HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-11-01 - Orange Coast Pilot·-.... --~-----·-------- THI DRANGI COAST COUNTY IDITION MONDAY. NOVEMBER I. 1982 ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA 25 CENTS Johnnie Crean: A million-dollpr campaign? If H t•.p 11bl1l·:111 l".111d1d.1l 1 J ohnn11· C1l•m1 hJd :.l'l m11111v.111 the Or.i11g1· C'o.i::.1 1«111g1 1·,:.11111o1 I -;pt•11d111 g ... w1 ·1·p ,lak1·' 1h1' t•lt•cl1on v1•o11 , h1• 1 ould 111 dt"t:la1t'1.I 1h1· \.\ llllll'I 11gh1 1111v. Fllr 1h.11 111.1t11·r. ('11•.111 111uld t'\'t•n IJ1 • dt·da1t·d l lw lop :.µ.·mlt·1 111 th1• 11al1011.il :.p1•11d111g :.w1"'pstok1·..; a:. w1·ll Aul whl'lh1·1 th1· $H IK "i.1tl th1 · l' a n d I d a l C' I II l h 1• ·I :1 I d Cungn•ss11111al l>1st1 1l'l 11•port1•d s pt•nJ1ng :-.11 la1 111 h1 -, 111 :.t 1><1lit1t·J I hid will 111·1µ h1111 w111 lht• 1·ungn•ss11111JI M·:.it lw h.1:-. :-.1·l his sights upon 1::. Jnut lwr nh1th•1 t irn th.ii w1m't lw 11 •,11lv1•d 1111111 "I 1111' I I fl 11' l' a I" I\ W 1' d II t' ' J ,I\ 11111r 11111g wh 1·11 1111 :11 v11t1· 1.d1ula11111i... Ill '"' tW\I I 011111\ d"ll H't .11 l' l"lllllplt-tt•d I 0 1 l'.111, ;11t'1lf"d111g IP t11, I.ill''> I I ,1111p.11g11 I 111.1111 l ' 11·p111 I fll1 •d \\'I l h t IH· F \' d \' r;d r: 1 ... ''"'I l'o1111111s...wn, ha:. s p1·11t h1:. $~1111. 7:10 whllt• c·ontnhu111111:-. ho1\ • t11t,1lt"I 1111ly $:.!\II,'.!-!;) 11 1:. r1·1~or1 1nd11-.11"' th1• .I.I \l'Lll 11ld 11111111•110111· 11.1\• I 11,;il1•r ma 11 uf;1etur1·1 ti,,., 11lil1g .• 11·d h1m~ .. 11 !111 111.111 ... 1111.ilmg $7 ll{O!H Al:.11 , thl· Crt•.J fl 1·.1111p.11g11 .. I' I" 11 l' I 1 .. \' I fl g "'" v $ I . :! ~ I .1\'.11l.;l.il1· 111 1 ,,,,h 011 hand Im l 111' I 111 .... llg .t .. \' ill I 111 l ,1111pa1g11 llll V.t•\'•'I , tht 1•;111d 1d,1\1• ll.t' 111,...l••d ,t·v1•1,1I lu11d1.11;o,1•1:.. ... 11111• I hi' 11 ·pw I \\ "" I 1h•d ( '1111IflI1u lc11 ' 111 l lll ('IC ,111 t.1111 11.11g11 ,jl \llf d 111g 111 1111 1-'t·:t ' I l ' p 11 I l I 11\'1 ·I I II g t I 11 • Jl I· I Ill d h1·1w1•1-11 (), l I .111d ()1·1 1:1, '"""' 1111• l{1•puhl11 :&II 1 ,111d1d .l11• ri·11 ·1•..i·d $.1 111111 lr11ni 1h1· H1·1n1lllt1 .011 N.1111111.il l-.11111111111 ·1-. :S.1 000 11 11111 1111· 1\11 1<'rw;111 To1x H1 du l'l1011 p11l1tH .ii ;11111111 1111111111111'1". ,111tl $1.tHHI 1111111 tllt' di,111111.111 ill 1lw l'olt·m ;111 C11 . iii W11•h11 ,1, Ka11:0.a '>, 111.i kl'r :.. 111 1·a111 111 ·1·~ a11d oth1•1 11u tdvu1 '•qu1p1111•11l Cn-.111·, 1>1•1111.K·i;H11 •1111111111·111 111 tlw -1:11d d1:-.tnc1 1·111111·:..1, H11v "Pat" J\1d1t•1 , n·µorll•J :.µ.•11d1111o< $I !:J.:l?ti llVt.'r !ht• t'IJUl'M' (J( I ht• 1 ampu1gn on nintrihut11111i-. ol $17.HIH An-h1•r ~:11d h 1• lwtl $I J1 I Ii a v<11lahh· 111 1·u:-.h a11d dt•bt:. 111 $:.!.!J7.J W 1 1 l t· 111 t' u n d 1dJt1 • Ho 11 P.n-kan.J, lht• lh11d t."<llllt·nd1·1 111 tht• loµ:.y lurv~ rat't» n•purtt·d 1·>.p•·ndnun·:-. tolJl111g $77 ,HI (j on 1•111 lr1h111 11111" lhat lotal1·d $!H . ~fit) I ';wk.ird :.aid lw had $27 .~~1:.! J Vail;ihli· Ill 1·ash UllU d t·ht:. lh<1t lnl:ilt-d $ti,lilH Tlw n •;1111)(1f'l11m1·<l -1:1n.l d1sln1·t 111l'ludt·:-. "oulh Orangt• Cou11ty .111d 111u1 h •d n11rth San 01C'go l'ount v I 11 i ht• ·llll h l'o11gr1·:.::.11111al Di:.trwt. wh11·h l<.ikt•l> 1n Newport n c·ac h . ('.,,,.., M t·s<.t . l r v1n1· 1.agunJ B .. <!eh J lld part:. 111 I lunt111~ton Bt·at·h , 111eu111lwnt H1·pul1l1t·an R o bt·rl Badham 1ndwa1t'CI lw liu<l spt·nt $:1fi,:l:IO ~1 l;w 1111 hi:. n·-t·l1'('t11m <.·fforl &dha111'1> 4uartt•1 ly it•porl lo lht· F~l'. mvt·nnt( July I thrnu~h St•µt :w. a lsn ~h11w1·d he• h ad I t'l't•IV t•d l'OlllrtbUlHlllS ltl ll.ilinl( $51.7Y!I 11<' 1·1·purh"<l liav111g $ti8.· 7:15 avatl,JIJlt· m ca:.h on hand :..1 !ht• \ lllM' uf lht• I l'PVI un~ pt·ntid lh ·mvt•r.it P:.iul llas1.·m11 n . HJdlia111':. uppu111•11 1, n ·purl1·d '>µt'11d1ng $7,:lfi.J ovt·1 tht· t·our:.<· of tht· t·an1p.11gn on nintnbu111111s l11t.il111g $t:i.li:St) Al tlu· dos.· 111 till' quartl'rly :.µ.•11thn1ot Jli'I 111cl, I l.1s1·ma n S<Hd lw h:id $81i:! 111 v:1:lh av<.itlcihlt· tu tht· t .iflllJl.llgn (Set' ('RE Al'i. f'agl' A21 Retarded 'good neighbors' • ln FV ;\ S utton honl4' n·..,idn11 loadi-. cli~he~ m tht• •li~h wai-.lwr a~ p <Jrl of hi~ <'hon·~. """'<· twli4'\ 4' \H' °\'\i ll lo ... •• ~ood 1mlil't> and fin· t•mplo~ c·4 ·~ if \l•·a .... urf> f\ i!!l not a ppron·cl. '' lh <a.ENN SCOTT 01' 1he Dell1 Piiot St•ll Thi' gn·1·n h nus« w11h lht· twskl'lball hoop 111ou11lc·d on 1L-: g.Hll~t· ;Jt 1711:11 Ba y SI 111 F11u111a111 Vallt·y t·11uld ust• .1 l:1wn fll(IWtng IL-; lhwk j.(ra:.:. 1s lwulthy but ... hagl(y, Ilk<' Sl'\'1•1 al oth1·r· liiwns 111 thtl> n11ddlt• d,1s:-. suburban 1w1ghl)l>rho11d Tht· u1111 1111.k:-. a,., 11 11 might hou:.i• 1 lw t~ pu .ii 01 a11g1 • Coast 1.111111\ ii 1lwn 1s -;ud1 .1 lhtng Yuu k1111\\ \.\11rk111g Jl<•rt·nb, i.I 111upl<' o l l1•1•11.1gl'f' "'ho IH'Vl'r 1111~:-. ,, l11gh '-t'hc ~11 I ool b.1 II g<1111e· A dug .ind .1 < .11 .111d ,1 par.1kt•t•l Hut th1' h o u-;1· l1k1· thr•·<· 11thc•1s pla111H·d f111 lrv1111· clo1·s 1111t c 1111l11rm lo lh<' sl1•11•11t v~K.· It h11u:.1•i. '>IX ;1 u11~lll' young mc•n .ig1•d 17 111 :l..J y1·ar:-. 11IJ and <• marrll'd, < oupl1· :!H, who both s1•rv1· :i:. lrv1· 11) l'art• suµt•1·v1sors SutlcH1 Ex11·nc.ll·d L'.;n• St·rv11·<':. cit Orang1· County 11wn:-. tht• t11h- o I lhc· h ou .... c· It s mon lhl v p;iyrnc•nts, suµpltt·s and salara~-; of ns -.u1.>1:rv1s11rs an.· paid m11st ly t hrough stall' s tipends fo1 Llw r<•tardcd . ..it•1•11rd1ng to Altl'<' C11yn1·. Sullon pn1gr.1m clt rt't'lor In Ir \'111t'. 111t•m lwr-. o f two homt.·ownl•r...' a"sc.x·1a1wn" havt• filed a joint lawsuit intt-nded to kt't'P S uuon fmm bu y ing homC'S thrrr to U"l' 1n s11nilar fashwn for lhl' ml·ntallv n •trirdc·d Th1•v a r lo( u (' n 11 t "11 hum ,1 n It aria n grounds hut ••n l1·g,tl 1s<.ut·s. ti a 1m111g I h1· ho 1111·' <ion ' t nn1forrn to n •...,cl1•1111al 't;1nd;inl-; 1·stubl1-.ht·d h~ ,.,..,.,, 1,11 11111 n •gul;nic11i.. If tlll'Y l1 ·l m lh1· Sulton homes. sav mt•mllt'r:-. uf 1h1 (;rt•t'nln•1 .ind Dt·t·rfll'ld .,~.,.,..,,,lions. It will t>pl·n I h 1· f)tH1dg.1 II' I ii Ill h1·r f.1l'll1l1t'' 1h,1t d1111'1 fit 111 lhl'1r nl'1ghliorh1111d /\lm1•:-.I 1111· ~.1111• .11 g1111wn1 11nur1 1·d 111 F11un1.1111 \.'.i llt-y lhr1·1· v1·ar'i ;1g11 Th•· t'tly l'ounc·1I urg1·d h v 111·;1rhy 1t·s11lt•nts, lrl••tl .1 l.1w:o.11 11 l'l:i11rnng Will FV buy protection? By P HIL Sl'EJOERMAN 0 1 lhe D•llY Pllol StaH C11v 11ff111.i1, 1n l-'11u111.un Valll'v '·•\. p ......... 11-(t· of H.illol Measun· K ,, 1111 .ii puhlu s<lfl'I \' tax, l'i t'rlH 1;.il 1n T1tt>'id.1v's 1•lt"<·t 1•ltl 1f 1h1• 111 \ 1~ '" 111:11n1:-11n thl' c urn·nl li·v1·l of pnl1q• .ind f1rr prol•'<'l1on But JUSI .J~ 11 adil y :.o mt• c·onC'Nh· tht· 1w".1~llrt'. w hu·h must be appr11vl'd I)\ 1 w11 th1rrh 11f thOSt' vot111~ 111 1-'11unta1n V.1ll1•y, may ran· a11t11111at11 r1·..ist;1nn • froin rr~1d1•n11., 11ppowd lo nl'W taxes Thi.' ~ix'l.:1al t~1 x 1" d··~1..:n1·d If' raise s :nH,h-10 whwh c;111 onlv he• u <; <' d f Cl r p 11 I 11· I'. f 1 r 1 • .1 n d p.ci r<Jl111'<.lll" S(•f'VICl'S I f l h 1• I ax 1 s a ppr o v l' d , Fountain Vall1.·y h om1·o wnl'r'i would pav an ad.d 1t1nnal $1 7 pN v<•ar 11w· f<"t' fnr <'at•h apartm1•nl 11r m11h1l1• hom1• un11 would bt• $10 :!O annually F 11 r 11 w n (. r s , , r v a c ;1 n l t'11m nwrnul or 1n d ustn ;;il la11d, thr tax would IK· $~i0 1-K'r an1· rn ,1dd1t111nal fract 1on of ;m acn• for 1rnprov 1•d l't1mnwrl'1.il 11r 1ndus1ri;il parcels. tht· nnnu;1I I.o x r.1n,Rl'S from s:rn r.,,· lots up to and 1111'1ud1ng a half .. 11-rc• lo $1 :.!0 pt•r full u1-r1• 11r add1t1•111o1I ( nwt111n 11( an i1t·n· N-M third, sixth graders s~ore high By JODI CAOENHF.Al> O(lhe OMtJ Piiot St.ff Third and sixth gr;i1h· stuc1<>nb in t he Newporl·Mt•iia U n1firrl School Dis trict h aVl' sc.•ored abov1• expectations for the· d1stnt·t <1n the Caldo rn1a A ss1•ssm1·nt Program tc•s Lo;, officia ls said Th e l C's l i; me asu ring proficiency in rf'ading, written language and malht!m<il1cs Wf'rc• given laat spring to third a nd sixth gra d e studt'ntll HC'sul ts w ere released last wrek R eading s cores (or third araders dropped slightly from last year . Mathematics scores lncreued whilf' written language .cores remained the same. In all t eatt:'d ar•u. thir d gra<wrs wt•rt· rank<'ll <1hcivc-th1• so-called 1rnnpanson St.·orc· band, wh1d) 1s Usf'd by th<' s tall• lo m<'asun· tht' d 1strwt 's t•xp«·t1•tl ran~<' o f sr n r f's hnsrd nn thr l'tonnm1 r a nti ('ducu t ionul h;ickground of part'nts Ois tr1c twidt'. third graders !l<.'Orl'd :l98 points in readtng. with the cxpet·ted !!Core band ranging from 2fi9-2R9 : 29:4 1n w ritte n language. with the S<:ore band ranging from 270-289: and 299 in mathematics. with the score band ranl(ing from 268-290. No percentile figure11 ranking the .cores on a 1ta~wide baai1 were available, dl1trlct officials Mid . ,See TES~NG, Pase A4) Tht· ~1:.. w11uld 11111 1.K· n1l1t'l.'lt-d untrl tht· 11,1.d ~·-.ir l11·g1nn1ng rn•xl Juh I Thi· <'II v's l'o111nwts with 1ls µol11 •t• o111d f1rc•f1gh11·rs t•xprrt• Dr'( I . ;ind 111·gol1.1t11>m. ;iln·;:1dy .1rt• unch•r W<\V But n11 m11nt·v f11r 1·mplt1v1·1• r.11~c·s was 1111 ludc;c1 in lhl' t'll('l'l'lll l1111lgl'I l'1tv 11ff1l'l<1b s .1y F1111t1l<1111 Vall1•v':-. propt·rt v I.Ix n·vt·nLH·s wt•rt• ~1gn1f11•;111llv f'Pdun•d by P rt1pos1t11111 1:1 lh1• H17H propt•rty t:ix tl'd1wt111n mt·••!-oUrt'. and th:ll F 1111nta1n Vall1•v's s .ilt•s t ax n•vt•nuc•<., an· mud1 k ss than n r 1ghIi'>r1 n ~ l"I> m rn u n 1 l 1 C's lwt·;H.1s1· I h1· 1·1 t y, has n o maJnr ., h o p p 1 n ~ c c• n t t• rs 11 r c-:i r d<'alt•rsh1ps Thi' t·1tv .ilsn has no hotl'b )(<'lll'rallni.t bt~I taxl's Fountain Vallrv off1l'lals d a1 m thl' 1·11 tan prov1d1· s alary tnt'rr•as1·s onlv thrnu~h thr lax m1«1surc• 1>1 b:v d tpptnl-{ into lhP n tv's $2 mtlhon n•s<•rvt• funds, wh11·h tnnnot hl• rt"'-aC\·umulawd 1111cfrr 1h1• ll'rms o f rinnthl'r state law C 1 t y M a n a .i " r 11 <I w a r d SlrphPns satd t h rse r1•s('rvt•s ~<'nf'rnU· 111tt"'rt'Sl 1m·omP for the- <' 1 l y a n d f u n d I o 1• a l n •d j!>vcloprnenl p roJt'ClS. No o rganiz<'d oppos1t1on to M1•asurC' K hns surfac:ed . The C'1ty'11 ballot booklet contains no urgumcnt opposing thf' m easure. No ont.• steppt"'d forward to writt> one• A g rou p t•a lllng itself the Ci t ize n s fo r Ji)ubl lc Safety Committtt h88 been w orking in s uppor t of the pro po9e'd tax. Committee 11poke 1man Ed Beku aald the group deliberately h as avoided 1ollclt1n1t large (See SAl'EJY· Pap A3> . ·~ that s lalt· gu1dt·l1111·s all11w111g such hous1·s v 1o la11·d the• n ly':-. zon111g 11rd111ann•s Sut11m w11n that lt·gal h;1tllt· T1><.lav. nl'1ghhors ltv 111g 111·ar lht• grl't·n h oust• with tht• ha:.kt·thall h1K >f.J 011 thf' garagt• s<•) tht·y'n · plto;1s1•d lit·l·au:.1· thl' h11111t· f11s tnlt• th1·11 111·1gh1Jorhood ju:.l t 11w .. W1-'v1· nl'Vl'r h1 .. .11d 11f an 111udt•n1 11v1·1 tlu·n · "' ltJn~ a:. th1•\ 'v1• ht'\'11 th1·n ._" "'d Son_µ.1 D<>n1111gu1•z. who,<· l:1n11l y 1r,·1·~ at.TV:..' lh1• s tn•1•t f111m tht• S11tt11n llmrn· Said Ho (;t•o rg1•, who livc·~ with hl'r f.11rnlv lWCJ d1K>r:o. down from lht· homt: "Wt• don 't h.1v1· mul'h nmt;wl with th1·111 at .111. n ·ally Wt• St'\' tlw bov:-. uUl fi11nt but iht•y an: no prol>it·m ·· Has t hl' houSt· l'iWS<'d prn1x•1 l Y v a I u l' :-. t o d I p I n I h (' nl•1ghlxirh0t1d'' Suuon Pn·-;1dt·nl IX·rek Lofl t'la1ms houst·s 1n th1· nl:'1gh borhood tha t :.old fur $I 0!1. nt•1ghborhood that sold rc1r $11l:i.-ooo in 1980 an-listed from $1-ltl, "P C'rsonallY. I don't think 11 has a fft'l'lt~·d· propNty valut•s," said Frank D um1ngu<'7. "I wouldn't ht.•s1tatt• to mt:'nl1011 11 to d bUV('r 11f a hoUM' ht·<:aust· II llht• Suttc111 homt•) 1s so 4uwt .. l n d C'ed , C'11ynt• 111111·-. th.11 a u ll s l H' p e o p I e l c n d l o b l' withdrawn and pnv<1te O ther types o f thC' dC'vc•lo p mt•ntally d1sal>led are usually not as lo w - k ev. althQu~h c·at·h pN~on 1s different Sht· said Sutton'-; rl'Sldt·nts an• 1·an•fully watrht-d Tht' hornt•!-an• -;1·t up. 4'h1· addC'd. to hdp rl'stdt·nL-; bc'(:rnnt• mon· 111dl:'pcmdent anrl lt'.1rn how to t.akl' ccin · of tht•mselvt·s and d homC' "O ur progr<1m ts thl' hc)ml'." shC' said As thev w ou ld 1n l rv1nt'. n •s1dl'nl5 1n tht• &v Str<'l..'l h()ml· ll'aV(' for school or JOb t ra111in),{ pr11~r11111<; around Y a m and r<:lurn 1n lh1· m 1d -a fl1·r 111111n . Thev un• sdwdult•d lo d 1·i111 u p tht• houst• lx•tw1·<·n 4 :w und 5.:!0 pm Dean claims Al Haig was 'Deep Throat' NEW YORK (AP) f'ormrr Wh1lr HouSC' Counsel J ohn ()('a n says Al('xandl•r M ll;og Jr has to be th<' "D eep Throat" o f Watergate Came. but the former secn•tary of state d1sm1ss~s the notion as "absurd." Haig d e n ic>d being the m yst eriou s sour<'<' o f m a n y ex plosive W ashington P ost stories about tht' scandnl th at toppled President Nixon Hut De an. in h1s nC'w book. alleges that Haig wa11 am1mg the few people who kn('w enough about the Inner macHinalions o f the Nixon administratio n lo provide r eliable information. according to a story In the Nov 9 lasue o f Time rriagulnt' Eve n Time quettioned Dean's delm . m part because o f "the inhere nt implaualblllty or the uhra-dlgnlfled a nd lnatantly (8ff BIG, ~It Al> I ·~ O•Hr Pllllt P'tMttoe bf c....-. •••rr Frank and Sonja Dominguez say S utton 'llohw rt"s idt•nts in Fountain Valley art• t-tood 1wighbors. On C' day a w~k . they w ork 111 th1· yard On Thursday. the k11A'hcn WU.'> spol less. not a 0 d1sh in t h t> sink or a platf' IPCt on a counte r_ "We h <1vt· a lot of he lp," said Tim Boydstun. who serves wllh w ife Martha as ltve-m supervts0rs The Boydstuns a re the kmd o f "parf'nt s" Sutton wants. said Coynr Tim said he maJOrC'd in spenal Pdueational tra1n1ng 111 t•ollrge and formC'rly ran anolht•r .;mall res1d1•n 11al h o m C' H t· l'ons1dt•rs h1m&·lf a teach er Cuvne n•members when th1· Rl.i y ·Slrt·et home b<'gan thn•e v l' a rs ago N <' i g h b o r s w C' r" t.ilk1ng cibout <'o mpans ons to h a lf wa y h ousrs f o r JruK ahust•rs Aftc•r a ch-lay 11f a ft·w m onlh:-.. h11wt•v<·r. Suttiin movl'd intu lht• houst· "I would S<l:V wt• had ci four llr f1 vt· mo nth pertud wh<'n ix·oph• w t• r l' n <' r v o u s a n cl a s k 1 11 ~ qut·sl111n ,'' sh<· said "But on••· wt• bl'l'J nH• c•s tabl1 s ht.·d, lh t· whul<' thing blew over .. Su tto n o f f1e1als hci v e a t·omm1tmenl from the feder a l guvernmen l for a 40 -vear, $515.- UOO Ivan with ~ per('(·nl intc:rest to movr into tht· three• houS('S 111 lrv11w. two 111 Cn't·ntrN· and one In IJt't•rftC'ld A llt'll Wall.itc'. on1· o f the 11rg.in1zat10 11 ':. lawyers. said o f f1l'fab intt•nd to proc·rf'd by 1 lustn~ t•:-.t-row for tJ11· houses soon Mt.>anwhile. atll•rrwys plan lO go to ('OU rt l h IS Wl'I ·k Ill have tht• h u mt·ow n crs· luw s ui t d1sm1SSt'tl, h<" added I ii· d:11nwd th<' rl's1dl·nL<; have 1111 has i-; for ;1 q,~uing that t he hnmt• dm•sn'l mt•t•l rt•s1t.ft•nl1al ~t;.mdartb ISee 1101\tES. Page Aa l Frontier shatters 588-.rnile barrier By fREOERlt:K. St:HOEMEHL Of the O•fly Piiot Sl•tt As t.akroffs frQJn John Wayne.· Airport go, 11 was prC'tl:V n;ut1nc• Th<' OC-9 Super 80 bC'a nng the F ron llt·r A 1 rlt ncs logo rc>l IL-d down lht· runway. lifl<-'d off and soon was lost in a doud Y1·t the takeoff at 8;15 am S u nda:v morning was a historic on <'. It marked the first time a Jel has l:l<'en permrlled to fly to a drst1na11on m ore than 588 1mlt·s rrom O rang<' County. The Frontier flight. carrying 79 paSSC'ngcrs, traveled non -slo p lo Dfonv<'r. 850 miles awav. F rontie r won a federal 1·ou rl order in August barring Orange Count y g overn m e nt from rnfo rc•1ng a rule pro hib1ttng flights ln dc.<;tinations more than 588 milrs frum the a irport T h<> so-l·alled perimete r rult' was des igned. coun ty off1C'1als claimed . to keep J o hn Wayne Airport a "s hort h aul" a ir trans portation facility. County officia ls alA<> ms1stt"CI a relatio n s hip exists betwee n 1akeorr noise and the distance a jrtliner t ravels. bC'cause mor e fut•! must be plac<>d 1111 l1u:1rd a1rC'ra fl t r avel 11q~ l11ngt·r d1stanc·c.·s Mo re wc.·1~hl boosts tak e Of f n O IS t', I h l' 1· 11 U Tl l y C'<.111 tc•nd1-d Front wr. o n th<' otht·r hand. mainta ined that 11 can carry extra fu(.'[ and s till n •m ;un w11h111 no1!:E' s tandards sN by lh<' munty . Thr• airpo rt's no1s<' m vn1tonng systt'm will detnm111e Frontier's SUl'C't'SS 111 l'Omply 1ng with lhOSt' s tandard:. "This IS prt•tty ('Xl'lti n~." t·om m t•n lt.'d H oward Sch at7., Fronl1l'r's Ornngt• County station managN. a s ht• wat<:hl"'d thC' whil1• jetliner w ith tlw rc-d and orange stnix•s hh off Passenl(<'rS on lh<" inaugural n o n -1>top Dcnvt•r flight w e re tre ated to a c h a mp a gne breakfast. Almost evt:'ryth1ng w e nt smoothly The flight. scheduled t o d e pHrt at 8 a m ., l<'fl 15 m111ult's late, du<' to an nir traHk control backup at Den ve r's S t.apl<'tOrT Airport Prior t o the rourt o rde r o ve rturning the perimeter rule, (See FRONTIER, Pa1e AZ) ----lllDEX---- At Your ~rvke Cuva Icade C lasslned Comics Community Nf'ws Crossword· Dea th Notic"eS F.dltoraal Entertainment HoroK'Ope B:l 82 04-8 m A:t-A7 02 04 A6 DI 02 Ann Lande rs M ovies Nationa l News Orange County Public Notil't'S SporL" Stock Markets Telev11ion Theaters W e.lher 82 01 A3 A3.A7 04 C l·4 C6 03 DI A2 J t I' I ·- I .41 Or unyi; Co1t11I OAIL V Pll 0 I I M 011dfty. Novtrmber I 1082 ... ! ~' _C_o_u_n-ty_f_o_r_e_c_a_s_ts_6_6_o/t_o_v_o_te-. -t-u--:r~n-o_u_t ., ,,, Cont1·nued s•o" ·1·es .. lt'L't' Al>l l 'lt 7 I I 1h1•f1• 11.1l\ '""II .111 llllll'll .dlv H1·pulll11 Uri Par I V fo'r11al ' 1 1 •1 n) ·· .r •'• I IH.'fll"lll IUtllt·i 1111 I n ·u111lr'l1llllll llj.(IJll'h1>lu1w1·d Jljtr,.---<" or ri.e 0.11, ""•t l tell 1 .. ..-k 11t 1111 .. r1·i.I Y.111 rel\Ull 111 h111o11 · 11t1111lw1 111 vull·r' 11 pp yt111o( "' i\111111t h11 p .. 111•111 .. 1 t)1.111~1 n1.111 \ "g"11.111t i. l\t.1v111g h11111~ 1111 .1111.1•111 1•1· hulloti-1l11?j v1·111· 1 11~1 pt•uplt· lu1tl r1·1o11111t•1 .. d with l . •'1111 111\, 1.ll.!l ,:!1111 ll·~ll\l111 ·d llll\\l"V t •r . h.-,111r1t.11t1·d th1• tlwl:OP ' "" ,;11it f ·' IJ I CREAN ('AMPAJGN v1111·1:. '"'' 1•>.111.'\lt·d Iii Vll\11 llw Uli.ull .ul.h·d lw "'""' 11111 111,111 l.llj.(t'I v11 1urtu· 11111, . .,.. g111d1·lllll'I\ h ·rn111·ruls 1·1111q1rii.1•., J • • • l"lll•, l"•lw1·"r1 7 ,1 rll 1111d II ll 111 I I' I l t II I k t I 11·r 111 il11·1111 ·111·11 fll'rl'('lll of l'OUlllV 1•lt'\"l11r1tll· Wtlh " " n ' \11 r1·v1:-1 · 11!'1 "' p1·n 1·111 11r·1111 r ltl 11111 1• r •• II\ • • ·' I 1•111.M1.1v •1 .. l".i11!•11r11.111i. ,,1i.1 1 1 1 11 1 1,,111,,1•. 11 :1.:n11 ,,.. .. 11•·rt·l>(1,11·1HI : In tht· ..&:!nd <'1~0~1.-~'1onul i U1 slf'I• L r.11 '" "" u111h1·11l ~ H1•puhl 11•;in D 1111 l.111q.p 1•11 11 1:. U1•ffHH"I It I H 11pp11111· 11 I .l.11111·:. Sp1•ll1111111 , 1111 tli1· 11th1•1 ha11J, n •p111·11·d 1·.1111nli11l Hlll!'I l 11 t a I 1 n g $ I :1 , :i Ii !I a n d (""\fh••tthtt1t'P..; nf ttl q H~ ,,,.,. • .,.dlll~ lin·d11·111111 1 1·,111t.o t 11· .111 1:1 ·• 1 I I I I J1,ilJ11h (h,1t Will 1•l1 ·1•I ;1 11(•W IJ4•.,1l l'I' Ill" l'lllJll!'I I' l'\"llllflh I , n ·g1:.l1.11 -. 111 "'''"' 1.tl 1"11 1'1 1<1 ·1.:1,..11.1111111i. 1•11 'l\11 ·,..d.1y ·., 111 Ni·w11111l U1 .. 1d1 .111d Cui.I<• g11v1·r1111r, lJ S i-1·111.tur· ;'111 11 oio!'ll L'altl1tl'f1t,11111111111•1., 111• lud111g I ,11:, I 11r 111111•1 ultt1l'h11ldi·ii. 1 1 1•11·1·111111 rt"ll1·1·1i. •111 1'11 "1"1"'· 11 M t·'IU 11 11 d r 1·l1•r'1•r1du111i. 1111 repurtl'd six•11dlllj.( $I I~. II:'.! ,11 fut tl11s .v1•.1I' t.1 his l;111•s1 rqx1n, e11v1·r111..: tlw Lunl!r1•11 "; quan1•rlv r1·1>1111 tu JJi'nt11.I lw1w1·1·n Oct I tt.nd Ckl I• 1lw 1-·1-:c ,h.1w:. ht: rt'\'1·1v1·d $8:1. 1:1 !)7~ 111 t'illll1'1bu1w11:. u11d hud Spl•l111w11 s;i1J h1• huJ $:1,·l:L:I l $2:1,:.' Ill 111 rn:.h 11n hu11d ut th1· uvalluull' tu thy t'Hmpu1g11 111 l'<11'h r ;~~·~,~~i;"~·~~ T~;'~~;~··:~ .. l'Cl'llgll11,il1J1· 11,.llg :.kulk111~ around \\'.1s h 111gto11 gur.1g1·s und1•\I' "'t .11 ~ .1 111 ·· '"D1·1•p Thn1<11 ·· 1, tht· ria1111• PoM r1 pt1rt1·r Bill> W11t.1dw<irt..I go\\ 111 " "''Uf'l'I" ht• llll't Ul odtl h11u r' 111 u 1111rt hod11x pla1·1·:. 111 1~7:.' lo>• •"t·1·1v1• 111 hav1• 1·011f1rn11•c.J 1nl11n11al11111 lur sh1flt::. ubuul till" v,rat 1•rgt1l1.• :.n.1ndal wh1d1 1'Vl·11tuallv ll'd lo 1h1· r1·:.1gna111111 11f for1111".r Pr1·s1d1•n1 H1d1arJ N1x11n W1111JwurJ. 11ow :.111 ;i:.:.1st;in1 111<111ug111g 1·d1t11r ul tlw Po,,l, h<t:. llt'\'l"f rl'Vl'lllt.J lht• ldl'nllt,Y t>f thl• SOUl'l"l' FRONTIER FLIGHT • • • \ ,llTll 1'1' 1'<1Uld fly r11111 :.top 110 1.1rtlwr th.m Salt L.1ke City, flHH lllth·:. cl\\lil V F'nm111·r h11d n111 qJl11·u w ith t h ut rul1· l1v 111 ,1k1ng .1n 111l1•rn11·d1a11· ... 111p 111 L;1:. V1·ga:. • om its Ornng1· t.'1111111, 1>1•11\'l·r tr·i J.>S. T h t' t· <1 r r 1 1· r 1' a 1 d t h • · • t n te rni1·d 1a11· s 111 p 1111 r1·,1s1·d op1•rot111g eo:.l:-. 11:; $:.! I 0111111 111 annuLillv <.1nJ 1nt•n11v .. r11l•n1·1·c.J Cl b IJ U l . j 0 p I' I' l" I' II l II f I l S p11:.s1·11gt·rs Fronlll•r opt·rnt1·s IW1) f11j(hl:. dciily bt•tw1•1•n Orangl· County ;md Dc•nvt·r In m1t.l ·Dt'<.·1·mb...or Jo"'ronllcr will add a thmi flight. That St•rvil·1· will 1ndud1· an 1n1l'rmed1ale SlOfJ in Las Yl·gas. in part, becaus~ A1rCcil 1s s uspending Orangl· C11unly·Las Vegas St:rvil'e IX'<.· I Election change weighed by Huntington voters Or a 11j.(1• l't1L1 11 I:; Hq.~1s11·;11 o f V1111•1':-. J\I l )!!'11111\ v11tL•f' ltll'lllllll pn·dll'lltlll IS l1i1M·d 1111 hlh hdu:t I h u l I 11 l 1 • rt• S I 11 l l It I ~ Y l' 111 l\ 1·ll'<.·t111n l!'I 11111 su gn·al us that 111 l l:JI\() WJll"fl 71! pt•f't't•fll Ill lhllM" n·gtslnt•d volt:d or m I Y7H wlw11 Ch eckup for candy A11~1·l 1·'· liav" "" 1" 11"'"1 1 1''11 111111·1· th1111 l!,111)0 V•1ll·1t. uvi•1 tlw 1111p11rl11111 ''"lwi. 111 llunt111~t1111 tun111u1 pl 1•olil't1or" 111 ,.,., 1·111 1o1.al rq.(1:-.l1•1'1·d 111 111110 "v1·.11 111 llt·:ll"h 11111 1 f 11u11tt1111 Vall1•y, 1r.1v:-. wh11 h ,, f''""rd1111 w.1:-. ltl'illg vot••rs :1~111>< 1111· Ora11j.(1' l '11a:.t N1111..tli1 ·ll':.:., l >J:..1111 :..11<1. "I .. 1t·1·11·d Will lir.•·1'llllj.( a rull 111i1ll· 11r W1fuld11't l11~:-.L1r 111·1:.1•d ti wi· H1·p11l 1l11 111111 hllll li11l d tlll· ,.1111 1· t 0 11 .. 11l1Jll•11111I 1df1t'l"l'h . pass1·d 1l tli1:-. p11·d11·lH111)" n ·~l l\lr.1111111 1-111<•· 111 t l11111g•• 11·;111 ·..,1•r1t 11 11 v1·i. 111 C1111gr1·,,11. Tlw ,.01111 1v ':. l11p 1·1 1·1·111111 l'11u111v w 11h ·l"I 11 111 •11,-111 111 11 11 A11i.1•111blv n11·111li.·r:o. and , 1n 1111 rnal ab11 p11111t1-c l 11ul t ho11 v1111·r-. da111llfllo( 1111•·~111111 1· 111 1111' t 1•1 l.1111 11n·1t!f, ;1 :..la lt· S4'11al11r AP Wlrephoto Wilson, • Bradley front • in SAN fHJ\NC ISCO IAP) S11n Dll'l(ll Mayor Pf'lc· W1b"n lwld u f1vt··11t11n1 lt·ad 11v1•r Gov )'~lmunt.l Hmwn Jr . un·ording ltJ a C1:.1llfrirn111 poll r .. lc•uM•d tocfay, th1· l<.1•t duy rif 1-;jmpa1gn,ing fur tlll' US S1•11;itt• t·untltdalcs L11t1 Angt·l<·i. Ma yor and Dt•moc-rnt T11 m Brndll·y waM 114•vt·n pointJ.: alwild 11t A ltornl'y Gt·nt·r;il {i1•1irl(1· l>1·ukm1·J1an, his Jh·publ11·;in th:.ill1·ng1·r 1n th« g11v1:rn11r'i. r:.il't·. 1 n the• sarrw pol I. ('<1mplHL·u Su11day ::.f tt·rnoon undt·r Mt·rv111 fll'ltl"!> t.l1n·d1on'> fu·ld n111t•d that 1f It~-. th<.tn :w pC'rn·nt 11£ 1·ltgtbll· rn 1n11ri1y vott:ri. turn out Tu1·sday. 1h1· oUl<'ltrllP 1n tht• elt·t:t lOn for govl·rnor c·ould Ix· qu1u.: dOSC' w11h a Bra<lli'V 1.,:.s a d1st1nc·1 Huntington &:ol"h votL•ri. "ill d ecid e Tuesday wh£•lh t•1 l11 change th<' da11• of IOl·al l'lt'< lllllb from April 10 Novc•mbcr The <:hang« would r('Cju1n· an amendml'nt 10 the c1tv char11•r. Th11i.1· oµpo!-.rng th1· ehangl' 111 1·11" 111111 11111"~ <irgul· Lol·<.11 1 and1Ja1~·" and 1ssu1·:. n1uld b1'(·1mH· <1bSl·ur1·d hy m;rny ... t.1 tl·. f t·den1 I. S(:hool l'Clmlid;i I<'~ and 1111·asurt·-, l>r. Ht·rna rJ l'lt·ff t•xamin•·~ an \-re•" of llallow••••n <'a nJ) 111 lla mmonlo\\'n. :\.J .. as Hu..twl S trat.t. I. watt·h•• .... Th(• kid!>i ~ol the \-ra) as a sou\'t~nir . puss1bt111 v · The ll'll·phont' poll. whic h began f"r1dciy. also involved some statew 1d1· prtJpos111o n s on the ballot. Those favur1ng th £• chang1· argue that: -It would Ix-11·s.-; 1·x1x·ns1v1· tu the nty Thl'Y :.;1y last AJ.>nl \ e I c t t 1 o n 1· 11 !> 1 $ 5 ~ . I :i :! Consul1d<.1t1<in 111 th1· g(·rH·r.d C'l~·tll)n w11uld h;1v« :-..ivt·d $1!-!. 000. tht•v d;11m LoC'al C'and1dat1·s would n1·1·d tu :.11he1t rnort.• 1·;.11npci1gn furnb ;,inJ would lw 1'11mpding with 1Jlhl·r t·<int.l1c.h.1ll's for fund:. .111d rnt"Clia covt·ragt· A • quiet, trick-[ ree Halloween The p11ll on ballot measures round lht· following P111ptJ!'lll1tH1 15, u n gun c.:o ntrol. wa:. f<.1vort·'d bv 39 pen'C'nt <ind 11ppuS<'Cl by 5-l · H igh1•r turnout:. w uu lt.I w:.esult. They say l'ity t•l£•l'll11n turnout fC'll from 22 pti•rt•£•nt in 1976 1-0 11 ixn·t•nl lh1" _yl•cir Only 12.510 1x:uph· volt'Cl in 1h1• local elrt. lion rn April l'Omp;irc"'<l tt1 th(' 7 ti. 5 7 (J ("I I y v () l ('rs w h 0 l" as I b11llol'> 1n 1h1· 1!180 genNal c·l£'C't1011 -· Con-;11l1d.1 1111n wdl ht·lp pre\'1·111 :.m.all gruupi. Y.1lh v1•sll'<i 1nt1•n·st:. from con1r11H1ng h11.·td g0\'1·rnm1·n1 l\lc1yo1 Boll M:.ind n · .ind Counnlmt'11 Don Mai Allt,lc•r .md Ro n P a1 11n ~on \\r 11t 1· th1· argumC'nt in f:.iv111 of M1·;"un· L 1n the vnl,·r·, p;1mphl1·l ll old1ng 1h1· e1l1•1·t1 on 111 N11v1•mbl•r could throw non· par l~•,111 l'1>unell offll't•s 1nt<1 th1· aa·na of part1S<1n poll t1<-s -&'<.:auSt· of grt·alt·r 111tert .. 'Sl rn stalC' and feckr<•l eand1dat('S, vo11 •rs may bt.· less 1nform1-d on loca l can.d1da1t•s ;ind 1ssUl'S. possibly gwmg an adv;.inLag(• lo incumbents. If l"fect10ns wen· ht•ld 111 NovC'mber. tht-roun1ywu..lt· volt• l'l1Unl c.-ould rl'Sult in long dt•lay:. of lou1I result:. ~rncc· stalo .int.I federal t::ibulatmns would 1ak1· pnortly Wr111ng th(· arguml·l1L'> ag;itni.l lhl' chan~t· Wl·rl• t 1ty 1·o unnl mC'mbl•rs Huth Bci1l1·\, Huth F inlt·y and Jack Kl'lly · Th Is y c· ;i r's H a II ow t· l" 11 f1·:.11v1t11:s may go down as 1h11 mu~I :.uhdul'd s11w1· d11ldn·n donnt"tl 1·11stum~ and wrnt door to door 1n s1·un h uf go11d11·~ dt'l.'ad1·s ago With onl· <·xn·J.>tion, polln· off ll'lil Ii. l h roug huu l Or.111gt• C<1Uhly rcpurt<-d a qu1c-t night of trn:k-or -treattng Au1horill1..'S said an l't'rll' stillness hung ovt:r many m·1ghburh()O(Js as .i n •sult of f1·ari. gt•nl•ratt.J by 1h1• rl'\'l'nt T y l1•nol po1:.on1ngs and o\h1·1' ldmpc.·nng <if foods a nt.I 11\·1·1 lhl'·l•1Unl1•r drug:. '"It wa!-. 1•xlrl•m1•f\ ">l11w. · "-ild Founwin Vcilkv p,;llt·f· Lt Carl Lawn•nt·1· "II· wa:. 7fl pt-n· .. nt short of lust Yl'<tr It":. J.>robabl.' Winds decrease ltom 15 10 30 mph were e•oe<:ll'O l 1..iesdOy mainly neAr the Catoratlo River \/11lley J 1, 1)1 1• 0•'' • 1 Aa1n O SnowO • , ' •;' ·,1' •1·~ /<11 " ' , I" Showt!I~ D F"lurr1esB Co".~'"' POINT L.ONC£PT10N TQ TH£ MEXICAN BORDER ANO Out 60 MILES Ouler wa1e•s Mostly nor1h~t winds 8 lo 18 ~nols w•ll\ 3 10 5 1001 sea, oecreas "0 1onw;it>t Elsewhe•e l•Q"I va,.anr .. .....,s IOOw;JM ar><l TuMaa. e1Ct'Cll sou1h~I 10 ,,.Mt 8 10 16 •no1s lvesOlf allernoon Ct>ance 01 oocal northeasl winos 1~ 10 20 knots lle40w canyons 1on19M ;rn<l Tuesday ma1nlf lrom San ld '-Ion.ca 10 venn11a W•no .. aves 1 10 2 feel 1o<1ay Sou•t.~1 s ... e11 1 10 2 feel Cl,a• s• 1es Ill< ougt> Tuesday L" .... ';. ·"" "1111 a r ,. Tttundersnowers anO Showers s0<e.O over muc'1 or 1'1e M1dwes1 and Southeasl early l()(lay while allleS -• Pa•ll/ CIOU•ly over mUGh of the Wetl Thunder showers Oevelop•Hl acrou Iowa into thll soulhPrn Great Lalces Showe<s also we•e scatter9d acrosa the On10 Valley 11110 New YOi'k slate Light ralnaho_,. also lingered o,,., lhe central Rocky Mou'11a1na. whtle lhu11dersl'fowers were K a llet9d over lhe southeesiern cor,_ ol lh41 Unne<l S1a1es Partly cloudy ak1ea prevailed ovet most ot lhfl Wes1 Scaller ed showe1s ano 1hunderllh0-• -re fo1eca11 tor later today over lhe •owe• ano mtd-MlulUlppt Valley and l<>we• and mid Plain• Aalnahower s we•e ••Peeled acrOM lhe Great Lakes end no•lh AllantlC atalM. a m1<lure ol snow a nd t aln was P••d•cted 1n Mont-. and moelly sunny slo•es _,. lorecatl rn the Sovlh•esr and the Pac:lllC North_., Temc>erlttut" 111oune1 lhe na1<0n al 2 e.m EST ••noe<I trom 26 1n WIMltton, N 0 ro llO In Wn1 Palm a-ch. Fla California :;outl'lern California 1 ... earh111 ahould be lalt lhrough Tuuday wll h aunnter. w1rmer d•vs •n<l ~ mountain end deM<I wlnela, lhe N1tl0nll WHlhet Se<v1ce Hy• Hlgl'I• In Lot AngelH were f()(llC .. I In •he Uppet 70. Tue.day wlll'I IOWI II so Collt•I valley hlOfl• -• e•pected to t1noe from 7f to 82 witn IOWI from 0 to 57 and •Ind• from Ill lo 25 mph thr0U9h l Uftd8'( High• in mount8'fl ,,.., 11\ould 1111191 "°"' st to 16 With IOWI lrom 36 to 4t and northHtt wlndl from 10 to 35 mpll along rldg" and ~n dllef1 hiiJM lflOllld oe 1n UM 70. Wiit! IOwt hom 3t to '4. Hlf"I lft toutlletn d9Hftl _,. toree,1tt In Iha eot wllh lo•• mo&ll'J In !flt toe. Nor'll*l'I wlndl NATION AIDany AlbuQutttQUP Ama11tlo Ancho<age Asheville Allanla Aollanhc C••v Aushn Bal1tmo1l' B•lhngs Birmtngllam Bismarck P..l•W! Bos1on Brownsvlle Bull•lo Burhng1on Caspe. Charleston SC Ci'iarleSlon w v Oier1011e N c Cheyenne Ch•cago c,nc1nnat1 Clevetsrod Columb•a SC Coh1m1>us 08llU·Fl WOrl" Oaylon Denver Oes Moines Oe11011 Ovlulh Et Psso Fa111>1nks Fargo Flagalall Orea• falls Harllo•d Helena Honotulu Houaton lnd1anap011a Jackson Miss Jaci.. sonvllle Juneau Kansas C11y Knoavilie l•s Vegas LOUISVIiie Lubbock Memphis Ml amt Mllw1ukee Mpta·Sl Peut NHfWllle N.,. Orl!!en1 New York Norfolk NOi'th Pl111e Okl•hom1 City Om9'1• Orlando Phll.O.lpP,1a Phoenl• Plllll>urgh POi'lllnd, Me Portland. Ore P 10Vlelence ::="c11y "9no Aklllmond 91111 LMce ,.,, AnjonlO ... tt .. lllfevepor1 llOU• fl'lllf• St LOUii 72 50 70 35 15 40 03 ·03 72 32 7• 50 63 5• 83 60 7' 38 50 33 Tl ~ 54 23 49 •O 72 ., 90 69 60 50 68 55 50 • , 76 55 69 52 73 40 58 38 61 50 69 •O 63 43 74 37 64 41 80 53 60 45 59 34 67 50 64 38 •II 29 79 •2 ·O• ·06 53 22 58 2s 53 ,6 TO .. 1 52 24 82 T2 80 68 60 38 II:? 60 112 58 " .. 86 52 73 u 6~ •9 69 1•8 82 •6 78 57 Ill 77 70 56 48 34 81 59 113 86 70 ~2 7• 43 60 27 76 ., 65 " 116 fl• 89 43 63 62 1111 46 66 37 56 40 10 4? 73 3~ 57 &ti 43 u 75 42 51 .. 82 82 51 38 74 63 &e 2t 87 •• SI Pete· I ampa S1 Sle Marie Sp0kane Syracuse lo!M)ka Tucson lulu Washmoton Wrfh11• CALIFORNIA 82 67 llO 46 43 27 116 49 116 '\() (13 ., 72 50 74 •6 71 52 Bake•~l1eld 65 54 Eureka 60 47 Lancaa1er (17 38 Los Anoetes 7 2 58 Puo Aoble5 67 44 Red Blull 72 44 Redwood Cnv 73 •8 Ren.• 54 27 Sac•amenlu 64 43 SahnH 70 49 San Oieon 13 llO San F1 anc1sco 70 53 Santa Barbare llO •T Stocklon 64 43 Am11eroam Al hens Bangkok Bel•ul Belgrlldf' 8erl1n Brusae•• Cairo Copenhagen Oubhn Franklurl Genev& H•v•na I-long ~ong Je•ua&lem Lima l11bon London Ma<ltld Ma11tl1 Moecow P11l1 Pell Ing Alo S90Ut Singapore Stoellholm lrdNY T~ Tel Aviv Toll yo OL09Al HI Lo 55 37 72 67 91 Ill 77 63 54 39 54 41 57 45 77 57 48 48 57 46 •6 43 48 36 84 72 64 75 611 54 72 113 72 52 63 !>7 70 43 flO 72 43 37 00 40 111 311 1111 511 55 43 •2 73, 117 0 M H 71 .. to H 77 11 -.. ... ~· . ...,. .,. , .... ,.AN AMllUC:A Acapulco Barbados Be•muda Bogola Curac•o F1eeporl Gu1dels1ar a Guad"loupe l-lav111a K1ngs10" Mor11ogo Bav Mazatlan M11t1d11 Murco Cit~ Mor11errey Nauau S•n Juen PR SI ThomB5 I eguc1ga1pa Tron1oad VfltllC<Ul C1l11•ry Edmonlon Mon1rea1 011aw• Regina Toro11to Vancouver Wl""f~ M11. Min. 90 77 86 70 77 70 68 86 75 88 72 84 52 88 73 84 77 90 77 88 7'.l 90 72 88 66 7~ •6 8• 88 84 70 88 75 88 75 75 63 86 7:1 8:> 1:1 47 20 47 2& Ill 51 59 40 47 17 llO 42 51 39 411 28 Extended weather T onitftl tlltough T U99day· C-. •••••· Chine• of local g111ty northMet wlnde Ill 10 25 mpn In Mid b9low ~·· MP9Clally In Illa 811111 Clalie Al• V*'f Lowa tonlQftt 47 lo 57. High• Tuetday 7' lo eo l){"l"Hll:-.1 · rif lh1 l'.1 11dy ~-.ori .• Pulin· "" w 1·ll a:-. r1·:.1d1•111:. ;;ln11g tht• 01.111g1· C1i.1:.I 11·1111rt1·d a silnil;.ir ,1bSl'lll'l' or l1lll1• glto:-.h and g1Jbllni. walk111g 1h1: i.ln·l'I,-. f11r t.tndv .ind 111h1·r t111a1 , P<in·nL-, .-11~1 .;ppc:-.1n·d 111 gn•LJll•r numlx•r.-1h1 ... y1·<11 ;1n·11111p<ill."lll~ th1·1r t•hildren. ~111.-c !M>ld Thl· j:(1•n 1·r;ill\ fH'd t'l·ful Ha 11ow"1• n . how•·\' 1 • r . "' ,, ,.. m a r r 1• d b \ o n 1· t .1 n d ,. aciuh1·rat1u11 r • ."p11r1t-<I .;t 1h1• B11:1 M.111 Polw1· -..ml a '''"' 1r.~ n1·1·d l1· \\':IS 'l'IUlld Ill <I IJll'l"I' of l'an(iy m llt'l·t1·d l>y ;1 :l-.v1•;1r-11ld girl as l'arl 1•f' tl11· i.hopptllg 1·t·nter"s .1nnu<it ft·sl1v1t11·~ Thi· n1 ·1·dll' w;,,.. d1s1'11yt'rt·d wht·IJ th1• d1lld':-ILilht·I', R1t:hard Monl1·~. :j:'J. 1·x;111111wd 1•.11·h p11'<·t· 11£ l·a nd v '" h1 · 11 ht:. 11<1 ugh tt·r-. Barhan1: i t•turnl·d homt· Brt«t Pollet· Lt Bill Ll•nt1n1 s;,1d 11ff1nals 1•ould 11ut tr.ii·(• the l·and y to a spc ... ·di1 ,111n· 11r J.ll•r.,,.111 ;ind 1 ._. £' 1n1· 1J1· 11 I w .i ,.. u n d 1• r 1nvt·,t1~<Jt1on F 1J I' I h t· f 1 1 !> t t 1 m (' . <i C a I 1 f o r n 1 a p o I I r o u n d 1 h l' oooos1 uon to Proros111on 11. th1· b.1t"l requmng dt•pOfP!ls on sofl drink c.-ont.a1m·rs. ah«ad. -17 lo 4-1 pt•rl•t•nt A month agn. F11•}d noll·<l. prc1pont.•nL-, w1·rl· ll'admg by 'J. pomL-; ~ It Th t· n u c It· a r fr t· 1• 1 1· 11llllut1Vl'. Prupo!>1t111n I:.' ll'Cl. -17 w 40 p1·nl'nt L.1s1 month. -.upµorl!·r~ hat.I <• :!-l ·potnt ll•ad -----'-"------------- The quality of Own M ake in tropical weight suits T hl' man who prc.•frr" a l1ghtwcigh1 !>U tt1n~ Jur- 1 n>( t h c:-c month:-~·an st i II find a hanJ!>omc 'l'kctwn a1 Brnoks Broth ers. The}' feature the fine crnft!>man:-hip o f t'ur tailors aml the c reasc- rc:-1 ~rnncc o f a superh po lyc s tcr·and·wors ted hlcnd. I n distinctive solids. stripes and Glenur· 4uhart plaiJs. Coal, vest ant.I trnuscrs. $380 /,, ,,., llf'f' ,, H,,,.,., Jl,.olhrrs '""'N' 11pp/h·u11cHt. ph.1"' 1.111-1,,.. f ./UJ(/.14; ./(lflQ UTAlllSHIO 1111 ~~cf/£i};t{~p ~£©>iID}i$) ' furntshtnoe forllm . Wamm ~8oys ~.lll \\'EST 7'1'1 I ~THE ET. I.OS A~<ml.ES. (:Al.IE FASltro~ ISl.A."\I>. ~EWPORT HHACll. CAI.IE f 1 1 ir.----~-; .. . .. . .. Orang6 Coaa t DAILY PILOT/Monday, November 1, 1982 &I NATION Fountain Valley-------__,,,, ------...,...... Tylenol fugitive ' letter focuses search ClllC A<.iO <A•?I A ll'l"'r purpunt'\.ll y srgnf:'t.l lJy a 1111111 t·hargt•d wit h t'l<tort!on m tlw T yle nol µu1su11111K!> has ll'd lnVt•stiguttll'S lllll"t• <ljo(Ulll to t•oncent rutt> tht<lr st•un·h for the fugitive an Nt•W York Caty. T ht.' lt•t tt•r, s1grw d .. Hul>l·l'I Ric h ard son." a n alias for Ja mes W, Lt·w1s, wa:. JJl'llllt•<l in Sunday's l·d1t1«1ns of tlw Ch1cagu 'l'nl>unt• It bun· ;a New York postmark. I n l h l' m e s s a g t• • "H a·hard~ort" dC'1111.:d t h hl t•1tlwr h t• or Ills w1ft· wt·n· 111v11lvt•d 111 th1· t:Vu nldt•-lul't·d ,, • .,.,, .. , "•r·•·111•1h Tvlt•n•1I µot1sonini.is that k 1 llt·d st•vt·11 pcuplt• in lhl' t'lumgo un·u a 1111111 th a~o A sou r e .-dost· to t ht• 111vt·stigat1 on , w ho d 1tl 11ot w:111t to bt• 1dt•nt1fil'd, said FBI fingerpnnt t•xperts hod dl'tl·rmint>d th<1t the lt·ll1·r "n •rtainly was" wntlt'll by Lt·w1s. Nuke d eath figures upped WASHINGTON (AP ) A .m·w study eondudcs that an accident a t a nul'll'ar powt·r plant t'Om~1vably l'Oultl t·aus1• more th an 100,000 Jt>aths and $300 bil lion damagt' 111 t't•rta111 plates, Tht> Washington Pu:-.1 rl'p<>rtlod today w ere a 1T1ved at in a studv <:ondul·tl'd fur the Nu dea·r Rt•gulatory Cumm1ssi1111 b~ Sandia Nattonal Laburat11rtl'S Tht• Post calll•d tlw s tudy • · t h t· m o s t cl l' t a I I t' d g u v t • r n m t· n I s t u d y o ( µo tt•nual 1·onst•qut•11t•t·s o f LilT1d.·n ts at <1tum1l' powl•r plants" The election at a glance WAS H! NG TON (AP ) America votl'S on TuL•sd<1v He re is what 1s anvolvl·U: - Congre ss Votc>rs will elect thl• nation's Y8th Congress, to tak(' ofCit'<' n<.•xt January Senators: F:lc.·c.·t1011s 1n :n states for seats involving one-third o f thl' U S SC'nalC' The seats now arc ht'ld by lY Democrats. I :1 Rl'pu bltl'an~ a nd one i'tld('pendl'nl who 1s r c t 1 r 1 n g f r o m o f r 1 l' ,. Republlc.·ans <:urrently l·ontrol the Senate 54-45-1 House of Re presentatives: WORLD Tht•rt• w ill be only 425 Houst• racl'S in ·HI states on Tuesday. bt'<.:aust• Lou1s1ana a lready has t•lt'<.'tt'Cl· its e ight nw mbers and two lieorgia ract.•s have bet•n dt>laved u n ll l later 1n thl' month . Th e ou t goi n g Congress has 2-4 1 i.)(>mocrats. I Y2 Repu blt<:ans a n d t wo vacancies. Gove rnors: Ek'(:tions in ati states Thl' 198l lineup 1s 27 D l ' m o L' r a t s a n d 2 3 Rl·publlt:ans O f st>ats up for t•lct't1o n Tut·sdav, 20 an· Ot'CUpted by Pt·mUl:rats. 16 by Republl<:ans. Pope honors St. Teresa AVILA. ::>pa in (AP) Pope John Paul II. saying hl' was honoring "the spiritual teach ers o f m y inner life." celebrated M ass tod ay for mo re than 100.000 faithful a nd prayed to the Spanish myst11· S t Tc·rt•sa and hN mentor Praying a t tht' base of A V t l a ' s I 1 t h c t• n t u r y b<1 t t l cmt•nts . t h e po n tiff for mally e nded a year -long c·ommem uratmn of the· death of St Tt•resa. who founded 17 Carnwllte monastPries across Spain and hl•t:amt• ont• of l'a t holll'lsm •._ most revl·r c·d f1gurl"S. El Salvador towns seized SAN SALVADO H . El Salva dor (AP) Lc•ft1 st guerri I las hav<• se1zc•d 20 small towns in northt·rn El Salvador nl'ar th<' Honduran border and killed or woundt'Cl 403 govt•rnmen t sold i er~ an their 20-dav-old nat1onw1de offensive. thl• n •bt•b' Kad10 Vt•n<:('remos clatmt"<I Th e c a i.u ;lltv tu t al STATE broadcast bv the dandestinP s t au"n Sundav was mon · t h a n d 11 u b I l' t h a t acknowlt·dgC'd by tht· DdcnSt· Mm1strv s1m·r th1• ofrvns1vt• lx·gan Oct 10 Radio Vt•m ·t·n·mo!> s;11d tht· rc,bels al s o captur('d 11 9 guvt·rnml'nt troops. hut l::llt·r n •lt•ast•d Jll of tht·m . It did not say why the prsorwrs Wl'rt' f rt.'C'd Fire le ap kills 1, hurts I LOS ANGELES (AP) Arson 1nvest1gatur s today w e n · probing <i Wt.'(•ken d apartm ent ho use.' fin• that killed J man and <.:r1llcally inJUrC'd a woman who ;ump<'<i fro m tht• top flour a nd wh1L·h le ft 185 peoplt• hom<·less. f1ref1ghters said Ntnl' o thc-r pC'o plt• were sent to hospital~ a f ter SundJv' fire:. 1nt'luding a man who suffert'CI ruµ..· burns during evacuatio n of the five-sto ry brick bulldtn~ at Ingraham and W1tner strt'{·ts. wes t o f d o wnt o wn L os Angt·lt·s ThC' d ead man. whoS<.· nanlC' was no t re leaS<'<.l. land1'Cl on his head . The wom<1n 1dent1ficd as Dominga Castro. 2-4 . bro ke b o th fc<'t 0 and frnc.·tured several n·rwbra(' LA gets 'Reagan Ranch' LOS ANGELES IAP> T h<• ··R l'ag<1n Hanl·h es·· springing U;l acros.s tht' natto_n in protest o f the presidents e<'onomit' policies h it h is home state over the weeke nd a s protesters l·ampc<l out in tenL<s o u t s 1 d e a g o v e r n m l' n t build mg T h c n a t 1 o n a I t• f f o r t . con r d1 nated by t h e Assonat1nn of Com mun1 t y Organ1zat1 ons for Re form Now. 1s aimed a t dramatmng what ACORN calls thl• nt'W dep r essio n caused b y Reagap's budgt•t cuts The C itize n 's Actio n League. ACORN's California a fftl1ate. e r ected 18 tents ouLc;ide the Federal Building in W est Los Angt'les o n Su nday to sym ht.ilize t h e H oovt'r ville s h anty town s t hat housed the h omeless during the Depression. • • • From Page At 111un e•tarv tl1111a110 11 ~ Tl11• t·o111n11 1tt'1' II.ti. put up 1.1liout 1lw donatt·d pu11t1·ri. ltrU1118 pllSSUijt' of MPaM111• K 1Jur11u' tlw duy~ 1111111t•d l.el l'ly p rt•1·t•J111g tht• t·lt'l'tlt>n, 11\l•nilwrs l)rgun iu•d u ph111w blink tu 111fon 11 lut·ul votPrs u b o ut th1· s•ll't·t y t.tt x a nt.I l't~'()lllfllt'l1d llS IJfJfJl'UVH I "W1· f1 r111ly lwhl'V(· we will t•o11t11 1ut· to los1· ..:uo<l µolit•t• and fart• t•n1pl11yt•l0 s (to ot ht•r dt•partmt•11ts with h1~h1·1· pity) 1f Mt•asUI'(• K 1s not approvl·<I." Bc .. ka,.., s;11d. ··wl:n· all spmlt·d l>y the.· µublit• Silfl'IY Sl'l'Vll'l' Wl' havt• 11tJW ~:v1.•n thl· Fuu11 ta111 Vet lley Ch<1mh1..·r ol C11m1111.•n·1.· 1s l iat·kmg Ml0asur1.• K ' "Nurmallv. w1.· don't sup port an y ktnd or" a t.1ic 11wn•aSt., .. said Pat Crtwkl'lt, thl· l·hamher's C'Xl'<'UllVt' chn~·tur But she s.tft! tht· t'lty currPntly 1s n ot gen ('rat ing l'nouj(h sales tax reVl'nut· to suµport St•rv1c.·t·S Althou~h tlu· 1.·hambt-r 1s runntn~ a "shl'P 111 Foun tain Vallc.·y" c:1mpu1gn a1mL·d a t tnlTeasmg sa lt.·s tax rc•vt•nuc, the si:x-•dal s;1f1•ty tax will bt-rn.:1.•dt'CI unlll thi' lot:a l sales f igurt-s 1nereasc. Crol'kNt said , Sh(' sate! the t•hetrnb<-r plaeed post(·rs supp<>rttng Mt•asun· K at variuu s lm ·<1 t1uns and urgcd passagt· of th C' t ux in tht- n1.·ws l<:tte r m<11lcd to 1,500 t•hamlx•r nwmbers. F'ount;11n Valll"y pulicP and f1n•f1ghtt•rs. wh1J stand to gain thie most fro m p assage o f Measun; K. havt• adopted a low profit(' in tht• <:ampa1gn "Wt• d1J L·ndor..t• 1t," said Sgt. Ron Manda. presiden t uf the Fountatn Vallcv Poltt·c· Offin·rs A !>sOt'1<1 t11111 :. Rut so far as <1t·t1vt•ly doing <inythmg for 11. no He smd sornt• officers bc•llcve· kncx:kin~ on doors or othe rwise• c ampa1gn1ng for Measure K might be 1ntNprl'ted as self- sc•rvmg. as though officers were• "IX'gg1ng" vntC'rs fur a raise. ·• 1 wou Id I 1 k e to see th<' m<'asun · paSSt·d ~·ause it w ould ht'lp us get a ~'-v raise," he said. "It would hl'lp l'ls rN ain some of th l• qualified pt:rsonnl'I Wt' st•t·m to be losing to other departments that pay better ." Manda said Fountain Valley polil'1' salart<•s rank ·20th uut of tht· :!-4 pol1l't' agt·nt·w~ m Orangf. County The• t·1ty ranks I Zt h in populi111on Phil Feyc•rabend. president of the Fountam Valley F irefigh ters Assot·1at1un. said his me mbe rs mav h('lp th" pro -Meas ure K l">mm1ttt•c.· but will not go door to door to urgt• p;:is..'><lgl' Some· puhl1t: safc·ty t·mployet'S are c.·om·t·rm•d that tht· n ty may ust• the· <Jutcona· uf Mt•asurt• K as a lt·vt·r 111 t:11ntr;1l·t talks If thl tax f a ils. rhe y say. c ity m·got1at1ir~ may L1on tt. .. nd this 1s proof tha t hx:al rt>s1denLS arP nut willing to support strong and costly poht·t· and fire scrvit'<'S. City off1c1als deny tht· oult'ome qf the· t•lcction will l>c uscd as a negotiating tactle. Bu t personnel d1n>t:tu r Rill A<·kc·rman said tht ntt•a~Urt•. If appr oved, could aff1.·1.·1 th1.· length <ind lt•rms ol .tnv tontrat·t 1.xoeirnst• tht• city will know 11 will bf' n·ee1v1ng add1t1onal n·Vt."nUC' from t ht' Lax nt•xt Yl'i.11' S<'vual t•11y l'OUnl'il membc•rs said tht•v are opt1m1stll' that M e a s url> K will pass. but <:om·t·dt·d that prevatlmg voter uppos1uon to any new taxes l'Ould prC'V<'nt th1;• meas ure· from <;('<:unng thC' two-thirds approval 1 t n-q u 1 res Need ride to vote? Ca ll your R ealtor T h<• NL•wport H arbor -C osta M esa B oard o f R ealtors 1s offering free ridl'S to the polls on e lection day T uesda y. but you 'll h a.ve to check Sund~y·s Daily Pilot for participating Realtors. Those needing transportation shou ld eall any office listed in the ad on P age A3 of S unday's edition. A story in S unday's real estate section incorrectly advised voters to contact their nearest real estate office. We1re Listening ••• What do vou hke about the-Daily PiloP What don't you like? Call the number a t .left and your message will be recorded, transcribed and de livered to the appropriate edito r. 642•6086 The sam e 24-hour a ns wering service may be used to record let· ters to the editor on any topic Mailbox contributors must include their name and telephone number for verification. No circulation c alls. please Tell us what ·s on youc mind .......... rw-y .. au •• ,, .... lolon<Ny·F•ldl y II 'f"" 00 l\01 n••• Y""' """" or :,: ~::'u~::':"~rir ;', _.., le1u•dt r and 8uneuty. II ,.o.. do not •Kt <Vt '""' 9">)' by I a rn -belOI• f 0 • "' -'(°" DOC>)' ..... __ .., Gt ........ '' ··--... OrlnOl eou..tr ~ .......,, -'r:.=c"::m, ~ ....... iiiTy0Piiot Thomas'· Haley Publ,.l\e< and Chief EA""""'• Qlll(e• Jane ArncNI L<KUl<VA ( d1IQI l. Kay Schult1 V10 ,,et~ oMI o ... cro-ol ~·rlt"'CI Raymond Mad.Hn Con1• ollt• Mkho.I '· Mantey 0.1ec•0t of Mot•e11<1Q IC>tC~l()tll Keftneth N. 0-..tllercl Jt. Olr«;IOf ol 0p.,Qfl()M CIH1Nled 1dvertleing 1141M2-517' All otMI' dep1r1m•nt9 Mt..,.n1 MAIN °'"CE m w111 18' SI .. C°'te MeN, CA . ,._.11 ... twM' ... IMO. (•I• Mna, CA • .,._ c-.yr19M "It Or ... COtlal P'*llllllllt (-Ho ntw0 aton.a, lll1111rell.,,, t•t10fi.tl n1111t" ti .. .. ,u .. mema ,,.,.,., '"'' w ,.,. ... ,. .. wtl-_,11,.,""''*' of t-..•llM-' · ·. .. .. I Ill ,.. Dellr '1101 l'tloto !tr 'etrlGtl ~~I Bridgework shifting into place .... . .. (:ons tru•·tion i~ c·unlinuing on a $ J .:J million bridge spanning the · Santa Anu Rivt•r at Tatbd·t Avt•nuc in Founta in Valley, which ~ h('(·om~s Ma<'Arthur Boulevard in (~ostu .Mc"a. When completed in !-!ix to t•ight months, the spa n will curry 12,000 vehicles da ily, with ll!'._Q .tr· t"c· I rwi,j!!_~ach direction. Mt•a n whil«>, mo torists ': •·ros!'\in~ tht.· r ivt•r must detour about ont-mile• north to Slate r Av.-mw (St.·~•·r!!tlrom Avenue in Costa Mesa). ·.i, ... Huntington Beach--------~ Huntington eyes trash fees ·1 Tht• llunt 1~1gton B<"<ll"h Caty Coun t·tl 1s Sl'ht·dul('d t o Lilt tonight 1111 a rt~·om111l'nd..1t11m to chargl' rt·s1tfr11t~ d1rt•t·tly for tr<fsh n1llet·t11in <H"ld st·Wt·r co~l'> l'Oll1><·t1on and about 62 l'l'nts <i month fur i.cwcr ma1n tcnan<:e eo-;ti, I terns o n tonight's a gel')fa 111dude: ~~ Estabhsnmenl of san11ary S«VICe I-lo cover ene coslS ol ttasn collecllon end 01sposat and sewer syseem ma1n1enance Streel wl(fenono. 111ee1 lmprov-n1a and p1ov1s1on for e new wller dl1trlbul1on system ti w unonoton S11eet Tht· t·xpcnses now art· paid out 11f tht· uty's gt•1wral fund Tht: coritrovt·r~1al mattl'r h<.1d been S<:hed u lt•d t11 bi.: dt:"C1dt•d la'>t Monday. But 1t was c:on tinut·d whl'n the mt•t•ting lastl•d until a fter I a .m and offlt:tals still had n't considered the Item Off1c1<.1b sav tn.1s h tust:. havt• sl_<yn.x:kt'h·d ti; abuut $3 5 1111lhon a year bt'l'ause of ga te f ees imposed O ct. 11 a t Orange CouQ ty government -own e d landfills -Aecommendalloo 10 retain cuy pohcy permtttlno only parall.e parktno In C\11·0.-Ncs -Approval of oran ts ol S l .SOO lpr nandicapped modlf1callooa 10 pr1va1ely OW!'ed rental untta. -$tMc;tion of arcM ect 10 prepere plens for city r"troom lacllllles under Hun11nv1on Beach Pier. T he c'Ouncil will be voting on a r ec· o m m e n d a ti o n l o c h <! r g l' r es·1dents $4.35 a month for t ~·ash The l·o um·d will m eet at 7 o'dcx:k at City Ha lJ, 2000 M am S t -f\ec ommenda1 1on 10 nam e Ille community park adjacent eo Hunl•n11ton Beac11 Hlon Scnool at1er Norm w o11ny ' sui>erlnlendent of park• Gra·nd Jury Opposes. Pr.op. 13 THE ORANGE CO U NTY Grand Jur y opposes l'ropos1t1on 13, the water resourc·C's m 1t1ative on Tut>sday's ballot , In a brief statement, jurors conduded that "even though the measure contains some good proposals, thl• t-nd resu lt will be detrime n tal to tht• pt>Opl<• of Orange County and the Statf' of Cahforn1a." The rneasurl· calb for mandatory water cunse•rvat10n programs and protect1 o n of gruundwatt•r ba'!>1m. 1n art•<1s wh(•rt: tht· basins are be-mg ovE·rdrawn Orangl• County 1s not one uf those art"as. Th(' Grand Jury functwns as a wau:hdog of government and oc0as1on ally makt-s statenwnts on 1sSU('S that mt•mbt'rs buheVl' a ffC<:t tht· publie in tl'rC'sl * * * THERE ARE GOING tu bt• a lot uf <lummi<'s 1n e1Junty !;(:hools starting thts Wt't·k . liut not lx"<:ause t•ducat1onal standard~ an• dropping The Amt>rtC'a n H eart Assot·1a t w n h as donatf'd ma n nequins for 1ns truct1on 111 cardiop ulmonary resusc1ta11on to 14 s~·ho11l districts. T he CPR mannequins wt.•n' aC1.·c·pted by countv o ffkials T hursday. Tht' Ameril'an Rl'd Cross 1s offering frl'l' mstr ut·t1on to tt•achcrs who want to become CPR mstrul'tors in tht• sc·hools also Orange Coast school d1stncts participating an the program are th r Newport-Mesa U n ified. l rvane Unified. Fountain Valley. H untin g ton BeaC'h C1ty. Seal Beach and the· Cap1stran11- Laguna &ach Regional Occupattona l Prugram. COUNTY DllilST ·· • HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS from across the t'Ounty will be able to get a look at Ctia~n College m Orange during Call Campus V~tfjJri Dav Nov 11. . w ~\ · Thc c•vent. which s tarts at 8:15 a .m ., 11t des igned tn s h o w s t udents _o pportunitie.t availablt-at the collt·gc• a nd t h e school '~ atmospherl'. I r1 Adm1ss1ons 1ntt·rv1e w s. campus to u ._ financial aid sc'm1nars and SC'h olarship auditions fo r mus1t <tnd d ram<t w ill be among activities offered. · •• F<Jr furth1.•r information <:<ill 997 -67 11. * * * .. . MORE THAN 12.000 mc•m bcrs of the Orda, o( the· Eastl•rn Star a r<' l'X(X."l'ted to atte nd th~--; ordN's four-day con vention at the A naheim : C11n\'ent1on Centc•r. ' Members from across the cou nty and from lti other nations are expected for the gathering. wh1eh 1s both a business and social meeting for tlw Masot11l' a ffiLiate. The <'OO\'ent1on will climax Wed nesday at D1snevland when ch aracters from the M :igic Kingdom gret't top officers and members of the group · The Order of the Easte rn Star. with about 3 m illion members, is the largest group of its kmd · an thew~ kn i tt<z.d e!>pz.c io l ly fbr 4t "<l.Oect ) lOOX. lambe'OJOol v1"14Ck arld.- 100~ 'MX>l ehciUa.ro ~'K ~t.<2.re fu\ly n,&l1cozd.in e ~ ~\on or color.e. ., It "' ... .. 1 1. ' . .. Or•nge 00111 OAl1.Y PlkOT/Mondav: Novem-. 1, 1812 . Ne~port-Mesa Unified Schoot-D·1•trtct lchoot ADAMI Qrede3 Reading Written Language Mathematica AND!fl8EN Qrede3 Reading Written Language Mathematics .Gredel Reading Written Language Matbematlcs .BEAR STREET Ored• 3 Reading Written Language Mathematics Grmd•I Reading Written Language Mathematica CALIFORNIA Gred• 3 Reading Written Language Mathematics CHARLES TEWINKLE ,Gr1d•. Reading Written Language Mathematics COLLEGE PARK Grad• 3 Read ing Written Language . Mathematics Grade 6 Reading • Comperteon Score Score a.ncl . '402 272-363 385 473-349 , 359 271-341 323 291-330 328 290-328 310 286-324 350 2$4-326 307 281-313 352 286-823 301 260-310 292 26&-307 293 263-308 293 \.16()~297 '289 260~292 298 2~3-297 305 271-315' 303 271-315 306 266-313 268 255-278 270 258-275 289 259-279 295 245-290 288 248-289 321 245-296 275 244-285 Written-Language M•thematlc1 IAITaLUP' Gradel Reading .... Written Language Mathematica Oredel Reeding Written Language Mathematica HAMOR VIRW -Gr-.s Reading . · Written Lengllage Mathematics ·Gradel , Reading . Written Language Mathematics HllNZ KAISER Gredel Reading . Written-Language .... Matbel1)atlcs KILL YBROOKE Gredel Reading Written Language Mathematics Grade 6 · Reading Written Lanquage Mathematics LINDBERGH (closed) Orede,,3 . Reading Written Language Mathematics·· MARINERS OredeS ReadlnQ 21'4 278 2'48·213 Written Lanou• • 2'48·280 M1thematk:1 or•• ~ 374 ~8_; Reading 31 l 287-348 • Written Language 323 318 343 285 291-341 M1them1t1c1 290 ° 283-338 NIWPORT 320 29'4 294 317 310 345 341 299 328 278 259 259 279 286 · 288 213 246 241 283-324 279-313 287·320 Grldel RNdlf\O., Written unguage M1them1tlc1 Qrldel Reading 296-331 Written l:anguagtr 295-329 · M1themat1c1 286-330 NIWPORT HllOHTI • I 354 • '304 299 :l76 289 282 Qrede I 28&-316 <f Reading·"" · 303 • 283·306 Written Lano.uage ~87 288·312 M1them1tlc1 -----306 - Gr•I Reading 315. 252-280 Written L_,,guage 305 - 255-277 M•thematlca .. 295 - 256-28 f . PAULMINO 236-281 239-281 233-282 241-272 243-273 244-279 Qredel · . Reading ----.~-:._Written t;an~e Matheatlcs Gradel Readlr,ig Written Language Mathematics POMONA -·~redel 296 275 217 257 • 273 283 Roding 219 210-244 Written Language 237 214-247 Mathematics 261 .. 257 252 251 · . 219-259--· ... ~ Orede·I · 367 288-335 Aeadlng Written. Language Mathematics -- 24-e·. 240 248 IONORA ·-214-3371 A-...-I 278-333 --Reading 271-303 Written Language 287-209 Mathematica 272-303 Gr• I Reldlng • Written Language 27 '4·328 -Mathematica 278·320 -· WHITTIIR 273-318 Gr• f Reading . 282·~ 10 Written Language 276-303 M1thelft1t1c1 ·~82-309 ..Or.C.. I . Reading _.:..Written Language 282-302 Mathematic• . .. 285-299 WIL80N 29-301~ Gr .. I Aeaijlng 270-306 . Written, Language 266-301 Math .. matics 1273-30,4 Gr .. I Reading Ws:ltten Language 261-306 . Mathematlca- 265-303 WOOD.l.AND. . . 260-302 Gr• 3 Reading 194-230 Written Language 205-242 Mathematics . 201-237 Dl8TRICT • Gradel Reading .... 205-242 Written f..anguaQ4:? 209-245 Mathematics ,. 218-257 Gradel 195-227 , Reading 209.235 Written Language 201-240 Mathe.motlcs • 2M 21t 211 --218 2ee 113 210 '233 233 225 ..235 249 . 249 -210 255 228 251 2845""" 290 259 298 . 293 289 . 290 279 291 20l-241 212·241 215-251 I 220-211 221-HO 230-H& 208-aal 21'·241 215-211 202·237 114-243 . 211-252 2'42-271 2'4.4-272 244-278 .. 23'7-217 '243-218 242-271 214-303 ~ 293-304 280-301 289-289 270-287 268-280 267-288 219-281 271-285 ' • -TESTING • • • in all areas and st)owed ga ins from l~-t-year i n r~adingT mathe matics and writte n sixth graders have not ooen on the same level.u..Ylird and 12th graders.,•> said Dale WooTley, director of research and stud~nt services for the district. "We've f,fathematics scores tor saxtn expected score band ranging ..graders were up 20 point.a from . from 267--286. The written '1 last year, wit .. reading up 10 an~nguafe score was 279, with the 271 -285. District officiAls agreed J:. the f arst iline to re eue ,-,..,-;_,;.i ~rom Page A1 Sixth grade students ranked atye the comparison score band language. · "We are most exdted about the sixth grade because in our district . been emph~lzing math.