HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-10-30 - Orange Coast PilotLOCAL FOOTBALL SCORES Ed ison Fou ntain Valley Mari na Westminster Huntington Ocean View 17 3 27 21 48 26 Saddleback Newport Harbor Corona del Mar Costa M esa Irvine Estancia 21 20 7 3 21 18 San Clemente Laguna Beach Mission Viejo Woodt>rldge Deta ils of games In Sports section 9 6 42 21 Laguna Hiiis Dana Hiiis M ater Del B ishop Amat ,,,., 27 14 24 21 ORANGE COAST YOUR HOMETOWN DAILY PAPER SATURDAY OC TOBER JO 198i ORANGE COUNTY. CALIFORNIA 25 CENTS Coast police chiefs w ork~ against gun measure B~ JEFF .\Ill.EH 0 1 lh• Deily Pllol Slall l)1.111p l'11,1,1 IMllh' • h11 ,, ,d II II j.! \\ I I ft 111 oi 11\ "I ! h 1 I I n1l1L .. 1gu1·' .1111l11nl 1h1 "l.111 .111 1.ik111g, .111·tt1I .11111 .11 r . .i1r111111.1·. m1u.111\, l11 1111111 li;11utg1111-. Tl11 ' h opt t11 -.Ji11ol II .111\\ II "\11\ '1 Ill Tu1·-.d.1\ ·.., 1·1··111 .. 11 1'1111; I l hit I' Ill '\1 \\ 111111 B1·•1t Ii. l ·.,,,, l\J, '·' 1·1·11111.1111 H ummel h its b acl'- 5, KARE' E Kl.El :\ 01 lh• Delly Piiot S laff N , '' p o r 1 H , ... , h l 1 1 \ l'ouneilm.111 11.1111 I lurn11wl '""" ,1 ~roup wh11.h p.11d lor pol111 .. tl ,ub npp11 .. 1ng )11-. 11 t•lt l'llWI hid b lll1ttlt> up of 0111 ol ''''"' llt '' ".\ho v.anl hi d1•t1 .. 1I 111111 1111 th1 II 11\\ 'I profit I n a n,. v. .., ' 11 n I 1· r 1 • n < ' 1 11 Nrwpon & .. ,,Ii F11d,1~ l lu1111 111·l '>J ld th1· !ltg.1111/,111'111 • ,,)), d •I, r.,t'( utl\'• c .. 1111t ti ,... ,, ~'"'II'"' ;1rrog,t11l 111•'" 1 huni.:1" 11 .. 11 n ·-.11knl'-o•ll\111 a..I\ ,11 llt1J.! ,.,, " ·r.0111 · 1111 th• In 1111· l'1•1111•.i11 \ Ill' .J!..,,, -..11 d Ill' ti ..... '""' " n1mpl:on1 111 t h• (Ji ;1llL:t' (.'11111n" B.1r A'~'· 11 , 11 •'" •111c l11r1111 1 l II\ A 11 I II• \ 11, l 1 ll h () 'Ii I v1oi;1t1·d ,, \ 1 1 t ,,nun-. 111 111· Ar111•r'11 .in B.11 "'''" 1.11111•1 d l' d I 1 n g \\ 1 r h • I 1 1 11 ' t·onf1tl1·1111.d1t\ h\' :-.1gn111g <1111 1 r tlw <1d-. In th• .Jcl. llumnll'I " ,, l(•rmt•d ,1fl I 111b,11 I ·'''I'll 111 lh< ( 11\ ·I th111k 'I 'ldlHl<ilnlh lll,11 Ill thll> cit\ I.ii 1-:• ))u-..m ..,.., 1n11 11 -.t:- an· ~p,:ndmi. l.11 g1 .t111111111h "' morte\ 111dc•p11 \ 1 the· r 11111 "' 111 N1 "p<•rt H1 .. 11 Ii t 1 "111 t. n. inc .1 rt '"''"'IH.1ll\ I ' 1111ul 11111111111 I -..;11d lit I l,1 lllt'tl oll1 lfl\ t·..,l!j.(.1!1<111 Ill m,1d1· in111 th• 1111111h1 ·1-.t1111111 111• Ext'l u t1v1· Coun1 ii h,,, -.h11\\ 11 · .. f/\t•r hi!ll .111 11nl rq.:1-.1111 d to v11t< 111 i'. "" p111 I R· ·" h ,\ dun·n of th1 g111up' 1111 11111< r-. .11 1 nut n •g1<,lln"I to v11tl 111 ( >1 111g1 · Counlv. H11111m1 I ~11el Thi.' group 11,.., t't1ndu1 11 ·d .an "unml'ruful <,1111·.ir 1 "1111,,.1).!11" .J~.iani-1 nium ii t..ind1cl.11t., 11 h,1-. markl·<l f111 d1 11 .11, H11 m1m I .... 1111 and ~p(•nl 1h11w • .ind-. 11t d11ll.11 -. prmnot1ng t.111d1dc.t1·., v. h11 "'' "pro-dcw•lnpnwnl " At on(• p111 n t 1n 1h1· p1' '' t'o nfe rcncv. ,111 un11.knt1fwd man began tapan~ l lumm1·1'' r<'111.1rk ... WhC'n he r«lu,<·d to 1dc·ntd\ h imself. Humm1·I pur-;w·cl 111111 aC"ross thP N1•w port ~·.u h l '11\' Hall squari· wh1 ·11· th 1· c•on fNC'ntc• ....... .., bt·111g t11·ld H umrntl w,,., 11111 ..ihl1 111 1 .a11 h th1• m:in \ ii 11 \ L.1~·u11.i 1\1 ,,, h .111ol I l11111111L:I• II u .. ti 11 •• \\I II ·" l li.111._:1 l '1 lll \\ '-;!111111 t'11l•lfh I H1.ld (., ilt .... """"" 1t11 \ PPPH. J'111pu· 1t11111 I • 'J'l,1 \ •I 11111 II \\di !ltd .i •• \\ 11.11 ,.., 11>11 11cl1 I 'Ill '111111 N1111le111 111 llll''i<' 11111 li1t ,ol l.1\\ • 11111111 "" 111 111!11 1:1b pl.111 '" 111d11 ,111 tl11 11 llJIJ.1<1..,1111111 111 1111 It\\ d,1\' '" 11111 tho t le 1 t11111 Ill -.1gl\,l(lll l dth I 111',e lll••llh \It tw pl:ln,rf in l•I! .ii nr·w o;p.irc·rs < ;;111--; -..11d s 1"'""111 1·t1 ''' .. i.:11111 p •. o111111· 11-.. II ( ".iltl111111.111-. \).!.1111 ... 1 Sl11, I ('111111 ,., .. ,,.,,,111111 I' \\Htild 11 ljlllll 1111 11 •• , .... 1.1111111 "' .di l1.1111l~'ll ll' \\ 1lli ... 1.ol1• .1llll1111 ll11' ) ,,. N 11v1·1nl11·1 l ~Ill.\ 1\dd~LJ1,11.ilh. II \\ 1111td 1111111 1 lw llllllil11 I id h.11ulgu11-. Ill I ht -.I.Ill lit g11111111): 111 1\p11l IWU .111d \\0011.t 11,111 1lw ll1l lM1l l,1llt11l 111 Ill\\ L;llll' I 111 .oil.ill"I II ' I '\pl.11111cl ( '11-.l,1 :'111 .... 1 l'11lu1 <'1111'1 Hoi.:11 N11l1 \\"·It \11C1 '11.11 I I l,1\\ llk.1 1)11 ll11 11111le -.-.111u .il e 11111k h1111\\, 1111 111' ,, u11p111l1lltd l·.\1 1\ •11·11k ~uuJJ d11 1 l ll 1 l".dt lu1111.1 ' No I It .11111 p11l11 I l'hlf•h Ill 111 1gltlw11111._i 111unrc 1p.ol1t1•·• .1grc 1 lhe 11w.i 111• \\II: 11111de111 1111111 hut \\tll 111 11• 1,.11111111111« 111• 111 .ind .1tl1111111-.11.dl\1 l1u1d• 11-. "11 111 f ot I l ;,1t•''i -.,11d "'ltllllll'lll 1!11\\• \1 I •I\ 1H1lh1 ifllt l!o. \\h11 i•J•I""'' •h• 11u .... u1 t i h n.1 tl••t 1•• 111,1h1 llt1 11 •1pp11-.1l11111 p11l1.1t "~·· 11,1 l't•1l"""11111 I. \ 11111 .th \.i1.1lllllllll1" llllllllJ.! I ( C )1,111~• Cn11111' l"1h1 • 'lo11 h l :.olo, .1dd1 d II ,1 l"'·"'11\ \\1111 •11 l.1' o111d "°"u n.tn11t• lford ft•iµn .. hnrr u r a l tlw .,j~ht of tht• .. t• .. t ra n~e f'n •i1t 111·t·'- or i-. it ju ... t tha t ... 1 ... · ... m arrit·tf to th•· t•o n t'lwa«I (Boh lfo n l ). Chlw r a pparitio n .. ar•· Hi .. h a n l ll1·11 clt·r ... on (M•t·orul from lt·f t ) a nti T n l\j.., fi o r d (rig ht ). ~ Halloween Huntington man's Chris tmas B\ PlllL S:\E ll>E ll:\t:\~ 01' lhe Dally Pllol Sl•ll J\.1li I £111d I llto k111d 111 111.111 "ta .. 1.1k1 11 11!"'"' • 11 ..,, 11 .. 11-.h ,\, .1 \< llllL!'\I I Ill Fl1111d.1 ho II• tf 11111 It L! 11• l1111d h1-. '•·" k "I 1h.11 ht .... ,1.i \\1".lf .. I")' I•~ llu1111~ •• 11 .. 1h11 '' .01 . t" \\.1ll\1·cl 1111 -.1tli.. \\ l111t e '"1111111 ti ....... g1.011t ·1 .. d" B .. 1, 11 111 cl 1, ,, f1e, l.11111 .1111-.1 \\ 111i ,, ... n .. 1111 111 (.'.,..,,,, 1\11· .... 1 111· 11 ...... \\ 11, olllll \\\11 li't 11 11.(1 '"11'. l>lll ll.11111\\f'l'll I' ,1111 t11-. l.1\·01111 h1•l11l,1\. Tt11 ... ".n '"th•' v1:d1m" dw 111g mo't 111 lh1 I'"'' I~. tho· ll11rd' \\ 111 tu111 lht· 1111111 p.il111 .,f tl ... 11 l lu111111g111n B.·,11 h lwm1· 111111 ,1 "h.1u11t1•d h11U'>1 " Hltr,H t11111 , t nmpll'lt· \\ 11h "J>nok\' "Pt'< 1,11 t'ff1'C:t" .incl pll•nlv ol 1"11,111m1'1 I rn11n<.ol<·r-. Hui 1h .... ll.illn\\1·1·11. 1h1 1l11rcl" '"\' 1h111 I ·'Ill I I \' p I II J t l t 111.t \' h ,I\ ' 'p I ' I I ·' I 'l~'l lllh.tl\\t l~'<':lU'il' 11{ 111c·p.,,..,111g 4•111<• llh .d1o1ul 1.1111 p1 11ng \\1th 1.11111\ 111 "" il11ld1 111 \\tll nol lit t111k 111 lri.11111..: 1hi... '• .r 1'111 I I• •I ti-. 1,. lii·v" th1•11 h,1u11wd hou-.1 \\Inc It I' I 11·1· .111tf open 111 I tw puhlw. \\di .dlow d1dd11·11 10 l'l1JOY 1h1 holida~ t'\'l'll 11 th1\ d1111111 <C1lll'll t11·at' (No1·undv \\Ill lw h.111d1•d out .11 thl' I lord< h.1unll'1l lltlU'I I ·1 1h111k 11., n·allv -.,1e l th.11 th< \\11rld -.llU<Jlllln I~ -.Ul'h th.11.ktd' I ,111'1 I \'t'll g11 1111t .t11d 1r11. k 11r tn·at," Su1.111111 • I lord .... 11cl 'I 1 lm1k this w ill lw g11111.I 1•1111•rt.i111m1•111 1111 1111·111 " Tlwir .1111.11 111111 will 1n1 lud1 thu11cl1·1 .md h~h1n1ng 1·ffc't'ls " m111<1111Pd -.kt·lf·l1111 ·• g1.111t p1.l\111g 111.11111-..11111 \.1111•11-.l11nl-. "''h l1gl\l1 cl I \e'' i\ll<llll I \ fl lt'lld'i \\ill Jlllc )i 111 lei "I up till' l'\ •Ill .11111 111 p.11 t 11 1p.ol1 "" 1111 ndh 1111111 ... tt·r-. I ,, .ol\\,1\, Jik1d tit• ·tL.111111 1 d l\l.111,11111 .1pp111.11h th1~ u-.. .11 1>1 -.111 \l.11111 H11h ll111d ,,,11tl "Thi\ u .... · fun 1111111-.11·1-. N" hl1111d .ind gnn· " ·• ·I thank h<1lf ol th1 .1clu lb. .1r11u11d h1 •11· k1111\\ Bc1i.·-. .ti 111111\ f111 l l.1ll11\\'1·1·n .111d 1u-.1 n11111 lo "t l11m 111·1 fe11111 · n1111 1111 1i1t·cl f.1n11h 1111 ml Hu h.11 d I It 11d1 r-.on ~ll7.1111lt· 11111 d .ag1 l 'l'rl. l '\pl.1111111g 'II.dim\ 1 t•n .., ,dw.1\., RnlJ', C:hn-.tn1,..., "It'-." Int 111 1111w .111d 1•-.:pt·11~l· rm u~ 111 gc1 1h1 1111gh w11h 1hi-. B111 the• -.a1 1-.t.wt11111 ttt1111·-. l111m su lllL' Ito\\ till k11I' c 11 .~1\ 1tw lo.ttlllll ti h1111-.c.• I fH ,dt o ,111\ 11\'l•I la:O.t•cl IHJltt'I' I•''' ll\111• 1• .. 111 1 <"lout 1. .... ~'1 -.1n I I t1 lcl 11"1 111 f I ;it lol d fllf c I •I UI l)i I ii <:air"; '<.old 111· -.11nnglv oppo..,l~ t I 1 • 111111. ol t \ 1 I 11 1 "11.,,. " \ 11u t d II· I 11 due• 1 111111 bv liurt111j{ J.iw- 1l11d111).! 1111/< la-.\\ h11 .tlt'l1°l d11111g t ...... l. J>llOP 15. J>agr Al I Business s pur urged H\ B A\ II> Kl'TZMAJ'\N Or'1he Delly Pllol Slalf 01 ang1 Count~ Su pl•rv1sor Th• 1111"" H1h v " proposin.I( th<ft an I 11dus 1r1.tl Dc·vc-lopmt•n t Au t loon L' l:M · tTl'c• tc.U loc·u 11 v tu lu1·I J<>I' ~n•v. th liv m aking iow - 11111 11 · ... 1 1 .. 111d f 111.1nc ·1ng ;1v,11l..tblt· ''" lit\\ 111 ··-.!Jhl .... ht-tl f11111<, 111 t•fft'l t tlw u•Untv w ould dt·t ,..., " "11mrlu11 ' w allo~ a busanc>SS t 11 IH1rruu rnon c.,v u s ing t he t11u111\'·., '"" l'X1·mp1 stat us. Riley .... ml ,·11 ,, l1•llf'I 111 fl'llow board 11 I I 11 l >t I.., '11 • H. 0.11 d ••I !:-.Up< n ,..,.,,' v.11! I ' I I ' II t ' I I I 11 " I II p " .... d ·" 11' 111t' ling l'w -.d.1\ Hi!•' -..11d 1.1 .. a1111 n 111 an I 11d11• 111.0 I l)1·v e•l11pm t•nt I ••1111111''1"'' \\' •uld l'll('llUfii~l • •1qd .. \1111111 ~r• wth \\h1th. 11 11ii'1111 d \\ 11 h I h l' < 11 U flt\ •' .d 1111 d,1hle loo 111-.1111-! pr•lll'll''· will "' ''' 111 .11 h1t ·\11 1~ \\ l'll µ1.1nnt•d , .. 1111111111111e' 111 n1;11nta111 our '" .illll\ ·~ 111111111\' .. H1J. ·, 1..; I 1'11111111H 11d 1 11~ that II t l•1,11d d1 •-.1g11;1h· llsi·lf rlS tht.• do \ 1 11•pl111 111 l PllllT\l...._._11111 St11e 11·~:1 ... l.1111111p•1ssP<l1n HIHI ).!.l\'I l llll'' .111d l'(>Ulllll'S lhl• .1111h11111v 111 1 r1"01t1· q11·h p:11w ls 1<11<' e 1111!1•111 ·d Fnda\ w 11h \ 1111111 ... , .. 111111u1111' .. nd t}u.,.n1'~<; I• ,11!t,.., 111 d1"-1 u ... ~ till plan Ht• .11.I he 111.1111 1 ht• µrop o-..i I fw1 .lll'I 111 j.(111\\ 1111<! lllll'll':O.l In th• lllllt t•pl ...;1111H· hu .... 111 ""'1'' wh1l h ont·e \ 11 " "d l } I ;111 gt. l' I) u n I ~· as a d1 ,11,1foJ1 11 lnt ,llhll\ J>(llllt h<H'l' 1111 11 put oft 111 rN1·nt y1·an. by th1 11-.1ng ui...t v f h11us111g w h1th I' 11ut 111 th1· n·,ll h of ll1i:111:;.' o 111)1111\l'e'' I ht mt.lu,,111.tl .1uthunt~'s unly lum 111111 \\1H1ld bl.· 1:-su111g bonds Ito ,1s-.l'>I 111 f1n .llH tng t>J1g1bJC- 1 ,µ.111:-11•11 111 n ·l1lt ,1tt' proJl'<. ts Htle•\ -..ml tht• panC'I t"ould r l'..,ll lt'I tlw p1 ogram "lo t<lrgN1'<i 1·1·11n11m11 .. 11l v J1~t n·s~l'cl ar<>as.' , 1·rL11n gro'wth inclust r it·s. o r l;1hor int<•n"'v" industrh·~" Thi· authorit\' 1·ould l!>sut• up to $111 rn1ll1011 111 honds fur N ll'n pr "J''t'l Tht· 1:,.-.uann• c>f t h e bond:-wnutcl hnve lo tx• approvt>d II\ 1h1· 1nrh1stnal nu thor1ty. thP (St'<' l:\OllSTRIAL. Page A21 A b use case draws activists ----INDEX-----. T h i.., i ... t h t· ~t ·u,.on w lw n p(•o plt· t·n joy good By STEVE TRIPOLI Of lh• Delly Piiot Sten T hl· pr11spt•l·t 11f a (;arcflon G rove m;m, l'llnVll'tt'd 111 .. 1·xu.1lly abu-.ing a 1:l-yl'tir-old l'osla M<'l><l J(lrl, b<-in~ n ·il·usc'<l ''" prulML111n l u r n <• d 1 h t' p r "v 1 n u .., I y unpub lic1wd ms<' inlo .1 l11~hly v 1s1ble om • .il the cl<.>f1·nrla 11t's sen Lencm~ F'r1du )' Judgl' Jamt-s Jack m.111 11rd1·11•d 21 -yea r -o lcl Mnn·us "M, x " G on zales lo undt•rgu tlO d;1y-. 11f diagnoslle s ludy at t h<' "tntc• prison a t C hino and rl'lur n for sent.enclnl( ,Jun 14 Jnt:kmun 's d <.'ciSlllll ur1•\\ lmmC'dlatt• and intenM· C"rlllt 111m f r o m sc•vt-ral m r rnhf'r s of Son" t y' <; L e a g u (' A I( o I n 'I 1 Mol«'stcra, a s tatl'Wldl' 14ro up (.'Otnposl'd in p;irt of n ·lnilvf'i' o f • ' ...... \'11u11g m111l":>t.11u111 v 11 llm-.. \\ h11 \"·n pn·.,1•111 \dwn 1 h• 111 d1·1 w,,, h.1nd1•d down SL AM . w h1d1 'I.ml 11 n "<·1·1v1·d word this w t•l'k 1h.1t <~onndt •'i 1111gh1 ht.· rl'IC'<i'l'll 011 proba t11111. n 11 1 1 I 11 d -. 1· \ 1· 1 " I m 1• d 1" 11ri.tan 11a t 1oni. of 1 lw pt•nd 1 ng 3l'l ltlll Th.ii hrrrught 'H'Vt•1 ;d I w.Jw. tl'll'VISIOO und IWW'<p.lp!'I rC'porlt·r~ to tlw 1·ourt lwan ng Thi' pn•s1'1H.1' 1,f lhl' mc•cl ia l>pa rkt·d tht• f1rl\I 1•mot 1o n a l oulburc;t of l ht• rl11y, from d C'f1·nM.· at'tornC'y J ot•I Raruc h . who da1m('(1 Gomn lt11' t rlnws did not nll'r11 thr• :ittl'nt1o n of thf' hnlf d1 111·n m e d ia n rl(11tliu 1t1 ons pllo:>l'lll Gonw lc-s WM t.'()llVtc li'<.I o f twu coun~ ea~h 11f o rnl copul{lllnt1 w i th a c hild und<•r 18 u nr, unl.1wf ul "t·i..ual int1·1l11111..,. Tlw 1111111· ... k1111y. n 10 l,n vv1•1 o, ·" "v.11hhlt•n." IM't'au:-1• th1·v· 1".111 bt· e·1111~1clt•n•t l 1•1 1lw r rn1sd1:mr;111on; 111 f1•l11n11·., hv l h l' st•111<•111 1n~ JlHl i.t t'. 1·11u Id ha v t• INI 10 " m:ix111111111 -..•n lt'nt'l' 11( ,,z 1n11n1h~ 111 ... 1.111· p 11-,.1n for t:unznlt~ R11 111t h , durini.t nq~uml'n ts h c· f c11 c · .I :11· km 11 n 's rl t' l' Is a on . 1111111"<1 flrM tu J11ckma11 and lht>n l11 ml•dw m1·mbt>rs ond as k l'd "Why on' they (tlw mL'<i10) here". Why ore• you h <.'re'" Bnruch said the prc•Rl'nce of r1•J')t1rt<'na ond camcrrut had u~·t his client, who nppcnrt•d 10 h<' crying. Buruch a~ul!il'tl SLAM ond Dt'puly Dl11tra(.•t Attor ney Chu c k M lddlr•t o n nf <See SLAM , P1-e All j More "'<'art ...... a nd p r o d m·t·r llt·h ru 11 ill knows ho\\ to p nn itlt• t lwm . St•t• Pn~t> R 12 . C lns:-1 f11 ·d Ct>tnll'S C tlllltlH'l\I l' rus:-w u rci D1•n th Not1<t'' ~:n1t•r1:1111nwn1 l h ll'Ol« 11p1. J\t 11\:i I 'S P u bl11· No t1<'<':- Hc •l1g1on Spur ls Tc•lt•\·1s 11111 T)w ulc.•rs Tnvl11 W NHlwr Youth ( 'I fi ( ':! Bii l':! C:\ Bl I 1:1 Bl ~ B 11 1:1 Bfi. C:i RIO Rl .fi BJ.I 011 !:\ Bl l /\'J. 89 -'I \~ 1111111\JI ( 1111111 I IAll ' I 111 >I /'1111\11 il11v l 11 l11l1111 tu HJt;4' ~' ,,-----.,...-o-n~ta-m-in-a-t1-. o_n_c.:..._a_e __ s_p_r_a_d-in_g __ ..,.,,.. . ' Continued stories I !> .. 111~ tl1111g \\I 1111i: "\\'h.ll Lho. I~ JumM I.Jo .iloklllM h111wi.1, I."' .1l11d111i.: 1 11111·11 It• " I \ I ll I' I I 11 II I I •• " I " I II I 111111111.11•. "' "·"" Tin· ,111·1111 .... 1111 l'.il 11111111.1 .11!'1•,111\ ha .... 11111111g 1111 ... 1111 fl''' 111111111.il l,1\'' Ill tlh' 11.1111111 \\Ii.it .... 111·1·d· d ht· .1ddt d ,, 11111 .1dd11111n,ol I."'' h111 111111 t' th.it lt11ld 111111111al.., .1111111111.1'111 .111ol d oll• 0111 111,1\111111111 -.1•11t1 •rw1•., . N111 ''"" \\di ll 111 I 'I"'''". \ti ,1(11111111'11.tl•' I \\Ill 111 1111 I h'\ II\ I' '"~ ......... lht 1111h ".t\ \11 1·11111111 11 " 10 1:1.1111 11111111 !'t<'.1r1•h a11d .,, 111111 ii''''''' whrd1 I 111 I '' 1t1.1/1p111pt 1.111 t''JJl.111\l'd "111 •\\ flul I lt "h I'. •lh I l 'h1t'I ( "h.11 i..,. l ;,I .... , ~bad l:111" "1'111 1,,,,, . .111 .... h Hl'l' 011 1111• ll<Hlki. .111.I lfi1·\ ,fi111tld b t • 1•11l11rn·d II \'1111 t1"1' .i 1:1111 \llll g11 \It }Ill ,111d \11\I 'l1111tld ~·11 lll ,pll 1111 •• ''l-:111111.lljl I"''"" 111 111111· .. 111· .1dJ1•d 11!.11 rt tlw """"1111 · p.11'M''· II I' d1•,11111 .I Ill l.111 .11111 I hat \\ 111 I u 1 t h • 1 • t 11d1 t ti 1 11 u bl 11 • ' l II II I Id I II I I II g11\'l 'f'lllHt 'ti I I l u11unglt111 J~ .. 11 Ii l '11lt1, t '1111 I E a r I 1· H • d 11 1.11 11 , · 1 "11 k t I 11 urgunwnt .1g.11rn.1 !'1<11~·.,,111111 I ' a stt·p lu11h1•1 111 1.ill1·d 11 •• "!-4.:am" t,.•111g 1•11111 11111 .I 1i, .11111 gun 1wopl1· "t11 g1 t 111 1111 1~1111 111L1·n•.;1, .. 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It," ..:..J11J Ut 1 l"ll \' .. dll \. w 1111 fo1lntf ,1 Jllll I I I r:-1'1llf' lirtll ;1 "'""Ill• Ill N1 \\ I l.11111 "'"" 1\1111 1 II f1t\,\l1 11.i\1 h.111111d 111,11111~· 11lli11 '. li,1\'t "l'l 111111\o., I II \\ 111 II l\11lo.., I .111 IJ.11 it •• ,, 111 d,., .11111 ( '"" W1ll1.1111 tlN1ill 111 '111111.111 111 1.11111hd 1111 l1 .11li11111 1.tl l.llllh "111d1111l .it 1 Ii• i.:11\'t I 11111 ' '11.111'>11111 "II r-. ,,.,I th.ti tlu·"· I dlJI llft&'i 11 1\h\ ht I '1'11 t'.I d Ill .Ill II ,Ill 1111 11 ,j .... ,f d1 ~I t 't' I lit' \I d i () N· ill ~.11d "li11I 11 .. '·"•'I\ 111 11111 \'OIJll)' Ill opft• (llflll•-. 111 :-t .. 111 Wa-.l1111gt1111, H 1•p .Juli11 D111g1•ll. I> M11 It . 1'11o11t 111.111 11f llW I lt1UM l•:111·r~ v v m l l '011111w111 (' 111111111 111 I • "I •·d ,1.:i· d l h .• t 1·1111•1 g1·111' h g1'l.1t11•11 will Ill' 111L111du1 ··d 111»..t 1111111111 . wlwn t '•HlJtt••-.~, lt1'U1t·., lt1 1u.1h.t tl •• lt·d11 .il 1 111111• lt1 1.111q11t v.lllo lt1C1tl d1 IW'; 111 111·,11ot Ill l'ho pl I ' ,1d1 Ill u l l .11111 \ id l '1 .. d111f , l1ot "'"'''" 11 .. 111,oll 1.J 1111111' 111.ttl .. 11111111111 •ti ,, • •''·'""I ••1•1111~ 111 t 111 fJ .. Ju.iL • .;,. l\1111111 .... 1.1 .111d , .. 111 111 \.\ '" 1111 Ill ot ft I ,I I l1tlif l1111t1d 1111 fllll Ill II \\ 11111 '.tllll)' flll I .illfllt" 111111 1'111 '"""~"''' 1 w." 11111 I 1111 1 W o Jll'I d1111 I \.\ .1111 .111\11111 111 ~·1 I 111 p111·d " ,11d l.1·•111 .11 d ll1tH1I<, tho llllllf•·•ll\ I•" 1d1 111 1111 .1ppl• \\ .h 11 .. 11~·111 .11 l '.11k 1<1v1·1. NI) ... 11p• 1111.otk• 1 1,, .1 111.111 1d1·111tl1• d ·" L1 I 111ol 'l'l 1or ... 111 ·11•.0 11 "1'111• 111 .111 \\ fiq f1.,11gli I 1 I 111 ou"'hl II fi.11 k .,11 ol .J.11111 Mo:">nlt . 111.111.1g1 ·1 111 t 1 ... ~1 ••• • L 1·1·v1·s S11p1·t V.d11 "I !1 "·' lwwu:.. WL· d11J11 l pull 11 "''' \\', d1111'l kilo\\ h1J\/\ ti gut 1111'1• 111• fll1liu• JU't l1H1k lho •'Jll'I' I' t. g g ' I. .. \\ I II " I· II d 'I I '\111\\ f .jl ' \t\ I t I I I lt•t 1\ I I J f I 11a11 ,IOll t 111 "I' ,111d I 1111'1 It d lllJf .,f \• l10flltj fll,11 hlllt 111 lo•lll • .. \,\ I· 111•1 ,,,., I tl1·•. It '" 1\ 1111 .... ' ,,, ·' "11111 I>• 111111.I 1·111 tlo.11 11 II•''' "I .• Ii I "\\,, t' "II I. " ... ,j '111111 '·'"' hv v .• 11 ..... \.di· .,, • ·I I I ••• ~ 1111 11 I• II 111•111 "' .111• •I '"" \~I"' '" I ' I I I ' • I I • I I \.\ t I I f t 1. t t I I ~ I tlu d11 111t It; 1u.tl.1 h• I \'fJHll I ti \\ ••. , "4 ,, I' I "II I "' \1111 1ilt111, I It 1• 11 t111• 11t .11ol 11• I I ,,, " I II I. I I" .. I I 1 •• " I ''"' f.l.1110 lllll1tdd 1 .f Ill 1110 111 \\I ti I" •1d11o1 d 1,, II 1•1.,it• I 111.d l'1 1>1li1tl ,·,,,,, .. 11.1"""'" l\11111 t1l<11if, "I llolt• I ,111oJ \\•fl 1l.,l11l1t1lt I I Ill l'o llfl \h,1111 I tll1111 l11d1 1111 111111111 ,,,,.1 :\I I 1 I 1 I)', 1 f I \\ I I I 1 I• r 11 I 1.1 I 1 I \ •lil111! .. tt1l111l1Hll 11 , •ill" I l,ol1 .. 11 11 1.d .. "" 1\11\11111 \\ 1 ••• 1 .. 1111•111 ltdlp.IJ" 11 .11.I. \\111, 11,, I 'i\I '""' l11oul1r t I I ti tit 1I11 11 t Ex-First Brother finds joy in sobriety Billv Cartt•r talk ~ ahoul hi~ balll•· a~ain~t hooz.-in llu11tiug 1011 n~ l'lllL S~Ell>EHl\1 AI\ 01 lh• Oally Pllol Slall 'f'l11 Ill.ill Whll g,1\ I Ill» lf,11111 \11 lltlh lk1 t \\,,.. Ill f11111l111g t1111 IS.·" Ii "" ~I td.i\ 1.dk111g .11111111 tl11 ~1\ 111 '1111111 I\ . I Ii·· I gtt .11'' I '1 l.111111 d Htlh ~ '.1111 I , '1111 I l.1-.Ji111g lli1· g11111I 11Jd h11\ i.:1111 th.it 111ad1· 111111 l,11111111 ol11111 1t.: 111 ... IOIJI \I ,11 'lt11I "tlu r1.t11•m' h "I Hr 11th• 1 "I ''·'' prnh;1lil\ th•· 11111-.t p11hl11 dr u11k 111 th• I 'S .. ( '.1rl11 ,,,1d Th• 11 I ...,,1,,.,, ti 11p .111d 1\11\11111 k111\\ .d11111l II 11 I \\ .11111 d 111 -.1.111 d1111h111g .1g.1111 • .... \\ I d h .1 \I '" '>l.ill ,1 f ,I\ td I 0 \\ .111d \\11tk Ill\ \\.1\ 1111 N11 l1•i.:1t1111.111 · 11.11 t1 ·11d1 ·1 \\ 1111ld '>!'I V1• II It' I h1 111 .111 "h11 u" d 111 h1· • lllllt Ill 111111111111g g,,., Ill I 'I.11th, c;,, """ l.1u11il11·d 111111 1h1· 11.1t11111.il 'l111t lrgh I \\' lil'll hr~ 111111 lt•·t .J 1111111\ '"" I 11 •1 l1·d p,,.,,d. Ill Ill llt';h 111 'fM>kl I-11d.1\ .11 .1 1111 p1t1111 If 11ldi11 l1·d ,1\ ( )IJ1 ti }',1-.,,1g1 ·-, "" tlllf fl d lll'f1\ I 11111! flll' lh1• It 1 .it1111 11l .. 1 .olt 11h11lr.,,11 and 11\I I 1 ,1\lllg d l'11ld1•h ~.d 0\\1'11 .1 p111g1.1111111111d111.11111 .11 Op.11 !' .......... gt·.., '' ·" .1 Lh1•ri1pl'>t ·" th•· L. s N ;I\';. ""' p 1 l i-> I 111 1.1111 g B1·;1t h wh1•n Ball\ l'.1111·1 \\ ;i, ,11 in11Ul•d f1H ;d11;h11I p111bl1 111' .1lrn11-.L four \l"'" a~u I \\ ·" <I \'It\ ,111\\ 1 •. 111111 .11 I .11ng l·k;wh," C.~ar lt·r 1t'f.'01ll1·d ·I thank I '"' a 111•\\ rt'f.111 d "h1·11 I 1 .. ok 1·1gh1 w1·"k' l11 J.!11 tl1111ugh ,, 111111 '"'k p111c1.1111 ·1 1.inw 1h1·n · 1111 la•·.1111 ... 111 \\ 1111 n 11 d1·""' lo qu11 d1111k111g Hut I "·" 111 l 1.1d ph v...a1 o1 I I llllcllftlltl l'h1•\ 1111.111\ I (Ill\ llltt"d Ill• I h.111 111 qu11 dr 111k111g 1111 Ill\ -..·11 . B1 •-.1d1 B1 II v ( '.11 ll ·r .11 t 111' < >1,. •11 • !',,...,.,gt , rt'l l'fJllllll \\ ·'' h1-. wtl1· S\htl Slit t11m1w 111t-d 1111 1111 d1ll11 ull' "drtnk111L. pr11lih 111 l.•ll 1,1u-.. "1th111 tllt' t.111td\ ' f ll II II I I , " (' \\'I' Ii ,1 if 1' I ' I hild1t·11. ,1\1' '"'" Hiii\ \\ .... 1)11 ho .111 ool ti 1 l.111111\ .111d \\t Delly Piiot Stell Pholo• ,oll l1H1k1·d u11 111 111111 I and 1111 l htld1 I'll ,i]( 111.1d1 l'Xl'U"I'' 1111 l11m But \\I \\l·r• 111111 Ii\ tl1• thin g ... th.ti "' 11 ,,ud Hiii\ "•" ,, h.1fJI" drunk 111 \\ ·" lht· "' 1•f'lt"'' drunk v o 11 'ol 1·\'t·r -.i·1· But ,,., 111uk a 1111 1>1 \'1•1 Ii.ti iillll"l '!111 \\'lf'I p.11 t 11f 1l "•" lh,tl II I "'''llllll'd .ill "' IJUI It\"(•-. N 11t 11111· d,,,. µ<i ~!>1·tl ~ ht'n S•J1111 "' tolil 1·111 d1d11 '1 1 llnll ' lift ·•"IJ( 1;1 tt d wrth Hiii\ ·.,, tl1111k111g n. Ill)!, Ill 1111 pUl1lll I \1 fkt \\t \\II• d1d11t lt•l11 ~' 1,11 t ,,, to 1' 1td -.IH 111 '"II \\ ..... 1 ~·11111,1111 .o1 ... 111 ·"' 11111111 ... 111 ,111d Ii.id 111 lt•,1t 11 t 11.il t i 1•. ,, llf .i1.il1l• "' •• ·"' \\ 111 11 ho 111,1111 llio d t< 1..,11•1• I•• 1111111 •1111 111 I• 11111 Ito .011111 Ill) 11 \\ ;,., 1 J11 li.q1p11 I 111"111•'111 iii 11111 11\'I• 111 '.,11.f Hill\ < • .r11 r h1111<;1•lt n>t-.1ll•·d I I l111ok "'' •• \\ 1111• ·" l.•i11~· l~·.11 Ii I•• ,11l1111t I "·'" .111 .ol111h11h1 I ·"''"' .. 11d I Ii.id ,, '>l11 • .:h1 cit 1111-.11111 fll """ Ill . \\'111 to Ill• 111 .it1111 Ill \\•i 1111111'1• 11 d ( '.11 \1 I ,,,Id 111 \\ d ·'l'I'" 111 11 ''" .1b11111 11\ 1ng li.n I.. lr I ( ;t 't If J.!J 11 I \\ ,,.., .ii ,..,.,llJ11 h p• ·It al 11 ·d Ii• •• 11d 11 ,11111 tli• 11.11 ''"tld 1111 I• t.11 1111 fi11~1111 • .J I '1'1111 1-(• I 1111 111 l'l•I•' 11 I 111 t I ,111d \I• I \\11t1d1 I II \1111 t• 1-:••lltj,.;' 11 1 h 1\• 111.11 '''Pl"'' t ''Iii 11 '"u I• ,1\1 I I• ,1dd1·tf ., " tit·\ I I 111' ,, ia1;i111 .,tit I },. : ... I I .. t1.... Hllh (·,,,I• I \\ 111 k ........ 1 111.11 ko t111g d11t'\ lul 1•11 .1 111111 ... 111~~ 111111p.i11\ .011d !>.tal l 11 .i\• 1-. '" d .. '.111 -.1kllll' I llJ.!,1)-'' flll llh lhll\1~1 f l 11"1 II 11.oll\ 1111 .0]1 .,J1111i'>tll ( '.1t \1 I 0 1 l.11111-. Iii ' 111 j.!1J11d It• .olth tli1 ..,, """' •h .. 11t.:li 11• .11l11111-I. -.till 'I 111k1 ... I••• ll1111 Ii ,\11tf \\ f..11 .ii• olll I ho I it\ 1 •1,1t.:1• tli ,1 ••II• I '••I I 111, 11.11111 • 11.•' I,,.,. 11 1 111.1.f• Bill\ fol. 1 r -.1 , , • 1 '' . 1. 11 . , , " I r I \ I I\ li1>1I\ 11.id l!o di ltlh lltll'. I ~ It 1111·11 \\lt1dd ,,, I l.1 II "' ·' I•• t I• "" I'' ••Ii I 1 •l r I II h 1111' ')4 \till t i t '·l lt ,1 I t ••• ,f FBI hrou~ht train fire • into • • • 1nvest1gat1on l~11h tlu I-UI .11111 th• ;\.1111 n.d I 1.111,p111 t.1111111 S . .t1 I\ B11.ird h.i\I• 111111.1tt·d lll\'(•,11g.o111in' 111111 Th111-.d.1\ 111gh1·.., 1111· .il.M1.11d .. 11 :\111t1,1k ll.tlll th.it hr11k1· 11ul ,1-. ll I'""' d I h t 11ugh l\l 1-..,1<111 \' 11 1 • .\11 FRI -.p11k1·,rn;111 Frid.iv 11111l1n111·d 111.11 th1 \\ ,,, 111\'t·'>ltg.olilll-: llH 1111 lllll'l.11)1 I ' '11 1rot111d111g Ill• 1111'. \\hl<h l1111 k1· •1111 ·" lt•t I ht llOt ll\ .q 1p.111 11th ... 11111 k .. '"I I 11.11 1111 lht 11,11 k C.ill1' """ tit• FBI "·", . .llo·d llllt• I h1 · I ,1"' fit 1.llhl It '' .1 f1 •if1·1,,f I t 111\1• 10 d1•ld1t'l .Ill I\ .1111 111111 \11 1111111 d1• th1 l'tllldUI I ,;I lll ll'f ,\,1lt I llfllllll'fl I 'lll Ii ,I, 111 II I I 1 •1 lllj.( \\ ti h ;i l r ,1111 111· d1·1l1111'd t o 1111111111•111 h11w1•\'t•r \\ li1•11 ,...,kt'fl it .1g1•11h t ·''' :\1111 I 1J... I l•llllltll\1 I II .1111 1t>il "·• 'I" 1·d111~ .,, ,111 I• :-,.,,, I >11 L:• , , I I • ll I t' I ' 111 \\ I • II I .• 111 • ' I lll.?llll1 1I !f11 l\\tl J11<1>t11<1\l\t ' I flolllll -.11111!..1 Ill" tht ll\t f'd'""'''llC • t , .11 ' Cloudy today •\\I oll 1 I llllcfl11 fllJI-: ,1 lo 1gt1 ,ol tll\'l 'flg,oflt1ll .ol1111g \\Ith 1111 Or.1111.!1· <"111111tv Sh1·1 il't', Dq>.11 11111 Ill .111d I Jth\ ·" jM •lll t • '>Jtd I 1.111k l'.dl1 \ '>< 111111 fl·,tof1 Iii ,1g1 111 111 1h1 I HI'-. S .1111.1 r\11.1 11ff11 ,. De Lorean 1·eleased after posting bail The Forecast For 8 p m EDT Snow CJ Ftur11e sE::J (.'oa.'\/al Soulherr (. 1 ,, ., i 'IV mostly c.l"ludr ~" Ji'I, temp~rat ,.,.~ Par• , r Sunday OrangP C< ,,. '.,. Cu'1 t'!, .. -.-' n191\S 68 IC' 71 le rJ.,, 'C • -~ Svnday Lnw~ ~~ lu 6' tnl&nd vallflly\ can P."r; f" ~ • q•1 '" the 70s low~ •fl-l"i' '~Os Mountairs ,... t\.l-.f .,..,\l••t , wmds 15 Ir lO ""t>'" r• •'er , snOVrrf'r5o ,,, n ,,,..,. '""'fP H1gns .,, thp ~o, lows ,,... tt·,,. 4n~. We!ttPtly ,.,ntJ!; 15 3C m".t-, desert& rio•lh•"n dP~"'' t1•oM 1;1 10 73 10 ... s JJ 10 4" <.ou•hf'« deseo '"Q"it.. ;3 to ,"$ 10..-. 4 • •r SJ Panly cloud1 1n ,,Qrtt '<H.1.,, Snowers o.,,,., c. .. nt,JI C llrf ,, .j 'leanno .ilternoo,, A•(••s•t 1 ,, hngenng sr1ow"" 1r1 Sottrrn • "' and m ild 1on1qh1 ,Jnd ""''d••~ Snow aDO•!' 8 000 fPet l · .. ~ .. 'i11111111ar\· Strong welll'•ly w1nO\ bit•"' 11 40 10 60 mpll ov"r soutttl'a11"" Wyoming on r nday anll toogh "''"d wam1nos were on elle<.1 O•f'• 1'131 HC110n or me s111e Els11wh<11 .. 1n 1ni-w .. \I 111velers advisories to• IOt.Jlty lleavy snow wllr" •Hund lo• high•• elf'VallOn~ QI 50U!nl'ASlf'Jn l<laho and the s1 .. 1e s c•nln•• moun1a1ns Loc11I accumulal "' of as much n 6 •ncnes nl &now were e•pe<:le<l wllfl QU,.Y winds cau•lno or1111no ... In the No•lhwesl " "'"'"t ot 1111od1ng d•m1n1shed '" 1ncn111 heavy rainfall eased F0t 1o<111y acan~.,o •••n "'"~ lorectll ove1 nor1hMn l0"""' Mtehlgan Rein wes t0teca11 01er western per11 of the cen1ra1 Ple1n1. cnenglng lo 1roow on lho cef1tral RocklH end lo 1111n l•c>m lh• lower eleva11on1 ol Ullli ec1011 Nevad• an<I cenl•1tl ClhfOfnll Hx l f•nde tl l• (•uth e r ' ~ t ' ... J l' j 11tP' -"OS. r.I "-~ h1 ;r r M'S 1~t>111pera I 11 rt':\ NATIOH AllirJr•-, Alt)!JQUr"fl\iP Ariel'\ •tilQH A1•.Jn1(1 At i'°I .. ~ '• Ausf1r1 8-i'f ""~"' B1111nq-. 8 1fm1nqh.lfT, B1c.mtl1ct... l;t~\.P 9,..~, r B•-.v.." ...... Bu•t,1 [h;r!•n )t~r C,111\C1f•r C.flJ\r!f"4'.tl)n 'ttV V Ct1,1rtott" u c .. (,hf'tt•l'U''(• Cr-•caqr C:•nC•ttt'"''' C1Pvt•t.vu1 ColvmD•:t r; < COlllmh11• Des Mo•nM ~lrO•I Duluth E• Pn.,, faut>1n1t."' Faigo Har!loro Hl'•ena Honofulu •nd1nnA0<1h' Jac1w \Cit' "'4•\S. Juneau t<AnSIH l •Iv Kno;cv111..- lat V"ll"' l•Hlfl A~~ Lou11v1ll11 tuoooc• M!!mPh•~ 1>9 )2 FO 27 ,2 10 70 44 " 4 ) •4 sq , I '\' ·~ 36 7• ~2 41'! " .o 4 / .,, 4f R<; 7"j b<I 411 ·o 19 .... 37 13 JI 6'• 4 1 SJ JS S8 4; 6J $1 69 S2 73 33 66 4~ 64 43 6'.l 47 ..,, 43 71 3S 07 00 'IS 32 TO 31 46 n 71 61 65 SI 80 51 44 1 4 65 39 70 34 66 4;> 68 51 62 47 73 )4 6!> .§.8. ... .. ' · .. -•' eo ~ronl& ' l TT M1am1 ~.A1t~au.,P.P Mp St Pa JI Nft\llt OtlPtlflS N.--w 1or; Nortnl .. NCH ltl PlattP Qlii:l.thOMd Ctt;' Om111a Plltl Jdf'l,•h I PtH'){'01) P1111ouroh Por11onll M,. Portland O•P Prov•tJPnCr+ RJlllltQh AlP•d 1,.,1, <;.ill l ll~f· 5(tr'I Antrm1r• Sari (111jQO SAn r r AnCl\('.O 5t>A\llf' S~r••vept>rt S•O<J• Fall\ St lOu•" s1 Pete rump' 9t SI~ M11"'1 Sµo•am> loP<1• 1 lutson IUl'JA Wash•nQton W1rh1I• CALIFORNIA Appl!! Vstley B11k11rs1oe10 Barstow e-aumont B•tnnp 60 ,~ 61 SI ~o " 80 hi 6'1 SI l>I.> J') ft? 21i ]\ H 6• J~ b!.I 4 ' T'l 'iO 69 4t 6S I~ 'JI} 41 1\1 :\~ 71 Ill "" ;>"! 5'> , .. 17 61 78 .,, 66 ')1' 5) 45 61 fl? ~8 11 67 4q Bl f, ! i,O 1r1 ~o l4 60 34 78 44' 74 •3 "' .. 7 I 34 n :JG n H 71 47 71 45 63 :l2 ~ Out., wal~rs from P>1nl ... , ~IOfl 10 San N<OIH talond SURf Rf PORT not1"-t WIMI 12 to 20 11no11 California LI1 wotn 3 10 5 too1 MH dflC•t11•111lf • i?ts'n 0 Fl•ewne1e tight va1111ble wtndt .. _ .. .,.,.,.. .. ___________ _ 111ornlno b•comrno wHI 10 • lu11 lurt l urr Prd tO 10 II ,, nortllw•at 10 10 1CI knot• ••1eh A•o Mn •lltt"nGO!l tlllCI -lf>G W•t111ly Zuma 1 3 ....... 1 lo 3 .... MOJ11y CIOvdy !Ian•• MOlllU I ' 1111th • c hanct or 1ho"''' Nfipon e.acn ' 3 "°"'*" wtlin by Santa B11otbe•• 9111'1 OleQO County ' 4 Counly Ovl!OOll for Sontllly 1111i. Chen~ I well Avy I well .... 2 'l 3 3 . lw•ll 011 w w w w eo Blvt~t· Ca1.a1.n.1 C'JlvPr c i. [uo~• ' Frei~no l dnrJ''"' lOOQ [lt-.1(1\ lC>'I A.ngl'lo'• 1 ... ~(M'11ov, Monl~l>"ll• Monlllff'V Ml W11~on NolidtA\ Nl'VvPOrl 9.,,1th Oa"'r:uut Onlilrir PAsact .. nn P1._o At1hl .. -. A1..,Pr51(1f' R.,tl 011111 Rt'dwnno C,1tv Sat•nmrn10 Sallnas Sen Bnrn11d1no San OIOQO S11n f•AnGl'ICO S!ln Jo111 Senta Ann S•nio Bil•bA•o S•n11 Maoa Santa Monico SIOCN IOn fahoft Vnll11v Therm Al f onanc ... Vu1nt1 Cal(l11•y Edmrn111111 Monlrl'HI Ot111w~ At'(llhll loro1110 v1ncouv111 Wmnooeo CANADA PAM AMl!JIUCAN ~1;11pulco B1rba<10~ lier mud a Curacao f lMC>Ofl Ouadat11•ra c ... adelou~ 77 50 68 ~:;o Tb ~6 ~9 S4 t.>8 48 ~3 15 7? 35 75 ~ .. 18 60 80 •8 7q 55 66 50 IVi 41 16 49 71 S5 btl 40 78 46 7Q 53 16 42 f7 45 flO 41 68 ~l (;) !>() n 47 11 46 78 57 66 55 87 47 71 54 n 48 7:l 44 69 57 65 49 55 43 81 48 77 55 81 ';J 40 17 39 18 811 •5 111 ... J7 ;>9 67 40 !;() 38 •8 36 00 75 ee 15 75 H N 77 e• ea 75 •3. 88 70 l\lt'.111\\ 11111 .• 1 r.111111.111 111111 1.il ,,lflf d \ ,111d,d 111.t\ li,1\ I pl.11 1" ,I :!ll1111h,111lt11 1•1 ....... 1 ....... 1'11 It .11 k, (;1111 r l11lt1,1ln111. ~ .... , •• ~. H .111\\ ·'' ' 11 ~·1••11.1 1 p11bl11 n·l;1t11or" 111.111.1g1 r "''" .1 ,,, , I 111 pl.111 l11u11d 111.11 lh1• 11.1111 "·" m.11k1·tl Ill .1 \\," 1111it1,illll)... 11 111,1\ h,,,, tllftl\111 d lt11·l t.1nk' 1111 1h1• l\\'111 l111111111olt\'1·-., 'il""k111g 1 IH 111 I 1'11 pl.111·, .111 ,,...,.if Ill ...... 1.11l111g I ,1 11 t II ,1 d I 1-: 11 ,ii '\\ I I f 111 ' Fl11h1" hu11 ... 11d, .111d "1·11· IM·111g 11M·d .il1out 111111 111111·, -.1111111 11 11111 wlt1·r1· t!w f111 · •• < 111·11 ·.I 'ff tl\,I\ li,I\ I lit•l'll \ ,1111l.11i•m1 hut I don 1 ".1111 t11 'I"~ ul.111 • lw ... ltd I. U S . \ N t ; E I. E S I :\ I ' I :.1..,' ru k .iut11m ,1k1·1 .1111111 I I lt l .1111·.111 w:.ii. n •lt•ai-1'<1 I r11111 pn""' l'nd.i\ 1111 $111 m1l111111 l>1111d ft\1 1111111' ,dll'I bt•lllJ.: llllflllt"tl IOll I 1 d' 1 .1 I 1 ha r g 1 ' 11 I d 1 u..: 11.df11k111g .111d 1.1lkl'l1·1·1111g Ill .. $:!I 11111111111 (11('.llTll' d1·.il \\'ti htll lllllllllt'' "' lt'.I\ 111~· 1111' 1·1111111.11 1,1,111.t lid11.il I'll'"'' I>• I.or t""' "' bla1 k .f.1g11.11 \\ "' lll\'111\'l'll 111 ,1 fn·1•w,I\ .1tt 1111·111 \\1th l\\'11 11tlwr l'<iri. ;i It·\\ mtlt·' \\l'~I 11f do\\ 11t11wn L11-. t\ngt•ll·.., l' B s NI'\\ ' I l ' fllll I t'(f Th I' l'.1l1 t 11rn1,1 1!1gh\\.1\ P .11r11I 111111111111.f lh1 ""' k1111\\ 1 I lll\111\t•d •'"Id• 111 t.111 ol1d llo f.,.t1 ·.011 "•" l '.1t,lf11t·d11' \\Ill ofl'IJ•thlllrl hut 1111 llJll I• lfllll• d 111·,111111 111 ... 11d 1·11· l>tp.11'111•111 "l"'k''""'" .I 1111 \\' ""' I ) I I. " I ' .1 II \\ It " I 1 I I l :, 1w1.d 1\1111111 ' c '111 p '" liu1ld ,, J111lt1hlll -.111w11.11 hut"'·"' }11, • • 11111.111\ I.di 1111 11 h.111krup11' \\ 01' ,I\ I 11'1 •d t1I l llll'l 111 lllg \\ ti It f \\11 11 lh1 I 1111•11 111 d 1i.t t1b11t1• 1·111 .11111 • fin\\ 11 111 tr 0111 < '11lornhr.1 \ L!I 11111 1111 \ 11 llll ll• d tl11 • 11111111 h p.1~1 111ol11 tnH 111 u < I.lo.I ao • FEATURING: ALL THIS FOR I-~ o· ~ ~ S PECIAL CLASSES -UP TO 8 DAILY (body sculpting . legs. super fitness stretch) 2 WEIGHT TRAINING t:ENTERS (Nautilus. tull ·line of frH weights and dumbell, CAM II machine. Paramount and I.lo.I z Unlversal) I • 25 METE AOL YMPIC POOL & "" SUN DECK "' • 2 SANO VOLLEYBALL COURTS O;;;) • GYMNASIUM (Basketball. % Volleyball) ~ - • "• MILE JOGGING TRACK • 14 CHAMPIONSHIP RACQUETBALL COURTS • 2 CHILD CARE CENTERS • LUXURIOUS LOCKER FACILITIES FOR MEN ANO WOMEN • S AUNA. STEAM, JACUZZI • INDIVIDUAL EXERCISE PROO RAMS • GIANT SCREEN T.V. • PROSHOP • RESTAURANT, BAR & SOCIAL LOUNGE • MASSEUR & MASSEUSE .$ - ----;.NAT-iON - 'f'·~---~_! -~ .._ - after error · 11ottc(I N E W 'i' <> It I\ l 1\ I' I ~,,.,~ huv~· 11 .... 11 1 M 'L.'lt,.J lJv ;&i. llllld\ ,I' '.,?() flOllltl> Ill\ th~· H111lvi.<Y Ad111•\l•1m·111 '1'1 •,1 1,1kl·11 111 J utll' hv :! I 111111 1>lUdl'llb h<'l'Ull'I' !'lllllJ1l,1111l' (rcnn ,1 N1·w .J1•1 :.1•v -.111d1·111 rl'\'t'Jlc-d IV.II f,1ullv l1·i.t ljllt'''""" Thi• l111,11cl 1011t111111·d r'rrda\' tl1;11 011 two 111 tlw 11111 111ult1plt· 1'1111111• "'"t qu1·,111in:., ,i)) fl\'1 flll'-'tlih• ,11\,W1•1'' Wt'lt' l\tll t'\ I lL \\.;.)) llH• 111!.l llllll Liil ( 'ol h•gr l\o;1rfl has n ·,11111•d 11111• of"" l·I .wh11 ·v1·111t'l1l lt"•" 111• 1'.lll" II f 1111'I1'.I d lllj.: 1~u1·:-.t 11111' Thi 1111.11 d ,,11.t r nd.1 V I )11 · lll'W -.t'OI t '' \\ i'l 1 • 111 tlll' 111,1tl 'l'h1• li11a1tl p11·\t11u'l' .1d1111tl1•d 1111 ,l ,tkl'' Ill tfUl ''llttll' IHI IJtt• S1 h11l.ti.tll Aplltudt· 'l\•-.t thr 1·t• 111111 · ... 11111:.l II'\ t II\ f\ Ill f\1.1\ D1·11g warning planned W ASlllNLlTON • lligh -r1 H\ .10111 l AHl•.r-.111-: \II 0 1 lhe Oelly l'llul l lell f ,. \ I 1,,, ,. t -, '•I •• I• I it 111; .,. 'l I'll llK•lll 1t .. 1. I •II" 1111 1 I l111:h II,, "11111 lt111l1ft111:· .cl1 .. l1tl1 .f I" •'1'1""11 lwl1111 11 ... t ·.,.,1,, l\I•·"·' ( 011\ l '1111111 oi f\lt111tl,1\ 111gltl f1.1\I 1 t 1(111 -.11 ti ol do l,I\ 1111 1111 111 .11 llW u1111l Nu\ lJ 111 1111.d·. 111 (',dll1•1111.1 l '.11 tlh ,., .. , .. 1111 ·'" .111d1.1I• 111 t '.I :-\1 gt' 'I I 1111\ ,'(,, :-. .... , 1:.1\' 1111 1•\1.t.111.1111111 1111 llt1 1lt ·-.11; ti di l.1\ Ill .1 11·111'1 llt1 I \\ t'I k 111 I II\ d1 \I l11pt11t Ill "'I\ It I' dll t I 1111 1>1111~: ( 'l.111, ( 'l.11 k th I 11111 d \11 '(Ht Ill.tit 1111 "·' '""" lt11 P"''I'"'" 1111 111 111 llu 111111111\'I l'l,ol lllllJl'l I 1.tlllll~: 1111 .111 II. I I 1111 I I;" I It 1111 • I . I I il ' ' •. -..·\I II '1111 \ 11ft Ill ' ,111d ,1 11111 ''''' \ l1111ld111g 1111 I.I h .11 11·' I II I Ill t ' I l \' I> 1 I'll p I I'd 11 \ d 11 /ay a f\f<11tl~•111111 I \ \\ ti d 11111 I" l ·, •111f1.a 1 t \ • •f I It t 11 I \\ • I t I•• •1 .. , .111 . .i .1. 1111 '111111111·111 "\1 \. 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I 111111 Ill .. I I 11 'I\\ I \ I I l I I I 1',,,, I• • ',, 1•1 1 '"' 111 "' 11,. '" 111., I\ f ... ' h \ t ' .\ I I I ti ti I I 111 I ti I II If f .,, ......... 1... ttl• t ·I '""''"I '"' 1•1.111 11\ ( ·""''""·' l '.11 "'' I '.111111 11111111 I h•t 111 11 ill 11d 111 '1'11k1• \\ll lt I ,1!11111111.1 )'.utl11 J' I It f ii I t I I I •,. I ''I.\ I t. I I J' 1\1111 111 I l\l1011d 1\ """ \\ .t Hild 111 •• 11,. l.1 111111• \\.1 '" 1111• d1 1 .. ,,.1 1111111 11111• I ''I'' 1,11 .. 1 1 .. 1 1111 J« d I 11111 11111 , 1111ld 1 .. .,, l"\\ II t It t I 11 I I f \\ 11 f 11 I 11 i • • • I 111 I 11' I I I •' 1: \\ I 111 I '' ' I 1111 • I I ' I•• 1 f1111 .ttd t11 \\" 11• \ 1 r ......... If d ti\ t .dllt•fllt' I' •• "" 111 111 1.d .. 11d \\ .1 1111.1•\ 11 • "I 1 It• 11 'I'" I• d l•"•lt1•1ll1 1111 111 /\l.1\lfl 1\11t1 .. "'""•I "''" •• t .... • I I \t I ti" f tJ I·,, , I f " I I •• ,,' 111111.t ""' '" ..... 1 .. .1 IJJOV 'ttliJI' ,, I 1fttf11L1t• ,., .. 111.tltllllq t llfllllll fllfJI t t f!f; \ 111 \ I" I• 1111f11 , ol 1 ti 11 1 ,I I I" Ii I 1 Iii I 11 t f l1t f fl ptdjfft .di 111,111 111 ,, l ll'J'\ t 11 I If 1, 1 I 111• It' • "' IH t jl I ... I It• I ti ,, •1111d \. ,,,, Al-.t II I .. 1 r , ... "1 l.1 r • •· •••• •ff .. 11\1 11.1o1td •I ij, ti I ' •t1qil• 111 I l•IHU d 1111 11111• I .fu l11 I t' .!Toi 11 I• "'""'I' lfll I \ .111 \j 1 II• I I llo 1 oqtl. d 1 • Id 1111 ' •"I' '-'It• It I 111 J1l.111 ,,,, '"'""\' d 1 ... 1111 l'l,111111111• ,., ... ,., t•1l1•.1t1111 11 •• 1111111tl1 I ,1pl 1•ll1I • )',, tl11 \11111111 \ • • r I 11 1 1 •I "1 I•,, , 1 1 ' I 111 , t" 1lt I ti It I 1.~ .,,,, llU "'ti ""\II ,,., H1• f'i.•t1tu1tp C ••t•lll•l '"'• 11 .. ' ,, ''"' l"'"I I di .• 11110!1 d.1 1 .... 1 11• ,,q,, """ '""I'''" 1 ... 11, ••• "'' ol '"' ''""" 111 • 11111 '" t I 11 '-..111 f 1., I'" J· r" '.o . .ol .. 111 f It I l"f !ll)ll,llllO l'llµlt'I> 111 .1 1'111\:0.lllllt'I \\',1ri1111g .ihout 111.1llL'111u, p rod ut. t t.im1w 11ng will lt1• cJ1slribu11•d na t1unw1dl., Food • 111d Drug AJ1111111!>tr.1twn <:umm":.101wr Art hur llull l1:1Vl'S J r sard Fnd<•V showi ng H ay1·s d1•livt·n ng this 1111·~ag1· "(;11v1·1'111nt·nt .im.l industry clrt' work ing 1og1·lht•r tu 111.tkl' 1111•d1l'llll' pa1·ka~l'S m on• t.11n 111·r rt•sastJnt You, tlw ,hoµpt.•r • 1·an hl'lp too Look fut ~•J<n:. 11( tdmpt•rt ng sud1 as hrok t·n s1•als, opt•n UJ' ua111ag1.·d bOXl'S, loost'. tu rn or m1,..i11g wrapp ing:., d1snll11r1·d produ<'L'i, unusu;,tl odors I I an Item JUSt dcx·sn'l look nght L11 you. ask tht• ph.1rm.11·1,1 01 ston· manag1•1 .ibout 1t 111 1.Jthl'f words, U1>1' :i lrttl1· 1·xtr.i l'ifft• Police helicopters ·th l' Ill l's~ .. g l ' ~· ii I lH· n •mforn·d b~· ll'lt•\•1s1.·d puhhl st.•rv 1n • .111 nou nt.·1•n11•n L'i wh1eh w ill b1 • atrL·d by ma111r n l'l w u r k !> iJ 11 d b v I o t' a I !-l<lllon:.. 1 layt.•:. told r~·portl·r~ • • st1rr1ng HB flap NBC. A BC and th " Cal>ll· News Nl'lwork wdl run the pu blic St•rv1l-e annount.'l·ments Insulin 'engineered' WAS llIN G T O N Thl' govc>rnnil•nl has app rcl\'t.'d ust.· o f human insulin pro<lun•d by bat·teria . the f1r:.1 ul w h at p ron11st•:. to b1· nunh·ruus drugs rl'sult111g from gl·1wt1l· cn gml't•ring. tht· Food • .111d Drug Adm1111 :.tr..1t111n anno um·t·d Frid.iv The 111sul111 1s.thl' f1rs1 drug m a cl e l h r o u g h l h c· gt' 11 l ' splicing n•t:1Jmh1n..ir~t DNA tt.>t·hnology to win app rnv<1l in l h c U n 1 t t' d S t a l c· s Th l' prod u el w a' pr l' v 1 o u.., h approv1•d 1n (;r .. at Hr11.1111 .111d o t h,·r drug~ µr111 lu1 I'd through this ll•t·hm11u1• art• l>l·1ng tt•:.tl·d around th1 world B;1t:l1•f'l,1 Wl'l'I' g1 •111·t1t;ifly .tltt·rt•d 10 m:ik1· tht· human msul111. 1·aik"tl l lumul111 Thi• produl t "'Ill Ix· mark1•tt•d by E l I L I l l v & l' II 11 I lnd1d11;q10 1t:.: und1·r lw1·t1M' from {;1·111.·nt11:h lrw a San F rane1M·o -ba1>1•d flr111 tha1 dt•\'t•l1 1pt·tl lht• tt>t·h n14u1•s for 111Jk1ng ll Money s upply decreases N E W Y 0 H K T h t ' n a tion 's m onl'y .,upply ft•ll $700 m1ll1on 111 latl' Ot·tolx·r. h ailing a lWO·\\'<'ek , SIU -I b illion sur ge. lht.· Ft.•dt.·nil R eserve• B oa r d rl'por l t•d Frida,· Eco-nom1sts said 1h1.·\ Wl'rt.· l'nt·ouragc'CI that tht.• rapid rlSt• in th<' money ~upply wJs stalled .md th<.tl titht.>r f1gun·~ rl'll•aS('Cl by the· Fc·<l ind tl'<i 1l'd .. ,.fat kl'nmg 11! tkm.111d r Ill s hort l1•rm b u:-.1 n1'"' borruw111g. d1·n·l11µm1·n ts t h,1 t t.uuld tontributt· t1J fJll1ng 1n1t·rc·sl rat .. ~ But .1mong fa1·t11r' working to ... upport high rntt'S 1s a lw<.tv_v lt·\'t•I of C S Tn·asury borrowing. indud1ng $2-1 ~ lulllnn in !>al1•s of go\'l•rnnwnt bills, noll'' and .. bond' 11\·1·r tlw n1•xt w1·1·k and .• h ... lf Hallmark founder dies gn·('trng c Jrd r1•c)t h t•d lh1• markt.>tpliln' unless hf· had <,(Tawll·cl "OK JC ·• on th1• bat·k uf lhC' original. B) flOHERT BAHKER 01 the Dell, Pllol Steff 'I h1· ..,1.,11d1 f111 .i 1111·1·tmg pl.11 ·1· ''" 11 Ul\\11\).!tllll H1 .. 11'11 1111111·1· 111·11.1111111·111 h1·l1111pl1•1' i. .... Jiiii\ Id \O l1t• \l'"llJ.! 111 I tlV I 11111 t.tl~ 11 h.11> 'I'·" k•·d ,, 1 l.1-.ll lll'lwt·1·11 l ·;u'1 '""''"·'" H11tL B.uh, Jnd P11l1i1 Chrt'f 1;:,1111 H11l111,11.ll1· Tt .d-.11 •~ r.11:-.111g qu1· ... 111111!> .1lt11111 1 tw t111u11· 11 1 p1ol11t· h1·l11op11·1 "1"'111111111' Ill the• tll\ Tl11· d1 •\ I l11p1111•11t 1> \\ ,., f • lt Hll'ltl'd qll ltll' \\1•1•k !iv 1111· i'll\' 111u111il' 11·111 ... il 111 ·appt11\'1• p.1 v1 11g $1 :! 111ilh1111 rm .1 111'\\ h1·lir opl1•1 b.1~1· t'11u111 il\\rn11;111 H.11lt v '•'"' .,fw ltt 111 \ l 'd I h.ot ,l,d I 1111·111lt1·1 '> \\111·11't d11111g .tll tho·v 1ould Ill l't'.I( h It·"~ l'l>.J)l'll:.IVI• ~11llllitll)1>, 1111·lud111g 111111 1 U'I' 111 ;1 ha..,1· \\Ith 11th1 I I Ill!·~ U.111"" ll.11ml'd 1h.t1 ,t.itl 11w111lt1·r' h.1v•· 1·111111· up -.111111 1n .id\·'"' 111g Ill\\ .. 1 ...... Siu ,.i.., .. """'II out ,, Jl"'"hh· "l' till' f111 nw1 t\d,·1·11l11n· }'l.1\gl11tllld. lo1•:1t1•cl ;ot tftt 1111'1lt•I' 111 T.1ltx-11 1\\'1 111w .11111 l .11th.11d St11·t·t H•1lu1.1tll1· ""ti 11t1 ..,,,,. w11uld 11111 h t· .opp1.,,1·d II\ lt·d1•r.ol 11ff111,1b 111'(,JU~· llf 11' 1•f1•\'.tlltlll .ind th1· p11 "'1111 of 111 I 1.1nk f:irm' 111 tltt· l.1k1 •11l I .ind l;111d111g c.al ••• , H11l11t.11ll1· llt.,•l•·dlv clt •rrn·d th.it hi' d1·p.11'l1111·11t ti.id llill <111111 '" lw,t to I 11111 ,, ..,.,Jut1011 "W1•'v1 lx·111 11 \lllg t11 l111d ,, 'u11.iltlt -.111 1111 II \'l'ar,, ht· ,;,111 111 ·""" ·l"l'rli·cl th.it lllt' 1.11 k 111 ,, h1 ·lq1•111 1111 .1111111 pr•\ 1 "'"' JO lltt l"I' llJll 1,1t1u11 Ill \\ 1111 It " I It I I I I II I .• \\ II II I " ' I 1 , , II 1·\1»·1 .... 1 ·~ 11 11111111,.:11111 Iii ,11 Ii lo." lt.i~• d 11 -. 111111 !l f!lf.1111111.d p11l111 II I ' I 11 II " 11 I .. 'ti .I I" I II \\' •• \ I It. A11 p1111 '""' 1111 • 111 llf"''' 111 ,1 111 tltt. L\nt1.tl J.tl11.11' 111ll.1p,1d ,11111 -.uh~1d1 d llt',tl h II\ I •I .11 -. ,1g11 111 I ol ll" Id llll~l.tl1l 1 "'" 11111111111111, Tl11 1•1-.1 111 1 ...... 111g 11t1 "'I''',, !Hit 111 111\\ II 1:0. I ''lll11.1l1·d ,ol ~ flill ()1)11 .. ,,.,,. l 'tl\ t '1111111rl 1111111111 ,, Ill• 1111\ aulh111111·d ('11v 1\d1111111 .. t1.il111 l'h.11 l1•' 'J'Ji111111J"lll 1111 !Iii I 111111 .t JHllt h,,.., .. 1).!t 1·1 lllt 11 l I 111 ,1 I H ,11 11 1>111· Ill,,, ( ;111 h.11 d S111 I t ,ind T:tll>l·r t :\\'l ttlw "'\"'"I l1v Sulh Mrllt1•1 <. ·111111i.ot1\ It \\11uld to't $1 11111 111111 ltt d1·\1·l11p" b,,.,1 1n add1t1on t11 th• $ l ~ 11111111111 purd1:.-.1 pru·1· 1111111.d-. ,;11d J-:\111 ""' 1111ild 1>1 I• " Ill d II\ .. 1t.11111g 1'11 l.11 tl11\ \\lllt .. 11\'llt.ill h1l11111ot1·1 ..... ,,,,, .111111d111g \11 1tl l11 '·'" Bui ;1 d1v1d1·d l'1t\ l 1111111 ii pull1·d b;.ick lit• 111 11•1 l\l1111d:i\ 1ugh1 lllllrl ·.di .1lt1·111.111n ..: .111 ''pl111 qi Th• h111111p11 ·1-. "di 1·11111111111 · lo h• IJ,,...,.d .11 .1111!11 \,A;, I \ 111 ' ;\ I If" II I 11111 d I 111 I h 11 ,f, ••• ~ ! j1ZIH Ill"\ \'111111~ \11 -.111p tll• Jllll < "·"' "1·11· M,,,111 Bt!l1 !\l:111d11, H.11!1 \ Hui h ~ 111·1,., .111d .l11h11 'I 1111111.1., H II II I ... t I I II ' II , , I J " II f\l.11.\llr ... 11 1 .ind J,,. k K1 lh '"'' d t11 JI""'' d w111t 1111 I""' h,,..,. Oelly Pt101 Pnolo by Petrick O'Oonn•ll Th1·n · hill h e· <111 1·,11·a lrid, 111 ll:dfo,,1 ·1·u thi ... \t·:1r a .. \1111a Bill1111·\t·r . «>.of l·11111;111i11 \a ll··~ ... f10'''· <1andard 1i11u · n ·1111·11 .. a l 2 a .111 . ""'1111cl<" ... ., lur11 t•loi•" .. had, a n hour :ti lw d1i111 1'. lo11i ;.d11. KANSAS CITY. Mo J oyce Clyde Hall. a high St..'hool dropout who turnt-d a small p tt:turc• postl'ard business 111to lfallmar k CJrds I nc .. t h(' world's largest greeting c<1rd mmpany. d1l'd at homC' in his !>IN.·p Friday at age 91 He 'itl'pp<:d aside as t'hlt'f I' x (•Cu t I \' (' 0 ff I(' t.• r I n I 9 6 Ii whC'n his son. Donald J Hall look O\'(•r A private' funt'ral 'l·rv11·1· will Ix• ht.'ld Mondav in thc- t h a p t· I a l F o r e ~ t 11 1 l I Cl•mctery Reagan plays Montana; • how biz once 1n H all ran H <1llmark for :ifi years. and until his q•mr· ret1r<.•ment 1n 1966, no Brezhnev talk SA N DIEGO P rt·:-.1dt·nt 'threat' rl'fC'rrt'<l H• l:in•zhrwv's ~P<'t't'h t o t 1J p So ,. 1 t' t m 1 I 1 l a r y tomm..in<ll•rs an M o,tow t>n \.\h ·d n p<;<f a v BrC'7hn .C'V h.1d said lhat "AmC'rtUH1 aclv(•ntun,m" 1s a threat lo pt.•ac c• LAS \'El; 1\ S I A}' I 1'11·"dt·nt lh"1g;111 111uldn I \\ .111 unlrl ht· g111 to tht~ ~h11w 1>11-,11ws!. 111\\ n l>t·fon· tr~ 1ng 11ut a 1ou11n1 111 1 11m11h 11n1·· hm ·r ... du1111g .111 1 ·.11 lrt r 1»1mp.11gn .,lop From 1h1· ,1.1g1· -.1·1 up 111 th1· ).!\ 111n,1:-1u111 o f th1· Charl1•' M Hu•;.,1•11 l11gh S1·h11ol 111 {;n-;1t F . .tl-.. l\lnnt Th11r,d.1~. H1·,1g.in lll•g,111 a pnlr1tl';il "'1Jt't1'h wrth :1 p.1tt• r 11f 111k1• ... · S11m1· 111 Ill\ h,1rd "11rk1ng .11d1·~ ri·1·111111111·11dl•rl .ig.11n1>l lt•.1\·1ng l~ll' 1 ap1 tal ;mcl cmT1111g all tlt1 \\,1v 11u1 lt1·11 I 'aul, 'OK . \\' I ' II r 11 p , , t " Ill 1 0 d I ' l I l fr wlw1lt1•1 111 , .• ,,, vout llt'<.tllllful .. 1.111 "' ... 1.1\ lfl \\ ..... 11111~1 .. 11 1111 1111 ·-.1111 111 '·"d I h.111 111 I hp 11 llflil'' lH full' f\ I ,tlllt ' 1>111 I lght "I ,,1111 1\11\' \\1 11 j..!tHl1j..! \\ht,,. tit• p; 11plc 1111111.. l11g .111d tl1t -.k' ' I h1 1111111 Thi ' .di 1t1 .. 11l1·d f111 Ttp t) N1 •tll' ... 111111 I H1·"d1•.., ~1·tt111g 1 .. 1111111 111 f\l1111t.t1l.t lh1 It .111 ..,111111 111111 I .ith.1111 .. g1·-. lit IH ·111g Pl•''"'',,, H1.,1g,rn ,,1111 "011 th1 · \\ "' 11111 111·11 I lnld t\11 F11111 t >w ·, l'rl"I to lh lo\\ 11\'tl l\lt J<11,h1111111 I .Jll'l \\,1111t ·d lll 'l'l ' II 1111 \ \\<I• ;1dd111g .111\ flt\\ f.11 ,., ' "S1•1111u'h 1h11ul!h 11 11 . .th 1.., 11·1 r1 ,h111g 111 "1 1h1 H111 l..11' ,1g,tlll ht• '-lid '1'1111 kllll\\ \\I d1111't h,i\'t• .Ill\ 1h111g Ilk• 1h.11 111 \\ I ltlll)'lllOi \\ t 11,I'' I Ill Ill• lllll •111 1111 ll j•I I fl I h,1 I '".II \\Ill l..t1IL' '11 11 l••f II• \• ·" 11 I .dlt d litt 11,lfl"ll·" d1 Ill II ,,, .. '·"'11"• 11 11 II 1111 1. rho Ill• 11 drld1 1 ... ttll\ "' lht .. I.ti• .111d 111 lltc \\ ild• I 111 '' ,11111 I d1•1l I 11 I l 11 l1,1ol 1111\\ .th,.111 ""'''\\I ,,-· 11d111j.! 111 1.111.l lh1 1>1111111 1.11 '" ,, 1111 "l.t\ He .11>.111 ,,11 .I 111 ,, I• 11 11 II•• I" II II .... , .. "''I 1'11·1111.1' I' ll'\1111 lit• 1>.11 .... 1.111 Jt,11ft1 .tlld \ht lllllltt I I ll • •lllj.!I I "'illft,d 1J1 •11i1•111111 1111-.ol,1\ ~ ,. I •I tl11· I ''' ·•"·II' ... """'Ii 11111' ,. .. 1 11 .. 1111• 11d1·d '"'"'" "' l.111i•ll11 I ,111rl •'i'l'l,111·.1 1111! \\I ' I , ,, I I I "' I .. 1 \I I!·•' ,t f )t ft• \\I U1t 11 f,, \\111.tfl t u 111 , t • • 1 I'' r 11 I ,, Ii 1, • Ill• I L1111111i 111 I •I•' I 1{1 .IL! Ill did I "o 1 I r '. I 111 I " I • \\I I It I I 1 • I &1 t• I• f1r1J H• flOJ• 111 "I"'"' .11 I<• 1•11 1.t. di I ill\ 1t lh• 1 ..... \ t I'•'' i llH\ I tlllftlt t t Ult I Ht ell 1tfl ' 11tld11 fH I \\ 11 \\,ti lflt d "'' l1\ '""''I \\ ,1\ 11• N1 \\ 1 .. 11 "'' •• d lit .. ,, •fllllll" lll\I "" .111.t 1111 11 l1\ f<,,I,. 11 (•"Id• I \\ j.,, '-'''L 11 .. fl 111••11.d .11tll1t "' \\' 11t 1111tt! I l!" 11111111 ,111d It II '\ 1111 \ I ,,1,,,, d 1. .. , \I I!·" \\lll1 \\ 1\11• '\,\\I• 11.11111 Jl.,,t,(;,,111! I l\1 '•L!.tll , .. 111 Reagan's national sN·urity adviser. Wilham Clark. said Friday that a rt'<.'ent spt•toeh by Sov1l'l lc-adcr L t•on1d B rezhnev wac; an encouragement of n<.t11onal1sm and m 1ht.arism. and a threat 10 the• Sov ac·l Union's nC'1ghbors In what was calll'd a ma.1or speech by R eagan 's top f orC'agn pohC'y advast•r. Clark .. We· JX'fl'£•1vt• thC' pu rpt.1M• of that spe£'t.·h was lo n •assun· thP Sov1c·t m1l1tar v c· " t a b l 1 s h m <' n l t h d l 1 1 t·ontinut·s lo r1•t.itn 1L<; fovon·d plJCl' 111 '><X'IC'1V." Clark i-.a1d Katharine H e pburn r._--------------------------. • Brennan recovering LOS ANGELES E1l<'en Bre n nan. the "Private B e n ja m in .. star w ho was struck by a car. 1s cons1de>nng plasuc surgery to r<'pa•r facial bo n e fracturc•s. a hospital official said F rid ay. Brenna n 's cond1t1on was u pgraded f rom cntsc·al to :.wblt• but gu.irdt'<I' rnd<.ty, <;<11d a spokE'Swoman at Dantt•I FrN·man Manna Hospital "T h at first H ull> rnght 1s su important . but shC' pull<'d through 1l so wPll that hc·r l'Ond1uon was u pgradt•d th•~ morning," said Chrtslll' Pla n k o r l hC' hosplt.il e nters hospital Nl-:W YOHK tAPl Ac·trt'SS K.1th.1nn1· llt•pburn h.ii. ht.•t>n tw,p1talin·d for M1 und1sl'l11M•d a 1 l 111 1· n I a t C 11 I u m b 1 a Pr t·..,liy H•rr.in Hn-.p1t.il ht·rt". a ,~H1kt·swoman :-.;1y-. An o ff1t'tcol 11f lhP hospit.;il , who n •lusl'd lo 1d1·11t1h• ht>r~t·lf. ronf1rm1•d th.it thl' 72-VNlr·Old actrl'SS wns at lht.• fal't.lity but rC'(U'll'd turnmt•n t 11bout hc•r tlln(•"s. C'Ond1tmn nr t rt•almt•rll We're Listening. Wha l do ~ou llk1• aho ut lht' Daily Pilot " What do n't you hke" Call the number a t ll'ft and your messagr will !><> rccord C'd , transcribed and deh verl'd lo thl' appro priate 1-d1tor ... The saml' 24 hour answenn~ servtre may he used lo record let tcrs to the editor on any topic Ma ilbox rontnbutor~ must inrludt> 642·6086 • lh€'1r name and telephone numtx•r fnr \'f'rif1rallon :-.In r1r culat1on 1· alls. please Tell us what's on ytiur m tnd UonO•'I' F 11<Ji•v tt 1QU tk.J not hAv• .,ov• papet th S 30 Om uo• °"'<loe 1 II m end 1ou• copy 'llt'tlf blfl _ .. .., S•tutO•Y ood Sutiil•I 11 you do not ,~, .. --. y<,n.i• "°"" t:iy 1."' ••• ~<"• 10 e m aNI yfNI CDPY -.,._.., ar.All .... , , ........ _ ...... , ~::' eo._, M>-411t ,...,.._. tjyntln(llO!' e.ec11 • w ... _..,., _,,.,. ·~'"9"" ...... ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat Thoma a , . Haley , ..... ,.,~, and (h •• f .;., ,, •" ou Jane Amari f '11" ul+vli' fc11tu1 L. Koy Schulta v,,,. Prtt~.o.nt ""'1 ()~"''"' ol Arl¥t1tl"°"O Raymond Maclean ( onttt,.•• Mic hoe I '. Harv•y Q,,,_ft()I etl Mftf~tdtt\Q t( 11rvk'Jt1tw11 K•11n••h N. Goddard Jr. o .. ~ .... of 0vM01o0111 ClaH lfled advertl1lng 714/&42·5UI All other department• 6-42...t321 MAIN OfflCE uown111 .. s• c ... 1 ...... u CA M••• •Cklr•u 8011 1S.0 (OU• Mt\4 C• .,.,. Coov•IQh( ,.., ()f"""' Co.•t Pullll•"'"" '-· No"'"'' \tOf"Nt\ •""'"•"°"''· •'CtUOfi•f m .. ,., •' •• •tttl\•""flnh fWr•ln f'f'l•Y M ftPf'octucN •It"°"' \M<•a l pPrMl\\IOn r' Cot>Y, l'Qf\t Ow,.., \ifo<Of"ld (I.I\\ QID\l•G" 0.-~ ., (0\1• M.,. (•tlfornt• tUP $ 1,..IO(H \ub\ttlpt10I\ a., t•rr••r ~ 1\MOf\thly by m•1I .. ~ mortfl\ly "''' O•-Ceo1 O•tf• "''°' "'"" w fll<fl k ,...,. ........ ,,,. .. ~ p,... .. t>Vbil\-.. , I ... o.-c .... 1'111!11\1111'(1 ,_.,. .. , ,. .... .i .... , ...... ,. pulllh,..11 -.. '"'°""' f'rldoy lor Ceil• ...... . N•WPot1 &Heft, H.-tltn91"" &.Mn I -·-Vet .. W. '"''M L-llM<fl S.0.lt\( .. \I A<I .............. "41111.,. " .,.....,.,1911 Mlu•d•n .,.. ,._..,. .,,,. D•ln<ID•I pullll\11 .... Diani"., iM w ...... ,._,, D 0 80• I 'lftO, tDOto ,....,. (•lll•r~le tMJ6 VOL. 75, NO. 303 More Power in a Cordless Vac Than Ever Before! DUSIBUS11R PLUS™. CORDLESS VAC rrs NEW. AND ONLY FROM BLACK & DECKER. INCLUDES Upholstery Brush Crevice Tool For Tight Places and Extra Filter Bag . .il RISTMAS) LIGHTS HOW IN I ~ STOCK/ --- Oller Good Tnru 1113182 Llmlled To Supply On Hanel SALE PRICED $34.88 more than you expect in a hardware s tore CROWN HARDWARE -...c-l VISA' WH1clltt 17th SI 111 Irvine Newport Beoch 642 1133 Hubor View S11n M1guttl t>• 111 San J11oquln. Newport Bench. 644·8570 Coron• del Mar J 107 E Coast Hwy 673 2800 Anaheim Hiii• Santa An11 C11nyon Rel 111 tmian"I t~wv 998·!>282 '\ . ... \ . ',, 1•111• ' ' I I I I I II •I "'"ti I\ 1, ,, I' I ,, 1111 • ()JJ(' l~uuily tragedy I\\ lo'\ 111 '' 1\111111,1. •••111 1,.1"'t l•tt1•• W1lh11t 1'11 I '•I II I I> .1 '"' 1 I llH1 1111 .1 HI• 111 ltlt ill I I 11 I 'It. 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I 1111 I·· Ir~·, 111 r tir n;r tor •1• .'lrt·~ ~ t"1f'1'1" l' .. 1111 1.,,, L1\\1tl 1111 ,, Proposition 11. is too good to believe, so don't . . Snllll' 1111 v 111..·111d1.: .1tl'•h'llt11'1 \1111 111111!.1" Ill.ii .1lt'll 0 l I L',dl\ (ll11..' I h l' l)l'Ppk hl'11111d l1111pt"llltlll 11 '·" 111.11 II\\ ill '111\l' \llll lllll'I l)l11hk 111 't\·I. h1.0\l'l.l~1.· 1.11111.11111.'I'-.111. nnh 'i ', 11t 111 h.111 """fl' 111 ( .tl11t 11111.1 I lh: 111'11.·1 1h', i-.. Ill'\\ 'P:tPL'I". l1111d l'·ll h..1:.:111~ .11111 .di 1111.· 11tlt1.·1 p111h. th.11 llllr ...i1L'll't: l)IPdlllL'" l',ldl d.I\ Prnp1h1t11111 11 \\nuld d11 1111111111" .1h1 1111 l.1-.,1 t1111d \\1.tpplll~"· 11ld lll l'"· dr-.,1...1ld1.d ll1.'\\-.,p,q)1.'I". ,111d 11llt\·1 Lra .... h on ou 1 111.id-.,1dL· rhl•: dd11'l tl'll :1lll lh:1t (',tllltlllll.t ,tllL'old\ ll'L\1..k-., C)\L'r ()()', nl ;ill alum11Hllll Lalh. 111 pl.in·.., l1h.l· ~.1l 1.1 ml'lllll. 1hl' rL·L·:d1n~ r.ttl' 1' .11 X)', And don't liH ~l·1 till· i;oo 11111111111 hottk-., C.d1111rn1.11h r L'L:l·kd l;1-.,1 :l-.11 J>1 npo..,1t1on 11 \\0tild do ltttk rn n111l11n~ to 111uc.t"L' tot.ii rL'L\Llill~ 111 nur ... I.tic But 11.v.ould L'l lppk the 1mo 'L'll -.,uppmtlll,I.! IL'L':L' li n ,I.! l'L'llll'r' th.it L'\i't ;11 C';tliln1 ni.1 1nd;1) ~1 mt nl tllt''L' 1.1. llt1.·1 ... \\t\ttld h1.· d1t \l'll \llll 11t h11-.,i111..· ....... h1.·1.·~11 ... 1.· \(Ill l.lllll'I" \\llltld hl· 11.'lllil\l'd tJ'lllll l l'l \l ltn~ 1..dl11.'I' .111d 11.lllllll'd 111 ~lllu'I\ -.,11111.·.., I ll.11" .... 111111111..·1 p111hk111 I '11.· h.11.klt\illl l ... 11t ~lill.l'I\ ..,,,,,\. ..... Ill' 1111111!1.· 11~h1 pl.11.1.' Ill -.,t1lll' !.:.llh.t!.:l' '1.11111.1111111 l·11111pL11111 ... lt.'I''" ll'd "' lhl· \l1l·l11 !.:.111 h111d l1i...1w1.·111111 I )I\1-.,11111 111L'll'""~·d h' •I I )I I 111 till· t" "' 'l'.ll .ll ll'I thL'll '·'" """"l'd I I h .1 ... '11.'l'll .1 111!.'llllll.tl\' t111 l lllhllllll'I" .Jlld tn11d -.,[tlll'" f>l{OPOSI no II ~·ou 1.n MAKI .. YOl' PJ\Y ·1 HROUGH T HI: NOSE. I h1.· lo"t 111 h.imllrn~ 11hilluHl1cturncd u1111.1111L·1-., 1.'.11.. h \l',11 "1 nild "L'11ou-.,h llll'IL'.l"L' lo\ id L'P"h \ nd lhL'"L' l'O't' ,ll'L' p.1 ....... cd to L'Pll,lllllL'r" I lw1·.., \.\hat ha' happened in thL' ,j, 'late'" 1th ~' l·n rl'L'd l k pn ... 11 I .:I\\. Price' ha\1.7 l''l':tlated :1, 11H11.:h :1 .... 'I' I• I of .. 1.-1 lil.11111 Ill\,, II I lull ...... , l I• l'l.1111• d1o 111o1 1.t .. 111• 11111 1 . .J1 li11ul.(li i I } •' I 111~1 J111h.• ;. 111 111 J '\IHI i \lit .Ht 1d1 ... .... , .. I I I "' ' .... 1.1•1 '""'I Ill~ '"" ;\J1-. h.1111• -•"" ........ 1 .......... .,11t111~ l11 Ii• l wJt la-'11.l l \l'" il •61111•1 11 .. lt•i.\t t II I• 'I' I \ I ! t •I ' "'I 11 ·'1..N· Jtq hl'\\'l.l~l'"· ~lu-., \1 .20 l11r lkp1)-.,ih. l'11111,1-.,11r1111 11 11.·q11 11l'" .1 "h1ddL'll t.l\ .. nt .1 20'' ll .111 d I 111:.: ~ '1.11 :.: l' h 11 • ti I d c p 1"' 1 h I 11 I .i L'I. th L' I l ll a I h 111 1111 c d1t111111.1 1..1111-..111111.·1-., \\11uld hl· \ \()() m1ll1n11 .i :\.'.tr. .1~1.111d111:.: '"till· ( 1.'llll'I tu1 I L·111111m1c Rl·,earl'll. It d111·-.,11·1 ..,1.·1..·111 l1h· ,, ~n11d lk;tl tor l'1Hhllll1L'I'". 1'111p11-.,1t11111 11 ,.., .lll l'\l'l'll..,l \L' .111d p rn,rl: '"·ittc n l ~l\\ 111.11 \\111dd l)l'll.tlt/L' all C;diln1111.11h hcL·:1U..,L' pf th~ had lll,111111.'I '-t 1t .I k\\ 1)1..'llj)k Vote NO on Prop. 11 It j u.\t doesn't nu1ke sense. • . -...... -... •· .. - ·. • tat~ 10 1> riJ . . Nutu,.uli .... 1 µ.1·01111 ... 1rii , .... lo .... 11' ,. 1·,·11111111111µ. 11t·n ·11µ'· 8) TllH!\I.\~ 'It Ul'I" A••OC:lel..t l'teee Wtll•t SAN I J( \NI l ...... l I. \\ 111 II \II\' 111 '>1 1 llli I I I•"'' d llh l111~h Ru"Trn 1111c• t ';111 1111111.1 ltH•\ ltttt11d ........ 1 111 ~'.I ·I'' II•\' 11111 •• d11111 I 'I 11111111111 ... I• I ... 1,,, """ 111111111 <1( th.,.,,.·" I 1 •,I• 111.olll lllh h.1111•1 ol No\\ th1 r"o.111111 t'tot111\,1lh \ l:. l1111,l1111g 111. '""'t .1111lit11111i. prtV.111• 11il1'•t l\,1ll1ill 1•fl 11t I 111 C'.tl1f111111.o 111,1111 \ 1 .. '-I', 11 ,11 I ht• "l.tlo ' 11111 t I lltf,111.,,1 I 1 d l't'll:.~'h Ill \ .1111 tl lo111d" ·'I"' 1',1 fl~ti\~: I 11•111 do" I I ""'", t11 I ""'h'' .111 ·1 111.11,111 ·• f 1 .. 111 11.tll\, wtldtl11\\1"' '", .t1l111,fi .1111'1 E.11 Ii "' th• I I ' l• 111, 1, 111 d.111~1·1 111 \ .1111 .. 111111: ,1 ... 111111p1111' l'l'llll'I,, ft.11 l-.111g liol 11111111·~ .111tf L ·tl'lll;. 'ti\ t I '"' I Ill 11•.1 ... 111.-h v;.du.1 hit l.11111 ... .i P• T It' I I II 111111 111. 111 11. I 1·t11l'll\.1lh\ \\lt11h .uh,,., Iii• I " .I I ' . I .. t ' 'I I 111 I' I l ti I \'Ull~('I \ oill•lll lfitt\ t'llll'lll . \\'.i' l ''l,1hl1 .. lwd 111 I 'I 1 I .111d 'II" 1 lhl'll. ti ,,I\'> h.1 1111 ·I 1\1 d 1111111 lh.111 I 11 111tll10111 11 t •' 111 1 ltt U1111 .. t1 s1.i11·' l .011.111 •• ,.11111 111, ' II 11 I •• '11 I H ll1t •I 11 ~ 11,tl It• t d1t111111 • I f11 'HH"\I I\ tlH \ 11111 I I dl 't .111 .. lli••t ,..I 1111111 .. 11 11\ th• • IHI 11J Iii· ,, ·•I ,, .ill•'"" l1o1'> 111111 I'll'!! 'Iii 1111llo011t 111• t 1111111 11 ,IJI~' ilto IUtl ht \ J 11 I 1 aid I 11 t \I 8' l•I• I l\t lhl lll 11 .. 111 '"' I ti• ll11 l .111 .. 1111,1 I 11111 • .I .\1,,1-. J 11 I,,. 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""'' 11 -.1.1\ .. 1111111.tl "" 11111·,1 11tolil11 ·" ...... ,II', 11 .. t'11t11,il 1\11·.1-. 1'1'111:1;1111 '111111111lt1•1 , .. 111.111• 1111 •II -.11)111 "' 1111 .. t.11t • ... t.,,. l1ll'lll•' " ...... , 1111l11d111g H •• 11k "' \1111111.1 I h,111111.lll l.1 l.111d 11111 '>:.l.1 ·-------•COUPON•--------• I I I I I I I I I SAL'S Sport Haus: GET READY TO SKI I WINTERIZE YOUR EQUIPMENT: FOR $9 95 A s25 VALUE I INCLUDES: •SHARPEN SKI EDGES •FLAT FILE BOTTOMS •RELEASE CHECK BINDINGS •HOT WAX •TUNE TIPS AND TAILS 0 I I I I • '• r 11 1111w t "1•.1 I IAll Y Pit O I l ' .. 11111 d<11 C J1 l11lw1 10 l'IH/ \5 AP Witepholo Thi~ l'on·i'\l (,0 mil.-~ •·a~I of B11 ~1·r..,fit •l 1I '"" a mou~ tlw ... c· 111ad,•·d for ,,.., . ..,,.naliou. ......11111111111 l'.111111 1lt.111111o111 1\l.111 ,.. lll I I 1 ' II •. w I I l I l '.I I k .1 I d I fLlll lllolil ( ).1\ Id 11;11 k.11 d olll•I 1(1111'1 I J·,11111111 1•11 >Hlo 111 •I 'I 111 U :\) 11 I 111 • 11 .. ' li.i\I .. '" 111111.11111 ,,,,, 111 I • .111 .. 1111.1 .. 1111 !-11 l11•111o111 'I hi 1111,11 d .il:-11 1111·l11d1·., 1 lw I '.dif 01111.1 11• ul 111 tl11 Hw 1 .. 111 111 '·"''" :\I Ill q•t Ill' 111 .111d tho .!11111111 ttl Iii• lo1t1 )l<jt.1111111111 111 I ,,11 •• 1 .. 1 < •• 1111• \\lod• 111 ltl~'.1111/,iil••ll l1k1 lh1 Su 11 o1 ( l11t, 11111•1!1 f,,1,1,, j1til1l1c h I 1 • I• 1 • •. o 11 I " I'" 1 t 1 1 11 I·• r 'II\ II ' llllol 111.tl 1111 I i.If ~. It~ 111.tll ,1\-. 111 1•111111 • I.ti• ' 11u11 l• r . 'I 'I''' ,, I 1 .\ . . / , J ~t!~( ... :! 'i/ ·-1 Jll ~ .. \ INVENTORY .CLEARANCE I 1779'NEWPORT BLVD. 645-4310 ~QQI a COST A MESA AC Ross FROM GRANT eors .I I .. _______ EXPIRF~ 11)27·82 ·-- - - - -I --- Savings on: Over-Buys, Odds & Ends and Discontinued Models Most Brand New in Cartons All with Full Guarantees! 675-1171 . 3295 Newport Boulevard Newport Beach California ._,, ·(on Peninsula Across f!rom City Hall) .JI- FOUOWING ARE A FEW EXAMPLES OF HUNDREDS OF BARGA.INS, SOME QUA.NTTTIU ARE UMITED, NOT All rTEMS AT AU. STORES.. APPLIANCE TELEVISION VIDEO ' I I GE luilt in DISHWASHER • ENER CY SAVU • TUFF TUB INTUIOll • HICH CIOSS Bl ACK SAVE S40 GE "AMERICANA" Only CE O•lowf'n Ctv•hed Ir• Cvb9' And Cold Wot••' • 13 S <v h No fto•• • Ene19y So••• • »coed Veg Pon. l !Jllllk)f • Roll• Out On Wh••I• • Ad1v•t Clou Sh•I••• SAV£s100 WHIRLPOOL WASHER & DRYER ,, LASIOO WASHU • II lb Copo<1ly • S Cyrl., • 1 Spuc:h lES800 ORYEll • 4 hmp• • J Cvcl"' • Petm P1•u sm 550 H Tiil ""' SEE OUR BUil T-111 APPL. DEPT. FEITUIUH : * AMUllOAll * CALORIC * CHllEH * FllllllAlllt * GE jic NARDWIOI * JUIM·Alll * HPER 0001 TOPS, WILL DYHS, · Fiii ITAlllll LWlllS RCA 19" DllGOlllL COLOR TV • XL 100 • Eleclronoc T vn1'19 • Xtend ed Life ONLY $299 95 w TUH GE ... P•"G•t••1ei I ~h •t•fllt lfwf•o s25 CASH Al BAii ~ ~ ,. J J' J ttt .-/'.,___ ~ ..;s. ' 3 DAYS SAT., SUN., MON • ONLY ~ •.\ • .. \ ' .• #/\ .. ,. ' . . GE 75" 01asonal RD10Tl CONSOLE .----~11 ·ii I I ~ IO fl • '"' •IU\ '50 , RCA 25" DIHOflAL REMOTE CONTROL • COLOR TRAK • CABLE READY ONLY ' .... 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SS O' •Poi.~· ~d' WAS :~.l:~;~~•rc $ 12 806* •~a '"'~ \ I .~.~.~ .. !!0 HATCHBACK · t Factory air cono1 11on1nq t Aulomat1c 1ransm1ss1on •AM FY. stereo NOW ONLY t Auromar1c rransm1ss1on N 0 W 0 N LY t Electric rear aet099er H:::~.~~·:, Sug~~tctee~aR5etai l $ 7 9 9 5 t Luxurv t rirr t SPOrt mirrors . t 4 Cvl fuel 1n1ecteo eng ne t Tilt wt1eel t Rally w~ls t Power w1ndo"s Suggested Retail Pric e \11 .125* $9895 t Po"N" ndo"s " t AN FVsrerec 1Jf .079* t Rear sooiler t T urt>o CcJsr "h~e1s t Cusrom cloth •nl!.'rtOr t Acct>nt Sir Ot>S t Rear Sl1d001, SPECIALLY PRICED USED CARS • SJ4906 • SUCCISHO AllAll PAICl MAT IMClUOt Ol AllM IMSOlt lU Al"Cl~.OA•t• All C•r• Sold On Approvtd Credi! All C•r• Plue Tex & License & Doc Fee All C•r1 Subj.Ct to Prior S•le Offer Good thru October 31, 1982 OPEN DAILY -9 AM TO 10 PM WE LEASE ALL MAKES AND MOO~LS 13600 Beach Blvd .· Westminster (Beach Blvd . at Garden Grove fwy .) -Call 892 -6651or636-2500 ·--~. _ ... -· ., I i i --- I Daily Piiat ~A 1 llflllAV 0(. I ICI 1•111.• ENTERTAINMENT TELEVISION B 11 8 12 /\ill~"' t 'l'O 'U'llf't / 111 /•,'d111011to11 0 . ·O '" ( J;J,.,. .... 112. Dally Pllol Pttolos by Gary Am brote Edi on Hig h dt.•fe n ~i vc back Matt llornh~ h a ts tlown pa~s intendt•d for Baron w ide · rt•t·en t•r Chri~ Lung. Nowotny sparl~s Edison, 17-3 Chargers~ QB hits 10-of-12, dash es 95 yard for TD By ROG lm CAHLSON O( the O•lly Pllol St•lf Ed1:-on l l1gh -. .. Ch,1rgt•1:.. 1<1111.. th£• ins ide· I.one to 1lw11 fifth :,,tn11gh1 Sun~t·I LPagu1• loothall r hamp1ons h1p Fnddy n1 gh1. tx•hmd tht· IO fur I 2 1»1s.s1ng and 95·vard t u u e hdow n run b' qua.rtt·rbatk .Ion No .. ,111nv 111 captun· a 1 i .i ch, 1 ... 11111 11\ 1·1 riv;..! Fount<1111 \' ,ollt·\ \\1"rt· fur tu n..it1· \\t· h.1\1• ,1 1;11:!,.1ck that pl:.iys quart• rlo.l<'k · The' ganw fPatur1'li '"'''" di...11 1111 wnnklt•:. Thl' Ba ron;; t'UI up Ed1 ... 1111·.., d <'fl'n s t• w i th thl' running 111 full{>a<'k &·oll G a rrl'lt 1ns1d1 · ~ 17 earries fo r 100 v.1rd'>i .i nd F..d1-;on's passing g;;nw ,.wit< ht·d to ~t.«ond a r y tC1rg1 •h v. 1th Gnff11hs. th<' tailb;wk t'11n1111g o ut of thf' bat·kfu·ld to 'n.irt -..<\'t•n for 5:? , ... rd., 1111r 1111..,.. and 1·utl111g .1g,1111~1 tlw J.!I ii 111 fl IA .1:-,1 lVpltdl lll1M' tll·llllM· ... 11uggl1· h1·tw1·1·11 th1·:-1• t\\t1 Su11 ... l'l L1 .. 1gu1• g1;111t:.. and until Nuv.111 11\ l11 11k1· I'""''· ll w.1:-,1111 .111:-11111.', g,111H· 111 ... 1dt•\\11 111 tho g.11111 \\'l\h :! 1.1 )Iii 111 1111 111 '1 Cjll.illl•I .111d .1111 >I h 1' I I I 11 1'1 I ol t • \\ 11 p ,.._., I 11 l ;ril f1th ... \\ t'.111111-! ,, 11.ik }" lo.1 I 111 pr11l1•t'I h1 -, 111J .... g,1\ • l·:.11.,.111 tl1t b.oll .11 lh I:! Jiit" I ho 1 11cl /11111 \\II lo li1111 ( ;1 .oh.1111', l':\'l J_.i\ 1 fo:cl1 •"11 .o 'f l l1 ·;1d \\!lit I..:.! "II' I ll Ill 1ti1 ,,., .. rnl 111 111~1 'I ho H.11 ""' 1"" lo.r d 111 t 11 1111 I I• 1 II\'! 1111 I ht I I I 11 '1 I\\ " '' llt "· l1u t t l1• \ .11 1 \\t I• 11 l-.tJl ... 1111 ' l11llfl11l11\\JI d ll\t \\ilh tlw g.ollli ·, 111 -.I J.!J11\1t1d ..... -..11d1 Ill.II I l1111g :i.1 \ .11 d ... Ill 11 pl 1\" lo• ""' up Chud' S11111 .. 1 ... I.! \,11d I 1• Id g ... ol "11 I. • II I• 11 And 11 -.ta1 tt•d a:-.1d\'t•rt1:-1·d . ,,... ,, dt lt·ri..1v1· -.1ruggl1· · N ' • \\ ' 1 t r 1 \ '' 1 11 I I 11 .J • 1 11 1 ... 1111 Ill '\,onl .... 111d ,, !I \.irtl .,1nk1· 111 (.;111 f I h" putt ht l>,oll ,11 tho t-'\' :! ;) ,1 " I h t l ' It . t I g I• I ... \\ t I I ... udd1·11h 11111\lll~ 1h11111gh lho B.i1 , 1.... ..11 .. I\\..... I"' k I"'''' d olo f1 "'' .011111•,I .11 \\ill &•fort· an A11alw1m Stadium c ro\\ d 11f ~ h.!h 1h1 \h.1rg1·1-. sa I ted It cl "' .iv on Nu\\ olln ·., ket•pcr aruund lw .. right '>ldt• v. ·11h 2:52 n •m;11n111g "Ju~t lu<k'-•• ~.11n .... id Edison C11<1t h Bill W 111 km;.;n w hust· Chai gt-1 ... upp• d tht 11 retu rd to :J II 111 l1-.1gut· ''1th W c·...im1n-.1t r .ind O t·t-.111 \'11•\\ remaining 1in lht· ',( twdult· .. Th ... t'.., soml.'thrng tht•'\ hadn't shown heforc'." s<:11d l\ltlnl'I .. \\'t· Wl rt 1n m <1n -lo m;an .mt! 1111 \ u ·• .... ..,. ·<l l hl·t r b;1<. k.., oi 1 l h Hut a I 11•1 I \\'11 ,,.r 11· ... ••I .1t11·111µh'd ru.,hin~ did nuthm~ f111 F:d1-.1m but M 'lld t-:nl Bu fwld 111111 ,, pun1111g -.11u.ot11111 tin l'h.11~t·r., Wt•nt to tht ;11r \\1th c.;111f1 th-. out 11f lht• h.ilkfwld ,111d ll 1r.11tl uff ''1th .i ilf-~.1nl I 111 lllg 111,11 I h 1\~.1 111 l1\\t1l11\ \\•Ill lt> J 11111• ... fr>r Ill \,ont ... tu tl11 I 1 tho II (.; r 11 r I I h ... ' .1 Ill I "ll I II I I Ii I 1 •• 11kl1t ld 1g 1111 •.• 11gh 1 1111 h.oll .ot llH 111 .0JIJ1<·.11t ·tl tu IH l>1 11tl1 d up .11 t h o ·, \.t1d 11111 th• 11 t .11 1 It d l h 1 B.1 11111 ' -.1·r 1111d.11 \ l;Jll• II ,, I• l•"ll11d .... 111•.i fulll1.1lk. r.11'l111ld il11 11ugh "" -.11.11gh t "lw.a<l 1•'"'"· p1< k111g up l11u1 111 t d· "''' "" 'u" • ''" 1 1>111 ... \.1•! ll ..! I.! 111d"; ,,,1.f,,,. !'.: d 1!>11 n h ,, .., 1H1 '' " 11 11 I i straight lt•:Jgu1 ,L(.11111· ... .ind :.! I ul the pa ... t 2;) .. It W<l'> J I:> ~Ill ;ol ,L(.o11H' • .... 11iJ iJ dep:wd F11unt.11n \'.illl v l\1dl h M1k<' Mil1w1 .. And .i t\'pa;il finis h " Thl• Rarons h.id nwdt· snm<' noise· 1n thl· first h.tlf dt•s 1.>11t· trailing. 7 :t but thl· 'l'\'ond half tx>longt·d tu tlw Chargp1-.... d1~p1tt· the· fa,·t thl'\ W{·rt· un;1bh· l0 put tOgl·thc•r a grVilt ckal 11rl 1·ns1Vl·I~ A bad <·<·ntt·1 .. n.,1µ by l-'11unw1n Valley gave Edison th!' h.111 at the· Founwin VJlh·\ :1!1 w11h -l Oil left in tht-third qu,1rt1·1 .111d .ii tl'f N ow u t n ' p ..... .... d 1 11 I I .. n k l' r Gerud J cml" for I~ '·"d" .ind to tarlhal·k Oc•n •k Cn.ff11h ... fo1 7 vards lo the FV 19. Gntl11h" took a pllt'hout and ramhlt'd lo tht 8-yard line· to "'t up (;1·rr) Graham 's 25-yard fll'ld goal The Barons w uld nt>t gl•l d1N.•r than thC' Ed1S<m :18 and ,1ft<'1 twn series. punted to th1· FA.11son ti where Nuwotn:v n•atll1•d for thl' game-hreak1 •r · On -;econd ,1nd ·ll Jfttr ;1 near -fumblt" Nowotny ~wt•pt 1h1· right side. was nC'arly tarkkd at the o ne. n c-arly w e nt out 111 bounds o n the 3~. hut kt•pl his b a I a n c « a n d s p r 1 n l I' cl t h t· remaining d1stam·1• "It's a goal lint· play." "'-llCI Workman. "We guc·s.-;l·d right on the d e f C'n sc• W<' w('rt' JUSt looking fo r a f1r!lt dov. n . hut W o rk ma n ~ .11 d h • · " ..... n 1 surpn:o.<.·cl at thl· pl.oy rif (.;,1111 ·11 liut c1ddr·d ... ThC'y \\ 111· ll .1pp111g ( ;11tft1h ... 1.111 h1 .. 1 1111 lt1 .1 '" ,,,rd I'·"' f1 11111 N11\\CJl11 v 111 pr "' 1111 Ed1..,1111 "1th 1\'i 111111.ol Ediso n llig h fla nkt•r Gt•rml Jmw!'-is pulle d down h y n c·ou pl•· of Founlnin c.lt:'fe ndt'r!" durin~ fir~I quurlf•r a<'lion at Anaht•im St adium Frid a~ nif.!hl. t!t'I 111' Ii.oil l1t bl1"•ll' '.!1, ( ·1,n-I.uni.." ,, '' 1.!1 •·I" 11 lnol r:-.t•t• '0\\0·1,\, l'a~t· B:!1 Saddleback holds off battling Sailors, 21-20 e wport H arbor ju l n1i By CURT SEEDEN Of the D911J Piiot ll•ff Th" lights ot th1• Sant.a Ana Bowl had bc<>n turned off and the fll'ld was empty. but Saddlchack High football coach Jerry Witte stood al the south end of the field and pointt'd to the worn turf. "Now that was h11{h S<:hool football you saw out there>," W1ttl' noted. "Ll'l the proi. sit al h om e· and want m ore mo rley" fn<kt'<.l. Wittc's ohsl•r v1H1on was to the point which inddC'nt.ally was the ddfc•re nce 1n thc> undefeat<'d Roadrunners' thrilling 2 1 ·20 victory over Newport Harbor bcfor<' 3.500 fans. Cooch Mike Gidding!I' Sailors. who had come back from o 17-polnt dt>fklt o ne week earlier to r<'c·ord 11 4 ~-17 decision over Estancia. almost ovcrcarnt· a bigge r d eficit Friday night. only to have a gutsy two -point con version attempt fall sho rt by ont> yard with lt'S." .. es on t wo-point tr) .. fi <·l;I goal to unhe•att~n Hoacln1n1u·r~ than two rninull''i r<'ma1n11lg 111 1 h1· con l('l;t Thi' Sailor.;. who ft•ll 111 :1 2 111 Sc·a V 1eW U 'aguc pl;i y , hm t h•d hac k f rtllll ii 21-0 SC(.Xmd-quart<.>r dc.fu 11 lx•l11nd ttw passing of Mike· W<•l ls and sonw powt•1 running from sophomorl.' fullhiwk F 11t1 How~wr. but this 111111• 11 wns n't 1•1111ugh "I'd SUrt' Ilk!' tn find Olll whv Wt• spot thl.'m so mnny µ0111ts," .1 punlt•d Giddings said uftt•r 1ht· ~anw "Bu1 Saddlcback is just an t•xc•t'lll'nl footh,111 team. W e just havt' lo makt· 11un • our k1dii k~p their heacii; up now." The Sailors t't>rt:iinly didn't g1vl' up nftc-r the HoadrunneN> hod S(•o rt'll t111 .1 p r<'llY 63-yard pass frl)m H<id Pc•i.1.1k 10 Tndd Cage• Nor did thC'y wilt aftt~r Saddlt'ho<·k tailback K evin Brodl<'y C'appt'd a 10-ploy. 69-yard drive with n I-yard plunge• with 3:41 r<'malnln$( in th" ""'' qunr1rr E\1·n anolht 1 1'1• ... ak to C.1g1 hookup. th1:.. om· for I v.1rcl., :md .in11tlw1 touchdown good fm ;1 21 -0 Pdg1• \\llh ~ :t-t r1•m<11111ng 1n thl' "4'<11nd qu.1111·1 ( II u I cl ll • t h I C' ii k I h •• s .• I I t I I ... I 11 •I1 •n1111t.t I II l;l H nlflwtk Strvt• l31 :l7 ..... lo(ll t th1 S ailor ... 1111 th<' .s1:on'l'll1.1rd "1th .1 I v.11 d plun~<' with JU~t 21l st'<inub t pmam111g 111 1tw first hlllf. and N1 ·w1101 I I l.1rli111 l'UITll'<I that m1111wn1w11 111111 th•· third q1 rartN Tht'' Ton-cnp1tnli11•d 1111 11111• 111 1lw fl'W l'rrnrs by 1•1tht·r 11 •:1111 111 1111' ~·"~"' 111 tlw third quartrr w lll'n l11wh:ll'kl·1 1-rank Sl•nnt•s intf'rl·t•ptt•d n l'1•..,11k p11<1N .ind r.-1mbl1x:l '..!ti vnrd" tn111 1111' t•ncl 1111w l<.11 r1 L o h s l"s sc(·1111d PAT ... 111 t«I th1• Rrn~drunner ll'acl to 21-1•1 Thl' Smlnrs t h<'n w11tt1•d until 1 lw1( third pos..q'S.'11on 0 1 1 ht• fourth qu.111 .. 1 '" pull to within a point ll'I I .<ml{ Tr unnJ( C'Aujlh1 n 25 v11rcl TD Pll"" frorn Wl·lt... \\ llh J .1K 11 m.1111111).! Ill I h1 t • •lllt I (.;ultl1ng .... \l 11 ..... ,. !--..111 1 1 .111 ... till 111akt· th•· ( ·11-f'l.1vor1 -. d1ol11 1 111 ... 11.111 111 J.(11 f111 l\\11 point-. b111 H1 .11.t' hur't llJ> t ht nudd 11 • It II ... hurt Hut th.11'-. 11111 1lw 1·11d t•• th ....... t111' Thi· Sa1h1t d1·fp11...c • h1 Id 1111 t i)<' H11adru11111·r ... · 111 •,1 pos~1·-.:-11111 .. 111d wlwn ii l1<1d ,ll,IJI 1111 ,1 pl\111 ,11 h 'lllJll <o.11l1•d Cl\'l'I Jl1'-..1k's ht>ad . tlH· T.1r~ \\t'll 1n hlll>llll'S." ,1g.1111 at th1· S.11ldl1•h.wk :1.1 \V1t It I:.! M 'l 'lll\lls I l'll),lllllll).,\, S1•,111 Fnnk .it11•mp1t•d ·' 11 y.11'11 I 11·ld g(l,tl wh11'11 tt•ll o;hnt 1 111\d w1d1 1 tgh t . 