Parkway. and conduc tors urged p<is....,<·ng1·rs to lt·avt· tht· train ealmly . N1l'holt1s Y;.in1ck, a Los Angdf'S bu-.incs.!.man wh11 eor11mutt-s daily from his homt· m Esc·und1do, said lw w;.i<, ask•t·p 1n th1· m1cldl<' car whl·ll he snwlk'<l :.moke "I l1.1<1ill'<l up <11111 ....:1w tht· c.·<1r was f1lll"CI with blat k ... niokP," hl' SJld "Tht•n th1· 11ghu. wt:nt out" I It· su1d tht• mnt.lul'tor urgt-d the p<tl>S(.•ngcrs ll1 "t<ikl· yuur l1mt'. lt•avt· tht• l·ar slowly," adding lht·rl· w;L., llltll' panil· among the· commuters 1n hi!> l';JI 0.-, Not PMto lty CMltM ltarT "I p1t·kl'tl up my bnl'fla!>t· and walkl-d to tht• t.l1x11 .'' tu· SJ1d That ·,. w ht• n h <· not 1 t· (· J l he tr a c.· k ISee TRAIN, Page A2) Fire m e n cool the smoking engine of Amtrak an Mission Viejo Thursday night Ex-NB officials pummel Hummel By STEVE MARBLE 01 1he oa11, "°' ''•" In the final davs of a heated electio n co nlt>st. a f o rmer Newport Beach polke chie f and a former city attorney have lashed out at incumbent Councilman Paul Hummel. l'alling him an "embarrassmt>nt" to the> city Hummel. set'k1ng a seeond term o n the seven-member council, said he 1s not surprised by the broadsides and predu:ted he will be the targct of "more IC1St-mmute smears " Former pol1l·e chief James Glavas, a resident of Solvang, and former city attorney Dennis O'Neil vo1et.'>d their d1ssat1sfaction with H ummel in a political ad paid for by the Executive Council. a busme!I.!> group. They said as former clly employees they witnessed Hummel's "belligerent and abrasive treatment" of residents 'and city workers. "Hts 'hip-shooting' on c:r1t1eal issut>s was. and l'Ontmues to be. an embarrassment to us all." the former c:a t y departml'nt heads wrote They said 1t as "1mpcrat1ve" lhat Hummel bC' defeated Hummel , who as being challenged by Corona del Mar resident Bill Agt'e, called the crat1e1sms "slantc'CI and snide" but Former c hief~ c ity a ttorney call councilman "e n1barras n1 e nt lo city' adm1llt:d as a l'OUnl'llman ht< 1s ~umC'l1m"•s dt.•manding of eity c·mploye<.'S "I may hav{' lt:ft !>Omc of them (l'mployC'C'S) unC'asy b<.'l.·ausc they ht1V(· aspired to )Obs bc>yond lhe1r ab1ht1t>s and can undt.•rstand they might be> squeamish "I have registered complamb about employees who takf.' two- hour lunches, or take frC'e meals or Jl'l'l•pl fret.• fOQtball tu.kl'ts. Tht·y proh:1bly rt~·nt that " llurnmt·l wuuld not tx• '>JX'<'lf1c 0 11 ht!> l'hargl's U I a v ti s . 1 n l l' r v 1 c• w l' d b v tl'it·phOnt'. said llumml'l hdS a "notonou ... " reputallCln at thl· pohl·t• st ... 11on "Iii<; mmmcnt.:.. to our girls and guy!> on lhf· complaint dl-sk were De Lorean indicted • on narcotics rap LOS ANGELES (AP) -Joh11 Df' Lorean was 1nd1cted by a ft.'dcral grand jury F'riday on l'OUnts of drug lrarf1ck1ng and racketeering growing out of a plan to save his fa1hng motor car company US Attorney S tephen S Trott said the grand Jury had rNurned thf.' 11 -l·ount ind1C·tment against De Lorean and two other men arrested last wet.