HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-10-31 - Orange Coast PilotH $ 3 s a a a as J • SUNDAY OC TOBER 31 . 19112 ORANGE COUNTY. CALIFORNIA SO CENTS 1 Sign of times: Poison Center's lines humming U\ GLENN SCOTT Of lh• D•llr Pllol lt•ll Tiil• 1'111 ... n11 l'1·n11·1 .11 l 'l' 1" 1111· l\l1·d 11 .ii c 't·1111·1 111 n 1.111g• , ... l11•lh111~ 111111 1' lh.111 lh l· 1111\ h,11•k l ti t llt'I 11 1 lhl' h 11sp1l,iJ ph.11 111:.H \, \\h it h I!' 1111th111g h•-.., th.111 I ,1n•1 to r ));i,·111 Sl'll,1p1111'-. t 1rl 11 o • 11 1' .1 l'l .11111x·d and 1·111.v pl.tt'P S1 h:ip11 u'-. 111-.111 ut1tm,1l -.tl•t I d1 ·-.h 1.1k1•!-. up v11 tu.illv .111 uf lht· lh"•I '>JI.It'(' 11n I ht• \~'tll'll, 1,11 µ1 •1t•d llt101 Th1·r1· I!\ nu pl.11·1· 101 ,1 \hi ltll ltt ~1 I l'lt.l'l'Jll •Ill t ht• 1 c>ullh-1 top wh1·n· t1·l1·ph11111·-. lll't p "1lh t•n11.•rg1·nl·~ e._.11, ,,., 111,in )' •I!\ :!5,IJl)l) I lllll'S pt.'I' :-l '.11 It wnu Id -.ll 11 !'.<'t•m sma II 1 I 11 '"'rt' thn•t• 111111·!\ lhl· ~11.1· , -- B11t "'11111-. 1,111•(\ 111•1•d to '>It Ill S, 11.tpll •I'-, I l'llh'I, \ht 11111\ 1l1.11111ghou"' l t11 1 1111 11.d lllf tll lli.il l\111 1111 f'Cll'>lllll Ilg-. 111 (It .i11g1 ( 'mml \ V11 tu.1lh .ill 111 l ht "'I \'H'I I!\ b;-phlllll' LI II d .1 l\l 1 \\ .1. IJ h .11 111 .H v 1.· .. 1d1·111, ""1' w11rk111g thl· ph11111·-.. du1 111g .1 11~ ••nt .1flt•rnoo11 v1:-11 l\lo~t 11! lh• l'alb ;1n• tlt•alt w ith q111ck ly St li.q11111 .;.11d ~IU IJ4 '1 t·1·11t 111\111\ 1· 1 hlldl't'I\ :-w.11lt1w111g "tilll' 11 I ,1 1111 If 1 ti II" llllll •.i· h 1tl ti -.u lht.llltt'!\, lrom !\o,1p lo ho11M pl.1111 h·.I\ , .... 111 mm.I l.1..,1·~ ... 111 that I' lll'l'lh•d I" II• ,1!\.'>Ull' tht• JXlrl'lll th,1t lht• ,ub-.1<11111· "11'1 h1Jt.1l Hut on1• 1,Jll h.i.. l\11\\ .i l'Ont't•nw<l 1h.-. da, A 'hak1·n Ir \'llH' mo th1·1 t 0 .ill:- ll'l"'1 l111g 111.il 1111 lwo \1'.11 old '1111 -.\\,tlf.,\\ I'll 1111 I llllh'll1' Ill ol \ 1.tl 111 .11111 11111l11111 ,,, k ilt'" pill-. l\ll\\,1 1t·ll' lht \\11111.111 Iii gl'I '111111' '\I Up Ill lfll I ,11 , ,1 pl.111 t 1·,11.11 I Iii.ii 1111IU< ,., \ 11111111 1\g t't•111t•1 111111 1.i1 .. '·'" l.11 111111·, llt't•d I ti ti \' l \\ 11 I II I 11 ~·' I ti p I t • \' 1•11 I p t1 l'>t1 lllll'"" lpt·•·.11 .111 d t ht• 1·1·1111·1·, pl11 1111· m1111h1·1-. ti:H :->}JHH (di.ii I 1111111 IH•;wh nlll ''I ('..JI 1111' ti 1111 I 111'-.I '1'111' \\ tll I ll'cl lllttt 11 ......... v ... !-.ht· h.1!'. 1w t .11 .11111 1111 1p1 •1.1~· Hut -.111 'II "l' v. h.il -.ht• 1·a11 do Slw 'll 1.111 "·" k "U n .ill ,l\'t•1,1g1• t .cll." flh:.<·1 v.._,, St'h,1p11 o. "t ht• 11111\ h1·r llt'l'tb 111ot t' 111•.illlwlll than tlu· l'htld" Thi:-Ilk•\ 111· .111 1•xu•pt1111 1 L.tt• Iv. 1h1• 1 1 pha 1111.w1:.L' lit tlw h11,p1t.d .di tr.11111•d t11 1.1k1· 1.111,, .11111 11•g1,h·11'fl 11\ll""I.' B1•111l11 l\l.111tl,111'> p 1 oh.d 1lv n1uld u -.1• """"' 11 1 ... 1 f 111111 t 111 :N h 11u1 ,y,11·111 C '.ii h h ,, ' t' d 1 .1mat 1 t' ~1 II y 1111 ''"'"''ti ti u 1 111~: t hl• pas t f t•w w 1·1·k :. h1·1.,1ww u f wtd t>s p n ::ad l't11 11·1·rn ..i lw u 1 I h t· da ng l'rs of t:.1k111g uv1·r 1 hi' 1·o unte r d ruijs s urh '" T y l1·11o l ;md Exn·dnn e.ip!-.u lt•.., .i... ;1 1 t·'>ult of p<Jt:-.onrngs 111 1h1· M1 dv.1•..,t "W1• \\'t'll' g1·t1111g 100 lo 1511 t .d b fJt'I W1'1'k JU:.t o n that :-Uhjt'l t " "'"I Sd1..ip1ro 11 1-.. .1dv1t 1· S t<.1y a w<>y fr11n1 .111 v k 111d ol t.q ,....uh· suld tn l't111t.11rt1•r.., withou t tampt.·r -proor !\P,fl ., B ut p 111clut t' 111Jtl1 tl dtrt'l tlv fn1m cj1)..lnhut1ng h11u,,., ..... '>Jh• l'u1Jlt11ty al.111ut tlw pcJtsc111111g d1 .. 11h ... h as ll'd -.i>mt.· <·allt'r!> 111 q u1•!-.lt0n v1rluully 1•v1•r y1h111g lht•y h u y, he a ddt't.l So fa 1 IH1 w 1 • v t.· r , n o 1 n c 1 d t· n ts 11 I tamp('rtng w it h p rodu <·ts 0 11 Orang<' l'ounty s h l•lvc·s lw vc· tx .. ·n reportt:d, hC' siud Said &:hupiro: "My gut ft·,.ln1g 1!'> that the pro blem d0t.·sn't 1·x..,1 lw11• Nu t that It 1·an·1. hut th.ii 11 dt>t'!-.n 't " Dt.•caUSl' or lht' suddc ·11 ;111.I wc·ll publ1t·1zt•d 11n·Hl1·111 1· 11 1 pm"lmtngs, Sch:.ipiro ,... o f11•1111g otlwr 1·nllt•r!-. ;ind the• pu bl1t 111 ).(t•1w r-.il "l><'t.·w l warning:-a bout It's politics as usual 8~ tht· A'>sul'iatt·d P rl'-.s A 1 11111~ 11 l 1h"rg1·-. .tnd "'' u-...1l11111' I h·\\ 111 lht 1.u ,., I• •I g11v1·111111 .11111 LIS ,t 11.111.r ·" tli• L 1mp.11g11, 111 T•1111 Hr.1d l1' <.;1·111 gc· I >.·ukmt·Ji.111. Edmund (; H1 11 v. 11 .11 .ind 1'1·11 · W d .,1111 ll I tt \' t • d W I I h I 11 7 :!. h 11 U I ·• 11 I r:h'i.'lHlll I l.1v Ht·11"" 1·d t h.11 g1·-.. 11\ ( ;.,,. H1ow11 th.it S,m Dtt·gu l\1.1\w \\'1!"111 h1-.. Ho publu an opp11111111 lor tht• CS S1•n,11t· h,1J t \,11l1·d f1·dl·r.tl 1111·11 111t tc1 :-.1·-. \l1·11· d 1,1111 ...... 1 d b\ \Vll-.un S.1tu1d.1\ ,1-. ··11ot l11 11g Ill'\\. lht• ,,H ilt 11ld thing" Buth l .1nd1d.1t<•' 1·.imp<>rgrwd 111 Norther n C;.1hfurn1a. with W1b1111 I Ii ... ..: 11 lj.! t h .• I H t"lH\ II " .i 11t1 l.111111 1 .u1d ;11 1t1 ag11hu-..111t .,., .111d H1 ""II d t0l\11Ulll lllg \o\'tl.,1111 111d 1'11 'ldt 11 1 H1.,1g.111 f111 "1'1~1'>1111-' ,, 1111\'11·.11 .11'111'> 111·1·11· 1,,,. :\111:1 •lt ..., l\l.1v111 Br adl1 ', I 1 "• k I n g I 1 • r I r".1 d 1 I 1 11 11 :, I I >i 1111" r,1111 -.upp11r1 111 th1· f111.d d,1\-. 111 tl1t· g11\'l'l'll11r·, 1,11·1. 1111 :-,.itu1 d.1:-IJbl'll'U Hl·puhl11 an 1\11111111 \ t;1·1w1;il D1:uk1111 Jt.111 .1 '"' .. 1 \\111111·11·, nght:- 1>1uk1111· J 1 LI n l'J l l1•J tht• .1!11 g.1111111 "to1.tllv u 111ru1 " utul 111-. IJ·"' '.>Uppur.t o f lht.· l::qu.il 1:1ght.-. A111l·nd1111·nl. but n·fu'o(•d 111 dp.,1.·u ... , b ills Brndk·:-hrt>u1-:h1 ll fl !> 11 \\' U llH' n ' S I SS U l ' !> I h .1 l IJ1 ·uk111t Jl.111 h.1d 11ppt1-.1·d "'' a l1·g1 .... l.1llll Tl11 y 1111 lud1·d 1nt ,1'.>U11·-. .i111wd ,11 pt;lllllg Wllllll'll Ill lht· <.'.dtl111111c1 l l1gh w.1 ~· P.ilrol a nd 1·11ua l111ng \\'l\'t •-.· 1·11111 1r1u111 ty p1 11pt•1 t~· 11ght,, tlw nwvor said Hr;11 lh·v 1;111 1 -;pok1· 111 l1 1..,pa111c '>ll fJP"' 11•1., .ii ;1 $.> ;, pl <it 1.· f und r.11-.l·1 .ind !'..11 d "lh1· lf"IJ·•llll' l'tJnllllUllltV I'.> gotng Ill J.( I' t I l ' f d I I ' h J I (' • ' IJ f .1pp11111llllt'llh tu lOU I t:-,1nd l>l.1tl• .1g('l\l It'' Dt•u k111c•J1.111 ... 11 t''>..i·d ht'.> k 1·y 1-..-.111·, l "rt nit', J'.> h t· tllU I I'd H1·puhlw.tn ht•atlqu:1rh·r.. in Los A ngt·ll·S <ind O rang t· cuu n ttt•<., (See POLITICS, Page A2) I llld ' "illl 11• d Ii\ II If k •1 1 111 .111' l'.111 llh 'llflllld ""I" I I l h t 11 I l11ld11•11 ' I f.1ll11V.1 1 II •!l111d11•' lwl1111 .111ytlt111g I' 1.1\1 11 111 ,,11d' "'l'lu·v ~h•1uld 11111111d1,1t1·ly .,, p.11 .11t• Liit gq11d11 ' 111111 two g'""'" ('011 11111111.illv l"'"k;1gt·d I' •• II d \' In 0 n ,. Jo( I II II " ii n d h111111·1r1ad1 t t.111g' 111 fJI 11d w ,., tlt.>t 1·1111ld 111 "II' 1wd withou t C•\ 1111·111 t 111 1.111qw1111g Ill l ht o r h t 1 · h1 .... 11d "l'h1·11 tht·y ,111n1ld d1-.i .1111,.,,1 v1l11ng 111 th1· I.1th I I .1t. g111 \ .11111 • ,,.111in1 lh1· I l''t Tli1 1h .. i1h, I t l.111·d !ti T~ lc·1111I fS(•t> POISO,'\J:'\GS, l'a~~ A:I J \ D•ll• Pllol Pholo. br Ch ... 1 .. Sl•N Unin~r ity P a rk Ele m e ntary . chool' Pumpkin Fes tival a nd Carnhul broug ht out tht• u~ua l lla llo"·et-n a rrH) Saturday. Left. Ca:-. ... i•· Cox 1:-. a bunn ~. ri,:ht. cott y Donnell go es with the crowd a s E.T . Center . adult "'ood~· Rt·ckman a nd Bonni<• Cobble watch th<' <·os tumes . I Norma H e rtzog Arlt>ne Scha f e r CM council race very polite affair By JODI CADENHEAD 0( the Oellr l"Mot Si.ff 'f.he 1982 C ity Coun cil elect10n m ay go d own in Costa Mesa 's h 1s lory as lh e dullesl as two w e ll-known incumbe n t s race four challe ngers in a ract> that h as St'emlngly gen e rated httle interest T he only n ight-time cand1daws forum w as sponsored last week by a Boy Scout troop o f n ine and I 0 year o lds. About 25 peo ple atte nded. "We don 't have a n y issues," said Mayor Arle ne Schafer, o ne of the two incumbent&. ''You 've tt.Jt two Incumbents •nd th<' last tw o years ha ve &On e S<J smoothly " The other Inc umbe nt , councllwom•n Norm• Hertzog aire<!d, "ll't betln a w~ry quiet l ract• T here a re n'l a n y really big issues beca use we h avt' w orked to make things run smoothly " With no real p ressing economic problems facing the city . and few disagreem en ts about growth and develo pmen t , t he challt'ngers have had to turn to w.-11-worn issues o f past ca mpaigns. Completion of the Cost.a Mesu Fr1.-eway t•ame up agnin, b ut all o f the l'andida t<'s a grC't'd t h ot morC' m ust be dC>ne to jX'rNUlld<' Caltrans to fund the p roject O n othe r Issues, such aR t h <' sign ordinance and housing. th<' c&ndldaw s diHe red But untH last w1-ek t he race w 1111 on absolute l y p o lite ho ndahaklng eUalr with fe w dlugreemc nts and hard l y a (S1e MESA, P11e A3) t Ranch vote a 'numbers game' By STEVE MARBLE Of the OallJ Piiot ll•H S w a llowl'd up m th1• vas tnt'ss o( thC' NC'w port Bt·at h hig h school aud11on um. th(· uowd of 45 seem<'d l'V('n small{"r tha n 11 really w as J uSt days bdon• tht• C'll'cllon . the most ·volau le ba llo t issue m the city thl' Banning Ranch d evclo pmC'nt refC'rC'nrlum h ad the drawmg powt•r of a grad e B movie U n d a u n t 1• d , f o l' s a n d s uppo rters o f lhC' 75-a c r e deve lo pmC'nl proposal in West Newport drom•d on, g1vm g the tC'c hn1cal s1dt• to an em otional issue Whe tht'r or no l 11 1i.. rt'ally the t a l k 'l f th <' t o wn . th e rontrove rs1al bu ilding pro.)ect is being v 1ewC'd by p o l itical observers as a c:rudul matter, a crossroads fo r th<' city . It rcpresPnL'I tht' second time in a year .t h at <'i t1zc;n s h a v C' C"ha llC'ngt•d t h l' C it y Coun cil's a pproval 111 a largt• building proJC.>cl 1 h rough lht' rt'f£'rt'ndum proces.'1 M a yor Jac ki<' ll<•othe r , a !->uppnrll'r o r t h1• $1 00 millio n d t•vf'lo pm1·nt. s a id the b allo t question will d ctl'n rnne w hether citliens arc "copabl<.> o r d ealing w ith largC', rom plicatc'CI proje<:ts." S ho sugg('litt•<J 11n C'IC'Ctron d ay d C'feat would chongt• the <'OUrse o f d evPlo pmt!n t 1n N ewp ort Beach and force> b uilders ~o think in tt'rms o f m a ny sma ll proJl'c"l.S r ;i 1 hf' r t h 11 n IC 1 n g I l' m a IC I t' r . p lanned dt>velop men t.s. H coth<.>r M lrl thi.. ul!'lo w ould l(tve r h.'<.·ted o fr1c1t1li1 lt'!\S o f a n o pportunity to Nctroet renditions 11uch u rood tm1wovcm C'n ts from bulJdc ni Mlkf' .J o hn 11o n . 11 W .-ii t I 75 ac res up for vol~ Newport re_ sld en t and critic o r the Banning Ranch . said he sees the ballot question as some thing mut·h mort' fundamenta l. "It's a question o f whe ther we're going to build o r wheth e r we're go ing 10 overbuild. This re pres<>nts out-of-control grow th a pproved b y a n o ut-o f-contro l council t h at 1s d an cing to the tune o f th<' d <'Velo per " T hou g h It n o w looks l tk<' n s tretch o r badlands , the Banning Ra nch o nt'<' reached Crom th1• <.'oasl tu 11 pcn nl In Costa M.-sa wht•rp Fr11rv1cw S tate H ospita l now s ta nds The la nd w as used for raising sheep Thf' ronch is now 500 ruggt'd acrct1 clutl<•rro with ml rigs 1m d dott<'d wit h shrubs Devt•lopcr Wilham AAn n ing, w hose fQmily h as ownt'd tht· property for thl'C<' gt'n crouo n.<i, Is ask ing \o dev lop A 7~-pere rornc r on th east side uf the ranch T hf' N <'wport-MctHI Unifie d School Dlstric;t owna MURhly l l acr l's o f the lan d markf'cl fo1 d eve lo p m e nt . T h .-d1 s t r 11·t purchasc'<i the land for a M·hool tha t was n ever built and has been waiting for thl' d ay whc-n thC' p r o perty could b C' "'Id rented or leased On the 75 a c res. inla nd of l1ac1r1c Coast H ighway and Wl'St of S u perio r A venue. Banning 1s hop ing lo construct 379 homes and 400,000 squa r e feet of officti>- industri.al deve lo pment. The Issue appears on the ballot as Meuure N. The w ording o r the ballot que stion 1 tself h as produced controversy as w e ll as a lawsuit. Voters s upporting the develo pment must v ote "n o " while opponents o f the b u ilding plan vote "yes." Carrying the banne r in support of the Ranch plan Is C1tlzC'n.<1 for a Bette r Newport, a gro up tha t Includes four council m em bers and four achoo! trustees. The· group h as hired a polilical consultant and coJlected mo r(l th.in $30.000 for campaig ning The largait donations h a ve com!' from developer Banning T he West Newport Leg~lot1ve A 11t a ne1·. th 1.• grou p t hat ~ix·arhl•adt•d tht· 1 l'f1•n•ndum. is op<·ra1111g on a m1111.• -.partan hudg1·t but ha-. dr.1w n 'upport from otlwr n1111•n organ1~trons loUC h al> SPON 1St(lp Polluting Our Nt•w porll W hilf' t ht· d l'b.itt· o n the 8 .-rnning R<1nc h !\tar tl'd on an t•m otional notl' m1111th-. a t::o. the d1s putP is no w hig h ly ll'ch nical :md focused un trafftl' rt'por ts. d C'ns 1tv fig u rt•s and p rof i t margins Each s uit• h1" da1med the other 1s playing u "numbers game'" Dav id Goff. a rornwr alliance leader w ho now 1s a n o utspoken supporter of thC' prv}<'(·t. S<.11d the d eve lopm e n t w rll rl•sult 1n pres<'rving th r('('-q uarll'l"S of the 75 acres as open spact' J ohnson , a n alham·t• lead er . said this fig u re' 1s m 1s l<'ad1ng be<'ause roads, priv a te· yards and garage roQfs fir<' lx.•inR c'Ounted as open space. BJ. Skilling. prl'S1dl•n t o f the sch1lnl board. p r;iuwd t ht• pn.>JCCt. noting 11 could N lrn tht• sch ool d istrict up 10 s:W0.000 annua lly (See NEWPORT. Pa(Ce At ) INDEX Bridge E:'i E5-8, ~~I ·ti El E5 AR C l ossified Crossword Ot•ath No tices Editor ia l Pagt> En lerUtinmcmt Featurmg Fan once H o roscope Ann Lande~ Mailbox £1 -!4 C4 Dl-5 C4 C'4 A6 M OVll'S Nn t ion a l News Puhlit Noti('l'S H<'al Estat<' Sport~ S tock Markets St v ie 1\~ lt•v 1s1o n Thl'a tcrs Travl'l Wcath<'r E2-3 A3 E5 06-7 Bl-7 04-5 C l ·6 E4 E2 ·3 C6 A? I j I· I 5 e as a a ,\i l 11 Jll\Jt l 111u1t UAH Y I'll 1 l I / !rnnduy Oc.tobur 3 I IUUJ ~\ ''' Continued stories NEWP()llT <;ROWTH • • • l'IH•Uf.:h tll 11111 Ill tit'\\ ll'ill'hl•r:-.. '"l' "11d Hu:h unl N1d11>ls, .1 l'rtlll nl t lw p ropOSl'\l d1•v1•l11p1111•11t , ,,11d tl1t·"· f lt(Uft'S ,11 t' llll,lt•,1dlllt-( lll'l ttlht' lhl' s1:h11ol d1,l111 t '' 11111 ll4·111g up fro n t ,1h11u1 till· 11np n >vt 1111•11h 11 \\•il l liavt• to p.1y 101 1111 lh an t'U~·W S upp11l'll'I' p11 1nl 1<1 tht· $11 m11lron 111 ro.id 1rn111ov1•1111·nh t hat Ba111u11~ 111ust put Ill •" ,1 lOnd 111011 tu d 1•v1•l11pnwnt '' l11lt- l ht• dl'tr.1{·t11r, rt•tort th.it 11111d111( the road wurk 1s s1111plv 111 providt' itl'l't'S.'i to B.rn11111g':. l,111d Both std l•s h.1v1• adn11ltt-tl tha t the aVl'r,1g1• l'llV Vllll'I' I' probably thuroui::hl~ lust Ill rlw blizzard ol 11u m bers th.il h,l\'t bt•t•n fl1>w mg frt·l•ly trn111 Ii.1th cam ps for st'Vl·nll m u11 th:-. J ean w~1t l, p rPslcit•nl 111 SP< >N u n d a n op fl 11 n l' n t 11 t t ht• dl'velopnwnt, ,,11d \'ot1·1' .11 t' bemg !!Ub)t't lt•d lt.1 .1 "n ut•I ht>.i' ' by the m1sn·pn·~·nt.at1011 11! l.•l Go a nd h g u n•s S h t>rry L out bu1TU\\, <• ~:hool trus tet.· a nd Ha1wh suppm ·tt·r, :.;ml thl' avl•ra~l' votl'I' 1s bl·in~ mad1.• to d igest ·• 10 po>unds ot ll' hn1l·<il ~POLITICS .. • ~t hrel' dJ~'' lwf11t" Tu,.,d.1\ !> ,.. e lc'<:tlon • ~ Hl• "''" tu w111d up tht' d.1, ~ wnh a r~ilh 111 (;(.)}J (,1nd 11!.1tt·:o. '!sta tt'w 1d1'. ht•,idl11wd hv \'1t·1· ~Prl•s1dt•nt Cl·urg(• B ush An ;11dt· 'J1d tht: \.\'tlson l'alllpdtgn plmi... to sp•:n d $:>1111 Otlll l:x·fort> Tm·,d.i' ·., l'll'<.11011. n''"''h • on lt>lt•v1~1u11 ,1d\'l'rt1:-.111g ;~ B rown h;1:-. l>11ught ;1 II.ill huur ~on T \' '.'>l.1t11Hh in Los J\ngl·h :.. : S an F r Jill h( 11 .rnd s,,, ranw11t11 t 11Vll 11l11tll'lllu l llllf>ltl'I r.·p111 l:o. pr l 'JX!rt.>d bv l'Xµt·r lb" B1111t111•8· whOt1t• family uWtll'd t '.1 t.1llnu Is l.md lx·fort• 1wllmg 11 111 th1· W n j(lt•y fun 1lly. tl ru~l(t•d hi' ht•t•b fu 1 mon th1> b l'f11r1· .1~l t'l'lll8 lo biwk h1i. u wn plun 111:-. h l0!'>1 lUl11111 Wu:. l>a:...~J 1111 tlll' lal't tha l th1.· l'(lUIWll h .1d ~·Cilt•d d ti w II h I Ii p I u II ll "d h I " u11u·r ta 111t y t hut ht' would lw ,1hh• tu lllUk C' llllllll'V With l ht• •'flfll ovt•d p rOJt'<.'I B.11111111g sd1d h l• 1s s lightly .1111u,.,,•d that hl· 1:. a t th(• t't•n h'r tlf :-.u' h ;t ru1•ku~ Ile s a id IH' '' 1·a1d1111g lht• k1mJ o f tury usually t t''t'f'\'t•d for larl(t' dl•Vt.•lo p l·ri. 'lll h dS t hl• lrvuw Comp~llly 'I d11l11't l't1mt• l o to wn a:-,, 1. aqll'lh.iggl'r I'm 110 1 u ht•rt• tt1d.1y gunt· tomu11 uw kind o t d t·vt·lo pt.·r I huVl' u slakl' in lhlb wwn <i n d I wou ldn 't build <i plOJl'l'l thJ l would h arm my l on ununi l v " To cr1l1t'S w h o S<Jy t he R a m ·h 1 l' p r e !> e n t ~ • • p 1 t' <.· c m l' a l · ' dt'\'l•lopn w nt. Banning said h i!> proposid "is tht• s ingle most l o m p r <' h (· n s 1 v l' p 1 a n l ' v l' r dl'\'l'IOJ>'>d 111 W l'1>1 Nl·Wport .. I" 1 t t111 q( h I a 11 J W II:. •J 11 111111h.11>ld th1· l ullo·w1ng half h uu1 Ill Loi. Angl·ll•i. a ncl Sa11 Fr,11\l 1!'><.u for ,. n ·p la y o f h a lf of hr, 11'<.1·11t l ort·1~n pohC'y dl•b.itt• with Brown \Vrbun hit al Brown':. farm 1t'tt11d 111 JO JPµ4.'<ffdl1t'\' Ix.fort• 1311 -.uppurtt·r:. d l J F rl•i.no lkpubltt<1n fdll~ "F n •,1111 1s my M"mc.J horn<-." Wilson '>did .. W.h t>n vuu <.·onw lo W,1,la1ngtun ~ou v. ill fi nd t h1 door 11pt·n .. chain fete ~.Human unofficial record The a n swt•r :!:l.111111 ()1 dng<· Countv n •s1dcnL ... h .. vt· w.11lt-(I for has co.me Sort ol U n i t C'd Wav 11lf1l'tab who h o p ed tu ~l;t .1 Gu1n1a•'!> world rcc'<>rd with a hum.m t·hain ~formed St•pt 2:'> Crom Y orba L inda lo H untington &·aC'h . c;;ud •'Fridav th<.·v think th(·\ \\ t·rr· ;8 UCC'esSf u I • George Ph11l1p-., J 'f)(1k1·:.m • .m '.:1 o r U n 1 l <• d W J ~ 11 f 0 t ,, n g l' ..,<:o unty. said hl• .,poke· rcu·ntly ,"'Wt t h Colin Smith . a ::Corresp ond<•rH·e <:drlur 1or ::Cu inncss Supt•rlat1ws :: "He told us th<1t t•d1tor'> won't .. bC' rl'v1ewing th(' evl•n ts for t hl' J98:l edit ion o f the Guinness book for several m onths," said P h tlhps "But 1t look s lik l• Wl' have• a record h 's u n o U 1c1al But ll looks h k e we have 1t." W hll<' th ere may still bf' somt• doubL'> a bout th e SUC'«"'SS o f tht' han d -holding f'VC'nl, lhC'n ' 1s no unC'l·r la1 nlv that U nited W<tv \'Olunleers ·have alreadv ra1s1•d $6 7 million • "Br<.'akm g a Guinness record ·~ JUSl a warm u p f o r o ur r t·.il challen ge to ra ise a re<-or d $1 :~ mill111n." said H a rry B ubb. U n1h'<i W ay fund -r a ising c·h w f 4 , R agan get mixed scor ,-.«o..,_ ...... E.F ... extra fancy 0•111 Pllol Pholo b~ Rlch.,d ICo.hl•r t \ing two pumpkiu-.. \lc·lanic· Tia n tnc·cl a n c·yt'-Oflt.'llin~ rc·11clitio n o f E.T. tha t wu-. j lulgt·d winrH'r in tlw fift h a 11111rnl Pumpkin Cur\'in~ Contc·-.1 al La"t' \ 14''~ ~t'hool in II untin~to11 Bc·uc·h . W 1\SlllN(;'1'uN U\1'1 'I \It .c1 .... · .. llHl~'"'""1111.1I • It . 111111 '""' .11 .• ,. \IJ• •• " It I• II 1111111 11 IJll 1(1 1).!,tllillllll" ·II 1111\\ lllol\ 1,. •' j'1111 d 111111 I 11 I 111 I k I f;o "" ~1111 Ill ... t\\11 "·" ""lllo1td Who II f<.,11;dd J(1 11.1,111 t1111k 11ll t\I', 11111.1111111 "'·'"' .11111\'t • Ill I" 111111 11111 ·11 ·-.1 1.111·' \\4'11' 111.11 111111.t 111~11, 1111 ""' 11111111\1111 111 '·"' "·' I I IHl••lll .111d tl11 It ti. t .ii d1 It• rl "·' 111 .;t I\ till I 1tl I 11111 Tl11 ,., """'"' ''"" t·l<.p.111111111: li11 ,1,1v • .t.1l1111q:h ... 111111 11 llllllllll'h ,,11d 11 It.id 'II tJI llJI ,ti pt11l1l1111' 1h.t1 \\I 11 l1111tlltl t11 1111111 tl11 h11011t N11v. 111.1th 1\\11 \t .•I' l.t111 rrrl l.;111111 .111d 11111 ·11 ·'1 1.1t1·' .111 d II \\' II ... 11 •• I I' I \ B II t 11111 11111lt1\11111it '"'' ltl I J><'tt1 111 lht 111~:111 -.1 Ill I.! \1-.11:-. .111d 1111 It~ .ii 1'111.! lo-d1 '·" d1 lllll ~I Ill I l11ll11.r1 11.1 d o 1111111·,lwd llw uld ,, , ,,,,1 i\ 1111 XI 11 11 '1 11t ti J\ 1f1 I I' It I I "'1"11 "" I h• '""' la.111d l11 l l,olt11l1 lJlldt I t 1111l1 1.J Oil 1111 111 lu I ll h p11l1111' ti.1\t d11111111.1t1 ·d ( ··111~:1 •''" ·'"" g11111 h.111d Ill lt.111d '"'It tlr• F1·d1·1.tl Ht "'''" Ho.11d 1111 11lh1·1 k< \ l.(•l\"1·1'1\llll'lll 1111 hh·lll ,., 1111 tlt1 1•111l)OlllV '1'111 1111.irtl 11." 114·1·11 ·\,111< I \' 1 I11l1t11I \\II IJ Ill bl.tllll d fol 11 "'"Ill).{ 111l l.1t1rn1 Ii\ Oll'<HL ... o l •• 11gh1 11111111 \' 1111111 \' lhiit h." 111111 d ,, H 't , . .,,11111 Hut f£·dt 1.tl HI " I \'I' g II\' I• II \111 ... 'II t • II' U 11 ·I \' ·"'·''' 111 \.\'ht lt llnu" \\hilt·\ f(, ,1g.111 h1111"tt II .... 1111 l."t "t t·k \\ ho 11 '"kt d \\ ho t h 1 I h1• \\I II NIWS ANAlYSIS I l 11111111j1 I I• lllt 1111 d t I lllllllj' 11atI.ti11111 \.\ 1 11 I I• t I 11i1,, th.11 "'"I .ill "' \1111 .,,.,.,,. 111 ll·t•I ll1.1I 1'111 t11 lol.11111 lrn u111 111pl11v1111·111 I Ii• 11 ... 1111 f,11,J \ 111u •.I l,1 t • ·I"'" ild1 1111 1111 11d 1.1111111 1ll••t1 It\ I olo )1"111'" I )11 h " N11 I g11.d, 1 utt111g 111tl..t11111 d11V.ll 111 '"' \'t1U It,.\, 111 gl\1 1111 pr'''"" 111 h1~l1 111.11 k' 1'1111-. 11 1 I l~l llj.! lo·" tli.111 lo.ill ,,, 1."1 1-. \\It• 11 Ii• l11ok 111111 t Hut \Ill.ill\ l\lt\ 1<1111111111-.t 11111 Ill• H1 .1~"'", p.1 ·,11.tl '"'" 11l1 1111 l,;111111 g.1111' lt.t\ I IJ1 •t II W11ll, ,ti I' ".,I 111 JI '" t I h "I u g It I II I I I 111 1 .. 111 \ ' d1 ·1 11111· Wht II \'llll d11n 1 h .•\• , tc•I• \•1u 1.111'1 liu\ •" 111111 h ,11111 \\ 111 JI \11U d1111 \ i1\J\ .• llllll h "'''"lit I,, .1111 I " l.1!11 t ... l ,1JI lt.11 d I\ I oll" (llh I ' I >11 1>.1 v 111g lt1" 1·111nor1111 .,, .1 \' \\1th C 'w1gt , . .,.., I« ;1g;,,11 w111' .tll ,\ I It \\ .llllt ti 1111 l11gg1 .... t.1\ '·"' l lJh Ill L' .... 111 .. 1111\ •• 1111 111 gul tlt1111 !-,1111 tho \ h,1\'1•n I I" t .,11,11 f. d i\1111 111 "'" t11 bq~111 1 111 :.11 •·11tl 111g 11u.,h th• .1d11 11111 ... t1.al1•111 h11pt•d \\11UlcJ l'll0 1 Ir• 11 ·1 , .,,,, Jll ()11 t ht 'll l1Jt 1 t ti! 1 h o l1udg1 t \\ h11 h 1 .1111lid.1h H1·dga11 ....1111 It• \\11llld t..tl,1ntl· Ii\ IY8~ 111 1111"t 11'\1 ·1\1· ,, 1.iilang· gr.idl N111 111ll\' d11l llH d 1·lll'll .,,,,ff \II ... 11·1111d le" I but 111.ill\ •-t11n11m1::.h ,,1\ II 111uld 11" {II Si:)fl hJl(Hln Ill l11i.:l11 I Ill I llflllllg \f'..1('> Search off for missing Lagunan Coast s olons get 'dirty' scores l)1,111g1· ('mtnly ll.11IH1I )'.oln1I o>Jllll,if, l,1llt·d 11tf .I '4',lfl h 1>11 .t 1n.1n n11, ... 111g .it 11·1 "" '·""" 1.1p-.11td "'·llUl d.1, 11fl l .. 1).!Ull.1 Ii. '" h N II l I " I.' I' \.\' .1 ... I "ll II d " I :l:.! 'l'"' old 1\1.ark Mutthl'\\ Juno·" 11 1 L .1.l(u11.t B1 .. 1d1 f11ll11\\'111g " 1l.1\ 1 .. 11g ""'"'h th,1\ 1111 i1Jd1·d two 11 •• 111111 l '.t1111l 1,.1,th .111d ( ..... ,t Gu;11 d l\l,111111· .. 1111 /lit d11.tl t \ .H·u,1111111 h1 ·lwo pll•r:o. The •'l' 1d1·nl on u 1 fl•ll .1l .1buu1 ti ol Ill W Ii I l 1 • .J 1111 t'' .J 11 ti •I l Ill)\ fl •• ll I II II :! I ' t ... I II I d <.'hr 1,11,ph• 1 l\!11111 1• 11f BJlho.i \\ 1 11· p.1Jdl1ng lh1 11 1 1 fool 1 .11111t .d111ul lillll '.11 d, o ff L.1Kt11i.1 ' l\l.1in B'"'' h l\l<111r1· 111.111.1gl·tl 111 'w1m ,1,h1111· afl1•1 lltt• • ·IJ"t/C .111d l t1lll.ll I ,1\Jth11nt11·'· .1ll111d111g 111 ll.11 liot ~'.111 .. 1 Sgt 1'1 .. 111 < '111 d1 II l '111 dt II ,,,1d th1 , •• 11 1 h "11uld 1111l I• It '"nwd l1Kl.I\ Hc-.1'4111 t111 till I ·iJ"l/lllg. 111 . Wli,1\ \\'ii ... rl ..... 11bt•d ""' t.1)1)1 'C.t <C111tf1t11tl1'. w;1s 11111 k 1111\\ n /.,·µ.i .. /u tor .... f:''' /)..., u ud J.'..., fro111 t>r .1ng1 l ·.,,,.,1 11 g"l.11 111, 11 t l 'l\•·d 11111!1.,ollhl ul 1.11111).(., 1111 ,; ltt•lll report •.11d ,.,,uod Ii\ tlw l '11,il1111111 )ott l 'It·"' \11 \\ '"' h 1.ol1 ·d l.l\\1ll.1k1 ,, ,,. llul1t1.11>11 "" I It Olll .111 It l.:l'l,1t111lt 'I Ill' 111,;11111111 ·' 111111 fl.ti'""" 'llllt '" ~·1111111 th;tt ""('!'> 11111 t 11d 11r"· 'IJ pptil I Ill •lflfJll'C' polltll ,r{ I .~d11l,tlt ._ 1,1tt·tl l'.11 )l "'"·"''' ' .111tl ·''" 111h1' 111.tll' p I I I II I Ill,; II• I IJ ll I I h I II !> I llll"dt•lt ·d Ill h,1\'I ;; "'tgrllf ll ,1101~ 1 111 p ,1 1 l " 11 ;; r 1 q u a I 1 t ~ L.1w111ak1·r' "t•ro· gn1d(·d 1111 ,1 A l'I I-'l .tlo t\ llll 1 11 ~ ( )i I I\ g I (.' II ,J ' l lc·g"l.11111' .\~'l mlily111.11l C'h.,1 \.\'r;I\ ll \Vc•,t111111,H·r . 11·1 1·1\'c·d t I 11 • It I ).( h c • ' I I " t I n g ' ;. (' . "' crnd111g 111 the \·11,d1 t11m·, 11·1><111 1.11·d S1 11 }'.tll l <'.11 pc·lllt I I> I \ 1111 , ... \\," J.'I\ I " •• I) • ·•llllJ.!. •II 111 .111 ,111 hill., \\halt St·n J 11h11 !-11 l111llt7 ){ ( "" ""'' dc·l 1\1;11 ll'U l\'1•;f .ti\ f- LCl(.';J( 111eml11.•1' 1•l1-< 1A·d to lht A'M·mhh <.tll v..1" r;1tc-d 111 th• "f " f,Jngt· bv tht IUJll\IUll A !. ~ t· m b I v "' o 111 ,, n l\1 .1 r 1 ,, 11 Bt·rgl .. .,on. H -Nt•v.po11 Bt·.i<.h ""' g1vl·n an F. A:-.s••111bly rnan Nolo111 fri111•llc'. R -ll u 11 1111gt•Hl Jk.1th. " .1 ... g 1 v l ' n ,1 11 F .t 11 d ,\'" 111li1' man l.);.·11111-. Brt1\l I)·""' ~Ill .111 ~· A U).1 Ii lion 'P' 1k• .,rn,111 '"1~lt ·d Arts center matches challe nge g rant ., h I I ) I .. 11 g t· (' II IJ 11 I \' I'• I 1111 m111~ ,\1 t'i C1·ntc r to lw l.111ft Ill (°11,~1 1\11•,,1 h,1, t"l'IVt<tl out B111v.11 1111 ..,p,:c1 .. I :llll•n\11111 1111 ll 11 g t I 1<1 t h 1 · w;,' t h l' o n I \ It g1-.l.1t11r to 11-t1·1\'t• .111 F 1 ,1unµ 1111 both th1· I !-lkO-H:! lt·g1..,l<ill\'l " "'"n ,, .. \\ 1:11 .... lhl pr<'< (•<-dtn~ ...... ,, .. •r\ 'lhtll\ l\\11 Jlllttllt 111 lh•· ~' 11.1 11 o111d .!II p t·fl't•l\l 111 1'11 .\,...,. 1111.t\ r l·•, 1\'l'd F 1.11111f..!." •l\l·Jd111g '" th1 tt1.d1tum 11 p11r t Hdt ... t 11n'old1·11·d b\ thl' gruup Ill nlJK l ll~ lhl rdllllg .. In< ludt'd :\B .?tlllll \\hllh would makt· ,. 1 til ... t 111 ., 11 f ~m ug • l' on t r u l ri·gul<•\Jorh li:tblt· for fuws up tu $1 111111 1w1 d.iy. and AB ::!752 . "h11 h \\ ould dc·s1gn.1l<' t hl· Air Ht "1u1"·' Ro,11rl to monitor ac-1d 1.1111 d 1·p11'lh Water h·eat er ignites gas, boy kille d 1~, ~ .. \~ Warming trend 11 a ·llowPt'll ~oof s:1 ml ll 1u11 tn l0 nd11v. 1t11 •11 l g1 I h t•O.iblrng 1111· 1 1·111 t 1 tu c·11l ln 1 a n olhc>r portion. .1 111tll 1I ·mil hon dollar challl•ng,· gift I rom tlw James Jrv1m· Found~t t11111 An anon ymous$ I ti m1lhnn gift was made to tht· Pnd owme>nt fund in Au~usl. with anotht•r SI 4 million tn 1·11mn11trn1·11h r 1· l 1· 1 v t' d I 1 11 ni .1 s ' 1· t unannnun('(•d 1nd1v1clu<1ls .111d 1•omp.11111·' 1t1 O r a11gl' <:nu11tv A I.! \1·;11 -old Bui•na P.irk hm d1t d s .• turd.1,v afwr g.i,o lt111 lit '' ,,, ll!>l!lg c1s a df'.in1ng 'olv1·n1 \ ,tU't·d .111 !'Xplu:s10n ,J;,mc :-. 0 L ust·h was k 1lll•d \\ l111t · Ji, .ind h1~ fathl•r. Wilh am "1 11 pulling l'ar~·t from thl·1r h111111 .111d u'ing t ht· volat1lc> fut'! lot ll .111 th• floor Gasohn(' f ume!> \\1·1 1· 1~n1t1'\l IJy .1 hot waa•r tw .1li·1 oll'l'Orchng 10 ;.rn Oran gl· Coun1y Coronf'r·s Dl•pa r t mt'n t 0H1l 1al Ext ended (.'onstal weathe r TueSOay-Tnu,ld•y Ferr will! a V911able well lo northwesl warm11'1g trtll'IO In coas ta l winds becoming no,tnwesl t5 to sections n1gns Monoay tn 70• 25 knots w1lh 1ncren1ng 5 to II warming 6 10 10 oegrees m91nly toot seas EIHwhere veroable 1nl1no areas l"•r 1n period Lowa 1ou11'1we11 10 weSI winds and moslly 1n 50s Mountain hllhs 1ncreas1ng to 10 to 18 knots Mond1y 1n llOs w•rmtng to 6 to Winos tei-1 then 10 ~nots to<11gr11 75 ••le< on Iha period Southwell swell I 10 2 lee• becoming wetteily 2 to 3 htet R••n generelly dec1eas1r>g trom the north and e no1ng toda y Smog P•r11y clouOy The Air Ouallly Management 0111ricc pred1c1s gooo aor quaNty v .. -;. IOdey 1n ell po111ons 01 Iha South ~11111111ary Co•SI A>r Bea•" Good '" quality with a PoUutant Scand•rd lndea ol 42 11 pre<11ctao roo au regions Lill .. Roe• Snow 1•11 lr0"1 1outhwe11 lOO<IYllle Wyo"11ng. aouther'> roaho and lubt>oao. wellern Colorado 1nrough lh• Men1phls mounlalna ol Ulan on Seturdey. T e 111peratures Miami ea rain extended lo the cen11et Miiwaukee COHI OI Calllornta Moll-SI Paul There was rain •nd oe<:•ston•I Natllvtlle lhundertlorma lcom Mrssr1111>91 New 0r .. an1 end M>Ulheall Louisiana .cro11 NATION N-York wea 1 a r n Te nnt11ee a nd Alb•"Y 72 50 N0<10llc Kentucky Skies were latr over AlbUQul!<Que 70 35 No<11! Pl811e much of 111' remllnder 01 lhe Amerollo 75 40 Olit8homa C11y natlOn. Anchorage 03 -03 Om•"• Ralnsno-• were lorecast tor Aahev111e 72 32 Orlando IOd•y rrom lhe Ore11 L•llH All81'11a 74 so Phlledelphla ecro11 northern portions ol the AllanllC City 63 54 Pho.nil Onlo Valley Sca11ere<1 111ower1 Auslln 83 eo Pltls~h ware •l•o expe c ted lrom Be1t1more 71 38 Por11a Ma WNtltnglon end n«111«n Oregon Btrllngs 50 33 Ponlend. Ore Into -•e<n MOl\lene Birmingham 78 6t ProYldence Anol,,., rain and anow 11orm B•srnerck 54 23 R=r wea forec•ll loo the region lrom BolN •9 •O Re Clly eoul hern Wyomtnp, and the Boston n '7 Re<lo Nebratke Perihand e Into the Brownevlle 90 811 Rlehmond Four Corners erea Buffalo 80 50 Sell Leke Cloudy tlclel were torecu1 o,,., Burlington N &5 Sen AnlOl\IO Ille northern Allanllc COHiii CU9" 50 '1 s..ni. ...... Cherleston SC 711 H Shr~ CharleslOI\ w v 8t 52 Sioux F .. t Cnar1011e N C 73 40 St Louie Cl'leyenne 5e 31 SI Pe1e-Tempe California Cnleago 87 50 SI Ste Mane c1nernn111 tt 40 Spoke,,. Ctevetend 83 "3 Syr.WN P1flly Gloudy In Southern Columl>ia. SC 74 37 Topeka C1111or111e today 18lr IOl'llQhl Columbus 64 <1 1 Tur.eon Mo tlly a unny and watm er Della1·F'1 We>rlh IO 53 TulM MONley with Cl«teutng winds Oeylon eo 4S Waahtngton Ora;g• County can eapec:t DenWt &9 34 Wlehtf'll ~· 10 70. In tow lo mlddi. OM Mol,,.t 87 80 Monoa.r. LOWS In so. OaltOll 64 31 lnletld " ieya wlll have hight 66 Dulu111 411 29 CALl'Ot*IA 10 70 todt y, 10 co 711 MOl\dly El PHO 79 •2 A.:f! V1lley lAwl In '°' FeltWnkt ·04 -01 I ettfleld Mo unUlnl c 1n ••P•Cl F11go 63 22 l erat - northwetl wlndt IS·'S mph ,FllgtllH 58 2$ lffumont Hight 111 50t todty. SS 10 H Orn t F'ellt 53 26 119..., MONSey LOWI 28 to 43 Hettlord 10 •2 "~ Witt to llOflhwMt wtnclt 20-30 ~· S2 2• Blythe • Ill o.Mt'll NOr1hefn ci.etrt HOllofulv 82 72 C111llna 111011• 65 to 75. IOWI In •O. HOUllOI\ eo .. Cu,.,_, Clly Souti.11 deMr1 hight 78 10 13. 111dlenepolt1 IO H fvrtlle !owe Ill &OI JKkton. Mite 11 eo ,~ ,,. IOdl'f thl'Ol19h MOl\Ol y In J.ClltOtlville u 81 L-etlfl NortMrn It'd c.tlltel Cel1f0tllll Jul'Mll .. 41 LOlll~ wllll 3u1ty nortllttly wind• 111 KentH Clly .. 62 L~~ lnlen v11tey1 Wetmtt tod1y, ICllOIMlle 71l .. MOIW much .,,,.,.. Mondey 1.1• veo .. ts •• Mon19'f"O 73 S6 Mon1erey 60 69 46 Ml W1tson 54 82 46 NfM'dles 74 16 57 Newoo•• 8eac11 70 8 t 77 Oakland 63 70 56 Onlerlo 67 48 34 Pa•m Springs 17 81 59 Pasadena 65 83 66 Pnto Roble' 6• 70 52 Rf!d Brull 70 7' '3 S.cramenro 59 eo 27 Salinas 62 76 47 S ;n Berntrd1no 66 65 44 San Ga1>11et 69 86 64 Sen OHIQO 70 69 43 Son Franc11co 61 83 62 Sin Jose 69 611 45 Sante Ana 75 65 37 Senl• Berb•r• 60 58 40 Santa Mer11 62 70 4; Santa MOl\ICA 611 73 3 Stockton 60 67 3<I Tahoe Valley •5 43 311 Thermal 76 75 42 To11ence 75 51 411 82 112 51 38 PAN AMl .. ICAN 74 83 Acapu1eo 113 5e 211 Barbados 116 87 44 8erlTllJd• 77 82 87 Cur&c•o 90 eo •& FrMpoft 86 <13 27 OutdatajAra 82 86 <Ill Gutderou!MI 88 66 50 H•vena 79 83 47 K1ng•ton go 72 50 Mon19g0 B•y go 74 46 M11etlal\ 88 7t s' "'4.,•d• 86 Me•IGo City 75 Monl.,rtry 80 NHHU 114 71 48 Sen Juan.P R 87 66 s• Teguc:lg1lp1 75 es 55 fflnldad 87 11 45 Vert Crui 87 M 38 85 •3 80 4g 84 55 CAN AO A 73 86 C1lg1ry 47 80 <Ill Edmonton 47 83 u MontrNt 61 83 87 0111w1 89 .. 63 A.Qll\I '7 8A 80 Toronto 80 87 60 Venctouve< SI 71 54 Wiii~ 48 ~ 57 45 53 56 54 so 43 53 !>O so so S3 49 St 57 53 50 511 50 52 58 52 311 48 53 75 77 70 711 70 60 72 73 75 73 72 n 46 lie lie 7S M 73 75 ~ 2$ 51 ., t7 '2 ,, 26 f'lt1 I l.11111\\ t t II 'l""lk' j..1<11 111 lht I I.uh l 'il111 1111, ' ... ,r 1\ 'I 11 I \ I h ,1 I .; J> J.l t ,r t t• d S .1t111d.I\ l.11hd t11111tlUdt· till' o1ddn·'.'>,.. 1,1t ,, llu1111ng11in &·.11 h l.11111h th,11 ', h11,t111µ i. "ho1u111t<tl h11u ... , "l"''n 111 tl11 pulil11 l1n111 "·" k 11111 ti .. II I I·. k 111111,r..:h I I ht .11ld1 I .. , I 111 I h1· 11 111 d 11 ... 1dt Ill1 '' 1111~ I l'.1go l'.1g11 C111 11 ('lt1lol11 11 \\ill 111 ,1hlt• ,,, t•h '-t 1\1 lltolll\ 'l)IM1k,\ .ttll,11 lltlf1' .111d • "'llJlll• ti • 11 .111111·' No 1.11111' \\ 111 l1t h.111d1·d 11ut In Augu'.'>l !!lilt tht• JJ11w-. I rv11w F'uund.1t111n madr a S:i m1ll10n g1fl tn tht future $ti0 million performrng arts l'l'nh·r and 1mmrd1at<'ly ndvant't'O $I millio n Und er tht' term s of th1• agr<'ement t h e> t'l'ntt•r w oul d rC'C't'IVt' a n other $1 m1l110n in c·a'.'>h for ron~truction wht•n $:l m 1J hon wa ... ra1,1-d SKI SALE • • Saturday, November 6th 10-7 •. Sunday, November 7th 12-5 Th~· 1>11\ ·, fatht>r wa!> ldk c·n 111 UC l rv1n1. M1•d1t<1l C'l•n tt•r w h t·n · hl· "<i., tn"' tc'CI and rE"IC':tS<.'Cl. T h t • R u t' n a P a r k F 1 r l' Dt•1i.11·t11wn\ 1•sl1matl•d $20.000 \\11rlh 11! damagc> w a s {'3 USed Th" l'l':o.1dt•f1l't' was at 6:J 15 San Hutu Cmll• 1981 1982 Merchandise SKIS BOOTS Rossignol FP K2 SR 33 Fischer Cresta Reg. 270.00 195.00 2 10 00 Now 189.95 129.95 129.95 Oynafit Cups Nordtca Cosmo San Marco AX 1 Reg 265.00 130.00 255 00 Now 159.95 59.95 149.95 PARKAS -49.95 6 •P Roffe. S erac. HCC. Obermeyer CLOTHING PANTS • 59.95 6 •P Obermeyer. Serac. Roffe .. SWEATERS · 19.95 6 •P Demetre. Ramos. Meister, Obermeyer Stock Limited To Ouant1t1es on Hand . and SKI SWAP Saturday Only -November 6th 10 -5 Bring your used clothrng 11111 bOOta. and bindings to &ell then'I et our parking lol Ski swap C.•• fer 9••• _ _. •t11••.-••• ••• c lot•l•I IMMEOIA TEL 'V. *. •PECIAL OFFER lor people Wllhlng to Hll Skit. boots. bindings ~ poles Sell yo1.1r equipment In the 1wap et we wlll buy 11 from you and Issue you 11 alo•e credit (which must be uted November 6th or 7thl 101 the emoont we eatlm•te the Items 10 bfl worth EITHER WAY YOU WINI $2 00 Chfllf(Jfll tor et.ten rtttm bfOtJOhl to 1wap Newport Ski Compeny 2)'00 W. CMtl Hwy. New~ 9"clh, Cellfornl• 7H/11142IO ..... 6 ,.._,, 71tll'42_,,,7 lnow "9por'1 2700 W COAST HIGHWAY NfWPORT Bf:ACH CALIFORNIA •WAP H4 eAL£ Newport 8111 Compet1y.MUttle 11-. HOO W. c ... t tfw1, Newport ••.=; C..._nle "'"'"' ..... 7141Nt41 .. Rent-.~..._. a 5 a o a ME A', L()W-Kl~Y <:AMPAI(; From Page A 1 hur!iih woa c.J iu111I hv .in v 111 1 ht l'Olllll'll hu11t•I ul:o Thl· on y 111udi.l1 11K111w 1·111111· wht·n I lea lwj.t t-.1111•11 1 u1Hhd111t• C'hras Stt•l•I "u 11w111w1• to th1• l'Ollln1u1111v" Ill Ii 111•wsp.qw1 1nwrvll'W A (t•w duyM latt•1, ll1•rt111~ 11i11d s ht• rcgrt.'ltl'Cl m1.1ktn)( t lw r1•n111rk and b v 1-'nday Stl•t·I. who hud thrlc'utt•m-d tu· tukt• ll'l(Ul 1wt1on. seemt-d rcud v tu .. f oa M• vt• u nd forget" 1f ht• 1:1'l•1•1vt•d 1111 11polo~y &•hufer. 44 who wus l'll'l'tt•d in I \.J7K unc.J has l>o-'l'I\ mayor Sllll't' I ~80 , hus bt•t•n I h1• 0 hlf0(•'1.t s pendt•r this 1•l1·t·twn st•uso11 , having l'Olll'<'tt>d .1lxJut $i,OOO The m otht•r or thn ... • :kUd slw considers her t•x µt'rlt'nt't' 1>11 th1· Plunnang Comm1ss1nn and fuua yt.>ars on the t'Oum·1t a.o; o vulut• to the city's ruturt• Sc·haflor said sht· would llkt• to S(.'C rapid transit luoklod at mort• closely an d favor.. high d1·1~tl) housing In SOl\ll' M'<.'tlllnl> u ( thl' <·1ty to he lp lc'ast· th1• housing demand. Altho ugh s he would not Oppose.' revwwang thl• sign ord1 am·e. S<·haf!.'1 SJ1d l>ht· has not decided wlwtht•r sht• as an favor of perm 1t11 n g l" t• rt a 1 n non - t·onforming signs to rC'ma1n 1n place. Norma H t•rtwg. 54. t•leclt•d 111 197 4 . bccamt• thl• c1 1y's f1rs 1 female mayor Ill IY77." lll•rtzog said she wants to se<.• <'omplc u on "' lh1· l · .. ,.,,, !'.h· .... , •. , ,,."' ,1\ .11111 1111 1•11d 111 lil11-(hl1•d h othllll( I lll\dll 111111' At 111·1 I/UK'' '\llt(l(t''llllll lht• 1·11un1 al lt"l 1·11\ly ,.,.k1·d 1111• 1·11 v ,\,al I 111 l11t1k 111111 w.1y, 111 111,1k1· lurnllrn d ?> 11•o;p1111?>1hlt• 1111 11pk1•1·p 111 ft•111.1l f'l'"IWI llt•i. Ill tlll' t·1ty ,I ll d 1 • ll ' 111 )( II \' I' I I' I' 11 W d \'(I 1"1llld1t11111?> 111•1 t Log s111 d /j lll' wuuld ht• upp111<1•d tu 11 "W ,11Hlfotlwr1111(' prov1s11m 111 t 111' s1i.:11 11rd111(1111•t• rww , hul w11u ltl lk1• t o w111l b I ' I () .. I' 111 .1 k I II H II I I I' Ill l'• 11111111t1111 ·11 I Al1ht1t11(h pl1·ost·1~·1th tht· '1v1•rall n11111nl'IT11.rl d1•v1•lnpm1·11l 111 1h1· t·1ty. H1•rtwg si11d l>ht• 1s 11ppt1s1•d 111 h1~h flM' t·on:-;1rw·11un l>fJUth of lht· San D11•go Fr1·1·w:1v .1l11ng Bnsllll Stn•t.•l Po I t t I l '.I I 11 l' w 1· u n 11 • 1 D a v l' Wht•t•lt·r. '27 . ..i.l a t t ornt•y practll'mg m N1•wport Bt·ach . s..11d lw w oulJ hkl· to ::.t'l' rl1•vl'l11pt•rs build affon.1:.ibll-housing Jl> o n >nd1t1on :.itt<Jt·h1 .... t to approvab 111 1:on~trul't t·ornm1•1Taol uffat'l':> W ht• t• IC' r · s t· r 1t1«1 s m u I l'Ommt.•rt"1al dev1•lup11H•11t 1s .1 sharp tontra~t to must of tlw 11th1·r eJnJadall's ··w" ""''d mor1· o l I 1t·1· buildings hkl' cam·1·r... lw s.ml "Wha t Wl• nl•1•d I!> offoa c..l:.il>l1· housing .. He calls eompl1•t1 on o f t h1• Costa .Mes;,1 Frl•t•wav ";1 d1d11•" a nd blaml's thl' l'i t v fl>r' 1101 foreang thl' s t,111· It) ri10v1· mun· 4u1l·kly "' (.'hr1,111plw1 Stn·I. ~I . ,, '>lllall hu,1nt·,.,111.111 .ind 11wn1·r ul ., l tl'\lllt'lll J1,l11hUllll '>hip, I'> m..ikmg J third try <Jt a 1·ounnl w.it .lftt·t dt·ft-.1\l> II\ 1!:178 .111d l!IHO ill• s.1y'> ht• daffl'r~ J;(rt•,1tlv with has oppwwn l~ and has ht ·1 •11 t 1 w 11nlv t«1t1d1d:ltl' to t·111111• o ut 111 ... upj1ort of t•oum·1lnw111< d1 str'1l'l'>, wlwn• l'lt•ettnl offal'lals wnuld 11•pt't'M'IH d1ffpn·11l an·as of lh<: l'I I\' A s trong 'upp11rt1.-r uf r1•s11lt•ntaal s111gl1•-fu1111ly housing. S 11•1•I s:.t ad la• would t•o nsad<·r POISONINGS SOLVED BY PHONE • • • From Page A1 pmsonangs unfortunatl•ly Jf1· focusing attentio n only on lht· om · product rath l'r than th1• typt' of product. he l><Jld "People s ho uldn't l.>1· sh ying awav from E).tra-St1t>ngth Tyll•;1ul ... h l' t>xpla11wu .. Tht•y should by shying away from produc t du~l·:-. 1n t<1p~ult· formulatao1t." ·· ThC' lrv1n1• motht•a t•n •ntualh eallC'd .igaan Sh!: h;.1d al'quan·d the lp<:'l"al' and g1vt•n 11 tu ht·r o;;on But ~o Car, hl' hadn"i vomat<'d Miwa told hl'r to bt• pa111•nt imd to call if cund1t1011:-. l'han~l'<i Up to 500 t•haldrC'n d11• an tht· U.S each year Crom a<'Cldcntal poisonings." Schapiro said ThP goal of r egional poison t·cnters across the t·ountry as to c•hmanate all d eaths and also to rl'dun• anxieties and overmght .. 1ayl> 1n hospitals that somNaml<s become n<:'(:essarv after trL•atmt•nl Schap;ro said hl' w ould llk1· l•l develop a m ore amb1t1ou s pr og ram to l'dut<ilt· tht communatv about tox1t produl'I.!> and mater.1als. but rund1ng !.t'<'m:-. to be working an the oppo!>at e d1r1'l"llllll 111· 11•;:1•1111' l Lil llUI tlw llUlfl'<llh pr11gr.•m lnr l.Hk 111 11101ll'\' Th;. problt·111 w 1 lh pr 1111--...,11111. ii pol'><Jn ll'Jllt•r:.. ht• IHllL'd. l'o th.it f1nanl'1<1ll:v . "wt• dig uur o \\ n gravt• ·· T hl' lt·n wrs oftt·n hl.'lp tu t-onvann· callt•rs that tht•\ d 1111·1 lll•t·d J 10 ... 1ly trap lo .1 i111-.p1l.1l 1·mergt•m·~ room And in thl' 5 pt•111·1H 111 lhl' l·.111!:> wh1•n p:.i11 1·nl.., .111· t'IH'uur.1gl'd lo !.l't•k ml'd ll .1 I att1•nllu11. 1h1·v ,Jrl' ri·f1·rn•d to lhl·1r 111•.i r1·:,;t h o:-.pat;.rl w11h t• mer g" n e y !'> l' r v 1 t· t· s. n 11 l I o UCIMC Bt·1·c1u st· of th1· f1no11t·1.il problems and cummu111ty nt•NI. S\.·haparo S<Jld a nt>W l10 n -pruf1t Orung« County P 111!>on Prc>ventio n F'uundallon 1s an tht• planning stages Its roll' wall lx· lo r::11st' private funds c1nd <Jl>l>ll>l 111 vutn:ach programs Orangl' Cuunty'i. l'1•nll'r wo..1s established 25 yt.>a rs ago as d st•rv1c.·1· for phys1c1ans unfamall.ir with toxac.'\.llugy In 1972. It \\d~ OPL'nl•d 111 the> publat· and c1 grl'i1lt·r 1 mphai.as o n provadang a mort· <11n1tal approach wal> added T oda). personnel answ1·rang t lw ,.1111•1 gnl1 \ c:ilb 1·a11 pa 0\'1d1• 11111111·d1,1t1· .trl'\\ t'f' lll ljUt'l ll'!'> .1hou1 Ill JH 111·111 11£ th1· 11m1-. :--.t h,1111n • ,,111 I \.\' h I II \ 0 U b I l II Ill t• ,I t<'nl1.1la1t·d '<~Unt• Jlld yuu gl"l :!5.000 t.1!1, .i Vt'.ir. • h<' ~•d. "you h•arn .1 ga 1·.11 d1 .. i1 ·· J'h1•\ 1.1k1• till' 1.tllt•r' through " .. 11·p Ii\ 'll'fJ sy:.tl'm tu dc·ll 1 m1111 how Ion!-: till' Vll'lllll It." 11<·1·11 t•>q >o:,,1•d .111d ho\\ muth \\ .1-. 111g1•,1t•d Thl'y l'akulatP w 1·1gh1 ,111d .q.~1· t n pn·d1t·t wh1·lh1·1 :.ufftt 11·111 ltUanlltw:-. Wl'I 1• 1.1k1•n lo provl· po1son ous, h1· ,,,1d F111 tlw 1·:1°'l''> "'1th unfamiliar JI I II d u l I :-. • I h l ' y nof {' r t 0 a lllll'l Ol 1t h1· !-.Y!.ll'm clcVL'loped UI th1· H1H kv M ountain P o al>on l't•llll•I c . .-llt•d tht• PoasandC'X. ll 11'>1.l> mon· lhun ~00.000 produ«ts \\1th bn·akdown.,, of angrcdac•nts ,111\! toi..1ntv \\-,11 k .. r~ 1n tht· tt•nlt•r 'oJ\ l.1V11wn l'ommonlv are c.-unfuse<l 11ftt·11 bv w1des-pread myths J.,.iul wh.11 produlL" and plants .in µ;11-..m11u!> Take pyracantha hu,h•"• Pt•11pl1· 11fH·n bt•lievt· 1 h1·1 r rt'<I IH'rrat''-arl· \O).ll._ :-X h..1p11 o '><.lid Thl•) .m .-n't N1•1th1•r an· pmnSC'ttaas. daaix·r p.111 dt'<Klon7<·r.., nor mC'rl ur~ an t h1•nnoll\l'll'"· hl• ad di·<l M e ii n w h 1 I <· .i u t n m a l 1 1 dt..h\\ ;1Shl'1 !>oap .... lt·mo11 011- ba,<·d furn1tur£' polashl's ;ind ll'<1 v1•s from olt·;and<•r bush1·s are d.ingt•rou\ A ~ingll' ll'af fnJm <111 1111·.rnc.h·r 1·an kill ;J l'hald ht• noll·d ··We· don't hav<· much 11f .1 probll'l'n with 11 bt•<·aust· kids don't <·nt 11." s.'.lld Schapiro "ll's \'t'rv btlll'r But ar a child holds It do~n. at t·an caus<' hl'art failure" Otht•r dangNous ho u sC'hold pro<lut·ts an• peslindes, dram or ovC'n cleaners, chan:oal hghtrng and kerosene' lamp fluid!> Parta·ulary 1ro ublC'sOnH· pru<lul·t:-. ..in· iron tablets taken by pregn ant wo m e n or those• who r('('('ntly d1•llvC'rcd Ohl'n sugar· <:oalcd and <.·olort"d red. the pills look lake t·andv to children but thc•y po 1!>on like thangs mu< h W OfSC'. ht• ..Uld "W t•'vc· had som<' prt•tty bad iron poisoning," ht• said "Iron 1s v1•ry toxat' to children ·· . . . The· phom• becp<od again Th<' b<-t•p s1gmf1t'S an emcrgC'nl'y call t o thC' centc•r rather than a busant'SS call to the pharmat·y It was thC' molhC'r ln lrvtnC'. Her son had thrown up most of tht' palls. Tampe r-r esistant containe r Miwa assurc>d hC'r the worst was ovt'r . But to bt• s urC'. she prom1S<'d to call the mother later an th<• evening ThC' boy would nu t n ct•d a visit to the hospital Th<' mo ther ~ad thank you and hung up lessens chance of pill being poi oned. We're Listening ••• What do you hke about the Daily Pilot., What don't you like., Call the number al leh and your message will be recorded. transcribed and delivered to the appropnate echtor. The same 24 -hour answenng service may be used to record let· ters to the C'ditor on any topic M ailbox contributors must include their namt> and telephone number for venricalion No r arculation r ails. please 642·6086 Tell us what's on your mind ~ ......... .,._r·'•.oey 11 rou oo ;c::o ';:~· :i:.t,,,•.% ~ eno you• copy w111 D• -....'° '"""clA!r •n4 SunO•r II you oo M t tKetw• yout oopy Dy 7 • "' • C4lll DflO<• 10 • "' enO "°"' 'OllY ... be-eel ' ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat Thomo1 '· Holey P11hlot~I ond c~, •• ( • .cv• ... 01i.cw• Jane Amari [•l!Clllt•9 fdolo< l . Key Schulta Yt<e "•''°"" Giid O>tector ol Ad'oter11tonq •aymond Macl..an (Ofllloft•" Mlchoel '. HCHWY °"•'°' ol Mo<l ltftllQ 1(.,cutoi-1 Kenneth N. Oeddotd h . l),,.e'C)r QI ()p.,Qlo(lf>I ........ ------- CIH11fled 1dvertl1lng 7141942-5171 All other dep1rtmen11 642-4321 MAIN OfFICE :U0 Wetl ... SI • (°'It AM .. , CA Mill edd,..H 1101 U.0, C otlt "'-... CA "KM ''°'''''" ,.., 0r....,. , .. " l'IAl41tl\l"t ,_, No 11••• t!Of'i.\. lllu•l••lleru., tOMOfl•' ,.., ... ,Of .. .. ,lltt m.,.h M•••n mey M ••IH'oeuc• wll- \t>Kl•I """"tlon or <09Y•~l-nt• 4 S ING ., ()IJ) I SSlJl~S ll'll\(l\'lllg .111 ,1p,1l lllll'll b Ill llti· 11lv to 1011,lrut l homt"> 111• l.t\:111 , ,1 g1,111d t,11h1•1111g pr11\'1!>1011 111 allow 1·x1 ... 11ng 111111 t·1111furn1111g ,1g1h 111 11·111.1111 111 du1ng ·'"'1\' \\llh 1h1· 11111111.1111 • ;1ltogl'tlw1 .. , 1h111k w1· '>huuld p11w1•1•cl a g ;.11 II s I I It (' l I u t t l",. w I I h .• vulunt..iry .1µproal'h." said Stt'(•I, a dding that rt·s1dc·nls shuuld l>ovt•oll nwn:ha11l:-. wh11 t·1111l1nu1• lu ·kt•t•p ugly sajo(ns L y n n V a n A k t• 11 , :l ~ . a planning l'Ol1HnlSSIOll('I" SllH"t· 1980. said h<' dt-<:1c..l1•d to run for 1111111111 '(·;11 :ilt<·r u1u1111l111,111 l>111111 !Lill ,11gKt ·!>l1·cl tie.it ,, ga .111d I .1 1 h1 ·1111g pa 11v1'"'" 111· Jddt d tu llt1• -.1g11 111111..ttlll' A 'lnmg .. upport1 1 111 tlw .1g11 111 d111.111t1· V.111 t\k1·11 , .• 1d ·'"' fJlll Vl.,1011 l o ;,llll\\ 111111 nmformang '1g11:-. lo 11 111 .. 111 · " v1·r v u n L111 111 l h11sl• who h.1\1 l'lllllplt1·d With lhl' llrtllllJlll"t• ' Ill' ;il:-.o '" 11ppusl'd tu ;ii low111g .111y pnv;1t1· h1·lll"•>pt1·1' 111 J,q1d :oh>p 1·11 \' buildings t\':> •• r1l.11111ang l'!Hllllll'>.,,llllll't . lu· Vllll•d 11\ f;1\'IJI ul .tllow1ng 11111~· ;,() fool high l1111ld111~'' ... 111lr "' Iii• S.111 l>ll'ill I· 11 1 \.\. '" .1li•11i.: Hn,tul 'f 111 11111,I 1111 p11rt111ll lltKIJf • Ill tlll' 111" 1:-. .. l.11k 11f 111f11nt.,hh· l11•U'\llll-( -..1111 Aki 11, whu 1111l t ' ,.1·n 1·d ''" th• 1 11 v', lluu ..... 111( J11d t '11 111111 ll 1111 .. l>t• v t• ltJ fll\Jt•tl t l 0ttlllll111l1 'I' 111 ,.11d It• ·"'" ,, l'lllll 1•11:1•d .1110111 .1 l11t 111 1'lll1JIJ llfhlS ()( 1 u11dow11 li11ild1nM' th11l 11r1· \j ll l'll d111 j.! .. l'l.111111.1 1<1 ll v Wc·vc·r. :rn. ;1 11 llt t d 1111 1111"'' l ')\l'l'llllVt', l'I '' .. k111).! pulJlu ttll1l·1· 1111 tht• f1N1t I 11111 J l1k1 lh1· w.1y lh1· lily '~ ~11111M -.111 "''"' "But I tlu nk rt 'i. 111111• Ill gi I 'oUll)I" ll(•W blood .. "ilu l.1\ 111' .i g1.1ndf<ltht·rang l''"' l'o11111 111 1111 ..agn urdaniln.c.·l· I>< <.1l"1 1tl 1111• t'XfK'l1M.' bU!.ltle'>.'> 11\\111 1' \\ 11u Id I ·•l 1 111 ur dt.•1 tu I Ii ti 1i.•1 I h1 II -.1g11 .. 1111 "•""' 1111·''"'g 1-..,u1-:-. fat·ang 1J,, 111\ .111 111111< .11111 rundown 11• •U .111~ 1 <111d1t11111~ .. tu· "K.lad 'I d1111 I k1111v. ii th1·11·'s lloUl h till' , II\ '.111 d11 .d111ut huntt•!> with 11t1 1·1· "' 111111 t ... malH·'> J1v1ng !In 11 • H111 11 -.ltuulJ b1· lookt>d "1I1> 11 S hi· d111·!>11 '1 l11 •l11·v t· thdt liL1tld 111~' .,1i11u Id I><· nmstructt.·d .. ;1 II v It I g Ii t. ,. l h a II l h (• f I re· d1 p.1111111 111 1·a11 n•at·h." D•lly Pllol Pholo• by Ch•rle1 St•rr Pharmaq rc•i,ide nt Linda Miwu and Da"id Sc·ha piro. cli n·c·tor of the Poi ~on (~enl t'r at UC lrvint' :\1cdic·~I Ct•nlt>r. n·-.1w1ul to a~ llHlll) a~ 25,000 e nu•rg<>rW) c·a ll~ pc·r ) <·ar. REALTOR' THE NEWPORT HARBOR-COSTA MESA BOARD OF REAL TORS GETS O .UT THE VOTE WITH FREE RIDES TO THE POLLS! If you .are a Newport Beach or Costa Mesa resident without transportation to the polls, call the following office nearest to you! OFFICE ROY R McCARDLE GENERATION REALTY THE REAL ESTATERS COLDWELL BANKER M. JOEL CARLSON REALTY ADDRESS 1610 Newport Blvd CM 2706 Harbor Blvd CM 1700 Newport Blvd or 12 25 Mesa Verde CM 2299 Harbor Blvd CM 485 E. 17th St. CM UNIQUE HOMES 244 3 E. Pac1t1c Coar,t Hwy . COM UNITED BROKERS· REALTORS NIGEL BAILEY AND ASSOC IA TES LEONA MORGAN REALTOR BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES ASSOCIATED REALTY SERVICE 3800 E Pac1f1c Coast Hwy COM 2732 E. Pac1f1c Coast Hwy COM 300 E. Pacific Coast Hwy NB 38 Balboa Coves NB 2025 W. Balboa Blvd NB REAL ESTATE STORE 2000 W Balboa Blvd. NB NEWPORT HORIZONS 2650 Avon NB MARK WILSON REAL TOR 815 SeaRull Lane N~ RE/MAX BURROW ESCROW 4482 Barranca Pkwy. Irv 19712 MacArthur Blvd. IRV PHONE 548 7729 646 9275 646-7171 751 6191 645 0303 641 8606 675 6000 673 7771 644 721 l 6754010 673 9187 642 2253 675·1671 642· 7404 646·647 l 559 9400 752·5524 ASK FOR Roy Mccard le Harry Winter s Stall Stall Ann WMren Joel Carlson Staff lohn Carey Nigel Bailey Leona Morgan Art G1ov1netl1 lfelane Joy Pat Scott Ron Lowe Mark Wilson Toni Moms Layfield Jan Soukup Bunny B&ker REMEMIER TO VOTE NOVEMBER 211 Paid for by NH/CM Board of Realtors, 401 N Newport Blvd . N.B I N ease as 01.,luOcu JI 1Utj4' -.. " lJealt•r Sue Odt>gaard runs blut·kjuck tu bit• ut llhat• \'\'olf ( :a!'li110 in Far~o, .0 . In North Dakota, as in Las Vegas a nd Atla ntic G t y, 1nof1ts ~o to tht• hou~t·, but in tht' pruirit• ~lutt•, tht> houl'>t' 111t1!'1 t ht• u choritu bll' or~uniza tion ... Tht• Blut• \'\'olf ta ble .. u rt· o wawd h" tht• Plain!'! Art Must•um. · ( < >ST\ .\\ES:\ -- AP Photo Politics a big game ,if.2 b/1u ·k.i11t·l.. l1ollt• . ..,1 1 . ..; . ..;1n· 011 N o,.th /)ukotu bu/lot Uy J l ll.f-:S I.Oil Ar• ljMel•I COt1••Pollden1 Fl\ l(l :t) N I> l hil 111 I• 1111 1111 l11~t. 111 .1111<. 1111 d1 ,l.111t J.111!1 111 1 lt.111 .111 .11111 111'.111 ll \'111g, llllll 11 111 wit.it g•i<''> IHI 11111 11 l''><'OIJI<"> ll u 1111111·1• 111 It••"' 11111•• 1·111 11•11 h ••I A1r11•111 .. J Hut 11gli1 1111"'. tit" 1-. wl11·1 .. tlw '" 111111 1' .111d ll h 111,1k111g '>'11111' Ill lh1• llooll\I'' fl•i.tlt•-.., "W1 d11li1 t 11111t1 111plut1 1 11 ,1t111g .1 111 \\ 1111tw .. t1y, ·St.it•· S 1·11 l'.it ('1111111y :-;o111I lw ,1 i.:11'.d 111.my N1111 h 1Jakut1111•;. "b ut WI' ~lll •· h<•Vl'" 111 • w • .-. t11lk111g • .t,.1111 t'<A!.11)11 g,1111l1l111g I It \\ '" t.ilk111g .1huu1 lil.11 kj.i1 k ldlih· .... lofk.., 11gllt la111· 111 H1 v1·r (.'1tv. An11·1tu 1'-. •11d y lt·g .d 111.wkJ.wk t.1lil1·' ••uli.1dl· 111 N1·v.11f,, .111d A tl.111111 l '1t y. :rn7 g.11111Jltng ... 111•s 111 hamlt•t., a 11d v1llag1·., o11 1 ""' t h1 · ''at~· w I w1 1·. lw<t y1•,11 , t h1· lll't t111g tu 1.1kd $I:! I .1 11111111111 Th.11· ... It·-., 1h.111 .1 1111111 th ' l<1k1· fur .i '>1111-(11 · /\tl.111ll1 < ·11\ 1.1!.11111, 11 Ul'. hul 111 N111 th Dak11t.1 11 ~ .. .,. indt·•·d i 1·J h~'l 1111 111du:-1ry t'•111rny·, diagr111 I' l11•t'illl!.I' h1 • 1·11·l\fJ<1ll.,C11t ·d Liii' 1111111l.1t ">l<Jrtt•d II "A n•fl1~ t11111 •111 111v ... 1up1d1ty," hr· ...:.y, 111"' l\111 th1· 11111\ 11111· \\ h 11 lt·1·b ht g11t ... ll•H1k1·11·d Oth1·1• ... 1111l11•111pl.1t111g lhllSl' Kll'l 'll GOLD FOR THE FIRST TIME, KRUGERRANDS ON THE INSTALLMENT PLAN 11 It t.1l1l1 ·, 1111t 111•11 .11111111g 11t1 ""'" .11 1d t lw '"'••pit·' 111111 1111111 ._., lll1-...·1·11tly '" 111 ll'l jUlll ti 11•11,11111111111.tl .. 1111111li111 111 1111tl •• \.\111g 1111·111 ,111d l1.1 V1 · "" jll llt111111 •d ()11 I'll'< 111111 d,,y . \\ lw11 11IJi1 I /\1111•111 ,111'> Vl1 t1• 111111 1n•·l•·11 ·11t1·' 1111 ... u1 Ii 111.1l1t·t1• ai. 11w l•'.11 \\1·.1111111,, d1-.pw1.il1IP li'ltlh•' ,ind g11n 11mtr11l, N1111li l>.1ko t.111"> will 1ho; 11l1· whl'll11·1 lilJ1 kj<ll I. •• 1111 '""" 111lll'r 1 ... 11 ...... r ~ .• r111>1111g w1111i.: lJfl 1111 •• let1Jc • 1111111' tlt1J11 ,, y1-.11 llllW ,111 • ,1 liJc•">l\lllg 111 ,1 I Ill '" II ,1 111J111lwr of p11· 1·11·1 t11J11 poll-. ,.,,. ... 1 111.111· Ix t 1111 .1 t 111 .... · v11t1· It ·'l'I"'•"' th .. 1 Jll'I ,1l1t1ut ,,., 111.111¥ < rlllKt .11 tlw g.1udv 111·w 111du.,tr y ..... li1·l11•vt · 11 1-. th1· ~1 ,.,,u . ..,t 11111111 to Nor th l>ak11t:1 !.lfll't· lh1· wht·ut 111111 111111' Th11-..t h1Jld111g Ll1t· laltt 1 Vll'W .. n· nut .11110 11g 1li.11 wl11.,1Jl'rt·d "d1·ru1·nt" thut tr 1llt'> d11u1 ly .. -.. .... 111.;l•· with l(.in1hli11g. l;ut 111tluth-thl' 1 uhur.il 1·lllt·, lhl· l\lull":. lt·ud111g p.;l1on."> o f lht· ;11 t:. a11d ... upport<·r:. 11( c lwril1l·1> Th:11 '' lx'l'UU">I' North J>akota gt1111bhng I!. dit l1·n ·11t fl om N1·vt1du ;ind Nc·w .h-1'>4.'Y g•1mbhng Ill IWU big way1> tSce BLACKJACK. Page A 71 PAID POltTICAl AO\/EATISEMEHT COIHiRESSMlll BOBBADHAM Llllle Miss Mulle1 sal on a Tullel. along came a spider and read In Iha Dally Pilot C1ass1t1ad section abou t Miss Mui· ters Tultet and bought 11 tor $9 95 You can sell your tulle! and lots ot olhar things lhrough Dally Pllo1 Cl~sslf1ed Ads Call 6•2·5678 Tne Comm111ee to Re·Elac;t Norma Heruog Toni Hoffman·Sacre1ary 2747 Freemon• Lane Costa Me1t •. CA 921126 No other gold coin can measure up to a gold Krugerrand Investment. And no o ther company but Anglo Coins Limited offers an opp ortunity to "buy" on the installment plan We are a part o f one of the world's largest gold dealers tn one ol the world's leading financial centers. Paid Advert1semen1 VOTE FOR C. EDWARD ''ED'' WOLFE NEWPORT BEACH COUNCll -3rd DISTRICT * REAL EST A TE APPRAISER * BUSINESSMAN * DISTINGUISHED NAVY RECORD ONLY TRUE INDEPENDENT REPRESENTING YOUR INTEREST AT HIS OWN EXPENSE The banking and gold dealing a l our 1nternauona1 banks along with the skill and expertence ol the brokers o f Anglo Coins Limited gives you, the lnve1tor, a long term investment with security. efficiency and peace of mind For further I nfo rmation c all collecl 213-468-0040 or wnte tor detailed information• ANGLO COINS LIM iTED 6464 SUNSET BOULEVARD SUITE 650 LOS ANGELES, CA 90028 r---------------------1 NAME : : ADDRESS I I CITY STATE : I I ZIP I • House Armed Services Committee • House Administration Committee • Chairman, Republican Study Committee • Member, North Atlantic Assembly (NATO) • Member, Republican Policy Committee LEADERSHIP, INTEGRITY VOTE NOVEMBER 2 FOR ROBERT E. BIDHIM [81 IUIUEITITIYE II CHUW I BUSINESS TELEPHONE I P,.,'.,. "'•" ... • ... ,, "" (.•"•" .... ~ . .-;· Paid for by friends of Ed Wolfe. 2006 I 1 "~"" ·• 11 ..... '"' "·'(' Nautilus Ln., Newport Beach 92663 I NB Must Include Bus•rei.s Telephone Donald Mcinnis. Cha11man Robert Krone Treasure, J~-----~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ •---------------------' Jam~Roo~•t.~~rman.~m~~sFmB~h~ PAID POLITICAL A~O~V~E~R~T~I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~b~~~~~==~~=========~~ ''Re-elect a Proven Leader'' ENDORSED BY OUR COMMUNITY LEADERS Hovik Abramian Connie Burttey Mr. & Mrs. Bennie S. Adams Gary w. Burrill Al & Lucile Adams S.H. Byers Sara D. Aldridve Paul & Kathryn Bryne Debbie & Barry AJten Of'S. Wm. & Mildredc.ldwel Patricia Allen James Captetz Tom Alen Mr. & Mrs. Hefold A. Certlon Doug Ammennan William • o.w.y c.n.y Rk:hard Ardis ~ H. c.ralmft Stuart Arfin MadlfteCMpeft._, Janie A""*9 n•c.weon Myrtle Asahino TomC..., Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Ashton Cedl911.C. Franc" Asmus ..,,.... I(. a...berln AJbeft J. Auer 0. Edw.d a.tt Betty Jo Baley Heleneolley Lu Anne Bak~ ........ eat... Eleanor Baldwin S...Cole Paul Baialls LcM.-. c. Coller Mr. Roy E. Bart>atti Ollry Con..,eun Phil & Joan Barldull a.taer.Cope Dee Barnett P9wYColton Rudy Baron OIMeCox Pete Barrett H.F.Cr.ne Mr. & Mra. Max Barton Jim Ct..- Mr. Jerome T. Balhe Mr. & ..... ...,._ R. C.-.. Elaine & Robert Baamajlan Lou Crodl Pabicia & Edward Bates Peggy & P8ut Cuomo Mk:haef Beam John & Nancy Cwd Fred & Sue Becker Harry & Pauline Deity Aobeft w. Bein Ev~tt Davis U.rry R. Bemis Jim & Barbara de Boom Mr. & Mra. James Beneventi TomDeemef Mr. & Mrs. Edward P. Benion Richard A. Demmer Joan 0. Berry Barbara de Mott B.H. Bet1ha Mr. & Mrs. George Dieudonne Carol Blanchard Max Dffknan Agnes Blomquist Diane Dtxon ~Boero Dofothy Doan John I Jean Boetto Steve Oobbie tc.therin v. Bos• James & Lynn Dowty lob • ......, Brin• PhytlisR.Dra~ Mr. & Mra. Robert J. Brooks Vlrgin&a F. Dunn Alan I Janet Br~t Hetwy • Jll Durt .. Aogef'Brown Margareta Oyurt Newport Beach City Council Nancy Eb.en Marlon Harney a.tee. •.ten Eccl1sb• Edwin & Jean Hart ThomM c. Edw .. Mr. a Mn. Phlllp Hayden ............ "°Ann a lli9W•rt .._,_.. Frri!IMltdr ... ~ ...... OoMld E. .... .................... TCMR & P8t !YllM a..tee ........ GI a Anita F.,...ean Aobelt. Jean lllche1 Greg FlfOHI Dft ....,.,...., .. Miiian. a.-.. F...-on Ned&Dora• •Acker OorothJ • .......,. Holden Mr ....... JoMph,....., Mr. aMra. LMHoml .. •oe'lt Mr.&lh.l..,...A.FGgiw WendyLM ....... worttl ..._.E.Frmncll ...., ... Hood Mr. a Mrs. CMt Fry Aoe-t L HoplcJne TomFuenlee Helen ... Hom ... a. ..... ••CeftdyHouM Pltllp lo°'* a. ..... FNdHunt P9tOllddll GaryH. Hunt W.._ R. Ollyner ThOIUI !. Hpne °'· • Mn. &twin Ollnl Ann'"'80ft Delor99 OeeMrw ..... Gendron e....0eorte ....... c.Qeflng w...,o.t&Jn Ooro9IJ QlcMt M.LOlw ... IO ........... Qlw IM*IGotf ..... AIWce Qoedlftg ..... Golde .. ~J.Gaa....., .,.....Grey Or ........ Green Dan Grlbllle Reba A. Grtfftn Su .. n Grogg Jack & Prlscllla Groth em & Audrey Grundy Marilyn Gu1t Jack N. Hall Wm. R. Hamlnon Mrs. Mabel Harbison Ootothy HardcHtle Genylong Peggyl.ucea WlllmnD.Luek • •• ,,., .. Luxlon ..... MHMb 01Mlddr ... c.ral Mafln a.a ..... O.DM&a-...Me111ii1 l.M*& ... llcBrtde ....... ....wr.eh Unclll Mca.w.n Gmy llclwatn ...... Cehln Mela~ MldcedLllHd ArthurMelo llr.AMrl.JoMR.Mld FNdA!nld- cante a~..,...,., 0....IAWWJ Dr. Roger'· ...... ....... & l"'rn ..... EJ••norJ . ....._, Aualll I Lorrllne llurpltr c...a,.1Ne1t1• . Mr.& ... _,..k ....... --.el. .-... .... IN:ny .....,,.,.....,.... DoUd L Olton DoftO.. Mr. a -. .......... L:. °''°"' .....,°"" ....... ..._ Wr•1a1a.._,._ D111'9i•-c.1w,,. ........ ll111ph PMtoone .,..... C. "9uu" Peraon Mr. a Mrs. Beryl L. Pickette Dr. & M1'11. Allan L. Plnkenon Andrew Pltche11 Robert Polls Mr. & Mrs. James E. Potter Ronald I. Pru"1lng Rolty Pulaskl Dr. Marvin T. Pursell Jay & Marilyn Reed Allee & Frank Remer ... Miry t. Reuland ..... llcMrd llll1RlcMIOnd "8M 8nd C.meron Riddell ,_..., ., •• C.111'9 , ... Ralllneon a.• ......... RonLAoger9 Dnllu W. flood -~·lll•&O...Roel a.tlefl'"T .. " ........... ............. Dllwtd ... Qilla .. .... •a ..... Cllllllentpeon 'hmltls..., ............... , ..,M••*urt LMdelDMctl Allene lchradlr O.l.lohro1ll1r Alm lchftn LI Y9me K. Schvarz lllaa.th Scofield Gloff• & Howard Seelye Richard & Sandy Sewell OorothH ShHly Scott Sherrill Barbi Slnacek Merrill Skilling Paul & Carolyn Slayback Fran & Don Sloper Clay Smith Dick & Gall Vlnje Smith E. Moms Smith Eunk:e H. Smith Irene L. Smith COMMITTEE TO RE-EljCT EfELYN HART• J.C. PERSON,,R .. TAEASURER • 201 SHIPYARD W.AY. NEWPORT~EACH. CAUFOf!~IA 92663 • ' " ~ .. . Theresa E. Smith Marge Snykera Carol South George Spragins Corrinne Spence Diana Springer John Standage Mr. & Mrs. John A. Stephens T. Duncan & Jerry Stewart Mr. & Mr1. Glen E. SUllwell Mr. & Mra. Emil J. Strauas Chris Stre8' Bruce & Kathy Stuart Arthur J. Sullivan Lorraine Sutherland Suzanne Sutton Mr. & Mrs. Donald H. Swihart George & Trudy Sylveater Barbara & em Tappan Mr. & Mrs. Mario A. Tartaglia Judith Temme Fred W. Ten Eyck Dorothea Thousand Phll & Betty Tozer Per & Jackie Trebler Clarence Tumer James L. Turner Kathleen Vaughan Robert Walker Ruth S. Walley Craig A. Watson Larry Wee1hon Alllaon Wells Suun Whtie Ralph & Corttl Wh IHord Loulae De. Wiegand Bob Wiicox Sharon Jo Wiison Joan & Lloyd Winburn Jim Wood Elaine Zor Marilyn RHd Mr. a Mrs. John Franco Partial Ll1t ' 6 3 u s s as c ca a a c ¥ (Jr tlll\JI' L01l'll UAll y I'll()' /Su11c.Jo.1v Oc ICJIJIJI 3 1 1'J82 Senator Percy-'other kind of Republican' WAS ll lN(i'l'l>N \t\l'I 111111"' COi' L1·.1d1·1 1\011 ~l1d11 I '""" h.1v1111-t h r '"'k I'"' "'ht 11 S 1 11 ( 'h.11 l1·i. II l,1·1l y ph111wd 111 ,,..,k .1 t.1v.1r II "'·•' .1l.11i111 :rn ,,.,,, 11ld Ht•p .loh11 I ."1'411111lltl·1 111 N•·\\ v .. 1 k h 'l'l'lll!\ I .1·Bo11ulh<'t h.1<1111.1111· 11 'IJl'<'<'h 111 wl11c h lw 1 .dh ti P1•11·y, 1·hu1rm,111 u l th1• S 1·1i.11t· f\11 t'IKll H..t.1111111, Cm111111l ll'<'. .... w11np." l 'uuld M1dwl h·t11 II 1111, hrnsh fdluw MU1t1· n·-;pt'l t'' \Vdl. uh. muvbt.• "A\ 1111' wav," 1•,.,. \ ,l\Jdt•d, -"wh,1l-ts ,, w1;11p'' I \" l1>ok1·d 1n tlw d11 1H111u1 v .111d I 1·11n'1 find II JllYWh1•rl' .. l'harlt•s H . l;1·1·1·v of llh11tt11o "Chuc·k " P1•n:y. 'a s 111• alway-; , .. ,.. h • .-.11 ·1 1 h.111~t1I 'lho• Hll\ 11111' 1111\ \\ 1111.!1 I 1d , \ II II I II , 111 111d11' I 1 \ \0 u I t 1 11 'l"'kl II 111 ,.., \\'11111 111111" 111.tll 11.tl, '' t1:! """ ,111d .. 1111 .... 11111•· 111 ... S 1•11.1t1· ,,,·,11 ,111d 111' $ti .I llllllt111l 1111 lllllt' i'l I 1'V " ,II lh1 l11•lr11 ul 1111' S1·11.111 ·, 111111· 11111,l l>lv111p1.111 111111111 \ hl·l1111• p .111\ 1~1111111111<·1· W11h ,tl\1•1 \ h ,111 .11111lw.111111-1 .11d Jlllllll).: It 11111 111 ... ldl l'.tl "" "·"' 11,., . .,1111• .1 l'.1p1t11I 11111 111,111u111111 Thi· ,,.n,11111 I 111111 1•1•ntr11I 1'.1!>1111~. Ill' ",1111wl11111·' 1.1lll·d But 1'1•11·\ h,.., 1w1lhl'I IK'l"\11111·, 1111r ""''' 1 l.11ntl'd lo bt•, Jlhl .1 pl.1111 ~11:v 11;11111·<1 < ·hu1·k K1111w11 It• 1 'lot•'' 1'11111111.Jt'l'S ·" Charles P er cy, then and now lht l\,1\ ''<11111 , J'111 \ 1-. ,, \\•I• I I 1q~ rJ •:~\ II "I lJ S 1111 .,11,111 '->1 11 1111 I \\ lt11 h11lol, • u1111111l1111 Ill'• 111 J ,111,1,.111 It \ 1111{ , .... 111 I"•''" '' .111111~' It "'''' lw tit.it 1'1·11 \ l.11 k ' d111 .,II .I •lll01k1 lllll '>1'°' Olllh ,111 111111 It /I ,I 1111 \ •111111.11 1111\ Ill' lt,1 , 11tlt t qllt 111 ll11'11111tll'I ttll t 111 I"• 11 \\ dl111g 111 d1g Ill wh1·11 111e k:-.11111 11111 •. 1 .. 11111nd .. d ,1 (:!II' ·""""" II.· "l•l"'"1·d 1w11 ,.11.01gl11 l.11 '""'' 1rn•• t111g lo\ h1111t1111t1 ,1 N1,.1111 S 111u1•1111 ('111111 11111111m·t''> ll111v1·1"11' ttl t 'll11 .1g11 p 111ilt1JI Hcl111• 1111 (; ll.11111ld (',,"will ..,. 11'1111 111 1111·''"1 1,1, 1lh .1 pl.111 \11 \'1tl• 111 .,,,y., p.11 l \ 1·ldt·1 .J11h11 11plil t tho 11.11 t\ Sl11'1111.111 (',,.,,,. .• 1li11 .1t1·1wd 111111 l't·n \' 1, , ... 1111 .:-.t. Ml ... 11 tu·:-1 lw w11h pn111;11 v ch•ll"ll "1'111 1101 '' i ;illt·d ·( 'hul·kl1•.," h y 'tllllll' ltl·11· Jll-.1 lo w111 fl' 1111.1111•:;," i11111111 .11d1•-. I It-'' ,,1.,.1 1li1· u1lw1 l'i·n \ ,,1y-. lw 11'\tJt l•'<I II•·', -.1111 h111d "I Ho p11hlu .111 1h1· k111d l11·H · I '1·11•y h.1-. ,.,,1d 1111 111 I '1t''>1Clt·11I \\ hu..i· lllllllh<'I h,1, d\\ 111dl1·d • , , 1.,1 ·" 1111 (a 11' hJ., w1111 s111,111 l<1·Jg.111 111111 \' 1h.111 ""' l Sull 111 llllllt ul p11 i.., 111:--.hol!> w1tlt • ·'' '" po-.-.1111) l'i·rc, 1 .. ,1.k .. d Ni·l:-.1111 A 111 :1v1·11 1h1· pol1t11.d ll;1111la11w·1 H11e·kl·ft.ll1•1 .1 flow Wl't'k' l11•lw1• 11111 lh1· <·01111111tt1·1· '"'' :11111· f111 Hil h.ild M Nti."11 ·, l !HiH 1w11 ol 1l!> I.1st 111111• 1'11a11111l'll 1111111111.111 .,11 , '·" "" 1lw t 'h .... t· \.\'1111.1111 Full111glt1 11 /\1 k .111d !\l.111h.1ll.111 B.1nk':-. ho.11 cl w lll'll F1.111k ('lwrd1 IJ lcl,1lu1 l>;l\id Hotki·fi·lll·r 1,1,,1!> t11,111111,111 U1•111>< f>'ci r 1·1g11 H1·lat1c111' 11 1, ,1111 111 l,1w 1 ~ llt•ill"l'l lllll c h.111111.111 '' '1·ld11111 .1 polilnal \;tt\' .Ja\ llne'kdc·llt•r 111 w,.,, plu!> At 1, . .,,, tli.11 ' wlt<1t tht• \' 1><111' •,h11w :111cl 111'11 v IH'ltt·v1·' 111 II g1111.1 t\ 'dt d1·~11b11l "E1w11h1"'" 111111, 111 l'fill l'tlC \ 111111' 111111111 ... · H1·11uhlll ,111 .' .1 ht·,1t.1nl liu1 lop (;()J• \ol1• gc II• 1 l11u11cl I"'"' 1•p11hh· V11·111a111 def\'" l'•·lc \' 1' .1 11•alou' f1..c ·.1l f.ot 111111·1 11111 111111"·11 I .i 1111111 1' lwl1111d IWll \\t'l'k ' lwlon· c•h; 111111 d,1y V11t1·" I.wk ... 111ud1 1•1!>1• 111 c11111111c111 with 111 pl .t<'t'' I 1 kt· l't'<lf 0111· ,1 t1d t lw I 11rt·1g11 p111!1·;" hawk!> ..,w1 ·pt 111111 1 ht. Si .11,11,. 111 1 hi· 11,..,1 ''" Ell 111gh.1111 !t•lt 1I11 •11 w.1111lt·1111g ''"''' Thi·ii· "·" 111.,.11 1,.11,1011. '' 11.11111 h1· 111 thl· .111,t1w1.1111· h11t 1111 II\ I' .rl.11111 ll<1ro·up 111.111111'1 h;11l rur g11l1t·n llll'lll Ill IH l1l'\'l'' that 1lw Un1 ll·d 011 W.tll Stn·1·t .111cl t'h1L1g11'-. St .ill·~ ,111d th1· SoVtl'I U1111)11. N"1 th Shon., llw !>Ilk 't1x:k111g clc·,pth• 1h1•1r -;h ;1rp d1fff'n·11t·1·:-. 1,,...,111>r1 lhitl prod11n'<l Pt•fl':V. tlw .. twuld kt'l'P t;rlk1ng I !1· oppo-.1·' t.111hrul l'oughi·d UIJ Mo1 t· th:1n tht· adm1111'trat11111·~ 11.rdl' $1 n11ll111n w1•11t 11\\11 th1· ....,,1v.1gt• ,,11H·t11111 ' .1g.11ns1 H u'''·' 11p1·1al1on, mueh fot 'I'\' :1d' 111 .. ,, ,.·,.. ... h11.1t1ng 1Jurwl\ ,., 1n th1· "' h11 h ,, l'hc1..,lt·m•cl .,..n.11o r. ht!> l1111t " tamth .1!>!>l'llll1li·d lll'htncl him. 111• l111l1b that g•'11I 11·l.ct11111' .,ol1·11111lv 11it111ll'd "I got tlw with P1·k1ng a11• 1n J\t1ll'lllL1·, llll'!>,;1g1·" It 1rk1·d . but 11 work1·d nall!m;tl 111l1·11·,1. hut 11µ1.111"l'' .in:-. 111· gut :1:\ 1>1·ru·nl N1>1 mud1 h;r, ~~~~, -~~~~~~~~~~--~~~- PERSONAL PROFILE INVENTORY S20 ~,-,,,,)' )'Ot.it "liu(' I ll'IJ-"Ots ~ '916t•or•~'1·0' A W Iva 4 l 1•1n 1 , • f,.,~, ~r Pot.if1ve Pt!•Y'IOn.ttl f&af• Ot>..,elo""'~"' Fo1 r''~\lle o' Q°' ul •N' t p'1•>"r ~,~ nu ~ b~r a. • . Cunwti.~·') ~'N .,,., ~t'~"-""' a..,, 1 (714) 640-1268 For Class1t1ed Ao ACTION Call a Dally Pllol AO-VISOR 642·5678 SAVE BOLSA CHICA VOTE DEMOCRAT TUESDAY . MDV. 2 • 1c11H1111·111u/11r1' • p 1r111d/11r111t11r1 • • 111\' • liror111·' • l11111p' • urrl!lu ... c ~~ =====-c: § a: l>orolh} E1111·r!>1rn F-1>1111 .\11/1111 pr1·.,,·111 1~ E '( : t _,,,,ANTIQUES EXPO & SALE '· # I T HE COMMUICE Bl ILDl'•G ORANGE COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS 811 •"AIR URIVE • COSTA MESA. CA NOV. 4, 5 , 6 & 7, 1982 Tlll'RSDAY T llRl SATI ROAY 1·10 P '1 • Sl "DAY. SOON-ti P '1 \d1111''"'" $.' -• \\ 11h tf11, w/ 111 1 111111'11·1 S.' i11 .. w h ~ t 111/dr .. 11 "''"' r 1.: r,. • • 1 r• • l'111J..111i: c: c: I/,,, Atl11il(11111I>n1«•1J,..,, I<• I .. 111 1.-1 t'lltr.1111, \.i1U1tl11\' 1llll't111•11n .. mtl \unt/11\' g_u...-=====,.,,,. .... -======================-"==========~'"'===========::t.I """' • /u~hlin\! '"'"fl'' . I I\ .. tq • II fll h ....• 111/11'( 111/1/t ' • po111ltnj.!\ 5' 0 ... ,, ,.. , -;: ... r ,.,. f't\olO S•·11 . t :h arle~ Pt•rC'y, w ho ., •.•. k ... t·onst'llMI~ ai, dwirman of tlw St•natt· Fon·iKn Ht·lutiom. Commill••t•, drnl~ w if h Majorit y l.t•utlt•r llowarcl Boker. 1 lr.111g1·d 1-'c·rey '' up .1g;11n 111 l~IH I .111d lllm111' 111·\\'>j)JJ..H r ... ;111 ri!Jt•d \.\ lllt 'IJl·<'Ul:tllltll ,d111UI po,!>1hl1· pru11.ir:-l'hdll1·11gl'I'' "I t·i..p ... ·t '" h,1v1· n<•t onlv 11111· llul I" "ll.1hlv ~1·VC'f'<.tl." Pt•ll v ..,,,y, JI 1, dt Ill alt "1u.1llu11 \\ 11uld 111,1k1· .111\11111 1hink 11,1, 111 lwrun· d1\ mg 111111 ,, pul11w.1I tl11gf1gh1 F1·a1 o f l>4:1ng l>1lll'11 though. I' fc11 IJIJlll 1-'t•f't'V•, '>•Ill 11111\l\'1' 1111 1.1ut11111 S1·11 ·H11 h.11 d l.ug;11 H Ind llk1 "' l'<·rt' ·, pht111 ... 11ph~ ,,, th;. or hi-. pn·d('('(•~JI d.!> lop For 1 1gn lh ·l<11lo11!> Rl·pubhl·on. l111111t·r S1·11 .J;wob Jav1ts "L1kl· J;,c k .l,1v1L->. h1· th111g5 we· ought lo h;1vl' a strong h1part1S<:&n basis ;.., Jlllll'h a:-fJO'-'il bll• " I 11 ">J.H·t·<·ht·-.. Pl·rcy oflt-n h.11 k' hack 10 tlw boardroom and J-:1,1·nt11 .w1·r Gl11lial ('CJmplt'XllH:s 1lt1·11 .111., but rfianv 1ssµes b<·fore h1111 .1r1 · 11111''> lkl' ~vrestled with: d l'\.1r111an11·nt. tht· Mldl•<.tsl, 'I .ol\\ .111 .111d Laun Am1·n1·a Mayor Jackie Heather IS A PROBLEM-SOLVER Vo te and Elect EDMUND J . KELLY FOR MEMBER STATE BOARD OF EQUALIZATION • SUPERVISING AUDITOR ST A TE BOl\RD O~ EOUAL IZA Tl()N • EXPERIENCED TAX ADMINISTRATOR FOR 7 1 YEARt;; • CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT • !J'h',.,,. '.>.Jr. (/;ttfj/,/,,/r .-:/>-;., (~0,_,,;nN· I PAtrl rn R ~' COMMITTEE TO HECT ED KHl Y 1 D &<lt• ·~ 271 W R•allo Ave Rl•llo. CA 92376 Fran~ deCour1en Ttea.urer ~tarti11~ Joii.t ~~.fl Outpatient R ecovery Service For Alcoholis m/Chemical Dependencies • JCAH ACCREDITED • STRONG AA INVOLVEMENT • COUNSELING SERVICE • FAMILY PROGRAM • AFTERCARE • rlNANCING The ma1or1ty Of Hf AL Tt-t,INSURANCE p o 1tc1ec; wtll cover all or part o f the 1rea1men1 for a1coho1t5rn chemical dependency TUSTIN COMMUNITY HO SPIT AL 14882 NEWPORT AVE. TUSTIN, CA 92880 838-9800 Ext. 428 SERVING /\LL ORANGE COUNTY ' LOOK AT HER RECORD Problem -------------- increasing traffic congestion Problem-------------- Airport noise, county plans for all-out expansion of John Wayne Airport Problem -------------- Dilapidated sewer system causing sewage to back up in homes and spill into the bay Solution Build the new bridge on PCH : improve 1 4 key intersections. Solution A successful court suit that forced Orange County to drop plans to expand the airport. Solution A new gravity-feed sewer line that protects the bay and permits citizens to "flush w ithout fear." Problem --------------Solution Upper Bay c hoked with silt, a natural wonder turned into a drying eyesore Find $4,700.000 in state. county and private funds to dredge the upper bay and restore the beautiful lake it had been. ON tlJV 2, THERE .IS MORE AT STAKE THAN GOVERNOR AND lHTED STATES SENATOR VOTE FOR NEWPORT BEACH CITY COUNCIL VOTE FOR Jackie Heather Paid for by Friends of Jackie Heather, Norma Hiiker -l'reaaurer 1118 Pescador, Newport Beach 92660 ·. .... ... ; 0 a a c a ;; Keep top two office within the sanie party t\ p ;11 I I 11• Ill 1111· w ti '1111 Ht 11w11 1•ot\t1•,1 lw 1lw tJ S S 1·11.1l1• '''at, thl· rnc.•1· fut tht· g 11v1·n11irsh1p of l'al1 lo n11;1 h.1:-. lh·1•11 tht· 11111,1 CXh'l\Sl\'t'l\' pul1li1·111·d ol 1h1• I !Ht.! camp;11 ~11 Hqrnhlt1 .11\ ( :1·111 gl' "I >ukl'" Ol•ukmt•J1.m .md I >t·mrn r;it T11111 Bradlt·v hav t· bc.·t·11 th1· ,UIJJ1'l l 111 fl 'lllll' 111 llt'W'P•ll>l'I 1·11\'1•1,1gt• ,11\ll h ,1v1• d 1•b.11t•d up .ind dll\\ n t h1· st.1 ll'. II\ 1wr:-.011 .mtl (II\ ll' II'\' t'tOll Bv IHI" tlwre 'l'ilru·h l'iHI 111• .. votc.•r wlw '' 11111 1.1111111~11 \\ llh tl11 tw u 1·;11\dad.111•' .1t11l p1 11h.1hl\ fl'\\ wh11 h.i\ t th •t .ilt l'.1d~ 111.1d1 ,1 ch• 11n · Th;11 1 1111111 · 11111,t lrk1·h \\ill dq11·1ul .il11111,1 1•11!11 1'1\ 11p1111 till' ind1\'1du.il \'ult•t ·, pullllt'.il 11ut h111k 811lh l\\t'I\ .111 • 'llltt'l t '. h•llH''l :ind clt-d1t·.11vd puhl11 "'l'\'.111h. with 1·~11111;d1l1· 1·1·c.·11n f, 111 ,1;111 • .111d kw;1 I go\'1 •1 111111 •11 I D1·uk111t•J1.in . :>I. w1 \'t•d 111 1h1 • ,1;111..· L1·gbl,i\urv 11>1 Iii ~'1 ""' IH•fon• l11•t'111\\tng st;i\1 · at111l fl••\' g 1 • r ll' r .1 I 11 \ I H 7 II Br ;u I II·~· . 1 i I , ,c•r\'vd 1111 tlw Lo:-. t\11g1·l1·.., pol111• 101·1·1· lt11 :.! I v1·.1ri. l><·lnn· li1·1..·nr11111g tht• ftr:-.t c.·11·~ tvd Iii.id, 111l'11tliv1 111 the.· Ln.., t\11g1·I"" t 011\' ( '1•llll\'ll 111 IHti:I .111d 1h1•tl lll.t\111 Ill ('17:1 H11t h l llflll· t 111111 p11111 h ii l "g I 11 ll IHI ... d II d k 1111 \\ t h I nw .• n 1ng .• 111d tilt' l1u1h 111 h.11d work Rotl 1 .111 st.1urwh 'upprn·t1•1.., 11f lhl•lf I l''l>l'l ll\'l p.tl \ll'" lillt l\<1\ I' d1~pJ.tyt•d <lll ..ibtltl \ tu \\Ill k With \h11 ... 1 Id 11\ht•t p1>ltlll,il 1x·rsu.1,1n11.., 111 111 dt•r 111 .tl ll tlllplt-..h 1hl'tr g11.1I ... B11t l1 .111 111\\ k1·\ 1·amµ;11g111 r ... Br.1dlt·\ 1-. ·'" .11·111111plhh1 d .id11H111..,1r;11;1r .ind 111,m,1g1•1. "1th c1 turm1d11hl1 u1tdl·l'sl c1nd111g 11f budge.•\, ;111d tht• tfl•\<ilb llf I'll \ go\'l'1'1Hltl'llt ill· hm. d1spla~'l•d ,ktll 1 n t ' 1 t ,. I .1 b o r 111 <1 11 a g < • rn t • n t m ·got1:1t11m:-. .md l<Jkt•:-. t·n ·d11 for t he· tn·a\11111 of :.WO.IHJO ,111hs 1n L o-> Ang t·lt'" du1 ll)g ht!> ;1dm1111s tratwn. A "tnmg c•11v1nm11wntal1st. lu: It'd tht· f 1gh t .ig..11 n~t I 11 ll·n111 &'tT<·t:1n .l:iml·~ W :iu·.., ,wt•t•p1 ng pla n fur ''"'"lllj.( ot r ... hot t• utl ... 11t ... l le took ,1 n1n ... 11l1•1.1blt p1>h\tt.tl 1 h.1111 I' \\'llll .tll t'.11'1 \' l'IHh1l ..,t'llll'lll •>l l'rnp 11 ... 1111111 I!.> .. thv h.111dj.(1111 l'l'~l,11.illtlll l1.ill11t 11\l'dSlll t' Jhukt111 ·Jt.t11 h 11i-. hutlt hi' 1'o1r1·1·r 1111 .1111 1 1·111111• l.1w' 1\.., .1 h-g1 ... t.1t111 111' \\ 11111· tilt' l ~l'i i d1 •.11h pt · 11 . ti l\' 'I. It II t I ' • t ll d Ill ii II \ 111 I H' I 111n11· l1tl b .. 111d ''" .1tt11n11·y g1·111·1 ;ii h1· 1n·1"111.ilh .ind .. uc·1 1·:-...,l \dl) .1rgu1·d 1 ltt· dt .. 1th µ1·1wlt v .11111 "u:-.1 ·-L1 ·gun go 10 -pn..,011" ,t,1tutt·.., lwl111 t tilt' state.· Supt 1•nw t'11u1 t 111· -.\nmgh opposi·' Pr11p11 ... 1t11111 l.1 II I ' I I. l.1 I I I) II ' h I p \\ l I " P11•"d1 Ill H1·.1g .i11 l11•g.111 .i:-. •• It "l.!l,(.i !1 ll , \\ f 1t'I\ I 11 I .ii I 11 •d t hl'll l;o\' H1•ag.i11:.., t11.1 ... -.1v1· $~11 :1 11111111111 t.1!\ 11\11'1',l"I' 1111'•1"111 t' I It• 11,.._ llJ>JXlS\•d 11\,111\ t'll\'1111111\ll'll\,i( pr11\l'< \1011 l,1w .... \\ hll'h ht· f'l'ganl.., .1 ... d1·t111111•11t.il tu hu:-.llll''>'. 1111'1ud1 11g thl' I H71i (.'n."t;il A1·1 , ;111d d 11 1'!> 111ot ,h :11t· Br.1dl1•\'':-. .. ppn:-1111111 to 1111 ... 111111• 111 1 dnlltng Thv t\\ o 1.ind1d.it<·:-. lt;l\"l· l<11d th1•11 '"11 i(.., .i11d th1·1r n·<·111ds 1111 1h1 1.dill' l>1 ·ulrnwJ1.i11', ;1ppl«tl " Ill thl' 111111 (' l'llll"'' \'.111\'t', IJtl l B r.idl<·' 1-... t.11 11 0111 .1 l1.11n111g 1tl11·1.il .. 111d 111111 ·-. l'i l\llJ\'1•d t f'lllll 11u 1 go1 ng (;Cl\ .h 1 1: Hr n w ll In thi-. 1.11 < tlt1 · d11111·1· 111u ... 1 ht Up ltl tl\I' t1tdt\ 1d11.tl \ t>ll'I 1111 tilt h."1' ul pt 1 ... 1111.il \'lt•W.., 1\ -. I 11 I t It I I 1 t· LI \ l I\ a II \ I.!"' 1 111t11 11111tt·'t. hoth K1·puhltc:;111 l".inil I l.illl'lt .111d Dt·m11t·ral Lt·n :\ltl';11th\ h.1\"1· h.1d t•x t1•1\,l\'l' t'' p I ' I' 11 111 I I II th t' ._ \ ,\ l (' 1.1 g1,l.11111 t h1 ,,.., J\..,..,< n1hh Sp1·.1k1 r 1111 .... , \1·,1r .... shl· ,;~ 11111\llt lt\ (1 ·.itf1·1 Il l till t\!>!>l'Jnbl\ .incl lt·.1d1·1 ol ltw l 1gh1 .1gam'l tlw D<·rn1K 1.it1c· rc .. q1por 1111111m·nl plan I ID\\ 1•\'l'•. 1lw11· ,.., w H· thing lll h 11pt• f tll' Ill l l\I' 11Ull'Olll(' 11f Tu1 •:-d11~"..; voting th;1t Wl' will not 1111c.·t· :1g;1111 bv :-.llhJl'<'lt•d \II a ,u1H· 11dm11\l ... \1 ;1t11111 rn whic h lht· go\·1 · r·rn or <111d l1t•u tt ·n.i 11 l govcrn ot .in · ol 11pp11:-.1 ng p11l1w-.al purt ll'~. Thi s t an lt·:1d to nothing but m1seh1l·f a nd tun l Lht• 111. l lu v1 n l-1 rncldt• ,1 1·ho1t 1· fc 1r t Ill' toµ o ft it·<.· \"Ot1·~ ... tiould hv .ill l\11'.11h "l'll'<'l ,, lll'u1t•n;1nl g11v1 11H11 111 the· ... drn<· µ.i rl ,. Van de Kamp 's sensible Gt org1• N1c h1il ... 1111 Lh1· H cpublttdn u111t(·t1d1 1 1111 -.1.1t1 atwrn(·~ gc.·1wr.il h,1.., prornoh d Jgt'ne1t·~ <.incl ha" 1mpurt<1nt ll\ ti I It· has tr;i\"t It d 1•>.tt thl\'1•1\ t h roughout tlw :-.t.llt'. talking ~bou t ht•IOIJUS l'rlOH'S itnd \,\'hat hl· think:-. -.hould Ix· dnnc· \\1th th11...,t• who eomm1l th1·m H e· ho s ht·t·n d 1 '>l'rtlH'd c.1" strtdl'nt Somt• '~1y h1" o1ppr11.1< h to law e n forc.:c:nwnt hor<krs o n ov <'rzca lous F o rtunatc:h. C;il1f11r111;ins ha\'C a ch a t<.'<.' for <1tlurrwy g<'nt·ral -John Va n d1 • Kamp. n o w the· d1stnct attornC') u f Lo~ Angt·le~ Countv Van de· K amp n ·gardl<-'"-" uf N 1c holsc,n 's a s.,l·rt111n.., ha.., pron·d h1msc·lf J l'omµ<'t1 nl ,1nd f<11r disln<. l attornC>\ Y 1·\ ht' appnMc·!-1 to law t·nforl'C·mt·nt toulcl he1rdl\ he d c.>S<.TI IJc>cf LI!> '-Of l \'.in de K .in1p kn11\\ s \\ ht·r1 to dr,1\\ tlit• 111\t ln·l\\t·c.·n th1· -.vn ... rblt .111d .11>--urd 'IA'1 11·,11 N1l'hob11n \\ 11uld 11ul ,}io\\ th1· .... 1nw d1'>(. I l'llon W hal ha" b t·1·n d1~turhing about Nicholson 1~ h t, .1pp::ir<.·nt d1src·gard !or many otht·r aSpt'<.'b of t ht• a ttonwy gc•rwr<il 's funl'l1w\ I-fr has s imply fatll·d to n •<:ognl7C· that tl 1s a 1<1rg c• 11ff1l·<· tha t ha!> r c-s pons 1b1l1l1es w t.'11 b eyond cnminal mattl'r-.. The <1ltornev g c n l' r a I' s s t a f t • I u r t' x a m p If; . prov1dc·s l'Oum.c•l to nunwrou s s ta l l' agl'nt'tt·s ;md has important civil dutit·~. including upholding the.• stat<'·..., many e n v1ronm t'ntal laws \'an de K a mp re<:ogn1ws th<' hn·adth o f tlw J ltnrney ~<·rwrul\ lurw1111n \',in dt• K .imp \voulcl hr 1 ng to t h.1 t l u Ill lion ,1 lll'c.·clt·d h.il.:1nn· F111 t hos<' 11·.i,on'. he clt·.;;c•n·1·.., t'lt'< lion Allow for heavy ballots G ovt•rn mMH <1gt>nt·1c.•s ,1rt' not no t<'d for bailing c•aC'h o ther out of une xpC'C lt'd prNltl·arnC'nls T hal. unfo r lun;J \t•ly, 1s rc•...,ult1ng in u n a b sentt.'<' ballot 'n ;,i fu 1nvolv111g the• Orange'' County H1•g1stra1 o l V ote r s a nd th1• U S P ust:tl &rvkl• And with tlw c·h·<·t1on JUs\ two davs aw.iv. thl•rc• s<·t•ms lo Ix· no llm~l v solu.t1on S o. voters who havt.' rC'qUC'Sled absentee.' ballots !or cl<.'clton s in Newport &>ac h . Fountain Vallf'v. H untingto n &'a<·h a n d o ther t•ttu~ ecking a vow o n s p N'tal lot·al m <>asurt's .... h o uld not b<' ton m.irpr1scd 1f lh<.•tr t·ompl<'l<.'d ballnt~ an· r e turnC'd f o r addationl'll postage In m o'it tirt·u . JUSl t wo ballot cards are included in tht' absen tee pac k e t But whcrt' thf'r<' nr e s~lal m casurc•s, n third <.'ard is n eed ed . That third card puts tht' piaillng over tht• no rma l 20-ct•nt limit. It ruqu1rl's 37 cents of ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat lfwtfh\"'"' • .,.,, d4Y tf lf\fo< t••' •I 1)0 W•\t l •f '\I (e· t• ""''" •60'....., "' ,.,,_..,.,..,.,~ ~ I' ""• 11 , ., •• ~\-•• , .. ,,.. ' p11:-.t;1gc· Hut thl'l<'0'i nrr \.\,1v tor the· absc•nt('I' \'llll'I" Ill Ix-,}W(Jr(' or that Appar<'ntl y scHrH· ol 1h1• p ~· c· k <' t s a r c· r l' etc· h 1 n g t h t• r1•gi~tra1 .. :-. o ff1c·l' without the• :idd1l111nal µoc;tagc•. If th1·y an· marked pos1a g1• du<'. thl' c:ounty p<1~s ;m d thf• hallo\ ts tcibulall'd In 11th1·r casc·s. th<' posta~t·-dut• lx1llot p ack<.·b a rc beang rl'lurnNl t o sen ders . And unless nn <»<lra s ta mp 1s afftxt'd o r tht• ballot ts ha nd-del 1 ver f>d so 1 \ l't'<Jl'h l'S tht• rc•g1~trar by 8 pm Tu(•sd ay, tht• vote w 111 be> lost Vott'rs who nn• s ltll 111 thl' .1rc·~1 and havt> not yet mail(•d ttw1r absc.•ntcc• ballo t s would lw wc•ll ;l!l v is f'd to add ;.11wth1•r s tamp Appan·ntly 1t •~ t 1H> muc h lo C'Xpt"Cl tlw pust OCfll't' to rt'(.'O~lllW tht.• µrobkm and let pr c -e l<'<.'tto n mail for the Rl1gislnir of Vo t<'rs go thro ugh. marked puswgc puc. Sut·h arl' th <' wa ys of govC'rn m cm t. Thoma• , . Haloy '"; .. ~ ... Jano Amari r .......... te1•0t larttclro Krolbkh I I' ""' PnlJ• t J '"' Thomae McConn '" l •<) I t • • s 4 • • WE CAN'T COLLECT CANDY TUIS YEAR, MA'AM-- BUT IF you MA\le ANY EMPTY BOTT~E'S, IN CASE PROP. 11 PASSES··· Lobbyists' high-stak:es game WAS lllNt;ToN T lw :~·I 11w111bt·1s lll tht ll oti...1 W.1\:-. .111d Mt•u 11:-- C'111111111lt•·•· .i r1· p111h.ol1I~ th•· 11111,I IJ·•l1lJWl'l'd ·'net p1 ··~SU I ··cl gn111 11 n l l.1w111,1k1••"• 111 till' w111 Id Tht I l ,1,..n11 ... '""pit• l ' 11tlt•1 I ht t'o11s111u 1111n ',di I.ill-. 1111 1.11,111g I I'\ I lllll' ,11,iJI 11l'lg111,1lt• Ill l lll' l lot"I' 111 H1 ''"'"'lll..tll\'t·:-. • J\11tl .. t.111 h ''" IH , ll•vt•1 I:-\\OI dt•d ph1.,..1· 111 -...1 lllt'lll t Ill .1 1.1:.. 11111 t'\'t'll tht· 111111, .. 11111 111 pl.11·1·11wn t 111 ,, 111111111J 1 .i11 11w.111 ltt1·1 ,,IJ, 1ml111111!'. 111 d 111J.11·.., ,,,\'t d "' lo'l h\ olll 111du ... t1 \ Ill 1·\ l II II\ ,1 "lllJ..:lt ( 11111p;111:- ln 1h1:. h1gh·::.t;1k<·.., g:.11111· th1· ..,.., nu·-. of prnft•s,..11mal lubhyrsh ,11 1· t·~..,1·1111.11 Thi• lllrpun1tl' filtl,1h \\,llH 111 m.ikt· :.u11· 1h1•11 1·11111p:.i11 ll'S d1m't ':>Uflt·r !1 11111 .1 h:ttll\ v. nttc·n tax bill. rdl•allv. tllt'V0 d ltkt• 111 h}.vt· tht' lt·g1sla t11m w11rJ1-d 1~1 tlwu favnr So thl·y h1n· lawyn -lohhy"L' 111 "assr!>t" tht• Way.,. ;ind M1·an~ C:11mn111tt·1· rf l.JO!>.'>lhh'. 111 drafting ~IX bilb (ll J I !Past W<1t l'h o vt•r tht• l'omrn1lll'<"' ..,1iould1·r and makl· suggl'':>llorb 0]\;E WAY uf wmn111g f11t•mb .mt! 1nflu1•11nng nwmbt•rs uf this powc·rful n 11nm1ttt·t•. 11f 1·uur::.1'. I':> t<> t·1111tnhuH· to tht•rr n · 1•lt'<'tltol1 l·amp<11gm. Both g1v1·rs .md rl'(l'l\'t'r:. stoutlv dl•nv that 1h1· ft ... , thousand dollars rnvuh.·~·d l .in buy <I nwmbl•r's voll> But It hl'lps t111•sk1blish a l'Ord 1al working ba_.,1s . .ind in tht• C'aM' o f ll-gt!>IJ\1011 that mi.ly 1111t 01h1·rw1c;t· < 11 n l 1· r n ~1 I <t " 111 a k 1• 1 h 1· m ,1 \ u n d l· n. tan d a I >I ' g" J I 11 n g w 11 h I h 1 -.ugg1•..,t1on!> 11! 111' frll'ndh l11hli~ ,..,t 1\... 111w \ (•t•·r .. 11 mt luM111 J>c:t.ldlt·r put It 111 tht· l.111gu,1g1 · ul luhln 111g 111 might 't 'I' \11U ,,, .1 µl.1\'1·1 h1 Irk<"' 111 pl.I\ ll 11 h . \V11lt 1111-. 111 111111d. I ltad 111y 1 t•por h '' '1'1111\ l'.ip.1u 111. l>11r11th\ W1·g.inl .111d • Jrn k II.ii 11 .. ld dw< k r h1 ·,n1ri·1 .ord ,· l1l1·tl \\1111 lht· ft·d1r.1I E l1t·t11111 ('111111111,sllill 111 1d1·111if_v th1 pl.iy1,.., .i11tl "1 lt11\\ th1 g.11111 '' lw111g pl.1v1·d lh•·"· .i .. ,, :l'h1·v l111111d llo.d l/•/;1V':'o and Mc .111' l '111111111 I ll't 11wmht·r s 1i.;v1• n ·< l't\"1 d ,, t11t.il ,,, .ti k..i-.t $8-1 1100 111 l<irt1 p:11g11 Q -JA-CK-A-ND-fR-SD-N -~ 11111t11hu111•n' dw111~ lH!ll H'.! fr11J11 fl pt t''l rll.ill\ l '' tol .1:1 \V .... t1111g111n Lo\\ 1111111\ f1r11" The• I 11111'' 1"111•111' r.111~1 f rnm 1111 1·11rn1ic11111•.., 111 .111 li111·'· 111-.ur .11111 l'Olltp:1111c•' 111 th 11.111111••111 ''"I(''· w11h 11111• tlHllg Ill l'1tllllll•ll\ tht•\' .ill had .ill 111tt·t1·i.t in ~pc·11f1c 1,1>. lt•g1-.l.1t1011 tl11 111mm1t11 ·t· wa!> con!-.1d1•1111g 1\lmoi-.t <ill lht• lohli\ 1sb \.\ 1111 111.od1 1·amp~11g11 L11nt11hut11111' l1s1t·d t h1•11 on uµ.i11111\.., ,.., 1•1tlwr Jlll1nw~ 111 '1·1f I lllpltl\ 1·d •• It•( hnrc .dh .I(( UI ,olt· d1 · ... 1gn,1\IOl1 lll'l'ltllltt•d ll\ lht 1•11 t'llOll l lllllltl ...... 11111 1'1•1•1111~ lil•h t 11J 1111, -.1111•k 1·~l11•1•n \~\' fuund nnl' fr v c 111mm1tt1·1· n11·111ht·l l!. "hu had 11111 b1 rH·l tlt d f10111 Big Lubb~ ' l.H J..:t ..,... Ht·p.., R.1rlll'r C11n,1hh· H N Y 13111 ,\c• h1 r H T1 '·" l'hll Cr .1111 H Ill HulH rt l\Lthlll l).('.dlf :111d S.1111 C ; ti 1h11n' D Fl. 1 Th1N .ii tltt top 111 lh1 lohln 1,1-. i.;rl 1 11,1"1 n · Ht IJ' D.1111< •• ,u11k"""k1 I> 111 tlu I 111111111111•1 I h.111111,111 \\ h11 g11t ~H 11111 J.Ulll'' Sh.1llll<>ll J) 1\1.i...... $ti .1.-.11 .. 1.111k tiu;111111 . IJ NJ . $1i.11l0. Jc11111·' Hont·l!., I) Ok t., $;1, I Ii M.11 1 v lfo,..s11. U-111 . $5. :wH l•ortnt·\' S 1;11k l>C.dd $4.500 . H11'11.11d (j1·1~hardt ()!\lo $..J.251i. Bill F11·n11 l H ~1 11111 $..J :.!:111 ;,ncJ W nht• F11\df I I H i,1 , 5 1 :.! ltr T ll E HECOKl>S ~h11\\ 1h.it lour 111t 111l1t r 111 1111 ,,,, .... t1g111u-. V.'1111<1111 ... ,\: .kn..,, ri J,1\\ 111111 d1111 .. 11·d •• tot.ii ol $7.:.!llO 111 I HH l H.! Ito 17 111d1\ 1dual 1111·111h1.1' 111 1111 \\,1"' .111d !\!1·.111' Cw111111ttl'l Uf thc:1t .111111u11t .. 4 ;1.111 \\ ,,.., gt\ c n hv la\\ yc·r lolih\ 1,1 I .lt111,old ( · r:v .. n, who ol':'o'o d 1111 .i t t d ~ I '11111 I 11 ' .ir 1 n U ' St' n d t t • I .1111p.1 1~11' ~ I\ ' 111 \ II ii II I ' " I I h (. I lj u ;ol I \ 111llw 1111.d l.1" 111111111 1• .. 1111n f31,gg-. ,mtl Hl•I\\ d1111.t11 ti ,, 101..t 111 "i 'llllJ to I:! I tllllllll I It I 1111 ·111!11 I ' 11111-.th Ill $'.!:)II 111 k• 1, 111 lu11ol 1.11,111g • '' '"~ Tl111m.a>- B11gg.., 1h1 1 .... t k1111\\ II 1'·111 lll'f '"~" 111111J 1bUl1 d ~111111111 Ito \",ti 1111 .... '-;l•rl<Jll' l".ll'l'" H1>gg:-.. ll h11.,1· moth1·1. H1 p LmJv Bogg~. I) L.1 " not 1111 th1· t'•J1illll1lt1"'· d1,1·11l11d 111~ 111111:-. t•llll.il.I With th1 V.'a'' .ind M1 .. 111' ( '111111nlll1·1· J ' ·rn th1 111 .. 1\' 1 .t11·g11t' Thi· nwmh;·r' hi · g..i,·1· t1111111·\ t11 ,,,,. h1-. 1111·11d, h• "'"d .. 11d ht· I 111tld,11't 111 ;di j l\'lll)! ,oll\11111' 't\11\ lt'.tl 111111a \ "h11 h ht dl'!111t·d J~ mun: th Jn : I 1100 F11rr111·1 t'111111111tlt·t l'h.111111.111 \\'ilbur ;\}ill, put up • .!. 111111 111 th1 ~ :-i1111 ht' (<1\~ t11111 1lo•n.1ttd t11 "\11\ 1m·n1I" r' \.\hilt !1>11111 r 11111 1 t1.1I H• '• 1111• < ·.,1111111,,.1nrn r I .lt11 1.old \11 ,,111111 r 11111111l111l1·d $.i .150 ul I .. ' $ I 1 l II h I 1.. \\ I I Ill g d \ I l " , '•1111111111 • 11 .. rttl.c '' I 111 i,:l.otl 111 .. 11111tl1ut1 '"'d ,\!1 '\,!ltd• I I hk1 1)i1 pt .. ,.1, I ,, 'IJ<'1. I th• Ill Letters to the editor Creative politics sides teps '13' To the &.11\ur Fountain Vath.·\ rt:'stdt·nt.' ncm hc.t\'t• t h<' c hance to m~·reas<> the ir proptort} t.aXl':» (and rl'n ts) by lhcmselv~ th1•) \\1111'1 ha\·1· to dl"pt·nd on the· hrKhly 1 n•altvt• pohtrnan:-.. who d<•\'IM' ,111 kmcf, ol 11ll'th11c.I' 10 nrt'Um\'t'lll thl' will 111 th1· pl·oplt• \'IL P ropc1.;1111m 1:J Gl'nc·r.ill~ 11\ll lo<.il pohl1nans dn ,in l''\J)t.>rt JOb 1n rm 11•asmg our taxc-s rt•nt.." b~ sm·akrng 111 1•>.tras ..,Ul h £1<; l1gh t1ng cllld "l'\.\ l'I cfi..,tnl'ts. me rVit!>l'd fc·1.·s (must n •o•nth the· ~7 p1•111nl 1n1..·r(•.1<,c.· f11r 1r;1.,h 111lh'C:t111n) .. ind t·vc•n ht·.ivv 11 .1H11 frrw llll'l l'.J'>l'S Ntot :;,;1l1-,f11 •cl With rJll or thl' dtl'l<tlt'<I 1n1-rPas1.•s wh1t·h t hPy havt• J)('fJX'trah•d 11 pon t h<'ll' t·on str tul·nLo;, t h1.· pc1h t1c.·;1ns arf' now trying a nl'W lat·k ;:is k tlw 1w11plto to vote rn therr own h1 gh1•1' property taxes (and rents) o n Nov 2 (';Ill 1t M1•asun• K Fuul tlwm with tht· l;1bt·I "fur poli1·<·m1•n .ind ftr<·1m•n " so os 111 .11 11us1· th1·1r -;ymp.1\hy. tlwn w1• \.von't h11v1· to gel I ht• funds inslt>Ud l 111111 I Ill' f ,II 111 ot hl'r cirea s of l he budgc•t ThC' S<'pll'mb<'r Fountnrn Vnl11•v Nt•ws. a c·1ty publtt·auon . has c.1n ms<.•rt whll'h advocates this M easurl' K So nur wxc•.., W('rt' uSf'd to give thr1r sidt• of thl• .,torv only no "argument against" was pn·sl'ntro Iro nically. most of the s pl.l<'t' 111 th<' pubhcatron lists d ozens of <'llV of)\'rat<'d act1v1l1t•s suc h as guita r a nd b.ilkl lc•ssons. a nct these all urc obvwu ... ty w t•ll fundc<tl If thC'St' lll'llVl\l('S Wt'rC' It-ft lO JlrlV:lll' husin<'SS<'"· the• ad vantage lo tlw nly w ou lei tw twofold (I) tht• bus11H'SSe!\ w ould pay taxt'S which the c ity <'<>ulct U'(' lfl pay poht"<> a nd firemen. a nd (4!) tht• r il v would not hav<' to rollt'C't Laxes 10 priiv1de all of \ hest> ocuvi ti C's suc·h fl!< ballN. Th<'n o ur taxi's l'ould be reduced inritcod of incrc.>as...od. But pohlll'ans do n't hov<' this k ind of crcntiv11y hop<'fully t lw voters do LOOP LEMIEUX R esi t ire11 song To tht' Editor: WC' have bct•n lii1tenlng to thf' llll't'n AO nJ( o f the wurmo ngc•r!i n nd S t rnngelo vrs for ovt'r 30 yeor11 They havt' suckc.>rcd u~ out of our tnx dollnni by t'~h<'r <'~oggerllllllR our f.-t1ni (pho ny --.:---- MAILBOX h11mlw·r g.1p-.. nw •. "lt• gaps, .ind now th1 \.\ lltdct\.\ of VUlrlC'rahillly) or pl'OllllSlllg U:O. -.t•l'Ul "' \\ rth ,1111 Jnntlwr .ind m11-.1 It kt· I\ l; isthl·r \.