~' Paid Advertltement written language up 3. · band ranging from 269-281. The Districtwide sixth graders mathematics BCOre was 291, with !ij:Or'i!d 290 .tn...rea~ith ~e-<--the· score bahd. ranging from . . a &ehooJ-by·KhOOI bail, Uyin& that the result.a were parilcularly plealng this year. ~ •._ NEWPORT BEACH_ CITY COUNCii; • A LISTENER • A COMMUNICA'J'OR· . • .. ·A DECISION. MAIER .. ~" ') NORM's Friends and Neig~bors Albert J. Auer Robert E. Badham -Congressman Suzy & Rudy Baron · Dr. Michael Bear Agnes Blomquist William Blurock Rex Brandt Marlon & June Buie juanlta Burrill Diane & John Cox Jr. Everett Davis ' George Spragins Dennis Carpenter Michael J. Christianson Ed Clark Rae & Stan Cohen Dr. & Mrs. Wm. Conover Louise H. (Franky) Cote Walter W. Cruttenden Jr. Charles A. Currey Barbara de Boom Richard B. Dickson Dorothy Doan Charles W. Dutton Jr. Dennis L. Evans Kae E. Ewtng Frank & Shirley Feller Mr. & Mrs. Wiiiiam P. Ficker Thomas A. Fuentes BracrGates-Sherlff-Coroner Mlchaet C. Gering W. Clark Grav-' Arthur E. Gronsky Dr. John K. Hemet Claude E. Hiiker Dr. Wm. R. Holmes Fred A Howaer Wiiiiam R. Johnson Jr. ... . , ' • A. V. Jorgensen A. C. Kiser Gregory W. Krasel Nancy Larner V. Almon & VJrglnla M. Lockabey Dr. Donald McAnlls John Macnab Richard Marowltz Leon C. Meeks Johrr T. Moore Clint & Earlene Moses Tosca Norton James M. Parker Don K. Porter Allee Rall Mr. &'Mrs. John Campbell Richard Holmgren- Robert C. Sangster Jay L. Reed Robert Rigg Mr. & Mrs. Wm. C. f'lng Paul J. & Pat Ruffing ~I Tr Salata ' _ Arthur 'H, Shlpkey_ E. H. Sklnner1 E. Morris Smith Betty M. Svendsen Jack Torre DtCk Tryon Jo AM H. Werd- J. C. Waydeteeh Kevin Wheeler Jack Young • Mr. & Mr9. Jamtta F. Roberts Raul Balcarcel ---. Linda McGravran Sara E. Loate Joeeptl Alch•d Miiier · Mr. & ·Mra. WlnlOn Aahton Jean G. Clark (P9Qgy) Dorothy L. Tuttle Richard S. Steven•· ' . . -: Herbert Wleseneck Laura J. Miiier Don & Betty Adkinson Betty Jo & Nigel Balley Pete Barrett 1 Ralph & Joan Bernard David Blalack · carol H. Brlery Diane E. Brown Gary W. · Burrlll Martha & Syd Button John-& Anabel.Konwtaer Allleon Walla Frank & Sue ·Becker .... , Donna carpenter Guy K. Claire R. W. Clifford Gwenllean Collins Dr. & Mr9. George Coon Wtlllam Coulter John L. Curci Jeanette Dean Jlm...DIJlmeh - Albert G. Dixon DoNlld ~·· M.D. Alch8rd Ettinger " Eanoa T, EvaM THden J. F.ma Jemea Felton J81MS ~ Friable Robert C,. ·Fyke • WallyG .... .Mary G1obolfer br. Stanford Green John F •. .Qrundhof.- r • -· Jack & Robyn Hamltton .. w ·0ora & Ned HNI . - cunt & Pat Hooee · . Glorla A. Johneon. Graham Jone1 Natatle-a-atanford King Dr. Daniel Stringer • ·, Pat & Al KOngensmlth Dr. Robert C. Lamer Elizabeth Lautord Gertrude P. Lowe Dr. Ralph Mack Barry Lee Macl>heraon . Or. David T. Martyn Robert B. Mlllum • Helen I. Morris John W. Nicoll Andrew· J. Oliver Scott & Lid~ Paulsen · David E. Purce r - Wiii Reece Al Greenberg Laura J. Miiier Joann S. Reynolds Lind.a Rigg · . : Malcom Rosa Mr. & Mrs.· Frank Ryan Robert C. Sangster Cecll H. Shirar Fran & Don SI~ Botr a Jlh Stewart Marilyn tj. Thompeon Phll & aette Tozer ·Edward G. Wall Ill E. G. Warmington Ken Wert Wiiiard S. Volt Loi• M. Zimmerman Mr. & Mrs. Andy Morrow George W. (Lanny) Coon Jr. I Jff* L. Harlow .Jeffrey E. I.Gata . '·---· -=~)'Lk. M.Tedl~ C.rol & Walter~ . David w. 8randt .. . J GoldW••1ph MlrgeWo"9 ., • ....., • ""'°" ~ .. • , ' lr1111 --J!""-------------~--'---------=-...;~~~~--......... """""'~--------~----------------------.... -!"--....;;O~r~~n~g~·~C~o~·~·~t~O-A~IL~V;..,;,.P-IL_O_T_/M..-.o-nd-•~x-·-N-o_vem __ be __ r_1_._,_e_e2 .... ~~-- I UCI scientis(stops the PresSes of 1i·umiJn memory By JOEJ;"C. DON or .. ....,,...,Wi " So you aay you've got a bud n\emory? Do )WU w1sh you could remember the name or a pcl'80n you mel just a few d11y11 ago? Have you mlued buslncu. appointments from Ume tO time? i Here'• a ahort q_u!z to aec jusl how your memory:'"abillty rates: ' Name the 13th president of the United States. Which president waa the only one to resign from office? When did World ·War U end? How about the Spanish· American War? M oat people know abou t Richard Ntxon and Wittergate, but lt u s ually takes a trivia expert to detail the less-than- lllustrious career of Mill a rd Fillmore. World War 11 was over in 1945 and the skirmish bot ween Spain and the U.S. ended the same year it ti:egan, 1898. Sctl'lllista apt•c:1ull1lnK 1n memory rc.>sc.>arch probobll would argut' President Fillmon· 11 life i!ln't just so much tr1v10; It probably doesn't matwr much to you. The d •grce or Importance you givl' a person, plat-e or event may be the trigger C-Or, n lastiniJ memo~y. at'COrdlng lo UC lrvlno's .-Jamc.'8 McGaugh. When aroused, C?<Cited or under. stress, the body produces n variety o{ hormones to regulate body organs and tissues. During the past two· decades. increasing evidence has shown most hormones also plau.u:olc in the memory process. said Dr. McGaugh. a psychobiologist and world authority in learning and memory research. Research linking memory ability to h ormones was presented at an intt>rnational HOMES FOR RETARDED • • From Page A 1 Members of the Dominguez their property values. 1 family say they were In favor of · Ro George said she and her , locating the Sutto11 home in their hus~nd were ready to draw the neighborhood from the mpment line if half-~ houses or other they heard of the plans. They · programs that might endanger even invited all families jn their their children had been propc>§t.'d. tract to an open house to discuss But she said that the Statton the matter and to learn about youth.s are-.no danger autism. whatsoever. Only about 10 people showed "I'd rather have those people u p . F r a n k D o m i n g u e z there than noisy teenagers who ·remembers. Yel the City Council throw bee r bottles:• she said. chambers were jammed days "And besides, we want to help. later' with neighbors worried · ' It's not enough to say it; you have about their children's safety and to do it." -. confort•1w1• o n lt•urnlna and pun1mon1ou• If tht• 10mt> OlC'mory pill tor human.s Whul d(Jfi('S of hormon(-tJ or drup But m<'mory h1>&H•d hy U<.:I Thl• molecult• ph1yud both of thost• ht>lpH thl' rat rf'mcmber not to whl•n raLI ar<' put under cxtremeo four day <'Vt'nt. whlc.'h wu roles." 1tcp on a elei:trlf1cd platl' may str<.>ss cond1tlon.1, they 1uCft>r no Jlh•ndt'<I by m•arly 300 of thl' top In laboratory c.>xpl•rlm<'nt11 nut make• you an Ein1>wln. memory 1mpalrmt'nt. he uid. rf'8C•arch<•1"11 in tht• field, cndt.>d , with ratR, Mc·Gaugh hu b<'t>n McCiugh 's reat'arch has Memory· Ii plO<.'t' and lime - Snturday . An oflen·USt'd · ible to boost memory through shown the body as well 88 th(• specific and Is ued lo a Cincly example la LO lik"n hormones t.o hormones, drugs and c>l('Clrkal mind al'l to regulittc lh<' levels of tuned m c t ab o 11 s m . If You printer's Ink. Thus ttw a<.'t of atlmulallonoflpcclfh:bralnsltt>tt. hormones tha t will cause rcce1vcdanlnjectionofhormonet crcutlrtg pcrn1nnenlly bondt>d H e h as a lso found lhat~-·memorh.'tl to lX' lmbcddcd. or drug1. your mind would have mc•mory ·in thf' brain Is akin LO a amphetamine, a stimulant, "The internal mechanlslJ\s ·trouble deciding whlctJ rublX'r au.imp slamming on a pad encouragel the adrenal glands to keep us from overdosing on our lnformolion t.o print a nd whlcl\to' oC pupcr. produce moN> hormones and thus own hormones," he said. throw away. McGaugh noit.>d. M<.·Gaugh 111 particularly enhance memory. , He hjls ~iscovercd that Beaidc11, It would be much int erested In the ho rmones But the scientist doean 't memory ability ia diminished easier to use your own hormo~. . addrenalinc and' noradrenaline, believe his research will lead to a when an animal _receives_· high They' r<> frN'. lhc so-called lllght-or-fight !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ c hemicals produced by the Peld Advertltel1*lt adrenal glands. _ __._ __ .... _;;___....__ ___ -:------:-:. '\ ln a n e mergency , the hormones cause the heart :-to speed its pace, respiration to increase and the kidneys to slow down. Glucose. • sourc.-e of quick energy. Ji secreted by the liver. And the m1nd is worktng at a frehetic rat(', like a printing press rolling out thousahds or document$. McGau.sh isn't surprised that the substances that regulate body metaboli sm also play a crucial role in memory. He believes such a dual role for hormones can be traced to the evolution of animals. "There would be a selective advantage for a molecule which· not only allowed the anJmal to run (and) to be energh:ed. . . also to nQl encounter that part of the world again ," he said. "That animal is going to survive if it can run and it can remember. "It's not going to survive if ir ca n 't so w o uldn 't It be ... .. r. VOTE FOR J : .. I" C. EDWARD "ED" WOLFE · IEWPORT BEACH COUICIL -· 3rd DISTRICT · '~ * REAL EST A TE APPRAISER * BUSINESSMAN * DISTINGUISHED NAVY RECORD ONLY . TRUE INDEPENDENT REPRESENTING YOUR , ~ INTEREST AT HIS OWN EXPENSE · Paid for by friends of Ed Wolfe, 2006 " Nautilus Ln., Newport Beach 92663 .. .. ) I. 1 i • I I • -· I • • \ I I Propositk>n-11--• • \ . . --• -is -g -, to believe, I _J- l • t l . t. .l . . I ~ ' f so don't. ' I - Some nice people are telling you things that aren't really true. 1....· / The people behind Proposition 11 say that it wil l ~ solve our litter problem. Yet •. beverage cont ainers are only 5% of urban waste in Californi a. The other 95% is newspapers, food packaging, and all the other junk that bur society produces each day. . Proposi tion 11 would do nothing about fast food wrappings,. Old tires, discarded newspapers, and other trash on our roadside. They don't tell you th at Cali fornia already recycles over 60% of all aluminum cans. In places like Sacra- mento, the recycling rate is at 85'k. And don't forget · the SOO million bottles Californians recycled last year. Proposition 11 would do little-or nothing-to increase total recycling in our state. But it would ~ripple the 900 self-supp0rting recyc-lina centers thaj exist in California today. Most of these; I I • • ~nters would be driven out of business, because con- tainers would be removed from recycling cehters and ret urn ed to grocery stores. That's another problem. The backrooms of grocery stores are not the right place to store garbage. Sanitation complaints reported by the Michigan Food Inspection Division increased by 142% in ine first year after their law passed. It has been a nightmare for consumers and food store s. PROPOSITION H WOULD MAKE YOU PAY TH~OUGH THE NOSE. The cost of handling 11 bjlligp returned containers each year would seriously increase food costs. And these costs are passed to cons~mers. . · ~ .. That's what has happened iri the six states with a Forced Del'°'it Law. Prices have es .. tecf as much as j • • I 1 $1.44 a case for beverages. Wu£$1.20 for deposits. Proposition 11 requires a ··hidden tax .. of a 20'K handling charge for all deposits. In fact , the total bill • for California_consumers would be $300 million a yea r, I ' according to the Center for Economic Research. t It doesn't seem like a good deal for consumers. l Proposition 11 is an expensive and poorly written law · that would penalize all Cali forn ians because of th e bad I manners of a few people. f tie.NO On~ n I ! ~ -)11 just doesn't make sense. ......... Tuesday eJiCtion reeomme~dations In recent wee ks the Daily P ilo t h as revi e wed th e quali{il·ations of certain candidates running in tho Nov. 2 general \ elcl'tlon and examined the 15 p'roposluons a ppearing on t.h e ballot . The f o llowing r~-ommcndations have been made by this nC'wspaper . In some races , no r eL·ommcndation has b een made. This list may be clipped and · taken to the polls. L ST ATE PROPOSITIONS ! Proposition 1; School Construction Bonds. Provides for · ~a $500 millio n bo nd issu e for construction or improvemenl of ~ public schools Vote FOR Proposition 2: County Jail : Bonds. Pmvides for·a $280 million •bo n d issue for constru ction , : remodeling and mainte nance of i t'Ounty jails. Vote FOR I • Proposition 3: Veteraµs Bond Act of 1982. Provides a bond issue of $450 million' to continue the Cal-Vet program tha t prov ides farm and home aid for California veterans. Vote FOR Proposition 4: Lake Tahoe Acquisllions Bond. Provides funding for purchase of properly to prevent the e nvironmental decline of the lake. Vote FOR c:on~ervatlon stnndords for t he state's 'water supply. Vote YES PROPOSITION 14~ Reap· portlonment Commh1lo1 . Would repeal ihe L egislature's power over reapportionment. and es tablish a com mi ss i o n to reapportion legislative districts. Vote YES Proposition 15: G uns . Would require that all handguns be registered by Nov. 2, 1983 and .res tric t the impo rtatio n of handguns into the s tate. · Vote YES U.S . SENATE Pete Wilson U.S. REPRESENTATIVE 40tb District -Robert E. Bad ham 42nd District -D an Lungren STATE OFFICES Governor -Conservative Republican George Deukme jian is o pposed by more libe r al Tom Bradley. Both candidates a re well qualified ano the• Daily Pilot be lieves either could serve the state well. T!)e choice must be up to the indiVlaua l voter 's political preference. Attorney General -John 'Van de Kamp Proposition 5: First-time Home Buyers Bond Act. Provides a $200 million b ond issue .to finance housing. State S up erin t endent of -· Public Instruction -Bill Honig Vote AGAINST Proposition 6: Public Pension Fund Investment. Permits greater flexibility in the investment. of g_ove rnment·employee pension · fun as. - Vote YES Proposition 7: Taxation. Real Property Valuation. Provides exemption from reassessment when hre s prinkler and fire alarm systems are installed. Vote NO PTQposition 8 : Transfer of Funds by Local Governments. Permits local governme n}s to mak e temporary trans fe r s of anticipated funds to meet day-to- day expenses. Vote YES Proposition 9: School Textb ook Loans . W ould r e - establish a s tate textbook loa n program for private schools that cost $4 million in I 980-81. Vote NO Proposition 10: Unifying Superior, Municipal, Justice Courts . Provides for consolidation of court system a fte r a local vote. Vote YES Proposition fl : Beverage Containers. Requires a refundable deposit on all beer and soft drink containers to help e liminate litter. Vote YES Proposition 12: Nuclear . Weapons. Requires the governor to write the Preside nt urging that the U.S. and the Soviets jointly halt testin g . produc tion and development. Vote Y..ES Propositioa.....13: Water Resources. Would· establish new STATE ASSEMBLY 7 0 t b .D i s t r i c t -Ma r i a n Bergeson JUDICIAL State Supreme Court aniJ Appellate Court appointments - The Daily Pilot believes all merit confirmation West County Municipal Court -Ronald F . Nix CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH -. City Council, District One - Donald Strauss • · City Council, District Three -Evelyn Hart City Council, District Four - Jackie Heather City C.-ouncil, District Six Bill Agee MEASURE 0 Center lease Aquatic Vote YES MEASURE N Overturn , Banning Ranch project Vote NO CITY OF COSTA MESA For member of City Council -Lynn Van Aken For member of City Council -Arle n e Schafer or Norma Hertzog (vote for one) CITY OF FOUNTAIN VALLEY MEASURE K -Police, fire. paramedic tax -. Vote YES CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH MEASURE L -Change city el~tion date Vote NO No 'scoops' needed. Reca1ling the 1980 debacle, when 'final results of the presidential election were broadcast across the land hours before the California polls had closed, Secretary o( State March Fong Eu has requested the major networks to refrain from a repeat performance of their "scoop" in tonaorrow's election. In a letter \«> the presidents of ABC, CBS and NBC, Eu requested ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat. ,.,..,.,,.. •-f .. , of lllO '"' ti Ut w.tl hY '' C•11t ,_..,. _.,, Ct"•_..,.• It ... ,_ Ceo\1•• .. CA'7.i. their voluntary restraint in broadcasting the results of exit- polls that give an advance tally of votes .cast. She points out the impact of such ,projec;tions on vote rs who cannot go to the polls until a fter work and ca n be discouraged Crom votlng at a11 if results already are known. We will watch with interc.t their response to this very valid request. Thol'MI '· "91.y !'vol·.,,.. Jone Amorl t •tc:..i··· '°"°' ................ fd·IOltCll '• ldilol ThemeeMcCenn ~ ... (~ -~' ' I i\ ' ~ ' I \ I I tl \ IMlb ... .. I § .. qi£. $ "" ,.I I\ ~) .. . 't ' ". . . Campaigns stress negative LOS ANGELES -A funny thing happened on the way to Tuesday's elections in California: Candidates don't campaign here anymore. Candidates do go on television ~hen they are asked; they do run tens of millions of $]Jars of television and radio commercials; a nd they do mail ~ns of brochures to every home. What they don't do 1s meet the people. Last week .. for example, I wanted to see how Jerry ·Brown and Pete Wilson, the Demot;ratic and R e publican candidates for the U.S. Senate, related to the folks they want to represent back in Washington: Sorry. I was t old, Brown was makjng no public appearances until after the weekend. Wilson. was making two. "WHAT DOES he do all day?" l asked Brown's campaign chairman, Micke)' Kantor. . . •><Fund raising," Kantor answered. "He has to do at least three a day. Some oJ them a re one-on-one for a n' hour or more. It takes' a lot of time." ''What does he,, do all day?" I askM .Wilson's press direetor, Otto Bos. "Fund rajsing," ..Bos answered. "That's all he does.._..Tbat's all Brown does. You need \h money Cor.,tel~\lision " 11 California is the future, and it often Is, then traditional American politlcs - meetmg voters, pressing the flesh -ts becomijB. a iping of the past. California politics thts year can be summariz.ed in this sentence: Raise as much money' as possible from fat cats and pollt1caJ action commlltees and spend it on vicious commercials attacking and distorung -your opponenfs record. character and honesty. . The fund raising is private: the advertisin1t is dirty. Governor_Br:own is.. running by, calling San Di~gp .Mayor Wilson a warmonger and a crook. Wilson is implying that arown is some kind of BOls h evik bomb thrower . The Democratk candidate for-governor. Los Angeles Mayor Tom Bradley, says his R-e pu b l lean oppori e,n t , G eorge Deukmejian, will join Secretary of the Interior James Watt in putting a picket ----~ RICllARD RllVIS 1i -., fence of oil rigs around the s tate. Deukmejian says Bradley is so sofl on crime that he is constantly figuring out how to get rid of policemen. The Democratic candidate ior- lieutenant governor. Assemb.lyman. Leo McCarthy. is runrt'ing commercials showing ~liforn.ians in gas ma5ks and space helmcts because of the supposed plots of his Republican opponent, ~mblywoman Carol Hallett, to foul the air with smog and H-bomt>s. Her ad ve rtisemerfts h o id McCarthy perso nally r es pons ib l e fo r unemployment and for more than 800 smaH-busin<!$ bankrupteles lri IJ\e state. Seldom ls heard a positive word. ln four days I did not hear a good word Qn radio or television advertising. None of the candida tes talk about themselves. their ideas or programs. "Negative stuff works." one campaign manager told me. "Every ume we run positive stuff, we drop in the polls. and the same thing is happcnbg to the others." What about face-to-fa<.oe campaigning? "It's cl waste of time to meet people," another manager said. "The press will only cover one thing a day, If they'IJ ' cover anything at all these days. So. aft.er one appearance you're competing with yourself." That last comment I have heard aJI over the country. Local newspapers and local television statiol')s 'simply aren't as interested in politics as they were even Cl couple of year&-ago. Until a week ago, Bradley, who may become Americ .. 's fu-st black governor. often campaigned. when he bothered. without being covered by a single reporter. At his major C1ppearance or the day last week, there was only one tclev1s1on crew there -it was from the Netherlands. . "f\IEWSPAPERS are being edJted now by reader polls,'' said one lonely political reporter who doesn't have to wJJr.ry anymore about being accused of pack journalism. "People say they are not inlPrested in pohtic.'S, so they get what• they want:-Dress for Sucx:ess." So, the press coverage lJ'I California is about the same as a lot of other places. It's pretty bad. What sets the lal'gest state apart is the amount of money being spent here -more than $100 million on federal and state ofCices and initiatives -and the slander and lies spewed out on radio and television and in the mails. CJne cxamp e. among very many: e committee spending close to $10 million trying to defeat Propos1uon 15. a handgun ·control 1mt1ative. depends on commercials an a lyzing the cost of hngerpnntang gun owners -but the proposed law has nothing lO do with Cmgerprmt1ng at al!._ I 'love pohtal'S, always have What is going on m California thts year should not. how<•ver. be confused with jll811t1cs lt lS closer to a felony It is impersonal nd obs<.-ene, an elcctromc 1mpre:.sion of a Men's Room wall -, ~ . Reagan-O'Neill~ Wright show colorful Tip O'Neill is 'calculatingly gruff, his white mane deliberately scuffed, the 10-mch cigar at just the right Ult. He's sull barking, just when they thought - and a lot of people hoped -he would bend, or even retire. The bruising old power politician of Ted Kennedy's Massachusetts, who has made an up-and·down run the pll.St two years at needling the Republican President of the United States while trying to resuscitate his temporarily stncken Der;pocrat party, wiU know his true musd~ on Nov. 2. If, as the House speaker who has tried to place his wing-of Congress in the path of a Republlcan-dominated Senate, Thomas P. O'Neill has succeeded in his rhetorical pitting of 1he "poor" against the "rich" -well, we'll soon know. No one has put today'.s Tip O'Neill into k e ener p er!lpect1ve than '"t h e Wa1hington Post's Margot Hornblower. who painted the blustery 68-year-old's past 19 months into ;i conglomeraUQn of failure, some dogged comeback suc.'CeSS and this prediction of the future: "A Jot of the younger fellows didn't think we had a program or a plan. We had a plan every inch o( the way, and thP. plan was to wiQ the final ball game. Come in in the fourth quarter and, when the final score was tacked up on the first Tul'Sday in November, we wcruld be the winner." It is precisely what was on President Ronald Reagan's mind and has been thPre for weeks and months. O'Neill, and every spending thing he has stood for over the years, is what stands before any hope for Reagan to lead his Republicans around the fences of unemployment, ~Cl f_ll_ll_l_1:l_l_HiH_T_4)i economic uncertainty and world travail. O'Neill, far more than House Majority Leader Jim Wright.. is the Democratic Party opposition. He is the cunning one, the round-house swinger -and Ronald Reagan knows It. Reagan recognizes that O'Neill IS the opposltlon -not just the Democratic Party. ""Hornblower , reflect~ that In writing: · "There Is a touch of euphoria among Dcmocrlts these October days. They won a few votes In the waning days before the Congr~ssional recess . . . Election year optimism has spurred a bit of revisionist political science. The fear ~ 'Learning' isn't 'education' Thoughts ar Large: -The dHference between "learning" and ''education" is that the former ls simply an 11ttreUon of information, while the latter acts to elevate and Improve behavjor. -A ta Jent for ma let ng f alae comparisons Is the principal aaet of a ~ . l --01--11-, -... -,,--, ---'Jtv) ~ ~u,rlldlna .. a poUUdan. -lt-11 hard not to aaree with Santayana that a mu.Acal educaUon 11 nece.ary for musical Jud..-nt; u he .,.. on IO •Y, "Whal moll peop&e relish II hardly music; It II. rathft, a drowly ""9N Nlirtwd by ntMNI \hrillt ... ' t , -Married couples who boast that they never quarrel are either divinely matched or s\Jpremely uninterested In each other. (ln MOre cases than not.. I suspect the latter ) -History Is a rewarding dlecipllne o nly If approached without pf~ptlons: otherwl1e one reads Into any historical context the moral or the ma><lm one has .brought to It. -lt i11 not true that wars never decide anything: they always decide that the contequencea of one war will be ~tlfled by the conwq\Jenta pf another. -All drug addiction, whatever Its 'uperflctal motivea, muat·have at bottom • deep de1th-wt1h: there la 1lmply no ot~r •Ulfaciory explanation for It. -People who habitually fet1 "unappr«1ated1' .,.. prwraUy thole who perform deed• maln1y In order to ~ a&>Dl'Wdahld -wh~ neptet the vlnue ot ·their conducl. and 1imply invtlet rejldjon. arid con'fus1on of 1981 1s half.forgotten and defeats of the past two years are attributed lo a grand strategy. "-; "And now that things appea r to 'be • looking up. Thomas P O'Neill, Jr. of Massachusetts. once everybody's favorite scapegoat. does not look so bad any more." In fact, 1lp O'Neill is beginning to look li kt' a folk hero to Demo<'ratS. And Mr Reagan tool< no te of his favorite target by comparing O'Neill, the bulky one. to the popular e lectronic video game or "Pac-Man.'' "Someone told me it was a round thmg that gobbled up money," qujpped the President. "l thought that was Tip O'Neill." • So did the rest oJ the country after hearing O'Neill these past few months openly bragging about his unrelenting support over the years of the old FDtl social programs that Reagan claims are over-inflated, Cull of fat and waste. 'J:hc President didn't miss Jim Wright, ei\her .. He moved a bit to the rough side in picturing Wright' es hypocrite and demagogue. In nailing Wright for voting against the proposed cvnstitutional amendment to balahce the federal budget, he observed: ~ -·· ..Jim Wrlgt\t appeared on national television and, uniting, satd 'Well, if the President wan.ts a balanced budget, why doesn't he send us one?' Well, Jim Wright has been one of the prime leaders in increasing the budgets I have i;ent over there · "So. I think tl\ere's a little hy.pocrisy In Mr. Wright's statement. People don't · want. delay delay and demagoguery - they want \tuon." They're aettlng plenty_o( th~t In the Reagan-O'Neill-Wright -show The car t'OmlntC"Cl•l rNk•n muat have bffn thtnklnt of Southl'm CalUomla when they \hqhl up \he "your llClUal mu--"'*Y vary" lbw. ~--STUCK IN TRAmC " \ • . ~ Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT /Mondey, November 1. 1982 . .41 D yin g b aby stays cheerful; fathei-asks for liver. dOnor MI NNEAPOL I S (AP) - L l tlle J am ie Jo'lak c grlnnt>d helit.antly as 1hc baucd her Iona eyelashes a nd focused her big dark eyes on the nurse chc.'l·kln.i the tube ~unnlng Into he r arm. Jl'o r J am ie , a c h eer ful 11-month-old, the most scriouw lhlng In the world appeared to be whether her mom would give. her another Cheerio.' But her entire body Is ye How f rQm Jaundice, her doctor says she tacea d eafh within a month unless she gets a new liver, and Jamie is waiting at University or Minnesota H osp ita l on the ch~nce that a donor m ight be found for a tra.nsplant. "Basically, we're racing against time," her father. Charles Fiske, told a doctors' group in Ne w York. "1'hu fact that ll'1 aomtibody c!Jtc'• traaedy that .. v._.. J1amlo. thot moket h hard to appeal "t.> the public," Marilyn Fu&ke wld. . J ami<' wu admlllt•d to thl• Minnct1ptJlh1 hospital on &>pt. t ~ after two operations Cor biliary ulrt.>sla lit Children's llospltal In Boston Nt•1thcr operutlon correNcd the d 111t•usc, -in which bile· bac~ u p In to t he l i v e r due l"' malfunctioning. ducta.• T he victim dies from an inability to <ijpst food, a buildup or toxins In the blood or clotting Cnilur ... The disease oc..'Curs onl'C In .10.- 000 births and usually kills by the end or the first year. Jamil: . was born last Thanksgiving Day. Dr. Ha r vey S h a rp , h e r M inneapoli s doctor , told th e F lskcs tha t Jamie cou ld die w i thin a mont h wH h out a from now l thin k 1t will havo bffn. and th«'n tht•rt• wouldn't he 1uch a problem." - In hla pica tO th1• d tll'l.<>111, lo'iaku n•ud from ho11pllul noWti on his dllug_htl'r. • 'T h t• y d t• .-t· 1' I b <' h c r u 11 rlnulrkoble, M undly, gonl'rally lnte r ocllv<' a nd a cht•e rtul lnCao1 ," he Htd. He dc11crlbcd Jamie's favorite toy, {l atuCft>d musical Mother Goo8c O'lat plays' the aon ,, "Yo u Are M y Sunshine.' . Ht bf.1•n recltlna the 110n& to the hu•hC'd 1ud1t>nce, but u hit vok: ('auaht, ht> quit bc!Coro tho lut lint•, "PleAk don't tllkt' 9 Y 11un11hhw uwoy." "S ht• iK my 11un111\Jnl'," ht• t'Om:lud •d . "I lov" h£'r.'' · A.bou t 7 0 <'hild l lvn. lr a n a pl a n t211 h a v e bc•c n ~rformcd. The 8Ut't.'t'88 ratl' ha .be en about 30 percl'nl to 00 perc.-cnt, but haa been lmprovlna tec!e n tl y w ith advances In overt.'Omlng organ re~tlon. Marilyn Flake, a~. whu quit h~t job u • l'efN'd1al rH<.llna lA.•8''h"r In Stouahton, Ma•., 110 lhc toold lX' with h<•r daughwr, My11 Jamie I eomct1mt'8 fuuy '>t appurt-ntly u11cumfort1.1b lP, but m o11tly 18 happy ond loughinf'. "Shl''s wry u)('rl und playful In spit<.• of everything. Sh..,'1 very tough." Fisk(', :t6, un adminu;trator o? a psychiatric program ut awi.tun University School of Medicine, planned to make his fourth trip WI euv ........... W .OOTC* to Mlnncupolla In •IX wet-kl tcHtliyt0-v11ll hi~ wife •nd' d8UJ(htt•r 1''1 kc und o son, Dar<.>n, 2' ~, h ave 11toi ye d Mt h o me in Bric.fi<l'wuwr, aouth of Bolt.on. "We'll do rmything -we can for Jamie Thal kmd of •l~ngth and 1 t•nergy I hav<>." Marilyn FllkP said . ".l..can 't gN dl&eouraged. Daren know& hu, slstcr is sick ... "Something Jlke th is cou ld only be don e Cor someone we Jove as much aa Jamie.''• ALUMINUM 28CCANS I PER POUNP : CASH , ,_.tel lueJRCT TO.CHANGE W• buy 1Crep, oopp9f, bf ... , ti ... , elunlmun, belleriM, redllllon .. t Making a plea for his daughter to 400 physicians a ttending a -m-e ~ i n-g-o f -th e-A-m e.r-i c-a.n Academy of Pediatrics, he asked them "as the one group of people w ho see trauma before a nybody else, to keep your eyes a nd cars oJ)en for the possibility of a donor for my daughter." transplam. At first., the ye ow ng m whites of her eyes was the only evide nce of jaundice. Now the yeJl ow ha-' s pread a nd he r abdomen has swollel} as her liver .. enlarged and fluid built up inside ~WE-BUY-USED ·------..-1 . BeCause a large liver wouldn't fit into a small body. the organ mus t com e fro m a 15 -to 17-pound baby, said J am ie's mother, Marilyn Fiske. "There can be nothing diseased about the baby and the blood type must match," she added, sitting at her daughter's side. her body. • Because liver transplants are relatively rare her mother said, doctors and the public oft.en don't think about th e needs for livers as donor organs. There is a well- establish ed system for finding kLdney donors, but not livers. GLASS BOTTLES! .... BklNC YOUR CLEAN USLD ~ILCS ANO JARS SCPARAllD BY COLOR (BROWN. CRCCN. CLEAR). TO OUR RlCYCLINC r.cNICR AND CARN CASH11 SUPPORT VOLUNTRA Y REC YCLINOll -, GLASS ••••••••••••••••• I •.1.11. KEY METALS, INC. "It JUSt hasn't been done long enough," she said. ''Five years Ma rilyn Fiske waits with Jamie for liver donor. H2 E. la.ta-h1-1f, .. v4-,--•-•Nu .,.., cALW. nT01 Mon. Tivu ,,., t I• 4:11 -Pht11 (lH) 14l-OOl1 Set. 110 t2:11CLOUD1UM. Tbe County -----.....__- State Sup1-eme ~oµrt to hear Sullivan case ,_.. The California Supreme Court has profession al -sch ool e duca t 1or agreed to hear a potential precedent-qualified as community property. aetting Orange County divorce case to As such, the court had ruled, a determine if a spouse wtib puts a mate value could be p laced on j t and a through professional school is entitled spouse was entitled to share in it at to a share of future earnings. thr tame of divorce . . A spokesman for the state high But last August, in a surpF-lse-2-1 cou rt said the j us tices d ec ide d ~uli ng. t h e sam e appeals cou rt Thursday they would hear arguments reversed itself and h eld tha t the in the case. medical education could not be The Supreme Cour t hearings were-considered community property. sought by Newport Beach a ttorney That ruling reafCirmed an Or~_e -i--- r-Palrieia Hen.og, who repF~nts Janet-€oun-ry-$1.zpe1'1<11' CO'UfljUage s Sullivan, the former wife of Laguna decision d uring or igina l divorce Niguel urologist Mark S uUivan. proceedings for the Sullivans in 1980. In what was considered a landmark A Supreme Court spokesman said a· decision last J anuary, the state's 4th h ear ing sch edule had not been District Court of Appeal ruled that a determined. Saddle hack debaters win· Seven teen Saddleback College students have amassed 25 awards from a de bating tourname nt in which lhey competed agains t 200 students fro m 2 3 o th e r c o ll eges and universities. . In the competilion Oct. 16 at El Camino College in L os Ange les County, 1'erry Macl..ean of Capistrano Beach earned top honors in the Junior 'Division for his discu ssion of th e human brain. Go l d medalist s in t h e Novice Division included Janet Acquistapace of Irvine who spoke on "Tears." 'Rob ~of San Clerpente who explored "Height." and Scott Treloar of San . J uan Capistrano who focused on the honeybee. . Other Saddleback students winning awards w ereKaren Bregman. Lindsey M"onroe. Charles Rodgers and Doug Harcourt, a ll of Irvine ; Mich elle Merke r of Laguna Hills; Barbara Sha ffner and Charles J oh nson or Da na Point; Alla n Razee; John Hossack and Mark Gilbert or El Toro; Carol Holston of South Laguna, and Chuck Bowes and Bucky Stevens of &in Juan Ca istrano. PERSONAL PROFILE S20 ROBER HANSON STATE ASSEMBLY &9th DISTRICT 'fo te Tues., Nov . 2 -tlfll }'OOK ..-10 ~ or • rllello1W11pt ........., ~ llelwerll, Newport •••ch (• ~=::m::-.:r:~:r.-•. ~=r~:':'. Cere•r, M•trl•t• .,.. Cllll41 ·~Gt-i (71'4) 640-1218 ' dOIN YOUR NEIGHBORS Kathleen R. Hawkinson Norma J . Re ich Edward Rowan Vivian Harvey Francis Robinso n Marjorie Smith Peter Henderson- .George and Helene Hollingsworth Norman and S hirley Laskin Stephen Kilmer Paul and Ann Kelly _ The lma Garford Eugene Ba rmore' BeJ.ty Duquette Chris Goelltz A. A. a nd Clarissa Cherback Helen McLaughlin Gall anp Lucille Sherman Philip Cozad Kathie England Astin Henry Noerdllnger Charles Biiderback Christine Harison Barbara and Alvin Paige Janet Enzmann Richard Sweet Dr. James Taylor Ed Gbhn J ohn and Helene Theriault SUPPORT FAIR REDISTRICTING STOP GERllYJIANDF.IUNG , . . . Paid MY9nlttmenl • 1Al0 rOI' RY CALlf(>tll\11~ COMMO"I r.Af1~f ''al1et 1.tllttri"""· ClM11rtn1n ti30 Hollett lll~d . I A. f4 0000-. 0 If you,ve got something o ther than a ~ar in your garage , better open the ga rage door carefully. Someone may be looking_. <ci> It could Pe City Councilman Paul Hummel. 0 Fifteen times already this year h e,s blown the whi$tle on local c itize ns for "illegal sto rage" in . the ir garages. C hairs . O ld lamps. Boxe~ of old fa mily junk you haven't had the heart tb throw o ut. Things like that. 0 'Ano ther 45 o r so times, he,s ordered city employees· to check out 0ther possible crimina l violations of municipal ord inances by residen ts and shop .. ·· keepers. His complaints have ran ged from some tree .. trirrimi ng h e .. didn,t like to a sign he found tacked ~o a doorway telling dance studen ts where to park. 0 Many of these things d idn't violate any .. thing. But ~ll. of .them kept city employees busy:. For ~nstance, the city's planning director. 'Mi Recently, the planning di(ector was ordered by Councilman Humme l to investiga te some petunias and marigolds. They had been planted alo ngside a Corona del Mar alleyway. 0 N o question about it. Councilman Hummel had indeed come upon a floral incursion into the public right of way. 0 The flowers, tho ugh , are still the re. They weren't confiscated or placed under arres,t. Maybe the city planning director, after his o n .. the .. scene investigation, tho ught it was dumb to bother about some little flowers that weren,t hurting anybody. 0 Meanwhile, our roads need improvement, the Upper Bay needs cleaning up, solutio ns to the , airport problem.must be found, and the city must work out ways to stay economically healthy, so our libraries don't close, our parks· don't become weed .. ridden and o ur police se ndces don,t decline . <til You can't do these thffigs by peeking into garages and blowing the- wh istle o n petunias a!ld marigolds. l!f Vote for Bill Agee. He believes a city co uncilman,s job is to keep busy, not.to be a busy body. · JOHN C. COX, JR. Councilman Corona Jet Mar ~11Jcnr JOHN MACNAB Buaincumao Ncwpnn rt!lidcnt VIN JORGENSEN Busincatl1\lln Newt'<"' rc,iJem DON ADKINSON Anon~ Sillhoa ~!liJent ITIZENS FOR A RATIONAL CITY COUNCIL A pa1iJ puliticnl aJvcm~mcmt . I • ~. . J I ; • ·' . I .. , r Orange Coa1t DAILV PILOT/Monday, November 1, 1H2 . • • -CONCERNED. CITIZENS .. • ~---101 . D:A·V·1D c· •. _··cRANT ' ., . . . -' .. "' . . Dear Neighbor, .... , ... . • j • • ,!.. .. . Mrs. ·Heather fs rurini'ng ·sc~red · · .... and wel·i sh·e · ' · · ____ sh9-U~d for :she_ls .·u agaJns · arLh9.n.est, jt)telllgent, __,__,.·~-­ hard-working professianal who has copvincingly be~ted her on eve.ry major issue facing ou.r City. So, recently, in .a style reminiscent of Boss Tweed days, she ang her. cronies have stooped to "mud3slinging" tactics in an .attempt to influence back the support 'David Grant has measurably garner~d . due to his result'oriented appr,oach and ideas. . -~ . ~ . . Incredulously, Heather has , in .this non-partisan race, even ·resorted to partisan-political innuendos which are TOTALLY · FPFtSE ANIJMtStcADING. . s-proud-as oa·vid~is-· -·- to be-·a Republican, he knows party-politics has no. place i@. this race. · . . . · ... ~ ... · . . . If you care about the is~ues and ~your City, and if yqu . really want sornething constructive accomplishedi~ the!_next - Ill I rl, four y_e_ars, .th.en ·please_Jojn_us_in_voting for_Davjd~ -b.e ____ _ ts in it ·for . Results, not the glamour. · · · . r ~ • . . . ~~~.{&~J M .0 .. . ~~~~ . . ·~·-/). . .~. -. ~--· . ·Robert and Sheri Best . C ~ --Dr, Robert and Barbara Amstadter ... --"' . THE REAL ISSUES ' r '" -. ... -. ... DAVID GRANT JACKIE HEATHER · ' Expansion of f he John .. Wayne Airport .. Rampant Growth an Excessive Traffic · .. UnblaMd Voting and Our City' 1 Polltlcal Reform Act · Concerning Malor I Campalgn-ContC"lbut~r.1 Increasing the Newport Ba.acli City Police Budget . Opposes Oppc;>ses --• Supports t Supports ~ ., . Supported • .• t • · Has Consistently Supported Opposed Voted Against ; Qpposed .. _ . r -.. .. . ,. -. • . _, MONDAY, NOV. 1, 1982 CAVALCADE 82 THI cm Ill THI c•m -,. - Free wh eeling . fl Whe n the bOys and their bikes gei together in the dirt fielct a long Beach Boulevitrd in Hun tington Beach, Joe Ja u requi,-12, and Mike Smith 13, ha¥e th.e ho tdogging down to a scien ce. But Mau Miller, 14, will have to practice h is maneuver some more, pe rhaps on a smalle r hill? How soon will beer's dilemm·a . come to a head? . By STEVE MITCHELL <>(the Dellr. Not It.ff Entrepreneur William Boam has reason to cry in his beer. He's had nothing but trouble from state and federal officials since he posed the notion of distributing Nude Beer, a sudsy .brew that comes packaged In bottles with labels displaying a female model -wearing nothing but a grin from the waist up. B oam, a form er Orange County aherlff's reterve deputy, came up with the Idea for a bawdy beer a couple of yean ago while visiting his neighborhood liquor store. I "I went ln and bought a lix- pack of beer and a Playboy -magaiine," the curly-hr.Ired marketing conauhanl •Id. Looking from one to tbe other, Boam figured, "Somebody °"'8ht to come out with something t::.~·lookln1 -0n a bottle of -Like-a cute blonde in her birthday ault. Boam found two .. silent pertnen" and eont1'8ded wtth New Jeraet;::Hd &astern ...,en. '° and botdl the ..... He hired 1 couple of :z=.~;;.::~ ' "l figure we've sunk a half million dollars inio it so far," Boam said, sitting in the office of his 3,000-squar·e -foot Tustin warehouse. Which brings us to the point of why Boam ls 90bblng in the suds. It appears the California Department of Alcohol Beverace Control isn't as enthusiastic about Boam's brajnstonn as he is. In fact, the ABC ruled two mo nths ago the sexy l a bel violates st.ate laws that prohibit indecent or obscene liquor advertillements. ti No problem, Boam said. He hlred an attorney and appealed the state ruling. He's got a Nov. 23 court date In Sacramento. Next, Boam d ecided he'd · distribute his brew to the 15 states that he !Jays don't care what's on a beer label aa long aa there's beer in the bottle. Str1ke two. A l-9$.~ feder-al law ·also prohibit• Indecent or obscene liquor advertiaina, and a federal Alcohol, Tobecco and Flreanna apokmnan told Boarn the bottla t'OUld bit 8elzed were he to try to diatr6bute them from the New '--1 brewwy. u~-.._..._,... let tile riur'8 lfOft out ttau pn>bllm... • Heck, he said, I'll jUll export the atuff to En1land and :J::· where he said he .has firm . 8omn wen checked with the fed1, who Hid they hid no probl9m wtth him exportlftl \he beer -jult .. Jona ...... do..n't d...nbute lt In ........ . •:t: New .1enie1'• •lcoho1 oftld .,.., ... ~ .... th8t It .. ........... ~ BWMywhere ... -lncludlng overae~ \hey'll take Eastern Breweries' license away. Now Boam's mad. "Thia whole thln1 Is drlvlna me nuta,., he uld. But h•'• not '°"" to "' uound •nd wait for court dalft and f.-.J ...... "' llnblmJ• ..... , ....... Bier~ .... T4hlrta capl. paMenJhd~HUdelliairnu• .... . .. "Kiln'' PJ1ilby and othee spic seem to po e a ~ chronic ecurity problen1 Britain . Page B'4. -•It featWf'hl8 -a:4'arlety of bolomy-w~n. - \ I I L f • ·caVAlCADI· ·ffOIOSCOPf J , BY SIDNEY OMARR Tuesday, November 2 ARJES (March 21-April 19):-Someone wants l something fo( nothing -you could be prime target. Be aw~re, alert and protect financial.assets. You are o~ brink of !mportant discovery. t TAURUS (April 20-May 20): This can be your ~;power-play day. Take initiative, set your own pace. t:realize that circumstances will favor your cffo~ts: ,;Judgment,' intuition will be on tar'1et. 1, ~ GEMINI (May 21-June 20): What seemed a •lost cause rebounds in your favor. Clandestine •:meeting brings desired results. More pepple ·are . r'.attracted to ·you, confidence returns and you'll . $'9<>mplete long-standing .assignment. I. '! • . I CANCER (June 21-July 22): Eyents move • swiftly-you'll be at rlghr place at crucial moment. ~Member of opposite sex confides !eellngs • ...-wants tyou to recipt'OCate. You'll make new start in new', idir'ection. ,. , · : LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Follow through on first t)mpressions. Opportunity ex1sts to gain stronger i:emoti.onal, financial foothold. Focus on career, ::business, aspirations and achievement. !'. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Long-range ;projects demand attention. Accent jouril°ey, · :education, publi'S hing and unique ways of. :t:ommunicating views. Social obligations multiply . .. :; LIBRA (Sept. '23-0ct. 22): You'll be asked to :Jidvise people concerning money, investments, ·!'Sviogs accounts. Check sources, take nothing for 'granted and begin rebuilding process aimed at ~reating a mor~· solid ·structure. · · SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Focus.on publicity, challenge, change, legal affairs and greater public recognition. You locate papers which had been lost, missing or stolen. SAGITTARIUS (Nov .• 22-Dec. 21): Diplomatic approach brings desired results. Don.'t attempt to force issues. Stick to basic course, ignore one who is i.J!lpatient and willing to see you ~ke unnecessary ns~. . . .,... CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-J;il). 19): Creative energy should be given full play. Spotlighfi. on change, travel, variety, unorthodox procedures and success in speculative ventures. AQUA~IUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Emphasis·on security, property and the achievement of harmony wiJh family member who acted in r ebellious manner. Law is on your side in dispute concerning property settlement. _ PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Have alternatives availab e -re use to-be-pain~\<> corn Broaden horizons, look beyond. tfle immediate. Im rtant call or message a!ds In clarifying plaris . . "= . f: r. HcMk Abr...un I' . ( Mr. & Mn. Bennie S. Adams· Al a Luc .. Adams 7 S8rll D. Aldtldgtt • 'Debbie .. Barry Allen Plllrtcia Allen . TomAllen ' Doug Ammerman .. Rk:hllrd Ardis ~ Sblllft Arin : Janie Arnold ; Myrtle-Auhino : Mr. & Mrs. StMley Ashton : Frances Asmus .: -..t J. Auer Betty Jo Baley :: Lu Anne Baker .~ ElwtOt' Baldwin ·:Paul....... _ ; Mr. Roy E. Barbattl : Phi & JO.. Barkdul ; OMBllmett : RudyBaron ~ ............ : Mr. a Mn. Mia Barton : Mr.JenlnleT . ...-lhe : Ellillte. AobMt a.~ : P*k:la • Edward Bates : ..... 8Hm • Fred & Sue Backer. : ............... : LanyR. .... ! Mr ................ Bllt....nti : Mr. a .... Edwad P. Benion ; .-..o.a.ny CONtie Burkey Gary w. 8urril S.H.Byera Paut a Kmttwyn Ora.Wm.a TomD1ilw Alc:Mrd A. Demmer .............. -• I .,. Going. to great lengths for attent~on .... OEAR ANN L..AN.OF.RS: Shoulsl I c:ontlm.w to ur~uc with m y 22.yoar-old daut(hll'I· nbout thh k•ngth of her fjngl•rnalL.11 Sho work11 In o jl•wl•h·y boutlql.ll' uncJ hm; hrn"own upurtnwn1, KC> of c.'Ounll• I would not pr 'Murnc w tc•ll hc;s· how to ru11 lll'r llf1•. I am not (.'XtlRg<'l'atlng wht>n I suy ,hl•r nul111 Or(' at least four lnchcH Tong and the pollt1h i11 brl~ht rt>d. Thl• girl la Into nail J<'wclry. null 11r1 -und 111111 decals. Her nall11 urc *> bliarre they ure tho Cin1t thing ll person notleci. or course, 11ho gct.s ti grcut deal of attention und eat11 it up. She says l)er frit>nds think thl'y ure f1Antaatlc. CREATURE !''ROM OUTEH St>AC:E. ' Ot.:AI\ M.C.O.S.: Lay off, Mum1le. Tbe girl I• obseued whb ber 1Ure-flre attentlon·,etttng device and nothlna you 11y will map uy difference. Lona nail• are lovely un womea wbo have beautiful band11, but thot1e four·lncb talons have got to be a freakl~gbt. One day sbe wUI trim tbem. Wben 1be d 1, ou will know 1be bu 11tned H lf ·confidence nd no longer needs tu 1bock people Into noUcln. her. • · . . bl'fon• tlwy cnwh on. LEAi{ NED . ONE WHO 1''1NALLY Should I abandon my policy of sllenc.-e urid ask her to trim those j(hastly claws? -MOTHER OF A DEAR ANN LANDERS: You probably don't need another "llfo-ls-great-tlince-1-quit-drugs" letter, but I'm going to write one anyway. DEAR ONE: Ten tiinea? So what? You finally got the message and I'm proud of you! POt SHOTS I'm a 16-)'ear-old guy who finally took your advlc..-e and quit pot and pills. My life has changed BY ASHLElGH BRILLIANT iao degrt..oes. : I used to be depressed, moody. couldn't make a qedsion, had no friends except my drug· pals, and they were strung-out and stoned, hal( crazy most of tfie lime. The only Ching we had in <.'Ommon was that we would get high togeJher. DEAR ANN J,...AND!RS: You have saved hund{t•d of job-SCt!kers from· the frustration of a wild-goose du1sc in tho oil industry. Lett.en; and phonl' Inquiries have been pouring into the office of the Travt~lers Aid Association of America and lhc locul Travelers Aid Societh.'8, asking if it's-true -as Ann Landers said -that there are no high-paying jobs in the oil fields of Oklahoma a!ld , Texa~. Thanks for sparing all, those_peOple the agony of finding themselves lost and broke in a strange to..,..n. ELIZABETH SEELY. PRESrDENT OF l\t.L 00 ':!'\.• .. ANYTHING "f'ou WANT, BUT PLe"A!.E 'DON'T MA.KE·ME ~IE . MYSELF! I .... \ Q.1-.Hoth vulnerable, as .South you..hold: +AJ72 <:?73 OAKQ1065 +8 The bidding has proceeded: Weit North Eut South l 'V p~? What aciion do you take'/ ·~.-Don't risk losing the spade suit! IC you timidly bid three oiamonds, that could easily happen. Make a takeout onuble. Should Dfrl· ner bid cJubs, you certlftlly · are strong e~ough ·t.O *rect to diamond_s, thus making it clear that your double was based on diamonds and spades. Q.2-East·WesC vulnerable, as South-)IOU hold: +AJ10764 'V T O.J105 +985 The bidding has proceeded: Eut South We1t North l 'V 2•• 3 'V 3+ 4 <:? ? •preempt(ve Wliat. action do you take'! , Thel'e 11-a.n._.old-Aifi that applies here: "Once you I have been oft everything for nearly live months (kickin}t pills was to,ughcr {or .me than quittlng pot). 1 feel ,like a difCerent person. J, can , remember. I c8.!1Jhink straight. I get alo'ng with _ people. I no longer Ceel.l.halJi(eJs..somethln~J hav.e to escape from. I enjoy myself. Please, Ann. don't ever stop ielling people to quit.,drugs. I will never be able to thank you enough for hanging in there ,and repeating yourself. Some rjerks havtl to be told the same thing 10 timc.•s TRAVELERS AID ASSN. OF AMERICA. · • DEAR EL1ZABETH: How nice of )'OU to let me know. One of the most rewarding aspect• of writing this column Is knowing that itaave reached out and to.ucbed someone. Mpologle.-tOMa Bell.) GOREii 011· BRIDGE BY CHARLES H. GOREN AND OMAR SHARIF have described your hand with a limit bid, don't bid again!" Your Jlreemptlve leap lo two spades described your hand $Xactly, For all you k~. partner's bid of three ~pades might_ have been a tactical ploy to jockex lhe opponents i'nt.o four hearts. which h~ intends doubling. Leave matters to him -pass. Q.3-Neither vulnerable, as South yo'u hold: · +A <:?JU~ OAJ9842 +JIOG2 T.he.. tiidding has proceeded: North East 8eatla Welt 1 <:;;) Pau J 0 P ... 2 <:;;) Pue ? What do you bid now'? A. -The hand was developed • awkwardly-The one bid you • can't make is three diamonds -that.-hows a sub-minimum two over one response with litUe outside the Jliam.ond suit. That limits your choice of responses ine clubs or a raise t.o three hearts. We -p_refer the laner despite our short trump!', because we have two honors in the suit. Three clubs virtually com· mits the hand to game and we do not have enough strength to_do that. Of course, should partner try three no trump over three hearts, we would be happy to· let him play t here. Q.4-As South, vulnerable, you hold: +J9 ~ AJ4 O JJ.076-•KQ98 The bidding has proceeded: North E_.t South Weat I+ P ... 2 + Pa11 '2. Paa1 2 NT Pall 3 <:? •• Pan ? . What action do you take'! A. -Don't persist with no trump. Partner has shown a minimum opening bid with six spades and four hearts. so you mjly be unablt-to make ~ill'e-tricks before t)le op· ponents have -Cive. All you can--do--now is • La ' 0..,1.ong ,.., ... Wlltl D.lollllk ..... ,, .. Lullan ........ ~....., .. _.. ....... ~-­ preference to_ thre.e spades -the suit in which you have a known eight-card fit. If partner wishes to push on to game. t hat's his decision . Q.5-As South. vulnerable. you hold: +AJlO <:;1 K762 OQ3 +A987 The bidding has proceeded: Soutb W e1t North Ea1t I+ Pu1 I () Pa11 ? What do you bid now'! -A.-First. if you believe that. partner's one diamond response to your one club. opening bid denies a four-. South you hold: +AQ983 'VAQ5 0 83 +Al02 • The bidding has proceeded: South We1t North Ea1~ -.--P.n• 3 + P-a1I . ? . What do you bid now'! A. -While .we would-not fault you greatly if you sjm· ply bid four spades, we feel that your three aces justify one slam try. Bid four clubs. If partner doesn:t. cooperate by bidding four diamonds but. simply signs off with four. spades. pass. If partneLdoes make a diamond cue-bid. tr;1 once more with four hearts. ca rd major, you are playing A " system that is alien to us. IC How do you ehoo1e ·the you agree that partner could be1t opentq lead? °Cllarlea . have a major suit, then xour.) Goren hu tlae aa1wer. For a rebid is clear -one heart eopy of 04Wiamac Ope~iq must be superior to one no Lead1;" 1ead 11.85 to trump, since the latter runs "Gorea·Lead1," eare of Oai1 the risk of missing a 4-4 heart. aew1paper, P .O .. Bos !59, fit. Norwood, N.J. 07648. Make Q.6-Both vulnerable, as eliiek1 payable to 'New~ paperbooka. Theresa E. Smtth Marge Snykers Carol South Geor11• Spragins Corrinne Spence Diana Springer John Standage .,..a. a a.tee Mi•••,. Mr. & Mrs. John A. Stephens T. Duncan & Jerry Stewart Mr. & Mrs. Glen E. Sttffwell Mr. & Mrt . ..Emll J Str•ua <:hrts-Street - .......... Mc ..... Bruce & Kathy Stuart Arthur J . Sullivan Lorraine Sutherland Suzanne Sutton • Mr. & Mrs. Donald H. Swihart George & Trudy Sylvester Barbara & Biii Tappan M!· & Mrs. Mario A. Tartaglia Judith Temme Fred W. Ten Eyck Dorothea Thousand Phil & Betty Tozer P9r & Jackie Trebler Clarence Tu0rner · James L Turner Kathleen Vaughan Robert Walker Ruth s. Walley Craig A. Wataon .. Larry Weeahoft Alllton W ... Su11nWhlte : B.H.a.tha Mr. a Mra. a.a.,.. D11u11anM Ralph & Cortd Whlttord LoulH O.. Wiegand Bob Wiicox : c.rGI ll9nc:Mrd ;.-........... : Gino ...... . • ~ .............. ..... I IC8lheMV.loee • ............... .................... , ........ .............. ........... .,...Dixon Dorallly Doen .... Dabble ......_A Lrnn 0owtr ....,.. R. Dt•J10n -..u"Pel90n • Beryl L Plc:ketta • & Mrl. Allen L. Pinkerton AndNW ~tchnl Robert Poll Mr. I M19, Jamee E. Potter ROMld I. ·'"""""' Sharon Jo Wiiton Joan a Lloyd Winburn Jim Wood Elaine Zor , Marllyn Reed Mr. a Mn.,John Pranoo -..... l>--•--''il--ft_•_ .. "--, ""--'--·";:;::~~ V".l ... IAI F. Dunn ....., a.-0urtcee ......... o,w, _ ................... Roly Pulelkl Pa"'-1 U.t .,.. ...... ·-.. -~--- -J • ,. .. Orenge Cquat OAILV PILOT /Monday, November t, u~ei • I : ' I I '1 \ ·. -r ~~·\ ,,,,. ~- -. l .. - New laws for drunks ure By PAT HOROWITZ Of 1119 Delly "llol II•" DEAR PAT: We re any last- minute laws paned by the state Legislature to clarify the current confusion surrounding drunken driving laws in Callfornla ? E.R., Cos ta Mesa S tarting Jan .), 198 3, suspenrion of the driver's license or an. o ne w ho after being stopped for erratic driving refuses tQ take chemical tests for drunkenness, will be increased Crom the current srx month~ to one year. Anpther measure mandates that If a driver's blood alcohol content Is tested at 0.1 percent or higher within three hours after driving, it will be presumed that the level was at least that)ligh while driving . It clarifies the detinition in the current law which holds that it is illegal lo drive w ith a 0.1 percent akohol level. The original wording gave prosecutors some problems sint-e blood tests show the level when teste d , n ot the level w h e n drinking. The Tiepartment of Motor Ve hicles will have greater control over drivers w ho have restricted licenses because the new legislation requires license suspension hearings to be held in the county where the violation S e-ven join Unite d . Way team Seven Orange Coast r esidents have been appointed to serve as loaned representatives for the United Way of. Orange County North/ South, a(IC()rding to Sam Parker , vo lun teer chairman for the Loaned Executive Program. Linda Hinton and Ron Renish , o l Costa Mesa; Richard R ash . J oan McG uire a nd Dennis 'raua.