1111d S11ddll'IJ11t•k '., q111·,.1 1111 .1 \'II' pl.1y11 ll h1•1 th lt•llkl'll h4'llt•I th,111 ('\'l'I "\V1• 1.1n 1n;1k1• rl\t' pl.l\'1111'> ii \\'I' Wiii 11111 n1•'t IWll ~.lllH'"' ( ;11lt1111w• .,,1111, 1l'lt'rr1111ot 111 .. 1dl to 1111nt h.1t11t· ... w11h l '0 ... 1.1 Mc'"'' 111111 Cort111a tit I M.11 '\\'1• 'illl't• gave• II .1 go 111111~hl ·· (SN• SAILORS, Pnl(l' U ti Trojans, ASU • Vie tonight 'I I·. l\I I' 1-. J\ I I I I A ,, ) 1\lth11 ugl1 J\1111111.0 '->t.Jlt• .ond S11utl11 111 C.d li,1\1· 1inlv nH-t 1\\111 IH flJI( Ill u1ll1 j.(l rootb.111, Sun IJ.--.11 COJth U .. 11 yl H.ugccs ~·''' Ill• g .11111 11,,., l11•t1Jr11t• "a 11.11 11\.oll\ .111d 1·1111111011 nt:.SV ,og.1111 d1·l1 11111111 tlrt outt·um~· lw1 • ~.1tu1 d,I\ n1glt1 ()11 1 pl,1\i 1 ... li .ovl' l1<·c·n \\ .dk111g ,, 111111 .,1 I th•· ground ... 1111 t •• I~ ill I l\rl1111d.o .. dlld Wt· .11111 t '' .111t 1111 111 111 1111111 down " l<•ij.'.1 I ....... 11d • \.\1111 111'\'1•1 vr1u pl<1\' tht· goixl 11pJ>t11 11·11t .... tht· 111t1 ns1tv IPvt•I 1:,, ;ol\\".1\' ... J.!ll'illt•I With SC, lhl!> IS 1111 1·x1·1·pl1•111 " 1\1111111;1 St;1t1·. 1.111k1·d s .. v1·nth 11;i t 11111<dlv. 1., pu11111g its 7 0 On radio tonight KNX ( 1070) at 7:30 11\ t'1a11 11'(·111 cl :111<1 :1 fl P:lC'1 fie -JO ( 0111 l'l t·11t 1· m.irk on tht· line .1g.0111 ... 1 th< I :!th r;.onkl'd Tmj<tnS, ,, Ii•• ,111 · :> I 11\·1·rall .ind alMJ 3-IJ 111 It .ogUI pl.t\. ·11i1 Sun ll1·v1 b ..,.., v1ng th~ .,..<1 111d o f .J '"''' \t;.or N CAA 1111111.0111111 .,, 1H1 nu · <trt · «lig1 ble f11r th• l'.11 ICI t h,11np1011~h1p a nd .111 .11111111pJll\1ng H u!.l' Bowl 111 1th C S<.' " not. .iftt:r lx:ing -il.opJH·d \\1th ii prob<it111n p<.>nalty 1111 .. \l',lf T1·;1111s like• tlw ('hant'(• lo test th1 Ill" Ive·" a g<11n st tht· best That.,; thr· 1nc·c•nllvC' in this for u "" :..,11cl TruJCln Coal·h J o hn H11lJ11b1111 ··w,:\'1· n •;.olly ~wl'n looking 101 ward t11 this g;.1mt· and o ur plil \ 1·1 s ,Ht' .\'.l·r~· t·nthu s1as t ic . tl Jilli I It »---../ E\'1dt•ntlv. s11 1s Hr,binson who r 1 µ11 111·<.liy tt·lc·pho ned the ... up1·1 \'l"Or for Pm·-IO off1na ls. .J.11 k Sprt·ngc·r. un Thursday to 111<1u1rc· ;obout «rowd n o ise al i ll 11.!:i -.t'<ll Sun Dc•v1I S tadium. l '11d1·1 c onft·rc·nu• rules. 1f a qu.11 tl·r b.11 k 1 ... un<tblt· lo (·all out .... gn • .i.., IH•t ;oUM' of <"X('t'Ss1ve n111~ " llmt'<">Ul can Ix> charged ;1>:a1n~t the• home team 1( the 1111\\d 11.t n nrts the• sec·o nd \\ .1111111~ -.; p11 11g1 1 ..... 1d h l· r C'la yed Ht1l11 r1,11n .., 1114u11 :-to Rog<'r s. \\ 11 .. 111 turn t11lcl Spr1.•nger to lo.1, I' .1 do~•· ''"•tl·h on the USC •if It'"" 1· h rw n wn who a llegedly ""' tl11 11 h .111d ... illt•gJlly while 1.1 ... t..111~ l'h.ol nll'~ .... 1g1· nt•t'l'SSltated .i11 11tlw1 l-.ill. 1h1 s lime from S1111 ·11gc·r tu Hob111:..011 to inform h1rn 111 Hngt .. ..,· \\ 11rr~ Warriors turn hack 1-'akers IN<..u:wooD tAPI Wo rld B F11, -.c.·ort-<l :m potnL ... to lead a h.tl.111<1'<1 G11ldt·n Stall• attack as th1 \\';ir1111rs stu nn l'd the 1h lt-nd111g NL1tw11al Baskc.•tball A ... ...i•l 1.11111n lh.1m p1on L os Ang1•lt ... L.1k1·r-. 132-11 7 F'nday 111gh t 111 th• ..... a-;on o pener for hot h t1·a111' I' 111 '' ht1 1111-.."·d thl' e ntire C; o Id 1• n S 1.1 t l' pre -s C' as on "l'h1•d111i· h1•l·L1uw of a bruised nl.!ht k1wc'. "'-'flll•d 111 llf his points 111 1 h•· '-l'1't1 P I quartt'r as the 'v\'.1111111 ... Wl·llt trom a 43-35 .t.11111 1"11lv in the period t.oa tii .1/ ,11 h .11lta~t· al h.1lft1me. Tlw \o\';11 rmrs h adn't beaten th1· L.1kl•r:-at thl· Forum since F1·h :!O. 1 ~79 Los AngelC'S had \\'on thl' IHst nint> g:mws between till' w.1m~ l'u1 Vil> Sht1rt cicldt'Cl '..!2 potnl.8 1111 l;uldt•n Stall' and Joe Barry l '.111 1111 .ind Lon'mo Homar had 111 p<11111" ap1t'<.'t' for tlw Warriors. H11m.11 w.1s <.'rl.'d1tc-d with a g.111\t' high I 4 a&'>ISls J.om.1.11 Wilk1.·s a nd Earvin ·l\tagu ·· John:..on ll-<l tht• Lake~ \\ I I h :! I ,1 11 cl 2 2 p ti I n l S , 11·'1"., \l\'1•1\ J o hnson also had 10 ro·hnlmtt... .111d I 0 assists Norm N"1111 .ind Kurt•t•m Abdul - .J.ihh.11 .11 lrll'<I :.W und HI points. 1 '"I)('< t1\·1•ly. for Lo:.. Angd t'S. Hookll' Junws W orthy. making his NBS d1 hut. had 18 points for th'' Lukt•rs. all but two o f them 1n tht• first half. Gokkn State put thC' Lak e('S uway by oul..'l{'Qring them 26-10 nl tlw ouls<•t of thl' third quarter to f(O ahl'ad 9:1-67. T h e Warriors h•d 104-78 after three periods nnd Los AngelC's wasn't l'loser lhon 14 points a fter that. Th<• Warr(ors WC'nt ahead t:o 11tr1:> hy o utscoring the ~akcts 25-fi ov<'r o s pan ot 5:06 m the S<'<'ond quarter. giving them a M -49 odvantAI(<' • 'I ~ Ur 1111\)l' \ 1101•1 I >All ) I'll l) I l~tlllH dll'\o l>l lulwr IU llHI~' llt•ll lo s tand trial for un£lt•ra ~t· cl1·i n king t"rom Al' d ls11utc·ht•s l.A\\'Hl·~Nl'I·:. K .t11 K.111 ,11:,, 1.1rlhat·k K 1·1\\111 l\o·ll w ,.., 111d1•1 t•d !-' I I d .t \ 1 t1 ' I .1 11 .I I I' I ,1 I 11 11 ,I llll'dt0 1\1t".l ll1ll I It.II ~'t Ill ,1I\111\ul '01\,\llllJlllllll II\ .1 111111111 n.·11. \\ liu 1-. :w ,11111 •• ~:1.11lu.1I\• ul ELh:.1111 I ltgh '' 11-. .11 11 •,lo·d 1\1.111 Ii 11 111,nll· the· 1\1.111 ll.1ttl'I .. 111 11\'0•1 :.! I p11\'at1· 'luh 111 I .. 1wr1·111'1· l',1(\·l'lng Ill :-.111d1•11l~ .ti till' lllllV1•1::.1ly l>ougJ.1., l'111111l \ I >is t11C't .ll11lgt• M1k1• El"' e•ll 11l'lg111.1llv ag1••1 .. l 111 d111p tlw d1a1g1· 1111.1 µn>illl::.t ' tho.it H.•11 w ould n11npll'tC' :...•o hour; ot c·11mmu111t:-- 'l'I \ ll'\' lo\ tho·• 11d o l l\l,1\ Hut .ii l<'I .1 '" 11111111'1 1t•\11"' 111 tht.· t'<tM· f:lwdl w,1:,, told 1h.1l Ht •ll had l.1il1 •d lo 1x•rfnrn1 ,\II\' 111 lh1• w11rk .• 111d he· 11rd1•11·d lht• fuoll>;dl pl;;~t ·I' 111 ::.1,111d I 1'1.11 N11 Ii If Bdl I:-found guillv, Iii• P•lllcl rt-. 1·1v1· ,I 111,1,lllllllll µt •t1,ill\' !If :Ill d.t\:0-Ill j.iiJ ,111d LI $:!()() 111\t' Thl' JUllltll 1.11lh.I\ k ru:-lwd 101 I, I H vanJs a::. .. tn•-.hm:Jll 111 1 ~11'111. hut m"""'d .111 but thn·l· g.11111::,, bst ::.t·<1::.1 111 llt't'alll>l' u f ,1 knt·t• Injury Tiu:-. su11111wr. th1 · Nl'AA urdl'n·d 111111 lo sit out tht• !tr:-.t 1h1·1·l' g.urn·' "' th1:,, st•.i:-1111 .tft1•r ruling lw ".JS 11wlrg1 bk f111· .1 •,d wl.11 :,,f11p .1:,, .1 f n·:.hman Quote of the day "I don 1 J•llll ti"'"' pt•oplt 1111 plt•.1:,,un ·" l::d Gane}, ''''lllll\t' d11 l'tl\11 nf tht.· N,1111111.11 1-'0111 Ii.ii I L t·.1g111"' l'l.1:-t•r:-. :\s:.11<:1;1111111. \\ tw11 "'ked 1 t l>ttsllll''>!> was, d1sc·ussptl du1111g a t 1vc-lwur tl1nn L•.r .1tt1·nd1·d Ii~ 111t•d1.11111 Sam Kagl'I. tlw NFL l\J.111.1gt•11w111 <.'11t111l'll'o; Jack D onlan ,ind Sargent Karc h, (;,11'1·:-.111d u1111111 ho.1rd nw111ht·1 Stan White 111 th•· l>\'lrrnl 1.11>11:,, ·Lumley's goal ignites Edmonton Dave Lumley's powt-r-pl.1~ goal ~ with twu ::.t•t·on1b l1·ft 1n lh1• f1r:,,t , pt•r1uJ tnggt•n'tl ,1 hu1st of :,,1:-.. -.ir.11ght go • .Js for F..dmunton and tht· Orlt•r:,, wt•nt on to a Ii :\ N,1\11111,tl H<x·k··~ L<·agut• v1t·tor' ovt•r tht· Lo-. Angt•lt·-. King:. Frid.,,. night T ht· v1t·torv \Va:-t1n h 1h1 Otlt·~· :-.t'<1111d 1n th1 •1r lc1:-.1 n111t• ganw:-. .ond :-.n.ippt.-J a thrt't' g.inw '' mlt·.,_, :-.trl'ak Da ve Taylo r .ind Dar} I E\'ans -.tttll·d for thl· King::. 111 1h1· f1r::.1 µ<•rni<l lx·f1111· 1h1• 011t-r .. turrwd thl• m11nw11tum a round "1th Lum!to~"' goal Thi· King-. n ·tu111 111 tht· Forum tornght. tu play Chicago Bill Gardner's goal .it~ 02 l)f tht• st.'<:ond pt.•r11xl t.1µix·d a two-go.ii bur::.t In tht· m1ddll· :,,kill?<• ,.., Ch 1t«1g11 t.·aml· l r11m lx·hrnd to tic· Vum·ouvt r. 2 2 NPw J1.·r-.<"~ tradc>d right v. mg Dwight Fosler tu D1.·tn11t Friday for a n undisdose<I a m ount of <:ash l Ollt)Y. Molontt power' Slxers to win AndrC'W Tont')' ...... It'\! .I:• po1111 .. m .111d Mo10·11o l\li.11101• 1uld1 ,f ~I 1.c11111o; .111.I 11 1 "l111u111h 11-. l'hll11d1 lph1.1 l••l'P' d tlw N1"' V111 I. !..1111 lu. 111 1lw N H,, .. , .. Ill, ~·.1.i .. , "'r"I. 1011111 l11 11t1 .... N H1\ "I~ rn•1-. 1111"1111 Muurl1·1• l.u1·u11 1.ill11·d I I 111 111' l•'.1111 l1•11d111u :!·I pt1lllll'> 111 th1 !11111 lh q11.111t·1 111 11(11111• Ptu,.•111" tu a 11 :1 !Ill 11111111ph tf\'I I S.111 I lll'j.(11 c;t•orl(t' (it•r vln .u ul Mikt· Mlt1°hl·ll Ill ltt•tl :111 IH•llll' ·•Jlll'l I' 111 JIO\o\l'I S.111 1\11 11111111 111 ,, l '..!ll 111 \ 111111 v llVI I l l1.il1 ftul14ndo BJackmao '*<>Ho.ti I~ of hu. :lll 1Jo111~ 111 lht 11111 d ljihll l•'I .... I >.ilh" hdd 1111 •• I.ill' SUI gt· "' lk l'l\1 I 111 h.11111 th1• h11:cl N111:0~1·t:,, .1 'l:!~ 11 7 "''""' k l-'111 w.11 ti (;l'Ofl(l' John 11on 1111 two 111•1• 11111•\\'!1 Ill tlll' llllUI !Wll l!l'\'1111111' 111 lht• l{,lllll' .111d 1~11.11d Hilly Knll(hl 111•or1.·d a 14111111 • 111.ih 28 fH lllll,., 111 fl•" 1· l111lia 11a tu a IJ:i-IJO Vtl'lOl'V llVl'I' W.1 ... ti 111gt1111 l':ddll' Johnson ,ind Larry l>n ·" 1·.t1 h 1.1ll1t·d l!I 1>rnn1~ .1:-Ka11!>a:o. t'lly 1111 1" 1111 ·d l '111 1 l.111d, I l.i I I I Isaiah Thomas ""'' d :!.I pu 111i.. .1ml Kl'lly Tripudla :1ddt·J :n as I >.·11 1111 lll'ld 1111 1\tl.111t:,,. ~M 1111 ltobt•rt Parish .111d l\ab Arhlbald 111inl11m·d for HI pui11ts during ttll' th1nl qu.1r11•r a:-. Bo:-.11111 :,,uig1•d 111 a :.! I p<111ll lo -.111 .111d lwld oil t'lt~·vdund. 104 !I:! Otis B i rd ... ong :-.t· .. rt·d :!II p oint:-. ;1:0. Nt·w J1·rM·y 11vt•1 \\ lll'l111t·d l"h1t·ago, 114-10:.! David Thompson .,.,·11r1·d 2 1 prnnt:-. .is St'.11111· rompt•<l I ""I l lou ... 11111 I :.!H !l.1 Haas takes Disney lead by one stroke J:J\ llaas, Wllllll'I t1f tWO tl\ll'S Ill n · 11" 1 :1~1 thrt'I' s l;.11'1:,,, t•mnp1lt•J H ti umli ·r pat till ,111d 1111iv1.·d 111111 sol1• 11111t1 11l 111 till' 11•.id F r1 dav Ill tlu· "''\'t11HI nouml 11f tlw W,ilt D1siwv World Clas....il' in L.ikt• Bu1'1ld V1:-.t.1, Fl.1 . lht· f111al uflll'IOJI ('V('lll o n 1lw 111 month P<.:A tour .... ·lwdult· llaa::. h1rdll'd tlw f1r::.t thn•t· hu l1•:,, Ill' playt'<I. thl·n nus..-.1.·d tht> gn·t•n "" thrl't' of tht· l.ist f1vL• holt.•s. H oward Twitty, LI 111m w1111wr lor 1wo St'asons. a lso had a liti .md wa" •Hll' s hut off lht• pl.ll't' al 1:~J Anwrtt.''-lll and J<1pant•i-.t• 11°<1ms battll'd lo a tj .t) Ill' 1n h·jm t'ompc·trtwn "n tht• opt'n1111< day of the U S Jap.111 Pmnt·1·1 l'up wonwn·~ tournc.11Twnt Thi· t\nwnc;m lt•;orn ol Pal Bradley and Ka thy Poslll'" ail «nd tlw J<1pan1·se t1.•am of Ayako Okamoto .ind Tat~uko Ohsako post<•d the> bt.>st ,1·on·' 11f th1· d,1\' w11h 1·a1·h s1dl· s h ooting 8 -umJ1 •r pat ti5 un tlw hilly. {i,:H 5·y••rd. par-7:.i CianJIY.tlll.i l'1>Ul'.,1· Charges leveled at Davis. Donlan Lt">!'-than :!4 hour' lwfun · tht· r1·,umµt11 m o f tht· N.1l1un.il football Ill L1·,1gu1· 1.ilk:,,. t h•· u111u11 F'ndav fill·d .111 unl .. 11r laliur p1 a1·111.·t· c·hargl· .1l'\'li"rng Jac k Donlnn .. 111d A l Oavjs o r trying to b.11"ga1n d1n'<:tly wrth tht· stnkmg playt•rs Tht'Y ;11 t· .it'l'Usl•d o f v111l.1t1ng tht· Na truna I Labor H1•J,1t1un' Al't bv "'1•k1ng to l'lrtumvc·nt lht• unwn i,, going d1r_l'<·th 111 playl·r rcprcst!nUAllVl~ dnd h.11 g.11nmg V1·tl'ran Bob Mc Adoo, who lwlJX'<I bring tht· Lo:-. A111owl1.>S Lakc·r-. tht· NBA 11111 IJ!oot sc•.Json h;i., i.11(111-<l a mulu yt·•.ir t•onlral't '''1th thl' d ub. 11 w .1::. announct·d Tl•rm:-. of thP .i~ll't•nwnt w u ul<l 11111 bt• d1sl'lo::.c·cl \.\'.1 ... h111g11111 f1x>1b.1ll u1ad1 Don Jaml.'s c·ndt·d '>IX'<'Ulc.11111n ht• would go lo tht• St•<ittlt· S1·ahawks ,11 tht· t•nti o f tht• -.1•;1i.1111 whPn h1· jnnounl'Pd pl.uh ~ ntia~· to n •111;11n v. 1th tht· Hu!>k1t.~ ugar R a } L eona rd, tht• und1s put1.·d world \H·ltl•rwt·1gh1 <.:hamp1on. rnd1catc•d Friday that the: .Jnnoum'Cment hl.'11 make next month about his futur1.• will bt.• lo say he's rNmng DellJ Piiot Pholo bJ Oaty Amb<oee Fountain \'allt•y lli~h fullback St•otl Garr•·ll run!!. to daylight u"'ain~l Edi~on during St'C'ond qua rh'r play F riday. Tht' Chaq.~ .. rl'\ won th•· SunM·l l.t·a~tu• ('Ottl•·i-1, I 7 -:J. NOWOTNY SPARKS EDISON From Page 81 J.Jmll' Craft'!> halfbJt k p.1:0...., "'.1:- short. and D:.1l1.• Frw·'s ai·nal to Craft at the• Ecl1son ·:l was l al.Jght uut c1f bounds. furl'lnj.( t ht· B<mms lo :,c•ttll· fur thl· fll'ld lo(O<il Edis on l'OUl<.in't movt· on 11:-. m·xt M·rrN> and th1· 8;11 on' w1•1 t· thrl'al<•nm_g agarn ,1ftt·r tJktng p11M'">!'>IOn di th<·11 ~.i 1111 th• third t111w Mdnt•r':-. No I JH11111t\ \\,j ::. fll·ld pos1t111n and ht· w.1::. 1-(l'llfl\1; 1t, but tht· Bar11n:-. ultrni.;tl'lv fa1lt'<I lo Wkt· ad\'.111l.11-(l' A I fl. yard pwc. .... 111 C.J1 rt'tt ;111d Davl' Sw1gl•rt'::. fourth down J. y ard p 1t·k up ll''l Jp1ng Jt·fl P opk1n's nc·a 1 rn1!-.s 1n th1• bac-kf1c•ld) got FV tu lht• Ecl1so11 :35 and a l:.i-yard hookup from Fr~c· lo Sw1g1.•rt. got tht• 8;1ron!> tu th1 Ed1::.1111 '..!~ \\1th HI -.(•1·1111.t, lt•f l Ill th1· lt.Jll FrH· w1.·nt '" l.u11g ;i t tht :! v.1rd 11111., liul llu 11.tll hit tlw 1u1 I a 11 111::.1.1111 lwl1111· L1111g t·;m11· up \\Ith rt ,111d 1111 th1· 111·:-..t .iltl'mpt d1·l1·n ... I\'•· b.ilk l\h.111 I l•Hnb' ..qut·lc ht'll th1 thn·•1t with an mtt·111·pl1011 .11 th• Ed1..im E ti-vard llm f1\ I' llllH'" Ed1'11fl ., 111 ft•ll">I' \\:i-. ft•l t •·d 111 punt \\1tli11~1 1-.11 n111g a I 1 r,1 do\\ 11. liu t I h1· Ch.1rg1·r ... lll:1d1 1•\'t'I' \.ird 111unL mu\'lng 7!:1 '.11 tb 111 11 pl.i~ ... for t h• f11 '>l to m ·lulu\\11 t.1p1wllzing on 1h1 bJd l'l'lll• 1 -.n.ip f111 .i lit Id gu.d . thl·n l 11 pp111g II \\1th N11\\ 1111w·!oo da::.h "fll'lri pos1t1011. 1111th111g c h1·:1p •' 11 d II I t l U r It 11 \ I• I .., , ' \\' t • I' I • • • t\1 11111 1 ·, h1111<~ bd11n· 1lw t·<mlt...,t lit k111 \\ IJ('rfl'U !'Xl'l Ullllll \\'iJ!>o 111" big huf>'· But 11 didn't work out. a'> lht· Baron:-. an· now 'J.. I 111 ll·;1gu1-. 'J..fj CJ\'t·r:.dl ;111d :!-1:.!-l ... g.1111:-.t tlil·tr nval"> 1n tlw 15 v<-:.ir hhlClr\ 11f thl• Sl'l'lt'S lk-.p11t· lilt' big play'> II"'"" J dt•lt 11"1''' clul'I. "1th ... l<.lndouL'> 1111 both -.1dt·-. llf !ht• lllH ~:d1..i111., dt·fl•n:o.l\'t· gun-. ,.,,.<·n· th1· u ~u<tl l1 1Jmb:-. H1 c h Zuniw.ilt . H11b1 ·rt J1·an. Ertl' &·rg,tro1n. Shaun T <1kk11wn. 1·tt And th1· B::i r1111' had 1h1·rr ... 1.1nd11uh Tamb~ Wt•nJ. Pat L.1t ,., H1·1d Long. Br u1 c Cook. l ti B u l t h 1· C: h ,, 1 g l' r !> h a d -.11111l'th111g t'b<· Nowotny's JI m. C11ff1th·s hands and finullv. No\\'1J111v·~ lt·g~ • TV~ radio Noon 121 NCAA TODAY A•a P ilrseQh1an lf1Si1S ~Olrf' Dame Coacf'I Ge,,, f aus1 Tritons grind out 9-6 victory over Artists * Edlaon 17, Fountetn Valley 3 Seo•• by Ouertere r yf t f ..'d ,., I 0 0 .) 12 30 pm 71 COLLEGE FOOTBALL Wasnonqton al S1anlo10 1 p m t•) WESTERN OUTDOORSMAN 2 pm (4 1 1132 LOS AN GELES OLY MPICS A re c:rea11on 01 the 193? Olympics and 1ne 1rouOll'O 11rnes 10 wn1cri l~y took place 3 pm 121 COLLEGE FDOT8All A"zona al wasn•ngton Su11 .. 3 30 pm 141 SPORTS WORLD •pm .121 CBS SPORTS f>ATURDAY • 30 pm 171 ORIEA TIEST SPORTS LIEOIENDS 11 pm 1!>1 COLLEOIE FOOTBALL Oreoon at UCLA laPt'O ear11er 1n ""' <la. al tne Ro~ Bowl RADIO Foott>all Nebras~a at Kansas , 1 2S am KIEV t8701 Ca• Poly Pomona at u 01 S&I" O•flOO 1 15 D m KWRl..I 13701 long Beach St at Fresno SI , 20 rm l(WVE • ioe FMI OtegO<I at UCLA I 30 pm KMPC.1~ 101 Southwe s1ern al S1110C1•f'Dotc:• 7 '.lO p m l<SBA (88 • Ft.Al USC al Artzona St 7 30 pm. KNX I 1070) Cal St F.,•1erion al Hawao 10 10 pm 11.WVf I tOP f'M1 ano l'WRM (t370) Hock'Y C.n1caqo at 1<1n9s 7 20 pm KPAZ 111501 FREE NOUSlll& SEMlllAR Learn anout t>r::1no new ,,omes (conao1 1n uiquna Niguel ano 1"'"'" "O MHEY DOWll! From S72 SOCl w,,11e they last Sal Oc;t 301'1 tO AM Sun 31st at 12 Noon Reserva1>011s 546-9522 A,1 24 Hrs • • • • • • • • Stay in the black nbt in the dark with li\ RA:\DY TIFT llltl'rl<'pt1on of ,1 Laguna ;wr 1al 1n sP«1•1 to tt.. D•ll, Pllo1 lht: fourth quartt.•r to Sl•t tht• San Clt:'ml'ntt· lltgh runrnng .,l:Jgl' for fil'klrng. who !W<.'kL'd b.il'k:-. Jim Arn o .ind Hogc·r L.i~u1rn quaru.-rhat·k Thad &as Fttkhng It'<.! tht• wa\ :1::. thl· h o::.t 111 th<· end zone• for a game- Trttons ec·kt•d o ut ·• !:' h Sr1uth t lllwhing saft:'ty It was one 11f Coast Leagut· fnutl1.1ll \'l<.:lory our sa l'k s for Ftc·kllng rn the ovn Laguna &:a1 h on .1 t h1llv ).!rlm<· • Friday evening · Tht· I nlons stru1·k 11rsl rn the· l t w a:,, 1101 h 11 \\ t•' t• r . th t• "t'<.ond pc·nod. cap1tahzrng on a ru~hrng of lh1• lW(I bac·k s that rutnblt• by t he ArllS\l> deep 111 m<1 ttered 1n tht• ou t eomo thl'1r o wn territor y Tim M oy F1t kllng gaint>d 50 yards and scuopl'd up K e lvin Manno's Arno had 47. eat·h bt•low the two fumble and San Cit-men\<' we nt plavc•rs· season ,IVt•ra~c·:-. nf 54 22 yurds o n five p)dyS. t·apJX'd by Jnd 5Y. resp1...oct1vc:I\ 4uartt·rback .J ohn We1 ser 's It w as. in fat:l the· d1·fe ns1vc• l·vard run performances o f thl· two that A ft l' r Laguna Be at h lurncd the game' around for San ... 1ampt'\lt'd to tht• Triton 1-vard Cll•mcnte Jim• on its next poSS<'l>.'>1o n. -San Arno eam1· up with a k c·y Ck•mt•nte pulll'd o ffal'ruc1algual 'Turn your unusables into usable cash. Call Daily Pilot classified 642·5678. ~~~~-1 ATTENTION RUNNERS! Now run with safety, wear a !iPORT!i §A FE TY !il61\1'Y vest. ,. • ,. '"'"'' ,,.._,v•• •e, Jo I•• SPOllTS SU HY SIQN '"" '"" ltft,., ·~· '""".., """' .. ,,(, b• • ""''" f11V1n 1n1111 .. '"" n •ti•'' at.,;•1r1,1 " bocJM l'\oQf'\lf fi'\ t.•• f!f)'.,(ftfll ... ///;f/f .. ,.,f.~J •B• "QM 1ne $POllTS Sll FE I Y llON ••Mt •< t \f tmfld bt ighl f\tO I ,t• '· h , .. 'I •4'f•·r• h .,1• I .,., t· t .f' (If ,. \ ,.., L>·•· .... , ', .. ~ •••• , •SPORTS S AF(TY SION ff'4'1 , .,,. ' .. , •• 41 tl'·f' I O "J 0 ,, .,. Jt t i\•' ,. it!fOlt. <111,.11 y,lll!W II Hf •n' ,, ,,,,. 1 ,, 11 .. 11,,1" ~·· 1 ••)' ~II lull\ • 111'1iAf'!#' ,.,,\ ,-4 .. ,,.. ,,,.\ ~ •J1t• t ·.,•t ,,., O''' ' . ,,. Order today! Not available In stores! # t ,,. .. 1 *'t._~.,., t t\M • S100t1"0f~l~-Ml\a,_l n.g lfMltA h ll'OIHS 5.V( t Y SIC"'"'' 11..,~, .. ,1,• .,, r.111 • .,, .. , ,.,_,,.,,, ••·• I The Daily Piiot's year-end business review and fo'recast . ' ..... S-0<-tO "PfltlT .. §1111" .. 11,111 l>O loo JI~~ o,_,_, ....... _ _...,_ Coming Dec. 29 in the Daily Pilat Hum~luc:O\ CAt'1tOTOtU GUARANTEE You rn1J'll lJo fully '811Ghlld Wtl,, your purc.,,ue II 11u1 1us1 1e1111n 11 w11'1ln 14 days c-1 rncoopt. and vou1 monl'y will be promptly refunctoo NEW BUSINESSMEN Contact the DAILY PILOT for Information regarding the county requirement• for utlng a Flctltlout Butlnett Name. &42-4321 EXT.332 l11w swnd Thl· Tntt>n dl'f1•n:-.1v1· lrm· p1lt:d u p on Artt't running bac ks Mark Dr;q .ll'r <md Bt'dC' Aralx• on two t'ul1M'l'Ut1Vl· pldY"· stopping them short o f lhl· go.d t•at·h lime· 111s1ck tht• ww L atc•r rn thL· first h.ilf. Arno hJd a IH-vard tout hdown run call('d bade lx-'<:au.....c· or .1 holdrng pt~ndlty <1t the• Trito11 !ti-yard lint> ThC'n, thl' Triton:-. fumblc<d away thl• s nap on thl· c•n!>umg down, setting lht• !>tag1· for the· Artists who SCt>rl'CI un a 13-vard pass play from BaJs to Kev111 Mt Ut.•nnon * San Clemente 9. l99une Beech 6 Score by Ou••1•r• l~gun11 Beacri O 6 o o 6 San Clemente O 7 O 2 9 SC We1~r I run 1McCotmoc.• ~tc~i I Ont..., Alh.,tr1.,r•n• 2 000 !•'~t•'flal"OI Game Slall1tlc1 l8 F"sl dowr s 1 Rushes·ra•Os 30 •!> Pass1n9 1 110\ 83 P,u\es 8 1 • 3 Pvna • 32 F um DI ft~ IOSI I I PnnJll•es ~ards 1;;> 91 lndMdu•I Authlng SC . 39 123 10 2 5-t 3·•0 •·2 ?·48 l El Arao" 10·5? O•dl'Cf q.27 Murphy I tor m•nu• 8 Marino <'-I BAA• 8 IOr·minus :n SC for.•1,,.g 10·50 Arno 1~-47 Weise• 14 ?6 lndlvldu•I P•11lng lEI BBdS 8·14-3 83 SC Weise• ?·!> 1 10 lndr.tdu1I Rec•i.tng l B Jot.n~<.n •' 14 Mc.Oent1on MOrtl~O" I 6 Ro.. t JI Walch@• A•80f' 1 to• monus I• SC f11omus 1·6 Li•" 1 :' 2-19 1. 14 College football SATURDAY'S GAMES WHI O•eoon YI UCLA •• Rose Bowl (I 30 p m I Wash•ngton at S1antor<l Cto,1n.,,,1 lot 1~ '-0 pm1 C•I el O<eoon St Amona at Wesnongton St 1< h11nn,.1 2 a• 3 pm1 Cal St•I• Fulle<lon •t H1wa11 n UI•" at Sen Otego SI . n San Joff SI II Ne~ada LU V9QU n Alutt1·P8Cll1<: el USF Sonoma SI 11 Cat Lutne•en C•I POiy 1Pomona1 11 U of San Diego Aedland1 el Pomone·PlllOt. n Cl•temonl·Mu<ld at Wn111Mt1 n Cat Poly (SLO) at S•nll Cl•1e RoclllH USC 81 Anzona $~ n w~om1no 111 Atr F0tce BYU al Ula!\ SI Olo.lal\oma 111 Colo•ado Te~H·EI Paso al Colo1ado St Norlhe•ri Amon a 111 New Ml' .. co 51 southwHt lf!•H A&M al SMIJ le~H al Teu s TN:l1 Aoce at ArkanS11s TCU II Houston n DfRkl! •I West Te•H SI New Me~ICO al NO<lh T&•AO St MldwH I MIClllQ•n SI •I lndt•n• 111ono11 al IOWI M1nne1011 It M1<:h1011n Purdue et Ohio SI No1thwe11•m al WIK.On•m Ke11HI $1 81 Iowa SI Neb•Uk• al Kanua loledo et MIAMI 0 lulu at wocnoi• St Onio U •I Cef\1ral Mteh101n 5otJlhern ll1tno1s a1 EJSt~rn llhno•$ Ball St 111 Eastern Mic h1gAn llttno•s St at 1no1ana $1 ao ... 1ong G•e<'n a1 Kl'nl SI W~\tf"rn lll1no•S 81 Nortneru M 1ch1gaf1 Nottnf""' J11tn0ts a• W estern M 1Chtgan Soulh Auouat 81 Flo,•da Mf.'mPh•S St "' Gl'or91a Ou~e a1 Geo•g1J '"'" M•~SIU•PP• a• LStl n ~IO••CIB SI at M1~m· Fla Alob1ma vs M1ss1ss1pp1 SI al Jac~son Mary11md al No•tl1 Cn•oltn& Soulh Carol"'" al Nor111 Caro11110 SI Aulotors al A1c1>mond n SW lou1s1ena 81 South,.,n M1ss1ss1po1 n Baylor al Tulane n Vt.Al al v.rg1n1a Kt'nluc>) a1 V11o•n•• Tech Mar~hall a1 Tnl' C11a11111 Ol>••dWn 111 F111m11rl IEH I l~u1tv1llt-. Ot Pitt · llh)trfl Onm1· _, N"vv .11 £ '"1 Rulhtlrlorct NJ ftolv C1o~s at Bo$lnn U 11 ER\! C n•ollna JI WPsl V"O"''" Pt•nn Sl Bl 80~1011 Cn11,.or Columt>•• al Army Kmq~ Po1n1 al c.;ornf'll Ylllf' "' 011r1mou1h Wilham A Mary al Ot>ltl.,.·l• <' B•own "' H••••rO Buchnt!ll al Lehigh Not1111!111torn a1 MB11111 Co11nt'Ct1cul 01 Mnsur.husl'llR Rhode 11111nd al New H11mpst111e Pnnn 01 Pronce1011 COIQlll' 111 Syr1ru5e Cmc1noa11 et T10mpl8 llmittd Offer r '·'· r .... 3 7 17 ,, "t'' IS '·A$'\ Ir ,.,. N >""Otn,. •Graham • • 1 v ',m 1 4/ JG £ G0o1nJm 25 FG E N'-,._.,01•1" 9S .-un ,r,, ana,,, • •C 1o 1 A ~Ct.lo G•m• S1all11lc1 Fl/ r 1\1 Ja-1.t ~ , , R..,,, ~) , a•il' 39 83 Pd~S·•I') >~'0' 3' PolSS"S 4 1J I Pun1s 6·36 F1>mo1"' IMI O·O P,.na11o.,, y;Jr<l• 3.5 IE 8 25· 1•0 9• 10 12·0 5 35 1·0 •· 15 lndlvldu•I Ruthlng r\I l>d"tlll 1i -100 Sna... 7 · 19 Sw1ge11 9 3 r • y~ 5 lo• m•nu~ n Bad C('nter snap m1nu1 11 f NO.,Oln) 6 109 G"1t11ris 14-28 S1m~son 3 J H•DP 1 J Wash•noton 1 lor minus, 3 lndl•ldU•I P•lllng FV f rye 4 12· • 37 Crall Q. 1·0 E No .. olny 10-12-0. 114 lndlvldu•l Rec:•Mng rv ,.,.,g 2·22 Swooen 2 15 E Gn11111is 7 52 Jones 2 42 1101 ....... . JOHNSON & SON presents .. COLLEGE Plob ef tll• WHk UCLA over Oregon * USC over Arizona St. * BYU over Utah St. ll?lPJ. * Oklahoma over Colorado LINCOLN MERCURY 2626 Harbor llvd., Cotto Meta 540-1630 ~· ....... Wtctt4 ..... * Notre Dame over Na \ ) • Lions ro·ar too 8) EU ZIN'l'l':I. 01 Ille Dell• Pllol lie!! 'l'l1t· l.11111' 1u.111·d r'11d.1\ lll)(lil ll n I 11 r I u 11 .1 11 I y I "1 I h 1 111 I W1•,1111111-.1t•1 ll1g.h I ll \\ ,.., l1t11 11.111• f111 l\IJ\,llo·h 1111 M .11111.1 II \\ .. , U'I tho 111111 W, ~llllll!Sll'I 111\t\h 1ti. ,:.1h.11ll 11mwh.1ck nn 1t.; h111111 (1l'ld. tlt1· .M.1111111 l1"11b.1ll ll·u111 W,.., lllll Ill fllllll, I"/ ti 11111 l lH (111.11 ,.,,.,,,,. uf '!.7 :.!I 111ad1 W1·st111111.,.11•1 h1.,1d 1·111w lt H.111 v W .11 1•1.., Ito I 111111\ I'""" ,ol t•llll )11., , ..... ,, '\11·,oh 1'111 11,il p 111111I .. 1 tlu wuv tl11 kut', .11111 1 .... I 111 .. 11d ' r11 II" tlll' \\ ·" 11111 \ t I >11111 111 tho· 1·111111 1.1111 \.di•' I di-1111 11\,oll\ It "·I•""' 1 ...... 1 "·"" I l llll t ,111 \I ,jl Tli.1t' I 1111 l 111l II l\l.1 1111.1 \\ 1111 It 11111\1 d 11 1111 .o th lo •I ·' 1 """ pl.11 I' \1. llh t-'1111111.illl \ ,.111 \ Ill 1h1· S 1111..,, I I .1·.11:111 l'li• \ d,1111:., \\ 111 1 pl.1\ f 111 11il.1111 \' ol lt \ 111•\.I \\11 k , .111 • .! I 111 11.111111 111ol 11 • ll\l'1.ill .~ 011111n11 l.OIJ!'tf DAil y Pll ()I lf111lwduv Oc.11111111 'l(J l'tl!.' Ha lat as Vikings trjumph, 27 ~21 l\l,11111.1 ""I'd 111 ..,I 1111 •' 11 \ .11 d 11111d1d11\\ 11 11111 11\ I 'l.11 k I' 1'111·1-.1111 Ill 1111 111--1 q11.11h•1 ~ .• 111\ Ill 1111 ~1 1111111 q11.11l11 , q 11, II .. ti •. II I, I h II /\I .1II1 I I .111 /11 \>,lld olll•lltld I Whl I 1111111 lll.ok1• II 1 I 11 I 11. p l 1\ ".1 111 1 d1·-.1wwd 1 .. ~·" •h•• ol1 1.11111· hut Mttr 11•1 111.1111\ t111111 d "" 111 Id .t111 ·1 111 .11 I\ 11111111111• tllll 111 IH1llt1d , f 11· 1'111 ,1 I tl\lloll nl l:•••d l1l1H k-, .111d \\, .... 1:11111 1\11 11111 .... 11 .. 1 I 11 l.t t:11.tl 11\ 1·:111 h, 11 111,111 111 ,1 I \ ,11 d , Ill I ill'''" 1111d q11011t·1 IJ<• .... ti·cl 1111· V1k111j.t'' lo ·11d 111 I'/ 0 ( >11 I Ill' k11 k , 1111· li,111 1111 1111' ,., ..... ~11.111 11111l l111urn·1d1111111u1t1 1111 .111d llVl'I 11111 tlu I·'"'" i.l11wly h l<11 t1·d Ito 1111111 11,11 k .d 11•1 th.it T wo I 1l'hl ~·~"' 111 J !I .11111 :!Ii Y..111b 1,.,. H.1y ll.·1.c 11 i.;1J1• ll 17 li .u1 U1.tc• liull 'f'l11 111-.t f11 ·ld Munl w.1, "1'1 up t.y .1 l.1lw plrnt wh1d1 n ·:.ulh'd 111 .1 .!11 \ ... d 11111 11~ S t1 ·V1· W.1:.hli1111 It "", 11111' 111 1w11 ... 111·u ·i...,lul l.1k1• 1111111 ... l1v llw L11111:-d l 1111 1g 1 lw 1111:l1t A )... II d II I I II g I 111· d I I v I ' W 11 .. lolo11t11ti.1d1• •Ill 11111111,1!11 1.111 Ii ul ,, """' I rorn '1'1111 I lht1><1111 1111 ,, :1:.! y .111 ) ~;1111 W.1i.lil>o11. 11 h I, :.! I ~' pound w1d1• 11 ... ·1·1v1•1. 111.1d1· "'Vt•l11I fllll' l'Uh Ill'-.. 1111 tilt' 111ghl w ..... 11111 11 .. 11·1 fllll tug .. 1hc·1 .1 :1 I v111d cl11v1· Vi11 Iv 111 1h1· 1h11cl ltUUI lt•r , :CfFllfl k1•i1t 11hv1• hy .1 l.1k1· 11u111 'l'.ol T.1111.11111 ... ui 1,111 tit• l1i1ll 1111 uJ11 s l dow11 1111 th .. l.1k1· pu11t, 1111·11 ru11 tlw liull 1111111 tl11 1h11•1· for tlw t1111t"hd11w11 M.1ll t•:ddy tlwn !'au1-1hl " P•"l> I r•1111 l l a11 ~0 11 l u r th1• two p11111l t•lllV\·r-.11 111, 111.1k111g 11 17 l•I .t111I g1\ lllio: '"" 11111110,ll I ,,(I 111 I 1i1 111!11111'1II11111 1111\\ I'\ l 'I f\1.11111 ,1 l111lJlll I ol llj.thl h.11 k .... t 'l11p 1<1 ... 11 .... ,,111•11 d Ill •• d '''"' "''""J.! .. 111k1 1111111 M.11111 I .. 1lo I Ill 1111 111111 Ho q11.11 l1 I M11111111 J>lll II ''""" •• K.11111.111 I"'"'' cl·' .Ill \,11.t 111 lol l'"•ol W1·i..1111111· .. t1 1 .11 ld1 .t " I 111;.t lllUf lid11y,, II \\ 11 h 111 I' 1011d ' 11111.0llllllj..: ·" l l.111 .1111 "" l·,d11\ •Ill .. "'"' \ "' d ,..... 1111111\\ "'•' 1r1 110 vo11 d dr l\'t 111 I :1 11 l.1\ "W" lt.1.t , lo.11111 '" p 111 tl11 111 OCC m eet F ullerton I\ 111-.111·11 .111d li.ott1·11d ~\1111 ·111111 ( '11ltc ·~·· fuo l II.ill ll'.1111 ''ill 11 .. look111g Im 11s 111-..1 South l'oa't t '1111l1•r1•11u· '11 tciry tt•111glit wh1·11 th1· I l11n1t·h h""' t )1 .111g1 (.\1u,.,l. w 111 lt" Scit.Jd lt ·l.>ut k u11d S11uth\\'1•i0.t1•r11 will 111<•1•1 111 o1 M "'"•'II C'on f1•r1•111·1· 1 111111•:,,t wh1d1 wlll h\1v 1· urn• o f th11 ... 1• 1w11 11•.1m:-with lls llrst c1 .. r1•at 111 th1• St'i.ISllll, h..1rn11g J Ill' Oiler 11;1p lreaJ, with 48-26 rout , ,,...,.,\ 11111 Ibo \ f\\• 1111111 I• r) pl.1\1 d g1 1 ,11 ""°' ;\I 11111.1 h• .111 111.11 h I),,,, 1'111•111 1""" I 111111 I• .111d I" 11o.t1,.. 111111 111 1111 K11·k111 t for l.111th g.11111" .. 1-. .1t 7 :111 with Ol'l' ,111d 1-'ullo 1 tun nw1•t111g .11 F ulll'l''llln 1 lrgh .11111 lht• (;,1u1 h t•" and l\p.11 he•' h.1t tling 011 S.11ldll'h.11·k ' I rdd Fullt-rtun wall IH' "11 h11111 ,.,1art111g qu.11 t1 ·1 hat'k Tr11,v l\1~11111· I brnk1•11 :ir1111 Tlw ll11rn1 h , 111 f,11·t . li.1\'1• (11s t '.!:.' pl.1 \t'I ' 1ndud1ng Ill s t;1rt1·r ... tu 111Jllf'll'' S till. th1·\ bn ..... t ,, :1 :.' "'"'1.tll rt '<'Ord . B.u·ku p (,lH \' vrn I I .1ri 1-. " ii I d1rt'<.'I tlw I loriwt n l ll•n ... 1· Ol'l' <.:uUnll'f :, With l.!B l'l.1~ Tutkl't \\ ho'll l.i.: up ag.111ht tlu 1·onf1·n ·1ll'l'-.., ~t'lund-IJt•o,t dl'll'll"'' J\ t S..itlJ lt·b;Jl'k . C t>.11 Ii K 1 II Swl•.i11ng1·n ·.., <._;,1u1 h11~ 1.111' ,, 1).1) rt'<.'Ul'd llllt> thl'll' d.1 ... h \\II h tht· Apadw ... 1:>-0) U\ ('llAH; Hl !'t!'tl-.1.1. Sp•c:lel IO lhe Delly Pllol '"'h1 II l lt111t111gll•ll I~'" Ii 1111:11 Wiii~ ;i ~llft,.,1•1 ( ,1 .Ol-:111 lo•ill1.dJ f.to lllll'. It 'l111· d 111•.., II 111 fl .111.I ... 1v l1 · \.\' h I I I' .1 I , 1 111 I' , 1 ' 1, I .t 11111111•1 U llllll~' t'l 11\\ JI 1d ,I 1.111 \\ .1 11 hid .1 111I"111 I.. 1"1" ,, p11 ·g.111w .11111 h.tl111111• 11.01, o111t1' .111d .1 'k \dl\·1 I (,111.f 11 1111dl11 lei d111111g tl11 ti.ol1111111 ••l•llllOll\ 1111 ( )i(i I' 1n(lo d 11\1 I 1111 t l.1 111 ,.,,." s .... i. .. \\ 1.. ... 111 ·'" ... 1 ••••• .i lht 11 flllli \\ 111 ••I tli1 1 ""'" 111d l 11 -;t 111 ll'.OVll1 pl.o\ .11111 I 'I, I f'h.ot' ... ,l.1 I 111 ... 11 .tllllfl' 11)'1 • i\11.t Jll..,I (t i ,1,Jd .a (11111 1111111 It• tlw ''"' \ 11111., 'tho ( lll1 I' ,11.q1J11 d th1 II 'lit ,1h. •Ill ll,1i(11\\ 11 II \\l'l k1•11d . \I. h• 11 1111 II 1 1111111 111!111 ... 111111.111g1 ·'"" 1.i ... 1, •. 111 1 •• .... I'll I \'1•1 \ \\ 111 I 1 But • .tl,1 \1 "' '' 1111 11, pl.l\lllJ.! lwld ,tlt1 I 1111 1'.11111 ,,.., ,1 'I ,I Ill 111,lllj.!t .Ill.I l1l.1; h I 11)11\1 ol ,t ll l1·h1,1t hlll lla.ol \\,,,., .1 111111, 111111 lllllllllJ.! "('111pl1 11 ,1 11 \ d1d11 t t,iJh. 111ud1 ,1lt11ut tho· ... 11 •• 1k .01 11u11d 111 It .. 11ol /.1111 \I ,11 lit.II h '"'I' lt.111 \ H111 \\1 d11I 1.olk .11111111 II .i 1111 1111, \I.I I k fl \\,.., d1 ftr11t1 I\· ;i m1111v;11111g 1.wt11r \\'I II \ I I \ p I,.""' d ' .. 111l1ltrll ll·d 111 111 \ "'J'l11-. W.O'> ,1 lug 1'..11111' ltol 11·, '"" 1· 11 ... 11.•Jll"'" \Ill' '111 .ik l'lf,11 ,11111 I·•< I .... Ill ,I .1(1tJ "hllll \\li11h h.1 ... 11 't IJl'lllllt'd 111 11 Ill •• 1 .. 11~· 111111 .11111 "' li.1\l' .o ·,hot .ol" pl.1\1111 'I'"' I Ii .ol I I 1-: h I 11 1111 t 111gl1111 J~ ... ti """ tl11 1111 1111\11 o l th1 ~1111 I I I ,1 .1~:111 I' 1111\\ I ll ,1 1'"'111•111 111 I""'""' 111.1k1· tht· f•l.1\111 1, 1\ \\ 111 I0\'1 I /\l.i11Jl.1 11C'XI \\I I h. .tlld d \'II 1111 \ Ill 1111' 'l'.1,llll ll11.tl1 "1~·1111 ·I \\'1• .t11111 ,...t1 •1 \\11uld plll t lJ1 • lltlo•r .., .ti :I :! .111d lht• 1111111 "l'"t 111 1111 · l<'.1gu1· H111 ho I 1111 I I 11 0111 •" loo k 111 Ill ,1 \\II I\ I \'II \ pl.o\11 11 .. 1dl. .111.t 111111 11 I \\ 111 ,,,\111 th1· \I.Ill 1li • .t 111111" tl11 Jiii\ lla11• \\11• ,, 111111il11•1 ol lo1rll1.111l IHllotllllolllll" 11111:,,l ,. .. 1.d 1h 11 11 l'll lll • l l 1111t111gt1111 I~ ·,11 la \..111-.t11 ld I >.11111\ 1'1111111p ... 1111 g.1111t·d :!:.'() .!I 1,11 111 ·'· 1111lud1ng It, .. , 11, ~ ,r ... j .it" If tN, <'ft ' , .. tt' ' I 4 tt..,d Tia ' fl tll'\ot•I I .f1~ if"'-.tt"e 1~4 ( .-.f> in•· t J 11 fH .rtl~ I•' w• vi •r r • c ' ... ,.,,.,,. R .... ""' Ber-, • • l.. t • ' .,.,., • ,... Nc>•DQl'I flto,a: • (714) 640-1268 SAVE UP TO 75 % OF YOUR HEATING COST S. NEW SYSTEM MAINTAINS TEMPERATURE 24 HOURS WITH OU T THE SUN OR BACK-UP HEATER CALL 631-6360 Call 642 -5678. Put a l ew words to work for you 16' STANLEY TAPE #PLS316 -3/4" x 16' SKIL ROUTER KIT #938-2 ADVANCED SOLAR APPLICATIONS Reg . 15.65 Reg. 89 .95 SALE $995 SALE 25' ()1-GOllAI RCA WITH R[MOT[ CONTROL s59900 i lll WARR RCA ColorTrak 25" Sl'l'IVlt em 111111 hd11\.\ 11 11111" of HI var d,, I I v.11 d .... Jl\d f1v1· ya1 ;1i. ( '.11 I So1ti·1I 11·ld .1dd1•cl :11111t lw1 I 0 :1 vun.Js .111 JUl>t l:l ('al fll'b, 1111 .. lw~l 1·a 1 rv 1·111111ng o n ;1 :!!I v;1rd t1111did11Wll I Ull • (.,/u,1rtc·rb:wk 1':111· Lawt1111, wh11 w~1s d oubtful a ll Wt•••k h1'\'i1Us1: 111 .111 1nJun·tl thu111b and d 1d11'1 'tart. t'.lllH' 111 n11dw.1y thruugh th1· r1r .. t quart1·r and f1111 :,,f11·d w ith :.!II:! v.111b thruugh tht· .ur. 111t lud1ng .i 47-y;ord t•>Ul'hdov.11 JI•"' 111 .Id I L111w1. a11d <• 1111t· yard t11u1 hd11w11 011 ;, 4uartt·rl>:1l'k .. 111 ·;1k "I didn't know unlll tod:1v wlll'tlll'r En1· ('l1uld play t11111gl11 ." 1•>-.pl.111wd I lt·nry "S11w"' I Buddy I N11bl1· pral·t11·1·d all w1•C'k I I hough t I'd g1Vl' h11n 1.1 ,hot ( .1 I quar l\·1 li.11 k) But wtth Lawl1Jll. Tho111p .. 1111 . and Satt·rfu·ld . I think w1· ha\'t • lht·. besl b;1ckl 1t·ld Ill lht• lt·.igut• .. Till' Oil1·r, ;ln· now 5-:1 ovt·rnll .ind I :! 111 lo-;JgUL' pl<Jy On·:111 V11·v. d111p" 111 :! fi 1.1nd l ·2 Score by Quarter• ou .. 111 v • .,... 0 12 6 8 <'6 H11111111g1on Beocn 7 14 13 t4 48 tif:t fhOfllloJ~ ~1 ,Urt l~UI/ lli.u>• tJV BuHU••llt1 tO fm\"I hum P.ut"tt'MU tll.•r i. Luwtou 1 run lKdll ktC..lo.) I nvmp•o11 11 run IK1111 kil l.I ldlh!tll 11!! 118 ov M1ll•Jt 36 pao,~ frotn p,.,,,,t,1u ,_.,., .• l<illtJ<ll llA ::,,.u,111ut<1 ~9 ru11 lk•<.k 111111101 llB lOIJl!l 47 Pd•b h Om l "wlon (K,JI/ ku kt Ov l>oHsu<iu 14 ru11 ll.loS• lu1l1tOI H0 1 honipson 5 tun (lOl.llll i.1e~1 OV S Pa•h•• 28 pa•• hom I'""''"'" t I P,trkcr run1 lljj Hay 10 l.lol~~ horn u•d<." 1L .. w1011 1 .. , ~1 AthJflthlflLt-J 7~ 1 t!~t1m1.1h1dt Gem• Slallallco ov rus1 <10 .. 11• l'I nusnes-var<h 111 179 Pau111g ya«h 186 l.lij)Sl!S t4 J;> 4 Pulll• 4 tSIJ f umbtes 10~1 2 I PtJ11Ull10S·Y<tl<b b 61 Individual Ruahlng HB n ... JJC. • l l l 8 14· 1 I 4() 4 4 11 IJ I ov P,111seau 10 99 1 P11tktH t 7 74 Moun1 I J 8urns1<1e •·3 HB Thompson 23 220 Sah11ll.,l<I I~ IOJ I om<1>1c;k 4 t2 Hulell 1 4 N<itiH .l J lOPl'1 I 2 L&Wlon 7 m1nut 8 lndlvldual PeHlng OV Pa11•eau 14-J I 4 186 S P.Hkl'f 0, 0 0 HB Lawton 7-11-0 20? Gta<.e I 1 U 10 Noo1., O ;> 1 9 lnompson o 1 O O lndlvldual Receiving 01/ Wal"'1 !>-65 s Pa1kil• 4 !>1 MUiti• I 36 Carroll 1·8 SleH 1·6 l Parlwr t 4 burr1s1de I· 10 HB R.iy 2-81 Sa1et11;.ld 2 14 t c.r1cz I 4 7 Katz I ·46 Tnompson 1 t4 "SHOPPING AT ABC IS LIKE A RAISE IN PAY" SELE CTAVISION . ,, , ,1,·.'• :'I. I'. t ll1•"'11L1 l, '·" ·~· ·' "7":' -~~ -. ~~ 8 HR. STCREO VHS VIOCO RECORDER THE MOST FULL FEATURED RECORDlR ON THE MARKET ncn., ...... LOWER THAN ANY BIO PRICE WE HAVC SHH WE STOCK All MODELS OF RCA RECORDERS Afl> CAMERAS -Afl> WE SELL THEM FOR LESS-CALL US. -_;»,Mmv 45 " •• "". BIG SCREEN 'PROOF THAT BIG SCREEN TV OOlSN'T HAVE TO BE UGL y. II PUSH A BUii ON ON Ill ltCMOH ... 111t11d la.di ""' \\1 1111111 1 .. 1 t1111k ,1\1.,1\ 11111 I h,lfll t * Muina 27, We1tml11ater 21 Score by Ou.,l•to W••.,t11u11~1t·1 1 J 11 MJIHl1l I '" ' I ~ t,A •'11ttH ,tH1 I\ t t ii iio' 11t I > f .. M M.if!t•t ,~ j I .. •' I ... M' ""11Htn.11t l 11, II ""''I ''I I I, II br•1c., • f l 1. N t.,m.1n ••• 1y1 rf IJ1 Pi\\ I H~ ••w'~''' l _a; ~ I • f• I 1~ t• I • • I Iv' .... ,, ••• t-. f. Iii f tld, f'-·', • .. A"•r J ,. • • •, 11 w .\ M f ,,~.1 011'N' Hu:11tu .. ·~ ,11,()• P<.1;~111r; ,.iru J.Jtt'.>"'le'~ r~ur1b • 4· F umblf--', lu~l 114 ' ' I t. •I I I 8'1 . ' ... ,1 P ... t•dlJ1u· ,.nd 1 t-1 lndi.ldu•I Ruolilng W f4P·J''''-' tJ '" I t~ t r i '0 H,;t t.1' I 1 t o' 1 . ' !/1.1 , ,,, I I' M 1\.4.!Hlou ~'" i ollt.:•ll\.th ·.-c...J W.dt•t:I 11 ( #t'' 1 • l•t ' I lndlvldual Pno1'1g :. t• Jt , •• M tJtdth,_1 <.. :. 0 tJ ln<llvldual Receiving "· f-'t uo ·"' , ' ( t '. ,,I! 5~n(.tw/ ,• 10 '/J.1 ~ r t F-• tH1ri , 1 M ft1'h 1 •,s r}.r 11. ! U J 9" DIAGONAL WllH lllC1ROltC IUlt!NG All NOi 1983 MOOH :~ s299~g SAL£ £NOS 4 PM 10·31 ·82 """' l x~~~ ~. 19 " .;._---~-~ Add Keyboard Tuner 349 Add Scan Remote 399 Add Keyboard Rem 489 1983 Zenith 19" 01aCOfeat With Carrying Case and Accessories $4995 25" '"' "'" COLORTRAK 2000 REMC1H WITH DUAL SP£AKCRS ANO TWO CHANNCl SOUND 127 CHAN. CABLC ' API> SCllCIN MU lllS( fllOM CABKI Al l HI l\JIN 11 OH Apt) II LOWOS BACK 11110 CABIN(l Oft T fllOM ZCllTM MAKITA %" DRILL #DP3720 Reg. 88 .59 SALE SALE SKIL PLANER #96 1~:&95 $10995 SALE WEEDEATER Model 507 16" Trimmer-Reconditioned 3~e§.5 $14 99 STiii LEY SCREWDRIVER SET Re g. 10.99 62-407 Comes with Holder Ll ... ITID TO STOCI OM HAHD 0....7 0-'YS 549•1073 HOUlll MOM.·IAT .... IUMOAY 9·4 2969 CIHTURY .. L. COSTA MISA SALE ~-­IL IC ftlC 44 -· l YR PICI IUBI I TR PARIS ' ~[R> ~CIUOU DCllVOY & sn " SYSllM • CHASSIS • sna MK \~-----ll(M(lH C<lttllttll • COUM SlNlllY • CAl!l( RUOT • MOOll AR CHASSIS AHO llCJCH MORf. MOD£L 4~4~P H<QS MON rRI 10 1 SAi 10 ~JO ~ ll·• "LOWl:S l ,_ICl M: CAN fllCl" EtEGAHT TRAHSITIOffAL CABINET wnH fU(L fOlDIHG DOORS HOOSCS nts VERY TOP-Or -THE-LIME ZENITH SYSTEM Ill a SPACE PHONE REMOTE • CABLE READY • COLOR SENTRY NOW STEREO SOUND IN A CONVENTIONAL 25" OIAGOHAt COLOR TEUVISION •smrw • llEMOIE •ALO() C<lttllla C(Nl[R •STOEO AWlilCR • SI' AC£ l'ttOfll •COlOR S£NIRY •CABl £ llCAOY •IM AHO CHAIHI DISl'lA1 Oii SCRUN •Al.001Yl>CO lfl'01 tllUlPl/1 IACKS "WC STOCK All ZENITH MODELS" ZIHITH 5" DIAGONAL AC-DC BLACK &. WHITE TV BCTA VCR w1lh r LOAD RcMorc s399°011••0 •• I" Video Disc.cm System VHS RCC w/,lttto. cablf 14 do Z tlr Rte Tht bnl for ltu HITACHI 19" Remote $89900 $429 tliWtls 2~1. 1~l. 7~9. mt. ml ' 1S17 AlSO IN SlOCK-CAU f O. ,_ICl 6 HR. VKS hpes S 10 .75 ,,.,. '" lMILO StlPl.T- HlMYfl Ttl PCRFECT GlrT IAll( II MTwtlM- WllCHS Oil. T S S LIS WHY IUY AT 1101 • PIUIO• AYAIL&aU t.A.O. ........ , ... mt • • H•W•I UL.II mSHI • UIYlll •Mllmll .. PH•n• • '" ltUMllT , .. Olll 5 Hr. Quality Bela Tapes $10 Zen 19" Keyboard Rem $489 Zen'. 13" Random Remole CALL 968-3329 FOR PRICES 19048 BROOKHURST IA l GARFIELD! HUNTINGTON BEACH $399 ROl-ZHITl-SYLYlllA-lllllYOl-llTIOll "\ 11111!19 ........................ ._. ... ._ ......... _________________ .._...,_ __ ._ ________________ _ • Oumg Cooae OAIL V PILOl /Su1u11J11y Ol.lnb 1 JO IU82 Martin sparks CdM alina ' two TD Sea Ki11g top (:o "'la Mt"~n, 7-:J lead lrvirie, 21-18 8" HOWARD L. llANOV OftMOellr ...... lteH 1,,...nc.•t• Martin brukc lutlbtc' un u tili yunl 'l('orlnt( run ~urly In the third <iuartc.•r to 11•1111 ( '11ro11.1 1lt·I M1.1r Lu u 7 .3 Sea Vlf:W i.A.'U8Ut: Cuotl>t11l v11.tory uvt·r Collui M<'88 l''r1day nttcht nt Oranlfc.> Coast l'11llt'Ett' Whllc the· Sc•u Kml(s wun tlw balllc·. l'ot.111 M.,... d id rveryth1ng but 8l'OI'\.· an<l lcl8t th1· wur cm Marun 's cil."l.'tnfy ing dru;h o n tht· m-t•ond pluy uf the· third period. "We had Lht' bi.all 1111 5 1 JJlay!I (.it•tually 11 wus 42) in the hrst hair and only !l(.'Of\.-d thrt-t' pm11L'<," u duwippomtt>d Costa Mt.'Sli <.:om:h Jun I lag1•y ~•J ''They Wl're awfully tough 111s 1uc• the 15 yt1rd lint iAnd we didn't throw wt!ll tonight. t•1tht-r ", Corona d el Mar Coach Dick M urras l'r11154.J tlw Mu.'lt.ang team for Its stand but also h.uJ !>001\.' pra1St· for his defensive unit that wus on tht· fwld most of thl' first half. ''Costa Mesa played a vt•ry guod ganw tumcht bu\ Lu1H.'t' (Martin) 1s an C)(J'los1vc bm:k and n 111 Monarchs· top I Amat, 24-21 By TERRY WHITE ._..... lo tM DeMr fltlol LA PUENTE -Rogl'r Rl'y nuso look .i hut pasSing hand into the second half w lt•ad M utt·r Uc.•1 High lo a s pine-tingling (·om ebat·k and a 24-~ I ·Angelus League football v1t·to ry owr host A1)>hnp Amat h ere Friday night. The Monarchs fe ll behind, 21-0. in tht· early going before Mike Doan kicked a 35 yard field goal with two seconds left in tht' half The second h a lf was a d1fft•n•nt s tory with Reynoso at the helm. The Mo narch quartt•roock thre w scoring strikes to Mike Galvin (8 yards) and to To ny Locy (35 yards) to bring Mater Dc1 b:a(·k into the game. Then he took comma nd 10 dnvt• the Mun arl'hs 76 yards for the winning scort-He hit ;~-of-:i during the<lrive. ran the ball to the· 10 and thl'l1 handto<l to Doan for the final 8 to payd1rt In th1• sC<:ond half. Reynoso hit 8-of-8. While the Monarch s put the fina l 5':on • un the boards with 3:57 remain ing, the Lan<.'l'rs didn't g1vl' up. They drove from their own 24 to tht• M.Ht·r Ot.>1 18 but with 1:06 remaining. lost the ball on a fumble anti the Monarchs ran down the d ock . "I'm proud of the way o ur guys played They did .a fantastic job. It was a team e ffort all the way. th~ kids and the coaching staff," an excitc'Cl Coach Wayne Cochrun said. ''Th ey (Mater De1) ;us t got fired up and played hard in the second half ''They showed me the same kind o f c-onwback characte r istit'S that our '79 team had " * Mal~ Del 24, Bl!Jhop Amal 21 IMf9 br 0-W. Punll 2-~8 Mlle< 0.. O 3 7 14-24 Fumbles-losl 1-0 3-.37 5.3 6-55 81~ Amat 7 14 O 0-21 Penllues-yards 11.110 ~-Tinner 10 run (Frescas lndl•lduel ,..,...,,"ii klc:til MO-Reynoso. 12-~ Agu11re •-Tenner 9 run tFre.scas ktek) 10.34 K 8'own. 1-tO<-monus 11 ist.-Tannet s run (Fr98CU ktCl<I Hooper. 2-7 11[}-0oan 35 FG BA-Taylor 30· 161 Tenner ¥0 -G•lvln 8 pass rrom 20-130, 0 Brown 1-6. Garcia R~so (Doan kick) l·l0<0 m1nu1 4 MO-Locy 2 5 pa as fr om lndMduel P•IM"il ~(Doan ICICie) MO-ReynOIO'. 20.31.0. 242'. Mb-Doan 10 run (Doan klcil) Locy. 0-1· I 0 ()p<lan 0-1-0 O ~enclance -4.000 (eslomated) BA Tanner 1-1·0 6 Garcia a-SlaOelic1 0-2-0. O MO aA lndMclu_, "-•M"il 20 17 MO Aouir re •. 7 ~. G&IYll'l 25-4'1 52·193 4-50 Locy 3-4!. M11c.ne1 1 16. 242 6 Regan 1-9 De Le Cruz 1-7 $wns yards p ylldl p ... :zG.33-1 13-0 BA-Tay\O< 1·6 Ducks on menu Jbr UCLA today .~ PASADENA -Fresh from its s tunning 13-13 lle~ith Notre Dame last Saturday. the University o f pregon makes its second Southland appearance thit se380n today when it takes on UCLA. • }{jck-off time is l :30 at the Rose Bowl '> The Ducks gamed nauonaJ attention last week w ' n they just missed knocking off the Fighting · • but Oregon Coach R ick Brooks te mpered the OD radio today •• KMPC (710) at 1:30 e n1tiusiasm earlser this week b y saying. "They (Nitre Dame) are not as good a team as Washington. USc and Arizona S tate, teams w e've played. and U!A , the team we play this week." The Bruins, ranked I hh in the latest AP poll, b g a 2·0-1 Pacif ic-10 mark and 6-0-1 overall red>rd into today's test. M eanwhile, winless Oregon (l and 0-6-1) e nters the contest as a 23-pomt u e rdog. Led by senior quarterback Tom Ramsey. the B ins are second in the countr y in scoring. a raging 38.6 points per game. Oreg~n has tallied ~ 68 points in its seven games. sconng only eight hdowns. five on offense. "Their tie w ith Notre Dame certainly has lo them momentum coming into our game," said A Coach Terry Donahue. "They are capable o f ting us if we don't play well." Oregon has already paid on e visit to Southern ·eomia this season . dropping a 38-7 decision to u~ at the Coliseum. It will be the fifth time the ks have been pitted against a nationally-ranked it. On the Ducks' roster as University High uct Harry Billups, a tailback third on tne depth . Billups has carried the ball 20 ti\nes thi~ n for 103 yards. IMOSALll .1112 321i 6 1peed tran1. (5$03) 1112 1211 Automatic trans. (0057) LIASI Oil MM oy Carver BMW l 540 JAM80R£E RD •• NEWPORT CENTER ~PORT BEACH. CA. 92660 OPEN SUNDAY l111·,1k 11111 111N·11 ul .111v 111111 W1 pl.1'y1·d wo•ll 1111 1lo•lc •11,1• t.111 llW 11f11 •111>t' 1111111. ,1 1111 11 ( 1111,1.1k1•' .. fo'or tht• ''''cilll, Co .. w M1 ·-.i1 ,·1111111-t It'll w1 1111lv 11111" of lm u flt'ld ~11ul ,1th·111pL' 111 th1• 111 .. 1 h.ill, a '1.7 y:111l t'f(11r1 hy Pl'lt·r Sd1111li w11h 11117 lo·l1111 tlw t1nu h11lf. Oth1•1 thun tholl, 1tw M 111ctm1~" 1•11111 .. 11lc•d pby throu~huul tlw h111f, 11l111w111~ ( tlM 11 µlay,. 1111 11(fol\lll', lhrt••• 111 tilt' fll 1>l pt•r!cNI Pt•rh11JJ!I tlw b tl(81:Sl µluy 111 l lw hall w11i-,1 ti:.! yat•d µunt l>y (:11rcl1111 Mo~" Tht• Mu"'""H~. li11Wt'V1·1 , <•uukl11'1 -.(•o n • aht·t M1kt• l111v1·™m 1 t'\'OV\'ft•d 11 I 11111hlo· .ct llll' l'dM :!~J t•urly in till' at'll•m Af1t•r th1· only 11fft•11s1vc• i>t•rw..; uy C'dM. tlll' M u)>t,111..:i; d rovt• from Lht•ll' own l:l lll the• CdM U in 2l plays tu Sl"t up S<.·hurl>"-; k1dt Marlin, an t•Xpl1i:.1v1· ~p•·1 -cb1t·r w ho th11·,1tt•l\t'\I to bn·uk away n n Sl"Vt•r,cl on·a)>llllli-during 1h1· gunlt', fuU l\d d uyhl(hl 1111 till' St'\'IJllU pi<.1y or tilt' :.t't:und hair and 11ut ran thl• (.\*'tu Mc·sa S1'<'t111Ja 1 y for lht• lvnt· 1111whduw11 uf thl' night Ardl l luMhM kick(.-0 tilt' CtJllV\.'l"Sltlll and 11 W (IS 7 -:l with 10.54 (I'll in th1.· third pt•r111d Tht· Mustang d1•l1•nst• tw ill tht· S1·u KmKS lt1 Y3 yards. all 011 tht• grnund. otlwr than M urtin's das h Huvc1 son. ~nt Andn)>un anti 1-~I Kale1kin1 rl'covcrl'd fumblt•s re,,. llw Mu~ta ngs :mci Craig Alle n inlt•r<.-e plt.J u 111• 11( l wo passt-s a t11•mptt·d b y the S t•li Kings . DJV<' 1-'allC'rson und Corky Carp<>ntc•r t.>ach intt•r<:l·pll•d paSM')> fo1 l'dM and Bnad Drivt•r rC<·uv1.•r1.•tl a fumlilt· * Coron• del MAI 7, Co••• M•H 3 kore br 0.,.,1.,. PomwlhtlS·yurds J-35 Cosra Mesa O 3 O o 3 lndlwldual Rualllng Corona del Mar O O ' o 1 l..M Gran• 22·63 Hu{lev CM-Scllurb 27 FG 15· I I. Sparks, 5·27 COM Mallon 68 run tHuo11u9 C<lM Marlln, 23 154. W~lson k1C1') 3 101 -minu• !> B1ow1', 2 10. Allandance 2 100 t11shm10ledl Molinaro 3 3. Moss. I-lot minus Game l!ltatlatlca CM 13 •2 101 126 13·29-2 3.43 F11S1 downs Ruslles·yard• PatslflQ y9rdt Passes Pun II r umbles-losi l·I CclM 4 3:;> 161 0 0·2· t 4 .45 3.3 I lndlvld~I PHalng CM Haoev. 13·29-2. 126 CdM Wa11on. 0-2-1. o Individual ,.ecelvlng CM Or11nt l• 10: Heyet 3-69 Eno11sn 2· 16 Matson 3 -23 T1ohtehano, 1-8. Coo~. 1.0 CdM Nono AILORS • • • From Page B1 Wc·lls f1111i-l1t•d l 1 ... 111ul1t i 111npll't111i-: l i of :!~1 fl:t!'-'>'')> f1 11 177 y artl s Br111 as w11 s on th e· I l'l01•1v1nu c·l)J 111 .. 1x •>f l h 11st• l'••'>'>l":o. fo1 104 Y<•rd:c : .... tin· S111lo" w11rk1·d 1lw flar1• p.i..., 111 pt•1 fl'\"111111 1111 lllJ{la l 'l'hl· f111.1l irony lo tlw ~;11111• .., tlaJt pl:111· k wklll~ ... 1.111d11ut Bud ( \1ht•1 ly W11M1°I .chit· 111 tr y 1h.i1 la)>l (lt'ld g11al l>c-t·:rnw ho• 1i; 11111 loi tlw M"l•i.on w1lh un 111;111 y Saddlebeck 21, Newport Harbor 20 lc0t• bJ Oua'1era Newport Harbor 0 1 1 6 20 l)o<JOleback I~ 7 1 0 21 S Cuoe 63 puss lrom P11s11k tp1i.111< 1<1c.k1 S B•adloy I 1un 1Pesa~ i.10.) S Caoe 1 pus trom Peul< tpe~k k1c;k) NH Brazes I run lloll&e klCkJ NH ~nnes 2? 1n1e1cep1ion return tLonsu k14kl NII lruono n• llHSS 11011\ Wull5 (run lijlh!d) All011<lllnco 3.500 tuS11nu1100J O•m• Slatlallca NH s F11sl dow111 12 nuatu1s-y1uds 28 84 :i 7 I! 107 117 6· 12· I Pnsong yord~ 177 Paases n 2b I PuMIS 2·42 Fumbltl~·IOSI 1 0 Penallous·yar<Js J .35 lndlvldual Rualllng 6 35 00 3 37 NH Howser 8 74. Brazu. 12·28. Brown 3 7. Well~. 5-lor m1nu5 25 S B••<lley 20-79, w1111ams 4· 15. Hau.all • 12 Slaek 4 7 Pesalc S lot minus 6 lndlvldual P•Hl"ij NH Wells, 12·25· I, \71. Brown. 0 I 0 0 S Pesak. 8-12· I. 117 lndlvlduel Receiving N.H-Buuu. 6-104. Powll(. 3-26. GoHm. 2·22 Truong. 1·2S S Cao11 4 105 01u. 1-16 Bradley I lor-m1nus 4 VP TO H)' nonu M UNSON lpectal lo Illa Dellr Pllol l',ll'l'd l1y l WO 'l'l llllcl li,dJ 111ul hcfown:. 1111111 1u1111111g l1.1tk J11h11 Sul11u.111, ttw Irvine· I l1"h Vuqueros hdtJ 011 to 1l1•lt>1tl tit ... · 1-:iHUllt'lll 1-~aJ<h•s, l l Ill, r11duy n1~hl 111 Nt•WJJt>fl I l.11 bur I l1"h 111 S1·11 Vll"w I .1·11~111· footli.ill 1wl11111 S1.1l1n.1" rumhlt•d 1111 171i y.i1di. 11n l."l <'111T11•s, :mu N1.'1J1 t•d fm nc :H .end '.i yai d~ •1UL Tiu· -..·n1111 ·, f11 s t ""on· put lrv11w 111 tltt· lt•ud fur i<tNxl. ui. w1lh '10 lc·fl 111 till' third 4UHrll"I°, S11l111us gcit tlw hall, cul ll'fl. fou11d J h ula• 111 lt11· 1·1l(lll, :ind JC'llt-<J '.l·I y:cn.J .... 1111 ·• Tl> E. .. wm·1a t I ·I) broke• out w1 111r liy using u Stt·vt• .J11h1blJ11 fumhlt· ,..·.l·ovt•r y ut tht· Irvine· :n ya1d lint· T lwn. 1ot·v1·11 play), l:JL1•1. l;1•r.11 d11 B t.1rruga11 k1 l·k1·d .1 :lO yurd f11 •ld 1,toal Wllh 7.~9 la·rt 111 t he · liri.I quartt'r But lrvirll" ti :i1 buunn·d IMt·k .1)> Cn·g li:11l0IJ n·1u11wd the c•n suing kwkorr to lht· i-:. .. wnc·w :14. ulthuugh 11 1'11pp111g pt•n11l ty brough t tlw hall bu1·k to th1• 4Y Vi.lrd lam· -'l\·n playi. l;.ia·r. 4uJrtt•rli<at k M1kl· Zorn ran right 11 yanb fur a ~·1irt·. g1v1ng !rv11w tht· lt•a<..I, 7-:i Dl·i.p1l1• u Sl"Ol l:lt·)>~ !oL"llJIHI quarter, tht· &lgl1:~ tuuk charl-{t' l'arly in tht• l h1rd qu<artt•r as thc>y tuuk posst•ss1un 11f the• liall nn their own 3 1 yard hnl• S ax m1nutt·s and 13 plays l1.1tcr. 1':Slanc1a took tht• lt·ad again as y_uartt>rhal.'k Sl'oll U1.1v1s hit Pat Guyot with a 12.yard scoring i.trike. which gavl' Estanc1e1 a 10 7 l1·11d Thul l1•111l l<ixlt'(I It·~ lhu11 I W•J 111111utt•i. th11u1th. all u J(j vurd pJs' ( r 11111 H•1>t•rv1• quurll·rhtiC'k Jl'fl B1t·lrnun to Mike· I ln11uim :t ... t up ~ tt 11 n ra & • ;M y 11 1 cl 111ud1duwn Zor11, tlw slJrl111~ qw11 lt•1 hm:k Wtc5 h urt IJtt· In till' ~'l·ond (jUllrll'f A f l 1' r H n o I h 1· 1 I t v I 11 t• toul't1dow11, ~umd::i 111:.ar<·h t·d f.18 ya1 ds 11\ le·""" than thrl'\' m1nut1.,. Pl11 I Sdndt•r-; M'l>rl'd frum t>11t• vard out, and IJ:cv1:0. n 1111plctc-d u pa~~ lo Hay Urmson for a two p111111 t1m vl'n.1on And, E. ... tJOt:m \.()(Jk ~~ion ·•lo:Ulll with :• J4 ldl m lhe g:.aml., bul l'ouldn 't move• th1• hall und 1 rv11w ra11 out th<.· clo<:k for th1· Vll"lllf Y II Vil it! Es111nc1u lrvlne 21, Eelancla 11 kOfe lty OUM!etl 1 0 7 3 0 1 E Bar1110£on JO FG I l0<n 11 run tCnleOOWtJC1 krckJ 1 21 8 18 E Guvoc 12 pou l1om Ot••a IB•rt•o•n k1Ckf I Salina• :14 run (Chlobow1k1 ktekl I Sallna~ 3 run tChl4lbowak1 k1ck1 E Sande<• I run (OB•IS pua 10 Urrnaon) Anend;ince 1 200 (eshmtledl I F11,1 downs 13 Rustle&·yard6 47-235 f'oia1110 yards 16 Passes 1 · 1-0 PutHS 3-33 f umoie..1os1 9-I P11na111es-yards 8-67 E IS 39-130 126 12 22~ 3.30 ·~ 3·22 lndlvldual ,.ualllng I Se11nas. 22-176, Scoll. 10-20. Garcia 3·:>• Zorn 5· 13 Orevoo. 1·2. Bielman 6-0 E WoH 25-109 San<Jers 2 5 Oav15 9 13 Gallardo 1·3 lndlvlduel PH•l"il I B1elman I 1-0, 16 £ DB•IS, 12-22-0 126 lndl¥1du.t "-alvlng 1 Hen.gen 1. 16 i Ludwiclo. 3-40 Woll 4 35 GuyOI 2-28 Urmson 2-14 Senders 1-9 On Drexel Heritage FALL FURNITURE SALE ONl)INING ROOM , BED ROOM FURNITURE,' BOOKCASE WALL UNITS, SOFAS AND CHAIRS AND OCCASIONAL PIECES . --- DrexSb Et Cetera ~q, AUTHORIZaD HAUR DEAi.EA NAME A(QISTERNO f Your Favorite Designer Wiii Be Happy To Assist You HOURS: DAILY 10-6 •SUN 12 4 2215 HARBOR BLVD., COSTA MESA• 646-0275 '',,.,.,.pl) w ~1· lh Hlt'll \IW l>l '\!\ Sp<tcl•I IO I h• 0•11~ PllOI A l•tV 111 I 11 .ti 1 .. 1 1111 ti.11 .11111 \ h ~· 1111 h I 11 """' ltlll\I d I" IH '11••111111 I ' t 11• ' I o1111ld·" I' ,,1 '¥\1w111l111d1•1 I.' ''I f.11.f,1\ 1111•111 .11 Ii \ 1111 ' ''"I 1 J\11, .11•11 \ 11 111 """ I ti I 111 ~llllllt \',1,1,j l.t .. glli pl.t \ \\,I• '11111.tll\ 1111t.111t Ii .Id, ""••I I• 11 .1 g.111 1111g" t.11,tl 111 Hit• \ .11 d -. Tiit 111.ih lo-. 1•.dl11111 d .,' \.ti d , 1111 llH'll 111'1 , ........ ,., ..... ,11,I11111 .. ,." '""Ii '"'" 111111111111\\11 11111 ,,, H11g1I 111 .. \\ll '11 111 ,1 111 I\\ .. 'ol1111111· r 1111 1111 1111 , '1 111111 ~!0 1 111 1 •11 l,1 11 I .tl 11 I \\ 1111<ll•111l1 • "" t w1,1hl1 111 11111\t th1 It.di q11.11111l t.11I-. l'l.l.111, l.t•tl1•11li,111t I ,111d 1111 I 11.dd11~ \\I It t l I ,11 l-.1111 S•.tll \"''"I \\It" lt·tl ,ill 11.111 """'I ' \\ll It I • I ' 11 d, "11111 It" 111 1111111 tltt" l 1 '·"" 11111 \\Ith.! Ill It 111.lllllllg Ill t h1 111 ,1 •tllo1l I• I 1111 llH I 11.tl1l11,· "' 111111 ·d, \\1111111111.fi.;1 1111.dh ••ll•ll!•d 1·.111\ 111 llu "'"11I1111.11111 lhllW lll' 1: pl.1\' \\11111 q11.1r1 .. 1l1.11I-. K1'111 H111 l-.1 1111 11.1.111 \/11 1111!"'11 1111 .111 II \.it'd l11lh l1d11\\ tt I'"'' l\lh ... 11111 \It I'' 111 .. 1,, llt1· ~:.11111 •llll'fl 111'1 ht lo1f 1 Ii.di llllh ll1.111i..,, lo lltt .11111 111 I.• 11• 11l•.t111 'l'h1 42-21 1 111tt1 111111111• tnl 111111 11·'"" , 111 lit• 111•1111 q11.11I• r . 1111t ,, 7 \.tld '""'lulu\\ II '" I "'" t · .. 1. I • Mlulun lll•IO 42, Woodbrldg• 2 I 'll'Ot• lly Ou•ll•tt '.l ~ , i• ! I t t CI I 1 .\ ·dl '"hJt u I MV l1rt IA'll H , ir I""' (th•1 rm "'"~I M\. V.t11wr I . .,.ud 1w1 tit"•'"' "'11 ~t W Nu ft11l ,,., ti, ttd t• t f11u11 ftu•"'" 1 .• •0.1• f1 )o,n ._, MV l\IP~I 1 ~111d fltll dhtt "" ~.,1o.1 ' 11\1 ' •• ~· " •• ,.. I t11tPtllht\11•! lh•' ,,,, "" ..,, "' \.~1 t'it 11 • "'''' ti 1 lnl' 1i. l11u11Ii1l1 t•I I 11•1 I 1 ~ o ,. '"~ lh1l,,_t \t 't•Hlf Hiil tl 1 .I\ h .. Htd "''"" \,I tll•f t V•U't ltH 1llt1,uhH; ,.,, Afl1•1 ,1. i'I . I 0•10 tt ~tut1.1t1·~0 I 1 I.JI'. H •'' ,11 I I I '"I, 11 I l ...u.:.c:. r> ,, •u1t I • '· ti• G•m• Slellollc;o MY :·t /·I l ill.~ I lodlwldu•I Ru•h1ng w ... t. I t.l.:.11 I I 11 I I I 11 ... ~ ',., •' • •..i • 1 l It tjl t11 1 1 t rhOiu') Ii . ; ,, . 'tH 1 .. .. •,n., U It I I lndlvldual Pualng 1 I• \ .. ' '· Individual Racelvlng '"'' f ""' 'H "l~., ~t•I d 111 ·l I ., II' I I t. It•'°'' • ''' ,,,, •• ,,,,., ' HJ I 1•1 i I II ( :ouga r~ l o 2 •1t-7 roll Wiii 11111 I I ",ti I It.id I l>tj' 1111 Ii I I'·' .Ill)' .111.f tli• I tjll ·l t ,111" \ till'\ lllj'lt ( llllj II l111tllo.111"' 11 11.1111 iliHlll\Utd 1• 111 l11old1111• "l'I"'"' 111 ,,.,,I• .,. ••fl I ht I I 111111.i Ill jllt 11111' 1 II toll I• ··~·11· \It li•I' "'I I I 1111111 I 11.l.1\ 111v,li1 •I , ('.ii I 1111 • " I 111 ' I II ' 1 r .t . 1111 l11d11111 .1 I'·'" .. 1 111111 ltd"" II ,1. 1111 ( '11111•.11" 1,,,.1, .• "I 11 1,.,.,1 11 .. 11111 I '1111111 l 111.tlh 1111 I'·'' .1111 1t11 .I I'""' 111.1\ I.tit Ill lltt g,11111 \ ""I I 111 .11·11 I\ 1.111 II,, I 1, 11 11 It "'" lt1 \,11 .j,, tolJI 1111 1111 111 .. t •,11111 111 lli1 11111 11111 1' JI• 1111.j ill' II • 111tq1l1 11 .I .111 I I '·''"I'·"' 1 .. 1·111 I~ ... It· Ill llt• ... I 1Jl1d '""''·' IC1111h I .. 11tl1 Ill• ...... " "" •• lttlll \.it.I 1-.r. k1" .1 111111pl1 ,, !\l1t'l1111 11111 .111.t < '1111 ti.I« '11111 ..'I \ 11.t 111 Id ~·11.tl 111 I ht ( '11111'.1t .• 1111111• .ii'" It I I II II • " I I I 11 ' • , ttl\\' I hll1 .lltt ( ',q1hll .11111 It• Id "Pl~ •II• 11 I 1•1111111.t 1111 1111 ,, ••I• It'' 1111 I ~u l,1 I .' 1 • jll.tl I• I' * C11pl1trnno Valley 24, Chino I Scote hy Ou•rlttrl • '' l II '\ll,H 1 t, f v ~~ I e 1 f! I I M1 l I ill •11., ., f' ,, ft l \ t I 1°1 It " ' .1 ,, •1 I• ''• tfl !11 l ''' ,,,II 11 I rl> M1 I I 11t ~ I I 111•1 I 1 t I I .. '" 1)111 I 1\.'" 11 •u ll f .1 l~t>S A I , Lu• Al•mllo• t HIOA Y • Ht llUl I II l~lh ul I) ulghl l•h nt••llng) APPAi U0MAli lllllil HAC [ "'"'"'I t " I !110 1P 1H•H1f "" .... , ' t I 1 ~ ~ I j 1 I j I iht •t I tit I 11t ••• '. •·I llifl11ll, I o tl ot-! f I 11 j/1 I 1111 I •'" fu11• 11 .. 11 1 $1 t llAl.. I A 1 J " 1i.mJ -I• .\(I UUAllll HllORllCS blLUNU RACl 11111 , ,.,1 ,. " J\JL L 1111 ll u.1.1q1·11 , •''t I 1.t , I iii 1fi,u 1, M, I ilqi I I l.111 1A1I ',. ... ,,,, ,• II .... ••• ... I ~ I IJ .... '" •'111 Al I II Id VY 'I 1• .... ., t Ulll 1 t'.Ut II IHIAD AAl..t I !l! 1 ttll II •I I 1 " 1111 "II 'I'•' II tit, /\1 l IJtl I\ 1; l!jtfj , .. ,, ... ,111 l.11"1 1\1 t I I I I ,, ,, .. 111 if 1.i1 I ''I 'I ... •••• di I '"It '"' "' , , .. , I' s~ E xAc 1 A 1 , , 1 1 • IHOROUOHORlO& r oURIHRACE • • ., • I I ... l I I. I 11 M ' ti. llJI "~ , ••• ,, llonr"lf'llf'J') t, , ..... , 11111 'ltll flt I ',, M, I I, "J A11 1h I 1 II At '' 11t ,,, lthf " I h•·I '·I , ... I • I 1 ..... ..... I ,11 ... I FIFTH RACE 11 I h t l,1 If '" t, I "' t• t •l. f I t ( lj C I 111. /\ • ' 1 S!>EXACTA • t •I 111 SIXIH RACE I I I• ""' t 'II' I 11 11, 'Jl11lll" I ffllrt"/ • 11,,, .. 1t 1• I I 111. IU I llq " , 111•.I 111·11 I t11 ... " ,, " ' '. ,.,,, I I Laguna H ills rallies fo r 2 7-1 4 v i c tory B\ JOE IH'llE\ OIH Sp•clel to lh• D•llr Pllol Al 11·1 1.dl11IL' 1 ... 11111tl I I II ·'' h .dt111111 l..1~!tl ll.1 11111 l!1gl1 'l'""" ..! I l1•lll ll1 •111.1111 I I'""'"' Frtd.1' 111gll1 11> d• 1 .. 11 lttt Ool ph111" nl I), 111.1 111 II' ..! 1 I I ,... l ht 11. I\\ " ". I' I 1 l.1 11 "\.'\I .. I .1i.p11.11t1 '"' "" ,. lX·l•lll 1111 lllltlt 'l ,11 1\11-. .11111 \'rl JP 111).!h l .. 1L!U11.1 1 lrll-. 1 .. ., .. 1 t'tt<n h Ed .\d 1111-. -..wl 111· " .... 11111 l1w1h1111.( p ..... t 1111 L>ol11!1111 .. "Tit. II dt I• 11" , .... i... ,j ,l \\l'Mlllll l,1.,\ \\I I k l.1..1111'1 ...; Ill Cl1•111t 1111 > .111d 1111·\ tl11111 .1 pulkd 11 ult l'h•·\· 11 \\1111•·"' .111d hu11g1 \ ..,,, I 1 'I" t l llt1 1 111 lw rN1llv l1n·d Ill' 111r 11 I l-.1111\\ tht•\ ,11• L!lllllL! \"\\In 11111 ""'"'' 111- 0 1.111 I I Ill Jlhl II \111g lt1 pul-1 pont · 11 .111111 h1 ·1 \\ • 1 k T lw :.!.t)!lll 1.111:-. lli.11 va1111 11ut for I l o1111·t 11111111J.! l-"'' 1\d,1111,· 1111111111••11' 1111111 1111• '"Iii• 11,.i plt1 "' '"""-1111 "'"Ill 11~· ku knf I :rnd m:irl'hC"d H7 ,·;inf<; in I ( '"·I'' 111 l.ih• .. I ti It .id Tlt1 ti"'' 11111 ... 11t11 •d il1111i-.t Ill 1111111111 ·""' t ""'" \\ llh l\ltl-.1 { ;, 11i1o1111 "" "' p111g 11gh1 .111d 1•1o111g Ill f111 lht '>Ull 1' I I 11111 '"'"" 11u1 U.111,1 &11,111.111 .1dd1t1 tl11 j••lltl .1llt'I \ti< I l~l'lllldlll 1111 1 l'l t'f•l•·d ,1 1 •• 1f.!1Jll,1 11i11, pc1:-. ... lh1 1)11lpl1111 .. u1•1,.~d llu 11 .111 111 11 O ttrt ,, \l,111 l. " .. , .. t I II D .. \ • . I l.1 I I I ... , 11111111111111 tit.ii .. ,, ... ,, d 1 1 '·'"'" \Ullt ..!111 I.II tll lh<' ll"I h,dt \1111 d11111111.1llll).! lh1 t 11',l .1 l1.il1 11 11•1!..td .t it D.111.1 llrll' \I 1 11J1l JI 11 .t'l ,,1\t ,111 11\ht I\\,..,.. d.11 k M'dMJn by flla~ lllL! llu· 11111 111 "l~llll·r But 11\\a:-11111 l" 1,, l11n1ghl. h"'"'\ ,., a-. lht· ll.1\\ k°' l11!1k I ht· "ol'lt1nd h d[I krt kot f ... nd rnon·d ""'"ti~· d11w11 SHOULD WE FOUL OUR OWN NEST 1111 111 Id 1 ... lit• II Ill .1 ...... 11 · .. 1 1111 11wh1 .1 -'• ,.11d "'·"'""' 11, ''" I l.1\\ h,' 111 •• 11 ·'"" '""' :\ll.111 I !11111. 111 H11111.111 • .t ", .1111•111 '""I'·"'"' 1111 .111 '·''"" o111d 11111•\\ ".!I ,,,111 111111pl1 lt••ll In l11•hl 1 1111 'I 111fd \\ 1111.1111, ltll •• It .ti 1 .... " "l'' '"'' th.il l..1•\t<I tlu 111\\h.., .11u111l ~ 'ti I . I 1 .I • I'" 1111 I fl•"' I (I """II \It l),11d llt,tl ltl\I It d .! I \.1111' lh· 11 .• ·.d.;, 11 ... ~ 1111 "·'" 1111 ~t•MI \\ h1 II 1<11111 tit .t~.tlll "4 IJl t•tf tilt •11111 "" 111 H \,11.t 1u11 o1111111ul lt·l t • 11d tl1.1l pul L.1J,.!Ut1,1 11111 ... 1111 _:11 11 1111111\\ 111.: l'l1 ·1111·l "-· I'"" '" :\)1 l>.11.I 1 .. 1 •• '"'' 1·111111 I 1111\'t ·r ... 11111 * Lagunn Hiiis 27, Dana Hill• 14 Scor• by Quall,.•",· I» 111.1 ttll 1 : I qUllt\ 1•11• OH t,u11"11' 1 , ,, 1t,111•" ,, 1o. u • Why Yes on N"? SO THAT OTHERS MAY FEATHER THEIRS? -1 t •• 4tM'·~· I l•"I "•""" ,,... W'.)Q•t1 .,. J 1"' t ,..,.. ,.,., ,_,., .,_..,..,ong 11t1'oQ' t -• nq f JlllQ f~l ~...-.... ,_ .. ,.,, .Ot •J•IJ' ... r f"''V' f''..,, M 1~ ,.._., .... ,..., fl! .. ""'."' • c.@ s~'• -..... ,, "' ·~ c..ur ,_ ....... ,,_ •• , .... 1 • ~-'-'fM +, .... t What 11 M•e1ur• P'•" ""1ar .... ~ N •boutl '•fl"•.. • t'ft._ J\ \ \)9,., <.:""'-'"I 1"4 ·•"ct ..,.,.. (:.ol)'< -i •r@ f''14Clftl~•ti.l f I VfM"••• '"'"' ,_.., t Vt cw,,., 1 or-' ,wlllllf'• •••P" "'"•O• '"ref).;".:~ o.i"'''.., ._, t~ t••'f •e1 r·.nr~~ *'' ...... ~·""fff ' ' ... t t ,. 1 4 I •r-.fll ..JfV .,_.. P14.-!@~f'-4'flll0 ft'-ff pt~t., *'" ar111 • •t fl"'J 0" ' 4 ,_., 10 ..... J•t I 4 '". -... St ~ .,.. • 1111., 11 ... , .... t, • fndu11tl•t c.omrn•tcltf .,,, ... ,1 ,,, ••• •'-' ... ~ c,., ,,. • c, .... ~ .... ~.. 'tt-, ,. ,,,. to' ..,.,., •• ,.r,.-,•;r'•T~ ,,,~,..ttl.•ltC. .n.o: tt~'1'T&f' "•l' "•"""•* '1 1 "'0" ((Jl'IO'"""'f;tr}.,,.9••1\lrft•M'•O .>Mt't~tr•h•4• ,.,,, C..·" I ' r ' j...,,. "'C "'f'\•f\ ~' t.ut O•D e •tte ar-•-1 I •...,..\uel.,. .. 000 9q ff • \I"" l f"•f"' t *"• a '1f!it••t.,..rf "•to\ .. '' '• o ""',.. ' '" "' '~·•,.eo-(l'f'• "1lf" ,, tuh1te 6-lfl•16ont ,... ,• 1 •-.. ..... st ~~ i-'ftC-~ \,c;au ._.,9"••• Or . .J ..... t •N ,., • t • Me••Ufe H \U'to•• • '•J• '' f/.-' ,.,,.,.,,1,-nD .. t• • .. taot'r,. t\fl/~f!I ,.•'¥ "'o 411 r.;-.1' '"'"' .t 0 I 1'1"'' 11•. , t,• ,._,f't\oAl' .. l.,. I'! f .... 1"°' .. ,. ....... 'l<ffll"' ... t4t•n.J 'tt, .... f't .......... t'!.,.41M1' 1t n -''ti, VOTtfrrrfO VES OH H • • • Vote and Elect ... EDMUND J . KELLY FOR MEMBER STATE BOARD OF EQUALIZATION SUPERVISING AUDITOR 5T A TE f3 'IA Ht\ r 11 [ 01 I Alt//\ I Ir t~I E\PERIE.NCEC' TA\ AOMINISTRAl1'H' JR '1 Vll\H~ CERTIFIED PUBLIC Al'C('ILINll\NT /,. ! /,,;.~/,/,,/,. .-~ t r ,/, . , /•,.,,, (r '/'""''"nrr f A If ~ I J".f t 't U1 W flt.1111 Aw COMMITTEE TO ELECT ED KELLY II "''' ''· 11,,,110 CA 9:?316 Fran~ dPCourt,.l'I T1oasl1ror PUBLIC NOTICE 1 ---PUBUC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE j ti If,, ~ t•\ ~l I '\ !It flt ( ' ti •I ll /; I I • •I I• ~-1 ~I If '·' t" 1 i •I If • ~ .· r ;I '° lo'• i I ,.,. •' ~ ... . ' 1 .. ,, J • f .. t I ,1, Game Slellartc a OH l H .,.. , .. 1: ,,, ' 4' • tJ ., t. ... Cl lndlvldu•I Ru t hlng I" J-ill II t ah t '· (. If .t ' I t ., '" 1, t f ~ f I ./,, I t t ••• ' .. o •ft I lndl•ldual P .. atng 01• l •-'t t 1 t ) 4 f 1 \ 1t fol 0 ' '" lndlvlduAI Aec•lvlng " ,. '""4'ffl • l ff,,, I 1 t..-' lJ,pd f, • .. f 11 1''1 \ I h ,, '" • <,H ~.pl,, , 11 ~, 111' I ti ' I ' I .... ~. ' I ... •t••• • t It 11t .. bl VlNTH MA<.l 11111 ',,, I I,, ••• l•I '·• I ttl ' •• /j f "' '• ,tt ' HJ ,, I I .. I ,,. ~"'" '" 11fJ ti l I r}. tr H1q A J• I I I •I •lh•J t l~fl Ah• ,, •·d 'I/'"., 1vo1o111 II r ,. #111•lr h .. • t t 1A1t ._, ft'''",,,, M1 All•otl ,,, ,, ., .. I I f, HI '"· ,,,, lu1 .. w t .; 6;'• t~ [XAC lA ti >'II"""' t~ll~llO I IGHTH RAC[ I I th'""'' 'Hilllflll I Ll•ltik IL.1'.illJJll~· ll,, lU f •·lf111f\t+1I !fJHli ••) 1.00 ,. uo ; HO A111111 h111H1i41 tltou~•·tq ,, llJ 'dll Al·tt l1t1 .. tl ti• M11,1 1.11t1 Lf11•1•lo.t•1'.l¥•11'i\ llltil '·l. ·• '1 NINH! RAC[ 1, ~11.1!1•1 II If •IJJlf•lll li'j I !Iii '"j t llJ1h·i, II I •• , I HI f',1111111 ' flllllllHI I 'itt hU /(J 10 4 t.11 )1111 '1111 Al 11 r 1 1·d I 1 V• I'll '''""' 1 I h11nh·t I •• It 11 f t1 " 'I! I rt 1 I•••., I f'. '"' .,, I I (, ... • t ~I .. '" \ "''' '·'' 111111 • ii 1. SS EXAC T A .,., I ~ ... , \ 1 ,.,,. fih ,, PICK SIX I ._. •• • ,.,, ,,,, .. , !. f ., ftJ hU '~" •• ~ I I ti "''' l ml J1n.t· I\.,.,, ... " I l 111) ~~ I ,,,, """ 10•1 ""lllHlllJ I •• t "(1·1 ,, ,, I J \.: I'".. • • , tll h ' fl I • tlll I l.••tHJ ~ .:4..11.ll «J.lli lj.J_ 'lfWlUIHI I lot I IA l•l·I AJ 1hftl HNlH RAC l '·'''''' ", 1 It I ''I • ,,,, •ti I ttfl t () J • 4(J II 1l1A.11111•~ft_Jf 't\0 /ijt) II .,. I l 111., itt.111 1•10 J 00 Al,, ........ If h ' H•11·H c;,,,, v.1,t•ntu1t-' 1. u. ~ .. ~. A1 , 1,,,,,. r ,1 r. 11.i••"·• '11 "'J·• ... , .. ELEVENTll RACE 1 1,,.1,,1,q ,, ' I '" t •,1l11llt I ', kU • l~U • hO ,, 1t .,. 1 ,, , .. ,, "ro ton "1$11 r qo1' 1111 l-/ttit1 if.ti '"1'"'/I I 00 ft f·ll• I 1t11J'\~ tlY•ql, .. rluu ft t01l fi11ll J 11PI l l1u•I I 11 1(1+1•1 '~' v.it, JWUHtJ U • .th• f~ '"-~Ill l. IJI W f 100• I 11 l "EXACTA 1 ~11.111!1/:1,IJ /\ 111·11(! I! I • '6 /1)1! 011k lree (a l Senta Anlle) FRIDAYS RESULTS FtRS r RACE • 1 ... "'I' ,,,,.,,, £• l • t 4 OU • bfJ I I ll.Jf1 M1-/.;t,j 6 6() '1 • 1. t , 1 ,, r .inc, rvr1trrn1u"M 1 r. t t.t,,ult·• <.,,,, A, ""'''''' . .. . . SECOND RACE. b lurlOf''l' : IU '110 ? ~o •'",,A, • fl .1 > 4 llll tJU • t.(j h ,, ,, )":)J-,• I t:IO '" tsO r ., ,, .... .. ·i' •"'' 4 f,CJ A , I •. .., EH l' r-" ,.t<._ ... t.u1t'i. I '/It otl 1 •• 1~ '' ,, c: , • .,.t Et.-._., ,...,.,.t c.1 _.., .... ~ I A•• I r tr;.,, • • •• m .Al At ... l.u•h--A r lfhl .J , .. " ',,. t 11 S2 DAILY DOUBLE ~ l ... I ~~ • 0 THIRD RACE • ' •6,. ,,. h•I I tr 1--.1->t ~ hll'l_,1-:fit I ~ " '., .... ' I " t ... , I 1t•ltt I •• 1;1(1 It ...... ,. "T It'll-' 0-id•'"lf'' 4 th I l0 !I 40 [ ''"''-''"lfJf HOI'-. tJJ''-.-' A c.et.ilt'd Al ~t .t1d4' M 1 t A I f Ht4tJ (I ~· 1'11• (IP , ·'' 1r,h , 1• • ~l.uo '"'""" .-.,, ... ~,. 11.~,,u 11~..,, 11<,11 ••r1n111 ~11, n •tt-1 T 1rt11 1 ~., FOURTH RAC E 1 I 1t... 11tlti , •• , ; 11 v tfl ,., ..... , (. t.·,tf!'" l..itrl tL.~•'"tJd~ .. f m t 1• t .• ti 1 fAt:l...t1 At,, tntt~U P+'ltlt4 11,,.....,,., l:lbll 4.0 2bC• 1;· 40 4 8(1 :? 80 W1114Hll f:t:1td 8.uj 11/t . I I ' ,, .... u ,, ... t It I •·t , "TH llACI t '"''""II' r '4 •~t kA·'''Vf fOotwh•\ft ",,,,, .. ,.,_. tV•l••u1v•lo1 •1111 4 10 ~ 1100 )II() 'ti() •Jul~~-· v!Jl<I, 0<1ltlft 'tu11u ul the 1tl&fl4 f •l•I JI 1t1l1flt\ltf1tf1f1t,.f Al 1 r;t1 t•IJ \•till f l 11v11 ,., •'41111" ,,..,,, ....... 1u.1J.1 f ... ·~·~· f "" 'tlJ •. is tXAC TA , 1 ,, 1••••1''111 oo SIXTH RACE r, l•Jt1nng~ 1., ·••I ........ 1111~1 • 1 J (llJ J (IQ 2. "° V<hh A11U l 111.h (1•111,11y1 !. bO .3 60 < ''"C""tlt• (Aom .. rn1 • 0Q, "''"' •otod Blv• Soaa O"''' S'Wllt1 M"'""U•· 11111u" l'un11u Ettorvoi.<."n'e Lug_I<~/ l(.,y NMUI I r .. o• Ou•. Rc.y•• Ari r um. 1Jyfti1'hlllft 11 1un•• t to SEVENTH RACE I fl 16 ,,,,,,,. : I I 1•,,,1 1•111u.,,,o, tOe1u11uy1 3 t 20 11 •o • 7i 40 I I 'fll01Hf11 fHt11'vttty) 4 60 S 40 11• t 111t.1vt1 (Jr~un+ •~•IJJthilHUJ 1 00 Aho ,,,t. .. d ~"'"'"'i" Snttows Bies Ou1u1ct¥ 1 (1t4lf•c.tutJI• •,t..1nu11f1ft f<Hh' I t•al tfello 111111t r "' '><>ttg f uutt t •J 11 SS EXACT A t1J 4t '"''IJ \IUb ~O .. NINTH RACE , , IC. mile~ I' l'•••fn1un1 (J•i,.101.>1t fP111tr1tl 7 110 4 00 2 90'l,. l/Jroqu1\ll tHJwltyl 1 40 5 20 [ t0Jpl1vf' IMt l"I 2 40 Ab•• rac"o Ou•"~ Arnr,<1,~ador Mont;{ila < t11111.t.• H'IC-J''' 1.,11. t..Pu.-.1 Cetebrd11on. W. '>l11l1'J I''' ,.,Hr 1t1._. J.lf\.Hw F'1e S tra11 Ptoyt, Ut\!tJflt ChdtHl 1•1'11' I 4.1 t ~ SS EXACT A 1lI8l1>0t11l $198 00 Attt•rn11111r e 18 4 1(J '1 o n i('t·I raecs to d rag \'ietory HH h,at tl Mun1ccl o f Lake .J.11 k..,. 111. 1\·i. v. ""' lhl· wmmng dr l\'l'I w1lh a "Pl'l'd of 151.48 rnplr in tilt' unbluv. n gas h ydro t l,1,-,rlrtalron •11 1h1· 18th annual Drag Bo<.1l A!'>..'>'.11.'lallun Nauonals r ~ n d.1\ .11 Ir' 11w L ... k(• m Orange .• l\.1t'i•""' hilt· in the: c11m pet1t1on h\dto 11 \ ... 1, Yuma's Eddie S11\\.JI1 winn111K wrth ..i sp<'ed of 1-1 I !1:-1 T11cJ,1v <ii lrvint· L'ake. the . blown t l;,,~~if 11 a l um qualrfying • "111 Ix· ht·ld. whllt· Sunday the . top t•1gh1 bo;11~ rc·turn for s1dt-~ l JV '>IUI· t'tlll)J.H'llllUll Ttl'kt·I~ art• :S 15 for today's qu .. d1fy1ng run~ and $20 fur Su11d.1y'-. finab \ '• ,. '. .. 1. ., I ,\I I ---F-IC_T_l_Y-IO_U_S::-:B:'."U'.":S:".'.IN:7E:"S=s--FICTITIOUS BUSINESS FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NA,..E S TATEMENT NAME STATEMENT NAME STATEMENT lhe toll ..,., , '1 , ,., •fl Tt'•• '"'' *'''1 O~''on ~ do1,ig The followu'lO pet'O'' " dn1nq I OUSlfl'HiS cl i nP )t. I bu5•nfS.S '' (..A E " I I\ t 01St,;01JNI RfCOJ'lOS Ill! ~a.. RICHrS 331) B• .. I• I l "''" PR00\J( I C)'<'; , 11 (' 1r I Omt> { •J~ll "'"" I A C\76?1 MP•'I CA 92626 Co~t1' Ml' • t:~l l()f"'" .. ,. ;>" '" n1' )hi 1• ... HC.6 Cam•n•IO I Al AN 8,1.RRV \ EMMf RM'IN Why ruin a growth industry? .. G•eo''"')'"~''" ' ,, ,, no lllguo~Hll\ CA9Z6~'.l 248«!:11/oa~RIO l•l~t!fo•e~l IA Costa Mp~.1 C.\l l<.u1 • 4 'h-, nut•nf'""" 1!i c;unthJc-IP1J hy o.n 92610 This t>uS•f'WS' 1-. <.<)t t .1,01v1<Juol l htl bu5-ine11 It cnl'\ductlt<J C•'f "' 1nd1vtdu111 T11omu Anate 1nd•V1du•l G""9 Thom~' • lh1' •llllem.-nl was 111~ wnh tno Al•n LemmotmBn lt>is '""t'morit wo• hlf!<1 w1111 ,,,,. Ca<inly Cler~ or Ofar>Qe County on Counly C>t'•~ nl Ornn1;~ C unly "" Ocl 14 1982 Oc\p!>Pt 21 t<18/ F19M3t F100313 I •bh ,t11·d O••>nQP Coa\I [l.ltly P1JI tosl "•l Or "'0' I "' I l r I P•IOI O<.I 16 23 '10 Nov 6 1982 P1IOI Ocr It 'n Nnv I I' ... ~.. ·~~4 82 4GA I A:f PUBLIC NO llCl FICTITIOUS BUSINESS HAM[ S TATEMENT lt\11 tolln¥¥1ng "'1' 11ionn I\ Or1111•t bUSlnl'U II' SUNS~llNI ~r I I AllM II I~.· Oaf den 01C>vP Sh"t C11trtt•m < 11ov•• CAhlornl• 971•8 Qcoo St 09om JIJ' ~' U1• 1v1,.w S11n111 An., <."1ttnin1, •1nn1 Hu• b\.t'ltnto•t 1\ c onc1u• I Oil bV 1n 111<1tv1dul l Dt>f1 S<.oggtnt Tl'I•• t lllll!m9nt '"'"" fol9d w•ll't lhe Coutt1y Clot'~ 01 Or1111qt1 C(>Uflty lln PUBLIC NOTICC FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NA,..f. STATEMENT I hf' lollowinQ Pl!,.On •S dl)1ng OU,tnt'\$ 115 <;Wff 1 R~MANC.F ttt/:1' Nfiw~>fJrl ~lvll L0,18 MPSll C1tllfOfntll 92hi' 1 Ollvld A ll•Chni1l\f1n 67:1 Ptumt, C Cot•~ Mtt411 t.•1tlom1n Q?f,/1 1111• ""~'""" ta rnnnu<.h•IJ ll; '"' 1n'u.-11lu1tl 011v111 A Richardson ltll\ "Ol(!flllltll WAI lllltd With 11'11! tni1n1v (le•~ of Orangf' County on 0t1otwor '' 1\lll:? OC\Ober 'I 19S7 F2Q02j2 F200211 Pu1>11'9'111d Or1ng11 r fl,O\I 0Alfy P111tl1'h~d Or11nyl' Coul Ot11ly Pllol 0..t I I )0 ~'"" f t I l'lll, PtlOI lk'I 73 30 Nov ti 13 1982 •6111 ei I 41141 117 Th11 tlll@metll .. n 11111<1 w1111 lflC' County Cle•~ ol 01nn11e Coun1y on Sootomwr :?7 IQ87 F1N304 Pubhahed Or•no" Coll.i 01111y Pllol Oc.t 9 18 23 30 111~2 U G1 81 PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS 8U81N£18 NAME I TATEMENT 1110 lollOwlnQ oer11)n It dolrig bus1n11n es TAKE SIXIY 71 '1 ~2 All1n Crte~ RoAO. l lQUM N1ou .. 1 C• 92677 Aol>tn w Olltl. 7!>0 11 MAr1n Gou•I L119une 111111 C.:11 9Ul~~ Thll 1>u1intl't 11 c.onduClfttl liy 1111 1ndlvldu•l Rol>tn w 0119 Thia l!tlemenl WIU l114K1 wtll'I 1"41 C011nly CNlflo. OI Ot•no-County on OctotM!f "· tH? ,, ... ,, Pul>l"l'ltd Oreno" Co .. I 01111y P•lol Oc.I g It\ n io 111112 4481 '" Caltlotllt.t alil·.u.I) 1e1.:)l'll'' 60'' 11 1 .1h11111 lllllll l':tll' .111d \l\l'l li'c h11ndn:d 111tll11'n hnttk' :t )L'.tr 'frt. Prnpo,1t1nn 11 \\ould c np- pk C'.il1lnrn1.1·, \l>lunt.tr) f'l'l')l'ling ')'tern Pnip11,1ttPll 11\\tHtld1n1pn'L' a l·,1,tl» 1.'I 1mplica1l'J ') ... tern 11!:11 "ould "1pl' out mn't 111Cal11l1rni:1·,900 \11l untal'\ t\~L'\l'l 1111.! l'L'll . . .. t er~. ,\ml Caltlornia ha~ thL· hc'I f'L'1.')Ch ng program in the L:ountry. It ju ... 1 dm·,n't mu~c \Clbl'. Tl.1c P''l itkia n~ '"ho '"'rntc P rnpn:-.it1on 11 were tr) ing to do good. no doubt. Aut the) liroppc<l th t' ball on 1h1 ~ lHle . rc~ulting in 'l·riou' Ila ... ,' amJ requireme nt~ that arc ju~t plain 'tupitl. U nli~c Oregon. Caltfomia ha' a 'trnng. health) rt.:l') l'1111g prhgram in rl~tl'C. We ju ... l dnn't necJ a Forn:d Dcro~i t La". Anu we l'l'rtainl ) don't lll'l'd to inherit the pmhlems that Oregon ha~ cxpericn<.'Cd with their dqm~it law. Vote NO on Pi:op.11 It just doe.rn 'r make sense. .. • \ 0 0 a -a • • .. .. Or t11lU" Conat DAil V Jlll 0 t 1~ .. 11111 ch1y 01 111111 r 111 111A.1 ---~~--~~~~~--~~~~~~~--~~--~~~~--~~~~--~~~~~~~~~----, Community college TC>MtCltfT'C OAMI• 1ow1t1c-1 c ....... enoe O••no• Co••• at f ull.,lon C•I f ull•rn>n HIQlll C .. 11101 al S an Olego M•u Ml S11n AntOfllO al G1oum<Hll O-.w .. 1 Idle MIHlon c .... .......,. So..~i.rn as Se!l<tleD- PeJomet at R•-tlde CC S11n Diego CC at C111u1 ._ ..... n C8' Conle••M • l A Soulh-11 al WMt Loa A1>g .. e1 I fJ '" LA HetbOf •• Complon I 30 p m Loe A~ cc •• Eul Loa Angei.s llletr ...... MI C_ ... _ El Camloo al Puadena LA Pte<Oe a l Sa nl• Monica CC long S.ach CC at B•k•11lte!O WM lenl Itel• Conlerence Olen<lel<I •• LA v.icey Hancocl< at Ventu1a M00<pa1t. el Sonia Batb•11 CC ,_""I Con..._ o .. erl al Ml Sen Jac1n10. 