•k in an .tlll'g(:d drug dealing sdwmc Th<• indictment chargt•s the rn l' n w l' r e 1 n v o I v e d 1 n a l'On!>p1raey tha t bPgan 1n Sepll'rnber and endl'd in mid Oc:tober The indictment c harges De LorC'an. StC'phen I.A'<' Arrington antii William Mo rgan HC'trick w1 l'h l'onsp1racy lo distribute t•()(·~1111c and possC'ss1ng cocaine with th<' intent to distribute rudl•, 1nt~1ns1dt•ralt'. unn•a.,onablc- and oft1•n unfoundt·d.' (.;J,1vas said Glavas. who r{'t1n•d when Hummt•I was a t·1ty planning comm1ss1oner and bc.•fort· hl' was <.· l t• t· t t.' d t l.I l h l' co u n t· ti , s a 1 d llummd often called daily tu n •port traffic v1olat1ons • "I h· was ternblv u11n·asonablt• and the· mat tt.•rs · Wl'rt' u::.ua 11 y vt·n mmur in naturt'." Glava's ~JICi 1 lumnwl said hC' d0t'S not know Glava!> "And I don't think he· know~ nw "'t•ll L"nough to bt• saying tht•M· thmgs I don't '>l't' whl'f!' he ._'l'L" off gt•tlmg involvt'Cl in this C'll\'llon tfr doesn't think t.'nough of Nl·wrort to evt•n '"''' twn' .. Hummt.'I <;a1d lw dUt·~ know <J'Nt•ll and has long t·onMderl'd him a fnC'nd "I It•!> u::.ually a real gl·ntlt.•man I'm ~urprisc•d he ~aid 1h1" S<lm1•on1• must haVl' n'allv dnnt• sornt• <1rm -tw1strn~ on hini " O'Nt'1I. who pracun•s law and h\'l'S m Nt•wport &aC'h. t"t.1uld not bt• n •al·hC'd for eommenl Hummel has also roml' under attack from thC' Koll Co a large Nl'wport -basl'd dcvC'lopmenl firm that took out full -page m•wspaper ads this W<'t•k urging vu tPr s not rl'-l'll'~t h im counnlman County committee to aid Olympics By HOWARD L . HANDY Of the Deity Not Steff A group o{ interested Orange Coun tv citizens, headed by A1rCal's retiring president Robert Clifford. has formed a U .S . Olympic Committee of Orang e Count y to aid the American Olympic movement m the future. Clifford was recently named Orange County chairman and immediately set about picking men and women to work with him m the fund-raising program Dennis Landesman, retired al agt' :J8 after a SUttf'l'Sful l'arel'r in audiology and in owning 11 corporations, 1s the group's fund-raising chairman and will serve as co-chairman o f the l'Omm1ttee with Clifford. Others who were given a first-hand look at tht• Colorado Springs Olympic Training Center this week included Sadie McMichael. Dale Dy kema and David Baker of lrvmt' and Mark Pett•rson "The trip was exe1ta ng and it gave us an insight into w hat the ----INDEX---- See Auto '83, Section C for ne w car howcase A7 84-5 B2 Movies Mutual Funds National News Public Notices Weekender 84 A3 At Your Service Business Cavakade Classified Comics Crossword Death Notices Editorial Entert.alnlTl('nt HorOllC'Ope E4-8 86 86 07 A6 Bl-4,88,D7-8,E2-3 Ann Landers Weekender BZ 82 Sports Stock Markel!! Television Theaters Weather 01 -6 B5 TV Log Weekender A2 DREAMS COMING TRUE (See Sports. Paite OJ ) program 1s all about," CliHord says "We• organized our t•omm1tt~ :1 1 / months ago and have set a goal of $350,00Cl ror the next y<'ar The s.tate of California only ra1st'Cl $320,000 over a four-year pc>riod and we want to beat 'that figure in a shorter period of tame "W<' will stage special events to rouse th<' money and the fi rst will bt• a dinner at the grand opening of tht• Copa de Oro restaurant in Costa M<'sa Nov. 17 Form<'r Olympian John NabC'r will be our guC'St speaker" Landesman, who Is in charge of thc fund-raising programs. says: "Th is is th<.