__Ql liu oJington Beach; Priscilla Walle r of Fountain Valley, and Mary Blake of Jiewport Beach will join 33 other Orange County executives to help United Way's fall fund-raising campaign. The loaned executives• wages-are paid by their sponsoring companies, Parker said. so the costs of the program are low. "More than 85 percent of United Way's money is ra ised ·annually by L oa n ed Executives (who) keep the cost of fund-raising to abouL. five cents out of every dollar:· he said. The program started in 1976. R e d Cross out for e oc<.·urr~d. a nd ordor11 people suspected of driving under the • influence of drugs to take either a blood or urine test. Breath tests cannot detect drugs. ISa Can cer fa cts offered DEAR READERS: Every American needs to know about cancer. It's a disease that has an impact on mC'st of · us in some way. Howev~r; t he Cal)Cer rates among the black population in America have been mcreasine s teadily in fhe past 20 years, with black males having the highest ra te of a n y gou p for some caAcers. With this increase comes the need -fo~blic an formation and education. Now there is a free booklet s p o n sored by t h e National Cancer Insta\utc wrlllcn specifically tor black Americans. "What Black l\mericans Should Know About Cancer" answers many-common questions about the disease and stresses the m.>ed for preven tion , early detection a nd prompt treatment. Free copies m ay b e requested by c alling the, t oll-Cree Cancer Jn'formation Service at (800) 638-6694'. .. .- ~aid Adveft~I If Referendum Measure N is passed, you lose ... O $6.000,000 1n add1tooal roadways D A new fire stall()() O A pedestn9n and bicycle owrpass .across Coast Highway DA new1ive-acre park"aild greenbelt O $300,000 annually to lhe School District < O $400,000 1n net annual revenue to lhe 'City of Newport Beach O New drainage fac1lrt1es .. 1470 Jamboree Ad . Newport Beach, CA92660 . _, llEWP(!J1T BEACH POLICE A/ID . FIRE EMPLOYEES~ . ' uppa~l_,_lbese Candidates Loats (81 Hart (81 ~ n ew blood ) R e d C ross Blood - m obi I es wal l be parked in the following Orange Coast locations during November to collect blood donations for surgery patients in O range County's 39 hospitals: F o unt ai n Valley School District, 17210 Oak St., Nov. 1. from 3 p.m . to 7:45 p.m. Call Bea Caplett for appointments itt 964-6597. St. Joachim Catholic Church. 1964 Orange Ave., Costa Mesa. Nov. 22, from 2:15 p.m. to 7 p.m. Call 835-5381. ext. 315 for appointments. Connell Ch evr olet. 2828 Harbor Blvd., Coeta Mesa, Nov. 30. from 10:45 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. As well as bl ood donors. the Red Croai needs volunteers to aerve as receptlonlau, donor room aides and canteen workers. Drivers alao are n eeded t o t ransport blood volunteers to and from lcql bloodmobiles. For more information, c onta c t Suzanne- Murphrey, director of _volunieeo, at 835-53 J, ext. 242. Join us by voting for these candidates. .. T~ey believe· in: j • ·Law and Order -. • Fair City Govern·mant • Safety & Prote.ctlon of Citizens anet I.heir Property Paid lot by the Newport Beach Pottce !mployeel Leglllatlve Committee. P.O. IOx nee, NewpOrt Beach, CA . • Todd WIHdneon. Chmn. . ·' ,. 0 ~ Paid PoUtlcal Advertl .. ment DONALD A. STRAUSS IS OUR .-~ ., .. CANDIDATE Many of u1 have different · Ideas on city lu11es, but· · ' we ALL. agree on : .. DON STRAUSS George L. Argyros · Or. and Mrs. Alan Andrews Barry Arlen Marjorie Anderson Or. Ralph Anderson Cathy and Don Anderson •----E.iic. Burton Dr. and Mrs. Laurence Browne Alan Blum Robert Blckner Fran Bury John and Lorna Barry Robert F. and Jean F. Bonner· Mabel Beckman Arnold 0 . Beckmltfli Mr. and Mrs. Robert Barton Mr. and Mra ... L.e. Berghauser Robert and Susan Beechner J. Herbert Brownell John F. and Ann Bishop Sylvla Bogen Leroy J. Bonawitz Louise A. Bonawitz Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Byron . Mel Ling Blckner David Bloombe~. M.D. • 1-----i.ynne Bloom'Derg Garth Bergeson John and Barb~ SiX!y Janet Bell Carol Btanchard Laurence C. and Ann L. Brick Thomas N. Callahan Johanna B. Collester Or. John T. Chiu David L. Cunningham Bud and Allee Culver Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Clark, Jr. Carl Cheadle Patricia Cox Dr. and Mrs. Geoffery F. Co1vns Edward H. Chernlss Hugh and Marian Cripe Carollne Clucas • 1 Ron and Cherrie Covington Sally Corngold Richard Clucas Judy Cooper • Rose and Wllllam J. Callahan Darlene and Joseph Colesworthy Or. and Mrs. C.M. Clark Al Carlson John Dobrott Marlon H. Devick Dr. Lionel B. da Sliva Bud Oesenberg Dorothy De Puydt Jim and Lynn Dowty Mrs. Andrew Dossett Marge and Harry Dlgnam Mr. and Mrs. James E. Dobrott Megan Dobrott David and Donna Desmond Eric and Leona Egge Mr. and Mrs. Leon East '-Mr. fnd Mrs. Charles Eeclestone Sunny and John Elliott Harlan and Emlly Eastman Tom Edwards R. J. and Barbara Eastman . Lucille Eglett Gladys and Sam Esensten Elizabeth Eckhardt, Ph.D. John l'arrer • .M.D. Ralph Franklin. M.O. Fred Feldman Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Ferguson Grace and Mel Farmer Emory and kathlffn Frink Allee and JamH Fulton Charle• H. Fontlus Betty Felllnge Fran Farrer Tammie Fraser Suzy Ficker Wllllam Guley Mary Guley Continued on Pege 85 RE-ELECT • DONALD A. ·STRAUSS NIWPORT CITY COUNCIL Ot'll'IQ• Coatt DAIL y PILOT /Monday. November 1, 1812 • I spies ')Sy ROBERT GLASS '"""'' ......... .,...,. : LONDON ·:Harold "Kim" Philby, :;Guy Burgess, Donald Macl~an -the roll call of :treachery In Britaln·s spy , J\etwork stretches over .:'.three dl.'cades of <.'Old war ~:with the Soviet Union. .: Lust week, lawmakers ·-' • ~emanded that Prime 1930s, Blunt belonged to t o become a Soviet Union naming Blunt By tht> time the 'Minister M arga r e t a shadowy society -operative. as a rc:cruiter and LOng government publicly ':'!'ha t c he r a n 5 we r known as the Apostles. Another 11Wmber was as u re<:ruil. identified Blunt In 1980 " :q u es lion 8 ab 0 u t 8 Student members who M i c ha e I W h i t n e y Both Blunt and Long, as a former Sovic:t spy, ~ible new addition to came under Blubt 's Straight, who In 1963., later a film director, he was art historian to :the list -a Russlan -influence Included b uy confessed to the F.Bl that confessed to MI5 In 1964, Queen EHiabcth II. -language interpre ter Burgess, Donald Maclean he had s lt pp 11 e d receiving immunity trom The government was ,,, ' Ufll'I' h11 Willi llnlU'Ci lO U t11.·0k·h••routt dleln d1atln11 to 111~ I , wh,•n Burl(( • u Apy ba1t1..'tl in Wwchlngton, und Mut'll.'un , u hlah runkin.i intulJlaicM' • u (( I t• t• r I n Lon d o n . d<•f1·~',tt•d lo Mrnwuw OM 1nwlitll(ato111 l'IW<>d In. rn lUtJa. Hurold "Kim" Phllby. lht'n u British spy In .{,lclrut, L<.•banon, 11l110 Cl<.'d to Mo11t•ow. uppurcmtly aCll'I' b<'ing tlPJX'<i that lw wa11 about 10 b~ uncovered as a doubll•\gcnt. Blunt, who hud met Phllby In 1961 , d<•nlcd he hud tippt•d him. Thl' spy scare came·to a boll again last yCJlr, when espionage 11pccla l1 s l C h apman Pincher alleged that a former director-general of Ml5, the late Sir Roger HoJlis, had been a double agent for lhe KCB. :who reportedly spied for and Leo Long. F.ach was information to the Soviet proeecution. forced to expose Blunt ··the Soviets at Britain's .-----~----....:..:..;.~.:....;,;.__:.__.. ___________ _,.:.......====================================-~to1>·Secret electronic ~pionage center. ' Why Yes ,~,.~- on ''II''? NEWPORT: ta 1olla or San Pedro? , 1, .............. . ........... I I ALa: •299•• ,. The United States has 'long complained of what lt ca lled British blundering that allowed lhe Soviet Union t o }>enetrate W est ern )ntelllgence. • -Now U.S . officials have leaked to the press ?w h at they c laim ls ~ote nti ally the most <lamaging episode of all. one in which Moscow .allegedly was fed a rich Toeley-llNll'budgel ed eddr-lteell to~ "N" 't lmpacl Oto tM City The bluff -· ... ptopoMd de 1110p11..,1t le to tell• ~ le en ,-tentlOn of tri. coettal lllVll• tNt -.t..., .,.. -k-.. Newport Htlghta. Newport Helolltt, .. )'OU know, le genetelty IOe<lled el>O ...... Rl-lkle Poet Ollloe, •-.V from Newport touleverd to~ Thie le•-· old. realcM<IUel -Ylelole "°'" tN -t below end " Pf~ ~of IN -~ bey lrom verlout,11,._ end•• "°"'•°'*'Cl IOellCIM lled _.,,IN 30'• eno ~·· tllal IN Newport He!Oht• .,. .. flloulo ,.. .. -lnclllatrlel • end -clel. OUt Clly wo..ld he .. de\lelopecl alOtl\j dllle<ent U.. ano PfOl>•Dly mo.I ol ut wo..ldn'1 be '*•I Local, county, state ; nationql · and international events come to your doorstep in the bright, -diet of top-secret information for 13 years. The scandal focuses on )he secret Government -Co m munications H eadquarters at Cheltenham, n e rve center of a worldwide ._ _______________ .,.. ___ "'I network of surveillance We are Paid Adv9'1l~t bases and satellites said to be run jointly by t B ach res1·de nts British intelligence and ewpor e t .e U .S . NaITonal We are voting Security Agency. On July 7, Geoffrey Arthur Prime , 44, reportedly a former translator of Russian at Che l tenham , was arraigned in a •British cou rt on espion age ch arges described by a prosecutor as "of the gravest possible natu re." for: Britain's s tringent 1911 Official Secre\s Act prohibits full disclosure of details. Considering th e govetnment's ston y silence so far, however, it was not likely Thatcher w oura be willing to r eveal many detai~ on the latest allegations, which surfaced in a New York Times report from Washington. According to U .S . officials quoted by The Times, Prime wor the center from 1968 to 1981 and had access to highl y classified )nformalion o n intercepted Soviet communications. With his h elp. the 'soviets cou ld have "altered their secret codes & and fed the West misinformation for more than a decade. London press reports aaid the United States r equested a com - prehensive report on th e case and was eluroed aAd annoyed when Britain failed to .produce one. "If Am e rican jntelJlgence is accusing Britain of damaging .aecu'rlty leaks to the USSR. we can be pretty jure they know what they are talking about," :nie Standard, London's 'evening newspaper. said ''"an editorial Monday. :. "This Is onP ·area In )vhich the United States ! professional and the ritish are a bunch o(. · umbllng amateurs," it laid. • Britain's spy agencies -the l ntelligen ce- latherlng Ml6, also known as the Secret Intelligence Service, and the counter-espionage Jdi'5, or Security Service ._ have embarraned a. j ucceHion of British l"'!!mrnenta. · Most of the damage ~ .. b een traced to a ~.mall 1roup of ntell ect u ala at ambrldge University ho .were converted to kofnmunlsm "' the 1930.. • Amon1 1he m waa \hony Blunt, a world- wned art hlatorian o acted H a talent t f« U.. Soviet KGB . ~hlle .. ~vln• u a artt m~ lntelll1ence ficer for Britain. While 1 ~-.or at bridle darln1 th• -. -S he Cares! -- tleny F0ttet Dora Franklin Thomu A. Fuent .. "-Ernie G.orge Or. & Mra. Cyril J. Glupel Mr. & Mra. Wm. J. Bettlngen Warran L. Bostlcil, M.D. D.avld T. Blankenhom •nd Mra. Aleunder Robert K. Tracy Warren and Oorl1 Uehllnger Ell11beth M. Wallace Ned A. Peter10n Jack G. R1ub • Chari .. E. Wiggins R. A. Goodwin • Tim H1ldlngfi; Karen & Jack f1j)chadet Richard Halgren Mike & Pam Howard Joan & Pu Jordan Stanley F: Brockhoff Jerry A. King Peter C. Kremer Thelma Krone Or. & Mra. Ai.n I/. Andrews Judleh A. Franco .Gragg l Joie Kruel Del«• Geldb«g Mlch .. I C, a.ting D. J Bentley Sldn~ Blckel Card G. Blanchard Agnff Blomquist Loll L. Tetley Clarance J. Turner John Virtue Shirley Pepping H'al Pincnln M. R9dlck Joan l Lloyd E. Wl,(lburn Marilyn Gu1t Mr. & Mr1. Alchard Hwtclnl Doug Hockett Rot>ert L. Hopkin• Mr. & Mr1. Chari" Jeff• . Ray H. Johneon · Helene E. Joy Donald M. Koll Pat Krone Robert & Beth Le1her Elizabeth Leulord John Mac Nab Doreen Marehali Calvin Mcl aughlin Wllllatn D. Lulk Coatlon Mofrlt Keith A. Noftly AlcnardM.O~ Marcie M .. a.n .. 81tbera M. CempMll MarlM W. Nng Eanot T (Tom) Evant Lyman Fautecner Ralph AodMlm o. E. "luct" Sctiroedef Ooroehee "'""' John L. Cunlon Irvin C. Chapman Rutfl C. Steen Glen E. Sttltwell Mr. & Mre. Richard J StOddard Chrlae Street Eric P. Strutt Of. & Mrt. Wiiiiam Taytor Mr. & Mre. E. P. Beneon E~ Dugan Warren 0. Fix J.n Marki Ju,,. 0. Brown · Ann B. Mclean 0. P. Mlddlam11 Thomae H. Nleleon Garry W. Burrill Allan Beek . Margaret M .. C1lloway Oouglat L. Ottman Dee Edward• f.llle Faber Anita FergulOfl Pant.Oen. Samp10n Bob & Mary Shackleton B. J. Sllllllng Jamet H. Cav1naugh Mr. and Mr1. W. L" Spencer Don & Dorothy $trau11 ~ett Davia, Ill Tlmochy L. Sltader Maury Dewald HefMrt W. -S~n Dotothy Doan Jamet & Lynn Dowty William P. Ficker Gloria M. Cumming• Ottle H. Andrewt Or. I Mre. Fred E. Aeng1t Biii Leng1ton Mr. I Mr~ H1ncock Banning Ill Deboran Elizabeth All•fl Arnold O. Beckman Stepnen C. Kottler. M.O Janie Arnold Gary W. Burrill Elli. A1hburn· George Argyroe Ken Tingey Lucy Looney Georgia P. Spooner Or. & Mre R A. Pange Or. & Mre. David I/. • Butinetl. Jr. • Jonn A. Korlander Gordon Young Beverly Lang1ton Jean and Bob Lucas Victor C. Andrews John w. Applegate. Mo. Pat Kendrick Gene W•hburn Mr. I Mra T Duncan Se.watt Paul._., Tony & Metlnda Molao J~le Heatner Jonn Martin Shea Jerry Aafler John I lefty L .. Marfotl4 Nletlen We want to keep MARIAN BERGESON in Sacramento *******-* Don't forget to VOTE __ Tuesday, November 2 ' "'-·.,.,_,....to Mell• a~ on 1ro. M.felur• "H" bluff PfOl*IY 8110o.'ld we let~ -et-lo ilie Ir .... '*"'-· or lllO<MI ... meetet~ ltt ~I Into_.,... atttecti.. realdentlel M£_~7 We er• at a or-.oecl. LAC'•~°"'~· ta Ind IMl<e IN dectalon for --• •o -111reow--d 90 • We .. -be• Le Jolla nor • Sen o -but we.._ OUt -tiny le more-.... lllen _.i. V-Yla ....... light and lively • ,~ fcW w w.c Newport ........ , ... ~. 9o• 2251, " •• •Ha ... c ~ .Jt .~ • f • J . ~ '' • I have a pretty good joh. Ive ·~ever been out of work. . Ive received regular promotions. The only thing I've never been able to do is save money. • One <lar J overheard my secretary talking about how much she Cl saved buying US. Savings Bonds- through the Payroll Savings Plan. I was astounded. T hen I looked at mv bankbook. tngured out how much my average yearly s~tvings had been since Io been working. And I almost cried. At the rate I was going, in 'ten years Io have about $2000 saved. · Oh, some years lo save three or four hundred (nine hundred one year), but it didn't last long. Something would always come up and I'd take it out and spend it. I always figured one of these days I'd bear down and build up a nest egg. Sine" nothing else seemed to.work, I decided to give the Payroll Savings Plan a t11~ I slwulcl·be abletto save as much as my secretary. If jt worked for her it should work for me. It turned out to be v<.'rv <.'as\~ Tlwv takt· n Httlt\ out of each \)aycheck toward BonCls, sti that's. n ~>o.rtion of~ oua pay you re not tem11ted to spend. Not only 1s 1t easy hut it's safe. The Bonds are pilin~ up and so is the inkrest. Apd, hy the way, the interest is guaranteed. . I never thought mt~ch alx~ut B~ncls hefon• ht1t its hard to find a better return on su<:h a snmll , in itial ot1 lh\\'. When I get enough saved I may l<x>k into other · things. But us for right nO\V. it:~ tlw lwst. t'HSi<'St way I know of to save. Actually. it's the only way that works for me. I staa1cd late, hut hettl'r late.• than nt•ver. --.. ------- Daily Pilat I . -I ' - • \ ' . . ... Orange Coaat OAILV PIL.OT/Monday, November 1, 1982 • ·.HOW had will ~·G(}P do in off-year elect_ions? ~/,~.!'~~~.ft.~~ARS WASHINGTON -& prepared Cor a long ' election nigt\t of claims and FOUnter-Claims, with one relatively, safe bet: both Republicans and Democrats will say they won. . . Even that is no sure thing, since it wQuldn't stand up t o an ' ·unforeseen Democratic landslide. , L ike a race h orse ~arryu.a,added weight or a golfer giving strokes to h i s oppon ent, th e Republicans begin wilh a handicap. ' Paid Pollllc1I Advttll1tmt11t SPEAK UP NEWPORT: VOTE NO ON "N" Speak UP Newport (SUN) sponsored a public forum Wednesday evening, October 20 to hear all the facts and opinions concerning Proposition N. the Banning Ranch referendum . Tom Murphlne served as moderator. Speaking In favor of the referendum and against th• City Councli position were Jean Watt, prea•dern of SPON, Michael Johnson and Dick Nichols, both of the W~st Newport Leglalatlve Alliance. Sherry Loofbourrow, Newport-Mesa 'Unified School District Board member and David Goff, Planning Commlasloner and west Newport resident. spoke against the referendum. · Following the forum: the Board of Dlreotors of SUN discussed the Issue and voted to oppose the referendum because: • Th• City Plannlng Comml11lon and th• C::lty Councll, after many month• of publlc h•ar~nge, 1nvlro11m1nt.'9I etudlet, a nd negotiation• with th• property owner, have come up with a plan which balance• th•. concern• of tbe propertf owner, the rHldentt of the e ntire city, and th• tchool bo1rd. . They hold the White · · · · . H o u s ~ , a n d t h e • The plan, If allowed to pr~Hd. "'"' give ut SI mlllloft In traffic . · --president's party hu lost-~t"1ih;:;=.:;,:::::..:.===:.,._.=:. ____ ___:..:.__:_..:._..:.::.....:......:-=....t1---t...__;v•m•nt.-P•td tor by the property owner whloh etherw sea\s in Congress in ..... • almply won't happen becauH the city doe1n't have the fund1. every off-year election AJP-"1,.,,.,•0 since the Civil War, with Tom B rok aw (le h ) ~-R o_ger the single exception of · s 1934. President Franklin M u 4d ready n e.w e lect'ro m c .> D . Roo se v e 1 t · s e lectio n scor e b oard a t NBC. Democ"rats gained nine House seat s ifl that Depression balloting. Actually, nine would .do. Rep. David Emory,'R; in .Jus t how big tha t sinte \'..ice President Connecticut-b,etwee.n handicap is depends on George Bush breaks ties. Sen. Lowell P. Weicker how you count. Th S -Jr., R, a nd Rep. Toby S i nc e 1870, the e e nate pattnn Moffett, U ; in Ne w a~~e off-ear_Joss by !:~!~g~-k_e -~h-ape by late ·J..eney~between Rep . t he party controlling the Mj.llicent Fenwick, R:- Whit.e House has been 39 Some co nJe st s to and Frank La utenberg, seats . In o f f -ye a r watch for early signs of D ; a no in Vi r gin i a elections since World the trend a re those in between Rep . Paul War II. the average loss Maine, between S e n . ·Trible. R, and Lt. Gov. has be~n 31. But losses George Mitchell. D, and Richard Davis, D. ,.; f.. PLEASE JOIN US IN StJ>PORl lNG OUR CITY COUNCIL, OUR PLANNING COMMISSION'·AND OUR SCHOOL BOARD. . . ' ~011· NO ON ''N'' Speak Up fiewport -1 HF Riverside Ave. Newport Beach · 97663. • ., a r e 1 o w e r i n a n ,----"'------------=-=,...._~,.-'--"----------'---------------~----- a<lmir\iStra t ion 's first m i d -term e lections. averaging a dozen-seats: The n again, losses have soared in _times of economic a nd o the r. trou~les. Republicans -lost 48 sea t s in the recession elections of 1958, a nd 4.8 in 1974 e 1 e c t i 0 n s . a f t er Wa.t e rgate a~d the ,, res igna tion of Richard M. Nixon. Lead ers-o f b o th parties point to selected .. --------------------~-----------------------------------------...-------------------~....;·.---.... ....__.;.l_ -.... Paid Polltlcal Advertisement DONALD A. .SlRAUSS .,- •• . . .•' '• ., IS OUR.· -:~ ·c ·ANDIDATE ·:· Many of ua have different " . Ideas on city Issues, but .. we ALL agree. on .. ~ .. DQ~ .. §IM~SS ·. -:---- Mitchell and Julle Gray Geoff and Susan Gruber Loren and Louise Greeley Mr. and Mrs. Drew Glassel! Virgll L. Galey, 0.0 .S. Donald Goldman · Wiiiiam and Mary Gazlay Roy and Jeanne Glordano O. G. Gllllland Muriel Griffith Mrs. Harry Goetz James E. and Joan G. Gordon · Helen G. Gamble Joan and Jim Gray Kathleen Gardn:;;iJr:I---------·I Pete Gendron . Fabian Giroux Dan Hollander, M.O. -Mark and Jane Howlett Roy and Betty Holm Edward G. Healy 7• • portions of the record in trying to set election targets they think th ey can-reach and probably exceed, while seeking to ·Fix unattainable goats for . the other guys. Mayor ~Jaeki "' Hans Hegna '"-.-•• ---<'_:_· --'-•----Lools-Et.-Horwttz---- The House suggested at one .Point that a nything sh o r t of a 37 -seat Republican loss would be a victory for th e GOP . Should Re publicans lose that many seats·. the White House will be appalled. The political numbers game works be~t with House seats, although it ignores one fact worth remembering. Election- time 'claims of victory in lirtil'ted defeat can ease the sting for a while, but come Jan. 3 and the-Tiew ,. Congress, every seat lost is a real, Jive vote for the opposition. There is not likely to oeaolg swing in the S e na te , where Democrats woUld have to gain five Re publican seats while holding all 20 they have at risk in order to r egain co n trol. Nothing is impossible, and there are signs that a half-dozen contests that once looked safe for Republicans may be close. But if the Democrats ·did pull enough upsets to reverse. GOP control, Republicans would be stunned Into something close to silence. For ·all that, ate early talk on e lection hight wil'I b e of Senate competition. because the na m es a r e m o r e identifiable and beca'use the counting of House votes, district by district, will go rnoislowly. Ther~ 33 S~nate elections, o y 13 of them for seats now held by Republicans. Incumbents seek new terms in all but three of them. The current Senate ls compo se d of 54 'R e .pub l icans, 4 5 Democrats, and one independent who voted for Democratic control. That's' Sen. Harry F . Byrd J r . of Virginia, who isn't rluming. Since: two-thirds of the Senate atays put, the Re publican command. 41 eeats i n t he n e w Con1re11, Democrata wtih 26. That meana 10 .GOP vic tories ·will · 1u aontee continuing 'Re publican commana. " . th .. . . er . . JS A PROBLEM-SOL VER Problem-------------~ Increasing traffic congestion '· Solution Build the new bridge on PCH; improve 14 key intersections. Problem _______ ·_______ ·Solution · Airport noise, county plans for all-out expansion of John Wayne Ai rport Problem ..:.-----~·--..:..---~ Dilapidated sewer system causing sewage to back up in homes and spill into the bay ' ~oblem _____________ _ Upper Bay choked with silt, a natural wonder · turned into a dryihg ' eyesore • A successful court suit that forced Orange County to drop plans to expand the airport. Solution ". A new gravity·fe'ed sewer line that protects the bay and permits citizens to 0 flush wHhout fear." . _, Solution .. -Find $~, 700,000 in ~ta~e. c dunty ·• and private funds to·ttredge the upper bay'and restore the beautiful lake It had been. George and Marjorie Harris Ivan and Elalne Hart Robert M. Hixson, Jr. Hessy and Bud Hiestand Jean Harrington Ann and Donald Heiney Mr. and Mrs. Herrick Han90n Donald Harwood Miiton Hand Elalne and J. C. Herdman Lee and Marella Hollingsworth Jan and Buzz Hanson Pat Hollander Tom and Cynthia Houston • Or. Willlam Haskell Barbara Haskell Pat Hadden Iris and Wayne Hug_hes Charles Hendrickson, M.O. Marllyn Hendrickson George and Mary Ingles Marshall "Mike" Johnson Joe and Kathy Jorgensen .. Mr. and Mrs. John B. Kingsley Albert and.,~ugenle King · Ernest H. and Betty L:'ou Krause Barbara Kimbrell Marie and Wiiiiam L. Kell Edward K. and Ann· f<usby Wiibur.and Virginia Kaye Gerald Keahl ~ane King.: Barbara Llchman . Judith and Wiiiis Longyear Gary and BobbY. Lovell Elalne Llnhoff Wiison and Evelyn Little HelelJ. and Carlyle Levinson Blllle Lerner Joan LaMontagne Ward S. and Dorothy O. Lee· Mary. Elizabeth La Haye Jonathan R. and Dorothy J. Logue Adele and MeMn Mann Robert and Shirley Moyce Or. Roger Morin Or. Terry and Pat Moran Coalson and Jean Morris · Stuart McKenzie Or. and Mrs. Samuel McCulloch Or. Eugene Mellnkoff Beryl Mellnkoff Merrlll Mundv Calvin and Helen McLaughlrn " Gwen Mayberry Or. and Mrs. James Miiispaugh J!'an ~orris Dick Nichols, Ph.D. Cynthia and Derek Nlblo Bruce and M1tcla Nordlund Sandy Nfchola Allee Nelson Joaepti F. and Mary O'Hora George and Virginia Ochsner· Francis Od'etl Jeen O'skea James C. "Buzz" Person, Jr. Rf.ELECT DONALD 1.- SlRA NIW.P.GRI Cl All I •' ,. • •' ~ '· •• ·: • • T ] .. Orange Co .. t DAILY PILOT/Mond1y, Novemb9r 1, 1982 olitical murders ~-a worldwid e travesty '1 ,L O NDON (AP) -1u11p«'Cted lertlna not one "11Mll1Cul'tory ul 1.-ut a.i1 1 p"oplt> \T h .-rt•pon fll't'UHNI rt•porlNlly dl<'d In 01w h o uaand1 o f p eopl. Ourl-ns t h u year , t")(plonuton" dul'lng thu yt>ar, runglna Synnn Prc1idt•1H Hafe:.t rulcJ on the• town of 'peclally In C e ntral Amne•ty pre11od the l nOu1.1h.'muk1.a1ultltlw trorn l ndum pcwwntli to Aa111utl'11 rt>glm_. of llurnn, wht•n mlllt ory rica, were killed lu r ruling junta about ~~~ rep()rt , t•curlly forct• Romnn Cothollc c·hurch w1dN1pr1•ocJ tl)rtul"\', ll wilt" llm•d up and ah o• ,."tear o n the order{ ot detainees. but rf'Ccl\ted k Uted, oftt>n mutilat n'ic. workt'r . 1wld awmf' 360 p coplt> rt'l!ldl•nlli. T,.. CommlllM 10 ,.._,lee\ Horme~&09. Toni Hottm111·hcretery 270 ''Mmorll Lane. otll Meta. CA t2t21 he Ir 8 over n men u, .-----------..__._._._.:::=:=::=------~:=:::=;:;:~:;;:;:=:;=--------11 -----------~mnesty lnte rnailonal I 1wo '°'"/CAL Aovr1m 11M1Nr ..... llll~lll!~~---llll!llll!!!!ll!l!"l!l!!!!~!!l![lm•••••••••• .. ~d In ILS annual report P•ld tor by "All•n BHk l<N tM R .. ldMt•" ...,_ t ~~v~~~a~~~~~i1ono1 AJ2001'Ha'0h'•nnd.N~po.~B,sNChe.cA eeaMOk VOTERS OF NEWPORT BEAIJN ~• tion a galn •t po li t1col 1111,\IUM .. It M lell ~to Pf-I Ille .. ..._ OI ,,,. City ....... "' O'( Ille ...... ....,.,., -- lllngs. Their "ble Ollllf" .,. on H~ -.. ~,. N" --l/ley ....... only a.... .. YoU -I II-In ,,,. • G ~· .i ov• Cit; tor .....,..._ Mel 1-on.ci "°""" ·~ •" OVernme ntS mus t Ft c • a •1 The "ditty ltlc~t" cflllltMllOll eod Ille 111C11 "l"'IC' OU/II" e-o~ on IN OI""' oldo ... epenOinO ... llliltll ~jpt be allow ed tO evade or tty ounct = ::w'ow adc.;.-to -· ~ WICI Oolffl "H ' WIMIM ti .... -llto-lo 1 ...... wtln coni•OI -Ille :~ponsiblllty when they "'°you '""" ..,.,y 1M1 tell*• tQOI o1,_ bMutlM COMlll lllvll• tto"' COtON ... "'" 10 ..,. ..,.1.,.,.. ...._ •.Ah b} I t a-.fllm ... pew941 O'l.,l11\o.M I-~ be~ lly lnMOlll lllil!OH191, ollQt, l\ol .... WICI llOIM? 'We cloulll '" oose to o te r a c ..... _ h k '' iovou llt1lhDl'fc-•oM111 Hftpc)r1-.. o1111r....,.,.,...,neM• ,.,~•1<1teN1 1i..e11y·1--t:.tfil te d nts •· knoc1e1 often when you ~ ... p ee Op pone ' UM rNult-geltlng Delly e as s· • • ~ellel-.GP<oOl-••OW1llllOflCYVOT1VUONN etldt010t>el.4t ~'e Rllnclllnlo-Nng llt-:.c h e L 0 n d 0 n • b a s e d Piiot Cle11lll•d Adi to .. of .,.. Olly CM be roud OI -:~man r igh ts movement reech the Oreng• Co11t • • YES on 11N1 • YES on tlleWEl • YES on BEEK • YES on GRANT r .. a td in the 367-p age merket. h i • t . ' LET'S UNIFY OUR CITY AOAINI t~'ev i ew of p oli t ical Phone lS42-se7e e IS ens. Pelcl lOt llyWM1Hewpor1 Leglelal"'9~ .... t1•t .... ntl3MC-Jf CNll< ...... 1ltnprison men t, torture ... :.Al)'\d executions in 121 l~..:::::::::::::::::::__J~::::::::::::::::::=::::~=:=:=::==::=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=::=:=::=:~==~~J__--,.;:~~-~~~~~~--"-;._~_:_~':.__~~~~----~~~~~­~tions in 1981. ~T he Nobel Peace ~r ite -w i n n ing ~ganizalion stuck to its ~ditton of refusin g to ~ake comparisons or Qden ti f y t he world's ~rst offen ders against .human r igh ts. : .• :Th e r e p o rt ran ged !l;l-o m c a t a 1 o g i n g .. ~!continuing r epression 1'kains t a ll for m s of ~tssent") in the Soviet ~ni on t o e xpressin g ncern over 924 people n d eath r o w in t h e ... "° nit.ed S tates. A la ter ~rvey by the Associated !l:'fess._ in Aug ust 1982, . lOund 1.019 p eople on ~iieath row . ·.The r e por t c i tes E l ~alvador , G uatem a la ~nd Syria for civilian ~t£jll i ngs by t r oops or jOfficia ll y approved 11death squads." Amnesty list ed 34 oatio n s w h e r e cou rt· Jmposed death sentences .w e r e ca rri ed out. T o ppin g the lis t was Ira n . whe r e lslam1c ~ourts cordemned a n Jivera ge 13 people a day. )ncludin g childre n , to death by firing squad durin~ the second half of "1981. The organization , ·"hich opposes cap ita l punishme n t, said 3,278 prisoners were known to ;have been execut ed 'du r i n g t h e y ea r - IJlearly treble the number in 1980 .• • Th ese officially a n n 'o u n c e d f i g u res .inclllded 2,616 people in Iran. and 96 in white- trunori ty r ule& South Africa bu t left out, for example, an ~stimated "hundreds" execu ted by mil i t ary courts in P ak ist an and similar e xecu tio n s in oth e r rountries. • All bu t a few hundred o f l h e c o n d e m· n c d •Iran ian s died in an ''upsurge of executions" after the June 20 ouster ~f Presid ent Abolhassan B a n i -Sad r. said t h e ft!port. M ore than 3,800 tf~'ople a re k nown t o hive ~n executed since the F ebruar y 1979, r evolution whic h bl'o u g h t A yatol l a h Ruhollah Khomeini to eower, it said. .. '.The 21-yea r -old ,r:ganization , which long has campaigned for the r.e lease o f pol itica l i)rison e r s. focu ses its tl t e s t r e p o r t o n d:i s side n ts a n ct threatened minorities in P,.tions which resort to pqlitical killings. • • The victims, dead or ,{~isappeared ," w ere ¥,COUntless." the review ~d. no ting: "This is a ~rt tlbout people, n9t ptistics." t~:such killings, said 1 nesty, t.oOk place in untrles with w ide ly tfferlng p o l it ical ilosophies -from ght-wing Centra l m e ri can rti g l m~s. rough Syria's socialist th government to the o.rld 's l a rg es t • oc:racy, India. .<In El Salv ado r , the · port Hid, re fugees' alimony confirme d ports that "id entified gula r s e c urity and illtary un its as ~ap o n ai bl e f o r ldeapre ad t o rture, tilation and killings of n -combatant civilians ·om all sections of ety." !The r e v iew c ite d ...,.1.a.,~ of atate troope nnlns down refugee., lu dlng women and ldren, and the torture the rl~ht"'Wtn1 vernment 1 security ta of churchmen and -..n9ft, ~ unJonll..':i William c Adams Don & Betty Adkinson Tony Allen John & Ruth Arens Alben J Auer Barbara Aune Roben E. Badham .Nigel & Betty Jo Bailey Paul L Balahs Rot>en Y 'Ball RoQen S Barnes Mr & Mrs Rudy Baron Pete & Martha Barren W1U1am & Ehzabelh BMler Margaret Bedell Brooke B BenUey Carlene W. Blackler J R Blakemore Bill Blurock Nancy F Bonen1 Jene R. Boyd Clyda Brenner Roben L Brooks Margene Btown David A. Btownelt Robert Btownsberger Marion & June Buie Richard Burns GaryW Bumi! Hap Byers Charles & Judyne Caldwell Karen Carlson David R Carmichael Thomas C Casey Eileen Ctntto Guy K Claire Ed Clark Ralph Clock Donn J Comte Wayne Connolly Ron Cordova John & Diane Cox C Wayne & Anne Crowl Mr & Mrs Robert Curci John L & Nancy Curci S.11 & Jessie Daum Everett Davis Jim Deane Maury DeWald Sluan Dickinson Dorothy & Thomas Doan Cur1 Dosh Marshall Duffield Roland J. Duphlly Tim Dupu1e Edith M. Fee William P. Ficker Virginia Fouls- Judy Franco Paul Franklin Allph..frankhn. M,D 8111 Frederickson J,H Frisbie Mel Fuchs Thomas A Fuentes Slephen D. Gavin Wally Gayner Mlcheel C. Gering Walter 8 Gerken Gordon Glas• · 8. Jame• Glav11 John~re John a a~tte Gray Or. St IO<d Gr .. n Aun Greenge<d Tim Hald1nger Earl H. Hardage Dennie HarwOOd Pat & Bob Hauk Novell Hendrlckeon Bonnie HnM Jam" a Jane Hlelbrlnk Jane Hllgendorl Marilyn Hiii Jetl4e R. Hill Jol'ln Homme ~'Y H. Hunt F. Scott Jac:keon 'rank P, Jank Cerolyn Jetton ~· . . ' Mr & Mr• George Jones A. V'n Jorgensen Pal Kendrick John K1lleler Katrina K1lleler Walter J Koch John & Anabel Konwiser Lucille Kuehn Roland W Landrigan Richard Lewis Carol K li11d ornerw Long Howard & Joyce Lop1z1ch Millard N MacAdam Betty Sue Mllck Ron & Judy Maloul &II & Carol Martin Philip R Maurer Richard H Mazy Laverne McCullough Don Mcinnis Merle & Ellen McKmle~ ,Calvin Mclaughlin Miidred Mead Robert 8 Milum Robert Nova"" Patrick O'Connor Thais O'Neil Peter M Ocha Lelan<aiiQhve1 Donald E Olson Ehzabeth A Palmer James M Parker Thomas D .Peckenpaugh "Joan Penltt ... James C 'Buzz' Person. Jr Benha Pondoll Don K. Porter Paul & Joanne.Reynolds Or Jerry Richards Howam G Richardson Thomas F Riley Mr & Mts Wilham Ring Dan S Rogers Trudi P Rogers Craig M Ryan Paul T Salela Thomas S Sanlley Donna L Schroeder William N Scott Howard Seelye Dickson Shaler Wayne E Shalfer Carmen Shew Donald & Claudette Shaw Paul & Barbara Shettler Said Shokrian Donald I nd Fran Sloper Gail Vin1e Smith Richard 8 Smith C.rol South W LH Spencer Georgia A Spooner A1c:h1rd $ .Ste\leDS T Ouncen l Je1ry Stewa11 John Slore Thomae J Sultterland J Thoma1 T.1lbol Jeen Tandoweky Ben w Tereyao Betty T11man Jim & Linda Thomp~n Phil & Bene T oier Jol'ln Vlr1u• Jean M von KlelnSmld Sare E I/on Zoller ~y Wai.on BobWHd Larry w .. 111011 Allleon Welle Eric Welton Mr. & Mr1, Robert Wllco• Berry K Wiiiiam• Dell & Loulee W1Hlam1 Jean C. Wlleon Harrlefte F Witmer Mar11n W, Witte ' Derr)'! R. Wold JlmWOOd W.rfef'I c Woodwatd ~Yeo • ·• • - t ~lECT I e I OAT~ CITY ·coUNCIL ,.. I NOVEMBER .2 ·. • EXPERIENCED ·•"FAIR •POSITIVE •INFORMED •"OPEN-MINDED • RESPONSIVE ' .· •Member Newport Beacn Planning Commission. eight years: • Chairman Newport Beach Planning Commission. two years: •Chairman Newport Beach Citizens Transportation Plan Advisory Com mittee. three years: • • Member Newport Beach City Arts Commission: _ • Presjderit Corona del Mar Compwnity .Association. two terms. .... Bill ~gee Do B@O[f . t ''I've always \hought traffic problems are sOlvable, but those solutions require positive action. not negative votes ... ''I'm opposed to any further increase in the numoer of jet take·off s at John Wayne Airport... ( ~ "When elected to the council. I'll continue to sit down with any resident of this city to discuss important issues. not limit myself by talking to only a selected few." "The fact is, and reasonable people know it well, that residents need businessmen and businessmen need residents." ''C(f6j5€1'8tiorfmust replace confrontation." I SPECIAL ENDOASEMENl'S Robert E. Badham U.S. Congressman, 40th D1s'lrict Thomas F. Riley S~perv1sor. 5th District Newport Beach Firefighters Association Newport Beach Police Em ployees Association .. BILL-AGEE . " MIO fiCNI IY ,. .... Of~ Mii ,o, ... "'· ..... In: ........ .... - ,,._ .. - . . DONA[fi'i. · Sf RAU SS Costly coin RecQrd • pr1ce for coin 1s oue · CANDIDATE NEW YORK (AP) - An 1870 $3 gold piece from the w orld's only complet e collection or United States gold coins has been sold at auction 'for a .record $625~000. Many of ua hive different .. id••• on city Isa.,._, but we ALL agree on Possessing the 1870 $3 . g o Id pi ece .i s the oo·N STRAUSS .. ~ numismatic equivalent of Joan S. Petty • owning the Mona Lisa, -f31chard L. Perlin said one expert. ' Marlon and Dennis Pickens The sale by Bowers Edmund Pratt a·nd Ruddy Galleries Richard B. Park Inc., of Los Angeles, for Dr. and Mrs. Donald Powers the owners, G old Coin Harvey and Bome.11 Pease Corp. a nd a T empe, Mrs.' Lucille S. Patterson Ariz .. dealer, brought the Dr. Wiiiiam Parker highest price ever paid at Rodney W. Queen auction for a U.S. com, Marthella Randall surpassing the old mark· Mr. and Mrs. Ladlslaw Redav of $287,000. John W. Reeder. Jr .• O.D.S. Two other gold coins Paul and Margaret Ryckott w en t for $92,500 and Joe and Judy Rosener $90,000, r espectivel y. Charles "Tag" J\othaermef Jim and Bobbi Riddle t;>ringing the bidding Robert and Mary Rosenast during the five-h our Mrs. Kenneth Reaume opening of a three-day Montana Rumbold . sale to $3.068,20~. Marllyn and Dick Read During the bidding at Harry S. Rothschild the St. Moritz H otel , the · or. and Mrs. Matttlew Ross $ 3 g o Id p i e c e wa s Jerrold H. Randall purchased by H arvey F. Sherwood and.Joan Rowland Stack of the Stack Coin Joan M. Rey,nolds C ct. f o r a c l i e n t h e Pat Rolllns · . declined to name. It came Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Sarkissian from a c o 11 e ct i on Tom and Marilou Sparrow ..auembled b y L ouis Kenneth B. Sharoe Eliasburg .. of Baltimore, Nancy and Robert L. Sattler who died in 1976. Hugo Schmidt, 0.0 .S. '--1:"-:E-:;li~as~be~~rg~·-s~c~o~llecrrrti~o-=Jn4"----;:;B;;ob~an~d~W~l.nnle Short ' becam e the ftr s . 1nmrr--------..... complete one of its kind Armen and Mary Slvasllan ' -when he added to it the Jim and Judy Shelton 1870 San Francisco $3 Jan and Bob Spurgeon gold piece, the only one • Nancy Skinner known t-0 exist . • John F. Skinner. M.O. A d. t I d Sue Simoson ccor m g 0 egen ' Mr. and Mrs. Walker Smith, Jr. two of the coins w ere minted in San Francisco Mr. and Mrs: Henry K. Swenerton and one w as placed in Mr. and Mrs. James-Stegall the cornerstone o( a new Gertrude Snoke U .S. Mint buil ding in John E. and Lucille M. Smith that city when it was laid Jacqueline H. Smiley . in 1870. Charles Stilgenbauer, M.D. G. Edmund Siebel, Jr. • Teapot tempest settled LONl)ON (AP ) Pamel a Osarak m ade English legal hist ory when a court award ed her $3, 780 in damages for her "teapot elbow." A High Cou r t judge al so awa·rd e d th e 5 4 -year -old wom a n unstated legal cost.S in the action against her former employer s for arm injuries she suffered from years of lifting a six-pi n t t e apot.as a fac t o r y l et. lad y . Law yer s i n· the case estimated those costs at $10,080. "She i s a l ad y o r average height, ~verage btrlfd a nd a verage weight, not m uscul.ar in · any sen'se, or strong of Clrm. In judging tea ladies, one must not loOk for h e fty amazons!" Judge Sir James Comyn .aid. He d ec id e d -the comp a n )'._, Hawke r S i d d e 1 e y W a·t e r Engine.ering Ltd. of Wokingham, Berkshire, Frances F. and Havila~d Smlth . Mrs. Porter B. Sinclair Helen B. Srolrow . Brian and Marcia Singer Blll~Ad Bobble Stabler Robert Scott Sandra SpauldlnQ Merrill and· Margot Skilling Virginia K. Sumner "Steven Sholkott, M.0 . Doris and Stanley Sunderlund William Spencer · Mr,s. Allee Schilling Gary and Suzanne Schaumburg John and Marjorie Shea Zoe Smith . Sharon Lee Taylor Clarence J. Turner Mr. and Mrs. George Twist M11rv and William L. Thompson Don Ulander Mr. and Mrs. Harold S. Voegelln Patricia M. Williams Mr. and Mrs. Roy WQolsey Tom Waters Jean and Jay Watt Tom Wiiiiams. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond L. Watson Bill and Jean Wenke Julian M. Whitaker. M.D. Arthur and Ruth .Wiese Emma Wright Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Williams Barbara and Ralph Whitford Ang_ela Ficker White Ida and Ed Wiiiiams Byron and Frances Wllllams Robert Wentz E.B. White Claire Weldemler, M.D. Edward and B.J. Wiiiits Brian Whitford , Frances 8. Zeff Linda Zeboray Wally Ziglar RE-ELECT .L- ' • had not taken seriously Oaarak's complaints about the .10-pound teapot and did nothing to ease her load . The ·- company denied liability. 00NAb0 A. ~SJ RA USS ... Osarak, one of thousands of tea ladies who dispense tea, coffee al)d cakeg. In British wor~. aaid in. her claim that handlina \he •pot forced her to have, '!'P'&al treatment. • NIWPORT CITY COUNCIL · on.• '· ' ~ILLA.RD STI:MSON . VOIT . . .. ---.. .. . ' I believe th~ most .importan( issue that carr be considered in tfleldcal and .state-~lections November 2nd is law and or.de r. -THE AFETY OF OURSELVES AND OUR PROPERTY. This m~a.ns the Coverngr of the St ate who-hasr the opportunity to appoint. tough judges or ·pe rmissi~~ .... ~ones, down to and including the local c it y council who .controls the ·quality and quantity of our local law enfor~ement. - I ha~e ~pent many hours examining the issues . and candidates seekin~ public support. This _i's very important, so I felt it impe ra tiye to share m y· re~earch with you. --~. ·• CITY COU-NCIL Mayor JA~KIE HEATHER and .. Cot.Jncilwomarf 1EV-EL Y HttHI deserve our sup·por.t fo-r'7re-election and c~ngratulations· for an excerient job. The other two ifle·umheflts should be retired for substantial reasons .. My hearty recommendation is that _you vote for NORM LOATS a~d BILL AGEE. Bo.th -understand our city's crucial needs. . ' .. ,. GOVE.RN OR I CEOR\;E DEUKMEJIA . d eserve~ our support on I.aw enforcement · ·issues. Bradley's history in the de te riora tion of quality and morale in the Los Angeles P(ilic.e ·o epartrnent is we ll known ~o tho e in vdtved. .. .. • t ATTORNEY GENERAL ·. It does us no good to have great la ws if the offenders.are not pro ecuted. GEORGE ICHOLSO is just th e man for a tough job. ·...,,.!.. . .• --JUQGES ~ W e should retire-at once the lenient Bro.\ n Appointed judges Kaus, ·.Broussard, and Reynoso. W e should support Fra nk Ric hardson. All are on our State Supreme Court. · PROPOSITION #15 ., The vas t majori,ty .of Law Enforcement in this state including our own Sheriff Brad Gates and our own Police Chief Charles Cross -know the devastating invasion of our rights this .would ensure. It is jmperative that we .vote ACA1NST this unrealistic gun c~ntrol measure. • Respectfully, .., -.. ~ . ... . . • i A ··' ... Pu1d Politu:ul Adver1i~mcnt " .. . ~ City Cot1ncil~ember Paul . Huinmel :bas .. aplan .for , Ne ... o· .Beach~~. . . . '\ -. .f, ~--·· / '~--.. ( . . ___ ,,_ •• ··- but it Won'fWork. . • Traffic congestion is the number one local proble~ facing the people of Newport Beach. .. Five members of .the City Council have been 'working hard to solve the problem-working in cooperatio~ with private enter-- prise to build necessary road improvements at no cost to the taxpayers. .. But City Councilmemher Paul Hummel has his own ans~er to the traffic problem-and that answer is always NO. · Rather than Guild roads he's put up road blocks. . " · • When a local company offered to spend $19 miifibn to buila · · l?elican Hills Road-a project that would reduce traffic cong~s .. .~ don' on the Newport Beach section of the Pacific Coast flighway by up to 30%-five councilmembers said yes, Hummel a ~ted NO. · ~ . ~other comp.any has· offered $6 million in road improvements 4'r West Newport,,as part of the Banning Ranch Project. Again, ~ve councilmemhers said yes, Hummel voted NO. .. in the last two years, Hum~el has said NO to over $25 million .. . . . . • . • ,, . . ' . in privately financed road improvements. Councilmember Hummel even voted to block state financed improvements to the Newport/Costa Mesa Freeway-a bottle- neck which traps traffic and won't allow it out of our city. Newport Beach's traffic congestion does far more than inconve- nience local citizens . It diverts valuable police attention-fr.om combating the rise in residential burglaries-to unsnarling traffic jams and accidents. And it increases th~ resP,onse. time of police cars, firetrucks, ambulances and other emergency vehicles. It endangers lives. There is a folution. Moderate, planned growth monitored by responsible elected offjcials. Privately financed road improve ... ments. Cooperation between city government, the county and state government to" assure Newport Beac~ its fair shar~ of publicly financed road improvements. For two long, unproductive years, Councilmember.-Hummel has said NO to these common sense solutions. He has yet to come up with a single workable solution of his own . ~. • . f' . ,.-- I ' I .., l .. -...,. '"' # .. I lllllJ Nit . MONDAY. NOV 1, 1882 • STOCKS ce " NFL • • the USFL str1 o .es ... . . . Whenever a new endeavor is started, especially when It's from ecratch, ther~'s a unique association history, there Is a strike, and the USFL Is hoping to between excitement and fear. SPORTS COLUMNIST capitalize on UiY N1'"L's misfortune. The challenge of su~ss. coupled with the JO For USFL teams like the Los·Angeles Expr~ poaibllity of failure, usually creates a mixture of HN and the Oakland Invaders, th e NFL strike highs and lows. S represents an opportunity to be accepted on a There are some who succeed, and others who EVANQ first-look basis. ~ow, however, there's going to be obviously don't. pressure on the USFL to put together a formidable In the world of sports, those that prosper are a package. minority. There are few, if any, new endeavors that League. You would think the USFL would have Ironically, John Ralston, a former NFL head are able to crack today's established sanctions. · takeo a bint fr.om the disastrous reception the coach at Denver, a n NFL assistant with ~ !"8r as the· ~ican pubUc is concerned, World Football League r:cceived less than a deca~e Philadelphia and Sah Francisco, and currently the there are only_J!lree...J!rhnarJ SJ>Qrt.s r~~~· ~_::::_.Ja~o~. ~-r-,,.,..,.,...,,,,,.._ head coach of the USFL's Oakland In . ~ John Henry, Santa Anita set records. C2. h · -r·· ?. .ene 1t •. J Orie hand, people might be starving ror sbme sort of profosalonal football by Mar<:h. On the other hand, though ·"· . "l thJnk something like thls may turn off a lot of fans," Ralston concedes. "A strike like this 1J distastelul in the eyes of the average fan who, quite frankly, can't understand it. "You have to remember yo~:re basically dealing with a blue collar worker who's makins maybe $18,000 a year. And, he's seeini pla~ers wi~ salaries of 100 000 and Is haviM_a_ha!]i.__..li.:..u..,..._.,.._ .... 1 enu yang w1 t e r p lems. · • , ootDiill ana basketball. Of course t ere r. ow a ut aJrlll7':e-;;S4:;;:e>;:;cc:;;:e:;;;-r""e;::a~g~u;-:::es::-1"11:".a::.-1<:":a::-:v':"::e,...----rtr-n'"f"-ttrmlrfhe NFL s 1 e wilrhelp the USFL are others, including horse racing, which annually tried, a nd are still trying, lo make a name for much at aU. "If the NFL season Is called off many of these draws most o( the populace. th~mselves? "In a strike, everyone gera hurt," says Ralston. people, who pay for season tickets, will get thelr- But still, it's those three sports that attract most Indeed, the USFL's task would appear to be ''It would be diCferent if it was an industry strike of money back and say to themselves, 'SI')'. that of the attention, and any other facsimile or offshoot insurmountable. especially when you take into some kind where if you wOTked 25 more years wasn't 50 bad. We got our money back. Maybe w.e thereof is normally treated wiffi a t.llnled up n()lfe. consideration the opposition. • you'd get back what you're losing." . 'won't spend It any more.' -It is with this in mind that you nave to wonder But these are not normal times for the National · But that Is not the case, and Ralston sees the •"I don't like the strike at all and I about the sanity of the United States Football Football LeaJ(ue. For the Ii~t time in the le~ue's current predicament as a two-edged swor<!_.,, On the_ ·(See USFL, Page CZ) - Union plan· the laps • Ill of owne r s NEW YORK (AP) -'the National Football League Management Council's executive committee was studying the striking union's-latest contract demand, a three-year, $1.l billion package. Even withdut seeing it, though, one of the owners already hales it. "They're not going to get three years," t,)}e owners' executive commi~tee member said of the union plan. "If they think they're going to get it. they're crazy!" ~ 'The Management .Council, the owners' bargaining unit, formally offered its $1.28-billion package Sunday afternoon. On Sunday night, the union countered with its plan -and a council executive committee member countered wlth his comments. "They'd better take this, or 90mething close to it," he ~d of the owners' offer, "or we can all go home.'T '1.:-...:~~~~==~:::?{::'.:~~~~~~::S:i=:~~~~~~--..!~~~~~~~~~~~::§:_-=-~~~~~_J The owners' negotiators spent 45 m'inutes dis.cussing the proposal with union bargainers. then t.aJks were recessed for the De11r ..... ,...._ ~ ClwtM a111rr . Paramedics transport inj ur:ed John M~y of Sylmar after his boat crashed and he took a spill (inset). night . The 42-day-old strike has claimed six regular-season weekel)ds. 'hril ls, ·sp~lls and a 21-7~inph -winn-er One of the_player ' representatives assembled here at the union's behest said it could be the last weekend to bite the dust. "The 1ettlement is reality by Wednesday, and possibly we're playing by Sunday." By HOWARD L. HANDY 0( !tie Dellr Nol llllff Eddie Hill, the world record . holder for blown fuel hydro drag boats , flashed to a 217.17-mile-per-hour run In the Texan just after sundown in a .spectacular run to capture the National Drag Boat AssOCiation's most coveted championship Sunday at Irvine Lake before a crowd estirna·ted in excess of 5,-·ooo. Hill's run against Dave Nolte in Liberty, was made on calm waters with flame s hooting from the exhaust pipe& of both boats as each ~xceeded 200-mph through the quad.er-mile strip. "This was one of the toughest wins I have experienced," Hill. said following the victory. '1 was struggling most of the day and had a hard time getting the boat to settle down." The run against Liberty was the most spectacular of the long day that started at 9 in the morning and was interrupted twice by spills. The first came in the third heat race of the morning when two boats crashed. Perry Davis of Mesa. Ar+z:, in Captain Flick was the first to go and came down still in the boat, according to wintesses. His running mate in the race, Willie Miller of Fullerton in White Lig~ni~. wa~ thr wn clear of his boat but both suffered back injuries that were diagnosed as serious but no danger to the life oC either This was one of the toughest wins I have experienced. -Eddie HM! driver. This came in a heat of the competition flatbottom ~ts. John May o( Sylmar then had his Country Stroker river racer flatbottom go over later in the day. He was thrown elev of the boat and did a cartwheel on the water with the .bokt coming to a stop near the finish line. Mark Lauzon of Villa Park was one of two Orange County winners, capturing first place in. the blown alcohol h ydro class with a speed oC 181.38-mph. "This was only the fourth time I have driven an alcohol boat," Lauson said. "I've been racing for four years but not In alcohol • boats. "It was a struggle to get ready today. We broke down in qualifying Saturday and worked all night felting a new engine In the boat. t was worth the e!fort. though, bec9use we won. !'This has to be the biggest thrill I have had in drag boat racing and I think this is the greatest place to hold a race becau~ you can see the lake from almost anyplace." Hill. who has a pending record of 229 and a backup of 226 at ChowchllJa recently, put top qualitier Frank Dade out of the competition in the second round with a Cast start. Hill was clocked at 188.87-mph to 206.01 for Dade but Hill's 6.87 elapsed time was 2/ lOths of a second faster than Dade. Two other world records were eclipsed during the 17 finals but • with no backup, they wiU not be rea>gnized. Jim Benson of Castro Valley sped to a 131.80-mph effort in competition flatbottom action. Yorba Linda's Mike Fettennan won the blown gas jet division as the only other Orange County winner with a 129.92-mph run. .. ~ If they're back on the field Nov. 7, they'll meet the NFL's unofficial deadline for saving the season. Under the union plan, which would cover 1982-84, 80 percent of the $1.1 billion would be, in effect, placed ihto a central fund, administred by the union and used for salaries, incentive bonuses, pension benefits and other player-related expen~ The remaining 20 percent would go into an owners' discretionary fund, lo be used for signing bonuses, free-agent acquisitiOAS. etc. The union package would be (See UNION, Pase C!) "' "' USC loses Salisbury . . {" Ligamen t tear side lines QB for seaso~: LOS ANGELES l(AP) - Sophomore quarterback· Sean Salisbury of 12th-ranked Southern California will be sidelined for .. t~lnder of the 1eUOn beca f probable tom Upmentl' ri&ht knee, USC Coach .Tb n Robinson announced Sunday. Salisbury , a 6-~~. 210·pounder from F.condido WU injured durin& the third quarter o( Southern Cal's Paclflc-10 Conference 1ame at Arizona State Saturday nl1ht. The aeventh-ranked Swn Devita defeated the TroJarw 17-10. Sallabury will be examined ' under anesthelia by arthl'Ok'Op6c 1ur1ery this afternoon in Huntiftl'On Memorial lbpital in nearby l'audena. Dr. Richard Diehl, who. will perform &be arthroecope, will allD perform fUnher •utaerY lt &be damaa• warrant• it, a ~--for the IChool Mid. "Thia 11 a terrible blow to Sean ucl to ow ...... " ..... aow-. "He WM dewlop&na Into one of lhe re•llJ ouutaacUn, ~ In the c.wntey. tNnk tt'l a llllme he .,."t II' to anllh oat hll IOPhomoN ,...., but I \hlnk 8eaD hu a lfHI fuU'e." w ,., iDi ,,. ... a.,~_-. 141 '' , ........ -, .. ~ yards •nd six touchdowns lo Southern c.l's aeven pines. a. was intercepted only five times. Salisbury hit on eight of his 17 attempts for 113 yarda and one touchdown before belna injured Saturo.y nl&ht. He wu relieved by senior Scott Tinsley, who completed six of 15 throws for°" yards. Tinsley, who hu hil on 16 ol 31 attempts for 189 yards durtfti the season, will atart at quarterback next Saturday when the Trojans entertain California, Roblnaon Aki. use, which la 5-2. alto facet Arizona, UCLA and Notre Dame durtn& the ~lar aeaaon. n. Trojans are lneli&ible for pc.wl· teuon competition .because of NCAA •nctlona. " "We're confident about &o&t and h1a leedel'9hlp abiUUee," .e6d Roblrwon of 'nnlley. "He'•• WfS' competitive youna man. H•'- done It for U1 In the put and we're eure ta'U do &t ._m." : • TlnaleJ, a t-2. l~poundtt from Oklahoma City, Olde",, atarted two 1amn for th• ~ in 1880, ......... UCLA aacr Notre Dune, ._. llalW' Gordon Adama Mllftred &om u,.n.n .. He lld ....... 1ID • .............. .., ... ~ !Wtr'JfOV.1'11._, wind .... _____ ... _ .......... .. Orange co11t DAIL V PILOT /Monday, November 1, 1982 ~--------------------------~ ..J John Henry, 55,031 have quite a day ,. From AP dispatches ARCADIA -The largest single-E day crowd In the hltitory o! Oak Tree thoroughbred rat-e mt't'tlngs at Santa Anita Park turned out Sunday to see the 1981 horse of the year, John Henry, win the season's premier race, the $300,000 Oak Tree Invitational, for an unprecedented third straight time. · . The 55,0~ 1 fans by far surpassed the previous record of 4 7. 