7 pm AnCOIOpe Valley al San Be<n a101no M11.Costa al 1mpe11.i Va114t)I AH games al 7 30 pm unlo8st Olhe•w•l"I' r>Oled HIGH SCHOOL STANDINGS EC11sor> Sun11t Leegu• Le1t9ue 0"••••11 W l T W lT JOO ~ll 210 120 110 ?60 120 530 PF PA 129 ,., 174 80 97 1l8 .. ~ 132 M 3t1ne Founla•n Vall•• Hur>llngfon Oc&an View Westminstor 1 2 0 2 1 0 I 10 19 I 0 J 0 I 1 0 63 12'.I frlder'• Sco•H (01&0n 17 F oun1•1n Vallt!y J Ma11na 27 Wetlm1nSlet 21 Hunhnglon BeHCh •8 OcMn v.e .. 26 Neal ftkl•J'• c .m .. Foun1a1n V.tfle't vs 0Ct6ar1 v e~ .11 Hun11ng1on Beach t1unt1ng1on 8eac'1 ·~ M d11n.• ·•' Westminste( Heal l •lurder'• Oem• Ed150l"I al w ei1m1ns1er See View leegu• Le1t9u• O•et•ll W L W l Pf PA Saoo1eoaci. Et Toio s o e o 211 •03 • I b l 15• o'' NftWl)Of I Hat l>O• Cora<i1 Oet Ma• Cot ta MMO Esianc1a 3 2 J ~ ''i , 2 3 s I • J ~ 4 3 s Irvine 3 s 3 1 • 2 " F•lda y'o Sc0<H 57 8 I 139 105 85 Saoci1eo .. c• 21 N"'po•• Ha•C>O• 10 Irvine 21 Estanc•a 18 Co1ona de< Mai 1 Costa Mi.s• • Thurodaf • O•m• 'JM !Ob 14J 141 Un1wms.1.,. vs COfona oe• Miu at Nttftf' •I ~•100< Neat Fr'4lef 1 Clem•• Newpo<t HarbOf vs COSll Me.a •I (>(..(.. Saclclleback vs E sianC•• a1 N@wpo11 El 1 oro at lrv1nft louth CoH t Leegue l ••uu• Owet•ll l •iu•h•rnl M••••'"' Vtt.11•1 ..... ti' ''""' .... • tlJUfttf It ti\ WL I Wt I I 0 t '• I I ,.. l'A ''" .,. f I I .... JI I I II t I I 11 l. ti I I ti I I U I • t t 1e Ii t I I ' • u I 'I li'f llt '" t t ., l1.1,1;111 l\tt1t1I, Wt>e>•ll"'•llV! ll1Ulil tOlf" I II\ 1~11 U '1 ii 0 tt 11 t1H HI f'flda1 I •LOtt • 1~t6tt \...""hU.lhJ \I '•IJ•tO•• lh•J. It t I .. •J••tl•i t tiff" '1 n l••• t '''" t • Mi•··hH• v .. •,u ,., w, .. ,.1h•u•·J• l tlli•llll .. 110 \l•lltl\i .'.fi I t1M11• 1"4•11 lt•,1uu••• ft\und1y11 O•m• I llJUllftl 11111 1o• W11PdlJ•1thJ• ,, 1i,, .... Heat f•141•, • O•mH '+ii''"" ... , V1tlh•, 1t' h'"''' ,, I I 1 HI\'""" oh• •I M ' 11 \'·•I I• Ul I •t•ll II ~·I'''" I 111 I ~Ill 11 ,.,, •• I Angelue Leegue t eague Owef •H W L I W l I Pf PA M•t .. , ('ftt t U II ". • I IC>~ 'iltt ~.,~ ..... ~I • ~1111 B1!1.h1~lt Am.ti f-'1ua )( I I t I ti I .' U 11 I 0 I ~ • 11-A .a. "' '''l' 't' h ,' \) l~C1 11 / I ~ II '14 161 ~:WHJ 0 ' IJ I I ) fr\daw • Scot•• Malttt ~ 14 81ttlCJf Am•I .' 1 ("' f\1u1 \\ rt'"'\ .'8 n•f1o1h• •1l' 1-•rt.J h fhur•d•~ • Qame '•1·1 •.t" M1tlt•1 l h·1 11 .A Ii ;. N••t f rldey • Oem•• ..... .i ••• "' ••• U1'\ho1• -'•th.el '' J.'H1' " Other tcorea CENTUR\' LE AGUE t I M\1,lltnU IJ , noth1ll , 3 "..1Ml 4t I •C. ( •if 1 EMPIRE LEAGUE I ~i.··· Ul/,I ' '"'''' II GARDEN GROVE LEAGUE l 1 tJu1Hlit .' l t-.111,,lt•11c1r1'"'' 11 '\ A~•· \I''~ ~ ~ '1,u1h,JO• • FREEWAY LEAGUE • ,,.,, •• 'J & .. 1•fl t' ..... ' .. th'·• ."4 5,,,, • 14 ~1'41\l!I', tt II~ .'\) f I , t• ORANGE LEAGUE \,,1h•ot.•.• 1'1 At tlu•1111'" W,•'.h U l4 {;;11t.f f lltl!d I • 1.~ • ftl4 t • 4 > 1¥ I NBA WESTERN CONFERENCE Peclllc Dlwlolon w L Pel c a Go101•r :Jtutt• t n 1 lC'M> p,,,,,., u S•·Jtt ,. l .... ,. p, '"•"•' S1lfl (h• JI 0.1•1.•' ' •' ~ . ., '• 5 l~ Ar•t {lf'lt''fl'' H~o\h• ~ ' , ~ ' 0 I 11<1\1 n O<'IV J(I 1) f IJl'lt1l MldwHI OMelon >O llh•f1 } , V4)U EASTERN CONFERENCE All•nllc: Dl•lelon . .,,,,.~ ...... '' b ... , ' Ptl14.t•Jt11lt1' ·• Ne..-. ~u•• W hn1,,~trn t•1l1 ;I ,, , .. ""~ 1! ".. " ... C.hoe "9' C1e,e 1• d .AlldHld 0 00 t coo on K ll I IOO 11)0 J•J 0<1/l A Thought Provoking and l 1mely Addrl'S\ "THE BASIS OF TRUE FORGIVENESS'' by Arno PraUer. CS , A Member ol tne Chrls11an Science Board of Lectureship '•··· h I • ) 'i. l I II •\f• Ill I I I t I• I t 1.;t 1~1 t If .. U .. t .. u IU4 I It•~•·• 111 ft '"'111 .. 1 d "t1.t1•t • 11'1 111111 t111 '' w ... a.111uhu• 111 • 01•'-' I •It I It 11 ut1 0111 I 11 U~lho1 t/•1 l1t't1"H I ti •••• A11l1H111 '"'' L1t.1t1 111 I h . .r.11• t 11 ·•+' Pt"\I 1• 1• '"'" IJ• It .. ,,,, t I th~ ., .. "'l ~~ti"~'~•: I~~~~~:~• t•1\t 11 11Ao111111 'IV 1~f111111l1•t .11 I Iii• t•J '4t ... I , .. ti tt1i"" I t t..., t•1 •Ht" I tf ti "''" I ~I If ti I t I Werrlora 1U , l 1kera 117 Q()l OlN l lAtt 1tuu1 l. 11tult1 lh l.wnoU lft t HI tll .. 1111 u 1H I ... , ••• • '~ • .. ....... u I hHeM.J1I 0 W111_.Jt • ' t••••tlltH ... f' •lui t I J I I \1 LOI AN<lllt:» 'f\'tlliottfl 'I Wu'"'' 1n A1111ui l111it11u Jo 'uhn1,011 11• r4u•un l'I M 'H•qq11 I J l ..... f'll H J1111l11il •• l "fl11 f•Hit" • ''4dttt1 I 1111.11 t_i Pl JI/ "'o'• hw Ovatt•n ''"hit It I 111 , 11 ltf 11 I 11 I 11., A11u1•l11, t I ,•-4 #'I ••J I I/ 11,,,., 1•10111 1• •h 111-..-.1•11 M11.,.,. • ,,, •• ,, ·' fl1l11 14-1 11t11J •1l1lrl••· •' 11• t 1H If ft I•'\ Au'''•••, 141 f11I u ti .t\I 11111 t 1111.11 IUI A ,1\1 .ta. '111•tlt•t1 •,t Jh hi (ht 111,11 14) I 11._ Ai.-ft•lu-,. 11 I fothtt°'\1111 HI N1u111 H1 A l*t UO/ Women'• volleyb1ll COLLE OE 111 •• 1•1 d• t l't'Jll ~fdtiu• l11 11 tt t 1 14 •• ,, COMMUNITY COLLEGE , •• 11 1'. I,· 1'• 11 HIGH SCHOOL 14, WP• 1 I l 11 11 I! itt dt•I l 1•llo111,l't1 II l l•t 11,11• 1 J I' ' 11J U Men'• tournament (•t Tokyo) Oua•l••tln•I Slngl•• ,11,111 M1fhh1 1•J •,I Uet ''''•t• lli•f1h•h ! I I , ., \/1hU1 'tt'ltli111fl\ Ill'• I \J-·· H 1f ,.,, V.in I Hr1I llJ C.. f 7 t> 1 '°' P~'te< •,t t.4 1•1 11-.i 1A., It •l1 11 tlt·I lt11 H• I~ H 111•, '::. ~ f :J • 11 t1 '4 Motl~ l •10u tlllSc t• Ai t11h•1drt J'etlkJp11•1lf"'°;1 h ~I' Perla Indoor lournament o ...... ,tln•I SlnglH Ht 11• '1 ttft1t-d U ~ I n.-.1 f.tu'r f ~HQt"! 1J I .,,l.-1 ') t ,. W ii•·• f 1tH1~ If' 1ldtiOI ~J• t ~tut Sm1H\ 11J • 1 ti 1 7 ti ~atco:i.~ tl "llv,tl 1Ufdlfll Jt•I 1.,.,. l aP1Ju\ IU '..,I f, 4 4 f ii Ii [l1ll ')( unlui llJ ~ I tt.·f A.Clt11UIU l',111.•lt t I I 1t,1 f 0 f1 I Grend Prl• tournement (•I Cologne. WH I O•rmanyl Ouute1flt1•I llngl .. 'Jrt.imn (11., . .,,,...,." ""'tt"'' ,,.,., N;C.i\ 1~ 111 11 1 I tJ 4 t 4 J1n f.111111!,11\,,t .-.i• 1,., lt•I , ,,.<Jt1·•"" ic;..,,,.,t<, tSt~on A.1t11 .11 Women'• tournement (•I Btlghlon, Engl•nO) Ou•ll••fln•I llnglH r..•t111thf1.t Na ... ul1110'W{\ ilJ s I oef fJartOHdt r~o1u' Jc;, 6 • 6 1 Cnn' E"•" l'OyOf IJ ~ 1 ·ltt:I \,81Qf'\ tt16"1PWt\ IU S j 6 1 6 0 Tt•c • A"''"'' cu S ) oel JoAnnw ~u\1eu f tU S ' b 0 6 2 Pom Sh.,vv• tU <.I d~I 1111g•r>1<• Rut•C• lRormm1u1 A 6 G· 3 6 1 Sunday, October 31 , 1982 3:00 PM t US' I:\ .\\ES.-\ Edlton Community Center 21400 Magnolia Street Huntington Beach Child Care Provided For Young Children Translation tor the Hearcng Impaired Presented to the communtty by First Church of Christ, Scientist 8th and Ofrt Strttfs, Hll1fintfon Btach EHCLUSIVE OFFERING NEW 1981 "LATE SERIES" DE LOREANS 5 speeds & Automatics $18,995 olu\ , •• 4 .fo( Now. for a limited time. we are offering all new De Loreans at prices far below normal value. Fectory Authorized Technlclena Pert• Av•ll•blllty Crest Chevrolet 909 W. 211t It. l•n Bernardino (714) 883·8833 Call Biii or Robt. Bader or Fred Pope The Comm•ll&e 10 R& E1ec:1 Ne>rma HerlZOQ Toni Hollman Secre1ary 274 7 f'reemonl Lane. Coale Mes11 CA 92626 Imported Teak Bookcases 1TWOfor $ Rosewood ... TWO '°'s249 Cl => These good looking flame·graln teak bookcases are a special direct Impart purchase ano are an $ 99 unbeatat>le value Crafted of ttte fnest teak veneer with adJustat>le shelVes they measure 76" x 12'1"' x 35 · Back panels are IA. constructed with matching PVC. Matching doors. $39 val •29 PLUllBBB'S hf EMAnoNM. CONtW•OftMY ~ WU TLOI ......... 8876 ven•c• Blvd e I 2 rn 817 0138 IA#TA MU e 1S40 fi w~rner e 17141 557 0611 P VALL IY e 12140 snerman wav. No HOllVWOOCI e 17131 765'C)40 t l'ASADMA 180 s. Lake Avenue e 121'> 449·6741 IOUTH UY e 238SS Hawtn0me Blvd Torrance• 12131 J78 947l MtlMON WUO e Marouerite ~za e 1714149S·37S2 SC VALLIY• 15711 f v11i.va1ve1 CltVOfll'l(IUStl'V•12Ul961 9809 °"'"10tol-~Y NOONCO S All l\irn•tur~ t r.tfteo Ot tTlf f'lne1;1 ~" fNlrfV 1tt1m ll'l' un_.~tnOlfoO 1n Clnon\ '°' H \V OtCJ uo ~ICn '~IW Wl»tCt to \100 on NtlCI Olene~ CleHlc ••• L•h ....... \11•1•. , .. I ltft ti.... .. .. hb tl11V.1•1tJ l\11'1tl, hi hh H.11 ·.,.n11n It Id I t•t· t1I nl Mi I 1 1• • I ''" fd 1.111, U' • tfl /I t, .. u.1, 01111•.. t,1, ,., hlrr k •M" l•l '.-11111 I ' •• .,. lii11••, Mo• t'h11 I o h1t•t Witlt ... lt!V'I 1'111IU1th·•1 1$+.UI• Juut •ut Ut•" •11111h•t l1mt ( U•1Jl9''11 11 Ill ht·• fl I 1 I ,, u A l'VI ,,,.,,., I 1Ht) M11• Mo• 1,,. lthn 1 I 1111 ,tu·1 •t• .. J•·t M.1'11 1 Cu f1l·Jt ltvtt•\ I 111tJy M1H1•t 11.tly t 111t.l1 ltl1HJ h'V·Hil l•uu '1i111c .- U• W·U >N1• h• I tt.1•;1f •••• ,,, 1.,.. LI<lu M•••• ',ufl,,...111 ( ,1h1111111•I• Jlfit f'lwlilud 11i1t'lt1 M•ln1• Vo•11,,1 H1+,11f11 t ' .. ,,I·~~,. I J(Hr•ll •otle• hfH ( Utl•HI Ut1h l t•1tw11111, J11l1U. Ml1Jt1I Ctt OIU• "'' '•t•t J1th "111t II M •1· M· 'h-1 O·•""" f ,..._mt·. f11 hlJ., N11 r1111"' Rf• .. ( fll't""fllt "11111 th,-11 l••>1J41f •"·•" AMh Hto.11t J11n fhllff'' 61vC•1 l)ovgl.l't\ ()JHy tt.tl'ftt!ll flt..tlJ Mu•f•ft)' M1lo.d ~m1lh t1.,.u ...... t:..•1111 .t, ""•'', r ....... ,, • U/l) I , ... •t•I ,,,, l,.,.,, .. , '" Ht1h La1l111u Stt•ve 11..,1 ~, ..... unuarnJ 11,tt ,..A(C, •ft,j! J•ll 11 •• , •• , tttcJn1.1rtJ ''"'''•l•'\t'' J"; t.udu '11u11 '1llflV'll" Ou i.. r• ... u•.r.n M •• r• O Mt•ttt (. .,,..,,(•· u ....... f\~ ., Lt1t.. .. I t.h8flfi"t ... ~fl--t•i f '1 01.>VQflt.•1 I~ (,1tJb., <>•lliflll WOOdy lilJt •tu"• t c,m Pvtllt•f Gtt"Q Jl11..._~,., P~1111 (J,J,, .. , hu " Mo1~ Mt\.,,unth••r ~""u (i.1uc;,11 H1ai M .. ,-..-.111411 ,.,,,,., Q .•• ,, M.,,. ( • ...,fh t 1 • M1io,1 (.k-,1 •11 Al '-'"'•f ~''V''' Allon Mill••' M,1r• HJ~t• .. J•••., n. , , < •••• , ~' 1J M.1•il l , 1.rc o 1t 11mt~1·I olto•P I 1·r h • U·H ~·ilc,f' I If r tf1•t 0 ' ' •" ~ ~ JV! tf ,.,t Tr.mm; V,; 1~(1t•r .- Ra, h,,,, /0 Iii> /0 .,,, Mt hrt It toJ t.19 h'f /u t I {;; ';{. /t ••• , l1't l1tf I·'• 1111 I I I 11 It•·'• tin /I f .+ '" .... '" tJ~ / 1 ,, .. ,, ft e.tt ,, fit l1MJ / 1 ''" 1,M /I It I • 7t .... M1 /'4 I°.! hH i.h I~ .,, 10 111 /0 IJ bl I.· hM .... /l /JI /I 11 l;;f , .. ,, • ' 1 M 11 , , Iii\ I.' 1_.,, to I I 11 /0 I I hd It t,l 'C It ~h (4 ,,, !'1 ,., ,, 7(1 '· : t /I /I 11 tit .... ' ~ tJ1t ,,,. 11, '· /(J t.'• I' '" (. ., /1 II 0 I 1 " ,. h'4 . ... , , '· ,, .. , I" I'> I . f. '' I. IU ,'4 1. ,; • 17 1, '. I , 'l 'I •4 /I) 1t.t 14 t I ~,, . , .. , , '• /•1 .,, 1\ ':' l' 10 ·-o H ·, 'J ,. ' 1(1 ~ .. 1 i ''J f. r; • • "J • • 1 • J • J : ..... .... 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' ••• , ,, 114 , •. lJHIJlitllllolo Oii'• I' I It (ll<ftlhh 1 u 011 ( • fl 11 t t I I 1 t ~ I i I Iii' Deep 11e llehlng ART S LANOINO (Na•po•t IJ"u c h) UuJlt''" If f,,,.._.!11 4 \ brnulf1 fJ fftC. .. l1f\h I ,r\m•11·.f111.11I OAllEV 8 LOCllER (H••potl IHcllJ - ti .u.4h f f 1 t,,,,,,11, U f llU ft 111... 1 t1t11; 11,J I/II It 1• P.t•f• t.f 11r ... c cul lful .... , ... DANA WHARF t I I ·J"'i'"" 1U I• 1•1~ P14 J1Ul!d•1 0 t 11~ r (HI .' 11 tllln1I It• tH h ~~'lt•f f41t tfll ~ •' 1 ~ rfH ~ 11\I; M , , ••. , ,fu 111 • uit '' SEAL BEACH • 1 J• •1••••-, lU 11 t •Ill l .J'f't t Hll ''·O H•I .. c r t (8erg•J 4• jllHJh~Pa I 1 l•l+l1tll1 /111J 111°1• ~t•ftll 4 ut••tJ \I,,., 4 '\I 1lll11f1 \110 'Nlltlt! l.l•Jd.'" *'fill Cj'Jl~"'' f1'tf+ Thlt week 'a I rout plant• LOS AHOELES r , ... ,.,,.,,. t",,H o· , HI j .aoll.Jflt•• f41Vt'f tl~t'I f r,tlo) VfNTUAA t.u 111"' l .,~ •• ORANG£ t JQu11u '~•t_Jut·I l .1~ • RIVERSIDE t ••• l• .. 11 SAN BERNARDINO t "' "I 11 " M• 1.:ht" N.1rt(r1111t\ ~'"" l ·••' SA.H T A BARBARA 1 II fuHI t 1• 1 SAN LUIS OBISPO I I"' I·••• IHYO tJ10/ 1 1•• J'lt'••"'·'"' V 1111 1 Weter polo COMMUNITY COLLEGE 01•n11• Cou l IS. Fulle•ton 13 t ,111•1 l1.r1 "} 4 I ' \ l C"ol•t,. l•nl J 4' '~ U• .,, Q• < *'°* ...,, ' ri , ff' m '' ~ t.,,(nt"'•I.~ I'"' tt ,.,. :'A~•" t ''"' t HIOH SCHOOL Ne•potl H••bo• 10, (I Dorado 3 [I {~11f,1ll 1 f) J 0 j "'•t·,..POtt ·~·i'l I I. 11.-wiw"' ,,, lfJtt c..• 1 ,. l)f'fJ.·' • ' t-l.t.• , ..._ • ./, •.,... ,t ,, ·t,,. 1 T.noi...t 1 Coron• del M•1 8, Lo1111 Buell Wllaon 4 Co•Cl"a Ottl Mdl • J I lj l .ng &uat I' W1~y'" 1 0 4 ( r " .. •J•· Md cc,1 rt, ''T1t 1•r' • U 11 ,. , ,.. ' 't-"'P•••, r-.• ..,.1sor i' Lv' "~ f--1 ,, • r ~· (. 11 I .. [j I .. , (1" H••tn1\h•1i\J 1 Mt.C ,,,, ,, • ' r.1,;,1~\.ltt l Paid Advertisement M•t .. 1• ta I au A•en1lh,;• J l i 4 II IJ1 I O 4J I f , I t I,. t .,.t, ' ..... t ti II I • u .... , • .,, v.u., I 1111111 IU J l'U• 1 to I •uun• Hiii• • I I II Ill ~ I " I .. , jl I It II ' I I I ~ I I " t I I .. r ••• I I '" ._ • t• ,.,,,.,, U111t11 , I "·· If • 011.. ,., ., I t '•' I I I ' II •• I •di flt •I I 11 llU I I t .. 11 •• ' ~ 1 titt.Ut+i! 11.)I+ \ f v•lfn t t t •t•n,t• • 4 II I l o I I 111 ' t 1 .., lt1A4J'.N"hl 1 I • ti t11 ~· '/Vu>• I 11 .. 11; I i.;.,. .. Hll I NHL t A~POllL CONr lRENC( .Smyth• Ol•i•lon '# l Of QA Pl Pio ' ,., ., .. ,, 4, 44 li I ',l ••I I' ,,.., ... , .. tllng1 • d111101 j, Moul• Dlwl•lon c. - ~IJ I/ 6 f ,..,., " ~ ~ 41 lb ,.. 41 ,., 4,, If ,., 10 I f 11· I 1 1 • t ~ ' ..... .1 ., WALE Ii CONFERENCE Patrick Olwlelon t ~ 't l!J'-lJ OUI ,, ••• ,. •' ! '·" Jf11 ,,, tfof't I I t 0 I HI ,1 t• t I ,1 , .. ,. It \I ' 1.J!••l•t ltill tl ..... p f rid•)' t Sc.or et ~C JI ~IJ 4'• )' 14 \I I/ Ill ,, 41 (t l'-th ' )(J 44; .., " I' 11. H I/ 14 41t l I 44 '4' H "' 4 1 I I t Kl"Q• ., /11 Tonlght'a G•m•• ' ' , , 1• t<inu• ,, t 1i t ,,, '·· j •• ' ••• I! • ti 1,1 h I jl 1' • ,,,, 1! I II I '•' ,4, . .., Ill,, t 1' ,,, t I I'''''' II 1i1 1 ' t 111'1•11 1 1 t.• 1 ' ·' t •' ~. ''" t , ... 111 11•, j I ' I I I ~· I 1t I Ollert 6, K lngt 3 Store b~ Per loch '· (Jq,,,,. t. ,, 1t·!. E • .,, !I • t.~ ' ' l I t e' • 1 £flmi:,r 10,., •""If I .. ,, I 19 '>b ,,, I !•., .. ~ ....,~,. J. • r1r,, Earnrr!Ct'l ,• I t r f1 I,,.. di tO ,, t. ~ ,. • • • tp ~' Second Peuoo f.Aj J.n<H••\(.I ' f11n ,,,,, fjQ\(l1n,u / '•"" • • • Et.Jo I 01 • Jt' .. , (1 IC.' f \(r.n tJ' fiJfT" ~.: ~ .... ·•r .. • • •' ,,,., ,,,., A ,,.. " '"4j '6 f1 llr1 ... . ... , .. (, " J,., 1lt-O ... , r •r• ,) M1,1~, I" r ,, 'J (; • P "'' u r..' "' .. ~ •• lJ ,,... l "1"'.1.Jr')" FROM DRY~G MUD A.ATS. • • TO A GRO~G, BEAUTIRJL LAKE AG~ MayorH r Jackie ea e MAKES IT HAPPEN We need to restore the upper bay, We need Jackie Heather VOTE FOR Jackie Heather NOVEMBER 2 Paid for by Friends of Jackie Heath•. Norma Hiiker • Treasurer, 1118 Pescador. Newport Beach 92660 I ,· 1.- •f •• • .... ., ,, fl ,. ' Before you buy anywh ere else-Check s out. Six Months Free Interest Finan cing Ju s t 1/3 d o wr 1 and r10 rit"r· t pdy rn u nts for six rn o nt hs (J11 ti! i r , ,. 1 c re d 1 t N c J u t h ' · r < c i r ' • t , I . t r) ., t ) 1 • ;~ t ~ 1 t 1 Harlow 's Exclusive Ten Year Guarantee • All carpet. pcid dn<1labor 1.<iV (!l(~(j te r1 year s from dat e o f 1n s ta l l;Jt 1rir1 r Jr, o th er carpPI '-tJ1npdr1 ti" d<.:, 1t 1 Ove r 51 Yea rs cf Service .. Harlow·s has beu11 p1u .1 1i11q qual ity p ro ducts since we fi rst o rJ8!l 1 r· doors 1n 1930 N u (>!'1 1 r lllH'I l <Hllp dny beats It Brand Name Quality Pro ducts Every H ar low's l<J t11c,11 Cd rr1es tt1e fin e st. most respec ted ncH llt' c arpet s N o otr1'Jr rc>1 r tr1y bea t s it ! Custom Mad e Qua lity Dra peries Every style . color ·.1i1d !1·~1q11 1rn dq inable can be t ailored p e rf t~ctlv 111 11ir own .. on t h e r >r 1 l r n 1 • i1 1 • .v' r ~, r < ) o n1 f o r any h o me. N o o t her corr q) d i 1 beat s 1t 1 Experien ced, Courteous Salespeople Th e averaq H 11 1 •• ( H; • _,21l0spf.\rs on has been with u s for r 1 r '" • ye a rs . Th e 1 r e x p e r 11 ) n c... e w 1 : I I 1 e I p y o u w 1 t h a 11 yo u r d e co rat i n g n < • (l c J t-, la Quality Installa tion Harlow's provides ttH '1r1f·,..,! v1urkn1ans h1p 1n the business 1111 1111· 1 Ir· 1nstallat1on on all 1r t i' r,rns N o o ther carpet company b eat· 1 Carpet. Pad And Ins allation For One Low Sale Price! This dense plush wi ll stand up to the everyday wear-and-tear o f family livi ng . Easy care nylon f i ber construction makes th is carpet unmatched for wear and beatJ ty A ri ch , thicK. plush crafted f ron1 Dac ron yarns for years of outstanding performance M dny vibrant colors add to the desirabil ity of this long-wearinq carpet. The ultimate in a rich ly f ash 1on e d plush styled f or your decorat ing needs. W ith so m any sumpt uous colors. th is carpet will retain its appearan ce over years of w ear. A vibrant cut and loop and rugged p erformance all w rapped up 1n one beau tiful carpet. The Antron YtH 11s a s sure quality that lasts. one of Harlow's best val u es. A luxu rious saxony plush , made ot s tain and soll resistant Antrcn ya rns-today 's most durable carrPt fiber Its many fashion colors make 1t easy to coordinate with your partic ular decor. You want to get the Antron " Re ::.1 s t s s ta1ns • r" '>15 t '• •,otl CORO NA DEL MAR 3838 EAST COA ST HIGHWAY • (714) 673-4443 (Across from Five Crowns Rost11ura11n STORE HOURS J-.-1 q • •' ) l( II' • ,, I ,rt\ M.,, ~ f • I 111 q -.......... .. • ~ l'\A -I v1•r I f ( 't• jil J t Ht • .. /\_..rttf1tr I t• ,.. ...................... lllJllll9 ............................................................... ._..._.._ __________ _.... __ _..., ________ ~--- HH llto111qu l 1 .. 1,1 IJJ\ll' I'll 1ll .. llrntl.1~ lh i.1lu 1 .Ill l'IU..' S o v i e t s playing both sid es Ill I ran -I raq w a 1~ • \\ \~lllNI: rt IN \\'lul. tl11 Ht .11•.111 1d1111111 I 1.tllt•ll Ii,.., h1 • 11 pl•'"• 1qo11 .I \\Illa I ,, 11.1111111 11 h.1, ltt I 11 \II Ill.di\ 11•11 .. 111w •• 1.11 llllllt 1111p111 t.111t 11\\ lllt11tl 11tl 111dt·, 1 .. 1111 11..11 l1.1q \\di jll """ 111 •• "''l I lit 1 . t l 1 ,, II " II I 1.1 ' I I II I 1 ... I I . I I I. ~" I t lllljtt•ll.llllt '" 1111 l '111111l ... 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II\ H1 1•\\ll ln1 .• t ...... s. 11.t11 " ••• ~ .. l.11 ••111 cl111111r 1111 N.1111111.il 1<111• ,\,,,~1.1111111 11 ...... tl1t.11h p1111111111 111.111 ''1 I 11111111111 111 th 1111 111111 '' 11111111 \ 111t11 Iii• lt.1!1dj.!llll l ollllJ'olll.!11 d1•flll•ll'll ollll1j' 111.tl 11t1 ... 111111.itl\' ., 111 \II.ii 11111 ",, 11111 111'1 1111• 11111 11.1111111.olh ,\1111i.:1 1h1·1 .11'.,111 °'" 11111111111 \\ tll I'." ltll" l1tol h 'td1 ' 111 Iii.ti 11111 111111.ttl\ I 11111111.111 d '~111t ... l1gl11h 11-.., 1lto111 ~·' 11111111111 1111 1'11· H111\\ ti \\'ti"'" I .tllll•·lll!ll ,\dd 1h1 .illlh"I :j. I 111tlhtofl 1.1 ...... 1 d 1111 .. lht '"\I I.If• n•nl.11111 I , .... 111 1110 ... 11\ "' 1'11 \\I I ' ,!ltd '"II di11ll.. 111,lkt '' ,111d .0111•1111 I ;!. t 11111111111 lwtllj,: 'IK'llt 1111 llt1 111lw1 1111 1·1· N11\1·111l11·1 if111 1.111\1''· .111d 1lw 1111.tl 1·1.-..1lv to p' tlt1· 11·1·111d l1•v1·I 'i>"11d111~ 111 ,111 I 111' ,l,1H \\ 1111 • 1•lt'I 1111,tl 1.111' • 11111l11111•d I j ! I I JI ' ~\ j ' I " r r 111 ,, r 11• t ti \ f ;ap ... f 1111 \ t ··"'' .,, d \\ I ••• • l' If., I· ,, .. • 'J'• t 'I \\ )• \' '•• I •' I Ir r.t•h1 t 'h.111 HI ~ •• r 11.1111 1. 1 , Ii lllJ• ,, .ti \\ ,,, \' ' flt I 1 t 1d I t1 J 10 11 ; r j' f•• I•• 11• I!• pt • I I •I'll• I'' 1! \\ I j ,, • f• ti I"' I " Ill \ \ I • • 11 ' I ' " .\1 f \\I I 11 II I . H1,,, f1,f' .. ' . . s p e nding l111l1o1l1\' .. 111. It \\ ,, 11••111 Ill• ti' ., • \\Ito II 111.oll ~ , ti 11 I 1I11 I'• "I 'I• . \ 11 a • 11 I~• L 111 , 111 ', , ' l''''I \\l11°l1 111.I 1 .. ,, II I I I• •lll .r. ' ... t. 1{11! I \t II ll1t It I'• , •1 •I• " I.• .1 '" It 111hlt l""'I tit•\ 1111 II \.I I\ :11 I Ill :-\ .... ' 11" .. t I 'I 'II f1 ,11f 11 1'!11 JI "'I '"'"'"lp,1 d II fnt\\ I f•l 1ttl I llH,11IU111 It .11ul, l.1t11.111a1' .. ll h I h1t1tl' t •• ,,, i. ,.j 11 • I I \ 11 I II··~· t.: I .1 ·' I I. ,, • •111J1lr 11111 •tilt• Ii 1111 1 t.tl l.111 I Ill 111. '{I ••I ''" 111111.tll\ I """'I" Ill l'I. I ·'"" ·11 .. 11111°111.111 .. 11 ,, I 11 •' I·' I llHll.tlt\f' thin 1 t \' 11 11 I t I"" ·1111, Ill llH II 111.._I 11111 'h• 1.11,t .ltt tdff n I •It I t11t' I f1t llh \ I IJ,1111.'I' f11 I "Ill• \\ li.11 .ill 11t1 1111 "" 1 .. 1111 \'tilt I I"' p1t\\ I I ( lt oltll ti\ I lt • 111 ol • do• 1 1 •11' llt 11 •111 • l,1\ 1 IH pt P\ 11 Ht 1tl 111 llf • 'lttn,d P .\1111 ti 111• .111 .. Iii 11 \1•11 I \\ I" I It '\I \\ • t h if 11 u \ '' I I t t 11 ..,,.1 1111111•1\ , .. 111pl1' l•.ill• •t 1•1 • I 1·\1 II ltil'lt 1,111 11111\ lb •II 1110 \ 111,tll\ I Ill l1d tit' \\ lu .11 t • 1 I t. I\ llH' 11&11 ln1 tllt tltlt 11 ORANGECOA5T Dail y Piloi 11, I ii I ''' lp1 1tl ,,, I \,1111 I l q 11 • j ,,,,,, 11 I It I t \ t t 111 1 I" ~ • • • I ' /I rollfll' ,. II:' I' I Seturd•)'. Oct. 30, 1H2 ' I I I f -------------------------------------------------------.;.;u.'m,"'m,'Utl Coost DAil Y PILOT 1Sotur1Juy, Oc.tob ... Fir l pl:H't'. T1•rr) S im nil'> ( lt•fa ), ..,N•onJ, SIH'rry Norlon Haunting ideas housed • 1n contest Undt• Ll'n had t•rwugh S(.'tlr('S whrlt· uix·nmg his mail this w t•t•k th.Jt lw 's ;,ilmost afraid to o pe n h is door to trick-or-tn·:1ll'rs Sunday n ight. Howt•V(·r. he• w1slws he l'oulcl gn·c·t all t)f his young friends, <'Sp<'<..'lally ti lh<·y Wl'l'l' to Wt•ar thl' dt>Vl'I' l'OStUITI('S that w<"rC' drnwn Ghosts and wltl·ht•s ·wt•re lht• must popular. and tht•n · llCll lll'S CDRllR w ere cats and vamµrn•s loo But Undt• Lt•n was surprise<.! ther<' wc>n• no E T eoslllml's The twu mo::.l fnghtL·ning t•ntrtl'~ Will this WCl'k's contest And Undt• Lt•n cll't'tdc'(I hl''d ratht•r stav home to g reet his c:os tumC'd fnt•nds than v1s1t t•tthl•r of th-e haunted houses. It would takP nNvt·~ of s ll'l'l to \\'CmdC'r through thl' <.:hilling S('l•n t.• drawn by Tt·rrv Simms. 12, Costa MC'sa . Anierica11 trails rare Rarf' g oldf'n monkt·~· T 1·rry':-outst~111d1 11g L'f fort w ins the $5 fll's t pn w . · Anotht·r good ha unted h o use, w ith ghosts, a skc•lt•ton, w1ll'h a n d t•yc·s o f tlw "unk nown ," d r awn by S ht•t'fy Norton . 11. 1 lunting ton &•ach , wins th t· $2 s<.~ond pnzt• S pedal honors go to Mis ty Bullcy. 8. of Coron a d <'l Mar. for hc•r happy w 1t.<:h ; H eidi Edmunds. 9. Corona c.Jel Mar. a ghost; and Smtt Pohle. 8. Foun tam V<tllt·y. a blat'k t·at As the days a re gcttillg shorter, Undc Lt•n wants to know nC'xt W('ek w hat your favoritl' at't1v1 ty ts on tht'~t· long (•vcmrngs Hl''s hoping for a lot of drawing~ bt•stdl·~ tt•lt•v1s1un &, sun• to drnw on -l by -l-tnc h paper. and mdudt• your nanw, ag<· cind address. S end your e ntries to Un<:ll· LC'n, d o thl' Dally Pilot. P .O . Box 1560. Costa Mt-'Sa 9262fi MNm wh1le, have fun o n H allowc.·en, a n d Und\.· Lt•n v.anL-; to rl'mtnd you , if you are out tnck -or-lrt•atmg to follow all o f the· safety rules so your holiday will bt• a real happy nm• nionkey in -China By BORIS WEINT RAUB ,..tlon•I Qeoer•ptllc New• a.Niu WASHINGTON • How are monkeys rn China different from utht·r monkl•ys? Anth ropologist Fr<1nk E Porrrc·r spent four months rn China trying to find out A nd alo ng 1 hi! way, Poirrl'r tamt· up with J lht•ory on a mun' pressing l0<·a I ma 1 ter: ls there rC'a lly a Chinese Bigfoot. the so- t•allt-d Wtld Man or Hulx-1? An;,rly s 1s o f hair s that suppo&.-dly (·amc from the Wild Man h:d Po1nc·r to t:onclude that tht• "monstc•r" probably 1s the Ch1nt'M' goldc•n monkey. a rar<' crnd tx•aut1ful prrmat(' that can <;tand !'> fl"t•t 1~111 A I o n g w 1 l h 1 h l' C h 1 r. C' st• macaqu<'. th(' goldC'n monkey bt'twm· .m ob,)('t't ()f c.·urrosrly and studv f o r Po1r1er . an c1nthroi;>ology profc·~sor at Ohto S ta t t• U n 1 v e rs 1 t v . U n k now n outsrdt• China. only an estimated 6.400 gold1•n monkeys exis t . l1 v1ng ofr £11 trees in a fl•w mount<1rnous regions or China Tht• prrmatt· is named for rts goldt•n h<11r . ungt>d with rC'd , brown. c1nd gray "Thcst· mo nkt•ys have bt'en known rn Chint"S<' h1storrcal ll:xL'i for a bo u l 1.000 years. a nd thl•y'vC' b<.'cn hunted for t hat lunR l>l><:aUS<· lht·1r long. golden hair was decml-d a very precious commodity." Po1 rrer said I t w asn't easy for Poirier Barn•d from studying them in the wild, ht• was left to observe thP goldl·n monkry in zoos. one of the first WC'stc.'rnt•rs tu do so The rc·st•a n ·h was par t ly support ed by thl• National Geographic S<x:1Ny. "The monkeys' faces are bnght blue." he re poru'<i "T hC'1r tails are longer than thC'1r bod1t-s. and their bodies ar<' 2 IC'<'l lonK from their hl'ads to the· root of their tails. They wergh about 30 to 40 pounds." Like other primates. golden monkeys sleep a t night, and hav{• two acuve periods of feeding and movemen t dunng the day. They seem unafraid of people The surprise. according to Poirier. was in thc reported sr~ o f golden monkey t r oops Chinese experts told him t hat some 500 t.o 600 golden monkeys traveled togeth('r, a number far highc•r than the 100 to 150 for a typical rhesus mon kC'y troop. Thl'..,.i&lden monkey now has the sartfe J>rotect1on status as the giant panda . as a Cina-priority enda ngerl-d spec1c'S, it cannot be killl'd But ddores ta11on 1s thrcatc•nrng rts hab1t<1 t, and only on e pa 1 r 1 n c· a pt 1 v 1 t y h a s reproducro T o s tudy th e m ;,H·aqut•s. a no t ht-r th rt· a tl.'nt'd sp<.•<.'1t•s. P o 1r1er and hi s Chinese colleague. Hong s hin Hu , traveled on thrc<' different boats. then rode three hours by Je<•p t.o the border betwC<'n Hube1 and Sichuan p rovinces "Our basic conclusion rs that thc·sc animal s. too. must be• immediate ly prolct'tl.'d," Potner said Changing schools a • • trying experience W ILTON. Conn (AP) It wa s lat(' Augu !-l wht•n 10-yc.>ar-old John and his par<'nL" m ov ed to this a f fluent community. th" family's fourth move in rive· yC'ars F'or John':, at·ademic hft'. 11 nearly was on" move too many Wilton rs a s hor t commull' from such corpo r11te giants as I B M . General food s and Continental Can Co J o hn's father. like many who S('tlle here, was an ext'<.'UtlV!' sub.)('<'l to frequent pb trans fers John was plact-d m the fifth grade at CrdC'r Mill Elementary School an d . says principal Jaml'S Remlt?r. "almost from th e start became a loner . He seemed un h appy H e would n 't partlcipatl' a t rt'<'CSS. tk asked lo go to the nurse practicully t'V<'ry d~1y whh twadach es and stomach aches. Hts sc h ool work was s potty.'' ' John's problc-m -rn•qucn t .Choo! chang<.11 1s slowly bctng recognized by pare nts, school admin is t ra tors and gulda nc1• cou n 1el ors as a pote ntial ly devaa\ating ad justme nt crisis for a youngster. ~ It a n tum a 1tood student lhlo a school f iailurc. o r a w e ll- h<.'ha vcd child 1n l o a c laH troublemake r No stat1sttcs exist on how ma ny l'htldren change schools eac·h yt.'ar But the Census Bureau says m•arly 40 nitllion Ame r ican s 1:hanke rcsid~nc-es each year. T he· number of children c hanging 5''hOOls likl'ly is in the millions. But w h at's certain is that well-off and poor children alike ,. u n s u f f e r a n x 1 c t y . a n d bC'h avlor a l a n d l ea rnin g problems from switching sc.·hools. Dr. Stephen V Eltot, a clinical psychqlogist 1n Wil ton whose firm "Transttion, Inc." specializes In lht• problems families have moving. says switching schO'lls C'n n tou c h o ff a varie t y o f I d rfflcultles: "a drop in ~demit' pt•rformonc<'. w ith d ra wal and dc·prcaslon. rebellruu~ behavior. a ------.. ....... 6 ...•• 1ic• s 1 rt• t u r u n a w a y , d r u g 1n v11lv1·m t'nt. sometimc>s even SUll'ld (' .. Ma n y youngsters have no ch ffrtully at all An occasiona l movt• might evt'n be health y. says Or Ro nald Raymond Jr .. Eliot's partm•r "We> have good reason to b<-h"v" that c:h1ldren who have moved once or twice adjust better to <.'Ollt•gc But 1f you move nine or 10 llmt-s, thot rnn 't be good for anyont'." h" says. But, Raymond adds. fa r too few 5''hools "spt'C'rflcally addrl"SS moving ns an rs.'luc "The schools usually ta ke a watt-and·set' approaC'h If a child has prob l ('m s. guid a nce rnunst'lo~ see the <'hild. then ht thl· c hild 1ntn thl' establis hed molds," he says. And there's u s u a ll y m uc:h more h e l p available to well -off c.•hlld ren than to tht• poor. Cid t.•r Mill School, with 640 youn gstNll enrolled . typ lcally g('t.11 50 to 75 transfers a yea r. The lK'hool puirs each new pupil with o bu.ddy. New youngste rs 41re brought togctht'r to discuss their rccllngs. They have lunch with a guidanC(.' couMelor to dl11eu11 ony odju11tmcnt p roblems. They are ro llow cJ up a l le a ll o nce a month -.. -,-... ......... For the parents. there ar<' special c offC'<.'S and ··we t•m·ourag<> phon" calls." says RemlC'r. F'or thosl' like John who still have pro ble m s. t h e re are psychologisLc; likr Eliot Many in Wi l t on can afford t he $75-an-hour rres. T h<' latest word from Remll•r rs that youn g John. wh()S{' casc-hl· agrl'C'd to discuss on ly o n <.'Ond111cm that the boy would be given a psC'udonym. "1s mut·h h a p p1l'r H rs work has improved " Poor Americans also tend to be highly mobile. but ror reasons that hardl y resemble John's prospering family Poor children often hav<' srngll' parents. or no p a r en t s F am il ies m ove freque ntly from job to job Somet1m£•s they can't make rent. And arson can leave a home in ash~. Low achievemen t b y poor youngs t e rs can s te m fro m frequent 9Chool changes. Schools In the impoverished South Bronx sectio n o f New Y o rk . for In s tance. h ave a 70 pe rcen t stude nt turnover rate. compared w ith a citywide rate et1llrnated al 3 0 perc ent , say• Or. P e t e r Ne gro n i, su perinte n den t o r South Bronx 1ehonl~. A..aor La m •e K e r" in, Pila u Finding new hollle their pet project Whl·n:.. smt·lly, orl-t•ovt-rcd dog tunwd up o n the doorsll·p of thl• honw and offu:e that actor Lanl'<• Kt:rw1n sharf's with his mothl·r 1n Cosw Mt•sa a ft•w wt•l'ks ago. thl' twu lnt>d not tu get attal'hl'd to rt But the• mutt. wh ich KNwm's mom Lois Phrlhps descrilx:d as "t't•rtarnly pc.itl labrador" all blal·k ext:epl for two whrt<• tOl'S wrg~led his way rnto their hl'arL'> ' ' I l e s h u w l' d u p o n t h f ' doorst<'P wrth this awful slC'nch." Ke rwin. 21. said T he dog had obvwusly beC'n sprayed by a skunk from th<· otl fields llt'ar the• rt"l>ldenl't' Tht• smt>ll prompted Kerwin tu 11aml' the• doE? Prlau -Hawa11an fur "Slinky " Ph1l11p-s and Ke rwin lriC'd warm reeling l'Vt·r ythmg thc·y c·oultl tu l0<·atl• tht· dtig'~ own<•r or rind htm a good nl'w homl' "Wl' ran ads rn I o s t a nd f '' u n d sec· t 1 o n s o f 111 ·w ... p..iµt·1 .. , fm two or thrt•l' wc·t·ks." Phillip' s.:.11d But \.Cl no avail Nu\.\ Phrlhµ:-1:.. moving into a pl<1n· th.11 d0t·1,n't allow dogs and Kl·rwtn, who playt-d lhl· title rol<· on till' tl'll'VISl011 M'rl(.'S "JamPS a t t !'!." m,,iy bl• lc-:wmg the a rc·a llJ ma kt• u film "\>.'t• l'<tn't lx·::t r w M't' hrm put tu sl('(:p." Kt•rwrn said "He's !.Ul h LJ g n-.1 t dog So muc h po.·r'-'>nc1hty and rc-.1lly smart " "W1•n · trying to find hrm a gu<1d hnrm· ... hl· ~rd Anyont· rntt•n '!.tt-d in adopting Prlau i:an call Kl'rwm or Phrlhps at Ii-I:! :.rn:n ur 6-15-9032 Thi~ six-week old lion cub 1wem s no diff er• .. nt from ony otht•r infant, a it Reeks thf' wa rmth and protection of it. mother at the Berlin Zoo where ahe c-ub wu horn. I 'l' . l ' Ill 0 111,11111, L ,.,,.,, llJ\11' I'll llllt111t111duy 01 tul11•r .IU lllK~t UJa[~IB~W ~ J>uJpit tr ad d. • a day n plan world day Wo111 • rVJCl~ I\\" l >1 .111gt \ llohl 1111111 It I' \\all I .. 1·1111111·· 1111 11ld ~\\ill l1t·1·~· 1111 1111 II 10111:1 t ... tllllll' S11111 J.1.,. I 1111 ii " 11111 ,, I I.al l11w1 •t•11 tnt k I ht Ht \ .1111 1\.· c. :1111 .. lltllll!-IC·t 111 th1 I· 1"\ ( '111111 li 111 lkl1~11111 ... ~· 111111 111 N1"1•11 t 111 •111 h .111tl 111 I li11·.li.111d 1111 I<•\' I 11 l ~1l1 ( ""' 1111111,lt I 111 1111 ( 111111 It 111 H< li)'llHI'-Sr H 1111 111 l .11.i.1111.1 IJ. .11 '1 v. ill '""'I' p11l1111, 1111 1 l .. •11 '11111 l,I\ °'' I \Ill .., \\111<1 111 11'\ll\11 l'1 \ 11 \ \ \\1111., .. 1 •.• ""' "' 1 lu l 'liu11 Ii \\ 11011 n L rutnl .11 •1 ~" • Ill h 1d.1-. ,11 1111 I 11111• Ill\ 11111• I "' 11 .. 111 1111 .. 1 ..... I h111111w11111 I~ .11 Ir 1'111 "1\1•1 \\Ill I·~ II •Ill 1111 11111\1 I .. ol 1·1 .. lol1 Ill tl f 1.1111\\ ,dJi1J1.l.1llll 111111111•11 I I 1111 ,ll.111 I" 1·111 .tl\1 S1H .il.11 11111111 S1·.t.1 h .111.11111 001 Iii• l h .111g1 I '1111 111\ 11111 I t.11111 I 1111111111111 l••I I'• "' II q:li I 11:li \Ill~ '"' 1111' 111• I' \\"I I I 1111 1•1 1 I 111.•llPll Ill •• \ t11.111I \\11111.111 \11 1111 I'll< II Ill I t \ I.~! I\ I I •• , f I 't t I 1 l! t .• I• t I 1 t' >' ' I \ I l t t It I t I • ""'tilt 1111111 1111111" 111.t I IOlllllllJllll \ 1<1 ,, I\ .1lltoll · 1111 llt• 111111 Ii•''" o1I 'I ti' 1 .. '" 1111d1 11\ 1..111111~ •Iii , 1 ,11111 •Ill l!ll, lllF :\NNl 1\l. IHNNl·I! ll\'IJt'I• 1111111111111· 1111 l t1lt11l11 S1>11.ol S1·1\1••' .11111 ""''"'"it' th• h11 tlul.1\ 111 H1,li11p \\ tll1.uu H ), 1!11.1111 •ti 1111 111.111g• 1>1111 '" \\ill 1.tl" ,.1 "I " 1. (ti I' Ill :-; 1hll d .I\ "' ,, .11 t 111 ( 11.1111 I 11. ,,, \11 ii" 1111 1\1.l'lt I tol I 1 I I 111111111 11111 o 11.1 Io Ill "I lfio hl.1d1. lit' t'\'1•11\ I'> ()a ,1111•1 I Hllitl \ .... ti p• I\ l),1 >1 l{.,-.:1 l H :-.1.1111<111 f'll I\\ (:0-• .ti ~.11J I .I' It I .tll l>1 11 I I\ I .t fo\ I .111111' • I , lll It It 1 1'111 · C.1tli11l11 ··~·1 llt\ "''''"'' ,1 I.ill• I\ 111 111\lll"•hllk 'If\ [II'' lild 1111111\1.il ,,._,,,1,1111 I \ { I !HIS 11\t.\-.. l\1 >l' I llJl I I• 111111111• lio111d 11.1ll1d ~llh 11111,11111 rll-. .111ol 1l1 .. 11.111••11' \\Iii 111 111 Id It 11111 .! 111 ll 11111 I 11ol 1\ .it tli1 t 0111' 1·r..1t\ l'11111·d l\lltll••l1-.1 ('11111<!1 l1\ll11 .\ 1litl1 '111'1"' \I ill h1• !-ol'r\ I ·d ·" I Ill ,\ ..-~:~ 11 \'Al. 1 t 1 .. 1141 o\11°11 "'I\ " .. 11.t 1·11 ~ ,.,,11111.il wtll 1,. 111 Id o1I .i 111 ,1111! 11,,11 'lll11tl.1\ 1l tlw 1-'.111'1 l.1111111.111 l '111111 Ii I l1111l111L;I• 11 I\. .11 h \\Tl\'ll'S HIU\\ ,, 1li1 1111. 111 t p111i.:1.i111 t11 111 ~'1\1 II h\ l 11 \\'11-.l1 .111d I'll\ Iii ...;\\1tlll \,ti lh1· Ill .Ill ,, flt ~1 1 'It , Su11d.1;.. t 111 J..q.~u11.1 lk.11 Ii 1 ·1111.111 Ill t 0 111\• ''·"''\' rt11 I" .11-.1 I \I Ill dt-..t 11, tu'"' t11d 1••111111 t ll,1111 111d ~· .. d·I• 11 li1:11111 .Ill t \\ 1111 .. 111,11 ll t ll11 \ )' ..... 111 ·' I "l"I \ 111 \\ 11 "" I • " t .. 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It .11 ld1 , ..... tlw 1111111 ··Tru k •JI T li o1t1110 111 · i\11d \\llllt 1111' -.h.111 Iii• ....... . I• "~'l"ll' 11111\ ,, "'"" .1' Wt II .. .. th• ,,1111 .. 1. .... 1 11.11111· .... ," \\tit ,,,, p.11t• .. "'11111111 "'"'I" 11111 111 111 t I 1t Ill li1 •1 l~1ll1 "ill d1-.. "'' 1lw 1111111111 111 11wl,1ph\ ,,, ·" 11 ·1 11111111 ...... ;,, .1 1111·,t11-. o l tw.d1111! J T l11 1111-.11 11111.111 .11ut r'11•·<11lt••'"'t "'". 11.1111111 tf 1111 "'I 1111111.11111.111.111 \\lllK •. \\llh lit; ll<Hll Ill 1\11 '\Ill• .utd l11t h1 t \11l1t1llt I I" l\lt • 111 -.11111 111~'.lffl/,tllllll'­ •'' tl11 r\r1wr11.111 \ '.1111 .. 1 S1,. 1t·I\ .11111 Iii• \111 .. 111 .111 lt.d l '111" B111 Holl l ;.d1· v. ill pl.1u· 111' • mrt1.1"1i. 1111 "Ii.ct 11111-.lllUl1· ... 1111 t,q1ll\-.11.d li t .111111 Ill I\ I.it 11111 ' .1 ltd I 11 ,t\ I\ 1 I II l111h c. . .t. \ill 11 11 •Ir• I 'I 111 '''>lllll f..tl'"'" !11 ,,.I l 'l1111 1 li IHI :--111 '" tlt1 '•'<0111 1 U1.111g1· <'11111111.111 111 '""·1v1 111-. \\ ilc, 1111 lh1• 11tl 1t·I lt.t1HI \\ I I I t , • I 1 I ..• g It II .1 B I .1 I I 1 f1o1t 1•.t1111r11•1 ... h•1\\ '" "'t' ol I tllll.lll\'I ' p l .l\t I Ill 1111jtll1\'I• l11'.iltl1 p111:-p 1·lll\ 1111111.111 H II Ii t: .d I \\ I II I 11 .. t ' "I I ,1 1'1• 11 SI ,ii 1111 .0111• 111111 1h1 h1111111 l '.11 I 1{;1111111 111 (',,11 · .11 1'1111 1 p11<,1 \\.1-.1lw11'lqJ11•1111 ..... , \l'.11 N' \\ I"" 1 Ht ,, " ( I 1111 I I 1 111 1 I l .11111·111.11 k 1111.01 .J.111tl1111t·1 ,111d Hl..,011 ~ .11 ltl ,, 111 r\1\\f'1•'11•1 ,111 ,,,,f.,.rn• '" 1111111 ·11\11• '''". '"'·" 1 .... 11 I 11!11 •\\ I I 10 " I II II 11 AN Jo:\f.NINt. ll~ <;1):-\l'i"I. ""''"\\ill 111 1111-.111t1d It\ 1111 Fl1111d.1 IS11\ I t1l11tl1" l)11.11lt I 111d ll.11\1 -,t .11 • Ill 11111111111 .ti f111d.111 111~·11 ._,,""''I 111d1t111111m I .11111 I\. .11 Ii SAINT MICHAEL AND ALL ANGELS EPISCOPAL CHURCH Holy Communion Sund ays 8 & 10 a m Tuesday 7 a m Wednesdays 9·30 a m The Reverend John Rogers Davis. Rt1c.:1or SIN l ;r:H l .t·:l ·Tt'H l-'.I< \ t111.1 ;-.., I"'"" 111 l•'tollllt.1111 V;illt \ \\ill p11·-.1·11t .111 I \I 11111)~ 111 11111-.h .111d '4Ttµtur:il t1 •;1d1111g .it i p 111 Su11ol,1~ .11 1111 · ~·11.,,t l'11tll•d M1·thud1-.1 l"hunll llur11111gl1111 B;•;wlt 3233 Pacific View Drive 714/644-0463 ~ -~"o u t/1 Coa ~ t Co111111u11ity Cl1urc h Services 8:30 A M . & 10 15 A.M. t •' m • .~ .. f 'Y\11t H i• ·" • O I ,, 11 l 1 tt 1 ff (J1 1 uH.tr••l It I Mu' .. 1 'h1-" 111-"Ut 1•n 'l 'n l ·:urth ('1111n1-"«•fl11n .. Ti111 1'i11111u111 ... "'1w :1J.. i11µ Corona del Mar 92625 THI EARL'S P\UMMHG HIA llHG All CONDtllOWlN<i ~·-W.UU HUllHV I A 111100M llMOOflJMO Sttf-...~• f•m• S111t• 411 Yuu• Oo«>f" •Cell Stoit• N••'tt" Yout A1t:u•• COSU MISA 64 1-1 289 1S26 New pe<l ll•d MISSION VlfJO 495-0401 21922 Co"''"• Coph lrono fS.n OM .. frwy •' A•W'f "_. l COMMUNITY CHURCH Sunda~ Celebrallon ol Liie r Speaker) Workshops t Classes / Book Shop V-outh Group I Nursery Care Holisllc Health Center SUNDAY AT 10 A.M. "OVERCOMING INFERIORITY FEELINGS'' 1 p.m. Rev Eerl Johneon. Guea1 Speaker Dr. Fred Davis 645-7650 148 [ASl 22ND STRHT COS IA M[SA CA 92627 j'---_o_ra_n_ge_c_o..,-as_r_R_E_L_I G_I_O_U_S _D_I_R_E_C_T_O_R_Y_ --··1 :~ ~g f You've Tned the rest NOW try the BESr i ·· Q Rev. O r. Eleanor C. Jack1on ••• • .• J' •1 ._ ..... NEW THOUGHT CHRISTIAN CHURCH SunUay Serv1CP II Junior Church 15th 11 Irvine Newport Beacl'l "LIFE -TRICK OR TREAT" · 1st CHURCH of RELIGIOUS SCIENCE OF NEWPORT BEACH Mtmbt1 C~u1'h UMMI Chol<~ I R~hgiou' S. •tn<• CELEBRATION OF LIFE SERVICE 10:00 A.M. Sv.,doy Sd1ool Chold Core lrttk or Treatmtnl Or Robe11 Gole Gvtu Speo~er l ev. Judy Gale 'Oial-A n-lm pirotion ' -760-0504 1011 Camelbock, N ewport Beach (off Jombor .. l oodf Mu11< Oite<IO< · Morie En9li1h 760-9474 Chu rch of St. Ma tthew by the Sea (lradlllonat Episcopal) HOLY COMMUNION -Each Sunday -9:00 AM (Book of Common Prayer • 1928) MERTZ HALL of Community Congregational Church 61 1 Heliotrope, Corona d el Mar The Rev. JamH Hohfeld -532-2201 ·-- ST. JOHN'S THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH IN COSTA MESA Bey SlrHt 11 Orenge Avenue 8:00 Holy Communion 10:00 Holy Euchar ist 10:00 Sunday School Nursery Care lund•y tunday tunday th• Rev. Conred Nordqut11. Vlc1r 548-2237 ST . JAME S EPI SCO PA L WELCOMES YOU 3209 Via lido, Newport Beach 1:00 A.M. Pr•yer l oo•. Holy Communion t:OO A.M. Chruch School •nd Adult Educetlon 10:00 A.M. Flr•t Sunday, Preyef' 1ooti Hofy Communion l und•y• th«Mfter, Holy Euc1rl1t, Alie 11 t:OO a 10:00 A.M. NurMfY Cere CHAA18MATIC MASI Flret SultCNy Of ,,,. Month -7:00 P.M. Tu.eday -10:00 A.M. Holy !uch•rl1t HMllng lenlce With uylng On Of H•nd1 TIM Rev. John P. Aehley 11, AectOf -Phone 975·0210 AU .uw..JLR.AN EPtSCOPAl CHURCH Acc...., to._ t tZI lootr of c-~ 18002 Bushard, Fountain Volley 963-3801 HY. STIPHIN W. fllUMlll, .. CTOI HOL y COMMUHt()M ....••..•..•.•.•...•...... 1:00 A.M. M01t"41MG P'lAYllt·CHUltCH SCHOOl ........ t :I S A.M. M01t-.1MG .. A YOlt & SHMO~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . I I :00 A.M. ._., C. lo• fWst & TWnt s..d9y I I A.M. S.C-' & ,__ S-., t: I $ A.M. NEWPORT HARBOR LUTtt:RAN CtulCH 7M Dov•t Or. NIWl'OAT HACH 1414U1 Aoter J, -.ro. PHtOf QMf .. A. Min..-, l'HtOf WORSHIP SERVICE ............... ~ ....... 8:00 A.M. CHRISTIAN EOUCATION ............... 9:15 A.M. WORSHIP SERVICE ..................... 10:30 A.M. _,..,CAM AVALMl.I W!LCOMI! CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCHES l!RAl<CHfS Of I HE lo,IOIHER C'1UACH H<E f1ASI (.1<\J~CH Of CMAISI SCIENTl5f 11< BOSTON MASSAC H()"i(TI "Everlasting Punishment " Svnd oy O c1ober 3 1, 1 Q82 Costa Mesa -First Churc h of Christ, Scientist 2880 MeH Verde Dr .. Cot t• MH8 Church a Sund•y School -10:00 A.M. Re•dlng Room, 2880 MeH Verde Dr. t A.M.-4:30 P.M. Mon. thru S•I. Wed. 7·7:50 P.M. -t -1:30 P.M. l rvlne -First Church of Christ, Sc ientist RJ!ncho Sen Jo•quln lntermedl•l e School 4M1 MlchH llOn (NHr Y•I•) Church a Sunde)' School -10:00 A.M. Reading Room. 4330 Berr11nc11 Pllwy . ~ulte 145 Stonehuret Plue 10 A M -4 P.M Mon. thru Sat 10 A M. -7 P.M Thurtd8)' ~ •J. ... Huntll"lgton Beach -First C hurch of C hrist, Scientist Ith a Ollve, Huntington le•ch Church a Sund •y School -10:00 A.M. RHdlng Room -221 M•ln SI. Newport Beach -Flrat Church of Christ. Scientist 3303 Vii Lido, Newport Beach Church & Sunday School -9:00 & 10 30 A M Reeding Room, 3315 Vie Lido Mon. lhru S•t -9 A.M.-S P.M Tuu -7.9 p M ., r:,, .. "'''" """° ' . i , .... , , Newport Beach -Second Church of Christ, Scientist 3100 Pec:lflc View Dr., Coron• del Mer Church I Sund•J School -10:00 A.M. Reeding Room -3500 "I " E. CoH I Hwy .. CdM WED. EVENING TESTIMONY MEETINGS - 8 P.M. ALL CHURCHES AU ar~ corch•Hy 1nv11t~tJ to Mtflrd 1t1P hu' t ..,, • .. • • t ' ,. tho pr1v•1ege-s ot tn•· nnud1nq Rooms Crwc1 C ~,,, ~·· w ·.1" • A 1 All SERVICE<; Chlld C8'e Provld9d AT ALL SERVICES SERMON TOPIC: Oct . 3 1 9:00 & 10:30 A .M . "WHAT'S YOUR l.Q. '?" (INVOLVEMENT Ouo11~nt ) CtQCH OF RELIGIOUS SCIENCE Member of lhe United Church ol Religious Science SEACLIFF VILLAGE SUITE 45, 2223 MAIN STREET HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92648 Adults & Jr. Church 10 & 10.30 For Information 536-5150, 536·9336 B South Coast Science of Mind -.._ South Coast Plaza Hotel Capistrano Room Costa Mesa, off Rev. Ernie Nylander Bristol St. on Anton Services: 9:00 & 10:15 Eac h Sunday Reverand Ernie Nylander -M1n1ster Reverend Christian Sorensen-Associate (213) 431-8595 .. Parking is FREE and Easy Sunday School 9 A.M. Come and experience these dynamic and lllumlnatlng apeakera. CHRldT LU AN CHUR (Mletoutl SynOd) no VlctOfll at., coe ....... LothM V, TOfNw, ,...._ -'11·1111 9'uoe ,,....,, ~ .. '°' WO..ltW HftVICI -1:11 I 11:00 A.M. aunuy lchoof I Mun 9*e c .... -t:ao A.M. Chrtttlaft lltf'Mfttaty khool -Ml '"' A CORDIAL WELCOME FROM THE UNITED CHURCH Of CHRIST COMMUNITY CtdCH CONGREGATIONAL 111 Hellotrope Ave. Coron• def M•r 844-7400 Don•ld W. Kutz, Mlnteter 10 A.M. -Sunday WOfehlp Chvtcn ScllOOI -Nu<-v Cere NEIGHBORHOOD CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH l'O St. Am's "-ct II Gltmtyrt. l 1(111' Buch 494·8061 IOlfl M. Rfl11ll.DS MAJCAAfT WI IITTIQ.DS AIWsttn HARBOR CHRISTIAN CHURCH (Dltclplee of Chri.t) 1401 Irvine •I a.nt• lube! M.S-5711 Mornini Worship 10 AM Sunday l y School 9 AM I Gene lw•neon, Mlnl•lef' ·-_ I !- This Sunday Worship In ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 600 St A ndrews Road • Newp0rt Beac:h • 631-2880 Of '°"" A t-Wft"'M\• Jt •• '••tOt Worship Services 7 30-8 45 & 10 15 AM "Let's Talk About Things " 01 Joh" A Huffman preo<hong 7 30 am 8 45 am 10 15 am PROGRAMS lnlants Thru Kindergarten Cl'l•ld CJre lntants Tnru Adull C1auos Intents Ttuu 6lh Grade & AOull l,tassec; ABC Helpllne-&45-22n Community Presbyterian Church 415 ForHI Ave., L.egun1 Beech 41M-75S5 Re11 Arthur J Tankersley Re11 Craig w 1111ams Ch11st1an Eo .. cat1on <t 00-10 00 A M IQ'~ AM ", r I 0 A M -Slnl1 J "°""" Clvcti SclloGI i lblary Atte nd The C hurc h of Your C ho ice ...-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ST. MARK PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH EHlbluffDr. & J•mbOf'M, Newpon -..Ch Rev. Wlltlem McOuold Rev. Tony Wotfe P•tlOf Aeeoc:late PHtOf Rodger Whitten, M usic Director Church SchOOl & Adult ClalNs -9 00 a m Worshlo Service -10:00 a.m . NurHry C1re •I lolh Houre -FOf Info: C•ll 844-1341 A Cordial Welcome from The UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Costa Mesa FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 19th St & Harbor Btvd Church School 1:30 Worthlp 10-M Charles O. Clark. Minister Costa Mesa North MESA VERDE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Worthlp & Church khool 1:30 • 10:00 A.M. Dr.Wllllam l . ltM4 Hunllngton Beach FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 2721 17lh SI. 536·3537 Worthlp S.nlce 10:15 •.m. ....._.,C-All-...... Church khoOl-t:OO •.m. Hunllnglon Be•ch North COMMUNITY UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 6662 Hell Ave. 842~461 Wcwehtp lenlce 1:30 & 10:00 1:30 8111tCNy tchoof 10:00 CHRIST CHURCH BY THE SEA Newport Beech Fountain Valley 1400 w Balboa Blvd FIRST UNITED 673-3805 METHODIST CHURCH Rev Robert Shepard Jr 18225 Buth•.rd St. WOfthlp & Chvrch lchool ta-2911 t:30 A.M. Or Carroll E. Word. Minister Wkday Pre•tc:hoOI Wcwehlp & Church School D•y C•re t:30 A.M. 7:30 A.M ... P.M. A lnMIL ._. CHUl'IC" NEWPORT CENTER UNITED METHODIST 1I01 Mergu.rlt• Ave., COJont de4 M•r 844-0745 Worship & Church School -9:30 A.M. Rev. Ken McMiiian You Wiii 8• Welcomed -And Helpecn FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Mein tl Ademt, Hufttlr19ton -..Ch tUNOAY1 C ...... -~ & 10:00 A.M. WOftlllp -t:001 10:30 a.m .. 1:00 p.m. TOlll a-ion Aoti.e Youttl OrOUN-Nv~ lenk:" ..,._ -1• OTHI" MlffltT~lll Mllte '•le, T W. o-10ll, 0.._. MelCom i Ted...._., OT'liCJ' MiNlettllt Mll e '"'"'· T W °"9r10ll. 09\le -& Tell Moore DIAL·A·O.VOTION -111--lllO: 0tttc. -Ul-Htt "ltfeeahlnt Ctwiet 8"'" , ... PRESBYTERIAN CHUR CH OF THE COVENANT 2150 F•lrvlew Ad., Coit• MeH -"7·3340 Brue• A. Kurrie, P•1tor Terry McCanne. Dlreclor or VO\.lth M1n1s11es Howard Killlon. Director of Adult Ministries Don Maddox. Director of Singles Ministries Sund•! WOfehlp -1:30 I 10:00 A.M. Church School -Children lhru Adult• tO:OO A.M. Nur1ery cere ev•ll•ble -a.:30 a 10:00 A.M. VHpere -7:00 P.M. CHURCH OF CHRIST 217 w. Wlleon, Coel• Meta 845-3191 We're A Going -Glowtng -Growing Church IUNDA Y SERVICES BIBLE STUDY t A.M. WORSHIP 10 A.M. a I P.M. 10 AM "[veryday Halloween Fot You' 2nd I 1mo1hy 1 1 6 P.M. -"Trick 01 Treat" '''"' 1J1 P•ul ThomH. Mlnl1ter -Doug Cole, Youth Mlnltler '-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--- Rabbi Bernard P Ktng Jamboree & Eastblutl Or Music Arie Shlkler Newport Beach. Calif Educetor Nancy Levin For lnform•tlon cell 144·7203 A• Y1t0t0fl Wetirome . TEMPLE SHARON ~ (Conservat111e) ¥ P1e·School Hebrew & Sunday School Bar/Mltcvah Training Youth Group-Sisterhood Service• Friday, 8 15 p m Sat g 15 e m Sun 9 30 em 817 WHt H1mllton, Coate M•H 831·3282 ' ' ' I I ..-~~~~~~~~--~~~~~~~~~~.......:.;:::• 1 Bffi'R~fll RA881 MARK S. •t ER SHA.88AT SBWICU fr\ .. p.111-Sft ltJO I ll\ (If IOPORU WM (h lwrm) Famlly Servlcn -lt t Friday ot Monlh -7:30 Rellglou1 School. Adult Ed., Youth Groupe, Slnglee 1011 C1melb1ck, Newport a .. ch (o"J•mborM) M4·1tet C9"t0f ftOMtd I . Pordee • 1-.C.tOf Miriam Vtfl "-"e ~I t I I ] .FREEDOM OF WORSHIP 'Gigi' work and falt r By JERI\\' llEHTt•:NSTEll\ Of .. ~ ll'llol ···" "Clg1 " A curn.:m l" u<luL uu11 111 lhc IJUIJU! .. r Al.m ..J.1y Ll'l'iff\f, ft·rc«irrh k t .m'WC' n111;.;1s-;1l .11 A11:1h1•1111's Grand Hut.cl D1111w1 Th,•.ilt•r 1i; ''" llw 111h 0,.011~ KUKJjl'SlS l'ltlit•1 .. 1.11ul111g llfl lllO 1'10 ... 1· Ill' h.ll'k 1110 r.11 Whl'll 1l'o, d 11'll', tlw plHYt''" w1 .. 1v 111~ 1lw 11 way throu~h lh<· 11111ht·11t•1· o,t11pp111g 111 Jl •s l 1lw nHht spots lo :1111.:, 1111' play wu rk:. \\t·ll Wllt'll 11'0, 1111 1111• ~all. .;puri-d y IUI 111-.lu'tl "'··~··II l:tllt·l:o. An 1·x,1111pla• 1•1 1h 1· 11111111.tl'\ 1:-,., h1·11 I :1~1 playt.-tl by L.1un·11 'l'h11111..,.111 .;11111.I., 1w.11 .1 tup 1 u \\ a1sll' and :-1g11s w111t .111 1li.11 1I), "S:1v 1\ l '1.1v1·1 1··111 Me T onight " h's twr b~·-.1 111111111·111 111 ,, 1'•11thw11•1111li.11 ,,111 lt· flaWl'\I 1:-ltg ht "·•PP' 1·111 .. 11.1111111o·111 l .uur••n Thom!'\on pl u y~ tht• titlt• rolt• and ll•·l•·nt· \'\'in~ton is Mnmita in "(;if.,ri." A m u u st.id\l•d 1'1•1111 l 'lw1 l11I.. ;,.., I l11111H'l' La1·hu1lll·s 1:. 1·11u.1ll\ ,11 1>1·-.1 '' l11h· p.1u,111g rw>.I 1<1 the d1n111g t.1hlt·:. (111 ,1 ~111g I lu11111 ( o,111g:-.ind tt•ll:- thl• lory or dll lllllOCl'lll 811'1. (.;1g1, W )tu "UVl•fntl-{hl" gro w :. up It• hl•n11nt t•ng.1g1·d ht Iha· p l.1\ 1><1) 111 Pans, Ga!>h tn, poftl,t\l'd 11\ l ',111 u k l'11lht1111 ('ulhto11 1s 1.111, 1111111111d h.1111l~111w ,,.., ,, l ;.1:--11111 Cht•rlo k':. "'l'h,111k 111'.1\1·11 l·\•1 l.111h• t :11 b " 1:-:-.ltiiu hl luuk enjoy abll· lislt•11111g Thom:.1111 '' p1·1·1ty But wh1•11 th1• (',..,, "1111 't.1g1· lh•· pl.1\1•1' h.1vt· lkll-1w W111 !.tu 11 ,,, M .11 11 11.i . l;1g 1':. w 1•ll t ro ubll' rl'1,11111g Thi•\ .1pp1. .11 111 Ill °'' 1·11 JUSI ni1.«1tH11g g1 .111d11111th1·r. fit:-tlw b ill L1kl'Wl:-t' 1111 acting. Ma rgo 1.y n11 ~m1 th •" Au111 Altt'l.1, w 1-.1· 1n llw Pl'rhap.' till' l.11111 " 111 1111' < • .-.:111g 1>11 t'\'hll w .1v!> o l .ittr<11.'llng ;1 morwy t•d 111.111 Allan llunt :.1•1•m:-h • h." t ' t.1k1·n gr 1 .. 11 pain!'! tn · A:. al·tor:-a nd .11·11 c•ss1.•:-., h11w1•v1•1. th1:-l'a:-t tt111 match ing Ca1.·<•s ,1nd p:o-\dw 111 1h1• µarts Tht!> 1s .1 11ft1·n rn1.'l'l•l,v n •ud tlw 1r l1n1·s Ah w1 ·ll. th1•y 1·.111 good-looktnl! l!ro up l1w1 goi;i;f looking_' _________ s1_11g_ _ WARREN MILLER LIVE "-'llM"•""""' 6\lt'tl .. ..... ,.....,.,..,., .... li;t) .... '• litlct> ""'''" l<U!• .. A""'r l '"~ r ¥. • Oft(ft -Ill lotti.. Ille (I '' I <!lfli "~ LUXUQY THERTQES 1st Tw Mili11ttS1IOwU1uOlllY$2~Unlus0thtr••~llettd S tll3ril3•1•111tW6J61~ 2551 /\~,.,~.) FOR FUnt EXCITEmEntl V1s 1tOvr ... ARCADE of GAMES• ~"&tit~': CHtUSTOPH€fl RE-€\/£ fA!r r1,,,r1 m AT •IOC:l.MO .. T MIGM T,_ Ln1 American V"91n IR) CttllCH A CHONG tl1 lllM;,~d( 1UI w.w c.~~~~ UN' .... J.'i.1na~ri~c<1', Orive·tns Ooen 6:45 Wtel<n1qhts / 6 ·30 Weekends * Children Under12 fret Uftless Noted From t he people who brought you "Animal House~ N A T I 0 N A L IAMPllN'S . - .......... ......_ '-·--·· ••••t ........ ~~·· ..... . ,,._ .. ,.u O)fjSMWj t ... ... •• .. • .... • • • ••• \l tO STALLONE Thia time hn fighting for hla life. . ~_... ____ _ ,,.,._,,, • 111.111q1• I 111rnl l>A ll V f'll 0 I /1>11llirtl11y Oc lnl1tH ·3u 1<J~:> 811 n top with • 111n • It o111h lool1 ,pllu 1~11111 . 1111 l•A I ~ 11110 f It t 1 .. "1d1 II "'' " ... 1 1 .. It\ I 1111ldt• Ill 'I 11\1.1 11 .. \.\ I XX\'111 •"111 ,111d l 'l,1111111 I 'l,1p-..ultll1 "I l111 11.111 1111,.. \.\ ····k ll11t 11 -. o,ltll t·.tf I\ Ill Iii. I tll tlt ·'I \\.11 11 11111\. 11111 1110111 It 111 1111· l11111k '> .u u l 1 l11 11g ., • 1111ld • l1.111g1 11111 ... 11 lt·1.ol11\ 1,.,. l '111 I'""·" ~ A'"' 1·11il1.11 k ''" 1111 llHlt V•·.01 111 •Ii· t 1111111111 11 111\11,~ll)' ;111t-11-:.lluf.l Lu 11ult lhul, ·'" 111 1•11l.1v lht·tt· h.1v1· J,. ... 11 I T:lll q111·0,t1111.-. ""k' d .111tl f·.t 11." 1111:.w1·11'tl 1111;0,l ol 1111•111 ll1·n • ur•· Ill 11 11111· l 111·111 v Mt 1(11111 11·" 1111111.I I l11lh \,\111icl 1:1111 \ 1111d1•f' w h1tl llotll ll'" '!. ld1·111t1 v tit• w t1 1· 111 ll.11•.11 1111 · ll•1111 t1l1 · 111 l ltt• t'tltlll( .,,, "' ... th.ii 11.11111 • TRIVIA BY T.T. :i .J11v" '1'1•tol1 \\,,." 11·11111111~• .11.11 ,11 111 1111 \.\ h.it 'f'\' -.1111\\ ., An d II\ \.\ h.11 11.11111 \\.o 111 111 II• 1 k 1111w11 1 ·I H1111.tld l<1•,1g.111 I" "''''"I'' '" "''''I\ I I lt1· "I !tit ('t1n1111.111d1111·111 " Wlt.11,..,11' :1 Wh1·11 fo'.11 Sul It\ .1 11 1111111111 '' d ,, 1.11!11 ., """''' Ill l!Ull llt 1111\.\11 1111 k111g .ittd q111111 1JI ll1rll\.\\11ti<I w h o w 1111'' Ii N.11111· 1 lu '""'"' 1111111' 1111 T\' , I l.1pp't 1>.t\'' . . 7 \.\'lw11 1111 Mtghl\ l',io,1' ''' 111 k u11l 111 Ill• 1.111111u , pt111t1. \\11.11 \\,.-. 111• ~'"'' 111 "" 1 .. ...,11g ( .• u-.. ... II l'h1· .1u tlt111 111 "1~·11 lh11 " I' .t • lt.tt.1111 ·1 111 wh ,11 -.1;1gt · pl;1y" tflf 'AA•1..0 G.tJltAOt 9'lJl fOC-.. t U • lD•U~ MC)Ylll Val •DA fl A f IOJ on-ICt c .. 11111CW><t11 ll(fYl •'MON- SIGNOR" FRI. 1:00 1:20, 10:40 SAT/SUN. 1:30 3:•5, 1:00, I: 15, 10:40 (R) MY FAVORITE YUR '"' FRI. 1:15, 1:00, 10:00 SAT/SUN. 2:15, •:15 I: 15, 1:00. 10:00 ·~IT CAME FROM HOLLY- WOOD'' tP'01 ========= Jt'I 1111' II ' fll SEASON Ot THE WITCH .. NATIONAL LAMPOON'S CLASS REUNION" 1111 FRI. 1-7:•5, .. 20 SAT/SUN. 2:20 •:OO. 1:00 7:•5. 9:20 "IT CAME FROM HOLLYWOOD" FRI. l:•S, l :lO, 10:20 SAT/SUN. 2:00, 3:lS, 5:10 t ·'5, 1:30, 10:20 (PG) ANmrFJ'CER ANDA G£lVTl...ICMA.N "IT CAME FROM HOLLY- WOOD"t1>01 FRI. 6:20, 1:00. 9.35 SAT/SUN, 2:30, •:20 1:20. 1:00, 9·35 P'N e II (Ill ... ,, . ..,.. . '"' .. ,. "LOOKIN' TO GET OUT" 11>01 n•u "''· ,.,, I ATllU .. 2'1~ ••tt 10-tt ... ,..,,,,. .. lol ·!IP'! •It .. • It '"*' Mv f'AVOAIU YEAR ,. "MON- SIGNOR .. TH£ EllTIV•· TUUl £STlllA I. FRI 1·00. 1.25, 10-'5 FRI 7·15, 11•30 SAT/SUN. 100. 3·25 SAT/SUN 115 3 30 a-oo. 1·20 · : • : & SAT ONL y 10 40 5·45, a.oo. 10:15 (R) IPGI IYLVHTlfl ITALLOMI ''FIRST BLOOD" 1•1 , .... 7:00, 1.45. 10:30 t AT/tUN, 1:10, 1:11. 1.-00 7:00, IM, 10:30 THI\ IA HOWi. X >.V III S1 ANUIN<;s I I 1t o tom 114 .. t4JI 40 I ,,.,,., "'" 11111 tuwu ,,_, J•, t I t•t•114 t I l1il''·t•hfl\• flff ); flm linfttfuft,(lt l'J • f rtt~ l U uJJ 1• •• 14 ' ~tll,l11ll1 t• J ,/4 I,, f~ •HI 'j t'r.IH t Jt , fl•"' w ....... f It ft Wolttit V-1111.,.y 11> • tuJ ttt1111 ft(.t'l"W4J ..... ,,f,ltl .. .._ .. ,,,," ' I~ 11 hall OI \I 111 lh" 11111v11· "Mt B .. lvo•d1•11.• (;twi. tu < '11111 g1., wit.it w,.., 1.11tl11•1011•·~:·· h1 · ,1w ·11tl1·d t1n<.l 1111 lw 1v ... 1 ..... ·., 11 ... 1 11.11111··· , Ill T l11 lw11> •;t,11 lt·d 1111 1 1111 1111• w 11mg ll'al·k .01111 p111v1·d l11 1,.. ,, l11g lll':1da1 ht lo lw •. 111t.1go n11:11 111 11111 · hilt lt1111~ 111-. \A..tW•ll 111 .1 i.l.11 111 w h:tl lt111 Vl1'01 l.al<I Wt•l•k '" Au:-wt•n. Sh Vt II I ltll (11.11111• dt.111g1 I .! 'l'lw 111 •1 .tld I Btll v U.11-..111) .I lg11.111 I K 111g K o ll).! 1111111k1·\) I c;1;d Z1·ppl'lt1t, l'J.!'l tµ,1111>1· ~1rdl1rtf! du 1~tl1l1 I "l'lw rn ... i. l<llllllt , .. ( ·1-:1.' llCJ111(' 8 h1.•t•p") h "Hrnk1•n llC':trtrri" (soni.t lvrir ) 1 ()i.,11·1111 .111111•' of tlw H.11110, I ·.,,u k 111v1•11tor) II . No s. \ l 'lt• • .-.1 W1 •'1 I H1 llhh " (Lt•!.ltt' U11111tl11 .. 11I) !l (:1) The· Au'1h1ll (h) 701 ("!':1th' or Glor v") Ill l'.1!>.1bl.1111 ,. .. (1111iv11• 11ddh I fS1111/ \1111/ .111,w1·1' lti T l<l \//1\, 1·111 th1· /Jaily l 'lfot. U11\ 1.1fi1J ( '"'''' f\1, . ...,, !J:tti:.!li t\111•11tr11•:. must lw 11·1·11\'t'll II\ W1•d111 .. o;1/,t1', u tl11·1 WI.St• h.1/f the ft/,1\'t'I \ /,.-.f '(';Il l ' II'/// />c• ;/\~'oll't/t•t/) FRI. 1:00. 1:15, 10-.20 SAT/SUN. 1:00, 3:30 1:00. 1:15, 10:20 "LOOKIN' TO GET OUT" 1•01 Jr!IOWllNlll y SEASON O F T HE WITCH I!!) ........ , ... '•" FRI. 7:10, 9:00, 10-.A5 SAT/SUN. 1:00, 3:00, 5:00 7:00, 9:00. 10:•5 :110\ 1L ER <-J•l'IXll>s "" ... 8ATlaUN , .... 4:61., •.JO 'FAST ~AT ~T HICK" tlll FRI. 7:00, 9:00, 10:45 SAT /SUN. 1:00, 3:00 5:00. 7:00, t:OO. 10:45 POLTERGEIST_~,. FRI. 1:35 SA Tl SUN. 4:.2$, 1:30 "ST AR TREK II" BOAT" <RI fRI. 1:00 SAT /SUN. 3:15, 1:00 DINll ~ FRI. 1:00, 10:50 SAT/SUN. 1:10, 1:00. 10:50 FRI. 7:00, 1:50, 10:40 SAT/SUN. 1:30, 3:20, 5:10 7:00. 1:50. 10:40 :·. ·-T.~Ot 4s FRI. 1:30. 10:15 SAT/SUN. 2>50. l :lO. 1Ck1!5 MROCKY Ur' (l'OI FRI. 1:20 SAT/SUN. 1:00. 6-.:>S, 8'20 FRI I 15 SAT/SUN. •:OO. 1:15 "JINXED" 1•1 Fl'lt 1:15, 10:l0 SAT /S N. 2:00, 1;15, 10:30 "IT CAME FROM HOLLYWOOD" FRI. l:AS, t:a, 10:00 SAT/SUN. 2:00, ~. 5'10 t :45, 1:20, 10:00 (ll'GI "THI aOA T'' ""· 1111 (R) IAT/IUN. >.11. NO "INCHON" INI .......... ,... IA T/IUN. 1:11. .... lOite Bia I h 1111\j• t 1111 I 111\11 't I 'll•~ I '•nh11&la11 l.ll.lul.uu JU l'lll ' 'Hallow produ r I now h()W to c ar By DOU 'fllOMAl\ Ae-lated ,, ... Writ•• 1101.1.\'WtHlll 1111 1111 11111• "' yt•u1 wl11•11 '""'' l1ol l.·. • "'"' I"""' • ''' ,,,.1 pr11d11n•1 l>Pli1 ,1 lltll 1.1111\\ loo•\\ Ii 1•1"\ 1ol• 11,, 111 ()t11· v."111.t fl,11111 \ • I", I 11 "' tlo• I'' 1111 Wl'll ijl'OOlllt'd \'tlllllf ""'"oil 11111 111 I ,111 1 'f" I l Ill lht• '11.'.lft• 111'"" 111\1111 t•l •"l11111I 11 11 tu .1 .111d i!'Cutu.1 "ll.dl11\\l • 11 f, i1111 111• I • 11 111d anoth1·r f1ltt1 "1th t111•ilt• ""'~ 1 I• 11w111-. 'h~•'I"' Jt'rum N1•v. Y 111k • N11w 1111111''> 11 tll11\\ t • 11 111 •..,.," "" ·•l th• W tld1," \\ htl It I 1111\. I"" I.'"'"''""> "'" 1111 "·'''"'' • th1•ull•rs 1h11111g 1h1 • .11 '• .J l"""l'l,111 • '""" "Thi~ 11111· ,, \I I\ "''''I•,,, I I•,, '"' '"' \ "''' twu 'llalll1w1•1•11' · -.,11d tho I"'"'"'' t lit 111 1 ,,,,.,1, ·' l(UUI It·•~ .11 l 1111\1 I ·" '-\111.!1 I• I I ",,, ,, II•\\ Sllll'y, 11111 ,1 ""llll'! II .i ... "'I 11 J\1 l.11111• l.t I I ",, anti 11·~ 11111 ,, k1111< ·'"" 1.1It I"'1111. It t""'' "' , 'potl' ()l\'llll l , Ill I h• 111,11111• I to! I 11\ .t 1oot1 1 I 1 lio Body Sna1d11·1' • HOROSCOPE BY SIDNEY OMAHA Sunday, (ktobrr :J I ARIES (M.111h .:t .\11111 1'1 1 1:.11 111 I ...... ~ t akt• 1nv1•111 u1 \ 11 \It'' • lqo to\'. ,,,,.1 ,1, 1111• r<'spons1b1l1111 ·~ Budg1 t ,1i .. 11 ld I•• .1, .• 11 "' .i \\ 111, old<'r f:nntlv 11w1111>1 1 111 .11f\ 1 .. 1 l\l ol• • 1,tl • ''" I" loc<lll'd .r \uu .111 I'"''''' Ill I ''"I I I ·IJ•l h ""' person s pl.1y k1 '' '' ol1 · ... TAllRl'S \1\p11I :.!II !\I.I\ .:111 'I ... , 111 ••II 11111• trat·k -dun'1 Ill' d1,,11.1d1·d 1,, tl111" """ 1.1• I, •.di 111 and an.• 1·nv111u' Y11u·,, t"'" 111 d "" 111. ', 1-.,.J the me Trust y1•lll "" 11 Jl1dg11i' 111 1111 11111 .. 11 I(, ... 1111 of re('en l ll'Sl '"II 111 1 •\t 1,,,.,,1 .ii iii GEMINI (l\l,I\ :!I .h1111 :!111 l .rglil "ill 111 lwd on area prcv1ou:.ly d.11k 1 .. 111111"11•1 .. J I '"" ma1nta1n 1ndl·p1•11dl·11t ,1.11111 1 ..... 1, 1 .. 11111.t "' 111' for ans\\'l·r~ 1111,1111..J ''"' .11d "' 1111 11.11111 emouo nal "ou 11d CANCER 1.Ju111 .!I fu 1, _ _:, h1 )'I , , •11 fral:nds, h ope:-.. w1:-.lw,. ,.1 11!11\ '" 11u1 1'"1111 ,,. I•,."' m eaningful. tlyn.111111 111.11111• 1 \ .. 11 i.:.• 1 "J. o1 \I •II Want but mNht)lb "'II 111 111 ... 111t .. .i .. , :-..1111 111• signals you you'll , ,.,1, .. 1 .. 1 111 111 '""' 1 \\ 1111 Ji sparks r r<'allvl· 1J1 g• LEO (July ~;'\ r\ug .:.: l lJ11 11 1 .. 1 .. \\ d I l u 111.u f, m on • comforwhli '""II ""'' 111• , ,, '''"'' visitors a nd popular.I\ will 111, rt"" 1-.. 1" .,,,'""II obp·u ves dealing \\1th u1,. ""'' 111 I 1..1• 111 l1i:l11 fro m govt'rnml·ntal ,1g1 rt•' VIRGO 1Aug .!:l ~.111 .:.:1 L···h 1 .. '""" 111• imm('dtal1· 11·1·11,..:11111 l"''t 1111.d •• .d11• 11t,,1 distan l'e and lo111g11.1gt li.11111 ·1, "'" 1., "\ • H """ Y ou'll b<• ask1~I 111 11ln11ld 11•\1 • t• "'' \\ "'I•·• s tale aim:-. in l'll·;11 . 1·1 •t\\ h t· 111.0111H ·1 LIBRA 1S1·pl .!.l (),I .!.!I I•· 11111 ,, 111 r <'solu1ion:-. l'llll< 1·1·11111g 11 ... d11 d d1 111.11 , .11 • one l-dnfan1od 111 11111111 "' "" J•il .t 1<1 1111 nil •: annive r sary "''1th g111 1 .. i.., 11 ••I .:11.t1 •II i.,, • " \ , ... 11 JH I I ol SCORPIO \Ott :!.111..,, .!ii B,,.," d111111 1, a djustment IS fNllun•cf l'c·nplt «hrw 111 \.1111 t,tllo, about resident·<'. n ·m11d1 ling .ind a 1-'""'il ,1, 11111\t Lie lo w , go s low, p),,, w.i1l111g g.mw l.••·•t• Jig.ti papers. c·heC'k fJJrtn1·1 ... 1i11' J•lt1Jh'"·" ,111d 11 ''''" marat.<tl stalu~ SAGITTARll'S 1N"\ .!.! Jl1 1 ..::1 ....,,, pl.11 1-. peoplca!. lhl·;. , . .,.,,t 111• 1111 111 1 '"'"''Ii''"' mag hl bt: Som!•11n1· 111.1\ .itt• 11111t t" p1ill \\•••I"'' 1 your eyt'S I.)( It!·"" '"~''' •111 d t lllll'11 11 •I 1, '"" Job gets done· 111 u111q111· 111.on·u 1 .111t1'"''11 '''' ,, .. credtl long ovt•rdw· CAPR lCOR~ tl">t·• .!.! .J.i11 1•11 '\1.11i111t.! ••, l•" halfway 11 \\ tll Ii<· :tll 111 1>1o!h111~ K''"" 11 d 1111 t e xpet'l to put t111 1n .. ,,,lt·t \\1tl1 111 ,I.(• 1•1111 • 11111 1 fool w el Mc·S.'i<•gl' \\tll ht1 .. 1111 """"'111gh 11',11 AQUARll'S 1.l ,111 .!"I• Ii IH 1 JI• 11111 terraloraal bounrlc1nt•-, l'li"' 1-. 111,lH .1111 • fi,.,,,,1..1 claims. H ighltght ""-" u111' l""" • ••I 1111111! l11d1\ltlu,d who a ided in c·<ir<·11 "'II 111.tk1· 1•.qi pi.11 .11111 . P ISCES (F'f'IJ 111 ~!1 1th .!ttt N ,." II'")'''' requires add1t1onal .1111 "''"" 111 r h.oJ" 11101 • 11111111 ' Be r e ady for tll'"' ... 1.11 t '.d11,d1l1 '""'' ·" h .111d confrontation. wllh < 11.111\• "It tt•1111 11·d 111 ·111•'• Someone may a1tc:mp1 w mwrnd.1tl' '''u ---- COSTA MESA Edwards Bristol 540 7444 NOW PLAYING ORANGE AMC Orange M.ill 637 0340 GARDEN GROVE ORANGE l A City Crne111 t bJJ 39 11 I NO PASSE~ ACCEPTED roR THIS ENC.ACEMENI IOUNT AIN H ll" OUN Gt ,,. .. 1~1 • v ., ••• ''' P"' ...... ,_, ... WE'RE GOING TO MAKE YOU LAUGH -----NOW PLAYING II fOtlO I •r' .. ,,, "''"" OU1t(U • t ' I WlllMINallA " .,,.,, lli• .1111 \ "' .• d1 ''"'''' ·" ,,,, 111 •• k1 I I I l1111 I I 111 I Jill\ I Ill ,1 \ tl1l,.1111 1 fl•\\ 11 II 111..-.f 'o111t I 1'vJ11.1 'I II II ' II \\ II • ' ... II I I " \ ••• I • " ' ' ol I I 11 H"" \ '•11 ll• '"I II· '"""' I 1111• "' 11..11 .. \\t I II "'·"14" !•llllll•l llh \\ llo 111 111d l,1.JI Ill ,\ ltt• 11 111 l•I II I • "''''""'II" \\ 111 II ll11 ""'' ·"' ••• '" '"" ,,, .. I• Jo 1 '"" 1 ••llltll• I• 1.ol Hlllt lllllll 11"11 tlol1 li.q op• "" I" I I 01 • ltil.111 II 1111 , , ,, .. 1.. ,.1.1. d '·" ....... 111 .t tl1t 1 I•• I.. lt.\ .i U•UI~ '\ •JUtalll ~''·" • " \ llu11 11ul ,1 l1• lpl11l ol•• 1 .. 1 T ou111\flo.l J1 , ""llf J~tllocl l1111111ph t>\'r•r •\" \\h.11 ... 111~·111' !'\11 1 lrll Ill ''" Iii•" I 111 II H 1\ 11 .. \•HI .J,.111 "" 11111111!1.1 1111 lilt ,, t.11 I ""' 11\ pl.11111111~ .1 llol .JI 111I•II 1•11• 111 11111 I ft l ''I''"' I• I I '\\ tf • ,, .. 111 \\Ii.it \ "" 11.1\' 111 11.1 \11111 ,.,,1, \\1111 1111 '"'' 1.. ''" 1111110111-.l 11,,Jl"\\"ll tl\\,I llllJ~lll,t11ll11 do \o l"I' 1111 •'.II I , 1 )1,1 1,11 I• I 111 llt1 "1111111 ll11 111' ,, I\ I 1111•" 1),. .lpl \ 111 11!1 tlo11d II .1 111.lll• I 1•1 1' t 111111 lu l"I' 111 l,111 I Ii• f11 .t ll1tll111,,,.,.,. 111.1111 ,, 1111 111 trl111 111 111 1 \ l 'r 11111111 ii 1111 i ·rno lllHI, II Ml '""'ti .,..,,·, 1111111.•11 a1111<1111~ ... .11 .. 11111111 .. , 11"11' v . .1,1.111, 1\)1 Ji lli 111111 Vt'" lh1· llMlllo• lllot,\ IH· 111fl.1l1•d , 11111 •II "' 1111 111111 hI'•1111 ,tlh 11'~.lldt·d .t tl11ll'11111,I llt" • I 11) Iii\\ liutl1•1 I 11111\ 11 1\.11111 .tllv ~.1,. .111d .J1ol111 1 '.11pt1111·1. "1111 """ 1 .. 1 11 • .1111\\H II 1111111 '"'ti 11\\11 "''"' "'""' ,, • 111111 11 111 th• 11111111 \ I \\,1. \'\I\ \I I \ ''""''' M .... , 11111 .... Ml11 ·d -u, 11 1 .i ....... n •• l( •• u 1 " 'I I 1 II t \ I \\ II \ ' • " " I " I ) " I II " 11 ti I I •• .. II 111111111l1.1l1l\ 'l1111 " !111 ) 1111 I• I .o l1111d1 .,, tl111t1~li 1:111\\lllj' 11111111 .. , 111 \\•llllolll '''""ti",, Ill 1111 111111 1111111,t 1 \ I 1..11 .. 1. •. ' • 11)11 ""'"I\ I .. , 11111111 ·'"'"'""' d11t • !111 .111\ tJ1111g 111 ~!'I 1·i..J1I I I• 111' 'Ill' -,o111I '1•'111 Ill• II \\ 1 ·, ,1111 \\ 111!1 \•Ill I• o1111 '""'' 111 tho lillt" \\I·~"""""'"" .11111 tlllll• .. I•\\·'" 1111 '"' '>ht II 1\t th.ti 111111 1111·11· ""'" 1.i°I\ .1dv.111t.11:1 111 111.ol11· 111111 . .111d \'1111111 I ll1,1ll1 I ,\1111111 •1 f),1\\\I1 1 It I• ,I" 11 Ut·h n a ll ill a trip bacJ, home II\ Jl\l\l\ lttll''tl' 0 1 lh1t Dally Piiot Slall 1111 N• \\JI••< I ll ,11 loo •I ,\, l••I ' 'J 111 ,1l t I , ..... 1 ... 111111 111 :\l111 lllllJ..!' .1l ~. \• 11' •• \\Ii.Ii \1111 1 1"111 ol o Ill)• 11.1.!\ Jo •llll \\Hllld 111 11f,1 \\llh 1ho .1.1 1 • .ii.. I"''\ lllJ' "" Ith•· 1111 \ d1.J 111lu l 1 \o\ 111 Id \\ I 11 \I It"''' .11 !11 ""' \\ ''" k1to1\\ •IJ• II \\.1\'. .11 .. 111111 lh• ,f.11 :1 I•,,(\ i IH •old1 l 1>11 I h pl.1•,1 d 11\. f.111'> U1 111t1111 :.;111 "' 11 1o11111 ·d 111 I l.1 ,·1d. ,, 11.11 t 111,1d1 111 111d1·1 1111 1':J1" 11 .11111 '1'!1 .. 1 ·nu, par r """''' to1 S111 n ·ll Wav 111 "lt11 '" ''" .11.11<J..!• I .d N ll r'\T .dt11 111 111 J•I• \ 11•11 ' "l'I""''""'''' "''' 1· ... :-1111111 ;i v.11111.111 111.1\lit t \'111 ,1 !111--.11,1111) I It.I" I \\ 1111111 VOil fll'\'t'I I •'oil)~ 110,11 It loi 1111 . 11il I\ 111 111 ·'"" t.rl ... '""" Ill .. ,111.oll t \'-11,11•"111 1'•'11 11 1 tl11 ... 1,11\ .. 1t .. 111 11ltl• 1 \\\•111111' 1111•• .. 11l11111111.111wd .1111l 11,. 111111 1 •' h"p•I•'' '·I" 111 ... 1 11 "'"''"''" ""' tit• 1.1111 1 .. 1 l'I·'' tit.it '"II 1111•1•'1 1111 ll lt•\l ,ll olt )111111,lflllll 1111! otll\1111\ 1., \1•11.I th• .• , •• 111 111 \\ill I 111.I ·' 111! "' 1111 '""' \' 1:1111· 111 II )111 1 1 loll 111 l>1o1.1h f,.1\'111" 11.i~ g.lll11•1,.d I., I'"' I .111' '"II•"' 1•111111 1111 I" 111111111 ,., It,, 11111 •ti ''" 1 .. ,, ' ..... t p l.t'' l1 • 1111111 ,d11111: Ill '>llllll'llllll (I, lrf ,111\\ II I" 1111 1 .11111" 1'•11 ( )1\ llt1oltl\ 1<1"1'11 l }u_ 111lt_, tol tilt l11U1 h l1 I ,111 111.1\ttl It\ Ill l\1111111111•·, .d S , \t 11 l'.11 t11 Jllllll.I\' .1 11pl11•.t11 ,111 d 11111 111 < t11o1I ,, 1;11 t I\ 1111111 li1' tilt \1-.11111 11111 .t .It d ( 'f.1111p1ll Ill Tho JS4 \ 1 rl \ l l1lll111!11.. Ill l ;, "I~· ll11''' 11111 1111 J111p1d.11 I)"'"'' tlll o1l11111I Jl,1\\ l 0 11~k1ll ' It " .111.dl l"'' I 1111 ~ ''"'" 11111 111 ,, ·' ll11 I ....... 11 \ t h .11o11 lo I "II 111\\1111111111th Jr •11 tlr• .01111111 "pl.1\1•d HIHol/111 pl.o\ f•.,I\ llll 1 h 11111 1111 I !r.11.11 11 I \\ 11" Jll 11jt •I 1111 """' "111p.1lh1 h ''"" tli111k111g ld.1 Bolt••lt tl1111< 1'I"11wl\ \.\'1·11 11\ 1-'1111.1 Uu1k• i':\'11 \"114 )i,..., kll11\\ 11 '"illt'tllll l1k1 J1<•1I ld.t 'l'lt1 ll111d 111.11111·.I -,1,lt•I 1-...111t ·d 1111! II\ l'.1!1111.1 (;1ld1ti-.l \\l11o 111.1!-.1-, th• p.11! '"'Ill '" II 11 \\I'll' \\tlllt•ll I""' l••I 11('1 'J'l11 ·11 tlit, ,:, J\11 '. 1111 · '"'t'I wl111 h;,, n •111,11111•d '-lll_i{lt. ,111 lht '>l' .}hl1' ,J11tl Ill.1th ht I f1111t11 Willi ( '111,1 l1k1 t\ ... tl11 • pl.1\ d•·VI 1 .. ,,, Vllll IJl'J..!111 111 11 ,., •• 1111 ,,, '\llll•·dll\ 1111 lltl' J>""' p.itllt'lll' \\11111.111 \\h11111 .,,,,,11. v.11uld ,,,, 11." \\.1 ... 11·d h1·1 lit•··•'\"' •• wl "d nt ~II I 11.1\'l ,11°1\'11111·" N11t """ ,, II .. \\ .. 11 ,,, t1·d 1 11.1~. l\lt1llllllj.' ... JI St•\1°11' 1 "" 1111."t 1·,11·llt 111 -.f'lt111g-. 11ght dov. 11 ''' lli1 I .11!,1!1, 1111 tlll J"lltd ,11ld Ilic· j.tl kh,11td \\,1lt•l pu111p 111 t l1l· ti.wk y.u d '1'111 1,1,,, v. ill 1 un through N11\' I I l'ur1.1111 t111w,., .111· ll p 111 Thurstlay,, F11d;1~' .;11d S.iturd •• ~·-. ,111d at '.! :~o µ 111 Sund;iy, 11· .... d1.11111111g thrt·( .11 II I , IJlll " 11-.1\1 ~ \llU \\1111dt·1111g h11v. P.iul 0:-born "' rt\l·d .11 tlro1r tttli · -~'' '""g~ di S1 ·v1·11 .. ~H The Chosen' ... O ne of the year's best!" (~ •BARGAIN MATINEES • Monday thru Saturday "It .' rx:rk~:l EXCLUSIVE ENGAGEMENT FRI. 8:35 --SAT/SUN. 4:00, 8:35 ( e~~,~~~ .~!~q, ~,IANL~o~A J l NEWPORT BEACH 67l·8JSO ----CO-HIT "DINER" FRI. 6:30, 10:35 -SAT/SUN. 2:15, 6:30, 10:35 14TH SMASH WEEK ! ISN'T IT TIME TO SEE WHAT 27 MILLION PEOPLE HAVE BEEN RAVING ABOUT? lllAH(IM WISTMlllSTUI A' t I' WIS I MINS ll A . ...._ ..... ·THE CRITICS' FAVORITE FUNNY FILM . "SIDE-SPLITTINGLY FUNNY!" -Re11 "*· SYNDICATED FILM Cll lTIC (Ml!~Yi~l!tYH~ [PG~n COSI A .. !SA II TOllO ... •,· NOW PLAYING . .. l l GUNI IUCH '" IA HAlllA .. .............. ,\'\l~M UA OlllllGI It ACADEMY MEMBERS Your e1rd wlll admit you ll"d a gueat to any performance Mond1y thru Thurad1y ···- I '''\'• I "" , ,,,,,,, '"' / /11111 -11111." I l1o111 J.. 11/1 d /<" 11111 t ,,,,,,,,,, I 11111•1 •fo•/1·11/1or11111 < 'lr11r1 Ii. I lrt1n 1,,, ,..1,1 '' '""'"' 11111/ I ,,,,, ,, ,.,,,.,, MONSIGNOR --· II'''"' Htll A'' -· 111.A\lo "R"' - I 11111• II N'IO K Wll \'T .., """"'·"'Ill ,,,,\It \I t<1 ~~II <tli-.~ .... 1<1111 I IA-.Cl' \1111111 101I11"11" All\ "lllt 111• ft'llt'i llli"\t.\'\tlll\' •••• .,.,_ .. ----"'"'' ''flllA'"" 8'' ~MC' 1\1111"'" fRA''lo lMIC "-''. 11~\ll"l\L'> IM --\lll<"ll/\\ll\lll• ........ 1 -1'1,11111 \IA''' IS i ~ -• l"l'-\l._l,llUH . lltA,'loliHlll E;JI R :::: .... :.. , •· . -: ... ~. •. . . . . ..... ... . \ f .... 1 •••• ~ ........... , •• ,,,., ........ '•"•'". w ••••••• l ----~ UA M OVIES 4 cnvcemeA ~ • 1• ,,,, .. "" I I ...... BlllB PROJECTIONISTS LOCKED OUT!!! UNITED ARTISTS THEATERS UNFAIR!!! We dre locked out because we relusod to tose up to 75° o or our 1obs. doubt!' the wori. toad of those remmnmg and alfnw ou• ex~r11se 10 be uttllzed 10 enabto underpaid. inexperienced kids 10 handl1> 1he 111ghly complex equipment 1n the p101ec1ton rooms of the Unlled Artists Tneatres Mannqe•"f'nl •rroganlly nnd untl•teratly demanded that each pro)ect1on1s1 employee service as meny 8" 1lghtHn ecrH"• 1n C91"'pl.e.t\e.8JIS much as lw•nty mllH 1pert. WI' b.it,.wo this to bl' unfair 10 the 50· 75"'• ol the pro1ec11omsts tnnl would have lo91 thetr tObs under lht>se • 11n<1111ons .inrt unf1lr to th>1 movie parrons who are paymo lop price for lh1>11 ucltets w•lh the ch.lrl<.t' o t se('1ng 1ub·1t1ndard protection nf th1> features they paid to see We werf' w1thnq 10 ""qoMte but the Company dlcl•torlelly and arrogently LOCKED US OUT. PltHe d on't go Into an)' Untied Artlal~T!t~te~~~he!.~~~1111en letters ot &upport wtll bl apprec111ted by v, Tht>y ~hould be addressod to the Southern Auocta llon ol IATSE Otslrtet Two Loc111 &30 Oeonevft Strt'et Huntrnglon AMc h Calllornto 926•8 We will forward 10 the proper party et United Artists THANKS FOR YOUR HELP!! Southern Assoclotloo of IA TSE 01strlct Two Locals._ Walter H. BIBQCflard. Secy-Treas All Perlorm1ncu before S 00 PM lhcapl Special En91gt men11 1nd Hohd1~s1 lA MlllAOA MAii lO ti.41tooo o• ~o••c'o"'' LA MIRADA WALIC·IN 99•·2•00 "IT CAME FROM HOLL YWOOO" '"''' IJM t .. Ull t )I t tt '4ttcl "MONSIGNOR"'"' , •• , .. ,,. ... l.'fl NATIONAL LAMPOON'S "CLAll ll(UNION" 101 UM~-••t a t » ... LAKEWOOD CENTER WALIC·IN "MONSIGNOR" ,., .. ,. - u• t• •» •• ~,. PIHi( FLOVO THE WAll • ........ "TME lAIT A•lltCAN VlllQlfl·" tJ» •• •• • •• LAKEWOOD CINTIR SOUTH WAL• IN ~.,,,..,At Diii Nr10 _ 21J/U4·~11 TH( SW()(ltO ANO THC SOflC(llEll" 1•0 •••• '"' MAlta .AlfU t.-Ot •• •• •• AN Of ftCEA AHO A OEN'TLElllAN 1•• t•1•••••••'U JolNXID 111, U•t •44 t4t 'fAST TIMES U lllOQEMON T HIQlt' o JU·~ .. ,_, "FIRST BLOOD" 1•1 tJM JM• M t~l t• u ec ocu1,., 01 ConOl••ooo i 213/531·9 510 •NATIONAL LAMPOON'S ··CLASS llEUNION ,o, 11•1 JU ••-' I U I •\ '9•1 TUlf'<tT• ,..., u ... ''" .... "VY ,llVOllHI VEAAI' ,...,, Jl'l t• 'TH( CHOHN' 1P01 ,. ''-TH( JAU SlflQEll (PGJ ,,,,.1 .. u "JINXED " 1•1 ,,.. :t» ....... ,~ ... '•Cin e !H(AlftfS D••vl '" SWAr .. UIS ttt.ct( .. t"11 t v<.O S•ht •-t 1at.