> only fund raising program I have been assocwt.C'd with Wh<'rc people are coming to us and asking what thl'y can do or art' oH ering lo ('Onlrlbute to the fund "We hope to help the USOC rea<•h and maintain two goals: t'lrsl, to support their budgelS 1md 11('(.'0nd , to hav<> M>mf' money trlcklc down to the athleteR tht•m9f'lves. "No, we don't want to pay th<> a t hll•t<.·s but to h<'lp provide things nc'<.'c•s.'il\ry for their support so tht'y don't havl' lo take time out to have part-t1ml' )Obs "My goal as dircelOr of fund raising will be to raise> $350,000 a nd when Wl' reach that amount. to go for $500.00 and then $1 million. "Aftc•r the dinner, we have plans for t•vents at Anahl'1rn Convention Center. a President's breakfast. over-the-hne and 5K and IOK runs. walkathons and sp<.'<'1al nights al tht' El Torilo restaurant where t he profits will be split. 40-60. "Wt' will also have all Olympic souvenir items for sale a t all events on a ronslgnment brulis." Thc-committee mee ts every oth N Wednesday at the p resent time a nd a lso includes Bob Burgoon, Bob McCaffcrty, Joan Dicble r and Werner Esc her. Commltt~ me mbers under this group number almost 200 at the prl'SC nt time. "Sin ce we org anized this rommlttce, every thing els<' has bee n JUst like gravity h has r eally mus hroo med and Is growing each day," Landesman says o.., Not llttoto lty ........ 01*wlel Newport Beach youngsters watch as Pinocchio, the pe lican with the artificial beak, gets ready for a ba th . Newport kids help injured pelicans By JOEL C. DON Of ... o.lp,... ..... Some of the s ixth graders from Harbor View Eleme ntary School in Newport Beach had never seen a live pcllc.:An, let a lone the birds that were mutilated recently. But they knew how to show their apprecl1tlon to ve t e rinarians and animal workers ot Crown Valley Anlmtl Hospi tal in Luguna N iguel, whc>N' nlnf' of the rn&lm~ birds ore being cart'd fo r In the "pellcfl ward." Thursday the youngsters d c.>livered a basket of cash - $251.83 to be exact -to help tM h ospita l d efray the food and medical care (.'()8t.\ of th<" brown pelicans. After st.arUna a cu~nt evenu M'<'tion lest w~k. the student.a decidC'd to ral~ tht' money In a one.day bake aalf' at the 1ehool. Cash donations from pattnt.s aha hclpt-d the coJlectlon , aald te.cher LlrldA Wawra. ''K ida are basically YNJ ISee PELICANS, Pase AS ) - NYSf~ OUOt &110.\ ••nuo• t••P•• O• f Mt N•W vo•• MIOWIU ... , ... ( .... •o"o ... o• taOIT AND (llO(lloNAfl "0(11 • a (MANOI• 11.IOO ••l'O• rao '" '"• NOD ••O llo\fllo•' ,J Ornnuu <.