750 set on Columbus Day, Monday, Oct. 11 of this year. In his second ·race since ~back from an anKJe injury he suffered last March, John Henry beat a field that Included the highly reguded Lemhi Gold , who was considered·a top candidate for the 1982 award as the nation's JOHN Hl!NJ'Y • top thoroughbred. - It was the third consecutive year John Henry, 8: 7-year-old gelding who is the .top money-wanner In thoroughbred racing history. has won the Oak Tree Invitational. Quote of the day · -"If I was a football fan in Nebraska, 1 would be mad as hell at Randy Jostes. Why would I be mad? Because of what I had read and because of the newspaper photos I had seen ... -Randy Jostes, Missouri defensive tackle, responding to what he feels was one-sided newspaper a~'Ounts in Nebraska of a tackle he made that put Nebraska quarterback Turner Gill out of the ~arne and into the hospital. · Madin takes Yankee lead NEW YORK -Ne w York II Yankees owner George Steinbrenner id Sunday that two-time Yankees Manager Billy Martin is a leading candidate to take the job again. "Billy's right in the middle of it, but no decision's been made," Steinbrenner said in an interview on CBS-TV. Denver pute 1ome EngUth on the ball Alu S.11111111t'On'\l l'i1&ht point.I Ill In tho rlnal i!x mlnutt• ond ~nv..-r out•l'orl'd Phe>ttnlx 20 7 down theo 1treu.•h u lht• NU#M•UI won thf Ir flra1 HtUTW of lhC* llNl()n. 1 114 110 dt'CLldon ovt'r the.• Sun1, 10 highlight NBA Ul'\lon S unduy . Ehwwhcl'l', David Tbomp1011 ~'Ul't'tl 17 of hla tt.>1un-lcadhlg 2~ polnb1 In th_, flnil hatr 1U1 St>alllc rolll'd loo 12~·10\> win over San Dwgo . Kelly Trlpucka ICOred 37 point., lncludlnal 12 ln the fourth quart.er, u Detroit held oft u rally In the closing mlnutea to beat lndlano, 118-115 ... V(\leran Juallr Br6d1em11 and rookie ~aul Pre11ey teamed tor 2S polnta In the •~cond quarter a1 Milwaukee spurted to a 20-polnt first-half lead before t'OOating to a 119-9~ win over Cleveland. The lOSll was the Cavaliers' 2111 straight, tying the longest NBA t'On!k'Cullve loss streak over two seasons. The Detroit Pistons lost 14 games endln& the 1979-80 season and seven more starting 1 ga0-81. Flyers break loose to down Winnipeg . The Philadelphia Flyers broke ~ loose for three goals within a ~ 1 • span in the second period, with leCl winger Brian Propp scoring two of . them, to defeft Winnipeg, 3-2. to highlight NHL action -Sunday ... Elsewhere, Buffalo's Ric Sellln1 scored two aoals to back the solid goalt.ending..oC teammate Ja_cquH Clolllna..W11c.J.UJ:......-1 Sabres downed Montreal, 3-1. Cloutier stopped 23 shots, allowing only Mark Hunter's goal in the second period ... Don Maloney'• second two- goal game in a week led the New York Rangers to a 6-2 drubbing of Pittsburgh ... Darcy. Rota scored with 1:09 left lo lift Vancouver to a 3-2 win over Edmonton. Sutton wins his first pro tltle Rookie Hal Sutton had to birdie • the ·72nd hole to force a playoff, then subdued stubborn Bill Britton with a 15-foot birdie putt on the fourth extra hole Sunday to claim his first pro ~e in the Wal~ Disney World Open golf classic . . . Leon , Spinks, the former w o rld h eavyweight champion, won a close but unanimous 12-round ~i.Ston over Jesse Burnett for the vacant North American Boxing Federation crµiserweight title ... DOag Rader, the San Diego Padres' minor league manager_ at liflwail and a former big league third baseman, is expeeted to be named the Texas Rangers' 12th manager in 12 years today . . . Patient Darrell Waltrip took over the lead after a series of late pit stope and, with the aid of a miscue b:v Bobby Alll1on, raced _off to an easy victory in the rain.-postponed Warner Hodgdon American 500 Grand National stock car race. Televislon, radio TV: No events scheduled-. - RADIO: No even~ scheduled. USFL TO BENEFIT? • • • From Page 01 would get settled." those players who are under contract." UNION COU TER ITll PLAN • • • From Page C1 worth •a:lO m Ilion thl• yt•ur. w I t h SU :4 m 1111 u n I( u 1 n ii f or lmnwdl11te ocr()!.11-tht• bourd wuj(l' lncreaw11, S:JBO nulllon In I Otta and $400 million In 1984. Tht• munoJ(c•menl propoKu l 1.-avl't thJI yl•ar oix~n bc-t·uu11t• lht.• ownt'rs huvl' yet to ndJ up th"lr lOllll(!ll It wo1.1ld t)(l worth $240 mllllon in 198:i, $260 m1Ulon In 1984. $280 million In 1986 and $000 million In 19110. Seventy· • fiv<' purccnt of the $1.21:1.billlon would b<' guaranteed by th<' owncr11 with $4tl0 mill ion ur the· total package to bt· collt-ctlvu~y. bargainl'd and dls tributt'<.I by thP union. In th'! lll(l't'l'mc•nt, iAhlch t• x p I r c d I u. t J u 1 y 1 ~ , t h t• tollt'CllVi'ly btarl(alnt'd ltt>ffill 11uch O!i pcn1lon1 and otht!r bt•ndl\11 nmountNt to about J 7 pc.•n; nt. Tht• union 1my11 tht· O"trwr.' l1Hc•11 l offc•r , tht• (Ir l by munugl'tll<'tll 11inc..1• 8t•pt. 8, faifs to oddre&a thr•t.<c of tht! union's flVt' pn•vlou aly d clint•atcd "csllcntlal" d e mands protection for ve'terans, the union's r ight lo coo!ll'ctiv(>ly bargain for incentive bonUSl'll und u ix.•rccntage of thl' lcagu.,·s television r4:vcnues. The av<>rage pay for rookies when tho fructured 1982 season ·college football IATIJlllOAY'I OAMH C1hlornl1 VI USC al LA CellHum (I 30 pm) UCLA II Wa1t11~ton -Ar~ona 11 Stanlord Paclllc vs Long Beech St •t Anaheim St•dlum (7 30 pm.) - ~t-&ln -.lo94Hlt ~ C•l State Fullerlon 11 F1esno St San Oi4lgo SI at Haw•ll, n Bo4M SI. •t Cal Poly (SLOI. n WHhl~ton St •t Oregon Monlana at Portland St , n C.a Lutheran II St Mery'I t JWhllll•r 11 La'lernt1 Occidental 11 Aedl•nda. n Cal Poly (Pomona) II N0tthr1dge St , n UC Devis II Hayward St Chico St at Humboldl St., n San Francisco St 111 Sacrfmanlo St., n Aoclllff Oregon SI. 11 .Arizona St., n WyomtnQ 11 BYU N•v•dB·lll Veg11 I I COiorado St. ldeho •t ld•ho St., n Northe<n -A1l2on1 •• Monl•na St. North Texu St. •t N-Mexico SI Utah St. II Utah . Olll•hom1 St •t Net>t11k1 8aJI St al BOWiing GrMn W.chll• St et Dfake Kant St. at Eutern MIChtg•n • C.ntral MIChlQen •I Miami, 0 Western Mlcnlga.n 11 T Oltdo Nonhe<n 1Umot1 11 Ohio U --ScKIUI -LSU 11 Al•beme Rutgers 11 Aut>urn North C•rollna II Clemson Wake Foreat •t Duke Georgie at Florida Vlrglnla at Georgie Tech Venderb1lt 11 Kentucky 1nd11n1 St •I t.-ou19Yill4t- Mleml. Fla at Maryland Tulane ft Mississippi. n Florida St. 11 South Carolina Memphis St. at Tennessee Marahall at VMI Brown at Wiiiiam & Mary Bucknell 11 Davidson James Madison 11 Furmlfl McNeese St. rt L,oulslana Tech, n Nicholls St. a NW &..oulslana, n Soutl\wn II SE Louisiana, n bt·a•n wu S51:1,000 and the a v~r•a~ ••l•ry o( a JO .year player wu $171 ,000. Under the.> ownen' proposal, thl' rooklt! minimum for the 1982. ·aa and '1:14 11t•asonat would be $30,000. In 198~ and '86 It would r11u' to $40,000. Similarly, a 10-yc.>ar veteran's minimum in the tlrst thr.-e years of the owners' agreem('nt would be $120.000 and the n ext two 8t!osons It would be $130,000. Th£' union objcct11 to those nUl'OOOl'll, saying' they're too 11>W and would a Cf eel only six percent of the league's 1,500 players. JOHNSON & SON · presents ... · Nevadl·Aeno at Weber St,. n louttlw"t Ar1l11na11 •t l!l•ylor 1<811111 St. at Olc19homa SMU at Rice NE Louisiana 11 SW Loulslane, n Appat-echlan St. at Tenn•••••- Ch•llttneOGI. n -' ' COLLIGI· HOUiton •t Texas Texu Tech •t TCU WMt Ttxu St. 81 Tulal. n ArklnNI SI II Lamer, n Eut Cwolln• •t Texu-Arh~ton, n ~Mexico •I Taua-EI Paso. n Mldweel Michigan 81 lltiflOla North-tern at M1ctugan St W-nnaot• •t Ot11o St Iowa 11 Putdue lndlana at W11COnSln . low• St. II Kan111 • Cotor•do at MIHOUrl Eutern Kentuelty 11 Ten-Tech The Cila<lel •t'WllSletn c ... oi1na -::;, Eeet Nonh Cetotln1 St. 11 Penn St Notre o.me at Pitt Navy at Syr~M Air ForQe at Army Boston College al MNUCtluMttl 80lton U. •I Connec:llcul Cornell •t y '" Lal•yelle •t P'lnceton Colgate al Penn Harv•rd at HOiy Crose COiumbia •t Oartmoulh ~81"41 at New H•mpshlre t ehlgh at Rhode lal•nd l.initfd Off• 11!-AIJ. LINCOLN MERClJRY 2626 Harbor llvd., Co1ta Me1a 540-5630 ~., ..... Wlctld ... .............. So. Calif. over California · * UCLA over Washington • * BYU over Wyoming * Pitt over Notre Dame * Georgia over Flori Ralston is convinced that even if the NFL had progressed on schedule, the USFL's fate would have been unaffected. There is some speculation that i£ 1----------.-J...~---------------:...:...,_ ____________________ ...:...,_ _____ _ '- "We're not taking on the NFL in the same framework as the WFL did," Ralston explains. "And. we have more, or instant credibility because we've got a national network contract. "Because of the ABC ~ntract, we have the possibility to build our own stars. S"re, people may not recognize the names. But when they see that first game on TV and one of our players maybe throws for 300 yards, he'll become an instant star. People will see that opening game and hopeflltly they'.11 say, 'Wow'!" The U8FL doesn't figure to be totally namefess. There will be Y.Our smattering of NFL rejects, local college players that couldn't catch on in the NFL and, yes, maybe even a few "name" players Crom the parent league -regardless of whether the strike is settled or not. • Already, the lrtvaders, according to Ralston, have signed "12 players, although only 10 names have been released (former Pro Bowl~r Cedrick Hardman is one). "Signing players is difflcuJt because of the NFL strike," admits Ralston. "Yes, we'll probably sign some NFL players, but we wiJJ certainly respect the NFL season is called off. every playe! would become a free aeent. But that is something the courts will have to decide. And, unUJ a decision is reached, Ralston insists the USFL will not get involved in any tampering of contracted NFL players. ..I think our league is a lot closer to the NFL than you realize," Ralston points out. "W e may suffer some contintlify,'"but we're going to have some established NFL players on our roster. "There are going to be players who played in the fall of '81 for the NFL who are going to play in the spring of '83 for us. And. no matt.er who it ls. ~J?l~vers.~et better by playing. "Sure. we're virtually working from scr_aa.ch. But that's what Tom Landry '<futd the Dallas Cowboys do every year, te>o. Landry starts by holding ur a football and they take it from there. That's what we'll be doing. "l think we'll be recognized (as a league) almost immediately, although I feel it's a little unrealistic that'our best team would be able to play the NFL's best right away ... but 1 don't think it would be too far off." In the meantime, the USFL will settle for a Httle respectability, acceptance and, hopefully, success. Cll•ESSMll--~~.:.. BOBBADHAM ""'llrinf. ' caou)e• IWITlUUllO Cll.f • CAllf ... IA • llAH Ulll • AUITU • AllO IOH ..,._f, .. ,-~ ----ut•U1111 llt t =_ ............ , Cll , ....... ... , .. --.................... , -•If ... U1a .. 111111t• -.. ................. I ,_ .. .., .,. •nu '=.. ... ~I ... ~c:.:.: __ ";;;.rJ:...-. ... LEADERSHIP, INTEGRITY 1· -~' is • • ORANGE COUNTY MUSIC FOR ADULTS. PLUS • • • MARINE WEATHER -The latesc Information from udes to temperatures, direct from che Orange County Harbormaster. • -TRAFFIC REPORTS -Weekday morning and afternoon drlvet1me_ freeway and highway anforma-· tion from the Orange County o ffice ot the Highway Patrol. • STOCK MARKET REPORTS -Twice daily. the most up-to-date 1ntormat1on 1n the w orld of finance. as 1t pertains to Orange County. from Bob ScMlff at Memll Lynch an Newport Beach. • PITNESS AND RUNNING REPORTS -Expert advice from U.C.I. Track Coach and U.S. Olympic Development Coa-ch Kevin McNair. twice every day ' • • • CONSUMER REPORTS · ~ -listen for KOCM's own Consumer !«1vlce Specialist Mary Ann Price. She's OUC to help youl Two times eacp day Of the week. ' ••• N.WS . -More than just headlines, and a speci al emphasis on Orange Councy . • • • ENTERTAINMENT REPORTS .. •• • -What's good -and not·so-good -on Orange Councy st.age and screen. exclusively on KOCM with Herm Boodman • A CLOSER LOOK -KOCM's own weekly detailed look at pert1rent news topics. with Joann Reynolds and Susan Vaughn. . . • COMMUNITY PORUM -An award-winning presentation of tht Junior League of Newport Harbor, aired weekly only on t<OCM. delving Into the unique Interests of our area • • • • • • ON YOUR l'M dlAL AT I ·' • • a • • .. , COLL.IOI How top 20 fa1'9d H9ft's how Top TWtf'lty learns on Tiit 4MOCl•te<I PrMI COl"Oe football Po4I fartcl Saturday I Pon (7-0-0) beat LOUllYlllt, 63· 14 2 Washington (8· t -01 1011 to Stanford 43-3 t 3 Geo•gta (8·0·0) beat Memphl1 State, 34.3 4 Southern MathodlSI (8.0-0) beal f .... ~47-11 5 Atkanaas (7-0-0) beat Rice 24·6 6 Nebruka (7· 1·01 bHt Kanus. 52-0 7 Arozona Slote (8·0·01 beat Southilrn Cal 17. 10 8. Penn Sta111 (7·1·0) beal Boaton College, 52· 17 II 41abama (7· 1·01 beat Mlutnlpp1 State, 20-12 to North Carotona (5·2·01 loll to Maryland, 31·24 11 UCLA (7-0· 11 b .. I O.egon. 40-12 12 Southern Cal (6·2·01 toat lo ""'ooa State 17 • tO 13 LSU (6-0· ti beat Mln1$S1ppj, 45., 14 f.IOroda Stale (6· 1-01 bell Moaril, Fla , 24-7 16 Clemwn t5· I· ti diCI not play 16 Moam• Fla (5·3·0) IOSt to Flo< Ida State. 24-7 17 OkU.tioma 16·2-01 Deal Colo<aoo 45-10 • 18 West V1tg1n1a 1&-2-01 b<lat Eaat Carottna. 30·3 19 4uburn (6·2·01 1011 to Florida, 19-17 20 Mochigan 16·2·01 beal Minnesota. 5,2,J4 SATURDAY'S LATE BOX Hawaii 9, CS Fullfiton 3 Sc..,. b, o .. .n ... Cal State Full9'1on Q......L_Q_ 0 3 Hawa11 --3 3 3 0 -11 UH -FG Larsen 37 UH -FG L•rMn 44 CSF -FG Steonka 40 UH -FG Larsen 38 4 34 033 T•""' 'l•ll•ta ~--------C.SF "" 12 Forst downs 3 Rustles-yards 27 ·2 Paatlng yards 202 52-138 63 52 ll·ll'O 7-38 7.3 7.75 32 0 Return yards II Passea tll-39-0 Punta 7-38 FumbleS-IOSI 5-2 Penanies-yaras S-35 Tome OI Possession 2110 lndlvldu.I llatl•tlee RUSHING -CSF, Gerhatt 5-23. ~ 5-03 Ha ...... Edgar 23-52, Ouan.s 11-35 P4SSll'IG -CSF. E1pmosa 9-38-1-202 Hawall. Ouartes 6-04-0·63 RECEIVING CSF Garhart 6·42. loc1<e11 3-41 Camptotld 3-34 Hawaoo Muuay 4-l, Nobles I ·'29 I ATUR04Y'I LATE ICOfllEI H-aJi 9 Cal St F-ton 3 Houston 31 TCU 27 Miami, Ohoo 2 I. Toteao 17 Autoers 20. Atehmond t 4 Ae<ltanas 33 Pomona-Pitzer 25 Semi pro lat San G.l>rltl Ml••lon) Alnambra Blues 36 Huntington B•ach Marol'fi!ts 12 COLLEGE STANDINGS Pacltlc-10 Conference Artzona St UCLA w a1111ngton use 4rozona Stanf0<d Cal1torn11 wasnlngton St O<e<;ion St Ofe<;ion Cont. k- W LT WLT 4 o o -a o o 3 0 1 7 0 I 4 I 0 7 1 0 310 520 2 1 I 4 2 I 320 530 230 f>30 0 3 1 8 I 0 5 0 7 I 050 071 PCAA Conf. S.-W LT W LT Fresno SI 4 0 0 1 1 0 long Bell St 2 1 o 2 s 0 Utan St 2 I 0 5 2 0 ~:.:~SI ~ }·~ 5 ~ g UNLV 0 3 0 6 0 CS Fullerton O 3 0 3 5 O Atlenllc CoHt Conference Cont. S.-1Mat}land 4 0 0 6 2 0 Clemaon 3 0 0 5 I I North C.olina 2 I 0 5 2 0 NO Carotona St 2 3 0 5 3 0 Duke 1 2 O 4 4 0 Vlrglnoa I 3 0 2 5 0 Wake Forest O 4 0 3 S 0 Georgia Tech o o O 4 4 O Big Eight Conference C-f. a.- Nebraska Qt..tanom• 'Kanaas St Oklahoma St Iowa SI MlllOU<I COlotado KM\MS W LT W L T 4 00 710 400 620 2 I 1 5 2 1 I I 2 2 3 2 I 2 1 4 3 I 022 332 0 3 1 I II I 0 3 I 1 $ 2 Bl; Ten Confarance COftf. S- Michigan Ohio St Iowa urtnots WollCOf\Sln lndlana Pu<Ove Monneso\a Moc"'Qan St NO<lhWestern W LT WLT 600 820 410 530 410 530 520 830 420 530 2 4 0 350 2 4 0 260 5 0 3 5 0 5 0 I 7 0 e o 2 1 o 'J Big Sky Conference Cont. I H IOn WLT WL T tdeho 3 1 0 6 2 0 Mont""" 2 0 5 3 0 Montana St 2 O 5 4 0 Botse St 3 3 0 5 3 O NortM<n AtotOOI 2 2 0 3 5 0 Weber St I 3 0 3 5 0 lc:lal'IO St 1 . 3 0 3 5 0 Nev•d•·RllrtO I 3 0 4 4 0 Ivy Le99ue Conf. -...On WLT Wl.T Penn 4 10 520 Har>llld 4 I 0 5 2 0 Prine.Ion 3 2 ,0 3 4 0 Yale 2 2 0 3 4 0 Dartmouth 2 2 O 2 5 0 Brown 2 3 O 3 4 o Coklmbla I 3 0 I 8 0 C0<ne4l 040 180 Mld·Am.rlcan.Conlerenc:a W \.C~I. Wla~~ Central Moch 4 I 1 5 2 I Bowling Gr89fl 5 2 0 5 2 0 Ohoo U 4 2 0 5 3 0 Mtem1, o 4 2 o e 2 o Ball St 4 2 0 4 4 0 w Mocrngan 3 J I 5 2 I Toi.ao 4 3 0 5 4 O· N Nlll•nola 2 4 0 'l 5 0 Kent SI 0 6 0 0 8 0 E Mocntgen o 6 o o e o Southeaatern Conference Cont. heeon WLT WLT Georgia 4 o o 8 o o LSU 301 901 Alabama 3 I 0 7 I 0 4uburn 3 1 0 6 2 0 Florida 2 2 0 4 3 0 Vanaerbdt 2 2 <' 4 3 0 T11<1nttt5" I 1 t 3 3 I Kentucky O 3 O O 1 1 Mou St 0 4 0 3 8 0 MosstlSIPPI 0 4 0 3 6 0 Southland Conference Conf. a.aeon W LT W L T Lou;stana Tech 4 0 0 7 I 0 NE LOUISIAna 4 I 0 7 2 0 Mc:Neesa St 2 t 0 4 4 0 • .. ; SCOREBOARD Natlonal Drag 8oat Aa10Clatlon NATIONAL CHAWIONIHIPI (al lrvlnt Laie) BLOWN FUEL HVORO Tl\a Texah - Uoddie Holl, Wtchtte Fella, r .. aal 111 17•mllH per-llOur 8 13 elapaed time 2 L11>er1y (Dave Nolle. Freanql 207 27-mpn 8 3 I e.1 • BLOWN 4LCOHOL HYDRO Merk Lauzoro. Ville Park, 18 t.38·mpll, 7 19 e 1 BLOWN'f'UEl FL4TBOTTOM Jerry tlankl. Canoga Park, 151 92·m'Ph, 8 74 et &LOWN FUEL JET 8111 HendertOn Jr '""'"'"' 1411 1\7.mnh 11 M "t BLOWN ALCOHOL FLATBOTTOM Marvin S1v1ge, We1111erlofd, 11 • 1'41117-mpll, 11.01e1. BLOWl'I GAS FL4TBOTTOM -Curt Stewart, Olenc:lale, 143.llO·mi>h. 11,06 e t. BLOWN o~s HYDRO R1c:k Keyes. La Mlrtc11, tll!> 4 I-mph, no 11 BLOWN 04S JET -Mike Fe1141fman, '1'0<ba Linda, 129 92-mph. 9 49 e I UNBLOWh OAS FL4TBOTTOM Joe Kohorll, Grand Terrece. Calif • 131 03-mpn, t 74 e 1 UNBLOWN G'4S HYDRO RICllard 'Monocel, Like Jackaon, Tex • 152 89-mpl). 8 76 e t UNBLOWN G4S JET Jollnny Harrl1, Corona, 117 19-mpll, 10 10 et COMPETITION FLA TBOTIOM -J!m Benson, Castro Valley 131 80·mph 956•1 J COMPETITION HYDRO Don Zlglet, -OJ-.i44 59-mph, 8 118 • I COMPETlllON JEl -Meopn Molls Fontena, 111 90-mph, 10 5 t et AIVEA AACJ:A FLATBOTTOM -Greg , Snyd9f, Santa Clara, 124 87·mph 9 93 . ' RIVER RACER JET -OouQ Preuty, .Ft Worth Te•. 102 57-mph. 11 30 et RIVER A4CER HYDRO John C~v., Tucson, 137 29-mpn 9 40 et • NHL -CAM~l CDWIRINCE' tfltyt ... DMalcln W l T OF QA Pie Winn.peg 8 3 I 5 I 32 1:1 Kln111 5 4 3 47 411 13 Edmon1on 4 8 3 511 85 1 1 Vtne0UV9f 4 8 2 43 39 10 Celgary 4 7 2 SO 82 10 No.,11 Olvlalon Mlnn11011 ChlCllgO SI Louil l'otonto OtlrOll 9 2 I 54 37 19 6 2 4 52 43 18 .5 7 0 44 48 10 2 5 4 38 45 II 3 8 I 37 58 7 WALES CONfERENCI ,-efrlck DMeiOft W L T OF OA Pte I I 7' 0 6(1 3& 22 8 5 0 54 40 111 8 7 0 53 54 12 3634050' 3 6 I 38 49 7 3 II t 42 70 7 NY '"•nders Phllac:lolpllla NY Rangera New Jersey WU/ting Ion PonatNrglt 4dalna DM alOf'I Mon1raa1 Quebec Botlon BullelO Har1loro 7 2 3 57 41 17 II 4 I 59 53 13 5 4 3 39 40 13 .& 5 3 SO 49 I 1 2 6 2 32 49 8 lunllay•a·ecorH vancouve< 3 Edmonton 2 Bullalo 3 Montreart NY Aar>g9f S 6 P•tttt>orgh 2 Pholaaelphla 3 Wonmpeg 2 • TOf'llllhl'a Game Calgary 81 New Je<Mv SATURDAY'S LATE RESULTS Klnga 5, Black Hatltka 5 lcore by Period• ChtCagO 1 I 3-5 • lOS 4ngeles I 2 2-5 Flrat Petlod Lamar O 2 O 3 5 0 Ackpn••• SI 0 J 0 a-s-,._ __________ _ I Cnocago. Secord 11 1Sa•.irdl. 1 37. 2 LOI Angeles J Fo• ~ 12 48 Penalll .. -Prnton Clll 4 14 Welle, l4. doublt·mlnO<, 13 32 G Fo• Ctu. 19 34 Taxes·4rllng1on 0 3 0 2 6 0 North T ek81 SI 0 0 0 1 7 0 SouthwHI Conference Conf. a.aeon W L T WLT SMU 5 0 0 II 0 0 Atllaruoas 4 O O 7 0 0 Teaas 2 1 0 4 2 0 Houston 2 2 I 3 4 I Teaas 4&M 2 3 O 4 4 0 TCU 2 3 0 3 5 0 Te•as rac11 2 3 o 3 5 o Baylor 131 251 AIOI 050 080 Mlnourl Vall•l Conference Coftf. a-W l. T WLT Tulle 4 0 0 7 I 0 Woc:Ma SI 3 I 0 7 2 0 tn01ana'S1 3 t 0 5 4 0 s 111"1041 3 1 0 4 5 0 Oral<• 1 3 0 ·3 8 0 ,._ Meafco I 3 0 2 7 0 Wast TeKH $1 0 2 0 2 II 0 '"-SI 0 4 0 I 7 0 Wutern AtMetlc .CoftfefeftC9 eOftl, a-w l. T W l. T Hawe• 3 2 0 4 2 0 Colo<ado St 3 3 o 4 4 o Sen °'8go g, 2 2 O 4 4 0 Ulah 2 3 0 3 5 0 Wyomong 2 4 O 4 5 g T4Us-EI Puo 0 4 0 I II YankH Conference Cqnl. S.eaen WLT W LT BostonU 310 43 0 Maine 2 2 O 8 3 0 Rhode lalllld 2 2 0 5 3 d Musach11Mttes a 2 11 3 5 o N-Hamjlah•re I 2 0 • 4 4 0 Connec:IOC..I I 2 0 3 5 0 Mafof Independent• Tennes-SI PottSburgh Penn St Hotr Cr0$S Fl0<1da St Noire Dome Wesl Vorg1n11 Boston Colleg41 COigate Southetn MoSSOUIPI>' v .. g"'44 T ecn W L T 7 0 I 7 0 0 7 I 0 7 1 0 8 I 0 5 I I 6 2 0 5 2 I 5 2 0 6 3 0 5 3 0 5 3 0 5 3 0 6 3 0 4 4 0 4 4 0 4 4 0 4 4 0 4 4 0 4 4 0 4 4 0 3 5 0 3 6 0 3 5 0 SW Lou• .. &nl M1am1. Fta Aul9"fS Conconnall Temple E c,r011na NWl-na N...., • w Kentuck)I Army South Car oltoa tu1-Lours11111e -Deep ... flatttng ARTS LANOINO l..._19-111 -211 1nglera 20 ban. 5S bonllo, U? <Ndlertl. 10 roc:tc lot/I 5 ~ I trigger flth DAYEY'I LOCKER (Newpon hecll) -711 angltrt 14 7 bonito 3 celtCO bHI 1 hng cod. 300 m-erel. 30 rode cod. '\ land basl DANA WHARf -104 angltrt 42 ban. 150 t>c>Nto, 1 hal•bul, 53 mack9fet, 294 rock cod 7 rocll list\, 5 lhMPflNd, 24 ac:ull)ln llAL HACH -42 englata 5 c.ow cod, 105 mackerel.-310 rock 11111\. 5 al!Hphead, 17 llCUlpln, 32 wNte rl8h (llergt) -44 lngWI 24 bonl10, 170 mac1tert1, 2SO w1111e '1oel<er, 150 qOte<l 11111\, l econd Period '3 Los 4ngeles, Nlcllolls 12 (S1mmei~ J Fo•I. I 111 IPPI. 4 Loa Ange4 .. J Fo~ T 8 (S•mmt<I. 10 35, S Chteago (ywl< 5 (W~tOn. B Murrey) 11 14 IWI Penalties -Welle l4, 10 55 B Murrey Ch• 11 42, Savard, ON. 14 17 Ylllrd Petlod · 6 Los 4~es. M Murphy 3 (Bozell, Oak TrM Ker11'1ed'r). 3.26, 7 'Clllc:ago. Secord 12 IUHDAY'I RllUlTI ~(Siverd, G Fo~). 5 02. 6 Chicago, (2tlh ot 27-day IMtoutNlfM -'"'91 Gardner 3, 5•26, 9 Lot 4ngalel , NIChotls FIRIT RACI. 6 lvtlong• 13, 15 211, 10 Chtcego, P!!Ceraon 3 Tru•ton'a Double (Pncy)4 40 3 60 tMarSll. Gatdnerl. 16' IS Penau--Snooting Wino (Sleinet) 12 00 8 40 NICllOllS. L4, II 211, Secotd, en. 1&·311. T-Tewa Oencet tf.llradal II 40 Ro91towtl0. LA Ill 31 41ao rlC*I Wutloe Lea, Top OMIOc, I Sholl on goal -Chleago 12·8-12-32 The Power. Bertolont. Surreptllloully, Lot Angelea 17 10..S.35 Dendy Wll, McCulclleon OoaHH -Chicago. EIPOlllO LOI Tome I Oii Angel••· Lullollo. A -11.007 • SECOND RACE. 8 furlonga Barbentown (T0<0) 52 20 18 20 7 80 The Bagel Kid (OINse) ~SO 3 40 E1<clull•• O<e>h.,, (Clllaned•I 3 llO ...i.o raced PaQA,. C-..tty ea- Pride Of Tha Fltel, N1!911er. Boston MAQ1C, Ml """90 AoOerlo Tome 110 • S2 DAILY DOU9L.E t7-3)peld $155 40 THIRD RACI. 1 1118 molts Tw1n'1 Tornado IH~YI II 00 4 00 3 00 Styltah lad (Plncay) 5 40 3 20 1ncur..on (Hansen) 2 llO AISC> racad 8lackwtll Plaza Ptinc.. ShoOlong Benn;e Time I 41 4/5 FOURTH RACE. 6 IUf'lonQ.a Sor RusMI! (Uphaml 11 llO 5 90 4 llO HatcyOn Jo {H.,,sen) 21> 10 I I 00 Jun Lullle (Blackl • 7 20 Also raced Coming Your Way, Vallatll, Bo11y Lover, TV 4aron._On The Fly Tune I 10 FWTH RACE. I 1116 mtlea P9'Nlet Grey (McCrn) 5 00 3 20 3 00 Seavoy 1Haneen1 4 00 3 llO L•nO•"• Brother (Hawley) 5 80 • Alao raced Second tjalJve, Megg11'a Music. Allled lnvad41f, Cntal llltle Hawk GOiden Corclt, Oom O.tando Oe Sharp F'lylflQ G-. Ram Botcll'f Twnt 141 95 UACTA (4·91 paid S54 00 Sl.XTH AA~ I II 16 molel DJ Daly (ShOemai<lf) 5 40 4 ~ 3 20 A R•ghl Id .. (Caslenec!el 13 llO 5 00 Right On Center (Delah<IUssayel 3,80 I.Ito ractcl Aggravatln'. Nea117 Dawn, <.:rya1a1 Goblet, Habrau, 4ttu• Count Hulrey Hu<reh T.,,.. 143 215 llYINTH RI.Cl . 8 l\lflongs .f enq 1.0. t5'bllle!' 5 oo a.oo 4 oo MIN baa toelinOUSSll~I • 4 00 3 00 Sheyne Mtauore (Mc<:arron) 3 20 Alao raced Westward 011 Time For ~Cheeks. Flllhe s Pon Up, Gr1nc:lpa·a POOlley. Windy 0 C Time 1 Oii 215 11 IXACTA ( 1-4) pelc:I 5 112 00 It f'ICI( llX (3·~-4-4-4·1\oeod $121 • 103 20 wlll\ 2 '*'nnlng rc11eu 111-. h!WM91 62 Pocll-Sui< Contolahon pale! $244 60 with 330 wtnnlnQ tlck911 (love ... ,_ EIGHTH flACa. I'' milts on tutl Jonn Henry (Stomktl 4 eo 4 20 3 eo ~ ....... (s.b< .. I • 8 20 4 llU Aegalbe<IO (Toro) 6 00 41ao rec:ed Pelertn Buchanttte Lemhi GOid, Maipon Time 2 24 Sii IXACU (11-21 paid S 102 00 NINTH RACI. One mile llem Two tMcCarronl 4 20 Son Of 4 Dodo (Campasl EbOny Bronte (Statnao I Also raced Cap POWtf,Mullf T ttne 1 34 415 "'IXACTA I 7J paid sn 50 4tlendenc:e 5.03 I N8A • WHTEIUC COMHMNCll hcMlc Dlvtalon W L Pet. Q.9 =Stele -~ g :::: PllOti'lx 1 I 500 Lellen 0 I 000 I'> Por1lllld 0 2 000 2 Sen oi.go 0 2 000 2 Mldwe•t DMalon Sen Antonio 2 0 I 000 KansatClly I 0 1000 Otllu ' 1 500 Otnver I I 500 Ulan 1 I 500 Houston o 2 000 llAITEAH CONFERENCE Atlantlc DMalon ., t I I 2 W L Pct. 09 PhtlaOtlphoa Bo9ton New Jerll!'f Wuf\tnglon New YO<~ 2 01000 2 01000 I I 500 1 I I 500 1 . 020002 Cantrel DMalon Mllweu~ee 2 O t 000 Detroit '1 0 I 000 Indiana 1 1 500 1 Clt¥ellll'IO 0 2 000 2 • Cll!Cago 0 2 000 .2 Alltota 0 2 000 2 lvndey'• '-" ........... 1( .. 119 ~95 Oetrool 118 Indiana 115 Seattle 127, San Otego IOll Otnver 114, Photnl• 110 Tonivlll't OemH NO glmf'5 scheduled .. Water Doto cou.lo.1 Lont haell IM!tettoftal uc 1rv1ne e, uec t UC ltvlne I 3 3 1-11 USC 0 0 I 1-2 UC Irvine 1cor1ng J Campbell 3 Ood1on 2, Vorgn 2 Ollvler I Choquelluence I UC Wine t. UCLA t UCLA 2 0 I .3 -8 UC 1,.,,,,,. 2 I 2 4-11 UC Irvine ac:orong J C•f'llPb•lt 2 Choqu~~ 2, P Campbell I Vargu 1, Ollvotr I, C>o01on I Rot>ertaon I CAMEL FILTERS ·NEW HARD PACK Warn ing : The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. Orengo Coaet OAIL V PILOT /Monday, November 1, 1982 • American 500 .i, (•t lloclll"t"-.. N.C.) Rffulls ol Sundly a Werner Hoogoon Amlf!C811 SOD Of end N'11ooner SIOC!i c:ar race. wtth type ol car, 181>9 compi.1e0 l .nd Wlnnet I &-age' lpteel 111 mpl\ 1 Oarreff Wanrop Buick ~ 4112. 115 122 2 BobDY Allison, Chevr04el Monte Carlo, 492 3 Nell Bonnon, Ford Thunderbird. 492 4 T.,ry LabOnta Buick Regal 4111 5 Morg<111 Shephefll, Buicli AeQll 491 6 AoCllatd Pally P11<1toac Grand Prt• 4t1 7 Buddy Bat.er Pontiac LeMarts. 488 , 6 Aon Bouchard Buick Regal, 486 9 Lennie Pond. Chevrolet Monte Carlo, 4711 tO 0 I( UlrtCh, Bute-A41gal, 4 71 I I Oave M1rc11 Chevrolet Monllo Carlo, 487 12 Bon Enoon rord Tllonde<blrO, 463 13 Bobby W•-k Buock Regal, 458 14 Oala Eatnh111dt. Ford Tnuoderbtta 445 15 Jommy Mnt1or Cnevrolet Monte Carlo 444 • 16 Doc!\ Mey, Ford Thunderbird, 444 17 Tom Aocnmono BUIC~ R99al. 438 18 Joe Rl<ttman. Buocll Regal 390 19 Stick Jo11nt0n Buocll Regal 387 20 Renay Baller Pontoac Grand Pwi 347 21• Atcnerd Broc1<hou111 Pontoac Grana Prtx, 337 22 J O McOulloe. Ponuac Grano Prl• 13~ 23 Buddy Amng1on Dodge Magnum ;m 24 Mark Marton Buoet. Regal, 314 28~5 Cate YlrbO•OU<jjh, Butel< Regal 211 Joe M1l~k01 Butd Regal 277 27 Geott Booone Pontoac Grand Pro• 245 28. Ricky Rudd, Pontiac Grand Pro~. 242 28 K~le Pally Pontoac Grand Pm 208 30 Ronnie TflOl'H Pontiac Grend Pro• 204 Men'• tournament let Tay~) '"'' .. "n•I Jonn M cEnroe CU S I del Peter McNamara (Au~irall•I 7-6. 7-5 (McEn1oe Wini SM 000 MCl'lamata won• ..IJ0.0001-DouOlee Flnal Tom Gu"tci<aon-Tom Gultockson (US J def McEnroe· Peter Rennert tU S l. 6 4, 3·11. 7-6 (GulllCk1on·GulllCkSOn IP)ll ~ S 111,000, McEnroe,Aennert tplll $10,000) \ • Perla Indoor tournament llnglee Flf\al Wo11ek Fol>Ak f Potandl aet B•ll ScenlOn (U SI 6-2 6·2 6-2 1F1bak wins S 15 000, Scanlon wons $7,5001 Double• fll)AI Bnan Golllr..O-Bruce Manson tU S I def Jey Laptdus-Aoclt Meyer iU S ). 6-4. 6-2 ' COiogne Grand Prix (el Cologne, WMI O..many) tlnglee Flnal Kevon Curren (South 4tr1c11 det Sl>lomo Ghel<at-(lwMI). 2-6. &-2 6·3 Oollblee Ftnet C1rlo1 Kormayr (Brazill-Jose-Lull Damiani (Urll<jlu•YI def Christoph lJpl Hans Oteler (Well O.rmany) 6-2 3 6 7 5 Women'• tournament (al lrlthlOft, England) ........ Flnal Marton• N1vrat1tova (US I det Cn1is ~ Llotd IU S I 8· I 6-4 INavri\lolov~ '""'' S27.000, Evert LIOyd wtns $13,5001 OollblH Final • Navre111ova Pam Shriver fU S I det Barbara Poner Sheron Walsh (U S 1. 2 e 7·5. 9.4 I Hong Kona Claaalc FlHt Rouncl llnqtee L11tan Drescher tSwHzerlenOI del Yvonn' Vermaak (Sootn 4lr1ca1 11·1, 7·5, 6·2 l\om Sletnmllt IU SI def Marcell• Me&'\ er 1H01landl 6·2 5· 3 Marianne v.,, 0.r Torre (Hotlano1 Jel Jennifer Mundel (South Alrtcal 7·5 II 3. Oana G•lbert CU S I del Heatl'ier Ludlolt CU 5 8-4. 11-2. Stacy Solomon fU S I def hetll Mcinerney IU S I 6-2 J.6 6-2: Pltyllls Blac~-• tU S I del Polar Vasauez (Peru), 6 -4 6 4 , Jultt Harrington cu SI r.: EhHl>Olh Saver fAllStrftoll}. C-.'f. g. , S-11 laura C>ol>O<ll (U S I oef Stacy Mergoton (US I. 3·6 11·4 8-2 Southern Callfornla Teec:hlng Pro Champlonahlpe (al Laowne Nlfuel Recqooel CluO) lffn'a ai;;,,1ee FINI Paul Btrn11ai~u111r1on1 atr-Tj)ril leonard !South P1Uden•1.8-7, 8·4, 8 1 • Men'• Do..l>lee Final I om Leon .. ro (Sou1n P1saa11n1)-.lefry van ling• (Newport BHChl dol Jim Slaught t81nla Berba111-Bob Chappel lThouund 0Kt), 4-6 8-3 6-4 .Women's llftelea flnel T1n1 Mocho&ukl cSoutll Pasad•n•J del 4ngie M•nnistan (Senta Bwbat•I 6-2. 6 2 Women'• Oollble• Fina! Gaol Glugow (Newport Beechl·Janlce Matcell 1c101emenl) def Tina Mochoiuko (South Paaaotn•l·Ashera Moranon (Los 4ngotes1 3·6, 8·2, 6·3 • -j Dlaney Claaalc (•I Lake Bvena Viet•) ,., .-Hal Sunon $72 000 e.n Button $43 200 270 Ja1• Haas. SU 200 ;171 °"" Pooloy. S t9.2~a Ho .. ard Tioolly $15 200 Larry Nellon. S t!l,200 '274 Vlet,ne Lev• S 12 050 Pat Ltn<laey S 12.050 Bob Gilder. S 12,050 Mtfrk Lye, S 12,050 275 Jom Netlora. SD.?00 Lorry M•za S9 200 Steve Melnyk S9 200 271 Tom Jen~tns ·$6.200 Ken Green $6 200 Tony Cerda S6 200 •Bob Eastwood, S6 200 Andy Bean. $6,200 Keith Fergus. $6,200 Mark Pleil $6,200 Ed Sneed· Sf..200 277 Barry Har-I $4 320 OM PoN $4 320 271 Tom PurtH< S3 1112 0 4 Wrobrlng '3 162 Ed Flori, $3, 162 , Gaorge Burns $3, 152 Barry JMCkel, $3 162 Scon Hoch SJ 182 Latry AH'lk9f S3 162 27t Gary Koch S2 600 ao Greg Po-s S2 367 Jim Tho<pe, $2 367 Jim COibert $2.367 ... 2tl 7 1-63·811·87 611-67-611-64 68-66·65·73 71-86·68·68 67·86-70-70 71-84-87·7 I S0-87-70·67 70-87-70 87 73-611-84·118 72·67-65-70 72·68·70-t5 68· 7 I ·69·87 68-72-85· 70 69-811-72·66 71·71-68-68 73-66-70-67 811-71-611-67 73·611·67-68 68·7 t-67-70 13.53. 10-zo 70-6&-69·7 I 611· 74-66-69 68·67 ·611· 73 12· 72-66-61 $11-811-72-68 12•bf>-I 1-bll 89-70-69· 70 67-70-71-70 70·71-88-71 68-811-71-71 70-66-72· 71 72-72-611-68 74-67-71-611 72-M-71-811 Tom Simpson Sl 6115 74-811-71-811 Roget Maltb<e. S 1 8115 64-71-73-611 Jim Si.non' SI 885 74-87-71·1111 Georoa 4•cher SI 6115 "72·611-7 l·U 'NOoOy"tlillrtOUm.~ 11115-70-14.fl1r70 Oanny Edwards SI 8115 6&-73-7U-70 Man. Hav-a. St 8115 75· 70-G&-70 Mike Holland St 685 12· 70-611· 70 Forrest FezJer $ t,685 73-67-70·7 I Pat McGowan SI 885 09-73-66-73 J C SN!ad St.685 67-611·72-74 2t2 Re~ CalO.vetl S 1 058 TomJ~ $10~8 John Fought SI 058 Calv111 Peete St.058 Aon St•OCk St 058 213 Fred Couples $938 Mika Morley 1938 Lindy Mollet S938 Clarence AoM' S9:MI 214 0.W·n weave< H08 G•t>by GoltM'ft $908 ,.~ Bob .,.urp11y $1172 Tarry 0ten1 sen Leonard Thompson. $872 Mika Sullivan $872 Ste.e HAii S872 Beau B.lugh se 72 ScoltS1mp~n 5172 Jom Bai~· sen 2M Bru'e Doug ... m& 217 72-611-71·70 68-611-7 4. 71 70-71-70-71 66-74-70-72 7 1-811-611· 7 5 69·69·75-70 74·67-72-70 71-68-70·74 71-72-&S-75 71-68 74.71 72-72-68·72 67-75-71·72 66-79-68 72 71 71·71·72 71-69 72.73 67-75-70·73 7 4. 70-611· 73 72-71·811·73 70-72-69-74 70-71 72· 73 Cti.lrl•s Cooay $81' 70·72·71-74 , 4UM M1ll111 S812 73·72·68·74 Mark McCumbtlf $812 73-71·89·74 Booby Nichols Se 12 73·811·69·77 - • Won $<ldaen aeath playoll WHkand tranNCtk>n1 fOOTllALL Unlled Stal" Football L ... IM BOSTON BREI.KEAS Slgntcl MIJI Jones and George l-ts. hnebeckara, Kellon Dansie• and 4(11hony VerMn. aale11es W1111am Fenn end Mike Morucc1 running b1ck1 ano John CGoper, kici.er , • • -~ ,,, J • ~J •1 •I ol 1. 11< ;r. ,, Ji --._ .. , ... le. · v· .. -- Oran I Only a minor alteratio.ri tO pre p ranking Oran1 County'• I t of lite prt'p football teienw remalna virtually \.mchanaed, "(Ith thc- e>((.'eptlon of the pl~mcmt of Century League powen Foothill and El Mudena, who ~aahed laat week and finlahed In a 13-13 loie, Foothlll waa No. 2 and El Mod<llln No. 3 -now they're Ued for the runnerup poeltlon behind Angelua League power Servile. Servlte w ill have Its ranking tested this week In a duel with S t. Paul In the most noteworthy game of the week lnvo1ving teams on the Delly Pilot's Orange County Top t o. The rnnklng:t' hnve developed a twist in them In term.'! ol tCcs -there are three such ties ln the Top 10, with each a result of a tie between the two BChoolB. Aside from th e Foothill-El Mod e n a rep f othall hedule tHIS W~EK'I GAMES ThuredeI llA view LI GUI vetllty VI. Corona det Mer at N t Harbor F COAIT LEAGUI IS V-. Woodbfld~ II Irv ANGILUa LIAGUI ' va. Mater Del It SA Bowl \ EMPtftl LUQUE E~Oorado VI. Ka11lta 111 LI Pal Park P lllca v1. Loera 111 Weatern I CENTURY LEAGUE St a Ana Valley 1111. Canyon at Et M ena 0-.ANOe LIAGUE S•anna al Valencia QAROEN OMVE L.IAQUE Raficho Atamlto. vs Sant111go at Bol't Gr lllde I Frldar I SUNaET LlAGUE FO:.ntaln Val14!Y VI Ocean View at H'nllngton Beach H"'11inglon Beach VI. Mlltna 11 WesWl'llnllet ' NA VIEW LEAGUE • ~ Harbor VI Cotta M ... 11 O~ Cout COllegl Sltldlaback v1 E91ancl• 11 N-i'ort Harbor El f oro at 1Nlne •OUTH COAIT LIAOUE ae';;latrano Valley at Laguoa Sa11 Clemente It Mission Viejo " ANOELUa LEAGUE Bllf'op Amat at Plus X Ser1i11 It St Paul • EMPIRI U!AGUI! Lot Alamitos 111 Eaperaoza at Vallftcla K~nedy VI. Cypress at Western 1 CINTURY LEAGUE · Vllll Park (hOmel I I El Modena Or.nge va. Santa Ana at SA Bowl Foothill It Tuatln FREIWAY U!AGUE Buena Park at La Habra T r<lt' 11 Futtertoo So•or• VI. Sunny Hilla a1 Buena Park• , ORAHGI LEAGUE Wttal•rn vs Magnolia at La Palm, Park QAJmeN OllOVI! L.EAO~ hookup, w ith both li<Oulll now 7 .0.1, l'A!h1on ond Mat r Dt•I ar • fNK'h G·2·1 and hav"n't I01l •Inc tying t•ach other, 7-"7, and Ml1tWl11n Viti.JO und Caph1truno Viill <·y, tho South Cown L.•gut• L.eogu landoul!I, arc• In a aumilar !)Oliltlon wtth a 7-7 tie betwe<>n them tht!lr only l<'aaue blemish. • O.itr '"°' r., 10 , o, ..... c-tr hlfh MtlMI ,... .... ... T._.,,~ Thlll .- Sl Paul Tu1tln VIiia P1rk WHtmlri.M!lr Serr-. 1 Setllilt (5· 11 t (till FooU\IH (7·0· 11 El Moclana (7·0"11 4. (tie) Edi'°" (5·2-11 M11er, Oel (5•2· ll 8. Marini (8·2) ' 7 Ell*anu (7-1) 8. 81ddteb1Ck (8•0) II. Fuli.rton (8-0) 10 (tie) Miiiion Viejo (6· H J Cepl1tr100 Valt.y (5·2· tJ .. Huntington Beech LOI Alamlto1 E11ane11 Trov San Clemente L1guna Batch UC/ win loQrney W NO 81'.:ACli UC lrvuw, nmkt'<l No. 1 In thl' notion, 1w<•pt throuah thll prc·iulglou1 L.ong 8t-1H'h Jnvltotlonol heft' by dt'Contl ng P.11c 10 oppommt.¥ UCLA anu use SumJuy In WOt('r polo action • .. Th4' Ant<>attl'I, w ho dcfoatcd No. 4! r~nkcd Stanford und No :l runkt-d C1&I Saturday, 'N1sUy' di1post'<i of the Troj8n1 In th<'lr first gtJme, 9-2,. before outlaatlna th<' .Ai:_ulna In the 11(.'(:ond, 9-6. " SoR,homort• Jeff Campbell, younger brother <Jf All·Amt'rkan PNcr Campboll who a180 plays on the team, ll.'<i U,CI with thrt'CJ g6uls ugulna USC. · . Trevor J)odHOn M d John Vargus t•uch adtl<.><l two goals as the Ant.eaters raced to n ~-0 halftime advantage ond we~ nev<>r hcodc'<.I. 1n the ~d t~ntcst, Jeff Campbell shured high scoring 11)o note w l t h tcummat t' T ony Choquehuancu as they each Scored twice. - • La Quinta (home) al Bolsa Grande LOI ~;:'= Grove Dana Hilts a( Moo1Clair Sat ureter auNUT LEAGUE Edison at Westminster Of'AMQI LEAGUE &ea-QIPda vs Anaheim at La Palma Par1c (All games at 7 30) Rawhide captures regal.ta Ken K uhn's Rawh ide Crom the host club was the overall and Class A winne r S u nday in Capistra no Bay. Yacht Club's champions hip regatta for Performance Handicap Racing Fleet achts. Second overall and the winner in Class B was WreckJess, skippered by A.G. Kading, Capistrano Bay )iacht Club Class C winner and second ln Class B was Asap, Rick Orchard, Capo BYC. Class trophy winners: CLASS A -1. Rawhide, K en Kuhn, Capistrano Ba y YC: 2. Bang Ban g Maxwe ll, Kathy Adamson , Dana Point YC; 3. Rock N Roll, J eff ·Rogers a nd Dick Ritler, Dana Point YC. C LA SS B -1 . WreckJess, A.G. Kadi~g. Capo BYC; 2. Asap, Rick Orchard, Capo BYC; 3. Ma c k i n a c, W es Thompson, Capo BYC. ~ CLASS C -1. Holo Kik l, Rick Raff, Capo BYC; J. Starburst, Kelly Roger., Capo BYC; 3. Vulgar Boatman, Dick Antowel', ,Capo BYC. .. When was the last time you saw new-car financing as low as 10.93? What a great chance to save! And when you add these financing savings to the special year-~nd prices offered by many GM Dealers on '82 models, it's your best opportunity in years to drive home a real bargain. Qualified buyers can finance any new '82 Chevrolet, Pontiac,-Oldsmobile, Buick or Cadillac passenger car, or a GMC or Chevrolet light-duty truck or van at just 10.93~ This means lower monthl y payments. Shop around and you'll wnvince yourself the best value in the marketplacer is at your participating G.M Dealer. Act now. Get the unbeatable combinati on of special year- end prices and GMAC 10.93 .financing on new '82 models. This GMAC great 10.93 rate break offer begins November 1, 1982, and ends December 31, 1982. M~PEOPLE FROM GEtaAL MOTORS Participating GM Dealers are contributing to bring you this attractive 10.93 fipancing off er. Dealer contribution may affect the final negotiated price of the vehicle. 'I ,,huh ... l ht·\t•tl4.t I t\' tt,~~ ... nt.·1•t 111 ih·•1tmJ It •"-'lt t1tot"' • ·-.._ uhfo,h1.1 hu\ t '' fm.u~ mM ..._,, nt•· "''"''ct •ttt t • '' \l •h " "' h-. I• fttM1 .. 111., ft1f ~. '''' ntllit • 1tU4 '• t '""'•'''tt1t f;•t •• n ''ht\ h , 1111tt tull r11Ht 111111 •1tt~ l\uhn .... ''.-"" h • ''''' '' .,,, h•t:' ~m 11t ,...,, .. 1 ••Olh••1t,.ttt1I ·•ht.t1·tl,th1 um1~1rnl luM1k1d 1tn~t lh••h·11.clt\•lllW\••otl1t\' • I "· '@ I• - .. BUICK I• , .... ·. VOTE ¥ES ON ~'II" -'le.I's Cool Ill " l .. 81FOlll THI MASSIVI, TllAFFIC GIN l llA TINO •••co DI VILOPMI NT IS APPflOVIO, llT'S CONSIDlll1 .... • the network ol rotidi provided by Beeco lncludH no arterle1 In and out 01 the development area. N-port Beech taxpayer• will be llable1or widening local 1treeta, rebuilding lnterMCtlon1 and the cotll ol slgnallzatlonl • 400,000 IQ. ft. lndu1trlallcommerctal development generates 1,300 new employees. Where will they Uve and where will they eat? Thl1 Hample ol bad planning puts high den11ty otttcellndu1trl11 beside high den1lty realdentlal with no provision for ae<vtcH l.e.itupermarket, pharmacy, barber shop, rettaurant, etc. • Why not 1 Dover Shor•• In West Newport? Low density rosldentlal development wtll balance Hitting high denaltlff and upgrade property.values In West Newport, gen«ate e.073 fewer automoble trlp1 P9f day and 10,000 fewer alrplane nlghll annually, bring more lne«ne to the city and provide a muctrneeded park. • Why not let the School Board EDUCATE? Get 'them out ol real eatatel Your ''YES" vote wtll keep the NewPQrtlMeta School Dlatrlct from utumlng a ONE AND A HALff MILLION DOLUR IMtblllty for Beeeo----- development costs! ... W E MUST 81 DOING S OMETHING lllGHTI TWO grass root• citizen'• ,...,endum petltlone ~ m...,v• development were aucceaaful thla ,..,. Our Ball~; argument Information w .. upheld In c1urt when the ~tk»d, Including lour of lhe five City Council majority brought a NUISANCE LAWSUIT agalnat}he writers of the "VOTE YES" on Measure N Ballot argument. THE JUDGE DISMISSED THE LAWSUIT after examining the argument and aw'1'ded court costs to the IUthorl ol the "VOTE YES BALLOT ARGUMENT! ' THE... OPPOl.LTION haa broutht In high-powered, coetly conaultaftt• to overwhelm and confuae us with misleading Information. They have delug~ us with advertising and mailings. BUT THEY HAVEN'T EXPLAINED the lnconatatency of this City Council majority In reaffirming the Master Plan for low ct.ntltylrealdentlal on the Beeco Ranch In February 1981 and juat thirteen months later approving this radical change to high density r•ldentlal plus olllce/lndustrlal Land Uae. , ' I WHAT MIGHT THE PRESENT CITY COUNCIL REZONE IN YOUR NEIGHBORHOO~l,._THE COUNCIL MAJORITY IS RETAINED) THAT WILL ADD MORE STREET AND AIR TRAFFIC IN YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD? ? ? • .. M.C. Joonson, Jr., Ch•man. JMn Wttl, PrMid«lt Wett Newpol1 Leglllttlw AltltnQe (WNLA) Stop POllutlng Out Newpot1 (SPON) 201 lntrtpld St., N9wpor1 Beach, CA 928&3 P.O. Box 102, BalbOll llland, CA 92M2 Olc:k Nlchol11 T tkeutet, Aeeldetttl Action Plan CommlttM (RAP) 619 Irle, Coront det Mtr, CA 92125 1 ~ • • our .Prefessional : Florist R.CffST 29 15 Red Hlll Avenue A-108 Costa Mesa Stone Mill Business Park 641-0810 Orange Coa1t DAILY PILOT/Monday, November' 1, 1982 Paid Polltlcal AdvertlMment • I ~ RE-ELECT · .. . IRLEIE ' SCHAEER to the Costa Mesa City Council • Some of the many people who support. Arlene Bill Banda'ruk Norma & Nick Hansen Warren Perkins Bill Bayer Bruce & Bobbie Hedrick Alvin & Lucy Pinkley Carl' Bureman Elvin & Gayle Hutchison Richard Plummer Marrao Bergeson R. W. Jolinston Jim Poteet Gordon & Carol Bowley Marion & Bob Kennedy Moe ~k Frank, Damafo Ralph C. Kiser Rick & haron Reyno Barbara & Jim Oe Boom Bob Law Thomas F. R~y David & Marilyn Eisenman Harriet Lewan Richard Sewell · Fred Ellis David Lorenzini Donald Smallwood Mary & Jim Ferryman ,. -Anita Masino Bertren I. Smith Phyllis & Ken Fowler I Le~ & J9 Miller Richa rd Snell Dor~ G~1ser John & Dorothea Thousand Lee · bons on Montgomery Dr. '& Mrs: Delane Thyen 1306 Wolfe Ralph Gordon R.K. Morgan Jack Hammett Russ Newberg • Lynn & led Zinsmann ~ "l••P Experi•noed Leadership In Your Oounoi/11· ARLINE SCHAFER Costa MMa, City-Eouncil Paid for by the Committee to Re-elect Arlene Schafer "' Ken Fowler, Treasurer 3423 Meadowbrook, Costa Mesa Jim Poteet, Chairman Paid Politifal Advertisement e IS In fact, we qidn't plan to run this o ne until we saw the recent campa ign expenditure reports. We were awed that David Grant, a nice young man with no polit'ical experi: ence, is spending S28;0QO of his own ~ money carrying do the most expen- sive campaign in Newport history. Even more amazing; nearly 50% of Mr. Grant's other funds have come frotn peopl~ outside the City of Newport Beach. . - This is a distinct contrast to his opponent-Mayor Jackie Heather. She is spending less than half as much as Mr. Grant but ~early all her contributions are from our · local residents. We believe this local support reflects the years of hard work she has dedicated to the · improvement of our city. ... Jerry Parker, President, The Executive Council •• .,. • So we ask you to give this a little thought. You can vote for a hard-working, experienced, broadly supported incumbent Mayor. Or you can vote-for an unknown, ~nex­ perienced young man who is out- spending any previous candidate - ever! We think the choice is clear. We're voting for Jackie Heather. . ... ,. Paid for by The Exec111i~ Council P.O &¥ '1412. N_,,.,, Bilaclt. CA . 92660 .ltlrry Pamr. Presid•nt • ,;-\') .. ......., __ •• - \<tin IOI )el._ Htl Ml~ H•I \el"' Htl \elo• Nol ,. IWh (111\0 (.... ,. • ..., , .... ,,.. lllJno• {lqw ,... , , .... ""'"' Cl>t l't IWh , .... 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I. ,. ••••• ~I~ J 11 ·1·· l'ec*oS ..... • 12 t ... ~ ·~'· "' '" 11 ,.,.,,... I "'• "• '" .. .. ) .. 'IO • JO ..... Ir'·'°.. t 1'it ... I • 'ui .. ~ H. llocOI l t ·~ ,,.. "' ,..., ·' 40S ,, ... "' "*"M 1 t4 • 121 .. Ill • -~ ~r ~.·w >.,: ·::J ~11:Jt! ~ u,,l:D .~"I! ~~ ... ·~ t' 1.41 . ~ l9" t: :,:1.~ .:. ,.. ti .. • t! ~J' J. i1A Ji,,· .. W.COl'I ti •• , •u.. ··--·" lllU , •• •:J ;;-•' iput '°~• · lh ~·: •• JI Ji~• 1'l 9111 ' '" '~ '!! ... , .. ~ " ioc>: JI I ,., JO ..... "'" .1 • • 10 ' \t ••11111 uo • 11 »~ '"' ,: i .~·ri ••'-;.·~ . ·~.:u .!! ~: s .:'Tif'tm:::~ t.,1~·: i :::::.~ SlF · ~ ~ ~:·~ ·~~;t ::'i ! c::::: g==~. ·~n" rn l;:: t .. ···, ..tJ~! ~ ,_.,; ~, .. ,.-1 "' · ~. t· •rm ::.. ·:: "" u ~ .. ;··:,::~ 111• ··:,'·:. .~',i' ~ n .. t :: :T:u * I~.• ~, "' 'ii ... ~ U ,, ..... 1: ... ' t ~ ,,.. "' •,' ' " . . " .... d ... 1 1,. , l. ·1 t! ~,·,. , ... ~ .._t=I '· ~ ~~~-... • . • ~."' ~ •. • ; .. Ill ··r .. 1':!.:: U~ 2 !ft , -I • '" ~.J' )I.. ~ •·1 f !! ·• "' I I 2'PJ • .. fl : IJ 11 .. :--. r; l~ a• t ~ ~ I . 3 ::.':' Lt I ; n: .. r ,,. J I ~ ll ' !f! 1!: ~ l • ~ J.'i It:+ \lo ., • '• I 1 I • 1 j! :e ._ f 1• n ~ .. ~ .. ,•_ ' 1r~ ff::!'; 1~11 :411 :·: ~ 1.~i !&fw!JE !1~ ~· ':J -::·:= 1 ·~..!'t~ ~ ! ·:;'• --II ,... " • ~' • ·~ .a_:t .. , , ... "' "' i t ·..,; , 14 ' t "' •· •a J .n ~ 11 : ==~ ... :--a1 ·• ·" 7'991\' .r := ·.. : !: .. .• ": .,,· • *'' ~ GM low • interest deal to end y.ear DE'1'ROIT (AP) Gt·ncrol Motors Corp.'s oHt>r of 10.9 p.-.rrcnt lnt .. r~·itt ral<-& on c·ar loons to bt.Jycl"ll of h.·ftowr 1982 curs und truck.I L'an SllV<' CU1'l0 ffll.'l"S un !lver:ag~ .of $1,300 in finanl'inti rois1.11, CM fltly!f. Thl' nation's No l uuton'lnk<·r !Wld Sunday it la ofCcrlng th<' towl•r r<lll'¥ l>e•g1nnlng today through Dl«: :11. Ttw curr<'nt natilmat avcragc-for inlc.'rnst rates on car Joan.'i Is 17 per<'t.'nt. said John An<lrcws, spokesman for GM Aa.-cpt.om·c (;orp .. iht• t'tm1p:1ny's financing urm. Harold J ackscin. another CM spok<.-smun. said thl' company boosted sates in April and Moy by offering a 12.8 j)t'rccnt interest rate. He would not say how many 1982 cars and trucks Wl'rC' Jefl over Nukes • 1n space. stalled? SAN FRANCISCO (AP) Squabbling among the National Acronauucs and Space Admjrustration and the U.S . Defense and Energy Departmen t.. has stymied plans to expand a program to shoot nul"iear reactors into space, a newspaper reports. The San Francisco Examln •r's Sunday editions reported that federal funding for research on space· 'based nuclear reactors is lncreasjng from $6.2 mmion in f isca HJ82 to $10.4 million this y€~r and an anticipated $15 million next year. But NASA. the Defense Department and the Energy Department· are a t odds over which agency should run the show. The Energy Department claims that the 1954 Atomic Energy Act gives it jurisdic tion over development of spat..-c nucll'ar power The Penlagon and NASA say the agenci~ using the ystems should control them. B~yers chase b~rgains LOS ANGELES (AP) -Gasoline de alers requiring cash payment or giving discounts for dollars are losing business because regular customers are looking elsewhere for better deals, according to a petroleum industry newsletter. Analyst Dan Lundberg said in this. week's Lundberg Letter that a year ago. gas marketers knew who their customers were, based qn relet1onshi~ built on years of everyday dealing. However, Lundberg quoted one cut-rate dealer as saying. "They (cash customers) will leave you for a penny.'' Lundberg said the emphasis on cash may change because of this developme nt. .it The fickleness of cash-paying customers means that much of the gasoline market is up in the air over whose c:ustomer is whose, the letter said. It noted that major and independc•nt gos retailers say casn sales are roughly four umc•s greater than credit-card purchaS<.'S 'New' airline takes off (... HOUSTON (AP) -Tht• drclt~ of ConunentaJ A1rhnes says he's optimlSt1c about the future of the carrier. which ushered an its merger with Texas lnternational A1rhnes with champagnt'. balloons and high hopes. .. I'm very opumisuc about 19837' Chairman Frank Lorenzo said Sunday at a ('elcbration marking tht• merger that created the nation's beth-largest carrier. "I think we'll see the e<:e>nomy Strengthening in the second quarter of 1983 and we're in the position to take advantage of 1t,'' he said. Passengers at Int.ercont1nentaJ Airport north of Houston saluted the mei:ger with champagne and balloons in Continental's t.'Olors of orange and gold. Officials said Texas lnternatlonal jets would. be repajnted in Continental colors and first-class seats installed on thertt as they were Ulkt•n out of service for rouline maintenance. Most operating offices of the new Continental Airlines remain a t the former firm's Los Angeles headquartefli, The new C.'Ompany's executive offices are m Houston. By The Associated Pres Selected world gold prkes Monday: London.morning fixing $426.75. up $3.50. London after~ooo fixing $427.25. up $4.00. Paris afternoon fixing ho1iday-market closed. Frankfurt fi xing $427.99, up $7.01. Zurich late afternoon fi xing $426.75. up $2.75 bid; $427.25 asked-. - Handy & Harman (only daily quote) $427.25. up $4.00. Engelhard (only dally quote) $427.25, up $4.00. Engelhard (only dally quote) fabricated $448.61 , up $4.20. Metal.s NEW YORK {AP) -Spot nonferrous metal prices Mond~; Copper 72h-75 cents a pound. U.S. destinations Lead 23·26 cents a pound. Zinc 41-42 cents a pound. d livered Tin $6.2305 Metals Week composite lb Aluminum 76 ccnia pound. N.Y. Slln r $10.015 per lrOY ounce. NY Com<-x spot monlh cloeed Fri. Mercury $365.00 per flask . Plallnm $337.00·$34.a.oo troy ounce. N.Y . Silver Handy & Harman, $10.27 per troy ounce. \ ' • 4 t' Pre ented Hy • .. f • • • Orange COHl DAIL y PIL:OT/Monday. Nov•mber 1, tee~ The Junior League of Newport Harbor, Inc. -1982 Exhibitors · BAHNHOF SKI SHOP . Petoskey. Mi chigan ~-:a;:;~:Y-;;~:------=~-------..:.-----=--L-__:~., fine•t in ski apparel arut ac::cessorie11. BEAR THREADS • Santa Monica. California -'fl''~"'-_._,,. 1 • • -•~ The ultimate in children's clothing. CHRIS LINOSA Y DESIGNS Corona Del Mar. California S h · e · 1 ··" Extraordinary flor al arrangements. gift s, and · holiday decorations. • . -C\ pp 1 n g~ COLLECTIONS~ LTD. -J r~ne, California. :-_ . _V . Specializing in corporate gifts for executives, , their staff and clinets: CR UISING BASKETS -Corona Del 0 Mar. California E . · . 'rhe endless garden b!lsket filled with plants for X. t. r a ·v a g a ·n z a all occasions -to see is to want. . DIOSA'S BOOKS A D COOKWARES - Irvine, California ' . ' A complete selection of kitchen gadgets and gifts • for the homemaker and the gourmet. . G.B. HARB & SON --Los -Angeles. California Classic clothiers for the discrimi nating fam ily. Featuring tradi~bnal clothing for men. women and boys. Tuesday & W ednesday, ovei:nber 3 & 4 , I 0 a.m. to 9 p .m. GAY FE~ TON'S A~T -Waukesha , Wisconsin Humorous' drawings with a personal touc'1:- LAMBS 'N IVY -Newport Beach, California A special store for those who seek unusual gifts, antiques and accessories in Thursday, No vember 5, l 0 a.m. to 5 p.m. Orange Courity Fairgrounds (Buildi'r1g 14) I General Admission: Adults $2.50 (Children Under 12 yrs. Free) Benefactor Board -1982 MacQooid CO'rnpany • Cimone's • ak's Fifth Avenue South Coast Plaza KOCE Television • KOCM Radio • hafer Brother • Nancy wan • Gannett Outdoor • M. Jacques • Blue Seal Linen uppiy • Richard Oulette Kathryn Thompson · A and C Properti es • Pacific Mutual Life Insurance Compa·ny , Orange Coast Sav1ng and Loan • Fluor Corporation • Arthur Young and Companx • Irvine Ranch Farmers Mark et • Union Bank • Bank of ewport Commerce Bank • Gfeller Development • Mcl ain Development Company . -. The Irvine Company • Westlands Bank •.Canterbury Interiors Cardiff iAssociates • John Botz Gallery • Butterfield avings Specfal Events· the French' country style. MINUTEMAN WAY -Tustin, Califo rnia A General Store specializi ng in handpainted treasures. -ELUM PUO.Oi NC -Laguna Hills. California Splendid giftware and celebrations. RAGTIME -.Santa Monica. California A doUho~ for grownups and other people . RICH/\ RD'S ALMOND. TOFFEE -Newport Beach, California The ~erfect gift for any special occasion. SAi T NICH0LAS -San Juan' Capistrano Handmade fantasies and original gifts for. all seasons. SALT BOX HOUSE -Irvine, California Charming gift baskets fill ed with delectable delights and a complete1line of specialty foods . SAN MARINO TOY Al'>I D BOOK SHOPPE - .San Marino, California Creative and educational toys to delight children of all ages. SHOPPER'S LUNC H HOPPER' S PPER Tuesday & Wednesday WEE BITE STEVf;N.THOMAS ANTIQUES -Santa Ana, California Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday November 2, 3 & 4. 11 a.m. -2 p.m. $6 .50 per Per on. Reservations Please. November 2 & 3. 6 p.m. · 8:30 p.m. S7 .50 per Per on Tuesday, Wedne!jday & Thurrsday Continuous ervit e. -- Plus Additional Events Throughout the Show FOR TICKETS OR MORE I FORMATIO . CALL 640-4229 .. · Junior Le~ue Projects'- The Junior League of Newpdrt Harbor (JLNH) is an organization of over 600 Orange County women who are actively involved in a program of educating and training their membership for voluntar·y participation in the communit y. Since this League was e tablished in 197 l, the membership has researched and adopted projects that meet identified community needs, such as the Delhi Center, Assessment and'Treatment ervices Center, and Voluntary Action ·center. JLNH provides volunteer servi ces, as well as administr~tive and financial aid to the projects until support i as um~d by a community agency or group. Projects 1982 -1983 The Child Advocate • Consulaant Corps for Copea Disaster Preparedness • JLNH Speakers Bureau The JLNH Ocean Gallery • JLNH Natural Travelinl Exhibit An extensive selection of fine antiques. T HE C HILD~EN'S BOOK SHOPPE Newport Beach, California The enchanted world of children's books. THE COURT HOUSE -Fullerton , California An array of gifts for the sports enthusiast. TH E NATURALIST -Salt Lake City, tah Tr.ad itional ha nd crafts , cont e mp orar y decorations, Chrislmas keepsakes and cherished treasures . THE PA ULINE NELSON COLLECTION Newport Beach, California A -&p<M:ialist in exq uisite gold j&Welry.--· • THE RED POPPY -Whittier, California A captivating collectio11 of American folkart and gifts from France and England. TOUCl;i OF CLASS -Newton, Massachusetts Everything in canvas to ,monogram. or not. TRAVELING TR\JNK -:-Long , Beach,. California · Unique high quality gift items from around the world, WHAT'S POPPIN' -San Dimas. Californja Top-of·the·line popcorn products. WILD WI NGS GALLERY -Whittier, California Wild life art and gifts including prints, sculptures and other fine collectibles. MISTLETOE MADN°E:SS -Junior League Actives Oever gifts, reasonably priced and handmade by League members. PAPEB PLACE -Junior League Actives Presenting a wonder£ ul menagerie of fine writing papen and peraon1lized gift items. RIBBON AND WRAP -Junior L.gue Actives A delightful auortmf"nt of p1per1, gift hap and co&orfw ribbon•. • • -· • • Orange Co11t DAILY f>ILOT/Monday, November 1, 1912 .. • • Ptjd Advertlaement ' VOTE ... -----13 THREATENS OUR WATER SUPPCY Propoaltlon 13, the water Initiative, la a complex propoaal which radically alter• 'the 'allocatlon and uae of water, In th•· ·State. A number of organlzatlona.and lndlvlduala have atudled·. ,. • . . y , the meaaure and have concluded that P•••age of the meaaure would have far-reaching negative Impact• ~nd lmpoae aubatan11a1 coat• on the people of Orange County. They'.are: ' . . . .. BOTH CANDl,ATES FOR GOVERNOR .SAY • TOM BRADLEY • GEORG~ "DUKE"· DEUKMEJIAN ._ ORANGE . COUNTY SUPERVISO RS·· UN ANIMOUSLY ' --BRUC~ NEST ANDE, CHAIRMAN RALRH CLARK, . TOM RILEY,-ROGE~ .STANtON, HA~RIETT WIEDER • _,, - ORANGE c·ouNTY LEGISLATI VE .. DELEGATIO SlYS Senator Paul Carpenter, Senator J«;»hn Seymour, Assemblywoman Marian Bergeson; Assemblyman ~·Nolan Friizelle, Afsemblyman Ross Johnson, A·ssembly"1an John-lewis, Assembly~ man Richard . Robins~, A~ssemblyman Chet Wray, Assembtym_an Dennis Brown' t' . ' . \ . ORANGE COUNTY· .LEAGUE OF · C_lllES URGES . ' Cities Adopting Formal Resolutions in Opposition: Anaheim, Brea, Fullerton,-1-tuntington Becrch~la-Habra-, ~--++~+--\~~~ · Los Alamitos, Orange, Place.ntia, San Clemente, · . San Juan ~~pistran.o, Santa Ana, Tustin, ·vorba·Linda (None is in Support) o·RANGE COUNTY WATER DISTR ICTS URGE A d Adopting Formal Re~olut~ons: Capistrano Beach, Carpenter, Coastal Municipal, East Orange County, El Toro, Irvine Ranch, . lpguna Beach-, Laguna Hills, Los Alisos, Mesa Consolidated {Costa Mesa), Moulton Niguel, Orange COu iity Water District, Santa Ana Tri-Cities, Yorba Linda, and Municipal of Or~nge County. - The atate'a Leglalatlve Analyat haa concluded that lta potentlal coats to the taxpayer and water uHr cannot be determined, but If adopted, the meaaure would le8v• the Stat•'• ayatem of water right• In a confuHd and uncertain poature untll lengthy and coatly lltlgatlon determlnH how the ~eaaure would be Implemented. If Implemented, ultlmate llJNTINGTON BEACH Karl Kemp . IRVINE Thomas E. Nelson . Ruth Balley " · Henry S. Panlan Ray A. Auerbach Ruth Finley A.L. Pinkley :-Gary l.. Blodgett David J. Hawtey Nate Reade Art Bruington ·Jack Kelly Jean 0. Robina Les Card Bob Mandie Charles L. Ropp Wayne A. Clark Don McAIUater Arlene Schafer Arthur J. Fernandez Wiiiiam J. Reimer James A. Goodrich Noble J. Watte .; NEWPORT BEACH Fred Keller Dr. Bet~ Olson COSTA MESA Don R. Adkinson E. Ray ulgley Jr. Ruuell G. Beh~ena Richard RllM Biii Bandaruk Alex Bowle Howard B. Reich Warren E. Booth Jim Brown Jack J. Rlmel MHford W. Dahl Donald K. Butta Carol Schroeder Marlo Durante Harry C. Johnson Jr. Kenneth FOwler John Klltefs LAGUNA BEACH EIMnOt A. Fuller Jack F. Kl':J Donn Hall Marton A. acFarlane Howwd D. Daw80n H. Jeck Hall v.rn McKown AlhdA.HMtte Robert Bob Hant0n O.E. Schroeder • control over all water rnourcea would be placed In the hand• of five appointed bureaucrat• In Sacramento-. We cannot · a~ord thla dangerous and radlcal measure. We belleve that If you atudy the measure carefully, you wlll agrH and Join ua"' , Jotlng NO on Proposition 13. Richard Jahraua O.T. Jim Lyon Keith T. Robertson Ruth E. Robertson M. Yvonne Sweany Susan M. Tragen Glenda Trlmble SOUTH LAGUNA P. Morman Anderson Clark J. Buawell Paul H. Cleary Susan J. Crowt ~ordon L. EIMr Thomu Eortune Harry Lawrence John A. Aayment . n111;,rw·1u11e no ~ ''' 1.D. , · H. Rodger Howell Margie G. Wagner =L.Jahraua A. Jahraua Ill ii • l DI Orange Coaat DAIL V PILOT /Mond1y, November t, t982 .. -.. Brooks' 'Five -Days' fuJfillrlient of a dream pace changing HOLLYWOOD (AP) -Mel Brooks ls reprJ?scnted on movie screens this foll, but not In his c u s t omary guise as t h e L.ONDON tAV) 'Jo'rt•d Zl11 rwmun . tlw movl1· dln.