-t1 AllAHllll DtlV(·I~ "AAIOt f l YO OftlVI IN & OtAll'( DtlV( IN e •• te > ,. U hl'-C'"' I &V•o.&1 '"0 'U•1"G llillfO.•t •t , .. •t1w tUOtu• lo• °""'-• 0.-C>ofo UO J'" lM• Sl.,h I ·~ '"' IM,OIHAllT llOTICI' CHllOltl N UNOUI 12 fflff• -...... _ ... °""' ~ o ... "''"' Ollf-11-·tOUo "'W "°'°G..__ • OO&#CAl\IW)I() """'-OCCIUart•l'Oll!Uo --""!'Oll..._l l•llU Cllllf.A -Ill Oii >II - AN.Akfl'-' ANAHEIM DRtvf-IN ''•••O'Y •• ot l•"'~ '' 179·H50 8 •fNA "'AO& BUENA PARK DlllV( IN l1f'll<Oltt Ave Wett of (l\O" 12H070 8UfNA PAPI LINCOLN DRIVf·IN \~O+I" 4.r• •••'DI• f'llO" 12H070 l('UNfA.I,_, FOUNTAIN VAWY DRtVl·IN \on D1•go .,., ot t•o~""''" (lo> 962·2411 Wf'JltwilN\lfR Hl·WAY 39 DlllVI IN •AH Of'flCllll AND A GINTllMAN" oao .... ' fHI IOlDllll" 1•1 CNlll•IOUllO CUHOI telf ,., .... , •• , ~----VwtOflt , •• ,..,, , ..... At lllMOOCllllOeft "°" ••• A tt All'1A LA HABRA OlllV( IN ~ ..... ,_ ............... ,,. . 171-1162 ~' ....... f E 1 . THE EHllA TEAllESTAIAL '""' ..... OllAOOHSlAY(ll ,...,, r!llST 1\000 1•1 "'"' MAO MA X 1"1 HALLOWU N Ill S£ASOH Of Tiff WllClt •• .. .,. 'l H( THING 1•1 .. ' k oc.n a1.a so " Go!CHn C.oi.P l'H.-11, 191·3693 "IT CAME FllOM HOLLYWOOD" "-'• lfl'Cl SOM( lllftO OF ttEllO •• C1•t f I 1i()Ullf0 7NAflONAL LAMPOON'i - CLAll llEUNION 1•1 -"VO\JHQ OOCTOlll IN LOVE o•• 'NATIONAL l AMPOON S CLAll lllVNION" 101 -YOUHO OOCTOllS IN LOY( •• ORANGE Dl11Vf IN ''NITkOOO" ... u. •lllAOlllA."flll .. .. "... ' ... ·~ MISSION OlllVf IN • . . . WARNUl (ll/IVf IN "MONllONOll" 1•1 -•VfllTIHO NOUtta" (l'O) • i t I i J . • • oprano bu Fam d • 1 r NJ<;w YOl<K IAl'I "1'111 :1.1 \'1111 knuw thut ~:v1·1 v h11d y k1111w .. tli.11 a.Qpruno L~1'f>11ty 111• l'r ll'I; 1'UY1< with,, 111 Ir chul·k ll• lwl111t• IHI lfllt•f'Vlt'\\ •. , "f ,I\\ .. ~ath to a.-1k th1· hr.,1 q1ll'i.l111n "I'm vt•ry 11•111ti1111 ," i.tw 1401•' 1111 "1'111 JO thl' m o,'t lllolhlll' )!\,1gt• of 11\Y l\lft't'I But I tl1111'1 11•1•1 11 11 v 11·11,, v111 11hlul 11I H1u1 1fty c:haU1:u~c.: , 1ttv ttppm:ad1 lu my .1rl. than I t•vt•r did 1-~ll'h 111 111 I 11 v 111 IM 111, best I po-..."hh l .111 lw 111 th.it ",,, I thJuk J1t •rh11p!> l'rll tlw Vo>llll)(1 ... t 111•1 "'''' i know " Duru1g tlw lalt• H.1711:-. 1111:1 111d.111111•d OJX'l'Ullt' SOJ11':11111 "lll'lll lllOSt n f h('I llnl1 l(IVllll( l'llfll'l'l h 111 ... 11·.nl of '111g111g Ill opt•r a "ThL' ull11n.111• lui.urv 111 'Utl1''!\ '' 111 do what you \\ .1n l io du l d11 111•t apuhrl{IZL' f111 "' ,111111114 lo d 1111h M'\'1·1.d muun t<.1111:. aft1·1 I h:i\'l• l'i1111h1•d 11111., ..... 111 ~'Y' L.lSl St.'a son. ,1w rl'lurnt•d IP tlw S.111 Franl'ISC.'O a nti l\h-lro!J(>lrt.111 Op1·1.1!\ "·" lhL· u ni v vut .11 soloist wrlh lour m s trum<'ntal v1r1u o-:;1 a t lht· tC>l1•v1!>t•d lllOth unnl\'t'f!><ll'\' t'l•ldJ1'11t1011 11f ll\t' B os t on Sympliuny. sa n g at 1111· Daug htl•rs o t lh1• A11wrwa11 1<1 •\'11111111111 l'Olll't'rt h onorr11g Manan Andt·r~u11 111 W ash 1 ngtun. :Hld mad £' two 1 11n1 l'rt hlUI~ Tht!> sl'.1so11 . I ht• l 1n.i 111 h1·1 1 I sdwdult•d solo rt'l.·Jlab was al 1h1· \\11 1rld'-. F a ir in Knui.vrllt· Ill Sl•ptt•mlwr Tlw first o( 1111\1' t'OllL't•rts with -.v111pho11\' w a:-. thl' Nl'w Y ork PhflhJr111111111 , 1e lev1sl•d gab bt•1wf11 t•on1·t•rt 1lw i..11111· month . H l•r "(~1111 Bh•ss A1111•11t-;1' re('urd1ng will bt• l'l'least·J Jnd !>lw'll makl' anotlwr n't'OJ'd , srng w11h lilt• Sall Lake Cllv Sympho ny as II t'l'kbr:11t•!> 1lw 80th birthd<1y or l'1Jntlu1·1111 M.1Ufll'I' Abrava n <'I. smg in Toronw·., 1ww Ho' Thomson H all ShL• rs w11h lht· S.111 F'r ant•r st~o Opt.>r1t 1hro u g h N ov 14. singi n g M aJ-J mt• l:.\do1n1· 111 "Tlw 'Lad y' best role Lt•unl ~ 111· Pric·c· 111,1111,i.:110 111 1111 I '.111111 ·1111·'· 1111 1>.11 1 '"' '""I-: 111 l'l.1 , \\111·11 1111 111111p,111v g.1\·1· 1 h.11 "I'' 1.• 11' lJ S p11·11111·1·1· Ttw l.1·11111\11• 1'1111· l\1.1111\11 11111 111· l'lllll't'l l .11 tli• t\l"1111pollt.111 ( >p .. r.1 1 ..... 1 M.t1\ h !I \\ 111 ti. 11•lt \ 1"·d I >i~ ~ .111d HCA "' 111 ''""" '"' ,, ... ,,11111g I I 1 I t ,o I t t I I' II' t 1 I\' I' I IJ U I j> I ll l' 1111\\ i-. 111 .1 !1""111011 l11 l1111k l>.l\'k Slit· ol111· ... 11 't d\\ o·ll o111 lh1• ti 1u111µh ., :111 d tnl11111-. l1ur .11 th• w.1' -..h1· • 11111h 11·11•d 1t .111d \\II\ I'" h.ocl l1t ,,, ' h1 ·l11 ·"' "" nq.1h1·\\., ,,, \ :'\I 1-.-. l 'r 11 , .... , , , F11, t t«1111t h1·1 I 1111t~ ht I p.111•111~ .111d lht lhtngi. llll'y t.111~111 111 1 Tllo\ l.1ughl li1•1 l'Olllllltlll LONOON IAP) A l'ad t·my Aw.11d \\1111111 Faye Dunaway sa ys hN t'UtTl'nl rult· 111 1\111 h.1t I W inner's "Tht• W1l·kro L adv" 1s "till' 11nl\ tlln1 l'\1 ever truly en.JO;itl'Cl making:. She said. "EVl•rythmg l'v<· dorw 111 1h1 11..-.1 h.i-. been so full or :mgu1sh. Though th.11\ p.1111\ "" fault, I'm s url' ·· · The m ovrl' 1s based o n tht· trut-''"' , ... t ,, woman who was a rcspc'<:tablt• scx·1t·ly f1gu11· cl1111111.! the day and <• h1ghway w oman by nrgh1 11 " .1 r ema ke of lh<' original Bnush film. "h1d1 ,1.1111·d Margaret Lockwood dnd JeimM. 1\1<1-..on Ounawav won an Osl'<tr for "N1·t\\ "' k' 111 1976 a nd was ffillSI fl'<'Cntlv Sl'l'l1 ;1, J11;i11 ('1,m l111d in ''Mommie D<•an·st " • than v r ~•II •• l'tltt °'"V" .t lltlllt,1\•,\\h.tl i.:11 1 llt'r d1111ugh .. , 111· '"' ,,, r11111~: .111d 11•11'1 tol lllullllltllj.l 1111111 • 11111· 1111111111111111 ....... 11111 r1111""''c1 .. 11011w1 1111111 I !I'\:! tu I !Iii'..! 111 l'.11" M u.,."'\ ( 'h11 .11(11, S.111 .. fitllll'>l •I No•\A. \'111 h , Vu•111i.1 , l ,1111ol1111. S.il1h111 g ,111d M1l,111 "Evt•t v lH klv l11v1·s" w1 11111·1," ,11,. · .. 1v., "l'1•t1µk who h.iv1· 1u1 t ul1'11I .d" ·•Y" !>w111111 .1111und 1w11pl11 w hn tin ,., the• lilu111 \.\,1v tu p111 11 I w ..... t r.111wd \•'I\ W1•l1 111 ,1 '<'I l.1111 t \pt 111 ol111,1, II i._1111' ( 111111111111 '>I'll'>! .11111 11i.11 l(tll llH" thl'ii'iigh Jll 111.11 ~w.11111111.: "I lll'V•'I' j,(tol 111v11lv1·d With lfl(' 11111 ... 1· know 1·i.;1l·tlv whu 111v I 11l't1ol'i ;111• 1u·v1•1 l11ttk ttll hu11rcl .111vhodv \.\ h11 wuultl ... ink 111v fllll•· ho.rt I k1111\.\ 1111 ,,,1111· pc-.1pl1 · I tlicl wlll'll I ,1,111c·d .. 1'1 111• h.1, 11\to,l I ,v j,(llllt' 11 ,1111111 · S lit· r1~·a11, l<wharol T1wk1·1·, w ho·11 lh• y Wl'l'l' 11•1·01d 111~ "Mad.11111· ll11ll1•1 I Iv." 1.ilk111g .ol M1111 h1' lr.ippv l:11111lv Il l•· .11ul l1•ll111g h1·1 ''"' would IM· .1 \.\•111d1 ·1 lul 111111lw1 S lw 1old h1111. "I j,(.1vt• 11 up 1111 lhl!'." Sht• :inrf William War fil'ld rrt:il r wd wlll'n 1lwv ..,t;1rn·J 111 ··P orgv and u .. ,.., .. Ill I h1 · .. :.1 I v I !l;,O ... 11111 ·, , ... y ,111111 "''parall•d .rnd w 1•1t· cl1v111u·d .if11 •1 111'1' 11111lht•f d1t·d Sht· h .i., mat.It• h1'f own l<lrl'r-1 d1·n"""" "I IC'anwd 111 1111• l'arly ... 1;1141• 111 lllY l';H'l'l'I 1'n1 l:x·-..1 al1h• lo fUnl'IUlll 1111 111v 11wn 11•1 m s. s1111·t· th1·y an· 111y p1J'1b 111v v1K·al n11·c.b Thut's what I 11'11 ,vou11gsll·1., now, 'Yuu'11• tlll' 1111lv 11111• who 1·;111 f'IVOI th1· d11t'l't11111 111 1111 l 'ilrl'l'I "Mv h 101 l11·r aud I Wt·n· II""""'" OVl·r~11:h1l'Vt'r' But that':-, all rtlo(hl 111 hav1· ;,m 111>t·r.i and l'tllll't•rl s rng1•r .111d :1 g1•111·ral 1n lhl· famllv Our 111111111'1 ,il\\,1V., told u' 1h.1t lht· tuunt.1111 \\"" ;1lwa\.., UJK'll lo l·oll1~·1 f11 ·'h WJt1·1 • /\, .i lil.n·k arir-..l . Pnu· "'•'"" 1h.o1 MJri.rn Andl·r::.1>11 w.1i. lwr im.pir.1l1u11 AP Wlrepholo Look a Ii ke~ Hohhy Bc·n~on po~•·~ with Kendall Smith, 12 . Rolh will portray O l ympit· c hampion Bill) Mill~ in ·Hunnin~ Rravt'." 01111 1u11 <.11111"11 IJAll y flll 0 I /~olUJL.luy, Uc.tull•JI .!O UJ!t~ WE'RE GOING TO MAKE YOU LAU~GH wldi DAN AYKROYD. JOHN CANDY. CHEECH AND CHONG. GILDA RADNER l.lUI tlw 9irl who '11vi. 111 rtw 9orlll.1 "Be gentle ui9 f.,lld:· clw alil'n who dt·mdnd' "Mar~ rwt•<l' wrn1wn'.' thl' evil '>C'it•nt b t who '''Y' I "J\11 of you <>ttrth11w11 ;m • '>l11p1d" pl • • P1cmly o f f<'l'tMyv lu!>I, Lottd!> o f l·r,1wlinu nl'at11rl!., .md Lot'> of dircv 1Mrh. ... I . ' . ... .. /" " . . I . ~ •I .. 813 'I .. . . •\ ... .. I ... ~ -~ •,i,.. .~ ... " .. " ,, \ :,•, ~1.~ . ' " . ~ ... I/ . -~ . " -: ... . .. . . . . -· ···-· FRI. 7:00, 8:40, 10:15 SAT/SUN. 2:00, 3:45, 5:20, 7:00, 8:40, 10:15 AT S.C . PLAZA edwards SOUTH COAST PLAZA BRISTOL AT SUMFLOWEI 546-2711 COSTA MESA FRI. 8:45, 8:30, 10:20 SAT /SUN. 2:00, 3:35, 5: 10, 6:45 8:30, 10:20 AT CINEMA WEST edwards CINEMA WEST wnT .. t•OTll AT GOLOIH""l\T 644-0760 FRI. 7:15, 9:00, 10:30 SAT /SUN. 1:00, 2:30, 4:00, 5:40, 7:15 9:00, 10:30 AT WOODBRIDGE edwards WOODBRIDGE ·::,·~~.';:~~.~.a..~:::· 551 -0655 FRI. 8:20, 8:00, 9:35 SAT/SUN. 2:30, 4:20, 8:20, 8:00 9:35 AT SADDLEBACK edwards SADDLEBACK PLAZA T ':°o1glC·~llD T~O 581 -5880 FRI. 8:45, 8:20, 10:00 SAT/SUN. 2:00, 3:35, 5:10, 8:45 8:20, 10:00 AT CINEMA CENTER . .., ,. ~, __________________ ::~------------~~~---. from the people who brought you "Animal House!' '""" ""111••J' '·"··r1"~111~0• N A T I 0 N A L I.AMPeeN'S. ' ~1 .$"\.' \ '· -, . . . .. , ..... &9"W""O-.,.....,_,,,... ....... ··~ ....... $1........., &ERRIT GRAHAM • FRED McCARREN • MIRIAM FLYNN • STEPHEN FURST IHEllEY SMnH • ZANE IUZIY ~.MICHAEL LERNER • . CHUCK BERRY w"'l:";JOHN HUGHES "''""'r~ MATTY SIMMONS -. MICHAEL MILLER A 001 aaa...,..., r-L'·' ,., •. , o•u , , .• I, .. , r-R .:~·,·::.:~-:u~~4' JA1 .. .. •OJ.•... t~ ---·~--........ • _. <;,• -•Y • '-" FRI. 7:10. 1:50, 10:30 SAT/IUN. 2:00, 3:45, 5:30, 7:10 1:50. 10:30 AT CINEMA WEST edwards CINEMA WEST 644-0760 FRI. 7:00, 1:'5, 10:30 IAT/IUN. 1:90. 3:15, 5:15, 7:00 I:~, 10:30 AT M. V. MALL edwards MISSION VIEJO MALL SU -0 fWT TO 4ftE r220 CI OWN YAW"J l1'W10 ~ MATCO &I~ ,.. .. 1:00, 1:'5. 10:30 IAT/IUH. 1l45, 3:30, 5:15, 1:00 1:41, 10:IO AT WOODBRIDOE edwards WOODBRIDGE ·:::=:~::..::.c:::r 551 -0655 FRI. 7:00, 8:45, 10:30 SAT/SUN. t:45, 3:'30, 5:t5, 7:00 1:45, 10:30 AT HARBOR edwards HARBOR TWIN HAl•.c:-..:~~AIO 631 -3501 CO,TA ,.IU FRI. 8:00, 7:45, 9:30 SAT/SUN. 2:20, 4:00, 8:00, 7:45 9:20 AT 8ADDLEBACK edwards SADDLEBACK PLAZA 1 ':'01g:~D T~O 581 -5880 FRI. 9:00 SAT/SUN. 2:05, 5:35, 9:00 AT FOUNTAIN VALLEY edwards FOUNTAIN VALLEY HOOIHUIST 839 1500 AT IOIMGB - Local. co unty . state. na tional and mternatwnczl ev ents come to your doorstep aa·11y p·11at in the bright . light and lively ' • Guess who gets stuck with Proposition 11? W.hen t ho~c politician~ drcamcJ ur Prorn· 1,ition 11. rhey probably had gornJ intcn · lion~. But Propo~ition 11 would he a <li~•l'•tcr for tho~c of u ~ who do the ~h opping. There\ the ha~~ic of ~toring all th o'.'\c can~ and hot- rle~. then ca rting them back to th e -.tore. And . of cour~c. those long lines while cu-.tomcr-. redeem their conta iner-.. C RAWLY THING AnJ let\ not forget the mice . roaehc-. anJ ant~ thn~c u-.ctl conta iner~ will attrnct to gro- cery ~tore!'\ and rc~idcn ce~. Complaints to the Michigan Food l n~pcc tion Div i~ion in<:rca-.cd 141'ti wi th th<.:ir Forced Dcpo~it Luw. PRICES INCREASE Costs will ~oar with a Force d Dcpn~il Law, ~o con~umc r~ will pay much more for thei r beverage~. up to $1.44 a ca~c more. plu~ up to $2.40 in deposi ts. . .. . .. .. -- /' ~ I A N ICE "DEA. BUT A BAD PROPOSITION \\-'hen the) v. rote Propn~i tion 11 . they pmhahl) had nil'C inten ti on~. But the) cer- 1a111ly tlidn"t undcr!'-tand the can of worms Propo~i tion 11 woukl he In con~umcrs in California. Vote NO on~ 11 It ju.\t doesn ·,make sense. HI I SATURDAY MORNING 'I 00 9 lJll rl\AM AE l'IJR T (,., MOlllF fti fl • '•tit ' 1 1/'t \ 1H I ho ft.11,f I 'It+ It 1t•lll .~, hi fll\'1 ltfl lftl 1111 ........ I·•' t '"., t t 1 1 11 I,,,, I ,, 1141 !> 15 $ Tllf OOlll BUO l •• , '·' 11• ,.._,u11 I• J f<A fllt hUI I I 1..,,1~ Hfd i5 h •I ••· I I I • '1 lllut.1 fpf • t \I ( .. 5-20 ti HBO MAOl\ZtNE 5 30 0 LAST O~ !HE WILD 0 MOVlf .. , .... t ~,,, ••.l•t , fl 1t Jt• " ""' "'-' 1.,. , •• , .,, n 9 THl WORLD TOMORROW W SPEAK OUT 8 00 0 CAPl .t,tN KANGAROO 0 SERENOIPIT'1 0 TEEN 1ALI\ ~) Ht•llt,11 t °'l'''' 1.,1 9 REX HUMBARD W OOODOAY LA (!) SATURDAY '-40RNING GRAPEVINE 8 PUBLIC AFFAIRS 10 NEWSMAKEAS J91 AGRtCUL TURE U:, A 0 MOVIE ... ' 1 , .... . , . . ' r1 Hlf'll".'lo ,,, Ir: r I-;,, A \ .-" lJ 1,: 1n t . t'>fl110t'1 I I t111•,.. l•'lUG fl•l"" 4"-" #rfMI \;I +•.;.tu-. to •PC t• •sh• t t~ t '" • ,.,.. 1f1t11 .... t t1o, !. lo \J' lr ... Jt.llt •• $MOVIE • • fit t 1., ~"I 1lt f'J ... 1 M·u~ l •·~lt•r .•-. , '• c; •"'l-tlr-8tt'.t• S Of H ,, S' 17 > ... \nt~ I S.->AP.11 A ' , u , 1~0 d..,... .. 5, M('I) (ht.ti.-1 f-w hnf'P .. ,r,.ro·n\.t'' "' '"' J1"'~rst"' •1111rn~,, Z MOVIE • • • Pu''"' tu '1'4thJ, R:otun W11t1.•m5 ~f1ut1f''t Ouvau '/Vf\&Jtt ~o•r1..n nq '"' r'i•~ ta1ht'' tht• 'Pt1•d1..t1 ,_. tt 111g -.iltlnt wiSlh d !JU l l\t hdmte1 wntHf~ h~ 1 1r ~ vo a rounC1t1flg t.tnd ,,.. '""° sweet ht!rH 1 P(, 6 30 0 THAT'S CAT 0 PACESETIERS 0 GROWING YEARS D VOYAGE ! f ISSUES UNLIMITED W ELEMENT ARY NEWS 6 VOICE OF AGRICULTURE 10 IT'S YOUR BUSINESS J9' NEWS C MOVT£ .. Play A,. .. \ A ' ti(-I'! ,... 0 l1l1,~ S•t H MOlllE •• ·~ ... , f:t., l ua rr .... '\A I ,,... ft l•~ I '' ... J ~ "" ' r ' 7 00 0 OUST'!' S TREEHOUSE 0 J9 THE FLINTSlONE FUNNIES 0 BIO BLUE MARBLE 0 10 SUPERFRIENOS 0 DAVEY .<,NO GOLIA H• f CHARLANOO W LATIN TEMPO (!) FIRST PERSON fil YOGA FOR HUL TH 6 INTERNATIONAL HOUR ED FURY f;JMOVIE • • 1f c" Jo rill' :...-....11v f.l\llo Tt\cmo1or. A( f'lCO,., 'T'!Or CO,.,.• 8t111t f p.,,p 1(.1\ 131~ n~ '*'0f"I V'\ v·i,~r <r C-rt''"'"\ ,, Ai.'"• ,.. .-.t 1•n ltt·, f niJ ""'"" S>A•0tllj • &'10"'C r "\ qr J9'•n' anc: 1· an.-"~ w ,. • "0 f' QM rnatft 1 30 0 PANOAMONIUM 0 .39 THE SHIRT TALES 0 OR SNUGGLES 0 TO PAC-MAN I LITTLE RASCALS / RICHIE RICH Q OAVEV ANO GOLIA TH ~ JOB LINE W TWICE A WOMAN a;) CONTEMPORARY HU L TH ISSUES 8 00 0 Gill t0AN'8 PLANET 0 JfSMURFS 0 MOVIE • "' Coll O• The Canyon 119421 r,,.,,9 Au!ry A C<lW boy comes upen a gang r.f 8111" •uatlera h1d1ng ou1 in a canyon 0 HOTFUOOE "J SUPERMAN W I DREAM Of JEANNIE Cl) SATURDAY MOANING QRAPEVINE fD AMERICAN STORY f ' SPEED 8UOGY ED MOVIE • • Alf $1,1111tfl 19~~ R1cna•c1 °""'•no <:;10•·11 Jean A c.ommeodfl• mu\1 l)<l><IUCf' II •UCC.11$\ful ! gh!. ·"9 unu out ,.,, i\ '"' '°ultd· ron 0 MOVIE * • .<, HllPP"'""O In H•m9!or• 1'17~) ln11 llP~ ,1ory of "'" O•&d p,1>41' who rtds a ••ll"lj!' 01 .1, l•Hk~ r<>Cl.,,11" retotel O S SHOAT PICKS I l uol.1·r ( \\ illia 111 ~hat 111'1 .. ,·;1n·lt1• .. fu1· all a1hl1·li1· 111,111 '' l1u L.., alta1·ki11,.:. \\ 111111·11 111 ··T .J . 11 .... 1,,., ... 111111: .. :!11 ;II H 1111 "\Bt (7 ) n ... '" , I fl 'I 10 D uuos !llJNN• '~10.t,0 HllNNE~ 0 10 P.t,C MAN 0 Wllll W'LOWORLO Pl .<,NtMAlS 'I VOYAuE ro THE U0 lrrOM OF THESU. W HOO.t,N S HEROES tl ME.t,TBALLS & ~f·.t,GH[ ITI ( ML'lllE .. ,, l'•'. ><MOVIE " ,.,, ... '' . ' ., 'i M0\1E ', It•' '"\J.t4 _! li1 .. .a • t "'' ' ,,.. ''''A f,. S, f<J'lt(\f ... 9 00 0 LEAVE IT TO BEAVER 0 10 MORK & MINDY I L/IVERNE & SHIRLEY 0 TEEN TALK '' t '" ~ .. ~ ~•V\. Gr J·,h .. "' W M'SSION IMPOSSIBLE ID ERNEST ANGLEY ill BtG BLUE "'4AABLE ff) FOCUS ON SOCIET'f 8 NCAA TODAY (;}MOVIE ... .. '"'fl fjrp 3t ~~ I r~ ' ·~ .. o e~-:tP. 1• "'J J 0tti~f\ Jfl Tr,,p.,.. t .•u~' ~ oa,,... ~·P<u I ... , 1~ ..,,. !O Qf!I lhfl • ts ., .... ,...._.. •• ,., ... I • • ... • C , \l..j~ ng " .,,. r.a • fl )() 0 BUOS BUNNY I ROAO Rv"INER Q J9 THEG.<,RY COLEMAN SHOW 0 OU tE ANO HARRIET 0 WILD WILD WEST 0 MOVIE • • t. • .,,,. t r 'fv""P ... d .,. CPt-J ">r .•. '' '' .\ , •J' q an rn~, ,,.., ,., .. h ~,,... ""tb'1ut ;\ ' ,~ t ., 11• , ,iri ar10 t'" ,~ .... l ltld J"~''"Q' fI) HIGH FUTHER e<. 1e QO'l~ on t.-.t· J1t11I lo o~'l ...,.,,,~nl 1 • 1 • .. , ilJd1f.t)O for tial Ui) FOCUS ON SOCIETY 8 NCAA FOOTBALL C'.) MOVIE • • ,. .,,·ut1de' Pass .s ::: ' •·\... '*''" Oorotn., ,. " .\. .l ... i~r,man ltl-e'-' t • • • ..-t ""'" tflo Seit er\ ., ... j-'"0_., ot f"d1an •O 00 0 J9 tNCRE04BL£ HULK AMAZING SP10£A-MAN 0 SHANA NA 0 10 SCOOBY& SCRAPPY 000 I PUPPY 'in RODEO r •US.A (!)BOB JONES fil THIS OlO HOUSE t• r 1,/11 t 51ara to oemo11~r- ",.. •r1 ., •tc,..en a,..d J"'"""' rne Old \ll!ilP 1""" ,,, ,, con1rac1or ({:) ELECTION '82 0 PURLIE M••lt11 Moore. AOOflrt fil'11 1 1 imf"I anC1 Stte,mnri •;•"""'"'..,., are reatur.-.d tn a t "''nrrf'lance of the tut ~· 1dway musical bast>d e> O"lfl Oav11 ' 01a~ 1 '"''flt V1ctor1ou1 $ JAMBOREE IN THE HILLS tt .r • r Bowl 0 1 Cou'11r, M J4J t: Thi\ Uf\IQU«! COv,, , •• f'!"IU testlY81 , .. .11Utt'15; '*''" t ,...... ew•9 RtJr;n e .,. 11ii:ll C: lr Pprf. fl'\ ThA ,. ,., ri 111\ .'H d HPlfll'n C,c;.t Z MOVIE • ""' L 11 " St p 01 H "'' f41 146 \1 JAC.illf!' Jr•tfl1Jt· ;1ur'hllh11n Huf! A ' ,.,,,01~.,,. '" Ii Oon•I •h C d"""ftlt')D~ ~ t."100411 h1r ~·, pl.)fo1 10 30 0 MEATBALlS & SPAOHETTI 0 SHANA NA 0 MllVt~ •• ......... 'l.J: ....... _, t I \ thl t ;\ \\ H f111f t•f lrl 't •11 • t ''ii 1 I 1111 ". '• ,, •l ID Tl1f "jl)~~.lRER q APPAlNll(..[ f I) I I lltolhlt 111 IJ 1 I~ ' II" I utl jl OHS ,, I fl,•'" \ tt\ 1U d •hJI ,j ED [\/lRY(JAY COOKING WITH J.t,CQUES PEPIN .. •• I J I q .. 1•11 t/t, !'lfJ' I t • I j llf ~ 1 t 'l 111•• I 'I I l l'I IJ C. MOVtf •' I I .. ' H MONEY MATTERS ••• , J '• ' ''' 11. t '• II I:. ''It, !'tt t• I' I ' ' .• r.~ ' (!}MOV•E ... I'" !t 1 '"'• ~, l!\1tlH J .. ll'~ , ._;;.,,.., .. ,.,, , .. "t• U '~ ll ti.•1l 'I t1 Ar1~lv· "J t. J1 ... , ,, fh' w ,u \ I,.., II) frf " 'f'•~ I 1l·~llH ~ ~ ! I• I , ._ +• ..... 11 00 0 KIOSWORLD 0 J9 THE JETSONS 0 AMC:RICA S TOP TEN 0 10 WEEKEND SPECIAL ft.,. •111 V'il•lh f '11' A I !I f jl i \t j,..fl,") U II ',, • I I ·" ''''""('' t ' • ., t•l 1 •1 tlll1 f HttVW•'t t,.,~ •I ~ I ,. ' r ,.,. W SOUL T 0 AAIN ID MOVIE fil '-A•CROWAllE COOi\ ERV ({:) GROW•NG YEARS (!)MOVIE ... I I I(; . ,.,. I -.•t f1"''•',.' r,. . II A '"'" t fl '•"fl'· "'•" F '",' H• ~ '' , '•HMj ., ,.,..,, .iff .,,,,,. .. , ' ' ,,,, 1,t1,t•h1d 1• ,11 '*' , I P• ti \v"' l ,,,., /1•1 H BOXING S BEST JACK DEMPSEY 11 30 0 NFL WEEK IN REVIEW 0 FLASH GORDON 0 0 GRANO PAI)( OF All· STARS 0 10 AMERICAN BANDSTAND II "40VtE • • H O ltqf 1't.t 1 At•t II t'10 fu I :-> •-'\ A q tnt;\h.of .. "'"" .. • '"' \J .1~ t fi.Jtl ar~ fil MAGIC OF OIL PAINTING ({:) OROWtNO YURS .l+ 1932 LOS ANGELES OLYMPICS REVISITED > 11 d, •.•• th~ ••• ' 'It• m I 'r~ ",.,.nt\ ot S WACKY WORLD OF JONATHAN WINTERS G..1fll'v '···l""•trt Z MOVIE • • • 1 t.i•iyr 1 l'48r1 R.lt:•r /', 1 tm'\ '.,.hl'tlM) ().J·~•ll A,t t• '•~ ll(fllO'J '"' n1 f 1''" •' 11 •• '\C)IM;'tCM f\01 1nQ ~ ' • ,..,,,,._ /'I Qutl1n1 ,IM1'lh0f ~, ••tP h'-' LJ1U1,, up '1 fO+HH1 '•Q .,,o • l\k1nn~ "\w••f'Uu~ tft f'f, AF'TERNOON 12000 NCAA TODAY 0 ATONE Gu"'' M ,.-1 IC" I '' """ .,,,., d '*"" ,,,, ,,, [ ""' W!l~I I 1~yA•1 0 THREE STOOOES 0 MOVIE • • •1'11'1 R1dA~ A H ' 1• l'<f1!1t l t'<I V•n ( t"li·I J t n Ph 1110 l fl"" >11r-,,-., ' t0•1no mao teta •' r ,.,,., q• tt"lf' ruthle•t "1•1t(IOf). I "'' filtnlly P\~ "' n '"'"'"' onf) t)f 1t10 ~ ·~1''' hlft fin01 ,.,.., r &n I \l''l rtir ~1.1t-• ""1th h1\ pion W MOVIE CHANNEL LISTINGS r """""~" Of rh11 Mas lt1t ~ 1 I A 1uunq ""'"' m\Jll J11uv•• ,,,,11 hA 11 couro QN.Ju .. hflforft ht; r 9n stert Ir mw1u m lhf' mattu•I art1 fD WOOOWRIGHT'S SHOP - 0 .. ,.~ f I 1'' @ l'Nlll NIH 0 k1 t /\ ,, ... , U "AllC •/\Ill 0 l"I Ml! l II • 0 1r't•J fV llr11t G) ~( ,1 f/\tl' O)ll'ffVtU•fl ([) I" ( 1)1' I 11 ""'' ECll'C(lfl'h\ K(>c,;l l f'U!>I u '" t\I I I r.; u HtUl ,,,,' i,Nt 11 fl f "4 , 11 'IV I ll t .,. (} "ttc•lloJ''' (4) I tllf1 t-11 /If'\ f'J•IW11••J Any ,, .. N•mOIA Roy 01! Uu•c ~ ttow lo""" A de"d trAA 1ntu " c.•nttt" ttAna, furn1no !fir>• on a apr1rt9 1101111arn~ t.A•vlnQ • 11bnote ll>Q• ({:) OF URTH ANO MAN £ 'klmOI 1 .... Al The Top 0 1 Thl'W'lrld H MOVIE • • • On11 On One ( t 977 t Rob Uy• Bena on Ann•ll• 0 Tool• A bOy wf\O QOM 10 cotieo. OC1 8 t•••ilwU1•i. .. t1ult11t•h•t' t• Wlott-.tt•I h~ tH• I u•u h -.. &uh•d hr tu• h•hu ••~• u .... 1 11, lh~ hrM•• fut i:h "'"'" t w fh•••n t•u I M()Vlf • • htllll• ,,., t hat•n•t• I ..... II AldU A ...... M•tl1Jtf• 1 t f* ll•r A •et+•• u t Ulf•Ufl 1hH _.1j,lt11l•t1u11 1 uu•tt• .. »111 "'°l•t~ftl h1 9U'\l•t<lt f 0 I .. t ti.ti I ~ll 1htuyhhlt I tf • ·••l•Jt •h•1I Hupltt 1• II••• .... ~ l1t11 I l11l1t "'",..... ··~I @MUVtf • • • h1.1l.1t1o1n 1. lfm llu111 11 I I It'>/) 1001 t1•u1tiu ... 1l•l1 l1oi1ti "'""Y I !Uthf fllflllilky k1U1'0lil:~,\­ d1.Ull w "1111\1 .. IU "~ 1.un fHU , ..... 1 .. tt ' "'Utt /\ rtuwn fitll" io hi-. ltoutl! 1"1111 u t1011r,.,,,.. fur1u Ar our11t lfu, '""''".,. Ah (uuuvtu"'nry 1J1t1 ~ hHllUl~• fluthla moriy 1m11•.. ',111l1ml I fut ~.1ulw A H•llltr•U d1Jvu11tuto'\ 1?3000 lO NCAA FOOTBALL fD GUITAR WITH FREOEAICI( NOAO I ht • (Ju~f•WdHJ •,1ur ({:) OF EARTH ANO MAN 1u1J1 • A l1hu1uu't H11rn1u ., Ot 0lJl•o')i1l'~ C MOVIE " • 11·1111 h u ! 1\l"U t tv•tt Jrift'i~tjf1 I ,.,~ Mw c.1nh• ffttt.6t. .. ~f•Ultifmt 1 lut1l·to' 'httllttUQt! tt11 ''" £'' t ,f d ~k1llud tt•I\ ... uu lu.JJh 0 MOVIE • • • NH. holo"'i. N1ch.lttC\y I.,..,'• lh••tti... Uooo LH\Jlh ll,U\J\llltt ..,,.. (:)d')•HJ on "'" t '-•'• .u t•v Ctrnd~~ Ou, t.ttn~ A ynUH\J l,Ht tJtlt.tf•1i.;t211 tu l•t11h•c I h1~ tum11y ,,oro ..,n '"''lo~ wu .. httO 1rttlutJ11ut I 00 0 WESTERN OUTOOORSM AN 0 Tt1E MUNSTERS Ht•11111111 1~ nw\taktm tor a mon~tut whttn he takus u w 11~ 111 lhe h>< al pa1 k 9 AMERICA'S TOP TEN (!)MOVIE Ill • J.lt\,uHr>n'\ Ot f ht-Au~ Mw~uv ( 19~41 KtHI Mttl ,f1111 Ptllt11..1t1 MPdlnd A t ,.._ ... , '' 1(Jdfft 1Hlli "'-. f1An t•t• l. •ll>HHI t \t.HH~\ 01 fil NOVA '""M m& M -•nf"T lhe ~.,nh .hl''"Y uve1 tt1e pus I ,, , I hot um1puters may t ht"' lhe t.dl>dC•lr tu rr•1m1C th~ hun1~n m1nu is €h8 ,,,.,,(J{J 01() ({:) OCEAN\JS· MARINE ENVIRONMENT 8 SPORTS SATURDAY •( ht),J,J .. J live c.o._erag.: t lh•• ~•,..,. l(Jr Cumacno M11l¥1n Pt.tut lO~rouno hgn1 ...,...,,g, 1 t1ou1 conttnueci u-.~•dl)l' 01 tile G•ea1 Poo1 '=inu\Jl Out J9 SPORTSWORLO ~r.rwciureo h•ghilghts of ""' 611!1sn Molorcyc1e fa1Jhd Prl): l frOm Silver \lone fngtandl c<:we•age it Hitl r ruot1e1 Cay' RodttO 111 '''" Pru~con Afll 1. cov· ,., .l4e o r 1htt womt)n s Wflrld Pro W,1-,1 Wrost1~ng "-Otn1J\!llhCH1 ED MOVIE • • fhct1 '-My Man 1 •«•71 Oon .t,m.,che C.it""""e McLeoO A Qam t ''*' '><.c1'e" succ.ess as a ''ttb ltt -UiNftEH but l;uts ~-a '111\tJano 1 30 Q FREE-4-ALL 0 F·TROOP 0 qourt..@ and Agarn uu.tQn ,,om th@ Airmy to l•.-CC·m~ land promotf!tS + SOUL TRAIN ({:) OCEANUS MARINE ENVIRONMENT @MOVIE • • • qO)dl WeOd•OQ 1t1~' f rtMJ Astaire Jane Powe11 A "iono-and·danc.@ team QIVM 8 perf<>rm&nCf! m frigl•nd at lt'Ht 11me than Oue..n E!lzabf!lh II is pvt. ,,,,q the final touches on .,m m&t"mon•e• plan& Z MOVIE • Hallo"'""" 11 1198 1 I Jum•e l l'tl Cvrt•s Oonalel Plt>AWntti .., hopelessly 1n":UJn~ rnutd~'tt' tont1nues n1~ re•gn or 1enor 1n a $mall 1own R' 2 00 0 1932 LOS ANGELES OLYMPICS REVISITED • 100"' a1 Or'I" ot 1ne mn~1 J•nmatic spqn~ ev,,.nts of lt'lt§ c eintury 0 GILLIGAN'S ISLANO ,1t gJf1 cJ scoverSi an tn'-¥nl Stone tR~let ''' ti t.•r.-tt1stC>f•C. cave 0 GRIZZLY ADAMS "' oM cnvoa• c.ob s1311o.eo ht d l•ac·per and a oeck ot -.c. l•f'~ becomes tt\e • "<I 1 a e1espera1e ~~arch b-,. Gt1111v Adams and Mao Jae"' m MOVIE • • , r~ l' G•eat S•ov• M.1uac•e 119651 Josepn Celli>" Pn•hp Carey C1J~tpr ~ lrJ~t stand and tnft f°'V~nt'\ W"iCh lflj(I 10 If ll'WIJIV~ it b&n<t Of r Q1ding 'nc111~n\ t!J MEN OF LSU A hqnlhtiarttld took '' tak· (111 al ,om& ot the more t.olor lul fans of Louisiana 51111" Un1vt1rs1iv s llQtl• f1101bal11oam ({:) AMERICA THE SECOND CENTURY H MONEY MATTERS '"•S lasl-PAroo ooc.umen- 1My Olf'"' W8y5 10 58¥9 meonPy on IOil'Ph009 bills. 8 h'l<lk •I 111g sallls ano somtt m1ur&l'\Of!I 00tnte,1 S MOVIE • • • At!a1rs 0 1 Oob•fl Gill" 119531 Oebb•I! Af!y notds Bobby V•n Two tOllf'OI' ~Ids ••Pet•en(fl • ~"""S OI lightneart&d esca· IJllOH 2 15 0 MOVIE • • -. HUM Warriors 11977) R8nely Ou810 C.har!"' Whllfl Eag!" A 13 yfla• o•o fnelt•n boy nhamed ot blti"O recog- n1111C1 H • ... ,,,or. !H rna in 1oprec•ele hit heritage A!lnr •lllllng hit atck ~nelf11l1flf G 2 30 0 OflLIOAN'8 ISLAND The men leAr'l lh•I Marv Ann s boylrlend llu m••· lied 1111othllf girl 191 800 A'llmlt&d F•1th.1r9d mon· at••• OrecutA, F•Ank•n· atetn •no '"" Woflmert .,, 101ned by gue111 01onne W1rwtck 8n<I Alp h yl(H In lhlt HAI~ l~lel m WNT£A'8 WOMIHOP Guetl Tom WOiie '1i) AMlAICA! THI HOOHO ClNTVf'Y ClllllHOOA TOBI TOPPERS l\N:'-\'1 I I • '" l '1 11 I ( '1 II, tlll 111 '"' \ • I l.dl1 •\\\I 'I I· ' ' t I • t • I • I •I I I l I' I ' I I . • " ~ I •, I • l 1 • ••• 1 1111 11 • .111,,111.111 . ·s11"" \\ I 11I1 ·'"" I .. 111\ .1111 1 1111 'I 1.111q1 1, I I \ 1111,, 1111 1\11.il1• 1111 I I.ill••\\•• ri ('.11 11 1• fl, l1f,11 l\f.il 11 It l\11 ,\1111 II!,, 1111:, ,111d l\tll \\'1 1.11 1,., I 1111 1111 .1.!1 11 .iltlllll~' fl•df\ \\>111d I I lo l•t 1111 I\{ 1-:·1 l .'.i\J llJ IHI '11111 l d1 d ,1 I d ltd• I'" I 111 ,I 11 ' I I 11 l ; • .i .. ' . I· II "I I •• \ I II I '· It I '11111• ". 1 •.•• d 1111 I l11111:l.1 ,\d.1111 -,, llttlj' 1111111\ 111,[ 1111 1111 f ,1d11 I 111 C MOVIE • • A ' 11 .• , ' ..... ( ,,,, ..... ,. Af, .,, ~o•ilh At t tr"'' U•tf I 11,1ff1•tt '' 1n1t •l•I ff i t l'•t•1 N•lf 11 11 II If lf,U)f d 1• H MOVIE • • t•iJt I) I !f 11 Ii Wt 1 • 11t~ll o .. , "":Jll""fr !"'" .,,,., f'vh• A 'll•t i•••t 1 d1 .. 11 ;,tlfl ... , ..• "'''' '1 I , '\.•If 11 OH• ...... t,h•t' 11 " , 1'-11 Ohl Wt~-.t t 11, 3 000 MOVIE • • M h! Mc ltf t•.,,1., 11•n1J Ar111t1j•h ' ./ ,1, "', 1 '11..,111) (hllrtl fl 11~.,.. •I H f 1.u1~ • 11"\111111 .1111j ! 11 11 .,1.1 rtlt• ftiU01hto1 w!ll r11 h'~'r'I' t111tt M 1 Hv•lt; ,H ,1 ··~'°' 01 f11H11·H 111/;jrlfl I ••li1IJ1 1f11111 0 KOJAK 1t1 ... P'"'"~ • •1 C+Ht I ., H11• m,Htlt•f n l •I hu111Jl111,. hllfl' 11ul 1n ht• 1,11'H•1 1•Jttf (!)MOVIE .. ' M.1"''"' f rtt, I 41t u Ut , ~' Jlfj') , ,,, !-1 j l·f·t'"' I t•t~ N11~11I (,1010• P. C.1 ... 111 JI '' Htil 't Ulhtil ' 0.t •ft( ;'I. I JI J .H ii •t•t•rt ' , .,_ d ~•I , t. •1 tr1' "tt1'\r~rrt rf'\f1Q310r ·~ ., c1t• tel mu1 fil SCREENWRITERS WORO INTO IMAGE [h.!dh\. p, .. ,., ,, 1• ... r lt-U'•)' p,,,,.,. J•'t A~'·t..I' I ·•• "~ ,J h ''' .. t• 11 • ff "•Jh..ng ({:) SEWING POWER 8 WONDER WOMAN Wr•r1tJ01 We ,.,-,un ',-. ••C.. C\Qliifl ,f tu·o.-. tl l ;tr,i1ur .. •I' Pflt•my HQtH\l 1f.lttr IUtJ ¥r10 10f" f•UOO•lll pl~t )1.W itl(~ trm ... <1 w1tn J 'tt<'ttl 'utmu lu lnat c oolCI tlf•")tr oy Ow U'•1tt'd Stt•lt•\ l 9 MARY T'fLER MOORE Molt\' find'\ '"·"'"*''' itt• ArlnpH'tfl• mr•t'1vr I tw1 n(•1qht1m \ 'hlllJ ED MOVIE • • ',11r1g Pt 1 r1_. }L1••f H,1110 I' 44'1 ,, t• p, AAll I d\J.tl f1P•1.f•'' A ,, ] \I" ·• , •' ]'1.1•''~ , ., ..... ,, f \ htf 4 I 11·" t I 1 h " @MOVIE • • II r~J r t•'-' A I 14 JM Tl•(' 01y 11'11 i 1''711 Tooy Cufl1'\ Sltl )' .-1•11e'"'..l' Bum(A; \) 1ut ,,.,U 19 t''~ A f\\1 U[ I •I t .... f: I ( ~ ••fll } ••• Z MOVIE • • C.'~" I " Ry-1n 0 ,._4t"J P.t •••• ;., tt •• , ~I •1'\fln~-r IP'1:l t "l (jiff ttl1tom;..t '' t· t t ~ u't'I "mPO<. otn f•m•H t ~rr I J glttt .r)t ,. I tt 1f'\r.o lf•,,..,t PG 3 30 0 SPORTSWORLO Scn.--oulpd P'tu.J,,l1~r11 1t '"" B1111~h Mr 1n' , IP Grand Pro· drnm S v1•1 \IOne (OQh\n(11 r ·1o1nr,t~•· o r lhtf r '~"""' D·•)''-n11iJ,:Ot1 1rrom p,f',<.ntt Ar 1 1 1 r1v f'rltgf..o ("jf IJ'IH 'fi't ),,.,t'll \ World Pio Wn'\1 Wtt•,11 '0 e,omp8tl11or1 q LITTLE HOUSE ON THE PRAIRIE l ,.ur J tu "0" r ,m" i ,, • Al •u l •ti\ ~Ot\1 I , .t '-.. ' fil WORLD OF BOOKS ({:) SEWIN<l POWER )9 BOB NEWHART fl r I' It 1r•#i .,. ., • ""'It 11'1 ~ $ WILD BABIES tt-c j, • t l "·•",..,.. 1 ,, ,,.. l "'' ' ... , ... 4 00 0 SPORTS SATURDAY Srt11~ult''1 twf"' •Qt' 1f lhfl Ht"(I , ( -t" t , MPl'tfl,,. P tul 11 •our 1 ~r·t 'hft•Qhl t•C•ul re nt1'' t-J C..O~ftr dQ6 of !ht •'" If r 11 Shout Out 0 Nl'L MA0"21NE 0 MOVIE f ""n Ot ,>Q ,, , J '"''' Aoa•n•I H1n T1QfH Ii A QO".t rtl10ft Anl1 ~tl1 r1{tp'-'•d O"'Uf 1. f ""'r"lmAt' '""' 1t1n 1f\Cfl"'t•vft) tr·" IV¥0 g1"1011<' cun" "'oi.•nU)' m MOVIE • • • • A r unn't J "'''0 Hoppflnl>d On 1t1t• Wll~ lo The F D•um 1af•ti ;,.,Cl Mn•lllt PM ~.,.,.,. In ancient RomA d C*'""f'' slO'Jf' otort :i h1l1rt<'u1 and , lttr,,., 1no•"•ou1 m--!)n• .,, f'l\Clll>e horn h • mn•I"' fil COMPUTER CHRONICLES ({:) WAITING FOR A REASON lhfl P•P4" Of De! n•t•O"I ,-STAA TREK Tht> f ntflfprlH p+cl\• up II strenga puaeno•• '" Chertlt Evens the 1on11 survivor or "' tr•ntpOll c.r ••h 14 ye Art earlier @ THE AOCKFORO Fil ES Wnen Roct. lord 11 hired by en tntur•nc• comp•nv 10 chec~ oot an arctoen1 ClllfTI hf! uncO•l'•I • gun· running Gnl)er th'1 m•kH him the 111roe1 ot 1>01n lhr unelerwo1IC1 nnd f11c11H111 1g11n1• 1'i!MOVIE • • "Lotty MICIOnn• . ( 111731 Roel Slttgflf Ro~I Ryan A level t<UPll .. h.,, the Gul•llllte •nel 111e Fe•the11 moelttn d•V moonlhlnen tay cf111m 10 lht Nmtl per~ of 111nd O•MOVll • •·~ "TM Quml>8'1 Rel ,, . ""' '* . ·' , .. ~ ' 'I , II ... " ' ... ' 4 :lO 0 OREAT~ST SPORlS lCGENOS ""'' 1·1' •l "'u•• ftt I Q AT rHE MOVIES If 111 t r1 I 11, tu•11, .. f. I' • 1f ' I l•tl o II J "II~ HlliH•t , l,11• ""'Ill• .. ill HARO CHOICES lh•.1lf Ar ti {111111; A•\ ,., ~·" I 1111111 c I th•• q, \tt!lll~ nlt•t 1•.,1 ii• l>1tl!f•t I• I •rf•1t·~ 1~11t ,,,,11Ju 1tl 1•th1c •, 1. µtt- ({:) WHITING FOR.<, REASON '••fl<l1 'u·, C MOVIE • • Ar '"til ;,..,,. f\, • .,, t ~ 1 I < t 'I \ t ' ( j ,, 1. ••I•" l ••.11-'''" J J..'r .,.. H ft· Jh• O' ti r .a ~·olJ•l•tl Ca H THE RAINMAl<FR 1.,, J.t, t ••. , J rr n-1, did h it!· t" ..;II \t J' •' U,t• t-o Sl+l.f1rtllJ t .... 1-..r1 C1 t, 1li 11 Jf 1 t,.-01...t<•I •' r • •' ...,., r.,,u111 ,,,.,,. ,. '' ·•' )t"t••" ,, l f, ... , ,,,._ S JAMBOREE IN THE HILLS II ,, •• , A ,_... ,, M 1j • ft"' un -'.Jv• \Y r1 Jr, rrtv (. fA~1l>utl lf'rth,Jrt-'., ,,,,, l ••1'" ... t'""~' R 111ri r '~ ~,,~ (. lrl P(•tlli m\ J,. ... ,. •·r '-•• ••'•J ._..,.1 ... r t f+1•l1v9Jt !> 00 0 RAIDERS PLAYBOOt<. 82 0 HAPPY DAYS AGAIN t,11• f l1tlflHl~t11tITI I Jl~C,,f-' '• ,., 1r 1n1 •n 1111. ''ll~ff" tq t.11•,t'-Ulr· 11ct I 1·J.-' ~ •H 'J.i ,,,, Al 0 MOVIE II MOVIE •• r '"' r ,.l .. 1 ... , '"' .... , • 11 P•·· A W••.t!Ui, l. ;.j,' r ~ M ,m • .,,,,,,,, ,, J 1 1;im~1,.1n11t Mti ' • t.: ,,.,. ,.. .... ,...,~ hn 1\iS moot:, \A '• n, • ., o ... ot,1 ... ~ .,,,,,.,1t· a -Nd Ito• ,1o. .. "g tnS1tuc tc• ID SOLID GOLD m AnORNEY GENERAL'S RACE 6 M 'A"S•H .... ,l ' •••t)'1 B t ff.OJ .. t '"' ~ t' 11 U"t.l' ~t 10 NEWS (!) SECRET AGENT 0"'40VIE ' '•t-Jt' ,.. ii. 1tP .,c u'Ot A ,. •"' ... ,,.d .. ~., " Jt•rof,.)11 f j.&l t'J tH-. • "II ')l.P1.J ,. ,\ 4-1n1~1Pt ,t)'"I ''' ••' 'l1•J·t' n~ '°''"' CJtJt •nQ .1 •1 ._._ rn•Hltrl trt11n t•d•~ J·(, l MOVIE • • • P1Jpt1,... I 11.J~OI H t '" Vv1li·nms St e1t.~1; .t ,.;tll (,ti I•• .. earct·1r>'4 • ,, ' ~ ' 1tnt•• lf"I(' "p~nac,., Attl r _. ~ tile t .. 1t•I"-..t OuiJ•n' I t"'\1t.1I -.t'"'l' f tt OICk'IJ up • f dltnQ und J si.. inn, ._"", .... ,,,e,tr1 PG SJO Q NEWS 0 LAVERNE & SHtRLE'f &COMPANY .J .eu •· fd !. f ' .. ma1 1111•tt' 1 "l t t.tr'-'""'c but ,, -. "~~ Sh, th s rie,r ,.. Af I Q1•1 a t.1.11t "' tr fil CALIFORNIA JOURNAL 8 ALICE 10 MOVIE •• t on11uf'SI LH ,, 1, ... ,qr'\. A a f~r bi 'l0••1 fr11 F-1Pm·ng A""'"' nrtt0r' '""'ttar~ ' J 'ilt.~1,.\,t1,..Ul.tt 1ourfle~ t• r I [ &Vtfl 1n •J n ;tn n1,t ,,., \ tlPfltlP EI) THE PROTECTORS EVENING 800 0 6 CBSNEWS 0 J .. NBCNEWS 0 MOVlE • • • 1 h~ Attom•nAf°ll@: 01 Ph1b••S I t971 I llH'Cflnl r· "' Jolt>Ph Coll!!" AllP• 1t,•• death or n1s \lftfe a •Sew: ln-r t~1s comoe1ted to r·un1~h lhP m•n tfllSP<''151 t1t.-o BEST OF MIONIOHT SPECIAL H '\I l Att)' Hagman r,.,.-~1s 011 .... 11 N~wtoo '"" \.lot! R•< hiltd R0<I Slt>,..llrt Rt'lle M•Clfer •~~·•rt J An.,a ruck,., Georg11 Burns MM•f' Os~ m THREE'S COMPANY J&<:t. let.es • P•rt·llme tot> "' the no-S/'lop man "Jlf><I by J11ne1 W MOVIE • • '• 'Mallbu BHch t 19781 Kim Langford J"mea Oeugllton A beau llful remele lfl11gu•rd become• lhe 01>1ec1 o• a 11vntry bfllw941n two young m"n 11 ft Southern Cntlfor n10 b4'P<;h R fD WllO AMERICA Wtld Ooga M atty Stoufter took• " Ille rolH and soc1a1 11rucH.1re ol 111e e1ome11te aog • wild centne CO<Jstne • the wot!, coyote 11nd IO• '1i) W<>f'lD OF 800tC9 m Al,IAtlMITHAHO JOH($ .. C MCIVtf ... ... I 0 Miii/it ......... •, MtJ\tlf 1111 6 I t i ,, 1,, •t ,. It t1n1, A ; , 11' '1111 I ,., il>1• "' 1' I !If 1 I jl h ' ''I I ii I • '' I II IU 0 0 h 19 I<! W'. 0 MAllf Tq(I< M HllH t •• ,,1 " ' " W A111r ID Wll f "' 1111 .,.. 1111 • ~ <;r<f.A.~l'ltt\/llW' ... f 00 0 IN ')( AW 11 JI Q Ft{JHT tjAI I' ... 0 70Nl()( A!'''' 0 Htf HAMl , It v NAN( ' (JllfW MYSTH•I! S ,,, I I '1 ,, .. ,, ,, •' q NEWS W MFMOFHl S o/Vl f If LAWRFNtE Wfl ~ fil C.t,LIFOHNIA CONGAESSIOll"I REPORT ({:) M LC..lt(.t,f\fHE<, OREA 1 ANO SM AL l , . , .. ! Jl't t.JJ (\f I t 1t t t I 1 ' . ,,, . . .. I· 1• 8 JA( • .<,NOC HSOr. CONFIOEN I IAL 10 SOYOtl THIN!" 'l't'.IU GOT TROU!ll ES J9 l HE MUPPf I ,,. t" (!)MOVIE ••• ,. . .. ' ,., ,. I . ' ',, , .. ,.,. . ' .. H 80)(tNG •' I ,1 /1 j\ J •,.,,,,,, '. r-trr"""'''' , • .,,. tl t •• ,. . ,,. 0 MOVIE ' .. ' ' f; I I ~I '• I ! • t . ' •' l MOVIE •• • •~'I r 7 JO 0 DANCE ~EVEJ> 0 OLEN CAMPBELL , ....... 1 ...,t lo 'I 1 0 EYE ON L A fil PRESENT£ ..... .... ' ft .... 8 FIGHT BAC.M tO E't'E ON SA"' D1EGO J9 WEEKEND MAOAZ "'' 6 00 0 8 WM T OISNf~ .. ' 't ,.,,, f J1'• 'f .. ,, I~ 1'1 Q J9 OIH RFNT STROKFS \'I lj) ~·'' l·i ·' fl• 1 1h t•"' f 1t I ft-'•• 't f 1 I ,. "4 t I ,1 ~ VIETNAM TH( llN THOUSAND DAY WAR >.J'ft•r h· .1" ,., '" I• ,. 1'1lt• ' 0 10 1 J HOOME~ ti •••I I vt I t, 'fo1 '"'" *••n t " •• 0 MOVIE •• c;, rl', J"'\tfl 9 LAUGH TRAX W ANAHEIM HALLOWEEN PARADE M·'""' A"'''"'' I 'I ti(• ~t,,tft11! t'H.J ti ,•, •. I ,,, , ,,.. .. t.'·'' ,,,, ,,, tl\)I l'"*'C" "'l(J \, l'lt"-lV t .. \ ID MOVIE T•tf itP\S•f'\ \ oh1m1 • 1'-'dOI Bit t, VH'\l(H ft Pt! \ 1l i )t'n n A ~ H1''\.I f POCH II" t1f'.._ '"'Ill"•""• .,.OU t WUt'd \ 1ll \~1 111t l"'\C!IJ~ r I-"' l<'\~ r 1.. • 1u,.,. •'I fil ODYSSE'I' .n \A 1lt ,, ,, • Ir l l'f' S \ "~' t 1 ,1 rn1lhrir1 """.t 1 ,., :'\I tt °''' tAn11l n l f \ 1 h•fY"lPOr .Ut#"-h.h n 51' U ._ r~~t I rt,1 ' "'' ~. f .. r ~ nurt'"l" • "lh1t ' to. ({:) ORANGE COUN~ MAGAZINE fr.,,,,,,,,, .~ J ,, , , ,,,,. .... I •I ~ \I ~··- t\n(lfl ft 11 "n('ttt\ (l"U I •"'' It ..n51t f,1 tt"t i• t11n ( 11~ Mu••• ll•\ll 1 I II l ftQ~Jn1l 11.-.t ,, t r •• 'l ft•U•• con tr O•e• av C MOVIE • • Ttil' '""~"I Of [I fl C<>01>tt• 11'l81l 1111~1 W•I ''"'", Rt bflr t r1,Jvn11 A lh1flt '~'t't"r._41 ,. ,,,,.,.. ijJhf p11ra~h\!lf'• lo lltl"IY 0•1'• Oregon """" ,, !111t11ntt 1n t1ot11n money Pc; 0 MOVIE • • t TftllOO 119811 Bru<" O..rn Maun Ad•m• ..,., ou"'a~Atl 1~111.10 1111"1 ~•C111apa -t111n1on mnut11 MrtO prncMd~ lo cov•u h•11 brxlv wllh 1111 1111,.<11,.01~ 'R' ($ 8UALEV-0 Aflll J(IM4'0n "nd l Oll'I N~ M•I I l(IOI. el but• IHque .. c10.,n1 comtc1 •nO l>Hulftut ah<>woirls !I II W M••llll jl I ti I 11 I •1 11, 11 111 ,,, I u, tittf 11, ,, , .... If MflVll . '. •f I 1 I t.A,i111oot 1 11 4' I [1IAIH ANUTH( , ...... r l N 11 IJO U • MO\lll I• Q I (.;IMMt ~ BRE.l<I\ •• 1, '~ l I 0 lll(HIAM lHE TEN !HOUSANOOAY WAR 1t•I ffl-! A• • ·• 1 "\'•· 1.01 t • •• '• • .,,. " 1 n ... t I 'I d''" 1.tu.tt •• ' • • fl .,~t!f') ' 111 .-fl• I 1·,'J 0 •b lUVE BO.t,1 I 1' _, • t ht ,., ,., H' l •1• t"' ,.• r I •••• '. Ail' w ,..,..,..,,la. .-r..o .u •~~ J 1 1 ' '.it Mdt q Ml')\/ E' • I "''•f ''""'l~-, ., ,, ~ .. ... , J ~ ... • t I ff) M1STERY I lt At .. (.,I tl "'t I .. n ., , ........ ·~ .. :.J. .. '~ ' .,, . ...... > MOl/ff .. ... •• ,tt '. . ' •' (') l MOV•f ' • f' PSSJy u&S I h.ot cl ' ,, r It 0 o LOVE S•ONEV .. :1' l ,. .. J .. ~ .. "i ' :J t'"' • ,,. Jr 0 0C 0 " TH( OElll N ••'ltC TIO"I .. ',. I•' ~ t 1 1 1, " OW NEWS 0 10 ~ANT AS~ ISL.ANO l• .... ,, ~' .... ,, , .. 1"• ''I) l,J,., ..... 1'"1d d t I ,. 'Pt• t•n~ • ~,,. ,.. 1 "'11 • " \ff fl ~I '\f I ~I ,, .J" 1 11'1 1' ., k ... t'" '""J)' ;,, ·" ' ,,~, (...,.. 0 MOVIE ~ " a ano ,,_\..SGe""d ~'J t .. tf)IWifllle'"' f fe W SOLIDGOLO fil HtTCHHIKER'S 0Ut0£ ro THE QALAX'Y ~ • ('lionf '~ 1nrcumf9d b) I •• , d ~ " ' P@'r1'!11' f ltl81 , t t'f'fd In I!!) MOVIE • • • ...... B'o"' H ttnd "" 1'4-. \... t1,.~I 1Phet \..•th ., Whfl'n an as.s.1stant 1 1 )t• onnaQe' replaces • 1 't•r tlh 1t-,t<1 n e ~how. 111 twr v•nrc 1 \tar and ,, 'l.I' rim,u,, t°' as. 'WOI• C MOVIE r,,r ,r,,m ~~w •~A 1, "' ,n PHt.seU Aj ~·''D•~u In t 11 ,, t•it'JPnfld "''•minal "'~' t• t ,, parcJ~n If he • "' v•' t ne ot os1den1 ' 11 ,. 1 "'° Ht. m 1n.-p11son I' \1 M AnhA1UU"l nas 0 "'40VtE • • • fl,,,,, !<1• •1 19811 ,\ un Hu•' l(Atnleen r ••• • ~"'"!It.me F'10f'rda l..,,,.," rru ... u.)d(ll(1 by Ns '" t m ·'".,. het hus.- t• 1 H 10 1~ H ON LOCATION 1 11 • .<, R•sing S111r t tc"'' An '11 .. ,,,.,.,. R rd I'"''"' P •1 8eo111ar O.vld f1 .,,,,,., Slit\ C•ytt•I '• •l•tt ~''"''" And Aot>in W1t11.1ml Are ~mong ltle ~1 •" \t1fu11ng tne N- Y,,,~ 'hOWCtM Club whtch ~·" 1nem 111etr slarl 10 30 W JACK ANDERSON CONFIDENTIAL fii) MOVIE • • • I he 0o~ I rtend" 1 tcl 711 1 wig\)~ Chrlalopnet llet11r1 Wh11n an AHlttent ~11\Q" n1Ant111er repi8* IM ll"'••le lead In 1 •llOw. .,.. '*'°",.. • .,., ~ t111c1• •Omance 111 wtll lD COl.LfOE F"OOTIALL HIOHUQHTS Nhy MICl1htPm•n .... ~111 0.,,,. FIQl'ltlflO tt1lfl Daily Pilot ClASSlfllD 1 1llllol11y (II l t1l11 I \CJ 1'111.' I .ookzno fur u <:Cireer m sail's'' SC'e {oduy 's llC'ip Wonf£'d ruls. class1f1cutum 7 J()() CLASSIFIED INDEX '!.'/!. .'.'f !.".t.~~ •••• !.'.~~ ~.t.'P .. '.'f !.".t.'.~ ••.• !.'.~~ lo Ptm Your Ad. C'll 642-5678 HOUSES FOR SAll It ••••• I• • • t • I., .• I .... '""· I ii • \h I 1 •• 1 I I " I '·· .11 ••• 1.u II I•• "• • • ' \f1 \ '""'I' t i • ~ .. ·.....--~··· "' '· \ . ... f'e•. ... " RlAl ESIAIC .. "' H11 I .. ,. , Ii ~I ' " I II " " I•••! .,.,,. .. I.I -ti .. \ .. h \I BUSINESS, IHYl ~I M[NT fl NAHC! ,,, I' I • ,, " ,, I •• 1, AHHOUHC[M!NIS P£RSONALS t LOST & FOUND ' .. •I ... 1 .... ,,, ... ,, ,., I l mvrm EMPLOYMENT l PREPARATION , ... •' \ I MEllCHAHOIS£ tn1 ' ' II• I '''"" '' I ' ''• " " ' I I•' . \•. l I \ ' .. , \I,' .... , "itit •. ..... ,, .. 1 k .. 1 ! 1. BOATS & MARIN( £0UIPM£NI .. h ,. 1 •• "· .... ... , .. . .. '" ,. '. I 1••\\ j "' IRAMSPORIAllON • " " .. \I• I ' • '. ~ .. ' AUIOMOBILE .. I I 4 '" .. ' AUTOS. IMPORHO I• ' ,, ' I '. II l " . . L,.,,..,..,..,,.,"'° ... t ~. ~· "" .._,,u ... " .. -· ' ...... '" ... ~ .. .. .. AUTOS. N[W AUTOS USED f .m. ,,,.. '"""' ...... , l•1"'•' ' ~ .. ,. ..... ""'''" ,.,. .•.. L~t• .... '"'""''' .... •!'t "·. \to •' """''""'• lfllokfftt•·· 1· 11t4n . . ~ ... t-........ ,,.._"._,, .. I '··· • ,.,,.,., ... A~h 1111111' t111 1I' I \ •• " f d t St 110!1 11 1· 1 \ t,.i f •hi I ,1o·I AVA l 1qlf• lp-.1•1 t •t·1•1 It v11 u,1t1u II p.-t i11 i lhH b fl~1H·1h1P lmt• 111 • ~•t1l1 S tUU Ullo 1 ... , .. 1 P I l 111 An, Ail 1111 I t;t ·1100 (.'4 nr• •1• II Jl'J' Hlll'Plt lfl t (1111•{! Llt·i•'lft '" t tul ''"H ft r .._,,,.,, 11 i •, .v• l·t•lv !If• •• 'l I ''"'•·11tu.tl .,..tt••'• '"' , 1hfl 11\v~ .. 1••,t N11t 1h\lflth1lH1ll lh••1iHIH\J 111 l'tt•H1·t•t f 1 h•rp1 1 ,10 f , I 1(11.tl. 'Ill' ,0 11'1 fh•tllt1I ............ l WI I ~, lnvtstment •.. ".J!f~!!~!'!!f ... ?.~ ~? I A\ .'FHO 198, '' WI , \.'IUHl~' 1 · f ~(I I I" ft I s·,o~ .... ,.14' .,u du ,,,t\ '•111 '"' PARTNER WANTED r h ,., If' 1• ~··••lo 1.11 I 11l11t•r 111 111, 'I' •t•fil.I ut I (•t 11 t ( t ~ l1J!.fl • ..,., J.JI& l~ ••• ! fl )"-t l I• t'lt<"I ,,,,h\ t , tll(.IJ P·"''''' 10 ,, G f M A ~. ':: 1' ' . ~ ' • ! , Ir 1" I t ' t ll I lot I ll. JI If AtJv•uA.. $:..u.uuu •u•Jut ft''' f q ··llt-0111tt•h1111 11• IP t 1•1.1 t1 •1 '"' 1' 1 t• t ' •l I 'I t I •' .. :1 ··:1 (. ..... i,",, 1r I .. ~~~!Y. !~. f ?!!1. •• ff.q~? FORECLOSURE HELPLINE Gel Solutions i:::• t • fJ{• Mo1tgr19es1 Trust Deeds 5035 G.H. SATTLER Mortgage Co. Inc. .,,,,., 1dhl!l1Q •rl !'\I ._ • I\! I l D.,, SH1(t• 1·~4c, : ~Clt>I S.11!l»r NH l M ;:1 n ( A, •t·' Bo'"'•·,., ' I ~4 .. J ... , ·.~L 1t r I I I< ... RUL ESTATE LOANS 1~1 ,rnh "'trdi., 4P Centennial Thrift I Loan Au'n rn11llll\ ~ .JA l r • Cttc.: ...-, 1 It WE CAN PURCHASE •• '~-• l • j4 Lt·l f , ' t Announctmtnls Personr1/s t I 11~11 I ''ii I " 1 jf I n Jt ( lift H••.11.. t1 ,, At f 1•01 Hl~fl ~rtttlf ,.,.,, •• lllll t t, •• t t i.1. fjl (\ ,.,, • CJ4I ti.ti' I 1)1 I ,, I ' ,, I t It I I •,q 'lq ,, ' ···' ... '. ''' ·I ~I I ,, ,, '·' •I 111 I 1111 .. •It t \ ... '" ". n1.1 ....... ~ j ~1 l '111 I ,, lo •• A' dt I lie,. H,11•1' 'H .• ~ .. ; " I ' 'I J., "M I f!!!~!'.~l.s ........ ?.~~~ LINDA I VICKI 'S I ... ;69-0207 .\ .... I *** A~~~t~s P~.~!~r I ! ., • t ,,,.. ••• ~ ,t[ 1lo' c,,l ,r I C j ' \I\ ... I I §; t, ll f ., '~ t tf ~A ~ • ' c I' U Anu•r 1• f •C ,,. ~ lJ•n••f At """.-'•••ti\ ... 7 t4 b"1~1 l4 L} • 1 ,=" H11'l1(JI fit ( ,.,t ( ll MODELING PLUS . ~· J. l,! I I I ., ,., 111 1111 hit.""' I,, J11 h1H1t , .. , ,, t 1 I., .iu11 1-. ·~1 ., .. Ut •I" trnf I 11h1t I II lf'lt t It I Ujj Ull.t1d If lllWhl 'llO'f1d1•d lh,JUl'1 i I,. t I 11 I 1 t 111 t I t 4 I <1•1.• u1H11 Atl•·CHh•111 ...... ,,. A"' 1':.l 11 ,,11t t•!I I " I "'"" Ht ''" 11 I I 1'1111 lltl t• ( M I '"' Pvl •ru 1n '\ l11t.I I ' • HI 1t1 I Io BABYSITTER H1•h,10l11 l•"' •.011 t• 1 i..,IJ" .11ml,111l111rttw I• 1101• H•'' '• 1,w1•tt M~· ,1 1,,,,, 11Ywtt 11 '" .t1 tHtlJ 1t1 lt iii, • Pt I ...... , .. ,, t , ' HAIR STYLIST Muhv111t~d ",h'll' .. 1 l1,,1•U110 l<u ttrov1 t1·.-.1vt1 !11110•1 I ~ •• 1.uy t tJrt1111 V.11 ·• lion Mil• !.i·IU tlllll'J I HAtHt 1~H lf~IN(• 1· .. , •"'' t '" 11 out If 11m111 ·I'll 41144 HI-Fl SILES ~ t• ufu1q rot1t1h·H ttl .tut110 t •HlllHHlt ,., .... t'l'klflQ I ·.11.tr11 n11•n x. WIJIU~ll f. '1t•h••,•,u111i1I 11ll1hH.h! UIHI !Jll!•'·tf Uh 1• ft•q t )((..1'1 Pi 1 ltuul., < oll uuly M 11h "'"' r H 1od"· '" ipn .• 1 t t.u• '1'•4 t 11111.111 Jl1 uluill"-111 t11•1tl •u••fll I 11 tl!11 ho 1t1 II 01 t-1• "I,,,, fh Ii h It t'· lrh1I 11l1Jt 11111011 I •I i .111 l11ut eu, •. 1r.t1 1 "" 1111• 111 M /AM ·'"" fl, I 1 I I .. •I. I I If tufh f1 1J• 1111 jf I w u1l t lh1•, 1·, 1111 t•tt 11ll11rtl 'JP p111ft1flll'{ f111 111tllYHll1t11•. U1l1..:Jc ... h.:L1 tU Uu .. Ofll.,t' ell ,,,. •• 11 'fl ll111f1tp " .t"iolH t t ii ill 1th11I ,1tiu•.1• HUI n• ,,, ,1t1u1·11I IUlt•f •"•It ti tplJllL thl• ~htn1 ti t t 11111 I t 1Hty ,..., I// t 11 I 714 /645-5707 RALEIGH HILLS HOSPITAL , ... II I•< 11t I• 111 -,• , •• ,,, .. , .... ,,., '' ild h11C11t 1 1hu ttl1••fl 11 t II h.; I '11 n t t f It '' I I tfl I I'' I••' tt • ol 1!11 t .,.H~'h t .111 "di ltt•I 1111111 .11 /t1ll l!Ull 1 , 1h• 1111 1 1111 111.0111• l11f '''I'"' ii II u1l1qu•• ·,lu+p "'' "'•11 1';'1t·d· f" '" .11111 1,11, , f' I t1tw1lht.q tr.,.. '"° 1•11 l.1 f t "1 I ~4· SUPPLEMENT YOUR INCOME /.I,,.,.•· I •1 11t1 Jitq •I •l 1•111 'I l1lf1 Wiiii lhto l l1 '''"I* h · 1 uiu••, t 11 LUI &11\,,lf It• P!I II l••lt• ' ' I I (J I I • • 1 I • • I 11 f I I , Ii U11 I, IV t jl f Lt Hi•U ft tit I I J tt1 ... 1 I• rl I 11 ... I If I t , ,, • I 1 4 4 I\ I Sales: Financial >'1111 ~ l•P••f1Ut\ll( Wdl I I,.,, \l'·•~lfhl Ntl'lvlH ,. ( 111111 f bi1· t ti'""' t,1•1·'1 ,j ''''" t•lll'"')'•''' ';, • 1i , tf '" 111Jo11lt11•t ..... .,,. ,, ,,, Ii I'' .1J11? 1 I It t', 1 I ,J 111 ('II U dn I hi' 1,lcl "''''' .t l~ ,. 11 .1,1 l ttf »tl'"f c l f ANl f4', f · I q, t! •>1•111., ('"I'' I.If I I 1111 BEAUTY H 1-.Hlq 111 •I hf ff PHI • t .rt 1~1 l\lt ,1•, with 1 I 1••d1•t H1~ r1.11 \t t >w•h1I ft' , flt) "t'>AJU•I 1 ( t•t1h•1 P• r111 BEAUTY ,.,. II It •• ,, flt•\1f.J•• J for tiu 1 ..-; •Ion Rtchar-d t> .•1t •It .... i'OO N1· ..... port l • t1{f·1 [>r n B BOAT RENTAL f)fll'r:11 'lr tnr Hunt•nQfnn •t 1•r·•11 , M11"I th· 1••µ ... r 11 ·•tht•q !-if 11w1• .. 1'.]• tH 11 tt•t• t1r ' utt ,lfd , n' 11• ,, ( ,1 t t t'I: f ,1 ! < t ' I , I 1t' 1 i I CAPTAIN WAITER WAITRESS t 11nt1H1•r1t 11 ( •p1•r1pnr • n q1.11n•cJ [ v1•t "1tf"-Ap ! ly lfl lJl''°'UH ht·l-Nt't-'f 1 t-.~ MH ':1t u r~.-.. ~ ~Ii.fl tf I ''111 f PC' .tt..,llo ,.., ·' Ai t• r•tt t ~4 .!1144 • 1 CASHI~ •' J c •• 'f H,.,, ... I t, l•r ..vH tt I 11~ f• 1 f ft ,.,., ,,. '" .. " .. 4 .... 0 t4.ubt1• I tr V'l 1 .fl l. M Chiropr 1ctic Front Office lll"tUf Jf' t' A ( '"1 IJI t pr t n .tn tg r•mP nt r i' 'll'jO COLLECTOR £APdfldmg NewL•o• I A11;i(h c.1Pd11 L trd t.,nn\ 1 .u , ~ .. (I r1 .. 111riq ,, uu .. 1• c.olfer l•t n tti'l't''\lfln A11 ohc.;nt mu~t f1J"tl' 2 ,J yrs co1li;c11or. !'• ~'' Biln~ C ••O ' CR I '"Cl• prf'f C. rtdCI Jr•nt1 A•' ~w1,,r •1 r , Ir ' 10 IO I <0 pm ...... ·~ .. ,J u ... nl •• ~ ... t•t' f'llll\f ruu t•fTfl µq;~10 ,c.. f'1( ,. ~ .. ,. 1 •• ,.,,,, ••• , ,,,, ,.. 11tPolh1• 1cu J tl, t.r ,11 nAr h•h·• SALES COMMISSION I BONUS Wt 1tir. b \ 1 tt~J~t 4 1°.allllfl p11 tllllJh f\1f .11• ti •ttJll',f c 1 (AN( ft·, Mitll 111 lt•ll1q1•111 1Jl1UI•< .111t ~ W1f1 tt~.1111 f' 1 Mu.I «111ud w1H1 111HTit1~1-. h11v•· ttWf1 .,,,fl~, l 1 lott.i M.tc LH( tJl)lc t At..H r M.11uu• b.1,1• hrmh·o t..clll ( ()Hf1 1f1 J \ •.11.1tent10 / 14 tl Hi 1. ~)I f n•.t 1 Mtt,(t .... ti 11• 'il'I'~ 'J t•flfq Jt>l I l.i Jy ..,.. 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Br '' 111 64• ·544 101 app1 llECl,TIOlllST r l•mf' ') 10 5 t<oO(lt>I P(111hnd1 ,\ Co 644 7040 osk 101 Sus.on M!'sse•llf' RECEPTIONIST Ro•al f ,1a1e lnveslm,.nl Co p1o r ess1ona1 ctlllf1101> appeara.,r P r\f'f'Cl"d l •Qhl lyptng 4 <lily w~f'k Npl Bch 549 2986 Salr5 PPr ~on N.,._•ded FI f 1nctud1nq wMOkPnds Se IBry + Comm Apply "' p!'rson Supt'r Fii Family r 1ln"'~ Center WCJrn"r DRIP Cnl H B 842-4464 SE l L 1flle 11em~ w11n a D.uly Pilot Clossll1eod Ad t ...... ... ... . If'• ' I ............. .,,., ''°'" ... , ,,, .• ,.. . ~ ,., ... ,,..... ., .... .... .. ~ ,, ... . ,... "' ... !11c.1.: t ,J'!.1t;(1f ff~QU"t"S QflCt(J tfJolt._(.l t . .., p "'01( p i, '"''fl '"O• II ano & lP '"'·" .11 " Real ,.~tall' ..... r('• ,, .. ,. p hetplul bul f\nl "'~""" 11 Prl'ler IOCAI rtu,u1Pnl f Or 10le1 VIOW c .. 1U M•s Dutil Wtslty II. Ta1lor Co. Rll9110rS 644-4910 SECY HM OFC lll•lll df'vl'IOpmenl Com r.1ny hf'<lv) phone' & lyt11nq Shorlllano 01 l'Qll>v reo d Me1ure non ~mk r Send resume f. q,1IM 1 • 1>qu11t'lme111 10 PO "'" 7006. N!'wporl [11',ll h CA '12660 111111~ '"Q 111 a 11ew nome lnr ~I '"'O See lhf! man~ h~hnp~ tn fndi1}" 'S Cl8SSI· hell 1 Olumns 6"2 5678 ,, ~ ... . ... . . ... . .. .. ... h" .fl'\ . ~""" ,i t.CJru•1v' " ........... .,. .... . ,..,.' . .. . ,.... ... .. . 'flM ,, ...... , ,., .. ,,. -.. -. ,. .. ~·· .. . .,._ .. . ... ~ ..... 1·~~ r]ll.i--f Finding the Right Buyer. Call the ~\ Orange Coast Daily Pilot today . 642-5678 ('J .. '""' . 11u: •. \'I II.\ ('lft('l s "Why do I always have ta· be what Billy was last year?" ll \R'I \IH k•: '!> =?.o 1{!~~ "I don't want him. Why don't you take him down to th e police station?" c; \Rt'U '.l .D IT'S COMINu TO G£T US, GARJ=1£LO. IT KNOWS W£'R£ IN TH£ CLO S£T1 ACROSS f,. 1 P11me<J 57 fllubbt'• 6 A1lmen1 60 Snoo~1•1 10 Kind ol lutlf> sudace 14 Homily 2 word~ 15 Ot>clilre 6'1 Cosmeflc 16 1 h1s Sp 64 Be'\11Jes 17 Mac 2 wor<J~ 65 Stilt 18 Outline 66 Unuwa1 lnl~ 20 Artful 67 PetformG ? 1 Endinq lor 68 SC•OO<J" lor Hl'I or Rub ShO<I ;>J SHong 69 Oewnvs 'l• Opening OOWN 25 Bont' P1eh• 1 Chi'ek ;:>6 C.irry out ' BA~I " Q JO R~P d•...,a~ J Clownish :i• r(l(lf 4 St•ll J!I Sk1nnl't 'I POllull'<l S E s s ,, E FRIDAY'S PUZZLE SOL VEO f ,, StT•B A 0 A l A 1•L E M "'0 U A " D If ( l •IS•t l I T E R • I R I c•s M r I ( S -I R o 11•e 01 s - N I : IE N E•M I 0 $ H I p s I A IN ., 0 II A H •o 0 I r~ ~ 00 0 S•MtE AC OS S•wA S I £ I I IA R I I E•C A S I ( A -,, s S•P 11 r- 0 l • I _., AS l f N 0 I 0 I) o ~ ... ,,., N 1 I A 0 l [ f N IC .,.,, 0 ( I l l I 4 f A { t s •s 11 A R I ~ A p ~ ';II (nq\ f> fr11m.1" • 7 Montr1•al 47 C.lM school~ :18 Ot•tA1I I tHll pl,lC I ' ~lihWolV 411 Kitld ol 6'111 :11\ llK \hrll' II (.1•lflr Nt•\I )Rf old 5 I St01l'h011\I' 4 1 01.11<1 t111w ;:>'l t 1tl'r111y wOlk SJ Hurr11od 41 1'11.lfl 'l f Ill k II'\ 1 I ll11CIQ1' pr O 54 Mill CO 4) llK 11v111 .... unrullli'cl 4~ c""'"' 48I11 UP !IC) s luOf'lll 51 Swi~~ 1>41ok• ~(Mg.eon 5'rfl'llintMwt 10 Ou1vN I? Sht't'IHlk•• 55 rlowf'r 11 111111.111 n,1mi• 11 M.101• tln<1ll' '16 Mncl1• 1:> WW 111)\10 Jb AlltOlll mo;spftp l'l P11'try 40 Gf'l111n1, W11r 57 M1dt'i151 flUll 19 P111IH:llJ~ .. I f\n\llb!tll , 58 Mon~ll!I "Funny play SCH"llkl'f !>9 Mrt ftuman :>4 W1mln 43 F1'h 61 11a11cv1 2S Gffmtn ~1ng 45 .. TN9 63 - 26 Ooll "°"" Pf'detl81 If((~ *' ... ? J1 ~· ~~-~ l/\41 ~n f·~..J.. t: y; , ~ ( , ~ ? rll .\" 1>l 1\.\l 'Hl f'it• 1 l \\v~ 1 Hl I ~o t1!-:L .\l l\IMr'11.1N ' rn , ( l)MtNl1 h1l (1~lAI l'VMI '._,, N f'' lllM INb t ('{()[, r.1111:/ • ..f ! I r, NI f VS ; AN I t~vl 1' ,11 VL ~! C.AMI I() -f:J lUWN INHll I '{01 J . ·~.r" -· / 11 (/ ~ I'll 1<1 (,(){ljf . f / Ir \ , / v J [~ .? ffJ -, '~f.r "It turns out I have a natural nose for news ·· BAO news." .,.H t:\' "<l ~E nl LE-'.E:.- THE H('S~I TAL THE' , L ..:>E T HIM '-- Hank Ketchum by Harold Le Doux SllOt: '''('\ \ ... ~~*:·· . I ' ( j.. ,, ../ / (;ctHDO -. ... ','\f \ ~TT,' ~i:..\ N ,\I"'\,.'• • et= '-I..;-AA.I !:A\i'I.'"""[ i..= ~~t1...~;' .SO Ml./ HAU.DW(.E". LA~ u,., PAii~:(, mi< IH ' <~EAP ":> A FU.Jr;> POI~.• .. >iPE.E ? DR \HBl.t: "...:l"l T.\ n.:, ""1r-r ~ tJ.:E&:" >I._'~ 11-'<l.: \\EJ,-. ._A L l~~~l ~Ara; r'E.IJ ::=-1 ... 'r.J ' ::;>t~ic. LEA\lf I .). C' \~.:A1• .... 'IJ:" ~'"I' i:. T ::' (".),>J.._"f'.:i..:..'l•:- 'N .... '""' l(;,HT Bl rr > ~ .. A ',CU[. HAU.OWEF ; TH1$ '..JEAR <t'CJL Sl-'0.;i....) f-.A . C '.r Pl?(.8.._£ 'l' RA1S1Nf7 1HAT Tr A FIVE t.>y Cll ar les M Sc hulz ,,.\N\OM: ·Lt A BvWL ~t BALL 1. lM( l Ht'> WA1 ' by Tom K Ryan WHO WAS HIS ntAVEL .A6f:N1-1Hr MARQUIS Pf SAPr ? by Ern1P Bushmtller •• ~ -·-.... ""'"'\i.... ~ "''"'-'· • """-l -.: .:--.),,..:-• '" ~ ... S!:Vf~ANCE r-~..,r JJ"'t' '°1-<[ r e; .. ·1. QC Bf '.:; U ':i~E[. ,~ ... ~I -...+_AP'~ <:1 :,ff· ' DY Kevin Fagan ~ LDNG. Po\lRt<..K I ~\IE. f~ IRIC.K ~ 1'R£.,.\T1NC, I 'f1Mt. -svP.E. n.1t.-s' OJR eAe~ ·s c,~~'~ ur 1 1\L f>E, Sl\0 W~E.N V.\11~1(.K v~ ,,~ ;s) Cf~ ,,_ .. , ....... ~ I, I C/OCIOR! 'fHCERE:'S A 'fRIDEEN'f sue>MAR1Ne:: COM IN ' t.JP 'fHC:: CANAL...' IHE:RE: tS NO CANA L.- IN 'fH IS I O WN r1N(\lli C,E.T~ foo 6\u roR "~~E.f.N I v ---:--; ( 'r I..._ .~ .! .... \ ~---~~-------------..................... . AP Wlrepholo \\'illiam \\t•nl\\orlh. h:l. !'ltHrn!'I lht• troph y tu· \\OU for !'lillin ~ ou a Ba ltimore· fla~polt• for IB cla~-. hut'" 111 I 929. Flagpole champ recalls glory days By CllRISTOPllER CORBETT Aeeoc:leted Pt•H Wtll•r B/\L TlMUlU: W1Uiam \,\\·nt w 111 lh h.1:-.n't sal llll " I lag 1x1h · in mon· th.in h.111 .t l l'lltur;. hut lw'll nl'\'l'r (w g1•t hts d;iy.., 111 gl111 :'to on th•· rwn h 111 tlw :-.um11wr o f HI:!~. W<·nl\\ut th g.1nw1t•d tntt•rnn11on::rl ;ittC'nhon ""hMl hr ~t:Wt'<I on to p nf .i :\O.foot fl.igpoll· lx•htnd <• south 8.1h1t111Jrl' hoUM' fur 48 days. brl·ak1ng all ff"'(:ords T od .iv .• in old hallPrl·d :-.<.·1.1plx 1<tk 1·1111l:1111 .. h1 ... y t•l111w1 •d • rwwspapt•r dipping:-,111d µwlu1 t'" ut h1 ... sumnwr 1111 till' fl<.1gpoh• 1-'h!Jlogr.iphs of t host• goldt•n d •• y ... P•lf><'I' tht• wall uf h1 .. r11w houst• Tht•rt•', .1bu ,1 ... 111:.ill 11w1.il trophy wh11h \Vt•nlwt•rlh', idol .11 tlw lrnw. Al\'111 Alovs 1us "Sh1pwn'<:k " Kl·llv. gav1· him Kl'll\'. ,, proh ·ss1111l.tl fl.igpo ll· s rttt·r .. nd ... 1unt111Jn. ;.,.,,.., kno wn .1:. thl· i::\'l'I Knll'VPI 111 h1, d,1\ .i m Jn .tlWJY~ Wtlhng to 1;1kl' n~k:. tu t.lo unusuJI .... tun~ Wl•ntworth and Kelly h<i\'t• not b<>t·11 rorgoltt·n Ole.for n •stdl·nb uf Balumon• ... trll n·nwrnlx·r th;H SJX't'tal s umnwr of flagpolt> s 1ttt•r ... "Y o u 'd hl' amazt·d how man\' p1•11 pl1· r l·nwmlx·r," 'vVt·ntwo r th said ·"rht•\' ....i'v. 'Y 11u'n· tht• guy who :-.a l o n Lhl' poll· rn "'ulh l1<1i11mo 11· · "Th(·n · an•n'l manv o f u:-. h.:fl. I 1m<1g11w •• Tht• T11m·s of L o ndon. tn t111 t•d1to nal 111 I~:.!~ PUOllC HO lie.I It OUH No 11c a or Pueuc u 1 ~ t 'H NPv•"'"'''" " tutt.· u1 1u 11u 11 '" ••I .''J t \ ~111ulh Mmn •1l1 uHt •11•lltti AllM ~ ttlllu1111,, I •ttl•lllU t Ultllj111 .. M'9 hu \UI lllUtf p~1t, 1t1111t11 ol •tH Utl•~ '*\lfUUllUJH\ \lllrtlh l•AU~ Ml ''"';.,IN\ 4h1tttu1 du1ud '/.-./ 'u11ln11 t<4 t'f/H tnu ''""" ut 1 u a.1t11 111-.ho "'" •u••um .. u1 ••II .. .-.11 ,11 1•11t1IH mh lhf.ft lu UH1 111\jtu ,f fthhh•t fM I •I h ''WtUltlt~ oJI llU' tfllll of , .. ,, ••lhoul ft6Alfo1Uh•1 • otf hllff f1f11nir.•, Ht ftl4•u h101t.1h1l1ti, u ut 10 '°" rw.ttu1~a '*'u' !'!.ULium ~'lo• ut Ou• t .1hlfll lllM ( """'""I ... , r ftdt1 U1n t11U1•"1t lU\j l ull+1h•t .11 U11t l ul•~''"ll1u VhUtt '••tt•ol NumtHo tt1JMOi t th tu 111•1; u 1111u11t1u11 •• amt llJwfut "'lltlt\._t• o1 pur•uwut tu 11111 tt\I\ 1fllf'( ••UlfitUIUH•I Oot"•' C>1 tutuu ttt t'lttl lEA81HO ENfEAPlllSES, INC Albetl F Oulnllell Allorne y lor aeeured Pertr Pu1ti1"lh•tl t )11111y,1 l u1u~1 t l,1dy Pilot t ll I Ut t'-Hil .UI tel ll. PUBLIC NO II Cl FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENl I tu~ lollnw1110 l•t•f "'"" ' 1lumu hu,m••:t"> ••"> Mlt 1111 'o llllNto '.lllVl!I 1CJ/ ' N1•P~ l u-.llll ( .1 tj,'hHU Hoh~rt htt.tfl J1Hrn11u11 HJ{ t N,1µa I 11>1111 l I 11<'1i80 f hl't l.Hl'tlflt-~·, •'> t 1HHhH hit.I hV Ill 11uhvutljitl Hu tn-H t Unun h~hu!\uu I tu ... 1't.tll111u1"t WW• l1h11J w11h tt1u Louflll" LhHk ul thiJtt~i~' ' (Jvlll\' on ()'-hlll•*' .'H 1'1~. f200IOI ••uu11,h1•tl 01 1u~11 t uo~I O.iit\' l'1lul 0\ I JO Nu• h I I ;.rO l'llll 4794 8~ PUBLIC NOTICE FIC TITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT l ''"' lu11u..,..1nq "t"' ~on I'\ lto111y hu~111u\~ o~ :>MAI I Hll~IN[ S'i ANAL 1S 1 S 1964 Rt•Uw vtHf (,u-.111 M•·~;J Cdl1to"11ll ~:>b~G (jt(f~t· llJ"I\) \\l.o\hlt111f ;19r,4 Ht"<.h~UC.hJ Ltht•• Mt4 .,,1 (..,,tl1h111Hij 'llt>26 l h1) Uu:'.t1l'v)"' •!lo i..UriOrn. l~O hy t:1H 1rhJ•\1'10Udl Otu1..~ t:ilJ1. tlfouJ 1 'hi~ 'Sh•ICffit!IH ....... ~ '··~·J w tlU t"c Cc.uni) Cler~ ul 0'""91' Coomty on I OclOO.'r 211 l'ftll PuoH'".-"' (Jt 1uy .. I P1101 lkl JU Nu• Ii f200804 l.a .. st Daily 13 JQ. 1982 4790-82 PUBLIC NOTIC£ FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT l"e IOll')w1nq f)•lr\nn~ ;up 1Jo1nq bUSlnt~S.~ 1h COUNIHV ltAflD(N (.A TERf HS /l<l N Ma,n SI S.;n1,1 Ana C,; '.1<701 Sombrttt o S \rt'••l H1c. t,1 C..a11rorn1d c..ort·O• .1t1uo1 Tn.s. t>u'\tnt!'\~ 1\ (<Jntiuc lPd bv a -O•POrat•Of\ Snmt>rt"rO 5tfPP1 Inc PPlt:-r O.,, Rat t1ers Pr_.$•<Jt"nl I T n15 ~11,11em~111 wa!t 111~0 .,,.,,,h 1r1~ Co11n1v t.l&•k or Or•119,. < <iunly on Oc101>e1 ?8 11Jll2 I F200799 Puolosh••d Or.mg .. l.o .. s t Daily P1101 Or.1 10 Nnv 6 IJ 20 1982 4296-87 PUBLIC NOTIC£ FICTITIOUS BUSINESS l'olll•d .. Up lht• P ol('. .. pt.Jt..,t•d tht• young NAME STATEMENT W1·ntwurlh, "h11 w..is lht-n I~ Tlw p aµc•r <·.,fh"tl him 'ROP•CAL BUAT SEA111CES "lhl· \'Jllanl \Vrlltl'" a nd wr11lt· 11( hr' .. lo fl v 9S!I• G• .. h.;m 34 CvP•ess Ca111 " 1 90630 roosllng Gr..q rreMe 9S'l • C.r.;,,am 34 Anet tht· l'<lrton<&l wrrl«r .... aid f1,1gpoft· 1.1t11ng C,pr.,ss Caht 906JO .. h T n.s ous,ine~& 1) condu,lt!O oy c1n wus a g ood thing for young pt.'Opll'. It tt.'J lhL·:. t t~· • •v•du.tl VL·ry 4u;tl1t1t·' of Sl'd<.ttt?nt'<.;s Jnd ..,tillnl'"~ whll' G•119 fre.ui> sc·hovlmaslC'ri. ftnd ll so hJrd lo 111sull ..ind 11 ts t '"'5 ~ll•tt•ment wo1~ 111.ill ""'" "'" • -Counly Clt"rk or OrdnQe Coun11 on b<.·st known l'Url' for f1dgNs" Oct 28 198~ ln thc1l !.Umtnl'f b<.•fo n · lht• l i rt•,1t [)(•prt•:....,11111, f200903 H d h fl l Publl\hl'l1 Oo ""9~ Co.i~1 Oatly Kt·lly e<1mt· lo lown IS <I \'t•nlun·' 1Jll l '' ,tgµo t• I p,101 Otl JO No• 6 11 20 t982 at a local amusc•m('nt park <.ind hi .. 4 :1-dav rt't.·•;rd 4792-82 on th!' poll' s{·nl d owns of young !>tlll·r' uut It• top his mark Th<· Ball1mon· Sun rl·fX>rll-d lhc1t a' nMn:" ,,.., :111 young dl•\'ult'<'S of thl' f<td \\1·n p.1ltt·nlly pt·rtht-d o n p o ll•!> ar1Jund thC' lily "1th t h t·1 r l'\('' on Shrpwn"t·k ·., rt'<.'ord And <imong th<it group of f1.1gpt1lt hopt•fub was W ('ntwo rth. who d1mlxod ,, µolt· -.onw p..ib hi.Id 1:rt'<.'tt·d .it 4 pm on July :~I "It w..i!'> a tT<iZV .. tunt. but ,, 1111 nf fun ..il tht· 11rnc'." ~1vs thl' ti5:vC'ar·old Wt•1Hw11rth a n •lln•d fire d epartment lieu-tenant B v t h 1.· t 1 m P h <' l'<• m r· WC'nt~·urth was known eiround W11lw Wt•ntworlh " d "w n S l' pl I n , !ht• world ii!'> "W1·t• J\nu tht•r youngstPr, Dorothy StJ:vlor. l'<lmt· down on tht• ~me· day. although '>ht• h.id not bc>f'n .ilofl a~ long The· newspap<.·r~ dubbt'<l W 1l11t· "K rng of the· Loftv Squatters" Stavlor wa~ "tht• QUl't'n •• The• &l11mon• Sun c<.irrwd .1 d1<,patl h frnm ovt•f\t'ci!'> undc•r thl ht·adl11w "Puh· S1th•r, \.\'111 Praise• in London " ThL· lo<:al prt•ss conlatnc·<l d.111;. ,lllOUnL'o of tht• the: rnntl'!'>L'o, reportmg o n lhC' statu.., of t h1 · polt0 s itters aftC'r one bad s torm The• '>IOr\. l·arncd tht> ht•eidhnt· "P ott· S1ttNs l)(>fv Storm. Ht·matn Aloft Dc:•<iplll' Ratn " • -~~~~~~~---- MeCO«MIOI MORTUAalES Laguna Beach 494 9415 Laguna Hills 768·0933 San J.ian Ca pistrano 495 1776 "4atO« LAWN-MT. OLIVE Morruary • Cerre1ery Crematory 1625 Gisler Ave Co~1a Mesa PU8LIC NOTICC FICTlllOUS 8 USINESS NAME ST 4 TE ME NT Tiie tollow•no r>e•sons are doing business a~ DCN ENtERPRISES 5901 Warne• Avenue Su11e 209 Hunlln9ton Beach C11otorn1a 92649 Na1n11n Craig lee 17601 Collie Lane Huntong1on Beach. Calllorn1a 92647 Cecoha M•roe Lee t1601 Colhe Lane Hunlmglon Beacl'I Calllornoo 926•7 r1111 business is conducted by a gene1al p11rtnersh1p Nalllan C Lee Tn1~ s1a1emenl was hied woth the County Clerk or 0111nge County on Oc1obe1 211 1982 F2007tl Pubhslled Orange Coa.st Daily Pilot Oct 30 Nov 6 13 20 1982 4797·11<> PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME ST A TEMENT The IOllON•l'IQ Oe•~On •S Oo1n9 ous1rie~s as PREC1S10N INS I All A flON!> JSOI P~.tl" St lrvone Ca 9<'714 Aooert Lt! ... 1s Boggess JSO 1 P~an St Irvine Ca 9271~ T "'S 1>us1ness is conoueteo by an n01>J1dual Robe• I Lewis Bogges11 lh1~ S181emerll W8S !olt'd with lhfl =:ounty Clc•k OI Oranye Counll" on Otlobe• :?8 1'182 f200e00 PuolishPd Orangi> t..oesl Daily PolO I Oc1 30 Nov 6 13 10 198:? 4795-8<' PU8LIC HOTIC£ FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Tnp IOllOw ng 0Pf500 IS dO•f'\Q ou-;,1ness a~ HARCRtS & A<;SOC•A !ES 30l9 Ranchv111w Oro"~ Orange c a11rorn1a 9266!> Ch,.~lone Lynn S1anley J039 Ranch"ew 011•1' Orange Cal1tornia 9166~ Tn1~ ou~1nes5 rs conoucteo by on 1nd1v1dudl C1111s11ne l S1anley Thos ,talem~nt was filed w11n '"e Counly Cle•k 01 O•ange County on Sepremoer 29 •982 F111H14 Puo•·~hed O• rngP Coast Da11y Polo! Oct 30 NO• 6 t) 20 198:> 4808-82 PU8LIC NOTICE NOTICE 01' APPLICATION FOR CHANOE IN OWNERSHIP Of ALCOHOLIC 8EVERAOE LICENSE 10-21--12 To Whom 11 May ConcPrn ALAN ROBERT eno VICKY RENE CASSIANO 1111> applying 10 the Oep1rimen1 01 AlcOhOllC Beverage Con11ot lor 4? ON SALE BEER & WINE (PUB PREM 110 sell altoholo~ beve• ages a1 1 !>48 Adams Apt F Cost• Me'a CA 92626 PubltShed 01 ange Coast Daily Pilot Ocl 30 1982 ... 780·82 l)r,1111111 C 11t1•1f fl/\ll ~I'll Cll '11 11111111, 111 l•ol•••t Ill 1'111 PUffl fl HO Ill:! NOl lCl IHVll INO •10• f.4111 It t • 1 fO tU U1 t 1IVt ~' ll111t H111 t t f j ~11 ~. 1 I I ' \I I•,.. .. ti' I I It' ' ll 11 ' I 11tl1flllllllty I •1ll11y11 tJ1,.t 1 II 1 111 (II 1Ul\Jtl I Oiilll, ~ 1tltl111111,1 Wiii •tt1 u1tioot1 1•;1.•l11\I l•HI •111 111 IU UU ,, 111 M11t1 low N11"'w11f11u 1•, IUh,• 1t 1111 t'1111 I,, '"'U lli111 111f111111I 11f -..1111•11lh tt• 111 t u t I••• th•1t ti I 1/d Ath111 "t A,_., IUH~ I U'llllO M11\ .. Ptl81 IC HO llCI IUPCIUOM COUl'll OI CAlffOllNIA COUNTY or INYO Ill N f<lw•11h II lhdependen~• CA 8J~7• PI A I Nlf t~ l.Ol'llANU 1'00111, HO Ill I " u41111 11<.. 1111ou11•u&1N1 11~ NAMI 111 A ll Ml NI II• ti II I Ill I 1141 l UMl(fl YAMOll, INC Wo I II''" lo" I PIUU l 1' ul1 I Olfll!HOANf OOHALO t l 1 IOf M ... , 1 A 1 1 ' Cl AIU(, •RUCt Cl ARK , Cl ARK n, "I , 11 11 1 "' ti p .. I ' 'I I It l'Ultl II NO I II I Ill. I 11 IUUll UUblNI --" N~Ml b l A 11 Ml NI 11 1 I II rwu 1 111 11 oro I II l!fy11 1H fAfld ~11 1,.n,1 I/; I .. , , ,. "'' I• l AN 0 0 t V f l 0 I'M I N I , 1 11,i ,,, , 1 CORPOR ATION, • C elllotnl• 1 ,.,. 1,,. 1 Co1po1.t1on, II f UYV l ll AN I I A., lo ' ,f, I t1 I I 1 J -....111 t.11 I ul1lu 1,. ''"""'' 11111 t11 ul l•11 I .. I ,,' f ,., '• If t I I A·. I • , \ t 11 1•t11 I •. I 1It1 N t 1 I •ft t~ \ UliAN\.<L l IJA!> I 11\IU I I •l Att ttnh nft• lo '"' tH •0' ttttl.Hh., l t1H1hl1t1t1't 1n1l '1p1•1 1ht 1tllun°' ¥tt111 J, 4lh~ lht.i. •Ill flhl 111111 fllily fu1 .. l'llHt•lt m 11111 ult•~'' of tho l 'uu hu~111u Aum1t llf •,,tul 1 HllHU•• clll\ltll I Ito 1 11 '" I I IN.UR ANC f CO MPA N Y • C•llfornl• CorporeUOn •"<' DOl 8 ,,, ,, ,,, ,1 II 11\!0llQh lt, ln,lual•• I UMMONI C••• No 12 no HOTICEI You h .. • be•o aue d ,,. '-l t\ l • t.H .. •1•. 1r,, I I I "' 1 ~ t f }.j t 11 I~ 1 I II ..... , •• l1 'I fh• co'"' m•r d•cld• •O•fnet you '" 1,,,, ""'''' ,.. • ,,~, i1 ,.. 11 u •&thoul •our h e tug h•••d ~ .u111., 1 111~ 1111 ,, 1• u ,, uni••• ~ou reepond within !SO d•t• ,. , 1'u1 f'•l I lol f lft II II I 1 11.t lltl It '1 I fl ' ltlllf Jf I I '" f t 1·•~. \' • t r. t 114 II liuhhu 11111·11 •111IH1HI w 1lh f\1•1 huj ,1 I ,t,llH'I ., ~ lllH t\ t tll h l1t1\t c hu1 ~ HI t11dil• fl \ t111r11I n•oth• IMy1lt1h• lh tl111 CH '"II ul Hut l U1t•t1 ( um111111u•,-( uth••1i1 U1\h11 t Uu1110 cit f 1u1oil1h • 111 ,.,, ,111um1t1 lltil lw1'} R••d m• lnlorm•llOn b•ICIW It y1111 WI"\'' 111 •••4lk Un1 ,1.Jvu tt 11 •• d •h 111 11 1 11 t!l'P I lli!J l/'o 'I'''"' ,.,. 1>1JH1 II. NO I ICI th,111 flyt~ IH U 11111 t'• •) ~11 lt1u •tUlll hid 11'\ ·• CJuiU.mh•tt tt1.tl ll1u lmhl1•t Wiii •• ,., ••• 1ulu lh•• l••OI U'1t•tt ( ulllhU t 11 lhH "•illh! 1•. 11w.ucl1•t1 tu UH .t lttlf nuy 411 1111" n111tf1U ,.,u l'1lp. f II I 111 ' \ll ,, ·\tU)Olcl 4IU '\1,.1 JHHltlJitlt .. ., tf111I ffllll N fltHHI IUkjlllfl .. t 11 1Ul'f f't·f)' In l1lu1I w1 tum, AVISO I U t l e d h • o l d o ,. . , PUtll IC NOllCL de m •nd•do El ltlbun•I puede FIC TlllOUS BU'llNI S!> decldlr COllll• Ud aln eudlencl• • NAME !>I A' l Ml NI meno• que Ud 1e1pond• dentro 11 .•. 1 ' ,.. fl• two In n1 .. ••1&1••111 ul t.uhu. tu ••nh•1 de 30 di•• l •• la lnlo1m•cton que t 1 '"' ~n111 ,,H ", ouu.u 1 Ith• ,uut. • 1•ch of 1lgue I • I • 1 t• 1 • Uh• 1 f1111.._ ~111 ho tutfmh••i ut 1u trw Si lJ')tl ti tlt··,11;• c1ht 1t t1 ••I ltl • 1111,f t1A (ti '' I\ ttf 6 11 t I 1 0·1t..• ul it tH1f1tt U1t1 h1U ''"" t1111111u Ufl"li•'"JU th u11 11t11141;Hht t•lt tt•,h &ii• 11 I '"" II''' 1 t A t I I Will tu• tu• l1•llt••• lu ~.ud '0111•0•· t ~ u fl I u du tJ ,, ' I •• h ti ~ • , ',, I '"'"' 11 JI '1 I I I II I h1 t IJ•"l11h' l1ou11~0111hunm1lu 11•• ''''•' m.1111H 1 I 1n h 1111 I A 1, 't Nu l.odcJu1 m~y w1tf1iJ'·'"" '"" huJ 1u ,..~''''Jo~•·• u".IC..fll•I .,1 11uy 1•IHwt.1 11i i't .11 1 t 'I ~ 11 , 1 1 1 1 , " IOI ti pttllOll frn f11tty l1v1'4,•111) cl1•v~ s.um Ot..• •1~, iOQIShudu It tlttmJH• hT"lf•• C /4 'I,/ 1•1 I I( 111 IOIJ\ UU'JIN~ '>'> NAMI SI AllMI NI ' .. I' 11 ... ,",. 111" ,,,,,_. "'" t1H '"" "''"'""" 1 JU rttr nrt rN11AN1 A''"'' ,,., 1,u 111 .. i tl+1 h 11 11, ' DOO~JO th•Htttlt .. u111r,1.11111 h11 ... ,,,.,,,1 hh_•tt tty 111"" tJ• "'-" ,, "'" 111•·• 111,, fh1~ U11.1HJ ul lt1hhH''\ 1tH1otVt!'-Vh•1ti1IU ..iy1w1kl yu11 If yOif WH.11 tu ' .. ,.,,,,,,, I~," "1tt JUh'llPtJt~ 111ft'J'''1100 1U\'f t..illd Jll Jl•ftJfllJ UH ... lil'W'tWI y111/ 1t1u~.1 w1U11n lftl I It•,,._ Hf 'N 1 ld1 , J, II II• 1>1ch Cl' tu WojlY11 ouy .,, ''U"lcJfltlt-S 0' 10 d ... .,. ... at ltU ,, .... ,UIHHH'fl' I"-( •Hlil ' t h•• ~ 1 I .. II ,, I •' .1' I t 111ftu n1,1hl11•·1 01 dh) 11ul "' m .,,..,. s-mvHU vu y•>U flh1 w11'1 lh•~ t nu1 t .1 < h t t -l t'I ,' UtlhS11tq Nflllttrt ttto;Ju)li"·,1 lo Uu• 1 t1H1(1l,u11l U11t6''> Y'''' 110 'u "j'OW tJ•''·•vll will h t! tHlh·1~1cl un 1tpplu tlHHI u f ltl•• l 11 t I I 0 ,, I JI It .. fl I 1, ., •• ,,.., • .,"I U<• tHJ c11 I ru'>h,•·~ I 0 'I PUBLIC NO I ICI ---riC Tl llOUS BUSi'NEs S NAME SlAJEMENI 1 I ~ t l.•1J-.I Lvmu1u111f)" ;Jldtrtl1ff 1thU Uh'> r ourt UM)" 1•t11t•1 .t 1ut.Jy10t'UI t•(J•flfl't 'f'Utl fur Utt lt•l11•t :Jdmomlt'\J '" "'" < ,.,.,,,1,11111 "'""' PUBLIC NO llC( 1 1, •10 I I'. 111 1 I I ' (t.ulv ouhJ rtt· .. ul1 If• 0•'""'·'"'" ul "' , 11 Nd!Jb~ '"~'"" "' ......... ,Ill l""I"'") I YOU ARE IN OEFAUL T UNDER Al. /I 481'• 11:> Qt olhtH .,.1.,.1 1t•<1u,.,lo•il 111 "" DEED OF TRUST DATED APRIL 1 l ollt'ijO D1,l11\.t •'uo11•.1wtt ('), 11•1ut• t u ,..,, .. ,lut Oc I JU Nt111 '• 11t8, I '' ··omphsllll 1980 UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION Ii" 1 1 ____ P_U_B_l-IC_N_O_Jl_C_[----i· oo11e<1 "iuph·rnllt•• u 1•m, TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY. M.,gerel Bromley D•puty IT MAY BE SOLO AT A PUBLIC "1 -----H-·_02_2_8_1-----I FORSTEHZER ANO RUDDER S 4 L E • I F Y 0 U N E E 0 A N 1 I I ,. I 11 ·' 130 Shnrl St EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE •I Jo, 11 • NOTICE OF PUB~~c:? SALE 0 Blohop CA 9:13S14 OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST I 1.,; ol I II I' "I~" ~t·~u~~~l)~o:11:-~u11;''si',.,~~ (714) 87J.S881 ~~~·y;~u SHOULD CONTACT A I: I' ,' ·: .. :",'',I '; :. ;. ' I ,.. ·:' 5,,,1\0 A11.o t.dillo1111" Le.,>1119 1'1o1Jll~llt•ol Ur.o;•\11' I ''".I Uuily NOTICE OF TRUSTEES SALE ' I 1: 1" ff11f''lll""' '"~ ~l'(Ult'd p,uly PilQI. Otl !I 16 • J in Ts No 36970 u11de1 ti ~oc ur11y "Y'~""m~ut w1U1 (..A(A llV[ PA llOS INC tlbd PUBLIC NO llCC CPP 297&7 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE TS Ho lt4 ''"''' I ru~1t'• ''"· t 1 REAi [ d A ll I I lo I ) I '· PUBLIC NO II Cl F19%44 ., . 1•, l'Ulllll Nllllll I 11. 11 llht)" 1111 .. INl Ii'• NAMl f>fAll Ml NI I I I' 101 11 I ' '" ~ "I I' •' ti ii ' I j.1 I ! H t it I I '• l.ORMAN ANO '>Al I AHi It I A p,Ot•t•U)n•I l-•,w C.or11ontlluu 4000 M•r Arthut 8.QulMVMHf \ul1tt ~·.-oo W••• Jo wtH N~WfH>ll ll#Mh CA '17Ml0 " I W\l(JfU PUBL I(; NO I ll:l nc Ill IOU'> llUSIN[ SS NAME SI AlEMENI ,. , • .'11 r,. f ,.,., '.~ ' I , • I• I 1.11 I If f. I .,,,I 1t if • ' 'I p,' ,. .1 ... ., f 1f' A1 •1 I• 1• I . '• ' '· ., PUBLIC NO TIC[ I 1 I •I \o I I , . .. F !99S!>4 I• t111I FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME ST A TEME NT ..... , f I ti• " V(FVTFP"l FVf'~,., F 1Hl .... ,, ,,., "JJ." IJ ,,,.._.<:I •• , • 7 "''•·'\ ,, 'I '·J .. CJ,J. !~I) C HAPPARAL LANOS<..APtN(; (Jp01U< <loHud M,sy 20 l!Hi l oet.atJ)f ot d .. t.,uft uodt41 th•· ag1eemen1 woll 'ti" at puollc auc11on 10 H'lt<: h1ghe'>t b•<Jder 101 cash pny8t>t~ 111 tPI~ "~ ot ~a1,.,.. w 1tnou1 WdfftU•tt~S "' Hiit' hll\{)oh.S o, n• er r. n tHI 1 J b 11•1 y ·HH) 1 n ru.t.•HddllC.tt w11f1 S1-'tt1on q.-,Q4 fJt thti l.Jlilorn111 Lomrnt•tc1JI Code NOTICE "OU ARE IN OE1'AUL T UNDER A DEED OF TRUST, DATED APRIL 22, 198 I UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLO AT A PUBLIC SALE IF YOU HEEO AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A S,[HVll f 1'••11 •' J. l '• "' R-r" tOW'1'f ~v·h~ ;w, ,,. th ... c .1h; ''' 1 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME ST ATEMENT J""'' o11i,,n ·t C.<.'>:" llt:~o C.1' lht' IUllUWllU) GfJlltlllll ~I I Onti J 20 Oo lCI\ WolCh lrencht'• S N 21111 l On~ $ 4 011<.11 W1IU1 1 o j ilt•! SN 11815 l Ont•<.. 'l'J (Jif~ll W11 c11 Jrenthilr SIN 113945 10 Pltf obllgc1t1ou' ;u10 tJwlut ~~ p.:rhe!> pu1sudr11 tCJ th~ ~ecur1I)' .1g1~t-mt-ot Dateo Ck.tooe1 18 198:.! LEASING ENTERPRISES, INC Albetl F Oulnltell Allotney tor Secured P•rly Puo••shod Orange Co;ul Daoly PolOt Oc1 10 I'll!~ LAWYER. On NO'lr•·n1t•"' \Q P•ij.. ,,, ·~ ,, a m A t l A '' Ei II l I I" ,.,, !-, lhCu A'1oJ ( (1U• 1, I (Ir lh •' .._, !11 (J ' (.. .d t ,,I I f1 , ,,, • ( A I MAHA hf Ml "I l I Ht I I 1lu\ I 1111, r JI AM(fil( A I l111l 1w .... ~'"' r.il I I' '1111( dPS ,.., t•·d I 111·.1 .. , ;! 1•, lfHl ''II• Hut p11w1·1 ;I ... ,111 1 ,,,f .. n 1·d 1" lf• .i I 1 r 1.111 f I .... ,, • I I • J .I 1•.1•\.lJh•lf tr,'~' Ji(,,'• tlld r,f, HQS1) t1111!tl• thft .1PtS ..-.1h l••U H1I 1,,, t•hit•ct .Al r ,U fjc,, J. 1 )',I'• ut fJtl,, i (h C..OHJ'--UHA' l(}t-,I J l..ttl1t ,, , ·I "'J• 1 (I ... , ' 11 I I;• c.01poral c1· ._.._ lJul, itJS•u nt..,"1 He(. rcJ1•1 $1 II 11•111 • I '' lrush:f!i uno•·' •flcJ t11r\ l,J~1f to ' .. Oeea ol ''U'' n·tt)f\J .. c1 At' L, (lJy" l'' 1 1981 a,111-.11 N t.._.tb ,, t">• t i .l.tf t403• PJQP 1517 ot OlloC'81 nr111<Ju•tj Record" ,,, '"t-ot11c.t• 01 lht! L.ounly t...l itit.e r ..,,,,,' ,. 1" ,, RecordPr <ii Orori91' Cou"'' Slate , ~ t'ill. ,,, ri .. , ur1J .. r 4809·8~ ol California f tt..tCuh)t1 b)' GERI ~ tu ~ i z•,• ~1P• '"' ---------------SMll H dn unmarri~d ""oma" Will ~, J El L c A u 1 r 1 <H1 PUBLIC NOTICE SELL AT PUBllC AUCllON T0 1H1C~11E I h1CJl1E.H I "''< A o1• HIGHEST BtDOE R F-OR C ASH 1.J~lvl nu1n11, ut Un• "'1111 d ~.1 1'1 SUPERIOR COURT OF tPa~ablP at time ot UIO 1n lawlul ,,, " Co>;l•1cr I lu'O' •10.•"' CALIFORNIA mon~y ot trie un11eo SU.tt':tS) a1 the I 1:>t~J111 ,,, n1111~ •n 11 r1 •"" • ,t 1H COUNTY OF ORANGE lrortl entranc1> to 111e ola Orange •1•d1·1;u < fl·d11 uruor 1 • • 1.111 In th• Matter ot the Adoption Counti; Couftnouse IOGeted on f£-df4t~tl ~.t"'"g .... JH J 11 '" , , ,011 '' Pellllon of SHAWN T HOMAS Sonia Ana Bl•O bet ween oom1r11 .. aoool/11,~111" ,q,1.,1J • •1 STANCHFIELD. Adoptln9 P.,enl Sycamo1 e S1 & Broadway Sanla t"" "m•• tit • ""' 11 < ,,,, 11 • 1° I C••• Ho. AD H751 Ana CA 8H r•on1 11tteo ano 1n1e0:~st n1,.r~\1 r f'ld t, '' 1• t •11 11 •• ~ CIT ATION conve.,,eel •o c1nd novi.i ne•d by 1t 1r1,tt rf •I '-''o'""'''Y .. •l..1 1t. ' J IHf P[OPlf Of lt1f Sr Alf Of undet sa•O Deed or !rust on tt11• c,, '"'' '"' St '"' d"·" I• 1 ,, (.AUfORNIA properly situated m •a•d Cour>ly I or ""s fr, JAMES JOS£PH JAV(,0~ and State oesc111>ed as LOI ,j ol 11.1 'N •1111 e,. ,,,0(-t o t th1~ COJrt y«u ,.,.... LOT 29 on Bloc.• 'q ot Newoott <•'"' d ,,.hJI ,. I ,.... J ttere:O; tllPd to J~·~'"d' t•l"'v•l" 1tte IBftacn 1n 1rw City o t N,•.,.t.·nrr BP3 t-~ J 1.,,., 44 1 "' 11 tt , 1uoq~ tHt•\1<J111f.J 10 OepJrtmt•ut f r t ~ounty o r Ot.tnq\1 $1.ltP o f 'J *'>1 .,,lfH11•t 1 ,,., •f " t• ln1\ C.Ou'1 n11 JJnu1H'J '/ 1 196J at Cahtotmll ,,s i;tu tndlJ tt.-CtHOtld ''""' Ur.;tiq•• < .Ot>t,ly L ,,,, 11 • 8 45 am then .tllt1 th4..'''