\'l'apons syst1·rn And what has ll bought us" Nut'k:ir \\t·.1p1111:-. .irP prohfr•roung tu 11thl'r .ind 11" ,1.1hlt· n1111111 u' I l.111 tr tggl'r l.1u11l h 11n \\ .1111111g .,, '\lt'm' t•nhanc l tht• 111..1 lll11h1d 11f .111 .1111d1·111 w.ir LI\ rn~ \\tlh 1t11n1 lt.1'"'1''·rv1•1t1·dnl11 m111,1lttv llt,11 <>UI lt-.1111 1-. '' 11111i...h I 11111t·111pl.11t• .1 l1111111·d "' "11111.tl1lt 1111dt .11 \\ .11 lit• -.11lil1m111.d 111 1''"·'~1 th.it tht·r 1 '' 1111 111111111111\\ 1' 11111111g tlw mnr.11 f.1hrrc 11t our '4\C.ll'I\ .111d th1· 1,1'\ doll.tr' dl\'\•1 ll'd I<> .111 .ilt1'.t1h hl11,11t•d 1111111.11 \ liudgt I '"' d1·-.l l t1\lll~ II l'tOIHllllll:tlh ('E ltTAINLY \H' n1'1·d a q111ng dl'l 1•11 -.1· g1v1•11 t ht• pr t'sl 111 \\'11rld 11111d1t111n flow1•v1•r our prl's1•111 1·oursl' 1~ only m;1k1ng u ... It·~ Sl't'Ur't• A l1t•1•1.1• now rt•pn's1•n t:-. a rntional f1rs1 <:lt'p towarti h.dtrng 1111r 'l11<.·1cl .d c11ur"· and 1h1 Sovtf't..; ;1rl' 1•q11al I\ 1•o n < 1•rn1·d ,\, P11•s1<l1•f\ I 1·:1,1•11 h1;wt•1 11111't' ~.11d "J'1•11pl1•. Ill tfll' l1111g I Ull, .11·1• g11111g Ill do mor1• Ito prumoll· p1·al't' t h.111 11 u 1 ~ov1•rnn11·nt On1• of t hl'<it• clu\i. ~ovt•rnmPnl had lx>ttt•r j.t<'I 11111 of tlw11 w a\ and lt·t tlll'm hav1• 1l .. I l'iln h;1rdly thrnk of .1 lwttt·r dl'~:npt1rn1 o l what 1 h~· f'HEl':z1-: mcwPnwnt .md Propos1 t1on 12 t<; .111 ;ihn\I( 1'111 LLIP CUTU ;H T11 t lw 1-;c11 Im I f t ht' o u I o f s t n t t• m u n 1 I 111 11 ':'o m.111uf;ll'tU1 t'I :< \Vuwht•s\l•r, t 'ult, and all tlw ulhl'r' w in th1•1r drlv1• Into wht<'h th<'y h;iv1• pt.1urNI mlllton ' nf dollur-. to d1•r .. 111 the Ctillfornw handgun t•o nlrul i~sut•. P roposit io n l~. t ht• sl'nM•h•i.i-. kllHng o f hui;bnnds 11nd w1vf·~. brntht•rs nnd 111-.11•r11. frif'nds ond rl.'l:HtV<'!I will l'nnt1rn11•. und will multiply 11 1 h ou~11n t.lf o ld Wh y " B N :ou sc th(· t'l>r\l'C•olnblt· hnnd~un hos no practical use oth C't thon to kill JW<>ple It ts no good for uirget prnc.·ttt'l'. h la n o good for 11por1 hu11t1ng h 1!4 no g ood os a ddt•n:w wc•opon Only n shotgun or a rifle 1s ~ootl for that and Wf' t'U'l'<i to know how to USl• lhC'm AS AN Orunf(r c:ount y bu~in1.,...,mnn, lntt'r • \(.td in mv '°mmunlly, family 11nd • • f 111 111b \\1th no Ulll'r1111 nwt1\'1" I urg1· '11u 111 11111-.1d1·r ~ind 1n,·1·s t1gat1• t lt11111uglt h hnl h 'ld t·:. ol 1h1s 1'-'llt' l,. l11r1· you go I•• tht• polb rn·xt Tul•sda~ Th11"· 111 f,1v111 tof 1\, havt• nu n11JUV.1l111n \\ h.1l"tl'\01•1 I''( 1•pl :t dt.•'lrt IP Sl'l' lht• "'II"'"''' k1llrng' rt'lllWt'll. thtN' oppoSl't.I .1n11u1g 1111' n1.111uf,1t IUl't'I" -.t,1nd to loS<· 11111111111' of tloll.1r' ltl ..,.,It..., Pr uµ1"11111n I~ wrll not 1h 11y your 11gh1 111 IM·,11 ,11111' Ht•g1 ... tt·r \nur gun ur 1h1· 11111 \llU ''·llll to huv ,1nd \t>U .in· \\ 1tlt111 tf11 1nwn1 l)f th1· µropc~·d !av. r!lt' plt''l'l\l l<1W ,1mpl:-h.1s 1111 t1..'l0th 111 11 11 1 .... 1 m"dt•nw.l!lor 11nlv. l'ornµlt·lt·I~ 111w1d111u•,1hlt . 111 Ill• u1ughl \.\ 11h J 111111 l"tl,1hl1· hancigun unll'!>°' 't1u'n· a fl'lon 11 I)> .1 I 1·lon\ to t·.irrv h r a ss knu1 kh·' 111 .1 hl.1l kjo1~ k Wh:-should 1t not Iii "' \11 1 .1rrv ..i handgun cm tht' ALLEN HUBBARD Tra~/1 ft.~f· his tory T11 th1· Ed11111 S1•v1•r.d Yl'd r s :ig11 t lw t'l t 11.1•1\!> uf llu111111g11111 R< .. 11 h It.id l1a..,h 1·11llc'< t11m l\\11 1111\1 '' .1 w1•t•k a11d p.11el .1 m rnrmum 11."h 1 t1ll1•1·t11111 11·1· \A/h1·n l ht• nl\' d1 .. 1d1•d 111 hulid .1 111 ·\\' ndm1n1strat11111/ p 11l111• Ll\ll1t\ .111d l i brary. th1· llu n 1111g\1111 Bt·a1 h P uhlii.· f':w1llt11•.; l'111 1J111,1t11111 \'·" t11u11th •d In ''-'ue honcl<: .inti P·" 1111 tht''l f.11.1hlll''> Tht• t'1t\ l'olllll'tl ch-< ulc.'<I that to p:iy for tht''l' f.11•1ltt11•i.. <llld to r<>mo\'l' tht' tr ·"h 1·11llc'( 111m I t'l', .1 lit'\\ puhl11 uul11y t.1, would pr m 1111• atll'qllatl' funds for n ·\11 in)o! tht• l>w11k ·'' w1•ll as paying fnr tlw tr .1'h t•ollt•<'llllll f<'l'. although tht• 1111po~1t1on of th11o 1.1, W.li-. not sph·if1call~· ... 1.1tt•d lo p.iv fm thl• tr.1sh 111llt'l.'llOn ft'<' /\fll·r .1 ft •w Vt'.tl S, tht• ll .1:-.h l'Olll"<'llllll drnpp••d to lllll"l' .1 Wl•l.'k Nnw thc· City ( 'our)l·ll 1<1 l'1•ns1dt•nng 1mpo::.111g a ft-.• Cur tr .1'\h l'l>llt'<'llOll Thi• m1m1ei-. ra1st•tl hv t lw uulltv tax prov1cll' mon• mont•y th; 0 1n 1s lll'\'<'ssi1ry lo psy ror lht• lxmds. plu~ trash c•ollt'C.'tion . t1nd t lw total 11f t ht' <11.1mc.• ~r>t•s mtu tht• n ty'x Jtl'IWrnl fund Times might bt• hurd, but so .11·1· c•xtrn ~1 x1•s nntl a littlt• history X()ll)('\1011'1' add l'l 'SSI ·~ l'l ll'lt •n I ISSUl'S U nfortunot••lv. th1• 1·0.'lt n { govcrnm~nt ('011tinUl'S tu rl-;t• BUT the p«>pl<' do n o t m•1•d 111 h<' huodwtnk t'd o n th 1 dl'Ollht LAHRY L CURRAN '•n•'' ff~, • .,_,,,.,. t1t•l<OM• TM rt9'\t t•C .. "V ltt ten •o '''\&ht\••' , .. ,,,,,,.,, llbfil "''~'""' YttH\ .. • flfDtd\ Of IP'\\ wirill .. 9 1W ft pr .. •rt ft(f Alt ..... " f'ft~\I tlll 1 tudt \19'\11tMt• •M m.t+f•"'t •HI t\\ M N fftlt' ~y lte ••'""''"Of'\ t f'QW\I '' \Uflt\tH\' tt•\61'1 t\ .... ,_... ,...,;, •1fl "'"Of O\IQ41\l\of!O L•lltt\ ,,, •• 0. t-4t__.,. te...,._ ~:.~~~.:;;:::;-pa~~· •I.,,.~'""""'""'" ...... 1., ~ • 0 a z 11•1t11\jt1 I •II .I l>All I'll() IJ',1111!11y I If 11111111 II I JH,• \1 'Sin ' ta • L hot Jn • 1 u gi latur ·onte t S t\l 'It \Ml· N 111 1t\l 11 N1 ,, 111• .i,,, I h c 111111 llll ""''' 111 tht ,l,111 I ,1 1'1 .l.111111 la,I' l \•l\lh1111: 1\11 .... 1.t1l10,il l111l1ol l1\ tl.11.l1\ \l11gll' ,111d lllt1\ 11 '•loll ' 1111' I .. l11•1 1ol I\\" l°'""J., ,111d go 1111111" tl11 ... 1' 11! "" l11w 111 ,11hl '"'"'", Tiii' ,. 1.11111 .al 111 IUllh• .... '111111 ll.1\d1 II lht• lh•ll\llO I oil \\ho ... "''•O l1il11\ I ,llllJlollgll IS lll'.1Vily l1n,1111 .. d liv lilt• 11111\ I• 11111111•111111' .11111 l'X\'l\'ISl' 0Sllld 111~ 111 hh \\II\', ,11 11 •''-' ,J.1111 ~·011dtt T iu• bt•lh•r 11{ l\1.11 ,1.1111111, h 1111 ''·" 111.111\ 1111'\'I V\')' I !'~.II d 1111• ilf 1111• ,l,!11 ' I 111.·,\''I kg1~llll1Vl' 1.1u•:-. tllt' S1•11.i11 111111 1· ... 1 lwl\\ 1·1·11 11,•11 high ly fl•)o(,11'dt•t.J ,1,,1•111111\ 111< II. l<1•1•1dli11.i11 I ,, 1111 ' 11111111 1111 .,1 \' 111111 11 .0 111 I '" 1111• I •• 1 I. II\ II.it!"' :0-.,1111.i 1\,1111.11.1 1'111 'ollo ''""'' ,111ol '"'""'' ti 1 1111 I 0,1 I "' ""'' .. 1 I ti. 1.11.:1 -.I I .11111··11~··· I ...... di\ 1d1111 I), Ill•• t •••• 111d lt1 111111111 .111 0 .1111ltd.111 IJ• 1t11• 1.11 .. ).!• 111'1.tlh ,,,, 11 ... , \\11llltl 'l'f'i••l I 1.11...i11g 1111 1111l1,111 .1 .... 111gh 111"' ..... , 1.1\1 . "" • •H.1t 1·t1t·' ,111d l1q11111". p.11111111.11 I\ 111 '·"" 111 11111·\ 1111 1 .... 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II \\lll1 ""' Voll'ollll' Ill "" \ .•• ""''' 11111 111·' d1111°I l1o1\1 1111 l\\11 1l.11d 111o111111111 • Ill I I ,11 ' Ill P·"' I'' 11d1111: o111d l.1 111111 1.1 1.111 . \\lll1111p c.111• 'lll•1~111 'I '11 11.el.11111 I 11"1 l '\l1t·1 11 ol t11 I l1.111g1 .flollllollll ofl .f1 •1!'11 11111'1 I \111111111 1111 ''°' 1111 d 11111 ll1.1t IJ.1\ 11111 :.!II 111 •• \I ·•I llt1 l .111 , • .,,,,,,,,, !'1,11111• ''''""" 1111 I .t1111.t11 ·"' 11 ~: ... I.ell\ I 1,111d1tl.el1 ,\ 111 ., .. "" ~I ll 11111111111 1111 \1.11 •lllllf•lll d I•• 'tl1ll 11111(11111 •I ll Ill 111 I 'llltl .011d 'I,,' I ';! 11111111111 It I f 'I ill l"f11 •1111!1 f'_ll,l\t I.••• I ,.f,t1 lf1 •111• l1111:J'lllJ: 1111 lllOI ,1 dfl'lol1'1l1 I\ I II 1~ \111 111 flt1 ,(.111 • l111td1 I llo1 -.tf1 11 h f1,tllflt1J' f<1 111!11111,111 l11i..1111 ·'"'""" 11111 11."' k11" 1111 1111 ,\ -.1·111lilv ""'I I I/\ I 11111• S.11 11.1 1\1111111 ·' w ..... 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I .t., , 11 ... 1"''-• '''••• •l· .. •• lfl •·• I' ,_ .,. ,., I \ frlo'"'-' ~· I 11 "" I 14 I .. ~ • '•" .. , ti ., ..... l'.IUSt ':-0 dt11'\ ti\ he asl<s • • • Ht".ld th1· ''Kii .••. II\\ •• 1 ... 11111 1'11t1'l 1.1l ol1·, .11 tht• Blu1· \\'nll .11 1• "" m ·d .uul 11p1•1.111·d II\ tilt PIJm:-Art l\lu .... ·l1111 T iu· .u 111111 .11 th1· t•:dgt•\\t111d IS U,Y l'llUl'lt''~ 11! 1111' l),1k11t,1 t'h.1ph I ol l 'v ... 111 F1bro:-.1:-. he listens! "It\ 1111 111-,1 111111· ",.·,.,. h1 ·1·11 .il•I• 111 l'l.111 say::. thl' !-(i1111111g d111 •1 l111 11( tho l 'l.111i... ,\11 l'vlusl'llm "Wl· lt.1\'1• .1 p11•d11 t.dilt 1nl11111•· I 1 you0l'l' al'l'llstonwd lt1 hq,:g1ng 1111 d111111t1011" t.1 survl\'l'. lh;it's so11w1l1111g 111 1· .. h ·li1.11v " Tu sonw, that k111d 1ol 1.1lk 1 ... lht• .i,., II quo tmg ll1l' B1bl1• To tli1•111 111rn11•\ 111.iclt· 11\'1·1 gn.'l'I) fl'h by IUXl'Ul>t'd dl•ah•ri-. With l.1•.1 h.11111 ... 1 ... t a 111 I l ' d nH> 11 l' \'. 111' \' l' I 111 I 11 d t h .1 I 1 t I >I I\' -. whl't•k:ha1rs and promu11·, 11p1·1.1 Re-Elect ARLENE SCHAFER Costa Mesa City Council HOW·ARD'S Outstanding Auto Body & Paint Shop in Newport Beach Continues in Full Operation! e Consc1en11ous. upert • Reasonable prices • Complete paint 1obs techn1c1an1 • F1be11Ja11 body work a specialty e Modem equipment a specialty • Acrylic lilcquer enamel e Any make w 01 • Towing or lmron truck OK • Big "Spray King· • Mo JOb loo small e Rental cm amiable Paint Booth • Free estimates If yo.,,.· 11 on ln1.,ronca (ob, oak yo"' ogent to hove It repolrocl ot HOWA•o·s kcly And '•Int Shop. M ind vou. tht· oµpo1wnb u l hl.1lkjcnk ,111· not upposl·tl 111 :.ill g.1111bllng It 1 ... 11·1 lht pnm 1pl1· t hat bo1h,•r ... mu ... 1 of tlw111 11·, th< r.u 1111·" Tlw ballo t pro po:-.1111111 "11uld pt 1 m11 ti .1111111111.d m l'thod:-of d1.111l.1bl1 fund 1,1i..111g h111g11 .111d raffll's KEEP EXPERIENCED LEADERSHIP IN YOUR COUNCIL tn111,...nce odl"•t•ra welcomell Th•••'• o 1,.clol oHI<• here for yo"' ..... u ... .,, lorv• atoroge lot for your deloyocl .. "lemenll. Some Monog.r •tc Wright & tame 1toffl ARLENE SCHAFER Costa Mesa City Covncil Paid lot b> 1118 Comm1llt>8 To Re·elPCI ARLEN E S(HAf FR 'KenFov.ler· Treasurer J413 Meodowbroo~ Cosra Mesd Jim P ,.,.,, Lt"'"' .m ----------------• WHAT TAX SHELTERS N1>T TO BUY IN 1982 I I An Indispensable Sem1na1 101 the sopn1stic.a1eo m11 ... stor , 1 ano t;;xpayer who needs 10 Rb&orb nPw la• 1nlormat1on I quickly Ou• th11d annual update on Id» ~hPlters .md their I problt.'m!> I Pre sen I Pd b y l o m H1l9 •HH I nor C..F p r a A Pl.111111119 I Spec•all&I .irid Pres1dont ol Mognum Opus Ad111sorv I ·AND-I I Marc A Tow Allorney ano Memb1:1r Tax Section o l the I Amcrocan Bar Assoc1a11on I Wedneaday Evening, Nov. 4, 1982 al 7:00 p.m . I at the Holiday Inn L 3131 Brlatol SI., Coate M eaa I CALL (714) 752·0688 FOR RESERVATIONS I StKvtOtff O'l•OuO" p,,..,•I• liltOO•' r,,,~,.,i S•'"'"•~ lnr --------------- COST\ .\\I :~.\ J?OR ONCE THE CHOICE IS EASI. '"f'HE H01"'TO.tl l.J II~E IS NOH.ti.ti HERTZOG Dunn~ thf' ""If· I h,1\1• •t•n 1 .. 1 •rnr l•1· 1 1tt! ti , 11\ .1· 1 1•1111111 il\\0111.111 cncoura~I' 111.in\ 01• 1 11111pli .. h1111 111 .. 111 I 11·' 1 \l1• •• 1 \ •. 1 • 111111nl 1111•111111•1 of Ill\ prt·\ 1n11• 1 .11r1p.11j.!11 pr••:111·•'· Position .. 18kf•n 011 l'ill ""'""·ii: • lnitiatt>d .,t>nior 0 ,.ii i11'11 h nu ... inj! (Ca~a Bi· Ila I • lnitia trrl '\<'ifthborhond Communit ~ Lf>ntt'r. • ln1tiat<·d '°'outh C .<JH'-1 Rt>pt"rtnr~ Tfwalrt'. • Supporh•d d1•\ t•lop mr•111 of P rrforrnmj! \ri... <.1·111..r • . upport<•d nin1· llf'" 1·11 ' p.1rk., • Supporterl hnlanr1· i11 1·omm11ni t~ !!r'"""· • Cont inua ll) r1'i.p o n"i' 1· to 1·itiz1·n ·~ ro111·rrn ... Per. onal achiev,•mr11t:->: • Fir t Woma n l'lt>1·11•<I l o C:ostn \lc•.,a Ci1 ~ Co4nl'il. • First W oman mc1) or of Co11 ta \lf'!>a. • W o ma n of thr Y Par. 1978 a nn 1982. 11 h.1 • 111·1•11 /I,\ f'rl\ 1!1•!_!1• 111 1111 f" 1111.t 11' • I\ I fl ,., ill • Pr.-sici.-nt. Orangf' Counl~ ()j, isio n o f tht' L 1·u l(u1· o f Cit it'" • Viet' Ch airman Co ta \l<''>a Hedl',clopment A~<'nq . • City Lia ion for P erf< minJt <\r Crnler. • City Liasion to ~t'wpor \le . r honl n;,trkt • City Lia ion to I n t er·( itit>., Commillcc. • Cit) Liesion to llou<oing a nd Communil\ OrHlo p mt>nt C:o,11111tll<'t' • nited Way Roard of O ir1·1·1or-.. c;ix yrarc;. • Oran~c Coast Y\ICA lloord of Dirertor11. • o·founder Oran~t· Coun ty Infant Car P (f'nl..r. \ 11o1r11oil h 111111111 "l'l"•rt1•1 l!.·1111 l\.·1•111•1 H.1l1•l1111.tI 1 .. l11• l'11t•h I 1•.I 11111 f111 h II•·~·"'""' \"1111 .1111l lrr111• 11 1,1.t 11111 111111 I rnrd J111w ~ 11•• \\111111. \ J ),,..,1 .. 1,l1111a /11111••1. H.111 •11111 I \1 11h111l11 l.11111• 111.11111111 111111111•1 l.1·111~·11 \ "1)()(1111•1. "'I• ~··n 1111.f \11111 1 \l..r1 H• J.111w• "'''' \1llt1111n llolfm1111 \ur111.1 llr.111il1•I t,1l1t .. 111 111 111.I f lo 11 I•·· II• 1" li1•1 \h .1n1I \11• Lari" Olt 11 lo II 111 1tl••tl1 I ..;, hu11 \l ,1rnl I 11• 1 111111.11'1 111•11111• I' I .1h1•1 \I 11~'''' 1 l.i1•1 11 .. 11. U I•'" ""'" \11• li.wl• LHl1r111w 1111 1·11 llnl1 mid llt•rrnl11 I 1111•111,111 ll1t1d .11111 \lu11h11 l.1 1•11t111111 I I 11111 ,.1111 ( 1111. I. \\ '" I •1111 "'"' 1lJtl1,1r,1 °'''""''"''' \(11 lt.trl \ 1\f.111 '"'" 111111 '"" ,. °'1111!11. 1101 r \1"111111 f'iu.J lnr r, •tf" t '"""'',.'"' If• K,.. .• Jr.' '•tt•n• ft,...,,~., .. 1 • f "'""·tt• 1 .. ,,.... ( ,,.,..,. ""·• ( .. ,., ·~ ,, ~'· r ,,. ... .,.,., I H , 0. tl"'n With our beautiful custom mosaic tiles you can create a masterpiece 1n your own kitchen or bath The variety of designs allow you freedom to create borders, inset or feature panels, T..J.:i:i:i.+.~H~~ backsplashes and graphic designs on walls, U.4+.U~t+~~~ counters and noors Glazed mosaic tiles have ~Ji~~±~t'§~\superior versat1l1ty1 remt chips and stains and 1~ are easy to care for At Color Tile , we 91Ve you nt££ 1n· struct1on bookie~ and expert advice on do-1t·yourself installation and decorating PLUS we'll loan you ~ec1al toots We'll cheerfully refund your mon~ on any un· used tile and uncut rolls ot wallcoverings ·@· Gift CertJflcatc and get a free Christmas gift for yourself. )( ""\'I.A-~ ro.f\ t \.v 10 t t' '" Free $JQ Oncntal·style rug Wltt'I any S99 51tt cenatic.4te you purchase Redeem· able at 575 stores nett0nW1de HURRY! SALE ENDS NOV. 6! BE CREATIVE WITH OUR CUSTOM DECORATOR QUARRY! Do-•t·yourKll decorat<>r1 can accent any decor by creating t>ordel'$, inset or feature panels, t>acksplashes and 9rapt11c designs With soltd cole>B and decorator p1ec~ Of QUatTY Reg. 1.19 89.¢ 6• ~ 6. Sale , ... OAl()S P ... m,.. ()((~IOI! ..,CO I 27% SAVINGS ON ECONOMY, SELF-STICK FlOOR TILE 29 ¢ ,9·, ,9· PIMt.l"l Reg. 40< Sale _ ~ SAVE ON PREFINISHED, SOLID OAK PARQUET TILE 49.¢ "' x,.. ·' ,,... ""1"°' ... -« Reg ••< Sale _L ... '"""~CWSIC • - ~~:.~, '«!W'«a MO·WAX6, 3 ¢ w~w ""'nou1,()A.P Reg. 79< Sale W ~(TD.l'-JE / Do-lt·YourMlf end Sncl OV'EA 575 TILE, PAINT ANO W_.,LLCOVERING SuPE~ATS NATION'NIOC BUY HOW, PAYl.AftR Wlttrt All Tht Cholcr1 Mdt' All Tht Dlfft>rtnrt l WESTMINSTER SANTA ANA .. SANTA ANA I 280 1 So. 15191 Beach -322 w. 17th ~ Bristol St. Boulevard Street ~ I NtM St11ut1om St 1 547-7781 557-1324 898-3388 ~ f 041 .. MRYTMING FIRST QU.A.1..11'Y • SATISfACTlON GUAAANTtEO • PAmRNS foMY V/VN IN SOME ST~ES I ~. .1 8 0111111111 Cm1•1I DAIL~ I'll 01 /8llllll lly Ol11>1>111 11 1'111;..i Let's Keep It .. uld l'ollllc·ul A \•t•rtl .. l•mt•nl That Way! MEET PAUL I t non'r be t'.1'.'· \\ L'.ll' up .1!!.ll lbl .1 pn\\c1lul p11l1t1L:il 111.1l:il1111.:, h.1L"~t..:d h) ll11hil -tt1\\ll 1th>111.:y. t hat is hc nt 1i11 d c..,trn~111g. t he ll''dt.knti;d q11:dit~ Ill 1J111 ~:it) :111d rcpl.1l·i11g 1t \\ith :1 poli q o f unrcstril.:tcJ ,µrou r/1 .Jl ·"'·' /Hll.'t' 1111 1hc11 U\\11 pn1t11 Thi:-. "Hi g-Cin}\\th" grnup h.1 ... the 111unn ;111d Ila: h 1g -hu,11lL''' ll\)11 1 lt> 111.:ld .1111..l l111HI i ls 0 w n "s l:t {l' .. 0 r c: 1 ll d id; 11 c' rl) I t h L" ( 11 \ ( I • ll 11 L' ti 1 ,. I ht: I r 'la IL' " i 11-.' I he r L"' id L" n" \)I Newporl lkad1 lose. HUMMEL It's _\our decision _\our l'uturt:. Y1Hll' \ulc Nuq:mher 2 "'" dcL·1de the 1':111.: ul •• .a Man Who (;ares! Newport Beach. l:ithcr it ''ill L'1.Hll1nuc tn he .1 gn::1t pl.1u.: 111 ll\c, \\ll h nwdc r:1tc g111\\th .111d emphasis on rc sickntial g.ual-. 1>1 it 111,1\ L"nd up p:1ved 1>\l'f 111tn .111 ""ph:ilt ,1ungk h~ thl: ··growth-at-;rn)-pri cc" cnl\\ d I f ,\OU li.t\t' 11 prohll·m. P 11ul ll 111111lwl 1 ... th1· 11n1· .' 1111 turn lo fo r h t•lp. :'\o m u ltt•r n h1 ·n· 1 011 Iii,. 11r u /1111 .'our 111•1•c/, Puul llummt·I "ill f.{11 a ll-•iut 111 l i1'1l•n and I r,\ lo ht•l p . \11 h11111<h ht· i-. lh1• ('11 11nt·il n1an from ('o r 111111 clt•l 'Ja r . hc • kno\\ ... Iha I h1• '' :t!-o 1·l1·1·I t•d h \ 1 IH· 'ol 1•.., of :ti/ I h1 · p 1•11pl1 1.! '\''"p ort B Pad1. Delightful a:-. it i .... Nl''' purl lk.1l·h 1-. alre:td) being. plagued with prohknb hrnught t>ll b) too-rapid C\pan-.it>11 11111-.1.: 111.11111~ rc-.pun .... 1hk f\)r L'rc.111ng rn1r prohlc111-. 111 the f1r-.t pl ace arc 110 \\-dri\'ing for L'll/llflll'IL' 1.:1>111rnl 111 1>ur c1l~ ~1>\crn11h:111 h\ fit.·lding .1 ... 1.11c: 111 compliant candid:1tc-.. * 1 ...,, , I 1. 11 • Listed belu\\ a rc a fl:,., ol 1hc-.c prlihkm-. together \\Ith Ill\ 11\\ll po-.1tio11 un thc111 ,,..., contrnsrcd to thi: ,·vrc .... at.'tion (or 111.1t'l1<111J ul the ... /.1rc ol L".t11d1d.1te-. pu t up h) the ln111l: Compan). the big u c,clor~r-.. th..: i111cr-«it1 · ('h,1111hc1 111' ( 1m1mcrL·e ,ind the "7-( .., Committee **. 1.~1·1 11, /11111 I·,, l'll h i ... o pp111u·n1 ... udmi l ht· j, a 111a11 111' gro·at \I OH .\L <'Ot 'H \(,t-.. 111<;11 1.,111 1< "'i \.'D llt >'\l·.:·n ('(}:"\\'l<'T IO:"\S. ,\ minoril,\ \OIC't' 111 lht• p rt•M•nt "/Ji1-t-<:ro\\'th" ('o un1·il. Ill' t•1111 hc •1·11rr11· a p o\\ l'rful influ1·nt•t• for u h1'1 ll'r :"\''"port lh•;11·h if l h1· I n i11 1•-d11minHtt•d ~lu t1· i .... dt·f1·a I 1·d ''' 1 lw tH'<1fl l1· lhi!'o ~'"'l'mhl'r i . WHICH Of THESE PROBLEMS ''BUGS'' YOU MOST? The "Traffic Mess " Thi~ i~ the normal 11111 .... q11••111• •I 11n·r butld111)! t·11nu11eri i,il 11 d 11 clu-t ri • .t de\'t·lnprnt'nl!-TIH-\' pull m1111 111"•f'I•· 111t11 .111 area th1111 it c .111 alhurh Rett'nlh. tilt' In 1111 < "rt f' 111 \ " 111 11·d '" expa11d '.'\(•v.pttrl C't-1111·r :'\ .. 1 ... 1111•11 1 \\Ith 1h1 2-1 pH1·ent t'Xpa1i-.11111 pt-r11111tl'd 11nrl1•r H•ll Genernl Plan the\ \\t'llt It• lilt' C'it\ < '1111111 II a nd tlrl{t'<l lhl·m 111 />OI HI.I-' 1lt1 .ill11\\,tl1l1 expa1h1on. lt<t1tn)! th1·m 1r"''cl / 1111111111 _1.111111 mun· commut1'r' i11t11 I h1... 1n .i ·Ir.ii -olri 1 h bufferill)! I rpm lat k 111 ,Jq 1 ·• r1 •.11f.., :'l:<ilundl). tht' "Hi,: r;r1111 th" 111.q11r11 ' .. , tht' C11u1wll p11-.hed ti thr .. 111.;I I 1, 11·.f .11..1111 ... 1 it. Suli-.t-qut•nt I\', mo rt· 1 h.i11 ".111111 \.,.,, ,. .. ,1 Beach resiclf'nh h ill kf'll Ill\ .. 1a11cl -11.:11111:; ,, referendum pl•l1t111n th.11 kill• t 1 Ii• 1 • .. 11111 ii ... act ion ... for 1 he t im1· 1 tt 111~·' La:. l :. p ri n ~. I h <· ... ,1 mt· · H 11. I; r 1111 t h · maJorll\ pu,ht-d 1hr11u)!h .i dr1 ... 111 r1·\1 .. 1n11 "' the C:enNal Plan th.11 d wnj!t·d th• H.11111t11i.: R an{'h from llPt'rll·cl n· .. id1·111 i11l 111ni11i: and e x I e n d e d l h t' (." ... I ·' \I I •• 1 ( I /I t commHC'ial/indno;tr1al -1ir.1'd 111 lht-.irt· 1 thus innea,inlo! trnfl11 dr.11n.11 i1 all\ I 111t1•tl again::.t 11. Once again. the· n· ... 1d1·11t' \\t·r1 l••r• c·d 111 take to the '-trt'eh 111halt1hc· ('1,111tcd'.., a1t1 .. 11 More than fi.IH>fl re-.1dl·11h -.11!n1·c! 1 fl' ltlt••fl I• put lhl' ts~UE' to lht' \11lt' ot 1111· p1'11pl1· It', .. 11 the hallol t 111:. :"'11,·1·mli1·r Se\l•ral \t'ar-. •tf.!11, l '"1' d t•• 1·111n 1 ''"' "Traffic Phn,..,111/( Or<l111.111tf'" l t h.1 ... prn\l•d t" be an in\'aluahlf' 10111 fnr mak111g dt•\1·l11p1 r• la•,. up 111 the traflH. problem' 1 ht•\ 1 r1 111 \h oppon t'nt ""''" on thP l'lan11 111~ I "·n11111-. ... 1• 11 11 lhP timt<. H <' rC'fu~ed '" -11111111rt it' Our Mounting Crime Rate There wa!. a ti mt• 111 Ne\' p11rt I l1·,1d1 '' h1·11 you could leaH' y(lur h11nw 1111lc11 k1 d .111d '' ilk the s treets in 'lalety . .'\;,, m11r1•' Crime '" the in1•v11.1lil1· pr11 cl1111 111 over-crowdi11g. nnd I hf' onh "''" 111 1 wh1 11 1 ... "' beefin~ u p the> police f11r1 t . 'I 1·t . 1dw11 11ur p11l11 t· chief came hf'forl' t ht• < '111111nl rt•• l'lll I\ 11nd requested fundin l! fur 11dcl11 11t11,1I nlll<('r .... I hr "Big-Growth" mnjor11 ' 111riwd 111111 do\\ n 1'111 ' were not willinl' to .,111\t• t lw pri1hl,.111 tll<'\ lt11d h elped to creale. I rnt1•d /-'( )/( m11rt• 1111/11 r That Noisy, Dirty, Dangerous Airport \11/ t •\ 1·11 /111rl\ Ill .'\l1'\\'fl11rl ff, It /i /• t 1/11.i//1 1//1 I /1•,/ II\ 1/11 ft I 17i>:ht' 11111 "' '""" II"·' Ill' 1,,,, .. ,., H111 ,,,, 1111 ... ,.f 1h1•11 .... 11 i/ ..... 1 n·-.11 lt·111 ... \\hu 11\1 1111d1 r 111" 1111.'.hl p li ll"fll. II I' .1 111 111111.111 "' 11 .. 1 ... t .111d • \l•r 1111•,-i-111 cl.11\1,!l'r 1• I flt' 1111.:1 fl''' ,!II li1111f11 1111. H\t rill',11( If.,. "11h r• .ii "'111111111 l•· t ht 11nold1111 I• '" 1111d .111 .i1 1 .. r11.itl\t' -.111· l11r .111.111 p11r1 '/\1,1 h;111· '·1' ti l''"/"''I'" I 1111 ,,, I ho ...... I I h1 r11 ( ',1li1 .. r111 I \ ,, 1.11 1 .. 11 .. 1 ( ,,., , 111111• 1.t 1 !11• 11tht·r II\ .1 11,1111 l<dd11111 ('11111111111 1·1' .1pp111111t·d 11\ 1111' "''' .... 11111ni-"r' \\II\ h.i· Ill\ 11p111111t Ill fllOI 11ttt I• d I \\••Ill Ill I 1\ •I "I ••I f h1•i l1111ll l111l'1 1'1·rh.1p-. 111·1 .tll ... , 1111 tn 111• c 11111p '"' "\' "' 11111 ·•1• 11.d 11., ... d1 ... 1i.:11 ... "" 1h1· "''" r (Jr rn.1\111 11· ... 111-1 111;11 th• lr\1111· ( '1 11np.111\' .i11d .. llw r 1111! d1·\1·l11p1 r-.1rt· 111.ik111~ 11" 111111 h 1111 •111 \ Ii.' 1·\11!"'' 1111:, t ht pr• pi rl\ .11!1.11 1·111 to .l11h11 \\ii~ 111 \1rp11rt t l.1\11c 1111111 11-t· 111 l·:I T11r11 \l.1r11w \ir H.1-.1 11111 ii '"' , .111 l1111ld .1 111 '' r1·i.: .. 11 ii .11rp11r1 111 ..... 11111ag11 f .111\1111 11r I 11 nd !1·11111 \\ • ... h111tld 111.1k1 11p 1111r 11111HI-. i111tl J.:11' It· ... I 11111' "' g••t 1111111 \\,I\ II•' \1rp11r1 1111 I 111 h.11 "' 111 I ht I!" 111 111·11pl1 111 \.1 ·\\ J>11rt H1·.11 h1 111I 111 m1 .. 111t 11111•, t lwri· 1 h• .t\ \ prc· ...... 1111· 111 t11Tlh1 I /Ill ft t'I 1111 lllltlllil'I 11 Jhi.:hh 11111 111 lrohll \\,I\ 11 1· \1rp••rl .1 d• r 1.111d lir1111glt1 .d11<11I 111 l 1r~ ,. 1111 .1 ... •H•· Ii\ 1 Ill' ''' 11 ,,,,.,i 1111111111•1 111 ""'' '"' 1llcl ////'Ill(" (}t•\ I f11Jlllll1JI/• 'l'flllClll' !lfl Ill .111d 1f10ltJHf \,, \\ p11rl lk.h Ii I 111 Ill l:t1t1 I , tlt1 f'l"1'"~1·d \l.11111111 1'11\\1 I '"l11rl1 1111 "Hi ... r:r1111tli" ....,1111 111 .. r-1 \11111ld J1•• d1 ill Ill ,111\ ·II lllll/ ,11/,/111".i,,/ I• I•• 11 • r• Ill .111 d II 11 1 I" 1 .. h II \\ 'I\ 1 ll \ l I'"" rt I .. ii I \ I'd r • "" Hrd111.: 111 11 ... """ l·.11< 11 p 11 rt ' 'I ht• fl1, (,f1•11//i ..... l.tll I )!1111, 1111 lt•r 111"11' .111cl 111 .. rt htot1 I i111d d1•\l•liop1111 !II l 111 ii '"' h l\t .t fl )!11111 ti 111t p11rl I h,11 c ,111 h.111dl1• 1h1 llHrt•.1-.1·d do11t.tt11I \\1th1111I 1!1-•I l'll\'111' ol hllt'I ._11t I' 111 ~I'\\ pqrt f\1•,11 h f 111// I 11/Jlllllll ' /,1 ••/l/111•1 ' Ill'\\ /11 1#1 /, \ rl'tl'lll Ill\ \',lift• •lif\t•\ 'lll•\\l'd thll( "'/ 111r11·111111 1ho"1 \\h11 r1•-.p1111d1·d to 1111• q111·i..t11111 1·\rir•·'"'"I llw 11111111011 lh 11 I\\ t·\pa1h111n 111 tltt \irpnrl 11·1111111:1/ \\H1dcl lllt'\lt1thh 11 .. 11! 111 1wiri ll1~·ht-. 111 1111d ml' 111 1111111 \\'a\llt• i\irfl11rl \\ htlt• • l111tllllh' I ht•\ .111 "1'1•11'1 d l11 iltrp11rl 11111,1·, 1111 "Ht}! r;r1111th ·1·1111111 ti m.tJIHll\ ,·11tl'd I" .11 ,.,.,,, .111 1 •\Jl.t11~i1111 of t h1· Airp11r1 T1•r111in11I 111 l'//f{F/·: /'l.\11•.'S th prt•-.t·nt """~ 1 rt•fll..,NI '" ~" ,,/1111,: w11 /i I hi" trf<'"'Jlllll"'lfi/1· ( '111111n/ 111·t 11111 Asbestos in Your Drinking Water \\he II I d 1-.111q·r1·rl I h, • ll \ \\ ,,, fll"f olh11g .1•/11 ''"' 1·1·1111•111 1\11t1·r 11111111-. J 11111111·d1.1t"I' .di r1 .. d 1111 1'1111111 JI .i11d 11r~1 d 1111 111111 r 1111·11il11·1 ... 1 .. 1111n 1111 111 ,1111 h11r11111~ .i 1 htor1111r.!h tll\ 1· ... 11i.:;111'•11 111 d1·t t·rrn1111• ti t lll''"'l p1p1· ... 1111dcl JI""' ' • 111t t r 1 h r1 .. 11 t 11 \.t•\\ p11rt B1 .. 11 Ii rt·-1d .. 111 1111• .. \Ill I ({, ... 11/1•111" (""""ti lllllJ11rll \ r1rl111ilt·d Ill\ I"'" I r11 11111 II ·I 11 .. 11·d "Ill lllt ... 1 .1111! 1 .11111 1 11 ,, .1r• lll'r ''"JHt'"'l'll ltt-.1lar111 .11 1h1 111>1 1·1111.d d.111).!1·r 111, l1·•l1111111l\ 1:Hht·cl tlu· 11 I • 1.1111 111 q11t1I\ 1 .. 1111 ilh r1•\1•r ... 1• 11-.1·1! .11 11! 1•111 1111· HI d1·t11 1111tfl1t).! IHl'.llllllj!f11I ti h Unfair Distribution of City Services ll.1\1 '"" 1111ll1 t•d h"" ""111 • p.1r h 1tl \.1 \\ltttrl l{1·,H'h flrnl lll'Nf 11 /e'ol'I. nllt·lt gt•I lh1• 111•"' 1111·11 /1u11 f1<1fll :h1· 1 ll\' I ,1111f,, ap111~. I'·" 1.1;... 111d 111•·cl1 111 -t r rp' .1r1 ~,.,,fl 1·\.1mpl1·" 'l'h1· "/n 1111•" l ·.,11111·tl rn11111r11' .q1pr11\ t•d a ... 111111(1111111 l Ioli! I II I '" r1· ... u rJ .11 I ' \1•1111 .. rt I , 1111 1 /11111• I II It 1 l1t 11111111·\ 11111ld lit· lt1·l 1t-r •p1·111 111111111\ 111g 1•ltl1·r ,,., t 11•11 ... 1d :'\t•\\ p11rl 111 11 h 111.f \1'1 1·d ,111 11 rcl1t1 1.'I\ I ... 11ppurl 11 l.11r , • \1 II lt.111d·" d1 .... 1r1h 1tio 11 ... I II\ ... , nt.. t .. 111o1111t.1111 111rl 111.,111111\ .\I I 111 \1•11111•rr H1· 11'/1 The Silting of the Bay Tl11 "Ho: (;r11111h" '\l.111· 111 1a11dida11•.., l11\'I:' t• o I 111111111111t .. r1lt1 drtdl!lltt.: .,, 1h1 I\ 11 l.. It" lr .. 1111 .ilh . 1h1· 1·\tl'11-.I\•· ,r11 111 r 111 tlu· H,1~ ,, ir11·d \\11111 the lr\lt\I ('1111111i1t1\ h1·j!llll .1 111.1 ... l\f· grndllll! pr11gr;1111 11 p-.1 n .1111 111 1h1 H11\ Ill 11rd1·1 11 1 cl1'\t•l11p h11i:1· !ltl'.I ... "' I 111· \\Hit r-.Jwrl 1 pr1111.trih 111 1 ht ( '11 ,. nf In nw I 11 "',, ... I h1' ,1/1. '"'"t 111'Cl l11 tli11r J..f.1tl111>:. th.ll \\a ... lwd mt11 '\an ll11•g11 ('r1•1·k .111d th1·11 trtt11 lht· B,1\. t'h11k1ni.: 11 1111h ll11111.., 111d· 111 11111.., ol lr\1111• 111ud ..,1111cl .ind d1·hr1-. 'I lw pr1· ... 1·11I ,1llt>1Hpl ,II ""' Jt•l))l)\'111 Ill ~.111 I 111·1'11 ('rt1•k 1-. 1111111111\ tlw 111 ... 111/l,1t11i1111l /r.111' 11• pr1"1tl1 l11r r1•1t•"'·" 111 ..,,It"" 11 1111111•, lr11111 t h1• 1•\l1•11,111· In I/It 1o:mrl111>: Jlf<~/1•1 ''\!fl"' rt'i1111. \:11 pr11\ 1'<11111-. ht1\t' IH•1•11 rnnrll', 1111r IH(• lund-. U\,11l.1hle· 111 uddrt·.., ... 1lw pr .. hh·m 111 r<·m11\11I nf :.Ill rt·11111111111>1 111 I ht• H11C'k Hu' Tiil' 11rp ... f'11t :-il t rt'llll•\,il pr11jE•e I 1111 111\J)ll\'f:'r ... · t'X JJl'tl~t·I is f111h11)! 111 ... 01\1 1lw pr .. l1lt·111 hut I• '•·n1111: t11 e·11li.1111 t tl11 \ .il111 11! ,, prt \ 1 111 I\ 1111cl1\1•l"Jt d1l1· p11·c 1· 11! lfl 1111· I 11/Jl/>11111-prnpt rt\ 111-tl'.111 111 11111 111?.. tli• In 11 •· ( 1111111.111\ '" pot \ lnr lht· 1!.1111,1,'• II h 1rl 1 .111,1·d, tht· "HiJ: t.r1•111h'' t ',.,1111 ti tr1.1f"'"' ··11i,111k1·cl." 1111· I 111111 ( '11mp.111\ 1 .. r ilJ .. \\ 1111. 1111 dr1·di! 11c, '"lit· d 11111p1 d 1111 ... .,lit, nl 11' 1 .. 1, h 111i.: la11d ... ., 1t 1111dcl 111 11111cl1· 111 .. 11 ,1111.dilr• t .. r d1 \ t l"p1111•1tl ..... ,l••l//t/11 'I th1.-1 r1 'f1"11'/(1/1• /11f //It Jtf1•fi/t•/ll JI I\ lo•/ flfl I IJ(f•'' Too Few Parks and Playgro unds I h1 .,fif1·r ,, .• t 1 .. 11 • I \.1\\11 .. rl H, .,, It .trc· d"'lll l.1lt h ._Ji11rt 111 11.1tJ,, 111d pl.11~r .. 1111d-I •Ill!):.• .. t. rt lh 11 lit• 'ii\',, r. l•I' If• ri1.ht 111 l1r-.1 11•111-..tl" 1111 tht• ... 11rpl11• l "11r1111.1 d1·I \1.ir Fl1111t·111,1n ~1 lt1111I .111d ,, ... , 11 l11r ,, p .irk. phq.:r1111111I , d.i' ·1 h.1,.( .11111 "'fllflltlllll\ , 1·nt1·r I lw ",.\1111 lit·•11/1•111 .. t '111 1111 tl 111.1111r ll\ t11r1wd Ill\ pr11p11 .. ,JI d11\\ II The "Land-Lease'' Powder Keg I ,.,,.i11:: r.11h1 r I h.111 ''"11111i.: l,111111-. .i lt•11d.1l l-:11r .. fl1•.111 t 111\11•p1 1111p11r11·d 1 .. r 11 ... "'' 11 pnlf1l 11\ t h1 I" 1111• I · .. mp.111\ 11i.111\ u·,1r' .1i.:11 I 111!t•r 11 ..... Jd ... , 1111 1•.tl1·r1 .d .. 1111t•r ... h1p I h1 In 1111· l.11111pnll \ pr1d1.il1h 1i.1..,1•d lrt1l1· 1hr1•a1 to '.'\1•\\Jl"rl H1·:11·h l1·,1 ... t'h1.t d1·r-. l ~ul , 1 h1• 1 ,tr p ,. 1 Ii .q.: "" 11 1 r' 111 p "I I h t> 111 '' ln 1111· ('11rn1i.111' c lw11gt·d 1ht• t1•mplt-xi1111 111 I h:tl r1·l.1111111..,h1p ( ,, 1•r111,!hl t'11111,o111cl-1•1 '\t \\f11trl B1·aeh rt•-.1d1·11h \\1r1· \\ro·111l11d \111lt11th 11111 111 tht· ... ,., 1ir11' I ht•\ h.ul k1111\\ 11 l11r '1•11r... w1 1 h ... 11dd1 11 "" ndwl1111111. .111d 1111 1 11 1mp11 ...... 1hlt> cl1•11t:11ld-. 1111 t ht tr 111111111 l''- \\'hilt• t h1• cit' ••I '\1·" f'"rl HP:1t·h can 11111 d1rc ·111\ t1llt'tlt•r1 111 t lw 111 ,.: .. 11.1t1un-. 111'1\\t>t'll tltt· 11' 1tH· < '11111pall\ ,111d ''" lt·nunh tht·n· '' ftllll'h t 111'1 11 "' tllplll lit·t fl ('ii\ ( 0111111\ ii l'llltld d o 111 .. 1111111r.1i.:1· 11 11111r1· h11111.1111 .1tt1111d1· t11wnrd I h t· 1 1 I 111 · ti .., "I :'\ I' \\f 111 r l Ht' 11 t h Ii\' I h ii:- \ f 11 h1>:11t1 J>.1,c'</ la11cll111d Bul. :-111 h rt•lit•I rnn 11111 lw httpl'd for -.o long a-. u prn ln 1111'. "\1111 li'1•,1Cl1•111" m11111nt\' dotllllltllC'!-o lllt' C'1111111·il •Th e " U i K · G r 11 w t h ," "A n t i -H l' ll id t' n I " S l 11 t 1· (s upporte d b y ;f h t• I r vine Com pan\. t ht• l nll'r c il ) Chamber of Comme r<'t>, "7 -C'i. {'ommitl ('t• nn<.l 11th1•r1<), ii. composed o f: HEATHER, HART AGEE and LOATS A Vote for a n y o f th<•m i1t I\ Vol\' for l h'vt•lo 1wr Control and U nbridled <:rowth. ••,\ltho u"h f t'w Nl'wpo rt Ht•a c h res ldt>nt11 h ll\{' c•q•r IH'flrd Qr it (or , l\TC l'Vl'n uwnre or it s t•X if.t<'n<'l') tlw "7-C's" Committ1•1• is con11id e red by rn nn) w ho know it s purpmw to he an o ppreRsive inrtuc•n('(• on Nt"WJlOrt Bt•uch rollticR. It seeks t o tok1• the p ow<•r nut n f th<• hands o f the p eople. a nd p lu c1· it in tht• h un<lH o ff\ few hiJ{ cle\'t'lo pe rs nnd 11100('.\ -nl('fl, "7 -("A" is a s u b -rosn urga ni41lli o n w h OSl.' purpOfH' iR to rontrol t•/pctiou . ., nnd cu11dlclates. T h <' (' o m m i t t e e i n I t' r v i e \\' s p r n s p e c t i ,, e condidutc1t for the Council, and prov idt•s rinnnces for tho1e it finds comp a t ibh · with i t s ow n v i e ws. The loyall y o f those it 11elccts Is cle m on!'trnted h y the "blo<'k ·wllinl("of thr prN•ent l'oundl ma}orlt.'' on ever y l!'lf'U(' o ffoC'tl ng big d,•velopmcnt. RE-ELECT COUNCILMAN Paid for by Paul Hummel ~·or C'ounrtl. Ml'l .J. CrondinNl<'. Tr•tu1urN 418 Hnzel Drive. Corm\11 del Mar, CA 9262h #82242:\ \ • 0 a a a Daily Piiat '>UNI JAV Ol ' 11 IU81 FOR THE-HCC..ORD 87 S I • j 4 e • IJ01tt·rt•1· ,.,,,,..., wilt/ 11 11tl ,..;11111{onl 1-{ot•,..; tt iltl .,,.,,.,. .... ,,,,,,,;,,µ 1111 . ..;J..it· ..... /I.) Owners off er players four-year deal Striking players · a ssemble lo co11side1· $1.28 l>illion package Nt-:W YUHK lAP1 N.1111111;1! Fo.1tl>.ill Ll·.1gut• t1\\ 1h·1·, o f11·11-.I ~ti lk lllH pl..I Vl'I !> .1 lttUI' yt'.tl $1 :!U l11ll11111 pn1 k .1g1· SJtuid." 1h.1I 111dllllt•., a 111od1fu·d v1•r..,111n or llll' lllllttll', kt•v dt•11mnd for .1 l' t ' 11 1 1 .1 I ".1 I .1 r i.· I u 11 d Th 1· A'~"·1,11t•d Pn ·"'" i1•,1111t·d Tht• 11l lt·1 l'anw a., 11q.{11ll,1ll•ll\' n "'u111t'\I 11n :ht• .,111k1··, llllh ti.I\ a nd .1 .. µlay l'I I l'Pl'l'M'lll.111\'I'!> lx·~.111 .1!>..,<'mbhng m·a1 by. '' l11·n · lhl•)' l'UUJd \'Oil ' qu1t•kJy Ill\ .II\\' .1g I'('( 'll\l'l It. Tlw t urn!. "11ug h1 by 1lw u1111111 !>llH't 11••g11 11.1111111:-lwg.1n l.1:-t 1-\•lu u.11 '. ~l\'t•;. ll µa rt1.1l l·ontr u l 0\'1·r tht• ths tnhut1o n or pla;.1·1 l'OSh :-,tl;H1t'l>, pt'll!>IOllS JIHI ottwr n111111t•s Tlw money pa1·k:igt· wo uld Ix· gu.1r<1nlt'l'c.J fro111 1 !Hl:I thro ugh J 9Hli M nn <Jg1•ml'l1 t rll'golla tors h<i \'t• l'l·fu:-t•d to 1-(U<Jran ll't' any 111orwv for this v1·.11 l~'<.·au!>l' o l Ju~., ,;, 11•\'t"n ue .,u.,1.11111·d during th• ... 111h.t l '11d1·1 1lw prupo:-.il lht• u1110 11 \\ 11u Id g.1111 tlw n gh t 111 v111111 111 tin d1.,l11IHll1or1 of :1ppru"m.1tdy $:'10 11111111 111 o l till' 1111.il p.H'kal-(1· :-;t \t lll\ 11\1 1x 111111 .. t 1h1 $1 .!II 1111111111 \\ 11uld ht" g u.11 .1111t't·d ti' 1111· N Fl . 1\I 1111• 11·q11 1·,l 111 111111111 I • I I I t I ;1 I ~ ' l " I' JI I .. ' I ' I "Jllt''t'lll.tll\'t :.. ttl llH' lt'o 11<u1'' :.!II lt .1111 ............. 111 lll1·d Jl llil' lh g1111.t1 11111 "l" .111 111d h .1111111 1h.1t t h t h.11 g.i 111111K t 1111 ld 111· ll'oltli111g .1 111111.tl 't··~:l· Tiu' .., .1 1 n 111.il 111111• 111 tlw 11 1·g1111.1 t 1111i.. ........ 1d ll lll llll 'lll1k1·,111.111 1>.1\'1d Sh1·111l.m "W1• lhtt ugill 11 llll(llll l,1111 111 f{l'I :1' 111.111) hl·t •· ·" p1•,,11Jlt· Wt• lh11ught II \\11uld 11< ,1 g11ud 11!1 ".1 .111d llll>"I o l llwm ,1g 1 •'l·d . '11111< u l llu m ... ugg••,lt•d 11 ..... w t II th.11 tilt•\ ht• h tll' 111 1111, p•·111>1 I ' T iu · i.t11k1· h<1.; :dft'< l1 ·d '" Wt'l•k1 •11 d' Olll l l ' th.111 lllll' third 1)1 th1· I h \\ t•t•k rt·~u lar M·a ... 1111 .t11d l lw h·.1gu1• l\;1' ll1'ht1·d pl.1\ \\ 1111111 h l•\'l' to I l''llllh II\ N P\ 7 Ill 1111!. I '" h,1\ l •I ., 11 dd1lt '' .t..,1111 ,\,l.1·d \\ Jwth1 I 1111 lllll•lll \\,t <11111 • Jll1·d .d 111UI ,111\ "'•1'1111 I Ill t'o llt·lltllg d 1 ,1d l 11H , (11·111 L'1i..ll,1\\. I" t•:-tdt•11l ol t ht u1111111, I< 'l"'llll1·d ' Wt 01 t \\Illini• 111 111 ·g1111.t11· 1111til \\ ..... 11 It .... • I I! I • I 111 ( 11 l I d II II I l II 111 k I h l ""1:..1•11 "di ,.,.,., lw 111 ... 1 " 1~·(1111• 111•Kol1,1ton. c·a11 d1:v ll~' 1111· lt•11g1h o l th<' '1•11:..011 tlll'\' 11111 ... 1 111 ... 1 11gr 1·1·1111 till' t'l·•1111111111' 111 1h1· 1t1 ll1 •1 l l\'l' l1.i1g.1111111g ·•HI I l'llll'lll \Vl11lt 111tK la1111111g l h·xtl11 lil\ 111 .1 n\ 1•111111•..,.t l U p •.l1.1w r.·11t·1.11t•d l lh' lll)ltt ll 1t .. 1d1•1 ... t11p\ 1111111111l11w11t 111 J ll 11111n1"d1.11t• and 'ttll't ,lll l l;tl WLl!-(1' llll 11·,1:.t• p1 11tt'< 111111 1111 o ldt•1 pl.1y1•1:.. ln11n lw111g l.lll for 1·1·t11111nm I• .1:.u1i... pl·1t111111.1n1·1· 1nu ·nli\•· IH1i\u,1·:.-.. l'l1111111.1111111 111 \\'ilg•· 1111 l(lllllt'' .111d ,1 l(U.11',11\lt•t•c.J ')h,11 t o t lilt' l1-.1gu1··.., fu1ur1· TV 11•v1•1H1t'' · .. r h , • 11 1 ,, y , . , n · p ., 11 .. ,. , · 111,lf'Ul'll'd lll> lo adcl1 l'SS 1 IH l'I' f1\'1• point!> ;ind any 11tf1•1 1h;t1 .., plll "" 1h1· t;1blt· ha' lo .uldr ''"' th1·m ," Uµsh.tw :-,11d '"l'h.11·, 11ur 110,1111111 lod.iy .111.t II \\Ill 11·111.1111 lllJI (l0'111•111" Nq.~111i.1llot\'o. Ill t'lld lilt '" d,i\ old pl.I\ t'I .,· st1 1kt· rt•-.i111wtl ~ .. nu"·" .aft•·• .i \\1•1•k ' 1t·1 1·" w11 h h.11 g.11111·r' 1'.11111g .1,.,:,un,1 1111 1.tl111d11 111 '·"' th• 1'18.! N.1111111 . .I 1·•••111,ill I ,, ,11-(1h ".1,1111 \\\ II II• ... 111d \\I' 11 ..... o1 .. lot ll'>fllliid '" .11 1\ .. 111·1 1h.11· ... fllll •Ill 1111 1.tlt!1· .. ,,11d l l p1..l1 .1\\' lll•'i.!1·11 1 od 1111 p l.1\'<'I '' ,a,~Oit t.tltt1U S.11t11 d.1 \ " 11.11 g.111 11111: ''''"'"" sl 1111 o( ,tilt I 1111<111 .. :J)'(' Ill 111< I" 111111111 ....... 111l• 111 •• 1111d l1t\\ II . , \\ '1'111k li11t1 I l\l1•tl1.t11t1 S.111 K .1g1·I "h u I l 'l '''"'d I.ilks l.l'l So1lllldo1\' 111 l '1Hk1·\,\'tlli Md . 11·111q111'.1·d .• Ill'\\' 11),11 k11\ll \\h it h 'llll1 Hllldt•d tlu 1111 ""11' h.11 g.111111 1g "''"'""' \\ 1111 ,di d lH I •''!"'I I tu t h 1 1111 d1 .1 t l11s n1.1ll • I • .111111.i lw 'I'll I• d 111 I h1 1111 ·d1.1 . I h t• , .l '1-.11 11ld '-;.111 1"1o11111..i11 l,1\\ \l'I ....... 1 "11 11111-.,1 111 .... lllt•d d111·; th l1v d w p111111·' 11n·1 tlv1·d " i\ .1 I II II K \ I • . . p I .1 ,. l I 11•111 "'' 111.111\. "' tlll' l>t•ll\ .. , H t Ul\I '" ..... 111 I• fl' l 111111 l ht N I· I ., ..'II h ·'"" "' '' 1·11 111111<· to I"· Ill g1111.1l11111 ... T ht•ll Ill l''l 1111' 11111 \\111rld 'l>t.l'll tlw 1.111111.1111111 p1 111 t''!oo 1t 111•got1.1HH'' 11•,11•h .1 I 1 ·11 l:tl I \'t · .tj.(1'< ·1 ·1111 ·111 (' h I II 111 1•11 ' l X t l ll l I\ I I 1111111111 11 I 11111'1 I t'( 11 1111111 tld "l'P'"'·" 111 1111' pl.1v1•1 11•µ" wh11 ltlll'I <IK 11 hl'f1111· 11.1· 11111 1111·111l 1q .,l11p v111t•s T hi lo .1g111 ha:-:..:i 1d lht• ~1"1"111 \\1111ld 11,1\1 111 ll'l>lllllt' hV ll•·XI "'" k• 1111111 pl.1\ tlw m1111111u111 I:! g,11111·' \\ h1t h l'11nll1l1!>..-.illllt'I l 't lt• J<1111 111 h," ,,11d W11L1 ld ht· 111'1 tft•d 1 .. 1 .1 · t ll d1 hlt· s1·; .. .,011 " But 11111111 1 dut'f 1-:d ( :;1rv1•\ ;.till 111111•·1111 ... lilt' lt·11gth of tht• ,;.:.ti.111\ w ..... ·' -.11lt;1·1 l 1111 llt'){llllolllllll · .l.1t k I )1111lo111 I 1h1· Lt·;it(l1t"'I I l1tl'1 llt'j.(1111,11111) (111;,JI~ '><tld lhl• utlwt d,1\ tli.11 till' lt•ngtll 11( till' ,,.,..,1111 h ,1 Ill g11l1<1bJt• "Ulijt'l t ." ( ;,,, \'t'\ ... 11tl {;,IJ'\1·\ 11111111\Ul'l l, "v\11• dfl' 40 d,,y, 111111 ;, ::.t11ke . :HI d a yi. int11 a )1J(:kou1 . .,., it's c1·rta1nly 0timP f1Jr I h I' "\\'I\.' I ., t ti p u l a II 0 ff t• r Im w <1rrl " ( >11 f 11d.1\. thl· unrun fill·d o nn11pla1n 1 -with tht' Natwnal LJ h111 Ht•l.1111111' 80;.rd <JVl'r th t· !>O l·allt•d Al D a v i s p lan, a µ111pos..1I n ·porh·dly bf.in~ floatt.-d tSl'l' /\FL, Pagt• 8 21 Saturda y "~ footha ll S('ore~ UCLA 40, Oregon 12 A riz s1 11 . use 10 Frel;no S t 40. Long Beach St 22 Stanfo rd 43. Wastiington 3 1 M aryland 3 1. N Carolina 24 Pittsburg h 63. Louisville 14 P e nn S t 52 , B o s t o n. College 17 Notre Dame 27, Navy 10 Georgia 34 Memphis St. 3. Alabama 20, M 1ss1asipp1 SI 12 7 Florida 19 . Auburn 17 Nebraska 52, Kansas 0 M rch1gan 52. Minnesota 14 Iowa 14. Illinois 13 Oklahoma 45, Colorado 10 Florida S I 24. Miami, Fla. Arkansas 24. Rice 6 Cahlorn1a 28. Oregon St 14 Duke 38. Geo rgia Tech 2 1 (Complete acorH, P•1e If) Bruins find a way to 40-12 narn1ed \'l'ashington quarterback S tt>ve Pt•ll..-ur i~ in a~on } aftf•r ~ufft.rin~ un in,;ur~ S<1t u nl a~· agains t .'ta nford. Cardina l-. addt'rl to i1 with upi-c·t ,·ic.·tory . Sf·<· r·a~t· B.>. Arizona State throws Trojans for a Special teanis key to UCLA's B) DENNIS BROSTERllOLIS 01 lh• Delly Pllol Steff P AS A DE N A Wi th qu;U'll'I bavk T om H amM·V having an u1H ha r at l1.·ris l1t o ff -d a v pal>l>m~. th P UCLA f11otha ll warn tu11wd tu Its ~round !(amt• and :.µ1·nJ I t1·<1 ms t n 1·v 1·ntual l:- ~ulxlut • O n •gon 1''11·;.hm.1n pl.iu· k1c k1•1 J 11h n Lt>t• lK>Olt'll fuur f1t·kJ HOllls. tying a :.<:h1H1! rt-<·11rd. and tht· Bruins 1u sh t•d fm 2 1i yard::. to s ta y u11lx•J U·11 <.1l 711-1 with & 40-12 tu114Ut''' o l lht· l>ul'k i. lw fon· 40 . KOfl al tlw Ho'><· Bowl Saturdav "Wt•'n 7-ll I an d I'm d <•hg hil'<I .1h11 u1 1t ." ,_;-11d UCLA C:1HH'h T1•n \ J)wwhut• 1n th1• af\f•1ma t h n ! ti·w \'ll lor·v . w hic h J 1dn'1 1 t•all~ 1u111 11111; a romp u ntil th <· lh11d quo1 rtt•r Du ring a -.p;m of JU"l .! I '1·1 o n d <. t lil' Br urn '> lu11wd .1 I 'I fi .ulv,1ntag1• into :1~1 ti .ind l ht ruu t \\ .1s on "WllAT WAS c1 p11•t1 ,:. g oot1 foo tb.111 g.11l'lt' WCI!> blown 11p1.-n 111 tlw t h11 d qu:irtt·r by J l'Ou plt> of lug µla y;.," nnll'd O n ·g11n Col)(:h H1t·h 81 ook., a formt'r a"81stant nf Do11.1hlll "If \\ t' h ad h1•t•n ablt> 111 1un\1·rt '"' "'m t· 11( 11u 1 ..ion ng Al' Wlrept.oto 1 h.1111 ,., thing ... 1-.1uld IM\'1' bt~·n ,J l1 ttlt• di1 11•1t•n t .. ( )n·~1111 JUr111wd o u t lo ,, :l-0 , ..... , Ill th~ f1r:-.1 "IX n\111Ull'S of th1• ~.1 1111· .ind \\'llh ~L111''l'Y t •1 Hlu1111~ .1 m1i.1.•rahh· r11 ... 1 half. 17-10 • victory tlw l-(<11m · !-tciytoJ dose U n&blc to 111n \·1·rt 11n third-down situatio ns 1h1t·• 11111 t•s dt•C'p 1n O r egon 1t•1111 or \. tht• Bruins turnf'd to Li·t'. wh11 cnnvertl'd each time Cron1 :m :IH dnd 37 yards 111 tht• third quar ter . Ltt llf!d_ th t "' h 111 •I re"<. ord by ~mg hjs fuui th fu•ld goal. this lime frorc :i~ \'Jrd.., ,1\\ d V .:I horws tlv· d id n't k now I .__, ~ct <mv kind. n( rK'Ord until at~t lh4 · winw." L<'t' admitted "A ir[ was trv111g to do was l'On<'t.'n traJe 11n llllt h•lll n~ m y root slip arid not k1 1l1n~ ll !th1· ball l "IT WAS VER Yshpper y In the m 1rldl1· 11( tht· field from the rain ;ind 1 wn~ l"t1n~·10us of tha t "8C:h tt m <· I t'.111W out to kic·k " Thi· .,tl·.11J y rain m ay have sonu th1lll( to do w ith Rams.y's t ,JI 1' 11 11 u b I l's T h e sen 1 or qu,1r 11·r h.1t·k . w h o ente r <'d tt,e g.mu· ,1\'1 ·1 ,1~1ng near ly :\00 yard$ d 1·11 11tt•'t t hro u g h t h P air . n11,f11 t•d •in ht~ first seve n tosses :lnrl nin1rlt·t1·d three of 18 passes for :Ii v11rd s in th e first ha lf. ··To~\ wa<. a little bit off tod~. tht•ll ·, IHI 4Ul'SllOn a bout It," said l>11n.1h111· "The cond1 tl o~ .... 1·11·11 t r Nlllv c·ond uC'IVl' to a ...111111j.1 µ.i;.~1ng g a m e But he IM1um·1<tl hal'k 111 the M'<.'on d ha1£'' At 11·1 1n tt·rm1ss1o n . Ramauy 111mplt•tt·d all five of his a tte mpb for 41:! \an ts a nd a touc hdown 0\1•1..111 hl' was i -o f-21 fo r 85 \J I d' .... 11h two mtel'C'C'pllons. tn5 I"'"''''' l'ff.1rt of the year · I h.ul llml' to throw today , Seve11th-ra11ke d un Dl·i·i/ . ., ,.:;11up l/.';l:' . ., fii.·e ganu· w111 stn·uk i.r lH·11 potcutial giun<'-ly ing drii·t~s s tall t h .ii "·'"''' thC' p roble m ." J{.1111"· ~ t·i-pla 1 n ed. "I d 1d n ' t 1h111k tht'Y (tht' o fficia ls) were • h;111~1n~ the balls eno ug h o n r8e .uul s11 1t w as slippery m uch C>f tht t1nll' We werC' makin& some l>tg pl11vs d c f<'ns1vd y that were "''''"~us u p 1n some Ci e ld po-.1111111 and that really helped." TEMPE . Anz CAP) Arn:on a St.ill· ]ll'I pl11;.•1·d w 1•ll " Soul lw1 n Cal l'11,ll'h J 11hn H11l11n;.on ,,,,ti ·11 \\,1, JU't tht k 111J of jo!.1m1• I t''fl''l l••d I thoug ht 11 w ould lw 111" '' o ring b ut 1 thought \H · would h,1\.1· more· point' tha n th<'m .. qu.11 11•1 h.11·k :..it k~ 11wlud111g on1 w ith t•>Ul hd m \ 11 p.t"-' from Sc:an S .1h'ibury to ;.pil l end Jt•H S1111mons w11h 8 119 ldt 1n th1 ,._'(.'<tnd qu.11 tt•r 11 \t•t 111111 11'1 t to ,,.,,j I tw \.'l• 1111 \ L ui' i'.1•11111·,as <11 ... o ku k1•d .1 ..i h•"tl 11'< 01tl ~1:.! \',1rd lll'ltl 1-('"" 1111 tlw S1111 l>.:vtl' \\ hn .111· llO\' H II tl\'t•1.ill and tlw Pai 10 t1 .. 11l1·r ,11 4-11 111 t11n l1•r1·m1· pl.iv C<Ml'h Darry l Rugt•r.. ..ay-. h e· brt.•athl·d ,, big s igh of rc•ht•f aft<>r watc hing ht., scvl'nlh -rank ro Su n OC'vtls hold on fo r ·• 17-10 v1C'tory ovc.•r 12th rankc'Cl Southc·rn Cal h ere Saturday night 111 a P at·1f1t· 10 t'On frrC'nt'C' football gam1· "I was JUSI hoping our dc frns(• w ould ..,top them. And thl'Y did ." said Rogt>r,, refrrnng to tw o fourth ·qua rter TroJilll d rtVl'S which stalll'<l JI th(• Arizona Stat1• 6 and 25-yard hncs 1 <'SJX'<-'t1vely . S1•1111 1r t,nlhal k A lvin Moon-.:.. !'.I'< vard 11111l·hdn wn run mutw&y throu~h thl' third qu<irtl'r prov1·d to be: 1h1· winn ing po ints for Armina St.al!· Tht• S un Devils. r;inkt•tl ~t·t·on<.I 11.1t11111alh rn toLoil ddC'nsr . stoppt•d 1w11 p11ll•nt1J.I ga1111• t v 1ng drivt•s h y th1 · TroJlm ' !Jll' tn t he· fourth qun r tl'r 1\n111na State· hm1ted USC to W yards ru);hlrll! on 4:s ,·:1rrtC's whrlt• ft'l·o 1 tllng s ix use h;1d It., 5 game· \\ 111111ng ... 1n·uk ,n,1 pp<·d .i11u ktl to~ 2 m·1•r.1tl , :1-1 111 th1· I ':w 111 Moo n ··, g.1nw "1n111nj.( to ud1dow11 whu h 1 ;111w \\1th H .I I n ·m.1mmg Ill till' 11111 d q u.11 t•·1 . ""'' "1 11 r hy ,111 1ntt•r ll f>t1u11 b y 11111111ha1·k Mario Mnn lgnm1 ·n S.ilhbUr\ \\J' l ur<:l'd to lt•a\'t• 1h1• g.1nw w ith .i 4 i to go on th t• third 4u,1rlt'r .iflt·r ,uff1·11ng " ... ('\'l·rrlv spra1nc-d right knt•t• USC took a ;1 0 l1•ad li.:.H tnlo lhr g um1• •Hl :i 50 -yanl (11•ld ~onl by S tt•vt• J ordan It w.1s :wt up h v <~>rm•rback To ny W('St's f11111bk n •u w Pr v a l t h l' Sun Dl'v1ls .!5 yard hnc· Lupi· S.11w ht'Z S<'l up both o f tlu· H1 u1 n :," thir d -q u a rt e r toul·hdnwn:-.. first w ith a 54-yard p unl rl'turn a nd the n with 8 fumblt• rt'l'OVt•ry dei.>p m Q ,..gon 1t·rn1t1rv "( fl•c•l ver y proud and happy a nd rellc•\'Pd right now I'm plL•aS<'d as h cc:k ." Rogf'rs added nvN th<' din o f his pbyt•r!> in <i noisv S un IX•v1l toc·krr ronm "WP Thi· T10Joll1' h ,111 h.11tl1•d l).11•k Ill g.1111 •• I 0 I 0 t 11 • a I h :i If I r nw •Ill 11 2 J v ii 1 cl S 1" minuh'' l.111•r ASU 4uartt•rback T1H ld Hon., hll fn ·hmAn tailback Darrv l l'l.11·k with ,1 :!9 v.1nl scoring pu~ <or 'a 'i' ;1 lt•ad Tht· punt return came w llh the <;(~1n• I !J.fi a nd pu t thC' Bruins ~ t lw D11t·ks' 12. w he-re-Ramstty lSt't BRlllNS, Page Bl> Hagler KOs Obelmejias It's not easy being a Heisman Trophy candidate SAN R E MO . lluly CAP) World c:h a mpion Marvin I lagle r u f thl· Un1tt"<i Stu tt~ kno<:kf'd ou t VC'nc•zuc·lan c halll'ngcr Fulgencm Ob<'lm<'Jlall in the• fifth ro und to rt'lmn h,., rr11ddlc•Wl•lght tttl<' here 1ocli1 v Th t' 2 8 -y t> a r -n I cl w o r I c! t•h omplon s h ook h is o ppon en t w it h o !il'rtcs o f rig ht a nd left hUIJk~ a nrl M'nt t hf' Vt·nt•zue lan to th1• t·arw:1sio1 w ith o h a rd left wh1d 1 !4tru<:k Otx•lm1•Jlll'I m the JD W Ohc:•lm<•jtos . who h o<i s tti r tl-tl tht• fi g ht dl'frn ntly. t r lt•d t o rtgt11 n h is f cM 0:4 Mt•Xl('an N"f<•f"l-c• F.rn<'lilto M:agon11 C.'OUntcd to cl"ht, h u t hi' lh<'n fell back 1.o the canvns r1' he? w as counted ou t. • • I n tht• world o f Joc:kstrnppNy, l ht'rt' ti. a t rndrtional dre ad o f h aving o n <''s p o rtr a it o n the covl'r o f o l'ertain magazin" l<.•st o ne bC' v1s1t<:d by gr<'nt tro uble en d nnguish Gu y~ p1l't u red rut11Hn~. Ju mp1n~. shoollnR. k icking. hitting , passing or Jll!'.t sttttng still h ave tht• n<'Xl Wt>t>k fa lle n 011 lhl'll ha irc:u ts qu 1tt• without d 1gnil-., It h a s r c a t·h e d t ht• s ugc whert• n p hotogra pher from the book shows u p ;md the a thle tes r un w h im pering into t h undi'rbrus h . J o hn E lwa y, tht• c C'l e b ra t C'rl quarte rback o f S tanford did n ot ap(X'nr on th<' covl'r of S p0r\3 llhutrak'd W o rse . El w Ay tlppt•11 rl•d ln two slgnif1t•ont foot ball games O nl' w as ngol n~I U SC, t h e o ther ln v olVl'd W11sh lngton ~tall' nn <I In nt'llhtr filtl F.lw11y cfl"tlngul11h h irr\M'lf In a mannt•r to j us t H y th• fact h e? op1..>ned th<' I 982 ' SPORTS COLUMNIST BUD TUCKER S<'ason as thC' fnvor1w 1n the toumamrnt for the Hetsman Troph y A!t yuu know, this bauble 111 aw11rd«.I to th l' Individua l r e gardl'd b y l ht' gl'nlleme n uf t lw working pres.'i to be tht• fon•most m ll<•J(l' footbull playn ln the nation Helsman candidall'S arc cretl\ed tn thl' fQ('tori<'!I of th£' major t'OllCgl'S know n ll'I 11port.B in formation department..'! Tht•n • was a day a nd age o sportJJ inform1111on d irector w ould h ove bt>cn k nown o~ a press agt•nt or o tub thumper Today. he· is known by the mort' dlgnlftl'd tttlC' o f 810. S ll>s <'Stablish 1hc1r llc1s ma n l'ntr1t-s early by flooding tht• U.S Postal Scrvt('(• with yftrds o f printed matt>ria l a nd sU.ll'ks o f photographs , not to m ention campaign buttons. T s hirts, prin ted balloons and whooppc<• cush ions. David llorow it: w ou ld n ot necessarily hov<' a 1.·o.se that th1K 1:s using the mails to tll'fra ud , but s o mf' o f lhe t o ut('ti ~J>t'<'•mt•ns lum oul to bC' ftl"t·iu Im posters. Tht' worst.' t hing lhat ca n happt•n to a ca ndidnlt'. th ough, i:s e xposur<' flt th l• wro ng l i rnC' S tr1t•<' t h e> voli n g is t•ond llClt'<i na tlo n11 ti y, a I lt.•1smun pursul'r Iii in bad tro ublf' If he e ndurl'S a bad A1ht•rnoon o n n nlio nlll tc."l<'vis1on This will qu k k ly cau.'K' a Wf'ttt n'I run t.ende r to blow the Eastern vote and v1sa Vt'rsa. A mor1• d&maging slat<' of a ffalrl' Is for a He himnn candid&te to have attae~ o f mNftocrlty on too m a n y occaslon.4 In •nd around h b own C'nvirons, such u WA!ll lhl' case with J oh n E lway T here is. of m u l"S<', the plea that an tht'M' unfortu n a te• ut.'Caslons, Elwiay w .. au r ro und«.I w ith lea t ha n capable forct- a n d . therefore. h is own shortcomint• were n'Qt n«t•Marily his fault. T hls llOf't of claim m ay bt' entirely v alid but ~t holds no liquid w h atsoever from lh• point of view of those h old1nc Hel$1nan Trophy hallot.1! At anv ratt'. E lwuy seem s to have p lo y ed h tm iit'lf o ut o f thf' Hl'i11man p1c tu rC'. lt'a ving o ratht•r o~n field dash for Hencht'I W a lker , a m obtle mOOM from lhc b8ckfic1d of ~rl(la. Hf>l'l'Cht-1 hN playtd wt"U enou1h ltu wat0n •nd you prod your ~ in •n attempt to rt>CtO tr h appN~ on ~e cover In put yean1. J'or lht" atuon of '82, Walkf'r MCa pt'd that dread. t~t HEISMAN, Pa1t I t) ) -i ' ·~ I __ __J " 0 $ $ ~ u a so e s s c a o as a• ~ 1 HI Or tll\)1l\ \lolltt llAll ... I'll Il l '•l111d 1y lh t11l11•1 II 1111.' Will teinbre nner bring Martin ha ·k ·! From AP dlsp1ttc•bt> · liAINESVll.Lt<:. fl.1 No•" ii Y\ll'I\ Y ,111k1•1•~ to\.\ II\ I ( i1 111 ~'I' S1t•inbn •n1wr smd S.ollll duv tlw11· 1~ "11oth111g dl-f1111t1 v1• ,11 ti1" 1111w" 1·0111•t·r111ng tlw pt•s.,11Jl1• r1•hu 11 ut 11111 M.111111 t.11 .1 third sllnl J s man.1).(1•1 ol 1111• \'.111k1·1·' "If II I~ to ht'. It \\ill IH.·, 11 11 I' 11111 111 I" . 11 won't ht'." S h ·1nl•rl·11111 1 ,,ud "111)1· .1111 111h111: 1h1· $uutlw.1.,1t•1 n l '1111f1·11·1111· footh.tll g.11111· h<'l\\,, 11 l-'1111111.1 .11111 J\11'111111 M .11 llll "·" 1111·d ( ~I ;!II In th1· l),1kl.1111I J\',, ,,1111 1i'n·v1011sl ' h .1d )i(l\'1•11 t h1• (. 11' v I' I .• II d I 11 d I " II ' ·' II d \'.111kl·1·~ IX'l 1111~'11111 111 1.tlh. (II h1111 The· lnd1.11" rt·pot ll'dlv 1nad1· .1 th11•1• v1·.11 $1 11111111111 ol l\•I', hut wh1•;1 l\la11111 d11l11't q lll \. k I y .11· 1 T I' t l Ill t I '.1111 Jookl«I d~1·wht·1 1 ST1! ... IU!NNEA SIP111lir·1·11111 I \\ 11<1 '·'"' hl• has b1'\•n 111vo h·1"I in f\'\ 1 nt "'"' k~ "1th ,, Navy l'u11tr.11·t rur his A1111·111 t111 Sh1phutld111g Cu . s;mJ hl· t.,tlk1.·d to Nl'\\ Ork.111' Judg1 E~ld11 Sap1r. Martin's lawyl•r, "01w l11111· ttw. "1·1·k ." but thl•lr sc:hc-<lulc-s prc•vc>11t1.·d .11111111< r 1111 l'l1ng Quote of the day "I d on 't undl•rswnd wit~ 11 all w1·11t do w11h1Jl so sudde n ly " lr1d1.111.1 11.1t·1•1' Coal·h Ja c k M c Kinney •• of tt·t pl.H·1 11g forw<ird George M cGinni.,, ''"' 11·,1rn', sN·ond all·t1m1• SC.'<•rer. on W<1l\'1 , , Kings' Taylor suffers broken wnst Dave Taylor .J01ned a g rowing lhl 11! , Los Angt·lt_•s Kings' nght \\ 111g1·1 ~ 1njur('d player s o n the N at11•n.d H oc:k ey L l'agut· club whc•11 rt w.-' revealed Saturdav tha t ht• h w l ~uff,.r .. d ;1 hmk1•11 wrist and will bC s1delint•d six to 1·1ght \\t·1·k~ Taylo r bec·omt•S thl• third K111g pl.1y1•1 to h1· s1dt'hnt'CI w ith a fracturt·d wn~t . .1u111111g l•·ni.·r Do ug Smith and u e ren S<·man P eter H e lande r I n NllL a 1t111 11 S aturdav night Pierrt• Mondou s1011•d with nn1· secon d lt·ft 111 th1· ganw to give Mo ntr('a) a I -I 111· wllh Boston l\1111111 "'t;1' Tom M cCarth) ~:on·d tv. 1n lo lc•ad tht• North St.1r' to " 3-2 v 1ctorv ovt·r l-'hrl;1dl'IJJh1a Th<: N or.th St;1rs <1rt• nov. 9-2 -1 on th1· young '1•;i so11 TAYLOR Mark Os borne's g1.MI on an 18-fool wrist s hot early 1n tht· third pt•nod gave [){>tro1 l a -t-2 dt'('ISIOn OV!'r 11..<I l rurd Marion Stastny scored two gwb .md ..iddE'd .1n assist in Qudxx··~ 5-4 Vll'tor) ovt•r tht· N1·w York Rangers Tomas Jonsson's long ~lap:.hot bro k e a 4 --t tit• a n d carri<'d the· N e "' Y o rk IslandC'ri. to i.ln 8·5 dc'(·1s1on oi.·c·r NPw .Jr~<·\ Rookw Greg M eredith's 'hort h.1ndl·d goal s parkC'd Calgtiry to a .i 1 \'ll'l<J1 y 11v1·1 Pmsburgh Mike Follgno M'lll<'<'i d third period goal lO g1vC' B u ffa lo ::i :i :1 lit' with Torvnto Thc-W ashington Cap1tab won thl'lr third gam1• of lhc youn g s..·a~m with n 6-5 "'' "111n OVl'r St Louis NFL STRIKE TALKS From Page 81 • rvtng spark 76er s' rally JulltP• 1·:1 \ lnl( "Ill Id :w Jlllllllft m· .1111 1 l\111111kt• ('lwl'lo l11111d1•<I llU I '!.I ,, ........ ·" lli1 l 'h d11d t·lph10 7fit•t 'I 1.1 f111•d 111 th1 1111,tl 111111 llllllllll'I\ Ill 1 ..... 1 11 ... Nt•\\ .1 •. 1 .... ' N· '" 1111 llll 111 Nl\A II\ 111111 ~.11111.1.,, 111Mh• 111 11th1·1 111 111111. Juolor II 1 llJ~1·1111111 I 111111' • ,, , 11 ... I H'llt " Ill "Ill .. 20 p11111h ,111d 1111\I' ('(1"1'11\ '""' .f I lj{hl p1111ll .. <H llf Ii.HI 111111 1.lw111111f, 111 Ju , l•"I •11 lll•ll f11IJ11WlllM .o '''" 't• .11 l.1v11H •" M1lwt111k1 .. · l111>1H·d 11 ... N1 \\ \'111 k. K1111 k.. 11111 1111 I.arr) Bird .11111 t't·drk M u ~wl'll '>11111•d .!I I"'""' 1·,1~ h 111 111 Ip 1411,11111 d11w11 1\111111111 II ;! !17 t; u.11 d Fr1111k .lohn,.un 1.t·111 .. d 11 l'.111'1'1 111..:li ;lti J'llllll~ ,11111 (; rt'I( Uullurd udd1 •d :!Ii tt' W ;1 ~h111~11111 r t•1•11rd1·d .i I 1;1 l :!.1 ll'lltlllph llVl'I l'lt1\'.ll-{ll ERVING 111 th1• Bulb ' h mm• 111w 111·1 ArllN <;il111on· '*'1111·d wv1•11 IJ4Jlut' 111 lht· l.1 ,t 'I\ 1111111111 •, 111 11 .. 111 S.111 l\n 1011111 to ,1 11 :! 107 '11 1111' 11\·11 l'111 tl.111d Adrian Uuntlt>y ·• 111 t •d .111 l"''"h ,,.., U t.1h t .11111•11 111 tl1t• lou11li qu.1111 •1 tu 11.-ft'.ll lh ll.1, l:.!11 l :.!~i 111 th1· 1\1." 1 111 k ,· 11111111 11111 ·111·1 Ct·11h·1 Jot• llnrr) <'t1rroll h·d (.;11ldl•11 !"1a11··, hal;m1·1'd ol ll ·11.,,t· 111 .i I Ii 1111 v 11·tury 11V1·r llll' I louslt111 H111:k1 '' 111 •h• h1u111· 111w•111 •r 1111' tlw Wan111r' Haas takes a commanding lead Ja) Huus l'Vll \'t'l'll·d what hl· n · 1.illt·d "th•· I"''' ~tn•t\'h of putting l'vt• 1•v1·1 d11n1"" 111111 a front 1·11nn111g i 1111d1·1 p.11 li:'i .111tl 11v1•1 wht•lm111g 11\t '''"kl l1•.1d S.iturJ.w Ill the• third round or I h1 \-\ .1lt l>h111 ' W111 Id l;;,11 ('l."::.11.,tt Lak,· Bu1·n.i Vht.1, r l.1 I t.1:1~ has won two utlt•::. in his la::.t th11·1 · 't.ir '' Thl' Umt1•J Sta11.•s, ll'J b\• Holli~ St:H·y .md Pat Bradley, hl'ld an c·1ght- '"11111 lt·;od .,, ... , .J;1pa11 afll•r tht• s1-t'011d d;iy o l th1· J .is.>.111 P111111TI' C:up wornc•n 's lourni.lmt•nt Scvl·rianu Balles teros of Spn1n l'ard1•d .. ;1 u11d1•1 par Ii!-! and ma1111.<t11wd tht• thm.J-rnund l1·ad with a 20:'! 1n th<' J 11 hnn1t• W a lk1·r 111un1,11n1·11l hv 0 111· strok1· ov1.•r Anwnl'<.111 Peter J acob<;en. McEnroe fined. but keeps his cool Top :.i.,_..Jt'CI John M cEnroe l•:J!>al y hl·.it M a rk Edm ondson a nd P ete r ~kNa mara l'l1mtnaH·d N u 2 s1•t•d \'itas Gerulaitis s .. turdav lo mllVl' mlo t11d;1y's f111als ur tht: Sl•lko S u pt•r tl•nn1s tuurnaml'nt rn T o k yo. Md•:nrOC' surv1vt--<l a $500 £1nl· fo1 "vc•rbal abust>" o r a Japarwse umpire and k q11 h1:-ui.11 tu win h1~ 111<1\l'h EL"c•whr·rt'. Martina Navr a tilova and Chris Evert Lloyd lx1th w1111 1n "tr;.11ght st>L-. to reac:h tht.· f111als o r tlw {);11ha~u Challt.•nge 1n Brighton, England Lluvd dc·re<1t<•d P a m Shriver, 6-4. 7-5. whill' Navr.111l11va ou~ll-d Tracy Austin, 6-2. 6-1 Wojte k F ibak 11r Poland knockl'CI off top-sc•l'<it'<.f Br ian Gottfried, ti 3, 6-7. 6-0 to advant'f.' to thC' lin.ib or thl· Paris 111doors to urnamC'nt and will m1·•·l Bill Scanlon of the U.S. m today's hnals St·n.il11n d1spost-d o r Marcos Hoccvar of Bnml. Ii 0, -I h, H-:! Orioles announcer dies of cancer Bill O'Donnell, w ho for thl· lu!>t • I 7 11 f h 1 ' :1 :i v l' a r s 1 n s po r t s l11 11.1dl .hllll~ <llllll;Unt'f.'(f lhC' p lay-by - pl.1\ li11 1h1 B.tlt1morl' Onol,"l>, dwd m 111·, .. 1. 1 p 111110\' mg a long boul w11h l'<tnc:l'r at agl• iii T" 11 "'11nwn 's group:. prot<~lcd aga111st 1111 { '1111.1~11 Rulls. dl·mancling rt•hab1l1tauu n • 111111" ling lor rook ie Quintin Dalley for his .• ~,.11111 11n .1 l1111vC'rs1ty or San Franc isco n ursm g .. 1ud1·111 Rnton Nick Rose wcm tht' 9 2-mll<' TuJ.,., Hun" h111 Joseph Niau, the l<'<t d<'r most o r t lr1 · r .11 • hr11k1 · l11s s tndt· w1 th I f>O yards to go "twn Ill' thought he had cros.<;t•d lhl' fm1s h hnl· Ro\ in~ Boy s tamped h1msl•I{ a s thl' top .! '' .11 old 1•ilt 111 Southc·rn California when hC' p• "'' d .1 I'. h•ngth v1<·try 1n thC' Norfolk Stokf'S .1t -.; .. 111.1 A111t.i • • by the owner of the Los Angelc-s Raiders which w o uld give lh<' .players a subst.anuaJ across·the - 1t "'·'"Jn 1ndl·1x ·ndi·nt ,1111111111111\ th1• NLRB wil l t1lt 1m.111·ly dl'l1·r111 1m.' .. 0<1v1s plan ha~ b<'t:'n lookl-d at by the ('Xt'<.'UllV<' comm1ltec" a nd 11 ;Jlong with a senl>s of othe r plans from oth('r d ub ~pie has tx-e n rl'Jl'C'ted and wall n ot furthl'r ti.• cons1clercd " board pay increase. In its compla1nt w i th th e NLRB. the unio n contended Davis. D o nla n and Dav.is' attorney. Marvm Demoff. wtth bypassi ng the u nion and atte mpting to bargain directly with the 1.500 striking players "W e spent all w eek followmg the recess listening to one rumor after another about the so-called D avis plan." Garvey sa id "Whe ther it w as floated by the management council or whe the r Gift Guide. Coming Nov. 24 in the Dally Pillt "There· 1s a bunch of p<•oplt• runn 111g around lhl· l'OUntry with d1 rferl'nl set s or numb1•r s." Upshaw said or the Davis plan H e said the unio n has not off1nalh SN•n 11 •• m d "unul 1t ,.,. pn"M'ntcod on thP tabll' Wl' 1·<1111101 n~pond tu It Our plJn " lo r<•spond tu <my o ffl'r that 1s put on th<' tabl<· W e• don't l<ln· whrl'h plan 1l 1s" "A s for as the owners are u>nt'1.•rnc·d." Millt r s:11ci, "thl· I Th I ' r I r S p I a y 1• r 11·1ir1·s1·ntc1t1vC"s to arrivt• wc·r1· Doug D1t•kt•n of the Cll'V<'land Browns. Jimmy Cdalo o r th1· l\11am1 Dolphins. Marv111 Pow ell o r t h " N t' w Y o r k J l'l s. a n d &·aslt>Y H N.'l'C' o f the N l'w York G1 a nis. Clc•v<.'l<1nd Bro wn s quarterback Brian Sipe:• a lso wa-, an early <1rr1val DRUGS Paid Pollllcol Adverllsement Going Into Business? Al required by lew, new bu1lne11e1 ualng • Flctltlou1 lu1lneN Neme must regl1ter thet neme wtth the County Clerk. Cell the DAILY PILOT LEGAL DEPARTMENT for tonne end further lnformedon. Re-Elect ARLENE SCHAFER 142-4321 bl. m DAILY PILOT i -f - Cotta Meta City Council KEEP EXPERIENCED LEADERSHIP IN YOUR COUNCIL ARLENE SCHAFER Co1to M••o City Countil P•ld '"' by ,,,. CommltlH To RINll.ct ARI.ENE SCHAFER l<«JFOwlfH· TreHurer. 3413 MffdOWbfQOk, COlll M#a. Jim PotHI. Cll"'''"MI ·- ( :arri•~d away S1a11ford ht•acl <·oach Paul ~·i~gin j.., c·arrie·d off fie ·lcl afh ·r hi!-> Ca rdinal~ up-.t'I ~ a ... hin~l on t.:J-:l I Sul urda~. BRUINS ROLL PAST DUCKS From Page 8 1 1•·•111'd1 ·d h1-. lorw TD P·•'" 111 1tl1· ;ol 11·11101111, h ooking up with llghl t 11d I l.11 IK'I I lowdl 1\ fu111hlt· l1v On·g1111 1111 th•· 1•11"1111g 1"'1"1'"11111 "'t l1CLA up .1g<1111 1111 th• IH .1ml <tfll 1 .t IJ"'' 111ttlf1·111111·1 • .JI 111 th• 111d 1ur11· 1.ulli.11 k 1-'1 .111k ( '1 phrn" l>olt.-d 111 1111111 .1 \.11d ""'"" .md tlw Bruin~ \\ l 11 ,l;dd1 Ill\ l;l l 'l'711lg Flllll1.11k F1 .. .111k Bruno 1u,h1 •d 1111 11 yo11d' wtult· Cq1h1111~ h.1tl 10 11111 111 It' l1•t.1I' hv .111'\ nll'arh but .111 1111ii111v1·111l·11 1 ju,t t tw ,,111u . .111111 d111g 111 1)011.ihuc· "Wllh 11U1 ,t.1111ng !Jill lw1 I H.1111" \I ,1111ggl1111-( 1';11 Iv 11 \\ ·" good to '1 ·1 u~ -.h"'' s1g11-. 111 ,, I 111111111g g.11111 01 .. g1111 d11I •• rt'.tl g11111I .111'1 111 t ht· ~1·1 111111.11 y 'hutt111g oft our l"i'-'11').( g.•nlC'. '" \\l t1111k ,1d\ .1nlag1· 11f "hal llwy j.!.1\'t ll'-· , •• 111 1>1111.1hu1 Thi · B1 u11" ""' '' .d1l1 111 111tbt,l1·nt lv 11111 t1\'1•r thl• '111\- 111;1111wd liv 1 • ..-ld1· I t\ 1-:~otm.lll. who w,,., · .,,, tll lwd •111)v laq 'l.il lt'f 1111 lh1• dt•h l"l\'l' 11111 • 1'\'t·I ,1111 1· \\'11h ,, g .. 1111· 111·'1 S.11u1d.1y 111 \t\'.1 ' h 1 1q~ t o n . w Ii • · r • · l h 1 • t 1111d1t11rns l'ould he· w1·t onn• .1g.1111, tlw Bru111~ m,,, 111 t•d to g1 ·1 1111 11 111n ning g.i1111 111 ).(t'.11 11111 1 .1g.1111 . I 0 l r l' 11 s I ,. , I 1111 rd I n J l 111 I 11111111·1 S1111th told w. aftl'I thl· 1\111 lt1g.111 ga1111 tlt.11 lh<'r•· w.1, g11111g 111 Ix a t11 m \~ lw11 1 h• · w 111.t llllj.!hl Ill' IJl11\\ lllJ..t Ill 1111' I dill 1111glt1 l1t l:ollirtg th;ot \\'l' 1111ght 111 11•1·d1·d .' ,;11d 1u1111111g 11.11k Hi u 1111 'Y1111 1.t11'1 11.dh lil.11111 Toni I H.•111'1'\ l .di th.11 11111d1 lx~.1U"4' h1 h.11l .1lllllJ1l• 11111.111• d1op1x·d f\1' lun1ht. 1,,.1;,, "·'' tl11 111,1 111 :! . \I .II' l\h .11 111,v.1•1t •\\l'l ,111d lh.01· rn,111! 11 ~l1ff1n1lt '" 11';tlh g1·t ,1 g1111cl gi Ip 0 11 tit• Ii.ill' I ' t' L :\ '"" I " II ' f II 'I llllH hd11\\'ll ,\ltt'I .1 p.111 111 f11 hi g11 . .i ... 1111 ,1 1h11< \,tld 1\111 '" • • • K1 ·\·111 Nt b 1m 1111dw;o\' through tht s1·1·1111d 'tl'"' '"' Tht· Bruin,· l111al "4•llt' l.in1•· 11n a f1 vl•-v<ird "'""IJ''I •• round It ft 1·ncl ti~ Blir111 ·~' S< 1111 1 .11 h 111 tht f 1n._.t pu md 011 l:(•J11 fl :'l 111 Pm 10 pl<>~ and II 7 I ll\t'I <di l<t ll1c·d 011 r1l·ld gi1,o1, .. r JH •• nu :in \'aids by Todd L11· ;ind ~ot 1l~ onl~ touthduwn o n J tv.•1-vi.11t·I pa~::. from Dan •• I Iii! tn Dwight Hub1:1 tson with 41. .,. ... ,11Hb ro·1n,1111111g I) i' ' p I I 1' I fl I ' ll I> fl ;1 I pt 1111r111.0111 1· •d H.1nrs t•y . tlll n , , 1 1 •, 11 · -. I 1 ,J d c r 1 n p.1~0.,111g t·f I 1111 m' 1•r1tl 1 rng t hl• 1 •111lt '' th1 Br Ulll'> '>llll surpJ1'M'd I 111 II ,u11 ing d\'I I .1gt o f ;rn Ii IH•lllh I" 1 gJ111A, l'l LA'" ~unng .il 11' h1J..,hl''t 1.111 "nc l' 19i':i \\ h< II th1 Brtlllh l.oll11·d .1l .1 -t'.! i 1><>1111 J>t'I g,11111 t lip '\\'1 11 ,tlJI pllllll1g tht JH.11l1t:-O 1111 ll11 bo;11d .111d th.11·, ,1 gucxl '1g11 " t<.1m,1·y 1111t1 d Tu1·"I.'~ 1111111 ddc·11'1· t1111(t1·nM· .1 11111\ • l\l'f t·'"t.111-tl II\ 111JUrll'' .111d '11 ht I d1l I 11111t11 .... tlt1 B1 llllh lt.1\• • 'lll'lll ll ttd 111 th1·11 11111 ""' t 11n1 rt• t•11th HEISMAN TROPHY • • • I >.111.ihlll· g.1\ 1 h1111 ·111gh in.irk' "Ir\' E<1tm,1n dul .111 1mn'\hbJ, J II h J r t I' I 0 11 I :'I' .:< I • days ,, I 11fft n-.1v1 t.1lkll'. .. h1· s;11d "H1:, g11111g t11 hl· ,1 kc ·y Ill Olll <;Ul't't'~'> Ill t lw 1·om111g Wl'\'k.,," 1-:;11111;1n su1d. "I th11ught I muld 11<1 1t It w,..,n't t h;ll s trangt• 111 nit' .111d I fl'lt l1kl' I m<1d 1· ,1 t1111t11but111n tocl;_1y It fl'l·I-. JU'l ~' '"'t and I h11i.x I <·an t'1>11t111u1•" A n"\'I \ 1· 111 the· <>ff< ns1vc• 11111 ·" .. frt 'llln.111 . E .. 1m.1n "·" ''' 111 h1·d 111 d1'11·n~·· follo\\ 111g 1 h.11 ""''1111 .1 nd Ii.id 111•• 11 .1 From Page 81 A \'Olll'. Jaw and w <·ak . 1s hl·i.ird from the S ID a t UCLA play ing thl• trombunl' 111 l>c.>half o r Bruin quartl.'rbac k T om Hamsl'Y who has not appt_·ared ms1de thC' magazml'. m lK·h ll•ss on thl• covl'r R nmspv's stalli.llC'al t'rt·d<•ntwls art• soriwwhal more 1mpn·ss1vl' than Elway's a nd hl' has n o sorrowful QUt1ngs on his t1'l11rd. but 111 th1• Ht•i'm~m rnt't'. ht' would b C' t h1• darkl•st of hOl "1"- The· m.un d1 ff11 ult'. 11f t"IUN. College football SATURDAY'S GAMES Cohtorn1a .a USC at l A Coliseum 1 t 30 pml UClA ot Washonglon A111ooa at St;tnlord P1c loc; vs long Beach S• '' An~" .. "" S11d1um 17 30 p m 1 San11 Clare at San JOSI! SI n CAI S1a1e Fulle•ton al Fresno St S11n Ooego St at Hawa11 n 80tM1 St al Cal POiy tSl01 n Wuhonoton St 81 Or1!9on Mon'-n• al Portland S1 ro Cal Lutheran at SI Mary s Whittier a1 Laverne ~lden1el st Redlands, n Cal Poly tPomona) al Nortn11agl' S• 11 UC Davis al Hayward SI ChlCo SI at Humboldt St n San Fr1nc1~0 SI 11t Sacr1men10 St 11 AocklH Oregon St II Arllona St n Wyoming 11 BVU N1v0dt1·LH Veges 81 COIO•BOO SI ld411ho at Idaho SI , n NO<l,,.,n Arizona 81 Montana St Nrnth Texn SI at N-Me~ICO St Utah SI at Utah Oklahoma St 't N~br~si.e Ball SI at Bowltng Grllt'n W1Ct11la St 111 Droke Kent SI 111 Eastern M1Ch1gan Central M•c;l"gan Bl M111m1 0 Western Mochogan at Tot~v NOrlllem ltl1nO•S al Qh•O u South I.SU at Alabama Rulge<S 81 Aut>u•I' Norlh Caroline at Clemson Wake FO<l!'SI al CltJkl!' Georgia al Floroda Viro1n1a Bl Guoro1• Teen V11nde1b11t Bl 1<11n1ucky lnd1ena St al lou1av1il(I M1am1. Fro al Mt1rytano Tulane al M1ss1s&•PP<. n floroda St al South Coro1tn11 Ml!mphis SI at TAnnesse11 Marsllall al VMI Brown 11t Wllll!lm 6 Mar~ Buc .. netl a1 Oav•<lson James Mlld1!10n at Furm11n McNetse St 11 Loul&lena l ech n NoehOlls SI ., NW LOU•ll•n• n So\.lhern 11 SE LOUIS.en11 n v. o uld lw ohta1111ng J portion ot tht• E<istt•rn Voll• for R.lmS<.'v "\\'hat. · a 1011rru11i.,1 111 ·New J • · r ~ c· ' " 1 11 "' k . · · " a Tom Hamsev"" S ul!; lh1·rc• 1~ som1• d1stann· to go a nd tlw rac ... · g<X'S to the• s w1rt. and. an this case" th(' a<.'t'Urate. It 1s n ot out o f Lh<• question a s trong hmsh on th<' part of any or the above· mcnuonC'd young men l·ould altc·r th<' presc•nt s tandangs &>sides. the maga7111l' docs n ot a nno unl'l' 1~ t·ovt•r antl•nuo ns 111 ,ldVJlll'C' 1101 ....... . JOHNSON & SON presents .. Neveaa-Rttno al Weber St n SoulhWHI A•k•nsat at Baylor Kann• St al Olll1h0ma SMU et Rice NE Lou1s11n• al SW l0Ulllan1 n Appafa c111an S I at T ennessee -COLLEGE Houtton lit T llXOI Tua• Tech at TCU Waa1 Tuaa St.•• lulu, n ArleanaH SI al Lam1r, " EHi Car041n• II le•••·Arllngloo " New Mexico et Teaaa·EI Puo n Mtdwnt Mlehlgan 11 11111\0d Hort"-ttrn ti Michlg11n SI MlnMeota 11 OlllO $1 IOW• et Putout llldlana ti W1tcont1n •Ow• St •• l<antaa COIO<lldO al MIU<>Vrl CllallanO<>Qa. n E1Sltrn l<enlucky al Tttnnes-Tt!eh Tne C11adel Al W"t.,n CatoUna I HI No1th C11ro11na St at Pann St Noire Dame at Piii Navy at SyracuH Air Force II Al my Boston College •• MIUKllUltlll Boston U et Connecticut Comet! al Y1la 1.a11ya111 11 P11oce1on ColQlll 11 Penn HaNard 11 H04y CtOH Columl>lt 11 Dar1mouth M•-111 New Hempellite l tnlOh lilt ,,hOdtl lslt nd Limited Offer ll?APJ. LINCOLN MERCURY 2626 Harbor ltvd., Coit• M••• ..... ~· .... WlctM ..... --~-• Plob.•f "' WoM So. Calif. over California * UCLA over Washington * BYU over Wyoming * Pitt over Notre Dame * Georg5a Ovef • 0 1.111q11 I 1111~t IJAll f I'll ll l l't11111t.1, 01 l11lit11 ti l flf!~ 83 OCC dominates, but lose ' 14-13 Officiati11g crew wo11 '1 bt• i11 l·i1,~1l to f'ire1tt• "u1ur1l.t.t """'l"«'I th CRAIG RUS 't:LL ......... lh• 0..1, "'94 Twu lhlnw• u 1'f' l'l 't 111111 lullow111~ S111uttla\ llll(h l's ~uu\h l 'oast (.\111(l•rc•nce tu<11lmll ~u11w lx ·tw1-.•11 Onmu1· ('nu't l'oll<'Mt' ;md )o'ullt'rton r 1r"'I n( .;II, J11 n l'ath •rMll1 .m d thr rt-sl 111 111:. ufl1u.11111~ l'f''" wu11'1 I•· 111v11P<l tu U( .. 'l''"' t ou1h.11l uwurtl:. b.an ltUt'l ~•t t ill' 1•nd ••I lh'-· y,·11r T h1·v .ir•• not n •.11ly V<•ry µopulur 11m•mM th<' l'1rnt1· Cll1thfu l And SC't·orully, r'ulh•rtun won't USt' Mr\:V lo<Jl.H~lt' u( tlw ..:unw 1111 its h il(hll14ht11 111111, t'll.l't•p t 1111 th•· 33-y1trd tOlK'htJuwn f>.c.."' ft un l Vl'm Hllrn 11 lo T n1v Swh·l with ·Hi 'ot'<.'Ollds lt•ft 111 the.• gun14· th.11 ..:av~· tlw llur nd s u 14-t:i v1,·t11n You SC't'. 11 w us ;1 l(a1111• dom inatl-tl h \ {ll'( .. , d••ft•llSt'. ;ind hud It 11111 lx.•••ll fu1 ..i l~111ti11vt·r>-1nl JX•nu ltv 1111 Fulle?n u n':. f1nu l c1r1vt'. \he> l'l1-.111•s would huvc lonw away with (>rlt' of 1h1• l>1~~l":it u~·•~ u l lhl' yl•ar W11h tht• P1rat1•s lL'<.1<1111~ 13-7 with ;!·07 Jt·ft 111 the guml!, thL• Jlorm•ts hud tht· ball u11 <XT'i. 49 -yurd lint' Thrc'\! con St'<.'ullvt• 111c·o 1t1ph•1t• pdS.'l'S !K'l Up a fuurth -;ind-10 s 1tua 111m Harns Wf'nt bac:k tu p.1~' but w wi s u rri1und1•d by a host of w hllt> ,erscy::. .rnd dropJ)\-d h.1c·k 1111 h1~ ow n 35-yard luw And as tht• OrangL· l'ua~t ul I 1·11~1\ t' llllll stunned un thl' fll'kl 11\ 111htldt1on, 1t lookl-d ,..., 1r tlw Gauchos top Southwestern Sadd leb ac:k Colle gt'. w hic h h arl ullo w1•t.I opponents just n tnt' potnL'> all :.4'ason long had tu Ix· wondl•n ng what was gomg on when the Gilul·ho~ lookl'd up ol the 9C.'Oreboard and found them:-clvus down l-l-0 la t<' m th<' second quarti.>r tu tht· v1~1tlng Southw<'stern Apaches. When Coach Ken Swcaringe n 's Gaut·hos finally got som<' early k inks worked out. 1t d idn't take long for things to ge t back to normal. huwC'ver With J ohn Mars ha ll C'atch ing a pair or TD pa~·s from Craig M iller. lht· Gauchos storrm'<I their way to a 38-14 v1t·tory to Improve their overall rt.'COrd 10 7-0 and Mission Confc•rf'nc't.' mark tu 3-0. The G auchos oven·aml' fou r lost fumhh•-. to hand the· Ap.4l'hc•s tht·1r ftNI defc•a t of thl' '>4.!.t.~on The Vll'tory w a:. Sc1ddll•back'::. 23rd in a rm~ .ind 32nd straight at homt'. Saddle b:ll'k olso got T Ds from Robt•rt Cum • on a 3-yard run , J ohn Carroll on a 4-yard burst .111d Mike S erafini on c1 30-yard PJ~ from Miller T hr Gauchos put 21 points on the board 111 !ht· final q uarter to make this""'' look JU:.t t1i. CM) ..._.., .. di the rest. Miller finished the nig ht hm mg 9 or 18 ~ for 125 yards. w tul<' J im Glc.'t'd led the Saddleback running attack with 87 yards on 15 carries Dan Gasser :.iddl'd a 26-yard field goal for th(· Gauchos. The Apac·hc.•i. C'dme mto the g aml' r.1n kP<1 eighth in the nation. while Saddleback 1s gurl• to keep its No. 3 ranking intact. * lllddlebeck" South•fflem 14 ~bfo-1-Sool""""1em 7 7 0 0-14 S•dcllebKk 0 7 10 21-38 SW-HiNo 2 rvn 1Sllcllrad1 k~k) SW-Pre•oe ,, 1>H1 lrom 511011 (StlciHMlt kick) 8-M••"*I 10 pen from Miiie< (GHse< lclell) S-Marsl\WI 3 pate from M111e< (G-klci<) S-0.1Mf 29 FG S-Curne 3 rvn (Gu.., lllelc l S-S«ellnl 30 p-from 8M1herd (Ge,_ kick) S-Cettoll ' run (G .. _ klckl Atlend..U -2.0oo (ftllmei.cl) 0.... li.tlMlcl ,_,, .. downe Aullln -yvds Pasting yards p ..... IW n 37-112 113 10-31·2 • 20 56-202 161 11·22-1 Pun11 I t-32 4·3• Funmblee-losl a-I ~ Pen111i.-ywo. 10-101 r 60 ln-..tt.11 lllwihlftt SW-Holmee l-1S,Whfte 6-1~ Sholl t t -22; 81<111<111• 3·11. H1n10 4-2. 1(1ng , 2·m lnu•·3 Brook•n,. 2·25, McOulfle, I · 7 lron. 1.13 5 -0-..CS. 15 .. 7. Alloro 1-•7. Cuttle . 11-31. Miiier 16·111 C a rroll. 6-11. S m 1111 t-3 Bulllard, 2· 1 ~'-Int IW -~t. 9·2S I U Tron. 1-4-1 $-Miiier. t · 11 -1 125 . S..0.11<1. 2-3--0, 36, Belt!*. 0. 1--0. 0 ·~~"'"' SW ,..._'* ~41 Wl>fle 3 14 Berttt<I .... 1-2. Mi nh 2·24 Hlnzo 1-11 S -M1rsllall, S-38. Ser1 t1nl 4-101 Gleed t-20. Smith. 1-2 Late Chicago goal ties up Kings, 5-5 INGLEWOOD (AP) -Winger Rick Pa ll'rson 's five-foot backhand shot with 3:45 left ln thl' gaml' gave the Chicago Bl&ck Hawks a 5-5 tie with the Los Ange les Kings in their National Hockey ~ague game Saiurday nlght. The goal came just 46 Sl'Conds after Kings' rookie ce n t e r Bernie N1r holls had g 1vl'n Los Ange les a 5-4 lead on a 35-foot slap shot that eluded Black Hawlu' goalie Ton y Esposito Wingers Al Secord and 8 111 Gardnl'r S(:orl.'Cl goals 24 seconds apart ea rlil'r in the third period to pull Chicago even at 4-4 less than two mmut<'S after winger Mike Mu'rphy had gtven the Kings a 4-2 lead with a 25-foot slap shot. Los Angeles' wmge r Jim Fox had two goals and an assist m the contest to ex tend his team ll'ad in scoring to 19 points Chicago jumped to an l'Arly I -0 lead as S«·ord scored his fi rst goal at 1:37 o f the nntl period. Center T om L ysiak also sco red for I he Black Hawks. putting a 20-footer pa.at K ing goelfc· Gary Laskoski at 11:14 of th e S«Ond pE'nod during a power play. Nicholls continued h is hot K'Oring streak with a second-period power play goal, his 10th power -play tally of the ~ason. •• wan FRESH LOCAL LOBSTER DINNER '8.96 Jaolbd• oboia. ol •up or .U.4, u4 pofeto or rlt» ~11&£ • )'11 .11! h,ul d11111 11 1\111 \\ ,,, """II I,, Id .•• "'' 'II \ ,, ti 11111 Ill .. 11 111.d '·, \I "''"' "··~:"·''''"'I' 111111 .. 111 .. 1 ,\ Ill \.1111 I~ 11.ilt\ ''·'" .............. .i 1111 tlh I!·"" l 111 1111 l1.;11d . •Ill llH' l 'll,11t < p.1 ... .., 111\'tlolg l j.{l\1111' hJll1•lhlll ,j 111 '1 d 11\\11 .ll lh1 .Ill i\ 'II \,11d I'•''" '"'"I'!. l1•11t ftlll tl11 l .. 11t "' tlw 1•1 \ .11 d 11111 11111 ·"I• I .. q11.1111 11 .... I.. "' 1, I d111p\wd P·"~ 111 1111 • 11d '""' .1 .t. l.1\ .. 1 1111 I'.·'"'' I"'"" I\, o111d .11 1,,lh• I llll'lJllll•l<'ll"ll 1li1 111111111 11111 .1 111111111 .11111 ..! I ,11 1la1 :1:1 \.11 d 11111 Th.11'., ""'II l l.1111 ... hil "''"'' 11\t 1 1111 11111ldl1 .11 1h. ""' .111d th• " • 1wh1, 1111 1. 11 "' '" ,, 11,. , ... ti 11111 1111 llH '41111 lttll< tht ~'. .. llH llt1 11l tlo"\1I I \ll .1 IHlllll I!·'' I 1"11111·1 11111 Iii• \.\Ill \. I 'I"' lt•d II \\ ·'"" I •• h .q 111\ I'"" 111.1,, I \\ h11 t.tlkl d \11 fl 'f1ttl lt'I" ,ii It I 1111• f!.tllll · Y·•ll \\,1111 ,, q11111t ., ....... 1-1 ti 1111 1'11,1 11 '"·" 11 l'lt,11 \\,,., llu ""''' 111111 r.111111• I'' • "'' "' 11 \\, d1 " I\• .t 1t1 \\ 111 \.\ 1 -.huul.t 11,1\ • \\ 1111 I jll I 1 .111 t In 111 \ 1 II ' AD STARTS SUN. NO DEALER SALES CLOSE-OUT! . - \Iii lttlll .. 1 '"'"'I I ii• ,'11111111 1rlt1t 111 1111 1111 111•. ti I 11111 111111 1 • .. 111' I 1111 I 'll 111 • 'I 11 II I I 1111 111" d .,111 l1t .1 Ill II 11 ,od tit llt< 111 t 'I'' 11 I• I 111 t p11111f .'I ,11irtof , • COMMUNl fY COH EOt. full•'10 n 14, O••"U• CoHI 1 J 'h ote Dr Ou•,tere JI.II tjl I t 1 ti) 0 fl I lulhdt·•• I U 0 I H ( t ., ••• , I 1,• I c I 111t 1,1.1y l' 11d1rc 111t 1u ., • , t•tttl lll .... '• t•I 1 I 1 I If f t •14 lndMdu•I Hu1hln9 t t 1 I f t fl I II I I "tl+I I' , I ,,I "' •l\IY • t lh 11i1 •Ill I r1tllJt1~ t f f ~JI .. Hf If'"' llllllU 11 I I 11 ~ ~1111 I, 'd I tl"l.,_,i111Jm ,,, It.HI! UJ t /H. tl1id1 \ t I I I ., I I I •• Iii ... ' .".. ..,. ' tll I if••t t .ti If. tnf11wldu•I .. •••lttV I _.. .. 1 11 I' t-. I H It Ill , f t I I , 1 ., ~ .,_ C I t I I '' IH' I' • 11 I I I U 111 fil •Ill! Ath·' it t11f • UCll1 It ,i.;i tlt'll I J II I• O•m• !ft•fl•HC• 1 1• 1H1, 1 I • .• 1'1H OCC F lnlJl•tllvt l R•c•l•h111 lu,11l11w1 1' ,_. it•i l,11fll111tj, tt•, 1• I It IHI ' ' t1 t• 1 4 tit f~ 1 1• 1 t I'\ 1 Jt4 t•~ ' h I l·t fl I IH.t 11\ / ,. If• •• I • I I J I ~ , I I t • ' '»A I , • t 4 t ,. ,. M .• ,f •• I J. t 1t•fllll I UJ4" t f f I I I' SPACEMAKER BRACKET -BINS l ~~r. .~ ~ 5 BIN With 4"x4"x5" Bins 4 BIN With S"x3"x 17" Bins 4 llN With S"x7"xl 7" Bin s I've bin look i ng for a kitchen organ izer, and here 'tis. Beats toaaino it a ll in to a d rawer and tellino yourself, 'TU remember where I put~." Limited quantities. TIME COMMAND 12 S?c~48 gives you 12 on I oUa per day. ARTIFICIAL GRASS CARPET 1 ~N7IT. 6 t-t wide. The grass may be greener on your aide if you pu t some of this stuff in the P,'ltio. ENERGY SAVER GAS WATER HEATERS JOO GAL. 11888 40 GAL. 12888 If your old water heater isn't up t o snuff, you 're kissin g more than a few buclu goodbye These have 5 year tank wa rrant y. ~ •. _ ~ FOREMOST . .. , ~-ENTERTAINMENT ~· CENTER rn ~,_.,,, 1977 ·~ #942 Walnut finished st a nd m a kes a so u nd h ome for your sound system. bu t you put it togeth er. { Whattaya expect for the m oney?) BLACK & DECKER 35"·HEAVY DUTY WORKMATE 69!~035 You'll love working with this guy. H e holds up to 750 Iba. and hia swivel grip handle• odd ahapea and lumber up to 26" wide and 42" diagonally. A & P RIGID DOOR STOP 19:990 BraA finlsh. puts a atop to that wall banging. ( If you don't laugh at th ... jokH, you should be uhamed. N o re•pect for the •lderly.) PIONITE HIGH PRESSURE LAMINATED PLASTIC 43~FT Relax, there's no high pressure to buy 1t The qua ntities a re li mited. tho ugh. LIMITED QUANTITIES so d on't procrastina te. RED DEVIL SPEED DEMON LATEX CAULK 59~3 0Z Aunt Penelope's no speed demon H er '54 Dodge doesn 't know it h as three s~ds. and probably n ever will. I ' ' TEXTURE Tl-11 s;," EXTERIOR SIDING 11~.~ 'I Grooved 4 in c h es on center, looks a whole lot classier t han the old stucco walls t hat a re h oldi n g up the roof, Fred ALL TRADE 5 PC . COMBINATION WRENCH SETS ~~-f'bi I~! C h oose SAE or Metric set_ (What'• happened t o our conversion t o metric? H ow many of you have it down? Aha, I thought so.) BUDGE NYLON FOAM SEATCOVERS 4~~ Ju.t give ua the fact.. 5Q-t. Friday. OK. they fit 4 door 1olld back or 2 door 1plit bade and come in blue. blac k or beige. \ ROOTS, RELATIONSHIPS. RESPECT 11 .... 1.t 111 .... 1 iltl• ~·1tl\ .111tl ,,,.. 1.1.••lk 111111 tit 1111 If 111d lu 1 1t1ftlf11Uttlt \ otU Ii •I •HU I\ I lif1 lln I" I ,,,. 11 j1Ul.1ltt1U V. 111 lh ttH )11Uj.( 1t111ti•h111tt111 f11 t1t11--.._ I;,, lfu 1 t..11,1 uuJ. I•• 11• ft, 1'11u 1111• ,111d null littd \nlll"., It .' ttllft "·' "' 1•, .. -.1 ••I llu I 11 I H Ut 1 lt·d 111 ,, ttun1h1 t ttf 11It11,d ••Ill ~~i I ~ 11 10" I ... 1,lt11~ i h1 ltf" 'l tu 1111 ••ft ,1 1111tt • •ii .111-.t.u ''''" I •• • .tll J1tu11 •' , .. , d 11,1111•• 1 _, •u• !\1, tt•·•••t.lf11I ~11 S u111h fl• ttU 1111 ltd ,.11 I \t I\ htJ•fll\ \\1 ,, 1•1 .1•• l11l ltt1 1111. lq~ ... Ill•~·'"''"''·'" I J(, I 1 11 Ill • 1\. .111..t ·I• .,,. I ( 't"' I , ~ 11\1 H 11 •1.ll ii \HU .u• )11,.,k.!1 1).~ fl1f ,1 ff .11 • ·"'" • I \ I• I """ lh• ""' \ ""' •ti !Ill• j(J ll V •t1d h.ud '••t t THE STARNES COMPANY 760-1397 673 -1761 OtlUIY 4a Clll'llTA _ .. TWO ---ONGS AMF PARAGON TIME COMMAND TIMERS Easy t o set, accurate pluo -in t im era let you turn lighta on a nd off when you're away, or h ave t he coffee ready when you stumble out of bed. TIME COMMAND Ba s ic unit gives one on/off operation per day. 11Cl02B TIME COMMAND 48 7 99 •Cl96B Like a speedy surgeon. m asterminds up to 48 opera t ion• per day. CORDLESS-FONE 79!~ Got the last number redial feature, &nd leta you work 1ns1de or out up t o 500 ft. from ba.se un it w ithout m ia ino a call. Limited Ouantitiea. HA VO LINE 30 WT. MOTOR OIL 69coT. At this price you'd expect there to be limited quantities. a nd by golly, there are. You 'r·e too sharp for m e. AUSSIE WOOLIE GENUINE SHEEPSKIN SEATCOVERS .437!. For square~h.dc bucket seats. They've got & stretch h.ck for a super fit a nd come in Tan or Charcoal. JOBE'S ECONOMY HOUSEPLANT FOOD SPllES 99c ~~a -; _., PAK OF 30 -kM"-", •'-FERTILIZER SPIKES Each spike feed1 all y .. r_ 5 99 BOX OF 20 WESTINGHOUSE SEALED IWI READLIGITI •6014 •4000 •9001' YOUR CHOICE If you're driYing one of thoee one· •,.cl can, you ',.. crulaing for trouble, and Brocl•ricla Crawford'• gonna pull you ~r. 1~A~ ,\ ) : ¢! 0 0 0 4 ca ca s ac :cs g 4 p • • 01011uu CO"•' UAIL v Pll ()I S11111luy OUuhtll .I I 11111:1 Little League,Gauchos,officials take it on chin :In.• on•• lnt••r••!llt••d ? M y thank, lo llw l>111ly 1'11111·,.. 'IMll h t'<htul .111d i.h1(( f111 th1·11 lwlp 111 t1111li111( 111<11\ 1du111, .11111 bu,1n1•obt'1> 11111•11•,tPd 111 01>1.11111111ot .1 1 li.u tl'I 1111 L1ttlt· I A.'••glw B.1,,d1i1ll li11 U11f11r1u11ut1•ly. v1·1 ,, 111111· 11111•11•,1 \\ ·" 8t'l\1•1111t'<l hy till' .1111d1• 111 <)..I ~ti A 1111 .d ol 11v1· n·i.po11~~ '·' 11111 mudl lo ich11ul .iho111 w lw11 ,.,u '""'1d1•1 llll' 1111111 pup11l,1t11111 111 N.·wprn t · On1• v1•1y 1•111hu:o.111:-t11• v1•Ulll{ 111.111 1·.1ll1·d . 11ll1•rtnj( ltt IWl!J 111 u11y way pni...,tlill· An11tlt1•1 1 .. 111 1·111111• from 11 lll<1JU1' l1·.1gw· hus1•h.ill p1td11'1 .111x111us to h1·lp, 1101 Jllst f11r lh1· lw1wf1t 11f 1111· 1rn11111u1111\' "" .1 whvlt'. but for his tw11 .-..1111-.. , w1·ll Thl'll, tlu•it• WJs lh1• 1·1111 fr11111 two 1.1eli1·s 1t•llt11g 11w th;it Nt•wport &•1wh dul 11111 111•1·d .111ythtng ·'' middl1' dass a~ L1t1lt• Lt•agu1• B.1sl'l1.1ll 111iag11ll'' Fmully, lh1•r1• was lht• l'lwnn111g '-'11111.111 whu 1·alkd. s::1y1ng that if till' k11b 111 N1·wport w;111lt<tl 111 play l>ast•ball, lh1•y l'l1Uld kt'l't> g111ng to ( 'o:-.l<• Mt·s:1. ltkt.• alway!. I say. IC'l's kt."t'P b.Jst•ball Ill lh1· 1.·11mmu111lv fu1 our kids By ubt.unmg our uw11 < h<11 ll'r, wt· 11\~u1·1 · that eat·h <:h1ld 1.·a11 play l.>.1~d1.1ll JI no l'h,1rg1· tu thal child lllUbt .10111 togl'llw1 .md fnrr11 a ho.ird ul d1rt.'(.·tur... ::.olit·11 ::.punsur~. 111J11.1g1·r... ;md n•.ot h1·'· and most 1mp11rwn1. g.Jlht•r .1 h1111d1 o l l-1d-. \\ho want lo havt• good. dt•an fun I am .1sk1t1g aga111 .111y111w lllll'l'l'Sll'd'' H:111dv I loll11l.1~ Olll~latlng rappf•d During tht• rt.'<'t.'nl NFL stnkl' I dt<t'ldt•d lh~1l 111 order to sausfy my appN1t1• for footh.11l 11 m1gh1 l>l· a good idea to attend sornt• of t hi· ltx:;,il high ~·h11ol fa re since I hadn'l don<' so n•gularly ft•r yt.•ar:-. As an old Cosw Mesa 1 llgh &hoot gradual!• (Class of '6:n I lhought thttt 11 n11ght bt· 1ntt•rt:~t111g to atte nd somt' of ils gunws I was plt•a::.antly surprised at tht· quality of play .ond 1•nthus1asm uf the playrrs as compan·d to my Sl'houl yt•ars. However, thcrt' is onC' l'lt•ment of th1· ganw wh1t·h thoroughly mystifirs and ang(•rs m1· I have st'<'n sax gamt'S and an sonw l'<ISt'5. tx .. ·11 privy to SC<.'lng some g<inw faln'U> In all ca:.t~ tlll' officiattng has invo lv1-d t•ontrovc•r..1.11 c·al}s wh1d1 directly altert.'Cl th1.• out<.'OllW:. of the g.inws N11w I am not n<x't'ssarily romnwnung on JUdgnwnl c·<Jlls which can always be SC'<..'ond gu1>:..~'Cl. but on calls which show a dlStmct lack uf knu\\ ll'l.lg<· of lht> game A case• in point lb tht• Jlway::. tough pa~ interferCnt'e call (Don MNt'Cltth onl'l' thoroughly confused himself and has TV .1ud1t·nu· whtlt> explaining ll) In thrl'<.' s ut't'l'SSl\'1• gaml'b I ..,...\ .. an 1mproix•r call and two 1mproi,x·r non-C'all::. However. a recent gamt• l:x·twt•tm Mt•s..i I hgh and Saddleback High School brought an cill-unw low in high sc·hool off1c1ating All four offlcwb v. 1·rt· at best incompetent and d1st1ngu1sht-tl lht·ms ... lvt•s .py continually m aking their prt.•sc•nl't' fl'lt with 'timely calls and one d1stmct1v<.· non-c:aJI Thl' bt<•~ s£'em ed to part1(·ularly be against the Mt·sa offensive lint> as th<.·y ronunually calh.-d them for Monarchs • w1n at Mt. SAC By JOE DUDEVOIR stleclel 10 ti.. D•ttr Piiot WALNUT Matt•r Dt·t High 1·apturt'd the· varsity men's d1v1s1on 11 team swt·t·p::.tdkC'~ lltlt· Saturday at th<.· Mt San An1ona11 lm•1ta11onJI aos:. country meet by plaC'mg thrh· runnc·r. among lht· lop ten finishers Monarchs' head coach Bob R1 l'hardson. askt'<.l before the meet Vvho would be th<' tt.'c1ms to lx'at for the t1lle, n ol(od. "I know El Dorado wall be Vt•ry tough And another team. Valhalla (from San Diego). 1s also ouLStandmg .. Richardson had ll figured right as El Dorado finished second. and Valhalla took third But 1 CROSS COVNTRl' neither had the depth o f MatN Dc•1. which won 11 going away. Said Ric hardson after the win. "We were scared. but confident. We had a pleasant surprise 1n Dominque Adams. who ran in the fourth sconng slot. He's a sophomore and has never run a varsity race before. but he really came through for us. We had a better clocking today than 1n last year's CIF' meet, so I'm very pleased with the effort " Mater De1's Mitch Eddy clocked a 15.20.9 to finish fourth in his d1v1Sion. followed by teammates Ricky Martinez (15.28 9. seventh) and Ro b Arsenault (15:36.2, runth) Martm Sandoval of Monte Vista High finished first with a 15:08.1 effort E1 Toro checked in with a third place finish tn division m team acuon. With Monte Vista taking first and Montebello ~nd. by the narrow mar~an of 121 -125. Area teams dominatl'd tht· d 1v1stun thrt·t· varsity women's sweepstakes, with El Toro taking first, Mater Dc1 third. Dana Hills sixth. and University ninth. Mater Dea's Clare Feit and Machc>le Buck both broke into the top ten, finishing fourth and eighth. respectively. Drag boat titles on the line today Veteran Frank Dade of Simi Valley posted the fastest quahfylng tame Saturday for unblown fuef h y dro ra ci ng boats with a s p ee d o f 203.75-miles-per-hour In action at Irvine Lake under the National Drag Boat Association banner. Championships tn l 7 different blown and unblown drajt boat categories will be determined today at lrvi.ne Lake with action getting under way at 9 this morn ing and roncludlng around 5 this afternoon. Dade. on e of the oldest drivers still active on the NDBA circuit, powered his Smoke on the Water h ydro to top speed for qualifying runs. Today's action pits two boots s1de-by-s1de beginning with the quarterfinal round. MOllt categories of boats ar1~ down to the final eight although aeveral wlU be competing with 16 in the action that has bec:.n relatively colm for the first two da~ with no flips recorded. • DallyPflot e clatsffteds • wortcfor • you. can '42·5671 ' • ~ -~ . . . hluc k111g IH 111\.\ llw "''"'' 111 th•· tlt1 11 • ,,11d 1 ltpp111._ 111111• twlu 11 · 111'1••11111llt•d) ()111· d1•f1·11,1v1· l1111•111Jll WU' 1 llt'tl 1111 111111\.\ Ill).( ,1 oft h •11d1•1 111 1111' f.tlllllllcl l1y 1111' l11·l11ll'l ltlll' j.(•11111' 111111 :;l\llWt'<I th,11 Ill' lll>l'd ,1 d1·•111 pl.1\ 11\ 1otrnhl11111ot lt1' ... 1t11uldt•1 .111d ,111'dcl111g tlw 11lf1 ·1is1v1• lt1wn1.111) lhu 111...: 11111· M1•:.a d11v1· th1·M' lypt'"' ol 1 .. h ·11·1· 1·alb ll''\llt1•d 111 :1 l'lt,11lltf lllld till y,1ldS f11r ,1 ftl'Sl d11w11 ti h,I\.,' 1wv1·1 . 1•v1•1 ict•1•11 th1i.') So wlll'11 Mt•sa '4 lllHI I 111111 tf11~ fHISillllll 1111 tfll' llt•ld 1111 ,1 llllddlt• si·r 1•1•11. wlt.11 h.1J11>•·n~" Al t1•1 .111 1111t1.ol fl llj.( fo1 111ugl1111g 1111' V"'"''" 1111111lwr 11flw1u l "spot," a d ip (tlw g.11111• 111t11 11•v1•a l1·d 111111 11 waic11'1 11111d1 111 a 111111.·k 11·1 al11111• .1 l'11p) :m lhut llw pl.o y 11ni..1 lw 11·i>t·.1t1 .. 1 .111d tlw 1h 1v1• was ult1m,1tt·ly ~1y11111·d 1\ "11 lc-l.11\'I .if 11·1 S.11ldld>.11·k :-.c.·1111•d .1g.1111 Ill 111.ik•• 1ht· "'1111• :1:) I :1 (,1 11.1lu1·;il lt•ttlow11 1111 M1 -sa), ,J l1111g l'J~' Ii)-Mt•.,,,. WllS llll'lllllfJlt•lt• l1t'l'Jllst• tht• 11rf1n.il d11l11'1 1·;111 a hump by llll' d1·f1·nth 1 h•:f111t• ,1 'atd1.1blt· h.111 w11 tlll'fl'1 M.1k1 1111 1Hhl.1k1· S:11ldl1·bal'k pl.1v1'll w1•1l ,111d pruli.il1l~ d1·'l'I \'t'<I 111\.\111, hut 11·1"., lt•I lh1· boys d1'l·1tl• 1h1· 111111·01111-. 11111 ~11111• off11·1.il who has ~• -.111 mg 111 hi' JM1t'k1•t (uop'>, anulhl'I I l:1g poppt'<.J uul') ( · .. n11 1111 ld(.,w-.. 11'1', h·.1111 till' rull''· 'wallu\\ our wl11,1l1·' 111 1111 .. t th1• play1•1-.... hul by all 1111·ans. lc.•t th1•111 pl.1\' H1111.1ld L Paul G1111e•h., ... lfnod, but ... '1'111 11111:! S.11 lcll1 ·h111 k <. '11llt•J<1• M1 d1u < :u1d1· m ,1k1•, tlll' ,11111•1111•111 tl111t "lh•· S11ddlt•liJ1'k foulh«ll 11'11111 h," 11111:.l11l••11ll y 11111\lll'tl h11(hl'I 111 1111• i-t.111• 1u11k111K' th,111 w1v •1tl11•1 1•1111111111111ty 1 otll1•j.(1• tt•:1111 1n 1111· ''"It' " '1'111· <.:.1u1 l111i. 111111·11tl y 'P"l t .1 'i.'l. g.11111 • w11111111y, ''"'Jk, tl11• l1111J<1 •111 111 1111' 11at11111 Th1•y 1111• u11d1111htt ·dly .1 v1•1 y 11111· l1~1th.11l 1t•a111 But l'l'Ull y lak1• .1 K•HKl look .;t llw l'Uhlw1 11f 1111•11 llfllH~1t1111; dun11g 111111 111 •1'11HI T"k' T11k1 Ti.k' Sh.11111• 1111 you C :1u11 """ .ind y1111r d1•11111l 1llo11 1 n ·w lor hl·111111g up 1111 all tho-.1' 1•n •11111pul I:. you h.ov1· Oll('t' 1.1g11111 sdlt'dul1·d 1 ... 11 tn11 · 1h.1t 1h1· < :au1'1111:-h.1v1· 1>1·1·11 1rv111g ttt g1•l < 'h,1ff1·y ('1Jll1•g1· to 11111·1· agu111 fll'ld a f~>11th;1ll 1to;1111 a11d n ·lllt 11 111 tlu• All mq~hty M1:.s11111 ( '111111'1t•111·1•1 Maylx· till' C • .udios l'Llll bl'l tht• «II 111111· I lll\S4,'('U l1Vt· l~lllllllllllllY l'till1·1.w w111n111g rt'('Ol'd (l'UI l'l 'llll,Y 47 slrJ1ght WlllS ) ;,ig.11nsl l'haffl'Y HI I !:IH4 Tl11·y have• .1 gn•al d1~11w1· ai. long as tlwy stay 111 th1· M1~"on/D1-.1ll'yl,111d ('1111f1•ri·11<'1· It lb 1m1• of tlw w1 .. 