-oust UAIL V l'ILOT /Friday Oc.toho1 ?9 108'1 NB 8 5 Dow Jones Final UP .73 CLOSING 991 .71 'All-s avers' interes t drops WJ\Slll N<;'l'ON (l\J>) Tlw 11111 11 'I 1.itt· 11n All S.1\'1•1<, t'l'l llf1t.1l1•' will d111p 111 ol lt'i •Jld low Ii hfi P"' 11·111 Suml.1y. '~"1rl\ h.111 wh.11 1111 1.111 • w ... , wlwn llu 1.1x t·x1·mpt nol1·' "''"''"''"'Id 111 ()11111,..r HIHI Thl· tll'W 1.111-WJ' 1·,1.1lili'>lll'd Thu1:.d.1v wh1·n th<·, g11\ • I tlllWlll lwlc.J II' 1111111thh .1Ut 111>11 111 11111 y l'.11 '1'11·,"urv h1lh Thi· vu·ld '"' llh' •nit .,,. .,, 1111lt•'> w,J, 9 ·.i pt•rtt•lll down fr°111n Lh1· Ill hli rx "t 111 .,, St·pl 'HI 11111·1 l ''>l •111 /\II S.1v1 ,.., ""I .11 70 p1·n 1·111 •1f 1h1· 1.n1· Vt'o1I 1.1(1• Thu,, 1woplt• wl111 v. .1111 111 p lllt h.1'>t .ill '>JVt•r' u 1 l1l1t.1h·' ,1111uld h11 v 1111·111 t11d.1v 11r S.11urda\ wh11t.- tln• 1 .tlt 1-. 7 W 1w1 tt·ll t t ht· low point u n lil Thu1 .,d:1y·, .1utt1011 Tl11· Ii lifi lll'ltl'lll r • .tt v.111 lw c·ffl'< t1v1· 1l1111L1gh N11\ '!.7 Dollar sets r ecord LONIX)N (Al') Th< U S d11ll,J1 1 l1111b1·d lo ltt11nl h1glt' ag.11m.1 tlt1 F11'111 h tr.1111 .111d IL,ilr.on ltr<J in l-'.urnp<•11n trnding Hxl.1v hut 11•lr1•;1t•·d t r·om "'x VC'ar l11gl1:. .1g,1tll'>l thl' Wt '' C 1•1 rri.u1 111.11 k .ind 81 ;ll:.h pc.u11d (;c1ld bull um pr 11 ,., ,.,,, ... J1gh1lv 111 L1111d•m .md Zurnh Toy ota eyes s tale SAN OJ 1-.:C<) (1\1'1 < 'h"u 111.111 Hvgl'I S1111lh '><.IV:. li1·m·ntl M11111r, hopt..., to w111 k out" dtol (Ii;> thl· t·nd o l th1· """r) f111 Toyu\a to b uild c "'" l·tth1 r 111 F11·m11nt -.oulh o f S.111 I-r.1ni 1 .. e11 or Suulh l:Jtt m o,,r Loo; Ang1•l<•s Both (;M pl.1ni... h.1v1 1,.., 11 d1N·d '>lflt\ '>J>flllg 'flll'r 1· \\ l 'f 1 :!,.100 w111 k1·1 ... 111 th1 · l-'11 111nnt pl.int. \\ h1lh v..1~ 'hut dov. n 111 M.1n h Thl· Suutlt ( i.111 · pt.ml with 2 :i50 w111kt•1' d1N d 1n Ap1tl Chrysl er profit up DETROIT 1AP1 Chry,lc·r C'111 p '' IJ<•t tt•<l tti<l<J\ ll t'.tl 11t•<I $!> -l rrnll1on Ill tht· third tjuarlt·r rif thi... v1•J1 , 11>111p<irt 'l v.11h .i lus.\> of $1 ·HI I n11ll111n 111 1h1 4 u;,.rtt-r I.1s t v1·,1r It "'as tlw f11 :-.t 1h1rd 4U;,irtt·1 111 ft\'t· V\·ur~ th.tt lht· No ,I d1m'll':.ttl .1ulorn.1kl·r h.1s rq .1ur lt'il a pr11f11 The l.t'>I third qu.1rtt•r prol rt w.1!> tn l!-li7 whc•n the 1 •1mp.Jny m.1d1 $:i:~ 7 mlll111n The· lh11 d quanc:r tr.1d1t1onalh '' tilt' 111c.!u-.1n ' wor-.1 IJ\'1..tU'>t of Ol'W rn1xlt•J lhi:lng1'll\'1·r u"t.' AMERICAN LEADERS NEW V0Atc. tA..,, ~•If'' Jo m 0'-',. :::.~· .. ~~QC ~4 "l .;~"~·.-u .. t .~~:\ .. ~:a.~.·••orwlh ·: ~~:>'.&.''~; >'110 Ultim•t., 11) W '' • Al•,•• A1rt •• ,. oc:.J 'I ("•me> HO tn, ltA; • • t:.7~.~ Q :~ ;g; ~ . .. Amo•M IJ t(I() 1• .. .. ClutMo • \ Ml 000. 1• , R•n.vtr011 &\ 11.l. ''• ' • Vun1tron 16 IC\J 1 J•• • 1 • UPS AHO DOWNS N(W VOA:Mi. fA P t ln. h>flO•lnQ 11\t \no._ .. ttw Nt'--. Vortt !)to..