-' to shOlN Book 3 Pagt.._ 16 M1~tPUant!ou~ t nt, -.1, t•t"I .utd• , ..... r ' t:.J 1' ,., c.ausP ii ttn~ )'OU ht.t\oP wh)' the Map$ 1n the Ottu .•. fi' ol tt1P t:.ouHt) nmm1u1 O~"i••JHr1l1c 11 1 rr •• r1•1P ()Ptttion ot SHAWN rHOMAS RecorClPr Ot'\dldLourHy lh~~1·t"f.'l lprrJpflth t1f•fti-1r1 t(HIVf' i1i\,111tr1d ., S t ANCt1f I[ t U ,,.,, 111,. actopt1on ot add res'-o l ltw tf!dl ~iropcrh 1 ... 1 'l 1 "urpor h'4l lfJ t •• t M 1i .,,, 1, ... 111• JESSE J AM(!'> JAY(,OX .ind :?91n S ire«• '""'"'flttll Elf'l1<!1 CA Ca1otorn1.1 JAMES S(AN JAV(.,()t your m1n<'H Tne urHh1t ~HJUt·c1 l ru<f,1t"'f'I 1 tH"' 1110•·~ 'H1'1'' t I,. t .+t, ~on~ !.,flOUIO n C>' U•' gr.tn,ed d•SC.ldtm!t ,tny t.JU1l1l., lo t ""' d' Id ('!l't ii 11 . .tt 1•1 ~ I , p ' Oal~d Ot.tOtJct I~ 1982 mtorreCH'P.,!> nt Wt.• \Ire~! rtdOrec;s 1r1(, ,,,, .. ,,,..,..,.. ••1 ,,,, .111••' • ltJ,•·· HEITMAN • MlllERS I and 01rw1 tommtu d•·~IQf ..iltClf'lr 11 ,,, Jfnf"'I L',, If ,,. \11> 11Jl1 41 ,. Attotn•r• ., L•• 11n1 ShO~I' rwtf'!t c ,. • .., •. ,. ,.. I b •· , .... il~f· "' ,, 1010 N Main St 1 2 5 Sa cs ~tl~~ .,.. ~ t • n1 Hl• bui ,,..;:u r ,JfH, , • 1 ,,_. t m; Santa Ana CA 92701 .,,, 1nou1 c ..,.~, ,, t t "d" "''v c (71•) 134·9101 e•-PtPSS ,, jfTICI t•n '~:1J'J·nq flt l" ~r yn-t 1 tr t• , f ,t \f Pd O• \tlQ( l.,( ,.,, 0d 1 PO\~t'~S·Ofl ~' l'°''(umtu 1nce~ IOI ' r n v ' ,j r. 1 1nc.-t ?11c11 0<.1 } ~ JO ,~o .. 6 13 l982 pay thf' temd t '"9 t_1r1,oc1c:.,1 sum ot u., .. , t •• •' , '' J68i 82 1ne not'* \Kurt'\1 trt .... 11d Detad til 0 1·r•1J I r' jst -... ,, 1rust w1tr1 "''..,"'~' "f'r+aon • ., ,, ~' \t.•l !t 1'i cu ,1 J• 1 t' •,. PUBLIC HOTIC£ H·02282 NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE On Nn•emtJ-01 4 1982 tit tO 00 a m ~· ~533 South Main Slre<>I Sant.> Ana t..u1otorn1.1 l!•asino En1erp11s,., inc !t'Cu•ed pa•lt un081 d Sl'CUlll~ 11gre~ment Wllh JAMES MOrflT C0NSTRUCl10N oeoto• da1ed Novemo .. r 24 1980 oecauae ol dclaull under the agreement woll ~1!11 .sl puOI t auctoon 10 lh~ 1119ht"st l>•OO•» lo< cash pa)oll>le ;it '"t' 11me 01 'die w ithout W8H df'\l•~S of ttllt' hlnPS~ or mer c ntJOldb•l •t~ ctnd 1n actoroanCI' wolll St'ctoon 9!'104 ol lhl' Cattlorm<l CornmPtc•al CodP !he tollnw•ng GOll"ratrral One R40 011Gl"I W i t ch lrenchef w i th anachmt!'nl !1er1<1.I numoer 0040838'> 10 p,;y obl•galions and lawlul ll•Penses Pll•Sv.Jhl In the secu111y agceement Da111d OctobPr 18 198? LEASING ENTERPRISES. INC Albert F Oulnlr•ll oro-11de1J 1n said note ao"ances 1f I ~ h1\ .... J ..... ,, 1 t' 1 il"Y unOf."' lt1f• ti_)trnc, 11,I '">o..11d Oel•d , .. ,,,., .. tt •"'rt•c,f ,)n<J 1'1tt•1p· f 1 t ,1;r '' O f lf11SI lt·C C '••t'Q~~ ,lf•d ,;UJ9 tBl t->') H,d fl\J' t111"°"' 11 l11J1• e-.pfl'n~Co'> t)I 1h" ftu~l••ft .ind ot tt1P 11 ll t>•r••·"~''!I n t 011• r,uc..lt-<f' 11•11 pt trusts C:ffl,)t.,d ti ...... 11tl OP~d '''I t111· tnJ~t"' t '••.utto h., •, 11l1 (111.-11 ,1 frv~t lrut;I Thi• toLH ,,,..,.,.,rt, o! ~ ,.,, lt'lf" 1C1'1ll .1muun1 ot Hw 'J"''•"td ~t1'•Q •I•"" 11u ha111H1 ,.. •~· 111.it,1, baldOCt• r;I rn.-CJtJliQ1it1~1 '''111r•-r'1 e-,.11n1 11•••1 t••••, c 11 1rf)t-'' 11111 O)' '"*'" SJ'C•(ll,,I, ,,, bP \(•lt1 .HH' Pt.JJPO'·•")'. ,, '"' 1111'\fPO t1 "I ''"I reasoulltllfl' P t1m.tlt'J "1\t\ ot ru111 1 f' i(I• 1t t ~• 1111, N r r1 f"~penSP\ tHHl J0vdf1(t''\ J1 ti·•· l rT,t• \$Ji 4 ,''· ,, 0 1 tne 1n'l1a1 ttut111c..Jt101· t 1t ,. Datf"d (), ,,,, ,., ,.,t ,., .. , NoHP ot SJll' ' S'• 4?' 1)\1 BENE f I c I AL MAN AGE MEN T The bt>•,f•hc.1,,,,. ur 1..H•' ,,1•d [h•t•J CORPORATION c·I tru~t tpu•1ci t rt •1••1r:t1l•·tl ,,,.,OF A M ERIC A • Oel•wa re tJPI ... e,~d 10 ''"' urnh•,~ :• t ,, ·• corporaUon. wt1HPt1 0 ''< t.11 Hn .. .r~ t 0'"''·•uf1 1· ·J •• Tru11ee. D1>m.U>d I o 5 11 .. ,,., t 1 "'' '''" REAL ESlAfE SECURITIES ER NOt•te of Ot•f 1ul1 .1ntS £ ,N t1nr h 1 SERVICE. SPll "'" uroC1P•••Qr i>d ""'"d ~.t•O • C•lllornle corporellon lie Agenl Not1tP nt 0 1•r,11t11 .1no [rPCI "" to O.J Morger, Ire Preolder" SeH 10 OP recrncJfld •" 11~e ounty 2020 H. Bro•dwey, ._111( wrier~ the 1nHI ,,,,0,1•-rt-. .i:. ioc._ttPd ~ •• nt,1 An.• LA l&,' 70• o.it,, orino"'r ~o 1!<6<' , • 1.11 11~ • t.A 10 ALLAH B WILLIAMS 1'.11,11\111 Ii IJ• 11 l" CORPORATION I n, ,1 t)r I Ill "'"" t 11 P 0 Box 27S El Toro, CA 92630 PUBLIC NO TICE Allotney tor Secured P•tly Pubh1llf'd Or ·'"Q<' Coa\t OJ• , P1IOI Oct ·10 1'!8? (714) 770·1230 H·02213 NOllCE OF PUBLIC SALE Allen B Wllll•m•, PrH Pob"""""'" )•.tnQP C ,.,, Oct h •8 •3-8<' Point 011 •ll Nn• t 1 • •<l8. ; ...... , ht ,... ... I I 4 • .... t )fTt ., ,... ,. 1.•1 ,, ••• , PU8l C NOTICE IS \Ol1t l\flJ C+tl d 1"' I l 11 I j ______ 1 ________ f1•fNt• '"' 111 ''' t111l I 1•'1 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS ,,ndt•r 1 .. P ,,, '• t 1n·1•1•11••' "'" NAME STATEMENT 0 lf "U(1Hf ~ <110,1 I• ''I'"'! TRUCKING llP!ll r lotl1•<1 H~ NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE PUBLIC NOTIC( o I I· o I ' .' .. I I I .... 11, L. 7 ,, H•llt' t.1 tJ1Jlt'' 1 r11 • ' 1h ! 'lo I' ,,1 ... ,, w•1'1 HI• ,,, 1 t 1 ,. 11 < h·', ,,, r,, .11 'JP t..ouri.1y ' I 'I ' h ~ 1' "•~ .. (o I IJ ''•t t. 11 '·" ... f 200233 ·, ~ ., PUBLIC NOllC[ FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME S I A TEMENT rt,1 '• 'I• I • '• I.: 'I F199708 t·_J fJt,1f'iyf"' ( 11J~I {J~ If I ft/'~/) t"4 1~ b \~p!o ... 4' •IS B1 PUBLIC NOTICC FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME ST A TEMEHT ,,f' •· l:u~ .,., c;.'\. J' 1;.1 r' f 1b JJUBl !, t 1 I 1J IHJ A 1 fJ >I (,o ; I. L l r ' t 'l!dlt 'A f>f A [')TA If t(l1 i ri, •l ,,...,1 J.i A'"' r • ( r:.,1 • 1 tit'•! ., 'h· ('(Jt r ojf •.of •• j ,., f41• • f f f ~ f I: f • 14 A 11•' ••• i.1 ·~. 'f ,, f! • I Jl1·n t-! /o,.t4-I ., , A '1'' It,. ..,• '• C 'd' ,• r ,, 1, r ':tr·i,.t '• Fltn!M .. •' I tJi(j.1 n I tc,..,. ., I•:;)" t t 1%< 4~b• ~2 .. , ,,. , ... ,, ,, F t9955J . ol ,. '· PUBLIC NO TIC£ 1(.02140 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT ,,,, ' . ,, , .... , ll• ,, ") l j ,,,,.' ,.., 0 • ... ( O!'.TA 1.1(!'.A M1t•, J(I ,,., • 8 \ 4 H,,,t11u Alvd (..n't 1 Mr "'" ( ~\ '· ' • t l M P.J " ( I)'( I ( }Id ti fhrJ rtr111J,,1,.r,n \ lJ 1 r Ht.•,trlW1l~ t f"•11u l\r• il h < A un~O l th r 11i.111 .. •,-. 1·, r.ru1tJ1,(. tP11 t , .. ' •l•\ '·" """ ( M ~· I •tt I ' " ~ c "" , u f I 1l I \t I,, I I )' \ I 11 1 0 t II I( , '" PUBLIC N011C£ F 199503 t I O.c•., ,, . .., f FICllTIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 'I• I 11,t1t A ._ l( /di ' I I \\I ' " rl lH PUBLIC NO TICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS N!<ME S TATEMENT f h1~ f t\. /\If 1 tJf ! ,., !\~ ,jH' (Jrt1I l'J C , H; Tl•UC 1 ll)•l Elo .. c,o r o•.is re:• r.~r; • CH t T a:tifirt Sv1\f'" ( ,1 I q~""·1~ l)t•I .,. i ' 1flr t"' .t • /1.1 •4'' fit,, ._ o'-~' Bt1ta n Cat ' ff "' 1t1•M1•t I A\• '+,•,J 'ol'l>lt'\ lht' Lr 11n1, ', • .,. I I ),,tr!(JI' ( l•vnh Of c "' I 1 ' i11~~ F19770S n Jl 1 "''t'' r '·" i• \. rthl Ocl•I) t 1H 1 f'lt I It • { -II IHh 6 1Q8,? 456~ 82 PUBLIC NO TICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT ,. • lit A~·A'.• • , •tA L 11 r ' I A I, toll ' (J )i 1 ~.~ I U " t •• , ,, t ... ,1 " •t I~ r • .. t I A'lt' • .. ,,,1'11 4_J IJ I n lt1 ,,. 1• 1• '" ' . "' ~" ~"' ,, .. I I ,, t I ,1 I I . ,, ' •• F199720 t t ')a r, ;. \OF!l ~ .. .,. p, .,, PUBLIC NOTIC£ F700802 On November 4 198<' at tO 00 a m al 2!>33 Sou•" Main S1reel Sa111a Ana Cnlolorn•~ Leasing Entf)rpro1fl\ Int •ecored partv undf', a secu, 11y dQf PPmen t with HILL TRH INV£STORS GROUP INC deblOt (laled Aprol t6. t98 I oeceusll o r 0111au11 unoe• 1ne agreemtonl will Stoll at public auctonn to 1111' h19he11 l'll<lder lor tash P01y11bte Al the 1ome ol !.&le w•lhOUI W31t8nl1es OI hlle lolnl'SS o r me1c11antab1l1ty ond 1n l\C(;Ordant e w1111 Sl'Ctoon 9!>04 or Tn"" ff)Unwm9 pf't'-n"~ ,t, ... dn1nq husme-,, ''" ~pplemt•Hr , : IOAO lu•t 1 •~·· c~' 1 1t t •• ,, l 11 Jt 1 , .t ('l '*''' FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT f nt' fl"llll""W"''1 p•·· ·~in~ "'~ c1omo h , .. ,,,H~~ tl"' CHOWN l O M PAN' c o Mayman 001111'11 t1nC1 Br.-.~~"''" 180 E Mein SlrPet Su1tf' , l'"t t 1jt\t1n c111o1or111a qiseo G F .on Mue1111nQ No l El Concno I""" Roll•n<i 11111~ Callforn1~ '10?74 Betty lh•lmf' 10H ( 1on,111nn Ou"" Coront• ,1,_1 Md' l 1 1to•n• t 9?6?S M~u., l1udf'.1u t;''"' 11 .... 1.,,, dPltluU 11n11r1 "" ,ul''"''"'""" 1 w 11 I~·~•\ 1 t' t 1· ty ~ t f> 1•lA .. ,fill ..,., iwot11 .uH 11nf1 It Hw ''•·a"•·~.r 1 4 ;o \ ~,"" h11J<1Pr fw c ,\qh l•·•'r·lll!•' .'1 1111• 11m1• ol "atll w11hch'' ...,,,,f(t11t1t''> u l 1111" t1tnPSS CH '"'~1ctqn1,1t,1ltly .toc.J ~" ac.corcinn~ .._. vi.11'1 ~.--f ''' 1 '" 114 ''' tht• CaHcu 11 ' ( '"'"'".'' 1 l •ld•• PUBLIC NO TIC[ FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATE MENl th(' IOllP\IWltHJ c.nH1Uf'I I ,,, 1; A II ft>p fOllO'tl\•nQ r•Pt\t\M '' df'1P9 (._,h.ot!mt·r' AC. l \Ol t-1• 1,11 ,t n tiv,•t:r•'ioi;. l SIH• ~• uutt~l.I••• 1,•q1 1 t , ,, EU• AlR AV•Al10N SrRv1C(::> tll1q.,tH """ U•lJ • \..,,.fU ,_,, "'1 I t•ur.,t,;1nt to lhf ·I"• ~•"'" 1 )h • .,,,.," 1 P,H1• d-Jf" fl.;1• ... \...-"'-O;"f 14 f\1 ••" ~l ltnft" ~4unrj~lt\ JO l) RAN l 1 I L I) A 1 A ~ S ~)(I Al (S "'•II, "-'•'oolf' I rtltl ~u11t1nqtc1n ~f•.u I C t c+;il,dfi W•ll1iin W F4n .. 1• 'l40,"" Mt10tl"' C1•tlt> t~unt tl•11 f h('1J1 h Ca <>~(.4to l ,.,d 1 A J.tos•• ••lt\i. M C'rue l r h n unt1t•~""' Fi1• t h C' a 4;>64fi lti ., t tl'lrl'' 1\S. Ll'ti\IU( tt•!J t 't 1n nr1 ... H.t.1 1I p41J\t I' i1 \ V'v h'I 540 5554 ~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiijiiiiiii1 the California Commf'•C•DI Code U the lollowong collAIP•al One Used two ll•le Fl,.,mmong lrallt'r SPPOI Number 10112 10 pay ob1tga11on1 and lewlul e•Penses pursuanl 10 the security 11g1nemen1 Se-l1-, Ot1vf' Snutt1 l 1uun.t Cahto1 noa <i<>fo 11 Rerpn H1Ch•"" tl I f LODO• Marino'\ ~ttn ClnmPntr' f ,,111n1"' 1 92672 D,11f'<S Octot>i>< ttl t'1P LEASINO ENTERPRISES INC Albert F Oulnttell I J ,,,, ~101' ltV•f•f' CA It .. '. Iii rn ... t ·~·"f''-~ , ... " •flt.ltf h•·t ll\ ,,, II ~ J ~ V o \ 1o I <\I W1l1t1rn \.\. U·•"f' Hw•• ,l,1lttm~n1 v..l IJtp~t Y11o•lh Hit" 1,1,r1h Lt•·•i.. ,, Or.tnqp Count, '-'" "HCI HOTHHS HU HOADWAY MOITUAaY 110 Broadway Cosra Mesa 642·9150 IALT2 IHGHOP4 SMtTH & TUTHILL WISTCUH CMArll 427 E 17th S r Costa Mec;a f\46-9371 rtlRCI NOTHIU SMITHS' MORTUAIY 627 Main S r Hont•ngton Beac h 536·6539 rAClftC YllW MIMORIAL rAH C.rretety Mortuary Ch1pel·Crem1tory 3500 P1c1hc V•tJW 011ve Newpon Buch 64-4 2700 • The buck starts here. M aking a start i1 prol)abl) I~ mmt 1mpon11n1 ,tep 10\\ ard H\ ing. There it a" II) to take the m11111I '"Jl and kno" )Ou'nrnn the ngh1 trnck IO\\ard o l"tgular, scheduled 111\inA'· Ju11 join the 1'11) mll Sa,inll• Plan 111 "ork. A linle i• lnkcn ou1 •if cadi Pll) check \O\\ ard the JlUn:haK ti l '.S. Sa\ ingJ Bondsr You don't ht\ e 10 \\On") ut>IH•I m1kinll 1 s~c:ial effon to pur \nmclhinll ll'itlc C!llC:h P!l d11). h's all done for ) ou. Autorn11hcllll) The buck~ ~•an rihnA 11Jl. tho inlerC'I &rn" '· Mnd \ ou reoli1c \ ou\ e found one •un:fire \\D) lttH\C, \\ ,., • ,, •I ,,,,, ,.,,rl I., ,., "'' Ill .. ' ,..,, t ' ,,,, ,.,., R ~•i•h """ ,, J..,/1101;1 t. luof,/,4/uu.l1t11/utrn, j,11 'I''"' t 1•1111f1 II uud /i I Ii• HI \t JI A ...,eoc -· O' tlle Oe•., llofOt rcl IN -••"O Coulltll Dated Octotier 18 198? LEA81HO EHTERP,.ISE, INC. Alberl f . Oulntt•ll Ttu' bu~111.,-.1 1ft t.on011t lef1 h'J ,, qene•al ~r•;rn:~~1•PM~,.111111Q lht5 .-;,tt•ltAmt•nt wn'\ 111,,t1 '\!\1th 1111• County Clmk 01 01M1Q<' Countv on October ?8 1'181 F200IOS A1to1ney tor Secured Petty Pubhlhf!O Orano11 Co1ut Dail~ Pubhlhf'd 0111111}•' C OiHI Daily •8 t•-82 PolOt Ocl )0 Nnv 6 1 \ 20 1<l8] 41Q1 R;t P1IOI Oct 30 t982 PU8LIC HOJIC( FICTITIOUS 8USIHESS NAME ITATEMENT Hie follow•no P""O"' nr 11 O•l•no nu1111ess •• .. M ERl(,AN COATINGS TECHNO~OGY :no I II S1andn•d Avenu" !';ftnln AnA Col1lo1n1a 92705 Jl!rry W Smylh t829 Snn P 911Cu11I $Ania 8Arhe111, CAltlorn•• 9)101 Arl'1u1 0 Pow111t Jt ?732 Hiiitop 011ve N"WDl)tl B~ncn Cahlorn111 92660 n111 bv1mt1n If conductt'Kl lly • hm'1.0 p111lner•h10 A1thu1 O Powert Jr Tt111 a11tom~1 wH 11111<1 w•tl\ me Coun1y Ci.tk of Or•no• County on Seplf!ml>l!f 30 ttll2 PUBLIC NOTICC FICTITIOUS IUSIHE88 NAME STATEMENT r ,, __ 1011ow1no o•u ,on '" cJo•nQ 1>u11nes-,., J A J fNICRPRt°'ES t'>'i~ MMIJ Vtottlfl Orivt' l Nn •oo Co"" MHll CohlOtfllO q262fi Jolin ( NObltl '.,~~ M»~~ Ve•dfJ 011vt1 r No 400 Ceo!!" MftSll Cal1lt111u11 9211211 J11ne1 I NOlllt !Nill! l'h!lllPSI 155!1 Me•• Vt11de OllV" [ CMlll M .. a C11htc11no11 02826 Th•• nus•n~•' 11 condttCINI fly A gene• 111 p111 n.,, tll•P Jot>n l Nol> .. Th•t 1111temt1nl was hlt'C wtlh 11\fl County C1et1o, ol 0••"9" cco..,nty <11• Octooer 211 t98:1 l'I..... 1'200190 Publllhlld Ort1nQ11 Cont 01lly Pul>lleheO OranQf' COU1 0 1ny l'tlol Ocl ~ NO... 8 13 20. t082 PllOI Oct ~ NO• (l 13 10 198;> 47811121 47<18 8;> Allorney 101 Secuted P••IJ Putihshfl'tt 01 tnq1• f r t r ( I* • Ehd\n I Hwo1\l&'f 1h1 .. ,,,,t..-m.+nt WU\ f1lf\'•t WtHl lhe ( 11unh C fflri. .,, fh1tnt.)f' l ounlv Oil ~~ftlfl"lht'' I(' '(J~ I F1971S.ol Point OCI .10 1qM ~. (11 1 14 l<lAJ I ---------~~--fl89414e •l/11 Puhl1'otu•,I (11,1'h>• t 11+14'1 Oo+ly P1h.H Oct '' H ' ill 1'18, PUBLIC NOllCl H·02218 NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE On Nov,•mb"' 4 1'18~ ,,t 111 t)(I am at l'• l l Sn1,th M1t11• '•Htlt-t Santti An• ( al1hitn1a t f Al,IN(. ENT ERPl11SI :., INl ,.,..,, .. ,, f' u ty unO@!( '4'CUl•h ''"'~"mfHll ~111• 8R01HER S E0lJIPM FN1 RENl Al Of'l>lnr 1!011,.d Apnt t t980 I'\-('( out.~ C\f (tt1l.111ll ""''',' lh .. rtQrf'ftm~nl will \.~It 4tl 'l\lbht HUI hon 10 ltifl htQht'\t tH(htpr for c n-.h P"Vlltllf' t\1 "'" 11mf' nl "Hlfl w1thuut wanunltf'S n t htlt' f1lnt'•S o ' rnrircr"''"Rlilh1y 1uu1 .. , m.cotcJrrnc.e w11h S•~n100 ~)';O• cil lhti (.9lllorn1a Comnwr< '"' C:0\1f" Ou• loHowin" co11,.1e1111 Ono M ode• WD68HP$1Rf•Hl I~ W10011•s 1~ 6000 • Forkhll wll'er~1n1 O•eaet 1owabff' w/""0"' ll•nkl'• S N WlC ao 1101 "-•* 1lt<XM't1• "'" 1n r•~Y Obhgatlnn• 1uu1 IAwtul t'\Ofl"~~' Pul\Uftnt lo '"" •fl< u11ly tlQfN'n•,.,,t Onteu ()(;robe• 111 1'lll~ LEAllNO INTl"HllHI. INC Albetl f Oulnttell AltorMy for lec11•.0 "••tr Pullh•h••I Otango c.oft•I C>a11v Pilot ~.I lO 1'182 •'uhl1t..h11d <'r.mo1~ l •rn"I Daily\ 44~8·82 t•11t1t Ort 1f ,1,\ \0 Nt11t 6 t~8;t ---------------4 ~ 19 B2j ___ P_UB_l_IC_N_O_T_IC_[ __ _ Pu-B-ll_C_N_O_T_IC_[___ FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT K-o71441 FICTITIOUS 8 USIHESS NAME STATEMENT hir toltt 't\'utq P"' '\C'>,, ., ,1cuno ~1&'11nf'I'" '" (1lllll n IN( r; r l (OM l'IJll ll SYSlf MS llt\/IC,ION l'nu ''"'''' ( ""'"' tt.,O I' 1ul11••"" A"*' lllf!IJ II !-.1111!• , • ., l •"I 1 M~•n ( ahh.,, n1A 1Ji'6J6 r, ,, u t ct ~ r 1 t om ,1 u t .. , •;y"l~m,. tnc " t lnrllllt "01prua hnn J ntl l llt10~r<1ttlt• r l J li I i 1 h .. hUllllM• II < 11rllJllClfl(I hy II f<''SUHtihOn Gooltl S I 1 ('nmp11l1" Sy•l~m• Im '~ t Oink.-._ Vff,. ,,,,.,+ct••il1 r lnMlt'",_ t t\1' ,,,.l,..mftnt WA' f1,,1td wtth tn~ Cc• .. n•~ (..I ... ~ nl 0 ..... 11. County <H• C'lct 17 1q97 1'1"505 Pul\h•ll .. d n1,.ng1t CoHI o.,11y r11n1 Ot.I !Cl n IO NO• 6 1982 4~'>9 81 rht• 11'\ll('t~lfhJ f'••t41(Ul\ .irr CJ\\mQ bu''''''~ .. '' f'A( •I H I IMOllSIN( ;408J V1..t M,,,t1uQ1t1l.t M1\!i1nn V·f'IO Ca Q,tfiJl!" f'ALll Mfll t!A E N f [ JlJ'RI'·' s ••• l.Rl1t"'"'·' (:C)f(JIHtHh""' 140 .. , V111 Mad•ug.ut.1 M1""''" V•f'IC' l n QJR'l? lt11,. tH1""'"'"' '' t.omtu1 tr11 h, ,, t (HJ't''•'ltnn l'A(.111(.. M(()I( Al I Nl ERlll'll~l°' l:l&~lnn f I 11111•111n1 '''"''dt'lll 1n1~ ,111tl'mo111 wo 1o11111 w1111 1111• I t.uu111y c.it1r~ or 0111"0" I 1111111• "" St'Plf>mb"' 21 l!lfl,' ALLEN ANO FLATT AllorMye •I L•w 4400 MeeArlllur •ovl• .. •d lull• no J 1llJIO Newport .. ec:h, C• 12M0-20SI Pub•••heo Ot•ng .. COHI Oeol~ P1tol Ocl 0 18 23 .10 t982 4462 112 ' ~~~----------------------------.._.--....... --_... ......... ----------------~~~~~~--~~~-------~------ c '1, u I' -I I I 111 I I 1t11ttf l I I I' I I EiJ Pr alessiunal Service Directory~ ~:'.~~~'.'!!'!Y........... ~:'!I'.".'. !.r.r.v.'!'!'........ ~f !~'.' ;'.' .'!'! !t .~1;~1!'!~ f.. ~:'.'~.':'!'.'!~............ !'.~~ !'.'~ .............. ~".~ ~~~~!~. ~~! !'!~ ~·!... ~~~!'!?............... ~!!.~'. -~~?~".~~! .•••••• I ~!.'!'."!.t. !_~1.vJ!! ••••••• '\ I I I It I ' ' • I !1 I ' ,. I • ... I I '' I ii •• I I ,, '.I • ,, Ht • ,1 H..Af • DAILY PILOT SERVICE DIRECTORY hk tor S1ndr1 ... .. ,, , ' B.u tt•ndinq s,.ri trl' ...•.••.. ~ .•.•...•..•. 642-5678, eat. Jn ---------~~.o.~~~~f!?1. · ····· · · · Cl'mt•111 Conrit'/1° ~1.~i.' !~!'!. -~ !~~~!! '.'!? I ' I I I I, 01\'l•Jll ..•..•••.............. •• ' t .. I I• 1· j-J. I U it II GARDENING WANTED ,, . '• ,,, I i1I I ,, I ' • '. t ~!~~-'!'JI. ............. . IHll H '°' IH I• ,, I! I I ' , ' IJ'"' I-J. I• 1., J I&'-&. .t o' I ,,, 11,I ~~"r:~'.'!IJ. ............. . 24hr ED 848-1825 I ' 1, I t I , 11 " I I l•f I I ft1 • t J I I , , '• .. ' ' .. ' \ I ft I It I II 11• 1r f ,, " !'.".~ ~~! '.'! ! ?'/ ........•. '· ,, I 'I f ~, • .,. ,.., I ·' It ... " 'I ,,, ~!!~~~~~f~'!f ......... . • • I o "' ,., '• • I JI ........... ...... . . ,, f :'.'!'.1!~Y ....••.•...... FINE PAIMTIMC "' . '' I 11 • .1 .. t Ht I l1J 11 I•,, f, 1 .11 II'''' f1iJ1•t1ti.1I ,, . l \• I J-1 ) f ,, I f t ~Hfflff I HI I I' '". 4 , " I, I t• I I 111 P•t10 Covtu 1.1 ... 1 i ,, h 1.. It I 1 I I, H,, I l ' Pt11 Control 1, '• ' I' I ~.o.o/ f '!I ..........•.... 11 .......... "''''"• •• t,~~ t I• 1. t J•, It i. ti,1,, '.4H JI 14 ROOF rROILEM? I• ,, I ,.. f ',1 ,. I·',., ,, I! ·I' I I,, i I I I . · '''1•1 I ~ I ( 11 I '' ' t ( I I' 1\-1 I c ' • t It 1h fJ t' ', •• ,. ti lt1tt ,,, ••I 1't., f !~! !~!. !l,t;.~~1•••••••• S((etns I 1 1 1 I It t It ol 'ii >111 I .1111111 I , ,, I h f t , , ,. '/ol ,f n•t•I ! 'If~ , , A I,,,, f f,•1. 11•,•; 'I l 1 fl I! fjl 1 t '-VCflCIH .. ~U \ tfl't nh, ltt 1 ..\ 11 •• ,, ,... t•..: -I> I , i. h , ,•• '"'I ~ I., 11•1 t t.1 •·it • • .-r:1r1 -·'· t I 'I flt 1 •• '· I 'ti H l~f!l'!!!!!~•••••••••••• II • t f1 i " . ~!.~'.".~' .. ft!~~.' !'i. ..... . ,\ 11 ~ t 'I• • ... !'.a.'!1 Y!'!~ !' •........... ,. lit . •' ,., ,. , .. 'f' l•h .. J 1; l I , ,• 111 ~ :'.' P.e.'! ~',I ............ . FREE ESTIMHES: '" ~ I It I ·\~I• 1 I tt t 1 ~tt ·p1l t ·1 ,\ I I ~ I Child C.ue •" ... "' ~ '• ,, olo I ,, ''• • I Io I t It 11 11 I I , .. ' l. HOME IMPROVEMENT ,, I! t *t 'I f ~!'.~'!'JI. ............. . '· 1714 1 9713250 ... '• t' I I ' I' '' I :. . "' . ' I' .. ~!!.~~!' .. t:t:~·· •••••••• If t I , .,, , • ''l· '. I • .... .\ ~!!!1.'.'!'.'!'J. ..•...•.•... ~d.~~1.n;. •••••••••••••• ~!!~!~~r! ............ . Master Cr altsman f.o.".'!!.(.'~!!, _q~?!'!~f .. TREES , . ·I ' 1U ',, I ' II,. I l! I ' ., d "' I I I I I ,,, , ... 'r. I '•' ·' . -.. 'I '• '· ·. ., ll 11 • -At 11 1, ! • I ''' ·. R.J. Hultman & Son , ' THE GREEN SCENE ' ' I ('!. •• ;., I t .. , DUL I AR [JAY [X)UGH~AV~ f<~ CLASS I Fl EDS 3 l I NFS • L I ./\RS Is your household Cash Flow Low? Sell those items you no longer need with a 3 lines, 3 days (for private party advertisers) If you don't sell in the first 3 days we 'll give you 3 lines, 3 more days • Thats nght1 Advertise your item for 3 consecutive days and 1f you don t sell 1ust call classified 642-5678 and we'll run the ad another 3 consecutive days FREE • If you discover you have priced the item too high to sell 11 on the first 3-day run. we'll even let you lower the price for your FREE 3 day run. • -:-he rules are simple -one item per ad -item must be priced -sorry. no real estate or commercial ads. You are not limited to 3 lines. 1ust add $1 00 for each additional ltne such as 4 lines 3 times $4 .00. 5 lines 3 times $5.00. 6 lines 3 times $6.00. Io I I I I• I ,, ' I,..,, I". ' , ~,.. j , I I ' I. ... ~ " ,, I ' .. I It• " t ti I , P HOUSEWORK WANTED ti•' I I• ,. , . •' '·.'. '. I I •''· /,• 'J> ' I, ,, 11 jl J ·'I 1 • I , , ,•, 1 11 I Cl " I I I I I•' ·' ' ' •' o I • • J, .. ·. 1' I• ,, . r,, I I I I,• •I GERMAN LADY ·' ,_I '•I•• 'I, No matter how many lines you run, we'll still give you 3 days FREE if you don't sell your it em on the first try. Daily Pilat 642-5678 ... . ,, ., ' . ' ' ' I '. ' IRONING , . ' I ~~~~~I! t •.••.•••.••.•• I • ' . , ~~~!~?. ............. . •A· I MOVING* '. .. •' Oj f f I :. I . ., '· II I , If I I .. 'I .. II f, 'I 11' I '' ' ~.df.~'.'!'Jl. ............• '• ., ·. I 1 A ! l .~. I ,.,_ • ' r 1,,..' 1i ~!~."!~!'!i ......•..•... 24hr EO 848· 7825 ,, ''I '' '• •' I ' 1 I ''' • \ 11, I llo '• 1 1 I, " "',., I 11 J,t ,,,, I to t ) 11 j( .•7 if Tilt '' I Al If (J ,., .. f I ,,,,,fl lf•t.ofl ,,, ' J ,1111 f14fJ rf~ 1 / Tree Service ·••·····•········•••·· t • ., " , •"f' • ' h·~J' '•'' ' .. 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Ri>dwood 2•6 Clech1ng 4 ;>O long also redwood h•nrong Coll Jim O• Ken Myllme> 775-149 1 I J1 ,111111• I ,1111 •I lJAll V I'll tl l /'' 11111 d ly t 11 111111 1 Ill l'ltl ··~ C1•111• I '"""'"'' IOSO "''"'"'"''"' 1010 011/tt f111•1t•t1 I "''· """'•n•ntt 10111 S/11• 10111, Slot~• 1010 '"''· /111111t1Hnt1 /111t01cyt/11 fll/1101 HotoH, S1l1 ' "' .,,., 1030 ...................... 1...... ..... ... ........ ' Iii .,,., 1015 S11111t1 IOZO o.~.. 9010 ..... ..... .. ....... , $1111/n f020 Stoollll ,, !iO ""'' $/our• 1110 ••••'··'•••••••••••••• J **I BUY** I 1., 1~11• 1•'1,••tn""' 1 •••• ,.,f•••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• ORY STORAGE •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••'•••••• ••••••••• t uyu oi.c'J •1uht "lllHltl11 u•l j ''·'-~" •Hh plutJ ,Jiu.it ''" LARGf SAFf M1uuu1 '••••v1t .... 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H i01t tit I t,l1M At,. itL •(_,f i' ,.t• ! t 0 14 '''' u lt lqt\0 ll!H1 ' •• , t•d ~ 1 ,. llrt J $4~01 A \0 Ar: t•i \; U' 1 K fi' I ~ J,;tJ .. .&...,. S. tOOa Att..( l 1111•,,1 Ap;11 PtlPl•it'' J111 llt• K 1t~ru 1lt 1.lOCJ 'J41• .i:J: t /\t\f C CH '°'''' '-.p.u111•I Pup 4 v.1 ul\·, M f l•lu hutf 1u•l11( t nnw 11100 HP • .. 1(1 '14•14 l 1 JI h•t1 H1•tl1••v1H l 1uj1p11t\ A l"l..t ..,. t111l·1 S:'OO '1111 llb'" '"''' H ' P1 lH()I,. plJ .... ~f l ·•' '' 1 '' d ' 1r1d ~ ,.,, • o .•.• ""' "'"" I I I l•tl l'I t ,,,.., ••• ," llpt1qht "•11110 S300 ,,., •~ 4 1'1 ')',,' 7 ,111 &PM f i f •cJ 'Iv u,un H~f:l(.J') I o.•h ~ St.OU OBO t S'JY ~!.it I ~II bf'M ~tnb .. ul c..1t•lt• up11 tf1t P1.i fl. $AOO f Ufll t"l" Ob •H t.41> (1JO I I• 'l B~AnSE"N l't!'omer tr181111te vrq.1n •U•t c<1r1d Dunc.in Phyl,, 01n1ng n ... j I , I q I. 14 lab 6 ch• Gd c:or111 '~•· f I. ;. U "II ~ ~I/I' s t,JQQ 760 07"'' fin drk w oo<J $4r.,0 ~ Biii•• \II£• !t ' 545,.4554 'f\i Ho tl''I ' ' t f Io; ir ~' ,,_ -.. 11 ,f4 M1•n ~ ..,.,,. 1 1 , I< I ""' [)µl1 f1,1(oy (.1Jnd 1'120 ~ Jiii> t H1 . t I ,,t•!o ~wlt..1 ~:~~: os;.;1~JO .,, ht.•'jl 111ft•r th ,1(111 w, .1!t, ~,· /(J ltl' f "'111 ll\Jt \.I 1Vt r Ifill lt•t 111 I" h1t•t l1lfl.,_ ~.h~tUU h41t h 1ti;tf 46' Bertr1m in Htwaii f fylutUqt~ 'fltlYt't Sttllt .. l't/4 1, M Vil 1111 t lfUIJ JH'fl f4 ' 'flCU t IJ lr\tl111q ,,,,_.H ~ \0 UUO .,,,,,,~·11111 " '"'"' IU lld "'·"' A'"""I ~. 1-1•, 000 hut 1••,t 1l\' ···•I•• JI. lnl;'-11 ,.., David Fraser 71 4 673-5252 lti 1tilHJ1lttl Cl!yf IJrJ tJ 11• r, ploy with '»lot h1U 1 .. 1 ~lhOO '1411Afl•l 1'111 I /OOIAC M~ 111 <.n 1f; 10U..it.d Jl t• ~>0 H P f\.1t•l(Uf:( f~w hQtJt\ CIU v. tl••t Mlflu 11 ,t,ul f' .11f~, lotHU h1•11.:1 iNl•••cl"> a .... , r.1~1t ollpr 17141 i·4', l'J'J4 ~fl W1 lk•.1ft Oc.••.lf• 11Ct-f l Ir ult•t $.!II CJOO (, ,,11 ~ 141 9"11 01'1'1 ~P.'.'!, .~~!~ ...... !.~~~ f!, llrlb1e C.11 yo•ll11w w' lt•Q :;lUHl~t ... 1.aJ tl'; L l~t.· !l"W $2~00 b7'• b 11, I ROCKER RECLIMER ,. .. , ,. : .. Rusi v1:r1o ur p,.11 .. t corid S 100 ti42 10111 , t ~ ,. P\.•• t ' • : " h,,., Gr '" I p, 1Ml 'It.iii ·~ r 1tw1q1J·-~ .tilhoat .... S ll'I i l •,"• rntl .JtJmet Sl.00 1(c , .. ~~ 1 .. "''""' $475 Musi sell K •nQ ~1 C ,,, lclln s WJlt'r IJ• ,, .,. m1rrort•lJ ''~ddt n P ll S300 oh b.l 1 1.: 76 i~~,.s.e! ........... !.~~g I it-',t JI I I 1 ,, Q J'1••1 I LOVE BALLOONS '>'.1 18b!I I ''"''" '..15Y 74 1 i HAMMOMO ORGAN $400 l'1 l'>I M• II /'4 Vnl~o 27 nt•O W 1 "r•C h (.J 1·090f, I• (J (,hi '! lhHp lull r.u l c ru,~•· Ht·w tilh_•f 'iJd I II. t i •.t•'f'lt, 7 ~ Sofd Ru<.I )(Int Co,, J ~ -o"' • s 125 01111'11!' SPl S40 t;..IJ 9 lt.L f ,, ,,,, IC' f~f!'!f .. • •••• • ... !.~~? ~:.:,~':: .,? I~ ,;~•d S~Ct~ I q 8 2 :> ~ N ,1 U I Q U " llC.t· $:.1 I :>00 61 !:> t.896 63' 733tJ 1., ... , . , •. ,, h .. , .... a Tt11 M1de a Ut>O to ... ~~·· •t , "lr t t • 2 'l'"'10, • '' sngl S1mmr•n<, s·•l [ •1 "~ •• ' 1••<1\ .... • .... 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Slot 1~ ~ Boots seat gooo co:o 1 gold ,.., d•imon<.1' (l••(tric r ,1_,.,.,.,1,.r tl.lnt1eo n 11ver 1111 (bOltll 83Q 544. Ct:3iJl htf ! 1'>0 "5 18'' S60 Sttl 646 1532 t 1 0~•1 A, \tN'~' ng M .J Kmg-s1z~ w<lt f'rbe<I 6 mo'> old ra t!~ oookra,~ headooaro S200 ob< c , . .,... ~ ,,,m S25-S 150 Stott, Rtsl1uunt, 1•119 CldSS) lb MCllJ•,; Cat w 1ro1tf'r Lo.ill5 01 X1ras $3200 t.rm 7 14 SS9-87!10 801111 Slip1 Docks 9010 ······················ !" µ,_,,. ' (Ill" nnC <; 10 (. I f.6, 7 • ~. 811 8095 •<.n"' ~~OO :Me'~..l v.-rctt-t <.;ount,y Cloh •••••••••••••••••••••• ;<,r, HOn t memt:Jcr~h1p I.lest olle1 ~omm I •Ce macrunes II BOii\ l SUPS .-.VAILABLE •----------1 d Newport Beacn 2S 26' 968-7109 964 37~6 f,t)ltJ ' P1•1rt frAl• of Ld•· I "11• n<•IJ •,if 14S5 S101;\Qe re "9 un er Wooden Frame King s•z.. < , ,,., S 1 S SGOO 776·65Q 1 JO 3!> 40 3 45 CJIJ w bed k w '" fi 4 '1 4 6 4 4 Ir om 9 -5 ne~e:naw~s; ~:: , ,;.. ' '11' ' Mu sic.I TV R1dio Mon fr new he<1tP1 $125 or tiP" i,Misttlllntous 8080 I lns.l!'!.11!!~.t! ••• !.~~! Hifi, Stttto 8098 ~~:e~p~62 6974 C i ir ul 1·REDW000D•i;s·OE(lKliG ·:~~11\HA Ba~e Amp 1B·E·~~·T;F~.l~·;;•••RC•A ••••••••---l! 10 20 tr,111) 36;: OP• fl I HHJd ... in t doublP 15 C<>IOr TV ? Y' wrn 11 Beau111u1 ~1rinte Cdnop, ;;· 1~41 •' •' m~ P1. SPt'·•"'·r c 1b1ne1 All IS 148 FrPf1 deliv .. i v " Open ~un bed E.cP11ent cone t ,, u~ ... rs 1. A" .. , -,t, ;e;:_cbP" .. ,,1 ~ondot o,, T J JtJN• b4t. 1781> S 100 5 4 8 -4° M~moe•,hp "·en Ont, ~ 'J I 64S-0272 p, • c 1<. 9S::J 6f0r. 839-05 79 , 1-&rM ::.01 OR TV w.,,~, goo~ ----------, S<lO S48 i.'42" .ill 11 AM FURNllURE ·NEW Gt,,l:~?~. ~ :~ ~,e~,.:t> l°'L~•llSI c v.,mahd C:.u1t~• ~~ l e1111h C..omo Cir PARKING LOT SAl f /If. de , .. , .,. (j, n, or ~ 11 n 9 ~ AM rm Pr nno Walnul Fr Sat Su" ·"' , , :. , Sd,.. ,, ~, r ti ~41? i>;&q S <' c, O >I , NT Con t1 Musi • 11St> Cash 1 !~ 1.., .. 1 ,,, C.o•.1 QI);> 15;;>3 UCJ .. o tfric.~ ro, rt!r~t New IJOr t r~1.,no $175 mo up lo n 67'3 4749 C,hp· UP 10 22 II IJOwer O• 10•11•119 Bait o .. Coves A" I f,73 11'4 Boat Slip Rental ':'7 fl ~17S SO mo plus S 17C, )0 dPDO~ll 1$6 50 ' ... ti I Ron Albright '"fl' Liil o Shores Ho1e1 "' d M<Jr·• I 61S J463 PRtCES START AT •i,&< Oflitt Furnilull & Ma111esses A founo !.Pt E . 1 8085 Boils & Muint • • • :i 11 Eog<i..,dlt'r up Twin S77 Full S97 011~ F Hr II lOD •OIJ •••• ~~!e!'!~'!.......... lo J 1 powPr 01 ~ail ~~';!n~ S l'~: .. ~:.;~g SS2~,7 ~~c.; ~;I~ ,l~~/'( DF l I 1')1-.<>111 15'>0 i411 p.;per do' • •• ~~~!f!'!~'!! ••• • • • •• · 1 673 1941 Sotd Be<ls s197 1 1ri Pr A., "'n ' Pase .,., Ctntrll 9010 C..ldSS•f•ed Ads au1 the ~JA(, C. SLAN(J C.Lu~ .,,, O· An • 1J es 1 .. (JqJ6 •••••••••••••••••• •••• answer to a successtu4 DISCOUNT f'uANtTi Rf c. H ,.. A 1 E ;; "' f 1,1 I MAftlME FUEL DOCK i ·•erage or yard sale' 11·s a 19S9 Harb<>r B1vo Off' O " • Ch • " Cosio Mesa 631_660<1 RfF'SH1P ice es. • atr F"OA SALE bener way to 1011 more S7'i 1 f>44-2t;;,>Q ~ 100obo 63 1-0906 642-4644 M-F 9-S 1.1eopte• t Heres How You Can Use .... ,,, .. -411/( .. 2.s •oo•, SUBARU 13861 HARBOR BLVD .• GARDEN GROVE rr Our Famous D1mes-A -L1ne Brtng lh("fl' ur Ml,tll '"''" ,,. rh In Q,111> P1lnl 111! W B .. v '-,> CA 'l]f.J•• t rf•• I t ,t ..,,.. rn''" Mt•.,.• our famous DIMES-A-LINE ADS M UST BE PLACED BY 3 p .m . O N FRIDAY FOR INFORMATION C ALL LOIS . 642-5678 ext 3 19 [. .. 1ct'I 11(•m '""'' t 1• P' t 1 1 ,. th no !• rr ovrr S'if .'lit ,.,,*' 11"1 ~ • '""n•,...~"" N o i...,,.,,"'" tHtu1u • , c .. ,,,,, No 1 • .,,",,''*''' ,,,t •U ' .111 ""''" WORK INC. womar' <; fJlld TWO r ~ .. , S70 o!clCh I ""I '" A( r '"d o .. r .... r wor~ l1ty clothing StlP 14 I• '"S ~ 10 P.1cn c;.,n m }lo• S'U Rider il"d tsome 12 s1 Selhnq won• a"'[ """' S4!i f .. •• c ~c.~ "' • 111 1 VSR S 17 su1l8 SJ5 Wool bl<UP•S car ·P•" er S4 To.u1t·r1 81ac• a'lf'1 0f'C . Pr 7 • S20 w ool pants SI~ S4 l,,rq•· IJlf•\SP• m•rrci• c •cut.v o;1w S24 Black Black '• leriglh co.11 wotn """" S4~ flPc•roc l 1rr and OPCkPr • roul"r black lur 111m on collar place a111J 11eatl'r S 1•, S.!6 c,o Btnc~ and Deck and cut ts $25 Ore<;~ Noghl SI Intl SC. fnd lahl•·1 "' 7 • taro s.Jw btadAS length vanolla ~01or!"d SS FoH1 $1 S~.ilt>lrn~rd S6 50 FI'• monl 6 11n wool coat wolh bea•N IO[!~ s I 'l(>~H)O m1ttor arb blJOe~ s 12 FPI collar S40 oo ..... n t1llPd r l:N $4 • II•) "ICuum m.:.nl q,,, car ti bladP~ snow SPI 1ac~e1 and $40 'V tr<1vs 2Sr S.350 C11rh route• b1ls pants gold color S3S F•en<r• 11 ""°' $20 SIPtl S4·SS S1anl<fy tnpe t2on HoJlday and evt>n1ng SS C..OJll'I' iotM Old S l'l and t&ll SJ SO-S5 Dour dresses and su11s Two dr Jwf'r hlong on• •ocks $4 Sb c;o We1trr $10-$25 Womens bend St''> 'j qt1llo11 gas can S7 Mint shot> S2" 50 6 clnd over Lev• s SS Wool Boo•~ 20c 'iOc P1cturp 10 amp b.111ery chargt>1 sweaters blouses and l•.Jm .. , '> c L.tas~ 1 s22-s.1, ~o PrPstono• tops $ 1·$5 Polyester s•1es Si.' S~ Beer m.rinr~ Artlt Frf'NP SJ 75 Small tank tops end t>louse~ S3 64.? 7b4 7 nan d I o o I~ S 2 S II 50c Cash only 207 B OOUBLF twd l~POllf.>d) 5~0-736 t Mesa Ot Costa Mesa S1mmo11' m11t1rPss Mth NEW Guord•;in walker ;,,> Saturday only 9am 4Pm springs s 15 Mapl;> t:iun~ wheels <1d1uslable $50 77 GE wnher needs r~ beds S50 Pair tn<'IChm9 Womens shoes S2·SJ pair $25 760-0288 lamps $4 50 lor t>olh Tenn•s snoes 50c:·S I BR.-.NO new records 1.1nd stereo cossettes 75c-$3 Sony Walkman with AC Adapte1 S3S Books brand new Hardcov')• and p11perbacks 7Sc·S8 12 String Oullor $50 Acoessortos $25 Fender Banjo $50 Acceuortes $50 Saturday alternoon and all da'I' Sunday Mort.. 548·6619 CANON flash, 8XC!"llent condition S30 c.;u111gan Water Solloer nelldS some w or k S~O 656-7974 AIPCURL Freellle -••ull new, 1pr1ng cut, 111e emall S50 firm f>or111crtb with mattress end 9811· lrl• Potter bumper p&ds $A0 Boys llH L Ughl· nll'lg Boll tkl type 1oc1111 W11h zlp OU1 "-f. n9W 195 now S25 F •cellanl oondltton Cuti Only 10<12 "0" °'"llhlltm .-.ve, Cot•• ....... UI wtlh EASE-,-- lt'a a BREEZE CllMlfled Mt 642·11871 Oountt> bod Ortho mot pair 01,,an hand sow lress Wiii• nox srmnos hke new $4 Empty hu S S 0 6 4 5 0 6 9 6 o • lane tan!\ $4 Aluminum S48 -9197 CIUICheS $8 Nuts and 18 INCH R c ... black and wh•le IOIPV>51on works $25 Two cor speakP" 6 inch S8 Luggage rnck S8 K•O , 1ypewr1te1 S8 S1erl1nq w11ter cooh•d 01t cond111oner SIS tu •~I Tube type FM tuner 88 If• 108 MHZ $ 10 AM BUICI radio $8 7 inch Mullin fan S 7 f>or 1.1n111 \. E phono $20 (wnh 11•Lorcl chanoe1 I Reilll,l1c SA 102 Solid Staie 11er•o empllltet S20 AMI FM 1rans11101 111d•o S6 C11t cu1a1or with power 1ur1 ply SG 8 inch spe11knr tn wall Co• $7 Oval m11ror 11 w()(l(Jen hOldor SS 1 <1 bOOk'I on bu,IMH SIS £•a c1ronic cooks S2 811Ch NEW Aeahtll( AM 01gl!ol I ( 0 CICX:lt rndlO S20 Otn11 vnsos S1 6 inch 1pte~a1 $5 pair 2130 Doc1or11 Circlo 0 Colla Met1 1142·7~911 bOHS le each RCA black and whllf' TV $8 Maq novox radio and record player console S 10 15in !Im and whool $5 l uqs $15 Oec:orato• swaq hOhl $10 20112 Wallac:r Costa Mose 548· 70 1 l PACKING cr11t e hu1Cl1 $35 W ooden ktlch"'' corl $50 Two ~mall mottled bllmboo IAblM S20 each Wooden 110 n1ng t>oard $t0 fi3 t·2892 ROCKET fins $25 0111>th 1111uge $40 Aollar shOe •~•t11 $20 W all ctock S 15 Aoc11n1no cha11 $25 Baby ca1 t>e<f SS'S tnlant IHI $5 Betti tub S20 01non9 room tnbte top $,0 Man I I OIH nnd t1111nege tlOthH s I S5 rour 0 11 Road t1r111 12 5• 10 140 Truck rtml S 10 ll·•Pm Saturd1y only 9• 1 S11111 Lana Cotte MH8 5•11-6<1011 DIMES-A-LINE FIBERGLASS doc~ tlO• $50 Snow ~k•s SJS oa11 4011 e~ll'ns•on laddP• $40 Antique chatr S tO AnloQue brc1~s heat! ooard 540 Olltce <J .. ~k S2S Swivel desll chair~ S20 Fosh pole, $ tO F1s11 tonk $4 Book' soc each 1 r,o poec.e anltque sotvt>1 plole and s1e1hng spoons SJ each 170 I Pomona Cosra Mesa SUEDE WoslPrn slylo ft'Cllet S50 J!"an~ s12e 33 bolh S40 Large antique ~htp Dell tl'Ok bOBI 180 de• both $50 01omg lllble wolh 4 Ch8>rS SSO 642 09~5 TWIN mallre&, s lS N•ghl table $4 Ct1au $7 Hou ,ewares soc S 10 228 Camellia Co'lta Mes11 64S-29S3 SNOW skis 11nd potes SSO C.ouch SSO Dresser• $40 Bookshetvu S2S Aeou•er s11e ma1t1en and sprtngs S50 End tables $40 Clo111es plas1tc pots tor plants, 11os1<e1s tOc S 10 Goll clubs $50 Saturday 10 -30 ·82 3238 Washington CostA Mesa S45·4554 METAPHYSICAi BOOKS USED r11ousands o l thom• Sp1111uat Chrls- lldn tndlan Sall-Help Diel and Ha111t11 Child n•rlh Prosperi ty Dreams. A'11ncarna11on, Psychology. Po1 opsy cht>IOQy, Phllosopl1y, Im· lropotogy. Archaeology T111tch1ng Poetry. No vats Jewlth Hartlage AllrOIOgy, Science fie lion 11ncf F11nt1t1y 25c·H 1078 Star Trek puulo $15 72'4 '• W . 19th Acro11 lrom Slalor Bro' behind llquar 11ora 5<18-9S72 or 1119 !1021 Want Ad A .. un• _J M(N S snow sk11s ano poles St 5 Womari\ 5p<ild1ng c,ta• le• goll ~et ind cart S28 Norr ico coflpp mOkl'• StS New louver door 28in k801n S 15 Small '<lnroo cab•· net wolh rPCOrd Changer S25 Sl•rv1vo1 1,,e oroot salP $::>5 Eleci .. c broom like new S20 OU1ce ty pewril"r 1;i(l1e hke n1;w S:JS 644 1033 POWER rPfll mower runs good S35 Biko 10 spet•d Si.'O Ao1 .. 1v pow"'' m o wf" run!I QOOd SJS l? Volt car oallery S2S Ttres SS-S 10 AilCh 2060 SllttP Av" Cosla Mes.1 follow Oak S1reot to f'nd Aller lpm Saturday Aller 4pm Sundev HUNDREDS ol loy~ 50t·S to Ch1Jdr1>n s cto IMS, sizes 7 14 50c-$J C:nd tables 1amos nook stend S 1 ·$3 Sunday 8am·2Pm 830 ::.1 t:1111r Costa Mesa rso Coast Plaz a areal C1uss streets eeor/Bnke1 SOFA bed $50 tO and 3 sored •adll'tf 01tce S30 each W"" r'llbb1t cage s tO Wall l>OO~ Shell 3 p•l'ces S 18 l cushion 'ofo St S 15 l B anc1101 S;.>O Remington lldd m11ch1ne S lO Oval 6~ 7 rug $25 (•C•c"e bike $'10 Cowboy boot lamps $ tO p.ilr B1as1 wall lamp SS 24 inch World Gtot>e S'i Pro1ector sland wllll outlets $5 35mm slide 1>ro1ec1o r S t O p1cn1c tnblo S :l !136-"643 HuotlngtOfl 8MCh TWO biec1t nougellldt racllnlng ct\eir s 60 eec11 6•6· Hl2!t NIWPOlt Rtal'h l<tNQ 11111 m•ttrcsa S50 King Site boa •Piing $<10 Oolh tn good condllfO<\ 548·88~ 1 attar l>tlrn DOLLS $22 50 S!> {;lll1sl II L ALi! OflNIA t;1r,1wherryl TWU t'nO l •1hlf'S $ 10 m .. ' 0 r n •• m I'" 1 s ···~'"'' tl IJldCI' ~··ll•ngs L.1m1· sr, Sol.I S!IO '0 c S 1 S 0 C: Ir<"' n ~ " ""' m'~'•"Q SSO I wo <;m.111 Iles~ S 15 Or P .. •Pr '•Oc S 1 50 Uo~hl'..'\ ~70 r;•d"' od plan IP<~ $7 S20 Ou1tnq sel S50 M1k1> c,n .. stm.1' h,1nk S, l" 1 P.1t11 T w rr,1th••• P•llows 5~? J'lllt:i eves ge ho1s"s Sf, n t"' Col umb111 011v,. S.Jlu•d.tv ,1nd Sund:i~ s Tr p 1.)ddt'r 111«1·1· 811 ntl w cond t1nn S ,,. t 1'· 62"8 l U(1C,AG( St'I $ t(l ICt> crubht>• ~!. £i<'c.l11l c.in opPner SJ f l1•c H•l If v flolll SJ Singh• w111t" 'il<.1 SI~ Eler lrol 1<.n1l1-$3 H1bi'IC ho Of!Hll l>'•••tl SJ W111c rac~ S2 J"I .ind c.iJ• w11sh kll $2 3 speed osh•t11er ')5 (lt•c111r k1)llf' sharprn!'r SI Sun dlly only 'l 10 noon 4~4 Oqle S1ree1 Gos1o1 M•''" nra1 17th and Jr vone APARTMENT ownttr~ de light tfrom remod!"led condo) Oto car pet Si.'5 Drapes and rods S50 Cu11ains and rod~ S20 Vanoly $50 Kitchen C.l· blnets $25 Sho,.,er door assembly Slp ChOl\dft lier $25 Hand rorls $30 759.9122 l EVI S ond J"'ans llHOf lfld 11zes $2 S1ereo rt cords and 01<1 records Sl·SlS Pots and pans Sl·S5 018heS 11nd gl11!15· w 11ro ~omo antique s 1·$5 S36·8280 L "WNMO WfR $40 Book• IOc s I ~oby blllh ond ch•no1110 111t1te $5 Otahet 5C·S 1 11110 w l llth S1reot. Coate Ml!tn TWO l1v1ng room end tablu all wood good COndlllOI\ $40 tnCh Magn•vox floor moa111 11erao. 1n w11rk1no end good cond111on 1 50 6•&-3075 S 1 l'JC.h v\ tJOI i;omloner ~ • Wool bl;111~ "' S' N••'ll Crock pol S 10 F1ve "'n<)01'11 ~ tl CIH•n Ccll1 C:.01 r CIUbs m!'n 5 4 wood• 8 iron' pullt'r t'hl(l S20 675.6276 , .. I•"~ S 10 SPI Atld tC• WOOD rnclong crmu S22 St •• k IJpe • •'COi de• e ''5'""' s 14 Cn.1nomg S 10 t ypew.,,,., lt1hlE> SJ 1.iblr S 18 Wool1 dout:tte SunbP.im ml•l'I 10101 SJ hf'Cl S'>O Or e .. \t>r an cl C:1nr111c. motor M1d sp11 mirror S4S H•Clr ,1 becl SJ Some 1upp1>rwMe $1 SJS Coflee tabl<• S 10 ractt Corn1nq Collee E11d 1.ible S5-St5 Table Pt>rco1a1or S'> Hair dryer and cha" $30 Or1>sse1 S2 Bf'IJrooml11mp S8 $16 LAmps$5Sl5 BP11re• vase S 15 Reltsh Desk S 18 Pn1to Htble CMh $6 (lectr1c souce-S 15 Wood t .1ble S50 p.111 $I G E c111m1ng Cha11s $10 Black white m11111t•1 rtoct.. $15 Fire TV SJ5 L•~•nQ r oom pl,"" set S5 Gill den ch.ms ss.$7 OuPe11 oed 10•''' '>Oc S:? Pl.Hiie $50 N1gl11 tnble $8 c 11oe1 protector runners 543 08S4 o• '!S3·8467 ~Oc. 11 Electric '1Aatei S3 r 0111 St'IS stemwnrp $8 BOOKS N:il•Onnt Gl'O· e11cJ• Solver nms $1 25 11• 11ph1t. 25c Wogi; wig l'!irh No Chl'CkS no b•lts blOCll $2-$3 CIOlhPS ovt•• S20 Purk on i.''>c S20 Two new S'l9 Pu!'nte 673-A Victo· tcelilnd1c sk• 'lwen1ers ,.0 Costa Me'lo Satu•-S?O Bike St;,,> W!'dd1ng do)~ 11nd Sunday IO·•pm dress $50 NeedlN1om1 50c $3 Yarn 15c a Sk1'1n CAnPr T good Qunt1ty KllChtnware t0c·S5 plu,h 4 tOOm'I lull $2!. N(!W Mir dtyer $12 Ra· room Tt>at dolby C/11'-zo1 $4 8edspr1111ds 2 i.11111" dl'Cll $50 Sewing twin $8 King S 12 lamps c.nt>1ne1 S25 Colll!i" lotlle S 10 S20 Patio umbrvnn SJS End lables S t5 sland and lramt1 $6 enrh 20 gallon nqun H11nllng 1ack et1 SS-$30 rium complete $35 Rode nl!w 11nd MtH new 6<l5 96A6 Md rHll $7-S<tO Collea OIRl S Sling1ey bikO S 15 CM bike cerrle< $8 Car top cer11er $6 Two mini til•nds 40•57'• S 10 ench 545-38311 24 INCi! Hully boy a Bo11ch< r111&111r bike S•O One radtal QR711 15 1 11 S 7 eiG One 8 75• 16 5 t.; tire Se Two wood ttl! lndden !Ill S3 611 $4 tl45·3638 I able S 15 Ooll c11rtt S8·S tO Saturday Sun d•y ic>-s 1n1 M11r11n W,.y, Newport Bench 6•0-3700 v.-.cuuM claArinr. Kerby vprt;ht new cono111on S50 .-.tr.1!>11011u new 125 675 8,78 Ma1c;h to your Pht>nt 10 1>lece e lllS1·40llng clH · tt!lad lld 6'42·5678 ~AM',U N 1 lf ~'"''I' l ''*~IN ~ l .. ~ t n('\o\ $~ 'l 10,14 l1k(' ni,-w 100 nylon C•l'<lt YI'! ,)C<.l'r•t llHj Slh8tt $3S Sm.11 rad1 S to iioul>P• .i1tndM complt-=tlto slicer ilrld tKt'' SS 1962 Ro.,,,.m ,1r" Co~t11 Mt>sa Oft ?Olh ttetweon 01 .\n'l• 111,1 N<''"'l'C'" B••d FISH 1.111k f1ew c ~mp•f>t Wtlh l'Yf'•>lh1l>Q l11(111<J"1g art•l•C.il planls il"JVl"I fillers llghls tO qalil•" co~t $7<, ,,.11 Sl" 67S 704S HANCl llucl< Larqe •uttbt>r '"" wr1et>ts """' tOnd•-11011 s 17 67S·6278 CONl [Ml"OAAHY w 11\'r t11Ht •11111Ubtoa•d 550 Pe rte,1.11 ll•d "'"''!' SSO HP.l1(1r m.tUrt'S~ 1nd 11 ne• S~O WW1 Sl)lt> i('d lhe• 11, •"' 1ac ~ "' S50 BSR Sit '"o lurntat>1E> S. 1 '> '15 > 4329 or loove fT"I("·~ h-1"1 lJRfS fl1.t •l4S;'5p;rn l;toe ,1"1 UiO.-t..S npv. G'8 \I 510 Pach 63 I ''0 t BAB~ ,1,..111 ... s l'~c S4 Sw1119 v.•lh infant seal and 2 cnvl'r' SIS Ma IE'rn•t) CIOlht>S ~1lP q 10 50c-S5 S11uo1 S 15 67J /J5Q StX qnllon~ An11oue whlll' AM r M s1~1eo rmJ•o r a• v1n11 °nle11t11 pilont $3 selte 1pcord1>1 m<>dtlJ gallun t .. 16 4246 SCR goo JSl S2S 675 104r, A TT RAC 1 IVf t>e•Qf' up t101~1 Prt d nr m c 11,111 VEL vr r bedspre111t S to ca1vt'1t mahogany 111gs L11rqe Sidi' voew mirior good rondH1on $25 $6 C.11 1uggaor rock 645·!1024 St5 vra•s c1tpp1,;r .. S5 -, Pol hl)lders soc S 1 253 HOIST lrame he•V) 8 Og1n cosia Mt>sa Sal 1ong '.\ d•emeter woth urday 8 30· l::lpm 8 l(>Q!> 2 d•&meter S 10 M1n1 1:t1ke frame woth CRIB $45 Chf'!>I S25 whe"''' 011d lires Mndl(I Baumot and Sktrl S t2_ bar and braku podel S35 C11r Se!llS $5·$ 12 CO\C BI c v c I I' Ir II me w" h lnla-soat $4 Car bt'd $3 sprocket 1e1 of hanm.- Po11y chair S2 Boeh tu bllfj 11nd odd par1S all lor SOc Wroughl iron planl SS Student s11e wood st.ind $2 l'osh bowltl '5c de5" with 5 drowera UO Ousy obo• $1 C11b gym LargP ouldoor clock w1 $ t 50 M111erni1)' IOP5 red 101 hQhla $~ Snonll tlll'I medium 11nd 1om h11nd 10011 50c·S5 01n1 blby C:IOIMS I 1·s1 50 telephone s 10 936 M11< S111111dt11~ II 4pm 11137 Krn111 Piece Co"" GlllO!d Str;oet. '0Ul1"11r\ Mtt,11 b5 7 5659 Vllllnv ~68" 16541 AIRC•I lnhllll With 'J rut< Buyer meet• seller.with 11n $SQ I our chn11 • ~ .. ~ ellecltVI' CIUSlll•d ed llllC:h Tap lh<>es ,,,,. 1 • 642-5878 I tO S•ll !l8!18 ----------~-.1.AWNM O W ( R S For C1111111fet1 "d Cr1!1am1rn $40 TOrCI .-.crtON $31) Sawtng m•"111na Cell II $!10 AQullrlurrt SJ~ 2 ~OWl:.A $118111 Rcolls 1 Gin t•ca11en1 conomon S•crtllca S26 67'i-82711 O&lly Piiot Bnr atOOI• US 90.' 718' LONG d1euoa 1horl A I we ya I a a I e In .-.o VISOJ:l li unl tnglon Batch drauH and !Opt S1rf! c1u .. 11ad read 1111 1da ~•2·SG78 18 20s1-$4 &38 8280 _.,day 842·58711 ----------ise111cti. item• .. •A#*-·• -------·------- ........................................ _.. ... ._._. ..... ._..._ .... .__..._.~------------------~~~~~~~~~~~~-----·~~~~~- t '8 0111111Jll I 11111 1 llAll \I'll 1111•,.11wduy llt l 11l1tt1 Ill 11111, A•,l•Al11rlt1,11"1t'400 r!!!! ...... • •..• }.~~~ ~.".'!!1.!'l.~~'!.t ..... ~.".'.'.'. !!".t~~!!~ ....... ~!'.'.'.'1.!'!1.~~t.'.~ •••••• ~.".~o.' • .'!'!t~!!!~ ...... . ~!1.'.~· •• 1!'!t~!!~~ ....... ~.".1.'.',.Y!!!. •••••••••• ""'" " ' I V lit 1170 PAINl & IH• IJui.J'f wu•k hl\)h t11,. 4 ltkt "' "'"••• •••••••• •••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••• •••••• • •••••••••••• ••••••••• •••••••• •••••• ••••••• ....................... I'" I I 11111 11 ....... '""'""' l/llW 111 1 ,,,,,,, 9731 '•'"'" 750 1 0 .... ,In Volvo 9112 C•tll/J•t 111 5 ..... i. ¥;i;~. ii;~i;; .. · 1 ·":; ·, ·; ;· ;.: ".:,:;·:;; :.::; 11i1 10 w·. "" 1 ..... "'' "I'' 1 , ,,,,. ••" , ,,,. , / i.1111 • "''" '" ,.,, llll POlllOMl '"' '"'"" 1""'"" .-:11o1 Ot118'4llllOOU1>'4lltl 1lt•l•h•hlll" ,,,, ......... 1 '"''"'""''"'"'I""" I tlCOOUPl ''""' 1~11 1·••••1•• ,,, ""'""'" ltW 111 .., Mu•t /•,11 lt'I t • I '" t1th• It l •• U1 •·····" [utOI>•••• MH• ttuuh t.-] • 1 • 0 , 1 Ht I lh1 llJlt la tJi"uuty tun. 1.u 1 In Orance Oountr! M1111 • • '"' 1 ........ u 1 '' -N 11 I 'f1 11 U ti It ft f I pall• r .... , ........ ··1•~· ..... ""' '"""" • c I 17 s AM IM (/llNAYI 1•.vw-.1t11tJ\(ll SAllS, SERVICE tr«ich ~11'kU "'" t.'.'11 I w.1 ''"' '1' "'· ,. .!I.' •..••....•..•••. ~. , EXTRA OLEAN! I l••H••I t "'''"'"'" \ '"''" UD LUSlllG J ohn I 11MI 1 1111t·•·• • nv•t t ' tju• vt. tu10 AM JI ..... RIMO '"" 14"1 1 11 .. ·wi.i 1 ivf •••,t A-. tH 1 tvl ""' I'""" ltll • "" • I'll I" I II.A c lf>llO 111 h•I Ullt'r ,. •• ( lh,1111 :u10 I'\;/ l~I w • I • sw·&E• 10IUG11100 l.<1•1111'. na•<I• I ...... u11111lnh• '"' '"'""' ............ , llOIW ..... • •1·.11 I VOLi • ', jt,ittl • 11111 I"'• ........ I r111>v111 no ... t .. 1• S'>llll I"' ""''·'" '1•11111 '''' "''' J '1 I''"" '"'U"' ~""""" I 111. 11 1!11u1" LI•••' lARLl Ill( $ t!>O tl•J rl''' '""w" '"' 4 , .. ,, ''"'Mo Ul u' rt I 11111111111111111 """' '' \ '" v w '111rt1~ ,,,. .. ''"\I 11to• W111t1' ~ 9$90 ,. ~ 142 2000 VOLVO t~:O .. o~y::.'.'?' '~.~r· (' ..... ·w·. ·E···,·,· ·,·· •• • •• ~':::'. :.~ .. :·· .. ~· ... ,·,~;~~1' ·t· 1 _.:.~~:~~! . ~~. . I MEIS. TER ~ ~~~; .. ~ :::o "'~~~:·:~~\. ~ l~":'/.'i"r."::1 ~~1.1 6 •• nut. 4•14 "' ,., 41f/ J 11111 .,., ,, • I x .... I . ., • u1 -uo3 uo.u11 PARllNG OUI ,,, I 111• TOP DOLLAR It. ! '1"11 llWI '1""" '"' '"" M •• . .... ' PORSCHE/AUDI /U 11 "'1 ' 1 " 1 """' .... I t>111J Dones ll\111~ lltl FOR USED Cl s "'"'' uttl "'"' w ... 1k ""'' f"(lll1YI 'I" 11 l ltt•IJ11r l"l"tl I 11•11111 '"''" ,.,,,. M11·.1 M11»t ..... I!, t1111•111I WUll I R \J ouu " u •..... ~to•' \11.ou ti•d 110• IJUl41 v.u 11•-.u•• 1 .... u 1or ~1c111 lender 110111 I\ • Il l' (Q)I 11 11111 1 l I buck•I s11u1~ oo. "'"k ALAM MAGNO• ,.,. 1 1111•:1 11•1111 1 • ' ' ' 1•1 1 11' "'s' '"'i'" 111 vw 11 .. , '11111"'"' "'' "11111 • •11111 ' .. ~ .. '""" ,t,t ·'•Its Pf' /H t ul • ... _.1uu • 1,_..., .. ,, I di • ~·· Ut llU ........ •lld I I ••••• " ' t;• JU 1.tf',OO COMH&L CHIVIOLll D011t .. rta.1r ttl ut t'<.t;lA M •-'iA S4'-1200 A11t1J V.,d Aut0t IJ11tl ;;;·,;' .......... "ii•~i ·· ................... . ·,·;:::.:,··.~·.:::.·:·;:·:.~ ~, \l\I ~ltS •IHI '''-. t '"" ""II 4 .~ '• II ( :. \DI I.I .. \( . \ ft,,11 t f,0 1 I ,. •,ff ·~· .,u, f f h i 11 f,J ' I 1tH /•1 I Hiltl ld11 t t l,lff TI ' "N fl ttr 11 • I 1J 11 1 f ,, 1 /011 lo4•1 I.' II\ Linroln 9945 ...................... CLEARANCE SALE ! 1977 CADILLAC ELDORADO COUPl 11.;•;>t,/C 11 ore 642 •bbl !l11iv11 I PONTIAC SUIARU 01111111 9720 Si H · en °• I '''"" ""'Y '1 ... ,,, :; (1"~.', ,,, \ 1 10 1 '"" .'•tHO Hur llUI lllv1l • • ••• • .. •• • • • ••• • • • • •• Ill M1111111 llX I f ,'., " 'I' Leas in& IM 4114 '11 II Lll~I A Mf'.A 1•w111111 .. ~ ''"' Nrw• 11• 838·2333 / t •,.,,,,, 11 .... u •• 1.t1 '12 Yoho S1200 ~!'.'!.'.f~!.~~!! ........ J 5C9-C300 II"'' 11fle11 l•~h /t.4 I l•i l' '111111 N1•w 1.1111111'. .1111/ 1°4.' 'I 11111 1~~o=~~~J.~s<1l::i~ 549· le&l 1911 Madia RX 1 1 uw ,,,,'1!~ ~!~ '"" A11 , ~:,·:. 1'.11';,;·, \ '' '' 11 ri •:::. •;:,',, "'.~.~111~111:; ',~·:·~~ HO M •• ,. Vt ,.,)" lt1,1duit I /t, ( tu•vy Mw110 4 f fl '1 I . .u wfnl• d111 1 11111 .. ti 1 ,,,,, A'{ ~)'HHS t 41fl(t 1.on L'' , '1 . 1978 CADILLAC COUPE DE VILLE 1/IJ;>t /'NJ 56995 \ 1'11111 H41 '•'r11/ ADVERllSlllS WE IUY ~;·,~::' "~'111\'U:''.,~~I fl<tWl'I 1 A,C 11"''/; lllll!>I flt '•I lll•lt ri •1111 • ''"" • '"" 11'11 1111 Aul11 m /4 VP•lo.I ~ ~l><I AMII M Tne prlCtt OI th;tn\:, Otl OLEAN CARS , .. u s. 8 '°.0 , u,, B rH<w I fit I.... • ~1,UClltfflttt l' IHI~ • " 'q h I r1, •• JI ' "'•'• ttiJ1.1t1lt1 lt•,JJI ., tl4h 11111'1 II« ··~·· 'JU'I'> , ,. 'I'. I t k tJ • ve1t1sed l)v yt.Jtlul~ Ut-1t 11 . I w '1 1···1 l\t11'J fi4J11 \lt11f11 1 "1tt /,•4i, .. 11q s~·.o nll t•I ' t•vt1:.. letl IFl th~ vtthit•it twld~" AllD TRUOIS ' 1.• ~ 14 l At.t~llcnt Lund t•11n lt•HJ t1••111t' h111u•11 ,,1..,., /', •'4'', W•1u •JUI' i,·tu ,, ltt4 doe. not In< lu~-"rt\ rfllil .. tiifl•• ~n1 ., )( ,·, • .... I OIJ I) I) '"'" ti.11 I "".·'"Hl1h•1t 1111 AM '"M ·~. f'h tun•, 1 ~ M.tht1u ,1.11111f1 wun uv "' •••••••••••••••••••••• •1111 .... ' U sttou h•1f• tt·•~' '·''"·•~lit ~,,o•,u t1•·••fJ) ''A"'",.,. • .,,,,, /I MAIO· 111 ''''' •t•·tS l ~ti' ,_. 1it I <11 II I 1,IJ1}(' .·,, 11 u ... ,,1 , ,. I Oldsmobilt 9955 ...................... I /L, ( ull• '••lf••••tt11• A< f .J \)a .f I t '1 ft I t t i I Nht 1 f ~''•''" f It f,f /'·1 1979 CADILLAC COUPE DE VILLE r•1t'./11t , s7995 lied •d•e111s1110 <Olumn~ ,u ...... ~ ... B• 97,.0 M 'II~ • ''""" M '"'~ I 1 I app1tt111>1e tll•"~ h<.On$9 • 1 • MERCEDES lt.O l!Jl'J I • ·111 7.'4"• ,. 11111 1,4• 1c.11 tr1nsrer ltlet> lln.tnctt f\4 vw 1'011 l••t> • 11111pi'r ' Charges. fee~ IOI 1411 !JOI 1977 o•TsU• Wl .. TED 1n1u/t 9155 II"" ''"'I "'"'''' ru•w Corvt tlt 9932 tuuon con1tol d'-'Vl(tf • n •••••••••·•••••·•••••• hr•·'> ,,,.,. lhlllll dutc II Autos Vstd •••••••••••••••••••••• cert1llca11ons or dtt<Jllu 2802 COUPE Hi&hul Dollars Pahl. , 1111 "' 11 \. 111 ·, •••••1••••••• .. ••••••• 11 ''''" "'''Y clf1J11 " ,,. Ollh ,,,. fJft(,111 l•1P l ~ti tlH••I t I' ~ ~' ;\ ft' J /d1• •1:.J t •1 ll'IH 1981 CADJUAC COUPE DE VILLE DIESEL documenrnry pr!'pdr.I Atr t.,n11 AM1FM all c 811 Pt!hH Kuy 25 MEW REMAULTS 1;/ 1 4,(11 Ctnt 11/ 990/ """' "'"' <l"'Y "'·''" '"'' lion cnarges unless HICiH IUYER u14or1a1 & onl~ 34000 11 ... 12110• 714 A., 1~~{1~~0$"4 ~;~~'1,,., i'I VW """"' 11,,,.11,. ;;~1~1"1~;·;·~; ... ~::,·"·:,~ '"·••lcll t1•,110 h1 t ull t '\. , •I'" 't11• .. lff "'J 1(11\:1 ii It A lql .... , ,,,1 ~ ,, " • •ti ti 11[1 I s9g95 o therwtse SPt't.•fh.•\l Oy 1cip d 111,.,~ tor ~'H'''') •rnh•'l tOJlfJO) Hurty• bJ7 2JJ.) ~dt•a~ ··u•••• ,,•htt ,,, .. 1 , ... ,.... lh···•h 1,,. •• ,, _,,,11,f1.,.,. •·44 '•'"·H? tne adverto5e• I C.ir" 1<u11' <-""""'" MUST SEElll House of lmporh, Inc 1 "" 1111 1tl"w ti 1 All"'''"" P·' 111 AM f M s 11• 11 I "' 1 " ~"'"" , <•w""'' Foti/ 9940 {;u,tll 95/0 1114 ' Au1 1 11 ' JIM M&RIMD ,., ''"'"' Fut'~Ju' lrn111e bt.. l4/IJ l''""-tu• "> A1J1I• , 1110 •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••• ••••• A,k I u I MGl-l .. ... tll1llt <ll'''"'"~ vn1~ .. w.1g···" Theodore Robini' 24n SKIPJACK JIM MARIMD YOLkSW A&U ORH&E COAST 1919 VW Scirocco ,__,.._ FORD YOL"sw•GE"' 1111'' Bt!"'" B••u You can attord to ~ .111 J ''' •,-\•t•' •I ~' Jd>li I 411/ •• I I f 1H1• ''"' ,,,11,,1r •If t•t1 ,, 1.lllto/1 1981 CADILLAC COUPE DE V ILLE D'ELEGANCE ••Br ... < l(J'.1 Twon Voluos S 15.000 I " • " 1111111111111011 Beacn AMC/ JEEP I REMAUL T '• -.p•t A 1 '11"1 ""'"''''' ltl&llSIJlil 963•6477 aller 5pm 1111t1 B••ach Brva 8•2,,_2000 buy your Mercedes ,5,4 H..irbo• aiviJ c, M AM r M '•tt·r1"' 1 •1''•1'11' I I 1111Nr 8 1Nca 2 .i_o 20 N 0 B 0 EAC.H .. Be$z from us. 7770 c, "" ,, t ,, 11 ,, , , , , 11 •t"'' c c(J,,~, 11wv 541'.\ 802J 645 I l( Of •o/ I) 01tl, 1 t-lo•w!Jwl 01•d< 11 AolifHI/ llfl Dat•.1111 5 tO wgn 'lr11 0 hi l 111100 fu11oeo' M oving muM R JJ R 9156 $4595 ••• ~~ .. ~~i!!.· ••••.• !.~~g 1 WANTED! ~~" s;soo t54 t884 .! .. ! .. ~r.c.1••••••••••• !Buick 9910 MODEL "A"s! l.111• rnc>C1ol lvyut.u> """" 1>11~ llP w J 1111 "'I DlAUR IN US A t:f.:ll11 ~6 ·,~;~:~;:;,;,;,·:;:;,:,;~~:.:i I snoy replicas, pick11ps II Votvu~ PrclllllJ> I'. V11116 "" oil tCMll 1111>5 & rirns r~ S·t•,1111 lit•">I ''"'" colfl>es, 4 to choo~tt I \..111 u~ roda~' S IOOO OBO DOWN j>f"'t\/, (, AR\fER vw POR5Cllf Aur11 ,,4;i t/&8 troml (006768) (Stk '•"1 o l ~ VW "it oc • '"-JI· .f\ 44~> ( Co.1>t Hwy I A3093) Prices sto1tu19 at C '" uirw ',,,.,,. 11 11110' °""' I C R(Jy('f N•·"'I"" 1 H.-.,1111 C11dil/11c 991 5 J OILY$1,IH! StOUOEIO LEA E l\\..ILL.J 61JO!:IOO •••••••••••••••••••••• fOYOU-VOLVO 645 !:165U ..... ,~: .. ~ .• ,... THE LARGEST ''" H.,.... ... , 1. Dor B 110 26.000 .n. °"" w..om 1,., 1918 YW Jue SELECTION THEODORE ROBINS FORD 2060 HAHOI llVO. CO~TA MISA (>42·0010 53 Studebaker Cnamp•on 5 pass cpe Nice CB• $3750 2t3/592·1792 Sellll Me•ts M11ded 1946 Ford Woody WR gon. $13,000 1929 F0<d Model A Town Sedan $1 0 000 675-6161 82 Xtalll>ur ••Ory wolll cam el lntr as seen on Mall Houston IV Sllow (714) 83 1-3046 t 9 6 4 C or 11 air S 1> yd er Convell 770-0737 58 De Soto Runs 11000 excellent body t>st of• over $750 549-8457 !\AG-TO 52 repllca SPIS car cla ssic Tanibrn $8000 or olr 675-4688 f Whe/ Driv11 9550 ...•.................. Cotto Mu• " '1 .i u t o . c I e" n C f'bl "' ... U OJ .. ~40 .. ., s2ono C:.00 67!> 498b onvtr I • ..1 1:11<• rnuch•I low nHh·..i WI IUY LJ;)( D l.AFIS ~ I RUCl<.S Cl1Mf 11~ OR (.ALL ~OR FREE APPRAISAL (.. r rn Pt ll"L 11111 MUST SELL ~; Datsun 510 4 door AM l'M ;t~•l"O CaSS Xtn\ 1.ond $4000 OBO (;J2 4336 or 687-0686 8 t 200SX 1u11y 1oaoeo I I I• I CHEVROLET •tic It BEACH BLVD ~S450 l>"st otr 662-7)43 i HUNT NGTO"' BFA(..H 'd 2b0l 2+2 mtnl cona Ji~ . ..A.. U7-6081, U9-333 1 I ·•ulc> ,,.,.., rt1d1a1s 1oa lle'-1 ~459!> 5'.l6·9q93 s e~n~ Top Dollar n 82 tO nJ1cn1>ac11 gor //I//> geou'> oody 1mma1: int ~I ' •I P 'd ~ spd air stereo run~ 1., ;,.. !\-• ~ .. a1 >uperl> $?495 494-0 t35 .•••• ·~ " ...... fo• Your Car' or '9' ?388 ········••! JOHNSON I SON 79 Datsun 2aozx j Lincoln-Mercury I LO m1 AM/FM CdSS 5 81 J80 SL 7000 m1 Wtre ;>t.)21) H,11 t'C" 8h1() sr Cl S7800 64?-0972 whf't'I ~ s J8 000 OBO <.;o 1,1 M'''•' 1JO 56J0 t.7.Hi3!>S l 1.1·832 897'1 '"11GH£5T LASll ""If' 7:l Doi t:.>OO 60K g1.,.it 70 Mt••Ct!d{'\ 280SL 1m Jia11<ly 10 1 •"'" ,,..,11c.l!l I school CtH $1500/obo m.J< 1.omµt stnv 1e (1nrn .. ,1.c. Ir fo1t:19n 891-7513 642-5449 • <.UIO'> 2 IOPS >IUICl. f,Ur .. ~•t12s., r . 9723 s11«008'>16n6 . !!!~!!... .. . ..•. .••.. 120 ,oqo t'vp, ~.u.t.o.s1• !'!'l.~~t.t!J. •••••• Audi 9101 ...............•...••• to Audi 5000 Turbo ORH&E COUNTY'S 1973 450 SL Dark brown OML y AUTHORIZED s 14 \100 760 876!> !'11 <la FERRARI 833 2s9, 197'> 4 ~0Sl I ow ner b3 SILVER CLOUD Ill •t "l•ll AM IM littH•" q•· ( .it.1111,11 ~"' Soullt~'" mml cond $27 000 ooo ( ,1s~ .. 111-XL Nl I ""'' I ''''"'"1111 5,.., 11~ 1011,1~ <S~ooo w111 not-a 1111 '""' ns-1nzri Onty lllERS Cl'u1s1mas1 57 BENl LEY SI "Int b<>dy pa11•1 $6995 CADILLAC & meth S9800 PIP ,IJ()ll H.1r11or (il,O 6738Jt5 t:l.:ll (051AM(:,A I NDiSON Sub 9760 vw PORSCHE" Au01 . ..•......••.......... 1912 SUI 900 C DOOR SEDAM Ecqu1pmenl includes 5 SP""° trt1nsm1ss1on po WP< 5.ll!e•mg & AM/FM stereo ce~:.ette 1190081 $10,600 IEACH IMPORTS 848 Do•& Slroot NEWPORT BEACH 44< r ( Od ,I tiw~ N,.-'11\l.n')rt 9 , ... u;,h 1>7:111!10(1 ,,,, nH" h ~ 11t , .... _.. t.Ju1r1t ~ tu~' ~ 1 79~ ~66 'lf>l< 11 VW Au~ ,,,.,... P11g .,.~ .. AM fM ~1 ... uo m u > I ~ t• I I s I t n 0 494 7 '14 60 buo 11ew tSOO cc ung 'Jd•dl~ l.H uk"~ S11i;ier mec.ri Xllll cono S 1100'nll1., '>4'> 0557 540-1 860 t%8 <.AOlll Al. Rut·"> Q'f'JI $700 '"' c. It 4'14 2"11' i'l fltlO ll!ol !>ti-''' ... t.-..1tr1 AH ool1on~ A 1 <.d $74!.U u4') i2':.J F 10,., udr CQrH1Pt t•lJh• 11)1'1 brnwn IOi10t"C1 ,, ........ '"'' $570(1 f,.s:, r.~f·l· ~. ( u v 7 t 000 """"' fJfl'I O Wfl f'Ull~ t.)fe,tt S'lti'> t)hu '148 9:.> 1 '> 7& ';•>Vlilt' ~lltl (;Oltll ,111 752-0900 Volvo 9112 µow"' folldeC1 M11~1 ~"II' Sabiru 9162 •••••••• •••• •••••••••• S5400 546 5b05 ••••• ••••••••••••••••• VolvCJ •Y80 GL t.Hf1Wn "l 8 1 (..µ'• Devillo t11tt~e1 Sales-Serv1ce·Lees1ng sµd nvwel,.ve ~unrool twlow , Pl.J•I "' f' new SADDLEIACI Aor ma9 ~po"" w,,tJ.,ts tully equ1ppf>d $1 t f.75 SUBARU amlfm cassette Sll850 Wkd)':. b40 19n wknds 131·20CO C95-CU9 55'1-84 t5 75:.> 8185 FREE TAHOE TRIP (with purcnd'tt-• A'.I\ f <)Ii UI I All•,• NlW MUSTANG GT's 11.S°k FINANCING llVfh :•O IN 510(..K USED CAR DISPOSAL SAU '76 MUSTANG '11704'11 S2H5 '11 GRANAOA 1154'1'• $2995 '79 FAIRMONT '1'3842" $2995 '78 FllSTA 1A/6SSOI $2995 '78 T-BIRD 11597011 S2995 '78 PINTO (I 132951 S2C95 THEODORE ROllMS FORD 2060 Har1>01 Bl"d COSTA MESA 6C2-0010 5C0-8211 ~.·t.111 , I r /1 ,• (1' ~ tU '.µn If i~ !~ ............ !.~~! I I r:s f 1tf1h' '1/t1•Jl ' 1p 1IJ t lrtt11·,f1l1ll.,t1r 11 ~ l'1UC1 ~,4.Ji 4: t•:' f!r!'!~!'!~ ....... .!.~~q t;'• Val•.Hl1 < tlt•,•JJ frttfl•, 11•tOfJ(1rm l '•Nf1t-'I '1'"--''t (f1fl(j ')l\1t 11 •11:' ,, ... 1 11'•/0 f1l~rtlf1Ult (111• ,,., I I LVl •u•" ~ltol iiot.1, I 4111, ~ .. ~ 1 lr~~~!~iiiiiiRo · •~*~~ 74 f H•"-'") I <;iµU1t A1 t I I' I. ~ I,, 1 ~ , l t JU t.,/'' .~It t N .. t!, Y.kf111' Class1lted Ad't you• CJ"" stop sttoppin9 center For Ctas~111en All ACTION Cati 11 D111ty Pilot A0Vt$0R 642·5b78 s12 ,995 1982 CADILLAC FLEETWOOD BROUGHAM t 1FAL '>451 s15,995 r '"'4' r.,,. ,r.cj fhnJ I.Ir• _,~y 1 t 1 k? ~. \Bl~l{S < •. \DILi.. \C 2600 HARBOR BLVD COSTA MESA 540-1860 For Ad Action Call a Daily Pilot AD · VISOR 642·5678 1980 CJ5. 4 cyl·ne•e• oft road 35,000 mo E)tel lent cond 26 000 m1tP,; lully loaded sun•oor 9d COl'ld Ltke nt!w SI'.! 1400 OBO 64 '> 8211 fve> 85 7 9684 dJy~ DEALERSHIP! posrel velfow h.J•O & sou NEWPORT -IMPORTS 1011 $17 !>00 Wlldays 966 66b8 w knds 497 587'> T.0 l0.1.'. •••••••••• !.~~ ~ 1918 TOYOTA CELICA &T Llnl&Cl Aatos New 1100 Aftfl New 9100 Aato1 New 9100 A11to1 Ntw 9100 Autos Ntw 9100 ·····"················ ., •••• 1 •••••••••••••••• ·····"················ ••• ··"·············· •• , • ···'· ••••••••••••••• 645-8730 1979 450 SS S3 t 000 w ue 79 cnerokee Cn1el loa ded Xlnt cond S5500 673-2666 6-42-4247 Toyota Land Crw5e• t969 w1tn completely rel>uoll 350 Cllev eno neN int wneeis ltres clutr.n ere Like new cond Musi !.ell by 11·3 $3 150 or OllC• 546-7394 Ask for Lance 75 AuO• FO• Need• 111111.' .. ork s 1000 or besl or ff'r A .. " d 167 I J 100 west t..oast Hwy Nt-wpor t Beacl'I I w11ee1s Brown Learner lnl Good Service Re co•O B1rnu11ru1 Cond I 67'> ti:>OO Automa11c 1ran5 011 cond pwr 51eenng AM FM ~tereo & a new emissions system tUJV7661 Pr1 pty $4399 Catt 8'l7·4 t46 01 759 4560 Tr•tk1 9560 •••••••••••••••••••••• I Toyota 76 AM/FM Sle reo c asse11e Smatt c amper snell $::> 175 673-6618 SPECIAL PURCHASE 642-9405 BMW 9112 ••••••••••• ••••••• •••• 1980 G TB1 8U· w ,,..ri 16 SALES-SERVICE LEASING 83 t 2040 495.4949 SADDUIACI IMW 000 m $37 500000 642-7866 9125 •••................... 74 Sp,Oe• ConvP•ltt,111' mag~ r•Pw top ,1n1 cono S2 700 best oller 640-960S 1975 t24 Spyder Conven 5 spll •Int cond Must r.ell A sk •ng $249~ 662-2427 198 t 300 SO Bl~ w Ian 1n1 Su•• RI Lo M1 p. 7 " .,, ~pee wllf't'IS SJ:.> 000 01>r1 b.1 t 704J 675 97 t 1 71 300 SEL 3.5 77 Corona 4 dr deluxe S•ngle owner AM/FM 1 cassette <W cond E ,_ 'In! 64'1-0244 79 10050 Turbo rao~s CB IJlll pl~ 840 341') dull r.e1ten1 cond 1ncludtng 79 "JOO CO CREAM PUFF C.OND Call Eel 541·5121 1 t1res t>ellery Orekes 70K m1 53350 96?·3282 80 TERCEL 5 sp ong o wner new radials S4t50 752-79t9 New '82 Jeep CJ's 10 to cnoose lrom includes wlncn Jamboree package and much more 28402 Margut>rile Pkwy 1at 7!> x t9 4 spd '1ereo '&9 MercedH 300SEL M ission V1e10 791< ,.,,, looks good runs I 3 T!!~!'!t~ ••••••••• !.~!? 1tl0 TRIUMPM SAVE THOUSANDS fA~':::nES~n~'~:;5t great $1850 549.7245 Ourstandm~ ~ond s1 t ooJ• 9727 ooo 1?13)'378 9491 TR7 SPORTSCAR OR&HE COAST lMC/JHP/REHU LT .a•.r nan•R ······················ MC 9142 ~YIL. HOMOA HHTIH? •••••••••••••••••••••• Wtlh aor tond & AM/FM 11AP02241 Now reduted lo 2524 Harbor Blvd CM 549-8023 645-7770 Sales Se•v•ce-Leasing We can nefpt Belore you 1973 15 &T 1982 IMW CLOSEOUT buy check our unt>eata OILY SHH JIM MARIH YOLISWICiH 581nn Crew.Cat> llat Nice Selec11on' ore se1ec11on. sa•1ng' and service !Oday' t>ed. good eng ne eos .. 74 3 ocs .! speP<l UllYERS ITI some wor ~ SA50 oh i'l60NAC1 631-2064 • 77 3201 4 SDd S11n SALES I SERVICE 81 Datsun tong oed ) 1 •ool 1248TRR1 2850 HarbOr Bl•d spd. camper sneu 1oa· * 79 320• 4 '>IJd 5un COSTA MESA ded S6500 54S-8380 I root 1849 rt-<Z• s.•O-t&•O ---• 80 3201 5 Sl"'d sun U"f "' 68 ·~ Ton CneVy PU "' root 1659ZOK1 * IO Ho•da Prelu~t sne11 S t 000 • 80 320• ~ spd ;i.r 8•6·69•8 cond 1 tASX046i 5 spa air am tm cas· Sf'tle Moonisunrool e> 1976 Ford Courier w•llt 135-317 1 cellPot cond S7 t00 or camper shell mags and 208 W ISi Santa Ana bst 0,, 640 860 t • ttres good cond S:.>800 Clo ·"d Sunday M sell 962 8061 l "9 C VCC new tores & ust • CHOICE INVENTORY Drakes am Im cass V101 9510 VOl&SALES grea1 mpg 'Int con<I •••••••••••••••••••••• SJSOO L•sa 559-0770 YIM onOB Accord 79 mint COIYHSUt C 644 2420 aft 6pm or llllW w~nds A super clean car wrtn a sunroof ( 1EBHO\f"I OILY SHH JIM MHIMO VOLUWACiH t87 t t Beath Bll/d t87 t t Beacn BIVO Hun11ng1on Beach 142·2000 l1unt1ng100 Beoc11 9 O u2-2000 r.0!!!.".~f!!' ..••••• Z~. 71'.\ t979 M G E-collrnr 1110 YOLISWISH cond111on 27 000 mt S3 "IAJA" IU& 500 fi3 t 3716 Tn1s one nas a sunroot & ~~~••••••••••••}Z~~ 1 ~E~:~an• (9176) M UST 78 1181 Roadster, OILY $3315 4 spd 8 track M oos 41 tK <833YDKI XLNT BUY $349& DICK MILLER JIM MllUH YOLISWISEll 18711 Beacn Blvd Huntington Beacn 142-2000 .s I • 0 I II L l R E I c on d S 4 5 0 0 c a 11 FRH TAHOE TRIP Sale' Serv1ce-Leas1ng J 9130 711 ll IU& CONVERTS MOTORS 170 W Warntr Avt Santa Ana ')~ 7 2137 (w11h purcnase) I 850 N Beach Blvd • !I.~~!............... N ASK FOR DETAILS' La HoDra 64 Jaguar XKE con• 4 2 ow po•nlftops. to rr11, rn 22 " 3 & atorage Must be seen NEW I 5 . .,33 Compl teDll eng brk S8000tS8400 Coll (714) Co•Cll MISTER O''"n Sunday system Wire wh ls ' 558 11 15 • .. ~ S8500 645-6354 Porsde 1750 · VHS HlfMITED ORIHE COHTY'S Im _ _._ .... .__ •••••••••••••••••••••• 1tl5 VOLISWASEll . --- SELECT YHS I OLDHT 1988 JAGUAR 63 356B Co11pe •Int CAMPH 3.1 llRl II SEDAM mus 1 , e e E • 1' 8 \ rl'" is e•tra clean & nas llHl·lllP &" cond Red Rblt eng. This well-cared·for cam· UlllMIH I Xlnl cond Auto 55,000 760-862• op 11 on s 11 k e a fr• g PACIFICA m1 °''9 owner red ex1 75 Porsct>e q 14 t 8 S 113522) S3it>S Ser•1ce-Leas1ng blk int cnrome wire spd llko new 11ereo OILY S4ll& USED 'll Hiii VH Cruise, air cond & C B (1327691 S4H5 '11 HO OAMPH HI back t na1rs & hit wheel (510523) SUH '11 HllE MUI Frtg. b•y wlndowt & "" cond l239052) SHH 'll FOH OlMPH Sink, frig. & sleeper (8211619) ..... '11 ftlll YU W indow pkg., atl•to 3 air cond. (A 1834$) SlHI TllHHI .••. , •. 20eO HlftlOf 81110 COSTA MESA ~2--11 MO·l211 Of-,._,, CARVER wheels BOdy & int wd & M ags A/C Musi sell, l'l... IT 1ea1ner comp restort'd Best ofler 846-3753. JIM MlllllO R '\j ~ Rh( l:·tt.i\ 1\'\ Runs perlectly Prol11ss e•es 641·5555. deya VOUSWHEll stored S 10 500 O••v 18111 Beacn Blvd .A "•• • I .. N ~ •• ,,.. u ~ ..... 6 42·9807 D ays ond 12 PORSCHE Huntington 9Hcn wkends bet 6 pm CAllUOLET 142·2000 ~WHO.US 11.t l•ttle Miss Mullee st11 on a l1t•••n Glli• llJf Tutlf'1 atong came a •••••••••••••••••••••• spider and reed on tile &I I lhi Dally Pt101 Clon1!16d l!. lrMlll I 5cc11on aoouf Miss Mui-Clll1lorn10 St yle A ll rer 1 Tullat end t>ougnl 11 91ocll Porsche Alloy• for $9 95 You t an sell Mrthettns. 1800 motor your 111rte1 11nd lo" or (484 ZSMI 0 1ner 1n1ng1 tllrouon VERY SHARP O•llV Piiot Cl85Sl11td $399• At1• C1111 64,·56711 g I e If It's got e handles e you'll grab DICK MILLER MOTORS I lO W W.1•11•• A,, \.1111,1 A11.1 •,•,' ! I !/ a sale • fastttr In wna1 • wondertvl World e Dally Piiot 01 Snopp1no. r10111 " • your llngo<llP• •llllf'l'dayt Classified Dally Piiot Cleullted • ads. (.all Adt To piece your ad, ...... 2 ....... 71 c.11 142-~871 and i.1 1 • -~ Clullfl.cl Ad.VIII()( help •-•------1 you Totally Recond11toned 71 & lt IUS 7:.>K 0110 MllH 8rlgf11 CllYlllTS Red wrlh N-btack top & tnt An Investment you New pa1n111ops. lo ml 1n can dnva l 135614MEI st0tage Musi ba seen ·••&o $110001584100 Call (7 14) • 558 1115 DICK MILL ER M O TORS I /II w w ""~' A.~ 16·1 pass wgn. S3650 Snrl auto, air, whl1, tape • 70276 Lrc e•P '83 Orr 645·2963 \.1111~ A11.1 ',111' ll l/ '72 VW Bug Engine mint •-.--••liii-miilll-I cond Body In gd cond 1" S2500 090 Call Anawer For Ad Action Call a Daiy Pilot AD-VISOR 642-5678 Ad 624. 642-4300 24 hrs. 90 VW R1bt>t1 Osl 1.., mint cond , AM/F M . tnrf, S6750 720· tn I 79 Aebt>ll. e1111er, blk Int. eunrool •le.. 11ewllss S33!l0 1~9 04~ 12 Ghre. n11 pelnr & tlrH $2800 090 Run• 011111 848-9929 (714) 549-4300 2480 harbor blvd. at fair . costa mesa. ca 92626 (714) 549· 1457 2480 harbor blvd at fair . costa mesa Cd 92626 (714) 549~4300 2480 harbor blvd. at fair. costa mesa. ca 92626 1982 SUBARU HATCHBACK 1171641.ll FULLY EQUIPPED ~138 monthly + ta111 CAP «>ti H~IV rMICIUal 11tlll , 101~ OI P•Y"'•Ofll\ IOI •9 montna SH 4' ,. olut ,.. Op•n •n<I ..... on •PPfOved cr..i11 a. magnon pontiac • 1982 PONTIAC TRANS AM l~U\i11 p • ._ .. , •lt1ttf'Wl A i • ., I II itol• l'f~I"' t u\f( ~ "I'"• \,f\,t~ct f.,tt~ ~N·JSf'll.1 monthly + tow Cltp C~I J11 l!'IO tftlll110I J6j~I ()II IOIM Of P•t"""'h !Of •• monma '" ~M t>lul , .. ~ -..... "" I P!"OVed er.01t a. magnon subaru ............. _____ ~ DEADLINES FOf Tues:!ay lhrough Salurday pubhcat1ons. S 30 PM lhe previous day For Sunday and Monday publtca11ons 12 00 noon Salurday ERRORS Advertise~ should check theor ads daily and reporl twro<s 1mmed1ately The DAIL y PILOT assunws ltablltty tor tha lirsl incorrect insertion only l1llyPllat REAL ESTATE '11.M' I_ 642-5678 PUBLISHER S NOTICE All real etlale actvert1secl tn lh1s newspaper 11 subfee1 10 the Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968 which m1kes 1t Illegal to adVertlse 'any preference. lim1tat1on. or dlscnmlnat1on based on rllCe, color, reltg1on. sex, or national origin, or an 1ntent1on to m1ke rry Sl.ICh preference. limltat1on. or d11Crimlnatlon ·• Thlt newspaper w111 not knowingly eccep1 any advef111ing fOf,... _... wtllch 11 1n vtolaUon of the llW Q.ASSIFIED INDEX HOUSES FOR SALE RUl ESTAJE '·""""'•' ,, .. \ It·~· ,,,,'•It H.1~•l,l•M .. \l,o•tl,.#t.I '' ... tl•lt. • f••M•" .. I• t'V'• ~. '"''' f •J"'"'•-""• ..... , 9'11 ......... , ........ ' .. I .rfW'•d•• 'ilu ~ t ,.,_t•• •I .. ' " ... f .... "'"'' f·.ft'IJl'Vf .. '"''" rt"• Vflit"'I ... f ··~fl!' " ., ..... ' T•~ ... '""-'''•'• I•·• '• t_,...alPt \ o1llot'' ... ti~···' , .. ~ .•• t Mvflftf'IC''-"-'•'' I.,., ,,.,_ .. ,, ... ,.. ltuw ' .. .-. ... ,.,. , , 1• ' t .. c-· .-. .... , .... ld<t,'ttf~lf ._ ... ,.,,.. u11h "' ... '""'"" tu• •. ,, .. l.a1Vfll• '··~· , . ..., " ..... .., ... , .. , ... .,, M1".-.\o"'I" ,,_ h., ... ,,1" ,., ... j ~:r.::.:; ~ ,,.,. ·~,.., ..... ,h ., •. .., " lltTll . .,.. .. ""'••· ., ..... .... 4'iie1111,11t•l'lt 4poU•l'Wt ··r-R•M~\ •-"'' t.,.h r 'lio I I '-"I• Aft• .... , ..... ,., ................ , ... ) '-•I .-....-h ..... M••I t •Ut•-. .,,.,rd "'"' """"~ ...... "'. ..... ""''"'lft\l•t ·-................ ,"-'" 111• 'Ads In th11 calegory must be pr•pa•d Open 8-5.30. Saturday 8•noon (Clo9ed on 5'.lnday) 330 w. Bey St.. Costa Mesa. Ca 92827·9983 RCNULS ···~~,. ............ , u.,_, .. I "'oflM ,...,,, ......, ...... , ... ,., ,. l ...,,,.,,. .... ._,.-... , ... • Nt-"""~"'" ·' .. . ' ····~1111·--"'. "'" I •"tt .., .• , t et '""•1 .... , ... , ... tiow1M>••''"' , ... "' .. \1 .. ',.. .... " , .... t ...... ,,. " .... ·~---" ........ ,14 .... ,.h MMlrh ,,_,, . .,... .... ....."" ... ' "•11tl•h \•<t4W9'1 Al'ftt•t' tt.....t .. hh•"'•··· I 1•f •I•' '"' MrM •au..-. M•M•i ftv"Ni"' M•'nt•I '~U11I M•t11ht :~·.,~ ~.M~I ....... ,_,.,, .. h ... . . ... ... .. ... , .. ... ""' llff'J "'"' """ .., ... . ... ""' ..,,. .... ...... IWJ .... """ '\ 2 -Oran Real Estate/ An Advert ism ~'/I/le 1/rkn/1/ze PR<)PERTI ES 760-8333 PHl•SUU POllT F.11Julciu!> bay v1t•w :J bedroom and dt>n Form:.il dining Largl· 'f.JJl mu:-. room:-. . .idJ<•l'C'nt to ~w1mm1ng bl'al·h :!0% down. 0 W C balam .. 't· ..it 12% Rl'tlucc-cl to $ti75.000 760-8:1:1:1 WALi TO IUCH L.1q.~t· 4 br & ul'n 1n quu.'t m·1ghborhood rw.ir lx·<1eh 3 l'ar g.11..1gt• A p(•rft·c·t f<1mtl y homl' with t•xcC'llt·nt fmanc.·1ng <1\·ad<1blt· Full pm"-' $I HY.900 7ti0-H:J:J3 SACRIFICE SALE lkdun'<.l pnc.·<' $50.000 tu avoid fon'l·losuri• :1 br. & dt•n Plan ti 1n d1·lt~h1ful J asmine CrN•k Partial 1x:ean v1c.·w. S<'C·ur11y gah' lt•11n1:-, pool. fama~l1c· buy al $:H!l.500 wllh 1•xc.·dknl ftnam·tng iliO 8:1:tl EICELLEIT FllAIClll Nt·al & dean 3 br bluffs condo wllh g reat assumabll• Isl. trust dt'<·d .11 13.7% interest One• story. good location on greenbelt O.W.C . 2nd. T.D Must Sl'll now. Asking $194.500 700-833:! • A Division of 3 CIVIC PLAZA #170 NEWPORT BEACH, CA IOAT OWIEIS You will love this Cape Cod bayfront with largl' sltp. :! sufr lit'!> .• 1ncJ l'<l!>Y act't'SS to jelly 4 bedrooms. 2 d('('ks wnh .. u1x·rb \'1t•W!>. A 1:harmang home throughout Prtt't'CI at $ l.:JY5.000 on ft•t· lund 760-83:1:3 ILUFFS VIEW COIDO L..irgl· 4 br c·ondo. 2 1 i baths. dC'<'k overlooking t'..ill\'on. f1n•plal'l', t'Onvcnic>nl locauon dose 10 all am<·ntllt'~ Ownt•r v..111 l'<1rry Just n>duct'<l to $145.000. 760-8:333. COIOH DEL IAR IEIOIEL &.·at'h m ttagt:' in JX•rfc'l'l Old Corona lucation. Om· bloc:k from bt«.lt h P..1rt1al OC'ean view 3 bt'<iroo~. beanwd t't•1ling!>. bnt·k patio Gn·al polC'nt1al to rt•mcx.lt•I ,ind makt• monl')' Offrn'Ci at s:1:.!~.ooo 760-8~~:n 11111111 111111 OCUI VIEW Charming expanded Jodelle model with breathtaking view of tK·ean. mou ntains & city hghts. 3 bedrooms. fam ily room. formal dining, win e cellar, French doors. oak cabinets, stained glass. wood shutters. $795,000. 760-8333· .r JACOBS REAL TY, INC. 675-6670 trttt'1 • -, .- 2919 Newport Boulevard Newport Beach, CA 92863 ttaw e • a a neat ·-· •• , ... ~~ • Orange County Real Estate/ An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT /Saturday, October 30. 1982 -3 760-8333 HlRIOR RIDGE CUSTOM 1111' ........... 1.111d11ul pnnuum h111nt r11r tlu dt"lllllllll.lltllg ln n .11 "1th I 11111pl1 II \II\\' of t.o(.('JI\ h.1'.> m11u11 1.1111 ... ~ l II\ ltghh I ll4 '<h11••111" .. 11111\ t.1111 11\ 11ic1n1 p11v.1lf· 1ourt\.11d \\tlh g.11 d1 11 ·I 111111,! ~p.1 .illd t11un1.1111 .ill II\ I \.tjUl ... llt I.I'll 111 lllllllll \ t"r1 111 h ~I 711' 01111 7till 11.1.1:1 HRDH SETilllG En.1oy thl 1 h11rm 11i th ts lovl'ly Portofino plan 4 1.wd rooni:-. .. I ' bath!'>. f1n1shc·d bonus room. fo rmal cl1n1ng. ta11.w lot with pm·.il'V S:l!'l9.501t i htt-H:i:I:! 10 REIT PllOILEIS MEllEU Gorgt'<>U ... :l b(odroom, 2 bat h and 2 bedroom. 1 bath uuplt'X Ill the· "ht•art" uf Nc·wport Beach with $2 10.000 in as.,umahlc• finant'tng' Just a stroll lO thC' beat'hfron t. markt·t:. and Lido V1llagt This buy won't lao;t long at $280.000 with lht• Owm•r as.'>tsling with financing 675-6670 ,. ... u TllPl.D Bc•aut1fully maintained triplex with Bachelor and two 2-lx'Clroom units wrapped in lots of Rustic C harm. Front umt is sc•paratc house with used brick rireplace. beautiful kno tty pin£• wood and private patio. ThE'Se units have assumable financing at 10% per a nnum and a price that's great at $325,000. Owner 'wall as.o;1sl with fina ncing too!! 675-6670 ·• A Division of 3 CIVIC PLAZA #170 NEWPORT BEACH, CA TOP OF THE RIDH Sc 1 tla \\ hoh \~ 1trld ! rom 1 h1-. p.il<1t1.tl I f.1rl >o11 H1dgi ..... 1.111 .• 111 fi.-ltlll ''I 11 \\Ith lx.1ultl11I t,1sh· .ind q11.il1l'I. 1h1ougl11111I B< \I lt·d .111d lt·.id1 .. 1 gJ •• ,, ... 1111\' .11111 111,11 hit 1i •• 1h,, tit'\ .11111 \\ 1111 n·ll.1r p1 .. 1I. sp;1 .... 1u11.1 ,...., u1 II\ '"'11 ·111 .ind n1u1 h 1111111 ()1111 \n111 ll;11l1·,1-.down 1>.i\.1111·11l $:.!.:.!:.!lOClll 711118.\:l:~ OCHI DUPLEX I hr :.! bath homt• with :! br apar111wn1 l':xtra large• 111a:-.t1 •r lx·dri1om wllh ftrc>plat't' and la rg1· dt'<lk Stt·f}'-to ht•at'h tin .. 11 :-.umnwr winter rt·nt.al an·a. lk d u('('(i t1J $:!!'1!1,!'100 7fiO-H:!:\:I IEST OF TWI WOILIS ..• V1l·torran Old World Charm but NEW-N EW-NEW' Motivated Sellcr must ywld this pnnw Pt•n11u.ula propt•rty ft•atunng <'Xt'\.'llent t'raftsmansh1p in wood. bras:. and statm'<i g lass 3 bedrooms. 3 ·~ bath~. t'.lf'fttly Room and Gciurmc·t Kitchen with all bu1lt-1ns. S pa in Mastt•r Su1w This "quality" homl' coulcl be yours for only $369.50U Own<'r offl•rs terms too' 675-6670 lllllULLY lllLT U TIWlll•EI ... Th ese u nits are being sold as a duplex. Unit.c; are side-by -std<» story. :1 lx•droom . 