1k1·st tunft·r1•n1·l'b, J11d ha ... b1·1·n. s 1nt·1· Suddlt-11.11 k's 1111l1<1l d1.1mp11111-.l11p 111 1h1• 1 uggc·u Ut.·s1·1 t <:1111fl•r1·m1· 111 l!:lll!I S1110· I !:170 tlw M1:..'i1un l'onfrn·nn· ha!. only om· 1t•;1111 (Cllru!>) that ha!. a winnmg 1X'ITl'ntag1o> of bt.•t11·r than f100 If you munl Santa Ana (5 wins and :i lo:..'><·s) whu Jrnrn·d th1• 1·onfcn•1w1· 1n !!:IHI lhl'll lht•fl• a rl• lWU tt•Jfll!) llV('I 500 A' I 1111·11111.1wd l14·l1111· S,1ddl1 b,,, k "' ,, v1•1 y I 1111• t1101h.1ll t1 .. 1m n1ayh1· the· 111"1 111 (. 'aht111 Illa But w1• will 111•v1•1 11•.11l y k1111w how W•1tl ttwy 1tr1· 111 111uld 11 .. ..,,. fw .. n ,11t lt111g us tlll'y <1ml111Ul' w pl11y Mlt'k1•y M1111'1· .11111 I ><111ulcl l>rn k Wh1·11 ;111 you lwv1• tu do 1ic JMllnt (1,1 11111' h'illll ("01111·11rr11•!. I wu) Jll Yt'JI II I' u w11111 l1 •1 th1•11 ll'l'Ol d Isn't lx.•ttt•r ()f •our, .. llll'Y d11 .,dlt'duli·11oi111• l11ugli 1u111 l'<lllfrrNwc· frn·' l1k1· Vtt 1111 V,11l1•y, 01u11g1 · c· .. ,,,..1 ,1nd LA So11lhw1·st Tlw11 1111-<11:1 gu1dt· '"' I 1111 ol I 1'1'111 d i. '>t'l IJl(l.llr\bt .. ud1 ll\Jtlll11111.JI pow<•rs 111'1 (i.1vtla11 , Cyp1 es.,, N<.•pH. HPdltmds f111sh , H1.tr1tt11w, '1ol Luth1·r1.1n frci11h. ( '11111.•!(1• ol tlw l>i ·st·ll. Mir1.tC11st.1, lmpc•r1al Viillt-y, MI San .lan1110, H111 llondo. l'lt' I wa,.. su1 IJ' li«.'<.I to wt• lh<1t M1•lodyl:111u ll1gh Sd111ul 1-. 1111l •11w of th1•1r v1et11ns M:oy l.w 1\l'xt y1·ur Tlw t!1H:1 -.c:ht:dult· h<IJS not hc.·t·11 .irmuum'l"<I y1·1 Last y1·ar S:11tdlt·h;11·k w.i:. voh'<I (11 must have· l>1.•1•n uy Alfn·<l F: N1•wma11) lht• h '.1111 ol tht• dt'('lJdt· I W70'1t) Wh;,it :o Jok<'' Th;,it h..i!. lo rJnk il' onl' of ttw .111 l1m1· HIJU'>llt't.•' 111 l'llOllllUnll \I t fJJlt·gt· foutb1:11l S.1ddh·b,1l k h;1d 1L' 1h<1nt1· to p1ov1• tht:'y art• truly um• of Cal1furn1<t'::. top t•·«m'> whl•n thc·y 1.·u11trl)lkd 1hc•1r own dc-suny a' 111 what tonferf'nl'e ltwy would !Jlav 111 this vc·ar Th1·y t hoM> to i.l<iy in lhl' D1sm·yland C11nft•1 l'r1l'1· M.111 y footbull fans would lik<' to :-.<.·t· how g<Mi<l 1h1· Cauc·ho.., rl'ally an" It h~ long b<·t·11 lime· for SaddldJa1·k to stand up amJ play w1lh th1· big boy::. Who know!., thc·y JUSt might Ix· dt~wrving uf all lh1•1r high rankings Jam<~ Ct'<.' 50% OFF 17.66 1.87 1 5 liter 14-K Gold Jewelry Our gleaming colloc11on 1nclude5 chains on pcpufar lengths. eamngs. charms ana 1n" 1oa1s GE Steam Ory Iron Spray/steam/dry 1ron 27 steam vents Alum solep4a1e Dove OlahwHhlng Liquid Milo loqutd tor washing dishes 22 II oz 3.87 9.88 Glaaa TH Kettle Vanity Chair Glass dccanlm, holds 2 qts 01 wa P1c1hc cage Metal frame. allrachve ter seat 2.37 sac ChrlatmH Card• Envelopet Keebler Club Cracker• B@aultlul cards in t1ssoned oosions. Frosh, croapy and slightly sailed saes Box or 40 •Nel wt.. 1.97 CyttncMtt lfflcone Spray W1t1rprool1 boott, tenta, 7.97 1.37 Full/Twin Acrylic Blanket Wondel1ulty soft and warm. •n mutl• oolot pnnll, mechtno was"-ble Nylon Tight• tor Girl• In a vallety ot ciofs F11 S· 7 1('"91/0ufffl 11.17 1.18 1.97 Aerotol Spray'n WHh Kt1o• Coffee Creamer l aundry aoht and 1t11n remover Non-dall)'. powde1ed c1oal'rlfff con· 'Net wt. lain• no milk. •Net wt Fiberglass Belted Radial Whitewalls 36~99 PlusF.E.T.1.51 Each • Our loweat-prlced r•dl1I • Popullr P metric 91z•• • Aggreulvhe tre1d dealgn • The s. .. on A•dl•I Spanada/Tyrolla "ll's Pany Time•" 7.44 Men's Flannel Sblrt• western ·~ aooents this cotton p4atd short closure, tails sac Hetty Tall Kitchen B•g• 1 S Hefty• 2·pty kitchen bags b llpecM 12 ..... . . . .u w . AVAILABLE AT YOUR LOCAL ~c=11..-··~ l • ·-==;;,-·--p-.. -·-~-,,..~··· --"""1~-. --- flt111111u C.0111,1 DAil V PIL O T /Sunduy Oc.to bor J I 198/' 113 Dotterer sparks Stanford upset of Huskies From Al' dh1p1tkbcr. S T AN 1"0 Hll Mtkt• l>11ll1•n •t', II lot'll\t'I l!Ahs1111 I li~h '1'"111d11tn , nm 4ti y u1 ds Im ,1 trnwhd uwn m1dw11v 111 tlw i>t,·0 11d µ.•nod , 11pt•11111~ .1 S 1.11d llnl 111•urtng h111..i1· whu h l .11 1 tt<tJ llll' (. '.1rd11111b Ill,, ·t:t :t I Upst't Vll'tury OVt'I st'l.'lllld ra11k1•d W11i..h 111g11111 """ t•ndt•d lh1· llu,kh·i< Ill g111111• w11111111~ ''""·dt Saturd11v S ta;1ford l11i.1 1h1• f111llh111l •>11 .1 I u111hlt• 1111d tnlt'l't't•ptlon , 1111 Its f11'l>t l Wll pl,1y:-. from M'l'llllllHlgt· a nd tn u ll·d Wash1ngto11 17 7 1111d w:iv 111 tlw s1'\·11111I penod Tht• Card11111l llfCenM'. d 1n•\'lt'tl by 4uarll·rl1a1·k J ohn E lway. t h1•11 rruplt·d fur :w puin ls 111 1:1 m inutt•s. and Sumford lt'(I :n-17 t'lirly in tht· lhtrd quar ter Dollc·n.•1', a tatl~1l-k. gol a kt•y b ltK·k frt1111 fullbal·k K a u lana Pa1·k on tht• 41i yurcl louehd1lw 11 run, and Dotte r<'r's I -yard to uchdow n run u f1 •w m in ult.•s latt•r St.'nt Stanford uht'ad , :W-17 Duttt•rt•r f1111sht•d with IUn yard:-. ru:-.h111g Elwav oassed for 265 yards and two touc·hdowns lit• found for ml'r Fuu11ta111 Valley ll1gh s ta111.J1111l Emilie Hur ry six time~ fur tiO ya rus Fre!lno St. 40. l.1B S t . 22 FRESNO -Long Bt·ach Statt''s Todd Dtllll11 set lht• ret'Ords but F n :s110 Statt.''s Jdf Tt'dford won t h e ga m e with th rl'c touchdown passes as lh e Bulldogs beat the ·Hll'rs ·10·22 in a Pat·ifil' Coast Athle tic Conferent'l' ganw. Ted ford c:ut through t he r<i1n with thn•e w11~·s'r Ill JI IN/JI JJ> lutll'hdow11 I'll:<•-"'' 111 111·111 y t•:1t.i1 d 11., 1111· B1Jlld11g' hulll .,1 :!7 ;1 1h11 d q1111rlt·1· ll·;ul 'l't-.lf•ll'd Wlli.. 17 nl :11 for :.!!l°/ y;,,1 d ' w lult· I )1111111 1·11111plt•1t•d :i~ 111 !1!> Im :1117 y.11 tl1<, '1hn•1• trn1d11l11w11s .111d l ollr 11111•11•t•pl11111s t>1llon :.t•t " Pl'J\A 11 ... ·m·d !111 11111"1 1·m11pl1·111.11' Ill .1 Mllllll' ,\lld llt'll tlll' t'tlllll'l\'lll't' l'l'('llld f111 llltlSl .1tt1•111p1 .. 111• Sl'I "'l11K1I Sl'.1'(111 ll'('Utd:. 1111' lllUSl lotul puss111g y1u d s (:.!,:tU!\), at 1t•111ph t:l:.!!"1). 111111pll't11111' t 1117) 1111cl IOI.ii 11ff1•11s1• \:t,W 7) ('al 28. OrPl(on !tit. I ·I · l'OH VJ\ LLIS. 011· J11h11 '1'11gglt· 111s h1·(l tor I 117 y ant.. .111d a p:11r .,f t11ud1d11wns whif1· qt1.11 lt•1 lim·k .I '1'1wd11u pa ... s1·d for :.!:I:! yo,1rtb und ,1 :o.t'<>fl ' ·" (\1lt l1ir111.1 rollt•d Ill a :.!II l·I Pi!e1l11· ltl l '.•lll•·ll'llt't' v11·1111 ,Y 11v1•1 w111l1•'s Orq:1111 Stall· Thi• Rt·ars, 5 :1 ll\'1·r;dl ,11111 :!-:I 111 tht• l'a1· ltl, t .qnt<1l111 ·d '"' -;1•v1•1.d ( )rq::on St~lll' 1rnst<1kt•i" to pull .1w.1 y 110111 llw l.k•;.iv1·r:-. with a pair uf lh1nl-4uartc•1 1m1t hd11wns t )r1·g1111 St.tit' 1:-. O-f1-l 111 tht• n111f1·n ·111·1· .1111.l 0 -7 I 11v1 ·1.tll C:d lc•d I I 7 wh1•11 l{t ·;1vt·rs 4ltarh·rhut·k J,.fl Sl'av lumhlt•d tlw ball 1111 hi!> own ~1 v;1nl h11<· :111d fk ;;r hrwli.1d,1·1 Him H1v1•1-;1 n·t·uv1·rl'd at tht· On·gu11 St<1lt• H 011 lht• 1wxt µlay . Tuggh• sl;islwd ----------- "'-ao-e-ct ---( , g " ""'' r't,t~~l1· l<>t 1111· '""1' 111 111;1k1· 11 :!.I 7 w 11l1 •t lit 11•11 111111111~ HI 1111' lhlld ll\'I Ind l.1111 1 111 1h1· quurt1·r. ,, I'•"" 111l•·1 l1 11·1w1· 1a·1111lt v ··~:.1111'1 OIC'j.11111 S t.111 · .11 lva1111•d lh•· hidl .H v.1111' Ill tlc1· B1 o;1 v1·1 ~ I:! y;11d 11111· '1'1111·1· t•l.1 y1> l.111•1. '1'1111111 .. l1.fl1·d II I:! y.11d ~o(ltl 111)( fl·"' 111 W1·' 11 .. w1 ·ll. \\ 1111 111.1111· 11 Jll~~l1n~ •'o1ld1 111 1111 1•11d 111111• Ill 111;d<1· II .-.,,,, IJl••lfu !tit. 2 1. l l t11h 1 1 SI\ N I JI t·:< ;( l M.11 k Ml'l<.1,Y '"""" ,, I , y.11 d 111111 hdow11 JM:o>:-. 111 \ '11 1111111 Sa11q1.,1111 w1 1 l1 :1:.! M'l 'llllds ldt 'Ill 1111· g.111\t', J,.!IV111g S1111 ll11·w1 s1.11 .. a :! I J 7 •'<>t11t · I 1 ""' l11·h 111.t vwt•11 v 11v1·1 1 h1· ll111v1·1"1t)' 111 U t ;d1 111 ,, w,.,11·111 /\tlikt1l' ( '1111'1·11·111 I' g.11111• Tiii' A1H·• '· "1111 1111pr11v1 .. I tl1t•11 <>v1•1 all 11·1·111d t11 I 1. :! :! 111 W/\l ' ')>by, i.:c11 1111 · ludl 1111 ll11•11 own :!ti y:1rd l11w w 11li I OH 11•111;1111111g . .t 11·1 ,, t ll;ih punt IVll'Kav p.1sM•d 111 D111'lll1> l>urh.1111 lw .1 :!-! y:11d g;i111, thn1 t·1111111l .. 11 •d :1111.1111·1 I'·"" l11 S;1111ps1111 frn ;1 g.1111 111 !J v.11'1!1>, p11t l111g 1111· h:dl 1111 1h1• lJ11 ·,.,· 17 vanl 11111· · Al tc·t t '' 11 p.1::.."'' lt·ll 1111·111111'll'l1" S.1n1ps1 111 got h1'11111d 1v.11 d1 ·ft-11dc·rs ;111cl Ml'K:1y hH h1111 with t lw g.111w w11111111g t11ud1d11w11 pa":-.· Thi• U11•1>. who tlroppi·d 111 :1-:1 ov1·r:ill <1lld :! :1 111 n111f1·1t•rn·1'. h.ul t;ikt·11 .1 17 ·1 lt•ad lat1· 111 lht· th1f'd q11.11 tv1 wlwn T1n1 f'ahnng<'r k11·k1•d J :! vard f1c·ld gt 1.11 • 2 97 Boya • t-11 88C SKEIN 1.77 Speak & 6-Pr. Pkg. Crew-length Tube Socks Acryhc/stretch nylon wllh striped lop ...,, .• su .. 10-13. .... . . .... . .. ........ 3.97 Spell Compact l earning Aid An electronic speaking llld lor grades 2 to 6 4-Pty Sayelle Yarn Choose 4 oz • skein sohd colors. or 3 'h oz • • omt>res Orton• acrylic. Flex Shampoo & Conditioner Revlon balsam & p101e1n pH conec1 sham- poo and instanl hair cond111oner 4.90 Women's C1nvas One Strap Ballerina EmbrOldefed cotton canvas upper Brown rubber SOie. Cotton canvas Nned. Blacii. color. Women'• snes. CAFETERIA SPECIAL Bowl of Chlll Small hot dog and a small order of lrencl'l Ines. 68.99 f ront Diec ... ..,,.. 8"clal FOt m1ny U.S .. foreign cara. l.lghl tn.leit• hl9I'* ~ peda. 110 u...•.1 O.vetot>/Prlnt Focar or Kodak· Fiim Slrea 110, 126, 3Smm & New Oiac• Film R99ular Procen lng 12 Exp .1.97 24 Ex!1" 3.57 l 5 Exp .3.27 36 Exp .5.97 20 Exp .2.97 Kuatomat 4" Print• 12 Exp .3.97 24 Exp .5.97 20 Exp .5.47 36 Exp 7.97 FuM frame ()t.n\$ on 9J0'\~r pa(MM Photo Greeting Cards 25 C.,da/Enve~ 50 .............................. 14.56 75 .............................. 21.76 100 .. -.. -... -.... -............. 28.56 1.77 Alka·Seltzer Foil pack tablets Antaad reliever M o nd ay Thru Sa turday 3.88 6" Hanging Plants Your cho.ce ol many assorled house ants 6·inch conla1ner SJZ8 ~kg. of 3 Blc Pena I fine pOtnl and 2 med11Jm point Kmart• Sato Price Ltas F1el(lfy Aet>ete Vour Net Cotl After Factory Rebel& 1.27 K mart Pl•nt Foods Citrus & Avocado Food or Garden Fertlltzer 11.88 Door Loek Keylock fOf eictenor door Polished bfass finish. lnttruc11ons included Stereo Music System Soundesign AM/FM slereo~etver. 8-lrack, 16" speakers • 1 $218 10" :~·~. Porta Color TV Vl1t1·Color"' System lor locked01n Channel tuning • GE 1n·hrie picture tube system 1.74 -1.97 -1.50 47~ ~.~t:.'::'=~Or t4.& oz ........... 1. witl'loul CloO· Packaae Of 2 Duracell~ BatterlH Select .re .. or "0 " alkallne batterlea Pkg. Of 2, 9 Volt Batteries ........................ 2.64 Pkg. Of 4, "AA" Betteries ......................... 2.28 QinO ., ............ """ SUNDAY AND MONDA Y ONL Y ~ ~<:8r--. t I lit.di ,,·111t·d lioth 11f 11 , 111111 l1d11w11 . ,11!1 1 '" 11v1 ·1111~: /\11t" l11111lllt .. , Arlz fl1ta :J·I . ff'a!!ihl111f~on .ffit. 11 1'111.1.MAN W11,t. /\1111111.i •Pl•••ll•tl1.11 k 'l'rn11 '1'11111111 liff1· th11 ·w 1111 :.!(H y,,,cJ, and 1 u1111111g bal'k B11.111 llolt.111d 1u,lwd 1•11 .111•1tlw1 '1'/ 111po\\I1 l lll' Wll1k.1t-. ........ W.1r-h111g111 11 S i.111 · :1 1 17 Ill l'.w1f11 10 ( '1111(1·11·111·1· .11111111 lloll.11111. wlui lt•d ,, l!J.I v.11d 1 w.11111).! 11ll.ic k p 11l At11•111.1 up ~4 :1 w1lh ,, :i va1d l•1ud1d11w11 1 w1 ,...,,. fllllllHt •<, 11111• llH· '(f't nnd ljll .. l lt'I ·•fh·I ( 111111111~ Ill 1111' lilt' lllJllfl•d 1•1111 1''11·1'1 11:111 fo'11 ·1·111.111, ;i 'oph111111111 · 1 ut1111111: h.wk 11Ht11111 d 111 .. 111.(lit lt•g 111 th•· ).(11111 .. ·.., 111 ,t ...i·11t·:-. ,eft•·1 1 u,h ,1w :111YJ1tb1111 iwv1·11 1,11111'' 111· '•'l up tlw Wild1 .1l 111 ,1 "'11"'" ,, :.!~1 y.11d f11 ·ld gu.d t.v M••X i'.1·11d1·J"" W .... h111p,1011 S t;1ll·. wh11 h d1 o pp1 d 111 I h J ov1·1.dl. o :l I 1111·111d111 •1111• pl.1y. w;i' l•·d t.y n ·l1 .. 1 t1t1.11 t1•1 l>.11 k 1<11 k,Y '1'111111•1 ' 1:1:! \.11d' P•'''mg .111d ~it. v.11 .i, .. 11 1111 · gr111111d ... a11 .lo~f· ... t . ·18 , I ' \'I , I . I ·I L/\S VE< :1\S S:111 .1 .. .,.. St;ll(' •111.1111·1 l>.11 k S11·v1· \ 'l :1rk~11n P·'""''d 1 .. 1 l\\11 11111< hdowti:-. .• m l 1.111 l11r ;111ot ht·1 '4on· 111 lt·;1d 1111 S p.111;111" 111 J IH I 1 l';1nl 11· ('11.1:-.t Add1·l1• i\''11' 1.it1•i11 v11 1111 v 11\1 1 N1·vi.d.1 L. .... Vi·g ... ,... I lulflnwk:-. Bol1hv .loli11-.11r1 :111d Ho11 'l'lt•ir 11h1 11•. "' ''"'d 1w11·1· 1·,1d1 1111 S.111 .J11-.c· S t .1!1• .1~ Iii• SparLin" \\ h11 1·x,.l1i<h•d 1•11 ~I p11111t...' 111 1h1· f111 • .t I" 11ud. "''·'l>lll'd ,, tw11 g:11111 111..,ing ,, ... .,,k .1 11d 111111111v1 ·d th1·1r "'"'"'HI Ill.t i k II; .) :! :.!-:! In !ht I '('t\I\ UNI .v IS 1111~ I " 1111 1111' ~·.i-.1111 .11111 11 •• 1 Iii I'< 11 If t 'l't'lll'l' pl.i \ l 'l.11 k:-01111 \\Ctlllld Ill• htlltng 1:1 ctf :.l°.! p ;''-'l '!\ Ill 111•, l1 r ... 1 :wo :.·aid g;,,1111· of 1h1· s1-..1!>1111 Anteaters top Stanford, Cal IJC lrVllll', lht• 11:1lt!Jll 0 ' N11 l r;111kt-cl '1111 .. ~1,11• \\-;11 .. r p<Jlo 11•.1111 . n ·t•lt·d l.fl \'1('111111·-. No. lb ;.ind Ii w11h11u1 ,, tlvlv:1t S;1tunb~ w 1lh 1·1111v1nu11g ~ 111 0\'1•r St;111f11rd :111d l'<ilef11n11<1 Tht i\11t1 ;111•1 ~. p!Jy1ng 111 1hc· Long Bt•.11 ~. lrl\ ilal11m:il ;II &•lmunl Pl;11.;1, topp••d St..1nfnrd • I 111 tllt·11 f1r:-.l c111ll\''l and 1l11•n 111p1)(•tl C:iliforn1:1 • I 111 tlw11 st'<:•111d outing St·111ur 1-'t·l1 ·r C.tn1plx·ll f1111:-.lwd lilt• d;1y ~ 111, -.1x goals. fou1-ut th1·m l·11m1ng 111 th1 vwtory O'-ll' WA T ER POLO St.1nf1wd .11•1 I Camplwll ,11ld1 ·d d ... 111gl1· t;dly 111 1111 St:111f1.1 d 111atch and an11th1 ·r agaen.-.t Caltforrna 1'1·11•1 C:.impb•:ll now h <1s :rn •in th1· :-.<'C1s11n t)1h1·r g11iil :-.t•urt•rs for the• Anl1·~111·rs Ill th1· ''''' gam1·s w1 •11• TrPvor Do<b11n <incl Ct·.,rg1• H11lwr1 ..... 11 F-.11·h 1111·k1•cJ up ~1ngl" talllt·!-. m both gan1t·s Thi• lournamt·nl . whH·h i.. m<11111' " showc·<i:-.1• for PCAA <111d P<i1·-lO lt·am!>. l'l)r\t1 11w ' tod.1\ .1l l~·lm1u11 1'!;11;1 ·uc lrv11w will 1:1ngk with t.:SC .il 11 ·-i .r1 th1-. 1iwrn111g and 1 h1 ·11 rn•·l'l UCLA at ~ :30 111 :ht l'Vl'lllll~ l ll' l1 \'11w goal11 · .John (J'Hrwn turrn•d 111 sl1 ••11~· 1x ·11t1n11a111 , .. , 111 bolh n111tc·.<.ti... 1un1111g <i~tdt "" -.hub. ;igc1lll:O.I (.'~d1for111:a ;tlld 11111\' Ill llH' OJX'lll'f \\ lllt tlw l \1rclrnab Bo th VCLA .111d l1SC ,,·1·11· .11,,, d1111ld1 w111111·1,, a-> tht· Bru111 ... dm,·1w<I P ('ppt•rdmt· J 1-.1 Jlld UC Sanw 8;_irb;1r<1 11 Ill, whelP the· Trn1.111 ... top~wd UC S;1nla Bai bar o1 8 Ii .ind P1·µpt·rd1n• I 1-10 011 tht· ecm1mu111l,'I culh·gl' fnmt . Or;1ngt· C11.1'I play1·d thrl'l· gaml·~ Saturday 111 tht• C:-p1• ., ... t11u1 n <111wnt. winning th1· f11wl 11v1•r R111 I ln111I•• I :'i · 11 Tlw P1 r .1 tt·s d111pr11 ·d a I :I-10 cl<'<:1s111n tu :-"'r • 011'go l\k-..1 and il H ti Vt'rd1el lo Long &·al'h C'1l\ Cullq~1· 1·;i1 h1·r 111 tlw day Stt•vt• S immons wa' 1h1 :,4·11nng ll';1tlc·r lor lh1• P1rc111·-: 111 thl· lhrt·1· g.rn11·' h1tt111g Ill go.th lit• h.1d f11ur Ill tht· \'ll Wry ind thn·1· 111 t'.ll'h 1•f tht' olh1•r twu Hn\ l\k{'11rn1wk had six goals for lh< lh11•t g.iml'" ~vl11 l1• Chn-. Alvt·~ wa~ tht• only olhl'r pl:J\• 1 to su11·C' 111 all t.hn"' 11uungs. h1tllng s:ngll' go.1\ ... 111 1•;.,.h J pff Bnmn1d1t· had thrt•(· agam!>l R1n Hw11l11 ;md a fourth 111 the· g;inw with IVh•'a Sports on TV TELEVISION ~I :w ,, rn t:!> !'\FL TODAV A s~11k1 · A Slttk,. u1x latt• with l:kt•nt Musburger NFL '82 updak Wtlh Le n &rman 11 a .m. 171 CBS SPORTS Sl'NDAY. (-1 ) NBC SPORTS SP E CIAL. 1 ;111 pm 11) WEST ER N OLITDOORSM.\N. -1 pm 1:!1 COLLEGE FOOTBALL USC n 1 An10na St.ill'. plaw'fl Saturda:.· 4 :HI pm (7) G R EATEST S P O R TS LEGENDS A prnftlc· of h1gh-flymg Juliu s Ervmg, tlw on ly baskl'lball playl•r lo wm thC' M VP awards 111 holh th•· AHA and th<' NBA Host: Kt•ll I loward . RADIO Nu 1•\'1•nls sdlC'duled Rim upset s Sea King s Corona dl'I Mar's SC'a Kings drop ped thE•1r l1rst vollcvball match of thr St'US11n Saturday night to host Rtrn o f t h(• Wor ld l1 1gh i11 A r rowhc•ad . losini.t :1 I Nippon l'ollcgC' of Japan tJ nd Esta nl'ia H igh µlaet-0 tl11rci in the Los A migos tournament "f would liHY th111 Rim n( th'· World ·l'OU ld lw n 1·1,1rH 1•n1h ·r for No . I In 4-A thl11 year." CdM t•o1w h H11 rnl(J Nore iga :.cold "Doro thy a nd Lit H ert, lw ln siRteri; a nd middll' bl<X•kcrs for t he team a re the best 1 havl' JAMES SPEI l MJN II S Co nr r ,. ' , .S ,'nd 01' fr,, I ~·11!1· Tu1•\. No1 i s 1-cn t his V<-.1r And WC'ndy Hush at S<'llf't is outstanding ... Htm 1s tn the I J\ d1v1s1011 in CIF pl11\lt1ff al'lton llf.'nf.' lil'S.'i, Dana All1•11 and Kara M c\.u1n111•ss pla yt•d w<'ll for 1 hl' St';1 K ings 1n a losing t'HllNt' CdM plays 11t N1•w port Harbor Tut•s<tay n1.:h1 (7.:JO) fur tht• Seu V1t'\\ Ll'nguc c·hump1oni<h1p fo' o r U C 1 . S a n d v li u f nt>r u n d Ci nd y lfohrig l'ach h ad i·1~h"t kills but It wa!ln't £•nouKh tq p 11ns t tht· N ippon squad. Estanci a lost to La Quint.ii ~1nd defeated Snn 0ttt)riC'I to finish third in the LA.is AmlgM tournt•y Amy H athcock . J anr F~rda and Janie<• Tomei P,I nyNt w e I I (or t h 1• 1'~1glt·~ r , . I a 4 a a a 0 II 1111111111111111r11 (IAll 'Y l'llOl1S u11duy, Oc.lul>ui J I, IUtl" 'li1·h iµ.a11· ... Lrn n •1u ·c· Hi<•k t• t·luclt'~ Miniwsota'1'! Pc·tc·r N a juria11 on tit•· Ha \ lo pie "i11g tq1 I :~.> ~a nl ... i11 lht• ~'oh•c·rirw!'!' 52-11 Ui~-10 I ri 11111 p h . - AP Wlr•photo • • • • • • •• Iowa nips Illinois Mit·'1igu11, Nt,.b,.11 . .-.ka ,.,,,,,/, lo vielt>1·it~ · t'111111 Al' 1ll,pall'h1·' II>\.\ t\ 1 'l'I Y '""'' 1··1.111 1'111111,. .... 1111 d .• 1 ...... ti.di 111111 hd11\.\ll .11111 l1111h1 I'"''' 1111 •• 1llU1.d l1111g 11111 l.1t1 Ill tl11 f(.11111 111 111 Ip 111\o\.1 I d~i· 111111•·• • 11 I.I 111 lltH '1'1 ·11 l '1111l11•111 1 11"11 11.111 S.1t111do1 \ I 'l11l l1p·. \o\ ho 111 ,lt1 d 1111 I .111 V.i t d'. Ill .! 1' t .it 111 ~ '>t"o11 1•d 1111 o1 '.,! ,,lfd 11111 Ill 1111 fll ,l 'lll•lllt I .111d l 'h111k l.1111g ll1pp1d .111 II v.11d t11111 l1.l11\o\l1 fl·"'' 111 1<11111111· ll.111111111 111 11111 l11w,, . .r ..... d 11 Ill""'' 1111v. tlw 111111 tl1 1wr11.d 111\\.1, • :111v1·1.dl. •,1·111 11 . 11 .. 11:111· 111 ·111d 111 I I ,1fld pllllt ti llllH ,1 '.I t lllld pl,11 I Ill \.\ 1111 ( >11111 ~l.ol l .fll1•l1l11·1u1 .J2 •. fll111w.-.41t11 I I /\NN 1\1!1\<IH l\folt M11l11~:.111 •111.11t1 tl,,uk S ti •\'1• S11111h ,, llJ.j'I II ti .. .'I 11<•1111 I ,,.111-.11111 Ill .... .... "'"" •(11.11 l• I ·' "" \.\'111\ I 11111 11111111 111 ..... 11 Ill~' 1'1It\11 1111 \ 11\I I l\111 1111 ,1,t,1 Ill llit 11.11111 f111 1111 1.111(1 l\lt1\\ II ,JllJ! Tli• 't1 1111' • 11111.I• ii \\ 11 Ii l•1\o\ o1 I I J I 111111111111 .,,, I 111111111\ ~···'' 1111 W111\.1 1111• ..... 1. 1"1•'' · •. 11111111 111 ,1 pJ.111 111 Iii• t1111l111111• ~1111111 \\fi11 It .1111111 111• \\111 1 1\ll ,\1111 flt .111 I l,111kt I 1\11tl111ll\ t'.1111·1 1111 ,1 •111 \,11 d 111111hd111"11 f'·"' pl.1\ 111 lltt 111-..t q11.11 l11 •·•Pl" rl ,, 111 ~.11d d11\1 ,,1111,,11 ,,1111'Ill11111 1o11 h 111 1111 ·"""" pt I l•N.I '\••br11.-.h11 52. 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'"th 'lr<tt.(!hl '" Penn tale b reezes SOUTll Rl)l li'\ff)L IP G~orflla :J.1 •. fl••mphI .... ftit . 3 AT llENS . t::, (;l'11rg1a ·~ two 1111H· 1\ll r\1111·111'.•ll t<11lti:1vk 111·1:-.dwl W.ilk1•r rc1n for '.!l\l ',,rd, .1 nd l w o tout·hdow n~ ll• :,ha l lt·I' I ht• Southt·.1..,lt·rn Conl• l'l'lll't' 1•;1n·1·1 ...i·11n11g n 'l.·ord ;1!'. till' unlw;.ill•n ;ind 1111111 1.111k1·d Bulldog-. '"'''Pl 11 1 .1 .1 1.;j victory <1\'1·1 hc1plt·" t\l1·111ph1::. Sli.il« Tlw 111..,... t'\U·11d1•d th1· T1gt•1 lo~mg stn·.ik lu 1:1 l1111gt·:-t 111 th1• 11.111111? .1mong llHl.Jtir l·olll'gt'!'\ Walkt•r. ''"11 :ii"> m11v1·d up to sixth on llw .1ll -11mc• NCAA ru,h111g h-.t with 4,701 v;1rd-.. SC't.ir1·d "" run' of :.! I ;. .11 d' 111 th1 ..... .,.,,,tf ttll.tt lt'r .md brokt• thl' SEC t .irt·1·r 'l•ll"trlg m.11 k on a '.! yard plunge· :'> '.!3 into 1h1· flll,11 4u.1111-1· Wc1lk11 now h<as J tot.ti .. r .:7:! p11111h 1>11 ,, kins.: 1 h1 p11 '""u' n .. 11nl 111 :!li!f "1 11\ 11111111·1 (;,.,II g1,1 pl.11 1•ktt k1 I ll1·\ Hoh111 .... 111 tlu1111)! 1 h• 1 •r;7 x11 "·"""' ,..lorlda 19. :tuburn 17 (;r\J ES\ II.I.I': Fl.1 .)1111 ( ;,,1111'.., L! ,,11d I 11 Id ~11,1! \\ llh 11111 ..,., 011d lt·I t t11 pl.1~ h.-. thud 111 lh• g.01111 .ind '4'\ 01111 111 lit• I 111.il thr 1·1 n11nutt"' lt l l!·d F l•u1d.1 111 ,, tlt .1111.1111 l !I 17 Soulht-.1:-.11 rn Confc-n·mt· '11 ton 0 \'1·1 I ~H it 1.mkt'<I Auhurn (;,11111'\ Wht)'.t• :ll \,1td l1tltl ).(II.ti 1.1.ltll .!.!'I} A&T punter dies CHEENSB( >HO. NC (1\PJ Thl· µun11•r lor N11rth Carolin.i A&T"-. foolb.ill 11·.in1 ''·'~ h1·lpt•d off 1h1· ftl'ld Saturdav and l.1lt•r dtt•d .11 MoM'" Cone• I f11,ptt.1 I 11f unk111;wn 1·.Hr"l''· h11 ... p1l.1I 11fr1l·1;t1, Sljtd Tr,1\'h Kdtv of S11ullwrn Pt1W'>. N.C . had punH·d '" 1< 1· .md dul 11111 .1p1x•.1r 111 h ,l\'l ' lx·1•n hll during th1· .I I IH \'t1t11n 11v1·1 1\.1111g.111 Stall' Aft<·r 1 ompl.11n1111ot o f ,, 'l'\'t•rt· lw.1dal h1•, h1· wa~ l<1kc-n hy ,1mhul,111u· 111 1h1· h11.,p11,tl ( ;u1lford C.:11tml \ .M1·d11,tl Exam11wr Dr Norm :'\l.0~1 1 s;11d Kt·ll~ dtt'<I tn tlw hm.p1tal lit• ~•d the bud:-w • .-. takt•n tu Ch.1p1 I lltll, wh1•rt• ;,i s tate nll·d1e.1I '''Jmt1wr 'IA. •• ., '-<.'h1·duhd lo rwrlorm an <1Ul11psy K('ll;. .1 ti I 1811 pound JUn1or. <tVPragl-d 38 l \Jrcls a punt th" :-.c•a.,on a ... the ?-ot'l'Ond leading punl<'r rn 1h1• Mid E ..... 11·rn Athh•111 Conf1•n 'nC'l' Ni':\\'TUN. M.i" (1\Pi I '111 t \.\'.11 111'1 g.ol lrip<•d tli1 1111g h th« Bo st11 n 1 ·11ll•·g1· d1 ·f•·ll!'.t 1111 IH.! \' ,1 Id.., ,1 11 cJ l h I l' 1· i,,111 hd11\\' ll ". .1 nd Todd Bl.it kl1·dg« -.hn·dd1·d tlw S t•( lllHl.11 \ w 11 II l h 11'1' t11ut hdow 11 pa'"'' ·'' P1gh1h 1.111kt·d 1'1·nn S tal! brnnlwd 1h1· E.1gl1·' .)',! 17 HALLOWEEN PHOTO SPECIAL Per Print }'pn11 Slat« 7 I '>(ort·d •Hl ltvt o f 1h f1r'l .;1x P""-"'"-'I' 111., in r11l hng to a ;11 111 ha 1111 rn t• It a cl B11,11111 C'ol 11 g1 ;, 2 I n .. ' •·r got h.u k t n I hi' g.urn 1•\'f•n 1 h11ugh Doug F lu111· < 1>mpll'tl'CI :.!ti or 14 p;'"'" f111 .1 ...., h1K1l n'<:ord ~,~u v.1rds 1'111' E:aglt·'· who hovt• 11t•Vt•1 tx-at(•n P••nn SWtt• 111 I I ml"t'll n,I(..,, <;t•on •d on tlH'lr f1r:.1 po<;....c•<;..,.on on .1 IH -y;ird pa ...... from l"h11w to Sl'lllt N110IC'k. wlff1 hntl 11 C'.1lr hPs for :l:.!!l ynrcl<1, n no .. ton C•1l l<·g<• rt·l 1•p 11011 )'lll dngc rt'Cord THAT'S RIGHT! Bmig •n fOUr 110 11'6 13!> and OU1c; Colo! P"nts lor p1nces~ing and •l'CP•ve e:ich prin1 ror only 5' ptus our 1egul11r devetop1ng charge OnP day plE'dge not valid on c0up0n 'lflPC•lll All(..w 2 day se1vice time OFFER EXPIRES 1116182 COUPON MUST ACCOMPANY ORDER r·------------------, , Valuable Coupon , ' ' ' ' i 50~~~!~ ! l Cnaitt : I' DAY PHOTO J one roll ~r coupon f '1 , ,,,. •• i ,,., • -------·-····-------· rv;ru9b'1•·cc.i.·PO~--• ~ 50 ~~.~~~ ' I ch111• 1 i DAY PHOTO '1 i one roll ~r coupon ,.,.,;,.., ,, t) ••••••••••••••••••••• J r·········-·········· Valuab .. Coupon 5 0 ~~.'!."! Ch.tl&f DAY 'HOTO one roll per covpon (•flit .. II 0 .•....•............ 5 110 HASONS TO SHO, DAY 'HOTO '•r •II yewr film ~·•••ul1te n•ech DAY PHOTO 2600 I. Coa1t Hwy. Corona del Mar 92625 640.9551 I M ""I. 10 •·"'· 9-6 ''"'"ht, 10 •·"' ·2 ''"' Come in now and •av•/ a .. 1t111.1111111g h.111 ... l111·d 111111 ,\ul1t1111 .. I• I l 1t·.1d t 11111\t•t \t tf .ti 11 I J•J11t tdo1 I t1 ll\.1 11 d ,111 lllhttfi kll k ,11 tl11 :\1111\1111 I '\\ tlli .! 17 lfl g11 .111d !ht II It I lh1 111 11. I.. 1 llll "''"II l•• ll\'1 ... tlllld' IH '"'' I .dl111).! "' 1111.il t11111 11t11.i111•1 11 .,11 11111).( tin·'..!.• .f,11111 .111111 ·, If \,11.I l111Hhd11 .... 11 lllll ,111d :Ill 1 ll '.11 ti t 11 hi g• 1.d i,, ( i.1111t•;. g.ivt 1111 t ;.11111 , ,, 111 I) lt .. 111111 1111· ... 1·1·011d 1x•11od lx·f1111 Auhw11 't•111111 •d 1111111 ht html on H.1111h C1mpl11·11":-1:1 ;-o11d w11nng fl""°' t11 f\J1k1 ~~\\\.iltf, Wllh ;II) "~"l11ld-. h·ll Ill lh,. 111 ... 1 Ii.di .111d l11· ... hmo111 Bo .J.11k ... 1111'' 7 v;ml run 111 tlw 1h11d 1w11t•I 1-'lorlda .t;t. 2 -1 •. fllaml 7 J\llAl\11 S11ph11111011 l.11lh.11 k ti1q~ 1\lh·n 1.111 1111 t\\" 111u1 hd11w1b .md JUnlllr qu.111t·rb:11 k Kl·lly I ,11\\ 11' l"""'d f111 .11111lht•1 ,,... I llh 1.1nkt'fl l'lo11rl.1 S1.111· ,·ru ... h1 ti No I h 1\11.11111 of ~ l11ruJ.i .!-! i Al kn li<1d '41111ng run~ <1f :1 Jnd :l v<11 d!-:mu L11\\ ,., ' tt .11111·d with l'l'~t·n·1 11gh1 1·nd Orson '.\J .. 1111 ' 1111 ,, :.! I ',1111 -.i·111111g p.1 ... ., 1111 1h1 · f1r,1 pl.1;. 111 1111 111111 th q11.111t 1 J ' !ht St 11111111)1-... 1111µrov1·d I(• 11 I 111 11111\1 111 .111 01.mg1· Bo\\ I• """I' t1I 54 fl!lf1 'Iii• ll1111 1t t11n11n~ lo-. ... "·"""I~ tlw llu1n1.11w-. " < 1111d h11n11· '"'' 111 I ~ g.rnw' und1·r l'o.1c h llt1\\ ,,, d St h111 I l1·nh1 I g1·r Thi 111,., J rn.1J11I hl11\\ lo 11 w 111,,111 ho\\ I hoJ.M ·~ dt op pt ·d !\11.01111 lu "i "I .11 ul h.1111 d 11-. ''"' g;inw "11m111g -.tn•.ik 111 tht -.t'rtt'' L1 1\\11,·, P•"'-' 111 Moblt•\ 111mpl1·tt·d o1 1·1gh1 pl.1' 7!. '·"" dnv1 th,11 boo,tt·d th« S1·n11nolt·:-111..1 17 7 11·.id \.\1th 14 5:.! 11•n1,11111ng lo pl,,~ All1·n':-. ""t nnd louc·hclown bur .,I \.\ J'> M'l up hy Brian t\h<."1 .11\ ·, 1;1 ,,,111r1·turn11f th1· SPm11111lc·;.' foui th mu·n 1·pt11111 11f t\l1,1m1 11u<1rt(•1 huc·k M.1rk Hwhl ' lloctronoc -ONiy ... 2 -r114 .. AIJTO\.ITf _.,. ""'9• l 5-1 """'9 -Cl-10 'ClflC•lo(e-• • A-.,.1 CMt>unbon .,,., h1.-• M'tO --s 0-• c...-9""11 ,, .. .,,.. OUIP<•I 6 CM<• end .. ,,,,,,. PC'i ,.,,. 1 Mt Hutt ,,yctfO<•l't.>oli c ont•"'I A ··~·· ~" .. °"' I CM<~ aw l~I~• t C"'«• naf"'c•w bf••th•t •••""'"' 10 CM<• Wtll """"OM• ... -.ot• WITH THIS COUPOH ANO IAYI UP TO SJOOO FROM 0£ALER 6 SERVICE STATION ~·a.s '!!!! i!E!' ijj ..... , .. ""'•0 It\• t C.llC) rotOt ~IO 1 ~ ptUQ w.rn mN"Ot Wl(:uum now' pottllt end cc>nO.nMt !Sid 19f1 I Includes H nee~d. I Accei.retor pump 2 Powe1 wain 8 J All ...ceu ery guk•ll Ntteli. tnel IHI u1tmt>ly 9 Floet Electronic cett>uretot 1n11y111 10 ........... """ ,, • 1. ft'41Ut•Ottl . ........ C.~d• 1u•11u .oh 1 I ' I ~ ..... r ii" ·1., • t1141 l t1·1 .. 0... r-.111 I-• "t' ·r "t111•d 1h11-t· tnut hdown:-.ind h;11l more· tli.111 llHI ~.1 1d ... 1 u ... l1111g \.\ hth K1 ·r-.hrn r JdtJ1·d 1w11 111111 hrlo\\11;. .. nd I :1.1 ',1111 ... 1 u ... tung c1s !ht· FJl«•fl!> llllfll""" th111 Hltlld lll ., I 11\'tt.Jll Jnd 4 2 111 \\'1\< · pl." T iu dt k.11 d111p1.14 J \.\'vommg ., rt-tunl '" I I .111d :,t.4 Thi Cow'bo\.., h.1d .1 -.l1·nd1·1 l h.mt l' to pull out :1t """'a tic· 111 !ht• warnng 111i11ult·.., Trailing :17-:l6. \.\'.'•1111111g 11ua111·1ti.11 k L1 ;11g John~o n 11.-d his t1·,1111 1111 .ill HO v.11tl. 14 pl<1y m.1n ·h w11h 0dnt I 11g1 :1111 -.i 11n11g 011 ,, I VJ rd run Pitt rolls, 63-14 · PITTSBUHGll !AP> Dan M<irmo threw for ,, p.itr 111 t1Juchdo1.1. n ... and JC)(.' M{<:'<ill ran for two morl' J:> tup·rankl'<J Pill .... h<ikrng off d se~n-lon.g oCC 1'11!'.IV(• slumµ, rolll'<..I to a 49·0 S<:'('()nd-quarlN lt·ud and wc•nt on to c·ru'h L n u1s\'ill<· fi:l-1 4 Saturda' Bry«rn Thom ..... g,11ning 119 "'-'rds on JUst rnne eJrfl<''· ;HJdc~I two ...iunng run!. and T om Fly nn ll'llllllt d ,1 plllll Id \,1ftl<. fttl olll11lht•r IOUl'hcJO\\ 11 d~ 1h1 unbecill'11 l'.111th1·,... lc'<I 4:! II with 11•!>5 thdn 18 1111111111"1 gon1 1n tlH gam1 It ""' th•· P.111tlwr•,' b1ggt~I -.i tirmg show smt·e J 7t1-0 \'ll tun m·t·r T1·rnplt• rn 1977 Boot-<I ln 11.-. ti\\ n fans for a spultl·n n g offt•nsc• l'arlll'r in thl' sc:.i~1in. P1t1 sc:on'CI 1w1cC' 111 th1· first luur minutes uf the• g:.imC'. th1•n put awa.' Its M'\'c•nth l'OnsN·utl\"c' v1e1nry by c;conng thr<'t· unan~wl'n•d touchdm" n:-. 111 lht· fi rst thret> m111u1t-s of thl· ...i.~imd quurt1·1 $24.98 Wlltl Coupon All 2 .l-rt•I cel'burtton $29.98 Witt\ Coupon All • berntl cel'burel0t9 Motl cett ur-t, • ... }. lo• Alemllo• UTIMOAY'I "HUUa (ttfl of ,,_....Ill fell -""'' Al'PALOOtAa """ IUCl • tv•IOnQ• C-Vo (VeldN) IT .'0 S ?0 J 00 ~ult c--1"<1""'01 2 80 7 <10 Doi.Ible wnemn•v 1P..aro1a1 I 80 "IM> •K4HI 8111i. Roe~ Spell Domino 7l Ad0tt"ij Pow., Ooub"1 Paik Sumn11tr OouOle Time 46 115 12 llACTA (•Cl) paid $•7 00 QUAllTt'llHOfllH HCOHO 11,.CI. JM> yards Audra Do t T 011~•) S 20 J10 HO 4 80 360 3 •O F~t1•u•e Thi• lntreold Man tAdt"I He.uo Tiu A<llMI (fryd•YI Also !&Ced Ml Mttrry Cn.c~ Atemnos Van Bai Time 11 M TtMO "ACIE J!>O yA1do Boone Re.,.ia11on tP•uttne) 49 60 HI 60 9 20 Btg llc:h (Ada11 I 3 20 2 60 Geo• (t onu t 3 llO Also rllQAO Blue Jet1n Ootlte s .. T1ouble Run Limited Pohcy. Truly A Cnoc:. Don O...ro. Pno.~ Ptund9'. Rem Lap n me 1809 96 IEUCU t7-101 pelo $S66 00 THOflOUQHe"fiOI 'C>Ufl'l'M llACfi. 6 lu1IOf>i1S Ull Nlgn! (Steine<) 8 00 •GO 260 •llO 260 170 lnl8'HI Ralt EHletaa111111e:11on tEllrede) Ptne IOI GOid (8tack) Alao reced R1a1ng Yu~oo Time I I 1 315 F.-nt llACl. 8 tu1tongs E)'9Cllle IBtacll) 7 60 4 60 J 60 51909 Highway (0.teo•> 5 oo 3 60 Lanc.e Vt•en (Oewtci.1 10 llO ~llO raced CC>Yntry Gamesoer Dute Fly Perll R••-Olympic King, NUii Cetellly Ol'I Dancer 00 S11ee1 LoV11f 00 Slr••t Love r t1nhhe O uuro d1tqual1IHt<1 end placed e1gn1n Time I 11 21S 16 l!XACTA (S· 101 pj110 $68 00 tUCTH llACE. 1 1116 mites PolmtKa (Hanse111 5 00 3 •O Edna K (Whole) 3 llO MIU Eradtcetor (8u1ns) AIM> raced Ltl lrltl'I MO Ml Royal T Siii. Gina s Oumplt"ij Bella Al1'l0f"e Time I 46 0 HYINTH llACE. 6 lu1longs Vinet G1ey (Aondl 16 •O 8 00 El Muet•li-'1 (Pedroza) 4 00 Falcon King (Ellredej AIM> tac:«I Hon Toondet s 8'0111111 10 Ztp, Oteuy Jamff Rignt 1>~ Ma. Re-. Satan's Back Time I 12 0 91 IUCTA (S Ill paid $139 00 llOHTH "ACIE. 6 tv1tonga 2 80 3 20 • 00 ZonO Gr<>Wlno llega1d t01wares1 J 80 l 60 ~ 20 RMI To1que 1cas1aneo11 3 60 1 llO Unch11n My HHrt (S1111,,.,> 2 60 Also r•ceo Hottday B•rge1n Candy • V....,.ttne Cucu 0 Or Time I 10 3/S _,." ""Cl. 15 turton;s ~!yflMI (Orteg•J I I eo • •o 3 40 S-.. Uy (C .. 1.,,..,a) 3 00 7 60 Otamone! S..t (Cac>tla-1 • 00 -'llO raoed G-POl.cy p,..,. 0 Paul Sound Eagte. All Ma<le Fa1rly r1ocky Allan~ Comet Eyak"s Gin Time I 11 31S II IUCTA (9·11) paid $61 !><> ta f'ICIC II• 11 S-5·S·2·111 patd SA S70 60 with elgnt winning toe-els • .,. h<>• .. •I $2 Piek SI> con.atatoon Paid sea llO witn 131 wlnrilf>il lteket1 (five hO<aes) TtlfTH llACI . 1 furlongs 120 2 ~ 220 220 2 •O l•mn 10 Ron~ M~o (Pinc.y) • llO SPate Card (Louv1t11et Br.,_en (SIK lll Alao r ac.c1 T 11pcay"" Coaumet Time I 13 3/~ lL.l'.'fflfTH llACl. I 1116 Mites lndletl LOte (Ne>gvezl Ctinctl Pie (Rond> 2060 960 760 900 560 OH·Hung.ry (Nl•atro) OK-Jeste't GOid S1a1 (Auten) OH-Oea<lheel IOI third 3 "° 1060 AIM> tac.cl KllCl>•ne GOid, Tralftc: Tu1ns II'• Today, s~u see""'· Eagle:l Mttt Time· 1 4 2/S '2 I X,.CT" (10·•1 paid $14020 Allendanoe-9.189 Oek Tr11 I ATURDA'l''a R£aUlTS (25th of 27-day ''-°""ht><.o ..... 11ne1 '"'IT ll,.Cfi. II furlongs G tor Gt<ls IEa1ra<1a1 1 I 6(l S 60 l 60 l ady ElhelyT> (Htwleyl 8 00 5 20 MellnOe•t Plum (Oelanovua,.) 4 .0 Al9o racted Son<MI Aglo Cec.ty C•• dew P rompl Ge t let Frt1c. S•rak1 Jo Jo 01 Maw10 One lor Mo1ning Rulo•er 111e Gr-.. T_. 109 315 tll.ONO IUCI I ""'"''II• 11111 .. ft~ lu•eu111\ 1~1t110tlll Cl blt 1 tto '111 , ,,._ .. ,t' .. \.I""' r .... m .. , , .. , .. , .. 1 "'"'" 1 •11 /'.._..tffhl IC')i1waltt•l 4 40 At t j _.,, Autl-.l"U "·•'Ill .. t1 .. , Mit',~. ~·;:vu~~:' t ,.., Uu•• •wttt , .. , .... tl OAll 't OOU•l t !If 411••ut \ 11• t•I fHIRO ftACI ,, .... U1•I• HuH "N•luttt\ 1t1u:ttt.e l -. '"' ~ "U l tu l ,,,..,,. M..-iOW ~M~ l a1111t1J J .'O • IU '•Wl'.tt Man 1S1lMt•I I tO '""'' nh.•0 ht1ll10I Nntl\ltt t•o.ele M 101 l11t1tr 1 J~ ,,._ .. fXACTA t' 411••111 "I ~IJ rOURhl llACE ~ 11111.11111• AL ... ftlltllHa lllel•l">l• .. •Y•I j0 80 11 1111 b 00 (.1~01hutt..eu1101ot ""' •W N•'"''t N1411"" f~l ld•HOUI t •U Al\ , • ,u ud Ag1tah1• '-twt•ut I ~v•lt1111 • 1-.1oy lUl .. t•I Atthtl\ltt •,ofn10IH ... , ....... f1111rt t I I U """ llACl t> ''""'""' ~"•Y""°b ll •~"""" " IW 1 00 • ) J Gowbr• J v 1Rom.,111 e oo • 10 N•Y"•' '"Y (lJel.1l•ou•M1yt'I l W At\n •¥ntU Ac:.upunc:rw .. Muuultth~•n• (.;•&,>1t.11u tufly ~\C11v l 1ot"•t Mvrn•tty Mu .. t•I Bo>t 1111111 ' ,, .i ., U EMACTA 18 <111 ""' Sl<I I tJ<) 81lTH llACI untt ""'" (;om~<IV A<I 1Mcc. ... ,,..1 I bU '6U 2 •IJ A•h>uu~ 1•1owley1 <I llO I <10 Fi.., Spool 1S1b1ll<tj • 60 Al~O ••Clld Sn .. p Vll1on Idle Ouellltl\ \tfllt_h 11I b•ll l'um .. Vtt.iil.Mr (J~Ut4~tl ~utUf1M <..tttltt-t;Mtt ~ut~ Aouvo' l•fM I IS 4 5 81EVIEHTH RACIE I • m•t.t• 1>11 1u1I sn.onmy tkomewt lO !;() •!> •O 6 W r U< k'<l~ 1M1.Co"""' 8 60 4 •O CounldM lull) 11'••"-•YI ) •O ••~u , .. \ ~o O•• , •OUft,; u~ .:-i•lt Ott Norlf'lttrly Gtot11r1o M~ N11llvtt Pt1u4..ft~) t.toyuo Or4 0.utJhtMd lr11 tnv11h Tim .. I •e I ~ '5 EXACT A 1• 11 tJ~•il SJO(l ~O $l PICK SI)( c• 5 8·8·T ., J)ulll S95 412 60 w1rn two w1nnmQ tict.ttts ts1x hOnos~ ''Pich S1• •0111oldt1011 paod S T57 60 "'"' 8• w11\f,,ng or ~~1s. thve horstt~, !EIGHTH llACE 1 I 16 milt<• Row1g Boy IOelahOU>Sll)~l 5 00 Oei.tHl W •f"tt.! 1l,ptlamt Agu•ld t Bl .. t t.1 300 760 Jl>U 4'dU • eo A.old Wol() Al~ , ""feel p,,,~ Pr1nc.e Sequnyttn T11111t Total Oeoartur• D•"" • Rullty NINTH RACE t , m•I~' B11<>eh<l<l tP1ncayl 8 60 P•f'I" •t'$ 10 [)t(:li.1~ tt-1inSef1) f ot>ull>u, "le•"°" 1Campas1 I flO J 40 860 '00 s llO "''o 1i1tc.d 11111 °'""' Fo•cot ol P11a1a A~ lomv 1480 $S EXACT A t4 It pa1<1 S 17• 00 AlhmdAll<~ 32 156 Min'• tourn•m•nl <•• Tollro) Samlflnat a11191e1 Jo1.n McEnr oe tU S 1 0111 Mor ~ £Om<>11d1on (Ausllaha) 6-3 1\-2 Pe1e1 M'N~ma1• 11'us1raha1 dol V•ta• Ge•ul••ll• IU 5 t 6 J 3·6 6-2 S.mlftnal Oou~ MtE11100 Peter Aenr-t (US j del St1t•1t ~rtofl IU S •·Edmondson 6· T T 6 6 1 Tom Gulllc.•son· T "" Gulloc:,sor IU S I d•I ~'•"''"" Gonzalez !PuMIO A1co1 van W n1h~Y 1U SI 6-4 6 • P•rl• lndOOf loumamenl ...... " ........... . Wo•te• F1ba~ fPotand) 09f 811•n (lolll1-IU s I 6-3 6 r 6·0, 811! Scal\ton IU s I oet MIO(c;01 H,,.,.,,a1 18';u~) 6·0. •·6 6·1 Women'• ICM!rnament (et l 1lghlen, IEne._) hmtnn•afnele• Ch111 Evert Lloyd (U S ) OeC Pam Shnv~1 IU SI 6~ 7·S. Ma11tn1 Nlv•at•lovl IU St det l1acy AuS!ln (Us I 6·• 7.5 Grend Prix tournem•nl (•I eo.oe-..... o.r...-,, ....,_ . ..,.... Kevon Cu11en (Soutn AlrlCl l O•I Ma111 Ooc• t<>n IU S I 6-2 6-4 Southefn C•llfomla T .. c:hlna Pro Chemplon•hlpe (•1 l.89..,.. ....... ~ C!Wj -·1s1,.. ... ...., __ Tom leona1d !South Pasaoena1 oef Jnn S1augn1 tSanta Baroa•al, 6 3 T·S Paul Bernstein tfut1e11on1 Clet Curl S1a1oe1 ''"''"et 6~ 6-• ... n'o Ooublee o .... ,.ttlnele Bob Chappel tTMuu no 01~11-s11ugn1 oel Betntlllln·Hank M0tavec \Ptloe V .. dea), I 5 f>.2 Eroc; Baer (lllOus.enO Oaks)-Ger1e M1 11n (Enc1no1 dal Chris Smith lL• Jotl•~01ve BllCon tS•n OoeQol 4.9 T-5 1 6. S1&1oer-M1~e Nelson (Newport 8eac:ht oec Sieve Moll Ila Jollal Cnros S ytve n cManna111n 8eacht, 1·6 a.• 6·4 l-d· wry Van Longe tNewi>o<1 Beacll) def Oeve l A'son ,.,.,..,, OeM<iHan HemillO" (Atneno MUQ<ll 6-4 7-5 ·-·· llfle'" left<lf!Mle TIN MOGlllNkl (So P...oet\e) (l.i Ul>de Mallory llrv.,,.) 7-S. ll-3, Ang;e Mtnn•tllfl iSOllla 8ar1>a1a) def Allee Moc:ldlelon (Santa Montc:a1 6 • 7-6 W..,..fl • 0...-e 1 .... 111n&1• ......... "''"' .. u 0 "•"'•• ••• , ••• ,.,.,ii., tl lit•~•• '1-4 Me•. I 1f ~•fhJ • ••• fNewlN•d \t...rht M•""' ~ !I I 11 6 I MIM lll1Ut.1 Atll•t41 MIM 1t11110 H 1•• An\l•hUI tl•t 'uU• Ui!t)'ltlllf1t t'4flilwpwl u ... , ht 111 .. 11 U1"wht tU~"'''"" U•1t1 hi • O ~ J Cl I NHl CAMf'llLLCC>ff'l"INCI .... ,.h. Ol•l•Jeft WL T Of' 0,. ,.,., W11wu~ 0 , I •11 Kint• ~ • J 41 Cctm0'1hlt1 • ~ I ~I t;at1111y • I J Ml Y•fff'°'-•·~· I II J •O Houle OIY!aton Mln~.,,Jt• II I I O• 1.n1<-•U<> II ' • ~' 51 luv•• ~ , 0 u h:wootn ' ~ • Jtl ll•llU<I 1 ., I JI WALU CONl'i!"l!NCI l'elltc~ 01 ....... NY liliJAndtH~ II 2 u 86 Pru.t~on1.-I ) 0 H NY lla11Q••• ~ I 0 ., Now J4ft;,•y 0 3 40 WA"1tt~IOf1 6 I J6 Ptll•Durllfl l 8 I •O Ademo Olwlolon MOl!htt4fl I I ) 511 Ouebt!C " • I ~II ttu11ou ') • J )9 1lull1<IO ) !> 3 H t1oo!IOICJ 2 6 2 J2 ••hHd•r'• ac:ot•• Cr11••gu ~ 1<11191 6 l>el<Olf 4 He•lfotU 2 O""bec !I NY R•l\Q<t!t • Boston •. Monll••I • Bull•lo 3 Toron10 J Calg••y • P11110..1on I NY latond9fs II New JerMy ~ M1t1neM>I• l Pn•••Oelph•• ' Washmgtoo 6 St lou11 ~ TOflitht'• aam.t Mon11u 1 at Buflalo P11t11>utgh •• N-Yor• Rall\j ... t VencQ<.ove• "' Edmonton Pli1t•ll•ltln1a at w1nn1peg C rou country COLLIOfi 211 I.I •II IJ 111 II 81 10 IT II 11 Ill AJ Ill ·~ 10 ·~ fj ~8 I Jb n ld •• l>I 10 Ml II •9 I tH I J8 , , ~3 IJ •O IJ •8 g •9 0 len Otego ltate Owadr .... ulat I Varle)> (USIU) 30 •I 2 Ruel•• tUCt) JO •3 3 HalCMO tSD State) 31 06. • Vega 150 Stale). 3 t 11. S A1and• (UNLV), 31 12 6 Woodland tSD S11111 '.l I 23 7 fnomp1on IUNL VI. 3 1 33. 8 Mar11ne1 IUCtl 31 3a 9 Ce1U0<1 (UCI) 31 •S 10 WMHIC!tt (UCI) 31 •e Team sco•1"g 1 San 01ogo S•••e •O. 2 UC Irvine 4 I, 3 Nev•d•·LH veg .. 8• • Unueo States 1n1.,n111onil 103 HIGH SCHOOL Ml, SAC lt1wl1allonet Men"o OIYl1ton II SwMf"I•~•• I Sa11oova1 tMontf' V111a) 15 08 I 2 H•1emen tE• Oo••do1 15 10 O• 3 Auuo 1Valnalla) I~ 1' 6 • Eddy 1Ma1er 0••1 IS~ 9 S Cemmack ISC>Yln 11•11•1 IS 22 9 6 Scn<>uOe1 tMoMe V•tlal 15 2• 2 7 MMI Ion et CM•••· Oe•I IS 18 9 a Roce INewoury Par•i 15 JS ) 9 A1te'laul1 1Ma1er Oeo) IS 361 10 Rtu (Monte V1Stal IS 38 !I Team scorn19 I r.18191 Oel 91 POI"'" 2 Er Ooraoo 13• 3 V•lnalla 152 • Arroyo 119 5 SC>Ylh Hiiis 181 Men't Olwlalon Ill a weepateloH 1e;im SGO""O 1 Monte Vitt• 121 2 Mon1eoot10 125 l El Toro 148 4 H11w1no1ne 167 ~ Newbury Parll 21~ Women'• OMalon Ill l •Mf"lallH I Ounsmotr (Palludesl 17 25 9. 2 foscher (CnAmtodAIOI 11 43 7. 3 81•-•slee iVtllal 17 •6 • • F11tl (lilaf9f 0..). 17 57 3 5 B•azel (Ch1no1 18 1 t S 6 R1u o 1Hat1) 18 J • 8 7 Pr1au1 (Le LyCH 1'1ancals) 111 28 5 8 Bue~ 1£1 ro10) 18 •O 9 II Conenou• tArtingloo) 18 •S • 10 Ehrb!lfd fAr""Qlonl 18 •S 9 Tea~ ie0fl'1Q I fl lnro 118 2 £•peran1a t•S 3 M•I•• Oe• 1~1 • A1lo1Qlon 188 5 MttGtd 191 COUEQE Arlzone Stell 17, USC 10 lcOf'ellly~ Sou1-n Cal 3 I O 0 10 Ar11on1 S1a1e o o 7 o -11 USC·FG Jotd•n SO ASU·ClllCk 211 pa.u lrom Hons 1zenc1e1as koc:> I ASU·fG Zendetu 52 USC·S•mmont ? PH• lrom Sell1bu1y t lor-dan ktck) ,...., ll•ll•tlc9 UIC first oown1 17 Ruai..s ya•d• 43.7 P .. Slf>il y•rdo 712 Panes u .32 1 Pun11 10·•2 ""mblea-1011 3., Penalltes•y!lfds 6·115 Time of Pot-IO'I 3 08 --~ AIU It l3-82 18$ 14-21·1 9-46 1·1 5·!>0 2854 RUSHING -use. Sc>encer 2&-70. LM 6-10 ASU -Wrtgh1 T·48 Moo<e ._24 PASSING -use Sahot>ury 8-1·1·113 lintley 6-IS·0.!19 ASU Hon• 1•-12-0.es RECEIVING -USC Stmmona 10·73 WM e. 3.39 ASU. Weuet 3.se. Al+etl 2·33 UCLA 40, 0199011 12 ••e<• .. , o ....... . tJtN111t I 0 J f1 II l 11 If I 411 "'• ... ' ....... Iii l 1' I I• I I"" IU 111141 ltJll~•ll ll~lA. N..J1u11 •1111111 '"'""~ Ill IA Ill I 1.,. II 01 ft • u t ' •• Jt; H ~A f 1.t I l t" it' tH 'A tlu•v•I I l;Md .... m ... ,,, '"' I, lt.,Hdd "t l A ( .. ,,fl;,_,,. I 1uOl.J l_. lt.'tti t UC I A •t ult ~ •U•t 1 I 1 H ~M. ~t Uht H ,,,.,,.., • V••• h•·m U •hU ft1••• '••4".lf A 4U e111 t••m •tet110t • Ore I Ulll •hJWfl9 ttt fl'"''~· ... ,d ., .... ., f'tt.a•tttU yftl 0 toA re.11,,,. '"'"' '4ff l•aa ... ,. 1, lt.i I flvu1 " fl HI t umh••• t111111 It ' ••un•IOt't _. .. uta •, -4 I r ,,,. .. ot f'o•~'•111u u u-. lndMdual llell1ll~1 UGLA ,., ., ~·' II~ IU I II II I ,. •,u I I h Ah ~I •,ti ltt "tfflt,C1 01,.\)IHI f111f~Hl,WI I,' td f Jt111f• ii •,4, II •hH .'U ,1/ I h1h11\1•1 # 1•; tH4'HU .'I'_. Ill lA 61;,ilfl\.tlt 11 •K ltt ... no tt A \ t ftl h'-111) J •Cl At 11 t\'f"I \ •, /"1 \llrUMl l 1 I/ VA~'-. Uf1 01u1,w• 11 II • lb • H .C Hl A ,..,.,. •;I.'~ ·~ P.4(Jfl I I I (J II Uf C...t IVINC... lh"\J' u I c,.-. .. I ~0 U I t101tht'\> J .!O th1m1 tutt I 41 ft•Jll• 11-.1111 • 'J lJ( t A t uwu-..olt l ".. flt~1vm .. 1m I I/ 1'UWf!ll 1 11 ., ... ,,,.i., • t I [J WtlllHl,l'l ' 7 t n'h••v I •, F runQ Stal• 40, LB S it" 22 SC:Ot• bt Ouarlon l tillQ f>,i1tC fl j (J t) lt ,l,• ''"""" !>t Cl <I IU I -'0 1 u r o J1)11o•ou .a ~SU flhoc.J ti l.Jlf\• h1u11 1.,,Jtnrd (llm1uw kit.~) • SIJ fucuntni !>run tC>ottvw lr.•f"-1 f SU £ 111.Utl l 0-'•• t1um ftf11furtJ lu.111 l+1+ltttll r~u J\Jlifl••Jll l 4 1t\IM(:ll' 11011 tD•1tt. #ii •><•• \ 8 L uuy.,i,oll I I 01t')I\ hom U1ll(Jn 14.111 l111ltwJ> rsu f llwr\J b ("It)\\ lfhtf'I ,.,.dfnul , .. p 01c..c•e01 l B l M<.111h,1Hn"' 'I • fl•\\ ftc1m Dillon uonn~on k l\, .... rsu-CurhH !f IUfl ~DiltfOw .... < .. I l8 J ~on1gmn .. 1,. 7 1 IJ"+it' from 01tlut• IPdU lutllld) A :I• J3a Teem 8toll1lle• f "'' d0Ywf1. Ru,haS tM •.h P3.,1ng Y••dl R~IUtU Y .. t(b ,,,..s.,, Pw111 f umote• '"" Ptonnlllttt. ydrCb f ·~ 01 PCnM'"t•1nn LI 24 ~6 101 Jbl 54 3~ 59. I 38 .. 2 ) 111 29 40 FllU n 36 119 266 101 1~ JS·J • •2 10 I 114 JO 10 COMMUNITY COLLEGE South Coetl Conler•nc• Conterence Owe1all M• Sen Antonio Gotden Weot Cern1os San OrllQO MnH fultorton Oia"ij•Co111 Gro•MT1on1 w l w L 3 0 6 2 0 3 ~ I 3 I I 5 I I I • 2 0 3 1 6 0 3 0 7 •••wrd•r'• o-· Cerrito. •• Gotoen West fulk!l1on at G10-.mon1 l'F 11• 133 128 131 126 92 58 l'A 85 tO• 135 103 8T 189 217 San O.ogo Meu •• Ml San Antoni<> 1 '.JO Mlulon Conferenc1 COfltetencre o ....... w L w L SaOdlet>ki\ 3 0 T 0 R1vettldt CC 2 0 I Soutnwettetn I I • Santa Ana I I 2 Cllruo 2 I 3 4 Sen C>teoo CC 0 3 2 s Paloma• 0 3 2 s letwrday"a a.,,,.. Saddlebll()k a1 Santa An• 1 30 Rl•9f t.O.. CC at Stn Ot990 CC C1t•u• al South~letn Wom1n't •ofleybell COUIECM PF 276 175 231 106 183 76 &• ,A 23 64 117 138 137 167 1•a N1PIJ()n College def UC lrvl<M. 1!>·5 15-6 ·~ 6 ltlQH •CHOOL Rom ot 1ne Wo1ld del C0tona dei Mar 16·•• 1s.49.1s 1~-n Lo. Amteoe ,_.._, La Oulnle def E1tanc11 lS· 11. 14 16 15· •3 Eatanc1a <1111 San G11>ri.I 15 10 15 10 NO•A Netlon1l1 (•I lrvlM Lah) Blown Gu Hydro Jay Tr,mMf!ll Oallas Te• . 166 09 mpfl Blown G" rt91bo1tom Bob B1owMll Anelleom 1u !13 mpn Blown Al,OhOI Ftatb'>llOm MarV1n Sovao• wu1nerfn10 Te• 149 1s mpn Btown AICOllOI HyOIO Greg T "•no So.n Mateo '63 78 motl 8town F.,.t Hydro F1ank Dede ::.imo Valley 203 TS mpn 8town Fuet F1e1t>o11om Je.,y H•n•t C•naoa .,.,. 146 9S mpn 8town Gu .!<rt Jon.,ny Harns Co-o,,. t~ 13 mpn B•o¥t n ruet Je1 Oav111 G1oneHt1 WHIM"1ste< 151 •J mon 0101101• < .. 0011 O A IL V Pll 0 r /Su11duy Octobor J 1, 1982 H7 -(__ > . NIA WUllllN CON"llf'NCr l'Nllllo Ot.lelon w l .... 0 1 t f11hJ•u 'ttMt• l U I 000 l'hhttltU 1 fl t 000 'i ... 11.. I II I 000 t &ll... U I U00 I ...... ,. o,.,,., 0 ' 000 • ' J'ttttlllhfl II I OCJ<1 I Mklwe1t Dtwlt lon •,,.,-. l.hlf1t11C 1 0 llAllH\ Cllt I 0 f IOlle~ I I Ululi I I c ... "\I'"' o ' Httu••w1 U I IOUU 11)()(1 WU •>()() ()jKJ 1)()1) IAITEAN CONffAIHC& Alfaollc Ohlelo41 P1HUte1ftlj,f\1" J () ' (.)()() llualuro I 0 I 000 Nf>• ) .. "", I I 'IU() I I ... ~ nliHh1uylbU I t '>()() I Nnw """ 0 ? 000 ~ l>ttllc.il l•ttJi&f1• M1l•••.AH • 1..,..,.,..,HJ l.tuuon AlhHil-. Cef>I• •I OMolOfl I 0 I 0 I 0 0 I 0 ~ 0 I I IJUU I 000 I 000 000 ()()() 000 l etu•d•f • lcoree f'111t•\Jvlµruo t 10 Now Jo11uy IJY Um,lutt 1 12 Atl•tll;t SH Wo,IH,tQl•.J•1 149 Ctm .. •QCI I/) M1lw•11k"" 108 Ne"' 'toil< 86 Sa11 ~Ille.Hua 112 P0tttaoll tO I U1~n 128 0&119' I 23 OOl1lt111 Stale 117 Hou>IOll I Ill Tonight'• Gano•• •A11wtutilf!ift •t Ciev.,and O.trOtl al Indiana SHIHO .,, Sen Oo+g'> PhcHtnu el De.over Waler polo COLLI': OE LOft9 -h lnwltllloi'lal UC l"'lne 7. a1a<1 ... d 3 ,,, I' UC ll•1ne I 2 0 4 T St•nroro o 1 1 1 3 UC lrvone oco11ng P Campoell • J C.amp1>4!11 I Oodr.on I Rot>e11ton I S••nlO•d K<l'•"il S111tog 2. lamw1 1 UC lr•lne 5, Calll0<nle • C.a1tlOrn•1l 2 I I O • U(. li.o"" I 1 I 2 ~ Cato101 n111 w;o"f>il ... "'"' 2 I nompao;1 1 BusalllGChl I uc l1•tn11 •Cor1no P Cempbell 2 J Cemp!)Oll 1 Oodton 1 Robe•laon I Other lk:oreo UCLA •• Pepperdone 3 USC e UC Santa Bao tiara 6 C11110. n•• 10 Lono Beach s 1a1e 8 use 11 PttPpetd1ne 10 UCl A 1 t U:; San1a Ba11>a1 a 10 Stenlord 13 long Beach State ~ COMMUNITY COLLlQE CVPlllEH TOURNAMENT ,.,. Otego ..... 13. Orllfl98 c-1 10 Ser. Ol<IQO MHa S 3 3 1 13 Otange COHI l 3 2 2 10 O•ange Cou1 otonno S•mmons 3 McCorm<ell 3 Al••s I B<onnoche I Brown I St .. benl I L-k<tch 8, Orante C-1 I LO"ij 8e11Ch 4 0 I • 9 O•a"ije Coast I 1 2 2 6 Orange Coe11 scortrog S1mmon1 3. McCor-mtck 1 AtvH 1 Brown I Ora~ CoHI ,S, lllo HonOO • Alo Hondo ' 3 I I e O••no• Caul 8 J l I IS 01•nge Co•at .s'ouno S1mmon1 • Bro"n'c"• 3. McCormick 2 Haw"•"• 2 Setu .. 2 Atvet 1 Stett>enr 1 DffP ... flltllna AllT'I l ANOINQ (New-1 hech)-S2 ongi..s 1 t bass 82 t>Onllo. 24 1 m11Glleret 150 roci. cod 1• 1oc1< tosh 6 snMl)sllead 1 t<:ulO<ll OAVIE't'8 LOCKER (New-1 leach) - 159 anoters 309 1>onuo 8 ceJoc;.g 1>an 113~ mitGkert<I 173 IOCk 11$11 s Sancl bH• OAllA WHARF -••'.> .JflOleotS ll t>au 1a 1 DOnllO 69 mackete• 10 I 1oc• cod 1 •oci. 1isn 2 'nee1uneao 2 Huto1n 1 ceo11on 6 mt,.c;ettaneous IEAL l lE ACH -86 ongtl'r• 400 maClifl(ll 300 '"'~ GQO I \and 00< I slleepsheed , 8 Hulp1n I J wMle fl1h (l••e•I -19 .tng1 .. ,. 50 bon IO JOU macke<et SOO wnite c101' eo .l()O au•l<'n hsn Thie w11k'1 trout plenl• lOI ANGELES El Ooraoo Pa•~ Lu~• '.\an G11bnOI Ao¥t>r (East Fo.-1 VlNTUllA Cas•la> La•e OllANOIE -Laguna N09ue1 l 4•t1 RtVIEllSIOE La'e P"'"' SAN llEllNAROINO Cot<"<'00 A••tt• Mo1•ve N .. •OWS Par' L•ke I AllT.A IAll•AAA cacnun•• l•U IAN LUIS 08151'0 LOl><!l l•k" INYO O•tl L .. • l'IU••"' Vlllh n.,,..."OI, MONO Ow'""' rti..-ftt t~ C.ru.JO•t 00wfttl'••'" lft !,1.-w1t'1 l .tnnt Oltl\IY Cl1u1G l•l La• 1-"· v ..... , .. , lay •••o 1M1 Ml 60 1(1T t arr; Nelw"' 11 ~ ., ~~ .... !;ullll'• 11 113 6' xn "'••••II r '""' 61 M 70 :IOl Oan flut>I Of OT 6t :IO• M.,i< l Y• II 61 ·~ 20• 0...• Povte, 11 06 61 :I()~ Ste•e M"'n;• !Ill 1' && 20~ btll 8ull1H• 1111 OT 00 :IOS c «I ;r._, 10 66 611 :IC)) bu~ C>tkl., I I 6il M :IOe ........... o-•• 611167 20t MAii< l'leil I) 61 10 2oe 11<10 $Hll'"• f I 611 118 207 I'•• l ""l""v IU 87 70 '101 L a11y l\1f10<" fie 1111 II JUI Jc; """ail ol .. n 201 W•~•·• Levo 10 t7 10 :IOI :.r1111 "'"" IU 11 86 201 t '"' ., ...... '""'" 11 " o~ '°' I•" I IA.,• lift II 61 208 A1Kly be•" /1 68 07 ;>Oii O•">' I•• •,.t 111 10 11 2ot l'at ML(><.o•all '\~ 13 f>ll 200 r,.., y Kn< n II) 6ll 12 208 """'u• uu .. , f>~ TO Ml 20e Otrt; ll•rwto11 118 1• Ml 206 1 11•d, M111a1 11 8e 10 201l I r,ny C:.t•«I• ll Oil 10 20ll Bob I HIWU<J<I bli 11 6(1 20ll ru f,o,. n ee 11 200 0 A Wfl•h""U fl\I 611 17 210 F011H• r.,,.,, TJ OT 10 210 Bnt..n~ II~ hOI• 13 ea 69 210 C. ••••n f'e.ito IJ6 14 10 ?10 I nm Jtt11k111• 69 89 12 210 Jim NellUHl 72 ea 10 210 fQMPur1te1 n .71&41 210 t<t111 G,.,.,,, Tl 11 66 210 JOnn rwon1 10 71 10 211 '"" B••b<o• 10 12·611 211 M•• .. HOlletlO 17 10· ell 2" Jim CQIDt!ft 72 68 11 ? I I M•r• Heyt>• TS 10 6fj 211 Dann, Ed>.,.HI\ 68 73 70 211 !.coll S1mpso-72 Tl 611 211 Ion> Jon.a 61 611 74 211 Wuo.Jy 81act.1.ovr11 70 H -6T 2 II Jtm S•mo•ll 74 67 11 212 hm Thorpe 7• 67 11 212 a .. u Baugn 7• 10 68 212 George Arcne1 n 69 7 t 212 Ste•e Har1 57.75 70 21:1 GreQ Powers 72 72·88 2 n Br•d 81yan1 71·68 73 212 G•bl>V G11oe-1 72 12·68 212 M•k• Sulllv1n 11·89·72 212 Roge< Malll>M! 68· 7 1 73 212 Re. Celdwell 12·159· Tl -212 B•uoe Oougt1u 70 71 72 713 OeW1U Weav"' 11 68·7•-213 Tim Somoaon 1•·611 71 213 T111ry 0.efll 66-79 U :l ll Mir' McCumDe< 73-71-69 213 Leona•d Hiompson 7 1 T 1 T 1 213 c,,,.,, .. Coody 70 72 71 213 Allen Millet 73 12 68 213 Freel Couple$ 69·611·TS 213 Bot> Mu1rny 6T·7S·11 -213 Moke MOii"" 7•·61·12 213 Felled lo Owallfy Leuy Z11tgt~1 10 70-74 -2 U Gary McC01d n 13 89 21• Vanu Healner 70 70 14 -~ u Pete1 Oo11emu1, 7 ~-12 70 2 u LM Elder 11·69 1• 21• JO<l .. Mudo 71·766T 21• Mt~e Sm11n 71 71 72 214 M11<k 0 Meata T 1-7' 11 21• LouG•allam 11-TOT• 215 Bruce fi.tsn.< 69-70-76 2 IS Ea 0ouo'*'IY 72 12·7 I :115 Al 0.be<ll"f 7S· TO-TO-ns JllCk Fe<enl T• 73·68 2 IS Ill' M••Mnil•le 70 7•·72-216 Jim Dent 1$·70·71-216 Solly 011.uon 7•·69 73-216 Bobby MllGMll 7•·T3 69-216 f11nl< eon-73-7).70 218 J llCk Ren,_ 70-TS-71-216 Rtc'o Peataon 7• 811·73 216 Fuay Zoetlel 11.11.1s 211 Mir~ Calea"9Cchoa 13.72.72 217 Char~ Krenke! 68-TS-14 217 0.0.ge Cadle 76-T 1 70 217 GU M0tgan 71 70· TO-217 Bl• Cellee 71 14·67 218 Butcn Batrd 7• 73 71-211 Roa Cu<I 12· 7!>-7 I 218 Ray a... n.14.72 219 SI-L..ot.f 74 72.73 219 G•"'" ........,_, eo-13 ee-1111 D•n Halldor_. 7• 1M9-219 Et< S.11en 13·1•·12 219 Bot> 8ym8n 71 ,, 71 ?19 Tommy V...,,,.,,.. 73.73 T•-220 Jey Cudd 11 72 17-220 C•'fde Rego 711 711-45 220 a..u Fly 7&-13-11-220 Mike NOC:Otelle 12 18 71 -:r.! 1 Joe HllQ<>f 7~ 71·75-221 Wally .f,rmW(ll'IQ 7512-74-221 Mike 8ook9f 7~ 7•-12-221 l y11 Lon fl0.12.10-222 G-Geor99 72-76-T• 222 .Htll MllC!lell 111·61-T6-222 JeH ll\Om_, 13·1!>-14-222 8"'"4tY ThOmp-. 7•-73·7~-222 S•eete< H@atn 7•·1&-12-212 Jetry H..,d 72·1•-77-223 Hu_., Gr_, 74·77·'1-123 Mat11 Gvtt""l>ef 11·7•·78-223 lhOITlas Gray 7&-7«-H -21• Doug Blado 12·7~73-224 M"'e OonelCI 11·T•-T9 224 JQlln Elam 78 T!.-72 225 Men'• tovrnem1nl 1··~~) 'rfllrd~L ..... 205 -Sevet1Ano S.llettetot tSpa1n1 206 Pete< JllCObten (U S ) 209 8emtoa1d Lange< IWetl Getmany1 Plonllr Cup (al lcfllflare, ........ , t.am seo<e United Stet .. 12 J-1• -L..-.. 64 Niryol<O Yosh1,aw1 n HOlht S tacy Pat Bradley Yuko MQf 19UC"' 73 Kttlly Po1lle•111 Bel~ Dentel Bt•O.,• Mo•nea• At-o Hl._llQ9 S""1•'o Yosn1mochl Saturday's college football scores Going down Ma"ln Hasler (right) ae nd Fulgencio Obelmejia1 down with a right hand blow in title (ight. I co11e9e Wnl UClA 40. Oregon 12 S ttnford 43. Washtngron 3 1 C ahfornla 28. Oregon S t 14' Arizona 34'. Wealllng1on 51. 17 Fresno 5 1 40. Long Beacll ,SI. 22 I Cal P oty-SLO 20. San1a Clara 3 Cal Lu11leren 37, Sonoma SI. 9 San Diego St 21, Utah 17 Sin Joae St 48, Nevada-La1 VegH 14 Ne'tlldl·~ 37. N IOWI 0 Ofeoon T eo11 11. s Ofeoon 13 w Ofegon o . w wu11rng1on 3 E W&lfllnglon 28. Pugel Sound 14 CeM>e llft 42. San Fr~ St II Cent Wuntnoron 21. E 0<90«' 13 Sacr11mento SI 13, Cl11Go SI 8 Adema St. 1 a, Fl. lewis ta H•yw1ro SI lO, HumbOldl SI 0 Roell In Oklahoma 45. Colorado 10 A)r Fo1ee 4'4, Wyoming 34 Utall S t 20. Brigham Young 17 New Mulco St 3 4', N Arizona 32 Colorado S t 38. TaJ111-EI PHO 13 Arl.1on1 S• 11. use 10 Ma1e, C910 S5 . H Mea HIQf'll9ndt 21 Mo n11n• Tech 2 1 . Rocky Mounlffl 7 CCl!Ofado Cot 33. Trinity, Te• ~' ldtlllO 74. 8oiM It. 17 IMthwnt SMU 47, Te1111 A&M 9 ArilanHI 24, Aki* 8 Texu 27, la11 .. Tech O New MlllCO 20, N TexH St 17 Dflk1 31, W Tex11 St 24 Cenl 11 .• 0..la MiCe!NfOtl t ~eon 81 17, • ArtlatlMI 7 ~~ ••. 14. ~1118. .,.,, 11 ~ ~ It '1, McMUrrt 1 w Mont•n• 38 Carrot! Mon! 35 • Monl•ne •~ Monlana St ,4 • Abilene Ch11a11111 2• Stel)hen F Ausllri 11 Ark P•~ e1u11 36 L•no••on 18 f•Conc0td•• St P 11. leke F0tear Hardtno 27. Ark -Monllceoo 21 Howuo Payne 1•. Sam Hou•lon SI 13 NE loulalane 1 •. L•m•• O SW To•11a S I 38. E TIXH SI ~ S W Okl1 1lom1 3•. Tex11 lu1he1en 8 NE 0 1111nom• 29. NW OktahOma 0 M c Nttose S I 311. fe11a a · ~rtf111111on 12 MldwHI Iowa 14. llllnot1 13 Mlcttlgan 52, Minnesota 14 W lsconstn 5•, No nhwestern 20 7 Ollio St 38, Purdue 6 M10111gan S t 22, Indiana 14 Nebrtsk• 52, KanHs 0 Kansas SI 9 , Iowa S t. 3 Bell SI 16, E M IGhlgan 7 Bowling Green 41, Kent St Cen1 Michigan 4 2, 01110 u 18 N ~lchlgen 22. W llllnot• 7 w Mlclllgen 27. N llllnot• 3 O klahoma S t 30. Mluourl 20 Tula• 30, WIChlll SI 21 E llllnOlt 20, 8. llflnotl 7 lndltn SI. 24, llllnola St. 7 Oo1ne 23, Concotdla, Neb 0 Ou11111v Aclolpllut 20. St 01•1 10 HAlllllM 21 8e!MI, Minn I Minn .C>ululfl 28, INl!lldll St o MIM ·MOfrll 18, Moorheld S t 13, lie Albton 17, Alma Ill Grend V•ll•y 8 1 35. MICl'lloan Tech H K•lemuoo H. OI.,_.. 21 8•oln•w Val II 23. W•yne. Mlefl 14 S. O.ote Tect'I 4 I, Yllllllon 28 lfllnol• Col u . c.n11. 11 '*'Pit Wl////Jyft 21, Wl-.ion to Md•Am NHattn e I , Wlll>tlll Jlwtfl 7 St CIOUd It 11, MeflltltO St 13 liovl! '"" &!, ~ 1'1111111 0 Beltoany Kan 27 SI Mary 1 Kan 0 8e11>111 Kan 35 Mc!>1*ton 31 Cenl Mtunu11 33 L1ncotri 1 Concordia MOO• •2 SI Thomas 20 MMt1111n 17 North Paik ,0 MISSOO•l·Rol•• 30, Evanoei 2.2 Mo Soulhefn 22 Mo Western 18 Mtetourt Vel 6 4, Culver SIOCklon 0 Northern S1 S O 39 SW Mlnn119019 23 Pllfu St 21. Weetmer 14 Slllfllng 7, SW K1n111 0 Wtnon1 SI 28, AUQ•burg 20 Mlno1 S I 10 M•)'\'ltt. St II S 01ko11 31, S Oakola S t II T•t>or 30. 0 11aw1, K•n IS H01>41 21 , Aortan 14 N Oekol• SI 27 N Colotaoo 12 NOtlhwd Mich 27. Fetrll SI 14 W'* ·Eau Cl a tr ll 31 Wta -PlllleYilt. 8 Cl(lllege 28, Cerrott. w._ 7 c~ 42. Monmouth. '" 11 r1 H•ya SI 34, WHhD\lrn 7 O•llCClltnd 3 I. Cent Me1hodl*1 13 Huron 31. 01kot• W99lyn 0 L1wreooe 54. Chk:•oo 0 M 1r•n1t11 BtPl l tl Norlh_.ltlfn 3 Mldl•nd 42, NebrHlt• Westyn 22 Mount Sen1r10 2•. Dr M•rlln lu1her King 1' NE llllnoi9 t I, Lallll1nd t 3 NW IOwa 30, Chadron SI 0 Pttllt>vrQ 81 21, W•vne. Hat> Ripon )I Bl4olt 13 SE MIMOufl 44, NW MIUourt S t 21 Wit ·llCro.M ». Wit ·Su~IOt 23 Wte ·Sltvene P r 1?, Wit ·Otllkotfl 7 Wte.·Sloul 2 t. V•fley Cll)' SI t WI• ·Wllll•Wlltr ai. w11 .. AIY, ,1111. e Alo1on 21. T--Tech ,4 An°"'°'1 17, Tavtor 30 Bliler ;3, Tllt1llO 14 llumon 31, Manchelllf 1& 9ullef IO, EvMWl!le t Def'-II, WMNftO!Otl, ~ 0 "-42, [ettheftl 0 H ...... 17,Dafte I• ~ c.ntr• 47, v...,...., , Kentet W~ 11. l'ttarldt J ~ney St 21, ("'f*lt It 0 Noftfl Cenlraf It. Clflltll.lm 7 3 W•bHh u . Oeyton 13 South Maryland 3 1 N Carolina 24 Florida 19 Auburn 17 Florida S1 24 , Miami Fla 7 Duke 38. Georgia T ecll 21 Georgia 34. Mempllls S I 3 V11g1n1a 3 7. VMI 6 Virginia Tech 29. Kentucl\y N C arollna S I 33, S Caronna 3 Alabama 20. M1ss1sslpp1 St 12 Fu rman 63. Davidson 14 Cl1•def 2 4. M111h1ll 7 LSU 45 MllSIH lppt 8 Tulane 30. Baylor 15 S Mlsslulppl 36. SW l.oulslena o Appetech t efl S t 29 . E fennff-SI 13 l~ow••d u a•. NOtfotll SI 18 Ml1tl•lllPOI Vel 14 Pr•lrte View 13 Troy SI &•. Tenn ·M1tlln 10 Eton 11, O•rdnet·Wtbb f1 H•mPlon tri1t H . 011lll0td 14 R•nd04ph Maoon '4. Meryv111e T s1 Ptut'1 11. u~no••one r Alcorn 81. 23, Florld• A&M 1;) Cllrll Col 13, Alb•ny. Oa T N Cerottn• A& T 31. Moroe11 St ,. N C Centnll SS. f!lowle 81 26 Virginia UlllOn 31, Vlrgln4' SI 0 Ala~• A&M 13 Al•blim• St IJ. llt MltflMllX)I CO! 21, Ltv1no11on SI 3 S-tnee 14, Roee-Hlllman 7 Jachonv111t SI &t, Otlra SI 38 Nel'IOllt SI )0. SW MltlOUfl 11 Brdow•llf. V1 u. Wtlh a LM 13 C•ttwb• 10, Oeoro•• Sou111tt111 l!mOtY I. Henry 14. Mempotn- Sydn., 11 l'I V•IHly SI 2' Tu•-eoee '~ JC Smllh 8. Wtt1•IOfl·S1~ 3 $ CtrOIUI• '' 411, MOfrlt 8town II 011mb1lno St a•. feau '°""*"" ~ ~ r.c11 24, ""'-•• 1• JIU90n It S '· II LOUltieNI 11 .... Pltttburgh 93. LOl.lltvtlle u r Penn St 52, Boston College 17 Noire Dame 27 N1vy 10 Cornell 3 4 Kings P o1n1 o Delaware 62 W iiiiam & Ma ty 2 I Har11aro 34 Brown o Leh lgll 21. Bucknell 10 Ma ss a chuse11 s JO , Connecticut 14 Princeton 17, Penn 14 Rllode Isla n d 23 . New Hampslltre 20 Syracuse 49. Colgate 15 Vale 22, Danmoutll 21 Temple 41. Clnelnnatl 7 Maine 3 I Nortlleastern O Army 4 l , Columbia 8 W Vlrglnl• 30, E C aroline 3 Holy Cross 34 Boslon U 2 1 Pace 35 M.,111 21 S Connec11cu1 41, lo...rt 0 Sutqvellann• 23, UPMI• 7 Towwon S I 36, Del••••• $1 21 Wetleyen 111, Bowdotn 1' Wtoener 111. F1nktn & M1rtl'lll 7 Br~w1ter. llAu• 22, Ntchol• 20 C1thollc; U ,0. G1oroe1own, DC 18 0.lawere V1I 23, M•ntlteld $1 20 MHt Marlltme 28. F,..,,..tngham SI 12 Mllleravllle SI 30. C~ St 25 RPI 7. W0toe.I .. fee;!\ 3 81 JOl'lfl't . NY 40. Holtltl 48 SI l,awrenc;e 33. llvH•IO SI 7 Amllerll 41, T uf1t H Fr0t1burg SI 31. Ouq~ H GellV-b\lro 3'. Moravten '' Gl-boro SI 741 KMn t JOMI HOj>lllnt 42. Wllll• 0 Aoehetl« 114. BroGtlporl I I 7 Mlddlet>ury 38, Htmlllon 2 I Mvhilfl*O 11, Olc.klnlOll 13 Ptymou1h St 21, W New Enotano e Atm~ 20. NY Ttcll 0 S 11t1bury I t 31, 0 1•1 01 Columbl• 20 ~Wlll'lhm«• H . U.llnUI .. Uftlon. H 'I' 3•. W ...... 0 AIOtnp, N 'I' 10, Alll'ecl 1 Albt!Oftt 41.. fOU.Mldleofl 0 Amtrletll 11u1 U . Ca111 ConnecOcut t Bloomat>vro 11 20. ttuutown 11 7 I C11111sius 27, Cortlt n<I SI 20 Cotoy 28 81195 21 llhece 38 HOt>arl 14 James Ma<11aon 32 C W Posl 16 6 Lycom•no 25 Jun1•111 12 Maine Marlllme 3• Wnllteld SI Clarion St 22 Edlnt>Cl'O SI 20 G-•• 27, We11mn11r. Pt T Ind ian•. P• 48 LOCI\ Hav.n St "' K8'1Yot1 23. M&rCyh\.1191 I 2 Sllppery Rock 2•. Shlppentt>urg St 14 Wasn & J ett 16, Allegl'leny 14 W•yne•t>urg 35 Grove COy 13 W Ve W9•tyn 20 C1tllornt1. PIL 13 Montc;111r St 2S fren1on SI 1l W Connecllc:vl 28. Curry 12 Community Coftlee 9-lh c-t Cott*-Futte<1on 14, Or1nge CoNI 13 San Oleoo Meae 21. Cemtoe 9 Mt Si n AnlonlO 42, GrOUM()nt Mtealoft Cott..,.._ StdO•eback 38, South'IVl•t111n 14 RIYttrtlde 28. Ptlomtt 0 Cttru• 3 t. S•n Oleo<> CC 1 '-"*" Cel C:Olt""411- Wul loa Ano•••• 20. lA Sou111_.t 13 como1on 32. LA Htrbor ae lot Anoe••• Cc 14, btr Loe Anoelae 0 .... ,..... ... c ......... . El CM'llno 35, Paudene H lPnO BelCh 23. e.lllfllllllc:t 0 ... *" ..... c ........ -Giend• 7, LA V llllly 0 H1neoek 25, VllllU,. 11 Senta 81tbetl 33, MOOtPIR 1' , ...... c .......... Mt Sall JeolntO 28, 08llft 23 $tn BtrllardlllO 20, A111 .. ope Valley II jJi 0 0 5 e 4 w cc;: o .. Or ng• t..ouat LlAll V I'll 0 l /~u11duy Oc IOhut :J I IUH,l GET YOUR GET__, GE ER TOGETH .... , -.. " ~ .. . .. , BEEfSTIC~ SUMMER SAUSAGE Beef at its best, in sausage form, with a hickory smoke flavor that tastes terrific. CHEESE BALLS A special blend of tasty cheese rolled in choice nut meats and topped with a cherry. Serve with Hickory Farms of Ohio® Old-fashioned Crackers . CHEESE L()GS Smoked cheddar cheese, covered with select nut meats -a delightful snack. OVER126 KINDS ()f CHEESE Cut fresh from huge wheels and bulk forms, just for you. Come on in and have a taste -before you buy -of the fine foods you will be serving at your get-together. .-- - - ------·REDEEM THIS COUPON · - - ----- -- -- FREE With $5.00 purchase Stainless Steel Cheese Spreader (f~~A~ i,111~fF:r:.l(<t.o, Coupon expires 30 days from this ..J ~ Offer good at South Coast Plaza store only \l~IA~\J (I' ~\la llUIUJ~~Nio Issue date p --------------------------~--------------- OF Off/0 ® We'll give you a taste of old·tlme country goodness.,"' South Coast Plaza Open Dally 'tll 9 p.m. Sat. 'tll 8 p.m., Sun. 12-5 Phone 540-6991 ' J A teen on her \Nay up Bv VIDA DEAN Oliht Dally Pllol Slall "My closet is totally coordinated, and I love all my clothes. Just about everything in my closet matches everything else! Right now I feel like my closet 1s very well organized . I like t o accessorize everything, too." Thi s bit of f ashion philosophy comes not from a fashion model or a mature careerist, but from a teen-ager -Stacy Carter. 15, of Huntington Beach. The cliches and jokes about the messy closets of teen-agers simply don't apply in Stacy's case. A new breed o f teen-ager seems t o be emerging. "I adore clothes. I love to plan out my wardrobe every season. and do my mom's, sister's (Susie, 12), and a few of my friends' closets, too. "Thanks to the charm class I took (at Golden West College, see related story page ???) I love all of my clothes. "I've done a few fashion shows at Huntington Center Mall through the classes. I really enjoy them and hope to be in many more in the future." Stacy is five feet four and wears junior sizes three and five. Stacy is into color, too. ·Tm a winter," she says referring to her color season which means as a brown-eyed brunette with olive skin she can wear true . vivid and icy colors. As a result of her course s he has become an "ama t eur color consultant" and does wardrobe analysis for her friends. "I bring out our 'Color Me Beautiful' book and find out what season a person is. It helps a lot. ··My plans for the future are pretty undecided right now . Although I am seriously thinking about a career in law , I may eventually go Into something like fashion design." It's not surprising that Stacy is undecided about plans for the future -she seems to have a lot of options. The daughter of Bud and Marilyn Carter. she attends Mari na High School, where she is a freshman and a straight A student. "English and science are my be st subjects," Stacy says. She is In the Distinguished Scholars program, Involved In the Pep Club and on the homecoming and masquerade dance committees. Stacy has taken ballet for 10 years and dances De111,... ~·· _, ,.,,1c11 0-0-.11 with the Civic Ballet of (See TEEN-AGER, Pa~e C6) ' \ -$ $ $ 0 0. 0 4 • • •••• ~ 6 tlf,1111111111,1I llflll1 l'll1lf '•1tlld1~ 11,llll11•1 II 1'111.' beauty Makeup IS fantasy, • • IS a feeling ... u, \II>,\ llE \'\ Delly Piiot 11uu1v c.i1101 \\'111 II \1111 I°" Ill I I\ 11 111 II IH 1111\ 11 < 11111 "II .l .. 11 I 11.1\1 Ii• It'"" ,111\ll1111g 111 \\ 111 lto1\1 .1 1~1111\I 111111 \\'111" I~ \I' h ""·· ''""" \I 111 d 1\1.1\ I " ·" ""'''" I " .. I .1 1 ·1.11 .. thl' l"''l \\111-., \\lt,11 \\1 lw.11d \\.t tt11l 1111l1111l11J\ 1.11111 ·.11 . .l,1111• ltUI lh1· \\,1\ \\1• lw,1td 11 .it1tl ll.1 11\1 1.dl .it11111·,11l1• 11 ""' \\.11111 It ll'1tdlv .11\.I .111111'.1111~ 1\1·\'l'l h \\,11111 d "'.ill lo• II I,,, .ill.I '" .1 ... k ijlh •lt11th ,tli\1111 .in\'lhlllg 1l1.1l 1.11111 111 111111.t :-.111 ,,11d .111 li.1d I• .11111 d ,,,11111·11 -.u1rn•l11111·.., ,111· t••h11 t.111I 1 ....... 1, '1lll''l11111 . 11111 lt•11d IJ11I 11lt1 11 \\ htsµt·t 1111•11 1 '" 1tw11 1111 11.t, :-,,. I~' 1·11\ , l.111111 .. I 1 ... Ii.id pl.lllll'd -.111111· ''l'h'' Ill Ill I .olldh 111 l I•• It 11 II 111 Iii; tjlll 111111 pt•opl1• \\ 1'11 .l'okt11g I ,11 It 11lli1 I "Thi, ,, .1n11·d 111 """'' h11\\ 11ld I .1111 "' 11 l 11,111 1.i1 .... . t'\l'ldslh·s 111 h ,1\l I lt.ul ·' l.11 I 1111 n ... 111 \\I"' 111 111 ....... 111• .th ,111d 1111 .111d nu ' Ht ·\'1 th lt>ld 1111 ~~t11Ltt• 111 .11111111 lll \\11111111 A1·tu.ilh l\t \111' ~ .• "'"'""·"th• 1• 11• plu~ 111 1 l.11t '' '""'h "&•autv 1111 1\1\\,1\.., l lt1 lw.1111\ lt'l l•ll• p.111 "·" ll.111dli d 1,, ChJr <..-n1w '' hn 11.111.-. 1 .. ·.1111' ""''11ll.111h l••t '"ll11-..•11 l11 .\1111 .1 ... ~ou 1111gh1 h.1\1 gu1· ....... ·d, t '111\\ "·'" 1111• 1111 1d\l\1 1h<1ul ... i..1111.11• • md ch-anl11ws..., Shi 1111111).!ht 1 i.:11• ... l "I' 11<1111 du .1udwr\\ .. 111 d11 .1 nMkt'<l\<'r .111d t•i..pl.11n1d th• · 11111d·I'· "·'' 1ho.-..·11 · h1'1".llht' ,11, m'l•tb h• 1•mph ..... 11•· lll't 1 '"' 111111' .111d lwr ... kin..,,., 111 ... 111 Ill 011' 111 :.µt1t:o. .rnd p111h.il 11' 1111·d, "' 1,. 1 l1•.1n1d lw111·1 · I do n't 1h111k 1h.11 "·" 111l .. 111h d ·" .1 pu1dow11 Im tlw 111ud1 I but r .11h1•r 11 1•111pli."111·' huv. 111111 h 1111µot l.111t 1· s kin 1-.111· pt.'<1pl1 plal'l' llll pruµ1•tl\ d1·.111 ... 111g th• ,i..111 "I'm f.1st·111.ih·d h\ ,k111 .. l '11 •\\ .11111uum·,.~t "I ,dw<1''" ... t.ir1· .11 u woman·s sk111 whl'll "1· l.dk 1\1' 111mp.1ny ts v.-r' lt 1·.111111•111 llrll't1 lt'Ci .. Crow "''.IS quill• M't 11111, 111 h1 ·1 .1Jn11111111un ;1buut '>kt11 dt'anhnt•ss, um! w1·ll ,1w -.h11uld lw \>o.'1• l'Jn't be: tnld l'l\11ugh .111<1111 kt•t>ping till' ,,km prnp1·rly 1 l1·an,,1·d Shi· suggl•st1•d S4Mp <llld w.1111 1n tht• rnurning and ;i d1•a11s1•1 al 1111!hl and fl'<.'omnwnd1•d \\'ith n•d plaid ( .otdrn -.horH. S ta•·y Carlt>r of lluntington B<·ad1. \~•-:1r ... a rNI LaCosh• shirl. with red bf•h Hntl 1·•·.I ('rt'" -.()(·k ... Around hc.•r shouldt'r .. lu· tic.·.., a hlu•· an~ora \ -nt·<'k "'"'f•a tt•r b y Claud in•• . ..\ l ri~h t . Sla"Y <·o mbint•.., black pant!' "ii h a blac·k and ('rt·am en t•r hlou ... e lop \\'ith "·r a p lwlt. Fa-.hion ... from Fl ~ Trap. Hunt i n ~lon C••111t·r . 4-lllM • t ,1 l'fU W• WI 1£W MAI. ORDCR CUAlOC HAS MA/ff GMAI llOS fOR Clt!ISrMAS ~ VD~ " You nel'er k11 0111 WHO yew '// meet wlwn vou sh<>fJ at Our Argyle Shetland cdrdigan by Ke nne th Gordon, Ltd. In heathery beige, green and plum. .. Petitt' Mar<'h1 ~" FASH 101115 f OR I OUOLEAS • tNr' ANTS ANO NOW AT LAST THE 7 14 SET ~~ ~ , . 111,...,, .. 1~:11 1..: 1h1 l.111 ln1 " 1111111111 111 ,, 1111111111 .111d ,, h .111 • o11 11 I V•'lllll)! 'II 11·lo1 '11."' lht ,i., ... 1111 I• ...... 1111 l1l11<;c l 1111\\ .11111 .111111il.ot1 ·' 11 ... 'k111 ' ... i. ...... 1111 And wl11t.· ...c111w 111 1111· d1·1111111.,11.1l11111 "'·'" 111 p111g11·.,., IS• \'1'1 h ""·" • k~• r Iv lt 11111~: u .... .ti<•lll """" 111 111'1 1111111·,1111g l1111kg111u11d Sl w wa ... ,,,,.,,.cf 111 Bu1l1.111k .11ul h ;ocl .1 ~111 •111.111• I .ol IH, l;J11cl11114 .1 1·111111.11 t v. ttlt ( '11111111111.1 J•w11111·.., "I 111ad1• a lot 111 1 l.1s.,w..,," ... 111· .1ok1·d "'1'111 tu11• ( .. 11d1 ·11 ' ;111d" I•·•~ 1111111 l111g1·tt.1l1lt• t1ll1·" v.1·11· ti"'" tf 1111\. .11111IIv.;I',111>\.lllU!> tit.it lo·w 111 tlw illldlt'lll'I' lt;ul lo1 ·<1td tif tl11· 111111.., Slt1· ,,11!1 "T1111u11· l :.11d1 ·11" "'"" I tl1111·cl 111 ~:ngl.111d 111 I !lli7 .111d tli.tl w ..... wht·ll· ... 111 · llll'l Vtd.cl s ......... 01111 ....... ,, llWll w1·1 ·k ... l,1t1 ·11 111 Ii• 111 1 1iu,..l1.1111I '1'111 \ \\1•11· ""'1111·d .11 .1 h1 ·al1h f.11 fu Tiu 111u pl•· lo.1 ... l•1lll 1 l1tld11•11 l111w t1I "'h1d1 ".1dopl1·d) •111d .1lllirnrgh tlll'Y ;,11· 1111 l1111gl'r t•1gl'll11·1, ..,11, .... ucl tl11·y w1·11· ..,1111 l1 w111\... "I t.tlk•·d with 111111 1111 ... 11111111111g .1l Ill ' '"'' tolJ us Although B1•v1·1 I\' v..111t1·d tu pl•'"' 111 111 r v.111 k ... hop 111 Jll ,.,.,, gt11rog 11tlt11'111,1l 111,111111•1, ... 1t1 d1tl j.(1 l Ill .... 11111· "'I lt1US l<JlllllU.'lll!> ,1h11ul l:1k111g 1·;11 1· .,1 till' pl"'"" .ii y11u Slw -..11d '>ht· """' 111 iJ g yn1 ,11 Ii 1:1 th<tt 111111 n111g ... t11 ...... ..,111g th1· v.ilu1· uf 1·i..1·1u...c · "Anti dnnk luh 111 v. .111·1 and d11'l " Th1•11 ... ht .... 11J ... 111 hoJll'' llw won.J 'dll't . ptt·fi ·rnng lll~lP<td tu 1all H l·•mlrolh·d fu(·I tnt.Jk(• Slw "'11d wonwn ... hould lx· n ·ahs lll' c1lx1u1 th1•1r ltJuk,.. "M<ak1·up ts just fanta-.y B1.·.1u1v 1., J fl"t·hng J 1.14·r~m hu!> .1b11ut hl·r:-.t·H It\, allttudl:' <md tlw warmth vou g1v1 uul when you fa1·1· pt'<iplt• .. I hk1•d that l'Ommc•nl You l'uuld ltsU:n to an hour-long lecture and not hc•ar more· 1mpor1.CJnt thoughl'> thon that Bt·H·rh Sa ... -.0011 ol'f t·r-. littlt· n·•·" in lwaul ) cure·. but tlot· ... ii en1t•rtaini111.d). But back to her book When sht• and Vidal wen· sull married, tlll'y co-authon·d a book t'Hllt'C.I "A Yt·ur of &·auty und Health!" That wa:-. 111 1976, and tlw book ts a t.Juy-by-day guide on how 111 gain beauty and heulth ln her nt•w book sht· says she deals with thc stagcs in a woman's hft>. how l'al·h phast• aff£'Cts her and h<1w sht• f PCls <.iboul hc.•r:.t•lf. (See LOOKING GOOD, Page C6) Teens dressing better, showing more charm 8~ \'IDA DE A!': Of the DAiiy Piiot S t•H Tl·t·n-.igcr... art• dre<,stng b4..>llt•r dlld ~oocl mannl'rs an· rl'turnmg Wanda Harlow and R1ck1 Van I loon·lx•kl'. lt'a1.:h crs of chann das."4.".> for I :i-lo 17 ·Vf:ar-o lds al Goldt•n Wl~l Coll<'g<'. llunttngton &;.u·h . may h<.1w mfluenc.~'CI t his tre nd "Wht•n lt><-•ns dress lx.-lll'r 1n M'hoob, the d1s<:1phm: 1s bcotlc1 And. this got-s fur lc><1ch<•rs . toe, Studt•rlts st·1·m l11 n •spond bl'tlcr to w1.·ll-dn·ssNJ ll•achl'I'!>," sav the lc'l'lUrt.'rs. "\Alt• try to-tl·ac·h ll'<.'n!> to uultzt• tht· d•1th1.•s tht·v Jlrt·adv havt' 111 lht•1r l'll)S<'IS," s0.1ld H arlo\.i,• "Abo we· go 1ntu ... t111µµ111g , g1vtng lhl•m gu1dt·!'. on how lo bl•st spend their wardrobt· dollari. and l'OSl pc·r wear "Although lhC'fl' arc IOOSl' drt'SS rodc•s m the• schoob today, studenb art.• choosing to dress better. Y ou don't St<e m1dnffs s howmg and short shorL'> Thc-n· st><.•ms to Ix.-a stc·p back into das..,1t· WC'ar Th<' tuxedo look o f black and wh1lt· influences thetr chmcc of clot hing and you see a lot of the· preppy look. pants and shirts . .)('ans and wuh tht· sull wann weather walking '\horL<; " This new drC'S.'i awaren ess also ts ~·n al parlles "Stor<' personnel lC'll us tht>v art• S4:ll1ng murt• p«rty dr<'S.'ies and ~~xedo rentals arf' up for young m<'n Thl' two lecturers sav "we trv to t-rc•att' a hcallhv dimall'-in o ur das."4:s w hl·lr tc-en -agcrs find out what's bt"l>l for 1hc·1r t'olonng and hair. Eac h om • ts gt vPn a cul or po rt folto to use as a gutdt• when they go shopping for clothes a nd makeup " S kin can ' 1s c mphasm .'CI tn lh<' das.o,; use of mmstunzt.'r and s unscn'i.'n ts d tSl'USSC'd and the corrC'Ct usage of makl.'up ts taught "T oo much makeup can makt• a lN>n-agc-r look too old and pus hcs ht•r tnto a rolC' shC' ts not rt'adv for." said Harlow · On tht• l'OH'r ..• Swn Cirt<•r wt•ars a ruffled red dress by Bill bJra &rba'ra A wrap around bt·lt <1C'<'t•tll1> tht• wa11>tl1nc· of the 111w -p1<·<·c· p;1rt) dre.~:-. Fash10ns: Cuurtt•.,v of Fly Trap of Hunt111gton Ct•ntt·r Shm•!> Kinm•y's.. Makeup ar11st. W.ind:1 I for/ow Hair stylist: L1l1:r11 Barbosa uf Jonathan /fa1rcu 111•rs. llunt111gton Beach Len .1111111 Golclt·n Wt·s t CullegP 1·;imµu-.. Hun1111gt o 11 Beach Phc>tngr;1 ph1•r. Pat rick 0 ' Donn<' II. D,11(\ Pi/111 starr II air "'vi ti.ts l·omC' tu thP classc-s and p,1('h girl ,., told whu:h styles will be· l)('Sl for ht·r fl·aturt-s "lnd1v1duahty 1s ... howtng up more• in wens' hair stylc-s 11xlL1v." Van Hoon bt·kC' says At tht• l'Ondusron of the thrt·c·- :-. t• ~ s 1 ci n co u rs l's . l h c s l u d e n t s paruupalP in a fashion show Usmg dolhl'S Crom lhl•tr own dosets. they dc•m onstratc> how tht·~ havl· lt•arnrd to "put tht•rn<,<.•lvt.,, togt•lhN .. Tht· n1·Xl l l;i<,s bl·gm:-. Saturda~. Nov b and tontmu("S on Nov 13 and :!II tn lhl· liuldf•n Wt-st Co mmun11v l't•nlt•r Thi• ft•t• 1s S25 and pn:- n ·g1!.lr<11ton ts rc-qu1rc'C.I Tht· dass "' ltm1ll'<l tu 40 paruc1pan~ llarlo"' and Van Hoo rebt'kf:' are ownt·r~ of Lookmg Up. a personal dt•vt•lopm£•n l organ11at1nn. offC'rtng work!.hops o n t·olor . makeup wardroht' planning. successful drt'sstn~ to 1nd1v1duals. busrm•ssC's, organ11~t1ons, ns well a::-prC'teen and tt•en charm daSS('s. llurlow is a proff'S!.Wnal makC'up .irttsl. training rC'prcst•n11vc· for a m a J o r l' o s m <' l t <' f t r m . f a s h 1 o n l'cmsult•ml and instructor 111 mockhng sc.·hools Van Hoorebt•kC' ts a c·onsultanl, fashion l'onsultant, l('(·turer and has bt•en a tt>al·ht•r m Cahfornta puhhl <,('houb s1ncc-I 967 <::?ur C}fJpec1dltp. .. ~n more special. so we-go all out co shcNv you the most unlQ~ and exciting cOll«tion o f engage~t and We'dd•ng rinos you are going to Stt ~ t<lke the "¥~out of ~ paring diamonds by t.'tkrng the time to prop- e rty t'xplaln the differences rn qualities and poet'. and then bitek that all up with a money t>ack 9uaranttt Mclk1ng th<' ~1sl()('t to CJel mamffl is a big one. and choo\1n9 your engagement and Wt'dd1119 ri119s is one of the most t-xc1t1ng land exf)t'nsM>IJ stt-ps you will take before your We'dd1ng day At Wyndham L.e19h, helping you St'leet your diamond and chooSt' your nngs 1s the most important thl119 we-dO-becaUSt' that is our specialty! Most~ty s~ conceotratt' on s1M!rwa~. chrna and crystal. and ~ hun- dreds of watches to St'l«t from ~r they~ a ~'Y ordinal)( 'all IOok the samt' \t'IKtron of ~d1no rings. Kn~ and forks <1nd 9tasses and watches art' import.lnt. bUt Vtlf" know that you want tht'st' rt119s to t>e For straf9ht talk. exciting designs, and guar· ant~ value. you will appreciate what Wt' h<M! to offl>r ~m Leigh rs the~ !hat speciahzes in engagement and·~ rirl9S ~1ng rings C!llatlable from s I 75 Engagement nnQs avallable from S4 50 Wyndham Leigh ~~~r,.oRT 127 FashrOn lsl.Yld. ~ Bead\ CA 92660 Near Bullod<S \Mlst'tl~ • as a a 4¥ • -• £S , . Supervisors prepared to do double duty Twu 011111.:1• l111111t\ ~11p11\h111 ~ \\Ill lu cluing ll porlH>ll ol th111 -.1111t 1 v1-.1111( 11&1 ... 111·st W1<t•k 0 11 tlw purty !k't•111· Thollu.ts H1h•y will \'CV1· 11i. 111,.1all111..i 111 111• c Nov 7 wlwn tlw P11d11111>!i 111 t 'l11hl11·11-. I 111-.1111.d h06t tht> unnuul gournwt d111111·1 .11 tlw 1\11,tl11 ·1111 Marriotl and Rogl·t S t.rnton ,., l h,111111.111 .111.t mnstt'r o( l't'l'l'lllOllll''> ul lht· 'll..th .1111111.tl t '.1111," Chr1st1 lhnner Nov Ii 111 th1 ( :1.11111 I l11h I Robert M<.<.'u1dy uf Nt•\\ 111)( l l~·.11 Ii" rll ...,,,.,, down us pn·~tdl'IH of thl· l'.1dr11111 ... 1111• tiOO·mc•mbcr ul l molt• lo(rnup ;ol l 'llUl', .111tl Donald &1lt•y of Villa P.11 k lx~·111111•., lw.ul 111 tilt' organization Riley will Jl'41 lll1>t.tll l\11l h.wl I l.1111-.011 o l Corona dd Mar cmd Ml·l M1llt•1 ul W1 •1>l111111,t• 1 as VI('(.' prt'Sldl'lll!>, Fn·d Sall\ r 111 Nl'\\ p111 t Sf'<'retary, Dall• Patslt•y ol S.1nta t\n.i, ll '""lit•·< and Walt<.•r 0. Duu~J.1., 11t Nl'"' poi t, o11>s1.,1.1111 sa•retary-trt•asurcr. Th~ Padrinos ot·t1vit1t•s last y•·ar 1·1·-.ultt·d 111 a $62.000 grant for a 1ww I :.!-lw<l d1.1g1111i.tw -.h111 t stay wing at tht' ho~pttal CARITAS C HRISTI This tj :m µIll d111111·1 sponsor ed by lht• board of cl1n•t'hll' 11f tlw Catholic: Social Scrvwc·::. l't·ld)ralt>s till' b11 thd.1\ Pat and Alan H~ pinki 111 1111 1\111.I l<o \ \\ 1111.111 1 I< .l.11111 "'II l•1 111111 "I I 11 .i II~'.• '''"I .1I"11111' 1d111111111 I 111• •,,. ,, ,, 1111 ,,,, I 'II'" I\ oll 11111 111 Ill).! lt .. 11.t . II ill ftl ,1\ l<1I d,tllt Ill.: It , lil.11 I. 111 1111111111,d Th. • '' 111 ., 1111 \ ·ss 111.11111 11111.I 1 w.1 1 .111d .... ,.,,,., ,,..~ •• t ., f l t q t1 .. 1 ... (o111.:1l.1111.l1 llhld 111 !I.I ,1 _!111111111 •tf\1,. .t ' I 1 111111.1 l\Ll.1•.l.l'IA Vll .l .:\1;1.; H,111111.i l'.1v il11111 will h1• th1 · "'"'"It Im .i Nm ii d111111 1 d.11111 • 111 IH•111•l1t 1\ll1·lu1.1 Vill.1g•" ,, "''"'"'""'' 1111 d1•\ ,., .. ,,, .... 111.dh d1,.old1·d :1d1i11 ,. Ill ( )1 .1111:• ( ·, 111111 \ S11u1ub 111 l\Ju,11 will Ii. 1111 ho111d 1111 d.1111111g llllll"' .111d ·' l l.1\\,lll.ill \,11 .1111111 ""I 111 ,1\.\,11d1 ·d durt11g tht· 1•vt•11111g t'.11nhn 1\1t.d1., 1::1.1) Ill:! W11:! I. Du11.tld S.il111. !fit> 1, 1.11, .111d 1-:1111111 K11illl11. 5!l:! !l l•I:.!. c·:in 111• \':t lh·d 1111 lll1tlw1 dt•t.11 h. :md lll'kl·b t:LJ::el'ICJN N ll; llT /\11 old 1. ... h111111 d lt111 d111-t -,;1lad ,ltld .tppli• fll\' f'•lf (\ I'> pl,111111 d ,II I p 111 Nov :.! i,, SPON (Stuµ l'11ll111111g < >111 llarn ancl J oan h.ar ... lt·n SIMCHA CHAPTER of B'na1 B'nth W omen will mf'C'l No\' 11 at Progressive Savings .md Loan, Adarn~ and B each . H un 11 ngton Bl'<tl'h beginning al noon l"or rnfor·mallon. "ill h11sl .i h11l1tfo' gil I .md ,111 <.1Uct11m No\ ;) For n .... ~·1 \',1l111t1'. l <lll Ii Ill 1:n15 call 960-0027. A i\I ER fl't\N ASS<X'IATION uf L'nl\, r-.1t\ \\'1111H 11 l.agun .. R1·.1l h 1 h.ij.Jlt•r . ·wtll 11111·1 '.'l o \' -I .tl th1· N1·1ghhorh1111d C1111~n ·ga1wn.tl C:hu1dl ,11 ~ :rn <Am Fu1 111forrna11vn. <all .+~H-'.!721 No\\ I'"' 11 1111 llil" I 11 11 t lo' 11"111111:1.r1\1111\\111 111 . .r I Ii• I· .11 1•11 \ I.'• 11111 1 ~I .ii \ tll.1 \\ ,1\ .i "~·""'" 1\l11d1 \\Ill .tll11\\ I'·"'' 1'·"'""1.1111 . '" ,,,ilh 11.11 I, .11ul l111 tl1 111 <111 <'11' II.di 1 ·.111 t1 11. 111111 "11 "''"' fll 11 1 I 11111. I 1 .. 1 111 ••1 • 1111••111 1.11 11111 llAI<\ l·S I 11 1\l.I f'i, "1111 <1 ll.i 1 l111 1 l1.q1h I 111 1111 ( '1 1\ 11f ll11t11 h li.1 \ lllj'.I ll.11\I .I It.ti lll >l.ill.1111111 .1111111 I 11.1111' 1111 S 11111l.1\' N11\ 11 .ii 11&1 Slt1·1.11"11 N1\.\pu1t f<, . ..,,1 \.1111111., .11• 1111111111 .111d fl11· 1(1 H llf' f11•1•d..., 111 l(llH \\ \\ 1&11 " , 111111 111• Ii\ No\ 1'111 1111111111 1 111 •.di .111· 110 l 11111 .11111 hi" 'J!t.11 1111 lol.11 k ff• ••1•11 1111.i l .ii l.111 1111 l ud1 t 11< kl.11 1-. .ti I 1'111111111 I of I Ill fl I .ti 11 .1\\.0111"> ,111d 111>!.dl.!111111 .ti • 1111111\\• ti 11\ d .11111111• 1111111 1111d111gl11 ( IL\l<IT\' Hi\NlJI FT Hng1 ·1 .i11d l<11g1 I ,1 111111<11\ tt·.1111 1111111 I .. " \'1g ..... \\tl l 111 1111 l1.u11I 1111 th• l\l1111d.1 \ N11\ II ('lt.11 11\ llo111'1111. pl.111111 d 11\ I h1 · ~11 111111 I· n1111d.1t1 .. 11 .11 i\11 •-..1 \11 r do ( 'rn111l1 \ ( 'h1h I 'n•t.1 l\J.-,,1 ·11,. 1111 1111,1 l1,1r "Ill 111,. 11 .11 ti .ind cl1nru·1 \\Il l 111 '''''" .11 i 'I</ p111 'l'ul..1·1' ;111· $:1~1 urul l\J.1 ,1111 I.ult .11 lift• !"11111111111l l11t". ll{1tl O:i:lli, muv 111 1.dl1ol 1111111 'I ,1111 111 I""' 1111 H '">t'I VIJllllll'I S 1111 .. 11 1'01111d.t111111 p111v1d1·i. .,111.tll ~r11U1-J 11111111 '"' ti 1 d1 \'\ l11p111t·111.olh d",,blc•d Ill ll1.111g1 ('nl1t1I \ li.1 ,1•l1.,ll pl.1v1·1 !>1111 Sutton • 111 ltwd ,l,111 tlt1 C1tg,t111/.1l11111 \.\l11d1 llOW Ji.i., lWll llllllll .. "' l•111111t.1111 \'.1111 \ \\ "" pl1111-. ''" lh1t•t• 'It• >If t'<H'I\ I i\ILS l1,111·r11-. of llit· 'l<I y11unl( \\111111 11 wlt11 will 111.ikl 1l11•tr 1h·but Nc,v '27 ill tht• "l.111111 1.il ('lt.1111\ L1•.1glh h,111. h.iv1· l11·1·n 11w1u·d 1 .. ,, 1111 k1.11I p.11 l\ N<•' 7 ,,1 th1 · N1·wp1111 Bt.·Jlh 1&111111 • d t\].1111\ 11 ;i11d Hu h.;r d lluu1>111.i11 1\'J'S(' HENEFl'I II VC1ll Ilk•· M1·ll.1l'an 1111><.l a11d l1k1· 111\\111 fll II•"• ht·n:~ yout d1:.inn• On Nov -; El '1'111 111 ., I :n I D11lpl11.n Str 1 kt·r Woy. No w11111 t l\c·;cc h will d•Jllith• 40 f.>1•1< t·nt of dining .ornl d1111k ,,ti•., '" 1\.,.,, . .,.,1111·11l T11-<1l11ll'nt :ind !"11 I \Ill ( I lllt•I '> \OUlh fJI OJ41 i.Jlll 'J'lllJ' .ind 11llt1 I ""'' ... \.\ 111 IK ·'"' oll d1 ·d A'J'Sl' :l-IH 11:11 l ... 11 1,. t • .11111 1111 l111 tlt11 11ll111111.1llo n Mardi Gras a success Thi B<tl M .. rdt (;'"'' )i,..., l11•tn d1·tl.J rt'd i.t 'lllll '~1> <.&nd 11 Wi.t!> o -.p:irkling <iffa11 for thl' hl<Jl'k 111: l'Vt·nl "' the· Nl·wporlt•r lh·~rt. "h11 h IH·1H·f1ll•d lhl' A rn i· r 1 e a n C a n l' t· r Six 1l'ly thl· l'<'ntl·rp1c·n-s \.1t•n · twinkling and the· room \\'a" !>Urruundc·d with du~tcrs or lightc·d f l l ' U !> I r l' c· !> f I f t C' l' ll hundrl'd balluons Wt'rl' u'"d in lht· dl'l'tJrttlton'> "11h g1onl ma-.k~ on tht v. dlls and h.ingmg fro m tht: u..-ilmg '1ora a11cl \ i1H·1·111 .foq.!t'll"'t'll "ilh mmw Tom Kin~ T;.ibll·" wh<.•n• thl• m<JrE' than '.!00 form<illv attired gu1·-.1~ wt.·rc· :-.<·al·l·d were { P n l l' I l' d W I l h J r r :.i n g 1· m l' n I !> o f H ubrum ltlt<.·!>. wh11l· t o ., c• !> • o 1 n k I u I 1 p s . (S<.•t: MARDI GRAS. P<1gt· Co) THE ULTIMATE IN BODY CONTOURING & SKIN CARE •I , • M ., 11o ,~•J• ~ t I •,.'4 f .,.., •J I 1.. f.f 4f d M 'F'.4 k i-t';t •• ·I• • M i;J •• r o I 1 '<out tJCIOr f11m, tCM e t •'~I c.ona IKM't .. 1~ •Kt "~' '·' LEGAL SECRETARIES A ssociation o f Ora ng<' County "'111 host second-lime around r &h1on -.hu\\ and bouuque Nov I al 11 am .it M eadowlark Countn Club in Huntington Beal'h f or rl>SC'r\'all11n-. KAPPA KAPPA c;AMl\lt\ A l umn~1t· :\'"<>ll.1l111 n w ill hos t ,1 u1uµll·~ -.mgft·, p.1n' "' ti .11 7 p Ill in L.igun ... N1gu• I F111 1111•11 m.1111111. l.ill ~7H-t17li •/ti",~ I '' t t ' ' tJ • 1 call 835-2291. NEWPORT HARBOR Panhellt-nie m embers will me<•l Nov 3 , al Gle nda l e Fede ral Savings. Hiii Newport Center for lunl·h and bndgl· Fo r information . call 859-1025 NEWPORT BEACH Ebell Club"' ill host a May Co. style show with dtnnl'r Nov. 15 at 6 p.m. at th<.· Saddlebal'k Inn tn San ta Ana. T1ckNs. at $10 75 each may be obtatnC'd by calling 548-6888. IRVINE TERRACE Ph1lharmonil gro up will meet Nov -I 10 hear ;1 musical program by v()(·aLst I r<.•nc· Lilly. For tnformallon. t·all 675-80ti9 CHILDREN'S H OME Soc1etv ol California w ill holc\a l'hanty bc-iwf11 a t the Orange Co unty Fairground ~ N ov. 5 from 1 t o JO pm F or lnformallon . call 542-114 7 SANDPIPERS of H1,ag MernonJI Hosp1taJ will hold a lunl·hron No\' :~ at the Balboa Bay Club bc•gmnmg .•l 10 a.m with ms tallauon of ofr1u·r' For reservations. call 675-4143 NEWCOMERS CLUB o f Newport Beach will hold tls annual c1m lwn I NT EH N :\TI ( > N t\ L l\1 US I C Fr..1ll·rn11y 1 .. 1 \\'o n11•11 . 01 .1ng1• County lh..iplt•r, lllt'l l~ th<· -.1·1 ond Saturd;n o l l'.ll h rn1111th .ii I pm For rnfrirm<illon .tl1out thl· gro up l .dl h 7 "> :.! I I '°\ OHANCE l'OC NT\' Alph<i X1 D1·lt<.1' will h11ld .i b;.1kr·d g11od s.tl1 Nm I f o1 in lot m.1111m, l'all !65 :w!-1:! BHUADWA \' A tur dnd 1.1sh111r1 pn·vtt \\' 1s -.< h1 dulnl ;11 I;! .W p 111 Thur ... Ja,. No\ I 1111 th1 · Sl'< 1111d 11 \'1 1 I 111 the· N~·wµ .. 11 B1 .. wh -.ton• B ,\ H B A H 1\ · S A t r u 11 k ,1 n d 1nl11rmal ,he.wing ol 1 Ol k1a&I and r .. 1 m .11 g•i\\ "' 11 .1ll11111g M1 .... -. F.ll1l llt h olid;J\ 11111 '' ~ ho •duh·d "' 'i .ind It l1•1m It> 1" ·, p m .11 B.irb;1r.1 -. And.ti ..ind Fnnn;-il Slwpµ•-. :.!70 E l 71 h C1,...t.1 !\11·'><.I ' Eva 's Figure Contouring 16452 Bolaa Chica ITlll•nr Cont•• 01 Holl) Hunting ton Beach (714) 840-7930 ... . I 'If 19b9 b~ I 11 ' l\uin1 \ & Son ( lntlw ... trom thl' w.ud1 ob<'' lunc h eon Nov :i at 10 am 1"111 1\1:\Y CU 11111111." '''"h11111' "'11 lw in formation. call 675· 168:i 11111<lt·ll·d b\ l hlldt 1·11 11! South Coast 01 thl' \\orld\ lw<.1-d1c<.wd 1wo r l1· COSTA M ESA WOMENS CLCB .Junior Wo1m•11, Club m<'mher-.. Nov Ii will m eet Nov 5 at the c:lubhousc.., 6111 .11 .. hn·akfa<\t in M;n Co. So uth Coast W . 18th St for a boutique and Pldl .. 1 T1lkf'ls .in ~7 'lo for thl 'I :\II luncheon. Fo: rC'Sl'rvat1ons. u11l ,, m \'Vl·nt and lll.i\ 1,.. •>hl.11m·d 11, 645-1437. • l<1ll111g 17.'°\-:.!~:.!l Pn11.1•<·d~ \\Ill l.M ·nd;l \t .. n \_it 111 1, \un 11 ' OUR LADY OF QUEEN or Ang('ls th<· <:tub's phll.inth10pws ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -~~~~~~~~~"-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1 You want more than just a facial. 0 We offer thl' famous Dermac·11/111ri· therapeu rir facial for prohlf'm .,Jw1. acne scars and rrl{ular skin 1h1J1 wants to ta\• young and bra111if11/ Waxing and moke-up avrulnh/1• Medically pro,·e11 for JO \ 1·ar ... CifJ Certifi('[Jte., A' 111/u/1/c • :l WO \\ ,011•1 JI•" ~I" "()" 'irw11orl fl,•,,.. It 64~-2266 l11r "l'I'' C/OS«I Sund11_y and ~m11l.1y Di scover what's cooking along the Orange Coast in the Orange Coast Cookbook Coming Dec. 8 in the Daily Pilat \\ ,,,,., ... u11d /J rc111Clie .... .... .' ,, I 11 tll l I,,,, , ,, j ', ,, .. ( ft I \ / 11 Ii .,..~ ( .'1111111/11111·11/i:Jr.\ \\ 1111' ,,, /1 Ol/•1 " • j/ ,/ 10/0/t•f o II ,./I., .. / , .• , I ,,,, ''1'•'11 -11.,,. I I /1 I· 11•1 I "'.ti I lo ·ln "n /~J .. fltl/! :.! 100 \\ . Loa .. t II '''. \1·" port Bt•a d1. C \ ( ' .. SUS PENDED IN BEAUTY. Luminous. Classic. Valued. This elegant 81 mm cultured pearl pendant with a diamond 1s a Jewelry wardrobe essential. Through time. the pearl only becomes more beautiful and never goes out of fashion. $250. Bailey Banks& Biddle World Renowned Jcwdcrs Smee 18Jl .'Wl'Tll COA~T Pl.lo?.A, f'OSTJ. Mf;.~ ' f1~1 '"'"'· Rull!d'1 wlnt (i141 761 6640 ....... . . . ' .... ()11lll(ld t.1111111 UAll y flllOllSunday, U~tullu• JI, l')U:i ; On tht• ~r·ounds of the formt•r •Wes tt·rn ): • ~ UCI research group en tertains with party l'lw lll 'I J\l1·d11".il lt•"•t ·.111 II .111d l•'.4h11.1l11111, t1•111wd .il1rn1t .1 Vl'.11 ,111d .1 hall o1)(11. to l111k tlirn.1• Ill 111t ·d11.1I 1•d l11 .. ;ll1tll 1111d ll'M'lll't h Wiiia 1111·111h1·rs 1d 1111• I.iv ,11111 11111f1·:..•011n1.1l 1•11111111u1111v. h11,11·d u M1•x11.in ·~.11 d1 ·11 11.1c:kl.11I h11rf1•1 .H (',,.,., l'miltl'.1 111 S.111 < '1!•1111•111•· l\'l.111.1d11' 1·1111'1 t.1111t'd tlw :! Ill .1lll•11d111g 1111<1 llw $·HI 1h1•y p.11d Im 111 k1·1~ will 1-(o 1111 11·,1·ard1 'l'll1·n· "."" ,J l1rlt'f proi.t1 a111 1·11111hw11•d hy M 1n:s pi 1·,1d1·11I, "' H1dw1 d N1l'111.1I .111d t1 .. 11un11g .1 11111 ·1 1.ilk by I >1 S1t·µh1•11 11 Wh11t" \\ h11 d1 ... 1 u-.-.1·d 11·-.1·"r1 h 111 ug1 ·""' h1·111g 11111Jueh'il 111 llll' lnophyo,11-i. pt ogt 11111 , ' J -------~--: \\'hitt•houst·; Or. S ta nlt·y ''un tlt•n Noori nnd 'wif t•, Ju1w, with honon•d gm"·•I. Hudolph Shulte· Hudoli1h H Sh11l1t'. found1·r of lht Sh11lt1· H1·~1 .. 1rd1 111~1111111• ol S;111\L1 Harb.11.1, w ;1:-. .111 llW\IWt·d g1ll'!'>l A11v1•n1· 11111·rt·,11•d 1n b1·111111111g ''" 111d1\1du:t1 111 1•111H11.111• 11wmb1·1 of MHES 1.111 1.111 K,1\ Vil k1•1 y ut M.1n 1.1 c.;1 l·shan1 ,1\ 11.i:i 5·H!7 Al tlw MHES p arly in San Clc·mc•nlc•, Cham·c·llor Uanit·I Al<lr id1 a nd hil'I \~ift•, J •·a n , .. trnl!-> "ilh of Sant a Ba rbara l>r. St«·ph<'n Whitt·, ('t•ntt•r . Even when you DEAH A NN LANDEHS I am t•nragl'<i ovt..•r the ll'llt'r frum the.· woman who lk sa1bl.:d what it's hke to bl..· poor. are poor common sense will pay off ~ Allll WIDEIS 1~m by l'harll'o, Osgood about "Po~lq " I loh.J ci f l'll·nd 11 w a!'> 111 vt·n lt·d by l ht• U S Ct•nsus Bun·au <•!'> .i ".iv of 1k s<:rib111g a i:x:rson uf th<· 11ppo~1ll' !>l '" -.hdt mg livmg 4uJrlt•rs Mv rrw11cl 111s1slS 1hat I dn.'aml-d 1t. or won...· yt•t, I .i"m ofr Ill) roc:kt·r PIPas1· lllllW to tht• ri•st'Ul'. Ann. Or. am I "If you would be m y P osslq. "You live with me and I with you. Please, dear, be my Posslq. "And ever ything w e will confess, "Yes, even to the IRS ... "Someday on what we both may t-arn, "P erhaps we 'll file a joint r eturn. "And I will whisper in your ear She• said. "Bcmg poor 1s watching your dog die bc.'<:auM• you l'an't afford a vel &•mg poor 1s not ht>mg able 10 go 10 you r falh<'r's funeral Being p<x1r 1s having your l<.oeth pulll•d bct:auSl' you can't afford to get them fixed. &ing poor 1s giving your kids .)C'lly sandw1C'hes for supper ·• · The.· wom,m 1s poor. all nghl in common lhal will fix ll't.'th for rt.-tlUl'l•d rall'S Abo, the Salva11un Army dimt-s will repair tt'i•lh frc't· 1f vuu an: on wC'lfar<' Anvonl' whu m1sM'!> ht-r Lther's fum·ral dCX'sn't wanl to go Vl'ry bad Maybe she.· hasn't been poor long l'nough A SURVIVOR I N KANSAS n ·ally banan.l!'I., S llEHHY OF S HAHON. PA DEAR SHARON: The te rm "Posslq" was indeed devised by the U.S. Cens us Bureau to describe a pe rson or the opposite sex sha ring living qua rte rs. Tbey didn't know what to call the m a n or woman, and Posslq seemed better tha n "m y live-in" or my "roommate" or "the pe rson I'm shacked up with." "T ha t word you love so much to hear. ·'And love will s ta) forever ne w, St.·nse. No vl'll'rtna nan wall let a dog du.• bc.•c:ausc you havl' no money. Some arrangemc.•nt.:. will tx· made 1f you prl•senl your <'UUst' and offl·r sl'rv1ces in rNurn "If you will be m y Posslq." I have nl·ver given my kids jelly sandw1c.·hes for suppc'r You can buy lwo cans o f soup or spaghell1 or a box of mac·aroni for the• pm:e of a .iar of .)C'lly You don'\ have tO pull ll'Cth as long as there art• dental chnic.'S and medl(·al schools DEAR SURVIVOR : Many wrote to express the same sen timents. You said it best. DEAR ANN LANDEHS . Plea->t.-rl·run that He re Is the poem you wanted by Cha rles Osgood of the CBS r adio ne twork: Von ·1 flunk yuur cht•nll!>ln lest Love· I!