• l •l n.itnQI!' \fQi(ll,•f'MlwM,.;nl\ tn4'tl Mv1. QOO• UO IN-n'o\t ~ dow11 .,,., n•~• lM"t"O °'' f:',"~~n:.:..:·"~ r~rOIP\\ Of "OIWl'U\ No \f'<ut1ti~ t'od•nQ bPIU"" \J "',. '"' 1 ~o Ntol •no CJe'tt!ntAQ\f' <htnQt'\ "'" tnt' d•ft•,t'ftCtt btlw.:•n tnf' o,.,..,1(1u-. dO\lrtq o••\t •M t~v" i~sm pr1c• N•~ LA\I Lh9 Pt I t World Alt'W 1 "• UP ti & , AtOAQ•O 1~ I •• Uli) ", l OnonCap •• 1 uo 11 J ,. Colf \0 IM M'• l Up U 1 \ "IM•nv1lffll •'• ... u u tO • ti (.t\,v\1~1 t0'• • I Up tO I , Sit••"' JP n l Uu 10() I .J•m•~frd 11• , ... \JC) • \ ' f '' P~• • • '• \Jp • • 10 l<{SOulnd 41 ·, J•• UP t • 11 F•dOor\ ) Up ll 11 Ant MOtO''-\ UO 8 I I) O~n1~tlM '''• UP 8 t U ~nEJ~ q , • I Up I I IS F.tr•h Ml9 IU UP I I 1• Jt•Pl(()f" ) • •• UC> t I U W1•b01dt $tr \ • •• VP I I 11 819 l "rtt H "• t Uo 1 ' .. Int Rf'<.lt• tO • \JP ' 4 10 '•~omll<Mt 11 • I • Uo I ~ 1' Clf._f'Piek ~·· • ..-. UP 1 t n ConE:o • •>ot •• 1•, uo ' 1 n e .... R<MN' • "" • I 14 Ctlt'f\ltt w t • Up t 1 lS ~ .aN•I M IO It • I • UO • I ....... -.1R•wt..C.oe> !IL( n Tvmv .. r .. UnP•rk MJn UC.•Oll\I 81dwUtd piU !.<••"" Syt:>ton C.O•P • Str'I O•uo 10 Cr.t~ A\tll 11 Or•vO(p II A•pubAir ll H1l•<hl n u (omb1nlnU 1) Avery '"''' I• T IQ<'r Int 11 McO•rmon II (he\pl\\l.t 1' R IOC.rM Pl 10 AmW•t Wa\ 1~ ~~e:~~.~ U Murl)fly()ll 1• t •nlt nO•I• UC. HOU_.., SYMBOLS DOW HS l A\f) .. l.~t 0ti'' .. ) t I 0 11 IS I 10 1" Ofl UJ 1 • 011 100 16 • 1" Ott ~t 1()11 • 0 11 10 tJ • t • Ot• I) If-'• ... (Jrt 1 l ,. ' • 011 I l l& ~ 1'-. OH •I 10•. '--()fr to 1 ) • •• Ott • 1 /4•• ,,,. OH •) 1\'• I'.• Ott 60 JI 1 011 s. • 011 19 0 11 s 8 011 \I 7• • OH > • lt• Oft i ,. '• Off \ • .. Oii I l t'• Ott ) 1 .. 011 SI i., Off i 1 METALS NEW YORI( tA PI m .. lal PflGM IOday Soot !\onfetrous. C~r 72'•·7~ cents a PQond US d~11nar1onl l .. d 23 26 cen1s. • PQond Zinc •0·•2 cen1s. • POUnO Oel•Veted Tin $6 233 Mere•• wee~ composHe ft> Alumlnurn 76 unis e POund N Y llhfcury S36~ 00 Pe< ties~ Platinum $337 00 S3•3 00 iroy ounce NY GOLD QUOTATIONS lly TM Au oc:lat4Hf p, ... St>tecled ... orld gold pric:es today LO!\dOn morning f1>,1ng $422 00 up S3 75 London 11r1ornoon fixing $423 2S up SS 00 Parla alf~rnoo!\ fl•tng S422 ~1 up $3 66 Frankfurt hatng S•20 98 up SO 98 Zurk:h late after noo" 11.1ng $424 00, uP $6 00 OtO $425 00 Hll&O Handy & Harman (only deity Quote) $423 25 UP $5 00 l1t99'hard 1onty dally quote) $•23 25 uP •S 00 l!\9el"9rd (onl)I 01111~ Quolel tat:>rieat.O ,44. 4 I UD $5 25 STOCKS IH THE SPOTLIGHT E':W::~-tllf C.•n MOllt#\ F4'<1H•t Miii f,~r.c~1 Am•rH•~· C.ulf 011 f8M Tt••<O Int Amttr T&l Cll•f\Sv<• SILVER • . '• Hanoy 6 t-larm11• S9 88 p•1 troy ounce " Nf'""' '''f.tf"I , D'fl'clarNt °' pa10 tn 0teoeO•nt II rne>nlhl Cl'ul t!OC~ d•V<~O 1 PtlO 111 SIOC' tn p•ecf'd•nq " months eaumar.o 1.e1h vt...,._ on •• 01v.a.nG Of e• dttlttDvOOf'\ d•lt • E • thv!Oenos Of •• r'Ofllt y E • Otvtd@tlO al\O 114110 1n fuM i Sai.s 1n t11M cod Cal...., wO ~ d•Jlr•bul~ wt Wl'!e<l ''tv•tJ ""*' W1tn w11rAn t• ,.,. W1tho-.,t WA,,•ntl 110.