212 baths. f1rC'plaC't'. private balcony nd double garage an each umt S upt'r location -walk to Bay or Bc>ach. shops and rt'Slaurnnt.s Largl' assumable> loan al 12% and Ownc•r will carry too" Buy tw o homt'S for only $395.000 675-6670 .r JACOBS REAL T.Y, · 1NC. 675-6670 29 19 Newport Boulevard Newport Beach. CA 92683 ...................................... -------------------------="""""'=-,._..--~~--------~~- 4 -Orange County Real Estate/ An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT /Saturday, October .30, 1982 PRISCILLA REA • ''Marketing Specialist in Tres Vistas since 1978'' pre~ents MISSION VIEJO WATERFRONT T res Vistas is a 24 hr. gate guarded community featuring a Marina with boat storage, tennis courts, plaza and swimming beach. The ultimate California lifestyle nestled at the foot of the Saddleback mountains. 5500,000-52,000,000. To see this or any other Tre1 Vl1ta1 home ..__... ____________ . .-., A Tres Vistas Country French Estate • 4 Bedrooms • 3 V2 Baths • 5 Fireplaces • Family Room •Game Room • Formal Parlor • Formal Dining • 90' of Lake Frontage • Furnishings Available Call PRISCILLA REA 493-8912 0-fc. 496-2667 hm • .,,..,..-~=- Orange County Real Es1a 1e/An Advertising Supplemert 10 tt1e DAILY PILOT /Saturday, October 30. 1982 5 TAKE ADY ANT AGE OF THE LOWEST INTEREST RATES IN YEARS BAYFROtlT COllDO OYERLOOKlllG IALIOA ISUtlD Elegant 2 bedroom condo plus den with fantastic views. wet bar. fireplace. stained glass. pool and use of private beach $855.000. UUTREllOMT MODEL ltl HARIOR RID8E This 2940 sq. ft home with 4 bedrooms and 3 baths has spacious patio area. many custom features and large secluded spa $790.000 IRYltlE TERRACE-STEPS TO BEACH Sweeping panoramic view 4 bedroom. 3 bath home with large poo l. complete pnvacy. ideal location for watching the boat parade OMC inst allment sale $600.000 EMERALD HY FAMILY HOME Country charm radiates throughout this 5 bedroom. 4 bath' home with family room. formal dining and huge master bedroom suite $755.000 FHULOUS OCEAll VIEW IUILD1118 SITE Seller will carry with $280.000 down on this lot above "Palm Tree Circle." Sites lik e this are rarely available Act now' $385.000 IN NEWPORT BEACH LIDO SHDS·WALI TO BEACH Perfect Newpo rt starter home w11h 3 bedrooms. 2 b a th s , m1n1mum maintenance. use ot pool, racquetball and tennis. $159.000. LlllDA ISLE WATERFROllT HOME Handsome trad1t1onal 5 bedroom, 4 12 bath residence with family room. sunken living room. immense formal dining room plus a charming courtyard spa Owner will help finance $1 .450.000. JUST LISTED·HARBOR VIEW HOMES Charming Carmel model wllh 3 bedrooms. 2 baths. Mexican pavers in entry , redwood deck plus l arge patro area Good expansion potential plus loans are assumable. $249,000 FEE IN EMERALD BAY $51 l ,OOO ASSUMABLE LOH! Spectacular view Emerald Bay property with 2 bedrooms. 2 baths, pool and long term financing $650.000 OCEAll VIEW COUllTRY CHARii HOllE This 6 bedroom. 51 1 bath residence with beam ceilings. hardwood floors and brick patios has an additional family room with fireplace and guest or maid's quarters Just reduced to $725.000. SUBMIT ALL OFFERS!! Harbor View Home with 4 bedrooms. 3 baths. great design tor families. owner f1nnnc1ng $310.000 111911-ESTATE JUST REDUCED! Situated on 111 acre. this 6 bedroom 4 bath residence with Grecian pool and spa has a beautiful Kol pond, huge yard. French doors and breathtaking skylight owe or consider trade $449.000 PLAZA AREA OF THE BLUFFS Easy walk to shoppi ng from th is 4 bedroom. 2' 7 bath home with tile roof large patio . nice landscaping. With 25"" down seller may carry or try lease/opt1011 s 170.000 ACROSS FROM OCEHFROllT Emeral d Bay 3 bedroom . 2 bath whitewater view home on oceanside of Hwy. in prestigious community. $895,000. Hl8HLY MOTIVATED SELLER Try 1ust $75.000 down or lease option on this corner tot ocean view 4 bedroom 3 bath home with trad1t1ona1 styling. An out standing value with full use of all tac1l1t1es plus its own spa $825.000 JUST LISTED THIS WEEKI Outstanding quality remodel with 3 bedrooms. den. 2 1'2 baths and new carpet. landscaping and other touches. A real charmer $710,000. JUST LISTED -IT'S HOTll Best buy in Emerald Bay with California Ranch styling. 2 bedrooms. 2 baths. pool and seller financing wit h low d own $395.000 SHARP IRYltlE HD UNIT Rancho San Joaquln view condo with 2 bedrooms. 2 baths. fireplace . nice landscaping. deck.<; plus use of pool and spa. owe. $159.ooo. llEU YERIE AREA UIOM snu Lovely 4 bedroom home on a large corner lot that's been beautifully landscaped and boasts a large solar heated pool. Close to everything and priced to sell. $1 59,500. . .... , •El .... 9llT llW Light and airy townhome With 2 bedrooms plus den, private patio and large garage. This home Is priced $15,000 below other& on market! $120,000. NEWPORT BEACH OFFICE IN OTHER AREAS OWIER Wl.L TAIE LOW, LOW HWI OWNER WILL TAKE LOW. LOW DOWN Motivated seller must liquidate quickly this 2 bedroom condo with den. 2112 baths. great location in Santa Ana Heights $118,000. lllUll IM wm 31' IOAT IOCI Spacious 3 bedroom, 2'h bath family room ho me on Trinidad Island in Huntington Harbour with assumable First T.D. at 93A% Int erest and addltlonal seller financing. $399,950 FEE . LOVELY llllAllOLIFFE, IRYllE We just sold one here but you can still have this 2 bdrm. 2 bath Arbor La ke townhome with den and mt. views In natural setting. $175,000. COSTA llESA TRIPLEX Near beach and shopping, this income property has a perfect 3 bedroom owners unit plus additional 2 bdrm. 2 bath rental Real pride of ownership. $245.000. llOllTAll CAlllS AT TME IEACH Unique A-frame duplex In South Laguna near Aliso Beach with great ocean view and fireplaces. Owner is open to creative offers. so submit 011 terms. $210.000. 00110 01 TllE WEST lllE Laguna Niguel 2 bdrm. 2 bath unit with view of the greenbelt all near private tennis and golf club. A perfect Investment. $1 18.000. CALL FOR ADDRESSES &A-7020 WWW ' 6 -Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday. October 30, 1982 WESLEY N: TAYLOR CO. REALTORS • since 1946 2111 San Joaquin Hills Road 644-4910 llli CAIYDI POOL, SPA All LISll liAIDEIS 4 Bedrooms. family room & dining room. Immaculate throughout New carpets. drapes, marble entry & decor. Electronic security system. Wet bar. 2 fireplaces, 3-car garage. Artistic pool and spa Priced right at $695.000. Gate guarded area. Call 644-4910 for permission to enter this exclusive gate guarded area. 14 BURNING TREE OPEN SUN. 1-5 HARIOR VIEW HILLS -$211,500 Quiet. park-like setting. huge yard Room for paddle tennis and pool. Great for orchard. Pul de sac street 3 Bedrooms. family room. Low ground lease. $375 year. 17 years before ad1ustment 1218 KEY WEST. CdM OPEN SUN. 1-5 ClllU IEL Ill -SIPEI FEE llY Charming 3 bedroom home with lots of extras. You own the land. Great family home. Price reduced $45,000. Beautiful large corner lot. Walk to the bay, Balboa Island and Fashion Island. Owner motlvaJed. This could be best buy In Corona del Mar. $320,000. Attractive owner financing available. Vacant. 1543 SERENADE TERRACE, CdM OPEN SAT/SUN 1-5 IRYllE -lllYEllITT PUii -J IElllllS Detached 3 bedroom.-2.14-bath home.-on..greenbelt near .carnmunJJ¥ tennis and pool. $114,000 In aasumable loans, and you own the land. $135,000. Fee land. Best buy In University Park. I SPYliUSS POOL AID SPA PERFECTION Two-story "Nantucket" 4 bedroom with beautiful Sunset pool surrounded by 14.000 red bricks. Tastefully decorated throughout with wallpapers and shutters. Shows hke a model home! Many upgrades. Seller will finance. Submit down. $760,000 incl. land. EllLISH TllOR -TWO STORY Buccola home. Large family home with 4 bedrooms. Brick fireplaces, country kitchen. big family room. Two blocks to Newport High or children can walk to other nearby schools. Quiet residential area. Owner will help finance. $229.000. Fee land. IEW EMUll • llLlll llLAll Charming near-new 2-story architectural gem. 4 bedrooms, family room. Quality design and decor throughout. Designed for guest quarters. Priced to sell $595,000. Seller finance. No loan fee. 213 DIAMOND OPEN SAT/SUN. 1-5 1111111 Y11W llLU WITI WI• YIEW llll.000 Earthtones throughout, 4 bedrooms, 21~ baths, family room, dining room , 2,37T eq. ft. View -0t-Pavlllon, night lights and Catalina. 1251 SURFLINE WAY, CdM OPEN SAT/SUN. 1-5 Orange County Real Estate/An Advert1s1ng Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, October 30. t982 -7 WESLEY N . OWNER WILL TAYLOR CO. FINANCE 653 93 INTEREST REALTORS . sin ce 1946 2111 San Joaquin Hills Road 644-4910 BIG CANYO N -ON THE GOLF COURS E ' .., OWNER W ill CONSIDER YOUR HOME AS DOWN PAYMENT Unequaled elegance 1n this architectural beauty overlooking the 8th green of 819 Canyon Golf Cour ~e Tl1e fine • craft sm anship and materials' Imported marble. air-cond1 t1oning crystc1I ct1andPl1ers. crown mold1nqc; r 1cl1 p<lnel1nq. 1 v.1 t bars plus many other impressive features. 5 lt=1rge bedrooms each w1tt1 private bt1th 8,rnquvt-s1ze d1ni11q room f.irn11\ room with marble fireplace. billiard room with coffered ceiling nnd oak fl oor!:> rPfr1qPratl•tl v111 m• room 011<:.1L1r11•d to pro-. 1<1 the ultimate in total privacy A truly elegant home for someone who apprt:'t.,lates tht> f1nPst1 GOLF COURSE VIEW FROM 9 ROOMS $1, 950,000 OPEN SUNDAY 1:00 to 5:30 9 IVERNESS LA NE FOR ADMITTANCE TO TH IS GATE OO ARDED AREA CA LL . 644-4910 1, ,,11, IJ•Hllitv ~~t·.il r • 1111<' '"'"A 111<>rl1:,111q f">IJPrtl••ntr>nl 1r1 Ill• lJAI' Y PIL(J I b.it111<J.t, Octot.>t:r EQUESTRIAN ESTATE Stately Georg1.1 Colon1.JI on 2 2 acres 6 BR. S' ~BA dining & family Pool riding ring & stobles Substantial price reduction to $1 .850,000 111clud1ng lane! Martha Macnab (C-11) EXTRAORDINARY LAGUNA OCEANFRONT One of Laguna s most secluded oceanfront locations Pnvate steps to i:.dndy beach 6 BRs. / acre w / 115 or oceanfront absolutely charming older home Owners will carry sensational owner terms Asking S 1 650 000 George Grupe IC-12 ) 36 LINDA ISLE Big Bay location Dramatic arch11ecture. light & beautiful decor high ceilings. plantation shullers 4 fireplaces. walk-in bar 5 BR panr•led library mo1ds rm & bath Shp for up to 70 boat & side 11es Now S 1.650 000 Leasehold Seller wtll help finance Cathy Schweickert (C-131 50 FEET -HARBOR ISLAND Livable older Beac.h Cottage on spectacular lot Driveway & grassy lawn Pier & slip -FEES 1 600.000 Beverly Morphy (C-14) CHATEAU ON GALAXY DRIVE Enter tdll stately doors IO a spectacular pool w/mar ble & tall columns Look through the home to the bay & ocean beyond 5 BR. den study, lg lot S 1 575.000 Barbara Aune IC-15) BAYSIDE DRIVE Drama11c. spacious family home w/private master suite overlooking harbor entrance & main channel. 3 addt'I BAS. dining & family rms. dock Ample olfstreet parking. S 1,500 000 incl land or lease at S4 OOOtmo Martha M acnab (C-16) REDUCED $200,000 See & hear the surf 3 BRs. 3 baths & den in main house One BR apartment on the sand Owner will trade S 1 295 000 Maureen Whtie tC-17) NEWER 50' PRIME BAYFRONT Room for 2 boats over ::>O plus bayboat s1de11es 3 ol 4 BRs front on bay 3'. baths lots of parking close 10 Jelly Ellcellent term!> S1 295000 incl rand George Grupe (C-18) BALBOA ISLAND DREAM HOUSE Custom buill R1verrock home on the water with dock 10 hold up to 20 boat Almos1 l1n1shed two-story with upgrades throughout 1r1cludmq a roof garden with wet bar S 1.000.000 Gisela Jenkins <C-191 GOLF COURSE • VERSAILLES -REDUCED $195,000 Fee with full pool & spa Completely customized Tile floors. Bermuda· shullers huge storage room over garage Vacant P. ready for occupancy Beverly Morphy (C-20) BIG CANYON -BEST VIEW M agnificent high vista & view fr om lh1s superb location in Big Canyon This 3 BR . den. Deauv1ile has a wonderful pool & spa for outdoor entertainment $785.000. Terry Aune Hanes (C-2 t) LIDO ISLE WITH FINAllClllG Cape Cod custom -2', yrs new Perfection Bank of America assumable 1st TD Bring offers. $685.000 Call Dona Chichester IC22) SPY&USS RID&E VIEW HOME! Family home w/great c1tculation -a Hiiisborough SBA, 3BA. OR, Family rm, beaullful garden +a view patio $640.000 incl land Dona Chichester (C23) IRVINE TERRACE -VIEW Lovely 4 BR 1n newest area of Irvine Terrace -s11 down view High beam ceiling & completely new kitchen Large courtyard patio Fee land Perfect cond1t1on $595,000 Incl land Beverly Morphy tC241 MUST -SELL-MOW IN SHORECLIFFS!!! Reduced lrom $585,000 to $432.000 incl land This country custom ~pill level home features 3 BR. lam rm w tocean view off master suite Superb location w/three p11vate beaches Home needs some T l C Sharon Smith IC25) HELP! 3 BR BAYFRONT CONDO W11h terrific location & po1ent1al Needs everything -Pamt. paper. carpets drapes Assumable first TD Below market at ~450.000 incl land M artha Macnab (C26) BELOW MARKET In Hai bor Ridge Casa Blanca Model 3 BR 3 BA. with view of reservoir Take over high first T D Pro fess1011ally decorated th(oughout Gisela Jenkins Asking $450.000 (C27) VIEW! VIEW! YIEWI BEAUTIFULLY DECORATED Seav1ew home 1n lush garden selling with panoramic view of ocean. city lights and coast line. This line 3 BR executive home fea tures garden at11um & country kitchen with breakfas t area Priced for last sate $429.000 Anita Schandel 644-6200 (C -28) IMPRESSIVE CUSTOM HOME Con:.1ruct1on -Solid walnul cabinetry -formal dining 1 oom -Living rm w vaulted ceiling -family rm & country kitchen -4 BR -lg corner lot Sparkling pool wl beautilul country garden You own the land $424 500 Barbara Aune (C29) NEW PRICE BAYSIDE COVE Tht: lt;:gt.:nd model one BR. den condo situated within steps of the b<1y Completely redecorated The master suite occupies the entire second floor Financing is excellent on this prest 1~1ous home $4 15.000 Fee Donna Godshall (C30) JASMINE CREU Gate-guarded community 2 BR + den Tastefully ctecoraled Close 10 pool & tennis S395 000 Bent Mitchell (C3 t) 4 BR • SEAVIEW The ·Port Royal Elegant two-level family home w11h 4 spacious BR lg ram rm w/2nd fireplace & wet bar formal dining & lwo balcornesi Lovely garden & ocean view $395,000 Belle Partch (C32) CAMEO HIGHLHDS VIEW Fantastic panoramic ocean view & w1th1n walking distance of the three pnvate beaches. Single story 4 BA. lam rm residence situated 1n Cameo Highlands Great potential -close to shopping and schools ONLY $369.900 1ncludmg the land Calf Donna Godshall (C33) 4 IR -HARBOR VIEW Low. low priced 4 BA tri-level Broadmoor home wtvaulled ceilings. formal dining & sepa rate l am rm Beautifully landscaped garden overlooking greenbelt A great family home $349,500 Belle Partch (C34) 644-6200 MACNAB IRVINE REALTY THE PERFECT COlllllTIOI For family living beautiful 4 BR + tam rm home, stylishly decorated in warm/neutral tones plus extra large yard for entertaining. Lots of sunlite In cheer. Best Baycrest neighborhood & close to all. $349,000 Jane Paquin. (C35) A SURPRISE PlCUIE Remodeling 1ust completed w/elegant designer touches. Large Eastbluff residence expanded to take advantage of lovely view w/pool & spa. This 1s a one-of-a-kind property. $333.000. Coby Ward. (C36) llYEST II Sii, SllF I s11sns Two lg spacious units one house from the sand. Upstairs -4 BR and 2 BA w/sundeck & downstairs -2 BR and 2 BA. $325.000 LH. Tom Alllnson & Terry Aune Hanes (C37) 10 lllH HWI 100~ FllUClll • TURTLE llOCI lllllEI HOIE Model home 4 BR. 3 BA. spa. 2 covered patios, 2 fireplaces, microwave. community park. $319,000. Owner will finance 100% total cost to buyer $895.00 to close escrow. Barbara Callihan (C38) PAii sm11c Huge. low care yard Wood panelled wall coverings. 5 BR. 3 baths. family rm. Owner will carry 2nd TO. $299.900. Maureen White. (C39) THE URIEi NOIE $211,000 Cllffhaven -Newport Heights home w/beautlful gardens on large lot. Room tor RV & room to expand -up or out. Copper plumbing, 3BR. 2BA. Mary Lou Marlon (C40) IEllRllLE WESTCLIFF + POOL Warmly decorated family home. 3 BR + tam rm w/hlgh beam ceilings -Open kitchen, lovely pool & great lands captng Terrific neighborhood. $269.000 Incl. land. Jane Paquin. (C41) TlllnE IOCI UlllEI llOME Bren-Monteclto model beautifully decorated and hlghty upgraded. 3 BR. fam rm, 2 fptcs & garden court. Great location on cul-de-sac w/vlew of mountains. Community pool & tennis. Excellent assumable financing. $267 ,500. Sharon Smith. (C42) llEllOEI • IEWPIRT llEl&HTS Shingled cottage, hi beams. trench doors & windows. hardwood floors, 2 used brick fireplaces. 2 + den or 3 BA. 2'h BA. Woodsy view, lg decks. • FEE $250,000. Beverly Morphy. (C43) IEW• IT LISSI Harbor View Home -3 BR 2 Ba Carmel model. Remodeled kitchen. Pro fessionally decorated throughout. New carpet. paint and wallpaper. Automatic watering and fighting systems. Must sell fast! $249,000 Incl. land. Glsela Jenkins (C44) IUIOR VIEW llllES Outstanding 3BR redecorated home near pool & greenbelt. Loads of privacy In fenced backyord. Lg assumable loan, much charm & just waiting for you. $245,000 Incl. land. Maxine Propp. (C45) EXCELLEIT LIYllli II EASTILUFF Private cour1yard entrance leads to gracious entertaining 2 Patios, view of Catalina, lg fam rm. breakfast area, 3 BR, 2 fplcs. Owner will cooperate in financing $245,000 Leasehold. Barbara Aune. (C46) IEW LISTllli II HSTILllFF Smartly styled. conveniently located home w/ 3BRs. Dining rm, and Family rm. Made to measure for someone who needs lots of ltving space on one floor. $225.000 LH. Coby Ward. (C47) COIDO WITH PRIVATE SPA 3 11 Very sophisticated Bluffs condo only steps to comm pool. Owner has reduced rpice and will assist in financing. Assumable 151 TD $225.000 Leasehold. Paula Bailey. (C48) IOITHWOOI YILUIE • llYllE Popular "Granada" Model In Racquet Club featuring 4 BR. spacious fam rm with fireplace. wet bar & solar heated pool. $215.000. Anita Schandel. (C49) UICllO SAi JOIOlll PEITllOISE View -light & breezy -spacious 2 BR + den. Quiet cul-de-sac - flexible financing. Owner has moved. Must sell. SUBMIT!! $175.000 Fee. Beverly Morphy. (C50) ILIFFS-.. IEST llY" Professionally decorated 3 BR "Carmelita" w/greenbelt view. Custom carpet & shutters. Reduced for quick sale lmmed. possession $1 75.000 Belle Par1ch . (C51) TllTLElllCI Mtn view. tri-level. 2 BR, FR townho me. Cozy Hv rm. fplc, handy gourmet kitchen Assumable financing. $174.900 Barbara Callihan. (C52) llPLEI COIT& IESI Great Eastside location -2 BR each -Large corner lot. Great investment at $170.000 Berit Mitchell. (C53) STlllTEI llOME Cute & comfortable 3 BR & 3 BA hOme Quiet cul-d e-sac location adds to great family living. 2 brick fireplaces. loads of c harm. $169.500. Terry Aune Hanes & Tom Allinson. (C54) I TllE YALIE II TllE COLllY·llYllE This great 3 bedrm. 2 story home in a fine family area is vacant and ready for you Spacious & spotless. a lovely property. $149.900. Coby Ward. (C55) ILIFFS Charming 4 bedrm home w/brand new gourmet kitchen & cozy family rm. Owners are ready to m ove. $149,000 LH Anita Schandel. (C56) SPllllUll llHlllT Condo near Hoag Hospltal $135,000. 2BR, 2BA. lg kitchen w/eating area. Beam celllng In riving rm, mirror closet doors. !!replace. private patio. Mary Lou Marlon. (C57) 644-8200 ~----- l HD MlRIET71 2 Br 2 Ba ccso\.O Irv. $159.000 3 Br 2 Ba twnhseso\.O yrd. Npl $169.000 4 Br 2 Ba, ranc\o\.01 C M $199,000 3 Br 2 Ba. squea!.o\.t ean. trv $129.000 4 Br 2 Ba. opn \o\.O·y CM, $199,000 4 Br 4 Ba "The Cso\.•~ ... CdM $910.000 All sold 1n the last 60 dys I need more listings NOW" II you want your home added to this .. SOLO" list. call me M y listings sell! RH S1Htr 759-1221. II& CAHOI ·Lowest priced Versailles 1n BIG CANYON The opportunity you ve been waiting tor" Make 11 yours today l1ry lewis, 759-1221 30 UNITS -8.6 X GROSS A s s u rn a b I e · 8 ' 1 •1Q 1 s t T D I n c o m e $12~ 500 yr H urry' loll Licata Broiler Owner 759-122 1 ,.FORECLOSURE" Newport Beach Quiet area. single family w.ilk 10 the beach pool tennis Negot1a1e 1erms11 Carl le'*', 759-122 1 REALTORS BROKERS ASSOCIATES MAKING A CHANGE? Before you do. STOP-explore our career benefits and BRAND NEW LOW COST 100% COMMISSION CONCEPT THE "$250 PLUS PLAN " Finest Quality ocean view suites -at NEW LOW PRICES' Exclusively at our Fashion Island locatt0n Call loll Liut1 today 759-1221 0 QUIET ST. 01 THE WESTSIDE" Lrq fenced yard-good neighborhood-lots ol remodeling on this cul-de-sac. C.rl Mosen, 759-1221 NEWPORT CUSTOM -VIEW -$350,000 Brand new custom Fr Normandy home. Now reduced $35.000 for fast sale' 4 br. 3 ba family room. formal dtn1ng room Large yard with alley access -Owner will assist 1n financing -Great area -Will accept trades C1rl llos111 759-1221 BUYERS MlRln The time •S now -Pnces have dropped - Financing has never been so flexible -Call now regarding property & financing tn Orange County. Carl llHH 759-1221 0 WllTED: BUILlllLE LITS0 Tear downs -A -2 . Orange County preferred Carl lltsH 759-1221 11TDP OF THE WlllLD" Canyon View -Brand new custom home 1n Laguna Beach Price greatly reduced - Terms flexible Call now for details. Carl lloHll 759-1221 . NEWPORT HGTS COIDO 3 Br 3 Ba, new custom built, quahty built upgr<Jded carpet & tile Pr1vate patio Believe th1s-S 155.000 $ 107,000 1st at 2 loll or D0ti1 loop. 759-1221 DUPLEX-COM ry antique dtllerent A gilt tor your mother 2 Bdrm 2 Ba & 1 Br t Ba. highly upgraded kitchen. bnck fplc. $295.000 Seller will fin Must see Submit any ofter loll or Do•it loop. 759-1221 OCEAIFRONT ~ OCEllFROIT Convert ex lge duplex to your pn res & live on the finest beach on the coast $170 000 1st at 11% 2nd of $250.000 at 12% Steal at $650 000 hll tr DHi• loo• 759-122 1 FORECLOSURE 4 br pool. lrg bonus room. private area 1n C M Assume $96.000 1st at 8 5% Must sell Steal at $208.000 hll er 1 .. 1. 1 .. ,. 759-1221 759-1221 RIYMrte lfUPCJUNT ..0 8R()t(£n • 11 OllPIUll PUU • llWPllT llAll BOB and DOVIE KOOP WE NEED YOUR LISTINGS HARBOR RID&E FRHCH CUSTOM Just reduced -$350.000. M ust sell Submit any offer on this 4 br. 5ba. with lam rm • library, huge master suite. 4 fireplaces. ocean & n1te view. Steal at $1 ,500.000 or submit to l•ll er IHit ltop. 759-1221 IEWPOllT MEHiHTS MEW CUSTOM 4 br. 3 ba form. din. huge tam rm w/f1replace. tile in kit & ba .. tge yard. 2.800 sq . ft. Steal at $350.000. I•• er D0ti• ... ,. 759-122 1. DOYER SHORES Outstanding location w /vu or all Back Bay & Fashion Island. 4 BA. 5 BA. fam rm. pool. spa. sec. system. Steal at $685.000 fee. Will trade local or lease/option. Grt fin. available. ••• er lovie 100,. 759-9100. CAMEO SHORES Fab. Ocean & coastline vu. 3 br 3 ba. form d r .• f.r .. study. lge pool & courtyard. pn. bchs. $895,000. Fee loll or DOYit loo,. 759-122 1. BUY OR LEASE OPTIOI Lovely 3 br 2' 1 ba. greenbelt condo steps to pool $225.000 Submit best offer or trade loll or OOYit loo,. 759-122 1 ASSUME THIS LOAM $20 000 dn 3 br 2 ba home All new pa1nt-hrdwd firs lge fr. Walk t o shopping & 109 in beaut back bay Only S 189.900 loll or DHi• hop. 759-1221 LIDO PENTHOUSE 2 bd 2 ba The hnes1 vu avail tn Newport Sec. Bldg . pool. boat dock w1not1ce. $525,000 ltll er lovi• hep 7 59-122 1 TRADE ORll&E I AVOCADO RANCH Trade Orange & Avocado Ranch 78 ac. val center. 4 sep parcels. Sell or trade all or part lor home in Npt . Laguna, M1ss1on V1e10 $1.200.000. 1111 er DHie loep. 759-122 1 DOWFllllT MIST SELL 3 br. 4 ba 2 yrs new Designed as home or duplex Asking $650.000. Submit any offer Newport Beach loll or levle loop. 759-122 1 • .. , . I I DUPLEX!! A cheap1e! Possible low down $50,600. Assumable 1st Try your V.A. Asking $99.500 Bob Younker 631-1266 II.I. TlllPLEI Large units near beach. hve m one. rent the others. Priced to sell. Asking $198.500 Call Bob Younker 631-1266 4-PLU CLWl An investment opportunity. Priced at $189,000 OWC Good rental potential Make an offer Bob Younker 631 -1266 CUIED SllOllES Ocean view private beach-pool Home. 4 Bds. lor dining room. You own the land. High balance low interest financing Asking $599 .000 Call Tom Baron 559-9400 URIE YARD 3 Bd 2 ba home with oak flooring. wood deck . large yard Assumable loan $ 132,000 Call Jamie Wilkerson 559-9400 llORSIES-llOllSIES-llORSIES 3+acres with plans lor home and room for horses 350 K. Owner will ltnance Rusty Guinther 631 -1266 TllY 10"1. HWI N Hgts. custom 3 bdrm 3 ba. assum financing Call Rusty Guinther 63 1-1266 MESA YEllDE Outstanding 4 Br 3 ba home with quiet cul-de-sac location Assume $99.000 loan Sellers will carry large 2nd T 0 Full price only $199,900 Call Anne Mccasland 631 -1266 Ullll YILUIE 2 Br. 1 ba. condo. End unit with view Priced below market at $92.000 Call Anne Mccasland 631-1266 UITlll! llEllOJI Bright spacious, fem. rm with corner swedish fireplace, expands this charming 2 bdrm. eastslde home. Reduced t o $143,000 Good financing. Call Joyce Waltze 631-1266 Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT /Saturday, October 30, 1982 -11 IAOI IAY llEDUCEI $1,000 Only $15.000 On on large deluxe 3 bdm. twn hm. Best buy Private yard. end unit Diana Cappel 63 t-1266 DUPLEX 3 bedroom plus 2 bedroom duplex High income Will consider exchange Ask for ROBERT MILLIKEN 631 -1266 COSTA IESA IEST IUY Seller ready to move out of state. BRING OFFERS on this hme that has seen lots of T.L.C 3 bdr. 2 ba. & lge. lam. rm $115,000 Jackie Handleman 631-1266 IOLF OOlllSE llllllll 5 Bdr , family & recreation rooms. pool & spa on M esa Verde C C. golf course Priced ror fast sale $510,000 Jackie Handleman 631-1266 1111,000 II IEWPORT IUCll Lowest priced 2 Bdr. 2 ba./condo near the ocean $90.000 assumable loan M ay lease or lease/option Jackie Handleman 631 -1266. 10"1. •• owe Ill '"' Lush and pvt 3 bd 2 ba Harbor View Hills Home w/3 car gar Excell terms. 1mmed avail, Price below market $369.000 For detatls Call Patrick Tenore 631-1266 760-8702 WESTCLIFF-1234,000 Priced way below market For fa st sale Immaculate 4 Bd w/great terms Lv rm. On rm High ceilings and much more Call Today Patrick Tenore 631-1266 760-8702 Ill C&IYOI Contemporary Cape Cod estate oflen ng prestige. security. maids quarters + gymnasium are a l ew ol the many outstanding features ol this custom golf course residence. JACKIE llAllLEIAI IEWPOllT llEllllTS IAllllllSl t Br 2 CAR GAR ........................ $140.000 2 Br+ GUEST UNIT .................. $169.000 3 Br DEN 2' 1 ba CONDO ........ $162.000 VIEW LOT ..................................... $235.000 4 Br 4 Yrs NEW ......................... $279.000 4 Br + GUEST UNIT VIEW ...... $310.009 Brand new 3.000 sq ft ............. $349,000 I have other exclusive HEIGHTS listings CALL TODAY RAE RODGERS 631-1266 SUPEll STHLSl 3 townhouses $149,000, $135,000 and $82.500. OWC and are motivated For lull details call Fred Tenore 631-1266 EASILY 141,000 IELOW MAlllET 3 or 4 Bd lam rm w/F.P. living rm w /FP low interest loan Pool & spa $275,000 Fred Tenore 631-1266 IRllllT ·AlllY CllEHFIL-HW Come see this beautiful 2 story home m gorgeous Corona Del Mar Call Tim Rhone and see 11 today 631-1266. 720-1263 llARIOI llllllUIDS 3 Bdrm. 1 1 • Bath wood floors Priced for QUICK SALE $ f50.000. By appt. only Call Harry Frederick 631-1266 WESTCLIFF Prime area. vacant. move right tn on tease with option Seller will help finance Three generous bedrooms with 1 1 • baths Act now Won't last $239 500 Harry Fredenck 631 1266 S 141,000 II HWPOllT IUCll Remodeled 2-Sty home minutes to beach Great Terms' Move 1n cond1t1 on Won't last Call Delta Flack 631-1266 IAlllAHI PRICH Sgl. level detached 4 Br home family rm w/walk behind wet bar, self clean Litton oven & microwave. Carefree frontyard. Only $135.450. Seller motivated Call Glen Hellwarth 559-9400 IEIT YIEW HllOEI 11,000 Prestige upgraded 2 Bdr. & den plus 2 ba and dbl garage. Panoramic views. comm. pool, fantastic financing. Only S 179.900 or make offer Cell Glen Hellwarth 559-9400 I . J 12 Orange County Real Estate/ An Advert1~mg $ypplement to the DAILY PILOT /Saturday. October 30. 1982 . "' ~ I ,. 11W.S I 1 .._ Dalebout llay 8c Beach Real Estate ff.EAL ESTATE EXCELLENCE SINCE 1949 COME WITH US TO ••• llG CAMYOll Fascinating home in a lux.unant setting. Five spacious bedrooms. Formal dining room. Huge family room with wet bar and large built-in telev1s1on screen Custom pool and spa Located on the 18th la1rway $1 ,495.000 LIDO ISLE . . M a1es t1c Country English home on the Bayfront with pier and sltp tor large boat. Sandy beach Five bedro.oms plus elegant ltbrary Six baths The huge living room. dining room and patio create a regal atmosphere for gracious entertaining regardless of reason or the season Owner extremely flexible as to f1nanc1ng or possible trade IRYlllE TERRACE You will never tire o f this enchant ing martne view en1oyed from virtua lly all areas o f thi s spacio us lhree bedroom home. Restful fam1ly/bilhards room. Trem endous patio with cust om sp a and gazebo. You own the land' $985.000 Open Sat/Sun t-5 130 1 Dolphtn Terrace 1 t Open Sun 1-5 .. $2,700.000 ..... ... 525 Via Lido Soud DOYER SHORES Quality shows in most everything particularly in a home such as this custom lour bedroom built with lath and plaster Situated on a private oeach Master beoroom suite balcony overlooks beach and bay. in-law or maid's quarters JUST REDUCED $60 000 Open Sun 1-5 NOW $920.000 509 Evening Star Lane DOVER SHORES Your own private world' Two master bedrooms in one wing Third bedroom • with own entry and private bath in the other wing. Sit-down view of ocean. upper bay and city lights All rooms open t o indoor dehum1d1f1ed pool Security system Seller may carry 1st trust deed five years. 12% with S300 000 down $835.000 SPYGLASS Hill . This dehghtlul four bedroom h ome reflect s an air o f comf o rt and contentment The feeling 1s accented by the spectacular and everchang1ng ocean view This is the highly desirable Capehorn model JUST REDUCED S25.000 Now $725.000 LIDO ISLE Prest1g1ous area Top location on the widest street on Lido Just steps to pnvatP beach Easy walk to tennis cour ts FolH spnc.1ous bedrooms Practical floor plan. built around large patio The land alone worth the total asking pnce $625.000 SPYGLASS Hill Outstanding value 1 his property takes the laurels for amenities i\nd convenience. plus a dramatic front row view of ocean and city lights Four bedrooms. Pool Spa Liberal llnancmg . . $625.000 Open Sun 1 5 11 Carmel Bay Dnve BIG CUYOll Townhome 1n a prest1g1ous location overlooking the sixth fairway Three spaciou s bedrooms Formal d1n1ng room Vacant and ready for qui c k occupancy Attractive assumable financing Available lease or lease'opt1on An excellent buy at $599.000 or lease at $2200 a month IRVlllE TERRACE Deltghtrul split-level home No thing monotonous here Beamed ceiling French doors Shutters and levelors Three spacious bedooms Oen and family room Property in top cond1t1on Spa Avallable $575,000 Fee or $440,000 Leaseh0td Open Sun 1-5 711 K-Thanga Drive DOYER SHDllES Prest1g1ous home !!11gn1f1cantly upgraded Four bedrooms. Dining Room Den with 10 ' bar. Sparkling pool Extraordinary financing. With 25% down. owner wlll help buyer obtain new first trust deed at 10'h%, amortized over 30 years du~ In five years. Owner may consider trade for Income property. ...... " ................................................. $550,000 1617 ·WESTCLIFF DRIVE DOYER SMOllES Owner will assist with fmancing Impressive two story home Resttut b<iy view Excellent bedroom arrangement. one down and three upstairs Sparkling pool tn front cou rtyard Big Ne ws• Price just reduced S 150.000 Now $550,000 HARBOR RIDGE DelightltJI view of mountains. city lights and man-made lake Property shows like a model 1 hree bedrooms. family room and three sundecks. Outside entrance to third bedroom and deck Owner will consider low, low down payment Quick possession $499.500 Call office tor gate admittance. Open Sun 1-5 12 Vienna LIDO ISLE Spacious family home Five bedrooms or could be three bedrooms plus 1n-law quarters Separate family room Dining room Convenient to beaches and tennis. .. $475.000 WESTCLIFF Exceptional curb appeal Four bedroom home Lavish use of trench doors and windows Extensive built-ins loads of s1orage including attic 90x 132 pool size yard with gazebo and off-street parking for six cars Liberal t1nanc1ng1 $475.000 OpPn Sat 1 S 1118 Somerset Lane BALBOA PElllMSUU POINT Location. location. loc:at1on1 Just steps to best ocean beach Easy walk to bay Four bedroom. two story home La~ge kitchen with eating area. Great potential with a little pa1n1. paper carpeting and TLC Owner p refers cash but would consid er carrying first trust deed or e)(Change $460.000 SPYGLASS Hil l Extraordinary vatue in Spyglass Three spacious bedrooms Family ro om Two baths. Two fireplaces. The much sought after "Portsmouth · model Private courtyard with pool and spa Property highly upgraded throughout $450,000 DOYlR SHORES New ltsllng. we believe to be the lowest price bAyfront 1n Dover Shores. Three bedrooms Two private patios. Seventy seven feet on the water w1tl'I pier and slip for large boat Owner wlll assist with financing. ...... Only $395,000 Open Sun 1-5 1044 Polaris Drive U ST BLUFf . Enjoy the commodious Lusk "E" plan home. Superbly designed. Five spacious bedrooms. ·iiiemily room with fireplace. Bar and barbecue In patio area. Private backyard with pool and spa. Heat resf'stant docking. Three car garage. You own the land ................ $389,500 831-7300 HYCllEST . Excellent llnancing. Attractive four bedr oom home. Kitchen and family room completely upgraded. Beamed ce11tngs Wet bar with wine rack and refrigerator Newly , recarpeted and painted. . .. ...... ... . . $360.000 1 HYCllEST .. Inviting tour bedroom home. Large family room with fireplace. Brick driveway. Shingle Iron!. All of the warmth and comfort of "Country Style." Sparkling pool .... $298.000 Open Sun 1-5 . . . 1924 Leeward Lane .. WESTCLIFF Spacious three bedroom home on large corner lot Family and dining rooms French doors opening to large garden and covered pauo. Seller's program makes the home very available Just reduced $11.000 Now $305 000 COROIU DEL MAR Excellent financing South of Highway Two story. two bedroom house 1n front. One bedroom unit in rear Convenient to shops and banks $299 500 HARBOR VIEW HOMES The popular ·Carmer· model Three bedrooms New carpet ing Spacious patio Luxunant garden Property in top cond1t1on . $268.500 Open Sun 1-5 1930 Port Bristol Circle NORTHWOOD Ill IRVIH Spacious three or live bedroom home One large bedroom and bath downstairs Two bedrooms upstairs plus bonus room Large p ool and spa Just reduced $23.500. Now $230.000 Open Sat/Sun 1-5 5 Colonial THE BLUFFS The much sought a l ter ·Franciscan" model condo Three spacious bedrooms Two tiled patios and gas barber:ue Shows ltke a model $229 000 Open Sun 1-5 685 Vista Bonita CAMEO HIGHUllDS Highly desirable area This ltHee bedroom dwelling has exceptional value Large secluded cul -de-sac lot Pool Lease1opt1on available . $199 900 Open Sat/Sun 1-5 5 12 Rock lord Place BLUFFS So convenient yet so secluded on a quiet cul de sac street Two bedrooms and family room condo. Delightful use ot wood paneling and custom wallpaper Restful brick patio with custom spa. $195 000 Open Sun 1-5 2022 Avernda Chico llEWPORT BUCH Just a stone·s throw from one of the best b~·aches 1n the area Well maintained one bedroom cottage. conveniently located fo1 shops and supermarket Zoned R-2. Only $180 000 IMYESTDllS·DEYELOPEllS Prime location tn Easts1de Costa Mesa Neaily ;:i full acre at 18th Street and Orange Avenue. Plans and permit~ for 26 condos available. Price includes near new triplex. Excellent terms O wner will consider t rade JUST REDUCED $200.000 Call Harriet Perry . .. .. .. .... .. . . .. . Now $950.000 ausr11 nus Choice parcel 13.85 acres. Study complete for 55 duplexes or four per acre. Usage ..... duplexes. condos. apartments or lndustr.181 development. Near new 1"romes and shopping center . Call Aonnie Maravlch for details ...... $453.000 NEWRORT ·BEACH .. -...... Orang~ County 'Fieal Estate) An' Advertising ·supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, October 30. 1982 -13 corr nrnur © mvrs1nrn1 conrnnr HOMEOWNERS WILL TRADE ! The owners of the following properties will exchange (trade) their homes for other properties indicated in each ad. If you, too, would consider a trade, call right now to discuss your property and equity position. ROOM FOR TENNIS COURT Ne.,ly 1.1 acre• ol H cluded prlvecy with a •perkllng pool •nd IP• •nd a 1ep•rate gue1t hou•• IN NEWPORT BEACHll Owner wlll trade •nd there 11 room for • fennl1 court. Good Htumable financing and owner wlll eHlal. Red. lo $795,000. Wiii Ired• OOWN tor other Newport Beech home. LIDO ISLE WATERFRONT Recently reduced $300,000. lhl• cu•lom 5 bedroom teaturff a SI. Char1H kitchen tor the luHlett gourmet cook. Ne.,ly new and very modern, IM home refl9Ct• conteml)Of•'Y Newport Beech llfeatyle. A pfer and allp to eccommodal• a huge boat 11 Included. Wiii trade for commercial or apartment complex. $1,995,000. ON THE 18th FAIRWAY One of Big Canyon'• flnettl, thl• e bedroom cuatom with a Hpar•t• 2 !Mdroom-den aulte and maid'• quartera, featurff • a.c:luded pool and yard and I• perched right on the 11th felrway. The owner wlll anlat with th• flnenclng and wlll Ired• OOWN tor other Beac h city home. Redueed to $1,995,000. LOCATION · WATERFRONT -LOCATION Thia Linda tale cuatom rloht on IM Main Channel ha• ~tly been reduced to $1,925,000. Unique In dHlgn end reedy to ma.• In, tnl• home h .. 5 bedroom• end • pter and allp to accommodate 3 boatall Get• gu111ded with It• own private beech and tennla court, thl• family home hH It ell. LINDA ISLE'S BEST!! H country French Nofmandy le your IHt• end having "THE BEST" flta your finance•, you need to look no furtMr. Over S,000 equere f"t with 127 llnear f"t on the waler end e pter end allp for boat• over 100', thla premier property with a 3 car g111eg• end pool la $5,000,000. SPECTACULAR P~YFRONT on privet• H8'bof l•'s0\.0' 32 ~· t"-r•, thl• 5 000 aquere toot cL \ON noat modern kitchen eval...,._ :,-. u \ \. \. " boat• over 100', e hom .... 4 I-l'W' ....... 1: FRONT YARO right on IM bay~·, •• rh• key fo1 lhl• edult oriented .. tale. M,2W,000, LIDO ISLE WITH POOL One of IM best lnterlof Lido lale hom•• ever on the markel, with 4 bedroom•, all with their own bath• on en overalzed lut AND • thr" car garage with RV perking. A lovely. private pool and 1pe -all adJac:ent to lh• Lido Clubhou•• and tennla courl. $515,000 with • huge aHumable loen. LIDO ISLE -SMALL VIEW Lovely 4 bedroom, 3 bath home with hot tub and • mini view of the bey end b9ach from • hug• entertainer'• llvlng room. Exceltent eHumabfe nn~lng and lh• owner wlll conalder trading for •~ther home. Priced to Hll et $535,000. EASTSIDE COST A MESA L°"'Y 2 1tory Hecutf'ff "-with view of the Back Bey. Flft bedrooms end e lovely pool end It'• vac:ent end rNdy to move In. Owner 11 anxtow. Submit ett oHers. """*' at *245.000. CONTEMPORARY GOLF COURSE II you're tired of country French or country Engll1h. then !hit lovely cu1lom Big Canyon home may be the one for you. Totally remodeled Juat 1 year ago and featuring 4 bedroom•. a lamlly room ANO 1ludy, thl• home la an architecture! 1tudy In modern dHlgn. VERY private pool and apa and offatrHI perking for 9 cart. $1,750,000 and the owner wlll finance al below market rat••· Wiii Ired• DOWN lor other Newport Beech home. A PRIVATE WORLD Overlooklng Newpor1 Beach w/ • 270 view, thl• home teaturH • 1paclou1 mHter aulte with Imported French c•rpet end cuatom ape. 4 bedroom, 5 bath• with • den and lamlly room, tMr• la excellent 10% financing. All thl• In guerded Harbor R1d9e. Price reduced to 11,299,ttS wlll trade for Belboa lalend or l••H option. JASMINE CREEK -REDUCED TO $369,500 Thi• lovely 3 bedroom, alngle atory home with lerge famlly room. ell behind • guarded gel• I• one of the beat offering• In Corona del Mer, an end unit with Ila own putting gr .. n. Your good credit wlll Influence IM Miier to carry e l•rg• not• for• long time. You really ahould ... thla one ... It'• e buyl Wiii trade tor Palm Springe/Palm Oesert condo or leeH /opllon. NEW LISTINGS BIG CANYON -ON THE GOLF COURSE On• of th• finest example• of Country Fren.ch architecture, featuring e,000 aquar• fHt of luxurlou• llfeatyle on nearly 'h ACRE LOT, right on the eth felrway al Big Cenyon Country Club. Owner wlll Hchange for • commerclal property. Over $1.3 Mllllon of Htumabl• financing. SEAVIEW ·OCEAN & BAY VIEWS SperlWng end aqueeky clean 4 bedroom home with en unmetehed ocHn and bey vlewl All new carpet, paint and l e•teful wall covering• •nd over $290,000 of auumable financing. Prlcad to ••II at $519.SOO • OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY See Open Houae Directory for Hours 3415 Oceen Blvd., Corona del Mer .................... St.250,000 '1 San SebHtlen. Harbor Ridge ..... -................. 11,299,500 21512 Cemlno Trebot. Lake ForHI ....................... S219,000 219 Via Lido Soud, Lido 111• ............................... S1,995,000 2409 Tuatln Ave •• Coate MeH ................................ $245,000 LAKE FOREST -JEWEL Eicecutlv• •Piii level 4 bedroom, 2'h belh home with cualom pool end ape. New plu1h c arpet•, cuatom ahutten end lovely g r eenhouse window. Qood eHumebfe tlnanolng. S21t,OOO. 601 LIDO -PREMIER ADDRESS Located on lhe 8th floor ol the mo•I pre1llglou1 watelront condominium In Orange County, Ihle adult• onl~ unit offer• 2 bedroom•, 2 1h balht and tpectecular bey, ocean & night llghl vlewa. 24 hour guarded 1ecurlty & your own doorm•nl $789,500. Wiii tnde for Big Canyon or Broedmoor hom'9. TURTLEROCK -IRVINE Spaclou1 4 bedroom, 21/J belh•. tam lly home with tabulou1 night-light view. Owner wlll trade for bu11nen opportunity In Orange County. $199,500. HARBOR RIDGE -REDUCED $400,000 Thia elegant cu•tom home dHlgned by Robert Eerl In the country Engllah mode of old hH slmply the beat view In all of Newport. 5 Bedroom•. 4'h bath• and 2 femlly room• with $1,500,000 of ASSUMABLE FINANCING ... WOWll Wiii trade DOWN tor any home or condo In Newport Beech. $1 .9 Mllllon. BACK BAY WITH POOL Chermlng Back Bey home with four bedroom•. 2'h bathe, • aparkllng pool and VERY low melntenence yard. Privet• enlrenc• with atrium. AHumllble financing. S1at,500. HIGH ON A HILL -PRICE REDUCED You wlll find thl• •uparb cuatom home with 5 bedroom•. 4 •t, be•h•. • cu atom pool and ape AND • fabuloua GAZEBO to your llklng If breath .. klng vtewa of IM b•y. oceen and night light• are Important. Over 7,500 equare IHI ol 1h"r el419ance In thl• Engllah Tudor. Th• flneat on Harbor Ridge at $2.39 Mllllon. - FABULOUS VIEW Thl1 lovely SpygleH Hiii home with S BEDROOMS. 4 balh1, 2 llreplacea end • private apa ott.r• IM beat In night llgllt• •nd city llohta and day llohtt end all llght•. Vacent and ready to move In, lh• owner Hy• "Mii It," which mean• tM right buyer een buy It before double digit lnfletlon crHpa up on u1 ageln. Priced •I $599,000. FORECLOSURE SALE -BIG CANYON Thia lovely(?) home (It nHda carpel and pelnt) we• recently recovered In • torecloaure proceeding. Featuring 4 bedroom• and • den ptua e alt down ber In the lamlly room, the yard 11 to be reaodded and the ape I• famlly •lzed. Huge Heumable financing. With aome lmeglnallon and llltle ceeh, thl• could be th• home of your dream• end It'• 1 rare Plan t. Priced to Hll at $675,000. OCEANFRONT·AND SANDY BEACH Charming thr" bedroom home with apeotaculer view• of tM Pacific end l•Uy. Lot llne run• to meen high tide and I• 1ltu•t•d on e ••ml-privet• atreet ewey from the crowda. CASH SPEAKS VERY LOUOLY. St,250,000 with owner flnenclng. NEWPORT HEIGHTS ST ARTER D•rllng two !Mdroom, lwo beth condo on trH·llned ttrHt In del'9htful ... with pool, Tefflflcl Heumabte financing 8nd owner wlll cerry. S15a,to0. I i 14 Orange Coun1y Real Estate/An Adver11s1ng Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Sa1u1<.Jay, October 30. 1982 RESIDENTIAL REAL EST ATE SERVICES NEWPORT BEACH BEACH COMMUNITIES . BEACH COMMUNITIES BIG CANYON $749,750 B11q111 0111•1 1 IH~ I 11111ly Iii.in,. m tlL'::>irable .1r,• 1 11 tlt1"' p11· .t1q1011•. community Gracious OV\'fl d i•dt l' cti 11r•11r q CIPCOf 1tor to11Cl1P!i /pr., 11tr It t1V•' t <;f !ru~t clt•t--d 101 you to IS::>L1m1• HARBOR RIDGE $515,000 Best IJuy 111 tt11s exc.lu~1ve qu<.1rd qated area Eleq .. Hll Kens111qto11 featur 111q 4 BR + lam rm Lovely llPQ1acJ~d l1onw 1n pns11m~ cond1t1on Fabulous cond1 t1011 lflblJlous view L.1r gc ,3 s s u m a b I e I o ::t n 0 w 11 e 1 w ii I b t c r e d t 1 v e 1nclud1ng lease1op11011 BAY CREST $550,000 5 BR ~US( Om rnoder., Ho:.1c.1••l1dil with tile 11001 s e massive hP-ims L;Hql fdm1ty & formal d11m1g room I:. a11 011ldoor touri1.1men1 pool area SU VIEW $435,000 Spacious~ BR Pxecut1ve home on pool sized tot on quiet cul de sac Security tor your family with in quMd guted comn Assoc. pools spa & 1enrns Flexible fmanc111g HARBOR VIEW HOMES $3 21,100 A large beautifully designed yard with pool, spa tirep11 a11 set off by used brick planters Home is charmer• 3 BR plus bonus room 3' bath Made to order for active family MARIOR VIEW HOMES $215,000 Ourstandrng 'Monaco" on fee land. Just remodeled With over $25.000 in upgrades Features 3 BR s pectacular kitchen . cathedral ce11tngs & a pool sized yard A great buy' MARIOR Ml&NLHDS $113,500 Don t miss this great opportunity to buy in Newport Beach at an excellent price' Well maintained 3 BR with nice ltoorplan Private yard w11h large trees Owner to cooperate with financing VERSAILLES S 111,500 Dras11cally reduced to sell fast Owner must sacrifice lovely 2 BR condo with fireplace & ocean view New carpet. freshly painted Adult living at 11s best Near beaches FAlllROOll st00,000 13 acres Avocado ranch with a fabulous 3 BR 4 BA home Brick flooring. 1400 sq ft pool. A real showplace Best possible use as a great get away home or subdivide into separate lots Total priv;icy EMERALD BAY $575,000 The ultimate 1n prest1g1ous tamdy living. Privately guarded community, magnificent white sandy beach. 6 lighted tennis courts. 4 pools. a recreational paradise This 4 BR home deltvers 11 all' NEWPORT BEACH OFFICE 21 & 1 SAN JOAQUIN HILLS RO AD .. BALBOA PU IMSUU $1, 19D,000 Bay front new 011 llw mar kc>t' t-lt>r1.• s t11e 4 BR home with pier & slip perfect for your family Assl•m< qre,11 loc1n 1nn C 111 tor dpnt to see ttH!-. exclusive l1stmq THE COVE $625,000 F.rntt1 ... t1c prtcf:! 1Pduct1011• Gorgeous bayfront • c:ondo 111qhly appointed /!. customized. Upper 8 lower bays1de decks View lrom <tlmosr every room Compare prices & values BAYSHORES $389,000 Charming J BR home Remodeled kitchen ,1dded skyllgtits leaded qlass windows & large prtvate patlO Owner will carry huge second for 20 YRS riex1hle down payment You own the l.md NEWPORT ISLUD $1 95,000 Live on an island 111 tlus charming 2 BR cottage on lee land in t.Jewport Beach for under 5200 000 Owner will finance 1h1s unique property. CORONA DEL MAR. COROICA DEL MAR $315,000 A very special 4 BR is now available in Harbor View Hills 11 has been outstandingly improved with the finest workmanship & matenals. If 1t ~ ·SPECIAL" you re looking for 1h1s 1s 11! COROICA DEL MAR 1350,00Q A pride of ownership duplex in the heart of Ole Corona del M ar Each unit has 3 good s1zeo bedrooms. private pa11os & a f eeling of spaciousness tnrougriout A -I condition CAMEO SNORES $325.000 Really two homes 1n one -luxurious indoor living and carefree outdoor hospitality around sw1mminq pool & deck. Bordered by lush shrubs & flowers this 3 BR home stands out 1n this private community JASllllCE CREEi S317,500 You will profit by buying now' Especially this lovely Jasmine Creek condo priced at a real LOW price 3 BR plus s1 t1rng area High security community pools tennis & much more OUT OF AREA IRVllCE COVE SlH,000 W<.ilk to a magnificent sandy private beach lrom this lovely 4 BR home which includes large lot w/solar heated pool & spa. paddle tennis ~ security gate Owner will help w/f1nancmg. TURTLEROCIK $231,000 Smart 3 BR & den trt Bren Highlands. Hurry & take high balnn<..e loan "Subject to" Owner wlll carry 2nd with 20% down. Nicely landscaped with brick trimmed patios. PFIUMSULA $125,000 C ount yo 11 If µs to th1· b<Jy 1\ s that close' I his NEW 4 BR country styled home offers the 11lt1mate in qual1 ty of craftsmiln::>h1p E" tr as .ibound makes this .J vr•ry "Pf:!C1al prnpP.1 ty LIDO ISLE $625,000 Gracious and private custom French style home on prime corner lot Wolk to bay. beaches & community tennis Spacious 5 BR with large & private yard plus spa Owner assisted financrng LIDO $595,000 1 BR home 011 double 101 across from tennis court Pool sauna & cabana. updated kitchen living room paneled 8 bu111-1n bookshelvPs. two l1replaces EntPrta1ners delight BALIDA ISLAND $449,000 Lease/option 6r buy one of island s mos1 charming single residence 3 bedrooms loll & custom 1acu2z1 L1gh1 open atry feeling inside Formal cobblestone dining room Owne1 will consider all olfers LIDO ISLE $425,000 E:ittra larqe lot, extra larqe home Fabulous Potential Formal dining room. 5 BR, den & spa Large sundeck could be beautiful garden room. Owner will consider all offers LIDO $400,000 Key street loca11on Beautifully remodeled kitchen Beam ceilings. Large master BR suite with s1 tt1ng Rm & spa. Fireplace in hvtng rm & Mstr BR 3 BR all this on Lido Isle BLUFFS $210,000 FEE Ongmal model with fireplace in LV RM & master BR Bluffs largest single story on greenbelt with fee land. Large prtvate entry & back patios 3 BR & Fam Rm Bluffs best buy BLUFFS $271,000 FEE Great backbay view from living room . d1n1ng & 2 Bdrms Large open kitchen surrounded by patio 3 BR & lovely private entry Excellent financing on lh1s view property with you owning •hp land A must see' IRYl•E COYE $1,800,000 A magnificent tropical setting with waterfall & spar kling pool make lh1s 5 BR heme spectacular m evory way Best sw1mm111g beach on the coast Owner will carry ftrst T D TURTLEROCI U0,000 5 BR family home. open & cheerful 111 parklike setting w /many built-ins & upgrades Expanded Plan 5 city night lite view 819, big price drop" Owner will carry Assume 1st Submit. CAllOl AlllSOfl EUAHOR eoq JO CMOl tUOCll lllOC>A 1'£fEJSON flMK S01C NMCY SMQIS CNCY AIC>CRSOft JOtfl c AM'tl£ll YAl£11( MMSHAll rm P'£TflSON llArtUUI ARClRO CVM COlttlrTT MlllC>A MARSTON lllT A QtlGGlC .. LAIY TltMD CORA BAlDllOSIO l YlCtN EWING IMl .. ICtUR KAfl U tl STON ~--USA wtm •l llOtlS SUZI UUY CMOLC ltlCMNWI MAAaA 1011CX .-CMIQlle MARCIA l!OITS HOP[ GtRlllC £Dl OLSON LUCY ROSI: IOI VO.£ DC8I 81118 MA"'-r.utH KAT rMK£1 CYNlHIA RUMSf£LD Oll nl YOONG lllMY HM'«Y AMERICA 'S LARGEST FULL SERVICE REAL EST A TE COMPANY Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, October 30. 1982 -15 The Harbor Area's Oldest Real Estate Firm BADMINTON COURT -Ideal hom e fo r an active family in lovely Spyglass Hill. Spacious New Bedford plan with large upstairs game rm. plus a large first fl oor family rm .. 4 bdrms. and 3 baths. Immaculate th roughout. $723.400. TERRIFIC FINANCING -and a terrific price! With just $25,500 down you can live in Newport Beach in the fashionable Bluffs. Spacious "C" plan near the pool. 4 bdrrtis. and 3 baths. Full price is just $255.- 000 L.H . seller will finance at 12 11:?% for 30 years. 100% LEASED INDUSTRIAL BUILDING -Hig h visi bility corner location on Segerstrom in South Santa Ana. Nicely maintained tilt up building just 4 years o ld . Attractive seller financ ing. 5 quality tenants. $1 .040,000. RENTAL INCOME-In Corona del Mar. Well located rental units just a few b locks from the beach on the ocean side of the Hwy. Lowest priced units 1n Corona del Mar at $229.000. Seller wil l finance at 121 :>% interest with 20% down. BRING YOUR PAINTBRUSH -If you are handy with your hands, this is a super opportunity for you! 3 bdrm. & 2 baths with room t o build 2nd unit. Out of town owner will finance at just 12% interest. Good location. $240,000. (213) 628-2828' HARBOR (714) 673 4400 REALTY 2865 E. Coast Highvvay-Corona del Mar I .. . .. . - 16 -Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday. October 30. 1982 Attention: Disillusioned Real Estate Licensees Unique Homes wants you to EARN GOOD MONEY in a creative new marketing approach • No selling required ; just talk with your friends • Attend informative, inspiring quarterly meetings • A positive , profitable, hassle -free concept • Earn thousands while playing tennis, attending plays, doing volunteer work or coaching soccer. Phone Jim Wood, President of Unique Homes, at 675-6000 for an interview. The initial quarterly meeting will be held at 9 a.m. Thursday, November 11th, at Hem- ingway's Restaurant in Corona del Mar. Over 50 licensees will be accepted to this revolutionary new program. U~l()U~ ti()M~' REALTORS. 675-6000 . 2443 EAST COAST HIGHWAY. CORONA DEL MAR I• ••• 19 '"'-~,...,....,.......,.,._...._.Q•-• .... ,... .... _I I(-"""'•-...... -':°..:-t' .. ·.--1·---• ., •t.-l"'t.At..t V l:'\U 6',TtA --'- Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, October 30. 1982 -17 Many owners are offering substantial price reduc tion!'i anrl terms. Some will t-x~hange a n<l :~cash peak_" -I Lowe r than lis ted price, if yllu have cash ... Call for d t-tails a nd submit yc>.ur off er . ,_} COSTA MESA home on lerge lot with new cerpet, SMtlnt In 3 bed, 2 ba. S114,000. LAKE FOREST'• effordabM end lmmec:ul•I• 3 bed. home cloN to perh A tennla. Wooday SMtllo. GrHt llnenclng. S139,900. NEXT DOOR to ... wport In e fine lamlly area with e lerge lot end room to HSMtnd. Thia 3 bed. 2 be. home la pttr1ect tor• atarter. Owner Wiii help finance. $155.000. 831·1400. Anita plan with e11tra emenlllea. Seller wlll help lln•nce lhf• 3 bed. on grffnbelt. $150,000 l.H. 831-1400. EASTSIDE COSTA MESA new on the m•rket In a terrific location. Comfortable 3 bed.+ f•mlly rm. home with big beck yerd for chlldren. Aaklng S164,t95. 831·1400. PARK LIDO, NEWPORT condo In • quiet •dull •tmo•phere near be•chea •nd •hopping. Sp•clou1 2-.tory condominium with private entr•nce to 3 bed. 2'h bath•. Private pallo lldfolnl119 poot Move-In CS.Cor. Owner wlll flnence with 20% caah down payment. $185,000. VERSAILLES PENTHOUSE condo Including ellver. chine end all furnlahlnga tor move In todeyl Owner wlll flnence with 10% caah or leeu/opllon. 1"5 t•ped aq. ft. In thl• 2 bed. 2 ba. $172,000. CORNER CONDO with forever VIEW of herbor, oc:Hn & llghta. Privacy. Hcurlty •nd fine decor In thl• 2 bed. home. Aaklng $179.000. NEWPORT ISLAND chermer COltltil• with aunny petlo In. quiet, yet convenient location. Reduced lo $249,000 end owner wlll •ccepl 10% cuh and help finance. 631-1400. PRICE SLASHEDll-8ALBOA ISLAND. 117 Marine Ave. NOW $254,0001 On 30d5 II. lol. Adorable 2 Br 1 ba w/bflck patio. A SUPER VALUEI f7:Hl900. VILLA BALBOA WITH VIEW IN A aecurlty bulldlng. OW help fln•nc• al 10% for 24 yeera. Lovely one bed.+ den. $292,000. HARBOR VIEW-PORTOFINO. New on lhe merketl Two-1tory with 1oerlng celllng1, lamlly room & 3 bedroom•. "THE" populer model "'!llh unllnlahed room on garage. Lovely lendKeplng. S285,000. NEWPORT HEIGHTS FIXER. Pool home on convenient corner with 3 bedroom• on large lol. Owner will trade tor duple• on l•He land or IH. Opportunlly 10 II• up lhla homel Anumable lo•n• of $192,000 at t2'/•%. 631·1400. Red. to ms.ooo. BAL. IS. CHARMER-Reduced! Cleen & cute 3 bed. collage with p•llo, beem• & p•nellng. You cen llve a• la Of eventually bulld new Plane for Cape Cod ere Included w/aalea price of S2t5,000. Drive by 20S Topez end call tl'3.QOO OCEANFRONT LAGUNA BEACH with VIEW, aecurlty and apeclal d•coretor accenle. Lov•ly 2 bed. 2 ba. co-op wllhln thla weler1ront complex. S3 '9,000. NEAR BEACH IN LAGUNA. Wood & glan, lrl-level home In e gre•t locallon. R•modeled 3 bedroom home & OW help llnence. S319,000. NEWPORT TWNHME W/DOCK. Two tlory 3 bedrooma, 2i/1 balh• In • quiet locetlon. Greenbelt view• end loweat priced In • weterfront community wllh boal dock. Good Htumable financing. S320,000. 873-8900. C AMEO HIGHLANDS lmmeculale and menlcured H l erlor. Fff lend on thl• 3 bedroom home •nd OW aHltl flnenclng. Aeklng 1344.500. 831· 1400. DEVELOPERS for Newport. Drlv• by 1425 Superior •nd aff thl1 1peclel locetlon for condo• or medlcal complex. Aaklng S359,000. 631·1400. JASMINE CREEK el•genl and proleulonal decor throughout. Quiet cul de He lnald• guarded get• community. Cuetom lnlerlore In 3 bed.+ den + 1pa. S37S,000. BAYSHOAES-TRADITIONAL. Wonderful femlly ., .. with • prHtlgloua addreaa. Country Franch 3 bed. 3 ba. large country kitchen. Brick pelloe and meny amenlll••· OWC llt1I T.D. A mual •ff. S325,000. 673-8900. BALBOA ISLAND. Lerg• duplu In 100 block ol So Beylront Speclou1 4 and 3 bedroom unit• 1old fully lurnlehed. Seaeoned aummer/wlnter rent•I record. An eaceptlonal property el • reallatlc price. Luge Htum•ble lo•nl $397 ,500 873-8900 BALBOA ISLAND CORNER home ~ rentel unit near So, Beylront. L•rg• patio, beeme, brick & wet bar. Spaclou1 4 bed. I 1 bed. rental or guHI unll. s .. 12S Colline and call lor financing. Reduced lo S425,000. 673-8900. LIDO ISLE-LEASE/OPTION. Sunny South pello + new decor. Leeded glaH, gourm•I kltch•n end • lolel doll houH with 2 bedroom• and d•n. Priced under merket. Anumeble loan• & OW help flnenc a. $439,500. REDUCED IN SHORECLIFFS. Wonderlul corner loc•tlon with completely remodeled a dec:oreted home. Sp•clou1 4 bedroom + 3 car gereg•. Submit l•H•/optlon or'? Open Sel . Sun. 320 SHwerd. Now 1445,000. SPYGLA SS-REDUCED $449,500. LOWHI priced 4 bedroom In the arH. Btaullful home with atrium, femlly room, 2 llreplec•• and 3 car garage. Mollvalad & coope•ellve Hiier. Submit your ofter 831-1400. VU HOME PLUS INCOME. AcroH lrom park In Corone del Mar with View ol bay end ocean. PraHnled by decorator In good tHte with Interior etrlum, French doora end window• plu• 2 llreplecea. Three bedroom• plu1 rental unit with 2 plu1 bedroom•. 831-1400. $569,000. TRADITIONAL-LIDO ISLE. Country kitchen, beeutllul 40' pool & ape. All on 55' lot with 3 bed. & 2 be. $595,000. 631·1400. OCEANFRONT HOME. Beeulllul cuelom with "price of ownarehlp" care a detell. Two 11ory 4 bed. l 'h be. Owner wlll help flnence. Super 1end & HO BEACHFRONT. Now $695,000. Welk by 2804 W. OcHntront I celt lor d•t•ll•. NEW C APE COD HOME In Corone del Mer al 314 Merigold. Garden• and beeuty •bound In Ihle 2·alory home with 2 a.ct + d•n and huge VIEW 1undeck. Drive by 314 Merigold I cell lor financing $669,000, ON WATER on an utre lerge lot with dock for up to 50' boel. Atrium •nlry, bullt In entertainment center, form•I dining, bllllerd room, 4 lple. Drtmetlc and ••citing 2-etory home wllh 5 bedroom• f-maid• rm. end 1ec:urlty 1y1lem. Solld c onelrucllon on 1teel girder•. E•lerlor patio on w•ler with gezebo. A quiet Newport locallon on f•• land $895,000. 631-1400. See now. It'• new on the merkell Eapeclelly fine delalllng, 103" WATERFROHT-$980,000 FEE Owner wlll eccepl 5% cHh down peymenl end carry lhe financing al 10% lnterHI. Over 4000 equere Ifft ol cu1lom deelgn. Four apaclou1 bedroom• Including mHl•r 1ult• with aeune + Immen .. femlly room and rooltop deck with View. Meny luxury fe•lure1 plu1 game room, hlth celllng1 & dock lor 60 It . boel. A new llatlng, 631·1400. LAGUNA PARADISE on almoef 'h acre ol gerdena and palhway1 lo •P•· grotto pool, waterfall and loflege. Unique two-elory 3 bed.-+ den hornt with wood. glau a wermth. S1,200,000. 831·1400. BAYFROHT ON PROMONTORY Bay with pier/aide lie lor 60' boat. Gorgeoua 2·alory, 4 kedroom home wllh famlly rm. & kitchen VIEW on the water. MHl•r aulte wllh wet ber. On fM lend tor S1.300,000. 631·1400. EXTRAVAGANT BAYFAONT GrandloH 2·•tory home with 6 bedroom• t plerllor large yacht + t ide lie. Unueual cuelom dHlgned rHldence with aoarlng wood beemed celllnga, Indoor 1pa, formal dining room. unique open & 1u1pended f•mlly room/llbrary + gourmal laland kitc hen and breekfeel ere•. All d•coralor del alla of French doore, 1huttere, 1lelned glen. t +. Bedroom• Include Hparete mHter tulle f-maid'• querier• end Hparete femlly bedroom• eech with lldfolnlng belha. A 1pecl•I rooftop obHrvellon & aunnlng deck with VIEWS ol waler & llghlt. $1,895,000 ON FEE LAND. OW help llnenc a •nd I• lnlereeted In eschenglng for OCEANFRONT or 1maller home In l he area. 1173-8900. NEWPORT CONDO Attordeble end unll nest to grffnbelt & pool. Saller wlll trade for other retl«MncH or? Upgraded & lntarHtlng 3 bed. S13t,OOO. WATERFRONT HOMES, INC. 2436 W. Coa\t tlwy N••wf)Ort &tu·h ()31-14-00 3 15 Mttrh11> AH• Rd lbo,1 1 .. l.md (>73-h'>OO • I I I I I I 18 -Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT /Saturday. October 30, 1982 $279,000 *DOVER SHORES * SJ)'Jl'IOU!> t'Xt'('Ull Vl' homt• ft•L1turing 4 br & :.! 'i ha W liJ vww of the· hackbav &t Anthonv's Pie r! This fmt· rC's1dt•ncc-1s lo<:ated m a vc·ry dt'sarou~ art·a & priced for unmedi<HC' sale Low mlt·n•st assum<.iblt· financing J\';11labh· (.'Jll i59-15Ul or 75:l-7:i7:i ESTATE SIZED LOT *CAMEO SHORES * This outstanding <'XC'(' horn!.' features what must Ix> the largt>st lot in Camt.'O S hort>s'. Thl' rt•ar yrd fealurcs a Japanese· gardC'n. waterfall. K ai pond. pool & volleyball t'rt an a spadoui. c•nv1ronmc·nt dPs1gned for memorable days thruout tht-yf.'ar A lgl' lav rm w/frplc overlookmg th l' pool & gardens t'XC'mpltfu.-s the opc·n spc1<.·1ous fl•t•lmg prevalC'nt 1hruout A hugt• k1tchf.'n. frml din rm & 4 spa<'1ous bdrms mdudang a ms tr sullC' w /bh -an sht•lvt•i:., sunke n ,Jat'UZZI lUu Ofkn -tf at $670,000 fEE wl<is.<;umahll' f1nam·ang at l 1.75% 759-1501 * HARIOR HIGHLANDS * S<·nsauonally rc·modeled & dc"C'Orated -I br horn<· h·;1tunng swimming pool bonus rm i:.kvlllt•, lush pnvalf• t'OUr tyarcl. fplt . & assumahlt• flna~cang KC'<lu~·tod lfl s :mo.0011 fl'<' For qu1<.k ... 11t• l Jll 1:1~ 1501 or 752-1:r;:1 *HARBOR VIEW HILLS* T .. a.tllv n·moch•lt·d 111 ... 1d1• i.'<l nut 1h1' dt•lighttul r;11ll'h !->lyll' hunw fi-.ilurt·s -1 hr. l frpks. :1 l'i.lr guraJ,!t·. on•an Vll'W '~ 1,trg<' lot wlt-ust?m 'P•• Pnt·i·d 111 w ll al s:1 10.0110 Lo \\ 11111·11·,1 a ... ..,u111.1hl1 · rana11nng (all j;)9 .1;·10 I Ill i':i:! ';":11:1 *BAYCREST * I.! , rananung spanous <'Xl-t'UllV(' ranC'h !->lylt l111m1· an pn-st1gt• a rea Th .... hnmt· ft-.ituri•.., :1 hr... fpk. l;irgc· 1111 & ft-.• I.incl' u•Wlsl pnt·1· at $.!till.0011 l'.tll 7~H lflO I 11r 7!'1:! Bi:! tor .1pp11111tnw11l t11 VH'IA OCEAN VIEW + POOL *SPYGLASS HILL * This 1rulv rnagnil1t·1·11t n-:-1dt.'nl'l' IS fur lhohl' w hn 1·mbran· rPla>-ing luxurv a's a wav ol lift• This homl' 1s t•cm1pl1·IPly n •nu1drlt•d & dN.'Or~tt.-d b" n11ted dl's1g1wr Al l\h·ndn. S;m FrJnl'IS<'o Fl'atur1ng imporh•d p;.;vt·r ... lx•gannmg 1111 till' front patio & 1.·1mtmuang mtu lht· t•ntn· & thruoul 1h1• fmlv rm. k1tl·hen & hn.,1kf.110t arN1 DN:·1iratt.-d 111 • ~ktiitt•rr.:1iwan ... l, ll· w11 un·1•d .1rl ht·s I t'('t''-"4'd hghtm~ & hlx·ral USt' of mirr•ir-. Thl' n•1nocll'l1·d ~ournwl k1tl·h1•11 ft«•IUrl's 'iC1hd oak <'ClbmL'lry J .. n-Ain· R.tnl-(<'. P111 tugUl"'(' 11h-s & ,, hn·akf. .... t n(lok " oc<'a!" v1cw N.11111 ,i))\ t ho rt• I' .a ll.llHll .tlllll 111 l':tll & night \'11" lr11m LA 111 (e1talrn.1 & ol 1,1u1..., ,1 llC•ol & 'IM .u t c•nd'd 111 ,1 Jll l\'.ll" to~~t~rd This f11w homl' rs unmi<;t,1k,1hlv Nt•\.I. p11r1' P11n'1.I .1t $1! l!I '11111 1' 1'.1'. w as.sum.1hl1 • f111;11w111g 7 ~1!-1 I :1111 •HARBOR HIGHLANDS * S.·11~1111111.tllv n•moch•l1'fl ,'<./. dl'(·11r;.itt•d ·I br honw l1•:1111nng swinm11ng llCICtl. l)ltn\l' 1·111 . "kvlilc'. lu~h pnvalt• t''IUl'ly.1rd. fpk . & •1~sum,1hlf' t111,1m·mg H1·du1-.·rl 1t1 $:.?H0.0011 ft·1· fo'or 11u1l·k ...,,ft-1·all 7;,y 1501 11r 1:1:! i.17:i ABANDONED ARTIST CHALET SACRIFICE PRICE OF $169,900 This Eng lish Tudor style· homt.• 1s vaca nt and waiting for a ne w owner It 1s 1.·ustom built with many features normally found only in higher priced properties. Not1CC' the bay window and artistic wvoden planter boxt•s. What you t·an't S('t' an the picture are the five skylights. used brick l'ntryway, ceramic ult• k1 t.chen floonng, secluded patio or the lofts found an each of the large bedrooms. Added to that is a spacious family room a nd three full baths which make thlS cozy five year old homl' located only two milt>s from the ocean truly an exceptional value an today's market For morl• 1nformatton. please call 556-7035 BEACH INCOME PROPERTY HUNTINGTON HARBOUR Two attractive ne w triplexes lOC'c1ted within walking dtstanc<' of the ocN.an and one half block from the proposed Bolsa Chica Marina. These arl! pride of ownership buildings with superb design a nd floor plans . All six units are two bt.>drooms. two and one half baths with wood burning fire places a nd lofts tha t could be convNted to a n extra bedroom. Vacancv factor an this excellent locatton 1s almost wro Available tnd1v1dually al $J20.000 ea<:h or make tht> sdlC'r an offer on both Complete fman<:tng mfonnation available at 556-7035 DEVONWOOD ESTATES 3500 SQUARE FEET FOR $385,000 This is the· much sought a fter Chelsea Model with fi ve• tx'(.fr:>orns and thrf.'l• full baths . F or the la rg<' family this hom e of approx1mat<>ly :l.500 squarC' feet has 11 all!! Thl• mast<'r bedroom su1I<' ·~ part1l'ularly c n<:hantmg and includes a luxurious sunke n oval tub ard scp<irate tiled shower There is a separate• family room with wet bar and a l 5'x2 l ' bonus room for the kids. This entire r{'!;id<?nc-e has lx-<'n prof1;~1onally dc·t·orated tncludmg t.·ustom drapc·s throughou l.! Formal dining is prov ided as we ll as an eating area off thc-kitchen with dl'l.'Orallvt.• c·c-llmg fan The k1tcht•n 1s a m arvel in itself with gas bulluns. microwave. trash compat.·tor and soft water Custom br1t.·k work and 'J>il t.•omplt.·te tht· prc·tun• pt•rfrc:t back yard Call us for dt•talls on th<' l'\.l'l'lll'nt assum;ibk• loans or tht• supnsangly affordablt.• pm·t.' 1n tuday!'> markl't !:lti3·5tii I HUNTINGTON HARBOR FORTY -FIVE FOOT BOAT DOCK Char ming waterfront Capt' Ccxl located on th<' boat paradt.• rnutt'. Enormous living and formal dining rooms face. th<' W<llt.'r Forty f1 v£' foot dock a1:c:ommoda1es up to a 55· boat. Glass <'ndOSt'Ci patio with .;;pa<.·wus dec·k TPrrazz.o Pnlryway with iron security gHtC' Two large ftrt•plat'f'S S.-·llc •r wa ll hc•lp fman('(' at 12% T his exc'l'pt1onal V<iluc m "',1terrrnnt pn'IP(•rty 1s offrrt'<i .;t $559.000 963-5671 SURFSIDE CUSTOM HOME OCEAN AND BAY VIEWS -$650,000 This rwtural t.'C'<lar and ~lu.s..., hnmt· o n two large· lots offr·ri:. int·rc>dtblt.· V<1lUl' for thr d1sa1manat111g buyC'r Three stones of u1womprnm1smg t·lt·gan<.'l' t.'fintarns <.'V<.'ry imaginable upgrade mdudmg oak plankt'Cl flooring ond supN plush <.·arp<'ltng. T hree thousand eight hundn'C.l square• ft><•t are prest'ntc>d an nnC' of tht' most un1qut' floor plans wt•'ve St'l'll In some time. Of C'OUrM• thf!rc's lots of dl'Cking with a l'USIOm spa to sank into Th<.' ovcrsiw garage features an automal1t· op<'rwr &'St of all our owne r will ftnanet' wtth only 10% down!' This truly is a home that must be se<>n to be apprt'\.'iatl'<l and we would be dt•hghted 10 make an appotnlment for you. 556-7036. NEWPORT BEACH OFFICE' 2870 Son Miguel Drive Newport a.ach, CA 12880 (714) 751-1501 AMERICAN HOME SHIELD "We Protect & Service Things That Service You." HUNTINGTON BEACH OFFICE 9032 Adams Ave. Huntington leach, CA 12141 (714) 551-7035 ·, I 11 '"" , r. t ,. •• • •· • Orenge'Coonty•R:6at ES'flite/Ar'\ Adverfisirig "S\ipplement to the DAILY PILOT /Satufday, October 30, 1982 -rn .'.!!!~!!........... Hoa1t1 !tu $1/1 Housts for $1/1 c~·;;;;t · ·· · .... ·ioii2 '~;;;;i · · · · · .... i·;,;,21 1•••••••••••••••••••••• I ••••••••••••••••••••••1 I J OPUI SUllDU 1-5 EOUAl HOUSING OPP OIHUNITY ' 1UI liAUXY DlllVE (he land) I Lu>..urv '"" rx·rf('\'tlnn in J)ovt·r Shon·:. .) I lidrrn µtu.., plu..,· F't·•· l;1nd Vll'w F:11\t:J!>llt' "l'lll•J f111,11wmg Don't r111,.s this , Altlisher's llotice: orw" I real es1a1e advertised this newspaper is ) b1ec1 to the Federal , 111 Housing Act or 1968 1 11ct1 makes 11 illegal 10 1 vetllse any preferen-• llm11a11on or 01scrom1- 111on based on race lor. re1og1on Se• or I llonal origin. or any tentton to make any 1 ch preference llmlla· n or d1scf1m111ation us newspaper will not iowingly accept any vert1s1ng for real es· : te whlCh Is 1n v101a11on the law 11011$: Adverti· rs should check I eir ads daily and port errors im- edi a te l y . The AIL Y PILOT as-, mes liability for I e first incorrect . i sertion only. I i I For Classified Ad 1 I I I I I Call a t ~ ACTION Dally P1IOI AO-VISOR • 642-5678 RACHELLE ROBERS, REAL TOR 675-2373 BIG CANYON OPEN HOUSE $465 ,000 11 RUE YERTE SAT/SUlllY 11 TO I •0111 of 2 lto•es H c11l-tt1-s1c •lovely 3 14r• 2~ ~•th ho•• •Sitlo Tartt I 3 ,.ties, 3 car 1•ra10 •lss11••~lo 12351 (a,,roa) .... 1, 12~ •Dw1ter is leHi11 tor bro,• Call Ow11r /lrohr . at 213/470-2110 FOUR ACRES, NELLIE GAIL 1 I ' I I I ' I I 200 n. IEWNllT UYFHIT BOAT ON THE BAY, PLAY ON THE OCEAN Spacious, open & sunny all view home w/ panoramic decks, on huge pnme Island Point. , docking & prkg galore , you own the land , owner l lnanclng, all tor 5965.000 4028 Channel Place, Newport Island, Newport Beach 673·0202 Open Sun 11·5 EXTRAORDINARY ESTATE $2,650,000 Nl•slll·d I ll thl' prt•sllgiuus drt'll of Pt•ralla Hills t s this dramat1l' multi lt•Vt'I , !LOOO plus s 4 . ft sprawling t•stale, lnl'orporating a trad1 tiunal l'ourtyard dt·s1gn. 6Br. 7 1 z Ba, imported ltlt·s. hand-carved :rnlrd mahoga n y d oors & pillars snaring 25' windows-A wonderful indoor-outdoor feeling pn·vails as ev<.