> m11n• rlwn (Int' wt ·"r glands c-al/Jng tu .inolht•r If you haw• truuhlC' 11wking " 1/i.,11m·1wn _vuu nc'<'CI Ann '.s bvokll'f, "Love• or Si•>. ;me/ H ern· tu Tdl the J)iffrn·nn· " S1 ·nd a Jong. '>l'lf-c.iddr<>s~ed. ,\l,1mpt'(/ c·1w('/ript• wllh yt1ur ll'({LJl'.~l cJlld 50 ('PnlS In i\nn Lancln.... I'() Bo;.. I I 9Y5. Chicag11, Ill (i(}fj/J Tossing some fast ball California Angel Don Baylor of Newport Bea<'h chat with Ray Kurs hnc r a nd ylvia Raymond a t · a fund-raising dinne r for the Cystic Fibrosis Founda tion. T he event "'a hoste d b y J ean and Erna \' a nhecke. owners of 'Ion Cha teau Re~t aurant in El Toro. festivi ties during the evening include d a sile nt Auction f C'aturing a ntique doll reproduction , mu ic by accordie nist Mel Brandt and J ean \' anheck e plus. a show of designer fashions presented b y Ma r y Rohen te in a nd I ris Rons of My Pla <'t> "There's nothio~ tha t I wouldn't do • HOIOSCOPE BY SIDNEY OMARA Monday, Nonmber 1 ARI ES (Marlh 21-Apnl 1111 Ht'C.'t·n1 sl•tbal·k l'an bl..· 1r .. n.sfurnll'<l into Vll'l<Jrv You lol'&H· "missing link " Fuc:us ~n paymt'nl t'Ollcc t1 ons, hOrnl' 1mprovl•mc.·nL'> Jnd guod nPw~ conct>rning f,1m1l~ mc·mbl·r M1>nl·y p1l·ture I'> hnght1·r than 1111g1nally an11npatt'CI TAl1RllS u\pnl :w M.i) :W). IA't·1:.1011 wh1l'h had h<•t•n dl·layl·d fmally gut•s 111 \Our fav!lr Ftll.'U~ on lav•. md1v1duali1v. ltlllli.lll\'t• .111d w11lmgrws..., IO p1onec·r··a l"lrOJl't'l Judgm1•n1, 1n1u1tton an• on Larg1•t you'll be.• right plalc' a t cruC'1al rnoment GEMIN I 1Mav 2 1.Juneo 20) Look hl·hmtl S<.·l'l1l'S f.;r anSWC'rs lnd1v1du&) who 1s qul<'t. 'ubdued has somNhmg tc• ~a~ and wa1~ for "nghl momt·nt " &.• 11•t·c·pt1vt•. v.11l1ng to lt•arn from c•xi:x•nc·m·t· Cam.•c•r. C<ipnc.·orn person~ f1gurP 1n un .. sucil scc•nario C A N C E R < J u n c· 2 1 J u I v 2 2 I P11pu Ian t' inc rPaSc'S. moreo pc•o.pl<' drt' w1ll111g 111 listen, rnony t•x prt•si. l•n1hu ... 1.1'm for \•our 1dt·a~. conn•pl!> You'll wrnplt•\t• projt'(·\. burdt·n will b<· rt•mo\'t'<l <ind grt.'<'n light will flash for prngrt·:-..., \V,Ht h Arll's' LEO (Jul:-i:i.Aug :.!2) Wish mn11·.., tr,µP 111 unu-.uc1I m.inrwr You'll mdkt• l'Onldl t "llh ITl'i.lll\'l', l'Xl'lllng p..•upll· who hl·lp '·ou gl•l stc1 rlt'tl on nc·w proJ<'<'I Arws, Aquarius and L1nuthl·r Leo f1gu1 t prom11ll'nlly Busmt'Ss Vl·ntur<' is markl'd fur SU<'<'t''' dividends will Ix• paid VIRGO <Aug 23-S<·pl 22) Sp1r1tu.il value-:. 1·om1• 111to f1K'U'> Dt'l'ISton ts made· c.•onn·rnini.; posstblt· JtJUrnc-y or limg rangv proJt·t·t l nd1v1du,JI who l.,iught you mut Ii 111 past m.Jkt•s rl•appt•iJr.lnl'!· and " onu· ag;1111 <.111 ally Cann·r . Aqu;mu., ,x•rson!> play kc.·v roll·' LIBRA (Sl·pl 2:1 Ott 221 Sm1al al·\1v11 v at'<.'c:ll-rall·!' 111v1w11on r<'<.•t•1vc'<I lu prc:<;llg1uus c·ummu1111y C'VC'nt G1vC' full play lo inlt•llec·tual c·u rios11y Sal1!'>fy 1·urwnns n·gard1ng f1nannal status of ont• "hu would bt• parlnt•r Watt•h S,1g1ltanu-.. SCORPIO (0<:1 :!a-Nov 21 J Chl'<'k dl'1atls r<>ga r d1ng l t•gal rights, pt·rm1s."on' &• s p..'C.'lf1c thorough and w1lhn1it 111 lorn'<'t past t•rrors. Butld cm ... ohd h<>St'. rt'movc• 'iafety hazard' Emµh .. -.1 ... c1bu on JOllH t·ffurls. public rl·IJllllllO, <Jnd m.1n1 .. 1 'tdlUS SAGITTARll'S fN11,· :.!:.!-D1'( :.!ll &- <c1 nalvt1t.tl <1 .... c·t·n1 mo11v•·'· 1ak<' n11th1ng for grantt·d Emph<is" 011 h;;s1c· "'u1·'· lo.1-.k., al h.111d dc·pl'ndt•nls and pl'l"> l\lt mlJt•r •if 11ppo-.11c• ~l·l\ pruvc·' to h1· .1 \JIU<•blt J lh Gc1in ind1c.alt·d through \\ nlll'n "or d CAPRICOR/'IO ff)\., :.!~-J<m ll-11 Errur 1~ rt'<'llfll'd. l'hangl'!. til'\.Ur and th<.·y favor ~uur asp1ral1ons i)c.1rnPs \1l' adJUSlment tK'\.Uf'> \11U ribtam .irl ob.)l'<.'t or luxury 1t1·m F.inul\ nwml.wr mdkl's n >nt !11Jlory gl·-.lurt· & · r!1.I pll\1' makl 111tl'lligl'lll I I Ill\ I'""''" Ill re tur ll A Q l ' AR I l. S t .J .111 ~ti· Ft· b I 8 J l::mµh ..... 1 ... on "l'tllrll\' ~µ1·uf11 plans. (h•tl'f m111.il1on of pr11pt·r I' right'> Sl'{' pl.1t1•0, 1x•oµll' 111 rt ,i!1-.11c· light ,\vmd ~1·1f dt·1 1 µ11on don't fdll intu trap of '' 1 ~ h f lJ I l h 1 n k 1 n g D t ' f 1 n t · l 1 • r m ~ , -.1n·amlir11· 1t'(·hn1qlll'' dt·JI w11h Pt:.<.'t•s, \'1rgn 111dl\·11..lu.1b PISCES <F1·b I~ l\1.irch .!111 Oldl'r rt•l.a ll\'t• dtsl·us ... c·' plans . sc l'k' your l'OUO!'>l'I Shurt tnp <~>uld be.· on ag«nd<t. H l' l',. n t c· o m m 1 l ml' n t l' u m m a n d s attl•11l1t111 Cann•r. C<1pr1c·orn pc•rsons lagun· prorntnl'ntl:> ldt•as an• plt•n11ful kl~ I'> lu be.· sdl'<. ll\'C' Boutiques. Paid Pot111ca1 Ad11ert1semen1 Re-Elect ARLENE SCHAFER Have you entered your favorite recipe in the RUFFELL'S U'HOLSTERY ............. s.r. "22 H._IOl ILVO. COSTA MISA -541·1 IH ... - Costa Mesa City Council ! KEEP EXPERIENCED LEADERSHIP IN YOUR COUNCIL ARLENE SCHAFER Costa Mesa City Covncil Paid for by ""' Comm111ee To R~ect ARLENE SCHAFER KenFowler-Treasurer. 3423 Meadoworoolt.. Costa Mesa. Jim Poteet. Chatrman CltC US Fish & Chicken Dinner 82.69 Get two great tastes in o ur Fish (, Chicken Dinner. Eac h dinner has a c rispy fi sh fillet and two tender whltemeat Chicken Planks. served with fresh cole slaw and golden f ryes. 3095 Harbor Blvd. In Costa Mesa Uu'1 \(~fth of "" ().f"•O fwy Ht~ frnm •~tl<n 14715 Jeffrey Rd ., w11nu1 I"'' all '°'"'• ""' , ,., 1 lrvinl" Orange Coast Cookbook Contest? You could win a trip for two or a $200 gift certificate. . For details watch for our ad in the Wednesday, Food section of the Orange C<?ast Daily Pilot ~. ~~----------1111!111111----------------..---------------~ ................. ~~ ....... ----:----~--~---.-~------- l 'he Junior L 'ague of New port I l arl>or , lrt ('. A 3-Day Shopping Extravaganza Tuc:-;chl\ & \\ <·d1w-.d.1\. \1J\P1nl1l'r :{ & I. 10 c.f.111. lo <) 1'·"1. T luir:-.da'. \o\ 1·111 l11•r .). I 0 a.111. to '.) p.111. Ora11 ~t· <:011111' h1irgr111 111d " ( H11tld111g I I ) CerH•rnl \d111i""io11: \dull:--$~.~)() (( :li ildn·11 l nd<-r l ~ 'r". Frc·e) Be nefac tor Boa rd 1982 \1acQ11urd C11111p.111\ • !:111111111.', • ~ak · .. hltli \, 1•1111t• ~n11tl1 C11.i-.1 111.11.1 "<H:E ·11·lt•,1,11111 • "<H :\1 H.1rl111 • :--h.d1·r Brntlwr-. \u m·~ ~"all • C.111111·11 ( lutdn11r • \I. J,11 •fill'" • Hhw ~.·.ti l.11w11 ~uppl~ • 1<11 li.11d ( l1il1·1t•· K a thryn Th1111111-.011 • \ .111d (: l'n11wrt11•, • P:wil11· \li1111.il I.di· l11:-ura1111· ( :1111q 1.111 \ Ora1q.!t' ( :""'' "'"' i11j.!· .111d I nan • Fluor ( :orporat11111 \rtlnar Young a11rl Cn111pu11' • In 1111' IC11wlr ~ .t rrtll'r-. \J Jrkl'l • l 111011 lb11k • B.i11k 11t \1·\\p111 I Co11111wri 1· lk111k • Clt·ll1·r ll1•\ 1•111111111•111 • \11 L.1111 l>1 ·\ 1·l11111m.·nt <:1111111,111\ l lw In 1111' <:01111'·"1' • \\ 1·,tl,111d, HJ11k • Ca11t1 ·rl n1n l11tt'n11r-. C.1rdrll \ ...... ,,, 1.111• ... • .lnlt11 B11t 1 ( ::dlt•n • B11t11·1 lwld :-;~,, 111~ ... .. pe ·ia l Even ts ~ll OPPEW~ l.l \CH \\ l·S HI 11 Tue-.da'. \\ t•dm· ... da~ & rl111 r,d.i' \o\'C·mlirr ~-:~ & L 11 a.111. 1 l'.111. Sb.;)() per Pl'r~o11. H1'~t'n L1l11111 ... 1111·<1 ·1·. -...1 II II' Pl . Ir ..... :--1 l'l'I·: B I 111·-d.1 \ ~\ \\ 1·d1w.,d.n \,,, 1·11rlw1 :; 1.\ :~. (, p 111 .• H::~n p.111. 3-:-.-,,, l"'r P1•r ... 1111 l 111•-.d,I\. \\ <'d111 ''I." 1.\ 111111 ... d.1 \ ( :11111 lllllt •II-'1•1 \Wt' 1'111 ... \d.11111111.d l·.\1·111 ... I l 1 r1111~hrn11 1111' ~h11\\ • H>H 11<."ET'-OH \l<llU-l\H>H\l \1'10\. C\l I '1111 1:!:211 Junior Leagu Proj e ls Thf• Jurnnr Ll·..1µ111• ol \1·\'l"'rl ll.1rl1111 U l.\11 ) 1 .. .111 orµ.;11111.1111111 ol 11\l'I (dlfl 01.111!!•' ( 1111111\ \\Olllt'll \\ 1111 .1r1• ;11·11 ' 1·h '"'oh t•d 111 a pro~1 .1111 111 1·d111 ·a1111µ. .111d trn111111~ llll'1r 1111·111 lwr .. l11f1 l11 r \11l1111IJ 1 \ p.1rl1< q1,1l11111 in tlw 111111111111111\ ~11w1· 1111., l.t•UJ.!llt' \,,, .. , .... , .. 1i11..,llt'd 111 I <r; I. th1 · 1111·11rl11•r .. 1t1p fiJ .. 11· .. ··ardwd uml adoptc•d 11111jt'1 'h that rn1·1 ·t 1d1·11t1fa·d 1·m1111111tlll \ 111·1·d ... , -.11d1 u!' tl w l><·llr1 C1·11lt'r . ,,..._, ...... nw11t and T rPal11w11 t ~l'I'\ It'•'" CP1111'r. :111d \ olunt.ir \ \t·t11111 ( :t•11tl'r. JI.:\ II prO\ ide" , nh1111t·1·r ... ,.n w 1•-., a.., ""II 11.., ad111 1111 .. 1rnt1H' and lini1 1w1al .11d 111 thr projPt'h u1111I -.11pp11rl .-. a..,~11111rtl h) a 1·u11111n111tl \ 11~1·111·, 11r µ11111p. Projec t 1982 . 1983 Tlw Child -\dvonah' • C1111 ... uhw11t Corp~ lor Cnp ..... 1)1..,ui-h'r l'rq10 rc•d rtt•!'I ... • JI '\i H Spru k1·r ... H11rt'tlll llw Jl.'\11 On·un c;allrr} • .ll.'\ll 1 at11rnl Tra,eli11~ l·:~h1h11 \ l'ul..._ ...._,.,,.,,. "'ltt1'41"t"'•~11p ol ,,,,..th,..,,,~ • ,l,.•I lto4' l1tt.11 I It tl111•· ( •111 I llAll '( I'll u 11•,uruJuy I)< 11111111 J' !CJt!t' ('5 J 982 E hibitors 11\11\11111 -.,1--1 .... llCll' 1'1·111-l.1·\ \l1ol11g.111 11 •• 11111' I Ill -k1 ·'l'l'·''1·I o1t11I ... I 1·--1111•' Ill \I< 1111<1 \II" .._,,t11 .1 \1 11111• .1 (..iiilo1111a I lw lliillt1.tl1 Ill 'lttldt I'll I l11d11tlj.! t !IHI"-I J\11"' \' Ill ..,JI,\-... 1 •• 11011.1 l>1·I \l.1 ( .ddtor111.1 I \lt,1111d111.11\ ll11r.d .11r.111~P1tll'11I-. l!llt·. ,111d t I 1111 I 11< 1\...;. I I IJ , "'I"'' 1 • .l11111g 111 c 11rpr1r .. 11" µdi· 1111 1•\•'• 11t1\ ('"" tlw11 1.tlf .111d 1 l11wi... ( .d1l11111 • 11.r 1·1 •111•· l!olfrl1•1, b.1•k•·I ltll,.d \\1111 ('bill' f11r di •tt t .1•11111 ltt ,1•c• t Ill \\,1111 l1lll"'\..., 111111 "" \\II I ()(IK\\ \IH.~ Ir '"''" I .dtl11r111.1 \ 111:111·l•·t•· 1·l1·1 111111 111 k111 I •·n l' 1dl!•'I• J11.J J!tfl-. I• •I • •·1111•·1111k•·r 111.f 11,.. I.!" 1r•1w1 1, II 11 \I( II ,\ ...,, I\ I ... \111!1•1•" LJlif11rn1.i I I • 11 , lo11liwr· li•r ti.,. ,Ji., r1111111.1t111g IJ1111h I 1 .ii ii llt).! l1.1d1l1011.d ..!11tllll1J.! 1111 ttll'll, \\111111•11 a11d IH1\• t. \) I 1:1 I()\ 'I., AH I \\ .1111.··-l.Li, \\ j,1·1111 ... 111 11 11t11r1111 .. d ra\'lllll!"' \\Ill. ,, 1wr·1111.d 111urh. I \\IB..., '\I\ Y \1·"111111 H1·J• It. <.al1lornia \ ·1wr IJI "l11r1· f 11r thrN· "liu ·•·1·!.. IHllJ,u.il 1?1f1-.. .111l11pw:-und J• •'''"11n1·, 111 11, •• I rt·111'!1 t'lllJIHI \ 'l\ '''· \ 11 \ l I ~-\I \ \ \\ \Y l'l l \I l'l l>l>l\t, I .1j!l1t1.1 11111'. C.altl11r111J '.:"pl1·nd1d E?llt\\ur1· .inJ ,.l'l<'lirattrm .... H \I; 11\IF '-'.1111,1 \l1n1wa. C:ahf11rn1t1 .\ dvllhnu:-.r for i.:ro\\nup' and nthn pt>oplr. UH fl \HI>'"' \I \JO~D !'OH FE \, . .,..port B··.11 Is. r altforrn.J 11..-1wrl1·1 I J?lll lfJr arn 'f'1·1·tJI "' • a..,1nn ..., \I\ I \ (( 1101 \S :-..111 Ju,rn L1pHrJ1111 ll<111•l111.td1· t,1111a ... tr• and 11ri1w1JI ~1f1, f11r .i.11 ""\I l BU\ 1101 ~L l1111w, L.1hforn1.i (I ti '111111-! j!lll J.J-.1.<'I.., 11111·.f \'11tl1 tl1•l1·1 IJldl' ,f,•l11:lih .111.f .1 1 0111pl1·t•· hnr of 'l"'1 1.tl1' food' -.\\ \l\l<l\O 10) \\fl B001' "llOPl't "-.111 \l.11111>1 ( .. ild11t 111.1 t r•·.t1111· .11111 1•dw .1111111.tl 111\ .. 111 d1·hµh1 d11ldr1·n nl .di .1cr· "-11\I\ llltJ\I\"" \\IJ<)l I" '°'.rntc1 \n<t. ( • .i.1 .. t 111.1 \1 l'\lt'll•I\ 1· ·1•l1•1 tlllll 111 11111' oHlll•Jllt'' I 111 l It I I II H I \ . "-IH H l 1' :-II o I' I' I·. \,.,, f" •rt 1\1.,11'11. ( .. 1l1t11rr11.1 1111• 1•1.1 h.t11t1·d \\11rld nl • l11lrlr1·11·, 1111111.-. I Ill· I (JI HI 1101 ""~ I 11lltort1111 Califorr11L1 \• 1• .11 .. 1 c1fl, lor dw ·J•t1rl' 1•111h11-1a,I 1111 \ \ 11 H \I , .... , .... di I .ti.•· ( II\. l IJh I r .1d1 I 1" rt .d Ii ,1 11d1 1 .it 1 • 1 1111 t <' mp n r a r' .1 •. , 11r,it11.11-.. C :1iri ... 1111.1• l..1·•·1•·.1"•·.., and • lwt 1-lwd ,,,.,1,11r1·· 1111. P\l I 1\1· \Fl:-.O\ LOI I t.CllO\ \1 "1•1•t t l\1·,11 h ( .d1l11r111.1 \ f"'' 1,1li,1 111 1•\•l'll"tll' col.I 1•\\1°lr 1 1111· HI I> 1'01111) \\ htll ll'r. L1ltl11n11a \ , q..t11.11mc '11!1!'1 tu•n 111 \111rrwL1n fnll..art .111d l!llt· trnrn t r.1111·1· .111d I 11~1.ind 1111 I II <>t (.I \:'!" \1'\\!1111. \la,:-ad111c:('l1" I \ 1'1\ tl1111c 111 1 ,111\ .1~ '" 111n1111~r .1111 nr not. IH\\l.11\C. IHI \f... 1 1111~ Bruh. ( .. dil11r llt,J I 11111111· l11~h qunl11 \ ~tfl 11r111~ from ill ouml th1• \\ 11rlil \\II \ l"S POPl 1 I ~' ~tln lli111ac:. Caldornra I op·nl-1he·l1111' rop1·orn prml11r1 ... \\ 11 n \\ I ;\ C ~ G :\ I I F K Y ( .il1forn111 \\ h1111t•r. " rid hl1• .irl ,11111 g1ft!" 11wlud111~ print<. '>rulptures 1111d olhrr l11w 1·nll1•1'tthlr~. ~l l~Tl.E'IOt·: \l :\l>~E~~ Ju111M Lt'agul' '\!'II\,.,,. Cit•\ n f(lfl ... r<'a .. onuhh prtrf'd anti hanclmadt' lw I 1·,11w1· rnrmll<'rr.. I' \!'Ell Pl i\CE Jurnor l.c·o~1Jr At•ttvrs l'rr·~1·n11ng 11 wondt"rf ul mrna1wrir of finr writing pu1wr!> and pPrlion11liwd gift itl'Ol!I. HIBHO All..40 WRAP Junior l.ro~uf' Acti ves \ drl1~htl11I as orl rnent of poprr ... !'tfl bugs and 1·11lurf 11l rthbons. 11ml foaturin~· John Uot1 Tim'=-Flowt"r C;t•rt \loorr. Porlrn11 Ar11 ... 1 .. ·-· • .... • r t .•• Big Bear a place for all seasons 'l'ho••li.\ I .1111•.il .111111 111111•..,1111 1h11111.:1t '"''' 111.1111111' .. 1 h1111d 11 c1, 111 I'"", t1 1111· 11. .11 I .. 1t,.1 It , "'1111'\\ lt.11 111 ,1 ho• I.. ii I• I .111\ lllf I ht 11llf h t lw '""'f l.11!11t lo1\\ l.11td, •>I ....... 111111111 I .tl1t111111.1 I It• liq• 11. ·" , , 1'11111 "' lht ~.111 f\, 111.11ol111t 1\10011111.1111. ,, ~ ' hn111 di IV• (111111 \ lt """ \ '••11111\ 111.o\' IH llt'IA 111 '•lllh lout 11 111 ,1111 \ d.olt'' li.11 k 111 1111 t'.11 J\ loill11, \\ 11111 lht l\Jt111111ll" 1111111 I Jt111 1IM I ,.,,1,j 11 ll1t 1111111111111 ,111 .1 111111 n1il1·, 11o•1 lh ool tlu l.tkt 111 lilt lllhtl,, .. full ".iii 1:• old 111,l 1 111.1111· .1 11w:-' 11! 1h1• i Jll'olll'l ld 1.olllt 1,1111 h lh.11 J,1\' Ill 1111• l 1i11ddl .. 111 " ..... ,1-. lo\ \.\'illi.1111 1"1.111110., (l\1JI I I lt•l1 u111l1 N1 .11 "' ,111 d11t1'""''111.11 lu~l II\ ''I-:'" 111d11 .111111• '"' ......... 1 llt llt '1111· lht \',tilt•\·, l.tl/!t .• '""II Ill 1111' 11t1d llllllb, II I.' l'llllllllt d too 11.1\1 l•'.t• lll'd ,t pop1tlo1t11111 of lll.thlll ,11111 \\ ,,, '"1'1"'' ... I 111 h.1\'1° lw1·11 II l111t lwd 111 '"' t ''1n1tl'I' .1111111~ tho I 01\'tl \.\ oll \I ,II' Big 1\.,11 l..1 1.. .. 111.111.t i,, th1 11111K1lllldtttl-: l'I llh•lllll.1111 \\ ,tlt'I '\ ht 1111111 ,1 d,1111 h.1-, lll't II l'Pll,\111111'<1 '" It \\ill r1•111.i111 .ti .111 1 t.11n h-v1·I .ti .di 111111·" Thi· lttkl' I' h1•1t 111 'ol,1\ .111tf !Ill 1\llllllH•I 1tl lt1\'1•1\ I 111•1· ltt•llU'' dolllllg 1111' ,1\1111 I' ol ti ... 1111111111.ol '" 1h.1l t.11 l ( )11 ..... 1tl ti t 111"'>1 H\lhl,llldlltj.! 11 ''•11 I'\ Ill !Iii' 1 11•,1 I' l\,1,111 .... lll'll I 11.ttl' ,II\ ('lh h.111l111g 1 lt.ol1 l th,1l '-1'1 Ill' 11111\' II' rn·t·d .t "~l..!1 t 111 1•1111pkt1· tlw .... 1 lH' Th• 111.1111 , h.tl1·1 It" ... 1, i., .01111 ·.t ('1•1)11lh ).!114 -.t l•••llh .ill\\ Ith .1 \I<\\ flt th1 l.11..1 ().1\\ ll'l tll I .o l.11 &.!t Ii\ 111).! 11'1•11\ 1111 .di gu• -.1 \ htl&.!• Ill• pl.111· 4,il\\,1~' U ll I II I 11 ).! 11 l l h I. I .1 I 1 .. ll ol \\ I II l I. I , dP111111,1lo tit• ,tJ 1 ·' \\ lt11 lt .d .. o f1·dllll 1'' .i b .11 I•:. .. h 1111>1 lllllJ.! tll.111).!1 JUll't' 111llt ,. l'.11..1 .111d 1•1p111g h111 1t•lII1 ·''" I"'" ult-ti 1111 ftl 1 1111" 11111 I'"'"' ,ol 11111'1• I'> 1ol1\11I 1.1.!1 1 \1111111: "" l111l1d1\'o .• I 111:1 II It\ hltlll I' ol\ ,1al,1hl1 loll \\ ,ol• follllJ. I 11111 Ii.ii I 1(.11111 •' J'lll', lt'lll'•ll l'l ltlllllflll'<!'>l'S '.!.'I 11\ll''> tif 1111 .11111\\. 1•<1i.1111" .11111 hu..:t• 111111• 11 t t'" T11\\1·111q• 111111111111111., "'1\1• . .-. 11 .. 11.11 kd1 llfl "' h /110 11·1•1, lh1 .111 1 ... 11 d1ol1·11t •<I p1111· I 11 ~111111111 1 t h1 It 111111·1.t11111 · .. ,1111 limh 111t11 tlll· 111r... l1u1 1.., h.11 di~ 111111n•.d 1l1• l11·1",1t1"· tll1·11· 1 .. .11\\ .1\'' .i g1 11111• In t•1•11• '1'111 .111 '' 1111" l1<·~11111111g 111 It t•I 11 "'fl· ,111tf tilt' fllllllllSt• Ill Wllllt•r .11111 'kllO~ l' Jll"'I .it11ll11tf tilt' l'tll 111'1 1\.1.111"111'11'1 I !JU!\ ft.!.' ,111 ,di Wt'o1lht•I 'l>·I, .111d It I' ..tl'•'lll f.an Ill tht· dq 1l hi. 11! Wllllt'I \11 d,1!\h thl'11tlgh lh1• :O,llllW :111d s11.1k 111 tlw ~lt·a1111111< wult•1 i\l 11·1 \11ll0 \'l' .,t•ttlt<tl 111, 111•;111 .11ou11d O CC o ffe rs Bo hornos tri p llo1\\ ""tald \llU laJ..1 hi "llllld Nt\\ \I .II .. <\ I 1111 ,t ll llfJlt .ii l ... l,1t1d, d.tlll 1111-: \11 1111 • 11111~11 "' .. 11.11!\'t' ... 11·1·1 h;111d" ( )1 .tllg•. ( '11,!!'>l l '11f lt•gc•'!\ l'Ollllllll 1111 \' ._11\111' 111f1<1• IS t11fc•1111g l l11• 11pptllllllltl\• \\1th .• ''"' 1.il 11 Ul'I "' tilt' B.t11.1111.t' j)," }l o I h1 11ugh J.111 .I 1111 l h.t111 I p.11 I\ of .Iii ,,111111·, .11111 111111 ,,1d111 -, \\ill Ill l111111t•d 111111 l ll'W-.. lh.11 will .11 lllalh· ,,111 lh1• ho.11!\ du1111g !Ill' I •>UI 'I 111 lht• ( 1 lll:O.l' JI\ ;tdtftltllll, p.11 l1t q 1.111h will v1 ... 11 h<.1rl>or-. .11111 ...c·lll1 111t 11h 1.irgc·h une hang1·d ... 11111 }{t \I llltl<llJ,11 \ \.\',II d,1\'-. "S1111 11 111 lh1· l\;tl1.1111.1' \\t 11' O.,l•lllt d 1,, ll11;-.il1 ... 1, 1111111 th1:-p1•111•I, .111d lluJ.. ti ..... '11.1111.(1 '<1 th111ugll ... 1111t·1·d111g ~:1 ·1111,tllllll'.' ,,11d ( IUl'l' l'l1tlltllll.lltll \\.d1 t:l1·1 kl1·1 Ot'l"' 1011rd111.11e11 111 111,111111 .Cl II\ 1111·' t,,.>u.11111 '1ll.1g1·" .111d o.,l111p' d111 1h1 lf11 l,1!-1 111 '°I IA lo,tl I ~:11111~• tlll Iii~: l\t.11 <'1 tv 1' ol lli1 ,, .... 1t-111 111d \\ ht'll 1111 II ollt I Hlilli.( ,\,1f1lt •.., ,11111 '111111 111 lfli• lw :-.I 11,111' Ill (Ill' \\t11 Id \'1111 '11 di" 11v1 ·1 I Ill' w1111 .. 1· 'kt .11 t"" 'lll Ii .ai; M 1•11111dg1 1\1.ilolh M111111t.1111 1111d S1111w :'-11111111111 'I Ito II 111)( II .111d 11p1·1.1lo With 1111 .11.f 11( .11111111,1) '""IA If lllll ''·llV Ir "" 1 I .It .. ·11 ol" 1 1111 Nt .11 1111 '>l.111 111 tho· 1\1•.M llll ldgo 'kl 1111'. ,111 ,1 put.Ill 14111f 1 lul1, ,, pltbl11 fHKll w11h ,1 w.111·1 .. 11d1 · th.ii .111glt·' d11w11 11 11111 lh1 1111dtflt· e1I !ht• lif I .111d .1 \>\ ild .1111111.d /1141 J\I l'l•'ot.111• 11111111 B11.1t l .. 111dllllol .. 111.11! lw1.ol 1.111 IH l1 lll1•d 1$1!1 111 1111 ,, Ii.di d.o\ I 1111 .1 l1·w 1111111 ' 111 .1 wl111lt tl.1y 11, .. ,, 1 \'t .it lc•.1s 1 ,, d .1v .tl11 ·.otf 1\ l11v1·I' 111111· t11 tl11v1 .11111111d 1111 · I 111111 111111 l.1K1 j•, ,1\ 'o\111'-' (, \\ h1 •1l \hi \\ .1!1 I ;1111111111 t ; 111 tho l.olt d.t\ l11tf1t I· 1·.h Jlllllfl •Hit 111 1 lt1 \\ .tlt'I .11111 \\ .111 I 'h1•" d1·'''11 l1v ,11 .. k 11111,,.,, wl111 p.1 .I ()1f11·1 lui;ol,_ 1111 k ljllll'tly Ill th1• I.ii"· .1•, l1,h1 •1111t 11 'II p.otll'llllV \\:1111111{ 1111 l111ul .11111 11th1 I l1.,l1 Ill t11l1 1"111111 ,\p1 ti 111 .h1h tl11111..._1111f.. of J1<1tl11of, 11( 1111111 .... pl.11111'11 '""Ii \e .11 "' lh1 11111111 ,111111 1:-~.11A11:-k111 ... 111'\lll lttlf1 ll>Wll th.tit" th.1111\lllg :11111 It\ 1·1\ N1·,01 l1y .11 ,. n111tt·l•., 1·;1r11p g111u111b .011d 11:1111 ·1 t:1nlit11·'· .1111111111:-1 t1.1tb 111.11 IA 111d up 1h1 · ll\IHll\l.1111 111111 llH v.tllt•\ \\ht 11 1:11ltf Wol'o dtst 11\'l'l l'd . 1\111111!11 ""1 tl\\\1111t· tin" h up 1h1· 11111\1111.1111 P•"l ( ),1k K m11l l.t>dKt' 11110 .1 p11w 11111·,t l';ol1111:-. l>l·1d1 1111 thc• 1•dgt• of 1111 k :.lrt·w11 d1I f:-. <1 grc·1·11 1111 .. 1dow "Jlf>l'oll" .11 lht· H.IHJO-fuot l1·ve·I. and the· ( :111 S111llt ( '.unp C>...1111 n· ... i... lr;111q111lh 111·.01 lo\ .o\\.1t1111g 111 i..I \'l',tr'' g11111p 111 I ,lgt·I I ,llllJ>t'I'" Tlw \ 11•\\' ol 1111• l.1k1 111 tlw d1,1,11u 1· 1:, .1\\ 1· 111:-p1n11g 'l'l111ugh1" ul hb11kt·l:-uf wh1tt· ... 1111". 11111 h ht .,1.i111n1,, ''a• 111 ltr• io. .111d lt111 l1•ldw ... \\ tll 111 .. kl \OU .Hll\11111'> 1111 the ... kt "·""" 111 l>1·g111 ()i1 tli1 ,l.!llllll\lh. ,IJI llJh Ill l"H bt•1fr1•1ll1 I h.olt•h lh.il I ,Ill .ll't Olllrlll>tlolll , 311 rn1111 • l!lll''-h r~1d1 \1)11 11'' tyu1pµt·d v.11h " k111 h1·11 cind ll\·111g nM.1111 1 ... l.11111, f'h11,1 .111 .. , p.1r<1l1·d "' 111111 ,ti l1·1 111111· 111 "l11H'. .... 1111lv lx·:H'ht·' · l '11q 11! 1:-$1 .11 7;, pt·I' Jll'fSflll F111 1nfon11.1t11111. <'itll :-15H .>HHU J '·" N1·1-... .. t'/ '' '/'1.11·1 / /·:d11111 111 < >1.111J.i" ( 'u,.-1 f\J,1g11ll/H' T rout fishin~ off th..-rm·k!-> i!'! oftt·n ~ood a t Rig Bt•a r Lak•·. Thin· .111 no lt•ll'\ 1s1urb •Jr rad111s 1>11 '. t t>1)ha11 j4 • \r/.!~ ro"' .. port inµ h h<' I ti "''lo loo" '1 odel in~ al Halhoa Ba) Cluh: \l<"r Nlith Marlin. l.iz S pt'IH't'r a nd f\.4 •11 ) s.·h auclt·I. fa shion~ from Buff um-.. \h•!-> Ami•• atul PappaJ!a llo. Ht'C'(' i Vt's honor l>oru II ill. fornwr ma) or oi' , •. ,,por t Bt•ac h. holcl-. I lw pla que· I ha I '' i II lu· plat·t·d on t ht• ru·~ l>ora llill Tran-.i tion Cc·nlc·r at tht· Flon.·1u·t• (:ri ll.-11 10 11 Sc•nic·•·~ in Fullt•rlon. \\'ith he r a t tlw c·c•rc•mon) j .. .J ac·~i•· 1'4·altu-r ( lc·ft ). 1·urn•nt ma) CH' of '\t·\\ port B4•114·h . a 11cl P n trit'ia t ;roth. <'ornmittc•4• 1114•rnlwr of tlH' clt·din1tion C'4'rt'mou\, as h ions remain exciting for teen agers Ir-------------=-----------------------, Sl 1N ET "Tlw gn·alt' ... t p1 olt'i lion W C' t•an g1v1· ypung ~opl•· I'-,1 'ilHmg ,,.I( 1magt•." sav-; 01n•ttur 11f J unior l\l.1nt11~u1n-.. &·, 1·rl1•1• Kell<•\: • Junior l\l.innr-.1u11b 1' d S<"lf-(.._11>t·m program tbr pn·ll~ n-. dr1d l<'1·n<> thJl usc-s grooming. fash11111 and mo<l1·ling lo teJth tonf1dl'nn: "l do not t'llC'ouragt• mod Pling :is " t·arc"<'r Yt•L. evl•r y young girl drN1ms o f lx"<.•omin g a modl'I when she first bt.•g1n' to sw that s he can do soml•thmg ~ul hO\\ 'ht looks .ind ~ll'L'\ \ "W C' work IA 1th 1h1io. d<'S1rt• and t·xpand 1l to 90re sc•lf rt'SponMhil11y <1nd awarc•nc"&'> of o thers," .. eUey l'Xpl;uns "T h1·n• I!> nothing wrong with b<•ing c•onfid(•n t afld knowing you <ire a b<.•aut1ful pt•rson 1f you have' the balanH' to know otht•r; are beautiful also." J Thl' ungoing progr am. taught a l Buffum 's Fashion Island .md Balboa Bay Club, bt•ga n in July ahd indudt"I d1St·ussmns on "Being U nique ly You" and "Communicating w ith O thc>rs." problem ~rdenia s. Euph1Jrh1:1 ,,d Star of Bc>thlehl•m 'T he flowC'rs Wt'rl' flown n from Hnlland ~pt-'t'wl • or the party," said C hn., · ndsay. dt•corat1ons irman .md owm •r of Lindsoy Designs tn orona d el M ar A tllnf'Stont'd ma'lk wn'I in *h or the· <.'t'nlerptC<'t'S •t o n mirrors and urroundt•d b y votive and JM! J oran nnd Bar ry ntt•n W<'rt' chairm"n tht-f'V<'nt which I~ ec ted to result In .OQ4J for the Cnnr<'r 't success Stx·1Ny anci A V11w1·nt .Jorgenst•n was honor;_arv l'hu1rman O tht•rs nttendtng thl• d1nnt•r dance' und auctions, h Vl' and silent, we're Dena ond Mic ha l•l Hobin son. Toni and K l'n Ol1phrint. Ardlsw Hc1s. the Ygal Sonc.•n11hint•11. the: W1 ll1am 1-'rede n cksons. Yirl(inrn ond Paul .Bendt•r , MlH' Hayes, Chrh1 nnd Kl'lth Llnd1111y, Dr. rrnd M r11. Jc>rome Jon~. lhC' Alan Ryplm kls (th<>y hostf'd n patron party last month). and Mr . and M r s Wllllam Hught'11 • 'nlving .ind sel('IHl gr;1l't'' · Young 1,.·11plt• tod.1v .111· m1111· 11p1·n 111 111·\\ 11 11 .. 1:-(;t·1w1.1llon' nf tht· pa'-1 h.iv .. 11f1t·11 ll'lt'<I to 1111•n •I\ h• d1fft·n•n1 frolll 1·urre·nl l11•nd-. N11w 1h1·n· i-. ,1 fp1 ·1ing o f l'UrltNI\ fnr kn111Aln).( wh.11 tlw tn·n<h .in P,1n•nts now .in· rnorl' aw.in· 11f hnw lo '-Upport th1•1r 1·hildn·n ·-. growth · "Bc•tnm1ng und1•p1•ndl'nl 111th1·1 tl1<1n 111d1°pl'1ldl0 nl 1•mpha"lll'!. growth r.11h1•1 th<111 1e•<;t'oldll('t' JUSI as aSSt'r llVl'l1l'SS IS 11101!' olt'H'Jllilbll• than aggn.•ss1vt>m•ss," Kellt•y dddl'<i Y vonne Hudson 9S.'llS~ K elll'V .1 ... d1n'(·tor o f tl11· .Junior Mann£'CjUlllS at lht• BBC Tlw IW•) hav<• hl•en assoc1alt•d 1n the• iwlf -1mprnvl•ml•nt and fa:-h1on fwld for dost' to 20 years. M nry Ann La fkur work!> w11h t h <' M::mm•quins at Ruffum's ··F:ishwn is sllll the C'Xl'llC'mC'rll for th<' pretNm .ind tt'<'na~w girl It o ffNs a t·h:rnct· to try on a m ·w pc•r sonality l.lll Wl•ll as o garnwnt W t• f<•C'l Looking G ood (From P age C2) Beverly is staying active ShC' w ill lw app<>ar ing in a television segm('nt of CH iPs w mf'limc in Novcmbc·r with Enk Estrada ("we've been togclh<'r two yt•ars," sht' t.'onf1ded) And. JUSt l o k<'<'P thC' bc•:iuty workshop J)()rlton viable. Crow, by no\V hud l'l)mplct('d lwr makc1JV1•r and was t<'lling us on<'l' mon• about kcc.•ptnfit t he skin dt•an. "SC'bum (tht• 0 11 your skin cxcret<'S) lovt'S bnc.·lt.•rto, and tht• oir ui full o f bactf'rta and pollutants. C INinlinCl'iS ls the most important lhtnf( for H h<'alth y skin." I'll havl' to admit that It wn!' n rntht•r 1nl<'re~ting affolr, and wt• olso hnd a box lunC'h . !!Ort of a health food dent with no mcnt. How<.'vcr1 don't tell anyon 1 but the KlUl~wlches were made with whit<> bread. • I • • • .. i-• • cflll1•11·11ll\ Ill JI .Ill'-th.Ill Ill .t fll• II\ 1ft 1•._.. .111d ,11 l d1ff1·n •111lv .1:-w1·ll "An ;·1ud11·111"t· 1" tlw m11 ... 1 11111K11 t.1111 t''l"·111·11n· \\ 1• 11ff1·1 mc•mhPrs &'f ,1u ... 1· wt .111 'l""''rn I'd lw Buffum·, .ind oth1·r n l;11lt•1' "'' L.111 g1\t 1111 opportuntl\ lo modl'I lwfon· cu~t1mwr., 111 lh1· t1•aroom .ind tht· AB<.: "Wh1•n ;1 .Junior M ;1nm-<1u111 has lwt·n g1v1•n lh1• ln1:-ll' tra1n1ng 1n ~rooming and mod1•1ing, w1• st~· a 1ww l'flllf11h·n1·1• d!'\'C'lop .1' -..ht· UM'" lw1 nt'" fuuncl ll'l·hniqul'io. 111 front of dll ;1ud11•m·1· .. Tht' Jun111r Manm•qumi. "'111 hJ\01· a l h.11ll'l' lo dc•monstrah· wh;11 th(•y hav1• h·arnC'd on Nov 1-1 at ,1 1 p m runwa;.i show 111 tht• Junwr Ot•partm1•n t of Buffum's, Fa:-hron Island Nt•w "'t't•klv dassc'' foa 111 t•n·1 v f11u1 wpt•ks They began Nnv :! al Buffum'!> and Nc1\' hat B.1lbo11 Bav Club F ur 1tw1 111f11rmat11111 .1IK1UI thP group nmy he· ohlainl•d hv c"1l11ng Kt•llt·'; .1t ifl() !17!fi T een-oger moving up. (From Page Cl) Southern California. She has ballet and Jazz lessons at Phyllis Cyr Dance Academy In Huntington Beach five days a week. She will be In nine performances or the ballet company's "Nutc racker Suite" in N ovember and December at Cypress, Chapman and Orange Coast colleges and at Huntington Beach High School. "I can't keep up with her schedule." says her mother, adding "but she says 'I can handle It ... Stacy also takes pleno lessons each Monday. "I love to water ski, and recently learned to snow ski. I do enjoy swimming and running, even though I rarely have time for It." But, one more thfng ahe does find time for - and that's Fon~le, her miniature s~nauzer. HI NN ER <~R U I SE 52 ' SCHOOMER "ALLURE" rRIDAY • SATUllOAY • SUf()AY SPM 9PM •tH ORO ' -AaA II S27 50 • OUIO $22 50 ADULTS $17.50 -CHILDREN $12.50 $50 PER COUPLE WITH THIS COUPON 01 .. NEA~ 8Y O•llMAN SACS! OF 9Al80A vc 61S.,•94 USCG 4ppqo11eo ruu v INSUAEO LICE"5EO $1(1PP£A RESERVATIONS A MUST! 714/675-2494 Cl\art.,1 Avaliablll Fo< "" Ocu•10<11 Of' L•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• THE TRAVEL SECTION of the NEWPORT BEACH EBELL CLUB Invites you to • cruise preview •t our clubhouH, 5 15 W. B•lbo• Blvd., Newport B••ch et 7:00 P.M. on Wednead•Y1 November 10. We are celebrating the newest of the ROYAL VIKING ST AR cruises to CHINA & JAPAN with movies of shipboard activities and sights to be seen at the many ports of call of this FABULOUS NEW CRUISE ... Imagine, 14 days of luxury crulelng In the new orient from l3e2t Including air fare end ehore excuralonell -lllRllllllT1 wtll 11111¥11 Mir wt t&JHt J••1 P11111 tell Lide, 141·4111 _4 /H,,,J,..,'Jl"f £ulivil'I o/ '/°14' lorn / l iH// CIHL /,..·,,,JJ ., ... ~------------._..._...._ .... ._ _____________________________ 1111111111111~------------~~------~~~------ Daily Pilat ~lJ Nl)I\ y OCI 11 , 1 1111~· STOCKS 0 2. 4-5 REAL ESTATE 06-7 Phone users get a choice By KAHEN E. KLEI 01 th• Oellr Piiot Slaff Ht·t"•'t'n """ .ind J,111 l '.111fti TPl1·plm1w 1·11,1111111•1·, will h.1\1• tl11 11pt11111 1111 tht• 111 .. t 111111" tco l>uv th1•11 ,t.111d.11 cl rl''>ltfPllll,il l1•lt•pl1tllh'' ,It I tl't r,1tlw1 th.111 11'.1"'' th1•111 t111111 till' n1111p.ul\ 1 •'\,1111 t h1 'l'I \'11 t' lh1•' llll\.\ ha\'I ' .111d .I.• 114'11·1111 ''ill 1h~ nh 111 htl\ llH"I till ,1 lllt>llthh )1.1\'lllt 111 pl.111 " l.1•,1\ Ill :-.11<1 Ho ·,1d••11h will ht• Jhll' Ill h11\ tllt'll pll<llh'" Ill cl :-;rnglc Jlol\llll'llt Ill \\llh ,1 '>I' Ill I:! 1111111lh 111't.1ll1111 111 p.1~1111·111 µI.in "hh h llll llldo·' .1 I 5 pt•1T1·11t 111t1•11•'l , h.1rg1· ... ·111rcl1ng 111 P.11 T1•l l>l\•i....w11 l\1.111.1g1·r D1.1111 I >.1tl.111' l)AL ~ l'HICl IN PLACE ~. ff' ~--"t .. I •.• 1., "· u • ~: .t~ "' .• h "ff "'. .... I t t ., I '. rrlu· \.f/111/ .'-;tn•t•I /,1 •11 r.~ ~ . •• u ~ •• ... .. ~ t~ .. . . . L1re11 't <111i1t• rt.•1uly /'or . .. I~ w· . .. ·: ri ~ .. .; "'• 'I hilu•rnution. <:ht•t•k ·"''"''" . "ff" . ... 1•. 11 ·,. f~ , ~ .... ~ •• ; 1'. .... . ... r<•s u/ts on /'11~(·.~ /)2 .. /-.). ., ~ uf t•' I•• .. II '1 .. . '• 11 ... JI e ... ... BUYING VS. L EASING YOUR PHONES S TANDARD Touch Tontl (P11sl1 IJ11tt1111J Ro tdry (01t1/) $ 27 00 PRINCESS Touch To11e (l'mh IJ11111111 1 $ 41 00 TRIMLINE Hot.try Touch · Too• IV 1111 (Push Butron) s 14 00 $ 49 00 l'.111t11· 'l\·l1·phorw 1 l'.1l·'l\·I l. whwh :O.•'I \ ,., ,1IK1lll 11:·1 J>('l'll'lll 11( l) I ,1 11 g 1 {' 11 ll 11 I \ , \\' I JI lH• g I 11 s1•111h11g q111•,t1or111.111·1•'i to 11,., K 7 ll\11111111 I l'!'>ldt•ll l 1,il l ll!'>lDllll'I 'i 1·nrly lll'l..t w1•1•k a:-k1ng tlwm 111 m1.h1·att· tlwrr pu·h•rt>rw1· 111 th1.· buy i. .. 1,.,1• opt11111 , '>aid Art L1•av11t. IJ;rl-1'1·1 !-.pok l•sman Pnt't'' t111 1·4uqm11 111 "'1111 h .iln ·.111' 1-. 111 pl.11 •· r.111g1• t n1111 $1!J t111 ,, ,.,1and.11u 101.irv di.ii ph111w to $-1!1 !or ,J Tr1111l1111• modt•I w1lh push liutl•lfl~ I i M ONTHL y INST ALLMl:N rs $ 19 00 $ 1 /4 $ 34 00 $ 3 12 $ 2 48 $ 3 76 $ J 1,,/ s 4.49 l; l' 11 1 • r : 1 I T l' I l' fJ h o n 1 • 11 I Cahfc>n11.1 . wlrn·h :-.t•rvt.·:. Laguna fkad1 ;.ind I lunllng1rn1 Bl'~ll'h 111 tht' Or.mgt• L'oa:-1 .1n •a, pJ.lll, to follO\\ l'.it·T1•I':-l1•ad ,1:-; !>UOll ,,-., pos:-;1l>h• -.,111.J sp11k1.•.,111an C:.11111 I I u ft T1·lt·ph11111•' ab11 111:1\ 111· put d1.1s1'll f1111n 1nvt·11t111·y .11 -.lighth l11gh1•r r;1t1•:-;, start111 g oil $:1:-1 (111 .. ,.,1a11dard r11tar~· dial. r:.ing1ng lip 111 $75 l•>r a T r1rnl11w touch '""'' All 1·11u1µ11wn1 '' t11v1•n·d h v ,, !Hl-d.1v w.irrantv SALE PHIC( FROM INVl NTUHY 12 M ONTHLY INS 1 ALLMENTS $ 35 00 $ 3 21 $ 55 00 $ 5 04 $ 45 00 s 4. I J $ 65 00 s !.i!i 00 $ 75.00 $ 5 96 :i. ':> 04 $ 6.88 "G1•ni•1.il 1,., Jllltt111g togt•llw1 .1 pl.in lor .i '111111.ir p.1l k.1µ1•," '"" s.11d It 1.... 11111 k no\\ n '' lwn 1111 opt run \\Il l l>t· .1v,11l ,il1I .. 111 ('ll,ltlllWI' lhc •ugh. ~llll 1 OUH ,. 1111• pl;.in 1:-; 111111plt ll•d 1t 111u,1 b1 app;-1>\'t·d 1., till Publ11 l't1l1111·' Cum1111'''"'' ... ht -..11d Bu~ 111g th1• ll:lq1h111 11· "'di ,,1v1· l lJ,IUl111'1::, lht• fl'IJ!,ol fo •t•' tlH•\ h.i\'>' lw1 ·11 p.1:-.111g D.111.11" ... mi Tho"' ll't"' r.mgc· I rorn $I OH to $:1 •I 11111nthly dt'JH'nd1ng 1111 lh1 I\ I" of phrnH Untl' .1 ph1111t· 1s pun h, ... t·d lr11rri P,11.TH. tht•rt· v.111 111 ,1 .. 111h.t1 .. u .. 1h1·u to 11 "h"'""I-: o" m r...h1p. Lc•c1\'tll ... mt CURRl:NT LEASE PRICE D IF FE HENCE IN BUYINL VS LLASING PEH MONTH $ 1 08 $ 1 68 s 2 27 66c $ 1 44 2h s 3 13 s ') 70 $ 3 51 63¢ 42¢ 98c l\lt•.in" ll1h . l'.KT1·I ,.,~lt'\ t.-., rb liuy 1>Jlllllll ltl bt• \\ t•JI I l 'U 'I\ 1•d by LU!'olllllll'l"I '\\'1 illlllllJ>olll' th,1t <1bout ti:> pt ru 111 "di npl 11• P.tt Tt•I hnJ.X-s tht· 'illl k1·r.. '"ll d1'tuurc1g1 ~chu<,(· of tht• pun h;o"4 ' µI .in. '-Lil h JS cl l'U'itOllll'I I See PHONES, Pai;te 0 2 I • Chari s hows <·o st <·on1parisons lu·twet•n buying or l ea~ing hornt• pho1H·. Most of 714 area going619 Thl· 71 -1 ,:irt.•" 1:11<h ... will shrrnk 1:ons1d1•rnbly lx·ginntng Nov 6. when about I 7 million hornt'!. and busincs."4.-s 111 SHn Drt.·gC). San Bcrnardrnu, lmp<•r 1.11 Inyo ,ind Mono 1·ountws will <1dopt ,1 nt•\I. c·odc· hl!-1 The ch.mg" w,1., prompll'd by ,1 shortag1· uf ,1\'<1ilabl1· tl·lt.·phont• pref1xc· .... 111 Southnn CahforniJ "W1thuul the· nl'V. arc•a tode" Ste:vt• Gould of Pae1f1t Tt•lt•phom expla1m·d ·all tht· Lt. h·phont· c:om pe1n11•s st·rv 111 g Sou t h<'r n California would h.1vc· run out of prcftXl'"I by l!:Hfl " Gould s<>rd :! :! million Prinln Telepho111· numh<·r.. art• nu\\ 1n serv1t'C' 1n th1• 71-1 .in:o t'<xlc· A f t c• r t h t ' n t· w l o ti c· l .., rnstrtuwd. rml~ Or;ingc· County and portwn:-. uf Los Angc·lt•s. San B !:' r n a rd 1 no a n cl R I\'<' r::. 1 d (' countit•s wall n•mJ1n 1n thf· 71 1 area Thc•rl' will ht.· ;i YO dav JX•nod afwr Nov fj durrng wh1l'h 1:alls will be> t'fmnc'<:l«d c•vpn if the· old area c:odt• ,., d1alc·d Aftl•r the· grace p<•nod J rr'tording will ask the l'alln to rc•d1,1I usrn~ tht· corn•l't area rode• Ind1v1duJI phone· numbl.·r.. v. tthrn th<' nt•W area c~>dc· will n ·m;irn th< -.am1• Only Orange County and thr urba niucl portions of LA. San Be rnardino a nd River ide count i t·~ will rnna in ~ ithin tht• 7 I ,.._ a rt-a code• aftt•r Nov. 6 . MAJOR POINTS OF REFERENCE ARE.A C:00( "4 ... ,,l').,,,."ead Banf" ,~ 8--'1u""0"'' B q f\lo;i1 ,...,,,. ~"'e' H1 '"""Q1·"' Aft~ r !IH>wr. "1 Beac• r•a· P(l..,.Yo) Rf'<J•a'VJ' R~.l'f''~ ~n Sernarf31tV1 "c .. m.el"lrf' 5a'll;I """ 51..;r r.1"¥ AREA CODE 1<11.1 Aa;p• S.vs1 "" B•Y'r-p B•oOq;or• ,.- ~,, •<· r ·I•' "'I' E."'.'ont1<1 ia111111Y>11 • tt-1~·, ... ,,, • .,. •. ''•'" ~ ... , llr-M n•.,1Jt• P, n ~'1r~· ""' 1n °"-'9 • r 1N9nl ,..n,nP ~ 1+r·1~ "IH.t<"_..,,1~ V1.rrn V'llM'y Tylen~l recovery eyed ./o/Jn . ..;011 ~~ ./oh11 ~on filn1s cons unu•r /'(•t•lingi., ubout drug BOS'TUN (APJ "llc>llo," tht· intervtf'w1•r s<11d "llo'" d11 v11u 11-d ahout usrng TylPnol a~.1111 '!'' Tlw maker of th<' UVl·r-tht.··l'ounter pain n ·l1t•v1·r has him lT<·ws at work in maJOr U.S . utres for iJ mark1·ting survc·y that <.•ould lead to a rww od <.<i mpaign to gC't pc'Ople to buy Extra- Strenglh Tyl<•nol <.·.ipsult•s on(•c mort' Last month St.'V<'n p<'Oplc• in the Chicago art·ci dit-d a fll'r Laking c.-yiJnidt•·frllc>d Extra-Strength T' l1·nol t.1p .... ult"> No orw has l:x-t.•n charged If c•i..1X'rtl'n<'t' rn Boston lh1s we<'k was an in· ht.cllon. miJn~ JX'<iplc· Sl'f'm wrlhng lo try tht· < ;1p.,11ll·,., .1ga111 , <''J..ll't 1.illy 1f thc·y c1n• put 1n t.1mrx•1 n ·'>lst.mt cont.:11nt•rs Tlw trim l'r<'"' .ind in ll'rVll'Wl'fS. whn !-.4'1 up sh op rn tht· plaz;i rn front of &>!-oton's city hall. had no trouble f1ndrng peoplt• w1llrn~ lo go on l'oJffil'ra lo pr:irSt· Tylt'nol "I f<'d g1~·at <tboul T vlt'nol. Lh<' samt• as I did lx·tore," s.<11d a c·asually drc.'SS<'d man rn his 20s who was inll'rYtl'W<'Cl on C'amera. Tht· man. who ll'l t be-t ort• his name cou ld bt.· askf'<I, ,;11d Ill' "' .... 11111 \\ 111r11 If clc·-;p1lt· the Tvh•nol rc·l<1\t'd dt·itlh' "It t-.1nw fn1111 th1· 11uL,1d1" · ht· :-aid of Lhl· c·ya111d1· t.·onldmin,1111111 It tnuld h.1\'l• h.ipJX'ned to .my prod ul'l. " Anothl'r IT!Jn d l l''"'"' 111 ,, 'poru. coat ltl' and ::.lal·ks. also s<11d he wai. v. ailing to UM' the pn><lul'l again 111 alsu '>atd ho \\ J<, rt'assured bl•t·auM 11 was 1 lt•J1 the· m .. mufal turC>r had nothing It> do v. llh lh1 l..crnµt ring "I wa:-. S(.iin-d .11 '"'' ltu1l'v1·1cn111· to n ·altze Tvll'nol 1s -.c1f1· · h1· ~ml Both -.cml lht•\ will f<...,,l c·\ t'n lx·lll·r om c· !JntJ.X r n •sr,t.1111 c 11111:111wr., ar<' ll'>L ·d Conf1thnt1 1n th1 p111d111t wa~ not unanimou:.. O nC' m i<lcllt•-<1gt'<.I woman wh11 "<&.li standing rn the background w.itt·hrng th1• f1lm1 ng and hstt•ning to tht· lwo mc·n lunwd tu a fnl'nd and s;:i1d. "I'd n('Vt·r u:..1• tlwrr prtJC.luc·Lc., .. Stw rl'fused to givC' hl•r na m1• Interest • in De Loreans high Worrie d owne r may buy another car for pare part ~ Om· Orang<' C'oast De Lorean own<>r say' he's c•ons1dc•rrng Lhe purch a!oC' 11f a n ot h er o f the stainll'SS-Sl<'<'I srx•rlscar-. one he· would gara~c· a nd savl• Cor p;,irLc; Thi' ownc'r'c;, conC'<'rn stem :-. frnm lwo acttons rnvolvrng Lhc D<· Lorean Mo tor C'ompany the arrC'sl of rL-1 foundC'r. John Z DC' L on·an. o n su~p1c1un or ffl( a1nc· pos,'><"'-"ion .mcl th<' firm's fi ling of volun ta1 y bankruptcy pt'l 1t1on rn It '<I Pr ,1 I t·nu rt Tht D1• Lort•,1 n h uff. who askPd h1' n.inw nol h<• u"t'<l , s;11d h1· f1•ar:-. I t·plan'm•·nt p;irL'> may Ii 1• < om l' ,., l' a r l' '" 11 r w u rs I.'. 111ip11:-s1bl<' In find Tlw numlx·r nf people• wtth th(' fi n anc ial whe r e w11hal tn purchllS(> anoth<'r De-Lorean for parts can't be est1mat<'Cl But It is known that interc-sl in the car w ith Lhe gull-wing door, 1s keen Jt'rrv Goodwin. w ho owns 11 Dodge' dealership in Full<>rlon. sard two of Lhe thrc't' IA• Lort.'.111 cars on h is lot have l:x'4.'n sold He> swd h c>'s plaecd ordc·rs for sc·v1·r,1I mon· C"ars He said he rXpN'L'-to st•ll lhrm. too St1ckt.•r pnl.'c':' $25.000 "ThC' 1nlC'rt'Sl IS du(' Ill .111 lh1 pul>lrl·1ty the C'Ompan y h.1s gnltr·n m the las t cou pit· of wC'ck ..... " Goodwin said Goodwin ts not thc> only 11tw st'<'king Dl• Lon>ans An Oh111-h.1"•d t n'<htor nf the fh1und1•nng D1• Lorl'.lll l'ompany " .1th1rnp1111.: to n·1K~'><'S.'> -17 of th<' sport-.l,11' n<w• lnl'.itcd in (_' J I rf () r 11 i ..l bl' l ,I u '(' () r the l'Omp.iny'., a•kg1·d f;11lure to rl'pay ,, $14 ti million 111Jn made trl Apnl Lour.. P Ho1hk1nd .. 111 <1ttorncv for l>t· Lon·;111. told 11 federal b .1 n k I LI p I l y J ll d g <' t h a t ol l CJ lJ 1' I l 1Cl0 II ( l h l' l' ,l n; by l'on,ohJ .111-d lntc•r11,1t1nnal Inc .. 11f l'c ilumbu~. Oh111. would put De I Alrt'<lll out of hU'>llll"'-" An off1nul at l>t• Lorl'.m's W<'St l'Oa:-l h1•ad4u.1rtl'r'> 1n Irvin e d<'(.')11wd l'UOlllWlll 1)11 tht• l'ff('t't rPpt>SM'S.'>mn~ of Lh t• t'<irs would h;ov1• •'Row upon row of De Lorean car it at th lrvinf' lot of the company' . ' uh idiary office . ,, DI I Ir ull\Jt• l 0 11<tl UAll Y I'll 0 l/!lu11tJuy, OcluUur J 1, Ultll . ... ~~ ·: :· .. .. .. ORANGICDAITITDCll ~« 1llo1\\ 11 tg .ti•· t I 11 ''"' I< 111.11 kt•I It 11111\,tl'llUll" uf puhl 14 I y I I 111 l1•d I lt 11111:1 · I '111111 I\ I 11 111 • 1111 111. ",,I. , nd• ti I· 11.t.1\ I ll 111IK 1 ~ll 1>11111 pr11v11li'\I h y N•''' I'"' I S1·11111t11 ... t "' 1• ... . ~ I•• ... . . .. •' . . . ... .. .. 'I ' \I ' "· ' -,. ... .. ' I "' ,. . . .. ... '. . . . , .. .. '"' '''"I ii• I •I I ·~ • ..... .. . ' ' . .. , .. ' . I• . . . .. ••I• . . . ~· • I I 10 .. . .. ,. . ."' '•' ... ..... .. . ... . . . . ., . ' .. ' . . \ . .. ... ' I • I \. .. II NI . ",,., ,. . .,., .. , . .. ... ... .. .. 1 llj A 4 • i... ir.:. I I"• ... .. ' r '• I NT I t~ 1 t ''' I I to. ,, 1 tt ,, ~A ~·•.i '"' .... .. , .. . . ..... ... .. r \j ... ... .. ... . .. .. ... '. • f .., '· ... .. • • . ·. " ' ... '' I " I I \I ... \I ,, ... \I • ., ' .. \l , ... ....... 'IA I. 1 .,, '· .. '· ,. '· ..... ... I '• .,,. '. \. ' . .... ... .., ... " I " l ' . '· "' .. \.I • .. \I 1. ,I I ' .. .. " . .. '· " . ,. ..... ....... .. .... ... ... ." ..... ... I .. ' ... & ., • ·- I .. ' •I o .. HI !• ' ' • .. n ' .. • i111rnune Evt~11 Roll -Royce not • to recession; layoffs announced l .11Nl 11 111< t .\l'I 11., ~111lllHI11111 11111111 l1t I Ii• 1 rn11p.11" ""II t1 li.111 I 111111 1111-..111.t 1 ,,,, \\"'Id\\,.,, ,., 1td l11t 1111 11 I l I •Ill fl ,1\1 l(qlJ.. Jill\'! I lltt 1111'1111 ,, I' o1 l1tl dtll t111ll I Hll V.I 11 11111 ,11 , d I d " '' 11 It, .11111 I I '4 • , 111 ·' • d 111 • d I v. 1 •,.JI t I 11 he"' ,.1 •• 1111111111 ........ 1.i '·"" l\1 . .i ... 1111'"1.11g1 .111l,Jll ,.,, 11111\• \\1111 .l.11 k H.111 l.1\ I.Id •11 l.1111dn11''> I~ 1 k1 l• \ S •111.it• 1h1· lit(.l~I"•' H1 1f1, f(11y1 ,. d1·;d1·r 111 H111.1111 11t11111.i11 .1.1111 '"""''"" tlt1 111.1.i·• l lw .111-.\\1·1 .tpp~ .II t•• \H \t '1'111 \\lltld 1111 .-.11111 It." 1111 tit• 111,111\ '·'' 111.1h•' 11111 lllj'. '"'"' h Ill lit 11.1111 ·"'" ,, "'·"'It 1111 Ill\\ \'ll 'l1U\tl'"''"'''' 'I lw , .11111.11,, 1 111 kt1tK'> -.lwtk'o. 11111111111.111 1•, .11111 11111\'lt ,1,,1" lt.11J b1•1 II l111p1t1~\ 111 l111t>'I 1,, 111 lt11 t11•11 1.v :1 p1 ·11 • 111 111 / 111·111·111 1lt1!> v•·111 H111 ··•~'.1,,"K -..111 ' 111 H11IJ.. H 11v11 ·., 1w11 111.iJIH 111,11 h• 1· 1\1 """' .111d tl11 1111111 ol -..1,1t•·' It.i v• 111111 d .1111111.11 k 111 pt tKIOll 111111 ·11 ... 111111p.111 v wl11• h "·II' 11 111 11 tli.111 till 111 ·111·111 u l1t:-.1o11'"'''1'''"'·"·'Y''' 11,,,..,11.1k•·n up 11111 111,111,11'.1 lllt Ill 111 1•111 "t•\'I II 1111111 ' l'lllJ>h.o'>I). Oil 1 '1"'11 111.01 k .. 1111~' I<• g /\11111"· 1 1111 I 'l11•k<''>1t1.111 1111 H u lb H11\1 1 111 tit• 1111111 d S1,111·-. .... ud .dllt•iuglt ,,,J,.., Ill l(o1IJ 1111\1 1 lt.1 , .111111111111 c d Iii.it ti h l.1'>1tt)' "'' ' 1tl ... II I 1110\\<ti1~.,, .11 ti 111.0111 l.11 '"' \ Ill I 11 '" 11111111111'" '' l-'.11).!l.11111 v.1111 h ll.1 ... l1<·t·111111 ·' ''"'' d '" \'-"'" "I ' k '11111 . 1111d St pit llllH'I 1\1111 II• .• '" 'I """II .1t.11ul .!II JI' I•. Ill lo :l5 I" 11' 111 -.1111' .J.11111.11 \ tlwy It.id Jiii kt·d up d 1111t..th '""' 111111 •,11.t11·,d1 1111111 ·d 11-t1•11 tlv • From The Lender You Count On Pll()N ES. ·I From Page 01 t---~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- ,, 1 .... 111111· "''1'111).! 1111 11 ,,,. d 1•h•·11• .111tl tl11·11 I l.111111111• ""Ill I ,11111 111 .1\11tcl 1111 11 111.ol 11 • 111 .J.11111.11 \ "It• 11 tlw h do I ti I 011111111111111 .t11u11' ( 0111111111''''''1 d 1•1 1 j.!lll.111· ... I It' 111.1 I 1, I I ·' 11 B1 11 S \ ' I t 111 p It 11 II 1 1q111p111111I l •t l 111 l'.11 '11 I . 111\\111111\ \\ill 1,. '•11ld '" ,, ... 11l1·,1 tl1.i1 \ ,ol 1111 I{, II -.;,,1 , 11 . 1.tlt.-d 1\1111·111.111 Bill 1111 · . ""'"" '·"'' S1111 I I I ,,.i.·1111.11 jtllttlll .I I\ fl I lit ~',tit lfl J\1.1 '·" 1 .. ,,,.11 Ill 11111.! ( "'l••ltll I' It I\ I It.id '" 11 t t tho II pl111llt ' ' '' I I' I I ,, I ' ' I I·'"' oft ''~~Ill I 111,1111111• Ill' 111l111d1111tl Ill fltt'lll , ...... 1. •. t\111 ,,,,d ( :ou~u nu·r ela~~ ~•·l \\'.I\' ( 11f"llllll 'I' t ~i n 1.1111l" t t h1 m" I\' ' "lwn hU\ 111g ~11111f, ,oltd "l\•ftt' ,, tht l•l\.lh Ill ·' ,, 111111.01 1'111\ I I .ii S.1ddl1 b.111-. C oll• i:,1·' S11111h l .i1111'u' ;\11"11111 \' tt'J" .... I I 111 I h· p1 11g1 .lilt, 111 r1111 11 .t 111 Ill IHl«lt Ill H 1111111 Bl"'t:I .it tht· 111llq.~1 . ,, 5.!.1 ELECT TOM BRADLEY GOVERNOR Tuesday. Nov. 2 30 YEAR FIXED INTEREST RATE 1st TRUST DEED RESIDENTIAL LOANS TO $1.5 MILLION • • purchase money and ref I nonce • excellent terms • special Interest rate buy down payment program ( ol th( AnOhl:.'tlll Inn• n lf '1 , IJ " I , .. ,J IJ J' f I C· (J• AMERICAN-CALIFORNIA FINANCIAL t"j c.. I ••<i· ,,. & • ! .. , ( ,11011 I' 1()',(11 (/1 1) ')4/ •1'91 ANAHEIM LOAN BRANCH 1'1'1 VI l fl(( II A.. Ar•rJr I I" 1: o(,', ·1.11 1•11 1.100 ANAHEIM LOAN BRANCH-SAN DIEGO l•N·I . ',I Son 011·q1 N ~\" ,, Rd '>or D11•qo 9/108 I 71-1) ',tj SO' t CLASSIC FINANCIAL /, 1 Jt, V 111 Q...,,.n ,• :.: • Cr.r ,,gu f'cn '1 · 7 .q , , FOUNDERS FUNDING GROUP 11•110 J f'lczc :;.: C . • • • 1, • . • u' ~t-8' and ,714) -:,0 i. l'J • HARBOR MORTGAGE 7 J' E t.'<1 1 51,, 1•1 t: [J Sun•; 'l1;r ; • ' .. 11<., )}] Ai;.t KESSELMAN MORTGAGE 11 .' 1 .. , >'• , 8. 1 , •1 1 1 <.,.11tand tl14)1tlOtll OLD WORLD MORTGAGE 'l"El11·~1•,n"'.• u:,· Fl.1·•1 11· ,.', 1 it.t1 l"·1 1liO SANTA BARBARA MORTGAGE I' • S1•1'• '• :1.". ) )''~ 1 &~rt •• , 1 , ii .. t "J 11 le ANAl-tEIM SAVINGS · . Now, getting help with your money is as simple as coming in to Sears. '9These people understand that other people work too. We went at ntfl}lt when it was convenient for us. The Coldwelf Banker broker 1 knew what we wanted. was very courteous and moved quickly fo r us without being pushy.~ ' . ' , .,. .. , .. -'I!!• ( •. ~ '9The small investor ls a little intimidated by a large. fancy brokerage office. In the Dean Witter office at Sears. you feel freer to stop in and chat to get started dotngsomethtng. By s tarting the Network. tt shows me that the people at Sears are interested in meeting more of my needs.~ The Sears Financtal Center lsnow~ln the South COastPJ.aza. People are talktngabout the Sears Financial Ne twork. Because n ow. the financial services you and your family need most are together under one roof. The roof of the Sears store In the South Coast Plaza. Because people-even people who make a good llv1ng-nced advice about their money. And they need that advice easy to find a nd s imple to understand. And perhaps most of all. they need It from people they trus t. That's why Sears h as started the Sears Financial Net work. Wt th Alls tate fo r your Insurance needs. Dean WttterReynolds for your tnvrstmrnts. Altstatt' Savings for sav1ngs and loans. And for real estate. there's Coldwell Danker. • ~ i.,~ ..... ·~ ........ .. 1 evaluated a lot of programs and ~·,.... --' respon ses and felt very positive about d ealing ~ ~-_ with the Sears Financial Network. Also. my ·· office h ours extend beyond banker's h ours. · , Now I can do bus iness when I need to.~ ~ ~ . "'*'"' " . '1 ·r '9 We went to the Sears Financial Center to talk to Allstate about a h omeowne r's policy. Th e agent was very pa tient with all our queslions. She took the ttme to explain all the details of the policy to us.~ You 're Invited to sec cxact ly whal these <:ompanlt's can du for you . And tell us how you feel. The Ccnt<•r Is open for your con venience during regula r Sears s tore hours. Monday-Friday 10:00 a.m .-9:00 p.m .. Saturday 9:30 a.m.-9:00 p.m .. Sunday 11 :00 a.m.-5:00 p.m . Fbrfurther Information: If you can't v1sil the Center (It's at 3333 Bristol Street.Costa M<.·sa. C'A 92626). please call (714) M0- 3333. Or visit any D<.'an Wll te r Reynolds. Alls tate. Colclwdl Banker or Allstall' Savi ngs.oflkr. Your Sears Flna nclaJ Center at I Scars. lkrnusc today. the best pla<'C for your fut urr should l><' wi th I frlC'nd~ you mn l n1st. '4 lir" H•..-h11t k .11111 I " lflltJ • ., SEARS FINANCIAL NETWORK AllstcltC DP,m W itter Reynold'> (oklwcll Banl..<.~r 1\11<.tritt· St1v1ng1., '· CONCERNED CITIZENS for DAVID C. GRANT Dear Neighbor, Mrs. Heather is running scared ... and well she should for she is up against an honest, intelligent, hard-working professional who has convincingly bested her on every major issue facing our City. So, recently, in a style reminiscent of Boss Tweed days, she and her cronies have stooped to "mud-slinging" tactics in an attempt to influence back the support David Grant has measurably garnered due to his result' oriented approach and ideas. Incredulously, Heather has , in this non-partisan race, even resorted to partisan-political innuendos which are TOTALLY FALSE AND MISLEADING. As proud as David is to be a Republican, he knows party-politics has no place in this race. If you care about the issues and your City, and if you really want something constructive accomplished in the next four years, then please join us in voting for David Grant -he is in it for Results, not the glamour. (/(~~ ~ {j_h, ~IM f..) t·~J~~~~" , A7L ..... _·. /}. .d -/~ Robert and Sheri Best ~LA/ c· ~· Dr. Robert and Barbara Amstadter THE REAL ISSUES DAVID GRANT JACKIE HEATHER Expansion of the Opposes Supported John Wayne Airport Rampant Growth and Opposes Has Consistently Excessive Traffic Supported . Unbiased Voting and Our Opposed City's Polltlcal Reform Act Supports Concerning Malor Voted Against Campaign Contributors Increasing the Newport Beach City Supports Opposed Police Budget . • Paid for by the Committee to Elect David C. Grant, 4590 MacArthur Blvd., Suite 500, Newport Beach, CA. I D& 01,111111• l 1111.,1 [)All' I'll Ill 't11tnl,t\ I Ii h1l11•1 11 t••H.' "l " l~t It \, A • ' 0' I . 'I I • '• . • • • . ti • ~ '. '. ·~ l : .. ,, ·' ' •• ., ~ ,j • I• •• .. .. . ... . ' . , I I\ • If. ,, ,. ... ., . " •• . . • " I •• \J• .. }(P• ll ""' 1' ... ,, ,, .. " . 11 IJ JI " . JI' I• . JI .... ••• 1~· .o-. II "'· ,. .. It'• >O l • .. ., •• i:.,y •' . I " .. ' J .. ... . ' .. "" . • A I '"° A I t t A q . ... .. . ' ,, 4 ,J • .. '>t J 4o A • •J .. .. . • J • A ... -..1 ,,.. I A !o1 ~ ~ l •t '• • A'-' ,,1 • 14 A" ._ Ml ·~ ~· h • A Jt ;. 11 A ' /I A h' •t A \JI. t I~ lti A Ji. t. • A H? A \J\t I A~ & ~ 'I( I A ''-r '-, , -. A• t t ,. 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Ill')" \l'.11 , '"~·•11 ... t • 1111 11111\t'I\ "' 1111' .. 111111111\ \\Ill 111 \\ 1 o1k1 I 1 li.111 111 1111 ·\ lttll' '""" 111w, ''l'hh 1 1,,.,.., 1111• d1101 111 1111• 11 t II\ t I\ ol I 111111111'11'1,il ,111d 111d11,111,;1 l1utld111i.: '"' 1111"1 111 I 11/U l 'h11 ... 111· .... 11d ,,, 111111! .. , th• h1111 .... 11g ll'\ tl\t'I\ "11'1 ,11.111 I 111 llllt•d h\ .111111111 I ltlllfld Hf ''"'"' 11 ,11.11111. 111, l""'il•I• 1li.11 I\ '11l1•11l1.tl l')qi.111-.11111 t \1llld 111 · 1111il11111·d II\,, 11·\'1\.il 111 1111111 1·'1dt'1\l1.d h11tld111g l.ilt• Ill !!Ht:!" 1\ dt'l'ISl\I' f,11'1111 ' Ill 1111' lll!tllt• iii 1111' lHll.,11 lit l11111 111d11~l l'\' " tl1t· 1 .. t11•r.tl gtl\'1•1111111•111 ·, "11hdraw.tl 111 p11ltl11 t1111d111g l 'l11 l'lll' fN l!lllt•d 11\ll th,tl .I' th1• d1 ·pf't·,,1•d < 1111'11Ul111111 111.11 kt•I ,1.11 I:. .• lh'\\ pt'l lll(I 111 l\'l 11\ II \ .111d \''fJ·ll"lllll II \\ 111 h.I\ I ' '" .•djll'>I 111 1111' Ill'\\ dt•\t•l11p11h·lll "ll1111:.111g. b~ lung 11.1111111111 .1 lll"IUI I' OI Jll l\',1h• \'llll'l IJl'l'I' ,111d publt1· ... uh~1d~. will lie l.1t•k111g 111ud1 11f 1 h I •If rn1 ·1 f1·d1•1 .1 l lt ,I l' k I II g II ig h li \'i ng al llarhor Hi•lg•· Thi~ il-oru• of tlw hortH'"' a l ll arhor H id~t·, a hilltop <·o uununil\ o n Sp y,_;la~i, llill Hoa cl in ~t·~ port Ht••u·h . ltt·maining modt·I , ho nwi. urt• h(•ing offt•rt•cl from $;) 70 .000 and four c·u~lo111 loh from $.l.:J0.000 lo $925 ,000. Tlw v1•;•rlv l111·1·1·ast, llW nm:1 1)11dg1• · S \\' 1•1·1 · s Cons 1ru1·1 H111 Uut look. \\'.I' d1•ll\'t'rl'U lwf11n· tiOO ind th II'\ lt•.id1•rs <JI wnd111g 1lw ,1111111al · Hu1ld1ng Product-. E'1·1·u ll\ ,., l'on f .. n·nn• ;,11 I h1 l'.ip1t.1I l lill•Hl l'hn-.111· told th1 <;J>l'tt,dh 11\\'llt•d ,iUJll'lll l' l·11mpri..1 d iii l'Xt'L Ull\'t•s f1m11 hulld1ng pl 111lul'lS l'om1>.1n1t·, I fl d ll ' I I \ .i ., 'II l I ,II l Un:. ,1 II d >-:UVl'l'llllil'lll .1g1•1lt'IU-.. th .11 n·:.aclt·n11;il 1·1111:.1rw ·11011 in l!JH:~ 1-. l'Xpt'<.'lt·d Ill l'l'.ll'h $80 I l11ll1un . :IH lwn·t•nt .ibov1· this year's $:1H II bll hon. 1w111·1•s1d<·n tia I bu tld 1 ng t'Onlr.11·1,.. will 101al $54 I btllwn m •xl ~ 1-.11 . -1 pt'rt'l•nl bt•h1\\ thi.. \'l'<1r'-. l·-.11111.itt•d $56 6 b1ll111n ~nd 1111nhutld1ng eonstrut·t1on l'lqJ1·1 lt•d .it ~n4 ti billion 1h1-. :-01·.11 . \\ill d1•d1111· 4 pt'rn·nl tu SJ:! :1 hil hnn Stability forecast for industrial real estate .. l' 11 I 1 k 1 · t h t b r 1 l' f 1 !-I tt tJ 1 l'tll\'l'f\' \\hit h lastl'd 11nlv .is h1ng as itw ~\ deral H1~l·rvt• 'wok l ht• JHl'S!>U ft' off the l'fl•d1 l m <irkt·t." <..'hris11t· said <it tht• nw1·ting. "lhl' n·t·ovt•ry th.it i:. now taking hold 1i. madt' o f more• durablt• s tuff Tht'rt· 1s very Ii ll IC' l'l'dSCJn f (If l h l' F l'd ltJ n •ughH·n t rt·dtt in 198:~ .i" 11 d1cl in 1981 anti this opens t ht· door to ..i lon~-overdue expansion of the• housing market." 1.us ANla:u·:s w11t11 · 111 •. 1111l11111·1ttJI .ind 111du-.111.il 1t".tl 1•-.1,1tt• 111dw .. lr\ \\1111't l1uo11111lll 11t till' l'l'\ l'S."1111 Ill l11:.t11111.d 1 ..... 1111111 11 ts ht·adt•d 1111 l1 1ng 11·r111 .. 1.1lill11y a11d s tr1·ng1h. 111·1· ol llw l'Xl'l':>M'S uf I ht• pasl Thi~ " .. .., lhl' l'1·n11 al 1·11m lu,11111 1·nwrg1 n g fr 11 rn t h 1 • t w t1 d ~· y Jnnu,d Sumn111 l'un 11•11•111·1· 011 Hl'al E ... 1at1· 'p on:.ort·d b~ 1h1· Sot'lt·lv of Indu ... ll 1.d H1·.d111r, tS IHi° Suu1h<.·rn C <1l1forn1.1 <: h ,1p11· r . '' h ll h t'11n1 I u d t d n·c t•nth in Lu, Angc·lt·s .ind Co-.ta l\h'l><• Sl'ltlllg .i po,lll\'t• lttlll' for tlw l ll 11 fl' I' l ' IH' l' \\' ,1 S I) I' JI' I I' V Pohlnwn. Sl'nH>r vie<• p 11·s1tlt•1l l .rnd l'h1ef t•t·unun11!>t for Coast Fc•deral S<iv1ngs illlU Loan Assut'tallu n . L us Angl'lt•s, who smd th1· l'Urrt•nt gocxl 1ww:. for thl· pc·onom\' and rl'al t'!>latt· 1 ... d(:dinmg mlC'rl'St r.Hl'!i l ll-s<llll the· lrt'nd will t'Onllnut.• for thl' balance of 1982. rC'v<.•rsing ttM•U som ewhat m 1983 "Tlw fr.ii 1·,t.1h· 111du:.1rv will pnil 11 I r11111 111\.\ c·1 11H1·rf':o,L ralt·" t\ ''"" rt'<.'IJ\'1•1;. .ilung with this " a po..,111v1· l1111g t1·1111 l.1c:t1Jr 1nd1t·at1ng th.it w1• an· ~waclt·d fur an l'ra of :.tab1lrtv Ill rt•a l t•slal<• w1thou1 l lw l'x1·c·,~1·s 111 tht· p;is 1." Dr Pohlma11 s.ml "N1111 growth l.1t'lor'" will huuv n ·al 1•-.1,111• 111 tht• 1nl1m·d1<1h' I uttir<'. ;Jlt'urcl111g to Erik L;.ir ... H .11bt·n . p;:irtn1·r .ind nii lion.ti d1n·ctor. n .. tl t·,l<ilc· t•o11sull1ng st·n·1n·s. P1·al, 1\1.11 w11 k. M 11dwll & Co . L•.1.., Angl•IC's lie· 1·11t•,, populallon shift:. lll t ht• Sun &·II. rc·plat't·mt·n 1 of 11bso l1•t1· structun·s, n s1· of thl' ll•L'hnolugy Sl'l.'llll' Ill Calrfornw, anu nwn· favurabl<· gov1·rnm1•nt poli<"ll'S as driving fon:t•s now fut·lmg n ·al t•,taH· dl•mand Hansl'n t·mphastn'l..! t h.it ll 1s ii 11111<.• 10 n .. <.•valU(:Jlt• rt.•al t•slaH· 111 ll'rms of t • ... I •• I I Ill •• ' l II Ill.. I I II II\ l't11p111.1\HJll' Ill 1111' IUllll't', ,1dd ... l>.iv1d 1\1 B11k. \'ll't' pn· ... uhnl C11rp111 all· lh al E-.1;111· c.;r .. up, Sal1m11111 Hn1lh1·rs. Nt•\\' \'111 k B1l'k 1·xpl.11111·d Lh:il 111.1ny n1rpur;1111111' lwv1· l.11 gt'. \';11•:1n1 p l;1n1" tltal a11· a 1n·nw11d11u ' bunl1·11 111 th(•m "Th1·v 111·1·u pnili' ... ,1unal ht·lp on how t11 It··"'" sdl ,rnd pntt• 1111•"' f,wt1111cs," B11 k dt'l.·l.1n'll lit• ,1ddt•d th.it rlt'\\ F1mmt1<1I Au:ounttng S1.1ndartb B11.1rd rt•gul;1111111., 1 FASB :1:1, m<1k<· rl·al 1·-.1:111· .1 111u1·h l>1ggl'r f.11 lrn rn1 torprn .ill' li.1lant·t· :.ht·t·t:. "B1t·k rwt1·d that prop1·rly s tru t·tL1rl'd Jlllnl v c.·nturt·.., ht· t w l' t' 11 d t' \' t• I up l' r s a n d eorporat1ons l'<in bt· vc·ry fruitful l'urporauons bnng thl· valut• of tht·1r 1·r1·d11 tu d<.·als. while dt'Vl·luix·rs t'cmtnbutt· n ·al l':.l<.ilt· l'X pt·rllst• But. <·orpor"' ll1Jn:. han• nut bt!t.'n u~mg ll ... Bick ...aid In .i kt·vn otl' ciddrt•ss at the SI R <·onfl•rent·e. J o hn R Whit<.> I h.111111.1 11 •II lht f•l 111111111 Ill L.md.1u1·1 ,\..,_,ou ;,11·'· N1" \'111 l-. .... nd l'llllllllllll ll'<.'11\'l'I \ \.\di 11111 l'lll\I(• u111tl th1· f1r .. 1 qU;il It I .. 1 l ~H:I . hut that \\t' 1.111 loo k l11rw~1rd to "l11Wt•1 111H·11·'l 1.111·s I u1 a prulongt·d p1·ri11d 11 nd 1111·r1•a.,1ng s t;Jll1l11 y 1n th•· I'( 1111111 f I\ V.1h111 · -;aid th1· n · 1·1111.1111 t 111 lift· lllSlJl,1:1l'l' l'IJlllµ.11111• ... 111111 1111' m.11 kt•t .ind th• 1n• r1·,.-.111g 1mµ01 ta nu· of pt·n..,.1111 fu11d., "'ill ht llldJO f flll l t'' 1 11 1 .Ill 1ntn·;i..,111gl:-o ... trong 11 ·.d ''1at1 I II.II kPl I luwt•\ t'I for tht· 111·,11 11·1 n1 \\'hill· .... ml .1 n;,11un,1I ov1· .... uppl\ of o f I ll'l' ... pal'l· will glut th•· 111;1rkl'l Ill HJH:~. l''IX'<.'liillv 111 tlw ... uburbs ''Ct·nlr:1I Au .. 1111·'' D1stl'ltL' will 1:>1'<.·onw ... 11rn1g1·r as ;, n•,ull." ht• s;.i1J "\V1·.ik <'<.UnOlllll l'l'<.11\'('I'\ ,111d n·.il "'l<1tt tJ\'t•rsuppl~ ,111· kt•\ fot·lw s fur 1!:18:~ Th" mt·iill' h·'>.'> dt·vc.·h>pml'nt, ~'l'I dt·mand will Ix· s t r o n g 1f o n a mon' M•lec·11vt• 1.......... ht .1dd1 ti \\'h1l1 lh1 II dt'( l.11<·<1 th.it l~IH \\di lw" h,1ru111 \!,1r for l!'<il 1·-.talt ;.rnl that till lc111g11 1t·1 m \'fl'\\ I' "\\'111ld1 I ful .. A c·onl111U.illll' of "pt·ak" anu v • .Jlt·v., 111 th« 1 c·;;I 1·-.1.111· m:.irkt·l " w.is 0fon·1·asl bv M ;1r1111 St•at1111. Jll 1•s1dc·nl, Catltll;.1 r.ur\'lt'W u s "If Wt• fqrgt•l th:1l rl'<ll 1·-.l~lll' I~ 1\llll'(ll. \\I' dtJ II •11 llUI'11\.\ll 1 "k ." ... 1.1 Lt•' Sb• loll Pr1Jrn11H·11 l ... 1111pµ1 ng l t·n lt·r d1•\'1 lop•·r Erm·'l V.' H <thn 1 h .. 11 man 11! Ern1·,1 V.' 11.ihn lnl 111 S:111 l>ll·gu ..... id th1 11·g11 1nJI 111 .. d I 1 n .1 r kt 1 111 cl.1 v " a l <i ... 1.indsttll "Thi l t•nlt·1' ftJllow lht· l11rt1 ... n1· of till' nwn li<11H who 11i<l:1v " s ll uggltng." s.11d Hahn. ,1dt11i1g lh<1t th1· Jown l'<.'Ol111my. I a L k • 1 f n <· w h tl u.,. n g and c:1 l hJl\gmg tn·nd uf n1(•rt·hand1~ing t11\~ .Jf'd n111n· d1.,l'11un11ng are 11npJ1 ting o n nMJOI n ·nll'rs At'L11rd1nglv JlJ11n "11d futurl' rl'tatl tkn·lopmt·nt upportumllt'S will be in urban down town areas. .-------------------------------..... --------..... ~~-----------------~~~~---- Hou ing lump over at last? NEW \'OH K 11\11) llt111w h ulld111g 1s h q.:111111111ot 111 h1111111 1 h.wk fl Oil\ ol 11111)~ ,111d d 1•1•p 'llllllfl llllW th.II l1111ld1•1' a11d lill\• I' .111 u 11d1•1 1, ..... , ,11.1111 11111111 .. 11111\\111•: I t"ls Bui pt '"Jll1· .111 \\11111h 1111g f, 1h1s 111 .. ,t.11 t 11 1 1111 • h11u,111g 1n dlhl1v'o,, 11•l11111 In \tgu1111h g11111l 11,.,al 111. 111 " II 1111 I:. .1 llhlllll'll\ 111 llllfll 11\ 1'1111'111 tli.11 \\ 111 11111 ,,,,1 . II ""'111' hl<I I .111\ lot ···II. lt111 \'< ltlltlllllSh !'"I\ tll\ I it,llh I''\\\ <'1~1,lt 1111111• 111•.t\ 11\ Ill I.I\ Ill 111 11111 '11''1 r.1h·s t.illt11g .1 lut l111 tlt1·1 111 th1· 1111111 t h ' ,I h I old J\ II d I h o1 I 1•111111!1111 d \\II fl ,t,d1111 l \ 111 1111l.111u11.1111tld k1·1·p lt1111..,111g 1111.1 1>.tllt Ill I 1•\ I\ .ii 111·11• .111· :0-111111' qll•"•llllllS o111d ;111o;w1•r:-. 111 ll1·lp 1·,pl;i111 wh.tt Semi11ar set in Newport A prup1•1 1 \ 1no1n.1g1 1111 111 s1•1111n ar for 11·.il ""to.111· 11111!.1 '' so1ll'spt<t1pl1" p 10 1x·r1:. m.011<1g1·1' and mv1 ... 1ors will 1,.,. p11·" 1111•d Nov. !:l .rnd Ill :11 1h1· M.111·11111 I loll'I 111 N1·wport H.·:11 h Thi· ''·m111.11 '"ill IM· llC'ld I 111111 H :w .1 Ill lll .1 " Ill I·" h ti.I\ Tu1111111 1s ;~1 . .., .11 1h1· d1><11 '"' 1·.11 Ii d,I\ UI :SH:l (11111• d.I\ I ,111d $ l .11) (lx'ith da:vs\ 11 p 11•p;11d fo:al'h day 1 ... oll'l'l'l'dll1•d 101 1•1gltt hvur ' 11f t.•Hllllllttng 1·dul.1ll•111 1;, tlw l x ·p.1nm1•111 of H1-.il ~:..,1.111 · Fo1 lur1h1·1 111form<1t11Jn .ind rt'°'l'l\'<1l1ons.1'o1ll (-11 51 !:l:U l:!-10 11 11111111111 11 .11" 1111glt1 l1< .tlw.11t 1111 1111 lt1t1h 1111: 111111kl'I ,1,. tho 11\ 1 ·r.d I 1 11 •1111111 \ 1111'111 " t11w.11 d I I t f I\ I I \ lJ \\lt.11 "1111 1'\ldtlh<' llt.11 111111._. ......... 1111wti.1111' ,, 1111 ,,~:11 111.11 '"'"' t'IH \t~ll .tg ' . t t """IHI,, • .., e•.., I ht· j :ll\ Ii llllll'fll' l 'l 'Jllll ( bst \o\'l 'l'k 111.tl l1111hl1•1, ,,..,~.Ill \\'Ill k 1111 I I I" I t 1 Ill 111111 t lt11lt'I'' Ill ..,, pl• 111li. 1 th.111 111 1\11gu .. 1 It 1111 11 11 111 111 I 11 I S 1° p I 1• Ill h I I 11111 ... 11111 tltJll :..l.11 h \\t 'll• 111o11d11d Ill l'oll fl Ht 1111' 111''1 l:.! ll\ttlllh,, tl11 1111.d "11uld 1,.. 11• o11 Iv I l.1 l1ttl11111i l'lt.tt lllllltJ11 I I .oflt·d tlH• .1111111,.!111.I 1.111 1' 111.11h ~II I" li t Ill i>t.lh I th,111 1111 loll\' Ill !'wph 1111>< 1 l~llH () (,Ill.ii all lt«<.tllM' 11\11'11' ... t f • d t .. , \\ '· 1 " lo\\ t 'f ' ,.\ !'Iii' l llll\'1•111 11111,tl \\ 1'1111111 111 l'\11111•1111.1 1111J.·, ,, 11!.11 h111i...111~ ""'tld IH Ii" 111·,111·1 •' 11·111\1•1 \ 1f 1111 .. 11•-.t 1.tl1' Ii.ad 11111 t.11!1°11 ,..., Ill It.ft .1 1111 \ d td Ill I 11 I 111 11 1111111t, Urn• li.111k,' ,111d '"'"•g:o. 1110.,lll\lll••ll ... • '"'' 11! ,I( (jlllrtllg 11111.t' d111f1twif ... 1g111l11".111ll:> lh1•\' ltl'g,111 l11\\1·1111g 111111 1.111'> \11 ''"''""''' 1111lud111g h111111· l> 11 \ 1 I ' ,\ ot 11 J d I 11 lo( l 0 I h I' g11\ l'fllll1• '111 1 h1 ,,, 1·1.1g1 r<th' Ill\ I 1111\'I 11111111,tf 11111111 1111>1 lg:tgt'' I)\ 11 1o1J1ll 11 11d1 t .., I 1•11 LI• I :1 :!:i 111 11 1 111 111 S1 pt1·11tlwr 11 0 111 I.> ti;) I" 11 • 111 111 Augu ... 1 H .111 ' 1111 111\\h l111il1 hom1·-. droppt•d 111 11 !l~I I" 111111 !nun 1.1118 µt·111·111 l) \\'li.11· ... '" ''"" 1.111·-. 1111111 l.dlt11g I w tlwr·• .\ In tilt · gu1•..,...111g ga1111• of 1•111111111111 ... nothing '' fur stt11 11111 11·,1 r ,11t•.., 11)11\ 1• up .ind do\.\ 11 or d1111 ·1 mu\'t • <1l ,111 iiiiiiiiiiii-iil IL E. Coh i 11 Dic k Colvin d ead at 91 '('It,• d1•o11 II nl H I•: · I It• I-. ('ol\'111 t11111w1 11111111111 111 1h1 N•\\111111 ll.11li111 <'••'I" l\J, ,., Ho.1rd ul Ht·.tll111 .., .11 111' h111111 111 Hud1.111k h.1.., 11••1·11 .1111111111111 ti l l« \\',1:, !It ( 'olvin. "'1111 11 ·1111 ·d .11 l 111 dg• of 11:L "'·"om· ol t lw old1 '' .u t l\'1 1111'111lx·t"i 11f t 111 ho.in I 111 • " ..... 11.111wd .... t11 "111.111 111 tho v1•;o1 111 1!1711 .111d 't.'l\'1·d ..... ,, d111·1t111 111 tht• l'al1l111111.1 A ... :-.on.1111111 11! H1 ·.1llors 1\ Vl'lt'I :111 ol W11rld W.11 l '11J\'t1t'' 1,111 1 I Ill I l 'oil 1•,l,111 ... p.11111\'tl .!ti \ l'.11' 111· , ... ''" \ ,, 'd II\ tu-. "1l1 l>l·I\ It· .• 1 '''" .111d do111gh11·1, lout g1·:111d1htld11 .111d 11111· gn•:il gr.1nddo1uglt11•1 CORONA DEL MAR From $179,500 THIS WEEK ONLY $127,500 :0-,111<1• ol tl1 I I l '!fn I I' I 11 .. 11 • II' 't \'I' rr, •f ' • 1'q IC!\ , ., ,Ii • 'I '' I fl·'' '" II II "II , , I 11• • ! I 1d1 ho •111o 1 • 1:, 11o ! rl1o 1 I• n '· 1•1, • ( I•,• 1 h'·\l'otr l "l'd -r.lll' t i\\ lll'I 111 • .:up .1111 Ii 11,111.:i11~ '" .1il.1hk. Pa~ n11:111, AN l)CASTLE I' I I lf(o '' \ 111 I \I \IC 'I\\ l'!lHI Ill \1 II from $9:;o: -,\•1 .. t-\\1l11•l '~~ 11•)111 I I l'11t111!.1111 1 °1 I"' ,,,,,1 \\-.J1 .. ~l11 11t.l lh11r ... J.1, I I 'II ,. l)1 .. 111j1 l ""'•1 tJl\(j ( l•ti I I I / tltllel 1~ I 11 t 1IJ1•1 11 1'111,' IJ7 tounly al r fle e t rally V.'tll lltt I• .. Ill tl1111• Ill 1lt1· 1•11111• I t11 .\ l11t It "'Ill 1111 lo.c I, 111 1tl 1 I l11111fllll)1 11.1\1 lltt 11111 '""I" 1.111\ • • 1111 I 1111 111< l1111g 111111 11111 11• ''""I I.it• 111d11 It I·,"' 11 .111 \ t"I .1l 1·''•"' 1111111.11 11.111•·1 ,,, , w1ll111j' 111 111 • .i,, 111.tl 11pl11111 ... 111 11 1 •• I'" d11 111111 , 11111 ti 1t 11 111 I• 111 \\Id 11111 It I "" 1111 11.11 I 111 1111111< .ltttt•IH 1•, 111 l )1o1111:• { 1 11 '' t' l \ I'• .t I I \ I I'• l t t .t I J •ff t llllf•lll\I d IHI\• I .oltlllJd1 .111d l.11111 Ill lllf' 1·1111111111> ·"""'' 111.o \ 111 Iii• h• \ lot•\ 1\o111~: .1 ""1:1:1111: 11 ,ti I ....... llloll k o•t \1 I 111 d111i.: Ill '"I'"' I I I ..... ""' 111 I .dtl11t 111.0' ft ,11f111j.! It ,of 1 .l,111 ,,of1 111 g.11111.1111111 \\'.olk .. 1 IV I.•• lllld J\llj'll •I ',I\\ llHl f11il\ ol 1,111\1111' •11 !111 olt• k 111.11 I..• I 11111 ,1 1.oll\ill~'. Ill II ,,do 11lllft Ill 111,111\ p.11 t "' I l1.111j'• ( 0Hlllll\ f l.1111ld \\',1 .1111 \\ .dko I ,'(,, I .1 1 ,, 111"1 , ... , I''' ,1111111 11'f"'"' 1h.1l 111 Ill <>1.11q•1 <'11u111\ lt.1·.1d V\',tl J\1 I 1\• l.1 I ' I 1 ·.,.!1 Id I 11·1 ... ,111\1\1d 1111111•·1~1111d11\'1'1'.ill Ill< 11 .o 1 ti ,11 II\ ll \ 111 ~ti Ill tll fH fl I Ill 11 .... 11\1 ltttlt" 111111 l"ol ti lllllltlu I 111 1111 o1111111~1 11lt•lfll •.ti!' 11111 It ,to .! lo1t \1 I ... ,111d ·"lat.ti • ,, I lt' 0\I I ljf dill)' I" 1•:1 '1'111 II It ,tit• 1111111 111.111,1g1 I ('ht " l.111 If 11•1 \\ t111..., l •• I l •• t II I ,, ltl I' 11 ,, I ' o..;,11 ldh·li.11" \'.1ll1 ' 111d I'·''" 111 -.111111t U1.111g• l 1llt11l:> 111, 1111 111 lt,1, •,11 rt .1 .111 g1 111 111 \\ di 11\'ll\ 0 111d t·..,11111.tl"' I ill ftlllltl•t I 111 lll•fllllll " 1111111 hil\t I iJ111d.J,.tl d 1111 II~· t I 11 l." I I \\I I \\ • ' I..' 11 I t\111•11 .. 1 i\111 .1 '""',, lt.1\1 ''""' $:1fllltl 111 it!i,1111111111 .1 1lo1"'ll I'·'"'"' 111 .111d t..1v1 It• Id 1111 1111111 • 1111 llltf! 1111 1t11tk• I 11111111111\\ !<1111 I(,.~ II, 111,111.tj't I 111 \\ .1f1,1 I ,, l.1·1·',111.1111:1 \'ill.1 l'.1 1k .. 11111 'II,·~ 1ll11ilo11 Ill• ft',t",t·d IHlt fl ;I 'Altlt1111gh .11 lu.tl .. 11)1·' ,,,. '''" """l'f'"lllllli)( llll'H lt.4' ''"' II ol 111.11!..1 d 111111·.t.1 Ill l•\11,tll .1111\11> 111<l111lt111: 111111111 1 .. 11 ~ .111d 1111\.11 1111111 ... 1 !\11111 11111"" 1.11111\ tlw1t· '' ,, 1: .. 1111.tl 111 .. r 1•1111111h111 111 11 .. 111tluo..i1' I II I I II ti I II ~· I ' II d l I ... 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I "" l.l\'tlr•. •Ill lot \\ .,, ~e'"'~ tt hmt'" ~'•'h i1! f11iu1 ()t)<11 1C:ou ..,,,,,~ N".,"''' v ''-'' _.,,.., I 11 '"" 111 .11 I 111 l~.1· h 1'1.11 • 11 "•'l\IJllll I\.."' h I\( hNll ,,,, cost• MfSA 641 -1289 I )16 Newpofl llwd MISSION VIEJO 495-0401 21922 Com1no Coptthono tiief'I 0.. .. fr.,i.ry et • .,.,., I'\_, I Jo place your messagP betorP 111 .. reao.ng publrc. phone Daily Pilot CIOSStl•e<l 642·!.678 1111qhl•tllt1•WI 111.lllll• I 11111" lj'lllq llllfll• · II' ""'"' tlllll l•l•lllh 1,111 tit• IJ11111l1 1 nlt1 1 • 11• I .111 "ill•llltlllll\ 1\1 .1111 hll 11111111 tfl.ll• 1~ < ltflolllt I 11111\ •11111 111· !1111\11 l'\l•'flllllllotl ., 11.11l111.m111141 ,111'1 "'' 11111111 "'u111pl"'" "'-~ -~ ~VJ5000 ~<..~\ l Pacesetter l'lornes IOQuno NtQUel 1tocoue1 & i.nnts Ct..t>s Cot (714) 64~92 ~------------.... ------------~--~~-------------;-~~-- H8 0111111111 l ou•il llAll Y Pill II •.w11l11y Ch h •l•l't 11 1•111 1 LIMITED TIME OFFER! .. I I WITH INSURED SAFETY PLUS A FREE PACKAGE OF IMPORTANT MONEY MANAGEMENT SERVICES. Announcing Hom~ Federal's Insured MoneyMarket Plan• and a bonus advantage for signing up immediately. ThL· cit Kk i" run111 ng A 11l'\\ la\\' '' i II ... 1 >< >n t.tkl· d kl t And at that hi!-.tori<.. nH >l1ll'lll. I lnmc Fet.lerar~ ne\\' ln...,urcd \I< >Ill.'\ \l.1rkl'I Plan \\'ill offer ,·ou :1n>111h111:111 1111 of high potential earni11g-... 111111K·~ managemem <.:< >11\ L·n 1vm L' .1111..I -..1kt \ . . ne\'(.:r h e f1 >rl' p< ,..,...,i hll' A Ill'''. in ...,url·d 111\l·...,tml·11l "11 '1 trans:1ctinn pri,·ilq~l'" hdtlT 111.111 1110...,l nH>ne~ m.1rkc1 lund-.. -l111kL·d hy tram.fer .... ~< n1 u >1lln11 1)\ phi 11K· - to a Chcxtr:1'11 lllllTL'"' dwd ... ing account for tl.1\: in . d.1\ 1 >lll t.t"h l'ou '/I earn c111 e.\1ra 3 °{) o n your i111 •estnu?1zt dollars jiw tbeji"rsl (J 1nontbs 01 •er tbe cu ·erage y ield 011 llU>llCT 1J1t1rf..1et j/ol{l\ according to a leading index. C< )11\'l'll ic.:11 Cl' In ~h< >rt . till' l n...,u rnl \ \nnL'' \ 1.1 rkl ·t Plan :-,tand~ up t< i till· rL.·t llrn .111d nexibtlil\"()f:1 n l<llll'\ lll.ll'kl.·( fu nd - \\'ilh one hc.:11dit 11111 .L -..111gk 1111 •Ill'\ I • market funt.I can 1 >lkr. ...,:tkl\ i11-..un:tl up to $100 ,000 h~ t 11l' F'-. I I ( .. 1 l " Governrrn.:m :1gt.'1K~. A solid 3°/o advantage if you sign up this week. \X'e 're committl'<.I t< > m.1kl· .111d keep Home Fl'dl'r.tl 1liv hl·-.1 pl.tl l' 1< ir ~ 1 n1t11111.1!..L· .md kl'l'P '< >11r 111111ll'~ Th:tt ·-. \\ h\ \\ l.:rl' nuking I 111...., Y'o Ii• 11111-.. 11lkr ii '•H I "'>-411 up 111111h 0d1:nvh 111>1 l.ll l'r th:ul ".11111 d.I\ '\, 1H·1nlw1 <1. 1982. (On th.II d,t\. lll<>"ll hr.111dll'"\\ill IW<>JK'll, hlll 1 lll·l k \1>ltt 1w:1rl'-.t hr:11 1th I<> Ill -.. u l'l' ) I Ill· 111111111H 11 11 t< > hq~in j..., 5.:;,000 ( \ \ II h . I 1 ll ,l\ 11 lll Ill l n f $-.:;. ()()() ) , dvp1 >-..1tl'd in ,1.:; I/ 2°11 -..;1v ing-.. .1l'n 1unt -1 llv11 tr;111"1krn.:d .llll< 1111,ni c ilh 11 > tllv l11glw1 l',111Hng:tn'ln1nt tin llll' t1r-.1 d :I\ tlw l,t\\ .ill<)\\"· 1-IOMEF Not just money market earnings , but the extra advantages of free Chextra interest checking too - automatically. ( )l)l' < lf lfll' llll l"ll .H..l\',ll)Cl'd Il l< )()l.'\ lll:tl1:1gl'l)ll'l11 l< )(>I" ,l\':til:1hk l < >LI.I) j~ .I Clwxtra iml'rcst dwcking an :nu111. Th:11 \ \\ h~ ,,e·n.: m;idl' it pan nf nn1r ln:-.url·d 1\lonL'\'l\l~'rkl.·t Plan . \\' hereyo11 c a11 bank 0 11 st~fc>~)' .... DOWNTOWN SAH OIEOO/MAIH OFFICE '~ 1 • AlplM JJ 1 1 Arudl• 1 h l,'Xl l Bev· erty HUI• 14 1•"11.< Beverly/I.• C'-Q• 1 " I lolH•OOIOtn WHI 1t·1tl l1H4 lonHe ·' ''• 1'IH<1 • C•nooe Pett. 1411 11 • 1 Cart1bad • "• • n ' Cermel V1Ney '•"'' •, 1111.1 Chula Vltl1• IU UllO Chui• Vitt• lSoulh) ., .. , ld(l(I Clelrtmont h., 11.'fll 1 Clovl1 ;>•N tl{l(ll' ) Colle99 Center • k 1 • ."1:> Coroneoo o 4 • 41 ~pe'11no 4-'t J~ll o. Mer <1111 71!.I l 1 Clfon H 1.1 •!•' 1 ll C1joll/P11trwey Plu.a £HI •• •• • • EnclnHM 1~ ~· lnclnHM /Vlllete Sqwt,. 4 IL 1411 Cl ltcondldo I II • u , E.tcondldo/Y....., Peni.ey 141 141)4 r ,~-· ,_ench l'>f> •,ocn lJ ''""°;>?ti 3434 ,...-not .-.pp.r ,,.. Jl6·Jll Io 'ulleft°" 'l'JJ 1200 Cl Olendele 240 f.\JJJ U Ot01et'f!Oftt c.ntilf 481 9'101 l tfunllnftOn .. ech MO tJ~11 0 lrnpetle4 lffch 4?4 111'.16 lf'Wle 7 .. 'J fl161 tJ J-.1 ~I •8!>0 Jullwl 7~ t'J i l<lft..,.Otl 100 8571 () Le C9Nd1 110 1111 l u Jot!• Oowneown ,..,? O»l o u J v "''' ().440 u MeM Dow'*""' OO'l~O ~tf111 7701111 r ~ ...... 49~ J ~48'1~Cl L9M'9nOt w... COIMtry C!ub 1: ...... h'l·J•67 n Uncotn ......,.. ~n 1164 tl Lind• v.... ~G9 cm n L" Altoe ll4, &.lS1 n Lo9~Downtown 02'.1 lO l 0 Memlnoth ~ O'!A 611 •• O lilef'tnef'1 ..._ '"'J 1010 c Mldwaw "'•T '2.1,;11c o ,.. .... • 1;1•0 c ...,.,. ""'\'~ 21 ' 79•0 Frl'L' \X 111l .1 -..1 1pph 11 1 200 pcr ... nnali1.L·d dll'l k-.. \l -.1 ' It L'l' l '"l' it in g1H1d \\ l".tlt h Y< >ll r:tn .tl-.1 > .1pph I< 11 t hL· .1ddvd t'<>l1\'L'l1k11rt:' 111 ( hl'rdr.tl r Pr11tLTt11111 \\'ith Chl'<:k c;u:1r:111tl'l' \11d \11ur d1llil°l"I)( \1...,,\°',11.l1Hllll-..111' 7' la~1erc .:1rd.1M 1 Sign up today. Welcome back to the growth, convenience , safety and strength of Home Federal Country . I lnml· Fl'tkr~1 I .., Ill'\\ I 11-.u 1 L·d \lo1w~ ,\larkL·t Pl .111 i~ lx·1tl.T th.111 111< >nl'~ 111.trkl'I l't111d-.. \\ II h .I cummirml'llt :111d .1purp<>"L'1h.1t n 1L: Id l'.t-..ily rq1l:tt l' J grL·.11 ,·:11·k1y o l l ){lll'r 1mv-..111ll'l1h I<>(>. B~ t 11mhi11ing lligll l"trning~ \\'ith .-.:1k1' .1m l 1111 HK'\ ' ' . . lll.tn.l~l'll ll'lll n >rn vn iL·nl t.' If ym1 \'l' .tl\\':1~·~ hl'l'l1 .1 I lumL' Fl'l k ·r.tl n i-.t0111lT . thanl, \llll If you· l'l' l'L'I urn tng. "L' ln 1111l' h:1c" To I lonw FL'Lkr:tl C:rn 1111 n . \~'lwrl' \ot1\-(' :1h,.1~..., k:h hctt~·r .1hn ut ~()ur 11llllll.'\' .II)\\\ .I\. "" ..................................................... -. .............. _..._ ______ ~~~----~~~~~-~ . Daily Pilo t Newhart just playing 'Newhart ' lh .11•.IUl\ l:H l('K AP h levltlon W•ll•• l . t IS 1\ NC ; FI. t-: S H" Ii N1 "h.111 111' 11111g111• 111 rh u ... u.tl laut1<11wd d 11\\ II Jll"lllt1fl 111 hi' 1 Ito• J.. 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' b a ' 1 1 • ,, I I v p I .1 y tl1t•111'1'1\1•..,, '( lht11k \llU'tt• lu1J..\ \\j\l'll \11\1 l•'<ill7t• \\h,1t \11U ilfl' Sp1 11u·1 Tra1·:-Jlw;i\, pl.1y 1·d Sp1 m1•1 Tr.1l''.\ 1'111 11111 pulling 111~"·11 111111 th<1l 1.1tq~111 ~ hut. to th1· ''•m1· 1•x1t·11t. llw J>.tl'l of rn•· th.it wa:-l3<1b I lanlt·v ,,. 1n mv '" •w l'h aral'IL•r, Dick L.oud 1111." · L:itt•r , lw ack b , "If y ou 111Jk1· t 1n1• hon1· l'h111a :ind vuu'r" n·1 ugn11Nl <is th1· b1·'1 '1n thl' w orld vuu don' l ..,ud d e nl v .11111num·t· you 'n · guint( tu makC. .1utumub1lt::. Wt• st·e 11 :-<> muc·h m I h h ltll'dll• '' \<\,.·,I' "I "II d1•,t11Hll\'1· II \1111 11 .dl\ d11 '"lltl'tllll1~1 \U•ll \011 ... 1111ultf ..,tH k ... 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N1·'' h.111 , g 1111d I I lo •lld ,111d 'I 1111 I t'j.!ld,11 Ill\ h i'> 1....,t '1'111''· pl.av' tho· .ill thu1111i:. h.11111\ 111.111 I ;,.Ill/.!• l ltlt•\ S 11•\'1•11 K .1111p111.11111 pl.I\' 1111 111·\l d oor 1w1ghh111 .o 111.111 1111 .op.olilt· o l 1 .. 11i11g till' 11 lllh .111cl .J1 1111111'1 1lul11ll.., ,.., ,o tl ,111..,ltou ,11 \\ ltu \\111 k' "' .o 111.11.f lol '0•1 wh.tt 1t ',._ llk1 · to lw :o\'l'n1g<• Thi· -.1 111 tl.111 t1t·.., Ill 11.,, 1.1,,I 'h"''. '' ht1 h "'·" lf'lt'l. • ...,I 1111 l'B:-\ t11 •tn 1!17:.! ih. d 11 n 111 1·11d "1th 1h1· o h.11 .ol'h •1 .. N1·wli.1rl · '' d 1111 .. 1111 ll11 .... 11n 1· s t;,ig1 "' <:BS S1ud1u Ct•11t1•1 .• int.I h1· ,, h.11·k 111 1h1 "11111 d I I ... ,..,. Ill! I 1111111 "I I"'' lrn•I, .. v1·1 'th1111• 11111 111 ,1111.1g1 .' 111 '''"' "I k111 •\\ I d Ii< 1111111111-! 11.11 k Ur 111\ \\ rl• d 11I 11 .., \\I 11d l\4 ·1 11g lo.11J..1111 th.it ''·'I'' 1. I"' 111 11111.111 Ill d .. 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Vllll lt:t\'I' '" g1•t ..... , ... , I 111111 ,, .. 1111•1111111~ 111 .1pp11•{'t:tlt• ll It's 11k1• g1•ll1ng 1>\ll 111 th1· Annv It'-. :.ti l.1ugh.., 1111w h11 t w twn I w~1:-111 t lw t\ 1111\ I "·" 111•\1·1 '" ~I.id tea 1.w t ·•"·'' 11 11111 "'"" th111g Tho•\ h.111 tlH• '' 11111g '1·11.ol 11umlw1 0 11 "" d1 ... h.11 ).!• p,1p1·11". I \\ "' .ii r .ud lo TODAY'S CIDSSIDBD PUZZLE ACROSS country 152 Morning 20 Comforted 101 Smooth 1 lnetructor 8 PurM!er 12 Lariat 17 Hatte~t 21 "Wonder· land" girt 22 Trttxita 23 Alukan highway, lormerty 24 Qiurctt trtt>Ynel 25 Spirited ,_.. 28 Ovetwhelm 27 Cbemlcal wfllll 28 Nonh. In Madrid 29 Ahmel 30Gred.clua member 31 c.td game 32 Ooc1rtne 3' Chemtc:al tuft)ll 35 ColtectlOn of 78 And: Lal tin. 33 Hlltork: bl'Mlhlng 77 Right-hand 15-4 CIUl6c l*10d 103 RMtrlct pege IA119Uege 35 Small w1Q 105 Do an 78 Group of 15«1 Prieet'e ~ Nautlc&I ulher'e Job nlM garment t.,m 1oe .. _and 80 Downy 15«1 Exlet~ •O Relat9d feathefed" duck 180 Joleon '1 Red Square 107 Domeetlo 82 Futen 1111 Prwflx with name stavee ftrmly weekly or 43 Sperokl lllh 108 Pl.ce - 8" ~!dee monthly ~ Plant etalk 111 Maritime tlland 182 Anglo-48 Sining , 13 Pytlllu ' 8e l~jaw Suon eolrie 47 Womari'1 tT1end 88 IRIU(gent 163 Flbef plant riame 117 Eriact 90 Plltol 165 One or any 48 Nlmb.. 1111 Prlricety 92 ttallan family 1M -la la 50 Germen 121 Shrlrik 9'4 Goujp 181 Mountain river 124 -Oeum 9e ChlmMy Ilona 52 Europeari 125 Mori1ter'1 ct.poalt 170 Bnttle ewallow loch 97 WlthOut 17 t ECX>-lh8'*1 53 Group of 127 Granular prejudice 172 Lumlriou1 eight anow 102 Thal coin 174 Str111e S4 Actor 129 PIMllll 104 Houaehold 175 Prophet Gr_,. Pe1er - need 178 ~ltl 5e LOWMI 132 s.IM 109 Banltter 177 Ham.aa point 13' Income 110 Alablan nng 58 Tatty 138 Sllp beck country 111 LM'IP'9V eo GA'• neigh· 139 Ancleen 112 Swollen ftlherrnan t>or anlmale 114 Qr at tty 81 Coated wllh 141 lAQal tenn 11 II 1111111 .d1.i11I lli1•\ d lt11lt l 111•· 11 f> I h 11 1 I h• d1 ·1 1,11111 \\ o1 ·, 111.0l 11 111 I• 111111 111 "'' ''" I• I• \l,11111, Ill \I I dl\11 1111 '\I 11 I llflll Ill ,I 'llll,ol 1lc 1111 111 I•' 1111 1111110 111 N1 •\\ h.11 t" I,. l'.·•11 111 t,oh,o ·,h"I"' 1111111•111ll"t ,hup 111 ,, '->• .t11l1· h1111•I I \\ . o I It 111 k 111 g . d" I 11 I t It I ' '''"'' 11 .. 111.dh 'Y1111 "t.1 rt \\ 111 1 Ill ,,. I llp.1111111 .111d \'Oii II v ,,, pi< I, t•ll• I Ii.ii 1111 1 I " tho 11111 ... t 111·1••1 111111111 .. 1111 lh• ti•"' I ,, ·" ''""''' Ill tl1t h11t1 I 11111 •• ,11 .. p \\.oh hllll' fll'"f!lt I"" k111.,• 111 .011d 11111 I lli•tt1g l1t llP 11 ·, .111 '"I ll1'.tl11111 1h.1t 11·1111' 1t,1·ll Ill ,, ... 111m \\ 1111• •\ll 11 lw111g !o'.1wlt:, '1'11\\ t I:.. "' Na" lt.01 t 11w1 ''1th '' 1111·1 H.111' "' 11111 .o 11111111 t 1 \n Ull\<' ~lljil lllll'llll,1111 IOI ·'l.1\I \\hll 1,. <.11111 tl11 1 \1·ull1\• p111d11111 ul 'N1 ·\\ h.11 t ' 'l'\,111' ... 11ggo· .. t1·d .. ,,lli.ill lt11t1·I. '.1' .111 11111 111 V1•1111 11 nt,'' N1·w t1.111 '·':0' · 111• tlw11ght a Ji1..,l111 h 11111 \\llUl.J 11J1I II .I lot Ill P""llt'l t' \ 1111 k1111\\ tl11 .J.11111·-. l\1.1d1,1111 Slo·pl 111 11 k111d ul tl1111g .111d .oil ll11 1d111..,\1111 .... 11 , 1Jf th11"· 1w•111lt Wh1·11 I.got lht pilul -.< llJll ll tit likt .11111ld '"'l 'J\l'I " ob feet• 3& Digraph 37Woodeorrel 39 OfOMI 42 Palnter'1 115 MO'• '*Cih-DOWN alloy 143 eni.;hten bor 1 French cup 63 Oo the 1~ At --1 1 , 8 Behold! 2 ExlretM ocean c:onf\.tMCI 118 &it>martne 3 Bind e.5 P~ 145 Bombay «Mlec:tor 4 Wltdeat 011'11* gar"*lt EARLY fllRD DINNER~ s6.95 ~ to a pm platter 45 Compote< R°'em '46 Actreaa St-a •9 Awry 51FKI S3 Cadiz cheer 55 ~ 5 7 F°'k prong a 59 MNI 82 Musical ending ~Watter - Disney 66 Jewllh month 120 Polaonoue 5 Shrunk 87 WtlM! hub• 148 Declare tr• 8 lnt()(mal 89 Zoo gr•1· 148 Chob 122 Salty talel talk tng group 123 Pl1ne1 7 Amerlcari 71 M()(I 150 Compourid 128 Actor David trivent()( retlonal e1hef 129 Garlunk .. utOCl•t• 130 Woody plenl 13t Bluth 133 WIMf 135 Clledet 137 DC time 138 Artllt etand 140 Rod of ten- 8 Catklri 73 Refute 152 l __, 9 Cont1nen1 75 Oo<mouM 1S3 Sklriftlnt Abbr 79 PowMty 1S5 Munich'• 10 Conceited 8 1 Absotve rivet one 1 1 Electrical unit 12 Actreu Turner 13 FOf'Watd 14 l engthy 63 Army gtoup 157 "Buay" 85 Btbllcat king Insects 87 Barnyard 159 Sea eagle enclosures 163 Fabulous 89 Place bird 91 European 1~ Acuesa country Gar drier 93 lrllh name 165 Old Ger 95 Feathef 167 StameM Choice of f ive Different Selections Happy Hour Hon d ' Ouevres 4:30 to 6:30 Mon.-Fri. 14982 Redhill At Edinger Tustin 730-0115 68 Textile dNler 70 Ringle! nis feme 142 s.. nymph 144 Donkey 147 Buk•t fiber 149 Emb•nk- dltcOUrM 15 Pefehed 16 lndlvldu•l 17 Sendarec lrM barb coin 97 Eye part t69 Wire 98 Cheek bone 99 Greek letter meuure t73 Chromium svmbol DAILY LUNCH SPECIALS 72 Tree genus 7• Asiatic 2 3 4 21 "*'' 151 Revolve 18 Lawmalcet 19 Barrel stll 100 Refer SEE CLASSIFIED SECTION FOR ANSWERS Discover what's cooking along the Orange Coast In the Orange Coast Cookbook Coming Dec. 8 In the Dally Piiat • 12.65 DAILY DINNER SPECIALS $3.25 CABLE SPORTS ON GIANT SCREEN TV Happy Hour 12 to 5 11603 Maia St. 142-5111 141-2372 Haatiatloa leac~ Chicken Cordon Bleu $6.50 Fresh Red Snapper $5.95 Teriyakl Beef Kabobs $6.50 SMced Roast Steak $6.95 Servo<! with choice of soup or salad fresh vegetable and rice 3000 Brlstol Costa Men 4 to 6 P M Mon -Fri 545 -557 0 cift,•I IS BACK EARLY BIRD DINNERS $ A 9 5 Delly 3:30 to 8:00 p.m. !i' ALSO DAILY LUNCH SPECIALS Id YOfletown CloHd Mondays Always Fresh Mesquite Broiled Seafoods & Steaks 10085 G•rfleld •t Brookhuret Fount•ln Velley IM-u31 •••••••• /lob ,, ... lwrl d; ... , . ., .... ,.I'> thf• 1u·u ch arat•ler lw plays. SSS cJT{edleyS ~ 55.95 DINNER SPECIALS SUN FRIED CHICKEN DINNER MON BEEF ENCHILADA DINNER TUES CHEF'S SPECIAL WED. BAR-B-0 BEEF RIB DINNER THURS. HOMEMADE LASAGNA DINNER A/I dinners include soup or salad hot bread and dinner special beverage l Mile So. of 405 Fwy. 18774 &ookhursl Fountain Valty Coll '-lt•1«vot1•rt• 963-23'6 CHINA PALACE w RESTAURANT w DAILY LUICIEll SPECIAL s3.25 All luncheons include soup, salad. fried rice and fortune cookies Beer & W1na Served Lunch & Oiriner I 1 30 a m to 10 30 p m 7 Days A Week Food to Go 2930 W . COAST HWY. NEWPORT •EACH (714) 6)1 -8031 EARLY BIRD DINNERS 13.95 • GROUND BEEF DINNER e CHICKEN DINNER e FISH DINNER • HAM DINNER 'i1Hvfl41 W·lf'I ''tn<f'I fr1•t C~Hl•<f CO .. •I•-,. dl'f ON'\ ('Oil n-•r\t I ff'\41ttf(t l'vlt"' PtJ tt.,;n No aut)1Uuuhont 19181 Brooltust At Adams l.11 Main• lob1ttf Olnntt C1101ee ol Soup of CHn•• Stied & ' FrHh Veg. 0000 11nyllm• Sun thru Fri • Sat 4 10 II P M. tbiti1cton Beach H2-1341 I.II ell('<! """mp n• r1eal\ f'olet o• SOie S....,on or Trout. 880 I "' \I V•"~ll\,,.H " tU .... 4 f 5 95 C•H••• Se1ao or {.nowo.,, rreth Veg Su" thru '" 6-7 and 811 4 to I . 111 .... ,.. .. "· 1140 ........ , llM. •• .,.rt ...... 140-1111 ........ llt-1111 ( ---------.- 2 :.-.. .,. . . ·. ........ - t·!I Orunuo (;(IU!i1 l>All v Pll I I I /!.i111 HJ1J y ()1 '""''' 11 I'll!. No rnor al ·ohol or g un P£1 rso11 a I f 'rohl e111.,· _/( >n ·e /. evo11 Io sh i /i 111 usica l e111 phasi.\· Uy JAMt<:s SIMON ,,_, T.._.,i.lon Writ., ROSTON W.111••fl i'.1•\'Ull .... ,, .. ht 1t11.1k II lfllljOr \'UI t'l'I gomhlt• Wlll'll ..,, ......... it p1 11l1lt•111i. forcoed him lll 8h1f1 hi' 111wll'1.tl l'll1Ph;iici.. 11wuy fro111 the twin tht•1111•i. of all·ohul uml .;11rn. tl ml drn111111:tlPd many of hix 1•urly ~in~11 But lhl· W1°1'1 Coast s111gt•r "lllJoCWrtt1•r :cu ylf w.:tually lx•nd111•<l frmti t}w <·hunl(t' h1'<·11ust• his t'On<.'l'rt oudwnl't• 1s 11lOrt• "1ph1'lt1n 11t•d thun tw thought 111111 as growtnl( at a unw wlw11 1t1.1n y l.'tl\nbltslwd w .. :k Ul'lS ar1• p luy111g t11 1•mp1 y :.1·11L'I. "At agt' ~15, for the r1r:-.t trnw 111 th1• ro1:k '11' roll uus1m-ss. l'rn r111ally muk1ng 1110111 y wl 1h•· n111d , wh1<:h 1s rt•al u nu:.uul for .my ~111111' th•·"· days," Zevon swJ aftl·r ottrac:llng ul.Jout :!.JOll C.111!. tu twc1 8'.ititun art'U duhs "It's not mull1 l't1lu11•d iolli. 11f money. but w1•n· muk1ng a p1uf1t l>I\ uur uwn, as llppost:d lu u l'l'\'Ol'd l'Ompa11y s pon-.nn·d tmu ··1 sUpiJUSl' ll unly rl•prL•:..1•11h tlw lip of thl· 1l'l•berg of the rt•(·nrd buy111g JJ•'oph'." .1 hnJrM' ~von said. wh1lt• lMttltng a l':JSt' uf broni h111, th.it has rompltl·utt'<.l his t·urrl•n l tl)llr "Uut I h.11 hor ,J runtasy and hoix· that muy bt· th1• 111a111,tn•:.am will slide over towards me• I hUVl' 110 pbn-. rur -;liJtng over toward 1t." Zevon 1s not the usual nx•k !'.t.11 I It•'!> .1 IJll' bloomer. a darling of mos t rm·k l'l llll'!'> Jnd ;i rough-edged singer who rnovL·s l'J!'>lly from hts novelty tunes such as "Wc•rewolvt>:> 11f L o ndon " w such old rockl'rs as "Bo D1ddley" .ind l:1lt•!> uf lntemallonal intrigue, "The Envoy." '~'llll'll 11> thl· lltle track of hts latest a lbum. He's also a reformed alrohulit who s.1v!'> ht·'s eternally grateful that his early lyr1l'al o~·ssiun w ith alco hol c.ind guns didn't lead him 111 wlf destruction. "A lot of m v ear ly matl'rial scarl'd nw b1'1·;nl!'.l there was a lend.ency on m y part to l'll<ll'l till' song:-. b<.' the Jim Mo rrison kind or charal'tl•r. run ll all past my own hfC' hrst," said Zl•von. who g..ivl· up drinking in 1980 after s pl·nding a m u11th .11 ,1 Jl'toxifit·at1on program 111 <1 Cahforn1.i h11:-.p 1l..il "M y bigges t worry wa:-. thl· audl!'lll l' th.it thl'Y would hstl'r1 lo thl• lyrics and follow tlw111 b<.'<:ause lhl'v fpll I'\'(' bt:t:n ho ne·st with thl•111.' h <' said "It n ·aily was not until al t1•r till' l<•U I I slopped drinking. and l·u uld ra1St.• .1 1'1·1 111·1 111 tlw n owd tnsl<'ad o f a lx'<'r and gl't a go1Kl rl·-.pc•n~ that I realtH•d they had bet·n .a lo t 1nurt· sophis ticatl.'Cl than l had bcl·n about th1· s1111~s "They just saw it as a form of gnm humor " Zevon said his early rascmauon with ftrl'arms , NOW PLAYING COSTA MESA ORANGE ORANGE Edwards Bri<:.101 AMC Orange Mall UA C11y Cinema 540 7444 637 0340 634 3911 GARDEN GROVE Edwards Westbrook S30 4401 (}jO PASSES ACCEPT EO FOR THIS ENGAGEMENT from the people who brought you"Animal House'.' NA T I ONAi. IAMFllN'S. ...................... • _.... ............. ,. t\00 Son~" rih·r/~iu~t·r W u r1·•·n Zt·vou l'<hi l'ts tlw musit·ul t'mpha!<.i~ in hi!<. ~on~>-· 1111111111.•skd 111 :-.udt so ngs a!'. "LaM'f'>. (:u11i. :111d M111wv." 111:.o h.1s IH•t•11 1· .. ·µlun·d hy a ..,.,1H'1 llll1li•rst.ind111g o f tlw11 t.k ... 11 Ul'lJVl' J)(IWl'I', Whll'h p 111111plt•d h1111 lt1 Jllln th1· f'oundal11>11 Ag.1111sl v 111ll'l\\°l' "Th" w mholrsm of tlw guns and 'l>1rty l la11 y' .111(! 'Thi· Wild Burwh' thut kind ol th111H w.L, .i 1111 lwaltll1t•1 10 yt·an. ago," ht· sa id. Al 1hat lHllt'. ht· S<Jll.l, "l would huvt· s111d 1h1· 1\,1t1on JU.'1 su l l1•rs from .1 lot or guilt Now 1'111111or1• 1111 lrn .. d lu '"V w1."re .an uncommo11l v v wlc•nt pt•uplc. whll'h 1~ why I .1rnnt•d the founda.llon " Z..·vl)n, th1· son ol a Hussian 1mm1grant. wa:-. 1.11-.L·d 111 ('al1 (1Jrn1a a nd Ari zona Hl· bc1:amt• rnll'n·sll'd in mus l(' 111 ;111 t'<.1rly age. met l'OmptlSl'I' Ig or Strav1n ... ky ... evcral 111111.·s in his youth and later toun·d tht· n.1l11m .is lht• JJian1:-.l and ba n dle>ader fur Ill\' l-:\'1·1 h Rrnlhl'rs uldtt.•s !'>how Z1•vo;1 s .. 11d his rc·lallv(·lv lalt.• succl'SS ht.• was .!H wh1•1\ h1· I Ul his f1 r:-.l l:UITlffil•rc·1ally SUl'(.'f•s.<;ful a lbum h1·lp1·d him tu avoid the jadt•d nttitudt• o( .1 111.111v nx k lwacJluwr' who grow dis ltlnl from tlt1·11 .1ud 11•fll l' J ., thC'y grow oldC'r "F 11111t k n11 \\ 1ng 1ht· Ev(•rl y Broth<.·rs and \\11rk 1ng \\1th llwm. r l'J'mt• lo not c•nvy n·al young Slll\l'~l'' Tlwv wt•n • working al age 5 an d 7," hl· ,11d "I look .1t a pa·turr· llf S travinsky ;11 80 a nd JUSl !\,1v uld ci~1· 111.1V l)I' ktndPr ;.ind worth looking rur" .1rJ l• • STALLONE Thia time hn fighting for his life. PROJECTIONISTS LOCKED OUT!!! UNITED ARTISTS THEATERS UNFAIR!!! We ere lodt9d out because we refused to loee up to 75% ol our )obi, double the work load ol lhose remaining, and allow our expertise 10 be utlll2ed lo enable underpaid . lnex~rlenced kids to handle the highly complex equlpmen1 ln the projecllon rooms or the United Artists Th .. tres M11nagemen1 arr09&fttly end unltetlf .. tJ demanded that each profecllonlst employee service es m1ny 11 ... hteen ecreene In compte11es o• much es twenty mltee epert. We betleve 1hla 10 be unfelr 10 the 50·75"1. of the projectlonl•1s that would have loll lhelr lob• under 1heM condltlon1, and unfair to the movie pa1ron1 who are paying toe> Pflee ror tholr t1cke11. with the chance ol seeing Wb-etendard Pfofeotk»n of the fea1ures 1hey paid to see • We were wllltng to negot111e. bu1 the Company dlel.lllOflellr and erro0ent1r LOCKED UI OUT. YOU CAI HELP! ""'-don'I to Into enr Unlt9d Ar11ete Theatet enrwhefe. Your written te11e1e 01 eupport wlll be epprec:leted by u1. Tltey thou1d be 1ddrMMd to the Southern A.lsocletlon ol tATS[ Dletrlct Two Loc91t. 630 G..neva S1reet, Huntlng1on BMch. C111torn11 92&48 We wlM lorwMd to 1he P'oPtl' party 1t Unlt9d Artlete THAllS FOR YOUR HELP!! South•m Auocletfon of IA TSE District Two L.ocals. Walter H. Blanchard, Secy-Treas. ' .. y '-~~' fJ I 't ,,;,,.r I "4 ;111 .. IOU•IAlll U llU OllH OI 1 1•! I It ....... , oo"• iillu .................. • • ........... u •• ,.. I I•• I I ,,. • t I•" f •• 4 411 I 0, '" 1 ·THE CRITICS' FAVORITE FUNNY FILM /, ' 4SIDE-SPLITTINGLY FUNNY!" -llH ... IYMDICATIG FILM came (Mf L~Yt2t\«t..l~iJ Ml.M IUA t•t 1 ''• --t 11ot (:O NOW PLAYING COSIA MI U OAAllOI ,1,.. • I \•.i ff t I 011 "' ,.,, ••If " I • •\I H 10~0 I •• • IACUllA llACll • a• • lfllJii 1'14 ' '••Mtlll...OOAA..AGI Nl lt TOC:-MI U 'f IDWAllilO&tllO'lltl 'f~LIO•f1 &T 90•~ CHAlllOPHC" "fl¥( ''MON- SIGNOR" FRI. 9:00 1:20, 10:40 SAT/SUN. 1:30 3i45, 1:00, 1:15. 10:40 (R) "HATIOHAL LAWOON'S CLASS REUNION"<"' FRL I· 7:A5, t-.20 SAT /SUH. 2'.:20 4:00,9:00 7:45, t-.20 SYLVESTER STALLONE Mv FAVORITE YUR x "IT CAME FROM HOLLY- WOOD" 1"01 "IT CAME FROM HOLLYWOOD" FRI. 9:45. 9:30, 10:20 SAT/SUH. 2:00. 3;35, 5:10 1:45, 1:30, 10-.:20 (PG) "IT CAME FROM HOLLY· WOOD" tl'OI FRI. 1:20, 1:00. 9:35 SAT/SUN. 2:30, 4:20 9:20, 11:00. 9:35 ,~., ~'""' N~ "". ,,... .... t!Hf't\t' ,. I ti"'' ... ,,_ .. , ...... "LOOKIN ' TO GET OUT" :"°1 rJll I ti, , .. IS U f/IUtO 2'11, I 11, 1C.U - tfl11"'11 "Ill '>EASON Of' I . ~~.~ .w~i;~.H t I FRI. 7:00, e:SO, tl>-.40 FRI. 1:35. 9:30, 10:30 SAT/SUH. 1:00, 3:10 SAT/IUH. 1:20. 3:00 5:00. 7:00, 1:50. tCblO 1!35, 1:30, 10:30 R "MON· SIGNOR" FRI .. 8:00, 1:25, 10:45 SAT/SUH. 1:00. 3:25 1:00, 8:20 & SAT OHL Y 10-AO (RI nn: EXTRA· TE""£STIUAL FRI. 7: 15, 1:30 SAT/SUN. 1:15, 3:30 5;45, 1:00. 