• [ ~ 01thtl>uhOf'\ p ( ,_100 ,,.. Pfl(f ti( a ••oc;~ ••• mulhplio or PtO• sh••• ••• n•t\Q•-Oftf•...O by d•Y10lllO lrte l<lletl 12 mo<t•h "'""'41 flOvr• lfl10 •• ,, .... PflC• HB Constance Tovvers • • • She leads three lives now B y TOM TITCS Of the Doil>' Pilot Stoff I ( Conswnt-e Towl•r., l'Vl'r dt'<:ldt•<, thl' tttll• nl her one•-\\. uman :-how wh1t·h sht.'ll bring lo Saddlel);1<:k Collc·gt' Saturday a ftt•rnoo11 1s a b11 too unwwldy. she might t'Ons1der om• that H1chard Carlson USl'<.I With Wtnl' SUl'C"l'SS lfl his r'1fttc-s T\' wries It's C'allt'<i "I Lt'Cl Thrt'l.' L1\'l'"" Tower.. mdt't'd. b.il.tntl..., ..;t k<•'-l 1hru· can'1 r... <lS a star of tht <layt1nh' d1.1m.1 ··C.1p1tnl."" w1f1• 111 the US aml>a".'-<1dor to Mt·"co l tornwr .ictnr J11hn Gavin) and t11unng t·nlc·rta11w1 Sht•'ll olfJIJl"ll' in tht· IatH·r eapa<'11;.· for hc·r :~ pm S.icldll'back appear;1nn . hut \\111 toudl h•·<i\·tlv 1in 1h1• 01h1·1 \WO flt•r 111w-wum,in ... ho\\ h1•mg pn -.l'nlt·d fur onlv the '-t'<.und ltmt'. 1-. u1111h d ··Jluw I t;,,1 Fm 111 Wh1td1sh . Mont.an;1 111 tlw l\h-\.ll",11\ Emb.1-..-.\ ·· Sht• ~ol t h1 rt· l1v w,1\' n t Rr11adw;1v .ind Hollywuod o;t,1rrmg 111 " pair nf John F1ird mov11·~ r·Tht· llnr-.c· Sold1t·r-. .ind ··s1 rg1 ;1111 Hutll .. ig1 ·"1 Jnd hn•,1ktng bo"' utf1u lt'\ttl lh \\llh Yul Rr:-11111 r in .1 N<•\\ York rt•Vl\'ill nf Th• K 111g .ind I ·· t\nd shC'·s won a d1">M·tful 11f ,1\\ .11 d-. .1f11ng tlw '' •• ;. E1ghl ypars agu o;h1· nwrn .. d (.;av1n. \\ ho-..1· Mt:Xtto-born motht•r Dt·t.• (;oli•nor lin·~ in L<igun.1 Niguel and takes 111ght ll.1s~l''-.11 S;ufdlt·ha< k Ga\'ln. who wrot(• h1~ St.mford th1•-.1-; on L;11in Ameri<:an Jfra1rs. was .1ppoint~·d to tht• 1\11 x1u1 ambassadori.h1p a yt·ar and .i half a!i(o hv Prt'Strl• nl RC'ag<1n · Thc·1r t•are<'rs kC'Cp them at a rl1st~nn'. but she· files to Mt•x1co City wht•n her S<:ht'('full· ix·rrn1L'i .. He <:om muted t o ~C'e me \\.hen I w..is nn Broadwa) ." she says. "and now 11·., m) turn·· Not that she has a ll that mu("h fr('(' lime As fans of "Capitol'" are awarl', Coru.t.am·t· Towers has her hands full as Clarissa Mc:Candlt,s.-.. mother of a military hero who's running for Congrc>ss against the hardball-playing 1nl'umlx-nt (N1chnlas Walker) wh~ parents own half of Washington and are uut to buy the olher half Those parents are played with malt:'volent gl<'t· by Richard Egan and Carolyn Jont·~ hke Towc•n. two movie headliners o f the F'1ft1es who Clrt' enjoying l'arcer resurgC'nces on dayllmt.• TV Also aboard ar<' one time rowbov hero Rorv CaJhoun a~ Towers' fathC'r and d1st1ngu1shed actor. F.d NC'lson ai. a highly eth1t·al senator and Towers' dose ally That's quite a "namC'" lineup for a half -hour soop. and Towl'rs tx-heves it's among the reasons "Capitol" has caught on so well in 1L<1 first St.'Vcn months. Another ts its rxecutive producC'r. J ohn Conbov. who she calls "the Tiffany of dayttml' produeers .. · "&>cause' the show dl'als with Washington and politi~. 1t has a broader scopt' than th<' awrage soap o pera," s he comme nlt'd in a dressing-room interview dur1ng a break in hl'r tapin~ sc·ht'dulc "And John wanted tht· b1gg<'St names possible for the cast nighttime al'tors in davt1mC' TV ·· Fo r Towers. 1\'s her S<.