·ry room opens to c:ourtyards & patios. A w orld o f your own - boulders. ru.shing streams. watc-rfaUs & total pn va('y. tennis c·oun, pool & spa St.'l in natural rocks & boulders art- thPre for rN·n•atiunal al·t1 v1 t y . 35 minull',_ l'ast of Los Angell•s :w n11nu tt•s I rum N1•wpott Bl·at·h $2 .1150. 000 LESLI£ GlACAB81 (714) 974-4168 SHIRLEY SAUfl>£RS, Bkr. (714) 998·0~69 .t1 llllJ11fl( l ''• t t11· I 1111 ·r ,,,. I llf I Ii ~ rlt•:J t .lfr1 t • 1·1f1•r 1 1~1 ()1 lr H J,.I .-'tl 1 +B.) -cro darrell p ash properties 02.J ,, t 90 C c111 1p.,., D11v" N ewpurt Beac 11 C dl1lo •n1,1 42bh(J (71 4) 851-8767 ELEGANTLY UPGRADED 631 · 1266. 720-12b3 TWO WEEKS UFT 10 .i:.i.ume 1:1% loan 011 oeau1 1n1 dee Condo f ulltH ton! Brea area N1 t;ollegc 2 BR . 1250 SQ fl Owner desperate S 119 000 offer 11529-3 798 or 951· 1344 * MESA VERDE On the goll course (.;uslom beaulllut 3 Bdrm home. many, many e• tras $279.500 wllh 10•1. 11own owner will carty a1 12 •°'• 1n1erest Roy McCartllo, IUtr. Hl-1121 ********* •UYFRllT* IOlT SLIP llew 'rice S4H,5001 38 BALBOA coves. 3 bdrm-den-2 bath OPEN OAILV 1·5 ART &IOYllETTI RHUOR I DWIER •U3-t11l* Incredible upgraded equestrian estate at Nellie Ga11 Ranch Handsome tile-roofed four-be<lroom. three-bath home with 111ew ot rolling hllls Perfect lor the acllve family the property teatures a pool. spa, fountains, and many lrulf·bearing trees and tour acres of privacy all tor only $449,500 Excellent financing 1s available call Marilyn Hiii or Susan Tr1v1son for details Possibly the lo11ellest ot the Harbor View Homes Completely redone with great tta1r French doors antique bath fixtures tastefully coordlneted color scheme The pat1otdeck and gardens are a virtual paradise Call Joan Lambe for a personal showing CHARMING REMODEL Four bedroom family home 1n excellent Costa Mesa neighborhood Remodeled In great taste, and with super skill Fr8(lch doors. display shelves, and many unique touches Close 10 shopping Fantasllc VA loan, and owner will asslSt with rinanclng Call Mary Ann LaFleur ror details on this fine value SPECTACULAR OCEAN VIEW Unique cvstom home: multi-level five bedroom. 4'" bath, plus spa Dramatic entry with 17' fishpond. at,,um and skylights Panoramic ooean view Maid's quarters Security system Possible LEASE/OPTION $865,000. Call Salty Shlptey for further detalls OWNER WILL FINANCE! Superb Dolores model in the Bluffs. Rare two-story with wonderful view of Baell Bay Three bedrooms plus bonus room Handsomely decorated. and In elCCellent cond•t1on And. don't forget. OWNER FINANCING IS AVAILABLE. Call Muriel Barr INTERNATIONAL FLAIR A most luxurious lt11e-bedroom bayfront property, with pier and sflp for a large yacht Superbly crafted interiors dramatically counterpoint the bay and city views Remarkably prloed at only $1 ,350.000. lee Please contact Cathryn Tennille for detalls regardlno owner-assisted financing SECLUSION OF CHINA COVE A remarkable opportunity within the vlllage atmosphere ol China Co11e Live aboard and remodel. or tear down and rebuild Third floor overlooks Harbor entrancu. Property Is surrounded by m11!1on dollar homes, and Is priced at only $379,500 Cati Marllyn Hiii 101 a private showmg. ELEGANCE IN BIG CANYON Two-bedroom and den Dover' model decorated with excep11onat taste Dramatic h1gh-ce1llnged tlllfng room. and large private outdoor areas A tremendous opportunity to own In Big Canyon Only $395.000. and the motivated owner will finance Call John Merrrll for details SAN FRANCISCO CHARM Brand new beach house convenient Balboa Peninsula locallon Charming exterior. Quality finish throughout Oeilghtful floor plan features three bedrooms, super kitchen Near beach. restaurants. shopping Good financing available. Try 1ust 10% down. Cati Susan Tnv1son tor further detalls $110,000 ASSUMABLE 101/• % Lo11ely Newport Beach condo with poolside selling and large private patio on lush greenbelt Excellent assumable financing Owner very motivated and will carry second trust deed Call Sally Shipley today for a showing. Only S 185.000 BAR HARBOR, SEAVIEW Beaut1tu1 three-bedroom nome In gate-guarded Seav1ew Family room excepllonal bu11t-1n kitchen Rare larger cut-de-sac view 101 Room to expand Secure community provides pool and tennis fecllltles Call Marilyn Twitchell. UNDER CONSTRUCTION . Smashing new home In Newport's oremler Harbor Ridge !)Ote-Quarded commu1111y Very Impressive English Manor on fabulous view 101 Wonderlul floor plan for entertaining formally or Informally Totally se(luded master suite When completed. this home wltl surety become a landmark Already. superb craltsman811lp Is In evidence. and every lui1ury amenity Is i;>lanned. fhere ts still time to tailor the detalls to your requirements. Wo tiave the plans In our office. The price Is $2.200.000 Cont&ct Susan Trivlson The firm with the Beverly Hiiis /Palm Desert connection 759-9100 # 2 Corporate Plaza Newport Center • • 20 -Orange County Rea1 t:s1a1"' "'" "'u ""'" ""'" 'l:I ......... ,..,.. ...... _ ••• - This Weekend ! •up thi• i.-dy di~utMy with yow thh •ull"'d •• 'I'°" "° hOtln ·h ... tiMJ All ti.. 14tcatl-• li•t•d b•lo• ar• dHcrit.d i11 ~at•r •tell 1111 od•trll•ilocJ ~ ....... ,..Ml todey" DAIL T rtLOT W AMT ADS ... atro1u •ho•lltCJ .-. hO<l•o lo. •al« or""''°" .... .,.d lo tht uoc:h i11f_.t1-,,. thh cotv-•ad• Setvrdey a"d Swodoy HOUSES FOR SALE 2 BEDROOM •2012 Vista Caudal, Np! Bch 759-9100 $185,000 2308 Cliff Dr. (Nwpt Hgts) NB Sat 1-5 642-5200 $388,000 Sun 1-4 =3 Lago Sud (RSJ) Irvine 6-44-7020 $159,000 Sat/Sun 2-5 430 Catalina. Newport Beach 760-8333 $209,500 924 Hyde Court. Costa Mesa 644-6200 $ t34.000 * •225 Grand Canal. Balboa Isl. Sat 1-5 Sat 1-4 673-6900 $595,000 Sal/Sun 1-5 2 BR plua FAM RM or DEN 1706 Miramar, Balboa Penln Pt.. NB 642-5200 $299,500 ::>un 1-5 1940 Whittler, Costa Mesa 631 -3213 S 118.500 Sun 1-5 * 1 Pandora (Irvine Groves) Irv. 642-5200 S 138.500 Sun 1-4 2022 Avenlda Chico, Bluffs. NB 631-7300 $195.000 Sun 1-5 104 Via Palermo, lido Isle. NB 631-1400 $439,500 Sat 1-5 3497 Queens Ct (Wlmbldn Vig) CM 645-0303 S 159,000 Sat 2-5 • 19 Curl Dr., Jasmine Crk/Vu, CdM 640-1515/ 1-728-5151 Sat/Sun 12-5 3 BEDROOM 1543 Serenade Terr. (Irv.Terr.) CdM 644-4910 $320,000-Fee Sat/Sun 1-5 1700 Oahu Place, Costa Mesa 751-0401 $179,000 Sun 1-5 B-83 Surfside 213-592-3156 $359.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2552 Vista, Bayshores. N.B. 644-9060 $210.000 Sun 1-4 * •603 36th St, nr. Ltdo Vig, NB 673-6776 $595,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 * *3415 Ocean Blvd., CdM 760-1900 $1,250,000 219 62nd St .. Newport Beach 6'45-9870 $195,000 1101 Debra. Costa Mesa Sun 12-4 Sat 1-4 546-2313 $195,000 Sun 12:30-4:30 2 11 Opal. Balboa Island/NB 675-6000 $595.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 * 204 Via Eboll. lido Isle. N B 673-7300 $550,000 Sun 1-4 210 Grand Canal (Balboa Isl) NB 675-6COO $528.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 19251 Sierra Cadiz, Irvine 675-6000 s 185,500 13 Canyon Island (Big Cyn) NB 675-6000 $320.000 669 Joann St.. Costa Mesa Sat 1-5 Sat 1-5 546-2313 $124,900 Sat 12-3 19442 Salmon, Huntington Beach 546-2313 $119.000 Sat 12-3 1108 Rldge<:rest. Costa Mesa 546-.2313 S 162,000 Sun 1-4 200 1 Galatea Terr, Newport Bek 646-7171 $995,000 Sun 1-5 11 Rue Ver1e. Big Canyon, Npt Bch 1718 Port Westbourne, HVHomes, NB 759-1501 $216,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 7 Rue Chateau Royal (Big Cyn) NB 644-51 16 $665,000 Sun 1-5 3 BR plua FAM RM or DEN 1218 Key West (Harbor Vu His) Cd) 644-4910 $299,500-LH Sun 1-5 * 134 Harbor Island Rd .. N.U. 675-7256 $650,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 * * 38 Balboa Coves. Nwprt Bch 673-9187 $489.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 •2283 Waterman. Costa Mesa 631-7370 Sat/Sun 1-4 1525 E. Ocean. Balboa Penin Pt. NB 642-5200 $420.000 Sun 1-5 760 Via lido Sood (Lido) NB 675-6670 $575,000 Sal/Sun 1-5 1905 Yacht Res o lut e , Newpo r t Beach 759-0619 Sun 1-5 2581 Bayshore Dr, Bayshores. NB 644-9060 $499.000 Sun 1-4 * •2482 Bayshore Dr. Bayshrs, NB 644-9060 $1.100,000-Fee Sun 1-4 2602 Crestview, Bayshores, NB. 644-9060 $389,000-Fee Sun 1-4 1411 Kings Rd (Cliff Haven) NB 642-500 $525,000 Sun 1-5 12 Vienna, Harbor Ridge. N.B. 631-7300 $499,500 Sun 1-5 * • 1044 Polaris Or., Dover Shrs. NB 631-7300 $395,000 Sun 1-5 * 15 Carmel Bay Dr, Spyglass. CdM 644-9060 $595,000 Sat 1-4 1301 Dolphin Terr. Irv.Terr . NB 631-7300 $985.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 •512 Aocldord Pl. CameoHghfnda, CdM 631-7300 $199,900 Sat/Sun 1-5 62 Drakes Bay (Spygls) NB 8-44-7020 $475,000 Sun 1-4 * •301 N. Star (Dover Shores) NB 642-5200 $450,000 Sun 1-4 * 1472 Galaxy, Dover Shrs, NB 642-2510 $695,000-Fee Sat/Sun 1-5 1903 Yacht Colina. Newport Beach 644· 1017 $450.000 Sat/Sun 12-5 7 11 K-Thanga, Irv. Terrace. NB 631 -7300 $575,000-Fee $440,000-LH 217 Via Ithaca, Udo Isle. N.B. Sun 1-5 673-8494 $505,000 Sun 1-5 •2007 Holiday Rd (Bycrst) NB 631 -1266 $275.000-Fee Sat/Sun 1-5 128 26th St. (Balboa) Npt Bch 759-9100 $369,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 109 Via Ensueno, San Clemente 759-9100 $'465.000 Sat 1-5 34 Rainbow Falls (Trtlrk) Irv 559-8451 $239,500 Sun 1-5 3069 Gibraltar, Mesa Verde. C.M 545-2883 $129,900 Sat/Sun 1-5 18171 Velfea Circle. Hunt Beach 642-6972/84 7-2593 * •210 Via Lido Nord, lido Isl. NB 673-6776 S 1,070,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 25 Malnsall (Jasmn Ck) CdM 640-9592 $314,900 Sun 1-4 937 Acapulco. Laguna Beach 675-2172 $315,000 Sun 1-6 i930 Port Bristol Cir (HrbrVuHms) NB 631-7300 $268.500 Sun 1-5 318 Jasmine. Corona def Mar 631-1266 $395,000 420 Dahlfa, Corona del Mar 631-1266 $625,0QO 314 Marigold, Corona del Mar 631-1400 $669,000 616 Marigold. Corona def Mar Sun 1-5 Sun 1-5 Sat 1-5 675-5511 $340,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2611 Circle Dr. (Bayshores) NB 645-6218 $269.000-l/H 2268 Golden Cr .. Newport Beach Sun 1-4 646-7171 $255.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 101 Via Genoa. Lido Isle. NB 675-7300 $895,000 Sun 12-4.30 335 Nassau, College Park, C.M. 759-1501 $133,900 Sun 1-5 2901 Catalpa, E-Blutt. NB 644-6200 $225.000 Sat 1-5 2307 Falrhlll, Newport Beach 644-6200 $215,000 Sa1/Sun 12-5 2298 Redlands Dr .. Back Bay, NB 63.1 -1400 $248,500 Sat/Sun 1 ·5 4 BEDROOM *3165 Bermuda (Mesa Verde) CM 631 -1266 $155 ,000 Sat/Sun t-5 594 Marquette Cr .. Costa Mesa 673-1600 s 136,900 * 1717 Bayadere Terr (Irv Terr) CdM 644-7020 $600.000 Sun 1-5 2404 Vista Hogar (Bluffs) NB 644-7020 S 170,000 Sat 1-4 7 Winged Foot Ln. (Big Cyn) NB 754-7724 $785,000 Sun 1-5 -----~--_.. ..................... --------~-.. .......... --------========-;;;::::o:..--= ....... -----........ ----'.._~ ..... ~--~--------------.-. ............. -. .... __ ....... ______________________ ... , i ' I .. r • ~ , I c • -~ I 11 11111•· C.•>11111 n1•.11 r .1.111· 1" At1v1·1 t'""', H11 ·1·••·•1••'"' 1. ti I lJ 1 1\111 (J I I Ill I I .,, I'• I(., t ~ lllt li.; ,,,th• l.01<111 1 !lo'I ~l.H !>4t,, /.3 b S3?5 ooo r~.11 ~'"' 10 > * 1110 t (_,,iluttM T 1•rr It• I 1•11 (..I.JM 044 6200 $7% 000 Sat 1-!i 4 BR plua FAM RM or OEN •J42 Puach1tee Bc1ck Boy NB 760 1900 S 189 500 Sa1 2-5 * 1837 Sc.;1drill Or Irv T1•rr CdM 640-5560 $4 78.500 Sat/Sun I 5 1222 Susse)( Ln (Westcl!ll) NB 642-5200 $237 000 Sun 1-4 1112 Westcl!tf (Weslcl!tf) NB 642-5200 $255,000 Sun 1 5 4 Tralalgcir (Hrbr Rdgt NB 760-8333 $1795000 Sat/Sun 1-5 * •2408 23rd St . Npl Beach 631 7370 Sun 1-5 2681 Bayshore Dr. Bayshores. NB 644-9060 $310.000 Sun 1-4 1255 Somerset !Baycresl) NB 631 -7370 $355.000 Sat/Sun 1 30-5 1 Rue Fontainebleau (Bg Cyn) NB 760-8333 $450 000 Sal 1-5 111 8 Somerse1 Ln Westcltll NB 631-7300 S475 000 Sat 1 5 * * 1621 Bayside Corona del Mar 760-8333 S 1 395.000 Sal/Sun 1-5 * 1840 Tradewmds Baycrest NB 644-9060 $359 500 Sun 1-5 * 1812 Port St1rting (HrbrVuHms) NB 760-8333 $375 000 Sat'tSun 1-5 1251 Surtltne (HrbrVuH11ts1 CdM 644-49 10 $275.000-LH Sat/Sun 1 5 1915 Yacht Puritan, Newpo rt Beach 631-7300 $475,000 Sun 1-5 509 Evening Star Ln Dover Shrs, NB 63 1-7300 $920,000 Sun 1 5 * 1 1 Carmel Bay Or Spygls Hill NB 631-7300 $625,000 Sun 1-5 753 Barracuda Dr . Laguna Bch 641-8629 $410.000 Sat 12-4 915 Bellis Eastblulf. NB 759-0268 $325.000 Sal/Sun 1-5 * 14 Burning Tree Ad (Big Cyn) NB 644-4910 $695 000-Fee Sun 1 5 213 Diamond (Balboa Island) NB 644-4910 $595 000-Fee Sal/Sun 1 5 * * 26 16 Bayshore Or Bayshr s NB 644-9060 SI 750 000-Fee Sun 1 4 114 Via Ensueno San Clemente 759-9100 $875 000 Sa1 1-5 230 Goldenrod Corona del Mar 673-8494 $450 000 Sat1Sun 1-5 * * 542 Harbor Isl Or Npt Bch 759-9100 $1.200.000 Sal/Sun 1·5 = I Urbino (N wood) Irvine 751-3191 $365,000 * 1924 Leeward Ln , Baycrest. NB Sun 1-4 63 1-7300 $298,000 Sun 1·5 •5 Colonial. Norlhwood Irvine 63 1-7300 $230,000 Sal/Sun 1 5 11 San Sebastian. Harbor Ridge 760-1900 $1,299.500 Sun 1-5 •215 12 Camino Trebol. Lk. Forest 760-1900 $216.000 Sun 1-5 1t * 132 S Bayrront. Bal Island 631-1400 $1,300,000 Sat 1·5 18891 Anlloch (Trtlrk) Irv 552-7500 $235,000 Sat/Sun 1 5 24 H11lgrass (Trtlrk) Irvine 552-7500 $289,500 Sun 1-5 * 101 Via Florence. Lido Isle, N B 673-7300 $595.000 Sun 1·5 **633 Bayside Or, Prom Bay, NB 644-9060 $1 .100.000 Sun 1-5 2706 Lighthouse Ln (HVHts) CdM 675-6000 $429.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 I I-.;/ 1\1119'>1011 (;o-;,1.1 M•''>•• ~4G lJl'l S~lOOOO Sun I? IJ ll J(l &:' 1 W Colu111ti111L• 5..11 l<1 An,1 ~·If) -.! 1 IJ $ lb7 000 290 I HJrlJ01 V1l'W 01 tHVHls) C:.dM 5 11 I 1 67J Ti61 $550000 lt-'e Sun 1 '• 1722 Porl Barmoulh (HVHms) NB 673-776 1 $259900tee Sun 1.•, 121 4 Starboard HV Hills CCl M 759-1501 $340 000 Sat1Su11 1 -~ 9 10 Nottmgham Dover Shore!> NC 759-1501 $279.000 Sat/Sun 1 5 19122 Biddle Turllerock. Irv 759-150 1 $208.000 Sun 1 5 * * 16591 Peale Ln. Hunt Hrbr HB 759-150 t $559.000-lue Sun 1-5 •4626 Roxbury Ad Cameo Sllrs CdM 759-150 1 $670,000-Fee Sal Sun 1-5 1441 Galaxy Dr Dover Shrs NB 548-5647 $420 000 Sal/Sun 1-5 a Narbonne Hrbr Ridge N 8 644 -6200 $1 695 000 Sat/Sun 12 5 14 Po1111 Loma Spyglass CdM 673-4400 $723 400 Sun 1 4 JO 210 Via San Remo Lido Isle N B 675-30481673-2556 Sat/Sun 1 :i • • 1630 I N1an11c C1rc Hunt Sch 631·1400 $980.000 Sat Sun 1-5 932 Coronado (Mesa dPI Mar) CM 631 7370 S 145 900 Sun 1 '> 5 BEDROOM * •708 Vta Lido Nord Lido Isl NB 675-6 161 $1,500.000 Sun 1 5 * * 2658 Bayshore Or Baystus. NB 644-9060 $750.000 Sun 1-4 * * 4028 Channel Pl Nwpt Isl NB 673-0202 $965.000 Sun 11 5 • •219 Via Lido Souo Lido Isle 760 1900 S I 995 000 Sun 1 5 •2409 Tu slm Ave Costa Mesa 760· 1900 $245 000 Sun ? 5 442 Begonia !Old CdM I CdM 675-6000 $549,500 Sol/Sun 1 5 * * 23 19 Bayside Or CdM 644-6200 $1 500.000 Sa11Sun 1 S 5 BR plua FAM RM or OEN * 1206 Key West (Hrbr Vu Hms) NB 760-8333 $475.000 Sat1Sun 1·5 * 45 Royal St George (B1q Cyn1 NB 644· 7388 $849.000 Sun 1-5 1930 Pon Chelsea (HrbrVuHms) NB 494-1840 $390,000 Sat I-dark * t730 Bonaire Way, Newpor t Bch 646-0758 $212 000 Sat/Sun 1 5 500 15th St tCltllhaven) N 8 494-7754 $329.500 Sat/Sun 12-4 2752 Circle Dr. Bayshores. NB 644-9060 $785.000-Fee Sun 1-4 9 Inverness (Big Cyn) N B 644-49 10 $1.950.000-Fee Sun 1-5 30 * :: 2 Winged Foot Ln. 819 Cyn, NB 673· 7300 $699,950 Sat/Sun 1 -~ 14 48 Galaxy Dr. Dover Shores. N B 675-2373 $995,000 Sun I -5 5 Point Loma (Spyglass) CdM 675-6000 $850.000 Sal /Sun 1·5 253 I Bunya (Eastblull) N B 675-6000 $275,000 Sal/Sun 1·5 1956 Flamingo. Costa Mesa 546-2313 $199.500 Sun 1-4 1561 Pegasus. Santa Ana Heights 540-8062 $169.000 Sat /Sun 8-5 1 Bluff View. Trtlrk, Irvine 551-8700 $395,000 Sal 1·5 * 1800 Jamaica (\1esa VerdH) CM 645-0303 $409,900 Sat 1-4 ***..''I Li"'' hwornl WdtH<lil" Irv <,1, I hi' .''I S 14':> OUO f,1111 I 'J 6 BEDROOM ''38 V1.1 l 11J1, Suud L10o l.,le N II C.73-7JOO S847 500 S dt 1·4 * 4 1 (,ul1•1o1 Pu111t Cjpyq1.,.,., LllM G4 4-6200 S8qo 000 Si.JI Sun l ·!J 6 BR plu1 FAM RM or OEN .. 18411 NPWUOr l Hills ur L IHVHm!>t NB 644 7020 $449.000 Daily 1 S CONDOMINIUMS FOR SALE 1 BEDROOM 61 l.1ke Pines (The Lakes) Irv 540-1151 St 15 500 Su11S1m 1-4 3 BEDROOM 4 11 Dahlia Corona del Mar 673-8494 $300 000 Sat Sun 1-5 685 Vista Bonita Th+> Blurt s N B 63 1-7300 S229 000 ~un 1.:,. 2286 Pac1t1c G Costa Me!>J 546-2313 $129 900 S<11 I 4 CONDOMINIUMS FOR RENT 2 BEDROOM 250 1 Wesl Sunflower IF61 2131274-3569 $550 Sc11 ~lln 1.J DUPLEXES FOR SALE 2 BR & GUEST 70 1 w est Bay Ave Newport Ben 675-4630 $340.000 Sc11 Sun 1 5 2 BR & 2 BR 504 Larkspur Goron.1 dt>I M.tr 644-9060 S292 500 3 BR plu1 2 BR 423 Carnalion Old CdM CdM 675-8370 Sat Sun I 5 4 23 Narcissus Corona del Mt1r 760-8333 $274 500 430-430 Na1c1ssus LdM Sat 1.5 644-9060 $298 000 Sat Sun 2-5 * * 13 Beacon Bay Newport Bch 675-6000 S 1 195 000 Sot Sun 1.5 2 BR & 3 BR 30 1 32nd St NPwport Brach 675 6670 S280 000 3 BR & 3 BR 416 Carna11on Corona del Milr Sun 2·!> 673-6900 $569 000 s.111Sun 1.5 S BR & 3 BR 509 Acacia 10ceans1<1e ol Hwy) CdM 645-7048 $440 0007 Sal/Sun 1-5 DUPLEX FOR RENT 4 BEDROOM ••3901', Marcus. Nwp1 Island. NB 6 75.4 186 $1200/mo Sal/Sun 1 ·5 HOME & INCOME FOR SALE 2 plu1 STUDIO 415-415'1 Narcissus. Corona del Mar 673-8494 $229,500 Sun 1-4 * Poot * * Waterfront • * 1t Waterfront & Pool • ' , 22 Orange County Real Estate/An Advert1s1ng Supplement to the DAILY PILOT /Saturday, October 30. 1982 ':'.O.~!!! .~0.'. !.•J.t....... ':'.O.~!!! .~0.'. !.•J.t....... ':'.O.~!!! .~o.r. !.•J.t ....... 1 1 . ':'.O.~!!! .~0.'. !.'.l.t •...•.• ':'.O.~!!! .~O.~ !.'.l.t....... ':'.O.~!!! .~0.'. !.•J.t ....... I':'.'.~!!! .~'.r.!.•J!.. ••• •• ':'.'.~!!!.~o!. !.•.'! ..••••• ~-t-'!~~~~ ......... .1.~q? ~.t.~~~~~ .......... 1.~q? ~!.~~~~~ ......... 1.~q? ~.t.'!~~~~ .......... 1.~q? ~.t.'!~~~1 .......... -'-~q? ~.t.~~~~~ ......... -'-~q? I ~!!'.~~ .. i.. ........ !.~~? ~!!'.~~'-'· .•....... 1.~~? * VETERANS * 101 Yll LIDOL~~~DISLE HOllE:,u su. 1-5 1 BEST IN BLUFFS I ~~ 1'1 tmt· L11lo1 Nord li.1\ flnrtl .1 bdr 111 :1 1~1tli HST BUY. l.u\'t h :WOO -.q It J l>d1 Ill .! TOTALLY RESTYLED, WIT H VA INT EREST RATES DOWN TO 12 , °to LET US HELP YOU FIND A HOME CALL WALT or MARGE HAMMOND VA SPECIALISTS 894-1506 C-21 QUILL INC. 842-0691 ......................................... LOW DO WN/GOOD FINAN CING \ COSTA MESA 10°0 ON: JSR 2Ba "Loo ks Like a Model Home " COSTA MESA 15". ON. 4Br 2Ba I I,\ I i'tM. f OOUD ' CO INC 14 b73 1600 I I l.11 I H .111 turul .!. '""' -.lq• '' ofJll lllltl Ii.1th-. 1.1111 I Ill \A lilt g11 1 11111 It Ill ,11 REBUILT I REMODELED pml 1>111\ ~..'..I ._111111 INCLUDING THE U NO. I H1 ll>1Nl1 l•~I .I l1d1111 ".!lo.1th l.org• ''' llll Will LUSE OPTION. (;•••I ti tilt Jh ·•f•fol DEVASTATINGLY ATTRACTIVE 1 ... 1111 "il111~'' f1u 111,,1,..t1 '"'''" ~ L!111uu1 OPEN TODAY 1-5 OPEN 1·5 1837 SEADRIFT OR, "IRYINE TERRACE", CdM 221 6 Vista Dorado 3 br 21 1 ba tam $285,000 PENINSULA HOME 1 i.1 ,,, ,.,_ J' "' "'" :"-1.11111° •·••111 I 1.11111 I 500 Playa 3 br 211 ba with land $269,500 11. I• I .. 111.IJ\t J11u ... t1J1f111r!IJUJ1' 111 1 .. ,111 .n111 "l 11 ~I .111°111111 1 ~ • 01111 "''' 503 h e. Campo, 1 lvl, 2 br vu $350.000 1'1j llll ,, 'ho 111 I tlo,111 111 \\ ho Jiit Ill 1 LINDA ISLE BUFROMT L.t~•ictr1\1• \\ ll11r11 h t•dtlll • 11,ittt plit\!••1111 l .. 1 k 1 flo lo 11 l'.o ,ii lqi \,.\\ •I olilll 111111 BAYSIDE PLACE ~I""' ti1• 1d t J,o1 Jr1 111 dJil' 't1t -~ I I ' Ii I t ~ "'' , , .. , I HI ti I h t d FAIRBANKS RANCH f1,I ll!t I t1I ! l 110 11110 • 't I \ ~ I • ,, 'I I I ' ' AVALON CORONADO CAYS Bill GRUNDY, REALTOR 341 ~Drrve. N.I . 675-6161 21 47 Vista Entrada 3 br vu fam $435,000 HELEN B. DOWD REALTORS, INC. 644-0134 OFFER ANY TER MS STOP FORECLOSURE ,,.,,I\ folO ... 11~10 I tolllJIJllJIJI. :-; •.. , 1tl111i1 lid l't.1 iu t'f••\\ 111 11• 1 111 JIJ dlU' .atad t111 1.,~ t.1111 •• Ii•\\ Jp1U ... t ,,, j1 t I .1t11 I It ' l'llf g • 1-tJ"' I ti '"''' II •• 11 11111. i 111it1ol ,. ... l1•1 .... .f,l1d.111il11 .. 1kh 1 I~ lo•llj loli•h '•• f~.11""' Jt,, .1.'..1il •"•I .idtt JJ.1' 1111 Ii o1 .. I r I• , o1 t I I 11 t ti I• 1 o t .I I' \ ,, I t 11 I \ '\ · '' • •h I' Io • ! f • \ I t • I 1 0 LOW-LOW-LOW-INTEREST / 1',. , \I, /1' J:. r I r OWNER WANTS OUT' • C:::. 50.ECT -9°"' PROPERTIES ... -I I '•I I OCEANFRONT TRADE lmmed. PoHu\1011 f OUND AO~ ARE rREE Call. 642 !>& 7B 't • ~ ' COMEUPTO IRONWOOD. "'' . ' I • The Club Above The Rest. IRONWOOD FR , II& CAIYOI Splendul t·ustum home on l''tra large lot ti bdrms 1n('(udtng maid's quartl'rs llu gl' rl•ar wranda uVl'rlooks pool and sp:! View of golf cour~· .ind s11u1.' c:1ppl.'d mounta111::. Pc.•rft'l't Im large family $1.450.000 IAYFROIT PENTHOUSE :l bdrm plus J\•ll, :i baths, ,, ... bar. plJntJtlo n shu tter' Bw1ut1fully dt'l:or.1ll'<l 111 pc'Jl'h tOnl•s. Ol·c•Jn v1t•w from m.i:.trr bdrm plus bakony. b<1) v1t·w /51 mount ain view from l1v1ng room. Underground parking for 2 cars. Boat slip available Good financing. $580.000. CHRISTMAS 01 LIDO E11.1oy livmg 1n this nt•al, udy -I bJrm familv h<mll'. Pr 1n•d for· &nHllt.'<liall' J~'llon Al'! 1111w lO be• Ill bt•fun• lhl• h11l11.Javs Lowt•st pru:t:d huml' on !ht• 1~la11d Only $:H9,000. Call today'"" EICEPTIOUL VALUE 01 LIDO Just hsted this delightful humc· on the north side of L1dn. offt•rs a gorgeous view on an (•Xtra wade lot whwh ~IVb tht• ft"C•lln~ o f spaciousness thruughuut Featur es slip for largl• boat Adjacent property abo avallabll• A rare opportunity for you" II& CHYOI Most unusual custom1u:d homt• an area Indoor/Outdoor poul with sliding glass roof, 18' bm. screen ing r oom, gnurmt•I kitchen , pl<ty rnom with f ull kitchen and b<ilh Guud financing. Si'ller rcservC's right to accept best u ffer $699.950 MIL TI-MILLIN llLUll IElllllRIOll IPH SAT 1-4 HI YIA Lllf Siii Choice ovt:'rs1~ed 1ns1dl' lot Spacious ho me bu 1 It arou nci very pravau.• patio Wllh !:>pa 6 bedrooms. including maid'~. and 5 baths Looking for n('w owner to update to m1ll1on dollar category. $847,500 TDWllllSE WITH •O' SLIP Exce llent Newpo rt Bt'adi location. 3 bdrm, 2 '·1 bath. new carpel, walk to beat·h. S<'Curaty gate. YOU OWN YOUR SL1P11 $300.000. Liii LIYlll II A lllWI COME TllUE This J bedroom remodel<'<i home is on an extra w ide lot. with oak cabinets plus sunny south facing patio with a jacuzzi. Call today -tomorrow may be too late IAYfllHT SECIRln OllH-IOAT SLIP Bl'~t bay v iew 1n Newpc•rt. Lo ve ly 2 bdrm, 2 bath on ·turning basin. Slip available a t lowest rate in area . Excellent financing. Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday. October 30, 1982 -23 '!.O.~!!!.~'!.!!.'! ••••••• '!.~l!!!!.~0.'. !.•.'! •• •••••I '!.~!!!~!.~~I.!!.'! •••.. •• !'.".'!!!!:~".' •• ~ .. '•'•• • • • • • ~".'!!!! .~".'.!. .. '.'• • • • • •., !'.".'!!!! • ~ .. '. !. .. '!. • • • • • • ~~~~ .. '.. .......• !."!!~ ~~~~ .. ~ ......... !."!!!' ~!~~ .. '····· ..... !."!!~ f!!!! ... ~!!l!!! •. !.~~~i f!!!!.!!!!~ ...•.• !.~~1 f!!!!.!!!!~ .••... !.~~1 I cAMEo sHoAEs. by ow-c1 .. unu snu P.o.o. IEJCN HU ·~~ Cele ), ~ ner ocean view 4 BR. 5 Lovuty 3 bdrm wllgt fa·j stands tor Prtoe Of Ow-PARTIAL Ot Newpen. l>a d•H• pool 1ac 2 m1fy rm on qu1e1 street nersh1p wn1ch 15 what I OClH VllW I Jleallen_ •1) dl weibars New roof. ca•· Beau11ru1 llaro wooo 1111s lovely 4 oar pool 1 ~'tit pe1 orapes S59S,OOO llOOr!. Close to schools home oilers Also has Approx 7900 sq It IMng I 615·55t t ~ B~~er assume 1st at and shopping S 125.900 excelleni hnancing As-area IOI 75a t96, new lua 'I::-. 7 • '• Down paymenl Call 979·5370 k 1 n g $ 1 4 9 5 o o 4-ptew wiseparate ow-, S146 000 OWC $400 631 7370. 675·6l66 ner s 3 sly approa 2600 OPl• NOISE 1·5 000 at 12•1, for 10 fears sq II w/pool & detaclleo llODEll• LIXlllY ·~.J 760-1734 1acuzz1, game rm wet '<! bar Ital mble entries. 8 I• 0141 CtrHI ••I ' Sull•it Your Otter mt>le trplcs 4 Roman 111e llar. 11' Yl•ltt4 C:ti· Spolless 36:l0 st duptea luOS 4x4 Skylites inter· &LOT FOR I owe 1Sl· 12"1 .. 1ong term coms. cenlrat vac sys ll11s, SliJlifts1 wills 3brt3ba+5brt3M· 1 vac HSTSID( .,,.sh comps. micros. tf 11111, Jlt ver4Ht &UTILE 509 Acacia-walk to $(18 DOLL MOUSE W I D nook·uP. stuccoed I ~ • I Open HS(! Sal/Sun 1·5 Completely remooeiea ea.,es, 8 garages (30' •••SOIJll& HUH Owner/Ok• 645-7048 • • I~ • an<! <l&corate<I 2 Borm 2 oeepJ Burglar alarm sys, llrlYIOJ. • wr•s, "' Four bedroom nuge l·•·---llliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii bath home on R 2 101 appro• inc $6,000 mo l1tlls & fl•ilJ rtt• 1tv1ng-01n1ng area. 1>u1lt· TRADE New eartlltone carpets, Low as 10°1• down (OAC) a Slll4tok. Ttl •••" on sunroom, over 1600 used brick flreplace, all 9 '~% on hnanc1ng on ' s I Only $920 PITlllVIO ne kitchen a d bath approv See 507? Oun-••tlitits fl list. Flt· vour 1>or1ng income pro· w " 5 TRADI T 10:\iAL REALTY MESA VERDE REPO Lg form DR . 3 br. St55.000 lo dn Agt 546-7739 OILY i% DOWll 'LI s• •o petty or outgro .. n rest· French doors an<! huge bar. Hun11ngton Beach II• 1 ttr••· ... , Three t>ellrooms. water· fi•d Ass m bl 11 dence w1111 large equtly Yu u a e nan 846-9501, 846-4152 000. 111 llarl&tl4 !ell new k11 ch appl1an· !or this neai rustic and cmg avallat>le Owner will _ ces great 1oca1ton Only roomy 4 t>orm. 3,, be also consider lease op-OPE• MOUSE IAll.,"I• 5 Bdrm, 2' 11>a 1906 sll. $189.500 Assume loan OWC Dal prtnc only 544·8390 838-9851 HST VALIE SPHUSS COU Of NEWPORT MAL'TOAS u u ·1.c-"••· 1 c--. .... 675·S5' t $834 PITl/MO I home in WALK TO THE I lion Hurry won 1 last. - I BEACH CORONA DEL asking $139.900 Call S11t1Su11 La•t 2 days MA R LOCATION with) 540·1151 Delore l1Sl1ng Beat real· IO•S lee save SSS 2 bd, Don 1 oetey. call Diana tod11y1 Diana P1etenPot Volpe Ht-HOO 1 ~:~~a;~~~;nd~~d dhea~-~· .. ~lllS•r"!Tj~~J";',~rii~r'.T':fH~:I ~·~ ::,a8 La~r:1 :•w ~o;~~ t>o• v,_ Prtce<J at cur-p?Cfo?C' !fJ.:1 63t-6381 835-0222 rent appraisal or $475, 1=_;:=====-==:1 000 tee Owner has 1• _ --------• Large 5 bdrm home wtth 5pectacular vtew of the valley. night lights & mountains Beau111u1 pool & proless1ona1 lanoscap1ng Solid value A••iti• Hill1 1004 ilt $525 000 Shop & •••••••••••••••••••••• S 195 000 equ11y ano will WAU Tl IACI HY carry 2nd 3 BR on LARGE LOT Seller lletiut .. ! Can for Ille lull lacls on lhe ltnanc1ng oeta11s Lo- vely 3 bedroom home 1mmacu1a1e cond•t•on wood paneleo D1n1ng area l tving room ac- cented by 1>r1c1o. lire· place Gooo 1andsca1>'09 with 101s of lru11 11ees P11ceo a1 $129 900 Call 979·239<) compare Llllle Miss IVluflel sat on 8 lUHlll •ILLS I Tuff et. along ca me a IHk FtrtcltHrt I«· 1211 u~ b11ck 11rep1ace and watk1ng distance to B&ek Day 30 yr assumable at ~1111 spider and read In the 5 yr 010 S & S Home /'J:I' Dally Piiot C1u1lfle d 2672 sq II Pool w1111 • '. ' , • 10•.•,. On a Cul·de·sac too• Onty $122.900 Call now 979·5370 C section abOut Mias Mui· swim up bar 1n cave I lei's Tune1 end t>oughl ti $25 000 below marke1 ¥.AD'i for $9.95 Vou un Mii 20•. dn 12 2~. interest JASlll•E CREEi .\(.--Ill II~ II &avmw I your tulle! and 1011 ol Agt Jim 531-8100 p L A N 2 0 n ma 1 n , olher thinga throug h I /"· I I illAL Daily Piiot Clanllled • -• I••' '""" Greenbelt Ocean Vu 631-3444 1 Adi Call 642·5678 ········L.rnl.(········ ~ lor pool PIP Appl • Rf&l '• 6 1"4-..f ~Ttl.(""'S llEllCH SU,000 "Kl·n~mgtun" w tluCt. SUPER plu:.h <:Jrpt>ls, stained glass. s pa tn entry This home has 1t all' Assumable loans • owner finan<.'1ng Now unly $595,0uO Darl<-nl' ll l'rman 75:!-1414 llW Ifft t• IAUOA IY TH IAY Beautifully det·oratl•d ~ BH ·condo home o n Ba l bot1 peninsula Tot::il sa·unty, easy parking. ooys1dt! pool w/ownc.>r & guest boat slip Loans an• 11ssumablc· & sellt>r will carry 3rd A must St..>t> at $2.n .oon Bill Wedmore 551·8700 "flX llE IP" You can't be.il thl• pnt'<' in this an•a. 3BR's. oc:ea11 view. Fantastic: finan<:tng' $299, 0 0 0 1 n t' I u d 1 n g t h e I a n ti 1rt prestigious C.1mro Highlands. .Juli<' Van W1ercn. 752-1414. LOYIU FAlllU llOMl You will fall in Jove w ith this nt!at as a pin, clean as a whistle 4 BR. 2 'n BA fami ly home in Nort hwood . En joy your beau t i fu l ly landscaped yard . All th1$ a nd good terms too. $168,500 Maggi M~in 551-8700. HPUI 011111 Ill IH This prime investmen t property Is loc,ated on a comer lot & has 2-2 BR unit.,. Good annual Income with low mal n t~nance. All records available. Property easy to ~-Offered at $299,500 8111 Wedmore 551-8700. HLUA ISUll 159.9199 Wt W11t O•t! REDUCED BV $150,000' OWNERIAGT DUPLEX Mesa Verde Beeuly. 3Br By owner 1st lime ofle· Reduced lo $250.000 den. new pool, spa cp1s red at $5•5.000 Spac OWC 12"1 •. S50.000 dn pamt 530,000 dwn TOP compl remodeled home 675-3063 or 679-9667 S 179 000 Rltrs welcome & unll 3 BR, 2'• BA, 2 ------751-0401 1rptcs, new k11 . torm 01· 1-lllli•lliL'rl!llllii•iiiiuiiiiiiiTI•Y•l_.._, I (1$11( HITS n1ng. wet tier. skylights. 1 s;n l 5.... II 1 , patio Sunny back unit to Leisure World or Fun ,.. • 11 t Crlll hu 1 Br. 1, Be lge new City• No car need ad, Owner wtll carry a svb· 1111 & don area 3 car gar banks. restauranls & slant1al :1nds on 1hese space Corner 101 Cour-Shops nearby Well built w&ll mo1n1a1ned single tesy to brkrs 127·127'" 2 bdrm home. ltreplece 5tory t & 2 bdrm unllS Abalone 640·4424 or hardwooo floors all 1ath Plenty or orf street par· 759·0777 & Pinter plus a small ktng • c11 g11111ge At I studio fOf extra income trac1tve1y priced •I S32S No <In 10•1. int 3 BR. $229.500 000 I ~·~c'c~11~:y 5~8~~·m 415-CU'h •arc:IHH •••·7211 •9•·0395 0111• Sui 01lr 1·4 ~ Ow~!~~ 1!~nl one <(~>U>IUI di/. f(m ~ week Pr1Ged so tow 11 s •• A.riJ.~'tlUu under IOI value It $275 _ 1-OPH HISE 000 A 3 bdrm <larltng 61.J-8!J.91t s•••AY 10·5 plus gvest in super loca· lion ll41 E. Coeet Hwy., <:a 3071 Pt111a Or 3 t>drm •erth Cest1 Mesa 3 bedroom rancher POOUSPA home In tip top cond11ton all 1h1oug11 L1v1ng room and tire· pl11ce Seller very mot•· vated so let s hear lrom > ou• S 133.0900 Call 979-2390 111111 Ver•• ••rth1 llduct41 Mammoth ftoor ohm or .Jlmost 1760 sq II 1n 1h1s lovely J bedroom home r1ch oari«illng Large k11· chen Atrium Mature landscaping Re<luc:eo to s 151.950 979-2390 3707 S BRISTOL SANTA °"NA Tarbell, KE\IIOHS lucll Tl•t llulty l~~~~~~~~-1 hv rm wllrptc. '" 1>atn$ IU-H 11 hris I HlllOll VIEW lllUS ~~clean good ioc By I ~~~~~~~~ './ ... __ Sausalltt b~ flt•• 966·2'81 75•·54 18 YA lSHllAIU -Approx • 1 acre/ cul·Oe-lt•i•,.ll 1001 II ftt lid. J Ir, 2 Mesa Verde 3Br den tac 2 Br t Ba family & •••••••••••••••••••••• la, lit I 411 r•, Ir& $90K loan 12' ,.,, FIP dining ims, wlcanyon S 129 900 op Seti sun s ,. .. 110( Hao Rl(• fl• r•, all 1•11itlts, 5 306 locat•on ale~ pr ice -'""'" • I· . 9 G1braller $118 500 nel Ch11s11na. NEAR TOWN Ir& trtt ltt. Ir h1tr. 5•5·2883 Ownr/Agt 631·3213 2 aarm dining room & s a 2 • I 0 0 0 • c • 11 countrv k1tc11en. p1u1 2 t•O·lOOl. HST E/SllE ElSTSllE COHO bdrm epartmenl $289 LOCATIO• 3 BR 21lo 3 cer gar Xlnl 500 Linda 0.lh IElCll conAI( 3 O<I, '08, lrg yd AUvm loc & cond ror qutck CLOSE TO PAVILION So 01 PCH. 2 borms. 1 loon s 142,000 by ownor "'le at $125,000 Prine Near-new duplex, 3 bath+ steeping qtta Eves&A IVI 631·92fl5 only ~47·7'65 or Bdrm. 2 bath each Walk 646-2223 10 beach. bay & Shops Standard lot s 198.SOO NO DOWN $64 900 FP $355,000 Larry Pfille•. Esl81e sale Steve Dunn 1+D Condo Neer s c 11000 IOWI ON THE POINT & Co 752'2211 Plan , In SA owner/ Nice 281 2ba condo No Two •Ingle unlta Ot single Oroker. Jim 545-1947 qu1hfylng $82,000 Ow-t1mlly home • verse111e l1ave you read tod•y'a net 1~87·9554 eccommoo111on1 $339, CleHlfled Ade? 11 not.I w .. .:•::..:n!..t :A:d•=:-:::.c.J~I ~64:::2~·~5e!_7~8~tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 000 Bill Gold lfOU're mlselng the best = 142-1200 bargelna In townl f!!!! ... ~!!.'!~! •. !!~~ If IWIH J PETE ' BARR ETI . REALT Y c.,.. HI -., 1111 •••••••••••••••••••••• •FULL OCIAN VU • 300K !Oen. Jlllflllfte Cftl Owner/~ ..0.15,S a•-Ltf With 3 •. , " kfl:Dlc. 9y Owner •••• •Me SELL Idle Item• With • Dally Piiot CIUllfltd Ad. OPEi i1 OLD OIM Sit. I S11. 1-1 , ••• N icut duplex So or Hw y . O u tstanding locat ion . Grc~t a.um.able financing 3 br 2 ba -+ 2 br 2 ba, each w /2 car garage. Ownt!r/agent 675-.8370 421 OllUTill COM PLETELY UP- GRADED 38R. H·BA HOME, COLLEGE PARK AFIEA, Lii RM ACCENT· ED w/WOOD PANELING & BRICK FRPLC, OOOD LANDSCAPING w / APPLE, ORANGE, AVO- C ADO TREES, AUT O SPRINKLERS, COllEA· ED PATIO ~LUS GA· ZE.80 & FENCED-JN AV PARKING S1U .OOO 1546-3'715. . Put ~ actwf1ltlnQ ,,,.. MOtwMrelhe~ • .... 8'2-5'11 ' , 24 Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT /Saturday October 30. 1982 !'.".~!!!. ~".1. -~·.'.'....... '!.".~!!!'.~".'. !! . .'.' ....... i '!.".~!!! .~".'. !.'.'.'·...... '!.".~!!!.~".'. !.•.1.'....... '!.".~!!! .~".'. !.'.l.t....... '!.".~!!!. ~".' •. ~·.'.'. .•.... ''!.".~!!!. ~".' .. ~'.1.'....... '!.o.~ !!! .~".'.!.'.'.'· ..... . ~!!H.!!!!~ ••..•. !.~~! I!!!~'!! ........... !.~~! !~!~'!! ........... !.~~! f!l.".'!!.!!!.C.~ ••• !.~~~ ,~.'.'!t~!!.!!~f~ ... !.~~! ~'.'!t!!! .!!~f~ ... !.~~! lf.'."!t~!!. ~!~f~ ... !.~~!I ~'.'!l~!!.~!~f ~ ... !.~~! 1 I Salti or lease op1ton cn£H S T E A L A P 1 f C f () r DISTRESSED ming 1923 2 siory & IE THE FIRST llEWPORT MEW CUSTOM NEwP0111 PROPERTIES LUXURY I LOW PAYMENTS SluCl10 2 (.ar qa1 .tg11 s .... tnt!. new ottenng 1n WATERFROIT HOME 0111 Ii•• ' !>I•• t;c.• d U• .in 2 ISi SI CM ~.l("f ii 111 Tw 1 h·ro1 k tow11hum1 .I Bl{ :.! ~tdtn~d glass brtCk Pll C.1111 rlaven F abulOU& COTTA&E $595 000 plu\ J 11• 1)111, $<'6', oor1. t• , M V CM f' lro'> 7 !>tot.lo.~ lo o<:<•11n v ... w ni>wly d'"'cor'.,IPd BLOCKS TO BfACH' ' C. ANA• r HON T 4 l1• '• " or1le 1518 c >:\ 1101111, 11111111. flll\:tt1• '1Jnd1' h. .tll MoltW.ll{od Maui Ownttt:, lltrt U"llOlll vrp· .. ,~ Sll>~OOO CALL NOW Om.lo. tor JO bn,il Steps llll<5 lrl lt•I !.'1lll'> "''"''' ." ·"' Ordnge Ave M I) I , , 9 722., ' " '' OlO , to LrtJ1, v.11,.n,. 1 1'1" O W I ~ . MJto.e nn oller' .11111 111 I II ' w 111 ·r \\I I t •:11 1 \ l.11 g1 .!11d I '" s 1a11o. 4 4 ' wJll1><1r;e1 s µ111nr ,.,,. J &45-3 d ~ b .,tt {J •• 1 o,,. 'J'I > B o '"'~ ' a ,. p1;11 i;rnoi> ""' ''" r ""' 64!.·9161 .ti !ti':, J1111t 11•1hw1·d 111 $:.!:i!I :11111 0 11e11 Sun t·6 931 Acu dtn" dtnrr1y rnnn1 S.il 11 $1111 1 '> i,0·1 Jbllt fllAC H Ht)U.SI Ii• OPEN HOUSE REAL TY z, DECORATOR FURlllTURE [lulcc Aicn Beach ltgl\ "'""• tO<ilN ll11IP a wuy SI ~ 7 J 3 C. 6 1 /J Qt Sq-;~ w" •t .,, ,, '' • ' " INCLUDED r,crqeous J or + 1.1mfly Llt-n w()rk r<JOm so 67J' ,;76 A!Jl ( • n F t d u S 1 l0" rot t11' '"' ,,. t 111r~1·11u' J'u111!·111C k ·1 HI< ., I~ .,., lit •· 1 l.1<1 t80 ~ .. ·"' t.•t~ ""'' 111n•ll ~ nn Sd· • dn"'" "' II (111111.tl d111111g .: •••• ·,.:,"I\,,.' k Vtt•W Ohl IOI SJ;>•, 000 H 11 KllliS RD, II. I DOC"SIDE R.E. "" Suomtl dnwo B•t OPEi SU•DAY 1 5 •CJW~'l<>UOoo -•0"1 LEASE OPllONitOW "' P1 t f, • l 11111111 I• 11 • 1\11 1 t.1111111.1.: l · . .i I 1111• t>7S :i 112 4'19 3%3 • 1 oow N VA On , 11, Minh1 & Craic O'lrien (111 l.!1 • .11 l 111.1111 mg ~:.!I~ )011 l C•wPr I r11t1e Ar ell Boy 1•2·5200 5Urtn~ Sac~ Bay JBr.., tq 140·1208 OPEN SAT/SUI 1-4 OtP.1n Jrew 4 Od•ms HARIOR RIDliE lence<I /O lane '" ••t!N >1, <JUced to $ 129 950 1arbell 1 Musi wll dr<lShc '"llur LEAST EXPEISIYE cpts lrolt A s1·1d1n 9« j CHERRY LAKE 11 <.town or new VA a1 LYNN MURPHY 11011 Owner 499 1t4<1 rage w .. 1er1r1r ~•y111e Lc>c.11eo •n Nt•"'P"' • 4 BR tam 1m S g ' JORDELU MDL. Only S 1 ')5 000 Owntir 1 Bt!a1.t1 ""~ ,.,L.,nlly " 5 ·845 1 . NO OOWN NO POINTS V I d h.,s IJougnt ""otnpr novati"' o\ Br ., n~ 11 '"Y e•tr:a t:.' t3 Mc DIC' .t. I 'JORS NO BALLOONS' 1ew o ocean an c•ty 1 ho 4 II m 1 < II' ~ 1 u J "'" t "'"'•''" 1w1Fa11v11'W ll> I~ Oceanlronl 2 or/ ttrn 10 llgllts 3 bdrm ;>• 1ba plus m~ u~ ,,. .. ,., 1 , hom" rs Ill.JI{ 1m1QuP St '' !-lt•ktir) l 01111.e } lrplcs $5'l5 000 n111 on S 155.000 I 1ua1eo on " ~O 000 ~ 1 JIM WHLS REAL !OR 1,1I pymls S 17 7~ mn Opun Sundoy 12·4 TIERRA Del SOL RI TY lakl'lronl tor w oo~• .,.,. u;.t64 979 2631 ~!!!~.~!!~ ....... 1.0.Z.4. H.,rliaiton Owneriegi 494 1096 ev~' ILIFFS llRliAll 3 St Trope• 497· t744 Recently c .. ri:.ert>d & B b 1040 You own tt•e land 2.000 CUSTOM LOT 1.n11111eo As""'g S49'> OWNl H MESA VE ROE OPU SUI 1-& •••• !~!•••••••••••••••I EMERALD BAY sQ 11 3Br tam rm ;> , PEITMOUSE I 000 Call tor " J!t!wrr•g •B• i:-oot 2Ba saletlse I Condos wttn beJut1lul *Owner Desper ale I Ba wide Greenoelt near 01 MIRIOR Mill a PP I 6 3 1 7 3 7 0 "r 'IJ~ "' S8 000 d wn Rent view 2 10 161n ?lace 4 bdrm POOl hOme e, Fron I 1 ow fabulous pool Far below market Great view of oc.ean and With magnilicen t ocean 549-3546 Sil· mo 541-8077 Costa Ml'!l<l ( lt\•1> Place eel terms ""· ner ""''' vrew W•ll lrade t'Qu11y tor S235 000 Wtll lease OP· 1 coty loghls Will suoordt· & oay view 2 BR 2 ba r .. 1 1e Condo 3 od l 010range1 675·1642 va 1ed s'i's9 500 c.omm inClusl condos or 11011 Bkr 644-0134 na1e .... 11ou1ld tosu1t S425 000 Furn Ownei I land Loi value SI 45 BOB HALLEY REAL TOR 675·9400 TRADITIONAL RF.ALTY s'': J';;~0~ m2~ K ~~wrn HSTSllE 645 9927 Agl mtllton I ----I 144·4455 5 Borm Somer!>et Harber ,,4t 35t3 11•,000 DOWI lrriat 10441 CAROL TATUM Rlfr IEWPORT M&TS YlfW View Homes lantosttc u •• •• ••••• • ••• •• ••• • • • • 759 1552 or 494 0029 IY OWIER corner 101 Reduced to $301 IELOW COMPS! Assume 11 50"1. VA ts1 THTUROCIC L N' I JOSZ A11en11on builders -lfade 9 2800 I $390 000 St>11ous 5elle• ' • ••n•<>• s40 000 d~ft on I ol $97 500 and lake ove• FOR .. ER MODEL l l,Dll4 11,ae your condos or un•IS ror LovPly rm home ~~.. .... "' "' ··v,·L·L •• E •• D.E··c·E··R·1·s··E·· 1 1h1s choice loca11on• Un· '>Q 11 3BA 2 lrpt circular I Agl 494 1840 REDUCED TO SELL ,.,,. 4 Br 2., Ba Wim 2nd Lovely 4 Br w lamrly B ., B 0 B rm Seller •s mo11valed Huge 4 drm <'' a obstrucred bay1ocean dr ver1ook5 N QOll BLUFFS Owner will t«lU" dllU "'"''"Village beaury nr I Call Diano Cappel AIC &$p11one1wa111rQe BEAUTIFUL vtew good 2 Bdrm cour:.fl $185000 20 102 othe• ~ro~rPrt•PS Oii"• S < Plaza $227 500 63 1 .. 1266 I lot Super 11nanc1no avail OLD WORLD hOme with potenlHJI tnr ~ltrte Dr • SA He1gn1s Musi sell 3 Bdrm 7 Ila t,.•m&' John Zarvos Uk• l Make mil a11 o tter TOWNHOMES murh more $388 ooo 557-0985 smqlt> srnry I •nda platt ~;.~~1•0t-C~~·.~c·;o,.,, 11~' 7110 9669 I As• ing $"3S OOO Upn By Howard Mark Co 2301 CLIFF DR. BEST BUY L0WES1 Only S t2 500 on 10 tullv v EW HOMF Assu.E •IL W VA c;,,11 1Sun t 5 18891 from $1'>9000 OPEi SUIDAY 1 .. pr1cA" Npt C1e~t Plan 3 llrTIOrl 1'1~ StQ!, 000 I '"' .u.1••l 'f-Z ,. An 1,ncn (.,alt Rot>1n 4qs.3244 760 935!> ·~ ~ .:. Owu~r &qt SS3 100( Pd Q•ittt comm,1n1h '4• .ir s c Praz;i JBr I 552 rsoo or 6 46 7 276 1•2-5200 3Br !rt M s 17q soo a~r U~n Hro1; ... """ ' ? 1 s 25 000 B LOW DO Tom Gollier 646 9200 RE•T TO OWi tQJ' f,,, t•I r;, •• o•u•,. r 1 P 1 \I Ha11ti•1toa r1CP hao~w mdr~ Pt to• * W•• ( A1 ( A••11 ,r '"'"''' "'' "' '>.10 0450 u~ ., ,. l 01~ 10 UCPJn JB• 20.J " · Bt1cJr 10401 Qutc~ Sdlf' 2 Br .m110 '' I <-w l>rtct• grt'al le•m'> 2 ' FORECLOSURE ~•C1 <;and~ Cnmm '1001 759-0619 Ac I, • 3200 SQ" ;> • ? o• THE SAID >umdblf' •nan Onl~ $<n !>4!Hi492 Fo1c;e~ tit<.' 1351 sale ot ~ 1 m I s I • 'l 'I() l' IY OWMER 5 IDRM •••••••••••••••••••••• N OO<lbrtdQe w 90011 a' 81 :> B;i I • ', ' • S 1•00 to S 'd0" "o ,, q¥ Santa Ana ttg1s lank F1nclesure 000 SS t .lOOO 1111 OCEANFRONT p11me NewpoM TetrdCf' 5400 "'" towa'll~ pu• t C ;> Condo '.I BA ' , ba FP ' ' !> rom oun1ry ~lor~ 2 oorm t t>a I FORECLOSURE SALE ---------•I t'l~tdl' lllurtd"-tried I("· I 3\1 r.r1ce S350ll ctn ,, 16qt< 540-8062 I bP ,,,, co .. do co l)lf TR· ., Pvt Ph 847 4788 Po 1 ~ "'"'' w .. "l"'' ln•mac Woodht1dg.-.DE •• REDUCED! •llCO wl bu•ll 1n BBO HELP! I r 0 , 11, , , 0 "d' • "'Q I humP l or ? na M&kP C.u~lom nome 3 Bdrm, 1 5f AVIEW elt'gant 11 Pool Spo plus Su'->e• Price Just Rtductd (J wr"' bough! ano1ne1 ' Or Jn inu "'"' V11•w ~'\n'y')O~! It>' 0 w n e, " na overlook.tng '>f'Cfu I ' n" rm''' fl H "m Pl on amer11t1es Call Agl s I f-ee l.i•11l II Qrn11t d,•,u inti musr sell 1111s gor-l"l"O 11 S t49 ~00 S7S ' J cwu ~:mdy bPacn Modt•I lal'.lutous vrP""'> rrank & Mtmt 546-4598 I m11t>l1 IOEm SQ1111"g 1 '" 9"''u' •I Br Mes& Wootls 000 w•dr>r mM~et All BEST BUY IN NO IRVINE lmmed, PoSStSSitll Cl"cor !.Pa prtvule B'l' OWNER J BR tiouse linos ;ino 10111 nf l19h1 r ,.,, ; upgrade. super c11~h o1 •ww tin 01e<11 I EH\"I !tnan(.•ng lg as Ir ade tor condo sml comm '''"POOi & tennis S 1a<1 000 Lo Im Cons• I mJt..e 1111s tonvPri1,.1111y '"'"'' \~ake off"'' 8kr npp • tor 'omeone wl'lci '"m lonn N1 'IChoots 4 home or paper No down I loetlt!•es S•50 000 Open d .. , any oller 645-8841 located 1 RO w,.,,, lr'I ~Ml 709 c1n act l.t<;t l\91>n t Ar 20.1 10•. an Mav ne<>ded Full PrtC'P SI House c;.,1 Sun 12 5 hom1•ou1<1.ir1d1np Sner ~1t A100 Asto. 101 Jim I cany ;>no ,,., ()wnf'1 O'>OOOOAQen1 644 95tJ 1901 Yacnt Col•nll CHARMING ply decoro11>d :! l•OtC'< A R19tw1m.., /13 747 '16)!> I . . . . 644 1017 ~ ~rms 3 baln~ hugl'IP Ole 11M S:>49 500 TWO STORY I llEW AFFOROABLE lhncno <;Jn JnaQu•n 2Br '!.1!.'!~f .. ~'.'J! •..• J.fJ!.!IGorgeous newtv remoo WHTS A FAllL Y ~~:5~• \~n!11~~~· .. ~Jr EUCA•CE RtJS rte CHARM dPn S 18'> 000 Owner 2 Bdrm F1n1sterra on lake nomP 1n prvl bch com Rf ASONABLE FINAN- Lo w On ! Lew Pay . I J or 2 "·J 1.1m rm 1668 f 1nanc1n9 67"1 S'.l20 olc M1s51on V1e10 $139 0001 mty 3 Br & lam •m CING 491 2 r8.i w v•ew on tlltRfs! so" 118K 159 1206 ' Su11m11 OllPrs P 0 Bo• Super le•ms may tradP 500 151n Sr corner Konqs cul d!>·Sat LAIMBHR RLI y & INV 1784 N B 92663 S tll9K tee conversion place S329 500 $185 000 7i;4 1 ;24 OltLY $92,000 ')4G 2330 96"-0227 OPEii I Onty $269 900 645-62 t8 OPEN SAT /SUN 12-4 BEST OE Al S1e;i1 ""' snow w•th 1n1s Nt'WHll le•~• I HI IN HARBOR RIOC:.F niqhty pampered two SPACIOUS IEACM MOlf SAT I SUll ••••'"•••••••••••••••• A rit Ann 494-7754 s 1 o r y Q a r d en v ti 1 a 5 Bdr 4 >Ba. 3·sty 3000 Be3ut 3 or tncrt'<l vu• $465K 759· 1428 Dynamite style runs SQ 11 . +over 900 SQ 11 1 5 PM rampant rnruout walls o! of batconv Some oce!ln • n11rror s and beautitut I v1Pw t bll( to bench Gorgeous Cambrtdge wood ponellng Uppe1 St>85 000 F P See owner Model 3 bdrm 2 oa I t441 Qal&•y Drive le•PI olltee and big and '" 11d1 11ouY> ot 206 15th one storv Fanlas11c tlt'Jut1lul decorator OI" I S1 SJ6 1718 woodsv Q•e11nne1t roca· 4 Br [)eon formal D•ntng p 1ton Jus1 steps 10 poc;ls Clroom~ vi cock1a11 Pil TWO IEDROOM iln<1 ll"nnis court~ S 152 Room. 2 fueplaces 3 1 o ov"' •ook•no 1usn Cdt garage plus large oreenbell Exc111119 low l ift Ila tw1lise, ad•lt 500 '118 SETON RO Hoboy Room Pool s1zNJ DOYER SHORES U'.t\Sf OPTION llAHBOH Hllx.a: P"C" 01 $92 000 & n tov. c 1 • •. W a I• t 1 101 beaut t11ndscape<1 Custom Vww u S tO 000 dn $812tmo .. h T • Owner wilt assist al It larc•i• Pried 5Br 3Bo lam rm poo1 1730 B onaire Way s21:> ooo 648·0758 OPEi SAT SUI 1·5 Eastblull • 3000 IQ II Geml' rm lamlly •m den 4 bdrms IO• new add n $325.000 AOI 915 a.Ills 759-0268 TradltioHI Chan• 011 Litle -11..; lots Lge ne.,,. custom home open S1111Sun 1 5 2 10 V111 S11n Remo 0 «1nlitgt 675.;)0481673 2556 IAYVlfW LDT P<l)IS ;ill A MUST SEE . ,.eac • '"'"· , •• 1. nanclng Only SA20 000 I l rn1w TAKE ADVANTAGE utn clea11. s 115, Open SatlSun I 5 s:1CUKIO •·r111uu lrv•fll \ SACllflCf 111,410 wotn owactrve duple>< Suitable tor 1am1ty use 0t I 11--lliiiiiiiiillllliiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiil spec butlOtng Across CflTllY 21 000 OwRer Robinson Realtor I Ro"f'fniool\A .\ R.1tlu Prtce just reduced A WALIC-11 llllTY H2·14IO 022 860() 541-1141 $1 :!1111.fl!HI rare Newport nbrhd. 114-3311 s & s DREAM HOME 4 w;,· -------QUlfll cul de sac. tge Bdrm Near lhe weter M usi sell now! Make oller shade trees. Iron galed. I C II Custom upgrades Pvt Will trade down lmmac pvt oourtyud w /spa. H I IUll spa. lull secur11y Asking 1 •513CAM"'5Dl·f~M 4 Br Harbor Ridge All· 2200 sq II. Sngr sty. kll· HEA• 1•11 $3 l9.000 make o tter __ king $650,000 Agt chen w/breaklast rm. FULL PllCE 111,000 Bkr 8.t8-0709 --------1 .t94· 1840 ltl CAIYll huge dining rm, glent Yll( WEI "''"'IH 1-.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiillliiiiiiiii1 t 7X25" fem1ly room . lhts brlghl and cheery GREAT LOCATION 3 bd. '" -11 Xlnl view E•pended from Newport Harbor Yacht Club bench 701 w e,t Bay Ave $340.000 Open SnttSun 1-5 111·4110 BURR WHITE REALTOR. INC. 67~4 6)0 ~~(RE.ATM P()RH Q1..1.) PROP£ RMS N( S111 Jain WIDOW DISTRESS SALE! L.h .. 1m1nq :i oed1oc;n oa111 " slor, oc. Plitt '"""' home 10 ~t•fl ll1v~h ~dn Ju"1'1 Ca"'"·" dn< on 1 t'11v.11e n11 di' ~ .. L Mllnv uP<l• ilder. Move 1n c '>n Clt11on """" h"IO"' m11rk er 01 cour s.. Ou1clo. sate der.trl'<I wish to •l'IOC<'le Cilll 496-3880 Beilulotul 1 acrP ranch styll' nome "" gue~r nou bf> poof every amenity S895 000 OMC Ownfu 17 1•1 83 1 .JO•G Sr1111tt lt•cb 1011 •..•..•.........•••.•• BEACHFRONT Prtced below appr aiseo value Custom 3 bdrm 4 b11 Make olle• Open Sun 1-5 B·83 Surls1de Agt 213-592·3 156 w,,,.;.,,., 1011 •...........•......•.. Open house. oy ownr 8845 Orrey Pl 3Br. UP· graded $96 .~00 894°8527 Garden VIII& lends llMll 2 ba, lrl)I. s122.000 obO. UllllUU HYH SHIH Moneoo. wood floors 3 r.!.~Pk:c~~edm:: to htgh·Styte living wllh o we 213-530·5159 ,....... Der11ng 1 story hOtntl on bd F1tncll drt & ~· c .. en. Ctlep, """·reedy UY ... 11 Of&.., ••• , ~.,.,, 1uaur1ou1 earth tone car-1-.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil wettt with ple4-and floet S685 000 3 Bdrm plu1 college. • 5 ' pe\tng thruout. Beeuulul 1• Beeullfut 1 Bdrm eno tor terge boel 2 terge ' mT Ill ~2~ ~of. N:;;; only BeluttM iwnMl g.,dln jf iji;"a••••••••• •••• ____ .... well co-ordlnaled win· LE'S( OPTION unit onlnthe wetef Deco-patios to entertain or Opel\ Sun 1 5 PM ' t Httlng , ape. C all tor • ••H dow tr1tlmenta a mH-n raled .. rthtona ""'1h private bead.a 10 ~ 7 ... ~ ,... • A tnowlng f•t s.l• JllO s1ve king lat bdm'ls ell I 2 8ftft ahutlera lhruoul Many Build up or build oul. ...,.. .. ":t,51~'! oyal •••••••••••••••••••••• M t In prime IOC.llOn A 1 ~ MWI extrH A11ume current S...., will helf> llnence. t-------"----AllWI UllU Ill.LI real gem of e buy •t t~ SllOO MO llnanctne and owner wtll IPll IMAY 1 4 • rt/.. ..a& ~~~~~~~~~I Alalty and lnvfttmenls a.tutiful 24•90 El Gran-tow price ol H 9,000. 1117,000 eoneid1r carrying 2nd -~ 1er .. , i.: Ml-IMt I de 2 BR, 2 BA, COrne< S5000 moves you In w/ ASSUMABL E FINAN· TO. Aaklng $1 15,500. Jt1 ller9i It• la, 3 ldrm, 2'~ ba, l11mlly alffllftl/NW i---------, IOI, new c e rpeli & tow monthly pymta o f CING Can 540-1151 NJ•lllO room, pool. Buy IOI' 175. Open Sunday 1-6: 32t IPl1I ... 1-4 drepes. lslend Kitchen S7 t 1 HURRY • won·1 Elld Of cul·O.UC norne.1111111•11mrnn~r11 000 BELOW MARKET at King• Rotd. SALE OR 3 er. 2 Ba. community F1m Am. Light Interior 13Jtt 3Br, l~Be +den, lrple. H 2S,OOO. Pvl patty, LEASE OR OPTION. 3 'PoOI, tennle,"" bloolt to SSC.500 540-5937 OllTllY 11 ~:W.::'w7:;:~.~~ ~~ ~''!!!!~;~ :fJ~1~~~ ~ 1e'3e~oU4 BA. 3~ 8Y owner/btlr. ~ ..., 1uy In ,.._ ·a1 10x 40 Mayflower •a1 ... -un --IM&-571t por1 At t1K,OOO. Co•en ClllllC. 1...,11 In ---lflltonot. Lg bectlycl wl 1..:,....=-------la.;;cr;-;;=::;;:--:-=::~I 211t2ftd,8t, -.. Ml 1111 fruit '''"· ey ewr.. .,.iMn ~ ~ LUFFS condo. open PROPERTY HOUll o.c. courta. a 10, C: ~~~~~~~~~' ~~=-8c~c!;'4 knoctll oftefl....,, you'~~~~~~~~~ ..... ::~'';" .. ,~2i~3·~=0~~._,..~_ .. _1_0 __ ... _2_-3'$0 __ =·~~· . .oeeo o.c OAHH ~ IA7·25'3 ... 2 ... 72 -r-.ft,..-«tng Deity• 2438 Viet• Hofer· Aot You don) need • ""' lo or 111·~2. WHITI ........._ Pilot Clatllfted ~di to 8uytng and Mfltnt at • Ot, tr9" for CdM d\I· TI0-0"6 "dr1• lalt" •'*' ""OBILE HOME 2 bd 1 IOt --·· ....... "'9 0,-.. 0oerM rwon.-pno..tt11t't PIH, f.400,000 ~ 1---------1 1*o1 en ad In tt11 ~ -• wl"c' .. • a. .. 2~~.Ad WANT ACTION? ...... ..... Cl .. elflecl ,, Ill Cell NMCy • 17 Find •II•• !°" Wint In ~ Went Adtl eel b • • c 0 m p I p • r k . ',. -==~;;;~~,_~,~~!,;.c;u~t;•;::Ade;::;l42~=-a1~11~~=!~~-~-~~::~'~'::~~lbOl~E~~.l424tT~~~·~~~~or~~~~~·~ .... ~~~~~ll!lltt!i~,...~~011~1~n~1~,~·~~';941~.a.~7~1~;;;;;;~~~~·~1~1~-412~4~°'~"~'§-6§t43~~ -~ --=====l---------- Orange County Real Estate/ An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT /Saturday, October 30. 1982 -25 .!!.!'.~!.'!.'!.'-•••••• '!!~!!. !'. .. !!!.'!!!... •• '!!~!!. !'. .. !!!.'!!!..... ~ ... ~!!!. ¥~!~!!/!~!! •.. r'!!.~!!!.¥~!~!!.i!~.~-. !'!.~!!!.¥~!~!!}!!~ .• !~~·.!.¥~~!!/!~-~ .• !~~!!!.¥~!~!!/!~-~ .. ~':.~-" II !~!~!l!!r.!!l.!~ •••I ht•I• ~.".'.'. .. L ........ !.~~! f!!!f.!!!!~ .....• !.~~1 f!!!f.!!!!~ .••••• !.~~1 BHti•sl•• lmH JZff •• , ..,, w. 1--1 .... ~ ,. 0 •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••• lt HITS •••• !."..":'!. ••••••• :.~ IDO 1s,LE1,un1lul rnll 5,Bc:t br, 2 b•. lmmac High· 2326 l'ordham St c M Ifft .4 DO IT BY THE FIRE on almost 5 acres wtlh home or •m Y v ng l•nd1 1111 No pets No COiiege P•rll Area 3 t>d, •••••••••••• ••• • • ••••• • t Tl&ll Close to tennis & club· slOQleS Raia $795 mo 2 0 5 blks lo ocean Elegant 2 PLACE 11111 ,Ill lolS o greenery •nd 48r, 2'"'B• Condo NEW· houM Drive b 136 Via • .4 4 ba. dble ar. Lrg Yrd, BA. lam rm & den Elegant 3bdtm for famo utlful <l<klbla wide 2 open space plul pool • . PORT R1VIERA. tor lot. I Trieste $1800 y r~tS 679• 642 300, 2 Frpl, ss25imo 63 l ·8062 $875/mo Plu51\ cpts, 2') minded man brand new rm. Cameron with at· and rec•HllOn area Ei.· Condo. house, motor NEWPORT BCH/Unlurn --EJSlde, cute houses. 2 br b•. <:edit & glass Sun· t>lllns Incl c:ttsnwasner ached sunroom and ~lent~ltaM~loce· home or TD 1-439-3848 Nice & clH n 2bdrm1n paclous (1700 sq 11) 2 & 1 br. wl whlle p1cke1 declt,dblc1tp"1garage, crpls&drapesnowS725 port Shows P<ide ol 1 on an nHr -port super location $495/mo bd 2 ba. dining rm/ l encea, $650/mo a lully ma1n1·c:1 y1td No MEl'RO ALTY 636-7005 wnetlhip Reduced to W.,I malnt8lned and ne-lt•tlll RENTl<LIYE!<ALY Good st udy, Mulll·leve led $450/mo 645-9628 pets lnq 527 18th SI DEERFIELD 3 BR 2,1\o ba 3.175. Owflef •milous ver • vac1ncy Large 2 •••••••••••••••••••••• ll'llngs come In tnree1 iownnome Frpl, v•ulled -------960-633 t 2 2 wtfl llnance story townnouse units 0 1 11 ceOIOQS. p00I, spe $850 2Br lba, cpts/drps, stove, sly. patio, car gar, With 3 bedrooms eno ell Bi•HI f•t•iliH ceanview rom a mo 573.9498 t car gar $595, 212 Ca-PlllCH Tl llVll S850/mo Bllt 759-1234 !.t.~l!!f!!~ •• !.~!~ blks to ocean In N-· Beach. R·2 Corner ot $189,500 DEVIN EAL ESTATE 6.42..Q68 !~!.~!!r.!!l. !'!!f Ill trade dbl wide mobile ome &/or 3Br house. ustln b pllrtl81 dwn In· oma propen., (7 14) ·57.g300 .M Huge qu811ty Ouplax lrplc, 3 .. r, copper lmb'ng s 1251(, HIU· able loan at 12% 1n1 175Klolt Agent 2·9666 ndl'llidacl 'h 1n1ar .. 1 In S unltt apt bldg 1n unllngton Beach, CA •II 714/950·2411 for nfonnauon. Tllft.D lllTA MIU D.IT FIUIOlll ......... ,,.,... /excel ran1al1, e••'I gml. No mainl Ow- 'a unit w/2 C8t gar erma. J. Doran. Rltr 1759--0619 wotn patios Call tor II· •••••••••••••••••••••• rooms • three story r btlllo Sr No pets. 1 Child Allorc:t11b1e 28d home Cl ---- nanclOQ details a.nd floor .. IH. lll••I J/Of home. one house lrom bd, 2 be, French Doors. ok Ask tor Tom or Matte to beach kids now $400 IUFHLE ROCK. Prv! 1acz. plans. Large usumable •••••••••••••••••••••• beech 3 Bdrms, 3 baths lols/wood & wllpr, No 646-9301 METRO ALTY 636·7005 3 bO. 2 ba. dbl gar, lam, loan $5 600 000 lee We lne WHlily lle9f· & 3 gar11ges $1250/mo rCM, $795 incl gardnr __ living & dining rms Frpl, l•nd · · BAYFAONTJFurn Avail 957-5880 EIS•de 3 BR 1 Ba, lam rm. I• f"'R SAii P' o t Cle cot a 1 e d Ill ••.S Wl9fer leHH now Lg dock, 3Bdrm S700 N o pets 212 Loi· "" S 1200/mo Ava11 t211 - 14;\rJ HI HI''\ I Pl•S le te •• fre• wllam rm Outstanding Br. Iba Ouplex Garage 11an 642-6368 Vu ol ocean 2Br 1'.)ba. 6.ol6·2353 II .. , , SIOO t 11100 1oc $3000/mo & slovo Avail 1111, no guard gate. pool, sauna, 11"' 11•< • • WATERFRONT HOMES pe1s $525 & c:tep Call tor Eastsode house 2 Br plus g y m , s 8 o o J m 0 Lovely spac Het11age B~ R~AlES!AlE W1ftrfre•t Mt•H. 831•1400 appl 1952 Meyer. den , 2 Be Ir pie 2131333 -3846 0, 1wnnme 3 BR 2 ·~ ba 11 lt 1•1 111 IU-HOO ·--. 549.3494 $635/mo 673-173~. 902·1298 cheery kolCh & !am rm . . • -3 BR 2', be fplc ;;,/"04 3 BR under S500 lhal's COZY 2Br . nt Beach & mo ''52-5716 • 11.... I I dbl 11ar. patio AC, $875 D••• 101•t 31 Z6 l ooi.,•I• JZ01 refr 'dbl gar' tam' condo rlghl a 3 BR 2 BA home Warner lncd yd. S525 .. !.~~!'!. ••.•.• !.~'!'! e·····.;·;··2·;,·····d·· .•••••••••••••••••..•• no 1pets $750 Ag t . With POOi and o ther mo 662·73~3 ,, ••• , ... ,, 3241 •ec '· a con o, Penln Pl, 5 BR, 3'1t ba. 3 ' •tr as 1(1c:ts ok never be· ••1••••••• •••••••••••• ocean vl-. pool, tennis DR. lrg pallo. St200 mo 646-4 80 645·4765 __ lore never ~gain bul 3 bt 2 bl, Hunt1ng1on HARBOR OCEAN FRONl 1'% HWll Compl lurn. 760-9466 10 mo Agt 673-9060 Npt Hgts area. 3 Bdr 2·~ BEST Realty has 11 and Harbour area choldron & Nu 3200' lux hm on blutt PllOH HHCOI 18·5). 240·3201 (all 6) p ----Ba condo, family rm. others Small coSI pets 1-892·2647 evs 180 deg vu ol harbor Sm.II Ind .I I.I b ii L •-ot ' Olnl Huge 5 bd, +++ ltplc. lndry rm gar8ge 53n6 90 Suri ming 3bt lba u ' u • •'I.••• -•d o1/4 S 1 1 9 5 J mo. y t I y $8001 J Walt ,.. 1 4 br, 2 ba Nt bCh Grdnr security sauna spa Cl In 0 s . Hun II n II Ion •• ••••• ••••• •••••••• • 675-6915 mo oyce ze. No pels Ouoet cul·d•· Beach No aaconc:t TD 180 deg Ocean view. 2Br agt 631·1266 Amazing flat S275 I BR sac S650 675•7873 51900/mo ~009- P•'lmenl• tor 3 y .. ra 2b•. spa. $1200/mo Ph Cff••• lol ll•t JZZZ w 11h gar•ge •nd old Outstanding lln•nclng. 499-5304, 499-4827 •••••••••••••••••• •••• llU VIRll world Cl'l8Jm HardwOOd contact Biii POltock ---------14 Br. 2'h Ba.F A , 0 R . & Spac 3 BR 2 Ba. •vall floors ados chuactar $375 4 RM 11111 must I;;. EMERALD BAY 3 Br 2 at BEST I Ba 1700 sq 11 trplc A-a-.:li.I.....&. .. W•HI lli'l.•I/ JJSZ vtew Comm pool. Ian. 1 I / IS S 7 9 5 mo. BEST RHlly has man'/ -•• ., •• , r. ••'••••••• ••••••••••• nts S t200 mo Ownr 6"'0·2981 other rent•ls available (l14)ll2-010I Latge ltv rm, ltplc, bat. 2 75~8006 C•ll lor yours Tell us 539·6 !90 COST I bttck pa110. w11n sp• $1600/mo ~~~~~~~~~~ BR 2ba, 2 c.r 081 2 P•· Lovely 3 l>l<ltoom, 2 bath, whll you need COST .: t•os. pano ocean vu. Brand sp•nk111Q n-a...-double gar•ge garde· lit.alto Ull lfl l•I• ZZOO beaut. turn. completely t)'Wfle<a 3 t>Orm 2'1t ba ner 2370 Or•nge . '* * * •n• 1 Ill* I 2 I 3 J 8 1 6 • 2 2 5 5 0 r Norin a b•I prauy nice 675-3067 ••••••••11••U•;;E••••••••• 11qu1ppec:t $1100/mo Gar•o•. p1110 St.000 $695 /mo O wner Cost11 MesaBargaon3 BR • 7141760-9533 mo 607 Ins 8•1·4888 (213)541..a196 house cr•ckllng tire· un11 tor a lamlly tlarler 2 Br 2 Be Charmer Cell BEST •I 539·6190 wOOdsy & pt1v11e, Cata. cost hna V18W, ltplc, wlc:t. re- It J. i Jiii 777-2233, 1173.43.-Be•ullflJI 2Br 2ba condo pl ace. 2 garage, htgh 0 CE l I YI E W .!.'!r.!! ••• f!......... 0.rtH '91 ••r 250 1 West Sunflower lenoeo Y•rO. lttas/pets al LOTS LIDO ISLE · 3 bOrm. lam Near!'/ new 3 t>Orm. 3 ba, F6 $550, open Sal/Sun SS75 539-6190 BEST Secure nome with crack· lrog, no dogs nr WOOds 11ng lireplace 4 RMs only Cove tst plus sec $475 • month BEST $850/mo 499-1617 rm, 4 8•, $1700 mo. 2 llraplacff, 2 c•r gar 1 • 4 o r ca If co II e c I Really 5mall cost 539·6t901mallcos1 DI• 2Br. 2ba. vu Walk Belcon., Gardener, wet 213/274·3569 Make II yours! $350 pays •JIR SHI* bat, microwave Leaae LUXURIOUS TOWN HOU· rent and all u11l1ttes Ne-Fenced comp101ely al· S 1350 pet mo. SE. 2 Br ftplc, pool, no wer appllanea. quiet, lows kldt & pets 2 bllh• 551_.693 efler 8 PM pats $650/mo. 662· 1700 Prtvale, patio home kids Slone loteplace. poOI ac· Ok 539·6190 BEST ceu BEST open 7 days l'i1tbot View Hllll, 4 bd, MeH Verde, 4 bd, 2 bl, Ae•lly small cost coSI 1/2 acre IOI S1600/ mo $750/mo. 1st & Last plus *"•t 111G* D • Y 6 4 5 • 4 3 1 1 Eve S200 Sec Dep Fmly Pref D••• l'ttial JZZ6 •• .:...__ Ocean tront yrly 4 bdrm, 720·0636 851-1769 •••1·,· .. ·•;•1•••••••1·.·.··.·.••• H••ti•JIH FOR RENT ' 2 car garage •nc:t hol lub Small 2 Br I Ba back Near Ocean--3-t>O-rm-. 2-b-• • II N JZ Z • 675-7650 house. tst 1111 & lee Y Dani Point W•lklng di&· •••• !! •. ~! .......... ~. 2 bedroom, 2 baths & 2 condo ard. guaga. lan<:e to Beach 3 ano ,. Sp~~•ou• home 1 bl~k I T--~ p Be11u1 furn Big Canwon Nov 1511'1 S5 35Jmo. pool and tennis courts • ~ v ~ stories n won Mks In 1 bdrms .950 10 S t350 to ~en hat all, 400'5 Leka Arrowh .. d area townhome. 2 bt, 2 ba. 760--0766 $900 per mo 673-0672 per mo 66t·3100 METRO ALTY 636·7005 I S 1175/mo Agt 760-0795 In S8" Juan C8')4.11r1no $188,000 Call broke< lor OCEANFRONT 2 bdrm. d•l•lls. 1 Be $700 mo Boll (714) 661.0305 Grundy, Altr, 675-6161 #•••Iii•, /h1'1t, 3 BA. 1"> BA, 2 c.r gar, I 1 2400 comm pool Winter or •••• !!!!•••••••••••••• yrly Agl. 675-8170 b c h $1200 /mo 494-58.ol 1 wknds or alt 6pm Newly Decor, Nw Cr pt, 3 bd w/study. 2 ba, Ca- nyon View Avail Imm S 1000/mo, Call Cindy (714) 953-8500, wkd11ys $400 Beech Shacit 1 room 1035 Catalina Owrntr 673· 1464 Hea bul 1-1ns & flrec>taca. -••LY 3 Br 2ba, ramod home c --Fir-st I I & dec>Olll 3 B I~ Hoose • ondo • Apt All lni•t 3244 . as C re-Br 2 • Walk to the 4 yr old. completely r• $700/mo Ava~ Nov 1 II v •I I• b I e no w •••••••••••••••••••••• Oceanvlew duplex. 2 br. q u'' e c:t •I I-< 7 1 4) ocean Low11r Duplex decorated, 3 Br & den or 645-1807 S 6 S o . S 9 5 o llllTALS beacn access S750 7 8 8 • 0 2 8 6 0 r (7 14) I Wlnle< only TIU June IS, 41h B 3 B I le 2 714/493-0467 494-7553, 494-3483 I BR condo, ocean v1-So Laguna Nt &hopping center 499· 1480 867-0657 weellday ~ 1983 $600/mo 673· t573 '· •• rp • cat· Small bd, o•r. hOUH 2 10 4 t>Otms. 118rtong •1 nlngs after 8 pm II no pat, drapes, b8l. all •P. s4.11t1ble tor elderly COU· Oceati view Condos. 2 Br $650 to $900 w //,' I JZSZ a nswar. pleua k .. P B•••n Oal•taidftl ~~~/S~~s.1J'.!r~g1~ ~!~ J Pia 548-418 1 No pets 2 B•. washer. d"fT, refrlg. ..'l.'!~~ ••• 'I. .. ! ....... . trying' •••••••••• •••• •••••••• gold 673-2230 I ms ' lllS H pool, 1enn1s From $82S OCEAN VIEW 4 bt. Mon- VIEW LOT Close 10 likes, ••• ,., Jm 2 Br Bungalow Eu taid• Agt 496-5980 Itch B•y Terrace s 1500 $89 500 •••••••••••••••••••••• ,I . r~ 6.IT stream• anc:t Sk1 lift Ow· ••••••1••1•1T•••Al•••1••••••• Cnl• ll1u JlZ4 1 c M 1 n c d y 1 rd "•••l•i"• 111117. J•"~ mo agent 496-5980 net l1n1nclng , • •-• I 1 $600/mo •••••••••• •••• ••••••• 2 Bdrm. 2 ba condo on llAll llU 1Yi% Agt June Lake Prop Ye811'1·Wea4!ty·W1nter. 2, • "'' •· I 662·1700 3 bdrm, 2 ba. lennlS PV1 golf couue wlvtew ol PARTIAL 7141648·7505 3,4 Bdrms. Frplc, range, yard. g•· courts, Jee. lanced yd 18ke Brand new crpt & -•• _ .jAOHI IE&Ln raga. no pats Private lBr 2'~B•. cp11. drps s700 77s..4274 P••nllng Wnhat. dryer -s.111.w IHI 61•1• $750tmo tst plu1 sec Non·smolllf $750 mo & ralrlg Incl ee.ut loe· Approx 7900 aq fl llv lxdu•o ZllO PltP only 6"8 w 18th St 548-4292 B••ti•1IH tlon w/pool & BBO area. -.IOl7511t1M1,,_1u. •••••••••'•••••••••••• llAIAIEMEIT 4~t8t7 IMau Varda uec goll lo•~• JZ40 $710 mo (714)493-9761 ~·~3 :.~~~~· ~ .......... ..,..., llM1ll 3 Bt 2 Bl, $895/mo NO COUtH est•I• 5 Bdr plus cl.ose"ro·BEAC·.;.·9;~,; •573CMwsDa·tav. •II 7pm 1q fl w/pool & detached • ......,... P•ts 808 Joann St l•mlly & bonut rm F'OOI ,_ 2 B t>eacn house 3 Br. 2'~ ea In guarded l•ecuzJ, game rm, wet ~II tr~lllte:: equ11., 1or iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiij_,!64~4~·~1~83~8~-----, ~·pr~·~~.~::! all utlls 'paid, 1k.,llgh1: 2 BA 2 Ba. opts. drps, encl i •I e co mm u n 11 y bet. Ii.I mbla eittnae, 8 ...!.,oOI, Prin. on~~~ unars fnD RENT E11111de condo, 3 bt, 2 Handlem•n 631·1266 sun o.dt, 1011 of wooc:I, gu. $750 No P•I•. 795/mo Avell now. m1:lte frplca, 4 Rom11n Illa ,...... ., ., ....,_,...,. nulWt VI\ ba. den. trplc, 2 C8f g•-ltplc. bll·lns, 2 car 11•· S75-660e LaHe option POHlbla tubt. 4114 akylit•. Inter· wtll allO IHM w/opllon rage. $825 S4~5 L8rga condo. CIMn. IPIC. 11ge, gre.1 loc •t 217 760·1977 :oma, cenlr•I V8C aye, 213-592~005 DfW. mtcrowava, 3 BR. Hertlord, drive by & than Hettllga Park·Calllornll 3 ...,. 2,._ b C lh~ I lr••h comp'a, micro, Quiet. Clean, 2 bd In 2'n b• • .,...1bar. ale. S750 0111 536.7979 Homes 3 BR, 2 BA, dbl ..... rm. " a, • ..... ra •EL TORO* $725 court. Na-carpata. 111• mo. No 111 549-asee g•rage Patio. frpc D/W, calllng1, fireplace, yard, ~:~.':°:":f,'•g1~~~ TRADE raoe. yrd. comm pool, no 8" view, llotlay 1>811 ct. lorm11 dining Avlll Im· Piiio Fteahly P•lnted. • "' •MISSION VIEJO• pate. 1575/mo Mgr 2453 11 fM R, 11WJ 119 Huntlngt.on St 2 BR. medletely No pel1 1850 1700 mo -.Pl. Burgler .iatm •Y'· your boring Income pro· S-700·S725 B Oruiga Avenue. C.M. Secluded 3Bd 288 home $650, I BR, SSOO. or rant mo. 213 ... 23-4694 Kan 492·4<193 epprox Inc. $6,000 mo. party Or outgrown rnl· 11 ..._. • n 11 •a c:t p 1 tt S 1 1 2 5 ~"" M 10% down (OACJ. dance with 1er09 equity • H u N r 1 N o T o N Santa Ana Hta 38r. ltplc.. in nar ''"· com,......,a 636-3G02 or ee 1· 7822 J'A~ on fln•nolng o n for 1hl1 neet N ltlc and BEACH• $875-$700 b I g y • r c:t no P •I • I with thick crpti, c:trpa IPPfCW. S.. $072 Oun· room., 4 ..... ,,m. "'"' bath S750Jmo '"46-0814 Bltr 1525 Wont 1111 ao hury pot1111 2 Br •lllCl'ltd 2 Br t '~ Ba Woodbridge TownhouH 30 Brier· w ood $700 Agent H ti t Ba.9ct1 "" o#•• ---------;· METRO ALTY 83&-7005 dbl r WJD h k ,.,, un ngton ' home In WA LK TO •YORBA LINDA• 1700 Nr S. Cit Plu. 3 Bt, 2be ----------1 ga · oo up, Mt-9$0t, 64M 152 BEACH CORONA DEL CQtldo.1 700, gu/wtr pd. 2 Br ,_ upgrldaa, an-S500 & $SOO dep. Ovlet, WOOOBRIOOE. $ t too Pf MAR location with IPIC· •CHILDREN• NC dl9 & IUI mo. !(•ran clad g1tage, or el,.._t, ~~t~:. ~r:· ~~~ mo, tP8clou1 4 Br 2'A 541-5032 SOO sq.It. C-1, N.N.N. tec:ut., 180 deg OC4Nll'I, 955'-2033 761-1071 quiet. no c>et•. 515/mo. Fadden nr aaach Bl B•. flll\'I rm, ftplc, dining .-.d at '2,MO/mo. On C•l•lln• laland. end •PETS OK• ' 798-7833, S48..f251 rm F'at101, nice!)' land-~ PenlNula. 1350. H•rbOr vi-. Prk»d at Ea11alda Conao 2 Br. t'A ••••u ••-• 1-•9_3_~_"4_....,..._____ ~ lMt, poo1, 1-.. tOO. Term• Owne r. curreitl1WliMIPtloeof Ba. frplc , gar ege. -_,.. Br Condd: '""8•, cptal n11 ptlvllagle. 940-t321'. ~!!!r.!!.~!! .. !.~! 3 br, 2'~ ba plultl condo, nr water, post bo.I t.ltp. $1150/mo 875--1138 851·8394 DELUXE 3 BR 2'.h bl, 2 lly, lg• front v•rd .. up11alt1 P•llo Near baectl I at & lul, MCu- r 11 y 11100 par mo 831·5"1 '75-9400 $475.000 fee. 0...-hM VIWIE $660/mo 648-35e1 Lav. my 2bd hie~ drps. PoOf, ~ac:, cibh... 55M18t. ofc 720-7373 • 195 000 -"ty lt\d wtll rm PIM ~ ~ 4 llld t $ 1 $ •Tmll UU :_rY21ld . .._. A\1911. now 3 bt, '"' IMi pet1 neg, 2 cet ~ no ~· 1 mo Super 2 br, lrplc, 2 car io Al:lt'I Oc:iaerl MttN. •••1• 11 lllYESTllEm Dt>I. g•eoe. 1ga tnod )'d. oatdel! P811o iuat 1410 7ea. 633 garaoe. 1ga p11io. Hts ..._ bMctltront 11oma ' ,, .............. ......, lt\d _d -" •-*-::5=·=~=-:;::::=-'7==--1...::M:::llET:.:.:A.:.:O:...:..R::l.~TY..:_::::;:.,._::.;,,..:...:005:.::::~r pollen 3 bd. Ht b• mo ?80-t307. er 4 8a.111tn W50imo. -,._ft --•-1 h unlllm 12000. Clllt Mrs. out•:.,;.::,oc11 ~ (l14llA-a. .. llPI -'-OVll)'cuelomh0ma38f, !.:: :!i'iobl~~:·~· 1 .,, '""· 3 br. 2 b•. Long. en.1100. =. 8utlmlt ~or ~~A~O~M~. ~--I ~NoNO~FU~~~j ~~ TIW&H• ~!:· ~~:~,~~1~t~eda 111e11 ,.,. :nitbcfl. Mso'. !:.,~n«,m,:0, ~~ '-AAOE 2 tir, 1 ba, g•r, .. (114) M0-4fl3 125 = _...11or perfect, IOI· 2 2 9 t 2 lat, IHI, dap, lerma. Ul-3003 151 8190 d/w, 5301 Sa .. hora. v.. ,., .. 8t, •••• H.8. OAAOEN GAOVE: 2 & 3 15lou1 2 ldrtn. 2\otb•. ;~:,Ji.Ji!. -. "31-1'00 Jotwt,.... . 9¥8 • 1750 mo. Yrtf. -~·"· :.Omle t2t4t Will trade MOt< equity In 8drm1, 214ba luaury pool, lee;, reor .. llon ~~~~~~---l-iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMainut SQ, 2 er IWMtoe. IN PAESTIQIOU4 BIO -n .. • -N.8. 88ysflof• hofM fOf condol AENT, AEHT TO a81~ IM petJo~~ Dendy Duple)( Ol\llM '/OU W111'11 Pten D. Muat -to IP-CANYON; Luaurtoua 4 ,__ __.... Irvine uea. PrlcaCI at OWN & L..SEI OPT ~ .,,.. . .-. • ..,_,..,, -room to roem. •.,.. prtclet e ltl51mo. 0"9old.l*)l(dft.et-'2ttt<.,emode6M31t. ble.2carpr.Full.,. pt!Per,dr..,.,....&moN. pClcrpt-.,dtlPM~ HMO by Dec 1: t-4 bf tU·7alt evM/wttnd1, Bdr m home w /pvt ..,,....MOt< 11Cett%. 2\t ... l tett<.._.hOtCI nltlet.M7SIO l1'2Stmo. IHI . Utll pd. C all ~"LTV .,._1005 rlou11. In Huntlntton 7N·tto0d~ cuttOMpooland lPtl.AI lat ... 74t7 due 1H t , tnttt .. lad fd ....._.171 87S·U11 1CUO 10 lpn. e..dl, 10Utt1 Of A.d8ma. i-.;..;;.....;._;..:.;. ____ I n • w •m t n II I • 1 pertlea Gllll Ma..ertt. f raoe your OiCi eMf fOf A I w • y • 1 ta I e I n >Ont 1'9fa. M4'°3Sa ..,.. Malla 'f04/lt ~ -. 7141&4-.MOO au. Idle 11....-a wttri • ....;...------. ---1~ tOmtCNne to ..., n•• oodtae wlCll • clWlfled·reed IM Ml 141.0100 ..., i.y-.. '!'!.. ~ Cta111flacl Mt:~ or. ~ ~ M, ldee..... 142-Mrt Cl111•11S D do It Wllll. , ~ 9W9fY ... ~· ..... Oletslfled-. Mop 1f1opp1ng oenter. • l l I l I T 26 Orange County Real Estate/ An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT /Saturday. October 30. 1982 'f.'.~!!!.¥~f!!!'l!!t!. .• j!l.'.~!!!.¥~f!!!'/!~!!:. •• ~l!.'.'!'!!~!!.[!!!'./!.i.t!.1 ~!!.'.'!'!!~!!.!!!!./!!~ A'V''i'•!• .,. A111t•ut1 A11rt•Ht1 A111t•11111 lln~ll J.1d 3269 I "'•~rt J.ic• 3Z69 C•ll• 11111 31241 li1w~rt l11t• 316' •••• '!.'!!~!!........... ..R'!!!!~f!~!.~ .•••••.••• '!'!!!!~!!~!!........ . .. '!'!!!!~!!~!!. ...... . ···· iii.CllYOi.. ····· ·iLu;;s·r iic~·co·iii. ;~;·~;.:·;.-~·a·,~;.~~-·~; c~~P'~~;.~-.~~~;;~:c;·,-e; f!.'!~.!!!~ ...... !!.~t f~!!~. ~!!~ ...... !.~~1 f!!!~. !!!!~ ...... !.~~1 s,,.,;.,,,a Gracious home overtoo· I 3Br +den 3Ba pool bus schl, shoppirig, near ocean s7oo mo •Mesa Verde 'I er t Ba 2 8drm. 2 ba 1ownh0me l~1t• 3140 king goll course. talo.e Mtn view. lg gar ctean $450 mo 646-463 1 Phylhs Stein 645•2868 Newl• redec $495 No Beautiful pool compl4 x •••••••••••••••••••••• I _,,..8.,BllU ' v Deluxe pools1oe ~tta large city ligrtts & mountains Beamed cell wallpaper Al 3 mo sub·let 2 bdrm 11pt ~ u P••ts 833 8974 Eves Mesa oel Mar $5:;>!>/mo 2b• 2 ba. bttns dswh•. beyond Spacious Deane I pvt patio rr11lc. 011ns. MEW~ORT Ylll E with magri11tce11t view APARTMENTS 1 Pd 54 15 Newly redec, 841-0574 01 631·2177 1 , miles heach No pets Monaco Plan. 3 bdrm . S '200 mo S ft t t Sun lt111t1f11I l111l1c1"t over Newport Bay Spa Beau 11 11 1 S500/ 536 8362 to•ma1 din rm & mas-640 2098 I Gas Waler Paid Pi111os Tennis 640-2886 1 u Y anoscapeel 0 1w AC gas & waler E/S1de lu•ury 1n a pine mo • """' grand room Wkdys 12 131798-9504 wtpool 1acuu 1 saun11s g~~~~n JP'= P~ol & Spa pd patio crprt pool torest tge , Or refrtg Avail now t Br 1 ea Move in ready on quiet tennis cou11" volleyball Ma11n11tcent view 2 tl• 2 B i ec s .,o pets party ,,.., Cull att 11 AM ow BBO pvt bale avail downstairs apt dswstu i::ul·Cle-Mc 81 s2200 per ILUFFS TOW•MOME courts Recruation room ba tr pie. H•Clds ut11s a8chelo• S4 10 C a s " G 1 ,1 n 11 d a now gas inct $425/mo private patio ~ingle ga 6 0 60 3Br +den 2Ba POOi s430 tenn1~ 1acuzz1 sauna t drm $485 979.1911 631·674t rage No pets water lllewpo1t eack bay 2 Br .. ./ • C.:aH 557•001~ beach w1tl short term 385rmo t Br poot I YILU COllDOYl pa ' d s 4 5 0 rn ° rno Agt 4 ·55 hptc -h dr• Olt ins I J: I Dd lurn1sheO swimming pool walk lO 2'50 Vanqu.1111 r;40-9626 r den l Ba S9001mo Rae ~el~·~, gpa~t10~1c~:an"o11 IH1111li111toa 6 7 3 3 7 2 0 Io c; a I Buchelors •4 10 ~~,~~ ~~T ~~~~-~~'~ I Spacious E Side Apu 545-2000 Agenl no r~ Roogers 631-1266 •t91 Gtt't'nbelt B • 3140 6 0 2 I ? 7 4 6 9 9 " "' Ent• gar oatio dShwhr & MHl•HS WALi COROIA IEL MAR S'l50 m o Sdl Sun •••• ~~~••••••••••••••• 602 998 28 11 collect 1 Bdrm S4 f O a stsrne t c.11o. Ill B srove Most 11111 Ire<> 1110 ug 2 BA 1ownhouse 640 :.>OQ8 JOI DESERVE IT! S 1000 mo 131 E 181" 646 68 If Duple•-2 Wy 3 bd 2 • pets apts encl gar frplc Neat LUXHY COHOS I WkcJ1~ 1?'11 7'18-9$04 On the oeacn ,,0 191 1 161 ( l8th 642·0851> D<1 l1pt 1t•9n 1.l!1fln9!> 1 BR 1 tltlrso11 $435 Hur11 Hrbr lrom S545 O• ean side or Hwy 1 Bi Beaul•lut & perk like witn m 1 , h • Spaciou' l Br 1 Ba $4?, S750 :<> t I 2dd 3616 I BR 2 persons $465 Children OK 840 6807 ,., lrptc!> sec garaqes 1Nwpt Hgt1o 28• tBi; very terraceo pool 100 ap ~11c .. enette ~ Oupltt • 1 Br 1, B.i 1 2 BR 0001 and spa s850 up l'Vt " huQe td •Spac1ovs Apts b a I h Iv r " • '> h e d Br I 11pl11• S430 New I S WAANfR Vlll A ;,> bd 7 ( ,itt 6 7 3 327 1 b<'twri I 64C, <l0<l5 •PrivalP Patios S.100 mo I $300 dep S475 L .iullOry lac P11' I carpet~ 111.ipcs paint stdrt•n_g 81 ~ 10 ba Cnnd<> trol d" i•u I 1 •CoverPd Parkin~ 1J06 w Oteanhont '•4A 'l'\:,fi l2 lPM No P"'~ <':>64 P1acent1<1 :>3?:1 Eide~ Avt> t.M I '1 o po o t s 6 o o 'I ., B.t;llOnt ') ll• Quu•t l'•l'C 0 II. NB 673·4 t~4 BAY llMBERS 64 ~ 94'!4 I 642-dj05 ?13 !170-003" doc.to. $.?000 67'> 767 l * W,llk in C l<>s~ts Sin C/11111nlt 3176 •;poc; T'lu!• I Br lrplc PO'I Br\ 1 li<l Cl w blt1ns J Spa~ 2 BR t,;m "" t1i111 WAL I< I 0 b[ At.•t l:tiJ llll&O RUL ESTATE n ,,,,,. ll"oUI •IJ "" • irurl<J '"'" I . " R·lri;•Oe t\orne over 3,00 •~tom.-. hkP t<1ft 'tfln.,. •••••••••••••••••••••• ~ m ntP t-i4t,, ~881 '•ntii 9,1, ,., ''Ht~ $S7S SICJvt! 1Jjl10 1~1<, S49!> , ~ S CJ 3216 1 t •k to H nt n11ll)n 2 "' • 6dS 169"1 I U•t!1'•' :>tvvt' ~ '"1"'1'" '1 tt S2SOO mo Boat •n 11111ntt 1 " ' 1>• t ba n~w crp1 I, rrn , flA 10 ,,0 ...,, , 0 '>411 .i;><• t Ld« qas7 I I '> J i> ...., J, .. , 1 d J ,, t\.Jil '"' •as.tt ""-itv •••••••••••••••••••••• (,~otr·r ttan-.acift1tttou ') w •'"' tc:1 t•t?dCh .. 2c. lJ • ' u • I D 38 «1?s • 11 ... ,,,,, ( w> '• UTILITIES FREE 41 !> 1.' '" lier $ •• Ott•• 'l"' N rit Hqr11s ·····c.c:i&li"v"1E·w······· 1wAlf\ TO SE l-1,H 1 B• r"•uq M l<I'• t'r"1r" ""''' p 11""''' S47S 6J' '<oa rot '"''10• All 11,'!1 11 llH / 1 .. tr11t f<I •a•Point 26 • '"" •.,1;·r,·• ' Ei•t• '" r' n1 S'> 1' llu~1... tgp 1 BR l:'(JP< I r.