10:15 (PQ) IY\.WllTH IYMJ.C*I "FIRST BLOOD" 1111 "'9. 1:00. 1!41, tCU O IA T / IUN. 1:JO. J: 11. l:CIO , .. 1:41. , .. fA !T r1llfr1 m AT •tOGlMONT MICH The u SI A,,,.;c.an Vlr9n (RI CH EECH a CHONG ml Tll~AllTUIW.MI ~~:~~ifN' a."rf::.1~~.wc,1., D11••·1ns Open 6·45 Weekn1QhU I 6 30 WHkerid1 * Children Undtr 12 F rtt Unltss Hottel FRI. 9:00, 1:15, 10-.20 SAT /SUH. 1:00, 3:30 6:00. 9:15, 10-.20 ''LOOKIN' TO GET OUT" 11'G1 tfUl~tNlll - SEASON OF' '" • 1:,~~ .~!~~!I @ FRI. 7:10, 9;00, ICU5 SAT /SUN. 1:00, 3:00, 5:00 7:00, lt:OO. 1CU5 ~.rOTl 1r [R <"J•MXlD@ ,.",_ IAT/IUM llOt. •M. UO "'f AST 1'W:S AT RJOl2JllOMT HIOH" I" I "IT CAME FROM HOLLV- WOOD" 1l'01 RI. 7:15, 9:00, 10: SAT/SUH. 1:00, 2: 4:00, 5:.0, 7:15 l::OO. 10:30 FRI. 7:00, 9:00, 10:45 SAT/SUH. 1:00, 3:00 5:00. 7:00. 9:00, 10:45 POLT.ERGEIST .. ~. FRI .. t :SS SAT/SUH. 4:25, lt30 "ST AA TREK 11" FRI. 1:00 SATfSUN. 3:15, 1:00 DINll oo FRI. 9:00, 10-SO SAT/SUH. 1:10 9:00 10tSO FRI 7:00. e·so. 10:40 SAT /SUN. 1.30, 3:20, 5:10 11>0. a:so. 10:40 :-. -T.~Ot ~ f'f. FRI. 9:30, 10:15 SAT I SUH. 2:50. 1:30. 10:15 MROCKY ID" '"'°' FRl.,1:20 SAT/SUM. 1:00. ~. 1:20 FRI. 1:15 SAT/SUN. 4:00, 9:15 "JINXED"'"' FRI. 1:15, 10-.30 SAT /SUN. 2.-00, 9:15, 10:30 "IT CAME FROM HOLLYWOOD" FRI. I~. 9:20, 10:00 SAT/SUH. 2:00, 3:35, 5:10 1:45, 1:20, 10:00 (POI "nta •OAr' ,. ... (91) t ATllUM. t:'f. Ml "INCHON" INI .... ..... .... IATllUM. tt'f. .... ... t Ir 1111111 Lu11 .. 1 l>All 'f I'll U f l',w1!111y I >1 10 11111 '11 lllfi/ t ::I GOllN 011 lllDGE BY CtiARLES ti GOREN ANO OMAll ~tlAflll If 11·-.got wht.•t•I'>. you'l I movt• Q. -My wife u4 I eejeJ 1••r lleJ.IJ lilrWc• a.1i.oe I .. 4 , •• , •••"••d q111h . tl•••ver, le yo11r la1 .. 1 ct•la •• w..W like 1eu to •• •Ith deep.r la&o Q.I S e11th a..1d1 •QTU '='8&3 AU •913 Th• bWcllq: N•rO. 1: .. 1 8 011th Wut •• 2 0 t• l • 3 • • 0 ' Vo• • ... Hied t.het Se111at di!>•W.. aJthoqh tll•t cou.ld be frau1ht •Ith Jeopudy. Nortll hH lavlte4 So11th to ,.... aed S111th c.. take two trlclil le th• oppoaeat1' ault. wllltAI •111l 111,.~IM North. NortAI 11 obvle111ly 1hert la dlaaoad1. 10 he cu ptoMbly t el I 41K&l'd OD OH of &Ate hlth d&-.oad1. TA11t ............ a po4 .... , •t ,.... c&.a't yo11 &it.lak?- Mlh .1 .. .,.r, Salt Lah City. Utali 11'•1• ... M&.• a... bno •••rde4 lh •••Ill)' prlu I A . -y 0 u IH I( 111' 111( ,l ' " ' ' yuur~elf lht' ~hurl 1·r \,11111 1a 1n dlamnncJ,, t h1· ""'" l'\oulh'i hantl" tor h1111 \11ol Nori h ~ hid 1' n111 n1•1•1·".111h l(ttmt• 11'lvt1 u tton1tl h1· 111.1\ b.-1·om1w t tnl( al(111n,1 t h1· up vorwn111 ' thr 1•1· d1.11111111tl' 11imply twe111"· h1· 1, \h1111 111 th1.1i r .. u11 Ht·r .. ·, u 1.11w·1tl h1rnd North 11111(ht '"'"' •AKJu 71Ku.:t " •Uh No onr t1111 qu1hltlt• al11rnt North'11h1tld10I(111'1t:v. •1 1111' 14 h11h rartl point• .ind s111glt'lurl 1n I ht· 11pp1111 .. n1 ,· 1i1u1l. Auurn1• th.11 ~ort h 1(1·1 , a ht'art diitcard and t h.11 I h1· are 0£ ht>art1 IS OO~lllt-'1.:urlh llill has to losC' l\\o ht'Url tr1ck1 and al len'll l\\u dub-,, perha pa t'Vt'O thr\'l' Y l'l East We'il c.innot ma kt• four tl1o111111n1h 1111h" 11111• •ti I ho Ill 1' 111111111 'f1.1d1 or I h1• 1 ,., ,1, 1H1 "I \ I 1\111 tl oh 1ft I l l t.1111 d """ 1.1 .. .11.111111 '"' '""' h h.11111 ... 11~:li1 h + ()7tl~ Mi~1 \Ill.I \. K IU :0.1111l h h ..... ,., ... 11~ lh• .... 11111· fttllllt 11111111 .111d d1 .. 111111111011. t.111 1111\\ Ill' h1i:h t',tf ol, .or <' Ill "lilt"\\ fll'l I f!.111 ""' h.1 .. 11•11141 h ~ 11111 'l'·lllo ' I" 1111\\ l.1 \ d11" II .f1'l'la1 •'I' •'·' 1111111 ltJ'I' mun· I h,111 11111• I 11•'" Ill 1'.ldl pl11111 •1111 I hi'" lht• """"" "I' h I\,. 11lt1 II 't rt'''l'tl t 111 111q1111' 1.111•" 111 v.111l.1n1< 1o;1rtl' I h• .1n .111tl l.111i: 111 tl1.111111111 h .111• "•1rth 11111\ 1"'' ttHk' 1'111· .11·,. ol h1 ·.1rt ' .ind k1111< 111 l'luh' n ·d111·1· 'I\ 11111 1·1111.d '""'r" 111 '"" 'urt· 001•, 11 .. ,·.111"· tho·.\ 111<',h "1th p.11 I 11•·r' hi.ch 1.1r1h. 1ht•1 111· v.11r1h .1h11111 l1111r trwi., Jt11'\;l1'1' 1111 /11/Jta /111 f /1114'1 '111111 1/ it ''"'"t~r 1n d Dal ly Piiot c la'>'>t fi{'d tlc1 Cd II 642 ~78 tind .1 fric>ndly c.ld v 1 <,er wi II hrlp you turn your wh<'e l ... 1nto (. d '>h W E'RE GOING TO MAKE YOU I ~~!:!,~" I I 111111-. ul t t.tu.l11 1•t • t• •tl\IU ' .uul I••'"''' tfuh 11ou'' PG NOW PLAYING ......... ~ Ul&lll1111 ti._.,. ___ ....... .. l lt1tl 1' J..1/1,·,/ ,,,, "'" t 1'11111'11 I lt.111 ,/, 1/, 11 f111 11111 t /11m It .. -1 .. ...,... ,....... ... , ~Cl*-.... ...1111 ltlllnlo,......,._ 1111,. ... , l ...... Hm1 Willftt• ICI Ull,. -. " C$11 .. !llt.. IJHlll1111 ... l 1S..1tr .. •YJ!llrltalll '""'' --fOI!• ~' ''"~" ... 0!!111n --1-1t1ttll!Olll~• S-" 111tcJ (Mt...... l«I.. ... I 1"• '"The Chosen' .... One of the year's best!" ~. EXCLUSIVE ENOAO.MENT FRI. 1:35 -SAT /SUN. 4:001 1:35 edwards LIDO CINEMA MIWr ou ILYD AT 'llA LIOO .... fWl"Oln I EACH 613-llSO CO-HIT "DINER" , FRI. 8:30, 10:35 -SAT/SUN. 2:15 8:30, 10:35 I 11111 ·1 f111 , ti ,, .1 111111111 •"'"I''"''' l'tt• ... 1 MONSIGNOR IN\"' l\lllA'-'> -· IMA'-.. l1KM• 'tuo ... uHiu H wu '' 11o '" "'" ~ .. , ........ •J'-1\ll\l lllft~ll lll< ... \'-l'l(IMl• l l'""'"lllll< II • 11 11<11 .... \l•ltllH lll .tl.Jil lt~t-'''111 \A' •'h~•"'" .. -KHI \ \-\HllA'1' H •l .._ ltJtl,\\llllA\l'o IK l'-~l ... HI"-' ll~\111 ,1\1'-IR .. _ AKKAtlA"t')fli""~\ \\t"\lntl \1A'tl't ~ __ .. r• IAt 9'~'"''11 t.IW IMA'-1'111{N' • R ......... 0 -. ' -;:;.,•A;:;·::.·:.· ••·~"•'' ••l•o \•t•l.iMr ·" ... t:" .f .W!1 ... . .. -... .... ·1 .,,,.._.. .... ...,. ... atu ~ •• h If • •• 1(AMCjiViJ1 fl) t "•' ,, \ov!h o• Lf"t OI" .,.,.,. •• 631 03•0 From the people who brought you" Animal .House~' WE'RE GOING TO MAKE YOU LAUGH ..... DAN AYKROY~JOHN CANDY. cHEECH AND CHONG. GILDA KADNER ud the girl who says to the gorilla "Be gentle big fella'.' the alien who demands "Mars needs women:· the evil scientist who says .. AJI of you earthmen are stupid'.' .. Plenty of teenage lust . Loads of crawling creatu~ llnd Lot.1 of dirty parts. FRI. 7:00, 1:40, 10:15 SAT/8UH. 2:00, 3:45, 5:20, 7:00, 1:.0, 10:15 AT 8.C. PLAZA edwar SOUT1I COAST PLAZA lllSTOl AT SUMkOW• COSTAlltmA 546-2711 ""· 1120, 1:00, 1:35 IAf/IUN. 2:IO, 4:20, 1:20, 1:00 "tlM AT IADOLHACK ._ds SADDLEBACK PLAZA T ~D T&-io 581 ·5880 ., ' N A T I 0 N A L IAMPeeN'S. , "" No class has less class than this class. A .... M ' .,_.,...,I hf >.1 • "•A '' f,y •, • •' ~1 • ........ GERRfT GRAHAM • FRED McCARREN • MIRIAM FLYNN • STEPHEN FURST SHELLEY SMfTH • ZANE IUZIY • MICHAEL LERNER • . CHUCK BERRY "' "~.JOHN HUGHES ' ' · MAm SIMMONS · MICHAEL MILLER 6 . DOl~~I"' Dill •••• [R FRI. 7:101 1:50, 10:30 SAT /SUN. 2:00, 3:45, 5:30, 7:10 8:60, 10:30 AT CINEMA WEIT edwards CINEMA WEST WUlMOOfll i!JJ "760 ,., .~ ........ ,, . .,...,-u FRI. 7:00, 1:45, 10:30 8ATllUN. 1:30, 3:15, 5:15, 7:00 1:45, 10:30 A M.V. MALL edwards MISSION VIEJO MALL \AN DllOO ,..,-., f O C•OWH YAllll ITWH 495 i!220 MA CO & 10t1Hl0H 'Q Flltl. 7:00, l :U , 10:IO 8AT/IUN. 1:461 3:30, 5:15, 7:00 1:451 10:30 AT WOOD•AIDOE edwards WOODBRIDGE ·::::,::.: '.. 1Ci.l: c::.":' 5 51 -065 5 , • --'= eftt ,.., •..,...tcu-... ..-.. ........... G" J IA1 ........... ........ . FRI. 7:00, 1:45. ;0;3(, ·-~' • SAT/SUN. 1:45, 3:30, 5:15, 7:00 8:45, 10:30 AT HARBOR edwards HARBOR TWIN H&UA~-.:~~&H 631 •3501 C:OUA .,..,,. FRI. t:OO. 7:45, t:30 SATl8UN. 2:20, 4:00 1:001 7:45 1:20 AT 8ADOLl•ACK edwards SADDLEBACK PLAZA T ~o'c0ec•::a.o ,A\o 581 -5880 FAI. t :OO IA T /IUN. 2:06, l :M . t:OO AT FOUNTAIN YALLIY edwards FOUNTAIN VALLEY I~==-~' 839· 1500 f 14TH SMASH WEEK! ISN 'T IT TIME TO SEE WHAT 27 MILLION PEOPLE HAVE BEEN RAVING ABOUT? R A< .. ,,...., .... .. '· BMIA lllW,Oftl IUCN •,• •1• A .. AllAMtlM MISSION VllJO 011001 .. WlllMIHllll ft""' l't • 1#1•. , .. ·~ . . ,,, ' WISIMlllSll M •BARGAIN MATINEES• Monday thru Saturday All Perto1mence' belo•e S.00 PM lhtepl Spte111 En9191ments and Hohdayst I.A MIRADA MAU to ,_.,,oao ot •o••c1on• LA MIRADA WALK·IN 994·2400 "IT CAME FROM HOLL YWOOO" •••• •1\0 >• •» .,. ••o 1oao "MONSIGNOR" 1•1 11 » IM t )0 I •t \(I 10 NATIOHAl 1.AMPOON S "ClAll A(UNIOH" 1•1 ,,,. , ...... ,. .. ,.,. LAKEWOOD CENTER WALllC·IN "MONSIGNOR" •1 ~,. __ ,, ............ . P1HI( r lOVO THl WAll • , ....... lHE lASI AMElllCAN YIACIN •)le •••• LAKEWOOD CENTER SOUTH WALi( 1111 lcxu .... At 0.• Amo ~/~>4·9211 THE SWOl!O AHO THE SOl!Ct:RER ' • .. ,. 1Wf ... ,, ..... ,,.. 1•0• ,,. ...... . llN OHICfll ANO & Gf.NlLfMAN" 1•1 , .. t» •• ._.. ••U "JINJIEO" 1•1 ., ... ., ... "'AIT TIMfl Al AIDOIMONT HIGH" 101 >••tu ••u "FIRST BLOOD" 1•1 1)H '" 1'4 ... t• H tl •oci.;t"" o• Conote•OOG l 211/531·9510 ) NA TIOH&l lAM~O<»I I Cl All AfUNION 1•1 0 0 , .............. " TEMP(lf' 1 .. , ,, .. ,"' ... MV ••VOlllT( VEAlll , .. 1 >ft. •• THI CHOlfN oo ...... I HE J AU llHGEll' (l'O) 't\ ' ... _. •• •JIN XED" ••1 ,,,. l)t ........ ,,. 'AC•llC IH(AIAU OAIY! IN $WA, MlllS \'llf1(toi •01.11111'1(•t ''flit hi ••• •t l~lH(IM 0A1Yl IN ~AAIOA llYO D~IYI IN' O~AllCl O~IY! IN I •• '0 1 ,. t111,1•0U 6 h111tltt l lltl 'lh l"C, \i.-•Ot.'' I I U1h•tftll t'•O•U• lie• 011u °""" 0"• Ut t., si-Sl•h '4~ o"' IMPOAllNI N011Cl 1 CHllOAIN UllO(ll 12 JIU(' .... -. '"" W ~.., l!OI °'"'' °""' O"' I 00 t., t#llt Ii SOlitCI • ,..._.. 11111 UJli -..00 •S TM \lll#A • "°•"CM MOO ..-r--lllCl$Sool -""" <.M 'IJlllOl<J • 041 CH " -Ml DI Olo 411 iw.> llNAHll ... ANAHEIM DRIVl·IN f,..••Ot tt ot le""Of'I II 179·9UO AN OfFICUI llNO A C[NTl EMAH • -Tt<l SOlOIER o •I J '-""'" l lllNA PAV> BUENA PARK ORIVf.IN 'tf'l<Olf' A•• W•tt Of V'•O" 121-4070 au1 .... PAV• LINCOLN ORIVl·IN ~+A cJIA A•• •••f 0~ t AO fl IOUNIAIN FOUNTAIN VALLEY ORIVl·IN lo,, D••oo •rww QI .,OO'""''' no ) 962·2411 CUUOf ... ••t ....... '"'' ....... ~ t•f , .. , t-• ., lile0f""Oflll1 ""°'" 1•1 ,A MAIDA LA HABRA OlllYl IN ,,.... ..... ~ ... frt .......... . 17M .. 2 " ... ..., ·' "°'-TU,Olll r" 1~1 -IH[ &lASTlU STU I '1• ,, , l T THE U TAA·l(llll(I Til"'l ..,, .... ORAGOHSlllVUI ..,, ''"" &4.000 , •• "'"' MAO MAI' 101 t<AllOWUN 111 ll AION O' THE Wl'TCH" 1•1 .. ~ THC lHIHG" '°' (!"( •• SOU-0 8'0<" lt>O So OI Go'"" Gton •••t-ol 191·3693 J "IT CUii( FllOM HOl.lYWOOO" ~· ("°) IOMl ltlHO Of' HfllO" flll c, ..... ~ HAT~NAllA~Ml'OO"'-''--,.-•• ~­ ClAl l lllVNIOH" 1•1 -"\'O\JNQ OOClOtll IN LOYf" flll Cltllt t1 sou.» NATIONAl lAM~ I ClASllll~" .. 1 -YOUNG OOCTOfll IM LOYf" flll ORANGE ORt\ll IN lO"''O .,.,. .,.... & V•••C ..... 134·1311 .. ,.._., llOOO" ''"" "MAOMAl"1•1 .... .... . .. ..... MISSION OO IVI IN . .. n ... ... .. ... .. ... : ... :~ .. ·.· ~' :: :· ·: .. .. .. .. .. ·~ .. '• . :-.. :· . \: .. !' .. I t!·• u runuu t.m1i.\ l>A ll '1' PILOf ISundoy, Oclubur 11, l!ttt~~ '' ~UI\ \ MOANIHO 1:008 CAPTAIN KAHQA"°° 8 MUllC AHO THf SPOKEN WOAD 8 CAMPUe Pf'IOfllf.; VlfWPOIHT ON HUTNTION G YOUTH AHO THE iaauu SUHOAYMASS 8) HEWS G) AOMP!A A~ CJ) SUHOAY MOAAIHO Q!AU THYCRfATUM.8 Frenk Fl .. <1 1epor" on e11 lsrllel4 wllollle rMtoretlon 11<ogrem 111"'9d et return Ing Blbllcal animal• !>Kt. 10 tl'lelf nelufel hebltet In ,,.. HOiy Lano (R) (C)MOVlf ***It "Falh9f 01 Tl\41 Bti<I•" ( 111501 Spencer Tra· cy. Elliabetn Teyk>< A lethef e11_P9flence1 all ol the Joys an<I hNOllChH lnvoiv.o with lhe preper•· llOn• tor hit Oaug11ter'1 upcoming weckllng (I) WtLO 8A81£8 This documentary eaten .. many wll<I animals u they or-up •nd leatn to --\ll-.e In their natural ht l>I· let 1:30 D &EMNOIPrTY I AOeEAT ~ULLER GAOWIHO YU.AS CJ VOYAOf (!) ~ICAOOLAHO CHOACH HOOA 8) SPfAl<OVT MOVIE * • 'h "Porlrall Ot A Rebel Margaret Sangef' ( 1980) Bonnie Franklin, D•vl<I OukM Al lhe tum OI the century. one coura. QeOl.I• "'omen batuea QOV· arnment. ma<11ca1 and rellglou1 QPP09111on In an ettort 10 60ucate "'°"*"' In blr1h control methoos @ MOVtf • • ··My Chemplon" (19811 Yoko Shimada. Chris Mncnum Tiie tru. 11ory 01 a femaie JapaneM running cnamplon It told lZ)MOVlf. *'Ii "GOO Told l\Ae To" (1936) Too SlaugM ... Eve Lister Wllll·heaieO cu•· •-•of a G¥1aln lonOon barber ahoC> lln<I tl>em· ~ In IOI aorrwlMng o.adty 1;00 8 TODAY'S AEUOIOH D THArsc AT 9 UTTl.E RASCALS 8 IT 18 WAITTEH a ~ COP£lANO (!) TAAZAH g) OAYOfOISCOVERY ., WOOOY WOOOf>ECKER ANO FAIEN08 fl) YOGA F~ HEAl TH Q! SUNDAY MASS m EUC:UO BAl"TIST CHURCH (OJ HOT'Wt&l..8 p-.P<Maur• II Ille cru~ of thl• atory at>out e ,_... agar's probl1ma with ~owing UP 100 toon 1:30 .. l.JFnME8 G AU TWY CM.A TVAE.8 Frank FlelO r9'>0r1a on an ll(Mll w11<1Ute , .. 1ora11on program aimed at 1eturn- lng Blbtlclll animals bactc to their n1tur 11 habit II In the HOiy l..anO (Rl • OAYllMAK LA. • .JU¥Y SWAOOART • ..nA llK>GEM (~ CJ) TV_. LOOK8 AT LEAN..a III FACING LIFE WITli ~TOl.IOH Q!THEWON.O TOMOMOW ~MOW * * * '"° .. The Man Who WoulO 8e King" (11176) S..,, Con....y, Michael Caln.. 8-Md on the 11ory by Ru<lyard 1<1p11ng Two Brttllh tol<llert Ml out to e1a1m the~ eno po-. Of • remote. lagan08ly kingdom. 'PO· (Q) THE CAOWN ~ 8000 A Icing and Nt 90n M t out lo <aeac>tura tile Ofown ot lhe undatground ltlng<lom of Bogg. Cl) 908IY VINTOH Bobby Vinion partorma -of hie blgges1 Ma. lnelv<llng .. Blue On Blue' 11/>0 '· Fl60 ROlft For A BIU41 La<ly." from tna S8nd1 Hotel In Lu Vagee 1:00. IUNOAY MOfMHO -~AHO ,.....,. -~ ~ I LLOYD OGILVIE AAWMOI CMn'OONI • IUICTllllC COMPAHV ~ LET THIM II UOHT I JBW( FM.W'lU. MXHUMMl'O QNNIT'H OONUHO (Q)MOWI *** "Orandal. Grwnoat. ~·11N2)Anlmetao Vokiea OI ...... ~lnOv. Kattll Ml1on.ll. TM Anglo- S..on aplo "8eowulf'' la , .. old l'rom !tie mona1et'• polntOI~. P onch (Eric.· E~trada) twlp1-- a rock stur who claims thut a ttempts have been made on his life. in ••f:lliP~'· tonight ot 8 on KNRC (•J.). l MOl/lf • '\ HlllO_, II I 1981) Jamie Loe Curlla. Donald Pleasenae A hopeletaly 1nune mur<1111er continue. lllS telgn ol 1error 1n a smaltown R I 30 0 ODYSSEY Gues1s Rev Galle Ce!ler m1nl1tu al Unlvera11y Chrlsllan Cnurcn, Lot Ang&les, Sally Garoner. e vocllm cl luPut, PatlOf Jack Ha .. tora Cnurch on Iha Way Van Nuy1 Aot>e<t Cllltds Muuum of Cullural Htslory at UCLA fJ SOOYTALK 0 MEETING TIME AT CALVARY G» FREDE.RICI( I( PRICE fJil ELECTRIC COMPANY (RI THE LAHAYE& Q! l(NOW YOUR Bl8l E 11 YESTERYEAR 1833 01ck Cave11 IOOlls 11 tl'le eno ol P10111b111on. bo,..,_ bell's llrs1 all·ttar game ena Ameroc1 • 1.covery from Ille Gr .. t Oe9fff SIOn [ MAIV< TWAIN THEATRE Tne Burled Treasure Tom Sawyer and Huc~le­ berry Finn go lrt se•1c'1 ot OO•ied treasure along lhe MIWSSlpp< (,')MOVIE • • • ·Gren<lal Gr8'1oel Grend.i ( Hiii~) Anlmata<I VOIQea OI Pattt Utllno•. Keith MllChell The AnglO- Sl!~On epic: ·a.owv11 It retOl<I from Iha monaler a po1n101..- HIO 0 ME.ET THE PfUSS D SE.ST Of A M. LOS ANGELES 0 CJ) ORAL AOef.ATS (!) Cl8CO KID fD SE.8AMf STREET (R) ~ CAUFOf\HIA WEEK IN REVIEW lJ IT 18 WRITTEN '1) WOAU> lllSIOH 9 30 II FACE THE HA TlOH D Q!.m.·a2 0 DAY Of IXSCOVE.JIY LONE FIAHGEA at THEW~ TOMORAOW '1!) THE LAWMAKERS (I) GREAT AMERICAH MEN ®) l<EHHETH COPf.lAHO M) THf 00P ANO THE AHTHEM Robe<t MorM 11811 In 11111 11on1C com.oy buea on O Henry·a story 1b0ut 1 bum who tries to gel a.rres1eo so that he can speno th41 ntohl In 1 warm jell cell O'MOVIE ••• Two Waet<a In Another Town Ctll62) Kiri< Douglas EO...erd G Rot>- 1nt1or1 A mlegul<le<I ac:tor lln<11 happlnu• In an ass111ant proouoet 1 Job x wow •• 1.. o.mon. 0 1 n.. M1nO' I 19781 Paut "-· Patrldl MagM A 191h· tenlUf'Y count ..no.. tami- ly llU e hlllOfY of lnqntty l•tes to uncov., the 10111'11· ly ol a brutal muro.rer who nas kNleO M-•I vll- 1~ -·R' tO:OO .. NEW9MAl<EA8 8 MOVIE * * "Mad Montttr Pi ny·· ( 11167) Anlmll.O VOICet ol Phytlll 0411 .. , Borla Karlan Fran-entteln and Orec:ul1 are reunite<! with Or Jell yit and M• Hyde I I a IC)e()lal relhaf bizarre Qelet>ratlon ~ =°OfTRVni • • "Tiie Chin-Ring" ( t1147) Rolend Wtntere, Louil Currie Charlie Chan's prime Ghia In SOlv· Ing • mya1.,-,. ••• mlHll'Q rtng • MXHUMaAN> • CMTOONI • THf LAWMAKERS: ELECTIOH 'U !~AKERS PMSTOH~THE YVKOH tD LOUMI l<Al'UH (t)MOW * * "TneG,..t Train Rob- bery" (11179) 8Mn Con· nery, O<>n .. d 8'1thetlan<I Two a11l)9rt tu~t-tl\e­ ~lury GO<> ertt111 11ttMC>t ID pull off the ~ tmc>oMtble r~ ot a IOclced .... aiboltd ...... mcwMQ IOcomat~ 'PO' (If) H90 MAGAZINI (l)MOVIW ••• Houtu C•ll• 11!1781 W•ll8r Mlllh•u. C>1011aa JJM:i..aon A wld owao OOCIOI ...... hit c rtA•flOV• lufldftflCluS long 011ougn to 1111 lo• • Oevor ",. wllu d0<'1tn I behove 111 vn1IAOOar1ng PG @MOVIE • *' • Any WhlCh Wey ~ou CAn' 11990) Clint Ei.tlwOOO Sandia Locke B11IO•tt s<tlll1ng Oown with 111s gort 1110 pel 0<engu1an • b•••llsh•d fighter atgn• up tor on• 1111 lucrllllve mllch PG 10.00 f) INTERFACE fJ ®J SEST OF KIDS AAE PEOPI.£ TOO Guasla l!K'I Kanne<ly Jf actor Tom Wop11 Koot 1no the Geng IR) 0 R08ERT SCHULLER at JERRY FALWELL Ela OPEN MIND '1!) WALl ITREEl WEEK Se1llng Along Wllh Megef. Ian Guest Pe1er Lyncn vice PIH•<l•n• FIOellly Manaoeme111 & A ... asch Company J: WONDER WOMAN m CALVARY CHAPEl. 11-00 f) 2 WITM YOU 0 HllC SPOATS SPECIAL II) MOVIE • • • The Face Or Fu Milncnu I 196SJ Cn11110 on., Lee N!Q81 or_, tl) MASTERPI~ THEATRE To Serve Tham All llA)' Oeys • Oav1<1 merrtff Bein, &n<I I •IM' the hack feS Of lhe w., Memorial Com ~ttee when he 1n11s1a lhey t>u•IO a gym 1nstea11 of a "•tue Wert 3) O '1!) HUMANITIE1J THROUGH THE ARTS '1) RALPH WILKERSON H MOVIE • • ·~ Beat 1a1ano t 11180) Oona10 Su1nar1ano vanea- se Reag11.. An AICllC -•tner reMllCh 14Mlm • ~l>ef• are rorceo Into • fight lor lhetr very aurvtvel PG t MOVIE • • *" T "• Howtlng" 1t981J Dea Wellec:e. Petroci.. Macnea A woman re<>erler 1• mer\AG60 b) a k111er wno _,,, 10 oe • wer-o11 R' 11·30 f) HF\.'S IEST EVER fJ @) THIS W£EK WITH DAVID IAIHKlEY 0 nMYCOL.E- ~ITTAKfll MOVIE • • .,., ··1 Could Go On Singing' ( 19631 Judy Gar· land Dirk Bogeroa A ting· ., vtsJll Iha eon •"-oave up ror adoption. crM tlng problems for mother. lathe< anO <;htl<I G» CHUACH IH THE HOME '1!) HUMANITIES THROUGH THE ART8 STAR TREK 0 PIECE Of CAt<E AFTERNOON ti:OO D THREE STOOGES 0 SE.ARCH G» MOVIE * * • The BMU 01 Mra Brouom I 1966) Shirley MacL&Jne RICflatd Allen- t>orougll The bOra<I wile OI a brao1e<e manul8C1urlf hides 11 lover In the •Ille Wf'lefe h4I llves le< years 83 DICf( CAVETT GUH i Dame Mergot Fon teyn (R) G IJHOEMTAHOIHG HUMAN HHAVIOA "S.aull Mo1tva11on • '1) MOVlf • • ·r111• England" ( t943) ROOl!y McDowell, Con Slane. Cumming• ct MOV1f. * * '-' Sllttar Baara (11178) MIChH I Cal,,a. Cvblll 8hapn•r<1 An •ClOOUnllng gen1u1 devCaM an 1n1rlca1a p1an to 1ncr.... n11 -.uh by making eome ol th• top ••ecultv.a In Iha worlO Of high ftnanea the v1e11m1 ot •n ealr6ordlrtary •windla ·po· CO) AOCK ON TV (l)MOVll! • * * "Tlla Club .. ( 1990) Jact. Tl\omPIOfl, Orallam l(llMe<ly The Coed\ of a llU·llMll Auttrellan 1001- b•ll ,..,.,. tlnda the ootno rOugn ~h C)f'J the pleylng lial<I and In Iha t>Oerd <OO<fl .....,.,. he fleet •n 11111· CHANNEL LISTINGS ·=b prMldent • • It Fla.lnad All Nlgfll The Day I Lan" (tt1t) Tony Cuttla, Sally Kaht- m•n Two •Ol<li.te ol 10<· tune ttumblt onto the d-1 1mpi1• ol • WM/thy WIOOW and lier bMulllul O~ter • l<NXT tC0$) • KH8C I NllCl • l(Tl.A (Ind t 8 KA8C CA8CI •KFM8 CC8S> e KKJ·TV WWI.) 9KC5T tAOCl • I( HV (Incl.I '• KGOP TV (Incl l e icceT cPtm e tCOCf. IPISI 0 ()f1 TV t l TV " 1100 ' c (Cll't"'8•) I IWORI NY .N V ~11 1Wl9SI 11 tESPN) II I lhowt Imel • '°°'''"'' • IC.Oii' NeWj NflWOfll I ' tl:JO I' (J) "'L TOCMY WAUITNST J()UMAI. ""'°"' e WILD, WILD WON.O ~~The Atlelntle" The Prl'-• .. Ille °' lrnelft'. IWO-l wld enlnlal, Ille ll"'Y ..... " unwllad • '1D UNO&AI r AHOIHO HUMAH llHAV'°" 1111 ... llOJ "lAIPIOTtVI lluetl lit C.llarlff llull•11 Ill 40 l ' MOVll • • • '• ' I fHkt ( lliJ1f I 11•1• "•""'' Olti• "•' lt1•H1\'• t1"1•1how m•••tJ•l4il''' ttoth•Y theo 11•t111i;l IM11y ltyl•I t 00 fJ CJ I H'L ~OOTIALL l UI Alll)OlllJI "'"'' ., f'l•11 UIU\)U Cha1g•1 I (t .,11¥flv•) D TALKAIOUT PICTUAU 0 THI! MUHSTfRS In. Munata11 lllYll• M•ro 1~11 a ooy111aoa to vtllt 111e hou•• D OtRl!CTION8 D HEEHAW OuHll Mllkoy Giiiey J011nny t M Sylvuo Sern 11\y J8(.kM)f1 G) AOAM·I~ OlllOe< AMO la •~cuaeo ul 1noot1ny 111 u1111rn1a<I man fJa NATURE lllfll Fllghl 0 1 Th• Coo. I.lo• " Or Oon1110 Joh1na<10 h•ko .. ~tttW8f• on • '*'" 10..111ey 1nro11gn Ille Anoes Mo..nuun• '1!) AMERICAN GOVERNMENT ··s1at11n11 Ille E uot.ulMt f:t,anch • ®J PUBLIC P\JL.BE t,l! MEET THE PRE.88 111 MOVIE fl • .. G1een Ice .. (191111 Ryan 0 NHI Anne Archer An eng1ne41r •n<I 1 1oc1011te dlltimpl to rob a South Am1 .. 1con em11re10 imug glftl 01 o fortune In Ottm• PG 0 MOVIE * • * Two W.ek• In Another Town (1862) Kirk Douglas. Eowaro G Rob· 1naon A m1agu10&0 actor hn<lt happ1nH• In an 8HIStlnt p10duce1'• IOb t 30 Cl WESTERN OUTOOOR8MAH U F·TROOP fJ MOVIE • • • "Carouetll ( t956) Gordon llA&cRee, Shlrhtv Jonea (f)° MOVIE • • • My Friend Fl>eka· I t9•31 ROOOy McOowall Pre~ton Foller II) ADA .... 12 Th~ otlicers cover lhe wa1 .. 1ron1 '1!) AMERICAN GOVERNMENT · lhe Buraaucrecy OJ) SPECTRUM ~ HEWSCEHTER WEEKLY '1) MOVIE • * Hanoa 01 A Str an- gler 119611 Met Ferre< Dany Carrell 2.00 0 ARTS OF ASIA U GILLIGAN'S ISLAND GllUgan erntrOff from an una11ptor60 cave wtth a 1>e1 olte on nis noo. CJ MOVIE • '> "Couraga 01 B1ac:11 B .. uty I t1157J Jol'ln Craw- loro M1m1 011>1on A young t>oy receives a be&ullful young horse es a gift lrom hit 111rier G» MOVIE * • '> The Ralnt Of Ran Clllpur ( 111551 Lana Tu• ner Roe.nerd &.non The wealthy ano P<lvllaOa<I wife of 1 Br111th atlttOGret la11a on IO•• ""'h • Htnau doctor G) MOVIE • • ··Gno111 T11a1 81111 Welk ( 111711) Ann Nelson Mall Boston T err1rytng evil fe<ces ... H conlrol cl an enllre 1em11y ana lh1M t"'1 to deatro~ •II the tNtm- ber1 fl) IN810E 8U81N£88 TODAY Two Self·MltClt MIHlo- nair-The Rewa1<11 Of S.-. Mary Kif Mii 111><1 LllUan Vernon K.au 1e11< about how lhey m60e their mllMona E) IHTAOOUCtHO llOL.OOY dJi EHTPT AIHM!HT THl8W&I< Interviews won Ltnoa Grey, Haft & Oat.. comic ~ creator Jack Klrl>y, reoorts on explottallve movlea and a Khoo! le< gema snow conte1tent1 OJ MOVIE • • ., ·rne Cr111ea1 L11r ( 111781 LIOyd Brldgea Roi>· .,, Wagner A h<>lpllal 01recl0< tlala<I lor 1 gov· ernment poamon i..rns lh•I member) or hll al•tf era falllng prey to • 1harp matP<ec1~ lawyer C)MOV1f. • * • '' TM Men WllO wou1<1 ea King" 11975) Sean Connery, llAIChMI Caine BeMO on 1he 11ory by Rucfy•t<I Klpllng Two BrlllM aoldl«a Ml oul 10 ctalm lhe rlcn. ano cio- 01 e remote leQeftd•ry kingdom 'PO (f )MOV1E • * '" .. The loved One ' ( 11186) Robert Morse. An)enene Comer Tne ~of I d-18<1 Hol- fywOOO llar lncurt tome ' d ebts l n<I haaOechH when It com.. tin.. to make the lul19fal lfra~ menu OMOVIE • • "fn11 Time For-·· ( 11190) Cl•lre Pimpare. Vin- cent Van Pallan A Francll- Canacllan gift lallt In love with I bruh Arnertaan COi- iage ltudant llUC!ylno In Mon1rM1.'PO' <IJMOVIE • • 'A "Demon• 0 1 The Mind" I 19711) P•u• Janee. Petrlc;.ll Megea A ttlh· Ge<llury llOU<lt wtlOM le.mi- ry ha1 • hlatory ot ltllarllty tl'IM to unc:ovw lhe IOentl- ty of 1 brutal mufderef WllO hU klllad MY9fal vii• l~~'R' 2:30 U OH CAMPUI FNtur.O ~· on lhe~ol• rwcteat 1>1111. RuMlan "'*· ll ry IUpattortty, the P911Ca m-t ano en uncon• troteble 11111 atrllta caoM<I i OOfl'tPlll., •UOf. GIUJG>H'I Ill.ANO l'MMHTI "What Can You Do With "' Hklttel?" ·~ llOU>QY i:oo I ~TUM u.a.A. •IA "Ollo.t Cfuy" (tt4A) Illy Oftlerl, Mule "- tlloonl The !Mt Side ICldt ... OUI to lr.p a TUBE TOPPERS K1\Ut . t'71 11011 "M .1ll 1 lrJu-.ton " M.111 111v1·,c1i.:.th·-. 1111· d 1·111 h u l ,, y11u11~ .i1 lt11 \\ 1111 \\ .1-. t11 ,,,.,. 111 ,, I 11111 wit h .t11 ••1-t>11...i II 111\ II q111 Tl! l\.NIK' HI 11011 ··11.1ll11wt·t ·11 " lk111.tld 1'11 ·:11>1·111 t .111d .J;11111P I .1•1• Cui lli-~1 .11 111 II Ill\ It' ,tlJ<tll I ii 11111 I tft•t l 'I W hu l 'M "l J'I' .. I 111111 .t 11u ·111.il l1u-.p1IJI 1111 l lallow1·t•11 ;111d l• r 1111111•-. lt1:--.111.111 h111111·t 11w11 (l '.111 11c .il d1-.i tt 111111 ... .idvti-l'd) KABl' 1'i 1 !I 00 "'l'IH' Wtld W1111w11 111 ( ·1i ...... 111 v ( :uJ1'11 " Ttw ba111H1111 l1c •lh·-. o l a M1-.-.uu11 111111111g low11 Jlllll f1111·1"·1 w 1tl1 tlll'll st·ll 11 g ltt\•11u-. -.i-.ll·r .. wh1•11 tlw11 1111·11 go off 111 w.1r .. 111cl u g;in~ 111 11·111 ·g.1d\• -.11ldlt'1-. l .1kt llVl'I sp1rt1 In • heun1ao houM fll) CALIFORNIA CONGRESSIONAL REPORT m INTAOOIJCINO BIOLOGY 1{0) MOVIE • • '• Scart1trow I t9731 Geno Hao.men Al Pac1no 11 YESTERYEAR. t9M Dick Cavell 1ooi.1 e1 lhe ano 01 Proh11>t11on b•- tiairs 11111 all-1111 game 1111d America a rucovery hom the Greal Dao•••· '-'On 0 THE CROWN OF 8000 A king and hta aon Ml out 10 recep1ure the cro...n ol tf1o underground kingdom Of Bogg 3:30 0 NASHVIUE ON THE ROAD Guest E<I Bruce tl LITTLE HOUSE ON THE PRAIRIE fil) INSIDE WASHINGTON HOii Mari. Shlald• look• II lhe 1n1erp11~ ol po1111ca. POwllf and paopla 1n tho ne11on • s c1pi1ol '1!) OE&IOHINO HOME INTERIORS m MOVIE • * "Pl111111s 01 MOl'I· l11rey 11llH1 Marla Mon· lez Roo Cameron In Ille t8•0s Calllorntl vallanlly slruggJea lo 111111 Maaocan aomtnallon 0 MOVIE * * * "Grendel. Grendel. Grendel' t 111821 An1m11ta<1 Vooc;es ct Pe1er Ustinov. t<etth M11Ghell The Anglo- Sa~on 9l)IC Beowvtr" " 1e1ot<1 trom 1ne monttM a j)Oinl ol vie.. Zl MOVlf * ., "Th• Lfllla Snop Of Horrors" ( 11161) Jack ie JoMl)h, Jona1han Haze An employee tn 1 nor191 lhOO Oevek>ps a !>loo<lthlr- 11y planl 3·35 0 SPOTLIGHT PREVIEW Rol>ef'I Oat>orne prevtewi Spolllghfs e<>mlf'll at1r11c lion• • 00 f) COUEOE FOOTBALL. Arizona Slala va USC 0 SUHOAY location Magic: Mountain Vatenc:la fJ AT THE MO\llE8 Roger Ebert an<I G- Sttllel review Jln.ao:· ·r11e PetSOnalt · eno tne tllnk .. or lhe -k · 0 MOW: * • ''t The HOUM That Dr1p~O BIOOO 111171) John Benne11, OenhOlm Ellt011 A leQenOaty Goll'llC nouse appaers to Int~ 1111nnabllll'lt1 80-Mfy G» MOVll • * * * "A Funny Thing H~ On The Way To Tiie Forum ( 111ee1 Zero Moetat Phi! SllYara In ancient Rome. 1 c;1av., aiave PIOla a hllarlous end ••1'-1ngentou1 meant ot 91Cape from hi• muter G) MOVIE * • Phentom Of The R1141 M01gue • ( 111541 Kerl Mel-oen P11nc11 M60ln1 " pt ycll<>patl'! al>O hll flan- c;M c:ommll I Mfles OI murders fJa WAU. fTAEET WEfJ< Selllng Along With ~~ ••n' GUMI Pet.. Lynell vlc;e prM ldent. FIOallly M•naoeman1 & ~-·en Company '11J DEBIOHIHO HOME IHTEAIOM Ct.QM.UP O!MOW • • '!\ "TM Power C 196&) George Hamlnon, &wanna Pla$"*11e l1 1MOVtE * • ·~ ··Portrait Of A Rebe4 Matger•t Sanger· C 11180) Bonnie Franklln. Davl<I Dul<.. At lhe lufn of the century, on. coura- geoua woman 111111• gov· ernmant. med1c11 ano re11g1ou1 oppollllon In en attort to 60ucata woman In blr1h control methO<ll ()) 90MY VIHTOH Bobby Vinton l*'IO'ml tome Of hi• blggee1 lllta, looludlf'll "Blue On Blue" and ' Red R-FOf A Blue Lady;· from th• Sands Hotel In LH Vagu Ouow • • • "Arthur" ( 1118 t) Dudley Moora, LIU Min ne111 White hla 11mlly •llltnPll to IOIOI him Into 1 pr•etrang9<1 marriaoe. • drunken, hedonlltlc play. boy ,.~. In love •Ith • poor work Ing girt 'PO' 4:JO . GNATUT Sll'OftTI L.IGINOI "Howilrd CoNlt" Hott l(an Howwd. (J) IN~Ofl ... "T-Of London Mu•· w•" • WAIHINQTOH WUJ< IN llllVllW I llQNHI WITH CINDY 'AC:9 TMI NATION )MOYll * • * • "Fttllet Of The Bride" ( 1950) 81*'Qff Tr•· C!y, Ellz•betfl TeytOr A lath« a~!anQ91 111 Of Illa jQyl anCI l'leedlCt* ln¥OIYed with Ille PnlPetl- tlOnt lot hie dallglll.,'1 •= .. CE=:. Mddlng. •**"' ''TM HowMno" ( 11• t ) OH W•llace, lllfdrlell M9ClMI A "°"*' ~ .. INNOld by • k.., wflO -lo ba • W9f-olf R IS OO U HAPPY 0 AY8 AGAIN R1cn1e tignta h19 teara ov91 a11t1ndlng' HallOWMn o•r ty et ~ hauniao hOuM where 11e believe. h;; aew a 11 .. dlaas ghoat fJ A8CNEW8 (!J WALL STRf.El JOUAHAL. Rf PORT 8l) f'IRJHO UHE 'Rasolveo The Fed SnoulO Gel Oul 01 Higher Educallon ' Tlltl a&cond Pft•I of a de1>a1e tw11"'~ Wiiiiam F Buc111ey end Ern111 van Oen Haig lllflrm1hve) Ind A eertlall GJamaltt end Leon Bol· 1te1n Cneg1teve1 11 preMnl· ao m THIS OLD HOUSE Bob I/Ila gives po•nllft on taylng 1 no-wa~ floor and c:haiek1 the progreu ot lhll l1n<1Kaping IRJ Q M'A'S'H Hot LIPI IS puraueo by • not-blood&O Italian 1o101er ®J HEWS '1) MOVIE • • • ·Ho1et Sahara" 119!> II YvOllne Oa Catto Paler Ut llnov During World War 11, 1n. P<C>P<le- 1011 01 a Nor1n African hotel change tnjjr 1lla- g11nce wllh 111c11 n- occupy1ng army 0 MOVIE * • .. Road Garnes ( t118 I) Stac:y Keach Jemla Lee Curtla An accentrlC truck· " • beauurul hitchhiker 1n<1 11 p1ycnop11111c i.mer 1ravellng the Mime route pl1y games of fife and oeeth ·pa $' 1..AFF-4 · THOH A come01an hos1 eno lout comic con1et11n11 Wllo compa1a again•• one 1notner ere featura<I In lhla uncenaor&O comedy game lhOw 5:30 0 HBC HEWS 9 LAVERNE & SHIRLEY &COMPANY The gerta QC> lo • auppas- edly h1unt1<1 house Whart Lenny ano Squlggy hav~ 0114ppearecl fJ HEWS JACI< .ANDERSON OOHAOENTlAi. «!) MOTORWEE.K AUCf. QI) A8CHEWS $) f'AACTUREO FUCKEAS ~ING $:00 fJ .. H£W8 8 MOVIE * * "Or ?hlbe& RIMt Again" ( 1972) Vincent Priee, Robert Quarry Ooc- lot Phlbea -c:Ms Egypt tor an ell•lr wnlch win , .. ,ore IUa 10 hla CIMO wtl1 D THOM~ ANl.,.Al,8 Faatureo· communQllng with ctllmc>s. lralnJng • dog tor atarOOm Illa tN>r1 Ille Of the mayfly, a ~ah nun1 1 ~cal•-.~ York pigeo.. were (!) FlOKT BAO< ID SAMMY Sammy DI Vll Sr joint Sammy Davis Jr to ,..,._ the hlgh"Qht• ot a c:.r- thal llU spartn60 Iha ""ura range ot enter1etn-,.,.,,, G) MOVIE * * * The Commal>O .. (111641 Guy Me019on. Joen Weldon A war 1tn11ty r"°"'91 the queallon ol Wyoming'•~ fD WORLD WAR I "The OoomeO Oynasllea" The onset or the war lounO Eu1ope'1 graal lamlllel on opposlle sides. but fllcing a common enemy E) NOVA 'Tiie Mind Macnlnee" The con••-sy over tlla ~ llblllty thal comc>vtera mey n1ve lhe capac:lly 10 mimic: the hulT\a_n m1no I• ua- mlne<l. (RIO !RIC tfVAMIO'e ~AOMCU QI EIGHT 18 EHOUOH Tlla wnol• !amity 11 quarenllne<I together alter Mary'a bOyfrlen<I com.. Oown wttll a mye1erlou1 all· menl Q!N9CNIW8 CC)~ • * ·•T111ca lhl1 Job And SllOve 11" l lfft) F1ot>et1 8 Hive. e.tbar• Herllley. A young corporal• executive rune lfllo r..i11anc. when lie raturne to his tiorn.- town 10 revttelt.ra • GOmpe. ~~'PO' HeO MA~ MANCTWAIN THIATN! "The 8ufltcl TrHture" fom SIWft' end Huelcte- t>erry ,i1nn 00 In Marct't ol burlad traaturt along the MIMfell9pt e MOW * • "My Chempton" {1911) Yolco 8hlm•<I•. CIVIi Mitchum. Tlla l!W t!Ot'( ol • '9male Jao- f\l!Wng et\ClfllCliOft la IOld. 1:io I NIWI 00ta a c•ce NC)flU'9 OOUl'WT NOfll.a TO NOii'\.& WY .. THI WOM.D ...... MOVll .... " .. ,,....... I 1932) l.elte H~•m•. 011• lttlano... l ldHhow CllNOllMI• Pol1f~ ...., Mtufalhlng~ 7-0Cl l lJ l IOMIHUTU ~VOYAOUWt 11111111••• and Jflfl•ey lfll., ru11t I 8elem wtlt h ll<lrtl Ill 10112, aroo 11..,1 t••y • au1prlae vltll lo rnatt1r n1agic:1a11 ltarry lflf<Xllrol 111 Uoaton fJ QI AIPL.IY'8 8fLlfV! n OA NOTI r ealurllO Ill• lale ol all l uguan onoar w110 190 11> me 1t1tov.,y at 1 m191lng r1u1111n 11••11 1 r anayl va111a a teal Ill• mCldel 101 tha evM Coun1 01 -.cul• D MAOAMf 'S PLACIE A 1Hl l.,1lt0ua pl1ywflQllt t11•• 10 g<et Med•me to t.>•OOuut Illa play end • Ire•• ""ow•lurm IOrG•a M•ll•m• 10 hive ama1.,,., 1110hl o" "'" allow Oueot Ev11 G1b0r l!J NEWS 8) MERV GRIFFIN Gu"tt Gary C01am111. Sl•P'*' Btanop Rtc'1 H1fl, Adrtfl'lne B1rbe11u. Marllyn MIChHls QI) ALL CFlfATURU GREAT .AND SMALL Call Lov•" Siagtrla<I win• e m1)or v1e1ory enO hit D<Olher I rltten ,, •• to dH I w11n pig• 1n mo10 w1y1 then one (Pert •I '1!) NATURE Am••• Tho Greo1 Fig tree Tne m11e11oe Ilg trM whtcn ,,_ eb0v1 11141 iuan rain IOIHI of 114MIU In Cell iral Amer IC a la •-60 '1) ORAHOE COUNTV SPORTS SCENE l1l MOVIE • • •11 ··Baar 111ano ( 1'180J Oona10 Su111er1ano, Venu- 18 Aeclgr1va An ArGtlC waa1her-reae1rch 1aam 1 memt>et• era lorcea Into • 11gn1 for lhelr very survival PO' IOI MOVIE • • •·~ "Tha Howling" Ct118t) Oee W1ll1ca . Patuck M~ A woman reporter ii m6f1ac.d l>y • klller WhO -· IO be I Wfl-otl 'R. 7:30 '1) COLL.EOE FOOTBALL CSUF Tilana vs Haw111 Relnt>ow Watriors S 1 THE CROWN Of' 8000 A i.1ng a.nd his tlOf'I Mt out 10 recap1ure the crown of lhll underground kingdom ot Bogg 7.45 l J DEATH AHO THE MAIDEN 8:00 f) ARCHIE BUNKER'S Pl.ACE An ent11u11aa11c B1ll1e 1n11st' lhat ll>tl hit In as Gary s temporery 1agal secretary D ~CHIPS Ponch ana Booby h-'P e rock stat wno Claims llUll attempts have been meoa on h11 llte. Ponch ~!Olma I Oaring rnc;1141, aoO the CHP on1e;era throw a Wild Hall~par1y 9 £HTVITAtHMfHT THIS WEEK lntarVlewl Wllh Un<I• Grey Hall & Oatea. comic ~ CrN IOI JllCk Kirl>y raporta on eaplooallve movie& ano • achOOI lor game anow coniutants D ®l MA TT HOUSTON Mall 1nvest1gate1 the death ot • young ec:tor wtoo wu to II•• tn a lllm wtlh 111 aging mOVle q-0 IT IS WFllTTEH TWIUOHT ZONE G» MOVIE • • Fr1<11y The 13th 1111801 Betsy Palmer, A<lrl· enne King Tlla reopening Of • aummer camp doMO 20 )'Ml• .. ,,.., •her,,,,.. mur0ctr1, aflrec11 1 vlnOIC· t•ve killer who knllaa untuspec11ng 1-.-~1 'R' 41) MOVIE * * '" "Starbird And S-1 Wiii'-'" ( 111781 A Ma<tlnaz, [)an H~y 5 NAT\JflE Amela The Greal Fig Tr" The majfttlC Ilg lrae wto1en ,,_ above the lulll "'" loraat of a.It%• In c.r> Ir al America II \llaw9d G MA8Tt1'PIECE THE.ATM 'To Serve Them AP My O•Yt" Th4I llrst woman Join• rne teaching 11an 11 Bamlyld• anO belrlerl<la on4 of tile Older boya, ~ IM'vltft>ly tall• In love "4th ,_ (Par1 •IQ C MOVIE • * The G,..t Train Rob- ~ C tll791 Sean Con- n•"f. Donald Sut'-!anO. Two axper1 turn-ot-1n.- cenl\lfy con art••ta attarnpt 10 pull Oft the _.,..ngty lmpoulble robbery of a IOckaCI N ie aboard e feat· moving IOComottva 'PO· ["!)MOVIE •it• "Hou•e Cell• c 197111 Walter Ma11hau Glende JIQkeon A wld. Owed OOC1or hall• hll c uanove tandenclea tong ...augh to Ian IOI • Olvor· ~ who ooean't believe In pllllan<le<lng 'PO' OMOVI• * • ._. "Any Which Wey You Can" ( 19901 cunt Eutwood. Sondr1 Loci.a Be40fa Mltllng OOWn wt1h hi• Qlrl ano 1>91 otangvtan. e t>er .. 1111.0 tight., algna up tor -la•t. tvcretlve m•ICh. 'PO' (?)MOVIE *'-' "God Told M• To'· ( 11136) TOO Slaughter. Eve Litter w~ cua. IO<'hlfl of a 0«11111 London blf~ "'°" find them· Nlvea In IOI IOmelhlng t ;IO .dead~ GLONA THI~ TOMOMOW (J) IAT\MDAY HIGHT H~· AntllOny Petklnt Ou.at· ... ty c.rtet. t:OO . (I) ntl JIPRMONI D 8MOV11 • * • "H.,._, .. ( 1971) Oonlllcl PllMlnCJe, Jamie L" Cunla. An., 18'\tlng 16 YMt• In .,,.,. .. hOaC>I· 111, a murdefar eececiaa Ofl H1llowHn night •nd ""*' '"''°' on hit ""'" hO<MtO-. (Pl) , .. .,., .. ~Ion .. flCMMcl) •~ ..... Of.a 9 MO¥ll "TM Wied W~ Ot Ct!Mtlly CWotl" (,.,.,.,..) Prtldla ..,.._ I. .. HOrt- ter. Tiie '*"OOtll blllM °' a Mllaoul'I mif*'I tOWfl fOlll IOtoee wltfl IMw ... llO'lleo\11 --wfWI "" ,,_. to Oft IO -8ltd • {1•1111 rol l .. ~.o· l(lldi.r• l•~e ""., lJ D °"CH() fD MASTlAPl&Ce THl!ATM to Serve T11•m ~II M~ fJ•v• fhe llra1 woman lt>lrt• 11 .. ·~ •t•tl ,, &amlyto• ano ~rlal\<la 1>11• ul 11 .. Older be>'t• wtlO 11-tl•bly llllta 1n to,.. .,.th '"" 1Par1 •10 '1') MYITllRY tly111g O•y Arllll0r1y 'h 111u11g 11an M1;Kalla11) ""'""'' tha ..,1<18<"41 ot 11•• plol lo murO<tr Wm 10 ,,,. 1><>1"9 bUt they •• 1 .... 101>at•eve ntm 1Par1 ~IQ H 0 MOVlf • .. Hallow_, II PGCI ,, Jemie l ee Curll•. Donald PIHMt-A hOpelNllly tnaene murdilfer G<>nllnu" lllt re+gn 01 lerrOI In I 1m1111own R' 9.30 9 (J OHE D4Y AT A TIME Ann nee01 aoma 11me to tr• alone. 11111 worrtet •bou1 leovlng Ale, with r-11nc1ne Ill WIU> t<IHOOOM 0 JACK VAN IMPI! ffJ MOVtf • • • 1na1en Lo,.. C111 119361 Jeanne11a Mac Oono1a NOit.On Eddy 'l MOVIE • • The Brood' ( 19711) Ol1v,;1 AMO Sam 1n1na (y9111 A man encounter• '"'ror wtl4Jn he trtea to l•Arn wily l0<m1r pell•nla OI 8 fTlllOlal cUntc .,., .... 1. 1111<1 by m1morta1 or 1111 doctor who tr11etltCI lhl!m 10 00 f) 'lJ TRAPPfll JOHN. M.O The lloaptllll Slell la l>W· tleO by a -llhy my1lftll· OUI pallanl. ano SflOCk9<1 to learn that a mOOMt aur· grcol t1urse poted tor • glr· llemagu 1na .... .., HEW8 0 WOAOFOATOOAY ftl 8CFllEEHWIVT£A8 I WORD IHTO IMAGE Nell Simon" One or Illa ((1011 protlllC wrnera ol our lime. wnn over 21 11aoe &no KrlMlllplay1 10 ~I• Cledlt, II lnlervteweo '1!) MUROE.R MOST EHGUSH Clouds 0 1 w nneu· Tne Hour.e ot lord• H~blM 10 dec1<1e lhe Duke ot Oen v1r • fa1e (Pert •t C MOVIE • • • ·~ 'Tne Man Wno Would & Krng 111175) Sean Connery, MICl'l6el CaJne BaMCI on Ille story by RUOy810 Kipling Two Br1t11h aOl<liefs Ml out to cleim the uches and power ot a remote, leget"IOary ~•ngdom ·pa· $ MOVIE • * • The CluD ( 1980 Jae~ Tnompaon. Grellam t<enneoy TM COllCll ot 1 ha._l>Hn Australian 1001- 1>111 1eam finds the go.ng rough bOlh on the plavtng held eno 1n the ooarO roorr Whftl 8 he I 11C61 Ill Ant I ~•atoc elul> 1><est0en1 UMOVIE. • • Th•• Time For- 11990) Claire Pimpare, Vin· cent Vt11 Patten A F1encn Can1<11&n girt fall• 1n IOve wtt~ 1 orun A,.,..,1e;an c:ol iege llu<lent ttudylng 1r MontrM 'PO' 1o·ao 0 FIJTM MVJ8,AOE G» WEEKEHO SPORTS WAAP..vf' G) JIMMY SWAOOART 8l) TONY 8AOWN'8 JOVRN4L Black RevOlt In T"8 80t Tony Brown u-hl81011Cai cornpar190nt u • be11a IOI dltcuU 1on '1) MOVIE •fl Fury At Smugoler I Bey 1111631 Pa1 .. Cusn1ng Mteneta Mera.< A no1or1- ou1 .cavenglng pirate c-• reign ot tflffor along\"* Brltltn COH lllM H MOVIE * • "The F111a1 Conflict" (1111111 Si m Netti. Ro.....a Brau• Jn the third pan 01 The Omen" tttlogy. young Demien the embo<llment 01 lhe AnttChrlat. II now en •Otllt end • tn.1160 Mt\ltl()f 10 the prealclenl ot the u S R. (OJ HAH~ ANO THI DOG GHOST 10:46 8 8UNOAY SP<>frrS PAGE 1t:00 8DD(l)9at HEWS 8 IMPACT''2 TELEVOTE A eummary of the Poll con· 0uc1ao oy Larry Mceor- mlc:k by Phone tor the .,......., D IAAAY FAMER • JE1'RY FM.MU. &:l 8NfAA PMVIEW8 Neat Ga~ end .i.nrey Lyon1 revi.w "Hallo- 3 Seaaon Of The w11o11:· "Ftrst Bloo<I" an<I "Mon· ~" GD COLL.EOE f'OOTMU HIOHUGHTI ··1<anM1 VI . Het>rallca" (0 JMOVIE tt * 'FunhOuM " ( 111111 EllHl>elh BemOg41. Sylvia Mlle• Four tMn-agers 1C*W1 • l'rlght!UI night In a C.fnlVll lunhouM lnt\al>lt• 60 by • 0-t.O betker 1110 hit monatroua 90n, 'R' CZ)MOVIE -~~'·Hal~ II" (tlll t) Jamla L" Cuf11t , Ootlald Pie-A hOl>8leally lnNna ~ contlnuea his reign ol terror In a emlll town. 'R' : :~I =:::-'1NA&. PAOllMTT!M MCNIWI ATTHIMOYa ROQ« Ebett and a.... 81P.el rlMaw "Jtn•ao:· "The ""'9onal1" and !tie "l llnll., of IM ...... • l.DAHON! THI CMJll Ar'TINMTH • TO KIE" ANO UAA AMII A C!~atlenallr9 loc* et whel'I lot and ~ OU11 conuo1111 CaolilomlL 1=MMM * • 14 "nit HIO'lt That ~tel A""'1Ce" ( tt11) Vic Morrow, Cllll Oe 'f'Wllt M,.._ Of ...,_.. .,., "'... '° • 1131 1 aolO llto U; _. Of ''The Wfl Of The WOflcW' -.,.,,. 111~0 .,........ ..... Allwica II unclef 11t1eG11 by M.,,..,. alMOYll ..... ~~,. ClASSlfllD C ll 1111111 • C.OUht ()All Y Pll 0 r 15untluy ()c ICJlit11 it tlttii' I·.~ 11,.,,, ltt S.al• ;;~-,;;;~i·········;·ooz •......•............•• HHlll f1t I.al• N1em lot S•I• Ho1m1 lot $1/1 H111111 .~'.'.!.'.l.' ••••.•• '.',~~!!! .~'.'· .~'.1.' ..•.... H111w lot Si lt . ... . . . . .. . . ...... .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .................. ,.. . D•••t1I IOOZG.,..r•I 1002Gl'Mrol 1002 GeMrol 1002 eMrel IOOJGeMrol 1oq2 •••••••••••••••••••••• 1 ...................................................................................................... ~ • I I . ,,,, ,,,,,. ....•................. lOUAl HOU!llNC OPPOATUNllY P11lllllthtt't .. tlot1 1\11 re11I e.iu111 111jv11rllattll In lhlS nawspap11r 1s •Ubjt!CI 10 lhe Fadar&I FAlr HOUblllQ Act of 1968 whl~h mektt~ 11 illegal to dver ll~ •ll1Y prefa1en ce lln11t•l1on or d1sc111rn na11on basad on 11c 11 color ra1tg1on St1• or n R11onol 011g1n or •ny 1n1t111t1on to mai..e any sucn prelerance. ltml1'1 Hon Or d•SCt1min111ton This newspaper will not t.now1ng1y accept any 8dv1111151ng lor real es 1011;, wh1c'1 •5 In VIOl8110tl ot me law UIROllS : Advert1· sers should check their ads daily and report errors 1m- m e d 1 ate I y . The DAIL y PILOT as- sumes 1tab11tty for the first incorrect Insertion only. ~SIFIED INDEX hf'8ca'• M Call 642·5678 HIOH .... , .... , ...... , .... , ............ ..., ••ti re,ert ,,,.,., i-.<lletoly n. OAIU "LOf .,-11........, ... ·~· ..... i.. ........ i..tt11 ... ..... HOUSES fOa SAU 1001 .1100 OTHa llAL ISTATI 1100 . n oo altfTALS )100 ·U SO IUStHISS. IHYISTM~T RMAMCI HOS · HU AHHOUHCD<4B4TS SI OO LOST & FOUHO uoo rYSOMALS sno SHYICI OIHCTOU •OOO SCHOOlS& IHSTIIUCTIOH JOOS JOIS WAHTEO 101S HfU' WAHTEO 7100 MYCHAMOISI IOOS 0 IOH HIH TO YOU 100 IOA TS & MAllHI fQU!rM ... T tOIO • t OtO Hoa111 l0t S•lt TIAMSl'OltTATIOH ....••.•............•• lt1l Eit•lt tt 10 . u oo •. •• •••••••••••• ••.... AUTOMOllLIS Geatt.tl 1002 '-----"-'_0_· -"-'_4 __ _. • •••••••••••••••••••••• I REDUCED TO: $745,000 BA YFRONT ·LINDA·CLOSING COSTS ONL YI Owner hH had bu1lnH1 reverHlt ind mu1t llquldatel To • qualllled buyer, thla home may be purch11ed for cloelng coal• onlyl Fabulou1 loweat prlct on excluelve Linda Isle. Superb lagoon location with plar/1llp for large yacht and s S bedroom horn• with large f1mlly room. lnv11t now befOfe price• go up. 831-1.00. BACK BAY-MUST SELL! Owner wlll consider trade• lor boat, car Of property. A lovely 3 bedroom Country French home with specloue kit" chen a lamlly area +-yard. Drive by 2211 Redland1 and call for detalla. $248,500. BAYSHORES-LOWEST PRICE Charming 3 bedroom Cape Cod home with S131,000 ol aaeumabl• financing. 2te1 Cr11tvlew $2M,500. VIEW-CLOSING COSTS! LHM/optlon Of trade down or pay only cloalng eoet1 and you cen own lhl1 "lot Hlue" propef'ty with cloee-up VIEW of Bay, oc•af'I a eparkllng n'9ht 1'9hte. Plan• lor lovely home • gUHI houff & pool Included In price. Now hH two rental unite •.. OR as a MCond home • . . Uva In one and rant the other. S3tt,500. FM land. 831-1.00. HUNTINGTON STRAN0 -5 BR. Only one block to beach. Private 1pa, 1ecurlty 1y1tem -many upgradee and amenltlH. Drive by 22352 Welllnglord Lane and cell for ftnanclng. S39t,900 .... now whlle lt'e n.w on market. 831-1.-00. CONTEMPORARY-PENIN PT. Young a exciti ng with lntereatlng dealgn near Bay a Beach. L ovely entertaining areH with 1oerlng celllnga. 2 bed. • dining. Drive by 502 "I" St., off Balboa Blvd. $395,000. 831-1.00. BALBOA ISLAND 2-1tory cottege near So. Bayfront. OlcMr charm 2·atory, 4 bedroom, beama warmth. Sae 114 Ruby and call lor detall1. 1425,000. 173-4100. WATERFRONT -BALBOA ISL. New on the market. Perfect beach cottage with beautlfully coordinated decof. Dock f« two 11' boat•. Gourmet kitchen, beam celllnga. Owner wilt con11der exch•l\99· '595,000. CLIFFHAVEN VIEW AemocMled 2-1tory home with cloN-up VU of Bey, boat•, OCMn Md nlaht l'9ht1. Ent9f'taln enJoyably from lhla 3 be:d room, famlly room plu1 private patio. Owner ftexlbte with good ftnanclng. ""·000 F• Land. 873-ftOO. WATERFRONT-WITH VIEW Unobetructed VIEW on turning be1ln of Beyfront. Fabulou• quiet end of Balboe Island. large 4 bedroom home with 1 bed. epwtment. Can be llngle famlly II deelred. Pter/1llp IOf 3 boet1. 11,300,000 lee land. 831-1400. 873.-00. BA YFRONT-50' BOAT SLIP l11nrlM lo sunMt & night VU from thla grec:loua I eteo-nt WAfERFRONT home. Large maat., ault• + 3 bedroom• fot' femlty. lpac:loua llv. rm., *mat dtn. rm., gourmet kitchen with breakfHt ., ... French door• to brick patio I Colorlul garden. Many extrae I deoorator amenltlH. Red11ced to tt,450,000 f- 131·1400. 111 I I I 1tl1" "'<11lr lt11o1olo 1•,,,; .. 11 \•••f, .. i•h•ott J t th • • ... ,, It•• , .... ,. ...... M,, .. lil '31-1400 NM.IC NOTICE .. ' , ....... '"' H•lt••• hi•"" 173-ltoO FICTITIOUS Ml .... 11 ... ,...n•n•NT fh• lollowl1tg peraon la doing tMJtl..-• u · 8AL HARBOR LIQUOR. 160 E Balboa Blvd . Balboa. Calltornla 928e1 R1ymond Kol darall. 2138 1 OrHn Cove Clrol•. t•unt1ng1011 8NClfl. Cslll0fnl1 918 928'18 Tllla bu.in.ti ta oondu<rteel by t n lndM®lll R1ymond Kotdare~ Tllll tt.i..,,.,,t ..., .. IMed wnh 111e CounlV C'-11 o4 O.ano-t County on Oc•OC>er 25. 1982 l'JIMt4 Publlanect Orange Coeet Diiiy Pilot. Oct 3t Nov 1. 14, 21. 1tH ~tOt-81 p I L 0 T c L A s s I F I E D WESLEY N. OWNER WILL TAYLOR CO. FINANCE 653 93 INTEREST REALTORS • since 1946 2111 San Joaquin Hills Road 644-4910 BIG CANYON ON THE GOLF COURSE OWNER WILL CONSIDER YOUR HOME AS DOWN PAYMENT Unequaled elegance in this architectural beauty overlooking the 8th green of Big Canyon Golf Course. The finest craftsmanship and materials! Imported marble, air-conditioning, crystal chandeliers, crown moldings, rich paneling, 3 wet bars plus many other impressive features. 5 large bedrooms, each with private bath. Banquet-size dining room. family room with marble fireplace. billiard room with coffered ceiling and oak floors, refrigerated wine room. Desioned to provide the ultimate In total privacy. A truly elegant home for someone who appreciates the finest! GOLF COURSE VIEW FROM 9 ROOMS ocie t) CREMATION BURIAL Al SE.A 646-7431 Our llterature tells the compre1e s tory or our society • , ... ,.,. ,, .. ,..... .. .,. M tw~ Ce"'• l "r P\&IC NOTICE Ml.IC NOTICE (flecord•d In lh• office of lh• Orange County Cahlo-n•n C ounty R•c ord•r of Or•n11• The rec:O<d vested owners or 1ne County, C•lllornl•, on Oct. 21, P«>per1y more commonly known BS 1112.) 121371 Av•nid• Amb1en1e El To•o IMPORTANT NOTICE Ca1tlorn1a are Raymond G Espinoza IF YOUR PROPEflTY IS IN and Mar111 Ale1•ndre Etplnoza FORECLOSURE BECAUSE YOU Dated Ocol01>4!r 12 1982 ARE I I! HI H 0 I H Y 0 U R HRflANO PARK COMMUNITY $1,950,000 OPEN SUNDAY 1:00 to 5:30 9 IVERNESS LANE FOR ADMITTANCE TO THIS GATE GUARDED AREA CALL NJLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Tne touo"'''"~ t'e,-.nn '~ d01r'\g tJus1ne~5 a4' J A J MAR IN[ 18b62 MacAr1hur trv11111 <;ntolv•"'~ 92715 John Bnnls 1866} M~c./\rthur Irvine Caltfo1n10 927 4 1 ~ 644-4910 MLIC NOTICE F"ICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The tollow'"g persons ar" 001ng Ou5tness 31 ESOUINA OE ARBOLES 31866 Camino Cap111rano San Juan Capts1reno CA 92675 MLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Tiie tollow1n9 1Je"on ' dott l ttus1"eS-!t 35 P E EIALL B OO l\S•\ PAYM ENTS. IT MAY II! SOLO ASSOCIATION -------------t WITHOUT ANY COU..T ACTION, SuHn N•ple• and you may have the i.g&I right to Sl ATE OF CALIFORNIA> bring your &ecounl In good st111>dlng COUNTY OF ORANGE by poy1ng all ol your p111 due SS fh11 bus1n11~s ·~ tClmluC led by 3 corpor&hOn Edward O LohrbaCh 1911 Yacl11 Enchantress. Newport Beach CA 9262~ BALANCES ?4902 f l Cor11tn M1s"on \/•l'llO. Cat1rorn10 9260 1 ; Peggy £ Ball 24902 E• Cot1or• M•ss1on Viejo Ca1ttorn1a 92691 : This business 11 conducll'd by l'" McCOIMIOl MOUUAallS Laquna Beach 494 941 5 Laguna Hills 768 0933 San Juan Ca p1o;1rano 495-t77b .... IOI LAW~MT, OLIYl M ortuary • Ceme1e1y Cremalory 1625 Gisler Ave Costa Mesa 540 5554 PIUCI HOTHHS HU. laOADWAY MOaTUAU 110 Broadw11y Costa Mesa S<i2·9150 IALn IHGHOH SMITH I TUTHILL WISTCLI" CHAPEL 427 E 171h SI Cos1a Mec;a 646-9371 'lllClllOTHIU SMrTHS' MOITUAIY 627 Matf\ St Hun11ng1on Beach 536·6539 PAClftC V•W ,,. ......., ..... , ... Cel'Nttry Mor1u1ty Ch1pel-Oem1tory 3600 Pac:lllC \iiflW Ortve Newport e .. th ~ 2700 • paymttnts plus permllled costs ai>d On October 19 1982 oelore me. expenses w11h1n thrw months from 1he undersigned a Notary PubhC in 1ne d111e lh11 notlOl! of detault was and tor said Stale personally t9CC1fdfl<l Th•• amount is $886 8S appe11ed Susan Neples known 10 85 nl October n 1982 •nd '""" me 10 be Ass1•••nt Secret•ry ot Ille increase unl ll yout account corooratlon that e•eCuled the l>tleom111 current You may not have w11h1n 1nt1tumt1n1 ~oown 10 me 10 to pay the enht• unpaid pornon ot be lhll per1on who e•ecu1ed lhe your account ••en though full w•lh1n 1n11rumen1 on behell ot lhe P&yment wu demended. but you corpora11on therein named 11nd musl pay the amount staled above ac•nowltJdged 10 me 1ne1 'uch Alie• lhrae months trom the date corpore11on a•eculed lhe w1th1n ol record&l10n OI lhll document 1nstrumenl pu11uant 10 •IS By Laws (Wh•Ch dato ot record&Oon appears 01 a re101ut1on ot 111 Board ol horeont unless the Obllgallon being O.rec1ors torecloted upon perm11a 1 longer WITNESS my nand and ot11c1a1 seal petiod you have only the legal right Brllflda Ann Loiano to ttoo lhe lor8CIOtU<8 by peytng Acct • ~46079 the enllre omounl demanded by Publl1hed Or11nge Coast Daily vou• creditor P1101 Oct 31 Nov 1 1• 21 1982 To hnd out the 1moun1 you must •807 9:1 pey or 10 eu ange IOt p1yment lo 11op 1h1 torec101ure. Of II your properly 1• tn lorecloture tor any 01ner reHon. contact CARDINAL PROPERTY MANAGEMENT, c/o ALLEN & FLAn. 000 MacAtthur Blvd , Suite 370. Newport Bench, CA 92660, (71') 752· 7474 II you hive any queallo1t a. you should con111c1 a lawyer or the oovernmen1a1 agency whleh may nava l1tsured your IOln Remember. YOU MAY LOSE LEGAL RIGHTS IF YOU DO NOT TAKE PAOMPT ACTION, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN tlla1 ourauan1 to Arllcle VI, Section• t-5 01 the 0ec1era11on ot Co.-.nentt, Condlllone 1nd Reatt1ct1on• ue<:uted November 1, 1976 •nd rec;orded Nov•mbe• 4 1978 In Boo~ 119fl8 Pages 1115.n13 of Olllctol Reco<d• at Ore"9f' County. C 11tllorn11 . a br•ech o t lh1t ObllQ111on 0 1 p 1 ym •nl or u'"am•n11 Ma occurr9d Notice t HIO t>r11ch and ti.n waa 1118<1 tor e coro February tfl. 1982 u l>ocumtn• No. 12·0&38 If ot 111d NJLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAMI Sl'ATSM•NT The tollow1ng pareon 11 do•no butln8H H ANAHEIM ASSOCIATE S LIMITED. 27286 Lllt R1mbloa. Su11e 200. MIHIOn Viejo. C111torn111 9269, Rlehlld A Stenlon. :>728!> Le• R1mblH, Sul1e 200. M1s11on V1e10 Calllomla 11269 t Tiii• bullMH II conducle<I by ~ limned Plftneran1p Richard R Stanton Tl'llt 11atemlt01 Wll flled with the County CMwk of Or1noe County on Oc100« 21 1992 "HODll . KINDALL I HAMIMGTON A rr ..... loftll Law COfPCH•lloft 4291 MloArthVf Blvd .. tult• tll. 1'.0. h•Ul1 Newpert .. Kh, C1lll0tnl• HMO noo111 Publlllltd Orano• Co111 oany Piiot. Oo1 31. Nov '7, 14, 21. 1982 4803·8~ Jonn.Bohl~ This statement w~~ l1tt;<J Wlltl 1he County Cler~ or Orange C<>un1y on Oc1ot>f'r 28 1982 f'200718 Pubhsneo Oran9e Coast Dally P1I()\ Oct l t NOY 1 14 2 t 1982 4335-82 MLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT I hi' fOllOwtng l>IH~On IS dOIOQ buslnttU u BUILDING CONlAACTORS 422 Emer1on Str1tl'I Ncwpof1 Bl!ech California 92660 Jonn A Counc11mur1. 4 ?2 Emerson S11ee1 Nc-wporl Beach, C1ht0tn111 92680 This business •• con<1uc1e<1 by an 1nd1v1du111 John A Councilman Tn11 81111-nl wa• hied """h Ille County Cl«k ol 01ange Covnty on Octobtl• 29 1982 F200MS Pubhahlld Orange Coast 01lly PllOI Oct 31 Nov 7 ,, 2' 1992 •786-82 MLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BU81NE88 NAME I TATIEMt:NT The tollow1nq per •on 11 doing butin11t1 as A OOlESC~N T AN D David A KftllCh 2461 I \/•a Alvar&dO M1ss1on V~jO CA 92692 T1111 1>u111nes1 19 conducteo bv a gene<al Pllllnet-"•P David L Vogl This statement was t1lf!<I ... 1n 1he County Cler~ ol OrangP County on Oct 211 1982 IMdlVlduOI , Peggy E Ball This s1a11'men1 wu hied .,1th ~ .. County Cler"-ot Ornnoe Count) t" Oc101>e1 27 1982 • F200C11 PubhshPO O• 1ncw CNl" D 1 P1101 Oct 11 No• • t • ;· t 1912 480S~• F200712 PubltsheCl Orang!' Coul Oa11~ Piiot Oct 31 No• 7 1• 21. 1982 I PlllllC NOTICE 4799·82 -------------FICTITIOUS llUSINESS POOUC NOTICE NAME STATEMENT The lollow1ng perso"' 11e dot •o FICHTIOUS BUSINESS busmen J& • NAME STATEMENT SlRICH °Y COOKING 14Pb The tollow1ng Oi'•SOns arf' dOIMQ \/1v1an Lon11 Newr1ort Be~dt• bus1ne11 as Ca11to1n1a 92660 • THE FIVE-TWO GROUP l TO L11tda Taylor l4C>e V1v1an la~" 3600 En1erpt1Sf1 SI Costa MHl1 NewpO<I Be&ch Cal1l0<n1a 92660 CA 92626 Karen B"man 307 tJ Clllle Mary E1lel!n Marsnall 6160 Chueca Sen Juan Cap1s1ra<t<• Ham1l1on St Costa Mesa CA Calll0<ma 9267!> 92627 Th11 t>us1Mess •s cooelucted bv n o Robl!<ta D•v•s 8 t&B Hom111on un1ncorporalf'O assoc1al•On 01'l''' SI . Costa Mffl CA 97627 lhen a pa11ner5"1p fll1S bu11nesa IS c;onductt'd by a ltndll Taylor , g_,.l pertne•thlp Karen Batman· Mory Mtrshall This s"tt1men1 wns llll!d w•lh fe Thll s1a1emon1 was flied with the County Clerk 01 0•40Ql! County n Cooniy Clerk al Orsnge Count°Y on October 28 198:> Ocl 28. 198:1' F2001Jl5 F2007t4 PubllSllll<l Ornng11 Co11S1 D111ty Publllh!l<I Oreng!' Cal!tl Dally Piiot Oct 3 1 Nov 7 14 21. t9•2 Piiot Oct 31 Nov 1 • • • ~,~ 4739-tl2 •740·82 MLIC NOTICC EDUCATIONAL CON SUL TING 1----.,.-.,l-IC_Mn_fl_C_E __ _ SERVICES 4 2~ 30th Stree1. ruo nu FICTITIOUS •UllNEll 1Newp0<t e .. ch Cehl0<nla 92683 1------------- Duncan Ph11!1pa Forgey 204 FICTITIOUS IUSMSS Eooll Newoo•I Beach C111to•n•11 NA,. STAflltlt:NT 9288J l he toflowtng P41''°"' .,,. dOtllQ Thlt buSlnt'" •• conducted tty •n bu•"::~fLEMENS AGREEMENT, 1nd1vldu1l Ouncori " ~orl11y 359 Slr'I Mlgu•t N4'Wpo•I B•ICh c1111torn11 1120&0 Thll a1111omen1 wu llled w11h the Kimberly s Norton. HI 19 Port Coonty c ra1k ot Or11nge CO\Jnty on Abbey, Newport Be&eh ca111om1e Ocl obef 211 1118:> 92660 f2007tt Su1l e F u11e1 . 1883 Po • 1 Publltn•d Or1no• Cout Dilly Stoelfleld, N.-iwpon BelCI\. c antorl'lll Piiot. Oct 31, Nov 'I, 14, 21, 1982 02&eo 41101 ·82 fhlt tx1tlnet1 11 con<IUC1ecl by • NAMI IT A Tl!fENl • The lotrow•ng oe•1on 11 dot11 1><111ness as MAlCOl M & OAl\ l W CENTER ASSOCIATf S 27285 a• R11"1blos. Su11e 200 M1u1on v .. n Cai.torn•• 9269 I ~ Aiehard R Sltntou. 27285 '"' RamblH Su11e ;ion MIHIOn v10 Cr111tornta 11269 I 1 Thtl butlnittt II c:ondUCl'ld Dt • llmlled p1R~~~ahd Ip .. f ,,,.,., I\ .,1en1on ~ lllCltl AtCOtda. NO p1ym1nt of u1 du• •mountt hu occurred llleretor t . 1111 8 t 1t•no Park an\munlly At,oc11t1on crou -etly .iect 10 C.UM 10 .,. told the Ollowlng OeecrlHd rMI e>r~•y to ll1ty the obllQellon -------------------------. llm119d per1~1111p March of Klmlletly S NOt1on Thia 1t118tnlln1 "'" fli.d with " County Ckttk of Ofange County 0c10blt 21, 1082 LOI 71 of 'trltCt 92 ... 11 Plf ..._, teOrded In 8ooll 3U, p..,_ 6·8, JJticllliM of Mlloel!-Mapa. 111 he Ofnc. Of the County Recorder ot -··--.--- PLEASE HELP Thll tlatemttil wll filed with the County Cter1c 01 O.•noe Counlv on Dlmll FIGHT October 21. •m BIRTH DEFECTS Publlahed 0 11nQ"t Oot~ L--~a~aUl:~~~mgL_:::..:;~~...;~;...,::;:;..~ P•to1 0c1 31. NOY 7. t4 11. 1tu GlftW Iii 411()4-8' h•"J \.1'4 t t_1 ""''" •1 'I •• hot t "' Mt• v · 7 f f DO a e a t n · ,JOI Pubflll'lert Orang• Coot 0 1y p11a1 Oct 31, Nov l t4. a 1. 19 ;i •*>> t Sell with EASEi 11'1 a BAl!UE Cltieelfled Ade 842·M71 j j 1.16 111 111111 l 11,1•11 IJAll' I'll <JI l '1lll\\IUV Ot.lohur .t I 1411).1 ~::U"!:;~;"-'· -~'.'.'. · i <>oi ::~!~t· .~ .. , ... i 002· 1::~!J'-'· .~ .. , ... · • ·0021::;:{'-'· .~·.'.'. i c>oi · :;:~!!/'· !.'.'.'. ·1ai;; !':;;~~'-'· ,_.,, ... · i c;oj1::~~'-'· ,_.,, ... i oo:i ::;.!;~'-'· .~'.'.'. ·; c>O'i ,~;:;~'-'· .~ .. , ... ·; ~~~ :::;;'-~ .~·.'.'. · i o-o; ···················· !···················· •••••••·•••••••••••··••••••••··•·•·••·••• ••••.•..•......••••• •••·••••·••·•••••••••·•·•··••••··•••···•· ··•••••••••••••••••• , •••••••••••••••••••• •••••····•·••••··•••• oru SUllDU 1·& 1441 GlllU DRIVE lftt L111~) 11\111 \ ,\. 1"1111111111111 l),1\11 .... ,11111, I I " I 111 1 " II " I II .. ' I· ' I l.1 1111 \ I •• \\ I o111t.1.l1• ,.,,,I ''""'" 111~1 I )1111 I 1111'-' tl11 .. \ .. " RACHELLE ROIERS, REALTOR 676-2313 C5E GEORGE ELKINS CO OVER 80 YEARS OF TRUSTED SERVICE REDUCED Sl0,000111 fo:''ll" '''' , 11-.111111 "'""' .111.I 1-:I."!-. 111•1111 ~)1111 I , ul .i, 'ol• Im .111011 I ', .11 11 1111 ' I 11 ' ,. I " ·d 1 •" "'"' p I u-. .1 I I'll\ I I til>I· .11111\ '1'·•111111' "'""" '"•in1 l•t.11111tutl\ l.111d"o1J11•d 1: ... dt II I'·" ......... """' ·'' •'·" lit! .. , ... ' I<\' p.11!-111g l .. 11g1• ...... t1111.ilil1 111,111' t '.tll ·'"'" Jl.1boll ... l )1111 l >1 1'1111111.i-. CHARM IN IUi CHYOM l IOlJlll I\ gt .H ,. \l\'l'I l1111k111g H1g ···"""" t'n1111l1\ ('(uh'-. Ht h t.11'" I\ \ 111.11 \\ '••lb l" "'"''I\ 111i!111nl \\ 1111 llll' In I Ill p10\ 11111,il l'1o11111 lh1 1l1•g1111 lh dt•t.11lnl 11·,hlt "" It .dllll''o ll\'I li.•dltll.Hll.'o, 'o1 .111d :-..11• 11 II\ 111g 1110111 upuknl J"l lli.d dJllJllg lllOnl. < \ljlll\ltt• I I> I'd I \ ' I I J 11 I I 1 ( a It l I I \ I I• t > 11) ·~ lud1d'"111m11111'! pool .111.t, \'t'J \ 1111,1i..:111.i1 .1, 111,111'' .1n1•·111t, Till• t>r Ill I'--..: .:•11),()ll!l l ".lfl l\(ll lt• ' '"'" 759-9100 n 2 Corpcwot~ f'tna N~wporlC~ BEST IN BLUFFS H ST IUY' l,11Vl'I v :!OtH I !olj 11 :• I 1dt 111 II lt,c1h .. 111111 1111 . w11 l1• j.(1t•1·111,..11 111·.11 J"Mtl t h1t .v $~.1~1.1100 IHLUllH TMI UH. WILL LHll OPTIH. < ;llOd 11 ""' I\\ 11pp1 WH'T UST, HOIUflOI. l'h..11 tllltlj.( .I h.t1 Ill .! 1>.1111•" I l1·v1·I. only $1 7:1,0110 t )1"·11 I 1 .!00 I H.IJll OPH 1-1 21•7 Ylat1 htr141 J k tit• f1M 1Ht Ylat1 0H411 J lilr, 2~ h ,. 100 P11y1 J lilr, 2th 1111 w/IH4 ZI 1l Viste lr11141 J lilr, f1• tlH UH,000 Uot,000 UH,IOO UJ0,000 HELEN B. DOWD REAL TORS, lllC. 144-0134 DARRELL PASH JU l\l I '.11 ll llHt lH ll ,lf tlUHll tl •••1 lt~t• tllH JUI 1 1 111 I 11•, 111···1 ""'' ' . 1•1!1 •1 t1,,1• ()• l11l11•f .•11 1·111.• _ ((Q darrell pash propertiea 01] '> 1 'JI) (..,i1 "'' I'> I,,"' N1•N11t11f Fl1.,11 It ( n l1lo11111,t '1.•1,1,11 (7' 4) 851 -8767 LOW DOWN /GOOD FINANCING COSTA lllHl 10"4 H 1 HR 211 "Looh Llh 1 lldtl Mt111t" 1\,k111g :!> 11 •1 •• -100 ''' lo.111 •·111 11111 .it !I ' ",. :!11tl 111 $·111 ,000 111 I I"., t >W<' l1.il.t1H'l' ,1( I:!" .. 1111 10 VJ!-. :11411 (',.•k l..1111 t'l\1 OPEN SIT /SUI 1-1 PM cosu 111n1 11"4 Dll: 41r 211 l l.11 ""' \'1l'\\ 11111, .. 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S:!fi5 000 1m I land &1rlxirn Aune ll2 -IUILllllf Two darlrng h11U'l''> 1111 K:! lot rn N<·v. po rt H 1 1gh t.. <·ha rm &. grc·a t n •ntals $1Hi.:'ll)O T<·rTY H ant-s- Tom All111'411l · 644-6200 SELL 1<1le 11em1 wlln a 'p;;j' yoor a<fve<llsino lni!S· $279,000 •DOVER SHORES * ~I,,. 11 11, , ,, , 1111v1 1101111· fedtunng 4 br & :! 1 Ii,, w J vw"' of lh«· t ,1 r.!1.1 \ ;... :\11lh1111\ ·., P11·r' Thh ftnt• 11·.,1dc·m·1· I' ltit·;11t·d in a v1·rv ti• "" 1 1 r 1 ,\ 11111, d {111 1mn11-d1dlt -.._i11 1.11"' tnt<'n''l <•~ ... umabl1· 1,r1.01io 1 11~ 1\ .11i,d1li (.".ill 7;,9.15~>1 .. r 7:'>.! i Ii:~ ESTATE SIZED LOT •CAMEO SHORES• t ~11, .. u1 ... 1.111d111i.: • ).M home: f1·,11un.., "'hilt rnu't Ix· lhl· l<trgt.'!>I lot Ill ( • .. 11 ..... s1i,,, .. ,. Tht· I t·:11 \rd f1·a1un·li a .Japant·~t· ~ardcn. waterfall. Ko1 '><•11 I l'""I ,'<.; \11llP\h,,ll lrt 111 a -;pa1·11iu' l0nv1rnnml'nt dC'S1gm'CI fur :," 1111.r .. t.li .t,,,.., th~uout till ",11 A l~t· ltv rm"' frpl< nn·rloukmg th<' 111,,,1 ,I:. l.!·1•cl··11' 1·x1·niptif11 .... th.-upt•n -.pa( 1ou' feeling pr<•valent it11u11l1I ,\ hug\ k11dwn frml t.J1n rm & ·I spac·111u:-. lxlrm-; inch~cltng a ""'' , "'' "' hh 111 'ih•·h <">. ,unkl'n Jal u111 tuh OffC'rt·<l ;11 $h70.ll00 n·.I·: \\ .... ·.11111.1hlc f111<1!Klllg al 11 i5°', i:'l!-1 l ~O~ •HARBOR HIGHLANDS* ::;1•1.,,,,,1 .. 11 • .th 11·1mKlt kd & d1-<ur..111'f..I 4 br hom1 1t·.1tun 11g '" i1111nin~ p·~il 1~11111 1 '" ,k\. ltlt lu ... h p11 vatt• t·ouriv:ird. fpk & <assumablP 1111,,1, ni.; H• d11•, d ·,,. !-'.!KO 01111 ft•t· Fo1 qua k """ t«lll 'i:l9 l Mll or -==-,:· -:-:r:-.i *HARBOR VIEW HILLS * I v. th I t u t t l11I 1·.1n1 h ,,,14 hc11111 I 1.1.1 \ 1, "" ,t, c d 111.,11 1 o.1 11ul '' 1 t 1,... 1 11 ,1111 1, 1 1,1 .! 11plc--. :11.1r g.11.1gc •K• .111 \H'\\ & l.1rgi• 1111 v. 111'':•11l 'P·' l'r 1, i·d 111 ,, ti .it ,:..1 10.1111<1 l.11\\ 1nh•1•·,1 ·"'um.1hh• f1n.1t111ng (.ill • 1'f l ,.,) .. , : ·~ i-;'~i •BAYCREST * I~ , 1111 .. 111 m..i 'I'·" 11111' • \.t'\ ull\'t' runl'h ..;tyl1 h11mt• In pre-;11g1· ,1n•;i I h" h,.,1, t1 .111111·' I hr-fph l;1rgt• lot & f<'•· l.11111' u1w1•:-.l pru t• .cl ;$'.!1111111111 (',.It 7 ,•1 l!illl "' ";:'l:! 7.i'i:I for .1pprnntnll'nl "' vw\\ OCEAN VIEW + POOL • SPYGLASS HILL * '1'111, 11111\ 111.1~11111t "'It , 1•:mh-nee 1s for thost• who Pmbral'l' rt•la><mg hl\ut \ ·" .i '' ,,, 111 ltf1 Thi:. honw '' complt•ll·ly rc·modc•lc•d & dt'<'tti .111 ·d Ii\ 111111 d """~n<'r Al Mt>ndc·z. San Franc·1S<..'O Ft'aturmg 1111porli·d µ,;v, 1, 111 ·g111n111g on the frvnl pallo & continuing 11Ho lht• 1 uln "-1hru11u1 th<· lmlv rm. kit<:hcn & brC'akfa.;;l art•a. f?e<-oratc>d in ;\l .. dih 11 .m1 ,111 .,,, It v. 1 urvc·J .in·ht>S. rl'<'t'S.C\4.'d hghlmg & hlx-ral US(' of rnu 111r, I hi· 11·n11K.lt•l1·d gourmC'l k1tch£'n featurN-sohd oak cabmNry. .h 11 1\111 H.111gt•. Pt)rt11).tuc·-;1· t1h•s & a brl'<tkfasl nook w/cx1:'a!1 Vll·w N.o t 111 1t J\ 1111 1, ,.., ,1 1,..n01 ,.m11 111·l·Hn & night Vll'W f rorn LA ll! C ~1ts1 :111a ,\. 111 ,,,.11 ,1 ,1 l"1ol & "Jl·' ,1rc· NU I'd 1n ,, pnvau• 1'0urly1d fht'i int• 111•1111• ,.., 11111111:.1.ck.ihl v N1•\\ porl' Prin'<J .it SH4!Ul00 Jo'F.E w t,i-1. ... um:ihlt• 1111.1111 11 J~' i '.1\1 1 :ltl J •HARBOR HIGHLANDS * ~. 1, .0111 111,ilh , , n111d1•lt•d & dl'1.11rutt•d ·I hr ho11w ft•11tu11ng sw11rnrur~g I""'' IM>lllh 11i1 -.k '\'ltt1• tush pr iv.111• 1·11urtyard. fplt·. & as,um11I. .. 1111.1111111j.( H1d1111·d 111 $~Hll.OOO f1-.• For 4ul<'k :-.alt· 1·;111 if>Y l!ifll t11 '7 1'.! '7 f;'.< ABANDONED ARTIS CHALET SACRIFICE PRICE OF $169,900 Thi:. Engh .. h Tudor styh· home· t!i val·Jnt and walling for a nl'w uwm•r It 1s l'U~tom built wtth m:iny f Paturi·:. normally found on!~· 1n higher prtl'<·d propt>rtif'S. Nott<.'l· lh1· bu~ window ;ind artistic wcxxl1•n plantt·r hoi..t'l> What you c.·an't M't' m tht• p1c.·tun· arl' the.· f1vl' i:kvhghLS. u:.t·d hr 1c.·k entryw ay, n •r:mm tile k1tt:ht n f1011nng. M'\ ludc-d p;H1u or thl· Inf l!-. found m each of tht· l<irg<' l:wdruoms Addc·d lo that '' a spat·111us f<irnllv ro111n .ind lhn'<.· full baths whll'h nwk(· th1-. l~>Z\' f1v1· vt·ar olJ honw lrit.1H'<I only two milt .. ., from Lht cll'C'Jll truly an t·i..~'t µ1111n:il \'alu1· 111 1od ,1y's 111<1rkt'l For mun· rnform.itt.,n, plPaS<· e.111 .1."lh iO:i5 IEACH INCOME PROPERTY HUNTINGTON HARBOUR Tv.u c1ltracl1Vt• m·w tnpll'X<.'S lot:alt-d w1thtn walktnj.! d..,L,111u· o f thl' 1x·1·<1n and one half block from the propos<'Cl Bolsn Ch1c·a Manna. Tht'M' .11t• pndt· of ownt'rshtp buildtngs with supt·rb dt.·.,tgn und flour plan.-. All SI)( UlllL'\ arc· lWO lx'<ln>om:-.. lWU and Of\{' half bath ... With wood burning f1n•plan.'~ and lofts Lhat could be• con\'c•rtl'd to an 1·xlra bt·droom Vacan l'v fac tor 1n this t•xc·C'llt•nt lo1:at111n •~ almo:..t 7l·ro Av,111.ibl<' md1vidu<11ly <tl S:l:!ll.11111) c•m h or mak1· the· .,dlt·r ,1n 11ff11 1111 hoth Complc•lc ftnancrng 1nformallon available at a5h-itU:'l DEVONWOOD ESTATES 3500 SQUARE FEET FOR $385,000 This 1:-. llw muc·h sought aflt.•r ChPbf•c1 M1K.lt•I w11h fl\'l' b<'<lrooms .tnd thr<'t' full buths. For the large· family lh1:. humt' of apprmom:1l<'l y :1.~00 !>qUar<' ft•c•l has 1t <tll" The ma-.tl•r bC'<lroom .;;u1tc• i-. p:irttcularly 1•nc hanung dnd includes a lu><unous -.unkc·n t>VLt l luh and '>t·p.tratt.• till'<l showc·r Thc•n· ts a scparatt• famt ly room with wt't bar and a 15.),:.11 ' bonus room for tht• kids Th1!> cnlln· resid1•nl'l' has bePn prnfco<;.-;11H1alty d«c·orawd mdudtng <:ustom drape·' throughout' Formal dmmg •'> prov1d £>d "" well <ts an l':lltng arc•;1 off tlu k111 hl'll v. 1th d1·1:ornt1v1• el'lltng fan Thl' k1lt.•h1•n 1s a murv1•l 111 ilst•lt wllh g.i-. bu1tt1n!>, rn1erowav1•, trash comp<ll'Wr and !-ofl wa1t•1 Custom brick wvrk ,111d sp;i c·omplt·lC' the p1<'lurc· pPrfr'(:t ha1 k vard l';ill us for dt•l:llls nn tlw l'xt·l'llenl :is..;;umablr loans or the suprl">lll~lv affurd.iblc· pr1u• 111 today' ITl:trkC'l 9ti:i-5671 HUNTINGTON HARBOR FORTY-FIVE FOOT BOAT DOCK l'hc1rmtng waterfront Cap<' Cod locat<'d on th1· hoal par.1dL· l t>llh' Enormous ltving and formal dining rooms fal't' the• wal<'r Fnrty fl\'•' f1xll ciot·k aC"t-ommodales up 10 a 55· bo.tl Gia~ C'ntlOS<-<f patio w11h 'lpanous d('('k Terraz1..o t•ntryw;iy with mm !*'<'ur11y gall' Two l11rgt• ftrc•placl'S Seller will help finant•e at 12% This t•xt•t•ptional valu<• 111 wal«.'rfronl proJX'rly is off('rl'd at $559.000 !lfi3-51l7 I SURFSIDE CUSTOM HOME OCEAN AND BAY VIEWS • $650,000 This natural t'e(far a nd glass hom« on two large l<it' off Pr. 1m'rl'Cllhlt· w1lut' for the d1saimtnaltnR buyt•r Thrt'<' storu~ u( uncomprom1 .. 1ng l'l<'gant'l' c·ontams cvt'ry imaginable up~radc• 1ndudmg onk plankt'd flooring and SUJX'I' plush <'MJX'ling Thrt"t.· thousm1d t•11o:h1 hundt't'<I ..quarC' ft.N arc pr('S('nted in one of the most un14ut' floor µlans w1•0 Vl' "i('t•I) Ill som<' tlmt•. 0( course.• lherC'0!1 IOL'l of dt'(•k1ng With ii l'USlorn :.p.1 111 sink 111111 The ov(.'rsiz1• ((aragr ft•atures nn .1ulc111111tic upt.·rwr Bc·sl nf .111 our owm•t will rinanC'1• w ith only 1091, cfown" This truly 1~ a hunw that mu!"l ht• s<.><'n to be• appr~"1BlC'<I t1nd Wt• W1>uld 114:· dt.'lighwd to mokt• .in uppotnlnwnt fnr ynu 556-70:l6. NEWPORT BEACH OfflCE 2870 San Mlgu11 Drive Newport Beach, CA 92880 (714) 751·1501 it. AM ERI CAN HOME SHIELD "We Protect & Service Things H1at Service You." HUNTINGTON BEACH OFFICE 9032 Adami Ave. Huntington leach, CA 92848 (714) 551-7035 Dally Pilot Classllted A<I sage Wflete tile rHOe<s 642-5678 are 642-5678 Sier by using tile Dally the best <leats in •P•t1· IMeke your shopping ea· Read tr..e ciauffled a<11 tor Pilot C11u11te<1 Ad• menl tenlala ~2·5678 Rf SIOl N llAI Rf Al f S 1&1 r SE AVICfS OPEii 1-5 IAYSIDE HIVE S 1, 100,000 Gorgc·ous b.1yfront I rl'sh on the m;arkt·I V<1ul1t·d et•tltng!>. dt.'<'t>rato r toudw:. thruoul LoL' of glass give t•Xt('lhl\'l' w.itt•r \'II'\\ Bov,1dc• µat1•> plus pll'r & shp Ext·t.•pt1ona l term' off1•rt'1.I hv st•lh•r S(•f> Evan Curk<·tl .11 ti:!:I liay!-.1d1• Dr 115 CAllYOll S 1,0H,000 Custom hum<· u n golf niursl' 4 BR & family Nu t•xpcnM' spared on t h 1... t• I <' g .i n t I s t o r y h o m e Out<;tnnd1ng ownt•r f1nanct ng availablr Will tradl' for r11rplane ~ C:1rok Md\'1ahan .11 IR Cherry lfill:. CHOMA DEL MAR Hll,000 Imagine If ) o u "Ill a large ~ompll•tcl~ n ·m vde lt.•d Capl' Cod that ovPrlook:-. L1ttlr Corona Beach Rroignin· 1f ynu ciarc• that this is todav·s b<-sl value m COM location Qual1tv tt•rms Sc•p Valt'rie Marshali at :!W Popp~· IRYIH THRACE S441,MO A h~h L sparn1us l BR plu11 den ho111C' with pool and gorgeous view of t•nllr<' harbor Owner will carry with appro xrmatl'ly 20% down. GrNll polt'ntt<il for U!Wr or investor. SC'C' Lucy Rnst' al 17 15 Galawa Tl'rract• OLDI COllOllA HL MAii Ut2,llt l mmal·ulatP duph·x fron t st>pariltC' htlm(• with largl' family k1tcht•n . fin·pl1tl'C.', 2 RR • 2 baths & sunny patto1 Back upstRirs unit largl' & sunnv with 2 full baths & 2 B R U n t t !-h :1 v 1• ht' t> n w e 11 mamt<Hnl'd ldcfll for own(.•r/u ser . Se" ll 1llarv Thnmer a t 504 Lill kc;pur IASTILUFF SHl,OIO Rt'dU<'l'd ft/ mu11v.1terl 10 11ell1 Spnc1uuc; 1mm111·ulntf' I .usk built 4 BR homC' with pciol. t'nterwlnment yarn , cul·d~-1111c """'lH1on A ume lst & 2nd Ownl'r will hdp !1nanre St'<' Rita Qul~gll' ;1t HOfi Alt>ppu IN NEWPORTCENnR 644-9060 .,.,,, /11 S•I• #teH• 111 11/1 ......................••..........••........ ~.'!~~~L ......... 1.~19!.·.~~~~ ......... !.'!!! OPEi TODAY 1-5 PM ILIFFS, I PU•, S HIMS, a HTlll $2~Cl.0UO :M:W VIS'l'A NOHt.t-:ZA, NH Ill OHYH HClllTT, I 1111, Pffl, SP& $114~.ooo -15 HOYAL ST Gf<XHH.a:. NB LI H HHOll YIEW-SHllH IECIR, 4 IHI $3!.15,000 ...................... I :?05 SAND KE\' IAYFRHT, OW .. Fl•. TEH IS, SHIY IUCll $llH5.000 I:! BEJ\C.'ON BJ\ Y, NB 4 IDIUI, VIEW DF LITES, SPACIOUS $-129.50-0 ........ 2515 W!NOOVEH. COM YACHT-SPAHUS-SP& I POOL, OUH $3119,000 .. 131 5 SANTAN l-:LLA. NB llClllTECTS MOIE, s IHI, Lon, I• SUYIEW $425,000 1921 YT ENCHANTRESS, NB UCl IAY fllMllOH E, 'II AC, POOL, IAH $465.000 445 E. 20TH. OFF TUSTIN. 5 11/IOHS 111•u11 ICll., llHTIC, con $450.000 118 RUBY. BALBOA ISLAND NI llOIE llFO CAll U~l()U~ ti()M~~ REALTORS. 675-6000 2443 EHt CoHt Highway, Corona del 114ar WE HA VE ~3 OP THE BEST LISTINGS IN TOWN OPEN IN BAYSHORES 1-5 HYSlllllH Sl, 150,000 Fee land ~ w:iterfront lcx:at1on~ A combination that can't be beat~ Ade.I a spacious courtyard patio & large redwood deck overlooking the bay & it's a value that demands att.enuon See Maggie Guth at 2-182 Bayshore Dr. ! UYSllOIH SlH,000 Magn1f1cent nc•w home. Authenuc Dutch Colonial with numerous custor+atures. Playroom, 5 BR & library . The finest amenities. Outstanding k1 tchen overlooking lovely brick pauo Sec Lisa White at 2752 Circle Dr IAYSHOllES sno,ooo Very spacious 4 BR. -l 1: bath residence full of charm & privacy Watch the boaung scene or become a part of 1t. Owners will do an exchange. Submit today. See Ted Peterson al 2658 Bayshores Dr. UYH OIH UH,000 Stunning, custom 3 BR home in gated. private community with two lrg beaches. The gourmet. kit has been featured 1n a leading magazine. Faultless dc.'C'Or & quality detail throughout. See Lyleen Ewing at 2581 &yshor<' Dr UYHllH U H ,000 Private community Great financing. Fe<:' land plus charming 3 BR home. What more can vou ask for? Brick path. dutch door: leaded glass & remodeled kiU.:hen Owner will carry long term Se<' Jane Mitchler at 2602 Crestview UYSHHS 1110,000 One of 1he largest lots with 55' and a very special 4 BR & den home. Charming laniced pallo, fabulous location. Only steps to beach M ove-in condition . Sec W y nn Wilson at 2681 Bayshurc Dr. U YUHH Sl,110,000 63 feet of f ee land, bayfronl. Spectacular Cape Cod family home. 4 BR. separate dining room. large high ceiHng living room Central vacuum system. Separate master suite. Secluded patso. Sec Shirley Harris at 26 16 &yshore Dr UYllllll S210,IOO Small price -BIG VALUE! Bring your imagination & you will have the best investment in privak• gate guarded area near to private beaches. 3 BR, lowest price. only $210,000. See Eleanor Bowie at 2552 Vista Drive. IN NEWPORT CENTER 644-9060 •'.7 U111nue C..uu•1t DAii Y Pll o I/Sunday, Octotw1 3 1 HHn !'. .. ~!!! .~'.'. !.•.1,1.... ... ~ .. ~m .~ .. ' .. ~'.1! ....... '!.'.~!~!.~'.'.!.'.'! .... · · · l ~'.~!!! .~'.'. !.'.'-'· · · · • •• ~~~!!! .~'.'. !.'.~'. · · · · · · ~~~!!! .~ .. '. !.'.'-'· · · · · • · ~ .. ~!!! .~'.'. !.'.~'. · · · .. · • .'.~!!!.~'.'. !!.'!. · •·•· · ~!.~~~~~ ......... !.~! ~.~~~~~ ......... !.~1 9!.·.~1!.'.. ........ !.~~I ~!.~~~t ........ .'.~~~ ~!.'!~~~~ .......•• .'.~!· ~!!!~~~~ ......... .'.OJ!~ ~!~~~~~ ......... !.~~ ~!!.~'!L ........ !.~! .................................. - Call IOf ll)PI LORETT A CURCI Cati 644·1367 ........ , S .. U Y 1-1 BIG CANYON 41 le11I I t. le111e Oflt"d 11 $849.000 ~tlt 1t\ tl\\fHI hlhllltltt..: t!•llllt ""' lul 0111• uf 1111( C.u,yu.-•fll, Utw•l hu111t"'\ Pt•t fr" t for t(l .11 tuu i-: t•Uh t t;UUllltl &_ f 1t1111 I y '"' 11111 Qua I 11' • I Iii ft -.1u VU~ h • fJ l h I U U U l t· ~ I • n " a \ ,. u ' •' u I ( • t• k M161(1Ulu ..... 1011 & \llJ :I UH. ,I nl\. 111111 I 111 111111 .11111• 1111 ,,,... ..... ···~·' Keep an eye on ptlCes 1n. l8uy1ng ano H lllng 11 • eaay way-be • regular rauonat>le p1lc11-1hat s cl asslfleu readar I what clu1lll11d Is all 642-5678 abriul 642·5678 COASTAL AREA PROPERTIES Harltor View Homu Cust11111 Ut'l' and la11dsl·apt•d C:arnwl l\l11d1•I ('1nw11 11111ld111gs ..... k vl1ght , l'll .... tn1n klll:hc-n and sp<A Mu..,l sl'L'1 Assu111ahlt• f111 $:.!75.000. L.rnu 1nd'tl Opl'll huust• Sun 1-5 PM IU47 Po rt Slwt fit<ld Turtlt rock U11t• 11f Lhl· IC1Wl'St prll'<'d prup1•rt1l-s 111 lhl• Turtlt•rut·k Vista Cu111n1u n1t y i\1rn 11111l'S lA ·.1d gl.1s.' w1nd11ws W1ll1· d1•1·k s Vll'w of l1ghls Pr1 vall' s p<• AssumalJll• f111 & 1 l•c.1<h to 11111vt• m $:!50.000 l;ind md'd . . S1awi1d with View l~i..t't'UllVl' Portofino £xpa11d1·tl tamtly I room w f1r<>plat'l' F.11c:luM'll l'lll1 y :~ bdrm plus bonus rtll.>111 <ind loft w/b.:tth ~:xtra largl· lot. bL·aullful IX•lln :S-175,000 L <md md'd I OFFH &IY TERMS ITOP fOllEOLOIUIE I IHI .I HA .. 1 l111•plm1•1', ;! -.1111 v Ot'EAN \' l l•:W 1'111111(11111 <_'US 111 l.itl{,111.1 App1111 .... ·il $·1»~1.11110 , :11 d r .. duc 111111 , $11 11.111111 Ur.ind tll'w, 111u .. 1 -.i·ll St'll1•1 wtll ,...,,,,1 * LOW-LOW-LDW-llTERHT ~ETERANS WITH VA INTEREST RATES DOWN TO 12YJ%, LET US HELP YOU FINO A HOME CALL WALT or MARGE HAMMOND VA SPECIALISTS 894-1506 C-21 QUILL INC. 842-0691 Are you planning a move? Buying anel selllng al 1t ciaasJlled ads will po1n1 •11asonable proCe·thal s you In 1he rlghl direction wha1 clas11111ed '' •It to find the home you ObOUI 642·5678 need 642·5678 ---1 llEITAL llCOME COllOllA DEL MAR 1l1gh v1s1b1hty lo<.'allon just a ft•w blocks (rom the becich. Terrifll' own<'r financing and the lowl'st prlt.'ed units sn Corona del Mar! ~0% down 121 '2% interest $229.000. ( 714 \ 673-4400 - ~. . HI0,000 fH Great financing, 111wteu remodal, greal view. on lt1e 18nd Qerr1 I Chrlata THE $TAHH 00. tl3· lll1, ll0-1Hl EIHIALD H Y Needs renovating 3 BR 3', ba unfinished area view S425,000 l b . 114-414-4114 ------i r.~ ,,; .::11"' • MH A YHH TAR CiA'ZBK .. •. .. ti .tit fl MiKI""" T A 14 R R Y Custe• Ho•• Ocean llvd. <fll) 628-2828 The Hubor Area 's loncesl Established Real Estate Company Foor b11droom huge 2 Ill IUllQALOW hving dining area bu•ll· $11,000 SCllAM·LETS llswtrs la Clauiflcetita 5100 &•m·h living wtevl'ry l'<>nV('nlt'nt'L' found in this truly presugsous property Privatl' lg lot w/v 1ews of Ol·can. Jetty and Harbor Owner will also cons1cfor tr<idc. I SI :.!75.000 Land int:l'c.J Open hoUM< J11nifer Suchomel &l.5-1810 or 120-031& on aunroom ovet 16(){1 Good li•er upper wllh s 1 Only S920 Pill/MO nice hving room paneled I T b d 1 walls. country kllChen. Trade your old ttuff lor1Make your shopping ea· hreo e rooms wa er big, big back yard. au for new good I es w II h a s1er by using Irle Dally fall, new k1tch sppllan· S59,000 Call 546·2313 I C1ass1lled ad 642-5678 p1101 C1ass111eo Ads ces g•eal 1oca11on Only! --------1 SS3 4 PITllMO !!;!!>:?'i_:!I More ramllles are geltong Sell wnh EASE• Oon t delay. call ffi~~ :!=! the camping "bug" lhos II s a BREEZE Duma today! _ _ year 11 you have 8 cam-C1assoll_!? Ads -~2_:5678 Trade your old s1ull for per that's nol ge111ng Diana P1etenpol-Vo1pe new goodies w11h e used, Mii 11 now wolh a Want Ad Help? H l-1400 Class1'1eO ad 642-5678 Classllled Ad 642-5678 TAKE ADV ANT AGE OF THE LOWEST INTEREST RATES IN YEARS llYFIOIT COIH IYERLIOlll8 llLIOl llUll Elegant 2 bedroom condo plus den with fantastic views. we1 bar, fireplace, stained glass. pool and use of private beach. $855.000 UITllEMOIT MODEL II 10101 lllllE This 2940 sq. ft. home with 4 bedrooms and 3 baths has spacious patio area. many custom features and large secluded spa. $790.000. lllVllE TEIUCE-STEPS TO IEICH Sweeping panoramic view 4 bedroom. 3 bath home with large pool. complete privacy. Ideal location for watching the boat parade. OMC Installment sale $600.000. EMERALD llY FAMILY llOME Country charm radiates throughout this 5 bedroom. 4 bath home with family room. formal dining and huge master bedroom suite. $755,000. FlllLOI S ICW YIEW IUILDlll SITE Seller will carry with $280,000 down on this lot above "Palm Tree Circle." Sites like this are rarely available. Act now! $385.000. IN NEWPORT BEACH LllO llllS-Wlll TO IUCll Perfect Newport starter home with 3 bedrooms . 2 baths . minimum maintenance. use of pool. racquetball and tennis. $159.000. Lllll ISLE WlllRFROllT HOME Handsome traditional 5 bedroom, 4 'h bath residence with family room. sunken living room, immense formal dining room plus a charming courtyard spa. Owner wlll help finance. $1 .450,000. JIST LISTEl-HARIOR YIEW HOllES Charming Carmel model with 3 bedrooms. 2 baths. Mexican pavers tn entry. redwood deck plus large patio area. Good expansion potenti al plus loans are assumable. $249.000 FEE. IN EMERA·LD BAY $11 l ,OOO ISSUMULE LOllll Spectacular view Emerald Bey property with 2 bedrooms. 2 baths, pool and long term financing. $650.000. 10011 VIEW COllTIY OMllM HOME This 6 bedroom. 51h bath residence with beam ceilings. hardwood floors and brick patios has an additional family room with flreplace and guest or maid's quarters . Just reduced to $725,000. SllMIT ILL OFFERS!! Harbor View Home with 4 bedrooms. 3 baths. great design for families. owner financing. $310.000 11111-ESTATE "IST llEIHHI Situated on 'IJ acre, this 6 bedroom. 4 bath residence with Grecian pool and spa has a beauttful Kot pond. huge yard, French doors and breathtaking skyllght. owe or consider trade. $449.000 PWA ARU OF THE ILI FFS Easy walk to shopping from this 4 bedroom. 2'h bath home wllh tile roof. large patio. nice landscaping. With 25% down seller may carry or try lease/option. $170.000. ACROSS FROM OOUIFROIT Emerald Bey 3 bedroom, 2 beth whitewater view home on oceanside of Hwy. In prestigious community. $895.000. HllHL Y MOTIVATED SELLER Try JUSt $75.000 down or lease option on this corner lot ocean view 4 bedroom, 3 bath home with traditional styling. An outstanding value with full use of all tacihties plus Its own spa. $825.000 JIST LISTED THIS WEElt Outstanding quality remodel with 3 bedrooms. den. 2'h baths and new carpet, landscaping and other touches. A real charmer $710.000. "UST LISlll • IT'S MOTii Best buy in Emerald Bay with California Ranch styling. 2 bedrooms. 2 baths. pool and seller financing with low down $395.000 I MAIP llYllE Ell lllT Rancho San Joaquin view condo with 2 bed rooms. 2 baths, fireplace. nice landscaping, decks plus use of pool and spa. owe. $159.000. MEii YElllE AIU lllOH 1nu Lovely 4 bedroom home on a large corner lot that's been beautlful!y landscaped and boasts a large solar heated pool. Close to everything and priced to sell. $159.500. •••T ILEl-IWIEll llll'T mu light and airy townhome with 2 bedrooms plua den. private patio and large garage. Thia home la priced $15,000 below others on market! $120,000. NEWPORT BEACH OFFICE IN OTHER AREAS .... Wl.L TIU LIW, LIW llWI OWNER WILL TAKE LOW, LOW DOWN Motivated seller must llquldate quickly this 2 bedroom condo with den, 2'h baths, great location in Santa Ana Heights. $118,000. •Ull -WITI H' MIT HOI Spacloua 3 bedroom, 21fl bath family room home on Trinidad Island In Huntington Harbour with assumable First T.O. at 9~·Wo lntereet and addltlonal seller financing. $399,950 FEE. LIHL Y llllAlllLIFFE, llYlll We Just sold one here but you can still have this 2 bdrm. 2 bath Arbor Lake townhome with den and mt. views In natur~t Mttlng. $175,000. bl!!JO OOITl MEii TllPLD Near beach and shopping, this Income property has a perfect 3 bedroom owners unit plus additional 2 bdrm. 2 bath rental. Real pride of ownership. $245,000. llOlllTlll 011111 IT TIE 1001 Unique A-frame duplex In South Laguna near Aliso Beach with great ocean view and fireplaces. Owner Is open to creative offers. so submit on terms. $210.000. OlllH II Tll WEIT 1111 L.eguna Niguel 2 bdrm. 2 bath unit with view of the greenbelt all near private tennis end golf club. A perfect Investment $118,000. CALL FOR ADDRESSES 644-7020 r, .. t:a Orunu ..... ,., ,,,, •..... ,., ,,,, •...•...•••••........•••.••••.••.........•.. C1a111I IOll 81at11I 1001 ····················•·1······················ BETTER THAN A NEW HOME TOTALLY RESTTUlt, llHllLT I HIOIEUD HYASTATlllLY lTilllOTIVl ffll TtllY 1-1 1Ul HHIUn H , "IRVIH TUUH", 01111 lh·11 h .1 111111 \1 lu1h 11p11111 lllllll\ lo ,11'\flllt t' .I ''lwllt•I lh1lll llt \\ !111llh Ill ,1 l11v1•ly p11·~LIK• 11111111111111t\ N•• \.\,111111~ 1111 .,:1.,,, hi!-:''"' "' 11 .... , "' 111.111111 .11111 rm 111,.i f,1111.'\' Ill'\\ h1tlh•' p1111 1·11lu1 1 Tl11ic ~ttrj(i•uu-. 1·u~l•llll "'"''"' 1111 1•1• 'illU.lh>tl ,lt'l'tl"-' fiolll ,, dt•l1._:l&l l1tl p.11 I.. " Jll'I :! l11ll)ol hlt"·k-. lll l \.ilh11.1 l\.1 \ ,1\\ .111~ ', 1111· .11ln11r.1111111 h.11wh i.l \ii-wll h f1'\·11d1 11,,, 111 , I hd 1111, f11nn.1I 1111\111~ 1111, 'k \lit • 1•111111-:'. 1.111111\ rm. l 11dt' ,1\1 ·'" loll & -.p.11 klin~ 111 101 OH1•n>tl l>4.·h 1w 11•pl.w1•11w111 '""' .11 $1711. !'100 ( \'UU 11w11 1lw l11nd I. (>'"" $:!.111,111111 a~uniubl1• ''""' at 11 ~ Wt >W' i.fia!1tin11n & lru., ' ... ., .. tt\l'ulturn l'J •' ,,,.,,, ,,, ,,,, ·····••·•···••·····•·· f !!!~~ .~~~ .~~! •• !.~~! '.'.'..~!!! -~'-'· !.•.'! ...... • I '.'.'..~!!!-~'-'·!.•.'.~ ....... I ~'..~!!~-~'-'· !.~l.' ...... . f!!!~. ~!!! ...... !.~~~ ~!J?! •••••••••••• 1.~i! I !~!{'!~ ........... /.~~1 ... ~.It , ... , .... , 'lllllllM• l6)0 ti <IU1>I .. owr: 1•1 12 .... IOllU •••Ill Ill• ·1u111flhr1:11111 t ••i. '1011 At.aria ..,., .. '" •1111 1111 .. 11 lh1t 'u•l/61111 I '> llwuu11b~1 "Ill /0~11 JllMlll CHH 1• 1 A N J O n n1 " 1 11 1111t1tntl•ll Ot""" Vu 11111 lnr poul f"ll' A11111 ,,,~ 1!10 9lll'i lfAHOR VllW lflLU Sauullte Lusk ht1H 011 fH 111111. 3 Ir, 2 la, II• I 1111• '"'· Ira flM tM1 111 HttnltlH, Ira tr H 1tt. 11 Ow11tr. fHTllll COHO J 11n lti• ' ... , "'" .11.11• IOl & UJlll.I I IJ• 'I"'' tUlt •• • •.11> 0011 •r111 onty .,_. 1 1 4 t,•, '' ll•h '"'. 13000 DOWN N11 u JU1 JI.I• r '""" 14• •1w1111y111u \llJ uoo c ,,.. lltil I t)l\1 11'>!.~ HST f Siii LOGUION .I 1111 I lut "'' ¥11 A ""I Ii.lull $1'42.lltlll hy """"'" I '"" .\ A M C..11 9J'•'> NO lJOWN \114 \IOU I I' 1 '11 (.<111110 NlllU •, l · f'Huu "' " A l1Wf1Ut tnokui Jtrll •t4'!i 1'J4/ s 3 u , o o o . c • 11 --1-,-0·w·.·u-· 140-lOOl. I O M l'l l 1 t l v UI' IUOlf COTTAGE c,llAllfO lfln 11.u1 Su of l'I ti ) hdiml tlOMI C.Ol 1 Uol l•Ant Alli " l V nM AC.C.l N I 1111111 I ~l,1111111111 qlr ~ f Ow Wllllll l'ANfl INI "11111011111 1111 S l!Ht '>00 Llll,.ht ""'" •;1,..,. lliirut II UlllC I\ I fll'I C l100I 1 ANOS (;Al'INC. w .\ ( u T'l'1 lo' I I Al'l'l l OflANl•I f!VO C1111 "'" IOZf .•.•.....••.•......... CllllHLU STYLE ( Al)n IHEl :., MllC' 'tl'lllNKI 111 ~. (.;OVl 11 111 l'A I ltl l'l IJ'. C.A /l UO & I I N( I !> IN II\ l'AnKINO $1:.IJ \)Ill) :i•b 337!> LUXURY I LOW PUllHTI S,1111111 1 'I w 1h•11" k It•'-' 11liu rr1• .• I Ill! '.! II\ 11111111, 11111111. pt 1\ .111 'l111d1 ·1 k all 11111 111•1• 11\\llt r \. .. 111 1,111 y l.11g1 .'rul 111 ii Ill' 1 1111111·1h111•dlo~·1.\ll1lllJ DECORATOR FUlllTURE IMCLUDED l 1u1 g• ""' 1 w t 11 1, • I. / HI< .! H.1 " 11 h tit 11 1111111,oJ d1111rrg 0111·.1, (,11 g1 tl1·1 k I" 1 I•• I li111111 1<11 1 1111 ·1 t.11111111-'. l '.di 1111· I ,,,, ,., , ,, t 111.1111 111g 11.! l!J .11111 LYNN MURPHY 651-8451 'Iarbell, REALTORS. HuntlnflOn Ol:. t B\l'f IN IHJ lllvlNI •~•ell IOfO 1 111.ul 1111lt11<.111g •u ,,. I •. •• •• ••••• •••• •• • •• •• t>IJtti lu•u\ Nr ttt.hnp1-. 4 011 THE H•D n. lb '. 111 d11 M11y (.•It t y ;/t1LJ iJy fJW ht•f lantr Foreclosure ~· 111741 91><'!> ,• •1l1Jty 2 htJrrn I'• llll I 11"•'1 It C1J110o 1.u up 11,aru llu Sun l•J•ac111111 <'ll• r>uol '''""'' wt1r(lhl don S 1115 ooo o w""' ruun1 ,uh pu1~1r10 I m1111<.1•1q tJf'~ ~t.'0 ''''I Ch r•un t111ll flttH Viuw 7~'1 1l'Ot. I 1~11111 ••I '141) 500 ''" non 11110 .. r "''"~•·• All L11,un• Buell 1048 , ·''" t" rww Im C...rt•ut S~ilt: ~;·,:,:,~;, ·,;,:,~;,;, ·;t;,:; t;i1p v 1111 ,,0111t.H.u1u wttCJ 1,1 ., J I t f. ' io '"' '·•··t Aueot , .. .,.,, .•. 't,,., . ':'.'..~!!! -~'-'· !!.1! ....... '!.'..~!!~ .~'.' .. ~'.1! ....... 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"''"" 11111n1111 1"~ 1.1111 Agll I 1 "'~ ~ Mtrrti •,~t. ~'>!'18 ---------1111( \ 1!1\1 000 I II lin (..(11"1 &41·H4l I"' OWNl 14 I Ort ltOu~•· ----------•1'11 111y cill• 1 1t4'i 111141 WHTCLIFF orH HOUSES 1222 SUSSEX ! .ruot t urnly htUfltt CJw I 111•1 111111111 "'U U>UllUhh< 4 11<11111 J OUll" "''"' l.ll<JO ~lltltHI Mitllf 1111 clrtcl h11tlUll'' \;> l7 OIJCJ Ol'E:N '•UNl.JAV I II 1112 WUTCLIFF AllQ1'1 1tu1t1 II 1u•11 rl(ll•I llt•'I huy 111 r11'1Qhhttt t1ucnJ• Oramjatic. <S~tt), l,1H)" ~ l:idtm I I .1111 h1uti bt•,trfHHJ c. • ••unr~ 1 $:.O';'t 000 I .llAllMIN(; WANTS A FAMILY Ill A~ONAlll r FINAN ( lllf. •,uo tt11h ~'\11, • ., 11t•1 K111q~ 111Ht.ti S IJ11 •,111) Of>f N •,A I ~lJN IJ ol A8'tl A1111 4114 7 /'j4 lar&ain Priced 'il:11 IU.a l.1m "" 11001 11 ·10 11'""'"1' w •• y \1 1:• 000 t . .i1, 1)7'111 OPU SAT SUN 1-5 £ ,.,1111u11 mon "I 11 ( •dltltt fHI lilll\11) flt\ (.hfl ht>fht'I Attu1,ut1t•t 1111 luOu ti/'1 'J4fl(J Wt if h1JI ,1 111 tf'Jf&i(.Vl Ht1tj ' • ., U·U••''" A ... ,,, ... , DISTRESS SALE H • lt11tr1 ,u,tJ tJ'tl'Wr.•• will Ut Ac 11 '' • 1 ht Ip 1111,1111 u tH I 11 f<I '" '•"" :Sl.i~b TRADITIONAL. REALTY l',llAI A l'llC.f ()I rirw1 IJF-11 Ooplt'~ t lrt, tit 1,c t 4 lH 11hl• I fir c )111, S?b'1 1)00 ( ANA1 I llCJNI 4 llt ~ hi.., .. to heh \',<>tii ClttiNr (IW( 11 '' I 11 I ~ ~,'l}f)l1 ·r1o1, 1.1~0 fJ(J(I U[ Al.I! ll(Jl):,f I hr $ lJ'JK V./111 tllM •1u1tl It• $1;>(111. lur 1Ju1••r "' 111 \40K llll""' DOOUIDE R.E. Ni nfa I Orai& O'l rien 140·1201 REDUCED TO SELL a•J<1 """'' ,,,,,,,_ .. ,, ... ~ ''"', I• .tll;f•• l1t1dfH.lflt/ ttJl f "ult•r ~·•'"' 11 I .t 'I , 1 t Iv c u to rt ~,,, 111t , 1 l 1Ht~1 t\p,11 i ,,., I 11 t M111u,n ' '' '' t nit•• I 1•11 f / 14 ) fff f1 flO I ' '• Wt!~I lhlh •I 1 II II TRIPLEX NR. I LUFf S HJ f'\ r1hl \ ,,,,. 11J1 , •H"'•O•lh \t,tHi1 t I 11 •t lj .. f I /~ t . 79 UNITS •11• ,ih1111·.t '· ·•' f • ,, 1 '.. "' '" , , •;fol 11.u • I I l.ttul ._.,,, If •1 , , 1111\ll .... li1nq b4U '•'•hO d .1y 111 t>11 1•n111•1 l .1-,tb lu tl 1'11 >lt.•..,-,1on.-i l HldlJ l•l•l'I~ J hllrr11 wtlgel !11 nul~ '"' an quuft ""'"•.it ll"••ul1l11I h1u<1 w11ot11---------• 11110" C•ose 10 •• "'"'11 DISTRESSED '> l 1 8 IUll A-.k '"' J1111 1111110 l I Iii ~ .. r ·•11 •· l)\J1t11•ct tflu"~ h11t a.. ,,a tu;' ,: hit If k •• CC> OC.."·'" Mnl1vt1l11il Muu• Owrtur~ I 111 " 1..ilk1 ~'14 1272 u2 -uoo I rm! 4 lttJfOl"\ hJt f l'W U1d f1 I $1/'10011 A•JI '11 0, Fiullt 111" 0 C f AN 11 M I N 1111 W Hf)MI t u q11.11tJ 1•rt ,.111 If I fl ,,,,fy t >Jn1r1 •irJIJ!)•~ !,utt t ~ l'to•, Yu hi Rtt'l(1ll1b·' • \\\11111111,1 -~ 1•1•' •. , ,,..~ NI W Al I OllUAIJI f IHJ~!I( l.ttAAM '""' 1hopp1no $ 11'11100 · t •• 11 979 5370 PROPHTIES 5 U•ITS $55,000 DI LIDO ISLE llOIH 701 Vil LIH IHI OPEi HI 1-1 Pnmt.· Lido Nord buyfront. 5 bd1111. ~'. h.11h L~1· L R ,ur •vn<I . :.! wal '''Ill> $1.:11111.lllhl Rt'mlldt•l1>tl :J bdrm. 2 b1t1h • l.1rtot" f•'-1111 tx•am t't'tltn~s. furrnsht.-d, j)<lll•IS $4:.!0.UOIJ PHllSUU NOME Ol<t'an & Jl'llY vwws Manni' rc">111. 4 lxlnn, .I balh 3700 sq fl $1 .385,000 C.A.vanfrunl Lllll ISLE ll Yf IOIT Lagoon Vlt'W from 6 bdm1. 5 bath. µl.1yr0t1m, dark m1. den Boot shp Now $1,()()(1,000 ll YSllE PUCE SJ>(.'<'tacular bay front dplx :! br. 2 bu up, :! br 2 ba dn 2 boal spat't.'S~ Rrout't'd $1 !'!IHl,000 FllRllllS llllCM Nl'w 4 br. 4 ' i ba, custom F rench Nurm.rndy E.c;wtc• 1 2 prime ac h illtop $1.250.000 &YlLOI Fi,. -.1111pl1· :! 