·t·tor who1w ht•uvyw(llght hltM from "High Noon'' to "Jullu" how mode.> him a llollywootl ll·w~nd. WIAM buck hon'U! ln Londun a{Lc.!J' mou nt ul n climbing ln Switzerland, prl'l>l•rln6' C9r tht• rt•lt•use of h u1 lnt<>11t muvlt'. "M~ career Is behind m<>." lw m&ys. 'l makl' u plclurt.> now ond then -that's all." Bu t a t 75, Zlnnt•man Isn't how ul orw or lwo ol th(• c·vt•nts,'' 11Uid Zlrnwmun, who ls not fond 0 ( p Uh I 1 c.· II p fH' ll r U ll Ct' II c> r •p<-t•('ht·tt But on the• 11ul>.f,C.'t of "Jo'1Vl' Ony11 On11 Summl•r, · the d1rl~t0r was dt·lightl<d to u1lk. Th111 rnrn ht• suad, Is tht> fultlllment of u drC'um. "I wu11 ulw11y11 tmunlpd l>y wanung to mokc u picture• about mou n t a inR nnd cllcnbJ..ng," ZJnncmµn said of his deelslon to Ctlm 0 l lory or forblddt•n lovl' ll('l Tht• sc:rccnwov for "f'lw Dayt .. "uln»I th1.• brl'othwklng Jk'(•nu('y Ont! SummN:01 written by of SwlP alaclers. Mlc.:hu<'I Au11un . 11 bo!M.'<.I on the "I n•ml'mbt•r u short 1tory by Boyh' Mtory. It focuJtCll on lWO Kuy Boyl\• 1hut I hod rend 30 or lovf' affaira -the oru: between 40 yeora ogo. 'Maldrn, M.uadcn,' Connery and newcomN Bet1y in which a girl IR 11 u lng In • Brantley 11ncf the one between mounwin ~abln. Two men buve man and mountBin climbing. gonC' off climbing. She lov1.•s unt• • "It's a very p{'rsonal ~hing," and 111 about w fall in love with • auud Zinn~h1an. "I was. born '" the other. I thought il WUH un Austria, and when I was growing lnwresling sltur1 tlon," Zinnt•mon up. I started wal king in t he rc..>callC'd. muunt.alns a lot. lt rt.'ltored one." outrageous zany. _ Hi& Brooksfllms company is p r esen ting· two dis para t e productions: ''My Favorite Year," an aUccil0.0ate. look back at Brook;' beginnings as a gag writer in early telewsion , and "F ram-es," a dramatic account o( the mental breakdown of the late Him actress, Franc\ls Farmer. ready tu retire or quit scalinK~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ mountains. And he roCusca to ~ cast In the role of elder statesman of the cinema. "But then I'm not all that old." Mel Brooks bl' declares firmly. Z Inn em a n . wh o w-a s Bronx boyhvod (as Melvin interviewed in his conW>rwble B"'t c hangin g pace from slaps tick and often irreverent . movies is nothing new · for tlw energetic Brooks. TWo years ago. Brookstilms produced the highly ---.a ... cc=·tri nn~ drama th: film, "f'hl! Kaminsky) through has days on office fn London's fasftfonable the Borscht Circuit in upstate Mayfair diytri ·t. was a nticipating Al'MAIMIHt 11Cru•' New York and live television. two major events -the release """".,.'""'"•"1"''"-~":!:"..:.::· A nd at 56. he had lost none of o( h is film. ''Five Days On e 14TH SMASH WEEKI -. ---- his joy of pursuit. Summer" with Sean Connery, 1;.1, ... ,., wc11 +!!§'1*'W """ \I.,,.,°"' • •"Blazing Saddl(!s," "Y:oung and a London ret rospective M.1tv>B•u f!'a1' ~}~.'o ... ., .. Fr a n1«ms tel n. ~ M-0-v-1c.;;;,;.--~t .. r"'"i1 bt.rte--whtctt--ou I rf.--fu'!!T ...... ..--t-...u......_.._ o.AllCll ,.t~.w "An<111om W'ITMll .. Tfll Pi11.1fot \ 1!o W•; )9 Or••t •n Elephant Man." . In his third.floor office at 20th Century.Fox s tudios, Brooks wears casual clothes and runrung shoes, and tha t's appropriate. He has been fast on his-feet from his a nd other films have made showings of h is memorable films Cl'4'11<>11• :J9'e~so Brooks a milliona1rc many times including. "from H e r c t o uo199o 63HSSl r. IOI 3693 over, and he can afford luxury Eternity," ~he Nun's Story," w11r•1•nlll 1ou 10 c-w ... a91 ,,93s .. -~-................ -...-.. oHices. But he remains in the "The Member of the Wedding" modest quarters he has 0<.'Cupaed and "A Man for All Seasons." for almost a dN'ade "I may just get up and take a FRESH LOCAL LOBSTER DINNER '8.95 Includes choice of soup or salad, and potato or rice pilaf. LUXURY THEATRES lat "81 .. tillff SIMil&s•llYS2J.Q u.ltssOtl1tnrise 1Wt4 S 113reJ44•Iiefl6I~ '25s1/~'h!,) S ..-" Call For ; Reservatio~ * FOR FOOi ElCITEmEnTl V111tOur... * ARCADE of GAMES• :·. ·.::: ~ .. .. ~. ~ 673-7726 'ii,/({~~1!!:1:~! 101 -,. 4 BALBOA E. lalMI llri. m.n the people who brouqht you"bllul .... !' N AT I ON A L ~'S . EiN«eii§el21~ 9282/"g.~ _c:H1t1STO!tHllR RllllVll I E-r THE EXT~A· MONSIGNOR m .1. T£RRESTRIAL rTPD S"OWI I I CID 1111 I 0: :10 '"Owt•l l :OOl1U•1o:JO UUI -flfo Pa•M•- lu!1ij (U11f,l8HF 6163911101~'&1:) Cll'c1NW1'C Dlre<t ro,._<0ttoOIOOrlrlnQIOl'9<::..:.l'Ot.:::..::lc:o:.;:_ IT CA.ME FROM •• ' .• • •' HOLLY'NOOD ID ptu1 SoMe KlfMI Of He'o <l'I . ... "' ET. THE EXTRA· • • ltRRESTRIAL Alto r (N ) !i1.r.ll'!l! m Drlv•lns Open 8:45 Weeknitfttt / 8 :30 WHke"4fs * Cllildrt• Ulder 12 Fret U.tns Noted fire. !tot,, --,,..~? . I "°"' ~ UM I$.... IHllCI I : ~l~t?!r'-·'l~!?e 1 .l~!!: ! ----- :::> single stMngs ol co:e slaw. mashed I bf own Kentucky fried Chicken, with I loaded with fifteen .J>.leces ol 1u1cy, ~ O potalots and gravy. and a roll lour rolls, 1 Laree cote slaw, • llfC• told en bf own Kentucky fried Chicken. z o mashed potatoes and • medium 1rwy. I L1m11 two olle•~ iier purc11ne CouPOn gooo I I Umll two offtn per purch111. COUPOft 1ood I only IOf tombtNltOn wMe/CISrk O<OtlS limit two offtra per purell11t. Coupo11 100d only tor comfllnatlon W!lllt/dark ord111. Cuslomtl'"l)lys 111 1pp1tc1ole utes 1u only for combl111tlon whltt/dar• 01dtr1. customer peys all appllcablt 11lu tu. I I Cu1tomtr pays all appflc.iila 11111 tar I l' I Oller exp11es November 14, 1982 Oller expirH November 14, 1992 PYicu Ny vari 11 PMtitU>ltlnQ IOuhOns Oller ••PllH November 14 1g92 Pllcu may vary at p1rtlclp1tln1 loc:1tlon1. I Coupon gooCI only in Soulhtfn I 'rices may vary at 11frtlclpat1n1 locations I Coupon lood Ollly In Soutntr11 ~llfornlt I ~torn~ whlre you see the "*" C4uPOft 100d Ollly 111 Soutnt111 C1llfon111 Wlltrt you '" tht IMl!lbtrl/llp aul of th• oerslllp SUI ot Ille Kentucky wlltrt you '" 1111 rnemhrlllip sul of the llfllhleky rrltd ClllcktJI Anocl1tl011. fr..O Ch1tk111 AssociiJIOll 1 llt11t11C"1 fried Cllk brl Assocl1tl011. I ---• --COUPON.-• -----~~~cky Fri~ Cbick&D: . Your Money or. Your· Li.ti . Wh e n you get right down to It, the. cho ice Is youl'l". We'll give you the industry's nnest pro fessio nally assisted stop smb klng program and you give us some o f your hard·earn~d money. After five consecutive two ·hour sessJons, we'll have you off cigarettes. Guaranteed. Or, you can ign or e o ur pro gram offer a nd continue smokin g ... and that cho ice may never be oft'ettd " to you aaaln. lntroductoey Seminars November 3. 4 and 8 at 8100 P.M. N~n Beach-The Marrlon- Fu hlon l•land FuUenon-Grlewold·1- l 500 South Raymond The Stop Smoklna Center Re.ervaalo1111(7 1t)76a-4J'° • 198J aatieft MllJO -. ........ Ce~ ... \ . WE'RE GOING 10 MAKE~ LAUGH ..... f>lt>nty of 11>1m1tgo-h1•il. L.oad~ of C'mwllnu rrf'illur~s <'Ind Lrnr. of dirty parl,, -----NOW PLAYING -----"- lllU .,.,.,. ... , .... , .. u f OllO OllAllGI 10 ..... s-..... ~ Imm · . .._ . OUllCll ~19 ~]J~ ~1 SHO 63• 2~~l COSTA MIU lo*""' ein-teo•" 911'141 l•t1• WU TM .. SHll t o~"d' W""°"''°'l" t o·~·a' C-.... Wr\I c ....... '\t Of>\~ f91 30, St,o..n °'''" "• 6198110 WllTMl•Sllll P.ttt•.t \ttl W1t1 J't u. ... ~· ·~ l ]b9l #0 •&.»fl ACCOflDfO* fMit IHOAOtlH:•t *BARGAIN MATIN••s * Mond1y ttlru Saturd1y All PettonnancH Wlor• 5:00 PM IE"'-' S,_... Ellt111_.1 IM Hlliilyll •'fl CAMI PROM · HOLLYWOOD" lf'OI --uo.aa.o.,_ MMONlfONOft''"" ........ , ....... LAKEWOOD CENTER WALi( IN ••MONl tGNC>f'" 1111 •,. _ ,... ........... lAl<IWOOO CENTER SOUTH • .,.,.'" foe""! ... , Del """" 21J/6M-9211 ..... CWflClll -A GaNT\.UIAN" lii1 ..... ____ .. -~..:' -f'AI T ,,_.AT ~~IOI f oc1111y 01 C:oftdl9wooo 21J/131·9llO •TME CHOSIW" -....... "Tl9: ~ llMOQ• (PG) ........... "JINXED" '"' 1aa, UL._ ue,._ tt• ..... _....., •• ,. -llartll4\•.a •• ,OAT .. T leOTICll CMllottl• ueeou 11 fAHI -__ .. OllCI O.-W,t••· --·--CAll-·----...... CM ____ _ --~l•Uc.fl~-·-- ·AN ~ANO ·~"" -·n. ll0Ull9tl• "" c• "IOlllO I> •• j. & ~I BUENA PARK 1·~ .t '" OM .... ___ _ 12M070 . .. .... LINCCILN Ulo/IV( IN ' ... '• ~OUNTAIN \IAllEY 01/IVl IN -lloeeellWY el_( .. I Ml·Ull .. HI 'IV A Y I 'J • ' -ft-r'fNI -•TME KA•TlilAITrll" 1•1 C"ltH- 1 .T.T .. UTM..\!!~llflltAL• - "'OllAQ°"9C.A TIJI" rN I CAMI ftMlll ltOU nwoGO" -... . -.om·-°' ..... ... COlll 11- """TIOllM. CLAM _.,,., -"lOUMCl OOCTOltt • LOW-1111 ClllllllOUllD ._TIONM. LAWOCWI Ct.All '\,."'9Glr' f'I ~'tOUNO OOCTOM • l.OftM flll ..,,... .... ,.,, • .__c_ ... , r . { I ,1 • . t • \ . . . Orange Co111 CAIL v PILOT /Monday. Novtmbtl '· 1982 THt: t'A~IL'' CIRCl'N "I'm maki!lg room for my candy and stuff so Billy ·won't find 'em." "I have my ~ands full chauffering the neighborhood kids without driving your girlfriends home, tool" H•M N6 8EEN PROMISED THAT THE a-,...----~ J----l DISTRICT ATTORNEY • V'llLL RETURN H IS CALL. SAM DRIVER 506(£5T5 THAT De AND CHARLEY VllAIT ~lf'9c:;... AT Hl5 APARTMENT' 1f~R0t~ 'l1 P,';_~>Y , BHi fit:ORfil:: by V1rg1I Partch (VIP) II I \ • "I almply don't undtr1t1nd Mond1y1." Hank Ketchum by Harold Le Doux 't'HA.T'S RIGHT' COMPAAED TO OTHER THINC:6 THEY'VE DONE. ~N<:1 AN[} ENTERIN6 WOULD ~A MISOEMEANOR' ) ... b Charles M. Schulz -------. : ·.' -~. t I ...0 b l..,.tH• k\C 1Ml SHOt; ~ ~.\~Cl' IT MUST BE FUN TO BE AN ANTEATER-- -GORDO ,,_, . IT WAS A 801Al1N6 9ALL .. I 60T SO HE.mlS IN THE TENTH FAAME I T>«EW TM~ SALL OUT THE F~T DOO~ ... -=-r:- JUST SITTING AROUND, WJTH NO DECISIONS TO MAKE AT ALL •T~K l ' "l~Kt~RBEi\~ MR: DINKLE ' ro LIKE 10 00 A FEATURE STORQ FOR 1HE SUIOOl PAPER ON IHE EWID '5 UPC.OIV\ING lRIP l> 1HE. AN£ • I'D BE MOR£ THAN HAP~ 10 HELP ~ WHEN OOtS 1HE FIR&T I~ OF 'THE. IT wAS A l SMOOt.l' HAVE 80WLIN6 WOtl ~ • BALL lMHAMEtff. 8111 1 OIPH,'T 6ET ~ elt£Al<5 by Ernie Bushm1ller by Tom Bat1uk fHE FAU. r55UE SHOULD 8E M toME 11ME IN I.ATE FE~UARQ OR EARL(,> MA~CH ! "I by Jim Davis R05E .BCX.Ol ! 5C.HOOl~ COME OU'f~ IT'S NICE TO ee BACK IN THE COUNTR.V WrTM SPACE TO ROAM 0 0 SPACE iO BREATHE. SPACE. iO Bf ME. --.~owYoO MAY R~AD YoOR i~UE ADVeNn.JRE REpoRT, KAYO .. ...-~~~~--~--------. OKAY, SO SHe Pu-,. UP THe MONE!Y · TO <Of! "f" YOU "f"HROUGH ME!PICAL.-SCHOOt..: .. 50 IJE.'O ~T~M'f r1~:ST <>Nl.'f lltw~ (~ IS A'T 7 OQ 1'0 ~~~ 50 (LL fie( ~°" OMC.Clft? 1J1' lT ":30l (hi) IOU.~? ND, ~"•''4 f11l~1 Cl.MS oot~·,. srMr o.tm .. io:oo! ~ by Kevin Fagan • Or:ina1 Coast OAILV PILOT/Monday, November 1, 1982 DI \111'\ilH't IVIHINQ 1:00 ID. HJWI <lt4AN.11'1 ANGllA Tl\t Angtt• become ln~ol\1HI In tn tnterntllonAJ 1nt1r lnvoMng • Potllll l)Olltlcel wrlttt tnd lht U.S. Stttt Department. G llOHT 11 IHOUGH Jotnlt, Sutan and Nency meet '"'" guye tt • dtac:o, Dtvld II nxte1 up with • bffnd dtlt tnd Tommy trltt to win tldttt• to • rod! conotrt. ' CJ) IDT'Of' Ml0Haa.4T SP£CIAL Hott: Dotty Pinon GUtt11 Ptul McCartney, Frankie Valli. Ritt Coolidge, C1y9- tal G1ytt, Chuck Mtn· g lont, Atlee Cooptr. a-. • M•A•S•H NurH Cooptr can't COC>t with the optfttlng room tnd Rtdar gete t tattoo. G) HAWAII flVE~ McGtrrltt lnveetlgattt a ttrtng ol rive murdtta ol wtallhymtn. Ill OVEREA8Y G~t: author Wright Mor· rla.o ii) CINDERSTAHDINO , HUMAN HHAVIOA "Conditioning" CJ) C81NEWS 9 A8CHeWSQ Q!NBCHEWa m THE PNCE 18 AIOHT (Q) THE MAKINO Of LAOl£8: THE STORY OF SOPHISTICA TB> LADIES Thia mloldocumtntary ttll• lht at()f)' btl'llnd. "Sophi .. 1lc:atte1 Ltdltt" the nrat Hvt ttlecaat ol • Broadway atlow. (I) AMERICAN DANCE MACHINE A talent«! troupe ol young danott't )oln GWtfl Verdon In a mualcal ttlult to tht bttt or Broadway. CtMOVIE ••·~ "Sphtnx" (1981) Frank Langtltt , lttley· Anne Down. A ruthlttt bltc:k market antlqultltt .. ring atttmpll to atop an Egyptologtet from dlac:ov- t<lng tht whtrttbOUtt or a prlOtttta 1t11ue the w .. permnted to vltw. 'PG' t:30 tD ALICE I Dia< CAWTT (Al 8fWINO POWER (f)8NIW8 0 IAANEY MILLEA m WOflLO Of' PEOPlE (Q)MOVll * • • "Tht Olltnct" (11173) SMn Connery, Tr• vor Howtrd. Whllt tracking down • Child moltttt<, • London dettc11¥9 llOwty tdgtt hlmMlf lewtrd • ntNOUt brttlldown. 'R' 7:00 9 C8I NEWS D N8CNEW8 • HAPPY OAYS AGAIN ~at1on ~ • con- '"''"' on t lV quiz thOw 10 win tht money - aary ror Lori Btth'a trip to GrMnltnd. D ABCHEWSQ It 80AP The )ury rtaehtt 1 vtrdtct tnd Corinne arid F ti htr Tim ~ to t d«:lalon about lhtlf Murt. CJ) NEWS tD THREE'S COMPANY A pregnant young woman appear1 and cttlm1 J IClk la the lather ol lit< unt>orn child. 8) Q! JOKER'S WILD •• 8U8INE88 REPORT CJ) P.M. MAOAZJNE A btnlnd-tn.-_,_ IOOlc ti ABC'a Mondty Night NW YOfll 000 It Olllltfll btt...,. ....,al .,,...._. 1M ~-to 1111..,... Offl<Mt dullflt Ill ~ ... , ftt1011 ol wldttoread ~ OOrrlllltlCNI 'Ill' l :IO . Cl MY4.TI WJ• ... '""""" Ind l.Mt ,,., 10 11\aht OOlnl• wllh 0-tl NOt11e by ent4'fino .Mtt 1n • rtea tetln•t Ille ~· el'• d~ler In tn uc>OOm· ~ l!aoll met4 W ~IANCMLI Tht Anotle lnllllrtlt t Oho- "Y U,0 cklb IUIC*ltd Of dolno t wty with ,...nhy rntmber• atttf 1a111110 ''*' ll'()nty, • IO'YOU THINK YOU 'GOT~ (Q)~ • • "The Fina! Connlet" (19111 Sam Naill, Roteano 8nml. In lht third part ol ''The °"*1" trllogy, young Dtmltn, the embodiment 01 Ille Antlc:hrtet, It now an adult And t lrul&K tcMtor lo Ille orNl<Mn1 ol the U.S. 'R' A host of country music stars pays tribute to the legendary musician Ernesl T ubb at 8 tonight on KflJ-TV (9). · t .OO 8 CJ) M•A•t•H The 4077th'a p1en1 lor t Halloween night co.tume. OttlY art Interrupted by Incoming wound*CI '1rom lht front \nd from Rotlt'a Bar D 8MOVtl "Born Bttulllut" (Prem· ltrtl Ettn Gray, Lori Sino· Football COYtfegt; wad- ding for one. 9) f.HTERTAIHMEHT TONIGHT An Interview with Sutan Stran@n. m ORANQE c;<>uNTY TODAY (C)MOVIE * • • "R1Jntrtt County" (1957) Eltnbtth Ta~or. ~ Montgomery Clift. OIXlog tht Ctvll Wt.r, t captivating Southern bttlt la · d91tr· mined to htvt Ille mtn or htr ChcMCt reg~dlna or Ille COOHqutnc;tl. CID ST ANDINO ROOM ONLY "C,ry1t1I Gtylt In eonc.rt" The Grammy Award-win. nlng atar eJngt many or htr blggHI hlll, tnctudtng ··0on·1 h Mike, My Brown Eytt Btut" ancl "Talking In Your Sleep." FAEAIETALE THEA TM "Rumptt1Ullllctn" Htrvt Vllltc:hllzt 1l11t 11 a at••noe t1111t man wtio htlps a mltltt'a d1"9hltr aptn at raw ln1o gold (%)MOVIE * • "Grttn ~ .. (11181) Ryan O'Nttl, Anne Arch4t. An engl,_ and a eoc:11111e a11empt 10 rob a South Amttlctn tmtrlld atnug· gler of 1 fortune In gema. 'PG' 7:30 fJ 2 OH THE TOWN Ftllurtd: t dlac:ulllon ol why more unutual Incl· denta occur on nlghti with a ruu moon: a Ylllt with Mark Goodeon for i look tt ttltvlllon game thOWa. G YOUHQ PIOPlE'S SPEClAL "Grandma Dt<ln't Wtvt Back" e wow ***~"To Kiii A lite>c*· tngbltd" ( 1962) Gregoty Ptc:k, Mtty Btdham. A Southtrn tewyw'a two c:Nl- drtn wt ellPONd 10 ttrong rldal prt )udicf whtn lhtlr lather ~r • btaclt man tc:euttd of r-oe. D EYEOHLA. G MADAME'S PLACE Mtd•me boou 8trna-Ott1• on her atiow When • r<Mk anowttorm 'T "" QUMtt to canct1 tD M•A•&•H An tnlllttel man 1111 up tit night ltlklng hit c:omtlOM buddy back to reality. .. CJ) TIC TAC DOUGH ID MACNEIL / LEHRER REPORT CD SNEAK PAEV1EW8 NHI Gabltr and J«frey Lyon• rtYltw "HtllowM<I 3 Setton Of Tht Wiich," "Flrel Bteod" tnd "Mon- anc:~ A8kEO FOii IT Ftttvred "AotNng Down Tile Alps tn A Bubble" and "Jap-Worktra Who Spenk Their BotaM." t r. A top fuhton modtl QIFAMILYFEUO trlet to mllllt a car-m MOVla cl'ttngt and help t trou· • •*.It "Cati It Drive" bltd high ac:hoot lllldtnt ....... __ m•kt II In Ille highly com-( lllS ll Jett McCrtt . ..,..,, petlllvt world ol New York Stock'¥91I. A young upeltf1 modtllng. and a COW111nd dtlltlop • 8 O MOVll . 11rong lrltfldehlp during • •*It "Brubtlctr" 1 l980) dtngtrOUI d-1 ctttlt Robtrt Radford, Ytphtt drive. 8:00 e SQUARE PEGI Kotto. A rtlOt'm·mlndtd Pally and Lturtn brave 1 warden unc;overa wldt· Halloween party with lht aprtad corruption when he ·~,., kid•... '"'"' hit newly tMtgntd U 8 LITTLE HOU8l: A prleon poalng ta tn NEW BEOINHINO lnmt1t. Tht rtlldtnll ol Walrnit tD MERV GIWf!N . GrOYt try 10 rtteut t dttl • THI MAGIC Of' DANCE boy who 11 being mlttrtll· "Tht Ebb "nd Flow" td .. • lrtak In t carntvtl tc:t. (Part 110 Au doll Nureyev tnd D O THAl"S Mikhail 8tryehnllcOY .,. IHCAlOl8LEI lttturtd .. Dwnt Margot FtttU<td' a pollctmtn who Fonteyn lltc:et tilt dtlltl· ttll•tel a mother through opment ol ballet OYtr tht CPR OYtr tht phone and courtt of 300 yeara. Mvtd htr btby'a lllt, the D NATIOHAl. Atltnta "Spldtr·Mtn" rap-GEOGRAPHIC SPEClA1. pt1t down tht f-oft 85· "Nellon at Parlet: Pity· 11ory building: t MW eurgl-ground Or Ptradln ?" cat ttehnlque to relltvt Enorta by tilt National crfppltng trthrltlt. Perl Sttvlce to rtttrlct I.ht -.. pu1>11e'1 acc:-. 10 Amtrl--ALL-..TAR TAllUTE ca'• ft•"'• In hAfta& ol put. TO ERNE.ST TUee: AH ..-~ '~,........ AMEAICAN ONGINAL ting t halt to tnYlronmtn· A holt ol count,., mullc tel dtmege, l)Oltutlon and a tare, lnciudlng Razzy Btl· crlmt art t xtmlntd. (RI G Ot<LAHOMA tey, Merit Htggtrd, Lortt• FOOTBALL HIGHUOHTS ta Lynn, Mtll)' Robblna. C%J MOVIE Doutt w111. Conwey Twtt· ••on "So Flnt" 1111811 1y and Faron Young. gather to pay trlbult 10 the Ryan O'Nt1t, Jack Wtr· .... dtn. A ttully colltgt pro. legendary mu1 .... en 11 the rttaor .. .,.. hi• ltthtr'a Nuhvltlt Ptrlormtng Arla ltoundtttng garment ltc:ro- (J)etnt90•r.,,.,. ry by tnYtnllng • new type or ttdttt' !Mn•. 'A' Chtettt•tllO "-loae1a&. .. • "f'.~ 8 CJ) NeWHAAT tor aomt t1.1rpr1Mt wtlln · · tilt)' ditcull Ille cut In Dtct1 and J.oanna dlacovtt ttw Judge'• Chtmbtrt that ,,,.. • • Ytty Old • P,M. MAGAZJH4E hu~ body burltd In tht An lnttrvltw with Jorden'• Inn• b-t. Amtrlc:tn-bor11 quttn; CJ) THE IMMIOMHTI cNld movie .. .,. Httther Tht '°" of .,.. ".,..,.. lmml- and Ttmmy O'Rou<kt. gttnl c:ouplt bac:olntt I • MOYW thlpplng rNgnate .,,., hll * • * ~ "Tht Nun't St()f)'" parwitt dlt tn tn _,,._ (1.959) Audrey Hepbu<n, ~··(Part 1) Pt1w Flncil. A young nvn OD ALL-HIGHT RADIO wlthelraws from her con· Tht zany goingt-On t1 "' vent whtn lht dlecovera alt.night radio station art ' tttlrlDd htt lnttntt httrtd lor lht tO:OO e Cl) CAOHEY a LACEY ::""")' d\lt"'G Wor1d War . Tht eltying of t young COO fil GREAT plu.ngtt Chne. Mary Beth PEN'OMlAHCE& and 1ht entfft departmtnl "Tht CherttrhOUH Of Par-Into • '-Ith -c:h IOI ma" With the tld of her hie lclller · ••••..wa ,,_ IOYtr. Counl Motc:a, • IOC GfteAT IDEAS tht Ouc1-I Glnt SenMY· ua-I .. 0 Mortl erint u-htt 1nnutr1C1 10 .... u Y '· mar bring htr bttolltd "'PMw Adler prttldtt OYtr an Fit>rtzlo back to Ptrmt. tnttll1ctu11 lrtt-ror-atl (Part :ll concerning the conctpt ot CD NATURE bttuty. "Amttr. The Great Fig CD SC~MeA&/ Trtt" The m1jtt1lc llg,rtt • ~SI 0 ,'!U'One· .J 1 ... which rt-abollt tht lueh -mon "' ,,. rain forttt ol Bella In Ctn· moal protlllc wrltt<a of our trtl America~ v\twtd, time, with ovtr 21 1tage Cl) ClOH.UP tnd acrttnpltys, to hit ®MOVIE crtellt, I• lnttrv\twtd. • • ~ ''f'ltttntty" ( 1881) G THE Vl~IAN Burt ReynOlda. Beverly Tt11T1Pt1 ltnda htmntl o• A.......,. A b htlor In hll talltd on • murdtt ~gt . . ..,....o ac; tnd btComtt tnYOIWcl In • TUBE TOPPERS KNB<..' (4) 7:30 "Grun<Jmu D1dn't Wnl/rl Bil('k " Story of u youn" "lrl und her Cu1n1ly Ut'ullnu wllh th • problem or an ugl11g grnnclmotht.1r KN&' ('I) ll:OO "Born Beautiful." A WJJ Cu!ihlon mutl(•I trlC'a to mnkc a Ctll'l'l'r chnngc und h Ip 11 ;itudcnt make ll in the highly compt>titive world of Now York mode· ling .. KABC (7) 9:00 -"Brubaker." Robert Rl'dford stars os a prison .warden whost!• life i!J on tht.• line when angry cohvlcts and crooked politicians turn on him. tmbltlol>t Aoman Catholic prlttt, convtrge during • murdtf lnv•tlgatlon ·A' ,. MOVla * * "TlllU lightning" ( 1981) Channing M"Cf\tlt, Maurttn Mc:Cormldl. A boy'• wttlltod hunting trtQ wit/I hit ftther lurna Into tn loltlatlon ltlto mllnhood. 'If tO:to. IHOINNODfT N(1WON( NIWI • WOM.O Of' 900l<a (Q) THE GOU>IN MM Of' . nlfVlltOH "A Ootfl HouH" A woman (Jutlt Htrrlt) uttfla her own' Identity ttttf con- fronting -11., hutbtnd't (Chrlatopher Plummtrl !mmor tllty lo t llltPtey btttd on the pity by Htn· Jlk lbltn. (%)MOVIE * • "Andy Warhol'• Franktnittln" ( 1974) Joe Oatltaandro, Udo Kitt.' A Hx-obMlltld weirdo kid· ntppt tht young ptOptt ol t Yllltgt 10 MC:Urt Vlrloul l>Ody 11artt lor hla mtlt ·end lemtlt mon1ter1. 11:00 I a CJ) a HOii • aAT~YNtOHT Hoet: Gt orgt Cartin Guttlt. Biiiy Prtaton, Jtnla len. CJ IH &IAIW::H Of ... "Tower Of London Mur. dire" tD THAT QUIZ SHOW 8) tTAUTS OF SAN FAAHCtlCO A ftwtl·lluddtcl dog cotter turna out 10 bt mort lhtn Jutt • dtc:orttlv9 piece lor t Ctnlnt. Sl BUllHUS REPORT CD DOCTOR 1H THE HOUSE "A Stllch In Tlmt" 0 MOV1E * * * "Rieh And F1mou1" (19811 Candice Bergen, Jtc:quttlnt 81Ht1. Throughout 1ht upe tnd downa or tht!r rttptc;llYt llttrtry ctrttrl tnd romantic ltvtt, two women depend on tht!r lrltndllllp for ttlblllty. 'Fl' • 11:309 {1) TMPHAJOHN, M.O. .A 14·yMr-oldboy'ar.,.... -~,loQ lhtflit It.,..~ ClOmPllc:attt hll motlltt'a pottntlally 1trlou1 Ill· -.(RI D 8THEIU'T~ CAMON Hoet: Johnny Ct,.on GUttta: Rk::hwd Ben)llmln, Rtd Sulton., Dtcll Enbtrg (R) G YOU A8kEO FOR IT Fttturtd. "Ro4ttng Down Tht Alpe In A Bubble" tnc:I "J~ Worlltrt WhO Sp1t1k Thtlr BotMt." .. THE JURMOHI George trltt to mtkt l)Olnl• with • Ioctl benktt whilt A.Hen trtet to mtlct polott with Ille bankt<'a d1ughttf. I FOCUS OH SOCIETY P88 I.A TIHIOHT Hott: Dtnnlt Wholey. gi, HIGHT GAU.EAY "A Ftttt Of Blood" A spurntd aultor dtddtt 10 gtl bade at hit glrllrltnd. "The last LIUrtl" A ptrt• tyztd men btllevea that hie wilt tnd doctOf .,. htYlng tn tlltfr. 1t:"' 9 NIWI f¥TH Of' JUL y Richard Thomu rtptttt '"' Broadway '°" .. • par~ Vietnam Ytllt· tn home, IOI' t lltnlly ,_,i0n on lndec>lndtnet Dey. 11:65 (8) IT~OINO lllOOM ONLY "Cryatal Gayle In eonc.t1" • The Grammy A,-.trd•wln· ntng tttl' llnga many of Air blggttt hlta, Including "Don't It Malit My Brown Eytt Slut" and "Ttllllng In Your Sleep." 12:00 9 IH'Talll'TAJNMEHT TONIGHT All lnttrYI-with Su .. n Strandon. G MOVIE .. * * "Andt<ton'I Af19111" ( t878) Dorri ThOmt.r. Scat· man Crothtrl.. A young Wtve ptyw dtarty lor an ttrlltf lndltorttlon with 1 U.S 4tnator. CJ) NEWS • MOVIE **~ "Diamond Httd" ( 11M13) Charlton Ht1ton, Ylltllt Mlml«l• A wttlthy H1wtlltn prtc;llcta t dOU'· bit etandtrd when ht ClPPotll tu. altttr'a ptana 10 marry t hall-breed Htwtlltn whtlt he hlmttll hat • 1>'9Qntnl mlet r .... ., LOVI. AMlNCAN STYLE # "LOYt Ahd Tht 0.ttctlvt" CharUt ta hlrtd to keep en • tyt on a bttutllul girt "lovt And Tht Advice Column" Sally la eo upttt by • "Ott< Dor•" column the calll oH htr wtddlnet:-D PERRY MASON Retalntd 10 handle a tu mttttr, Muon'• client la c:haroe<I with murder (t)MOVIE • • • "Soutti.rn Com· fort" (11181) l<tlth Carra· dint, Powera Boothe, A group ol Nttlontl Guard•· min on • wttktnd mantuvtre In a Loulllent bayou eQerlc •small 9.-. rilla war with t community of bedlwooda Cajune 'A' (Q)MOVll .. ~ Fwtf" (1980) Ktletln f'lltrl. Ron ,,., .. my. A young girt etruggltt to makt I.ht U.S. ~ twlm t-. but a protein dtfldtncy tlOwl her down. 12:11 8 9 ABCNEWI NIQHTUH( DEATH AHO THE MAIOEH 12:30 D Q! LA TE HIGHT WITH DAVID L£TTEMlAH GUttt:SklC-9 COUPLE.8 CJ) TOM COTTLE: UP CLOSE. ., LOVE, AMEAICAH STYLE "Love And The Slnolt Sta- , ..... Btttrlce vleJts htr el•· It< when the gete Jiited. "loyt And Tiit Montier•" An ector and telrttt mttl In tht commluary. CZlMOVll ** "Tiit Brood" (t979) Olivtr' Reed, S1m1ntha E~r A rll'tn encountttt lt<Tor when ht trltt to JOHN DARLING f0f11tt wflO Wtnlt to bt I Jall-br tic IChtmt ftthtr .... ~ lor the (C) ~ right ~ lo bttr hit * • * "Tht lasl Tlmt I CHANNEL LISTINGS e~oTHe~, eve~vwHe~c YOU GO -r'H05£, KIDS w.A N1;ro ee ON ,.__,...'et.e.'71S tON .' E) KNXT tCBSI fi) KNSC CN8CI 0 KTLA find I 8 KA8( IA8(1 () KFM B CCASI 0 KHJ TV Clnd l IE KCST IABCI ID K TTV Clnd 1 Cl) KCOP TV I Ind I 6il KCE T t P8Sl SI> KOC E C PBSl 0 On TV l TV " HRl:J C «C•nPmd,. t ' •WORI NV N Y tr IWT OSI l IESPNt S CShowt1rn(·I 0 SPOtlu;iru 8 ICilDll! N P W\ Nrtwork) Child~ Stw Parll" (1954) Ellu- **It "True Conlttlionl" btlh Taylor, Ven¥"'°"· (11181) Robtt1 Ot Niro. 8attd on • ttory by F. Robert Dwtll Tiit utUtlty Scott Flt.igertld. 8r0ktn rom~ and attetttrad HC>tt tit woride of two lndfYldualt populttt Parta txothera, • Lot Af19tltt 11 tht tnd of w~ Wat 11. po4ice detactlv9 and tn CB) MOVIE tmbhlout Romen CtthOltc: **~ "True Confelllont" prlelt, COllY9tgt during I murder lnvtttlgttlon. 'R' (18811 Rot>ttt Dt Niro, g MOVIE Robtrt Ouvan. Tht utUalfV * • * ~ "Prince Of Tiit atptrtlt world1 ol two City" (1881) Trttt Wll-brothtft. t lot Angtltt llama, Jttn"/ Orbtoh. A pollca dtttc1l11t and en Classified advertising is your best choice for help in selling the items yqu no longer: need It's q1:1ick and inexpensive, and tfle Pilot reaches ·potential buyers who live in-this ar:ea. Call tQday. • IMln Wiiy IOfllWf petlente Of • INl!lal cltnlo -ttttl tied by rntlMtlet of Iha dCKIOt wllO ltttled lhtnl 'Ill' 11:40 . COUJMeO WMn a 1110<1<1 CtlMt Cham- pion It '°""° lnjUrtd fu•I btlort In lmpotltnt metch, t1.111P!Ck>n lellt on hlt~t ("> 11:41. U THI LA1'T WON> 11:N IH) MOVll ***'At ·{, Ctge Au• FoliN" (1879) uoo 'oO· nlWI, Mlcllet 8ttreult A nlghlCl\lb OWntt lrltt 10 orei>art hie lttntvttlltt IOVtf lor • vlelt by hi• '°'1't lltnct•'• 1111111, tht m0t1tt c:omml11Joner 01 France. 'A' 1:001 GINIAUTlllY IAMY,AMllll MOVll * • "81nctrtly Yourt" 11855) llbertea. Jotnne Dru A brlHlent c:oncer1 Ill•• nlet dltCOYttl lhtt he .. I~ ***It "Dey For Night'' (1972) Jte<i4*1M Bluel, VtMlltlna Co<tttt. Direct• td by Frtneolt Trulltut The 11\'N and IO'IM of him OttlOf mtf t .,, etudled In • mov~t·wlthln·•·movlt. •PQ• • 1:30 D 8 Nee HtWI OY'EINCIHT 1.:AUT..V * * "Tht Flnal Conlllct" I 1881) Sem Ntlll, Aouano Brau.I. In tht third part of "Tile Omen" trilogy, young Dt mltn, the eml>Odlmtnl ol the Antlc:hrlat, 11 now en adult and a truated tcMaor 10 the prteldtnt ol the U.S " 'R' 1:o46 D MOVIE, * * * "Suattr And 81111t" P974) Jtn-Mk:hatl Vin· cent, Joan Goodfellow. A popular young man fall• In love with t glrl lrom the wrong 11dt of lht town. 1:llO CC) MOVll * •on "Tiit Rtln P~" (19e9) Jamtt Ctan, Shlrlty Knight A young women ttlt out on t crou-coun· try trip to MUPt the rtlp00$ibllllin ol her mar- /It Qt 1nd Impending mothtm90d. 'A' 2.-00. CJ) C8I HEW9 HIGKTWATCH CJ) WILUAM tEU.. MOW * * "Ctn You Keep It Up For A Wttk?" Jtrtmy But. lodl, Rlchtrd O'Sulltvan. A young women agr-to , marry her boyfn.nd on tht condition thtl he remain galnlulty tmptoytd for Mii· en days. (%)MOVIE ••on "So Ant" 11e111f Ryan O'Nttl, Jac:k Wtr· den. A ttully c:otltgt pro. lttsor .. Ytt hi• lather'• lloundttlng garment facto- ry by. lnvenllng t n-type of ladlet' Jttn• 'A' 2:30 Cf) llOOMPHY 2:38$= **It "Ptttrnlty" ( 1881) Bu(L ~notda. s-11 D'A~ ~~In Illa fOftlel who Wtnll IO bt I father -~ for lht right -to bttr hit c:flld. 'PG' 8~~:.eHUHT • * "Tht Flrtt Time" ( 1982) Tim Choate, Krillt Erlekton. A c:o11tgt trttb- mtn wno 11aa ~ taught many IChtmtt to Cllplurt I WOl'/l8ll' I lanc:y, d1a4iov. wt that lovt II more Important then c:htlP thrNla 'R' 3t15D NEWS (J)MOVIE ** "Tiil.. lightning" (1981) Channing Mltchtlf, M~urMn McCOfmlc:lc. A boy' a weekend hunting trip with hit l•thtr turn• Into en Initiation Into manhood 'R' 8:30 CJ) fAITH 20 (Q)MOV1E • * • "The Olltnct" (1973) s..n Connery, Tr .. vor Howard Whitt trtc:ktng down • cl}lld rnotttttr. a London dtltellllt llowfY tdgtt hlmMlf IOWtrd a lltfVOUt llftekdown .... MOYll • .... ,~ 11$110) "'*" Wlllllft'I .. I~ Duvall WNlt tMreflillO lor hi. lttlW, 111,t ~I· Ing MllOt """' • quaint llaMlel Mitt• ht plejlt wt>. to\lndlinQ and t tlllnny ....... heart 'li'q' JN(C)MOYtl * • • "Th• Ollt nct" (1873) Sten Conntty, Ttt· YOf Howtrd Whllt lrtclclng down • chNd moteetw, t London detective tlowty ed9t1 hlmttlf toward 1 ntl'Youe brttlcdown 'R' 4:0Q (J) T~ 0' THI MOMING o4:10(J:t)MOYll ••1t "True Conlttaiont" ( 1811 II Aobaf1 Dt Niro, Robin Ouvtlt Tht ueutlty aepatllt wOtldt or two brother•, t Loe Af19tltt Pollet dettetlvt and tn tmbltlou1 Roman Cethollc prlett, -o-durlno a murdtt lnvtttlgatlon 'R' 4:JO Cf) IUU.WIHK~ o4:"8•MOVll •••It "Prince Of Tiit Chy" (1981) TrMI Wll- Htrnt, Jerry OrblQI. A Ntw York COO II caUoht bt~ ltdtral prMMirt and IO)'alty '° hie fellow olltc.1 during tn tnYeett. e•tlon or wtdHprttd l)Ollc:e corruption. 'R' Taw•lfa11'• Da11•l•e /tlo.,ie• AFTs.HOON 12:00 fl * * 'h "My Pal Gue" (1952) Fllchttd Wldmtl'k., Joanna Dru. A:lltr t wealthy mtn '°"' hit eon In 1 cuatody b11t1t to Ill• tx·wllt, ht rtttlr.ta how Jmporttnt 1ht boy ta to him.~ m • • * "But Not' For Mt" 1111511) Cltrtl Gtblt, l lltl Pltmtr. A young ac:trttt -'11 • romance with her mlddlt-lgtd pro- ducer (C) * * "Tallt Th~ Job And Show It" (18811 Rob- "1 Hayt, Bttbart H1tlhay. A young COtPOftft extc:u· llvt runa Into rttltttnce when ht rtturna to hit homttown to reYlttlln 1 eompeny b<~ 'PO' CO) • * * "lnlldt MoYtt" ( t980) JoM Savege, DtYld MorN A ntwcomtf 10 lht group ol rtgUlefe ti 111• Otktanct btr ~ hold tht• key to making tht btrttn-: dtr'1 drttm ol bteomlng t • pro btlkttbtll pleyer a reality. 'PG' , Cl) * * "tmproptf Chan- nell" (18811 Attn Art<ln.: Mtrlttlt Htrtlty. A ttr1tt ot mlaundtrtttndtnga' cau-t eoctal worllt< to IUIPtc:I lht ll·ytar·old de119hltt ol • "l*•ttd; couple 11 the victim ol chlld • . tbutt.'PG' 12:JO D * * "Rich And F'amou•" (1981) Candice, Btrgtn, Jtcqutllnt 811Mt. Throughout Ille upt and, downt 91 their rtlPICllllt: tlttrery carttr• tnd rornentlc Nllta, two women: dlplnd on thtlr frttndlhlp • lor 1ttb4tfty. 'R' ; (%)••• "P~"(1NO)' Robin WIHlllM. Shtllty' Ouv .. WhHe-c:hlng lor: hi• rtthtr, tilt ~h! Ing tailor Yltlta • quaint : hamltt ""'-• ht pldc• up .' toundtlng and • 1111nny: -thttft. 'PG' ' 1:00 •• * ''Ont On Ont" : ( t977) Robby Btneon. '. Annetta O'Toolt. A boy• wtlo goes to colltgt on • • bllkt1btll llCl'tolarahlp II tbultd by tht coach, ac:orntd by hit tutor and uttd by the ICtlool lor 111 own purpoeu 'PG' 2:00 CO)* *'h "Amtrlctn Pop" (19811 Anlmtttel. Tiit hi .. tory ol American pop mualc:, from vtudevillt to • roc;k 'n' rOll, It trllCtd : through -•I gtntfl· • tlon1 of • larntty ol mulf. cl1n1. 'R' 2!30(%) * • •'h "Tiit Howling" (1981) Ott Wtlttct, Pttrlctl M~. by Armstrong & Batluk 1'HAT WAS ONE OF 'THE CANDIPA'Te.5 FOR CITY COUNCIL/ • l1ilJPll1 Classtf ied ads phone 642-5678 \ ... I • D Orange Co111t OAILV PILOT/Monday, November t. 1982 Voting turnout dipping? WAS HINGTON (AV) For all tht> claims and coun~erc la lm11 of politicians about how people will vote Tuesday , th e k ey quest~n may be how many. Voter turnout will be a big facl.Or in the outt.'Qmc, •nd based o n past performance in off-year e lec:lions, nearly two· thirds of the Pf:Oplc who could vQt.c won'1. Democrats say the turnout is likely to reverse the trend o f declining voter participatio n b ecause economic concerns will impel more people to cast ballots. There may be &<>me wishful forecasting fn that; a big turnout is what the Democrats want, since they figure it would be a protest against the economic slump and the high rate of unemployment. "What is needed this election day is decent weather, a good turnout, and SQme old-fash ioned Democratic passion," says the Democratic National C.Ommittee. Republican forecasters contend that the voters who put P.resident Reagan into office two years ago will go back to the polls to s upport his policies. There's some wishing in that , too. P ublic opinion polls indicate that blue-collar voters who broke Democratic h abits were a key elemen~ in Reagan's 1980 victory -and that many of th em have si n ce become dise nchanted with his economic program. Furthermore, the pollsters say. Democrats who st ayed at home were an important ingred ient of the 1980 outcome. They didn't want to vote for Jimmy Carter again, they didn't want to vote Republican, so they didn't vote at all. Only 54.3 percent of the voting age population cast ballots in 1980 . th e lowes t presidential -year turnout since 1948. The turnout trend ha s been downward for two decades, and o ff-year elections draw far fewer voters than presidential contests do. .In 1978, the last off· y~a r e l ections. 35 .6 percent of the voling age cast ballots in House contests, down from 36.2 percent in 1974. Total turnout s were about three points higher. since some statewide elections draw more votes than are cast in the congressional district electiona. Pollster Pete r Hart , wh o work s r or Democratic candidates. thinks the turnout will be up this year "There will be heavier turnout among minority groups who perceive a greater stake in sending the Reagan administration a message," Hart said . HAllOtl LA WM-MT. OLIYI Morluarv • Ceme1erv Crema1orv 1625 Gisler Ave Costa Mesa 540-5554 f'tHCINOTHHS llUNOADWAT NOITUAIT 110 Broadway Costa Mesa 642·91SO I.Un & IHGHC>te SMfTM & TUTHeU WHTCUff CHAnl 427 E 111n St Cos1a Mesa 8'6-9371 ,_Cl llOTHaS SMl11H' MOITUAI T Q7M11n St Hunttnq1on Be1cl\ 53&-6539 It's no mobile NOTICI Of' TRUITll't IALI .. ,... Ot Cl Of' fMlllU lt.ALa On ~tmtHff 11 11111 ll 11 00 NOTICI Of' JllL.M ......., ~ Im CoJ AnwtrlC•ll ~Ir.ant"' COfP OI AllftUCA1"toet '°" YOU AM .. Dl•MA.T UMDI• A at Ch.1ly 1ppotnl•d lru1tet 1111t1•1 HMlltltON TO ACOUMW O.IO Of' TMllT DATIO ..... t 1110 p11u11•111 10 DHd ol 111111 A ..-ANCH M•ICI t•1 UM.Il l YCMI T.UCI ACTec* rtc010.0 Augull 2g 1979, a1 11111 lh•• .. 10 lolorm JM PUl>I< lh•t TO P•OTI CT YOUR ... ~.n. PUlllC NO TIC£ PUBUC ..Of ICE "8.IC NOTICE NO • 1tU Ill 000~ 13288 pig• und•r 8•ctlon 613 22(b) OI Ill• IT MAY .. tOLD AT A PUeUC ••H 01 Offlel•I Aaco11S1 In Ille OllK:• ~ 111d R41Qul1ll0fll IOt lnlllflllU • A L I > I, "0 u • I I 0 A .. -----1 01 ''" Cou111y RecO•dtl OI 0rll10• 01 Acc;oun11 Ind S.C:llon 64!. .. ol lllPLANATK* M THI NATUIW f.Ollnty C•IHOrnll INI MOdlf1t1tlon H .. Rultl tnd R41Qul1t10111 tor the 0« THI ptM)Cll otNO AG ... T ol not• lllCI '<lttd OI 1111 .. dat.0 f..fdCl111L.AJvt/IQI •nd LOM 8yll91n. YOU, YOU IHOULO CONTACT A .A.L• I O.C•mlHtt 30. 11190 ••14 ·~otdttd trlt w ••• .,n Fi•d•llf 81v1ng1 •nd 1.AWYI•. MDteh I I 1911 II l11ttr11m1n1 no LO.ti AllOCltllOl'I. 13180 M1nd11110 NOTICC 18 HEREBY OIVlN INll "" ...... ,... 14384 tn l>OOk 13017. Ptoe $00 a11<1 WI'{. Mtrlnt 011 Rly C•lllOfllll MAR VISTA FINANCIAL, INC • SC::.:::-'"° 110 I ol Olltclll AKOtdl '" Ille 011"-• 0020 I. h .. 11 .. CI ... ll')PllCatlon \llllh corporellon. 787 North "£ . SlrMI. tAfiltOOM .._'"° ol Or111Q•.Counly AKO•d•• Wll L. Ill• ~90.,,,.1•~o~1.0111 6tnk Bo•td 8•n 8etnt1C11no C1t1forn1t 92 .. 03. 1 1• 111 .. , BELL Al PUBLIC AUCTION TO .tor 1*11110101116 tn<.•t•M tceounte T~ N111'1\b9! f7t41 Nt-0231. ~ n,.,.. ........ Y04it Ooot HIOHES I Bl DOER FQA CASH. OI tn llllUftbi. 'VPI Oy ltltof'l ol .. th• Pl•""' T1u11 .. uncM< lh• jC.il l lOI• Nli!W .. I Y04it ...., .. , CA8Hll~'S CtilCK OA CfRTIF'IEO 1no llGQUlllllon ol brancn Ofll~·· ol dffd ol trutt nttflll•fltf rMntloneel. ""'T."' .. _,. ....... 1-1219 CHECK, (p1y1bi. •• llm• of Ule Ill '''" F1Cle1e1 S.vlng1 lrlO l.otll Will .. u lo In• hlgll•ll blddtl IOI ...., ... --lewlul money ol tho Unitld s1111111 AHOCltllon ol S.11111 MUnlCI, •O I Cillll In l1wlul money OI IM Unltld UH New,... '"4. 11 12216 Broollhurtl tltnMt, 0110111 Wllahlll Boul1v11d. Sl"I• MO"ICI, 8tatot Without Wirt Int)' OI Ill)' kind • ............ V .. "" ... 95 " ... Ol Grove, Callf0tnl1, alt right, 11111 end C1u1orn11, lbcatld 11 3600 COllfQf 11 1 pubttc tix;llon 11,,,.11me and _,_.. ...., .,. _.. 1111e1H1 conv•y•d to end now h•ld Boulav11d. OcHnllc:t.. Ctlttornl• p11u dnlgn11ed bttow. 111 tn• t ttH ~ c.,i.-by 11 undat Uld OM<! 01 t1u1t In HI 111d 1455 Bak., &11..i. C0tt1 M"•· Cou11ty ot tll• l11t• ot Ctlltornla ''""' ~ ,_, • •-,....,., p1op111y lltull•d Iii Hid Count C1llfom11. dHlgnatld tHllow. tit Of Ille llQht. r.:::==========l •nO lltal• d11trt~ 11 Any p1r1on may ttl• , wlllt•n 11111 Ind 1n1.,11f now llald by .,id PUBLIC ""'TICE All 11111 CM18ln lend allUDled In commun1C1llOl1 111 lavor 01 p1otHI Tr1111 .. 111 end to Iii lhll carteln r--------""...:...--:;_ ____ 1 me 81111 of C11lll0tn11. County o of Ille 1ppt11:11;on Communk:1tlon1 oropttty which 11 11111•1• In Hid 011ng•, City 0 1 Coat• M•u. may b9 bHtCI on but er• no111m1tld County tnd 11 dl1trtt>.o bllOW Tiie dettc•.o.d 11 totlow1 10 th• 1ppllc1n1·1 r•cord of lllf•I 1dd1H1, If eny, or otn•r Of,IC. OFT .. .... ..,.,,CO..ONfA COUNTY Of O..ANG• NOTK:f M IAUl UHOt• occ .. 1 M'OMCLOIUM Culv•rd•I• Community Aa~tllon, ete 111 Kuuo ll>Ulht •I.. . . .... 31'215 I. Ille Ullelenlgned, BRAD GA TES. sn.ttlr-Coron•r, Count)' of Orange, Sllte 01 CtJ1l0tnta do Mr.Oy catlll)r 11111 by v1rt110 o t Deer•• ol For•C1•osu1• and Sal• tn 1ne Superior Court ot 111e County ol Orlfllll. State ot C•lllornia, •nterld on S•P~•ml>1r 7. 1982, end ,_did on Sep1em1Htt 7, 1982 tn the above 11ntit1ed actlOll, wnare1n Culverdole Commu1111y A110C1atton. • California non·profll ~rpOfallon, th• above ntm•d ptelnlllf(•l. obtelned a )udgment •nc:t detrff ol lorectot_ur• end 1110 1g1ln•t Kuuo lbuahl and -Shizuko lbulhl delend1nl(sl, !or th• aum 01 Elgl Hundred Forty Four and 591100 Dollars, leWlul money of tho United Stataa. Ind by VlllU8 ol • Wiii ol onto1com11nt In said 1cllon t11ued on S•ptemt>er 16, 11182, I am ommandec:t to sell 111 the property in the Co.."ty of Orang•. Slat• ol llilOtnla, datcrll>ed •• IOllOWI Loi .. 2. ol Tract No 6952. at ecordao '" Book 263. Paou 39 10 2, 1ncluslv• of Ml1cell1n1ous Maps. In 11141 Ollicl ol I he Or •11Q41 ounty RecOfder, Celilornf•. Tho property 1a mOf• c:omm()fl.ly known u 11so1 Teach«• AvenlHt, trv1no. Cetrlornll Tog41l119! with all and alngul111 th• ten•men(s, h•redltam•ntt end 1ppu1"t.01nces 1nereun10 l>el0ng1ng or In anywise ~111111119 PARCEL A That pot\IOtl ot Loi 5 pertorm111CA1 In ,,..ping 10 lllfft 1111 common dlalgnlllon. 1f 911y, of aa1d o• Berrv T!IC1. BIOCk F ... .nown c r. d 11 n •• d I 0 r 11 • I 0 c... OrQP9flV It .. , IOtlh beM>w a map tKO'ded in OOOk 30, P•ge 74 commun1ti4I• FOli1 compan ... m .. 11 Sllc:t dMd ot 11u11 wu l lCKUlld ol Ml•t•ll•ntoot A.cord• ol Loa b9 tubmltt•<I to tll• Suptrvlsory by Ill• Tr111tor dHlgna11<1 bltlow Angeht• County, C1lllorn1B AQ41111, loc.atld at tpe F.ci.tal HOIM Ind wH rKOtdld on IM dlle. Ill dncrlo.d 11 lollOWt LOM Bank ol San Franc:1aco eoo tn• 80011 and " th• Page •• PARCEL 3 u shown on 1 Ma C1lll0tn11 St1Ht Poat omce Box Doc11m•n1 NumO•r ol 0111c111 hied in IX>Oh t38 page• 30 llnd 31 7948. San Frtnc1aeo, C1lllorn1a ~d1 ln Ille Olla of 1n. Couf\ty QJ Parcel mapa 111 the 0111C41 ot I 94120, by Noq11nb4w 11, 1Q82 An R•co1d1r ot H•d Co11n1y, all 11 County R1C0t\10t ol Orange County, 1dd11ton11 20 dlyt 10 1 .. bm11 dH1gnat•c:t b1tow, and corw•yld C1kto1ma comment.s may be obt11natl by 1111ng ea1d Pf09e'IY lo ln. T1uttM 111«.in PARCEL B A non·••ct .. 11v a written ••quell with tll• t1>9t1li.d 011•men1 101 ingress and egres Superv1toty Agent by Novttml>ltr t 1, S•le of Ill• Pfc>p411ty wlll b9 mlld9 ovtr tho Sout111rly 13 SO IHI o 1982 The 11pp11callon and all purauant to th• d•mand or tlil P01col 2. 11 shown Oil a M114> Mid 1n commun1c..11on1 ao 1110<1 will b• S.nehclery und., 111d d.ed ol trust book 136, p1g11 30 and 3.11 or •vallabte tor 1n1poc11on by eny •nd Oy 1111011 ot d•l•ull In th• Percel M1p1 111 1110 ot11c1 ol the person 11 the Ftc:t.,•l Homo Loan paym1n1 or P•rlormenc • or County A.corder 01 Orange Cou"ly. Sank or S~" Fr1ncteco untua obltg1t1ons MCure<I by uJd deed of Ce1tto1rua apptteal!oo 1nt0fm1t1on i. ••cepted trust tncludlng the default. nollce ol PARCEL c A non·UCIU91VI by law from pubhC dlSC:IO&u•• which WGI rKOfded on the dll•, In •111ment tor 1ng1es5 and egress Published 011nge Coast Dally th• bOOk and II lh• PIQ4t. alld 11 over tho Southerly 10.50 feet ot Piiot, Ocl 25. Nov 1. 1982 oocum1n1 Numl>9r ol 11td Off1clal Parcel 2, as 1nown one Map flled 1n 48•2·82 R4lc0td111 dtslgnete<I below. t>ook 136, pagH 30 end 3 I ol ------------The total amount ol Ille unpaid Parcel Mops In the ofllce ur the PUBLIC NOTICE b1 .. nu ot Iha Obllgallon MCuted County Reoordar ol Orange County. ------------by "'d dlle<I ol trust end 1111metec:t Ce1tlo1nla · NOTICE OF INTENDED coats. e-penMt, end advenc;es et Eacep1tng lherelrom the Westerly T•ANSFlA UNDl• tne time ot tne lnltl.al put>llcelion 01 20• 00 IMt tnereol. llCTIONI 24073 • U074 thts Nolle• of Trualu's Sale Is Aleo O•COPll0115 tllereltom the CALIFO..NIA •UltNalt dealgnate<I 1>9low E11t.,ty 0.76 IMt ol the Notll\erly AND PROFESSIONS CODE As used herein "Trustor" lhall 1>e 0 50 IMI thateol Name ol Licen-· RICHARD C dMmed to mo•n "Tru1to<1" 11 rnor• PARCEL 0 A non-•xcluslve MEADOWS, 510 E BllbOa Blvd , lll•n one Tr111101 11 de1lgn1t1d 81Mmtt11 tor berm pu1poMs over Ba Ibo a . C A . E 0 WA R 0 A t>etow, •no "&.n.llelary" thllt 1>e lhl Eot•rty 0 76 feet ot the $~RUTHERS, 510 E BllbO• Blvd , dMn*I 10 n\9111 "e.nofiGilflU" 11 North«ty O 50 taol of tn. Soutnerty Balboa, CA. mora 11"n on. Ben.iic11ry •xewted 10 50 '"' ot Pare .. 2. es shown Ot\ Name of 1nt•nded Tr1n1l•1H th• Notlee ot O.l•uh ttet .. nat>ove I Map fllld In b0011 136, P'filH 30 RAYMOND KOFDARAtr. 21381 mentioned and 31 of P11cot M•P• In the ollrce Gr••n Cove Ctrcl•. Huntington Tn• llm• end ptec• of 111•. of 10. County R.cotd., ol Orange 8e1ch, CA dHCt1pllon ot Hid prop•rty •nd County. C1t1l0t11<• Kmd of ltc911M lo l>e lr•nsfeuld Olh41t dlta , .. .,,Id 10 •l>OY9 are 11 Noll 1 Any Oee<l/Oocument tn RETAIL PACKAGE OFF-SALE IOllOwS connection with lhll 0td0t Sllo..ld ENERAL LICENSE "'21· 118075 County Ot811Q9 conla1n lh• IOllOWlng rOMrv111ons Total Coollderlllon (obit palc:t tor Trustor M OWIGHT BATTISTA .11 .. Pera.I A the Business anc:t LIG«\M \1 1460.· • n d M c 0 N NIE BATT Is TA. Reserving lh•t•lrom a non· .00 r Cash to b4I dopOllted In hu1b1nd end wile and SAM• exciu~ve ..-Milt IOf Ingress an<!, scrow. $10,000 00. 2 Df!mand e,t.ntSTA end ELLEN BAnlSTA, eora. over 11141 Nortllerty 13 50 feet ota for the bllanu ol 1:a1n to bit husbend lt'ld wire ol tM WMletty 204 00 reet tnet'aof. opo111ed In Escrow, S50.000 00. 3 OMd ot Trull Recordllion Date Atso r-v•no tnoretrom 1 non· mend not• tor th• bat•nce ol April 9. 198 t. Book 14013, P90e It may &-art, but this to wer of autom obiles constructed of 6 0 cars apd 1,500 tons of ceme nt at the Contemporary Art Center in Montcel, south o f Paris, France, is certainly not a mobile. Its creato r is a F ra nco-American sculptor known as "Arman." PUBLIC NOTICE tS HEREBY GIVEN That on Tuasdty, Nov91nt>ef 16, 1982. II 10.30 o clock, AM ol 11111 day II Main Lobt>y Courtho<.tM, 100 CIVIC Center om. West, C11y ot Santi Ane. I win Hll th• •bov• dOSCflb41d proc>e11y. under aaod writ and <141cfff, °' '° much Iner.or •• mey bit nec:nnry to aatisty 111<1 judgment Wllll 1n1'rt1t1 '"° coats. to the hlghell bidder. tor cun rn lewf11I money ot the Unttld St1tn. Dated at S1n11 Ana. CelltOTntl. Octollflr 11, 1982 BRAD GATES. sn .. 1tt-CorOt1or pou"ty ol Orange, Caltl0t"11 8y. K Brown, s .. 011111 •-GluSl\'9 HMmenl IOt 1ngr.,.s Ind 1h lo b• d•posll•d In bcrow. 1578. Ooc:ument No.40991>---..:-- eorHi ov..-11'11 Norllletty 10 50 feet 30.000 00. 4 Note 1nd Security Nolle• ot D•lault Rec0td1t1on IM<tol. greement 111 tavor of Ill• S•lle•, Oat• June 11. 1982, Oocument No Exuptlng from 11.11 tHorvallon 30.000 00, 5 Oem1nd Noto lo• 82· 198921 1118 WMtatly 204 00 1181 tlle<eol he amount ot Inventory nol 10 Time ol S••• 10:00 A M • Also exc•ottng tr om 11s1 xceed tne sum ot 160.000 00; Wodlltld•y. Novemblt 17, 1982 r-Vllton IM Easterly 0.75 feel ol TOTAL $480.000 00 Pl•c• ol S111: Nottn tront 1118 SoutM<ty 0.50 .... lhereol. T h I p I • c e w II • r • I h • 9ntrlnoe to the COU"l'f COUr1hOuSO, R•t•rv1ng 1n.,•lrom 1 non· consldoc.ellon 101 tn• transl•t ol lhe 700 CIVIC C9nttf Dtiv• West. S11nta ••ctuelv• ••••menl tor Oerm business, and 1h0 license or li<:llnMI An1. CA putpoMS OY9r lM Elsterly 0.75 feel 1s to be peld IS WESTERN MUTUAL Tolll ol obllg11ion and esUmated ot th• Soutn•rly 0 50 ,,., of the ESt;ROW CORP.ORATION. , .. 081 s. COlll, •xr>ense•. lfld M!Vanoff at NOtlh.,ly t0.50 IMI tti..aol '1'01b1 St .. :: t0t:-1uaun. CA on 01 111111•1 publlcetlon· 1170,3'8.57 YOU AAf tN DEFAOl.T UNOEA A 1lter November 18. 1982 StrMI •ddrnt or other common OEID M TitUt T OAQ D AUGUST Tne PlltlH 1111•• tnat the dHIO"•llon ol Hid pro~rty: 310 22, 1'71. UNLflS YOU TAKl conSJdoratlon lor the 111nlter of thO RoblnnOOd .Lan•. Coal• Men. CA ACTION TO ftROTECT YO UR otislness and lh• llC9nM or llCe.1\HI 92826 Candidates sought for fellowships The President's C.Ommission on White House F ellowships is accepting applications Cor its fellowship yea..-beginning September, 1983. according l.O Di.reel.Or James C . Roberts. · The fellowship program, beginning its 18th yea r . is open to U .S . citizen s who hav e demonstrated excellence in professional and community involvement. Fellows ser ve one -year assignments in Washington as special assistants to Cabinet Secretaries or senior members of the White House staff. Deadline for applications is Dec. 1 Federal Governm~nt employees. with the exceptiqn or career military personnel, are not eligible. For application fonns and more information, contact the President's C.Ommission on White House Fellowships. 712 Jackson Place, N.W., Washington. D.C. 20503: (202) 395-4522. DEATHS ELSEWHERE Clufrlet Rolo expert In hagh-speed NEW YORK (AP) communications and Charles J. Rolo, a senjor computers. e d 1 t 0 r 0 f M 0 n e y Edward Gibb.as magazine and former BRONXVILLE, N.Y. literary critic of the (~P) -E~ward F . Atlantic Monthly, is dead G1.bbons. chairman and of cancer at age 66. chief exccuuve officer qf . . F .W . Woolwo rth Co .. f'.Wlo was the pnnc1pal is dead a t 63. writer o~. the magazine's Gibbons b ad recently column M~ney Letter: d i r e c t e d a m a Jo r Wall Street. restructuring of the one- time five-and dime store Kevin Mulcaby firm. Gibbons joined WASHINGTON (AP.) W.oolworth in 1973 as Kevin Mulcahy, 39, vice president of finance. the former CIA -analyst who ble w the whistle on Edwin WilsOn and other former CIA~agent.s for allegedly aiding Libyan te rror ists, was found dead recently. Mulcahy was the aon of a career CIA official and join~ the age~y himself In 1963 as an PUBlJC NOTICE NOTICI Of' TRUSTftS SAU Loin No 26'4 hldeon, L" a Ven O.m•rl tet7 Wntcllff Orin, Sult• 204 *•P«t .. llCll, CA t2llO Published Orange CoHI D•1ty Pilot, Oct. 18, 25. Nov 1. 1982 45"2·82 TS No C-86304 v Al. BAN CO RP 11 du 1 y P\8.IC NOTICE appolnl•d Truat•e und•r Ill• H O:ll2t • I01tow1ng descrlbttd dMd ol trull NOTICE Of ~TU'I SALE Will SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE HIGHEST 8100ER FOR T.S. No. F-11791 CASH (Ptyable II lime of HI• In IJIU'Ot!TANT litOTICI TO llwful mOM)' ot 11141 Un1tld Stain) Pfl<>f"f•TY OWNER en ronnt mi. ln<I 1111-1 ..,............ YOU ARE IN OEFAUl T UNDER A ... -··•1-DE.£0 OF TRUST. DATED 12·•·80 lo end now held by II unci.t said UNL~SS YOU fAl<E ACTION TO DHd ol Trust In tn• prop•rty PRO'tECT YOUR PROPERTY. IT M<ttnall., ~tbed TRUSTOR A arid Bon AN~EtM, MAY BE SOLO AT A PUBLIC SALE A IOtnt ¥•ntur• cona tating 01 IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE ROBERT LEE MOTHERSHEAD. 111 PROCEEDING AGAINST VOV, YOU unmarried man end A 1nd B on ANAHEIM, INC • Celllorntt SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER C On Novem!Mt 24, 1982, .. 10 00 Otl>Of'lllon A M . IMPERIAL CORPORATION BENEFICIARY: VALENCIA BANK. OF AMERICA 11 dulw appotnted • Celllornl11 COtPOtlllOn ' RK0td9d F•l>fU'""' IO. 1981 u Trust•• unc:ter 1nd p1111uant 10 -• OHd ot Trv•I rec0tde<I Oecemb4w Instr No 11498 In Oook 139"3. :l3, 1980, as 11111 No 33582. In pege 1862 ol Olflciel R9Cords tn tne olfic~ 01 Ille R1e0td., of Or•""• book 13884. page !038. of Ollrctat C d .. ., Rec;orc:ts In lhe offic;a ot the County ounty. aald Md or tru11 dlScrlbes Reco<dl<t of Or1n-County. s .. te 11141 lollOVlllng propeny: .-PARCEL 1: . .An undivided of C1llforo1•" exoculld oy 1110111 ln1'rHI t~ol 1 bf Trtct WIMBLEDON A600CIATES, A 11295, In the City of Cot" Mell, u LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Wt LL P•r m•p record•d In Book •84 SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH P1gM 1 end 8 ol Mt1cellaneou1 (payable 11 limo ot Hie tn 11w1111 Mepa Excepting ,,,.,..,om unlll I tnOll4I)' of 1111' Unllld Stein) 11 tnt lh1ougll 10 lnctutlW Al 11\0W!\ Ot1 • North front «1tranc• 10 the Co..nly Condominium Pl•n racord•<I CourthOuM 700 c1v~ "'··t D 1 S410lemb4w 1, 198 I. In Book 14204. "' """'' .. r VI p ..... 1170 Offlclal Rtcor.... Al Wnt, Senta Ana. CA 111 rtghl, trite -..-· .... '°· tnd Int-I conveyld to IOd now uc.pttng Iner.from lllOM oet1aln lleld by 11 Undlt uld o.ecr of Tru11 :''::eel~~" l'10wn tn 1n1 p10p•11y altull•d tn H id PA~EL ... Unit 9 ~.......... County 1nc:t Stal• dotctlbed aa ' ~-... a F-18768 •hown on • Condominium Pl1n Loi• 1 2 3 " 8 8. 10 15 16 record9d S•o••mt>•1 1. 1981 In " • • Boote 1"204 Peg• 1170 Otltciat 1 ... 20. 23. 2•. 25, 30, Sf 38 40, <11, Aecfl'o. • • 1•3. ""· 50, s 1 s... 56, 57, se 159. eo. YOV ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A 61. 62, 63, tnd ~ all In Tract No DEED OF TRUST DATI:O JANUARY ~0275· -snown 00. meo llCOtdac:t 30, tH1 UNLESS YOU TAKE in 800lt "81· PllQM 1• 2 tnd 3 of ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR Mtlt4llllnlmoul M•P• 1" t11f"blf-PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOlO AT A I 11'11 County Rtc:otdef of Or•no- PUBL.IC SAlE IF YOU NEED AN 1)1 EXPL.ANATION OF THE NATURE Exc•PI lhef•lrom all Oll gas. OF THE PROCEEOINO AGAINST 1narll Ind Wit .. rights but WllllOUt VOV. YOU SHOULD CONTACT A 119ht of •n11y on Ill• aurltct or LAWYEI' W11n111 500 ,.., ther.ot, .. r•-ved 1955 An•ll•lm Stre•t coaie In th• d••d from Httn ry T M•sa. CA Unltl l 2 3 4 5• e 7 8 Segor1trom and olh•,. 1•cord•d a 10 ' · ' ' • ' ' • OICemb9< 29 1978 tn Book 12981. "Ill 1 strlll lddi ... 0 com-~ P•o• 1987 of 0111c111 A.cords. r """' Orlt'lge County dulgn111on I• ahown tbov•~ no Tht street ldOrHS end other w1rr1111y 11 given •• lo II• ommon .. -.... 11111on tt '">' ol , ... compfftl-or corr.c111111)" ~.. · • '"" TM b«lllloliry unci.r t1ld. Deed re•• prop•rty dHcrlbed above 11 of T ruat by rHIOll o4 a OrNCh or purpor14td lo bl. dlf9'.tl in 1n. obltgetlON securtc:t Swnllo_, Avon1>41 & W1mbttldon CMttbV het•lotor• HICUlld and Way. Cotti MHI.. CA 9:l828 d 11 'd h The und1ralgn•c:t Tro10\•1 • v1r1 to 1 • und•lllgn•d • dlaclalmt 1ny ll•blll\y for eny wtlll«1 Oed.,llton ol DlllUl1 end (l(tec:lnMI ol tlll "''"' lddr .. °""*'° for Btll, end wrllllfl notice Md otn.r commo• 1 dnlgnatlon II ol breech end of .itctlon to ~ lt'f lhown hfi•ln ' · thl 14,.nd111lgn•d to t•ll H id s'etd HI• •illl b• mad• OUI prop.ny 10 .. 11tfy Mid obllgetlonl, · end tll•r••fl•r tfl• uftd•••lgned wtth011I cov~n•nt or warr1nty, ceulld Mid notio. of f)r9ecll end of •11.Pf ... or Implied, reg11d1ng mi. .itcllon 1o b4I Atco!Cl9d July 13 l>OI""'°"· Ot •nc11mbt1ncff to ttl2 •• tntlt NO 82·2<1l521 1~ PIY lhl r-nlng l)(lnOPll tum ol Olftoli.i l\ecor. ' IM no18(tl *411ad Oy ltl<I OMd of &•Id Hie wilt I>• f91aClt b 1 Trual. with tnt•r .. t tn•r•on H wllllowl Go111n1nl or .,,,;.,.1~ PfOVldtd ...,_.., not8(1) ldVlnCM, t•Pf-or lmpllld rtgerdlflt t1t1e' if "'./· undlf'M t.,m, ol Hid OllO .,aeu•ou, °' erMl>flf'Cll. .0 of ru'1. 1111. c11a1gu 111 IMIY lftl ,_..,.. P'1ncl9ll tum « ~ °' lhl TtutlM •nel of Ille 1111 ,,. .. _..by Nld Deed of NII ""'.cl l>y said OllO ot Trutl, Trutl. -4tf1 .,,..,... •In Nld note tor 1111 1mo11nt r•o•onablp ,,,....:...., 111111-" -. .--•tllMlad 10 bl $A.1tt ,40000 ,..v._.., -~-. -·•· -Thi IMlnlflcllnr unOlt Mid Olld IM IOtftlt of· Mid DllCI of Tl'Ult, of Trutt h .. etofor• IHCUllCI llld 1111, CflMQlll Ind HPIM" ol the d t T"'"" tftd 0, 1,,. trutta crlll9d by • 1v1r1d to lh• unC1•111gneo 1 Mid Deed of Tru'1 Said 1111 will bl written O.Cl11a11on 01 deflUlt and h Id T d N Dern1nd for 8111, 1nd 1 w1lll•n • on 11te ay, OVltnb•r 18, NOite• of 0.fM.tll 1nd E.11e11011 to IH2 •t ioo p"' II 1118 Chepman. UI TM 11ndltfl0n4ld cwlld said ~~ 91\trtnee 10 Ille CMG Cent... NOiiet Of O.f1\.llf and E19clion to :::"Si1:C: ct..C:.acc:' A..-it, Seti 10 b4I ~cs.cl In lhe CiOUl\l'f Al 1111 time of lht 1n11111 whlft tllt rtal propeny la toc:llld putllcttlon o1 1N1 notlCI. Ille Jot• IM P Ull AL. C 0 RP 0 F _.,.of 1'te ~~of IM AMERICA Ol>lit•llon _,ff by 1111 11>0ve ";Aid"""" dt1ortll•d dHCI of 1r111t and 1781 Comp .. 11 Drive. ••""'"" '"" Hpenffe encl Sen Ofeoo1 ~A 821~3 d ••• 7 . l7'41 2'2·8480 ~·wi:,• 3 '• tro 1 I 'o By E.11,.1111 Chamw1t1n, 0.