-cond <'XpertC'n('(' m soaps. her first c:ommg m New York on the· latt· "Love 1s a Many Sple ndor ed Thing." also a Conboy produt•tion And her enthusiasm for the s how bubbles quickly to the surfact· hk<' ht>r own vibrant persona I 1 t v "Working in telev is ion on a day-to-day basis gives you such a tremendous opportunity to learn the medium, so muc·h more than doing a guest shot Ot't'asionally," she says. "You c·an sc·ulpl and mold your character and help 1t grow. ThC're's nothing lx-tter for an actor "The <:Mt is deeply committed to the show, and the younge r actors have grown tremendously since we first started.'' she adds, noting that "Capitol" is shot after three rehearsals, without the crutch of cue cards, using a three-camera technique to preserve dramatic continuity. "l can 't wait to get a look al the next day's ecript," she says. "even I( I'm not in il. "You get all 90rts of clues to your own character tn what the others arc saying and doing ." Afte r a multi-faceted car eer whic h enc:ompaued Broadway, Hollywood a nd night clubs. it aeems that Conatance Towers has found a hollW in daytime televialon drama. Somehow the label "soap opt•ra'" d0t><;n't ~u1te flt thl· h1gh-gl~-. mu<:hinat1u11s wh1l'h tr.111:-.ptn.' dally on "Cap11ol.'" Hc·r only rPgr<·t 1s that she· isn 't g1vt'l1 a t·ham•t• to use hl•r vcx·al talent on the !':how bu1 hl•1 Saddlt·back Collegl' aud1C'rK't• will gt•t an earful when shl• offl'rs t·xcerpt!; from her Sl.ljZ<' h1L-. "Thl• Put it together with Colvin Klein from Al's Garage ... The greol 5 POCket mid -wale' COfdulOV jean .. , ': ............ , .. . TtHH.'r .... -,tar of ':us· -(:api1ol.'. ( lt·ft ) 1-!f'I .. n·a d ~ for hc·r OIH'-\\Olllall -.ho\\ al Saddlt·lnH'k. \ ft•" ~ t'ar-. <l/.!O (a hen('). -.lw h··lpt'd ff'\ j, 4' ·Tiu· h.in ~ a nd r o n Bro~uh\a, . Sound uf Musil'. .. "Okl;1hnm.1 . ··K1~-. f•l1· K;1tr."" ··Caroust•I" and "Ma1111· .. · · I I · I I h 1• m 11 r , . a n t' t• d u t .1 I t h a n &utob10graph1t·:1I." s hi> ... ;11d llf th<' ont•-wom.m '>hn"'. tn•att'Cl hv ht•r frll'nd Svdno·\· l\l;wall. .1n .illra<:llVt' See Coi>stance:..f'<!g<'_ 7 Colors pewter. c amphor. petroleum. pumpemickel and bloci< Add one of our easy cote $polf shirts flom Gant lo corr'()lele this outfit ~-·--------------- 3 -0 ~ ~ ~ ']IC' a> :::J ci a> ...... -rt ~ ci DJ ':< 0 ,~ 0 r:::T a> ..... N !D ~ <D 00 N ~--..... ~-------------------------~~~~ - 141 HB ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--'~,~----D_l_v_•_,_•_i_o_n_• ____ __.~~~~~~~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- 0> : From Page 13 N ... lnfonnallon 645-0971. ll> -8 GOLDEN BEARS MUZZLE LOADERS u CHIV AREE !S I 0 a ':" -5 p.m . Salurday and Sunday 0 at Hobby City, 1238 S &ach Blvd .. Anaheim >. lnclud<'S frontier arts, bluegrass must<" and folk ~ dancing. lnformal1on 821-6655 England-styk• clamookt• and youth acuvitics fair 1s Nov 6 and 7 al Nault<:al Heritagl' Museum, Dana Potnl. lnformat1on 661 1001. Admission 1s $18.50 ;.ind $27.50. ACTING WORKS HOP S FOR DISABLED WOMEN. sponsored by Mark T;Jpt-r Forum. lx•gtn Monday at Mus1t· Centt·r Annt•x. fiO I W T l•mplt· Sl Lo:. Angclc•s. lnformat10n (2 13) 972-73fi5. Ra ncho Palos Vt•rdcs. fr•atures ~ Angl•l£'S Dodgl·r 't'l·ond basc•man S teve Sax "HANSEL AND GRETEL." a bullet by and for :voung peopll'. J)f'rform<in{'C>S begin al 8: 15 lonight for two-Wt-<•k(·nd run a l lrvtm• Cultural C<•ntt•r J 7:m2A Da1mlt·r. lrvtnf' lnfonnatton 979-1582 "JACK AND THE BEANSTALK ," c:htldn•n :. ;:: u.. "CAROUSEL" pres nlal 1o n with N(•w HALLOWEEN HOWL Sundav al Martm·l<ind ._S«:>e Diversions, Pagf' 15 ~~~~~~~~~ .A V ERY SPECI AL JAPANESE RESTAURA N'I \\\ ,1rd \\ 111mn~ lr.1d1111111.1I 1.1po1n1"''' 1111,111\' .111d 'llf'l'rh \\<'"ll-111 "t\ k "l'n1.llt11•, '111111 I.I\1•1tll' "<'.tl1>11d Real Cantonese · Food ; eat here or take hom• STAG CHINESE CASlNO I I I 21st Pl. H•wport IHCh Oltloh l·f56CJ· H-lo Midni'fht Oeily-WHttMch U..lil I :00 o..... ' O'fWJeftAH .. __ DIXIELAND JAZZ 1 lrn l..1·11 .111d '-l1 .11.. I l1·h, .1i.· "•'llf'" .111d dd1i..:httul ,,1l.1d' lll11'l'H,ll'k 'l'r\ 111• Ill ,, rn11 ... l l'1"wt1111l -.1•tt111~ IJ1,111\ l'I ),1111.11<1 .1 \ l'r \ 'I''" r.11 d1n111i..: • 'l'•·r11•rl\ ,. FRIDAYS 5:30 to 9 P.M. Dancing & Entertainment Wf PIOMISE JOU GOOD CHINESE FOOD LUNCHES • DfNNHS • TIOl'tCAl COCICTAJLS uamato For !he Whole Family ~ IAMQUlT FACIUTIH • • .... CATERING * FOOD TO Gb 60 Fashion Island Newport Beach I 644-4811 Century Plaza Hotel 277-1840 < ~~~ Ort• 1 DAYS r SPWAl wou"' o.. FOOD TO'° 1 SAN DIEGO • '"' ·~ FEAT\ltlli 10 IITTJMTIONAl MSTUMTS N Hi!:t- tU·fl 15 tH-5050 fl~-~-\ !,,_., ..,. ··-·l ~ ' h l, ~~)~X'.1 Starting a New Business A cccor d ln g to Cellfornle BusineH end Profe11kMta Code (S.C. 17900 to 17930) •II ,,.,.ona doing bualneH under • flc:tltlou• neme must Ille • atetement with the County Clerk end heve It published four times I n • newapeper .. rvlng the ere e In wh ich th• bualneH I• toe.led. ThJ •Utement l a required by I•• end ta neceaHry In PfOtectlng your bu•lne•• n•m•. Most benke require PfOOf of Nlng to open commercfel .ccounts. The DAILY PILOT PfOYides both ftllttg end publtcetlon HtYk••· We heve ell the nec.H•ry formt 8ftd melnt81n e d•lly terwlce to the Or•ng e Co unt y Courtttouee. Either II~ by one of o"r co11wenlent office• or P"•n• tl'9 L I OAL DUA"n.wf M2-4Ut, Rat. JJ2 tor Me re Inti 1 ... ~ tonM. 4181 BIRCH 955-2484 NEWPORT BEACH Corner of Von t<armen Roasted to e eoldm brown and st~d wtth a ddtdoua drastna. our tender n~ Shdltd Comish Came H~n dlnner 1• sawd wtth Frah BroccoU topped wtth HollandaiM Sauce. your choice of a Mixed Gttm Salad, Soup o( th~ Dey or Stcamtna Clam Chowder and • haW·loaf of Warm Bttad & Buttt:rl *-Jolly :fl9.£. --BltEA.KPAST • LUNCH · DINNElt I ·:1o1y ~ •• ?pm ..... ..._. • 203 Marine Avenue OXcr and Wine Setvkc Only) C:0. ..._ · Harbor Shoppln11 Centtr 2300 Harbor Bllld &..lie ...... · Ofl.S IC Ykrc fottst Drfw 22873 LIM Forni Drfw ...... • ~ flftWr(81 Eut ~Rd I TZ1 Eat Dyiirr Rd. . ' Airpater Inn Hotel Join rhc: lesrivities ~virh Our Airporu:r Inn Employee. Fr1Cfa r. Oct. 19 I fa ppr Hour & Hors D · Oue\·res Shona Bi hop ar rhe Piano Bar Medicerrnneun Roum-Ser\'l·ng Dinner From 5: 10 (; n·~ Topp<.'r Sho\' From R::JO p.m .