111 c 111tage un t1u1t I [)\ -.c..111-.0 ')\ \Ill FluL'I Hl-tlUl't:<l IO $1 00,UO\I CIROlllO CAYS Coronado Island cust bayfront lut 85 bt1Jt duck. Plans avail Now $370,000 w iwrms BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR 341 Boy\1dr Dr••<' ~ B b1~ bib\ 1l1JH1 Jllu' 1006 t······················ HLIOA ISUIO Owner say sell 1n one w~ Priced so low 11 s under 101 value at $275, 000 A 3 bdrm oarllng plus gut1~1 in super IOG8· OPEi llOHH 1-5 tion CITE OIM COJTHE luch TiMt Rulty. 2 • • 2 I t I 113-H 11 Oem r ti ft" 0 I ti· -- llltlll with 01111•, ''" l1lH1 ~ ... colll11s, ~rick ••• ~!~!'!!~!~ ..•.. !.~! llrt,IHI. hHr Wiii --------1 assist flHHHll wftlt HAPP'f·D•ys or yours & THANKS-See 3 Bdrm CHiii Ill••• ,., ... ,. GtVING·you lun 4 beach $1 H,100. 111 Iris. excellent flnanc.ng ova1- MllHI LHllY lable Move rn for 1urtcey day 11 111111 Oerua lllel OPEi SHIU 1-1 Mar, 11' t11lttlll otl-1525 E. OCUI ll11s, skylltH, walls 142-1200 tf &IUl1 Jtf Hr4Ht .\'t >ll/ 1/J.•11 Mt .61 I • l~\.I ... If.AI.,.,..., HTHT&llHS IELllMT MISA VUH bt11•vl1lullt1 remodeled ll Bd•m p•u~ nuge lam11~ room lealurtng Frenc:.r <1oors !'no wandowii. al new 1<11cnen profess10 n11llv landscaped f!onl and back Wtlh exrens•~f use ol bratk Ouallly de i;o1l\l1ng th1uoul TERRI r1c FINANCING Askin' S:l39 000 For an 11p porn1men1 10 see cal ~40 1151 WILi TO IHI IAY J BA on LARGE LOT u~ed bricl<. !treplace anc ... illl<u19 d1s1ance lo Bae~ t.ay JO y1 11ssumable a 10' ,•, On 8 Cul·de·sa< too• Only S 122.900 Cal now 979·5370 .l{ >I l / tl J.• 11 R(&Lf~ & •P-flft:~T ... f NT~ Wt Want lut! Me'a Ve1de Bt>auty JBr den new pool spa cp1s pa1n1 530.000 dwn TOI $ 179 000 Allis welcome 751·0401 OPH lfOllSE HHAY 1-5 3011 Pre11e Or 3 bdrm ltv rm wl lrplc 11. baths Neal crean gooO 1oc 8• own&< 966·2481 75 I .54 18 Mesa Veroe 3Br d11n $90K loan 12 F I S 129 900. op Sal 1u1 1 5 3069 G1Drn11e 545·2883 Vl/FH THIS Snarp 3 Borm lero• corner 101 AV acce!s Spa new pa1n1 end rool copper plumt>lng cul d• sac 1tree1 GAEA T Fl NANCING TEAMS As 1 .. ng only $ 105 000 Cal 540·' 151 •••lllsoa,111 1 ••• ,.. rm ,,, .. ,,. i llllr•s, 4 . : . · OILY 1% DOWll btlts I fa•ilJ rH• 5 Bdrm 2' tba. 1906 sll 11111 Slll4tck, Ttl $189500 Assume loan 11111y ••••ltitS te owe Dal pranc on1y ---------·1 544-8390 838·9851 list. Flnl~lt ter•s. U40,000. 111 Mari-II TME SHI OPH HOUSE HHAI• 14 The Pacific ocean •S your Sat/Sun Lut 2 Oay· 11 Iron• yard when you Detore liSt•no Bt!&I real COLI°' NftfPORT I MAL TOM UU 'L c-t ltwf c--.i•• 171·H1' _, purchase lhlS OUISllO· IO<S lee . seve $$$ 2 bd d•ng vatue home 4 2, ba Laurel P1 Town Bdrms. 2 balhs. ut•lily home By o w ne r rm lrplc oversz 2 car 631-f\381. 835·0222 gar Don I wall • th•s --iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilr-• properly w111 sell quickly 111 TIM E ON MARKET $675 000 bHllHt 132-1100 IHT YILIE I 6)~ SPYIUU Large 5 bdrm home w11h spectecul1r view of the valley. night 11gn1s 4 BIRD 1.'7 2 ''t St CM I~/ M<111ltt V1s1a CM (''i;l\I 0 1onge Avtt . CM M ake on 0111111 645·916' • OPEN HOUSE REAL TY /. GPU SAT /SUI 1-4 Reduced to $129 950 10•. down 01 new VA u1 I? '• 4 SA 18ni rm many eal18!> 1213 Mc Cormack 1w ~111rv1l!w & Nl 8aker1 JIM WELlS REALIOA 557 626~ 979 263 I OWNER MES " VERDE JBr CIOOI 20A ~rllOll5t OIJI w1$8 000 dwn 1'1en1 S87S mo ~4 1 8077 Es1 'de Gonoo 3 bo. c car oa1ayl' 20 K Down St ;?001mo 8 kr I b• } IJ.1 rum rm 1t;L8 "4 II 1l8K LA1MBren Al TV 6 INV !>411 "'l:iu \164 0221 S'6CIOUS IEACH HOME 5 Bd1 4'> Bu 3·Sly. 3000 '>Q II + rivt;i 900 sq It ol ll.alt uny Some ocean ••t'w 1 "'" •o 1Je1.1cn S285 000 f P See owner •n ad1 nous11 a1 206 15th SI 536· 1718 TWO BEDROOM 1111 ba tw•hst, adult comm . Waltr to buch. Tennis, ,001, utra clun. S 115, 000 Own11 H2·1410 GREAT LOC.ATION 3 oo 2 bu lrpl $122 000 Obo. o w e 213.530.5159 1 t Al I Jl) Al~N OOflAti OCEU VIEW u•ns SACRIFICE S 15,450 159·0619 fol,.,,. 'j,,,. lt ( '" ,. I I f' 'o7'•' r)f•U I .1•11 h 11 Ill.I, ,,,., •' II <,h,111)ttriU 11parl nitl11IS l•--------- ir1 Norlh Lt19un.i, rloatt to ·---------u>ttry1n1ng l1ce11e111 1 .. noncmg $565 000 llUFFS IHCAI• P1 II .. IU'>I ri,(luc;.,o ,, ,,,,,. NfJwf,(Jfl nh111ci qu "' r ul ll• ~ 1C lg .. ~.hJde tff•t:ft Ir''" qatt~cJ pvl cour1y1uo wl~IJd ;';>00 sq II !:.11g1 'ti' ktl ~~(R[ATM I PORTFOLIO ' r,oori '•' 1 c.M tt,,,.,,, 1, ,,,. d .. •"t--: ,, • 1101. 1 I 1')&+_., COUlfTRY FRUICH S1towcaw home 3 8R 2 B,1 frenc.h 0001~ ga1 den WlllOOW!> :;ltyltghl Ott'tlll Vl!'W $799 ~00 Vr>u own lht1 land ?.01)0 ~q II 3Br t.:im rm ? 1 I Bu wicll' G1ePnllel1 """' p11 11 F .. 1 llelow m a1 ~ .,1 $<'35 000 Will leas" 11µ 11on Bkr b44·0134 ~OPEl!TllS IN( ,,.1, ,., ..... firm r.,ril/ h..-r WOODS COVE C lugant 2 BA 1us1 a lew 111oc~s rrom beacn Au511c selling oteon VlttW '>PO $314.500 REDUCED! c t•,_.,n w t.1t1 rJl--1.JS1 '"' r1uqt' 011111 'I rm q1u11I S J 11x:>5 '•'" .iy room 1 •n Uln 1>1...i11uu1 c1q~ 2na 11uqe C1oisl11no 1018 ')1f1nc tplt O'Wet 5'1l8d Jtrl •• •• .'\ • • • ••• • •• • • •••• • C '""" 1.11 1 r!f•sh '""ov WIDOW DISTRESS 10 rnovt• nl1 Now only \n4 500 ·,~11. 1400 SALE! IEST IUY Cn3rm•ng hghl dllO ""Y 3 BR LOIS or S1Jarl1Sh lilP dee k s spa 1'>''• OOWll $204 500 S EAVIEW eleg.rnl IS chJrm1ng Hami:-1on Model 1a11u1ous 111ews I ottcor s1>a µ11va1e c.omm w1µ001 & tennis r.,6 I!l.:!~1..;!'T'Jiil r3c11t11e., $d')0000 Open , ... : W UJ\\J House Sal< Sun 12 5 __ -•••• 11.1 ( r1armm9 J bE>oror,n :i tlillh :t <olOry OCP8rt _,.,.,., 11e1me 1n '>ltll lovely ~ar• Juon Cdp1s1ra110 o • a p11va1e cul de sac Many w19raOPS Move n c;,-,n l.l111or1 Nl!ll IJelow mar~ "' o! cour ~t· 01111.> ··ale Oes11e11 w1~n 10 relot.ili. l.dll 4!1b ')880 3100 SQ.FT. 1 'l O 3 v u c. 11 1 r. u I 1 '' ;i 11 (,44 10 17 4 BA, new cus1om home Secluded 1elt•ng superb ESTATE HOME ocean view 13'>' 11 BJt~ Bav dtea 3 61 2 • nanc.ng S•35 000 a.i ?500 SQ 11 Secu111y 494-1551 1101e privtllt' commullllv Hillit McCormaetr RE s395 oon 5"• Down win CllFFHAVE• VIEW I Qµen Svndoy 1 5 321 11.trogs H<1'tll SALE OR LEASE OR OPTION J BR 'JBA Eh owr1fH I Ol<r 641; ';,T t<• 6 U.ITS·COSTA MESA $388,000 o wr1r A~ /JM. 1 lQ ll•A 1~ MOllLE HOM£ rARIC 1695,000 r~ E "''' ' ot,<,,. r,. IRAO[ '(J •'•IS tJ!.t\•".-ldt•t ct. ~U·•Ot:t" # b41 351J $301 IUOW COMPS! LEASE OPTION $12,000 DOWN $800 MO C-Ort'>tdt'r II Jd~'> elc:. I 01Jt:n Su11 1 6 937 Aca Arrn1i.1ge Really , vulrn Arc.r. Beacn t1g1s 714·5••·2484 lHUFFS c '"''''fen S 11 !>in I~ 4 ""wly <I"< 1 DI ~ 1 l'l 500 :?438 Vt51.l HOQJI Agl 760 079S f~.~~~1.!.~~~t ... !.~~! 111 .: .. BEACHFRONT . l • '642-6153 APP•O• S40 000 dwn or f'•eG 4 Br 2'. Ba Warn 01e1on Village oeau1y nr S C P1a1e $227 500 I Ttl1ms• Jonn Zarvos bl<r I 760 9669 ASSUME l 'h% Yl Near S C Plaza. 3Br 2b8 lllJ $125,000 8~ o"ner 540·0•50 SI 17 000 ASSUMABL [ FIN.AN·' CING I Fnd 01 cul oe sac. home. JBr I >Ba ~ der• lrptc, ll••w c;pl new rool dbl q.irage w ~t!paralt' AV ""'rnnce Lg \lac~ yo w lrut1 irees By Ownor Open House Sun 1·4 18171 Vellea e11cle 84 7 2593 642·6912 llW EASTS.DE •Owne1 Despe1a1e 4 bdrm 1>ool nomo e•· 3Br 1'.81 frp1c 10• • II eel rerms Owner moh- n:inc1ng volel.I S 151ke 10 bencn 0••• SunllllJ PM. Super l•nancing ava11a. 212 s •••• TtllllS blfl A5 low 85 5~. do .... n Agt 645_3.., 1 paymen1 w11n low 1n1e • 1es1 vacan1 2 yea1 old condo Tile root patio IY IWllR/5 Hiii garage l1rep1ece leroe App•o• 3200 SQ It 2'. 2 mas1er bdrm Compere Gllr gor Santo Ana Hg1s ttl $109.900 772· 7281 across Ir om Cou n Ir y ·-W-A•L•K•E•R•4-L•E•E-A•E-tr, Club 1691( 540·8062 USTSIDE POOL NOME !~!~'!t .......... J.~~1 Remoaeleo 3 Br 3 Bil nome w1111 oen lo1ma1 din1n9 room and Fre11cn ooor s Huge pal•O ano prJol Possible leas .. op- 11on A stc ing $235 000 6'31·7311) or 540-0312 TRADITIONAL Rf.ALTY TURTLHGCI FOllMH Hiil Huoe 4 Bdrm 2 • Ba A1C & spa on e1t11e la1ge 101 Super tinancmo avail Ma~e me an oller Aslo.•ng $235 000 Opn Sol/Sun 1 5 1889 1 A ntioch Call Robin '>52·7500 or 646-7276 Prtce below market lor Quick sale 2 Br condo an Gorgeous 3 bi "i lumily Gorgeou'> newly 1emod I J ba 180 Ocean1C11y view Obi 101 $325 000 nomP in '" "1 bCh com· m1v J Br 6 lam rm Sub m' 1 down B k r Super lf'rm& may rr11oe t.75·2172, 499·3563 $ t89K lee con,.irtoon EMERALD HY f'R I VATE BfACH COMM LOYH!51 1Jt1Ced l.1mily nome w Ott'~" vu•"' & pool Ju\1 ••5led a1 S395 000 Call Dov10 Hir5C.hler or Rod Da•e~ 644 7020 U•&O RUl ESTATE CHARM IY THE SU OPEN I 4PM 1.i•, La Stea Ott!&l'l v•ew 3 BR I ba d 1nP r rn hard .... OOd floors F1r;ncn doors ar ched windows courtyard ' b>ej rot S329 000 12• .• l1nanc1ng lkr. l 14·494-4114 •EEDS RHOVUlllC Emerald Bay 3 BA 3 • Du unlin1sned art'lll v1Pw $425 000 ltrr. l 14·494·4614 Lower ThrPe Arch Bay Oc<>Jn v1t1w 4 1>d1 m~ Mu'>1 sell dras11c 1e1J.ic l•On O"'nt'r 499-3144 IJQ DOWN NO POINTS NO BALLOONS' Ocl'anlron1 2 br Iba 10- 111 pymls S1775 mo Owner dQI 494· 10q6 Pv!> Only $269 900 645·6218 l.E1\SF UPTH 'N I IJ\ H ROH f{I! ~;I·'. l'u,111111 \'11 \\ 11111111' S!'U 0110 11plu1n tr.urw\ i f\..,.fr• '""'' 'l 1-i.ttl $I ..!~•·' ~HH llC CHYO. Xln t ~•"w E q;,ondeo Monaco wl)O<J 11oor~ 3 bd Frenc.h ors .\ more 5665 000 MUST SEE Open Sun 1 ·5 PM 7 Aue Chaleav Roya• 644 s 11& woodb11dge w1good o15-Li1,u1r1 Hill• J 050 ~vmaDte loan Onry $C)9 • • • •••••••••••••••••• New,ert/laycrtst II 3 Borm 2 , ba 1am11y room pool Buy fftr 575 000 BELOW MARl\E T 11 $:>25 000 P11 IJlilfly pronctl)Als on 1y 662 7361 83& 0784 ""t!S HELP! 000 551 3000 eg1 I Beau111u1 uf)9raded Sania Barb conoo 1n laouna TURTLEllOClt Vig EXTRAS 0AL0Rft11 CUDU HOME Must see• s 124 soo P11tPO below appraised ".~~. ~ •• ~P~!!'.R voilu., Cu-;1om 3 bdrm 4 ua Ma~t-o ller Open S"n I ~ 8 83 ">11rls1oe ----------l(W CUSTOM Agl 213 S92·Jl56 WATERFRONT HOME Wt1lminslt1 I 098 $595,000 a·;:~·~~·u·;: ";;·;:·n·; lnduslri1/ Orie~ lor )0 tlOdl Sleps 8845 Orrey P1 JB1 u,J· p 2100 10 lido V1ll•Q" 'l •oe g radeo $'<6 •,oo .... ~~!!~ ......... .. 11\l•ms ;. l dlh'> Open fjq4·8527 5 11 b -;.,, 1 c, w:i 361h 5'1 OOWN! 'I ti1J Jf63 A gl l t:i73·6776 AtJ• ~!~.'!.f'.~~~-~S.'.'!!. .... rRICES REDUCEO! 5rn.:.1:11 ,, t1 •· .• r _________ 1 /llobilt Hom ts I J,, ~" , ~~~~ ~= T IOONn \~~ .!.O.'.!.'!! •••••••• !.',qq ~=:~'.-r :•, 1 , ,.4r .,.11111~ E1a~~ fld/ 30r w lg •EWPORT IUOH 1 1 Ou•S•dnO • 1 ! • ,, 1 1 1 tpncl'd ,0 •dm rm "£"' Bt'• A "P Ho mP 1t91 1 "'' •a<I 1:111 P "'' hi '' " stuel10 qa n1er•o1s ~ bOrrr 1 I a•i Ashwill-l urke, lkr. i,tql' .,. ,.1,.c:tnc ,kyl1IP 1 •ron1 ~11c1>or• e•µ1111deol (7 14 752 0100 Only S1~S 000 Ow11e1 l1v dm111g area Voungj ) " na~ b011Ql'I an.,tne1 Adulls ~ r.iets .. e1come I ~~:n ~ ;;5~ot11 Sub· :~4 ~~~ 4~4oMs:;~1u .. er t~!J~~it'!!-t:~·~f·~~~ TIERRA Dl'I SOL RL TV Cr,ach C.l1J'><.1(. lt•ga• 1n r I(. ' ,, ' 11 ,. "'d . 497 1744 () l. cou•ts a ' gooo t.io , r , r .i•d ~ OI.'\( 10% DOWN A t>l'dt<>um an Haruar Vi""' 11oml'S S?59 900 ft>(' GtrrJ & Christa THE STAHES CO. 113· lll 1; 760-1391 PUTHOUSE W11n m11gn1l1cen1 ocean ;. b.iy ~•ew ;> BR 2 IJe $4;>5 000 r ·"" Ownt!r 67!> 9400 l •IJO , .. , .. ~ n• 35 IOI •st 111ne 1 rttelt' arrv S395 000 B•• t.46 3949 c.Ctno r·HO<J' Pd••tl ~e .. s I ~ '.,t 'n I t f t1 (Jll .. r Ldll Don ~s' 0880 )f \IE. ( Jl'1•,G ..... (A • ur 581 504;> AC o11•1lf'U I./ ~I Y ' I A p I IJSO ~ t~f ... r o, , ~.~ ... u .-• !H .... !~l!!!Y.... •• • • r dr c:;" ,,~ ... Older Duplt>• near 451h s1 l•u11 Spa~'"' • NB J Ur ') IJa UPSlair~ $48,500 .• tr 1 1;.1 do ... ns1airs GROVE t. • 1- W11 send~ s ror S'OO OED t.< 'b • f 000 or "''11 tl•J••Cl 10 su11 q •4 AG lh te>r S87S 000 & tJIJ 1p1;in5 S dpproval~ Olllil•11ttd1 Arm 1;iye Rr11 l y j 14 544 ;>484 9' Ove C Jr, owe,.,, 10 1 ~r~ A'> ' A·• 71 4 i C.<, 1J I 11e.ill1 • 14 ·~ Owne1 boughl ano1her ano muSI Sell lhlS gor· gti10<JS 4 Br Mesa WOO<lS Every upgr &de super lt'rms Mnke oiler 8kr 8•6-0709 4 Br 2' 1 Ba o~e< 2500 OPEN SUNDAY I s I w/3 lrplcs. on a lrg 855 3017 ---------1111(5 8<1rm Som1>rsf.'I Harbor IEWPOIT View Hl)mr•~ 1irn1.is11c Oupl!' • on 1111• sand .lOll• ~I NB lil'..,,I~ •PmOdPleO 1n and out 3 or 2 oa ups1a11s < bl 1 bu downstairs Mon to•,, down owe balance al 1J q•, for 5 yrs Grea1 tor I summe1 ren1a1s $735 000 .Aqn11a9e Really 714 544 :>484 HUGE OCEAN VIEW LOTS TWO STORY EL!tHCE low hi Ltw hJ· •Hhl HU H2r000 corner 101 Pr1ce0 under marl<e l al $289 500 w S2 16 000 tn assuma· Die loans Opn Sunday 1 5 . 24 H 1llor 11ss 552·1500 FORECLOSURE SALE lmmac Woodbridge nome 2 br 2 b& Ma~e any oller O w ner 857·2045 LOCATION LOCATION f!1.~11~.~J1.u.~L. !.~H VILLE DE CERISE BEAUTIFUL OLD WORLD TOWNHOMES By Howard Marlo. Co from S 159.000 495 3244 760·9355 •LOW DOW•• Co"A~E 1 0111er 1n1 Aedut"d ro • S'~O 000 SPnOuS Sl'lier BLOCKS TO BEACH• Agl •94 1840 $ 165,000 CALL NOW 145-0303 COLDWeu. BANl(C!RO ILUFFS MuSI sell 3 8drm ? b8 ''"Ole siory Linda pion Only $12.500 dn 10 lullv amor1 Ins S 195 000 Owner agl 553 1006 low price grea1 terms. 2 -iiiiii,oouiiiiiii'iii' iii~iiiiiii-iiiiiii,_iiiiiiii~ Sr 2 Ba • 5•8-649? llHT TO ow• 1 Bil< ro ocean JBr 2be L•oo Sands Comm pool S1?00 10 $14 00/mo OCEANFRONT TRADE .. HIRIOR llDIE LUST UPHSIVE JOHlllE MDL. pyml $179 000 $400•mo 1owords pur- chase pr1ce $3500 dn Pvl Pl'f 847 4788 •EW CUSTOM HACH HOM£ Only $25 000 down Ow· ner will carry bala11ce Bkr (2131 596 5847 (7141 892·0887 2 bllo.s lo ocean In New- porl Beacn R-2 Cornet IOI S 169 ~00 DEVIN REAL EST"TE 642·6368 Dupltxts/ Units for Sile 1100 ...•••••............•• ·n Sert JutJ•• (...i~ $1881)00 (JIL rtPtatt!i I~ 1.11 fiE I 0 '.,,. • r I /11011nl1in, Dtsttt, Rtsorl 2400 FOR RENT! ;> 1ienroom :? balM A 2 ~1or1es 1n Twin Pp,)lrts ,, Ld•e Atrowhe:i• )rP,,. H.i~ \lltllf.lns & I• "l•IB'P Fusi las1 A de(1n\•I '"' qu11ed (1111 "14 768 0 <8l· o n.; t pool & proll'sstonal ~ landscaping SOiid value llIA1J'at5 moun1a1n1 Be1ut1tu1 ~ Vl T11•sl Beeulll ully decorcitec throughout tnas 3 be droo"1 condo Almos 1600 sq It floor plan 01 lers 2'• belhs. dln1n1 room Aacreat1on•I 111<1 h1tes galore Oreel re auction 1n prace maoe lo quick sale Call lor de 1e1ls on lin1nc1no S 137 750 979 2390 Sll'BI 1he snow w11n 1n1s n1on1y pampered two story Gorden V11111 Dynamite s1y1e runs rampant lhruout walls of m11rors eno Deau11tu1 wood penehng Upper level 01!1ce and big eno beauhlul decora101 be· drooms Pvt coc1<1a1I pa- l •O over look.mg lusn grcienbelt Exc111ng low prtce ol $92 000 4 as low as 110.000 on. $812tmo pays all A MUST SEE TAKE ADVANTAGE 3 bdrm 2', be Plcin 3 1n Orchard Glen · Norlhwood' Very nice home Aar cond1Uon1ng. skvhOhl in hv1ng room E .. cellent cul de sec tocalion on quiet Side or the streel F11s1 escrow possible Cus1om home 3 Bdrms 4 bs, owertookmg saclu- dl'd sano>' beach l1111Hlll. Peuuslen Trade for condo sml home or paper No down I needed full prico St. 050 000 Agent 644 9513 View 01 ocean and c11y 11gn1s J bdrm :? rba plus o!l1ce 2 lrptcs $595 000 OP"" SundB)' 12 4 3 St Trope' Prict Just lltlllucolll Ft!t' land o Grecit assu· m11t1te loan Soartng cet· ltngs ;>"'O 101s or 11on1 ma•. e lh" conven1encly IOCOlt'd 3 Bd Westcltll !>rime ou1s1ano1ng Sh&r· Plv deco<alt-d <> lrptcs 4 nughl' ore oen $249 500 OP!'n 1·!1 Sund11y 1337 Susse• Lene 645 7 408 Two r11plexes C M 7 50' • d wn breai.. even Two 2 Br our;lt>u•s C ~·de C M $142K ea Low own One yr new N B ouple~ 1n loreciosu•" Agl Stte ryl 556 e 191 640 7814 Or 963· 7600 661 0657 lll<Pe~c1..I) l'Yt nlngs atu>r r. p "' 11 l'lO answer p1ea~.-~ePi: 1ry1ng ·' et $525.000 Sl10P & compere ~ -f!!!!.~.~!~.~!!~.!.~~-•FULL OCEAN VU'ill' 300K loan J&1m1ne Crk Owner/Agent 640· 1515 u I ... Ctllt LIT &QYDtiY 1 w~~ ~~e/164~~a~::c 631 -3444 CAMEO SHORES. by ow-. __ --j ner. ocean view. 4 BA. 5 DB. den, pool. 1ac 2 ~ Aaihla Biiii JotH wecbara New roof, cat· • •••••••••••••••••••••• pet. orepes S595.000. 11&11• Ill.LI Buyer anume 111 at 1'·"1. Down payment la.t f•rt•l•Hrt s 146.ooo o w e S4oo. 5 yr old S & S Home 000 at 12•1. for tO ye11r• 2672 sq It Pool with 760-1734 swim up Dar In cave 12s.ooo below ml rket OWNEAIAOT DUPLEX 20% dn 12 2% interest Aaelueed co $250.000 Agt Jim $31·8100 OWC 12't. • SS0.000 dn 675·3063 or 679·9667 "'"' /ti,., I Hf tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii_.lii'iillliiiil •••••••••••••••••••••• AlTllllTIYI LfTfU 10 l elture WOfld or Fun Ill.NA llLAlt City! NO Cir nHOed. AEDUCED I V 1150.0001 b an k•. rHlaurant1 & l y o-lat time otfe-•noc>s ne8fby Well built * I t 1545,000 8pac. 2 bd•m tloma. llrtj)l.C., OO!ft1ll, remodel.CS home l'lerdWOOd llOOtt. 111 lath & unit 3 &fl. 2·~ BA. 2 & Platter ptu1 a em~ll l<Jll". MW kit • lorm di-a•udlo for utra Income. MIO. Mt Der, tkyllohtt, 1229.500 p1tlo. Sunny back unit 411·411~ hftlHn h• I Ir. I 81. IO-new .,. I a.a. 1 • kit & din ., .. 3 car gar 1 11 ..,, "" ..,ece Corner tot Cour· (p .LI H_ . t.ey 10 btlltt 121-121·~ f?()t.olta an vnm Abalone. 840·'424 or ta. ... ..L-.....l.'-· 1tf.0111. ••1-..rfW'""V NO dn, 10~ ln11..! BA. Gl/J-8~/H iqpe '° ._, .-..ooo. 111'1 I ......__ -..._ 111 Cotttn1. 141·4380. • -.......,. .. -4t4-0MI 'ltsa Y11lll1' '°IL/SPA Sp11r khng clean 1nsro1 ano oulllde Lovely • bedroom 3 batl1 nome Formal dining room Fa m1ly room with panei1n1 and cheery 11replac e Lo11 ot briCkwork on lh• pa110 8BO and llreplt Super home lor enterta• nlng Prlc1d 11 1u1 5279,900 Call 979·2390 YHt •tlllHfft•I h~e adv1ntage ot 1111 l1rge reduc tion 1u1 made A r111 11crlllce a the price Lovely 3 be droom r ancher wllh II v1ng room end fireplace Heereo SPA, two pallc rooms S1orage ahed i nd much more Com1 cino 111<.1 a paekt No• ll1ted 11 1 112.000 Ce 979·2390 tlt·H'9 3101 S. IAISTOL SANlA ANA ·r<1rl>f 11, HI .\I I C Ht't " .... Alli APPfOll 'II elite/ cuf.dt tee. 2 er 1 aa. fetftlty f dining '"''· w/canyo1 1oc111on. Ill•• prlc• 1 111.-00 Mt. cnri.11n1 °"""' / "91 u , ..,. ,, OHTURY 21 WALi-ii RULTY 114-3311 IUOI URHI• HEAM IOMll FULL PRIOI $111000 Tnls bright and cheery Garden VIiie tends •tsell to n1gh·1tyle tlv•ng wrlh luxurious earlh lone cer- ~tlng lhruout Beaurllul well co-ord1n11e d win· dow 1rea1ments 4 mes- sive king 11ze bdrm• 111 set in prime location A real gem of 11 buy at lhe low p rice ot $69,000 $5000 moYt!S you In w/ lov. mon1n1y pymls of $711 HURRY won't 1a11• Cl=1tH 21 Wlll·tl HALTI Mt·IOIO '"" ... 1-1 Condo• with beaulllul view 2 10 I 8th Pt ace. Coll• MON (18th Pl11ae at Oreno-1 615-1642 UITllll 811,000 HWI AUUIM 11 60"11 VA Ill of '97,500 and llkt o.,,., 2nd Lovely 4 Br w/famlly rm 8...., 11 mOllvtttd Coll D i an o C1ppet1 !'.~•!!~!' .. ~W! .... !.D.6.l 2 Bdrm Fm1slerre on lake MISSl()n Viejo $139.000 Submit o ffers P O Bo• 1784, N B 92863 ~.'.'!r.!!.~!~!~ .•. !.~~? Musi t ell now• Make offer Wiii lraoa down lmmec 4 Br Harbor A•doe AS· king S650 000 Agt 494· 1840 The lnteSI drew In the Wesl 11 D11ly PllOI C1111sllied ArJ C•ll Today 642-5678 ,,.;., 1041 t•••·················· a~ llULU LH&nl FOil Tll Pllllllll .. AL. PHI• Th1i. Irvine Or:inR<'lrN• ·rc•rr. N' <.:n ntl o l n<.•a t1•d n t>xl t n Saddlt>back North Campuii Compl<'te !C.'CUri ty. und<>rgrouncl parking w/e k votor access Prlval • pool and !ll)fl. l<'nnls courts & C'lubhousc 2 RR, 2 BA. aasum. $8~.000 loan ot bc•low matkC't int. mlt' $I 03.000 0.11 Mary WP15h 855·4343. CUSTOM LOT 01 lflllll" Hill I 011"&1 view or ocean end c•ty llQM\ Woll Sl•llO•d• Otlle -Wiii build 10 SUll BOB HALL EV REAL TOR 144-UH OCHIFROIT IUPUX SH0,000 Or trode for CdM du plex $400 000 equ11y Cell Nancy al 675·6-000 01 673·3633. agt IY OWIH Lovely 9 rm home. 2800 aq II 3BA 2 lrpl circular dr Overlook• N B goll course \186.000 20102 Kline Or S A He1ghla 567·0985 OCHIFIHT Excellent e\cellanc · •~ce111n1 boy on 8111bo• Avo In Newpon Beach 3 B<lrM, i bllha one ot 1no1e hlrd 10 fin d watetfront properllea Pr1ceo ac good m1111et 11111~ Matte Ihle • mull on WMlitend llOll'lt 1our For lnformlllon. pleaae Cllll 832·UOO 1525.000 Ht·UOI m a a Fa I ass 275 48• 2'1Ba w v111w on CUl·d8·SllC $78!1000 75•·7724 BEST DEAL IN HARBOR RIOOE Beau1 3 br 1ncred vu• $4651( 759 1428 TralllitlHal Char• On Lllll• -1 r~ Lets Lge new cusiom home. open SeilSun 1·5 210 Via S11n Remo Own1ag1 675·3048•673-2556 HYVllW LOT w1tl'I 111111c11ve duplo Sullnble 101 111mlly u&e or 11>ec building Acrou' from Newport Harbor Yacn1 Club beech 701 Wtll 8ey Avfl $340,000 Open S111/Sun 1.5 111·4110 BURR WHITE REAL T O A . IHC •a 010 llYlllOllU 3 Bdrm plu• co tt•9e Beautiful tun"t g1r~ Httlng. •P• Oall tor th Owing. UIWI Afflly end lnwelmtntt Ht·H4l ssttnar,tt VIEW LOT 1,,1. ~'' ll .Jkt>s strl"tt'"s ""Cl ~• 1 ltll Ov. lnto•t Prortrlr 2000 ntH flni1nc1ng ~I ~ r,oo ••••••••••• ••• •••••• Agt Jun~ L.J'--• rot Will trade dbl W•Ol' mobile 7 141648· 7505 home &1or 3Br nouse. Tustin lor pe11111I own •n· Jt1l Est•lt come properly {1141 £xd1n•t ZIO£ 557.9390 ·········'············ SILE IY OWIEll UndMoed , 1n1e1es1 in I 5 un11s BPI bldg an Hun11ng1on Buen CA C Aii 7141960·24 I I lor Information Costa Mtu Trl,lu wle ~cel ren1111s eosy mgml No melnl Ow ner s unit w/2 ca1 gor Terms J Doran Allr 759.0611i IHC• ARH 11h% PAATIAL OCHI VIEW Appro• 7900 sq 11 1111 lrH IOI 751196, new lu• 4·plu wl sopar11e 0111- ntr's 3 91y. 11pprox 2600 sq II wtpool & detachlld J1ccuz1. o•mt rm. wet b1r. 11111 mble antrtet. e mbte lrp•e•. 4 Roman Ult tubt. ••• akytll ... Inter. coma. central vi e sys. tra•h comp·,, micro . WIO l'looll·uP. t hKIGOed eavu, 8 gar1gu (30' Cl"PI 8urolor allt'm •Y• approx Inc $8,000 mo l ow .. t0% Clown (OAC). 9'~% on financing on approv SM 5012 Dun· bar. Huntington e.ticl\ 141-HOI, 846·4152 Muntinrton Harbour Wattrftont Wall rrade large f'Qu1lv le• Or1"1ge Co lncom!' pr" ne1 ly f'rm r,nly Own1>1 wlll 31so lease w1op11on :i 13.5n.•905 Will 1r<1oe S80K l'!qu•IY 11• N B Bayshor"s home lor lrvmc ort"a Pnced 81 S269K J remodelNl J Br 2' Ba s 189K leaSl' holO due 199 t 1n1e11•s1e o PAr1105 C'llll 64!> 62 I 8 IHI ,,,,,, W111t1' Zff(J ·····•••··········••·· TRADE 48r 2 •BA Condo NEW POAT AIVl(AA 101 IOI Condo house moto• home or f 0 1 439 38'6 8 ... ,.1. •.....•••••••......... ,, ..... ,.,.,, .. , ••.....••••.•••..•.... ,,,.., 111 .. , J/06 •.•..••..........•.... . ... " ..... , ..... alt 114 Wl1ter Lt1 .. s PL.II I• te ••tr .. ...... '""· .... ,.,.., ...... Ill·•- z ms I SAY HELLO TO LAST GOOD BUY IN LAGUNA NIGUEL 3 Br 21 • &.., with -,.11.irlgas poul/!.µ.i 1111 '. atTl' 1rngawd l.11111ly oH:hard Vt·1·y µravat1• with new w/w , lt.il1an Ille, fn•sh p1w11 in/uut. Frt•rwh doon;, 400 sci ft. µallulgarnt• 1'00111, 700 Sll fl d1-t:k. llVt'f'SIU-d ~ rnr. t•tt' T1 rt'Cl rummutt•r will at'l·ept bc.•st offt•r OVl'I' $160.000 -by 11 7-M2 TEI lll-llH (D) er 411-1111 (E) VIEW OF OCEAN -WALK TO SAND NO ON. ONLY $249,950 -10% FINANCING S.:auL1(uJ 1·ustom hom•• 3 Br. 2'. b.. 1111· 1·n1rv-..1\ Formal uled dining nn St1•p down hv1ng nn ~!.."v1• wood burning frpk Step do-. n fam1h· nn gourmt>l kuchen. l"UStom <ab1n1•11> rompl w trbh <'>ntp.'11.lur micro and Sl.'lf ck·aning uv .. n f1•n<-.od b.ttk y.1rJ prof lands<.aping. <"Ompl •prankler.. 2 • 1'br g .. r w .1u1u cir opnr Musi 5ft" to appr~·rntt-th1• many mor1• aml'ntll•~ Drive by 622 20th St Hun11ngwn &a<h and rnll 213/333-3141 tr 213 /102-1211 ON THE SAND Bank Forecloaure "l story. 2 bdrm, 11• ba c-ondo tx>ach tn op pool. sauna. Wt.'1ght room. sub pk.an~ Oc.'t•an & Pier View. L1stc'CJ at $l4!J.500 . $75.000 under mkt. All c:ash or new fan Great opp'y for one who l'an att fast Agt Jim Alghelmer Or•Hll)t• l O UJ I DAILY f'll 0 I t!>unrJ1 1y Uc.tutiur .J t t9t!i' t ' I NEW CUSTOM WATERFRONT HOME . ~:~ JASMINE PLAN 4 $595,000 YOU OWN THE LAND -""-- t:xx·k fur :rn ft bout. 4u1l'L an·a Stt•p:. to Lido V11lagt• :1 largl' bc.·druon1:., :l 1: bulh:. Tour this m;1gn1f1t'l'llt l'Ustom honw 200 FT. NEWPORT BAYFRONT BOAT ON T llE BAY, PLAY ON THE OCl-:AN · Spac:1ous opt•n & sunny all vu•w huml' w / panorarrnl' dt-t:ks, on hug1• µranw Island Point, + duc:kang & prkg gulort', + vou own the land. + ownt•r finanl'ang all fur $1165.000 Opt•n ~un 11 -5. 40213 Cha~ncl Plat:<', Ncwµort lslcrnd, N .B fi73-0202 I '111 1 ,1,1-.hl'll 11\'l'I $11~1,0l)IJ 1111 Iha-. hU~l' J. .. 1111 \ .I l1d1 Ill pr I ,11g111u-. .1 ..... 11111 11' l'11·1·k 11111111 T 1·1111i-. p <1ol gu.11di·d gall . li·t l.111d l>1,1-.\11,1lly lwl11w 111;11k•·l :11 $:!14.HOO 01~·11 S1111 I I ~:1 l\1;1111-.o1il < '111 mi.a 1lt-l M.11 OPEN THURSDAY thru SUNDAY 1-5 603 36th Street, Newport Beach (For mun· mformation «unt.al·t) Steve Willie CANNERY VILLAGE REAL TY 673-6776 '. Associated Realtors 581 -1100 "A t•11eh •• s .. s1 ...... OCEANFRONT /NEWPORT BEACH 5 BEDROOM 2 BATH COTT AGE ON SECLUDED BEACH WITH NO SIDEWALK $439,000. THREE lllCM HY OCElMFRONT UICITIYE HMI H CHNIATI lln•UT l.1111 ~t.· .. •ulht·ntu Mt-t.11t••rr.uu1,1n v1llJ Fdnl.l1Slh '•"-'·'••H thh•IJl•il VII'\\,. frum '""'r)' 11wm1 1n thl' huu-.. Tt11· uh11ndle' j.ti.Jrt}' huU""4.' I.tr~• tuurru, v. 1th h1.:h f,. .orn,I tt 1hu~' hu~·· 1u t·Jn VIP\\ d1~t k \i\uoth'.'t p.tlau' s ... tu"un .. nd '" Urtl\ Ill (or .i ktni: In prl\Jll ,,;1un1un1tv \,\uh .!4 huut )(·•'• gu ... rd ll'llfll' t."uurl' p.1rk < lubhuw .. • .111d Jlrl\ ,,11 h• .11·h A~k111i: $l '!~II 11011 Owrlt'r WJnb rt'llrt•0\4'111 1111 '"r" ,111.t "111 twlp fin,111u JI 1·>.tn·md~ <ittr .. , 11\i .11111 ll1·"hli '"'"l' Q u,1hf11'<.l bu~t~r, ttlJ\ drrJnR• lor l'fJl"'1nt111••tH hv l..,)Jing uwnt·r EXCLUSIVE DOVER SHORES With Magnificent Back Bay View SUBSTANTIAL REDUCTION $695,000 FEE I h•' ••Uh t.uuhu•! \.tlUt It .1I Ull~ rJIJUh1u ... f.JhUI ft,.• 'fJJ I ·••l.'• 't.-h1u t..uuh '"' !•nut.ti J1r11ng. plu' thuch 111ud1 ,,,.,,, \~U l•r ·• h ti""" J.kl\ffit·nl ,, unh "" tll l'••I I u l I'' t )(. rll l1fl,1n' Ut).! 11n lhl' fdOl•l'\U "rt. 11n._• p I L 0 T Call for Robt. Schumann/Owner 213/376-0783 Call Fran Scott 640-5560 or 640-0087 lll ~l:lll 1:101. ·11111 171!~ OPEN SAT/SUN. 1-5 1472 GALAXY I !'.~~!~! J~!!'!!.i!~.'.t. !'.O.~!!!.¥~!~!!'.i!~.'!. •• I !'.O.~!!!. ¥~!~!.11.i!~.~t .1!'.o.~!!!.¥~!~!!'.i!~.t.t. Cost• /lltsa 3224 Cost• /lltsa 3224.Huti1111oa lrvint 3244 ........ ... .. • . . . . . .•• • .••.•••.•.•.••. ·••••• 1 ,,,c, 32401 • ••••••••••••••••••••• Soac1ous t 1700 sq Ill 2 2326 fordllam SI C M. •••• •• • ••••••••••••••• 1 yr ledse 3 0 , 2 t>a -~~!~!. ¥~!~!!'.i!~.t.~. -I~~~!~!. ¥~!~!!'.i!~.t.~ .. 1~1.'.1•1!!!~.t!. f !'!!'.i!~.t.~ ~.t.'!t'!!!.~!!f~ ••• !.~~? lf.t.'!t~!!.~!~f~ ••• !.~~! B•lbo•. J 3101 3 br 2 1 t>a plush c.ondo 2 2 S74!> mo •• !.~~!'!~!'.~ •••• •••••• bO 2 ba. d 1n1ng rml, Coll99e Parl< Area 3 bd, I fenceo comm pool t nr waler poss l>Oal s11p 3 2 • $795 mo OCEANFRONT DELUXE $1150tmo 4 2 > $1250 mo Furn quiet 1r9 w1n1er 2 675 1938 851-8394 Have 01ners Freo le· rentals 67S-4688 nore agt 6~ 1 1266 sluOy, Mulll·leveled' 2 be, dble Gar, Lrg Yrd,1 WlllTED waler S900 mo Call oys townhome Frpl vaulle<I _Frpl, S8251mo 63 t-8062 Need by Dec 1 2.4 br I 851 ·3003 evs 851·8180 ceihngs, pool. spa S850 . --1 j mo 673.9498 E·:>ide, cu1e llouHS. 2 br house 1n Hun11ng1on Walnul Sq 2 Br iwnh$e. DFLUXE 3 BA 2"ba 2 63l·27ll •••t900 W Ocean-Sly, tge lronl yard A I fronl winter 2 BA 2 Ba & 1 br. w/whlle picket Beach south of AOams Plari D Mu51 see ro ap 3 b<l 2 ba f'rench Doors.1 ren ces $650/mo & Xlnl rels 96<4-0332 e11s.' p rec•ele $625 /mC" lots/wooo & walpr No S450/mo 645-9628 8<42 0100 dys 833 7519 evt'sl wknds CM S795 inc1 ga,dnr 2Br 1be cr11/drP~ stove 752 1800 dys ups1a1rs pa110 Nt"ar 1Responslbte adults 2Br 11 furn Gar patio !pie beacn 1s1 & tasi ~~u 1 1>a nouse $600 2 Bd a w es 0 me s 6 9 5 rr1y $1100 PIP m o 2t>dS600 t &den lu•n 673 1943 63 I 5661 $600 673· 7544 957-5880 1carg11r S595.212 Ca-St·l~••1ocean Elegant2 DO IT BV THE f'IRE 2 Br Iba ouple• Garage brtllO SI No peas 1 chtlO BA 1 am 'm & den PLACE Ne"' b"acntront homo 3 & A I I k • • I " S87!. m o Plusn CPIS 2 , B 4 B I S22'0 BLUFFS 3Br 2na ~ing1el Co1011• dtl ,,,., 3122 story Linda plan Ctean 6 •••••••••••••••••••••• slove va1 1 11 no o "'" o om or .... aria Eregen1 3bdrm for tam• r a urn .., mo I pels $525 a dttp Call lor 646-930 I oa t f•:.J,ir II glass Sun-minded man brand new unfurn $2000 Call Mrs br 1gh1 $1200 mo Ocean view baau11lullv appl 1952 Meyer. dee.II Jblcar pvtgerage Long 673·1190 EISIOe 3 BA I Ba. lam rm, lull/ mAinl'd yard No blltns incl dishwasher 553 1006 furn 1ownhouse. lrplc. I 549·3484 $700 No pets 212 Lil· peas lnQ 527 t8lh St crp1s A drapes now $725 LARGE 2 or 1 bll gar '3 BR 2'> b&, !pie w/o & han 8<42-6368 960·6331 MErRO ALTY 636-7005 dt w 5308 Seasnore refr dbl gar lam condo. Easlside hOU-se 2 Br pl;;-,1 DEERFIELD 3 BR 2'> ba S750 mo Yrly 962-4914 PRIVATE PARK 3 Br 2 .ba 2 s1ory S725.mo K10s ok no pets John Agl 63 I· 7900 no pels $750 A 1 PRICED TO MOYE! g den. 2 B1 frp lc , 2 Sly patio 2 car gar IN PRESTIG IOUS BIG 646·4380 645°4765 S6J5/mo 873_ 1734 1 Affordable 2BO nome cl $8501mo Bkr 759. 1234 c N ON REMT TO OW 10 ~ach k1os now S400 A Y Luxu,.ous 4 " M Npl Hg1S area 3 Bdr 2'' 3 BA under $500 !MI'S METRO AL TV 636-7005 TURTLE ROCK Prvl 1ac1 Bo' m no me w Pvt I Blk to ocean 3Br 2ba Sa condo lemily rm nghl 1 3 BA 2 BA nome 3 bd 2 ba dbl gar lam cuslom pool and !>Pe All L•dO Sands Comm POOi lrplc. lndry rm garage w 11n pool and other 01 THE SAID hvmg &d•nrngrms Frpl ne w amen i l •e ' $1200 to $1400 mo S800tmo Joyce Watue "''as Kids ok. never be-Vu or oc,.an 2Br 1'>oa I Pro I decor a I e Cl 71 4'644·9800 p" m 1 S 1 7 9 O O O ag1 631·1266 ' t s "001 ... ' fore never again but guard gale pool sauna l < mo Avail 1.11 llG CAIYOI S4001mo 1owards pur- Lovety 3 bedroom. 2 b&lh. BEST Reelly hes •I end O Y m $ 8 0 0 ' m o 646 2353 Gracious homl' oveiioo chase pnce Only $3500 pool & pa110 $1095/mo 673-0896 Cost• /lltu J7Zf ...................... Furn I bdrm &PIS $385 and up Enc garages 2110 Newporl Blvd CM 548·4968 CASA DE 0110 ALL UTILITIES PAID oouble garage . garde· o lhers Small cost 2 11 1 333·38 46 or Lovely spar Heritage Bk i.ing goll course lake dn Pv1pty847·4788 ner 2370 Orange 539-6190 902 1298 lwnnm• 3 BA 2 ,, ba Compare belore you $ 6 O r Clly l1gn1s A moun1a111s EASTBLUf'FS 2Br 2ba r eni Cus1om daslQn 9 5 t mo w n er 'Amazing llat $275 1 BR COZY 2Br nr Beacn & c.h~ry 1.11c11 & lam rm. ~yono Spec•ovs Oean1> decora1or homt1. f1p1c 1ea1ures Poot. bbq. 1213>541 6196 1 w ith garege end old Warner fncd yd S525 Obi gar pa110 AC $875 Mon.ico Plan 3 bdrm dbl ga• (.Omm pool c;ov rO garage surroun- Beauuful 2B• 2ba condo world charm HerdwOOO mo 662 7343 mo 752 5716 loimal Cl•n rm & mas $1400 mo S1r1cl<land ded with plusn landsca- 2501 Wesl Sunflo wer floors adds characler 3 b• 2 ba Hunlington L•l,lllH Btac• JZfl s1ve grand room M g m I So 1 v ping No ~Is F6 S550 OIM!n SellSun BEST Really has many Harbour area children 4 •• ••••••••••••••••••• Move in ready on quit"I 714 990-9256 1 BR Furn $5 15 1-4 or c all c:ollecl Olher ren1at1 available pets 1 892 2947 evs 1HARBOR OCEAN FRONT cul·de·sac al $2200 per 365 W Wilson 642 t971 •• .,,, Fu11idH Boasts U11/a111i1h' HoHts U11/a111ishi ......••.•.................•.•.........•.•...•..•............•.•.. Du• roiat 3126 C.atr•l 3202 CoroH ''' /ll•r 3222 .•••.•......•...•.•.•......................•.................•..•. Small 2 Br 1 Ba back house 1s1 IUt & sec Nov 151h $535/mo 760·0766 Exec. 2 br. 2 be condo. oeean view. pool. tennis Compl furn 760-11466 (8-5), 240-3201 (all 61 llEIT&LS Year1y-Weekty-Win1er 2. 3 4 Bdrms JlCllS llUL TY 2131274·3569 Cati for yours Tall us 1 Nu 3200 1u11; hm on blull mo Agl 640-5560 BLUFFS EXEC. COIDO I LUXURIOUS TOWNHOU-whal you need COST <4 br 2 ba Nr bch Gronr 180 <!Pg vu 01 harbor 3Br +den 3Ba poo1 I Br ultl Pd Eas1s1oe nr *11.•9 1110* No pets Ou1e1 cut-de surf mlns 3br 3ba COROIA DEL MAR Min view lg gar clean bus, schl shopping . SE, 2 Br frpl', pool. no v• " I LUXURY COIDOS 54cn 646 4631 ~ sac S850 675-7673 secu111y sauna spa Beemeo coil waupape1 JV mo · p~s $650tmo 662-1700 CMte Me111 Bargain 3 BR s 900 009 o d 1 H 1 B pvt pallo lrplc bt1ns --S375 4 RM 11a1 mus1 see I 1 1mo 496· 7 cean 51 e 0 wy r t • I IEWPORT YILLHE Mesa Verde 4 bd 2 ba. !louse cn1ckllng lire-BEST w lrplcs sec garages S 1200 mo Sal t Sun $750tmo 1s1 & Les1 plus place 2 garage high al IEM£.RALD BAY 3 Br 'l pool .mo spa $850 up 6•0 2098 lea11tif11l L11ulsca't f!l!.~~.~.~t.t .• !.1.~~ '"'' YElllLY s2oo Sec Dep Fmly Prel lence<J yard kldst~ts al 539 6 l90 COST Bn 1700 sq fl Ir ptc C al l 67 3 327 1 bt>1wn Wl\dys 12131 1qa 9504 I Gas Waler Po1d P11uos 4 yr old. COMPieteiy re· 85 1•1759 S575 ~39·6190 BEST •Ul5 2 '"*-I tricl< pal•O w•tn spa 11 .5 w1p001 1acuz.11 saunas decoraled, 3 Br & den ()( -Reelty small cosl S I 8 0 0 · m o LllGO RE•L EST•TE BLUFFS TOWIMOIE tennis courls volleyball 180 deg Ocean ~-2Br lllllEIEIT 2ba. spa. $1200/mo Pll Ill • 499-5304. 499·48'7 , ____ •• _1_1_. __ 41h Br 3 Be frplc car-Near Ocean 3 bdrm 2 ba Nortn a bil prelly nicf 'l I 3 8 7 6 · 2 2 5 5 or • • 3Br + den 2B11 pool couns Recreatron room pet drapes bar all ap-condo Verd garage, Make It yours' $350 pays unn lor a lemily siarter 675 3067 Bayside home over 3200 trplc wsh'dry bll ins. Jr 1 bO furnosneo S430 pllences. g11r1ge Opn pool and 1enn1s courls renl and all u1t1111es Ne· cCoast: BEST et 539-6190 ~ Bi 2 Ba C narmer sq II . S25001mo Boal rclr19 2 pa11os clean Call 557-0075 Sal/Sun 10.4 614 Merl-$900 per mo 673·0672 wer eppltanes qu•el , 1 t F 1 1 2 car gar Greenblt 1 673 2230 - -pr1va1e. pello homo kids woodsy & pnva1e, Ca11 '•P 1111&1 or ease on Y 0 b 1 · H t-.-t f!l!.~~.!!1.0.~! •• l.1.~~1 HOMES FOR RENT god • 3 Br 2ba, remod home ok 539•6190 BEST Secure home w11h crack hna view lrplc. w/d, re-, Call Doug M c Kee reen et. un ltlf 011 Cost• /lllH 3224 $7001mo Avail Nov 1 Really smell cosi lrng l1repl11ce 4 RMs only trig. no oogs nr Woods 7 14 1Cl55 2473 wkdys sq50 m o S1111Sun J eiclr 314£ Large llv rm, frplc bar 2 BR 2ba, 2 car gar 2 pa-•••••••••••••••••••••• 545 .. 1801 1475 a mon'h BESl Cove 151 plus sec 9 .. 5 640·2098 •••••••••••••••••••••• 3 Ir• 2 11. Small 2 bd. gar house 539 6190 lmall cos1 $850 mo •99-1617 Chit Or 2Br 2b, •Mw or I Wl>.dy~ (213! 7<18 9504 YOU DESERVE Ill tios. p1no ocean vu beaut furn. complelely equipped S 11001mo 714/76().9533 •EL TORO• S725 *M ISSION VIEJO* Frptc range y1rd ga· S.lllebleforelderlycou-D•••1oiat 322 •31R$515• Dix 'lBr 2bcl vu Walk bay m a1ure adulU 1Nv.ptl1gls2Br tBa very Beaut1ful &pari.llke wnt rage. no peas Private pie 548-4 t81 No pets •••••••• •••• •••• • • •• •• f' d I I I b c n S I 2 0 0 I m o S 10001mo 642-241 1 I P•t & huge yd I err aced POOi S700·S725 $750/mo Isl plus sec House , Condo • Apt All I ence c!'mp e12e 'f a 9 58 k d 545.9095 *Spacious Apl5 av 8 1 11 b1 e n 0 w ows k•ds o pets b&lhs ' 4 41 w n s or all BAYFRONT •Pnvale Pauos * H UN T 1 NG T 0 N only 6<48 W 181h St s 6 5 o s 9 5 o stone fireplace pool ac· 6pm Baytront 5 br Qure1 eaec •Covered Perking J ~.'.'!r.!!.~!!~ .. .t.'.~~ r LIDO ISLE -3 bdrm. lem rm. 4 Ba. $1700 mo 499-1611 PETS I lllS DI 7141•93-0461 cess BEST open 7 days I home be&ul vu, no 0 BEACH* $675·$700 2 B B I E cosl Newly OecO' Nw Crpl, 3 BolllOB Island Sanoy doc• S2000 675.7673 * ining Areo Ocean View Condos 2 Br ... 31_1110* bd, w/study, 2 be, a-beach. oacel view o f a in osell 3 Br 2 Ba. $695/mo No r unga ow aslslde -c · I ~ •W tk Cl •YORBA LINDA • S700 pels 806 Joann SI i M 1 n c d Y 8 rd 2 Ba. washer, dryr, refng. u nyon V111w, Avail Imm b11y 3 Br 2ba yrly or •Home like Kitchens OCEANFRONT 2 bdrm, 644·1836 600/mo pool, 1ennla From S625 $1000/mo, Call Cindy winter S15001mo Ow S•n Cl1mtat1 3216 1 blk lo Hun1lng1on ~Ba S~oo 6r;i5o6 8 B 1ll •CHILDREN• Easls•de condo, 3 br. 2 3 _Br _ 2 , 1 6B6a2.-1cfTOOIS. d-rp-, Agl 496-5980 (71'1953-8500. wkdeys ner 6<44-9513 1 2 •bdr•,;,·;;~~~·2•b;•;r•;c• fenler, lransportallon & rundy, llr. • 1 1 ba. den. lrplC, 2 car ga· Haa tl111to1J $400-Beach'Sh&ck BA y FA o NT Dover den w1bar gar Beeu rwys 3 BR. H" BA, 2 car g11 *PE TS OK* rage $825 s.4~6685 Non-tmoker 750 mo f. H .h 324' t roOM 1035 Ca1a11n1 Snores 3 BA pier ano Suri Vw S1ep1 10 Beach ITILITl(S FRH comm POOi. Winier or Qui et Clean 2 bO In ---~48"4292 .!!:1!!~~~.~~!!~.J.~~1 .... ~! •• !!•••••••••••~ Owner 673-146<4 I 1llp Avell Nov 1 Cell' $750/mo 492-t619 1 Bdrm From S515 yrly A9t 67S-8170 courl New urpell. ga-Mesa Verde exec golf 3 bdrm. 2 ba. tennis Spacious hOMe 1 bloc.k Ann Pe1ers Bnrrf'll Ally 2 Bdrm S615 Ooeen fron1 yrly 4 l>dr-VIL' &IE rage. yrd, comm pool. no course es111e 5 Bdr plus courls 1ec. fenced yd lo ooean has all. 400 s Nol Leooeguna red".'.~.!'d 6<42·5200 . Hill side ocdean &view 3dbr LA QUINTA HERMOSA "' I.II family & bonua rm Pool $700 775.4274 METRO ALTY 636,7005 g ass. en V\J, wuvvsy conver I en m11 s 16211 Parlo.slde Ln. 1 blk 2 car geranyon 1own -llYESTMEITS pets S57Stmo Mgr 2453 & apa Yeerly lease 2 Br 2 B1. 2 frplc, 2 di Beau111111 e.ecu11ve Home Quarters $2000/mo w 01 Beach 3 blks s home. 2 b r . 2 b 11 B Orenoe Avenue C M $3000 A 1 J kl lr~i111 3Z44 111ng rm. drapes. crpl, 3 bd, 2', ba. Fmly Rm, 2131449-2628 or Edinger 847·5441 S 1175/mo. Agl 780·0795 S!lnla Ana Hll 3Br, rrplc . 1 pr mo8 0 · 6 11 6c e HaaliaflOa •••••••• ••• ••••••••••• appl • dbl gar $950/mo Dtn Rm. Spa, 51300/mo 3 Br 2 ea.. Wlllk lo Ille (l14)141·2DOO big yard , no pels Hendeman 31"12 IHt} 3Z40 Long term 400 Pano-' 1&1 + St300 securlly &:S111 Ja111 ocean. Lower Duplex AGENT, NO FEE $750/mo 548-0814 Bki L1roe condo, clean, fplc. •••••••••••••••••••••• 11lmo <494-3288 $250 cleaning depo111 C••ist1'110 3211 (~~~~~~~~~~ D/W microwave. 3 BR. CLOSE TO BEACH Brand 642 8663 •••••"•••••••••••••••• Winier only Tall June 15. r Nr s Cat Plza 3 Br. 2b• 2,., ba, wetbar, etc s750 new 2 Br beach house. I BR condo. ocean v111w · Lease/Lease Option 4 bd, 1983 $600/mo 613-1573 condo S700. gH/wtr pd mo No IM 5411•8366 811 ullls P•ld, skyllghl, So Laguna Nr shopping Chll Haven 2B• Iba frplc . 2 be. covrd patio, comm l•lh• see de«> & lasl mo Kuen sun deck, loll or woad. cenler 499· 1460 d 11 I O 11 r no P e I• POOi S700 497· 1657 ~ ... ~!!!.~~!~!!'.'!~!!... ,,.;.,.,. 3Z01 1155-2033, 7511-t071 II"" IT, HWI lrplc, blHn•. 2 car g•-Oceenv1ew duplex 2 bl $825/mo Agt 642-5722 W11t•i111tt1 321 1f1111'l 3ZOZ p••0•n•ln••P•·1.·•&••B•R••.•3•,:••b•a·.1EutsldeCondo2B~ S B rage. greei loc at 217 beAcll access $750 Slunntng2Bd in Me•a •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• ., .. eclude<I 3 d 2Bt home Heriford, drive by & lhen 494-7553. 494·3483 I 11rea. 1a1<e a 11cu111 & Sm11f I bd, bunoalow in BAYFAONT Condo / OR. lrg p11110. $1200 mo Be ff pie , 8arege, In finer iree, complete call 536-7979 • -3 -1ump in lhe p004. equip re111r S335/mo Jim Unfurn; on Udo Prk Or lo mo. Agl 673·90fl0 $850/mo 548-581 -$~; ~~n~ f~~:•cK,d~~~ ~tew, volley 08ilc1. L•t.H• lllf.Hl ZSI• kllch super deal $525 545 19'7 Lo• 2Br, oen. eec bldg Point Huge 5 bd. +++ Avett. now 3 br, 1'"' be METRO ALTY 63a-7005 110 Huntington St 2 BA OC~N·view·:·;r:·M~~:1 METRO ALTY 636-7005 ,,., ialal••• ll800tmo S 1195 I mo yr l y Dbl, garage. tge fncd yd $650. 1 BA. $500, or rent uch B1y Terrace $1500 Wtterfron\7iV. 2 ba dplx UDO ISLE/Unturn Fent-875-8915 ' $8115 848•3827 2 Br new ue>orades. en-1n1 1 r • d p 1 x $ 1 1 2 5 •513 ~..,,l)a fRVIM( mo 90en1 496-5980 (up), 1850 sQ 11, 1mmec Ut la111/1)H 3fZ :T:~h~·0~~.:r~~1':; CfrlH Iii ll•r 3ZZZ llW OAPI otl ~~!t.g~~·::11•0i15;~~:~· ~6-3802 O' 861-7622 2 BA 2 a. ,pi-a.-d-·r-Pl-.-enc-'-I 2 Bdrm 2 b• e0ndo on e11-1n1, lrplc . gar No CA.TALtNA.VIE·W~C·M;NB. bflght.alf'($1100/mo •••••••••••••••••••••• 0.1. TIWl ... l 788·7633,548-8251 Spotlaat 2 Br 111acned g1r S75'0 No P•U PVlgollcoursew/vlewof pell $!200 875·<4188 2 l>d 2 l)a, Twnht Obi VE~SAILLES/Furn Mo Brtnd apanlllng n--: ...,.. O.Cor11or perfect. •P•· dbl g•r' W /0 hookup, 875-8608 lake Brend new crpl & 2 ~4r•, 1V. Ill gar 8051484 3506 1omoorstl0f1term1vell ~e 3 bdrm 2 " ba clou1 2 Bdrm 2 '~b• Olllll IAYll $500 & $500 dep Oulel, painung WHher. drylf Oen fireplace 1800 mo Beeu1 decor 1 BA & d..., haul furn $1400/mo mo :;; r,~tt084 f.~·~f8~ pool, !IC, raore1 1lo~' love my 2bd hM epec nr Fwy & lllO(>plng Sml 2 Br 111' 8t WOOdbrtdge & rtlrlg Incl Saaut toe-714 SS t-6037 dly or U C grey cpl, refrlg OCEANFAO NT /Furn. 777_2233 873•43911 area, pVI petlo. btlcony rm hH l~ed yd 4 kid pet pou w/dap Mc-Townhouae 30 8r11" lion w/pOOI & 8BO arH pool. aPa. tac , s4so mo f njoy the wavff In N 8 1 _____ • ___ & ige garage Deco. will ~It neg, 2 car garage Fadden nr Bu oh 81 w ood I 700 Agan I S710 mo 1714)493-9781 eve• c 0 u 1 d furn Dy a. 3Br. ftplc, nHI & clffn. 0.rtll 4el lar paper, dreperlee & more g1rden p1tlo lu•t 1470 1113·4894 5<4 1·5032 111 7pm NwplHgtSl-br . 2 b1 6 3 1 • 2 7 7 1 • av 1 • ll400/yrty. Naarlynew3bdrm.3 ba. 1995 UlltJd C ell META~TY ~ i2'8i'condo. 1'1'B1. cplt/ WOODBRIDGE. $1100 pr 3 Br-2''1 Be In guarded 1rgic.g9rdenar.S7oomo 5~8·8610, CM nr S Ct! WA TEAFAONT HOMES 2 llrepleoe•. 2 Cit oar 81~·23 t 1 10 IO 5pm Lovely CUiiom home 3 Br, drp1, pool. lllG. clbllH , mo •P•CIOUI 4 Br 2•; g. I a c 0 m mu n 11 y 2 1 Kno• SI 945 • 5110 Plat!! 831-1400 Balcony Oardlfllf. wet 3 br, 2 bl, 1mmK High· 2 Be. f111hly painted, no t>•U $515 mo 81, ftm rm. frl)!c. dining 17115 /mo Avtll now 3 Br 2 Be frple. 1tep1 to OAADEN GROVE 2 & 3 bar. mlcroweve 1.t••• landt trtl No JMtll No meny xtr11, prvl, Ill• I 708-7833 rm P11101 nlClly land• LHH opllon POHlbll belCh $875/mo Ar.f.1•11111 F1tai1)H Bdrm1, 2'hbl l uxury 1 11350 ~mo tlnQIM Ref1 1195 mo 1 1 r y 6 4 2 . 2 9 8 2 , Spotleu 3 bd. 1,,, bt tclPtd Lake pool. 1tn-780·11171 PROPERTY HOUSE • ••••••••••••••••;••• conooe. AENT. AEN'T TO 551~693 111., 8 PM Call •879. 6-42~IOO. 24 714/7Sf·32•8 twnhH. bll-lnt, W /O, nl1 prlVI .. ~-1327, 3 bdrm. 2,., ~. Cathedtll 842·3850 842 1010 ~} ........ J!.ll •• 11.'••••'!.1 ••• OWN • 'Sl/OPT a~""' llourt 05t-8 188, ofc 72<»7373 • .. ··---Harl>Of view Hiiia • bd Olllefy Ouplex glvel you lf\CI petto, 111011 cwprt, ~ng1. tlreptece. y•rd Hive eomelhlno you w1n1 Newly dlCO<lltd 28r Iba. ble a~,.,. Full trTHt> 11a ecre lot. lteOo/ mo' SELL Idle 111m1 with a room 10 rOIM, 111 blflt kld1. '"' Ml/bell. $650. Super 2 br, lrplc, 2 car patio Fra.111y Ptlnlld 10 Htl? Claatlfi.d ada do pallo, lmmed o«up tllN ""'"· N7 to 11251"'4 Da y 648-43 1 1 eve Delly Piiot C111elfi.d Ad. pd e1p111 ctrapea 1350 t tl. 1111. dep, tarma., g1regt, tge patio, 1895 I 1100 rno 11 well I C•ll N OW . June 1600 Incl utll =·=o= .... === .. ='='='======....l~1~2~0.()8~~38;._~....;;;--';i::zi,.::a.::2·:&•:1~•:..... ...... ._L.;M~FE~T;A~O~A~L~T~Y-6:3:6~·7~00:::.5i;;;83~t~·1~000:::~J~Oll;n:·:eo~·==~-~m==o=7~80::..::·9:~~~1:=;.~=-=-:::..1.~~~~=en:.::::49~2~-4~4~9:3__;;_,l~84~2-·66;;;...;.7_8~~~~--'L.;8=73=·3='-5~·====- a * $425/rno up t Br un· lll•n & lum pool, ape t8992 FIOrld8 842·2834, 842-3172 f!l.~~~.,!!.t.~ ... !.~~~ Luxury sludlo, lrN HBO. phone. meld serv, ape, S 130 wk 499-3016 ~!.'!r.!! .!~!~ ... 1.~~! OCEANFRONT 0 1• 2·4 Br By we ek or monl h 67J 7873 w 1n111 r1n1111 now avall1ble Cell JAOIH HALn PROP IAIAHlllT 111·11ll OCEANFAONl t1rge 3 Br 1 Be wsllrldryr, no pets Winier $850 673·M40 8e&chlron1 3 Bdrm a be. fully turn. gar, W /0 , Wkly/mOl\tll 6-40-01 12 Olk b4111<h !Br, ullf, ~ 14&0/mo 1823 W a.r. bOll 81 •a 2 I 3/04 t ·3De& HOUSES FOR SALE 2 BEDROOM 2308 (.;lltl Dr \Nwpl llUbJ NII 64 2 !1200 S.lllli ooo 924 HytJtl l 0111 I. ( 11:.t.1 M•·?· I 644 6200 $I 14 lhlO * •?:>5 c.r.11 111t ,,,.11 11 •• 11.11.1 1:.1 !ra&I 67 :~ 6900 $!:>'1't,IH 11 1 <..,111 '•lift I '1 J Rue Fo111.11111•IJl1!.111 1Uq l VIII Nil 759 9 100 $J'l!> 000 '.1111 I '> 6 Lucerno 1l1 llr k I h v1111· 759 9100 $4')1) 000 ~11111 I ' 611 Ins. Co1on,1 <l••I M.u 675-55 I 1 $ HHI '100 ~llfl 1 " 2 BR plus FAM RM or DEN 1706 Miramar, Batbo<i Pc11111 P1 NB 642-5200 $299 ~OU ~1111 I 'o 1940 Whllller . Cos.a Ml'!>,t 631 -321:3 $118 50() * 1 Pandor,i (lrv1111• L1rov<'•.J Irv 642-5200 S 138 !JOO 2022 Avefllda Ch1to 1.Jlutt ~ NH 63, 7300 s 1'1!.i 000 • 19 Curl Dr J..ibmrrw l 11< V11 l tlM 640-15 1511 728-5 l'i I '1.it :S1111 t;? !: -:3 Aue Fonta111ehh .iu Np1 Hr 11 640-9333 $395 000 304 N Waverly Or.111q1• 759-9100 SAQ '100 3 BEDROOM •\Ill 1 '> 1543 Serenade Terr (Irv Te•r > CdM 544.4910 $320 ooo-r. e St11 Su11 1-:. 1700 Oahu Pl<.1ce Cost.i MPS.1 751-040 1 $179 000 $1111 1-'. B-83 Surfside 213-592-3 156 $Y•9 000 Sdt Sun 1 !1 2552 Vista. B..iyshores N 1::1 644-9060 $2 10,000 "1111 t o.l * •603 36th St. nr Ll<.lO VIQ NB 673-6776 $595.000 Sat 5ur1 1.s * •3415 Ocedn Blvd <,oM 760-1900 $1 250 000 Sur '• 110 1 Debra Costa Mesa 546-23 lJ S 195 000 Sv11 1~ ~10 4 .10 '* 204 Via Euo11 Lido t51•· N u 673-1300 S550 OOU $1111 I 4 1108 R1clgucr1;1st. Co!>td M1>5o1 546-2313 S 162 000 S1111 t .i 2001 Gala1en Terr, Newporl U1,;k 646-717 I 5995.00(1 Slrn 11 Rue Vene Big Cari1on Npl Bert 1718 Port Westbourrie HVHomt:s IH.i 759-1501 $216,000 Sat1Sun 1.•, 7 Rue Ct1a1eau A:>;ol 1B1g Cyr 1 NB 644-51 16 $665 000 Sw1 1-:..0 282 Sar1to Tomas (Easts1d~1 Cl\t 645-327 1 Sun PM 307 Colleen Cosio MPSa 979-5370 S 122 900 u! I " 1934 Port Prov1nc.e HV Homes N B 644-6200 $245 000 Fl:'i> C-,qr 1 ' 703 St James Pl Chit Haver NB 644-6200 S295 000 S m I l·t> 3215 Ocean Blvd Corona tJ,.1 Mar 644-6200 S 1 295 000 511n 1 S 3335 Maryland Cr (Mesa Verde No1 (,M 979-2390 S 158 000 Sun 1 -5 17142 Reimer. Foun1a1n Valle, 963-6767 $144 500 Sun 1-d 233 16th Place. Npt Heights 644-6200 $169.000 Suri 1 5 307 1 Platte Drive. Costa Mesa 751-5418 $127.000 Sun 1·5 20172 Harbor Isle Ln Hunt Beach 964-0227 S 138 000 Sun 3 BR plut FAM RM or DEN 12 18 Key West (Harbor Vu His) Cd) 644-4910 $299.500-LH Sun 1-5 * 13 11 Harbor Island Ad N U 675-7256 $650.000 Sat 1Sun 1-5 * 1t38 Balboa Coves. Nwprt Bch 673-9187 $489 000 Sat •Sun 1 5 •2283 Waterman t.os1a Mesa 63 1-7370 Sat/Sun 1-4 1525 E Ocean, Balboa Penin Pt NB 64~-5200 $420.000 Sun 1.s 760 Via Lido Soud (lido1 NB 675-6670 $575.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 190 5 Ya c h t Reso lute Newpo rt Beach 759-06 19 Sun 1-5 2581 Bayshore Dr. Bayshores. NB 644-9060 $499,000 Sun 1 4 * * 2482 Bayshore Dr. Bayshrs NB 644-9060 $1, 100 000-Fee Sun 1·4 2602 C restview. Bayshores. N B 644-9060 $389.000-Fee 1411 Kings Rd (Cllll Haven) NB 642·500 $525.000 12 Vienna, Harbor Ridge N B 631-7300 $499,500 Suri 1-4 Sun 1-5 Sun 1·5 * * 1044 Pol ris Or Dover Shr&. NB 631·7300 $395,000 Sur1 1·5 1301 Dolphin Torr, Irv Terr . NB 631·7300 S985.000 • Sat/Sun 1-5 1r&12 Rockford Pl, CameoHghlnds, CdM 831-7300 1199,900 Set/Sun 1·5 DIRECTORY Kup lhh hondy dlreclo1 y with you tt.1, wuke11d O> you 90 hoUH•hU111tli19 A.II tt.e l0<0llC>t1• tided belo• art d••cnb"cl '" q,..oltrr d•loll by od .. rlhl119 tl•••htr• 111 lodey" DA•l 'f "LOT WA.HT ADS rotro<H •howlnq ~ houu• for tole or,.,., on Y'q.d to lhr uich lnfor,,.oll~ 111 lhh colu""' Heh \olurdoy Ulld 5u11doy 3 BR plue FAM RM or DEN '* * 10 I N <;1,11 (l liivl'• 'jfHllfO'J) NII f14.1 11:'00 $4~U.tJUU ''illfl I •1 * 1.1:.' C>.1l.1•y D11v1 r •,tut, Nii 114, ,' '• I 0 Sti1Vi 000 I 1 •1• •,,11 $11n 1 '• 1•11), \-.tc 111 < 111111.1 No •wp111 t U1 .. 11 lo h·14 10 I/ $4'1lJ 00() ~;,1f l!11Hl 1;• '• / 11 1-. r1t.uu1.1 Irv T1·rr u ,. NU 011 /IOU ~.!Jl'1000 11 •1 • ~·1·10 00U l II .'I/ V1 l ltt1.1( I I 1<111 1-.11 N u ~ td:J 8 l'J·I ':.'•0'• 000 •. 0117 '101td.1y fld I Byc tbl) Nii tlJ I l:'bt• $;I'• 000 I I-IP !i.1t1S 1111 I !, 1<'8 .'r 111 '•t tB.1llJ11.1) Npt Bell h<i 1 inn 5 Jb'• ~00 ~i.11/Su11 1 !i 3·1 Ho1111now Fc1ilc, \ frtlrlq Irv rc,9 t!-15 1 $219 500 IUU'~ G1lJrdltt•r MebJ Vur<le (., M Sim I 5 5.1•1 :'883 S 129.900 S.lt!Sun 1·5 18 t 7 1 V£>11ea C11c;te H11111 Be<ich b42 b') 72 tl4 7 259 j * * 2 11) V1<1 l 11Jo Ncir tJ L1lJO Isl' NB 6i3-b77b S 1,010 000 Sc1t1Sur1 1-5 :'!J M.1111 .,ul (J.i'.mn (,k I t.dM 641 1'..'12 S'J 14 900 9J i Al ,Jµulc.11 I ilC)tJrHJ 80dl.h 6"'' •11,• .:dl~OOO Sun 1-4 Sun 1-6 1q JO P•Jr I Bros101 Ltr (Hr orVuHm'il NB 6J 1 '300 $2fi8 500 Sun 1 'i 1A J,h1111ne Lorona tJel Mdr t. • 1 I ?bG 53q5 000 o.l.'U D 1hh,J <..or 011,1 JL I M H t.J 1 1 :it.iu sc;?s noo Sun I ;> Sun l·S ••ti t, ar1gotll C..t-H)fl,1 1Jt Mar 615·5'• 11 $ 1·10 000 s.11 1~un 1 5 21111 Circle fJr tU,i y".llore:.I NA u•l!J t;218 ~. f'l 000 l H :':.!b8 {,1)ldl'll Lr Nl'Wf.JOr t BtMtll Sun 1.4 to4h 1171 $l''•7 000 ~,ll 'Su r1 t.~ J 1 Vr.t r.,•nO.i l ilJU 151!· NB t,,7•, 7300 $895 000 ~ur 12-1 JO 3J'~ N,15..,,iu CQllec1e Purl\ r M i'.)«1~.01 :1:13.900 S111115 ?YO I c u ,11p., E Stull Nl3 644 1,;100 5225.000 Silt 1·5 :>307 r .i1rl11ll Newµort E~e.1ch o•1•1·1"200 S2 15.000 <;.11 'itm 1?-~ 2291:1 At•<Jl<111t1S Or B.1c.~ 0.1v NE3 6:.J 1 1400 $?41:1 "iOO Sot Sw• 1.:, }03b Polu"" CJr N••wpnrt !:kn i 5'1 q 100 $89CJ 000 C' lfl IP.l:i3 Br.i1>ma1 Way Nt>1111111r1 b••Jt 11 75c1 q 100 $365.000 ~.111 I •I". 0 L ll•ncJ,1 Pl f~t'"-POll fit II ;;.49 1400 5224,500 Sun '·!i J21 Kings Road NPwpvrt 8ro1ch 646-57 IC! $:>41:1 86J6 ~II 1 I t, S•l Tr,111erse (!Jel C£>rro1 CM 979 2390 S 1!>4 900 Sw1 1 I\ 1057 Ca,ob F btull N 11 644 6200 $289 000 Sun 1 ;, 1847 Port She1f1t:"lc.J (H V Hnrn<?· l NB 675 6870 S2i'J 000 S '" 1 5 1337 Sussp, Ldne Wt<s ti.;hll NB 64'> 71108 $24q '>00 Sur I r e; r r1•<.1cl1n CJr 111>~""' cl1•I M.11 l l 1\1 -. I 0250 $ 14£\ ~00 S1111 1 lO 5 I() 4 BEDROOM • 3 lb'i BNmuda (Mesa Verlie) CM 153 1 1.,. t.6 s 1 sc..000 S.lt S1111 1 :. 7 W1ngNI Femi l 11 181Q Lyn) NB 75o1.7i24 VtF1 000 Sun 1-5 114 Ruby Av~ BalbOJ I ,1,1110 631 1400 $42~ 000 * •2804 W Oceanfror1t Pnninsula Sun I·!> 611-1400 $695000 Sun 1·5 * t'l01 Galatr>a Terr (Irv l11rr I 644 6200 $795 000 1541 Qcpan Pe111nsula Point 63, 1400 $470.000 ~ 182 Nc111onal. Costa Mesa 979 ;>390 s 124 900 10 10 SandcasllP. Corona del Mar Sun 1·5 Sun 1-5 <lun 1 5 5116 2313 $325.000 Sat/Sun 10 S * 190 1 Galatea Terr Irv Terr CdM 644-6200 $795 000 Sal 1.5 4 BR p lut FAM RM or DEN •342 Peachlree Back Bay. NB 760-1900 $189.500 Sat 2-5 * 1837 Seadrift Dr Irv Terr CdM 640-5560 $d78.500 Sat/Sun I 5 1222 Sussex Ln (Weslcllll) NB 642 5200 $237,000 t 112 Westcflll (Weslclilll NB 642-5200 $255,000 n4 Trafalgar (Hrbr Rdg) NB 760 8333 $1 .795.000 * * 2408 "3rd St . Npt BePCll 631 7370 Sun 1·4 Sun 1 5 Sat/Sun 1-& Sun 1·5 2681 B.,yshore Dr. Bt1yAhores. N~ 644-9060 $310.000 Sun 1·4 1255 Somerset (Baycro1t) NB 631·7370 $355,000 SOI/Sun I 30·5 • • 162 1 B<JyS1de, Corona del Mar 760-8333 $ 1 395.000 Sal/Sun 1·5 * 1840 Tradewinds. Baycresl, NB 6'1 4 9060 $359.500 Sun 1-5 * 181 2 eort S11111ng (Hrt>rVuHms) NB 760 8333 $375 000 Sat/Sun 1-!; 1251 Surll1ne (Hr hr VuHill51 CdM 644 4910 ~;>75,000-LH Su1/S·m ':i 19 15 Yuch1 f.J • .m1.m . Newport Beach 63 I 7300 $475,000 Sun !> 509 Evi;rnng St<11 Ln !Jover ShrS, NB 63 I 7300 $920.000 Sun I·!> * t I C;irmel Bdy Dr. Spygl!. Hill NB b31 7300 $625.000 Sun 1-5 915 Bellis. Eastblull, NB 759-0268 $325 000 Sat1Su11 1-5 * 14 Burning Tree Ad (Big Cyn) NB 644 -4910 $695,000-Fee Sun 1-5 4 BR plut FAM RM or DEN 21 3 Diamond (Balboa Island) NB 644-4910 $595,000-Fee Sat/Sun 1-5 •*26113 Bayshore Dr Bayshrs. NB 644-9060 ~ 1,750 000-Fee Sun 1-4 230 Goldenrod Corona del Mar 673-8494 $450 000 Sal/Sun 1·5 * * 542 Harbor Isl Dr Npt Bch 759-9100 S 1 200,000 Sal/Sun 1·5 .. 1 Urb1110 (N wood) Irvine 751 -319 1 $365,000 Sun 1•4 * 1924 Leeward Ln Baycresl. NB 63 1 -7300 $298,000 Sun 1 5 • 5 Colonial. Northwood, Irvine 631-7300 $230.000 Sal/Sun 1-5 11 San Seoastian. Harbor Ardge 760-1900 $1 .299.500 Sun 1·5 •2 15 t2 Camino Trebol Lk Forest 760-1900 S2 16.000 Sun 1 5 1889 1 Antioch (Trllrk) Irv 552-7500 $235 000 Sat1Sun I 5 24 H1llgrass 1Trtlrk) Irvine 552-7500 $289 500 Sun 1-5 * 10 1 Via FlorencP L '10 Isle N B 673-7300 $595 000 Sun 1-5 * •633 Bayside Dr. Prom Bay, NB 644-9060 $1 100 000 Sun 1·5 :'706 ughthciu::.1.; Lr1 IHVHIS) CdM 675 6000 $429 000 Sat/Sun 1-5 115<! Kingston Costa Mesa ')46-2313 $230.000 Sun 12 30-4 30 • ,n • H.irhor View Dr (HVHIS) (,dM ~,. i761 $550.000-tee Sun 1-5 1722 Port Barmouth (HVHms) NB 6 3-7761 $259.900-lee Sun 1 5 1214 Starboard. HV Hills, CdM 759-I SO 1 $340.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 9 10 Nottingham, Dover Shores. NB 759-150 1 $279.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 19122 Biddle. Turtlerock . Irv 759 1501 $208,000 Sun 1-5 • • t6591 Peale Ln, Hunt Hrbr, HB 759-1 501 $559,000-lee Sun 1-5 •4626 Roxbury Rd Cameo Shrs CdM 759-150 1 $670 000-Fee Sat/Sun 1-5 1441 Galaxy Dr . Dover Shrs. NB 548-5647 $420 000 Sat/Sun 1-5 4 Narbonne Hrbr Ridge N B 644-6200 S 1 695.000 Sat/Sun 12-5 14 Point Loma. Spyglass CdM 673-4400 $723.400 Sun 1-4 30 2 10 Via San Remo. Lido Isle. N B 675-30481673-2556 Sal/Sun 1-5 * • 1630 I Niantic Circ Hun1 Bch 631 -1400 $980 000 Sal/Sun 1-5 932 Coronado (Mesa del Man CM 63 1-7370 $145,900 Sun 1-5 5 BEDROOM * 11: 708 Vra Lido Nord lido Isl NB 675-6161 $1 ,500.000 Sun 1-5 * •2658 Bayshore Dr Bayshrs NB 644-9060 S750 000 Sun 1 4 43 4 Bt!QOnra Corona del Mar 644-72 11 $595 000 Sun 1-5 1204 Ave Buena Suerte, ~an L,.1em 759-9 100 $865,000 Sun 1-5 14 Morro Bay (~pyglass) NB 760-8333 $595.000 Sun 1·5 • 19 Royal St George (Bg Cyn) NB 760-8333 $775,000 Sun 1-5 2048 Port Weybrioge (HrbrVu Hms) NB 760-8333 $359.900 Sun 1-5 • 1 Rue Valbonne (Bg Cynl NB 760-8333 $725,000 Sun 1·5 2124 College Or ' COSIO Mesa 759·9100 $129.000 Sun 1-5 1801 Antigua Clrc .• Newpor1 Beach 644-6200 $424,500 Sun 12·4 320 Seaward, Shoreclllf, N.B. 631-1400 $445,000 Sun 1·& * 1459 Geloxy Dr .. Oovtr Shra. NB 644·6200 $465,000 Sun 2·& 2612 Wavecroat, HV Hllll, CdM 6<4<4-6200 $3<49,500 \ Sun 1-s * * 4028 Chu11r1ttl Pl , Nwpt INI ND 673 0201' $965 000 Sun 11·5 •• 2 I !I VIII L ltJ(I SoutJ' l 10(J l11le '60· 1900 $1,995,000 ~un I !> • l409 I USl111 Avu C..osl.J M11~.1 760 1900 $24'>.000 Sun 2·5 • • ;n 19 Ouy!.1c.Jo Or C..dM ll44 6200 $1 ~00 000 Sa11 ~un 1 5 5 BR plut FAM RM or DEN • 1206 Key West (Hrbr Vu Hms) NB 760-8333 $4 75,000 Sal/Sun 1-!> *45 Royal SI George (Big Cynl NB 644 7388 $849.000 Sun I 5 * 1730 Bomme Way. Newporl Mct1 646-0758 $212 000 Sat/Sun 1-5 'lOO 15th SI (Cl1tlhaven) N fj 494-7754 $329 !>00 Sat/Sun 12·4 2752 Circle Dr. Bay!.hores, NB 644-9060 $785,000-Foo Sun 1-4 9 Inverness (Big CynJ N B 644-4910 $1 950 000-Fee Sun 1-5 30 * 2 Winged Foot l n Big Cyn NB 673-7100 $699 950 Satt Sun 1-5 1448 Galaxy Dr. Dover Shores. N B 675-2373 $995.000 Sun 1-5 2531 Bunya (Eastblufl) N B 675-6000 $275.000 Sal/Sun 1-5 1956 Flamingo. Cos1a Mesa 546-2313 $199 500 Sun 1-4 1561 Pegasus. Santa Ana Heights 540-8062 $169.000 Sat/Sun 8-5 I Blull View. Tr1lrk. Irvine 551-8700 $395.000 * * * 29 Beechwood. Wdbrdge. Irv Sat 1-5 551-6829 $395.000 Sun 1-5 618 Harbor Isl Dr , Npt Beach 759-9100 $1 ,350,000 6 BEDROOM *41 Golela Point. Spyglass, CdM Sun 1-5 644-6200 $890.000 Sal/Sun 1-5 CONDOMINIUMS FOR SALE 1 BEDROOM 6 1 Lake Pmes (The Lakes) Irv 540-1151 S115,500 SattSun l-4 CONDOMINIUMS FOR SALE 2 BEDROOM *Versailles. NB (Ask 10 ring at gale) 548-8636 Sun 1-5 2 BR plut FAM RM or DEN = 12 Solana Rancho San Joaquin 759-1206 $185,000 Sal/Sun 1.5 <'2476 Camin110 Costa Vig Lag Hills 855-3017 $124 500 Sun 1-5 3 BEDROOM 4 11 Dahlra. Corona del Mar 673-8494 $300.00Ci Sat/Sun 1-5 685 Vista Bonita. The Blults, N B 631-7300 $229.000 Sun 1-5 CONDOMINIUMS FOR RENT 2 BEDROOM 2501 West Sunflower (F6) 213/274-3569 $550 Sal/Sun 1-4 DUPLEXES FOR SALE 2 BR & GUEST 701 West Bay Ave . Newport Bch 675-4630 $340.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 3 BR plut 2 BR 423 Carnallon, Old CdM, CdM 675-8370 Sat/Sun 1-5 430-430' , Narcissus. CdM 644-9060 $298.000 Sat/Sun 2-5 2 BR & 3 BR 301 32nd St. Newport Beach 675-6670 $280.000 • 3 BR & 3 BR 4 16 Carnation, Corona del Mar Sun 2-5 673-6900 $569.000 Sal/Sun 1-5 5 BR & 3 BR 509 Acacia (Oceanside of Hwy). CdM 645-7048 $440,000? Sat/Sun 1-5 DUPLEX FOR RENT 4 BEDROOM **39011,; Marcus, Nwpt Island, NB 675-4186 $1200/mo. Sat/Sun 1-5 HOME & INCOME FOR SALE 2 ptut STUDIO 415·415'~ Narclasus, Corona dtl Mar 673-8494 $229.500 Sun 1--4 .. Pool * * Weterlronl * * * Waterfront & Pool 111 111111• l,co.1~.1 IJl\11 (I 'll !JI ',1111duy 0< l<JIJUt SI HH:ll' ~"-~'~!~.'~ .. ~!~ . .' •. ! . ~!.'!r.!!.~~!~ ... !.~~? A,,,,.,,.,, A,1tt•tnl1 A,,,,,.,.,, A,11t•111t1 ... ~~!~!~!!~!.~ .......... ~~!~!~!~~!.~ ....... I ••. ~~!~!!'!!~.'-~ .......... ~~!~!~!!~!!'. ...... . .!.t.~tJ~!'.!.!~!~!!!.~~~ ~.''.".~'.'!. !! .!~!.'.'. !.~~~ ~.'!.'/.~~ .'!!. !.t.n.~ !.~~~ I Annount1•1nt1/ f!'!f!~t!'!!~! •••••••••• 1'1\1 M llf 'ii !ti I I tin ... 1. "' I ,,, I I • r1 • II •II • I ' .... 1 l111on1J1 obi W1nt1' 1011 E "GOOD f!!!~. ~!!~ ..... }.~~! Huntin1ton Hutltinoton ~".~f~!!. ~!~f~ .. !.~~~ 1 11111111,, 1 ... ,,1 11,,,, Burlt IR10 II rh 18Jfl ·111 """" 1. ,,,, ,. , ''" 1 , •1 1 1 ", ,.. ,1 , .. Lo1t I found , ' ii. I tf l f ~ • • • • • • • •• • ••• • ••• • • • •. UDtflHllll SID .••..•••.........•.••. l lvfl 111 liw11<111h 01rl1 C..hllt.h 111e 1t1h1JQ &It '•NfUliol1 Au f'lllr Ag1t111.y A111wer/\rl tJ8(1 642 !1879 .......••.•••.... "Autit,fW1 11vt put1u > l U l•1•1,_· .. • .. • .. ·.,·.·-· .. ·.,· .. ·,.· .. ·_....::aE.-------- C11u1htt1 1 II J U1 ''" I I , h k '> • • I • 1 ~I'"' s•1111 ~· '"' 1 l\t'll lH' un p u r·t. .. 111··· > 1 I t II I ' .... "' ., (111 1.4 I ..... "~'""' .,-l)U •·······•••••··•·····• ' . ' f I I • ,. I 111 I ••t•CI llOW lut.ttl ff-1( n11111 .. .iu1u A ,., l•na t.u ~I .' M , •• ,., oun '''"'''" 1Su•tt•• hve ht 11 •"t•t11Jf1 hr,1uattlo "•''"' II ti I Ii\ U fft 1t.t I (S LIFE" II I• .,.,, 1"•' Isn't that the horse thnt won 111 "1 .. ''. ,, '•' j 4, .. , It I ••• Utr\'l1t1d MtJ"'' 1 th I 1. H.'1.1 1111. 2111. 3 llt Nt"WI~ fh t1 Of t •rt~ 1111 ttlH I UIU t1w,ru l>UUI bt;q 110 111•1-Id, '>01 I The Triple Crown In '72? 1 1 ' ','. :'' A 111 I ,1 \ t I I u I f I I l "TOMORROW'S HEALT H OUTEll IS HERE TODAY!" I 1411J41J 04J4 dfl 11PM ur h"°''"~I\ YIAJMU>UNO f UN; .Soc1e1 Ac11v111ea 01t e c101 •f'•11• Sunday Btun<:ll•BBO a• Peroea•Plua much mote 0 Ill E AT llllE C lll l ATI O N : U STSIDf l U• I U11 poul ~•du ••Pl lttd•y 1111 1111 111~ Nu pt< I ~ C 11 II I '" 1l j1 I• I $435 S,.!>O ISL Mg1111 b4.1 lt>O.l FIRESIDE COMFORT l lktt nu IQtt I Ill 11µ!~ J• flit OW u111 S.4 7 ~. '''" P1UIO u f 01tlc uny Pn(JI " ~lld Nu llt•I~ • h!>O II 11 t,1 M c:...1 J..t1n,~::, ,,c, .. '•.i ,· "'-'11'" \f :(•UI rn 'u 1 ,,,,., v..t•u hU wti.a11 t\••flt11 l1t.HI .. , Hf w.t dun I h•t•I It 111 yt••I , •• tllll 1huu1 k.t.tfll1t1huu~pi11I UfU' "' 't 1h~l11H lt>1ttlv d1fltH1tHI ••lhHll1tt•1tl tl!1tup l.11t• • .ii '.1111w111rl V1ll1191• 111 11111111111111111 lh•,11 h !i•H)'t\'llU1 V1lluqt• ,., 1t 1t1·,~1ll ul IOI all\ pto,t)11111t11•d fnofp·,·,h1i111I ,11,,1111111\I l '"' k111(j ul .1lh1t1111u1yt111 dt1 '"' V4 A '" lf1·t ' hl1•1td uf 11j1h11l~ .uut l1v111q '"' lh II 11t t tun •··• w11t1 b.1hht111q tuuok I .uut •l"'"' I 1.t•nt~ t ouh,tl ,,.,. ''·'"" .11 '" ,1,111 IHIOt/I•~ Alf It I , lti 11 l•·fU11't u u '" ·.w111in111u1 pc ''' 1 ,~ 1 .uul .t T e nnl1 •F•t10 le.sona (pro & pro al'lopl•2 Heelln Club1•Seun1• Hydromu11g11• Sw1mmln11•0oll OtlYltlQ Rongtt aEAU T lf UL Al'AlllTMl!N T8 : S 1ng1e1 1 & 2 8edroom1•Fu• nlshe<l & Unfurmshed•No Pell•~odels Open dilly 1110 6 $4b'> J Ut11111 "''"•J I'•' Im nu l'<'I~ ihlu'I' 11•• • I 724 A Jame~ b7 J 71111 VILLA ME Of RA 2 U• <'lHl f Sl(J(~ tanHI) 'C)111pht:. t, 11_.1·1111 Ill 111 111 illl llt' 11 'tfl•JliPllHJ .11ut t'ltlf l';'llh fll 11ut ' II' \ot llUI o1 pl ll t" ,IU'ftltlt \llwO thf J ru\Utl\-t tll hou.11 f "'fl l\••ttu• t 1 ,.._,, "'I) t.,)1' 11td IYw , h••thocun 1n 11 tlJ l'h lHJlh JJ' 1tHllt.1nt~, h CJ'fl \'"1~&U Seow111d V.llo~jc· Oakwood ,.,, .. 0 W Q"'•lllt' W11 111,1· I IHI $52'> "'" 6 i 1!111 1 dl.'JJ /1~4 £ l•l<'1t Mr11 AµI I 541j414/ I .,.,,, ... " ••• ,.rt .... 11111. 880 Irvine Nilil• 18th l'um1>11,1 t H• I 1 Bu dow11s1.i11~ it • ~arpon warnr ptJ I ~h•lll o~ 110 pel~ S•IOO All'"'' no lt>t> 962 02 17 I .... , H1111l1tll)IOll Vtll.i91• I .1111· I hH•(lllljllJI Bt•1t1.l1 (A (: 141 tl9J !> Piil (at 16th) (71 4) 645-1104 h.,.rt hHti/S1. 1700 16th SI (Dover at 16th) (71 4) 642-5113 SPACIOUS 2 Ull I H.1 Bedm Lf'•ltttQ~ ~t .. '" t'"'' Wood c.ib "' 1•t-• • S 4 7 5 l 2 5 h M ,1 p " '>48 73~b or f ; \ tl81l • I 10111 fht' S,m On>yo frt!ew.1~ o;Jt1\ll' 1101111 Hl'dl ,, II Ml F1Hld1111 ll•t!ll ""l''>t 011 Mc.f tlh.lt<fl h> s ... 1w111() V1ll.1\jo: 1 ~1111.,111nq:. .Jv.11lo11Jlf' • 011••11 11,111y 10 AM •Ill~" Cost1 MtSI 3824 Huntington 2 Br U.1 "'' ''"" l S451) n1CJ "" l P<'"''"' •• • •••••••••• • ••••• ••• Ht11bou1 384; £. ~l<Jl• IUAU' )' Ill 8 µHI~ •••••••••••••••••••••• Comptelely furntShed 1 Br 7 '> 5 w 1 8 I 11 S 1 f\Jfl~St lge 1 tH rttfr1~ •UH 1J 1 ht l U• ( 11rttflt near ocean $700 mo 64b 9!il>7 l1\"1 f:JBU (>'Wt £1'11'-D~Ull M~nf 1. u~1t1 111 .in1rn11r1 .... HOW Qtli$ HICI $4:l~ '1'\oO ~t111U rt1t1 'Jb, 4'J 1'1 Phyllls Sleln 645-2868 Ni<.e qu•el UP\1<111; 2 (lH 3 mo sub-le! 2 bdrm apll 2 t>.1 apt $!>!10 1nus1 wttl'I magn1l1cen1 view 11111~ 111cl b.'l H11n11111111 over Newport Bay Spa. St 548 0477 Tennis 640·2886 12 Br 1 DJ 11 f 1811 I Magr111tcen1 view, 2 br 2 SI No Pt'I~ C..i1 $b'·O De, l rplc. 1nclds ultls. S1errd Mgmt b41 1J. 4 I tennis. 1acuzz1 sauna 2 br ,,, newei 1,. p1.,, ,.., swimming pool walk 10 SC Plaz.:i gar 1~1 '"'' beach will shot! term S525 83 1 9?9J 2 BR 2 Od ·Iv" .ipp•o• Nov I n<.1 Ut'I~ $411~ l>.J I (i7 ~ 1 Yl~Ll CORDOVA :,1Jt1CtOU' E Stell' Aph f11~1 qar pc111u a~nwl•r <'> -,,r ve MO ... t 1t1t I f•..-NO t11 '' tl1' 1 I"''~"' uH < ver""" • >j~ -,1 trllhJ JI ): l"l .').: ! flOt'• A." CM £ 42 7605 673 -37 20 local 602 12 74 -6994 6021998·261 I colleci $1000/mo 760· 1418 or !>48 8b7~ Sµ,., , Bfl I,,.., Im hlln On lhe beach no1e1 1 room ap1 k11cnene11e & ba l n . 1u rn1shed $300/mo + $300 dep 2306 w Oceantronl. NB 673-4154 evs/w~ nos ~"'•.. p 11>r r"'~ $4\1!> IMSTAMT IM f•"" 1"~·J SH5 mo 2 BR I •bt1 I , tndry rm 1.arport all D1ni1 Point 3826 bllns CPI' d'P' TSL •••••••••••••••••••••• Managemen1 642 1603 OCUM VIEW Ft Ont Oc.1nu ~ '1 tn1 , ttiO\l ~ .. cludt>O S•. IUL IJlull s .. c1 •• ,.,, 3116 ...................... 2 br, 1'> be new crpt walk 10 beecn 225 La l>etoma S<l75 637-7918 Ouple. lge 1 BR. redec walk t>eacn shops $400 218 W C anada 213·378·3119 •2Br 2Ba Ne 11 SC PldZll S A Lu•ury Con oo w1poo1 $595 No pets 833-8974 f.,es •Mesa Verde 2 B• 1 Bd Newly redec $49!> No pets 833 8974 Eve:. I bd $415 Newly •POflC O•W AC gas & wafer A po patio crp11 poo• 111l•tat1 pany rm Call all 11 AM Ua/graillttd C a s a G r n n a 11 a •••••••••••••••••••••• 979-191l 11/)H lllu• 3106 •••••••••••••••••••••• $385/mo Br JIOOI 1 E·Baylront. Llflle Isle. person only J25 J 111ri prer, J SIOty deluxe lrg Pl 646-5 137 I IAM 7PM 2Br, frplc. S 1800 mo 675-3067 Eastsioe 1 Dlk N B Duple• 2 stry 3 00 I , Large 2 Br 1' • Ba lrplc ba lrpl nigh ce1hr1,1s large sundeck w/water $750 2 IJ 244 36 lb view. ell relurb1sheO yeetly $850/mo 151 last 2 Br TripleJt $430 Ne .... & $300 sec 2 persons carpels <l<llP6S pa.n1 no pel, no garage Avail No pe1s 2264 P1acpn11a now• 325''r Grano Can-645-9494 al 2BR 1·1ba o w bl11n' ••/"-• pa110 gar no pel) $575 • -· 546-429 I 64'> 9B'i7 , .. ,,,,.,, 380'1 •••••••••••••••••••••• 3 BR 2 , 08 Ir PC yCJ 2 b<lrm. 2 ba newer <lph• Obie gar Npt Hgn1~ yrty Malure non-smkrs. Area $750 no pets S650 X 3 559 500 1 213717~9-.. 195. 257-9792 EASTSIOE Largf! J oorm or ( 1~1 673-3986 1 be conv 1oc SS~O mo l ~ .. new' On1, 4 1r I> • 1 B• w de• Xtld r111J11•&1lt! pat o F•om S7:.>' •o CJll 661 (441 ell "' FI Q < 64J-0. 12 Ortvl' I, 10 '>t't> 24~8J S,1'11.1 Ct ""I c 9, g;i, d ~e ,. ... a, (tf .., • ., Ot..-.an ¥•8..-, b81~C•r I ! s~~o mo 21J 402 26'.i7 St!t! iJI 24681 Ap l A Ct>iono a Or '14 661 88Q9 Ot E AN VU 2 BR .'l"r du p It'., n ~.,,, C tl t drapes 5625 n o H t' •ulel) no pet~ (,' 1 ~4 • n· 67',-9250 I ' Br • Ba C<H, •I s• )0 l\o.; tJ JS 54;> _j59; • JG '1 • Br . ' OSfi-'Shr (jCf..t) .111A '' 0~1s SS .. 5 mr h6t tf~;.: ~•uge tu ~ury 2 Br 2 Ba sunClet k qarag ... 1n<1rv "~ UIJ D w 2 ~ 10~ o.-. S6 3~ 240 6 01'1 8.31-9303 ~ 81 2 Ba tonoo Puon! N c; u e 1 n c ./I ll \ ret"fJ S6i'" 4"2 t.701' :!ISO ~ •u I 1'1 t.1111 Cl• 494 8013 fi,'lln11 S tu<1HJ ~11h ~opn r.11• ~•h .. t\tfn waU. 1• 11 .. ,rt1 II shous $37!> on 111• ul 'I!> 1 $500 sec <1••nos11 HolPI t.a111orn1 Apt ~ 494 ;•797 '""" mt>S~·•·1"' 'Ar .. ..-~, ' ""'' CQf'IYt-n tor J I pJ5 400 m •9~ II W At I !J!,0 ,,, \hi '138- '• L ,1f1'*"' I •' 1t h•11•1 f~1.~~~-~i1.~~~ .. J.~~ Or• r,vll Cnvrse Wt'> N111P Condo '} BR 'lba C11' yo' "" opr,r Wa~r Jt r l'f l f".'IY+/Pf U"'t ~ flit rP(.1Proratec" )7. -, • 14 :~o 1-i':>c S295 nice bechelor res-646-7800 ponslble person ullls EASTSIDE 3 Ddrm ' ba Supe< nP.al 1 Br Vuld I Ba 5ma11 & ccz~ "' •v HP S42S .... o 67 J J:J 1·J Ntwoorl Buc/J 3869 4Q1_080'3 ,, •urn1sned 1 ••••'••• ••••••• ••••••• ~:10.Apn109pets 106 E l treptace Pr1v yard y, $600 mo 646 7800 DELUXE 2 bd. 2 ba Sleps 10 the Bch WIO, gar. no pe11 . yrly S 750 6 .. 5-6956 alt 4PM ~~------~~~~ Studio apl, '1 blk fr Wed· ge. S350 mo. ufll Inc 1st & lasl Att S, 673-6228 Srand spanking clean 2 BR 1 Be 1 car gar lge yd no pets SS50 mo Ag1 642·6368 11r •MESA VERDE•'* LOry rm dtw e gar 2br 2ba upper S550tmo 3 br. 2 ba. oar . lrptc. m1-540-5446 cro Xlnt toe lmmed 2 OOrm 1 DI cn11oren ok 875-4912 bkr no pels s,.50 mo Ptus C111a1 '•/ /fir 3122 1967 Maple 548-8195 ...................... ------- STIPS TO OCUI Large 3 Bt 3 Be many emenllles S 1175 Call Anthony days 642-5757. eves & wknds 631-6630 Large 2 bt. 2 ba. Ir pie, 1 car gar Adulls pret NO PETS $700 mo 1st. IUI & 1350 aec Upsia1rs unit 675-1657 2 Br 2 Ba. trplc. So of Hwy, N-bldg Oarre41. Own11Bkr 851-8767 BachetOt tplc beam clgs pa110 new cpl & Orps $350 incl ultl 631·092 I 1bd near Soulh Coast Pfau SJ 70 mo UlllS paid 75,.·0588 Clean 2Br 1 •>BR enclo sed pallo. no pe" $480 mo 548-4506 Lg 1 Br new cpls paint & 1tno1evm 1 child OK No pets 5350 mo + dep Call Mgr 6,.2·2866 2 br. 2 ba. tge & very nice I '• Br g at age ya r O 2 eerpor11 S675 mo No S525 1mo Wests1oe pet1 559-11265 64 1-0763 No pets 3 Br 2 Be Sun fettaoe welll to beach 645-2216 8AM·4·30PM weekdays THE SEVILLE 2 Br wigar crpts. Orps bllins lnco yO wl pa110 w1111r pd 2619 J" Santa Ana Ave 2 Br 2 Be. n-ly pelnte<l, $510 C11ll 1-5 636·4120 new drapea. lrptc. svn· ----- d 1 c II , So o I Hwy 1335 Baker B. 2 Br 1 Ba, S8501mo Agl 675-5511 I renovated S525 1339 Baker C. 2-aty, 2 lrg Br, 2 Ba, renovate<! S550 Wknds 968·3636 Tile Shores In beautiful Cotone del Mar has newly refutb•shed 1 &. 2 bdrm •Pll lrom 15!>0 & up for renl Call Helen Olbton 644·2611 Redec 1 bd relrog. qu1e1 $410 See mgr 81 19220 Wa ll a c e A ve or 760-8376 C•1l1 #nl 3124 lrg 1 bO retrtg Alatm •••••••••••••••••••••• ·2 d ,, · Hou11 .BICh .. Oupllx system n oor. no 333 E 2 111 SI C.M pels $400 640-4979 I &45-8589 845·8103 •EASTStOE 2br~ ba, I K10SIPET$ OK SS75 A LL UTllS PO ~·~Q.@JI 831-4320 I Al'AITllfm 2 BR 1 Ba duplex, 266 BHulllulfy f1ndaceped Sanlo Tomas $5!>0 No gerden ept1. Poot & Spa pets 642·6388 P11lotl dec:h . No pelt Treel'ICNM 1 Bt_o_v_tf __ ge_r_ Bachelor S4 1 O ' 1 Bdrm 148S u111 Incl • 1345 mo 2250 Venguerd 540·11&26 I 842"11860• 640·9900 Huntin91on Bud 3140 •••.•••.••••.•........ De•u•e poo1s1de •Ira large 2br 2 ba bltns oswnr 1 , mites beacn No pels SSOO'mo 536 8362 Avaif now 1 Br I Ba <Jownstairs apl dsw5hr private pal•o single oa rage No pel ~ water pard $450 mo 545-2000 Agen1 nc ltt MARIMERS WAU Lrg 2 BR lownhOUSP apts encl gar lrplc Near Hunt Hrbr from $545 Chtldren OK 840·6807 WARNER VILLA 2 bd 'l ba Condo lrpl dw p11 tl O 1)001 $600' 213 570-0036 WALK iO BEACH Ela chelor stove & relrig" gas & wale• P&•d $325 mo !>36-7979 WALK TO BEACH I Br s t ove & re f rt QE' $375 mo $36 7979 -. $495 3 BA J Ba pool pal•o. 1(1ds ok No pett 646-9666. 960-148• 3 Br 2 Ba garoen apl 2 priv patios W/d hOO~·UP 1n51de 1 encls<l gnr $675 Dee 840-5504 large Studio w / k1tcnene11e lull balh 2 blks from bch S3251mo Mulhgan Prop 960-8•66 ~ .... ..-' r. r I . , .. 'f I "'' • Secunly GllH • Pno1 & Ate Room • I & 1 8R Pa110 Apl\ • r.••dtn l•ndSCIPlnQ • 01thwune1s & 880 s • JoQ 10 8tacn & SllOpt ~' f ~~ f ~. J ''~ () ~ ~ ... ' '; • . ' .. lmmedl•ll occupancy 2 & ---3 Bdtm from 1550-1825 3 bdrm, 2''\ ba lrpc, dbl« BllChllot• $4 10 N 0 p •II M 0 II -s 11 a I I a ch g at I e 5 0 18drm 1460 llAM ·5P M Su n 131 E. 18th 84~8816 11AM-5PM 5&7-4786 964·4833. 1·!>211·3004 181 E f8th 842-0856 Ne1t,,.... 1 Br 1 B• dll· 1 BA 1 Ba, all u111 pd.•• cept •lee Cpfl, drpe hwHl'ler, encllO ger90e. D/W, gas range, relrlg 8pec1001 2 !Ir. t 88 S425. Oup tu 3 Br 11~ Ba '415. l eundry rec .. pool 548-9568 12·7PM. 2 8R. 1 BA, old llOOM, no pell, cllllcl OK. AH u01 Pd 4 15 H I JfttltOll, $575 $400/mo 931-8166 Hltlng, pool. Jae. Hune no peta. 389 Avoc1do SI sec: gete Spac petk·llk• 1 1 8r. upa1elr1. utll1 paid. balcony, 2 pWg p11cH S:J601mo. Cerport, good no ~·• S475 mo VIII• loo., no petl. 313 W Bly. W111rn1r Corner of Cd 64&·95 ffS w • r a 1 & W 11 r n 1 r 141.07&3 LO 2 Bt Ea11111i:se g•r1191 + ...,AIT 111 cerport & yerd. llOvl, EMtllde N2&-N&Otmo t 1f rl 111 I 6 2 5 1 m o 2 Ir. 1~ II TOWMoull. ,_83_1.()_1_15-4 ______ , •fl buffl.1111, fndry rm, 2 BOrm. 2 0• townhelml cerpor1. r •rd/bllcony. Bleu111ut pool comp••• lllftetl pet Ok Meea cM1 Mat 1526/mo TSL Mgmt 842-1903 8.41..067• or 831-2177 714-893·3243 B1ch Unit. 1up11 cllen wtk to bell, 111 ulll po 1250 mo 1184 -4668 ~8-7330 ~15tmo. 1 l>t. 111 u1t1e Pd w1111 10 ~h 207 C111 cago 1185·4954 T PARK NEWPORT APARTMENTS COUNTRY CLUB LIVING IN NEWPORT BEACH A 1otal envoronmenl 11pa.1men1 communlly on the Upper Bay P11va1e r tubhouse and heallh spa 8 tennis courts 7 pools close 10 business a11oon Fashion Island Conven1en1 shops on S•le Unlurn1stle0 baChP 10" 1 & 2 bdrm apls ano 10,.n11ouSPS $560 $1000 Several bachelors an<J Bdrm units tealure line <1es19ner lurn11ure and accessones Move tn 10· day or rese1ve lor fufure use Smartly lurn1sheO models open da•IY On Jamboree Ad al S.1n Joaquin Hills Rd 144-1100 eioci-10 beach 2Br broghl & 111ry $670 mo yrly 968·8263 Be11chlron1 wtnte• rental Oc1 M.ly 4,.09 See Shatt' 2 Bi S700tmo Br $800 Ut115 patO Car DP l u1n1sheO 714 '~44-0614 8eac11tron1 winter rental Oc1 M11y 29 14 oeean f1on1 3 Br Newly remo deled Can be lur111shed S 1000" Ulols pa1rl 714/5 .. 4-0614 DC£HFllHT 3 bdr 'l ba gar oreal toe Winter Bacnetor grellt toe ye1rly TSL •c•t 142· 1'03 'J f;lr 2 Ba !r0mi52s Ne pell Actoss from New porl BHch Goll Course 545-4855 WllTH RHTALS 3 & 4 Br Close to w11fer turn & unlurn, reason• ble all 1menttie1 Broker 675-4912 TllAIOlllln Vory prlV•ll 2 b<l llP11 &YAILHU HW Large floor plane, gar dens tand1caf).,d, poo1 11cuu 1 Oreal Locellon clo11 to 1veryll'llng1 Some 1ownhou1u eno 1p11rlment1 w llh den 11vn11 No Pete PIHll rrom 1'100·S740 IHlllH .. IHI APAITlllTI 1244 1rvtn1 Ave. bltw_. Wt1tcllll t Mltlllet Or \714) &45-02&2 1 b1k to~2 Br. din, 2 01 yrty, bttln• rtlrlQ 1700 17$-88311 111 t ~ 11 \ I J • I \/"(I llH• j 111 I l U I t V •I Hit flt+ I• Allltl 1\1'•111 hi• 1u .-.. Hu t '"'' 1 .i ftJjlf h tl1 llflll' I 11h11 Iv ~Ip t·' 1411101 '1f11111 \,JH11 W .. l!d ,. ,,,., .,.,.., \'1'!'1 t1t1t 1,1•, Hf, 1 I II rt " ' ' ,. I I I ti, I I 111 •11 t ~ Jn,. 1, ,., '" "' If '• t lH f ; iii ,,, • ., ,, fl~'·. lllt 1t11 lt,11 IJ'1''U I ~ II •I Ii I I j I t'I\ I I Pl • I I I 111) .1<11111 tllltll l•1 ,1 I/' i. ,, ""'! I If I•,,, u,I 'I /l I 11 I M I I 111,.., ,,, I ff I I <llAl.I (If .~ , .... l , t 1 t ,, l t j It, 'J . 1 l ~ It U111 1. 111111111 t11, C 1111 ~ .... 11 PPt1tld I h1f1 d11.,· t f oP 1Jf ,tt1J tud1i1• llfWPORT 110 FITNESS, lllC. tlJ;th hut.h ''''*-'"' ~tlHlll 111 I • '!.~I I .. 'f ! .".'!.~ •..• !.'. ~~ t I /t.1 tt11111w. M ()ll'flllll!I' HARD WORKERS '>"~"11111 1111 Delivery 01111 (lfhl.n Gon I 11tw1 tjHf., h·' 1 '•!IHI '"' ,.,, \ .. ,,. *MAHI • IAlll I 1ou1 'l••~w It hi A Ht• 1. \ti it, l'f' I fiHl !It I q, ' ' ,, 1 1. ·; ,, ••v •• •. '. tit l//HJH I Ul M ,11 ( 714) 752-0224 $11 000 ''" '-'\ fq IJ,._.,,. I Id It I' I I I I I I I I ' I .• I " •• I/• ttt H I' t ' . ' Coarmttdt1I Rtnl•ls CHRISTMAS CARDS M"'' trn :J111r•u "' bu h111111td' 17 141 lfl93992 tth • u1, 111 , 'tid• •• ti" • ,. I ·f '· ·~ Ren11ll to Sb1tt 4300 ' '' • I '" .. 4475 ···•·•··••••·········• II . '' f I ,,,, t v .. ~ }.o~.R .'!1~~~~'~'''' l;/4 ltt1ur )I .......•••.••..•...... I lufl A11 h .I. hit f ,1 t , IH .,t' I l·f , I 1 11 I iJI I I lflhl .,,,. f111i lJ•J•I I -' Pt•• I Ul. t;. 1 /11 I I r ,•HI f1t1 l·I If tl tt ftl•I p 11•(• U••'·" t "· t J ''' I .1 I i\ t t ft' I ,J " h ~ , • , •• t'H ' " I , ........ I .... , /\ It II ti j.;1 11 ' lll I t, 1 '1t f\.1 '.h jfl tJ,11 t f'f;~1I ill 111 \it /• t•1 ·'HI ,,.,.,,., ''" l I '\ "·1 I tlj ~11 1 II..._ JI 1111 JH I lu .I uM• •'''\It l{i' lul.' I IH I td t 11 1 '1 •'In , f•·t fJ,•..-itu +d lit ,11 Ii •Ht,., 1 "" 1t111 lo'111ct~ 'n1 1J11 1 r Huiiq Jt11• J I If Iii•' l"tdllt 111 ti~ ... ( ,I t 'ph 'lf\ld\t 1 l '•U ..... 1tt I•• I f1'1tt / 1 '· • I A '. II n 111 I l fl I v l , • ., .. ull1 M I•" I " •• ' ~,/I ti uu1 •' U• 111tt1u11 M or f nt1tuh1•, • t ",. 1 ., I • 1 t 1•11 I ,lJ I 1110 ~hr ttm:,t h1•ltut jl1il t "'1 1f r•HJ'ltf, ~·· 110111 .. '"' u-.111 I I >I .\ ~p I $c • {) rt ' , ..... ,,11111f1t j t "' ~I ftl I , 1 I (I'll~ t , Ir (),~I'>" .1/1 r. ' I " "~. hJ IU "''' I ''"I ! t\1 I fl '1 I I 0 l Ur P•f '"'' 1o * ,i ,..,r1u 1 ,, tt, rn ·~ ,, •• , f 1,1 ''I rl, nc C•tH1 v11~w w.itk IQ tlf-,H t1 S4~·, \..Old11Ct Mqr "' ""' C , 1, (1u inn Lri ~ BH \41>~ 1P<11ty n"w O~c.or DOul 111 t,cttcn bu~ N > ~·"'' ~QB 627' S1nt1 .4n1 3880 &r .u1t rC1 Pl 4 t .l • w' f t•ff1o •tP '"1111 •• 1u '' ,_,, unLIO "' .... , ,.~, l'l.t/ t $.' /0 0'11 I f14 l Hh,, t!JOQ Cj,~ ff f.,Utt•h Vii. "t•'A ol 8.tc k B ty t1• tu It fut ~ r t·eno1~1 t t. •.w 1rrlf111tltJ pnol' Will J(Cf'"PI ' t ,, • d~h.Jlt!> Uf 1 ('(1ul1 W (t1d11 '1'17 lHK • of til\CJ t \ 1't l ;1fftt•1 1lP11} l\ 111 '' A hd'1 '•~I J Hrnrnh 11 •''' l•r , t: 1 n~e 9"' "~Jt' Ml!~" "'" llt' C M 'j4Q 1>411 I 1·~11 ,n,~r '"di 1tt mt 720 Q<. 14 11'" ... t ?ii loo • ) Iv M f ~tiJrtt, IHJll11 ~th• ._, story llPI 111 COM Non ~mkr SJ50 µt'r 1 1on111 tnclude~ c..ttllP Jt. ,,t l''1tt , elKttic tv Al•r• 6r1m 720 063<' Room "" "''' o• "'' ... 1 ~~ S;>... ·~1 I( ''" ., ... , I Ar• f,4;> lib I I r1nm,. l1C1 ,, ., I I ti ,.,. •• , C'rrtP r Yi f •'I 101) ~t <' f i, ( '' ' •111,1<1 10 51rir lt~I , s.'• I , Sul Bt1cb 3884 Nov 1 611: •;;JO; • •••• ••••• ••• •• ••••••• C"'•'>llBrt Woni•Jh ..,.Jnt~c V~ry lrg '1 R' ' tile"' to l l' sharP Ot.l'1P 1 fn1n1 b< h ''""cnl 11 ... .,. <\t<1v•-' A horne ·n Nflw~ort ~··,1c.n I r 1 r1" ! 7 '>I) Joe I Prv entrclnte rt1.1~ 11•n• • 141«;•, t 14~1 ,,, t1 .. ,hang~ for driv111~ Sou lb L1 uni1 3886 '"r own"r 642 MS 1 • • • • • • •• ~ • • • • • • • •••• • Stu ? PA ap1 n, tJ••dCI * * '~' I• l•l'ol'.h S4'..'S Nwpt f;lcn $2;>(1 M.11• N• Ptl1S pr.-t ll ( 4f 98•8 ~q" 'O~u Fh~sr non srni.., ,.,..m Rooau 4000 "".inlPd 10 ~n• 301 1~ r r;.r ....................... beach H8 S2f\O mt'\ lAliUH IEACH 960·06 t 3 MOTOR IH 11,~1, renl.lls S ,lC. uo Co1or TV ,, .. e coll"" l>t>BIPd µool 11 ''eps 10 ocnnn K1tt;h s Jvd1f 985 N Coas1 Hwy l 11qun11 Beach 494 -52<l4 $90 & up won k11c11en wMJkly Oceantron1 Mo· tel 675 87 40 Smell atlracto.P Slud•O nr DCl1 tor "mply d Non- 51..,l.r Prvl ktlctlenelle P•vt f!ntry S325 incl ultls phr,ne pool TV tennis 4q1 3490 Room w11h ~Itch prov Nr Bus 11nP & Shopp ng t en1er 962 7520 M r Chr1s1111n Sh&1e CdM pri•ale room & balh. prv en!rantfl k•lctien pnv s:iso+·. u111 644-8065 L,l9una turn 1m pvl bath "11c11en prtv $285 plus 1:.1 SI< .. 97 20 I I C M pool 1&c sauna 1 c non smkr s11r Ba $200 548 8884 F nonsmkr no pels S265 1nc1 ultl Weslmmster 897 4200 Oys tJudyl IJ.o.t.tf!, .f!.oJ!!! ••• !.'. ~~ SUUH MOTEL Wkly ren!als now avail S 105 & up Color TV PnonM In room 2274 Newport Blvd CM 646-7445 Pine Knol Mo1el on Coasl Hwy N B Steps 10 ocean Wkly rales 845-0440 MEED A PUCE! AeHoneble r111es Kit· cheneuea phones maid service. Z chan"e' mo· vies SANOPIPEA MO· TEL. 19117 Newporl B1vo. CM 645·9137 R11t Ho•11 4I15 .•..••.•••.•..•.....•. IOARD I OARE Sever111 prime loc111on1 1n Saddlobeck V1111ey to choose ltom Featuring 24 l'lr 1uperV111on. ptln· neo recre111on ••citing oourm11 meets & free IOCel tr1n1poila1to11 Call IOdly, 111-0llO 110-UH V1t1tl1a R1at1/1 41SO .•......••.••.•••..... FOR RENT! llYf AT THE BUCH Fem rmrna1e w;i111l'<1 " ~hr ea1 151 no~ " w "'"" & ~ 1e .. nilq"r~ S;>I'' ut pd Own b<H" fi7~ • t4, "" 5 FemalP roomm;itP 101 ttl'" Jbd Jba d1>lu>P ~onuo All amen111e< ~5 7 412' or leav11 me\\,llle Malt! rn10 20 " 10 \N (' dM non.,rrkr 01 pPI~ S2 H .. ( UI I 64• 62~!> Lu. condc:> H.)• bOr ~·tJqt' 10 shr ~1ra19h1 S~50 mo 752·9,.•;> <lys 640-243• Pves Shr lu• corollo <.1• nou5t $285 1~1 111,i bPCUflly 966 84 7q 0 1 662 744q N Laguna lu•uoy nou~!' exclusive aret1 S!IPdrAH bdrm bB!h lrplt d1runc tm $300 810 'l'l46 Roommo11> 10 s111tre ; bdrm ap1 1n Co•111 Mt'sa S200 mo Geo 642-638 1 " rmmle IO Sh• SPllC 3 bl 2 '1 be C M condo S2751mo 545 4356 EXEC POOL HOME On TV S300•mo •net ul 1fs B11 t k Bo v 631-6;>20 Nwpt Crn5f IU• condo 2000 SQ II $350 151 la~t. sec 63 I -3921 NEWPORT BEACH G!'nllemen will Shr 2Br 2Bo llPI w/40 plus HM $250 mo dep. •n<:I ut11• & par1<1n8 Nt Hoao hosp 631·:>01 ASAP Need roommate tc shr lovely 3Bt 3BA CdM home. new cpl & p11ln1 Ir bdrm & betn. ger11ge & extras $300 644-4965 CORONA OEL MAA Ladles only, avt1ll now, hOuse prl\r 673-7227 ROOMMATE WANTEO M 1s1111gn1, non-smkr $250 + '-t u111a Oya 642-5 44 8 1111 6pm 642-5620 Fem 30 enr 'O• 111v11h twnl'IM wlreep w0tf\lnQ fem unbellevebll t09fTll overlooking brook 6 w11erl1ll POOi. l•c. 1!1ke. etc NBICM area ~50 760-8045 Slngt1 mo1h1r wl•l'I•• to 1hare MeH Verde hOml wlreaponalbta r-. 1 cl'llld OK No Smkr 549-3631 557·&207 Share home, Untv•1111y Perk M••tet Odrm W/f)\/t beth. frptc . & porcn 1300/mo Sm111er b<l•m $226/mo Av•U tmm9<1 6$9-8229 tt1 t fut t1 " I tt•r1 h •I •' ttJ\ 1114' I I • • , , r , 1.;..11 ., 1 , ,« 1 HI I i l•t 'lhf Rtnl.ils Wanted 4325 .....•..•.••......•... MEED BY DEC. I ltlilllHllJl•H H t •,Jf I I''''" tu 11 t 1 di u ! f\ cl i •t •I 11 I I t•t •• I ' ' I ' ...... I ' \ t t \I/ • .. 11 • ,, ".,.,, •I f,t I 1H I I/\ ,t t4, 1.1, t ,, t• t•ll II ,11 .,., lf I I I 1 I fi!ll I /111 If I I I, '" '· t I I UI • .J l I llt t l•1t • '\ I,, ,,,. 5. tt' IHI ,,. II I• 1•1 i I I 14 ''f I 11.11 I\ t I • i1W1 t •lft 1ti4 I •'•"•' 4 -"•'•'··-".''•'•'•'•"•''•' __ 1 lndu1l11iJI J•r I N' 'l ~. !1 q f I' I Ill tit .. ,, '·' "''' ''' ". ~!!!J.~~ .'f !. ~.I!.".~!.~~~ , • Pl ,. • r u 1 ,1 i.,1•f 1l t"•I l'f•I 11U I t 4 1 / t •' 11 ffl I ! h t , t ,, t \Ii\ •• , , 1"ll llt •••• 1,.tl 11 .. 1· .... ,. ., •• fl I I t\1•• I lj J ,, ,, If r '·i•t.· < t~ -.111· 'il" Sl ·, c,, f -''· •• i1 * 1 I' I I ~· I 'I'' I •111 I , 1 1 I ~!!~~~.~!?!~! .... !.~~~ II I Rtnlll 4500 ......•...•.•..•...••• It I ) " ' ,, .. ' , .. · .ll lh t ,, , I J ,. All! A • • '~ ' tt I I 1 I 1 -, I , . ,..,, .... ' • ~ ,,. 4• 't.J' 011 ~.· 1 , 11 It< 1il1u•1 !JO .I I '!.fl\ 110 A(..llONI I "'" r ''•llAPIH '7141 I I u "''' SCRAM-LETS ANSWERS /.• r 11ir1ur 011;yt1•~n M 11 1.,r •1pr1Jt,,• ,1 11111 I l 1111111 F v1•t11J fl/\ f '·•! t ( OIHJM f ' 11 I • ~ ' 11t t. t , ''I cl t . 1,,, th,tf 'id ff!') Uf•lJ·t• t1•JI tu I AV It, Loll & found 5300 ..•..•............••.. , FOUND ADS ARE FREE Call: 642-5618 C' ., ,., '"Jn1e1 .;. I t·rno'*"' Vic fir'"', 11~1 "' d Ellis ~ 1r1u ''"" trtJ '•t:d 4721 ,, ... , M,,,, \llohl tan dog '/tnt1 11•w1!1 Lnll .. H blue 1 .. , It I 71t110range ''" ·•4(11 I' 1 ! '' '"' 111 .. t.r-rman 'Ii I t 'lf1 lJHJW! tJldC~ Apt MIJr M.11n1on1nc11 C ~uµI .. lor '.1 4 units 1n lhml fll ll Sttn<l reaumo rti lr••t''>I We" Mngt f• O 801 30460 Santa H11rt1uru Ca 93 105 Or I ,111 1101>168 7 1588 "''' MQ• C..ouµt11 n11w 19 1111 11 I o ndOS C..0518 Mt<'" $350 cr,,dll lo "'"r d \7 I~ renl (J4;,-4'107 wktJy~ ART IS rv CONSUL T ANT f "t•Pt•onal lnc.ome Op t r111 1rut f dS .-color iJna 't'' .,, 1n ,,,re dnd colo• t.O>rnl'llC c.on,u11an1 f•J•I 111\j provo<led HCNrS tit•• tble (.&II 17 14 1 4'Jl 0018 IHYSlnU Reliable s;erson to Duby ~11 1nlan1 1n my home Rel requ11eO Mu&I have own lransri %0 5756 Baby s111er needeo tor 1 1• o•cl 191~noma 1ype1 Qd rpff•I H B 84 1 2654 BEAUTY or ~ 1119 lo aoo IC1 our Sldlf 1wo s1y11sls wtth ~l•PnlPI R1cnaro Ouelet· It 200 Newpo11 Center [Ir NB BEAUTY 1.1 .. 111cu11s1 needed for busy S .. ton R1charel OuPllelfe 200 Newporl Cen1er Or NB BOAT RENTAL StoriJat 4550 ' • 1•1 '' JI.I 1•111t• M • •· • ·" •• •• • • • • • • • •• •• • ~ t t• 'AJ'P mut:d She· Operalor for Hun11ng1on HdrOour Must be exper "' ~a1l111g Knowledge bOdl repair & outboard l'ttq•ne repa11 helpful $'1 nr 10 s tart 12131 'l71 2677 1·i• • "" '• • Ill I f 1u•1 ri L••"wr black Matf' 1 "'" 1 • ,.1 II '> "'" ;tJ<l F tJmate ' c.. J • f Ci I r 1 • ""'' ,._. ~tl~CJ·HuSky a I .4 ti• "'"o' 1 n • ''••>.tr o rt Bi>ac.f'l •·--111 tAr Sti P ler CAPUIM WAITElll DESK SPACF. CDM ·~· MPsa Or WAITRESS , 1 I •·' tp,_ I );Jf)0 AU ttf t1,;p hh11 I' j sen.11q Wt 'u~'' , t• • 'JPd(f-• r 1t11tir '1'1' plj ptlUH• l{ ~'t p ll1 I'' 11'·5k L all b44 1' I I I ., .. ,,, r. At' I • I B• ,.. • 1 P ., ' 1, ~ 1 l"I ~ , 1r1 Srn.111 T arne Bloc• Cun1111en1a1 Expe11ence reQwrE'O Evenings AP· ply tn person belween 3.5 PM MR S10) Res· laurant. 1105 E Kafella Ave Anane.m 634-2994 11\1{ H.111 1 11 Surl\1<lC C0'1· , I Jw)rlhf111u11 B•J3Ch & At · M1sce/Janeous 1 ... 1 , "JR.0334 Rent1Js 4650 , , KOLL CUTER •• •••••••• ••••••• ••••• l I')\ ft-in' I ,.,,.. Setter I w ..... •riq Tl"•" IJgS re· NEWPORT BUCH 1..IJM"LfH' EllECul111E.1 0•Hrf srnv1<..rc, rR(IV ~ H1' t $I I'~ FOR RENT I, w11 0 l lCICI Mt'>d 01 E ' .1 11 I ~ A n d I~ g I S .J4H Ht t ~ t 40 4 404 CASHIER Fr I GoOd Pay Growth Company 5 loc1111ons Co Beneltls Apply 1n Person Melro Car W8.511 2950 Harbor C M tlf~C fLI ro 'f'1 ~r1 F:'. f:N 11RON¥Erd > t Al I l1•r "[t.L _..:.1 ·r1 I •l .. f ~r<ir'~ 71 4 851-0681 ( oS!d M P'),l 1 1r • ~~jlff•'o f.f 'Tl S ll rt I Ut+t"t. nt•d 7 ;'<• \V l'' I 1~11 <;c 8't1 1''1;>8 BEAUTIFUL NE WP ORT CU TER 1\1,tt ..,.Sfl I tp ... pl f tcin• ror1" ,. , t pt .._P~/t-4fdfldl '\ yo.Qt J C P~'i.11 ~l ... \d I\ n ~C.,,1g .. ,~,"' iVdl ~t-lf J, .. , ... I I \IP• .... , C .lll J •ll, 71'1 760 0 1r'.l J '.)O t k 8.rc.r St ti f' 14 '<l II ')I 00 pM .. Q If AqP.,f SJ 1·503? * 88 1 * EXECUTIVE SUITES F 1111 ~erv•C" Keep ynu• n1i1~•rbP H1 lnw .$ p1()h•\ "' ,, •• •niaQ~ ,."Qh Pu• "\t•fJ l\t WPSI<. 'ff .1rR,, f Nt •'I''"" I Be1tt1> lit< ' ')I) ·•·~ Ut S:e ,, C • • "\h" 1 lido Arn Furn. ()rl.(P 650 •Q II -' '""l',t •at S"OO t· "' 1r l~fl' !>~2-.,. "'Jf , • ..,,., I Cltl t OUt OWT mpro ... Pn·t' l 7liO 7t,OO 11 .1. 111 R'c 1 It .'~88 NP.,,ron1 1 81"1 (. M 642 3 4CJO rte~~ Spaco> :S200 mo F '""'s.tit-<l U 111 P1t1tl Presl•gt" B.1n~ Blll\J E "' F•eew"~ ACCP\ M .. ~ ,) Verde 556 Q2t,O Des• SPdCP lu«I W Cc;~sl H"'y NB S27't mQ inc· t1l IS 642· I 111,j M F4'rguson & ~Ml>n Rf NEWPORT BEACH PrivAIP oll1ce S2 /!> up Ans service ,.,0 "'" 714 752·6408 Olt1ce Spece in P>tha1101• lnr •ecrefArlAI Sl!lv11.1• For l u1 I her tnlo c oll S45-5252 l11ed of crowded lrec>woy commull'~ North? Would you 11~p (In 01t1ce al lhP l'le&ch thal your tam•ty could u'l4' or1 .. eel< ArH1S as 11 vacnl•On unit~ Fo• teas1n9 1ntormf\l1on CAii Thto C1lp1s1rano Suri C enter 661 6292 o r 831-~084 TME LIDO IUILDIH haa s111g1e ofllcH $ 125 to S 190, 2 rms wlblly view at S450 3 rrns 01 S800 Secre111r1a1 ser111c111 avail 3355 via Lido. NB 673·4158 \ ,,, ... ~ u ... !--•t.C:\' , •• ,, I 14 Q r • 1 4 , I • ~. 0 'f\•-e .. J It '' ;,. I' 1flto f p HI JI itt1 [II~ JSI' > l'l'fl Busintss lnvtsl fin1nct Busintss ... ~l!f~!!~!'i!f ... !.~~? ti _,,,,, ArC dCIE' t"'1 m.-. '·•re flf tQt f)t1 '( r: •ti s I nl 0 f (• l 111 r1f1iHltJ1 fOt !ul lt• lf1 1..l•itl"~ FI Jlf S Fr.10 SHOOf) "tr!J(ll I\ Adam~ I r M t>40 fi7'>d AVAii l<t'y JJ0~11 1on •11ull1 1Pv,.I I'> Pt'• grnd f, ~•'' • .11 ura1 pel PH. 1lu1 t. fl1-t'J4iti1p t1rie Pos • •bl•· $ 100 000 [)fir ~· P ' (...l it Al'S' Ad "31!! l:!d~ 4300 l J hrs (.,,. ,, or:,,or1un•ty un l1 t• J.rf:'(.t de• ,.pry ro I ' • t:; I • Spl'Clill prr ' ' 11" "id•ec; W'IJ.-t tor •1 .. ,.-1 11' own~rs'l•P no 1~11 '"vPSletl Npt B.: ~ rt •l1tt>11lmn Responc to f'•C• • •" Enll'rprtsl"~ G T lh•,tl E slai" 29 15 1'11'(111111 Av1• SI.: t; 107 1.. M /nvtstmtnt ..• ~~f!!!~!'i!f ... ?.~ ~ ~ l•A• !ERO 198;> inc la•es ;ie• rPlunds t979·80·81 AOO prol11 po tenttal ~:rlfll. "'"le·Oll fUSI $500 I• f, 18 9111 PAR TMER WUTED Cl1'vl'IOper seei. s II nan c .. 11 uat111rr to complete rPnlAI uM proiect Good C !,h !lo"' l)rOf!ICl!'d W1 mo,I 1a: beneflls 10 11 n.-ir1chll par Iner 10 Y' G p M I A A M ll"rm1111etit toan 01 9•,•,, "vHil11b1e at this 11me APIHO~ $50.000 requl· rerl r •celleni teturn plus 111• Dl'nehts meke !his an P•Cl!PllOn&I opportunity l illl Steve Anlhony 7141953-8030 ~~~!T.!~.!~~! .. !.~~~ FDHCLOIHE MllPlllll ltt S1lutl1111 851·51195 M01t1•1t11 T1a1t D1t41 SDJS ...•...•......•••••••• UEC OFFICE 8.11. sarnH Bas1 tocauon 1n Airport llortc•&• Oo. IH. atea s275 mo/MO 01 Specte1111ng In 111 & 2no tonger 662-0722 TO 1 alnCf! 1949 (10tllt1tt lto1tl111 Rol>I Sattler NH/CM Pr1me 1n11r11ct1on 0, RE Brok•r Bd Realtors N111cAr1hur and Jlllmbo 642 2171 ~~08 11 rte S 1 pet IQ II Sub WIOOW HAS SSS for T0'1 , .... 8Vlll•t>ll 820 Ot RE Lo1n1. IOK Uf) NO 1200 IQ It for t yenr Cell Crldll Chick. No Pen Sendy 213·S20·681H Ally Oennllon &' AHOC SUPER llllHIMI 673-7311 Fxec Su11111nc1 roeopl . "UL HTATI LHll sec v ,.rve. cont tm . 1e1, 2nde,'3rdt, 4'th1 kif m1111 hendlg Ru OHttHlll ~=~ve ~~l~~5~!:;~~ Thrift l LH" In'• F v lndlV olc• Mo/mo FOUNTAIN VALLEY from 1325 903.9445 9&4·0111 ~· l .. tl '" Ctla• 1e '~•'''"'' r O,unge 11ke M •11:. M nl'uh:re<l nO.s r • I Cut1u1 Pf->Aaro -'6 tJOC, 14'} 9t4:i' '''lJ r-,, .... C.J •CO C81 .,., o;t-11• .,. er na, Balearic Mt!~il Veroe CM .. u tt.'04 1,1rt111 DfTEt-TOR . 1 t.rnJ 1 '"'' ICJ~l ru'lgt; & te ..,,.,,, lo4( 8712 evs dcu1 I 1ur 11 Cot k 1t1el Ha,bo1 Hoq•1 •'' fl 8 Girls PE ·r.o ..1· • .. t.42 Q311 ,r 1 F purP1 goloen to1 • I d "!)e• & Club· hO"'" y HB 846-85 17 I '"""J <••ey Poodle fem 10 lb Me'" del Mar 1..M (' Jll 1n 1dent1fy ~4'> 0607 I ouno Ltn~o 1~r·e small r>ur 111c Na1 1 & Senale 1w1111111 t~'l 2730 I 1utta Blk 11'1d whl ~ •llen. •PP"" i mo Ot'<'.lawed v., '''" & Ba boa NB 1>73 816J Chire,ractic FrOllt Office Insurance Accounts Rece•vaole payable pa- 11en1 m11nagemen 1 631 -5050 COLLECTOR E • pand1ng Newporl Beach creou cerd com. pan~ has opening 1n the11 co11ec11on 01v1s1on AP· p1ocan1 must have 2·3 yrs co1tec11on e•Pr Sank caro & CRl expr pref Con1ac1 John Allen Mon lhru Fro 830 10 • 30 pm 759-7869 ClllliE SNIP JOIS! Great income po1en11a1 All occup11tons For 1n- l or ma 11 on c a ll 6021998-0426 e~I 3 Oen1a1 ReceptlontSI lull time previous office 1111- peroence 1n Peg Boero collections & Ins billlng requ11ed Fountain Valley othce 963-5634 ~011••cl l 111e black & white Dental uuPP~ Harbor .S Bake• Eape11enceo R 0 A .11 .. 11 t ~.t 549-8794 neeOe<l for Orlho<Jonltc F practice 1n M1ss1on v1e10 re urn blocto. & while I Area 830-3703 to.1f1Pn South Hun1tng1on • Beacn Cell 964·5164 Domes11c .... 