-(? 14~=-19 • Y'lll fl'llY TrutlM • 8111 Officer Ott OMt OCtot>et 14, 11U • VAi. ..J1cJ:' l'110lllhtd OrlftOt Cout Dall~ T...... l'll01. Oc:I 26 "'° Nov I, II. INll MRYCI ._,~ /llH"I • ., canoy .C::.... Aellllenl~ Otle Cftr ...,. w..e °'911a.CA .... Tetl(1tlJ.,..-'"llfflMO °'Wife CO.ti Otlly ....... Oct H Nov 1, I . 1ta I 4t72·12 Pfl<Wt•TY, IT MAY 1M SOl.D AT A 11 to bit paid Iller the 09pertment Description ot Pr~y· Lol 4 of PUllLlC SALi. If YOU NllD AN ol AIOohOllc eov.tago CoollOI hU Tittl No •439. In IM City ot Cost• IXPlANATION Of' THE NATU•l 114>prove<1 tne PfOposed t11.n1I., MISl,H I* MllP rKOtdac:t tn Book M THI PtllOCEEotNG AGAINST Name I/Id 1ddr11a of lhe IKIOW 1 5 5 , p • g • 3 " 1 n d 3 5 ·k> I YOU, YOU SHOULO CONTACT A nojder WESTERN MUTUAL MllC9llllllOIH Mepa. In 11141 ottic4' ol LAWYIA. ESCROW. 1'4081 s V0t1>1 St • Suit• ''"'County Rlcotd., ol said county. Truator or record owner. !01, Tu.un.CA92660.Alln Marilyn Excep• ao uo.d111lded on•.haU BRISTOL STREET L TO /' Westmotlla.n<I tnt.,Ut In end to all oil pH. Clltforni.1 Umllld P11'1netll\lp . .; RICHARD C MEADOWS. mlMrall and tur1-o1 llid lend, Tl e slrHI 1ddr11s 1nd olll•r EDWARD A STRUTHERS but Wllhoul the tight of enlty 11t)Oll common CIMognetton. 11 111y. ol tno T11nslero<• •nv portion ot Ille 11Urf-ol Mid rHI pro~IY dnc1ibed tbov• 11 land tor 11149 1>Uf1>0M of u.plOtlng purporl•d to be 27111 Brlatol YMOND KOfOARALI. for. t>orlnO. utrecling, drllll.ng. StrMI, Cotti Mna, Clhf0fll48 Tr'1\sllfte m<ning. PfOIPICllllfil tor. r~ Tll• und•111gn1d Trusl•e P11bh1ned Orll\g• Coast 011ly or m1rk111ng said tubal•-as dttcl•lms any ll1blhly tor any P1101. Nov 1. 1982 0""'•d ~'t • O••d rtcorded· lneotrectnou of IM Street lddr85S 4816-82 J1n11ary 20, 11162. In b~ 15990. end otl'Nlr commoo designation, 11 ------....-------P41Q41913, Ollie.ill RaGordS any. anown '*.in P\8.IC NOTICE Oatld Ocioo.t 1 ... 1982 SalO .... wiM l>e mad•. but *11110ul MAR VISTA -.nt or w•tr•"ly. •xpress or NOTICE INVfTINQ 9!01 FINANCIAL.JNC .. 1mpl11<1. regarding 111•. pOSMSSion, Notlc;a is ner•by gtv..l lhll Ill• • COtPOt"IOn· or .nt41ml>f•nc:H. 10 pey 11141 unpaid 8oard ol•Tru•t••• ol lh• CoHI TruslM beltnc• ol IM note MC:Uted by '81d Comm11nlty Coll•o• Olatrlct ol SUAR ' HELL VER o..d ol Trusl. to-Wit: $528.15 1,69 Orang• County, Calllornle, wlll 8 Proteu1onei' lncludtng 0 Pf0Vld9d In aatd note. roeelv• Hlltd bldJ up to 11 00 C0tPOt•llon ld.;1noes, If any, und., tne l•m• ot a m .. Wednftday, Nov 10, 1982 " ay Joenn G10tg11tls Slid OMd of Trus1, •-· chargH the Purcllulng o.p.r11n9nt 01 Hid Attorneyt for Tr11SIM 1nd expen ... ol the Trustee and ot eolleo• d•llrlcl toctt•d •1 l370 Publlall•d 011nge Cout Dally Ill• " ... c e , .... b Id ......... A I Adam• Av•nu•. Coatt M•••· Pil Oc 2~ N 8 982 T, .. 11 u r ~""' Y aa. .,...., ° Calllomie. 11 wnletl If,,,. Hid bids 0'· '· "· 0"· 1· · 1 ¥ .. 671·82 Tne 1>41n9t1e1a1y undtt aaid Deed will be PUbliGI\' o~ 1n<1 r"d fQi _________ ...;.;...;..~ ot Trull n.ro1of0te 1111e1utCld end PRINT & BIND. STUDENT PUBLIC NOTICE dehv•r•d to th• unOerslgntd a CATAlOOICLASS SCHEDULE.------------w11ttat1 Otcl8t•llon ol O.lautt and SPRING 1983. COASTLINE NOTICl TO CONTRACTO..S O•mand tor Sele. and a wrill•n COMMUNITY COLLEGE Protect No. 12 ti• •4 N t I Del I E All bldt .,. 10 l>e In ICCOrdlllCI S...led proposal• WIH be rKelved 0 ic• 0 au 1 end t.clion 10 wotll tn. Bid Form lntlruct1ons •nd at lhe olllCie ol Ptant 01>9t1tlons -s.t1 to 1141 r.cOfded In tho county Conditions end s~•f1c:ttlon• wn'-~ Clll•I ol Pt•nl Op•retlona Ill, Wll4tt• tn. r•at p1()1)8tty It IOcale<I ..._, ""'' Cal·Am•rlcan Flnancl•I Corp~ ar• now on Irle tnd m1y 1141 MCUred Fatrvlew St•C• Hospllll, 2501 1m1 etooltlwrel s1, .. 1, Olfden tntlleolf.C'•ofth9PurchatingAg41nl Harbor Blvd .. Coau M•sa. Gron, Cilllornle tM40, 91 H id of said ~ '11strlcl Cellforn 1 92828 unlM 2·00 p.m. 0t1 Tr11el••: l .M. IClrwaft, Vi c• E8Gh bidder muat tubmll With his No~O. 24. 1982. 11 wnoeh ume Pr..td9nt, bid • cuhler·a cll•ck, cuUll•d lh-V wlll b• publlcly opened and Oat. OctolHI< 111 198l cll•cl< 01 bidder'• Oond m•d• rlld lor P9f'IOO'lllng WOfk u : PubJ1JIJl•d Oraoo• Cout DaJly 'PIY•t>i. to 1n. Ofd41r ot tM Coast Fum1.n 811 llt>Ot. met•illa. toob • Pitol Ocl 25 Nov 1 8 l982 "Community ~ Distrlc1 8oard •nd equl~m•nt n•c1111~ 10 · • • •69•·82 f~~r~.:-'*'~ 1~~.· ,r;::: ~~~~~rlD~~~~ -~xnr.ooi;: aun•tc NOTJC bid u • guar1111M 11111 the l>ldd« ~·· ma111na1s. and laDof to l"uut.. E wltt enter Into tl'I• propoHd 0<9PI'• IM surl-end !JP91nl all __ NO_TIC_e_T_D_C_M_DfT __ °" ___ Contract II tn. .. ,,,. Is -did lo ••lt llng .. urlor eurfacirol the cw -·., -"'N•-S hlm In the .....,, of llllur• to «llW R& T Bulldlng II Falrv1•w Stet• _._.. '"" _.-o;• lnlo IUCh conlrlC1. 11141 Pfoe99ds of Hoeptlll, In -dlncl• with plans Chee. HOl .. '°7 U.C.C.) IM dl«ll Wiii l>e lorl•tld, or in IM ""'ll)9Cl11C1llon1 lh«91or. Notte• " h•r•by glv•n to lhe cue ot • l>Ond. tll• tull eum ,..__f Pr•l•r•nc• will be gr1n11d lo credllort ol RICHARD C ,,__ MEADOWS and EDWARD A. will be f01fe1lld to Hid co1t10• blddu1 orop•rly 1pprov•d IS STRUTHERS, Tran•f•rora, wnose dlstl'ICI "Small Busln•ss' In accord1nc• nome 1 3455 E L. p No blddet m•y W1tndr1w hit bid with Section 1896, •I eeq,, Tiiie 2, 1 • a llmt, City 01 tor 1 petlOd of forly·ltve 1"51 di~ C1li101nl1 Adm1nl1111t1v• Cod• Anlllllm, Couniy of 0fan09, Sllll etter the date set tor 111e ooanlnQ A~llon• tor .,, .... _ mutt bl of C111ronu lh" • bulk 111n1t0t Is ll>treof 1ubmlhed lo lhl Sm•ll Buslnfft 1boul to bti m•d• lo RAYMOND KOFDARAL, Transl•rH, whose TIMI Boerd ol Tr111t-r-. illlc•. 1823 -1"111 Str••I, nom. lddr ... It 2138l GrMn Co\19 11141 p1l1t1i41ge ol r•jectlng •ny end 111 •cr•m•nto, CA 95814, not less Clrcl•. City ot Huntington B .. ch, t>tds Otto waive any lrr9Qul1dtles or thin llv• 15) ctl•ndar .deys In County of Orengt, Stat• 01 tnlormlllllH In 1ny bid 01 In th• advance of btel opening dtl•. Thlt c imornli bidding pr•l.,1nc• 1ppllH 10 proj•cta TM prop,rly lo bl llonsl .. red ,. NORMAN E Wl<TSON wti..f! th• Htlm1tld prorec1 COii d i ....... ,_. · •1 Sec1111ry, Boerd of uue<I• 125,000. •tcr..,.., n 0011.,1111 "1 •Ioctl In TrullMI Bid proposall mu11 b9 aubmitt.cl tred•, fixtures. oqu1pm1nl ind good CO..t Communl1Y lor lh• •nllr• work ducrlb•d will ot thll LlqUOf Stor• wun LlqUor Col~ Oletrlc:I to.rein "-llllllona fiom pl•ne ..... Li<:llnM bu1IMH known II "BAL """ .. "' HARBOR LIOUOR" Ind loet19d .. Publl•h•d ranga COHI Diiiy '91Cflallon• wlll not bl conlk*ed 510 EHi Balt>ot Blvd . City of Piiot. Oct 25, NOY 1, 1982 end .. 0. CMIM tor rejeclloM « Biibo&, Counly of Ortng41. Stet• of __________ 4.;M.;;...1·..;...82 l>ld• Thi Depet'lmen\ hu lhl rlgM Cllllorn11 • PUILIC NOTIC£ lo wt/VI eny tr~egut•rliy lft • bid or Th• out• 1ran11u •w111 ba ---~~~....,..""""'~---lo r•jlCI "l'J or 811 bids. conaumrn111d on or 11tw lhfl 1811'1 UlGAl NOTIC• No blcl wllt IMI OOlllldered uni-It dly ol Nootamb41r, 1982 at 10'00 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN thll II medt on I tltndard lorm WESTERN UT L th I II I tumlllhld by tn. Olpaf11n111t IM II • m II M UA • o owing ••m• Of lo11nd Or mad• tn 1ccord1nc1 wlU1 lh• HCl'OW CORP • Attn M.,llyn saved O<Of*l'f 1141\lt .,..... n.ld by ........ , 1 ...... 10 Bid ...... WHtmortt•nd, whOM •ddrHI Is the POllQI o.p.,1men1 •f IM City of " .. NCi ....... -a • 1401 I So YOfOI SI , S11ll• 101, Cotlt MIN lor a Plflod In t•-PrOtOKllve bkldlr* IM1 ~ TUllln. CA tateo That the 1&11 d111 ol ~ (90} deys and obtain ~. apeclllcMtoN end tor tiling Gltlm• lttJ.~ 11crow Glr1'1 81111 T•ktr1 10 Spd. Did form• b'(.. ctMtoO •I ,. rMmllQ a ,.._rid to _. 11 ~btr 17, 8ie:ycil eoy·1 Aid Scn.tnn 10 8'"' ~ tot omo. of IN Cttliflf OI IM2 BIC:Wdl. 1oy·1 WT\llt "* 11cyc11 Pt1n1 Op1,.tton1 at tfle aaove lo fu u I• ltnOwn to 1111 loy'I i.ck ~ CfVIMr 11owc:1e' .,....., l~one """''* (114) fr1Mf91'81, • lluMlRe ""'*Ind loy'• Brown 8cllwlnn 10 ~pd' H7-62l2 lddf-\-.cl by tilt Tr.,.._O<t llcycM, G11r111111Mll'-93 lpct A ~t bond, a.enctarG ,onl' 'Of 1111 PHI lh!M \'Mft .,. llMI l lc;ycle, Bo)''s •laoll MurJ I Y I07 lll8 _,,,I Of llfty Pl'Cilftl Of SAM£ Belcher-., 8loyCll 1oy·, 1 80d l"9 contract price mutt aec:ompeny Otte<I Ootol>lr 11 19'2 Red H1.1ftr. Tr1ll Bk:"tle w-every c'onlr1c1 lnvolvlftt. a " ·.i.. • • ... ern uPlflCl"ll'• 111 ••-Of SH 000 RAYMON11 KOfDAAAIL, Flyer • 11• Moped , 8y1v1nl• Th• l11CCtUIUI bidder .... bl , .. ,, Tren1ter11 CPOIO't'l'l•tb~lt T F . AM Cer Radio and rtqUlrld to ~. oomt--. ....... Uv lhtd 0,.nge COHI Delly --PllOI, Nov I, IN2 NOT I IS fU"lHI" GIVEN 11111 ~jrHmtnt In 111• lo1m of ~ 4917.82 If no OWi* ""*"'IM,,,_ hit tan .. rd J.orfffl\lftt, fo"" 2 Tum your unuubtn lnte ....... Ulla.CIH 0.lly ...... c .......... ...... OWMtlll'P ot 11149 propetly wttfltn whleh INlll 91 Dllldlnt upofl 1111 11on 1t1 d•y• tollowrnt 1111 Stal• ol C11t1or11la 0111~ 11pon l)Oibllalllon °' !hit NOllOt .... lltle epprCMll ., ......... llllfeto 111a11 ""' In tlll 'ttnoer " In _... ~• .. l•sepe-evtwlllllo01rw• ,.... • ...... 1170 Ol 1M Ubot Code, lllttl bl -· or In lhe ...,,y Of OOlll Ille Dep1tlmlflt flat UCllflllnld MtM. In wfllCh c:a11 thl oroPl'1Y lfltl lM generll ..,.......... ,.._ o1 lllall bl ..totd 11 publle 11UOtton el II = ...,....,. 111 ._ oountr 111 ttmt end Nit IO bl en~ t111 ... fl 10 N dOfll .. OATIO. OCllotier 11, 1N2 tllOlt ralH et1a ltlllhOd anll ~.:.NIJHl'OLICI =.:.·~ , ... Dt,.otor ot ftuOlllMd Ottntt COHI 0.., ... ,.._ .. :--.. c::,-;.:: l'tlol, Novemblr I, lta of .. C*tt °' ,.... °'* .... .. ·~ ,.,,,, ................... . ~;..;.___;;;;...~~--'~--""~~=M..-1 OI DIYe.::t:Oftt• t .. ... ... ........... ........., ,.. .. ~ .. .. ...... ::1:1:,,.. ...... . ,.... .... °' ... c.ee\·Dllfr ~ ....... 11'2 .... a ... ,, ,., '''' ..••.•............•... ···'" "' .....•..............•. COLD Well BANl\eR D -.. ~-- D A I L y p I L CLASSIFIED INDEX RENTALS ~::: t :~:;~~~:~ '"" IOOI IOU\ IOU 1111: llQO 10 ID'll lo.1' IMI 10.. '°" Hl!O llOll 1..-. IOll IO!i Hilt IQll .... ... '""' Ill.( 11\A l b ll!; l o!). UCA >••• "" lllJI l'All. IO)( 211>. 11'11 '" ""' -~ -lli>. ~· - )IOI --kl HllHS1 Advertl· sers should check their ads daily and report errors lm- m ed i ate I y . The DAILY PILOT as- sumes liability for the first incorrect Insertion only. IWu'«-~ t"urn 1H l nl Conck;m1numh t'ur n l'orctoM1rwum~ ,.nf l&ltllnhol.I~ t .. urn To--n~u,..lnl !A.tpJon turn Uu91,, .... lftf =,,. ... _____ _ Apo >~rn "-P'' l ttt1i1rn Aph t"'\lrn cw l nl Room, Roo.rn6flu.trd tiWt'I• 3ilott'h G1i1 .... l HtH'fM''-5umnwr R«"nl•li. \'.c-i1hon ktont•I\ Rtnti11I" to Sh.rt• G•r.1 .. , f0t Rt:nl Othtt ktnl•I ~u·wu R•nl•I IMf\11olnal fC~"l•I t..~~: .. ltnttd NIM' ft.nto1b ANNOUNCEMENTS, PUSONALS & = 11.li ~ llO -""A" -""' U!ll: <lllC ~ .... •J.l< ""' Ult -·~ tq,( .... Ho.111 let $1/e ...................... ,,,, ,,,,,, ~-;;;;i·········i·ooa ..........••......•... STUL THIS 1 IElllOOL _ Lowest prfcect 1 Bdrm unit In the complex. Great assumable loan, $732 pet mo, pays PITI and association dues. 5 spas. 3 pools. send vOI· leyball, rec room, com· munlly Baa. sounds like fun. Call. 546-2313 THE REAL ESTATERS • Diiiy Nat Monday, November 1, 1982 - Wi\11 Kl KllNI 11l,IMI ., i.e. R!"Al ESTA1E 6,11 140tl *llLLlll IHPEUTE* COLLHl PUI This fine home has been remodeled thr-uoutll Be- e.Idea 3 brs, Iha owner hu added 2 skylltes In the tmly rm & re-llled the kitchen counters. Priced at $133.900. with HSU· mable flnanclngll Call 759-1501or 752-7373 ~ Walker & Lee 4 lllT llYHTMEIT Solld rent•I area. $50, 000 down to 130/o loan. Gross multlpller ol 11, Mana11ement h istory available. $225,000. U,._.IVU'= 11VMI: Realtors, 675-6000 Aadti• Billi l 004 ··~·wiiiaii.iiLii···· In• Ftrtclt11rt ,. Looking /or a career· in sales? See today's Help Wantfd ads , classification 7100. !'!~~!!.!!~r.!!r.IP!H .... ~!!!.'!~!~!!'.'!~.~ •• It~/., . 1044 SALi IY IWlll ,,.,,,, llOZ • • • • • •. • • • • • • • • • • • • •. • Unc:UvideG •1t ~nt., .. t In •• • • • ••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • H11H1ltt1111 . •••.............••••• BEST BUY IN NO. IRVINE: 16 unfit JIPI blctg jn VEFISAILLES/Bach. Furn Excel Un•nclng, lg 81• Huntington Baach, CA, unit In guarded gate •um. loan Nr ~hOOI•. 4 C•ll 714/980·241 l for community, many ama,. Br 2ba, 10% dn. May lnlormallon nlllet. le25/mo · carry 2nd, by owner ---------BAYFRONT/Furn. Avall 2131747-9825 TlllPLH Ill. ILIFFI now. lge doc!\. 3Br. 11m ~!I."-!! .lt.1.rA ••• !.~~ Sale or lease option cnar ming 1923 2 ttory a studio, 2 oar ,garage stained gla11, brick pa tros, 2 block• to ocean Motivated Maul Ownera Lei's talkl 494-7222. ~!l. .. !!.'11 ... ~t.!.~!~ VILLE IE OlllllE BEAUTIFUL TW. IT."' OLD WORLD TOWN HOMES nEUIOE By Howard Mark Co. • rom S 15.9,000 Ltw lat Lew hf· 495·3244 760-935! . .... , I.Ly •12,000 11;,,;,. Vi•'J.'• JOI: ••...••....•......... Steal the show with this 2 Bdrm Flnlstarra on Lak1 hlghly pampered two Mission Viejo. $139,00< story Garden VIiia. Submit.offers. P.O. Bo> Dynamite 11y1e rune 1784. N.B 92663 rampant •hruout walls ol ---------m lrrota and beautiful llfrtMtl IHfj IOI! .... ~ •....... , ..... wood paneling. Upper • level office and big and ILIFF• 1••tAll beaulllul decorator be-• "" P You own the land. 2,00< drooms, vt cocktail pa· SQ ft, 3Br, lam rm, 2,1 110 overlook Ing lush Ba, wide Greenbe)t, nea• greenbelt. Exciting low pool. Far below marke price ol $9.2,000 & as low as $10,000 dn, $8l2lmo $235,000. Wiii lease op pays a-IN REALTY lion. Bkr. 644-0134 964-3311 I IEAOlt IUUll HEAii lllMEI FILL PlllOE 111,000 This bright and cheery Garoen-~ends ltlell -40-hlgll-st¥J4"Uvlng with luxurious ear1h tone car· petlng thruour. Beautiful well co-ordinated win· dow treatments &. mas· alve king size bdrms all set In prime locatlon. A real ~em of a buy at the low price of $69,000. S5000 moves you In w/ low monthly pymts of $711. HURRY -won't L EASE OPTION HARBOR RIDGE Custom View Home $50,000 option money 4 Btdrooms, 5 &ths $1,299,Ml<) 10 yra old. $30K dn, a•· rm, Outstanding loc, tumabla $80K 1tl at 9"/o. $3000/mo. Bkr 939.7497 COST A MJ:SA/Unlurn RETIREMENT apt. Clean . lt lllTS & quiet loo. 1395/mo. on atmo•t 5 acre• with B A L B O A C O V E S I loll of grean\ry and Unfurn. Brand new open •pace plu• pool • home: 28r, den. view. and racraation area E11· •llP ror lg• boat. Avail cellant Colla Mua loca· now $2000. tlon anct near Newpoct. WATERFRONT HOMES Well malntalrnKI and ne· 631· 1400 ver a vacancy. Laro• 2 -,-1,-.. _--._----- s.tory townhouH unlta I -with 3 tJedrooms and all 11•laHl1 3101 with pat101. Cell for fl·, •••••n'•••••••~••••••• . nanclng detalt1 and ltoor Penln Pt. 5 BR, 31~ ba, plans. Large aesumable DR, lrg patio, $1200 mo loan·. ~5.800,000 fee to mo, Agl. 673·9060 - tand. CottH It/ #1t 3ZZJ. \.\·\llHI Hll'I •••••••••••••••••••••• 110~1 ., 1 Branct spanking new ev&- ' M . • rywhere. 3 bdtlT .. 2'h ba. REAL ESTATE Garage, patio. 11,000 113-llOO mo. 607 Iris. 641-4868,. --0-•• -.-Tll-IP_L_U __ , , 777-2233. 673-4399 1117,100 OtrtH 4tl Mar Assume 9.50'~ 1st T.O & Nearl~ ~ 3 bdrm, 3 ba. OWC w/20% ctwn. Rent 2 flrapll1cee, 2 oar gar. should be 18K pr year Balcony. Gardener. wet 631-7370, 549·3546 bar, microwave. Lease TJUDI T 10.~ \l. RL\l.f\ $1350 per mo. 551-469& alter 6 PM Harbor View Hiiis, 4 bd, 1/2 acre lol . .$1600/ mo. Day 645-43 11 . Eve 720..0836 • Ce1t1 #11a . 3ZZ4 5 __ G_o_o_o_u_n_1_11_.-E-1S-1d-e1 e~;j;,d;·.c~~d';~ter~·;.,; CM, make good sense-at Ba. I rplc, garage. only 15"1. ctwn. Call now. $650/mo. 548-3561. Prln. only. Bkr. 549·1366 Avail. now. 3 br, l 'h ba. ll•••l•io, Dtlltl, 1 Obi, garage, lge fned yd. 1,,,,1 z41H S695. Me-3827. ·····~················ FOR RENT! IEW CAN OGI 0.1. TIWllllE Oe¢orator perf8C1, spa• last! 2 bedroom, 2 baths & 2 clous 2 Bdrm, 2'hba, stories In Twin Peaks In pool. fac, rec reatlo.n , Lake Arrowhead area. area, pvt patio, batcony H-bullt-lns & fireplace. & lge. garage. Deco. wall Flrat. last & deposit re· !Japer, dra~ln & more. : qui red . Call (114) $995. Ulll pd. Calf CHTllY 21 788-0286 or (714) 676-231110:30to5pm. 687;0657 -kday eve-3 br, 2 be, lmmac. High.° • Wlll·ll llULn nlngs after 6 p.m. If no lands area. No pets. No 141-iOll USTILIFF Fii TUii answer, please keep ,singles. Reis. $795 mo. -===~===== This IOvely 3 bedroom, ~ ·trying! Call #679. 6<'2-<4300, 24-. ii bath home c&n be ex lfll lllllf _h_ou_r•_. _____ _ IWIEI WILL UIUIY changed for home o1 •x ... li•ar•f Zl.u Spacious (1700 s .. ft) 2 0 'i ... -... l2_Sl & fOl!ND Cu Pool t...1at Nut•f'"•' Looi• f'ound PttM)lft•I"• Sott .. C'hi1bll>• Tr•vf'I• lllELIEY&IU YI CdM 4 Br home • fee - under $600K. OWC • pool • ca.II me today. Tim Rhone. 631-1266 or 720·1263 5 yr old S & S Home. 2672 sq ft. Pool with swim up bar In cave. $25,000 below market. 200/o dn 12.2% Interest. Agt: Jim. 531·8100. Ctt••• ltl #11 l OZ2 condo In Capo Beact •· .. • ,. "" .,. Fiii 10 YIS/11'-are a . s 2 5 9 , o o o ••••••••• •••••••••••• bd, 2 ba, dining rm/ With 20% down you can 6'44-7020 ll11tiacft1 larMlf study, Mulll-levela.d move Into this lovely 4 UICI llUL ESTATE WattrfrHt townhome. Frpl, vau1ted S-d rm home. Ir es h I y Wiii trade large equity for celll~s. pool, spa, $850 ---- \ -····· .. ,f •' T c L A s s -1 F I E .D. 6 4 2 • s· 6 l · ··a. smtCES 8irr•tt. lkrft1•i EMPLOYMENT & PICPWTIOM ~hoob ffLt.trWC"l.IOft Jt>ttW.a.ntf1.'I• -... --· Ht<lp V.•fttf'4 M 6-t MERCHANDISE (;.,., •t(.• Solk"'I Atoloq~ APOhanu .. Aw«'ltOft ::!?:.':: ... .cttuh c.,,.,., 6 E11u•pmtnt .,.. ...... ~~;-· .. ,,, \nloclil MhlM't)' l~•UIMOU~ IK'tllant'Oll1h 'A •ntf'O Mw~,<•I IMlr11m~nh IOfhtf' f'urn 6 t:q.,.p PtU ~'::~~=:~ . '*"''""'"-. Siott Rf-<tl•ti1r1tu ft•• ~ 11l:d.o. Hit' Suuv BOATS & MARINE EQUIPMENT t.«onffal Ito.it\ M•IM "f\lf'·t b h MINN' ·=~Ip lkMih P~tt Botb~Rf'ftl C h•r1"r 8o-tU S••I ... h '\l+p-. Ooc-h t::~~:~I I Alnn!~AJCSrtJIUTJON C.::.m~r,. ,., .. Mtnl IEIMnc\~ar• Cr"'~~ S<oot•n• ~r~::r~:t-:.~~ H•M r::~t~~.~t!'l~.,h AUTOMOBILl GtM r11J "" Anhq\lh l. .. l11u n ' R.r,..•Uon \ t>A•t '"' Soofh R•r" fitlld, &Wk't'tUr1'0 Tr«D v ••• AlitlU L#611n" A\llO.WAnU· .. AUTOS, IMPORTED Gnwul AU• ltunwu Aoodo ~115\lft tltr~lt') •>1W \.·.ipr1 ~ 04b\M't rt"run .,,., 11..a. J.g..,,_., Jrtu .. a ~='~~;:· .. ;tl•1d111 .... "....._ ....... , JIU ~~ P.Htt•r• .,,~ ..... ....... ,~ =-M~) t• ~\ "M•t t:!"" m:.:..,. . VutbW•itf ft VOhO AUTOS, MCW <lHt•t•I 7\fClil ••6 IOI• .... ..... - . IUCl 11111 ~I. + llCIMEI 2\edrm 2 beth. flreplace, ctinlng area, 2 oar garage plus 3 Bdrm 2 bath rental! Only one blocll to the bt!Khl A bargain at $285.000, call nowJ 648.-717, ~Lido ~~ ~ron'91'!!m.~~ bath, Lge L.R .. air cond. boat slips $1.500,000. -• o .. II i;t.,. Remodeled 3 bdrm, 2 bath + large rec. nn. beam ceilings, fUQ'lished, patios. $420,000. .PElllllU ltll Ocean & jetty views. Marine room-, 4 bdrm, 3 bath, 3700 sq.ft. $1,385,000....Dceanfront. ;:•-..i .... !11111 ........ ~ IM~~.-..liii Liii& ISLE l&YFllllT = '~!!~~~~-Jj~~I ::: r Lagoon view from 6 bdrm, 5 bath, playroom, ••m TWI WEEIS LEn dark rm, den. Boat slip. Now $1,000,000. '"'" "°"° to assume 12% loan on :: beaut Int. dee. Condo. "* Fullerton/ Brea area. Nr ::,; COiiege. 2 BR, 1250 sq ft. ""'° Owner desperate. $119. -000 offer. :: 1/529-3798 or 951-1344 .. LOOK For our new regular weekly feature BOlt:~SHOW- CISE l&YlllE PL&OE Spectacular bayfront dplx 2 br, 2 ba up; 2 br, 2 ba dn. 2 boat spaces. Reduced-$1,500,000. HllUllS 11118 New 4 br. 4 ~ ba, custom French Normandy Estate 1.2 p.rime acre hilltop $1,250,000. &Y&LOI Fee simple 2 br cott~ge on quiet Descanso St. (in Flats). Reduced to $100,000. I OHlllAllO&Yi .EYer_y. Sal.IUd..ay Jn the Corona® Island cust. bayfront lot. 85' boa! Dally Pilot ClaMlfied• dock. Plans avail. Now $370,000 w7tenm. • YUi ,,. .... "'° tUI .. ., \fllO ,. ... - I f * BI LL GRUNDY , REALTOR IEU YEIH On the golf cou rte. ••••••••••••••••••• Custom beau1lful 3 Bdrm J.tl p ,, ••• ~Jf ~· ,.~ 9 f, .'I t 'fi ' home, many, many ex- tru. $279,500 with 10% down owner wlll carry at 121.-% lnterlist ll•J .. ,., ••• llltr. 141-llH ********* *UmllT* lllT SLIP ltw ~rl .. 1411,HOS rt gl<Wlnetll realtorSowner ••7Mtn• ********* > ' ..........•••••.... , .. TRADE your· boring Income pro- perty or · cutgrown r dence -wlttrla.rge eqolty ror this neat r111tlc and roomy 4 bdrm, 3'A ba. home In WALK TO TH~ BE.ACH CORONA DEL MAR LOCATION wit spectacular 180 deg. ocean, 4 Island ind har· bof 111-. Priced at cur· rent eppralsal or 1475, 000 fee. Owner has S 195,000 eqully and wlll carry 2nd. -t44-l211 - /.Jn NIG EL OAILEY ~ ASSUCIATES JASMllE OHH Pt,AN 2 . On main Greenbelt. Ocean Vu. Rm for pool. P/P, Appl. nee 759-9189 OWNER/AGT. DUPLEX Reduced to $250,000 owe 1~1 •• $50,000 ctn. 675-3063 or 679-9667 CIM OIUMH painted In ind out. Ter· Lido Isle 2 bf. 35' lot. 1t' Orange Co. Income pr mo. 673-9498. rlllc locat ion. Asking time. Trade/carry $395 perty. Prln. only. Owner 3 bd, 2 ba, French Doors. $147,000. For appoint· 000. Bkr. 646-3949. wtll also lease wl optli:>n. Iota/wood & walp(, No men I Io a e e , c a II BEST DEAL 213-592-<4905 CM, $795 Incl gardnr. 40-11.li_ N-l:W\80ELA1~ 957 ·5880. • Beiiiilt 3 br, lncred. vu • I I 3 BR 2on b I""'" /d • •' ••651(. 759 1428 •••••••••• •••••••••••• 1 'd 1 a, ....... w "" • ... • re'~ b gar. lam. condo.' BHHI TrtlldH no pats. S750. Agt. LIM ISLE •••••••••••••••••••••• 646-4360, 645-4765 "'"' 111 .. 1 31 ~HERITAGE REALTORS Walch the boats frorr •••••••••••••••••••••• Npt Hgts area, 3 Bdr 2'/t Biati•tl•• this 11 room, 4 bait Wt Ian Wt .. lr ltaf• Ba condo, famlly rm, It Ji 1046 home. Steps to Nore alt W Witter LHstl frplc, lndry rm. garage. ••••• ~!:\.••••••••••••• beach and playground $800/mo. Joyce wa112e.' II TIE •••e 3650 sq. tt. Bring 1mag1 PLIS It te •• tr .. agt 631-1266 -nation and ofler acco<· SIOO t S1IOO la•• FtrHltll $ t • Mesa Verde. 4 bd, 2 ba; • 4 11ory._2._bcf(IJl.J~a ~~t:~::le~~ fl~· Waftrfrtat le .. 1. $750/mo, 1st & Last plu• ', ·beach • Condo co-op clng. .;:--ITWtOO -S200_S~~. Fm!y Pref,_'"' • ....._ __ Pool, sauna, weigh t~ • · 851-1760 room s b kl !Ml D1a11ti•t 31• 3Br 2''-Ba t d '·. . u par ng. ••••••••••••••••••••~1• • ,. • cp s, rp.a, .• Ocean and Pier View. Non-smoll $750 Listed et S149.5QO, S75, Exec. 2 br. 2 be condo, er. mo . 000 under mafket. All ocean view, pool, tennla. 54S-.292 oesh or new fin. Great Lido ea ty Comp!. furn. 760·9466 Mesa Verde exec golf opp'y for someooe who (8·5); 240·3201 (aft. 6) course estate. 5 Bdr plus can act tast. Agent. 673-7300 lltrnetl J.lfli 311 family & bonus rm. Pool" 531·8100. Ask for Jim ___ _,;;._...;;..~;..._-&.I •••~•'l••••••••••••••••• & spa. Yearly least! ~lghelmer LIDO ISLE • 3 bdrm, fem $3000 pr mo. Agt. Jackie, $PACfltS IUCI llME iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 5 Bdr. 4'n Ba, 3·tty, 3000 SQ. ft. + over 900 sq, ft. ol balcony. Some ocean view, 1 blk 10 beach. $285,000 F.P. See owoer In adj. house at 206 15th St. 536-1718 WATEllFllMT rm.<! Ba, $1700 mo. Handlema!' 631·1266 Large condo, clean, fptc • OCE.ANFRONT 2 bdrm, OfW microwave 3 BR\ ' 1 Ba $700 mo. B i ii 2on ba, -tber, eic. $7sO" Grundy, Rltr. 675-6161. mo. No lse. 549·8368 • 3 BR. 1\>'. BA, 2 car gar, comm. pool. Winter or yrly. Agtl 675-8170. llPLEI 1211,000 · Immaculate 3 bdrm 2be TWI IElllMI Vacant site for commer clal or retail building. FM land-will take 60' boat or two smaller boa11 Sea wall Is In • bulldln( can be bullt out ove1 waler. EJCtra parkln' avallable. $650,000. Cal for delall1. Ocean front yrty. 4 bdrm, 2 car garage and hot tub. 675-7850 ti Fiii IT, HWI Seclucs.d 38d 2Ba home In liner area. complete •• with thlcil etpts. drps $525 Wont IHI 90 hury METRO ALTY 636-7005 owner'a onlt and spa-1\,; Ila hnlllH, atlilt cloUf l b<frm rental, bolh wJlh_loltect beam eel· c • • • • W •I• t • lings, frplet, a very prl· ,,.... Titlll, , .. 1, vete pool. Located on tatra oltaa. ll ll, one ol Corona c'let Mar's prettiest atraeta. 4 OIO hHr • bloelta 10 Llllle Corona IH,,.1410 Beacn. . iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil 144-1211 /.Jn NIGEL GAILEY & ASSUCIATE.S LEllD IEN 111"8 IUOI Super financing avalta. ble.,As low as .5% down payment with Jow lnle· rest. vacant 2 year olct Clltl • .., lll4 concto. Tiie roof, patio. • •••••. •• ••• ••. •• •• •• • gar909, llrepl90e, large OlllllEL' a snu mattar bdrm. Cpmpare Ml at 1109,900. 772-"72111. lovely 3 bdrm w/lge fa. WALKER & R.E. mlly rm Ofl quiet atreat. ~~~~~~~~~~ Beautiful hard wood = noors. CloM to IChools and lhoppl~. S,125,900. CaH 979-5370. ~ \ f >I I I tl F It llllE Al lffEI 142-1200 PETE BARRETI .. REALTY Beaut. furn. Big Canyon 2 Br. new upgrades, en- towollo.me. 2. br,. 2 ba. clad g_erage, olf street., $1175/mo. Agt 780-079 quiet, no pell, $585/"¥'1· 3 Br. 2 Ba. Walk to lh 768-7833, 5-48-8251 o.tean. Lower Duplex. OIAIU..JAJSI Winter only fl uoe f5, 1983 $600/mo. 873-1573 Love my 2bd nae apac rm has fenced yd 4 kid ' • ..... u.,.,.,,,," pets neg, 2 car garage •••••••••••••••••••••• garden patlO tu•t $-470 111 J.... ' Cf•ttl/ 3#2 METRO RLTY 638-7005 Calli1tt••• 101' •••••••••••••••••••••• Lov...., t h 3 ••··~•••••••••••••••• IEIT&LI 2 :'' cu,• om on')f. 8~ W1.w .lmEll .J>a, reehly palnt•CJ, · • Yearly-Weekly-Winter, 2. many ictru. prvt lite & SALE'! 3,4 Bdrms. a I r y . 8 4 2 • 2 9 e 2 , J&Olll IUL n t w1s6-3246 Charming 3 bedroom, 2 PllP Dandy Duplex QMM you room to roam. all bill• bath, 2 story, 'OCNn view IUll&IEllllT pd crpta, drtlP" $350 hoine In •llll lovely San 11 METRO RLTY 636-7005 Juan Capistrano on a 1-1111 private cvl eta sac. Many iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ 2326 Fordham St. C. M. upgrades. Move In COi\: COiiage Park Area. 3 bd, dltlon, well below m.ark· HOMES f()R REN 2 ba, dble Gar. Lrg Yrd, at, of course, Quick Nie Frpl,· 1825/mo. 6314062 desired, with to relOalte. CaM 496-3880. EtSlde, cute he>uMa, 2 br . . .. Lrg 3 Br 2• Ba condo. GrMt Huntington s.acn 1qcat1on. Frplc, 2 ~ ga· rage, & A/C among 111 many '"turaa. AM41'"' 1st, owe 2nd. Full price s124.ooo. 931.1:'70, __ ...._ ____ _ 549-3~8 • 'l!~!!.!'!.!I!.',!! •.••• •EL TORO• $725 & 1 br. "1~1t• picket fa noa1, $150/mo & *MISSION VIEJO * $450/mo. 8'5-eea9 WW Q IAOI UY 3 BR Ofl LAROE t<>T UMCI bflck flfepl.a and welkl~ dlllance to Back btly. 30 yr aeeumable at 10\lt%, On a Cul-de-MC tool Only •122,tOO Cati now. t?'t-5370 \I >I I I 1: /' t/ TR.\Df 1111~ \I h'L\I f ) Imn "" •••••••••••••••••••••• #Mll•••n ,., ,,,. '"' •••••••••••••••••••••• .......... , .. 20x48 w/anclOMcl porch. 2 8R, 2 Ba, Corner IOt, light lnterlon. Thia I• the hit Buy In Town $40-5937 $700-$725 Eaatalde hOUM 2 Bf, f)lul •HUN TI N GTO B~CH• le75·S700 ... den, 2 Ba . lrplc , 1835/rno. 873-1734 3 BR under 1600 that's r10tlt • 3 BA 2 BA home •YORBA LINDA• S700 wl lh pool and othe'r· J1traa. i<ld• Ole. nevet be· fore navar again but BEST Realty l)aa 11 and othere. S mall colt 539·8t90 ---------~-----~~-~.....,..._,.-~--~----~~- 08 Or nge Cotil DAIL.'( PILOT/Mo11d1y, Novembor 1 1982 .. • ~!;,~~!8!ouDp~f tor• 30 day Id In lhl IAILY PILOT . lessimUd Sm-vice Direct ~!!!!~11! ••••••••••••• 'f.•!l!!e!'l.. ••••••••••• f~.'!i.£•.r.' •.•••.•• 1 ••• !!~.1!~1. .......•...•. ·I !'.~~t!~~ ......•.... : ~~!!!~!~~!!!t ......•. ~~!!~r ........... ···· Our 0111011 h1ndl1 eu Rtmod. & A1p11r1. Frt1 Loolcl110 for 11111 ct1lld• A&t< Fd~c wood~ 28 V~S EXP. DUNHAM NOUllWOlll ·*'·1 MOYIH• ., ... ot llW. Prompt, HI. LO r1111 Deck•. P•· care? In my Co•I• ....... chain link Retllno/com. HOMt IMPROVllMfNT 'l'op quality 26 yr u p court.out Hrvlce FREE tlo S teve 7112·98!16 home, 1u11 11m1 ontv. 140 &48·6•93 540°176 t R1modll·r•P•lra·t1nc1no WllTll comp11lt1v1 ratu con1u1t1Uo~640·9335._ Exper CllPlnter 0011 Lunch 1n1ck1, TLC Lin· WOOOFENCESl"OAT'ES 11~trlc1l•pl1.VTiblng No overtime 730•1353 addltlona, remodel•. da 7$1·2342 ln1t1ll1d & Rop1lred earpenlry 831·8530 High quality hou11work -ADC MOVING· AggrtHlve Attornty, No F'ff 1n11111 Con1u1t1t1on. Pertonel l(ljury CatH, No Reco11ary, No Fee 494·8591. OIClll Sllyllghlt & r1°1 C/t .. /H lttr/111 Frff tit Olty 4W• 1724 eicperl1nc1d. dlplndl· Quick, Careful Service •• p1lr1. Fret .... Oall .••••••• A............. -Fl.AT RATe·OAY or 'A bl•, honeat. lnt1lllg1n1, Low r,.... 552·0410 062·0815 COMMEACt•L • HOM! '''l'H/1• ,ALL MISC. JOBS mttleulOUfJ. ftllllble I am BUSINESS Wt do win· ••••••• -............. INT/EXT • PROMPT I h. b e It p h 0 n. Si'ARviNa COi.LEGE ..... M11ter Orafl1•11 oow1 1001 Rob &47·2883 TIEii tNSTAl.LATtONS 873·70~2 a1111 o PM sruDENTS MOVING !!/.~~,!~ ••••.•.•••••• 1~!!!~!~~!~1 .......... . C1t1>•t1 w11tcovt1lng In· FURNITURl!·l<ll' CA8S 1t1t11Uon AeH prteH. C•tm llnlahH, repalra • Con1111ten1 AHlgnmenl, ooort, Joe 873· t4ff 581·85110 _ •oo/Ja wa 0111 1hd hang too•· •••••• I ...... ••••••••• 11111.r Hano ... 1act Up· ·Huber Aoollng-111 ty~• hOllll' w•ll• 839·0130 NIW·IKOlltr·deck• anytime 1.1c. •411802 549.0734 ! ~I.'.~!!!'.~?~! •• •.• •• HOf PltlUIH llRVIOE llRIOTIRY DO IT NOWI Aili ftt lalllra Your Dally Piiot Service Directory ldn illi•• Flnteh & r~I crpntry, Topptd/r1mo11~ c 111n CHET 842·9006 WHkd~•· All day s11ur· CO I.lo. T124·436 •••"'••••••'••••••••••• R I 99 3 oc "'o•l1••IOll "-•011/ cJau •n S nda lri d 641 8•"7 WIL' SIT In my CM home. • trencea. 4 • 1 "· "' -' -up, llwn rlnov. 76 l-3'478 , I/ y, 1ure • ""' I lon~ed yard, hot m111a. C1mom Carpentry by Dlcll ·1.:CN~ff;.;~·i·i~~ .. 1 111·11llH SOHi H1tilla• HoulecfHnlng', r1t11bl• WATCH u~owi reH. ralH. 548-2674 & Nell. Pantllng, formic•, Lio. 306888. Aemocrtl. " . ••••••.,.••••••••••••• • ref. Own tr1n1p. Reat. l1iall•• - -• doo • ete Ph 60 8809 LIWn•lrff·thrub lnttlll OUMI> JOBS YOV.NOA 642 0405 ••••••• ,. ............. . Babyatlling my home SIE ' · · · Add'ne. C1bln1te Tree trim/removal &Jltn•ll Moving Jobi _. • FINE PAlltT11118 ••BRYANT'S** w111coverlng Removal Don't r11rrool. repair et f r1 c 1lon ol 001t 867·2890 • Al~•-~1~ ROOFING REPAIRS 8RP W1llpaper Remo11a1 Small Joba OK. Free All 1yp11. Also wallpaper esttmatt11. Cell Tom or Representatlva border CM/NB, Infant C I$ · 646·8586/645-4844 I.awn Malnt/Rototllllng CI JI Mlt<E 646·1391 Ht•ll••1' lonitll · " thru 3rd grade Love & .!!/!. .. !!!!!!........ CuJlom Aemod/Adc:t'n• Fr.ia esllmate 548·6065 HAULINO•GRADING •••••••••••••••••••••• bi ,RIChtrd Sinor. Lie. hung $81-1132 Chuell. 542-6392 142-Hll, tit. 322 respect. Reta. Avall Shampoo & steam eleen Free 111. Ouallty 2nd to E Q d & I E1Cperlenced to: 2 0644 13 yrl OI happy 645·7689 Color brlghlenera, wh . noneJ Banc:tol Q.o.a.aJ.._ xper ar ener c ean demollllon, cton·up. INSTALL SHELF PAPER. · tocel customers. 111/0 Cor111 I •••••••••••••••••••••• trllal CUSTOM wood patio CO• ···;;o8it E°SEA.VICE ... A"iliHillt•Hllia• BabyslttJng, my home In •••••••••'~'••••••••"' CdM, under 1 yr only. Experienced CarQenter FIT or PI T. 640-2885 Remcxlell Add·ol)/Rep1lr l l tlladia• l t tvitl 760·2685 548·8854 ·······••4'\•••···· .. ··· Additions. eerp1111try, ma· JAYS'"$PEAKEASY" aonry das1gn and draf· Any oocaslon Port ber ting, 0BBO'a ete Dave 1·521·8141. 879-7552 · 494· 1003. ext 724 H.kkll•iA• Moonlfght Draftsman •••••••·'-·•r•••••••••• Home-Add'ns-Remodels Computerized bookkee· Member AIBD 545.1971 ping from $50 mo. Also mall llst & payroll ~!'.~'!!!!~t.1!!ri!! •• :. 682:2430 • 50% OFF FIRST MONTH Cd1atl llli11• Dependebla. 1llorc:t1ble, ••••••••••••••'••••••• essentlel. Answering Cabinets & Carpentry service secretarlet & Small joba & repairs business serlllees, mall Free estimates 645-2003 box rental, word proces· Cuual1r sing. Tetex,-Facslmlle, •••f'·-·••'••••••••••••• order entry. pagers-leas FREE HTllHTESI buy, desk space rental. Reasonable prices; last, ANSWER NETWORK prolesslonal work ... 631·9131 (ask for A.V.) custom work 1001 No Job ~!I.~~!~ •••••••••••••• too small or too blgl Ce· blnets, kitchen remodel & flnlsh•d carpentry .. elect./ plumb.I cabinets/ eounlertops. I do every. thing from start to llnishl Cell Brad at Driveways, Parking Lot Repairs, Sealeoaling S&S Aaphll 631-4199Uc Have you read to day's Classllled Ads? II not. you're missing the best (~14) tl 1-3210 bargains In townl Cleasllied Ads 642-5678 .= crpll • 10 min. bleach. Lie. 418570 548•4271 ~~1~· :~= ~~l~~~i· Free Concrete & trH removal. ReHonable 673·8031 Thank you. 63l·U10 H.all, llv/dln. rmt $15; avg Quick llrV, 842·7636 JHilOtilJ CUSTOM PAINTING vera. doc:kA & tenee1 by Resereena/New ~r"'" AAN'OY 64 1·0622 NB/CM only 64~·9552 room SY.50....cc.uch 110: None 2 big, none 2 emall. .t.e,idecaplng·Yd Clnup1 PROF. SERVICE •••••••••••••••••••••• Int/ext Reaid/comm. chr $5. Guer. ellm, Pet From A to Z we do It all. Tree trlm/remov·Malnt Heullng • yrd clean up . COMMERCIAL • HOME Free est Lie 644·4798 l t1 I Co11t10l S I kl ' odor. Crpl repair. 15 yra 714·675·9436 fie 425181 lrrlgotlon. Jim 8~1-0 129 Quick & clean. Free 111 6USINESS, We do win· INT/EXT PAINTING •••••••••••••••,•••••• .ff.'! •• !!! •••...•..•.. llCQ Do work n1yaelf. c I w " L/ . 873.0548 dOW• toot ~ob 5•7·2683 • & W,t,LLPAPERING Insect spraying 8!I low at E-Z LAY'N Refs. 531·010f .~/.!~.~~!:~~~~.~ .. HlllEltlNl WAITED HAULIN'G • student has Cullom work. Free est $30 ~:ft'~e;~~~~· Sprinklers. ~1ndeeal)6 No Steam/No S"empoo t<lt remod. cablnett, vi· -Mowing, edging, raking, L111l1t1•i•r. · Re"S SJevt 547•4281 Guaranteed 636·2737 " deo entertainment units. sweeping, Free oall· lge truck. Same tow •••••••""•• •••••••••• .. d~~a~r!r::~l~sJD~1e;~2 Free est. 642-0881 mates. 945.5737 c'e· Prompt, 75!t·1976 2~1~~ne:~~~~~np~n~ee PAINTEB NEEDS I r!~!!!!/.!.IJ.~!'. .•. : .•• fiJt JAPANESE GARDENER d Thank you, John Brothers Const. WORt<t 30 yrs exp,J~t/ ED'S PLASTERING ••••riLf tNSTA~lfQ•••• EXCEL CARPET CARE !'!l.'!!!!.............. SPECIALIST: ma1n1 .. H11lia• ' 646·0555 ext. Acoustic eelllngs Ltc Neat patches. lnllelll All Kinds. CJuaranteed Jack Bullington DRYWALL TAPING ele1n up, trimming. Low ••••••'••••••••••••••• 366780 Free est. Re1tucco1. 645·8258 Refs. John 840·9217 Owner/operator All Texluree/Acouslle price. Free eil 548·9483 24hr ED 141-TIH EVE'S LANOSCAPING ' Davis Painting 847-5186 ---Carpel, uphot, area rug F 1 h eompl serv & hseclng. ---· ===: -· PLASJ'£R..PAJCHING p,11 StlVitl ... cleaning. Work guar. Free est Kevin 675-9088 Jessie's G1rdenlng urn1oe·poo ·weter eat comm & resld 646-7556 15 yrs exp. 1·m sma11. my Re,11tuceos. Int/ext. 30 •••••••••••••••••••••• Free Est. 645-1771 • Clean·upe, tree trim & • prices are smatll Ron yrs: Neat Paul 545·2977 $LOW RATES$ f !!!!~!/£~!!!!!~ ••••• Cemenl·Masonry-Block WallJ·Cust. work. Lie. ;;381057 Aob 547·2683 El1tt1it1l ·matnt. ser111ee 540-8035 Ht•1H'11•1•1, Old Cl2W11!y landscapes, 673-64'77, 661-8849 Tree trim/remov, clean ....... ,•••••••••••••• •••••••~••••• •••••••• "Anything outside the ups. mowing. 554·7017 ELECTRICIAN-Priced Gt1dill• ROBIN'S CLEANING home.'' 645•5597, Lowest rates! Prompt, IJumbia• right, free eatlmate on ····~"'·••••••••••••• Service. 1 thoroughty 675-6058 _ neat proleeslonals. t 5 ••••••••'••••••••••••• f I • 111rge or small Jobs. TAAliTOR WORK: E•· clean hous&. 540·08~ yrs l)(p. '636·71-49 24hr ED 141·1121 •• ".!!!~I.••••••••••••• Lie. 396621. 873-0359 eavatlng. eompaellon, TIFIED OF HASSLES? L1aadtf. $11vitll RALPH'S PAINTING . ~gal waterheater $225 Most subjects, K·14 LIC'O ELECTRICIAN backhoe. 20 yrs ~ICp. Oualltv olt1nlng help la ••••••• ••••••••••••;• Christian. Int or• ellt ATLAS PLUMBING & Oay/eve l 5 & $lO/hr. Driv~ays patios wal"s King Equip. 637·7392 , Tired of doing laundry I Reis, reas. 536-9898 • • Mr. Morgan 645-51~6 v n • -" Qual. work/Reas. rates herel Refs. 960·7452 Uull & fold, hand wash, Heating, specializing In Fr~oees~w. ~~1:s·mea:o2~~57 Free est. 631-5072 u d Quelll" work with a. ""'r· hand Iron. Metteulous. CUSTOM PAINTWORK repairs 645-1688 Wiolow Cl1111i•f ~ nlll l•1" ~ ,..._ Exp Renee 642 9787 c 'ti d " I ------~--·• •••••••••••••••• •• ~ •• TH 0 M PS 0 N. S C 0 N. ELECTRICIAN ••c••• •••••••••••••.-•• son al touch. Bachelor · • omm resl . s111pp ng, $ SAVE $ 20% • 40% "Let the Sunshine In" ~ Sml jobs/Repairs. Lie. . arpentry ·Masonry ok. CM, lr11, HB. Bath staining. The Job that ' Plumbing/Heel "'271703 CaJI Sunshine w rndow CAETE .233108-C-10. 548·5203 Roofing • Plumbing 850-0933 /111loarr speaks Io r Its e If Guar. last Res/comm. Cleaning, Ltd. 5411-885:: Pat Io s-c:t r l vewey S· ---------Drywall · Stucco · Tiie •••••••"••••••••••••• 498·8580 537-4378 GG foundations. =393383. RESID/COMM'L/INO. Remodel J.B. 646-9990 II yoJJ wani your house BRICKWORK: Smalf jobs. -----963•5474 HB 20% Mdntnly Discount 642·8482 20 yrs. 00 my own work. REALLY CLEAN. Call Newport. Coata Mesa. P1M1ia11 Int/ext. Resld/eomm'I Cadillacs to Go-Carts Whelever the Fed ' Rott 'em off the market With a Cl81tlfled Ad Call Nowt 6<12-5678 Lie. 278041. Al 646·8126 Carpentry · Cabinets Linda 669·0318. Good lrvlne. Reis 675·3175 ••'••••'"••••••••••••• Plumb • Drain Cleaning Refs. Farthing Interior Design R • Free Ut 20% monthl) Elee: Service & Construe· Eleetrtcal • Tiie X·pert brick & cement· HANGING/STRIPPING • .'.'!'/.~!!~~'........... discount 644-4798 tion. Lo rates. Free estl· Refs. Don 966-0149 HOUSECLEANING: Good work, Nwpl/CM since Visa·MC Scott 645-9325 AC RAINGUTTEA Buyer meet s aeller-wllh an mates Lie. 333217. refs. Transportation. EiC· 1969. Call now & save Bonded·lns·llc B344784 elleetlve classified ad. 557-173&-647-47 14 Classllled Adt~42-5618 pe11'd. 979·9756. 645·85~2 Classllled Ads 642·5678. Free est t-S24-5824 642-5678 tor your motorcycle DOLLAR DAY DOUGH SAVERS for. Me~chandlse under 11~000. Sell your· no-tonger needed Items for cash. If It doesn't sell, we'U run It another 3 days FREE. One Item per ad. must be priced. Sorry, no real estate or commercial ads. Call today for full details. (Noft..retundeble. lxtra llnee •1.00) ·3 DAYS 31NES . CLASSIFIEDs642-5678 !~".!!!.'f~J~!!'}!~!!.t-.1!~".!!!.'f~j~!!'Ji!'!. •• ,~~".!!t'f~!~!!'J!~ • .f. .... ~".!!t'f~f~!!'J!~!! ••• ~1r..'!!'!!~!!.!~!!'.i!!'i A'ii.'i.~::;.H A,NU~h~::;.,,, A111t•11t1 • A1if'i""!' i ' · 1A'if'r"~' id Coll• llt11 32241 H•ali111to11 L••••• J.1ti JZ41 lltw•tt ••ti 3Z61 Haati•1to• • •••••••••••••••••••••· ••••••••••••••••• ••••• •• .'!'!!~!~!!~!!'. ..•.......•• ~.~!~!!.! ••••. ~ ...•••• ~.~!~!!. •••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• H•1ha1 3242 .. '··~··•••••••••••••• ••••""•••••••••••••••• h1ti 3140 Coro•• ''' "'' 3122 Co1t1 11111 3124 L a. i 314,N t J l 3111 3 I r, 2 la. •••••••••••••••••••••• No. Laguna redwood. 6LUFFS 3Br 2ba. slngle •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• f!!!~;!!!!! •••••• /.~~f .!l.".~~ ••• .'.C. ••••••••••• '.'!r.! •.• !~!••••••••• Frplo, range, yard, ga-Spacious home 1 block glass. ocean vu, woodsy, story Linda plan. Clean & * $425/mo. up, 1 Br. un-2 br. 2 ba. lge & l(lry nioe, l•ST&ltT II E/Slde luxury tn a pine _ OCUI VIEW • Prj1v & Spae, 2 stry, 2 bd, rage. no pets. Private. to ocean has all, 400's 2 Br 2 Ba. 2 frplc. 2 di· b r I O h I . $ 1 2 0 0 I mo furn & turn. pool, spe. 2 carporis. $675 mo. No forest, tge 1 br, ref rig, 10 minutes so. 01 Lagunt I 2 /It ba. w/ lrpl. New ca· $750/mo. 1st. plus see. METRO RLTY 636-7005 nlng rm, drapes. erpJ, &53·1006 18992 Florida 842-2834 pets. 559·9265 $475 mo. 2 BA 1'f•b&. OW, BBO. pvt bale, avail. 00 Dana Point's mos mel carpeting. nr Fe· only. 648 W. 18th. St. l , 3244 rppl., ~bl ga~~~5~/mo. EASTBLUFFS· 2Br 2ba 842-3t72 . ' 3 Br. 2 Ba. Sun terrace, lndry rm. carport, 1111 now, gas Incl. $425/mo. secluded scenic 'bluff Shlon Island, no pets <199·161Y--.. ,. .~!~".!.••••••••••••••• r:;~ 4~~~3288 eno-"decorator" h 0 ome, frplc, /lt .ut11tt llltl 3169 walk to beach. 645-2216 bltns. epts. drps. TSL 631-674 1 llke new, 2 Br wi den I 1796· 645"6218 3 Br 2 Ba. $695/mo No dbl "gar, c omm po.ot. ••••"••••••••••••••••• 8AM-4:30PM. weekdays. Management 642• 1603 Lge 1 br upper apt, encl. xtr11 large pnvete patio Bluffs Area, lrg 2 bd, 2 ba, pets, 806 Joann St. 1 BA condo, ocean view. $1400/mo. Strickland OCEANFRONT Dix 2·4 Br. •2Br .. 2Be. Near s c gar, No pels. s4oo mo garage $725/mo. Cal upper unit. w/lrpl. Quiel 644-1836 So l.o.gu11e. Nr shopping M g,.m t . Ser v _ 'B.y week or mQnt h. The Shores In beautllul Plaza, S.A. Luxury Con· Mesa del Mar-aTea. Im· 661·6441. or M-f;... Q...t &... Prlv Loo. No Pets- center. 499-1460 7141990·11256 813-7873 Corona del M ar hll do. w/poot. $595. No med. oce. c a11151.9905_ 643-0210. Drive by II $775. 845-6218 Eastlllde condo, 3 br, 21 ba. <tan. lrple, 2 car ga· ra~e. $825. 545-6685 Quiet, Clean. 2 bd In court. New carpels, oa· rage. yrd: comm pool. no pets. $575/mo Mgr 2453 B Orange Avenue. C.M. Santa An.a Hts. 3Br. frptc . b I o ya r d . n o p e l.J . $750/rno. 546-0814 Bkr. I newly refurbished 1 & 2 t 833 8974 E see at 24583 s1n11 L••••• /li••tl 32S2 Nwpt Hgta 2Br. l Ba. very Winter rentals bdrm opts from $550 & Pl s. • ves. Clara ••'•••••••'••••••••••• Pllt & huge yd now 11Vallable. Cell "P for rent. Call Helen •Mesa Verde 2 Br. 1 Ba~DHI loiat 3126 ._ _______ _ 2 Bdrm. 2 ba condo on 645-9095 J&CIH IULD j Gibson 844-2611 Newly redec-$49S-N ....................... _ Ll!gunirB'Ch 2Br, eiccluslw Piii golf course wNfew ol 1 833-8974 E es OOHI VIEW area. 5 m in walk tc lake Bre.nd new crpt & Baylronl 5 br quiet e•ec PROP MAUIEIEIT COltl 11111 31Z4 pe s. v · From Dana Polnt's·most beech. some ocean view painting. Washer, dryer home, beaut. llU, no lli-1113 •••••••••••••••••••••• $?85/mo. 1 Br. POOi, 1 secluded scenic blull. $675/mo. 1·626-2585 at & relrig. Incl. B4!aut. toe· dock, $2000 675-7673 House .. Bach .Duplu person only. 325 J 17th. Like newJ Only" units, 2 1pm · • tion w/pool & BBQ area. ( . OCE.ANFAONT l11ge 3 Br. 333 E 21st St. C.M. Pt. 646-5137 11AM-7PM Br'w/den, Xtra lrg private $770 mo (714)493·9761 S•• c1 •• ,,,, ' 321, 2 Ba, wsnr/dryn "o pets. 645·6589 6'5·8103 2 Br Trlple11-$430. New patio. From $725/mo. • 571r ... 81..,"-•• i....-ah 7pm. •••••••••••••••••••••• Winier $850. 673'6640· carpets. drap-., paint Call 661-6441 or M·F. 2 bdrm. 1 ba, enclosed garage. waJll to beech 645-1819 SEASHORE DRIVE $700/mo. 2 Br. refr1ga. carport, enclsd patio. .548-5682 __ Jl.!_i--__ rv_~_.,._1_"•_111111:_ 3 Br 2'"1 Ba in guarded Hiii •ide ocea(\ view 3 br Beechfront 3 Bdrm. 2 ba. -~8ti•.~.JI No pets. 226'4 Plecenn-. 9·5, 843-0212. Drove by 2 BR 2B d I 1 I I"' convert den~ maid's lull" lurn, gar, W /D, 545.9494 tosed2.f583Santa Clara Nr s . Cat Plza. 3..81, 2ba a, cpts, rps, ene 0 a e c 0 mm u n '· q.uart er.a $2000/mo '-' 6' APAITMIEm corrdo. $700, gasfwtr pd. •gar •6 S7 6°0· No pets. t1L 95i mo1·1 Avall ~~lw. 213/449·2.628 wkly/month. 0•0112 Beeutllully tandacepad 2BA Hlba, d/w, blllns, 2Br. garage. near ocean., OCEHFllOIT Most elegant ·epl, bldg 1n Laguna Beach. fines locatlon In town, bfeeth tatclng vie"'!s, all built-Ins heated pOOI. sub-garage elevator Lease onl $850 & up Townhome, 3 bd,. 2 ba, split level. quiet. 3 car gar, pool , $750 553;u255. Versellles Studio P&n· t'1ouse. $525/mo. Ask lor · Sharon, Richardson Realtors 768·5600 or home 770-2313 see dep & last mo. Karen 675· 60 1:g1~97°f on poss,..•· S J Blk beach. 1Br. utll. yrly girden apts. Pool & Spa. patio. ga.r, no pell. $575. ocean view, balcony 955-2033, 759-1071 2 Br. 1'"' Ba. Woodbridge • •• i!•• $450/mo 1823 W. Bal-Patioa/deeks. No pets. 548-4291, 645-9857 $450/mo 213/40s·2657 I Townhouse 30 Briar-NtrtNtl a.id 3Z6S Cu11l11ao , 3ZT• boa BI . 11 2 • Bachelor $410 See at 24682 Apt A 330 Chll Or. 494·808~ wood. $700. Agen t . ••••'••••••••••••••••• ••.••""•• .. ••••o•.,•••• 213/941-3065 I 1 Bdrm $485 3 BR. 2'1r ba, lrpe. yd. Cord o b A 0 r D , . 1 3221: 541 5032 3 br 2'h b• plush e0ndo Leaset Leese Option 4 bd, 2250 vanguards40•9626 Obie gar. Npt Hghtsl 714/661 -8899 Roomy Studio with sepe .!!!~ •• ~!'! ••••••••••• ~ · nr ~ater. poss. boat slip' 2 ba. oovrd patio, comm I Completely lumlshed 1 Br Area. 1750. rate krtehen, walk '' 2 Br 1ba, blk lrom betr.-House. Condo. Apl All WOODBRIDGE. $1100 pr $1l50/mo pool. $700. 497·1657 1 near ocean. $700 mo 559-5001 2 Br 2 Ba stove beaen & shops. S375 tn Gar. sundeck. $600tmo 8 v 8 j 1 8 b 1 e n 0· w mo. spaeloua 4 Br 2•1r 675! 1938 · 851_8394 • Phyllis Stein 645-2868. Bachelors $410 dshwshr, ocean view, nc; clds utlls + $500 sec yr I y. 2 1 2 3 O th St . B r r t d' I w11l•1•1l•r 32•• 1 Bdrm $480. EASTSIDE Large 2 bdrm, pets. $525/mo. 66I·1192 deposit. Hotel Calllornl 675·3206 S 6 5 o . s 9 5 o a am rm, rpc, '"ng ""' "' ~ On the beach hotel 1 131 E. 18t ... .,A6 ... 816 1 be oonv loc. S550 mo ' p ti I I I d DELUXE 3 BR 2'/lt be 2 •••••••••••••••••••••' " -0 A t 494 2797 I ---------7 t4/493•0467 rm. a os, n eay an · f d• & SmaU 1 bd bungalow rn room apt klleheneue & l6l E. !Sth 642-0856 64&-7800 Huge luxury 2 Br 2 Ba P s. · eev 2Br, 1ea, ,,.. btk to beh. soaped. Lake, pool, ten· sty. to• ront yar reac S3.351m o Jim ba t h furn Is he d ---------1undeek. garage. lndr~ message. ger. $625 mo yrly. nls prtv1leges. 640·1327, upstairs pa.tlo. Near 545.;947 · $300/mo. + $300 dep. Spacious 2 Br. 1 Ba. $425. EASTSIDE. 3 bdrm, 1 ba, hk·up. D/W, 2 kids OK '•If.••• 11.•'t.••I· JIS 846-3567 H••liaf#Oa 559-6t88. ofe 720·7373 beach. Isl & last. secu· . 2306 W. Oceanfront Duplu 3 Br 1'/\ Be. fireplace Prlv yard. $6 3 5 . 2 4 O. 60 1 9 ., ---------611ti 3240 r1ty s 1100 per mo Coado•i•i••• N.B. 673-415<1. • S475. Laundry fac .. pool. _s_eoo __ ._m_o_6_4_6_·7_8_oo ___ , Jl3_1._9_3_03 __ __,..._ __ •• ••••••• ••••••••••• Versailles sp1e bach. •••••••••••••••••••••• Super 2 br, lrptc, 2 car 631-5661 U. I . L--' J~zs 548 9556 12 7PM On Goll Course. Well bdrm penthouse. cour· Ocean view. volley bell ct .• g11age. lge patio. $595 New beas;hfront hOme. 3 ••••~•!!~~!!'!!' ......... ; $1a C/0•1111 311, 2 BA: 1 BA, O;d house, no **MESA VERDE•• Nine Condo : 2 Bf\2be. 2 tyard, pool, clubhouse, 1111 Huntington St. 2 BA. I mo. 760-9307. Br" Ba. furn. $2250/mo, Beaut. decor I BA & den. ;-;;;~·;,~·t,•;,·~~;·;;;t pets. child Ot<. All utll pd. 2b~d~~~i>~'';\;Jl,~~o ~~~ia\:~o:rnr~n~a~~ security. $550. 642·6149 $650. 1 BA. $500, or rent 1 yr tees•. 3 br. 2 be. ullfurn. $2000. Can Mrs see .• gray cpt. relrlg, walk 10 bHCh, 225 La 415 Hamilton, $$75. 540·5446 -patio, ~ade1:ora tec:t . Sunny 2 bd, 1 ba dupteK ent I re d PIK S 1 125·1 leneed. comm. pool, + Long 673· 1190 pool, spa, Jae .. $450 mo. Paloma $475 637-7918 641-0763 S.uper neat 1 Br. VIiia. . $725/mo. 714/770·1950 203 33r<t St. $525 mo. 536-3602 or 66l-7622 water. $900 mo. Cell oys · · Co u I d I urn. O y s . , · · 2 bdrm, 1 ba, children olt, Ba. small & cozy. private •----------1 Agl. 675-1642. Spotless 2 Br a11ached 851-3003. evs 851-8180 LARGE 2 br. 1 ba. gar. 6 3 1 • 2 7 1 7 ; e vs , A111t•1•t• 1111sya111T Ill no pets. $450 mo. Plus $425/mo. 673-3313 W d/w, 5308 Seashore 5•8 6810 c•• $ C t " "" 1987 Maple 548-6195 8 3 /11w•tl l11tl 31~11 " "' I 3111: d$bl gar. /D hooQkup. 00 IT BY THE FIRE· $750 mo Yrty 962-4914 .P .. l . . ..., nr . s . Ua/111l1id Eastslde $625·$650/mo. 493·0 O (or furnished) •• 94W••••••••••••••~: !!~.".'!.If!!'~.! •••••••• '! 500 & $500 a.p. utet. · P~CE · · ' aza. •••••••••••••••••••••• 2 Br. 1Yr Be. Townhouse, Bachelor. fple. beam clgs, Nr S:-C:-Genenit Hosp. nr Fwy & sh~pi09. Sml Eteganl 3bdrm for faml IN PRESTIGIOUS BIG lllHI lll••d 3106 all bulll-lns, lndry rm. patio. new cpt &' drps. Haatin1loa 3Br. frplc. 2Ba, stove. pe1 poss. wtd ep. Me-minded man brand new CANYON: lu)(urlout-4 Au1t•1at1-Fo111i1iH ,........................ carport, yerdl b•lcony, $350 loot ulil. 631-0921 l••ti . 314C cpl•. Avail Nov. 1 $535 Fed den nr Beach Bl. bltlna Incl dlehw11her B drm home w I p v-t •,.•-••••••••••••••••••• E·Baylront, Little Isle, small pet OK. •••••••••••••••••••••• 893-4894 crpts a drapes now $725 custom pool end spa. All l11MI lll••I 3106 pier. 3 story deluxe lrg. TSL Mgmt. 642-1603 1 bd. n•r South Coast 'DeluKe poolside Ktra large COUNTRY CLUB LIVING mo. (714) 891· 1644 METRO ALTY 636-7005 I\ e w 8 me "1 t 1e1 •••••••••••••••••••••• 2Br, frpfc, $1800 mo. Plaza. $370 mo. Utlls 2br. 2· ba. bltns. dswt11 IN NEWPORT BEACH 1 Br. pV1 deck. Old yi1orld 2Br Condo, 1'iiBa. cpts/ 7141644•9800 Newly decorated 2Br 1ba, 675·3067 Fireplace. pool. dJsh· paid. 754-0588 1'-tm11es beaoh No pets ~harm. spectacular drpe. pool, jac. elbhse. TURTLE ROCK. Prv1 Jaez. patio, lmme"'occup thru I washer. pvt patlcf. X Lg B 1 & $500/mo 536-8362 A total envlronmant ocean view. welk to no pets. $515 mo. 3bd,2ba,dbtgar,lam,Baysldehome.ovar3200 June. $600 Incl utll. """ Garden 1 &2Br.onEt Lg1 r,newcpls,pant apartmentcommunltyon beacl"t $425. Contact 768-7633 llving. & dining rma. Frpl: sq It., $2500/mo. Boat 873-3458 l 1•i1lfll 3102 s Id•. S 4 6 0 . $ 5 6 0 . linoleum, t ehll<t Ot<. No Avall. now t Br 1 Ba the Upper Bay. Private Mgr atapt C. 332 Encino pr 0 1 de c 0 r 8 1 e d sop avall. For lease onty. •••••••••••••••••••••• 557•2841. pets. $350 mo + dep. downstairs apt, dswshr clubhouse and health Spot~eu ~I bf· 1~1ia 51200/mo. Avell 1211 Call Doug M cKee 11/bOI 2 bdrm, 2 ba newer _!lplK. Cell Ml!r 642·2868 private. patio, single ga spa, 8 tennis courte. 1 Ln. _______ _ entwenl Psl~t'io, 'a.ltne!· ~·rprt', a.6•2353. 1 H /955-2473 wkdys l t •l•Hll 3101 yrly. Mature non-smkra. 111l. 211l. Hll. I 'n Br. gar'l!ga, "&rd. rage. No pets, wate pools, close to business, 2 BA, $465, yearl)'. new lclds. H\ mllbdh.S 550.1'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 9·5. •••••••••••••••••••••• nopets.S650X3 Newly decor. Gu pd. s5251mo Westsl d• pa i d·. $4 50 /mo airport. Fashion Island. decor. pool. nr beac:h. 11 -OCEANFRONT, DELUXE 2131799-4195, 257-9792 encl gar, dwshr, pool. 6,1•0763• No pets. 545·2r. Agent, no fee Convenient shops on bus. No pets. 498·827'7 Jst, laat, d ap, terms. IEW H BAYfRONT Furn, quiet, lrg, winter: 2 •Or (714) 6Z3·3986 bbq. no pets. ~2·5073, ••• IEllS W&L• site Unfurnished bache· --- $31·7900 JOhn. agt. I TIE IUlln rentels. 675·4688. 529., nice -bachelor, res-THE SEVILLE 2 Br w/gar. ""' " tors, 1 & 2 bdrm apts and S••t• A•• 311(J ' B lb I I d S ct " fAITlllE ' crpts, drp•. bltlns. lncd Lrg 2 BR townhous• townhouses •••••••••••••••••••••• W•.._t 4 BR, ettreotllle beam bee ac~· •• ~:enl. 'vie': 0~ c,,,., ''' #It 31Z2 pon1ible person. utlls B yd w /pallo, water pd. apta. encl gar. frplc Nea $560 : 51000 Bradford Pl. 4 'bd Town· 101115 eelQng home. Automatic ~ •••••••••••••••••••••• paid, no peta. 106 E. 2 Br. I •pool aide apt. 26'9 "J" Santa Ana Ave. Hunt. Hrbr. from $545 Several bachelors and 1 home. pool. dining rm ~=.b~n~u~~1~04,:~ :~~~~[1~·~t~i~~~ !rlter~ :~s~g;m~~1~~'. ~~~~~t~~:.;0~~=~tg~:z 8 1y,Ap' 9. ~n:.':. rC'i11bl~:n:P:t~ $510. c eu 1 • .s, 636-4120 Children OK. 840-6807 Bdrm units 1ea1ure fine S600/mo. 642-8738 Beach, toutll of ~dams, 2 Flrep l ac ee. near ner 644-9513 , pool & pello. $1095/mo. DELUXE 2 bd, 2.>.I?•· Steps $435·1450. 1335 Beker B 2 Br 1 Be. WARNER VILLA. 2 bd,: designer furniture end 8.1ti L~••• 311' Xlnt refs. 964-0332 eve; eenoo11. I 1, 100 per mo. BeaullllJI E1tecutlv• Home. 673-0896. to the Bch. W10. gar, no TSL Mgmt. 642• 1603 renovated s525, • ba. Condo. frpl, ow. pa ac.ce"ories. Move In to· •••••••• •••••••••••• N 1 M Lou M pets: yrly. $750. t r o . pool , $600 dayorreserve tor future w•18r, nr beach. $49$ 842·0100 d£ o pe s. ary a. 3 bd, 2'/\ ba. Fmly ~m. Coll• 11111 3114 645·6958 eft 4PM. FlllEllH OIMFOIT 1339 Baker c, 2·sty, 2 2131570·0036. use. Smartly furnished mo. NC> pets • non. &«..e200 Din. Rm. Spa, ~~0011no. •••••••••••••••••••••• Like nu. lge 1 br epta. lrg er. 2 Ba. renovated models opeh dally. 499·5056 PllOll Tl MYIEI Affordable 2Bd home ct to beech. kid• noW 1400 M~fro FICTV .83Woo5 •• Tll 1&111 Vu ol OC11n: 2Br ''Aba, guard gate, P<>Qt. 11un.1. g ym , 19 0 0 /m p . 2 13 1333-384 6 or 902-12118 111 + $1300 eecurlty 4 Furn 1 bdrm apts. 1386 Studio *1)1. '.i blk ff Wed· frplc, o w, gar., $<475/up. $550 Wl<lld& 968·3636 $495. 3 BR. 3 Ba pQO IH•I ~lltltli S250 oleanlng depoalt. and up. Enc g arage1. ge, 1350 mo, u111 Inc. 1st Piiio or balcony. POOi a Aedec 1 bd refrlg quiet petlo, kids ok No pell' on Jamboree Rd,., .,.,_ 6'2·8663 . 2110 Newport Blvd CM & last, Alt 6 . 673·6228 ape. No pelt 2850 Hlfll . $410: s .. mgr at ' 19220 648·9666. 960-7484 San Joaquin Hiiia Rd. •••••••••••••••••••••• Cliff Haven 2Br tba, frplc., 546-4M8 3 bf, 2 ba, gar., frplc, ml-Mn a Pinn_., 549·2441 WI 11 a e e Ave o r 3 Br, 2 Ba glfden apt •••· 1100 U~:~:::· d e t gar, no p Its. 1Br. utll pd, Eutli~ nr oro. Xlnt loc. lmmed. S..65 2 Bdrm relrlg pa-760·8376. prlv patios. w/d hook·u W lfMt JUI $826/mo. Agt. 642-57221 oue. achl. ahopp111g. 875.-,.912 bkr. . 11o. 'no pets, 'adult• 'pref. Lrg 1 bd, rtlrlg. Alarm Inside. 1 encted gar ''1r?~~,e~ 1:1~.e~~b 2!~: "g0~~r r:,;i,t~~!.'~!11~~ • •• l~!~••••••••••••••• , Stunning 28d In Mu• 1459 mo. 846·4831 c.,,., Iii #11 3112 724·A Jamet, 873•778'7 ay111m; 2nd floor, no $875. • • yrly 968·8263 ' heated pool & st191 lo H,:uR:~. ~: !iR~~tI area, 'alt• • Jacui:il 6 llWPllT YILUll ••••••••••••••••• ••••• VILLA MEOERA; 2 Br 2ba, pe1a. $400. •64°'4979• Off 840•550 ocean. Kl,Ch'• a1111t. Jump In the pOOI. equip .. .......u.J I-....... anrs " MUI E'llde. family comple11. •EASTSIDE. 2br, 1 bl , L a r 0 • s tu d I 0 w • 0 Ea I , "0. T 0" ' 1185 N. Oo11t HWy. 180 deg. vu ol harbor, kllctl, 1uper 0 .. 11525 _.., -1110, l.•roe 3 Br. 3 81. meny 01w 1 g11reg1. Wtr/gu KIDS/PETS OK. 1575 kltc.henette, full bllh. llUT LIO. YUILY. Legune S.tel't. 4e4-.5294 '!!:Macnab -Irvine ---- 1urf, mtn1, 3br, 3ba. METRO ALTY 83&-7005 Gaa, Wtfer Plld. Pa loa emenltlH . 11175. Cell pd H25/mo l 1300 AL L U T 1 L s· p I). blk1 from boh $325/mc 'TIL •l•f t•2·1IOJ S90 & up with kitchen. 3H:;b~rb•~~~~~:l~r~o~ ;~~~:Jo. ~;e_",~.P•· Water1r0<\t 4 bf, 2 ba dpt~ ~=·c~~~'~o~i::i Anttiony d•YI 842-67'7, dtp. 2324 Elden, Mgr 831-4320. Mulligan Pro1> N0-84$1 weekly. ae.enftont Mo- pett. 1·892-2..,.7 eva •---------(up), 1850 aq "· lmmao. court• ~r11t1on room evee & wttnd• 831.e630. ~t 1, 641·,.147 TreehouM 'Br ~ ear 3 bdrm, 2't'I b• f~. dbl 2 Br. 2 Ba lrom 1525 No tel. 875·8740 --,.-~-.,..,---,.-.,,--,.-'-l~~MEAALD -tAY. 3 Br. 2 81Hns. frptc. gar. No Jr 1 bd. futnltMd. 9"30: 2 Br 2 81, frpk:, 80. of SPACIOUS 2 Bd. 1 Bt, u tl.I . lnc't., 130 mo: a It IC h g er . 1 9 60 pele. ~roH from New• 4 br. 2 ba. Nr boh. Grdnr. Be. 1700 t q rt. frplc , Piii $1200. 675-4188 C9ll 557•0075 1-iwy. New bldg Derrett, hem ~llnO• MrV bar 842.eaeo 140•8900 994·4833, 1-526-3004 por1 ~Goll CovrM . Smell attractive t tudlo nr No pets. Oulet cul•d•· brick patio, wfl t) ape. Ownr/Bllr 95l-8781 w d b · • 1 • • 545-4855 bc h for t mpty'd. Non· aec. S850. 975-7673 I 1 6 O O I m o . 