• t I l• A• .. ' S7':t{ ~ t " • n /\ • e ' r 9 • , H•Jrrn Sh 1, "'.it~ t>t!dOI '>hOP• S400 1.,ST'.,T Ill' •r,q •oo 1 Fr<>m 0fln1 Points mo,1 I $"} ·~ ,. 'IJl l "' • l. t• tl• .. B• :in., ,.,,. ...,. 1 • ~ -Iv t •' , • • " "" • ~~' 1dt_10 ~c. ... n1c. bluff 1 ,1 mdtur" JIJl,l•s I A()••1 T A ~•~~MO'>A ,11 <'ti t 1r1 "''''"' ~1.;,>;$t•'•O"" [-''>"')1[Jf l119e2Dorm ~t>nP.,'0ril;•llrlof5 2 S4••• &P .•Ba ;001 () m1 ,,,., <4, l t• "2 1 t P.)rl> .. «1t l n T hi\. =' Ai t A •• f l"hil\•f\n{.J "". I f'l. r (,)ti ... IOC SS'>O fl10 R, ""' "''" J(l'd ~-9 pr.vattt 0 •• a .. (h. .. ~I t ••'S 1 4.1; '· r ... I v.I ~~.~~.~~n 11~~,~~4~ Ap•rt111111ts ,,, '""" ''" ltl•lr) " b4' "BOO l-d11CJ rrl)n1 $7.'5 mr I f.·IF ,r, f ''t.' •4•4 BAYFRONT V I • L tJ •llt"llt 'ltd !>Iii '' ASfSl()f t•drm 1 b• Call 661 64111 ur M F ; ~ .. • R.1 jl•r.l• i If·' n a1n11•1 l .mJll ,,..1 0 " ? '· o~ .., o Sin Ju1n • ~.i1• .. tn1• "'' , fir i1n •••••••••••••••••••••• T • l'u •q_,1 •C•• "''· .,art1 ., ::. '•"'-' ~1, ""t t•-, t • t ,,,,.,, ""'{1 "''(" •l f+ 1lllf ,1 I "' t <, ••• t. c . 3278 I" .. ~ ' '"' l•O(o l.lil Bilbo• ls/•atl 3806 ,, Ml)tfll 1,~, H }) ~f,()() m(O 114( '800 10 ~f't" .·•!18 I Sdlllrl l.l<ifd Ill' I to• ' ' • I I·" 1 .. .c.r1 .,,, t•I '•''f'i ' •••• ~('!!~'.'.~~··••••••• '84'l;;.t t 11.11c.J,, A"4' iA.!4 ••••••••••••••••••••••"" t<'I '"'', r , n ,,1 1.?e, tht.ragt " , ~ 1, SLi' .,, l tjr 10 1 ;••, ·•'V ... , •• r,,h(Jt d t>d fi\? .. i 17:' l Uayrron1 L1ttl1.1 ,,, .. w,,\h••t vvt P••1t0 ~ l9 ''"" ~~tH\~lt\(1 C-l•~ltn <I Ot ~an v•~w ,.~1tll~·,1,,' n... ,...;, 14 " ,.,,., $1 ',_r mo n.,. / t • ! .:•111 l•,1! ' • ,,,..,,.,. L• an• B11t b 3148 p1111 I \IN~ dt.>lut1> lrg C>dlllN 1 ~ 2 Br on E' Bfl I Em I .11 fldl 11)" $4'>0 rno ") 13 402 2f', ,,., f,d.t "' 1) f•OQI .. oo 4 t • ··'··················· :.>tlr tri;tc Sl!IOO !TIO >Id" !....'h0 S'\60 '" "'' '"'" $<,C,Q mo ~e·e .. , 24682 Aut' A t '. ',. ~I " b A v r n I) N T 0 •• I lu> 1•v '>flJd•O ,,, ... l!BO f.7'> 106~ '1!07 284,. AQt IJ4, "'b8 (, 0 r 0 0 D ... 0 ' ~ •tCt•I"' '''"" •. I ' 111 !'l ,~~ ) hJ.t p11•t anQ ti" ftf N\;11(1 ~ttt"I '\(J,t t.~vnt> '2 Mr 1. Bo hplc 11R. 21R. 31R. * •Ml~A VfRCt.-• "'11 1~ 66t asqg ~:~ ~:.,t<r~,;~,· ~f::t •• ~',s at01 A·~·I ·~o. ' C..• ~1.1.!'!'}~!!!.r •••••• 3.~9.l.1 ~1<0 ,.., 4 J'I )010, t<1rqP """ll"l.k w w1tt"r . lclry rm d w eg.ir Aro• Pt>1P•<, B.trrl''I !lit' Ylt'W 311 retur blSllf'd "4ew1, decor Gas p!l • (•I ~I'll Uf)(;t'r s~so mo ::>cf A Ill VlJ ' OR :.'o.i • 4, }l'(J I "m Ill 1 l .J lru• Q 1 "" " NtrtttOll l 11tb 3169 yt><1•t" S8'>0 mo 151 litSI I Pr c I Q~r dw~hr POOi '5•0 -.441) •l u Pt I"• ' """ l• t 'I '"~ \J '.1~ "'C' J ml~-.-··'·•••••••••••••••• ' Dl 'l no tet~ 64')!>07'.I c1ruves S625mo .. ri~o fkdul lul E•ec.utive Hc,me 54!> 1C147 iOCEANFAONI Dt • 2 4 Br & SlOO sec 2 i.ersons ' ' • 1X11m t ht> cruldrt'n o~ iutel}' no Del~ 6 7'\ 1S4 t 1 t•cJ , oa i=-m11 Rm B, Ne .. ~ or m •tt h no Pel no garagt! Avail EASTSIDE no pet!> S'~O mo Ptus 01 67!> 9"J50 0·1'1 Rm Sp.l s noo mo Contloainiuau 67'.l-7873 now' 325 ' Grano Can 2 B• t Ba POOi Side apl 1987 Milplt' 548e19!> St~tL0'" SIJOO secuiitv"' I Valt11ni1•1tl 34Z5 W1nt!'r rentals al rnt1•f rm btt 1"5 No acMlor fptc beam c•o~ " cteanin9 depo~•t CA.TALiNA.v1ev./c:;./~a· now tWillldble Coll ,,,L-, p eu C all lor appt patio new cpt 8 r:lrps 642 8663 J&COIS •E•LTY "" s435-S450 S350 1nc1 ut•t 631-0921 'l bd 2 btt. rwntis Obt n • p · J 3101 TSL Mgm1 642-1603 Clltt Haven 2Br Iba lrptc Qilr 8051484-3506 PROP MAHIEMHT •••• ~'!!'!!!'.~••••••• de t gar no pets S825'mo Agt 642-5722 8 eaul decor 1 BR 8 den 175·1113 2 bdrm 2 ba newer optx ~ec gray cpl refrtg yrty Mature non.smkrs Stunning 2°Bd tn Me!Hl area lake a 1acuzz1 & 1ump 1n the POOi equop •utch super deat $525 METRO ALTY 636-7005 I $450 no IM!IS $650 x 3 6 3 t 2 7 7 7 e ", or (7 t4) 673-3986 548·8610 CM nr S Cst S295 nrce bac~ior. res- Plaza ''~oon pons1ble person ul 1ls g paid no pets 106 E ~/.'.~'~!~!!.!!!~! ... ~ Bay Apt 9 _ 1 bo near South Coast Plaza. S370 mo U111s l rke nu lge 1 br ap1s. paid 754-0!>88 lrplc. ow. o•r $475/up • Patio or batcony Pool & r lean 2Br I •Bii enclo· spa No pets 2650 Herta sed pa110 no pe1s S'480 Mesa Pines 549-2447 mo_ 548-'1506 465 2 Bdrm refng pa· g IBr new CPIS pa1n1 & 110 no pe1s adults pref h~m I child OK. No 12•·A James 673-7767 pets S350 mo + dep ___ _ Can Mgr 642-2866 FIRESIDE COllFORT 2 Br i Ba cor porr S~JO No dogs S42-3597 730-7165 l B r 2 Ba $l o v e dShwshr ocean view, no pe1s S525/mo 661· t 192 Huge luxury 2 Br 2 Ba. sundeclo garage lndry hlo.·UP DIW 2 kids OK S 6 J5 2 4 0 -6019 IJ3t-9303 2 Br 2 Ba condo. Pornt Nigue l incl W I O & retrog • $625 492-6700 • 5• •• ,,, Gatts • ~loOI to ~t( ~OO"' • I o!o I SA P~t•O Agl', • l';,11 Ott'! l 1'"0't aCU11Q • 01~n ... unrr• 8 8liO > • JOQ 10 8ocn & Snop' '")! :. f \-. .~<1'-.",'f • •. . . . Waterfront ' bf. 2 ba dph lupl 1850 sq It 1mmac Bf1-1ns. rrplc, gar No oeis S 1200 675-4 186 2 ~,,., 1~ Ila Den. hreplac. $800 mo 7 14·55 1·6037 day or eves ~~ u ~~a,'~', n o ;': ---,--H-E--· 1 2131799 4195. 257-9792 • IH I I I 310f LIFE'' 2 t>lks to OCh. studlO apt .! .... "..!.~~••••••••••' w.refrg $325/mo, all ut1ls Newly oecorateo 2Br tba. HM·ROUNO RIM: 1ncld. yrty 835-5,45 pauo. immec:t occup thrll ,Socia! A cllvlt les DELUXE 2 bd. 2 ba Steps ILLA MEOERA 2 Br 2ba • E 11de tem1ly compte• OI W. gerage W tr/gas pd S5251mo & $300 dep 2324 Etden. Mgr Ap1 I 548-4147 ) bdrm 2•, ba lrpe. dbte a 11ach gar $650 964-4633, 1·526·300' 1'1 Br garage yard Supe< neat 1 Br VIiia. 1 S525 /m o Wes tsi de Ba small & cozy private 641-0763 No pets I $425/mo 673 ·33 13 . f HE SEVILLE 2 Br w/ga~ ~3-0803 B!~kh t~n~lch~u:i~ru~:e~~ crpl !I, drps, bt11n1. lncd New 1n 1own? Claullled S2 50 m o 964-4686. J un e $600 Incl utit 0 F 10 fh• Bch W/D. gar no Nwpt Hg ts 3 t>r. 2 be frplc 911rdener . S700 mo 25 1 K.nox St 645-5 110 673-3458 8 ~r: ~ ~ 0/ • r ee p e ;·~, y r 1 y s 7 5 o 11/)H Br\lnch•BBO'•• 645·6956 alt 4PM STUNNING larg_e_1_8_2_B_r i~rden apl 710 w 18th yd w1pet10. water pd can help you meet many 536·7330 2619 "J" Santa Ana Ave ol your needs 642-5678 -, • I 310l PartleS•Plus •••• !'!!'!!~.~.......... ~~~';."'re I f!!!!'.'..~!!!'!~! .• l~~! $510 Call 1·5. 63&-' 120 --S375/mo. 1 br. all ultls pd 1335 Baker B, 2 er 1 Ba H•atia1t111 Walk to beach 207 Cht· 3 Bt 2 Ba lrple. steps to De8Cll 1875/mo PROPERTY HOUSE BAY FRONT AGE. beech. •EC• E .. TI 0 H . STEPS Tl ICW Near 18th/Pomon11. 1 Br. Pier prlog 2br, $800 10r " " .. I B d 1 d/ $6501$600 UUl pct 303 T e n n 1 1 • F r e e 1 Large 3 Br 3 B11 many a owns airs, s. renovated $525 J.1d 3140 cago 985-4954 1339 Baket C. 2·••y. 2 •12·,.·Ei·.·.·.·.·.··.·.·.·.·.·.·.··.·.·.·.·--==e&•••• E E d 0 8 w 1 1 e r Lessons (pro & pro amenities S 1175 Cell carport. watet pd, t Clllld 11871-2866 shop )• 2 He 1 I I h Anthony deys ~2-5757 Ok. no pels $400 Agent, C'lubs•Seuna• eves & wt.nds 631-6630 no lee 962-0:.> t 7 ~~~rw!n::·=.g~e0 K e nne bunkport? 642-3850 642· 10 10 OCEANFRONT DELUXE Hydromusage• LMrwt 2 bf. 2 ba, ,.....,,, 1 1SPAC10'iJS 2 -8-d-. -1-B-a. 1Rec1ec 1 bd. retrig, ~ Isn't that the horse that won 212 S7451mo 312', S795/mo 412' t S 1250/rTtO Furn qu,.1 lrg. winter 2 Swim 1 G •· '.,... a--H b rental$ 875-'688 m •re; olf car g1r Adul11 prel NO .....,m Clei ngs. Mf'>I er, -----Orrvlng .nge PETS S700 mo 1st, last Wood cab . no pell S-410 s.. mgr'' 19220 The Triple Crown in '72? W alla c e A ve o r Hove Olhers Fred Te· nore. egt 63 1· 1266. 631-:n 11 * • • 1900 W Ocean-from wtntet 2 BR 2 Ba turn Oar. patio . fple. llAUTlfUL 4 1350 sec Upsl alrs $4 75 2 256 Maple 7fl0-8376 nf\ ~ l rg t bd, relrlg, Alarm ....:.,. ~ I 1\.......1 '/~ ~ Aespon!ltble adulls 2Br I ba house S600. 2 Bd 2ba S600 I & den. turn S600 673-7544 A, A Ill TM l NT I : unit 875-1657 548·7358 or 673--8803 Stno•••· 1 & 2 2 8edroom1•Furnlthed 2 Br 2 Ba, l rplc, So of Br 1 ''> Ba No pets. sysiem, 2nd lloor. no 11 you're nol sure wh o (or what) pets S400 640·4979 Kennebunkport wu . don't feel bad -yoo're a w 11tom e $69 5 & Unfurnlah1d•No Hwy. New bldg. Darrell. $450/mo lor 2 peftons Pets•Modele Open Ownr/Bkr 851-8767 7 5 5 W 1 8 t h S t c.,.., ''' M•r J12Z da11y e to 6 6•8·9507 not &lone. Kennebunkport ts one of 14 *EASTS1DE 2br. I ba, dlsllnctlvely dlllerenl apanmenl floorplans al KIDS/PETS OK S575 Seawlnd VIiiage In Huntl"glon Beac!I. 673-1943 BLUFFS 3Br 2ba. stngle s1ory Linda p11n Clean & brtg!ll S t 2 00 /m o 553. 1006 ••• • ••••••• • •••• • • ••• • llLWOl..a 2 2b~.a~r!8ri.s~:7;~ nl~~ Nice. quiet upt1alrs 2 BR. ceen view. beau11tutly a W pets 559_9265 2 ba. ept S550. moet _ _ A L L U T 1 L S P D Seawlnd VIiiage Is a result of tolally 631-4320 furn townhouse, lrplc, ..... ut111 Incl 522 Hamilton 2 BR 1 Be duplex, 286 POOi & patlO S 1095/mo 3 B 2 B S hlrtlMltl r • un ttwr-. SI 5'8·0477 Sento fomu 1550 No 673 08H .,.. •-walk to beecll. 6'5·2216 ••2 .,.., ... PR1tVA TE PARK. 3 Br C•lllll~ll JlZf ........... /.. 8AM·4 30PM W98kd!lyt ~er.11~ba.323E 18th pels.,.. -~ _ 2 1ba, 2 s1ory. S7251mo ••••••••':••••••••••••• 880 lrvlne St No pets Oer $650 T'i'MhouH. I Br ove< g1r. r<1ds Olo, no pell Joh" rurn I bdrm 8Pll $385 (81 16th) 2 Br 2 Bii, neWfy petnleCI, Sler11 Mgmt 641·1324 ut1I 1nct $3 4 5 mo Agt 63 t-7900 an11 11p Ene g111ge1 (714) 645· 1 tQil :;8.wc ~~·°$!· trgir .:~ny ~ br 1n -u 1.p1ex nr ~2-9830 8'0·6900 IT T. ... 21 tO Newport Blvd CM ........... /... $650/mo Agl 575.5511 SC Pina, gar No pets lmmedlale oecupancy 2 a 5-48-49e8 1700 16th St $525 833-9293 3 Bdrm trom 1550-$625 t Btll to oceen 3Br 21>1 -(O • T11e Shor11 In beautiful 12 -N 0 p • 1 s M 0 n . s a 1 lido Sends Comm pool CASA IE 1110 over at 16th) Corona del Mer hu BA 2 8 a, avail approx ll A M • 5 P M Su n S t 200 to $1•0 0 /rTtO All UTILITIES PAID I (71.4)642·51t3 nowt)' ref11rblshed 1 & 2 Nov I. no pets s•e5 t1AM -5PM 557-4785 p y m t S 1 7 9 O O o '--------...J bdrm epts lrom 1550 & 760· 1" 18 or 548-8675 __ _ S•OO/mo towards pur· Comp&rn before you 1----up tor rtnl Call Hel.,n evs/wto.nds. __ 1 Br upatalra. ullta paid. chase price Only S3500 r ent C u11om design Olt>son 6'4•26 11 lllTAIT II S3601mo Cor1><>rt, gOOd dn Piii ply 8•7-4788 features Poot bb q . OCEANFRONT targo 3 Br $475 mo 2 BA l ''•b•. loc no pets 383 W Bay EASTBLUffS -2R~ 2b11 eov'rd gerege, surroun-2 Ba wshr/r:lryr. no pell C11t1 #114 JIZf tndry rm, caroor1, 1111 5"&-95 '6 O"COf•tor" home, lrple. Cl:'° with ptush lnnosc1· Winter S850 673·0640 ••;.:;.;;:·9;n•o:,;,i;••• 1:111n1 cpll, drp1 1 SL Lg :.> Br Eastslde garege + d bl gor comm pool P ng No pots 9eoc:hlront3 Bdrm ~ t>s •333 E 2111 St C M M1n~en_1 8'2_·1603 c:erporl & yllrd. ttove, S t•001mo Strtckland 1 RR Futn S5 t5 lull)' furn gar W /0 r e l rt ge S5 2 5/m o M n mt S er v 365 W Wlttoo 64:1.>·1971 wlcly/mont!I 640.0112 845-t569 fl.45·8103 •'R' 28 a Near S C 63l.0154 • PINI. S "' L1111ury COn· 7141990 9256 13 7 5 mo Ot • moblle 0111 be&<:!\ I Br, ulll. yrly II ave you read tod 1y a oo wtpoot 1595 No Kffe> 1n ~on !>'tc.11~ F llom• No Pt11 Outet, $450/mo 11123 w 6•1· c 1u1111ed Ad1? II not. pet1 833-897• Eves eHy w•y·b• a tegulu 1n11 w rtat you wan1 1n secure 109 1 N-po1 1 b 0 8 e 1 • 2 ~·re 1 1 0 tu p C I'll ti Ilg Ille but C I I I It 11 e d re Id e r . or., llOI 111 .. 11~ ~Cl 848-11373 2 13/94 1..3085 gain• 1n townl Lc_,., __ 11_ri.ci.=="'=d=•=fl.4=2=-5=6=7=~L8~42"878 pe,.sonalll ed professional plennlng. T!le kind of allentlon you deserve. A perfect blend of n ature and llvlng -neslled In a forest wilh babbling brooks and qu iet ponds. cooled by natural ocean br9elP . Add to t!lal tennis courts. swimming pool .. a spa and a coovenlenl 1oee11on near shopping and employmen t and yoo've got e place anyone would proudfy call !tome (Even Kennebunkl)Ofll) One and two bedroom one and two bath apor1menls trom $540 ~~,,,~ 1!>~55 Huntlng1on Village Lene Hun1111910t Beach. CA (714) 893-5198 From Ille Son Oleoo freeway drlvt nort!I BHch to Mdadden, then wett on McFadden lo Seawind Villago Furnls!llngs available • Open dally lO AM · dulk Orange County Real Estate/ An Advertising Supplement to the DAIL y PI LOT /Saturday, October 30, 1982 _ 27 If•••~• 1 A,ul•••I• A111t•t•t• V1t1t/oa 111111/14ZS 11111111 to Sll11t 4300 lt•t1/1 I• $11111 4300 Ollitt •u11/ 4400 I. ' · / ••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• •••• ~.~!~!•••••••••••• Vall/Beaver Creek. CO esp non·smkr t em Room for rent; nioe 3 br Oeak Spaf;e. $200/mo. j ••11/ > ..-fSOO •l•1•11tH I U•l11ni1ltH u l '•"" •••••• •••••• •••• •••••• •• •••• •••••••• •••••••• •• ••• • • • ••• ••••••••• •• • •••••••• •• •• • • • •••••• • .,,,,, •ti•fl•• lit• rt t.itll Jiff Siatl A.I 3110 Lux rownhome, 4 br, 4 wanted to mr 3Br apt on condo, a~ail 1mm B.Y SC Furnished Ulll's pald.1 •••••••••••••••••••••• :llH•I 314Z •••• r.•••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• ba. sips 12. Daily or wkly · beach. HB $200/mo Plaza. $225 557-7758 Prestige Bank Bldg. Easy 1 Warehouse space High ••••••••••••••••••• Bradford P\ 4 bd Town-sk i rentals Chutk 960-0813 ----Freeway Access Mesa I door access. 4000 leet GE 1 br, Luk Condo, Wlellllll j home. pool, dining rm {213)3~ evs LIVE AT TIE IUCll Rtat•l• WHIH 43ZS Verde 556-9250 avail L42-5535. Karen nl =dg;~_:;1e,;111es. Very private 2 bd aprs $600tmo. 642-8738 _ t.K ARROWHEA0-2 sty I Fem rmmate wanted 10 •••••••••••••••••••••• Desk space I urn w 13200 SQ 11 with A/C ol- AYAIUIU llW St1l Jt1cll 3114 new 4t>r + loll. 2 ba. 2 shr Bal Isl home w/mom IEEI IY IEC. 1 Coast Hwy. NB $27S mo toces. Randc;,tph SI, C M La1ge floor plans. ga•-•••••••••••••••••••••• frp1cs. 2 balconies. color & 2 teenagers $285. ulll Huntington Beach 2·' incl v111s 642-1183 Sprinkled w/c;omm dens landscaped, pool, Very lrg 2 Br 1 blck lo tv, sips 14 North Sl1ore. po Own bath 675-9142 bdrm house. south ol M Ferguson & Hahn RE frontage 546-1653 I lg IBR apt. tncl ga-Jacuzzi Great Location. bch. remod. new stove & $285/wknd, $395/wk, alt 5. Ad am X 1 n r re 1 s -- • utll. $525mo. Pre-elose to everything! Ir 1 g e S 7 5 O Joe $595/mo 522-8631 964-0332 842-0100 · NEWPORT BEACH slngle. 499-1214 I Some 1ownhou•es and 714/551-1452. emale roommate lor new · Pr1va1e 0H1ce $275/up ~ •MAUl/KIAHEI. ocn view 3bd 3• d I Ans $50/ ICU. Yl rw apanments with den I B $ ua e Uke condo service mo Ii avail No Pets Please SoatJ1 L1•aa1 3816 u x, I r, 30 dy, PP All amen1t1es 557·•329 Mother w/ioddler looking 7141752·6408 Storage yard, fenced, nr Harl>or and Baller 50 )( 150 fl $225 mo Large• area also avail 549-8181 720· 1440 minutes so or Laguna I From $700_,740 ••••••••~•••••••••••• ( 7 1 4 ) 6 7 3 -6 2 1 0 . or leave message lor hse or apr to share, Dana Point 's most •*I Br nr beach. $495 675·9836 or someone 10 look tor Oll1ce Spai;e on eitchange eluded scenic blull. •UllHS SOIUE mo No pets R I S'L 4300 alem1d20',toshrCdM. place w11h me Kim. for secrelaroal service ~!!!~f! .......... !J.~~ e new. 2 Br wi den, lPlRTMEITS <199-6056 l•I• I II •ltt non·smkr or pets, $210 644 t879 For further 1nl o call S ra large private pa110., 1244 Irvine Ave, between loo•• 4000 ;·ii.":io·;;,;3·;,;:2·;;~~~ + "utH 644-6255 Prof N/S f~male~ 545 - 5252 ~~ragdeo;,pa~o1~~~ x p11~s rage. $ 725/mo. Call West ch II & M anner Or ••• •••••••••••••• ••••• on beach, N B Frplc, 25' ux condo Harbor Rodge, mature dog need house Tired or crowded freeway $ 7 0 sec a e po s 1 t t-6441 or M -F 9 .5 (71 4) 645-0252 U&U•A IUCll patio. garage $265. 1st. to shr stralghl, $550 mo w/yard 631·5626 commutes North? Would 6 7 3 -4 154 Newport !·03~ 1~ 4 ~~·;e sb:n )~ MOTOR IH ~~~-'is ~9 sec Br 1 an ~~!~9442 dys. 640·2434 ~':ad~e1haa~ ~I~~~ ~~~~ey Beacn _ ara. 1 blk to Sch Lower 2 Br. Wkly renlals 595 up ~!!!/.~~!!!.'!! ... ~!.~~~ could use on weei.-enos Newport Beach . 18• den. 2 ba. yrty. bit ms, Co tor rv, rree co flee St/M share ,..Dana Point 2 hr lu~ con<lo or house 3arage for rent $60 mo as a vacation unit? For I oceanfront, sips 6 $300 relng $700 675-8839. heated pool & steps 10 B• 2 Ba $265/mo 1st & S285 1s1 last security 2864 La Salle C M 1 f w ~ PP 6 7 5 · 6 2 1 0 una Sch 2Br. exclusive ea , 5 min walk to h, some ocean view 75/mo 1-626-2585 alt BALBOA PENIN ''I blk 10 ocean K11ch's avail last. '• u111s 493-0987 966-8479 or 662-2449 957-2740 alt 5 30PM i~:in~a1~1~~';':~·~n s~~': 675-9836 bch 2 bd, t ba, yrly 985 N Coast Hwy, 2 br 2 ba Newport Beach Laguna luaury hOuse Storage garage s1ngltl, Center 661 ·629<' or Misc1/11aloas c r p r t $ 5 4 O m o Laguna Beach 494-529~ condo ~r Hoag Hosp e.c.lus1ve area Separate 9 • 2 0 . Cost a Mes a 831-5084 Rtati/s 46SO 552·0853 590 & up with kitchen, Frplc. phone. $290 bd•m, ba(h lrplc, cloning S501mo ~001-B Borell St N 6 440 •••••••••••••••••••••• ost elegant apt. bldg Laguna Beach. finest ation in town. breath- ing views. all bulll-ins. &led pool. sub-gerage. evat or Lease only SO & up blk to ocn. $800 mo tel 675-8740 Pr-:>I woman & 14 yr old oommata to share 2 5torage avail Nov l 1n Agent S41-5032 FOR RENT' 3Br, 2Ba. 3 car garage.I weellly Oceanfront Mo· 646-7332 ~rm $300 ~0-9346 642-4907 wkdays sq It $I 00 per SQ 11 675-9174 St'flall a1tract1ve SIUdlO nr daughter seek rental to bdrm apt In Costa Mesa Hun! Sch $45/mo (2131 T·Hr LIDO IUILDI•& • 2 Br 2 Ba. bay. ocean bch lor emply'd Non-shr CdM Call Sharon ~$200 mo Geo 642-6381 44'0-7705 433-2435 Ii 2 bedroom. 2 baths & 2 view Condo, pool, ta· smkr Prvt kilohenette. Hm 673-4520 Am 3 1 h Jb >INGLE GARAGE In hass1ngleoll1ces$125to1 s1or1estnTw1nPeaks1•1 c d prvl entry $325 incl u11ls, Worl< 761-2943 rmm e 10 5 r spac r $190. 2 rms W/bay view · Lake Arrowhead area uzz1. security bl g 2'> ba C M conao Central Laguna Beach, at $450 3 rms al S800 I Has ou111-1ns & fireplace Cliff Or 494.S083. s5485~25016C0ar15148D_5e8n3n3 y . p 9 h 3 one. pool. TV. tennis 5 yr old M prot seeks 2 $275tmo 5«5·•358 near M ain Beach Secretar1a1 servic es Fust tast & deposit re- -4 -3490 M or F rmmtes 21-28 10 S65/mo 494-3044 shr most t>eaulllut twnh-a1ure person (nonsmkr) ava11 3355 Via Lido, NB , q u • 1 e d Ca I I ( 7 1 4 1 Room with kttch prov Nr ~e tn Univ Pk Irvine 10 shr quiet N B home. EtS1<Je C M single garage 673-41>6 7 6 8 . 0 2 8 6 or ( 7 I 4) y Studio with sepa- te kitchen. walk to ach & shops $375 In- ds utlls + $500 sec 2 BA. 2 l>a, walk to t>eacn, POOi 1ac, seClHllY S700tmo Can Scott Ro- gers 641 -5100 days 631·1913 eves • Bus l1n9e6 & Sshopp1ng Pool • spa •2so1-o $300/mo, avail 11114 lor siorage ett SGS/mo 667·0657 weellday eve cen1er 2-7 20 Dys 0 759•26•76 .• e'"v· Call 645_9211 53 1.7886 DEC OFFICE nongs alter 6 pm ti no --~ Best 10eat1on on A11port answ•r please kbep MIF ChrlSflan s"8re CdM 552 6310 EXEC O --~ g sit Hotel Calllorn1a pis. 494-2797 leave sage pr1vate room & bath prv -PO L HOME l/ici Rtatil 4400 area $275 or longer 1ry1ng• entrance. kitchen priv Female rmmate to shr On TV. $300/mo tnct •••••••••••• .. ••••••• motmo 662-0722 ------lllJl•l!l'llllli Prov & Spec, 2 stry 2 t:>d, 2''> t>a. W/ trpl New ca- mel carpeting. nr Fa· 5n1on Island. no pets $795. 645·6218 No Laguna Bluffs Area, frg 2 bd. 2 ba. 1 year lease. upper vn11. w/lrpl. Quiet & Prov Loe No Pets $775 645-6218 S25o+'~ u111 644-8085 condo nr So est Plaza. ~j1' ~;20 Ba c" Ba Y •DELllXE OFFICES* bctlle11t LocatiH C M pool. 1ac sauna, S27~ 641-8617 t~C -1-I MO FREE RENT Prome intersection ol t c non-smkr shr Ba Roommale wanled. 2 t>r, wp rest ux condo. 1 room to 2800 SQ It M1cArlhur and Jambo· $200 548-8884 ' 1·~ ba. $225 & ·~ ullls 2000 sq 11• S350, 15'· From S I 16 a SQ It Adj ree S 1 per SQ 11 Sub---63 l-3272 last, sec 631-3921 A11 porter Inn & Frwys lease avallabte 820 or Htltll lltltll 4100 eed F 10 shr 4bd house Call AM 833-3223 1200 sq ft for l yea1 Call SElu•l IOTEl 1mchen etc S20 deposit' wtsame tn CM $229mo 1617 Westcll11, NB 256 an V • 7 lf!~~-~J'°:~'!~L.!!~~ EASTBLUFF nice 2 Br, Goll Course West patio & pool on quiet ine Condo 2 BA 2ba 2 pleasant area No pets gar. w/opnr. Wuh/ $670/mo &44-4767 ryer. Lower unit w / ,, br, 1 ba. new paont & a tlo. redecorated drapes, $525 2 br 1 ba 725/mo 714/770· 1950 att gar $475 ' ' ••••••' •••• ••••••• •••• 4 br. 2 ba, washet. dryer I s d ? lJ..820 885 n s22 ' plus utol 631-4459 lo 4000 SQ 11 1 t 11 f B I Wkly reritals now avail 5 mo, 646·8386 aNtor s oor 1t1ce a boa lslend $105 & up Color TV 7 pm NEWPORT11EACH Agent 54 1-5032 Marine Av . upstairs Phones m room 2n• Fe 25-35 CdM $250/mo Gentlemen will shr 2Br, llPorl area . E~ec Sut· 675·8877 675-9057 0 Newport Blvd CM ,;, and iasi, A'vall Nov 1' 2Ba apt w/40 plus F/M, tes From 225-450 SQ It IHiaeu •••Ill 44SO ,P. 646-7445 c r a 1 g 0 r o ebb 1 e $250 mo "'dep. Incl ullls S 1 per sq fl Many xtras. ••••••••••••••••••••• 720-0850 alter 6 & parking Nr Hoag tiosp Call 557-7010 Storefront Property at BE A CH ARE A rot M/F 35+ to share 631-2010 00-900 PLUS 1400 SQ ft ~larbor & Adams, CM 8 SAP Need roommate to p th B vt S Good lrat11c & parktng lovely quiet private East-en ouse a,.ronl ui-1 6•0 6754 • $84/ k bluff apt, vi-. 2 br 2 ba shr 1011ely 3Br, 3Ba CdM te . parking. patios -W tennis. pool s300 + .,., home. n-cpl & paint In 673-1003 51orelroni Property at M Ferguson & Hahn RE , .. ,, Bt1d 3169 642-1183 631-8512 ••'"••••••• •••• •••••• 2 bdrm, 1 ba, enclosed FEEi Apt. & Conde garage walk to beach tals Ville Rentals. 645-1819 675-4912 Broker ----- PARK NEWPORT APARTMENTS SE A SHORE D RIVE 1 $700/mo. 2 Br relrlge, ------I carport. enclsd patio 548-5682 OUNTRY CLUB LIVING Townhome. 3 bd. 2 ba, IN NEWPORT BEACH sphl level, quiet. 3 car tot al envlronmenl gar , po o I . $ 7 5 O 1r1ment community on 553-0255 ------~Upper Bay. Private Versailles Studio Pen- l>house and health thouse $525/mo Ask 8 tennis courts, 7 for Sharon. Richardson s. close to buSlness. Realtors 788·5800 or 1lrpor1' Ful'ttori Island. nome 770•2313 ~on11enlen1 shops on 1----------lean 2 br. edults pret, lge kit $450. ~te. UnturnfSl'ted t>ache- :>fS, 1 & 2 bdrm apts and ownhouse5 $560 -$1000 ~11 bachelors and l ldrm units feature fine IHlgnet furniture and ICCe$llOf18$. Move In 10- lay or r"4!1Ve for future 1se Smertty lumlthed nodels open daily On Jamboree Ad at San Joaquin Hiii• Rd. 646-5109 2 Sr lba, l>lk from beh Gar 1undecl<. $600/mo yrly 212 30th St 675-3206 2Br, 1Ba. ·~ blk ~ gar $625 mo yrly. 846-3667 Acroas from beach. studio apt, encl. garage. pool & laundry. Vrly $375/mo. Aelrigerator-Mald-Pool utols 540.4366 bdrm & bath. garage & . 1 . Harbor & .Adams c M Nwpc Blvd & Wilson --------extras $300 64-4-4965 Good trafllc & parto.1n Costa Mesa 548-9755 2500 sq It condo w1v1ew 2 Lad es seek 1 ...,.h f * SllTE IULS* 640-6754 g ----ol Back Bay beautlhJI 1 ong urn ""' O C Al 1 p Ptne Knot Molal on Coast greenbelt g 'swimming front home Wiii move In rpor r~a rot jS TU D I O I OF F IC E / Hwy, NB Steps to pools Wiii accept 1 or 2 wtroommate. pref pro I ~~v~~07r~:n~nd~~.~~:;;-·:· STORAGE/ DESK space ocean Wk ly rates adultsorladullw/chlld male Call642-0789 l•cesordeskspace lsO avatt On Balboa Isle 645-0440 557-7883 or 640-6339 CORONA DEL MAR SQ " -3500 sq It 1 MO s lOO . $200 P8f mo Call .EE. l ,UCEI NEWPORT BEACH Ladles Oflly, avall now, FREE 759-8978 Mr Pemberton d3ys housepr1v 673-7227 213 1617-1294 , eves Reasonable rates Kit-Ladles only, avell now --2131289·9307 ct>enettes. phones. matd 645-9515 ROOMMATE WANTED DHl SPACE Cll service, Z channel mo-Share detathed wood· M/strelghl, non-smkr. Attractrve rustle vps1airs C•••trci•I vies. SANDPIPER MO-bridge t>ome wtprol 1250 + . ., u tlls Dys setting We supply desk, lt•t1J1 4415 TEL. 1967 N-port Blvd, person Pvt beth, pvt tac, 6 4 2 • 5 '4 6 o It 6 pm apace, copier You .sup. •••• ••••••••• ••••••••• CM 645-9137 wesher, dryer. gardener. 842-5620 ply phone. & $95 pr mo 1250 SQ Wre1a11/oll1cfl • ., cleaning service Wood· Fem 30 shr lge lavish pr desk. Call 644.-7211 space E 17th St In :!!!.!'.'.llf!! •••••• !.'Zf bridge amenities S325 & twnhse wtresp working Costa Mesa 1 or 2 room Coste Mesa great vi&t-IOARD I CARE ,·~-8up~)I s 5 5 9 -g 6 1 '4 fem unbelievable rooms, suit us From $75/mo ~~~~;4v77 & Park In a S 1 overlool\lng brooll & urns 1nc1d 779 w 19th evserdal pr me locations Rmml to h 3 b 2 b waterfall Pool, 1ac, lalle, St 851·8928 RENT OR LE.ASE Newly In a dlebeok Valley to 8 s r r. a. etc NB/CM area $350 remodeled 11ome with choose lrom Featuring hse, garage Mesa Ver-760-8045 IUUTIFIL large 101 Comm't zoning, 24 hr supervision. plan-oe. CM 540-9481 •rWPOllT C"'ITEll adr tu N11wpor1 Blvd ned reere11lio<1. ucltlng ROOMMATE WANTED Single mother wishes to Ii Ii 642 133A 851-9889 gourmet meals & free M/F 10 find & share C M share Mesa Verde home With use or reception. I local lranaporlalton Call apt w/M. 648~ 124 w/rcsponslble Fe 1 etllld cont room. kltch, phone. Olflce & garage $285/mo today, OK No Smkr 546·3831, socretartal & word pro· Near Balboa Bay Club I 111-0llO 170-4111 em to shr 2Br al)t. NB. 557-6207 ces!lng Mail & mesnge & Coast Hwy 646-7641 non-smkr. mature. $325 -~11 1va11 separately II mo. 720·0514. 955-2170 hare home. University desired Call Judy, •'••ltill e~t 26 Park Master bdrm w/pv1 7141760-0100 ll•lll 4500 bath. frplc. & PO(Ct\ ••••••••••••••••••••• V1t:•tioa l 1at1J1 4250 ..••••...•..•..•...•.. 144-1100 Block 10 bHch, 2Br. lflght & airy. $070 mo. ,iy, "8·8263 FOR RENT! IF share 2 bdrm, 2 t>a. 2 $300/mo. Smallat brlrm ltlUH Offlott 750 up. 2 160 II. lndu· story aft In CdM Non-S225/mo Avail lmmed. atrial . Oflloe 1810 1 Re- smkr 350 h 559 8229 Redhill. Coate Men 2 bedroom, 2 baths & 2 per mont -dondo Circle, P & T versalllu 1p1c b1ch Includes cable & phone. Su1>1e1 1776 •Q It at 79< H t 1 1 B h bdrm penthouse, cour-stories In Twin Peaks In ,,., eleetrl()ltv. Alter 8pm IFem roommate to share 2 Recepl . work room. un "g on. eac tyard, l)ool. clubhouse. Lake Arrowheld 1rea. 720..0632 ' bdrm. 2 l>a eipt $235. v. storage 675-3882 10-5 842-2834 640-5078 HUlf IHT 1 bdr ~ 2 bL gar greac :ic. Wlnl., taahtlor. great loci. •tty. MCUtlly. 1550. 1)<42•6149 Has bunt-tn1 & llraplace. t----------utlf. 631·8543 2500 sq n tndustrtal vnlt First Int & cJeposit r• 00111 w/klt prlvlleges * Ill * with 325 q 11 f 111 + II• ti,.,.,, Jl16 q u Ir• d c •I I I., 1 •I 1225, 1st & rut, Nwpt Share 3BD 2BA yard apl EIECITIVf ltms s o o co ••••• • •• 168. o 2 8 8 0 r ( 7 1 41 Bcl'I 6 42•8811 E Side C M no er air· 5000 SQ II. asphell cove-Nr s.C. G;ne;;;-H~;·P~ 667 08.,.. kd · part S276 + •-t utll M/F Full service Keep your red & ienced y1rd 3Br. frplc, 2Ba, atove, -'" -oy eve HP Prof F w/lurn. 100-845-2537 ov9fh81ld low & pro·res-•2400 aq ft lndu1tr1t1 nlngs altet 8 p.m 11 no kin 10 •l'I' ti ~---------· 1tonaf !mane high. Pre· unit with 900 sq ft of cpts. Avail Nov. 1. $535 an1war. please k••P No~ 1 687•9;g7 nae. by F 30 w/1 10 yr 010. to ahr •Uglous w:a1cflfl eree 01 11pgrndfld otll<le -"'°--· _11_1_•;..)_8_9_1_-_18_4_4 ___ 1_ry;..t_ng;:.1 _______ l-:--.:-----.:.._;,._ ___ , apt, lg 2Br, w/lg patio & Newootl Beach 881 Do-•24100 •t'l.11 tnd11s1rlal 1 er pV1 deck, old world PALM OE"SER1' c .C New l\rltlfen Women wanted aun deck $325 or till vet Or Ste 14, 631~51 unu wllh 1600 sq.It or 8t 2 Ba. from S525 No enarm , 1 peccioular 2Br view llomt. •P• to 1haro ooean front work 957 ·0720 dy1, -upgredad ofllct. Hev• ~·· A.Cro" from New· oce11n view. walk 10 Make rHervellons wk/ nome In Newport S.&ch 960-4511 all 5PM Jim LI•• Area F•r•, avtHH .. l•nant tor 900 na. ..-t42·1IOI IOtt e.ach GOii CO\,orM. beaoh $425 Contact and $50/nt 588-8l l 9 Prv •ntranoe. reu.. rent •---------1 Ollie•. 850 1q It, over 1q.11. ol office ep•t• II 146_,..._85_5 ______ 1 Mgr 81 IPI C. 332 ~nclno In exch1ngt for driving Aoommate wen1ed to night rec 1500 mo to mo oetlftd Ln. Pfttk City Utah Condo. tor owner. 642.0251 sMre btl!lull!VI 48r hom4I or,,. 6&2·1130-•Motlvtted owner It -alTIU ----------Sloep1 8. kitchen. w•ltt In 11 B S2•" ""~ 8""• .. 1 :':"i~IOM to wlltr. 2 8A. $465, yearl~. new to akl 1111. A11e11 ()eo 1 t to hr 2 BA •pt, nr !>etch. 13'1. ,._-v•u flltt 81Clg Ntw, tdd •N ... y to make a OHi. ""' • untum, rHton•• decor. pool, nr beeoti. 18. S"50, 7 l4f498·03H Nwpt Bch, l :l20. Melt UNTINOTON BEACH -your own lmPtovement1 Call ft4-751·4760. Prln• .... all llMfllUft, 8rotler bus No r:ieta. 498-6277 prel'd 64&-t848 M/~ lhr lg 38r. nae. g~ 160·1500 n. av•rt. 85c • 1_d;..P_llt_on._,;.ty_. _ ~T$-4ltl2• S-4! thing• fut with Dally f-'---...-----..:_.:.._ ___ , ra~•· wanr/Oryr 1325 l'llO tt 2488 Newport 8tv(f, Find wllat you want fn Claealn.d Ad1 8<12·5878 Piiot Want Adi , 642·5678 -i >'> utll. 118<1..0500 C.M. 642-34DO Deity Piiot Claallled1 car s•bikes · ·skateboards· trucks•baby carriages•tea carts•trikes rol lersk ates • walkers •toys •wagons••·• scooter s•hot rods•coupes• tr ailers"hard tops· co nvert- ibles • motor homes·1awn mowers· limos •corporate headquarters ·garden carts Model A 's···· •typingtables If it 's got wheels, you'll move it faster in a Daily Pilot c lassified ad.Call 642·S678 and a friendly ad· viserwlll helpyoo turn your wheels into cash. ,, ............... ~--------------------------~~-<!8 -Orange County Real Estate/ An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT /Saturday, October 30. 1982 IT'S A FACT ••• WITH INTEREST RATES COMING DOWN, HOUSING PRICES WILL BE GOING UP. BUY NOW! • f'RETIY lS THE PICTURE -Simply lovely Marrna Highlands home on quiet cul de sac. Very proless1onAI park-like grounds. lovely living room with crackling fireplace Formal dining. btq modern kitchen with huge pantry. Giant master hide-a-way bdrm. Separate children's wing Excellent financing Call 546-23 13. BUCH HOUSE + lllCOME 3 Bdrm. 2 bath. fireplace. dining area. 2 car garage plus 3 Bdrm 2 bath rental' Only one block to the beach' A bargain at $285.000 call now' 646-7171 2 BDRM COTTlliE, $59,000 Need a fixer with fantastic potential tor an unheard o f price? This is 11' 2 Bdrm home with lots of poss1b1llt1es Property •!> located on a big lot Good assumable Call 546-2313 12''1" INTEREST! 0 DOWN 3 Bdrm + family ronm• New carpeting' Fireplace• Wood beam ceiling' Nice neighborhood' 963-6767 FOUND AMOTHER Seller extremely motivated' HAS lound another home This 3 Bdrm 3 bath+ pool + endless channel ocean. bay and city light views has $506,000 of assumable financing' Call for details today• 646-7 171 PERFEd'r STARTER $94.900' 3 large bedrooms! Excellent condttlont A ssum e 1 111% loan $36.000: $350 mo and owner wlll help finance! 963-6767 HOWLING GOOD BUYS! lllE TO THE IElCH, S 120,000 -Reduced thousands below appraisal Fantastic 3 Bdrm home located in proposed manna area Cool winds from the ocean lull you to sleep these hot 111ghts Spacious rooms Needs some TLC Cati lh1s n11mber tor all details 546-2313 MESSY, MESSY, Slt,500 Penthouse. needs love' Perfect starter or investment Assume $63.500 at 12'•%. $699 mo. Call 963-6767 MORTliHiE RATES lT 12h'4 -Now·s the time to act on this fabulous 5 Bdrm. 4 bath Newport Beach home with superb views + pool + spa1 Seller will assist or exchange' Reduced to $799 900 -act now' 646-7 17 1 UPHADED TOW""OME Lovely upgraded end 11111 1 to wnh om e. 1n excell ent location o f Huntington Beach Could be a 4 Bdrm. (Jack & Jill) Very well maintained. very private spa Near playgrounds for little ones Call 546-23 13 3 IDRM + POOL + PRIY&U *'' Beaulllul garden home• Excellent neighborhood! Greenbelt 1ocat1on1 Assume existing financing or try VA $4.500 DOWN. 12' 1% new loan! Call 963-6767 12'h4' 10 IOW• Yl -Take advantage of the rates now1 This 1s a beautiful 3 Bdrm 2 bath pride of ownership home with family room. Well priced at $119,500 -call today! 646-7171. S+S FORMER MODEL -LUSE OPTIOI! 3 Bdrm. 2 story l1ome 1s in fabulous nieghborhood This tormer mcdel r.as 1t all' Assume financing' 963-6767 IUllDDMED! OCEU YIEW! $129,500 -Beautiful Costa Mesa garden home' Assume $98 000 loan• Call 963-6767 FIXER, FIXER -Near parks and schools this 3 Bdrm 2 bath home is a real buy' Save thousands on this one• Only S 129 900 act now' 646-7 171 MOBILE HOMES! S 17 000 1 BR. Hinting ton Beach Mobile Estatf> S26 250. 2 BR. Huntington Beach Del Mar $42 900 2 BA. Huntington By The Sea $59 000. 3 BA. 5 Star Park S61.900 2 BR. Dominguez Hills Call 963-6767 REDUCED AH RUDY -Vacant Harbor View Homes 3 Bdrm 2 bath home Owner must sell' Super terms and location Reduced to only $209.900 -call to day• 646-7171 YICTOIU HH TH SUI -Arc hi tectural masterpiece with waterfall + Kol pond! Assume $58.500 at 9'1t°/o, $630 mo; or try $8.000 down! Only $129.500. Owner anxious! Call 963-6767. >i--------------------TlllS WIEl'I TIP PHHOHS-------------------c: NEWPORT BEACH ... 7171 colfl Miil TOP SALES TOP DOlLAR VOLUME Ju4y Fin Judy flta 51f-2313 Judy 0 . Hawlclnt Elta Hoyt TOP LISTER Dove Hefnandea · Judy 0 . Hawlclnt Letlie Pi.d9tta -----------------------------~~---~~~----~ • • 2 -Interior Design-A Supplement to the Daily Pilot, Saturday. October 30. 1982 Exclusive Distributors SOLAR HOT WATER SYSTEM •NO PANELS ON ROOF •COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL SYSTEMS • EASILY INSTALLED OR DO-IT-YOURSELF • FULL ENERGY TAX CREDIT • 10-YEAR UNCONDITIONAL MONEY BACK WARRANTY • 100°/o FINANCING AVAILABLE O.A.C. This is a revolutionary new. self contained. solar hot iva ter syste111 ;n:ailable now £JC revolutionary LO W PRICES.' Take advantage of your 55°/o tax credit now, Before it is too late! The Sunwlzard 11 excellent for all dome1tlc purpo1e1 lncludlng Spa1, Hot Tuba and Jacuzzl1. ~ WIN A FREE SUNWIZARD SYSTEM ·········----------------------··· I Just complete this entry blank and either drop 1t by our office or mail in by I I Jan 15. 1983 No purchase necessary No obligation Winner need not be I I present to win I I Name I I I • Address • II I 1 Phone 1 I Submit entries to The Donna Co . 1540 I Redhill Ave "G", Tustin, CA I I 92680. Entries must be received by Jan 15. 1983. I I 0 I would like more Information on The Sunwlzard. I ~~---········-·······--------······ .. ·.·· ... · 7U Of Orange County Contractors License JF 378352 15401 Redhill Ave. "G" 669 8050 Tustin 92680 • Interior Design A Supplement 10 1he Daily Pilot. Sa1urday. October 30. 1982 3 Introducing the vacuum cleaner THE FULL-POWERED, TOP PERFOR MANCE COMPA CT VA C! '''"N f11Jl_4'lly lf\1t1 ' tt f t I ~1 l,1; ~ft_ifty °"'' H 1nt•r d', 1 c '"' .i 1 1•/1 I' 1, r -APlftJ111 • •JP.tt '''' f' lflln~: lf1.tr!'"' r 1•, I HT..,.., an l ll1<)11• I:,,.,, lo t•,mdh At!h 1;i1 ;r• • • U'r; 'l'.f'f")P "> ;>O '' ~f':'''' r ! ,r q ,., B.s f1 tH (11ul hOSf' ':>l,111(j<, •'' t•ll 11• 11 Complete w ith1 8·piece tool set 1 •' TOTAL HOME CLEANING ACTION Introductory Pri ce EUREKA CANISTER VACUUM • I l Peak HP Motor • l nol P .~ 1001 1 11111•1 • E r1ge & f.u1n~r lilct11rr • l~r9e C·IPdC•ty <11•.po· .. 1IM rlu~1 IMQ NOW •7995 Factory L1<;I S 109 9!> IEWPGRT YACUUI CEITER 18321/2 Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa (lntetMC11on or 848 5144 Newport & 8tVd .) - llERITAIE llOIE CEITEll 14210 Culver Drive Heritage Plaza, lrvlne 857-4871 MODEL J 1?0 • °""' ., .. l ... • Ot-A N•O' ed1u1t1 twtl O fO' l"'HI• C taru~ • Adt~tt J •OOt1t•Or\ "l l'IOlf• • c1e1n• '~OM 1w10 10 OtMbo110 • l 1ft llmt 1uouc1te<t ""010' ~ ' fl.-._, I i..,;;;;;---===:> DELUXE SET OF 8 VERSA TILE CLEANING AnACHMENIS INCLUDED' • W1'i1 1.,1 ''l' 1 ~Ul huli ~n.._.~, • 1/1111.1 (11oon•t• • II '""'" • n.11 qrl~ ii• r11 ·1•11<11 ch• I • 4 fl()~t1t1111 (l1.1I •' N.11•' • ll1101i111r.111t111t11 As Seen On T.V. ). ·t• ,., 1 '~ .. EUREKA Self -Propelled • w~ '-..,'• ... .,.,.,~Ifft •• _ .. . .... _ ............ . ........ ,....... •"' Factory L•51 S239 95 EUREKA 2 Motor Po~er Tum • ;(! ..... •1411 ""l~I .. NOW '6995 NOW• 129•s : : :: ~'..!':~~ .:'~·= • 1 a9•s YOUlll CHOICf F1ctory L•ll S2 19 95 Factory List $109 95 Fac;tory LISI s 199 95 .CORDIA DEL IAll VICUUI 332 Marguerite Ave. Corona det Mar 875-3863 SIDDLEllCI SEW I VIC 23811 Bridger Rd . El Toro 588-2660 CAESARS APPLlllCE 28052 Camino Capistrano Laguna Nlguel 495-5750 HERITllE T.V. SEW I VIC. 24194 Allele Pkwy. Mission Viejo 951-7353 I r I ----------------------------------t 4 Interior Design-A Supplement to the Daily Pilot. Saturday. October 30. 1982 ® OF COllTEllTS I •t t' I t I' •• t' t 1• I ' .. .. II I t, I I I • , I f • ! l " ' 1 t I ·.· . .. • ' t • •' ~ '. , . ' I ' I I• I" ... 0 1 t' • I , It ' t' : •• , I ... : , .. "· I I I I " I .. I I• " I ,, I ' 1: ' .. I ., I 11 ' I l ' tr' ,, Ir f If I I I t' ., J,t11'11 I A ;\• l . I I •" . .. •' •t. ,,. I ' ,n t ,,._.,, .-• ''''"'' r tr 1gt-! t 111 't t •tC ' r '-" r J01• 'PtlU I l• ~ rt~•· ·• .. 'd. 1 ''d' fr• t• r 11u,..•ratpj 'ft qr J' t1(d / <" tt • fl•<·'lft" '> • ,, •. , B •' ' lt"P "-CJ' ! ~ 1n1Pr1or d~C..•Q' t'C:.' ,u·~'h~l1L tlter,11 '''"• ttr1 t,ir Ii " t t t <11 r 1nJ Jill • w Jan< .tr•d < 11 ,1 (tll'>~ CJI Vtlla Pr1r~ 1•11tf1Jrt ll P •' tH·l1>re and 3ffpr" ri1ocp<,c, 10 <tCQuirP wh;lt 1!. l''>.,ent1ally rl f1t'W t10111P r~CCMt"'~M=C1..~C~t::U::100~0~t::U:::it:::n:1=._~~~~~~~ u ' a Designer's Wic ker WICKER & RATTAN rr=-=-r.--=i1 ~ WICKER & RATIAN SLEEPER SOFASr,... '489 'I nnttt'd to ~torL on hend WICKER & RATTAN DINING SETS 'l"Olll • 3 99 ' SELECTED FLOOR SAMPLES 20% .. 40% Off I .............. ._ .... DESIGNERS WIC KER 111 1/,, /11111</"' (,11i/il Pf,,. u 1 14'1~ E. Oyer ltd. ~anra Ana ( llt'' W J 1 \II fro,,. '"' ~,.,, l·u '"t J (714 ) 'l40-7RRI OPFN MON 'Al 10 <; Interior Design A Supplement to the Daily Pilot Saturday October 30 1982 5 Family rearranges 'nest' with designer. help B) JAMES l'O~I> Spec:lel Secllon• Writer &·fun· \11u n .. od 1h1-. ,1rltlli· ''I down th1-. m.1g.111111· •Ill,, h.11111\ l.olllt· ,ind. 1f yuu·rl· nut .1hl'.1dy tlw n .'. gu tu 'our ll\'in~ room .ind llx•k .irnund &· sun · to nolt· tht• l·olor 'l'hl•nw Studv tht• l,l\nUI 11f tht· lurn1lur1· .ind ·tht• p.111,·111 ·'''u1111·d hy '' .oll ha ngings clnd Pl('lUn .... Okav'' c.;u to 11 Bad;. so "ion"' W1·ll. tht• µ01n1 to this l1llll' l'Xt·n·1:-.t• 1s to 11lust ratt· ho" m:1nv l)f us ovt·r t1m1• ht•l«1m1• 11bl1vinus to nur surrnunchngs M Ul·h l1k1 · th t· l'c>ast;il q .:n•t l"tllllt'n t t11 pass 11,.., dav., 111 ;111 11ntnut.1hl1-. 11111\ "''"' Wl' lt'l llUI f1 •;1th1 r-. '1°ltlt· llllll f.11111l1,1r ... urn1und111g,., tor '' .11·-. "" 1·11d Suri· m .. vlw '' 1• 11•.111.ong1• .i It•\\ 1w1g-. rm\\ .111d 1h1·11. hut ti ... 111·-.1 n·n1,11n~ for 1 ho • 11111 ... 1 p.111 1111( h.111gt'll An 1n11·11·-.1111g ,,,.,, 111 p 111n 1 111\Cll\l''-.J.otk .111d (',11 01<'111....,111 \ dl.1 P.1rk Cnqu1·-.111111.ihh \ 11 llms 111 l'gll'l ..,\11d111111• 1111 C"r11.,-,ps h.id li\1d \\Ill llto ..,,,Ill• r1·d ,111d ~t·ld ll\111g r1•1111 \I'"'' ·" 1111 lll\t I ... 1 .. 1111 • '""t 1111 Is \(""' · 111'''' 11.tl111·d 1111\\ t111d 111 tt I ri.111' \\ ,.., ,J,,, k ~•'..,of 111' h1111u ' fnrn11·1 rrllo 11111 do 'li!ll lit., I t ,iJ I I ,ll 111 ll \\ .o , 1 I d • d b \ ,1 11 1m1wrH.l1ng "t·rlrl1111.~ ,111d r,.t • pt11 on ht• \\11uld h11 ... 1 .11h1.,11..,1d11111 f11r hr' cl:.iughtt·r .J,otqlll 11111• Anno· l'ho· t111u h,1cl lorlll' l11r .111111n ,\ 1 l1-.111111g of !ht• IH">l \\.IS Ill 11rdl'I Tht• I I r .. 1 .. 1. p \\ ..... 1(1 t fill t.11 I ·' qual1f11·rl 11111·11111 d1·.,1g11• r " prof.-..,,1onal \\ h11.,1· 11111.itt· .111d at-c1u1n·d und1·1 ... 1,1nd1ng 11f t 111•11 ;ind dC'St).!n 1 .111 11.111,form a 111•101 111 hnm1• 1n1" :1 w11r k <1! •• rt T h t • 1 r .,.. ,or c h I t • d t h • · 111 t 11 Ch.1ndlt·1 ·., ,, h• 1rtll' I lll t 11sl1111g.., -.111ro · 1n S.int.i :\11.1 .111d rn11 11tll d1·"~rn r :\Ian 11.ir pt r Al tt 1 ,, prt 11111111.•r' d1 .... u ........ 11111 111 th1 -.111n 11.orp• 1 ,.,.,th'fl lht· l'r11''-l'' in th1 ir h11m1 111 gt'I ;1 ft•t•l f111 th1·1r lik,..., ,ind 1li,l1k1•' Th• v1..,1l .d ... 11 pr11\ 11kd \o1lu.1bl1 mf11rm.1111111 .1hout pl.1u nwnl 111 I urn1 .... t1111g-. lrght111g ,1\-..tllJhlt .... p.ttt ,111d .Ollf ...... '41111 ... th• l'r•>'-"" "t.,h, d to 11llt gr,111• into 1h1 Ill \\ clE6,tJ.!11 Aflt•r 1111t·f\·11·\\"lng tlw ( ·r.,,.,, . ., 111 t h t 1 r horn 1 11 .1 1 µ • r t 11 o k ITI{'Ll.,Urt nwnt.-. 11f .11 t J'lt'U . ..., .ind room J1m1·n-.11111., Shi tht·n fl'IUrrwd tu h1·r t>ff11·1· to Ii• gm "ork on thrt·t• lavout dt·..,1gns r1n1· nt whrt·h would lw l hnq•n hv tht• l'rosst•s before· nny work "">ul d bt•g1n Samplt·s of tht• mat1·r iab to l:>f• uc;c•rl in t hP cl 1·...ig11 w1·ri· g1v1·n to tlw C r os.'it·S so ttwy could 'l 't" how tltt•v kx1kl'd 111 th<' honw in cl;1y hght an~ rir11f1t·1nl light O n l't' <• rll'stgn w.is apprt>v1·d. work was lx•gun on 'ilnpping lht· h umt• of its f urmt•r 1magt· W a llµaµt·r w a:. rcmovl'CI and rt·p la«t'<l w 1 th a rnsy • bt•tgt' p:11 n t . w h rl·h 1•..,ta bl1<>ht·cl :1 d o m 1 n a n t l" u I u r (' a r r 1 l' d o u t throu~huut t ht· h om e· T h e• living room·~ vaulll'<i n•1h n g p rc•st."n lC'd a b t t n f i:I problt·m for H a rp<'r S h<• ltkl·d its st'OS<' o f s p ac1ousm -ss. b ut fr lt 1t s h ould l'X' d ownplnyc·d <>o v1<>1 t11ro;' a ltt'ntions woulfl n't wan clt•1 o ff into its for rc«u:ht•s Tht· a n swf'r t•anw in tht• form 11f <t dt"('Orat1vc• bordt•r pap...r wit h dC'l·p .. mauvt-s und an 3l't'Pn t colo r 11( forest greC'n A d a rkt•r varia tion o f tht• rosy -tx-1gl' pntnt was u~od abovt• lht• hordcr "T h t• wholl• t•ffoc:l h l'l pt•d c reate th<' 11lus1on o f an eight-foot ceiling witho ut detrac ting from the "Jl;IUllU'ltt''-" 11l 1111 \'.1llll1·tl 11•i1111g .. 11.orpt•r ..._.~, H .. 1g1· t-.111w1111g ~u111·1"·1!.·tl 11' l>11gh1 n·d p11·d1•t"!'""" .• 111d gold turtatns wt•rt• taken d11w11 ,111d n •pl;wl-<l with Jl'i1«~1t1· l.ou· drapt'rtl''> Tht• nt·w sofa and lnv1 ""·'' util11.1·u anntlwr vari.1111111 of tit• t·olt1r ... l'h .. rnt· w1 1h d1•l•p m.iU\1 n·lvl·t. thl' s.11rn· color p1t·k1·d u p 011 tht· backmg u f m;1kh111g w 111g eh a11., The· wing l"hillrs wt·n · f ro n t!'d with .o buttt·rfly pallt•rn t~111li11111ng mu11·d V«rsrons of tht' rnauv1·s .111d gn•1·1h f11und in t h1· dt•L'11rat1vt· hordt·r Throw p illows on lht• :-.11fa ;ind lov1· ..... al 11·1·11\ t•d th1· s.11111• bu ttl'rl h p. ot t 1 ·111 t\11 llHlt 11·rtlllf\ t11U t1ll\ J-11 m Ii tl111111g l,1l1h \'..IS lll'ol.tlh cl .ti lht f.11 11111 11f !Ill r1111n1 .111.I c h-011' "' 11 1"'1 rc ·d \\1th tlw ltulll 1 fh p.1111 111 1·,t.tl1h.,l1t ·d on th1 "111g < h.11r., Tltt h<,...l .111d hu..,11·-.s t h.11r' lt11\\ 1·\1 1 ut1h1t'll 1h1· fun·.,! gn·1·11 .otn•nt 1111111 ,,... dul ,, ,111.cll 11tl1Jrt1.1111lt.1t fit '11ugh l111cl1·1 I ho· m;1rhl1· 111pp1·d ,11t.1 \;ihll Tho l11gh \\,oil f;w1ng tlw "''·' .1111l lovo· "'"'t n111t1gur;it11111 turnt·d 11111 111 l>1· .1 pt rlo-t·t 1111·.1111111 l11r .an ""1""'"'1-: d.irk\\IHid t 11111.i I ,1l11rll't . Ill \\ 1111 h t.1n11h h1·1rl0Mlllh ;ind ottlC'r .1rld.011-. 1 nuld Ill' di...pl;1v1•d Tiu• ( · ... ,..,.,,.., ;drc·,od_\ h.od 111 th1·11 P'"-"""''"I ••• ,, ... 1:1l l"h.111d1·lr1 I \\Ith .1 "r11uglt1 111111 11.11111 In 11rd1·1 to 11111 gr .olt It llllfl th1· ...i h1 1111 11f tlt111g' f 1.11 JI' I p.0111t1·d tl1t lr .01111• fll,1U\f .tlltf .11tl lll1·t.J ll., dt'(Clf;tll\1 !i'oo\. l''o \\Ith 11111•-.I g111 11 I l.111g111g II\ I I tlto ol111111g t.0111". tltt 1 h.1nol1·ht 1 .., d.011l111g IH Jlh;111u "·'" .1111 11t11;1to·d II\ .1 r1111111r pl.1u·d 1,11 1111 \\.ill d1111 th IH ltrnd rt 111 .ol l. 1111 111 \\ 11111 1111r f.,r 1h1 1·,,,..., 11111111 t1111k l•>llgltl y [0111 111111111!, 111 11111tpl1•t1 ()111'1 f1111-.h1·d. 1·.11 It 11111111 ,1111111· "11h .011 1rnl1v1du.il I h,11,11 lo I Yo I I 111 l'lllll I ' lt11t111 ·1111\\t d \\llh .. !1111-.i...11·11< \' •ii tf1 ".,IJ..:ll ,1f1of 1·111111 I l•l1Ci1f1.ollrol1 For quality, durability and traditional bea uty, give your ch ild a room of oak by Burlington House and Williamsburg. Complete baby and children's furnishings , now at discount prices at these BABY ~:;r~;:::~ns: ~~?.~ ORA NCE:. COUN TY SAN FERNANDO VALLEY IH~lH '-tf 1 1 1~~1 /\''\ \\A) RI '-ti I >A .(. Al II 4 1 llc; SAN GABRIEL VALLEY H4lll I VA Li FY BI VD 1<0'11 t\ll·A D. CAI IF 4 1770 Ml~ '-t I IA l<BO I~ Bl VD ._,,\:\I A J\ 'V.A. <.Al II· 4:!703 (213) 881-4441 (2 131873-3002 (213) 288-6220'(213) 283-%50 (714) 83'>-8042 (213) 629-3460 Call or w ritl_> for FREE Bab y Toytown color ca talog. I Tlwn· ,on· 11111\ :'.II ..,f111pp111g ol,1\'I It t I 1111111 ( 'hn:-.l.111.0" y,..., 11 h Ill.II lllllt oil \t.11 .ig,0111 ,dlt•I .oil lht · 111,oll' .olld :-.h11p' di\ .ill\'.oth d1 ·1111'.11o·d .ind """n ~o111t.1' .di "' 1 1 \\di h1· l1111lwn11g up 11 ... 11 kt11·0·.., 111 Jiii p.11.1111111 11 1 .oll 11100-..0· ... 111.oll II\'' ~•II ll\11'1 111.il gt I g111 11g \\ 1tl1 lho 11 l 0l111 -.IJ1 0,"'li11pJ1lll).!t.1lh ltHll oil\ I !1 ·\\ pl.111 •, \"II 11111..!hl II\ lli.11 .11• 1•111 oil lloo 11111111 l-'..1111 \•d i 1111 .lil11l•ll f,1.oi:u• ol ''"""'' lt.1111111 Ii."" 111111 ol ,1\ ,t111pp1111,! I 'll.1\.110.111 1,0 t .illo d lllo ( 0lll hlll1.0" { lllllflotll\ ,ol 1111 ( J1,111i I < '11uttl' I· o111 .i.:1 •o1111.J , 'I h1 II ,, .ill • 'lt'fhl\1· d 1 ... pl.1\ • I i..:1 1 t .... "' 11.11111 11 h .or1d l1.111d i. r .o11, \\I I Ii 111.ofi\ Im .ii .111•1 <0lll 111 '"" 11 "' "'f'" 11 J >I • "'i 11 )o '\ j l'ho ( '!.11 ... 1111.0·, \ 'lltip.111 •. I llll ~ '"' I ,,, I 11 ••11 1 Ill .o Ill 111 ., JI Ill .. 11d N"' " I 111111 111 " 111 111 , JI 111 r 11 k1·h Ill tho O \I Ill otll $..! Iii ,1!1ol • 111 lw pun h.1 ... 1·d .d11·o1d 111 111111 Ill o1I t ti. 1.!.olt F111 tllo•ll 111l111rro.ot11111 111111111 I 1 '" I .!'..!!I :\1111th11 ,.,,rl\ bud 'P1-t 1.1 l 1'.i \1·,11 t " t h 1 · \\' 11 nti1 • 1 l.1 n d 11 I I< "g 1 • r ' t:.inl1·11' .ii .!.i(ll S.111 .l11.1q11111 !1111, Ho.id 111 l'11n>11<1 d1•I !\J.1r \ )n ~ .. , '> I tw l.1rg1· .... 1 11utd11111 pl.1111 lllJI "l'l'y , lUI 11 ~ 111111 .l \\ 1111 d I fl U I h 11 I 1 d o I ~ d " JI l.1 \' (I 1 11111.11110 111:-. .ind g1fL., hut do g111·.irl\. •~·1.ou:-.1 · 1111' g,irckn~ .iro popul<1r .irid th1· tl1~pl.1v .ind l'hrnt·1· of 1ll'ms .in· :11 1h1·11 1,. .... 1 1,..i.,n· 1,,.mg p11·ko·d .ot l1\ 1.-1 Ill.Ill\ \'1"1111 , 1"111 lh11-.1· \\'ho \\:1111 t11 1·,l1·11d I h1·11 -.h11pp111g .1n ·.i 11uts1d1 111 1111 ( )1.1111•1· ( '11;1 ... 1 \llll 1111gltl \\.till ltl ll \ 1111 .OJ I .111d 0 1.d I ,,.,,,\ ·" lit S.1111.1 ft11 l1,11.1 l-:\1 I\ S11111l.1\ .011ol l111l1d.o\ 111111 j 1h.111 11111 S.111t.1 l~.1111.11,1 "" ·' .u 11 ... t· ..,o I l1J1 1111111 ti , ,.!11111• l .tl11 11111 li-11111 \',old lu11d1 11111'. lht l '.11 di• J ', 11llIt11 i'.' ii I , I\\ 111 L ' t Id., 1-. o I 1 •111!1 I\ to \\I II\ lo .ti tll'I grni1 j.,, .111of 111,111\ 11l t1t I I l ,d l i11 llh oill I ,111t11lc .J 111 11 I c I t t It JI• d 11 t 11 "' ., I I Ol 11 I 1 I .i 111 l 11 thi-.k 'l'li;·1c·"' 11-.u • .lh 1111 11l\ 111 p.11 k 111g Intl 111 p11 p.11t•d 1111 '' .dk111µ. t tu-.'' .o l1111i', l1U l t'ltjll\ .tldo· -.I 1 1 I !11 111 1>1•111 1i,,o1,. -.li11pf'1llg \I/It\ 111'1 1n.1k1 .o d.i\ 111 II ,1111 1 t•lljrl\ ,1 Jiit Ill• toll l)lt h,•;11 h 111 d111111 •1 .ol 11111 111 tho Ill.Iii\ lwo11h 11 ·,l,1u1.1nt:-001 1.ilo '' Tho li•,11\.d I.ti\ IM lt',tl h1·d llollll fl1gh\\,I\ IOI 11\ t.1k111g ti,.. {',tl11ill11 B111d1•\;11d 1•\.tl .11111 gnllH! l1 ·lt lo\\,11d 1t11· 111 .wh l'lll 11 ,ol 1 Ill.Ill\ "JlfJlll'lllllllll'' .do111g th• ( l1.111g1' ('., ..... , 111 Jllll'C h.1"' tlw u11u -.u;il ( 't.11 ... trn,1~ g ill f l111icL1v b:.1 .. 1.irs ,111d hrn1l1qu1·~ .111 'Jirtllg111g Up .ill 11\ t'f ( )1\1• ,JltllU.d 1·v1•nl ts lwld .•l th•· I l11rhur V11·\~ ~ 'luhhou-.1· in N1·wpon Bi•;wh It Ii•"" or11· d.o v o nly hut 1:-. llltt· ot llw 1i ..... 1 W.111 h lh1• ;H·ws1w1"H·r and bull .. 1111 ho:11d' fot tlw t1m1 ,111d d;.i11· of 1h1~ t1111· .ind 11th1·rs Beautiful Baths . • • u • Construction Co. State Lie. #409264 ~ ·-· ' ·~ 100% Completion Bond Fu/I liability insurance flnancint A~ailable O.A.C. laths, litclttH, fa•llJ RHMI, 211• SttrJ U41tltas 1570 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa, CA 92627 r~ J (714) 848-8787 Or (714) 731-6558 ·MM-· OAVIS-IROWN WANTS YOU• TIADl-IN NOW. WE'LL ALLOW YOU TOP DOLLA• ON YOU• OLD TV -WO•KtNG O• NOT. TIADE IN SAVINGS GOOD SAT., SUN., MONDAY ONLYI RCA 1911 Diagonal COLOR TV ,,.,_ -~-RCA XL-100 19" ---- • AllOO • El!C JRONI( IUNJNCi ~I ENDED l!ff CHASSIS J ~C.& ~O" o .. ctu l ~ 'ROJICllOI TV ..... .. . . ":::;;:.,. . ·--If ., •r--.. ... '1 698 BUY WITH CONFIDENCE FROM THE HARBOR AREA'S OLDEST TV & APPLIANCE DEALER ... FINANCING AVAILABLE -v/S.4 · SONY 1911 TRINITRON W 1REMOTE • INIRARED R!MOTI lRINllRQN Po(IUR( lU6f • UECJPONIC lUNINCi l I -------------------- Interior Design-A Supplement to the Daily Pilot. Saturday, October 30. 1982 -7 ____ asts or ever When you 're looking fo r quality, se lec- tio n , conv en ience, and perso nal se rv ice, look in the right direction ... South Coast Plaza Village. South Coast Plaza Village Located at Sunflower & Bear Streets Santa Ana, CA 92704 • (714) 751 ·6595 • I ~ I 1 I I -------- Introducing I SUPER PRINTS ••• u1ll1lllt 1t Yl1 Ll4• ... ••llf OUTIM 'll•t• ... t111 H• H4 H•,lttt ,llele CHllr tll1t 1h 11 JH he lelf SerYlctl • SUPER PRINTS-37% Larger Prlnh at No Ext ra Cherge. • lnatanl P111port Photo1. • Enlargemen1s Any Size up to 11 x 14 Same Day Service • Blacl\ and wn11e Processing ;md Enlargements in One Day • Black and wn11e Copy and Restora11on Service • Large Selec11on ol Album'> Fr.imes and C<1mera Accessories • Koda~ Printer tor a Good Look • ~:':1:1'.:~!';"11 .VIA ~~ CN: t-0.R ru>TCM MJTO 346 t Via Lido Newport BeJCh 11n 1ne Via Lido Plaza1 (714) &75 612? Featuring Designer: , . ' • DANCEWEAR • SPORTSWEAR • FOOTWEAR in lido Marina Village 3431 Via Oporto Newport Beach ( 714) 675-8805 Gift Guide Find your best buys for holiday giving in Gift Guide Coming Nov. 24 in the • Daily Pilot UNDAY lrv1nt' 'iymphony Orchestra Turtle Rock Community Park 2 pm FREE ft-.l Udncrng furtlP Rock Community Park 4 p m SA/couple Mon\lf•r Mdrc11gr-is c "' OlJ\t'I c OIJrt 'ioutt1 c O<lSl l'IMri Noon FRE:E: M.111.11m1· Wr111myer /f 1k1 r.11k furtll• Rock Commw11ty C1·nt1•r 7 pm SA/couplt' H M 'i P1naforP Plummt"r Audit oraum Fullerton 7 30 pm Irvine c;ymphony Orchesrr.1 Turtlt' Rock Community (t'ntPr ) pm FREE Lt's Billlt>ts TroLkildPro c11· Monte C.1rlo Twtlr Rock Community Ct>ntPr 7pm S~·SIO 0 ONDAY N \JAU:.N\\NE oEWA\ ' ~ I• I . , .. 1' \ . >· ..... • I' .. ......... .--~~--~--· ... UESDAY KPnnedy·s (h1ldren Studio The<ttt'r 'i<1<1<1lf'D.:ic1< ( Oflf''Jf' (7 14/ 831 4()',6 Now throu<Jl1 Oct 3 I Phorogr<1pl1s 1960 1980 Susan Spari!lls Grillf'ry Now tl1rou<JI 1 Nov 2 I Design Hou•p RZ Tours I 30 Pine Avt' 'iul!t> 208 Long Beach fl I 3J 4 37-8708 Now tlHOUC)h Nov I 4 H<Hbor 'irngt'rs PrP'>bytt'fl.tn C 11wct1 ( O~lil Mt>SA l iO p m H,11 bor '.in<]l'I s rresbytt"ll,ln c tn11(11 Cost.l Mes.1 7 30 pm H;irt.>or 'i1ngi>rs rr1•s1Jyter1.1n Ct1urch Cost.l Me'>d 7 30 pm Every Tuesd..iy EDf Horsr· R.lc1n 0 C Count: 6 30 pm Oct J7-No• 2 Curre Gift G debut Look In th Piiot. ~SDAY F<=11r Grounds 8 t Ide today. •r It >ally HURSDAY C 11;inri1n Ttt>nds L,1gun.1 8t><1Ch Mu~t-um o f Art Ou ZR Nov IS Barber o f Seville long Bt>ach Gr;ind Operc:1 121 31 4 36 961 I Newpo1 t H<1rtJor Pro feH1on,1I W omens A ss M o nthly meP t1ng 7 pm Velvt't Turtle Fashion l~l;incl RIDAY An ln,:iugu<Hi!I Exl11b1t r;irt l 1 r unDull LUlJPcms & Kog.i n Gilllrry 6 I I Anton Blvd <;u1tf' I ZO COSlc:1 M e!a Ocr 19-Nov l7 Night o f thr lgu,m.i M ain Theatre Sciddlt'bMk CollPge 171 4J 831 -4656 Nov 12-ll C t1,1ng1n 1 rPnd\ Lagunci BeM h M11~Pum of Art Nov I 9 -Ji!n 3 ATURDAY B,:irt>t·r o f Sev1llf' Lonq Bt><lcli Gr iln<l OpPr ,1 11 I 11 4 36-96 I I Amf'rtC cin C ;inc er Society Jrd Annui!I R;icquethon A .... rn R.~QUf't World <;,int,:i An.t Los Angrles Ph1fnarmornc Urchestril <;,in1.1 An,:i H igh School A11<11r om 1m R 3() pm 171 41 6 46-64 1 I 8.H t;,..r o l Sev1llf' l •Jn<J Bf'.tth Grcind Opt'r.~ /}1314369611 For calendar listing send your press release and photos to Janine Fiddelke. Daily Pilo t Special Sections Editor. 330 W Bay Street. Costa Mesa. 92626 I 631-1762 CUSTOM DRAPERIES ETC . . . . FOR YOUR NEW OUTLOOK ·40~o SALE 603 lO·DAY SERVI CE GUARANTEED WORKMANSHIP free Home Estimates Custom Drapenes Levelor Bltnds Vertie.le Blinds W oven Woods All At Unbeatable Prices! SL IP COVERS 1111 ".\.111111\ l~vl \l'.iu ·. J 11.1111 ".i1:q1ll' ,nid n·1d1· "l°h-1 l I\ lll 11 1 !.ihl l\ . ..., • Country Life lnterto-rs ,.,. I CO..ST ~ • CO.c:>NA Ofl ...... "' ~uu 17"1 .,, .,,0 -------·-' Save $25 i ~ . I On any La-Z-Boy" choir in stocll wit h 1 Nov 13, 1982. I J ~ Cnoo .t l!om m.tnv I '~ l / '''"' t~I~·~ & ldb<" I ......_,,, ol Id l 801 C n~"" • 1 nllud1n~ I --=-I ~~:,:,,::·:· ' : I Mon ·Sit 9-6 ----- • • 'im.itlll(S10 .. IOC1' I Of' "•NJ . . I L.&-z-a·ov A~~::s • ;T, I. v .... J,, ') .; ffi Otivtfy I Ii l 7095 Wettmln1ter Ave. I -...c-Westminster ~ I 892-5480 892-8389 ' --------------- 1 I. 10 -Interior Design-A Supplement to the Daily Pilot. Saturday, October 30. 1982 . Di scover what's cooking along the Orange Coast in the Orange Coast Cookbook ,.,,., Coming Dec. 8 in the Daily Pilat ------------------------------------------------. You don't have to spend a fortune on quality furniture • • • Just know where to buy it. MATTRESS LIQUIDATION ALL BRANDS ALL MODELS ALL SIZES , 7915 12915 SOLID BRASS BEDS • Artisans • Brass Beds of America • Swan • Wesley Allen KING SIZ"- COMPLETE BUYERS SERVICE ON All HOME FURNISHINGS 'Q11 NAME 11 WE LL GET IT WE REFUSE TO BE UNDERSOLD Al WHOLESALE MATTRESS & FURNITURE 25312 JERONIMO RD. EL TORO 770-10 , 2 OPEN 7 DAYS TO THE PUBLIC 0 ! MON THURS 10 6, FRI 10·7. SAT SUN 10-5 '--'-'-----....__. ., ... " THE NEW MONITOR. SYSTEM. KERO SUNS' HEATING SYSTEM THAT Will SAVE YOU MONEY IN YOUR ADO-ON ROOM ',.I • MONITOR' HEATING SYSTEMS SAVE YOU MONEY WHILE THEY KEEP YOU WARM PORT-A-MARINE INFLATABLE BOATS 2925 College Ave . Costa Mesa 540-2070 Latest furnishings are wall to wall oddities Onet• upon <1 llmt', tlwn· was living room furnttun•, bt-<lruom furn1ttirc· <ind d1n1ng ruom lurn1turt· E\'!•r vhodv krn•w wh1l·h was \\ h1d1 c1nd ·lht-n: wa;, no eo11fus1on .il.>ou1 \\'ha l Wl'll l \\' h t•f(• Oh. pl'rht.1ps thl•rt• wt•n• also d1•;,ks <ind bookl·ast·s tn gu 1n tlw lllirary 11r "d1·n·· as sonw eall1·J IL. and s11111t· t'omfortalilt• plt'l't ·s fur lh1 µord1 Hut "11.\ th111g 11111 oli!->l·Un· '' hwh t'ouldn't 1, •. 4u1«kl.' d,1;,::.1t1«d '' ,,..., pn1h.el1h -.onwth111g \11U didn't 111· .. d .111\ \\,1\ Try w.dk111g into,, furr1111111· ... 11111 · t11d.i_\ .i nd dl\1d111g 1111 1h1· 111 1· r 1 h .. n d 1 ... 1 Ii , t h 1· .. I d 1 l.1-.s1 f1t-.1llnn ... Y11u II "'•"Ii ,L!l\'1· 11p tli1 · 1:1 ... k .i .... 111 •J!t .,, ........ V..' h I. 1· 1. \\ 11 ll ) d .' " l I p I .1 ( I' l h I 1·1.1g1·n·-." Thi· t. .. 1 .. ,·• Thi· o111111 1111'' 1h;11 i .111 hi' us1·d 1111 • l11th1ng .... 1111 .ig1 Ill' hnflH• 1·llll·1'1.11JH1H·lll I 11/llJ!tll\1 111,·• \\'h.it .d.1out th1· "'' •·p .... ot.1 th.it 1 lq,.. 111111 .a king ... 111 ht d Thi· rll'\\ :\1111·111.all 1·1111;.unwr 1-. .1 , .1n·1·r g11 I 111 I>.dl.1' ,, 1 hildl1 ,, 1 oupl1 · '\11 S1·;1t1l1· " h.11 h1·lur 111 lt1, t1rsl "p;ul " 111 N1·\\ Y11rk. ,, hou-.1'1111 11! fl•>mm.;tt'' "Im \\111 k 1t1 th1· ;,;11rn· o f flt'l' in Lo-.. t\ng1·l(·'· 11r .i u1uplt· of -.1•n1or-.. 111 <in ... dult 111111rnun1t\ 1n St Lou1-.. T h I'". h" 1111' f u I ll I ... h l II g ... l·n nsumt·rs <•rt · n·p11·....i•ntt·d rn many .ottribull·;, ,,nt.J i.•llltutks Hut 1m1· lh1ng about most uf thc·m 1s th<1t thl·1r llvt·s arl' nun-trad11iunal ThP\' ma v s hare th1..• s<1mP holufov~ a nd as::octallom: a s the· rt·s t of tht• l'ountry. but whE-n tht>y go ..,hopping for home furnishings thl'y an· a different breed. Th t'SC' n<·w consume· rs w 1th chffrn·nt m ·t·d s an• g1v111M r1s1• lo nl·W l'all·gor1t•;, of l ur11 1tun., ;wi'ord1ng to s1 mw 11 •t;_11)c•r s :.ind rn;inufoc·t u rt ·n. It d ;,,1ngl1· dt·"l·nptl\'o· word «ould lw 1·h1>M'I\ t11 «h;1r;1t t1•r111• tl1t• n1·w m.1rk1·t , tl \\ ould probably 111• "1nf•1rr11.d " Tho· lt>1H'1•pl t•11nt,1ll1' lht• 1dt«1 111 n •1111:.. t 11 • .t .111 · lh1·d 11111·1Thangi .. 1hh 1111 ,ill 1h1· :ti'ttv1t11·-. 11! l1v 111g . 1>f f lll lllllll t• 1 h;il I' Ill 1111 p.arlJC'llJ.11 ... , , 1 • ., l1u t 111 ... 10 -.111 '' g1-.1r1 ·tl 1 .. 1u111111111 .... · • .t111i,: 111 ... t11r.ag o· "' 'Ill t.11 I ' 111 .oil\ l IH llll \\ hl'l 1' lht· lll't·d fill tl11 · lllllt'llllll I :0-1'l~. I ht rll'\' 111f11i 111.il 1ur1111u1 1 1 .. u11lik1·h l" bt• .tUtl11 lllll' .all\ lltllt~', ltht1 .. 1d 1t m.i\ 'ho1 row·: d 1·:..1g11 ..!1 1111·11ts t 111111 11111· OJ 111111 • 1 ul tur.d tr .1d1t11111-.. S1111\1 1·0111Ji.11111•:-, h.a\'1· '"Iii hnf llw11 prrnlllo t 11111·-. 111 1·:o11 ·1 lo l 1111 111 •\\' 11111-.ur11l'r:. Otlt1·1 I 1111i. lt.1\ • b"t'll ..,, l up JU"l It• l';11t·r lt1 tit• 111 Tfw lur n11un· 1h1' an· pr11dunng t11 1111·1 1 tl1" 111 •\\ 111·1·d-.. mt ludo·-. 111ul11 u-.1 ... t1J1o1g1· 1rn·c1·-. ... ud1 ·'·" :1rmrn11·s .011d \\,ill sv:.ll·m•., nm1lrn1,1t1011 g.111w .1111J d1111ng tahlt·s. d1:11r-.. 1111 l';1:-,to·rs f111 1•.;:-\ n111hrl1t\. :-.111.i;, th;1l 1·11nv1·1 t t11 b(·ii:.. <md ft)lfmg «:11 L'> frn ,, \'<lfll ty •of u;,t·-.. 1ntlud111 g lllt'.il •.i·rv1 11 g "h1•1 "'·1·r 1·011v1·1111•nl 1\11 1 >..<in1pl1 · 111 ,, l'11111 p:111y t11rr1wd tn 1·:1lt•r to th1· m;1rk1·t 1~ Swvoak Tht· '.! 1 _. y1·ar-old com pan v t !> .i :,,ub s 1d1 arv of Ja1·k IJ.in11·ls D1sttlll•nt•s · "Ntnl'ly pern·nt of our furnitun· ts madl' of b<.1rn·lwo .. d Wt• wt•rt• g1v1ng lht'm awav <ind wt· 1fr~·1d('(I th<1t wt• s h o u I d r. l' c· y l'l e t h t' wood 1 n to ---------- fur111lun ·." 1·xpla1n;, L;irg111 Gruvt·r . assistant rnanagt·r •>f tht· furnrtun· op<•rat1011 Thi· pmdul'ls. Jt•s1grwd hy l) B SolH'. an• g1•.1n·d tu app1·al to tho· c·u..,to111wr 111 111f11nn;tl t urnitun" wlt11 co111 p;1nv 1·xt·l'uttv1•.., lw ltt·v1· nught find wlt1'kt·y b.1rn·I fun111un·" gow•I 1d1·a Tn·11d 1.111 .. " an •·s:.r11p1' Ill a n 11ld1·1 f 11111 th.it r1·n·11Llv lwg.111 1·at• 1111g 111 tl11 • rww 1·on;,u111t•r Btll lla1r-.t11r1 lh p1 ..... 1d1 ·nt. say)> (, . ..,.., SI'•"!• h .1 p.ort 11! tht· IH'\\' l'flllS Ullll'I' 1·4u.1t11111 Tho llt'\\ 1·ori-.u1111 ,.., h,1\'1· ll<~ onw .w1 u-..l<11111 •of 111 -,111;tll1 r qu.11 tl'r;. 1h.a11 1\ ll 1t. I I I .. I\ :.. LI ... u . al I \ I II ll ;, I d I' I 1ks1rabll' If Lht·y an· young, tht·v h;;v .. n 't lx·l'n around long t•110ugh t;, ;w4um· trad1t111nal hou~lllg If tht·v an• old1·1« th1·v niav h<.1v1· 111riv1·d t n11n larg1·r 4utirt1•r:-, · "Tlw fal't IS lh<.il llli!llV t\1111 ·1'11·.in ... w di 111·v!'r buy ;1 p11 ·1 ;. 11f to rr11a 0I tl 1111ng ro11 n1 11r l1v 111 g 1-.10111 I urn1tun•," s;1y:.. S tw 1 ''om! S1111th pr1 ·-.1d1·nt flf Sl11·n\ 111111 l·'ur 111t un· p11Jdta1·1· 111 111.1111 ...,.,,1111 g o111d ,), ., 'Jill lg f lll'lll I lit t' I '1 ·1 l1<1J" tlio•\ lt,1\'1•11 I th1· 1t111111•v 1'1 ·1 ft.ip~ lh1·\ lt,l\'t•11't l)lt' "I'·" 1· I >1 111.1\ lw lht',\ '>llllpl.\ do11'1 "'1 \\ h\ lht·\ :..h11uld, wh1·11 tit•· 111'\\ P•·~·· ~.., 'Ull .tit lh1·11 rn•1·d-. "' "' 11 DOl'BLE DUTY When working <ll home t hc>n"s a need for a n office such as th!)> attractive one fash1rnwd frum a bt.•druom The• brass and glass whit· :-.urrounded by w0w•n palm d1rl'<'tor ·s d1a1rs doublt·s as~· desk and confl•r t>nl'1' table. Anthony's Shoe Service • Bank of America • Cparles Barr Jewelers • Crown Hardware • Or Lou Eld8f • The Hair Handlers Salon • Hatllday's Men's Clothing • Hicllory Farms • Humpty Dumpty • La Chante'e •Hughes Market • Mes Amles Teens • Nancy Dunn Antiques • Newport Balboa Savings •Paper Unlimited • Sav-On Drugs • Serendipity ·Storekeeper • Storekeeper '°" Her • Veta's lmttmate Aooaret • Westcllff Cleaners • Westcttlf Corners • Westcflff Shoes I 12 Interior Design A Supplement to the Dally Pilot, Saturday, Octo ber 30. 1982 • I f ··~·;·~~:·;;:·.~~·~ .. \ : In Con tom : ~ o .. "''9n Scr~en• I ....................... · ,,. I •.I .. ., ... ';,r;r ·, . '( -~ ' ·. . 0\t 1•r. ''I I I ' f il i 11 ' ' I t f\-'t•f t t ' o I '1 I t I ._ ~ t ' ~fl'~ PATIO .... FIREPLACE :?4395 AhC•d Pkwy M ssion V1t•10 • ,, • .,.., •ror G~ c Ht°"Jf\ MO<' S-ll 'l' ~ )() C .._,....,.,, 111r 837-2282 WINDOW SHOPPING? ~ITT ITI1 __.......m Look in on California Skylights ........ 't .. 111 M•• .. I' .... ..... ..._.•...._....•.,._....,....•I ., i. ' doe Al .............. ...,..., ·•••ct!I ............. ~..,..... .... . 17"1811,,.tl Ctrdt .... 0 '"'-• fA 9J7l4 (714') 557-5+0 .......... i.-•lfl•· ntiQur tlt agr "Fine English Antiques at Affo rdable Prices" N l~\.,. Shi p111t•n f Antique Sale Oet. 30-31" I 0 .i\M Sharp! ~ Delivery and R1fini1hin1 Araila6/1 OH HALL TREES srn::~ARDS OH ARMOIRES ,,.. $65 ,, .. $65 Fr•~ 12 5 OH DRESSERS ,,· .. $75 STAIMED &USS CHIMA CHIMETS MIRRORS SETS OF CHAIRS ,, .. s75 SEWIH IAClllME fr•• s7 9 VISIT OUR NEW BARGAIN CORNER Decorator and Collector Items Decorate At i Half The Cost <.:~_: Bu y Direct f II<>< hf· f h'f J\ I f /IOI ..., I \ /J.' lJf \f I\ f I If II Nl .U .... ,. \/(/if ( .: .... * l11-ll1111 ... 1· j),.,ll.!111 '1' * "lttl\\lllttlll l-.11 ·d1l11·' Wv C:1rr~ Ldce Loose Weaves Velvet s Eyele t s Pol1st1ed Cot t o ns Sa 11ns Loads o f Des1qner Fabrics. Colton Duck "Decora t o r Pillow s Polyf1ll Pillow Inserts More and More' Selec.1ea Designer Pron1s Comlorl+.,s & Beospreads DECORATIVE FABRIC HOUSE M-F 9-5:30 WED. 10-7 SAT 10-5 SUN. 12-5 '-.-c-18085 EUCLID u 405 FWY. FOUNTAIN VALLEY 963-5659 The buck starts here. M akin2: a start j., proh'a hl} the mo~t 1mpt1rta111 -.1er It 1\\ ar<l -.a\ in~. There i-. a\\ a~ It> takt: the initi;1I -.tep anJ k no\\ ~ uu're tu\ the rij.!ht track tm' arJ u re~ulur,, scheduled '\a\ inj.!-. . .I ust join the P11~ t't)ll Sa\ in~" Plan at \\Ork .. \ linle i~ taken out of each flll) check tm\ a rJ the purcha!'c of l '.S, Sa\ inli!~ Bnntl-.. You don't h;n e to" orn 11h11ut makin~ a -.ix:cial effort tu put -.ornethinJ! 11-.iJe each J)U\ du~. It\ all <lone foq ou .. \ utmnuticulh l <he buck<; '.'o.(art pilin~ ur. the i11tcrc:-.1 gro\\ '· and ~ ou realize~ ou' c: found unc -,urcfin.: \\0} lu,<l\C. "puot'C" ..,...IC• o• '"'• ''••"f fl111u llf"ltl TN Aa\l...,,.."9 C.nuN •• j'i'tll s~ Ta~ \.or ~ ~ ~~ • Sti}C i'>.-cs~ 1n Affierica. Interior Design A Supplement to the Daily Pilot. Saturday. October 30, 1982 13 -he bedsp,ead stor~ BOUDOIR SALE SAVE 200/o .. Bedspreads -Chaise Lounges -Head boards -Benches & Chairs -Everything for an Elegant Bedroom Sale Period I 0 14 11 14-82 [:::::J 24378 Swartz Dr. ~I Mo•N«:°"' El Toro -951-9070 1 ~· J For One Fu mr or Extra 100,.b Off for eashi SANT ANA Mm11 !>I '11 li llo 71 1 \.II I I'll 11"'1 1 llR'lil lllRI 111111 RIOM I'll "II.·"' V.NTI\ l\NA MMtll '>I al IOllo 714 ~4}"717 I A~.llNA 1111 I'> .1\/1(111 1'1!"11 I•<, I> I "~ 71~ '1\( 71111 ------------- Pholoa by P•lrlck O'Donnell (;Ol H:\t ET KITCHEi\ Tlw l;1rg1· gour-r\11•l k11dw11 ha.; 111:111v -.;p1'<·1al ll·.itun·s dt·s1g1ll'd with lh« took 111 111111<1. TIH·st• 1ndudt· tw11 built 111 11\'1·11-.. •• 1 huilt-111 ~1 ill .ind pll·lll~ 1.t t·nuntt·r -.;p;1c <• Ll\'lll'GROOl\I Fn·1wh dc111rs lt·.id i>ul 11110 tlw p:1t111 frn111 1h1-, h1·aut1lul t1,1d1t11111;d ll\·111g rcoc1rn '' 1lh ;1 n1.irhl1· t1n·pl.1n· ;111cl h.11dwood floor Time To Redecorate? Ca ll or Vi sit M! ~~~~~~ CLOCKS CH.\\ DF ·\Tl I EK (:LOCKS From '4 75°0 To 56,000°0 T HE l.:\HOL T SELECTIOJ\ I ~ \>HA~Gs;E 'Ol ''\ITY NO NF.En TO · RD£R. \l'F. 11.t \'f.' OVf;R :woo r: . IN S'/'OCk' ! .,, .. O\·cr 20 Ala;or /Jraruls WIDE SELECTION OF ANTIQUE REPRODUCflOIV AND MODF:RN , TYf.£D CLOCK, FOR TODA l'S Of:COR. ·\11ttfJU<' (.'fork°' .-;,,/,.~ 1X 1'1•11,11r .. llou~e CaJl, 011 floor Cloe~;. \V'e 'II Alwa r ... Ila n· 1i'mc f 'o; } 011 ! I ·" .11•.t1 \ .... I"' I h11·1111.•· (714) 837-9311 11< >t R' 111 ' \0 Mond~y thrn ~~1urda, 2~32 Via Fabricantc Mission Vic10. CA 926n TAVE RI\ ROOM Dl'stgnl'd ''1th :lt'tl\'lt v 111 n1111d . tlw t;l\'1·rn r.10111 c·onw:-rornpl1•tt· with .i lull length liar .ind ·plt•nt~· 111 rc111111 for d.111c111g 11r othl·r .1t'll\·1t1c•s Interior Design We will design a unique and livable environment for your home or office . For Information Call: 846-5082 Elaine Hankin Interior Design Thing. tur 11 out l1t·'>t "h1 11 pl.innt'\l ,1111u11d ,, th1·1111· ur ll'llll\il rtlt·.i Tht· !>.1m1• 1., 1ru1· ''1th h111n1·" .111d our 11111111· or tlw Month '1·1·111:> 111 b1· pl,1111wd ,11 ound tlw lhl'mt• ol .wll \'It\' Thi::. f1\ 1• lx·droom f1v1· Ii.1th h11111t· 111 thl' H1g CJnyun 1•.,t.1t1·' is d1·-.1gnt·d '''1th tlw ,11·11v1• n·stdl·11t 1n mind Thl· b1•auuful Fn•nch 1·ountrv i.t\ 11· h11m1· lwi. thl' ..idd1•J 11·.itun• ol .1 tull .. 111· pool :1ml 1·.ib.1n,1 111 th1• backyard O\'t'rluok1ng ,1 sw1·1·p111g Vlt'W ur Big Canyon (;olf Courst• L <1rg1· f 1· r n s . µ u n s 11• ::-. ~ n d nar1·1s. .. u::-.t•s adorn thl' gr11und::-. and .i gr<1:.."y ;1n·.i rwxt lo tht• pool woult.l b<· ;,in tdl' .. il spot for ii gamt· or 1-r1iqul'l or l~1wn bowl Om 1· 1ns1dl• tht• hom1• th1• I 1r::-.t thing thJl l'iJll'ht•::-. th1· l'Yl' IS thl' grand l'ln·ul.ir '>ta1rwa y Jnd t handl·lll'r Tht· floor-. an· hJrcl"' ocxl Jnd tht· t•nlur .,l ht·nu I'> a WJrm burgund' Jnd mJUvt "llh toul'hl"::-. uf gn'i.•n Adclrng to thl· -.t·rN: of ,ll·llvlly .ind run 1::-. th<· t.1v(•rn room wllh a full h..ngth bar and an an·a large f'nough to danc:e. c.,hov. moVll''> or wat<:h e1 w 1dc scre<•n ll'IC'v1s1on Ad;al·tml to th(' l.i:IVt·rn room 1s a ::.mall room warmc'<l by lhl• ~·aullful w. '<'Kl panl'ling and bookc:as<.-s This r •m t:ould C'as1ly lx'('()mC' a study or l1 o1 ary or be used a:. a gaml' room as th•· pn·:.cnt owm·rs havt• done. Tht• l.irgc· hvmg :"<><>m l'arnes out the F'rem·h country tht•m<• with a marble• firt•platf' ::ind t•lt·gant French door:.. that lt•nd out to tht' covered p.i1w <ind bac·k yard 1 'w formul Jmmg room l'an easily ::-.1 ... 1 12 <:md also ha~ a v1t•w of thC' backyard thr 1ugh lht• lt'.tdc'Ci glass window::. th.•t an• throughout tht· house• Agarn 1h1· 1<h·.1 11f Jl uv1ty and 'Bare' furniture fills budget need Unf1ni .... hc'Ci furnllun• lx1ught fully a<.s1.>mblc-d. or m 1L" kit form. f1lb .1 g<tp for tht• budgt•l mmdt<d and lht· creat1vt• "do-1t vour., .. trt•r," ..,;1vs Clark Garnt•r . .J "Jl('('l<lllM 111 dt·s1gn and l'nv1ronm1•ntal an:ilvs1., for Corne· II Ox1p1•ra 11 Vt' Ex lt•ns1011 Garm•r ...av'> t•on:-um1·rc; c·an SdVt· from :w to ·4 5 p.-rt·t'n t by bu v1 n~ unfrn1<.h1•d furn1tUrt'. with tht• gn•:1t( .... t s."lv111gs n•all1Pd 1n buymg pn· ;1:,,::-.c·mhlt•d Pll'l'l'S clV<lllablc· lotally. ratlwr th.in 11rdN1ng kits \Vh1ch must Ix· as.-.c•mblc·d flt· cidv1::-.t·s doing 1·ornp:iral1\'t' shoppmg. lt><>k mg r ()I Jlll '1.1 '' of high 4ual1t y. with !(tJIHl 1·11n.,tna·t111n . wood::. and 1·1 ,ifhm.111sh1p If thl' w u o d 1 s t ,, c· k y o r r c• ., 1 n o u s . ratlwr th1m smooth, ll will .1ff PC'l the appt•aran<.'l' or lht• rin1::-.h . hl· wcirns Pll'n.., ;Ls.'l•mhh'{l with «rC'WS art• of bt•llt•r qual1t'y lhdn tho..,c• assC'mhl1.·d with glut· or s t ,1ph•..,, Garnt•r pomts out .• md clov1•t<11l .ind r.ibl~:t .101111.!-. an• prl'f1•r.1hlt· A1· fort undt rt.1k111g furniturt· (1111.,htng, ro11 ... unwr-. -.h11uld m.1k1· ::-.url' th1•v h.1v1 the· ::.kills 11t'<'<'S."'1rv lo 1·omplt'tt th1· p11·t·1• to lh~·1r "'''"C.1c llot1. tlw t1m1• to do '" .ind .1 , 11ntr11I h·d pl.11 c· 111 "' 11r k. < :.11 n1•1 i1clV1SC'S Tlw work s p.wc· for l>l'sl rl'sulG.. :..hou ld lw 'At·ll \'1•1111l.1t1•d . du-.t fr1 ·1· .ind r<'a.,on.1hlv 1 ltild proof Interior Design-A Supplement to the Daily Pilot, Saturday, October 30, 1982 -15 J.>.1rl1t·'> t'"""., lo n1111d "' ht•11 th1· gournlt't '-l\11· k111h1·n "1•nl1·1 .. d Thi· k1t1 h<-n h.1 ... m,1nv f1 ·;itu1 , . .., 11Hlud1ng .1 built 111 1111110\.\,1\1• b.1rht'l·u1· ,111d two 11\ 1·11" (.; f'<H" I• d \,\ I t h '-U p I' I h l ll '-I tJ 11 I I II n ... I r u I I I II n I ht· h II 111 ,. I ., 1·1111v1·n11·ntlv lotalt'd 111 tilt' N1•wpw t &«1t'h :in·a Tht• h111111· I'> l 'U I I I'll I Iv ht 111,L! ofll'rt•d hv Lvnr11· V.tl1·1111111· Prnpt·rll!"'>, ,, cl1v1:-.11111 of .J.1<'11h-. lfr<i hv. I ne JIOJ\IE OF' THE MONTH Thi· bt·autiful hat·k v;1rd of this month's honw ovc·rlooks the· Big c~1nv1111 <:nit Course· . Modular dimensions are the unit ying theme in the Muurame furniture system designed by Pirkk o Stenros. J 11,, -· • I ... • muura me ® FINLANDIA FURNITURE, INC. HOURS: 'v1on <.,,1 t H I f, 'It 1111 lrJy I!. r, FAMOUS FINNI SH DESIGNER FURNITURE SANT A MONICA 2l)() ~ <;antc1 Monie a Hlvd. ( 2 I q 4S ~-~ n 1 ORANGE 407 N. Anclheirn Blvd (7 14)6~4 -3h4h COSTA MESA 1827 NPwport Hlvd (7 14)h42-N67 - • .... • - • • - • 1f' -Interior Design-A Supplement to the Daily Pilot. Saturday. October 30, 1982 Relax after a hard day with the Stress less reclining chair. Designed by the world famous EKornes craftsmen in Norway, this comfortable chair uses a friction balance principle which automaticlaly adjusts position according to the slightest shifting of the body's ce nter of gravitv. The stress less is perfect for home or office. It's upholstered in genuine leather, and supported by a sturdy chrome frame. The matching ottoman is included. Best of all is Plummer·s affordable low price! AVAILABLE IN FOUR COLORS! NOW YOU CAN CET THE ONE & ONLY ORIGINAL STRESSLESS LEATHER $~99~ ~~~~~~~-~-~:~ ....... ~ ~. ... ...,. r•-·c .~ .... : ...... ~ ' . ' INTERNATIONAL CONTEMPORARY FURNITURE WIST LOS ANGELES. 8876 Venice Blvd • 12131 837·0138 12 blocks east Of ROt>ertson• SANTA ANA• 1540 E warner. 17141 557·0611 CBetweenGrana & NewPort Fwy Exit on over Rd I SF YAUIY • 12240 Sherman Way, No. HollywoocJ • 12131765·0401 •Between H011vwooa Fwv & uurel canvon1 PASADEU 180 S. Lake Avenue • 12131449·6741 rrwo blOCICS soutn Of co10racJ01 SOUTH IAY • 23855 Hawttlome BIVd .. To rrance • 12131 378-9473 cOne block norm Of coast Hwv1 MISSION VII.JO• Margue rite Plaza • 17141 495· 3252 ceerween crown vanev1 & Averv PkWVI SG YAUIY • 15711 E. Valley BIVd .. City Of lndustrv . 12131961·9809 ,, DIOCICS east Of Haclenaa Bl\ld I OPIN 10 to 6 -SUNDAY NOON to 5