5 MOTHER'S Ptrso111Js 5350 •••••••••••••••••••••• HELPER LIMOA a VICKI'S PHOTO MODELS NEEDED ESCOATSIOANCERS OUTCAl l 24 HRS 6&1·0207 *** Atlantis Parlor Open 24 hts a day 7 doys" w~k J.lru111 Sauna locals as wt>ll •H Tourrsts B,tnk Amc>rocord. Amer- ican C\1.1res! Oiners All WPICOme 71 4/645-3433 2 I 12 Harbor Bl CM we are o ffering thts pos111ve 11ve-1n 11tuat1on 10 a mafure lndlvlduel wllh the 1n1erest and un- ders1ano1ng II lakes 10 help with the ce11 of oor 1 year oto We elto 1Sll tor ass111enc1 wllh lhe basic hOUsel'IOIO tHf)On· s1blll11es In retutn, we oller lovely accommO<la· 11ons 1n out Newpotl Beacn nome. ano • sa· lary based on yout desire and e11perlence For more 1nlormatlon we In. COEDS Would tove 10 vile you lo c all (2131 PAiiy w you Cell Sue or 94 I -8781 Kafhy .Jnytime (2131 EOE 6 3 4 • 5 1 I I 7 1 ,. I --------527 7 !86 ORIVEAS wenled. over E•o t•c 011nc 1tr1 l or Bactletor B11chetoret111 P111t1e1 738 8536 or 558-8539 Wom11n & men relu wllh o massege . c all 497 5718 18. n<l eer & ln1ut1noe 751-0451 -------lllY OUllffH Over 20 yr1 Old. needed f or counter worll. 988-3428 (Hll for Otry) £UOTRIOIL llSlllll E><PEAtENCEO. PtrMI· nen1 poa111on 26 yr old elec t ric al co 7141859·7200 New 10 L A b811UI ' Intel· 111111111 sop111s11cated yng tntly ueks t1n1nc se- cu•c oentremen for ve- r1110lt1 ret1111on1nlp Write E11an~n. 1pply 1n Ad No 73 I CIO Dally Pl-person SK8 Plum bing IOI 330 w Bey p 0 Sox Se<vlce. Inc 13802 Miii· 1560 Co111 MeSll 92626 on Ave WMlmlnltlf ,ttlllfll UEOmYI stORnaH l•trltfl SJIO Pert-time, S dy .......... t2 • • • • ••• • • • •• •••• • • •• •• noon to &PM. but muat AT ""' SlllYIOE bl 111Jtlb1• R1q1 SH P1non11. Qvellli.d com-1 O O w P M , t y p I 11 g penlon drlv .. 11 for your 8 6 W P M $ 7 0 0 hr d1y l o day err1ndt 675-3651 dye Shopp1110 doc t or '• ---11pp11. church. etc All GAL FRIDAY IYPI POii· need• met 8y hour or lion. llt1m1, muet hl\19 d•Y 494-6857 b.c:llground In f)t y•I>* __ & rec1lvtbl11, p1yroll HHIOIL PRHUlt 111.1* "81ptul IWI req'd. Cell now tor prolelllon11 M 00 hr Clllt, H&-3791. coun11Uno No ch•rg1, ~lloll Vltlo for -'· no Obl'OlflOn 660 1021 OENEAAL °'"°' 24 ht• v er led C1ut111, tyo1110. 2 tadroom. 2 btth• & 2 •lorlH In Twin PHkl Ill Llkl Arrownud er•• H11 built-Int ,. llrll)ll<ll F'lt1t, IH I & depoefl ,... qul t ld C e rt (7 14 1 1ee.oaee or 1714 1 M7~51 ~dly IVI· n1nge 1f11t e f) m II no 11n1wer pf1a1e llllf) lrylngl SELL ldll 111n11 wlll'I • Competl belot1 you t>uy WI 011 PftOUSI Your 111 Of 2nd TO't noc11 &44·94~ l0t Info M•k• your e11opp111g ... 11ar by ut1ng th• 'Deify Pllol CIH1lflld ~di buey phon11, 1oci1t oeyable ftolltlw llttttude MeaM'Y CM ., .. C .. Mra 8f'(tOn 5411-T 112 Delly PllOI Ct1Hlfl.a Ac:I ClllHlflld ml~I" It .... y 142·5878 842·$878 ., -· •• • • ..... I Orange CO•llll UAILV Pll 0 I /Sundoy. Oc1obor 3 I 1\ltll UJ.~!e!o.Pp~~ tor 11 30 day a<I In'"" HIU PILOT SERVIOE IUIEOTORY 00 If NOWt bk for S11ttlra Your Dally Piiot Service Directory AepresentatM1 142-Hll, tat. 322 ~!.~iJ!!~!l.~!~~!!{'!t Experienced Cerpenter Remodel/ Add·ontRepalr 760-2685 548-8654 Additions. carpentty, ma· sonry. design end dr al· ting. BBO's etc Dave 494-1003. ext 724 Moonlight Draftsmen Home-Add'ns· Remodels Member AIBO 645· 187 I ~!'.~'!!!!~t.!!!!!!! .... 50"t. OFF FIRST MONTH Dependable, alfordable, essential Answering service, secretarial & business services. mall box rental. word prooes- slng Telex-Facsimile. order entry. pagers-lease buy, desk space rental ANSWER NETWORK 631-9131 (ask for AV ) ~!/.~~!~ ..........•... Driveways. Parl\tng Lot Repairs, Sealcoat1ng S&S Asptlll 631·4199Lic ~!!!!~!T! ••••••••••••• Our olltces handle all areas of law Prompt. coutteous service FREE consultation 549.9335 Aggressive Attorney, No Fee Initial Consultation. Personal tn1ury Cases, No Recovery, No Fee 494-8591 ' lessianal Service Direclary ~ ~!.~~{'!!~'··········· f~!r..'. !!!!.i!! .••.••.• S11on1pno A ato•m clu11 Colo1 br tQhhmo• s. whl er 1Jt1 Hl min blnocll Holl, llv/tJtn tm• $I :> svu ""''" $7 50, 1..oucn S tO, chr SCI Oucu 1tlll'• pttt OiJOt CrrJI tt!f.lulr Ill yrs o~p Oo wor~ '"Yflllil Rt1lt !>'.\ t.O 10 1 f !'!'.'!!.t.'!!?' .~!'!!!~! •. j~!!!.~'!!'!t .•.......... : ~~'!!'.•A .............. J ~0.'!!~!!1!!'!1 •••••..••. Noru1 'J IJ•g. 11orit1 'J an111ll l&RDEllll WAITED HAUl INI • "udo11t htta '1 Miii iululta tc, ""11n111111 ~!!!'!!~I .............. J!~~~~-~!~~~!! ...... . Fiil PAllTl•I erw Wi1ll1J•Pflr 1111ruuv111 ~!.'.'!~I .............. . HutJtO f411<1tir1v .11 IYl>h Will $IT In my CM nc)1nft, lonced yard, hot m111111. r•"• ,.,,H ~.-e 2e1.- U11by•nt1ng my homo SI[ llOt\hlt C M IN6, lnllinl j thru 3rd grad" Love 6 r otpec t A11 t11 Avntl 1!4!> 71189 Babysltur1g, 1ny flOnlll 111 CdM undor I yr only Fil or PIT 640·28115 No S111urrv No Stiarnpoc1 St11111 Spoc1n11si Fast o•y ~roe est 839·158~ From A IO I Wit do It 1111 Muwm11 Dtlglfl(I rllklfll) llJtl '"" h """"' ln w Y''"' IJIOIJllllY Wl\1111 /14 6N> 114'.Jtj 111. 4~6711t ¥Wtttf111,.11 f 1,;11 .,1111 ' iutn p 10,11111 /';II lllflj yc111 ti! uw11v th~Pfil Ill &4~ !J7H (,(IM T111m~ y1111 .lt>llt1 gurdD•llll(I Avtttl lot C11t1• WoH1111klo1 ' 111 ... 01m1• NB. Balboa lido, •••••••••••••••••••• • JAt'ANl '.[ OAAOI NH1 Ho•llno CO M . CM . It v w/r11I Kit j omo(l, (;Olllnell \/I :> ,. F (.I Al ls T f!1'll II I •••••• ,.. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Jvcly 64 !>·68:.> I 0110 """"'•""''""' ltllll• 2•h ED .... 112 .. I I rM OSI ll4'1 08111 c:lu1m up tr1mtt1111u I C)W .. t .. • II' J1alt0tl•I fUH ti I fOtl u •1 !148 u.-u:J Furnoco pool w otur htot ...................... . !'!!.'!~!! ...........•.. , o nYWALl TAPING All 1 o~tu1osl Acou•ttc Jt1Uld ~ (ollr lh!rllt11) 1.1011t1 •IP• trno trrm 6 mu1111 ~c;rvlC(l &41) ~0:1'1 ~~~!!~{~~~!~I ....... . COMMERCIAL ltOME UUSINESS Wu 1111 w111 flOw• 1001 Rob :.41 76113 I rttt.t ttsl t<uv111 61fHl0116 G d · Eltclrit•I .!~.!!'A. ••. ••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• rnAClon WORK e, ~!f}!!'.~1!.;f .~!!~~t_~... EXC]!'cf ~~~~1Tgt~~RE JAYS "SPEAKEASY flOBIN'S CLLANIN(., '>unlft.tt 11 Ill Or <.111Qllly ~IOKll h ()libH ')40 08:. I llHFI> QI HASSI FS? 011ahty Cl(lo111r1g httlp It! 11 .. rnr Hal~ '!60 7 45;;i f~!'.~!~~!~r. ........ . :,io YRS EXP H11ull11g. trt1t1 1r11111r11110. landscaping Brl)ther~ Con•t Any occe111or1 Porl bar . OwnerfopetfllO• t·521·8l4l 1179.7552 I C11rpe1, uphol 1trt1• ruu Clt1u11ln(l Work l)U1l1 Fl EC fRICIAN Prlc•d tllvut111g con•puc11011. llQl1t. frill! U8lllTHtlCI 0 11 IJdt kllt)ll 2~ y1 ~ ~·r1 ~!!!.~!!l!'!I .... • ••• •• Free Est 645· 177 t Computerlled boo .. 1<1111· 1 Ctatol ICoanott ping ftom SSO mo Also '•••••••'•·•••••••••••• l111oe or tmall iol'ls 1 Ku10 Equip 6J7 7Jll;.> Lie 39662 1 673·03011 LIC D EL[C rRICIAN Ouol work/Rcuu 1att111 rr1tt11Jsl 631-5072 !'.~~!l'!'!~~-.......... . <..ua11.Jm Home <..lui111111g & Cun1v1 Mu•d Surv1c;w l"rol Bonclrla In• cJ UNtCl FAN SYSIEMS 646·0555 fVE'$ LANDSCAPING· cu111µ1 ~"' v & l'lseelng. co1nm & re8td 646-7656 ma 11 11 st & p 8 y1011 Ct1ment·Mosonry·Bloc1< 662-2430 Walls-Cus1 work Lie Curl)ttrllry Masonry Roof1n9 Plumbing Drywoll Stucco · Tlltt Rt1111otlel J B 646-9990 ol Nwp1 lkll 1150 1200 01t1 Co1tri1ry lttndscapes Apytt11!1g OUtSIOe the 1 11381057 Rob 547 2663 f ~!i!l!.~.~~~j~J. •..... ELEC I RICIAN Sml t0b$1Aepalrs 11 .. 233 108·C· 10 548-5203 Ouahty work with " Ptll· sonal touch B11<.11u101 ol. CM Irv HU l:lolh 1150·0933 tlt)mtt 64!',.5597 67~·6058 Dr1veways-pa1101-walks BIOCI< walls· l'ltlSOtlr y Free est, reas 892·4557 Cab1net11 & Cnrpormy Small 1ob!. & repairs Free eS11ma1es 645-2003 TH 0 Mp S 0 N S C 0 N. RESIOICOMM'L/INO I 20 vrs Do my own wo1 .. Carnt1ntry Call•ntJI• f'luintJ 01111n Cleaning EleclllClll Tile Reis Don 966-0149 HOUSEWORK WlllTED ~~.".'!~!(. !!!!'!!!! ..••. firutl 01 doing 1aund1y? I !lull & lotd hand wash tia11d 1ro11 Meticulous FA1l Re11ee 642-9787 CuHnlrr CRETE L.tc 27804 1 Al 646-8126 ••• ,-.-•• ·'••••••••••••• Pat 10 s ·driveways · I HOME IMPROVUIEIT nu ESTIMATES' I loundat1ons ,,393353 Etec Se1v1ce A Constr ue Reasonable prices. ias1. 642-8482 I ~01t~e;oL~~1~~3~r1"1t1 est•· REPAIR PLUMBING Carpentry, elec, Ille Free ust RPas 645-28 t 1 High quah1y nousework Exp.,rienced. de1Je11<lt1 I ble honest 1nte111gent met1cu1ous. ltox1b1e I tinl proless1onal work CllildC1tt 557-1738 8414714 ' 28 VAS EXP DUNHAM HOME IM PROVEMENT Aemooe>-repa1rs-fenc1ng lllOlll& My CdM t•ome 673 7359 custom wor" 1001 No JOb • • • • ••• • • • • • • • • • • • ••• • 1 100 small 01 100 01gl Ca-•Looking l o• ~Int child· bme1s, kitchen remodel I care? in my Costa Mesa FtaciaJ. 1 h e b e s t P n o n e /1111on1v & tinished carpentry , home. full time only ~·o 1 ~·&·K•FE ~·c ·E·······a .. 8 elect / plumb / cablne1st Lunch snacks, TLC Lin· R w~," countertops 1 c:lo every· I da 751-2342 j ~~~'~!1~~ 851~40~7°7~ 1 electrice1-p1umb1r1g carpen1ry 63 1-11530 673·7012 after 6 ~M •••••••'•••••••••••••• week<layl> All <fay Sat1tl· BRICKWORK Small toos day a110 Sulldey Newport Costa Mesa Irvine Reis 675-3175 tning trom start to l1nlshl Ann will babysit 3 10 7 yrs. FLAl RATE·DAV 0, '~ II you want your house Call Brad at my home Sonora Sehl WOOD FENCEStGATES All M ISC JOBS REAL LY CLEAN, Cell X pert Drtck & cement (714) 111·32&0 Dist 549-7118 Installed & Repaired INT/EXT . PROMPT L•nda 669 0318, Good work Nwpt/CM since I , rroo est Gary 499-17?4 INSTALLATIONS Reis 1969 Call now & save E ~per carpenter does Mttture loving chtlO care, 1 I CHET 642•9006 "'OUSECLEANING GAod 645-851'1 additions remodels I enc e d ~ d r e Is . 1----------" " decks Sl\yhghts & ,8• 631·4274. 6•'1· 1107 I GudtaiO.( I relsd T9ra7n9s~o75r16at1on Ex ~~~!'!f••••••••••••••• pairs Free est Dan • -• •••••••• •••••••••••• R1ulin• per .,, ••·1 MO"I•"'* 952.0815 CJ11a1a• St1v1t11 TREES •••••• ~.............. " ' ,. •••••••'•••••••••••••• DUM P JOBS Housecleaning reliable Top Qllal1ty 25 yr exp Remod & Repa11s Free est Lo rates Decks pa· tlo Steve 752-9556 laster CraftsMH Finish & rem'Cll crpntry Relerenc:es 499-3105 Custom Carpentry by Diel\ 4 Neil Paneling. lorm1ca, doors e1c Ph 642-8809 Have sometn1ng you want to sell? Classlfled ads do ii well 642-5678 COMMERCIAL . HOME I Topped/removed Clean & Small Moving Jobs rel Own transl) Reas Competlltve rates BUSINESS We do win· up, lawn renov 751-3476 Cali MIKE 646•1391 YOLANDA 642-0405 No overume 730-l35J dows 100• Rob 547-2683 I THE "'REEi SCEIE I ,. HAULING-GRADING Housecleaning by eAp 0• ·ABC MOVING· Coattl"IOll G•a•11J Lawn·Hee·shrub Install I demot111on. clean-up cal couple work done by Quick Careful Service •••••• :· •••• , •• :.:..... Tree trim/removal Concrete & lrt:te removal ourselv1ts• 673·7227 Low rates 552-0410 R.J, Muff111111 I SOii I Lawn Ma1nt/Ro1011111ng Quick serv 642-7638 liERlllll UDY STARVING COLLEGE Lie 306888 Remodel Free estimate 548'60651 PROf SERVICE Hsework, rels 960·0119 STUDENTS MOVING Add'ns. Cabinets Expo• Gardener & clean Hau1111g • yrd clean up CO Lie T t24-436 646-85861645-4644 ups Tree t11mm1ng Free I Ouick & clean Free est Insure<! 64 t-8427 Custom Remod/Add'ns est Pete 641 1096 673-0548 !'.'.~!!~~!!.!!!!'!~!!... WATCtt US GROW• Free est Quality 2nd 10 Landscaping·Vd Clnups 1N11w In town? Classllled EApenenc:.ed to The 1astes1 draw 1n tile none' Bandel Corist Tree t11m1remov-Maint can llelp you meel "1&ny INSTALL SHELF PAPER West a Dally Piiot Lie 418570 548-427~ lrrigat1~n ~ 8~12~' ol your needs 642·5678 ReMona~e !>:.3~~1 Class1t1ed Ad 642·5678 for your motorcycle • DOLLAR DAY DOUGH SAVERS for Merchandise under '1,000. Sell your no-longer needed Items for cash. If 11 doesn't sell. we'll run it another 3 days FREE. One Item per ad. must be priced. Sorry, no rear estate or commercial ads. Call today for full details. (Non·relundabte. Ertr• llnee $1.CXI) hy f\11;l111r o Sinor 111: All IYI>"" AlhO w1111111.1p•r 21101>44 13 Y" of l111ppy 11111111 ~111 1 t:JI.> 10' .ii 111~iom"r~ 11tio Covtu fhiint\ you 6:! t A4 10 •••••••••••••••••••••• cus I OM f'AINl INCi cub I OM wouo l)ul•O \.0 1n11u.c1 RoalO/cmmm ' vw~ 1lt1t.k• A lonco• by Nuw "'""""' d~kt I 11 '·1I160i '140 fl734 ROOF ,ROIUIU fltitl I '" •OOI tepalt Ill l r11 t 110 11 0 1 C.Q~l ti'•7 ?ll'l0 'rt10 u~t Lit 6Ail·4 7~8· 1 HANOV 64 t 062? ROOl ING Ill PAIRS INT/fXT r>A1Nr1NG PHI Control ~m1111 1ub" OK r r11., 6 WAI t PAPEAIN(J 1 · ••••••••••••••• •••••• n~11motu~ C...all J ort1 "' (,u8lur11 wc)rk Froo 0~1 ln~ll<;.I ~pr.oylll!J <lb tow 118 Ct11;c.k .. 4~ 6J9'1 11111.o• Sl11¥ll ~4 /-4 '11l t SJO Flt:c.lllC.lll w~r~ I <..1111 1tfJ:» ,.,,o SctHns PAINTfn Nrros • • ••••••••••••••••••••• WORK• JO yrs 11~p. 11111 f!~?!!!/.~t/.~~~ .. ••• •. MOUit E SHIVICE U~I Ac;oui1t11. (,U•hng• I 11. I (0 ~ PLA~ 1 £RING Ht•%r.,.,11~INfJW ~Green• %61110 Freu 051 I Nflilj p.;tc.htt'l lnfll!WI NB/CM only b4i 9552 Davis Pa1n11nu 847·5 t66 Restuc.c.o• 645 8~!lll 15 yrs eAp Im 9mall my Pl ASTER P/\lCHINO ~t!f~~!~!! ••..•..•.... p11c.e, are 1ma11• Ron Re~IUCC.0'• 1111/tl•I JO E z LAY N (i73·6H7. 861-6849 yrs Nnut l'atJI 545 21171 ')pt111kte1~ landtcupu Lowe~• rate•' Prompt ··~at vrofess1oua1s l ~ yr:. exp 636· 7 149 RALPH S PAINflNv t;hrts11an 1111 01 exl Reis. teas 536·9898 f!~!!~!~I ............ . 24hr ED 141-1125 40 (liJI WdlerhtHlhlf $22!> A ll.AS PLUMBING & Heat111g spec1allZ1n9 1n rtlfl81IS 645· 1688 $ SAVE S 20'1• 40'f• Pturno1ng/H0a1 .., 2 7 1703 Guor last Ro5tcornm r,.ia1 .. nteeo ~36· 27 3 7 Tilt .........•..••........ l ilt INSTALLED Jiii Kinds Guaral'lltttjd Rel~ .John 840-9217 Trtt Strvitt •.....••...•.•...••... SLOW RATES S I ree t11m11emov clean 1ms mowing 5;4 70 t 7 An1s11r. painting, r1u1all & reltr11s1'1111g Lrg II sml 1 sc.ale Oy land & sea Free est Call K Adams 760·9617 537-4378 GG r tor' CUSTOM PAINTWORK I 963·5474 HB •• ". •• !~/.••••••••••••• Com111 ltres1tJ, stt1pp100, • M ost su1J1et t& K· 14 sta1111ng The Job th!ll I R11n1,u1tt11 I Oayt eve $5 & $10/hr s peak • I o r 11 s e II 1 .. ••AC• R~~NG~jTTER• • • • Mr Murgar• 645-S 176 498·8580 B0Med-1ns-1tc B344 764 I Window Cle1nia P••eiino Fret! es1 1 .. 524 5824 ••••••••••••••··'··~·· ·•'••••'-••••••••••••• Le1 lhtt Sunshine In Farthing lnte11or Design Rtfini1lliaa Call Sunshine Window HANGING/STRIPPING ••••••••••'••••• •••••• Ctl;!an1ng lid S48 8853 Visa MC Scoll 645 9325 FURNITURE-KIT CABS mm I Free es t 20 ~ Cstm finishes. repairs 1 • ASA PAPEmiANGING doors. Joe 673-1469 m n nlhly Cl sec.un i 7 y•s local uxp Guar w o rk P11ces Siert at '!!!'!~!!J!'!l/.~!t!J! .•• $8/ro11 Alec 751· 7027 E.p .. rl wallcover1ng ,,,. stallauon Reas prices Consultant Assignment 581-8590 We gals stld hang 1oge· 1 tl'ler Hang select Up holster waits 839·0730 any11me f ~/.~~ ~~~-~~~! ...... . *•BRYANT'S•* wa11cove,,ng Removal All types 642-1343 LINES METICULOUS MORT'S V'llOMI AtP~ R' RI Mll!Jf V'tu I ,fWYIU • C~t;iellll\' • P'w"'~'' i. •~ltrt,.r ill r.,.,.,t, 1 ft • , • • 1 -OOtJI, •ml)IClit\i ~ o r1 '• 1 • •\"tfl'f•flQ fdu•rt~ h. ,t}r,.,,, On111 ~Of1f1i~ H·i !.~.:1 ,.. de••' 1tll I d\1 tff•L'~' t 1''' .'IJ ~\ '<~ loc.r.r .rlj ·~·" 951-6067 644-4 7!18 Classy .\ulos .\dvt·rtis~d in the 3 3DAYS CLASSIFIEDs642-5678 1!!.11. !r!P.'.t!. •••• !.'.!'! !'.'.'I .. Vf !~.'.t!. •••• !.1.0l ~'}I. .Vf !!.1.'!. .••• !J.'!'! !'.1!1 .• Vf !.8.1.'!. .••• '!.1.0l IJ.'.'l..Vf!.".~-1. •••• !.'.Dl '!!!l..Vf!!.'.'.'. •••• !}.~~ 1'!.~l1. .'l!!.O.'!.~ ..•. !.'. ~~ J.l.t.11. ."¥!!!~'..~ .... !.~ ~~ General JOBS* JOBS Orange County's largest dtrect marketing firm NOW hiring for stall posHlons 1n 5 depls $14,400 HOUSECLEANEAS E•· pertenoed for restd8f'lt•aJ work 63 1-8223 HOUSECLEANERS Man & Wife team PtT Must have own trans El Toro Ma11ne Base homes Call 714/438-2227 Hovse11eep1ng 2 positions available F1T Sun-Thurs. 7-3 30 PM and PIT on call • ave- raging 2 days per week Some expe1ience prefer· red S4 11/111 CAPI· STRANO BY THE SEA HOSPITAL 496-5702 l1terior hsic• Ill•• --------1 lorclila14iser/ lursi11 PROHAIMER/JR. Sales Needs part time person Management Fe .. lllr Cert NA 3· 1 I 30PM & Ill SYSTHl/34 HICIOllY FARMS p•aetlcal exper Phone. Utot1• M1rli1ts Pll11ne women more Pllim e 3 30·7 30PM RPG II SDA. OFU Opt'y \o sell gourme mau1ta1n snow room etc M&•t. TrlllllS s u 11 ab I e ca r n e c Sm conv hosp nr CM Great opportunity 10 foods and gill s for hOll P1eler design ~tudent 2131949·0574 9-12 Mon Fairgrds 549-3061 consc1en11ovs appltcant doys Flex hrs Fashtor ~:/ ~~i8s S a It. 6 pm Itel• Yeur CarHr & Fro only OFFICE-GENERAL 1~1e1 FoJun11tain9v6~1190ev90Co I Island 640-6030, West Stan your new caree1 on lllESSEl"'ERS M/F esllng pos1t1on tor alert, o n ~· I c11tt Ptaza 642-0972 J l d d our 3rd Shift, earnrng $4 ,. ntell en1 appt ca 1 an11ors wane . epen· Neat appearance. "e· '1 •g 1 n REAL E STATE SALE s•LES/ll"fll"' daoie. rellabre $5-$7 per Up to s4 50 as you be. 1 v Good With numbers SMAN Need 2 expe " " • nr Flulble houts Call come mote exp'd You pend ab e transp neces-M acGREGOR V ACH T rienced people in com Earn lo S 1500/mo PIT Lo 497.5907 ieavemes-.. 111 be promo ted to ~8~~1 ~~torJ~c~~·s~~ CORP 1631 Placentia mercial & industrial rea M us t be mature sage mgm1 & supervisory le· 75' ·7"62 or apply tn Costa Mesa tlstate lor a successful t 559-9043 Leave Mes vela. Cati 714·537-4840 ~ " sage UllSCAPE 1n1eiviewa held every person 2925 College S PAIUO S growing firm Best wo• :.._ ______ _ S S Wed 6.7 pm at 111 Del Ave Su11e A-3 F t Ad king cond1l1ons '" New SALES LABORER ome exper an ast1c vert1sing P 0 r 1 B e 8 c. h necessary Starting S• Mar, Costa Mesa E 0 llTIO•Al Promotion 1n process 7141646.505 t P R PERSONS NEE per hr Call Kevin alter 4 ••E-~~~~~~~ M•lllnll"' COIP•IJ We have openings lor 3 OED, Magic Island 1: PM 855-3791 • • " qualllled people FIT. tc Real Estate looking lot a few 1n1e111 Youn& Minded Peo1le NOEXPE~llNCGE IN SOME DEPTS 17141 848-4535 Sonday • Wednesday HOUSEKEEPER I L~~~~~:~:'J law firm seeks sell motivated In. Surf and Sand Hotel dlV1C1ua1 Typing 50·80 needs a super "detail wpm Salary commenw· MHIETIH Mature Ambitious Cou· pie or respon51ble S1ng1e to help In Mgmt /Dev of lamlly owned business 645-6776 SHIS ll&•A&ERS take phone orders lor Canvaser. college stu gent, attractive & slncert ARE YOU TIRED OF ll· F11mco Processing Min· dent p ref Pan-t om• persons to r(lpreun VING MONTH TO MON·I lmum $200 per week af· work, c.ollec.ll11g 1enan Them In their pv1 club Ir T H ? p Av c i-; E c K s I e r Ir a 1 n Ing C a 11 data lor Grubb & Ellis Nwpt Bell Interview req WON f STRETCH JO 554-0444 lor appt Some Business attire req C11 Call lor appl 10·6 DAYS? NOT SATISFIED PIT pos11rons also Mike Russell 833-2900 M on·Frt Ask for M r or1en1ed" houseci.ianer rate with exp Bt:tnellts. Must speak EngllSh some legal e•P pref $4/hr Call Miss Marci Marrbeth. 851-9001 497 .4477. Ext 365 Goll Shop, sates & pur- chasing. 32 hrs week SS 50 per hr + comm Contact Paul, Dave or 1-''_1t_•·_ll_ig_e_n_<"----- Mlke 496-2023 Hairdressers & ManlcuriSl wanted for busy beauty shop Stallons for rent or commission. 95 7 --0808. UllllllESSERS and Assistants needed at Hair West Newport Beacn. Louise 673-4186 Hairstylist and Manicurist wanted. Busy Shop M esa Verde A1ea 1 month Free r ent or comm . 957 -0808 586-8814 11&11 snun Motivated Stylist needed lor Progressive Salon Salary. Comm , Vaca· tlon. Mg1 540-8889 HANO IRONING Person to do lland Ironing. 494-40.C. II-Fl SALES Leading retailer or audio componenta seeking sharp men & women Professional attitude and appearance req . Excel, opportunlly Call only Moo thru Fri, 10am to 3pm. 213/685-8~3 AYL WMS. PCYB RFGQ YB? l'r \fl!\ Hr rd • .ndr l1rr•~'' It ~"' -.. • ,, '" J, 1••\ lu 111 .~, ~·11·1 .1 ·• 111111 lrd !1tll•f11tf•I •lt+I,. ,,11;1 'l!f' I 1~0 tl1l1t•1l I 1~'1 •1h1•1I ~tA1f1 t-1 ... Utt ,11 h '\Oil It•• ,1r• ti 1 f\j•l11t-'t "f1h\ ll f''••IH =1 '"' ,, f UI I ,,.,. tul•1rll1i1fllffl .,., \ • 11 If \ ffl ~ f(, I I 1tf' r I, t}1• .. , •• fr, .• ,_.., .... C°''' Mtu fbltinslon 8cfl la&IN Ith S111la Ana Dana P11111 HIY. ~G-1026 962-1121 761·52SI !142-4163 493.1901 IE ILL Yll OU H. Legat Secrelery cer,eratt ,. s 11,200 lltl1atit1 It Sll,100 hot•I te S 12,000 Mary Hickle Agency 19762 MacAr1hur Blvd Suite 200 trvine. CA 927 t6 640-2920 No Fee to Applicant LIGHT shop work, must be able to type & t1ke phone orders No smk1s. apply AM's only 3121 Redhlll. CM Loan PROCESSOR/ESCROW Min 2 yr ex.p H1tavy typ l ng /60 wpm 851-0444 Ma11agement1SaJes Executive Recruiter Wiii Train In Recrulllng T echnlques Opening lo• Q ual Per son• In Ftnance /Actg . l\Aatket1ng 1Sales. engl· neerlng & EDP 1, BUSKSS & ... ------------PROfESSIONAL 4020 Bir"'. Sit 104 m OPPORTUNITIES m IN lltwpct1 tttach. Ca 92660 (714) S~).1191 ... ,IOj)lc; ... , ....... Ap1<1 MARKETING MANAGEMENT TRAllEE local Olr. Mrk 't Co needs 26 hatd wor~er5 Full Benefits $1,175 NO EXPERIENCE (~~.~~1~~3~~ lltchHIHI Aut•llltr 1 yrs expr In mech as· sembly. heavy lilting req Good benefits C M area 71'/540-4293 Mf"'('hantc It , .. 11 t•· h,if,.h ~,,,, , . ., ,.,,,.,,....,.,. "'•\ 1111 rtll ,,. 11p lu ,h,.• 1110 tut1f' II 1111 ,,. • •111 11111,.ll lupt1 ... tH .. 11 ,rie11 f ~I' \rtt1\ I ft If' II f1 \Oii Ito" 111 rf'!•Mlr ltlU ~ tit I.Ht .. l'H~lft''"' WITH VOUR PRESENT Part·llme. oc:eas1ona1 RECEPTIONIST Helberg 575·0900 JOB? Our people 11re workers needed to assist RUNNER Sales Person Needed FfT 1r>ctud1ng weekends Sa lary + Comm Apply Ir person Super Flt Famll1 Fitness Center Warner Oale Cnt H B. 842-4464 well compensated, ma· 1n malling. conference & Growing Newport Beacl lure. respons1tlle 1ndivl· l'teeting preparation acJ11er11s1ng agenc duals who have strong special protects requiring needs elllc1enl, organ1 desires to learn how a m1n1m11I traini ng We z1td 1ncJ1V1dua1 lo answe successful organization need people who cen be phone, type, file & ru• operates lnd1vlduals se-"on call' 1n the o c errands Opportun1t1e tected must De willing to Airport area wage tor advancement Cal accept training and want $5/hr Call to leave you• Brooks at 64•-7644 10 to quickly accept m111or name and number 101 a11 appl responslbllillas We're a interview tor future H · hoevlly regulated tndu· signments 81 540•9846 Recep11on1st stry and wotl only inlet· Ablltly to handle hea1r view persons with proven PAllT /TllllE OFFICE phone tralflC In a pro track records Call ~r Looseleaf library filing fesstonal manner essen Hiser al 641-0959 $8/hr \2 13)997-7097 11a1 Typing 55 wpm operate 2·way radio plu Need Dlst1ngu1shed Retir· ed Gentlemen Must be able to work unrestricted hours Good Supple· mental Income Limo Ortvlng 675-9800 NURSES RN's & LVN's 11PM-7AI Shift Small alcohollam treat· ment laclllly located In Newport Beach llH mul· t1ple openings for quell· fled RN's and L.VN's on tho 11PM-7AM shift Bl· l I n 0 ,u a I s k I I I I (Engllsh/Spanlllh) would be 8 plus PART-TIME good o ffice skills lo TELEPHOIE ADVICE Fta~1ble shlll s avallabt( for Monday -Friday 2( years or older Male! also encouraoed lo ap ply Not sates oriented For further Information call Ray at (71 4 953-9200 EOE Phone Solicitors neadec immediately. no sellln{ Involved , will call frorr our Newport Beach of flee. no operlence ne ceasery Wiii train Fo1 hours 3·9 Call betweer 2·4 at 641·0119 electrical contractlnt hrm Virginia, 540-9570 RECEPTIOllST F1t1me 9 to 5 Kidder Peabody & Co 644-7041 ask for Susen Messenle HCEPTIOllST Newpor1 Beech law of lice Front office appea 1anoe Varied dulln In ctvde phones reading 1 greeting and schedulln1 clients. opening an1 maintaining files. som• typing Contact Pat 644-9192 IEOEPTIOlllT Real Estate lnveatmen Co , prolesstona at t I tude/ appearenc• nMded Light typing 4' day w eek Npt. B ch 549-2988 llLES OOIMISSIOI 1 lllUS Sales PARENTS· TEACHERS Oo you enjoy early child hood education? Vou'I love the LETTEF PEOPLEll For IOC8 Interview call Bill Hel muth 111 760--080 1 Salesperson. mt1ture. lo• reputable antique shop some ~nowledge of anti ques, PIT. witting to wor~ Sundays 642-7945 SALES (RETAIL) Expef!ence In re1all Ire ming Stlles req Sat & Sun only Call bet 9&! M·F, 859-6505 Sates SUPPLEMHT YO"' llOIME Work PIT, 9 am · 2 pm or 4 pm • 9 pm, with th• Los Anqeles Times Cir culatlon Team 1n tete phor>e sales Earn ar hourly wage + comm Training provided Fo• details, C all ( 7 14 540-0301 Sates TV IA&AZllE letd• Electronics & Communications How Would You Like To ..• It '"" "'''"' lu •lult \1111t ll1h11 ,. lnhl ••• ,lt .,.,,,. -~ 111 i-------··-· 111urur1u m 11,,.. \rm\ 1111•' 'llfl Tilts ts an e•oellent op- ponunlty lor lndlvldua11 lnte1ested In 1he physical and p1ychotog1cat aspects ol alcohol abuse and 111 treatment. lnt61'· ested apptlcints should contact Oerf) Maua a1: Precision Mold Make• Machinist Read Machlm drawtng1. and use tn spectlon tools and In 1trumon11. Set up 1)18 clllne& & Lathes ror fe b rlc1t1on 0 1 prec1a1or part• and molds 2 y1 t choollng In mechlnt ahop and 1001 dnlgn. ; years working experlen c• on mllla. lalhM. grtn d.,1, tapping and gen erat toot miking Xln working condltlon1. S A s 11·13/ht (Send 1n11 e< and 'you1 reauma t o JOBS ir&-3085, P.O. 801 15 102. t.o• Angelu 90016 no tater than No Ytmber 10, 1982) Unique lady'• clothin( atore seeks energell< lady w/flair for faahlon end/or modeling u pr helpful Apply tn par1on 497 .4 77 7, Alexla Nature F111n1on1 260 Fore11 Ave Ltguna Beach Ptolesslonet edvar1111n1 SalH Person Earn ea: tramety large commie ston. working In a pro tecled terr1to1y wlthtr Orange County. Safi Ola play Adv•rtlslng for T\ M1gailna, the nation'• targeat locel weekly pu bllcatlon. Benefit prog rem provided. Som• part-time evall1bta. Fo l ntervlewe. c at! (7 14 859-6140 • Learn A New Skill • Develop Leadenihlp • Make New Friends • t.rn Ex1ra M oney S» • EilJoy ~tar CIVillan ur,. We oner ... • t:xoell•nl c."",. Opportunh.I"" t 'lir H.S OradUAte or F..qulvaltnl • Tr.tnlng For People With No MUlt1ry Experl_,not • Ace 17 or prior to Mth birthday • 0ptrnmp P'or Prl<w Se""'- lndMdua.11 SOUND INTERESTING ... m CALL TOOAY 979.,7363 (betw9en 1:30 a.m.-4:30l.m.) CJND't QllMllto ISO • mm:= 1651 . ..._,.., IMI. c..te Meeo cars•bfkes• ~skateboards• t th•· •• ,.."',., ~or "'"'" mlo rt11M11111 \•111r lo• .ii I ' ''"'' f"l•1'ftlth•f '•II 714 /1411-1701 llLllll llLLS IHPITlL Equal Oppty Employer MIF S40·1026 962-1121 7"·5251 S4H m iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii I m .1901 • • • • I • 1• If it's got handtes you'lt grab ii .... faster in D•llY Piiot cl•stlfled •di. Call 642-5671 If It's got wheels, you'll move It faster In a Dally Piiot classified ad.Call 642·5678 and a f riendry ad· vlserwlll help you turn your wheels Into • cash. t f it's got WhfflS you'll move it faster Ina Dalty Pilot classified ad.C.11 642·5678 and a friendly ad-visor wlll ttetp you turn your wt.eels lntoc•sh. Sal••• FIHHlll Xlnt oppottunlty wlth r IHI growing Newpor Center baMd llrm. Nae< a sharp aggrea~va par eon for marketing dlvl 1lon. Training PfOVIOect Celt T etry a 7141780·0100. llOlnlllY with al feHt 3 yra 1toct brok4tfaQt expr Full tlm• 9 to 5. 644·7040 "" lo Susan MMffl'lr. ---------•! Secrtt•ry/ Aec•p1lont1t Non·•moklng. •ogre• • • • • • • • Turn your unusables Into us•bl• c•sh.C.11 D•llyPitot cl•11ltled 642·5671 . elve AMI Pro.,.ny Len ding Firm need• ton'*> ne wtio WO(l<t welt wit! ~le. phone experi.n oe wfgoo<I typing requl red. Will tretn for 1pecl1 po11t1on. S111ry, rn•• bentlltl a tncentt\IH Undt 7141851·$9'8 SECRETARYIE~ECUTNI ASSISTANT Food com mod•ty organiza11on 11 Irvine requ11es demon strated e•Cellent off1C• and organ1zat1onat skill & ab1l1ty to work w111 people Good opportu ntty w11h e,panded du ties S iooo to S 1100 t• start wtgreat benellH Call 7141540-9846 Secretary 0 C A11por1 Area A1 Agency looking tor mature person to !• pos111on as adm1n1s1ra tive secretary Proles s1ona1 attitude. appea ranee phone voice must Sherp general 01 lice skills required 7 wpm typing 556-046( Ask lor Brlt1any 9 30 • PM Wl'U.TUCH lOUHOWlO GITA COMSTRUCTIOM PROJECT Off THE GROUND. Secretary • LI bkpg e• per1enGed to assist ol 11. rnngt '" properly mgrr o l e Cos te Mesa $1000/mo Non smoke1 642-4907 wkdy5 Colli Mru tbltnrton Bch l1run1 His S1nla Ana Dani Point S40-1026 962-1821 168-5251 S42-416) 4931901 SECRET&llY R.E. Secretarial position 1 active Newport Cente A•altor's olltce Fror ofllce position require good teleptione vo1cE typing, shorthand & a~ pearance Real estat exper1ence helpful b~ not essentlal Preler toct resldenl For jntervle' call Mrs Duhl WesltJ •· Tayler Ct Realtors 644-491 SECY/&H OFC Land development corr pany, heavy phones , 1yp1ng Shorthand o equiv req'd Mature, no sml\• Send resume , salary requirement IC PO Box 7006. Newpo1 Beach. CA 92660 SEC'Y /HI. DFFIOl R E syndlcatlon/mgl'l' company Heavy phon wo1k, dlctaphone. Ilg~ boo~keeplng Full o pa·1111me. Must be org6 n11ec1 Allport etea Sen• re11uine 6 aa11ry requlH mm111 to PO Box 8182 Ntwl)Orl Beach 92660 SUPER STAR ... O~ni mlc Investment Cc requ res a SUPER STAI wl llr g to teern out bust neH Cc•rr penutlon to S3E 000 plus bonu1 end e• c•)l onal bene1111. Opp 1rtutllty to travel fo e !>tight, highly motlva 1e i u ll •l&rt•r Req 0. gt te find •vld~CI 0 tvo"r 1111 accompllah m•!l'lll If th•• 111'1 t you • plea~ tell your smartHI eta quallty ltlend 1bool 1ht: td Non amok••• pl•IM Pte ... Mild raeuma to; COLLINS ASSOCIATlS 597 Sen N1ChOla1 Of, Newl>Ofl 9ffcll. t2MO f!!or Cletllfled Ad ACflON C1t11 Otlty Piiot AD•l/ISOA ~2-5e78 JRlllY. IE All YOU CAI IE. Teachers Assist 10 alctt lor pre-school, full & part 1rme Call blwn 1-2.30 552·7•9• -------TELEPHOIE SOLICITORS We need good p&aple tc set up appointments from our Newporl Beach olf1ce 1n the evening lo• Holiday Inn's new travel club Salary + comm•s· slon + b o nus Calf 833-3740 alter 1 PM nPIST /llECEPTIOllST Plllme afternoon Con· tact N1ck1 714-549-1757 lftrciHdjlt .................•.•.. ~!.'!J ... ~~ ••..••.• !.~!~ Kenmore washer & dryer. a1n1 cond $75 eac l'I 644·6•88 aft 4twknds WESTMINSTER ABBEY ANTIQUE MALL 11751 Westmln1ter Ave GARDEN GROVE 554-6103 2 Tiffany Style tampa, stag glut ah1des. orig wlre4. Circe 1920 Fully appr, mint c0t1d 835-5933 Lovely antique 3 pci bdrm set end 01l'ler fine anti· quea. 968·8937 Antique 111verplete & t ttrllng 1llv11, $ 1·1!50 170 t Pomone. C.M. A11H1111 P11•• lr1•• $350/obo. 631~ OAK HALL lflEE w/t>e,,.ited mlrtOf, S 150 54&·11H Oa" Oh .. I OI Ofa...,. :a tmett a 3 ~ dl'Wfa. $150 1J•e.•11• flor Claeallfed Ad ACTlON Call• Delly ~IOt AO.VISOfl w .at1 ,......._ ..... ____________ _.... ______________ .._ _________ ._.. ________ ~~-----~~~-~~ OA•AOI UU ADI NOW ClAU.,.ID aT c1n1 HI Ill.OW c., ... ,,, .,, .....•................ Pack·Aet a 2~ year •~ cumu1111on of thlllQfl Sun only 10-4 All•v bo hind 318 Iris Ave MOvlng S1111, 304 Golden· tOd, Childs BR tt!I, aot1 bed. OH._ we1tutl 11>.11 & boots stereo spkra. Pino pong toble. dining rm C01/1 /11•11 ..•.•••.....••••....•• C.ARAuf; ::OAI l II 01<1 wer P~•" 01t1n11• S 1 '\0 ntlllCh1011 tbl $!>0 •II P11c111 d1n1ng tbl ""'"' ctirs, S250 Old E 111<. C.11•11 •OQl11t!f $75 AnllQUO :J mirror chest $150 371 Woodland CM S1111:,u11 9-5 6.) 1 7935 ~.'.'!r.!!.!!~!~ ....... . Estate Sale an11quon < >r .11101 l 1111• I l>All '( Pll 0 I /~wHli1y < '' 111111•1 i I l!Jti~ f.'.1! .•.•...•.•••• !.~l 1 r!!! ............. !.~~! ~!~~!! .. t~!f~!.'. ,.~~~ lo~:;.~"'' IOlO Au: :::::::~i::'~fOO ~.!r~!!!. 9!fr~! .. !.~~~ .. ''.'!.' •• .Y!!'..1!.t .. !.~~~ ~.".1•0.' • .'!'!t~!!!~ ...... . f\uftkH tuu1ul Phutt1 wel •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• lu..,utu I ulHI <.1w .. w IUhU WANTED! lltlW ITJZ Open Sun. to Tues. 10 -5 2330 Ntw,ort llvd., Costa Mtu 631-8360 NOME FIHHS Snrv1<•• W,rnl11tl l 1~1• 110<' put~ "'' l111111t•11 111,>mtt'> !or µull1' f XOllt IJ11clb 101 Sulu Plnnts Pat•. u11 ••••••••••••• tul '•l,lf\tfl I IJOO Hu•t •luc:.., fht •tt••' Nu<w Uutll JllfJ '•j) )~I w "-'•lh • q1t111foh11.,. 1 •~huifl ••••••••••••••• ••••••• til>I 111011 l"l'I l•l,11111 ,,,, m11 1111 '"""" I •n• """'''"'" l'tll 1 It• v ""IJ ''"'' ont I •It irtfJd"I I t1~•1ltt• It ll f)f I 414•1 1ttl)lt~I l1fl•Ultl" $~JO I 4 "'"''"'' "'"' l lult.lt olL \/t>1¥111 l·~~Vl•I & \111111 ti•"•'"' t. !av" II I gr dlld 1 \ 11.0 •••l ti 111 1 1 i•,. uow , ..,,.1 Mutl .,..11 1,1111 u• tOlloyt t 111111\J 1J•1tnu I m•> 0111 '•llf• 111' 1•1 ·" II 1•nw•r "' I Ii) 11 ,, s 11',0 111 1111•• '""'' M·•-1 ... u r•d tll\IOO I '""'"'U ll11lt111 .. l ,uvtn tllltO vw r"""'' l'IOtJ1 I ...... I 1114 "'~ '"' l•lll• 1,1t" SfjOllO t u1h """' 1,/1 1114 IJ •"II •Y"'"" St•,() f ,•(I ""'"' I 114 •• 1 .,,,., I ti I ( JI ""''' ',,,,. .. ,, ... 1 .. • loat S~I~ Rental l'AltTiNr, CHll ltl 111 ,, 111 ''""' u11t11 r11u.1 ... 11 1~·arle Ike TOYOfi..YOLYO """ w1tiu111 lo llJ t 011011 1' I I ' ,11 lh'IHl'lll (1.ll JIJ I I I I II IJn,111 "" rn11oJ lltl \IJ'100 Cotto w,.o HHOIOMD ORO•• $400 • I '.' .'". Jll ""' , .. ~.. '''"' llt1111 ",,, •• 1111 th '1hl1 1111 Miii! I lllltl I pttl It J f4•fl AltH1gt•I ;·.::~~·1··~.·.~.:"· ···~:: ... 1 l.1\of1 1.11ii.1~ 7;1uu•,Htt "••••>OJer,•0•••1 YAIAMA l -30 Mu• t •''" '"""" '"''"' , 11 114 •• 4h')J ~~.~v .. ' c ON~OLL onc1AN ~"" 11111 •·~""" • 1,1<. 1•1111 r111cki 9560 wulnf wtt11.a111y flo"thu,.1 * • • \, 1 l •IUHW••h•t ,,, '""'' fHJ' '-•~• •.u 1t t.1lk ft• ;·,·,;•11:•·1~··:•M•·,.M•••t:·,:• J J 11.)(l '.140 4011 J Ir 1 1 1,.,..,,. Ut "''' 1 .. 11 h y1111tl 1,mul 1111111 ~ ~ Sk,·1•11 1013 1 011 ,,1,11 ll 111 s1•,o ti4.,t1i11 , ,.,., , ""'"" :.'"''" I . AIR SHOO I ""'1"" "'"" ,., , ,., ii;~;. ·~~·,··~;.·,;;~~::~1 80111, Sto1,.1 9090 KS j 11111i1>111 .'00' Oril~ Jd hour• ••••• •••••A••••••••• , ''' Jard trH..hJdlfuJ Hll Al~" 111w .. ,. 1!177 For ORY STORAGE 11111••• $I'• '140 40lri I SPECIAL PURCHASE ""'"' l •O :10 11 t1ku l Autoi lor Sill tl11w 11:.0J""""'~ 10•'• N L W 1 C • 11 t 7 1 -4 ) MotHhly h•utl "'uruu•' ••••• ••••••• •••••••• •• 1 IHH1'lt1 f1 rJm ''" lud•.a, WE IUY lltlf I) CMlb A 1 RUC.11. ~ t,OM( IN OR 1..Al I F OH nu APPRAISAL Cr1rm1ttr Ottl 1110 CHEVROLET 11111 I (;!LACH Ill VfJ IHJN11NG10N IJI A(,11 IU-i Oll, 549·3331 84:> .>ooo 3 "'" ,0, J1tn 1 '"Y .,,. .'4 11r ,,., u111~ 111.11<0111 AN r NOT 1t,l "'""" 1,.,,,1i"'"" ., .. , ""II" my Jr II out µlotll-'1 ,,. ... lrtunt '""II I() Hl Alli 11•, Al~() ..... , IJIU\.lo muro Top Dollar 11>.ovo 11111uage• •EWPORT DUMES AUVffi I 1Sf fl!> ';AV( 1 110lJ~1ANOS I 11 I IJl II .. ot llttm > '"' ORANGE COAST 'd C>ynulll ',ho Boots <\lrn n 1131 l aok ., Dr Ml ,, ......... ,1 111 v11111c.1 .. l.lt>d UI01 JEEP REMAULT Pat l1tlf1Jrnn1l11110 lo Advan 144-0& 10 11•1\ 111 trl•· vu111tl1 1,111 ... ~1 1 0, Your l 1i•' S&lH·HllYIOI UUIH K 11 )1(140 411~ <IV<lll SADOUHCI llW /ll40<' M11rou1111111 Pkwy Mo•\IUll V1<111J 1Avury (All Ull I ~I 0µ1111 5und11y• ., ... , .. , r,~rv1c.• l11111ng 1112 llW CLOHHT IJ1r1> <;01oc:11on' * II. 1 O(,S 4 srn•ed 111£.0NAC.1 * II JlOo 4 blJO tun w11I (l48 T llAI lll'1u1e toys. drps. bldg ma1e11e1s incl sinks f1onch doors & windows, pu1n1s. 111sul11t1on, e1c Meny misc 1111ma Sal l Sun 9-J fum. Wolerlord, S1eubur1 Furn/lurf 8050 o•ass. freezer. designer •••••••••••••••••••••• clotht!S. IOIS OI •loins Outltlll SI/Cl WOlll• bttd unoer S 1 00 28J4 C.i hl'<idDourO ti '" ""''" 1a1pa NB. Frot Sa11Su11 ped.istal good conll tud U"'fl 1 ~141!'• S60 111•11 ,1llvm11~1nq t.Oh1n111~ .''>;o4 t1111 tm1 Hlvd (,M Mi1c•ll1noou1 1010 640 llO<I T11n1ao1t11lon llUI''' lt(ll 1111 tu11 .. ""V '.411 eu;n &4'• II IU JOHNSO• a so• •••••••••••••••••••••• ..... r............... ''UPll<.ivtllu t1:u:u~ llt..Hn'•tt •1tt 1n1 1 C..1tiw t,ut .. tlo\ Linooln·Mtrcury * 19 3201 4 siio sun ouuf 1849YHlj * go J:>01 & 11110 . sun ""'' 1659l OKJ CHI• ,,,,, ...................... ' Shui1 ~"l.IUllll 44 w ~f!!!!~l.9.".".~~ •. !.~!! C1111pfrl, Sil• lr1111~l"i l<tl!l> t1r111111 ••1 IJl•<I 1100tt ""tl 111111tl•, :06?fi H.trhoo Blvd Built "' 111cJou1 ~t.ionle5t Powu1b1ll Woud11. r.1trn11 R•nl 91 2 <1"11•1"~ ""'\ 1111 ''" pul •II"'" wru~ S4 S01tJfr <,,.,,,, M"'·' '•40 '•t>'llJ * llO JA'O• ~ ~"d air LUlltl 1 IASX0•8> Bike camer lor cat $2 Sheets bedsprt1da J 1·$4 , Stereo hi It In ca b1ne1 $35 Lamp $5 Pie lure SS Elec:trlc typowrl· ttlr $10 New yarn 50• eoch 8athroom coblnel SS Slalntess steel BB01 hood for bu111-ln $7~ Paper backs 5 for S 1 SattSun 10-4 Be1ween 01ange & Newport 18<1 E Sey C M 10 5 s nee 1" t• t 1 $? O O I Buo Shl nt 1 !.. & 7 l<tll ••••••••••••••••••••• IUIHHI L•1r1ttul tJtt\t(t l ' 'Ob• I ~~~~•I l~oo""''~~~~~s~ hut1d od nu~o• 1111 (I Do1.it1u !I ,,,11.J ""<' <1•rt•lit.,111u1•,"' th'"'' " • 11ir.11r•.r 'A'1ll '"""'' SbO.,,tH 646 1~37 Slttt~IJ ) 4 alol c ou1 ct ,, 11,.11,111n,., ~•t'f'Ut-.t HI l)al,uh ICU•l4 IJt~d '• d•11h•ly t•>r 'jOtH -Jtshu '"' 13&-3111 MOVING 25¢-S 100 Fol- ding bed. Inner sprong ma11ress S65 Sew ma- ch1no desk $60 Blondt don table w/2 leofs $60 6 chairs $5 ea. Dwarl peach lree, pontoons No checks, no bills over $20 S at & Sun 10em-4pm Paik on Puen1e 67J 'A" VICIO· 11a C M HllHE SAU Dining room sel m1s1; i.11cn items. cloth"~ 11 nens 2704 Hiiiside 01 (Ford So off MecA1mu1 to Hiiiside) SaltSun 10 5 Sun only 9 ? Mllny many things• An11ques tools, elec: palls. 501 t101111J11011 w aterbed etc 2436 Francaseo HOUSEHOLD LIOUIOA TION SAL6 Fu1nitute drppas. chanoe11e1s china. silver, household occ:essories. bikes juke bo• compl wl records Sub zero 1efr1g. and two St S's, CASH ONL V Must call lor 1dm111ance thru gete 759·0386 B•kes. highchairs. gotd ~~!.!.!~'!.£11.~~1!!!.0.. equip, wine press. 3 la-Sat/Sun. 9AM·3 In !he mllles 1561 Pegasus St . alley behind 3 1027 Colle 54!>-1201 ROCUR RlOLIMH Aust voilour Pt!1le .. 1 COlld $ 100 64/ t09J Musi s .. 11 K111g Sl CU(> 1111n' Wa1e1 bed w1 m1rrort1d lltluub01t1d S300101o 6J I 1J76 mount'"' c:ond111ont11 $4rr, (14r, 0(,74 .,,,., '""'"., ''"'" '"" '''" "''" "' ffJl•'"l" 11000 l:llU FluO•t!St;t!rll 1"" tlhHy_,~ ""'"'' dnil $1J~IO 54~ 8J80 u 1 lli'll'• :,001! W ht Sonte Ana C 1oseo Sunday c011ong light 11.1u1e l.C. SMITM 11 ca. CUIPlR SHlll """ IWl\U '>\'.JHL•l•OCI f;y 646·3104 alter 6pm Oouhh1 b11t1uled shol WflANC..l Ell 1100., 1111111 ""' ictv1•rt1<,0t 1117t> f1J1d (..r,y11e• ""''"' A IOI I 0 I d C • 9115 De.rnna Ou1b1n Doll <.:of 11"";, '$11,'~08'~0~· good (,hl•V I U1b•I s:>•,o Ctllttd 9510 l oJ<ltlJt•r ~lllJll m&9> oncJ •• ". •• 1 •• '!'l..~.r •••••••• ;!/.'! ••••••••••••••••• lt'CIOrs lhlrn Over 4C l.lln 4 4 83 5~6 125'• •••••••••••••••••••••• 1 '""' 110011 _(Jll(J siooo A/11 Romeo 9705 4 CiJJJrl V6, BUIO, AMI S Sto f.I R•itlUflnl, MY~I ~"" 'If')? llllfi 1 •••••••••••••••••••••• r M $1600 or bSI oller v"ars 2!>0 7!>9·800, .. Mo101iud Bibs 9140 24r T SKIPJACK S1Jyd1;r ve•oct; iy11 r, !>!>2·9501 Mo:.c olO Clo<..kS Bit 1015 ••••••••• ••••••• • ••••• !win Voluos $1!>,000 l V1n1 9510 1 -,µcl llil. Nuw l•>P G•c.it $300 10 $6!>0 c••0•m•m•••1•1•c:•e••m•o•c•h••1n•e•:•&• 3YHOLO M0f'ffJ 9636~71aller5pn1 •;ttrono'·a:,:~;~::;~r~: Cr,1ott Goon 1,,.11 , 7b~o~~~~1 b;i~P~.~~~~c:· 7"9 800 • U!\f O LITTLE $27~ ~ ~ • ll57 I 0 J04 I " • 1 s1oraoe relttg, unoer 544 <'929 n1qh tnp 4 bkl 'Jet .,tJJl\ .,I 14 1 """'radials runs great & Hall& S900 776-6591 AatiquH/ •t''"' fJl!t.l~ !>ell ton 1 Audi 9701 !>how s ta1e $2395 ---------•Bumper Pool Tallle sioo TV Ritli'o, /tlolo1cyclt1/ Cliuics 9520 ··1o·i110 tupt' 1111 w1101JI ••••••••••••••••••• .. • <1q4 ,01'.l5t497·2388 Wooden Fr11me King Sile Pinball machine SJ50 {. St ooltlJ 9150 •••••••••••••••••••••• ,)WlllJIQ llW lllU Mu!>! eo &udi 5000 Turbo 76 Capro pwr steer '" Wa1erb~ l1lle new Wotti Hemmond Ell!C organ lfif i, s1.,.. 1091 •••••••••••••••••••••• MODEL "A"s! S('t'' s .. u or traue l)ll 82 26 000 miles lully ltJfldt><l musl sell tnos week end V1c:to1111n Wc1tnu1 S1>oot Bed Bedsteud Sl!>O 759·800 I roew me111e~s. new liner II e w fl e flt tl I St 2808eaul•lut s1r191<1 cenop~ t>eu (11cellent cond1 t 1o n $1 00 5C8-490J 64!> 0272 Dining 1ao1e c8 oncn ro 2 IYS 3 Chau s I hOSI c.haor maplewood wt1I Ion Gd cond S27!> 645-J634 $600 Ouk credenza •••••••••••••••••••••• Cus1om Hv~t.ivouitt e•l.~ll !>hoy •uphcos, pickup~ & W.\~or G7J 'l62~ sun,001 gd concJ ltke $2 000 BEAUTIFUL 25" RCA ,, S!lOO !OB 0 $350 644·i'119 c:onu coupos 4 to choose 77 r,M( camper i;urovor 111Jw $13 400 OBO 67J·8043 D1t1ua 1120 MAGIC ISLAND OOLC MEMBERSHIP 5800 In clud tt s 82 dues 7!>9· 1211 exl 28<1 01 6<10-0236 Color TV 2 yr wrnty 7141494-8988 troml 1006768) (Stk &•CJll !tit cruise. PB, PS 6 4 S 8 2 1 1 Ev'' s S 148 Free delivery 3 Open Sun Honda 80 CM400 excel! A 093) Pr1c:es slar11ng at '-'" 11nled windows new 8!>7 9684 tluy~ TV John's 646-1786 cond a~i.1ng s 1100 o•LY $1,IHI I t.idlafs $4 900 63 l 479:J ,,, Audi •o~ Neeos 11111e COLOR Tl/ Works gOO<I 851"1388 alt 5PM Auto1 W1alttl 9590 ""0'" SlOOO r•r ""S' 01 $90 5•11 2c29 art 11 AM 1981 Ynmana Sfl 18!>CC • ••••••••••••••••••••• teo 8'>7 4167 Sl1t-t1t 1>1~" Mmt cono WE PAY CHRISTMAS llU 25 Zen1rn Comb. Cir 95 mp!J S750 64 5-0490 CHOICE INVENTOR'!' eeaut•IYI ceiamic horse $ 2 5 0 XL NT Con d 250 CC Enduro 10 mo .<Int • .....•.....•..•••••••. SA Hgts. 540·8062 Sen Diego ••lliiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiflllliimliiiiiiiiiiiiilll--~ New ma 111 es s st! t ~ tu 11 S6!> queen $105 h1t1g HORSE LOVERS AMIFm. Phono, Walnul, TOP DOLLAR VOL&·SALES hand pointed and glazed 962• 1523 cond S~~t.~:g I FOR USED CARS Only 575 Other ceramic lo1t1 I /tl11int 53 Studebaker Champion ALAM MACMOM dn1mals mode 10 orde• E · I Hodac.i Ace 100 Plasllc 5 poss cpe Nice CM 1 AHliHCtl 1010 c •• ,,,, I ... F.. •••• ••••••••••••• r. . I 1030 HARBOR AREA ••• ~1!~~~~. • •••••• •• APPLIANCE SERVICE Ekahle underwater nou We sell rec;ond • guar sing f or Canon A· 1 appliances. 5<19-J077 Complete S2!>0 Oen I IUY lPPllllOll Les 957-8133 Relrlgs. Washers. Dryers Many to choose from Guar S 100/up, 8!>9·06112 548-4903. 64!>-0272 T e lephoto lens 100-200mm, 70-150mm for Canon camera S 100 Gerl 548-490!>, 645·207J $ 125 Andy 750 58J2 6 HIGHBAC K CHAIRS thomasvolle w leather upholstery sea1s $2!> ea 642-0638 tor your an1mal love1S lor •••• i~!f~!!•••••••••• lencJt>rs & lank tor 0111 S3750 2 l 3l 592-l792 PO•TIAC/SUHRU L fltohlmas Call me for Ctatril 1010 S 18!. M •"" 55' 498(, :7480 Harbor Blvl) oe1a11s at 8•0-8709 all •••••• ••••• •••••. ••••. evs Goo4 Homes Nte4td COST A MESA 6PM MARIM( FUEL IOCI 75 Suzuki 185 twin 1ogn1 1946 Ford Woody We 541-4300 PERSIAN RUGS 75 yr! FOR SALE eng Qll cono S3!>0 obo qoi S t'.l 000 541-1451 Cusl ar1 deco BR su11e old S600 Best 01r 642 4644 M-F. 9·5 548 :?429 alt 11am lllk igold w1 Travertine 549-8457 1'l29 Ford Mod .. I A Town WE IUY top $750 752·5? 16 IOlll, /111/•lf•Ht• /tlolor Homt1, Slit/ s e don $ 'o o o o OLEAll CARS Encyc1oped1a 1980, uno· S i 1020 R t IS 9160 615 6161 Love seat and sofa -ex pt!ned $1J5 f011g $4501 ••• !.'.~!.'••••••••••••• ••• ~~~ •• !!!~f! ........ 198 .. Corvair Spyder,I AID TRUCIS :','~n1150O~t~1-~01'i3 '598 t~~~a A~=~<.~~~e ~ 1~!· 0e~~~~~n~1~iJ~:a1r R:~! 8 2~u11;'1~~~'eonome Conv!'i' Reing 20 culll, SIS. avo green wflcemaker, Like new $250 751-2299 Co• •l•fl IOJI OUve green 6 Naugahyde •• .. I.•••............. Steeper Coucn double S 58 De Soto Runs good 8J8-J6'1J Olly work SC9·2520 Ev 64!> 8616 tPaul> 770·07J 1 I '" 1>001' women' size 101111 #111'•• Tri'/• Ut '/ ·1 9110 9N & 9 • N M " I .. 11, I '"' f'•Cellent body 1>s1 olr COHMRL CHEVROUT Gaiters 5 Saltler Almond Gtass oven dr lmmac $350 firm, <19C-2905 Washer 5 Dryer, Set, 1us1 completely redone S300 846-4616 Clean Westinghouse Re- fflgerator Harvest Gold $95 CaU <199-41 19 REF'RIGERA TOR Like new. lros1 free. 2 dr. s 165 893-9060 REFRIGERATOR Like new. frost free, 2 di, $16!> 893-9060 K18nmore Dryer. E11c:t11noe 101 Oas Dryer or boat Oller Xlnl wrk'O cond 2915 Bro ad St NB 6-42-9732 Hvy duly washer I dryer, Kenmore. 5 yrs old. needs some work, $150 pr 1667 Oahu, Costa Meaa (Mesa Vetda) 957·8617 mane 16' Freezer. lrost free. copperlone. xlnl co nd $20 0 /0BO 642-9J33 Se alS Cotdspot relng. wl 1cemaker. perlect cond. $ 175 545-7826 • i!r!!!! ••••••••• !.~~~ I L adles 10 speed bike In excellent cone! $75. 328 3rd St, com of Oranoe HB G iris Schwinn 10spd wt reek $50 Sun 9 to noon 4 14 Ogle C .M nr 17/lrvtne s chwtnn Varsity 19'/i". Excellen1 condlllon $85 549-0432 •ii"•• #1ttti'11 IOZ5 I ..••••.•........••••. IOW 310/n. Redwood 2)(8 decking. 4-20' I~. also redwOO<I fencing all Jim or Ken anytime. 775 1491 . c,.,,., I ••• ~~!t~!!! .••• !.~~~ Toyo 4115 lletdtstudlo Ml up 3 N1kor tenses, Bo- gan lrt, liglll. spot. color meter• Polar back. nalh w/91and, umbrella. more, pert cond. yr old . $3800 new , Sac $2000 549-0864 Ptoplt who need people TSR 80 level 11 Mod J S IJO 759 1997 ' en ~ sou• r.. . I030 ••••••• ,,. ••••• #' ••••••• 11 & 12 Twin bea ••• -:.1!!1~!!! ••..••••• Ullltty Tra11e1 5•7 w sooe ovrr $750 549-8457 complete w/dosc drtve & 132 colymn p11n1er & mao llng llst 646-0758 $1 250 FtH I• ,.. 10f5 •..•...•••............ 6 week old white rtbll•l. nds good home 4 mo supply ot IOO<I 64!>· 1286 Red topp ing brtcks ex 12x2. (451 s25 673-J946 White male Terrier. 3 yrs Old, housebrkn. good w11ch dog 8"7 ·5677 eves -Large & Lively. 8 mo, Fe Choe Lab/Doble M1 • Jan 646-7094 Springer Span brnlwhl. 2 yrs. AKC rog Name 'Speis" Gd home 642-6844 Frlaky F pyppy, golden bronze color, sho1th11r long tall 846-8!>17 - -8 mo tern red Doble. u111. ears not cut Good w11h ctllldren 5'18· 1200 f•r•it•r• 1050 .••.•••..•......•.•••. FURNITURE • NEW Must raise Cash Prices start et . Mettresses & foYnd set Twin $71 -Full $97 Queon $1"7 ·King $167 Sola Beds S 197 Sola & Lovesea1s $247 O<neette w/4 cnrs $97 DISCOUNT FURNITURE 1959 Harbor Blvd Costa Mtsa 631·6609 **I BUY** Good used Furniture 5 Appliences-OA ' wttt MU or SELl lor Vou ll&STtll llOTIH ........ IH-1121 I HY FIHITIRl Las 957-8133 Mov>"Q Sate Va11ous hoYsehold tu1n1 lure !>52-0947 Sola & lovesea1 like new yellowtgreen floral $27!> pr 494-4244 BABY CRIB $60 w mattress & sp11ng.s 67J-7469 Allrac:flve Glass collee table. Me1111 logs 3 •!>II s 100 7!>9· 155:i' Honts 806t ..........•........... trame Pictures 0010 5 HIP. Sears outboard boaros New paint gooo MG TO !>2 replica sptsl bedspreeo. 01ner misc motor vary gd cond tores $375 751·2299 car classic Tanl llrn items All in 9ood cond $17!>, 963·5272 $8000 o• olr 675-4688 & reas 673 -9055 tBotboe -A11lo Strvicr, P11/1 Pen > 80111 1ortft 1640 I Atcr1101i•• 9400 f Whtl Driv., 9550 LOYl HLLOOH Send someone you love a beaulllul bouquet ol JC helium balloons Porlec1 lor sll occastons Fun to• Halloween great lor elec:toon 67J·C<I 19 c~:;;~~ ·~a~·~·:;;:;;;; PAiNT. ;;·,~.; • ~~d·y·-.;~;k· 19eo·cj;~ ·;~yi.~~~~; ·~tt Century bay boat. 4 cy1, up 10 !><>"'• olf your es1 •oao 35.000 ml Excel· Grey $3500 075-& 161 Biii 842-01001964-0J32 lent cond 13' Boston Wheler. Mint Europe11n Mechanic 1e-645•8730 Cona . 3!> HP, eltc tin . pairs European cars' 79 Che1oi..ee Ch.et. loa- M any X11 es $3900 French Spkg 991 .1229 deO Xlnt cond $5500 6•!>-7673 Lv Menage John 67J-2666 642-<1247 WANTED Laroe wheel. 16 to 18 trailer 548-2188 Womans Sk" & Boots Electric Typow t1 ter . Phone An9wet1nll Ma Beaulllut Simco Roping chme From $25-S 1!>0 Bav Launch. 20th Cenlury I Saddle Xlnt Cond N11w Call 662·2747 lapstrake. 18 Inboard, $100+ sell $42!> Obo $2500 87!>·1tlJ!> Eves &<I0-9166 Mes11 Ve1de C0<in1ty Club -1 membership be!>! oller 115 BOAT 5 TRAILER JS Ftasny reg1Sltlll'O Tho will n119 536 2•55 HP tutres $750 Of roughored oetd1ng 12 ---------• traOe 673-06"7 yrs 1? hands very w11. 1tn9 & 9en11e fleas H11lthy-W11lthy-Tlli" 15 Boston Whaler 82. 70 831-1007 495 4754 Need overwelghl people hp Ev1nrude. cover. tral- Houellold Cood1 1065 ••• ;;:;;. BE7G£ ·Au·G ••• Good cono Seo 67J-7469 ~!.".~!If.•••••••••~.~~~ 9 PMrf 3 Diamond Gold Rong $500 759-8001 Gold & Pearl Tree ol Ltle Charm S150 7!>9-8001 lli1c•lluto01 IOIC to par11copa11• in an over ter 1>11 In l ut l tanll weight progrom & makt' S8600 645-6999 money 41' lertra• ift llawall 114-2112 Flyllndge convertible Bord Cage S25. smell 141-5111 M111ic1l l•1l111•tnl1 1013 .....•••.•..•......... VAM AHA Base Afl!P Head with a d0<ib•e 15· PV speaker cabtne1 All 1n excellant cond111on S800obo 197<1 G M V8 71Tl's. equipped tor sportlt· sh•ng s11ve $30.000 shipping 11 boat 10 Ha- waii Asking $1C!>,OOO bul <."State aete 5 must se1t1 . .. ,. '""' l H /113-1212 •..••••.•••........... ROWOOI ht •cc• '31-0511, 1-IP• 8to20'1ong 36c Pill It 1-~~~~---... ~~ 1977 Orymmond Diesel Sporl Fisher Good con· aitton Must Sell S 10 000 (213> S92·28S9 ----18" 1nbo11d dive boat. lish. play, wtlh xlnl trai- ler S 1600 545-873<1 775-1491 anytime Un1vers11y Athletic Club Memoe•shlp. Men On•y ', Pnce $450 953-6606 ---SALMON J 50 per lb Thanksg1v1ng orders 10 = min We deliver ~d orde<s to Selmon '.)COO Ou1e1 Cove Cd~ 92625 OAK F'IREWOOO VOL PICK UP OR WE DELI Ollict F111•itort I ... ~t!!f!~~! .... !.~!! Ohve1t1 1!>50. all paper dry c:opier Assume tease wt tow down 714-8!>1 -6936 Etec T IW Olympo;-;;;;o !><>. caroon ribbOn S 150 Sunday 9 to noon He Ogle C M near I 71h & t1v1ne ----1981 ZODIAC MK Ill OR 16 lnlfalBbl• so HP Mercury, low hours on water Manuel 1tart Trailer launching ~ 8est Clllh ofter (714) 6-45-155• 40 WeUcrall e>c.an racer. + trailer $30 000 Call (71<1) 964-0813 URHHfl . --- 611 brown pie.Id sole hide-V~6~8 21 inches l( 43 Inches X 1 10.11, Sill IOfO 72 hes S7SO •••• • ••• ••••••••••••• inc 16' Hobie Cat yellow w/ •·btd $75 Maple dlnelle MAGIC ISLAND CL.UB 1et. 4 chai rs $75 CH AR TER MEM 842·89S4 BERSHIP Sofa & Loveseat. earth- l one plaid, sohd wood qfly const F'11r cond $150 640-9166 Writing Deck 5'. pecan wood. 3 drewets. blk lthr lop, dHk lamp & chr. xlnt cond $395/l>est ol- flf. 559-5038 $750 644-292~ 5<: p ay tel ephone w e1ttens1on plug. greet too rec rm. S 100 64<1-2929 Osc:illoscope machine enc accessories S 1!>0 or olr Good cond 5•0·94•4 Newport Beac h Ttnnl! 675-J772 teq sunrlH 11111 l ike IBM SELECTRIC fypewrl-new $2500 675-6161 1er GOO<I cond $295 or otr 759.9553 12 F'oberglass Hllboat w/ acc eu tk new $425 Secret11111 eves 559· 7 4 17 Ollioe DESK 75 Isl Mk 11. '79 \lotvo 27 S200 h p dsl, 9 bogs. lull -__ !>52-09"7 _, raGel CIUIH. new tlltat- Otfict IHk I Ohair mas1er. DIF. r adlo, 8 s 100obo 531•0906 man 1von Mort Secrl- 1hould alway• ehecll thot French Canopy 1w;n girla Strvlc:e Directory In lht bdrm sel, complete Club membership S70C OBO (lnclud 1ranafer lee Phon e A.nnetl( 833-9561 Ma1or rec:oro salo. model -------1 'loe $31.500 676-0898. <Ill 16. 23x2h56H JSO 8 Ft SABOT wlnew paint de 0 r e e 1 1 0 r 1 hr . Leo brd. masl, tall, nd1 DAILY PILOT $300 846-4616 S1700toll0 831-0906 •om e h •rd war -s 165 963-5272 !!!!•••••••••••••~•~! NACRA S 2 wl~~ Hllt·TZU nPPllS ~~:,6~11~~00~3000 firm AKC Champion lfne. 111 shot1, 8 wks Wiii l'IOld lo• Christmas 720-011111. 553·06<1<1 Al<C Lhllll Apao Puppies. male & female $200 S.9-•220 Al<C Cocker Sp1111et Pbp 4 WMlll MIF Liit bull Select now 1200/up 640·9444 Oho11 13 bay 11Uer. 111n1 c:ond. wl u lle, dollle. $79!> 780-0795 1919 c1ue_y_t_e_· _H_o_blt_c,...-, w /lr111er Loads of Xtru. $320 0 firm 714-559-8700 ----..,,,, '"'' Dttkl HTO •••••••••••••••••••••• ~tttlt-.itr P\Jpft••t , BOAT SLIPS AVAflAILE: ,...... Newport 8MCI\: 25', 28', Al<C, enota, S200. 30'. 35, 40', l 48'. C91! S!7·H 95 842·4 844 from 9-5 , rf~~!.'.:!.f!f!!'.I.~ _M_on_·F_r_I _____ _ C0tnpae1 Plt nOll player SLIPS AVAIL Hun11no1on piano. good cond Harbour lty , D• S 1!>00 Over 100 ro1111 840-5545, 146-778', ~9 673·6839 P M • t 4 0 • 4 0 9 7 , ---213-4314704, ____ • Emerton Upright P1a110 --.0-,-.. -.. -~ S300 H 11 ~ 4119·5527 ett &PM AVAIL.A8LI. t 3·9022 ~1obatt c.Olt llptlght Pl•· WANTED· MOO,.INO IOI no 1800 Flrm 76' BOAT In NIEWPOAT 842"°'31, 04t-e20t HAA80A H?·4073 OUl.IAANHN p;;;;;;;; Ni. l.ldO l•I•..:. eerott/ thtttre orgen, xlnl c:ond l elboa l•y club H ', _13200 7I0-07H 1376 wtldeyt. 131.6ft<I &tby Oranct 1120'1 1ntl• 20". 30'i & 40' tllpt 9119ll que. '2300 or Hit offllf. now tlbo• 'un z~ 552-ot47 M•rlna lff.1111 .~tl•r'"'' II ·' ''"-l \'•H '\ SU-1200 NIH IUUR Top dollars for Spons Cors Bugs. Campers 914 s. Audi's Ask for UIC MGR JIM MAIUH YOLISWAIH 1871 1 Beach Blvd HUNTINGTON BEACH 142-2000 Saies·St!• v1ce-Letas1n9 8!>0 ti Beacll Blvd La Haora &22-5333 Open Sunoay ORHCl cou.n·s• OLDEST "& Sa1es-Serv1c:e· Leasing ~CARVER IU1S f{ lll l:. Hc\1\ \ .... ~·"·, •4<11K,. '4 ~,,,_, O"N• w ._. f'l4M CW.. WMOATS 11·S 1171 HTIH 210Z COIPE Air cond • AMIFM, all 011g1nal & only 3•.000 mile!>' (032T JO) Hurry! MUST SEElll JIMMARIH YOUSWHH 18711 Bea<;h Blvd Hun11ng1on Beach 142-2000 10atsun P1c1t Up~ 1<11 olt·road 11res & rime $1000/0BO Set of !> VW S1ock Chrome nms & '1ubs S100tOBO 645-9658 72 Oat B 110. 26.~ air outo. c:i ean $2000 OllO 67!>-<1986 8 1 200SX fully loaded. $5450 bes1 otr 662-7:µ3 A•IOI Ntrt 9100 A•I•• /It• 1100 ••••• ~ •••••••••••• , •••••••• i •••••••••••••••• t J I j 1 f t '8 llwHyu ~"'"' llAll Y l 'ILOl /Su!ld"Y· 0<'101"" J I, IU8~ 1 •• ~'.'! .. !'!t~!!! ........ !'.'!!i.!'!'l!.~'.'!. ••• 'Jl A111.,, 1 ... ,,,, 1Autor l••ttt1i IJ •••••••••'•~•••••••••• •••••••••~············ P!.t!!' ............. !.~t~ !!1.~!'. •. • ~~~~~~!!. !!, ..... !.~~~I r!!!!~.'. ••..•.... !.~~' ~.~1.'.' •• 1!'!1~!!!! ....... ~-'.~~·.!!'!I~!!!~....... ~!'.'.'.'1. !'!l.~~1!.~ ..... . ~!!!!. ~!l.'.' ....• .!.~~! Y!!~!.'!!t~~ •••••. !.~~~ Y!!~.'.".!I!!' ...... !.~~~ MUST Sill 1111 Jl"Ull 1e13 4!>0 ~l 1101~ 1>iow11 1111 HHGlll '79 011l•u11 :. H) 4 d11111 • '14 OW 700 1110'1 •v illl 114 OlfPI •1 OUllR IH us A lllD YOLllWAIH 1111 YW lolrtooo "IUA" IUI AMII M ''"' "" • .,.,. Kl111 3.1 tilll II lllA• u 3 Jl>ll I I Ill• t>l•t " be•uly hH •• cooo \•OOOOUO x1111 tond Aulu 66.000 1111~ 41'10'.l I OWlllll AMIF llA lfl')NAVI 84:> •J lfi 111 httf 0111\h 1111 mou owntll red ••I 11111t1t1I v•llow h1.,d & •011 llTlll OLllll l hlll. Int, lh•Ort1e wh• !Up, $I f :>00 WklJ11y• '74 ;idQT :>I 'J., m1111 t 11111J wll•tf!I• Rody A Int wd & O d 6 {j 611 H wk n .i 1 Jiii llAlllMO auto t1ttw """"'" 1"11 h1111thr1 curnp rnln•elJ •117 'lt1tei VOLllWAll• d4"1 $4!1\I'• '•Ill 1J\l•l I I hm• l)lllhll lly P10l••t :, 10704')0~::.SJ1000Wuu lllTl tBettc:h81vll I ·77 U.'10 "''""'""~ 11u. •tu111d $10 OU 0111y w11u.,11 Ornw11 l eolh111 11un1111u1011 Deft'" ~'"' h•"IY "''""" inl 6 4 <' Vli01 0 11ya n!HI 1.112.2000 ~ 1r•<.l •I" ,,,.,.,u 'una wknnda bctl Cl pm 1111 Ci01lcl S•• voc:o Ro ,. co•ll Uo11u111u1 <..ont1 IUIJli• 11 $.'4!1!> 4'14 ill l'I 67!> 6.'()0 0' 49 .. 111111 !'.1.~!!'.~.~~!~ ••. !Z~1 10111 100 :;o U•k wt '•" T<l U.it~llll .'80/X II I lhl "'' Sun n1 I u Ml ,.. I • I o 1111 AM IM • ll'b .. arMlll 8 w/ •Pt>~ whc•Jlb SJ;t,000 t r111 s111uo t>I.' uon. <...i11101111a S1y1" I'll uou 61t /04:1,61!> !17 tl t17.11i:l!•" O•M i. Po1schtt Alloy• llA1~htilor1$ 1800 ITIOIO• 7) ll11I l/CKI bell<. \IW11I 1484 lSMI *1 11°''1 '~r $ t',{IO IJl•u VERY SHARP 8'11 ·~, 1J b4/ '>4411 T11111i 9123 ........•••..•••...... ORAMCE COUNTY'S OMLY AUTHORIZED $3115 DICK MILLER 1 t 300 SU 3.1 Xlnt 64!> 0244 You can afford lo buy your Mercedes Benz from us. MEISTER POlllOlll / AUii 1363 I H•11)0f Riv<! Oo•OM Oro110! S1IH·St"lot LtHll& 114 111·2333 'IO 121 Low oulu~ ltll lnl Al I powo1 AC tlt18n mu~ ~ .. 11 s;e 500 oao 7 14 1155 350 I Wk I.tu !«. N t AINF.R f{ ~l s l~"'trt. l '. ·-•• "•Iii• _., ... ~ .4-L• ""H ~AO It t s... 1110 .•••..••..........•... ltl2 Sill 100 4 DOH SEDH I 11u11n11ton1 111cludo1 b •P•'l•ll ''·"~"''"11111 IJC> woH •lt11tr1r1u A AMH M 51!Htt0 CllHlllltl ( t\10061 752-0900 I FERRARI DEALERSHIP! MOTORS 1/0 W Warner Ave Sdnla Ana ~~I Z I JZ $0 0'$ 3568 C...O\JfiU .... 111 1 ~~-~ .. ~~••••••••••!•~~~ t980 u 1 B1 81" w 1.111 000 rm S i 7 ~Clllotl<l b4, :8t.(, Fi11 9125 •••................... 7 • Spydf>r c.,nv .. r !Ible mag\ lltlW IOI' •Int cono S2700 bt>sl ofli>r 640 \lb05 1M11d1 9138 .............••....•.. •1:1 lll(l 11 (11'1 ~111 ll! lll• 1975 124 Spytl••r t.n1wt'll 5 sµtJ, xln1 cn11<I M ubl I 82 Mazda AX7 -0S 5 sp. sell A sk•ng 52495 t903 miles LIKE NEW1 662·:l427 Best oller 646-764 I p/p 1 Fiat 75X19 4 ~Pd l>leruo ' 79K m1 IOOk!. good 1un5 great S 1850 548 7:>4S DOWN LEA E 1.un<J Aud Hult eno :.mlO'> Se1111c.11-Le.is1nu "111 ~ 1 s" e f • i r " i1 SADDUHClt Tfio 8614 SUIARU f"i Porscht1 9 t4 t 8 ' 131·2040 4H·4t41 ,,pl.I hktl n.,w 51ert10 Mags A/C Must se11 Bes1 oiler 846 J753 eves 64 1 5555. day~ 62 PORSCHE CllRIOLET f ololly Aecondltlonlid 72K 0110 Miies Bright A8d with N-bllck to~ & 1n1 An lnvesiment yo.. ct1n drive ( 13564MEI $9950 DICK MILLER MOTORS llO 'N 1/11 1111tr Awe Sanl.1 AnJ ''l' !132 T_o~~~'. •.•••••••• !.~~. 1911 TOYOTA CELICA liT LIFTHClt Automt1l1<. 11<rns &11 ronll pwr ~tee11ng AMtF M stereo & a new tlmlS!llOO!I Sy~tem (UJV7C.bl P11 p t y S4J99 C.all 837 .4 t46 or 759 4560 77 Co1onu 4 d1 delu•e S1nglt1 o w11u1 A M/FM casse11u "" cone E• Cflllent COr1d tr\CIUdlnQ tues. lHlttery brakes 70K m1 $3350 962·3282 r '"' 1mo tu•~ "' flUflff'kJf I I• 11.1111• en I fll! Mll'> T .,, (Ill OILY 13311 Jllll lllAlllH VOLISWHH I H 7 I t li111tth Hlvl) th,1tlHUJIU1t 6tmt h 142·2DOO ll I 11 IUI OOH Ell TS Nttw JHlllll/IOIJI 10 1111 111 "n•ulju MUM llo ~t""' ioooo1s11400 c .. 11 17 141 '>'.8 111'• 1111 VOLUWHEll I OAMPEfl ft11\ ~Hll t.dttKJ f(Jr t.Mtt) SUH I~ UJ ft ll Cloftll 6 fli.to upt llJllll l1kt1 II ftll) 111!>;.1,•1 OllLY S41H JIM MAIUH VOLUWHH 16711 Bttut h Blvcl 11u1111ng1011 B&dLh 142-2000 76 7 ,,..,,,, WIJll $3b'•O So1t tluto au whle. 191JO 70276 lo<. e•IJ 6J Oh 645 2963 72 VW Bug Engine mint cor1d Body in go cond S2500 OBO Call Answer Ad 624 642 4300 24 lllS 80 vw Robb•I Dsl l mint cond AM FM -.nrl $67!>0 720 t221 78 n.1t.ob11 :oolve• blk "'' '>UlllOOI OIL llawlf!Sll s:n'io 159 0490 '72 0 11111. nu po1n1 & lues $2600 OBO Runs greel' 646 9929 1111 YW luc Oonwortlltlo VW POR5CH[ AUDI 44•, r Ctld~I Hwy Nt1wµm1 Bua<.h 67J-O&OO 7 I <;unrf Bu\ <.h•Ull s 1600 000 644 57511 14 fJdStwr 11u1CJ ,1n1 fn1 rttt•t.h :..tnl nt•w J>dUlt ~ '"kt, $ ll'J!J 11(,lj 5fd4' I I \.IW Uu~ ntiw 1•11g t11k!>, AM1FM ~l1'1en '" u ~ I ~ •r I I $ ',/ 1 0 0 4!14 71'.14 l>tl llug 11Ul'v 1500 I l f!tlfj lild•<1lll. b• ako;" ~"'"t" m"''' Xlnt c:on<J S9501•Jlle• 54 5 05!> I 68 Bu9 sunrt runs goo<l I 64~ 87 17 ~mn(J q... s nos I Y.oJ!! ••• • •••• • • •. !.~~~1 :: t Volvo 011111 In Gruse Cou11ty! Aut11 U11i Auto• U11i A11t01 Vt1I ·····'················ ·····'················ ••········•·••••······ O.a111/ 1101 Fo1d llfO _____ .... :.:;"~·~·;"··'1··:.:;·N;~~;,:.~ ·;1·~ ;,·,:L;.:.~:~;::·r ;c~:,~I "'i\ 81:'1 > S tju1u h • flun!\t Hlo< ttf1f~ lt1ttd ) no..v '''•• et 011 ' ~ -J ,., u l IHtt1ttnu11tly •1wnu1J \tt•10 4•f4 tit\ {,',\1)11 .1 .. \(', tJfir S( h• 1' AutJI 'J uhtJ • VfJlktWU(IOOI 1'1 , ,.,.t .. 1llfl 1111 I UODl ••• • ..... mll•••u.. •lnl CLEARANCE 1 111ul I 141!1411 (J(J Ill 44., E Co~•I 1•w1 N1Jwpor1 n111u n li/3 0000 'IHI I Orel WHIJflll lllltfCh , ........ , \f;(IU llllfl SALE! 4111J ">'1' f ,,fl fll'M 1 ~ r .,, u10 r .c,cu1 , .,,.,, C1dll/1t 991 s i•,•,(J r1r fllll•I ••••••••••••• ••••••••• ( ltUU t14. lh'IH THE UlllEST 17 t I uiU I Ill '11\llC>•• llVll SELECTIOI UM "'""'"' ,l!J4111fl\J 6 "' 11110 modol low '"''''" h,.~kuh '"' Lonu111on1r111 ll " t,utJ•ll•l <.& 111 !1<111111111 n it1 •O OUI l fJ4(, I tO• 11! ( 1ll1lornrnl Sttu u~ l111J"Y' "" (i(Hll lllEllS ,., ~,.,,,~t111 "'' •,c11< '"' CIDILLIC t hWllttl f'vl 1>111 ly lt.00 Ho11101 Olvtl t,O•, TA Ml SA 540-1880 t9611 t.ADll l At. Aull, grtHll $ 700 "' t"' 111r MJ4 ~·io•. /'t FIOO D't ~ .. lvttt I'. h•.i1h All t1pl1011·, A 1 1 0 $74'10 L45 l'l'> I "'00 G•• lllll Liatola 9945 ....•............••••. 110 M111~ VI 4'fiK IOufletl 1 1111 wl1111 "'"' c.r1110 S to '>00 f,jl '1'1'1 l t MAHK Ill IJtlld\l•J<l 1 ... 1111t,u1 1 u n11 s•.ooo "1J/4JC. 6!> 14 pp Old1mobilt 99SS £ IOu,llc.Ju Cunvt",ttUlt: •••••••••••••••••••••• 1'17 '> b• 0 .,,11 lt>.iOt•O 7'• C.,u11e;s ::iu1.1r .. mu A(.. ,, <ftlll'I "''' <f.roo 1 •ilUIJI 1101 ~ll'l'l•OO b4:, 6;>6C. -wheel S\l:t• f, 7 j b8 7 4 llO t.pt' Duvtlh• u 111!•1) 1 70 Ol<l"> 98 qood Iran~ M1111 (l)"IJ lOll01•0 11 j)OllallOll CHI $550 IJWlll $8900 Q[jQ 4\j].J749 631 'Jfb8 %1 n 18 PP I 61 Culla"~ Supr!'m" 78 • s 'l Or \.16 loudod t1t1w vll<I evolle I owner I •• 11 P•l•as nu tiff''> •Int tune-up Oii & lubtl Aini 1 1111d 813-12 18 $8'>00 cono lo mo Musi ~ell Sb8001t>OO 497 2679 7" CoV 7 t 000 m11es 011g ow11 runs 9111111 $Y9' UDCI 548-9215 7 7 Cull ass Bruugt1;)m • Cir "eoan Loadtid $269S obc. 752 0558 Jll '>pm 76 S~·volle •Int cnnc1 .,11 µuwt'• ltaHJe<l Musi ~ell' $5400 !>46-5605 fiti OICIS AC lo mo I OWIH .1n1 ~onC1 S 1,000 OBO Dys 833 -688 t evs wll.nos 494 4627 8 1 Cpe Deville dlf1Stll below 1e1all like new lully equipped S t t 675 Wkdys 640-1'!72 w~nds 1977 CADILLAC UDOltAOO COUltl (622SLG) s5995 1971 CADILLAC COUPI 01 VILU (782TZW) S6995 1979 CADILLAC COUPE DE VILLI (915XUr1 s7995 1981 CADILLAC COUPI DI VILLE DIESIL llENB512J s9g95 1981 CADILLAC COUPE OE VILLI D'ELEGANCE I 1BGC3051 s12,995 1982C ADILLAC FLEETWOOD BROUGHAM 1 IEAL545) s15 ,995 • ' Hoad1 9121 1111 1111411 Ill l Modt!I GS Light Mel blue X !nt cond 846-0783 da 552·9695 llCI <1"'•1'1 -,.. .. '14 iJJ 9Jt\ /I J l,11 ... ij)I BO TE RCH 5 Sp orig o wn111 ntiw 1ad1a ls $4 t50 752 7919 llVt!S 72 9 t4 E•cetlent Cond Mags S tereo. Many X1ras $4600/08 0 T Mtrtt dts Btu 914~ . 760•8379 .!f~!'!t~ .......... !Z~! 7 4 Supe1 Bee lie Xlnl c:ond 7 14 835-4535 E•1 14 Me~ 7 t4 536·6258 SALES, SERVICE HD LUSllUi OVERSEAS DELIVERY EXPERTS 752 8385 Pinto 9951 ··········•····•·••·•· C•m110 9911 78 Ponio Wagon good Oller Good Thru Monday 11· 1·82 1 i •··•······•··········· llOHA MUllTIMG? I!> VW SCIROCCO Goo<l Condollon 51895 ••••••••• ••••••••••••• 1tdnsporto11on AO CAMAAO na Blue StSOO 548 4292 We can help' Befort; you buy. check Ou• u1\1Jtt1llil ble se1ec11011 '0111nqi. end se1111ce 1ooay• UlllYERSITY SALES I SERVICE •••••••••••••••••••••• MC 914; Rtn111/1 9155 1910 TRIUMPH •••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••• • •• • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • TR l SPORTSClR • MERCEDES WANTED 1973 fllli liT 25 MEW RHAULTS W11h (Ill tOr1d & AMffM A super clean cor w11h a 10 choose lrom ( 1AP02241 Now reduced sunroof (IEBH0941 A~ low as $4989 tse• I •o !>48 t487 631-2092 '70 IUli $1900 Xlnl (,ofld 646·5505 URUlltE VOLVO ''"' co11d Ma11y •••as ts 42 9 3 a 3 !l" b by P/vmoutb 9960 I e~1.9s22 ··'··················· fi5 Valiant Cne11p Trans Clttvroltt 9920 49 000 mo 1 ow11er gooo N1\Bl~RS 'C :, \1)11 J .. ,\C Michest Dollars hid. OllLY $2111 sJ t91 OllLY $5115 Call Pete• Kay Tne all new 83 Afltance 70 VW SQrbk new eno trans pnt Automatic $ 16'l5 OBO 646 7445 X54 t966 Ha•bo• Siva COSTA MESA 2600 HARBOR BLVD. •••••••••••••••••••••• cono $495 552 1751 SEE US FIRST! 2850 Harbor Blvd COSTA MESA Dial 213 or 714 JIM IAIUIO •s nere• Fuegos Imme JIM lllAlll•O 631-2333 VOLUWHU 01a1e dehverv VOLUWHU 641·9303 540·1411 COSTA MESA t970 Plymoulll Duster 6 c:yl 1uns ••nt $675 496•4283 540-1860 540-1640 * IO Mondi Prelude 5 spd. air amlfm cas· sette Moon1sunroo1 ex- cellenl cone $7100 or bsl oh 640-860 t Mouse of h•11orts, Inc •87 1 t Beach Blvd OflHliE COAST t87 11 Beach Blvo , Hunhng1on Beach AMC/ JEEP /RE•AULT Hur1lmglon Beacn 70 Bug •lnl tond nu 8 I 380 SL 7000 mo W11e 142-2000 2524 Harbor Blvd . C M , 1 142•2000 pa1n1 rebll eng Must Mu'>1 sell 82 d•ese• wgn qold w1oe1gtl leather mint cond Ta~e ove1 pymls $330 1 mo We have a good seiec.· loon or NEW 6 USED Chevrolets• COMMRL CHfVIOUT .!101 llarbor HI' cl ··~l<\\lt,'"' !!.".'i!f •..••••••• !.~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ 79 CVCC new '""~ & brakes am Im c..1ss qreot mpg .1n1 cono $3500 Lrsa ~ 59.ono Honda Accord 7q mint cone $4500 c:a11 644·2420 a11 6pm or wknds wheels S38 OOOIOBO 549_8023 645_7770 5001 $2500 857-2705 1 2 t3-832-8979 , 79 t979 MO Exce11en1 I Volhtlflftn 9110 78 v w Bus Sunroof 811 I 70 Mercedes 280Sl •m· cond•l•on 27 000 mi S3 Ro/11 Ror.ee 9156 •••••••• ••••••••••••• 1ape 'l.lry c1ean '72 Volvo S 1200 mac compl st>rv re 500 63l·3736 •••••••• ••••••••••••• 69 VW Pup Top campe< 714 4qd.">237 I 642-9386 cords 2 lops au10 a11 fllCB 91fi relJll t'ng ,1.,reo new 5 17 500 851 6 i 26 •••••••••••••••••••••• 63 SILVER CLOUD Ill hies brks paml clutcri 7.J SupAr Beene Go b'l 144 ~erl whoff•body 720· to90 eve ll 111!!1 lloi"•ttr, m1n1 c:ono $27,000 obo , 1n1 ton d s 2 7 9 5 cono Ne"' 1ao1al!. am no •us• dents or ~u&t • •• ($5000 Wiii hold 1111 6734220 Im CilSS S260 0 hC\ red 1n1 Au10 "" 7!J 300SD Turoo llual 4 spd 8 track Moos Ch11s1masl 57 BENT 842 b8t0 Lro ~s & runs g•eal tanks. CB p\11 ply 41K (833YDKI LEY SI xlnl bO<ly. paint 7 t VW Sup,;1 Beetle 76 Stirocc.o •Int cond $1695 548 7245 840-3475 XLNT BUY & mech $9800 P1P ,unr l t{'bll eng new $3495 673 8315 pa1111 AM · ~M $ ,750 new par•i. S3S001011e1 Volvo 75 245 Wgn auto 79 300 CD • 662 7478 551 4199 Ron au AM FM PS PB runs CREAM PuH COND 1970 B b 1 I an 1a5I1 ( s 2 8 5 0 831 7515 Call Ed 541·5121 Turn 10 loday s ctass1l1e<1 Sell wllh EASE• into B~~o .~~gm~;;~ed 548 72d5 JlllUlt 9130 l o • the bes• buys I II s a BREEZE I saoo 6 ••'••• ................ '69 llerctdts 300SEL 642-5678 C1ass1loed Ads 642-5678 ., 46·3 t92 Volvo t980 GL orown 5 64 Jaguar XKE ce>nv 4 2 SPd ove•dl•Vl' SUntOOI Comp• rebH eng 6 t.rk 6.3. 1New 1n 1own? C11ss1lied Tr3de your old slulf tor Marci• lo your phone to I Ar maq spokt! wllf'elS system W•rP v.hts Outs1andong cond $11 can help you mee1 many new goodies w11h a place a 1as1-11c11ng c111s-t1m Im cas!>etle $9C50 su.1200 74 Vega 4 spd AM FM cass •ellable c•ean iis k ing 55 50 o ller 536·9184 73 Mahbu $1a1oon wgn nei>ds 1ransm1ss1011 $300 645-761 t Co1v1tt1 9932 ...•...••.•..••.•••... 7 7 auto . very Clean It blue met grey 1ea1n 11•1• lo.ided $7500 644 9582 'U FIRHlflD 400 Aeblt 400 Turbo trans new velour & n&ugahyde Int 0(1ras ~OOks good. run~ ;c!nl S t200Jobo 842-0100 964-0332 67 Forebord red classic convertible new eno 1rans •Int c:ono $3200 bs1 olt 85 1 0 4 3 t 645 1442 1978 Bonne111110 Perlec1 cond Low moleoge lull power $3 950 64•·6S1 t 74 ForebHd ESC:Jll•I All ("tr as ""' cond 640· t 229 all 6 .. ~ dyS & w1o.nas SOMETHING DIFFERENT! lhowol c....., C'-'.iu, .+.Mi ......... I OM of • lrilMI' $8500 645-6354 000 t2 t3J 378-9491 ot your needc 642·5678 Class1hed ad 6•2·5678 slheo 10 6•2·5678 1559 841!> ~ ... 1.0.11. '!.1.'! •••••. !.~~~ ~ ... ~0.11. '!.1.'! •••••• !.~"!! ~ ... ~0.11. '!.1.'! ..• ~ ~.".1.0.11. '!.1.'! •••••• !..~~~ ~.".1! . .'1. '!.t.'! ...... !.~~ ~ ... ~0.'1. lf.t.'! •••••• !.~"!! ~ ... ~0!1. '!.1.'! ...... !.~"!! Aoto1 Not 9100 A•t11 Ntrr 1100 A•t11 M•rr 1100 ·····'···········:···· ·····'················ ..... ~ •.•••........... 1 WHY NABERS LEASING MAKES SE WE OFFER LOWER RATES. At Nabers Leasing Company, we offer many advantages to the leasing cus- tomer: size , stabil- ity, experience. But perhaps most im- portant -cost. At Nabers Leasing you deal direct -no middleman or his extra profits to pay. And unlike other tease programs, ours is tied directly to the prime lend- ing rate . COMPARE! With the prime rate dropping out of the clouds in recent weeks, our rate has dropped too - a point lower than the special leasing programs offered by the manufactu r- 0fi. And our n~w -~-.----.--c-1-a-ss_i_c-.-c-l-a-ssy -AuTo __ _ ~~ Classified Advertising --• --.. ._._. -· -·---··-- low rate applies a- cross the board make or With our lower rate now is the perfect time to lease that new car you've been wait- ing for. on any model. Leasing All Makes and Models Neber• L•••lng Co. 2800 Harbor Boulevard Coate MeN (714) 540-1100 In the DAILY PILOT • ORANGE CUBT . , .. .., GOOP MORNING .. MY NAME IS LINUS V~ PELT ••• TODAY 15 AAU.OWEEN,AND l'M '"'ERE TO TELL VOU ABOUT ™E '' 6REAT PUMPKIN '' NANCY HOW CAN I RA15E ENOUGH MONEY TO BUY AUNT FRITZI A B1RTHDAY PRESENT~ HELL0--00 YOU WANT TO BUY A BICYCLE? HA HA HA HA IUNDA Y, OClOll• 31, 1tl2 GOOD MORNING, MV NAME IS LINUS VAN PELT, AND l'M ~ERE TO TELL '(OU ABOUT THE 116REAi PUMPKIN II ·II CINU YOUR HDMITDll DlllY PAPER 6000 MORNIN6, MY NAME IS LINUS VAN PELT .• l1M '4ERE TO TELL YOV ASOUT 11-tE •. 6REAT PUMPKIN " 6000 MORNING ... MY NAME 15 .. E3iiZ 0 ©111112 United Feature Syndicate, Inc. 10 -J I MAYBE I COULD FIND SOMEONE TO BUY MY OLD BIKE By Ernie Bushmiller I'LL JUST DIAL PEOPLE AT RANDOM AND ASK THEM GARFIELD ® I~ I OISGUl5( MYSELF AS A 01RD. I $HOULD 0£ ABLE iO GET CLOSE f.NOUGH F'OR AN EASY LUNCH DENNIS THE MENACE ,--::'.!I~ ---· ALL ll'J FAVOR OF TUF<Nlf'.i 1HE HOSE ON Hf;:R, 5AY AYfi! HOW DID THE ORGANIZATION KNOW THAT YOU WERE ---- INVOLVED, D. B. ? ;.::;;._., '-'1.JDGE WAC?DLf. WAPPLE 1982 United Feature lyndieate, Inc. By Hank Ketcham P4RKEH NOW I 'M CONCERNED THAT THEY MAY AL.SO KNO~ THAT TONY'S AT r--------<• SPENCEflt I DON'T THIN~ FAAMS! SO, MR. DRIVER! THEY WOULDN'T BE SITTING IN 0 . B .'S HOTEL ROOM IF THEY DID! WAIT A MINUTE! IFTHEY'RE ST\LL IN MY ROOM, I HAVE AN lDEA! MEANWHILE, IN D. 6 .'5 HOTEL ROOM LOO~, SCOTTY ... CHARLEY'S STILL SOMEWHERE IN THIS HOTEL ... QR HIS CAR WOULDN'T BE r-----llW't!':ll ON THE OTHER HAND, IT'S POSSIBLE THAT HE FOUND WE HAD A TAtL ON HIM ... AND HE LEF"T HIS CAR TO THROW U5 OFF! 6UT THAT DON'T . EXPLAIN WHY THAT \NOMAN LAWYER AIN'T HERE! PARKED OUT FRONT! t • > • 1 REAW-1 J1AD A ClOSE;: CAL.l 4E51ERDAl.> ! I GIVE ! WHAi 00 ~L) Fl X A PUMPKIN WrTH Z:. A PUMPKIN ON 1fiE VINE Rl6ITT NE~I TO M£ WA5 CHOSEN 10 BE A ~CK O' LANil:~ ! I'll il:.U.. l,>A I I'M 60RE. GLAD I WA5N'I PICKED 70 BE CARVED UP f NTO A J"ACK 01 L..ANrE~ ! MOON MULLINS OF COUR6E, 11-lE PUMPKINS ifiAT DON'i GET PICKED R)R. HALLOWEEN WILL EVENWAlk.Q BE. MADE INTO PUMPKIN PIE5 ! HoLD IT, k'~Yo--WE MISSED IH,AT ONE . S!<IP fT, kl TTY. Hh l<IPS ! DOCTOR SMOCK BoY--You CAN REALLY T~L.L IH' ~CONOMY's DoWN ... 1-1Ke wHeN A c.us-roMeR WOUt..c::> COM5 1N-ro i"'Hf: SHOP AND YA'C? GIVS HSF< Kie;> A t..l 't-Piece OF eot...O<SNA .' 'I-'AA "f"HINKIN / OF At...t... 1'"HES e>At...ONfSY YOLJ'Vf; Ft::;c:::> YOUR PAi"leN,-S OVE:R. 1'"HES YESAR.S.' HA-HA- HA! g ... !1'6 ~RNE.D IF 400 DO AND DINED IF QOU [)Ot-.l'T ! by Ferd and Torn Johnson -r~Ar1s WHERE ALL HE EVER Doc PfaYNE GIVES OUTON IHJ DENTIST HALLOWEEN 1-IVi=s. 1s100THP,ASTE' AND TOOTH- BRUSHES r IHIS Y~AR HE'S GIVING OUT CARAM~L.S AND -1AWBREAkERS ... By George Lemont l'"f" VVAS "!He NelGH- BORHOOt:> 0UICHeR WHO DID i-HA'"I/ N11'"Wt'"I.' "IHA-f' SOF.,-, MUFFt...ec::> soeetNG Ge:-rs -ro, Me AF1'"eR A WH I t...e. -~---~----...----~~~-------------------------------·---~__. ___ l l . - OA, 'ft)l) C.OUL-0 ~SO "TURN "OUR CLOCK& A!j(AP -rwENTY-IHRee ~! •. AN17 ~AA Mlt7 ~Ngs Al\lt7 wrrcHes .. • • ANP 6013l..INS Al'Jt7 <;HOS1S AN17 UNSE:EN 1li 1 l'j'.;S ANC7 K~WING-HOW "TO ~ET '(OUR C1...0CKS 16 VER.Y 81MP\..E ~ LONG µ::. ~ lll•ME~ER "THE P'.-U~ASE: '~PRING uP ANO FA\...L C:OWN'! ... A 11ME: OF SMOKEY HAZES Al\lt1 PUMPKINS A~~f?5N MOONS ..• OON'T R)RGET THAT T~l5 16 THe We:Ef(:t!ND we '"TURN ()I.JR CLOCKS 13ACK ON~ HOUR / OR YOU COULD 61 M PLY OR "TWIENT'f."Tl-4111'1!e ~~ Or:( WHY NOT .J\.JfP T ~IRE. UNPLl.G 'r'OUR CLOCK LAT8R fl'OR ~T MA,.Telt ... AND "THEN PLUG IT a>.c..:. IN exAC.Tl .. Y ONE HOUR LATl!ri' •. ' SOME~OOV~OCOM•IN ~" 00 IT F0a 'IOU··· • GORDO '10 1)10 (EJIOOERl8H TOO 7AL IC IPONESOME. OUT IJCO()PED 'IOIJR. S~AIAJ~f • For Better or For Worse M\CHAE.L,1 WANT You 10 \ 1RKe a.tZ:ABETt-\ TRlCK-6~\}). OR-mt=A1TNG ... UDST f' ~., 711 LL \ CAN GET Olff. ..... -:.-¥_ .... ~, CP ,..,.,,4l E'"t cr~'"''CJ , !"c.., 1•tl. By Gus Arriola I OET.E.CT #E~ JAIC:Jli!EDIEAITS IN M'I iJ.10/J~J-ITS/ IF COUJ-D .I l=IAJO 8~AIAJ!3 MV :r WOUL.o &tiA.eT BE A<:7AIAJf WHAT A PLE1'HORA OF PUAl&ENT R:WOERllVG f WHAT SPIC\./ .sA&AC I TV f ~PE !Al A 8 /TOF CR.UST, TOQ.r • AND I~ RE-ADY TO C.L..A 5 1-1 W /TH ANY SAVA.VI EXTANTf • by Lynn Johnston --------------------EDY! oN HALLOWEEN 1 G01TA C:/:J OUT WtTHMYDUMB S\STt=:Rl.l ~ OK,MIKE,(rur•. PUFF) 'l'M H£RE-! You JDS' Be=:ff ER. NOT CRAt-'\P OlJ~ I STyt!=. .__......__ ........... __________ ~-----------------------~:::...----------- TM ~E'I, OR~86lE., MOW COME. ~OJ'RE. ~1'ANOIN(, M£ E. All. e-1 'iOOR~ L.r ? I oo..l'f KNOW ... I OON'f tlJt~ K~ ~N I CAM£ l'M ~IN6~ I CAN'f OANCE. ... l'M 100 ~~N 'f o ~f'£.AK 1'0 AN'40NE. ... NOSOO~ w~o ~E~U."f CARE If I WE:RE MERt oRNOi. 10 1\41S MAU.Owtf.N PA~f'f, ~IL.. I WOUL..ON1T 6E. "~VIN6 ~ALF AS MVC" ~IJN If 'IOU WERE.~'1 ~ERE 10· N1'7M1 ! I Clt-~'1 'fE.L..L '{OIJ ~ow RE.l.t£.V£.O I WA,10 SE.£. "'IOU ~RRIVE ~ C"Ol/EltTISEM&NT I MRTT!L. !L!LTP.CruLS andl1_)'TSRI team up to bring you • .. In the DUNGEONS & DRAGONS"'• Sweepstakes Prizes Totalling over $35,000 ! Up to $18.00 with rebates for DUNGEONS & DRAGONS"'* games! Mlllltc ~t• l .... lalM" • ..., c......,..-............... ... ,., dllll9" ..... ........ •v S TSa .. fMTAIT Miil ~ 0 .................... .. ..... ;c..6r;,. ......... ,,.. ........... ,... ............. . ,, ... " Ftr• ............... _: • ...._ ................ r.... Q ....... . iJ ,, .... , ................. . ~ ) I 1fl f (1~l S etrofl£ I ~AW '40U, I WA~ AFRAIO t'O AAvE.114E S1'1Jt10£6f- U)()t(1~ CO:S1'uME. ! --------------------------------., . ti • ...... .-tl'lnt:il•-... Tt ltcMt yw ~EE Orlgon ... ,,.. •• CMjlllll tllls C.· -·--· lilicla beiN Ind Mnd Ill: DrlOOll ...... Olllw, ,.0. la mg, Ma!Ja .... MN »la .. , .... , , ... , _____ 11 .. __ ,,, __ _ ..0 ...a·--. , __ _ °""..,_...._,,_,eu ..... ..,., ... __ ... _.., _, ....... ...,.uu ~ .............. ___ ....... .. ...... ·---..--............. ...._.. "• ,.... _ _._ ,,_... _____ _..... -.-. ---~--..... --.......... ._lll. • • ... .._ .............. ~ ............. . .............. ,__..... .. ~ ................. - ----~--,=.~.~~-~,---~~ "" .. -..a ....0 ---.... , __ _ ----......... "'11/U ... 11/11111 • ....__ .. --·-·--~--::;r.--·~·· . ...., .... -. • ' ,. Orange County: A Key Travel Market BY WA RRENS. TITUS, Chairman, Royal Viking Line At Royal Viking line. there's no question In our minds about the Importance o f Orange County In the travel industry - we Me it every day in our sales figures. Despite its relatively small population, Orange County represents one of our most significant market areas. Last year enough county residents booked Royal Viking Line cruises to fill almost two of our vessels all by themselves. Wor1dwide, this single Califor- nia county represents our num- b er four market -after the much larger metropolitan regions of Los Angeles. San Francisco and New York -and a substantial 3.4 percent of our total cruise business comes from the area. Some of Royal Viking Line's best-producing travel agencies are located in Orange County. Last January we held an awards dinner in San Francisco aboard our newly lengthened ROY AL VIKING STAR for the line's 160 top-producing travel agencies In all of North America. More than half a dozen of these came from Orange County. and one of them was among our top five agencies. This Is important to us because Orange County residents have high confidence in their travel agents according to our research. Virtually all of our sales from the area come through travel agents. Our promotional activities have been tailored to respond to Orange County's demon- strated Interest in cruising with Royal Viking Line. Our district sales manager for the county;1 Kathy Wilcox, has one of the · smallest sales terntories any- where, encompassing only Orange and a small part of Los Angeles counties. This arrange- rrent enables her to provide personal service on a frequent basis to ttte many travel agen- cies 1n areas such as Laguna Hills. Laguna Beach. Newport Beach. San Clemente and San Juan Capistrano which are booking significant numbers of our cruises. To support her effons and those of area travel agents, we advertise regularly 1n Orange County pubhcatfons. Orange County residents are also unquestionably among the most experienced, most discri- minating crula.e passengers In the world. One particularly slo- n1ficant characteristic we've noticed among them 1s that they're worfd travelers -repre- sented in significant numbers aboard our cruises in aff parts of the world. From a five-day hop down the Mexican coast to a three-month around the world sailing, you can bet there wtll be Orange County residents on board. Orange County clearly plays a central role 1n our global marketing plans. When we sit down to plan a cruise on the other side of the world, we have the preferences o f our friends of Southern Cahforn1a very much in mind. Warren S Titus became asso- ciated w11h Royal Viking L1n6 June I, 1970 . .a • marketing consult1n1 to the three Norweglen steam1h1p com~mes who tormfld the ongmal ~rent conaortwm He was named president four months later upon announcement of the newly formed com~ny, whose three-1h1p flHt wes com· plated fn 1973 and has been In w0</dw fde operet1on e¥er &Ince. Ha la baaed In the firm's global h••d· quertera In San Fr81J(;ttJCO end m tfNlt wa eppointeid che1rman FROM THE FARM GREW THE THEME PARKS By MARION KNOTT, General Partner, Knott's Berry Farm Knott's Berry Farm, from Its 1920 roots In Buena Park. was the initiator of family amuse- ment In Orange County and has grown step by step with the development of the county it- self Thal growth is still going on. The selection of Anaheim by Walt Disney as the site of his lmagineered Disneyland. led to that city becoming as well- known around the world as any major city. Almost overnight it aeemed. the sleepy town that had had mOf'e orange trees than people, suddenly became a me<:ca for families from all over the wortd. Soon, more people were visiting Disneyland In a year than had lived In Orange County befof'e the partl wn built. Not so weU-known Is the fact that, Walt used to •troll the atreeta of Knott'• Berry Farm, while develoPlng hl8 ldeu for hit own park and ttlat one oft he re•on• why Walt telec:ted the Anehetm atte wn the succ.a •nJoyed at Knott'• ov•r th• yetn. On lM day that otaneyland opened, Welter ~ Cordelia drove tlk>ngtM Santa Ana F,..._ wmy to Walt't wondetland M hAI ~ gue.te. llk• Ill of the hundreda of other r=tt that day. Walter and Cordelia gazed around them 1n awe at the sight ot Walt Disney's imagination come to life. Later. Waller said, 'W e'd better go back and attend to business, 11 we still have a business left." Much to their amazement my mother and father found lhat Knott's Berry Farm was flourishing as ever and they realized then t hat Disney would not be putting them out of business. And so a gigantic new mile- stone In Orange County amuse- ment attractions was set and over the years we've seen many other businesses In the tourism and entertainment field develop and grow. Among these are Six • • • Copyrlfht by ..... H...,,.,,, ~Er'Mlttut Putllicef#ott Offlor. Flags' Movieland Wax Museum. Lion Country Safari, Irvine Meadows Amphitheater and Orange County's newest attrac- tion, The Kingdom of Dancing Stallions, located in Buena Park Just north of the county's first family amusement park Knott's Berry Farm. Marion Knorr 11 onfy one of Walt or and Cord4'/le Knott'a lour children (brother Rua.II and sisters Virginia tnd Toni) to lHt 11etuelly bOm dQwn on the Berry Ferm In Bu.ne Pane. A g9'Hlrel ~rtner, Merion hes spear- h••ded end spark-plugged th• emuNm«lt park end .nl9t1ainme1tt $ide ol l<notr's Berry Ferm through· out much of Its e•11l9nc.. PATRICK MARSHALL MARRIOTT Publisher WIUIAll HARDON MA.RfUOTT Auoolata & Publl1her IARAH 8TERNI AaM11tnt to PubfleMf DtA.-llOON GAAPHICS/ M•llAICMO An & Production P.O. 8oir 417', lrvlM. CA-114/W-7301 • VIEWING j ANEWERA1 By THOMAS L STEPHENSON. Vice President tor Developmenr. KQCE-TV . We stand ai. the shore~ of a comm'onicatfbrs revolution unparalleled in the history of man It w ill pale 1n significance the first paintings on the tribal walls of ancient man or the discovery of the printing press or the manufacture of the first vacuum tube It is a revolution of sight and sound and exper- ience that will blend the most futurrstic of technologies with the needs of a new and demanding society Television and its cousins will become vehicles for societal Interaction never before 1ma- • g1ned Today . cable operators. working under franchises awarded by local mun1c1pal1t1es are wiring Orange County so that by the end of the decade everyone living w1th1n the County will be able to choose from cable systems that will offer up to. and over. one hun- dred channels devoted to news. education, information. movies. entertainment specials, sports and a myriad of alternate choices. not to mention public and commercial television. This communications revo- lution will bring a succession of new and exciting technologies to our very doorsteps V1deo- text. described as an electronic newspaper of the future 1s cur- rently being tested in Southern California. If successful. this experiment could lead to vast amounts of information being fed into homes and businesses for your access when you need 11 Thtnk of 11 as a never-ending electronic catalog that will include news. weather. local and national advertising. airline schedules. and a veritable host o f other options Interactive television. which 1s a two-way cable system. allows sub- scribers to "talk" to a central computer to register opinions, bank. and shop from the ease of their homes. This system will be in over SQ0.000 homes across the country within the next two years With technology as a vital lead. television for Orange Countians promises to enter a new end exciting chapter in our future. Thomas L. Stephenson Is vice prea1den1 for development at KOCE-TV, Orange County'• public 1e1ev1s1on 11111on. He 11 a 27-year resident of Orange County and gradual~ from local 1chool1 In· eluding Ca/lforma Stale Unfver1ity al Fulferron where h• completed hi• undergra duet• and greduate 1tudlea. Act/Vft m bualneH end civic activities, Srephenton I• currently on the 00.rd• of Providence S~ch end ~erlng Center end A TSC of Coetflf Orenge County. •• OCTDwill planyour bus triJ!for ~ -=- No matter where you want to go in Orange County,_"!~11 make it easy for you to get there on an OCTD bus. Just call us at 636-RIDE. We'll tell you the exact routes and times. And if you need schedules and Ride Guides. we'll send them free. So give us a call. You'll find the bus is your easy-to-use ticket to work. school.. ~~::t:~~ shopping and entertainment in --Orange County. 636-lllDE ==-:.-- Taking Banking To Business We specialize in financial services for business managers and professional s. Busy executives and professionals have discovered that our willingness to come to their firms with our Business Courier Service. Armored Car Service, Bank-by-Mail and other services save them time and money. Call for one of our account officers to come to your business and show you how to best make use of all our financial services. Ukrl, Nttl/01111/ ~ One Pacific Plaza, 7777 Center Avenue Huntington Boch, C~iforni~ 92647 (714) 895-2929 Mnnw FDIC llJ1d rf!dlral RawTN It's Good BuslneH To Be Neighborly By RONALD K. DOMINGUEZ. Vice President, Disneyland In a recent address. President Ronald Reagan said. "I believe the spirit or volunteerism lives in America. We see examples of it on every hand· the community charity dri"ve, the rallying around Whenever disaster strikes. The truth is. we've let government take away many things we once considered were really ours to do voluntanly, out of a sense of ne1ghborhness . let us go forth and say to the peop~: join us 1n helping Amencans help each other " This ··sense of neighborliness" which motivates people to become Involved w11tt lttei r fellow citizens is by no means restricted to Individuals or charitable organizations. Buslnes.!J exists within the com- munity structure. It contributes to the economy through the jobs it provides and the taxes It pays, in addition to the products or services it produoes. It also benefit$ from the general well-being of the community. In short, business often aharet the fate of the citizens who live In the community. Business within Orange County has long shared a senae of what it is to be a "good neighbor.'· In fact. In addition to financial contrlbutrons, many Orange County corporations have provided in- k ind services to civic non-profit groups, schools and other community organi- zations to assist their community ser- vice activities. But, as President Reagan points out, the 1980s offer a new. greater challenge to us all to do more and play an even more vital role in tackling the challenges of helping our fellow man. Three basic approaches can be utilized in directing company Involve- ment 1n volunteerism. First. businesses can make s1gnlf1cant impact by deter- mining a particular area of involvement and addressing their efforts to its exact needs. Second, a broader program can be implemented through the develop- ment of a commun11y acllon team Finally, businesses can promote ind1- v1dual involvement Perhaps the essence of volunteertsm still lies with the ind1v1dual and 11 is through the encouragement of employees to invest their time, energy and talents toward non-profit organizations and worth- while company pro1ects that the greatest impact can be made. In th is way individual skills can be applied where they will be the most effecti-.