2·Wr•, 1~ •1 B••ll•.f,.1 · o o ca " no pa t . ln'IM9dlli. ocx;upaney 2 & 1i1cll 4_nll, _iuper. Clear Jmkr. Prvt kitchenette, 2 13 /e76.2 2 5 5 or Oen, flrepiece. '800 mo. a.. rt • JllO • .... :t8~!G5l ~r6 :13~.::J•· 3 Bdrm lrom 1550·$925. .-Jk to bell; 'alt ulll g c WllTH HITALI prvt t11try. $325 Incl utlll. '!{~e~~.M l'llt. mutt 111 816-3097. • 714.551-8037 d1y or •• ;;-.if••••••••••••u• • · N o pe 11. M on . S 11 $250 mo. 96.4·48 ( 3 & 4 Br. Cto11 to water, phone, pool, TV. 1ennla 53t..e190 COST 2 Br. 2 Ba. Charmer , IVll. , .. HlllYI m Warmington built duple• 2 Br. '"' a.. No P•t•. 11 AM . 5 p M s u II • 539-'1330 turn & unlurn. r•••on•· 493.3490, wooday & private. Cat•· Nwp1 Hot• 3 br. a bl. h •utllul & p.-lltt• wtlh wln1 11rep11ee, eneto,.d 1'*50/fl'IO for 2 f*'Oll•· 1 lAM·SPM. 517 ... 785 1375/mo 'br all ut111 ~ bit. en amenlll•• 8rOller ~ wl-th-kt-tc-11-prl'""~"-.-N-r •11111 II* Mne vi.w. 1rp1c-, w/d, re-"P'O· dardenlr. •100 rno. terr.oao poot. ·!1''~· patio. 3 b<lr,,..a.. 7 5 5 w · \ 8 111 8 1 • Neer new 1 er. 1 ea di•· w1111 to'~. to1 Ch 975·•912 Bua lln• a 11'topptn9 North • ~ s>Ntty nfce frig, no d091. nr Wood• 251 t<noi1 SI 64S·51 1Q •SpeclOUt A"t• be 11•· •II bll l"•-1 qar-e.e.9907 hw1tl'ter, enclld garage, ce90. 99&-<lff.t 1 ~II< 10 8Ch, I.I~ 2 er. c.nter M2·7620 unit tot • ftml'Y et.er,.,, Cove . 1 t l plu• aec . 3 er. 2 B• trplc, tllP• 10 •Private PMl'Oi ::•m:nd drapee. Ht4 N~. Qu"' up1talrt 2 I A, no P9\I . 390 Avocado St. den. 2 b•. )'rly, blt1n1, M/F Chrlatilll ll'ltre CdM Cell 8!8T It 831·&190 S880/mo. 4t9-18t7 belCrt. 1875/lnO. •Covered Parking HA~BOA '"ALTY 2 be, •r.t. $550, mo1t 9"00/rno 631-915~ ••• ,,.,... Hf rt ltlO 1700 '75·1139 !Dflvate room & batl't, I>"' OCllf 01• 29r. 2ba, vu. We.Jk PROPE~TY ttOUSfl •Dining AIM (71t )!l3·HOO utlla Inc• 122 Hemll,on ' Br. upmlatr.. utile ~ .. !fftt!f ....... t:'..i BAL.BOA P.ENlf>I, 1.i blll t entrance, kltcl'ten prlv. s.or..t• llOIM wfttl «~k· b c h . I 1t00 I mo . &<12·3880 942·10'0 *Walk ln CloH1' • ·-St. a .. a.o417 1310/mo. C1tp0tt. good HUOI I br: LUll Condo boll. 2 bd, 1 bl, yrly, I H0+'4 viii. 144-8095. llfta thiplllCI • AMt on~ 4t .4·&84' wknd• or •rt 212 17415,fl'IO *~~ ltk~tlt~• Uttll lli41" MUff« Mt 9" • 2 Br. 1'°' ba, 323 £. mti toe .. no pet• 3H w eay, Min' conct. Ill lll\'IMtltl c r pr t • I 5 4 O "'o. 1.aoun• tum. rm, pvt Hitt. l4Y& • mofltl't 8J8 tpm, 312,,. 17951'"° ~-!-to uni npton Tuite,, a10111 cem• 1 9, No "''· Get. M50 548·9511 . HOO mo M2-4t14 &82.0183 lutchMI Pflv. IHI pt\lt Nt-fllO emtli OOlf N.wty D9cor, tiw C~. 3 4121 ... 11160/mo ~· 1'Mtf>O'Ut °" & ~~ and t9t.d !ft tllt 8i.,ra Mgmt. Mt·1•· l.g 2 8t E .. tllde oeraoe + 1-Da..... , ~., Mf. 21t. 3 car ta'IOI· 1 1tt!MC 4174011 •• 1111• b<I, w/atudy, a ba. C•· Have othtu Fred T•· ITIUTlll •Ill Diiiy Pllot CIHllll•CI 2 llf In newer 'rt-ple11 nr carport a yard. •lo~ ;:r.'i'lui'i'4itt• .. U.l Olk 10 oon . HOO mo. ; nonlmtlr .,. PtC• au FaM.cl compltlely •I· nyon View, Av•ll rmm. nor•. ag1 U'·'2H, 1 lklfm · -°)rom .~1& ~'fu~~:1i IC Plu• •• oer. No,,.._, refrtge. ss2't11mo: 1 Ir Apt. No Ltrn• t?t.t174 _ Incl uui.'w .. , • ..,, .... ~ 2 battle $1000/rno. C•ll Cindy 131·2711 2 lfrm tet5 fOf ···"· Vou c ....... tiff. 113 1"3 131·0l'IA SASO/rno. , yeer .... IP. Iba • .,.. to ....... ,~ dyl(JudY) -iHfiDiii~· <714> Ha.aeoo. -~· "-Ponlit)le adUlll! 21r I I.A QUINTA HlfWOIA your tun.1 and IOfl OI I '"I .. \ ... '""°" t ""'!1 ~.,. townl'tome ••7-Net POOi. jH, ucwr u, = .,... 7 dayt l400 lleacfl atiactt bl rtouM ... 00, 2 8CI 11211 lteftllkte l.n, 1 tllll otl'ttr t11ln11• 11\rout l'I ~. 1, no""· l .411. a.ut1M pool ~. "-"' IO ,.,. apt, IMI .. 11001mo. Ctll lcott,... Mltotl to ~;£;"= te * .... '.* 1 room. 10H Cataline 201 MOO, 1 I '9n. f\lrn W. of 9"cfl, 3 ""''I. Delly Piiot Cla .. tlled 7IO• .. ll °' l ... ·ltU MeM C1e1 Mtt UHi"'° rw . utl IQllfto. "9 t1t r1. 1•1•8,00, de~a ,._.a '-'~..._. °"''*era.,.... aeoo. 113.7944 o1 !d1nger •.. &•74441 Ada c• 141-H11 ~nett. 1<1t.oa1• 0t 13,.,,n ,.,...,.., -.111• .,.,.,, ~. ...... ....... 111 ,, . ' t • I Orange CoHt O~IL V PILOT /Monday, Nov9mber 1, 1882 DT _f!hJ•llt.'1Jf .. .1.t ll.'.~'.11.lf.Det.IY.f 9!!!~.~!f! .... l.~ff .. r.. M~.. • • .. r.. M....... ... M'll. .... 1.~ff '9~'1..'!,!.'#. .... !.t. W .. !M•, ...... a l NIWPORT HACH Tll UH ---Coc~l11t, "••I·•· on "!.'!",T .. .!~,o !!!',· ~,.!.' ULll ·=-TYNTl ... lll •T •• ,. ,.,, -now 111.,1 Otf\1~ w111 w tit hat 11'1 .. oft'-1 t"t ... fOlll) " ..... -.,,... -I Pl 1 rt S,06 ' 0 I TV .._ • ,... ADS 1111 tter .............. , ..... ......_ ....... , No • .-..,,, t me • wnoon Con up o or 211 IPI w/40 Plu• ,,M, Sito, rme wlbay view ._.._ _. .,._._ --...... U I I d I I Hlalil 'ft .... , 7 ~t 81Yd CM ...,.. ...,.. ARE FREE mtnt Mutt bt 2t. we "9dNll, CM ator• .. •kt tn1rg1t10 'hon•• In room 221" '280 mo "' ...... , "'0111111, 1 ,1 14'°· 3 rm• 11 .. "" 01100, tlv• ent•1t1ln· ~Y ~M'I only. ~ u 1 n Que • Y • clotlllng K ,t; .. ·I 67 13' loaton w11e1tr. Mll'll Cond .. 35 HP, -.C .. ,, , Many Xtret IJtOO 6A5-'ft73,l.V ....... ..... 'Pllklng Nr Ho.Qhote> 8eorat11tal HIVICH train A._... .................... -19CW Wl flalr tor IMhlon ........... , .. '" 7446 13 MO tO lvlll 3355 VII Lido, NI IY ror 1 •l';;;-AP'QiY """ and/or modtllng 111p ;n-.rmmr.-.-...... . •u I P\.1111 8111(11• motllet wl•he• to 873·• l68 Cal.· 3333 w COlll Hwy.NI ....... /llOllW helpful ApPIY In ,,.,eo:.. ~~IJ.""9 ........ ~ 2 111011 .c;;;iie 44" w lklllt In lnd<>Of llll atttl 110 w/1t1lnlt1 .... , hOOd Wlndo mount 1lr condlllont A alltlft M9ll V«dt hOme UIO lfPlll 4111 11001 lbOVt Ill• Min 2 yr up H11vy ""·417?, AleAll Ntlufal ~M ,.., Ir~ u1on1bte r~w Kit• wl"8Toealbl• "• 1 clllld 1 ... 1•1111 8p1ndr1tter !Ht btwn 'l p '"/ 18 o wpm '"lllon1 HO l'Ortll ,360 0..,.. 831 cl)eftttttl, pllOMa, maid O..t locatlOn In Alrl)Oft .. A •A~• ...., aervlc:•, z cha:'&•' mo-OK o Sm~r 5•&·313!, arta, 1276 mo/mo or "PM·IPM Mon·l"ll. Thia e 1·044 ve. Legunt _.., WANT!O LlrV-wlleel. fl to 11· trlller 541·21 .. ¥1H SANOPIP • ··o-867·8207 1~ ~·0722 ---ed Wiii run only one time, ~,,.. ... -I ltitt " .., _ .. ,,_. Lo11 Cocker lplnlll I think YCM.t ,..,.. ..... ~ec:t or rMOfl Tel. 1967 NtwPQr181Yd, l'ln'I roommtte to lhlfl 2 laoillolt Lttetltl Brown ltm•I• Vlo property Ctll todl)' OJ ll••Y PUii OAK HA&.L TAEI wlbevelled mirror. 1000 ITU Fluort1cent lay l.aunch, 20th c.ntu1y celling llQhl ll11turt 1.ep1t1ak1. II' lntioard, 140-3 ~ ~ ~ 12600 175· 1138 r:v .. CM 6A5-913?. bdrm, 2 b• ept. 123&. '-t apply at 34'82 So Ooeat utll 931•150 . , Prime 1n1er11ct1on or 81ookhurtt and 11111• OIUl...a C 1 · Opt'y to afll gourmet ••to• th 1 .. J b 1100 Atw11d 98'J·4721 .,... Hwy, •pilltreno loll, food• and gllla ror notl· 1150 &41·1111 Oafc Chell ot DraW91a 2 ""'" a 3 lo• d1w1a, ONnna Durbin Ooh COi· 15' Bo1ton Wlltiet, '12, 70 ltctora lttm, Ovtr 40 hp l!vtnr11CS.. cover, 1111· y .. 11. 1280. 7511·8001 ltr. blHtt fuel ttnll .. 600. 145-ttff lllJ .. ,,.. 411 Room tor rent nto. 3 br ~ "s1 ~~, :q lt~Su:: Loit, Fem lrlth. a';i'i'e hpandlng Newport 7141"ff-HH day .. Flax. hra. Fuhlon •••.::;;.1••1•··~~·~1•••• condo, •vell. Imm. By SC IHH 1vallable. 820 or wearing TexH t•g•, 11 Beech crecm c•rd ~· lt•'•lt1l li1t•''" 11l1nd 840·&030, Weal· ..... .... P~I. $225. •557.7759 1too eq It for 1 year. C•ll werd. 2300 MHI Dr. 1 piny hi• ~ng In lhtlr 1 Yr• expr In mecll. ••· cNll Plue e.42·0972. A•.J/11111 111' Mleo. old Clocka. 1150 548-8781 Severe! prim• locatlon Roommate wented Lag Sandy. 213·820·8857 s • n 1 1 An 1 Hgt• colltcllon dtv11ron1 Ap· "mbly, llUvy 11n111(1 Teq. ULH/llTIH •"'-"t;ARBOR.AAEA•••• 1~91.~=~ f!!.t!,.f~!!. ••••• ~f ~"h!':ir,:~~ Fv:.:~1 1 Nlg 1 • F1r~;. n4~ .. arn 0 .. k 7 r 2 , no Office. Balboa 1111n'c1. 548·11119, 840·440" pllcahl mutt have 2'3 yrt Good beneflu. C.M. fern to 11600/mo. J'tT,. · AP,1.IANCI SERVICE 18' Hobie .Cat, yellow wl 24 hr tul)ctfvlllon, plan· pe '· 25v. ..,. " M11lne Av.: up111111. LO el: Oat, nr Oherle/ ~::~·~1~1·!~~·,, ~~:~ lrtt 714ISM>·4293 Mu• t 'b t m tt u rt • Wt Mil rtcond .. guar. Bumr.r Pool fable, t tOO, leQ 1unr1M 11Jta 1.lkt neo recrHllon. exciting CdM Nit 2 Bf', ocean vu, 875·8877 875-~ Htmllton. Qrangt, llkt conltet John Alltn Mon ltf'•'••lttr/ 560·8043 LHve MH• 1ppllance•. 5"49·3077 ~~m~'o~d•c:i'::·0~:~: _~ __ '2500 &76·6181 ~iTr::i.::~~i!. 't!i :z:~ t:·1 ~ ~14 ~l~k: HPER llllllll ~:'~'1~1~,0~1:;:·.~~· ~~o.f~~::30 10 4:30 pm: • Ftt4 .., •• 1 ••• APPUAHll seoo. 01k cr1e11nu, 75 ''" Mk 11. ·19 vo1vo 21 .todev, 8:30·5PM. CloM to twn EK8? Sulte11no1. reeept.. 548·1409, 8"42·0142 Plltme, women more IALll LAI• 957·8t33 13'°· 644-2119 II P dtl, 9 bag•. full .. 1'1110 •11 ..... &beecll.1300 494·3t86 HCY Hrvt. cont. rm., .. ET·L DETECTOR . I Dental Recept1onL1t, lull eul tablt. 011 nee p R, PERSONS NEE· OllllfM•• 111& race/crulH. new tlller• • ' .,. • kit., malt handlQ RH· .., ,.. tlmjt, prevl°"a office••· 2131949-0574, 9-t~ Mon OED, Magic ltland 11 WUher & ary.,, Set. lu•t -m11ter. OIF, radio, 8 u-.1A,,. ll•t·'i ~1 lt•llll wl•IH ~,,.. ponalve to your bullneH find )'OU' lo•1 ring• & 19-ptrlence In Peg Board, & 1'11. only. looklll(I for 1 ltw tnteUI• complete!)' redone. $300. •II LIHll man 1von. MOie. Secrl· r-"' .,, "" "' ' "' nAAAs •dj 405"'""' 11'1 welrv 848·8712 evs 1•-11on1 & I 1 bllll ..-1, 1ttr..,.tlve & ·•~ .. -1 e4&.48t8 -"····tlful ....... _ •• hotM. flee S3l,500 875-6696 ··············~······· •••••••••••••••••••••• """"" ro . • ~, ,. co.... n . ng u-·· .-.. -...... _ -......,_ ..... F.V lndlv. oles Mol mo. (Ron) required Fountain Veltey •-perao111 to rtpreHnt REFRl(JERATOR h1111d p9lnted and glued. 8 Ft SABOT wlrww petn1. FOR RENT' •H IY HO. 1 lrorn $325. 983-6445 Fo~md: Cocklllel. Harbor office 963·5&34 l&lllTlll •PlllY them In their pvt club In Like rww. frost ""· 2 cir. Only 175. Other ceramic L" b<ct. m"'· NII, nd.• • HunUngton BHch 2·4 I . • J ~~so Hloh vie .. NB. Olrl•' PE Denial 11111 IUIAIUI Nwpl Bch. lntervleW req. 1185 893·90eo r"'""'' mimed~ ,•o order • 0 m. h. rd w. r 2bedroom,2betha& bdrmhouH.aouthof .!.'.'~'•'•'•••!!.'' .. ••'••• 7~-3229;642·9317 • Exp~enced R.0 .A. AREYOUTIREOOfLI· C ell !or appt. 10·8. REFRIGERATOR ory°"rln a ov.<tlor lt85963·5272 storlea In Twin PMka Ad am . XI n t r •II Md 0 Orth..,. tJ VINO MO T TO MO Mon-Fri, Ask lor Mr CllrlatmN. Call me for ,,. "4-0332, 842-0IOQ STUD I 0 I 0 FF I CE I Found: F puppy .• golden n r vvon 0 Tu? p .. NYHC HE C KNS· Halbefg 676-0900 5LI1k8e5new. 8,.3• .'~,!'". • 2 dr, 8dep~~l.la II 840·8709 Ill NnAeCw""1161·121."'s1 3tr00alletO •1 11 111nmt. Lake Arrowhud arel, -STORAGE/ DESK tP8Ce color, Edinger & Club· pract!Ge In Mlulon Viejo " "' • ...,.,., M Hu bullt-l,rl1 & fireplace. 1vall On ealboa lale. hOuM, vlc 11B 8•8-8Sl7 Area. 83()..3703 WON'T STRETCH 30 S .... P«ton Needed FIT, , ' 1141831·11!09 Flrat, fut & depOtlt r 8'11••1 /11lt•I43S0 StOO . $200 per mo. Call DESK CLERKS B I ht DAYS? NOT SATISFIED lncludlll(I weekendl. Se• Amina l8 Fr~er. troat Eneyclopedle 1980. uno· q u Ired C el I (7 I 4 ••••A•••••••••••••••• Mr PemlM11ton davs Found· Orey Poodle, fem • r Q ' WITH YOUR PRESENT Illy + Comm Apply In lrH, coppertone, xlnt pefled 1135.(0rlg 1450). 1979 Cl&My 18' Hobie Cit 788·0288 or (71't Dana Pt 1lngte atorege, 2 t 31811•1294: ev~• t0/28. MeH del Mar. •8n1,•1r111•1m"::A~•.peGoodr re<[~· JOB7 Our people ere PfilOn Super Flt FemHy cond . $200 /0BO. Aleo Amerlcen• & Brit· wl traller l.Oed1otX1ru. ee~1 W99kdly ev• fecured. ttrMt enti'lance, 2131289•9307 ' CM. Call to Identify. ~1111 ce"ittoday A• :::: well com'pen11ted, m•· F1tne11 Cenler w.,,..,, 642·9333 lanlcl 1982 Save 1100. I 3 2 O O 11 rm nlnga ,,,., 8 p.m. If no 34097 Gran•d•, seo. 545..()8()2 PtY •I 34862 So. 'Co;;t lure. reepontlble lndlvl-Dtll Cnt. He. 842·4484 Seara Cold990t rtfrlg, w/ 83&·36"3 7t4-559-8790 ~n~w..,, pleue kHP 613·3313. 403-0803 C1••1tti1I Found. l.h ... type, amall Hwy. Caplttrano Sch. ~~:/:.:~~ ::~~ ~'~!"~ llUI (IOllL) ~~~5.f;;19ect cond LIYI IAUM.. ,..,,, 11111 tY1 II Storage 1vall. Nov I tn lt•llll 4415 pup vlc'Nal'I & Senate 7141496-11858 aucceHful orgenlzellon Experience In retell ff•· eomeone you IOve Dltk1 H11 Vall/Beal/81 Creek, CO Hunt. Bch. 145/mo. (2 t3) .. ••••••••••••••••••••• (white) 642·2730 ~ ocierates. lndlvld1191• ... ming Hie• req. Sat. & A•tll•• 1015 • beautllul bouquet of 30 •••••••••••••••••••••• Lux. townhome. 4 br, 4 420-7705, 433·243S 1250 sq fl retell/ofllce F d· Blk d wilt IJIAJen llY OLUllH lected must be wllung 10 Sun. only. Call bet, 9&5 •••••••••••••••••••••• helium balloon• Perfect BOAT SLIPS AVAILABLE: b•. sip• 12. Dally or wkly SINGLE GARAGE. In space, E. 17th St In :~r~x 7 ~no. Declawed: Over 20 Yll old. needed eccept trelnlng •nd want M·F, 858-6505. * .... ," btffH * tor •II OCCHlon1. OrHI ~~~ ~~ :::-~6;i s k I r • n t • t '. chuck Central Laguna Beach Costa Mesa, great vlsl· Vic t5111 & Selbo• NB Io r o o u n 1 • r work. to qulckly accept maJor S•'" Tllure. Noot 4th. e PM. for electlon. 873-,.410 8 4 2' • 4 8. • • ·,,om '9 .5•. (213)378·3908evs. neer Mein Beach.· bltlty & parking. 673·8t8'J 968·3428(11klorDary) ·rn"""sibllltlel, We're• Contentl of Antique ---------1 .... 645 3477 .. -.. llPPLllHT Woman1 Ski• & Boots, Mon-Fri. li•llll ti lhr• 43 $85/mo. 494·3044. • F 1 le bl & 111 lUOTllOAL HllllH heavlly regulated lndu· ehopa and werehouH Elecvlc Typewriter. --------•••••••••••••••••••••• RENT OR LEASE· Newly ound: L II eek w le EXPERIENCED. Petma· alry and wlll only Inter· flll llOIMI lr,om Miine. Mirrored Phone Anawerlng ~ •• SLIPS AVAIL. Huntington F 22·30 ahr 3 br, 2 ba •Pl EISlde CM, gerage ,for remodeled ho,,;e with puppy, Harbor & Baker nent po·'tlon. 26 yr -'d view peraons with proven Work PIT. 9 em • 2 pm, drneera, Hlboya w/mlr. c .. lne. From S25·S150. ,9H.80.r5b5!>5" ~.~7'7~.i. ~9• ' . . • St 645· 7234 . . ' zon ng, • I • c I r I c a I c o rac recor a. I r. or 4 pm • pm, with the • e oar a, cu Call 862·2747 P •• • a'• 0 • • 0 9' 7" on beech NB Frplc 25'' ttorage. $65, 187 E. 21st larye lot Comm'• I area. CM. 549.9794 .. "' I k d C II M 9 0 k Sid b d rved " .. .. .... .,. vv .,. pallor gerage. S285, let, · • ad to Newport Blvd. Found: black & white F 7l4/859•72oo · HIMI' It 141.()959 Lot AnQ.elet Tlme1 Cir· glut chlnu. oak wall ---------1 "" .. .. I a at & • • c . 8r11 n Olliff lt•l•I 440f 642-1334, 851-9889. kitten. South Huntington culatlon THm In tete· pJ\ones. Trunk1. com-Bird C1ge, 125, 1m1ll 213·431·3714 e73·15t9 •••••••••••••••••••••• Beach. Call 984·5184. Errand Person; apply In Need ..Diltlngullhec:t Retlr· phone Hlet. Earn an modes, Morris chalra. · •.1111.llll 0th~• & garage.$285/ o s I eel Gentlemen Muat be -WANTED: MOORING for SllM share Dani Point 2 1617 Whtclltt, N.B. 256 N;;, Balboa Bay Clumb alt. s · pe11on. KS Plumb ng · houri)' wage + comm. rockers, lots ol Vic and B 2 81 12651 o lat & to 4000 aq. It. tat. floor. C Sefvlce. Inc. 13802 Miii· •ble to work unrntrlcted Training provided. For Ber Harbor Wicker. Oak #•lltil • 75' BOOAT In NEWPORT '· , · m · Agent 541·5032 & oast Hwy 846-7641 l1t1Hlll S3SO on Ave. Westmlneter houra. Good Supple· detelle. Call (714) bdrm tel. Foldlng hi /.,lll•l•I• 'IOl3 HARB R 557-4°73 tut, ~ utlla. •93-0987. •••••••••••••••••••••• mental Income. Limo 540-0301 chelra, side secretarln. ••••••••••••••••-•••• Sllp.up to 22 It, ~or 25 vr old M nrof '""' 2 400·900 PLUS 1400 1q. ti. i.~.,,,,·,1 LlllA • YIOll'I IXHITIYI llOln&H Driving. 676·9800 preu beck ch•lr•. 4 loldlng B•lbOI ,..;;ve• ••"or F rmm""tas 2 t.28 to Penthouee Ba"'ront Sul· 9 p ti 5 ,... ...-... 2 Sa•~ y I u • • B ...,..., ..., 1 ' • l ~s-art· me, .. , ....-. 1 NURSES -poster beds, 2 diamond "'"'"H" ••• ,4,mp. Ar ... 73-1174 ahr most beautll\il twnh· le. parking. patios ••I• .. -PHOTO MODELS noon to SPM, but must JY MA~•ZllE dye ceb. Lg coffee grin· Head with • d°"bl~" se In Univ Pk. lrvlne. 613-t003 5750·~;.·2;&0;;·j~d~· ESCORTS/DANCERS be llexlble. Req1: SH ·RN'S & LVN'S WA aer. Lota of otd un Jnd PV apeak« cebl 11 loaf 1111111 .. 11 Poot & spa $250/mo. IESI 'SPACI 011 strlal. Office. 18101 Re-' UTCALL 24 HRS t O OW PM . I Y PI n II ltldl Iron toys. dotl carriage. In excellent con on. 27 fl·Sl7S.50 mo plua Dys 759·2878: eval Attractive rustic upstal,. dondo Clrcle. p & T 111...0201 65WPM. $7 .00 hr. 11 p M • l IM wheel berrow. Jtlck and $800obo. $175.50 deposit (S6.50 552-6310 setting. We aupply desk, Huntington. Beach. 675-3551 dya. Prolnalonal advertlalng ball fret work. bHketa 111...0lll, 1·tnl per It.) Ron Albrlght, _....,_ y 842 2834 * * * G •L FRto•y type posl· Shift Sales Peraon Earl) ex· and much more. Call • Mgr. Lido SllorH Hotel Roommtte wanted, 2 br. apace • .....,....... . ou sup-• "' " ~em I I o I • ... h & S95 tlon, I/time. must have • Y arge c mm •· Chartea for detan. llU I . a and Mttlna. 875-3483 -I~ be, $225 &~ ut1t1. p., P one, ,;,J pr mo Warettopse space. High lff fl p rl on, wortttll(I In •·pro-Larry Morgan Auction VJ• tf •r•1l111 • 631-3272. pr ctnk. Call 044-7211. door iccess. 4000 feel •• • I or background In peyables Small •lcOhotltm trHI· tected territory within t685 Toronto Way C.M. r..1 .... ,. IOl5 ,..,, Sl•i';.f• HH 4 br, 2 ba. washer, dryer, COatl M ... 1 i>t 2 room avail 642·5535. l(eren Open 24 hrs• day & recelvablea, payroll ment feclllty located In Orange County. Sell Dis· 714-556-9901 •• ;;'\.~"•••••••••••• •••••'••••• ••••••••• kitchen etc $20 ..._... •• , suite• From S75/mo 3200 Sq ft with •1c of 1 d•Y9 •week !!'*oo hhelr.pCfuel1.1.Ree51! '3eq79.d1.· ~ Beaeh llu mut· play Advertltlno lor TV Ollvettl 1550, all peper di) ORY SJ()R•G( • · ~ .. · · · · " • Jecunl. Sauna. Locals .., · .,... tlple opeolngs tor quell· Magazine, the nation'• li~r.,l•• · IO'•• copier. A1eume leue wt n $225 mo. 648-8386 aftCK Utlla lncld. 779 W. 1911'1 feces. Randolph St. C.M. Mission Viejo lor •nnt. ti,_.. RN' d LVN' ,. •• " 7 pm. St. 85t-8928 Sprinkled w/comm 11 well •• Tourlat1. ...... ..... •an •on largest local W9ekty pu.. ••• •••••••••••••••••• low down.• 14·851·8936 Monthly boat sto11ge, frontage 54&-1653 BankAmerlcard, Amer· GENERAL OFflCE the 11PM·7AM ahlft Bl· bllcatlon. Btnellt' prog-Ladles tO •peed bike In 1 •-i Wl any ,aue. 24 ttr MCUtfl)'I 2500 sq 11 condo wlvi.w llllTIFIL lcen Expreu, Olnera. All Veried dutter, typing, 11 n 9 u •I • k 1 I I• rem provided. Some excellent cond. S76, 328 _... lrM launcttlng of Back Bay, bHullful IEWNIT c1m1 s,.,,,. -4SSO welcome 714/845·3433. buay phone•. ecctl (Engll1h/Spanl1h) would P•rt·tlme •v•ll•ble. For 3rd St. corn of Orange. 27 lncheS l!.~3 Inches x llWPllT Hiii greenbelt & swimming WI h 1 1 ••••• •••••••••••••••• 2112 Harbor Bl. CM payable. Poaltlveattlt be• plus. lntervlewa, call (714) H.B. 72 lnchff.1"!50. 1• pools. Will accept 1 or 2 1 use 0 recept on. Storage Space 12' 11 18' neceHary. CM are•. can 859·8140 I••'•~,·., 875·3772 1. •1 .... lor Ir•• •dull• or I aclul1 w/chlld. oonl. room, kltcll, phone, 36" door. S70/mo. plus COEDS • Would love lo B 5•9 7172 This Is en 81C.oelllnt op-•• 144-0110 557·7883 Of 640.6339 HOreterlet & word pro-S70 sec. d1poalt. party w/you Call Sue or Mra. ryson .. • . • portunlty for lndMdualt llOlnUY P/TI.. •1,,/111 "'5 IBM SELECTRIC Typewrl· -------- ceealng. Mall & message 673-4154. l"ewport Kathy •nytlme. (213) General Interested In the phytlf:•I Newport Beech Sport• ••••••••••••••••••• .. • tCK. Good conc1. s295 or NEWPORT BEACH serv. avail. Mparatety If BeaGll 83 4 . 4 5 7 1 , ( 1 t 4 I and p1ycholog1ca1 Firm •eek• 011 Frldey MW llt/n, otr. 769-9553 T!f!.,...!t'.IJ!~ •••••••• Ladles only, evell nqw. desired. Call; Judy. · 527·7t88 JOBS* JOBS .. ..._.,,of 1Jcohol 1buM 18+ f 1 S I 645-9515 7t41760·0t00 MJittl'••H•I .......--or typ ng a tome Redwood 2118 decking. ecretar II c •• ,.,,, lfl• ,., ,, Exotic dance re lo and Its tr .. trneot. ln1er· driving. Moderlng •ICPe· 4·20' long; alao redWOOd Office DESK ; 1,.1 II~ ' Rmmt• to allr 3 br, 2 "b• 4001·8 Birch St. N.B. 440 .l1•l1l1 41SO 81chelofl Becllelorett Orange County'• lergest "'ed applic-ent1 •stiould rlence helpful but not fencing. Call Jim or Ken S200 •••••••••••••••••••••• hM, gerage. MeH Ver-sq. 11. s1.oo per eq 11. •••••••••••••••••••••• Partlee. 738·8538 0 direct marketing firm contact Gwry Muu at: neeeuary. 16.50/hr to anytime, 775-1491. SS2·0947 O&llNI lltEU de. C.M. 5"0.9481 Agent541·5032. 'FOR .RENJI, 558-8538 · ~;;v~~~~"i J;,,~ulf ~~~L .. v6 M .. g Fm I• ft• IHI lfflte .... a Ollalr WRANGLER. oood Cones. J ~~r:~:::~T~M. m~ ~I 2 bedroom, 2 baths & $14 400 11•/1••1111 H•nllY r;;.;•;o•:..ti1t:·r~ l 100obo. 831-otOe c~. Li~1:::0 apt w/M 648-312" stories l.n Twin Peek• • •v-wltf't leu 3 ndt good home. 4 "'°· MajOr r~d safe, model -.. --------. Full MrVlce. Keep your Like Arrowhead er«. ...., 11 t Y" •lock supply of food. 645-121& -4118. 23x26x58H. 350 11111#qclH/ -W~m. 2 be. 2 6verhHd low & prole.. to L.A. beaut . Intel ' br..,.eteoe expr. Full time , · d •Qr• e • Io r 1 hr, ltNflt1 IISf atory apt In CdM. Non-1lon11 lmege high. Pr• Hu bullHnt & ti~ace. ligent. 909hlatlceted Y"I JIU•I •••• ~.~ IMPU llW 9 to S. 1144-7040 •Ill tor F11n1hlt• .,_. 11700/obO. 831.()906_ •••••••••••••••••••••• 1mkr. SS50 per month atlglout w .. 1c:11lf ar• of • Arat, IU1 & dee>OeH ,.. ledy, '"k' flneno. .. • • &I.an ~le ••••••••••••••••••"Te Honda ·eo CMotOO, ucell. lnctudee ·ceble a phone. Newport Beectl. 881 0o-q u Lr e_d · C e.JJ ( 7 1 '4 I cure gentleman '°' ote =·· mftTAL S.Cret.,../ R_.,llorMet: ri ,__,llT, ... ., ..-... Im . M l con ct • uklng S 1100 '.ieleettlclty.Afler8pm vetOr.S1e.14,e31-3851 788·0288 or (714) rlllblerelallonahlp.Wrlt• EquelOppty~ -., _,.. ............ ._~..-... ••-•••••••••••••••••• 15t•t3N.,.6PM 72<>-0632 867-{)657 wee61day -Ad No. 731 c/O Delly Pl IMME HIRING M/F Non-amoklng, 1gor••· Mutt ralM Caetl. ' , .... m ,.,,., R 'kt lW. lrH F•r•. n1nos •11• e p.m. II no IOC. 330 w. Bay. P.O 8o NO EXPERINCE ~ :,W ~ ~Y Len-.. ,11Pr_lcee ",~~ _. AKC ~•mp40n llne. 811 #•lfr ••n, llh~ oom "' t prtvlle9H. Office. 650 •q fl, over an1wer. ptesse k••P 1580 Coei• M ... 9262f • ng m ,_., tomeo-... Twin' 177 ·F fo':'.:-':.ft.7... allots. 8 •k• Wiii hold 1-ur·-~ Ill Sec2~5:..'2'~'..~t t'"1. Nwpt n ..... t 1~ . .,IUV\ mo to mo '""ngl C•·• N" 3 1 30PM & ,.. who work• well with ""•• c rl "" •• •-" --vo 'V'' -..,.... .. ,. -'•-•••l IN SOME OEPTS, • -... " • : people, phone experien· o-S~47 • K.lllO I Tl7 ~tor h atmu 720..0l.1. •-•• ·~••• ••••••••• • or IM. 5S2·n30 eves •-(714) 648-4535 Plttme 3:30·7 :30PM. S I B9d 11~7 553-0&44. Rent. 28 motor home, UYE AT TIE IUU Office Bldg. New. add 1811,aeH/lnflf/ S.rrltn S314 Sunday • Wednnd9y FSmelr·,.';"1d•.v:..~1nr CM ~~~.~ .. 'r:" ~ Sol•~ 8 Lov.!.ts S247 AKC LhaN ... _..Puppies, •IP• !~!"!.'t110eded8 (P• .. ;) F ., •••••••••••••••••••• •• .. ~~ """'-V""'~ ...... em rmmate wanted to your own Improvements. 111•••t• IT Ylll llmOI Goll Shop, ••let & pur· po1lt1on. Selary. med Dtneette w/4 oh<• $97 mile & femele. $200 ahr Bal Isl hOme wl mom '780-7500 ft avail. 8Sc a ••••:••••••••••••••••• I 3 k OFFICE·GENEAAL. Int«· benelltt & lncentlvH. DISCOUNT FURNITURE S49-4223. A•ff •-~ .. ,, ,, ... , . & 2 teenlgef'S. 1285. utll It. 24a8 Newport Blvd: l•11•n1 Peraonal. qualthed oom chH ng. 2 hr• wee · n1lno position tor llert, Ll'1d• 7f4185Hi936. 1959 H1 bor 8Nd a _, .. ,,. -· pd Own b h 67S.9t42 0 " S005 P•nlon drivers for you SS SO per hr + comm. lntelllgent appllcant. r · AKC COcit« Spaniel Pup • kttH•rin Hll · at · C.M. 642·3490 l•Mrl••llP d d Contact Paul Dave or SECRET•RY/"'vECVTIVE Cotta Mes. 831·6609 • ............ ,. MI F. Lite butt •••••••••••••••••••••• aft 5 •••"".-;••••••'•••••••• •Y to •Y errand• Mlk ...... 2023• Good with numbere ,.. ""' .. -PAINT & 111 ......., k -~-------DHk Space, $200/mo. Great opportunity • un, Shopping. doctor'• • .. ..,.. Me~REGOR YACHT ASSISTANT. Food com-Select now S200/up • """'7 wor • Lux condo Harbor Ridge, Furnlahed. Utll's peld . lque direct deliv8f')' co apple, church, ate;. Al IWIMllllll -COlQ'. '1631 Placenfl•. modlty Mgenlzetlon In **' BtJY** 540-9444 ~ 't/t.11 ~ .. ~~J..°:338:t. to shr, stralght.S550 mo. Prestige Blflk Bldg, Easy loolli.ng fM special per. need• met By hour 0 Cost• Mes&. trvlne requlrH demon· Golden Retr~nlea, 752·9442 dya. 640·2434 Freeway AcceH. Mesa son (adll ... , .. exp) IOI day 494·5857. ~n:,~':'!~'',S:::C:,~: ---------• 1trated excellent olflce Good u~ Furniture & AKC . •hot•. s-foo European Mecllanlc ,., eves. Verde. 556-9250 eventual ownership, nc Sllll"' ... __ 1111 Beach. LoulM. 873-4186 I PllllO I end organlutlonal lkllls Appliances-OR 1 wlll ,Mii 557•9695 pairs EuropHn caret Shr lux condo 0, houH NEWPORT BEACH cuh fnvesttd. Npt Bel' -rn•-Fant11tlc Advertising & •blllty to work with or SELL for You ---------French Spkg. 991·1229 $285 tll 1811 security. Prlotale office 127Slup dletrlbution. fiespond tc Call now lor prolnslon .. lialrstyllst end Manicurist Promotion In proceH. people, Good opportu· IUITlll AIOTilll IJ1•11 I DtfUI IM _J_oh_n ______ _ 966-8479 or tte2•2449 Ans. service SSO/mo Pioneer Enterprises, G:T counHllng. No charge wented. 8u,py Shop. We hl'fe openings for 3 nlty with expended du-1 ..... 1111 1 ••• 1121 •••••••••••• ••••••••• MO 7141752 ,..08 Real Estate, 2915 Aedttll no obtlgallon. 850·102( Meu Verde Area. 1 quelllled people. FIT, to ties. 11000 to 11100 to -•• Compact Plano•• player I VW motor 1300cc. N. Laguna lu•ury houH. """" Ave.SteC-t07,C.M. 24hrs. month Free rent or teke phone orders for •tart wl grHt benefit•. I llY Fll-ll P5t1 ~0n0o .• 0gv901od100coron1d1• 12 vohsystem,Sl50. exclualve area. Separate Tired of crowded treewl'/ comm . 9 51 ·O8 O 8 , Almco Proc.alll(I. Min· Call 7141540·9848. ..... ., 645· t288 bdrm, bath, trplc, dining commutes Nor1h7 Would /arll,.,t•I ,.,.,,.,..,., 586-8814 lmum $200 ,._week al· S-retlry lH 957-8t33 673-8839 PARTING OUT '67 Fire· bird. Doors. trunk lld, side lender, front & bucket Malt, g•• tank. etc 6•2·4653. Steve $300 830 "" 8 •• ~.~.-. •••••••••• • •• ,...... ----------rm. . ....... . you like an olflc. •I the ~r..rtHi!f. SOI! •·'· W• '" 1100 IWI snUIT I e' t,., n Ing. c •II o .c Airport ,.,, •• Ad 6ft brown plaid sola llld• GULBRANSEN P1emle1 Roommate to ehare 2 beach t'h11 your lamlly •h ••••••• •••••••• •••T••••'-•••••••••••• 554.0444 lor llPPI. Some Ag1ney looklng tor , •·bed $75. M•ple dinette theatre Ofgan, 11tnt corid ..... lnCo .. coutduseO!l weell-ends PAYZ.ER019821nc.taH! Anaheim Ing MollvatedStytlatnMded P/Tpotltlonaalao. mature person 10 fill set . 4 c "atrs S76. $3200.760-0795 ""'1m apt 11' ....... " , vecatlon U!lll7 For: i'l refunds 1979·8<>-8· for Progreulve Salon. "•2-895 ... $200 mo Geo 11-42-8381 00., 11• 11 1 34 Open • Satar .. , Comm., v ...... Pert·llme. occaelonal poaltlon H •dmlnl1tr•· ...., .. Koh ..... G p · teasing Information call n pro • poten • , -1 ---------... rand tano, wal· The C1plstr1no Suri SSOK wrlte-ott Just SSO< HIRD WORKERS tlon Mgr. 540·8689 worl!era needed to UllSI 1 ve Hcretary. Ptolet.; French Canopy twin girts nut cabinet. S1200. Two bucket Mata, blk, ht Center. 681·8292 01 ctn. 638-9t t 1 n In malling, conference & t lonal attitude, lpP••· bdrm set, c.0111plete. 657-1868 beck. good cond, from 831-!iOS4 Secretarl•I. Oellvary. HAND IRONING: Person mHtlng pNparatton, ranee, pllone voice • $300. 846-4616 Schei-& Son 5•8 .. gr··.. Baja, 1150. 645·7611 s s s s s s s BINGO s s s s s s s Watch this column for places to play Bingo. This c olumn will appear each Monday. To place y our Bi ng o P arl o r ad call 642:5678, Cluslfled Ads. OoofS open 4'M. Eattyblrd sames statt 6:30f'M $6,000 CASH PRIZES ,., .. - -lo!• Of pert! .... Blessed Sacrament School 14146 So. Olve St., Westminster PR;IY 111160 at Our Lady of Fatima Church 105 La Esperanza San Clemente EYl'J ........ , lilllt Early Bird Speclal at'8:50 PM Free P11t11n I Coffie 1 ,,... IMtd c.d,,., ~ With INI M -hp. 1 M .. 2 St. C"""'111 's -BlllSOJ ~t! -~ 1t 7:1S .' . ---frtec.ftli lfln( CCMll •• &.a.-lellll ... .,., PUHU Wllltl Oen Oftloe, Gen Labor. to do hlltld Ironing, apeelal Pl'oiect• requiting muat. s11..-p general Of· ~ ..... Developer seeks linen 494-4044 minima! training we flee aklfl• required. 70 Victorian Walnut Spool Grend piano, I mo. old. Ill lllOll Olal partner to complete $11 000 need people Who can be wpm typing 656-0460, Bed. 8ed1teed. $350. mint. Muet Mil. Pct "900 For Ford, tncludlng air rental unit project Oooc ll•fl Ill.El -"on cell" In the O.C. Alk for Brittany. 9:30 . 1 iiiiiiii75i9i·i800iiiliiiiiiii u k • S 6 0 0 0 c •' h llnet. $35. 540-4063 casb flow projected w 1 t Leading retell« of audio Airport u11. Wege. _PM________ w......__ F King_,_ 720-0586 A•tn Ill S.1• most tax beneflll to fl Mu•t be w'llllng to be componentl •••king $5/hr. c .. to leeve your Secretety • Lt bkpg, p . ..,.,......, r--.. IA•llll lftAI •.111-.................... .. na~ pertner. 11.t•lnedl (714) 839·3992 •harp men a women. nMM Ind number for In perlenced 10 i1tlat ofc Wet«bed like. new. With .-IMPORTANT NOTICE 30 yr G.P.M .IA.R.M _l...;.2_4_H_our_a...;.I_____ Proleaalonal att.ltude end Interview tor future ... mngr In ptOC*tY momt new malt,_, MW tin«, obo, w/bencl'I 8'Jl..QQOE TO READERS ANO pennanen1 loen at 8~., Apt Mgr/Melnt.,,_ eppearence req. Exe.I. llgnment• at 54().H4e 0 f c . c 0 11. M.... new ,....., 1125 or beat Ylll&llA 1-ao ADVERTISERS available •• this time Couple ror 34 unit• In opportunity. Cell only PllOM Sollcltort needed 11000/mo NOfl smok«. ofter. SMS2..e974. Call af· CONSOLE ORGAN, 11111 The price of Item• ed· ApproJt. 550,000 requl Hunt Bctt. Send reeume Mon thru Fri, 101m to lmmedlatel~. no Hlllll(I 8"2.-4907 wkdys. ..,. 5gm. under wenanty, petfect vertlaec:t by veNcte ON· red Excellent return plui to lnvHI WH1 Mngt. apm. 2131"5-1$.43 lnvolv.d, will cell from $3100. 540·40&3 !era In the "9hlde cleal· l8Jt benefit• make this., P.O. Box 30480, Senta °"r Newpoft ••n•Y Cutt art •o BA autte, tied •dvenlaill(I cotumna exceptional opportunity Barbare, C• 93105 or Ho•I ...... R1glnea on nc.. no experience ,,.. LL -blk/gofd w/Trevet'lln• a11.. -~ dOH not Include •ny call 8051M7·t583 1he Weter, Newport Bd'I c:e11ary. Wm train. Fot Secre11rl11 poeltlon In top. 1750. 752·S7t8 •••••"•••••••••••••••• eppllcable tu•.~. Call Steve Anthe>ny Diaco, llve enterteln hOurt 3•9. Call~ ectlve Newpor1 C.nter ---------1982 Ski Naullque trenaler leH. finance 71~1953-8030 Apt Mgr C°"ple new 19 menl. 18 01 over, we 2_.. ete<tl-0119. AHl\or'1 offlC'e. Front Love-tend sofa·••· "2001 ... Only 38 hour• charget, 1 ... 1or 11r polo. llUL ElllTI Llllll fat. 2nd•. 3rda. 4th• .......... Tlwlft I L .. h111 FOUNTAIN VALLEY 964·8111 -=--------,,.,,,.,.,, ,,.,, llHl1 HJ. ••••••••••••••••••••• u . um.a .......... s "' ltll 2"' I nee 1941 Robt. Settler NH/C~ R E Broll« Bd AMM0t 842·2171 !Wf.091 WIOOW fiAS ISi tor TO' Al Loene. 101( Up N· Credi! Cfleek, No Pen ""' ~ & AMO< 873-7811 WllllMiUU Y0411 tit Of 2ftd TO'I Rich 94444t0 '°' Info .......... ,,; ,,,,,..,,; .. =tl..~fff'!. ..... Mmll!lllA'l .. IJ.t unit condo•. Coste train. A V«Y chotc. ---------office position requlr" cellen1. Orio cost 1698 Aleo heve • f97TF'"or-lutlon control dnlc• MHI 1350 credit to· ty for 1 Mlect few. REAL ESTATE SAl.E· good telephone vole•. Mii 1150. Ut-3123 mule 110 20 It ... llke certlllcetlont or dHlel' ward I 7 I 5 r • n l . 3333 W. Co•t Hwy. N.8. SMAN. Need 2 expe· typjog, ahortlland & IP-Olive gr.en 8' ~ NEW I C' 11 I 7 t 4 : documentary prep1re· 6A2·4907 wlldya. 4th floor 1bove th r~ people In corn· p .. rel)ce. ,_ .. , .. , .. , s~ COuch double • 842·2000 &. _.for Jim· lion ch erg ea uni• .. ARTISTY CONSULTAN'T Splndrll1er RHt. Btwn IMl'Clal i 11\duatrlal rHI eicperlence helpful but St30. 159•1997'. ' _my. Jr. Ir out, pl81H otllerwlae epeclfled by Exceptlonal •ncome Op-4PM..ePM Mon-Fri. Clltete for I auoottlM & not "'"°tlel. Prefer local ---------IHve mnsegel the edvet11Mt. portunlly .. 1 oolOf IN-Id Wiii run only one time, growtng llfm, Beet WOf· rHtdent. For ln1ervlew Sofa & lovMit, Nke MW, Oynellt Ski Boote, Size 121 --------- lyat, akin care end color think IUnO conditions In Nft.. 0 •" ~,. Duhl Y9f!Ow/grt19n flc)(ll. '27I Intermediate to Adven btlfNI/ coemetle contufttnt. P 0 r 1 8 • • c 11 · ..... , I. Tnter O.. pr. 494-424" ced. u• 1 ..... sea Clanin II• T eln...... IAA.C u HOUSECLEANERS. M 714/M e..5051• AHltOB . '°4 .. -4010 BABY CRIB sea &40·13CM •••••••••••• .. •••"••••••• r .. .., prov..._. noura wlmettr ... & '""rtnga ..... -A II ~~~':l:~:-Oell ( 714) ~1:1'!,!~W:,~1 ~111 AMI EMate 871·748t lr._1ll•f. '"41 f!!! w-•'Y teplloas~ plolcupe & Baby a111er needed for 1 yl old (Ql'endma 1)1)8) gd rel« H B. 141·~54 ~1-;~~r"*· ~=~~·:~~ .. c,i~~t~~u~ L~~~~~ oom· Attr•ctt"• 01 ... coif" • L.i:·aiiii'"1·r.a: .. , ~,~u!~(o:a~~.~"j/,t~ work, oo41ectlne 1~1nt piny, heevy phonee & table, Met., leg• 3•5ft. Ooubl•·b•rrtled 1hOI• A3093). Prioet ...,,"'Cl 11 d8t• for Grubb I. E1119. typing Shortlltnd or 1100 759-1552 gun. lleld grede, good •Y ..... ...,_. ..._ ,.q, c.11 ..,iv. ,.q'd MMwe. non •~ -... oond 11000. ~ •1r•11WW S I d 8 d" t MllleAllllll133-llOO emkr. Send r••ume & ----------..,.., 1 ur an en o • •••••••••••••••••••••• .. ......_ l' .... Al•IOI M1nlcurl1t nHded lor nHd• e 1uper "detll ~.._ ••••ry ttQulttment to. Fltltl)' r-.l•t•rtd Tho• ~~~ ... , ' buey 8elon. Richard oriented" 11o1.--. Ab'My to ,..,. 11e1vy PO Box 1008, NewPGf1 rOIJ9"bred, aeldlno. 12 -WI Ouellette, 200 Newport Mu1t 1pHk Enr.:I•"· P"OM traffic: In e PfO-BMch. CA HMO ~· 11 htne{a, wry wll-C~;;,j·~·;:;;;;;~ c.nter Dr N.B. 14/tlr Cllt Mlel ~. ,...._ """'* llMI'-m'Y/m..... Ing & 1:•nt1e. Alla. 1toraoe relrlg, undei .. IT .mil "97..un. Ext 119· llal. T)'pln9 H wpm, A.E 1)'nd1C1tlon/mgmt t3f.tOO • •N-471W MOO.,., ..... , ....,.., ...... .... ....... • ..._,...... ~ PflOM ... a.MU ..... . OperetOf lof Hunflngton Need• pert llm• penon 1,00 .. , ,!!.!!°' •",ma tor :enkepftont. Mtflt ............ _ ......... ; "'!ii ... ' HltboW .._,.. M .._,., Mttell "'°"9, a ao I -OOft f9Cllftf bOoatlffpln9. ,uU Of till ti 111811'l'8 ..... Alil& In Hlll119 Know4ed9e l::'llntMI =room ..C ....... ,,.,...... l40-el10 .,.,,/time Mutt ti. orge. Good oond. l40 •••••• ••••••••••~ b01t ,_, & OUt'"*d Pr•lef detftn ttudeftt -1 Jllll ... Airport --.eMd 111-7• llAUT.,UI. H " AC~ engine repelt': tletpfvl, 842•2255 ell, 1 pm F 1 ,...,,. & ~ ,_,.,. .lllN Color TV I >'r wrnty U /hr 10 ettrt,(213) 541-IMI "''~~·~ "*!ti to PO lo• e112, /!!'!.'n. ......... r..-.i 1 141 ,., .. d•ll11ery -271-2117 ..t1nllore wented. delleft· .. U11 I . H9wpOf1 leecfl HMO • '-' 3 Dlalftond Gold ~ =·· f4f.t1H llPl•lwanll/ CIMlte, ,......... 11-17 per -· •••• T ..... Altll'I to tldt Alllf. sarat.eoo1 -....... A-'-~ wm · "'. ,,.., .... "°'"' Cell • "" ,,...cilloOI. u • .,.,, --com......., 1a,...i.wi. Lo 417·5'01, .._,.,,..... ~ IMofl 1ew of· time. Cell btwn 1·130 GOid 1 ,... T,.. of Ufil .... lflB!ft. ,~ ..... Ap· ....._ ;;;,. y............ ...,.. Cfllrm '''°· ptr In s*aon lttWMn • .,.·~ du"'9 ~ 1Blfll• Jll-*IOt M PM. M" Ito•,..._ L-.. .....-.;'~ ..... taur1nt, 110I I K..... ~:· :=:".: 011ent 1, o,.~.;J f!U'llf.¥.ft ... IJll Ave. Antflelm ~...... per llr. c.11 ~ _,..,, !Nini~ .... '°'"' --Ill -..... PM 8144711 ~='-Oo1u1clT fl'lt: I ............ ,., "· --.o.p.,,....,-----1 ,IT, Qood ,.,, Orowttl &. .... leoretery f1 .. t 4lt ....,.._ COmpany. I IOottlona, 1rv1n1 , • .., ••• "'"' ~lll•ft C:o. len1flt1. Ape,!)' In _., ... ,._, .... • ,... ..... •••itt Perton. M9ltoCtr 1111. f1¥1Ctua1. T~ IO-IO Ce, prefu11e11a1 IMO ..... C.M. • ...... .., ........ ? ........ , ..... , ..... ~~i;~~~~~;: ~=:!f'ir.:~::.I ...,..,..... , ... """_, . ..,....._ ,_.., UIM._.'~li ~ ~;.;:....;.;~~--.;..;....~ THEODOIH ROBINS r ORC· • I ~ .... '" • I li\'' •..tf .\ • , '13 .......... QwftPIOft I ,_. o,e. Nlll'1'•r. N790. 11at-..t 7N .............. 19"t l"Ofd WOOfto/ W• gon. 11),000 ttlt "°'d Modal A To- I• d 1 n . 110 .000 97M111. ..... .... :::.:.:-:.:&,''... =·· .. , .. ,..,_, lntutHH, Aeoount• ec.., .. .,. f$! ~~i;!!jij;!~~]l~~i~i;ifii;.•:;; _JllJJlllc:"'l:.:!£:::"':i:::::~~~ ,...,....., .,_....,... ..., ..... . .,... llHl mu11e111tnt, tl!H tflef re• ., II Ut-llllO Ml•rt I ' .· .. ------- Oreng• Co••• DAILY PILOT/Monday, November 1, 1912 1980 CJl5, 4 cyt.MY9r off road. 315,000 ml l!iu:fll· lent cond $415-87.30 COMMEU CHEVROLET :--... ,... ~ I tr ., t ' r I \ " O \ 541>-1200 llllMYll I Top dollar• for Sport• , Cars. Bug1, C1mpara. 914°1, Audl'1 Alk for U/C MOR .lllUllM YILllWAIU 18711,Beech Blvd. HUNTINGTON BEACH 142·2• Wlml! Leta model Toyota•. Volvoe. Pickup• & Van1. call UI today! -ATLAS CHIYSUR.f'L YMOUTH 2929 Harbor Blvd .. Costa Mesa. Tel. 546-1934. 3 blocks soulh of San Diego Freeway ott Harbor Blvd. Complete body shop. Sales. Service. Perts. Service Dept. open . Monday thru Friday 7:30 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. and 8.A.M. to 5 P.M. on Saturday. J IEACH IMPOIO'S 848 Dov. Street. Newpor1 Beach. Tel 752-0900. Cell UI, we're the spec:lall1t1 for Alfa Romeo. P9ugeot, Saab & Maseratl. THIODOll IOllMS FOID Modern 111•s. MfVlce, Ptlf1S, body, pelnt & tire dept•. Competitive ratH on le ... & daily '*''-'-· 2080 Harbor llwd., Costa M .... 842-0010 or 54CHl211. MATCH THE NUMBERS OM THE MAP WITH THE NUMIERS IM THE BOXES • NIWPOIT DATSUN 888 Dove Street, Newport Beach. Tel. 833-1300. At the triangle of Jamboree, MacArthur & Brtstol behind Victoria Station. Sales, Service. LHlling & Pana. We make great deals I • MAHIS CAOILI.AC :leOO Harbor ijlvd . Costa Mesa Tel. 540-9100. Orange County s Largest Cadillac ~aler. Sales Service. Leas· i~. - • SADDLHACI IMW /SUIAIU 28402 Marguerite Pkwy • AY9/fY Ptcwy exit W. offer what no bank or IHM company can: 1 E11pertly 9'1ffed. most modern 1er111ce & part• dlQI . 2 One of the Southllt'td • most e11per1enced salel & , .. ,,~ stall. 3 Elimination of the middleman by lftllng dHI« direct 131·2040 Minion VlefO •~ • CHICIC IYHSOM POltSCHl-AUDl-YW 415 E Coa11 Hwy • Newpor1 Beech 813-0800 The only dealership In Orange County With theM thrH great "*" un~er one roofl • . ALAM MMIMOM POMTIAC.IUIAIU 2480 Harbor Blvd , Cotta Mela Tel. 549-4300. Salft, lefWlc., LeHlng. 'Mr 000dWNftch CUlllC AUTOMOIUI • • IOI LOMGrttl PONTIAC 13600 Beach Blvd . Westminster. Tel 892~1 Orange County s oldest and largest Pontiac dealership Safes. Service. Pans • DICIC MILLll PIAT/LANCIA ''Probably the IOwett priced Flats (n Southern Calllornla" (Located 1 mlle nonh of South Coast Plaza near Main St and Warr'lef Ave In Santa Ana.) 120 W. Warnef, Slnla Ana 557·2132 • SANTA AMA DATSUM 2001 E . 17th Strfft Santa Ane Tel 551H8t 1, Your· Ofjg1nal Dedicated Datsun DMler • MllACU MAZDA W.ve moved! Our new locebon ta 1425 &.lter Street, CO.ta Meta. Tel 545-3334 Stop by I. vtltt our rnoclefn ahowfoom and ... why we re the 11 Mazda deal• In louthern catlfornta Sal,t, Service. Par1t and L .. ng. •. CORMllR DeULLO CHIYllOLIT; ''°"'*" °'°"' ~· 1111 1 leldl IMI., Hunnngton leldl. New • Uled ..... L...ine • ~ • e.v4o9 eom. by end ... our ""'9 lftventoltl 147 ... 7 ..... , POR 'URtHIR IN,ORMATION, 6 OR TO II PLACID ON THll AO, CONTACT YO"fR DAILY. MGT RIP. COSTA MESA DATSUN . 2&45 Hart>or Blvd . Costa Mesa Tel 54~10. Serving Orange County for 16 years. 1 Mile So. 405 • • SUMSIT FOID. IMC. (Home of Wllhe the Whale~ 5440 Garden Grove Blvd., Westmln1ter Tel. ~10. • COMMIU. CHlftO&it 28U Harbor ltlld., Coate MIN. Ofer 12 .,_,. MMrlSI Orenge County! S••· leealng, .-vice. c.11 546-1100: ..-clal pert9 une. '48·1400. bodV ttlop line, 754-0400. .. • IOY CAIYM IOI.I.I IOYCNMW t540 JamborM Roed. Newport IMch IMOIH4 ....... S.Vtce. Petta And L ... lng. THI IRllll l:UIT· ClllT 1111111 MONDAY. NOVl:MUtH 1 '"HI I ORANGE COUNl Y. C ALIFORNIA 'l'> CENTS Heated .N~_wp.ort eouncil . race gets eyen hotter ' t • t 11 • a. I By STEVE MARBLE and JEFF ADLER Of ttie o~ "''°' 11eH T he expen sive and he ated Newport Beach City Council race between Mayor Jackie Heather and challenger David Grant has erupted in a name-calhfli contest with each candidate issuing last- mmute mailers and newspaper ads. In a letter to regi ster ed Republicans in Newport Beach. Heather claimed he r oppnent switched his party afrrliallon from Democrat to Re publican 11 shortly after jumping Into thu council race. The l e tter , sign ed b y Assemblywoman Muriun Bergeson and Congressman Robert Badham, ask11 fellow Republicans to support Heather. The le tter poses a question about Grant's party switch: "Was that political opportunism or a change in phil060phy?'' Grant , in a full -page newspaper ad, fired back at the mayor, claiming Heathe r is "running scaTed " and is attempting to inject pa,rtisan politics in a non-partisan contest. He said It ls raise that h e swltehed h12' pprty afflliatiUfl afl('r taking a cftywidc poll and retQrted that Heather's mention of his wife also switching parties represents "mud-ahnging or th~ lowest caliber." In a second healed Newport Beach council race, a large development firm has sent oul s 11 c k ma i 1 er s c 1 aim I n.g Councilman Payl Humme l believes government and- busine5s can not ~k togethet. The mailer wa1$• paid for by the Koll Co., a Newport-based development firm. Hummel, <.·hallcngt'd by Bill Agee, sent out u large poster-size mailer assetting his oppcmcnt is a crony of big bualness. NewpQrt Hcach vot.crs rt>ceived w~kend mailers Crom Citizens for a Better Newport, urging residents to support the Banning Ranch development by voting "no" on Measure N. The mailer said the measure will kill a plan to provide a new ire station 1n West Newport and ·quicker paramedic response tlme. The development requires lt\e . builder to provide a site for a fire station if a need Is determined but would leuv<> 75 pt'rt.'\.•nt oC thc- fundlng up to taxpaye!'ll. • Th<• mailer uJs<> stated the measure would destroy plun11 tor · $300,000 In revenue to the Newport-Mesa Unified School District. Last minute mailers -so- caJled "hit pieces" -also were received by many voters residing i n the 43rd Congress ional Qatrict. the 32nd state Senate District and the 58th District. • Re publican Johnnie Creart drew the ire o r his write -in opponent 'in the 43rd congressional district race for two mailings, one which compared Crean's position on the !Hues wllh Lhose of write-In candidate Ron Packard and another which compar ed the Republican'• stand s with those o f h ie Democratic opponent Roy ''Pat" Archer. Packard claimed the Crean moiling distorted his position on many issues, but he conceded the malling was n ot the kind Qf p<•tsonality-oriented "hit piece'' used by Crean during lhe · primary campaign. "'It wus unfactual and dldo'b (See NEWPORT, .Page At) Retarded 'good neighbors' in FV A Sutton Home resident loads dishes in the dishwasher as part of his chores. By GLENN SCOTT Of Ille OeHJ Not llaff The green house with the basketball hoop mounted on its garage at 17831 Bay St. in· Fountain Valley could yse a lawn rrowing. Its thick grass is healthy but shaggy, like several other lawns In this middle class suburban neighborhood. The unit looks as if it might house lhe typical Orange Coast family, if there is such a thing. You know, working parents, a couple of teenagers who never l'JU.M a high school football game. A dog and a cat and a parakeet. But this house, like three · others planned for Irvine, does not conform to the stereotype. It houses six autistic young men aged 17 to 24 years old and a married, couple 28, who both serve as live-in care supervisors. Sutton Extended Care Services of OrangC-County owns the title o f the l}.puse. Its monthly p\yments, supplies and salaries of its supervisors are paid mostly through state stipends for the r e tarded , according to AJice Coyne, Sutton program director. that state guidelines a llowing such houses violated the ci ty's zoning ordinances. Sutton won that legal balUe. Today, neighbors living near the green house with the basketball hoop on the garage say they're pleased because the home fits into their neighborhood just fine. "We've never h eard or an lnclden( over there as long as they've been there," said Sonja Dominguez, whose family lives across the street from the Sutton Home. Said Ro George, who Jives with her family two doors down from the home: "We don't have much CQntact with them aJ all. really. We see the boys out front · but they are no problem." Has the house caused property values to dip in the neighborhood? Sutton President Derek Loft clairT\'i houses In the neighborhood that sold for $10:>,- 000 in 1980 are listed from $140,· 000 to $150,000 today. "Personally, I don't think It has affected property values," said Fra nk Dominguez. "I wouldn't hesitate to mention It to a buyer of a house because it (the Sutton home) is so quiet." Indeed, Coyn e n't>tes that autistic people tend to b e withdrawn and private. Other types of the developme ntally disabled are usually not as low- key. although each person jg different. She said Sutton's residents are carefully watched. T he homes are set up. ah In Irvine, me mbers o f two homeowners' associations have filed a joint lawsuit intended to keep Sutton from buying homes there to use in similar f.ashi}n for the mentally retarded. They argue not on humanitarian grounds but on legal issues, c laiming the homes don't conform to residential standards established by association regulations. -added. to help residents become more independent and learn how to take care of themselves and a h ome. "Our pro.gram is the Ir they let ln the Sutton bomes, say members or the Greentree and Deerfield associations, it will open the floodg-ate to otb,eL_ facilities that don't fit' in their neighborhood. Almost th e same argument occurred in F ountain Valley t hree ~ea r s ago. The City Co unc il, urged by n earby residents, filed a lawsuit claiming home," she said. As t h ey would in Irvine. residents in the Bay Street home leave for school or job training programs around 9 a .m . and . re turn in the mid-a.flernoon. They are scheduled to clean up. the house bet\veen 4:30 and 5:30 p.m. LB mulls pet shelter fund By STEVE MITCHELL ()("the Delly PMot le.ff If Laguna Beach intends to keep its pro-life animal services program intact, it's going to have to pour more money into the once-volunteer project. And City Council members face the task Tuesday of deciding if they want to dip into the city's r~rve fund to come up with the $6,400 needed to keep the program -and four-footed tenants or the sheller -alive and well. That's the amou nt City Manager Ken Frank says it wiU take to keep the program going through the rest of the fiscal year, which el'.\(is next June. A decision by the council was made necessary after members of the Pet Responllihillty Committee voted last month to. discontinue its volunteer program at the city shelter ln Laguna Canyon. Citing a "deterioration of the relations hip between the pet group and city administrators," the organization tossed in the towel in early October. The five-member panel said it . could no longer cope with what il termed a continuing struggle with city officials over the.,. opera t io n of th e c ity a n ima ( shelter. Efforts to settle diffe re nces between t~ ·~rnm1ue-e-and cfty officials failed later last month and Laguna now faces the prospect of losing It pro-life· program unl~ss a substantial amount of city money Is poured into the program. N--M third, sixth graders score high By J ODI CADENHE~D Of'" .. 0.-, .... ...., Third and sixth grade studen ts in the Newport-Men U nlfleq School District have ecored above expectatJons for the district on the California Aa1e11ment Pro«run \elts, offidals said. Th e t e 1 ts m e a 1 u r I n g ~Jd ncy In reading, written and mathemliUcs-were gt e 1t 1pring to third and sixth arade 1tudent1. Re1ult1 were rel-.d last week. Readln1 1core1 for third 1radera dropped 1ll1htly from last year. Mathematic. acore1 lner a d while written ...,,...... IL'IOl'9 Nlmlned the ..... 1e all t .. ted. areH, third ' graders were ranked above the IO--c8lled comparison 1eore band, which la used by the state to measure the dlattlct'a ,expected range of 1co~es based on the economic a n d educatio nal backaround of penmta. Oi1trictwlde, third 1 radera 1COred 298 points In rudlna, with the expeded IC.'Ore band ranci"I Crom 289-289; 298 In written lan1uage, wlth the lt'Ore band rar\11n1 frun 270-288; and 299 bl . matnematb, with the ICOre band r8lllina tram 288·290. Jfo jierwntile n,u.. ranklna lhe ecores on a lta~ .,.. were available, d'8trict offidaJI Mid. CIM TDl'ING, ,_. At > ' The P e l Responsibility Committee, which was active at the shelter for more than eight years, provided much more than volunteers to help find homer for pets. The organization sponsored a rabies clinic, raised funds for medical supplies, neutered or spayed all animals, and made costly repairs to the city animal facilities. With the PRC stepping out of the picture, It will be up to the city to fund those projects. Frank will ask the council Tuesday to r eclassify t h e s h e lter's full -time k ennel attenda nt to the position o f shelter manager. . He also suggests hiring a n additional part-time k ennel attendant, continuing the life. oriented concept of the shelter. Frank said the PRC will continue the neuter and spay program, but will now pick up only half the tab for that service. Coats for medical s upplies. repairs to the ~ding. and other eervices wtll now have to be paid by the city. Frank said lhe CoeL would be S6.400. If the council is to approve the expenditure, It will take four affirmative votes. The $6,400 would have to come from the city'• reMrve fund, which had dropped to below 10 percent of the city buqet. Council policy requires a four-fifths vote to dip lnto reserves w hen they (all below 10 percent of the budpt. Followln1 la an abridged cou ncil a1enda for Tue1day'1 meeunc. which belina at 8 p.m. In council chamberl, ~5 Foreet Ave.: -Comen• CUencW: .... New,.~ ...... °' ·1......, ...... ~ .......... """ ,,, .... dMslon • "t~ta:, ~Dl!!L Clll AftlMAL, pqe Al) ' Alexander Ha ig _ Pean claims Al Haig was 'D eep Throat ' NEW YORK (AP) -Former White HOUie Counael John Dean ys Alexander M. Haig Jr. has be the "Deep Throat" of alerlate fame, but the forrntt \llry of state dilmlues the notJon u "absurd." H ai g denred b e ing th e mysterious 1our~ or many explosive Wuhln1ton Poat 1torie1 about the acandal that toppled Praidont Nixon. But Dean, in hi• new book, alleaet that Haig WU U1'1IOnl the few people -who knew enouah about the Inner machina\lon1 Of t he Nixon admlnlatratlon to provide reliable information, a«'Ot'dlna to a 110ry ln thf.t Nov. 9 ialue of Time mapz!ne. Even Time Cl\*doned Dean's clalrn, In part ••UM' of "the lnh•rent lmplaualbUOy or th~ ulara·dlplfled and lnatantly r•co1nlaabl• Hail 1kulkln1 around Waahln1ton 1•ra1•• .... .., ...... t •.m." '\ o..,,...,...._..,c._...~ Frank and Sonja Dominguez say Sutton Home residents in Fountain Valley a re good neighbors. one day a week. they work in \M yard. On Thursday, the kitchen was spotless, not a dish in the sink or a plate left on a counter. "We have a lot of help," said Tim Boydstun, who serves with wife Martha as live-in supervisors. The Boydstuns are the kind of ''parents" Sutton wants, said. Coyne. T im said he majored in special educational training in college and formerly ran another small re~i-dential h ome. He considers himself a teacher. Coyne remembers when the Bay Street home began three year s :rg"O."-Nefgbbors were talking about comparisons to half-way houses for drug aeuscrs. After a delay of a few months, however, Sutton moved into the house. "I would say we had a four or five-month period when people , were n ervou s and asking questions," she said. "But. once .we became established, the whole ~hing blew over," Sutton o ffi c ials h ave a commitment from the federal governmen t for a 40-year, S515,- 000 Joan with 9 percent interest to move into the three houses in Irvin~. two in Greentree and one in Deerfield. Allen Wallace, one of the organization 's la wyers, saip officials intend to proceed by. closing escrow for the houses soon, Meanwhile. attorneys' plan to go to court this week to have the h omeowne r s' lawsuit dismissed, he added. He claimed the residents have no basis for arguing that the home doesn't meet residential standards. (See HOMES, Page A5). . "' Frontier shatters 588-rnile harrier By FREDERICK SCHOEMEHL Of'" Ille o.., Not ..... - As takeoffs from. John Wayne Alrport go, it was pretty routine. The DC-9 Super 80 bearing the Fron tier Airlines logo rolled down the runway, lifted off and soon was Jost in it cloud. Yet the takeoff at 8:15 a.m. Sunday morning was a historic orie. It marked the first time a jet has been permitted to Cly to a destination more than 588 miles from Orange County. The Frontier flight, carrying 79 passengers, traveled non-stop to Denver. 850 miles away. Frontier won· a federal court order in August barring Orange Cou nty government from enforcing a rule prohibiting flights to ~tinations more than 588 mile, from the airport. The so-called perimeter rule was designed, county officials claimed. to keep John Wayne Airport a ".•horl hau." air transportation facility. County officials a1ao lnsilted a r e lation1hlp exists between t.akeolr nol.e and the dbtance a At Your S.rvice 83 Cavalcade 82 o .. mec1 04.9 Comics 02 Convnunlty Ncwa A3·A7 Cromword 02 Otath Noli<.9 04 ldUorial M lnter\alnrnen\ . Dl Horolwpe D2 jetliner travels, because more fuel must be placed on board aircra ft traveling longer distances. More weight boost:; takeoff noise, t h e count y contended . Frontier, on t he other hand. maintained that it can carry extra fuel and still remain within not.- standards set by the1count}'. The airport's noise monitoring system will determine Frontier'• success in complying with lhoae . standards. "This is pretty exciting," commented Howa rd Schatz, Frontier's Orange County station' manager, as he watched the white jetliner with the red and · orange stripes lift off. Passengers on the Inaugural , non-stop Denver flight were treated t o a c hampagne breakfast. Almost everything went amoolhly. The fiJsht, 1eheduled to de ptart a\ 8 a.m ., left It minutes late, due to an air traffic· contro l backup at Denver's Stapleton Airport. Ann Landen 82 MOYtes Dl National New• A3 Oranp County A3.A7 PubUc No\lcel D4 Sporta Cl-4 Stock Market• C8 Televlllon DS ,,.....,. DI W•ther AJ I I I , :~------------------------------------..-.--------------'"' ! NEWPORT R ACE ... f tell the truth," saJd Packard One Hoyc'e mulhng include1 1.1 J :rhe malling louched on lhe pollcP mug s h ol ot Haydl•n l two candidates positions on apparently taken some yeara ago. Proposition 10, the gun control Barbaro has denied throughout . lnltiaUve, Jnd Proposition 12, the the campaign having any I nuclear freeze measure. as well connection with Hayden or the aa several others. c·a m pa I i n f o r E c o n o m I c 1 Crean responded that the Democracy. 