-e With increasing need for government and the private sector to work together to improve social and economic devel- opment. we all lace a great challenge As corporations, we have the oppor- tunity to play a ma1or role in adding 10 ttle quality of life in our community but, more importantly, we have the ab11tty to meet this challenge and to fulfill our role as good businessmen and c1t1zens Roneld K Oom.ngvez, V1c9-Pres1dent of the Disneyland 0111111on ot Wall Disney Product1ona. hu 11 hlltory with the Park which l1r•1111/y d•t•• back to h1s birth Part or rhe properry on wthlch D1Sneyland 1s now located was once owned by Ron·s g1andlather, wh o p1.11chased 30 acres of lend In rile area In thfl late 1800s Ten of thoae acres were pvrchesed by Wan Disney Productions 1n 1954 and are tOday the site of the A.dventureland·Frontlerland area of the Parle. QUESTIONS TO ASK YOURSELF ABOUT YOUR MONEY BY GAYTON E. GROVER. President and Chief f1C8cut111e Officer, Household Federaf S~mgs ttnd Loan Auocmt1on Many opportunities and challenges lie ahead for the financial services Industry. And just as many opportu- nities and challenges lie ahead for the consumer. We all have been bombarded with new Information about where we should Invest our savings. what will give u1 the highest yields. wtlat will give u1 the least ri1k. and in aome cases, should we opt for a new toaster or a stadium blanket? Whet.,. the •venues for saving• and lnv.stment? There are many savlnga •nd Investment opportunltl•. These may Include auch opportunities as money market funda. eecurltles. credit unlona, AU Savera certlflcate1. certl- flcatee of d~t. tf9Uury bllla, paaa- book Mvlngt, Insurance, negotiated order• of withdrawal or N .O.W account•. and Individual retirement KCOunta (IRA'a). The federal government haa enec'9d meny new law. and ,..gulatlona which 111ow t~ •vl099 avenues to open up. The mafortty of the federal legis- lation 11 contained In th• O.poeltory IMtltutlont Ind Monetlty Control Ac1 of 1980. In tM tax ra• Nductlon potUon of President's Reagan·s economic re- newal program. Congress pasaed laws which gave 1ubstant1al tax breaks. Some of these reductions should increase the dollars that Americans have 10 save and Invest. What servie6$ do financial Institu- tions offer? In addition to aavlnga and investment opportunities. various financial Institutions offer overdraft protection. safety deposit boxes, traveler's cheques. money orders, copy service, notary service. flnanc1al coun- sellng. and IRAa Where do you find th• right financial matltutlon for your rn1eds? There Is a blurring of distinction between the lnstitutlona Included In the financial services Industry, The tradltlonaflnsti- tutlona -commercial banks. savings banks. savings and loan associations. credit unlona -are finding new com- petition among the money marttet and mutual funds. G1yton E Gl'OV9r. P,..1ld9nt end Chief E11ecut1W Olllc.1 ol H041NhOld ~rat S1vlnga & Lo•n A11ocl1tlon •Ith r 6 branch.. tltrovgltout t,,. Sout,,.m Call· torn I• er••. /1 • 3 f -Y••r v•t•ran of th• HOUHltold tnt•rMtlonal 01g1nlLat/On. H• lives with hla tamlty In Mlalon VM/O. Solving the career crisis: we WI1 e the book on it. In this time of high unemployment and stifled job opportunities. many people are concerned about their jobs and careers. For them-and maybe for you-it's a real crisis. There is a solution. It's all clearly spelled out in the book we personally wrote: ·How to Selca a Career or Marugc a job 0tangc.· It shows vou how co select a career. Or change a careci. Or move up in the career you have. In fact. this book comes with a guatamcc. We prOfT\Jsc vou11 leam dcuilcd methods that will give you the cntical edge in today's ficrcdy competitive job market. Methods like: • How to assess your own skills. talent and expcricnc.'C • How co package yoursdf • How to keep your job records and contacts up to date • How to become known in the marketplace • How to interview effectively • How to hand1e rejection ) ou can pick up this book.ftw. at any Do\\TIC)' branch. There's absolutely no obligation. Now, you might ask. why would a savings and loan write such a book? Because, we know that successful financial planning follows successful career planning-at every stage of your life. And, quite frankly, we'd like lO be yow fuwlciaJ pattner all along the way. That's why we wrocc the book at a time when you need ir most. Ifs the least any good financial partner can do. Quantities are limited. ... and many more. \\C last )OU a liktime FSTJC ....... _ ..... S 1.5 billion in asaeta places Downey in the top 2% of savings and Joens in the nation. Ar.di• • Ccrrltoe • Oaremont • Co.ta Mca • Co.ta Meiaa/South CoMt • Downey • Encin.itu •Encino • E.condido • Fountain V•lley • Fullerton Fullenon!Sunn-r Hille• Glendale • Huntincton 8ctlCh •tlmne/Nonhwood. · •La Cotta• l.Aaun• HiU. • Lo. Alamitos• Miwion Viejo Norwalk • Pltlm Spnnc. • Rancho Bernardo• Rollu" Hilla• Sen Man:oe •Sun Cty • 'lbn-ance • Viaorvillc • Yucca Valley ' • The Full FeatLWe Telephone DIALER AUTO TOUCH BY CAL-TEL llW>f: 111 OAAl6£ crum. TH l S 0 lAl.ER fW(£S Tlli.PIOlE US£ IOIE PllODUCTIYE All> DllS THC PttOILDCS Of STNllMO 01~1"6. AT tlM All> AT DK, ORGMlZE All> Sltl't.lf"Y YOU!! TELEPIOIE ACTIY ITIES WITH TI£SE FUTURES: -<>ME·llllTTO.. D1All"6/Pwsh one button to ~lete ulh to 40 or 60 ~,.., busy IWllDers •utamtfu lly redhl up to l5 t1•s. *OltE-llllTTO.. ACCESS/Cht1n 1111 to 32 dfg1ts for one-button 1ccess to t0111P11ter systells 1r1d low-cost LO ser111ces Hice ~I & SPRINT. *SPEAKER/Pfdt up ptlOM after c•ll is ~leted; use speaker for rooe conference or to ff'ff htnds to write on MDI> PAD UD. *OIGITAL DISPLAY/Use clock & t i •r to mn1tor ti• spent on c1lls; verify r1ueers lfflflt tt'lttrfng into ..:iry or dhling. *RECAU KEY I Stof't 11U111bers f l"Oll 411 f n scr .itchl)H _,ry. •Pt()fCE STYLE IC.ETllOARO/E•sy push button prog!"l--1ng; convert rotAry di•l te lephone to Touch Tone. *0..E-YEAA WJIMTY/Qutlf ty design for proven re l1tbl I ity. CAL -TEL SYSTEMS. INC. ....................... DIAL 7 14/988-3074 2674 S Grand Avenue Santa Ana CA. 92705 Cotodecaza A PRNATE COl.MTRYSIDE COMMl.JNin' Coco de Cua .. A private countryaidc communicy tucked away at the buc of the ruaed S.ddlcback Mountsina. A world apart from chc urban crunch, y~ an easy drive from nearby metro arcu. Herc. in 1 valky 6-milcs Iona. countryside Uvina prevaila. Oak-fl\ldded meadows and rollina billsida provide dramatic beckdrope fm rusrom home tlt:et, dcsicned tt> mha.noc tht tum: chanc:ter of du. 5,000. Ktt land. At home of the Vic Braden Tcrmla Coll~. Coto de Can offen ilJI private d ub mcmbtta chc U1C of 17 amnia courtll, plt.m 1 wide arrwy of fadlitics and acrivitia - din.ina, swim.mire. hon.d»ck ridint, ahoodnt-t0 name I few. Sound 11k.c another worldl Smile. Coto de Om '1 priv~ rount:ryside community la l.oaroed ri&ht In On.nee County. Take me Sin Dietl> Freewty to El Toro Roed, then Eut 7 ml.la to Uvc Oak Canyon Reed.Tum riaht. 6 mi.ks to Coto de Cau. Pkue call (71 '4) 770-0500 and make an appotnanent «> ace the real esca~ opponunlria at Coto de Cua. We think you'll enjoy di.ecoverina thil prlvat« counayaldc c.ommunlty for yourwlf. ~Coto de caza ~ Realty Company ,.,,,_,_~ l' o !be .a ,,..,_, c;..,,yon, CA t12e1e Se•~jn9 ~he Pace jn Spo1•ts BYA.E. "RED"' PATTERSO N. Assistant to Chairman of the Board, California Angels The amazing growth of Orange County is no better exemplified than In the fantas- tic upswing for professional sports and. for that matter, in all forms of sports. spectator and part1c1pant. When the Los Angeles be- came lhe California Angels and, prompted by a growing popula- tion future accurately forecast in a Stanford Research survey. settled down In Anaheim. It started a trend The shift from the Los Angeles Coliseum to an enlarged Ana- he1 m Stadium by the Rams. added another major league resident Crowds ot 70,000 for football and baseball gather- ings 1n the 50.000 to 60.000 range are becoming commo"- place Anaheim"s sports complex ot the Stadium and lhe Conven- tion Center soon will be JOmed by a sports arena which will attract big league baskelball and hockey. Pro tearlj' tennis will play their matches at the Convention Center and prob- ably move to the new arena High school and college com- petit Ion are as extensive tn Orange County as anywhere 1n the country The area has be- come a mecca for professional talent Southern Californi a. packed by Orange County. con- t rl b utes more protess1onal baseball players than any other sector 1n the land Part1c1pant sports? Name your favoflle and you can enjoy 11 in Orange County There were Eastern skeptics who predicted that pro sports would not prosper 1n Southern Calilorn1a because ol the coun- ter attraction of par11c1pant sports On the contrary. the ract that Southern Cal1forn1ans have been brought up on participa- tion 1n Little l eague baseball. Pop Warner t all !Jd junior programs.. 10 '1la ' has not only \,1qued thei interest 1n the profess1on(tl games but made them a _r.;QMi~no'wledge­ able aud1en~ r~,... The Angels are hopeful of 1oining the Dodgers in the three m1lllon attendance level. The Rams are adding 3500 seats at Anaheim Stadium so as to lure the Super Bowl game here a few years hence Soccer will return 1n the foreseeable future and profit by the growth of the sport in high school ranl(s Meanwhile. the 1oggers. the 10-K runners, the golfers. hik- ers. the bicyclers. fishermen. yachtsmen. motor boating en- thusiasts. campers. birdwatch- ers. volleyballers. skiers. eques- trians. clog lleld tnal advocates. backpackers. surfers and whal have you will continue to pur- sue their participant sports - but no doubt take time oul now and then to push lhrough the turnstiles at their favorite pro- fessional sport we·ve learned to l1ve together One of rhe most papular e11ecu· t1ves m tfle history or b1tseball 1s the Angels congenial raconteur Arthur E .. Red .. Petterson Patterson nas been in the game ot baseball as e wrtter, put:>11c rela11011s man and club e11ecut1ve for more than 50 years ln'ERIOR DESIGN: DTNOVATION wn·• TASTE BY NANCY LUSK. Prssfde.nt, Interiors by Lusk-Serengeti When 11 comes to interior design. Southern California has been like the gold rush days. Anything went• Lots of money! Lots of crazy ideas' We were the land of beanbag chairs and waterbeds' M idwes t erners wanted the "California Look" when we didn't even know what ti was' And while ttiis avant garde movement was great from a creative standpoint, it didn't allow tor staying power. There were no basics -no structure. When you write the rules as you go along, you have no real foundation, nothing to draw trom. Today, Southern Californians want homes thatssysomethlng. They are ready for a commit- ment to a clasaic look. This Is due, partly, of course, to Inflation -people wanting to get the most tor their money. They are now ready for the traditional style& which have proved their staying power. Eighteenth Century styles, for example. are currently very popular. , And we have juat ordered a lot of heavy-duty contemporary furnishings -things that will last. They are straight. func- tional and very smart -good glass and brass tables. e.tc. This fits right in with the quality that Southern Californians are com- ing to appreciate and insist upon Where once we were rather disinterested In brand names. today's homeowner is very much aware of who makes the best products. They know Cen- tury furniture when they see 1t and they are very discerning. Another trend I have seen developing here -and perhaps of even greater consequence - 1s the manner in which we have dealt with smaller llvlng spaces. Because of propeny values. California itself was way ahead of the reet of the country in multiple housing -squeezing as much living space as possi- ble Into the available square footage. While condominiums In ttie East were merely vaca- tion or summer homes, they were a yeer-round way of life In the West. We have aleo led the country in the experimental use of modular housing We've come a long way 1n the last 30 years From the wild. trendy. mismatched mrsh-mash that passed for .. The California Look" to a serious. value-con- scious tradhiooallsm. We are still innovators and we always will be. but 111sa respon- sible innovation -responsive to the needs of Southern Calt- fornians. and ultim~tely. to the entire country. Nancy Lusl! came to Orange County In 1969 and founded her flrsl dl/IS1gn company. Womsn·s Touch, out of a recognition that /he area offerfK1 a bvddfng opportunity for the dealgn l"<lustry. In t 970 shit founded Lusl! Interiors, 1 ~eslgn C6nter for builders comtJJned with on 1ntt1r1or dt1S1gn company In 1g11, Lusk continued 10 grow wllh Iha founding of Serwigt1tl. 11 center '°' r&el ••t•te marlletfng design ind gtH1e1al oommerclal design. Tod1y lntert0nt by Lu111-Serenget11' f1Hc1· quort•nt<I In Irvine, •nd h~ lhOW· rooms In Irv!,,., Anaheim Hiiie end Rancho Mirage, wfth warehouse tecfllt#N In SMtt• Ana. • V1ew Estate Homesites from $130,000: Lusk Marblehead Highland Light Estates in San CleJDente. •Pnc1 ~Ill t~ of ,..h'Wtio11. Fi""ncini p/.,,, A1bj«t to ln.i~ qwllfbtlon. Tit• L"6k Com,,."~ 'fMllll/in Helt '"'~ b~ its own 1""""9rtls of 11C"'*blli41- H OffNO'll1f'WT IUIOdl~°" ,, ••• .,..,,, infonnMiClft eoaiMbw •l •la o{fia. John D. Lusk & Son debuts this weekend its Highland Light collection of 105 ocean-view estate homesites overlooking the premium coastal country- side at Marblehead in San Clemente. Over the years, Lusk has become renowned fo r developing such successful ocean-oriented com- munities as Spyglass Hill, Coral Cay, Harbor View Hills, East Bluff and Huntington Seacliff. And now the tranquil Highland Light Estates at Marblehead will continue the Lu sk tradition of fine seaside living with panoramic ocean views, guard gated entry, two lighted tennis courts (future) and a cabana. Superior financing is available that makes estate ownership a once-in -a-lifetime opportunity. A homesite may be purchased with a 25% down payment and financing at 10% for three years, amortized over 30 years, with a balloon payment due after three years. Homesites range from 7,000 sq. ft. to over an acre and are priced from S130,000 to S410,000. If you so choose, Lusk will put its building expertise to work and serve as the general contractor in building your custom home. In addition to Highland Light Estates, the Marblehead community will feature townhomes, con- dominiums, and single-family residences all designed with a nautical flair . ..------------Sales Office C6mlno oe E..\rl?lll is open daily 10 a.m. to 6 p. m., 2033 Via Mantaraya. ..,.. I f c ~ VI.I Mintdr.ya • .. ~ ~ ~ ........,'°" "'-o Jr ~ u S.nC-1e ""'"4'l"'l•• ... .- Lusk~Homes • Business Leaders Support the Arts Through BCA Orange County has been one of the fastest growing major communities 1n the United States. It has burgeoned in population. industry, political strength and cultural soph1st1- cation. None of this growth has oc- curred accidentally Commun- ity and business leaders have taken a strong role 1n the organ- ized expansion of the area. pro- viding guidance in the develoir ment of housing, municipal services. and industrialization. These new responsiblllties have fostered an informed electorate, voters intent on maintaining the quality of tile throughout the county. In this same vein has come the institution of a new collec- tive to stimulate support of the BY DAVIDS. TAPPAN, Prealdent end Chief Operating Officer. Fluor Corporation arts The Orange County Business Committee fOf the Arts (BCA) is part of a national organization that encourages business and industry to assume a greater share of responsibility for the support, growth and vitality of the arts. This cultural support does not mean only financial con- tribution The eclectic nature of the arts allows fOf support to occur through a variety of In- kind services. as well For that reason, and the fact that the arts can infuse com- munity pride and financial ex- pansion into a region. cultural support makes good business sense The Orange County BCA, which now has a member- ship of 40 businesses, large and small, ls working to foster this complementary relationship The BCA hassurveyed county businesses and arts organiza- tions to determine what cultural needs should be addressed. The BCA has begun a series of meetings and colloquiums de- signed to educate businesses on how they can lend assistance to the arts community, and to educate arts administrators and directors on how they can best approach Industry for that support. The BCA also acts as a liaison between the cultural and Indus- trial communities to help pub- licize the cultural efforts and thereby encourage all county residents to share in the arts experience. Finally, the BCA operates as a research clearing house to gather and analyze statistical data about the arts for the use of supporters. Through the efforts of organi- zations like the BCA, Orange County businesses and cultural leaders are learning that the arts are "labor intensive." The arts empl oy not just artists themselves, but a massive infra- structure of suppliers. advisors, providers and consumers. The arts have gone beyond the cul- t u r a I attraction they are by definition to become a great source of income for cities and, indeed, for nations. Tourists flock to the arts from across tow ns. across states. across countries The arts give people a reason to go. do, and buy. Orange County's proven suc- cess as a socioeconomic leader guarantees that this area will continue to take a firm hand in its own direction, aesthetically and financially for the future David S. Tappan, president and chief operating o/flcer of the Fluor Corporation, has been a pnme mover In the Orange County ans .scene for several years. He 1s a member of tile N11t1onal Busine$s Cammlttoe for tho Arts end was named cna1rman of tho Oiange County en apter m 198 I. Tappan. who holds a bachelor's d&gre6 in ac0t'lom1c.s and finance from Swarthmore College and a master's degrH In busme.ss adm1n1- strat1on from Stanford, 1s also a director of tile NowPOrt Hart>or Art Museum. Taking the Advertising Challenge It often has been stated that Orange County has managed to grow to its current stature as a major business and industrial center because of Its entre- preneurial spirit and fresh, risk- taking attitude toward business and expansion. Parallel to this growth has been an expansion In the lield of communications. Getting the word out on new products or services. so long the domain of Wilshire Boulevard or Madison Avenue. now includes Orange County as an important force in advertising and publlc relations. Not just a "poor relation" to o ther advertisi ng centers. Orange County agencies have been well recognized as offer- ing an extension of comparable wortl done In the industry at BY COCHRANE CHASE. Pres ident. Cochrane Chase, Livingston & Company, Inc. large. Already, two major New York agencies have recognized the potential the county has to offer and have established branch offices in Newport Beach. A third has plans to do so in the future. With the growth ot agen- cies in Orange County, a spiral- ing number of Orange County chapters of major professional associations have organized to serve as a network of informa- tion for county professionals What has made ttte county ao attractive to business also has sefved to foster the growth of advert laing and public relations Entrepreneurs wllllng to take risks with new proc:Jucta have demanded an equally Innova- tive marketing posture from their agencies. Orange County advertising hes risen to that challenge and taken many com- panies from moc:Jest beginnings to national and even Interna- tional prominence. The future for advertising and public relations In Orange County continues to look bright When the majority of industry was centrally located in the Los Angeles it made the Wilshire Boulevard/Century City corri- dor the hub of advertising. How- ever. the outgrowth of business and industrial centers in places such as Compton. City of Com- merce, Long Beach. Riverside, San Bernardino and Orange County have reduced the im- portance of the Wiishire ad- dress for agencies T ime. not necessarily dis- tance. now seems to be the most Important factor to many businesses seeking agency support. The county's relatively simple access lo John Wayne and Long Beach airports gives Orange County-based agen- cies a distinct advantage over Los Angeles agencies when servicing distant accounts An Orange County executive can actually be in the Bay Area or Phoenix before many Los An- geles executives can even reach LAX. When viewed 1n this light, Orange County agencies are better suited geographically to servicing these expanding busi- ness centers . This is not to suggest that Orange County will replace Los Angeles as an advertising center Rather. ad- vertising here has found its own prominence -muc h like Orange County which remains culturally, politically and eco- nomically independent of Los Angeles. Cochrane Chase is founaer and chairman of 1n11 t>oard of Cochrane ChaH, LtvmpsrOt'I & Company in Irvine. Callforn1e Chase fies O..n • tfreles.s worker 11 th• helm of one ot tile lerge.st independent advertising and public relations agencies on tile West Coast. Started w/ln a sho1Mtrlng investment of 14000 In 1966. Coch- ran& Chase, Livings/on 4 Company has since coralffld a healthy stable o f lndustflal and consumer ac- counts and currently S.35 ml/lion In cap1ta/lz8d bllllngs Planned Communities Are The Best Answer Planned communities have moved away from the futuristic Utopian concepts of the earty 1 "6<le and toc:Jay repreeent a pragmatic approach to provlO- lng housing toraahelter-hungry population. according to our recent study. The purpoae of a planned community 11 to enhance the value of a property by develop- ing a living environment which Is superior to that which might bt 1chleved by 1e1 ... 1tructurtd mMnl. It la. above all.• market· Ing roof. Tl'I• belle requiftment9 fot • BY NOR VAL LaVENE. PrNldBfll, Intercom. Inc. viable planned community are theee: • Location adjacent to a large and growing metroplex. • Ability to hold land a long time 1t low cost. • A mHter merketlng plan baaed on c1reful 1"81earch. • A ree19nable balance ot land UH8. • Provision for or aooeea to all *lo needs. • A cooperltlve mar1c:etlng pro- gram with ahanld coeta. • Expetlenoed atatf and con- 1utt1nt1. Too meny ~have tried to do without too meny of these. It la critical to blend market- ing and pl1nnlng at the outset: planners are seldom marketer. Today'• economic realltlea will bring marketing to the forefront In the Initial stages of future developmenta. The community may be 1maller than before, just u the home It. We m1y dep1rt from the expanatve 'new city-center' concept• to build lncr..-n9ntally near ex la ting metroplexea. drawing from the beet of the Ofder .,... to bt9nd wtth the new. Houalng products will certainly be smaller, es will lot slz.M. and the aurroundlngcom- munlty. If It offers trade·Off open apace and recreational ameniti81, becomes more Im- portant wllh thner9duced 1lzee and higher densities. Some '" the preeent a al-- moat terminal. Othera, ••new challenge dem1ndlng open- mlndedn ... and wllllngneaa to change. People wlll be housed. they will llve In communltl•. and It will bt the experienced and lnnovatl'/9 developerw who wlll plan the way they llve. Opportunity Is still there. await- ing the true entrepreneur. A copy ot the atudy can be obtai ned from the Research Department, Intercom, Inc., 359 San Miguel Or.. Newport Beach. CA 92680. Norv•I L•Ven• I• • marlc•tlng ••.cutlv• with brOltd ••P"'*'<» In th• d/119,...11*1 adv.rrl•lng ~.,,cy t>ualn ... and, for th• peat ,5 YNll. In l•ro .... o•le ,..1 ••t•t• tNrlc•tlng lllld lldvertlllttg. H• forlnH lnt.,Com In tMe to provide • •P•ole/lud merhtlng f'NOUfef for thf N• Townot V•'9,,_ c/a Savings and Loans: An Ambitious New Order Is At Hand Immediately following the most recent gasoline shortage crises in 1979 some interesting news articles appeared which forecasted the demise of the conventional internal combus- tion engine Fortuna1e1y. that scenario 1s not being played out The same flurry of predictions of doom for lhe savings and loan industry are likewise fol- lowing in the path of the current r1nanc1al diff1cult1es troubling many of America's 4000 S&Ls However, 1t the nation's thritts follow the example noted above. they too will prove the pred1c- 11ons to be dead wrong The key 1n both cases lies in the willingness and ability to adapt rapidly 10 dramatic shills in the mar1<etplace. This move- ment. often referred to as ·mar- ket 1nert1a," requires an 1nnova- 11ve set of flexible strategies to deal with new mark el dynamics In the auto industry scenario. the answer was found nol in lhe scrapping of the conventional power source. as we all know. BY CHRISTOPHER R BELL Vice President. Marketing, Downey Savings and Loan but in refinement and 1mprove- menl which produced. 1n short time. vehicles with vastly im- proved tuel elt1c1ency. The aver- age mpg rating o f today's new autos is now more in line with the ongoing condition of scarcer and more ex pens1 ve fuel The salvauon ot savings and loans must follow a s1m11ar adaptation process. which must first be prefaced with some real corporate soul searching Man- agement must honestly search tor answers to these basic ques- tions what business are we really in? Why? How has our business changed? How has our customer base changed? How will 1t change 1n lhe short and long term? What must we reahsllcally do not only to sur- vive, but succeed? Wa1t1ng for the government to further the deregulation pro- cess or provide some hnanc1al ba1lou1s or increase the oper- ating authority granted S&Ls is suicidal While these measures are undoubledly very advan- tageous. and most would argue crtt1cal, an association strategy built around a wait and see "react/respond" approach 1s fraught with high risk. Time for many thrift institutions will sim- ply run out. hke the proverbial sand in the hour glass The process of mal'Xet inen1a has produced. for the first lime a significant overlap in products and services ottered by com- m er c 1 a I banks. brokerage houses and savings and loans Most current analysis would suggest that the total Cal1- forn1a market is stlll large enough to support all lhree entities As is so charac1ens11c ·or our business and economic syslem. the strongest 1n each of these segments will not only survive, but will succeed, at the expense of lhe weakest An S&L succeed 1n these times? Un- equivocally. yes• The enormous d1tf1cult1es caused by slubborn record high interest rates, lowy1elding mort- gage portfoltos and government regulatJons. which 1nh1bit S&L's operating authority in the race of new direct compet1t1on. can be overcome The operative principle, once again. is adapta· t1on to the situation. not capitu- lation Those assoc iations which successfully define and 1dent1fy their market position v1s-a-v1s emerging profitable target mar- kets. current and future needs of those markers. and apply subsequent head-on. innova- tive product. service and sales strategies will indeed thrive Even with lhe current govern- ment restrictions. the leaders 111 our industry are already demon- st rat1 ng this resolve In the storm ot publ1c1ty surrounding the industry's problems. how- ever those who are turning crises into opportunity seem to have been overlooked Where our industry 1s coming from and where 11 1s going bear 1i 111e resemblance to each other The days of the live percent saver's interest and the eight percent home loan, which made tor a workable, -predictable spread. are gone for good The rather amorphous. genteel or- der raking approach which c h aracterized our indu st ry throughout mosl or 1tsex1stence 1s no longer tolerable fheflerce compet1t1on now being waged tor each consumer's loans. checking account. savings and other financial needs has in- sured this tact of ltfe In summary, those S &Ls which are now adapting most successfully to this new compe- t1t1ve environment are produc- ing two dislinct w••"icrs the S&L itself and 1: .ustomers w ho are reaping the benefits of new, amb1t1ously offered prod- uct and service packages Ctmstopl'ler D Bell is vice presi- dent 1n charge o/ marketing for DowneySavmgs. He has 12yearsof mdus111al and consumer market mg e¥pariance Bell 1s on the ooa1d of d11ecto1 s Of Danny Thomas· SI Jude Cfl1/dran s Rasearcl'J Hospital and 1/'Je Packag- ing Institute. USA Ho is a membe1 ot the C 11ecut1ve Development Commmeo Salos and Marltt1tmg E11ecut111as Assoc1ar1on Orange Coun~ You've Got Character. You've always had character. That's why Walt Disney cleared two hundred acres of orange groves here in 1955 to make his dreams come oue. Since then, Orange County has welcomed countless others who've come to stake a claim on the future. And together we've grown into a dynamic and energetic communi~ where there will always be room IOr dreamers. Disneyland. ·---- ' i ' I Centuries ago,Vildng Thorkel the Tall sailec Starting in January, you and Royal Viking Captain Pede1 The golden prize of M exico. With free air fare and low prices. Our Viking ancestors were grateful just to escape winter's harshness for the endless warmth of the southern sun. lnJanuary, the modem Vikings bring you that reward and much, much more. In as little as 5-14 days (for as little as $885 per person double occupancy), you can ex- perience thoughtful, fastidious World Class"" service and we will include air fare to and from your point of departure. If you don't take advantage of the free air fare , you'll receive a $150 credit toward your cruise. Our cost is comparable to ordinary c ruise lines. Our quality is the ultimate in cruising. World Class;" a class by itself. important touches that make for memorable cruising. Which is why you will surely appreciate the special Scandinavian spirit that fills our sparkling white ships of Norwegian registry. \(brld Class means every Royal Viking Line ship has an uncommon spaciousness. In fact, our picture- windowed dining rooms are large enough to seat all passengers in a single, relaxed sitting. And the Royal Viking Line gourmet menus are so varied, you never see the same meal twice. Top-name entertainment on board, exclusive excursions ashore. At night the stars will shine inside and out, with such stellar performers Our heritage of 1,000 years of seafaring has taught us to ~i!!!! appreciate all the --....-.. iii..~ as The New C hristy Minstrels and The Four Freshmen. During the day there are golf and tennis clinics aboard and ashore with sports notables such as Bob Rosburg and Carol Mann, Roy Emerson and C liff Drysdale. See your travel agent for a free 20- page, full -color brochure or call Ingrid Olsen at Royal Viking_ Line: (800) 422-8000. In the San Francisco Bay Area call ( 415) 398-8000. Canada, call collect. 7 days. From $1239 De_parts January 13 from San Francisco, January 14 from Los Angeles. Cruise to 1 l south for 18 months in search of the sun. \kbenstad can sail south and discover it in only 5 days. remote Cabo San Lucas on the tip of Baja California, plus Puerto Vallarta, Zihuatanejo, and Acapulco on the Mexican Riviera. Can be combined with a return trip of seven days, wi th stops including Manzanilla and Mazatlan, for a total round trip of 14 days. 7 days. From $1239 Choose from two Acapulco de partures: January 21 or February 12. Visit Manzanilla, Puerto Vallarta and Mazatlan along the Mexican Riviera; Cabo San Lucas on the tip of Baja California. 5 days. From $885 Departs from Los Angeles January 31 round trip to bustling Ensenada and Caba San Lucas on the Baja. 7 days. From $1239 Departs February 5 from Los Angeles to Cabo San Lucas, plus Puerto Vallarta, Zihuatanejo and Acapulco . Can be combined with a re turn trip which includes stops at Manzanill o and Mazatlan fo r a round -trip cruise of 14 days. 8 days. From $1416 Departs February 19 from Los Angeles, round trip to Mazatlan and Puerto Va llarta on the Mexican Ri viera, plus Cabo San Lucas on the Baja peninsula. Your Acapulco resort in port. In Acapulco, you can enjoy a full day and night with your ship as your resort. ROYAL VIKING LINED The Vikings are still sailing the world in search of adventure. • THE EX I ERIDR ALTERNATIVE • Home improvement expendi- tures are on the increase rn Southern Cahforma Today's homeowner rs looking for new ways 10 enhance his living en- vironment esthetically, yet still be practical. should he intend to sell the home Today's homeowner. laced with a decision lo move up. or improve. has to look at the high cost of a new home. with un- heard of interes1 rales and monthly payments versus up- grading existing property with shorter term second mortgages with no down payment. Mosl decide to upgrade. giv- ing a11ent1on 10 planning and design phases So. the current trend 1s toward landscaping with accentuating designs. and By MICHAEL FAHMIE, Prtmdent and Founder, Futura Stone upgrading extenors of homes. as upgraded decking. raised hie Southern Californians want an areas. steps. planters. water- amb1ance that is symbOhc with tails, fire pits. barbecues. and the climate and hfestyte gazebos are blended together A typical Calllorn1a tract tocreatetheult1mateinoutdoor home in the late '60s sold for living Careful attention 1s given $24.000. Now. the same home 10 the location of the pool to sells for over S 120 .000 The place II in full sun. tatting Mother problem is how do you sell a Nature assist in efficient solar home that looked 1ust great heating Solar panels can add when 1t was purchased at addi tional months of low cost $24,000, but now doesn't look healing, stretching your back- hke it's worth S 120,000, or even yard vacations still, how do you ask S 140,000 Careful landscaping can pro- lor 1t? vide privacy and windscreen 10 The answer has proven 10 be shelter the pool and patio. and 1n exterior landscape and de-safe low-voltage lighting will sign The days of the simple ad<l to the atmosphere of your rectangular pools are over. To-backyard To top rt otf. outdoor day, pools and spas are de-speakers can provide you with signed with more care g11~our lavor1te choice of music. beauty and privacy Such things setting lhe mood tor a very enjoyable environment tor en- tertaining. and also adding con- siderable value to the home Outdoor flooring surfaces such as tile. brick. and the new stone and epoity flooring finish- ers are being used to add greater dimension to exterior design. Extenor design can also maintain or even increase the value of mulh-housmg units as well. Condominium owners are getting together because they want to increase the mass value as well as md1v1dual value of their Irving environment One way rs to utilize outdoor floor- ing and landscaping surfaces Today's homeowner de- mands more tt'lan JUS! some nicely decorated rooms. a square pool. and a plain lawn. He wants quality, design, and the took of the environment to which he has become accus- tomed rn Southern California Mike Fat1m1e Is pre:s1den1 and founder of Furura Stone by Mike Fahm1e He or1g1na11y dovel()p(KJ Fwur11's1one. a d6Co1at1ve outdo<>' floortng w11h his lather m M1am1, Flortda. 13 year.s ago In 19n. he came 10 Orange County to open 111s own in.s ral/a11on company spe- c1al1Z1ng in rtMurfacmg pool d9Cks. patio.s. walkways, and dnveways and has grown to bocomo tho larg &St outdoor flooflng company in the country, w1tfl tn1Stallat1on offices in Orange County. Los Angeles. San Joae. San Francisco. San Diego and Palm Spring.s. LOOKING FORWARD AGAIN In 1979, in the opening para- graphs of an arllcle appearing in this publtcatron, I listed the three ma1or problems impact- ing Orange County's e<:onomic future as 1) Transportation. 2) Housing. and 3) Labor In the field of transportation. I predicted the county would achieve its own CalTrans Dis- trict Through the combined efforts of both the private and pubUc sectors. a separate. lnd&- pendent Orange County Cal- Trans Orstnct has become a reality Wt'lrle pressure on our present freeways 1s 1ncreas1ng • better maintenance and new construction should be more attainable through the rn - BY LUCIEN D TRUHILL President, Orange County Chamber of Commerce creased revenues now avail- able. The Orange County Tran- s11 D1str1cl rs conlinurng 11s efforts to improve public transit The housing industry rs closely tied to the economic health of Orange County There is no denying that this industry has suffered in recent years Ho wever. several probable changes tn the housing market should tnsure a brighter out- look ror the next several years Several of tnese changes are. 1) The probab1hty that en- vironmental and slow growth restrrct1ons will yield under the challenge made by demands for increased density. 2) Fewer moves and more r emodeling as houses are handed down through genera- tions. 3) Increased awareness of the need to streamline pro- cessing. 4) Increased awareness that our demands fOf "rnstantc1t1es." including roads. sewers. green belts and sidewalks are placing undue financial costs on build- ers. thus continuing to price homes out of the market Between 1970 and 1980 Orange County added 500.000 to its total population. and. during those same years. added an equal 500.000 jobs'. Al this time 30 percent of our county's electronic industry can be found right here in Orange County The industnal complex in Irvine rs an excellent example of the surge rn high-tech manufactur- ing that Orange County has en1oyed. In 1965 the city's 1n- dustrral complelll housed six firms. Today. 11 proudly points to 3700 f1tms. and the over 85.000 people working there. The problems facing Orange County today are indeed the same problems we laced three years ago But, Orange County rs a county that has developed a $55 b1l1ton~each-year regional economy (making Orange County the 30th largest eco- nomy In the world), a county that has grown to where its MEASURING population exceeds two million people (making rt the sixth most populous county 1n the Untied States). and a county that has been responsible tor the crea- tion of its own separate Cal- Trans tunding d1strrct A county capable of these accomphsh-- ments rs also capable of tacmg these problems. and f1nd1n9 thetr solutions. A.s pr'"1dent and chief executive Off teer of the Orange County Cham- ber ot Commerce. and a certified 1ndu&tffa/ de11etoptr in his own tight, Lucien D Truhdl 1s woll quat1 lted for leedersfl1p in the oos1ne$3 community _THE TRANSPORTATION CHALLENGE The one word that be$t char- actenzes our world today 1s - Change -Ou1Ck, sudden, and volatile change. So with our county And Its place within the ~ world. Nothing seems to be the same as It was just a few months -let alone years ago. • Transportation Is the artery through wtllch Hows the life blood of all interrelatlonshlps. All commerce -fOOd, clothing, goods. and servioes must be transported to be of any worth to tht uaet. The type vehicle and mode change, but the re&- son fOt that change la to en- .. hence tM defivery and better BY ROBERT W. CLIFFORD. PrNfdent, Atr California meet the needs of people. We are beset by the need to keep pace with this ever in- creasing requirement while en- during the crushing economic realities of governmental and financial constraints. Both air and surface modes are t~ with the requirement for im- provements In facilltles. Quite loglcally one might aak. "How and when can we expect an end to the traffic snarls and airport congestion?" Thia writer theorlzea that relief will come when the peof)lt went It bedty enough to ~ toward It 1n • concerted Ind united way. The accomphstl- ments ol the Transportation Coalition In conjunction with our county legislators is, in- deed, monumental and a mooel for all to view. The number of successful pro1ects has demon- strated that such concerted action work• with surface vehl- clee. Now lers make it wortt with the ever lncreulng require- ments for aJr travel. The county needs a better air termtnal. runway additions to reduce noise. more 1ervlce, and an open 1ccept11noe ttl81 t0mettow tt'llM ne.d9 exllt and mUtt b9 met. We must determine our real needs. formulate a plan ol ac- tion, communicate the facts to the people most lnfluentlal In moving the action. and unite behind the Pf'Ogram to its con- clusion IU difficult as the im- plementation mlgt'lt seem. tech- nology, people skills, and right are all providing the tools tor accomplishment. The future of the county's economic hfflth will In large measure bf Influenced by how we meet the trtntport811on chal- lengw otour~changlng reel ..ortct. Rot>en W. Clifford ha.s been pre.s1· dent of Air Callforms a1nce 1910 A graduate of the Umv.,-s1ty of Minn• sot1 .. Clifford enttKed the Air Force In 1942 Alter fl1a rour of duty, h• bec1m1 1 pl/or for Nortf1wes1 Atr- lln11 1nd 1v1ntu11/y 101ned Au C1flfom111 tn 1968 Active m 0011 ""' 11nd civic 11et1vlt1N, Clifford ha3 ~ cn11rm1n ol the Orange Count)' Cflamt»t of Commeirce and th• Great., fflllnefndlJ1trlaJ LHgl/6 He l.s cufT'flntly pfN/dfmt o, OrM'gfl Covnty CONt A5.o<:i•tlon and Pl• aiding ce>-oh•lrm•n of the N1t1on1/ Conference of Cflrl1tlllfl1 and J•'14 Lyon's Leadership ls Building The William Lyon Company Is "Number One" because they have built over 25.000 homes to date. and they sold more than anyone else lost year. Nearly 100.000 people live in William Lyon homes today. Lyon homes are priced right to begin with. They hove a competitive edge in value. design and location ... no wonder. they continue to sell . week-in and week-out. tf you pion to buy a new home. be sure to see the value. terms and location that make William Lyon "Number One"!• •LOW A5 5% DOWN * •BELOW-MARKET FINANCING• UP TO JO YEARS SANTAANA SANTIAGO SPRINGS Condominiums 1529S Ram 714/~9592 f1om'65,990 IP.VINE WOODBRIDGE PARKVIEW Condominiums llS Hawowood 71'41559-4603 Ftom5128,99Q RANCHO CUCAMONGA THE WIND ROWS Single-Family Homes Vlneyaro and V-11"'*-1755 f1om 585,990 EL TORO THE WINO ROWS Slngle-Family Homes 29981 Parkmont Cl1Clo 11"768-&4n from 5120, 990 THE GREENS Condominiums 2339 Gtandwood On~ 7141871~81 from 5124', 990 ~·-· "'°°"'"' FULLERTON-COYOTE HILLS THE ESTATES Slngl~Family Homes 2217Wlldtlowe1 on... 71417'38.e 181 from 516.5, 990 ANAHEIM SARATOGA Condominiums 1700W Cem1os 71'ITT8-6883 f'rom 594, 990 SUNNY MEAD CALIFORNIA CLASSICS Single-Family Homes 12094 Coachman Lane 71-4/650-4464 F1om 555,990 YOROA LINDA TRAVIS RANCH Single-Family Homes 20609 V111 Azul ]1'\1910.0522 f1om 5137, 990 EL TOPD BENNETT RANCH Single-Family Homes 26022 Fallbrooll 714/951·7V09 f'1om 5132,990 THE HIGHLANDS Single--Famity Homes 26eO Camino del 9ol 7W879-0140 f1om 5239 r 990 :::.~~d-·~ ~ WI~z;~·~';;;~~~ ~ .~.~-'.ryKH·ci·~=-~.oll .. "'•w~AJMOSTl~CollolnloCloMla-l'on11 f"'9Mc.tU5."° . .._"°0owl'I~ ~dotilnQ00t0SU95. ~ • 1G' t..-i~l55,9'°.~Mo/'1Hf~ondln*"4t~l~.1~."--l'.owt3~"·<'':>/1o"~b»'tltorl.oor\. liil ... • ·........ I a a:.· ......_ ___ - ~0-· ...................... .. ... ..._,,,_ .. .......... _. -u..~s; · .............. .. ......... ......, -.,. ........ -~~l '-An.. _, .. '-...,-~ .. .. Qo.-.U(JMf., ... . n1 --.._.._....., °'"*'0 ... 91...., ___ ._.. ___ __ ---..----- ..... AM>COC«TML.I 91'1(;W.121NC) .. ~ I/EM. Dl9HES ........,, ............ . .._ 6-~ __ ....,._ llll ........ O..... ,__....,.,CatMIO 111.i .... , ••• •• Fine Foock A Spirits Co<~••' [ft ... __ t074 N. Tuai.in Aw. (lo<•IW _,,. °' F,.....,, fl' -~ ol N•_, Frw_,,) AR!lfltWft 6.» 2111 .... ... ,..,,.... -·-,_.,....OM9 .. 7--------·-.... .......... ..... , WHY ALL THE NEW BANKS? By PHILIPS. INGLEE. President and Chief Eucut1ve Officer, Liberty N11t1on11/ Bank Despite recessionary pres- sures and increased competlr t•on. new independent banks now open almost weekly m California. Within the last three years. more than 1-40 new banks have opened. and an additional lOO or more applications for bank- ing charters are on file with the State and National Regulators During 1981 alone. more than 40 new banks opened In Cali- forn ia. with somewhat more than this expected in 1962. This activity would appear to go against the conventional w1s-- dohl that suggests investment constraint In a time of financial uncertainty . On the contrary, instead of viewing the current recession as a problem, many bank or, ganlzefS have viewed 1t as an opporlunity. They have the vision to look beyond the cur, rent economic slump and plan to take advantage of the In- evitable period of growth that has followed previo us reces- sions since WW,11. Government regulations have rigidly controlled banking since the early 19308: however, this proteeted monopolistic condi- tion is currently undergoing drastic change toward deregu- lation The growth of independent banking has also 1>4Mtn stimu- lated by major banks. who. due to inflation. cost of pe<sonnel and limited management talent. have reconsidered the value of their expensive branch systems. Seveftll have begun to reduce their level of business and loan services at selected branches and in other cases have actually closed branches. This has left many small businesses and professionals with materially reduced services as compared to prior years. To fill this seNices void, many independent banks, are now wisely '"zeroing in on the small business, professional and upper,income custmer " Only in California have inde- pendent banks achieved such an outstanding level of succ89S. This phenomenon is generally attributable to lhe persuasive entrepreneurial spmt that has typified lhe state's business scene since WN,11. California has become populated with "chance takers." who often have moved West to seej( their fortune in a more open society, not content with the status Quo of the slower developmg east- ern establishment, However. with the days of gent~ competition and geflr eral governmental protection over. independentbankersmust now aggressively compete. as well as become professional managers. to succeed. With a limited number of aggressive, professional bank managers available, we are already seeing some proposed banks faltering during the organizational stage and never opening Further, capital to finance these new banks 1s m short supply and is becoming a growing factor In restricting the potential growth of new banks in the future. Ph1/lp S lnglee has been pr63t- denr and chHlf uecutive officer of L1berry Narlon11/ Bank since us orgamz11t1on in 1981 Located rn Huntington S.1teh. the blrtlt eaten to small ro medium sue business~. orofess1onals and axec:ut1ves. Prt0r 10 his prNent pos1t1on, he sorved .u executNe vice president for Amencen National Bank For Whoin the Bell Doesn't Toll Suniving a Down Market BY ANDREW A. JOHNS. R:pional Manager, Stewart Title of California A recent rereading o f the development is eroding. In the same enterprise forever April 8. 1979 edition of Foreca&t At any rate. take 001 your would be obviously absurd: that and Outlook brought to mind an scissors. Cut out ail of the pie-would be to deny our system account by Aaron Hotchner of lures ot the forecasters on the the dynamics of change which his first meeting with Ernest cover of this two year old Fore-are fundamental to prosperity Hemingway. Hotchner. a fledg, cast and Outlook. Match the In the grander scheme. Attrition ling magazine joumallst, was ptciured lady and gentlemen Is a device that shuttles our dispatched by his publlsher to with the businesses they repre-human resources to a zone of Havana in order to convince sent and phone those buai-need and demand, ii is also one Hemingwaytosubmltawoncon nesses A donut wlll get you a that leaves intact those who the future of lltera!ure. Bemg dollar (a fairly even wager, create. adapt, explore. survive sufflclently kind or amused. nowadays) that all of these and. in the final analysis. pros- Hemingway met with the re-businesaes. each of which 1s per . crulter and together they whiled substantially reliant upon the Great reliance upon specula- away a vague number o f days real estate mal1<et, wlll answer tlon is not the pnmary tool of with ample tales of the past, talk your call with some version of, the prosperer/survlvor Rather, of the present, and rum. The "Yes, thank you. we are still ii Is keeping a finger on lhe only reference to the intended alive and kicking." Perhaps ii Is pulse of today and in turn re- topic made by "Papa" during not so vital to forecast the future acting duly that pieces together the entire visit was u Hotchner as it la to cast it. the framework of the future. boarded his Omaha,bound Perhaps what we are expert, Granted. there shall always be plane: "Truth la, I don't know a enclng is a new level of pro-occasions of simple success In damned thing about what' II tracted constancy In themarl(et. this business but they are by happen In the future," Perhaps, and hopefully, not. their nature the exception. not Truth Is, the now-vintaged, C ertainly, it la saddening to the rule. mildly cheery forecasts of our hear of a real estate broker, lnduatry'a lelldera have not worn mort'1'ge broker, title company the past two years e)(ceptlo nal, or bank closing Its doors. Oe- ly well. Interest rates have re-spite its Immensity, the real malnedathlghatPaulVolcker's estate community is q uite aetf-•teem, houaingstertahave closely knit, and the closing of remained•• depre•ed as could any door Is often mourned M teared, while prices have throughout the h lnterlanda. remained generally unreward-Nonetheless, attrition 11 • win. Ing tor the ep«ulltor and. aad-nowlng proc.e both ln~t ly, unreed'tabte for the moder-•nd neo.uary in • free •nt•r- ately-hMled conaumer. Alea. It prlM 1ystem. To forecut that •Yen IMml that the alHf•ndi-aueh a •yttem will alweya aup- glaaa cltad•I of commercial porttheaemenumb9rofpeople Andrew A. John11, regional man, ager ol Stewert nue of Cellfomle, with 18 yoara In the title Industry Johna I• t member or tfWI aol<Mrt Eeole Club of the Orange County Council of Boy &outt of Am~lca. Al.a a mem,,_ of the Holtf} Hospital ~ CluO, end work1 with Volurt, , .. ,.. In Pre>Ntlon e~l.ted with 1/'te Joplln Boy) Ranch Johna I• the Stewert Tftte auerenty ,.glonal m11t1•r fOr Celftornla, Hawe// l/'ld Nevada. • A Hopeful OutJook for BY MICHAEL WEST. Vice PresuJent and Director of Sales. John 0 . Lusk & Son A hopeful outl()()t( for buying new homes was seen this week by one of Cahforn1a's oldest and largest building firms. John O Lusk & Son or ll'\line The company. which has cre- ated homesformorethan25.000 families since 1t was founded in 1946. expects that an easing of interest rates before year-end will provide opportun1t1es for first-time buyers priced out ol the market for over two years The Lusk company 1s one ol the very few which controls financing of the homes 1t sells, making its own loans and quali- fying its buyers. but even with its strong financial pos111on and independent stance. 1t has been unable to satisfy the demand for homes recently Our goal is to be able. before too long. to offer our buyers a 10-year mortgage at a 12 per- cent rate. This would be amor- tized on a 30to 40-year basis for easier payments, and would be either fixed-rate or an ad1ust- a ble-rate mortgage w llh an average 12 percent rate for the 10-year penod A 10-year mongage would give buyers protection for a substantial period of time, en- abling them to plan theirfam 11y·s expenditures during critical years In 1975, 70 percent of Calt- forn1ans could qualify to buy a home. By 1980 less than 10 percent were able to qualify Our challenge Is to produce housing that will enable at least 50 percent of the population to be homebuyers. Government continues to favor real estate by permitting income tax deducltons for in- terest and property taxes. and this gives buyers an added 1n- cent1ve Part of the frustration young people feel is that they not only are unable to buy a home. but also are unable to en1oy tax advantages which others haVe. The largest number of new nomebuyers wtll41tome from today's renters Rent control has failed t o take hold. and rents will continue to increase. so the ability to control the cost of housing will be more and more important to people of all ages. To meet the demand from renters and other first-time buyers, we're structuring new home loans wrth small down payments in some cases, less than two percent ol the selling price. We plan to move away from lhe building of s1ngle-fam1ly homes. except lhose tn its 100<>- acre planned communities o1 Marblehead tn San Clemente and Whelan Ranch m Ocean- side, and wlll design new com- munities of attached housing tn various forms. We anticipate a return to the days of yesteryeST. when housing was butft in smaller increments and pre- sold. with buyers making a deposit before the house was started Alter all the wracking changes which the housmg industry has gone through, a new day is dawning 1n which we see these factors as paramount • More apartments will be built, but rents will be appreciably higher even than they are now • People who now own homes will tend 10 stay in them. re- modeling instead ol buying another house. • Housing will gradually as- sume its proper place as a prac- tical and emotionally satisfying purchase. rather than a specu- lative gamble We feel the housing market will show a modest upswing by year-end, and enter a steady recovery period m 1983. 11 cur- rent economic trends continue Michael West 1s vice president and director of sales for John D Lusk & Son. one of the top 10 homebulldera In Southern Callfor· nle. He supervises sales and mar· ketlng ot the compeny's 12 res•· 1 dont1al real elfate de.,.lo~nts m 11119 Southern C.ltlorma counttM and Hawaii. Prior ro1ommg th• Lusk company m 1975, h• wa.1 with Mis· sion V1e10 Company GEi llNGAROUND ORANGECOUNTYSFUTIJRE BY JA MES P. REICHERT, General Manager, Orange County Transit D1stnct Asked what are Orange County's most pressing prob- lems, chances are that resi- dents will mention traffic con- gestion among the most sen- ous But unltke the old saying about the weather. which every- one talks about but nothing ever gets accompltshed, pro- gress i& being made 1n allev1- 11ting the county's transport&- tloo predicament The past 20 years have wit- nessed mcredlble growth 1n Orange County. With growth in population and employment came increased travel demand. However, with the exception of the San Diego Freeway exten- sion In the south county, vlr- tually no significant improve- ments have been made in re- cent years to the freeway sy&- tem. Further, projectioos Indi- cate thllt the dtuly traffic head- aches whleh now confront many local residents will worsen. Conservative figures show population growing 39 percent between 1980 to 2000. from t g million residents to 2.7 million. Employment 1how1 an even bigger leap of 87 percent tor the same period, from 846,000 jobs In 1980 to 1.4 million by the century's end But even more startling. the number of daily person trips, which stood at 5 7 m1ll1on in 1980. will be 10 6 million by the ettntury·s end That's an 86 percent increase A short time ago. a compre- hensive multl-mOdel study was made to inventory the county's entire transportation needs That inventory was conducted by the Orange County Trans- portation Commission and other agencies to help set prion- tles in addressing these prob- lems. Tho Santa Ana Trans- portation Corridor emerged as the number one concern. This corridor, eJ(tendlng for three miles on either side of the Santa Ana Freeway from Los Angeles County to San Diego County, contains nearly half of the county's population and two- thlrda of lt8 employment After examining what etepa should be taken to Improve transportation within this cor- ridor, a number of recomme,,. detiona were made. Including wldenlngoftheSantaAna F~ way, improving Amtrak com- muter service, upgrading ar- terial streets, and developing a rapid transrt system The multi-model study also identified the San Joaquin Hills Freeway and the Improvements on the Costa M esa Fteeway as high priority projects In order to bring this program Into reality. the Board of Super- visors and the Transportation Commission formed a Trans- portation Financing Advisory Committee. It will be the re- sponsibility of the committee to develop a countywlde financing program. Funding will be the key obstacle to overcome In an era of dwifldling financial re- sources. Aa general men•g•r ol the Orenge Couniy Tr1n11t D11tr1ct In Gar<Nn Gnwe, Calif omit. Jemes P. Refchen overt••• all operation• of rhls mftd1um·slnd rranalt •Y•'*m serv· Ing fHI growing Oran(l(I County OCTDs lem1ly of tran1por1at1on -rv~· mcllHIN lac.I •nd •KP,... OutH. Olef-A ·Rlde. rld .. hare matching. and rapid trenail plat>- nlng. Custom By'lbe Foot Your Assurance of Quality enytsmanship Already known far and wide throughout tbe Southland foT our Mcustom-to-Order way oC doing tblnP. lmowtcdgeablc homeowners ba¥e come to vi.cw us lo stIU another way. as an inve9tmenl to incn:aac lbc value of their homes! ~vc your home that very spcdal custom feeling. ca11 us y ... Especia1.ly If you're looking for. • OAK BARS • FtREPLACE MANTELS • WALL UNITS • FINE POOL TABLES • COUNTRY-FRENCH DINING SETS • OAK LEADED-GLASS INTERIOR a EXTERIOR DOORS And we1l cu9tom build aooordin4( to your spedfication5 or your dcsigncr's.. (Note: we uee ooly lOJ>1P'Wlc. kiln-<!.ried oek and at.ha' fiDe wooda.) WE ALSO CARRY a =c Uoe of l$pccla1Jy cntt.ed oak bar stools. and acceC 0o display in our showroom! {714) asT-«122. eM-7710. (213 ) 1188 I082 MMlndumyWlly ~ Clll ltdnr'dlll (loc:lllled 1 blk N. ot...... t • I llllalJ) • AMERICA'S LARGEST INDEPENDENT REAUY COMPANY CALI FORNIA • OREGON • HAWAII 832-5440 18062 IAVINE BLVD., TUSTIN CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS Not A Franchise-A Family-Owned Company usince 1926" IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA THE DIRECTORY TO BUY IS o,....County'• BUSINESS & INDUSTRIAL DIRECTORY BRANO NEW · ONLY 14!> 00 ~•NJ •M.J l•'°" ..._. •~-.••tw-tOOO ,.,._. ..titfli --ed!PM• ~ ~ .... ~ ... ...._ ... • ...,.., • ~c.."t-c:.. °"OClvC' °" ~ ~ ttwt a..-4'\ ... a .....,.,,..,, • O "9<'"0'\ ,...,. _..,.. cw.-wcn .,., ~-• ..-_..,,.,#°' ""t"".-.o"e.......,.,,....~-H~ <..Ou .. " ' .... ,.. 1900 a.-.,.. c.o.~ ~., C.0--.ca 41)1 -.. -. ·-°""'90 C> -....... ..... 4000l{Sl -"'~-..,.,...oc ., ... ,.. .. o,, ''"~"....-~o... STEWART Tl11..E OF CALIFORNIA .. 1200 Oflk:es Nationwide" Stewart T~ realiies that time is of the essence in your Real Estate transactions. We pride oursetves on closing these transact>ons os quiddy as possllM. 1liE DIFFERENCE IS SERVICE Please stop by end pick up yoor free copy of the~ lltle directory and annual report at lilly of the foUowing offices: Main Office: 900 North Broadway. Sllllta Ano (714) 556-1114 8780 Wlll'Oler •s. Fountain Valley (71 4) 842-61 17 21062 8'ookhurst"109. Huntington Beech (71 4) 963-6550 18552 MacArthur Blvd "'200. lrvlne (71 4) 833-3570 As Channel 50 enters its second decade of service ,~,, to O range County, we invite you to join our family. v~. I want to be a part ol KOCE's growing family Counl on my support for: o s 2; 0 $3 5 D S60 O SIOO D S1.l5 D S.250 D Other __ _ 0 My check 15 enclosed. O PluSt! charaie my Vt~. Maste1C.1rd, Americc1n Express. i\ccount Num~ ------- Name AddrM5 ___ Exp. __ _ City Zip -------- Mall To. KOCE-TV. P.O . Box 2~76, Huntington Beach Ct'. 92647 OLYMPICS WILL CREATE RECREATION BOOM BY RICHA RD F. BOULTINGHOUSE, Vice President, Southern California Division. Arvlda Corporation While California and lhe Sun· t>elt regions or the U S have traditionally had strong appeal as resort des11na11ons. Southern California and Orange County in particular. will continue to thrive as attractive destination sites m the upcoming seasol'!s despite the current reces- sionary climate A number of factors con· tribute 10 Orange County s strong outlook_ The most obv1· ous are the area's ideal cltmate and natural resources. Orange County 1s geographically able to offer a wide variety of leisure ac11v11 los ranging from rural recreational pursuits or waler sports at beaches and harbors The county's resort environ· menl has been a tremendous contributor to the growth of the county Here we can en1oy l1v- 1ng at 1he beach. In the moun· lams or 1n planned communi- ties lhat offer a variety of man- made recreational amenities The desire to live in a resort community has not been d1s- 1n1sh ed by the recession Orange County will conllnue to be a strong and growing mar- ket. although growth cerialnly won't continue to escalate as rapidly as 11 has in pasl years A slower bu1 steady influx w ill occur instead. and the resort lifestyle will continue to be popular A second reason Orange County will remain strong as a dest1nat1on site 1s its many 1ounst attractions. Disneyland. Knott's Berry Farm and o ther amusement parks that helped put Orange County on the map have been cons1s1ent incentives for a11rac 11ng tourists and Southern Californians alike. While the economy may be forcing a temporary slump m the lourism industry. 11 has ind1reclly encouraged South· ern Callforn1ans to act as the county's best tourists With the current f1nanc1al climate re· suiting 1• cautious lravel· spending patterns, many Orange Count1ans are opting to s tay closer to home during vacation pertods, rediscovering and exploring the opportun1t1es available to them in their own bacl<yard Happily lhough, the slump m tourism 1s e11pected to be dis- pelled with lhe tremendous boom Orange County will en1oy during the 1984 Summer Olym- pic Games. The Games will provide a orilltant showcase for Orange County wi th several events staged here. including the modern pentalhlon at Coto de Caza. wrestling al the Ana· he1m Convention Center and trandball a1 C alifornia Staie Un1vers1ty. Fulle11on In add1t1on to the actual tour· ism dollars the Games will gen- erate for Southern Callforma. Olympic spectalors the world over will come to know Orange County and Southern California as one of the most recreation- ally diverse regions ol the world This advantage will be enjoyed further as 1nd1v1dual Olympic venue sites are h1ghltghted sep- arately as different. yet ideal areas of Southern Calltorn1a. As the ult1ma1e public rela- 11ons tool the 1984 Olympic Games will offer benefits that will be en1oyed long after the Olympic torch has faded Orange County has unl1m1ted potential as a resort destination that will be enhanced in the nexl few years by Olympic exposure It will also conllnue to be the choice tor permanent residency for persons seeking the resort lifestyle. and serve as a popular des11nauon site tor tourists who wish to discover firsthand the Southern California experience As 11 vice pres1cJent ol the FloricJs· based Arv1d11 Corporation R1chara F Boultmghou.sie heeds resort de· volopment at Arvlda·owned Coto de Caza. Orange County's 11'1Cclus1ve 5000-ecre pflvste communlry lo- cared st me base of the Saddlebac/it Mountains With 15 years m the ruort development industry. Bou/- ting house has served as a real e.state and fmanc11/ consultant to m11ny of the nation's loading resort dovelopment1. LET'S GIVE SOMETHING BACKI We might be in the midst of 1 tough economic times -but as you study history you soon learn that "tough times don't last -but tough people do'" Orange County can not only survive. 11 can thrive! Orange County has to have the attilude to got going again. We can do 1t. we should do ii, we will do It! "Unto whom much Is given. much will be required .. (Luke 12·48) This verse contains lhe answer to our county's dol- drums. Part ot our current prob- lem Is thal we are In debt -the g overnment. the churc hes. businesses. and every person In this county. The big question, however. Is how do yO\I handle debt? I like the actor. Georpe Kennedy's attitude. Ho told mt not tong ago. "Everytlme my w ife. Joan and I sit down to a meal. we alway• begin with the same prayer. ·o Lord. help ut to g111e something back.· " What a great prayert Wt should •II leam It, memorize It and Uve by It. For everyone By OR. ROBERT H. SCHULLER needs to learn how to give Giving is not just a nice thing to do. it's a matter of survival! The farmers here in Orange County know this l"tle orange trees are only produc tive for a few years before •I becomes necessary to plant a new grove So farmers must be prepared to put out the capital to buy new trees. In essence. they musl be willing to take cash out or the savings where it can earn in1er- est, plant It in the ground and wait she years before they re- ceive their small return All of us have to give some- thing back If we want our com- munity to survive. There are volunteer organlzat1ons beg- ging for help, Seek them out Give something back. The odds are If you do. you'll become a successful peraon. business. or corporation. You'll alao learn that It's lm- poui ble to glvo sometlill'lg beck. Plant a Med and 11 will beoomo an ear of eom . Give a little and you'll get a lot In return Finally. as you learn the prin- ciple of giving. you·11 discover thal when you give something. you really didn't give it af1er all, you were 1us1 a trustee -a steward Life is a gift of God We don't own a thing, we are en- trusted with our talents, gifts, and education Learn 10 give something back. Help Orange County get going again Remember tough times never last -but tough people dot Dr Ro~rt H Scflulle1, senior putor of tho Crystal Cathedral and ··Hour ol Power" re/.v1s1on ministry 11 a dyn1m10 rheolog11n who syn cret11es psycflotogy end rheology to formulate an 1nsp1rmg. positive leith thar ne c•ll1 th• "rtt.o1ogy ol S81f·EstH m - Smee fl1s ordination In 1960m Iha Rotor~ Chvrch In Amorlc•. the Prore.stant denomlnet/on with the tongut fa/nee ttJ2BJ continuous mmlatry In th• United States, Dr. Schuller hat created new •vonu.s to commvnlcato th11 faith to the wcvtar 1oc1ety as 111101/ ., hi• con· greg1t1on ,.,.. ----------------------------------------------- Anticipating the Homing Upsurge During the late 1970s. Oran ge County homeowners and real estate developers enjoyed es- calating property values that far exceeded the n'atlonal aver- ages. During 1981 and the first three quarters of 1982. Orange Counry experienced an extra- ordinaril y d1 ff1cult economic period in the housing industry and economic forecasts for the remainder of 1982 seems to indicated a continuation of this decline However, those same forecasts for 1983 and 1984 indicate an attitude of tempered opt1m1sm towards anticipating an upsurge in housing starts and sates. particularly In some of the less developed but poten- t ially profitable areas o f the county Regardless ot when the real estate market begins to recover lrom the current economic slowdown, Ora nge County builders will be confronted with many changes in their business. changes that they should be preparing for now. The prospective Orange County homebuyer perceives tack of affordability as the main By MICHAEL MEYER. Managing Partn6r, Kenneth Leventhal & Co, obstacle in their quest to ac- quire housing. be it a first-time buyer or a move up buyer. Local homebuilders have become leaders 1n developing creative financing techniques for tower- ing monthly homeownership costs. In order to overcome this obs1acle however. ottering such favorable financing 1s becom- ing more costly to the builder. so much so that houses are practically being offered at below-cost prices The builders now need to ad1ust their philosophy with regard to what they can profit- ably offer the homebuyer to meet these affordability de- mands. Since the most etfective and immediate method a builder has for directly controlling home prices is const ruction cost reductions (a builder has little direct control over land costs, Interest rates or govern- mental processing). builders must anticipate building down· sized units wtlh efficient de- signs. This requires the builaer to provide the same livability In a 1500 square foot house in the future as would have been pre- viously offered in a 2000 square foot house. II will be advantageous to the builder to become educated concerning the financing pro- grams available and to stress creativeness within theirorgani- za t io ns to develop private financing alternarives. The pri- vate financing atternattves r&- cently utilized by developers include a) interest free loans {high down payment -gener- ally 30 percent or above with a short amortization penod of five to seven years). b) financing re- quiring minimal down paymenl and closing cost dollars (less than one percent of the selling price) with the seller taking back a second trust deed to cover the balance of the down payment required by the lender~ c) loans with the interest pay· ments graduating at a predeter- mined percentage rate which may be tied to the consumer price index or a s1m11ar eco- nomic index, d) financing m which thesellercarriesasecond trust deed equivalent to 10 per- cent of the total purchase pnce at an interest rate substantially below the current market rate for a p eriod of three to five years: e) financing generated by mortgage-backed bond pro- grams. We are presently working with clients to create new. inno- vative financing alterna11ves and urging them to educate their sates staffs to become prohC1ent in tailoring financing programs to the buyer's 1nd1vid- ual requirements. The builders who are able to acclimate to these changes and become proficient m developing new alternatives which solve their buyers problems will demon- strate success beyond the com- petition Michael I Mgyer rs managing partner of tne Newoorr Beach of/ice of Kenneth Leventhal & Comoany Cert1r1eo Public Accountants a national accotmting firm noted for its real estate exoort11e In addition to topft1gn1 protess1ona1 account mg, tax and consulting skills. Meyer and his associales have demon- srrated the11 ability to 1den11ty and seize business ooportunit1es for their clients OUTSTANDING VALUES BAKER.OREGON Beautiful Custom 2-Story Four Bedroom House on a large corner lot. Like new! Bonus room in basement. Greatest hunting. fishing and skiing area in the U.S. Private party. $79.500 TRAVEULMNG RV COMBINATION 31 ' Rolls lntemational Travel Trailer: 1976 model: like new condition. new tires. low tire indtcator: large bu tane bottles. two retrlgerators. air cond.: fully carpeted. lined drapes. rear bath: twin beds.srereo awning: other upgrades 18' Cobra Custom Mini-Motorhome: , 1979Dodge1-tonchassisconverted by Cobra factory; ordered new and mated to the 31' Rolls for a two vehicle 360 c.1 .. ne w tires: air cond.: stereo. two becls: full bath: butane furnace. refr1g.; range. sink. pressure water, 2 holding tanks: other extras Selling as package 8 9&! •I ............. B B09ftlft JN B '80s [ for $18.500 or individually tot 5'Ctft :§ ~&Ii 'U&'tlU ·a·p; S10.000each Phone: Frank Johnson 714/553-8303 The 1980s present a potpourri of Ingredients for the residen- tial resale market: record-high prices (the median price of an ex1s1tng home in Orange Coun- ty is $133.272), a volatile mort- gage market. buyer pent-up demand. supply end demand and the influx o f corporate relocatees into Orange County. Eic isting home appreciation ts leveling off to about 10 perc.ent a year. although well behind the l 970's rate of 20. 30 and even 40 peroent appreciation. still ahead ol the projected annualized Inflation rate. There are also several pro- grams to keep a close eye on that could boost resales. Both state and ledefally sponsored probrams aimed at providing By BETSY TARBELL. Vice President. The Tarbell Co. tow-interest mortgage money for the first-time buyer. In three years, the ll~t-(ime buyer is likely to become a move-up buyer with a home to sell and one to buy. In addition. the effect of the IRAs and the 10 percenr tax cut due In July should push personal savings up to about eight perc9m, as compared to last year's 5.2 percent The conclusion is that more savings will produce more money to loan for home pur- chases. Also. we're seeing a llberali- zation of interest rates available through the lending instrtutlon The homebuyer will get an- other break from a loosening of credit guldellnea. Ordinarily, lending organizations do not like to see more than 30 percent of a family's gross income go towards mortgage payments However. tOday we·re seeing more relaxed guidelines allow- ing up to 45 percent of the gross income for a home mortgage making 1t easier for the buyer 10 qualify tor a home loan. Even more important is the affect of buyer pent-up demand! People aren't going to wait forever Tax-saving advan- tages of home o wnership coupled with the inherent de-- sire to have one·s own home w111 start to influence the res1dentlat msale market during the last quarter of this year and through- out the '80s. The '80s can also took for a burst of energy In sates from corporate relocations This mutti-b11tion dollar tndustry now accounts for about 25 oer- cent of all resales m tl'le county A corporation wlll spend as much as $40,000 on transferring an executive and family and are retying more and more on or- gan1za t1ons like Tarbell who specializes in nationwide relo- cat 1on California is a prime target for retocatees w ith its excellent business climate and growth projection&. a hard-to- bea t climate and unparalled beauty Betsy Tarbell 1s Vice pr1131dent ot the Tarbell Comp411yw1thcorporate nesdquarrers In Tus tin, CallfomlB INFORMATION: THE THREAD THAT BINDS Orange County ts truly one of the most remarkable places lo live and work In the world. Aa we move to the year 2000, we are developing into the eco- nomic capital of Southern Call- fomla. If not the Wett Coast. We have been able to combine a beautlful place to tlve with an almost perfect pltee to work. and we are meeting the chat. lengea of the future today. Stm, to thoee who are not welt By MICHAEL McFADDEN. Publisher. Orange County Magaz.ln• acquainted with who we are and where we are going. we are often thought of as a suburb of Loa Angeles. In San Francisco we are consld•ed to bea aeries of bedroom communities; in New Y0tk we ar• regarded aa a "new rich" area. with a high per capita Income and abtotutely no culture; In polltlcal clrclea we are ptctured u the butlon of the r•acttonary right. A r9C4tntertlcle lntheNat/onel Geographic painted out that Orange County Is really a very diverse society, a growing, dy- namic area that indicates what America will become, not what It has been, We are the leaders: as our ooon1ry and the worfd moves Into an Information oriented rather than an lnduetrlal or._ ented eoonomy. Through thla all, there la a strong thrHd that blndt ua together, much like the thread that blndt Bucks, Marin or Wes- chester countlee. It la historical. demographic. and cultural, and U is the mission of the media of Orange County to reflect and repretent this. Mfchl»I McFeddfHI I• th• pub· lllhM Of Orang. County M•.9N'"-· MoFedden Publlahln(J •l•o pub- /If,,_ AltCal, ni. MaigUJn• Of The W-1 lllJd It laum:hl"fl California Homel M9gufn• .. ,,, "91l ... .,. I LAGUNA BEACH HOME Extraordinary custom home. finest 1n its price range. and reduced to sell NOW Noted architect. Superb detailing in redwood . oak. ancl mahogany Secluded. but easy walk to Woods Cove Two bdrm .. 2'h baths. family room. gourmet kitchen. 3 decks. lu>cufious ament· ties. Assume 9¥2% loan. $425,000. Dial free: ( 1-800) 443-2781. ext. C-85. NEWELL Auocl1tn. Inc. POIPU SANDS #316 Polpu Sands is a brand new deluxe condominium located within ttte Poipu Kai Development. It is situ- ated on Keoniloa Bay and is a short walk to Brennecke Beach and the Poipu area. There is a tennis court. a dramatic pool surrounded by a lush tropical garden ancl an un· paralleled ocean view. This beautifully luxury two bed- room , two bath condominium is ta stefully and completely fu rn- ished. The large living room opens to a spacious lanai that looks over an expanse of lawn to the ocean. There Is a king-size bed in one bed1oom. twin beds In the other . and the living room has a queen sofa-bed. color TV and a phone $2000 per month 550 per week it mOf'elhanonewe• 600 for one week only 110 per day ~per utra day Toulon Realty. Inc. P.O. Box 666 Koloa. Kauai. Hntail 96756 C..rt of Al Koehtr Phone 7~.mfi1 + - ... What's Important in Building Today's Hontes By GENERAL WILLIAM LYON, President, Chairman of the Board and Cf11ef Executive Officer, Wil/1am Lyon Co. We at The William Lyon Com- pany have complete faith 1n the inherent vitality of the American economy. And, we have made a major financial commitment based on that faith We have continued to build and sell in 15 locations in Ce1tforn1a, despite the national economic climate Our continuing sales stem from providing value in an in- creasingly price-sens1t1ve mar- ket. This is due to running a lean. etf1c1ent company. We buy land at highly compet1t1ve levels, and position ourselves to sell more real1st1 cally-pr1ced housing for the f1rsH1me buyer That is where the market is. The underlying demand for new entry-level homes con- tinues to remain strong. How- ever, a look around Orange County wHI tell you they are almost impossible to build here. The envtronmental and zoning constraints. the high cost of land end materials of1en make low-cost housing unrealistic The product must be packaged for the person who can afford that package I know this is becoming an "old saw," but what this means to the con- sumer 1s higher density and smaller homes. We are already seeing that I believe the public should be given the opponun11y to part1c1- pate somehow In the planning process The closest thing I have seen to this happening on a large scale is The Lyon Com- pany's thrust into San Bernar- dino County. specifically 1n Rancho Cucamonga with our Victoria proiect. Our commit- ment includes constructing more than 8000 units there over the next 10 to 15 years We ere working with city ott1c1als to develop a product that satisfies all concerned In addition to Victoria, we have committed to develop 17 pro1ects that will be built over the next five years We plan to bulld houses for those w ho need them. and most of all. can afford them People are constantly asking me If interest rates will ever be back down to 10percent. Frank- ly, 1t does not matter to new homebuyers If the Interest rate is lO percent or 17 percent or two percent -the most impor- tant thing is their monthly pay- ment If you were to review the history of this business. you would find this has always been the major concern Continuing to develop housing with financ- 1pg packages that people can truly afford 1s the ma1or chal- lenge Mo1or Goneral W1//1am Lyon 13 µresident, ctia1rman of rfle board and chief oxocu1111e ollicer of The W1//1am Lyon Company wn1cn 1s 1'168dquerrered in Newport Beacn One of rho na11on s larges• mde· pendenfly-ownect res1ctent1al cfevel opment ftrms, The Wiiiiam Lyon Company has produced and sold more than 26.000 residential units since 1954 It is reported to 0e rne number one bu1/ctmg company •n Southern Cal1lorn1a in terms ol volume anct sales in 1981 Wiii the Nat Bero Pl•se Step Forward18.JJMDEAN "Orange County 1s pricing itself out of its lifestyle." The Los A ngeles business- man who said that, was dis- cussing the current downturn in housing construction and the incredibly high cost of ex1st1ng units along with the slow resale market. Orange County is not accus- tomed to single-digit growth. nor are its critical observers from the outside True. the economy here is not as bustling and robust as in the a..-"''· Lu~. enc1 01nne1, ..--! -1ooit'"9 ~ ~rl Otl our -llr dick. " !j,/~~n/.-o/ ·~"~"' <fik,,,_ <vu/ urrrv,yi_a_,JI,. f"ll#ilUlr (7 M} 75 I ·715.J I~ H"""'°'' .,.. ·~· Bae• a., previous decade. and there are sorne signs of unrest. even panic and fear But Orange County 1s still and will continue to be a viable operation. From its earliest time, Orange County has produced heroes who have made things happen for the bener When water was needed. groups of farmers 1oined together to bnng 1t in from far off places When other communities re- 1eoted Walt Disney's "folly" 1t was Orange County's 1maglna- t1ve leaders who welcomed this opened up Saddleback Valley new enterpnse that was some-to development. it set a pattern thing different And when the for high quality construction big hotel chains reiected Dis· that has been followed in sub- ney's plea for a hotel facility sequent developments at M1s- near his proposed Disneyland, s1on Vie10. Laguna Niguel and Jack Wrather stepped forward Anaheim Htlls. to show his confidence 1n Orange County 1s young and Orange County's future bright and shiny. and 11 has And it has been that way attracted men and companies Ross Conese built the mag-that have chosen not to try to n1 f1 cen t Leisure World in change the county's image but Laguna Hills against opposition rather to contribute to the pro- lhat seems terribly nalve today gress achieved by the lndepen- Hls pioneering project not only dent innovative people w ho have gone before. The ingredients are here to- day wa1t1ng for someone to achieve something magnificent Whal is needed now 1s a leader to make this all come together Will the next hero please step forward? Jim Dean 1!1 lormer ed11or of The Register ttnd a nsw:spaperman for 33 year:s. He now opers1n n1:s own public relations ftrm and is 11sso- c10 tec1 wllh Hubberr l1c1ver11:s1ng Agency. Costa Mess Eniov the Main Dining Room. Teppan Yalu Room or Sushi Bar. Authentic Japanese d1sheS and finest steaks Reservations ( 714) 752-7151 4300 Von Karman Ave. Newport Beach (near Orange County Airport). TORTIUA RA TS has expa~ from a Ht~ ''laguna Charm" hou~ on p41cific Coast Highway to ii milgnifi- ~nt Mex.inn Lolonial Hacienda Maria Agul.ar has bem cooking the famousSOnora styles~ 1959. adding ~lty items to the o:tC"nsive menu tKh year . Your hosts. JAVIER SOSA .ind AMANDO SANCHEZ 0 ., invite you to v!nv the brutht.Jking Catali~ sun- •t:s from the new "Catalina Deck" whllt-sipping on sumptuous Marpr- ltu. Open Dally 11 :30 A.M.·10 P.M. •untlna~Til2A M. "'-"'""""" ove•toOkonQ O~lanel I "1jllrty ~•twont Sunday BNnch 11 A.M .J P.M HAPPY HOUR U P.M. WEDCOAYS COMPUMENTARY BOTANAS °"-'INl"'V evt'.-'°° ~l·ICI',,_. --O'fl'" CM• U lfl"'O eve-.OOt 1 ... a. "-...... •N 111.e.,.... Or. ~ ............ (7141 ,,....,., 11141MNlll ~ LADllS NICKT WIDNESOAY MARC AJUTAS SJ.00 All nAVORS r 1. S<atemeot Only Checking. It's FREE with $100 minimum balance. It's~ best checking deal in town. This plan pays 51..4% tnt.n'C$ on your balance, com- pounded daily. Your money earns mt~esc nght up t0 the mommt your chcclc.s dear. We'll send your statement each monch. fully ~iled, but with no cancelled c:hcc.ks. Your new checkbook wtll have a provision for an automatic duplicate copy of each check you wnrr. So you ne\lft' need worry about fo~tti~ to m~ a checJc an your records ~un. Of coursr, 1( you CW'f do n«d a copy of your amocllcd chccla, we can send you up m 5 coptcS pcr month at no~· (1bere is a nomlnal service chariee pcr copy 1n t"XCCSS of 5.) FEllEllAL It'" a new and easy way co achLC"VC fm:. m~est-poy1~ chcck1~ for only a $100 rruni- mum balance. 2. $300 Minimum Balance Checking. And it's FREE. With our popular $JCX) mirumum balallCl' checlcing plan you cam SWX• 1nrercst while you're free o( all monthly sttVlCC charges and pcr check charges. Just keep a $300 balance in your account. Statements arc sent monthly with your c:ancdled checks. lf you're not mmmit int'n'est on youT CUTTt'nt checlculi account, or if you'tt st:n..l(IKling to maintain a high mirumum balance,~ m Hous-dlold Fedn-al. tod.:iy. 3. 60+ FREE Checking. If you're 60 years or over, your interest •ht'Ck- mg IS free lnere IS no minimum balanre require- ~nt. Show us your dnver's l1a-nse. or other proof of~ and we'll mice care o( me rt'St. WE'RE NUMBER ONE Ho~hold Fe<knl carM In first with the ~st pucentaet rate increue in ~among aU brgr S&.L's i:n Cali- fornia according to a recent LA TIMES survey. So your money is safe and sound with Hou~hold Federal. •1 JW'llNM COM~Y stNCE urns iiJ ~ ANAHElMt S~ NO. EUCLID AT CRESCENT AVE.1714) 772·7440 • Cl!IUlffOS. I JZl J SOVTH ST.121} I 914·9470 M191!HC>N Vll!,JC)i Z~I MAROUERITT PKWY. (714) SCl6·!f900 • NEW1'0ln'BEACKaOOI MACMTHUll. l\LVO (71418))-0367 SANTA ANAC ANYON1S7JI E. SANTA ANA CANYO N RD.{714)998·828l •WESTMlNSTa 14011 llEAC11 BLV0.(714)eql-2491 MONOAY·TiruRSOAY9A.M ·4 P.M .. F'IUDAY IOA.M •6 r M .. SAl\JROAY9A M ·NOON!MOST811.ANCHES) - - • • GECO ----·· ----• Give Orange County For Christmas Orange County Magazine is Ora1l3e County. Each and every month it offers you page after page of the most beauti- ful homn in California with color printlf\3 worthy of the most expensive art books. And that's just the beginning. There att beautiful features on gardens, foods, art, antiques, people and hittory. It is what the good life in Orange County is about. The monthly calendv keeps you informed of the musk, dance, theatre in the County. The restaurant guide is the key to hundttds of fine dinners. The Arts section lets you meet t.he best and brightest of the County's artists, and covers the best g.illeries. Orange County Magazine is for the entire family. It reflects the pride that we who live here all shatt. Rkently we featured the home of pitcher Don Sutton and his wife Patti in Nellie Gail Ranch; the Spanish-style house of Mr. and Mn. Karl Karcher of Anaheim; life modem, beach- front residence of awvd-winni1l3 architect Stewart Woodard in Laguna Beach. These are not palaces in far-off lands. but the homes of your neighbors hue In Orange County. We visit the Western White House in San Clemente, which has now been turned into one of the most beautiful gardens in the world; the hillslde home of a famous lawyer, filled with not-10-traditional works of art; the historic houses of Santa Ana, Tustin and Fullerton. In each iuue we Stt how Orange County people are able to combine family and CM· eers, meetlf\3 the needs of a modem world with elegance and style. Each issue is truly a treasure and we invite you to begin now to share with us the delights and ple.asures of living in the most beautiful and rewarding placr in the world. Subscribe now at this Special Price. Clip and m.iil to: Orange County Magarint, 1465 South C~st Highway, Laguna Beach, CA 926.51 One year subscriptions Are just 519. 95 fo r the first And $14. 95 for eAch ad- ditionAI. Subscriptions ordered prior to December 1, 1982 will assure a gift cud by Christmas. Plea. 1md a gift subtcription to: To: ---~------------~-------- address _____ ~---------------~ city ------------------------ state _________________ . zip ____ _ Pleue list additional gifts on a separate sheet and endow with order. 0 Pleue enter my personal subscription at the addl'ftS shown below. From _ address_ ---------------------- city ---------- state ________________ zip ____ _ 0 I enclose payment. 0 Please bill me. ISSN 07l4·54U f