'mailer was not distorting On the other hand, Royce is Pa~kard's po.sl tion, but. was accusing Barbaro of mailings that trymg .to pin hun down on i ues distort hls position on several 1 on which he has taken varying Issues. including Social Security stands. and funding for public education. Archer also accused the The 32nd district race, which Republican nominee of taking his covers Westminster, Garden I poaltlons out of context. . Grove, Stanton and Orange plus The mailings were sent to parts of Anaheim, Fullerton. I voters residing in the two-county Santa Ana, Fountain Valley and f ~ongressional district, which . Hunlingto~ Beach, has been -I takes In parts of south Orange marked by charges anq oounter- County and nohh San Diego cha rges between. the two County. candidates throughout tlie fall In the 32nd state Senate campaign. District race, both Democrat "- Frank Barbaro and Re publican A maile r u sing the same Edward Royce were on bolb the Hayden photograph was malled · f sending and receiving end of to voters in the 58th Assembly mailers over the last few days. District, claiming Democrat I Royce has focused in his recent Patricia Springer is tied to I mailings on Barbaro's purported Hayden-Fonda and the· CED ; ties to Tom Hayden, Jane Fonda organization. The mailer was sent l and the couple's Campaign for b y incu mbe nt Re-publican : F.conomic Oemocra,·y. Assemblyman Dennis Brown. ' ' ·-ANIMAL S HELTER. ·· . , ~ ~ e. Adopt rHoluuon lor construcllon •• iarllneee lecilltles In INine Cove. 7. &tend Improvement dHdllne tor land dM9'on I« prope<ty on P•llcan drive. 8. Apc>row • vertanc. at 697 Mystic Way. 9. Approve modifications fOf Vllleg• Fair .con_.lion to com~ comdominlumL J 10. A'pprove propoHI tor architectural ·~tor City Hall and Fire Department lmpre>voementL 11. Conduct lntwvlews IOf appoinunent to ,$ef\!Of Cftlno Committee. i:t Contlder ellmlnatlng one-way rHtrlctlon 1rf 500 block ol Ramone Drive. 13. Consider retirement contrect fll'*ldment. ''' 14. Consider N lety Improvements at South CoN1 HIQhway end MountMI Roed. 15. Anfmel ahelter operations., US. Fiiiing ol Clty Tr-rer pol4tlon. 17. Consider parking meter Iner-and meter time limits. 18 Funding eroded areu 11ue to October tire on Lewellyn Oriw. 19. Appeal hearing of dulgn review decision al 6-48 Cany0n View Ori~. 20. Appeal ol board of adjustment oen1a1 at 1540 CSlmeli1• St. 21. ~'*" 10 move.,.. of Arel\ 8Nch lrom drainage cour" ,mep. • 22. Cpnalder •PP••I ol requnt for en1ertalnment at Erle'• Rett111.1rant 23. Consider letttf oppotlng 1renspor1 ol r.OIOectlve wu1e 1hrough Orengtt Count). .Pioneer in Laguna . Marie· Taylor d..e ad Marie Taylor, a Laguna Beach .resident for more than a half- century, died Saturday at .the ,Laguna Gardens Convalescent iHospital. She was 85. ~Memorial services will be held Tuesday at I p.m. at Pacific View ~emorial Park in Corona det" • roar. • • The pioneer Lagunan was born in Clausen, Idaho, Jan. IO. ! 1897. She later married Lynn :Taylor and moved with him to !Jackson, Wyo .. where her !husband built bridges. I ! The couple moved to Laguna ;Beach in 1927. Lynn Taylor did odd jobs to get the family through the Depression. Marie Taylor r eared t he couple's two ·children while her husband built h is own construction compan y into a sizeable operation. Her husband and a daMghter preceded her in death . She Is survived by daughter Marilyn Schmitz ·of Laguna Beach; brother-in-law Karl Teget, Payette, Idaho; sister Nell Walton of Hemet; and brother George Fairchilds of Boron. She is also survived by six grandchildren and three great- grandchildren. • C~unty forecasts _ 66 o/o vote turnout. By JEFF ADLER O( .... DaMfHe41Wf About tlO pt•n:t'nl of Or1&nge County'• l ,02 l.286 rt>gl11teort•d volt'nl nrt• t•)(pl'l'lt.'d to v111ll tho p<>lls bt-tWl'\'n 7 u m. 1md 8 p.m. T u aduy oa Cullfornlon• coat ballot• that will t•le>ct u OC'W aiovcrnor. U S. acmotor ond o h<>1t or other otlicehold<'n. 71 JK'l't' •nt turrwd out. thttrt ha1 ht•t•n un unu1uully l..Mck of lnWrl'tlt wlll r('tlult lo har110 nunilwr of vown; "f>plylni many r<'til11troni. 1U1yin" hum<'. for ub~Nllt>tl ballol1 th 11 yt•ar h«' aaid llowl•Vl'r, hl• u1 trlbuu•d thl· Ol11on ad~ lw dOOll not pion lur"1.,.r vo)umt· lO 111•w gu1dchnl.,, to «tvltl> h f• 66 pcrt't'r\t turnout that mak£1 It cn11lt•r to obwtn liUl'h prediction dc11plte th • fuel that llulloui. regl1tr1&ra In ll'V\•ro l othrr ttuulstrotloni. for Tuc•1day' California l..'Oun\lu, Including Los l'lt><:llon ruUt>cts on lncroa1w ot Aflit'IH, haavt.• lncrN1ll'd thl'ir more than B.000 voters oltt•r the turnout predlctlon11 In n •cl'nt total rt'glati'rcd in Hl80. 0 yl'ar In Orange <.:ounty Reglslrar of Vottira Al Olt10n's voter turno\,lt prediction ls based on hls belief rhat Interest it\ thls year's election Is not so great as that in 1980 when 78 percent ot those reeistered voted or In 1978 when day~: whlcti a prt•sld<'nt was being • Nonethele111, Olson said, "1 (•lt'C'tCd.• Checkup for candy wouldn't be surprlaed H we • Republicans still hold lhe passed 1l (his prediction)." regl1trotlon cdgt> in Orange T.he county'• top f'lectlun County with 47.6 pc!rcont o f all official also pointed out that voters claiming aUeglancc to ~he AP Wlrepholo Dr. Bernard Neff examines a n X-ray of Halloween candy in Hamrnontown, N .J ., a Rachel Stratt, 4, watches. Th e kids got the X-ray as a souvenir. -. A ifuiet, ·trick-free Halloween This yea r 's Halloween festivities may go down as the most subdued since children donned costumes ancr went door to door in s~r'ch of goodies decades ago. , With one exception, poli~e officials throughout Orange County reported a quiet night of trick-or-treating. Authorities-said an eerie stillness hung ~over many neighborhoods as a result of fears ~enerated by the recent Tylenol poisonings and other tampering of foods and over- the-counter drugs. "It was extremely slow," said Fountain Valle~li~ Lt. Carl Lawrence. "It · percent short of last year. It's ·'probably oecause of the candy scare." Police as well as residen ts along the Orange Coast r~~led a similar absence of little ghosts and goblins walking the streets for candy and other treats. Parents also appeared an greaLer numbers t~is year accompanying their children, police said. The generally peacei ul ~ Halloween, however, was marred by one ca nd y adulteration reported at the Brea Mall Police said a sewir.g needle was found in a pi~ of candy t'Ollected by a a-year-old girl as. part of the s hopping center's annual festivities. The needle was discovered when the child's father, Richard Montes. 35, examined each piece of candy when his daughter. Barbara, re.turned. home. Brea Police Lt. Bill Lentini said officials could not t.race the candy to a specific store or person and Lh e incide nt was under investigation. Rupubllean ~art y f''lnul rt·al1tr1ttJon n.iur«1 11howt'd 4Bff. l(~~ ~pie hod r~·al•u·rl'd with tlw GOP Dumocra.u comprltt> •o pcn.;:r)t of 1.-ounty t'lt'l'\Oralt• with 413,226 pc-oplti rt•flhttt•rt'd . lk'lid<'s hx:al council ell.<eLlona In Newport. Beuch und Coatu Meaa and referendums o n lmportltnt iuues In Huntlngwn Beach and Fount 1n Valley. voters alona tht.-Orange Coast will ·be elecllng a full slat~ ol sta tl' cons.ti tu llona l ofClccra, rcprc1entat1ves in Congreu, Aul'mbty members and, In 1.-ertaln areas. a state sc..nator. Wilson, Bradley . . front • • 1n SkN PRANCISCO (AP) - San Diego Mayor Pete Wilson held a five-point lead over Gov. Edmund Brown Jr., according to a California poll released today. the last day of campaigning for the U.S. Senate candidates;. "Los Ange l es M ayor and Democr.tt Tom Bradley w.as seven pOints ahead of Attorney General George Oeukmejian, his Republican challenger in the governor's race, in the same poll, completed Sunday afternoon undet Mervin Field's dir~tions. Field noted that if less th~ 20 percent of eligible minotity voters turn out Tuesday, the o utcome in t h e e lection for governor could be quite cldse - with It Bradley loss a distinct possibility. • The telephone poll, which began Friday. also involved ~me statewide propositions on. the ballot. The poll on ballot measures found the following~ -Proposition 15, on gun control. was favored by 39 percent and opposed by 54. -For the first time, a California poll found the oi;>~ition to Proposi\ion 11. the bill requiring deposits on soft- drink containers. ahead, 47 to 44 percent. A month ago. Field noted. proponents were leading by 2 points. -The nuclear freeze initiative, Propo&ition 12 l~. 47 to 40 percen t. Lasl mo1nh. supporters hit a 24-point lead .. _ Winds decrease from 15 to 30 mph-• expected TUMday mainly ,_,. the Colo<edo Al...., Valley S\Jn<ldy October 31 •Temperato .. 1e!> A1e A,erd ·eo Snow~ Flumesl!:!J Coasta l 'T epiperaturei POINT CONCEPTION TO THE MEXIC,.N BORDER ANO OUT 60 MILES -Outer waters: Mostly nof'l"-t wln<ll 8 to 18 knots wfth 3 10 5 loot HU, decreasing tonight. E~ .. Light vllrlable wtnda 1onlght and Tuudey ••c:ec>t IOUlttw.t 10 -t 8 to 16 knoll TuHday afternoon. Chance of local n0<1heut iWlnds 15 to 20 knots below canyons tonight and i:uuday, mainly from Santa Monica 10 Ventura. Wind waves 1 to 2 feet today Soutttw.1 awetJ 1 to 2 feet. CIHr skies 1hrough Tundey. .U.S. sununary Tt1under1howers 'and ahowera aprNO OV9r much ol the Mldwut and Sout'-t early todey. while .... -· partly cloudy OV9r much of tM Wat. Thundershowers developed acrou low• lnlo lhe aoulhern G,..t l.akaa. Silo-• ateo -• ecattereo ecroea the OhlO Valley Into New York a1a1e. Ught r..,,.,_. alao lingered "'* tM c:anlrel Rocky Mountalnl, whlle thundershowers were ecallered OWf Ille aoutheutern comer of IM United Stal ... Partly CloVd)' ...... ~evatled 0¥9' moet o1 the w .. t. Scattered ahowera and ltlundel~• -• forecu1 f0t later today 011•r lh• lower and INcf.MI•= Valley and,_ and mid • Aetn111ower1 were upec1ed ecroae IM GrMI 1.ak .. and north Allanttc etataa. • mht1ur• of trlOW and rain wea predicted In MOflt-. and lll09tly aunny 1111 .. -• toreca11 In the Southwell Ind Ille PaolWc Nortl!Wftt. Tamperal\na Wound the netlon It I a.111. EST ranoeo from 28 In ~ N.D-. to 80 In W.I Plllm leedl,Fla. California NATlON Albany Albuquerque Amwlllo Ancl\OfeQe AaheYllle Atlant• Atlantic City Austin Baltlmol"• BOllnga Blnnlngh•m Bu1marck fl.:>!~ Boat on 8'ownsvt1e Buffalo Bur1lngton Cuper Cherleelon. S.C cnan.aton. w v. Cherjolle, N C. Cheyenne Chicago Cincinnati Cleveland Columbia, s c COIUmbut OallH·Ft Worth Oeyton OenYer Das Molnee O.trolt Oulu1h El Puo Faltbanl(t Fargo Flaga1•ff GrMI Fant HartfOfd Helent Honolukl ~on lndlenapoil9 Jllcilaon, Mita. Jllciltonvllle "'-~Clty Knox~te LMVeqee ~OUlavtlle lubl>OCk MernplWs Miami MllwMM Mpte..lt,Paul NMt\¥1111 Nw Otttene Nw YOf!l lfoutllern CeHfornl•'• w .. 1her tnould be letr through Tueeday wltll aunnler, warmer day1 end 101N niountllln Ind dlMrt wlrlda, .... ......._. Weett*..,.... ~ Hltllt In loa A119e1 .. w•re _.... In Ille upper 0e Tueadev wttfl .... at 91. Coe1111 vettey .......... ~to raftla lfOlll I N"• • wltll IOW9 fl-om 41IO67 • ..-wlnde ,,.,., 19 10 ti mph ,.....,,, "'~ ... Mould ~ ....... to ....... '°"' from Hwlllt'C' ,.... • ~-=..~ ..... "°"' :::-•• ...::. J9tty :. ..... ,..... end' tlnd ... ~ ..... ...,.., ... =~,.., ==·==='::. ,~ ...... , 72 50· TO '35 75 40 03 -03 72 32 74 50 63 54 83 eo 71 3a 50 33 78 se 54 23 49 40 . --72 47 90 89 eo 50 ea 55 NOt1olll 50 41 78 55 North Platte 69 52 Olllahom• City 73 40 Omet\41 58 38 Ortafldo 87 50 Philadelphia Pll09nlx 89 40 Plttt~ 63 <la Port , Ma. 7~ 3"'1 Port lend, Ore. ... 41 PrOYldefloe eo 63 =h eo 45 City !It 34 Reno 87 50 Rldlmond ... 38 Sall ~a 48 2t 79 42 San Antonio S.ttle -o4 -08 Stir~ 53 22 Sioux Fiiia 58 25 St. Louis 5S 21 SI. Pet•Tampe 70 '42 St Si. Marie 62 24 Spotulne ~ 72 S\'f~ 1 ea TotMll!a eo 31 Tucson 82 eo Tulu 82 58 WaehlflttOll ..... 41 Wlehlt• .. 52 73 « CAL#OMllA . ee 49 Baktftflald .... Eureu 82 ... WlnCaa* 71 17 • LOI Angelaa 11 11 p-Aolllel 70 41 "' =.::: ,.. City 11 51 Aeno 13 .. 8actllll'llnt0 70 82 SalnM 1~ 14ft. 14 ll 1". ...... ..• "· , •• ft. 05 fi 12 " 87 72 73 54 ... 10 74 43 eo 27 78 47 le ..... .. ... .. ..a 83 52 ea 45 16 37 .. 40 70 4~ 73 3 57 3<I 43 3t 75 42 51 48 82 82 51 38 74 8J se 2t 117 ... 82 87 eo 48 43 27 • 49 • AO 13 47 72 50 74 ... 71 62 ~ 47 38 II .. 4 44 41 17 43 41 J Sa11 OleQo 73 eo San FraneltCO 70 53 Sant• Barbara eo 47 Stoei!ton &4 43 'ANAMIMCA ..... ... ~ to 11 .. 70 lafmud• 11 70 Bogota ea Curacao ee 75 Freepoft ea 72 Ouad!NJtr• 84 52 Gu~ 88 72 Hav1111e ... 72 Klngtton '90 77 Monlego Bay 88 73 Mazatlan to 72 Merida 88 • Mexico City 15 48 Moflttfrey 84 ee ..__ 84 70 I a.n Juell, p R. .. 75 It ThornM ee 711 ,Smog Wllare to call (ton lrMI IOI' llt9at~: Ormnga l""' ....... LOI Angel.. ounty: (100) 142-40ll .._..Md IM 8111•dli10 OOUllllel: CIOOt 111~710 AQMD .,..._ Center1 (IOO) 141 ....... CAMADA 47 20 47 IS •1 81 .. 41 47 17 IO d ., . ... " ":::f Extended .. . : weather ee Tlfllll!t .,...,_ T.,.._ Oller .. ....... .... ti toll It M INI.......... "' r.,..aet !ft 1119 IOa wttfl IOWI ~'"--~-- • lllltl CfllltCI •• ··;;.r;t' ... .... a.a"""' . l.8111 I 14 ein : Low Tldl, Ml, .............. Ute I? ...... ~Pl .... . • • • • T he quality of Own Make in tropifal weight suits The man who pr~fcrs a lightweight suiting dur- ing these months can s till find a handsome selection at Brooks Brothers. They feature the fine craftsmanship of our tailors and the crcase- rcsistance of a su~rb polyester-and-worsted blend. In distinctive solids, stripes and Glenur- quhart plaids. Coat, vest and trousers. $380 7b ''"''-°f u Rronll1 Bro1lttr1 rll11r11 111pl1c1111art, plti!rtt 10/1.frtt I 600·l41·/00()i • HTAILISM•D 1111 - .. . , Orange Coaat DAILY Pll..OT/Monday, November 1, 1982 • NATION ca~11111/l1wp1~111cb ~~~~~~~~--~~~ .. Tylenol f ugitiv , .. ~etter focu • CHICAGO (AP) A INtt•t purporlt'<.lly i.igned by u mun thargro with 1•xtor11on In till' Tylenol poisonings h us lei.I investlgatoni ont•t• uguin tu com·critratt> thl•ir sc1u·t.·h for the fuglllvc 1n New York City. The le tter. signed "Roh1•r1 Ric hardson ." a n alias for Jllmes W. Lt.•was. was pnntt.'<l tn S unday's t'ditions of tht• Chicago Tribune It bore a New York postmark. In th e l'Yll'SSaRl'. earch "Rl<.•hardson" dt•nil•u thut t•ltht.•r lw or his wtf(• )Yf'r1• lnvulwd m tht• t'yunidt•·IOt.'<'<.I ~>< 1, ,, ~, ,.,,n flt h T rlonnl pwMJnin(!Cs that k1ll~·t. ~t·vcn ptlUpll• m tht• Chlt:ugo nr<'u o month u~o. A sou rct• dost.• to the> investigation. who did not want to be ident1f1 ed, said FBI finger print experts had determined that th<> letter "certainly was" written by Lt.1wis. Nuke death figures upped WASH lNGTON (AP) A .new study concludes that an at·t:ident at a nuclear powt•r plant cont.-c1vably c:o uld l'aUsl' more than 100,000 deaths and $300 billion damage. in eertain places. The Was hington Post report('(! today. • The Post said th<>st• f1gur<'s were-arrived at in a study conducted for the Nuclear Regul;Hory Commission by Sandia National Laboratories Th<.• Post called the s tudy "the m os t d<'Lail e d governme nt s tud y o f potential consequences o f accidents at atomic po w er plan ts." The e lection at a glance WAS HINGTON (AP) - America votes on Tuesday. Here is what 1s involv1.'<i: Cong r ess Voters will e lect the n a ti o n's 9Ht h Congress. to take office next January.· Senators: Elections in 33 s tates for seats in volving .pne-th1rd of the U.S. Senate. The seats now are held by 19 Democra ts, 13 Re pubht'ans and one indcpend~nt who is retiring from Qff1C'e . Republicans currently control the Senate 54-45-1 House of Representatives: WORLD ~ Thert~ wlll be only 425 House races in 49 states on Tuesday, because Louesiana already has elected its eight members and two Georgia races have been delayed until la ter in the month . The o utgoi ng 'Congress has 241 Democrats, 192 Republicans e nd two vacancies. Governors: Elections in 36 states. The 1982 lineup ts 27 D e mo c r a t s a nd 23 Republicans. Of seats up f¢r e lectio n Tuesday. 20 are occupied by Democrats; Mi by Republicans. ·Pope honors St. Teresa A VILA , S pain (AP) - Pope John Paul U, saying he was honoring "the spiritual teachers of my inner life." celeprated Mass to.day for more than 100,000 faithful and prayed to the Spanish mystic St. T eresa and he r mentor. Praying at the base of A vi l a's 11th ce ntu r y ba ttle ments, the ponti ff _ formally ended a year -long commemoration of .the death of St. Teresa. who founded 17 . Carmelite monasteries across S pain and becam e-one of Catholicism's mos t revered figures. El ·Salvador towns seized SAN S ALVADOR. El S a lvador (AP) L e ftist guerrillas have seized 20 small towns 1n northern El Salvador near the Honduran border and killed or woundecl 403 government soldiers m their 20-day-old nationwide offensive. the rebels' Radio Venceremos daimed. Th e ca s ualty t ota l STATE broadcast by the clandestine statio n S unday was more than d o ub le that acknowledged by the Defense · Ministry since the offensive began OC't. 10. Radio Venceremos said tne rebels also ca ptured 119 government troops, but later released all of them. It did not say why the prsoners were freed . Fire leap kills 1, hurts I LOS ANGELES (AP) - Arson investigators today were probing a week e nd apartment house fire that. killed a man and criucally injured a woman who jumped from the top floor and which le ft 185 people homeless. firefighters said. Nine other people-werP sent to hos pitals a ft e r Sunday's fire. induding a man who suffered rope burns during evacuation o f the five-story brick building at. lngraham and Witner streets. west of d ownto wn l..os Angeles. The dead man, whose name was not released, landed on h is head. The w oman. identified as .r;>ominga Castro, 24 , broke both feet and fractured several vertebrae. Debate on .. road plan set 018'.'USSlon OVt•r tht> t.'XlNlSion of Randolph Avt.'nut• In Co11 tn t.-fo11u h1 expct•tt•d to gcnt•l'Jlh' 'ilomc oppuslllun wht•n the city t'Ouncil m<'<'L'l tonight. Ho nH•ownl•rs living near Bristol StrcN a nd J:>aularino A venue s uc t·c•t•dl'd several rnon ths ago an convincing the t'Ouneil to take another look al the proposed l'Xt.ension of the road between Baker Street and Pnularmo. 4 L ast month the Planning Commi!.S1on voted to uphold the 1978 decision to construc t the slrcN. saying ll will improve traffic c•·ulatlon in the area. But homeowners in the area have protested that the through street will wind up du+iping more traffic on J:>aularino, located south of S<>uth Coast Plaza. - ' Cons t ruc tion o f Randolph Avenue will Increase traffic on . Paularino from 6,200 to 6,825 vehicles u day. according to city,. reports U <.'Omplctcd, the road \\'OUld serve reside nts living in the Pentridgc Cove condominiums, a 14-umt apartment complex and a future 20-unit condominium project. So far. about 62 percent of the property needed to finish the road has been ac-quircd and much o f th e pr om i se d s tr eet improvements installed. Ano the r alternative under study 1s the Installation of a cul- de-sac on Randolph Avenue that would direct traffic back to Baker StrPet. A third 'alternative calls .for Randolph Street ~-romplel~ with a narrow right-of-way to eliminate street parking. The council will meet at 6:30 at 77 Fair Dr iv<'. Newport teen dies in crash An 18-year-old Newport Beach man died early Sunday morning after his t'ar went out of control o n Ne wport Boulevard and plunged dow n a 75 -foot embankment Police said K ent T orbi t ·Rowland was northbound on Newport Boulevard north of Pacific Coast Highway when his pickup truck s uddenly veered across the center divider. The vehicle then turned back onto the no r.ihbound lanes and overturned as it went down -a hill. police said. R ow land appa re ntly was ej4.'Cted through the windshield and was crushed by the vehicle as it rolled over, ·police said. +le was taken to Hoag Memorial H ospital where he die d of massive head injuries at about 2 a.m. Two passengers in his pickup were uninjured. The accident is under invest.J~ation. ' . r I Bridge work shifting into place . Con/jtruclion is continuing on a $1.3 million bridge panning the, antu Ana River at Talhel'~ Avenu,e in Fountain Valley, which becomes MacArthur Boule.Jard in Costa Mesa. When completed m six 10 eight months, the sp an will car.a·y 12,000 vehicle daily, w ith two traffic lanes in ea ch direction. Meapwhile, motori ts crossing the river must detour about o ne mile no.-th to la ter Avenue ( egcrstrom Avenue in Costa Mesa ) .. ·. I I Newport B~y cleanup finished The ranal truc:ktoad of silt .;;; B nd as connected to· the lower bay to be hauled fro m the top reaches by a river. of the Upper Newport Bay ~oday. The $4.7 million public works marking an IJ'ld to the largest e ffort, funded mostly by statc and most e xpensive cleanup money. 1s viewed as a sigrul1cant project in the historv of the bay. firs t step toward -getting the an eye on the project, said a s tudy will. be released this mol)l outlining second-step aJternatives for stemming the fl ow of silt in~ the bay upper bay to look more like a More than 500,000 cubic yards bay He sa id th ere are f1 \/e alternauvcs including a plan to..; build silt-catch basms at the foot of lhe Santa Ana Mountains anp a set'on d to expa nd on the dredging in the bay it.self. of s tl t and debris have p een Jn addition to dredge work. the ~'OOped from the bay. returning project involved installing si lt udal action ).o an area that has catch basins along a stretch of the been bone-dry for'"l"rt!arly t-0--San Diego Creek, the bay's main years. · waterway. The basins, designed Public h earin gs will tfe t'Onducted on the alternates. •: At high tide ocean water now to catch the larger p ieces of covers 50 acr~ of land near the debr is, will be clean ed a nd Jamboree Road bridge. To the maintained by Orange County casua l o bserver. the acreage government crews. Assemblywoman Maria'1 Bergcson, R-Newporl Beach, said she would be willing to se~ additional state funds for t alternative tha t eventually st'! ectc>d. resembles a large pond that Don Simpson . a con s ultant. grows and, shrinks with the tide hired by Newport Beach to keep Grand Jury Opposes Prop.13~ THE ORANGE COUNTY Grand Jury opposes Proposition 13, the water resources initiative on Tuesday's ballot. In a brief statement. jurors concluded that "~ thoulth the measure contains $0me good proposals. the end result will be detrimental to the people of Orange County and the State of California." The measure calls for mandatory water conservation-orogram. and protection of groundwater b3-sins in areas where the basins are being overdrawn. Orange County is not one of those areas. The Grand Jury functions as a watchdog of government and occasionally makes statements on issues that members believe affect the public interest. * * * THE RE ARE GOING to be a lot of dummies in county schools starting -this ~e.ek, but not because educational standards are Clropptng. The American Heart Association has donated mannequins (or Instruction in cardiopulmonary resuscitation to 14 school districts. The CPR mannequins were accepted by county oHictals Thursday. The American Red Cross is offering free Instruction to )Hehers who want to become CPR instructors in the schools also. Orange Coast school districts participating in the program are the Ne wport-Mesa Unified. Irvine Unified. Fountain Valley, Huntington Beach City. Seal Beach and the Capistrano- COUNTY DllilST HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS from across the county will be able to get a look at Chapman College in Orange during fall Campus Visitation -Day Nov. 11 ' •• The event. which starts at 8: 15 a .m., 1s d esigned to s how stude nts oppo rtunities 1 available at the C'ollege and the school's atmosphere. • AQmiss1ons interviews, campus tours , financial aid seminars and scllolarshlp auditions for music and drama will be among activities offered. •• For further information call 997-6711. * * * MORE THAN 12,000 members of the Order; -o~~e Eastern Star arc expected to attend the order's four-day convention at the Anaheim • Convention Center. Members from across the county and from 16 other nations are expected for the gathering,' which is both a business and social meeting Cor the Masonic affiliate. The ~convention will climax Wednesday at ' Disneyland when characters .from \.he Magic Kingdom greet top officers and me mbers of the group. The Order of the Eastern Star, with about 3 million members. is the largest grQUp or its kind .' in the world. LA gets 'R eagan Ranch ' Laguna Beach Regional Occupational Program. Need ride to vote?~==========;;;:;~==============~ -:.I LOS ANGELES (AP) - The "R eagan Ranches" springing up across the nalion in protest of the president's economic policies hit his home state over the weekend as protesters camped out in tents outside' a g overn m c n t building. Th e nat io nal effo rt. coo rdinat e d by t h e Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, ts auned at dramatizing what ACORN calls the ne w depression cau s ed by Reagan's budget cuts. The Citizen's Ac tio n League. ACORN's California aCfil iate, e rect ed 18 tents outside the Federal Building In Wes t Los Angeles on Sunday to symbolize the H ooverville shanty towns that housed the h o me less during the Depression, Call your Realtor The Newport Harbor-Costa Mesa Bo~rd of Realtors 1s offering free rides to the polls· on electio.p day Tuesday, but you'll have {o check Sun~'s Daily Pilot Cor participating Realtor$. Those needing transpor tation should call any office listed in the ad on Page A3 of Sunday's edilion. A story in Sunday's reaJ est.ate section incorrectly advised voters to contact their nearest real estate oHlce. We1re Listening •••. Wh at do you li ke about the Dall y Pilot" What don't you like? \ Call the number at left and your mnaa.ge wUJ be recorded, transcribed and delivered to the appropriate editor. 642·6086 The same 24 -hour answertng service may be used to record let- ters lo the editor on a ny topic Mailbox contri butors must Include their name a nd telephone number ror verirlcation No cfrculatlon calls,'please Tell us what's on your mind. ORANGE COAST Daily,ilat Thomcu P. Haley Publ,.n.r ond Cl>;tf f•teu""' Off1Ce1 Jane Amari fltl(ul1vt fd.IO< L Kay Schult& Vice r1ttid""' arid OwtclOr ol Ad¥tthttf19 • Raymond Maclean C01111olltt MichMIP. H.rvey OwtctO< ol Motl .. "'9 ICwcwiottOnl Kenneth N. Gedd•d Jt. 0..te:IOt' ol 0.-llloOM ,I ClaHlfted edwertl..,. 11._.a.1111 All olMf depe"'"'9t1 Ml-tll1 MAIN OPt'ICI UIWffl '-t4 ,C .. •MaN, CA M.111 -... IMl,C• .. -CA ..... ,..,, ....... Or .... c ................ '- H• -tWlft. INllllr .. 1.,,, ""9rMI mtntr fllf .. ....... _.. .. ,.... -'" ·~-... ._ ~ .. , ....,,.. ... "~...,,.,... _,. •I Kn\ UR.cl a.!>pu: io l ly ibr al>'1l4e<Z. , 100~ 1ambe'WOO\ v-nczcl< ~ 100~ 'M:lOl ehiztiend. cnz.wna.ck e'W'l2el4r.e funy faeh,onzd.1n a snzat eala.c:tion or color.a 44 Faahlon l.JQnd • ~" &«h • 71f16'f .50JI 1~11 W.-.twfJOd Slud. • w..uood Vlllo!lf' • 113 M-3173 ' r I ; J ' ! ' : I . L I I t I I, .. .. \ • ' . Or•n • Co11t DAILY PILOT /Monda , N emb9r 1, 1912 -Johnnie Crean: A million;..dol4!_r -eampaign? If Republic an candldatt• Johnnie Crean had set out to win the Orange Coaat conareulonal 1pendlng 1weep1take1 thia election y ear, h e could be declared the winner riaht now. For that mat~r. Crean could , even be declared the top apender In the national s pe nd i ng aweepatakee as well. · w llh the F ederal Elt.!ctlo n Commlulon. hBli lpt"nt hi• $948,- 750 whll contribution• have totalt'<i only $21* 1,24~. H IR re po rt Indicates the as-year-old mllllonalre travel- t r a 1 l e r manufactu rer h as oblig a ted h imself for loans totaling $718,094. 1L1C11011 82 , Reduc tio n political a ction committee: and $1 ,000 from the chairman of the Coleman Co • ol Wic hita, Kanaaa, m a ke r s of co mpe n and oth er outdoor equipment. Crsfan'a Democratic opponent in the 43rd diJtrlct ,conteat, Roy "Pat" Archer, reported spending $1 9.276 over the course of the 730 available In cuh on hand ot tht' dOllU of th~ rcporlini period. Ut!mocrot Paul Htut.•m 1rn. Badham'11 oppont•n t, re ported apendlna S7.364 over the c.'Our'iC -of the campaign on contributions totallna S6.636. At the cloae o ( the quarterly spending ·period, Hu.emal') said he had $862 in C4M1h available to the eampalgn. : · In the 42nd Congre11ional Dlstrlc:t race, Inc umbe nt R e publican Dan Lungre n ropork.id apt>nding S140,102 !IQ far this year. Lu~.l{r<'n'1 quarterly rl•port l.O the ~'l.OC •hows he rt><:clwd $83,· 67Y In contributions and had $23.210 In cash on hand at the cl08C of thC' reporting ~rlod. Hie Oc mocrat1t• o ppone nt Jamell Spellman, on th<' other hand, reported contribuuon41 t o taling $13 ,3 69 a n ~ expcnctlt11rM1 of $9,946. Q('t.'Ording to hla laletlt report, covering the rx•rlod ootwt.oen Oct. l and Ot·t l :4. Spt!llman aald he had U .423 ava1lablt' to the campaJ1n In cuh at the c:IOS<· of the period. Th e apr a wl l na 4:lnd Congrc111onal District Includes large portions of Los Anaeloa County, such as parts of Torrance and Long Beach. ai well u Seal B eac h and p o rtion s of Huntington Beach In Orange County. But whether the $940,750 the cand i date I n th e 4 3 rd Congressional District reported spending 10 far ln h is first polillcal bid will help him win the congressional seat he has set hls sights upon is another matter. One that won't be resolved until sometime early Wednesday morning whe n final v o te tabulations in the two-county district are completed. Also, the Crean camp,.ign report& having o)lly $1,22 l' available In cash on hand for the closing days of the campnlgn. Howeve r . the candidate has hosted several fundraisers since the report was filed. campaign on contribution• of • •17.818. liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~~iiil.iiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Contributors to the C rean camPjUgn, according to the FEC re port eovering the p~rlod between Oct. 1 and Oct. 13, show t h e Re publican c andidate receive d $5 ,000 fro m the· Republican National Commit~ $5,000 from the American Tax Arch er said he had $1,516 Paid AdverUMment available In cash and aebts of Crean, according to his latest campaign finance re port filed . HOMES FOR RETARDED From Page A 1 • • $2,974 . Write-in candidate Ron Packard, the thlrd contender in the topsy-turvy race, reported expenditures totaling sn:a16 on contributions that totaled $94.- 566 . • Packard said he had $27,252 available· in cash and debts that totaled $6,604. • The reapportioned 43rd district includes south Orange County Members of the Dominguez their property values. and much of north San Diego family say they were in favor of Ro George said she and her; County. lOcating the Sutton home in their husband were ready to draw the In ·the 40th Congressional neighborhood from tl\e moment line if half-way houses or other District, which takes In NewporL they heard of the plans,They programs that might endanger Beach , Costa~eaa , Irvine. even inVited all families in their· their children had been proposed. Laguna Beach a nd parts of tract to an open house to discu~ But she said that the Sutton Huntington Beach, incumbent the matter and to learn about Y 0 u t h s a r e n o d a n ge r Re publican Robert Bad ham autism. whatsoever. indicated he had spent $36,230 so Only about 10 people showed "I'd rather have those people far on his re-election effort. u p , F r a n k D o m i n g u e z there than noisy teenagers who Badharn's quarterly report to VOTE FOR . -- l.._.__c_·. E_D_WA_R_D ~''E_D._'' _WO_L_FE_)XJ .. . ·- IEWPORT BUCH CODICIL ·-3rd DISTRICT * REAL EST ATE APPRAISER *. BUSINESSMAN . * DISTINGUISHED NAVY RECORD ONLY TRUE INDEPENDENT REPRESENTING YOUR INTEREST AT HIS OWN: EXPENSE remembers. Yet the City Council throw beer bottles," she said. the FEC, covering July 1 through chambe rs were jammed days "And beside5, we want to help. Sept. 30, also_sbowed h e had Paid for by friends of Ed Wolfe, 2006 later with neighbors worried It's not enough to say it: you have received contributions totaling Nautilus Ln .. Newport Beach 92663 ~ _abo __ u_t _th_e_ir_c_h_il_d_re_n_'s_sa __ fe_ty __ an_d ____ to_d_o_i_t._" __________________ $_5_1,_79_9_._H_e_re_po __ rte:t ___ h_av_l_ng __ $6_8_,·_-~ .. lllilll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l!!!!!!!I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ • ,I .· Proposition 11 istoog tobelieVe, ·so don't. ·. Some nice people are telling you things that aren't -really true. ._ The people benind Prepositi on 11 say that it will solve our litter problem. Yet, beverage containers are ., only 5% of urban waste in California. The oth er 95% is newspapers, food packaging, and all the ot her junk that our society produces each day. Proposition 11 would do nothing a~ut fast food wrappings, old tires, discarded newspapers, and other" trash on our roadside. _ They don't tell you that California already recycles over 60% of all aluminum cans. In places like Sacra- mento, the rccyding rate is at 8S<K. And don't forget the SOO million bottles C4lifomians recycled last year. • ,..._ __ Proposition II would do little-or nothing-to increase total recycling in our state. But it would cripple the 900 self-supporting rccyc-lina centen tlat exist in Califomta today. Most of these centers would be driven out of business, because con- tainers would be removed frym recycling centers and returned to grocery stores. ~hat's ano&her problem. The backrooms of grocery stQres are not the right place to store garbage. Sanitation complaints reported by the Michigan Food Inspection Division increased by 142% in the first year after their law passed. It has been a nightmare for consumers and food stous. PROPOSITION 11 WOULD MAKE YOU PAY THROUGH THE NOSE. The cost of handling 11 billion returned containers each year would seriously increase food costs. And these costs are passed to consumers. , That's what has happened in lhe six slates With a Forced ~ii Law. Pric:n hive esalated 11 much u # _,1 • $1.44 a case for beverages, 121Y£$1 .20 for deposits. ( · I I I l f I ' . ' ' • , : -I . • i • • , I r I i Ii .. ,_ I i Proposition 11 requires a "hidden tax" of a 20'1- handling charge for all deposits. In fact, the total bill for California consumers would be $300 million a yea4 accordi ng to the Center for Economic Research. . It doesn't seem like a good deal for consumers. I Proposition 11 is an expensive and poorly written la" that would penalize all Californians because of the bad manners of a few people. · I Vote no on Prop. n ltjust doesn 't make seme . .. * Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/MonClay, November 1, 1982 . . . • . . L.. I I . • --CONC.ERNED Cl·TIZENS ·for . . _ .... DAVID · C. GRANT C>ear ~eighbor, ) . . · M~s. Heat.her ·is -runnin·g scared ... and Well ·she should · for she is· up against an .hon·~st, l n··telligent, hard-working professional who has convincingly bested her on every ·major issue facing our City. So, recently, in a style rem.iniscent of Boss Tweed days, she and her crontes haye stooped to· "mud-slingin·g" tactics in an attempt to influence · back the supP,ort David Grant has measurably garnered due . , . to his· result-oriented approach-anc;t ideas. · - l .. •• # -. · lncredul.ously, Heath~r has, in. this non-partisan race, even resorted to partisan-political innuendos which · ·are TOTALLY FALSE AND fy11SLEADING .. As proud as David is -. . to be .a Republican, he ~nows party-politics has no place in .. this race. · --- If. you care about the iss~es and your City, and if yoJ..i .. really want something constructive accomplished in the next four years, then please join us in voting for Davia Grant -he is in it 'for Results, not the glamour. · · · . ....._ •· . . -~~~~~J M .0 ~~~~ Ill · . .. · . A'L ... ,. _. ·. /J . .d -j~ Robert and Sheri Best ~LA/ L ~-Dr. Robert and Barbara Amstadter · 'IH~REAL 'ISSUES- Unbiased Voting and Our Cit~' 1 Polltlcal Reform Act '. Supports , . • • Concerning Malor Campaign Contrlliutori • Increasing the Newport Beach City Po~lce Budget Supports \ • o ·pposed .. • . I . . . __ ,. ~-------- • .. . THI 111111 Cllll Clllllfllll ITll:D MONUA Y. NOVl MUI II I 1•11:.' OHANGf CUUNl Y CAI IFORNIA :.>~ CENTS Heated NeWpOrt coµncjl _ race gets· eVe~ hotter By STEVE MARBLE and JEFF ADLER . Of tM Dell' Hot ll•H, The expensive and heated Newport Beach City Council race between Mayor Jackie Heather and challenger David Grant has erupted in.a nilme-c@Uing contest with each candidate issuing last- minute mailers and newspaper ads. In a le tte r to r e gi s"te r e d Republicans i-n Newpor1.._13e_a~h. Heather claimed her oppnent switched his party affiliation from Democrat to Republican shortl.Y alter jumping into the ~unc1l race. . Th e l e tt e r , ,s i gne d b y A s s e mbl y w o man Marian Be rgeson and Congressman Robert Badhjlm, aska fellow Republicans to supP,S>rt Heather. The letter. poses a ~uestion about Grant's party awiich: "Was that political OP{>?rtunism or a change in philoeophl?" Gr a n t_, i n a u.J l -p a g e n~wspaper ad, fired back at the mayor, claiming Heather ·is "running s cared " and i S" attempting to inject partisan politics in a non-partisan contest. He said It ls false that p(• switc:hed his party affiliahon after taking a citywide poll and retorted that Heather's mention of his Wife also switching parties represents "mud-slinging of the lowest caliber." In a second heated Newport Beach council race, a tar~ development firm has sent 01.1t s li c k mail e r s c la i ming Counc ilman Paul Hummel beli ~v e s gover nment and ,business can not'~ork together. The mailer was paid for by the Koll Co., a Newpo rt-based development firm. Hummel, challenged by Bill Agee, sent out a large poster-size mailer asserting his opponent Is a crony of big business. Newport Beach voters re<.-elved weekend mailers from Citizens for a Better Newport, urging residents to support the Banning Ranch development by voting "no" on Measure N. The mailer said the measure will ki}l a plan to provide a new fire statjon in West Newport and quicker paramedic response time. ·The development requires the builder to provide a site for a flre station if a need is determined but would leave 7f) percent of the funding up to taxpayers. The mailer also s\a ted the measure would destroy plans for $300,000 in r evenue to the Newport-~esa Unified Schop! Distric t. Last minute mailers -so• called "hit pieces" -also were. rec..-eived by many voters residing in th e 43rd Congre ssional District, the 32nd state Senate District and the 58th District. Republican J ohnnie Crean drew the ire of his write -in "o pp o n e nt 'in th e 43rd congressional district race fo~ two ma ilings. one which compared Cr~an's position on the issuea · with those. of write-in candidaie Ron Packard and another which compar~d the Republican'• s tands with t·hose of h I• Democratic qpponent Ay "Pat" Archer. Packard claimed the Crean mailing distorted h is position ·on , many Issues, but he conceded the mailing was n'ot the kind of personalfty-oriented '"hit plece1' u sed b y Crea·n dµ'ring (he primarr campaign. ~ "It was unfactual and didn'( (See NEWPORT, Page A%) Re_tarded 'g0od neighbors' in Fv ·· A Sutton Home resident loads dishes in the dishwasher as part ofrus c ores.- ~GLENN SCOTT that state guidelines allowing ttie Deli, Piiot le.ft such tlouses violated the city's The green hoUSf with the zoning ordinances. · basketball hoop mounted on its Sutton won that legal battle. &a rage at 17831 Bay St. In Today, neighbors living near the F"ountain Valley could use ~ lawn green house witi'\ the basketball mowing. hoop on the garage say they'.re Its thick grass ls healthy but ·pleased because the home fits shaggy, like several other lawns into their neighborhood just fine. in this middle class suburban "We've neve r heard of an neighborhood. Incident ov er there as long as_ The ·unit looks as if ·it might they've been there," said Sonja ' house the typical Orange Coast Dominguez, whose family lives family, if there is such a thing. across the street from the Sutton You know, working parents, a Home. couple of teenager$ who never Said Ro George. who lives miss. a high school football game. with her f.,Uly two doors down A dog and a cat and·a parakeet. from the· home: "We don't have But this house, like three . much contact with them at all, others planned for Irvine, does ·really. We see,the boys out front not conform to.the stereoty~. lt 'but tfiey as;e no problem." houses six autistic young men Has the house caused property agetl 17 to 24 years -old and a v a 1 u e s-t 0 d i p i n t h e married, couple 28. who both · hbo hood? S p 'd serve as tive-irr care supervtSO· rs.' neag r . utton rest ent Derek Loft claims houses in the Sutton Extendedli,;are Services neighborhw>d that sold for $105,- , of Or-ange-Coun4:'. owns th~ title 000 in 1980 are listed from $140,- o( tbe h ouse, Its monthly 000 tO Si50,000 today. payments, supplies and salaries "P-ersonally. I don't think it of its supervisors are paid mostl)'. has alfected property values," through state stipends for the said Frank Do minguez. "I retarded, according to Alice wouldn't hesitate to mention it to Coyne, Sutton program director, a buyer of a house because it (the In Irvine, me mbers of two Sutton home)-is so quiet." homeowners' associations have Indeed , Coyn e notes that filed a joint lawsuit intended to autistic people te nd to b e keep Sutton from buying homes withdrawn and private. Other there to use ln similar fashion for t~pes of the developmentally the mentally retarded. They disabled are usually not as low- argue not on humanitarian key, although each person is grounds but on legal issues, different. She said Sutton's c laiming the homes d on 't residents are carefully watched. conform to residential standards The homes are set up, she established by-a ssociation added. to help residents become • regulations. more independent and learn how · If they let in the Sutton homes, _ to take care o~themselves and a say members of the Greentree home. "Our program is the and ~rfield associations~ it will home," she said. open tile floodgate to other--As they w ould In 1rvine , facilities-that don't fit in their ~idents in thJ! Bay Street home neighborhood. leave for school or job trainirfg Almost the same argument progra ms around 9 a.m . and occu r re d jn Fountain Va lley return in the mid-afternoon. three years ago . The City They are scheduled to clean up Co u n c i 1, u r_g_~b-L-fi ear by _the house between 4;30 NJd 5:30 residents, filed a lawsuft claiming p.m. LB mulls p8t shelter fund By STEVE MITCHELL 0( the Delly Piiot Si.ff If Laguna Beach intends to keep its pro-life animal services program intact, it's going to have to pou~ more money into the once-volunteer project. And City Council members face th~ task Tuesday of deciding if they want to dip into the city's reserve fund to come up with the $6,400 n eed ed to k eep the progra m -and four-footed tenants of the shelter · -alive · and well. That's tht> amount C it y Manager Ken Frank says it will take to keep the program going through the rest of the fiscal year, which ends next June. A d~ision by the council was made necessary afte r members of · the Pet Responsibility Committee voted last month to disco'ntinue its volunteer program at the city shelter in Laguna Canyon. • Citing a "deterioration of the relationship between the pet group and city administrators," the organization tossed in the towel in early October. The five-member panel said it . could no longer cope with what it termed a continuing struggle with city officials over the o perat i on of the c ity a nima l shelter. Efforts to settle differences between the committee and city officials tailed later last month and Laguna now faces the prosp~ct of losing it pro-life program unless a substantial amount of city, money is poured into the program. N-M third, sixth gra~ers score high BY JODI CADENHEAD or .... ..,,.. • ..., Third and sixth grade students In the Newport-Mesa Unltied School DiaVict ha<-e acored above -E expectations for the di1trlot on the Califor nia AHesamenl Program testa, offldall .. Id. Tne te1t1 measuring $lei ncy ln readln1. written and mathernatiai Wett I e ut 1prtn1 to third ·and 1ixth 1rade 1tudent1. Re1ult1 were releued last week. Readlna 1corea for third 1ran dropped 1li1ht1y from fa1t year. Mathematics 1eore1 lnt;n111d while wrtu.r.. ~ .,....~ ......... In all tested areH. third graders were ranked above the SO·Pllled comparlaon 8COre band, which i1 used by the 1tate to , measure the diltrict'• expected range of scores ba1ed on the economic and educational background of parent8. Di1\rictwide, third 1radera ICOred 298 polnta In reading, with the expected score bend ranctna from 269·289; 293 In written hinauaae. with the .rore band ranaina from 270-289: and 299 In maiheiMUat, with the score band ranatna. tram 288-290. . tfo pel't'entUe ftcuree rankl"I the a'Ol'a on a 1tatew{de bMtt were available, diltnct Oftldall Mid. 1 ( ... Tll9NO, P11e A•> ' The P et Res pons ibility Committee, which was active at the shelter for more than eight years, provided much more. than voluntee~ to help find homes for pets~:- . The organization sponsored a rabies clinic, raised funds for med ical supplies, neutered or spayed all animals.' and made cost)>' repairs to the city animal facilities .• With the PRC stepping out of the picture, it will be up lo the city to fund those pro~ts. Frank will ask the council Tuesday to r ecla ssify the s he lte r ':i (ull-time kennel attendant tp the position of shelter-Jn&n~er. · He ilso suggests hiring an additional part-time kennel attendant, continuing the life. oriented concept of the shelter. Frank said the PRC will continue the neuter and spay program, but will now pick up only palf the tab for that service. Coils for medical supplies, repairs to the building, and other services will now h~Ve to be paid by 'the city: Frank said the coet would be $6,400. • Il the council is to approve the expenditure, It will take foul'- affirmatlve votes. The $6,400 would have to eome from \he city's reserve fund, which had . dropped to btolow 10 percent of the city budget. Council policy requlrel a four-fifths vote to dip into reserve1 wtten they fall below 10 pttt"ent of the budaet. Followln1 is an abrld1ed council agenda for Tuesday's meeUJl8, which belim at 6 p.m. in CCIW'ctl clwnben. 606 FOl"l!9t Ave.: ~nt calendar: • ... Nov. ,, for ............ '°' boerd of .. , .. ...,.,....,.,..,.... ..... • • Allro'9 llNI IMP fOf lllld ~ M ,, .. ,.-.. ~ C .. ANDMI.. P11e Al) Alexander Haig Dean claims Al Haig was 'Deep Throat' . -NEW 'i'ORK (AP) -former White House Counsel John Dean 18y& Alexander M. Haig Jr. has to be the "Deep Throat" of atergate fame, but the former 1eeretary of state dismisses. the notion u "absurd." . Haig denied being th e my1terlous source of many explosive Washll)gton. Poat 1torles about the 1eandal that toppled President NiXon. But Dean, in bta new book, allepa that Haig WU among the few people wh~ knew enou1h about the inner m.ch!Ntiona of the Nixon administration to provldt reliable information. l«'Ol'dln1 to a •'°'l' In the Nov. 9 lllUe of Time rnapziaw. Even Time quettloMd 0..n'a claim, ln part because of "the lnher•nt Jmpl•ualbUlty of th• u l&ra·dl1nlfied and ln1&antly reco1nlaable Hal1 1kulkln1 around Wa1htn1t.on 1•r•1H N•,..*11 aH a.m;" .. •' 0.-, .............. ..., Ctwtee ...., Fran k and Son]a Dominguez say Sutton · Home-reside nts in Fountain Valley are good neig h bors .• One day a week, they wor)t in the yard. On Thut'sdar. the. kitchen was spatless, not a Clish in the sinl< or a plate left on a counter. "We have a lot of help," said Tim Boydstun, who serves with wife Martha as live-in supervisors. The Boydstuns are the kind of "parents" Sutton wants, said Coyne. Tim said he majored in special educational training in college and formerly ran another small reside ntial nome . He considers himself a teacher . Coyne remembers when the . Bay Street home began three years ago :-Ne ign15or s-were talking about comparisons to 1 half-wa y houses for drug abusers. After a delay of a few months, however, Sutton moved into the house. "I would say we had a four or five-month period when people were nei"v ous and askihg questions," she said. "But once we became· establi's hed, the whole thing blew over." Sutton officials have 4 commitment from the federal government (or a 40-year, $515,-- 000 toan with 9 percent interest• to move into the three houses iJ\ Irvine. two in Greentree and one in Deerfield. Allen Wallace, one of the organization's lawyers, said officials intend to proceed by closinge scrow for . the houses soon. Meanwhile, attorneys plan t.o go to ~coarrthis week to have the homeowners' laws uit dismissed, he added. • I He claimed the residents have '\' no basis for arguing that the \;I home doesn't meet residential ·I sta_!!dards. _ (See HOMES, Page AS) :] ·Frontier shatters 588-mile harrier By FREDERICK SCHOEMEHL Of'IM Delfr l'loC Stefl As takeolfs from John Wayne Airport go, it was pretty routine. The OC-9 Super 80 bearing the Frontier Airlines logo rolled down the runway, lifted off and soon was lost in a cloud. ·Yet the takeoff at 8:15 a .m. Sunday morning was a historic one. It marked the first time a jet has been permitted to fly to a destination more than 588 miles from Orange CouRty. The Frontier flight, carrying 79 _pasM!ngers, traveled non-stop to Denver. 850 miles away. Frontier .won a federal court order in August barring Orange County government from enforcing a rule prohibiting flights to deJltlnations more than 588 miles ~rom the airport . The so-'called perimeter rule was designed, coun ty officials claimed, to keep John Wayne Airport a "shor t ha\Jl" air transportation facility. County officials ailo insisted a re lationship exists between takeoff noltle and the distance a At Your Service B3 Cavatc.de 82 CJ..itled 04-8 Corniel 02 c.onvnunity New1 A3·A7 Croeaword oa Delth Notkea Dt Editorial -A8 l'.ntertalnment DI HCll"0&10P9 oa .. jetliner .&ravels, because more fuel must be placed on boatd a ircraft traV'eling long~( distances. More weight bool~ takeoff noise, the county_ contended . Frontier, on the o'her handr maintained that it can carry extra fuel and 1tiU remain within nome. standards set by the county. The airport's noise monitonna system will determine Frontiera success in complying will\ tho.e- standards. • "This Is pretty exciting," commented Howard Schatz, Frontier's Orange County station· manager, as he watched the· ~hite jetliner with the red and orange stripes lift off. , , Passengers on \he inaugural non-stop Denver flight wef~ treated to a champagn-:. breakfast. A lmost everyth ing went smoothly. The flight, acheduh4 to depart at 8 a .m .. left U mlnui,a late, due to an air traffic· control bac kup at Denver'•• Stapleton Airport. AM Landen 82 Movltl DI Na\ional ,._,ews A3 Oranp County • Public Notk:9 A3,A7 04 Spo111 Cl·' Stock Markets ce Tea.vll&on DI ,,... .. Dl W•lher Al J I I NB NY ~'"· t .OMPOSITE TRAN ~ACTION ouout1011• 111<UIDI UAOUO!i '"' .... YOl lC, ........ , ,.,1,IC , ••• lot,0111. o •ttOIT UID (IN(ll01Afl ltO<• I lltll6'10U AllO IH"OlflO I Y •Ml llUO 4 .. 0 lflltfllll l • • Dow Jones Final UP 13.98 CLOSING 1,00S.70 GM low interest deal to end year PE'l'ROlT (AP) Ceneral .Mmors Corp.'s offer of 10.9 pcn·ent Interest tales on car loal\8 ~ buye~s o( leftover 1982 cars ond 1rucks can ·savlt customers un ~veragc of $1.300 in financing costs. GM says. Thi' na uon's No. 1 automaker said Sunday it ls offering Lhe lower ratcs·begmning today through Dec. 31. The l'urrenl national average for interest rates on t:ar loans is 17 percent. said John Andrews, spokesman Cor GM Ac-ccplan<.-c Corp., the <.'Ompt.my's financing arm. Harold J ackson, anot~er GM spokesman. said the comp!my boosted sales in April and May t.>y offering a 12.8 percent interest rate. He would not say how many 1982 cars and trucks were left over. N ukes • 1n space s talled? SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -Squabbling among the National Aeronautics and Space Administra.tion and the U.S. Defense 'and Energy Departments has stymied plans to expand a program to shoot nuclear reactors into space, a newspaper reports. The San Francisco Examiner's Sunday editions reported that federal fundin& for research on space- based nuclear reactors is increasing from $6.2 million· in f iscal 1982 to $10.4 million this year and an anticipated $15 million next year. But NASA. the Defense Department and the Energy Department re al odds over which agency should run the show. " The Energy Department claims that the 1954 A tomic Energy Act g ives it jur isd iction ove r development of space nuclear power. The Pentagon and NAS A s:}y-th e agencies using the systems should ,. control them. °'t, v p 0 1 1 .. , .. ... , ... l" 1\:.. 1. ••• ,, " ,. , , .. ... ... "' '• n. 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Sellc:ted WOfld OOIO P<"es Mond•Y London morning llalng U 26 75 up $3 50 ~ L;,ndon 11t1tnoon llalng S•27 25 up Parlr-altttnoon tl•lt19-ft&llC11y"'1Mri...___ CIOffd Fr ... 111.wl n1lng "427 99 up $7 0 I ZWidt.Jlle llte<-ntr1 $426 7S._up $2 7S bid $427 2~ aik.0 ll111dr I H1rtnan (only dallr q11ot•I $A27 2S up ~ 00 IE~d (onty d.tl\r quota) ~27 2S up $AOO 1Eng1ltl1td (only dally quol•I let><tCalld M•a 61. up $• ~o STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT SILVER H1nC1y I Hlfmll'I S 10 27 P9f lroy OUllCie n-Naw Issue t·Da<:lerld or Plld tn Pf~•nt 12 m0<1th1 plus t1ock C11"1Clanel t·P11d '" ttoc:t< "' pteeldlf19 12 mon1h1 .,11m11ed CASll vlllue on ._..d'lllOan<f °' •~-dltlttbullon datl . a·b ·Olvodtndt Of t•t-ttghta Y·h •C:ltvtd41nd W lllft "' fuQ l •Salae tn luM Ct<l.¢11'-d wd•Wllan dtSlllbulld Wl•Wt.1 lllutd '*••Wllh warr1n1t \w•WtlllOul wtrr••1'• adlt·E•·d11trot>u11on p E IAIH) TM ,,,,,. o r • •tock ... mvttlOla or ~ • .,...,, "'"tflOs.-dtflllld t>y 01vtd1'19 IM let~ 12 mon111 "'"""II' '""'' 11110 ...... ,. 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